X 389 B728 opy 1 TX 389 .B728 Copy 1 . B728 Trrnr^"^'TTTTTTTrrOTTTTTr(f^ ...^ MEAT BISCUIT; INVENTED, PATENTED, AND MANUFACTURED IJY GAIJ. BORDEN, Jun. 3 coa^^^^^sj^ J. K. BROV^ZSR 6l Co. SOLE AGENTS IN NEW- YORK, ^ 45 SOUTH-STREET. MAY 1, 1851. 3 NEW-YOhK : riUNTi:i)*V I). FANSir.VAV, CORNKJR OF ANN AND NASSAV-STS. t^ THE MEAT BISCUIT, INVENTED, PATENTED, AND MANUFACTURED BY GAIL BORDEN, Jun. The nature of this discovery or invention, con- sists in an improved process of preserving the nutritious properties of meat, or animal flesh of any kind, by obtaining the concentrated extract or essence of it, and combining it with flour or vegetable meal, and by drying or baking the mixture in an oven, in the form of a biscuit or cracker. One pound of this new and useful preparation of concentrated 7n€at and bread contains the nutri- ment or essence of Jive pounds of good meat, or, in other words, ail the nutriment (except the oily portions) contained in five hundred pounds of good fresh meat, with seventy pounds of flour, can, by this invention, be packed in a twenty gal- lon cask. It can be prepared in the shortest time as a soup^ pudding, sauce,