:-tTkjCK*»'i !>*$«q£ m ^i.* 1 »*»■ «»««* 4! • « * » ♦ * * » * *■»*•» % « ■•«< PRLSC] LLA Crochet Book Bfill :\>< repieces & 1SS :.J 3** i. Published by m ThePnsallaPublishing Go. rW Boston,,Mass. Now Ready Bound Volumes of the Priscilla Fancy Work Instruction Books Hundreds of thousands of Needleworkers have purchased the paper-covered Priscilla Instruction Books, and have been thoroughly delighted with their clear, simple instructions for various kinds of Fancy Work. However, there has long been a demand for these books in a more substantial form so that they could be added to home libraries and withstand the hard usage given books of reference. In response to this demand, we now offer you the entire set of Priscilla Instruction Books, handsomely and durably bound in red Law Buckram, with titles stamped in gold. Price, $1.35 per Volume, Postpaid Each volume contains four Instruction Books as follows: VOLUME I VOLUME II Irish Crochet No. 1 Tatting Hardanger Irish Crochet No. 2 Filet Crochet Edgings and Insertions VOLUME III VOLUME IV Bead Work Punched Work Embroidery Basketry French and Eyelet Embroidery Ma crame Colored Cross Stitch No. 1 Bobbin Lace Colored Cross Stitch No. 2 Wool Knitting Wool Crochet VOLUME V Filet Crochet No. 2 Crochet Bedspreads Netting Drawn Work Every book in the Priscilla Library is a genuine teacher. All the different stitches are fully described and explained, then in addition there are a multitude of illustrations showing stitches, details, motifs and finished pieces, all of which makes the work just as clear and simple for the beginner as for the expert needleworker. Send your order for the volumes you wish at once as the first edition is limited. M I / 1915 QPjie iPrissctlla Crorfjet pook Centrepieces anb doilies A COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL PIECES IN WHICH ARE MANY THAT ARE NEW AND NOVEL AND MANY THAT ARE OLD AND RARE EDITED BY BELLE ROBINSON PRICE. 25 CENTS PUBLISHED BY Z\)t $risctUa $uWi£(inng Company 85 BROAD STREET, BOSTON. MASS. Copyright, 1915, by The Priscilla Publishing Company Trade Mark Reg. U. S Patent Office Entered at Stationers' Hall. London All rights reserved / formed on a .h i.v [oining the last four sts (or any given nl.cr) in a ring by working a si or a d, in the fourth -t from hook. In the following directions a si is understood unless otherwise designated. In a tew cases the picot is joined In a treble, hut ii is so stated in the directions. t'MNv Stitches, or Groups of Clunv. Two. three, or four (any given i i- i i trebles, dt or It are crocheted oil, except the last loop oi each, which i- kepi on the needle and our loop drawn through all togethei Roll Stitch is made as follows: Thrr.nl over needle a given num- ber of times, (dread through w»iU, thr I uv«-r and through all the loops (but not through the st on the needle), thread over and through both on needli ["he needle for roll st should be of uniform thickness a considerable distance from the hook. Blo( k oi i. or Blo< k ol ::. etc. worked without i h between. A given number of t. dt, or It Shell, a group of t, ch f (or more), the same number of t. all joined in the -aim- -t or over same ch. as (4 t. ch ::, i t>. Th.- number of i. as well as number of ch, may vary. "Shell over shell," thr t are all made over ch of shell below. K»OT Stitch (k -1 i. To make :i k st draw out the st on the needle until it is about ! , oi an mm b ion-, catch working thread and ■ haw through st, insert needle in trout of the long -t. and under thr thread which was drawn through, and mala- one d. Two K- are usually made for a mesh, then joined to the work with a d. Second row "f k st, " make 2 ks, join with d under the two threads ol next open -i and close to knot, one d in next open st (after k); repeal from *. Directions for Working Where the words "Crochet Cotton" are used in the text of this book, the cotton referred to is the hard- twisted cotton known by such trade names as Cordon- net, Cordonnet Special, Cordichet, Kord-net, etc., which cm he purchased wherever needlework supplies are sold. In working by the following, or any directions in fact, allowance must be made for the different tension of workers, and in the matter of chain stitch especially. I hose who crochet rather loosely may find it advisable to make one less chain stitch in various places; while those who crochet tightly may find it an advantage to add one or more chain stitches in places. This adap- tation is more necessary in circular work than that of straight rows Since crochet-hooks vary, even in the most care- fully graded kinds, it follows that onlv suggestion and not absolute directions can be given for the selections of crochet hooks or needles. One worker may require a much liner needle to produce the same result that am >ther secures with a coarser needle. The size of the needle has been recommended in some cases by the original worker: sometimes by one who has tested a sample of the work: and in some cases a size has been suggested from a general knowledge of the work. It has not always been possible to give material actually used ; some are given exactly, some are esti- mated, while some are left to the choice of the worker. Figure i. Between - Meal Cloth. Materials.— No. 20 or 30 crochet cotton and No. 10 crochet needle. To Make the Cone. — Begin at the middle of bottom of cone with 20 ch. is I round — Miss the first st and work 10 d, one in each ch, ch 9, work around on the opposite side of the foundation with to d. ch 4, work on around with 10 d, back to bottom of cone. 2d round — Turn with 7 ch, and work "slipper st," (1 d in each, taking up the back loop"), 10. d over [9 d, over the loop of 4 ch make a shell (_> d. ch 4. J ill, 19 d along the side down to the bottom of the cone. 3d round — Turn with 7 ch. ji d over 21 sts. over 4 ch make a shell. 19 d over ro ,i. miss 2 sts. j//i round — Turn with 7 ch. 2i d over 2T d. make the same shell in each round over 4 ch. 2t d over 21 d, miss 2 sts. 5th round — Turn with 7 ch, 2.1 <1 over 23 d, shell over 4 ch. 21 d over 21 d. miss 2 sts. 6th round — Turn with 7 ch. 2,3 d over 23 d. shell over 4 ch, 2; d over 23 d. miss 2 sts. 7th round — Turn with 7 ch. 25 d over 25 d. shell over 4 ch. 23 d over 23 d, miss 2 sts. flth round — Turn with 7 ch, 25 d over 23 d. shell over 4 ch, 25 d over 23 d, miss 2 sts. p//i round — Turn with 7 ch, 27 d over 27 d, shell over 4 ch, 25 d over 25 d. This completes the solid part of the cone; without breaking the thread, make the lace for margin as follows : — 1st round— Ch 5, 1 d over first loop at bottom of cone, * ch 4, 1 d over next loop *, make from * to * 8 times altogether, * 5 ch, miss 4, 1 d over next st (taking both loops) *, make from * to * 5 times alto- gether, ch 5, 1 d over 4 ch, ch 5, 1 d over same ch, make 5 more such meshes down the other side of the cone. 2d round — * Ch 2, 1 t over the first loop, ch 3, 1 t in same loop *; repeat 15 times more (the last group is the loop at the top of the cone), ch 3, 1 t over same loop, ch 2, 1 t in next loop, ch 3, 1 t in same loop, making 4 more such groups down the other side of the cone. 3d round — Ch 2, * 2 t in loop of 3 ch, ch 3, 2 t in same place, (from * is called a No. Centrepiece with Cluny Crochet. See page 4 shell), make 22 shells all around with 2 ch between. .///< round — Make 22 shells like the 3d round, except make 3 ch between shells. 5th round — * Ch 3, 1 d over the ch between shells, ch 3, 1 d over ch of 3, ch 5, i d over same ch, ch 5, 1 d over same, ch 5, 1 d over same ; repeat from *, making 22 groups of picots. Cut and fasten thread. Join each cone to the preceding one by 4 corresponding picots ; this is shown dearly in the illustration. Wheels. — Commence a wheel by winding the cot- ton 25 times around the first finger of the left hand, slip the strands off the finger, and make 48 d over the ring, join with si, * ch 4, miss 2 sts, 1 t over next d, ch 5, join with d in top of t last made, make 2 more picots of 5 ch, joined in same place with a d, ch 3, miss 2 sts, 1 d over next st; repeat from * until there are 8 triple picot loops around the wheel. Each wheel is joined to the others and to the cones when being finished; the illustration makes this clearer than any description could. Make enough cones joined together, and wheels to correspond, for the size wanted ; when they are joined, finish the inside line with ch st and cover ch with doubles. Then the linen can be fitted and buttonholed in place. Figure 2. Centrepiece with Cluny Crochet.— The secret of the beauty of this crochet, which rivals the handsomest Cluny lace, lies in the use of a very coarse crochet needle with tine thread, and a line needle with coarse thread. Materials. — Two spools white linen thread, No. 40 and No. 100; two steel crochet needles. No. 12 and linen centre, ten inches in diameter. Shrink and press the linen and draw a circle 10 inches in diameter. W i t h sewing-needle and No. 40 thread (linen) run around this line very evenly three times, keeping threads close together. Buttonhole with the same thread; the work should be % of an inch deep when finished. Cut away the linen. 1st round — With No. 12 needle and No. 40 thread make double crochet around buttonholed edge, with 1 ch between sts, join neatly with si. id round — * Ch 3, picot (2 ch fastened back in preceding st). ch 7. p ch 3, join with a d between 4th and 5th d : repeat from * around. 3d round — SI to middle of loop, * ch 3, p, ch 7, p, ch 3, d in middle st of loop : repeat from * around. Cut and fasten thread. Double Crochet Band. 1st round — Fasten thread (No. 100) to middle of loop ; with No. 2 needle * ch 5 loosely, d in middle st of next loop; repeat from *. 2d round — Crochet loosely 1 d in each st of ch. Continue 5 rounds nf d. making it lie flat by widening, (2 d in id) occasionally in the 3d round ; cut and fasten thread. Points. 1st round — With No. 40 thread and No. 12 needle, ch 3. p, ch 7. p, ch 3, join with d in crocheted band about 5-6 of an inch from starting-point ; repeat, making 70 loops around. 2d round — SI to middle of loop, make the same picot loops of "ch 3, p. ch 7, p. ch 3," all around, joining with d in middle of loop below and having 70 loops. 3d round — Divide loops in 10 groups of 7 loops each, si to middle of loop, ch 10, p, ch 3, d in middle of loop; repeat over one group of 7 loops, omitting last picot, turn. 4H1 round — SI to middle of loop, ch 10, p. ch 3, d in middle of loop, ch 3, p. ch 7, p. ch 3 : repeat over each loop of this group, omitting last picot. turn. 5th round — SI to middle of loop: repeat loops as in 4th round, hav- ing 4 loops, cut and fasten thread. Repeat around the linen, making 10 points, ending with 4 loops each. Sew ends of two petals of flower motif to middle of Irish Crochet Doily See page 5 two in i d (1 1 e loops of each point. Sew round motif in the space between these points, as shown in the illustrat ion. 1 Ine loop is left between loun d motif a n d flower. To fill this sfiacc — * T i e thread to round motif, ch 6, d to middle st of loop, ch 6, d in end of flower petal; repeat from * at each section. Tie No. 100 thread to round motif in the same st the 6 ch was fastened (use No. 2 needle), ch 2 loosely, catch in end of the same flower petal in which ch of 6 is fastened, ch 5, catch in end of next flower petal, ch 10, catch end of flower petal, ch S, catch end of flower petal (where end of 6 ch is fastened), ch 2, catch in round motif (where end of 6 ch is fastened), d back and forth 5 rows, catching in round motif at each end and widening exactly in the middle of second and fourth rows; this forms the point. Edge. 1st round — Tie No. 40 thread to end of point, * ch 3, p, ch 7, p, ch 3, join with d at one-third the distance from point to round motif; repeat once from *. Across the angle between point and round motif make a picot loop of ch 3, p, ch 3. p, ch 3, and around the motif make 5 loops of ch 3, p. ch 7, p, ch 3 ; repeat around. 2d round — SI to middle of loop, make all around picot loops of ch 3, p, ch 3, p. ch 3, p, ch 3. join with d in middle of loop below. Leaf. — No. 40 thread, No. 12 needle. 1st row — Ch 8, turn. 2d row — Miss 1, 7 d, ch 3, turn work on around, 31/ row — 8 d. ch 3, turn. 4th row — 8 d. ch 3. turn. jth row — 10 d, fasten off, leaving four or live inches of thread. Flower. — Having made six leaves, hold firtnlj and evenly between thumb and fore- finger of left hand, twist the loose threads tightly together and sew through and through the stem, cut about one-third inch from the flower and fasten back against one of the petals. Make ten flowers. Round Motif. — No. 100 thread ami No. _' needle. 1st round — Ch 3, join. 2d round 6 d. ,'. tst round — Ch 3, 11 t, join with si. 2d round — Ch 3, 23, t, ( 2 t over each st). 3d round — Ch 3, 2 t over 1 t, * 1 t over 1 t, j t over 1 t, repeat from * all around, ./th round — Ch 3, 2 t, over 1 t. * 2 t over 2 t, 2 t over 1 t ; repeat from *. jth round — 60 t (2 over 1, 3 over 3). 6th round — 72 t (2 over 1. 4 over 4). -th round — 84 t (2 over 1, 5 over 3). 8th round — 96 t (2 over 1, 6 over 6). 0//1 round — 108 t (2 over I, 7 over 7). 10th round — 120 t (2 over 1, 8 over 8), /;/// round — 132 t (2 over 1, 9 nver 9). 12th round — 144 t (2 over 1, 10 over 10). In the 13th round the 12 points of the star are started. — Ch 3 (as 1 t), 11 t over 11 sts. ch 1, * 12 t over next 12 sts. ch 1 ; repeat from * r-itli round — SI to second t, ch 3, 10 t over 10 t, ch I, I t over ch below, ch 1. miss one st, * 1 1 t over 11 t. ch 1, 1 t over ch, ch 1 ; repeat from *. i*>tli round — SI to second t, ch 3, 9 t over 9 t, ch 1, 1 t over ch, ch 1, 1 t over ch, ch 1, miss one st, * 10 t over 10 t, ch 1, 1 t over ch, ch 1 ; repeat from *. Continue in this way decreasing the trebles (one in each round) in star points by missing the first t of group below, and increasing the open meshes by one. In the 24th round there will be 1 t in each point of star. 25th round and 26th round — SI to next ch, ch 4 (as 1 dt), ch 1, * 1 dt (two loops ) over next ch, ch 1 ; repeat from * zjth round — SI to next ch, ch 3. 1 t over same ch, 3 t over second ch, * 2 t over next ch, 3 t over next ch ; repeat from *. 28th round — Ch 7, miss 3, 1 t in next st, * ch 4, miss 3, 1 t in next ; repeat from *. 29th, 30th. and 31st rounds — Like 28th, with t over ch below, making four rounds of honey comb. 33d round — 5 t over each chain. 33d round — * Ch 5, miss 3. join with d in every fourth st ; repeat from *, joining with si at first 5 ch. 34th round — SI to third st of cli, make like 33d round. 35th round — Like 34th. 36th, 37th, and 38th rounds — Like 34th, e.xeept make 6 ch in eaeli mesh instead of 5 ch. This makes 6 rounds of netting and the work is ready for the 8 rounds of border. If there are 112 meshes in this round there will he 56 groups in the border. 1st round — SI to first st of first mesh, ch 6 (as 1 tt or triple treble of 3 loops), 7 tt over same ch, eli 7. * S tt over next mesh, eh ;; repeat from * around. 2d round — SI to top of second tt, ch 6, 6 tt over (1 it, eli 7, * miss I tt. 7 tt over next 7 sts, ch 7; repeat from *. ;d round — SI to top of second tt, ch 6. 5 tt over 5. ch 8, * miss 1 tt. 6 tt over 6, eh 8; repeat from *. /th round SI t" top of second tt, eh o. 4 tt over 4. ch 0. * miss I tt. 5 ti 1 iver 5, eh o; re- 3d round until there are 4 rihs (always working under the hack loop of st to make this "slipper rib"), then with right side of work towards you work the row of open meshes. Ch 4. miss 1 d, 1 t in next st, * eh 1. miss 1, 1 t in next st; repeat from * around, making 2 t with J eh between in one of the widening sts at each corner, and joining to the second of first 4 eh. With the wrong side of the work towards you, work 2 d under each 1 ch of last round, and 3 d under the 2 ch at each corner. Work 5 more rounds of d, widening as usual, which should give you 3 rihs on the right side of the work. Then make the wide openwork row. always keeping the right side oi work towards you in working. Work 1 d in each of 2 sts, * ch 3. miss I, I d in each oi next j sis; repeat from * around mat. planning so as to have two or peat from *. 5H1 round — SI to sec- ond tt. ch 6. 3 tt over 3. ch 10, * miss 1 tt, 4 tt over 4, ch 10: repeat from *. 6th round- Fig. 6. Hexagon Table Mat. See page 7 -SI to second tt. ch 6. 2 tt over 2, ch 11. * miss 1 tt. 3 tt over 3, ch 11 ; repeat from *. ~th round — SI to second tt. ch 6, I tt over 1. ch 1 2, * miss 1 tt, 2 tt over 2, ch 12; repeat from *. Sth round— SI to second tt. ch 6 (as 1 tt ), ch miss I tt, I tt over 1. ch 13: repeat from *. Figure 6 Hexagon Table Mat. Materials. — t rochel cotton No. 10 and a line steel Crochet needle. isl round — Ch 2, 12 d in first st, join to first d, turn, sd round — Two d in first st, I d in next ; repeat around, starting the <> corners, turn. ,,'li o, miss 4 d. 8 d over 8 d, ch 9, miss 4 d. 1 long t. ch 9; repeat from * $th round — SI t" third t, j.v Clover-Leaf Doily See page in Cluny group of three, eh 5, * - t over 2 1. ch 5, ; ( lun\ groups, 2 ch between, ch 5; repeal from Slh youiid — Ch 7. fasten with sl 111 ti ip mI* si from which the ch started, sl to next, ch 7. fasten with sl to sl jus; made, this 111 a k e s two long picots above the 2 t 1 if last round, ch 5, * 1 t in centre of first group of long just made, ch t. ch 7. fasten with s 1. 1 t over ch below, with sl as before, ch 1 ; repeal from are thirteen picots around one scallop, ill around the doily from lirst of 8th round in ch top of t 7. fasten ■ until there ch 5 ! repeat ch 3. 3 t o\ er 3 of o ch below, ch eh, ch o. ■ 4 t 1:1 ch, ch 8, sl in 3d * around. 6th round — Slip to second t. ch 3. 1 t over next t. cli o. 8 t 1 separated by 1 ch 1 over ch id' 8. ch 0, * 2 I over 2 middle t. ch o. S t (separated by I iver ch of 8. ch 'i : repeat from *. 7th round — Ch 3. 1 1 over second t. ch :. 3 long t o v e r next ch ( these long t are made .in Follows, — Two loops over needle for t h e first one crocheted off In twos three times, three loops for each ot the 1 ither long t. crocheted bj t w os three times, which will leave 3 loops on t h e 11 e e d I e , crochet off to- gethtr 1. 2 ch b e t w c e 11 each t, ch o. fasten with sl in 7th st 8, fasten with sl in 3d st of next middle 4 t. ch 9, sl in 7th st of st nf next ch, ch 9; repeat from 25 Centrepiece. See Fig. 15 Figure 20. Cup and Saucer Doily. —The circular pattern should be 3J4 inches in diameter, divided into 10 scallops and 85 stitches all around. Figure 21 Plate Doily. — The p a t te r n should be 6 inch- es in diameter. 14 scallops, and 119 stitches. Figure 22. C e n trepiece. — ■ This is 10 inches in diameter. 21 scallops, and 178 stitches all around. The sec- ond and third rounds are re- peated before adding the scal- lops, and in fourth round there are 2 ch between dt in- stead of 1 ch. and in the fifth round make 3 d over last mesh. The doilies will curl somewhat before launder- ing, but will iron out straight. The must satisfactory way tn dry them 4 and page 16 is to stretch them on the ironing-board and pin out each picot. Figure 23. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 50, No. 12 crochet needle. Chain 15, join in ring, isl round — Ch 6, * 1 t in ring, ch 2; repeat from *, making 12 open meshes. The 2d round finishes one section at once, including one leaf around centre, — 6 picots. — ring of doubles, and one clover-leaf. 2d round — SI to next space, ch 15, join in same space, si across to beginning of ch, to keep right side of work toward you, fill half of the 15 ch with 12 t, picot of 6 ch, pici t of 6, picot oi 6, ch 15, join to 3d st, leaving 12 sts in ring. 20 d over ring, si over both chain-; to make a solid ring, ch 14. catch back to 5th st, leaving 9 sts in ring, turn, ch 5, d in ring, ch 5, d in ring, ch 5, d in ring, turn, cover each of the three chains with (1 si. 5 t. 1 si), ch 10. si to picot, picot of 6, p of 6. p of 6, si to top of T2th t, 12 t over second half of ring, si in same space, s! ring close together. SI to next space and repeat from beginning of 2d round, until twelve sections are finished. In the second section, when the ring of 20 d is half filled, si to middle of 10 ch of first section, and so in each following section. In the last section, when making the 10 ch (after clover-leaf), ch 5, si to middle of first ring of 20 d. ch 5, picots, etc. Border. — Join thread in middle of outer hall of 20 d ring, ch 6, * si in first leaf of clover, ch 8, si in top of next leaf, ch 8, si in third leaf, ch 3, 1 t in 20 d ring, ch 3; repeat from *. 2d round — * Ch 4, over 8 ch make (1 t, ch I, I t, ch I, I t, ch I, I t), ch 3, over next 8 ch make the same work, ch 4 ; repeat ftom * around each clover-leaf, join with si after last 4 ch. 3d round — SI over 3 sts, ch 5. I t in next space, ch 2, 1 t in next space, ch 2, 1 t in next space, ch 2, 3 t over 3 ch (above clover-leaf), ch 2, 1 t in next, ch 2, 1 t in next, ch 2, 1 t, ch 2, 1 t. ch 4 ; repeat around each section and after last 4 ch, si to third of 5 ch. ./th round — SI to space, ch 5, * t in next space, ch 2 ; repeat from * around, ex- cept at 4-ch mesh between leaves, make 3 t ; after last 2 ch join with si, Sth round — 3 d, picot of 4 over each eh. The illus- tration shows only eleven clover-leaves, but the di- rections are for twelve, and if they overlap slight- ly it adds to the beaut} of the doily. Figure 25. Centre- piece. Materials. — Two balls No. 40 crochet cotton, steel crochet needle No. 14, and 12-inch centre of linen. Machine stitch the linen in a circle 12 inches in diam- eter, fold a tiny hem and cover with double crochet very closely and evenly worked. 1st round — 1 d over each d. 2d round — Ch 4, miss Fig. 26. Detail ok Fig. 27 r, * 1 t in the next st, eh I, miss 1; repeat from * around and join with si. 3d round — r d over each st. jtli round — * Ch 4, miss 2, 4 t over 4 t, ch 4, miss 2. 1 d over next st ; repeat from *, having 72 blocks of 4 t. (Fold the centre in quarters and make 18 blocks to one quarter.) ir/i round — SI to 2d t. * 3 d over 4 t. ch 6; repeat from *. btli round — Like 4th round. making 4 t over ch of 6 (working into the ch sts). ///; round — * 3 d over 4 t, ch 7 ; repeat from *. 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th rounds — Like 4th round. Qth round — 3 d over 4 t, ch 7; repeat. ;;//; round — 3 d over 4 t, ch 8; repeat. 13II1 round — 3 d over 4 t; ch 8; repeat. 15th round — 3 d over 4 t; ch 6; re- peat. 16th round — 3 d over 3 d, g d over 6 ch. jytli round — Ch 4, miss I, * t over next st, ch 1, miss I ; repeat from * and join with si. iSth round — I d over each st. Jpr/i round — Ch 3, (as 1 t), 2 t over 2 d, ch 5, miss 4, 15 d over 15 d, ch 5, miss 4, * 3 t over 3 d, ch 5, miss 4, 15 d over 15 d, ch 5. miss 4 ; repeat from *. 20th round — Ch 3 (as I t), 2 t over 1 t. 1 t over 1 t. ch 6, miss 1 d, 13 d over 13 d, ch 6. * 4 t over 3 t. ch 6, miss I, 13 d over 13 d. ch 6; repeat from *. 21st round— Ch 3 (as 1 t), 2 t over 1 t. ch 3, 2 t over 1 t, 1 t over 1 t, ch 6, miss 1 d. 1 1 d over 11 d, ch 6, * block of 3 t over 2 t. ch 3. block of 3 t over 2 I, eh fi, n d over 11 d, ch 6; repeat from *. 22d round. 26 and 16 I (oily. See Fig. 20 and page iS Fig. 20. Detail of Edge ox Fig. 28 and 25th rounds — Like 23d round, decreasing the number of d by two each round, and increasing the number of open meshes by one each side of the point. 26th round — Block over block, 5 open meshes, 1 open mesh at point, 5 open meshes, block over block, ch 6, 1 d over middle of 3 d. ch 6; repeat around, and when making the next block join each t to the top of a t in last block made. j~lh round * ( 'h 2, picot of 4. ch 2, 1 d over next t; re- peal around. The working detail. Fig. 24. is not quite actual size. Figure 27. Square Doily \fateriah. — t rochet cotton No. 50 and crochet needle No. 72. The detail. Fig. 26, shows where work begins 1 it V) and one-half of cor- ner ready for joining r.>\\> if the other half. Chain fir, turn. 1st row — I in 0th from needle, make ; more open filet meshes, (ch 2. miss 2. t in next I. 3 t in next 3 Sts, making a Muck of 4 t. * ch 5, miss 4. 5 d in next 5 st~. ch 5, miss 4. \ t in next 4 *; repeat from * to *. ch to. turn. 2d round — T in — * Block of 3 t over 3 t (this first block is start- ed with 3 ch as 1 t I. ch 3. 1 t over ch below, ch 3. 1 t over same ch. ch 3, block over block, ch 6. q d over o d, clt 6; re- peat from *. _'.,'./ round — Block over block, ch 3, I t hut next ch. ch 3, t t over next ch, ch 3. r t over same ch, ch 3, t over next ch, ch 3. block o v e r block, ch 6, 7 . 1 over 7 d. ch 6; re- peat from be- gin n i n g of round. 24th Fig. 30. Doily. See Fig. 31 ami page 19 Fig. 31. Detail ok Edge ox Fig. 30 oth st from needle. 2 t over next ch. 1 t over next t, mak- ing a block of 4; (and the first or last of every block of 4 is made over a t : in some blocks both first and last are made over trebles, but that is to be seen in the working detail). * ch 2, block of 4. ch 5. miss 1 d. 3 d over next 3 d, ch 5, block of 4 *; repeat from * to *, - open meshe-. ch 5. turn. }d round — 8 open meshes, block of 4. * ch 3. dt (2 loops) in second of 3 <1. ch 3, block of 4, ch 5, dt over next 2 ch. ch 5. block of 4; * repent from * to *, (the last block of 4 is made — I over last t, 2 over loop of ch, and 1 into 2d ch st ), ch 10. turn. jlh round — Block of 4 over ch and into lirst t. * ch 5, d over ch close to t, il over t. d over ch after t. ch 3. block of j, ch 2. block of 4 : * repeat from * to 9 open meshes, ch 5. turn. $th rOU hi open meshes, block of 4. ch 6. d over ell close to 3 d. 3 d. d over ch. ch 6 : * repeat from : ' to *. block of (. ch 5, turn. Mi row — * Block of 4. ch >. miss i d, 3 d over next 3 d. ch 5. block of 4. ch 2. * block of 4. open meshes, ch 3. turn. In.. 34. Detail of Fin. 35 ylli row — 8 open meshes, block of 4, * ch 5. dt over next 2 ch, ch 3, block of 4, ch 3. c It in second d, ch 3. block of 4; * repeat from * to *, ch 5. turn. The work may be continued from the illustration; the 13th row finishes the work as far as the corner; the open meshes decrease one in each row until there are two open meshes in the 13th row. Turn at outer end of 1.1th row witli 10 ch, and work 14th row as far as shown in illustration of detail of work, eh 3, turn. Work back and forth, always turning on the diagonal edge with 5 ch. There will be 8 of these loops on the diagonal when first half of corner is finished. After the 8th loop ch 5, turn, make block of 4 over ch between 2 blocks of 4, ch 5, turn, d into 4th of last block of 4, ch 10, turn, 1 t in 8th st from needle, 3 t over next st, ch 2, 1 t in same st with d made after 5 ch. 3 t over 8th loop, ch 2, d into next (7th) loop, ch 3 (for r t), turn, 3 t over 2 ch, eh 3, dt over _• ch between blocks of 4, ch 5, t over last of next block, 2 t over next ch, 1 t into next ch st, ch 0. turn, t in 7th from needle, 2 t over ch and 1 t over next t. bluish rows to diagonal edge, making last 4 t under the 3 ch at end of block of 4 in last row. ch 2, d in next loop of 5 ch, ch 3, turn, 3 t over 2 ch ; finish from illustration. When working toward the corner, finish rows with 4 t over the 3 ch at end of block, then ch 2 and d in next loop on diagonal edge. When working away from the corner, begin rows with 3 eh and 3 t over next 2 ch. In the first row after corner (working from outer edge toward inner edge) after last block of 4, ch 2, t in top of 3 ch at end of next block, ch 2, t over t between the 2 open meshes at end of last row before beginning corner, ch 2, t at end of last open mesh ; this makes 3 open meshes at inner end of this row; there will be 4 in the next row, and so on, in- creasing to 10 open meshes. Fit a square of linen for the centre. Figures 28, 30, and 32. practical novelty is the Cret Cretonne Doilies. — A nine mat with crocheted Fie. 36. Doily. See page 20 edge. These are desirable for breakfast mats, and ran be made of any color or size one may choose. Two large and half dozen small ones make a nice set; an oval mat often proves a great convenience. The edge of the cretonne may be rolled or hemmed, and the crochet stitches made about an eighth of an inch deep. No. 30 crochet cotton and No. 8 or 9 crochet needle are used. Figure 29. Edge for Fig. 28. — Into the cretonne make 6 d, * ch 9, turn, si st in 3th d from needle, eh 1, turn, (after making the 9 ch. the point of the needle may be turned up over the working thread, back to the 3th d and inserted from the right side without turning the work, joined with a si st, ch 1, and the 9 ch is ready to cover without turning the work at all ; this method is recommended for any such joining), over 9 ch make (2 d, picot of 5 joined with si, 2 d, pieot, 2 d, picot. 2 d, picot, 2 d, picot, 2 d), 10 d in the cretonne; repeat from *, fastening each scallop to the preceding one at the first picot. Figure 31. Edge for Fig. 30. — Work around the cretonne with doubles. 2d round — * Ch 6, miss J sts, si in next st; repeat from *. 3d round — * 10 d ovei first 6 ch, 5 (1 over half of next ch, ch 6, join with si back in middle of first scallop (this may be done as in Fig. 29, without turning the work), ch 1. 5 d over the first half of ch, picot 15 ch joined with si in first I. 5 (1 over last half of ell. 5 d over last ball' . if eh below : repeat from *. Figure 33. Edge for Fig. 32. - like that of Fig. 29, except in every alternate scallop, after the third picot is made. — make 1 d, ch 0, join with si back between 2 d before third picot, ch 1. cover the 9 ch as before with 5 picots, 2 d before, between and alter the picots, then finish the scallop. Make next a single scallop and the next a double scallop, joining I he first p of the last scallop to the last p of the preceding scallop. Figure 35. Doily. Materials. — (rochet cotton No. 50 and steel crochet needle No. 1-'. Fig. 3 1 shows detail of work. 1 ham 264, join in ring. is! round — * Ch 4. miss 2 sts. d in 3d ; repeat from *, making 88 loops, join to starting-point with si. si to second st of ch. 2d round — Ch 6, t over next loop, * ch 3. t over in M loop; repeat from *, widen- ing 14 times (making a second mesh in the same space 1 ; the widenings should be in every 7th mesh, except in four places, where they should lie in the 8th mesh from last widening. This gives 102 meshes in tins round, join with si. 3d round — SI to centre of ch, * eh 5, d over next mesh; repeat from '". (102 meshes I. do ■ This edge is made not join the last mesh. (til round— 4 t □ first mesh, ch 3, * 1 t over next loop, eh 3; repeat from * 5 times more and repeat from the beginning of 4th round, after 17th block of 4 make 4 open meshes, ch 3 and join with si to mesh below. 5th round— Ch 3 (as 1 t ), 3 t over same mesh, eh 3, 4 t over next mesh, 5 open meshes, * 4 t over next mesh, ch 3, 4 t over next, 5 open meshes; repeat from *. At end of round si over 2 blocks of 4 t and across ch between. 6th round— Ch 3 (as 1 t ), 3 t over mesh, * 4 open meshes, 4 t over next mesh, eh 5. 1 dt (2 loops) over ch between blocks, ch 5, 4 t over next mesh: repeat from * After lasl 5 ch, si across block, /th round — Ch 3, 3 t over mesh. * 3 open meshes, 4 t over next mesh, ch 5, 1 d close to dt, 1 d over dt. 1 d close after dt (making 3 d), ch 5, 4 t over next mesh; re- peat from *. After last 5 ch, si across block. Sth round— Ch 3. 3 t over mesh, * 2 open meshes, 4 t over next, ch 5. 1 d close to 3 d. 3 d over 3 d, I d close after 3 d, ch 5. 4 t over mesh; repeat from *. After last 5 ch. si across block. oth round— Ch 3, 3 t over mesh, * ch 3, 4 t over mesh, ch 6, 1 d close to 5 d, 5 d over 5 d, 1 d close after 5 d (making 7 d), ch 6, 4 t over mesh; repeat from *, and after last 6 ch, si across block. 10th round— -Ch 3, 1 t over mesh, * ch 2, 2 t over same mesh, * ch 3; repeat from * to * twice more over same mesh (4 pairs of t ), ch 3, 4 t over ch close to block of last round, ch 5, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 5, 4 t over ch close to block, ch 3, 4 pairs of t; repeat, and after last 3 ch. si across 2 t. 1 1 Ih round — Ch 3. 1 t over mesh, ch 2, 2 t over fa. 38, I (on v. '9 See detail Fig. 37 and page 20 Fig. 39. Doily. See page 21 same mesh, ch 2, 4 pairs of t over point (ch 3 between sec- ond and third pairs), ch 2, 2 pairs of t over next mesh, ch 3, block over ch, ch 5, miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d. ch 5, block over ch, ch 3, make pairs of t as in first point ; repeat, and after last 3 ch, si across 2 t. 12th round — Ch 3, 1 t over mesh, * ch 2, 2 t over next ch ; repeat from * once more, ch 2, 4 pairs of t over point as before, finish as on first side of point, ch 3, block over ch, ch 3, 1 dt over 2d d, ch 3, block over ch. ch 3, make pairs of t around point, increasing on each side by one pair, (2 ch between pairs, except at point where there are 3 ch between pairs). After last 3 ch, si across 2 t. 13th round — Ch 3, t over ch, work around point as before, increasing on each side by one pair of t, ch 3, block over ch, ch 2, block over ch ; repeat, and after last 3 ch, si across 2 t. 14II1 nmnd— Ch 3, work around point as before, ch 5, d over 2 ch, ch 5; repeat, and after last 5 ch, si across 2 t. 15th round— Ch 3 (as 1 t), picot of 5 joined in first of 5, t over ch, ch 2, make over each ch around point a pair of t with picot between t, cli 2 between pairs and make 2 pairs over ch at point ; after finishing around point, ch 5, d over next ch, d over next ch, ch 5 ; repeat. Overcast to linen centre. Figure 36. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 50, crochet needle No. 10. The wheels are made as in Fig. 97, and the 1st, 2d, and 3d rounds the same as those of big. 98. -/th round — Ch 2, d in every st, widening at every 13th st by making 2 d in one. jZ/i and 6th rounds — Like 2d round. Seven wheels are made like the centre and joined in a ring, as seen in illustration, 2 picots of one wheel to 2 picots on the next wheel. Join the ring of wheels to the centre u hen making the last round of centre. Join after everj Sth --t, with d to the picots that lie close, with long trebles of 4. 5, or 6 loops between wheels, cro- cheting the 4 long t off together. Figure 38. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 50, crochet needle No. 10. This border is cro- cheted back and forth across the lace, completed in 14 points of 20 rows each, and fitted to circular linen centre. Fig. 37 shows a detail of the work. Chain 39, turn. 1st row — T in 4th st from needle, 5 t in next 5 ch (this makes a block of 7 t), * ch 1. 1 t * 15 times (this makes 15 open meshes), ch 4, turn. jii row — 13 open meshes, block of 7 t, ch 9, turn. 3d row— Block of 7, 1 festoon (ch 3, 1 si, ch 3, 1 ti, block of 7, 12 open meshes, ch 4, turn, utli row— Fig. 40. Cover for Asbestos Mat. See page 21 Fig. 41. Cover for Asbestos Mat. See page 21 12 open meshes, block of 7. ch 5 (long space), block of 7, ch 9, turn, jth row — Block of 7, 3 festoons, block of 7, 9 open meshes, ch 4, turn. 6th row — 9 open meshes, block of 7, 3 long spaces (ch 5, 1 t), block of 7, ch 9, turn, /th raze — Block of 7, 5 fes- toons, block of 7, 6 open meshes, ch 4, turn. Sth row — 6 open meshes, 3 long spaces, block of 7, ch 9, turn. (jth rote — Block of 7,3 festoons, block of 7,3 festoo'ns, block of 7. 3 open meshes, ch 4, turn, roth row — 3 open meshes, block of 7, 3 long spaces, block of 7, 3 long spaces, block of 7, ch 9. turn, nth row — Block of 7, 3 festoons, 19 t, 3 festoons, block of 7. ch 4, turn. 12th row — Block of 7, 3 long spaces, 19 t. 3 long spaces, block of 7, turn. 13th row — SI to last of 7 t, ch 3. 6 t ( this cli 3, 6 t makes a block of 7, and is repeated in the 15th, 17th, and 19th rows. The detail of work (Fig. 37) can be followed for the rest of the 20 rows; and after the 20 rows are crocheted 14 times, the last end is joined (by sewing or cro- cheting) to the first end. Picot Edge. — Join thread at block of 7, 20th row, * ch 3, 3 picots of S sts, dt at angle between blocks, ch 3. d in outer point of next block *. make from * to * up to the point 4 times ; across the tip of point ch 3, t be- tween blocks of 7. 3 picots, ch 3, d in corner of block, make from * to * down from the point 4 times, ch 3. dl in angle, dt in next angle, ch 3 ; repeat from first *. Figure 39. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton For the No. 30, crochet needle No. 9. Lixi N 0. — Chain 5, join in a ring. 1st round — * Ch 6, 1 d in Work a round ring, make from * 4 times. 2d round — * Ch 6, 5 d of double cro- over first ch ; repeat from * around. .,'1/ round — * chetattheback Ch 6, 5 d over ch, 3 d over 3 d; repeat from *. ./th of the round round — * Ch 6, 5 d over ch, 6 d over 6 <1 ; repeat of trebles that from *. 5th to /_,'/// rounds (inclusive) — * Ch 6, 5 d appears out- over ch, d over each d. except last 2. In the 13th side the mat, round there should lie 38 d in a group, 14th round — having laid Ch 5, miss 2 sts, d over next st ; repeat. 15th round — the asbestos SI to middle of first 5 ch. * ch 5. d over next ch ; mat on to repeat from *. Six rounds more like 15th round. find tins line; 22d round — * 1 d into second st of 5 ch, 2 t into next crochet into si, 1 d into next st. ch 5 ; repeat around from *. Make the back loop 8 rounds altogether like 22A round. 30th round — of stitches, Knot-stitch all around. join with si. 2d round — * Figure 40. Cover for Asbestos Table Mat. Ch 5, miss 3 d, Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 3 or No. 5 and cro- chet needle No. 5. Fig. 43. Finger-Bowl Doily See page 22 Fig. 42. Plate Doily. See page 21 Chain s, join in a ring. 1st round — Ch 3, 15 t in ring, join with si. sd round (of star-stitch) — Ch 3, draw loops through second ch st, — through first ch st, — through st where ch starts. — through next t: this gives 5 loops on needle, thread through all 5 at once, ch 1 (this completes one star-stitch), for second and fol- lowing stars, — * draw loops through the eye of star. — through the loop at hack of star, — through the last t worked into, through next t, making 5 loops, thread through all 5 at once, ch 1 ; repeat from * around. Make this second round quite tight. 3d round — 3 t in the eye of every star beginning the round with 3 ch and finishing with a si st. ///; round — Like 2d, except make the star-stitch rather loose and 6 loops instead of 5 loops, through 2 t instead of but 1. 5//1. /th, 9th, nth, and oil succeeding rounds of odd numbers — Like 3d round. 6th, 8th, loth, etc. — Like 4th round. Alternate the star and treble rounds until the work i< two rounds larger than the asbestos mat to he cov- ered, ending with a treble round. Border. — Ch 5, si between groups of t; repeat around. 2d round — SI to middle of 5 ch, * ch 1. over next 5 ch make (I t, picot, 1 t. p. I t, p. 1 t. p. 1 t. p, I t). si on middle of next 5 ch ; repeat from *. si in next st ; repeat from * around. ,?d and 7//1 rounds — Like 2d. Run a cord through the last round and draw- up tightly and tie after work is slipped over mat. Figure 41. Cover for Asbestos Table Mat. Materials like Fig. 40. To make the oval mat, treble rounds and star-stitch rounds are alternated, and the same border used as for the round mat, Fig 40. Having the asbestos mat of the size required, make a chain as long as the difference between the breadth and length of the mat, less 3 ch sts. turn. 1st round — 7 t in fourth st from needle, I t in each ch st, 8 t in last st of ch, working around the other side of the ch, 1 t in each ch st, join with si. 2d round — Star st, with 5 loops around the ends of the work; with 6 loops (working into 2 t) along the sides. 3d round — 3 t in each star eye around the ends of the work, 2 t in each eye along the sides. ith round — Star st, with 6 loops throughout. 5th round — Like 3d round. Alternate the 4th and 5th rounds to the required size. Figure 42. Plate Doily. Materials. — No. 50 crochet cotton and No. 9 or 10 crochet needle. Fig. 44. Plate Doily. See page 22 21 Chain 8, join to form a ring. 1st round — Ch 3, 14 t over ring, join with si to 3d ch st. 2d round — Ch 5, t over t all around with 2 ch between. .,' eh, t over t. p ch, miss I t Continue picot ch and t in this manner through the last five rounds. In the ioth and Jisi rounds make 2 t with 3 ch between over centre t ; decrease the number of trebles in a group one each round. In the 23d round, make 2 t with p ch between at point of doily and the same at point of star. Figure 45. Finger Bowl Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 30. crochet needle No. 9; other numbers may be used if preferred. [•'or the centre cut a circular linen, one and one- half inches in diameter. Finish the edge with a narrow hem, and into this hem make 04 t, join with si. 2d round — Ch 4. t into st at beginning of 4 ch, ch 1 . miss - t. tit, ch I, I t) in next sp.ir^ between t. ch I ; repeat from * 3d round 2d round. 4th to 12th rounds ( inclusive ). — Pair oi t (i t, ch 1, 1 t 1 over 1 ch of pair in previous round; in 4th and 5r.I1 o Miu>K ch 2 between pairs ; in 6th and 7th rounds I'll 3 between pairs; in 8th and otli rounds ch 4 between pairs; in ioth and 11th run u d s ch S between pairs. 12th round — Like nth round, except ch 6 betwei n pairs of t. i;ih round 1 Ine pair .it" 1 ( with 1 ch between I over 1 ch of first pair in i-'tb round, ch 3, 1 d over middle of i'h beli iw, ch 3 : repeat from around. ; ///1 round — Like 17th round, making 1 'I I d below. lilh round ( h 3, picol of |. 1 1 over in'si t. picot, t over next t. picot, I over same t. ch 4. 1 d over 1 d, ch 4, t t w 11I1 pivot over each ; 1 epeat Doily. ig. 4;. Doily. See page 24 ch 3 ; repeat around, treble of each round ), |N Figure 46. Materials. -- No. 30 1 r< diet cotton and steel cro- chet needle No. 8 or o. Chain 8, join. isl round _'4 d over ring. 2d round — Ch 6, miss _•, * I t over next st. ch 3, miss 2, i t over next st, ch 3; repeat from and join with si in third of 6 ch. Each round is to be joined squarely with si. ,'1/ round — 3 t (3 ch for first t I over first space, ch 3, .; t over next space. jth round — I 3 ch make the first S t over 7, t ( _> over 1. 1 over 1. 2 over 1), ch 3; repeat around. 5//1 to ijlli rounds (iiniusizr)--\.ikr 4th round, increasing in first and last treble of each group, ch 3 between groups. In tile 1.5th round there should be 23 trebles in each group. 14H1 round — SI over first treble, make ji t (3 ch for first), over _'i t, miss 1, ch 3, t over next space (sp). ch .5; repeat. 13th round — (In each round, including J4th, si over first t of group and miss last t of group until but 1 t remains 1. to. t. ch 4. 1 t over t, ch 4; repeat around. 16th round — 17 t. ch 5. t over t, ch 5: repeat. 17th round — 15 t. ch 4. over t in centre make (1 t. ch ,5. 1 1. ch ,5. 1 t). ch 4: repeat around. l8t!> round — 1,; 1. ch 4. 7 t over next t. ch .3. I t over t. ch .5, 7 t over next t. ch 4. iQtli round — " t, ch 5, 7 t over 7 t. ch 3, 1 t over centre t. ch 3. 7 t over 7 t. ch 5 : repeat around. 20th round "i. ch 7. miss 1 t. 5 t over 5 t. miss I t. ch 7,. 7 t over t in centre, ch .5. 5 t. ch 7; repeat around. 2lSt round- 7 t. ch 2. I t. ch 2, 1 t, ch 2, (making 7 open meshes over ch beli iw I, 3 t over 5 t, ch 4, 7 t over 7 t, ch 4, 3 t o\ er 5 t. .5 1 ipen mesh, s over ch below: repeal around. -'->\ er space below 1. 5 t. 6 open meshes : re- peat around, j',/ round — * 3 t, 7 open meshes. 3 t. 7 open meshes ; repeal fri mi an iund. 24th round SI Ii se, olid of 3 t, ch 6, Cluny (.'hoc hit Border for Doily See page 24 23 Fi<;. 4Q. Tumbler Don. v. See page 25 * 1 t in next space, ch 3 ; repeat from *. The 24th round finishes the star of diamonds. 2jtli and 26th rounds — Like -'4th round. 2/th round — 1 t over every st of 26th round. In this round there will he about 512 sts; 10 more should he added at intervals to make 522, a multiple of 18. 28th round — * 3 t (3 ch as first t) over 3 t, ch 7, miss 4 sts, 7 d over 7 t, ch 7. miss 4: repeat from *. join to top of 3 ch. 2Qlh round— Ch 3 (as i t), 3 t over 3 t, 1 t over ch, ch 7, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 7, * 5 t (1 over ch, 3 over 3, 1 over ch), ch 7, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 7; repeat from * around, 30th round — 3 t (3 ch as first t) over 2 t, ch 4, miss 1 t, 2 t over 2 t, 1 t over ch, ch 7, miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d, ch 7; repeat. 31st round — 3 t (I over ch, 2 over 2 t), ch 4, 2 t (with 2 ch between) over ch below, ch 4, miss 1 t, 2 t over 2 t. 1 t over ch, ch 7, 1 d over middle st of 3 d, ch 7 ; repeat. 32d round — 3 t, ch 4, picot of 4 joined with d, ch 4. 1 t over 4 ch, ch 4, picot, ch 4, 2 t over 2 ch with picot loop (ch 4, p, cli 4) be- tween, picot loop, 1 t over next 4 ch, picot loop, 3 t (joined over sec- ond and third t and over ch), ch 2 be- tween scallops, and repeat from first of 32d round. There should be 5 picot loops around each scallop. Figure 47. Bor- der for Doily. Ma- terials. — Crochet cotton No. 20, a medium - sized steel needle, 10-inch linen centre, and 30 inch- es of novelty braid. Join the ends of Fig. 50. Plate the braid by sewing neatly; or use a 30-inch chain. 1st round — Make 1 t in each loop of the braid, with 2 ch between trebles, join with si. 2d round — SI on first ch, ch 3, 5 t over first ch, ch 5, 1 t over same ch, ch 5, * miss 2 open meshes, 6 t over next ch, ch 5, 1 t over same ch, ch 5 ; repeat from * join with si in first of 6 t. 3d round — SI over 6 t, ch 3 (as 1 t), 5 t over 5 ch, ch 5, 1 t over same ch, ch 5, * miss 5 ch and 6 t, 6 t over next 5 ch, ch 5, 1 t over same ch, ch 5 ; repeat from *, join with sl in first of 6 t. -/(/(, 5th, and fitli rounds — Like 3d round. 7//1 round — Ch 4, 1 t over 3d and 6th t of group, over middle of 5 ch, over next t, over middle of next 3 ch, with 1 ch between t throughout the round. Make the number of meshes in this round divisible by 6, by adding an occasional mesh if neces- sary. 8th round — SI to middle of first mesh, * ch 5, miss 2 meshes, shell (3 t, ch 2, 3 t) over next mesh, ch S, miss 2 meshes, 1 d over next mesh; repeat from *. gth round — Ch 5, over 2 ch make (1 t, 1 dt, picot of 5 joined with d, 2 dt, picot, 2 dt, picot, 1 dt, 1 t). ch 5, 1 d over d. Figure 48. Border for Doily. Material's. — Linen spool thread No. 40 and crochet needle No. 8. The Daisy motifs are made separately and joined by a webbing or crocheted net. To Make the Daisy. — Ch 6, join in a ring. 1st round — Ch 6, * 1 t over ring, ch 3: repeat from * 4 times more, join with sl in third of 6 ch. 2d round — * Ch 8 for a petal, turn and work back < in ch, miss 1, 1 d, 1 ht, 3 t, 1 lit, 1 d, sl to first space, repeat from * 1 1 times more, having 2 petals over each space, sl up the side of first petal to the tip. 3d round — * Ch 5, sl to tip of next petal; repeat from *. 4th round — 7 d over each ch of 5; this finishes the daisy. Net Between Daisies. — Fasten thread over a petal and make 8 loops or meshes up the side of daisy ring, join with sl in every second d. These meshes are gradu- ated, — 3 meshes of 3 ch and sl, 2 mesh- es of 4 ch and sl, and 3 meshes of 5 ch and sl, turn witli. 7 ch and sl on 5 ch. 2d row — 3 meshes of 5 ch, 2 meshes of 4 ch, 3 meshes of 3 ch (the third mesh of 3 ch turns at in- side of net). 3d roiv — 2 meshes of 3 ch, 2 meshes of 4 ch, 3 meshes of 5 ch, 7 ch, turn. Alter- nate the 2d and 3d rows until there are 14 meshes of 7 ch on the outside of net, then turn, work to inside and join a daisy as follows : Doily See page 26 ch 3. sl to daisy 24 ring over a petal, finish loop, ch i. join to daisy (every second d), eh i. finish loop, * ch 2, join to daisy, cli 2, finish loop; repeat until all the loops are joined, cut and fasten thread. Start the second net in the same way. miss 2 tips of petals and start work .it tip of next petal. Outer Edge, isi round — From tin last st of last joining make chain loops of 14 ch and si, join over every 7-ch mesh and over each of 4 daisy petals, si over 7 sts of lirst ch. id round — * Ch 5. si to middle of 14 ch; repeat from * around the net, * ch 7, si to middle of 14 ch ; repeat from * over daisies. .? ch. sd round— Ch 4. d in centre of each [2-ch loop. ,',/ round — Ch 3 and si in centre of each 4-ch loop. The linen centre measures three and one-half inches in diameter. Figures 49, 50. 51. Doilies for Plate, Bread and Butter, and Tumbler. Materials. Crochet cotton X'.. 50 and crochet needle Xo. 10 or [2. Figure 49. Tumbler Doily. — Fig. Mark linen centre with circle three inches in diam- eter; stitch on machine inside the mark, 3 times around, and cut out on mark. 1st round — Cover stitching with d. as close together as possible, join with si. zd round — Ch 4, * miss 1 d. 1 t in next, ch 1 ; repeat from * around, join with si each round. .,'(/ round — Ch 3, 1 t over ch. * 1 t over t. 1 t over ch : repeat from *. making a solid round of t. This round must contain 234 stitches (or a multiple of 18). Count the trebles in 2d round, multiply by 2 and add at regular intervals enough to make the required number. /Hi round — * Ch 8, miss 4 t, 5 d over next 5 t; repeat from *. 5th round — SI to third st of ch, ch 3, 4 t over 8 ch. ch 4. 1 d in centre of 5 d. ch 4, * 5 t over ch, ch 4, 1 d in centre of 5 d, ch 4 : repeat from * around. 6th round — 4 d in next 4 t, ch 5, * 5 d over next 5 t, ch 5; repeat from * around. 7//1 round — Ch 3, 4 t over next 4 d. 6 t over 5 ch, * 5 t over 5 d. 6 t over 5 ch ; repeat from *. 8th round — SI to seventh t, ch 3, 4 t in same st, ch 4, miss 5 t, 11 d over next 11 t, ch 4, miss 5, * 5 t in next st, ch 4, miss 5. 1 1 d over next 11 t, ch 4; repeat from *. 0//1 round Ch 3, t over next t, _> t over next t. t over next t. 1 nut next t, ch 5. miss 1 d, 9 d over next 9 d, ch 5, * 6 t over 5 t (making 2 t over third t). ch 5, miss 1 d, 9 d over 9 d, ch 5; repeat from *. loth round — Ch 3, 2 t over next _' t (block), ch 3. 3 t (block) over next 3 t. ch 5. miss 1 d, 7 d over next 7 d. ch 5, * block, ch 3. block, ch 5, miss 1 d, 7 d over 7 d, ch 5; repeat from *. ////( round — I block ( ch 3, _' II, ch 3. 1 t in centre of 3 ch. ch 3 (space), block, ch 6, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d. ch 6, * block (3 t). 2 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 6; repeat from *. Roll-Stitch Borhf.r for Centrepiece. See page 26 25 I2th round — * Block, 3 spaces, block, ch 7, miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d, ch 7; repeat from *. 13th round — * Block, 4 spaces, block, cb 7, 1 d in centre of 3 d, ch 7; repeat from *. / //// round — 3 cb, 1 t into lirst space, * cb 3, picot of 4, ch 3, 1 t each side of next t; continue to the end of the scallop, making i t before and 1 t after second block, ch 3. picot of 4, cb 3, 1 t before and 1 t after first block of next scallop: repeal from *. Figure 50. Plate Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 50 and en 'diet needle No. 10 or 12. 1st round — Double crochet closely around the linen. 2d round — Like -'d round of Tumbler Doily. Fig. 40. jd round — Solid round of 576 t. join each round with si. /Ill round—* Ch 0. miss 5 t, 7 d over 7 t; repeat from *. 5th round — SI to third st, ch 3, 4 t over cb. ch 5, 1 d in centre of 7 d, ch 5, * 5 1 over ch. 1 d in centre of 7 d, ch 5 ; repeat from *, join with d in this round in- stead of si. 6th round — 4 d over 4 t, ch 6, * 5 d over 5 t, ch 6 ; repeat. 7 t h round — Ch 3, 4 t over 4 d, S t over ch, ' S t over 5 d, 8 t over cb. ; repeat from *. 8th round — SI to eighth t, ch 3, 4 t in same st, ch 5, miss 5, 15 d over IS t, ch 5, miss 5, 5 t nver 5 t, cb S, miss 5, 15 d over 15 t, cb 5, miss 5 ; repeat from *. Qth round — Ch 3, 5 t over 4 t. mak- ing 2 t over sec- ond st below, cb. 5, miss I d, T3 d over 13 d. ch 5. * 6 t over 5 t. ch 5, miss 1 d, 13 d over 13 d, ch 5 ; repeat from *. mlh round — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t (block), ch 3 (space), block, cb 5, miss r d, 1 1 d over 1 1 d. cb 5, * block, space, block, ch 5, 11 d over n d, cb 5: repeat from *. nth round — * Block, 2 spaces, block, ch 6. miss 1 d, 9 d over 9 d, ch 6; repeat from *. 12th round — * Block, 3 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 d. 7 d over 7 d. ch 6: repeat from *, 13th round—* Block, 4 spaces, block, cb 6. miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 6; repeat from *. ////( round — * Block, 3 spaces, block, ch 6. miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d, ch 6; repeat from *. 11th round — * Block, 6 spaces, block, ch 7. 1 d over centre of 3 d, ch 7; repeat from *. 161I1 round — Work around each scallop like 14th round of Tumbler Doily; there will be 6 picot loops over each scallop. Fir,. 53. Doily with Octagon Centre. See page Figure 51. Bread and Butter Doily. Materials.— Crochet cotton No. 50 and crochet needle No. 10 or 12. Prepare 6-inch linen centre in the same manner as for the Tumbler Doily. Proceed as for that piece, Fig. 49, having 418 st.s in 3d round. .///; round — Ch 9, miss 6, 5 d over next 5 t; repeat, 3/// round — SI to third st, cb 3, 4 t over 9 ch, ch 3, r d in centre of 5 d, cb 5, 5 t over 9 ch, cb 3, I d in centre of 5 d, ch 5; repeat from *, join each round with si. 6th round — * 5 d over 5 t, ch 6; repeat from *. yih round — Ch 3. 4 t over 4 d. 7 t over ch. * 5 t over 5 d. 7 t over ch ; repeat from *. 8th round — SI to seventh t, cb 3. 4 t in same t, cb 4, miss 5 t, 13 d over 13 t, cb 4, miss 5, * 5 t in next t, ch 4, miss 5 t, 13 d over 13 t, ch 4; re- peat from *. gth round — * Ch 3, r t over next t, 2 t over next t, 2 t over 2 t (this is the same as 6 t over 3 t), ch 5, miss 1 d, 11 1 1 over 1 1 d, cb 3. repeat from *, 10U1 round — Cb 3, 2 t over 2 t (block), ch 3 (space), 3 t over 3 t (block), ch 5, miss 1 d, 9 d over 9 d. ch 5. * block, space, block, ch 5, miss I d, 9 d over 9 d. ch 3; repeat from *. / illi round — * Block, 2 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 il. 7 d over 7 d, cli 6 ; repeat f r o m *. 1 Jlh round — * Block. 3 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 d, 3 d over 5 d, ch 6. repeat from *. /■;/// round — * Block. 4 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 d. 3 d over 3 d. ch 6 : repeat from *. 14th round— B\ock, 5 spaces, block, ch 6, miss 1 d, 1 d over 1 d, ch 6: repeat. Ijth round— Like 14th round of Tum- bler I Ini'y ; there will he 3 picot loops over each scallop. Figure 52. Roll Stitch Border for Centrepiece.— Roll-stitch is used in this border, and is made as follows : Thread over needle a given number of times, thread through work, thread over and draw through all the loops, but not through st on needle, thread over and draw through two on needle. Materials. — No. 30 crochet cotton, steel crochet needle about No. 9; the needle should be of uniform thickness fur considerable distance back from the hook for roll-stitch. isl round— (Worked into the linen over a narrow hem) * 1 d, cb 2; repeat around, making 5 or 6 sts 26 ■ii.. 54 Crochet Lace in Cluny Design for Centrepiei e. See page 28 to an inch. The number of whole round should be divisible by 8, join with si and si to next eh. 2d round — Ch 5. * t over next space, eh 2; repeat from ". join with si, si to next space. ,\/ round — * Ch 3, miss 1 space (sp). 1 t over next sp, ch 3, 1 t over -ante sp, ch 3, miss next sp, 1 d over next sp ; repeat from * join with si. /'/' round — SI to sp between -' •■ ch 3, * 3 roll sts (over 10 times) over same sp. ch 3. 8 roll sts (over 15 times) over next sp between 2 t, ch 3; repeat from * and join to first roll st of round. 5th round — SI to centre of 3 roll sts. ch 3, 3 roll sts (over to times) over middle one of ,1 roll sis, ch 3, d between first two of cluster of 8 roll sts, * ch 3. d between next 2: repeat from : until then- arc meshes, ch 3, 3 roll sts over centre of next cluster of 3. ch 3, b meshes of 3 ch over next cluster of 8. ch 3; repeat from first of round. t>th round — ( In beginning a round, si to centre and ch 3 are underst 1 throughout; these are neces- san to reach the top of mil st, and are crowded out of sight by the roll st), — 3 mil M- over middle of cluster, * ch 3, d over first ni 6 meshes, ch 3, d over next; repeat from *. making 3 meshes over 6 meshes, ch 3, : 1. .11 sts over next cluster: repeat from *. fth round — * 3 roll sts over cluster, ch 3, 4 meshes (ch 3. 1 d ) over 5 meshes, ch 3; re- in. it from *. 8th round—* 3 mil sts between firsl and second roll sts, ch 3, 3 roll sts be- twei n second and third roll sts. ch 3, 3 meshes iver 4 ineshe,. ch 3; repeat from *. 9th round — * 3 roll sis over first cluster, ch 3, 1 t over sp between clusters, ch 3, i t over same sp, ch 3, 3 roll sts over next cluster, ch 3, 2 meshes over 3 meshes, ch 3; repeat from *. TOth round — * 3 roll sts over first cluster, ch 3, 8 t over next p . h 3. 3 roll sts over next cluster, ch 3. 1 mesh over 2 meshes, ch 3 : repeat. nth round — 3 roll sts over first cluster, ' 1 over next t. picot of 4 joined by d; repeat from * making 8 t and 8 picots, 3 roll sts over next cluster, 1 d in mesh at top of pineapple; re- in 1! from first of round If one is not fam- iliar with roll stitch it will be found a little difficult at first to make it smooth and even Figure 53. Doily with Octagon Centre. rials. — Crochet cotton No 30, crochet needle \.. g < rochet closelj around the linen with double crochet. 1st round- i h s, miss 2, 1 t in third st, ch -•. miss 2; repeat from . join with si. The number of spaces should be divisible bj 6. -'1/ round Block of 4 t (the first is 3 ch), (2 ch. 1 ti over each of the next 5 open meshes, making 6 open meshes, * 4 t oxer next open mesh. 6 open meshes; repeal from *, join with si to first block of 4. 3d round- SI across first block of 4. block of 4 t (the first one is 3 ch) over first open mesh, (this si and block of 4 are made at the beginning of the next 7 rounds, and will he called :: block of 4). 5 open meshes, block over last open mesh. 2 ch ; repeat from * and join with si. Each t standing alone is made over the ch, not over the t as in filet crochet. //// round * Block of 4 over first mesh, ch 2, 1 t over second mesh, ch 2. block of 4 over second mesh, ch 5, I dt (2 loops) over the mesh between blocks, ch 5; repeat from *. 57/i round — * Block of 4 over next mesh, ch 2, block over next mesh, ch 5, 1 d over ch. I d over dt, 1 d over ch. (these 3 d make a close group of 3). ch 5; repeat from * and join with si. 6th round — SI across 4 sts, * block of 4, 8 ch. 5 d (I over ch. 3 over 3 d. 1 over next ch), ch 8; repeat from *. yth round — SI across 4 st, * block of 4 over ch. ch 5. miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d. ch 5. block of 4 over next ch. ch 4; repeat from *. 8th round -SI across 4 >ts, * block of 4 o\er ch, ch 3, 1 dt in second d below, ch 3. block of 4, ch 3, over 4 ch make ( _» dt. eh 1, 2 dt. ch 4, 2 dt. ch I. 2 dt), ch 3; repeat from *. gth round --S1 across 4 sts. * block of 4 over ch, ch 2. block of 4 over next ch, ch 2. 2 dt over next ch, ch 1, over 4 ch make ( 2 dt. ch 1, 2 dt, ch 4. 2 dt. ch 1. 2 dt). ch 1, J dt over next ch, ch _> ; repeat from *. [Oth round — SI across 4 sis. : block of ; between blocks of 4, ( ch 1, 2 tit over next ch ) twice, ch 1. over 4 mi.. 53. Don n See page 28 ch make (2 dt, ch 1, 2 dt ch 4, 2 dt, ch 1 2 dt over 2 dt over next peat from * SI to third between first pairs of dt, next ch, ch next ch. ch make (2 dt, 2 dt, ch 1, . over next c over next ch next ch, 1 below ; repeat from *. uth round — * Ch 5, 1 d over next ch ; repeat from *, making 1 d over the dt between points ; this will give 10 meshes to each point. 13th round — SI to third of 5 ch, * ch 6, 1 d over each mesh around the point; at the tenth mesh make 1 d through the tenth mesh and first mesh of next point; repeat from *; tin's leaves nine meshes around each point. 14II1 round — Like 13th round, with 8 meshes of 8 ch. 15th round — Like [3th round, with 7 meshes of 10 ch. 16th round — Like 13th round, with 6 meshes of 12 ch. iyili round — Like 13th round, with 5 meshes of 14 ch. 1SII1 round — Like 13th round, with 4 meshes of 15 ch. Figure 54. Crochet Lace in Cluny Design. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 50, crochet needle No. 12 This lace is designed for a round or oval centre- piece: it is made of daisy motifs, crocheted separately and joined. Each daisy, with the net worked around one end, makes an oval medallion. To Make the Daisy. — * Ch 8 for a petal, turn, miss 1 ch, (r d, 1 dt, 3 t, 1 lit, 1 d) into the 7 ch ; this makes the first petal ; repeat from * until there are 9 petals, join in a circle and si up the side of first petal to the tip. 1st round — Ch 6, * 1 d on tip of next petal, ch 6 ; repeat ; from this the work is in Doily. See page 29 rows around part of the daisy. 1st row — * Ch 3, si in every second ch st ; repeat until there are 18 meshes of 3 ch, this will cover 5 chains and tips of 6 petals. 2d row — Ch 2, si on middle of first mesh, decreasing the number of meshes, * ch 4, si on next mesh ; repeat from *, omitting 1 mesh at the end and joining the last time (without any ch) with 1 t, this rounds off or evens the curved edge ; turn and repeat the 2d row until it is worked to a point, cut and fasten thread. Make as many of these oval medal- lions as are necessary to fill the circumference, join them in making the first round of inside border. Having the right side of daisy toward one, fasten the thread in the last mesh of first row of meshes. The whole inside edge is a series of Irish lace picot loops made as follows, — Ch 6, d in fifth ch from needle for picot, ch 6, 1 d in fifth ch, ch 1; this will be called a picot loop. * Make 1 picot loop, t d on middle of ch between petals; repeat from * 4 times more, 1 picot loop, d over first mesh on medallion, 1 picot (only), 1 il on mesh of second medallion, 1 picot, turn and make 1 t between the last two picots of first medallion (this helps to fill the indents between motifs), turn and make 1 picot, 1 d on middle of ch on second daisy; repeat from * until all are joined, si to middle of first loop. 2d round — Picot loop joined with d to middle of picot loop below; between motifs join with 1 t. 3d and 4th rounds — Like 2d round, joined always with 1 d. fitli round — T over picot, ch 3, * 1 t over next picot, ch 3. First round outside border — This is a series of meshes of * ch 4, si into next mesh ; repeat from *, joining between medallions at 3 meshes. 2d round — Meshes of ( ch 3. si into next mesh) joining 3 meshes between medallions. 3d round — * One dt and 5 ch picot (joined with t to top of dt) ; repeat from * over each mesh. Fig. 57. Don.v. See page 30 needle. Ch 8, join in ring. 1st r o u u d — Ch 3, 15 t in ring, join with si. Join each round with si and begin each Fig. 58. Doily. See page 30 See page 31 -Miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d, ch se page round of centre with 3 ch, which is considered as 1 t. 2d round — Ch 3, t over next t. ch 1, * 2 t over next 2 t, ch 1 ; repeat from *. .,-rf round—* 2 t over first t, 2 t over next t, ch 1 ; repeat. /th round — 2 t over first t, 2 t over next 2 t, 2 t over last t (making 6 t over 4 t). ch 1: repeat around. 5th round — 8 t over 6 t (making 2 over 1st, 4 over 4, 2 over last t), ch 1; repeat. 6th round — 10 t over 8 t (making 2 over first and 2 over last t of group), ch 1; repeat. ylh round — 12 t over 10 t, ch 1: repeat. Sth round — 14 t over 12 t, ch 1 ; repeat, gth round — SI to second t, * 12 t (the first one is 3 ch) over 1 2 t, ch 2, 1 t over ch below, ch 2 ; repeat from *. 10th round — SI to second t, 10 t over 10 t, ch 2, 1 t over next ch, ch 2, 1 t over next ch, ch 2; repeat around. nth round — SI to second t, 8 t over 8 t, ch 2, * t over next ch, ch 2 : repeat from * twice more; repeat from first around. 12th, 13th, and 14th rounds — Continue as in nth round, making 2 less t in star points of each round and making one more open mesh of 1 t. ch 2 between stars, ijtli round — Ch 5, * t over next ch, ch 2 ; repeat from * around. 16th round — * 3 d in next 3 sts, ch 10, miss 7 sts; repeat. 17th round — SI over 1 d, * 1 d over next d, ch 5, miss 3 sts of 10 ch, 3 t over next 3 sts, ch 5. miss 1 d ; repeat from *. 18th round — SI over 5 ch, * 3 d over 3 t, ch 10, 3 d over next 3 t, ch 10; repeat from *. 19th round — Like 17th. 10th round — Like 18th. 21st round — Like 17th. 22d round — Like 18th. 23d round — Turn, si back 4 sts on ch 10, turn, 11 d in next 1 1 sts, ch 5, 2 t over each t, ch 5 ; repeat. 2/tli round — Miss 1 d, 9 d over i) (1, ch 5. 8 t (2 over first t. 4 over 4. 2 over last t ) with t ch between l. ch 5 : repeat. 25th round — Miss 1 d, 7 (1 over 7 d, ch 5, 10 t (2 over first t, 6 over () , _> over last t) with 2 ch between t, ch s ; repeat. 26th round — Miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 5, 12 t (2 over first t, 8 over 8, 2 over last t) with 2 c h between t, ch 5; repeat. 27th round 5, 14 t (2 over first, 10 over 10, 2 over last t) with 2 ch between t. ch 5; repeat. 28th round— Ch 4, t on fourth st of 5 ch, * ch 2, picot of 5, ch 2, t over 2 ch ; repeat from * around scallop, 1 d between scallops ; repeat. Figure 56. Doily. Materials.— Crochet cotton No. 50, crochet needle No. 12. Ch 8, join in ring. 1st round—* Ch 22, d on ring; repeat from * 13 times more. 2d round— SI to 10th st of first long loop, ch 3 (as 1 t), 3 t over same loop. * ch 12. 4 t over next loop; repeat from * 12 times more, ch 12, join to first t. .?d round— SI to second t, * ch 6, d over 6th st of 12 ch, ch 5, d over same st, ch 6, d over second t ; repeat from * around. 4th round— S\ to 5 ch, ch 4, 3 dt (forming a Cluny group, crocheted off together) over 5 ch, * ch 5, 4 dt (a Cluny group) over same ch, ch 5, Cluny group of 4 t over same ch, Cluny group of 4 t over next 5 ch; repeat from *. 5th round — * 10 d over 5 ch. ch 5; repeat from *. 6tli round — SI over 10 d to 5 ch loop, * 4 t over 5 ch loop, ch 6. dt (2 loops over needle) joined in middle of next 10 d, crochet off two and two. thread over, join in middle of next 10 d. crochet off by twos, ch 6; repeat from *. /tl: round — One d over each st all around. Stli round — One t over each st all around. 9th round One d over each st around, wtli round — * Ch .;. miss 1, d in next st : repeat from *. nth round — SI to middle of 3 ch. ch 5, (1 over next mesh of 3 ch : repeat from *. 12th round — Like nth round. /_,'/// round — SI to middle of S ch. ch ? (as I t). \ t over same mesh, ch 6. miss 1 mesh, d over next mesh, ch 6, miss I mesh. * 5 t over next mesh, ch 6, miss one. d over next, ch 6, miss 1 : repeat. 1 ftli See pagi ji round—* 5 d over 5 t. ch i i ; repeat from *. 15th round — SI to third d, * ch 5, 5 t over 11 ch, ch 5, d over third d ; repeat from *. 16th round — SI over 5 ch. then same as 14th round. ijth round — SI to third d, * ch 7, 2 t over 1 1 ch, ch 5, 2 t over same ch, ch 7. d over third d ; repeat from * 18th round — SI to third of 7 ch. ch 3, 6 t over 5 ch loop, ch 3, 6 t over same ch, * ch 3, d in 4th of 7 ch, ch 3, d in 4th of next 7 ch, ch 3, 6 t over next 5 ch, ch 3, 6 t over same ch ; repeat, igtli round — Ch 3. d in middle of 6 t, * ch 3, d over ch between trebles, ch 3, d in same place, ch 3, d in same place, ch 3, d in middle of 6 t, ch 3, d over 3 ch, ch 3, d over next 3 ch, ch 3, d in middle of 6 t; repeat from *. Figure 57. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 30, crochet needle No. 9. Fig. 62. Tumbler Doily. See page 32 Fig. 63. Platk Don. v. See page 32 Chain 9, join in ring. 1st round — 27 t (first one of 3 ch ) in ring, join with si. 2d round — Ch 4 (as 1 t and 1 ch). * t over next t, ch 1; repeat around. .?„(»•"'*' uniting the fans at cor- x« &!.<'.%£ ".'.?y~»*i •_«;;' ners in this last round. • S I <, '**.? i '''•*• •>' Figure 58. Doily. - '-TV- Materials. — Crochet cot- Fig. 64. Bread and Butter ton No. 30, crochet Doily. See page 32 needle No. 9. Chain 6, join in ring. 1st round — 18 t over ring. 2d round — T over each t. ch 1 between, jd round — 18 groups of 3 Cluny sts, ch 3 between groups. //// round — 18 groups of 4 Cluny sts, ch 4 between groups. (Omit 5th and 6th rounds of larger doily. Fig. 57.) Sth round — Like 7th round of larger doily, with only 6 sections instead of 9 From this to the end like larger doily. Figure 59. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 30, crochet needle No. 9. For this Doily (in 9 sections), ch 6 and join in ring. 1st round — Ch 3 (as 1 t), 17 t in ring, join with si. First spoke — Ch 6, ch 3 to turn, 2 t into each of the 6 ch sts, 1 d into first st of ring, ch 1, turn, 12 d over 12 t (taking up the back loop), ch 1, turn, 3 d over 3 d. * picot of 3 ch. 3 cl over 3 d; repeat from * twice more, d into next st of ring. 2d spoke — Ch 6, d into middle picot of first spoke, ch 3 to turn, 2 t into each of the 30 Fig. 65. Platter Doily. See page 32 6 eh sts, proceed as for the lirst spoke, making a. The last, gth, spoke must be joined to the 8th spoke as the others, and when the second picot is made, ch i, join with a d to point of lirst spoke, eh i, and proceed as before. When the wheel is finished follow the directions for Figure 57, page 28, beginning with the 5th round, joining the shell in point of spoke. Figure 60. Doily. For the smaller doil) follow the same plan, as in Figure . : 'j. with 14 t over the lirst ring and making seven spokes. Then omit the 5th and 6th rounds (of shells) and j • iin the next round directly in point of spokes. From this round follow Figure 58, page _'S. Figure 61. Doily in Roll-Stitch. Materials.— One spool linen thread No. 60 and C r o e h e t needle about No. 10; the needle she mill be of uniform 1 hie k ness for s o 111 e ■ 1 i stance f 1- o m the book, to 111 a k e t h e roll - stitch niceh To Make Roll - Stitch I laving a St on the needle, wind the thread around the needle from six to twenty times, according to Fig. 67. ch Doily. Sec page 34 5, miss 1 roll st: repeat. I2th ver 1 roll st, 1 ch 4. 1 t over :h 4. * (1 t, ch 4, 1 t ) over 1 jver mesh ) 5 times, ch 4; repeat Fig, 66 I r. e page 3-' mesh ) 4 times. round — Ch 6, 1 t mesh ) S times, c roll, ( ch 4. 1 t from *. 1 itli round — I'll 3, .; roll sts and 2 roll sts alternately, over the 4 ch all around, r/th round — Ch 3, _• t over each roll st, putting 1 1 each side ol the single thread lying alongside of the roll; add a few sts if necessan to make this round 324 sis. ijth round—* Ch 7, miss 5 t, d over next t; repeat around, having 54 meshes; one mesh should come directly over the point of the star. 16th round — * ( _' roll sts, ch 1. J roll sts. ch 1. _' roll sts, ch 1, 2 roll sts) all over mesh at point of star, ch 3, (1 d over next mesh, ch 5) 4 times, I d over next mesh, ch ,? ; repeal from : . ;-/// round — Ch 3. shell (2 roll sts, ch 2, _' roll sts) over each 2 ch. t in second st, ch 2; repeat from *. $ih round -Ch 3, * 3 roll sts over lirst 2 ch, 2 roll sts over next 2 ch ; repeat from *, 6th round — Ch 3, ~ roll st over each roll of last round; it may be necessary to widen a few sts in order to have 8i roll sts in this round, yih round — Ch 3, * g roll sts over o, ch ,5; repeat from *. th -round — Ch 6, I d in top of 9 ch ; repeat. jth round — Double crochet over each st. 8th round — * 3 t in st directly over 9 ch, ch 5, miss 3 sts. 7 •d over 7 sts. ch q ; repeat from *. or// round — S t over 3 t (2 in first t. i over I. 2 over third t) ch .■, miss r d, 5 d over S d, ch 5 ; See page 34 directed for the repeat, iotli round — 3 t over first 3 t, ch 3, 3 t over 3d, 4th, and 5th, ch 5, miss 1 d, 3 d over 3 d. ch 5 ; repeat. nth round — 3 t over 3 t, ch 3, 1 t over ch, ch 3, 1 t over same ch, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t, ch 5, miss 1 d, 1 d over I d, ch S; repeat. 12th round — 3 t over 3 t, ch 3, 1 t over ch, ch 3, I t over middle ch, ch 3, 1 d over same ch, ch 3, 1 t over next ch, ch 3, 3 t over 3 t ; repeat. 13th round — 4 d over 4 middle trebles where 6 t come together, ch 5, d over next ch ; repeat. The number of d around any of these pieces in the second round, should be 3 times the number of shells third round. Fig. 70. Figure 66. Doily. Crochet cotton No. 70, crochet needle No. 14. Chain 12, join to form a ring. 1st round — Ch 3, 32 t into ring (33 t in all), join with si. 2d round — One d over each t all around, taking up both threads of the stitch. .?(/ round — Ch 4. 32 t (with 1 ch between), join with si. ./th round — 1 d over each st, 66 sts in all. 5th round — Ch 3, 10 t, ch 3, * 11 t over next II, ch 3; repeat, tith round — Ch 3, 9 t, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch of 5th round, ch 3, '■'■ 10 t, ch 3, 1 t, ch 3 ; repeat from * 4 times, join always with si. yth round — Ch 3, 8 t, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3, * 9 t. ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3 ; repeat from * 4 times. 8th round — Ch 3, 7 t, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3, 1 t over 3 ch, ch 3, 1 t over same ch, ch 3, 1 t over ch, ch 3, * 8 t. ch 3, 1 t over next ch, ch 3, 1 t over same ch, ch 3, 1 t over next ch, ch 3 ; repeat from * 4 times. Qth. 10th. and u tli rounds — In each of these rounds, si over 1 t. make 2 less t each round, and one more mesh each side of centre mesh where 2 t are joined over the same ch ; at the end of nth round cut and fas- ten thread. To Make the Wheel Motif. — Ch 12, join to form a ring. 1st round — 24 d over ring. 2d round — 2 d, picot, * 3 d. p ; repeat from * 4 Oval Table Mats, 7x11 and qx 14 inches. See page 35 32 Doily see page .55 limes, 1 d, join with si. jd round — * Ch [2, il over middle one of 3 d: repeat from *. ///; round — (6 d, p. 4 d, p, 6 d) over each one "f four 12-ch limps; over the fifth loop make (6 d. p, 4 d, eh 4. join with d to fourth mesh from point of star on doily centre, ch 4, 6 d over remainder of loop), ch 4. join with d to middle mesh of doily centre, ch 4, 6 d over next i2-ch loop, ch 4. join to fourth loop from next point of star on doily centre, ch 4, 4 d, p. 6 d over loop, fasten and cut thread. Make two more wheels and join to doily 'centre, each one-third of the way around. To Make the Rose Motif. — Ch 12, join to form a ring. 1st round — Ch 6. t in ring, ch 3. * t in ring, ch 3 : repeat from * 4 times, join with si. 2d round — (1 d, 7 t. 1 d ) over each 3 ch all around. ;d round — * Ch 5. si in hack of st between petals; repeat from * all around. _/,/( round — ( 1 d, 9 t, I d) over each 5 ch all around. gth round — * Ch 7. si in batk of st between petals; re- peat. 6th round — (1 d. 1 1 t. 1 d I over first four 7-ch loops, in the next make 1 d, 5 t, ch 4, join with d to fourth mesh from point of star on doily centre between two wheels, ch 4, 6 t. 1 d on remainder of 7-ch loop, ch 4. join to middle mesh of doily centre, ch 4, 1 d. 6 t over next, ch 4, join to fourth mesh from point of star on doily centre, ch 4. 5 t. 1 ,] over loop SI hack over 3 t and fill in space between rose and wheel motifs as follows: Ch I. p. ch 1. dt into third mesh from point of star on doilj centre, ch 1, p, ch 1, dt over next mesh, ch I. p, ch 1. dt into point of star, ch I, p, ch 1, di into second mesh from star, ch 1. p ch 1. dt into next mesh, I d into picot on wheel, ch 3. d into next p above, ch 1, p. ch 1. dt over 1 ch after p on round below; repeat from * across, ending with ch 1, p. ch I, d into third t on rose petal, ch 3, miss 3 1, d into next, * ch 1, p. ch 1, dt into 1 ch after p on row I. clow ; repeat from * across, ending with ch 1, p. ch 1, d into next p on wheel, ch 5, d into next p above, * ch 1, p, ch 1, dt into 1 ch after p in row below; repeat from *, ending with ch 1, p. ch 1. d into third t on rose petal, fasten thread. Make two more roses and till spaces between wheels and roses in the same way. After all spaces have been filled, work all around as follows: Ch 3. 1 t over ch after p. make 14 meshes more of (ch 3. 1 t) over the first filling and wheel, then repeat over each section. Jd round — * (2 t, ch 3. 2 t) over first mesh, miss one mesh, ch 3, (1 t, ch 3, I t) over next mesh; re- peat from * around, jrf round — (2 t, ch 1, 2 t, ch 3, 2 t. ch 1, 2 t ) over 3 ch between pairs of t, ch 3, (1 t, ch 3. 1 t) over next mesh; repeat. 4th round — 1 d into 1 ch between pairs of t, ch 1, 6 t into 3 ch between 4 t, ch 1, 1 d into I ch, ch 3, 1 d into 3 ch between trebles of next mesh, ch 3; repeat, gth round — 1 t into 1 ch between d and first t, ch 1, 5 t into 1 ch between 6 t, ch 1, 1 t into 1 ch, ch 3, d into d, ch 3: repeat. 6th round — Ch 4. 1 d in ch between t, * ch 4. I d in next ch; repeat from * 4 times, ch 3, miss 1 mesh, 1 d in 3 ch ; repeat. This Doily is a good com- bination of Irish Crochet and the simpler stitches. ;j. Centrepiece with Coronation 1 ord 33 See page 30 Figure 67. Doily. Materials — Two balls crochet •cotton No. 40 and steel needle No. 9 or 10. Chain 4. join in a ring, 1st round — 12 d over ring. 2d round — * Ch 3, miss 1 d. d in next st ; repeat from *. 3d round — 6 t over each 3 ch. ./tli round — 1_' t between 3d and 4th of 6 t. si between groups of 6 t to make a shell. 5//1 round — * 3 d over top of shell, ch 3, 1 dt (2 loops) between shells, ch 3; repeat from *. 6th round — * 1 t, ch 3, 3 t, ch 3; repeat from *. ;;h round — Make trebles all around, having 10S sts ; in order to have 10S sts it is necessary to crochet * 2 t over each of 4 t. 1 t over f t; repeat from *. Htli round — * Ch 4, d into third st ; repeat, making 36 meshes, si to middle of 4 ch after joining with si. gtli and 10th — Like 8th. nth round — * 6 t over every other mesh, si over second mesh; repeat from *. nth round — Like 4th round, iS shells. 13th round — * 3 d over top of shell, ch 7 ; re- peal from *. I/Ili round — Like 6th round, having 18 groups of 3 t. 15th round — Like 7th round, w i d e n ing to have 216 sts. r6th round — Like 8th round, making ~;i meshes. 17th to 21st rounds(m- clusive) — Like 101I1 round, si to middle of mesh to begin each ronn d. 22d and 23d rounds — Like nth and 12th rounds, making groups of S t in 22d round and shells of 14 t in 23d round, 36 shells. 24th round — Like 13th round. 2$th round — Like 6th round. 26th round — T in every st, making 360 t altogether. Border. 1st round — * 9 t over 9 t, ch 4. miss 2, 1 1 il over 1 1 sts. ch 4, miss 2 ; repeat from *. 2d round — Like 1st round, except ch 5 and make <> d over 9 d. 3d round — Like 2d round, with 1 ch be- tween trebles in group "f 9, and 7 d over 7 d. 4th round — Like 2d, with 2 ch between trebles in group, and S d over 6 d. 5th round — Like 2d round, with 3 eh between trebles, and 3 d over 3 d. 6th round — Like 2d. with 4 ch between trebles, and 1 d over 1 d. 77/1 round — Joining with d in middle of every mesh, make picot meshes of (2 ch, picot of 3, 2 ch). Figures 69 and 70. Table Mats. Materials. — Cro- Fig. 7^. Centrepiece. See page 36 diet curd, while and blue, and No. 7 crochet needle. Figure 69 shows nine-inch, seven-inch, and four- inch sizes. For the Nine-inch Mat. — Ch 2, 12 d in first st, join to first d, turn. 2d round — Ch 2, d in first d (taking up back of st), 2 d in next; repeat around, starting the 6 corners, turn. 3d round — Ch 2, * 2 d over 2 d, 2 d in 1 d; repeat from *. This brings the widening in the first of each two widening d of last row. 4th round — Ch 2, d all around, widening 6 times as before; take care that the line of joining- follows up the line of widening. Repeat 4th round until there are four ribs (.2 rows make one rib), then make an openwork round without turning the work. 10th round — (Open), ch 5, 2 t in lirst st, * ch 1, miss i, 1 t in next ; repeat from *, putting 2 t with 2 eli between in one of the widen- ing sts at each corner, and joining to the third st of the lirst 5 eli, turn. Make 8 rows of d, widening and turning as usu- al ; this gives 4 ribs on the right side of wi irk. With right side uppermost, make the next openwork (of two rows ) as follows : Ch 6, 2 t in 2 d next to corner, * eh 2, miss 2. 2 t in next 2 d ; re- peat from *, widening at the corner by hav- ing two blocks come together, not missing any sts between them and mak- ing 3 eh between tile blocks, join to third st of 6 ch, s! to next St. 2d round — Ch 6, 2 t in 3 ch at corner, * ch 2, 2 t over 2 ch ; repeat from * widening at corners by making 4 t over the 3 ch, with 3 ch be- tween the third and fourth t. turn. Make 4 ribs of d. then, without turning, make the last row of openwork- like the first. Follow this with 4 more ribs and finish with an edge of blue. Turn and fasten on the blue cord, and slip stitch entirely around the mat, ch 3, * miss 2, d in next, ch 2 ; repeat from *, except at the corners, miss only t st. Last round — S! to middle of 2 ch, ch 3, * 2 t over next ch, picot of 4. 2 t over same ch, ch 2, d over next ch, ch 2; repeat from last *, putting a shell in each corner if possible. Seven-inch Mat. — This is made like the larger 34 74. Li m HEON Set. See page 37 mat until the 4 ribs (after two rows of open) are finished; then the edge of blue is made. Four-inch .Mat. — This is started as the others, the edge of blue being made when it is read} For the double row of openwork. Figure 70. Oval Mats. — For the oval mats (Fig. 7" ' follow the directions given for the hexa- gonal mats, except in these particulars — I11 the smaller size (7x11) make a ch _ ,! inches long to begin, and work en- tirely around the ch with d, making 3 d in the ends. Make 5 ribs before the first open round, 6 ribs before the double openwork, and 5 ribs next the edge oi blue. I . ir the larger 1 >\ al mat (ox 141 begin with ch 3J4 inches long, make 5 ribs, an "i" n round, 7 ribs, double openwork, 6 ribs, la-i open row, 3 ribs and edge of blue. Figure 71. Doily. Materials. — Use crochet cotton No. 30, and a medium- si ed steel needle. Begin in the centre with ch of 6. joined to form a ring, isi round — Ch .?. 2.} t in the ring, join with si. 2d round — Ch 4, dt in first t. (ch 3, 2 dl in next _» t ) 11 times, ch .5. join with si, and si to ch. 3d round — (2 dt, ch 3, 2 d) over each }, ch of last round. \th round — SI to ch, ch .?. 1 t over 2 ch, ch r, 2 t over same ch, * ch 4. 7 dt over next 2 ch, ch 4. (2 t. ch 1. 2 t) over next 2 ch ; repeat from *. 5//1 round— 2 t. ch 1. 2 t (shell 1 over 1 ch, (in making this first shell over shell, si to the ch ami ch ,1 for 1 I. ch 4. 1 (1 in last hi" 1 . h bel' iw, * ch ,\. 1 d in first ih ; n peat from * '1 limes, making 7 meshes of 3 ch. ch 4; repeat fn 'in first 1 if round. 6th round — * Shell ovet shell, 6 meshes of .? ch, joined In d p. middle of mesh lull .\\ ; repeat from * around. 7th round — * 2 shells over shell below, ch 4, 5 meshes 1 if 3 ch in the pineapple, ch 4 ; repi al from - around. 8th round — Shell over shell, shell between shells, shell ovei next shell. 4 meshes of .', ch; repeat, uih round Shell over each shell « illi ,^ ch between, ,; meshe 1 1 1 .? ch : repeat. TOth round — Shell over each shell, shells between shells, mak- ing 5 shells with .} ch bi tween, 2 meshes of 3 cb : repeat, nth round — Shell Over each shell with ,? ch between, 1 mesh of 3 ch ; repeat. 12th round — Shell over each shell. 3 ch be- in middle of 3 ch, ch 5; repeal. over shell, ch .?. shell over 3 ch, 3 -lulls over next 3 shells, shell between last 2 shells and over last shell, ch 2; repeat. 1 /tli round — Ch 4 as 1 dt. 6 dt over j ch, ch 4, shell over second shell, ch .?, shell oven next shell, ch 4, 7 dt over next shell, ch 4, shell over shell, ch .;. shell over shell. tween, ch 5, 1 d 13th round — Shell Fn;. 75. Doily. See page 37 35 ch 4, 7 ilt over 2 ch ; repeat. /.i//i round — Shell between 2 shell of last round, ch 4, 7 meshes of 3 ch for the pine- apple, ch 4 ; repeat, itilli round — Shell- over shell, ch 4, 6 meshes of 3 ch, ch 4; repeat around. Each pineapple at the edge is finished separately. Make a shell over shell at the edge with 3 ch to turn. De- crease the number of 3-ch meshes by one each row until one is left. For last row, shell over shell, ch 5, 1 d in middle of 3-ch mesh, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 3, turn, shell over shell, ch 3, shell over shell, turn. 8 dt over 3 ch, join by d in 3 ch on the other side. Finish each pineapple in the same way and fasten threads. 76. Doily Figure 72. Centrepiece with Coronation Cord. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 30, crochet needle No. 9. Crochet a row of doubles, closely, around linen for centre, 1st round — * 2 t over 1 st, (in starting the first 8 rounds, ch 3 as 1 t and join with si neatly at end of round), miss 1 st, 2 t over 1 st, miss 1; repeat from *. 2d round — * 2 t between 2 t of last round; repeat from *. jd and ./tit rounds — Like 2d. 5th round — * 2 t between 2 t of last round, ch [ ; re- peat from *. 6th and /th rounds — Like 5th. 8th round — * 1 d between 2 t of last round, ch 8, 1 d between next 2 t, ch 8; repeat from * and join with si. vlli round — SI to middle of 8 ch, ch 9. * 1 d over middle of next 8 ch, ch g; repeat from *. 10th round — SI to middle of 9 ch, I d, ch 3, 1 d over next 9 ch ; repeat. nth round — SI, * 1 t over 3 ch, take up the Corona- tion cord in narrow place between 2 kni its, 1 t over same 3 ch, ch 1 ; repeat. 12th round — 2 d in first loop of cord, ch 4. 2 d in next loop of cord, ch 4 ; repeat around. 13th round — * 10 t over first 10 sts, ch 3, miss 3. 1 d over next st, ch 3. miss 3 ; repeat from *, join with si, si over it./ \th round — * 8 t Six- page 38 an. unil. over 8 st, ch 4, 1 d over il, ch 4; repeat from *. ijtli round — Miss 1 t. * 6 t over 6, ch 5, 1 d over d, ch 5 ; repeat from *. l6t!i round — Miss 1 t, * 4 t over 4, ch 6, 1 d over d, ch 6; repeat from *. lyth round — Miss 1 t, * I t over second, ch 2. I t over third, ch 7, 1 d over d, ch 7 ; repeat from *. iSth round — 13 dt, with 1 ch between, over 2 ch at point, ch 5. 1 d over d, ch 5 ; repeat. i()th round — One d over first ch st between double trebles, ch 3, 1 d over next ch ; repeat to last dt, ch 3, miss 1 ch st, 1 d in next ch st, ch 3, t d in 4th st of next ch. ch 3, 1 d between next 2 dt ; repeat Figure 73. Centrepiece. Materials. — Crochet cot- ton No. 10. and No. 8 crochet needle. (bain 0, join with si. 1st round — * Ch 12, 1 <1 in ring ; repeat from * 4 times more, ch 4, 1 long t (thread over 4 times) joined in ring, crochet off by twos. .'(/ round — Ch 1, 3 d over long t, * eh 3. picot of 4, ch 3, 3 d over next long loop; repeat from * 4 times more, ch 3, p, 1 t in first d at beginning of round. jd round — Ch 3, 3 t over t (work across the t as over a ch), * ch 7, 4 t (over ch close to p). ch 3, 4 t (over ch after p) ; repeat from * 3 times, ch 4, 4 t, ch 2, 4 t, ch 4, 4 t. ch 2, 1 t joined in first st at beginning of round. 4th round — Ch 3, 4 t over t below (work across t), * ch 9, make a shell (4 t, ch 3. 4 O over 3 ch ; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 4, 2 d over ch, 3 d over 4 t, 2 d over ch, 3 d over 4 t, 2 d nver ch, ch 4, 4 t over ch at starting point, ch 2, 1 t joined to top st of 3 eh. 5th round' — Ch 3, 3 t over t that lies below, * ch 10. shell over Doii-v. See page 39 36 shell; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 4, -' il over 4 ch, 12 el over u d, 2 '1 over next ch, 4 ch, 4 il over ch, 2 ch, 1 t (this 1 finishes the round by joining at top of 3 ch). 6th round — Ch 3, 3 t over t that lies belcfw, * ch 11, shell over shell; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 4. 2 d over ch, 16 d over 16 d, _• il over next ch, ch 4, 4 t over ch, ch 2, 1 t joined at top of 3 ch. fth round — Ch 3, 3 t over t below, * ch 7, si over four chains below, leaving the St loose, ch 7. shell over shell; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 4, J d over ch, 20 d over 20 (1, _• d over next ch, ch 4. 4 t ovei ch, ch 2, 1 t joined at top of 3 ch. 8th round — Ch 3, 3 t over t below, ch 3, 4 1 over same t, * shell over 7 ch, shell over next 7 ch, shell over shell ; repeat from * 3 times more, after last shell ch 4, 2 (I over ch, 24 el over _'4 d, -! d over next ch, ch 4, and 1 t to starting point. 9U1 r u n d — 3 d over 4 t, * ch 4. I d over ch, ch 4, 1 d over same ch, ch 4, 3 d over 4 t, x d over next 4 t (block); repeat from * around, after last shell ch j. 2 d over ch, 28 il over 28 d, 2 d over next ell, ch 4. ■ ■in with 1 d over middle of first block of 4. wth round * 5 d over first ch. 5 (1 r, v e r second ch, 5 (1 over third ch, 1 d ovei middle of block of 4, 1 d over middle of next block; repeat from * around, after last shell ch 4. . er 2 d, 28 d, turn, si into second d, -'4 d (taking up one thread), turn, si into second d, 20 d, turn, si into second d. [6 d, turn, si into second d, \2 d, turn as before, * d, turn. 4 d. turn, si into second d over next d To join the scallops, when the lasl I 10th ) one is made, without breaking thread, * ch 3 (as 1 ti. 7 t in -1 at point (work under two threads), 3 t in -pace at each turn. 3 t over second of 2 d, ch 1. 1 d in third of 5 d, ch I, .5 t joined through third of next 5 d and through the corresponding 11 on another scallop, reverse this work fur the lirst half mi" second scallop; repeat From :: . making 8 t 11 h point, ami join at top of 3 ch. 2d round— ' I' 3. 1 t, * ch 1. 1 t, ch 1,1 1 ; repeat from * around, joining trebles, '".•! each ••(" 8 t. -between groups ni .; t. in middle oi 3 t. over 1 ch,— over 1 eh and in middle of .; t at joining of 2 scallop Cut a circle of paper (13 inches in diameter 1. pin to linen and place border around with points touch- ing evenlj around the circle. Dot lightly with pencil around each scallop, fold and cut ' 1 -inch outside dots. Baste a tiny hem and crochet 3 d over hem, the groups 1 j inch apart and 3 d joined in same place. Overcast the crochet border to this finish on the linen. Figure 74. Luncheon Set. Materials. — Number jo crochel cotton, No. o steel crochet needle and linen for centres. 1st round — Into rolled hem make trebles, with 2 ch between, having a num- ber of open meshes divi- sible by 8. id round- — * Ch3 (as 1 t), 3 t over mesh, d r a wing thread through first J sts "1 each t, leaving 2 sts on hook each time, thro ad over and d r a w through all 5 sts at once (this will be called group of 4 t) ch 3. m i s s on e mesh, group of 4 t over next mesh, ch 3, miss one mesh, group of 4 t over next mesh, cli 3, miss one mesh, dt 1 iver next mesh, ch 7, dt over same mesh, ch 3; repeat from *, joining with si in top of lirst group. 3d round — SI into next 3 ch ch 3 (as 1 1),3 1 o\ er same mesh I gn mp of |t joined as before), -ch 3., group of 4 t ovei n< 1 mesh. * ch 2. dt with 1 ch between over 7 ch, ch -'. group of 4 t over next ch, ch 3, group of 4 t over next ch; repeat from * join with si at top of t. 4th round — SI "ii ch, group of 4 t over same ch, ch t, * 8 lit (with 2 ch between) over chs between 9 1, ch 1, group of 4 t over next ch. ch 1; repeat from *. 5th round — * 2 d over I ch. over each 2 ch make (2 d, picot of 1 joined with a si, 2 d), -' d over 1 ch : repeat From *. Figure 7s. Doily. Materials — Number 30 crochet cotton, No. 9 crochet needle. r iG. 78. (i:\iki pin 1 hi Heavy Crash with Bokukr of Carpet Warp See page 39 37 Chain 7, join in a ring. 1st round — Ch I, 17 d in ring, join with si, turn. 2d round — Ch 1, 2 d in back loop of 2d, 2 d in next d to form a point ; repeat until there are 6 points, counting where you join as one point, turn, jd round — Like 2d round, adding 1 d on every point, join with si, turn. 4th, 3th, 6th, and 7th rounds — Like 3d round, turn. 8th round — Ch 5, 1 t in the point, * ch I, miss I, 1 t over next d ; repeat until there are 5 spaces, ch 2, 1 t over same d; repeat from * around, join with si, but do not turn this time, gth round — Ch 1, d on back loop of each st, adding 1 d at each point. 10th to 14th rounds (inclusive) — Like 9th round. 15th round — Like 8th round, having 10 spaces between points, turn. 16th round — Like 15th round, having 11 spaces, turn. 17II1 round — Like 16th round, having 12 spaces, do not turn. 18th round — Like 9th round, adding 1 d at each point; repeat, joining and turning after completing each r o u n d until there are 6 rounds (or 3 ril.s). 24II1 round — Like 8th round, having ^??£f{'i'££ 17 spaces, ch 2 and t t at the points, do not turn. 25th round — L ike 1 8 t h round, join, turn ; repeat until t he r c are 6 rounds. j ist round — Like 24th round, having 22 spaces between points, join, turn. 32d round — Like 31st round, having 23 spaces. 33d round — Like 32d. having 24 spaces. 34th round — Like 25th round, join, turn; repeat until there are 6 rounds, turn. 40th round — Like 31st. having 27 spaces between points, do not turn. 41st round — Like 34th round, join, turn ; repeat tint rounds; this completes the centre. Border — SI over 3 d. * ch 5, miss 3 d. 1 t ; repeat from * until there are 15 spaces, ch 6, miss 5, 1 t; repeat around, join hut do not turn. 2d round — Ch 6, 1 d over middle of space, ch 3, * 3 t over next space, ch 3, 1 d over next space, ch 3 ; repeat from * 6 times more. 5 t over 6 ch, ch 2, 5 t over same ch ; repeat around. 3d round — * Ch 4, si in first of S t, ch 3. si in last of 5 t : repeat from *. 4th Fig. 79 A-B there are 6 Figure 76. Doily. Materials. — Xumber 30 crochet cotton, No. 9 crochet needle. Chain 8, join. 1st round — Ch 3, 17 t in ring. 2d round — Ch 6, t in same st, ch 2, miss 2 sts, t in next, ch 3, t in same st, ch 2; repeat until there are 6 pairs of t with 3 ch between t and 2 ch between pairs of t. jd round — SI under ch, ch 3, 6 t over same ch, ch I, 7 t over next 3 ch. ch 1 ; repeat, /th round — Ch 4, t over next t, ch 1, t over next t, ch 1 ; repeat. $th round — SI under ch. ch 3, t in same place, * ch 1, 2 t over next ch; repeat from * until there are 6 pairs of t, ch 1. miss 1 ch ; repeat from the first of the round. 6th round — Ch S, t over ch, ch 2, t over next ch, ch 2. t over next ch, ch 2, t over same ch, ch 2. t over next ch, ch 2, t over next ch, ch 2, t over next ch ; repeat around, 7th round — Ch 3, t over each st. 8th round — Ch 5, miss 1, t over next, ch 2, miss 1, t over next, ch 2, miss 1, t over next, ch 2, miss 2, * 2 t over next, ch 3, 2 t over same st, * ( fmm * to * is called a shell), ch 2. miss 2, t over next, (ch 2, miss 1, t over next ) 3 times, ch 2, miss 2, t over next, (ch 2, miss 1, t over next ) 3 limes, ch 2, miss 2, shell over next st ; repeat from last shell around. t/th r o u 11 d — SI across four meshes, * make 2 shells (with 3 ch between shells) over shell, ch 2, t over second ch, (ch 2, t over next ch ) 7 times, ch 2 ; repeat from *. 10th round — SI under ch, * shell over shell. 3 t over 3 ch, ch 3. 3 t over same ch, shell over shell, ch 2, t over second ch, (ch 2, t over next ch) 6 times, ch 2; repeat from *. nth round— -SI st under ch, shell over shell. 3 t over 3 ch. ch 3. r t over same ch, ch 3. 1 t over same, ch 3. 3 t over same, shell over shell, ch 2, t over second ch. ( ch 2, t t over next ch) 5 times, ch 2: repeat. 12th round— S\ under ch, shell over shell, 3 t over 3 ch. ch 3, 3 t over same, ch 3. 3 t over next 3 ch, ch 3, 3 t over same, ch 3. 3 t over next 3 ch, ch 3. 3 t over same, shell over shell, ch 2, t over second ch, (ch 2, t over next Crocheted Water Set See page 40 6th, 8th, and wth rounds— Like 2d round. 5th, 7th, ch) 4 times, ch 2; repeat. 13th round— SI under ch, 9th, and nth rounds— Like 3d round. [2th round— SI shell over shell, 6 t over 3 ch. ch 2, 6 t over next to middle of ch. ch 2. picot of j, ch 2, si to middle ch, ch 2, 6 t over next ch, ch 2, 6 t over next of next ch; repeat around. The number of solid bands ch, ch 2, 6 t over next ch, shell over shell, ch 2, and open rows may be increased if one chooses. t over second ch. ( ch 2. t over next ch ) 3 times, 38 ch -\ shell over shell; repeal around. ; /tli round — SI under of miss _'. ytli round — SI across tn ch -', shell over shell, 3 t over under ch, shell 4, t over next tn shell, shell t over second next ch, ch repeat around. 16th round- hike 15th, but there are only ( _' ch, 1 t, 2 ch) between scallops. IJth round — Like 15th, but shell meets shell without ch between. iStli round — SI under ch, ch 5, picot of 5 joined with d, ch 2. t over next ch, * ch 2, picot of 5, ch 2, t over next ch; repeat from * around. Figure 77. Doily. Materials. — Like Fig. 76. Chain 48. 1st round — Turn, t in _| t h st from needle. 1 t in each st of ch except the last st, 7 t in last st : this will work around the end and give the first t of the second side of ch, t in each st except the last, 6 t in last st and join with si. 2d round — Ch 6, t in st at beginning of 6 ch, * ch 8, miss 10, t in next, ch 3, t in same; repeat from * 3 times more, ch 3, miss 2, t in next, ch 3, t in same, ch 3, miss 2, t in next, ch .?, t in same. Work along the second side and around the end in the same way. ;d round — Ch 3, 6 t over 3 ch, * ch S, 7 t o\ it next 3 ch : repeat from * around, making but 2 ch at the ends instead of 5 ch. Jth round — Ch 4, t over t. * ch 1. t over t: repeat from * until there are 7 t, ch 3 between fans on the sides and ch I between at the ends. 5th round — SI under ch, ch 3, t over same ch, ch 1, * 2 t over next ch, ch 1 ; repeat from * 4 times more, ch 1, miss ch below ; repeat. 6th round — Ch 5, t over first ch, * ch 2, t over next ch ; repeat from * around, widening 3 times at each end between fans, and in middle of fan at each end, add one more 2 ch and t over same ch. ylli round — Ch 3, t over each st. 8th round — SI over 8 t, ch .3. make 2 shells of 2 t each (with 2 ch between) in the same st. ch 3 between shells, ch _'. (miss 2, t over next, ch 2) 10 times, making 1 1 open meshes ; repeat making 8 groups of double shells; at the ends miss one instead Fig. 80. Doily. See page 41 Fig. 81. Plate Doily. See page 41 — SI under ch, shell over shell, 3 t over 3 ch, ch 3, 3 t over same, ch 3, 3 t over next 3 ch, ch ,i, .? t over next 3 ch, ch 3, 3 t over same ch, shell over shell, * ch 2, t over second ch ; repeat making 7 open meshes; at the ends make 3 triple shells, there are 2'j on the sides. 13th round — SI under ch, shell over shell, 6 t over ch, ch 2, 6 t over next 3 ch, ch 2, 6 t over next ch, ch 2, 6 t over next ch, shell over shell, ch 2, 6 open meshes: there will be 5 groups of 6 t at the end, 4 groups on sides. ljth round — SI under ch, shell over shell, ch 4, * t over middle of group of 6 t, ch 4, t over 2 ch, ch 4 ; repeat from * to shell, shell over shell, ch 2, 5 open meshes, ch 2, shell over shell; repeat around. I$th, 16th, i/tli, and ifstli rounds — Like 14th round except the 4 ch meshes increase one each round, and the 2 ch between scallops decrease one each round, lyth round — Like last round of Fig. 76. Figure 78. Centre- piece. Materials. — About 1 reel carpet warp, crash, and No. 8 crochet needle. Stitch a narrow hem on the crash by machine, over which work a round of doubles, followed by two rounds of meshes of 5 ch each; in the first of these two rounds miss 2 d of the first round, join- ing with (1 in the next st : in the next round of 5 ch meshes (3d round), join with d over ch of mesh below. 4th round — * 3 t joined in d between first 2 meshes, d over middle of next ch, ch 5, d over next ch ; repeat from *. 5th round — Meshes of 5 ch joined with d in middle t. or over middle of 5 ch mesh. 6th round — * 3 d over middle of first mesh, ch 4, d over next ch, ch 5, d over next ch. ch 5, d over next ch, ch 4 ; repeat from * around ; this makes 4 meshes between groups of 3 d ; the mesh each side of 3 d is 4 ch, the other two of 5 ch 39 each, yth round — Add 2 d each side of 3 d, making 7 d in group and 3 open meshes. 8th round — Add 2 d each side of 7 d, making 1 1 d in group and two open meshes. gth round — Add 2 d each side 1 1 d making 15 d in group and one open m e s h between. Commencing with the 10th round, decrease 2 d on each side of the group, which will add an extra mesh between groups until in the 12th round there are only 3 d. On each side of the group of d in the diamond make a mesh of 4 ch, when the diamond is finished make meshes of 5 ch. 12th round — * Ch 5, d over first mesh, ch 4, 3 d over next mesh, ch 4, d over next mesh, ch 5, miss 2 d, 3 d over 3 d ; repeat from * ; in this round there are 3 d of the first row of diamonds, 2 open meshes and 3 d starting the second row of diamonds ; increase as before, 2 each side of group of d until there are 15 d, then decrease until there are only 3 d in the 18th round, igtli round — 5 ch meshes all around, joined with d over middle of mesh. A scallop is formed around the edge by working * 4 t into one mesh, with a picot of 3, joined in first t with d, after the 4th t make another picot and d over next mesh, d over next mesh (without ch), picot; repeat from *. Figure 79A. Water Set. Materials.— Number 70 or 100 crochet cotton, and No. 14 crochet needle. To make the four-inch Tumbler Doily — Ch 11, join to form a ring. 1st round — Ch 5, * thread over 3 times, join through ring, work off by twos * : repeat between * and work off together the 3 sts remaining on hook, and hold with snug ch st, ** ch 3, * thread over 3 times, join through ring, work off by twos, * repeat between single * twice and work off together the 4 sts remaining on hook, and hold with snug ch st as before, **; repeat between ** until ring is filled there being eleven groups of Cluny sts. 2d round — Ch 5, * 5 d on 3 ch of preceding round, ch 2, * ; repeat between * until round is finished, using the first 3 st of the ch of 5 at beginning for the last d, thus bringing the thread into correct place. ,?d round — Ch 5 (as 1 st of Cluny group), complete the group with 4 Cluny sts (3 loops) all joined under 2 ch loop, ch 8. * Cluny group of 5, ch 8; repeat from * around. 4th round — 9 d over each ch of 8. 3th round — Ch 6, miss 2 d, t over next d, ch 3; repeat around, join with si in third st of 6 ch. 6th round — 4 d over each 3 ch. yth round — Like 3d round, except that there are 7 ch between Cluny groups and one group of 5 Cluny sts over each group below, and one group half way between groups. 8th round — 8 d over each ch. gth round — Like 3d round, each group directly above group below and ch 10 between, joth round — Eleven ■tail ok Fig. 83 Affil Fig. 83. Doily. See Fig. 82 and page 42 Fig. 8*4. Doily. See page 42 d over each ch. nth round — Ch 6, * miss 2, t over next st, ch 3; repeat from *. 12th round — 3 d over each ch. ijth round — Ch 10, 1 dt joined above t, ch 3, 1 dt in same st. * 1 dt (miss 6 d) joined between d over second t, 1 dt in same st, ch 3, 1 dt in same st ; repeat from * over alternating t. i/th round — SI to middle of first loop, * ch 5, si into middle of next loop, ch 3, si into middle of next loop; repeat from *. This completes the four-inch Tumbler Doily. Figure 79B. Carafe Doily. The Carafe or Water Pitcher Doily is eight inches in diameter, and is made like the smaller one until twelve rounds are completed. Then proceed as follows. 13th round — Like 7th round, with 5 ch between groups. i-lth round — 6 d over each ch. 15th round — Like 9th round, group above group, with 6 ch between groups. 16th round — 7 d over each ch. 17th round — Like 15th round, witli 8 ch between groups. iSth round — 9 d over each ch. wth round — Like nth round. 20th round — 3 d over each ch. 21st round — Like nth 40 Fig. 86. Detail of round. JJd round— 3 <1 over each ch. 23d round — Like [3th round, joining groups of Clunj over everj third t instead of alternate t. and 8 ch between, 24th round — 9 d over each ch. 25th round- Like 23d round except that each group is directly above a group and 1 1 ch between. 26th round— 12 d over each ch. 27th round— Like nth round. 28th round — Like t2th round. sgtli and 30th rounds — Like 13th and 14th rounds in smaller doily. Figure 80. Doily. Ma- terials. — Number 50 crochet cotton. No. 12 crochet needle. Chain 5, join in a ring. isl round — * Ch 5. d in ring; repeat from * 4 times more, making live loops. 2d round — SI to second of first 5 ch, (each round to the 22A is started with this si, and it will he understood by 2 si), ch 1 (as I d), 2 d over same loop, ch 3, * 3 d over next loop, ch 3 ; repeat from * around. 3d round — 2 si, ch 1, d over next d, 3 d over loop, ch 3, * miss 1 d, 2 d over 2 d, 3 d over loop, ch 3 ; repeat from * around ; ( if there is any difficulty' in rinding the beginn i n g of the round, this simple method Fig. 85. Small Doily. See page 43 mav be a,lo P ted ■ — tie a thread of contrasting color to the centre and run through the last loop of 3 in each round). .///; round — 2 si,. ch 1, 3 d i.ver 3 d, .1 d over loop (making 7 d in all), ch 3, * miss I d. 4 (1 over 4 d. 3 d over loop, ch 3; repeat, j'h round — 2 si. ch I, 5 d over 5 d. 3 (1 over loop, ch 3, * miss 1 d. 6 d over 6 d. 3 d over loop, ch 3; repeal from *. 6th round — 2 si. ch 1, 7 d nver 7 d. 3 d over loop, ch 3, * :i ■ i d, 8 il over 8 d, 3 d over loop, cb 3; repea from *. ~th '•' nth rounds (inclusive) — Like 6th round; there will be 2 more d in the 5 groups of each round; the 7th round will have 13 d and the nth round 21 d in each group round — 2 si, ch r, 18 il over in d. ch 5, d over loop, ch 5, * miss 1 d. in d over 10 d, ch 5. d over loop, ch 5; repeat from *. 13th round — 2 si, ch 1. 16 d over 16 d, ch 5, d over first loop, ch 5. d over next loop, ch 5, * miss 1 d, 17 d over 17 d. 3 meshes of 5 , ii ; repeat from *. Work in this way to the 21st round, 2 d less in a group and one 5 ch mesh more in each round. 21st round — * n njeshes of ; ch, 1 d over loop ; repeat from *. 22d round — SI to middle of 5 ch loop, * ch 5, d over next loop; repeal from *. 23d round — SI to middle of loop, * ch 7. d over next loop; repeat from *. 24th round — SI to second si of loop, ch 3 (as 1 t), 3 t over saute li »>p, * 4 t ovei next loop; repeat from *, join with si. 25th round — Ch 3. 4 t in 1 t (where joined), * 5 t in first t of next block; repeat from * and join neatly with si. Jiilh round — Like 25th round. 2fth round — Like 25th, except put 6 t instead of 5 t. 28th round — Ch 4 las 1 dt). 1 dt over next st, ch 2 * miss 1, 2 dt over 2 t. ch 2 ; repeat from *. 29th round — T over each st all around ; there should be 440 sts in this round, as there are 20 sections of 22 sts each. 30II1 round — Ch 3, 2 t over 2 t, ch 5, miss 5, 9 d over 9 sts, ch 5, miss 5, * 3 t over next 3 st, ch 5, miss 5. 9 d over 9 d, ch 5; repeat from *. 31st round— Ch 3. t in same st, ch. 3. miss 1, 2 t in next st, ch 5, miss I d, 7 d over 7 d. ch 5, * 2 t over one t, ch 3. miss 1, 2 t over one t, ch S, miss 1 d, 7 d over 7 d, ch 5; repeat from *. 32d rouud^Ch 3, t in same st, ch 3, t over next loop, ch 2, t over same loop, ch 3, 2 t over 2 t. ch 5, miss 1 d. 5 d over 5 d, ch 5, * 2 t over 2 t, ch 3, t over next loop, ch 2, t over same loop, ch 3, 2 t over 2 t. ch 5, miss 1 d, 5 d over 5 d, ch 5; repeat from *. 33d, 34th, and 35th rounds —Like 32d, with 2 less d in each group of doubles, and one more 3 ch mesh each side of the point. Figure 81. Doily. Materials. — Number 30 crochet cotton, :het needle. FlC. 87. DOILY. See Fig. So and pave 43 41 Chain 8, join in a ring. 1st round — Ch I, 20 d over the ring, join. 2d round — Ch 3, 24 t over 20 d, join with si. 3d round — Ch 1, 28 d over 24 t. 4th round — Ch 3, 38 t over 28 d. 5th round — Ch 1, 46 d over 38 t. 6th round — Ch 1, 54 d over 46 d. /Ih round — Ch 5, miss 1 d, * t over next d, Fig. 88. Doily. See page 44 ch 2, miss 1 d ; repeat from * making 2; t. Sth round — Ch 1, d over each st. widening enough to keep work perfectly flat. Qth round — Like 8th round, widen occasionally in all rounds of d to keep the work flat. 10th, 13th, 16th, igth, and 22d rounds — Like ;th round, nth and 12II1, 1 jth and 15th, 17th and ;Sth, 20th and 21st rounds — Like Sth round. 23d round — (1i i, d over each st : there should be 252 sts in this round, or some multiple of 18. 2 0h round — * IS d over 15 d, ch 5, miss 3 d ; repeat from *. This makes 14 groups of 15 d with 5 ch between : the border is then completed by 2 less d in each round (one at each end of group), and an increase of one 5 ch mesh in each round, joining in middle of 5 ch each time. Figure 83. Doily. Materials. — Number 20 crochet cotton, No. 8 crochet needle. This doily is made in 11 sections, the second attached to the first when finishing the second section. Fig. 82 gives a detail of the work. Chain 6, * thread over 3 times, insert the needle in first ch st, thread over, crochet off by twos until two arc left on the needle; repeat from * once more, then crochet off the last 3 together. Repeat from the first, ch 6, etc., until there are 10 Cluny groups of 3, make a loop of the last four groups and join the last one to the 6th group with 1 d, make 2 more Cluny groups (6 ch, 2 long t 1, and join with d to top of 4th group, 2 more groups and join to top of second group, 2 more groups and join to first ch st. Now work around the groups as follows : 1st row — Ch 10, d in top of first group, ch 12, d in top of third group, ch 12, d in top of 5th group, ch 12, d in top of seventh group, ch 10, d at end of 8th group, ch 10, d after 9th group, ch 12, d after nth group, ch 12, d after 13th, ch 12, d after 15th, ch 10, d after last group. 2d row— Ch 4, * (1 t, ch 1, 3 t, ch 2, 3 t, ch 1, 1 t) over 10 ch; repeat from * in each of three 12 ch loops, over the next 10 ch loop make (1 t, ch 1, 3 t, ch 2, 3 t. ch 2, 3 t), ch 3, and make the same over the next 10 ch loop; over three 12 ch loops and one 10 ch loop work as on the first side, turn. 3d row — Ch 5, * 1 t over 1 ch, ch 3, (2 t with 1 ch between, ch 3. 2 t with I ch between) over 2 ch, ch 3, 1 t over 1 ch ; repeat from * 3 times more, 1 t over 1 ch, ch 3, ( 2 t with 1 ch between, ch 3, 2 t with 1 ch between) over 2 ch, ch 3, 2 t with 1 ch between over 2 ch, ch 3, (2 t with 1 ch between, ch 3, 2 t with 1 ch between) over 3 cli at point, ch 3, 2 t with 1 ch between over 2 ch, ch 3, 1 t over 1 ch, work next 4 groups as first 4 groups, ch 5, si to beginning, turn. 4th row — Ch 5, 1 t over 3 ch, * ch 3, 1 t over 1 ch, picot of 4 joined with d, 4 t (with picot after each ) over 3 ch, I t over 1 ch, ch 3, 1 d between 2 t; repeat from * all around, ch 5 and join with si at starting point. This completes one section; make 10 more, joining them together at the middle picots of the last three groups. After the 11 sections are completed and joined to form a circle, fasten the thread at the last picot, * ch 4, d into loop at lowest point of section, ch 4, 2 long t (thread over 3 times) into 6 ch at starting point, ch 4. d into loop at lower point, ch 4, d into first picot of first group, ch 4, d into last picot of last group on next section ; repeat from *; this makes a ch to sew to the linen centre. Figure 84. Doily. Materials. — Number 30 crochet cotton and No. 8 crochet needle. On the rolled edge of a four-inch centre of linen, work 176 d. 2d round — Ch 4 (3 ch as 1 t ), miss 1 st, * 1 t, ch 1, miss 1 ; repeat from * mak- ing 88 meshes, join with si. 3d round — * Ch 3. 1 d over I ch ; repeat from *. 4th round — * 4 dt, ch 5, miss 2 meshes, 9 d (3d over each mesh), ch s, miss 2 ffiiitfU <~$M Doily. See Fig. 90 and page 44 meshes; repeat from *. sth round — * 6 dt over 4 dt (-' over tirst. 2 over 2, and 2 over 4th), ch 6, miss 1 d. - d over 7 d, ch 6; repent from * 'ilh round — * 4 dt (2 over first, 2 over 2) over 3 dt, ch 5, 4 dt over 3 dt (2 over 2, 2 over last). ch 5, mi*-- 1 d. 5 d over 5 d, eli 3; repeat from *. ylli round — 4 dt over 4 dt, ch 5, 1 dt over ch, eli 5, 1 dt over same ch, ch 5. 4 dt over 4 dt, ch 8, miss I d, 3 d over 3 d, ch 8; repeat. Sth round — 4 dt over 4 dt, ch 5, 1 (It in second d, ch 5, 4 dt over 4 dt. ch 5, 1 dt over ch, ch 5, 1 dt over next ch, ch 5, 1 dt over same ch, ch 5. 1 dt over next ch, ch 5, 4 dt over 4 dt; repeat. gth round 4 dt over 4 dt, picot loop of (ch 4, picot of 5, ch 4). 1 dt over ch, picot loop, dt over next ch, picot loop, dt over next ch, picot loop, dt Over same ch, picot loop, dt Over next ch, picot loop, dt over next ch, picot loop, 4 dt over 4 dt, ** 1 dt. join to opposite dt with si; repeat from ** 3 times: repeat from * around and join with si. Figure 85. Doily. Materials. — Number 50 crochet cotton, Xo. 9 crochet needle. Fig. 90. Detail of Fig. 89 Make linen centre 3-J4 inches in diameter, but- tonhole edge or cover closely with double crochet. 1st round — * i t, ch 5; repeat from *, making 54 t around. 2d round — Ch 3, 5 t over 5 ch, * 6 t over next ch ; repeat from *, join with si. jd round — Ch 3. 2 t over 2 t, ch 4. miss 3 t, * 3 t over 3 t. ch 4. miss 3 t; repeat from *, join with si. ./,'/; round — SI over 3 t and on ch, ch 3, 2 t over ch, ch 4, * 3 t over next ch, ch 4 ; repeat from * and join with sl. 5//1 round — Make 16 d over 2 threads of padding cord and into each st. ch 9. miss 10 d and join with sl hack in 6th d. 13 d over g ch loop, 5 d over padding cord and into 5 sts. turn. * ch 2, miss 1 d of 13 d. 1 t; repeat from * 5 times more, ch 2, sl in 5th st from ch loop, turn, make (3 d. ch 4. I di over every 2 ch loop around scallop; repeat from beginning of ;th round. Figure 87. Doily. Materials. — Number 50 crochel on, No. 12 crochet needle. The rose medallions are nrst made, as follows: Ch 12. join to form a ring. Fig. 86 gives a detail of the work. Fig. 91. Doily. See Fig. 92 and page 45 1st round—* 1 d. 5 t, 1 d in ring; repeat from * 5 times, making 6 petals, jd round—* Ch 5, d in d at hack of petal; repeat 3 times. .; "<•'•• -;».(.!• .'-' Ik! Ij : •sfc^fffcsSaf J; •: • ',"!* ! w. :' *': • ;•» ■!:"•';< : ^ , , ft \ ,-,, r ( v «:f i v - $ t v - evil's; Fig. 93. Doily. See detail Fig. 94 and page 45 work 3 t in second mesh on the second medallion. ch 4, 3 t over next mesh; continue this all around, si to first group of 3 t. 2d round — SI to middle of 4 ch between groups, * ch 3, one Cluny group of 3 sts over next 4 ch, ch 4, I d over same ch, ch 4, 2 dt over same ch, ch 4, I d over same ch, ch 4, Cluny group of 3 dt over same ch, ch 3, d over next mesh, ch 5, d over next mesh ; repeat from * twice, and repeat from beginning on each medallion. On the inside of medallions work towards centre as follows : 1st round — Join thread to mesh next joining, ch 4, 2 dt (one Cluny group of 3) over same mesh, ch 5, d over next mesh, 4 more 5 ch meshes, ch 5, Cluny group of 3 over last mesh, * Cluny group of 3 over next mesh, ch 5, d over next mesh, 4 more 5 ch meshes, ch 5, Cluny group of 3 over last mesh ; repeat from * around. 2d round — SI to middle of mesh, ch 5, d in every mesh around, sd lo 8th rounds (inclusive) — Like the second, of 5 ch meshes. gth and 10th rounds — SI to middle of mesh, ch 5, t Fig. 94. Detail of Fig. 93 over next mesh, * ch 3, t over next mesh ; repeat from *. Figure 88. Doily. Materials. — Number 70 crochet cotton, No. 14 crochet needle, and linen centre about 3J/2 inches in diameter. Chain 8, join with si. 1st round — Ch 10, (.1 dt in ring, ch 5) 7 times, join with si in 5th st of ch. 2d round — 8 d over each 5 ch, join each round with si. 3d round — Ch 3, 1 t over each d, taking both loops of st. 4th round — Ch 5, 2 dt (leaving last loop of each on needle and working oft 3 together), ch 6, * miss one, group of 3 dt (combined or Cluny sts) over next 3 sts, ch 6; repeat from *. $th round — 8 d over each ch. 6th round — SI over .; d. ch 3, 11 t on next 11 t, ch 5, * miss 4 d, 12 1 cm 12 t, ch 5; repeat from * 77/j round — Ch 3, 11 t on ! i t, ch 5, 1 d over 5 ch, ch 5, 1 j t on 1 J t, ch 5, 1 d, ch 5; repent from *. .S7/i round — Like 7th round, having three 5 ch loops between groups of 12 t. gth round — SI over 2 t, ch ,i. 7 t on 7 t, (ch 5, 1 d on next ch) 3 times, ch 5, * miss 2 t, 8 t on 8 t, four 5 ch loops; repeat. 10th round — SI over 2 t, ch 3, 3 t on 3 t, ( ch 5, 1 d on next ch ) 4 times, ch 5, * miss 2 t. 4 t on 4 t, five s-ch loops ; repeat. This completes one medallion; make a second one, and after the fourth t on the sixth ray of star, join to first medallion as follows: Ch 2, 1 d in 5 ch after 4 t on a ray of first medallion, ch 2, 1 d in next 5 ch on second medallion; repeat the 2 ch, joining alternately to the 5 ch loops until the last loops before the next rays are joined, ch 2, miss 2 t, 4 t on 4 t, ch S, etc., finish out the round and fasten. Make 5 more medallions and join in the same way, joining the seventh medallion (between the third and fourth rays of last round) to the first; and making the fifth and sixth rays, then join to the sixth medallion as before. Outer Edge — Make 5 ch loops all around, joining in loops below with 1 d; there is one exception, after last d on 2 ch of one medallion omit the 5 ch, making 1 d on 2 ch of next medallion. 2d round — 8 d over each ch. jrf round — SI over 2 sts, make a group of 3 Cluny sts, (as in 4th round), miss 4 sts, group of 3 Cluny sts; repeat from * around one medallion, make the group of Cluny on first 3 sts of next medallion without the usual ch of 6 between it and the preceding group. 4th round — (4 d. p of 5, 4 d) over each ch. Inner Edge — One d in loop after 4 t in centre ray, make loops of 5 ch in each of next 4 loops; after making d in last loop before 4 t, make a long t (3 loops) in the first joining d, t d in first 5 ch loop on next medallion ; repeat around. 2d round— 5 d over each ch. jd round — SI over 2 sts, ch 7. 1 dt (2 loops) in middle d of next loop, ch 4, 1 long t (S loops) worked off as follows: Join in middle st of next loop, crochet off two, and two, thread over twice, join in middle st of second loop of next medallion, crochet off two, and two, crochet off three, work off the remaining loops by twos, ch 4, 1 long t in next loop, ch 4, 1 dt in next, ch 4, 1 t in loop over 4 t ; repeat around. Figure 89. Doily. — This doily measures 4^ inches in diameter, the linen measures 2H inches. 44 Materials. — Number io crochet cotton and crochet needle of uniform thickness the whole length, about the size of No. [0. The larger working model Fig. 90, is made of No. _• crochet cotton and a fine bone needle used for Afghan stitch. The directions will be given for making this edge, which is worked back and forth and joined to a chain at the inner line, see Fig. go. The same work can he made around a linen centre, with close double crochet Vs-inch deep finishing the linen. Chain 10 sts for every point to he made and ch 10 in addition for the side of the first point, picot of 4 joined with d. ch I, turn, (it will be noticed that in turning one works back and forth but does not turn the work; it is all done from the right side like Afghan stitch 1. * thread over twice (as for dt), join in second ch st from picot and crochet off two loops only, leaving the others on the needle, make from * 4 times altogether, 1 t in the second ch st ; crochet off by twos until only one remains on the needle, this completes the first row. 2d row — Picot of 4 joined with d, ch t, * thread over twice, join in first dt below, crochet off two loops only; repeat from * over each dt, and the fifth time join around the t of last row, 1 t into second ch st. crochet off by twos as before. Continue until there are 5 picots, and the row of dt following the 5th picot is finished, picot, I t over dt, picot, 1 t over dt, etc., alternate picots and trebles until there are 5 t and 6 picots (counting the one at the point) ; then make 4 dt. crocheting off two loops of each and leaving the rest on tlie needle. 1 t into second ch ; repeat from the beginning of second row. The pattern is completed in 6 rows, but the lower part of the 6th row cor- responds with the lirst row of the first point. In the doily (Figure 89, page 42) there are 7 rows to each point, and but 3 dt are made in the first row, 4 dt in the second, 5 in the third, 6 in the fourth, 7 in the fifth, 8 in the sixth, and 6 t and » Fig. 96. Detail of Fig. 95 Fig. 95. Doily. See Fig. 96 and page 46 3 dt in the 7th row. One could vary the count indefinitely, but the principle remains the same. — dts, crocheted off once, while the other loops are left on the needle to be crocheted off in twos. The curve may be varied by the joining in. the chain or edge of linen ; joined very closely makes a small circle, joined every second ch or st makes a larger circle, and joined every third ch or st will make a straight edging. Figure 91. Doily. Materials. — Number 20 crochet cotton and No. 8 crochet needle. 1 lollies with this edge may be made in various sizes if the number of d in first round is a multiple of eight. For the one illustrated mark linen inches in diameter, machine stitch a quarter of an i'lch from the line ; lengthen stitch, and without thread stitch back of stitching to form a row of holes to crochet into; cut out on the line and d into every hole made by the needle, making the number of d divisible by 8, join with si. 1st round — * Ch 5, Cluny group of dt made in this way, — thread over twice, join in first ch st, crochet off 2, and 2, thread over twice, join in same st, crochet off by twos; repeat from *, 1 d in 8th d; repeat from first of round. 2d round — Ch 6. d between first two Cluny groups, make 2 groups (as from * to * in 1st round), d between next 2 groups. 1 Cluny group. * ch 12, turn hook up over thread back and si to point between 1st and 2d groups oi 2d round, cover 12 ch with (4 d. picot of 5 joined by si, 4 d. picot, 4 d, picot, 4 d), 1 Cluny group, d between next two groups of 1st round, 1 Cluny group; repeat from *. Join the last Cluny group with si to finish the round, ch 6. d between 1st and 2d groups, ch 12 and cover as before. Fig. 92 shows a detail of the work. Figure 93. Doily. — This combination of square medallions is recommended for a variety of uses, since it can be made in any length or width. Its use for yokes, all-over laces, centrepieces, and doilies 45 any required size, insertion or edging will prove sat- isfactory. It works out beautifully in crochet cotton Nos. 70 and too, and coarser threads are equally effective. Use a crochet needle to suit the size of cotton. (See cover design and page 48.) Each little square is made separately and joined to the others in working. The first square is made as follows : Ch 8, join with si. 1st round — Ch 3 (as it). 15 more t in the ring, join with si to 3 ch. 3d round — Ch 4, 15 t (with 1 ch between) over 15 t below, join with si in third of 4 ch. 3d round — SI once into first ch, ch 8, I t over same ch, ch 5, * miss one mesh, 1 t in next mesh, ch 5, 1 t in same mesh, ch 5, repeat from * to * around, join with si in third of 8 ch. 4th round — SI once on first ch, cli 3, 4 t over first mesh, 4 t over next mesh, 5 t over next mesh, ch 8, miss one mesh, * 5 t over next mesh. 4 t over next mesh, 5 t over next mesh, ch 8 * ; repeal from * to * for the two remaining sides, join witli si and fasten thread. The next square is made in the same manner until the block of 14 t is finished on the third side of the Fig 97. Doily. See page 46 last row of the square, then proceed as follows : Ch 4, join with si to middle of 8 ch on first medallion, cli 4. miss one mesh, 5 t over next mesh, join to cor- lesponding st on first medallion, 4 t over next mesh, join to corresponding st on first medallion, 5 t over next mesh, ch 4, join with si to middle of 8 ch on first medallion, ch 4, si to beginning of round (see detail, Fig. 94). Medallions may be joined to others on two, three, or four sides in the same way. Forty- eight medallions are joined in the doily, and 3 rounds of crocheting surround the whole. 1st round — (1 t. eh 1) over every other st, making 5 t with 1 ch be- tween, in each corner. 2d round — (2 t, ch 2) over every other mesh, except at corners, where 2 t are worked in every mesh. 3d round — I t in every st all around. Figure 95. Doily. Materials. — No. 40 or 50 crochet cotton and No. 12 crochet needle. Knot stitch (k) is used in this very handsome doily. To make a knot, draw out the st on needle until it is about % inch long, catch working thread and draw through st, insert needle in front of long st and under the thread which was drawn through and make I d. To make a scallop, ch 15, join. 1st row— 30 d over ring, join. 2d row— Ch. 15, d in same st from which ch started, ch 15, d in next st, * ch 15, d in same d, ch 15, d in next d; repeat from * until there are 20 loops, miss the rest of the ring, ch 8, turn. 3d row—D in first loop, * ch 4, d in next loop ; repeat from * after last d, ch 5, turn, 4th row—D over first ch of 4, * ch 5, d over next loop; repeat from *, ch S, turn. $th, 6th, and yth rozvs— Like 4th row; after last d of 7th row, ch 1 to turn. 8th row— Make a knot stitch (see above), draw out st and make an- other k, d over next loop, * 2 k sts as before, d over next loop; repeat from *, (there should be 20 of the double k sts), after the last d, turn, gth row — 2 k as before, * d under the 2 threads of next open st and close to k, d in next open st (after k), 2 k; repeat from * turn. 10th, nth, and 12th rozvs — Like 9th; there are now 5 rows of ks, which complete the scallop; make 6 scallops, join them to a linen centre as shown, with edges overlapped. The linen should be hemmed or buttonholed, and the lower edge of scal- lops sewed to it by overcasting the ch and k sts which are on this edge. The open side of the ring is also joined, making the ring flat on that side. Fig- ure 96 gives a detail of the work Figure 97. Doily. Materials. — Crochet cotton No. 30 and crochet needle No. 9. These figures are variously called wheels, pin wheels, or scrolls; in this case we will use the terms wheels and spokes. To Make the Wheel. — Chain 18, join with si, for first spoke ch 21, turn, 1 t in 4th ch, 29 t over ch. ch I, turn, 30 d over 30 t, ch 5, turn, si 6 (taking only back of st), ch 5, si 6, ch 5, si 6, ch 5, si 6, ch 5, si 6, join in third st of centre with si. 2d spoke — Ch 18, join with d to second picot of first spoke, ch 3, turn. 30 t over cli, ch 1, turn, 30 d over 30 t. ch 5, turn, si 6, ch 5, and like first spoke. In the same way make the 3d, 4th, and 5th. When making the 4th picot of the sixth spoke, ch 2, join to point of first spoke with si, ch 2, and finish like the others. Make two such wheels, and when making the last spoke of the sec- ond wheel, join to the first wheel at the first and sec- ond picots. 1st round — Fasten thread in end picot of second spoke from where the wheels are joined, ch 8, d in next picot, ch 8, join to next picot, ch 9. join to picot, ch 8, join, ch 8, join, ch 9, join, ch 8, join, ch 8, join, ch 9, join, ch 10, * long t (thread over 4 times), join, crochet off by twos, leaving 2 on needle, long t (thread over 5 times), join in next picot, long t (thread over 5 times), join in next picot (of second wheel), quad- ruple t (over 4 times), join to next picot; at the end of this stitch draw thread through all 5 on the needle at once *, ch 10, join, ch 8, join ch 9. join, ch S', join, ch 8, join, ch 9, join, ch 8, join, ch 8, join ch 9, join, ch 8, join, ch 8, join, ch 9. join, ch 10, work from * to * once more, ch 10, join, ch 8, join, ch 9, join in second st of first ch. 2d round — Ch 2, d all around in each ch st, join with si in the first st of 2 ch. 3d round — Same as 2d, there should be 248 sts. 4th round — D all around, adding 18 sts (2 at each corner), in this round there should be 266 sts. 5th and 6th rounds — D in each St. 7th round — Ch 4, 2 dt (thread over twice) in next 2 sts, ch 5, miss 4, * 3 dt in the next 3 sts, ch 5, * repeat from * to * around, join with si ; 46 there should be 38 groups of dt. 8th round — Like 2d. gtli round — Ch 2, 10