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Ni 1^ \\^ \ THE LI8BARY ©F OONCRESS, Two OowM Reo£ive« FEB. 24 11902 . 0«P^maHT »TRY /K-^ 3-3- /^c/ 0LA38 CL XXa «l». COPY a Entered according to Act of Congress, in the jear I'.idl, by LEWIS VANDERSLOOT, lu the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. • •••••*•• • 5»« • • •••••••••• ••••• . ••• ,•• .-. • •• ••• ••• ••• .* ;, *i.. ^^^- ' ■ ■ 1 ^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H P 1 l^^j^^ % ''J|JPp'-| ^^HHj^L ^'"'*^wB }V, ^W%-^~ ^^£<^ject matter has been treated carefully and conscientiously ; and the writer has endeavored to be liberal, yet truthful. The orthograjihy and language used in records a century or more old, herein presented, are carefully followed ; likewise, quotations from letters of explanation and information are frequentlj' given as written ; and while, in consequence, portions may appear perhaps somewhat odd, yet they are intelligible, and a certain beauty and attractiveness in their original style and genuine simplicity are thereby preserved. Nearly all German records and correspondence received were written in the German language, which required translations. The services of a Professor of German, of recognized ability, were secured for this purpose, and his careful translations are given verbatim et literatim. The author's acknowledgements are due to so many kind friends for assistance rendered in the production of this volume, that it would manifestly be unjust to name a few and not all. The several and necessary credits, however, are accorded at the proper places. In his eudeavors to obtain, from both stranger and relative, biographical information and necessary particulars, known in many cases to but a few, he has been favored uniformly with prompt responses and willing compliance with requests, which are much appreciated. It is hoped that this volume may be a benefit to many ; that it may recall pleasant recollections of the past ; assist some to the contemplation of nobler sentiments and their elevation to a plane of greater usefulness ; the fostering of a deeper and more general interest for the preservation of our family history ; the promotion of closer and dearer fellowship among ourselves, and, especially, a determination on the part of all of us to emulate the virtues and revere the memory of our worthy ancestors. The Author. Harrisburg, Pa., December, 1001. von der Sloot; Its Derivation and Signification It is distinctly German, and in order to retain its German individuality should be so written. Dr. Richard Seibert, Keeper of the Town Archives at Zerbst, Germany, is authority for the following concerning the meaning of the name : " The name von der Sloot, I derive from s/oot ( Hollandish ), a division ditch ; in German, a small ditch." Inquiry among other German scholars elicits this information : Sloot means a ditch or trench ; aline of demarcation ; a division line enclosing or surrounding something, von means of or from ; and (Icy means the. The earliest mention of the name occurs in connection with the marriage, in USD."), at Barby, Germany, of Rev. Friederich von der Schloth to Miss Marie Judith Braun. From 169") until about the year 17.">0 the name was spelled, variously, von der Schloth, von der Schlots, von der Schlot, von der Schlott, von der Schloot and von der Sloot. Beginning about 17o0 we find it being spelled in the records, very generally, van der Sloot. This mode of spelling continued until about the year ls:!l, after which time the name began to be written, as now. A'andersloot. FRIEDRICH, Friederich, Frederick, peaceable, peaceful, abounding in peace ; German, Fricdc , peace, reich rich, abundant, or abounding in. WILHELM, William ; a defender of many, a potent shield, a strong protector. Names are frequently significant. Some received the name from the circtimstances attending the birth, or from some peculiarity in the history of the family to which he belonged, and sometimes the name had a prophetic meaning. Since Christianity has obtained, most nations have followed the Jews, baptizing and giving names on the eighth day after birth, though this is far from being a uniform practice. Among the Germans, occasionally the child is baptized on the day, or a few days after birth — generally on the first Lord's day after birth. The Germans always retained man}' of the names in vogue prior to the Christian era, and until their conversion to Christianity, which was, in part, as early as the second century, and more general in the eighth century, after which .scripture names were introduced, such as John, Abraham, Joseph, Michael, etc. John .seems to be a favorite name with the Germans. Those who care not about their earthly origin care little as to anything higher. Authentic information and well-ascertained facts and data, as have come into the possession of the writer, regarding the history and genealogy of the Vandersloot ancestors, and relatives of the present day, are herewith presented in chronological order. REV. FRIEDERICH von der Schlotli married, at Barby, on the Elbe River, German}', in Ki!)"), Miss Marie Judith Braun. Miss Braun was born August, 16()7. He is also .spoken of in the records as having been "first Valet to His Serene Highness at Saxo-Barby." The following are the names of their children, with the dates of birth : Sept. 1*1, U)ll(i— Heinrich Albert. July 20, IHIIS— John Ludwig. May 25, 1701 — Friedrich Marius. March — , 1703— FRIEDRICH HEINRICH (Rev. ); died in Zerb.st, Nov. .!(), 17")1. Feby 21, ITO"' — lyouisa Friederike Marie. Sept. 30, 1707— August. Oct. 21, 1709 — Heuriette Albertiue Sophie ; died at Barlty, June 1."), 1716. In a letter from Diaconus M. Reichmann, of Zerbst, dated vSept. 27, 1901, I quote the following : " It will interest you, that the mother of your grand-father Rev. Friederich Heinrich von der Sloot has the maiden name Braun (in). (The in at the end means: Braun — wife. The male part nf the family was called at that time Braun, the female Braunin). He has made notices in the parish-regi.ster of Aken on the Elbe, where he was third pastor of the Reformed congregation in the time from 30th November, 172-'), until the end of March, 1743. But there is only one notice about his own family. This : " ' The fith April, 1742, my dearest mother Marie Judith von der Sloot, born Braunin from the Pfalz ( this is part of the kingdom Bavaria on the river Rhine), has died in the Lord, soft and bles.sed, by apoplexy. In the evening of the eleventh between (i and 7 o'clock in the twilight she has been buried with ringing of all bells, having brought her life blessed in God, on 74 years .S month.' " 1 \ 1 '# liliii. *, .: 1 r. V* < 1 1 .1 /£^ 1 ' 1 /J^^^ « //>; itfMi Ss5 ^ V ■ ' ■p - s 1 '■ a ::r™! fl' M ^^^K ^ '' li - i b[ .'^^^^K| ! ^^H -— -T_ ! ii^ S S 1 1 *^ - • 1 ■ n^MffiJL g " rPflk ,^uB "7- "■^"T B~P n^i * ■ Wu iH ■^■g»' ^^^^^^^■LL. A; .:. 'W.lf*^' >^ '^ffilii 1.1 ■jlW * ; U. Kf^^Lf 'fVK L Bi " ^ 1 ;#%j,j Siiii^B \* /f^m , IW 1 V -Si; \mmwWk i-i|^^P« ?3^'i?iV. ■ 1 1 "^ ^^^1 I^Xau^si^^^^b lU^Bi^n' ' i ll _ 11 ^ H^vM 1^^''^"!'^^ ^ Ml '. lii 1 .,, ' iW^i ..^_^ijter ^im'ii»i »ii '■ m *^' F^ll iumI^ f»» iflP"*^^Bi w- •mmam-.m^^^^' A *^™^' ■^ --^^^i^ >, m Hit^t.'4«fr,« ^^^^^m^^m'^ . .■ fmimmiSmm^ms^ — ^t^ff^'T/^^" 1 Church of St. Nikolai, Zcrbst, Germany. The Altar. (Courtesy of M. Reichmann, Zcrbst). 17U3-1751. REV. FRIEDERICH HEINRICH von der Schlots, son of Rev. Friederich von der vSchloth, was born at Zerbst, Germany, March, ITO.'!. He married, at Zerbst, August 20, 1743 (after the death of his father) Miss Sophia Wilhelmine von Boiler, " the lawful maiden daughter by his first marriage, of the Right Noble Mr. Emmanuel Wilhelm von Boiler, Honorable Treasurer of the Couucil, Senator, and Doctor of Medicine at Zerbst." He was pastor of the Church of St. Nikolai (Reformed), in Zerbst, from April 22, 174.'!, to November 30, 17-")1, according to an oflRcial publication of the history of this church, i.ssued in ISDl. He died, in Zerbst, November 30, 17-">], at •"> P. M., and was buried on the -"Hh of December. The beginning of the history of the Church of St. Nikolai dates about 11 BO. The foundations of the tower are possibly as old as the 11th century. The erection of the church edifice was begun before the year 1432, and finished in 1488. In 1746 there were 3329 communicants, the second largest number on record since 1()24. Through the kindness of M. Reiclimanu, of Zerbst, author and publisher of a work entitled, " The Church and Congregation of St. Nikolai in Zerbst" (a copy of which 1 possess), I am able to present herein photographs of the church in which Rev. von der Schlots preached more than a century and a half ago. Mr. Reichmann also secured for me the following valuable and interesting transcript of official records relating to this ancestor : " l'"riedrich Htinrich van tier Sloot, having been previously lit years minister at Aken on the Elbe (two hours tlistant from Zerbst, in the Prus'^ian Province of Saxony 1 was introduced the 'J".!nd of April, 17-4;!, in Zerbst. Two members of the Council and the two deacons (curates), Wiskot and Ilaupt, went to meet liini at Stentz (a small village on this side of the Elbe). Si.x d lys later lie delivered his first sermon over the text Epistle to the Hebrews, XIII v. 17. The a-semljly was as nu'uerous as ' within the meinor}- of man' was nut seen. The sovereigi Prince Joliauu Ludwii; and his brother, Prince Christian August, attended on his sermon what never had been luppeiied since the Evangelical Cuurcli of Zerbst had been divided. The principality of Aiihalt-Zerbsl and two churches of the town were Lutheran, but the St. Nicolaus parish was Refoined. When the Prince Christian August had — 1 CO CO p Lj 2 w iS — H ►—1 k s w o ■-1- bo pa a, o 3 V- O « {H tn a) ^ cc ■*-» "ca m K o •T3 _-; :: rt 'u cc u ■& 5 s ■^ o "aJ D CA rt u ^ ^ rt ca (M r-* s K in a a! U .2 ty5 si « C3 PQ o be ^ O "3 Zi' •^1 t- '1^ 35 y .S cC oi ^ wi *J 1- m Pu . ? & S -H a> > ? .-' T3 V PQ u l-H .1^ cl *!H — , S o 2 ■^ 0) CC « X ^ u be o J- rt ^ c pa •p 2 l; — ' J 4-> t; ■a 11 o O 4-' W .2 o 11 CO cs C cS I ^ a ■" be o „ •73 o O O U n a cs o V ^ p Q I-. in cs 3 w* w s jj cs _ o o p ■a u ■4-1 CS " S tn ■•-' l-t S t5 ■*-» o O N li ^ c^' a. en ^i • ^ tfi _ai ta ^ 3 - ■" 'C isiH 1^- -4-J ' ' o J3 5 a.si . c V-i ■*-» * ?t ^ r^" s CC o J !-> ^ ;■- 1 § O 1 S 2 «- w -t* ^ « w w .8 ^ - > "o S 2^ £ ^ 1—. 0? '^ H o H-i ■4-t f-i o O P5 P a t3 ., * * P . W _cS tn t- W u tu >— < 05 SQ^P &< 3 O O From a letter, under date Zerbst, August 2.'^, 1900, from Dr. Richard vSiebert, Keeper of the Town Archives, I make the following quotation : "Dear Sir, etc. In answering your favor of the first of August, this year, I humbly honor myself to inform you that after zealous search in the Archives of this town only a series of the pastor's receipts for tribute (rent or interest ) at the Church of St. Nikolai, Kriedrich Heinrich von der Sloot of the years of 1743-1750, and two receipts of Mrs. Wilhelmine Sophie von der Sloot over her son's signature, Friedrich Wilhelni von der Sloot of the Prince Wolfgeug, charitable institution, her stipend quota, of the years 17(io and 17114 were found." " But while the archives are not yet set in order in all its parts, I shall keep in view the matter, and in the event of finding other information, I shall be glad to .send it." M. Reichmann kindly furnished the author the above photograph, with the following informa- tion, dated Zerbst, October 25, 1901 : "It will interest you to have a view of the hou.se wherein your grandfather. Rev. F. H. von der Sloot, lived about eight years. The house is two hundred years or more old, and will be torn down next year to give place for a new building. The church is situated just opposite, on the other side of the children's pleasure-ground." 13 •"--. jg&^^-y:r> • The Market Place and the Government Building, with the Church of St. Nikolai in Background, Zerbst, Germany. (Courtieyof M. Reichmann, Zerbst). Church of St. Nikolai^ Zerbst, Germany. THE BURIAL OF CHRIST, in Gypsum Relief in the Chancel. Courtesy of M. Reichmann, Zerbst). 1744-1803. REV. PHILIPP WILHELM FRIEDRICH van der Sloot, Reformed minister, pastor of Zorn- itz, Poetnitz, Dellnau, Scholitz and Nouendorf, also Conrectors of the Latin school of Dessau, and Professor of Philology in Joachinisthalischen Gymnasia zu Berlin. He was horn in Zerbst, vSeptember 27, 1744, and was baptized by his father, his god-fathers and god-mother being: 1. Emannel Wilhelm von Boiler, Doctor of Medicine at Zerbst. (His maternal grandfather.) •J. Heinrich Albert van der Sloot, Vicar at Boxam, Ostfriesland. ( His uncle.) ;]. Anna Sophie van der vSloot, wlio.se husband was Surgeon-Major in the Prussian Cavalry. (Evidently an aunt l)y marriage.) He was the only son of his father (Rev. Friederich Heinrich von der Schlots), and the first pro- genitor, in Pennsylvania, of the Vandensloot family. May 5, 1772, he married, in Germany, Miss Louisa Henrietta, the youngest daughter of Right Reverend Professor Schultz, Professor of Philology in Joachimsthali.schen Gymnasia zu Berlin. He was a missionary agent to this country, of a German Reformed Convention in Prussia, and arrived in Pennsylvania in 1771> or 17S0, leaving wife and family (one son at least. Rev. Friedrich Wilhelm van der Sloot,) in Germany. His first field lay in Allen Town.ship, Northampton County, Pa , which became later known as the "Dry Land Charge." From 17S4 to 17S6 he served as German Reformed pastor of the Goschenhoppen Church, in Upper Sal ford Township, Montgomery County, Pa. His first wife having died, he married, Jan- ^'.t, 17^4, Miss Aiuia Margaretta, eldest daughter of Jacob Reed, Esq., of Hatfield Township, Montgomery County. He returned to Northampton County, where he died in 1803, and is buried at Goschenhoppen Church. Goschenhoppen Church is situated in the north-western part of Montgomery county. From its elevated location a delightful view is had. Before ones vi.sion, far and near, there spread out in all di- rections, vast areas of cultivated and virgin forest land; while in the valley the waters of the Perkio- men creek rush wildly in and out among the hills on its winding course to the Schuylkill. Goschenhoppen Church, Montgomery Co., Pa. 16 Forty-eight acres, all contiguous, uow constitute church property, some of which is cultivated, although the larger portion is woodland. The church is a substantial one-story building, with steeple; is heated by furnace; has a gallery around the three sides; is provided with a pipe organ; and has a seating capacity of about 8C)0. A union Sunday School meets regularly; and the Reformed and Lutherans conduct their services on al- ternate Sabbaths, as of yore. A tablet, set high up upon the outside of the church, contains this inscription: OLD GOSHENHOPPEN LUTHERAN & G. REFORMED BUILT 1744 & REBUILT 18.5S. Upon one of the oldest tombstones in the cemetery, just adjoining, we read: "Died 1720. 17 1773-1831. REV. FRIEDRICH WILHELM van der Sloot, Reformed minister, the only son of his father, was born in Dessau, Germany, "early at one o'clock, Monday morning, the 15th of November, 1773, and was baptized in the house on the same day." He died in Paradise Township, York County, Pa., December 14, 1831. (Translation) Honored Sir : In reply to your inquiry we inform you that we have not been able to establish anything further than what is set forth in the certificate of birth now before us. Descendants or relatives or persons of like name are not found here in Dessau any more. For the certificate we have expended * * * * for fees and 50 pf. for postage, which we request you to send us. Humbly Dessau (Herzogtum Anhalt Deutschland) August 20, 1900. The Magistrate. [SBAL] DR. EBELING, Chief Burgomaster. To Mr. Lewis Vaudersloot, Harrisburg, U. S. A. Pennsylvania. 9478. I. (Translation) ABSTRACT FROM THE BIRTH AND BAPTISMAL REGISTER. Philipp Wilhelm Friedrich van der Sloot, Mr. Friedrich Wilhelm van der Sloot, appointed Conrectors of the Latin school of this place, and his wife, a born Schultz, a young son was born, early at one o'clock, Monday morning, the 15th* of November, 1773, and was baptized in the house on the same day. The sponsors were : 1. Mr. Hoffmeyer, Archdeacon. 2. Mistress Streubers, wife of Mr. Streubers, Accies Rats (Excise OfBcer). 3. Mistress Schickendantzs, Rektor. This information, based on the Birth and Baptismal Register of St. Georg, is hereby officially confirmed. Dessau the 17th of August, 1900. Evangelical Pastorate at St. Georg. [seal] Grape. Paschasius, Kustos. He graduated in German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, etc., at the University of Eeipsig, and emigrated to America in 1801. He landed at Charleston, S. C, but immediately pursued his journey- to Philadelphia. From thence he made his way in a "market wagon" to "Dry L,and," in Northamp- ton County, Pa., where he found his father engaged in ministering to thirteen congregations, and preaching on three days each week, namely, Saturday, Sunday and Monda)-. He was licensed to preach the gospel at a meeting of the Synod in Philadelphia on May 18, 1802, and ordained to the Christian ministry in 1803. MINUTES OF SYNOD. 1802 Session I. §5. A communication was received from the congregations in Allen, Moore, Lehigh and Hanover Townships (Northampton County, Pa. ), asking Synod to hold a tentamen with young Mr. Van der Sloot and to place him in a position to serve them as their pastor. Rksoi.vkd, that a committee of five be appointed to hold a tentamen (examination) with him. The following persons constituted the committee : Messrs. Hendel, Wagner, Mack, Sr., Runkel and Mack, Jr. *This is perhaps an error, as all our American records say Nov. 1 1 , 177B, 18 Synod ot 1802. Session III. §1. The committee consisting of Messrs. Hendel, Wagner, Mack, Sen. and Mack, Jr. reported, that they held a tentameu with Mr. Van der Sloot and found his qualifications such that he can with propriety be licensed as a candidate for the ministry. Resolved, that Mr. Van der Sloot be licensed. Minutes of 1803. Session II. J9. Application was made this morning by the congregations of Mr. Van der Sloot for his ordination. The subject was again taken into consideration this afternoon. It was resolved that Mr. Van der Sloot be ordained. Messrs. Helffrich, Pomp, Hoffmeier were appointed a committee to ordain him in his congregations on the second Wednesday after Whitsuntide. Synod of ISll. Third Session, J13. Mr. Van der Sloot informed the Synod that he had left the congregations he had heretofore served, and accepted a call from the congregation at Germantown. The call was confirmed by Synod. (The above quotations from the Minutes of the Synod were kindly supplied the author by Rev. F. W. Berleman, 341 Fainnount Ave., Phila.) Soon after he became the pastor of 7 or 8 congregations, which his father had ser\'ed in Lehigh and Northampton Counties. An important event was his marriage, at Reading, Berks County, Pa., Nov. 11, 1802, (his 29th birthday), to Miss Catherine Deiser, eldest daughter of Rev. PhiHp Reinhold Pauli*, then pastor of several Reformed congregations in Reading and its vicinity, by Dr. Hendel, the younger, of Tulpehocken. In December, 1802, he removed to Northampton County, taking up his residence in Allen Township, where he took charge of several of his father's congregations in "Dry Land," and moved into the old parsonage, partly a stone building. He preached to those congregations with much acceptance until 1811. In May of that year, he received an invitation to Germantown. Here he labored until Nov. 11, 1813, when, in obedience to a call which he had received, he removed to New Goschenhoppen, where he served the congregations of New and Old Goschenhoppen, Trappe, Long Swamp, and others, for a period of five years. Rev. F. W. Berleman, ;;41 Fairmount Avenue, Phila., who examined the records of the Church wrote the author as follows: "Rev. F. W. Van der Sloot came to Philadelphia, Dec. 29, 1818, to serve a new German congregation that had been organized in the summer of 1817, from members that had left the First Reformed Church, on account of trouble which arose from the introduction of English preaching in their service. He preached in Commissioners' Hall, on Third Street, until they had erected a Church on St. John Street, below Green St. The Church was dedicated on Oct. 24, 1819, the corner stone having been laid on May 9, 1819. Rev. ^'andersloot resigned his congregation be- tween Dec. 17 and 26th, 1824. He left at once, likely on Christmas. On Dec. 26, 1824, it was re- ported at the Consistory meeting that Rev. Vandersloot had resigned, and steps were taken for a suc- cessor. I have searched the Records of the Church and have copied all that refers to Rev. Vander- sloot. The three letters are very important ; they show that he was a good writer. The poems show that he had some ability as a poet. The hymns (f) were sung at the dedication of the church. The congregation was made up principally of Europeans, who were for the most part poor. Rev. Vandersloot spared no labor or pains to collect the necessary money with which to erect the church, making various visits for this purpose to other congregations. At length his untiring efltorts were crowned with full success, and his congregation was in possession of a church of its own. After his resignation, in Dec, 1824, as above stated, he accepted a call to Rockingham County, Va., where he at first served eight and at length ten congregations — Mill Creek, Uppertrack, Will- fang's and Propst's, in Hardy and Pendleton Counties; Hawk's-bill and St. Paul's, in Shenandoah *See page 60, "Pauli Ancestry," and "Jew or Gentile." fSee page 24. 19 County; and Pine, St. Johu's, and Roeder's, in Rockingham County. Here he preached about three years, when, in the spring of 1827, he received a call from congregations in York and Adams Counties —Pigeon Hill, Holtzschwam (*), Strober's, Rosstown, Franklin, in York County, and Bermudian, Oxford, Abbottstown, and Berlin, in Adams County. These congregations he continued to ser\-e up to the time of his death. He began to be afflicted, in August, 1831, with dropsy of the chest. He preached his farewell sermon three weeks before his death, predicting the very day on which it would occur. He became gradually weaker, until it pleased the Lord to remove him by death. During his sickness he was vis- ited by his numerous friends, from the congregations which he had served, who highly esteemed and honored him for his many virtues, his learning, and his pulpit talents. Calling his family together, twenty-four hours previously, he announced to them the precise moment of his death. He died, surrounded by many friends, in Paradise Township, York County, Pa., on the 14tli day of December, 18.">1, aged 5S years, 1 month and ?> days. The last words he ut- tered, only a few minutes before he expired, were: "Ich hore die heiligen engels Gottes in Himmel singen" — "I hear the holy angels of God in Heaven singing." He was buried Friday, Dec. 16, 1831, in the graveyard connected with the Holtzschwam churcli, in York County, Pa. At his funeral the text used, by Rev. Constantine J. Deininger, was 'J Cor. vi. 3, 4. The translation of a document, written in German, is here presented ; and from its contents is believed to have been used at the funeral of Rev. Vandersloot. The original, yellow from age, is the property of F. E. Vandersloot, of Swedesboro, N. J. "Philip Frederick Wilhelm van der Sloot, only son of tlie late Right Reverend Philip Fred- erick Wilhelui van der Sloot and liis wife Louisa Henriette, a daughter of the late Right Reverend Professor Schultz. He was born the llth of November, 177;i, in Dessau (Germany, Europe). About his 2»th year he left his fatherland and came A. D. 1801 to America, where he at once became pastor of ten congregations — congregations which his departed father had served. After a short time, he married Diese Catharine Pauli, daughter of the late Right Reverend Philip Pauli, then pastor in Reading, Berks County, Pa. They lived in wedlock 29 years, 1 month and three days, and brought forth thirteen children together — six sons and seven daughters, of whom three daugh- ters died before their father. He preached the gospel of our Lord thirty years and served 43 con- gregations in his time. Some 17 months ago he got a sickness, which, as is supposed, was dropsy. Yet through the care of physicians he was again somewhat restored. However, about 1 1 weeks ago a similar sickness came over him, which lasted till day before yesterday, when it pleased the Almighty to call him at '2 o'clock in the morning out of time to that better life. He reached the age of 58 years, 1 mo. and 3 days. He left a sorrowing widow with ten children. Holtzschwam Church is located in Paradise Township, York Co., Pa., about ten unles west of York City, in what is known as Spangler's Valley, and dates back to 1775. It obtained its name from the fact that a spring on the farm of Rev. Aaron Spangler, close by, was a favorite resort for the Indians when the white settlers first came. There were wigwams at this place. Much of the valley was a vast, woody swamp, hence the name " Holtzschwam." The site, however, for the church is a beautiful and well chosen one, being situated on a high elevation. The timber, which for years clothed the surrounding hills and valleys with a dense mantle of shade and protection, through which for centuries the Red Man roamed unmo- lested, the "monarch of all he surveyed," and from which he secured his arrows and fashioned his bow, has been steadily disappearing since the time that this place derived its name ; and, instead, vast areas of cultivated land, dotted here and there by the homes and store-houses of industrious farmers, meet ones gaze. The first church building was replaced in 1819 by the present one-story brick structure, with a gallery extending around the three sides, and having a seating capacity of about twelve hundred. In 1884 it was frescoed, carpeted, and chandeliers, altar railing and new pulpit were erected, at a cost of $1100. Four acres of land is churcli property. The Lutheran and Reformed congregations worship on alternate Sabbaths, and a union Sunday School meets regularly. The old cemetery, which adjoins the church, is not very large in size, but is nearly all occupieil by graves. Occasionally a burial takes place therein. It is a free burying ground. (*) Amos G. Jacobs, of East Berlin, Secretary of the Holtzschwam Reformed Church congregation, made an examination of the church records covering the period of Rev. Vandersloot's ministry there (1827-31) and reported that the records during that time were kept very loosely and that no references to the minister's activities were found. 20 Holtzschwatn Church and Cemetery. From one of the oldest, weather-worn tombstones we read: "Died September 24, 1784." In 1876 " Paradise Cemetery" was started, just across the road from the church, wherein lots are sold. HI WM H^^HI^^ ■i ^H mm ^^^H^^^^Ke w '^S ^^^^m ^^Stl^^KHmi i^^H^^Hi^^^^ ^ m|;..v n^^^^B ^1^5^'* Mi 1 1 Jl '^m^^'^ Mrs. Magdalene Catherine Isabella Davis, daughter of Rev. F. W. Vandersloot. ()8I2-1832) HOLTZSCHWAM CEMETERY Graves of ; Rev. Frederick William Vandersloot. (1773-1831) 21 Mrs. Catherine Deiser Vandersloot, wife of Rev. F. W. Vandersloot. C)784-)851J The following are the inscriptions on tombstones at Holtzschwani Cluirch : SACRED tu the uienior}' of the Rev. Frederick William Vandersloot who was born November 11, 1773, in Dessau Europe. After having preached the Gospel of his Lord and Master for upwards of oO years he departed this life December 14, 18.31 Aged 58 years 1 month and 3 days. As a minister of the Gospel he was eloquent, as a husband and father he wa.s tender and affectionate, and as a Christian he fell sweetly asleep in the assurance of faith in a participation of that rest which remains for the people of God. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Vea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them." Rev. 14 c. 13 V. This tombstone is of beautiful white marble, 4 ft. 8 in. high, 2 ft. 7 in. wide and 2 in. thick. It is in perfect condition, and the inscription is easily legible. Until about 1886 the stone had been in a horizontal position, and was then placed upright, at head of grave, with bottom supported by heavy stone base. OUR MOTHER CATHARINE D. wife of Rev. F. Wm. Vandersloot & daughter of Rev. P. R. Pauli, of Reading, departed this life Jan. 30, 1851, Aged 06 years 1 mo. & 4 da. The decea.sed was a kind & affectionate Mother, & will ever be held in re- membrance by all who knew her. This tombstone, likewise, is of white marble ; in height '■'> ft. 6 in., in width 1 ft. !• in., in thickness about 3 inches, is in good state of preservation, and has always stood in upright position, at head of grave. No repairs of any kind to any of these graves seem necessary at this time. 22 In person he was large and heavy ; was a ripe scholar and excellent linguist. He had fine talents and taste for poetry, and composed hymns and poems in his time, a number of which have been printed. Those poems on the burning of the theatre in Richmond, Virginia ; on the burning of many deaf and dumb in the Philadelphia Asylum, as well as the hymns which he composed for the laying of the corner stone and consecration of the church and organ in Philadelphia, are reported to be of especial merit. Rev. F. W. Berleman, of Philadelphia, furnished the author with the following copy of a composition of Rev. Vandersloot's, written especially for, and used at, the dedicatory ceremonies, October 24, 1819, of a new German Reformed Church, on St. John Street, in that city, which he labored diligently to erect. It is a hymn, written in the German language ; and in order to preserve it from oblivion, and at the same time retain the beauty of thought and expression which characterize it, it is here presented as originally penned. 23 ^olt flc^cififltc ^cfaitfle. No. I. 1. §eil imferm, jiingft gefniipfttn, Sunbe ! ©0 jaud)3et, Sriiber^! ppH @efiif)I : ©ei un§ gegriiijet — fel'ge Stunbe ! Sffiir finb am 3iel ! Sffiir [mh am 3iel ! 2. 2)a ftef)t el — .S»err ! S)ai SBerl — tjoflenbtt 2)iirdf) 'iT'einc *}I[Itiarm{)er,ygteit, 5(n bem nidjt Jhinft ba§ 5tuge blenbet, mid)t ^kacf)t — in ebler einfai)f)eit. 3. ®a fte^t eg ! unb mir afle fainnuln llnl f)ier bor 2)einer "ll^ajeftcit, Unb tringen — init ciereintein Stanuneln — 2)ir freubig unfer 2)anfgebet. 4. SBie 3>in« Sonne unb 2)ein SRegen 35ie ;\axt( ^ffanje neu belebt, ©0 baf? — mit bem serlicfi'nen ©egen — ©ie Ijoijer, immer fibfier ftrebt : 5. ©0 mui^S bie§ §au§ bor unfern Sliden, 3ii jebe? ©taiinen, fdfjnell fieran : Unb irir, mir jau(f),^en mit (Jntjiiden : 2)a§ — aSater — ba§ ^aft 2)u getfian ! 6. 3)ieg §au§ nun, inoflcn mir "Sir loeitjen. D ^il'ge, angenel^me 5pflid)t ! @ieb — SSater — un§ baju 0ebei:^en — Sermirf bee 33an{e5 Opfer nicf)t ! No. II. 1. §in, in ©taub finft — Sriiber, ©dfjmeftcrn, aUt ! Setet an ! ©elbft euer ©augling (aHe @ott, bem fficltregierer — 2)anf unb ^^rei§. ©intet ^in, burcfigliifit Don f)ei['gen ©djauern, ,f)in — tior @ott, in euteS 2empel§ Wauern — 2)emuf§=, e^rfuT($t§tioII, uon Siebe fteij;. 2. Cobet S^)" i"i* fanften 5JJeIobieen ! — 3^n, Bor beffen 2^ron (^^erube fniecn, 2)en ber f)o[)e ©erapt) — flammenb — preift : Der beu 'Jtermften son un§ bennod) fennel ; 5f)n ©ein .ftinb, um Pf)rifti miflen, nennet, Unb — tioQ ^nnigffit — ©i^ S3oter ijd^l. 3. 3a ! mir finten — SSater — i)m ,^um ©taube. S3ater bift 2)u ung, fagt unfer Olaube ; Unb ber liigt — fo tcabr bie 5ffielt ift ! nidit : Sciter bift I>u, ruft ba§ .^erj, boQ ?^reube : Safer bift 2)u, fagt un§ — bieS ©ebciubc, 2)a§ Don 3)etner .^ulb fo irdftig fpric^t. 24 ©inb toir ber Sarm^erjigfeit unb 2reue, SOBertf) mo^l, bie fief) fo an un§ auf§ SJJeue .£)af t)erf)errticf)et im fd)i3nften Cid^t ? iffiertlj mo()I Kleiner iJJaiiifid^t, 2>einer ©rf)oniing ? Sffitrt^ roo^l biefer, un§ gefd^enften SBo^nung ? Sreuer SSatcr ! !Rein — tnir fmb ei nid^t. No III. SR ec 1 1 a t i n. Sft§ mirflic!) ? — 9?irf)t tin fiifeer 2raum ? ■Dafi f)ier, au§ biefem Bbcm iRaum — 3u 3[J?enfcfien=@Iii(f unb @ofte§=£ob— ©0 fd^ncH fic^ biefeS §aug txifob ? 3ltm ! ^lidfjt ein 2raum. Ser ©ott, ber unf re Sdter 3" frii^'rer 3ett bcrietl), ber ift and) fpater — 9?orf) unfer ©ott. ^n ©etnen ?trm ge[tiirjet, Umfdfjiiefet (?r ung ; er ift 3f)m nicf)t Derliirjet : Uinfd^Ivelt Pr im§ — mit -^immlifcfiem (Jrbarmen — Sefeelft un§ mit DJJiitf) in ©einen 2trmen. SR e c i t a t i n. 5EBoiI)I bem ! 2)eT fidf) anf ©ott certafet. Srojj aQen ©tiirmen, ftefit er feft : Umbraufen 2Bogen — furcbtbar inilb — 2obbrof)enb ibn ? ©ott i[t fein ©cfiilb. ei^or. 2Sa mot)! ift (?r'l. 5(u(f) iibcr un§ gef)alten §at (5r ©ein macbtig ©dbilb : 2Ber miCI'S jierfpalten ? Sffiem miirb' c§, 3U berriiden nur, gelingen ? Unb toeffen ^feil biirft' in baffelbe bringcn ? O ! feine lT;ad)t — im §immel unb auf Srben— Kann bem, ben ©ott befcbirmt, berberblidb inerben. 51 e c i t a t i n. 3)urdb Ebtiftum mar ber §err eiidft na"^. 9Iuf ! ©inget (out ^aHeluja ! 3iel^t — • jubelnb in eu'r ©alem ein : 2)er mit eudb toar, mirb mit end) fein. g^or. ®ie§ ^offen mir ju 15ir, ber oben tf)ronet, 3u 25ir, ber gem in unferm ©alem tt)ol)niet : Sffienn mir biel .5>au§, bie§ ©alem nidjt entmeiben ; ^Ricbt, Pbriften ungejiemenb, un§ entjrtieien : SBenn bob* 9(nbad)t nur ba§ ^er^ burd)bringet, Unb ]\d) ba§ SSanb be§ ^riebeng um un§ fdbfinget. ?Rec i t a t i n. 2Bie fein unb (iebtid) ift'§, trenn ibr 5!J?it euren Sriibern, ©cbmcftern bier 3n fteter Cieb' unb Gintracbt lebt, ©em bem Seleibiger uergebt ! 25 £a^' _ §ei(anb — img, um 2>eine§ !JJamen§ millen ! Unb biefe« 01iid§ erfrcun. 2)u mtrft erfiillen ^■eii fieif',en 2Biinfd), ber l)cute une befeclet : SBcnn's iins niir iiirfit an 2reu, an ©lanben feftlet. D — griebensfiiri't ! 2tn Deineg 2f)rone0 Stufen — Cafe ung — ocrgtbliif) nid^t — um Seiftanb rufen ! Nu. TV iR e c 1 1 a t i D n. Sler ftiftete bies Denfmal ©id) ? 3Ber fpracf) (Sein mdd)tiiT : JBerbe ! SBer pf(ec(te, me&r al§ miitter(irf), 2)ie friebiidE) — Heine §eerbe ? ©■^OT. 2)er ©ott, fen bem ein ^at»ib flnicf)t : „1^er .'oiiter fcfilaft, nocf) fdftlummert nicf)t." O — ireld) ein ^roft aug 0otte§ Wiinb ! ,/J?irf)t fallen foil niein ^riebenSbmib ! „SOBcnn 39erc(e tnof)! meirf)en, f)infanen bie .'oiiael : „; and died at York, Pa., Wednesday night, September 11, 1.S7S, at ll:oO o'clock, aged 74 years, !) months and 3 days. He received his classical education mainly at the old Pennsylvania College in Philadelphia, and adopted the tradi- tional calling of his ancestors. In 1S24 he accompanied his father to Virginia, where he prosecuted his theological studies under the direction of his father, and assisted him at times in the labors of the pulpit. In 1.S27 they both returned to Pennsylvania. During the lat- ter part of that year, and also in l.s2cS, he studied at the Theo- logical Seminary at Carlisle, Pa., presided over by the Rev. Lewis Mayer, D. D. He then returned to his father and as- sisted him for a .season in his ministerial activities. In 1S:>() he was licensed in Philadelphia by what was then known as the "Free Synod," and ordained to the work of the ministry, having taken charge of .several congregations in York County; Rev. Drs. H. Bibighaus and Joseph S. Dubbs, and Thomas H. Leinbach officiated at his ordination. His labors were confined almost exclusively to York County, where he was widely known and highly esteemed. Staley's was the first congregation in his charge in which he preached, and he continued to serve it during the uninterrupted period of forty-six years, be- ing constrained by in creasing age and growing infirmities to resign his charge about two years prior to his death. During his ministry in York County, he preached, in ad- dition to the above congregation, at Sadler's, Blymeier's, Zeigler's, near Seven Valley, Mt. Zion, Dallastown, Neffs- town, Wolff's, and Springettsburg, some of which congrega- tions were organized by him and built up through his labors. Like his father, he ranked high as a preacher. For a period of full fifty years he labored in the work of the ministry, having taught publicly in the house of God .some years before his ordination. On the 29th of December, 1829, he was married to Miss Mary Ann Witman, fioni the vicinity of Wrightsville, Pa., a lady in comfortable pecuniary circumstances, of remarkable Christian worth, truly devoted and energetic in her hou.sehold affairs, and possessing gifts of head and heart, that made her beloved as far as she was known. She was of English de- scent (see page 61). With her he lived most happily, al- most half a century, she having preceded him nearly ten months to the eternal world. He was much afflicted during the last year of his life. Besides laboring under physical suf- fering of a severe nature, he was sorely distressed by the loss of his wife, and also by the death of his eldest daughter, Mrs. Amanda Elliot, an exemplary and most excellent Christian woman, who died on the 11th of October, 1877, a little over a month prior to the death of her mother. In addition to Rev. Frederick William Vandersloot. J803- 1878. Wife of Rev. Frederick William Vandersloot I Miss Mary Ann Witman) 1811-1877. 29 all this, he was jijradiially losing his eyesight, so that his prospects, so far as this world was concerned, were surrounded with gloom. He Ijore up, however, under all with marked Christian fortitude unto the end, breathing out his life sweetlx in the presence of his immediate faniil> and some dear friends. He had been engaged in the preparation of a brief biography of his life, inchiding all his ministerial experiences and acts, when his ejesight failed him; and thus was lost one of the most interesting chap- ters in the religious history of York County. He had a strong and pleasing voice: was, in his prime, remarkably earnest and active, and bold and fearless in presenting the truth. While adhering to the apparently greater and deeper and more frequent teachings of love, and avoiding a too free use of the terrors of the law, he was firm in the ad- vocacy of the truth, and in his application of the discipline of the Church to the fullest extent, when required. Brief quotations from two newspapers of York, in the vicinity of which he .spent the greater part of his life, are herewith ]iresented, as eminently proper, both as a means of permanent record and as evidence of the marked esteem in which he was held by tlie public press: YORK EVENING RECORD: He was a type of the Christian manhood of earlier ilays, sor- rowing with those who mourned, rejoicing with those who rejiiiced, and comhining the faithful pas- tor with the wise and kindly friend. His was that gracious old school courtesy which is now always so attractive, and which bound the hearts of those with whom he came in contact, to him as with bands of steel. In his daily walk and couversation he kept close to that Divine life which more than eighteen hundred years ago came into the world to be a light to the Gentiles. Humble in his demeanor, he never forgot whom he served, and his heait was always open to those who were spirit- ually or temporally needy. In his home relations, he was an affectionate father, and his house- hold was in, 18.'i7. He attended W. Ruby, where he engaged in the wholesale and retail boot and shoe business in York. In 1896 he and his brother, Robert F., engaged in the retail shoe business at No. S East Market Street, York, Pa., where they are now located. On April 7th, 1881, he married Miss Henrietta Gahring, at Wrightsville, York County, Pa., Rev. J. G. Sherman officiating. His wife was born at York, April 25, 18.")(;. They are members of the First M. E. Church, and reside very comfortably at No. 137 North Queen Street, York, Pa. Four children were born, at York, to this union, three of whom are living : EARLE WILLIAM ; born Aug 21, 1S82. He is tall, slender, and erect in form ; pleasant and agreeable in his manner ; energetic and industrious, with the best promises for a successful career before him. He is a member of the Duke Street M. E. Church, having joined Dec. 26th, 1897; is active in church work and regular in attendance upon its .services. RAYMOND KING : born Dec. 16, 1889, and died July 11, 1890. LEROY ; born Nov. 28, 1892. Is attending the public schools ; is a bright and pleasant boy. Ellen Shctter and Leroy Vandersloot, York, Pa. ELLEN SHETTER ; born March 13, 189"). She also is going to .school ; is a cheerful and active little girl, and the delight of her parents. SUSANNA; born at Glenrock, York County, Pa., July 17, 1864; and was named after her maternal grandmother, Susanna Fife (nee Kohler). She received her education in the schools of her native town, and later at the Young Ladies' Seminary, located at York. She was received into full membership in the Duke Street M. E. Church, Sept 3, 1876, Rev. H. R. Bender, pastor. For a number of years she was organist and assistant in the Primary Depart- ment of the Sunday School of that church, and also, for some time, member and organist of the church choir. This, together with other activities in church work, were continuous throughout a number of years, and were very acceptable. On May 28, 1891, she was united in marriage with John Ferdinand Kissinger, by Rev. A. M. Barnitz. then pastor of the Duke Street M. E. Church. Her hu.sband is engaged in the brick manu- facturing business, and is the largest producer in southern Pennsylvania. They are both menibers of Christ Lutheran Church, of York. 33 This union has been blessed with four daughters and two sons, all of whom were born at York, and are living at this time : SARAH MYRTLE ; born March l.'^, 1892. She was named in honor of her maternal grand- mother. Myrtle is now attending her fourth year at school. She is very bright and is progressing rapidly in her studies. HELEN GERTRUDE ; born Nov. 14, 1893 ; and is also pursuing her fourth term at school. Like her sisters, she is pleasant, kind and obedient. Helen Gertrude and Anna Mary Kissinger, York, Pa. ANNA MARY ; born Jan. 18, 1895. She is an interesting, happy and lively child ; and began her first year's schooling this fall. BEULAH MAY; born May 18, 1896. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ; born Oct. 28, 1897. He was named after his grandfather, Benj. F. Kissinger. LEWIS EDWARD ; born Ajjril 7, 1899 ; the youngest of the family, and is named in honor of his two uncles, Lewis and John Edward Vandersloot. They reside in their new and beautiful suburban cottage, just completed, situated No. — , East College Avenue, York. ROBERT FIFE ; born at Glenrock, York County Pa., April 17, 18fi7. Attended the public schools of York. In 1883 entered the service of the Penna. R. R. Company, and learned telegraphy ; and the following year was assigned to duty in Maryland ; remained in service of said company a])out six and one-half years, after which he resigned and went to Hender.son, Ky. ; thence to different points in Missouri, to Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee, and was operator for the Tenn. R. R. Co. during the famous Coal Creek strike. He then located at Chattanooga, and afterwards at Citico, Tenn. Whilst at the latter place a general railroad telegrajih operators' strike was inaugurated, in which he joined, and, being defeated in this, returned to Kentucky and, afterwards, to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois; and thence back to Missouri, where he went into the employ 84 of the Chicago & Alton R. R., as operator, and was soon promoted to the position of train dispatcher. Upon resigning here, he went to the Pacific coast, and was located in Washington State for the period of eight years, in the employ of the Northern Pacific R. R. Co. After having visited all the We.-tern States and Territories, he returned to York, and engaged, in 189G, with his brother, Frederick William, in the retail boot and shoe business, at No. 8 East Market Street. Robert is a large and heavy man, weighing about 220 pounds. In this particular he follows his maternal ancestors, in whose honor (Robert Fife, his grandfather) he was named. He is genial, sociable and of even temperament ; and possesses a fund of knowledge gained through study, extensive travel and experience. He is a member of Trinity Reformed Churcli, of York, and is the only member of his immediate family who cleaves to the Church of his grandfathers. JOHN EDWARD ; born at Glenrock, York County, Pa., Feb. 17, 1869. He was educated in the public schools of York. He was first employed as clerk in the Pennsylvania Agricultural Works; and, later, accepted the position of newspaper reporter for the Yoik Dispatch, where he remained for several years. He acquired a knowledge of shorthand and typewriting, and after leaving the newspaper business became stenographer and clerk for J. C. Schmidt & Co., chain manufacturers, with which firm he remained for a period of three years. He then registered with George S. Schmidt, Esq., as a law student, and was admitted to the Bar of York County, October, 1893. He has become a prominent member of the York Bar, and enjojs a large practice. He has taken an active interest in politics since his youth; is a staunch Republican, and has filled the oflEce of Republican County Chairman of York County for two terms. He is a good public speaker, and has done effective work on the "stump'' for Republican candidates. On June 5, lb95, he was wedded to Miss Carolyn Sayres Helker, daughter of D. A. and Emily (Sayres) Helker, of York. To this union were born, at York, two children: CHARLES EDWIN; born May 4th, 1896. SARAH EMILY; born July 2nd, 1897. He and his wife are members of Duke Street M. E. Church, he having joined at an early age. They reside very comfortably at their home, corner of East College Avenue and Vander Avenue, York. LEWIS; born at Dallastown, York Co., Pa., Aug. 15, t873. Secured his education in the schools of York. Vacation periods were spent in newspaper office of TIic York Age, first as "devil," and, later, in spring of 1890, as regular typesetter; devoted evening hours to the acquirement of the art of shorthand and typewriting; Feb., 1891, left the "case" to accept first position, in new profes- sion, with insurance firm of White & Jessop; Feb., 1892, employed by The York Trust Company, where he remained continuously until Jan., 1899, at which time he was appointed by Governor William A. Stone to a position as stenographer and typewriter, in the employ of the State. United with Duke Street M. E. Church, March 7, 1894; is a member of the I. O. O. F., and also a member of Persever- ance Lodge, No. 21, of Harrisburg, F. and A. M. He is author of this History and Genealogy of the von der Sloot family. 3. JOHN JACOB VANDERSLOOT ; born in York County, Pa., Nov. 24, 1836 ; received a liberal education, having had the advantages of the schools of York and the York County Academy. He began his mercantile career at an early age, and later was employed by C. E. Morgan and Co., of Philadelphia, where he remained until 1861, when he returned to York and was for many years engaged in the retail dry goods business. On Oct. 12, 1869, he married Miss Leonora V. (born April 19, 1846), daughter of Charles and Sarah laeger, of Philadelphia; a niece of Lewis Audenried, and a graduate of Troy Female Seminary, of Troy, N. Y., founded by Emma Willard, which was the first school for the higher education of women in the States. His wife and he were always members of Trinity Reformed Church, of York, as are also his children. For upwards of forty years he has been an active worker in the church, hav- ing been a Deacon and Elder and a teacher in the Sabbath School. He is a man of integrity, upright and just; has the esteem and respect of a large acquaintanceship; is pleasant and agreeable, and a kind and generous father. 35 On Dec. 20, 1S93, he sustaiiitd a great loss by the death of his beloved wife. .She was a most excellent woman, a faithful and devoted wife, and an earnest Cliristian motlier. The following are the names of their children, all of whom reside at York: KATHIvRINl-; ADKLE; born Oct. 7, IS70. She is a skilled stenographer, and is employed by an attorney-at-law. MARY ANNA; born Nov. -i!), 187l'. SARAH CIIARLOTTA; born Sept. 11, 1874. Nov. 7, 1895, she married Thomas A. Myers, son of Edwin and Isabella Myers. Two sons were born to this union, Thomas Edwin, born Sept. 29, 1896, and John laeger, born March 25, 1898. WILLIAM JOHN; born Jan. 27, 1880. LEONORA PAI'LI: l)orn Nov. 24, 1883. FRANCES ISABELL.A; horn June 1.'!, 1885. The two latter are attending school at York. John Jacob Vandersloot, York, Pa. 4. MARY ANN VANDERSLOOT; born Jan. 12, IS.i'.), at York, Pa. P\,r the past twenty years she has devoted a cousiderable portion of lier time in lending assistance, in various ways, to the poor, the sick and neglected of the city. Much needed aid has reached the poor through her hands. She has been an untiring and efTicient worker in the City Mission since its organization. Among this class of people she has worked earnestly and energetically ; her beneficence is well known and she is respected by all. Her philanthropic and benevolent di.spo.sition has led her to be identified with the Ladies' Aux- iliary of the York Hospital and Dispensary, wliere she has served, at times, as the head of its several Committees, and has ministered to the Hospital's sick and suffering. 36 The Women's Christian Association has in her a useful and conscientious worker, and Miss Vandersloot's activities for the benefit of young women, through this agency, have been recognized and duly appreciated. Her deep solicitude for the well-being of humanity, in all conditions of life, is foremost in her thoughts ; her love and broad benevolence exemplify themselves in practical and helpful ministrations to the necessities of mankind. Miss Vander.sloot re.sides pleasantly at No. 107 West King Street, in her native city. 5. CATHERINE ISABELLA VANDERSLOOT ; born Aug. 7, 1843. Married Henry C. Smyser. One daughter, Mary Matilda. Residence, York. 6. ALBERT BENJAMIN VANDERSLOOT ; born Jan. 6, 1S4G. He secured his early educa- ti .n in the schools of York. Was for a number of years engaged in farming in York County. Died March 18, 1890, at York, and is buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery. His last few years were filled with much suffering and distress, occasioned by physical ailment, which finally led to his death at the early age of 44 years. Possessing a pleasant disposition, and being friendly and kind-hearted, he had hosts of friends who mourned his early demise. 7. EDWARD MILTON VANDERSLOOT ; born August 11, 1849, in Windsor Township, York County, Pa. Married Miss Mary, daughter of C. B. Wallace, Esq., of York. Is engaged in wholesale boot and shoe business at York, under firm name of Wallace & Vandersloot. Ethel Wallace, only child, born Oct. 20, 1883. MARIA LOUISA VANDERSLOOT ; born April 2, 1805, in Allen Township, Northampton County, Pa.; baptized April 26, 1805, by Rev. Diehl ; died in Virginia. She married Dr. Jacob Cootes, of Hardy County, Va., where he died April 25, 1855. Five children were born to them : Emily ; Amanda ; Elizabeth, married to John Stetler, of York County ; Francelia, married in Virginia ; and Edward, who died at Westminster, Md. After the death of Dr. Cootes, family moved to Adams and York Counties, and later returned to Virginia. 3. REV. FERDINAND EDWARD VANDERSLOOT ; born in Allen Town.ship, Northampton County, Pa., Oct. 27, 1806 : died June, 19, 1890, near Herndon, Fairfax County, Va., having reached the age of 83 years, 8 months and 22 days ; and is buried in Mount Vernon Cemetery, Philadelphia. He was ordained to the holy ministry in 1827, in Salem Reformed Church, Philadelphia, of which his father had been pastor. April 30, 1830, during his pastorage at Dillsburg, York County, Pa., he married Miss Rebecca Ann Fahnestock, at Marietta, Pa., by whom he had eight children: 1. FREDERICK WILLIAM, M. D. ; born May 13, 1831 ; living. 2. SALOME FAHNESTOCK ; born Feb. 17, 1833 ; died Sept. 5, 1888. 3. REV. JACOB SAMUEL ; born Oct. 20, 1834 ; died Dec. 6, 1882. 4. CALVIN PAULI ; born June 12, 1837 ; died Jan. 22, 1901. 5. FERDINAND EDWARD ; born March 11, 1842 ; living. 6. JOHN BORIUS ; born May 19, 1844 ; living. 7. CHARLES HENRY ; born May 1, 1846 : died Feb. 8, 1848. 8. LOUISA HENRIETTA SMULL ; born June 10, 1848 ; living. He was for many years a prolific and interesting contributor to Reformed Church history ; a 37 flueut and powerful speaker in German, and, like his father, an excellent singer, possessed a rich bass voice. His wife was also a sweet singer, and their children all became singers and musicians of de- cided talent. April 21, 1875, his wife died in Philadelphia, after a brief illness from congestion of the lungs, aged 65 years, 9 mouths and 13 days. The funeral occurred the following day (Sunday) from the residence of her husband, 1112 North Fourth Street. Services were held at Salem Reformed (Dr. J. G. Wiehle's) Church. She was a native of Abbottstowu, Adams County, Pa. (her birth-place), and Rev. Ferdinand Edward Vandersloot. 1806-1890. (Courtesy of Mrs. M. O. Smith. I a member of the Fahnestock family, highly respected and well kuown in that and adjoining counties in that day. She attended the funeral of a sister, Mrs. Sarah Fink, January IDth, 1875, in York, Pa. At this place she took sick, and after nine weeks' confinement at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. O. Smith, in Hanover, recovered sufficiently to enable her to return to her home in Philadelphia. She did not, however, continue long in her improved condition, but was eventually overtaken by the dis- ease, which suddenly summoned her away, on April 21, 1875, at 9:15 a. m. Rev. Vandersloot married again, as the following newspaper clipping .shows : "At the bride's residence, near Herndon, Fairfax County, Va., on the 27th of June, 1877, by the Rev. W. T. School- ey, Rev. F. E. Vandersloot, of Philadelphia, to Miss Mary A. Hanna." No children by this marriage. 1. DR. FREDERICK WILLIAM VANDERSLOOT was born in Abbottstown, Adams Co., Pa., May 13th, 1831. His early education was received in the common schools of Dillsburg, York Co., Pa., and Gettysburg, Pa. In the public schools of Gettysburg and in the preparatory department of Pennsylvania College he prepared himself for the Freshman class of that institution which he entered 38 in the fall of 1851. He studied in this institution until 1S53, when he entered the office of Drs. Gilbert and Huber and read medicine for three years. In 1855, he spent one season in attending lectures at the Medical University of Maryland (Allopathic), and took a second course of lectures at the Medical Department of Pennsylvania College, located at Philadelphia, from which he graduated in March, 1856. He also received a diploma from the Philadelphia Hospital. Dr. Vandersloot commenced practicing medicine at Quincy, Franklin Co., Pa., where he remained one year and then removed to Abbottsiown, Pa., where he followed his profession four or five years. From 1861 to 1863 he practiced at Prospect, York Co., Pa. In the fall of 1863 he was appointed assistant surgeon 3rd Pa. Heavy Artillery, with the rank of First Lieutenant of cavalry, at Fortress Monroe, Virginia. While his regiment was stationed in this Fortress, for about six months of his two years service, he was sent out on detached .service as surgeon of a naval brigade, constituted of two companies of his own regiment and two companies of the 13th Heavy Artillery of New York, which i rigade was a land and marine force employed on six war ve-ssels to ply the deep narrow streams of Virginia on reconnoitering expeditions. On his return to the regiment at Fortress Monroe, the surgeon's time of duty having expired, it became his duty to assume the responsibility of acting surgeon until the end of the war. He was then ordered with his regiment to Camp Cadwalader, Philadelphia, where he was mustered out November 9th, 1865. During the emergency of 1862, Dr. Vander.iloot also .served as Assistant Surgeon in the 13th regiment of Penn.sylvania Militia. After leaving the army he located at Fairfield, Pa., and practiced medicine there until the spring of 1867 when he moved to Buena Vista, Pa., and afterwards to Annville, Pa. For nine years, from 1870, he was located at Nittany Hall ; thereafter, temporarily, at Glade and Philadelphia, after which he removed to Flemington, where he remained until 1887, since which time he has resided in Lock Haven, practicing medicine. May 13, 1857, he married Miss Eliza E. Grouse, of Waynesboro, where she was born April 19, 1838. He is a member of the Reformed Church, having been confirmed May 5, 1849, and has been elected frequently by the Classis as delegate to Synod. Mrs. Vandersloot pos.ses.ses many graces, and is highly esteemed. Her lovely disposition and sweet Christian character are at once manifest. Kind words and consideration for others have won her hosts of friends. In her conversation she reveals unconsciously her love and broad benevolence, the purity of her thoughts and sincerity of her convictions. To them were born five sons and three daughters, all of whom are living : Ferdinand Edward, Byron, Harry Hollaway, Frederick William, Caird MelviM, Rebecca Virginia, Daisy Cloud and Albamarle Beatrice. FERDINAND EDWARD ; born May 6, 1858, at Abbottstown, Pa. In 1879 he married Miss Georgia Flick, of Centreville, Pa. He is engaged in the insurance business. To them were born two children: Pearl, in 1883, at Flemington, Pa., and Scott, in 1893, at Centreville, Pa. BYRON ; born Oct 15, 1860, at Abbottstown, Pa. He is a machinist by occupation. In 1879 he married Miss Nannie Watson, of Lamar, Pa. To this union five children were born, all of whom reside with their parents, 322 East Tenth St., Wilmington, Del.: Albamarle, June 3, 1879, at Lamar, Pa.; John William, Aug. 21, 1882, at Flemington ; Sudie Irene, Aug, 9, 18>5, at Lock Haven; Rebecca Virginia, Dec. 10, 1887, at Lock Haven, and Helen Fage, Jan. 13, 1893, at Wilmington. HARRY HOLLOWAY ; born on the second day of the battle of Gettysburg, viz, July 2, 1863, at Prospect, York Co., Pa.; married Mi.ss Ida May Rhoyual, Sept. 4, 1882. His wife was born Feb. 26, 1863, at Waynesboro, Pa. To this union five children were born : Rhoyual Caird, June 2, 1.S83, at Waynesboro ; Annie Cloud, Dec. 6, 1885, at Waynesboro ; died Dec. 24, 1885, and is buried in Trinity Reformed Churchyard, Waynesboro ; Byron Mitchell, Dec. 21, 1886, at Waynesboro; died May 17, 1887, and is buried in Burns Hill Cemetery, Waynesboro; Olga May, Nov. 16, 1888, at Wilmington ; Harry Cleon, April 29, 1892, at Wilmington. Parents and children reside at 1003 Poplar Street, Wilmington, Delaware. FREDERICK WILLIAM, Jr.; born Oct. 14, 1866, at Fairfield, Pa.; married Miss Cora E. Elwert, Jan. 19, 18S,S. Issue : Robert Elwert, Feb. 6, 1889, at Williamsport ; died July 22, 18.s;), and is buried in Wildwood Cemetery, Williamsport ; Carl Donaldson, Jan. 20, 189S, at Williauisport. 39 Mr. \'aiidersloot and his brother, Caird, are engaged in the music publishing business with offices at 41 W. '2Sth Street, New York, in which city they reside. CAIRD MELVILL ; born May 4, 1869, at Annville, Pa. Single. He and his brother, Frederick William, are engaged in the music publishing busine.ss in New York city, where he resides. REBECCA \IRGINIA ; born Sept. 27, 1S70, at Nittany Hall, Pa. Married Nathan Johns Mitchell, in Wilmington, Del., Jan. 1, ISSd. Mr. Mitchell was born at Minier, 111., Dec. I-'!, 1868. They reside at 906 North 41.st Street, Philadelphia. To this union were born: Torrence Hippie, Dec. 17, 1886, at Lock Haven ; died March 15, 1887, and is buried at Howard, Pa.; Ira Caufield, April 10, 1888, at Pittsburg; Kathryn, Jan. 26, 1892, at Philadelphia, and Byron Caird, June 20, 1894, at Philadelphia. DAISY CLOUD; born Dec. 9, 1.S72, at Nittany Hall. Married, Jan. 31, 1891, Samuel Oit Vander.sloot, .son of Rev. Jacob Samuel Vandersloot, deceased, at Camden, N. J. They reside at 282 Mt. Vernon St., Camden. Issue: Emily Cloud, Dec. 28, 1891, in Philadelphia ; Frederick William, Jan. 21, 1S94, in Philadelphia, and Selina Miriam, March 2(1, 1901, 9:o0 a. m., in Camden. ALBAMARLE BEATRICE ; born Feb. 8, 1S79, at Nittany Hall. Single. She po.ssesses an excellent contralto voice, and lives in Wilmington. 2. SALOME FAHNE.STOCK \'ANDERSLOOT, daughter of Rev. Ferdinand Edward Van- dersloot, of the German Reformed Church, and his wife, Rebecca Ann (Fahnestock) Vandersloot, was born at Dillsburg, Carroll Township, York County, Pa., Feb. 17, 1833. Mrs. H. C. Holloway. )833-I888. She was baptized in infancy l)y her father. Her sponsors were her grandmother, Mrs. Catharine Deiser ( Pauli ) Vandersloot, and her step-grandfather, Jacob Zinn. She was the granddaughter, on her maternal side, of the esteemed family, Jacob Fahnestock and his wife Salome, after whom she 40 was named. She was the great-grandchild, on her paternal side, of the Rev. F. W. \'andersloot, pastor of the old Reformed Salem congregation in Philadelphia, and his wife, Catharine Deiser, a born Panli. She was also the great-grandchild of the Rev. Philip Reinhold Pauli, pastor of the First Reformed congregation, in Reading. At Gettysburg, on the (ith of October, 1.SG3, she was united in holy wedlock with Rev. Harry Claj- Holloway, D. D. (then pastor of the Lutheran Church, at Westminster, Md.) by the Rev. C. F. Schaeffer, D. D. Her death occurred at Middletown, Sept. 5, 18S8, and her body was removed to Gettysburg, her former home, where it was laid to rest in " Evergreen Cemetery." Mrs. Holloway was a woman of noble and beautiful character. She was an ideal Christian. She loved and studied the scriptures as very few do. She read the Bible through eight times. She lived her religion, and exemplified the Saviour whom she loved. Her faith was sublime in life and triumphant in death. Rev. Holloway, her husband, was the fourth son of John Brown Holloway and his wife Margaret ; was born in Aaronsburg, Centre Co., Pa., Sept. 17, ISoS. He graduated at Penna. College, Gettysburg, in 1861, and at the Theological Seminary of the same place in 1863, and in June of this latter year was ordained to the ministry in the Lutheran Church. He made a trip through Europe ; is the author of many theological articles, and has written extensively on numerous subjects in literature and theology. He published a book, "A New Path Across an Old Field," which had an extensive sale. He resides at Bellefonte, Pa. To this union five children were born, all of whom are now living, viz : MARTIN LUTHER HOLLOWAY ; born Nov. 15, 1864, at Westmini.ster ; baptized by Rev. C. J. Deininger. He married Miss Sarah Agnes Clare, March 16, 1892, at Mountville, Lancaster County, Pa., Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D. (his father) officiating. Issue, one child : Salome Vander- sloot, born Nov. 1, 1894, at Delta, York Co., Pa. He is a druggist, and resides at 2605 North Napa Street, Philadelphia. He graduated in pharmacy in St. Louis in 181)1, having made the highest average attained by any student in that college : also took first honor in a class of fift\' and secured three other prizes, and the valedictory. HARRY DEININGER HOLLOWAY ; born Dec. S, 1865, at Westminister. Md.; baptized by Rev. C. J. Deininger. He married Miss Nellie D. Evans, of Philadelphia. Issue, two children : William Evans, born Dec. 22, 1890, at Mount Airy, Philadelphia; and Carlotta, born Aug. 8, 1S95, at same place. Mr. Holloway resides in Germantown, Philadelphia, conducts a real estate and investment business, and is very prosperous. EMILY GRACE HOLLO W^\Y ; born April 11, 1867, at Westmini.ster, Md.; baptized by Rev. J. G. Butler, D. D. She was married by her father to Arthur Elder Edie, in Pittsburg, Feb. IS, 1.S90. Issue, four children : William Holloway, born Feb. 16), 1891, at Delta, York County, Pa. ; Elizabeth Fahnestock, born Aug. 2(1, 189.'', at Pitt.sburg ; Salome Vandersloot, born June 14, 1895, at Fort Smith, Ark. ; and Grace Holloway, born June 23, 1897, at Fort Smith, Ark. ; all of whom were baptized by their grandfather. Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D. They reside at Fort Smith, Ark. DAISY VANDERSLOOT HOLLO W^AY ; born April 11, 1871, at Cumberland, Md. ; bap- tized Dec. 19, 1871, by Prof. H. Louis Baugher, D. D. She married, July, 1891, at Camden, N. J., James H. Gearing, of Pittsburg. No children. They reside at Fort Smith, Ark. PAUL FUNDENBERG HOLLOWAY; born Aug. 12, 1877, at Cumberland, Md. ; Ijapti/.ed by Rev. J. P. Conrade. He is a druggist, having attended the College of Pharmacy in Philadelphia ; resides at Jenkintown, Pa., and is not married. 3. REV. JACOB SAMITEL VANDERSLOOT, Reformed minister, was born October 20, 1834, in Dillsburg, York County, Pa. Was baptized in infanc)^ by his father, his uncle and aunt. Rev. F. W. Vandersloot and wife, being sponsors. He learned the printing trade at Getty.sburg, and for a time attended Pennsylvania College, lo- cated there. He was admitted to the practice of law in Adams County, January 17, 1S(!0. Soon af- terwards he moved to Philadelphia, was admitted to the Bar there, but did not devote himself to the practice of law. He married Mi-ss Harriet Dai^y, daughter of Harlan and Selina L. Cloud, August 27, 41 1863, on a rock at Wissahickon, near Philadelphia, Rev. Dr. Joseph H. Jones officiating. His wife was born at Linwood (Marcus Hook), Delaware County, Pa., Nov. 4, IS.% ; became a member of the Episcopal Church, in which her cousin, Rev. Bishop Odenheimer ( Wm. H.) was at that time pastor. Rev. Jacob Samuel Vandersloot. 1834-1882. (Courtesy of Mrs. M. O. Smith.) She taught at St. Peter's Protestant Parochial School (Philadelphia) for some years. Then for a period of five years was teacher at House of Refuge, serving with great acceptability. It was in 186:2 that he began the work of writing, editing and compiling works on Biblical Lit- erature for different publishers, and he continued at this work until 1S75. The author jireseiits here- with the titles of a few of the books published as the fruit of his industry : "Life of Our Saviour, with Prominent Events." "Comprehensive Bible Encyclopaedia." "Explanatory Bible Dictionary." "Bible History and Analysis." "Books of Biblical Antiquities." "New and Improved Dictionary of Bible Names." "Physical Training of Children." &c. , &c. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church April 2, 1S72 ; was licensed to preach .\pril 25, 1874. Became pastor of Mt. Zioii charge. Darby, Pa., May 30, 1S75 ; remained twenty months and had over 225 conversions. On Feb. 5, 1S77, was received into the Reformed Church as licentiate ; February 11, 1877, ordained and installed pastor of St. John's Reformed Church, Philadelphia. 42 He died ou the inoniiiig of December 6th, 18.S2. He is described as having been a man of medium stature, dark hair, full beard, and strong lines about the mouth. He was a forcible, eloqueut and magnetic speaker. His widow is a pleasant and kind-hearted lady, and resides at 826 Highland Avenue, West Phil- adelphia. Eight children were born in their home : SELINA ; born Thursday, Nov. 10, 1804, at 1-! minutes after 8 a. m., at Minersville, Schuyl- kill County, Pa. Baptized out of family baptismal bowl, June 5, 1870, by Dr. Wiehl, in Salem's Re- formed Church, Philadelphia ; her grand-parents were present. She married Martiu H. Beach, July, 1892. No children. They reside at S26 Brooklyn Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. REBECCA ; born Friday, May 4, 1866, at 20 minutesafter 5 o'clock a. m., at North Twelfth Street, below Green, Philadelphia. Baptized with Selina. Died Thursday morning, Feb. 25, 1875, from scarlet fever, after a sickness of but two days ; aged 8 years, •• months and 21 days. Funeral was held from the residence of her parents. No. 1408 South Twelfth Street. Interment at St. Paul's M. E. Church burial ground (*). DAISY ; born August 23, 1867, at 10 minutes after 2 o'clock p. m., at 1642 Ellsworth Street. Philadelphia. Baptized Saturday, July 25, 1808, by Rev. Samuel Durborrow. Died Feb. 12, 1869, at 1642 Ellsworth Street, Philadelphia, of convulsions ; aged 1 year, 5 months and 20 days. Interred at St. Paul's M. E. Burial Ground (*). EVANGELIST SAMUEL OIT ; born Tuesday, June 8, 1.S69, at 15 minutes after 7 o'clock a. m., at 1642 Ellsworth Street, Philadelphia. Baptized at the same time as his sisters, Selina and Rebecca. January ol, 1891, married Miss Daisy Cloud, daughter of Dr. F. W. Vandersloot, of Lock Haven, Pa., in Camden, N. J. Issue : Emily Cloud, born Dec. 28, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, in Philadelphia; Frederick William, born Jan. 21, 1894, at 12:10 a. m., in Philadelphia, and Selina Miriam, born March 26, 1901, at 9:;;0 a. m., in Camden, N. J. Evangelist Vandersloot is a .son of Rev. Jacob Samuel Vandersloot (died 1882), and a grand-son of Rev. Ferdinand Edward Vandersloot (died 1890). Rev. Ferdinand Edward Vandersloot's brother, Rev. Frederick William, died in 1878, and none of his sons having entered the miuistry, the continua- tion of this profession in unbroken succession in the Vandersloot family devolved upon his nephew, Rev. Jacob Samuel Vandersloot, and his posterit}'. Evangelist Vandersloot is minister of the " Church of Christ" (sometimes called " Christians"), a congregation that worships in Camden. Here he preaches twice each Sabbath, and conducts evening services during the week, without stipulated compensation. When this congregation is strong enough to take care of itself he will establish congregations elsewhere. This denomination with which he is identified discountenances, for biblical reasons, the use of the appellation " Rev." 'Reverend) in con- nection with the name of its minister, and sanctions, alone, the title " Evangelist." He is the only \'ander,sloot at present in the ministry, and the only one who can trace his paternal ancestors, in a continuous and unbroken ministerial line, to the year 1695, or a period covering 206 years. He is a close student of the Bible, well informed, a good speaker, and energetic in Christian activities. In the presentation of the divine word he is conscientious and unwavering, speaking the truth as he receives it. His wife is active in household and church labors. Their children are being carefully trained. They reside pleasantly at 232 Mount Vernon Street, Camden, N. J. CLOUD ; born Sunday, April 30, 1.S71, at 15 minutes after 9 o'clock a. m., at 1206 Ellsworth Street, Philadelphia. Baptized Friday, March 15, 1872, by Rev. Peter J. Cox. Died Saturday morn- ing, July 6, 1872, at 1138 Poplar St., Philadelphia. Interred at St. Paul's M. E. Burial Ground (*). EDWARD URE ; born Sunday, Oct. 26, 1873, at 20 minutes after 4 o'clock p. m., at 1206 Ellsworth Street, Philadelphia. Baptized Thursday, Feb. 25, 1875, by Rev.. J. S. Cook, at 1408 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia. Died March 2, 1875, aged 1 year, 4 months and 3 days. Interment at St. Paul's M. E. Burial Ground (*). *On Monday, May 22, 1882, the remains of Rebecca, Edward Ure, Cloud and Daisy were removed from St. Paul's M. E. Burying Ground, and interred iu Lot No. 42, Section 4-1, of p'ernwood Cemetery, Philadelphia. 43 PAHXKSTA ; born Saturday, July S. ISTG, at 25 minutes after M o'clock p. m., at Darby, Pa. Baptized Jan. (5, isTS, by her father, she being the first person he baptized in church edifice — St. John's Reformed Church, 4044 Haverford Avenue, Pliiladelphia. August, 1S;)5, married Eli K. Davis, in Camden, N. J. Issue: lulwin Emerson, born April 29, ISilG. They reside at 82G Highland Avenue, West Philadelphia. LOMA ; boru Friday, Oct. 17, 1879, at 20 minutes of 7 o'clock a. m., at 4042 Haverford St., West Philadelphia. Baptized by Rev. Wm. F. P. Davis, of Reading, at home of parents, on Wednes- day evening, at S:'M), Feb. 11, 1!)(), 21 September, was born, and baptized the 26th of the same month, a son: HEINklCH ALBERT ; whose parents were : Mr. Friedrich von der Sloot and Marie Judith Braune. Godparents : His Highness, the Duke. Her Highness, the Duchess. His Highness, the Prince Friederich Heinrich. Heinrich Vomrath, the Court Chaplain. 3. 169.S, 20 July, born, and on the 2oth of the same month baptized, a .son: JOHN LUDWIG ; parents the same as in 1. Godparents : Mr. John Theodore Tablonski. Mr. John Heinrich Dreyer. Mrs. Catharine Louise Precoli, waiting woman. Mrs. Eleanore Regine Butte. 4. 1701, 2.1 May, born, and baptized 2')th of the same month, a son : FRIEDRICH MARIUS ; parents the same as in 1. Godparents : Mr. Gottfried Kretz.schmar, Pastor at Oranientree. Mr. Wolfgang Erharett Pfau, Chancery Assessor. Miss Elizabeth Precoli. *The e in Braune is a German feminine ending, and, therefore, in the English, need not be added. 54 son : FRIEDRICH Church of St. Nikolai, Zerbst, Germany. As seen from the Fish Market. (Courtesy of M. Rctchmann, Zerbst.) 5. 1703, March (date wautiug), was born and baptized (date wanting), HEINRICH ; parents same as in 1. Godparents : Her Highness, the Duchess. Miss Judith de Villeneuf. Mr. John Jonas Meysel, Private Tutor to the Prince. (This son matriculated as student in the (jvmnasium Illustre, Zerbst, April 2anC>crsloot, wife of Dr. F. W. Vaudersloot, and daughter of Robert and Susanna Fife, was born February 21st, l.So.S, at Shrewsburg, York County, Pa., and died of apoplexy at her home in York, Pa., Sunday morning, February 13th, 1898, aged 59 years, II months and 22 days; and is buried iu Prospect Hill Cemetery, at York. She was the mother of four sons and one daughter, who survive her. The funeral services were held at her own home, conducted by Rev. J. D. Dunkerly and Rev. A. M. Barnitz, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Dr. G. \V. Enders, of Christ Lutheran Church, of York. The death of Mrs. Vandersloot brought grief to a large circle of her friends. She was a lady richly endowed with many rare and lovely traits of character. Her Christian life was one of great beauty, and her many acts of kindness a benediction to such as will ever revere her memory. Although modest and retiring in her disposition, her "gentleness made her great." Her great and absorbing interest in her home for her family and her love for tlie Church of God was peculiarly manifest, and her presence in the congregation an inspiration to her pastor. In Greenmount Cemetery, a monument erected over the grave of a sainted mother has this inscription on its tablet : " Heaven hath one angel more." Christ .said, "They die no more, but are equal to the angels." This may be truthfully .said of our dear sister, " Heaven hath one angel more." Rhv. a. M. Baknitz. On August 17, 1001, it was the privilege of the author to visit Goschenhoppen Church, and its cemetery adjoining, in Montgomery County, where is said to have been buried, in 1803, the remains of Rev. Philipp Wilhelm Friedrich van der Sloot, the first of our ancestors to come to America. Meditating upon the strange scenes, so closely associated in years past with his life's work, I allowed my fancy and imagination to run for a while unrestrained ; and here record something of my thoughts, feelings and impressions which possessed me while at this place, in .search of my great, great grandfather's grave. THE UNMARKED GRAVE. In seventeen eighty — long ago — Mine ancient sire, on mission bent The love of God to others show. From far-off Germany was sent. A classic scholar — learned was he — Since in the records from Berlin, " Profe.s.sor of Philology" We see was there applied to him. Northampton county's folks he found - Into Penn's land he gladly went — 'Twas here his labors first abound, And these pursued with diligence. For one and twenty'years or more, His Master's vineyard this became ; And here his hearers he implored Acceptance of the truths proclaimed. Montgomery county, in this State, Also became his mission field. In fights with sin, for man's own sake, God's word became his strength and shield. From home am I, 'mid scenes anew ; This August morn, with patient tread, A weary pilgrimage pursue Toward the city of the Dead. 'Tis not a funeral, you can see. That calls me here to-day. But one in eighteen hundred three My tribute now I pay. 63 Up from the lowlands, rising higher, Increasing beauties I behold ; Now 1 see the old church spire — Silent sentinel as of old. ^-f- :^j^. •%•.- Fields of corn, with fruitage blessed, My pathway greet from first to last. Give assurance of rich harvest When the summer days are past. Sturdy oak ! thou grand, sublime Monarch on this country wa}- ; Trav'lers far — fronj other climes — Oft have rested 'neath thv shade. In thy boughs, at dizzy height. Safe, secure in thine embrace. Birds of swift and cautious flight Find in thee a resting place. What queer .scenes and fancies, visions, Are these that now my mind possess? They can be but dreams or notions ; Fallacies they be at best. But these mu.sings, clinging steadfast, Now absorb my every thought, Since of scenes, in years long past. To my vision would be brought. See old Time, far over yonder, Crowned with years, yet young and bold ; Ready for the signal — thunder ! Backward his dark curtains roll. Fire and thunder ! grand alliance ; Echoes loud and long, indeed ; Heaven's ordnance hurls defiance. Winged on lightning's charging steeds. " Cea.se this tumult !" — .scene heraldic — Came the words from dame old Time ; Suddenly, as if by magic. Quiet reigns, 'mid .scenes sublime. 64 " Turn back the scrolls of time," lie said, " An hundred 3'ears, plus ten and seven, And witness scenes long since enacted By godly men who've passed to heaven. " Observant be, and noting well, Whate er of good or ill impressed ; That thon may'st same to others tell Of works of such who now do rest." CB=M^:^^^._ " Along these roads, yes, years ago ; Now this believe, I thee beseech ; Thine fathers went through mud and snow. The gospel message here to preach." " In 3'onder church, on Sablialh daws. The folks to whom your fathers preached Therein did meet to worship, pray. And listen as your fathers teach." " Behind the desk from which the\- taught, Used by father and by son. Came words with admonition fraught And hope of Life for everyone.'' "The truth with faith they did impart ; The word of God divine they fed, And to the anxious, waiting hearts It was the spiritual bread." "Throughout the year, in days of yore, Thine fathers, youth, in there did speak ; Their days, their strength, their li\-es, their all. Present thev at the mercv seat." 65 " Still other scenes, and pictnres true, I beg to here present. And hope nij' musings may to you, Be as of sweet incense." " In witness of the spirit's power, Sweet songs to Him they rai.sed, And joyfully they spent the hours In worship and in praise." " Their notes, in tongue not thine. In sweetest harmony did blend — 'Tis not the accent nor the time The Master's blessing to attend." "The folks who then did worship here. Long since have passed away. And many whom your fathers cheered Repose in yonder graves." " Their sons and daughters, too, my son, Along their parents' footprints trod, Until the call ' Thy work is done' ; They here too rest beneath the sod." " 'Tis great the changes I have wrought In six score years, but lacking three ; In retro.spect I turn my thought. And say, in silence. Can it be? " " From east to west, and round about, At every season of the year, The old church bell still sends out An invitation full of cheer." " Peals of welcome, welcome, welcome, I''roni it on many ears have fell ; The rich and poor, the old and young. Delight to hear the old church bell." " Son, to heart now lake these lessons : Time must needs be on the go : May these visions prove a blessing To thine kin on earth below." L.ofC. «)6 Besides the church — a quiet place — Along its streets, before my face, I view its homes, with markers placed. In silence, and with bowed head, Involuntarily I am led Around this city of the Dead. No weary vigils need they keep ; Their day of labor is complete ; Until the end of time they sleep. No need of sentries 'round their graves ; Their freedom is that of .slaves ; And at the head we read their names. Wilhin grim walls, with mother clay, Hundreds here in quiet lay, Awaiting now the judgment day. Those just and true do here abide. Also the bad, with sinful pride ; Alike they sleep side by side. Some older folks whom I did see, Who worshiped here for many years, Convinced were they and did agree — Mine ancient sire is buried here. Almost a century lias passed, vSiuce here there met, 'neath heaven's dome, P'riends, whose hands in life he grasped, Tenderly consigned him to the toml). Days and nights, with chilling weather ; Whitening frost, and rain and sleet. Frequent visits paid together — Destruction's work they make complete. vStones and markers, gray and old. Erect or leaning, high and low, Kach its owni sad story told ; The wear of Time we now behold. In vain I read inscription, verse, On tablets here and there, And vainl}' still pursue my .search, Which ends in dire despair. With parting look aroimd about, I go my homeward way. Convinced in mind, as well as heart. His is an UNMARKKD GRAVE. G8 w ■3 W •i: .2 S < & o Z (J O 2 M > •s u w a 'J <; a; W P;. w *. > ■n *j >T= 1 « s o £ -2 3 J3 « 2 1 < O O ^Oi > * * * >■ * > > > 1) >■ *. N S s s •C T3 j5 B C Fi u 3 s a o O > N s w < a Q a. tn 3 O • ■S 'J ■"" 2 », "< I 3 a s I o V eg « d e T3 J3 b S 3 M a d V a * H > a .2 * a * S > ji S" w t; a •a < > is 3 ■c Si H rt u c •g si & 3 o o •3 (J s J3 ■n a 4) n « en X •c a Si a X a a O O « a T3 > (A > en » ^ « V ti •a >4 ^ M Oi d N u S a Si u a 3 n •o V w <: a ;.• >■ .1 ■^ . 5 . "H ■* X >" >' >' « 5 i a ^ "3 u s ^ u II of u a - .2 E .1 >- w 5 IS 1st 5s I'i si til is' H u o o ►J z w o h o c/i a Q Z > I H C 3 = s " ? S < a; t I III gJ^ I £ >■ 5 " t)""*— "3 ecu lAtfacACfU III D oi S b > I 3 !■ !■ I B S 1 n 1 1 < X e. ■a ■*•-.»• ;i. o 3 •; J < X a X u a K >~ f? CI B — J u a > b a kj X 0. 1 INDEX, Abstracts from Clnirch and otlier records... 54-59 Beach. Mrs. Selina 4.3 Braun. Miss Marie Judith 8, 9 Buzby, Mrs. Mary J 50 Cloud. Miss Harriet Daisy 41 Church of St. Nikolai Id, 14, 1 5, 55, 59 Cootes, .\matida 37 Cootes. Edward 37 Cootes, Elizabeth 37 Cootes. Emily 37 Cootes. Francelia 37 Cootes. Mrs, Maria Louisa 37 Crouse. Miss Eliza E 3it Davis. Edwin Emerson 44 Davis. Mrs. Magdalene Catherine Isa- bella ai.fia Davis. Mrs. Fahnesta 44 Davis, Rev. Wni. Frederick Philip 52 Edie. Elizabeth Fahnestock 41 Edie. Grace Holloway 41 Edie. Mrs. Emily Grace 41 Edie. Salome Vandersloot 41 Edie. William Holloway 41 Elliot, .\lbert 31 Elliot, .Amanda 31 Elliot, Harry 31 Elliot. Mary C. C 33 Elwert. Miss Cora E 39 Erhart. Miss Alice Belle 49 Family Register 70 Fahnestock. Miss Rebecca .Xnn 37 File. Miss Sarah G. G 31, 62 Fife Genealogy 61 Flick, Miss Georgia 39 Gahring, Miss Henrietta 33 Gearing. Mrs. Daisy Vandersloot 41 Genealogical Tree 69 Gildersleeve. Miss Adda Maria 49 Goschenhoppen Church 16 Gross, Annie 53 Gross. Emma Isabella 53 Gross. Laura Hake 53 Gross, Mrs. Catharine Elizabeth Salome 53 Hake, Catharine Elizabeth Salome 52 Hake. Emma Isabella 53 Hake. Louisa Henrietta 53 Hake. Mrs. Emma Elizabeth 52 Hanna. Miss Mary .\ 38 Helker. Miss Carolyn Sayres 35 Henning. Miss Sarah Ann 44 Hiatt. .Arthur Claud 49 Hiatt. Gladvs 49 Hiatt. Grace 49 Hiatt, J Mrs. Mellie Isadora 49 Hilleary. Mrs. Mary Alice 48 Holloway. Carlotta 41 Holloway. Daisy Vandersloot 41 Holloway. Emily Grace 41 Holloway. Harry Deininger 41 Holloway, Martin Luther 41 Holloway. Mrs. Salome Fahnestock 40 Holloway. Paul Fundenberg 41 Holloway Salome Vandersloot 41 Holloway, William Evans 41 Holtzschwam Church and Cemetery 21, 67 laeger, Miss Leonora V 35 In Memoriam 62 Introduction 6 Jew or Gentile 60 Keyser, Amelia Vandersloot 47 Keyser. Gertrude May 47 Keyser. Mrs. .Alice Rebecca 47 Keyser, William B 47 Kissinger, Anna Mary 34 Kissinger, Benjamin Franklin 34 Kissinger, Beulah May 34 Kissinger. Helen Gertrude 34 Kissinger, Lewis Edward 34 Kissinger, Mrs. Susanna 33 Kissinger, Sarah Myrtle 34 Knight, Miss Almira 45 Mitchell. Byron Caird 40 Mitchell. Ira Caufield 40 Mitchell. Kathryn 40 Mitchell, Mrs. Rebecca Virginia 40 Mitchell. Torrence Hippie 40 Morgan. Miss Rebecca Regina 44 Morton. Mrs. Elnia Eliza 50 Murray, Miss Nancy Bronson 48 Myers. John laeger 36 Myers, Mrs. Sarah Charlotta 36 Myers. Thomas Edwin 36 Pauli Ancestry 60 Pauli, Miss Catherine Deiser 19, 21,22 Pool, Miss Hannah 46 Reed. Miss .Anna Margarctta 16 Reeser, Arthur Hake 53 Reeser, Henry Earl 53 Reeser. Mrs. Louisa Henrietta 53 Reinhart, Miss Matilda 47 Rhoyual. Miss Ida May 39 Russell, Miss Sarah Emma 44 SchaefTer. Miss .Angeline 53 Schultz. Miss Louisa Henrietta 16 Smith, Charlotte Stair 45 Smith, Malcolm Vandersloot 45 Smith, Mrs. Louisa Henrietta Snnill 45 Smith. Rebecca Fahnestock 45 Smyser, Mary Matilda 37 Smyser. Mrs. Catherine Isabella 37 Spangler, Mrs. Caroline Henrietta 45 Spangler. Catharine I 45 Spangler, Charles N 45 Spangler, Emma J 45 Spangler. Frederick William 45 Spangler. Isabella C 45 Spangler. Jacob Calvin 45 Spangler. John 45 Spangler. Maria Louisa 45 Spangler. Samuel 45 Spangler, Sarah .Ann 45 Spangler. Susanna 45 Stetler. Mrs. Elizabeth 37 Stevens. Miss Rebecca 52 Trumbower, Miss Sarah .Ann 46 Unmarked Grave 63, 68 Vandersloot. Addison 46 Vandersloot, Albamarle (d. of Byron) 39 Vandersloot, .Albamarle Beatrice 40 Vandersloot. .Albert Benjamin 31,37 Vandersloot. .Alice Rebecca 47 Vandersloot. Amanda 31 Vandersloot, .Anna Elizabeth 47 Vandersloot, .Annie Cloud 39 Vandersloot. .Arthur Bronson 49,50 Vandersloot, Byron "9 \'andcrslool, Byron Mitchell '-i'J Vandersloot, Caird Melvill _ 40 \'andorsloot, Calvin Pauli 37,44 X'anderslool. Carl Donaldson 39 Vandersloot, Caroline Henrietta 1^8, 45 Vandersloot, Catherine Isabella 31,37 V andersloot, Catherine Wilhelmina Emelia •-28, 52 Vandersloot. Charles AugnsUis 28,46 Vandersloot, Charles Edwin _ 35 Vandersloot. Charles Henry ■!", 45 Vandersloot, Cloud 43 Vandersloot, Daisy td. of J. B.) 46 Vandersloot, Daisy (d. of Rev. Jacob SamucU ■^^ Vandersloot. Daisy Cloud 40 Vandersloot. Harlc William 33 Vandersloot, Eda 45 Vandersloot, Edward Milton 31,37 Vandersloot, Edward Russell 44 Vandersloot, Edward Ure 43 Vandersloot, Edwin 41) Vandersloot, Ellen Shetter 33 Vandersloot. Elnia Eliza 5'j Vandersloot. Elmer I'.Usworth 47 Vandersloot. Emily Cloud 40 Vandersloot, Emma Amelia 47 Vandersloot, Emma Elizabeth 28,52 Vandersloot, Ethel Wallace 37 Vandersloot, Eva Aleene 49 Vandersloot, Eva Harrison 47 V'anderslooi, Fahncsta 44 Vandersloot, Ferdinand Edward (s. ol Charles Augustus) 47, 18 Vandersloot. Ferdinand Edward (s. oi Dr. F. W., of L. H.) 30 Vandersloot, Ferdinand Edward (s. of Rev. F. E.) 37, 44 Vandersloot, Frances Isabella 30 Vandersloot, Frederick Erharl 49 Vandersloot, Frederick William. M. 1). (.s. of Rev. F. W.) 31, 32 Vandersloot, Frederick William (s. of Charles Augustus) 40 Vandersloot, Frederick William (s. of Samuel O.) 40 Vandersloot. Frederick William, M. D.. (s. of Rev. Ferdinand Edw.) 37, 38, 30 Vandersloot, Frederick William (s. of Ferdinand Edw. of Mound City) 40 Vandersloot, Frederick William. Jr. (s. of Dr. F. W., of L. H.) 30 Vandersloot, Frederick William. Jr. (,s. of Dr. F. W., of York) 32 Vandersloot. Gustav Albert 28, 52 Vandersloot. Hanson Murray 49,51 Vandersloot, Harry Cleon 39 Vandersloot, Harry Holloway 39 Vandersloot. Helen Fage 39 Vandersloot, Henry Philip Lewis 28,53 Vandersloot, Jessie Marie _ 49 Vandersloot, John Borius 37, 14 Vandersloot, John Borius, Jr 4o Vandersloot, John Edward _ 35 Vandersloot, John Jacob 31, .35, 30 Vandersloot, John Tlieodorc 28, 52 Vandersloot, John William 31J Vandersloot, Katheriiie Adelc 30 Vandersloot, Leonora Pauli 30 Vandersloot, Leroy 33 Vandersloot, Lewis 3.) Vandersloot, Loma 44 Vandersloot, Louisa Henrietta Smull 37,45 Vandersloot, Magdalcna Cathcrinc Isabella 28, 52 Vandersloot, Margaret 44 Vandersloot, Maria Louisa 28,37 Vandersloot, Mary Alice _ 48 Vandersloot, Mary .'Vnn 31, 35, 37 Vandersloot, Mary Anna 30 Vandersloot, Mary Elizabeth 40 Vandersloot, Mary J 50 Vandersloot, Mrs. .\(lda Maria 49 Vandersloot, Mrs. .Alice Belle 49 Vandersloot. Mrs. Almira 45 Vandersloot. Mrs. Angelinc 53 Vandersloot. Mrs. Carolyn Sayres 35 Vandersloot. Mrs. Cora l: 39 Vandersloot. .Mrs. Daisy Cloud 40,43 Vandersloot, Mrs. JCliza E 30 Vandersloot, M rs. Georgia ,. . . . 39 Vandersloot. .VI rs. Hannah 4(i Vandersloot, Mrs. Harriet Daisy 41 Vandersloot. Mrs. Ida .Mav 3» Vandersloot. Mrs. Mary .\ 38 Vandersloot. Mrs. Matilda 47 \'andersloot. Mrs. Xancy Bronson 48 Vandersloot. Mrs. Nannie 30 \'andersloot. Mrs. Rebecca 52 Vander.sloot, Mrs. Rebecca Ann 37, 38 Vandersloot. Mrs. Rebecca Regina 44 Vandersloot, Mrs. Sarah Ann ( w. of C. P. V.) 44 Vandersloot, Mrs. Sanih /\nn (w. of F. W. V.) 46 Vandersloot. .\h>. Sarah Emma 44 Vandersloot. .Mrs. Sarah C. G 31, til, 02 Vandersloot, Mellie Isadora . 49 \'andersloot. Olga Miiv «9 Vandersloot. Pearl 39 X'andersloot, Raymond Kmg 33 \'andersloot. Rebecca 43 Vandersloot. Rebecca (d. of Ferd. Edw.) 44 Vandersloot, Rebecca Virginia (d. oi Dr. F. W., of L. 11.) 40 Vandersloot, Rcliecca Virginia td. of Byron) 30 X'.mdcrsloot. l\e\. l-'erditiand Edward 28,37,38 Vandersloot, Rev. b'rederick William 28,20.30,31 Vandersloot, Rev. Jacob Samuel 37, 41,42 Vandersloot, Rlioyual Caird 30 Vandersloot, Robert Elwert 39 Vandersloot, Robert Fife 34, 35 Vandersloot, Roy Maitland _ 49 Vandersloot. Salome F;ihnestock 37,40 Vandersloot'. Samuel Oit 40.4.3 X'andersloot. Sarah Charlotta 30 \'andcrsloot, Sarah Emily 35 Vandersloot. Scott 39 Vandersloot. Selina (d. of Rev. Jacob Samuel) 43 Vandersloot. Selina Miriam 40 Vandersloot. Sudie Irene 39 Vandersloot. Susanna 33 Vandersloot, Wilhelmina l-'.nieha 28,52 Vandersloot. William John 30 von Boiler, Miss Sophia VVilhelmine 11, 13 \on Btiller .-Vncestry 12 von der Sloot, Derivation .-md Signifi- cation 8 von der Schloth. August \()n der Schloth, Friedrich iMarius von der Schloth. Heinrich .VIberl 0, 10 von der Schloth, Henriette .Vlbertine Sophie 9 von der Schloth, John Ludwig 9 von der Schloth, Louisa Friederike Marie !' von der Schloth, Rev. I'nederich 8,0 von der Schloth, Rev. Friederich Hem- rich i'. 10 van der Sloot, .Vnna Sophia 10 van der Sloot. Rev. Friederich VVilhelm 18, 28 van der Sloot. Rev. I'hilipp VVilhelm Friederich '••. '" Wallace, Miss Mary 37 Watson, Miss Nannie 39 Williams, Mrs. Mary Alice 48 Williams. Nellie Cecile 48 Williams. Orrell Nancy 48 VVitman Genealogy 61 VVitnian. Miss Mary A"" 29 H185 80^.* FAMILY REGISTER, The author suggests that the following pages be used upon which to record important occurrences, such as Marriages, Births, Deaths, with names, dates, particulars, etc. ; and such other facts and events, in the order of time, relating to family history, which should be chronicled and carefully preserved. F»b. 1 COPY DEL. TO CAT, DIV. FEB. 24 1902 EB. 27 1902 < O ,0 -y • ' ' ' ■ ■ O' I-, ../'. * # , 1 ■ ■ -i Oj .0 -T" - 1- •! o. • .0-7- "^ c°^ >•'-••'. '^ ^/^.^°-.°--\ /^•^:/-.'^ ^^.^"^'v'^ /.--•-.'^ "^-^-0^ . '- •^ov^"' '''^^0^ -^ov^ ■ ; "^-^^0^ o ^Pb sr" . . .*• '-' Ci V / '• ^ ^ -"-v. "^ / '>r » V-^ ~ 'b ^J"■ ' C , V^ % " ^"^ ■• "-^.. .> /r/^'' "^ / «<< ■ ■ ' o V o V •>>'^.^ 0'' if. '-r^- ^f>'i V. '^'^ ,^' ^^ * ■**V ^^r-. % ^ Ci* • *-^ 4 V ''Ik - ' " ° - -^^ V 'of-. jXa-W;.-,7 o V .f° .. V •■' A* .0-.. <^. ,oV -ov^ ^°-^^. p.> y • f. % ^ ^-^0* '■<^^' >' -^^ 0^ A ■^ ,<;•' N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 ^> -^ ■ f 'o . . • A. ,0- 'J ' . -^ ^ \ -'f.^.'' a"- A* a" , ^■^ " A ^> \> .. • • * ■ 1 IBRARY OF CONGRESS i 021 548 353 8 ^il