Class /p"/ COFBRIGHX DEPOSm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress Records of the Town of New Rochelle ■I 1699-1828 Transcribed, Translated and Published BY Jeanne a. Forbes / ^ With introduction by Caryl COLEMAN, B, A. By authority of the Board of Estimate of the City of New Rochelle New Eochelle, N. Y. The Paragraph Press 1916 /- / *^'l ./\/6'6'/V42 Copyright, 1916, by JEANNE A. FORBES. (^ SEH l8'/9.!i) ©ci.A4377-<:8 ir- y the same motives, seeing all things from their point of view. In order to ac- complish this somewhat difficult task :. to call fortli gen- erations from the tomb and make them live again and understand the propelling force of their actions, there is no greater help than a studious perusal of contemporary documents. And here, in this Old Town Records^ we have sucli a document. A rendition of New Rochelle's seventeenth and eighteenth century public archives, the originals of which are written in a mixture of English and French, and evidently not by scholars ; moreover this transcription and the translations are not only erudite, but are also conscientious, accurate and unabridged. Indeed it is a valuable publication, one which must prove of great interest to all intelligent citizens of New Ro- chelle, to all those who care to obtain a true understand- ing of the external everyday life of its first settlers, as it will materially enable them to comprehend their spirit, their feelings and the guiding principles of their religious, civic and social life. At the end of the seventeenth century, contemporary with the settlement of New Rochelle, Europe had almost recovered from the shock of the Reformation and its sub- sequent relentless and often malevolent religious contro- versies, but the persecutions, oppressions and wars they provoked were still rife, and all this in opposition to the general awaking in Central and Northern Europe to the value of the arts, sciences and commercial industries: the fruits of peace; and also in spite of the compelling and adventurous spirit that was abroad to enter by trade and travel into a greater intercommunication with men of various nations; and above all contrary to the then abiding and awaking desire found everywhere, among all conditions of men, for enfranchisement from inherited feudalism, co-existing with a growing belief in the doc- trine of personal liberty, a foreshadowing as it were of modern Democracy. Introduction^. vii 111 England James Stuart, when Duke of York and afterwards in 1685 on becoming King, openly declared his disapprobation of religious persecution, and used all his influence, not only for the relief of oppressed Englishmen of every faith, but also for the many Protestant refugees who had fled from the religious and political perse- cutions in France and Flanders, more particularly those who sought an asylum in Great Britain and its colonies from the persecutions which they suffered at the hands of Louis XIV, when he revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685, an edict which had been issued eighty-seven years before by Henry IV in favor of his Protestant subjects. This revocation by Louis, together with his attacks on the Huguenots, Jansenists and Quietists was merely car- rying to its logical conclusion his theory of absolutism and belief in the divine origin of the royal power, spurred on by his enormous egotistical bigotry, and not because of his religious faith. Although most of these refugees known as Huguenot, a name imported into France from Geneva and first used as a term of reproach, a word of doubtful etymology, but probably derived from the German eidgenoss : an oath-fellow, a confederate, were honest men and women, industrious and skilful artisans, nevertheless they were not received with feelings of pity or regarded with favor by their fellow Protestants in England. John Bull in the seventeenth century always objected to the presence of foreigners, believing as he did that England had much to fear from foreign ambition, so took good care to keep them and all strangers from over the sea under the watchful eye of the parochial authorities, enrolling them: their name, place of birth, age, occupation and residence. As early as 1630, after the fall of La Rochelle, the last Protestant place of refuge in France, Maltravers, Earl of Arundel and Surry, thought to utilize these foreigners dwelling in England by making them colonists, and with their assistance establish a feudal principality in Aiiier- VIII IXTRODUCTIOX. iea, south of Viiginia. A settloment to that end was attempted, under the leadership of one Captain Sance, a Huguenot adventurer, hut in the end the venture proved a failure. Later, however, many Huguenots found 23ermanent liomes in the American colonies. After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes more than two hundred families, fleeing from the religious bigotry of King Louis, reached New York and were welcomed by its inhabitants. It was a propitious time, as the then gov- ernor: Col. Thomas Dongaii, a broadminded gentleman and an able diplomat, had just proclaimed by proclama- tion, under the authority and by direction of the Duke of York, religious toleration to all, which Charter Liber- ties was confirmed by the first elected legislative body of the colony (Oct. 17, 1683) and upon which are based all of the later Constitutions of the State of New York. Nineteen or twenty years before the coming of the Huguenots to New York, when Col. Eichard Nicholls was governor, there was living at Fairfield, Conn., Mr, Thomas Pell, at one time "Gentleman of the bedcham- ber" to King Charles I, a son of the Kev. John Pell, in- cumbent of Southwyck, in the County of Sussex in England, who appeared before the Court of Assize at New Y'ork on Sept. 29, 1665, and claimed that he had bought in the year 1654 certain lands from the Indians, and he asked that this purchase and his title to the same be confirmed by letter patent. In compliance with his re- quest there was issued to him on the 8th day of October, 1666, a Koyal Patent giving him the ownership of the lands he claimed w^ere his and afterwards known as Pelham Manor: a tract to the Eastward of Westchester hounds, hounded to the Westicard icith the river called hy the Indians, Aqueouncke, commonly known hy the English, hy the name of Hutchinson's river, which run- neth into the Bay lying hetweoi Throckmorton's neck *;s5 V--. :„ ~r J, > ' ■ftj -! = ' -•^ ^ ',. 's - - r^ . i_/_. i_ JOHN PELL'S GRANT OF NEW ROCHELLE. TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE To whom this present writing shall come John Pell proprietor of the Mannor of Pelham within the County of Westchester in the province of New York within the Domminion of New England Gentleman and Rachell his wife Sendeth Greet- ing in our Lord God Everlasting. Know Yee that the said John Pell & Rachell his wife for and in consideraton of the slime of Sixteens hundred twenty & Five pounds sterling currant silver money of this province to him in hand paid & secured to be paid att & before the ensealing & delivery hereof by Jacob Leisler of the Citty of New York Marchant, the Receipt whereof they the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife doe hereby Acknowledg & them- selves to be fully Sattisfied & contented & thereof & of every part & parcell thereof doe hereby freely & cleerly Acquitt exonerate & discharge the said Jacob Leisler his heirs Executors Administrators & every of them by these presents, HAVE Granted bargained & sold & by these Presents Doe grant Bargaind & sell unto the said Jacob Leisler his heirs & Assignes ALL that Tract of Land lyeing & being within the said Mannor of PELHAM eontainning Six thousand acres of Land And also One hundred Acres of Land more which the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife do freely Give & Grant for the French Church erected or to be erected by the Inhabit- ants of the said Tract of Land or by their Assignes BEING butted & bounded as herein is After expressed beginning att the west side of A certaine white Oak tree marked on all foure sides standing at high water mark & at the south end of Hog Neck by Shoals harbour & runs north westerly through the great & fresh Meadow lyeing between the Roade & the sound & from the north xiY John Tell's Grant of New Rochelt^e. side of the said MeadoAV where the said line crosses the said Meadow to run from thence due north to Bronckeses River "which is the west divission line between the said John Pells Land and the aforesaid Tract bounded on the south Easterly by the sound & Salt w^ater & to riin east northerly to A certaine peice of Salt Meadow lyeing att the Salt Creek which Runneth up to Cedar Tree brook, or Gravilley, brook, and is the bounds to the southern. Bounded on the east by a line that runs from said Meadow north-westerly by marked trees to a cer- taine black Oak tree standing A little below the Roade marked on fouer Sides & from thence to rtin due north fouer miles and one halfe more or lesse AND from the north end of the said west line ending att BRONCKESES River, and from thence to riin easterly till it meetes with a North end of the said eastermost bounds, to- gether with all and Singuler the Islands & Isletts be- fore the said tract of Land lyeing & being in the sound & Salt water with all the Harbours creeks Rivers Rivol- etts Rtins Waters Lakes Meadows ponds Marshes Salt & fresh sw^amps Soyles timber trees pastures feedings, Inclosures fields, Quarryes, Mines mineralls, (Silver & gold Mines only excepted,) fishing hunting fowleing hawking AS Also all the Messuages Houses tenements barnes Mills Milldams as they were att the time of the ensealing & delivery of the Articles of Aggreement of Sale for said Land bearing date the second day of July in the Yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty- sea ven, AS Relaton being thereto had doth more fully and att large Appeare, AS allso the Reversion & re- versions, Remainder & Remainders of a certaine Lott of Land & Meadow now in the tenure & occupaton of John Jefferd & Olive his wife being parts of the afore- said six thousand Acres of Land with all the Privi- lidges belonging thereto or any wise appurtaineing or there with now used occupied & enjoyed; AS allso the Right title interest Reversion, Remainder, property John Pell's Grant of New Kochelle. xv claimd & demand whatsoever of in & to the same & every parte thereof as is hereafter expressed, TO HAVE & TO HOLD the Aforesaid Tract of Land with all other the Above granted premisses unto the said Jacob Leisler his heirs «& Assigns for Ever to his & there own sole & proper use benetitt & behoofe for ever YIELDING & paying unto the said John Pell his heirs & assigiies Lords of the said Mannor of PELHAM or to the As- signs of him or them or their or either of them as an Acknowledgmt to the Lord of the said Mannor one fatt calfe on every fouer & twentyth day of June YEARLY & Every Years forever (if demanded) AND the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife for themselves their heirs Executors & Administrators Respectively doe hereby covenant promisse & grant to and with the said Jacob Leisler his heirs & Assignes in mannor & formd follow- ing (that is to say,) that att the time of the ensealing hereof they the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife doe Avouch themselves to be true Sole & lawfull owners of all the afore bargained premises and that they are lawfully seized of & in the same & every part thereof in their owne proper Right of a good & Indefinable es- tate of Inheritance in fee simple & have in themselves good Right full power & lawful Authority to sell & dis- pose of the same as Aforesaid AND the said Jacob Leisler his heirs & Assignes shall & may from henceforth & forever hereafter peaceably & Quiettly have hold oc- cupy possesse & enjoye the Above Granted premises & every parte & parcell thereof, free & clear without any charge or Incumbrance caused made Suffered or granted by said John Pell & Rachell his Wife or either of them their or either of their heirs in Estate Right title interest in law or Equity trust charge or other Incumbrance what- soever, AND the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife for themselves Respectively & for their Respective heires doe covenant promisse & grant to warrant & defend the Above Granted premisses with their appiirtenances & XVI John Pell's Grant of New Rochelle. evory part & jDarcel thereof Unto tlie said Jacob Leisler his heirs & Assigns forever, Against the Lawfull claimes & demands Avhatsoever, IN WITTNESSE whereof the said John Pell & Rachell his Wife have hereunto Sett their hands & Seales in New York & the twentyth day of September in the First years of the Reigne of our soveragne Lord & Lady William, & Marj^, KING & QUEEN of England &c., and, in the Years of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Eighty & Nine. JOHN PELL. the mark R Rachell Pell This book was rebound June 1887 James Consadene Town Clerk (The above appears on the fly leaf.) (This record appears on a separate sheet of paper 6x9 pasted on the front page of the book.) RECOKD April the 28 day 1752 Daniel Chadine has entered in the Record the mark of his Creator* as follows, viz.; "sl sonnatta forck to ye rite Ear. Following this is the description of Daniel Sicard's stray black bull. Taken up by Richard Willis, Ranger, for the county of Westchester, A Yellowish Rone mare, and a Colt Sup- posed to be strayed from the owner by Information going on four Years entered on Record this 27th Day of February 1765, per me Peter Bonnett. Reed, of Benjamin Stephenson, Two Pounds, seven Shillings & Four Pence for Quit Due to his Majesty to The Year 1769, per me Phillip Pell This a True Copy Taken for the warrant and Recorded ye 11th of April 1769. per Peter Bonnett *This eaimot mean anything else but creaturs. 2 Xew Rochelle Town IJecords. PAGE 1— INDEX (The first page Avas intended to be an index but con- tained only six entries as follows:) Elias Guion Landing road 4:th page Boston Koad Road to the Mill Pond iilth By Road from Boston Road to the White Plains 36-37 Height of fences 2nd Gift of burying ground to Inhabitants 71 Deed of Church Land 179 PAGE 2— TOWN MEETING— DEC. 2, 1699. December the two 1699 : In a general meting of alls the Inhabitans of this town according Justisse Dingley's warrant; Peter Le Ronx heretofore Constable hass been discharged and Robert Bloomer hass been Named in his place for to exercice the said Charge of Constable and that nemini Contradittente. In the Same assemblee Peter frederick and Joseph De- bane have been Named for to be Snrveyers about the fences in all the plantations of this Place for to pre- serve the Peace and they are desired to see that alls the fences be att Leas four foot liays from this day to march Next Coming and after that of four foot et an half hay and from the ground upward tow^ foot no more opening then five Inches. In New Rochelle province of Westchester In his Majesty Collony of New York the four and twenty of January one Thousant Seaven hundret and of his Majesty's Reign the Twelve the act of agreement fowl- lowing haths been made and Concludet betwixt Mr. Ollivier Besly and frederick Scurman Living both in this place that is to say that in Consideration of a cer- tain bill of Seal passet to the said Scurman by Peter Le Roux of a parcel of a hundred and fourteen accres Page 2 of the Original Town Record. New Eochellb Town Records. 3 of Land Seituated in the great Lots of New Eoelielle Joining in tlie north, to Mrs. Dubois Widow. In the Sud to Andrew Thauvet in the East to Mrs. Richbel and in the west to the Kings Eods itt is expressly agreed that in Case of any pretention by the said Scurman about the full quantity of the Said parcel of Land the said Scurman Shall have his action hence after against the Said ollivier Besly only and not att all against the sd Le Roux with the sd Scurman Leave of by this present and the said Besly Ingage him selve by this present to answere for the same in his proper name and to make good the Said quantity of hundred and fourteen accres of Land and to the performance of the same he did Engage himselve his heirs Executors or Assignes in wittness Whereof they have putt theirs hands and Seals to the present. In presence of the Wittnesses under written and they have made the Same double for the assurance of the Sd Le Roux and desire a Copy of itt Signet O. Besly frederick Scurman Wittnesses I B dutuffeau P Thanuet Entret and Recordet the five in twenty of January one thousant Seaven hundred in the follio two PAGE 3— INVENTORY OF THE WIDOW COTHON- NEAU— 1699 Invantaire des Meubles Es Effects quy Seront trouver apres le deced de de feue Mad. la veufe Guillaume Cothon- neau, Seavoir : LTn Coffre Contenant ce quy suit ; 25 vielles Chemises d'homme 13 Calgons 4 Vielles CamisoUes de Bazin; diverses chausettes Es Chaussons tant vielles que uzees un demy Lynseul;) Un autre Coffre contenant ce quy suit un haby veste Es Culotte es un Manteau d'Enfant avec plusiurs papiers, un autre ditto Contenant Un Manteau Es Jupe de Broccard noir 4 New Rochelle Town Records. Un autre manteaii de Soye gris cle lin CJii autre de Crespon Noir es une Jupe uiie autre de Ratine es une Jupe de Moyre noire un tablier de Crespon un paire de bas foullez es trois bonnets de Laine. deux grands plats d'Estain deux moyens, sept maza- rines dix-sept assiettes trois grands Chandeliers, deux chandeliers a queue, trois grils, une tourtiere Un alambick de Cuivre, une marmite ou pot de fer, trois couvertures de pots, deux Entonnoirs, un Chaudron un poislon une poislonne quatre cuillieres a pot, un Escumoir deux mouchettes, une passette, une bayouette Es autre ferrements plusieurs cuivrs, un autre Coffre contenant ; huit Linseuls, douze Chemises d'homme, vingt deux h femme, vingt-sept napes, vingt quatre Essuie mains, Six douzaines es deux serviettes un autre Coffre contenant, Cincq Tjinseuls, Cincq Serviettes, plusieurs Calles Es Cartons contenant menut Linge, sept Cuilleires d'argent, huit fourchettes, une Escuelle d'argent, deux Coupes es une petite tasse le tout d'argent. Item Bestes deux vaches, trois genises, un taureau, deux cavalles, trois poulain, quatre Coches Eis treize cochons Estat de ce quy Est au servise de la maison, a la garde es conduite de Madame des Marets, un pot de fer avec la couverture une poille, une broche un paire de chesnets, un trepied, une pelle une pincette une autre broche un tlasque, un gril, deux rechauds un autre i)ot de for, une pince de fer, une paire d'anberges, trois chaudrons moyens Es deux petis, deux poelons, une sechefritte de cuivre Es deux de fer blanc, une couteliere a six Couteaux, 'Nmw KocHELLE Town Eecords. 5 deux chandeliers de ciiivre es un de fer blaiic, un grand plat, un uioj^en, une mazarine Es une dito profonde Es six assiettes, deux Salieres deux gobelets, quatres cuillieres le tout d'estain, six fourchettes manches d' I voire, une paire de ballances, un Entonnoir, deux miroirs, deux pots de Chambre, un fans, un fusil, deux napes, es vingt deux Ser- viettes deux Cbalits avec leurs courtines dans lesquels il y a un lit de plumes deux matelats quatre traversin es un coussiu, une blanquette une Couverte en maniere de tapis une dito de Laine, une courtepointe, Es cincq lin- seuls Six chaises, deux tables un panier Clisse une grande TRANSLATION— PAGE 3— INVENTORY OF THE WIDOW COTHONNEAU— 1699. Inventory of the furniture and goods which will be found after the decease of the late widow of Guillaume Cothon- neau : to-wit : 1 chest containing as follows : 25 man's old shirts 13 pairs of draw^ers 4 old dimity gowns Various under-stockings and socks somewhat old and worn. Half a shroud for the dead. Another chest containing as follows : A suit, vest and pants and a child's coat with several pa- pers. Another ditto, containing a coat and a skirt of black brocade, another coat of gridelin silk, another of thick black crepe and a skirt, another of rateen and a black moiree skirt ; a thick crepe apron, a pair of woolen stockings and three woolen caps. 2 large pewter dishes, 2 medium, 7 pans, 17 plates, 3 big candlesticks, 2 chandeliers, 3 gridirons, 1 tart dish, 1 brass 6 ^^EW KOCHELLE TOWX RECORDS. alembic, 1 pan or iron pot, tliree saucepan covers, two funnels, one cauldron, one skillet, one frying- pan, four pot ladles, one skimmer, two snuffers, one cullender, one bayonet and other iron instruments, several copper instruments. Another chest containing eight shrouds for the dead, twelve man's shirts, twenty- two woman's, twenty-seven table cloths, twenty-four tow- els, six dozen and two napkins. Another chest containing Five shrouds for the dead, five napkins, several cartons and band-boxes, containing small linen, seven silver simoons, eight forks, one silver porringer, two goblets and a small cup — the whole of silver Item — Animals. Two cows, three heifers, one bull, two mares, three colts, two sows and thirteen pigs An account of that which is for the service of the house, which is in the care and management of Madame des Marets: one iron pot with the cover, one fr^-ing-pan, one skewer, one pair of andirons, one trevet, one shovel, tongs, another skewer, one flask, one gridiron, two chafing dishes, another iron pot, iron nippers, one pair d'anberges, three cauldrons, medium and two small, two skillets, one copper cullender, and two of tin, one knife holder for six knives, two brass candlesticks and one of tin, one large dish, one medium, one mazarine and one also very deep, and six plates, two salt-cellars, two goblets, four spoons, all of pewter, six forks, ivory handles, a pair of scales, one fun- nel, two mirrors, two chambers, one scythe, one gun, two table-cloths and twenty-two napkins, two bedsteads with, their curtains and in which there is a feather bed; two mattresses, four bolsters and a pillow, one blanket, one cover like a rug, one of wool, one counterpane and five shrouds for the dead, six chairs, two tables, one wicker basket. New Ro€hellei Town Eecords. 7 PAGE 4— TOWN MEETING— DIVIDING THE COMMONS— 1700' sye de travers, Es line a main une selle Es deux brides, une cave avec quatorze flasgons. une autre de neuf flasgons ; fait double a la Nouvelle Rochelle le dix Sept Janvier mil Six cents quatre vingt dix neuf 1700. En presence des Sousignez Signe Ellie Boudnot le Jeune, Tesmoins Besly f le Conte. Entred and Eecorded and Exactely Examined upon the original the Six and Twentv of January one thou- sant Seaven hundred in the follio 3 and 4. March the first 99' 1700. In a general assembly of all the Inhabitans of New Eochelle In vertu of a warrant by James Mot Justisse of peace datet the 22 of febrary It hath been agreed and ordered by the plurality of voys that for the good of the please Esaye Vallau Teiner Paul Beignoux, Peter frederick and Jose Banes Shall visitt and Divide all the Land belonguing to the commons of the Inhabitans of the sd New Rochelle and they are to give theirs Raport of the Same from this day in a month coming apointed the Second day of April next Comming April the Second 170,0 According the apointemd by the Last Compagnie and assembly Esaye Vallau Paul Beignoux Peter frederick and Joses banes have given for their raport and account of the negotiation Committed to them that they have find Considerable parcell of Land undivided by the water side and in other parts in the Littles lots but for the other Land in the great Lots they are of opinion that soume may be shewled for to runne Exactly the Lines and to Renew the marke in the market threes Therefore the assembly have unanimosely named for to runt the said Lines Et renew the sd threes, the sd Paul Beignoux Peter frederick Peter Le Roux and Daniel Sicard In the first day of may next Coming. 8 Neav Rochelle Town Records. As allso tlie assembly have named for to be assesear this present year Peter vallau and to be colector Am- broise Sicard and Robert Blomer Continned in the pleace of Siipervnisor and as for the great Kings Rod from york to boston the assembly as Confirmet itt as itt is now setled being a thain brod and for the watter Rod the assemble as also Confirmed itt as itt stand now from boston Rod to the water side betwixt John Jeffreis and the Widow Machet and this to be allso a thaine brod to and for the others rods To the Watter sydes itt is ordered that they shall stand as they are now settled poui-voide that hey be eighteen food brod fre from alls steacks wch shall be understood for the Rods betwixt Jeffrey and machet for nobedunstading the contrary. TRANSLATION— PAGE 4— WIDOW COTHONNEAU INVENTORY ( Continued ) —1699. a pit-saw and a hand-saw, one saddle and two bridles, one cellaret with fourteen flasks. Another of nine flasks. Done in double in New Rochelle, the 17th of January, one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine 1700. In presence of the undersigned Signed Ellie Boudinot, Junior Witnesses Besly — f le Conte PAGE 5— JOHN PELL GIVES 100 ACRES FOR CHURCH— 1700. April the Second 1700 fowlowing the assembly of the other part Peter frederick and Andrew Bareheit have been for to be surveyers of the hays ways for this present year. and as for the Division Lignes itt is agreed that the Rod shal be halfe Chains Brod free from all incom- brases. Juilly the twenty tow 1700 In a general assembly of the Inhabitans of this place New Rochelle Town Records. ' 9 according Justisse Imath warrant It liass been agreed by the plurality of votes that about the hundred accres of Land given by Sir John pell for the church of this place the sd hundred accres Shall be taken in the undividet Land according the Choice of the Elders of the Church as they will find the more iDrofltable for the Church and the People. April the five 1701 In a general assembly of the Inhabitans of this pleace for the nomination of officers according the use of this couty Mr Robert Blomer have been Confirmet by the plurality of the votes in the charge of Constable for this present year; and att the same assembly by the general consent of all the Inhabitans. Mr. Isaye Vallau Seinior Robert Blomer and ollivier besly have been named to be town- men for to Look and menage the prudeneich affaires of the place, and for asesseur of this present year the sd assembly have named Daniel Giraud as also they have named for Collecteur Peter LeRoux by plurality of votes, they have also named for Surveyors of the hays wals Peter valau avnil Ballet for this present year. L'an de grace mil Six cents quatre vingt douze Es le neufiesme Jour de fevrier Sous le Reigne de Guillaume par la grace de Dieu Roy d'Engleterre d'Escosse Es d'lr- lande Et de la Reine marie fut present en sa personne Mon- sieur Guillaume Le Conte marchand Es habitant de la Nouvelle Rochelle, terre de Pelham conte de Westchester gouvernement de New York. Lequel du Consentement de damlle Marthe Lasty Sa femme Es de luy pour ces pre- santes dutrement othorisees a volontairement Es sans Contrainte, recogneu Es Confesse avoir ce jourd'hui vandu Cede quitte delaisee Es transporte, des maintenant es k toujours Es promes de garantir Es decharger de toutes deptes Es hipotaiques par luy cydevant crees Es non autre- ment aux Sieurs Ambroise Sicard pere Es fils aussy habi- tans. du d. Lieu de la nouvelle Rochelle Es y demeurans an presens Es acceptans pour eux es les leurs, ou ayant Cause c'est a scavoir une piece de terre en bois de bout 10 New Roche'lle Town Records. Seize entre les habitations de Messieurs Daniel Streing es Jean hastier cle la qnantite de quatre vingt quinze accres dependant de I'habitation cy-dessus quy est de trois cents cinqnante acres que le vandeur a acquite de monsieur brossard des Champs la dite piece de terre de quatre vingt quinze accres est bornee, d"un coste, le d. Sieur Streing de r autre le d. sieur vandeur par le moyen du restant de la d. piesse de trois cents cincquantes accres ; d'un beut lesterres de marincq apartenant a madame Richebel de Tautre le grand Lot de Messieurs Pelletreau le Boiteux Neufuille Es TRANSLATION— PAGE 5— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1701. The year of our Lord, One thousand six hundred and ninety-two, and the ninth day of Februar}^, under the Reign of William, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Queen Marie, personally ap- peared before me Mr. Guillaume Le Conte, merchant and inhabitant of New Rochelle, Manor of Pelham, County of Westchester, Province of New York, who, with the con- sent of demoiselle Marthe Lasty, his wife, and himself, by these presents, duly authorized, has voluntarily and without constraint recognized and acknowledged to have this day sold, alienated, conveyed and released from hence- forth and forever and warranted and defended from all manner of former debts and mortgages by him created and not otherwise, to Messrs. Ambroise Sicard, father and son, also inhabitants of ye said place of New Rochelle, and residing there now, and accepting for them and theirs or having cause to be accepted, that is to say, a piece of land lying, situate and being between the lands of Messrs. Daniel Streing and Jean Nastier of the quantity of ninety-five acres belonging to the land aforesaid, which is of three hundred and fifty acres which the seller has acquired of Monsieur Brossard des Champs. The said piece of land of ninety-five acres is bounded on one side by the said New Eochelle Town Eecords. 11 Sieur Streing, tlie said seller, on the other by the remainder of the said piece of three hundred & fifty acres; on one side the meadow lands belonging to Madame Kichebel, on the other the big lot of Messrs. Pelletreau le Boiteux Neu- fuille and PAGE 6— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1701 autre Interessez en Icelhuy, de plus une autre piece de terre aussy en bois de bout Size Sur le lot aj)elle les petites com- munes proche du moulin de neuf acres, borne d'un bout le grand chemin de boston, de I'autre la Crique du moulin, d'un Coste, le Chemin qui Conduit, du chemin de boston pour aller a la d. Crique, Es de Tautre le d. Sieur Le- Conte par les terres qu'il possede au d. lieu, Es Encore une autre piece de terre Seize au d. lieu des petites communes sur un Islet contenant cincq acres, bornee, d'un coste a la prairie fraiche I'autre coste les terres du d. sr vandeur, d'un bout un petit mourseau de Communes qm^ aboutit a la Crique du moulin Es I'autre bout Entre nn petit mor- ceau des Communes Ett un morceau de prairie fraiche. entre la d. terre Es celle de madame Richebel, font les dites trois pieces de terre Ensemble, la quantite de cent neuf acres, que les dits acquereurs ont dit es declare tres bien connoistre, Es Icelles mesurees Es arpentees En leurs presance par gens apellez en Commun pour cet Effect, Es des quelles ils Sont des maintenant Entrez en posession par la remise que leur en a faite le d. Sieur vandeur, quy les a Subroger en tons ces droits noms raisons Es actions pour en Jouir par les dits acquereurs comme de choses a Eux apartenantes Es tout ainsy Es de meme qu'en auroit pen Es pouvoir Le d. Sieur vandeur La j)resente vante faite pour Es moyenant le prix Es Somme de trante huit pistoles Es huit Chelins monoye Courante de de new york paya P. en toutes Sortes de bons grains Es marchans Sur le prix courant qu' il vaudra en argent contant au dit lieu de New York, lors de la Livraison d'Iceux en deduisant le fier du bateau, Es ce en deux termes, Scauvoir huit pistoles 12 New Rochelle Town Records. Es Imit Cheling dans iiii an de ce jonr Es les antres trante pistoles dans Six annees aconter aussj de ce jourdliuy. Es apres Lesquels les dits deux termes Eicheus les Sus ds. acquereurs ne pouvant pas payer les Susdites deux Somnies, en payeront I'lnterest an d. Sieur vandeur on a son ordre a raison de six pour cent a commencer de jonr de I'Escheance de chacun des dts. termes Es continuront a payer les dts. Interest Jusques a fin de pajanent en deduisant les Sommes qu'ils auront commance a payer Sur le princij)al Sans que le d. Sieur vandeur ny aucun des Siens puisse obliger les dts. acquer- eurs d'amortir les dites sommes cy dessus qu'a tous bons points des dts. acquereurs. Es chaque payment quy se se fera en L'acquit du principal sera de cinq pistoles Es non au dessous c'est de quoy les dts. partyes a ce presentes Es acceptantes, reciproquement sont convenues Es demeu- rees d'accord es promis Chacun en droit Soy de bien Es fidellement Executer sous I'obligation par le d. Sieur van- deur des terres qu-il possede en ce lieu, lesquelles il liipo- taique pour la soluabilite de la dite vante Es les dts, Sieurs acquereurs les Susdites troi pieces de terre qu'ils ont hipotecquees au d. Sieur vandeur jusque en fin de pay- ment Es on Esleu leur domicile la maison ou ils font leur demeure actuelle Scauvoir le d; sr. vandeur sur le nac Es les acquereurs sur rhabitation qu'ils out a louage de Monsieur pelletreaux fait es passe au d. lieu de la nou- velle rochelle TRANSLATION— PAGE 6— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS (Continued)— 1701. others interested in this one, besides another piece of land lying situated and being on the lot called the Little commons, near the mill, of nine acres, bounded on one side by the Boston Road; the other the mill creek. On one side the road which leads to the Boston Road to go to the said creek and on the other the said Sieur Le- conte by the lands which he owns in said place. And New Eochelle Town Records. 13 besides another piece of land lying, situated and being on said place of the Little Commons on an island containing five acres, bounded on one side by the fresh meadows ; on the other by the lands of the said Sieur vender ; on one end a piece of the commons which borders the mill creek be- tween a piece of the Commons and a piece of the fresh meadow and the other end between the said land and that of Madame Richebel makes the said three pieces of land together, the quantity of one hundred and nine acres wiiich the said purchasers have declared to know very well and have had them measured and surveyed in their presence by persons called in general for this purpose. And of which they have now come into possession by the delivery of the same made unto them by the said Sieur vender who doth covenant and grant unto them for their quiet, peaceable possession according to the same right and title as to him appertaineth. The present deed of sale made for and in consideration of the sum of 38 pistoles & eight shillings, current money of New York, payable in all kinds of good grains and marketable at the current price it would be worth in cash money at the said place of New York at the time of delivery of the same, deducting the boat transport. To be divided in two payments, to-wit — eight pistoles & eight shillings in a year from this day and the other thirty pistoles in six years, dating from this day and after which the said two payments expiring and the said purchasers not being able to pay the said two sums will pay the interest on them to the said Sieur vender or to his order at the rate of six per cent, begin- ning from the day of the expiration of each of the said payments and will continue to pay the said interests until final payment, deducting the amounts which they will have begun to pay on the principal without the said Sieur vender or his heirs being able to oblige the said purchas- ers to redeem the above said sums only in favor of the said purchasers. And each payment which shall be made on account of the principal shall be of five pistoles and not more. For which 14 New Rochelle' Town Records. the said parties bv these presents have aj^reed to be fnlly satistied and promise to respect each others' rights and faithful!}' executed under obligation by the said Sieur vender for the lands which he possesses in the said place and which lie mortgages for the solvability of the said sale and the said Sieurs purchasers the three above said pieces of land which they mortgaged to tlie said Sieur vender until the end of payment and have chosen as their habi- tation the house in which they are now dwelling; that is to say, the said Sieur vender on the neck and the purchas- ers in the dwelling which they rented of Monsieur Pelle- treaux. Signed, sealed and delivered in the said place of New Rochelle, PAGE 7— WILL OF AMBROISE SICARD— 1701 dans la maison de Monsieur Daniel Streing Juge a paix Es Lieutenant d'infanterie au d. lieu les jour es anque desisus, presence du d. Sieur Streing Es de Mons. andre thaunet marchands es habitans due d. lieu apres lecture faite des presantes aux partyes Elles Sont convenues qu'en faveur du present marche que le d. sr. le conte a cede es transporte aux susdits acquereurs les droits qu'il pent avoir sur les prairies sales au prorata due partage quy a Este cy devant fait par tons les habitans du d. Lieu comme aussi ceux qu'il pent avoir dans les prairies fraiches Es quy Entreront en partage avec tous les autre Interessez a proportion due nombre de terre qu'ils out acquis du d. sr. Leconte. tesmoins thaunet Daniel Streing. Signe. guil- laume le conte administrateur au bien de Jacques Lasty anne marthe Leconte a prouve linterlinge. En faveur du d. marche c marque ordinaire d'ambroise Sicard nicolas Jamin ambroise Sicard; Les partyes ayant requis une seconde lecture des presentes ils ont remarque que la iDiece de terre de quatre vingt quinze acres dont il est fait men- tion cydessus n'avoit pas Encore este mesuree, mais ils se sont promis reciproquement de prandre leur temps pour cella es sont convenus que le present acte ne diminura rien New Kochelle Town' Eecords. 15 de sa force pour cella, tesmoin thonet anne martlie Le conte c marque d'ambroise Sicard pere Ambroise Sicard, Nicolas Jamin, Laditte damoiselle anne marthe leconte a declare que de son bon gre Es volonte sans force ny contrainte elle a consanty a la dite vante faite par son mary se dont je suis tesmoin daniel Streing Justice a paix au comte de Weschester Entret and Kecordet and Ex- actely Examined upon the original the feeftin day of May one thousant Seaven hundret and one Le vingi: huit Jour de Mars Mil sept cents un a la Nouvelle Rochelle Manour de pelham dans la Conte de Westchester Province de nou- velle york Je Ambroise Sicard demeurant dans le d. lieu de la nouvelle rochelle considerant qu'il n'y a rien de plus certain que la mort quoy que Iheure d'l-celle soit Incertaine, ay voulu pour concerver une bonne paix Es union fraternelle Entre Ambroise Sicard mon flls ayne Daniel Sicard Jacques Sicard Guillaume Landrin es Marie Sicard, frangois Coquiller es Silvie Sicard tons mes enfans es filles, Leur declarer ma derniere volonte touchant le pen qu'il a plu a Dieu de me donner es comme quoy Je veux es Entant qu' ils se partagent entre Eux apres que le Seigneur m'aura retire de cette vie pour m'atirer a luy suivant mon Esperance, Premierement je veux Es entans que mon flls Ambroise aye pour luy es pour les siens a perpetuite la maison dans laquelle il a fait a present sa demeure avec cincq accres de terre y Joygnant, de plus les deux tiers de quatre vingt quinze accres de terre que Jay acquites de guillaume Le conte Es prendra ces deux tiers d'un bout aux terres de marines, dautre aux terres de pele- treau d'un coste aux terres de guillaume le conte es dautre a lautre tiers de ma dite terre Sur lequel tiers luy sera laisse un chemin de la largeur de vingt pieds entre le d. le conte es le dit tiers. Secondement Je veux es entans que mon flls Daniel Sicard ayt pour luy es les siens la maison ou Je fais a presant ma demeure avec les quatre vingt accres de terres quy en depandent comme je les ay acquises de feu Mr. IG New Kochelle Town Records. Pelletroau es ce en consideration que cest pour la plus part de son travail; Troisieseniement je veux es entans que mon fils Jacques Sicard ayt pour luy es les siens la maison on il fait a present TRAXSLATIOX— PAGE 7— WILL OF AMBROISEi SICARD— 1701. in tlie house of Monsieur Daniel Streing justice of the peace, and Lieutenant of infantry in said place, the day and year aboA^ mentioned. In presence of the said Sieur Streing and of Monsieur Andre Thaunet, merchants and inhabitants of the said place. After reading these presents to the parties they have agreed that in favor of the present sale that the said Sieur le conte shall concede and remit to the above said purchasers the priviledges they may claim on the salt meadows at the proportionable share which has been done heretofore by all the inhabitants of the said place; likewise those which they may have in the fresh meadows and which will be divided with all the others interested in relation to the amount of land they have purchased from the said Sir Le conte. Witnesses : Thaunet Daniel Streing Signed — Guillaume Le Conte, trustee of the estate of Jacques Lasty. Anne Marthe Leconte is well satisfied with this indenture made in favor of the said sale. C — mark of Ambroise Sicard Nicolas Jamin Ambroise Sicard The parties having requested a second reading of these presents noticed that the piece of land ninety-five acres here above mentioned had not jet been measured but they have mutuallv agreed to take their time for this and have New Rochellei Toavn Eecords. 17 decided that this present act of deed will not lose any of its value by it. Witnesses — Thounet Anne Marthe Le Conte C— Mark of Ambroise Sicard, pere. Ambroise Sicard, Nic- olas Jamin The said demoiselle Anne Marthe Le conte did acknowl- edge that of her free will and consent and without force or constraint she consented to said sale made by her hus- band, of which I, Daniel Streing, justice of the peace of Westchester County, am witness, Entret and Recordet and Exactely Examined upon the original the feeftin day of May one thousant Seaven hundret and one. The twenty eighth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and one, at New Rochelle, Manor of Pelham, in the County of Westchester. Province of New York— I, Ambroise Sicard, living in the said place of New Rochelle, considering that there is noth- ing more certain than death, though the hour of such being uncertain, have wished, so as to keep good peace and family harmony between Ambroise Sicard, my oldest son ; Daniel Sicard, Jacques Sicard, Guillaume Landrin and Marie Sicard, Francois Coquiller and Silvie Sicard, all my chil- dren and daughters, to declare my last will relating to the little property which it has pleased God to give mclind as I want them and desire them to divide it among them- selves after the Lord will have recalled me from this world to join Him, according to my hope. In the first place I so will and desire that my son, Ambroise, shall have forever for himself and his heirs the house in which he now dwells, with five acres of land adjoining it, besides the two thirds of 95 acres of land which I acquired of Guillaume le Conte and will take these two thirds on one end to the salt meadows ; on the other to the lands of Pel- etreau from one side to the lands of Guillaume le Conte and the other to the other third of my said land, on which third there will be allowed to him a passageway of the width of twenty feet between the said Conteand'the said 18 New Rochet.le Town Records. third. Secondly, I so will and desire that my son, Daniel Sicard, shall have for himself and his lieirs the house in which I am now dwelling, with the eighty acres of land which belong to it, as I have acquired them of the late Mr. Pelletreau, and that in the most part in compensa- tion for my work. Thirdly, I so will gjid desire that my son, Jacques Sicard, shall have for himself and his heirs the house in which he now dwells PAGE 8— WILL OF AMBROISE SICARD (Continued)— 1701 a Presant Sa demeure avec six a ceres de de terres y Joygnant es de i)lus dix accres qui sont sur Lislet comme le tout a este acquis de guillaume le conte a condition que le dit Jacques mon tils aydera a guillaume Landrin mon gendre a bastir une maison de vingt huit pieds de long sur seize de large es a defricher deux accres de terre es fournira la moytie de tout ce quy sera necessaire pour la dite maison, quatries- ment Je veux es Entans que guillaume Landrin es Marie ma fille ayent pour eux es pour les leurs le tiers de quatre vingt quinze accres acquises de guillaume le conte a prandre d'un bout a la terre de Daniel venue de peletreau d'autre bout a Ambroise pour ses deux tiers d'un coste aux Roux es dautres au d. Leconte sur lequel coste il laissera un Chemin de vingt pieds de large entre le conte es am- broise pour servir au d. Ambroise es aux siens a perpetuite pour Joindre la grande Ligne, Cinquiesmement je Veux es entans que frangois coquiller es Silvie ma fille ayent en argent la somme de quatres pistoles monoye Courante de Nouvelle York, es de plus les trois vaches quy luy avoient estes cy-devant destinees; Tout ce que dessus est ma dis- position es declaration de ma derniere volonte en foy de quoy Jay fait Ecrire La presente your autruy Es lay signee Es Sellee en presance des temoins sousignes lesjour es an que dessu8. Es pour plus grande comfirmation ay voulu que mes Enfans cydessus nommez les signent pour tesmoing New Rochellb Toavn Records. 19 de leur aprobation Es soumission pour le tout Es ce quy est deu sur chaque partye vu chacun payer pour ee quy luy demeure es non autrement Sylement pour les quatres pistoles ordonnees a Sylvie, quy sera payee par Daniel Jacques Es Landrin marque (de Ambroise Sieard pere marque Ambroise Sieard marque v de Daniel Sieard Jac- ques Sieard guillaume Landrin marque X de Jaune Sieard marque W. Marie landrin marque de Anne Sieard. tes- moims J B dutuffeau, Robert blomer To Nesson Entred and recordet and Exactely Examined upon the original the twenty one of May one thou- sand seaven hundred and one L'an Mil six cents quatre vingt dix «ept vieux Stil Es le unziesme Jour de mars en presance des tesmoins soussig- nez. Je marie guespin veufue de feu Josias Le villain demeurant a la Nouvelle rochelle due consentement de Josihas Le vilain mon fils ay vandu au sieur pierre La done demeurant au d. Lieu de la Nouvelle rochelle pour en jouir luy es Les siens a perpetuite, Scavoir est cincquante accres, de terre en bois de bout du grand Lot que Jay a la dtte rochelle, Situees Scavoir d'un coste a la Liziere de thomas bernard. d'un autre coste a celle de Jean mar- tin d'un bout aux terres du Sieur besly et Vernelle et de. I'autre aux terres du sieur pel avec son Interest dans les communes Es prairies douces a proportion des dites cinc- quantes accres de terrs Es ce moyenant le prix de Six Chel- ings trois sols pour chacun acre de dites terres amortisable a la volente du d. Ladou, Cependant ne poura le d. Ladou amortir la tortalite des dtes. cincquantes accres de terres qua deux fois es en attandant payera a la dte. veufue le villain ou aux Siens Six Sols par chacun accre de terre jusques a I'entier amortiment a commencer la dite rente a courir des le premier de Janvier dernier Et Sera payee le premier du d. mois de Janvier prochain es au cas que le d. Ladou voulut amortir la moytie des dites cincquantes accres L'Intherest en Sera deduit au prorata I'oblige la dite veufue Le vilain ou les Siens de prendre en payement 20 New Eochelle Town Kecords. de la dite rente bled on aiitres provisions au prix eoiirant d'York Es pour le payment de la somnie totale montant a quinze pistolles doiize chelings six sols nionove conrante d'York le dit Ladou S'oblige de payer en argent pour TRANSLATIOX— PAGE 8— WILL OF AMP.ROISE SICARD ( Continued )— 1701. with tlie six acres of land adjoining it, besides 10 acres which are on the island as the whole has been acquired of Guillaume le Conte, on condition that the said Jacques, my son, will help Guillaume Landrin, my son-in-law, to build a house twenty-eight feet long and sixteen feet wide and help plough two acres of land and will furnish one half of all that will be necessary for said house. Fonrtli- ly, I so will and desire that Guillaume Landrin and Marie, my daughter, shall have for themselves and their heirs the third of ninety five acres acquired of Guillaume le Conte to be taken from one end from the land of Daniel, ob- tained from Peletreau, and the other end to Ambroise; for these two thirds from one side to the Roux and the other to the said Le Conte, on which side he will allow a passage way twenty feet wide between Le Conte and Am- broise to serve the said Ambroise and his heirs forever to join the main line. Fifthly — I so will and desire that Francois Coquiller and Silvie, my daughter, shall have in cash the amount of four pistoles, current money of New York, besides the three cows which were destined to her before. All the above mentioned is my disposal and declaration of my last will, in faith of which I have written these presents for the benefit of others and have signed and sealed them in presence of witnesses hereunder mentioned, the days and years above named and for better testimony have so willed that my children above named sign the above written, in proof of their approbation and submis- sion to the entire will, and what is due to eacli party will be truly given him independent of the other and not oth- New Eoohelle Town Records. 21 erwise, except the four pistoles given to Sylvie which will be paid by Daniel, Jacques & Landrin. Mark X of Ambroise Sicard, father Ambroise Sicard, Mark V of Daniel Sicard, Jacques Sicard, Guillaume Landrin mark L of Jaune Sicard, Mark W Marie Landrin, mark X of Anne Sicard Witnesses J. B. duTuffeau, Robert Blomer, To Nesson Entred and recordet and Exactely Examined upon the original, the twenty one of May, one thousand seaven hun- dred and one. The year one thousand six hundred and ninety seven old style, and the eleventh day of March, in presence of witnesses undersigned, I, Marie Guespin, widow of the late Josias Le Vilain, living in New Rochelle and with the consent of Josehas Levilain my son have sold to Sieur Pierre Ladoue, living in the said place of New Rochelle to enjoy he and his heirs forever, the following, fifty acres of land in standing wood from the great lot which I have at the said Rochelle situated thus: On one side to the boundary line of Thomas Bernard; on another side to that of Jean Martin; on one end to the lands of Sieurs Besly and Vernelle and on the other to the lands of Sieur Pel, with his interest in the commons and fresh prairies given m proportion to the said fifty acres of land and that at the rate of six shillings, three sols for each acre of the said lands redeemable at the wish of the said Ladou however, the said Ladou cannot redeem the expiration of the said fifty acres of land but twice, and in the meantime will pay to the said widow le Villain and her heirs six sols for each acre of land until the entire liquidation, begmning said rent the first of last January and it shall be paid the first of next January and in case the said Ladou should wish to redeem the half of the said fifty acres, the interest will be deducted at the rate decided by the said widow Le Vilain or her heirs who will take in payment of said rent, wheat or other provisions at the current price of York and for the payment of the total sum, amounting to 15 pistoles, 12 shillings, six sols cur- 22 New KoceET.i.E Town Records. rent money of York, tlie said Ladou is obliged to pay in casli for PAGE 9— DEED OF LE VILLAIN TO LADOU— 1701 La siirete La surette de laqnelle somme la d.La- dou S'oblige Ses biens Es Specialement la ditte terre ainsy a des a present la dite dame Le villain mis le d.Ladoue en Son Lieu es place es precession des dites Cincquantes accres de terres es Intlierest a proportion dans les Communes es prairies douces ainsy fait a la Nouvelle rochelle les jour es an que dessus Sigiie Marie Le Villain I levillain neu- fouille present Valleau Es le d. Jour cydessus le d. Ladou a volontairement donnee gratis au Sieur Jean martin une demie chaine de son Lot pour le recompancer de ce que le Lot du d, Martin ne c'est trouve aussy bon que le Sien dont il ne pretent rien ainsy signe alexandre alaire p marque de pierre Ladou. Entret Recordet and Exact ely Examinet upon the original the 23 of May 1701 To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come or whom itt shall or may concerne Peter ville pontoux of New Rochelle gentelman sends greeting in our lord god Everlasting Know ye that the sd ville pontoux by and with the consent and good Likening of Jeana ville pontoux alias Jeana vivasin his wife for the consideration of the sume of one hundred and eighty pounds currant money of the province of New York to them or one of them well and trully in hand payd by gregory Gougon of New York marchant before the en- sealing and delivery herof the receipt whereof they do herebay acknowledge and themselves therewiths to be fully isatisfyed contented and payd, and thereof and therefrom, and of, and from all and every part and l)arcell thereof tliey do fully freely and absolutly acquitt exonerate and discharge him the sd gregory Gougon. his New Roohelle Toavn Eecords. 23 heirs Executors and administrators have granted bar- gained and sold assured, and confirmed, and do by these presents, give, grant, bargain and sell, assure, and confirme unto him, the said gregory goujon his heirs executors and assigns, for ever, all that Messuage or tenement, situated, Lying and being in the manor of Pelham in the quarter of New Rochelle what quantity soever of land may be therein otherwise the whole lot of land bought heretofore by the sd Peter ville pontoux of david de bonnefoy, confronting by the east and south syde to the great fresh meadow by the north syde to the Land of Mr. Pell and by the west syde to the highways of boston togiiether with all the houses and buildings as they do now stand gardins orchards and generally all the apartenances and dependances theunto belonguing with all the right titles with any other Inhabitans of the sd New Rochelle enjoyeth or may enjoy in all the com- mon pastures fresh and salt meddow and every where else toguether with all the crops wch is like to be upon the sd land and all the Estate, Right title, use pocession property, claim and demand whatsoever of the sd Peter ville pontoux and Jeane his wife of unto or out of the same or all and every part or parcel and Evidences relating to the Same To have and to hold the sd parcel of Land and messuage and tenement with all the build- ings and Improvements and others dependencies of the same unto him the sd gregory Gougon his heirs Executors and assignees to the sole and only proper use behoof and benefit of him the said TRANSLATION PAGE 9— DEED OF LE VILLAIN TO LADOU— 1701. the security of the said sum and especially of the said land. From henceforth the said Dame le Villain has put the said Ladoue in her place and possession of the said fifty acres of land and proportionable interest in the com- mons and fresh meadows. 24 New Rochei.t.e Town Rex ords. Thus written and done in New Rochelle the days and year above mentioned. Signed — Marie Le Villain, I le villaiiii Neufuille — present Valleau. The above said day the said Ladon has of his own will given free and clear to Sieur Jean Martin a half a chain of his lot to compensate him because the lot of the said Martin was not as good as his, which he did not know. Thus signed Alexandre Allaire P Mark of Pierre Ladou — Entret, Recordet and Exactely Examinet upon the orig- inal the 23 of May 1701. PAGE 10— DEED OF SIR PELL TO DANIEL SAN- SON & ISAAC CANTIN— 1701 Gregory Gougon his heirs and assigns for Ever and the sd Peter villepontoux the said parcell of Land messuage or tenement and all appertenances before grant- ed, in the peaceable and quiet pocession and Injoy- ment of the said gregory Gougon his heirs and assigns against all persons Avhatsoever claiming right or title lawfully to the same shall and will warrant and for ever deffend by these presents In witness whereof the said Peter villepontoux and Joanna his wife have here- unto set their hands and scales att New York the thirtyeth day of may in the thirteenth year of the reigne of William the third by the grace of god, of England Scottland, france and Irland deffender of the Faith annoque dominy one thousant seaven hundred and one and whereas the sd villepontoux cannot deliver att present the bill of sale he had from david de bonnefoy he obliged himselve to deliver the same to the sd Gougon whenever he has occasion for the same as witnesse his hand and seal signed Villepontoux I Revasson Signed Sealed* and delivered by the sd Villepontoux in pres- ence of us Paul Drouillet Abraham Jouneau Evalleau le Jeune Gilles goudineau Signed and Sealed by the sd Joane villepontoux as being absent att the passation of New Rochelle Town Records. 25 the contract in New Rochelle in the presence of us Guillaiime Landrin Jacques Cicar Entret Recordet and Exactely Examined upon the original the seaventh day of November one thousant seaven hundret and one. The folio 9 and 10. Know All Christian People to whom these presents Shall come or whom itt Shall or may Concerne Sir John Pell proprietor of the manour of Pellham and Rachell his wife, Send Greeting in our Lord God Ever- lasting Know ye that the sd John Pell with the consent and good likening of the Said Rachell his wife, for the Consideration of the Sume of one hundreth pounds. Current money of the province of New York to them or one of them well and trully in hand payd by Daniel Sanson and Isaac Cantin before the Ensealing and delivery therof the receipt therof they do hereby ac- knowledge and themselves therewith to be fully satis- fyed contented and payd therof and therefrom, and of and from all and Every part and parcell therof, they do fully freely and absolutly acquitt exonerate and discharge them the said daniel Sanson and Isaac Cantin theirs heirs executors and administrators have granted bargained and sold PAGE 11— DEED OF PELL TO SANSON AND CAN- TIN (Continued)— 1701 assured and Confirmed, and by these presents guive grand barguin and Sell assignes and Confirme unto them the said Isaac Cantin and Daniel Sanson theirs heirs Executors and assignes for Ever the full quantity of one hundreth acres of Land being and Lying according the Limits hereafter Expressed that is to Say beguinning att the End of five and twenty Rods westward from the marked three said to be marked for the division Ligns of the french in New rochelle purchess. being betwin the Land of the said Pell and the fore said purchases the said Lengths and measures to beguin att the great fresch 2G New Rochelle Town Records. medow being to the siuhvard of boston Road about lialfe mile ; and from the said fresh medow to run att fifty road broad to Extend northward Cros the road three hundreth and twenty road wich Lengts and broadt Shall Contain the full quantity of one hundreth acres of Land with all the dependencies of the same, unto them the Said Daniel Sanson and Isaac Cantin, theirs heirs Executors or assigiies to the Sole and onely proper use behoof and benefit of them the Said Sanson and Cantin theirs heirs and assignes for Ever, and the Said parcel! of Land messuage or tenement and all the apart enencies in the Peacable and quieti pocession and Injoyment of the Said Daniel Sanson and Isaac Cantin theirs heirs and assignes against all persons whatsoever Claiming Right or titles, Lawfully to the same shall and will warant and for Ever deffend by these presents provided alhvays that the said purchasses and theirs assignes shall do Suitt and Service now or att any tyme hereafter from tyme to tyme the manour Court and pay their propor- tion to the minister of the please In Witnesse whereof the sd Sir John Pell and Rachel his wife have hereunto sett theirs hands and Seals in New Rochelle Manouer of Pellham in the therteen year of the reigne of William the thirth by the grace of God King of England Scottland france and Irland deffender of PAGE 12— DEED OF MARIE GUEPIN TO JEAN MARTIN— 1701. The faith annoque Domini one thousant seaven hun- dreth and one; Signed John Pell mark of Rachell Si^ed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us J B dutuffeau I Neufuille Barthelemy le Roux Signed and Sealed by the sd Rachell Pell as being ab- sent in the passation of the contract In New Rochelle the twentieth of Novemd 1701 in presence of us J B dutuffeau D. Streing Entered Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the New Eochelle Town Records. 27 original the one and tAventyetli of noveniber one thou- sant Seaven liunclreth and one in the folio 10 — 11 — 12 L'an mil Six cents qnatre vingt dix Sept vieux Stil Es le iinziesme Joiir de mars en presence des tesmoins Sonsig- nex Je marie guespin veufue de feu Josias Levilain demeu- rant a la Nouvelle Eochelle du consentemt de Josias le vilain mon fils ay vandn an Sieur Jean Martin demeurant au d. Lieu de la d. Eochelle pour en Jonir luy es les Siens a perpetuite Scavoir est quarante accres de terre en bois debout du grand Lot que J'rj a la d. rochelle Situees Sca- voir d'un bout a la terre de Madme Lezelars de I'autre bout aux terres de Mr. Pell d'un coste aux terres de la dite dame Levilain es de I'autre auxterres du Sieur Ladoue avec son Interest dans les communes Es prairies douces a propor- tion des dites quarante accres de terres Es ce moj^nant le prix de Six chelins trois sols pour Chacun accres des dites terres amortissables a la volonte du d. martin. Se- pandant ne le pourra amortir qu'a deux fois es en attand- ant payera k la d. dame le vilain ou aux Siens Six Sols pour chacun accre de terre Jusques ^lentier amortissement Es Sera paye le premier due dit mois de Janvier prochain Es au cas que le dit martin amortisse la moytie des dites quarante accres de terre I'interest Sera deduit a propor- tion s'oblige la d. dame levilain de prendre en payement de la d. vente bled ou autres provisions au prix courant d'York Es pour le payement de la somme totalle montant a douze livres dix Chelings monoye courante d'York le d. martin S'oblige de le faire en argent pour la surete de la d. Somme le d. Martin oblige tons ses Mens Es Speciale- ment la d. terre ainsy des h present h la d. dame le ^dlain mis le d. martin En Son lieu Es place en pocession des dites quarante accres de terre Es Interest a proportion dans les Communes es prairies douce ainsy fait a la nouvelle rochelle le dit Jour Es an que dessus Sign6 Marie Le vilain J Le Villain. P valleau present I Neuf uille Entred Eecorded and Exactely Examinet upon the orig- inal in french the Seaven and twenty of december one thousant seaven hundreth and one in the folio 12 28 New Rochelle Town Records. TRANSLATION PAGE 12— DEED OF MARIE GUEPIN TO JEAN MARTIN— 1701. The year one thousand six hundred ninety seven, old style, and the eleventh day of March, in presence of witnesses undersigned, I, Marie Guepin, widow of the late Josias le "Sllain, living in New Rochelle, with the consent of Josias le Vilain, my son, have sold to Sieur Jean Martin, living in the said place of the said Rochelle, to enjoy, him- self and his heirs, forever the following: — forty acres of land in standing wood from the big lot which I have at the said Rochelle, situated thus : from one end to the land of Madame Lezelars ; to the other end to the lands of Mr. Pell: one side to the lands of the said Dame Levillain, and the other to the lands of Sieur Ladoue, with his inter- est in the commons and fresh meadows in proportion of the said forty acres of land, and that in consideration of the price of six shillings, three sols for each acre of the said lands redeemable at the will of said Martin. However, it can be redeemable only twice and in the meantime will pay to the said Dame le Vilain or her heirs six sols for each acre of land until the entire payment. It shall be paid the first of next January and should the said Martin redeem the half of said forty acres of land, the interest will be deducted at the rate so willed by the said Mme. Levilain and take in payment of said sale, wheat or other provisions at the current price of York, and for the pay- ment of the said total sum, amounting to twelve pounds, ten shillings, current money of York, the said Martin is obliged to pay in cash for the security of the said sum and all his belongings Vilain puts the said Martin in lier place and possession of the said forty acres of land and pro- portionable interest in the commons and the fresh mead- ows. Thus Avritten and done in New Rochelle the said day and year above mentioned. Signed Marie Le Vilain, J le Vilain, P. Valleau I. Neufuille Entred, Recorded and Exactely Examinet upon the orig- New Rochelle Toavn' Records. 29 inal in french the Seaven and twenty of december, one thousant seaven hundreth and one in the folio 12. PAGE 13— WILL OF JEAN MARTIN— 1701 Nostre ayde Soit ou Nom de Dieu qiiy a fait le Ciel Es la terre Amen, A la Nouvelle Rochelle Manouer de pellham en la province de Nouvelle York en I'amerique le Cinc- quiesme Jour d'octobre mil Sept cents. Je Jean Martin Laboureur demeurant en ce Lieu de la Nouvelle Rochelle Estant a presant par la grace de Dieu Sain d'Esprit Es d'entendem quoyque Je Sois afflige de maladie en mon corps Considerant ny a rien de plus Cer- tain que la mort quoyque I'heure d'Icelle nous est Incer- taine ay fait Ecrire le present acte quy est mon testament Es declaration de ma derniere volonte En la forme quy suit Premierement Je recommande mon ame a Dieu Createur Es conservateur du Monde le Surpliant q'lu}- plaise me recevoir en sa grace par le merite du precieux saug de Nostre Seigneur Es Redempteur Jesus Christ Secondement Je prie ma femme anne martin Sy elie me Survuit de faire Enterrer mon Corps Selon la Simplissite Convenable Troisiesmement je declare comme c'est la pure verite que ma dite femme Es moy Estants ariver dans ce Lieu de la Nouvelle Rochelle nuds Es n'ajant rien que nos bras pour gasgner nostre pain nous avons travaille a la sueur de nostre visage pour Establir Es dresser la maison ou nous demeurons a presant es deffricher Es renfernler les terres quy en depandent Es acquerir le pen quy se trouve parde- vers nous de bestiaux ou autres choses mouvables. C'est pourquoy Je trouve Juste Es raisonable es c'est mon tes- tament es declaration de ma derniere volonte que lors qu'il aura plu an Seigneur de me retirer a luy ma dite femme anne martin Entre en pleine Es Entiere pocession Es Soit la dame absolue es paisible de tout ce quy Est a moy tant maison terres Labourables que non labourables effetes bestiaux de quelques Espesses qu'ils puissent Estreant tant dans ce lieu de la Nouvelle Rochelle que 30 New Rociielle Town Kecords. djuis le lien de new oxford on nous avons eydevant de- nienie en la Nouvelle Engleterre faisant ma dite feninie par cette presante tntrisse es oura trisse de mes Enfans (\uy denieureront jeunes apres nion decez en Jojj^nant j\ mes dits Enfans de Iny obeir Es ayder comme il Est de lenr devoir en tesmoin es foy de tout ce que dessus Jay fait Ecrire cette presante en presanee des tesmoins Sou- signez le Jour Es an que dessus Eb ay Signe Es Scelle de mon Sean p marque de Jean martin — Sceau du d. tes- moins J B dutuft'eau Jacques prevot pierre Ladoue Entred Recordet and Exactly Examined upon the orij^inal in french the Seaven and twenty of december one thousant ^Seaven hundreth an one in the folio 13 TRANSLATION PAGE 13— AVILL OF JEAN IMARTIN —1700. Our aid be in God, who has made the sky and the earth, Amen, at New Rochelle, Manor of Pelham, in the Province of New York, in America, the fifth day of October, One Thousand seven hundred, I, Jean Martin, Ploughman, liv- ing in the said town of New Rochelle, being for the pres- ent, by the Grace of God, sound of mind and judgment, though afflicted of sickness, knowing of nothing more cer- tain than death, though the hour of it is most uncertain, have had written this present act of deed, which is my testament and declaration of my last will, in the following form. In the first place — I commend my Soul to God, Creator and Saviour of the World ; imploring Him to receive me in His favour through the merits of the precious blood of Our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Secondly, I ask of my wife, Anne Martin, if she sur- vives me, to bury my body in suitable simplicity. Thirdly — I declare as absolute truth that my said wife and myself, arriving in this place of New Rochelle, desti- tute, and having nothing but our hands to earn our bread, we have worked by the sweat of our brow to establish and erect the house in which we now live, and plough and enclose Neay Kochellei Town Records. 31 the lands which belong to it and acquire the little stock of cattle and other movable goods which belong to us. That is why I think it just and reasonable and it is my testa- ment and declaration of my last will that when "it will have pleased the Lord to take me unto Him, mv said wife Anne Martin, shall enter in full and entire possession and shall be absolute and undisturbed mistress of all that which belongs to me —the house, tilled and unfilled lands goods and cattle of all kinds which are in this said place of New Rochelle, as well as in the place of New Oxford where we previously lived, in New England. CAvino full ]^>ower to my said wife, by these presents, as guardian and trustee of my children, who, at my death, will still be young, and praying my said children to obey and assist her as it is their duty. In testimony of faith 'l have had the above Avritten in presence of witnesses undersigned the day and year above mentioned. Signed and sealed with mv seal (P.) Mark of Jean Martin X seal of the said wit- nesses J. B. Dutuffeau, Jacques Prevot Pierre Ladoue. PAGE 14-DEED OF JOHN PELL TO JOHN HAIN- 1702 Know all Christian People to whom these presents shall Come or whom itt Shall or itt n.ay Concern Sir John Pell proprietor of the Manour of Pelham and Rachel his wife Sent greetings in our Lord god Ever- lasting Know ye that the sd John Pell with the consent and good Likning of the sd Rachel his wife for the con sideration of the Sume of Seaventy pounds currant money of new york to them or one of them well and truly in hand payd by John hain before the Ensealing therof the receipt therof they doe thereby acknowledg^ and their selves to be fully satisfyed contented and pavd and therof and there from and of and from all and Every part and parcell therof they doe fully freely and absolutly acquit Exonerate and discharge him the sd John hain his heirs 32 New Kochelle Town Eecords. Executors or assignes have granted bargiiined and sold assured and Confirmed and by tliese presents guive grand barguin assignes and Confirine unto liim the sd John hain his heirs Executors administrators or assignes for Ever the full quantity of fifty accres of Land being and Lying according the Limites here after Expressed that is to say beguining from the marked three said to be marked for the division Lignes of the french in new Rochelle purchase to run South to the fresh medow and from Said marked three att the road to run north over the sd road so far as att twenty five rods in breath shall contain the full quantity of fift}^ accres Avith all the dependencies of the Same unto him the sd John hain his heirs Executors or assignes to the Sole and onely proper use besought and benefit of him the sd John hain his heirs or assignes for Ever and the sd parcell of Land and all the apartenancies therof in the peacable and quiett pocession and Injoyment of the sd John hain his heirs Executors or assignes against what persons what- soever claiming right or titles Lawfully to the Same Shall and will warant and for Ever deffend by these presents provided allways that the Said purchaser and his heirs or assignes Shall do Suit and Services now or att any t^ane hereafter from tyme to tyme the manour court and pay his proportion to the minister in the pleace in witt- nesse wherof the sd Sir John Pell and Rachel his wife have hereunto Set theirs hands and Seals in ncAv PAGE 15— DEED OF DE BARNES TO ENGEVIN AND NODIN— 1702 new Rochell© Manour of Pelham the therteen year of the reign of William the tliirt by the grace of God King of England Scotland france and Irland annoque douiiny one thousant Seaven hundreth and one and the three and twenty of december in the same year in presence of the wittnesses the partyes have put theirs hands and Seals Signed John Pell the R mark of rachel Pell New Eochellb Town Eeiciords. 33 Signed Sealed and deliveret in presence of us J. B. dii- tuffeau Peter dasser Etntred Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the orig- inal the five of Janviary one thousant Seaven hundreth and tow in the folio fourteen and fifteen Know all men that in New Eochelle manour of pelham in the Conty of Westchester and in the year of our Lord one thousant seaven hundreth and one the six and twenty december in the same year the barguin foulowing hath been concludeth and agTeed betwin Joses de barne and Elizabeth de barnes his wife of one part and Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Junier and Louis guion of the other part Living the Said Zacarie Engevin in New York and all the others in New Rochelle, that is to say that the said Joses debarne and Elizabeth his wife have by these presents barguineth and sold and barguin and sell to the said Louis guion and Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Junier and for their heirs Executors or assignes for Ever and perpetuity a Certain parcel of Land containing tow hundred accres of Land more or lesse fourty accres therof being the Small lot boundet in the north by boston road on the South by the Creek on the East by the Land of John nolan and Isaac Caillaud and on the west by the Land of Peter Jouneau and Alexander Allaire and the other hundreth and sixty accres being in the gTcat Lot and boundet in the north by the Land of Jacob theroude on the south by the Land of Isaac Caillaud and John Nolan on the East by the Land of colonel gabriel Minuielle and on the west by the Land of John Pell Exepting four accres part of the above said Land wich have been formely given unto daniel gombaud as also one other peece wich have also been given to the Inhabitants of New Eochelle afore said for a church yard to bury their deads containing fourty peace Squar toguether with one mention or dwelling house Erected and buildeth on the Said Land and 34 New Rochelle Town Records. PAGE IG— DEED OF DE BARNES TO ENGEVIN AND NODIN (Continued)— 1702. others houses out house barots barnes stables or- chards gardens fences ImiDrovements right of commun- ages Communs ways Easements privileges and aparte- nances to the Same belonguing or there Avith used and In joyed as part parcell or member therof to have and to hold the said tow tract of Land mention houses and premises with the apartenencies by the Said Louis guion Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Junner theirs heirs and assignes for Ever and perpetuity exept as itt is above Eixepted as in and by the Same remaining upon record in the Secretary office of the province of New York have been fully mentioned and may apear and have the barguin and selling of the above mentioned been made for and in consideration of the Sume of tow hundreth and fifty pistols of New York Currant money of wich the sume of one hundreth and fifty pounds have been presently payd in hand by the Said Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Juiner of one part and the Said Louis guion of the other, as the Said Joses de barnes and his wife do hereby acknowledg and confesse to be true and do acquit by these presents the Said Zacarie Engevin andrew nodin Juiner and Louis guion and for the other hundreth pounds Shall be payd in the first day of may next Coming after the date therof in Avich tyme of the first day of may the Said Joses debarne and Elizabeth his wife Shall put the Said Louis guion Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Juiner in the full plain and free pocession of the said tow parcell of Land above men- tioned as and in the Same maner the Said debarne have been putt by francis tierens and valantine Cruyer as at- torne}^ of Mr van suiten be itt here understood that the said Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Juiner have for them host but halfe of the above Expressed Land and the Said Louis guion the other halfe as they will partake and divide amongst them selves in theyr due tyme and New Eocheili.ei Town Eeoords. 35 itt is agreed with tlie partj^es that in case the Said Louis guion, Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin are willing to build a house upon the Litle Lot the Said debarne will consent to itt pourvoyde itt be without domage to him for the tyme he is to Injoy of the Land that is to say till the first day of may next coming and as for PAGE 17— DEED OF DE BARNES TO ENGEVIN AND NODIN (Continued)— 1702 as for the great Lot the Said guion Engevin and an- drew nodin Juiner shall beguin to work upon and pre- pare what Land they will find Convenient as also they will Improuve the one peece wich is already plowbable and itt is also agreed that the Said debarne and his wife shall take their fire wood during the tyme of their abode here and to the foulfilling and trew accomplischement of all and Every the particulars agreements above and of the others parts Expressed the Said partyes have Expressely bound and bind themselves reciprocally one to another by these presents and have putt their hand and seall in presence of the wittnesse under written the day and year above mentioned Signed Jost debaends Elizabeth de baends P the mark of Louis guion Zacarie Engevin andrew nodin Juiner Signed Sealled and delivered in presence of us J. B, dutuffeau Peter frederik John vervellen Entred Eecordet and Exactely Examined upon the original the neene of January one thousant Seaven hundreth and tow in the folio 15-16-17. Whereas a Joyn purchasse hath been made by us Louis Guion Living in New Rochelle of one part and Zacarie Engevin Living in New York and andrew nodin Juiner Living in New Rochelle of the other part of a par- cel of Land containing tow hundreth accres of Land with all the apartenences and dependencies therof as itt plainely apeard by the acte of sell betwin us and Joses de baenes and Elizabeth his wife Know all Christian people 36 Neav Rochelle Town Eecords. that wee have by these presents partaked and divided betwin ns of our good will and Consent the Said parcell of land and Dependencies as itt is here after Expressed that is to Say that the sd Louis guion having made tow Equal Lots of the same Land and apartenances in the first of wich he have put the house barnes stables orchards gardens and all others Improvements about the Same buildings Avith the halfe of the Smal Lot wich shall be divided in the brth of itt and mesures in the lenth as Equal as pocible be boundet the said halfe on the south by the Creek on the East by the Land of John nolan and Isaac Caillaud PAGE IS— GUIOX, ENGEVIX AND NODIN DIVIDE PEOPERTY— 1702 Caillaud and on the west by the Land of Petter Jouneau and alexander allaire and by the north by the other halfe of the Said Smal lot Containing the Said halfe twenty accres of Land more or lesse as also in the Same first Lot is the halfe of the great Lot containing in all hundreth and Sixty accres and the halfe of itt four Score accres more or lesse wich shall be cut of and mesuret in the Lenth of itt boundet the Said four Score accres in the South by the Land of Nolan and Caillaud on the north by the other moytie on the East by the Land of gabriel minuielle on the west by the Land of Sir John Pell; wich the Said halfe and moytie wee Zacarie lEn- gevin and andrew nodin Junier for wee our heirs Ex- ecutors or assignes for Ever quit Claime unto the Said Louis guion his heirs Executors or assignes all that halfe part or moytie of the Said Land divided by us So as the Said Louis guion Shall for Ever In joy and pocesse as his one proper Estate without any pretence of Joinit tenancy or purchasse and do hereby for us the Said Zacarie Engevine and andrew Kodin Juiner for us our heirs Executors or assignes for Ever all that halfe or movtie of the aforesaid purchasse So as the Said ^N'EW KOCHELLEi TOWN RECORDS. 37 Louis guion Shall stand Sole Saized of tke Said lialfe part of tlie said purchasse without any Claime from us the Said Zacarie Lengevin our heirs Executors administra- tors or assignes for Ever and in the Second Lot wich have been chuset by the Said Zacarie Engevin and an- drew nodin Juiner the Said Louis guion have put a litle peece of Land containing one acre more or lesse Situated the Said peece neere the bridge as 3'OU go to the Said house Expresset in the first Lot and with- out the fences boundet the Said Litle peece hj the Land of Mr de bonrepos as the partyes know well and are satisfy ed of itt as also in the Said Second Lot tbe other halfe or moytie of the Said Smal Lot containing twenty accres of Land or there about beguinino; for the mesure PAGE 19— GUION; ENGEVI:N^ AND NODIN DIVIDE PROPERTY— 1702 mesure of itt in the boston road and continuing the Said mesure to the other halfe or moytie of the Same boundet the Said halfe by boston road on the South by the other moytie on the East by the Land of John nolan and Isaac Caillaud and on the west by the Land of alexander alaire as also in the Said Second Lot is the other halfe or moytie of the great Lot containing hun- dreth and Sixty accres and for the Said halfe four Score accres of land more ore lesse wich shall be cut and mesuret in the lenght of itt boundet the Said four score accres on the north by the Land of theroude on the Sud by the other moytie on the East by the Land of minuielle on the west by the Land of Sir John Pell wich the said halfe or moytie I Louis guion for I my heirs Executors administrators or assigns for " Ever quit Claime unto the Said Zacarie Engevin and an- drew nodin Juiner theirs heirs Executors or assignes all that halfe part or moytie of the Said Land divided by us so as the Said Engevin and nodin Juiner Shall for Ever En- joye and pocesse as their one proper Estate without any 38 New Kochelle Toavx' Records. jjretences of Joyiiet tenancies or pnrcbasse and do hereby for me the said Lonis guion my heirs Executors ad- ministrators or assigiies for Ever all that halfe or moytie of the above iSaid pnrcbasse quit Claime unto the t^aid Zacarie Engevin and andrcAV nodin Juiner theirs heirs Executors administrators or assignes for Ever all that halfe or moytie of the said fore said purchasse So as the Said Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Juiner Shall Stand Sole Seized of the Said halfe part of Land pnrcbasse without any Claime from me Louis guion my heirs Executors administrators or assignes for- Ever itt is also agreed betwin the partys that the Said Louis guion Shall take timber wood for to build his house Indifferently upon or other of the Lots and that Each of the partys Shall gather for this year what they have Sowed in their particular as also itt is agreed that the sd Louis guion and them to whom he have promised to transport PAGE 20— GUION, ENGEVIN AND NODIN DIVIDE PROPERTY (Continued)— 1702 transport part of the Land of his great Lot Shall Leave a particular Lane or road for to Serve the sd Zacarie Engevin and andrew nodin Juiner theirs heirs or as- signes, from boston road going to the church yard all the Long the swamp as far as the End of theirs Land making a door wich shall be shut by them who will make use of itt in going or comming in the Lesse dommage pos- sible as also the Said Louis guion Shal give to the Said Zacarie Engevin and nodin Juiner for the over plus of his Lot in consideration of the house the Sume of ten pistols currant money of new york and Six Chelings to Joses de barne for a bargue upon his great Lot and for the confirmation of all and every particulars in these presents the partyes have bound and do hereby bind themselves one to another reciprocally and theirs heirs New Kochellei To^^^ Reoords. 33 Executors administrators or assignes in witnesse therof they have put tlieirs hands and Seals in New Rochelle manour of pellham in the county of AYestchester the Six and twenty december one thousant Seaven hundreth and one in presence of the wittnesses under written Signed Louis guion his mark Zacarie Engevin Andrew Nodin Juiner and Sealed Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us J B dutuffeau Josses de baene John vervellen Entret Re- corded and Exactely Examined upon the original the neene of January one thousant Seaven hundreth and tow in the folio IT. 18. 19. 20. To all Christian People to whom this present writting 'Shall come Jacob Leizeler of the Citty of New York mar- chant Sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting. Whereas John Pell of the manor of Pellham Esqur to- gether with Rachel his wife have by theirs Certain Deed or Writting from under our hands and Scales bear- ing date the twentieth of September anno dominy one thousand Six hundred Eighty and nine given granted bargained and Sold unto the Said Jacob Leizeler his heirs and assignes for Ever all that Tract of Land Lying and being within the said manor of Pellham containing Six thousant accres of Land and also one hundreth aecres of Land more wich the Said John Pell and rachell his wife hath given freely to Erect or cause to be Erected for the french church by the Inhabitans residing thereon as releaton thereunto being had doth more fully and att Large appear Now Know ye that I the Said Jacob Leizeler for and in consideration PAGE 21— DEED OF LEIZELER TO NEUFUILLE— 1702 of a certain sume of money to me in hands payd or secured att or before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by John Neufuille of the citty of New Y^ork gent, the re- 40 New Kochelle Toavn Eecords. ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof and every part and parcells thereof, have granted bargaigiied and sold and by these presents doe grant Bargaine and Sell unto the Said John Neufnille all that a Certain peece or parcell of land seitnated and being within the Said Manor of Pellham being Two hnndreth accres of Land forty accres thereof being in the Small Lott bonndet on the North by Boston road; on the Sonth by the Creek on the East hj the Land of mary Levilain and on the west by the Land of Louis carre and one hundreth and sixty accres of land in the great Lott with mary LeVillain gabriel le boiteux and machett wich are not divided besides his proportionable Interest in the Commons of the Six thousant accres of Land and in the fresch and Salt medows of the Said Six thousand accres thereing comprehending four accres of Land in the Little commons; together with all the apartenances thereunto belonging To have and to hold the Said Land and premises with theirs apartenances unto the Said John Neufuille his heirs and assignes for ever and the sd Jacob Leizeler doth by these presents covenant grant and agTee to and with the Said John Neufuille his Executors administrators and assignes in his and their quiet and Peaceable poces- sion and Seizin according to the Same Right and Title as to me apartaineth by the afore Said deed of Sale made and delivered to me the Said Jacob Leizeler and no further he the Said John Neufuille paying his proportion of the quitt rente in the afore Said deed mentioned and Ex- pressed In wittnesse whereof I the sd Jacob Leizeler have Set my hand and Sealle to these presents this one and twentieth day of may anno dominy one thousand Six hundred and nytie the quantity of accres I acknowledge but about the limits I will not engage att all New York 31 May 1690 New York Jacob Leizeler Elsie Leiseler Acknowledged before me S D Lanoy Mayor Signed Sealled and delivered in the presence of David D. Bonrepos Ollivier Besly New Eochelle Town Kecords. 4L Entree! recorded and Exactly Examined upon tlie orig- inal the three and twentieth of March one thousant seaven hundred and two in the follio 20 and 21 November the 21, 1691 then Eeceived full Satisfaction as well for all pay- ments of land accuntes as for all others from doctor John neufuille of new rochelle I say received in full of all de- mands from sd doctor neufuille from the biginning of the w^orld till this day by me John pell Entred recorded and Exactely Examined upon the orig- inal the 23 of March 1702 in the folio 21. PAGE 22— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SIMON— 1702 Le vingt deuxiesme Jour de Janvier mil Sept cents deux a la nouvelle Kochelle Manor de Pellham en presence des tesmoins Sousignez. Le contract de vente cydessous Exprime a este conclud es areste Entre M Guillaume Le conte marchant clemeu- rant a la nouvelle york d'une part Es Pierre Simon La- boureur demeurant a la Nouvelle Rochelle d'autre, C'est a scavoir que le d. guillaume LeConte a vendu cede delaisse es transporte au d. Pierre Simon Es a ces heritiers Bxec- uteurs administrateurs ou assignes des a present a toujours Es a perpetuite la pleine Es entiere quantite de Soixante accres de Terre avec toutes ces apartenances Et, depend- ances generalement quelconque touchant les dites Soix- ante accres de terre d'un coste aux terres du d. Leconte vendeur au north d'autre coste aux terres de Sieur bou- teiller au west, d'un bout aux terres de madame de Riche- bel a I'orient d'autre bout a la grande Ligne de la Nou- velle Rochelle Les quelles dites Soixante accres de terre le dit Leconte vent cede es transporte au dit Simon par ces presentes Es promes de les y garantir de toutes debtes par luy contractees cy devant es non autrement Es Ten metdes ji present en pleine Et entiere pocession tant pour luy que pour ces heritiers ou qui pouvoient le representer Es cella pour Es en consideration de la somme de vingt pistoles, monoye courante de Nouvelle york la quelle elite Somme de vingt pistoles Sera payee scauvoir d'aujourd- 42 New Rociielle Town Records. buy date de.s preseute dans iin an procliainement Tenant en bonne Es courante monoye de bi non- velle yoik Es un millier de reiles apelees commune- ment wormes Reiles pour I'interest des dites vingt pistoles pendant la d. annee Es donne anssy an d. Simon le d. le conte les droits de communages pom- la proportion de Cincqte accres de terre senlement Es pour I'entiere Execu- tion Es accomplissement de tout ce que dessus Es de L'autre part les dites partyes Se Sont reciproquement obliger Tun envers L'autre Eux leurs heritiers Exeeuteurs administrateurs ou quy pouvoient cy apres les representor Es le d. Simon obligant Spesialement les dites Soixantes accres au dt payement comme estant le gage iiaturel du d. Leconte fait es areste a la nouvelle Rocbelle les Jours Es an que dessus es out les partyes Signe Es Sealle ces pre- sentes quy out Este faites double pr la surete des partyes Sigue Guillaume le conte marque d pr Simon Signe Scelle Es delivre En presence de J B dutuffeau f le conte Entred recorded and Exactely Examined upon tbe original the five and twenty of March 1702 in tbe folio 22 TRANSLATION PAGE 22— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SIMON— 1702 The twenty second day of January, one thousand seven hundred and two, at New Rocbelle, Manor of Pelham, in presence of witnesses undersigned. The deed of sale here below written was concluded & resolved between M. Guillaume Le Conte, merchant, re- siding in New York, on the one part, and Pierre Simon, ploughman, residing in New Rocbelle, on the other. Be it known: that the said Guillaume Le Conte has sold, released and conveyed to the said Pierre Simon, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigiies from now on and forever the full and entire quantity of sixty acres of land with all the and dependencies belonging to the said sixty acres of land. On one side to the lands of said le Conte, seller; to the north on New Rochelle Town Records. 43 the other side to the lands of Sieur Bouteiller; to the west at one end to the lands of Madame de Richebel; to the east at the other end to the main line of New Eochelle. Which said sixty acres of land the said Le Conte wishes to sell and convey to the said Simon by these presents and promises to defend him of all former debts by him contracted & not otherwise & gives him from now on full and entire possession for himself and his heirs or those who represent him and that in consideration of the sum of twenty- pistoles, current money of New York, which said sum of twenty pistoles shall be paid dating from today in a year from said day in good and current money of New York and a thousand Reiles, commonly called Wormes Reiles, for the interest of said twenty pistoles during the said year and also the said Le Conte gives to the said Simon the rights of commonage for the value of five acres of land only for the entire execution & full- filment of all the above written. The said parties have mutually agreed to pledge faith to one & another & for their heirs executors, administra- tors or assigns and the said Simon pledges himself es- pecially for the said payment of the said sixty acres as the natural security of the said Le Conte. Written and concluded at New Rochelle the days and year above mentioned, and the parties have signed and sealed these presents which were made in double for the security of the parties. Signed — Guillaume le Conte, mark (d) pr Simon. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of J. B. Dutuffeau, f. le Conte. Entred, recorded and exactely examined upon the orig- inal the five and twenty of March, 1702, in the folio 22. PAGE 23— MONEY TRANSACTION BETWEEN EL- DERS OF THE CHURCH AND SICARDS— 1702 L'an de Grace mil six cents quartre vingt treize nous les anciens de L'Eglise de la Nouvelle Rochelle province de New York Suivant I'intention es volonte es desir des 44 New Eochelle Toayx Eecords. habitans de cette elite Eglise avons accorde au dit Am- broise Sicard le Jeiine es Daniel Sicard de convertir en rente au dennier six pour cent les quarante chelings que ehacun d'eux doit quy font quatre pistoles pour dix accres de terre quy lui out este vendu par les dits habitans Es ce aux petis communaux du moulin selon que porte le contract Signe par les d. habitans laquelle somme ils amortiront al d. commodite es a leurs bons points es coni- menceront a payer la rente en deniers au premier de May de I'anne 1694 signe: thauvet es E Cotonneau J Machet Theroude Guillaume le Conte Daniel-Streing Entred recorded and exactely examined upon the orig- inal in french the 29 of March 1702 in the folio 23 The therteen day of March one thousant seaven hun- dreth and tow wee the townsmen and part of the In- habitans of this town of New Rochel have examined the book given to us by mr Isaac bertrand du tuffeau and find that from folio two to folio twenty three the book is full and without any cros or defectuosity in wittnesse wherof and for the discharge of the said dutuffeau wee have set our hand to this present act and till wee agreed by the commun consent of a plain twons meeting wee order that the book shall be put in the hands of Paul Bignoux and that for the security of all he shall deliver the same to him which shal be named for that and by that wee absolutly discharge the sd dutuffeau and think him for his administration F Alleau Besly Neufuille Paul Baig- noux Isaac Mercier Guillaume Leconte f LeConte Guil- laume Landrin TRANSLATION PAGE 23— MONEY TRANSACTION BETWEEN ELDERS OF THE CHURCH AND SICARDS— 1702 The Year of Grace one thousand, six hundred and nine- ty three, We, the Elders of the Church of New Rochelle, Province of New York, following the intention and wish and desire of the inhabitants of this said church have permitted to said Ambroise Sicard, Junior, and Daniel New KO'Chellei Town Records. 45 Sicard to convert into rent at the rate of interest of six per cent, the forty shillings, which each one owes, which makes four pistoles, for ten acres of land which has been sold to them by the said inhabitants, and that, in the small commons of the mill, according to the con- tract. Signed by the said inhabitants which sum they will redeem at their convenience and will begin to pay the interest on the rent the first of May of the year 1694. Signed Thauvet and E. Cottonneau, J. Machet, Ther- oude, Guillaume Le Conte, Daniel Streing — Entred, recorded and exactely examined upon the original the 29th of March, 1702, in the folio 23. PAGE 24— TOWN RECORD ELECTION OF OFFI- CERS—DEED OF DANSERT TO BONNET— 1702 In New Rochell aprill the feutin, one thouthant seven ondred and tou. in a general assembly of all the Inhabitans of the sd town in pursuance of a warrant directed by James Smots justice of peace the 4th of this presant instent wee fund by the plurality of vots have named and constituted Paul Baignoux for to be record of alls our Poublik affaires and so to keep the publik book for the same, Wee have also named Piter Danser for to be constable, and that also by the pluralety of vots, and by same consent of wee all have named Ezaie Valo, Gregory Gougon, and Piter Leroux for to be towns men, and wee have also named Daniel Giraut and Piter Ladoux for suvueaser for the haight ways, and by the same consent wee have also for Supervueser Esaie Valo, and by the same consent wee have also named for colecteur Andry Barreaht and for assesseur Guillaume Leconte and by the same consent wee have chois for the fences voyers Piter Leroux and jame Clear To all Christian people to whom theese present shall 46 New Rochelle Town Records. come Fetter Dauserx of XeAV Rocliell Manor Pellam send greeting, in our Lord, god Everlasting Know Ye that Fetter Danserx by the knowledge aiid consent of Susane his wiffe in consideration of the some of hightteen pound fiveteen shelings courant niony of New York by Daniel Bonnet in New Rochell living, to them said Fitter Dan- iserx and Susane his wiffe or to one of them well and truly in hand payd before the sealing and delivray therof the receept therof they hereby aknoledge and them- selve therewith fully satisfyed have granted bargained and sold and do by these presents grant bargaine and sell assure and contirme unto him de said Daniel Bon- net his hears and assignes for ever the quart part of a certain peece of land situated and lying within the Manor of pellam being in all one hundred twointy five acres of land in the great lott joining att the North side the land of lois bonneau on the south to the land of Piter Thonet. on the est to the land of Mesttresse Richebell on the west to the great lotts of the others purchassers Bisside his proportion interest in the comuns of the six thousant acres of the lands and in the freach meadow and not in the salt medow having disposed of it beffore to have FAGE 25— DEEDS OF LECONTE TO BONNET— 1702 have and to hold the said quarter of the said parcell of land and all and every other of the said six thou- sand acres before in these presents granted with all and singular their apartenences unto hem the said Daniel Bonnet his hears and. assigne for ever with said quarter of the sd peeces above expresed the said Daniel shal take in the border of the sd piter danserx comming to Fiter fredrik as it is expresed ageed by them and piter danserx and his wiffe promesse to warant the said above granted promesse and every part and parcell thereof in the quiet and peacible pocession of hem the sd Daniel Bonnet his hears and assignes against all person cleaming any right to the same the quiet Neav Rochelle Town Records, 47 rent, Only Exepted here after due slial and will warant by these present for Ever deffend ocording to the same right and title as the sd Piter danserx now has it and not otherwise in wittnesse wherof the said Danserx and Snsane his w^iffe have hereunto sett their hand and seal the four and twenty of October 1702. in New Rochell Manor of Pellam. Signed Piere danserx Susane Danser, mark Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Paul Baignoux Isaac quantin. Entred recorded and exactly examined upon the orig- inal the 26 of October 1702 in the folio 21 and 25. The eighteen da}' of November one thousant seven liun- der and tow and in the first yard of her Majestes Reigne Anne Queen of England, Irland, Scotland and france. Pursuant to a warrant under the hand and seals of Jean pell Esquier justice and Couron, and Gregoire gougeon Esquier justice Wee the inhabitans and free holders of this town of New^ Rochell Manor of Pellam have named Peter Valo to be constable for this present yard. To all Christian People to whom these present shall comme or whom itt shall or may com me concerne guil- laume leconte gentleman of New Rochell sends greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, Know Ye that the said Leconte for and in consideration of certain somme of mony to me in hand payd and secured att or before the enceiling and delivery herof by Daniel Bonnet of New Rochell the recept whereof he whereby acknowledged and thereof and every part and parcells thereof, have grant- ed bargained and sold and by these presents to grant bargaine and selle unto the said Daniel Bonnet the number of hunder & fivety acres of lands take in a greater parcells that I bought of Jacob Leizeler, seituat- ed in New Rochell Manor of Pellam conty of West- chester 48 New Rochellei Town Records. PAGE 2G— DEEDS OF LECONTE TO BONXET ( Continued) — 1702. in the great lotts, bounded on the north by the lands of the said le Conte seller, to the Est by the land of Metresse Richebelle to the south by the lands of Lorant, and to the Avest by the greatt ligne of division, Avith the interest and proportion Onely of forty acres in the communs of the six thousant acres of lands with all the apartenensis thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the said hundred and fivety acres of land and permisse with their apartenence unto the said Daniel Bonnet his heirs and assignes for ever and the said guillaume Le Conte doth by these presents covenant grant and agree to and with the said Daniel Bonnet his executors admin- istrators, and assignes, in his and their quiett and peace- able possession and seizin acording to the same Right and title as to me apparteneth by the afore said deed of selle made and delivered to me the said Guillaume Le Conte and no further, he the said Daniel Bonnet pay- ing his proportion of the quiett Rent in afforre said mamtioned and Expressed, In witness wereoff I the Said guillaume Le Conte have sett me hand and iseall to these presents this one and toweety day of november Anno Dominy One thousant seven hunder and ton, and the first year of her magesty Reign Anna by the grace of god Queen of England, Scot- land, frence, and Ireland, defender of the faith Signed, guillaume Le Conte, witnesse signed, sealled and deliv- ered before us Paul Baignoux Isaac quantin entered re- corded and exactely examined upon the original the 27tli 9ber 1702 in the folio 25 and 26 the Eighteen day of feubrier 1702-3 and in first yard of the rigne of our souveraine Lady Anna by the grace of God, Ouer England Scotland frence and Ireland Queen. Pursuant to warrant under the hand and seal of John Pell Esquier Justice and quorom, and Gregoiry ^EW ROCHELLE ToWN RECORDS. 49 Goiigeon Esquier justice, the inhabitans of this place being assembly att the piiblik place upun the proposition made by-Roberts Blommer and Ambroise Cicar which are in differan for a way or rodde to go from the kings rodde to the water sade. it has been concluded that four inhabitans shal go upun the place and visit and see the more convinient place for thim and the publik and there mark a way fit and convenable for all to go from the great way to the water sade and for the same have named Guillaume le Conte, Peter LeRoux; Gregoire Gougeon, Andre PAGE 27— SETTLING DIVISION LINES OF ALL THE LANDS— 1702 Nodin, Jozias Le Vilin, and that they will do shall be vsett upun the recorder as a Law. Upun the Request made by Mr. Bargeaut to the in- habitans of this place, that the piece of land upun which is buill his house joyning the Crike and the way to go att Master Pells house, be not comprised or confunded within tT\'oeenty acres of land to him sold by the said in- habitans from the Communs. The inhabitans having Con- sidered the said requeste have unanimusly agree to the said Bargeaut that the said piece of land warre is built his house shal be not comprise or confunded within the 20 acres foure mentioned but a condition that the said Bargeaut shall leave a way betwen he and Mr Yalo and the said way shall tourn betwen the said house and the Rok to go to the commun landing as it has been alredy mark by the tounsmen. by the same assembly whereas that we are much troubled to the ocation of our lands upon the measure we have concluded that in the nex-mounts of March we shal have a suorn Survueser to run our ligiis and meas- ure all the lands to see if we have our nomber, and for tlie same we have also concluded that Every one shall paid for 50 ]S^Ew RocHELi.E Town Records. the charges his proportion the hinds that he has. and to assist the surviieser we have named Masters Isaac Mersier, peter ^^alo, gninanme le Conte peter frederik and Daniel Cicar Peter le Ronx propher himsef with his brother att York to see for a survueser. Siiivant le Consentment de I'assemblee du 8 feuvrier 1702-3. Messieurs le Conte, le Ronx, Gongeon, Naudin et le Vilin, Se Sont transporter Sur les Terres des Clears ponr Regler un chemin pour la Commidite des habitans de ce lieu afin de voiturer leurs foins, & apres la visite qu'ils en ont fait, a este trouve Resonnable qui le d. chemin Soit entre les terres que les d. Cicards ont hue de I'Eglise et les Communes du moulin conforment aux arbres que les sus nommer ont fait marquer moyenemt que les d. Cicards fassent deux pons dans les endroits on il a este convenu & qu'ils couperont les vieux arbres et broussailles depuis le grand Chemin jusques a L'ambarcadaire, le jour et an. Susdit Signe J. Geugeon, guillaume, le Conte, Le Vilain Piter le Roux. marque + d'andre naudin. TRANSLATION PAGE 27— ESTABLISHING A ROAD THROUGH CICAR PROPERTY— 1702. With the consent of the assembly of the 8th of Febru- ary, 1702-3, Messrs. Le Conte, Le Roux, Gougeon Nau- din, and Le Vilin, have repaired themselves to the lauds of the Cicar to assign a road for the convenience of the inhabitants of said place to convey their hay and after having visited said place have deemed it reasonable that the said road be between the lands of the de cicards which they have obtained from the church and the commons of the mill following the trees which the above named have marked; provided that the said Cicards build two bridges at the places where it was agreed upon and that they will cut the old trees and the brush from the main road to the wharf. tyt^ ^■^v-. '^■'i^-tL 2.2. /703 :/ New Eochelle Town Eecords. 51 The day and year above mentioned. Signed J. Gougeon, Guillaume le Conte Le Vilain, Piter le Koux Marque (X) d' Andre Naudin PAGE 28— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICEKS— 1703 We Catherine Laty wife of Bertelemy Mercier & Susanne Tervier wee acknolege & certifle that ye quain- tity of therteen hundred pounds Demended by William leConte of yt State of the late Jame Laty is due to him made att New Eochelle ye 12e day of Dessember 1692, Signed Catherine Laty, Susanne Tervier I Certifie Madame Catherine Laty signed and sealed in me presence Daniel Strain Justice of paice in the Conty of Westchester this 12th day of Dessembre 1692 P. S. and Sealed, guillaume Cothonneau Entred and recorded, and exactely examined upon the original the 23 feuvrer 1702/3 the foure and towinty day of May 1703 in the Second yard of the Eeigne of our Souverain Lady Anna by the grace of god over England, Scotland, france, and Irland queen, poursuant to warran under the hand of gregory Gougeon justice of peace, the inhabitans of this place being- assemble in the publik place to make chois officers Piter Valo heretofore constable been dischoged and Jacob Sure- man hath been named in his place for to Exerce the said charge of Constable, and Piter Pacot hath been named to be Colector, Isaac Quantin to be assesseur, Isaac Valo to be supervuiser M. givant and piter ladou to be continued Suvuoivers, upon de haig vols and An- dray Naudin and Daniel Giraut to be townsmen. The ferst day of april one thousant seaven hundreth oj: Nea^' Rocheille Toavn Records. and four wee the tounmaii and part of the inhabitans of this town of New Rochell have Examined the book give to us by Mr Paul Baigniou and fond that from folio twintj'-four to folio twentj'-eight the book is full and without any cros or defect in wittnesse where of and for the discharge of the said Beigniou we have set our hand to this present actt and this agreed by the commun con- sent of a plain town meeting that the book sliall be put in the hand of Ezaye Valleau and by that the same Baigniou be discharged and think him for his adminis- tration Edfoar Leroux Gregoire Gougeau Isaac Mercier B Alleau PAGE 29— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1705 Le premier Jour d'avril mil sept cent quatre nous habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle assemble Et actorizes par un war- rand du Justice Gougeon datte du 27 Mars dernier avons nomme pour mesnager nos affaires touchant les terres que nous avons en conteste par de la riviere ec heguisen et autres les personnes de Messers Gougeon Mercier et Bar- telemy le Roux Et les prions d'agir le plustost qu'il leur sera possible et comme il n'est pas de Justice qu'ils aillent sur leurs frais nous contantons de lever parmy nous une somme d'argent pour frayer a tons les frais qu'il leur con- viendra faire pour cet esgard et nous sommes tomber d'accord que nous ferons une levee de troix chellins par cent ascres de terre et pour cet effect avons nomme la personne de Charle Forestier pour amasser les deniers et les remettre entre les mains de Monsieur Gougeon Le 25 jour d'Avril 1705 nous habitans de la Nouvelle Ro- chelle assembler et octorizer par un warand du justice gou- geon datte du 25 Mars dernier avons nommer pour officier pour servir le canton seavoir Pour Constable Mr Zacarie Angevin pour assesseurs Charles Forestier et Jacque Sic- ard Pour collecteur Daniel Raynaud pour toownman Isaac Mercier Pierre Valleau et Andrew Naudin pour supervuy- New Eochetl-lei Town Eecords. 53 ser Ollivier Besly pour supervuyser p.d. les cbemins Pierter frederick et frederick Securman Le premier jour d'avril 1706 nous habitans de la Noiivelle Roelielle assembler et octeriser par im warand dii Justice Gougneon du 29 Mars 1706 nous avons nomme pour offi- cier pour servir le canton seavoir pour Constable Zacarie Angevin pour assesseurs Pierre Simon et Daniel Sicard pour colecteur Louis Guyon pour toownman Isaac Mer- cier Pierre Valleau et Andre Naudin I'ayne pour survoy- eurs Andre Naudin fils et Andris baret pour les cbemins pour supervayser Ollivier Besly Le premier Jour d'Avril 1707 nous babitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle assembler et octoriser par un warand du justice Gougeon du 10 Mars dernier nous avons nommer pour officier pour servir le canton seavoir pour constable Zacarie Angevin pour asses- seurs Pierre Angevin et Jean Magnon pour collecteur pierre Bretin pour toonman Isaac Mercier Pierre Valleau et Andre Naudin Tayne pour survoyeurs pour les cbemins Guillaume Le Conte et Jean Boyer pour supervuyser Olli- vier Besly TRANSLATION PAGE 29— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1705 Tbe first day of April one thousand, seven hundred and four, we, inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a warrant of Justice Gougeon, dated March 27th, have named to manage our affairs concerning the lands which we have in contest beyond the river Heguison and others, the persons of Messrs Gou- geon, Mercier and Bartelemy le Roux, and request them to act as soon as possible and as it would not be right that they go at their own expense we are willing to supply among ourselves a sum of money to pay all the expenses which they will find necessary for this undertaking. And we have agreed to raise a tax of three shillings per hundred acres of land and for that 54 New Eocjhelle To\^'n Keicokds. purpose liaA'e named the person of Charles Forestier to raise the money and remit it to Monsieur Gougeon, The 25th day of April, 1705, we the inhabitants of New Eoehelle, assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justice Gougeon, dated March 25th have named for officers to serve the town — viz : For constable — Mr Zacarie Angevin. For assessors — Charles Forestier and Jacque Sicard For collector — Daniel Raynaud. For townmen — Isaac Mercier, Pierre Valleau, and Andre Naudin For supervisor — Ollivier Besly. For supervisor of the high ways — Pierter Frederick and Frederick Securman. The first day of April, 1706, We, the inhabitants of New Rochelle assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justice Gougeon of March 29, 1706, have named for officers to serve the town viz : For Constable — Zacarie Angevin For assessors — Pierre Simon and Daniel Sicard For collector — Louis Guion For townmen — Isaac Mercier, Pierre Yalleau and An- dre Naudin, senior For Supervisors — Andre Naudin, Junior, and Andris Baret For supervisor of the highways — Ollivier Besly. The first day of April, 1707, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justice Gougeon of March 10th have named for officers to serve the town, viz : For constable — Zacarie Angevin For assessors — Pierre Angevin and Jean Magnon For collector — Pierre Bretin For townmen — Isaac Mercier, Pierre Valleau and An- dre Naudin, senior New Ro'Chet.le Town Records. 55 For supervisors of the highways — Guillaume Le Conte and Jean Boyer For supervisor — Ollivier Besly PAGE 30— TOWN MEETING — 1708 Le premier Jour d'Avril 1708 nous habitans de la Nou- velle Roclielle assembler et octorizer par un warand dn Justice Gougeon du 27 Mars dernier nous avons nommer pour officier pour servir le Canton Seavoir pour constable Zacarie Angevin pour supervuyser Ollivier Besly, Pour assesseur Andre Naudin le jeune et Ellie Baddeau pour collecteur Frederick Scureman pour survoyeur pour les chemins Guillaume LeConte et Jean Boyer pour toonman Isaac Mercier pierre Valleau et Daniel Bonier Et adue- mant le d. jour premier d'avril 1708 avons arreste du con- santement de tous les habitans du canton de la Nouvelle Rochelle que Monsieur Guillaume LeCompte pour suivra le droit que tous les habitans ont de moudre aux moullins de Monsieur Laysclav le d. compte ayant este refuze et que chacun payera sa part de frais quy pourront le faire pour cella sellon sa proportion et aussy tous les habitans ont demeure d'accord qu'apres le jour de Noel prochain on ne laissera plus courir les cochons liors des plantations et que chacun les pourra tenir dans sa terre Dans Lautorite de sa maieste il vous est convenu d'avertir tous les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle de ce trouver Jeudy prochain a huit heures du matin sur la place ordi- naire des assemblees aifin de conferer touchant les affaires quy regardent le Men publicq de I'endroit donne sous mon seing ce 21 Mars 1708 dans le Sv reigiie de la maieste nostre rayne souverayne de la gTande Bretagne Gregoire Gougeon pour Monsieur Zacarie Angevin constable de la Nouvelle Rochelle sellon la teneur et en vertu du warrant cy dessus du justice Gougeon Tous les habitans sont convenus que Monsieur Zacarie Angevin et Mr Daniel Raynau Iront chercher capitayne Brancq arpanteur pour mesurer les 50 NeAV liOCHELLE Towx Kecords. terres de reiidroit de la Xouvelle IJoclielle siiivant not re accord et que messieurs Guillaume le Coiiipte Beslv et Pierre Valleaii et Bold accompagneroiit le dit arpenteur et I'in- struirons de ce qiv'il faut faire pour le mesurage d'icelles terres et autres direction necessaire. TRANSLATION PAGE 30— TOWN MEETING— 170S The first day of April, 1708, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justice Gougeon, of March 27th, have named for officers to serve the town, viz : For constable : Zacarie Angevin For supervisor Ollivier Besl}^ for assessor Andre Naudin Junior and Ellie Badeau for- collector Frederick S cur em an For supervisors of the highways: Guillaume Le Conte and Jean Boyer For townmen: Isaac Mercier, Pierre Valleau and Daniel Bomer And also on the said first day of April, 1708, it has been decided, with the consent of all the inhabitants of the town of New Rochelle, that Monsieur Guillaume Le Compte will have the right to mill like all the other in- habitants at the mills of Monsieur Laysclav The said Compte had been denied this priviledge and that each one will pay, who can, his share of the exjtenses, according to his proportion, and likewise all the inhabitants have agreed that after the first day of next Christmas the pigs will not run out of the planta- tions and each one will keep theirs within their property. By an order of her Majesty it has been decided to notify all the inhabitants of New Rochelle to be present next Thursday morning at eight o'clock, at the public place of assembly, in order to confer about matters which concern the general interest of the place. Given under my seal this 21st of March, 1708, during the sov- New Kochelle Town Records. 57 ereign reign of her Majesty, our sovereign Queen of Great Britain. Gregoire Gougeon, for Monsieur Zacarie Ange- vin, constable of New Roclielle. In accordance with the and in virtue of the warrant of Justice Gougeon above mentioned, all the inhabitants have decided that Mon- sieur Zacarie Angevin and Mr. Daniel Raynau will go and find Captain Brancq, surveyor, to measure the lands of the place of New Kochelle according to our agreement and that Messieurs Guillaume le Compte, Besly and Pierre Valleau and Bold will accompany the said surveyor and instruct him as to what he must do for the measuring of these lands and other necessary direc- tions. PAGE 31— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1709 Le deuxieme jour d'Avril 1709 nous habitans de la Nou- velle Rochelle assembler et octorizer par un w^arand du Justice Gougeon du de Mars 1709 avons nommer pour officiers pour servir le Canton savoir pour le Constable Zacarie Angevin pour supervuisier Mr Ollivier Besly pour collecteur Mr Bauld pour assesseur Pierre Valleau et Es- tienne Guevin et pour voyeurs pieter frederick et Ezay- chont et pour teen men pierre Valleaut Isaac Mercier Le de Novembre 1709 en vertu du warand de Justice Gougeon datte du 21 9bre dernier nous habitans de la nouvelle Rochelle assembler pour nommer un collecteur en la place du sieur Bold cydevant nomme estant absant avons nomme pieter forestier en sa place Le premier jour d'avril 1710 nous les habitand de la Nouvelle Rochelle assembler et octorizer par un w^arand du Justice Gougeon datte du 29 Mars nous avons nommer pour officiers pour servir le canton scavoir Pour Constable Zacarie angevin pour assesseurs Jean Coutand et Pierre Ladoue Pour col- lecteur Jacque flandreau pour toonman Isaac Mercier et Pierre Valleau pour survoyeurs Josias levillain et Daniel Raynau pour supervuyser Ollivier Besly et a Duemant le 58 New Kochelle Town Records. dit jour dii consantement de tons les dit liabitaiis il a este arreste d'liii commiin accord que les belliers de tous les troupeaux de brebis seront retirez d'avecq les dittes brebis le 15 d'aoust et ne serond remis que le premier de Novem- bre et sy aucuns sent trouver dans cet Intervalle ou aura liberie de les couper sy mieux ils ii'ayment les mettre seu- lelle aux veaux pour les empescher de courir TAii de Grace mil six cent quatre vingt douze et le neufiesme jour de Fevrier sous le reigne de Guillaume par la Grace de Dieu Roy d'Angleterre d'Escosse et d'lrlande et de la Rayne Marie fut Presant en sa personne iMonsieur Guillaume le Conte marchand et habbitant de la Nouvelle Roclielle terre de Pellant conte de Westchester gouvernement de nieuve Yorck luquel du consentement de Mademoiselle Marthe de Lasty sa femme et de luy pour les presantes duement octo- rizer a vollontairement et sans contrainte recogneu et confesse TRANSLATION PAGE 31— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1709 The second day of April 1709, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justice Gougeon of the second of March, 1709, have named for officers to serve the town, viz : For constable — Zacarie Angevin For supervisor — Mr. Ollivier Besly For collector — Mr. Bauld For assessors — Pierre Valleau and Estienne Guevin. For overseers — Pieter Frederick and Ezaychont For townmen — Pierre Valleau and Isaac Mercier The second of November, 1709, in virtue of a warrant of Justice Gougeon, dated the 21tli of November, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled to name a col- lector in the place of Sieur Bold, the latter being absent, we nominated Pieter Forestier in his place. The first day of April, 1710, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a warr New Kochelle To\^'n Records. 51) rant of Justice Gougeon, dated March 29tli, have named for officers to serve the town, viz: For Constable — Zacarie Angevin For Assessors— Jean Coutant and Pierre Ladoue For collector — Jacqne Flandreau For townmen — Isaac Mercier and Pierre Valleau For surveyors — Josias levillain and Daniel Eaynau For supervisor — Ollivier Beslj And likewise the said day, with the consent of all the said inhabitants, it was decided by general agree- ment that the rams of all the herds of sheep shall be separated from said sheep the 15th of August and will not be returned until the first of November, and if any are found in that interval, it will be permissible to alter them, or better, place them alone with the calves to prevent them from wandering. The year of Grace, one thousand six hundred and ninety two and the ninth day of February, under the reign of William, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Queen Mary, was person- ally present Monsieur Guillaume le conte, merchant, and inhabitant of New Kochelle, land of Pelham, County of Westchester, Province of New York, who with the con- sent of Mademoiselle Marthe de Lasty, his wife, and his own, duly authorized, of his own free will, and without constraint, does hereby acknowledge and confess PAGE 32— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1710 avoir ce jourd'huy vandu et cedde quitte et dellaisse et trans porte des maintenant et a tonjours et promis garantir et descharger de toutes debtes et Hypoteques par luy cy devant cree et non autrement aux sieur Ambroise Sicard pere et Ambroise Sicard son flls aussy habitans du d'lieu de la Nouvelle Kochelle es Y demeurans a ce presant et acceptant pour eux et les leurs, ayant cause c'est a savoir une piece de terre en bois debout size entre les habitans 60 New Rochelle Town Eecords. de Messieurs Daniel Strain et Jean Hastier de la qnantite de quatre vingt qiiinze acres de terre despandant de labi- tatioii cy dessus qui est de troix cent cinquante acres qne le vandeur a aqiiis de Monsieur Brossard Descliamps la- ditte piesse de terre de quatre vingt quinze accres est bornee d'un coste au d. sieur Strain de I'autre au d. sieur vandeur par le nioyen du restant de la ditte piesse de troix cent cinquante accres d'un bout aux terres de niaring apar- tenant a Madame de Richebel et d Tautre aux grands lots de Messieurs Peltreau et le boyteux Neuville et austres Interessez en Ycceluy de plus une autre piesse de terre aussy en bois debout issel sur le lot apelle les petites com- munes procbe du moulin de neuf acres borne D'un bout au grand chemain de Boston de Tautre a la crique du moulin d'un coste au chemain quy conduit du chemain de Boston pour aller a la ditte crique et de lautre au dit sieur le Conte par les terres quil possede au dit lieu, et encore une autre piesse de terre size au d, lieu des petites communes Sur un Isle contenant cinq acres, borne d'un coste a la prairie fraiche de Taustre coste au terres du d. sieur van- deur d'un bout a un petit morceau des communes qui abou- tissent a la crique du Moullin et de I'autre bout entre un petit morceau des communes et un morceau de prairie fraiche entre la dte Terre et celle de Mme Richebelle font les dittes trois pieces de terres ensemble la quantite de cent neuf acres de terre que les dits ac'quereurs ont du desclarees bien cognoistre et Icelles mesure est arpentees en leurs presance par gens apeller en commung pour cet effaict et desquelles lis sont des maintenant en pocession pour la remise que leur en a fait le dit vandeur quy les a subroger en tons ses droits noms raisons et actions pour en jouir par les dits acquereurs comme des chauses a eux apartenant et tout aussy et de mesme quan auvoit pen et pouvoir faire le d. sieur vandeur la presante vante faite pour et moyenant, le prix et somme de trante huit jDistoles et huit chellings monnoye courante de new York payable en touttes sortes de bons grains marchand sur le prix New Eochelle Town Records. 61 courant qu'il vaudra en argent contant de New York lors de la livraison d'Iceux en deduisant le fret du bateau et ee en deux termes Savoir liuiet pistolles et huit chellings dans un an de ce jour et les autres trantes pistolles dans six annes a compter aussy de ee jourd'liuy et apres les quels dits deux termes esclieux les dits acquereurs ne pou- vant pas paj^er les sus dittes deux sommes en payerons Interest au d. sieur vandeur ou a son ordere a raison de six j)Our cent a commencer du jour de Tescheance de clia- cuns des dit termes et continueront a payer les dits Inter- esses jusque a fin de payement en desduisant les sommes qu'ils auront commence a payer sur le principal sans que le d. sieur vandeur n'y aucuns des siens puissent obliger les dit acquereurs d'amortir les dittes sommes cy dessus qua tons les bons point des dits TRANSLATION PAGE 32— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1710 To have this day sold, alienated, acquitted, exonerated, related from now on and forever, and promise to war- rant and defend of all former debts and mortgages by him created and not otherwise, to the Sieurs Ambroise Sicard father and Ambroise Sicard his son, also inhabitants of the said place of New Rochelle, and living there now and accepting for themselves and their heirs; the follow- ing: — A piece of land of standing-wood between the habitations of Messieurs Daniel Strain and John Hastier of the quantity of ninety-five acres of land belonging to the habitation above mentioned, which is of three hun- dred and fifty acres wiiicli the seller has acquired of Monsieur Brossard Deschamps; the said piece of land of ninety five acres is bounded on one side by the said Sieur Strain; on the other to the said sieur seller by means of the remainder of the said piece of three hun- dred and fifty acres: at one end to the salt meadows belonging to Madame de Richebel and the other to the big lots of Messieurs Peltreau and le bovteux Neuville 62 New Koch el le Toavn Records. and others interested in it; besides another piece of land, also in standing- wood; this one on the lot called the little commons, near the mill (of nine acres) bounded on one end to the Boston Road; the other to the mill pond; on one side to tlie road which leads from the Boston Road to go to the said pond and the other to the said sieur Le Conte by the lands which he possesses at the said place, and jet another piece of land situate at the said place of the little commons on an islet (containing five acres) bound- ed on one side to the fresh meadow; on the other to the lands of said sir vender, at one end to a little piece of the commons which end at the Mill Creek and at the other end between a piece of the Commons and a piece of the fresh meadow between the said land and that of Mme Richebel, compose the three said pieces of lands, the whole, the quantity ' of nine hundred acres of land which the said purchasers have declared to know well and had them measured and surveyed in their presence by persons generallj^ called for such purposes and of which they are now in possession, having been granted the same by the said seller who has conveyed unto them all his rights, titles and interests as their sole and proper benefit and possession. The present deed of sale exe- cuted for and in consideration for the price and sum of thirty eight pistoles and eight shillings, current money of New York, payable in all kinds of good grains, mar- ketable at the current price it would be worth in cash money in New York at the time of delivery of the same, deducting the boat transport. To be divided in two payments, to wit: — eight pistoles and eight shillings in a year from this day and the other thirty pistoles in six years, dating from this day, and after which the said two payments expiring, and the said purchasers not being able to pay the said two sums, will pay the interest on them to the said sieur vender or to his order at the rate of six per cent, beginning from the day of the expira- New Rochelle Tow^'' Records. {]?> tion of eacli of the said paj^ments and will continue to pay the isaid interests until final payment, deducting the amounts which they will have to pay on the prin- cipal without the said sieur vender or his heirs being- able to oblige the said purchasers to redeem the above said sums only in favor of the said purchasers. PAGE 33— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1710 acquereurs es chasque payment quy se fera en laquit du principal sera de cinq pistolles et non an dessous c'est de quoy les dittes party es a ce presant et acceptans reci- procquements sont convenus et demeurer d'accord et promis chascun en droit soy de bien et fidellement executer sous I'obligation pour le d. sieur vandeur des terres qu'il possede en ce lieu lequel les hypoteque pour la soluabilite de la ditte vante et les dits sieurs acquereurs les dittes sus trois piesses de tefre qu'ils out Ipotecquees au d. sieur vandeur jusque enfin de payement et out elleu leur domi- cille chasquns dans la maison on ils font leur demeure actuelle, savoir le dit sieur vandeur sur le neg, et les dits acquereurs sur I'abitation qu'ils out a louage de Monsieur Peltreau fait et passe a la Nouvelle Rochelle du dans la maison de Monsieur Daniel Strain juge a paix et lieuten- ant d'infanterie au d. lieu, le jour et an que dessus en presance du d. sieur stain et de Monsieur Andre Tauvet marchand et habitand du d. lieu et sont convenu qu'en faveur du presant marche que le d. sieur le Conte a cedde et transporte aux sus dits acquereurs les droits qu'il pent avoir sur les prairies sallees au prorata du partage quy a este cy devant faiet par tons les habitans du d. lieu comme aussy ceux qu'il pent avoir dans les prairies fraiches et qu'il entrerons en partage avecq tons les Interessez a pro- portion du nombre de terre qu'ils ont acquis du d. sieur le Conte signe Guillaume le Compte administrateur aux biens du feu M Jacques Laty Anne Marthe Le Compte O marque d'amberoise Sicard pere Ambroise Sicard flls Tes- moings Tauvet Daniel Straing Mc in, Aprouve I'inter- ligne en faveur du marche Sigiie Nicolas Jamin Les Par- 64 New Rochelle Toavn Records. tyes ajant reqiiis ime seconde lecture des presantes lis ont remarqiies que la piesse de terre de quatre vingt quinze accres dont il est faiet mention cy dessus n'avoit pas este encore mesuree mais il se sont promis reciproquement de prandrc leurs temps pour cella et sont convenus que le present acte ne diminuera rien de la force pour cella tes- moing' Tan vet. La ditte damoiselle Anne Marthe Le Compte a declare que de son bon gre et vollonte sans force ny contrainte elle a consanty a la ditte vante faicte par son mary ce dont je suis tesmoing Daniel Straing Justice a paix an Conte de Westchester Signe Anne Martlie Le Compte Marque de Ambroise Sicard pere Ambroise Sicard fils Mcollas Jamain Tesmoings Je confesse avoir regu vingt et quatre pistolles qui est la solde de I'ar gent quy mestoit dlieu par ce con- tract faiet a la Nouvelle Rochelle le 9e jour de May 1710 Signe Guillaume Le Compte, Tesmoings Gregoire Gougeon Justice a paix marque (X) d'andre Naudin Tesmoings Eecorde le contract cy dessus et en lautre part le 12 may 1710 TRANSLATION PAGE 33— DEED OF LE CONTE TO SICARDS— 1710 And each payment which shall be made on account of the principal shall be of five pistoles and not less. For which the said parties by these iDresents have agreed to be fully satisfied and promise to respect each other's rights, and faithfully executed under obligation by the said sieur vender for the lands which he possesses in the said place and which he mortgages for the solvability of the said sale and the said sieurs purchasers the three above said pieces of land which they mortgaged to the said sieur vender until the end of payment and have chosen as their habitation the house in which they are now dwelling: that is to say, the said sieur vender, on the neck; and the said purchasers in the dwelling which they rented of Monsieur Peltreau : Signed, sealed and delivered in New Rochelle, in the New Rochelle Tow^f Eeoords. 65 house of Monsieur Daniel Strain, justice of tke peace, lieutenant of the infantry, in said place, the day and year above mentioned. In presence of said Sieur Stain and of Monsieur Andre Tauvet, merchant, and inhabi- tant of said place, and have agreed that in favor of the present sale that the said Sieur Le Conte shall concede and remit to the above said purchasers the priviledges they may claim on the salt meadows at the proportion- able share which has been done heretofore by all the in- habitants of the said place, likewise those which they may have in the fresh meadows and which will be divided with all the others interested in relation to the amount of land they have purchased from the said sieur Le Conte. Signed Guillaume Le Compte, trustee of the estate of the late Mr. Jacques Lasty. Anne Marthe Le Compte. (O) mark of Ambroise Sicard, father. Ambroise Sicard, son. Witnesses — Tauvet, Daniel Straing, Nicholas Ja- main. * The indenture made in favor of the sale is satisfac- tory. Signed Nicolas Jamin The parties having requested a second reading of these presents noticed that the piece of land of ninety five acres here-above mentioned had not yet been measured but they have mutually agreed to take their time for this and have decided that this present act of deed will not lose any of its value by it. Witness — Tauvet The said demoiselle Anne Marthe Le Compte has de- clared that of her free will and consent, and without force or constraint, she consented to said sale made by her husband. Which, I, Daniel Straing, Justice of the peace of Westchester County, am witness. Signed — Anne Marthe Le Compte (mark of Ambroise Sicard) pere. Ambroise Sicard, son, Nicollas Jamain, witnesses. 66 New Kochelle Town Records. I confess to have received twent}- four pistoles which is the i:)aymeiit of the money clue me by this contract concluded in New Eochelle the 9th day of May, 1710. Signed — Guillaume Le Compte. Witnesses — Gregoire Gougeon, Justice of the Peace. Mark (X) of Andre Naudin, witnesses This contract is recorded here and elsewhere the 12th of May, 171,0. PAGE 34— MIDDLE DIVISION LINE OF NEW ROCHELLE— 1710 Le 20 jour de Decembre 1710 nous les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle assembles et octorises par un warrand des Justices Besly et Gougeon du 19 du dit moix pour mettre fin aux differans qu'il y avoit touchant la ligne du milieu des terres de la Nouvelle Rochelle apres lavoir faiet tirer par Mr Ban arpanteur et apres avoir recognea les terres qu'il y a entre le grand chemain et la dte ligne on est conveneu que les terres qui se sont trouvee plus que les complement des lots de I'Est, seront remplacees aux lots de Avest par chaques particulliers quy les posseddent ou payee comme ils en conviendront sans que Ton puisse en aucune maniere avoir aucune pretantion sur aucune maison ou vergers quy se trouveront sur les dittes terres sellon les convention de lescret passe a Town le 2 decembre 1708 entre les lots de Test et de west et en second lieu les lots de west prendront le restant de leurs suplement de ce qu'il leur manquera sur les teres non Indivisees comme on est convenu par la dte assemblee et quand a la prairie enclause dans les terres de monsieur le villain tons les habitans consantent quelle demeure au dt sr villain a compte des terres quy luy manque sellon le nombre quy sy trouvera et que ceux quy ont des pretentions dans la dite prairie prandront leur remplacement dans celle quy est joygnant les terres de monsieur gougeon tons y ayant consanty a la reserve de tout quy a demande son remplace- ment dans celle joygnant monsieur Gougeon Le 3e jour davril 1711 nous les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle as- iGAN H. Seacord, Esq ^"'^^./^^z This cop^mai/eby New Rocihellei Town Ebcoeds. 67 sembles et octorizer par un warrand du Justice Besly dii 29 de Mars pour choisir des officiers pour servir le Canton nous avons nommer scauvoir Pour Constable Andre Nau- din le jeusne pour assesseurs Jean Tesc et Pierre Dean Pour eolleeteur Andre Naudin Payne Pour Toonman Isaac Mercier et Pierre Valleau Pour survoyeurs langevin et Daniel Rayneau pour suppervuyser Ollivier Besly Au constable de la Nouvelle Eochelle Puisque tous les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle sont convenus pour la paix et tranquillite du dt lieu d'apeller capitayne band survoyeur pour mettre leurs affaires consernant leurs terres en un estat que a Tavenir la paix puisse estre entre les habitants et apres avoir faict dheu de sa charge et finy pour le General II est juste que son travail soit paye c'est pourquoy je vous commande d'amener tous les habitans quy out consanty a ce qu'il soit veneu icy de ce trouver demain a midy sur le TRANSLATION PAGE 34— MIDDLE DIVISION LINE OF NEW ROCHELLE— 1710 The 20th day of December, 1710, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a war- rant of Justices Besly and Gougeon of the 19th of the said month, to put an end to a difference arising about a middle division line of the lands of New Rochelle, after having had it drawn by Mr. Ban, surveyor, and after having recognized the lands which are between the main road and the said line, it is agTced that the lands which have been found to be in surplus in the east will be re- placed in the lots of the west by each individual who possesses them or paid for them, as they agTee upon, without it being possible for anyone in any manner to have any claim on any house or orchard which would be on the said lands according to the contract in writing passed in the Town the 2nd of December, 1708, between the lots of the east and the west and, in the second place the lots of the west will take the remainder of their addi- tion that will be wanting from the lands not divided as 68 New Rochellei Town Records. agreed upon in tlie said assembly. As for tlie enclosed prairie in the lands of Monsieur le Villain; all the in- habitants are willing that it remain to the said sieur Villain in exchange for the lands which he is lacking, according to the quantity that will be there. And that those who have claims in the said prairie will take their equivalent in the prairie which is adjoining Monsieur Gougeon's lands, all having consented and finding their equivalent in the lands adjoining Mr. Gougeon. The 3rd day of April 1711, we the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a warrant of Justice Besly, of the 29tli of March to choose the offi- cers to serve the town; We have named, viz; — For constable — Andre Naudin, junior For assessors^'Jean Tesc and Pierre Dean For collector — Andre Naudin, senior For townmen — Isaac Mercier & Pierre Valleau For surveyors^Langevin and Daniel Rayneau For supervisor — Ollivier Besly To the Constable of New Rochelle, since all the in- habitants of New Rochelle have agreed, that for the peace and tranquillity of said place to call upon Cap- tain Band, surveyor, to settle their dispute concerning their lands, so that in the future peace will be main- tained among the inhabitants, and after having dis- charged entirely his duty; it is just that he be paid for his work; therefore, I summon you to bring together all the inhabitants who consented to his coming here, to be present tomorrow, at PAGE 35— TOWN MEETING— 1710 lieu accoutume pour luy payer son dheu et aussy tons les frais quy out este faict por cette affaires et en outre il y a des personnes quy ont quelques autres propositions k faire touchant les dittes terres faict le 10' Janvier 1710-11 signe Besly justicier Aujourdhuy 19e Janvier 1710 En vertu du warant cy dessus les habitans de la Nouvelle Ro- New Eochellb Town Records. 69 chelle ce sont assembler pour voir aiix moyens cle satis- faire le capitayne band pour son payment et des frais qny ont estes faict pour le messurage des terres de la Nouvelle Roclielle et ont choysy pour examiner les comptes des dits frais Messrs Besly Valleau I'ayne Allaire et Jacob Scur- man auxquels ils s'Obligentd aprouver et d'agreer ce quils regieront apayne de payer trois pistolles chascuns de ceux quy n'aprouveront pas le dit reglement ainsy signe De plus tons les dits habitans sont convenus que sur la duis quils ont que Monsieur Constant veut faire tirer une ligne sur les terres de la ditte Rochelle qu'il y sera faict oposition par tous Et que toutes les affaires dont on voudra faire aux dts habitans au sujet des dittes terres ils se soutiendront tous unanimement a proportion de leurs dittes terres et pretantions faict le dit an et jour de I'autre part Le 9 Fevrier 1712-13 en vertu d'un warand de Messers Besly Gougeon justices a paix pour assembler les habitans de la N Rochelle pour voir a satisfaire le Capn Bond harpenteur il fut resolu unanimement que le livre de Record du dit lieu seroit mis entre les mains de Mon- sieur Alesandre Allaire quy men suis charge apres avoir preste le serment devant les dits Besly et Gougeon en presence de la ditte assemblee se trouve le dit Record escrit jusque au folio trante cinq Alexandre Allaire Le premier D'Avril 1713 nous les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle assembles et authorises par un warant de Messrs Besly et Gougeon justices a paix du dit lieu du 28 Mars pour choisir des officers pour servir le Canton nous avons choisi scavoir pour constable (Jean Manbru frangois Gagnard et Bowld assesseurs) Jean Martin pour collecteur Mr Besly et Dr Langevin pour survoyer Mr Lepinars pour supervuiser P Valleau D Sicard Townman. TRANSLATION PAGE 35— TOWN MEETING— 1710. noon, at the usual place to pay him his fee and also all the expenses undertaken for this 70 New Kochelle Toavn Records. controversy. Besides there are other persons having various propositions to offer concerning the said lands. Concluded the 10th of January. 1710-11 Signed Besly, Justice of the Peace. Today, the 19th of January, 1710, in virtue of a war- rant above mentioned, the inhabitants of New Rochelle have assembled to see to the means of satisfying Cap- tain Band for the payment of the expenses made to measure the lands of New Rochelle and have chosen to examine the accounts of said expenses, Messrs Besly, Valleau, senior; Allaire and Jacob Scurman, to whom they agree to approve and submit to what they decide to give to the captain and to pay three pistoles each those who do not approve of said agreement thus signed. Besides all the said inhabitants have agreed that the way made across the marsh which they have, and through which Monsieur Constant wants to have a line drawn in the lands of the said New Rochelle, they have all decided to oppose this and that all the quarrels forced upon the said inhabitants concerning the said lands they will oppose and support each other unanimously in re- lation to their said lands. Concluded the said year and day elsewhere mentioned. The 9th of February, 1712-13, by virtue of a warrant of Messrs. Besly and Gougeon, Justices of the Peace, to assemble the inhabitants of New Rochelle to decide upon the payment of Captain Bond, surveyor, and it was unanimously resolved that the book of records of said place would be left in the hands of Monsieur Alexandre Allaire. I, who have been entrusted with it, take oath before the said Besly and Gougeon, in presence of the said as- sembly, that the said record will be found to be written up to the folio thirty-five. Alexandre Allaire. The first of April, 1713, we, the inhabitants of New Rochelle, assembled and duly authorized by a warrant the East River or Sound, on the West by idale, on the East by Scarsdale and Mammar- hurch, one Methodist Church, one Quakers jv Mill. The soil produces Wheat, Rye, In- [•veyed by Abraham Bond in the Year 1711. kmes Davenport." i Surveyor as Map No. 387. "New Rochelle is bounded on the South by the East River or Sound, on the West by Pelham and Eastchester, on the North by Scarsdale, on the East by Scarsdale and Mammar- onecij. There is in said Town one Episcopal Churcli, one Methodist Church, one Qualters Meeting, there is four Grist Mills and one Saw Mill. The soil produces Wheat, Rye. In- dian Corn. Barley, Buckwheat, Oats and Flax. "Drawn from an Antient Map which was Surveyed by Abraham Bond in the Tear 1711. Laid down 20 Chains to an Inch. Drawn by James Davenport." Piled in the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor as Map No. 387. New Rochelle Town Records. 71 of Messrs Beslv and Goiigeon, Justices of the Peace, of said place, of the 2Sth of March to choose the officers to serve the town, have chosen, viz; — 'For constable — Jean Manbru Francois Gagnard and Bowld, assessors. Jean Martin for collector, Mr. Besly and Dr. Langevin for surveyors. Mr, Lepinars for supervisor, P. Valleau and D. Sicard, Townmen. PAGE 36— DIYISI0:N^ LIXES OF NEW ROCHELLE— 1713 To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come or A\iiom the premisses shall or may concern We the subscribers send Greeting Whereas some doubts differences and disputes hath arisen Betwixt the free- holders of the East and West divission of the Towmship of New Rochelle in the County of Westchester in the Province of New York presuming that the freeholders of East division of the said Tow^nship through a generall mistake should have improved and appropriated some of the land wdiich of Right and according to a generall Division made in a Certain Draft or chart of the said Township did belong and appertain to the Freeholders of the West Divission which matter of dispute and differance being throughly inspected and maturely con- sidered, and we being willing that all such Debates and ambiguities should forever cease and be prevented and that each freeholder in each Divission may hereafter be the better assured of his exact boundaries belonging to his lands we the subscribers and freeholders of both Divissions have unanimously concluded covenanted and agreed to and with each other for him and herself and each of his and her perticular and respective heiress ex- ecutors administrators and assigiies for ever in manner and form following (that is to say) First that the Mille or Divission line Delineated in the said generall Draft 72 New Rochelle Town Records. or Chart of tlie said township be forthwith run out by a sufficient surveyor Secondly that all such lands as shall appeare by the running of the said line to be appro- priated by the freeholders of the said East Divission and which properly belongs to the Freeholders of the West divission shall not withstanding be held and enjoyd by the freeholders of the said East Divission their heires and assig-nes for ever according to their severall and respective Possessions and improvements by them and each of them had and made and that in consideration thereof the Freeholders of the West Divission shall have hold and enjoy to them their heires and aissignes forever by way of exchange one acre and a half of land for every acre of land doe possest and appropriated by the freeholders of the East Divission as aforesaid which shall be PAGE 37— DIVISION LINES OF NEW ROCHELLE (Continued)— 1713 Laid out for them out of the undivided lands begining att the land of Mr Nodin at the proportional charge of all the Subscribers and that the midle line afore said shall Likewise be run atta generall charge, Thirdly that every lott within the said Township or tract of land belonging to the generall patent of New Rochell be the same great or small be surveyed at the charge of each particular owner thereof Fourthly that the road al- ready laid out betwixt the said east and west Divission notwithstanding the presumed mistake shall forever re- main as it now is and upon record and that the free- holders and every of them and their heires and assignes for ever shall have hold and enjoy their houses lands Tenements and improvements and each side of the said road as they have them now in possession and as the same by virtue of the survey in these articles mintioned shall be laid out unto them without the lest hinderance or molestation of any of the subscribers or of any New R0CHE1.LE) Town Reicords. 73 Person or persons watsoever lawfully claiming by from or under tliem or any of tliem And for the better observing, performing and full- filling of the within Avritten agreement, we the sub- scribers doe binde and obligde our selves our and every our Eespective heirs executors and administrators each to the other in the sum of five hundred pounds currant money of New York, in Testimony of the Truth hereof we have hereunto sett our hands and seales the Second day of December in the seven years of the reigne of our sovereing Lady Anne by the grace of god of great Britain france and Ireland Queen Defender of the of the faith JC. Ano 9th Dni 1708 Signed sealed and published in the presence of Andrik Daniel Lembert Jacob mark (X) Schorman Elie (mark) E B Badeau Ambroise Sicart PAGE 38— DIVISION LINES OF NEW ROCHELLE (Continued)— 1713 Daniel Giraud fienjamin fanueil Gregoire Gougeon Alexandre Allaire Daniel Bonnet Jeanne fresneau Elie de Bonrepos I le villain Piere Valleau Zacharie Angevin Barth Leroux francois Le Comte frederik Mark (X) Schorman Entred recorded and exactely examined upon the orig- inal the 7 of Apuril 1713 in the folio 36 37 38 nous soussignez Elie de Bonrepos & Louis Guion sommes convenus entre nous deux en presence des tesmoings soussignes que moy dit Elie de Bonrepos m'oblige de'en- tretenir en bon etat la moytie des fances quy sont entre moy et le dit Guion de nos lots quy sont joignant I'Egiise dont moy dit Bonrepos entretiendray la moitie a commencer proche de L'Eglise en montant en haut et le dit Guion le restant ce que nous promettons Tun 74 NB^Y RocHE'LLE Town Records. Tautre desfectuer & les teiiir en bon ordre et estat que aous ne puissions receivoir de dhommage a la Noiivelle Roclielle le 13 May 1713 Testmoiiigs Alexandre Allaire, Aman Guion De BonroiDOs marque (X) louis Guion En- tered recorded and exactely examined upon the original the 13 May 1713 in the folio 38 To all Christian People to whom this present Deed of seale shall come Greeting Know yee yt we Pieter Valleau and Rachell, Neufuille widdo & relique of Doctor Xeufuille deceaceed both of the towne of Xew Rochell in ye County of Westchester & province of TRANSLATION— PAGE 38— DE BONREPOS AND GUION FENCES— 1713 We, the undersigned, Elie de Bonrepos and Louis Guion, have agreed among ourselves in presence of witnesses, undersigned, that I, the said Elie de Bonrepos, promise to keep in good condition the half of the fences which ' are between nie and the said Guion on our lots which adjoin the Church of which, I, the said Bonrepos, will keep in repair the half, beginning near the church and going up, and the said Guion, the remainder, which we promise each other to accomiDlish and keep in good order and condition so that we may receive indemnity. At New Rochelle, the 13th of May, 1713. Witnesses Alex- andre Allaire. Aman Guion. De Bonrepos Mark of (X) Louis Guion. Entred, Recorded and exacte- ly examined upon the original the 13 May, 1713, in the folio 38. PAGE 39— DEED OF VALLAU AND NELTFUILLE TO GAGNARD— 1713 New York for a valuable Consideration to us in hand I)aid by francis Gagnard of ye same place ye county and province aftores Epcomantion att ye ensealing and de- livery of thes presents the receipt whereof we do hereby Xew Eochelle Town Eecords. 75 acknowledge and ourselves therewith fully satisfied con- tented and payd and thereof do for ever acquitt exon- arate release and discharge ye said Francis Gagnard his heirs and assigiies forever have given gTanted bargained sold alieneated released and confirmed and by these pres- ents do fully and absolutely Give grant bargaine sell alienate Kelease and Confirm unto ye Said francis Gag- nard his heirs and assigiies forever all yt a certain peice of land lyiug seituate and being in the town aboves sd containeing Twenty nine acres of Land and is butted and bounded as followeth yt is to say ye one end joyning to ye highway ye other end to hutckinson river ye one side to widdo Xeufuille ye other side to Peeter Ladow, as also one twenty one acres more butted and bounded as falloweth, ye one end to Barthelomew Le Roux ye other end to hutckinson River ye one side to Peter Ladoux and the other side to Garrin Land, to have and to hold ye before recited pinises with all and singular ye mem- ber and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appartaning unto ye said francis Gagiiard his heirs and assignes for ever to ye only proper use benefit and behoofs of him ye said Gagnard his heirs and assignes and it shall and may be lawfull for ye said francis Gag- nard his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever to have hold use occuppy possess and enjoy ye before recited premises which did formely beoong unto my mother in law Mary Guespin according to her former contract free and clear freely and clearly without any manner of incumbrances watsoever of or into ye above recited land or any part there of and I ye said Peeter Valleau and Rachell Neufuille as above said for our- selves ours heirs Executors and administrators shall and Will by these presents for ever warrant and deffent ye said bargained premises unto ye said francis Gagnard his heirs and assignes forever in witness whereof I the said Peeter Yalleau and Rachell Xeufuille, have 76 New Eocheillei Town Records. PAGE 40— DEED OF SYCARD TO MAINBREU— 1713 hereunto putt too our bauds and seals this twenty eight day of Apurill, in the Twelfth year of her Majesties Reign and in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Thirteen" Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Samuel huesties Ed Stegeard Then appeared ye day and date above written ye per- sons of Peeter Valleau and Rachell Neufuille and did then acknowledge this written deed of scale to be their voluntary act and deed. Ita testate Besly "justice of peace quoram cunty West- chester Entred Recorded and exactely Examined upon the orig- inal the 8 of Juin 1713 in the folio 38 39 40 To all Christian People to Whome this deed of sale shall come, Greeting Know ye yt I Ambroise Sycard of New Rochell in the Mannor of Pelham and Cunty of Westchester in the province of New York yeoman for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by John Mainbreu of ye above said place masson now att ye En- sealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge to have received and therewith to be fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and there- from do forever acquit exonarate release and discharge ye said John Manbreu his heirs executors and administrators and every of them have giving granted bargained sold alienated conveyed released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give gTant bar- gaine sell allienate convey assure release and confirme unto ye said John Manbrew his heirs and assignes all yt one certain peice of land contaning ten acres of land be ye same more or less lying situate and being in ye town above sd and is butted and bounded as falloweth yt is to say, beginning adjoyning to James Sycard Land on one side on ye other side adjoyning to Mr. Leisslor's Land New Kochelle' Town Records. IT PAGE 41— DEED OF SYCAED TO MAINBREU— 1713 and on one end by ye Creek and tlie other end by boston road, togeather witli all ye Rights members priviledges profits and apurtenances thereunto belonging or now standing appartaneing to ye same unto the sd John Man- brew his heirs and assignes for ever to have and to hold the before recited premises with house barn ochads fence and fences or any thing thereon growing or standing unto ye sd John Manbrew his heirs and asseignes for ever to ye only proper use benefit and behoofe of him ye sd John Manbrew his heirs and assigiies and it shall and may be Lawfull for ye sd John Manbrew his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever to have hold use occupy possesse and enjoye ye before granted and con- voyed premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and all other Gifts grants bargaines sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances whatsoever and I ye said Am- broise Sycard and Jane his wife for our selves ours heirs executors and admitrs shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and defend ye within receited bar- gained pemisses unto ye sd John Manbrew his heirs and asseignes for ever and against any person or persons lawfully claiming any right title intrest or demand watso- ever from by or under us or to any part or parcell there- of, in wittness where of I ye sayd Ambroise Sycard & Jane Sycard have hereunto sett too our hands and seals the twenty seventh day of January in ye eleventh year of her Majesties Reign anno Dom 1712-13 Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Wm Bond Ed STE Geeard Ambroise Sycard Jane (X) her mark Sycard January 27th 1712-13 Then appeared hefore me ye person of Ambroise Sycard and Jane his wife and does acknowledge this within written deed of scale be theirs voluntary act & deed 78 New Rochelle Town Reicords. Ita Testato Besly Justice of peace and Quorum Cimty Westchester PAGE 42— DEED OF NODDEN TO SYCARD— 1713 Entree! Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the original the 27th day of Jully 1713 in the folios 40 41 42 To all Christian People to Whome this present deed of Sale shall come Greeting Know ye yt Andrew Nodden Sented of the Towne of New Rochell in ye manner of Pelham in ye County of Westchester and province of New York yeoman for a valluable consideraon to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by Daniel Sycard of ye same place in ye manner and County and province af- fores yeoman now att ye enseling and delivery of these presents ye receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my selfe Therewith fully satisfied contented and payd and thereof do forever acquitt exonorate release and dis- charge ye said Daniel Sycard his heirs executors and ad- ministrators and every of them have Given granted and seeled alienated conveyed released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell enffeof alienate convey release and confirm unto sd Daniel Sycart his heirs and assigiies for ever all that a certain peice or parcell of land containing one hundred and sixty acres of land being in ye greate lotts as by ye division made by alexander allaire in ye month of November 1693 besides ye proportionable intrest in ye commons of ye six thousand acres of Land and in ye fresh and salt of ye sd six thousands acres and wich ye sd meddew bought of one Gabriel Le Boyteuix togather with all and singular ye right members proffitts benefltts priviledges and advantages thereon growing or in any wise appartening unto the above recited pemisses on any part thereof which ye sd recited land Iyer seituate and being in ye towne manner and province affores sd and as by deed of Sale from ye sd Gabriel Le Boyteux more New Eochellb Toayn Reicords. 79 att large will make appeare Togather with all and singu- lar the right and appartenances thereunto PAGE 43— DEED OF NODDEN TO SYCARD (Con- tinued)— 1713 With Edifices building fence and fences to alter courses streames woods and underwoods feeding pastures causewayes & thereunto belonging or in any wise ap- partening unto ye sd Daniel Sycard his heirs and as- signes for ever to have and to hold ye within recited premises with all and singular there and every there ap- partenances unto ye within named Daniel Sycard his heirs and assignes Forever to ye only proper use bene- fitt and behoofe of him ye sd Daniel Sycard his heirs and assignes and it shall and may be law^full for ye sd Daniel Sycard his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy ye before recited premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manners of forme and other gifts grante bargains sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances to woever, and I ye sd Andrew^ Nauden for myselfe my heirs executors and administrators shall and w^ill by these presents for- ever warrant and defend ye within recited premises unto ye sd Daniel Sycard his heirs and assignes for ever and against all every others person or persons lawfully claim- ing any right title intrest or demand whatsoever from by or under me to any part or parcell thereof, In witt- ness whereof I ye sd Andrew Noddin and Anne my wiffe have hereunto putt too our hands and seals this twenty sixth day of March in ye twelfth year of her Majesties Eeign, Anno Dom, 1713 Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Manbrew Ed Ste Geeard Andrew X his mark Nodden Sen Anne X his mark Nodden March ye 27th 1713 Then appeared before me ye per- sons of Andrew Nodden senior and Anne his wife and 80 New Rochelle Towx Eecords. did then acknowledge tliis within written deed of sale to be their voluntary act and deed, as also w^liat is here within written in this sheet of peaper Ita Testato Beslj Justice of Peace & Querum Cunty Westchester PAGE 44— DEED OF ANGEVINE TO NODDIN— 1713 Memorandum yt ye before the ensealing and delivery of these presents yt ye within one hundred and sixty acres of land is to be now stood yt ye sd Land is butted and bounded as followeth (yt is to say) Joyning to Theoj)hilus fourestier then by ye land of Benjamin faneuil in ye quantity Line and from thence to Peeter frederik land in ye quantity line and from thense to Mr. fresneau land in ye quantity line ye sd land joyning of ye one one side by Peter Parcot Land & Peeter Das and ye other side of John Morreau land and Stephen Garrin and ye one end to Hutechumsons river and well sd Land ye sd Daniel Sycard his heirs and assigTies shall have for ever as it was laid out by ye surveyer Capne Bond to ye extent therof as wittness ours hands and seals this 26 day of March anno Dom 1713 wittness present John Manbrew Ede Ste Geeard Andrew X his mark Sodden Sen Anne X her mark Nodden Entred Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the Original the 29 August 1713 in the folio 42 43 44 To all Christian to whom this present deed of sale shall come; I Zachariah Angevine of New Rochell with- in the manner of Pelham in the County of Westchester and Colony of New York Sendeth Greeting Know ye yt I Zachariah Angevine for a valuable consideration to me in hand payd by Andrew Noddin Sen: Now att ye Enseeling and Delivery of these presents ye receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge and there with to be fully satisfied contented & payd and thereof do acquitt discharge Exonorate & release and discharge ye sd New Kochelle Town Records. 81 Andrew A^oddin liis lieirs and assignes for ever, have givin granted bargained sold ensealed convoyed and con- firmed and by tliese presents do fully clearly and ab- solutely give grant bargaine sell enseale convoy and con- firm unto PAGE 45— DEED OF ANGEVINE TO N0DDI:N^— 1713 ye sd Andrew Noddin Sen his heirs and assignes for ever all yt hundred and sixty acres of Land wich I formly bought of ye sd Andrew Noddin Sen lying seitu- ate and being within ye pattent of New Eochell afore sd being ye greate Lotts togather with all ye right and priviledges there unto belonging or in any wise appartening to have and to hold ye before recited premises with all is right and priviledges and appart- enances unto ye sd Andrew Noddin his heirs and assignes to ye only proper use and benefitt and behoofe of him ye sd Andrew Noddin Sen his heirs an assignes for ever and it shall and may be lawfull for I sd Andrew Noddin Sen his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever to have use occupy possess and enjoye ye before mentioned premises with all its rights priviledges & appartenances free and cleare freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and other gifts grants bargaines sales mort- gages debts dues and incumbrances watsoever and I ye sd Zachariah Angevine my heirs executors adminis- trators shall and will for ever warrant and defend ye sd Andrew Noddin Sen his heirs and assignes against all and every other person or persons lawfully clameing any right title intrest or demand watsoever of or unto ye sd bargained land or any part or parcel thereof. In wittness where of I ye sd Zachariah Angevin have here unto putt to my hand and seal this Twelfth day of May in ye sixth year of her Majesties Eeign Anno Dom 1707 Zachariah Angevine 82 New Eochelle Toavn Kecokds. Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of us Josiah limit Benjamin Collier I Mary Augevine ye wife of Zachariah Angevine do give my free consent to ye above deed as wittness my hand and seal ye day and year above writtin Marye An- gevine Then appeared before me ye persons of Zachariah An- gevine and Mary his wife and did acknowledge PAGE 46— DEED OF GUION TO DAE.S— 1713 ye above Deed to be their act and deed the day and year above written Gregoire Gougeon Justice of Peace. A true coppy taken from the original this seventh day of April Anno Dom 1713 Prre Eder St. Geerard School Master. Entred in the record of ye Cunty of Westchester in lib 120 page 1156 p me Benjamin Collier Register. Recorded upon the coppy of the original this 29 Au- gust 1713. To all Christian People to wliome this present deed of sale shall come Greeting Know ye yt I Louis Guion Sen of je towns of New Rochell in ye niannor of Pelham in ye County of Westchester and Province of New York Blacksmith for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by Peeter Daes of ye same place in ye county and province aforesaid ploman now att ye Ensealing and delivery of these presents ye receipt whereof I do here- by acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied con- tented and payd and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel hereof do for ever acquitt exon- erate release and discharge je sd Peeter Deas his heirs executors administrators and every of them have Given granted bargained sold aliented conveyed released con- firmed and by these presents do fully clearly and abso- lutely give grant bargaine sale enseale alienate convey release and confirm unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever all yt sd certain tract of land lyeing New Eochelle Town Reioords. 83 seitiiate and being in ye town above sd containing eight acres of land and wich I formely bought of Mr Allaire and as it was laid out by Cap Bond ye surveyor; butted bounded as followeth (yt is to say) begning southly by Andrew Nodin Sen Land Northly by ye land of ye sd Peeter Das eastly by ye highway as runes up in ye woodes westly PAGE 47— DEED OF GTJION TO DAES (Continued) —1713 to Hutchinson Eiver To have and to hold ye before re- cited premises together with all and singular ye right members and priviledges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertening unto ye same unto ye sd Peeter Daes Sen; his heirs and assignes for even to ye only proper use benefitt and behoofe of him ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assigns for ever and it shall and may be lawfull for him ye sd peeter Daes his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever to have hold use occuppy pos- sess and enjoy ye before recited premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and other gifts grants bargaines sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances whatsoever and ye sd Louis Guion Sen for myself my heirs executors administrators or assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and defend ye sd bargained premises unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever of or unto ye sd bargained premises or aiij part or parcell thereof, In Witness whereof I the sd Louis Guion Sen have hereunto, putt too my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of Apurill in the twelfh year of her Majesties Reign and in ye year of our lord one Thousand seaven hundred and thirteenth,. Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Louis Guion Isaac Guion Ed Ste Gerard Louis + his mark Guion Then Appered before my ye person of Louis Guion Sen and did acknowlege this written instrument to be 84 Neiw RocHELLEi TowN Kbcords. Ms volluntary act and deed, New-Rochell the 12 of Sep- tember 1713 Gregoire Gougeon justice of Peace Ita tes- tato Cunty Westchester Eiitred Recorded &: Exactely Examined upon the orig- inal the 2 of November 1715 in folio 46 and 47 PAGE 48— DISPUTE ABOUT FEKCES BETWEEN LANGEVIN AND SUIRE— 1713 Le 16e Jan 1713 le sr Zacharie Langevin & les steurs Pierre Berthin & Isaac Das fils sont venus pour faire en Register sur les Record de la Nouvelle Rochelle ce quy suit; Scavoir que le d. sieur Zacharie Langevin en pres- ence des dits srs Pre Berthin & Isaaq Das fils a este chez la veufue suire le prier de voulloir francer entre le Sr Langevin & elle on sy mieux n'aymoit de luy payer les frances a quoy la ditte Suire a repondu quelle ne vouloit fancer & que les fauces etoit a elles sur quoy son gendre luy dit qu'il le prioit d'attendre qu'il eust des fauces de faites & qu'il fanceroit & comme de puis il n'y out mis ordre le sr Langevin enpresence des dits sieurs Berthin & Das ont encore este ce jourd'huy Seiziesme Jan 1713 chez la ditte Suire luy dire de fancer on luy payer les fauces elle luy a repondu qu'elle n'en voullet rien faire que lorse que les fauces seront pourries & comme les dits fauces appartienent touttes au dits Langevin il luy a dit que sy elle ne le faisoit en trois mois de ce jour quil retire- roit les fauces pour laisser sa terre en commune a quoy elle luy a repondu quelle le defioit de le faire & quelle avoit achepte avecq la terre les fauces quy sont desus a la re- gence de 10 a 11 paneaux que le vandeur de la terre luy a declare apartenir au dit Langevin deplus le dit Aman Guion son gendre, dit au d. L'angevin qua I'egard de fance du Millieu quy sont dans la terre de la dit Suire & quy apartiennent aussj^ au d Langevin qu'il luy rendret reponce dans quelques jours ce qu'il na fait que ce jour 16 janv qu'il luy a dit d'avoir tout achepte Ce Jourd'huy 25 Jan 1713-14 Nous soussignez Charles New Kochelle Toayn* Eecords. 85 fourrestier & Pierre Langevin nous sommes accommoder ensembles pour le terrain que moy Charles Fourrestier dois avoir sur le bord de I'eau sur la terre du d Langevin comme s'ensuit Seavoir que moy Pierre Langevin TEANSLATION PAGE 48— DISPUTE ABOUT FEN- CES BETWEEN LANGEVIN AND SUIKE— 1713 The 16th Jan, 1713, the Sieur Zacharie Langevin and the sieurs Pierre Berthin and Isaac Das, son, have come to have registered on the Record of New Rochelle what follows, viz : That the said Sieur Zacharie Langevin, in presence of the said Srs Pre, Berthin and Isaaq Das, son, went to the widow Suire, asking her to fence between the Sieur Langevin and herself or, better still, would she not prefer to pay him fOT the fences. To which the said Suire answered that she did not want to fence and that the fences belonged to her ; upon what her son-in-law asked him to wait until the fences were built and that he. would fence and as since then they have not settled the matter the Sieur Langevin, in presence of the said Sieurs Berthin and Das have again, this day, 16th of January, 1713, gone to the said Suire to tell her to fence or to pay for the fences she answered him she would not do it until the fences were rotted, and as the said fences all belonged to the isaid Langevin he told her that if it were not done in three months from this day he would take down the fences so as to have their land in common, upon Avhich she an- swered, she defied him to do it and that she had bought with the land the fences that were upon it for a distance of 10 to 11 panels which the seller of the land told her belonged to the said Langevin; also the said Aman Guion, her son-in-law, isaid to the sd Langevin that in reference to the middle fence, which was in the middle of the land of the said Suire and which also belonged to the said Langevin, he would give her an answer in 86 New Rochelle Town Records. a few days, Avliicli lie only did this ICtli day of Janu- ary when he told her that he had bought every thing. This day, the 25 of January, 1713-14 we, the under- signed, Charles Fourrestier and Pierre Langevin, have decided together that for the land, that, I, Charles Four- restier, must have on the edge of the Avater on the land of the said Langevin; as follows — that, I, Pierre Lan- gevin, give to PAGE 49— DEED OF DAS TO FOURRESTIER— 1713 Donne an sr fourrestier et a ses heritiers apres luy quarante pieds de terres de long & trante six pieds de large pour y bastir un magasin pour y mettre ses danrees on ce qu'il voudra dans Tendroit on il voudra de ma ditte terre avecq le passage pour aller au dit magasin aussy sommes convenus que moy dit fourrestier en cas que je vande le dit terrain & magasin d'en donner la pref erance au d Langevin on a ses heritiers ainsy signe marque e Charle fourrestier marque de + Langevin Tesmoins Alexandre Allaire Gregoire Gougeon Enregistre ce 25 janv 1713-14 sur I'original To all Christian People to whom this prests Deed of sale shall come greting Know ye jt Peeter Das of ye town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York for a Valuable consideration to me in hand paid Charles fourrestier of the same place in ye County and province affor sd yeoman, now att ye ensealing and delivery of these presents ye receipt w^here- of I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof do acquitt exonerate release and discharge ye sd Charles fourrestier his heirs and assignes for ever have given granted bar- gained sold released and confirmed and by these presents do freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell release and confirme unto ye sd Charles fourrestier his heirs and assignes for ever all yt a certain peice or par- cell of land lying seituated and being in the town New RoGHEiLLE Town Eecords. 87 above sd containing thirteen acres and tliree quarters of land wich is butted and bounded as fallowetli jt to say begining- south to ye said fourestier land north to ye sd Peeter Das land east from ye sd fourrestier land west to ye sd Peeter das land ye sd fourrestier is to have a way acrose ye sd TRANSLATION PAGE 49— DEED OF DAS TO FOUR- RESTIER— 1713 Sieur Fourrestier and to his heirs after him, forty feet of land in length and thirty-six feet in width to build upon it a store in which to place his provisions or what he wishes in the place where he wants of my said land with a passageway to go to the said store. Also have we agreed that should I, the -said Fourrestier decide to sell the said land and store to give the preference to the said Langevin or to his heirs. Thus signed (/) Mark of Charles Fourrestier, (X) Mark of Pierre Langevin Witnesses — ^Alexandre Allaire, Gregoire Gougon. Registered this 25th of January, 1713-14, on the orig- inal. PAGE 50— DEED OF DAS TO FOURRESTIER (Con- tinued)— 1713 Land not damnifying ye sd Das having liberty to go out of ye same barrs as ye sd Das shall goe out he ye sd fourrestier is to maintaine ye barre between each other as above ye sd land being ye one moiety and half of land wch ye sd fourrestier and Das bought of Louis Guion Sen bearing even day and date with these presents as by ye sd deed of sale more att large will make appear with all ye rights and priviledges thereunto belomging or in any wise appartening unto ye sd Charles fourres- tier his heirs and assignes for ever, To have and to hold the recited premises unto ye sd Charles fourrestier his 88 New Rochelle To\yN Records. heirs and assignes for ever to ve onl}' proper use benefitt and behoofe of him sd, Charles fourestier his heirs and assignes forever and from henceforth and for ever to have hold use occuppy and peaceably and quetly to possess and enjoy free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of incumbrances with soever and I ye sd Peeter Das for myselfe my heirs execu- tors and administrators ye before recited premises unto ye sd Charles fourrestier his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and defend lawfully claiming any right title intrest or demand what- soever for into ye sd bargained premises or in any part or parcel thereof, In wittnesse whereof I ye Peeter Das Senr have hereunto putt to my hand and seal this sev- enth day of Janruary in ye twelfth years of her Majesties Reign anno Dom 1713-14 Peeter + his mark Das signed sealed delivered in the presence of us Isaac Guion Ed St Gerard Jan 7th 1713-14 Then appeared before me person of Peeter Das Sen and acknowledge this to be his will act and deed Ita Testato Besly Justice quorum Cunty Westchester Entred recorded and exactely examined upon the orig- inal the 25 Jan 1713-14 PAGE 51— DEED OF BERHEYT TO DAS— 1713 To All Christian People to whom this presents deed of sale shall come Greeting Know ye that I Johannes Ber- hej^t of ye Town of New Rochell in ye County of West- chester and Provinces of New York yeoman for a compe- tent some of money of ye province of New to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by Peeter Das sen of ye same place in ye county and province aforesd: now att ye En- sealing and Delivery of these presents ye Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myselfe therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof do acquit Exon- erate and release and discharge ye sd Peeter Das his heirs executors and administrators and every of them, have New Kochellb Town Records. 89 given Granted bargained sold conweyed Released and con- firmed and by these presents do freely clearly and abso- lutely give grant bargaine sell convey release and conflrme unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever all yt a certain peice or tract of land seituate lying and being in ye towne above sd containing thirty acres to the same more or less as Capt William Bond the isur- veyor thereof laid it out adjoyning of ye North side to Daniel Sycard land togather with all the Rights and priviledges thereunto belonging or in any wise appar- taining to ye same to have and to hold ye before recited bargained premises unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever to ye only proper use benefit and behoofe of him ye sd Peeter Das his heirs and assignes and it shall and may be Lawfull for ye sd Peeter Daes from hence forth and forever, to have hold use occupy possess and enjoye the before bargained premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargaines sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances watsoever and the sd Johannes Berheyt for myselfe my heirs execu- tors and administrators of ye said granted and conveye premises unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and defend and against all and every others persons or per- sons lawfully clameing any right title intrest or demand whatsoever of or into ye within bargained premises or any part or parcel thereof, In wittness whereof ye sd Johannes Berheyt have hereunto putt too his hand and seal this tenth PAGE 52— DEED OF BERHEYT TO DAS (Continued) —1713 day of December in ye twelfth year of her Majesties Reign annoq Domi 1713 Signed Sealed & Delivered in ye presences of us Jean 90 New Rochei.lei Toavn Records. Coiitant Ed Ste Gerard Johannes + liis mark Berheyt December lOtli 1713 Then appeared before me the person of Johannes Ber- heyt and did acknowledge this \Yritten Deed of Sale to be his voluntary act and Deed Ita Testato Besly justice p quora County Westchester Entred Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the orig- inal the 10th (tenth) of fev 1713-11 To All Christian People to whom this present Deed of Sale shall come, Greeting Know ye yt I Charles forit- tice of ye Town of New Rochell in ye County of West- chester and province of New York yeoman for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid by Peeter Daes of ye same place in ye County and province afor said yoeman Now att ye Ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge & myselfe there- with fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof Do acquitt exonorate release and discharge ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever, have giving granted bar- gained sold released and confirmed and by these presents do freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine re- lease and Conflrme unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever All yt a certain peices or parcel of land Lying seituate and being in ye town above sd containing thirteen acres and three quarters of an acre of land be ye same more or less and his butted and bounded as fal- loweth yt is to say Beginning west by ye sd Peeter Das land, East by ye said forretier Land being ye one moiety or halfe of ye Land wich ye sd Charles forretier and Peeter Das bought of Louis Guion Sen: being even day and date with these presents as by ye sd Deed of sale more att Large will make appear with all ye right and priviledge thereunto belonging or in any wise appartain- ing unto ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever To have and to hold ye before recited premises unto ye sd Peeter Das his heirs and assignes for ever New Kochblle Town: Eeoords. 91 PAGE 53— DEED OF FORETTIER TO DAES— 1713 To the only proper use beiiefitt and behoofe of him ye sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes for ever and from henceforth and forever, to Have hold use occuppy and peaceably and quietly to posses and enjoy ye above recited premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of incumbrances with- soever, and I ye sd Charles forettier for my selfe my heirs executors and administrators ye before recited prem- ises unto je sd Peeter Daes his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and defend Lawfully clameing any right title intrest or demand watsoever of or into ye before recited premises or any part or parcell thereof, in wdtness whereof, I ye sd Charles forretier have hereunto putt my hand and seal this the seventh day of January in ye twelfth year of her Majesties Reigii anno Domi 1713-14 Signed Sealed & Delivered in ye presense of us Isaac Guion Ed St Gerard Charles + his mark forritier Jan yth 1713-14 Then appeared before me ye person of Charles foritier and did acknowledge this deed of sale to be his voluntary act and deed Ita Testato Besly Justice p quoram County Westchester Entred Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the orig- inal this 10 of February 1713-14 To all Christian People to whom this present deed of sale shall come Greeting Know yee that I Louis Guion senr of ye town of New Rochell in ye County of West- chester and province of New York yeoman for and in con- sideration of ye sume of ninetwo pound current law^fuU money PAGE 54— DEED OF GUION TO FORTIER AND DAS —1713 of Province affore said to me in hand paid by Charles fortier and Peeter Das both of ye same place ye County 92 New Rochet.le Town Eeoords. and province aforesaid yeomen now att ye Ensealing and Delivery of these presents ye Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self e therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and there from and from every part and parcell there of do for ever acquitt exon- erate release and discharge the sd Charles forestier and Peeter Das their executors and administrators and every of them have givin granted bargained sold allienated con- veyed released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely, give grant, bargaine, sell alienate convey release and confirme unto ye sd Charles Forestier and Peeter Daes their heirs and assignes for ever all yt one certain tract of land lying seituate and being in ye town above sd containing twenty seven acres of land and halfe be ye same more or less to be equally divided between ye sd Charles forestier and Peeter Das wich sd land is butted and bounded as followeth that is to say North by the Lands of Peeter Parcote West by Peeter Das South by Charles fourestier and east by a small quantity of land belonging to Mr La Roux and fur- ther is to be understood yt ye sd Charles foritier is to have his divission or moiety of Land begining south untill he has one halfe of ye sd twenty seven acres and halfe of land as above sd as also Peeter Das is to have his Divis- sion or moiety of land begining west untill hee has ye one halfe of ye sd twenty seven acres of land and a halfe as above sd togather with all and singullar the rights members priviledges thereunto belonging with all trees wood and woods brook straemes and w^atter courses Rivers and Rivullets belonging to ye said twenty seven acres and a halfe of land, To have and to hold ye before granted and bargained premises unto ye sd Charles fores- tier Peeter Daes their heirs and assignes forever to ye only proper use benefitt and behoofe of them ye sd Charles forestier and Peeter Daes theirs heirs and assignes it shall and may be lawfull for them sd Charles forestier and Peeter Daes, theirs heirs and assignes from henceforth and forever, to have hold use occupy possess New Kochelle' Town Kecords. 93 PAGE 55— DEED OF GUION TO FORTIER AND DAS (Continued)— 1713 and Enjoy ye before granted and bargained premises free and clear freely and clearly ac- quitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and otlier gifts grants barganies sale mortgages debtes dues and incumbrances whatsoever and je sd Louis Guion sen and Jonnah my wife for our- selves our heirs executors and administrators ye before granted and bargained premises unto ye sd Charles fores- tier and Peerter Daes their heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and Defend Claimeing any right title intrest or demand watsoever for into ye before recited premises or any part or parcell thereof from by or under us our heirs executors and administrators or either of them In wittness whereof I ye sd Louis Guion sen and Jonnah my wife have here- unto putt too our hands and scale this seventh day of January and in the twelfth year of her Majesties Reign and in ye year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and thirteen and fourteen Louis + his mark Gu'ion Jon- nah + his mark Guion Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Pierre Assire Ed St Gerard Jany ye 7th 1713-14 Then appeared before us ye persons of Louis Guion sen and Jonnah my wife and acknowledged this above writ- ten deed of sale to be their voluntary act and deed Ita Testato Besly Justice of Peace Quoram .Cunty West- chester. Entred Recorded and Exactelj^ examined upon the orig- inal this 10th of Feburiary 1713-14 PAGE 56— DEED OF NEUFUILE TO DAES— 1713 To All Christian People to whome this present Deed of Sale shall Come, Greeting Know yee yt I Rachell Neu- fuile widdow & relique of John Neufuile Late of ye town of New Rochell in ye County of Westchester and province 94 New Rochelle To\yx Records. of New York for and in consideration of ye siime of fifty one pounds currant lawful! money of ye province afore sd to me in hand paid or secured to me in hand paid by Isaac Daes of ye same place in ye county and province afore sd Weaver — Now att 3'e ensealing & De- livery of these presents ye Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myselfe therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof & therefrom & from every part & parcell thereof do forever acquitt exonerate, release and discharge ye sd Isaac Daes his heirs executors & ad- ministrators and every of them have given granted bar- gained sold alieneated conveyed and released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell allienate convey assure and confirme unto je sd Isaac Daes his heirs and assigiies for ever all yt a certain tract or peices of land Lying seituate in ye town above said containing sixty acres of land be ye same more or less and is butted and bounded as followeth (yt) is to say Southly by Barthelemew La Roux Land, Northl}^ by ye land of Zacharia Angevin and Louis Guion Lands wich sd land is not as yet divided Eastly by hut- chinsons River and westly by Momoroneck land togather with all and singular ye right and priviledges thereunto belonging or in any wise appartening unto je same prem- ises or any part or parcell thereof with a priviledge of com- monage according as ye sd track of land will allow to its proportion as is before recited with reversion and reversions remainder and remainders issues proffits com- modities and advantages thereunto belonging to ye sd premises To have and to hold ye before granted and .bar- gained premises unto ye sd Isaac Daes his heirs and as- isignes for ever to ye only proper use benefitt and behoofe of him ye sd Isaac Daes his heirs and assignes and it shall and may be lawfull for ye sd Isaac Daes his heirs and assignes from henceforth and for ever to have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy ye before granted and bar- gained Neav Eochelle' Town Eecords. 95 PAGE 57— DEED OF NEUFUILE TO DAES (Contin- ued)— 1713 premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of Form and other gifts grants Bargaines sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances watsoever and the said Kachell Neu- fuile for myselfe my heirs executors and administrators ye before granted and conveyed premises unto ye sd Isaac Daes his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents for ever warrant and deffend lawfully claimeing any right Title intrest or Demand withsoever, of or with ye above recited premises or any part or parcell thereof from by or under me my heirs executors administrators or any of them In witness whereof I ye sd Eachell Neufuile widdow and relique of John Neufuile as above sd have thereunto putt too my hand and seal this eighteenth day of January in je twelfth year of her Majesties Eeign and in ye year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thir- teen and fourteen Eachel Neufile Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us An- drew + his mark Nodden senior Jan ISth 1713-14 Ed St Gerard Josias Neufille Then appeared before me ye person of Eachell ^N'eufuille widdow and E clique of John Neufuille late of ye town above sd and did acknowledge this above written deed of sale to be her voluntary act and deed Besly Justice of Peace D quoram Cunty Westchester Entred Eecorded and exactely examined upon the original this 10 of Feburiarv 1718-14 PAGE 58— DEED OF LEISLEE TO ALLAIEE— 1713- To All Christian People to whom this present writting shall come Jacob Leisler of the citty of New York Send- eth Greeting in our Lord God Ever lasting Whereas John Pell of the Manor of Pellham, Esq, together with Eachell his wife have by their certain deed or writing from under 96 New Eochelle' Toavn Records. their hands and sealles bearing date the twentj'eth of Sep- tember anno Domini one Thousand six hundred eighty and nine Given Granted, Bargained and sold, unto the said Jacob Leisler his heirs and assignes for ever All that Tract of land lyiug and being within the sd Manor of Pellham containing six thousand acres of Land, and also one hundred acres of land more which the sd John Pell and Rachell his. wife have freely given to erect or caused to be erected for the french Church by the inhabitants re- siding thereon as relacon thereunto being had doth more fully and at large appear, Kow know Yee that the sd Jacob Leisler for and in consideration of a certain sume of money to me in hand paid or secured at or before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Mons Alexander Allaire of the citty of New York Gent the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof have Granted Bargained and sold and by these presents Doe Grant Bargain and sell unto the sd Alexander Allaire all that a certain piece or parcell of Land situate and being within the sd Manor of Pellham containing one hundred acres of Ground tw'enty acres thereof being in the small lot, and bounded on the south by the land of Peeter Jouneau on the North by the Boston Road on the east by the Land of Louis Bongrand and on the west by the Land of Isaac Mercier and eighty Acre« of land in the great Lot bounded on the west by the land of John Pell on the East by the Land of Daniel Streing On the north by the land of Peeter Jouneau and on the south by the land of Isaac Mercier besides his propor- toinet interest in the comons of the six thousand acres of land and in the fresh and salt meadows of the said six thousand acres therein comprehending two acres PAGE 59— DEED OF LEISLER TO ALLAIRE— (Con- tinued)— 1713 of Land upon a parcell of land in the little comons To- gether with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to New R0CHEL1.E TOWN! Records. 97 have and to liold, the said land and premises with their appurtenances unto the said Alexander Allaire his heirs and assignes for ever and the said Jacob Leisler doth by these presents covenant, grant and agree to and with the said Alexander Allaire his executors, administrators and assignes the said piece or parcell of ground with its ap- purtenances unto the said Alexander Allaire his heirs executors administrators and assignes in his or their quiett and peaceable possession and seizin to to Deliver, according to the same right and Title as to me appertain- eth by the afore said deed to me said Jacob Leisler made and delivered and no further he the said Alexander Allaire paying his proportion of the quitt rent in the said deed mentioned and expressed In witnesse whereof the above said Jacob Leisleir have sett my hand and sealle to these presents this one and twentith day of May anno Domini one Thousand six hundred and ninety The quantity of acres I Acknowledge, but about the limits I will not engage att all, New York ye 31e Mav 1690 Acknowledged before my P D Lanoy mayer Jacob Leisler Elesie Leisler Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of David Bonrepos Ollivier Besly Entred Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the orig- inal this first of March 1713-14 January the 17 1694-5 Then received of Mr. Allaire of New Rochell for the act payement of one hundred acres of Land by discunt for so much received of him in marchamdises in New Rochell two pounds four shiling and ten pences and in money cur- rant of this province five pound two shiling being in all seven pounds six shillings ten pences PAGE 60— DEED OF GRATTON TO ALLAIRE— 1713 I say received in full be my John Pell Rendu au sieur Pell les autres quittances le dit jour que de sus L'an 98 Neav Rochei.le Town IvECOKDS. mil six cents quatre vingt seize & le viiigt qiiatriesme jour till iiiois de septembre en presence des tesmoins soussignes : Je Marie Gratton veufiie de defunt Guillaume Cotlionn- neau demeurante a la Nouvelle Eoclielle & dii consente- ment de Guillaume Cotliounneau mon fils ay vendu au sieur Alexandre Allaire demeurant a la ditte Nouvelle Rochelle pour en jouir luy et les siens a perpetuite sea- voir est vingt acres de terres en bois debout du grand lot que jay a la dite Rochelle situe dun coste le long du grand chemin de Boston d'un austre coste aux terres des isieurs Elie de BonrepOs & Booffard d'un bout a la lisiere des terres de Mr Pell & de I'autre bout au d chemin de Boston quy aboutit aux fences du dit Bonrepos a prendre les dits vingts accres de terres depuis des fances du dit De Bonrepos en montant le long du chemin de Boston Chez le bonhomme David Bousquet en toute la largeur & longeur qu'il faudra pour les ds vingt acres de terres avecq tons les bois debout que par terres quy sont sur les dix vingt acres de terres reserves ou quy sont escarry quy appartiennent au Taillaud Sie Moyenant la somme de huit cheling pour chacun acres ni.oney courante d'york qui font huit livres money courante du dit lieu dont le dit sieur Allaire soblige de me payer au moment de la deliverance du di contract ainsy des a present jay ledit allaire mis & mets en possession des dits vingt acres de terres en bois debout pour en jouir luy et les si ens apres luy et en disposer comme a Inj apartenant mobligent & mon dt fils de garentir le dit Allaire quil ne sera inquiete de mes heritiers pour la ditte terre ainsy fait a la Nonvelle Rochelle en presence des dits tesmoings quy out signe le jour & an quedessus et la huitiesme annee de Regne de sa Majeste le Roy Guillaume ainsy signe Marie Gratton Veufue de G Cothouneau G Cothouneau Isaac ]Mercier marque de Pierre Simon Nous Soussignes Recognissons avoir recu la somme KEiw KocHELLE Towx Eecoeds. 99 TKANSLATIOX PAGE 60 Returned to the Sieiir Pell the other receipts the said day, which is here mentioned the year one thousand, isix hundred and ninety-six, and the twenty fourth day of the month of September in presence of the witnesses, under- signed. I, Marie Gratton, widow of the late Guillaume Coth- ounneau, living in New Rochell, and with the consent of Guillaume Cothounneau, my son, have sold to Sieur Alexandre Allaire, living in the said New Rochelle, to have and to hold, he and his heirs forever, the following: twenty acres of land in standing-wood, in the gTeat lot, which I have in the said New Rochelle, situate on one side along the Boston Road; on the other side to the lands of Sieurs Elie de Bonrepos and Booffard; one end to the border of the lands of Mr. Pell, and the other end to the said Boston Road, which ends at the fences of said Bonrepos, to be taken the said twenty acres of land from the fences of said de Bonrepos going up the Road of Boston and at old man David Bousquet, in all the width and length necessary for the said twenty acres of land with all the standing and fallen wood which are on the said twenty acres of land, reserved or which are marked and which belong to Sieur Tailland. All pro- vided that the amount of eight shillings for each acre, current money of York which is eight pounds current money of the said place, be paid to me by the said Sieur Allaire at tJie delivery of the said contract. From henceforth and forever, I hath granted, released and sold unto the said Allaire the said twenty acres of land in standing-wood for him and his heirs to enjoy have, hold, use and occupy peaceably and quietly with- out any hindrance, exaction or molestation from my heirs concerning the said land. Written and done in New Rochelle, in presence of the said witnesses, who signed the day and year above men- 100 Neiw Eochelle Town Records. tioned and the eiglitli year of the reigii of His Majesty, King William. Signed — Marie Gratton widow of G. Cothouneau. G. Cothouneau Isaac Mercier Mark of (N) Pierre Simon. G. Cothouneau. We, the undersigned, acknowledge to have received the sum of eight pistoles for the twenty acres of land sold to Sieur Alexandre Allaire, according to the con- tract above mentioned of which we acquit him. Marie Graton, widow of G. Cothouneau. G. Cothouneau Registered the first of March, 1713-14:. From the orig- inal. PAGE 61— DEED OF LEISLER TO BOUTELLIER— 1714 de huit pistolles pour les vingt acres de terres vandu au sieur Alexandre Allaire suivant le Contract sy Cen- tre dont nous le tenons quitte Marie Graton vefue de G Cothouneau G Cothouneau Enregistre ce pre- mier de Mars 1713-14 de desus loriginal To All Christian People to whom this present writing shall come Jacob Leisler of the citty of New york Mer- chant sendeth Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting whereas John Pell of ye Manor of Pellham Esq together with Rachell his wife have by their certain Deed or writ- ing from under their hands and Scales bearing Date ye twentyeth of September Anno Domini one thousand six hundred Eighty and nine Given Granted bargained and sold unto ye said Jacob Leisler his heirs and assignes for ever. All that tract of Land lying and being within the said Manor of Pellham containing Six Thousand acres of land and also one hundred acres of land more which ye said John Pell and Rachell his wife hath given freely to Erect or caused to be erected for ye french Church by ye inhabitants Residing thereon as relacon thereunto being had doth more fully and att large appear, Now New Rochelle Town Keoords. 101 know Yee that I ye said Jacob Leisler for and in con- sideration of a certain simie of money to me in hand paid or secured att or before ye Ensealing and Delivery, hereof by Mons John Bouteillier of ye Citty of :N'ew York Gente the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof have granted bargained and sold and by these presents Doe grant bargain and sell unto the said John Bouteillier all that a certain piece or parcell of land, seituate and PAGE 62— DEED OF LEISLER TO BOUTELLIER^ (Continued)— 1714 being within ye said Manor of Pellham containing one hundred and twenty five acres of ground being in ye Great Lott and bounded on ye North by the land of William Le Conte on ye south by ye land of ye said John Bouteillier on ye east by ye land of Mrs Richbell and on ye west by ye Great Lotts of ye purchasers of ye six thousands acres of land besides his proportionables interest in the Commons of the six thousand acres of land and in the fresh and salt meadows of ye said six thousand acres therein comprehending seven acres and half of land upon the neck and tow acres and half upon a parcell of land joining to ye mills (which maketh ten acres whereof he hath disposed) Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging To have and to hold the said land and premises with their appurtenances unto ye said John Bouteillier his heirs and assignes for ever and the said Jacob Leisler doth by these presents covenant Grant and agree to and with the said John Bouteillier his executors administrators and assignes the said piece or parcell of ground with its appurtenances unto ye said John Bouteillier his heirs executors ad- ministrators and assignes in his or their quiet and peace- able possession and seisin to Deliver, According to the same Right and Title as to me appertaineth by ye afore- said Deed of Scale made and delivered to me ye said 102 New Rociielle Town Records. Jacob Leisler and no furtlier he je said John Bouteil- lier paying his proportion of ye qiiitt rent in ye said Deed mentioned and expressed in Wittnesse where of I ye above named Jacob Leisler have sett my hand and seale to these presents this one and twentith day of May Anno Domini one tliousand six hundred and nintie, Tlie quantity of acres I acknowledge but about the limits I will not engage att all Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of David Debonrepos Ollivier Besly New York ye 31 May 1690 P D Lanoy Mayor Jacob Leisler Elesie Leisler Recorded out the original this first March 1714 PAGE 63— DEED OF MERCIER TO GIRAUD— 1713 This indenture made the first day of apuril in the eight year of his Majesties Reign anno dohiini One Thousand seaven hundred and nine Between Daniel Gireau of the Town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester in the Province of New York Yeoman and Jeanne his wife of the one part and Alexander Allaire of the Citty of New York of the other part Whereas Anne Marie Nolleau senior, and Anne Marie Nolleau junior Marie Broussard, and Andrew Stujky and Mary his wife by certains indentures under their hands and scales duely executed and bearing date the tenth day of March Now last part did grant bargain and sell unto the said Daniel Gireaud his heirs and assignes for ever all that a certain tract of land seituate lying and being in New Rochelle in the Manor of Pellham con- teining fourty one acres bounded east by the land of Elie Bonrepos west by the land of John Juin North by the land of Louis Guion and south by the land late of Mr Cothouneau desease as in and by the said Deed being thereto had may more and at large appear and whereas Isaac Mercier of the town aforesaid by and with the con- sent of Susanne his wife by certain indentures under his hands and Scales duely executed and bearing date the New EOCHET.LE Town Records. 103 tliirtyeth day of March now last par did grant bargain and sell unto the said Daniel Giraud his heirs and ais- signes for ever a certain piece of land seituate lying and being in the Town of NeAV Rochelle aforesaid containing Eighteeen acres bounded in the frount by the highway that lead to New England and in the rear by that now or late of Mr. Contesse betwen the lands now or late of Mr. Theroulde and Mr. Alexander Allaire as in and by the said deed relacon being thereto had may more fully and at large appear Now this Indenture wittnesseth that the said Daniel Giraud by and with the consent and good taking of Jeanne his wife signified by her being a PAGE 64— DEED OF GIRAUD TO ALLAIRE— 1713 Party to these presents and sealing and executing the same for and in the consideration of the sume of one hundred and fourty pounds good and lawfull money of New York to him in hand at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents well and trewly paid by the said Alexander Allaire the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and holdeth himself therewith fully satis- fied and contented and thereof and therefrom and of and from all and every part and parcell thereof doth fully and absolutely exonerate and discharge the said Alex- ander Allaire his executors and administrators and every of them forever by these presents hath Granted re- leased enfeoffed confirmed bargained and sold and by these presents doth fully and absolutely grant release enfeoff confeirme bargain and sell unto the said Alexan- der Allaire his heirs and assignes for ever all those two before mentioned lotts of land seituate lying and being and conteining the first fourty one acres and the second eighteen acres and butted and bounded as aforesaid To- gether with all and singular the howses out howses barnes stables edifices buildings pools ponds waters water courses springs meadows walleys woods underwoods tim- 104 New Rochbt.le Town Records. bers stones quarires lights easements profitts comodities and apurtenances to the said tracts and parcells of lands or either of them belonging or in any mannor of wise apurteining or therewith or Avith eitlier of them held used possessed and enjoyed as part parcell or mem- ber thereof or of any one thereof And all the Estate right Title interest possession prop- erty claim and demand of him the said Daniel Girand of in or to the same or any of them or any part parcell thereof and the revercon and revercons remainder and remainders Eents Issues and proflfits thereof and of every part thereof, To have and to hold the above bar- gained and hereby to be granted Two lotts of land and premises with all and every of their apurtenances unto him the PAGE 65— DEED OF GIRAUD TO ALLAIRE (Con- tinued)— 1713 said Alexander Allaire his heirs and assignes the sole and proper use and behoof of him the said Alexander Al- laire his heirs and assigns for ever, and to no other use or purpose whatsoever, the said Daniel Giraud for himself and his heirs doth hereby covenant promise and grant to and with the said Alexander Allaire his heirs and assignes that the said Daniel Giraud is at and before the Ensealing and Delivering of these presents Rightfully and Lawfully seized of and in the above bargained and hereby to be granted lotts of land and premises in his one right as of a good and indefearable Eistate or inheritance in fee simple without any manner of condision use or uses limitason or limitaions to alter change determine or make void the same, And hath in himself good rightfull power and lawfull authority thereof to dispose And that the same and every one of them and every part thereof now is and are and for ever hereafter shall so remain fully acquitted and discharged of and New RocHEiLLE Town Records. 105 from all former and other grants sales bargaines Dowers titles of Dowers Joyntures morages statutes judgements Exemons Extents and of and from all other incombrances whatsoever unto the said Alexander Allaire his heirs and assignes had made comitted promised suffered or done by him the said Daniel Giraud or with his Painty or consent and that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Alexander Allaire his heirs and assignes from hence forth and for ever hereafter peasably and quitly to have hold use occupy and enjoy the hereby to be granted lotts of land and premises and every one of them without any of the least bit hindrance Evicton or molestacon of him the said Daniel Giraud or of any person or persons claiming or which might hereafter claim by from PAGE 66— DEED GIRAUD TO ALLAIRE (Continued) —1713. or under him or by from or under any other person or persons watsoever and the same and every part there- of unto the said Alexander Allaire his heirs and as- signes shall and will warrant and for ever by these presents defend in Wittnesses whereof the parties to these presents indentures have interehomgeably put their hands and scales the day et year first above written sealed and delivered in the presence of Gregoire Gougeon Pierre Valleau Zacharie Angevin Daniel Giraud Jaime O his mark Giraud Mr. Daniel Giraud and Jeanne his wife make their ap- pearance before and acknowledge this to be their act and deed New Rochelle the 23 day of April 1709 Gregoire Gougeon justice of Peace Entred Recorded and Exactely examined upon the original the 3 of March 1713-11 Je Recognois avoir entre mes mains le transport de feu Mons Jacob Leisler & de sa femme de 31 May 1600 de la quantite de 50 acres de terre transportees a feu Jean Nol- lOG New Rochet.le To^YN Records. lean & je reserve le d transport par devers moy pour I'as- surance de 9 acres de terre que j'avois acheptees du d Nol- leau de son petit lot comme il apert par le transport a Statli island ce 18 Mars 1708-09 DeBonrepos Recorded out the original ce 3 Mars 1713-14 Selon le warrant de justice Besly du 29 Mars 1714 pour choisis les officiers pour choisir cette annee pour Consta- ble Aman Guion pour collecteur Daniel Giraud pour as- sesseurs Daniel Lembert Jean Moreau TRANSLATION PAGE 66— CESSION OF NOLLEAU TO DE BONREPOS. I acknowledge having in hand a cession of the late Mons. Jacob Leisler and of his wife of the 31st of May, 1690, of the quantity of 50 acres of land, transferred to the late Jean Nolleau, and I keep the said cession unto myself for the security of the nine acres of land that I had bought of the said Nolleau from his small lot, as it appears in the cession at the Stath Island, this 18th of March, 1708-09. De Bonrepos. Recorded out the orig- inal, this 3rd of March 1713-14. In virtue of a warrant of Justice Besly of the 29th of March, 1714, to choose the officers for this year: — For constable — Aman Guion For collector — Daniel Giraud For assessors — Daniel Lembert, Jean Moreau PAGE 67— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1714 pour super viseur Monsieur Lespinars pour tounsman Ambroise Sicard Voyeurs des chemins Daniel Sicard, Isaac Guion, Mons Besly a remis a I'assemblee le compte de la recepte & du payment qu'il a fait touchant I'arpentage de ce lieu et demande que I'on Nommast des personnes pour examiner son compte et le descharge sur quoy I'assemblee n'a rien repondu & ce sont separes le compte est entre les mains de Pierre Langevin Mon desir et ma derniere vollonte est que sy Dieu me reti- New Eochelle Town' Eeoords. 107 roit de ce moiide avant que vous ayes re^-u d'autres advis de moj que vous fassies un transport en vertu de ma pro- curation de mon lot de terre de 125 acres a Jeanne Allaire ma filleule ainsy que des 6^ 7' que son pere me doit faisant un don gratuit de tout a ma ditte filleule & que pour le terrain de Mr Louis Bonnaud ou du provenu en cas que trouviez a le vandre vous en disposies suivant I'ordre qu'il vous donnera: Cet article est tire de I'ordre que Tifr Jean Bouteille a donne a Mr Delanny lors qu'il partit pour St Cristophe le 15 Septembre 1690 Signe Jean Bouteille New York Sth September 1690 Then received of Mr John Bouteillier the sume of nine and twenty pounds seaven shillings & 2 pence Being in full for ye last paymant of his land I say received by me Rachell Pell as wittness : J h d Peyster Wessel Wessel Le re^u est au dos d'une lettre de Mr John Pell du 5— 7bre 1690 par la.quelle il desire Mr Bouteille de payer la somme cy d'apres a sa femme TRANSLATION PAGE 67— ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS— 1714 For Supervisor — Monsieur Lespinars For townman — Ambroise Sicard Surveyors of the Roads— Daniel Sicard, Isaac Guion. Mr. Besly has remitted to the assembly the account of the receipt and payment he made concerning the survey- ing of this place and asks that persons be named to verify this account and relieve him, upon which the assembly gave no decision and separated. The account is in the hands of Pierre Langevin, My wish and my last will is, that if God withdraws me from this world before you have received other advice from me that you make a cession, in virtue of my power of Attorney, of my piece of land of 125 acres to Jeanne Allaire, my Godchild, as well as the 6P. 7S that her father owes me, making a voluntary gift of everything to my said Godchild; and as for the land of Mr. Louis Bonnaud or of its profit; in case you sell it, you will dispose of it according to his wishes. This clause is taken 108 New Rochelle Town Records. from the order that Mr. Jean Boiiteille gave to Mr. Dehiuny when lie left for St Christophe, the loth of September, 169.0. Signed, Jean Bouteille. New York, 8th September, 1690, then received of Mr. John Bouteillier the sume of nine and twenty pounds, seaven shillings and 2 pence, being in full for ye last payment of his land. I say, received by me Rachell Pell. As w^ittness : — J. h. d. Peyster Wessel. Wessel. The receipt is on the back of a letter of Mr. John Pell of the 5th of September, 1690, by which he desires Mr. Bouteille to pay the sum here mentioned to his wife. PAGE 68— LEGACY OF JOHN BOUTEILLIER— 1714. New York le 27 Juillet 1691 Mons Allaire "Monsieur: notr amy Mons I^outeillier avant de partir me donna ordre qu'au cas qu'il vinsse a mourir il faisoit donnation de ses terres a sa fllleule votre fiUe sy vous pouvez faire quelque benefice des dittes terres soit a couper des arbres ou a faire des f oins sur les prairies vous le pouves a Fexclusion de quy que ce soit Je suis. Monsieur votre tres humble serviteur, Estienne Delanny Cecy est a veritable coppie de I'originaP' A true coppie of a legacie left by Mr. John Bouteillier -whoe died in the Island of St. Christophers and made his last will and Testament and Signed the same the 20th of May 1691. In presence of Messieurs Bounemain, Renoult and John Papeun. thly 4 Item — I give unto my god Daughter, Jianna Al- laire, daughter of Alexander Allaire One hundred and seventy five acres of land or thereabouts iseituatted or lying att New Rochell in the province of New l^ork together with seaven or eight pownds money Due to me from said Allaire her father — the same to remain in the hands of her father or church wardens until she come to her full age — St. Christophers By the Honorable Michael Lambert Esq. Brigadeer Generall and Lieutenant Gouvenor of this Island, etc. New Rochelle Town Records. io9 Personally appeared before me tliis day Mr. John Papin of tills Island whoe made oatli on the lioly Evangilest of Almighty God that he saw Mr John Bouteiller sign his will wherein the above mentioned Legacy was inacted and that at the same he saw Messrs. Bonnemain and Eenoult sign as evidences there- to and further this deponent sayeth not Papin Which on request I hereby certefie under my hands and seal this 7 of October 1708. Mich. Lambert Recordet out the original this 6th Apuril 1714. TRANSLATION^ PAGE 68-LEGACY OF JOHN BOU- TEILLIER— 1711 New York, the 27th of July, 1691. "Mons. Allaire-Monsieur:— Our friend, Mons. Bou- teilher, before leaving instructed me that if he should clie, he desired his lands to go to his Godchild, your daughter. If you can derive any benefit from the said lands, either by cutting trees or hay. You may do so to the exclusion of anyone else. "I am. Monsieur, your very humble servant, "Estienne Delanny." PAGE 69-DEED OF LEISLER TO BONGRAND- 1714 To All Christian People to whom this present writino- shall come Jacob Leisler of the Citv of New York Merchant. Sendeth greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, Where- as John Pell of the Manor of Pellham, Esq. together with Eachell, his .ife have by their oerta^ defd or writing from under their hands and seales bearing date the twentyeth of September Anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Kine Given Granted Bargained and sold unto the Jacob Leisler his heirs and assignees forever all that tract of land seituate Ivino- and being Tvithin the said Manor of Pcllham containing 110 New EocHELLEi Town Kecords. Six Tliousand Acre>s of land and also One Hnndred acres of land more whicli tlie said John Pell and Raehell his wife hath freely given to erect of cause to be erect- ed for the French church by the Inhabitans Residing thereon as Relacon thereunto being had doth more fully and att large appear Now know Yee that I the said Jacob Leisler for and in consideration of a certain sume of money to me in hand paid or secured att or before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by Louis Bongrand of the Citty of New York Gent: the Receipt Avhereof is hereby Acknowledged and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof, have, ganted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents doe grant, bargain and sell unto the said Louis Bongrand all that certain piece or parcell of land seituated and being within the said Manor of Pell- ham being Two Hundred acres of Ground Fourty acres there of being in a small Lott bounded on the North by Boston Road on the south by the Cteek on the east by the land of John Nolleau and Isaac Caillaud and on the west by the land of Peeter Jouneau, and Alexander Allaire, and the other One Hundred and sixty acres of land being in the gread lott and bounded on the north by the land of Jacob Theroulde on the south by the land of Isaac Caillaud and John Nolleau, by the east of the land of Gabriel Minuielle and on the west by the PAGE 70— DEED OF LEISLER TO BONGRAND ( Continued ) — 1714 land of John Pell besides his proportionable interest in the commons of the six thousand acres of land and in the fresh and salt meadows of the said six thou- sands acres therein — Comprehending four acres of land in the litts com- mons together with all the appurtenances thereunto be- longing, To have — and to hold, the said land and premises with their apurtenances unto the said Louis Bongrand, his heirs and assignes forever and the said New Rochelle Town Records. Ill Jacob Leisler doth by these presents covenant grant and agree to and with the said Lonis Bongrand his ex- ecutors administrators and assignes the said piece or parcel! of ground with is appurtenances unto the said Louis Bongrand, his heirs, executors administrators and assignes in his or their quiett and peaceable possession and seizin. According to the same right and title as to me appertaineth by the aforesaid deed of sale made and delivered to me the said Jacob Leisler and no fur- ther he the said Louis Bongrand paying his proportion of the quitt rent in the aforesaid deed menconed and ex- pressed. In witnesse whereof I the said Jacob Leisler have sett my hand and scale to these presents this one and twen- teth day of May Anno Domini one thousand six hun- dred and nyntie — the quantity of acres I acknowledge but about the limits I will not engage att all Jacob Leisler Elsie Leisler Signed sealed and delivered In the presence of David Bonrepos Ollivier Besly New York, ye 31 May 1690 Acknowledged before me P. D. Lanoy Mayer This Indenture made this ninth day of May anno Domini 1698, and in the tenth years of the Reigne of our Souveraings Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland france and Ireland King defender of the faith between Francis Tierens and Valentine Cruger of the City of London in the Kingdom of England mer- chants of the one part and Joost Bane of New Utrecht in Kings county on the Island of Nassau PAGE 71— DEED OF BANE TO TIERENS AND CRUGER— 1711 Schoolmaster of the other part whereas Louis Bongrand of New Rochell in the county of Westchester and prov- 112 New Rochellfj Town Records. ince of New York in America Gentlemen Did by his in- denture — bearing date the 22 day of June anno doniini 1693 for the consideration therein mentioned Aliene grand — Bargaine sell convey and assure unto the said francis Tierens and Valentine Cruger and to their heirs assignes forever all that his tract or parcell of land and plantacon situate lying and being at a place — called and knowed by the name of New Rochell in the said county of Westchester seituate lying and being in the manor of Pellham estemed att Two Hundred acres the same more or lesse forty acres thereof being the small lott bounded on the north by the Boston road on the south by the Creeke on the east of the John Nolleau and Isaac Cail- laud and on the west by the land Peeter Jouneau and Alexander Allaire, and the other one Hundred and Sixt}^ acres of land being in the gread lott and bounded on the north by the land of Jacob Therould, on the south by the land of Isaac Caillaud and Nolleau on the east by the land of colonel Gabriel Minuielle and on the west by the land of John Pell (excepting four acres part of the above said land which he the said Louis Bongrand did formerly give unto Daniel Gombaud and also one other piece which the said Louis Bongrand did give unto the inhabi- tants of New Rochell aforesaid for a church Yard to bury theirs dead conteyning forty pates square) together with one mansion or Dwelling house erected and built upon the said land and all other houses out houses bar- rots barnes stables orchards gardens fences improve- ments right of commonaye and commons ways easements privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any manner of wayes appurteining PAGE 72— DEED OF BANES TO TIERENS AND CRUGER (Continued)— 1714 or there withall used and enjoyed as part parcell or member thereof to have and to hold the said two tract of land mension house and premises with the appurtences New Rochellei Town Records. 113 unto the said Francis Tierens and Valentine Cruger tlieir heirs assignes forever to the use and behoofe of the said Francis Tierens and Valentine Cruger their heirs, as- signes forever (except as therein was excepted) as in and by the same remaining upon record in the secre- tarie office of this province (relation being thereunto had more fully and at large may appear, now this inden- ture wittnesses that the said Francis Tierens) and Val- entine Cruger for and in consideration of the sume of one hundred and five pounds currant money of New York to them in hand at and before the insealing and delivery of the presents well and truely paid by the said Joost DeBane the receipt whereof the said Francis Tierens — and Valentine Cruger doe hereby acknowledge and — themselves therewith fully satisfied and contented and therof and therefrom and of and from every part and parcell thereof doe hereby acquitt release and dis- charge the said Joost DeBane his heirs and assignes forever have granted, bargained sold aliened conveyed — enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents doe grand bargaine sell alien convey Enfeoffe release and yN Eecords. my heirs and assignes shall forever warrant and de- fend ye said land to him ye said Frederick Scureman his heirs and assignes against all and every of us our heirs and assignes forever laying or claiming any right titled interest or demand whatsoever of or into ye said bargained land or any part or percell thereof in wittnes whereof i the said Kachell Neufuille have hereunto put to my hand and ye seal this 9tli day of December in the tweflve years of her Majesties Reigne and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun- dred and Therteen. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Isaaq Guion Moses Fowler Eachel Neufille PAGE 78— DEED OF GUERIN AXD MORREAU TO SCUREMAN— 1714 Entred and Recorded and exactely examined upon the original this 5 of January 1711-15 by my Alexander Al- laire. To All Christian People to whom this present deed of sale shall come wee Stephen Guerrien and John Morrow both of ye twon of New Rochell in the Mannor of Pellham in ye county of Westchester and province of New York yeomans — Sendeth greeting Now know yea that wee Stephen Guerin and John Morreau for a valuable con- sideration to us in hand ye sum of seven pound of cur- rent money of ye collony above sd. Payd to us by Fred- erick Scureman of ye town, mannor county and Collony above sd copper now att ye ensealing and delivery of these presents ye receipt whereof I doe hereby acknowl- edges and oursselves therwith to be fully satisfied con- tented and paid and thereof doe acquitt exonorate releace and discharge him the said Frederick Scureman his heirs executors administrators and assignes forever have giv- ing granted bargained sold enfeofed releaced and con- firmed and doe by these presents fully clearly and abso- New Rochelle Town Records. J2L lutly give grant bargain sell enseof releace and confirme unto Mm ye said Frederick Scureman his heirs — execu- tors administrators and assignes forever to pay seven acres of land in the town of New Rochell in ye Manner afoursaid situat and being neare ye now dwelling house of him ye said Frederick Scureman and Daniel Bonnet on ye west side of the line quentitj^ and one east side of ye Queen Roade which was laid out by Capt Joseph Drake of Eastchester and Mr. Joseph Purdey both of ye county above sd which seven acres of land ajoyning to ye line quantity and ye afoursaid Queens roade now in possession of him ye said Frederick Scureman to have and to hold ye before said land and premises unto him ye said Frederick Scureman his heirs executors adminis- trators and assignes to ye only proper benefit use arid behoof of ye said Frederick Sceureman his heirs and as- signes forever to have hold use and occupie poses and queiattly to enjoy ye befour mensoned land and premises free and clear PAGE 79— DEED OF GUERIN AXD MORREAU TO SCUREMAN (Continued)— 1714 freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of any from all manner of former and other giftes grantes bargaines sales mortgages debtes dues and incumbrances watso- ever and wee ye said Stephen Guerrin and John Mor- reau oursselves ours heirs executors administrators and assignes shall and will forever warrant and defend ye said seven acres of land unto ye said Frederick Scure- man his heirs executors administrators and assignes for- ever against all manner of persons or any persons law- fully laying or claming any right title enterest or de- mand wat soever of or into the said land or any part or persell thereof in wittness whereof wee ye said Stephen Guerrin and John Morreau have heire unto put to our hands and seale this 9th day of December in ye twelfue 122 New Rochellb Town Kecords. years of her Majesties Eeigii and in ye year of our Lord One Tousand Seven Hundred and Thirteen. Signed Sealed And Delivered in the X)resence of us Daniel Bonnet Moses Fowler E. Guerin his Jonh O Morrean mark December 15 1713 Then appeared before me Thomas Pink- ney Esqr. one of her Majesties Justices of ye Peace for ye County of Westchester ye persons of Stephen Guerin and John Morreau and did acknowledge the within rit- ten deed of sale to be their reale act and deed Itatestesto Tho Pinkney Entrd and recorded and exactely examined upon the original, the 5 of January 1711-15 be me Allaire. Au nom du pere du fils et du st Esprit Amen Moy Pierre Ladou de la Nouvelle Rochelle dans le Manoir de Pelham dans le Conte de Westchester province de la Nouvelle York Estant mallade & mon esprit & mes sens sains & ne sachant quant il plaira TRANSLATION PAGE 79— WILL OF PIERRE LADOU— 1714. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen. I, Pierre Ladou, of New Rochelle, in the Manor of Pelham, in the County of Westchester, Province of New York, being ill, and my mind and my judgement sound, and not knowing when it will please PAGE 80— WILL OF PIERRE LADOU— 1714 a Dieu de me retirer de ce monde ay voulu par ses pre- sentes, dire ma derniere volonte, Premierement Je Recom- mande mon Ame a Dieu Le pere tout puissant, & desire que mon corps soit depose en la terre dans le cymetiere de ce lieu. Pour ce quy regarde mes biens que je laisseroy New Kochelle Town Kecords. 123 apres moii deceds Je desire & doiine a mon flls ayne Daniel Ladou la valleur de dix pistolles par preciput moyenant que mon dit flls soit en aide a sa mere & a ayder a Elever le reste des petits enfans que Dieu nous a donner Pour ce quy est du Keste de mes biens generallement tout ce quy m'apartient, Je le donne a ma chere femme Marthe Anne- raud pour en Disposer a sa vollonte luy donnant plain pouvoir de vandre le tout sy elle le juge a propos & en passer tels actes quil sera necessaire pour cet effet, fait & passe an d. lieu de la Nouvelle Eoclielle Le 27 jour de Mars 1713 Marque de Pierre P ladou En presences des tes- moings sousignes Jean Coutant marque de frangois X gag- nard Jean (W) marque de Martin marque de Pierre V Simon Besly. Entre sur le Record de la Nouvelle Ro- chelle & Exactly examine de dessus I'original le 22 Janvier 1714-15 An nom du pere du flls & du st Esprit Je Marthe Anneraud Veufue de defunt Pierre Ladou demeurante a la Nouvelle Rochelle dans le Manoir de Pel- ham County de Westchester province de la Nouvelle York, Estant En parfaite sante & saine d'esprit & Dentendement sachant qu'il ny a rien de plus Certain que la Mort, ny rien de plus incertain que I'heure di celle, ay voulu par ce present Escrit que je veux serve de testament & de mes dernieres vollontes, disposer pour le bien & la paix de ma f amille du pen de Men qu'il a pin a dieu de me donner TRANSLATION PAGE 80— WILL OF PIERRE LA- DOU— 1714 God to withdraw me from this world; have decided by these presents to express my last will: — First: I recommend my soul to God, The Father Al- mighty, and wish that my body be buried in the cemetery of this place. As for that which concerns my belongings which I shall leave after my death, I wish to give to my oldest son, Daniel Ladou, the value of ten pistoles by jointure, provided that my said son assist his mother in bringing up the remainder of the little children that 124 Neav Koohelle Town Eecords. God gave us. As for the remainder of all my posses- sions, I give them to my d^ar wife, Marthe Anneraud, to dispose of them as she chooses, giving her full power to sell everything if she considers it best and draw up whatever deeds will be necessary for said execution. Written and concluded in the said place of New Rochelle, the 27th day of March, 1713. Mark of Pierre Ladou. (P) In presence of Avitnesses undersigned — Jean Coutant. Mark of Francois (X) Gagnard. Jean (W) Martin. Mark of Pierre (V) Simon. Besly. Entered on the Record of New Eochelle and exactly examined on the original, the 22nd of January, 1714-15. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, I Marthe Anneraud, widow of the late Pierre Ladou, living in New Rochelle, in the Manor of Pelham, County of Westchester, Province of New York, being in perfect health, sound of mind and judgement, knoAv- ing that there is nothing more certain than death, and nothing more uncertain than the hour of it, want this present deed of AA^riting to serve as testament of my last Avishes to dispose, for the peace and Avelfare of my family, of the little property which it has pleased God to give me, so PAGE 81— A¥ILL OF THE WIDOW LADOU— 1711 afin que mes dits enfans puissent vuiAres en paix & bonne union Entreux Premierement Je donne a mon fils ayne Daniel Ladou, quarante et trois acres de terres en bois debout quy sont en la ditte Rochelle dont j'en ay acquis vingt deux acres de Mr Isaacq Mer- cier- — demeurant a la ditte Rochelle & Aingt un acres que Defunt mon mary Pierre Ladou & moy avions acquis de defunte Madame le Villain, comme il apert par les contracs que jen y entre mes mains Item je donne au Reste de mes enfans quy sont Pierre, Estienne, Ambroise, Elizabeth, Magdelaine, Judith, New Rochelle Town Records. 125 Martlie, Jeanne & Marie Ladou, I'liabitation ou je demeiire a present, conteuant environ vingt neuf acres de terres, avecq les maisons verges & generallement tons les Basti- mens quy sont Dusus & comme Tliabitation n'est pas suf- fisante pour les niaintenir & entretenir tons, ma volont est que sy mes dits enfans ey desus nommez la vande que celluy d'entreux quy la voudra achepter en jouisse moye- nant qu'il paye a cliacun de ses dits freres & soeurs leurs juste et egalles portion due quelle sera vandue & au cas qu aucun des dits Pierre Estienne, Ambrosie, Elizabeth, Magelane, Juditb, Martlie Jeanne & Afarie Ladou ne la vouiussent avoir & que mon fils Daniel Ladou, en donne autant quelle sera estimee on qu'ils en trouveront de quelques autres qu'il en soit prefere en payant ainsy a cbacun de ses freres & soeurs sus nommes leurs justes & egalle portion de la ditte valleur fait a la Nouvelle Ro- chelle le vingtiesne de Janvier mil sept cents quartorze & quinze Marque M de Marthe Ladou. tesmoins Zacharie AngeAdn, Amar Guion, Alexandre Allaire Recorde sur le Record de ce lieu & bien veu & examine dedesus Toriginal le 22 Janvier 17 14/15 TRANSLATION PAGE 81— WILL OF THE WIDOW LADOU— 1714 that my children may live in peace and good under- standing among themselves. First: I give to my oldest son, Daniel Ladou, forty and three acres of land in standing-wood which are in the said New Rochelle. I bought twenty-two acres of Mr. Isaacq Mercier, living in said New Rochelle and twenty one acres that my late husband and I had pur- chased of the late Madame le Villain, as it appears in the deeds which I have in hand. Item — I give to the remainder of my children, who are Pierre, Estienne, Ambroise, Elizabeth Magdelaine, Judith Marthe, Jeanne and Marie Ladou, the propertv 126 New Eochet.le Town Records. on which I now live, containing about twenty-nine acres of land with the houses, orchards and all the build- ings which are on it, and as the property is not suf- ficient to maintain and take care of them all, my wish is that if my children above named sell it, that the one among them who wants to buy it shall enjoy it on con- dition that he pay to each one of his said brothers and sisters their just and equal portion as soon as sold, and in case any of the said Pierre, Eistienne, Ambroise, Elizabeth, Magelane, Judith, Marthe, Jeanne and Marie Ladou do not want it and that my son, Daniel Ladou, will give as much as it is worth or sell it to some one else who prefers it, he shall pay to each of his brothers and sisters above named, their just and equal portion of said value. Concluded in New Rochelle, the twenti- eth of January one thousand seven hundred fourteen and fifteen. Mark (MT) of Marthe Ladou. Witnessess — Zacharie Angevin, Amar Guion, Alexandre Allaire. Recorded on the record of this place and well ex- amined upon the original the 22nd of January, 1714-15 PAGE 82— DEED OF LE CONTE TO DRUNG— 1715 To All Christian People To whome this present Deed of Scale shall come, I william Lecote of the cyty of New York Sendeth Greeting in our Lord God everlasting Now know yea that I the said William LeConte for and in consideration of the sume of two hundred and fifteen pounds of good silver money of the Province of New York to me in hand paid before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents by Peter John Drung of the Manner of Philips Buroough in the County of West- chester and province of New York the receipt whereof T doe herby acknowledg the recipt & thereof and therefrom and of every part and parcell thereof do acquit exonorate release and descharge the said Peter John Drung his New KocHEOLLEi Town Eecords. 127 heirs Executors administrators forever have Given grant- ed released enfeoffed conjBrmed bargained sett over and sould and by these presents do fully freely and absolutly give grant Release enfeoff e conferm — Bargain sett over and sell unto him the said Peter John Drung, a certain Tract or Percell of land lying and being situated in the Manner of Pelham in the Town called New Rochell in the County and Province aforesaid containing Two Hun- dred and Tw^enty Eacres bounded to the north or there- abouts by the land of John Coutant deceased on the south or thereabouts by the land of the said William LeConte on the East or thereabouts by the land or Pat- tents of Mrs. Ridgbell on the w^est or thereabouts by the Cross line or Common highway of New^ Rochell togeather with all the Edifices buildings yards stables woods under- woods Trees River watter courses springs stones mines minerals Royall mines excepted, Lights Easements prof- its & appurtenances to the Said Tract and Lott of land belonging or therewith held lised or possesed as part parcell or member thereof to the said Peter John Drung his heires Executors adminsitrators and assignes forever to the only proper use benifit & behoofe of him the said Peter John Drung and to no other lise then for him his heires executors administrators and assigns forever and I the sid William Leconte do further covenant and grant to and with the said Peter John Drung his heires execu- tors administrators and assignes in manner and form following that is that I the said William Leconte att and. before the sealing and delivering of these presents was the trew and lawful PAGE 83— DEED OF LE CONTE TO DRUNG (Con- tinued) — 1715 owner the granted & hereby bargained premisses and am lawfully possessed and seized of the same in my owne proper use and is as good parfect and absolute eas- tate of ineritance as any can be and have in myselfe 128 New Kochellb Town Records. full power aud lawful atliorlty to give grant bargain sell and confirm the premises aforesaid and each part and parcell thereof aud henceforth it shall and may be lawful for him the said Peter John Drung his heires executors administrators and assign es to have hold use occupy j)osses and enjoy all the before mentioned prem- ises with all and every its priviledges immunittes and advantages and I the said William Leconte for myselfe and my heires executors administrators the said bar- gained premises to the said Peter John Drung his heires, executors administrators shall and will forever warrant and defend in quiet possession against all and every other person or persons lawfully claiming any right title interest or demand of in or to the bargained land and premises or any part thereof free and clear freely and clearly acquited and discharged of from all other gifts grants bargaines sayles Leases assignments entayles joj-ntures judgments forfitures dowerges and incoum- brances wiiatever in wittness whereof I have hereunto 13ut to my hand & Scale this 1st Day of Merch in the first years of his Majesties Reigne over great britain in the year of our Lord god One Thousand Seven hundred and fifteen Gme. LeConte Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us R. barton Isaac Das Know all whome this present shall concern that I Easther LeConte do give my free and volontary consent to ye above writen deed and also for myself my heires execu- tors and assignes do forever quit claim of in or to any part or parcell of ye above mentioned premises in wittness I have put my hand and scale the day and year above writen. Ester LeConte. New Rochelle Toavn Records. 129 PAGE 81— TOAVN MEETING— 1T15 Merch Ye 2 1715 Appeared before me Oliver Besly on of hm Majesties Justices of tlie Peace of the County of Westchester the persons of William LeConte and Ester LeConte signified by her being a party to the signing sealing and delivery of these presentes and did acknowledge ye above writen Deed to be Signed Sealed and Delivered to Peeter John Drung as their reale act & deed. Besly Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the original 4 th of March 1715 by Alexander Allaire Re- corder. En Vertu du warrant de Capt Besly justicer k paix du 19 Mars pour assembler les habitans de la nouvelle Ro- chelle pour nommer des ofiftcier pour servir le Canton les sous nommes out estes choisis Scavoir Pour Connestable Mr Raymon Pour CoUecteur Mr Bonnet Pour assesseurs Mr. Renaud Zacharie Langevin Pour Supervisuer Mr Lespinars Pour voyeur de fances Mr Bot Jacq Sycart Pour voyeurs Des chemins frederick Scieuveman Joannes Barreyot Deplus a este arreste en la ditte assemblee que les cochons seront encarcanes et boueles aussy. Au nom du pere du flls & du st Esprit Amen Je Teophile fourrestier demeurant a la Nouvelle Ro- chelle Estant par la vollonte de Dieu retnu dans mon lit malade TRANSLATION PAGE 84— TOWN MEETING— 1715. In virtue of a warrant of Capt. Besly, Justice of the Peace, of the 19th March to assemble the in- 130 New Rochelle Town Eecoiids. liabitants of New Roclielle to name the ofiicers (o sci vi? the town, the nndersiiined have been chosen, viz : For constable — Mr. Ra^ymon For collector — Mr. Bonnet For assessors — Mr. Renand, Zacharie Laugevin. For supervisor — Mr. Lespinars For overseers of the fences— Mr. Bot, Jacq Sycart For overseers of the highways — Frederick Scienveman^ Joannes Barreyot. Also it has been decided at the said assembly that the pigs will be shackled and the bulls, likewise. In the name of the Father, and Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. I, Theophile Fonrrestier, living in New Rochelle, being by the will of God, ill in bed, pagp: 85— will of theophile fourrestier— 1715 mais par la grace Sain d'esprit et Dentendenment & sachant qn'il ny a rien de plus certain que la mort myrien de plus incertain que I'heure dicelle & voullant disposer du peu de bien que Dieu ma clonne je declare par ce pre- sent escrit que je vent serve de testament et de derniere vollonte ce quy suit. Je veux et entens que mon cousin Charles fourrestier aye la somme de cent livres argent courent d'j^ork que les Thomas Petit de New ToAvn sur la longue isle me doit payer le premier de may de cette pre- sente annee pour la terre que je luy ay vandue & qu'il en jcuisse tant quil voudra en en payant I'intheret tons les ans a Judith fourrestier ma femme pandant sa vie, apres quoy le dit intherets sera paye aux enfans de Catherinne fourrestier veufue de defunt Pierre fourrestier mon fils et aux enfans de Janne forin ma fille et de Elizabeth Vanvlacq aussy ma fille a chascun par tiers tons les ans & lors que mon dit Cousin Charles fourrestier voudra rendre la ditte somme de cent livres argent d'york je veut et entans quelle soit partager par tiers aux dits enfans de la ditte veufue fourrestier Jeanne forin & Elizabeth New Kochelle Town' Records. 131 Vanvlacq, Bien entendu que sy le d Cliarle fourrestior & sa femme viennent a mourir que ses heritiers n'en pour- reont jouir niais la payeront incessament au sus nommes Item je donne a la ditte veufue de Pierre fourrestier au moins a ses enfans cinq livres a prendre sur ce qu'il ce trouvera apres ma mort outre les cent pistolles cydesus Item je donne a ma femme Judith la jouissance d'une vache pandant sa vie apres quoy elle reviendra a mes enfans ci dessus sus nommez TRANSLATION PAGE 85— WILL OF THEOPHILE FOURRESTIER— 1715 but by his grace, sound of mind and Judgement and knowing that there is nothing more certain than death and nothing more uncertain than the hour of it, and wanting to dispose of the little property that God has given me : I desire, by this present deed of writing, which ishall serve as testament and of my last will, that my cousin, Charles Fourrestier, shall be given the sum of one hundred pounds, current money of York, that Thomas Petit, of New Town, on Long Island, must pay me the first of May of this present year for the land which I sold him and he may enjoy it as he chooses, but must pay the interest each year to Judith Fourrestier, my wife, during her lifetime, after which, the said in- terest shall be paid to the children of Catherinne Four- restier, widow of the late Pierre Fourrestier, my son, and to the children of Jeanne Forin, my daughter, and of Elizabeth Vanvlacq also my daughter, to each, by thirds each year and when my said cousin, Charles Four- restier, shall want to return the said sum of one hun- dred pounds, current money of York. I so will and desire that it be divided in thirds to the said children of the said widow Fourrestier, Jeanne Forin and Elizabeth Vanvlacq. Be it understood, that if the said Charles Fourrestier and his wife should die that their heirs cannot enjoy said 132 Ne\^' Ro€he[lle Toavn Reioords. money, but Avill pay it immediately to the above named. ' Item — I give to the said widow of Pierre Fourrestier, at least to her cliildren, five pounds to be taken from what w^ill be found after my death, besides the hundred pistoles above mentioned. Item — I give to my wife, Judith, the use of a cow during her life time, after which it shall go to my cliildren above named. PAGE 86— WILL OF THEOPHILE FOURRESTIER ( Continued ) — 1715 Item Je donne aux dits eiifans de la veufue fourrestier ceux de Jeanne forin & d'Elizabeth vanvlacq deux vaches Item ma vollonte est que tout ce que jay de meubles soit partages par tiers aux dits Enfans de la veufue fourres- tier Jeanne forin, & Elizabeth Vanvlacq Ma volonte est que Judith fourrestier ma femme jouisse pandant sa vie de tons les meubles quy sont a moy en en faisant une inventaire pour estre vendu apres sa mort a mes dits Enfants. Ma vollonte est que la vache que je donne a Jeanne forin soit a Jean forin son flls mon filleul Item Je donne a Elizabeth ma fille la preferance d'un coffre quy ferme a clerf apres la mort de ma femme Item Je donne a Jean forin mon gendre mon fusil ainsy fait a la nouvelle Rochelle le quatriesme jour d'avril Mil dix sept cents quinze en presence des tesmoins quy ont signe Alexandre Al- laire Marque cle ( O ) Daniel Sycart Daniel Bonnett Marque de (X) Theophile fourrestier Recorde sur le Recort de la N. Rochelle & pris de desus I'original bien veu & examine le 24 May 1715 Know All Men by these presents, that we Charles Four- restier, and Isaac Guion both of the town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York yeoumen, are held and firmly bound unto Catharine four- restier widdow and Relique of Peeter Fourrestier late New Eochellei Towx Kecords. 133 of the Town above sd in the Penall sume of Towo Hun- dred and fifty pownd in good lawful and current money of the province afore sd. to be paid yd TRANSLATION PAGE 86— WILL OF THEOPHILE FOUERESTIER (Continued)— 1715 Item — I give to the said children of the widow Four- restier, those of Jeanne Forin and Elizabeth Vanvlacq, two cows. Item — My wish is that all the furniture I possess be divided in thirds to the said children of the widow Fourrestier, Jeanne Forin and Elizabeth Vanvlacq. My wish is that Judith Fourrestier, my wife, use dur- ing her life time all my furniture and have an inventory made so as to have them sold to my children after her death. My wish is that the cow that I give to Jeanne Forin belong to Jean Forin, her son : my god-son. Item — I give to Elizabeth, my daughter, the privilege of a coffer which locks with a key, after the death of my wife. Item— I give to Jean Forin, my son-in-law, my gun. Thus concluded and written in New Rochelle, the fourth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and fifteen. In presence of the witnesses w^ho have signed, Alexandre Allaire mark of (O) Daniel Sycart. Daniel Bonnett Mark of (X) Theophile Fourrestier. Recorded on the Record of New Rochelle and taken from the original and well examined the 24th of May, 1715. PAGE 87— OBLIGATION OF FOURRESTIER AND GUION TO WIDOW FOURRESTIER— 1715 Unto the said Catharine Fourrestier or her certain at- torney heirs executors administrators or assigiies for ye which payment well and truly to be made and done we 134 l^EW liOCHELLE TOWN KECOUDS. do bound ourselves ours lieirs executors and adminis- trators and every of them joyntly and severally and firm- ly by these presents sealed which ours seals dated this 28th day of ^fay in ye first year of his Majesty Regn Anno Dm. 1715 The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Charles Fourrestier his heirs executors or administrators or either of them shall do well and truly pay or cause to be payd att time and times for- ever hereafter perform fullfill and accomplish according to ye true intent and meaning of the last will and testa- ment of Theophilus fourrestier late of the town sd and by ye sd last will and testament more att large will make appear are be record then this present obligation to be void and of none effect, otherwise to remaine abide and be in full Power force and vertue, memorandum the word of By record was interline before the ensealing and delivery hereof his Charles X Fourestier mark Isaac Guion Sealed and delivered in presence Alexandre Allaire Edward fitz Gerard Entred and Recorded and well Examined upon the original this 30 th May 1715. To All Christian People to whome the presents deed of sale shall come Greeting, Know yee yt we Theopulious fourestier and Judith my wife both of the town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York for and in consideration of ye sume of One Hundred and Twenty-five pound curt, lawful PAGE 88— DEED OF FOURESTIER TO PETITT— 1715 money of ye Province aforesaid to be well and truly payd by Thomas Petitts of New Town in ye Queen New Rochellb Town Records. 135 County and ye island of Nasseau in ye province affore sd yeoman, Now att ye ensealing and delivery of these pres- nts ye Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and oursselves therewith fully satisfied contented and payd and thereof due forever quitt, exonerate releace and dis- charge ye sd Thomas Petitt his heirs executors adminis- trators and every of them have given granted bargained sold alienated — enfeoffed conveyed asured released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and abso- lutely give grant bargaine sele allienate enfeoffe convoy assure and confirme unto the sd Thomas Petitt his heirs and assignes forever all yt one certain Tract or piece or parcell of land lying seituate and being in the Town above sd containing 68 x\cres of land more or less butted and bounded as followeth (yt is to say) Joyning in the north side to ye land of lowis Bouneau on the south to ye land of Daniel Rayneau on the east to the land of Mrs. Ritchbell and on ye west to ye great lotts of ye others purchersars besides his proportionable interest in ye Communs of the Six thousand acres of land and in ye fresh meadow etc and as and according to whatt writtings I have concerning ye sd premises together with all and singular ye right and priviledges house out houses, barns stables orchards gardens fence and fences thereunto belonging or in anywise appartaining with ye reversion and reversions remainder and remainders (only excepted) ye grains yt is now upon ye ground growing att this Present to have and to hold ye before bargained premises unto ye sd Thomas Petitt his heirs and assignes forever to ye only proper use benefit and behoofe of him ye said Thomas Petitt his heirs and assignes and it shall and may be lawful for ye said Thomas Petitt his heirs and assignes from henceforth and foever to have hold use occupy poseses and peaceably and quettly to enjoy the before granted premises free and clear 13G New Eochelle Town Recoiids. PAGE 89— DEED OF FOURESTIEU TO TETITT (Continued) — 1715 freely clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of forms and other gifts grant bargaines sales teilts, intailes dowys joyntures execution extents or any incombrance Avhatsoever by law in any manners of ways intending by us or any of us ours heirs ex- ecutors administrators or assignes or any manner of person or persons by our or any of us procuremente unto ye before bargained premises or any part or parcell thereof and I the said Theofilus fourestier and Judith, my wife for ourselves ours heirs executors and admin- istrators ye before granted and bargained premises unto ye said Thomas Petitt his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend and against me ye said Theophilus fourestier and Judith my wife ours heirs executors administrators or assignes and against — all and every others fterson or persons law- fully claming any Reght title interest or demand watso- ever from by or and ours heirs executors or adminis- trators or any other person or persons or into ye said granted and bargained premises or any part or parcell thereof. In wittness whereof I ye said Theophilus fourestier and Judith my ' wife have hereunto putt too our hands and assired our scales this thertith day of March In the first year of his Majesties Reign and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifteen. his Theophilus X fourrestier mark h*s^X^ Judith X fourrestier mark Neav Rochelle Town IIecouds. 1:J7 Sealed and Signed and Delivered in presens of us Susanne Coutant Isaac Guion Edward fitz Gerard May 28, 1715. Then appaired before me the persons of Susanne Coutant Isaac Guion and Edward fits Gerard and being swarein — upon ye holy Evangelist and saith that they did see PAGE 90— DEED OF FOUEESTIER TO PETITT (Continued)— 1715 Theophilus fourrestier late of the town within sd and signe seale and delivered this as his real act and deed as also Judith is wife appeared de day and date above said and did acknowledge this deed of sale to be her — voluntary act and deed. Ita Testato Besly, Justice of Peace quoram Cunty Westchester New Rochell 28th of May 1715. Then received the full soume of One Hundred and Twenty-five pounds courent lawfull money of the prov- ince of New York — according to the last will and testa- ment of Theophilus fourestier as afore sd and accord- ing as ye deed of seale specifies I say I have received in full my his Charles X fourrestier mark Witness, presents Isaac Guion Ed. Fits Gerard Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the Alexandre Allaire. original this 30th May 1715 138 New Rocheille Towx Records. To All Christian People to wliom this present deed of sale shall come Greeting Know Yee yt I Daniel Sycart of ye town of Xew Rochell in ye County of Westchester and ye Province of New York yeoman for and in con- sideration of ye snme of four pounds sixteen shillings court lawful money of ye province afore sd to me in hand paid l)y Charles fourrestier in ye behalfe of Theo- philus fourestier late of ye town above sd deceased, now att ye Ensealing and Delivery here of ye receipt where- of I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisified contented and paid and thereof do forever acquitt exanerate release and discharge the isaid Charles fourestier his heirs and assignes forever have given granted bargained sold and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell convoy assure and confirm unto ye sd Charles fourrestier his heirs and assignes forever all that one certain peice of land i i PAGE 91— DEED OF SYCART TO FOURESTIER— 1715 Seituate lying and being in ye town above said con- taining four acres as by ye survey there of and which I formely bought of Andrew Noden, Sen. which said four acres lyes within ye land yt was formely Theophilus fourrestier now in ye tenure and occuppation of Thomas Petitt with all ye right and priveledge thereunto belong- ing or in anywise appartaining unto ye said Chales four- estier his heirs and assignes for ye use of ye said Theo- philus fourestier children according to his last will and testament, to have and to hold ye before granted premises unto ye said Charles fourestier for ye use as afore sd to ye only proper use benfit and behofe of ye said Charles fourestier as aforesaid free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged from all and all manner of incumbrances with soever and I the said Daniel Sycart for mvselfe mv heirs executors and administrators Kew Rochelle Town Records. 139 ye before recited premises unto je said Charles fourestier as above said and against me ye said Daniel Sycart his heirs or assignes lawfully clameing any right title in- terst or demand with, soever of or into ye before granted premises or any part or parcell thereof, In Witt- ness whereof I ye said Daniel Sycart have hereunto putt to my hand and seal this — Thirtith first day of May in the first year of his Majesties Reign Anno Dom. 1715. Daniel O Sycart mark Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us Isaac Das Ed. Fits Gerard May 31, 1715. Then appeared before me ye person of Daniel Sycart and did acknowledge this written instrument to be his act and deed. Ita Testato Besly Justice Quoram Cunty Westchester Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the original this first of Juin 1715. Alexandre Allaire, Recorder. PAGE 92— DEED OF GUERIEN AND MORREAU TO FOURESTIER— 1715 To all christian people to whom this present deed of sale shall come Greeting Know yee yt we Stephen Guerien and John Morreau both of the town of New Rochell in ye County of Westchester and province of New York, yeomen, for a valuable consideration to we in hand payd be Charles Fourestier of ye same pleace in ye county and province aforesd yeoman Now att ye En- 140 New Kochellb Town Records. sealing and delivery of theise presents ye receipt whereof Ave do hereby acknowledge and oursselves therewith fully satisified contented and paid and thereof do forever acquitt exonarate release and discharge the said Charles fourestier his heirs and assignes forever have Given Granted Bargained Enffeofed Convoyed Released and Confirmed by these presents do fully clearly and abso- lutely give grant bargaine saile enfeofed convoy assure and convey and confirm unto ye said Charle fourestier his heirs and assignes forever All one certain peice of land lying and being Avithin ye land of Theophilus fourestier (formerly) and late of ye town of above sd deceased now in ye tenure and occupation of Thomas Petit containing 3 acres and 30 radds according to ye survey hereof or thereof with all ye right and priviledges there unto be- longing or in anywise appartaining unto ye same, To have and to hold ye before recited premises unto ye said Charles foureister his heirs and assignes forever to ye only proper use benefit and behoofe of him ye said Charles Fourestier his heirs and assignes forever free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of forme and other gifts grants bargaines sales morgages debts dues and incom- brances watsoever, and we ye said Stephen Garraine and John Morreau for ours selves ours heirs executors and administrators and every of them ye before recited prem- ises unto ye said Charles Fourestier his heirs and as- signes shall and will by these presents forever warrand and deffend and against ours heirs PAGE 93— DEED OF GUERIEN AND MORREAU TO FOURESTIER (Continued)— 1715 or assignes lawfully clameing any right title interest or demand watsoever of or into ye before recited prem- ises or any part or parcell thereof, In wittness whereof we ye said Stephen Garrine and John Morreau have here- unto putt too ours hands and seals this Therty day of New Roohellb Town Records. 141 May ye first year of his Majesties Reign Anno Dora. 1715. Estienne Guerien his Jolin O Morreaii mark Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of us his Daniel O Sycart mark Ed. Fits Gerard May 30, 1715 Then appeared before me ye persons of Stephen Guerin and John Morreau and did acknowledge this within in- strument to be their voluntary act and deed. Ita Testato Besly, justice of Peace Quoram Cunty Westchester Entred and recorded and exactly examined upon the original this first Juin 1715 be me Alexandre Allaire recorder. Know All Men by these presents yt I Charles fourres- tier of ye Town of New Rochell in ye County of West- chester and province of New York yeoman am held and firmly bound unto Isaac Guion of ye same place in ye county and province afforesaid in je penal sume of five hundred pounds and court lawful money of ye province afore sd to be payd unto ye said Isaac Guion or his certain attorney, heirs executors administrators or as- signes for ye which payement well and truly to be made and done, I do bind myselfe my heirs executors 142 New Rochelle Town Records. PAGE 94— OBLIGATION OF FOURESTIER TO GUI- ON— 1715 admiuistrators & every of them firmly b}^ these presents Sealed with my seal and dated this sixth day of June in ye first year of his Majesties Reign, Anno que Dom 1715. The condition of this obligation is such yt if ye above bounden Charles fourrestier he his heirs executors ad- ministrator or either of them shall do well and duely att time and times forever hereafter save and ];eep harmless and indenmissed ye said Isaac Guion he his heirs executors and administrators from one certain bond bearing date the twenty eight day of May 1715 as by ye said bond more att large will make appare then this presents obligation to be void and of none effect otherwise to remaine abide and be in full power force and verture. Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of us Alexander Allaire his Charles X fourrestier mark Ed. Fitz Gerard, Entred and Recordet and Exactly Examined upon the original at this sixth June 1715. Alexander Allaire, Recorder. To all Christian people to whom this present deed of seale shall come greeting. Know ye yt Isaac Mercier of the town of New Rochell and the County of Westchester and province of New York Gent. : For a valuable and competant sume of good and lawfull money to me in hand payd by Peeter Assire of the same place and the County and Province affore sd Taylor now att the En- sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myselfe therewith fully satisfied contented and payd and thereof do for- ever acquitt exonarate release and discharge ye sd Peeter New Eochellei Town Records. 143 Assire his heirs and assignee for ever, have given granted bargained sold and enffeofed conveyed released and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grand bargaine sell convey enfeoffed assure and confirme unto the said Peeter Assire his heirs and assignes forever PAGE 95— DEED OF MEECIER TO ASSIRE— 1715 all yt one certain peice of land which ye free holders of the town above said with me att a generale town meet- ing in ye town above sd wich by record of ye affore sd town more att large wdll make appeare— Containing by limitation fourteen acre of land butted on ye Avest by ye Common on the east by Stephen Arneau one end joining to ye fresh meadow and on ye other end to ye creek togather with a privileged of commonage of ye proportion of land as above sd together with all and singular ye rights and privilege belonging to ye same or in any wise appertaning, To have and to hold, ye before recited premises unto ye sd Peter Assire his heirs and assignes forever to ye only proper use, benefitt and behoofe of him ye said Peter Assire his heirs and as- signes and it shall and may be lawful; for ye sd Peter Assire, his heirs and assignes from henceforth and for- ever to have hold use occuppy posses and peaceably and quiettly to enjoy ye before granted and bargained prem- ises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and dis- charged of and from all manner of forme and other gifts grants bargains sales mortgages debts dues and in- cumbrances watsoever. And I the said Isaac Mercier for myselfe heirs executors and administrators ye before recited premises unto ye said Peter Assire his heirs and assignes shall and will by these presents forever war- rant and defend and against me my heirs exors admrs. or assignes Law^fully claimeing any right tilt intrest or demand wat soever of for into ye before recited prem- ises or any part or parcel thereof, In witness whereof 144 Neiw Eocheille Town Records. I ye said Isaac Mercier, have liereimto putt my hand and seal Ye thirtith day of May in ye first year of his Majesties Reign Anno Dom 1715. Signed Sealed .and Delivered in the presence of us his Charles L fourestier Mark Ed. Fitz Gerard. Isaac Mercier Then appeared before me ye person of Isaac Mercier and did acknowledge this writing, deed of scale to be his voluntary act and deed Itatestato Besly Justice of Peace, County of Westchester, PAGE 96— TOWK MEETING— 1715 Ce jourdhuy ce dix sept juin mil dix sept cent quinze Je Recognois avoir re^u de Pierre La Sire le Contenu du dit Contract, enfoy de quoy jay signe ce present Isaac Mer- cier 15th Entred and Recorded and Exactlely examined upon the original this 28 e Jully 1715 by Alexandre Allaire, Record En vertu d'un warrand du Cap Besly Justice a paix du 24 e mars pour assembler les habitans de la nouvelle Ro- chelle pour nommer des officiers pour servir le canton les sous nommes out estes choisis par la ditte assemblee Scavoir Pour Connestable Isaaq Guion Pour Collecteur Jacob Scuremen Pour assesseurs ambroisse Sycart & Pre. Palcot Pour Superviseur Mr Lepinars Pour voyeurs de fancesses Pre. Simmon & C fourrestier Pour voyeurs des chemins Pre Langevin & Aman Guion New Rochell Apuril 2, 1716. Then appered before me New Kochelle Town Records. 145 ye persons of Peeter Bertain and Charles Forestier, being sworne upon the holy Evangelist and saith that they seen Andris Bersnyet deliver to Andrew Renaud two acres of land or thereabouts, butted and bounded as the fauces stands now upon wch fence the sds deponents did worke ye same day upon delivery of ye sd peice of land and further they sd the deponants further saith not sworne before me the day and year first above written. Besly Justice P Quoram Conte Westchester Entred and recorded and exactly Examined upon the orig- inal this 3 of April 1716 P Alexandre Allaire, Recorder. TRANSLATION PAGE 96— TOWN MEETING— 1715 This day, the seventeenth of June, one thousand seven liundred and fifteen, I acknowledge to have received of Pierre La Sire the contents of said deed in faith of which I have signed this present. Isaac Mercier. Entred and recorded and Exactely examined upon the original this 28th Jully, 1715, by Alexandre Allaire, Record. In virtue of a warrant of Capt Besly, Justice of the Peace, of the 24th of March to assemble the inhabitants ■of New Rochelle to name the officers to serve the town, the undernamed have been chosen by the said assembly, viz : — For Constable — Isaaq Guion For Collector — Jacob Scureman For assessors — Ambroisse Sycart and Pre Palcot For supervisor — Mr. Lepinars For overseers of the fences — Pre Simmon and C. Four- Testier. For overseers of the highways: — Pre Langevin and Aman Guion. 14G ;New Eochelle Town Records. TAGE 97— DEED OF WIDOW XEUFUILLE TO DA 8 —1716 To All Cliristiau People to whoiiie this present deed of Sale shall come Greeting: Know ye yt Rachell Neu- fuille widdow and relique of John Neiifuille late of ye town of New Rochell in ye County of AYestchester and province of New York, for and in consideration of ye sume of fifty one pownds currant lawful money of ye province afore sd to me in hand payd or secured to be payd by Isaac Das of ye same place in the county and province afore sd woaver Now at ye Ensealing and De- livery of these presents ye receipte whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge and myselfe therewith fully satisfeid con- tented and payd and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof do forever acquitt exon- orate release and discharge ye said Isaac Das his heirs executors and administrators and every of them have Given Granted Bargained sold and alieneted Conveyed Released and Confirmed and by these presents do freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell allienate convey assure and confirm unto ye said Isaac Das his heirs and assignes forever all That certain Tract or peic& of land lying seituate and being in the town of NeAv Rochell as above sd contaning Sixty Acres of Land be ye same more or less and is butted and bounded as follow- eth (yt is to say) Southly by Bartholomew Le Roux Land, Northly by ye land of Zacarie Angevin and Louis Guion land wch sd land is not as yett devided westly by Hutch- inson river and esterly by Richbelle land, togather withall and singullar ye rights and privilege thereunto belonging or in any wise apperteining unto ye same premises or any part or parcell thereof with a privilege of commanage ac- cording as ye sd tract of land will allow to its propor- tion as is before recited with reversion and reversions remainder and remainders fences proffits commodities- and adventages thereunto belonging New Eochelle Towx Records. 147 PAGE 98— DEED OF WIDOW NEUFUILLE TO DAS (Coutiniied) — 1716 To ye said premises To have and to hold ye before granted and bargained premises unto ye said Isaac Das his heirs and asseignes forever to ye only proper use benefitt and behoofe of him ye sd Isaac Das his heirs and asseignes and it shall and may be lawfull for ye sd Isaac Das his heirs and assignes from henceforth and forever, To have hold use occuppy possess and peaceaably and quietely to enjoy ye before granted and conveyed premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of formes and other gifts grants bargaines sales mortgages debts dues and incumbrances watsoever and further I ye sd Eachell Neu- fuille for myself my heirs executors and administrators ye before granted and bargained premises unto ye sd Isaac Das his heirs and asseignes shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend lawfully claiming any right title intrest or demand watsoever of or in ye before recited premises or any part or parcell thereof from by or under me my heirs exts. or admeis or any of them, In witness whereof, I ye sd Eachell Neufuille widdow and relique and administratrise of ye estate of John Neufuille as above sd have hereunto putt too my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of March in ye second year of his Majestees reign and in ye year of our Lord one tousand seven hundred fifteen and sixteen. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presences of us Isaac Guions and Ed. Fitz Gerard. Eachell Neufuille. Then apered before me ye person of Eachell Neufuille, widdow relique and administratrice of ye estate of John 148 New Rochelt.e Town Records. Neufuille as above sd and did acknowledge this written deed of sale to be lier voluntary act and deed. Ita Testato. Beslj Justice P Quoram Cunty Westchester. Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the original this 3 of Apuril 1716. Alexandre Allaire. PAGE 99— EAR MARKS OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS— 1716 Le S Allaire a declare que la marque de ses Bestiaux est de touttes ses bestes a cormes brebis & cochons est quil ont I'oreille coupee du coste gauche & fandue au millieu & ses chevaux la marque de la nouvelle Rochelle le 4 me Avril 1716 L. s. Andre Naudin a declare que la marque de ses bestiaux est que I'oreille droite est coupee le bout et fandue le 27 Janvier 17 18/19 Le Sr Cezar Suire a declare que la marque de ses Bestiaux est a ses cheveaux La marque de la N Rochelle aux coste gauche de derriere et devant une S : du mesme coste L. sr. Johanis Baeritz a declare que ses Bestiaux sont marques a I'oreille gauche a Crep; and ahec under L. sr. Isaaq Das a declare que la marque de ses bestiaux & cochons est a crop on the near eaer and a stop to the under seid of the off eaer, Le 10 e Juin 1721 Le sr frangois Le Comte a declare que la marque detouttes ses bestiaux sont marque a I'oreille droite dune fante et deux epeny h la mesme oreille Le 31 9'bre 1723 Robert farinton a donne scavoir que la marque de ses bestes quy est a slett in the top of the left ear and a nek un the under side of the same ear and a epeny at a forth side of the reigt ear Sr Chanpenois a donne la marque pour les Bestieaux d sr Bayeux & les siens quy sont L'oreille gauche coupee New Eoohelle Town Records. 149 et iin trou a la droite tant aux vaclies brebis que cochons le 15 avril 1724 Le sr Jacque Eembert a declare que la marque de tous ses bestiaux est un trou a chasque oreille TRANSLATION PAGE 99— EAR MARKS OF DOMES- TIC ANIMALS— 1716 The S. Allaire has declared that the mark of Ms cattle and of all his beasts, his sheep and pigs, is a cut and a slit in the middle of the left ear and of his horses, the mark of New Rochelle, the 4th of April, 1716. The S. Andre Nauden has declared that the mark of his cattle is a cut and a slit at the end of the right ear, the 27th of January 1718-19. The Sr Cezar Suire has declared that the mark of his cattle and his horses is the mark of New Rochelle on the left hind side in front of an S : on the same side. The Sr. Johanis Baeritz has declared that his cattle is marked on the left ear A crep : and ahec under. The Sr Isaaq Das has declared that the mark of his cattle and pigs is a crop on the near eaer and a stop to the under seid of the off eaer. The 10th of June, 1721. The Sr Francois Le Comte has declared that the mark of all his creatures is a mark on the right ear of a slit and two pennies on the same ear. The 31 of November, 1723, Robert Farinton has de- clared that the mark of his creatures is a slett in the top of the left ear and a nek on the under side of the same ear and a epeny at a forth side of the reight ear. Sr Chanpenois has given the mark for the cattle of Sr Bayeux and his own, which is a slit in the left ear and a hole in the right ; likewise the cows, the sheep and the pigs, The 15th of April, 1724. The Sr Jacque Rembert has declared that the mark of all his creatures is a hole in each ear. 150 New Bochelle Towx Records. PAGE 100— DEED OF GUIOX, ANGEVIN AND SUIRE TO DAS— 1710 Le 11 e Jiiillet ITK) Mr Zaeliarie Aiioevin a declare qne la Marque de tons ses bestianx est comiiie il s'en suit sca- voir ces clieveanx inarqnes de la marque de la N Roclielle N R ses vaches L'oreille droite eoiipee le bout et fandue dn dedans & l'oreille ganclie coupee par dehors en forme de L ses coclions de la mesme marqne & la queue coupee ses brebis Ce jourdliuy 10 e d'octobre 1716 Nous Louis Guion, Zacharie Angevin, & Cezar Suire Re- gognoissons avoir vandu an sr Pierre Das pere, trante deux acres de terres situee a la nouvelle Rochelle Joignant celle que le d, Das a eue de Mad. Neufuille Suivant Farpentage de capne Bond Comme il paroist par le contracq passe entre nous ce mesme jour, aux conditions qu'en cas que Mr Lezelars vinssent a faire remesurer les terres de la dte Roclielle et que les dts trante deux acres ne vous fussent pas alloues ou ils sont, que le d, Das reprendra le mesm-e prix qu'il nous a donnes & ce sans aucune forme de justice ny de disputte a ce sujet c'est de quoy nous dits Guion angevin Suire & Pierre Das sommes convenus, en pres- ence des Temoings signe his Peeter (X) Das mark Temoins Isaaq Guion Alexandre Allaire Recorded out the original this 7 e November 1716 To All Christian People to whome this present Deed of Scale shall come, greeting. Now ye yt Louis Guion Zach- arie Angevin and Cezar Suire, of the town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York, for and in consideration of the sums of fourthy pound cou- rent lawfull money of ye province aforesd to us in hand payd or secured to be payd by Peeter Das Seig of ye same place in the County and province aforesd yeoman, Now att ye Ensealing New Koohe[LiLE Town Keoords. 151 TEANSLATION PAGE 100— DEED OF GUION, AX- GEVI:N and SUIRE to das— 1716 The nth of July 1716 Mr. Zacharie Angevin has de- clared that the mark of all his creatures is as follows : — His horses are marked with the mark of N Rochelle — N. R. His cows, the right ear cut : the end is slit in the in- terior; the left ear cut at the exterior in shape of an L. His pigs have the same mark and his sheep, their tails cut. This day 10th of October, 1716. We, Louis Guion, Zacharie Angevin and Cezar Suire, acknowledge having sold to Sr Pierre Das, father, thirty- two acres of land situate in New Rochelle, adjoining that which the said Das has had of Madame Neufuille, accord- ing to the survey of Capt Bond, as it appears in the con- tract passed between us this same day, on condition that should Mr. Lezelars have the lands of the said Rochelle remeasured and that the said thirty-two acres had not been included where they were that the sd Das will take them again at, the same price that he gave them to us without any form of justice or dispute on this subject; and upon this, we the said Guion, Angevin, Suire and Pierre Das have agreed, in presence of witnesses. ■Signed — his Peeter (X) Das mark Witnesses — Isaaq Guion, Alexandre Allaire. Recorded out the original, this 7th of November, 1716. PAGE 101— DEED OF GUION, ANGEVIN AND SUIRE TO DAS (Continued)— 1716 And Delivery of these presents ye receipte whereof we do hereby acknowledge and oursselfes therewith fully isatisfands contends payd and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof we do forever acquitt exonerate releace and discharge ye sd Peeter Das his 152 New Rochelle To^v^• Recokds. heirs executors and administrators and every of tlieiii, we have given granted bargained sold alienated conveyed releaced and confirmed and by these presents we freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargaine sell allieante convey assure and confirme unto ye sd Peeter Das his heirs and assignes forever, All a certain tract or piece of land lying seituate and being in the town of New Roche! 1 as above sd containing thirty-tow acres of land by ye same more or lesse and is butted and bunded as followeth (that is to say) Southly by ye Widow Neufuille northly by the land of ye sd Peter Das westly by Haysons river and esterly by Richbell land togather with all and singullar ye rights and privilege thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto ye same premices or any part or parcell thereof with the privilege of commonage accord- ing as ye sd tract of land will allow to itts proportion as is before recited with reversion and reversions remain- der and remainders items profflts commodities and ad- ventages thereunto bilonging to ye sd premices, to have and to hold ye before granted and bargained premices unto ye sd Peeter Das his heirs and assignes forever to ye only proper use beneift and behoofe of him ye sd Peter Das his heirs and asseignes and itt shall and may be lawful for ye sd Peter Das his heirs and asseignes from henceforth and forever to have hold use occupy possess and peaceably and quietely to enjoy ye before granted and convoyed premices free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and other gifts grants bargaines, sales mortgages PAGE 102— DEED OF GUION, ANGEVIN AND SUIRE TO DAS (Continued)— 1716. debts dues and incumbrances watsoever and fur- ther We the sds Louis Guion Zacarie Angevin and Cazar Suire for oursselves ours heirs executors and ad- ministrators ye before granted and bargained premices New Kocpielle Town Kecords. 153 and to ye sd Peter Das liis heirs and asseignes shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defend law- fully claiming any right title intrest or demand watso- ever of or into ye before recited premices or any part or parcell thereof from by or under us ours heirs execu- tors or administrators or any of them, In Wittness where of we ye sd Louis Guion Zacharie Angevin and Cezar Suire have here unto putt ours hands and seal this ten day of October in the Thirth year of his Majesty Eeign and in the year of our Lord One Tousand Seven hundred and fifteen. Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of us Isaac Guions, Alexander Allaire. his Louis X Guion Zacarie Angevin Cezar Suire. Then apered before me ye persons of Louis Guion and Zacarie Angevin and Cezar Suire and did acknowledge this written deed of sale to be theirs voluntary act and deed. Itatestato Besly Justica Quoram Cunty of Westchester This to understand that ye sd Louis Guion as in his parts of ye therty twow acres of land above sd the quan- tity of sixteen acres and ye sd Zacarie Angevin eight and Cezar Suire the tothers eight acres maken in all this sd therty tow acres of land. Wittness Isaac Guions Alexander Allaire Zacarie Angevin Cezar Suire It is to be understood that my wife renonce in all man- ner of intentions in the sd land that I have sold here 154 Ndw Rochelle! Town Records. before in the presence of Avittnes I set my hand this second da}- of Feburiary 1716-17 Peter Das Isaac Guion. his Thomsse X Guion mark Marie Angevin PAGE 103— TOWN MEETING— 1717 Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the original this 6 of Febuiary by me Alexander Allaire Le 2 e Avril 1717 En vertue dun warrant de capne Besly justice ii paix pour assembler les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle du 23 Mars 17 16/17 pour nommer des officiers pour servir le canton. La ditte assemblee a nomme Les suivans Pour Connestable Pierre Bertin Pour assesseurs Charle fourrestier Isaac Das Pour Collecteur Mr. Mercier Pour Supervuisseur Mr Lepinars Pour voyeurs Mr Bolt Mr Lembert Pour visiteurs des fauces Jacque Sicart Daniel Gagnard Pour garder le Pond Zacarie Angevin On est aussi convenu que les Belliers seront retenus depuis le premier jour d'aoust jusques au quinze D'octobre et qu'il ne pourront courir avecq les Besbis This Indenture made the twenty-second day of Janu- ary in the forth year of the reign of our soverign Lord George King of gread Britain france and Ireland der fender of the faith etc. and in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred and seventeen be- tween William LeCounte of New Eochelle Town Records. 155 TRANSLATION PAGE 103— TOWN MEETING— 1717 The 2nd of April, 1717. In virtue of a warrant of Capt Besly, Justice of the Peace, to assemble the inhabitants of New Rochelle, of the 23rd of March, 171G-17, to name the officers to serve the town, the said assembly has named the following: For constable — Pierre Bertin For assessors — Charles Fourrestier, Isaac Das For collector — Mr. Mercier For supervisor — Mr. Lepinars For surveyors — Mr. Bolt — Mr. Lembert For overseers of the fences — Jacque Sicart, Daniel Gag- nard. For Poundmaster, Zacharie Angevin It is further agreed that the rams shall be enclosed from the first day of August until the 15th of October and that they cannot run with the sheep. PAGE 104— DEED OF LE COUNTE AND BONYOT TO OOUTANT— 1717 the city of New York merchant and Ezekiel Bonyot of the same place mariner and hester is wife of the one part and Suzanna Coutant of the township of New Rochell in the county of Westchester widow and relict of John Coutant late of the same place yeoman deceased of the other part wittnesseth that the said William LeCounte Ezekeil Bonyot and hesther his sd wife for and in consideration of the sume of One hundred and thirty five pounds in court money of the province of New York to them in hand paid by the said Suzannah Cout- ant the receipt whereof they the said William LeCounte and Ezekeil Bonyot and hester his said wife do hereby acknowledge and themselves therewith fully satisfyed and contented and thereof and therefrom and of and from every part and parcel hereof do hereby acquit and forever discharge the said Suzannah Coutant her heirs executors administrators and every of them by 15G New KocHEa.LE Town Eecoeds. these presents have givin greanted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and b}^ these presents do give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said Suzannah Coiintant and to her heirs and assigiies for- ever all a certain house and parcell of land seituate and being Avithin the Maner of Pelham in the township of New Rochell aforesaid. Now in the possession of the said Suzannah Coutant the said land containing one hundred and fourteen acre is bounded on the south by the land of Daniel Sicart north by the land of Peeter Palcot east by the highway or middle line and west by the land of John Pell together with all others buildings fences ways easements monuments libertyes priviledges hereditaments and appartenances to the said house and land belonging or in any manner of wayes appartaining To have and to hold all and singular the herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained prem- issess with their and every of their appartenances unto her the said Suzannah Coutant her heirs and as- signs and for the only proper use and behoof of her the said Suzannah Coutant her heirs and assigns for- ever and they the said William LeCounte Ezekiel Bonyot and hester his said wife for themselves their and each of their heirs executors and administrators and for every of them doth covenant and grant to PAGE 105— DEED OF LE COUNTE AND BONYOT TO COUTANT (Continued)— 1717 and with the sd Suzannah Coutant her heirs and as- signs and every of them by these presents that the above said house and ground and all and singular other the premises with their appartanances before in and by these presents gi'anted are and so at all times hereafter forever and from time to time shall be re- mained and confirme unto to said Suzannah Coutant her heirs and assigns for ever clearly acquitted and discharged or otherwise sufficiently saved and kept New KO'Chellei Town Records. 157 harmless of and from all and all manner of other and former bargaines sales gifts grants leases joyntures dowers uses entails judgements statutes recognizances executions and of and from all and singular others charges titles troubles incumbrnces and demands wat- soever had made acknowledged consented unto com- mitted procured done or sufferd by them the said Will- iam Le Counte Ezekiel Bonyot Hester his said wife any or either of them and that they have at this time in themselves or some of them have good rightfull power lawfull and absolute authority to gTant bargaine and sell the sd house and grounds and all other the above mentioned to be granted premises with their appurte- nances unto her the sd Suzannah Coutant her heirs imd assigns forever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and that the sd Suzannah Coutant her heirs and assigns and every of them shall from time to time peaceably and quietly forever here- after have hold possess and enjoys the above said house and land and all and singular other therein before inentioned or intended to be hereby bargained prem- ises and every part and parcell thereof without any leit suit hindrances molestation or disturbances of them the said William LeCounte and Ezekiel Bonyot hester his said wife their or any of theirs heirs or assigns or any of them or by or from any other person or persons watsoever. PAGE 1,06— TOWN MEETING— 1718 In Witness whereof they the said William LeCounte Ezekiel Bonyot and hester Bonyot his wife all parties to these presents indentures have hereunto set their 158 ISEW liOCHELLB TOWN RECORDS. hands and seals in the city of Xew York Afforo said the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Edward Pennant Henry Feaner W. LeConte Ezekiel Bonyot Ester Bonyot. Memorandum New York January twenty 1717. Then ap- peared before me Jacobus Kip Esq. one of his majestys justice of the Peace for the city and county of New York William LeCounte Ezekiel Bonyot and hester his wife and acknowledge the withins indenture to be there voluntary act and deed and the said Ester Bonyot being by me privately examined confesed and owned that she sealed and delivered the same freely and without com- pulsion Jacobus Kip Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the original this twenty sixth Marth 1718 be me Alexandre Allaire. Le 2 e D'avril en vertu d'un warrant de M. Besly justice a paix du 29 Mars pour assembler les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle pour nommer des officiers pour servir le Canton La ditte assemblee a nommer les suivans Pour Connestable Cezar Suire Pour assesseurs Mr Gougeon & D'Ladou Pour Collecteur John Coutant Pour Supervuiseur Mr Lepinars Pour Voyeurs Pre Angevin J. Martin Pr visiteurs de fances Mr Bold & Isaaq Guion Pour Garder le ponts Mr Zacharie Angevin TRANSLATION PAGE 106— TOWN MEETING— 1718. The 2nd of April in virtue of a warrant, of M. Besly Justice of the Peace, of the 29th of March, to assemble the New Rochetllb Town Eecords. 150 inhabitants of New Rochelle to name the officers to serve the town the said assembly has named the following : For constable — Cezar Suire For assessors — Mr. Gougeon and D'Ladou For collector — John Coutant For supervisor — Mr. Lepinars For overseers — Pre Angevin — J. Martin For fence viewers — Mr. Bold and Isaaq Guion For pound master^ — Mr. Zacharie Angevin PAGE 107— TOWN MEETING— 1718 La ditte assemblee est aussy convenue que les Belliers sei'ont arrestes de puis le premier d'aoust jusquau pre- mier d'octobre et en cas qu'il soit trouves a courir ceux quy seront attrapes payeront pour la premiere foix un cheling & les autres fois apres trois chelling quy seront remis entre les mains du Sr Allaire pour en disposer sui- vant le consentent des habitans quy sont convenus qu'il serons cens en Compagneu La ditte assemblee est aussy convenue que les cochons seront en carcanes et un clou au muzeaux cest a dire ceux quy auront passe trois mois pour cet effet on a nommer pour les mettre dans le pons en cas quil ne soit pas encar- cans Les Srs Pierre Angevine & Mr Bold seront obliges de payer pour la premiere fois pour le pondage demy bitte & la seconde une bitte dont la moitie sera pour celluy qui les pondera & lautre sera mise en les mains de Mr Allaire pour en estre dispose suivant le consentemt de Fassemblee ce jourdhuy deuxiezme Davril ce sont presen- tes devant moy olivier Besly Justice a paix les sieur Alexandre Allaire & Zacarie Angevin quy ont certifie, que 1. sr. Daniel Sycart a paye au sr Andre Naudin lejeune trante trois chelings money d'york pour quatre acres de terre dont Le dit Naudin dit avoir dans les cent Soixante acres que son pere luy a vandu joignamt les srs Guerin & Moreau & dont il a promis quen cas quil ne sy trouvent 100 Neav Rochelle Town Reoords. pas qiiil reuboiirsera au fils qiiy devoit faire cent soixante quatre X O TRANSLATION PAGE 107— TOWN MEETING— 1718. The said assembly has also agreed that the rams will be enclosed from the first of August until the first of October and if they are found running at large, those that ^yill be caught will pay the first time one shilling and, each time after, three shillings which will be placed in the hands of Sr Allaire to be disposed of according to the decision of the said inhabitants. The said assembly has further agreed that the hogs will be yoked and ringed, that is to say — those that are oyer three months. In case they are not yoked we haye named Sr. Pierre Angeyine and Mr. Bold to pound them. The first time they are pounded a half of a bit shall be paid and a second time, one bit, of which half will be for the one who pounded them and the other half will be placed in the hands of Mr. Allaire to be disposed of according to the decision of the assembly. This day, the 2nd of April, appeared before me Oliyier Besly, Justice of the Peace. The Sieurs Alexandre Al- laire and Zacharie xlngeyin, who haye certified that the Sr Daniel Sycart had paid to Sr. Andre. Naudin, Junior, thirty three shillings, current money of York, for four acres of land which the said Naudin claims to haye in the one hundred and sixty acres, which his father sold him, joining the Srs Guerin and Moreau, which should consist of one hundred and sixty four acres and for Ayhich he has promised should they not be there to reim- burse to the son, Sycart, PAGE 108— DEED OF LEISLER TO NOLLEAU— 1718 Sycart les dits trantes trois chelings cest de quoy les dits srs Allaire &; Angeyin ont estes Temoings & que le dit Sycart les a requis de donner leurs temoignages ce New Eochellei Town Records. IGl quil ont fait on ma presence Besly Justice of the peace Alexandre Allaire Zacharie Angevin To All Christian People to whom this present writing shall come Jacob Leisler of the city of Niew York mer- chent sendeth greeting in our Lord god Everlasting, Whereas John Pell of the Manor of Pellham Esq. to- gether with Rachell his wife have by their certain deed or writing from under their hands and scales bearing date the twentieth of September Anno Domini One Thou- sand Six Hundred Eighty and nine given, granted, bar- gained, and sold unto the said Jacob Leisler his heirs and assigiies forever all that tract of laud lying and being within the said Manor of Pellham containing Six Thousand Acres of Land and also One Hundred acres of land more wich the said John Pell and Eachell his wife hath freely given to erect or cause to be erected for the french Church by the inhabitants residing thereon, As relacon thereunto being had doth and may more fully and att large appear. Now know Yee that I the said Jacob Leisler for and in consideracon of a certain sume of money to me in hand paid or secured att or before the ensealing and delivery hereof by John Nolleau of the city of Niew York, gentn the receipt whereof is Tiereby acknowledged and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof, have granted bargained and sold and by these presents doe grant bargain and sell unto the said John Nolleau all that a certain piece or parcell of land seituate and being within the sd manor of TRANSLATION PAGE 108— DEED OF SYCART TO NAUDIN— 1718. the said thirty three shillings; for which the said Srs Allaire and Angevin have been witnesses and the said Sycart requested them to give their testimony which they receding the said sale made to Andre Naudin, my brother-in-law and my seller, that we will join together to defend our right and possession, without I, Zacharie Angevin, being able to fall upon my brother-in-law, my seller, to guaranty' my part of declara- tion and assurance which I give the same day and the same date as my said brother Andre Naudin. This deed of sale made and signed and sealed with my signature in pres- New Rochelle Town Records. IGO ence of witnesses, the twenty- sixtli of September, one thousand seven hundred and seventeen. Furthermore, I Zac'harie Angevin, acknowledge that the marked piece of land besides the house of my brother-in-law, up to the fence which crosses the end of my orchard, is to be en- joyed by my said brother-in-law during the natural life of Andre Naudin, Senior, or father, and after the decease of a said father I will enjoy the said piece of land as being part of my purchase of Andre Naudin, my brother-in-law. All above which is written and speci- fied, I declare to be my firm will which will be im- possible for me or iiij heirs after me to violate. Signed in presence of witnesses, the year day and month herein mentioned. Marked with my seal, Zacharie Angevin, Aman Guion Cesar Suire This IJttli day of October, 1718, appeared before me, Zacharie Angevin, who declared this to be his act and deed. PAGE 115— BOUNDARY SETTLEMENT BETWEEN DE BONREPOS AND SUIRE— 1718 a la Nouvelle Rochelle le jour et an sus dit 1718 Besly Justice a paix pour la conte de Westchester Recorde sur le Registre de la Nouvelle Rochelle, pris sur roriginal et Men examine le 15 Octobre 1718 par moy Alexandre Allaire Recorder Ce jourdhui 26 e du mois de Novembre 1717 Messrs De- bonrepos & Suire ont termine leurs different touchant les bornes de separation et convenu de faire leurs fence en Commun Suivant les piquets marques & mesure, Bonrepos cede au d suire la quantite de ving-t et quatre pieds sur la longuer de son apentis et treize pieds de large depuis Lapenty alant sur la terre du dt Bonrepos & cella pour le prix de douze chelings paye par le dt suire au dit Bonrepos dont il le tient quite confirment le dt bonrepos au dt suire les dits pieds de terres sus mentionnes le dit transport pour luy & pour les siens pour en jouyr paisi- blement & sans trouble & Debonrepos Andre Naudin Aman Guion 170 Xew Rcml'helle Town Records. Enregistre siir le Record de la Xouvelle Rochelle ce 20 e Mars 17 18/19 tire de dessus Torigiual & bien examine par moy Alexandre Allaire Ce jourdhuy 2 e avril 1719 Suivant La Coutume estably pour nomnier tons les ans des offi- ciers pour sevir Le Canton La ditte assemblee a iionime les suivant Pour Townsmens, ]Mr. ^lereier & Lepinars Pour connestable Le Compte Pour assesseurs Giraad & I Guion Pour voyeurs Isaac Das & Pour collecteur Palmer Douty Andre Xaudin Pour Supervuisseur Lepinars Pour visiter les fances Jean Martin & Zacliarie Angevin TRANSLATION PAGE 115— BOUNDARY SETTLE- MENT BETWEEN DE BONREPOS AND SUIRE —1718 In New Roclielle the day and year above named, 1718 Aman Guion — Cesar Suire — Besly Justice of the Peace for the County of Westchester. Recorded on the Register of New Rochelle: taken from the original and well examined the loth of Octo- ber, 1718, by me Alexander Allaire, Recorder. This 26th day of the month of November, 1717, Messrs de Bonrepos and Suire have settled their dispute concern- ing their boundary line and have agreed to have their fences in common, following the stakes marked and meas- ured. Bonrepos cedes to the said Suire the quantity of twen- ty-four feet in length and thirteen feet in width of his acre and that for the price of twelve shillings paid by the said Suire to the Said Bonrepos for which he holds him quit. The said Bonrepos confirms to the said Suire the said feet of land above mentioned. The said cession to be enjoyed by him and his heirs peacably and in quiet. De Bonrepos. Andre Naudin. Aman Guion. Registered on the Record of New Rochelle, this 20th New Rochellb Town Re€Ords. 171 of March 1718-19. Taken from the original and well examined by me, Alexandre Allaire, This 2nd day of April, 1719, following the custom es- tablished to name each year the officers to serve the town, the said assembly has named the following: For Townmen — Mr. Mercier and Lepinars. For Constable, Le Compte. For Assessors — Giraud and I Guion For overseer — Isaac Das For Collector — Palmer Douty and Andre Naudin For Supervisor — Lepinars For Fence viewers — Jean Martin and Zacharie An- gevin PAGE 116— DEED OF LE COUNT TO COUTTNE— 1719 Pour la garde due Pound Alexandre Allaire quy ne prendra pour chaque beste a corne six sol pour cheveaux six sol pour beerbis un sol piece moyenant qu'on fasse raccomoder Le dt Pond comme il faut To All Christian People to Whome this presents Deed of Seayle shall come, wee William LeCounte mercht of the City of New York and Esther Le Counte of the same place in the province of New York Sendeth Greating in our Lord god Etverlasting Now Know yea, that wee this William LeCount and Esther LeCounte for and in con- sideration of the sume of two hundred pounds of lawfull money of the province afore sd to us in hand payd be- fore the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the Re- ceipt Whereof wee do here by Acknolledge and ours selves there with fully and intierly Satisfied have given granted bargained Enfeoffed Released Sett Over and Con- firmed and by these presents do fully freely and abso- lutely give grant bargain Enfeffo Release Sell sett over & Confirm unto Susana Couttne of New Rochell in the Mannor of Pellham in the County of Westchester and province afore sd a Certain tract or percell of land 172 New Rochelle Town Recouds. Ljiiig and. beinernard has bought of the Srs Guerrin and Moreau to enjoy, he and his heirs forever, without l, the said Gagiiard or my heirs ever having any claim New Rochelle Town Eecords. 175 upon them. On Condition that the said Bernard will give to the said Gagnard and to his wife during their life time, a third of what he will sow on the said twenty- one acres of land; after which the heirs of the tsaid Gar- nard PAGE 119— DEED OF GUERRIN TO MORREAU— 1719 Gagnard & sa femme n'auront rien a y pretendre fait a la Nouvelle Rochelle le cinquiesme jour Doctobre 1719 scele de mon scan & signe de ma main Alexandre Allaire Jeunier francois (X) Gagnard Alex- andre Allaire Enregistre de sus le Record de la Nouvelle Rochelle pris de desus I'original le 5 e 8 bre 1719 Moy Alexandre Al- laire To All Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know yee that Stephen Guerin of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York yeoman, for a valuable consideration to me in hand paid before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by John Morreau Senior of the said Town County and province above sd yeoman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my self therewith fully satisfaied and contented and thereof and of every part and parcell thereof do Exonorate Acquit and discharge the sd John Morreau his heirs and asseignes For ever by these pres- ents have given granted bargained sold alienated Con- voyed and Confirmed and by these presents do freely give grant bargain sell alien Convoy and Confirme unto the sd John Morreau his heirs Executors administrators and asseignes for ever one certain Mesnuage and tract of land Containing of fifty one Acres Seituate Lyiug and being in New Rochell and is bounded as followeth joyn- ing southerly to the land of John Newveal and the sd fifty one acre of land is to be Laid out by the surviver and to joyn southerly to the sd John Newveal Lands To 17G Neiw Roohelle Town Rejcords. Iiave and to hold the sd fifty one acre of land with all the granted and bargained premises & appnrtenances priviledges and comodities to the same belonging or in any wise appartaining to him the sd John Morreau his heirs and assignes TRANSLATION PAGE 119— DEED OF GAGNARD TO BERNARD (Continued)— 1719 and his wife will have no claims whatsoever. Con- cluded in New Rochelle the fifth day of October, 1719. Sealed with my seal and signed by my hand — Alexandre Allaire, Junior. Francois (X) his mark Gagnard. Alexandre Allaire. Registered on the Record of New Rochelle. Taken from the original, the 3rd of October, 1719, by me, Al- exandre Allaire. PAGE 120— DEED OF GUERRIN TO MORREAU (Continued)— 1719 for Ever to his and their only proper use benefitt and behoof for ever, and I the sd Stephen Guerrin for me my heirs Executors & administrators do covenant prom- ises and grant to and with the sd John Morreau his heirs and asseignes yt before the Ensealing and de- livery hereof I am the true sole and Lawfull owner of the above bargained premises and am Lawfully Seized and possessed of the sam as in mine own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance and have in my Self full Power and Lawfull authority to grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the sd bargained premises in manner as above said and that the sd John Morreau his heirs and asseignes shall and may from time to time att all times for ever hereafter by virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably and quiettely have hold use occupy posses and Enjoy the sd Demised and bar- New Eochelle Town Eecords. 177 gained premises with the appertenaiices free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former gifts grants bargains Sales Leases Mortgages wills Entails Joyntures Dowrvs judg- mts Executions & all other incumbrances whatsoever and I the sd Stephen Guerriu mj heirs and asseignes do fur- ther Covenant and grant to and with the sd John Mor- reau his heirs and asseignes to warrant and Defend the sd John Morreau his heirs and asseignes in quiett and peaceable possession of the above said bargained premises against me my heirs Execuds adminisds & asseignes for ever by these presents, In witness whereof I have here- unto Sett my hand and Scale this fifth Day of August in the Sixth year of his majestys Keigii King, Anno Dom, 1719, Estienne Guerein Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Clark I. Gifferd Then Personally appeared before me one of his Majestys justice of the Peace for the County of Westchester the person of Stephen Guerrin and did acknowledge this above Written Deed of Sale to be his Voluntary Act this day and year above written I. Testator Tho Pinkney PAGE 121— DEED OF MORREAU TO GUERRIN— 1719 Entred and Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the original this 11 of December 1719 be me Alexander allaire Recorder To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greetings, Know- yee that I John Morreau of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and Province of New York, Yeoman for a valuable Consideration to me in hand paid before the Ensealing & delivery hereof by Stephen Guerrin of New Rochell in the sd County and province above sd yeoman the Receipt whereof I do ITS New Kochelle Town Kecords. hereby acknowiedge and my self therewith fully Satis- fied and Contented & thereof & of every Part & parcell thereof Do Exonerate Acquitt and Discharge ye sd Stephen (luerrin his heirs Execuds adminsdrs and as- seignes for ever by these presents have given granted bar- gained Sold alienated Convoyed and Confirmed and by these presents do freely give grant bargain sell alien Convey and Conflrme unto the sd Stephen Guerrin his heirs and asseignes for Ever, One Certain Mesnage and tract of land Containing of fifty acres Seituate Lying and being in Ncav Rocbell and is bounded as followeth Joyn- ing Northerly to the Land of Daniel Sycard, and the sd fifty acres of land is to be laid out by the Surviver and to Joyn Northerly to the land of the sd Daniel Sycart To have and to hold the sd fifty one acres of land with all the priviledges and comodities to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the sd Stephen Guer- rin his heirs and asseignes for Ever, and I the sd John Morreau for me my heirs Execudrs & adminisdrs do Covenant promise and grant to and with the sd Stephen Guerrin his heirs and Asseignes that before the Ensealing and delivery PAGE 122— DEED OF MORREAU TO GUERRIN (Continued)— 1719 hereof. I am the true Sole & Lawfull owener of the Above bargained premises and am lawfully Seized of the same as in mine own, proper. Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance and have in my Self full Power and Lawfull authority to grant bargaine Sell Con- voy and Confirm the sd bargained premises in manner as above sd and that the sd Stephen Guerrin his heirs and asseignes shall and may from time to time att all times hereafter for ever by vertue of these, presents Lawfully peaceably and quietely have hold use occupy posses and enjoy ye said Demised and bargained premises with the New Eochellei Town Eeicords. 179 appurtenances free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all other manner of former gifts grants bargaines Sales Leases Mortguages wills Entails Joyntures Dowrys judgm. Executions & all other incumbrances whatsoever, And I the sd John Mor- reau my heirs and asseignes do further Covenant and grant to and with the sd Stephen Guerrin his heirs and asseignes to warrant and defend the sd Stephen Guerin his heirs and asseignes in quiett and peaceable posses- sion of the above sd bargained premises against me my heirs Execudrs adminisdrs and asseignes for ever by tliese presents, In Wittness whereof i have there unto Sett my hand and Seal this fifth Day of August in the Sixth year of his Majestys Eeign King Anno Do ; 1719 John (O) Morreau his Marque Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Clark John Gifford Then personally, appeared before me one of his Majesty justice of the peace for the County of Westchester the person of John Morreau and did acknowledged this above written Deed of Seale to be is voluntary act this day and year above written Tho. Pinkneey Entred and Eecorded And Exactely Examined upon the original this 14 of December 1719 be me Alexandre Allaire Eecorder PAGE 123— AGEEEMENTS ABOUT FENCES— 1720 Cejourdhuy vingt sixzieme Mars 1720 les sieurs Zacharie Angevin & Johannes Baereth sont convenus et agrees que chascun deux Entretiendron les fauces quy sont entre eux chascun par moytie comme elles sont a present c'est a sca- voir que le sieur Angevin entretiendra la moytie desdittes ISO New Kochelle Town Records. fances a commancer au cliemin quy luont chez Mr Bold jiisques a la moyti6 desdittes fances en montant le long de leiiis terres & le Sieiir Baeretli en continuant en Mon- tant jusques on elles finissent k present et en cas que I'un deux veuilent fancer plus haut I'autre ne sera tenu a fournir La mojtle des fances k moins qu'il ne veuille sen servir auquel cas les dittes fances seront communes en- treux comme les autres sont a present fait et passe le dt jour en an que desus en presence des sieurs suire & allaire quT en ont este temoins Zacharie Angevin Cezar Suire Alexandre Allaire Johannnes Marque (X) de Baretli Ce jourdbuT vingt sixziene Mars 1720 Nous Les Srs Zach- arie Angevin & Cezar Suire sommes convenus & agrees que cliacuu de nous entre tiendrons cliascun par moytie les fances quy sont reconnues a nous a present de la terre que nous avons I'un contre Tautre a commancer depuis la prairie den haut en dessendant en has vers le cheiuin quy va chez Mr Bold c'est a scavoir que moy Cezar suire entretiendray la moytie depuis la prairie en dessendant & le sr Angevin I'autre moytie jusques on elles finissent h present & quy est Recognu a nous apartenant fait & passe le dit jour & TRANSLATION PAGE 123— AGREEMENTS ABOUT FENCES— 1720 This twenty-sixth day of March, 1720, the Sieurs Zacharie Angevin and Johannes Baereth have concluded and agreed that each one would keep in repair the fences which are between them, each one in halves, as thej- are now, that is to say — that the Sieur Angevin will take care of the half of the said fences beginning at the road which goes up to Mr. Bold until the half of the said fences going up towards their lands and the Sieur Baereth will continue going up until they end as at present. Should one of them wish to fence higher up the other will not be obliged to furnish one half of the fences unless he New Rochelle Town' Eecords. 181 wishes to use it. If such is the case, the said fences will be in common, like the others are at present. Written and concluded the said day and year above mentioned, in presence of the Sieurs Suire and Allaire, who have been witnesses. Zacharie Angevin. Cezar Suire Alexandre Allaire — Johannes mark (X) de Bareth. This twenty-sixth day of March, 1720, we, the Srs Zacharie Angevin and Cezar Suire, have concluded and agreed that each one would keep in repair by halves, the fences which we recognize belonging to us at present on the land which we have alongside of each other. Be- ginning from the meadow, up above and descending towards the road which goes to Mr. Bold; that is to say —that I, Cezar Suire, will keep in repair the half from the meadow, going downwards and the Sr. Angevin the other half, as far as they extend now, and which we recognize as belonging to us. Written and concluded the said day and PAGE 124— TOWN MEETING— 1720 An que desus en presence des temoins quyont signe Johan- nes (X) His Mark Bareth, Zacharie Angevin Alexandre Allaire Cezar Suire Le 2 e Avril 1720 En vertu d un warrant de justice Besly du 20 Mars pour assembler les habitans du canton pour faire choix de personnes pour servir cette annee suivant la coutoume les personnes suivantes ont este nommes sca- voir Pour connestable J Coutant Pour Assesseurs Gagnard & P Bonnet Pour collecteur Bonnet Soulis Pour superviuseur Mr. L'Epinars Pour visiteur de fance P Sycart & Suire Pour townsmens Mr Lepinars & Mercier 182 New Eochellb Town Records. Pour voyenrs I Guioii & forrenton Pom- visiter les fances Ce Jourdhuy 2 Avril 1720 Monsieur Besly justice ri paix du Canton a reiuis an S. Allaire La Carte ties terres de la Xouvelle Koelielle pour estre mise avecq les autres papiers quil a concernant la N Roclielle Le dit jour du consentemt de Tassemblee a este accord^ an Sr Allaire vingt clielings pour tenir Le Record Whereas there are Arisen Disputes & Contumetions Bee- twens William Le Comte & Andrew Naudin both of New Rochell Concerning the lines & Boundages of their Re- spectives lotts lyeing in the Range of the little Lotts below the Boston Road for i^revention of the same for the Fu- ture. Its Agreed between the said partves that the Limittes and Bondary of their Respectives Lotts shall for Ever hereafter be limited by their Respectives fences as TRANSLATION PAGE 124— TOWN MEETING— 1720 year above mentioned, in presence of the witnesses, who have signed. Johannes (X) his mark Baereth. Zacharie Angevin Alexandre Allaire. Cezar Suire. The 2nd of April 1720, in virtue of a warrant of Justice Besly of March 20th to assemble the inhabitants of the town to choose the persons to serve this year, as it is customary, the following persons have named, viz: For Constable — J. Coutant For Assessors — Gagnard and P. Bonnet For collector — Bonnet Soul is For Supervisor — Mr. Lepinars For overseers of the fences — P. Sycart and Suire. for townmen — :Mr. Lepinars and Mercier For surveyors — I. Guion and Forrenton This 2nd day of April, 1720, Monsieur Besly, Justice of the Peace of the town, has given to S. Allaire the New Rochelle Town Records. 183 map of the lands of New Rochelle to be placed with the other papers which he has concerning New Rochelle. The said day, with the consent of the assembly, twenty shillings have been granted to Sr. Allaire for keeping the Records. PAGE 125— TOWN MEETING— 1720 They now Stand and accordingly Establish the same as their Certaine bounds & to these presents in Witnesse here- of have Sett their hands & Scale in New Rochell this theird Day of Aprivil Anno 1705 the Andrew X Naudin niark Guilleanme Le Comte in presence of Aug Graham Henry Vanderburgh Entred and Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the original this 6 May 1720 Alexandre Allaire Le 5 May 1720 Mons Anthoine Lepinars & Andrew Naudin Jeun sont convenus ensemble que les fauces quy sont en commun entre leurs lots depuis la Creeke montant an chemin de Boston seront entretenues par moytie entreux scavoir, La Moytie par Mr Lepinars a commancer depuis le bord de I'eau de la ditte Creeke montant an chemin de Boston & I'autre moytie pour le dit naudin joignant celle du d lepinars en montant aussy an d chemin com me aussy que lors que remuront les dittes fences elles seront posee a la ligne que cap Bond a tiree entre les dits lots c'est ce quils sont convenus tons deux & quil out fait enregistre le 6 e May 1720 par moy alexandre Allaire Recorder. Agreement de partage Entre Zacharie Angevin & Andre Naudin de la terre aquise de Jos Deban 184 New Rochelle Town Records. TRANSLATION PAGE 125— TOWN MEETING— 1720 The 5th of May, 172(1, Moiis. Aiithoine Lepinars and Andrew Naudin, Junior, have agreed that the fences which are in common between their lots from the creek, going up the Boston Road will be kept in repair by halves between them, viz: — Mr. Lepinars" half begin- ning on the water edge of said creek going up to the Boston Road and the other half by the said Naudin, joining that of Mr. Lepinars, going also up to the said road, and when the said fences will be moved they will be placed on the line that Capt Bond has drawn between the said lots. I^pon Avhich both have agxeed and have had registered the 6th of May, 1720, by me Alexandre Allaire, Recorder. PAGE 12G— AGREEMENT BETWEEN ANGEVIN AND NAUDIN— 1720 consistant, en deux lots, le petit lot du coste de la mer con- tenant dixhuit acres & de grand lot contenant quatre vingt on environ sont convenus les dits Zacharie Angevin & Andre Naudin qu a I'egard du petit lot ils en jouiront con- jointement chacun d'une part egale pendant la vie de Maitre Naudin leur pere et quapres son deceds le d Zach- arie cedera a Andre Naudin I'entiere jouissance & prop- rete du dt petit lot & que pour son indemnite Andre Naudin luy ceddera de la terre du grand lot a lequivallant du monment que leur grand lot sera partage convenans en- semble de visiter & de partager le dit grand lot sytost quils pourront ce porter sur les lieux avecq leurs amis pour j'uger du bon et du mauvais de la terre et en faire un partage juste par Tegalle portion ce reglant par le sort chacun a la partie quy luy echerra et jouissant chacun de la portion en propre jusques autens du dues du dit Andre Naudin pere, auquel terms le dit Andre Naudin cedera a Zacharie Angevin son beau frere les neuf acres sus mentionnes pour le delaissement que Zacharie Angevin s'oblige de luv faire de ses neuf acres de petit lot selon quil New Kochelle Town Eecoeds. 185 est exprime cy de siis convienue aiissy les i)arties que le foin qiiy ce recueillera sur im lopin de terre quy ce trouve sur le lot de Zacliarie sera partage egallement aveq Andre Naiidin a condition quil fournira sa part de tons les frais & quoutre cella il luy donnera sur son lot la jouissance d'une portion de terre repondant a la moitie de la prairie dont il recueillera le foin c'est de quoy ils sont convenus en presence de temoins et signe ce 29 Janvier 1706-07 Neufouille Zacliarie Angevin Gregoire Gougeon Andre Naudin Juin 1 e 1720 AjDpered before me the persons of Zacharie Angevin & Andre Naudin and have acnowlegdged this is theirs one act and deed att New Eochell the Day and year above said — Besly justice of the Peace for the Conty of West- chester TRANSLATION PAGE 126— AGREEMENT BETWEEN ANGEVIN AND NAUDIN— 1720 Agreement, between Zacharie Angevin and Andre Nau- din of a division of land purchased of Jos Deban, con- sisting of two lots; the little lot by the sea containing eighteen acres of land, and the big lot containing eighty or about that. The said Zacharie Angevin and Andre Naudin have agreed that in reference to the small lot they will enjoy it jointly, in equal part, during the life of Master Naudin their father that after his death the said Zacharie will cede to Andre Naudin the entire benefits of the small lot and for his indemnity Andre Naudin will yield to him land from the big lot of equivalent value as soon as the big lot shall be divided. They have agreed to visit and to share the said place with their friends to judge of the good and the bad of the land and make a fair division in equal portions, being satis- fled with the share that will befall to each one as well as with the obligations to the said Andre Naudin father. At which terms the said Andre Naudin will cede to ISG Xew Eociielle Town Records. Zacliarie Aiijivviii, lii.s hi'other-in-law, the nine acres above mentioned for the relinqnishiiient tliat Zacharie Angevin to make him of nine acres in the small lot as stated here- before. The said jiarties liave also agreed that the hay that will be gathered on a piece of land which is on Zacharie's land will be divided equally Avith Andre Naudin on condition that he will pay his share of all the expenses and that he will further allow him to enjoy a portion of the land on his land corresponding to one half of the field from which he will gather the hay. To this they have agreed in presence of witnesses and signed this 29th of January, 1706. Neufouille, Zacharie Angevin, Gregoire Gougeon, An- dre Naudin. June 1st, 1720, appeared before me the persons of Zacharie Angevin and Andre Xaudin and have acknowl- edge this is theirs one act and deed, at New Rochelle, the day and year above said Besly, Justice of the Peace, for the County of Westcester. PAGE 127— AGREEMENT BETWEEN ANGEVIN AND NAUDIN (Continued)— 1720 Soit Nottoire a tons que Zacharie Angevin & Andre Nau- din junier ayant passe un acte D'agreement & d'accort en datte du 29 e Janvier 170G/7 dont un des articles portoit quils ce transporteroient sur le grand lot de I'acquisition faitte par eux de Jos Deban pour en faire une juste divi- sion et partage entreux on que chacun cognoist fixement sa portion qu'en execution de cet article de leur accord le diziesme de fevrier de la presente annee 1706/7 assistes de leurs amis Pierre Parcot & Daniel Sicard ils se sont portes sur le dit grand. lot et out regie leurs partage comme sen suit scaevoir que prenant la terre du dit lot dans sa longeur ils la partagent par egale portion & quayant tire an sort selon qu'ils en etoient convenus la moitie quy joint le lot d Andris est eschue a Zacharie Angevin & celle quy de I'autre cote join le lot de Louis Guion est eschue h Xe'w Rochelle To^YN Eecords. 187 Andre Nanclin dont lis se tiennetit contents Tun & Tautre, & d'antant, qu'il est fait mention dans I'acte dagrement auqnel celuj cj est relatif qu'apres le partage du dit grand lot Andre Naudin marqnera au dit Zacliarie Angevin les neuf acres qnil lu}' doit ceder apres de deceds d'andre Naudin, leur pere en consideration des nenfs acres faisant moitie dn petit lot dont Zacliarie Angevin ce demetra en favenr du dit Andre Naudin le dit Andre Nandin declare & assigne ces neuf acres sur le bout de sa part du coste de Touest dont le d. Zacharie Angevin est content desirans Fun et I'autre que cette declaration termines touttes diffi- cultes quy pouront survenir entreux ou leurs lieritiers au temps ou apres le deceds de leurs dit pere Andre Naudin il est Entendu que les neuf acres qu' Andre Naudin assigne et marque sont sur toutte la longueur du bord de sa terre, le dit Zacbarie Angevin accordant de laisser au dit Andre Naudin un cliemin de la longuer TRANSLATION PAGE 127 — AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN ANGEVIN AND NAUDIN (Continued) —1720 Be it known to all, that Zacharie Angevin and Andre Naudin, Junior, having passed an act of agree- ment and understanding, dated the 29th of January, 1706-7 and in which one of the clauses was that they would convey themselves to the big lot which they purchased of Jos. Deban to make an equal and fair division of each ones' share so as to know well their share and to execute this clauise in their act of agree- ment the tenth of February of the present year, 1706-7, accompanied by their friends, Pierre Parcot and Daniel Sicard, they have conveyed themselves to the big lot and have agreed upon their division, as follows : Taking the land of said lot in its length, they divided it in equal portions. And as they cast lots as they had agreed, the half which adjoins the lot of Andris, fell to Zacharie Angevin, and that which on the other 188 Kew Rochelle Town Eecords. side adjoins the lot of Louis Guion fell to Andre Xandin. For whieh they hold each other satisfied. As much as it is lueiitioued in the act of agreement, to which this is relative, that after the division of the said big lot, Andre Nandin Avill mark off with stakes to the said Zacharie Angevin the nine acres which he will cede him after the death of Andre Nandin, their father. In consideration of the nine acres making one Lalf of the small lot which Zacharie Angevin will relinquish in favor of the said Andre Nandin, the said Andre Nandin, declares and assigns these nine acres on the end of his share on the west side : Avhich is satisfactory to the said Zacharie Angevin. Both wishing that this declara- tion end all difficnlties which conld arise between them or their heirs, now or after the death of their said father, Andre Nandin. It is well understood that the nine acres Avhich Andre Nn07 son or persons watsoever, in wittness whereof 1 the said Susanna Coutant to these presesnt indenturs have here- unto Set my hand and Seal in the Township of New Rochell aforesaid the day and year above written Susenne Content Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Peter Daas Jaque Parquot Meiuorendum That on ye first day of January anno Dom One Tousand Seven hundred & Twenty-three ap- pered personally before me William Willett Esq. Judge of ye Inferiour Court of Comman pleas for ye County of Westchester ye within named Susanna Coutant & acknowledged that the signed Seeled & Delivered ye same to the within mentioned Isaac Coutant as her voluntary Act & Deed alow^ ye same to be Recorded Entred and Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the original this 7th March, 1725 by me Alexander Allaire. Ce jourdhuy 16e Mars 1725 Mr Suire & Bretin sont convenus pour leurs fances entreux deux que le sr Suire fancera sa moitie a prendre an chemin venant sur sa terre & le sieur Bretin joignant la fance due d suire en venant joindre celle de Mr Allaire prometant Tun I'autre de bien entretenir chacun la moitie des dittes fances en bon ordre & de la hauteur quelles doivent estre en foy de quoy ils ont signe sur le present Record en presence de moy Alexandre Allaire Record Cezar Suire Peter Bertain TRANSLATION PAGE 142— AGREEMENT ABOUT FENCES— 1725 This 16th day of March, 1725, Mr. Suire and Bretin 1>0S NK^^' Rochellb Towx Records. liave (l(Hided between each other that the Sr. Siiire will fence his half along the road bordering his land and the Sieur Bretin joining the fence of said Suire and joining that of Mr. Allaire, promising one another to keep their half of the fence in good condition and at the proper heighth. In faith of which they have signed on the present Kecoid in my presence. Alexandre Allaire, Record. Cezar Suire Peter Bertain PAGE 143— TOWN MEETING— 1726 En yertu dn warrant de Mr. Besly justice a paix du 25 Mars 1726 ponr faire assembler les habitans ponr choisir des personnes pour servir le canton suiyant la coutume les sous nommes out este choisis seayoir: Pour Connestable John Coutant Pour Collecteur Aman Guion Pour assesseurs John Bareth and Robert Forrenton Pour superyuysier Mr Besly Pour yisiter les fauces Suire & Isaac Coutant Pour yoyeurs Suire & Samuel Bernard Pour townsmens Zacaharie Angevin & Andre Naudin Ce jonrdhuy cinquiesme jour du mois davril 1726 messrs Bold and Isaaq Guion sont conyenus pour I'entretien de leurs fauces seayoir: que le sr Guion entretiendra les fances du present lot joignant le chemin sa moitie a com- mencer du coste du wast & le sr Bold joignant les dts fances du coste de Test Le second lot apartenant a sr Louis Guion le jeune le dt Bold entretiendra sa moitie a prendre du coin de west allant a lest & le d sr Guion sa dte Moitie le troiziesme lot le sr Isaac Guion entretiendra sa moitie a commancer du coin du West courant a lest & le sr Bold sa ditte moitie court k lest jusque a la dame enfoy de quoy ils ont signe sur ce present record en presance de moy Alexandre Allaire Bold Isaac Guion New Rochelle To^^ Eecords. 209 TEANSLATION PAGE 143— TOWN MEETING— 1726 In virtue of a warrant of Mr. Besly, Justice of the Peace, of 25tli of March, 1726, to assemble the inhabitants to choose persons to serve the town, according to custom, the following have been named and chosen, viz :— For constable — John Coutant For collector— Aman Guion For assessors— John Bareth and Robert Forrenton. For Supervisor — Mr. Besly For fence viewers— Suire and Isaac Coutant For surveyors— Suire and Samuel Bernard. For townmen— Zacharie Angevin and Andre Naudin This fifth day of the month of April, 1726, Messrs Bold and Isaac Guion have agreed to take care of their fences as Follows:— That the Sr. Guion will take care of the fences of the present lot adjoining the road: his half be- ginning on the west side and the Sr. Bold joining the said fences on the east side. In the second lot belonging to Sr. Louis Guion, junior, the said Bold will take care of his half, starting from the west corner, going to the east and the said Sr. Guion his said half in the third lot. The Sr. Isaac Guion will take care of his half, beginning from the west corner, running east and the Sr. Bold his said half, running to the east, up to the dam. In faith of which they have signed on this present Record in my presence Alexandre Allaire. Bold Isaac Guion PAGE 144— TOWN MEETING— 1727 Ce jour dhuy 12 May 1726 Mons Cezar Suire a donne la marque de ses bestes quy sont a sleep of Eschetz ears ande de Reight ears a epeney L 4e Avril 1727 Les habitans de la N Rochelle ce sont assemblees pour choisir suivant la coutume des personnes pour servir le canton et ont nommes seavoir 210 New Rochelle Town Kecords. Ponr conncstable ) Jean Coiitant connestable I'oiir eollectcur ( & eollecteur I*oiir assesseiiis Allaire le Jeime & A Naiidin Pour snpervuiseur Capne Besley Pour voj-eurs R farrenton & Z Angevin Ponr visitenrs de fances Isaac Contant & D Sicard Jeune Le sr Langevin & Mad Snire ce sent charges du Pond Le 2e Avril 1728 les liabitans de la K Rochelle ce sont assembler ponr choisir snivant la contnme des personnes ponr servir le canton & ont nommes Scavoir : Ponr connestable ) Pierre Sicard Pour eollecteur j & eollecteur Ponr assesseurs Bertin and Lairenbean Ponr supervnisenr Mr lepinars Ponr voyeurs Zacharie & Jean Contant Pour visiteurs de fances Jean Contant & D. Sicard Pour ToAvnsmen Mr Le Conite William & Isaac Guion Le premier Davril 1729 : Les habitans de la N Rochelle ce sont assembler ponr nomnier des personnes pour servir le Canton snivant la contnme & ont Nommes Seavoir Pour Connestable )„ ^ „ ^, „ X > Peter Sicard Pcur Collecteur J Pour assesseurs Mr LeComte & Peter Bonnet Pour Snpervuiseur Mr Lepinars Pour voyeurs Bold & J. Coutant Ponr visiter les fances les mesmes Pour townmen Galodet & Isaaq Guion TRANSLATION— PAGE 144— TOWN MEETING— 1727 This 12th day of May, 1726, Mons. Cezar Snire has given the mark of his creatures which is : a sleep of Eschetz ears ande de R eight ears a epeney. The 4th of April, 1727, the inhabitants of New Rochelle have assembled to choose, according to custom, persons to serve the town and have named the following : _ , * / Jean Contant constable and collector For collector \ New EocHEOLLEi Town Eecords. 211 For Assessors — ^Allaire, Jr. and A. Naudin For Supervisor — Capt. Besley For Surveyors — E. Farrenton and Z. Angevin For fence viewers — Isaac Coutant and D. Sicard, Jr. The Sr. Langevin and Mad. Suire will take care of the Pound. The 2nd of April, 1728, the inhabitants of New Eo- chelle have assembled to choose according to custom, per- sons to serve the town and have named the following: — Ti n X r Pierre Sicard and collector For collector ) For assessors — Bertin and Lairenbeau For supervisor — Mr. Lepinars. For surveyors^ — Zacharie and Jean Coutant. For Fence viewers — Jean Coutant and D. Sicard For townsmen — Mr. Le Comte, William and Isaac Guion. The first of April, 1729; The inhabitants of New Eo- chelle have assembled to name persons to serve the town according to custom, and have named the following: — For constable] ^ , -r^ 11 X r Peter Sicard For collector ] For assessors — Mr. Le Comte and Peter Bonnet For supervisor — Mr. Lepinars For surveyors — Bold and J, Coutant. For fence viewers — the same For town men — Galodet and Isaac Guion PAGE 145— TOWN MEETING— 1729 L'Assemblee est convenu que les assesseurs seront exempts d'aller an grands chemins pendant quils seront en charge L'assemblee est aussy convenue que Mr Andre Naudin fera un pound a ses depens et sera paye par chasque beste a corne & cheveaux neuf sols pour les grandes bestes & un sol pour les brebis Le 3e Davril 1729/30 En vertu dun warrant de mon Besly justice a paix en datte du 30 mars pour assembler lea 212 New Kochelle Town' Records. habitans pour nomrner des personnes pour servir le canton suivant la coutume Pour conne,stable _ ,, X , Pierre Sycart Pour collecteur ) Pour assesseurs (Pierre Bonnet & John Parcot Pour superviuseir Mr L'epinars Pour voyeurs Mr A Guion & I Le Comte Pour townmen Isaac Coutant & An Guion Pour viseurs defances Isaac Coutant & D Giraud Le 6e Avril 1731 e En vertu d'un warrant de sr Besly justice a paix en datte du 31 Mars pour assembler les hab- itans pour nommer des personnes pour servir le canton suivant la coutume out este choisis Pr Connestable Eobert Farrington & Pr Collecteur collecteur Pour assesseurs Jean Palcot & Joseph Torn Pour supervuiseur Guil le Comte Pour voyeurs Peter Das & Isaac Guion Pour visiteurs de fauces Isaac Coutant & Giraud Pour townsmen Zacharie Angevin & Bold Le 14e Octobre 1731 les habitans out estes assembles pour nommer un assesseur pour replacer Joseph Torn quy s'est absente du lieu et out nomme pour le mesme service Sam- uel Bernard TRANSLATION PAGE 145— TOWN MEETING— 1729 The assembly has agreed that the assessors will be exempt from going to the highways while they are on duty. The assembly has also decided that Mr. Andre Naudin will construct a pound at his own expense and that he will be paid for each horned animal and horse and big animals, nine sols and one sol for the sheep. The 3rd of April, 1729-30, in virtue of a warrant of Mr. Besly, Justice of the Peace, dated the 30th of March, to assemble the Inhabitants to name persons to serve the town, according to custom: — New Kochelle Town Records. 213 For constable) ^. -r^ n X r Pierre Sycart. For collector J •^ For assessors — Pierre Bonnet and Jolin Parcot For Supervisor — Mr. L'Epinars For surveyors — Mr. A. Guion and I. Le Comte For Townmen — Isaac Coutant and An Guion For fence viewers Isaac Coutant and D. Giraud Tlie 6tli of April, 1731, in virtue of a warrant of Sr. Besly, Justice of Peace, dated the 31st of March to assemble the inhabitants to name persons to serve the town, according to custom have been chosen : — „ n X r Robert Farrington and Collector For collector j ^ For assessors — Jean Palcot and Joseph Torn. For Supervisor — Guil Le Comte For Surveyors — Peter Das and Isaac Guion For fence viewers — Isaac Coutant and D. Giraud For townmen — Zacharie Angevin and Bold The 14th of October, 1731, the inhabitants assembled to name as assessor in place of Joseph Torn, who left the town, and have named for the same service, Samuel Bernard. PAGE 146— TOWN MEETING — 1731 Le 4e Septembre 1731 Ezechiel hollsted demeurant a la N Rochelle a declare que la marque de ses bestiaux & berbis est a crop to the reight ears and a epeny up sete & a epeny hunder sete a sorralet fork in the same ears Le 4e Avril 1732 en vesty de I'ordre de Mr Besly donne au connestable pour assembler les habitans pour nommer des personnes pour servir LeCanton suivant La coutume ont este nommes Pour connestable ) , ,, , ^ „ ^ y Jean Badeau Collecteur j Pour assesseurs S Bernard & J. Bonnet Supervuiseur M le comte Voyeurs H Le Comte & Landrin 214 New Rochelle Town RiscOrds. Visitenrs de fauces Los dts Coiiite & Landrin Towiisiiiens J Boldt S. G Le Coiiite L Assemblee est coiiveniie que Mr Jean Coiitant feia im pound chez luy dont il jouira pendant sept ans & aura pour cliasque cheval quil tiouvera tant vieux que jeune dans les cliemins du bourj; neuf sols pour les bestes il comes neuf sols les berbis un sol Le 3 Avi'il 1733 En vertu de I'ordre de Mr Besly justice i\ paix domie au comiestable pour assembler les lialdtans pour nommer des personnes pour servir le canton suivant la coutume ont estes nommes pour connestable ) t-i i • i c< x. t • > Frederick Schyrman Junior collecteur j Assesseurs Jaens Bonnet & Hollsted Supervuiseur Mr. Le Count Voyeurs Mr Zachary John Coutant Visitenrs de fauces Sa Bernard Peter Culiard Townsmens Mr Le Count Bolt The fances nines bee four foot heyg TRANSLATION PAGE 146— TOWN MEETING— 1731 The 4th of September 1731, Ezechiel Hollsted, living in New Rochelle, has declared that the mark of his cattle and sheep is a crop to the reight ears and a epeny up sete and a epeny liunder sete a sorralet fork in the same ears. The 4th of April, 1732, in virtue of a warrant of Mr. Besly given to the constable, to assemble the inhabitants to name persons to serve the town, according to custom, the following have been named for: — Constable) ^ „ , ^ „ ^ > Jean Badeau Collector ) Assessors — S. Bernard and J. Bonnet Supervisor — M. Le Comte Surveyors — H. Le Comte and Landrin Fence viewers — The said Comte and Landrin Townmen— J. Boldt, S. G. le Comte New EodiELLE Town Records. 215 The assembly lias agreed that Mr. Jean Coiitant will construct a pound on his place which he will have for seven years and will receive for each horse, either young or old, that he finds on the highways, nine sols: for horned animals, nine sols : the sheep, one sol. The third of April, 1733, in virtue of a warrant of Mr. Besly, Justice of the Peace, given to the constable to , assemble inhabitants to name persons to serve the town, according to custom, the following have been named for:— • p ,, > Frederick Schyrman, Junior. Assessors — Jaens Bonnet and Hollsted. Supervisor — Mr. Le Count Surveyors — Mr. Zacharie, John Coutant Fence viewers — Sa. Bernard and Peter Cuhard Townmen — Mr. Le count — Bolt The fences must bee four foot heyg. PAGE 117— TOWN MEETING— 1734 It is in agred by the Town, that all horses or Meers or horses keind, shall bee Scackelt, if they bee found, within any Persons inclousser, our in the Commons, shall bee pounded, also the Schiep shall not bee Commoniers, for the price or damagie the same, wich waes agried befor. Its also Agreed upon by the Major part of the town that the highway masters Shall take as many men as he thinks fitt to Destroy the barbaric Cushd L 2e Avril 1734 En vertu dun warrant de justice Pell jus- tice a paix donne an connestable pour assembler les habi- tans pour choisir & nonimer des personnes pour servir le canton suivant la coutume ont este nommes Pour connestable John Coutant Pour Collecteur John Badeau Pour assesseurs Anthoine Lepinars & Alsted Pour Supervuiseurs Guil, Le Comte Pour voveurs Giraud & Bertin 21G New Rochelle Toavn Records. l»oiii' visiteiirs de fances S Bernard Pierre Sycart Pour Towns mens Isaaq Coutant & A Lepinars Jr Lassemblee est convenue que les fances seront de qnatre pieds deux ponces que les clieveaux seront enclope de deux pieds & les cavelles que Les Berbis ne couront point les cliemins & les Com- munes Le premier D'avril 1735 En vertu dun warrant de justice k paix Mr Besly donne an connestable pour assembler les habitans pour choisir et nommer des personnes pour ser- vir le canton du 29e Mars 1735 TRANSLATION PAGE 117— TOWN MEETING— 1734 It is in agreed by tlie town, that all horses or meers or horses peind shall bee shackelt if they bee found within any person's inclouser, or in the commons, shall be pounded. Also the schiep shall not bee commones for the price or damagie the same which was agTeed be- for its also agreed upon by the major part of the town that the highway masters shall take as many men as he thinks fitt to destroy the barbarie cuslid. The 2nd of April, 1731, in virtue of a warrant of Jus- tice Pell Justice of the Peace, given to the constable to assemble the inhabitants to choose and name persons to serve the town, according to custom, have been named : — For Constable — John Coutant For Collector — John Badeau For Assessors — Anthoine Lepinars and Alsted For Supervisors — Guil Le Comte For Surveyors — Giraud and Bertin For fence viewers — I. Bernard, Pierre Sycart For tow^nmen — Isaaq Coutant and A. Lepinars Jr. The Assembly has agreed that the fences will be four feet, two inches, high; that the horses and the mares shall have their two legs shackled & that the sheep shall not run at large on the highways or in the commons. 'New Kochelle Town Records. 217 The first of April, 1735, in virtue of a warrant of tlie Justice of tlie Peace, Mr. Besly, given to the constable, to assemble the inhabitants to choose and name persons to serve the town, of the 29th of March, 1735 PAGE 148— TOWN MEETING — 1735 Suivant la coutume out este nommes seavoir Pour connestable John Coutant Pour collecteur John Badeau Pour assesseurs Thom. Lepinars et Alsted Pour supervuiseurs M Le Conte Pour voyeurs Isaaq Guion Isaaq Das Pour visiteurs des fauces S. Bernard et P. Sycart Pour towns mens Isaaq Coutant et A. Lepinars On est convenu que les cheveaux et les poulins et cavalle seront enclopes des deux pieds et que les brebis ne couront point les chemins que les fances seront de quatre pieds deux pouce de haut Att a meeting of the trustees of the proprieters of the Commons or undivided Lands & meadows in New Rochell held at said New Rochell the Sixteenth day of December anno Dom 1735. Present Anthoney Lispenaerd Olivier Besly Joseph Rodman Silvanus Palmer & William LeConte Trustees The said Trustees then unanimously concluded & agreed as followis: That the Sixteen acres of land, which Josias LeConte or his assignes possesses more then their or his Due is the proper Land of Andrew Nodin or his assignes and as the Town measured the same to sd Nodine & he ac- cepted thereof the Town are not obliged to Make him any satisfaction for the same if he Sould not recover the sd Land by Law, and that Siluenes Palmer ought to have the full Right in the Communs in proportion to one hundred & fifteen acres the wiiich Right he bought of Palmer Doughty. It also appears & is agreed that William LeConte 218 Kir\y Rochelle Town Records. sold to Authony Lospinard no fiiithei' or other right in the coniniuns then only in proportion to the number of acres of land by said LeConte to him expresly granted TRANSLATION PAGE 148— TOWN MEETING— 1735 according to custom, the following have been named : — For constable — John Coutant For collector — John Badeau For Assessor — Thoni. Lepinars and Alsted For supervisor — Mr. Le Conte For surveyors — Isaaq Guion, Isaaq Das For fence viewers — S. Bernard and P. Sycart For townmen — Isaaq Coutant and A. Lepinars It is agreed that the horses, the mares and colts will have their two legs shackled: that the sheep cannot run at large on the highways and the fences will be four feet two inches high. PAGE 119— TRUSTEES APPORTION THE COM- MONS— 1735 & conveyed by his deeds It his also agreed that Mr. Thannet sold to Mr. Peeter LeRoux no right of communs to the one hundred & fourteen acres of land by him together wdth other two hundred acres of land Convoyed to said LeRoux but only in proportion to the said tw^o hundred acres, But that said LeRoux when he convoyed the said one hun- dred & fourteen acres of land to frederik Scurenian did grant and Convey a proportionable right in the Com- muns therewhih the which Right is to be Deducted out of the right which the Said LeRoux was possessed of in the Communs above said. It his also concluded & agreed that it Does not appear to us that John Blomer has any right in the Communs by his Deed from John hastier neither Does it as yet appear to us that the said hastier has convoyed his right in the Commons to any persons. What is Contained on the other side agreed to by Neiw Rochelle Town ItECORDS. 2L0 us; Anthony Lespenard Besly, Jos. Rodman Siliiene Palmer Wm. LeContc. The seventeen Day of December 1735 The Trustises of the propieters of Commons or un- divided Lands & Meadows of New Rochell met again Present Anthony Lespinard Olivier Besly Joseph Rodman, Siluanus Palmer, William Le Conte & Alex- ander Allaire, Trustees. We find that Mr. Gregory Gougeon should have & Possess no more by the original title under Mr. Thannet then fifty Eight acres & a proportionable Right thereto in the Salt and fresh Meadows. We do agree that Mr. Anthony Lespinard shall have ten acres allowed him in the Commons in lieu of the money paid by Mr. Lesler for the mil Pond which mil Pond was afterwards paid for PAGE 150— ISLANDS COMMON TO THE TOWN— 1735 by him again in the three hundred acres Lot laid out for Mr. Minuiele but paid for by said Lesler & So Con- tinued to said Leisler his hers & assigns forEver. We do find that Mr. Andrew Thannet sold after being allowed the acre of land he had too little in his four hundred acres Lot fifty five acres more then he had a right to Sell in the Divided Lands. That Peeter Thannet sold to Peeter LeRoux a tw^o hundred acres right in the Commons of New Rochell and that Andrew Thannet sold to Bartholemew Le Roux a two hundred acres right in the same commons. It is agreed also that the Meadows that are upon or by the hammocks which have not been heretofore laid out shall be Deemed & Esteemed to be commons Meadows Agreed unto & Confirmed to by us Anthony Lispenard Besly Jos. Rodman, Siluanus Palmer, Wm. LeConte Alex- ander Allaire. 220 Neav Rochelle Town Records. It is agreed that all the islands belougiug to the Town of New Rochell, that have not been Conveyed by the Town are Still Commiin to the Town according to Their Respective Right Jos. Rodman, Besly, Siluanus Palmer, Wm. LeConte, Alexander Allaire Entred and Recorded and exactoly Examined upon the original this 31st of January 1735 by me. Alexander Allaire, Recorder. January the 20th Day 1735 To Mr. Anthony Lispenard & Mr. Olivier Besly, Jun. & Mr. John Pell, Cometioners of the hyeways whereas there is a hyeway laid out between George hollits & James Parcot Land by the former Comitioners to Rige- bells line and no further it being of no yus to the pub- lick & j)rejudicial to the inhabitans and free holders of XeAv Rochell PAGE 151— CLOSING OF A ROAD— 1735 Wee the subscribers hereof do Desire & begue of you to take a veue thereof if you think fitt to Stope it, in so Doing you will oblige your frinds Besly Jos Rodman Gougeon Isaac Guion h. Chadaine Isaaq Das S. Gillot Samuel Bernard Wm. LeConte Aman Guion Ant Lispinard, Ju Peeter Moynot Daniel Angevin Zacharie Angevin Jean Coutant Suzanne Mercier Daniel Sycard Alida Bold Peter Sycard Jacque Sycard Isaaq Coutant John Alle Alexandre Allaire Jean Parquot francoise Parcot Jean Badeau ■ New Rochelle Town Records. 221 New Rochell the 29 of January 1735 Seings the Petitions of the inhabitans of New Rochell aforesaid and the rode, wich is in quistion we order to be stoped up Anthony Lispinard Ollivier Besly John Pell, Juner Entred and Recorded and Exactely Examined upon the original this 31 Day of January 1735 by me Alexander Allaire, Recorder. Le Sixieme D'Avril 1736 En vertu de warrant de justice a paix Mr Bailis donne an connestable pour assembler les habitans pour choisir et nommer des personnes pour ser- vir le canton suivant la coutume ont ete nommes scavoir TRANSLATION PAGE 151— TOWN MEETING— 1736 The sixth of April, 1736, In virtue of a warrant of Justice of the Peace, Mr. Bailis, given to the constable, to assemble the inhabitants to choose and name per- sons to serve the town, according to custom, the follow^- ing have been named: — PAGE 152— ROAD TO COMMON LANDING— 1735 Pour connestable Jean Coutant Pour collecteur Isaac Coutant Pour assesseurs Guillaume le Comte et Robert farrington Pour supervuiseur Guillaume le Comte Pour voyeurs Joseph Radmon et Isaac Das Pour visiteurs de fauces S Bernard et P. Sicard, les fauces seront de quatre pieds deux ponce de haut Pour tow^ns men Guillaume le Comte and Gilson Clap On est convenu que les chevaux est les Cavale est les poulins seront enclopes des deux pieds est que les brebis ne couront point les chemins Jean Coutant continue a etre pound master 222 Xeav Rociielle Town Records. The S of feburiary 1702-3 Upon the Request made by Mr. Bargeaii to the inhabitans of this plaee, tliat the pieees of Land upon whieli is house his built joyning the crick and the way to go att Mr. Pell house, be not Comprised or Confunded within twenty acre of land to him sold by the said inhabitans, from the Communs the inhabitans having Considered the said Request have unanimousely agree to the sd Bargeau that the sd piece of land where is built his house shall be not comprised or confunded Avithin the seventy acres foure mentioned, but at condition that the sd Bargeau shall leave a way between he and Mr. Valleau and the sd way shall turn between the sd house and the rok to go to the commun Lauding as it as been aleredy marke by the townsmen This is a true Coppie taken upon the Record of New Rochell in folio 27 be me Alexandre Allaire, Recorder this 22 Xbre 1714. Att a meeting of the Trustees of the proprieters of the Communs or undivided Lands in New Rochell the 4 Day of feburiary 1735. TRANSLATION PAGE 152— TOWN MEETING— 1736 For Constable — Jean Coutant For Collector — Isaac Coutant For assessors — Guillaume Le Comte and Robert Far- rington For supervisor — Guillaume Le Comte For surveyors — Joseph Radmon and Isaac Das For fence viewers — S. Bernard and P. Sicard The fences shall be four feet, two inches high. The townmen — Guillaume Le Comte and Gilson Clap It is agreed that the horses, mares, and colts shall have their two legs shackled and that the sheep cannot run at large on the higways. John Coutant will remain pound master. New liociiELLE Town Eecords. 223 PAGE 153— ANGEVIN'S SHAKE IN THE COMMONS —1736 Seeing the granted Bequest above mentioned of the inhabitans of New Kochell to Mr. Bargeau and the grant to him granted by the saids inhabitans of the piece of land mentioned were is house is Build and now in pos- setion of Mary Morin widow of Peeter Morin wee the saids Trustees confirme to the said Mary Morin and to her heirs and assingns forEver the said piece above mentioned Besly, Alexander Allaire, Wm. LeConte, Jos. Rodman Siluanus Palmer Entred and Becorded and Exactely Examined upon the original this 24 day of Auvril 1736 by me Alexander Al- laire Becorder. Whereas the Proprieters of the Commun and undivided lands and medow within and bilonging unto the town of New Bochell in the Conty of Westchester in the pro- vince of New York or the Major part of them by a cer- tain instrument in Writing under their hands and seals Dated the Ninth day of Xbre Last past before de Date thereof did amongst other things in the said writing Contame fully and absolutely authorise and Empower, Captne Oliver Besly Col. Anthony Lispenard, Alexandre Allaire, Joseph Bodman William LeConte, and Siluanus Palmer, or any four of them as Trustees of the said proporietors to asertain and fully Determined how much the clemme and Bight of each Proprietor do amount unto, and whereas we the underwritten Trustees do find and allow the share of Zach. Angevin who is one of the Proprieters afforesaid to amount into in the commun which is alereday Divided to five acres Eighty three Bods in the great Medow bounded northly by the Widow Susanna Thannet southly PAGE 151— TOWN MEETING— 1737. By A man Guion and Westerly, by Gregory Gougeon and on the East by the Bead the Avhich Land bing ajust- 224 New Kochelle Town Records. ed by Samuel Purdy, Esqr. as Survay We have laid out too and for the said Zach. Augevin his heirs and as- signs for ever as wittness ours hands this twenty third day of Feburiary 1735 and in tlie ninth year of the Beings of his Majesty King George the Second of Grrat Brettain france and Ireland Anthony Lespinard Joseph Eodnian William LeConte Siluanus Palmer Alexander Allaire. Entred and recorded Upon the original and Exactely Examined the 25 Mars 1737. Le Cinquieme d'avril 1737 En vertue de warrant de justice a paix Mr Bertin donne an connestable pour assembler les habitans pour choisir et nommer des personne pour servir le canton suivant la coutume ont ete nomme s^-avoir Pour connestable Jean Coutant Pour collecteur Aman Guion Pour assesseurs Pierre Bonnet et Ezikeil Hoisted Pour voyeur Robert farenton et Antoine Lespinard le jeune Pour visiteurs de fances Samuel Bernard et Jaque Sicard Les fances seront de quatre pieds deux pouce de haut Pour supervuiseur Guillaume Le Conte Pour towns men Guillaume Le Conte et Isaac Coutant Jean Coutant pound master Whereas the Proprieters of the Commun or undivided Land and Medows within and Biloging unto the To^ni of New Rochell in the County of Westchester in the Province of New York or the Major part of them by a certain instrument in writting under their hand Seals dated the Ninth Day of December Last past before the date hereof did among other things in the said writting contained fully and absolutely New Kochellei Town Records. 225 TRANSLATION PAGE 154— TOWN MEETING— 1737 The fifth of April, 1737, in virtue of a warrant of Jus- tice of the Peace, Mr. Bertin, given to the constable, to assemble the inhabitants to choose and name persons to serve the town, according to custom, — The following have been nailaed: — For constable — Jean Coutant For collector — ^Aman Guion For assessors — Pierre Bonnet and Ezikeil Hoisted For surveyors — Robert Farenton and Antoine Lespin- ard, Junior. For fence viewers — Samuel Bernard and Jacque Sicard. The fences shall be four feet, two inches, high. For supervisor — Guillaume Le Conte For townmen — Guillaume Le Conte and Isaac Coutant Jean Coutant, pound master. PAGE 155— AMAN GUION' S SHARE IN THE COM- MONS— 1737 Authorize and Empowred Capne Oliver Besly Colle. — • Anthony Lispenard, Alexander Allaire, Joseph Rodman William LeConte, and Siluenus Palmer or any four of them as Trustees of the said Proprieters to ascertain and fully determine how much the clame and Right of Each Proprieter do amunt unto and Whereas wee the under writtin Trustees do find and allow the share of Aman Guion on of the proprieters to Amunt unto in the communs which is aleready Divided, Nine acres and One hundred and forty-five Rod in the Great fresh Medow, Bounded northerly to the Medow of Zacharia Angevin southerly by the Medow of Isaac Guion on the west by Gregory Gougeon on the East by the Rood the which land being adjusted by Samuel Purdy, Esq. as surveyer wohave laid out to and for Amon Guion his heirs and asigns forever as witness ours hands the -twenty third day of Febry in the ninth years of his 220 New Rochelle Town Records. Majesties Reigns anno Dom One Thousand Seven hun- dred and Therty five and Six. Entred and Recorded Upon the Original and Exactely Examined this Gth Anvril, 1737 by me Alexander Al- laire, Recorder. Anthony Lispenard Joseph Rodman AYilliam LeConte Siluenus Palmer Alexandre Allaire. Whereas the Proprieters of the Common or Un- divided Land and Medows within and Belonging into the Town of New Rochell in the county of Westchester in the Province of New York or the Major part of them by a Certain Instrument in w^riting under their hands and Seals dated the ninth Day of December Last past be- fore the Date hereof Did among other things on the said writing Containd fully and absolutely authorise and empower PAGE 156— ISAAC GUION'S SHARE IN THE COM- MONS— 1737 Capne Oliver Besly, Coll; Anthony Lispenard Alex- andre Allaire, Joseph Rodman, William LeConte and Siluanus Palmer or any four of them, as Trustees of the said Proprieters to assertain & fully Determine how much the Clame Right of each Proprieter Do amount unto, and wiiereas wee the underwritten Trustees to find and allow the share of Isaac Guion One of the pro- prieters aforesaid to amunt unto in the said Commun which is allreday Divided four acre and one hundred and eight rod in the great fresh meadow Bounded North by Aman Guion on the south by the medow of west by the land of Gregory Gougeon East by the Road the which Land being asserted by Samuel Purdy Esq. as survoyer wo have laid out to and for Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns forever as witness our hands the- New Kochelle Town Kdcords. 227 Twenty tMid Day of Feben. in the ninth years of his Majesty Reign Anno Dominy One Thousand seven hun- dred and theirty an.d five six Anthony Lespinard Joseph Rodman William LeConte ^iluanus Palmer Alexander Allaire Entred and Recorded upon the original and Exactely Examined, the 4 of May 1737 by me Alexander Allaire, Recorder. Le quatre avril 1738 En vertu dun warrant de Mr Guillaume Lo Conte et Isaac Guion justice a paix pour assembler les habitans de la Nouvelle Rochelle II a este resolu unaniment que le livre de Record du dit lieu seroit mis entre les mains du dit Isaac Guion qui s'en est charge apres avoir preste serment devant le dit Guillaume le Conte en presence de la d assemblee et trouve le d. Record escrit jusquau folio Cent cinquante six et sans rature Isaac Guion, TRANSLATION PAGE 150— TOWN MEETING— 1738 The fourth of April, 1738, in virtue of a warrant of Mr. Guillaume Le Conte and Isaac Guion, Justices of the Peace, to assemble the inhabitants of New Rochelle, it has been resolved unanimously that the Book of Rec- ords of said town will be placed in the hands of said Isaac Guion who has promised to take care of it, under oath, to the said Guillaume Le Conte in presence of the assembly, and finds the said Record written and with- out erasure to folio one hundred and fifty six. Isaac Guion. 228 New Kuchelle Town KEtuuL>j^. PAGE 157— TOWN MEETING— 1738 New Rochelle ye 4 of april 1738 By virtue of a warrant Given from William LeConte and Isaac Giiion Justice of the peace Dated ye 29 of march for a towue meatin therefore the major part have cliosen For the Constable John Coutant For Supervisor Joseph Rodman For assessor Antoney Lespinar, Jun. Ezekiel halsted For Collecttor frederick Seurement, Jun. For overseor of highway abel Devaux .& John Bareit For fance viewer Samuel Bernard, & antoney Lespinar, Jun. For Pound master Ezekiel halsted New Rochell ye 17th Day of Jeanvary 1738-39 Severin Bolt has Entred, in the record the jxars Mark of his Creators as falloAV the near year two halpeny and one slit the liofe year two halpeny and a step per me Isaac Guion, To all Christian People to whom this present Deed of Sale shall come Greeting know yea that I aman Guion jun. of New Rochell in the County of Westchester & Colloney of New York. Black Smith for a valiable con- sideration sum of fifty seven pounds Current Lawful! money of New York to me in hand Paid Before the Ensealing & Delivery hereof by Isaac Guion, Jun. of New Rochell in the County & Colloney aforesaid Cooper ye receipt hereof I do hereby acknowledge myself there- with fully & Intirely satisfyed Contented & paid & there- of & their from & and of every part & parcel Therof Do exonerate acquit & Discharge the said Isaac Guion his heirs Executors administrators forever By these pres- ents have given Granted Bargained Sold alianated Con- veyed & Confirmed by these presents Do freely Give Grant Bargained Convoyed & Confirm unto ye said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns forever to certain mes- New Eochelle Town Records. 229 suages or pieces of land situated & lying & being in ye town of New Rochell one piece containing twenty three acres more or less Excepting & reserving & allowing ye Liberty to Zacariah Engevine his heirs & assigns PAGE 158— DEED OF AMAN GUION TO ISAAC GUION— 1738 forever thirty foot wide for a road to go across of ye said Lott where formerly & Does now go throw by arti- cles of agreements that ye said Zacarie Angevine had from Seaker Suire Deceased & the said lott is butted and bounded as hereafter is Expressed Joining Southerly By the Land of Aman Guion ye Elder Easterly into a swomp by a mark tree by ye land of ye said Aman Guion north- erly, & westerly by the of Zachariah, Angevine & ye other piece containing three acres Butted & bounded on ye North three chains along ye Road towards Boston, Easter- ly ten Chains along ye Roods to ye Crick Southerly three chains & on ye west ten Chains by ye Land of Anthoney Lis- penard ye elder together with all & singular ye timber trees underwood fences & fencings & all other the Right & privileges & appertenances thereunto Belonging or in any ways appertaining into ye same. To have & to hold all & Singulars ye before bargained Land, & premices to him ye said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns to his & their own & only proper use benefit & behoofe forever & that he ye said Isaac Guion his heirs Executors administrat- ors & assigns shall and may by vertue hereof Lawfully Peaceably & quietly have hold use ocupy possess and enjoy all & singular ye before bergained land free & clear freely & Clearly acquited & Discharged of and from all & all manner of former & others Gifts Grants bargins Sales Leasses mortguages Intails wills Joynters Dowres Judgments Executions Extents & every others troubles whatsoever & I ye said Aman Guion, Jun. do by these presents further covenant & bind myself my heirs execu- tors administrators firmly by these presents to warrant 230 New Rochelle Town Records. & Defend him ve said Isaac Giiion his heirs & assigns in quiet & peaceble possession of all & singular re before bergained laud Sc premises and that against all ye Just and lawful claims of all and every others person or per- sons whatsoever claiming or that shall may hereafter claim any just Right title Interest or Demand of in or to the before Bargained Land & premeses or of in or too any part or parcel thereof In witness Avhereof I the said Aman Guion, Jun. have PAGE 159— DEED OF AMAX GUIOX TO ISAAC GUIOX (Continued)— 1738 hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 21st Day of march in the Eleventh year of his majestys' Reign Geoge the Second King Defender of the faith annocq Dominie one thousands seven hundred Theirty & Eight. Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us viz. Aman Guion, Jun. Aman Guion Peter Moynot A memorandom afore ye Ensealing before these presentis that I Do transport to the said Isaac Guion all the Right that I have in ye Salt Medow. April ye 18th, 1738 Personally appeared before me John Ward one of ye judges of ye Court of Common pleas for the County of Westchester ye person of aman Guion ye Jun. & Did acknowledge ye within Deed of Seal to be is free act & Deed & I Do allow ye same to be Recorded. John Ward. To all Christian People to whom this present Deed of Sale shall come Greeting know jea, that I Zachariah angevin of New Rochell in the County of Westchester, & Colloney of New York. Tailor for available considera- tion sum of one hundred & one pounds & five shellings, Current Lawfull money of New York to me in hand paid by Isaac Guion Jun of New Rochell aforesaid yeoman now att or before the ensealing & Delivery ;N'ew Eochelle Toavn Records. 231 hereof the Receipt whereof he Doth hereby acknowledge & himself therewith fully satislfied contented & paid & thereof & from every part & parcell thereof Doth hereby acquit Exonerate Release & fully Discharge the said Isaac Guion his heirs Executors administrators &. as- signs forever by these presents have given granted Bar- gained sell enfeofed alienated Conveyed assured & con- firmed & by these presents Doth fully clearly & ab- solutely Give grant Bargain Sell Enfeof alienate con- vey assure & confirm to him the said Isaac Guion to his heirs Executors administrators & assigns PAGE 160— DEED OF ANGEVIN TO GUION— 1738 forever all that Certain Lott Tract or parcel of Land situate lying & being in New Rochell aforsaid fronting to the highway Containing twenty-five acres & is But- ted & Bounded a^s followeth on ye highway westerly by alexander allaire northerly by aman Guion Southerly by ye Remaining Land which formerly belonged to Daniel Bonnet together with all & Singular the houses Barns orchards Gardens fences fencings herediments & appertenences whatsoever to the said tract of Land belonging or anyways appertaining Reputed & taken, as part parcel or member thereof Together with all the Estate rigth title Interest Possesion & Demand whatsoever of him the sd Zachariah Angevine. of in or to the Same or any part thereof & the Reversion & Re- version Remainder & Remainders Rents Issues & profits thereof & of Every part & parceel thereof Excepting & Reserving to the heirs or assigns of Daniel Bonnet out of this present bargain & Sale all that the Dwell- ing house adjoyning to the south of ye premises where the partition Line Toucheth or Cutteth of a corner there- of as also free Liberty to Erect or build a Ivitchin ad- joining to the said house with free Ingress Egress & re- gress into out of & from the same, which hereby Bar- gained & sold Lands & premeses affore mentioned with 232 New Rochelle Town Recokds. the Exception afore said Avas purchased of peter Elizee gallodet by the aforesaid Zachariah angeviu as by a deed poll under the hands & seals of peter Elizee Gallodet & his Avife Jane Gallodet Bearing Date ye thirty first Day of march in the fifth year of the Reigii of King George the Second annoq, Domini one thousand seven hundred & thirty-two may more at large appear Relation there- unto being add unto which Deed the plan of the said land is affixed To have & to hold the above Bar- gained & hereby to be Granted Land & Premeses with all & every its appertenances afore mentioned unto him the said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns to his & their own & only proper use Benefit & behoof forever & to other us or purpose whatsoever & the said Zachariah an- gevin Doth hereby for himself his heirs Executors ad- ministrators promise Coveneant grant & agree to & wit the said Isaac Guion his heirs Executors adminis- trators & assigns yt Before the Ensealing & Deliv- ery of these presents he is the true sole & Lawful owner of the hereby Granted & bargained Land & premises thereunto Belonging <& his Lawfully Seized & Possesed of the same In his own proper Right as a firm good perfect absolute & Indedeazable Estate of Inheritance Infee Simple & hath In himself good Rightful poAver & laAvfull authority to allienate & Convey the same as in manner aforesaid PAGE 161— DEED OF ANGEVI]^^ TO GUION (Con- tinued)— 1738 and that he the said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns shall & may forever hereafter by these presents Law- fully peaceably & quietly have hold use ocupy possess & enjoy said Granted & Bargained Land & premeses thereunto Belonging Infee Simple free & Clear freely & Clearly accjuited exonerated Released & Discharged of & from (all &) all manner of former & other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leasses mortguages Intails wills New Rochelle Town Records. 233 Jo}^iters Dowrys Judgments Executions Extents & ever}' other troubles or incumbrance whatsoever the affore mentioned to be granted & bargained Land & premeses thereunto Belonging to him the said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns forever against all the Just & LawfuU Claim of all & every other person or persons whatsoever Claiming or that shall or may hereafter Claim any Eight Title Interest or demand whatsoever of in or to the said Granted & Bargained Land & premises or of in or to any part or parcel thereof he the said Zachariah angevin his heirs Executors and adminis- trator shall & will forever Avarrant & defend by these presents In witness whereof the said Zachariah angevine as hereunto set his hand & Seal this twenty nine Day of may in the Eleventh year of King George the Second annoq Domini one Thousands seven hundred & thirty eitli — mamorandum befor the Ensealing & Delivery that I the said Zachariah angevine do transport all the Right of the Solt meddow that belongs to ye Tract of Land above mentioned to the said Isaac Guion Zachariah Angevin (O) Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us viz. Daniel angevin Peter moynot June ye 10th Day 1738 then appered before John ward one of the Judges of ye Court of comon please for the County of Westchester the person of Zachariah angevine and Did acknowledg the above Deed of Sale to be his free act and Deed and I have Examined the Same and Doe alow the Same to be Recorded before me. John Ward. PAGE 162— TOWN MEETING— 1739 New Rochell the 3rd Day of april 1739. By virtue of a warant Given from William LeConte 234 Xew Rochelle Town Records. and Isaac (Jiiion Justisos of the peace Dated ye 28th Day of march for a towne meatein therefore the major part have chosen town Clark Anthy Lispenard, Jun, for Constal)le John Coutant for Snppervisor Joseph Rodman for Sessor Jacob Schnrman Jun. & Peter Bonnett for Collector John Bonnett for to overse the highways Simon Mabee & Anthy Lis- penard, Jun. for fenses vieur Jams Secaire & Samuel Bernard Ezekiel Halsted pounder Its further agreed on by the Majority of ye town votes that the fence shall be four foot two Inches high as also that no hogs may run Except they be yoked and ringed its further Agreed for no horses mares nor colts to run except they be shackled and sheep to be no com- moners. Aprill ye 3 1739 Received this book from Mr. Isaac Guyon the Day and Year above mentioned and have Sworn before ye said Mr. Guyon Esq., that I shall, neither add nor Diminish anything contain'd in this said book before written. M. Anthony Lispenard, Jun. April ye 3th Day 1739 I acknoledge that Mr. Anthony Lispenard Jun. has sonre to the above mentioned per me Isaac Guion, Justice. Anthony Lispenard, Jun. has Entered in ye Record the Ear Mark he gives to his Creatures, (viz) a flower Duluis on the off Ear with Slit on the end of the said Ear and half penny of the under side of the near ear. New Rochell, Aprill 4, 1739. Anthony Lispenard, Jun. Recorder. PAGE 163— DEED OF LISPENARD SR. TO LIS- PENARD JR.— 1737 This Indenture made ye Sixth of Aprill in the tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Sec- New Rocheille Town Records. 235 ound hj the grace of god of great britain france and Ireland King Defender of the faith, Annoqe Domi Seven- teen hundred and thirty Seven Between Anthony Lis- penard ye Elder of New Rochell in ye County Westches- ter and province of New York, Gent of the one part And Anthony Lispenard the Younger of the same Place Gent of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder by and with the Advice and con- sent of Elizabeth his wife sigiiifyied by her being a party to Sealing and Delivering of these presents for and in consideration of the Sum of three hundred and twenty-five pounds Current Lawfull money of New York to him in hand well and truly paid or secured to be paid at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by ye said Anthony Lispenard the Y^'ounger the receipt whereof the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder Doth hereby Acknowledge and himself therewith fully Satisfied contented and paid, an thereof, and of and from Every part and parcell thereof Doth freely clearly and absolutely Acquit exonerate release and Discharge the said Anthony Lispenard the Younger his heirs and Execu- tors and administrators and every of them for ever by these presents, have given granted bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth freely clearly and Absolutely give grant bargain sell Alien En- feof and confirm unto the said Anthony Lispenard the Younger his heirs and assigns forever the one Equal full third part of all and Singular the Grist Mills Mill dams streams of water mill ponds or Pools and of all tools and utensils to the said mills or Either of them belonging or in any wise appurtaining and of all and singular such Lands, houses buildings and Premises PAGE 164— DEED OF LISPENARD SR. TO LISPEN- ARD JR. (Continued)— 1737 With their Appurtenances Scituate in New Rochell, above said now in possession of him the said Anthony 236 Neav IvOciiellk Town liEcoKDS. Lispenard, the Elder his Under Tenant or under Tenants and were conveyed niito him tlie said Anthony Lispenard the Elder by Abraham Governour Executor of the last will and Testament of Jacob Leisler late of the City of New York, Gent Deceased by a certain conveyance under his liand and seal dated the secound day of November in the seventh 3'ear of his present Majesty Reign Annoq Domini Seventeen hundred & thirty together with the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, rents issues and Profits thereof and of the Right title and Interest of him the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder of in or to the Same or any part thereof and also one third part of the Mills Boat which tends the said mills with her sailes Anchors tackling and furniture whatsoever. To have and to hold the one Equal third part of all and Singular the above said Mills Lands houses buildings Boat and Premises with their Appurtenances and of Every part and parcel thereof unto ye said Anthony Lis- l^enard his heirs and Assigns to the sole and only proper use benefitt and behoof of him the said Anthony Lis- penard the Younger his heirs and assigns forever and the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder his Executors or admrs all and Singular the premises with their Apppurte- nances hereby mentioned and intended to be hereby granted and sold unto the said Anthony Lispenard the Younger his heirs and assigns to his and their sole and only proper use benefitt and behoof against him the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder and his assigns and against all and every other person or persons w^hatso- ever Lawfully claiming or to claim PAGE 105— DEED OF LISPENARD SR. TO LISPEN- ARD JR. (Continued)— 1737 The Same or any part thereof shall and will warrent and forever Defeiul h\ these presents and the said An- thony Lispenard the Elder for himself his Executors and Admdrs and Every of them. Doth covenant grant and Keav Rochelle Town Kecords. 237 agree to and with the said Anthony Lispenard the Younger his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Anthony Lispenard the Younger his heirs or Assigns shall or may by force and virtue of these pres- ents from time to time and at all times hereafter forEver lawfully peaceably and Quietly have hold Use Occupy possess enjoy and keep all and singular the premises with their Appurtenances hereby granted and sold to his and their own and only proper use & behoof and that free and clear, freely clearly and Absolutely Acquitted and Dis- charged by him the said Anthony Lispenard the Elder his Executors or Admdrs of and from all manner of for- mer and other Gifts grants Sales titles troubles charges and Incumbrances w^hatsoever In Witness w^hereof the said partes have to these presents interchangeably .Set their hands and Seals the day and Year first above writ- ten. Anthony Lispenard O Elizabeth Lispenard O Sealed and Delivered and the full consideration mony Acknowedged to be Received by the Within named An- thony Lispenard the Elder in the presents of Samuel Sherwood his + mark Abraham Guj'on PAGE 166— DEED OF LISPENARD SR. TO LISPEN- ARD JR. (Continued)— 1738 Be it remembered that on the 30th day of May 1738 personally appeared before me Frederick Philippse Eqh. one of the Judges of the Supream Court for the Province of New^ York Coll. Anthony Lispenard and Elizabeth his wife the grantors of the within instrument and did acknowledge the same to be their Voluntary Act and Deed and the said Elizabeth being by me privately and appart Examined declared that she was not forced or compelled to the Execution of the within Deed by her liusband but that she Executed the same Voluntary and 238 New Rochelle Toavn Records. having- Perused the said deed I find no Erasures noi* in- terlineations therein do allow the same to be Recorded. Fred. Philipse Entred and Recorded and Exactly Examined upon the Original this 2 Day of Aprile 1739 by me Anthony Lis- penard, Jun. Recorder Gilson Clap has Enterd on ye Record the Ear mark he gives to his creatures (viz) half penny of the upper side of tlie off Ear and Swallow fork in ye End of Each Ear. PAGE KIT— TO^YN MEETING— 1740 New Rochell Aprill ye 5 th 1710 By virtue of a war rent given from Isaac Contine, Justice of the Peace, for the Mannor of Pelham, dated ye 21th of March for a town meeting, of the Inhabitants of New Rochell to cliuse their town Officers (viz:) Anthony Lispenard, Jun, town Clerk. John Coutant, Constable Joseph Rodman, Supervisor Stephen Lawrence Robert Farrington, Overseers of High- ways Henry Chadaine and Isaac Coutant Sessors Isaac Guyon, Jun. Collector Samuel Bernard & James Secaire fence Viewers. Ezekiel Halstead, pounder Its Agreed by the Majority of Voices that Sheep shall be no commoners. William Bowness has Entered on ye Record the Ear Mark he gives to his creatures half penny on the upper Side of the oaf Ear Dated New Rochell, april 7, 1711. By virtu of a warrant given from Isaac Coutant, Jus- tice, for a town Meeting of the inhabitants of New Rochell to Chuse their town officers, viz : Isaac Guion, Clerk John Coutant, Constable Joseph Rodman, Supervisor New Kochelle Town Kecords. 239 William LeConte & Robert farrington, overseors of liigli- way John Badeaii & James Bonnet, assessors Jeremiah Seurman, Collector Samuel Bernard & James Sicart fences viewes Ezekiel holstead, pounder PAGE 168— WILL OF PAUL DUBOIS— 1741 In the name of God amen the 25 Day of September in the year of our Lord Christ ond Thousend Seven hun- dred and thirty Eight I paul Dubois of Xew Rochell in the County of Westchester and the province of New York Surgein being very sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye Do make orDain this my Last will and Testatemnt that is to say principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul Into the hands of God that Gave it and for my body I recommended to the Earth to be buried in a Christian Like manner at the Discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the general Resurection I shall Recive the same again by the myhty power of God and as touching such worldy Estate wherewith it hath pleaised God to bless me in this Life I Give devise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Inprimis it is my will and I Do order that in the first place my Just debts and funerall charges to be paid and satisfied Item I Give and bequeath unto Judith my Dear beloved wife all my housel Goods to her and her heirs forever I give and bequeath unto paul dubois my well beloved son the sum of ten shellings currant money of J^ew York to be Levied out of my e*s- tate to be paid to him by my Executors affeter my de- seace Item it is my will and plasur that Judith my Dear beloved wife shall be the whole and sole mistres of all 240 New Rochelle Town Records. my Estate all the time tlia she shall be my widow ami if it shoold so happen that she shoold mary then I Give all the Rest of my Estate to be divided into six chere and Equeale portion alike that is to say to my son paul Dubois Joseph dubois, John Dubois and to my Daghters, Janne Dubois, Elizabeth Dubois and Judith Dubois to them and their heir forever and I do further nominate and appoint my tow beloved frinds, John Barite and antony Lispinard, Jun. my Executors after my my deseace and I Do hereby utterly Disallow revoke and Disanul all and every other former testaments wills and Legacies and executors by me in any way be- fore this time named willed and bequead Ratisfying and Confirming this and no other to be liiy las will and testament in witness wlierof have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and jenr above written Signed Sealed published, prunounced and Declared by the said paul Dubois as his last will and Testament in the presence of us the Subsecriber viz : paul Dubois, O John Schurman Jeremiah Schurman John Coutant Entred in the Record and exactly Examined upon the original this 6th Day of March 1741-2 by me Isaac Guion, Recorder PAGE 169— TOWN MEETING— 1742 Mary Neuffille and Isaac Guion has Entered in the Record this petition fansses that is to say that md Mary Neuffille shear his to begin to ye Rode & goindowne to ye watter so far as the medel or half of ye said fanse and ye said Isaac Guion his to begine to ye the medle of ye said fanse and from there his shear his to ye watter side En New Rochell ye 11th Day of march, 1741-2 NE\y ROCHELLE TOWN RECORDS. 241 New Rochell ye 6th of april 1742 By virtue of a warrent given from Isaac Contine Justice of the Peace for the County of Westchester Dated ye March 31 for a towne meeting of the Inhabitant of New Rochell to chuse their oflflcers viz. Isaac Guion towne Clarck for Constable, John Coutant for Supervisor, Joseph Rodmend for Sesors, Danel Sicard, Ju. and Samuel Gilliot for overseers of highways, Isaac Das and William Le- conte for fanses viewers Ezekiel alsted and fredrix Secure- ment, Jr. for pounder Ezekiel alsted for Collector abram Guion for Debety Constable Danel Angevine it is agreed that ye sheep should not be commoner it is agreed allso by ye major part of ye habitant that ye hog shold run at leberty with yock and ring and the horses should not run in ye common with hout sheakel. By virtue of a warrent Given from Isaac Contine, Jus- tice of the peace for the County of Westchester, Dated ye November ye 11th, 1742 for a towne meeting of the in- liabitant of New Rochell to chuse Roberd forrinton for one Sesors and Philip RyneLender for another Know -all men by these presents that I Elizebeth Mott widow of Charles Mott late of hemsted in queens County in the province of New York Deceased have made & by these presents Do make ordaine constitute and in my place & stead depute my loving soninlaw hezekiah Sea- men of Scarsdale in the County of Westchester & prov- ince aforesd yeoman my true & lawful attorney for me and in my name and for my use to ask demand sue for Recover and Receive all such legise as was Given unto me by my hus Band the afore sd as by his last will may ^ppeare also all my right of dower of and into the lands 24:2 ^K\y KocHELLE Town Kecokds. and premises wliicli weare given by my said husband unto amos mott of hemsted afore sd. as PAGE 170— ELIZABETH MOTT GIVES SEAMEN POWER OF ATTORNEY— 1742 By the said will more at lage appeare also all my Beds & bedding puter Brass Iron & all other hause hold Goods whatsoever as also all my apparrell Belonging unto me and Detained from me by the said amos mott & William mott ye two Executors named in my said hus- bands last will as afore sd Giving and Granting unto my said attorney by these presents ni}' full and whole power strength & authority in & about the premises to have use and take all lawful ways & means in my name for ye Recovery thereof and upon the Receipt of any such Legise Dower housel goods clothing as afor «d acquit- tances or other sufficient Discharges for me & in my Name to make Scale <& Deliver and generallj^ all & Every other act & acts thing and things Device & de- vices in the law whatsoever Needfull and Necessary to- be Done in & about the premices for the Recovery of all or any of the premisses afor said for me and in my name to Do Execute & perform as fully Largely & amply to all Intents and purposes as I myself might or could Do if I ware personally present, ar as if the matter Re- quired more Special authority then is hereby given and attorneys one or more under him for ye purpose aforsaid to make and Constitute and againe at pleasure to Re- voke Ratifying allowing and holding for firm & effectual all and whatsoever my said attorney shall Lawfully do in and about the premises by vertye hereof, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scale this fifth Day of march in the 16th year of his majesties Reigne annoqs Domini, 1742, her Elizabeth + Mott O mark New E0CHE1L1.E Town Records. 243 Sealed & delivered in the presence of Stephen Williams his Thomas X haden mark Westchestr County is Be it Remembered that on the fifth Day of march in the Sixteenth year of his majesties Reigne annoqs Domini Seventeen hundred & forty two, the Person of Elizebeth the signer to the within written, powers of attorney personally appeared before me Israel honeywill, Esqr. one of the Judges of the Court of Common please for Westcher County assigned, & Did acknowledge that Shee Executed the within writ- ten power of attorney as her free volluntary act & Deed for the uses therein mentioned I having Examined the same allow it to be Recorcorded. Israel honeywill Entered in the Record ye seventeen Day of march in 1742 By Isaac Guion, Town dark. PAGE 171— TOWN MEETING— 1743 New Rochell ye 5 Day of april 1743. By virtue of a warrent Given from Isaac Contine, Jus- tice of Peace for ye County of Westchester, Dated march ye 24 and acording to a ack for the Towne meeting of the inhabitant of ye said Towne To chuse their officiers viz: for Constable John Coutant for Supervisor Joseph Rodman for Sessors James Bonnet and Ezekiel halsted for overseers of highways Isaac Coutant and Benjamin Bond for Fenses vieur Ezekiel halsted and frederick Secure- ment, Jr. for pounder, Ezekiel halsted 244 New Rochelle Town Records. for Collector, peter flandreaux It is Greed allso that ye cheeps shall not run in the common and the hogs may run at leberty provided that ye are yock and ring- and it is allso agreed that the horse shall not run in the Rodes without shekel and the fenses sliall be four foot and two inches. New Roohell ye 3 Day of april 174:4. By a warrent Given from Isaac Confine Justice of ye Peace for ye County of Westchester and according to ye ack for a Towne meeting of the inhabitant of ye said Towne To chuse theirs officiers viz. ToA\Tie Clark, Isaac Guion for Constable, John Coutant for Supervisor, Capt. John pell for Sessors James Debloz and frederix Securement, Jr. for overseers of highways Isaac Coutant & Benjamin Bound for fenses vieur Ezekiel alsted and James Sicard for pound master Ezekiel alsted Colector John Scurment Desembr the 20 Day 1744 Samuel Bernard has entred in the record he has at his house a stray browne bull with wife to the ine of taille marked with one half e penny one the upper side of cache year and a slet in the near year. PAGE 172— TOWN MEETING— 1745 The Second Day of april 1745 the Inhabitant of New Rochel have meat pursuing to an act and by the Justice warrant Isaac Confine, Esqr. and nominated and chuse the oficier for this present year viz: Towne Clark Isaac Guion for constable John Coutant ye sd Coutant has Debetize William Coutant for Supervisor, Joseph Rodman for Sessor James Deblez and michel honorez New E0CHE1.LE Town Records. 245 for overseers of highways Eoberd forinton »& Josias Le- conte for fenses vieiir Ezekiel halsted & frederix Securemeiit Junr. for pound master Ezekiel halsted for collector, Danel chadaine this allso agreed that ye cheeps should not rune into the common. To all Christian People to whom this Deed of Sale shall come I Lewis Guion, Senr. of New Rochell in the County of West Chester and CoUoney of New York yeoman sendeth Greeting know yee that I the said Lewis Guion for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and fiftey pounds of Current Lawfull money of New York to mee in hand paid By Isaac Guion of the same place, yeoman, now att or before En- sealing & Delivery hereof the Eeceipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledg and myself therewith fully satis- fied contented and paid and thereof and of and from every part and parcell thereof Do hereby do hereby acquit Exenerate Release and fully Discharge him the said Isaac Guion his Executors administrators & as- signs forever by virtue hereof have Given Granted Bargained Sold Enfeoffed alienated conveyed assured and Confirmed and by these presents Do fully Clear- ly & absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Enfeof alienate convey assure and Confirm to him the said Isaac Guion his heirs & assigns forever to "a Certain quantity of land contained seventey five acres more or less Lying in the Mannor Pellham in that part of it called New Rochell in the County & Colloney aforsaid in two Lotts the fii'st Lott Cont thirty acres more or less Bounded as followeth on the west by the Road that Goeth up into the woods on the South by Boston Road or the Kings highway on the east by the Lott of Land which beloged to James flanders one the North by the lott of land which Belonged to the wid. of Peter Le 24C Xew RoiiiKLLK Town Kki ouds. Roux and tlie other Lott Containing foiutyfivo acres Bounded on the west by the lott of Land which Be- longed to James flanders on the South by Boston Road or the Kings highway on PAGE 173— DEED OF LEWIS GUION TO ISAAC GUION— 1746 the East to the land of Jacob Lislier near unto the mill pond on the North to the land of the widow of Peter Le Roux aforsaid as also Libertey on the commons to feed and cutt wood only which said part or parcell of land I purchased of Jacob Leisler as by a Deed poll under his hand and seal may more att large appear as also my lott of salt meadow which I bougth of Mr. Bon- repos and is the proportion of Meaddow allowed to one hundred and twenty four acres of Land Avhich said par- cell of meaddow Lyeth upon the Neck in New Rochell aforsaid together with all and singullar the Rights & members privileges Benefits profits Benefits herediments Timber trees underwod fences and fencings thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining or taken as parts parcell or Member thereof To have and to hold the be- fore Bargained land and meaddow with their apperte- nances to him the said Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns to his and their own and only proper use benefitt & be- hoof forever and that he the said Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns shall and may by virtue hereof lawfully peacably and quietlj- have hold use occupy possess and enjoy all and singular the before Bargained Land & meadow free and clear freely & clearlj' acquited and Dis- charged of and from all and all manner or former and other Gifts Grants Bargains seles mortguages Intails wills joynters Dowers Judgments Executions Extents & every other trouble W"hat>soever and I the said LeAvis Guion, Sener Do further counant and bind myself my heirs executor and administrators to warrant & defend him the said Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns in quiet Nejw Eocheille Town Records. 247 and peacable possession of all and singular tlie before bargained land and meaddow and that against all the Just and Lawful Claims of al and every other person or persons whatsoever claiming of in or too the before Bar- gained Lands and meadows or of in or too any part or parcell thereof In witness whereof I the said Lewis Guion, Sen. have hereunto sett my hand and seal this eighth Day of October in the twelveth year of his present Majesties Eeign Annoq Domini one Thousand Seven hun- dred Twenty and five. his Lewis + Guion Senr. marke Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of Isaac Coutine John Cuer. PAGE 174— DEED OF ISAAC GUION JR. to ABRAM GUION— 1746 Memorandum that on ye twenty first Day of Desem- ber anno Domini 1725 Lewis Guion, Senr. the Grator of this Deed acknowledged before me william willett, Esqr. Judge of ye Inferiours Court of Common pleas for West- chester County yt he executed the same as his voluntary act & Deed to ye uses within mentioned and I allow the same to be Recorded William Willett Antred in the Record ye 27 Day of march 1746 By me Isaac Guion, Towne Clark. T all Christian People to whom this present Deed of seal shall come Greeting Know je that I Isaac Guion, Juner. of New Rochell in the County of Westchester in the province of New York Coupers for and in considera- tion of the sum twelfth Pound Current Lawful money of York aforesaid to me in paid before the ensealiug and Delivery hereof By abram Guion of the same place Black- smith the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully and Entirely satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and of every part and parcel there- 24S New Rochelle Town Records. of Do Clearly acquit Exonerate Release and fully Dis- charge the said abram Guion his heirs Executors admin- istrators forever by these presents hath Given Granted Bargained sold alinated conveyed and confirmed and by these Presents Do freely, fully and absolutly Give Grant Bargain, sell alien convey and confirm unto the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns forever one cer- tain small lott of land containing three acres of land scituate and lying and being in New Rochell aforsesaid in the manor of pellham and in the County of Westches- ter butted as followeth easterly by the Road or laine that Gos to the Avater and to Mr. Antoney Lespinar southerly to the said Mr. Lispenar land and westerly and north- erly to the King Highways To have and to hold the be- fore Granted and bargained premisis with all the ap- Ijurtenances privileges and commodities to the same belouging or in any wise appertaining to him the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the said Isaac Guion, Jun. for me my heirs executors and administrators Do Covenant promese and grant to and with the said Abram Guion his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true sole and law- ful oAvner of the above Bargained premeses and am law- fully seized and possessed of the same in mine own proper Right as a Good perect and PAGE 175— DEED OF ISAAC GUION JR. TO ABRAM GUION (Continued)— 1746 absolute Estate of inheritance and in myself Good right full power and Lawfull authority to Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the said bargained premeses in manner as above said and that the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all forever hereafter by virtue of these presents Lawfully, peceably and quietly have hold use occupy posses and enjoy the said Demised and bargained prem- New Rochelle! Town Records. 249 ises with the apurtenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all, and, maner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases, mortguages wills Entails Joyntures Dow- ry s, Judgments Executions incumbrances and troubles whatsoever and I the said Isaac Guion, Juner Do fur- ther covenant and bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators, firmly by these presents to warrant and Defend the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceable possesion of all and singular the said Granted Premesis against any Just and Lawfull claim of any Person or persons whatsoever. In witnes whereof I, the said Isaac Guion & mary, my wife, have hereunto set our hand, seal this 5 Day of april and in ye year of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred and forty- fourth Isaac Guion, Jun. O Mary Guion O Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us Daniel Angevin Sovering Bolt Be it Remembered that on ye first Day of march 1745 Isaac Guion, Juner and mary Guion, his wife the Grantors of ye within Deed appered before me Samuel Purdy Esqr. Judge of ye Inferiour Court of Common please for ye county of Westchester, assigned and ac- knowledged the same to be their free and volinter act and Deed for ye uses therein mentioned and she being by me privet ely and appart Examined acknowledged that she Did it freely and without threts or Cumpulsion from her husband and I having examined sd Deed Do allow it to be Recorded. Samuel Purdy Antred in the Record the 27 Day of march 1746 by me Isaac Guion towne Clarck. 250 New K();iiellfj Town Records. PAGE 17G— DEED OF LESriNARD TO GUION— 174G To all Christian People to these presents shall come Greeting- know ye that I anthony Lespinard of New Roehell in the County of Westchester in the province of New York by nie and with the advice and consent of Elizabeth his wife Signified by her being a party to Sc Sealing and Delivering of these presents for in considera- tion of the sum of fiefty-two pounds Current money of New York to me in hand paid before the Executing here- of by abram Guion BlackSmith in New Roehell of the County and province aforesaid the Recipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledged to my full content and satisfaction and thereof and from every part thereof Do Exonerate acquit and Discharge the said abram Guion his heirs Executors and administrators and assigns and every of them forever by this presents have Given and Granted and by these presents absolutely Do Give grant bargain Sell assure Realese Conveyed and Confirmed and ])y these Presents Do freely, fully and absolutely Give Grant Bargain, Sell alien Convey and Confirm unto the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns forever all that cer- tain tract of Land Seituate and being in New Roehell Containing by Estimation Six acres and a halfe be the same more or les Bounded as follows northerly by the King Highways Easterly by the land of Isaac Guion, Juner Sowtherely by the land & fance of anthoney Les- penard westerly by the land of allexender allaire toGether with all and Singular the houses Buildings fencings tim- ber wood fruit trees profit advantage and appartenances whatsoever to the land belonging or any wise appertain- ing and Issues and profits thereof and also all the right titles interest Issues posesions property claime and De- mands whatsoever of him the said anthoney Lespinard of in or the same or any part thereof To have and to hold the above said land and premises with every of their ap- pertenances hereby mansioned and intended to be Grant- New Eochelle Town Recokds. 251 ed to be sold and the Eeversioiis and remainder thereof unto the said abram guion his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns forever and the said anthony Lespinard his heirs Executors administrators all and isingular the premises with their appartenances hereby be- fore Granted Bargained and sold unto the said abram Guion his heirs and assignes to him and their sole & only proper use and behoof against the said Anthony Les- pinard his heirs and assigns and all and every other persons and persons watsoever Lawfully Claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof shall and will war- rent and ever Defend by these presents and anthony Lespinard for himselfe his heirs Executors or adminis- trators Do Covenant Grand and PAGE 177— DEED OF LESPINARD TO GUION (Con- tinued)— 1716 agree to with the said abram Guion his heirs and as- signs By these presents in manner or form following That the said anthony Lespinard at and immediately be- fore the executing hereof siezed and posesed of all and singular these premises hereby granted and sold of a good perfect and absolute estate of Inheritance in fe sim- ple without condition or amitation of and ase to alter Change defeat Determine or wood the same and has good Right Lawfull authority to Grant convey the same unto the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all time forever hereafter by virtue of these presents lawfully and quietly have hold us occupy poses and Injoy the said Demised and Bargained premesis with the apertenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and Dis- charged of and from all maner of former Gifts Grants bargains sales leases mortguages wills Entails Joyntures Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrance and troubles whatsoever and I the said anthony Lespinard Do further 252 New Rochelle Toavx Records. covenant and bind myself my heirs Executors and ad- ministrators firmly by these Presents to warrants and Defend the said abram Guion his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceable possession of all and singular the said Granted premises against any Just and lawfull claim of any person or person whatsoever in witness Avhereof the said partie hath to these present inter- changeably set their hand and seal this twenty-six Day of may in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and fourty four Anthony Lespinard O Elizabeth Lespinard O Signed Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us Tobias Tennyck John Minnar Be it Remembered that on the first day of March 1745 the within Grantors Anthony Lespinards and Elizabeth Lespinard his wife personnally appered before me Samuel Purdy esqr; Judge of the inferiour Court of Common pleas for ye Conty of Westchester assigned and acknowledged the within Deed to be their free and volintary act and Deed for ye uses therein mentioned and she being privately and appart by me examined ac- knowledged she did it freely and without any threts or cumjDultion from her said husband and I having inspected sd Deed Do allow it to be Recorded. PAGE ITS— TOWX MEETING— 1746 I have Entred this sd Deed in the Record and Ex- actely Examined the original this 2S Day of march 1746 By me Isaac Guion Clark the first Day of april 1746 the inhabitant of New Rochell have met together pursuing to and act and have nominated and chnse the oficier for, this present year viz Towne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable John T'oiitant & AVilliam Coutant Debitis ; 'NE\y ROCHELLEI TowN Kecords. 253 for Supervisor Ezekiel halsted for Asessor Mr. Thomas Bayeux & Jermy Scure- ment for Overser of highways aman Giiion & John parcot for fenses vieiier Isaac Coiitant k John Badaux for Pound Master Ezekiel halstead for Collector Danel ehadaine, it is agreed allso yt the cheeps shall not rune in the comon the Twety-first Day of august 1746 at a special session held at New Eochel present Samuel purdy and Isaac Guion, Esqr have appointed Samuel Gilliot of New Rochcl for an assessor in the Bourne of Jeremiah Scurc- ment who hath Befused to serve the 6 of ptember 1746 Ezekiel halsted having a strea large hafer at his farme of 2 year old without mark of a Brite Done Coller with Long years the first Day of november 1746 Ezekiel has antred in the record a Stray Broun Stear with a Star in his fored and Each flanck wite marked with a crop one his of Ear and two half peny under Side of ye near Ear. the 19th Day of november 1746 James parcot Juner has Entred in the Record a Stray palle red stear of 2 year old marked has fallow a halfe peny under the near year and slipe under sid of the ofe year. To all Christian People to whom this Deed of Sale shall come Aman Guion of New Eochel in the County of Westchester and Province of New York Blacksmith Sendeth Greeting know ye that the said Aman Guion for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds ten shillings Current money of the Province of New York to him in hand paid by Isaac Guion and elohn Soulis of New Eochel afforsaid Church wardens or Elders of the french church in New Eochell affor said according to rules and form of the church of England as by law Established now att or before ye Enseal- ing and delevery hereof the Eeicept whereof I Do herebv 254 yi:\v KociiEM.K Town Kecouds. PAGE 179— DEED OF AMAN GUION TO ISAAC GUION AND SOULIkS— 1747 acknowleg and himself thereAvitli fully satisfied con- tented and Paid and tliereof and of and from every part and parcel thereof Doth hereby acquit Exonerate Release and fully Discharge them the said Isaac Guion & John Soulis ther heirs Executors administrators and assignes forever by these presents hath given grant- ed bargained sold enfeofed alienated conveyed assured and confirmed and by these presents Doth fully clearly and absolutely give Grant Bargain sell Enfcof alienate convey assure and confirm to them the said Isaac Guion and John Soulis and their successors for the use of the minister and comunicants of tlie french church in New Rochel aft'orsaid as is therein setled according to the Rules and form of the church of England as by laAV established to say a certain small parcel of land containing one acre & three quarters more or less which is now in the possesion of the Reverd, Peter Stoop now minister of the afforsaid Church in New Rochel and bounded as follows northerly by the Burying place east- erly by the land of aman Guion or a lane or Road southerly by the land that formerly belonged to De- Bonrepo and westerly by the land of William LeConte as it is now in fence together with all & singular the fences fencings and other appartenances Belonging to said land To have and to hold said granted and bar- gained or Intended to be hereby Granted and bar- gained Land and premeses to them the said Isaac Guion and John Soulis and their Sucessors for ever for the use of the french minister and comunicants of the french church in New Rochell afforsaid as it is therein setled according to the rules and form of the Church of England as by law established to them and their sucessors own and only proper use benefit and behoof and it ishall and may be lawfull for them the said Isaac Guion & John Soulis & their sucessors from New Kocheli,e Town Eecokds. 255 time to time and att all times for ever liereafther law- fully peaceably & quietly to have hold use ocupy posses and enjoy the before granted and bargained land and premeses free and clear for the use afforsaid freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated released and Discharged from all manner former and other gifts grants bargain isales leases mortguages Antails wills Joynters Dowrys Judments Executions Extents and every other trouble and incumbrance whatsoever These before granted and bargained lands PAGE 180— DEED OF AMAN GUION TO ISAAC GUION AND SOULIS (Continued)— 1747 and premeses to them the said Isaac Guion and John Soulis and theirs sucessors for ever for the use above said, he the said aman Guion his heirs executors & administrators shall and will for ever hereafter warrant & Defend by these presents and that against all the Just & Lawfull Claims of all and every other person or persons whatsoever claiming or that shall and may hereafter claim any Just, right title Interest properly or Demand of in or to said granted & bargained land & premeses or of in or to any part or parcel thereof. In witness whereof he the said Aman Guion have here unto sett his hand & seal the Twenty Six Day of march in the Sixteenth year of the Reigii of King George the Second anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fourty three ; Signed Sealed & Delevered in presence of Peter Bonnet John Cuer The word french being first interlined & ye word for Aman Guion. O Be it Kemembered that one the nineteenth Day of august Seventeen hundred and fourty three aman Guion the Grantor of the within Deed appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr; one of his majesties Judges of ye Inferiour Court of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned and acknowledged the same to be his free act 25C Xi:\v RociiELLE Town Records. and Deed for the uses therein mentioned and I having Examined the same and find no mistakes but what is ]ioted Do allow the same to be Recorded Samuel Purdy. I have Entrede this said Deed in the Record and Exatey Examined the original this 2Gth Day of march 17J:7 By me Isaac Guion Clark. PAGE 181— ISAAC GUION'S SHARE IN THE COM- MONS— 1717 Whereas the proprietors of ye Common or undivided lands and meadows within and belonging unto ye Town of New Rochel in the in the County of westchester and Province of New York or ye major part of them by a certain writing under their hands and seals Dated ye ninth Day of December one thousand and seven houndred and Thirty and five Did fully and absolutly amongs other things in said Avriting Contained authorize and Empower Captain Oliver Besly Coll anthony Lespinard alexander allaire Joseph Rodman william Le Conte and Silvanus palmer or any four of them as trustees of said propriators to sell such of the said commons as should enable them to pay off and Discharge all ye charges they then had and should be at in and about the Dividing the Commons above said now These Presents wituesseth yt anthony Lespenard Joseph Rodman William Le Conte and silvanus palmer four of the trustees above said for ye proprietors afore said for and in consideration of the sum of fourteen Pounds Current money of New York to them or one of them paid before Executing hereof by Isaac Guion the Receipt whereof they Do acknowledg and thereof do Discharge the said Isaac Guion his heirs Executors and administrators for ever by these Presents have Granted bargained sold alined Enfeoffed and con- firmed and by these presents Do absolutely Grant bar- gain sell alien Enfeoffe and Confirm unto the said Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns for ever two acres of salt NeiW Rochelle Town Reicords. 257 meadow and seven acres of upland with, tlie appurtenan- ces thereunto belonging being part of the common land and meadow of New Rochel above said and sd two acres of medow layeth near to the house of Lewis Guion De- ceased and adjojais Easterly to mill pon of anthny Les- pinard and the said land layethe southerly of said salt meadow and laying adjoyning to the twenty acres for- merly sold by Jacob Lisler Decesed to Louis Guion of sd New Rochel Decesed To have and to hold the sd two acres of madow and seaven acres of with ye appur- tenances unt him ye said Isaac Guion his heirs and as- signs to his and their own proper us and behoof for ever further more we ye said anthony Lespinar Joseph Rod- man William LeConte and Silvanus palmer Doth Cove- nant and Engage ye above Granted premises to ye said Isaac Guion his heirs and assigns against the Claim and Demand of any person or persons from by or under us or any of us our or any of PAGE 182— ISAAC GUION'S SHARE IN THE COM- MONS (Continued)— 1717 Ours heirs Executors administrators to warrent and Defend In witness whereof the said antheny Lespenard Joseph Rodman william Le Conte and Silvanus have hereunto set their hands and Seals this twentith Day of December in the elventh year of his majesties Reign annoq Domini 1737 Signed Sealed and Delivered and the Consideration money acknowledged to be Receved in ye presence of frederick Securman Anthony Lispenard O Jacob Securman Joseph Rodman O William Le Conte O Silvanus Palmer O memorandm the 29th may 1745 Then personally ap- peared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr Judge of. ye County of Westchester assigned the persons of frederick & Jacob Schurman the witneses to the within Deed of Release 25S New Rochelle Town Records. and Beiu«»- severally Duly swoiii inuler Did Declare each of tlu'in that they saw anthony Lispenard Joseph Rod- luau William Le Coiite and Silvanus palmer Sign Seal and deliver said Deed as their free voluntary act & Deed for ye uses therein mentioned and I having Examined said Deed find no mistakes or Interlinations therein Do allow the same to be Recorded Samuel Purdy I have Entred this said Deed in the Record and Exactly Examined the original this 28th Day of March 1747 By me Isaac Guion Clark the Seven Day of april 1747 being the first tuesday of ye said month pursuing to an act of the general asembly and the abitant have chosen and apointed the officier for this present year viz Towne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable John Coutant and William Coutant his Deputy for Supervisor Ezekiel halsted for assessor Abel Deveaux and Jacobus Blaiker for overseer of high ways Isaac Guion Juner, and John mauraux & James, bonnet for ye upers quart for fenses vieurs Isaac Coutant and John Badaux for Pound-master Ezekiel halsted for Collector Abram Guion it is allso agreed that ye sheeps shall not rune in the common and allso the hogs shall not run without yok and Ring PAGE 183— DIVISION OF THE COMMONS— 1717 the first Day of august 1717 James parcot Juner has antred in the Rocord a Strea-hafer a Black nite face of 2 years hold marked as follow a slet in the near year and halfe peny in uper side of the hafe year the 25 Day of November 1747 James Pine of New Rochell has antred in the Racord the marke of his Creators as fal- lows a slit in the near year and a nick under the ofe year New Rochelle To^yN Eecords. 259 1747 tlie 26 Day of noveniber Ezekiel halseted lias antrecl in the Record a Strea Red yearling stear marked with a slet in the hine of the near year and half peny in the fore side of the same jea.r the first Day of Desemher 1747 Jacobus Blaiker has an- tred in the Record pa-Strea Red Hafer of two year hold marked with a sleat hine the uper part of the hofe year and halfe peny hine the under side of the near year Nous sousignes habitans de la N, Rochelle qui avons intheret dans les Communes voulant les partager nous promettons de nous en tenir a la carte que le Cap. Bond a faite des terres de la dite Roehelle es sommes contans chacun de nos lots — Suivant la mesure que le dt Bond en a faite & prometons que s'ils se trouve plus de terre quy ne nous revient de les deduire sur ce quy nous revien dra de notre Intheret Dans les Communes comme aussy que ceux quy nont pas leur quantite qu'on nous le donnera sur les dites Communes en foy de quoy nous avons signe le present consentement comme aussy nous nommons Mr Louis Maurice & fasther pour regler les differens ou difticultes quy pourret survenir entre quelques particuliers & S'ils ne S'accordent pas nous nommons Mons Allaire pour supernemeraire Chacun s'obligent de montrer ses titres nous consentons aussy que le trostys vandent au plus offrent encherisseur de terres dans les dites com- munes pour layer les charges de larpenteur & autres quy sont & serons faites pour ce sujet a la Nouvelle Rochelle 2 Decembre 1735 Besly Nous donnons aussy pouvoir aux trostys quen cas quun des deux personnes nommes cydes- sus ne puissent venir que les dits trotys 2G0 Neiw Rochelle Town Records. PAGE 184— DEED OF LESPINARD TO DONALD- SON— 1747. en pouiTont choisir un en sa place J. Moulinars his Alexandre Allaire Isaac Das Jean O Moreau Jos Rodman Zacharie angevin mark Anthony Lespenard Aman Giiion his Willm Le Conte Paul Dubois John X Barith Silvamis Palmer Jean Parquot mark Gregoire Gougeon her Isaac Giiion Peter Bonnet francoise X ParcotJohn Alle mark Daniel Sicard Daniel Bonnet hanery Chadeayne Entrer est Recorder & exectement examiner loriginal ce 22e Decembre en I'annee 1747 par moy Isaac Guion Re- cordeur To all Christian Peoples to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye that I Anthony Lespinard of New Rochell in the county of Westchester and province of New York and Elizabeth his wife for in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seven pounds Current monej^ of New York to us in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents hereof by Joseph Donaldson of the same place county and province Taylor the Receipt whereof we Do hereby acknowledge and ourselve fully satisfied and Contented and there- of and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonert acquit and Discharge the said Joseph Donaldson his heirs Executors administrators and assign® and every of them for ever by these presents have Given Granted and by these presents absolutely Do Give Grant bargain sell assure Release convey and confirm unto the said Joseph Donaldson his heirs and assigns for ever all that a certain track of Land Seituate and being in New Rochell afore said containing by Estimation Twenty tow acres to be the same more or less buted and bounded as folweth notherly to Abram Guion Easterly New RocHELLEi Tow>f Eecords. 261 by the Road southerly by the said Joseph Donaldsons Land and hennery Chadayne westherly to ye Land of ye sd henery Chadayne and Thomas Bayeuse toGether with all and singular fencers timber wood fruit trees profits advantages and appurtanances whatsoever to ye said Land beloning or any wise appertaining the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders of the said Land and also all the Right titles Interest Insure possessions property Claim and Demands what soever of ye said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his said wife of in or the same or any part thereof To have and to hold the above said land fences and TRANSLATION PAGE 184— DIVISION OF COM- MONS— 1747 We, the undersigned, inhabitants of New Rochelle, who have interests in the commons, wanting to divide them promise to be satisfied with the chart of the lands of said New Rochelle, drawn by Capt. Bond and con- tented with each one of our lots, following the survey that was made by the said Bond and promise that if there should be more land than is due to us to deduct it from the interests that would be ours in the common : likewise those who do not receive their just quantity Avill obtain such in the Cbmmons; In faith of which we have signed the present agreement, likewise we have named Mr. Louis Maurice, father, to settle our dispute or difficulties which might arise among some of us if we then cannot agree, we name Mons. Allaire, as medi- ator. Each agrees to show his titles and we also consent that the trustees sell to highest bidders the lands in the said commons to pay the surveyor and other expenses which this will incur— New Rochelle, December 2 1735, Besly. We also give power to the trustees that in case some 262 New Rociielle Towx ItEfoiins. one of the persons Ijeioin named cannot come the said trustees may choose some one else in their place. J. Moulinars Jean Parqnot Alexandre Allaire Isaac Das her Jos Rodman Zacharie Anjjevin Francois X Parcot Anthony Lespenard Aman Guion mark \Mlliam Le Conte Panl Dubois Daniel P>onnet Silvanns Palmer his (xregoire Gongeon Jean O Morean Peter Bonnet mark his John X Barith mark Isaac Gnion elohn Alle Daniel Sicard Hanery Gliadeayne Entered and recorded and exactly examined upon the original this 22nd of December, in the year, 1747, by me, Isaac Guion. Recorder. PAGE 185— DEED OF LESPINARD TO DONALD- SON (Continued)— 1717 permisses with every of their appurtanances hereby mentioned and intended to be sold and ye Reversion and Remainder thereof unto the said Joseph Donaldson his heirs and assigns to ye only proper use benifit and Be- hoof of him the said Joseph Donaldson Ms heirs and assigns for ever and I the said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth my wife our heirs Executors administors all in singular the premisses with theirs appurtanance hereby before granted bargained and sold unto the said Josepli Donaldson his heirs and assigns To him and theirs sol only proper use and behoof against the said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his wife ther heirs New Eoghelle Town Kecords. 263 Executors administrator all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming or to Claim the same or any part thereof shall and will warrant and for ever Defend by these presents and the said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his said wife their heirs Ex- ecutors administrator do covenant Grant and agree To and with the said Joseph Donaldson and heirs and assigns by these presents in manner or form fowlowing to wit that ye said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his wife att and immediatly before the. Executing hereof are sized and possed of all and singular the premises hereby Granted and sold of a Good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple without any condition or limitation of any use or uses to allter change de- feat determine or make void the same and have good Eight Lawfull power and authority to Grant and Con- vey the same unto ye sd Joseph Donaldson his heirs and assigns shall and may by force and virtue of these presents from time to time and att all times hereafter for- ever Lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use ocuppy posses Enjoy and Keep to him and theirs one proper use and behoof all and singular the before grant- ed premises with, their appurtenances free and clear freely and clearly absolutely acquited Exonerated and Discharged by them the said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his wife their heirs Executors Administrators of and from all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Sales bargains Leases will Entailes Jo;^^ituers Dowers title of Dowers Judgements Executions and all trubles Incumbrances what soever and we the said Anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his said wife by these presents do warrant and defend the said Joseph Donaldson his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceable posesion of all and singular the said Granted premises against any Just and Lawfull Claim of any person or persons what- soever 204 IsIew l\(jciii:i.i.E Town Eecokds. PAGE 180— DEED OF LESPIXAED TO DONALDSON (Continued)— 1747 in Aviteness whereof they have hereunto sett theii- hands and seals tliis tenth day of June in the nine- teentli year of the reiiin our sovereign Lord George the Second King Defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousend seven hundred and forty Six Signed Sealed and Delivered and the consideration money acknowledged to be Received in the presence of Anthony Lespinard O Elizabeth LespinardO Lsaac Guion Revd. Allaire Be it remembered that on the 10 Day of Janvary one thousand seven hundred and forty Seven Eight anthony Lespinard and Elizabeth his Avife the Grantors of the within Deed to Joseph Donaldson appeared Before me Samuell Purdy one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for "Westchester County asigned and acknowledge the same to be their free act and Deed for the use therein mentioned and I having Examined the same and fine no matirall mes- take allow the same to be Recorded Samuell Purdy Entred and Recorded and Exatly Examined upon the originall this 23 Day of March 1747 by me Isaac Guion Recorder The 5th Day of april 1748 Being the first tuesday of the said month pursuing to an act of ye Generall as- sembly the inhabitant of New Rochell have chosen the oficiers for this present year viz for; Towne Clarck — Isaac Guion Esqr for Constable — John Coutant for Supervisor — Joseph Rodmand for assesor — Ezekiel halsted and Abel Devaux New Rochelle Town Eecokds. 2(>5 for over seer of liigli wais Benjamin Bound and John Clark for fenses vieurs — John Badaux and John parcot for Poundmaster — Ezekiel halsted for colector — ABram Guion PAGE 187— TOWN MEETING— 1749 The Fourt Day of April 1749 Being the first tuesday of the said month pursuing to an act of ye General As- sembly the free holders and the abitant of New Rochell have chosen the oflciers for this present year viz for Towne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable John Coutant for Supervisor Joseph Rodman for Assesors Abel Deveaux and Peter Bertin for overseers of high ways Benjamin Bound and James parcot jr for fenses vieurs peter Sicard and Jacob Coutant for Poundmasters Danel Sicard junior for colector ABram Guion this agreed in the meting that the ogs shall Run at large upon the provisers that ye shall Be yok and Ring the twenty seven Day of May 1749 Abram Guion as antred in the Record the mark of his Creators as follow a slit in eache year By me Isaac Guion Clark the 28 Day of October 1749 William Rodman as antred in the Record a strea Red Hefer of one year old Comming 2 marked with a step in the ofe year and found Dead in his Land I have ordered to Skine the said Beast Isaac Guion Clark The 3 Day of April 1750 Pursuing to an act of assem- blez a Town meeting to Chuse ye Oficers for this present yeair viz Towne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable William Coutant 2GG ^EW EOCHELLE' TOAVN RECORDS. for Siipervuiser Joseph Rodman for assesor Allexandor Allaire and Jeams Poine for oversear of ve lii«ih way Peter flandraii and Jams Pine for fence wieaer John Karight and Dannel Sicard Juner for Pound master dannel Sicard Juner for Collector Abram Guion It is also agread that ye sheep shall not Rune In ye Commons and also ye hogs shall Run in ye Commons witli yoak and Rings PAGE 188— DONALDSON GIVES HIS WIFE POWER OF ATTORNEY— 1748 Know all men by these present that I Joseph Donald- son of New Rochell in ye county of Westchester and province of New York Tailor have ordained Constitute and by these presents Do Make ordaine and Con- stitute and in my place and stead put and Depute my trusty and loving wife aggnes donaldson of the same place county and province my true and Lawfull attorney for me and in my name and for my use to aske demend sue for Levey Recover and Receive all such sum and sums of money Debt Good wases Dues accompts and Demands whatsoever which are or shall be Due owing payable and belongin to me or Detained from me any manner of wayse or mean watsoever by any person or persons whatsoever Giving and Granting unto my said attorney by these presents my full and whole power strangth and authority in and about ye premisses To have use and take all Lawfull ways and means in my name for ye Recovery thereof and upon the Receipt of any such Debts Dues or sums of money aforesaid acquitance or other suficion Discharges for me and my name to make seal and deliver and Generally all and every other act and acts Thing and Things Device and Devices in the Law whatsoever needfull and necessary New Rochelle Town Hecouds. 2157 to be done in the pcmissos for ye Recovery of all or any such Debts or sums of money aforesaid for me and in my name to do Execute and perform as fully Large- ly and amply to all infants and purpose as if myself was personaly present or as if ye matters Requirred more special authority then is here in Given and at- torneys one or more under her for ye purposes afore- said to make and deliver constitute and again at pleas- ure to Revoke Ratifying allowing and holding for firm and affectuall all and whatsoever my sd at- torney shall Lawfully do in and about the premisses by virtue hereof In wittness hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this twenty nine Day of March annoq Domini 1748 Joseph Donaldson O Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us John nusnard Isaac Guion Be it Rememberd that on the Second Day of April one Thousand and Seven hunderd and forty Eith per- sonnally appeared before me Isaac Guion Esqr of the County of Westchester the within named Joseph Donald- son and acknowledged the within Letter or power of attorney to be act and Deed and that he Seald and Delivered the same to the use therein mentioned Isaac Guion PAGE 189— CASE OF HIGGENS AGAINST HAM- SON— 1750 Westcher County Jully ye 20th 1750 Whereas Nathiell underbill Isaac Guion John pell and Joseph pell and Joseph fowler five of his majestie three were of being of the quorum for ye County affore said having met at Eastchester at ye house of Caleb Morgan in the said County to hear a complaint made by John higgens apprintiz to Caleb hamson for abuses don to him by his said master Contrary to Law and having Examined the Evedences and find by them waht they Declair upon oath that ye said apprintice has been 208 New Eocheu.e Town Records. miss used and abused Contrary to Law and tlierfore Doo Set ye said John higens free from liis apprin- tiship and Doe hereby testifye under our respective hand and Seals pronounce and Declare the said John higens is Dischcarged from being any longer an ap- printis to his said master wittness our hand and seal Nathanil underbill Isaac Guion John pell Joseph pell John fowler Know all by these present that I agues Donaldson of Xew Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of NeAv York Avife to Joseph Donaldson Late of New Rochell by a power and of attorney Granted to me by my said husband Joseph Donaldson in the month of March and in ye year of our Lord Christ one thousend seven houndred and forty Eight have made ordained Constitud and by the>s present Do make ordain Con- stitute and in my place and stead put and Depute my trusty and Loving frind and Brother in Law^ Abram Guion of the same place County and province Black Smith my true and Lawfull attorney for me and in my name and for my use to ask Demend Sue for Levey Recover and Recive all such sum and sums of money Debts Goods Wares Due accompts and other Demends whatsoever which are or shall be Due owing Paj^able and belongin to me or detained from me any manner of ways or means whatsoever by any person or persons whatsoever Giving and Granting unto my said attorney by these presend my full and whole power Strenght and authority in and about the premisses to have use and take all PAGE 190— WIDOW^ DONALDSON GIVES POWER OF ATTORNEY TO GUION— 1749 Lawfull ways and means in my name for ye Recovery New Rochelle Town Eecoeds. 269 tliere of and upon the Reciept of any Such Debts Dues or Sums of money aforesaid acquitances or other sufficient Discharges for me and in my name to make Seal and Deliver and Generally all and every other act and acts things and things Device and Devices in ye Law whatso- ever needful and necessary to be Done in ye premisses for ye Recovery of all or any Such Debts or Sums of money afore said for me and in my Name to Do Ex- ecute and perform as fully Largely and amply to all in- tents and purposes as if I mySelf wase personally present or as if ye matter Required more Special au- thority ther is in Given and attorney one or more under him for ye porposes aforesaid to make and Con- stitute and again at pleasure to Revoke Ratiflng allow- ing and holding for firm and effectual all and whatso- ever my said attorney shall Lawfully do in and about the premisses by virtue here of In Wittness whereof I have her unto set my hand and Seal this twenty Sec- ond Day of april 1749. Sealed and Delivered In ye presence of us John Angevine Sovoring Bolt Agnes Donaldson O May the 22th Day 1749 Then appeared Before me Isaac Guion Esqr. one of his majestic of the peace for ye County of Westchester agues Donalson and Did acknowl- edge the within Power to be her true act and Deed for the us within mentioned witnes my hand this Day and year above Ritten Isaac Guion The Second Day of april 1751 Being the first tuesDay of ye said month pursuing to an act of ye General as- sembly the free holder and habitant of New Rochell have met at ye usall place and have chosen the oficier for this present year viz for Towne Clark Isaac Guion and for Constable William Coutant for Superviser Joseph Rodman and for assesor William 270 New Rochelle Town Records. Rodney and peter ]>ertine for overseer of ye high ways Jacob Blaiker and John Badaux for fence vieur Jacob Coutant and Danel Sicard Jiiner for pound master ye said Danel Sicard Jnner and for Collector ABram Guion PAGE 191— TOWN MEETING— 1751 The 12th Day of November 1751 William Coutant as Entred in the Record a Stray heifer in is Custydy year old past Brinde Coulour Avith a white face four wite feet & the End of her tail wite also Marked with a Crop off the Right Ear & a half peny under it pr me Isaac Guion Clark The seven Day of April 1752 Being the first tuesday of the said month of April pursuing to an act of ye Gen- erall assembly the freeholder and habitant of New Rochell have chosen the officier for this present year viz ToAvne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable AA^illiam Coutant Supervisor Joseph Rodman for assesor William Rodman and Jermy Secure- ma nt for oversear of high ways Danel Chadaine John Bonnet and James parcot for fence vieur Danel Sicard Juner and Jacob Coutant pound master Danel Sicard Juner for Collector Abrani Guion April the 28 Day 1752 Danel Chadaine has antred in the Record the mark of his Creator as follow viz a Sowalla forck to ye Rith Ear pr me Isaac Guion Clark October the 25 Day 1752 Danel Sicard has Entred in the Record a Stray Black Bull of one of one year old with a wite face marked as fallow viz a islit in ofe year and a peny under the same year To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Know ye that I James parcot Senr of New Rochell in the County of Westchester in the province of New York yeoman by with the consent of Elizabeth his wife for & Consideration of the Sum of forty pounds Current money of New York to me in hand paid before the New Eochelle Town Records. 271. Ensealing & Delivery of these presents by John Badeaii of New Rochell aforsd yeoman the receit whereof I do hereby aclmowledge & myself therewith fully satisfied & contented and thereof and from & every part & par- cel thereof do Exonerate acquit & Discharge the" sd John Badeau his heirs Executor adm & assigns for ever by these presents have given granted, bargained sold, enfeoffed alliened conveyed & confirmed & by these presents Do fully Clearly and absolutely give, grant bargain sell Enfeoff, alien, Convey & Confirm to him the sd John Badeau his heirs Executors administrator & assigns for Ever a certain Tract or parcell of Land, Containing forty three acres part of it being frech meadow Lying Seituate & being in New Rochell afore- said Avhich sd Land & meadow formerly belonged to PAGE 192— DEED OF PARCOT TO BADEAU— 1751 Zachary angevine Deceased Butted and Bunded as fol- lowed Westerly by the Land that formerly belonged to John Jane deceased or Mr. Pells Line Northerly by the Land of John Barheit & the two acres of Land or meadow of Danel angevine Easterly by the Road that goes from the Town to Capt Besly & souther by the Land of amon Guion & Isaac Guion Junr as also a Right of Salt meadow wich belongeth to sd Land, & did Belong unto the sd Zachary angevine Deceased Lying in a neck com- monly called Josep Rodman's neck next to Madm Mer- cier or aman Guion Meadows together with all & Sin- gular the Timber, trees wods underwoods fences fencings & all other Rights & priviledges & appurtenances ther^e- unto belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the said granted & bargained Lands & premises to him the sd John Badeau his heirs Executors admors & assigns from time to time & at all times for Ever & to his & their only sole & proper use Benefit & Behoof for Ever and it shall & maybe Lawfull for him the sd John Badeau, his heirs Exrs administrators & assi^^ns 272 New Rochelle Town Records. from time to time & at all times for Ever & to his & their only Sole & proper use Benefit & Behoof for Ever and it shall & maj' be Lawfull for him the sd John Badeau his heirs Executors administrators & assigns from time to time & at all times hereafter Lawfully, peaceably & quitly to have hold use occupy posess, & enjoy said Granted and bargained Lands & madows & premises in fee simple free & clear and freely & clearly & absolutely acquitted & discharged from all incumbrances whatsoever & the above granted & bargained Land & premises to him the sd John Badeau his heirs Extrs admrs & assigns for Ever & I the sd James parcot Sr Do further covenant & bind my Self my heirs Extr & administrators firmly by these presents to warrant & De- fend the sd John Badeau his heirs Extr admrs & assigns in quiet & peaceable possession of all and singu- lar the said granted and bargained premises against any Just & Lawfull Claim of any person or person whatsoever from, by or under me or any of my heirs Extr admitr or assigns In wittness whereof I the sd James parcot have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Eleventh Day of June in the Twenty fifth year of his majesties Reign annoq Domini one Thousand Seven hundred & fifty one Signed, Sealed, & Delivered in the presence of John parcot Patrick hepburn his James O parcot Sr mark her Elizabeth X parcot mark PAGE 193— TOWN MEETING— 1753 Be it Remembred that ye 28th Day of March 1752 John Parcot one of the witneses to ye within Deed ap- peared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr Judge of thee inferieur Court of Common Pleas for the County of New EocHELiLE TowN' Records. 273 Westchester assigned and being and Sworen on tlie holy Evangelist Declared that he saw James parcot senr and Elizabeth parcot his wife Execute said Deed for ye uses there in mentioned and Likewis saw Patrick hepburn sign his name thereunto ye same time and I allow the same to be Recorded Saml Purdy Entred Recorded and truly Examined upon the orig- inal the 2th Day of April 1753 in the folio 191 & 192 & 193 By me Isaac Guion Clarck The 3 Day of April 1753 Being the first tuesday of ye said month pursuing to an act of ye General assembly the freeholder and ye habitant of New Rochell have meat at ye usuall place have Chosen the officier for the present yer viz Isaac Guion Clark for Constable William for Supervisor Joseph Rodmand for assessor James Pogsly and Isaac Guion Jur for oversear of highway Benjamin Bound and James Bely Cornelius Devaux John Badeau and, for fence vieur Jacob Coutan & Danel Sicard Jur ye Sieur pound master William Coutant Collector Jacob Coutant his to be his security to see the money that shall be collected in the presence of Benjamin Rylender PAGE 191— DEED OF LEWIS GUION'S HEIRS TO ALLAIRE— 1754 This Indenture made the fifteenth day of November In the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty Eight Between Charles Johnston of the City of New York School Master & Isabell his wife Late Isabell Guion one of the Children and Devisees of Lewis Guion Junr Deceased Lewis Guion and Martha his wife — Charles Tincent & Hester his wife Late Hester Guion one other of ye Daughters and Devisees — Charles Morgan and Susan- nali his wife Late Susannah Guion one other of the Daughters and Devisees of the said Lewis Guion de- 274 New Kocuej.le Town Records. ceased all of East Chester John Obriant and Leah his wife one other of the Daughters and Devisees Elias Cheadeayne and Margaret his wife one other of the Daughters and Devisees of the said Lewis Guion Jr De- ceased of Xew Rochell of the one part — and Alexander Allair of New Kochell afforesaid of the other part Wheraas the said Lewis Guion Jur deceased in his Life time was amongst other Estate Seized in his demissie as of fee of and in the Lands Meadows and Premises here- in after Mentioned and So being thereof Seized he the said Lewis afterwards to wit on or about the Twenty Eighth Day of October one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty one and therein and thereby after Devising some part of his Estate Did Give and Grant unto his Son Daniel and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever all his Land Rights and Priviliges in the Township of New Rochell with three Acres of Salt meadow Lying at Hutchisons at East Chester afforesaid by him to be possesed and Enjoyed Imediately after the Intermar- riage or Decctlse of his wife Dinah and Did further Will and order that if Either of his Sons should Die before they had Issue that such Lands and Tenements Be- queathed to him so Dying should Equally be Divided ■ among all the rest of his Children in Manner afforesaid to wit in. fee Simple as by the said will proved in Com- mon form may appear and afterwards dyed and after- wards the said Daniel Married and he the said Daniel the son is since Deceased without having Issue by means whereof they the parties of the first part above named are become seized and Entituled as Tenants in Common in fee Simple of and PAGE 195— DEED OF LEWIS GUION'S HEIRS TO ALLAIRE (Continued)— 1754 and in the real Estate so divided to the said Daniel as afforesaid Now therefore this Indenture Witnesseth that thev the said Charles Johnston and Isabell his wife- New Eochelle Town Kbcords. 275 Lewis Guion and Martha his wife Charles Vincent and Hester his wife Charles Morgan and Sussannah his wife John Obriant and Leah his wife Elias Cheadeayne and Margaret his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred and thirty four Pounds Currant money of the Colony of New York To them in hand paid by the said Alexander Allair at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Eeceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged I have Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Eeleased and Confirmed and by these presents Do Grant Bargain sell Alien Eelease and Confirm unto the said Alexandor Allair in his actual Possession now being by virtue of a Bargain Sale and Lease to him thereof made for one 3^ear and also by force and Virtue of the Statute in such case made and Provided and to his Heirs and as- signs forever all that Plantation or farm consisting of these Sundry parcels or Tracts of Lands Seituate Lying and Being in New Eochell in the County of WestChester aforesd whereof he the said Lewis Guion Dyed Seized and which were by him Devised to his son Daniel Guion also Deceased (that is to say) One certain parcel of Land Containing Twenty Acres or There abouts Lying and Being in the Mannor of Pellham Commonly called New Eochell in the County of WestChester adjoining to the Land belonging to the Heirs or assigns of Jacob Leisler and which Belongs to his or their Corn Mill on the West of Stoney Brook and formerly in the Possesion of John Teffery and adjoyning on the North Side to the highway or Eoad which leads to Boston on the west to another road running from the high way to the water side on the South To the Creek that goes to the isaid Mills (which said Tract or parcel of Land was pur- chased by Lewis Guion Senr Father of the said Lewis Guion Junr from Jacob Leisler and Elsie his wife and by him Granted to his son the said Lewis Guion Junr Deceased as by i*7G Xew KutllKLLE TuWN KEruKi)«. PAGE 196~DEED OF LEWIS GUIOX'S HEIRS Ti) ALLAIRE (Contiuued)— 1754 his Deed recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of the City of New York Lib Number 33 fol 251 252 Refer- ence thereunto being had may appear) also one other Tract or parcel of Land Lying in Xew Rochell affore- said Containing Fifty one acres Bounded on the west by the Land of the said Lewis Gnion on the South or thereabouts by the high way or Road that Leads to Bos- ton on the East or thereabouts by the Land of the said Lewis Guion on the North or thereabouts by the Land of the widow of Peter Leroux to the first mentioned bounds as also full and free Lyberty Lycence and Author- ity to feed and pasture his and their Cattle and cut wood on the Commons or undivided Lands which last mentioned Tract was purchased from James Flandrau and Elizabeth his wife as by Deed dated the Twelfth Day of February one Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen fifteen may appear as also one other parcel or Tract of Land and Meadow Ground being two Acres of Salt meadow and seven acres of upland being part of the Common Land and Meadow of New Rochell afforesaid and said Two acres of Meadow near adjoining to tlie House of the said Lewis Guion deceas'd and adjoins Easterly by the Mill pond of Anthonj^ Lespinard and the said upland lieth.' Southerly of the said salt meadow and adjoining to the Twenty Acres formerly Sold by the said Jacob Leisler in his Life Time to the said Lewis Guion Deceased and Being the Surplusage of the affore- said Tract of Twenty Acres which Seven acres Surplus- age was together with the afforesaid Two acres of meadow Lately purchased from Isaac Guion Esqr by the said Charles Johnston in Behalf of himself and the parties of the first part tlie whole of all which several and re- spective Tracts or parcells of Land and Meadow Contain the Quantity of Eighty acres be the same more or Less Together with all and Singular the Messuges or Dwell- ^N'eiw Eochellb Town Records. 277 ing Houses Out houses Barns Stables Orchards Gardens Fences Trees Timber Woods underwoods fields feedings pastures Meadow Marshes Swamps and all & singular other the profits priviledges advantages Emoluments Heriditaments — and appurtenances whatsoever To the same and every or any part thereof belonging PAGE 197— DEED OF LEWIS GUION'S HEIRS TO ALLAIRE (Continued)— 1754 or in any wise appertaining and all their and each of their Estate Right Title Claim and Demand whatsoever of in and to the same or any and every part and parcel thereof and reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof To have and To hold the said Plan- tation Tracts or Parcels of Land Meadow and premisses afforesaid with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Alexander Allair his Heirs and Assigns To the only Proper use and Behooff of the Said Alexander Allair his Heirs and Assigns for ever and the said Charles Johnston for himself and Isabell his wife the said Lewis Guion for himself the said Charles Vincent for himself and Hester his wife the said Charles Morgan for him- self and Susanna his wife and the said John Obriant for himself and Leah his wife and the said Elias Ched- eayne for himself and Margaret his wife and for their several and respective Heirs Executors and adminis- trators Do Covenant and agree to and with the said Alexander Allair his heirs and assigns that they and their Heirs the Plantation Lands Meadow and premisses afforesaid with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto him the said Alexander Allair his heirs and assigns against them the said Charles Johnston and Isabell his wife Lewis Guion Charles Vincent and Hester his wife Charles Morgan and Susanna his wife John Obriant and Leah his wife and Elias Chedeayne and Margret his wife and against their and Each of their Several and respective Heirs and against the heirs of 278 ISKW RocHELLE TowN Recouds. the said Lewis Guioii Junr Deceas'd and against all and every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will Avarrant and by these presents for ever Defend and that they or some of them are Seized of a Good Estate in Fee Simple of and in the premisses affore said and have full power to Sell the Same unto the said Alexander AUair his heirs and assigns in manner and form affore- said and that he the said Alexander PAGE 198— DEED OF LEWIS GUION'S HEIRS TO ALLAIRE (Continued)— 1754 Alexander Allair his heirs and assigns shall for ever hereafter quietly and peaceably hold possess and enjoy the same and receive the Rents and profits thereof to his and their own use without the Lawful Lett or Dis- turbance of any person or persons and that free and Clear from all former Grants Charges Dowers Mort- giiages and Incumbrances whatsoever had done and Suf- fered by the Grantors or either of them or any other person or persons Whatsoever and Lastly that they the Grantors and their Heirs and all persons whatsoever Claiming under them or either of them or under the said Lewis Guion Junr deceas'd any Estate Right Title Claim or Demand of and in the Premisses afforesaid with the Appurtenances or any part thereof shall and will from Time to Time and at all Times forever hereafter at the Request Costs and Charges of the said Alexander Allair his Heirs or assigns well and Sufficiently further do ac- knowledge and Execute or caused to be done or Ac- knowledged and Executed this and all and every such further and other Lawful and Reasonable act or acts Deed and Deeds Conveyance and Assurance in the Law whatsoever for the further and more perfect Sure making releasing Conveying and assuring the premises affore- said with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Alexander Allair his heirs or as- signs or his or their Council Learned in the Law shall New Kochelle Towx Kecords. 279 be reasonably Devised and advised or Required In Wit- ness whereof the parties first above named to these Pres- ents have hereunto Interchangeably set their hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written Cha : Johnston. Lewis Guion. Elias Cheadeayn. Isabell Johnston. her Margaret Chedeayn. Charles Vincent. Martha + Guion. John Obriant. Hester Vincent mark Leah Obriant. Charles Morgan. Susanna Morgan. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Eleazer Read Jonathan Archer Abram Guion Received PAGE 199— DEED OF LEWIS GUION'S HEIRS TO ALLAIRE (Continued)— 1754 Received on the day and year within written of an] from the within named Allexander Allair the just and | full Sum of Four hundred and thirty four pound [>£434 Currant money of New York it being the full Consid- 1 eration money within Mentioned to be paid to — J Charles Johnston Charles Vincent John Obriant Isabel Johnston Hester Vincent Leah Obriant Lewis Guion Charles Morgan Elias Cheadeayne her Susanna Morgan Margaret Chedeayne Martha + Guion mark Memorandum that on the fifteenth Day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and forty Eight the w^ithin named Charles Johnston and Isabel his wife Lew^is Guion and Martha his wife Charles Vincent and Hester his wife Charles Morgan and Susan- na his wife John Obriant and Leah his wife Elias Chea- deayne and Margret his wife personally came and ap- peared before me Samuel Purdey Esqr Judge of the Inferior Court of Common pleas in and for the county of Westchester in the province of New York And Sever- 2S0 New Rociielle Town Records. ally acknowledi>('(l the within lutlentui-G of Release To be tlieir and Each of their Voluntary Act and deed and that they Severally Executed the same to the uses there- in ]Mentioned and they the said Isabel! Johnston Martha Guion Hester Vincent Susanna Morgan, Leah Obriant and Margaret Chadeayne and each and every of them being by me privately Examined and apart from their said Husbands did declare and Each of them did declare that they severally Executed the same freel}' and of their own accord without any Threats or Cumpulsion of their said Husbands or any other jDerson or persons Avhat- soever and I having Carefully perused the same Inden- ture and finding no Material Raizures or Interlineations Therein do allow and order the same may be Recorded Samll Purdey PAGE 2,00— TOWN MEETING— 1754 Entred in the Record and Exactly Examined upon the original this 28th Day of January 1751 By Me Isaac Guion Clark The Second Day of april 1751 the first Tusday of ye said month of april pursuing to an act of the General assembles the freeholder and habitant have mat to Gether at ye usuall place have Chosen the officier for this present year viz Toune Clark Isaac Guion for Constable William Coutant for suppervisor Joseph Rodman for assessor Abram Guion and James pugsly for over sear of the high way Justice A allaire and Jacobus Blaiker for belo and peter Sicard and Cornelus Devaux for abouve peter Sicard Collector for fenses vieur Jacob Coutant & Danel Sicard Junr ye sd pound master The first Day of April 1755 Being the first Tusday of ye said month April pursuing to an act of ye general assembles the freeholder :n^ew Rochelle Town' Records. 281 and liabitant of New Rocliel liave meat to- Gether at ye ussuaall place liave chosen the officier for this present year viz— Tonne Clark Isaac Guion for Constable William Contant Joseph Rodman Supper- visor and for assessor Abram Guion and abel Devaux Junr and for over seer of the high-ways Severine Bolt and John Angevine for Below and Danel Sicar Junr and Jacob Securment over seer of ye ways for above for ye fenses vieir Danel Junr and Jacob Contant and the said Danel Sicar Junr pound master for collector Peter Sicard Westchester Gouty W^e the Justices of our Lord the King met In Session one the fourth Day of Dessember 1755 Do Nominat & appoint William Rodman to Be one of the assessors for the Toune Ship of New Rochell for this present year In the Rome of Abram Guion Esqr whome has DeClined to serve Given under our hand® the Day and year first above writin John Pell Jacobus Bleecker Abram Guion PAGE 201— TOWN MEETING— 1756 The 6 Day of April 1756 Being the first Tusday of ye said mont of April acording to an act of ye Generall As- sembles the free holder and habitant of New Rochell have meat to Gether at ye usuall place then and have chosen the officier for this present year vize Toune Clark Isaac Guion Sr — for Constable William Contant Joseph Rodman superviser William Rodman and abel devaux Juner assesor Jacob Securman and Danel Sicard junr over seer of high way for above William Le Conte and Benjamin Bound for Belo.s peter Sicard Collactor Danel Sicard Juner and Jacob Contant fenses vieur and the said Danel Sicard jr pound master and it is Agreed allso 282 New Kociielle Town Records. that the ogs may riiii in the Common with vok aiul Ring in thor nose the 2G of Xovembei' 175G Pliilip Hither has antred in the Record a stray Avite hors marked with the Leter S Braded to near side to hine hig the 24 Day of desember 175(> James flandranx has antred in the Record a Stray Red Stear whit Broune hed of two year old marked with setep on the of year Tlie 5 Day of april 1757 Being tlie first Tuesday of ye said month of April acording to an act of ye Generall assembles the free holder and habitant of NeAV Rochell have meat to Gether at ye usnall place then have chosen the officier for this present year vize— Tonne Clark Isaac Guion for constable Philipe Richez Josep Rodman Snperviser Jacob Secnrman and Robed Rolf asser John Badaux and John Bonnett overseer of high way for the upper quarter David Lespinar and peter flandranx overseer of the high way for ye the Lore quarter peter Sicard Collector Danel Sicard and Jacob Coutant fance vieur ye said Danel Sicard pound master PAGE 202— DEED OF PETER BOXETT TO DANIEL BONETT— 1757 To All Christian People To whom this Present Deed of Sale Shall Come I Piter Bonett of the Town of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and Collony of NeAv York sendeth Greeting Now know ye that I Peter Bonett for and in Consideration of the sum of three Hundred & forty Pounds of Current Lawfull Money of the Colloney af sd to me in hand Paid by My Honoured Father Daniel Bonett of the Town County & Collony afsd. Now at the Ensealing & Deliviry of these presentes the Receipt whereof I Do hereby Acknowledge and myself with the receipt above Mentioned to be fully satisfied Contented and paid and thereof & therefrom and from Every Part and Parcell tlierof I Doe Acquit New Rociiei.le Town Kecords. 283 Exonerate Release and for Ever Discharge him the sd Daniel Bonett his Heirs & Assigns have Given Granted Bargained and Sold Enfeoffed Released Conveyed Al- Imated and for Ever Confirmed and by Virtue of this Instrument I the sd Peter Bonet Doe fully Clearly and Absolutely Give Grant Bargain and Sell Enfeoff Release Convey Allinate and for Ever Confirm unto my said Honoured Father Daniel Bonett His Heir Exrs Adms or Assigns for Ever To Say three Hundred forty two & Acres of Land part of My Great Lott of Land m New Rochell in the County & Collony afsd which I Bought of Mrs, Gurtery Lereux and Mr Charls Lereux Both of the city of ^^ew York By an Instrument Bearing Date the twenty third Day of December Annoq one Thousand Seven Hundred and fourteen Butted & Bound- ed A.S followeth on the ]^orth by the Land of Mr John Pell on ye Manner of Pellham on the south bv the Land of John Socless on the East by PAGE 203— DEED OF PETER BONETT TO DANIEL BONETT (Continued)— 1757 by the Lands of Mrs. Rigbell and on the West by the Land of the other Purchess in the two Acres of Land and Bargained Premises Belonging or in any ways Ap- pertaining within ye Bounds before Mentioned to Have & to Hold the before Mentioned & Bargained three Hundred & forty & two Acres of Land and Bargained Premises unto my said Honoured Father Daniel Bonett his Heirs & as.signs and it shall & mav be Lawfull for him my said Father Daniel Bonett his Heirs Exrs Admrs & assigns from hence forth & for ever to have hold use Occupy Possess and quietly Enjoy the before Mentioned & Bargained Land and Premises free & Clear ^^^fI/ ^^^''''^^ acquitted & Discharged of & from all & Al Manner of former and other Gifts Grant Bargains Sales Mortgages Debts Dues and incumbrances What- soever and I the sd Peter Bonett mv Heirs Exrs & 2S4: Kdw Rochei.le' Town Ebcords. Admrs doe by Virtue of this Instrument Covenant & Agree with my said Father Daniel Bonett his Heirs & assigns for Ever to Warrent him or those in LaAvfull Tossession of the same as full & ample as it is War- rented to me in my before Mentioned Instrument Grant- ed by Mrs Gurtery Lereux & Mr Charles Lerieux afsd abovesaid and against the Lawfull Claims of all & Every other Person or Persons Lawfully Alledged afor to the sd Bargained three Hundred forty & two Acres of Land & Premises of or under Me Given in a parte or Parcell thereof In Wittness Whereof I the sd Peter Bonet to this Present Instrument to Confirm have Put to my hand & Seal this fourteenth Day of Xovembr one Thousand Seven Hundred & eighteen Peter Bonett (LS) sign'd Seal'd & delivered In the Presence of us Isaac Cantine Mora Fouler Nov ye 27th there appeared before me Thomas Pinkney Esqr one of liis ]Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Westchester ye Person of Peter Bonnett and Did Acknowledge yt he had sign'd Sealed & Lawfull Delivered ye Above Instrument as his Act & Deed Thos Pinkney Justice of ye Peace of ye County of Westchester PAGE 204— DEED OF DANIEL BONETT TO JAMES BONETT— 1757 Entered In ye Kecord & Exactly Examined upon the Original the tenth Day of December Annoq Dom 1757 pr me Isaac Guion Clark To All Christian People To Whom these Presents shall Come Greeting Know yee that I Daniel Bonett of New Eochell in Westchester County and Province of New York Yeoman for & in the Consideration of the sum of one Hundred Pounds Current Lawfull Money of the Province afd to me in hand Paid by my son James Bonett New Rochellei Town Eecords. 285 of the same Towne County & Province afd leoman be- fore tlie Ensealing of these Presents ye Eeceipt where- of I Do hereby Acknowledge and myself therewith fully and Interely Satisfied Contented & Paid and thereof and of & from Every Part and Parcell thereof I Do Clearly Acquit & Discharge Exonerate & Release & for Ever Discharge him the sd James Bonett his Heirs and As- signs for Ever have Given Granted Bargaind Sold En- feoffed Released Conveyed Allinated and for Ever Con- firmd & by Virtue of the sd Presents I The sd Daniel Bonet Do fully Clearly & Absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Enfeoff Release Convey Alinate & for Ever Confirm unto my said son James Bonett his heirs Exrs Admrs & Assigns for Ever that is to say a Certain Mesuage of Tract of Land Seituate Lying and Being in the Town ship County & Province afsd Butted and Bounded as followed (viz) that is to say Southerly to the Land of John Sucliss Easterly to the Land of Mrs Rigebelles Land Westerly to the other Purchasers and Huttsosons River and Northerly to the one half of my Whole Lott Containing by Estimation two Hundred & forty two Acres be the same more or less which whole Lott is to be Divided in two equal Parts Between my son James Bonnet & my son John Bonett together with All & Singular the Houses out houses Barns Edifices Buildings Orchards Gardens Pasture Woods Underwood and Wood Land water & water Courses Profits Commodities Heredi- taments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said PAGE 205— DEED OF DANIEL BONETT TO JAMES BONETT (Continued)— 1757 the said Bargained Premises Belonging or in any ways appertaining or therewith all us'd Occupied or Injoy'd or ac- cepted reputed taken or known as Part Parcell & mem- ber thereof To him the sd James Bonnet his Heirs Exrs Admrs and Assigns for Ever To have & to hold the All & singular other ye Premises herein before mentioned 28(3 New RooHELLE Toavn Records. and it shall & may be Lawfull for him tlie my said son James Bonnet heirs Exrs Adnn's and xissigns from hence forth and for Ever to have & to hold use Occupy Possess & quietly Enjoy the before Granted & Bargained Land & Premises free & Clear freely & Clearly Ac(iuitted & Dis- charg'd of & from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Seals Cases Mortgages Debts Dues an Incumbrances whatsoever and I the sd Daniel Bonett my Heirs Exrs Admrs Do by Virtue of these Presents further Covenant and agree with my said son James Bonnet his Heirs & Assigns for Ever to Warrant him or them in Lawfull Possession of the sd Premises by full and ample Manner as it is warranted to me and Do further bind myself my Heirs Exrs Admrs to Warrant & Defend my said Son James Bonnet His Heirs Exrs Admrs & Assigns against the lawfull claims of all & Every Person or Persons Lawfully Alledged of or to the sd Bargained and Granted Premises of or under me Given to any part or parcel thereof In Wittness whereof I the sd Daniel Bonnett have hereunto sett my hand & Seal this twentieth Day of March in the Thirtieth year of his Majes- ties Reign & in the year of our Lord God one thousand Seven Hundred & thirty Nine near forty Daniel Bonett (LS) Signed Sealed & Deliver'd In the Presents of us Isaac Confine Mathew Ros Westchester County Be it Remembered y'on the twenty third Day of September annoq Dom Sev- enteen Hundred & forty one Isaac Confine Esq one of the Evidences to the Within deed Declared on Oath before me Samuel Purdy Esq one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Comon Pleas afd County that he saw Daniel Bonet Execute the same as his voluntary Act & Deed for ye Uses within Mentioned & I have Examin'd ye same Lot it be recorded Samll Purdy New Rochelle Town Eecords. 2S7 PAGE 206— DEED OF LECOXTE TO BOXXET— 1758 Entered on the Record & Exactly Examined upon tlie original the Tenth Dav of December Annoq Dom 1757 pr me Isaac Giiion Clark To all Christian People To whom these presents shall come greeting' Know ve that I William Leconte of Xew Rochell in the Cotintv of Westchester and province of Xew York Esqr for and in consideration of the sum of sixty seven pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence ctirrant Lawfull money of New York To me in hand paid before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents here- of by John Bonnet of the same place County and Prov- ince yeoman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfeid and contented and thereof and of every part and Parcel thereof Do Exon- erate acquit and Discharge the said John Bonnet his heirs executors administrators for ever by these presents have givien granted Bargained sold alinated conveyed and confirmed and by these presents Do freely and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien convay and confirm unto the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns for ever one certain mastiage and Tract of Land seituate lying in and being in the Township of Xew Rochell in the manner of pellham the said tract of Land is the same that have been alowed to the said William Leconte by the Trustees of New Rochell it contains in all thirty three acres and one hundrad and forty seven Rods Buted and Bounded as faloweth To the north madm mercier on the south to Jos- eph Rodmans Land on the west to Samuel Erwins land which he lately purchased of Coll antony Lispinard on the east by ye line between Xew Rochell and Ridgbel To have and To hold the said granted and bargained premises with all the appurtenance priviledges and commodities To the same belonging or in any wise appertaining To him the sd John Bonnet his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their only proper use beniefit and behoof for ever and I the sd William Leconnte for me mv heirs 288 Xinv KociiELLE Town Records. executors Administrators Do Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the True sole and lawfull OAvner of the above bargained primises and am Lawfully seized and possessed of the same in mine own Proper Right as a good perfect absolute estate of Inheritance and have in my self Good Right full power and Lawfull authority to grant Bargain sell Convey and Confirm the said Bargained primises in the maner as above sd and that the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns shall and ma}' from time to Time and att all Times for ever hereafter by virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said De- mised and bargained primises with the appurtenance free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited exonerated and Disdiarged of and from all and all maner of former Gifts grants Bargains sales leases mortguages wills entaills Joynturs dowrys judjments Executions In- cumbrances and Troubles whatsoever and I the said William Lecounte Do further covenant and bind myself my heirs executors and Administrators firmly by these presents to warrant and Defend the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns in a quiet and peaceable possestion of all and singular the said granted premises against any Just and Lawful Cleam of me my heirs executors Administrators and assigns or any of mine or under me whatsoever Claiming or shall cleaime. In witness whereof I the sd William Lecounte have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth Day of May. XoTE. — A mistake was made in numbering the pages in the Town Record. After page 206 the next numlier is 217. New Kociiklle Town Kecokds. 280 PAGE 217— DEED OF DANIEL BONXET TO JOHN BONNET— 1758 111 the Twelueth year of the Eeigii of our sovereign Lord George the .second king Defender of the faith and in tlie year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine William Leconte (LS) Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of and the "con- sideration acknowledged to be paid John Coutant Samuell Gillot May the 15th 1739 There apeared before me John ward one of the Judges of the Court of Comman Plees for the County of Westchester the person of William Lecounte and Did acknowledge the above Deed of Sale to be his free act and Deed I have examined the same Do allow it to be Recorded befor me John ward Entred on the Eecord and examined upon the original the Second Day of March Anno Domini 1758 pr me Isaac Guion Clark To all Christian people To whom this present Deed of Sale shal come Greeting & Know ye that I Daniel Bonnet in New Rochell in Westchester Connty and Province of New York yeoman for and in yee con- sideration of the sume of one hundred pounds' corrant Lawfull money of the province aforesaid to me in hand paid by my son John Bonnet of the same place Yeoman before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully and intirely satisfied Contented ' and paid and thereof and of and from every part and parcel thereof I Do Clearly acquit and Discharge ex- onerate and Releas and forever Discharge him the sd John Bonnet his heirs and exers and assign® forever have Given granted Bargained Sold enfeeofed Released con- veyed alinated and for ever confirmed and by virtue of these presents I the said Daniel Bonnet Do fully Clear- ly and absolutely Give Grant Bargain sel and infeeof Release convey alineate and forever Defend and confirm 290 New Rochelle Town Reicords. unto niY 8ai(l John Bonnet liis heirs Exis administrators and assigns forever that is to say a certain measuage or tract of Land situated lying and in tlie Township County and province aforesaid Butted and Bounded as followed viz that is to say Easterly to the land of Rigbells land northerly to Isaac Daws land westerly huttsosons River southerly to the one half of mv whole lott Avhicli by estimation being Tow hundred and fourtv Two acres be the same more or Less to which whole Lot is to be devided into Two equal parts between my son John Bonnet and my son PAGE 218— DEED OF DANIEL BONNET TO JOHN BONNET (Continued)— 175S James Bonnet together with all and singular the houses out houses Barns orchards Building Edifices gardans pastures wood under woods Land Avater and water courses Profits commoditie liereditaments appur- tenances whatsoever to the said granted and Bargained Primises Belongnig or in any ways apertaining or there with all used occupied or injoyed or accepted Reputed taken or known as partt parcell or member thereof to him the said John Bonnet liis heirs exers administers and assigns for ever To have and to hold the all and singular other the primises herein Before mentioned and it shall and may be laAvful for him my said son John Bonnet his heirs exrs admrs and assigns from hance forth and forever to have and to hold use occupy possess & quietly in joy the before granted and Bar- gained land primises free and clear freely and clearly acqiuted and Discharged of and from all and all mannor of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Seals Leases- morguages Debts Dues and incumbrances whatsoever and I the said Daniel Bonnet my heirs Exrs administrators Do by virtue of these presents furder covenant and agree with my said son John Bonnet his heirs and as- signs for ever to warrant him or them in Lawfull possesi- JNew Rochelle Town Records. 291 tion of the Granted and Bargained primises in as full and ample a manner as it is warranted to me and Do further bind myself my heirs exrs administrators to war- rant and Defend my said son John Bonnet his heirs exrs admrs and asigns agains the Law^full Oleaims of all and all every person or persons Lawfully aledged of or to the granted and bargained Primises of or under me to any part or parcell thereof In witness where of I the said Daniel Bonnet have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twentieth Day of march in the thirteneth year of his majestys Reign and in the year of our Lord god one thousant seven hundred and thirty and nine near fourty Daniel Bonnet (LS) Signed Sealed & Delivered In the presence of us Isaac Contine Matthew Roe Westchester County Be it Remembered that on ye Twen- ty third day of September anno Dom seventeen hundred & forty one Isaac Contine Esqr one of the Evidence to the within Deed Declared on oath before me Samuel purdy esq one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas for said County that he saw Daniel Bon- net Execute the same as his voluntary act and Deed for the use within mentioned and of haveing Examined the same Let it be Recorded Samuel Purdy Entred on the Record and Examined upon the Original the second Day of March Anno Dom 1758 pr me Isaac Guion Clark PAGE 219— DEED OF LESPENARD TO DAW— 1758 To all Christian People To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that I Anthony Lespenard of New Rochell in the County of Westchester and province of New York Gentle for and in consideration of the sum of nineteen pounds current money of New York to me in hand paid Before the Executing hereof by Isaac Daw of New Rochell afore said Yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge to my full content and satisfac- 2i}'2 Xkw Kociiklle Town Kecokds. tioii and thereof and from every part thereof Do acquit and Discharge the said Isaac Daw his heirs exrs and ad- ministrators and every of them for ever By these pres- ents Have Granted Bargained Sold, Assured, Released, Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents absolutely Do Grant Bargain Sell Assure Release Convey and Con- firm unto the said Isaac Daw his heirs and assigns for ever all that piece or parcel of Land Lying and being in New Rochell afore said and is that part of the Land I Lately purchased of Daniel Sicord of sd Xew Rochell as Lyeth southward of the fence as it now standeth Bound- ed as followeth northerly by said fence as it now stand- eth eastirl}' so far as where the middle Line of the Com- mons so called cometh to said fance and by fence of said anthony Lespenard other Lands Southerly h\ said Isaac Daws Land and westerly by hutchinses River contain- ing by estemation within the above liounds ten acres and one half acre be the same more or less To Have and To hold the above granted and sold piece of Land with all and singular the ways easements Rights Libertys profits priviledges and Improvements and appurtenance thereunto belonging or apiDertaing unto him the said Isaac Daw his heirs and assigns for ever to the sole and only proper use Benefit and behoof of the said Isaac Daw his heirs and assigns for ever more and I the said anthony Lespenard Do by these presents covenant and Declare that at the Time of the executing hereof I have in myself good Right and full power to grant Bargain and sell the above mentioned pice of land with the ap- purtenance in manner and form above said and further that it shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Isaac Daw liis heirs and assigns by virtue hereupon and into the premises hereby granted to enter and the same and every part thereof at all Times hereafter for ever peaceably and Quietly shall have hold use occupy possess and enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted and Dis- charged saved harmless and Indamnified l)v me the said New Rochelle Town' Records. 293 Antlionj Lespenard my lieirs executors and administra- tors of and from all former and other gifts Grants Bar- gains Sales wills entails alienations or Incumbrance what- soever and I the said anthony Lespenard and my suc- cessours the above Granted and sold peace of Land with every the appurtenances many unto it belonging or ap- pertaining unto him the said Isaac Daw his heirs and assigns against me my heirs Executors and adminrs and against every other person and persons whatsoever shall and will warrand and forever Defend by these Presents In Avitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth Day of may in the Eleventh year of his majes tys Reign king George the Second and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight Anthony Lispenard (LS) Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Isaac Confine paul dubois Mamorandom the first Day of October seventeen hundred and forty three Anthony Lespenard the grantor of the within Deed apeared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Com- mon Pleas for the County of Westchester assigned and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed for the uses therin mentioned and I having examined the same alow the same to be Recorded Samuel Purdy Enterd on the Record and Examined upon the original the thirteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1758 pr me Isaac Guion Clark PAGE 220— DEED OF DAW TO BONNET— 1758 To all Christian people whom it may concern Know ye that I Isaac Daw of New Rochell and County of West- chester and province of New York of the one part and John Bonnet of the aforesaid place and County of the other part witnesseth that the .said Isaac Daws for and in consideration of Two hundred and thirty Two pounds by the said John Bonnet to me in hand paid the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge and myself 294 Xew Rochelle Town Recouds. tlioicwith fully satisfied and content hath Granted Bar- j»ained Sold alined enfeoftied Released and confirmed and by these presents Doth Grant Bargain sell and Re- lease unto the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns forever all that messuage or Tract of land lying in New Rochell and County and province afore said bieng about seventy acres more or less Bounded northerly to peter Daws Deceased Line easterly to Richl tells Line ■westerly to hutchisons River and southerly to the aforesaid John Bonnet Line with all the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Servises thereof and allso all the estate Buildings Right Title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Isaac Daws of in and to the premises and of in and to every part or parcel thereof To Have and to hold the said messuage Tenement and Premises above mentioned with all the appurtenance unto the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and Behoof of him the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns forever and the said Isaac Daws for himself his heirs and assigns Doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns that he the said Isaac Daws now is lawfully and Rightly seised of the aforsd mentioned primises of a good pure perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple without any condition Reversion Remainder or limiti- tion of any use or uses estate or estates in or to any person or persons Avhatsoever to alter change Defeat Determine or make void the same and also that he the said Isaac Daws hath now good right full power and laAvfull authority in his own Right to Grant Bargain Sell and Convey all and singular the said premises with their appurtanances thereunto belonging and also that he the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns shall and may at all Times for ever hereafter peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy posses and enjoy all and singular the said messuage land Tenements heredita- New Rochelle Town Records. 295 ments and Premises above mentioned with the appur- tenances without the Let troubled hindrance molestation interruption and Denial of him the said Isaac Daws his heirs or assigns and of all and every other person and persons whatsoever claiming or to claim bv from or under him them or any of them and that freed and Discharged or otherwise well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless and indamnified of and from all former & other Bargains Sales Gifts Grants Leasses mortgages usses wills in tails judgements executions rents and arrearages of Rents and of and from all other Charges Estates Rights Titles Troubles and Incum- brances whatsoever had made commited Done or inferd to be done by the said Isaac Daws or any other person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them and I the said Isaac Daws Doth covenant and agree for myself my heirs and assigns to and with the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns the said Land and Premises shall and will warrant & Defend by these presents against all manner of persons Lawfully claiming in and to the Premises aforsd and further That he the said Isaac Daws and his heirs and all and every other person and persons and his and thier heirs any thing haveing or claiming in the said premises above mentioned or any Part thereof by from or under him them or any of them shall and will from Time to Time and at all times hereafter upon the Reasonable Request and at the cost and charges of the sd John Bonnet his heirs and assigns make Does and execute or cause and Proceed PAGE 221— DEED OF DAW TO BONNET (Contin- ued)— 1758 to be made all and every such such further and other Lawfull and resonable act or acts Thing and things Devise and Devises conveyance and conveyances in the Law whatsoever for the further better and more per- 20n Nkw Rochelle Town liEcouDS. fret Granting and Conveying and assnring of all and singular the said Premises above mentioned with the appurtenances unto the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns to the onely proper use and Behoof of the said John Bonnet his heirs and assigns forever ac- cording to the True Intent and meaning of these Pres- ents as by the said John Bonnet his heirs or assigns or his or theire council Learned in the Law shall be Reasonably Devised or advised and required as wit- ness my hand and seal this Eleventh Day of IMarcli i:i the year of our Lord 1744-5 KSealed & Delivered In the presence of John Bonnet Isaac Daws (LS) Edward Churchman Be it Remembered that on the fourth day of aperil Seventeen hundred and fourty five Isaac Daws the Granter of the within Deed to John Bonnet appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq. Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for ye County of Westchester assigned and acknowledged the same to be his free volintary act and Deed for the uses tlierin mentioned and I having examined the same and find no meterial mistakes or enterlineations therein Do allow ye same to be recorded Samuel Purdy Entered on the Record and examined upon the orig- inal the thirteenth Day of March Anno Domi 1758 pr me Isaac Guion Clark To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come Know ye that I Joseph Rodman of Ncav Rochell in the County of Westchester and Province of New York yeoman for and in Consideration of the sum of fourty eight pounds and eighteen shillings and six pence good and Lawfull money of New York to me in hand paid by John Bonnet of the same place County and Province afore said and that before the insealing of these pres- ents Have given granted Bargained Sold and Convay unto John Bonnet a certain Tract or peace of Land containing nineteen acres and ninety Two Rods be the New RocoBBiLLE To^yN Reicords. 297 same more or Less Lying in east Division of tlie great Commons of New Rochell Bounded on the north by the land of said John Bonnet on the East to Rigbell Line and on the South by the Land of Samuel Earning on the west by the Land of said Earning To Have and to hold the said Bargained premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said John bonnet his heirs executors admrs and assigns for ever and I the said PAGE 222— DEED OF RODMAN TO BONNET— 1758 Joseph Rodman do further bind myself my heirs execu- tors administrators and every of them to warrant and Defend the said John Bonnet his heirs executors adminis- tratours from me my heirs executors administrators or any of mine in a Quiet and peaseable posestion of the said Bargained premises and it may be lawfull for the said John Bonnet to possess and injoy the said bar- gained premises to him and his heirs and assigns for ever in the maner aforesd In witness whereof with the Delivery of these presents I the Joseph Rodman have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth Day of June and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and thirty Nine Joseph Rodman (LS) Sealed and Delivered in the presents of Anthony Les- penard John Lespenard Be it Remembered that on the Twelfth Day of October Seventeen hundred and forty three Joseph Rodman the grantor of the within • Deed to John Bonet appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas for Westchester County assigned and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed for the uses therein mentioned and I haveing examined the same and find no mistakes or enter lineations therein allow it to be recorded Samuell Purdy Recorded in New Rochell 298 New Rochelt.e Towx Records. Entered on the Record and examined npon the original the thirteen Day of March Anno Domini 1758 pr me Isaac Guion Clark The 4th Day of April 1758 Being the first Tnsday of ye said month of April acording to an act of ye General Assembles the habitant of New Rochell have meat to Gether at ye nsuall place then and tlier have chosen the officier for this present year viz Towne Clark Isaac Guion for snppervisor Josep Rodman for assesor John Sliont and David Lespinar Isaac Gnion and Soverin Bolt over seer of ye high way for ye Lor qnater and Jhon Badanx and James parcot upper quar- ter peter Sicard Collector for fensense vier Danel Sicard and Jacob Coutant for Pound master Danel Sicard PAGE 223— DEED OF BONNET TO PARCOT— 1750 To all Christian People to whom this Deed of Sale shall come Know ye that I peter Bonnet Esqer of New Rochell in ye maner of pellham in ye province of New York for & in consideration for ye sum of one hundred & fourty one pounds current money of New York to me in hand paid before ye Ensealing «& Delivery hereof by fransis parcot of New Rochell in ye County & province above said wedow ye Receipt whereof I Do hereby ac- knowlidge and my^self therewith fully satisfied & con- tented & paid & thereof and there from & of every part & parcel thereof do exonerate & acciuit & Discharge ye said francis parcot her heirs executors administrators & asigns for ever bv these presents have Given Grantet bargained & sold Enfeofed alienated conveyed & con- firmed to her the said fracis parcot her heirs executors administrators & assigns for ever to say one certain small tract or parcel of Land containing fourty three acres it being of it fresh meadow Lying seituate & being in New Rochell aforesaid which said Land & frech madow is that Land & fresh which formerly belonged to Zacarie Enievin New Rochelle Town Reccres. 209 Desesed & is bounded as foloweth vize — westerly by ye Land that formerly belonged to John June Desesed or Mr pells Line northerly by of John baright & ye two acres of Land or meadows of Danel Enievin Easterly by ye Road that goes from ye town towards Capt Beslys & southerly by ye Land of aman Guion & Isaac Guion Juner as also a Right of Salt meaddow which belongeth unto said Land & Did belong unto ye above Said Zacarie Enievin Desesed Lying on ye neck comonly called Joseph Rodmens neck to Md Mersier or aman Guion meadows to gather with all & singailer ye timber trees under- woods fences fencings & all other Rights & members priviledges & appurtenances ther unto belonging or in any ways appertaining To have & To Hold ye said granted & bargained Lands meadows & premeses to her ye said frances parcot her heirs Executors administrators & assigns from time to time & at all times for ever and to her and owr and only proper use benefitt & behoof for over her after Lawfull for her ye frances parcot her heirs Executor administrators from time to time & at all time for ever here after Lawfully peaceable and quietly to have hold use ocupy posses and PAGE 224— DEED OF BONNET TO PARCOT— (Con- tinued)— 1759 enjoy said granted and bargained Land & maddows & premises in fee simple free & Clear freely & Clearly & ab- solutely acquited and Discharged from all incumbrances what soever & ye before granted and bargained Land meaddows & premesis to her ye said fransis parcot her heirs Executors admns & assigns for ever and I ye said peter bonnet Do further covenant and bind myself my heirs executors administrators firmly by presents to war- rant & Defend ye said traces parcot her heirs Executors administrators & assigns in quiet & peaceble possession of all & singular ye said granted & bargained premeses against any Just and Lawfull claim of any per- 300 New Kociikllk Town TiKroiiDS. soil or ])('isoii whatsoever fiom I>y or under me or any of my heirs executors administrators or my assij^iis in wit- ness whereof I do ye said peter bonnet have hereunto Set my hand and seal this twenty sixth Day of September in ye Seventeentli year of ye Keign of King George ye Sec- ond anno domiiii one tliousend Seven hundred and fourty three Sined Sealed cS: Delivered In ye presence of John pareot James Bonnet Peter l>oiinet (LS) Be it Keiiiembered that on this seventeenth Day of Janvary 1759 then appeared before me Gilberd Bloomer Esqr one of the Judges of ye Court of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned John pareot one of the wittneses to the above Deed and under oath De- clared he saw peter Bonnet Signe S(nil and Deliver the above Deed as his act and Deed and at the same time said James Bonnet Signs his name as wittness I haveing Inspected the same Do allow it to be Recorded Gilberd Bloomer PAGE 225— PARTITION DEED OF SECARDS— 1759 This indenture made this Twety Ninth Day of Sep- tember the Twenty ninth year of the Reign of our Sov- ereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Grat Britain france Ireland King Defender of the faith & and the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred & fifty five Between Daniel Secard Junior of the Town of New Rochell in the County of WestChester and Province of New York weaver of one part and Paul Secard of the same place weaver of the other part wit- iiesseth That whereas Ambrose Secard father to the Par- ties to these presents late of New Rochell Deceased in & by his Last will and Testament Duly Proved approved & Recorded in the Prevogative office of New York amoii other things therein contained Did Give and Devise unto his said two son Daniel Secard & paiil Secard and to their heirs & assigns in severallv The Lands and Prem- ;New Kochelle Town Eecokds. 301 isses herein after mentioned Seituate in New Rochell affore said which Lands are Bounded as follows viz — Bounded westwardly to the Road Leading from the Bos- ton Road toward CajDt oLiver Besly and to a Lot Land Belonging to William Landrine but now" in the Tenure & occupation of Peter Renoud northwardly to Lands of Judith Dubois and said William Landrine and Eastward- ly to Land of said Landrin and Southwardly to Land now in the possession of Philip Riche formly Bolts farm and whereas the said Daniel Sicard <& paul Secard par- ties to these xjresents have caused the afforesaid Tract to be Divided as follow viz by a Division line to run from the above mentioned Road or front of the said tract a straight course Eastwardly so as to Divide it the said tract into equal part or quantities and have agreed that all the Lands Lying to the Southward of the said Divi- sion Line shall belong to the Said Daniel Secard and allso that all the Lands to the northward of said Division Line shall belong to the said Paul Sicard now This In- denture witnesseth that for a Division of the premisses afforesaid it is covenantet Granted & Agreed upon Be- tween the parties afforsaid and Daniel Secard for him- self his heirs and assign Doth covenant & agree to & with the said paul Secard his heirs & assigs that the said paul Secard (his heirs & assigns) shall and may from hence forth posses an enjoy PAGE 226— PARTITION DEED OF SECARDS (Con- tinued) — 1759 in severally in full satisfaction of his moiety of the premisses above mentioned all the lands appurtenances lying to the northward of affore said Division line To have and to hold the same unto him the said Paul Secard his heirs and assigns for ever to his and their use for ever and the said paul Secard for himself his heirs and assigns Doth covenant and agree to and with the said Daniel Secard his heirs 302 New Rochelle To^^•x Reicords. & assigns that he the said Daniel Secard his heirs and assigns shall and maj- from henceforth posses & enjoy in severaly in full satisfaction of his moiety of the sd prem- isses above maiitioned all the Lands and appurtenances lying to the southward of the aforesd Division Line To liave and To Hold the same unto him the said Daniel Secard his heirs and assigns forever to his and their use for ever and the said daniel Secard for himself his heir and assign for the consideration afforesaid hath & Doth by these presents Remix Release and foi' ever quit claim unto the said paul Secard and to his heirs and assigns all the Estate Right title claim and Demand which he hath or may of in or to the said premises above allotted unto the said paul Secard and the said paul Secard for himself his heirs and assigns for the consid- eration afforesaid hath and Doth by these presents Re- mise Release & forever quit claim unto the said Daniel Secard and to his heirs and assigns all the Estate Right Title Claim and Demand which he hath or may have or in or to the said premisses above allotted unto the said Daniel Secard In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals the Day and year first above written Daniel Secard paul Secard & Signed Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of us John Shute Robert Rolfe November ye 18th 1755 This day appeared before me Nathanael underbill one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Westchester Robert Rolfe one of the Evidences to the within Deed of par- tioned and being Duly Sworn upon the Evangelist of almighty God PAGE 227— TOWN MEETING— 1759 God >saitli that he saw the within mantioned Daniel Secard and Paul Secard interchangebly Sign Seal and Deliver the same one to the other for the use within New Rochelle Town Records. 303 mentioned and that at the same time he saw John Shute the other evidence sign the same as an evidence and I having- examined the same and finding no erasures or interlineations Do allow the same to be Recorded N Underhill Entred in Record the Deed of partion Deed. Betwen Daniel Sicard and paul Sicard the 30th Day of March 1759 pr me Isaac Guion The 3th day of April 1759 the free holder and ye habi- tant of New Rochel have meat toGether at ye usual place as the Law Doth Direct and then and ther to chuse ye offier for this present year viz, for towne Clark Isaac Guion and for Constable philipe Riches for Supperviser Joseph Rodman for ye assesor peter Bonnet and peter flandrau for Collector Peter Sicard pound master Daniel Sicard for fenses vieur and prisor of Domage John Shute and Daniel Sicard and for oversier of high ways John parcot and James Sicard son of James Sicard and for the low part Joseph Casting and peter Bertine The 8 of September 1759 Justice Blaiker as Given a warent to assemble the a^emble the, 11 of thi« istant at John angevin abitant of New Rochell to nominiat or chuse a supervisor untill the nex Tow meeting accord- ingly we chosen apoint Justice Blaiker to Be Supervisor in the Room of Joseph Rodmen desseded the Second Day of June 1759 Daiel Jur; as Entred in the Record a semall bay mear Broth hin is Pound and allso a Brown mares with a Black mare Colt the mare being Branded on the fore cholder But cant Disserne ye Brand and another yong Sorel Rone mare not Broken neither Brand nor Mark But having a hine white feet and a Blake in the torched this 3 his Entred in the Record the 9 day of October 1759 Peter Bertine as Entred in the Record one Red cow with four wite feet a little wit to the taile ye first Day of Janvarv 1760. :]{}4: Xi:\v UociiKLLK Town Kkcouds. PAGE 21',^— TOWN :\IKETING— ITilO The tirst tusl);iy ai)ril IKiO tlic tree holder and the Inhabitant of New Koehell liave met toGether as the Law Dotli Direek and tlier and then to ehnse the oilicier for this present year viz for towne dark Isaac Guion and for constable Ellas fiandranx and allso Collector for supervisor Justice Blaiker and for assessor Peter fian- dranx and peter Bonnet and for pound master Danel Sicard for fensese vieur John Shut and Danel Sicard and prisor of Domage and for oversier of high ways John Barrit & Benjamin Bound for ye uper (puirter Jaujes pine and John purcot and tis agread allso tliat ye og shall not Bune without Ring and yok Jully the 10 ITfiO Mearme Ducke hunt has Entred the niarck of his Creatur as follow a stepe under cache year The sevent Day april 1761 Being the first Tusday of ye month of april the freeholder and the Inhabitant of New Rochell have met to Gether as the Law Doth Di- reek and ther and then to chuse the ofificier for this present year for towne Clark Isaac Guion and for ye Contable and Collecter Isaac* Coutant and Supervisor Jacobus Blaik Esqr and for assessor Josuha Soulise and David Lespinar and for pund master Danel Jr and for fenses vieur and domage priser Jhon Shut and Danel Jr and for over sier of high Avays frederix Donnalson and Isaac Guion Jr and James Sicard Jr and Jacob Securmant oversier of higli way for the uper quarter and allso the constable Setaf Belong to this town and the Constable must Bring the Setaf every year in the towne meeting PAGE 229— DEED OF PARCOT TO GUION— 1761 To all Christian People to whome these presents shall come Greeting know ye that I James Parcot Juur of New Rochel in the County of Westchester in the Pro- vince of New York Yoman, for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred & ten pounds of good & Lawfull New Kochelle Town Kecokds. 305 money of New York to me in hand before the enseal- ing here of well & truly paid by David guion of New Eochelle aforesd Yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do here- by acknowledge & my Self there with fully Satisfied & Contented & hereof & therefrom & of every pari & parcel thereof Do exonerate acquit & Discharge the said David guion his heirs Exrs admrs & assigns for ever by these presents Have given, granted, Bargained, sold aliened, Enfeoffed conveyed & confirmed & by these pres- ents Do freely fully & absolutely give grant Bargain Sell aliene enfeoff convay & confirm unto him the said David Guion his heirs exrs admrs & assigns for ever a eertain messuage or Tract of Land situate Lying & Being in New Rochele afore said containing Sixty acres be the same more or Less Butted & Bounded as foUoweth, to say — Easterly by or to pine Brook westerly to the highway southerly to Capt Oliver Besly I^and & north- erly to the Land Lately belonging to John Clark Deed now in possession of Stephen Renauds & the widow Clark To have & to hould the said granted & Bargained Lands & premises with all the Buildings Houses out- houses barns Stables wood under woods timber trees madows Swamps Rivers Rivulets watters Springs wat- tercourses & Runs of. watter fences fencings pastures commons of pastures mines & minerals Royal mines Exepted with all the appurtenances privileges heridita- ments & commodities to the isame belonging or in any ways appartaining to him the said David Guion his heirs exrs admrs & assigns for ever to his & them selves & only propper use benifit & behofe for ever & I the said James parcot Junr for me my heirs exrs admrs Do covenant promis & grant to & with the said David guion Tiis heirs exrs admrs & assigns that before the en- sealing hereof I am the true 300 New Kochelle Town Records. PAGE 230— DEED OF TAKCOT TO GUION (Con- tinued) — 1701 True iSole & J.awfiill owuer of the above bargained premises & am Lawfully Seized & posessed of the same in my own proper Kiglit as a good perfect & absolute State of Inheritance In fee simple .S: have in my selfe good Right full power and lawfuU lS: absolute authority to give grant Bargain sell alliene enfeof convay & con- firm the said Rargained premises In manner as above sd & that the said David Guion his heirs exrs admrs & assigns shall & umy from time to time & at all times for ever hereafter by force & virtue of these presents- Lawfully peaceably & quietly have hould use occupy possess & enjoy the said Demises & Bargained Lands & premises Avitli the appurtenances free & Clear freely & Clearly acquitted exonerated & Discharged of & from all & all manner of former & other gifts grants Bargains Saks Leases mortguages wills entails Indentures Dowers judgments executions incumbrances & Extracts Further- more I the said James Parcot Junr for my selfe my heirs oxers admrs Do Covenant &. engage the above Demised premises to him the said David guion his heirs exers & assigns against the Lawfull Claim & D'^m-inds of any person or persons whatsoever for ever here- after to warrant Secure & Defend by these presents & mary the wife of me the said James Parcot Junr Doth by these presents freely & willing give yield up & surender all her Right of Dowry & power of thirds of in & to the above demised premises nnto him the said David Guion his heirs exers admrs and assigns for ever In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands & seals this twenty fourth Day of March in the twenty eight year of his majestys reirn Anno Domini one thousent seven hundred & fifty five Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presents of us James Parcut jun O Marv Parcut O- New Eooheollei Toavn Records. 307 Isaac Guion Junr Patrick Hepburn *tlie Resures in the Gth & in the 10 th Lines are not in the origonall PAGE 231— DEEiD OF PARCOT TO GUION (Con- tinued) —1761 Mamarandum that on the 29 Day April 1755 per- sonally apeared before me John ward one of the Judges of the Court of Common plase for the Cbunty of West- chester the person of Jame purcut junr & Did acknowl- edg the within Deed to be his free act & De«i for the use therein, mentioned & I having perused the same do alow it to be Recorded per me John Ward The above deed of Sale vrsui Entered on this Record by me on the 31 day of July Anno Domini 1761 pr me Isaac Guion Clark To All Christian People To Whome These Presents Shall Come Greeting Know yee that I Isaac Guion Junr of New Rochel in the County of Westchester & Province of New York (Cooper) For & in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds of good & lawfull monny of New York to me in hand well & truly paid before the ensealing & dilivery hereof by my Honored Father Isaac Guion of said New Rochell in said County. The receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledg to be therewith fully satisfyed Contented & paid & thereof & from every part & parcel thereof Do acquit exonerate & discharge the sd Isaac Guion Sr his Heir-s Executors admstrs & every of them for ever by these presents. Have given granted bargained sold enfeofed convayed & confirmed & by thes presents absolutely do give grant bargain sell assurd release enfeofe convay & confirm unto PAGE 232— DEED OF GUION, JR. to GUION, SR. —1759 Unto him the said Isaac Guion Sr & to his Heirs & as- signs forever all that the folowing peaces & persall of ?>0H Nkw Rochei.i.e Town Records. land as hereafter butted bounded & discribed situate Lying & beiug in New Ro34— DEED OF SECORD SR. TO SECORD JR.— 1702 The above Deed of Sab> Avas Entered in this Record by me on tlie tirst day of August ITGl per nie Isaac (Inion Clark Desember the 10 day 1701 Jolin pell Jnner of the manor of pellham has entied in the IJook of Record one black cow with witte star on her for hed marked as fol- lowed a crop and sowaton fork to the hof year and neck and sept on the near year This Indenture made the twenty day of May in the ninth year of ye Reign of onr vSovereigii Lord George the Second by ye Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith & annoq Dom seventeen hundred & thirty six between Daniel Secord Senr of oS'ew Rochell in the County of Westchester & Province of New York yeoman of the one part Daniel Secord jun the son of the above said Daniel Secord sen of the same place yeoman of the part Wittneseth that ye said Daniel Secord senr by & with the advice & consent of Catherine his wife signified by her being a party to & Sealing «& Delivering of these Presents for & in consideration of the sum of Three hundred pounds Current money of New York to him in hand well & truly paid At and before the sealing and delivery here- of by (his son) the said Daniel Secord Junr the Receipt whereof he the said Daniel Secord ye elder doth hereby acknowledge & himself therewith fully satisfied con- tented & paid & thereof & therefrom & of & from every part & parcel thereof doth hereby fully & absolutely acquit exonate & discharge the said Daniel Secord the younger his heirs Exers & admrs & every of them for ever by these presents NErSV EO'CHELLE TOWN EeCORDS. 311 PAGE 235— DEED OE SECORD SR. TO SECORD JR. (Continued)— 1762. hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened enfeoffed & confirmed & by these Presents Doth freely & abso- lutely give grante bargain sell alien enfeoffe & confirm unto the Said Daniel Secord ye Younger his heirs & assigns for ever two certain peices of land now in ye Tenure & occupation of him the Said Daniel Secord the younger & Seituate & being in New Rochell above said to wit one Peice containing sixty acres butted & bounded as followeth, that is to say Easterily by the High way fifteen chains southerly by Stephen Garines land west- erly by Hutchinsons river & northerly by other land of him ye Said Daniel Secord the elder the other Piece containing fourteen acres is bounded as followeth North- erly by the land now in possession of Jacob Schurman Easterly by the Quantity Line (so called) southerly by ye land of Simon Maybee westerly by the Road together withall & singular the buildings houses timber woods under woods fences orchards advantages & appurtenances whatsoever to ye said parcells of land or either of them belonging or in any wise appertaining & the reversion k reversions remainder & remainders rents issues & profits thereof & also all ye Estate right title & interest of him the Said Daniel Secord the Elder of in or to ye same or any part or Parcel thereof To have & to hold all & singular the lands & premises with every of theire appurtenances hereby mentioned & intended to be granted & Sold unto him the Said Daniel Secord the Younger his heirs & assigns to ye only PAGE 236— DEED OF SECORD SR. TO SECORD JR. (Continued)— 1762. Proper use benifit and Behoof of him ye said Daniel Secord his heirs and assigns for ever & the said Daniel Secord the Elder and his heirs and all singular the Lands & premises hereby granted & sold unto ye said 312 New Rochelle Tows Records. Daniel Secord the voiinger his heirs and assigns to his & theirs own & onh' proper use & behoof against him ye said Daniel Secord the Elder his heirs & assings & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents and tliat free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted & discharged by him the said Daniel Secord the Elder his Executors admrs of and from all & all maner of former & other gifts & grants bargains Sales Titles Troubles & Incumbrances whatsoever In Witness Avhereof the said parties to these Presents interchangebly set their hands & seals the and year first above written Sealed & Delivered & the full Con- sideration Money being three hundred pounds acknowl- edged to be received by the above said Daniel Secord ye Elder in the Presence of John Badeau James Clement junr his Daniel O Secord mark her Catherine O Secord mark The above deed of sale was entered on this Record by on the 25 day of February Anno Domini 1762 pr me Isaac Guion Clark be it remembered that on ye 19th of february 1742 John Badeau one of the witnesses to the within Deed ap- peared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas for West- chester County assinged and under oath Declareth that he saw Daniel Secord Senr and Catherine Secord Exe- cute the within Deed to Daniel Secord Junr as their free voluntary act and deed for ye uses therein mentioned and likewise that he saw James Clement Junr sign the other witnes with him the same time and I having New Kochelle Town Records. 313 examined the same and find no mistakes or enterlinea- tions allo^y it to be recorded Saml Purdj^ PAGE 237— DEED OF LESPINARD TO SECOED JR. —1762 This Indenture made ye fifteenth day of December in the Eleventh year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord George ye Second by ye Grace of god of Great Britain, france & Ireland King Defender of ye faith & anuoq Domini one thousand seven hundred & thirty seven Be- tween Anthoney Lespinard of New Rochel in je County of Westchester & Province of New York Gent of ye one part and Daniel Secord ye Younger of ye same place yeoman of the other iDart witnesseth that ye said An- thoney Lispenard by and with ye advice & consent of Elizabeth his wife Signified by her being a party to & Sealing & Delivering of These Presents for & in Con- sideration of ye sum of Seventy Pounds current Money of New York to him in hand paid at & before ye sealing & delivery of these presents by ye said Daniel Secord the younger ye Receipt whereof we Said Anthony Lispenad Doth hereby acknowledge & himself thierwith fully sat- isfied & paid & thereof & every part Thereof doth fully & absolutely acquit Exonerate & Discharge him ye said Daniel Secord his heirs & assigns for ever hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed & confirmed & by these Presents Doth freely & absolutely give grant bargain sell alien enfeoffe & confirm unto the said Daniel Secord ye younger his heirs & assings for ever all that his peice of land in said New Rochell containing forty acres bounded as followeth that is to say westerly along the Quantity Line butting on other land of said Daniel Secord Northwardly upon or by the land of Jacob Schurman Eastwardly by the other land of said Anthoney Lespenard & southwardly by the land of Simon Maybee together with al & singular the timber woods un- 314 ■ Xi:\v TvocHKi.r.E Towx Records. dor woods fences advantages & appertinanees whatsoever to the said land belonuinii' or in PAGE 238— DEED OF LESPINARD TO SECORD JR. (Continued)— 1762 any wise appertaining- & ye reversion & reversions re- mainders thereof and also all ye Estate right title pos- session interest claim and demand whatsoever of him ye said Anthoney Lispenard of in or to ye same or to any part or parcell Theirof alhvays Excepting & re- serving out of this grant & sale a liberty of carting through the hereby granted land from and to other land of the said Anthoney Lespenard to the Quantity Lan'ew Rochelle Town Records. premises to liim the said Peter Bonnet liis heirs Execntors administrator and assignes to his and their own and only proper nse benefitt and behoof for ever and it shall and be lawfnll for him the Said peter Bonnet his lieirs Execntor administrator from times to times and att all times for ever hereafter lawfnll}^ peaceably and qnietly to have hold nse ocupy possess & Enjoy said grated and bargained Lands and meadow and premises in fee simples free and clear freely clearly & absolntely acqnited and Discharged from all Incumbrances whatsoever and the before granted and bargained land meadow and premeses to him the said Peter Bonnet his heirs Execntors administrator and as- signes for ever according to the Last will and Testament of Zachariah Anjevine above said deeesed They the said Aman Guion and Isaac Daw shall and will forever here- after warrant & defend by theses presents In witness wherof they the said Aman Guion and Isaac Daw Execu- tors to the Estate of Zachariah anjevine above said de- ceced have hereunto sett their hands and seals the twen- tieth day of September in the fourteenth year of the reign of King George the Second Ano Domini one thousand seven hundred and fourty Aman Guion O Isaac Daw O sealed and delevered in the presence of William Le conte John Cuer ]Memorudm ye 27 May 1741 The persoiially apperd Before me Samuel Purdy esqr one of ye Judges of ye Inferior Court of Common pleas for Westchester Count assigned John Cuer one of ye evedences to ye within Deed of Sale Duly Sworn did declare that he saw Aman Guion & Isaac Daw Executors and delivered ye same as theire free act and deed that at the same time he also saw William Le conte sign as an evidence thereto & I having inspected sd deed allow same to be recorded Samuel Purdy This deed of Seal his entred in the Record 27 day of March 1761 pr me Isaac Guion Clark New Rochelle Town Eecords. 329 PAGE 251— DEED OF BADEAU TO SCHURMAN— 1764 To all Cliristian People to whom these presents shall come Know ye that I John Badeau of New Rochell in the Comit}^ of Westchester in the Province of New York Yeoman by & with the consent of Magdelaine my wife for & in consideration of two hundred pounds of Good & lawfull money of New Y'ork to me in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by Jacob Schurmant of New Rochell aforesd yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge myself therewith fully satisfied and contented & thereof & therefrom and of every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and dischage the sd Jacob Schurman his heirs executor ad- ministrators & assigns for ever by these presents have given, grantet, bargained, sold, enfeofed, aliened con- veyed and confirmed & by these presents do fully clearly & absolutely give grant, bargain, sell, enfeoff alien con- vey & confirm to him the said Jacob Schurman his heirs Executor admr & assigns for ever a certain Tract or par- cell of land containing forty three acres part of it being fresh meadow lying seituate and being in New Rochell aforesaid which said land and meadow formely belonged to Zachary Angevine deceased butted and bounded as falloweth westerly by the land that formly belonged to John June Decesed or Mr Pells line Northerly the land of John Barheit and the two acres of lands or meadow of Daniel Angevine Easterly by the Road that goes from the town to Capt Besly & southerly by the Land of Aman Guion and Isaac Guion juner as also a right of salt meadow which belogeth to sd land & did belong unto the sd Zachary Angevine deceased lying on a neck com- monly called Rodmans neck next to Madm Merciers or Aman Guion meadow togeter with all and singular the Timber trees woods under woods fences fensings water- courses runs & rivulet & all other Rights and priviledges and appurtenences therunto belonging or in any wise ap- 330 New Rochelle Towx Eeicords. pertaining To have and to hold the sd granted and bar- gained lands and prenieses to him the sd Jacob Schur- man his heirs executor administrator and assigns from time to time and at all times, hereafter lawfully, peace- ably and quieth' to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy said granted and bargained lands meadow and premises in fee simple PAGE 252— DEED OF BADEAU TO SCHURMAN (Continued)— 1764 free and clear and freely clearly and absolutely ac- quited and Discharged from all incumbrances whatso- ever and the above grantet & bargained lands & prem- ises to him the said Jacob Schurmant his heirs, execu- tors administrators & assigns 'For ever »& I the Said John Badeau do further covenant and bind myself my exec- utor heirs administrator »& assigns firmly by these pres- ents to warrant and defend the said Jacob Schurman his heirs Executors administrators and assigns in quiet and peacable possession of all and singular the said granted and bargained premises against any just & law- full claime and demand of any person or persons what- soever from By or under me or any of my heirs Execu- tor administrator or assigns In wittness whereof have hereunto set my hand and seal this fiftenth day of June in the twenty fifth year of his majesties Reigs Annoq Domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty one 1751 Magdalene (M) Badeau John Badeau O her mark Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of John par- cot and Patrik hepburn Be it remembered that in ye 28th day of March 1752 that John parcot one of the wittnesses ye within Deed appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr Judge of ye Inferior Court of Common Pleas for ye Count of Westchester assigned that saw John Badeau and IMagdelene Badeau his wife Execute said deed to New Rocheli,ei To%yx Records. 331 Jacob Schurman as their free act and Deed for tlie uses therin mentioned and likewise saw patrick hpburn sign his name there unto for the other witness the same times and I have examined the same do allow to be recorded Samuel Purdy this above deed is entred in the Record the 3.0 day of March 1764 by me Isaac Guion Clark PAGE 253— DEED OF SCHURMAN TO GUION— 1764 To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know that I Jacob Schurman of New Rochell in the County of Westchester in the Province of New York yeoman by and with the consent of Jane my wife for «& in consideration of the sum of tow hun- dred and fifty pounds of Good Lawful money of New York to me in hand paid before the Insealing and de- livery of this presents By Peter Guion of New Rochell aforesaid Tanner the receipt whereof I do herby ac- knowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied and con- tented and thereof and therefrom and of every part & parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the sd Peter Guion his heirs, executor administrator and assigns for ever by these presents have given granted bargained sold, alianed enfeoffed conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly & absolutely Give grant bargain sell enf eof alien alien convey & confirm to him the said Peter Guion his heirs Executors administrators and assigns for ever a certain Tract or parcel of land containing forty three acres part of it being fresh mea- dow lying situate and being in New Rochell aforsaid which said land and meadow^ formly belonged to Zachary Angevine deceased Butted & bounded as followed west- erly by the land that formely Beloged to John June de- ceased or Mr. Pells Line northerly by of John Barheit and the tow acres of Lands or meadow of Daniel Ange- vine Easterly by the Road that goes from the town to Capt Beslys & southerly by Aman Guion and Isaac 332 New Rochelle Town Eecords. Giiion Junr as also a right of salt meadow wliicli he- longetli to the sd land & did belong to the Zachary Ange- vine deceased lying on a neck commonly called Rodmans neck nex to Madame Mercier or Aman Gnion meadow to- gether with all and singiilar the Timber trees woods fences fencings watercourses runs & rivulets and other rights priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the PAGE 254— DEED OF SCHURMAN TO GUION (Con- tinued)— 1764 said Granted and bargained Lands and premises to him the said Peter Guion his heirs Executors administra- tor and assigns from time to time and at all times here- after Lawfully, peaceably & quietly to have hold use oc- cupy possess and enjoy said granted and bargained prem- ises, Lands and madows in fee simple free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquited and dis- charged from all Incumbrances whatsoever and the above granted & bargaine Land & premises to him the said Peter Guion his heirs Executor admr. and assigns for & I the said Jacob Schurman Do further Covenant and bind ni}^ self my heirs Executors & admrs — assigns firmly by these presents to warrant and defend the sd Peter Guion his heirs exetor admr and assigns in quiet & peaceable possession of all and singular the said granted and bar- gained premises against the just and lawfull claime and demands of any person or persons whatsoever In wittness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this twentieth day of April in the twenty fieth year of his majesties Reign Annoq Domini 1752 Jacob Schurman O her Jane O Schurman mark Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Clark Patrick hepburn Be it remembred that on the Ne^\' IvOCHELLE TowN Kecokds. 333 fietli Day of June Seventeen limidred and fifty two that John Clark one of the witneses the within Deed appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esqr Judge of the In- ferior Court of Common pleas for the County of West- chester assigned and being Dully Sworn on ye Evangelist of all mighty Grod declared that he saw Jacob Schurman and Jane Schureman Sign Seal and deliver said deed to peter Guion as their act and deed for the uses therin men- tioned and that patrick hepburn Signed his name ther- unto for the other wittenes the same time and have exemined the same do allow it to be Recorded Samuel Purdy This deed his Entred in the Record the 30 day of March 1764 by me Isaac Guion dark PAGE 255— TOWN MEETING— 1764 The Third Day Of April 1761 Being the first Thuesday of the said month Persuing to an Act of the General Assembly the Freeholders & Inhabitants of New Rochel have met at the Usual Place & have Chosen their town officers for this Present Year Viz Peter Bonnet Clark For constable and collecter Able Devoe Junior For supervisor Richard Willis For assessors Abraham Guion esq and Frederick Devoe For pound master Peter Badoe For fence viewers and prisers of damage paul Seacord & Peter Badoe For Over Seers of the highway for the upper qr An- drew Devoe & David Guion Overseers of the high way for the lower qr Peter Flandro & Jacobus Bleeker esqr The above said Able Devoe refused to be constable & paid his fine and by a special Cort of Sessions Did Nominate and appoint Abraham Seacord who after some time being absent & the Town destitute of a Constable their was another Sessions caled by the same Justices as 334 New Roche(llei Town Records. above Viz Judge Bloomer Esq Bleeker and Esqr Guion who did appoint Peter Badeaux who accepted of it an servd in their steads above named for the ensuing year 1764 PAGE 256— DEED OF MARTIN TO BONNET— 1764 To All Christian People to whom this Deed of Sale shall Come John Martin of Cortlands Manner In ye County of Westchester and Province of New York Mar- chant sendeth Greeting Know ye That he said John Mar- tin for and In consideration of the sum of Two Hun- dred and Eighty Pounds currant lawful money of New York to him in hand paid by Peter Bonnet of New Rochel In the County and Province afsaid yeoman now at or before The ensealing and delivery hereof the Re- ceipt whereof he Doth Hereby Acknowledge and him- self Therewith fully satisfyed contented and paid and Thereof and of and from Everj- part and parcel thereof Doth hereby Acquit Exonorate Release and fully Dis- charge him ye said Peter Bonnet his Heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns For ever by these Presents do fully Clearly and absolutely give grant bargain Sell enfeofed ellinated conveyed Assured and Confirmed and By These Presents Do fully clearly and absolutely give grant Bargain sell Enfeof Allinate Convey assure and confirm unto him the sd peter Bonnet His heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns For ever that is to sa}^ a certain tract of Lands Situate Lying and Being in New Rochel In the County of West- chester and Province afsd being buted and Bounded as foUoweth viz on the Nor-th by the Lands of peter ye above named Easterly by the High way that Leades to New Rochel Southerly by the Land of John Martin ye above Named ATesterly by Gilead Hunts Land that he purchased of Tomas Spock Ruuing from one Marked Tree to the other Untill it shall come to peters Bon- nets Land from whence it takes it first boundary Con- taining Forty Acres togather with all and Singular, Be- Neiw Roohe'Lle Town Records. 335 ing as wide, In the Rear as in tlie front witli tlie Houses Buildings Edifices thereon Erected Orchards Gardens Fences 'Fencings Timber tree Woods Under woods Water watercourses and all other the Rights members and priviledges To said lands and premises Belonging or Ap- pertaining and Therewith Had used occupied and En- joyed as part parcel PAGE 257— DEED OF MARTIN TO BONNET (Con- tinued)— 1764 or Member thereof To have & to Hold said granted and Bargained Lands and premices with ye Reversion and Re- versions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits thereof to him The said Peter Bonnet his heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns to his & their Own and only proper use and Benefit and Behoof For ever In fee Simple and it Shall and may be Lawful for him the said peter Bonnet His His Exrs Admrs and assigns for ever hereafter Law- fully peaceably and Quietly to have hold use Occupy pos- sess and Enjoy said granted and Bargained Lands and premices In fee simple free and clear freely and Clearly Acquitted Exonorated Released and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Intails wills Joyntures Dowries Judgements Executions Extents and Every other Troubles & Incumbrances Whatsoever the before Granted and Bargained Lands and Premices to him the said peter Bonnet his heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns For ever and he the said John Martin his heirs Exrs & Admrs shall and will for Ever hereafter, Warrant and Defend by these presents and That against all the Just and Lawful Claims of all & Every other person or persons Whatsoever Claim- ing or that shall or may hereafter Claim any Just Right title In trust Property or Demand of in or to said granted and Bargained Lands And premices or of in or to any part or parcel thereof In witness whereof he the said John Martin hath hereunto set his hand and Seal this 33G Xi-:\v RociiELLE Town Recokds. twenty third Day of August at Mne oclock in the Fore- noon & in ye Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Third and in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty two 1TG2 John Martin O Signed Sealed and delivered In the presence of us Peter Bertine Jeremiah Mebe James Seacord Be it remerabred that on This 27th day of April 1703 then personally Came and appeared before Gilbert Bloomer Esqr one of the Judges of the Inferior Corts of Common Pleas for west- Chester assigned James Seacord one of the Evidences to the within Deed of sale under oath Declared he saw John martin Execute and Deliver the same as his Volontary act and Deed and at ye same time saw peter Bertine and Jeremiah mebe Subscribe their names as evidences I have- ing Inspected the same and finding no meterial ]Mistake or Interlination Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilbt Bloomer PAGE 258— RECEIPTS OF WARRANTS— 17G5 The deed of Sale upon the Left Hand page was Entered on this Record the Eight Day of December In the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty four and exactly' examined upon the Original By me peter Bonnet Recorder January 30 1765 Receivd of peter Badeaux Collecter two Hundred and Three pounds Seven Shillings and Eight pence in full for the within Warrant Excepting the col- lectage by me John Townsend Treasurer January- 30 1765 Receivd of Peter Badeau Collector four Pounds Seven Shillings and three pence in full for the Within Warrant Excepting the Collectage by me John Townsend Treasurer These Above Receipts Were Record- ed the 14th of Febuary 1765 and Exactly Examined by the Warrant pr me Peter Bonnet Taken up by Richard Willis Ranger for the County of Wester a yellowish rone mare, and a colt supposed to be New KocHEtLLB Town Eecords. 337 strayed away from the Owner by Information going on fonr Years Entered on Record this 27th Day of Febuary 1765 pr me Peter Bonnet Reed of Benjamin Stephenson Two Pounds Seven shillings & Fonr Pence for the Quit Due to his Majesty to the Year 1769 pr me Phillip Pell This a True Copy Taken from the Warrant and Recorded ye 11th of April 1769 pr Peter Bonnet October the 1th 1776 Entred on this Record a Little Bay mare white in her forhead one hine white foot trots and paces supposed to be strayed from New England taken up by John Badoe entred on Record pr Peter Bonnet PAGE 259— WIDOW BONNET GIVES POWER OP ATTORNEY TO HER SON— 1765 To all Christian people to whom these presents shall Come I Anna Mary Bonnet widow & relic of peter Bonnet Late of New Rochel in the County of Westchester & Prov- ince of New York Desd Send Greeting whereas there are Several Sums of Money Due unto me by Bonds Notes or any other way In the above mentioned province or Else where now know ye that I the said Anna Mary Bonnet for and In consideration of the Sum of twenty five pounds Currant Lawful money of the province above said pro- cured to be paid unto me yearly and Every Year For and During my Natural Life by my son peter Bonnet by one bond bearing Date with these presents I do Hereby assign & set over to ye said to ye said peter Bonnet all the above Mentioned Debts as allso all the Intrust which now are or hereafter shall or May be Come due on or by any of the above sd obligations Or Any Other way togather with all my Right Title & interest therein and Thereunto Belong- ing with full power and authority for him the said peter Bonnet to sue for Recover & Receive & the same several sums of Money to and for ye only proper use Benefit and behoof of him the said Peter Bonnet his heirs Exrs Admrs and Assigns In witness whereof I the above Said Anna 338 :NEW IJOCHELLE TO\VX RECORDS. Mary have lieieiinto set my hand & Seal this thirteenth Day of August In the thirty fourth year of his IMajesties her Keign Annoq Domini 1760 Anna Mary X Bonnet mark Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Joshua Soulis Daniel Sulis Bernard Kynlander The Above Instrument Avas Entered and Recorded & Exactly Examined by the original the Thirteenth Day of March 1705 by me peter Bonnet Recdr PAGE 260— AVIDOW BONNET GIVES POWER OF ATTORNEY TO HER SON ( Continued ) —1765 To all people to whom these presents shall come Anna Mary Bonnet Avidow and relic of Peter Bonnet late of New Rochel in the County of Westchester & Province of New York Disceased Sendeth Greeting KnoAV ye the sd Anna Mary Bonnet for & in consideration of the sum of tAventy five pounds currant laAvful money of NeAv York procured to be paid unto her yearly and every year for and During her Natural Life by her Son peter Bonnet hath Remised Released and For ever Quit Claimed and by these Presents do Remise Release and For ever Quit claim unto him the said peter Bonnet all and all manner of Dower and Right and Title of Dower "whatsoever which She the said Anna Mary Bonnet now hath or w^hich she may or might or Ought to have or claim of in or To all & Every The mesuages Lands tene- ments and Hereditaments Avhatsoever Avhich now the sd Peter Bonnet her late Husband at any time During the coverture BetAveen him and ye sd Anna Mary Bonnet Situate in Ncav Rochel and Eastchester or Elsewhere and allso all manner of actions and Rights of Dowry whatso- ever so as Neither She the said Anna Mary Bonnet Nor Any other person for her nor in her stead Name or Any manner of Dower or Right of Action of Dower or or tenements and hereditaments or of or To any part New Kochelle; Toavn Kecords. 339 or parcel Thereof at any time hereafter, Sliall or may have Claim or Prosecute against the said peter Bonnet his heirs and assigns and I do further for the above sd Consideration Sum of Money Give Set Over and Quit claim Unto my Son Peter Bonnet above named my Three Negro Children namly Limas and Betsy and Jo- seph as allso all my Horses Coavs and all my other Cretures now belong unto me as allso all my farming Utensils to him and to his heirs and assigns for Ever In Witness whereof the said Anna Mary Bonnet hath Interchangably set her hand and Seal this thirteenth day of August in the thirty fourth jeav of his Majesties Reign Annoq Domini 1760 PAGE 261— DEED OF FERRIS TO BONNET— 1765 her Anna Mary X Bonnet mark Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of us Joshua Soulis Daniel Soulis Bernard Rynlander This instrument of Writing on the Left hand page was Recorded and Exactly examined by the original this Twenty fifth Day of March Annoq Domini 1765 by me peter Bonnet March the 29th 1765 James Willis Has Caused his Cretures Ear mark to be recorded Viz a SAvallow Cork at Each Ear To All Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that we Gilbert Ferris Joshua Ferris and Jonathan Ferris of Eastchester in the Coun- ty of Westchester in the Province of New York Black Smiths for and in consideration of the Sum of Eighty tw^o Pounds Five Shillings of good & Lawful money of New York To us in hand paid well and truly paid before the Ensealing & Delivery of These Presents by Mary Bonnet of New Rochel In the County & province aforsd Widow of Peter Bonnet Disceased the Receipt 340 New Rochelle Toavn Records. whereof we do hereby Acknowledge & ourselves there- with fully satisfied and Contented and paid and There- of cS: tlierefroni & every Part & parcel thereof Do Ex- onerate Acquit & Discharge the sd Mary Bonnet her Heirs Exrs Admi's & Assigns for Ever by these presents Have given granted bargained Sold Aliened Enfeofed con- veyed and confirmed and by these Presents do freely fully and absolutely give grant bargain Sell alien en- feofed convey & confirm unto her the sd Mary Bonnet her heirs exrs admrs and assigns for ever A Certain PAGE 262^DEED OF FERRIS TO BONNET (Con- tinued) — 1765 mesuage or Tract of Land Situate Lying and Being in Long Reach In Eastchester afsd, being part of the Land that lately belonged to Peter Ferris Containing seven- teen acres And a Half Acre Buted and Bounded as fol- loweth to Say Begining at a clift of Rocks or bunch of Baswoods Cross the run joyning to John Souliss land thence Westerly to a stake Joyning to Gilbert Ferris Land thence Southerly to the norwest Corner of Jonas Spocks Land thence easterly easterly by the Land of Jonas Spocks to two chesnut Trees thence runing as the river runs to two Butternut trees joyning to the Land of Mary Bonnet thence as the Brook Runs To th place of Begining To have and To Hold the said Granted and bargained Lands and premices with all the Buildings Houses Out houses Bams Stables Woods LTnderwoods Timber trees Meadows Swamps Rivers Rivulets Waters Spring Water Courses & runs of water fences fencings pastures Commons and Rights of Commonage Mines and Minerals royal mines Excepted with all the appertinances priviledges heriditaments and Commodities to the same belonging or in any wise Appertaining to her the sd Mary Bonnet her Heirs Exrs Admrs and Assigns for ever to her and Their Sole and only Proper Use Benefit and behoof for Ever and we the sd Gilbert Ferris Josua Neiw Eochelle Town Ebcords. 341 Ferris and Jonatliaii Ferris for Us our heirs Exrs Adiiirs do Covenant Promiise and Grant To & with, the sd Mary- Bonnet her heirs Exrs admrs and assigns that Before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof we are the true sole and lawfuU Owners of the above sd Bargained and Granted premices and are lawfully seized and posessed of the same in our own proper rights as a good perfect and Absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and 'have in our selves good right full power and LawfuU and Absolute authority to grant bargain sell alien en- feof convey and Confirm the sd Bargained Lands and Premices in Manner as above sd and that the said Mary Bonnet her Heirs Exrs Admrs and Assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times for ever here- after by force and Virtue of these PAGE 263— DEED OF FERRIS TO BONNET (Con- tinued)— 176i5 Lawfully Peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the sd Demised and Bargained prem- ices with the Appertinances Free and Clear and freely and Clearly Acquitted Exonerated & Discharged of and from all and all manner of former or other gifts grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Avills Entails Joyntures Dowries Judgments Executions Incumbrances Extents Furthermore we the sd Gilbert Ferris Joshua Ferris and Jonathan Ferris for Our Selves our Heirs Exrs & Admrs do covenant & Engage the above sd Demised and granted Lands and premices to Her the said Mary Bon- net her heirs Exrs Admrs and assigns against the Law- ful claim and Demands of any Person or Persons what- soever for Ever hereafter to Warrant and Secure and Defend by these presents In Witness Whereof the said parties have Have hereunto set their Hands and Seals this twenty first day of February In the twenty Eight year of his Majesties Reign. Annoq Domini one thou- sand seven hundred and fifty five 1755 Gilbert Ferris O 342 New Eoohelle Toavx Records. Joshua Ferris O Jonathan Ferris O Signed sealed and deliveied in the presence of Patrick hepburn Samuel Tredwell Be it Remembered that this 15th day of April 1756 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esqr one of the judges of the Cort of Common pleas for West- chester County assij^iied Samuel Tredwell one of the Evi- dences to the within deed of sale and under oath declared that he saAv Gilbert Ferris Joshua FeTris and eTonathan Ferris the grantors of this Avithin deed of sale execute the same as their act and deed for the use within men- tioned and that at the same time Patrick Hepburn signed with him as the other witness I having examined the same and find no mistake or enterlination therein do allow it to be recorded Gilbert Bloomer Entered in this record this first day of April 1TG5 & exactely examined by the original bv me Peter Bonnet Recorder PAGE 264— TOWX MEETING— 1765 New Rochel ye 2 day of april being the first thusday of said month pursuing to one act of the general as- sembly and by virtue of a warrent from Abram Guion the free holders and Inhabitants have met at the usual place and have chosen ther town officers for this pres- ent year 1765 viz Abraham Guion Clark Richard Willis Supervisor Abraham Guion and frederick devoe as- sessors peter bedaue consstable and boundmaster peter seacord and jDaul seacord fence viewer david guion and peter flandro higway andrew devoe peter bertine jr master Isaac guion jr peter Seacord Trustees The first Day of April 1766 Being The first theusday of the isd Month Persuing to an act of The General As- sembly The freeholders & Inhabitants of New Rochel have met at the Usual Place and have chosen their Town officers for this Present Viz Peter Bonnet Clark F Supervisor Richard Willis F Assessors David Lespinard & James Willis Neiw RoceEiLLE Town! Reicords. 343 F fence viewers & prisors of damage Peter Seacord and paul Seacord F high Way masters Beniamin Seacord & moses Clark np qr Abraham Guion Esq Jacobns Bleeker Esq for the Lower Quarter Trustees Peter Seacord & Isaac Guion F Pound Master Peter Badoe F Constable Charles Vincent F Collector Isaac Guion Jr James Flandro has Caused To be Entered in This Rec- ord A Stray Brown Yearling Heiffer Marked with A Swallow Fork In the Near Year and a Half Penny Under it and a half Penny Under the off Ear with a Large Star In ye Forhead New Rochel January the 7th 1767 PAGE 265— TOWN MEETING— 1767 Receivd of Peter Badoe Collector of New Rochel three pounds two Shillings and five Pence for his Majesties Quit Rent Janr 31 1766 pr me Phillip Pell April ye 23 1766 receivd of Peter Baddeaux Collector three pounds fourteen Shillings and Nine Pence in full for the within Warrant Excepting the Collecting and Entra John Townsend Treasurer Entered In this book The 24th of January 1767 and Exactely Examined upon the Original Receips pr me Peter Bonnet The Seventh Day of April 1767 Being the first Theus- day of the sd Month Persuing to an act of The general Assembly The free holders and Inhabitants of New Rochel Have met at The Usual Place And have Chosen their Town Officers for This Present Year viz for Town Clark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Richard Willis For Assessors David Les- pinard James Willis Allowed Ten Shillings Each For Overseers of the high way Able Devoe Junior & James Pnghley upper qr John Pell and Peter Badoe for the Lower qr 344 New Town Records. For Fence and Damage Viewers Peter Seacord and paul Seacord For Constable James Macevers for Colleeter Isaac Guion Junr For Pound Master Peter Badoe April the 4tli 17G8 to be put on Record Andrew Deveaux has caused the ear mark of his cretures viz a crop on the Near Ear and a Half Penny on the Upper Side of the same and a half Penny on the Upper nnd Lower Side of the off ear pr Peter Bonnet 1768 T. C. The fifth Day of April Being the first Theusday of the said Month persuing To an Act of the General Assembly the freeholders And Inhabitants of New Rochel have met at the usual place and have Chosen their Town Officers for this Present Year viz for Town Clark Peter Bon- net For Supervisor Richard Willis For Constable James Macevers For Colleeter Benjamin Stephans For Assessors James Willis & David Lespinard Allow- ing Ten Shillings Each For Overseers of the highway Able Devoe Jr and Ben- jamain Stephens for the Upper qr For Over Seers of the Lower Qr Peter Badoe and John Pell For fence Viewers — & Da. Peter Seacord and Paul Seacord PAGE 266— TOW^N I\1EETING— 1769 The fourth Day of April Being the first Theusday of said Month Persuant to an act of the General Assembly the Freeholders and Inhabitants of New Rochel Did Meet at The Usual Place and have Chosen their Town Officers for This Present Year 1769 For Town Clark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Richard Willis For Constable and Collector James Macevers New Kochelle Towx Eecords. 345 For Assessors David Lespinard James Willis Allowed 2 Dollars Each For Overseers of the High way John Pell Peter Flan- dro for The Lower Qr for the upper qr James Seacord & Moses Clark For fence and Damage viewers Peter Badoe Paul Sea- cord For Pound Master Peter badoe The third Day of April Being the First Thusday of sd month Persuant to an act of the General assembly The freeholders and Inhabitants of New Kochel Did meet at the Usual Place and have Chosen their Town Officers for this present year 1770 For Town Clark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Kichard Willis For Constable & Collecttor James Macevers For Assessors James Willis David Lespinard Allowed 2 Dollars Each For Over seers ye highways John Pell Isaac Guion jr for the lower quarter James Pugsley Giliad Hunt for the upper quarter For Fence and Damage Viewers Peter Badoe Paul Seacord For Pound Master Peter Badoe The second Day of April Being the first theusday of sd Month Persuant to an act of the General assembly the freeholders and Inhabitants of New Eochel Did meet at the Usual Place and have Chosen their Town Officers for this present year viz For Town Clark Peter Bonnet Supervisor Richard Willis Assessors Jacobus Bleeker Benjamin Stephenson Damage viewers Esaiah guion Peter Badoe Over Seers of the high w^ays, Joseph Drake Peter flan- dro for the Lowest Division for the Upper Dito Jere- miah Mabe & William Schurman Pound Master Peter Badoe 346 New Rochetlle Town Records. Constable and Collector John Hayns Securities for the Constable and Collector Joseph Drake & George Corn- well PAGE 2GT— RECEIPTS OF WARRANTS— 1771 Receivd of James ^Macevers Sixteen Shillings for his Majesties Quit Rent Ye 20th of Febry 1771 A true Copy of the receip on the warrant Phillip Pell Reed of James Macevers by the Hands of John Thomas Stephenson the full Sum of three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Two Pence I say red, by me John Thomas Jur Ye 5th of March 1771 Except the collecting these £0 ''2 '9 A true Copy of the Rect on the warrant Eastchester April 1 Annoq 1771 Then Reed of James Maccevers Collector the full sum of this Within Warrant it Being forty Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Four Pence I Say Reed by me John Townsend Church Warden A true Copy of the Receipt on the Warrant, pr me Peter Bonnet Ton Clark April ye ith 1771 receivd of Richard Willis A Note payable the first day Of January next from Josepli Drake of New Rochel for £18, O. O. pr me Peter Bonnet Town Clark February ye 7th 1772 Reed of Peter Bonnet the just and full Sum of Seven Pounds Twelve Shillings and 2 Pence and March ye 31th 1772 Reed of the above sd Peter Bonnet the Just and full Sum of Ten Pounds Seven Shillings & Ten Pence it being the Full of The Above Acct paid by Mr Joseph Drake I Say Red by me John Hayns Constabel & Colecler it be me for the youse of the rate 8th Febry 1772 receivd of Mr John Haynes collector of New Rochel by ye Hands of Mr James Willis the Sum of four pounds Twelve Shillings and Seven pence in full New Rochelle Town Records. 347 of New Rocliel quota in the county Rate this year ex- clusive of the collectors Fees Robert Graham Treasurer A true copy of the rect on ye warrant PAGE 268— PUBLIC ROADS— 1771 To the Commissioners of New Rochel Whereas there is a Rode or highway between the Land Called the Church Land and the Land Now in possession of Joseph Drake which road being so Mirey »& uncultivated is allmost im- posible to pass or Repass, for at least nine months in ye year and the expences to work sd Rode to make it passable would be great and as it is allso of very little or no use to any person was it ever So Good, Freeholders & we the Subscribers Inhabitants of new Rochel do therefore Desire You the Commissioners of sd place to Shut up sd road and that by way of sail & allso that the moneys arise- ing therefrom May be Lodged in the hands of Our Town Clark & there to Remain Untill the next parish Rate for sd town and Then to be appropriated to lessen sd rate In Complying with ye above, will ever oblige your peti- tioners New Rochel February 2d 1771 Abraham guion David Lispenard John Pell Junior • Moses De St. Croix Josiah Leconte James Dublez Isaac Guion Jur. George Cornwall Peter Bertine James Flandro Peter Bertine .Tur Stephen Ranaud Elias Guion Isaiah Guion Andrew Abromse David Guion Benjamin Guion Henry Coutant James Seacord Peter Badoe Abel Devaux Jur Paul Seacord John Angevine Phillip Riche John Badeau Jr Frederick Schurman James pugsley John Schurman Francis Leconte John Percut Ser. Daniel Seacord Benjamin Stephenson Moses Clark John Ranaud Jeremiah Mebe William Wyly Joseph Rodman Isaac Guion Joseph Rodman Jr John Shute Elias Badeau John Badeau Isaac Coutant Israel Seacord Jacob Schurman William Dixon Peter Bonnet John Soulice Daniel Bonnet Joshua Soulice James Willis Gilead Hunt Jacob Coutant Ja Pitcher Oliver Besly Joseph Drake By Virtue of an Act Entitled an Act for the Better Clear- ing Regulateing and Further laying out Publick Highways 348 New Rochelle Town Records. ill ye County of Westchester pased The Twenty ninth Day of Xoveniber 1745 and revised on the 27th Day of January 1770 A\'e whose names are hereunto Subscribed Conimis- ioners named in the Last Recited Act have upon the hum- ble Petion of New Rochel Fifty six of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of New Rochel stopt up a certain Road for- mely laid out Runing Between the Land of Joseph Drake and the Church Glebe Beginning at the School House and so to run up to the post road the high way contain- ing by estimation two acres and three quarters of land Avhicli said land we have by virtue of the above sd Petion- Sold unto the Above sd Joseph Drake his heirs and Assigns For ever for the Sum of Eighteen pounds Currant Money of New York to be paid Into the Hands of Peter Bonnet Town Clark or to his Successor for the time being which Said Sum is to be Applyed and paid by ye sd Town Clark to the Collector of Ncav Rochel for and Towards the Par- ish Rates for ye year ensuing and we order these our pro- ceedings to be Entered on Record Done and performed This Second Day of April 1771 Jacobus Bleeker Richard Willis Phillip Pell Peter Flandro By me entered on this record ye 11th day of March by me Peter Bonnet Town Clark true copy 1772 PAGE 269— TOWN MEETING— 1772 The Seventh Day of April in the year 1772 Being the first Theusday of the sd month, Persuing to an act of the General Assembly The freeholders & Inhabitants of New Rochel have met at the House of peter Badoe Appointed To be held by a warrant from Esq Guion and have ap- pointed their officers For this Present year Viz For Town Clark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Richard Willis For Consle. and Collector John Haynes For Assessors Clear of ye Roads J amis Willis Jacobus Willis New Rochelle Town Records. 349 For Over Seers of the high ways Joseph Drake Peter Flan- dro Over Seers for ye upper qr James Pugsley William Schur- man For fence and damage viewers Peter Badoe Isaac Giiion Junr The Sixth Day April In the year 1773 Being the first Theusday of the sd month Persuing to an act of ye Gen- eral Assembly the freeholders & Inhabitants of Ncav Ro- chel did meet at the house of James Bayley appointed By Etsq Cornwell and Esq Guion by a warrant and have appointed their Officers for this Present year Viz for Town Clerk Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Richard Willis For Constable John Haynes For Collector Joseph Rodman Junr free of ye Roads For Assessors James Willis aud Joseph Drake For Overseers of ye Roads Peter flandro & Stephen Arnoe For ye Upper qr Benjamin Stephenson John Bonnet Fence viewers and Prisers of damage Isaac Guion & Joshua Hunt For Pound Masters James Bayley & Joshua Hunt PAGE 270— DANIEL BOURDEAUX APPOINTED GUARDIAN TO BOURDEAUX CHILDREN— 1772 South Carolina By His Excellency The Right Honble Lord Charles Gre- ville Montagu Captain General Governer & Commander In cheif in & over the said Province and Ordinary of the Same To all whom these Presents shall come Greeting Whereas James Bourdeaux; Nathaniel Bourdeaux Is- rael Bourdeaux and Anthony Bourdeaux Minors have this day made humble Suit to me that Daniel Bourdeaux Merchant may be Appointed their Guardian & Take Into his Charge the Care and Management of them ye said James Nathaniel Israel and Anthony Bourdeaux and 350 ^'kav Rochelle Town Kecords. their Estates During their Minorities for their more Care- ful Maintenance and Education out of ye Confidence I Repose in the wisdom and Integrity of him the said Daniel Bourdeaux Do hereby Commit the Truition Guar- ianship & Education of the said James Nathaniel Israel and Anthony IJourdeaux to the said Daniel Bourdeaux hereby charging him That he do maintain ye Said James Nathaniel Israel and Anthony Bourdeaux in Meat Drink washing Lodging cloathing & Such Good Education as may be fiting & Necessary according to their Several Circumstances & Estates during their respective Minori- ties and Do all things necessary as a Guardian by law may do & a true & faithful Account thereof and what Estates of the Said Minor Children Shall Come Into His Hands to Render when he Shall be Required by the Said James Nathaniel Israel and Anthony Bourdeaux at their Several and Respective Arrivals To The Age Of Twenty One Years Given under my hand and Seal at Charles Town this Fourteenth day of August Annoq Domini 1772 and in ye twelth year of his majesties Reign C Montagu By his Excellencys Command Gee Murray Dep Secry Entered In This Record ye 26 Day of September 1772 A true Copy from ye Original pr Peter Bonnet Town Clark PAGE 271— DANIEL BOURDEAUX GIVEN POWER OF ATTORNEY BY HIS BROTHERS— 1772 South Carolina To all to whom these Presents shall Come be Seen or made Known We thomas Stinson of ye Province of South Carolina Practioner of phisick ye Lawful Husband of Easther Bourdeaux formely, now Esther Stinson, and Isaac Bourdeaux of Charles Town In Ye province afsd Merchant send Greeting Whereas Magdalene Stoupe of ye Township of New Rochel Westchester County in ye Province of New Y^ork widow by her last will and Testa- IHew Kochelle Town Eecords. 351 ment dated the eight day of August iu the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty eight after several pecuniary and specific Legacies thereby given and bequeathe did Give and Bequeath all the Re- mainder and Residue of her Estate to her beloved Grand Nephews and niece the heirs and Survivors of her Be- loved Nephew James Bourdeaux late of ye province of South Carolina Planter diceased to be Equally Divided amongst them for their own proper use and behoof for ever and of her said will did appoint her good and Trusty freinds Mr. James Deblez and peter Vallade Exec- utors as in and by the sd will reference being had will more fully Appear and whereas the afsd Thomas Stin- son is ye Lawful Husband of her who was formerly Esther Bourdeaux Daughter of the afsd James Bour- deaux and ye grand niece of the sd Magdalene Stoupe mentioned and Intended in ye said last Will and Testa- ment and ye sd Isaac Bourdeaux is one of the sons of ye sd James Bourdeaux arrivd to the age of twenty one years Then know ye That we ye said Thomas Stinson and Isaac Bourdeaux hath nominated constituted and appointed our Trusty and well Beloved brother Daniel Bourdeaux of Charles Town in ye Province of South Carolina Merchant to be our true and Lawful attorney for us and Each of us respecttively and in our or Either of our Names to ask demand Sue for and Recover of and from the executor or executors mentioned in the sd last will and Testament or Either of them or any Other per- son or persons whatsoever or whomsoever all such share proportion alotment or appointment sum or Sums of Money goods or chatties debts dues or Demands which we the said Thomas Stinson and Isaac Bourdeaux or Either of us are Interested in or entitled to from and un- der the said last will and Testament and on Receipt of the same for us and in our Names or otherwise good and Sufficient discharges and acquittances to give and for us and in our stead with the said Executor or Execu- 352 New Rochelle Town Records. tors or Either of them or any other person or persons wliatsoever to account and compound for such sum and sums of money in Full Satisfaction for the sd Legacy given by the said will or any part thereof as ye said Daniel Bourdeaux Shall See Right and proper to do on our part and behalf touching and concerning the premices in as full and ample a Manner as we or Either of us could do if we were to be personally PAGE 272— DANIEL BOURDEAUX GIVEN POWER OF ATTORNEY BY HIS BROTHERS (Continued) —1772 Present or as if the Matter required more Special Authority than is hereby Given and we do hereby fur- ther Authorise and Impower the said Daniel Bourdeaux for the purpose afsd one or more attorney or attorneys under him to constitute & appoint and again to Revoke at his Will and pleasure and Ave do hereby ratify and con- firm all and whatsoever He or they shall on our parts and Behalf lawfully do in and about The premices here- by declareing the same to be full effectual & Binding against us or Either of us our Heirs Executors or ad- ministrators In witness whereof we have to these pres- ents set our hands and seals at Charles Town in South Carolina the Seventeenth day of August In the year of Our Lord one thousand seven Hundred & Seventy Two and in the twelfth year of his Majesties Reign Thos Stin- son O Isaac Bourdeaux O Sealed & delivered in ye pres- ence of David Deal Jo Sarazin Be it remembered that on the Seventh day of Septem- ber in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hun- dred and Seventy two appeared before me Daniel Hors- manden Esqr Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York Jonathan Sarazin one of the Sul)- scribing witneses to the aforgoiug Deed or Instrument of writing and upon oath did declare that he was pres- ent and saw Thomas Stinson and Isaac Bourdeaux Sign New Kochellb Town Reicords. 353 Seal and Deliver ye afsd Instrument of writing as their volontary act and deed for the use therein mentioned and that he also saw David Deal the other subscribing witness to the Said Instrument of writing subscribe his name as a witness thereto and that the names of David Deal and John Sarazin the subscribing witnesses to the sd deed are the proper hand writing of the sd David Deal and of him the sd John Sarazin and I haveing per- used the same and finding no razures or Interlinations Therein do allow the same to be Recorded Daniel Horsmanden Entered on this record ye 26th day of September in ye year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hun- dred and Seventy two a true Copy from ye original pr me Peter Bonnet Town Clark PAGE 273— TRESVANT GIVES POWER OF ATTOR- NEY TO SCHERMERHORNE— 1772 South Carolina Know all men by these presents that I Theodore Tresvant of Charles town in ye province of South Carolina Taylor and Guardian of Susanna Martha Isaac and Esther Tresvant children of Daniel Tresvant late of Charles Town Silver Smith Diceased have consti- tuted made and appointed and by these presents do con- stitute make and appoint my Trusty and loving freind Peter Schermerhorne of the city of New York now in Charles Town afsd Mariner my true and Lawful attor- ney for me and in my name and stead and: to my use to ask demand Sue for Levy Recover and Receive all such sum and sums of Money Debts Rents goods Wares Dues Accounts and other Demands Whatsoever which are or shall be due owing payable or belonging to me or de- tained from me any manner of ways or means whatso- ever by the Exrs of Magdalene Stoupe widow of ye Rev- erend Mr. Stoupe minister late of New Rochel discd per- 354 Neav IvoruELLi-: TuwN Uecords. ticulaily all siuli Legacies and Bequests given and de- vised to me and ye Children of the sd Daniel Tresvant deed above named giving and granting unto my said Attorney by these presents my full and whole power strength and authority in and about ye premices to have use and take all lawful ways and means in my name for ye Recovery thereof and upon ye Receipt of any such. Debts Dues or Sums of Money afsd Acquittances or other Suffitient Discharges for me & in my name to make Seal and Deliver & generally all and Every Other Act and Acts Thing and Things Device or Devices in ye Law whatsoever needful and necessary to be Done in and about ye premices for me & in my name to do execute and perform as fully largely and amply to all Intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if was per- sonnally present or as if ye matter Required more Spetial Authority than is herein given and Attorneys one or more under him for ye Purpose afsd to make & constitute and again at pleasure to Revoake Ratifying Allowing and Holding for firm & effecttual and all whatsoever my sd Attorney shall Lawfully do in and about the premices by Virtue hereof In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal dated at Charles Town ye Eleventh day of April In ye year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and seventy two Theodr Tres- vant Sealed and Delivered in ye presence of Joseph Marschalk Geo. Fowler To all whom these presents shall come or concern know ye that this 21 day of September 1772 I have endowed transfered and set over to Mr Daniel Bourdeaux the within power of Attorney to be by him made use for ye use & purpose within mentioned Peter Schermerhorne Signed in ye presence of Wm Zaight New RocHErLLEi ToAVN Eeiciords. 355 PAGE 274— TEESVANT GIVES POWER OF ATTOR- NEY TO SCHERMERHORNE (Continiied)— 1772 Be it Remembered That on the Twenty Ninth Day of September In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Two personally came and appeared before me James Emott Notary Publick by Royal authority admited Sworn & Residing in ye city and province of New York in America Geo: Fowler one of the Subscribing witnesses to the power of Attorney on ye Other Side contained who being duly isworn upon ye Holy Evangalist did make Oath that he was present and saw the within Subcribed Theodore Tresvant Sign Seal and Deliver the Within Power of Attorney or In- strument as his volentery Act and Deed for ye Uses therein Mentiond And That he subscribed his name as a Witness thereto and that at ye Same time Joseph Marschalk ye other subscribing Witness was present and Did subscribe his name as a witness thereto This Power was Entered upon Record ye 2 Day of October 1772 A True Copy of the original pr me Peter Bonnet Town Clark Quod Mester James Emott Not Pub PAGE 275— DEED OF FERRIS TO SOULISS— 1773 To all Christian People To whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that we Gilbert Ferris Joshua Ferris and Jonathan Ferris of Eastchester in ye Coun- ty of Westchester in the Province of New York Black- Smiths for & in consideration of ye sum of One Hun- dred and fifty Nine pounds Sixteen Shillings of good and Lawful money of New York to us in hand paid be- fore ye Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by Joshua Souliss of New Rochel in ye County and province afsd Yeoman the Receipt whereof we do here- by acknowledge and ourSelves therewith fully satisfyed & Contented and thereof and Therefrom & of Every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit & discharge the sd Joshua Souliss his heirs Exrs admrs and assigns for 356 Xi-:\\' KofHELLE Town Records. ever by these presents have Given granted Bargaind Sold Aliened Enfeofed Conveyed and Confirmed & by these presents do freely fully and absolutely give grant Bargain Sell Alienate Enfeoft Convey and Confirm unto him the sd Joshua Souliss His Heirs Exrs admrs & as- signs for ever a certain Mesuage or Tract of Land situate Lying and being In Long Reach in Eastchester afsd being part of ye Land which Lately Belonged to peter Ferris containing Thirty four acres Buted and Bounded as fol- lowetli to say Beginning by a Avhite oak Stump at ye North Avest Comer of the Land of Mary Anna Bonnet runing Northwesterly by the Land of Samuel Tredwell to a Stake Thence Southwesterly within three Feet of a Rock Joyning to the Land of Gilbert Ferris Thence East- erly to a Stake By the Land of Mary anna Bonnet and thence to the place of Beginning to have and to hold the sd granted and Bargained Lands and premices with all the Buildings houses out houses barns Stables woods underwoods timbers Trees Meadows Swamps Rivers Rivu- lets Waters Springs water courses and runs of waters fences fencings pastures Commons and Rights of Com- monage mines & minerals Royal mines excepted with all ye Appertinances privileges heriditaments and Commodi- ties to the Same Belonging or in any wise appertaining To him ye sd Joshua Souliss his heirs Exrs admrs & as- signs for Ever to his & their Sole and only proper use Beniflt and behoof for Ever & we ye sd Gilbert Ferris Joshua ferris and Jonathan ferris for us our Heirs Exrs and admrs do covenant promise and gi^ant to and with ye said Joshua Souliss his Heirs exrs admrs and as- signs That before ye Ensealing hereof we are The true Sole & Lawful owners of the above Bargained and granted premices and are Lawfully Seized and possessed of ye Same in our own proper Rights as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple and have in our Selves good Right full power and lawful & absolute Authority to grant Bargain Sell Aliene En- New Kochelle Town Eecords. 357 feof convey and Confirm ye sd Bargained Lands and premices in manner as PAGE 276— DEED OF FERRIS TO SOULISS (Con- tinued)— 1773 Above sd and that ye said Joshua Souliss his heirs Exrs admrs and assigns ishall and may from time to time and at all times for Ever hereafter by force & Virtue of these presents Lawfully peaceably & Quietly Have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the sd De- mised and Bargained premices with ye appertinances free and clear & freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all & all manner of Former or other gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mort- gages Wills Entails Joyntures Dowries Judgments Execu- tions Incumbrances and Extents Further more we ye said Gilbert ferris Joshua Ferris and Jonathan ferris for our Selves our Heirs Exrs and adminisrs do Cove- nant and Engage the above Demised and granted Lands and premices To him ye said Joshua Souliss his heirs; Exrs admrs & assigns against ye Lawful Claim and Demands of any person or persons whatsoever for Ever hereafter To warrant Secure and Defend by these pres- ents in witness whereof the sd parties have hereunto In- terchangebly set their their hands & Seals this twenty first day of February in ye twenty Eight year of his Majesties Reigii Annoq Domini One Thousand Seven Hun- dred and fifty five 1755 Gilbert Ferris O Joshua ferris O Jonathan Ferris O . Signed Sealed and Delivered in ye Presence of us Peter Bonnet Patrick Hepburn Be it Remembred that this 21 Day of February 1756 then apped Before me Gilbert Bloomer Esqr one of The Judges of ye Cort of Common pleas for westchester County as- signed peter Bonnet one of the witnesses to the within Deed of Sale & under oath Declared he saw gilbert Ferris Joshua Ferris and Jonathan ferris the granters of the 358 Xew Kociielle Town RECOiii*:-;. within Deed of Sale Sign Seal and Deliver ye Same as their o^\n free Act and Deed for ye use within mentioned nnto Joshua Souliss I having Examined the sd Deed find no mistakes or Enterlinations do allow it to be Recorded Gilbr Bloomer Tliis Deed was Entered on Record and Exactly Exam- ined by ye Original Being a true Copy ye 10th of Feb- ruary Annoq Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and seventy three 1773 iw me Peter Bonnet Town Clark PAGE 277— DEED OF SOULISS TO SOULISS— 1773 To All Christian People To whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that i John Souliss of New Rochel In ye County of Westchester & province of New York Yeoman for & in Consideration of ye Sum of two Hun- dred & fifty Pounds of good & Lawful money of New york To me in hand well & Truly paid before The Ensealing & Delivery hereof by my Son Joshua Souliss of ye Same place ye Receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge to be Therewith fully & Entirely Satisfyed Contented & Paid & Thereof and from Every part and parcell thereof do Ex- onerate Acquit & Discharge him ye said Joshua Souliss his heirs Exrs and admrs & Every of Them for Ever by These presents I have Given granted Bargaind Sold and by These presents Absolutely have & Do give grant Bar- gain Sell Release Enfeoffe Convey & Confirm unto him ye said Joshua Souliss & to his heirs & assigns all That my Houses and Land Hereunto adjoyning Lying & Being in New Rochel In Said County Being Bounded as Fol- loweth Begining South Easterly by the widow Mary Anna Bonnets Land North Easterly by the Lands of Lately Belonging To James Bonnet Disceased Easterly by ye Lands of John Cornwell or RigBels Line So Called and westerly by ye Road that Leads to new Rochel town Containing by Survey One Hundred Acres & 3 Quarters of an Acre To the same more or Less Togather with ye houses Barns Stables Meadows orchards fences woods New Eoohelle Town Records. 359 underwoods Waters and water courses Commons and Right of in Commonage to ye Abovesd Lott Unto him ye said Joshua Souliss & To liis heirs & assigns To have and To hold ye said houses Lands & premices Unto him ye sd Joshua Souliss & To his heirs and assigns for Ever To the Sole & only use Benefit & Behoof of him ye sd Joshua Souliss his heirs & assigns for Ever more & ye sd John Souliss for my Self my heirs Exrs & admrs do Covenant promise grant & agree to & with ye sd Joshua Souliss his heirs and assigns That at the time of ye Ensealing and Delivery hereof I am ye true Sole and lawful owner of ye above granted Bargained & Sold premices And have in my Self good Right full power and Lawful Authority To give grant Bargain and Sell ye Same in manner and form as afsd and further that it Shall and may be Lawful to & for ye sd Joshua Souliss his heirs and assigns by force and virtue hereof Upon & into The premices hereby Con- veyed To Enter and ye same and Ever}- Part & parcell Thereof from time to time & at all times for Ever here- after peaceably and Quietly shall have hold use occupy possess & Enjoy And That freely and clearly acquitted Exonorated and Discharged of & from all and all other or former gifts grants mortgages wills entails joyntures Dowries or Other Incumbrances whatsoever & i the said John Souliss and my Successors the above granted & sold premices with ye appertinances Thereunto Belonging Unto him the said Joshua Souliss his heirs and PAGE 278— DEED OF SOULISS TO SOULISS (Con- tinued)— 1773 assigns against me the said Jolin Souliss ni}- heirs Exrs & admrs & against every other person or persons what- soever shall and will warrant secure and for ever Defend by these presents and mary ye wife of the sd John Souliss Do hereby acquit To the said Joshua Souliss his Heirs and assigns all my Right of Dowry of the third of ye above said houses and Land in witness whereof we the said John 300 Nkav Rochelle Town Records. 8011] iss and Maiy Soiiliss have caused this present Deed of Conveyance To lie made and have hereunto Set our hands and Seals This Eight Day of May One Thousand Seven liundred and Fifty Eight and in the Thirty first year of his Majesties Reign & George ye Second Sealed and Delivered & ye Consideration Money Acknowledged To be Receivd In ye presence of us John Soulice his her James O Percut Gilbert Bloomer Mary X Soulice mark mark Be it Remembered That on ye Day and year first Above Written Then appeared Before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq One of The Judges of the Court of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned John Souliss & Mary his wife and acknowledged ye Signed Sealed and Delivered the above deed of Sale To Their Son Joshua Souliss As Their Yolentary Act and Deed I Haveing Inspected The Same find no Mistakes or Enterlination Therein & Allow it To be Recorded Gilbert Bloomer This Deed was Entered on Record and Exactly Examined by ye Original Being a True Copy The Tenth Day of Feb- ruary Annoq Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three 1773 pr me Peter Bonnet Town Clark PAGE 279— JOHN SOULICE IS NATURALIZED— 1773 City of New York Ss„ John Johnson Esq Mayor of the city of new York do hereby Certifie and make known to all to whom these presents shall come or may in any wise Concern that on je day of the date hereof in ye Court of Record held at ye City hall of the said city before the jMayor Recorder and alldermen of ye same city person- ally appeared John Soulice of ye sd City Baker and then and there in Open Court did Take ye Oaths by Law Ap- pointed To be Taken Instead of ye Oaths of Alligiance and Supremacy Subscribe the Test and make Repeat and Swear To and Subscribe je abjuration Oath pursuant to ye New Eochellei Towx Records. 3G1 Dicections of an Act of ye General Assembly of ye Colony of New York made in ye first Year of ye Eeign of our Sov- ereign Lord George by ye Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland Defender of ye faitli & entitled an act declearing that all those of Forreign Birth heretofore In- habiting within This Colony and Dying Seized of any Lands Tenements and Hereditaments shall be for ever hereafter deemed Taken and Esteemed to have Been Nat- uralized and for Naturalizeing all protestants of Forreign Birth Now Inhabiting within This Colony and That his name is accordingly Entred on Eecord In ye Said Court In Testimony Whereof I ye sd Mayor have Hereunto put my hand & seal In New York the 27th Day of September In ye Second Year of ye Eeign of Our Sovereign Lord King George of Great Britain France and Ireland De- fender of ye Faith & Annoq Domini 1715 Will Marpas W . . . John Johnston The 15th of February 1773 This Instrument of Writing w^as Entered On This Eecord And Exactly Examined by ye Original a True Copy pr me peter Bonnet Town Clerk April ye 5 1774 Was Delivered Unto Me by Jacobus Bleek- er the map of ye Town of New Eochel by me Peter Bonnet The fifth day of April In ye year of our Lord Christ 1774 Being ye first theusday of the sd month persuing to an act of ye General Assembly the freeholders of and Inhabit- ants of New Eochel Did meet at ye house of James Bay- ley and have apjpointed Their officers for ye present jesiv viz Town Clark Peter Bonnet Supervisor Joseph Drake Assessors James Willis & Joseph Drake clear of ye rd Damage Viewers Isaac Guion & Elias Guion Over Seers of ye Ed Esq Cornwall & Isaiah guion David guion and Eichard Willis up Q Pound Master James Bayley Constable Wrobert Crawford Collector Esq Cornwell for ye county & parish Eates 362 Kew Rochelle Town Records. PAGE 280— TOWX MEETING— 1774 Reed Westchester ye 4tli of April 1774 of Joseph Drake on This Warrant thirty Three ponnds Nine Shillings In full pr me Stephen Sneden Church Warden for ye ])arish of Westchester Reed May ye 25th 1774 of Captain Joseph Drake the sum of Three pounds thirteen Shillings & two pence which is in full of the within quota reed pr Robt Graham Treas- urer Reed of John Haynes Late Constable of New Rochel the sum of Two pounds four Shillings & two pence which is in full of the New Rochel Quota for the year 1772 with the two pounds allowed By Joseph Purdy of Mamroneck Ree'd pr Robt Graham Treasurer A true Copy from the original The fourth Day of April in the year of our Lord Christ 1775 Being the first Theusday of sd month persuing To an act of ye General Assembly the freeholders & Inhab- itants of New Rochel did meet at ye house of James Bay- ley and Did appoint Their Town Officers for this present year viz for town dark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Joseph Drake For assessors Joseph Drake James Willis clear of ye Roads For damage viers and fence vrs Isaac Guion & Elias Guion For overSeers of the Road Joshua Souliss & Frederick Devoue upr Qr (David Bleeker & george Eamory Ir Qr) For Pound Master James Bayley For Constable Robert Crawford and he Renouncing To be Collecttor for the parish Rate For collecttor esq george Cornwell was appointed & by his consent chozen collecttor for the parish & County rate The Second Day of April in ye year of our Lord Christ 1776 being the first Theusday of the said Month persuant to an act of ye General Assembly the Freeholders and In- habitants of New Rochel met at ye house of James Bayley and appointed their town officers for ye year Viz New EocHEiLE Town Records. 363 for town Clark Peter Bonnet For Supervisor Joseph Drake For Assessors Joseph Drake James Willis clear of ye rds For OverSeers of the High way L Qr Joseph Drake George Embre for the upr Qr David Guion Gilead Hunt Constable and collector John Hunt Joseph Drake Security- Fence and Damage viewers Isaac Guion & Elias Guion For Pound Master James Bayley PAGE 281— TOWN MEETING— 1776 Westchester Parish April 1th 1776 Reed of George Cornwell Collector for the year 1775 the sum of thirty Eight Pounds Seven Shillings & Nine pence it Being New Rochel Cota pr me Stephen Sneden church Warden A true Copy Taken from the Warrant this Gth day of June 1776 pr me Peter Bonnet tw ck At a Town meting held the 24th of June 1783 for the Town of New Rochell, by Order order of Benjamin Stephenson Esqrs for the Regulation of said Town and carying into Execution the Laws of the State, the following persons were Chosen Town Officers James Willis Town Clark David Guion Abraham Guion Isaiah Guion James Willis Overseers of the Roads James Ronalds Constable & Pounder We the subscribers do hereby certifie agreeable to an act of the Legislature of the State of New York En- titled or an act granting a bounty on Hemp to be Raised within this State, and Imposing an Additional duty on Sundry Articles of Marchandise, and for other purposes therein mentioned. Passed the 12th of April 1785 that a certain Negroe Man named Michael late the property of Charles Heroy and Hester Heroy 3(14 New Kochelle Town Records. of the County of Dutches in said State is under the age of fifty years and of sufficient Ability to provide for himself Abram Guion Ebenezer S Burling justices of the Peace Theodocius Barto Leonard Lispenard overseers of the poor December 22d 1787 James Willis Town dark PAGE 1>S2— TOWN MEETING— 1783 At a town meting held the 22d December 1783 at the house of Gilbert Brush inkeeper for chusing officers for the town of New Rochell in persuance of an Ordi- nance of the Council appointed by the act of Legislature entitel'd an act to provide for the temporary Govern- ment of the Southern part of this State whenever the Enemy shall abandon or. be Disposest of the same and untill the Legislature can be convened passed the 23 October 1779 the following town officers were Elected James Willis Town Clark James Ronalds constable & collector Benjamin Stephensen supervisor Benjamin Stephenson James Ronalds James Willis assessors David Guion James Willis overseers of the LTpper qurer Abram Guion Isaiah Guion for the low quarter Peter Flandroe Elias Guion Damage Viewers PAGE 283— TOWN MEETING— 1784 At a Town meting held at the house of Gilbert Brush for Electing Town Officers for the Town of New Rochell on the first Tuesday of April 1784 Being the anni- versary Day of ToAvn Meeting in pursuance of the Law of the State the folloAving toAvn Officers were Chosen for the Ensuing Year James Willis Town Clark Benjamin Stevenson Supervisor Neat Eochelle Town Records, 365 William Rogers Constable & Collector John Hunt '^ Benjamin Stevenson. |> assessors James Willis J John Garrenoe Peter Flandroe Overseers of the Poor Thomas Shnte Peter Shute David Giiion Overseers of the Roads & James Willis Daniel Williams Pound masters Daniel Williams David Guion Damage Prizers Abraham Guion Benjmi Stephenson Superintendants of ye Roads Received September 9th 1784 of Mr. William Rogers Collector for the Town of New Rochell the sum of One Hundred and thirty seven Pounds Six Shillings and Eleven Pence for a Rate of the said town Granted by a Law of this State of New York passed the 6th of May 1784 Abijah Gilbert treasure £137 6" 11' James Willis' TC PAGE 284— TOWN MEETING— 1785 At a Town meting held the first Tusday in April 1785 at the house of Capt Daniel Williams in New Rochell the following officers were chosen for the ensuino- Year James Willis Town Clark Benjamin Stephenson esq Supervisor Peter Shute Constable & Collector Benjm Stephenson esqr John Hunt and James Willis Assessors Benjm Stephenson esqr Abraham Guion and David Guion Commissioners of Roads Theodocius Barto Leonard Lespenard Overseers of the Poor John Hunt Capt Williams Paul Percut Jociah Haio-ht John Bonnet Overseers of the Roads Capt Williams Pound Master Capt Williams Elias Guion Damage & Fence Vewers 3G6 New Rochelle Town Eecoeds. At a Special Toanti Meting held at the house of the widow Ogdeii in the ToAvni of New Rochell the 16 day of December 1785 Abraham Onion Avas chosen assessor in place of Jolin Hnnt Deceased for this present year At a Town meting held at the house of the widow Ogden on Tusday the 1 day of April 1786 the following officers Avare chosen for the present year James Willis Clark Abraham Guion Supervisor John Bonnet David Guion Newb Devenport As- sessors John Schurman Constable Theod Barto Elias Guion John Shute Peter Bonnet Jociah Haight Overseers of the Roads PAGE 285— TOWN MEETING— 1786 Theodocius Barto ] ^ „ ^, , ^ ,V Overseers of the poor Leonard LespenardJ Abram Guion "^ David Guion L Commissioners of the Roads James Willis J Daniel Williams ^ Elias Guion J> damage & fence vewers Peter Shute J Peter Shute Collector Daniel Williams Pound Master April 4th 1786 Settled accounts with the Overseers of the Poor and Remaine due to them the sum of Seven Pounds four Shillings, and by a Vote of the Town the sum of fifteen Pounds allowed to be rais'd for Repair- ing a House for John Nicoll We Leonard Lespenard, and Theodocius Bartow Over- Seers of the Poor for the Township of New Rochell in the County of Westchester, and State of New York and Ebenezer S. Burling, and Abraham Guion Esqr two of the Justices of the peace in and for said County Do here- by Certify, that Cessar a Mallatto Man late the property New Eochellei Town Kecords. 367 of the widow Mary Landrine of New Rochell, is of suffi- cient ability of body to providee for himself, and is under the age of Fifty years agreeable to a certain Clause in an act of the Legislature of the State of New York passed at the last Meeting of the Eighth Session Entitled A Act granting a Bounty on Hemp &c &c New Eochell February ye 23th 1787 James Willis T dark L Lispenard Theod Bartow Overseers of the Poor Ebenezer S. Burling abram Guion Justices Peace PAGE 286— TOWN MEETING— 1787 At a Town meting held at New Rochelle the 3d of April 1787 the following Town officers were chosen for the present year viz James Willis Town Clark Theodocius Barto Supervisor Paul Percut "^ David Lespenard V assessors & cleard of the Roads Peter Bonnet J Leonard Lespenard Theodocius Barto Overseers of the Poor Abram Guion David Guion James Willis Commissioners of the Roads Elias Guion for the Town, Wm Ranoud for the water side, Peter Shute for middle town, Joseph Pell North Part, Stephen Cornwell N East Overseers of the Roads Elias Guion Joseph Pell Daniel Bonnet j ^^^^Se & fence viewers Capt. Daniel Williams ' Daniel Williams Pound Master Daniel Bonnet Collector John Schurman Constable Voted at the Town Meting that Daniel Pelton have lib- erty to Errect a store house at the Landing, in such place as shall not obstruoct the public landing, the place 308 New Rochelle Town Records. and bigness of the store house to be left to the commis- sioners of the Roads, for the sum of two pounds annually for the term of seven years and then to have Liberty to take the store off or renew this bargain with the town, PAGE 287— TOWN MEETING— 1788 By virtue of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York "Entitled an" Act granting a Bounty on Hemp to be Raised within this State and imposing an additional Duty on sundry articels of merchandise and for other purposes therein mentioned passed the 12th Day of April 1785. WE the subscrib- ers Overseers of the poor Of New Rochell, for the time being, and also We the Subscribers two of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Westchester Do Certify that Hannabel a black Man late the property of John Baddow late of New Rochelle in the said County de- ceased Appeared to us to be under the age of fifty years and of sufiflcient abillity to to provide for himself Given under Our hands this 14th day of August 1787 James Willis T Clark Theodocius Bartow L Lespenard Overseers of Poor Benjamin Stephen Abram Guion Justices of the Peace Received of Mr. Benjamin Sicar the sum of Sixty Pounds Six Shillings : May 26 1785 L60 :6 Isaac Besly Enter'd from the Original this 20th October 1787 By James Willis Town Clark Received of Daniel Bonnet January 3d 1788 the sum of nineteen pounds 5S in full for the Poor Rates Due to the Town of New Rochell pr me Theodocius Bartow^ Overseer of the Poor L19 :5 : James Willis T C PAGE 288— RECEIPTS OF WARRANTS— 1788 Received March 26th 1788 of Mr Daniel Bonnet Col- lector the sum of five pounds fifteen shillings and three pence in full for the contingent charges of the within New Rochelle; Town Reicords, 369 Warrent, Eixcept his Collecting fee by Abijali Gilbert treasur L5:15:3: James Willis T. C. March the 26th Day 1788 Then Received of Daniel Bonnet the sum of one Hundred and Sixty five pounds two shillings and nine pence on account of this Within. Warrant in full Except Collecters fees Retained? Abijah Gilbert Treasurer L165:2:9: James Willis T O At the Town Meeting held at the house of the Widow Ogden in New Rochell on tuesday the 1st day of April 1788 the following Town Officers were chosen for the present year viz James Willis Town Clark? Benjamin Stephen Supervisor Daniel Ferris Constable Daniel Bonnet Collector Phillip Rynlander Peter Shute Stephen Cornwell As- sessors Charles Roe Thomas Huntington John Bijoux Daniel Bonnet Josiah Haight Overseers of the Roads Daniel Williams David Guion Thomas Huntington Fence & Damage Viewers Abram Guion David Guion James Willis Commissioners of the Roads Theod Bartow Newbr Davenport Overseers of the Poor Daniel Williams Pound Master AgTeed by the Town that fences be four feet four inches high PAGE 289— TOWN MEETING— 1788 The Inhatetence to work two Days on the Landing at the direction of the Commisioners of the Roads? Agreed by the To^ti that the sum of three pounds ten shillings be allowed to Dcr Smith for attending the sick Dutchman that th sum of fifty pounds be Raised this year for the support of the Poor 370 New Rochelle To\yn Records. Ajiieed that Jofiali Hai^ht Avoik tlie meeting house Road as far as Slieldrake Bridge I do certifie that IJenjamin Stephenson Esqr hath tliis Day taken the oath required by Law to qualify him for the office of Supervisor for the Towniship of New Rocliell Before me Ebenezer S r»iuiing J. P. April 7th 178S This 7th of April 1788 James Willis took the Oath of Town Clark for tlie Township of New Rochell in the County of Westchester as is Required by a Law of the State of New York Benjamin Stephenson J. P. This 7tli of April 1788 Janus Willis took the Oath of Commissioner of the Roads as required by Law Benjamin Stephenson J. P. This 7th day of April 1788 Peter Shute took the Oath of Assessor for the Town of New Rochell as required by Law Benjamin Stephenson J. P. This 7th of April 1788 Abraham Guion took the Oath of Commissioner of the Roads for the town of New Rochell as required by Law Benj Stephenson. This 7th of April 1788 David Guion took the Oath of Commissioner of the Roads as required by Law. Benj. Stephensons J. P. James Willis T. C- PAGE 290— TOWN MEETING— 1788 New Roclielle April 7th & 8th 1788 personally ap- peared before me Abraham Guion Esqr one of the Jus- tices for the County of Westchester the personns New- berry Devenport »& Theodicius Bartow and were duly qualified to the oflfice of overseers of the Poor for the Town of New Rochelle Abraham Guion New Rocliell April the 8th 1788 Personally appeared before me Abra- ham Guion Esqr one of the Justices for the County of Westchester Phillip Rhinelander and was Duly Quali- fied to the office of and assessor of the Town of New Rochelle Abram Guion New KocHEfLLE Town Records. 371 Mr ^N'ubery Devenports Ear Mark a slipe tlie under side of the off Ear Joseph Devenports Ear Mark a slipe the under side of the Near Ear James Devenports, mark a slipe the under side of Each Ear Hulate Devenports Mark A slipe the upper side of the Near Ear Lawrence Devenports Mark a slipe the upper side Off Ear Newbery Devenport Jr Mark a slipe the upper side of Each Ear Received September 2d 1788 by the hand of Judge Tomp- kins for Daniel Bonnet collecter the sum of thirty seven pounds seven shillings and six pence in full Except his coilectage by Abijah Gilbert Treasurer L37;7.6. PAGE 291— TOWN MEETING— 1789 Mr. Dauiel P.onuets Ear mark a Flower De Luce on Each Ear Received January 27th 1789 of Mr Daniel Bonnet Col- lector the sum of seven pounds twelve shillings and Eight pence on account of the Contingent charges Quo- toed in the within Warrant and the Arrears of a tax for Building two Cour-t Houses and a goal in this County in full Except his feas for Collecting Abijah Gil- bert Treasr, L7.12.8 Received January 20th 1789 of Mr Daniel Bonnet Col- lector in Certificates the sum of Eighty pounds ten shillings and four pence in full for the within War- rant Except his fees for Collecting? Abijah Gilbert treasur L80.10.4. Received April 7th 1789 of Daniel Bonnet Collector the sum of Six pounds in full of all monies Reed by him on behalf of the Town of New Rochelle for the poor on this warrant Theod Bartow L6;0;0; At a Town meting held for New Rochelle the 7day 372 New Rochelle Town Records. of April 1789 The following Town officers were chosen for the year, James Willis ToAvn dark Benjm Stevenson Supervisor Peter Bonnet "] Elias Guion j> Assessors James Willis J David Guion "^ Newb Devenport [>- Commissioners of Roads Daniel Williams J Daniel Williams ) -^^ „ -^ ^,. ^ . > Fence & Damase Viewers Elias Guion \ Daniel Williams Samuel Underhill Overseers Esqr Stephens I of James Willis Roads Jociah Haiglit Mr Bartow ) „ ^ ^ ^ , y Overseers of Poor Mr Devenport ) Daniel Williams Pound Master Voted that the sum of fifteen shillings and Eight pence be allowed to Docter Smith for attinding the Dutchman, and that the sum of sixty five pounds be rased this year for the support of the poor and paying the last years Deflcienceys of the poor Tax ? PAGE 292— REPORTS OF OVERSEERS OF THE POOR— 1789 Voted that Daniel Pelton be allowed to Build a storehouse at the Town Landing? and that a stocks be built at the Direction of the oversears of the Poor. Voted also that the Overseers of the Poor be Impowred to Commence an Action or actions (as the use may re- quire) against Elihue Archer for the support of his child now chargable to the To\\ai of New Rochelle Thomas Rochey appointed constable and Gilbert Griffin Security for his performance as Collector New EO'CHEfLLE' Town Kecords. 373 We Theodocius Bartow and Newbury Devenport over- seers of the poor of the Town of New Rochelle and two of the Justices of the peace in and for said County do hereby certify that Plato a negroe man and Gate a negroe woman late the property of James Pugsley of the said Town of New Rochelle is of suf- ficient ability of body to provide for thare selves and under the age of fifty years agreeable to a certain claus in an act of the Legislature of the State of New York pasised at the last meting of the eight Session En- titelled a act Granting a Bounty on Hemp and set Theod Bartow overseers of the Poor Benj Stephenson Abram Guion justices of the Peace New Rochelle October 30th 1789 Not withstanding the above certificate of Theodocius Bar- tow and Mers Benjamin Stephenson and Abram Guion Justices of the Peace in New Rochelle and County of Westchester, Mr Newbury Devenport one of the Over- seers of the poor for the time being, and Elected with Mr Bartow as one of the Overseers of the poor at the annual Town Meeting at the isame time, he the said Newbery Devenport, hath caused his Disapprobation to be entered, Respecting the Slaves of James Pugsly which was made without his consent or aprobation, which he the said Devenport hereby protest against as illegal this 18th April 1790 At a Town melting at the House of Daniel Williams in New Rochelle the first tuesday in April 1790 the PAGE 293— TOWN MEETING— 1790 the following To^vn Officers were chosen James Willis Town Clark James Willis Supervisor Phillip Rhinlander "j Daniel Bonnet ^A««essors Peter Shute J 374 New Rochelle Towx Records. _,,,.„ ^ overseers Theodeeiiis Bartow ! Kewbry Deveiiport \ „ "^ ^ J Poor Peter Shiite ^ coiiiiiiissioiiers Daniel Williams J» of the Xewbery Devenport j Roads Daniel Williams 1 -^^ „ -n ^ C11 + I Fence & Peter Shnte >^ ^,. ^ . Damage viewers Elias Guion J Samuel Wolley Daniel Williams overseers Benj Stephens >■ of the John Bonnet Roads Stephen Corn well Daniel Williams Ponnd Master Panl Peront Collecter Agreed by the ToT^^l that a small Road Rniining be- tween Docter Isaac Besley and Mr Rhinlander contaning abont half an acre be sold to said Isaac Besley for the snm of five Ponnds Agreed that Mr Bartow be allowed the snm of one pound eighteen shillings for supplying Peter Bartine deceased That Docter Smith be allowed the sum of tw^o pounds eight shillings for enoculating Millers children That the sum of eleven pounds be allowed for the sup- port of Mr Bolt and Widow^ DowTiey at the direction of the overseers of the poor and justices of the town that the sum of forty five pounds be rased for the sup- port of the poor, untill the nex annual Town meting Town of Scarsdale Tth June 1790 This may certify whome it may concern that Joseph Cherry Jane Cherry his wife and two children to witt Joseph and John We acknowledge to have ganed a residence in our Town of Scarsdale and we the sub- scribers acknowledge them as such, and Ingage to provide for all or either of them when they or either New EocHEiLLE To\yn Records. 375 of them shall be chargable, which we ingage in behalf of the town as overseers of the poor for said town given under our hands and seals this seventh day of June 1790 William Fisher (LS) John Gedney (LS) in presents of Sarah Tompkins Jonathan G Tompkins Be it remembered that on the seventh dav of June 1790 personnally appeared before me Jonathan G Tompkins one PAGE 294— DEED OF BONNET TO GUION— 1791 one of the Judges of the coart of Common pleas in and for the County of Westchester William Fisher and John Gidney both Poor masters for the Town of Scarsdale in Westchester County and acknowledged they signed the above Certificates as their Eespective vonen- tary act and Deed for the use and purpose therein men- tioned acknowledged the Day and Date above Writ- ten John G Tompkins This Indenture made the Thirteenth Day of September one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three in the Eighth year of our Independence By and Between David Bonnet of New York late of New Eochelle Marrinner of the one part and Abraham Guion of New Eochelle of the County of Westchester in the State of New York Yeoman of the Other Witnesseth that the said David Bonnet for and in consideration of the sum of six Hun- dred and fifty Pounds Current money of the State of New York to him in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof, by Abraham Guion aforesaid The re- ceipt whereof the said David Bonnet doth hereby Ac- knowledge and himself to be therewith fully satisfied and contented thereof and therefrom and of and from every part— and parcell thereof Doth by these pres- ence acquit and Discharge him the sd Abraham Guion his heirs Executors and Administrators and Assigns for ever he the sd David Bonnet hath Given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Enfeofed Conveyed and Con- 37G New Rochelle Toavx Records. firmed and by these presents Doth freely fullj- and abso- lutely give Grant Bargain Sell Aliean Enfeoff assure Convey and Confirm unto him the sd Abraham Guion his heirs and assigns a Certain tract of Land Situate ly- ing and being in New Rochelle and is bounded West- erly by Hutchinsons River Northh' by sd Abraham Guions Lands Easterly by Rigsbils Line Southerly by David Bonnet Abraham Guion and Daniel Bonnetts Land Con- taning fifty acres more or less also a Tract of Land situ- ate in sd New Rochelle Bounded Westerly by Daniel Bonnets Laud Northerly b}^ the sd Tract of Land afore said Easterly by Rigbills Line Southerl}^ by the Land of James Fowler and Mary Bonnets Land Deceased, the One Equal half of sd Tract Contaning Forty Acres and Three Quarters and Twenty two Rods be the same more or less with the Buildings on sd Tracts of Land To have and to hold the afore sd Tracts of Land PAGE 295— DEED OF BONNET TO GUION (Con- tinued)— 1791 with all the appertenances Privileges convinencies and commodities of tlie sd Tract of Land with the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof unto him the sd Abraham Guion his Heirs Executors and as- signs for Ever to his and their Only proper use benefit and behoof for ever and the sd David Bonnet Doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them Covenant and agTee and by these presence to and with the sd Abraham Guion his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof that the sd David Bon- net is the Only true and Lawfull owner of the above Bar- gained premisis and Stands Lawfully seized and Pos- sessed of the same in his own Right, as good and per- fect Estate in fee Simple and that the sd Abraham Guion his Heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter by Vertue hereof peacebly and Lawfully possess and Injoy the same free New Kochelle Town Kecords. 377 and clear freely and clearly, acquitd and Discharged of and from all former Gifts grants bargains sails Lease Entail Jointure will intail Execution or Incumbrance Whatsoever and the sd David Bonnet Doth further Covenant and bind himself his heirs Executors and Ad- ministrators and Every of them to Warrant and forEver defend the above granted Premises in witness hereof the sd David Bonnet have hereunto set his hand and fixed his Seal the day and Year above Writen David Bonnet (LS) Sealed and delivred in the presence of Theodocius Bar- tow Josiah Le Counte Be it remembered that on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four before me John Sloss Hobart one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the State of New York came Josiah La Counte and made oath that David Bonnet sealed and delivered the within Indenture as his PAGE 296— DEED OF BONNET TO GUION— 1791 Voluntary act and Deed for the uses therein men- tioned in presence of Theodose Bartow and the Depo- nant who severally signed their names as witnesses thereto and I having inspected the same and finding no alteration therein do allow it to be Kecorded John Sloss Hobart Recorded this 10th March 1791 by James Willis Town Clark This Indenture made this second day of September in the Eighth Year of the Indipendance of America, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three, by and between Isaac Bonnet, late of New Rochelle but now of the City of New York, marrinor, of the one part and Abraham Guion of New Eochelle in the County of Westchester and State of New York Y^eoman of the other part wit- nesseth that the sd Abram Guion hath paid unto the sd Isaac Bonnet the sum of Five Hundred Pounds 378 New Rochelle Toavx Records. Current ^Monev of New York for the purchase to him of the primesses hereafter mentioned the recept whereof I do hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satis- fyed, contented and paid and thereof and therefrom every part and parcel thereof, Do Exonerate acquit and fully discharge him the sd Abraham Guion, his heirs, Execu- tors administrators and every of them by these presents, have given granted bargained sold assured released En- feoffed Conveyed and Confirmed unto him the sd Abra- ham Guion and to his heirs and assigns all that certain piece or percell of Lands situate lying and being in New Rochelle Bounded as follows Westerly by Lands con- veyed to Danl Bonnet Southerly by Lands of Mary Bonnet and James Fowler Easterly by Rigbolls line northerly by Lands conveyed by Peter Bonnet to David Bonnet containing Eorty acres three Quarters aind twenty two Rods the one half which I convey by these presents to Abraham Guion his heirs. Executors Admin- istrators and Assigns, and no more as the other half is my Brother Davids property And also that certain Fifty Acres of Land situate in New Rochelle afore sd Bounded Westerly by Hutchinsons River, Northerly by Land by Peter Bonnet conveyed to Daniel Bonnet, East- erly by Rigbills Line and Southerly to run so far as to make the quantity of Fifty Acres more or less together with PAGE 297— DEED OF BONNET TO GUION (Con- tinued)— 1791 with all and singular Trees Timber Waters w^ater courses, profits commodities, heridetements and apurtenences whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise apper- taining and also all the Estate right title Interest prop- erty possession claim and demand whatsoever of him the sd Isaac Bonnet of in or to the same or any part or percel thereof both in Law^ and Equity To have and to hold the aforsaid Percels of Land with the apper- New Kochellb Town Eecoiids. 379 tenances hereby granted unto him the sd Abraham Guion his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the sd Abraham Guion his heirs and assigns for ever and the sd Isaac Bonnet and his heirs the afore- said pereels of Land and premisses with the apperte- nances unto him the sd Abraham Guion and to his heirs and against him the said Isaac Bonnet and his heirs, and against all other Persons claiming my estate in the said premises by from or under me the sd Isaac Bonnet or my heirs (and not other wise) shall and will warrant and Defend by these presents in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Day and year first above writin Isaac Bonnet (LS) Sealed and deliverd in the presence of Benjamin Pelle Cornelius Hunt Memo- randum on this twenty ninth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine personnally appeared before me Richard Morris Esqr chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature for the State of New York Benjm Pell one of the subscribing witnesses to the within Deed being of the people called Quakers and being duly aflflrmed did declare that he was presents and did see the within Grantor Isaac Bonnet Sign Seal and Deliver the within Inden- ture as his free and Voluntary act and Deed to and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that Cor- nelius Hunt the other subscribing witness was also pres- ent and did with him subscribe his name as a witness to the execution thereof and I having inspected the same and finding no material erazure or Interlination therein do allow the same to be recorded Rid Morri« Recorded this 10th day of March 1791 James Willis T Clark PAGE 298— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING — 1791 At the Annual Towti Meeting held for the Town of New Rochelle on the first Tuesday of Aprill 1791 the 380 New Rochelle Town Records. follo^ying• Town Officers were chosen James Willis Town Clark James Willis Supervisor Peter Shute Saml Wolley Peter Bonnet Assessors Samuel Wolley Stephen Cornwell Peter Shute Poor Masters Peter Bonnet Samuel Wolley Coll: Williams Commisioners of Roads Esqr Guion Esqr Stephens Capt Bogart John Bonnet Josiah Haight Highway masters Elias Guion Coll : Williams Georg Toffy Fence and Dam- age Viewers Coll : Williams Pound Master John Bijoux Collector Gilbert Angiivine Constable Ordered that a certain negio wench late the property of Margurate DaAv sold to thomas Huntington for the sum of Ten Pounds be paid into the hands of the Over- seers of the poor, that a negro boy sold to Gilbert Grif- fin for the sum of twelve pounds be paid to the Overseers of the Poor That Thomas Huntington is To Deliver three cords of wood to Margurate Daw, That the sum of one pound be paid to Dr Smith for the Rent of a house for Mar- gurate Daw That Margurate Daw be Supplied at the Di- rection of the Overseers of the poor That the sum of Tw^elve pounds be allowed to the widow Downey and Mr Bolt for their Support the Ensuing Year That Daniel Pelton has Liberty to Build a Store house at the Land- ing where La Counts formerlj- stood. That Capt La Count has Liberty to Dock out to the Channel whare a part of his Old Dock now Stands Daniel Williams has caused the Ear Mark of his creatures to be Recorded as follows a Swallow Fork on Each Ear and one nick under the ofe Ear this 7th September 1791 At a Spicial Town Meeting held in New Rochelle the 15th of October 1791 for chusing a Constable in the place of Gilbert An j ovine which has removed out of the town Abel Devoe was appointed in his stead untill the next Annuall Town Meeting. At the anual Town Meet- New RochblliE Town Reicords. 381 ing held the Sd of April 1792 at the house of Daniel Williams in New Rochelle the follow Town Officers were chosen for the Ensuing Year PAGE 299— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1792. James Willis Town Clark James Willis Supervisor Samuel Wolley Peter Shute Stephen Cornwell PoorMas- ters Samuel Wolley Peter Bonnet Coll: Williams Commis- ioners of Roads Daniel Bonnet David Guion Geog Toffey Assessors Thomas Underhill Nicolis Bogart Benj Stephenson Will- iam Grififln Stephen Cornwell Highway Masters Elias Guion Peter Shuite Coll: Williams Damage and fence Viewers Coll Williams Pound Master Abel Devoe Constable & Collector Ordered by the Meting that a Stocks and floggin Post be Erected by the Justices of the town at the toi^Tis Expence that William Ranoud be permitted to build a Dock or staves at the Publick Landing the place and bigness to Laid out to him by the Commissioners of the Roads voted by the Inhabi tents' that No hogs be allowed to Run in the Street without being Ring'd that any person finding hogs in the Street that are not ringed and informing the Owner or O^^ers thereoff and the Owner Neglecting to have such hogs sufficiently Ring'd for more then twenty four hours after such information he shall firrit the Sum of Four Shillings for every such hog which sum shall be Recover'd by Com- planant upon proof be for any Justice of the peace and when so recoverd to be paid into the hands of the Overseers of the poor of the to^vn— that the sum of five pounds be paid to Isaac Besly for a Certain Rond that he is to Open betwixt him and Mr Rhinlander 382 New Koohelt^e Town Records. leading (loA\ni to the water side that the sum of Twelve pounds be raised for the support of the poor PAGE 300— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1793 At the annnell Town Meeting Held for the To^^^l of New rochell on the first tewday in aprell in the year 1793 the following town officers Were Chosen Peter Shnte town Clark James Willis Supervisor Daniel Williams Samuell Wooley Peter Bonnet Com- misnor of the Roads Abram Guion E'lias Guion OverSeei^s of the Poor Danniell Williams Paul Parcot Peter Bonnet Assessors Danniell Williams David Guion Isserel Secord fence and damage viewers Able Devoe Constable and Collector William Griffin Gilbert Griffin David Guion Nicholas Bogarth Elijah Ward highway masters Daniell Williams Pound Master Ordered By the Meeting that ten pounds be Raised for the Support of the Poor Likewise the overseers of the Poor to pay Mrs Downey twelve pounds for her sup- port & Suvern Bolt for the insuing year INIargret Daw & James flandrow to be left at the disgresson of the overseers of the Poor agreed that David Guion should Be paid lOS for a sheep that was kild by dogs Peter Shute James Willis Peter Bonnet Danniell Williams Samuell Wooley Abram Guion Elias Guion Peter Bonnet Dan- niell Williams ware Quallifyd to their above riten offices on the isecond day of aprell 1793 Aprell 10th Paul Parcot was Sworn as an assessor certifyd By Abrom Guion Novmber 29th 1793 at a Speciall town Meeting it was agreed that the Over- Seers of the poor Should pay unto James Necole the sum of twelve pounds per annum for the support of his Father John Necole and Agness his mother and to be paid the first day of Jnary annualy So long as he sd New Rochelle Town Eecords. 383 James Necole dotli support them and keep tliem from the town PAGE 301— PUBLIC ROADS— 1794 This twentyNinth day of Novembr 1793 Peter Shnte caused his Ear Mark to be Entred a Crop on tlie Near Ear for all his Cattle Sheep and Hoghs New rochell August ye 2d 1792 We the under Subscribers Commisnors of the Roads for the toAvn of New ro- chell Chosen By the Inhabatants of said town having Been applied to Lay out and alter a Road in the Uper Part of New rochell on the Lands of Daniell Bonnet and We Having Viewed the old Road and find it Miery in some places have Found it more Conveniant and in the Hole more Benifical for the publick to alter the said Road. Viz Begining at a Bridge on Hutcheson® River Joining Eastchester Road Laid out by the East- chester Commishinors threw Mr. Samuell TredWells Land and thence from the Bridge to Chestnut trees on the East and from thence Runing Sutherly a Streight Line to a Stone Set up falling Into the old Road a Little to the East of a Rock Wich Crosses the Road the sd Road is By us Laid out two Rods Wide and do allow and Desire it may Be Recorded by us the Commissnors Peter. Bonnet Samuel Wooley Daniel Williams Peter Shute Town Clerk The Anuell town Meeting Held for the town of New rochell on the first Tuesday in Aprell in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety four the following town officers were chosen James Willis Supervisor Peter Shute Town Clark John Staples Thoms Richee Jeremiah Schurman Asses- ors Danel Williams Paul parent Elijah W^ard Commisnors of the Roads 3S4 Kew Eochelle Towx Records. Frederick Sehiiriuaii Gilberth Griffin Moses Clark New- bery Debenport Able devoe Road masters Able Devoe constable and Collector Danil Williams pound Master Abram Gnion Elias Guion overseers of the Poor Newbery Debenport Danel Williams Danel Bonet fence and damage vewers. PAGE 302— TOWN MEETING— 1795 The voice of the people of the town of New Rochell was to Rase ten pounds for the support of the Poor for the present year Likewise that Mrs Do^Tiey should have 12L for the support of herself and Bolt for the in seving year both clothes Excepted At a Town meting held for New Rochelle the 7 Day of April in year 1795 the following officers weare chosen James Willis Supervisor John Guion Town Clerk Philip Rhinelander David Guion Peter Bonnet assess- ors fence & Damage Viewers Able Devon Constable & Collector Eponetus Burtis Peter Shute Overseers of the Poor Gilbert Griffen Daniel Bonnet Eligah Ward Commis- sioners of Roads John Guion Eponetus Burtis Benjamin Drake John Bonet Jr Stephen Corn well Highway masters Eponetus Burtis pound master Ordered by the meting that Mrs Downey and Sovrine Bolt be Provided for at the descresen of the Poor Masters the Sum of twenty Pounds to be Raised for the sup- port of the Poor, and the To^n Meeting to be held for the yeaer 1796 At the House of Eponetus Burtis in New Rochelle At the anneull Town Meeting Held for the Tot\ti of New Rochelle on the first Tuesday in the year 1796 the Fol- lowino; Town Officers New EocHELLEi Town Kecords. 385 PAGE 303— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1796 were chosen James Willis Supervisor John Guion Town Clerk Frederick Schurman & John Stevenson Poor masters Gorge Toffy Paul Parcot Newberry Devenport Assessors Daniel Bonnet Gilbert Griffin Philip Khinelander Com- misiors of Rods John Bonnet Stephen Cornwell David Coutant Thomas Huntington John Guion Over Seers of the Roads Epenetus Burtis Thomas Huntington Elias Guion Jr Pence and Dauiige viewers Eponetus Burtis Pound Master Able Devon Constable & Collecter Peter Bonnet Paul Parcot Alexander Henderson Isaac Blauvatt Theodosius Bartow Commisioners of Scools Ordered by said Meeting that the sum of Eighty Pounds be Rased for the Support of the Poor, Town Meeting to I»e Held at the House of Epenetus Burtis for the Year 1797, Able Devon to be Exempt from working on the Roads for the year 1796 At the Annuell town meeting Held at the House of Epenetus Burtis in & for the it foresaid town, on tne first Tuesday in April for the year 1797 the following officers weare chosen PAGE 304— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1797 James Willis Supervisor John Guion Town Clerk John J Stevenson Samuel Purdy Poor Masters Epenetus Burtis Constable Collecter & Pound Master Philip Rhinlander Frederick Guion Peter Bonnet As- sessors John Staples Jerimiah Schurman Gilbert Griffin Commis- sioners of Roads Philip Reche David Guion Daniel Bonnet Stephen Corn- well Able Devon Road Masters Thomas Huntington Epenetus Burtis Elias Guion Jr Fence & Damage Viewers 38G New Rochei.le- Towx Records. Frederick Giiioii Newberry Devenport Elijah Ward John Watts John Staples Lewis Pentard Paul Parcot Com- missioners of Schools Ordered that the Sum of Sixty Pounds be Rai,sed for Sundry es of charges — the town Delever to Thomas Hunt- ington for repairing a Brige in his qnrt Last year 3 :3 :3 : That the overseers of the Poor suply the Poor what is just c^ Avright the Annuell town Meeting to be Held for the year 171)8 at the House of Epenetus Burtis at ^Dresent one oclock PAGE 305— TOWX MEETING— 1798 At a Town Meeting held in the Town of New Ro- chelle for the thirday day of April 1708 The following Town officers Avere duly chosen vz Frederick Guion, Supervisor Peter Shute, Town Clarke, Elijah Ward Phillip Rhinelander Peter Bonnet Assessors Elias Flandreau Thomas Itechee Jeremiah Schureman Commissioners of Roads Samuel Purdy John Stevenson Overseers of the Poor Elijah Ward Samuel W^ood Isaac Coutant Joseph Gar- ladett Isaac Horton Overseers of the Roads James Palmer Elias Guion Jur Thomas Huntington Fence & Damage Viewers Peter Bonnett Saml Purdy Paul Parcutt Fred Guion Elijah Ward Newbery Devenport John Staples Com- missioners of Schools Matson Smith Saml W^ooly Theodosius Bartow Trus- tees of Schools John Flandreau Constable & Collector James Palmer Pound Master 1 agreed to raise the sum of seventy pounds for the use of the Poor for the insuing year 2 agreed that the overseers of the poor pay Frederick & John Guion so much of James Necolls order as shall New Roohelle; Toavn Records. 387 amount to the time whieli lie kept them his father & mother from being chargeable to the town last year 3 agreed the overseers furnish the Poor at their discretion 4 agreed the town meeting be held at the house noAV James palmers for the year 1799 at 12 oclock aJourned PAGE 306— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1799 At a specials Town Meeting Held at the house of James palmers in New rochell Josephs Galodet was chosen collector and Constable for this insuing year Dated this ISth April 1798 At a Town Meeting held in the Town of New Rochelle for the first Tuesday of Aprel 1799 the following Town officers were chosen Elijha Ward Supervieser James Palmer Town Clerk John Staples George Toffy Peter Bonnet asesors Paul Percutt Elies Flandrew Stephen Cornweell commissions of Roads. Eliesha Webb Matson Smith Overseeres of the Poor Joseph Galaudet Constabel & CoUecter Frederick Schur- man farmer Benjamin Drake Samuel Tytues Fence and viewers and damage vewers John Stapels Highway Master Water Side John Flan- drew in Town Dto Samuel Purdy mddl Dto James Willis upper Dto James Boyd east Dto James Palmer Pound Master Frederick Guion Benjamin Drake Jr Samuel Wooley Sqr Samuel Bayard George Toffey Commissioners of schooles Hoges To Be Common Well ringd for the omission of which the owers To Pay |1 if the said hog or hoges be Found AVithout a Ring in the nose fater 21 houres notsic the one half to the Complamer and the othe half To Go the beenfet of the Poor of Said Town Agread the Town Meting To be hel at the hones of James Palmer For the insueing eare 1800 at 12 oclock N. B. Gilber Griffen is put in Rood Master in the room 388 New IvOCheixe Town Records. of James Boyd Put in by the Commissioners of Roods 1799 PAGE 307— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1799 Apriel the 13 1799 a Specials Town Meeting Held at the Haues of James Palmer for raising the sum of Fifty Pounds to defray the expencse of the Poor of said Town of New Rochelle We the Subseurs Matson Smith and Elisha Weeb being the Magers Parte of the oversers of Poor of Town of New Rochelle in the Conty of Westcher and State of New York And Samuel Wooley and William Baley es- quire Two of the Justices of the Peace of the Town And County of Westchester Do Here by certify that James a negro man slave Late the Property of Marey Glover Late of the said Town Of New Rochelle in said Conty of Wesstchester widow Decesased But now Belonging To Elias Baddow of the Town and Conty afore said as Acting Executor of the Last Will and Testament of the said Marey Glover .De- ceased Appeared to be under fifty yeares of age and suffi- cient abelity To Provide for himselef Dated the twenty forth day of June 1799 Matson Smith Eljha Webb oversers of the Poor Samuel Wooley William Boley Justices of the Peace PAGE 308— FREEDOM GIVEN TO NEGROES— 1799 I Hannah Pugsley have a negro woman named hannah now a slave To Me and I haveing Determined To Give the said Negro Woman Hannah free and Do herby certi- fy that I Do for my selef heirs and assgns give my Sid Negro Woman Hannah her freedom and That She Shall be No Longer a Slave To Me or any other Person or Persons Whatsoever In testeimony hereof I have here- unto Set My hand and Sceel this Fifteenth Day of Au- gust one thous seven hundred and Ninty Nine in the presence of John G. Tompkins Hannah Pugsley I the New Kocheolle Towni Records. 389 subscerber berby Certify in pursuance of tbe law of this State that a male chile is bornd of mj Black Woman whoe is a slave since the forth of July 1799 To wit on the secone day of August following and that the said Male Black Child is baptizee by the name of Al- lixet tucet on the Twenty fith day of Angus aforesaid And reporteed according to the purport of said Law to the Clerk of the Town of New Rochelle this Twenty Sixth Day of August in the year of our Lord One Thou- sand Seven Hundred and Ninety Nine August the 2G 1799 Theodsa Bartow PAGE 309— PUBLIC ROADS— 1799 1799 Takenig upon the 29 day of October a darke bay hores a seven yeares old By me James Palmer The Record of a Line Run the Twenty Ninth Day of March In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred by Newberry Davenport Esqr between the Land of John To Stephenson and the Highway that Leads to the publick Landing at Newrochelle, Begining at a cross Marked in a Rock Near High Waters Mark by the Creek Side and Runing North Forty One Degrees West One Chain and Eour Links as the Board Fence Now, Stands Thence North Fifty Five Degrees West Sixty Eight Links As the Board Fence Now Stands, Run at the Request of Elias Flandrau Stephen Cornell and Paul Parent Com- misoners of Highways in the town of Newrochelle in West- chester County and State of New York by Order of the Superintenence of the aforesaid County Entered On The Town Record this first Day of April In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred at the Request & of the aforesaid Commissioners by James Palmer the Town Clark of the aforesaid Town of New- rochelle PAGE 310— TOWN MEETING— 1800 At a Town Meeting Held At in the Town of New Ro- chell at the House of James Palmer on The First Tues- -Overseres of Rood 390 New Rochellk Town Records. din- of April 1800 Tlio iMiwliiig town officers wers Clioos- ing Elijah Ward Suporviser James Palmer Town Clerk Philip Raylander George Taffey Peter Bonnet assessors James Palmer Samuel Titiies overseers of the Poor Joseph Galladet Constable and collector Elijah Ward Joshua Sonlies Stephen Cornell Commis- siones of Highways William Renoud Lower John Flandrow In Town Saml Purdy Middle James AYillais upper Gilbet Griffen East Frederick Schurman farmer Benjamin Drake jur Elias Guion Jr Fence & Damage Viewres James Palmer Pound Master To be raiesed L60 this year for to defray the expences of Poor of said Town of New Rochelle The Hoggs Law hoggs are To be Commoners Well Ring'd for the omission, of which the oners To Pay One dollers if the said hog or hoges Be Found without A Ring in The Nose for twenty four hours after being notefide The Complainer To have one half and The other half To got for the bennefet Of The Poor of the Said Town This Town Meting adjumed untill The First Tuesday in Apriel 1801 at the Hones of James Palmer At One Oclock on said Day The hog law of the last year to be continud PAGE 311— TOWN MEETING— 1801 At a Town Meting in the Town of Newrochelle held At the houes of James Palmer on the first Tuesday of Apriel 1801 the fowling Town officers was choesing to wit Elijah Ward Supervisor James Palmer Town Clark (Philip Raylander George Toffey Peter Bonnet) assessors Joseph Galludet constable and collectors Kea^- KocHELLEi Town Records. 391 James Palmers and Samuel Titues overseers of the Poor Matsoii Smith Joshua Solics Stephen Cornnell commis- sioners of highway Road master Frederick Guion lower Elisha Webb in town Justues Reynolds middole James Willies upper Isaac Hor- ton estern Frederick Schurman Junr. Benjoman Drake John Flan- drew Fence and Damage viewers James Palmer pound master Samuel Bayard Peter Bonnet Matson Smith Paul Parent James Willies Commissioners of Schooles Money to be raised for the last and present years L130 N. B. Caleb Fervies to keep John Nicole and his wife for the sum of 35L and the additional sum for clothes as was suspended on them the last year the hog Law to continues as it the Last year with thies addition that if aney inhabitant of this town shall per- mit his boar to run at large from the first Day of May until the First Day Novm he shall be liable to a penalty of five Dollars that Every person shall be at liberty to impound the said boar whereso found at large and that the above penalty shall not be incured until after twenty four hours notice of such boar being at large The Penalty to be for the use of the Poor PAGE 312— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1801 May 26 1801 At an Especial Town Meting held At the Hones of James Palmer for the Purpose of Reappointing Samuel Titues as an overseer of the Poor for the Town of New Rochelle At the Anual Town Meeting Held for the Town of New Rochelle at the House of James Palmer on the First Tuesday of April 1802 the Following Town officers were Chosen Elijah Ward, Supervisor Elias Guion Jr Town Clerk Elias Flandrau Frederick Schureman Jr Jeremiah Schureman assessors Justus Revnolds Isaiah Coutant overseers of the Poor 392 New Rochelle Town Records. Matson Smith Joshua Soulice Frederick Guioii Commis- sioners of Highways Daniel Pelton 1st Caleb Russel 2nd Benjamin Drake 3rd Jeremiah Sehureman 4tli Gilbert Gritin 5th [-overseers of Roads John Flandrau Paul Parcot Frederick Schureman Fence and Damage Viewers James Seacord Junr Constable & Collector Elias Guion Junr Pound master 250 Dollars To be raised for the support of the Poor of Said Town of New Rochelle the Ensuing Year at a Town meeting held in the Town aforesaid April Gth 18.02 Hogs to be commoners if well ringed but otherwise the owner of hogs that sliall be found not well ringed and let at large in the liighwaj' whereas any damages is sus- tained the person so suffering, the owner of such hog or hogs to make compensation for such damages Provided nevertheless that no boar be sufferd at large from the 6th of April 1802 till the first of November under the pen- alty of suffering such boar to be cut by any iDerson dis- posed to apprehend said boar or boars and to be ex- empted from damages although the said boar should die by the cutting Turn over leaf PAGE 313— REPORTS OF OVERSEERS OF POOR— 1802 Further Resolves for the Year 1802 Poor Masters of said Town are hereby authorized to take Legal Steps as the law Directs to obtain the Real Estate of Benjamin farrington a late pauper of this town A commity be appointed for the purpose of meeting the X)ersous appointed by other towns for the purpose of erecting a Poor House Resolved Doct Matson Smith Elijah Ward Peter Shute Esqr Composs the said Commitee Resolved — That the Poor masters of this town be paid 1)3' said town for actual services Resolved — By said Town and the toAvn clerk is hereby New Eochelle! Town Eecords. 393 authorised to provide a chest or trunk for the purpose of keeping the town Books in to be paid for by the said town Resolved That the Poor Book and Records of said Town be examined to see whether there be any Ballance or not due to James Nicoll for kee^Ding his Parents and if so such Ballance to be by said town paid to F & J Guion This town meeting is adjourned to be held at the anual place on the first Tuesday in April next at 12 oclock on said day Resolved at an especial Town Meeting held at the house of George Cooke in New Rochelle by the Inhabitants of the town afsd and gave it as their oppinion unanimously to put by all further proceeding relative to the erecting a poor house E Guion junr T Clk PAGE 314— DIVISION LINE BETWEEN NEW RO- CHELLE AND MAMARONECK— 18,02 Be it Remembered that on the 30th day of August 1802 WE the undersigned — Commissioners for the Towns of Mamaroneck and New Rochelle having met at a cer- tain Place on the road where the line of the aforesaid Towns Join Nearly Opposite to a House belonging to Jeremiah Schureman occupied by James Secord, Did then and there mutually agree to divide, a piece of Road which has been neglected, in the manner following, that is to say. That the town of New Rochelle is to con- tinue working from the Northward, untill they meet the Mamaroneck Line which we consider crosses the road four Rods Northward of the house aforesaid at a cer- tain post in the fence of Jeremiah Schureman marked with several notches and that the town of Mamaroneck do continue to work the residue of said road from the southward untill they come to said the post the same Distance Northward from said House. Wherefor we do order that a Record be made of the above procedure in the Town Books of Each Town John Pinkney Charles E Duncan Commissioners of Mamaroneck, Frederick Guion Matson Smith Commissioners of New Rochelle 394 Xew Roohelle Town Records. PAGE 315— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1803 At the aiiual Town Meeting held for the Town of New Eochelle at the House of David Seacord on the first Tuesday of x\pril 1803 the following Town Officers were Chosen Elijah Ward Supervisor Elias Guion Jr Town Clerk Elias Flandrau Jeremiah Schureman Fredk Guion Assessors James Seacord Collector Justus Reynolds Andrew A Dean Overseers of the Poor John Guion Paul Parcott Gilbert Griffin Commis- sioners of High ways Robert Hutchinson Constable Richard Seacord Peter Bonnet Fredk 'Schureman farmer Fence and Damage Viewers Elias Guion Junr Pound Master continued PAGE 316— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1803 John Staples 1st district Caleb Russell 2d Benjamin Drake 3d Jeremiah Schureman 1th AYilliam H Cornell 5th Overseers of highways Moneys to be Raised this year for the Support of the poor of said Town 1803 Sum agreed on |250 Dollars Agreed the poor Masters pay Justus Reynolds & Isaiah Coutant the sum of 2£2s9d expended on William Whites, and family It,s the Vote of the Town that Mr Nicoll and his wife be returned to New Rochelle It,s the Vote of the Town that Justus Munroe be transported to the place of residence if it can be found Resolved the Poor Masters of Said To^^l be paid for Actual Services at the Rate of 75 Cents per Day The law Concerning Hogs to continue as in the pre- ceeding year This Town Meeting is adjourned to be held at the an- nual place on the first Tuesday in April next at 12 oclock on said dav Elias Guion Junr New Rochelle Town Kecokds. 395 -SPECIAL TOWX MEETING— 1803 At an especial Town Meeting- held at the House of David Seacord's on Saturday the 7th day of May 1803 agreed to Reappoint John Staples a® Overseer of High- ways for the first Road District in Said Town At the Annual Town Meeting Held for the Town of New Rochelle at the house of David Seacord on the First Tuesday of April 1804 the following Town Officers were chosen Elijah Ward Supervisor Elias Guion Junr ToA\ai Clark John Flandreau Charles Willis Paul Parcott Assessors James Seacord, Collector Samuel Titus James Bonnet Overseers of the Poor John Guion Paul Parcott Gilbert Griffin Commissioners of Highways James Seacord Con- stable Elias Guion Junr Pound Keeper John Coutant Peter Bonnet Frederick Schureman farmer Fence & damage viewers Abel Devoue 1st Caleb Russell 2nd Benjm Drake 3rd Joshua Soulice 4th Isaac Horton 5th Overseers of Highways It is resolved by the people of this town at their Annual meeting to Appeal from the decision of James Sominer- ville and Elijah Williams relative to eludith Morril whom we believe to be a pauper of the Town of Pelham PAGE 318— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1805 Agreed by the town of New Rochelle that the sum of L130 be raised for the support of the Poor of sd Town It is resolved by the people of this ToA^^l that our over- seers Continue a Lawsuit in behalf of this Town Against the to^Ti of Yonkers relative to Bill, Dublez whom we believe to be a pauper of that town The Town Law Concerning Hogs to continue as in the preceeding Year This Town Meeting is adjourned to be held at this House in the Year 1805 on the usual Day & Hour At an anul Town iNIeeting held at the house of Micajah 39G New Rochelle Town Records. Pinkuej aggmible to adjoiiiiiineiit this 2a April 1805 the Following Town Officers Avere Chosen Elijah Ward iSiipervisor Micajah Pinkney ToAvn Clark Stephen Stilhvill George Toffey Gilbert Griffin Assess- ors James Seacord Jr const^xble & collector Elijah Ward William Anderson overseers of Poor John Lecount Paul Parcot Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners of Highways John Coutant Peter Bonnet Fred- erick Schureman Junr Fence & damage viewers PAGE 319— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1805 Micajah Pinkney Pound Master John Bonnet Jnr 1st district Calib Russell 2 district Absolam Tomkins 3 dis- trict Joseph Gauledet 4 district Gilbert Griffin 5 dis- trict Path Masters Resolved that the poor Masters of this Town may meet the poor Masters of the Town of Pelham to choos arbi- trators on the dispute relative to Judith Morril as a porper Resolved that poor Masters of this Town do at their option make inquiring relative to Jeremiah Necolli wife and children wether they are porpers of this Town or not Resolved that this Town do apeal from the Decision made by James Sumervil & Williams Esqrs relative to Abraham Body, residene wether of this Town of East Chester Resolved that the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds be raised For support of Poor for this year PAGE 320— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1806 Resolved that the overseers of the Poor be authurised to Borrow the Sum of Twenty seven pounds one shilling and Nine pence to Defray the Defitioncy of Expences for the year preceeding L27 S 1 9d New EocHErr.LE Town Eecords. 397 Town law as relates to liogs runing at large as heretofore Eesolved this Meeting adjourns to meet next year at this Place at 12 oclock Eesolved that the overseers of the poor do Eeceived pro- posals from any person or persons for keeping the poor or any part of them by the week or year and he or they which will keep them or any part of them at the Lowest price is to have the prefference Micajah Pinkney Town Clark PAGE 321— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1806 At an anuel Town Meeting held at the House of Peter Jones Agreeable to adjurnment this 1st April 1806 the Following Town Officers Wear chosen Elijah Ward Su- pervisor Micajah Pinkney Town Clark George Toffey Gilbert Griffin Stephen Stilwill assessors James Seacord Collector Christerpher Stubs Joseph Bown overseers of Poor Paul Parcot John Lecount Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners of highways James Seacord Constable John Coutant Peter Bonnet Frederick Schurman farmer fence and Damage vieweres Micajah Pinkney Pound Master Frederick Guion Elisha Weele Benjamin Drake Jeremiah Schurman Isaac Horton Path Masters Eesolved that the sum of four hundred and fifty Dollars be Eaised for suport of Poor of this town for this year Eesolved unanumously that Paul Parcot have liberty to straten his road fenc west of his house near where the Pond formerly was so as to leave the road its usual width Eesolved unanumisly that the fees of fence & damage view- ers be for Each Call four shillings and if longer Eight shillings and if more then one day in proportion 398 New Rochelle Town I\ex:ords. PAGE 322— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1806 Resolved unananiously that any liog or hogs Riiiiing in liigh A\'ays are to be well rung if found without rings twenty four hours notis to be Given to said ownner or owners of said hog or hogs if then Neglected Liable to a prosicution by by Any iDerson of said town in pennilty of one Dollar for each offence and the Money when Recovered to go to the overseers of Poor of said Town Resolved that the Poor Masters have for their services six shilling pr day while imployed in the town and like- wise twelve shillings pr Day when imployed out of the town Resolved that the Law Respecting of puting out of Poor be the same as last year — Resolved that the acount of Abraham Florance be left in the present overseers of Poor, hands to investigat and also to sattisfy them selves weather the said acount should be Paid or not they are also to call on Samuel titus to know if there is any order from the Justice Respecting this account Resolved this Town Meeting adjourns to meet Next Year at this house at 12 oclock Micajah Pinkney Town Clark PAGE 323— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1807 The Annual Town Meeting Held at the house of Peter JoneSjS agreeable to adjournment, this 7th day of April 1807 the following Town Officers were chosen Elijah Ward Supervisor Elias Guion Jrn Town Clark George Toffey Gilbert Griffen John Bonnet Jr Assessors James Secord junr Collector & Constable Elijah Ward Matson Smith Overseers of the Poor Paul Parcott Gideon Coggesshall Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners of High ways David Coutant Peter Bonnet Frederick Schureman farmer Pence & Damage Viewers New Rochelle Town Records. 399 PAGE 324— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —18.07 Charles Willis Peter Jones Peter Shute Peter Bonnet Henry Griffen Path Masters Peter Jones Pound Master Resolved that the sum of five hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the Poor of this Town The Overseers of the last year have Represented to this Meeting that F I Guion have a disputed Account against this Town, Resolved, thereupon that when demand be made upon the present Overseers they are hereby authorised to nominate & appoint two persons not Residents of this Town as Arbitrators in Behalf of this To^^'n to join two persons by them chosen, to Investigate the same, should they not agree the sd Arbitrators are hereby Impowered to Choose the fifth man for the orderly Setleing the same & should the sd Arbitrators award the sd F & I Guions, the present Overseers are to Abide the Award of the sd arbitrators Resolved that the Overseers be authorised to Examine Joseph Guladets account and pay him any money that nia}^ be Due to him from the last years acc't E Guion jr Town Clark PAGE 325— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1808 At The anual Toavu Meeting held at the House of Peter Jones agreeable to Adjournment this fifth Day of April 1808 the Following Town Officers Were Chosen Elijah Ward Supervisor Elias Guion Jr To^^ti Clerk George Toffey Gilbert Griffen John Bonnet Junr As- sessors James Seacord Collector & Constable Matson Smith Samuel Titus Overseers of Poor Paul Parcott Gideon Coggeshall Joshua Soulice Com- missioners of Highways John Coutant Peter Bonnet Frederick Schuremau 400 New Rochelle Town Records. Fence and Damage Viewers 1st Charles Willis 2 Peter Jones 3 Benjamin Drake 4 Peter Bonnet 5 Stephen Cornwall overseers of Higliways Peter Jones Pound master This Town meeting is Adjourned, to be held the En- suing yeiir at the Usual place & Time PAGE 326— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1808 Also at the Town Meeting held this fifth Day of April 1808 Resolved that the Sum of Eight Hundred Dollars be raised for the support of the poor of the Town of New Rochelle Resolved that the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars be hired by the overseers of the poor to Defray the Ex- pences of the last year At the anual Town Meeting held at the House of Peter Jones agreeable, to Adjournment this Fourth Day of April 1809 the following Town Officers were Chosen Elijah Ward Supervisor Elias Guion Jr ToAvn Clerk George Toffey Gilbert Griffen Frederick Guion As- sessors James Sevils Collector & Constable Frederick Guion Elijah Horton Overseers of Poor Henry Griffen Gideon Coggeshall Joshua Sonlice Com- missioners of Highways John Coutant Frederick Schureman Andrew Hubbard Fence and Damage Viewers Elijah Ward 1st Caleb Russell 2nd Isaiah Coutant 3rd James Bonnet 4tli John W. Cornell 5th Overseers of Highways Micajah Pinlmey Pound Master It is unani- mously resolved that the present Overseers of the poor take Council, Respecting the money paid, and a note given by W Bayley of the Town of Pelham, to the New Eochelle Town Records. 401 Overseers of the poor of this Town before it be refund- ed Resolved that the collector give Security Resolved that the Sum of Eight hundred Dollars be Raised for the support of the poor for the Ensuing year Resolved that the Amount of an acct presented by the Town of Pelham be paid by the Overseers of this Town it being four pound four shillings & 7d This Town Meeting is Adjourned to be held in the year 1810 at the usual place and time PAGE 327— DISPUTE ABOUT TURNPIKE ROAD— 1808 We the Subscribers Commissioners of Highways for the Town of New Rochelle in the County of Westchester having viewed a certain piece or Strip of ground lying Between the limits of the Turnpike road and the fence of of Doct Matson Smith at and near the gate house, and find and are of oppion that the Westchester Turnpike Company have no Claim or Right to any ground beyond the Distance of four rods northerly of the fence of Judge Watts and in as much as that the commissioners of Highways cannot ap- propriate the said strip of ground in any way bene- ficial to the Town or public by reason of its Contiguity to the Turnpike road they therefore have no objection to, and do Consent that the said Doct Matson Smith may remove his fence adjoining the said strip of ground up to the northerly extent of the Turnpike Road at the place before Described, and order instrument in writing to be put on the Town Record Dated the 23rd Day of April 1808 Paul Parcot Gideon Coggeshall Commissioners of Highways At an Especial Town Meeting held in New Ro- chelle on Saturday the Tenth day of March 1810 at the House of Micajah Pinkney for the purpose of Choosing a Supervisor to Supply the Vacancy occasioned in Con- 4:02 New Kochelle Town Records. sequence of Elijah Ward the Present Supervisor being Elected Sheritf of this County, also to Choose a path master in the first Road District of sd Town occasioned as above said Elias Guion Junr Supervisor March 10th 1810 Thomas Carpenter Path master in the 1st road district PAGE 328— AN^T^\L TOWN MEETING— 1810 At the annual Town Meeting Held at the house of Micajah Pinkney agreeable to adjournment this third day of April 1810 the Following Town Officers were chosen Elias Guion Jr Supervisor Micajah Pinkney Town clerk George Toftey Gilbert Griffin — James P Huntington Assessors Absolam Tompkins, Frederick Guion Overseers of Poor Joshua Soulice Henry Grift'en Elijah Horton Com- missioners of highways James Sivalls Constable and Collector John Coutant Frederick Schureman farmer Andrew Hubbard Fence And Damage Viewers Thomas Carpenter 1st district Caleb Russell Second District, Peter Jones third District Andrew Hubbard fourth District John W Cornell fifth District Path Mas- ters Micajah Pinkney Pound Master PAGE 329— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1810 A Continuation of the resolve taken last year respect- ing the affair of Wm Bayley to be continued — Resolved That the sum of Eight Hundred dollars be raised for the support of the Poor the ensuing year Resolved That the overseers and Collector be exoner- ated one from the other respecting the deficiencys of poor Money by the omission of Mr E Ward Resolved That the Poor Masters of the ensuing year- New Rochellei Town Ee'oords. 403 be authorized to adjust the unadjusted accounts of their predecessors Resolved That this town meeting is Adjourned and to be held the first tuesday in April Next at 12 oclock of said day at the Usual Place PAGE 330— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1811 At the Anuel Town Meeting held at the House of Micajah Pinkney agreeable to adjournment this Second Day of April 1811 the following Town officers weare Chosen Elias Guion Jr Supervisor Micajah Pinkney Town Clerk George Toffey Gilbert Griffin James P Huntington assessors Absalom Tompkins James Bertine Overseers of Poor • Joshua Soulice Isaiah Coutant John Bonnet jr Com- missioners of Highways James Sivalls Constable & Collector John Coutant Frederick Schureman farmer Andrew Hubbard Fence & Damage Viewers William Anderson 1st Destrict Caleb Russell 2 Benja- min Drake 3 Frederick Schureman farmer 4 John W Corn well 5 Overseers of Highways Micajah Pinkney Pound Master PAGE 331— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1811 Resolved by the People that the overseers of poor bp authorized to Pay Georg Tofifey Eleven Dollars seventy five cents for his Services as an Inspector of Election And Assessor for the year 1810 Resolved that the Sum of Four Hundred Dollars be Raised for the Support of the poor for the Ensuing year 400|. It is hereby Resolved that the overseers of Poor are Directed to meet at the House of Micajah Pinkney oil Saturday 6th of April In order to put out the Poor of said Town 404 ^EiW ROCHELLE TOWN RECORDS. Resolved that the overseers of Poor be authorised to pay Caleb Russell Seven Dollars for the Burying of William White Resolved by the town that hogs Runing in the street shall have two good rings in the nose of Each hog so Running at large & by the Neglect of every owner of any hog or hogs that shall be found without rings as afforesaid to forfeit one Dollar for Each hog that may be Impounded in the town Pound by any person and to be Detained by the pound Master untill the above said penalty Together with the Pound Masters fees be paid This town Meeting is Adjourned to be held the Ensuing Year at the Usual time & place PAGE 332— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1811 The Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of New Rochelle did neglect to choose by Ballot as the law directs, Several of their Town Officers viz Supervisor To^^TL Clerk, Assesor overseers of the Poor. Commi- tioners of HighWay Collector and Constable, and where- as a remissness having been made by the Town Clerk to call a Special Towno. Meeting for filling said offices it became the duty of the Freeholders and inhabitents to call three Justices to appoint persons to fill said offices and they did agTeeable to Notice assemble in said TowTi on the ITth day of April 1811. and under their hands & seals Nominated & Appointed the following officers viz Richard Ward Supervisor John Bonnet Jr To^Ti Clerk Benjamin Drake Jr one of the Assessors Absolom Tompkins & James Bartine overseers of the Poor Joshua Soulice Isaiah Coutant John Bonnet Jr Com- mitioners of Highways Joseph Gallidet Constable & Collector New Roc'Hellei Town Records. 405 PAGE 333— APPOINTMENT OF ASSESSORS OF THE TOWN— 1811 Whereas Gilbert Griffen one of the Assessors of the Town of New Rochelle, lawfully chosen at the last ToAvn Meeting having neglected to file his surtificate of qual- lification in the Town Clerks Office as the Law directs which is considered a refusal to serve in said office and Benjamin Drake Junr being appointed Assessor by three Justice on the 17th Apr 1811 and he not being a free- holder in said Town is considered not quallified to hold said office of assessor, the said Two Offices became vacant three Justices being notifyed did aissemble in said Town the 17th May 1811 and under their hands and seals Nominated and Appointed others in their Place viz, Paul Parcot Frederick Schureman farmer Assessors W^hereas application having been made to the Commis- sioners of the Town of New Rochelle by the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the fourth district of road in said ToAvn that an alteration of the Boundery be made be- tween the fourth and fifth district we having examined the road of the two Districts and find it nessessary that an alteration should be made we therefore have fixed the Boundery between the Fourth and fifth road Districts at the west side of the Lane on the south side of the road being the divition line between the land of John Schureman Jr and Jeremiah Schureman. New Rochelle 26 March 1812 Enterd on Record 27th March 1812 John Bonnett Jr Town Clk Josliua Soiilice Isaiah Coutant Jn Bonnet Jr Commis- sioner of road of New Rochelle PAGE 334— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1812 At the annuel Town Meeting held at the House of Micaijah Pinkneys agreeable to adjournment this seventh day of April 1812 the following Towti Officers were chosen Richard Ward, supervisor John Bonnet. Jnr Town Clerk, 406 Kew Eochelle Tonvx Records. Frederick Scbiiremaii, farmer, Paul Pa root. James P Hiintiiigtoii assessors. Josepli Gallidet Constable & Collector James Bartine Absolom Tompkins Overseers of the Poor. Josbna Soul ice Isaiah Coutant John Bonnet Jr Commissioners of Hiolnvay John Coutant Frederick Schureman Farmer Andrew Hubbard Fence and Damage Viewers. John Bonnet Jr Pound Master William Anderson Overseer of Highway for the 1st District Elislia Webb Overseer of Highway for the 2 District David Coutant Overseer of Highway for the 3 District James Bonnet overseer of Highway for the 4 District Gilbert Griffin Overseer of High Avay for the 5 District Gin)ert Griffin refused to serve John Schureman Avas ap- pointed in his by the commissioner Overseer of Highway for the 5 District PAGE 335— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1812 Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor be authorized to pay Gilbert Griff en his acct for Ser vises Rendered to the Town as an Assessor for the year 1810 Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor be Authorized to pay Mrs. Roberson the difference between the prices of keeping the Paupers for the year 1810 1811 for two week as per agreements Resolved that the sum of five hundred and fifty Dol- lars be Raised for the Support of the Poor Resolved that the Hogg Law Respecting Hogs runing at large be the same as last year Resolved that Lewis S Pintard be permitted to take the Rocks and stone out of the road from the turnpike road to water or Landing commonly called Drakes Lane, adjoining his land provided he fill the holes where the stone come out Resolved that the Poor Masters be allowed when they New RocheliLEi Town Records, 407 are on actual services of the Town one dollar per Day when in the Town and One Dollar fifty cents when on Bussiness of the Town out of the town This Meeting is adjourned to be held the ensuing year at the usual time and Place John W. Bonnet Jr Town Clk PAGE 336— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1812 At a Special Town Meeting held at the House of Micai- jah Pinknej'S 7th Dec 1812 agreeable to public Notice for the purpose of choosing School Commissioners and James Bartine Micaijah Pinkney & Joshua Soulice was chosen school commissioners John Bonnet Jr Tow^n Clk At the annual Town Meeting held at the house of Micaijah Pinkneys agreeable to adjournment this Gth day of April 1813 the following Town Offtcers were chosen Richard Ward Supervisor John Bonnet jr Town Clerk Frederick Schureman Paul Parcot Lawrence Davenport Assessors John Fountain Constable and Collector James Bartine Absolom Tomp- kins Overseers of the Poor — Andrew Hubbard John Bon- net Jr Gideon Coggshall Commissioners of Highway John Bonnet Jr Pound Master John Coutant Frederick Schure- man Andrew Hubbard fence and Damage Viewers Daniel Pelton 1st District Newberry Davenport 2nd District Ben- jamin Drake 3rd district Morris S Griffin 4th district Richard Griffin 5th District Overseers of High ways PAGE 337— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1813 Robert Weir Joshua Soulice James Bartine Commission- ers of Common Schools Isaac Blauvelt Matson Smith An- thony Bartow Frederick Schureman Joseph Gallidet James Secor Inspectors of Common Schools Resolved that the sum of five hundred and fifty Dollars be Raised for the support of the Poor Resolved that the same Hogg Law be as last year with the addition of Hoggs or swine 408 New Rochelle Town Records. Resolved that the same allowance be given to the Over- seers of Poor as last year Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor for the Time Being of the Town of New Rochelle be authorized to settle tlie business between the Estate of Peter Shute deed and Francis Durang a pauper at their own discretion Resolved that the Supervisor be Authorized to rais as much Mone}' from the Town to be levyd agreeable to the law respecting Common Schools as the town is entitled to receive from the state to be applied for the use of Com- mon Schools Resolved tha-t Joshua Soulice James Bartine and Mat- son Smith be appointed to receive the money from the Estate of William Henderson Deed This Meeting ad- journed to meet again at this House the 1st Tuesday of April next at 12 oclock PAGE 338— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1814 At the annul Town Meeting hid at the house Late Mica- jah pinkneys Now James Whitmore agreeabel To Adjourn- ment the fifth of Aprel 1814 the following Officers ware chosen Richard Ward Supervisor James Bertine Town Clk Paul Parent Lawrence Devenport Frederick Schure- nian farmer assessors Joshua Soulice Andrew^ Hubert over- seers of Poor Joseph Golledet Constabel Isaac Blauvelt Frederick Schureman Jonathan AAliaren commissioners of Highways John Coutant Fredk Schurman Farmer James Bonnet fence & Damage Viewers Elijah Horton 1th district Jona- than Wharen 2 Benjamin Drake 3 John Toffey 4 John Schurman 5 overseers of highways John B Underbill Pound Master Daniel Pelton Benjamin Drake James Bertine Commis- sioners for buildin town house Xew Eochelle Town Records. 409 PAGE 339— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1814 Eesolved that tlie New School Law be Done Away for the Ensuing Year Resolved that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars be raised for the seport of the Poor |500 Resolved that the overseers of the Poor be authorized to paj Frederick Guion his extra account on bording franes Durong of L3 5 John Fountains Bill of |3.50 servises Elizabeth Roberson bill of |2 extra acct Stephen Renouds bill of |2 extra & John Bonnet esqr of Scharsdeal the sum of as tax collected the last year through mistake and also a chest be got for Enclosing in Safty the papers of the Town Resolved that the Same Town Law Remains as before Resolved that the Commissioners for builden the Town House be and are Hereby authorised to purches Ground for Building Said House This meeting adjourned to the first tuesday in April in the next ensuing year at the same place at 12 oclock James Bertine Town Clerk PAGE 340— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1815 At the annuel Town Meeting held at the house of James Whitmores agreeabel To Adjournment on the 4th day of April 1815 the following officers ware chosen Richard Ward supervisor James Bertine town clerk Fredk Schureman Samuel Rundle Lawrence Davenport assessors Joseph Galledet Constable & Collector Jonathan Shearwood William Meed Jonathan Wharen Commissioners of Highways Gedeon Coggeshall 1th Elisha Webb 2 Jeremiah Smith 3 David Bonnet 4 Gil- bert Griifen 5 Overseers of Highways Joshua Soulice Andrew Hubert Overseers of Poor John B. Underbill Pound Master 410 New Rochelle Town Records. Richard Ward Jonathan \Yaring Lawrence Devnport Commissioners for building Town hall PAGE 341— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) — 1S15 (continued from other side) — 1815 — Resolved that said Conmiissioners be authorised To piti- sion the Legislator for proper authority for Receiving the amount of money Left by Mr Henderson for Build- ing Town House Joshua Soulice Robert Wears James Bertine Commis- sioners of Schools Matson Smith Anthony Bartow Isaac Blauvelt John Le- favour Abm Thompkens David Bonnet 6 Enspectors of Schools Resolved that Six Hundred Dollars be raised for the seport of the Poor |600 the note of William Baley Re- solved that the above Note be discontinued on the Books and Kept in the chest for Safty Resolved that the Question for joining the town of Mount plesent lay over untill the next town meeting Resolved that Peter renouds account of L2 14s Od be paid Also John Guion's of LO IGs Od also Elizabeth Roberson L2 14s Od Resolved that the overseers of the Poor be authorised to hire a house if think proper to keek the Poor Frederick Schurman farmer, James Bonnet Jonathan Bales Fence and Damage Viewers PAGE 342— BLAUVELT GIVES A ROAD TO NEW ROCHELLE— 1815 This Meeting Adjournd to Meet again at the House of Elijah Hortons in this Town the first tuesday in April Next at 12 oclock James Bertine Town Clk Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Blau- New Rochelle Town Eecords. 411 velt of the Township of New Rochelle have and by these presents do Give Grant and assign all that parcel of Ground now fenced off by the Inhabitants of the town- ship of New Rochelle for a by Road three Rod wide as the fence now stands from Micajah Pinkneys Door to the Turnpike Road and I do for myself Heirs & assigns Re- nounce All claim to the same in future unless it should be abandoned by the Tow^nship aforesaid as a by road then and in such case to revert back to myself heirs or assigns as witness my hand and Seal this Eight day of July one thousand eight hundred and thirteen Isaac Blauvelt In presents of William Mead William Mead Jr To Isaac Blauvelt Jonathan Waring and Frederick Schureman commissioners of the highways for the Town of New Rochelle We the subscribers in habitants of the township of New Rochelle and freeholders in the same have Duly Exam- ined and Considered of the expediency of Maintaining and Keeping open a Certain Road now opened in frunt of James Whitmores Tavern and Runing through the Land of Isaac Blauvelt to the Turn Pike Road which Said Road in one Estimation is of material advantage ad- vantage PAGE 343— BLAUVELT GIVES A ROAD TO NEW ROCHELLE (Continued)— 1815 and convenience to the Inhabitants of the said Town of New Rochelle and which Said Road was given by the Isaac Blauvelt to the Good People of the said Towai. We therefore Requests the Road Commissioners for the Said Town of New Rochelle to Examine the premises and Cause to be Done for touching the same what of right should be Done for rendering the said Road per- manant and public and for keeping the same in Repair According to the form of the Statude in such Case made and proved May 12 1814 William Mead Elijah Horton 412 New Rochelllei Toayn Records. William Anderson Jr Thomas Carpenter William Pittit Gedion Coggeshall Ricli Ward Daniel Pelton Frederick Odell Jolm Armstrong William Lecount Elislia Webb Absalom Tompkins Benjamin Seacord Moses Clark David Clark Laben Russell Jonathan Bayles Andrew Hubbard Jonathan Waring Richard W\ard William Mead Laban Russel Jonathan Bayles Absalom Tompkins Moses Clark Andrew Hubert Matson Smith Frederick Odill Thomas Carpenter Jona- than Wearing and William Lecount those PAGE 344— BLAUVELT GIVES A ROAD TO NEW ROCHELLE (Continued)— 1815 Those names above written personly appeared before me and Avas Sworn that the Road withen mentioned nessary and a benefit to the Town of New Rochelle August 19 1815 Gedeon Coggeshall justice of the Peace We the commissioners of High ways of the Town of New Rochelle for the current year do hereby certify that we have Inspected the within mentioned road and Laid ont the same of the width of three rod and order the same to entred the Record on the Books of Town under our hands at New Rochelle tis 30th day of August 1815 W^illiam Mead Jonathan Waring Jona- than Shearwood Entered of Record on the 10th day of November Jonathan Bertine town Clk PAGE 345— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1816 At the Annual Town Meeting held at the House of Elijah Hortons greeble to adjournment, on Tuesday the Second Day of April 1816 the following officers were chosen Law^rence Davanport Supirvisor John B. Underhill Town Clk Samuel Bundle Frederick Schureman Jonathan Warring assessors Joseph Gaullidet Constable & Collector ^Ew EociiELLE To^yN Records. 413 Andrew Hubbard Frederick Schurman Overseers of tbe Poor Joshua Soulice William Mead Jonathan Shearwood Com- missioners of Highways Elijah Horton 1st district Elisha Webb 2nd D Benjamin Drake 3rd D James Seacord 4th D Richard Griffen 5th D overseers of highways John B Underbill Pound Master Jonathan Baylis Ab- salom Tompkins Elias Guion Fence and Damage view- ers Resolved that Gideon Coggeshall John Clark Doct Matson Smith be commissioners to build Town House Resolved that said Commissioners be authorized to peti- tion the Legislater of the State of New York for proper authority for receiving the amount of money left to Town by Wm. Henderson deceased for to Build a Town House PAGE 346— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1816 Joshua Soulice Jeremiah Smith Elias Guion Commis- sioners of Schools Matson Smith Anthony Bartow Isaac Blauvelt John Toffey Absalom Tompkins Henry B. Knapp Inspectors of Common Schools Resolved that seven hundred dollars be raised in the Town of New Rochelle by Tax for the Support of the Poor for sd Town for the ensuing year 1816 Resolved that the Overseer® of the Poor be Authorised to Buy the (verses) of Law Books of the State of New York, for their purposes and their successors in of&ce from time to time to be kept by them at the Towns Expence Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor be authorised by the Consent of the Town, to sue the property of Philip Riche for to Recover the Expences of Mike a 414 Neav Rochelle) Town Records. blackmail (deed) said to belong to said Philip Riche or the estate Resolved that every Person or Persons having hogs, Run- ning in the Road unrung shall by notice of any per- son residing in the Town shall pay 25 cents for each hog After 24 hours notice if not so Rung with 2 rings in the nose and the fine money to go to the use of the Poor Resolved that the OverSeers of the Poor shall not Loose money that they have in their hands the Sum of Seven Dollars which the cannot pay currant at par they are also authorized to lay it out to the best advantage they can Resolved that this meeting adjourned to meet again the first Tuesday in April next at twelve oclock at same place John B. Underbill Town Clerk PAGE 347— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1816 At a Special Town Meeting held at the House of Elijah Horton in the Town of New Rochelle on Fri- day the fifth day Of July 1816 by Public Notice Given for the Purpose of Electing a Collector & constable Peter E. Galloudet was chosen Collector & Constable J. B. Underhill Town Clerk At the annual Town Meeting held at the House of Eli- jah Horton on Tuesday the first Day of April 1817 agreeable to adjournment of the Last annual Town Meeting w^hereas the following officers were chosen Lawrence Davonport Supervisor John B LTnderhill Town Clerk Samuel Rundle Morris Griffen John Toffey Assessors Frederick Schureman Jonathan Shearwood Overseers of the Poor Peter E. Gaullidet constable and collector Jeremiah Smith Sylvenus Merrite Joshua Soulice Com- missioners of High ways New Roohellei Town Eecords. 415 Josliiia Soiilice Jeremiah Smitli Elias Guion Commis- sioners of Common Schools PAGE 348— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1817 Continued William G. Mead Inspector of Weights & Measures Elijah Horton 1st District Elisha Webb 2nd Do. Benjamin Drake 3rd Do. Andrew Hubbard 4th Do. John W. Cornell 5th, Do. Overseers of Highways Jonathan Bayly Elias Guion Absalom Tompkins Fence & Damage viewers Matson Smith Anthony Bartow Isaac Blauvelt John Toffey Absalom Tompkins Henry B. Knapp Inspectors of Com- mon Schools John B. Underhill pound ]Master Resolved that 700 dollars be raised for the support of the Poor for year 1817 Resolved that the Hog Law remain as was passed in the year 1816 Resolved that the same Commissioners to Build A town House be the same men as was Appointed 1816 Gideon Coggeshall John G. Clark Matson Smith Commissioners to receive the money left by Wm Henderson deceased for said town Resolved that the bill of Doctor Palmers Presented for doctoriug Peter Devoui when sick He was not employed by the overseers of the Poor did not pass to be paid Resolved that this meeting be adjourned till the first Tuesday of April next 12 oclock of said day at the same place to meet again John B. Underhill Town Clerk PAGE 349— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1818 At the Annual Town Meeting held at the house of James Herrings in the Town of New Rochelle on Tues- 416 Xkw Rociielle Town Records. (lay the Seventh Day of April 1818 Agreeble to Law when the following town Otlicers were ehosen Lawrence Davenport Snpervisor John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk Samuel Rnndle John Totfey ^loiriss S. Griffen assessors Peter E. Gallidet constable & collector Frederick Scliurman Jonathan Sherwood Overseers of the Poor Jeremiali Smith Joshua Soulice Sylvenus Merrit Com- missioners of highway Jeremiah Sniitli Joshua Soulice Elias Guion Commis- sioners of common Schools William G. Mead Sealer of Weights & Measure William G Mead Overseer Highway 1st district Newbury Davenport 2d district Nathan Seacord 3rd district An- drew Hubbard 1th district Samuel S Cornell 5tli district PAGE 350— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1818 Elias Guion Benjamin Badeau James Bonnet Fence cS: Damage ^"iewers Matson Smith Anthony Bartow Isaac Blauvelt John B. Schureman John S. Tompkins John Soulice Inspectors of Common Schools John Bonnet jr Pound Master Resolved that |500 dollars be raised by Tax for the Sup- port of the Poor for the year 1818 Resolved that the Hog Law be the same as last year with the addition of twenty five cents and to be the duty of the overseers of Highways to cause the hog or hogs so found doing damage in the Road unrung to be drove to the pound and liable to the penalty of Poundage as in the cases of doing individual damages Resolved that Gidion Coggshall Matson Smith & New- bury Davenport Jr be commissioned to receive the money left by William Henderson deed, to sad toT\^l Resolved the Town Meeting be adjourned till the first ]S^E\V EOCHELLEi TOWX RECORDS. 417 Tuesday of April Next at 1 oclock P M of said day at the same House John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk PAGE 351— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1819 At the Annual Town Meeting held at the House of James Herring in the Town of New Rochelle oil Tuesday the sixth day of April 1819 agTeeable to Law when the following town officers were chosen Lawrence Davenport supervisor John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk Samuel Bundle Morris S Griffen John Toffey Assessors Peter E Gallidet, constable & Collector George Pelor Gideon Coggshall over seers of the Poor Jeremiah Smith Joshua Soulice David Bonnet commissioners of Highway Jeremiah Smith Elias Guion Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners of Common Schools William G. Mead Sealer of Weights & Measures William G. Mead overseer of Highway for 1st District Zedock Newman 2 District PAGE, 352— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1819 Calet) Hobby Overseer of Highway 3rd District ^Allliam Knapp 4th District John Schureman 5th District John Bonnet Jr pound Master James Bonnet Elias Guion Benjamin Baddeau Fence & Damage viewers William Knapp Isaac Coutant Matson Smith Isaac Knapp Isaac Blauvelt Edward B Weyman Inspectors of Common Schools Resolved that |500 be raised by tax for the support of the Poor for the year 1819 Resolved that the Law respecting Hogs be as last year Resolved that Gideon Coggshall Matson Smith & New- 418 ^'K^v KociiE'LLK Town Recoiujs. bury Davc'iiiK)it Jr be tiustets to ret-eive the monej' left by William Henderson deed to said town. Resolved that this toAvn Meeting be adjourned till the first tiiesday of April next at 1 ocloek V. M. of said day at the same house Resolved that Mrs Roberson be allowed six dollars for extra services taking care of Mrs Reshore a pauper Resolved that Abraham Bonnet be allowed five dollars for extra services taking care of Prince a pauper John Bonnet jr Town Clk PAGE 353— REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1819. This may certify that we Joshua Soulice David Bon- net and Jeremiah Smith have examined the road leading from a Stone Bridge North by east to a bridge covered with plank and from thence AVest by North to Shubell Knapp house where it intersects the former road and we have concluded it will benefit the public to make the alteration and we laid out the Road two Rods wide by the consent of Morris S Griffin and Shubel Knapp who are the owners of the Land, and Ave authorise the same to be recorded this 10th day of June 1819 Jeremiah Smith Joshua Soulice Commissioners of Highway New Rochelle June 25 1819 Copy of the Original Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clk We the commissioners of the Public Highway have thought proper to Lay out a Road two rods wide leading from a gateway north of Shubel Knapp house & thence Easterly opposite the house of David Bon- nets by the consent of John Bonnet Evsqr owner of the Land. This we as commissioners authorize you to enter the same on the town Books dated at New Rochelle Jan 3rd 1820 Jeremiah Smith Joshua Soulice David Bonnet Commissioners of Highway Jn W. Bonnet Jr Town clerk Entered on record 5th Jan 1820 New RooHELLEi Town' Rboords. 419 PAGE 354— REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1820 Scarsdale Nov. 25tli 1819 This is to Certify that John Bonnet of the Town of Scarsdale do give unto the Town of New Rochelle a certain piece of Land free from all incumbrance laying in said Town of New Rochelle for the purpose of a public two rod road beginning at a Gate North of Shubal Knappis house thence an. east course about sixty or seventy rods or off against the house of David Bonnet John Bonnet Entered on Record 5th Jan 1820 John Bonnet Jr Town. Clerk At the Annual Town Meeting of the towoi of New Ro- chelle in the County of Westchester State of New York at the house of James Herrings in said Town on the 4th day of April 1820 Agreeable to Law w^hen the fol- lowing Town Officers were Chosen viz Lawrence Davenport Supervisor John Bonnet Jr town elk Samuel Bundle John Toffey Newbury Davenport Jr Assessors Peter E. Gallidet Constable & Collector George Pelor Gideon Coggshall overseers of the Poor PAGE 355— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1820 David Bonnet Caleb Hobby Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners Of Highway Jeremiah Smith John Schureman Elias Guion Commis- sioners of Common Schools Isaac Blauvelt Matson Smith Isaac Bonnet Inspectors of Common Schools Isaac Underbill Overseer of Highways 1st District Newbury Davenport " " 2nd " James Pine " " 3rd " Andrew Hubbard " " 4th " John Schureman '• " 5th " 420 Xew Rochellei Town Records. John. Bonnet Jr Pound Master Caleb Hobby Benjamin l^>addean Elias Gnion fence & Damage VieAvers Resolved that Gideon Coggshall Matson Smith and Xewbnry Davenport Jr be trnstees to receive the money left by William Henderson decs to said Town Resolved that ii?400 Dollars be Raised by tax for the support of the poor for the year 1820 PAGE 356— AXXUAL TOWN MEETING (Continned) —1820 Resolved that the Law respecting Hoggs be as last year Resolved that this town will not join the assosiation for building a Poor House Resolved that if the Committee receive the money from the Executors of Wm Henderson the Town Avill Indemnify them for their bonds to be given and that they are authorized to purchase a Lott for that purpose and that there be raised 150 Dollars for the purchase of said Lot Resolved that this Town Meeting adjourn until the first Tuesday in Apl 1821 at one oclock at the same place John Bonnet Jr Town Clk PAGE 357— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1821 At the Annual Town Meeting the town of New Ro- clielle in the County of Westchester & state of New York at the house of James Herring in Said Town on the 3rd day of April 1821 agreeable to Law when the following town Officers were chosen Viz James P. Huntington supervisor Elias Guion town Clerk William G Mead John Toffey Newberry Davenport Junr assessors Peter E. Gallaudet Constable & Collector George Pelor Zadoc Newman overseers of the Poor New Eochelle Town Kecords. 421 Lawrence Davenport Joshua Soulice John Guion Com- missioners of Highwaj^s John Lefevre Andrew Hubbard Matson Smith Commis- sioners of Common Schools PAGE 358— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1821 Isaac Blauvelt John B Schureman John Soulice In- spectors of Common Schools Isaac Underbill first James P Huntington second Samuel Bundle third Frederick Schureman fourth John Schure- man fifth Overseers of Highways John Bonnet Junr & Jonathan Bayles Pound Masters James Secord Junr James Pine Nathan Seacord Fence & Damage viewers Resolved that Matson Smith Gideon Coggeshall & New- berry Davenport Junr be trustees to receive the money left by William Henderson due to said Town This Meeting Avas adjourned untill to morrow at 4 oclock at this place Continued PAGE 359— RESOLUTIONS ABOUT TOWN HOUSE —1821 Resolved that the sum of 100 Dollars Be Raised by Tax for the Support of the Poor Resolved that the Hog Law remain in force as it stands recorded in the year 181G and amended in 1818 and in addition to the above law one half of the fine to go to the Overseers of the Highway Resolved that the Poor be horded in the Town Resolved that the money raised last year for the pur- chase of a lot to Build a Town House thereon and is now in the hands of Lawrence Davenport be paid to the pres- ent Supervisor and by him put at Interest on demand and to his Successors in Office and by them continued at inter- est Untill it is decided whether the Trustees are to re- 422 New Rochelle Town Records. ceive the legacy left by William Henderson Deceased for to build a Town House or not and if the Trustees do re- ceive the said Legacy then the Supervisor in Office is hereby authorized to pay the said sum with the Interest that has accrued thereon to the said Trustees to purchase a lot for the purpose afforesaid and to take the Deed in their Own Xames as Trustees afforesaid and their Suc- cessors for ever and if the said legacy is not received from the executors then the supervisor as PAGE 360— RESOLUTIONS ABOUT TOWN HOUSE (Continued) — 1821 afforesaid is hereby authorized to pay the said sum with the Interest that has accrued tliereon to the overseers of the Poor for the support of the Poor Resolved that the legal Expences of the Trustees in obtaining the legacy from the executors of William Hen- derson deed be paid out of the funds of the Town Resolved that this Town Meeting be adjourned untill the first Tuesday in April 1822 at 1 oclock at this house At a Special Town Meeting held at the house of James Herrings in the Town of New Rochelle this first day of January 1822 for the purpose of choosing two delegates to represent sd town at a meeting to be held at Alexander Fowlers Inn in the whiteplains on the 2nd Tuesday- in sd month for the purpose of assouating with a part of the County, In Building a house for the better Accomoda- tion of the poor, to estimate tlie expences Attending the same and to report their proceedings to their respective towns at the next annual town meeting, whereupon the following ^^ ere chosen Samuel Titus Frederick Guion Delegates PAGE 361— ANNUAL TOWN INIEETING- 1822 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of New Ro- chelle in the county of Westchester in the State of New New Ko€he[lle Town Kecords. 423 York at the House of James Herrings in said Town on the 2nd of April 1822 agreeable to Law when the following Town Otlicers were chosen viz James P. Huntington supervisor John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk John Toffey Morris S. Griffen Newbury Davenport Jr assessors Peter E. Gallidet Constable & Collector Zadoc Newman Jeremiah Smith overseers of the Poor Andrew Hubbard Sylvenus Merrit Jonathan Baylez jr commissioners of highwaj^ Matson Smith Andrew Hubbard James Seacord Jr com- missioners of Common Schools Edward B. Weyman Overseer First Road District James P. Hnntington " Second " " Samuel Bundle " Third '' " Jonathan Sherwood " Fourth " " Samuel S. Cornell " Fifth " " PAGE 362— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1822 John Bonnet Jr Jonathan Bayles Pound Masters James Seacord Jr James Pine Nathan Seacord Fence & Damage Viewers Resolved that Matson Smith Giddeon Coggshall and Newbury Davenport Jr be Trustees to receive the money left by William Henderson due to said town Number of Votes taken at this Meeting for building a Poor House is seven and against it is fifty two Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor are authorized to pay the Board of Mrs Davoue and Peter Davis where they have lived the last year that is to say eighty seven dollars fifty cents, also Ten Dollars to Hester Florence for the support of Elizabeth Brown; Resolved that Two Hundred Dollars of the money now in the hands of the overseers of the Poor be put at Interest with the Security by the said Overseers together with the 424 Xew Rocheolle Toayx Records. advice and Consent of tlie Supeivisor town clerk and jns- tice of the peace of said Town Resolved that the Hog Law remain as recorded in the preceding year Resolved that the resolution passed in the year 1821 respecting the legacy left by William Henderson deed for the purpose of building a Town House in the Town of New Rochelle remain in full force as recorded last year Resolved that this Town Meeting is adjourned untill the first Tuesday in April 1823 at the hour of one oclock Pell at this house Recorded by John Bonnet Jr Town Ck. PAGE 3G3— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1822 New Rochelle 1 Nov 1822 We the Subscribers Fence and Damage Viewers for the Town of New Rochelle Being Called up- on by Mr Mead of the Town of Mamaroneck To Divide a Line Fence Between his Land and the Land of William & Isaac Coles have divided the same as follows, Begining at the Pond and runing up to and passing the House to a Stake runing to the Pond the south being Mr Coles and the North Mr Mead, from Mr Waites runing easterly to a cedar stump being a division of Mr Mead, from the stump runing easterly being a division of Mr Coles to the Line south thence southerly runing to the Bars being Mr. Corlis's from the Bars to the Rock in the Marsh or meadow from thence to the wall being Mr Mead, along the wall passing the gate to a Stake opposite the Old Well being Coles's from the stake runing to and in the Creek being Mr Meads James Pine James Seacord Jr Nathan Seacord fence & Damage Viewers Enterd of record John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk 29th. No- vember 1822 We the Undersigned being Commissioners of Highway for New Eochelle Town Eecords. 425 the town of New Rochelle in the County of WestChester have this day by the Power vested in us by an act of the Legishiture of the State, thought proper and do hereby Divide what was formerly calld the fourth road District in the manner following that is to say so much of the said forth district as formerly called, shall begin at the South End of the Burying Ground belonging to the 3fethodist Church adjoining to the land. PAGE 364— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS ( Continued ) —1822 late of Jonathan Bayliss Deceased and End on the east part at a Gateway belonging to Benjamin F. Bur- ling adjoining the Land of John Schureman and on the North end By A line parallel with the School house and A Carriage house or barn Belonging to Jonathan Bad- deau and ou the west End with the Junction of East- Chester and New Rochelle road Near Smiths Mill and to be called and known by District Number four the above named Disrict to be Entitled to Whatever Labour or Asessments may be made upon the property and person residing upon the Farm now in possession of Frederick Schureman and Jonathan Sherwood and the remainder part of the former fourth District to be called the Sixth District and commence at the said School House and Barn aforesaid and Include the remainder part of the Highway Belonging to said town runing from thence Northwardly Given under our hands at New Rochelle this nineteenth day of March iu the year One thousand at Eight Hun- dred and twenty three Andrew Hubbard Sylvenus Merritt Jonathan Bayliss com- missioners of Highway Entered of record 20th March 1823 Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk 426 New Rochellb Town Records. PAGE 365— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1823 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of New Eochelle in the County of Westchester and State of New York at the House of James Herrings in sd Town on the first Day of April 1823 Agreeable to Law when the Following Town officers were chosen viz James P. Huntington supervisor Elias Guion Town Clerk John 1'ortey George F White Newberry Davenport Jun Assessors Peter E Gallaudet Constable and collector Zadoc Newman Jeremiah Smith Overseers Of The Poor Andrew Hubbard Sylvanus Merrit Jonathan Bayless Junr commissioners of Highways Joshua Carhart Constable Matson Smith Andrew Hubbard Joshua Soulice Commis- sioners of Connnon Schools Isaac Blauvelt George F White John Soulice lusjiectors <,f Common Schools Edward B. Weyman Overseer First Road District Elisha Webb Second Samuel Bundle Third John Toffey Fourth John Willis Fifth Benjamin Griffin Sixth PAGE 366— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1823 John Bonnet Junr Pound Master Daniel Drake Isaac Coutant Benjamin Baddeau fence and Damage Viewers Resolved that Matson Smith Gideon Coggshall and New- berry Davenport Jr be trustees to receive the money left by William Henderson due to said town Resolved that the sum of Two hundred dollars be raised by Tax to support the poor New Rochelle. Town Records. 427 Resolved that the Hog Law remain as recorded in the preceeding year Resolved that the resolution passed in the year 1821 respecting the legacy left by William Henderson De- ceased for the purpose of building a Town House in the town of New Rochelle remain in full force as re- corded Resolved that this to^Ta meeting is adjourned untill the first Tuesday in April 1824 at the hour of one oclock P M at this place Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk PAGE 367— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1824 At the annual town meeting of the town of New Rochelle in the County of Westchester and State of New York at the House of Daniel Davoues in said Town on the 6th day of April 1824 Agreeable to adjournment when the following Town officers were Chosen viz James P Huntington Supervisor John Bonnet Jr Town Clerk Samnel Rundle Mauric S Griffen John Schureman assessors Peter E Gallidet Constable & collector Lawrence Davenport James P Huntington overseers of the Poor Andrew Hubbard Isaac Coutant Newbury Davenport Jr commissioners of Highway Andrew Hubbard Joshua Soulice Matson Smith Coni- missioners of Common Schools Isaac Blauvelt L. M. H. Butler John Soulice Inspectors of Schools William P'ettit Path Master First District Jonathan Waring second Benj Baddeau third John Toffey fourth Joshua Soulice sixth John Willis fifth John Bonnet Jr Pound Master 428 New Rochelle Town Kecords. PAGE 3GS— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) — 1S24 Daniel Drake Isaac Coutant Benjamin Baddeau fence and Damage Viewers Resolved that Matson Smith, Andrew Hubbard and Jonathan BayJiss be trustees to Receive the money left by William Henderson due to said Town Resolved that tlio sum of three hundred and fifty dol- lars be raised by tax for the support of the poor Resolved that the Hog laAv be and remain as hereto- fore recorded Resolved that tlie money together with the reasonable Expences paid by Peter E Gallidet respecting the Tax laid on the Turnpike Road stock be refunded by said Town Resolved that this ToAvn Meeting is adjourned untill the year 1825 on the first Tuesday in April at one oclock at this place Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clk At a Spetial Town Meeting held in the Town of New Rochelle at the house of Daniel Davoue's in said Town agreeable to notice on Satturday the 8th day of May 1824 for the purpose of electing one assessor Isaac Cou- tant was chosen assessor Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk PAGE 369— SPECIAL TOWN MEETING— 1824 At a Spetial Town meeting held at the House of Daniel Davous on Satturday the 25th Sept 1824 agree- able to Public Notice for the purpose of voteing to Raise money by Tax to pay the Expences of a Suit against the executors of Wm Henderson Deed Resolved that the sum of one hundred and thirty nine dollars & 78/100 be raised by tax for the above pur- pose 1139.78/100 Jn Bonnet jr Town Clerk This may Certify that we Newbury Davenport Jr Isaac New Eochelle) Town Records. 429 Coutant And Andrew Hubbard Commissioners of the liigliway on the application and oath of twelve reputa- ble freeholders to lav out a road, we have by the au- thority vested in us as Commissioners of Highway laid out a road two rods and one half wide, Begining at a Stake on the ^Kovth Side of the road opposite to the gate of :N'ewbury Davenport Jr leading on the neck, runing South thirty four Degrees west fourteen Chains twenty five PAGE 370--REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1824 links to a stake set up near a ledge of rocks Thence South Twenty four degrees west thirteen chains fifty four links to the east corner of land belonging to Samuel Titus .thence south forty-six degrees west five chains Eighty Eight links to the road lead- ing from New Rochelle Town to the landing and op- posite the House of Stephen Anderson and runing through the lands of Newbury Davenport Junr Isaac Blauvelt Stephen Anderson Newbury Anderson and Samuel Titus dated New Rochelle 9tli Dec 1824 Andrew Hubbard New^bury Davenport Jr Isaac Coutant Commissioners of Highways Entrd of Record Kith Dec 1824 Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk We the subscribers George Fail Elbert Rosevelt and An- thony Norroway appointed by Caleb Tompkins first judge of the court of Common please of WestChester Countv, Commissioners to assess the Damages Isaac Blauvelt of the Town of New Rochelle has sustained by a Road laid out by the commissioners of the Highway through his land Do by these presents apprise his damages at fiftv five dollars to be raised by the Town ship of New Ro- chelle in such a mannor as the Law to lay out and reo-u- late public Highways directs 430 New Rochellei Town Records. Witness our Hands and seals George Faile Elbert Rose- velt Auth r. Norroway Xew Kochelle I'Ttli Jan 1825 Commissioners fees six dollars E Rosevelt Autli Norroway George Fails Enterd of Record 28th Jan 1825 Jn Bonnet jr Town Clerk PAGE 371— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1825 We the Subscribers John Bonnet William H Cornell and John Toft'ey being appointed by Caleb Tompkins first judge of the Court of Common please in and for the County of Westchester to assess damages claimed by Sam- uel Titus in the town of New Rochelle on account of a certain public road laid out by the commissioners of said Town runing through the land of said Samuel Titus having met and viewed the premises do, by the authority vested in us aforsaid Do apprise the Damages occationed by said Road runing through his land the sum of forty five dollars as witness our hands and seals this 14th day of February 1825 John Toffey Legal Seal John Bonnet Legal Seal William H. Cornell Legal Seal for services rendered by John Toffey as an appraiser of the above |2 John Bonnet for services as above |2 Wm H Cornell for do as above |2 This may certify that I James P Huntington supervisor of the said Town did meet with the above named apprisers on the Day and Date above mentioned James P. Huntington Entered of Record the 10th Feb 1825 Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk PAGE 372— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1825 We the subscribers John Bonnet William H Cornell and John Toffey being appointed by Caleb Tompkins New Rochelle Town Records. 431 first Judge of the court of Common please in and for the County of WestChester to assess damage claimed by Stephen Anderson in the Town of New Rochelle on ac- count of a certain Public Road laid out by the Commis- sioners of said Town runing through the land of said Stephen Anderson, having met and viewed the premises do by the authority vested in us as aforesaid do apprise the damages accationed by said road runing through said land the sum of one hundred and thirty one Dollars twenty five cents As Witness our hands and seals this 14th day of Febry 1825 John Toffey Legal Seal John Bonnet Legal Seal William H. Cornell Legal Seal For services renderd by Mr Toffey as an appriser of the above |2 — John Bonnet services as above |2 — Wm H Cornell Do as above |2 — This may certify that I James P Huntington Super- visor of said town did meet with the above named ap- prisers on the day or date above mentioned James P. Huntington Entered of Record the 16th Febr 1825 Jn. Bonnet Jr. Town Clerk PAGE 373— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1825 Whereas in Consequence of a New Road being Laid out between the first and second Road District we the Sub- scribers Commissioners of the HighAvay of the Town of New Rochelle having met and Examined the said Road and have fixed the Bounds between the said road District at the line fence between the Land of Stephen Anderson & Newbury Anderson New Rochelle March 22 1825 Isaac Coutant Andrew Hubbard Newbury Daveuport Jr Commissioner of Highway Filtered of Record 22 March 1825 Jn Bonnet Jr Town Clerk 4:o2 NE^^■ Rochelle Town RECORL>t<. TAGE 374— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1825 At the ^Uiiiual Town Meeting of the Town of New Eochelle in the County of W'estChester and State of New York at the house of James Herring in said Town on the 5th day of April 1825 agreeable to adjournment the following Town Officers were cliosen viz James P. Huntington Supervisor Laird M. H. Butler Town Clerk Jesse Mullinex Joseph Anderson Ricliard Seaeord Junr Assessors Peter El. Gallaudet Constable and Collector James P. Huntington Lawrence Davenport overseers of the Poor Andrew Hubbard Isaac Coutant Commissioners of the Highway Andrew Hubbard John B Underbill Samuel Davis Commissioners of common schools This meeting adjourned until tomorrow to meet at this House at 9 oclock A, M, April Gth agreeable to adjournment the freeholders and Inhabitants met and proceeded to Elect the following Town Officers viz Newbury Davenport Jr Commissioner of Highway Isaac Blauvelt Laird M H Butler John Soulice In- spectors of Common Schools PAGE 375— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1825 Samuel Davis Path Master for the First Road District Jonathan Warind Benjamin Baddeau Benjamin F Burling Jeremiah Horton Joshua Soulice John Bonnet Jr Lawrence Davenport Andrew Hubbard Pound Masters do second do third do fourth do . fifth do sixth New Eochegllb Town Records. 433 Jonathan Bayless Isaac Coutant Benjamin Baddeanx Fence & Damage Viewers Matson Smith Andrew Hubbard Jonathan Bayless Trus- tees of the ToAvn to receive a legacy left by Wm Hender- son to build a town house Eesolved that the Hog Law be and remain as hereto fore recorded in the year 1816 & amended 1818 Resolved that the Money together with the reasonable expences paid by Peter E Gallaudet relating to the tax laid on the Turnpike Road stock be refunded by said Town Resolved that the bill of John Willis for repairs of Bridges be paid to him to the amount of four dollars seventy nine cents Resolved that the Sum of Eight Dollars forty cents be paid to George Pelor for over assessments last year through mistake of the assessors on his personal Estate Resolved that the sum of forty four dollars seventy one cents now in the hands of the supervisor be carried to the credit of the Town for the support of the poor Resolved that One Hundred & Fifty Dollars be raised by tax for the support of the poor Resolved that this meeting is adjourned until the first Tuesday of April 1826 to meet at this house L, M. H. Butler T. C. PAGE 376— REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHWAYS— 1825 We the Subscribers John Bonnet AMlliam H. Cornell .& John Toffey being appointed by Caleb Tompkins first Judge of the Court of Common pleas in and for the County of Westchester to assess Damages claimed by Newbury Davenport Anderson in the Town of New Ro- chelle on account of a certain public road laid out by the commissioners of said Town running through the land of the said Newbury Davenport Anderson having met and viewed the premises do by the authority vested 434 New Rochelle Town Records. us as aforesaid do apprise the damages occasioned by said road niniiiiig through his land, the sum of one hun- dred and ten doUars, witness our liands and seals this 4th day of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty five John Bonnet (LS) William H. Cornell (LS) John Tolfey (LS) for services rendered by John Bonnet |2.00 for service rendered by William H Cornell |2.00 For service rendered by John Toffey |2.,00 I do hereby certify that I did meet with the within named appraisers on the day and date within mentioned J. P. Huntington supervisor Entered on record 27th sept 1825 L. M. H. Butler Town Clerk PAGE 377— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1826 At the annual town meeting of the Town of New Ro- chelle in the county of WestChester and State of New York at the House of James Herring in said Town on the Fourth Day of April 1826 agreeable to adjournment it was on motion Resolved that this meeting adjourn to the House of Erastus H Weed in said Town The meeting being opened in pursuance of adjournment at the house of Erastus H Weed the following town offi- cers were chosen James P Huntington Supervisor Laird M H Butler town clerk Jesse Mullinex "^ Isaac Coutant [>- assessors Richard SeacordJ Peter E. Gallaudet } Constable and Collector James P Huntington) „ ^ ^ „^ . > Overseers of Poor Jonathan Waring ) New Roohe[lle^ Town Records. 435 Newbury Davenport Jr ^ Elisha Webb [^Commissioners of Highway Isaac Coutant J Samuel Davis "] Andrew Hubbard j>^ Commissioners of Schools Isaac Coutant J Isaac Blauvelt ""] Isaac Underbill }> Inspectors of Schools John Soulice J Samuel Davis Path master 1st road District Jonathan Waring Path master 2 road District David Clarke '^ " 3d '' " Frederick Schureman " " Ith " " PAGE 378— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1826 Jeremiah Horton Path Master 5th Road District Joshua Soulice " '' 6 " " John Bonnet junr ~^ Andrew Hubbard [>^ Pound Masters Lawrence Davenport J Isaac Coutant ~] Daniel Drake [^ Fence & Damage Viewers Benjamin Badeau J Matson Smith ~) Trustees of the Town to receive a Andrew Hubbard |> Legacy left by Wm Henderson to James T Eells J build a Town House. Resolved that the Hog Law be and remain as hereto- fore recorded in 1816 and amended in 1818 Resolved that the town Law in favor of Peter E Gallaudet as recorded in 1825 remain in effect Resolved that the money remaining in the hands of the County treasurer for this town shall when received be appropriated to the Support of the Poor Resolved that the sum of Nine Dollars in the hands of James P Huntington, raised for the payment of John 43G Neav Rochelle Town' Records. Soulice Marshall for taking the census of the Town, be appropriated for the support of the Poor The said Mar- shall having been paid from other sources Resolved that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be raised for the Support of the Poor Resolved that this meeting be adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday in April 1827, at this Place L.M.H. Butler ToAvn Clerk PAGE 379— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1827 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of New Rochelle in the County of WestChester and State of New York at the House of Erastus H Weed in said Town on the third day of April A D 1827 agreeably to adjournment the following town Officers were elected & chosen James P Huntington supervisor Daniel Drake Town Clerk Isaac Coutant ^ Lawrence Davenport [> assessors Morris L Griffen J Peter E Gallaudet Constable & Collector Daniel Drake) „ ^- ^ overseers of the Poor S 0V( Benj Badeau j Morris S Griffen '] ^ . . „ Commissioners of Isaac Coutant >- ^r. , ^. , ^ . ^ \ Highways New^berry Davenport Jr j Samuel Davis ^ ^ . . ,. ^ ^ , ^ „„ Commissioners of Common John Toffee ^ o i i A ^ TT 11. /I Schools Andrew Hubbard J § o n ^ P P o New Kochelle Town Eecords. 437 Isaac Blauvelt "^ John Soulice j^ Inspectors of Common Schools David Harrison J William Y. Mead Path Master 1st Road District Jonathan Waring " " 2d " " Benj Badeau " " 3d " " Jonathan Shearwood " " 4th " " Joseph Carpenter " " 5th " " Andrew Hubbard " " 6th " " Thomas W Garniss) Andrew Hubbard \ ^^^^ ^^'*^^' Isaac Coutant ^ Daniel Drake /^ fence «& damage Viewers Benjn Badeaux J PAGE 380— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1827 Matson Smith ~] Trustees to receive the Legacy from Andrew Hubbard j^the Executors of the Estate of Hen- James T Eells J derson Town Meeting adjourned to 2 oclock of the afternoon of the 4th inst 4th April Agreeably to adjournment the freeholders & Inhabitants met & proceeded to business Resolved that the Hog Law remain in force as recorded in 1816 & amended in 1818 Resolved that one hundred & Fifty Dollars be raised for the support of the poor. Resolved That Eighty two 83/100 dollars be raised to pay Peter E Gallaudet his expences in the suit against John Bonnet Jr now deceased Resolved that the Money to be received from the County Treasurer for this Town, be appropriated to the Sup- port of the Poor Resolved that Jeronamus A Seacord be sealer of Weights & Measures for the present year 438 New Rochelle Town' Records. Resolved That Fifty five dollars be raised l)y the Town for the payment of Damages sustained by Isaac Blau- velt in consequence of a road being laid out through his Land Resolved that fourteen dollars be raised to pay the oomnussioners appointed to appraise the damages of Stephen Anderson Newberry D Anderson, Samuel Titus sustained by them in consequence of a road being laid out through their Lands, Resolved that the commissioners of Highways be instruct- ed to cause an old hulk obstructing the dock to be re- moved. Resolved that a letter from Emmete White dated April lOtli 1824 addressed to G. Coggeshall Esqr be read Resolved that said letter be put upon the records of the Tow^n Resolved that this meeting adjourn to 10 oclock on the first Tuesday 1828 in this House L.M. H. Butler town clerk PAGE 381— RECORDED LETTER OF EMMET WHITE— 1827 Agreeable to tlie Resolve of the ToA^^l of New Rochelle at their annual Town Meeting held the 3rd day of April 1827 the following Letter Recorded Copy New^ York April 10th 1824 Dear Sir After some delay w^e have obtained tlie acct of the executors of Henderson, They admit to have reed in all 116885 .7.5 They have paid 85 percent on all the legacies except from the Town house of New Rochelle and for Elizabeth the mother for the former they have retained in their hands |1020 for the latter .|2040 being in each case 85 prcent on the sum bequeathed It does not appear that they have put any of this money out at interest. the Balance in their hands they make f27C.38 as their :N'ew Rochellei Town Records. 439 acct contains a great many items of Expenditures for the estate with the propriety of which we are inac- quainted we have thought it better to have you see it before we proceed further before the master and there- fore request, (if you think it important) that you will come down the first convenient opportunity, we are aware that the great question is wether Elizabeth's Legacy should not be appropriated tow^ards paying the other legacies in full she being in all probabilky dead long Since and we shall inforce this point most streniously, but it may be necessary for us to offer proof that the executors have not been able to hear of her and that it is in fact a lapsed legacy we. shall want your answer & remain respectfully etc Emmet White Gideon Coggeshall Esqr Recorded 25th April 1827 Daniel Drake Town Clerk PAGE 382— LETTERS RELATING TO HENDERSON LEGACY— 1828 At a Special Town Meeting held in the Town of New Rochelle at the house of Erastus H Wead on Monday the fourteenth Day of January 1828 for the purpose of Tak- ing into consideration the propriety of receiving the Prin- ciple of the Legacy left said Town by William Henderson (deceased) On motion it was Resolved that the Letter from D Rogers to I B Underbill and Isaac Bonnet be Read On motion it was Resolved said letter be read again On Motion it was resolved that the Avill of William Henderson deceased be read so far as relates to the legacy left the town of New Rochelle and that all the papers in the hands of the Trustees relative to the same be Read On motion it was Resolved, that the letter Just Re- ceived by James T Eells from W Emmet the attorney in the suit in chancery relative to the said Legacv be read 440 ]S'eav Eochetlle Town Records. on Motion of Lawrence Davenport seconded by Isaac Contant It was Resolved that the sence of this meeting be taken by vote by Ballot whether the Town will Accept or Reject the proposition in a letter from D. Rogers to receive the principle of the Legacy left the Town of New Rochelle by William Henderson (deceased) said letter dated Jan 3 1828 the Ballot stands thus for accepting 15 for rejecting 60 on Motion it was resolved that the thanks of this Meeting be Tendered to William G Mead Esqr for his faithful per- formance of his duties as chairman of this Meeting Resolved that this Meeting Adjourns for the Time being Daniel Drake T Clerk PAGE 383— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING— 1828 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of New Ro- chelle in the County of WestChester and State of New York at the place were the house of Erastus H Wead stood in said Town on the first day of April 1828. agree- able to adjournment were upon it was Resolved, that this Meeting adjourn to the House of Mary Pelor in said Town on which the following Town Officers were chosen James P Huntington Supervisor James T Eells Town Clerk John Soulice "^ John Toffey ^Assessors John Andrews J Thomas Riche Constable & Collector Benjamin Badeau) ^ „ ^ , -^.-, > Overseers of Poor _ Joseph Diderer \ w Samuel Davis "^ ^ Richard Seacord Jr ^ Commissioners of Highways | Nathan Seacord J §. David Harrison"^ § John Soulice V Commissioners of Common Schools John Toffey J New Koohellb Town Kecords. David Harrison '^ Isaac Blaiivelt ^ Inspectors of Common Scliools John Soulice J Elias Gnion ~^ Jonathan Waring James Pine J Joseph Anderson Pound Master Fence & Damage Viewers 441 td PAGE 384— ANNUAL TOWN MEETING (Continued) —1828 William G. Mead, Path Master 1st Eoad District Jonathan Waring " 2d Joseph Diderer " 3d John B. Underhill " 4th Joseph Carpenter " 5th Andrew Hubbard " 6th Kesolved that |40'0 dollars be Raised for the support of the Poor Resolved, that the Hog Law remain in full force as Re- corded in 1816 and amended in 1818 Resolved that Matson Smith, James T Eells and Andrew Hubbard be Trustees to Receive the Legacy from the Ex- ecutors of William Henderson Deceased Resolved that the Letter Received by Ja T Eells from D Rogers be Read Resolved that the Trustees of the Town of New Rochelle Receive the Sum of fifteen Hundred and fifty Dollars in full satisfaction of the suit now Pending between the Trus- tees of the said town and the Executor to the estate of Wm Henderson Resolved that as soon as the Trustees Receive the Legacy from the Executor of Wm Henderson deceased, the money raised to purchase a Lot to Build the Town House upon shall be Paid into the Hands of the Trustees 442 New Rochelle Town Records. Resolved that the Town Clerk shall purchase a New Book for Record Resolved that this meeting- adjourn to 12 oclock on the first Tuesday in April 1829 at the House of Mary Pelor Daniel Drake Town Clerk 443 General Index. PAGE Account against town 399 Account of Survey of New Rochelle 106, 107, 117, 118 Act of agreement among Besly, Ollivier, Scurman, Frederick, and Le Roux, Peter 2, 3 Act of public liighways .347, 348 Agreements about fences 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 207, 208, 209 Agreement between Angevin and Naudin 183 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190 Agreement between Angevine and Naudine 167, 168, 169 Agreement between Gagnard and Bernard 174, 175, 178 Agreement between Besly, Ollivier, and Scurman, Frederick.... 2 Anne, Queen of England 47, 48, 51, 73, 199 Appointment of Assessors 405 Assessors exempt from highway duty 211, 212 Barbaric Cush'd, destruction of (probably barberry rust) 215, 216 Bark mill 195 Blauvelt gives a road to New Rochelle 410, 411, 4:2 Boundary between fourth and fifth districts 405 Boundary settlement between de Bonrepos and Suire 169, 170 Boundary settlement between Le Count and Naudin 182 Bourdeaux, Daniel, appointed guardian of Bordeaux children.... 349 Bourdeaux, Daniel, given power of attorney by his brothers 350 Bulls to be shackled 129, 130 Case of Higgens vs. Hamson 267, 268 Cession of Nolleau to de Bonrepos 105, 106 Church of England 253, 254 Closing of a road 220, 221 Common schools law 408,409 Concerning lands beyond Heguison River 52, 53, 54 Corn mill 275 County poor house , 392, 422, 423 County registrar 82 Court of Common Pleas 192 Deeds in possession of Guion 114, 115, 116 Dispute about fences between Angevine and Suire 84, 85, 86 Dispute about Turnpike Road 401, 402 Division of Commons... 7, 218, 219, 223, 224, 225, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262 Division of lands between Guion, Louis, Engevin, Zacharie, and Nodin, Andrew, Jr 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 Division of Valleau property .116, 117, 118 Division line between New Rochelle and Mamaroneck 393 Division lines of New Rochelle 71, 72, 73 Donaldson gives wife power of attorney 266, 267 Ear marks of domestic animals 148, 149 209, 210, 213, 214, 228, 234, 238, 258, 265, 270, 304, 339, 344, 371, 383 444 General Index. PAGE Elders of the Church 43, 44, 45, 253 Establishing road through Sicard property (Clear) 50 Fences, height of 2, 194, 195, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 234, 244, 369 Fences, repaired : 73, 74 Fines for horses, cows, sheep, rams 159, 160, 171, 172, 211, 212 Flogging post 381 Freedom given to negroes 388 George I, King of England 154, 192, 204 George II. .232, 233, 234, 255, 264, 289, 293, 300, 310, 313, 322, 325, 328, 360 George III 336, 361 Gift of burying ground to inhabitants 2, 33, 38, 112 Governor General of South Carolina, C. Montagu 349, 350 Grist mills 235 Hemp, bounty on , 363, 367, 368, 373 Hogs 234, 241, 244, 258 265, 266, 282, 304, 321, 381, 387, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 404 406, 407, 414, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 424, 427, 428, 433, 435, 437, 441 Horses 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 234, 241, 244, 245, 258 Inventory of Widow Cothonneau 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Islands common to the town 219 Land for French Church 8, 9, 96, 100, 110, 161, 163, 253, 254, 255, 256 Legislature of N. Y. State 363, 364, 367, 373 Letter of Emmet White 438, 439 Letters relating to Henderson legacy 439 Lieutenant Governor of St. Christopher's Island, Honorable Michael Lambert 108, 109 Map of New Rochelle 361 Marks of creatures 1 Mary, Queen of England 9, 10 Mayor of New York City, P. D. Lanoy 97, 102, 111 Mayor of New York City, John Johnston 360 Measuring the lands 55, 56, 57 Methodist Church 425 Middle division line of New Rochelle 66, 67, 68 Mills of Mons. Laysclav 55, 56 Money transactions between Elders of Church and Sicards..43, 44, 45 Money transaction between Estate of James Laty and William Le Conte 51 New Rochelle Purchase 25, 32 Notary Public of N. Y. City, James Emott 355 New road from King's Road to the water side 49 Oaths of office 370 Obligation of Fourrestier and Guion to Widow Fourrestier.132, 133, 134 Obligation of Fourrestier to Guion 141, 142 Opposed division line 69, 70 General Index. 445 PAGE Partition deed of Sicards 300, 301, 302 Payment for keeping records 183 Pigs to be shackled 129, 130 Pigs kept within bounds 55, 56 Poor fund 369, 372, 382, 384, 385, 388, 401, 403, 406, 407, 409 . 410, 413, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 423, 426, 428, 433, 435, 437, 441 Pound on Mr. Suire's property 203, 204, 205 Power of attorney for H. Seamen 241, 242 Public highway (cross line) 172 Public roads .347^ 333^ ggg Purchase of Church land 2, 253, 254, 255, 256 ^a™s 58, 59, 154, 155, 159, 160 Receipts of warrants 336, 343, 346, 362, 363, 368, 369, 371 Receipt of sale of Pell to Le Boyteulx 191 Record approved by Court 192 Report of Commissioners of Highways 41g 419, 424, 425, 429, 430, 431, 433 Reports of Overseers of Poor 372 392 Right to mill 55 5g Road to common landing 221 222 Roads, width of g School house 495 Secretary of York II5 ng Setaf (meaning set-off) 304 Settling division lines of all lands 49 Sheep 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 234, 238, 241, 244, 245, 253, 258, 266 Sheriff of Westchester County, E. Ward 402 Soulice, John, is naturalized 3g0 Special Court of Sessions 333 Stocks 372_ 3gi Storehouse at public landing 367, 368, 372 380 Stray animals. 244, 253, 258, 259, 265, 270, 282, 303, 3!0, 326, 336, 337, 343 Supervisor has power to raise money on town 326 Town House 409, 410, 415, 421, 424, 427 Tresvant gives power of attorney to Schermerhorne 353 Trustees (proprietors) of Commons 217 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260," 261, 262 Westchester Parish 3g3 Westchester Turnpike Co 401 Widow Bonnet gives power of attorney to her son 337 Widow Donaldson gives power of attorney to Guion 268, 269 William III, King of England 9, 10, 24, 26, 32, 58, 59, 98, 100. Ill 446 Index of Places. PAGE Boston 8 Boston Road 2, 8, 11, 12 23, 26, 33, 37, 38, 40, 60, 62, 77, 96, 98, 99, 110, 112, 162, 164, 166 182, 183, 184, 190, 195, 199, 229, 245, 246, 275, 276, 301, 308, 316, 334 Burying place 254, 425 Charleston, S. C 350, 351, 352, 353, 354 Church Glebe 348 Church land 347, 348 Church yard to bury the dead 2, 33, 38, 112 Colony of New York 80, 119, 245, 275 Commons (undivided land) 7, 13, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 40 46, 48. 49, 50, 60, 62, 97, 101, 135, 143, 162, 166, 195, 199, 217, 218 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 241, 246, 256, 257, 259, 261, 276, 292, 297 Common Landing 49, 222, 367 Cortlands Manor 334 Creek 11, 12, 33, 36 40, 49, 77, 110, 112, 143, 162, 166, 183, 184, 199, 222, 229, 275, 316, 389 Cross line (common highway) 127, 172 Divided lands 219 Division lines 8, 25, 32, 48, 71 Drake's Lane 406 Dutchess County 364 Eastchester 121, 267, 274, 338, 339, 340, 346, 356, 396 Eastchester lands 201 Eastchester road 383, 425 East division 71, 72, 297 England 24, 26, 32, 47, 48, 51, 58, 59, 111 Fowler's Inn 422 France 24, 26 32, 47, 48, 51, 73, 111, 154, 194, 199, 204, 224, 235, 300, 310, 313, 361 Fresh meadows 14 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 32, 40, 46, 60, 62, 63, 65, 96, 101 110, 135, 143, 162, 164, 166, 195, 199, 201, 219, 225, 226, 298, 327, 331 Goof Island 321 Great Britain 55 57, 73, 154, 194, 199, 204, 224, 235, 300, 310, 313, 322, 361 Great Lot 3, 7, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40, 46, 48, 78, 81, 96, 98, 99, 101, 110, 112, 135, 162, 164, 166, 199, 201 Hammocks 219 Hemstead 241, 242 Highway to New Rochelle 334, 358, 425 Highway between Hollit's & Parcot's lands 220, 221 Highway to New England (Boston Road) 103 Highway to Public Landing 389, 429 Index of Pl-aoes. 447 PAGE Hutchinson River 52, 53 75, 80, 83, 94, 146, 152, 274, 285, 290, 292, 294, 311, 376," 378, 383, 385 Ireland 24, 26, 32, 47 48, 51, 58, 59, 73, 111, 154, 194, 199, 204, 224, 235, 300, 310, 313, 361 Isom field 319 Kings County Ill King's Highway 245, 246, 248, 250 Kings Road 3, 8, 49 Little Commons 7, 11, 12, 13, 40, 44, 45, 60, 62, 96, 110, 162, 195 Little lot 7, 33, 35, 36, 40, 96, 112, 166, 182, 199 London Ill Long Island 130, 131 Long Beach 340, 356 Main Line 41, 43 Main road 66, 67 Mamaroneck land 94, 319, 362, 393, 424 Mamaroneck line 394 Meeting House Road 37O Middle division line 66, 67, 71, 72, 156, 201, 205, 292 Mill 11, 12, 44, 45, 50, 60, 62 Mill Creek 11, 12, 13, 33, 40, 49, 60, 62, 77 Mills of Mr. Laysclav 55, 56 Mill Pond 60, 62, 219, 246, 257, 276, 316 Nassau, Island of Ill, 135 Neck 12, 14, 63, 64, 101, 246, 429 New England 30, 31, 103, 337 New Oxford 30, 31 New Town 130, 131, 134 New Utrecht Ill New York City 8, 12, 13, 24, 33 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 60, 62, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 107, 108, 109 111, 126, 158, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 171, 191, 194, 198, 199, 355, 360 Pell's line 222, 271, 283, 299, 327, 329, 331 Philips Borough Manor 126 Pine Brook 305 Post Road (Boston Road) 308, 316, 348 Province of Westchester 2 Quantity line 80, 119, 121, 311, 313, 314 Queen County 134, 135, 241 Queens Road 119, 121 Ridgbell line or land 48, 60, 61, 62, 101, 127 135, 146, 152, 172, 220, 283, 285, 287, 290, 294, 297. 319. 358. 376, 378 Road to creek 229 Road between east and west divisions 72 Road from Boston Road to Mill Pond 60, 62 448 IXDDX OF Places. PAGE Road from Boston Road to White Plains 2 Road from King's Road to water side 49, 248 Road to Mill Pond 2, 60, 62 Roads to water side 8 Rodman's Neck 271, 299, 327, 329, 332 Salt meadows. 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 46, 60, 61, 63, 65, 96, 101, 110, 162, 164 166, 195, 199, 201, 219, 230, 246, 257, 271, 274, 276, 299, 327, 329, 332 Scarsdale 241, 374, 375, 409, 419 Scotland 24, 26, 32, 47, 48, 51, 58, 59, 111 Sheldrake Bridge 370 Smith's Mill 425 South Carolina 349, 350, 351, 352, 353 St. Christopher, Island of 107, 108 Stath Island 106 Stone Bridge 418 Stoney Brook 275 Tavern, James Whitmore's 411 Town Landing (Public Landing) 372, 381, 389, 406 Turnpike Road 401, 406, 411, 428, 433 Water Road 8 West division 71, 72 White Plains 2,422 Yonkers, Town of 395 Toivn Meetings. Note: Regular Town Meetings were held on the first Tuesday of April. Other dates are special meetings. PAGE December 2, 1699 2 February 22, 1700 7 April 2, 1700 7 July 22, 1700 8 April 5, 1701 9 April 14, 1702 45 February 18, 1702 48 May 24, 1703 51 April 1, 1704 52, 53 April 25, 1705 52, 54 April 1, 1706 53, 54 April 1, 1707 53-54 April 1, 1708 55, 56 April 2, 1709 57, 58 November 2, 1709 57, 58 April 1, 1710 57, 58 Index of Toavn Meetings. 449 PAGE December 20, 1710 aa an r'\"" .■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.•.■.■.■.•.•.■:::::.:::::.:.l7;:s January 19, 1710 .„ „„ T-,, „ 08, 70 February 9, 1712 aoi nn April 1. 1713 ■;;.■;;;;. ,7,^ jf^-^f'1^14 :;::;:::;:;:::;:::;io6;io7 December 28, 1714 117 lis March 19, 1715 ' 2q March 24, 1716 ■.■■.■.■■.■■.■■.■.■.■. 144 145 April 2, 1717 :::' rz April2,1718 ''''\^^ ^p"i 2, 1719 .■ ■ .■ ■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■;;;;::i7o i?' April2,1720 \;"' "J April 4, 1721 : ^' ^2 April 3, 1722 •;• |' ^^^^^ April3,1723 J''' J'^ April7,1724 ^^^' ^.'J April 3, 1725 V.'.V. 203 204 TT.%T ::;;::::2S8;2: April 4, 1727 209 210 April 2, 1728 ^Jo ^ J April 1.1729 • ^J^'^J April 3, 1730 'll' |„ April 6, 1731 ;:;::; IJJ'^^ April4,1732 ,j?' ^J^ April 3. 1733 :.::::::; '^^ April 2, 1734 •'/_'' j;„^ April 1,1735 7'„\\« April 6, 1736 ^^^'V^^ fp^^^'i^^^ ■■■::■.:::■. ■.:".224, 225 April 4,1738 ^ April 3, 1739 ^ April 5, 1740 ^Z April 7, 1741 S: April 6, 1742 ^* April 5, 1743 .' ." J April 3, 1744 ^ April 2, 1745 \\\\\ 244 April 1, 1746 .' .' ' 252 April 7, 1747 ^ April 5, 1748 ^^ April 4, 1749 ^* April 3, 1750 ^ April 2, 1751 ^^ April 7, 1752 ^^ April 3, 1753 • '" April 2, 1754 '^ ^p"ii'i755 ::::::;:;:::: 280 450 Index of Town Meetings. April 6, 1756 281 April 5, 1757 282 April 4, 1758 298 April 3, 1759 303 September 8, 1759 303 April, 1760 304 April 7, 1761 304 April 6, 1762 321 April 5, 1763 325 April 3, 1764 333 April 2, 1765 342 April 1, 1766 342 April 7, 1767 343 April 5, 1768 344 April 4, 1769 344 April 3, 1770 345 April 2, 1771 345 April 7, 1772 348 April 6, 1773 349 April 5, 1774 361 April 4, 1775 362 April 2, 1776 363 June 24, 1783 363 December 22, 1783 364 April, 1784 364 April 1785 365 December 16, 1785 366 April 4, 1786 366 April 3, 1787 367 April 1, 1788 369 April 7, 1789 372 April 6, 1790 373 April, 1791 379 October 15, 1791 380 April 3, 1792 381 April, 1793 382 April, 1794 383 April 7, 1795 384 April, 1796 384 April, 1797 385 April 3, 1798 386 April 18, 1798 387 April, 1799 387 April 13, 1799 388 April, 1800 , 390 April, 1801 390 May 26, 1801 391 April, 1802 39L Indeix of Towx Meetings. 451 PAGE April, 1803 394 May 7, 1803 39.5 April, 1804 395 April 2, 1805 396 April 1, 1806 397 April 7, 1807 398 April 5, 1808 399 April 4, 1809 400 March 10, 1810 401 April 3, 1810 402 April 2, 1811 403 April 17, 1811 404 April 7, 1812 405 December 7, 1812 407 April 6, 1813 407 April 5, 1814 408 April 4, 1815 409 April 2, 1816 412 July 5, 1816 414 April 1, 1817 414 April 7, 1818 416 April 6, 1819 417 April 4, 1820 419 April 3, 1821 420 January 1, 1822 422 April 2, 1822 423 April 1, 1823 426 April 6, 1824 427 May 8, 1824 , 428 April 5, 1825 432 April 4, 1826 434 April 3, 1827 436 April 1, 1828 440 Public Officials. JUSTICES OF PEACE. NAME YEAR Dingley 1699 Mot, James 1700 Imath 1 700 Streing, Daniel 1701 Mot, James 1702 Pell, Jean 1702 Gougeon, Gregoire 1702 Gougeon, Gregoire 1 703 Gougeon, Gregoire 1704 Gougeon, Gregoire 1705 PAGE 2 ..... 7 9 ,14, 16, 17 45 ....47, 48 .47, 48, 49 51 ....52, 53 54 452 Index of Public Officials. JUSTICES OF PEACE (Continued). NAMK YEAR PAGE Gougeon, Gregoire 1706 54 Gougeon, Gregoire 1707 54 Gougeon, Gregoire 1708 55, 56 Gougeon, Gregoire 1709 57, 58, 105 Gougeon, Gregoire 1710 57, 59, 64, 66, 67 Strain, Daniel 1710 63, 65 Besly, Olivier 1710 66, 67 Besly, Olivier 1711 67, 68, 69, 70 Besly, Olivier 1712-13 69, 70, 71 Gougeon, Gregoire 1712-13 69, 70, 71 Besly, Olivier 1713 76, 78, 80 Gougeon, Gregoire 1713 82,84 Besly, Olivier 1713-14 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 106 Pinkney, Thomas 1713 122 Besly, Oliver 1715 129,137,139,141,144,145 Besly, Oliver 1716 145, 148, 153 Besly, Oliver 1717 154,155 Kip, Jacobus 1717 158 Pinkney, Thomas ' 1718 284 Besly, Oliver 1718 158, 159, 160, 161, 169, 170 Besly, Oliver 1719 173, 174 Pinkney, Thomas 1719 177, 179 Besly, Oliver 1720 181, 182, 185, 186, 189, 190, 192 Hunt 1720 192 Bud 1720 192 Bartoon 1720 192 Pinkney 1720 192 Pell, Thomas 1720 192 Morris, Louis '. . . 1720 192 Poldy 1720 192 Besly, Oliver 1721 192,193 Besly, Oliver 1722 192,193 Lagge, Edward B 1722 198 Besly, Oliver 1723 198,200 Besly, Oliver 1724 203 Besly, Oliver 1725 203,204 Besly, Oliver 1726 208,209 Besly, Oliver 1729 211,212 Besly, Oliver 1731 212, 213 Besly, Oliver 1732 213,214 Besly, Oliver 1733 214,215 Pell 1734 215, 216 Besly, Oliver 1735 216, 217 Bailis 1736 221 Bertin 1737 224, 225 Le Conte, Guillaume 1738 227, 228 Guion, Isaac 1738 227, 228 Index of Public Officials. 453 JUSTICES OF PEACE (Continued), Le Conte, William . . . . Guion, Isaac Contine, Isaac Coutant, Isaac Contine, Isaac Contine, Isaac Contine, Isaac Contine, Isaac Guion, Isaac Guion, Isaac Guion, Isaac Underbill, Nathaniel.. Pell, John Pell, Joseph Fowler, Joseph Pell, John Bleecker, Jacobus Guion, Abram Blaiker Blaiker Blaiker, Jacobus Guion, Abram Guion, Abram Burling, Ebenezer S. . . Stephen, Benjamin . . . . Burling, Ebenezer S. . . Stephenson, Benjamin Guion, Abraham Guion, Abraham Stephenson, Benj Boley, William Wooley, Samuel Coggeshall, Gideon.... 1787 1788 1788 1788 1789 1789 1799 1799 1815 PAGE . . 233 , . 234 , . 238 . . 238 , . 241 . . 243 . . 244 . . 244 . . 267 . . 269 . . 267 YEAR 1739 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1748 1749 1750 1750 267, 268 1750 267, 268 1750 267, 268 1750 267, 268 1755 281 1755 281 1755 281 1759 303 1760 304 1763 326, 334 1763 326, 334 1787 364, 367, 368 1787 364, 367 JUSTICES OF PEACE OF NEW YORK CITY. Kip, Jacobus 1717 Lagge, Edward B.. 1722 368 370 370 370 373 373 388 388 412 158 198 JUSTICES OF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Willett, Colonel 1720 Willett, William 1723 Willett, William 1725 Ward, John 1738 Ward, John 1739 Ward, John 1739 Purdy, Samuel 1741 192 207 247 230 233 289 ,286, 291, 328 454 IxDEX OF Public Officials. JUSTICES OF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY (Continued). NAME VKAR PAGE Honey will, Israel 1742 243 Purdy, Samuel 1742 312, 315 Purdy, Samuel :743 255, 293, 297 Purdy, Samuel 1745 249, 252, 257, 296 Purdy, Samuel 1747 264 Purdy, Samuel 1748 279, 325 Purdy, Samuel 1752 272, 330, 333 Ward, John - 755 307 Underbill, Nathaniel 1755 300 Bloomer, Gilbert 1756 342, 357 Bloomer, Gilbert 1758 320, 360 Bloomer, Gilbert 1759 300, 309, 318 Bloomer, Gilbert 1761 322 Bloomer, Gilbert 1763 336 Tompkins, Jonathan G 1790 371 Tompkins, Caleb 1825 430, 431, 433 JUSTICES OF SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK. Mompesson, Roger 1709 202 Phillippse, Frederick 1738 237, 238 Horsmanden, Daniel 1772 352, 353 Hobart, John Sloss 1784 377 Morris, Richard 1789 379 CONSTABLES. NAME YEAR PAGE Bloomer, Robert December 2, 1699 2 Bloomer, Robert April 5, 1701 9 Danser, Piter April 14, 1702 45 Valo, Peter November 18, 1702 47 Sureman, Jacob May 24, 1703 51 Angevin, Zacharie April 25, 1705 52, 54 Angevin, Zacharie April 1, 1706 53, 54 Angevin, Zacharie April 1, 1707 54 Angevin, Zacharie April 1, 1708 55, 56 Angevine, Zacharie April 2, 1709 57, 58 Angevine, Zacharie April 1, 1710 57, 59 Nodine, Andre, Jr April 3, 1711 67, 68 Manbru, Jean April 1,1713 69,71 Guion, Aman March 29, 1714 106 Raymon March 19, 1715 129, 130 Guion, Isaac March 24, 1716 144, 145 Bertin, Pierre April 2, 1717 154, 155 Suire, Cezar April 2, 1718 158, 159 Le Compte April 2, 1719 170, 171 Coutant, J April 2, 1720 181, 182 Naudin, Andrew April 4, 1721 192, 193 Index of Public Officials. 455 CONSTABLES (Continued). NAME . YEAR Naudin, Andrew , April 3 Leroux, Peter April 3 Le Compte, F April 7 Le Compte, Francois April 3 Coutant, John March Coutant, Jean April Sicard, Pierre April Sicard, Peter April Sicard, Peter April Farrington, Robert April Badeau, Jean April Schyrman, Fred, Jr April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant," Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, Jean April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, John April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Richez, Philip April Richez, Philip April Flandraux, Elias April Coutant, Isaac April Coutant, Isaac April Woolly, Wm! April Barrayt, John June De Voe, Abel, Jr April Badeau, Peter April Badeau, Peter April Vincent, Charles April Macevers, James April 25 4 2 1 3 6 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 5 1, 6 5 3 2 1 1, 5 4 3 2 7 3 2 1 6 5 3 7 6 5 15 3 3 2 1 7 PAGE 1722 193, 194 1723 199, 200 1724 203 1725 203, 204 1726 208, 209 1727 210 1728 210, 211 1729 2:0, 211 1730 212, 213 1731 212, 213 1732 213, 2:4 1733 214, 215 1734 215, 216 1735 217, 218 1736 221, 222 1737 224, 225 1738 228 1739 234 1740 238 1741 238 1742 241 1743 243 1744 244 1745 244 1746 252 1747 258 1748 264 1749 265 1750 265 1751 269 1752 270 1753 273 1754 280 1755 281 1756 281 1757 282 1759 303 1760 304 1761 304 1762 321 1763 325 1763 326 1764 333 1764 334 1765 342 1766 343 1767 344 45G Index of Public Officials. CONSTABLES (Continued). NAME YEAR Macevers, James April Macevers, James April Macevers, James April Haynes, John April Haj'nes, John April Haynes, John April Crawford, Robert April Crawford, Robert April liiint, John April Ronalds, James June Ronalds, James December 22 Rogers, Wm April Shute, Peter April Scliurman, John April Schurman, John April Ferris, Daniel April Rochey, Thomas April Angevine, Gilbert April Devoe, Abel October Devoe, Abel April Devoe, Abel April Devoe, Abel April Devoue, Abel April Devoue, Abel April Burtis, Eponetus April Flandrau, John April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Seacord, James, Jr April Hutchinson, Robert April Seacord, James April Seacord, James April Seacord, James April Seacord, James April Seacord, James April Sevills, James April Sevills, James April Sevills, James April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Fountain, John April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Joseph April Gallodet, Peter E April R PAGE 5, 1768 344 4 1769 344 3 1770 345 2 1771 346 7 1772 348 6 1773 349 5 1774 361 4 1775 362 2 1776 3o3 24 1783 363 22 1783 364 1784 365 1785 365 4 1786 366 3 1787 367 1 1788 369 7 1789 372 1791 380 15 1791 380 3 1792 381 1793 382 1794 384 7 1795 384 1796 385 1797 385 3 1798 386 18 1798 387 1799 387 1800 390 1801 390 1802 392 , 1803 394 1804 395 2 1805 396 1 1806 397 7 1807 398 5 1808 399 4 1809 400 3 1810 402 2 1811 403 17 1811 404 7 1812 406 6 1813 407 5 1814 408 4 1815 409 2 1816 412 1 1817 414 YEAR PAGE 7, 1818 416 6, 1819 417 4, 1820 419 3, 1821 420 2, 1822 423 1, 1823 426 6, 1824 427 5, 1825 432 4, 1826 434 3, 1827 436 1, 1828 440 1823 426 6, 1742 241 2, 1745 244 1, 1746 252 7, 1747 258 Index of Public Officials. 457 CONSTABLES (Continued). NAME Gallodet, Peter E April Gallodet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Gallidet, Peter E April Riche, Thomas April Carhart Joshua April DEPUTY CONSTABLES Angevine, Daniel April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April Coutant, Wm April COLLECTORS. Sicard, Ambroise April 2, 1700 8 Le Roux, Peter April 5, 1701 9 Barreaht, Andre April 14, 1702 45 Pacot, Piter May 24, 1703 51 Raynaud, Daniel April 25, 1705 52, 54 Guion, Louis April 1,1706 53,54 Bretin, Pierre April 1, 1707 53, 54 Scureman, Frederick April 1,1708 55,56 Bauld, Mr April 2, 1709 57, 58 Flandrau, Jacque April 1, 1710 57, 59 Naudin, Andre, Sr April 3,1711 67,68 Martin, Jean April 1, 1713 69, 71 Giraud, Daniel March 29, 1714 106 Bonnet March 19, 1715 129, 130 Scurman, Jacob March 24, 1716 144, 145 Coutant, John April 2,1718 158,159 Douty, Palmer April 2,1719 170,171 Naudin, Andre April 2, 1719 170, 171 Bonnet April 2, 1720 181, 182 Soulis April 2,1720 181,182 Guion, Aman April 4, 1721 192, 193 Naudin, Andrew April 3, 1722 193, 195 Le Roux, Peter April 3, 1723 199, 200 Le Comte, F April 7, 1724 203 Le Comte, F April 3, 1725 203, 204 Guion, Aman March 25, 1726 208, 209 coutant, Jean April 4, 1727 210 458 Index of Public Officials. COLLECTORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Sicard, Peter April 2 Sicard, Peter April 1 Sicart, Peter April 3 Farrington, Robert April 6 Badeau, Jean April 4 Schyreman, Fred, Jr April 3 Badeau, John .April 2 Badeau, John April 1 Coutant, Isaaq April 6 Guion, Aman April 5 Seurement, Fred, Jr April 4 Bonnett, John April 3 Guyon, Isaac, Jr April 5 Seurman, Jeremiah April 7 Guion, Abram April 6 Flandreau, Peter April 5 Scurment, John April 3 Chadaine, Daniel April 2 Chadaine, Daniel April 1 Guion, Abram April 7 Guion, Abram April 5 Guion, Abram April 4 Guion, Abram April 3 Guion, Abram April 2 Guion, Abram April 7 Coutant, William April 3 Sicard, Peter April 2 Sicard, Peter April 1 Sicard, Peter April 6 Sicard, Peter April 5 Sicard, Peter April 4 Sicard, Peter April 3 Flandraux, Elias April Coutant, Isaac April 7 Coutant, Isaac April 6 Woolly, Wm April 5 Barrayt, John June 15 Devoe, Abel, Jr .April 3 Badeau, Peter April Guion, I., Jr April 1 Guion, Isaac, Jr April 7 Stephans, Benj April 5 Macevers, James April 4 Macevers, James April 3 Hayns, John April 2 Hayns, John April 7, Rodman, Joseph, Jr April 6, PAGE 1728 210, 211 1729 210, 211 1729 212, 213 1731 212, 213 1732 213, 214 1733 214, 215 1734 215, 2!6 1735 217, 218 1736 221, 222 1737 224, 225 1738 228 1739 234 1740 238 1741 239 1742 241 1743 244 1744 244 1745 245 1746 253 1747 258 1748 265 1749 265 1750 266 1751 270 1752 270 1753 273 1754 280 1755 281 1756 281 1757 282 1758 298 1759 303 1760 304 1761 304 1762 321 1763 326 1763 326 1764 333 1764 334 1766 343 1767 344 1768 344 1769 344 1770 345 1771 346 1772 348 1773 349 Index of Public Officials. 459 COLLECTORS (Continued). NAME YEAR PAGE Cornwell April 5, 1774 361 Cornwell, George April 4, 1775 362 Hunt, John April 2, 1776 363 Ronalds, James December 22, 1783: 364 Rogers, William April , 1784 365 Shute, Peter April , 1785 365 Shute, Peter April 4, 1786 366 Bonnet, Daniel April 3, 1787 367 Bonnet, Daniel April 1, 1788 369 Rochey, Thomas April 7, 1789 372 Percut, Paul April ,1790 374 Bijoux, John April , 1791 380 Devoe, Abel April 3, 1792 381 Devoe, Abel April , 1793 382 Deyoe, Abel April , 1794 384 Devoue, Abel April 7, 1795 384 Devoue, Abel April , 1796 385 Burtis, Epenetus April , 1797 385 Flandreau, John April 3, 1798 386 Galodet, Joseph April 18, 1798 387 Galodet, Joseph April , 1799 387 Galodet, Joseph April ,1800 390 Galodet, Joseph April ,1801 390 Seacord, James, Jr April , 1802 392 Seacord, James April , 1803 394 Seacord, James April , 1804 395. Seacord, James, Jr April 2, 1805 396 Seacord, James April 1, 1806 397 Seacord, James, Jr April 7,1807 398 Seacord, James April 5, 1808 399 Sevils, James April 4,1809 400 Sivalls, James April 3, 1810 402 Sivalls, James April 2, 1811 403 Gallidet, Joseph April 17, 1811 404 Gallidet, Joseph April 7, 1812 406 Fountain, John April 6,1813 407 Galledet, Joseph April 4, 1815 409 Galledet, Joseph April 2, 1816 412 Gaullidet, Peter E April 1, 1817 414 Gaullidet, Peter E April 7, 1818 416 Gaullidet, Peter E April 6, 1819 417 Gallidet, Peter E April 4, 1820 419 Gallaudet, Peter E April 3,1821 420 Gallaudet, Peter E April 2, 1822 423 Gallaudet, Peter E April 1, 1823 426 Gallaudet, Peter E April 6, 1824 427 Gallaudet, Peter E April 5, 1825 432 4G0 Index of Public Officials. COLLECTORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Gallaudet, Peter E April 4, 1826. Gallaudet, Peter E. April 3, 1827. Riche, Thomas April 1, 1828. PAGE 434 436 440 TOWN CLERKS (RECORDER). Bonnett, Peter Consadene, James June Du Tufteau Bertrand, Isaac Beignoux, Paul April Allaire, Alexander April Guion, Isaac April Lispenard, A., Jr April Lispenard, A., Jr April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Guion, Isaac April Bonnet, Peter April Guion, Abram April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April 1769. 1887. 1702. 1702. 1702. 1 1 44 44 45 1723 199, 200 1738. 1739. 1740. 1741. 1742. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 227 234 238 238 241 244 244 252 258 264 265 265 269 270 273 280 281 281 282 298 303 304 304 321 326 333 342 342 343 344 344 345 345 348 349 Index of Public Officials. 461 TOWN CLERKS (RECORDER) (Continued). NAME Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Willis, James June Willis James December 22 Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April Shute, Peter April Shute, Peter April Guion, John April Guion, John April Guion, John April Shute, Peter April Palmer, James April Palmer, James April Palmer, James April Guion, Elias, Jr April Guion, Elias, Jr April Guion, Elias, Jr April Pinckney, Micajah April Pinckney, Micajah April Guion, Elias, Jr April Guion, Elias, Jr .April Pinkney, Micajah April Pinkney, Micajah April Bonnet, John, Jr April Bonnet, John, Jr April Bonnet, John, Jr April Bertine, James April Bertine, James April Underhill, John B April Underhill, John B April Bonnet, John, Jr April Bonnet, John, Jr April Bonnet, John, Jr April Guion, Elias April Bonnet, John, Jr April Guion, Elias April Bonnet, John, Jr April Butler, L. M. H April R PAGE 5, 1774 361 4 1775 362 2 1776 363 24 1783 363 22 1783 364 1784 364 1785 365 4 1786 366 3 1787 367 1 1788 369 7 1789 372 1790 373 1791 380 3 1792 381 2 , 1793 382 , 1794 383 7 1795 384 , 1796 385 , 1797 385 , 1798 386 1799 387 , 1800 390 , 1801 390 , 1802 391 , 1803 394 1804 395 2 1805 396 1 1806 397 7 1807 398 5 1808 399 3 1810 402 2 1811 403 17 1811 404 7 1812 405 6 1813 407 5 1814 408 4 1815 409 2 1816 412 1 1817 414 7 1818 416 6 1819 417 4 1820 419 1821 420 2 1822 423 1 1S2Z 426 6 1824 427 5, 1825 432 4G2 Index op^ Public Officials. TOWN CLERKS (RECORDER) (Continued). NAME Butler, L. M. H April Drake, Daniel April Eells, James T April PAGE 4, 1826 434 3, 1827 436 1, 1828 440 ASSESSORS. Valleau, Peter April 2 Giraud, Daniel April 5 Le Conte, Guillaume April 4 Quantin, Isaac May 24 Forestier, Charles April 25 Sicard, Jacques April 25 Simon, Pierre April 1 Sicard, Daniel April 1 Angevin, Pierre April 1 Magnon, Jean April 1 Naudin, Andre, Jr April 1 Badeau, Ellie April 1 Valleau, Pierre April 2 Guevin, Estienne April 2 Coutand, Jean April 1 Ladoue, Pierre April 1 Tesc, Jean April 3 Dean, Pierre April 3 Gagnard, Francois April 1 Bowld April 1 Lembert, Daniel March 29 Moreau, Jean March 29 Renaud March 19 Langevin, Zacharie March 19 Sycart, Ambroise March 24 Palcot, Pierre March 24 Fourrestier, Chas April 2 Das, Isaac April 2 Gougeon April 2 D'Ladou April 2 Giraud April 2 Guion, I April 2 Gagnard April 2 Bonnet, P April 2 Bertin, Pierre April 4 De Veaux, Abel April 4 Boldt, John April 3 Boldd April 3 Besly April 3 Guion, Isaac April 3 Cher, John April 7 1700 8 1701 9 1702 45 1703 51 1705 52, 54 1705 52, 54 1706 53, 54 1706 53, 54 1707 53, 54 1707 53, 54 1708 55, 56 1708 55, 56 1709 57, 58 1709 57, 58 1710 57, 59 1710 57, 59 1711 67, 68 17! 1 67, 68 1713 69, 71 1713 69, 71 1714 106 1714 106 1715 129, 130 1715 129, 130 1716 144, 145 1716 144, 145 1717 154, 155 1717 154, 155 1718 158, 159 1718 158, 159 1719 170, 171 1719 170, 171 1720 181, 182 1720 181, 182 1721..... ..192, 193 1721 192, 193 1722 193, 194 1722 193, 194 1723 199, 200 1723 199, 200 1724 203 INDEIX OF PUBLIO OFFICIALS. 463 ASSESSORS (Continued). NAME Guion, Aman April Das, Peter April Palcot, Jacq April Bareth, John March Forrenton, Robert March Allaire, Jr April Naudin, A April Bertin April Lairenbeau April Le Comte April Bonnet, Peter April Bonnet, Pierre April Parcot, John April Palcot, Jean April Torn, Joseph April Bernard, Samuel October Bernard, Samuel April Bonnet, J April Bonnet, Jeans April Hollsted, E April Lepinars, Anthoine April Alstead April Lepinars, Thom April Alstead April Le Count, Guillaume April Farrington, Robert April Bonnet, Pierre April Hoisted, Ezekiel April Lespinar, Antoney, Jr April Halstead, Ezekiel April Schurman, Jacob, Jr April Bonnett, Peter April Chadaine, Henry April Coutant, Isaac April Badeau, John April Bonnet, James April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Gilliot, Samuel April Bonnet, James April Halsted, Ezekiel April Deblez, James April Scurement, Fred, Jr April Deblez, James April Honorez, Michel April Bayeux, Thos April Scureman, Jeremy April Gilliot, Samuel August YEAR PAGE 7, 1724.... 203 3, 1725.... ...203, 204 3, 1725.... ...203, 204 25, 1726.... ...208, 209 25, 1726.... ...208, 209 4, 1727.... ...210, 211 4, 1727.... ...210, 211 2, 1728.... ...210, 211 2, 1728.... ...210, 211 1, 1729.... ...210, 211 1, 1729.... ...210, 211 3, 1730.... ...212, 213 3, 1730.... ...212, 213 6, 1731.... ...212, 213 6, 1731.... ...212, 213 14, 1731.... ...212, 213 4, 1732.... ...213, 214 4, 1732.... ...213, 214 3, 1733.... ...214, 215 3, 1733.... ...214, 215 2, 1734.... ...215, 216 2, 1734.... ...215, 216 1, 1735.... ...217, 218 1, 1735.... ...217, 218 6, 1736.... ...221, 222 6, 1736.... ...221, 222 5, 1737.... ...224, 225 5, 1737.... ...224, 225 4, 1738.... 228 4, 1738.... 228 3, 1739.... 234 3, 1739.... 234 5, 1740.... 238 5, 1740.... 238 7, 1741.... 239 7, 1741.... 239 6, 1742.... 241 6, 1742.... 241 5, 1743.... 243 5, 1743.... 243 3, 1744.... 244 3, 1744.... 244 2, 1745.... 244 2, 1745.... 244 1, 1746.... 253 1, 1746.... 253 21, 1746.... 253 404 Index of Public Officials. ASSESSORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Deveaux, Abel April Blaiker, Jacobus April Abel, Deveaux April Halsted, Ezekiel April De Veaux, Abel April Bertin, Peter April Allaire, Alexandre April Poine, Jeams April Rodney, Wm April - Bertine, Peter April Rodman, Wm April Securemant, Jeremiah April Guion, Isaac, Jr April Pogsley, James . April Guion, Abram April Pugsly, James April Guion, Abram April Devaux, Abel, Jr April Rodman, Wm December Rodman, Wm . . April Devaux, Abel, Jr April Securman, Jacob April Rolf, Robert April Lespinar, David April Shout, John April Bonnet, Peter April Flandrau, Peter April Flandrau, Peter April Bonnet, Peter April Soulisse, Josuha April Lespinar, David April Bertine, Peter April Securment, Jacob April Bertine, Peter April Securment, Jacob April Guion, Abraham April Devoe, Frederick April Guion, Abraham April Devoe, Frederick April Lespinars, David April Willis, James April Lespinard, David April Willis, James April Lespinard, David April Willis, James April Lespinard, David April Willis, James April PAGE 1747 258 1747 258 1748 264 1748 264 1749 265 1749 265 1750 266 1750 266 1751 270 1751 270 1752 270 1752 270 1753 273 1753 273 1754 280 1754 280 1755 281 1755 281 1755 281 1756 281 1756 281 1757 282 1757 282 1758 298 1758 298 1759 303 1759 303 1760 304 1760 304 1761 304 1761 304 1762 321 1762 321 1763 326 1763 326 1764 333 1764 333 1765 342 1765 342 1766 342 1766 342 1767 343 1767 343 1768 344 1768 344 1769 345 1769 345 lAi)Ex OF Public Officials. 465 ASSESSORS (Continued). ^'-^^^E YEAR PAGE Lespmard, David April 3, 1770 345 Willis, James April 3,1770 ' 345 Bleeker, Jacobus April 2, 1771 345 Stephenson, Benjamin April 2,1771 345 Willis, James April 7,1772 348 Willis, Jacobus April 7, 1772 " ' 348 Willis, James April 6,1773.... ' 349 Drake, Joseph April 6, 1773.. 349 Wilhs, James April 5, 1774 361 Drake, Joseph April 5, 1774 361 Willis, James April 4,1775 ' 362 Drake, Joseph April 4, 1775 .' 362 Wilhs, James April 2,1776 363 Drake, Joseph April 2, 1776 ' 363 Willis, James December 22, 1783 ' ' 364 Ronalds, James December 22, 1783 364 Stephenson, Benj December 22, 1783 364 ^"^t- J°^^ April , 1784.. . ■ 365 Willis, James April ,1784 365 Stephenson, Benj April , 1784 355 Stephenson, Benj April , i785 "'"' 365 !1"^*' •'f ^ April , 1785 ;; 365 Wilhs, James April ,1785 365 Guion, Abraham December 16, 1785 366 Bonnet, John April 4, 1786 " 366 Guion, David April 4,1786 366 Davenport, Newbury April 4, 1786.. . . 366 Percut, Paul April 3^ 1787*. '. . .' . . Lespinard, David April 3 1737 Bonnet, Peter April 3,' 1787.. ..... Rynlander, Philip April 1 1788 Shute, Peter April l' 1788^ ..... Cornwell, Stephen April i, 1788 Bonnet, Peter April 7 1789 Guion, Ellas April 7] 1789" ." .' '. ' ." Willis, James April 7 1789 Bhinelander, Phillip April 1790 Bonnet, Daniel April 1790 Shute, Peter '. . ..April ' 1790.. Bonnet, Daniel April 3 I792 Guion, David April 3, 1792 Toffey, George April 3,' 1792. Williams, Daniel April 1793 Parcot, Paul April 1793 Bonnet, Peter April ,1793 Staples, John April , 1794. JRichee, Thomas April 1794 367 367 367 369 369 369 372 372 372 373 373 373 381 381 381 382 382 382 383 383 466 Index of Public Officials. ASSESSORS (Continued). NAME YEAR PAGE Schurman, Jeremiah April , 1794 383 Rynelander, Philip April 7, 1795 384 Guion, David April 7, 1795 384 Bonnet, Peter April 7, 1795 384 Toffy, George April , 1796 385 Parcot, Paul April , 1796 385 Davenport, Newbery April , 1796 385 Rynelander, Philip April , 1797 385 Guion, Fred April , 1797 385 Bonnet, Peter April ,1797 385 Ward, Elijah April , 1798 386 Rhinelander, Philip April , 1798 386 Bonnet, Peter April ,1798 386 Staples, John April , 1799 387 Toffey, George April , 1799 387 Bonnet, Peter April ,1799 387 Raylander, Philip April , 1800 390 Toffey, George April , 1800 390 Bonnet, Peter April ,1800 390 Raylander, Philip April , 1801 390 Toffey, George April ,1801 390 Bonnet, Peter April ,1801 390 Flandrau, Elias April , 1802 391 Schureman, Fred, Jr April , 1802 391 Schureman, Jeremiah April , 1802 391 Flandrau, Elias April , 1803 394 Schureman, Jeremiah April , 1803 394 Guion, Fred April , 1803 394 Flandrau, John April , 1804 395 Willis, Charles April , 1804 395 Parcott, Paul April ,1804 395 Stillwill, Stephen April 2, 1805 396 Toffey, George April 2, 1805 396 Griffin, Gilbert April 2, 1805 396 Stillwill, Stephen April 1, 1806 397 Toffey, George April 1, 1806 397 Griffin, Gilbert April 1, 1806 397 Toffey, George April 7, 1807 398 Griffin, Gilbert April 7, 1807 398 Bonnet, John, Jr April 7,1807 398 Toffey, George April 5, 1808 399 Griffin, Gilbert April 5, 1808 399 Bonnet, John, Jr April 5, 1808 399 Toffey, George April 4,1809 400 Griffen, Gilbert April 4, 1809 400 Guion, Fredk April 4, 1809 400 Toffey, George April 3, 1810 402 Index of Public Officials. 467 ASSESSORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Griffen, Gilbert April 3 Huntington, James P April 3 Toffey, George April 2 Griffen, Gilbert April 2 Huntington, James P April 2 Drake, Benj April 17 Parcot, Paul April 17 Scbureman, Fredk April 17 Schureman, Fredk April 7 Parcot, Paul April 7 Huntington, James P April 7 Schureman, Fredk April 6 Parcot, Paul April 6 Davenport, Lawrence April 6 Schureman, Fredk April 5 Parcot, Paul April 5 Davenport, Lawrence April 5 Schureman, Fredk April 4 Rundle, Samuel April 4 Davenport, Lawrence April 4 Rundle, Samuel April 2 Waring, Jonathan April 2 Schureman, Fredk April 2 Rundle, Samuel April 1 Griffen, Morris April 1 Toffey, John April 1 Rundle, Samuel April 7 Griffen, Morris April 7 Toffey, John April 7 Rundle, Samuel April 6 Griffen, Morris April 6 Toffey, John April 6 Rundle, Samuel April 4 Toffey, John April 4 Davenport, Newbury, Jr April 4 Mead, Wm. G April 3 Toffey, John April 3 Davenport, Newbury, Jr April 3 Toffy, John April 2 Griffen, Morris S April 2 Davenport, Newbury, Jr April 2 Toffy, John April 1 White, George F April 1 Davenport, Newbury, Jr April 1 Rundle, Samuel April 6 Griffen, Maurice S April 6 Schureman, John April 6 PAGE 1810 402 1810 402 1811 403 1811 403 1811 403 1811 404 1811 405 1811 405 1812 406 1812 406 1812 406 1813 407 1813 407 1813 407 1814 408 1814 408 1814 408 1815 409 1815 409 1815 409 1816 412 1816 412 1816 412 1817 414 1817 414 1817 414 1818 416 1818 416 1818 416 1819 417 1819 417 1819 417 1820 419 1820 419 1820 419 1821 420 1821 420 1821 420 1822 423 1822 423 1822 423 1823 426 1823 426 1823 426 1824 427 1824 427 1824 427 468 Index of Public Officials. ASSESSORS (Continued). NAME YEAR PAGE Coutant, Isaac May 8,1824 428 Mullinex, Jesse April 5, 1825 432 Anderson, Joseph April 5, 1825 432 Seacord, Richard April 5,1825 432 Mullinex, Jesse April 4, 1826 434 Coutant, Isaac April 4, 1826 434 Seacord, Richard April 4, 1826 434 Coutant, Isaac April 3, 1827 436 Davenport, Lawrence April 3, 1&27 436 Griffen, Morris L April 3,1827 436 Soulice, John April 1, 1828 440 Toffey, John April 1, 1828 440 Andrews, John April 1,1828 440 SUPERVISORS. Bloomer, Robert April 2, 1700 8 Valo, Esaie April 14, 1702 45 Valo, Isaac May 24, 1703 51 Besly, Oliver April 25, 1701 53, 54 Besly, Oliver April 1, 1706 53, 54 Besly, Oliver April 1, 1707 53, 55 Besly, Ollivier April 1,1708 55,56 Besly, Ollivier April 1, 1709 57, 58 Besly, Ollivier 1710 57, 59 Besly, Ollivier April 3, 1711 67, 68 Lepinars April 1, 1713 69, 71 Lespinars March 29,1714 106,107 Lespinars March 19, 1715 129, 130 Lepinars March 24, 1716 144, 145 Lepinars April 2, 1717 154, 155 Lepinars April 2, 1718 158, 159 Lepinars April 2, 1719 170, 171 Lepinars April 2, 1720 181, 182 Lepinars, Jo April 4, 1721 192, 193 Besly April 3, 1722 193, 195 Lepinars, Mr April 3, 1723 199, 200 Besly, Capt April 7, 1724 203 Besly April 3, 1725 203, 204 Besly .• .March 25, 1726 208, 209 Besly April 4, 1727 210, 211 Lepinars April 2, 1728 210, 211 Lepinars April 1, 1729 210, 211 Lepinars April 3, 1730 212, 213 Le Compte, Guil April 6, 1731 212, 213 LeComte April 4, 1732 213, 214 Le Comte April 3, 1733 214, 215 Index of Public Officials. 469 SUPERVISORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Le Comte April 2 Le Comte April 1 Le Comte April 6 Le Conte, Guillaume April 5 Rodman, Joseph April 4 Rodman, Joseph April 3 Rodman, Joseph April 5 Rodman, Joseph April 7 Rodman, Joseph April 6 Rodman, Joseph April 5 Pell, John, Capt April 3 Rodman, Joseph .April 2 Halstead, Ezekiel April 1 Halstead, Ezekiel April 7; Rodmand, Joseph April 5 Rodmand, Joseph April 4 Rodmand, Joseph April 3 Rodmand, Joseph April 2 Rodman, Joseph April 7 Rodman, Joseph April 3 Rodman, Joseph April 2 Rodman, Joseph April 1 Rodman, Joseph April 6 Rodman, Joseph April 5 Rodman, Joseph April 4 Rodman, Joseph April 3 Blaiker, Jacob April Blaiker, Jacobus April 7 Blaiker, Jacobus April 6 Blaiker, Jacobus April 5 Willis, Richard April 3 Willis, Richard April 2 Willis, Richard April 1 Willis, Richard April 7 Willis, Richard April 5 Willis, Richard April 4 Willis, Richard April 3 Willis, Richard April 2 Willis, Richard April 7 AVillis, Richard April 6 Drake, Joseph April 5 Drake, Joseph April 4 Drake, Joseph April 2 Stephenson, Benj December 22 Stephenson, Benj April Stephenson, Benj April Guion, Abraham .April 4 PAGE 1734 215, 216 1735 217, 218 1736 221, 222 1737 224, 225 1738 228 1739 234 1740 238 1741 238 1742 241 1743 243 1744 244 1745 244 1746 253 1747 258 1748 264 1749 265 1750 266 1751 269 1752 270 1753 273 1754 280 1755 281 1756....... 281 1757 282 1758 298 1759 303 1760 304 1761 304 1762 321 1763 326 1764 333 1765 342 1766 342 1767 343 1768 344 1769 344 1770 345 1771 345 1772 348 1773 349 1774 361 1775 362 1776 363 1783 364 1784 364 1785 365 1786 366 470 Index of Public Officials. SUPERVISORS (Continued). NAME YEAR Bartow, Theodocius April 3 Stephenson, Benj April 1 Stephenson, Benj April 7 Willis, James April 6 Willis, James April Willis, James April 3 Willis, James April Willis, James April Willis, James April 7 Willis, James April Willis, James April Guion, Frederick April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April Ward, Elijah April 2 Ward, Elijah April 1 Ward, Elijah April 7 Ward, Elijah April 5 Ward, Elijah April 4 Guion, Elias, Jr March 10 Guion, Elias, Jr April 3 Guion, Elias, Jr April 2 Ward, Richard April 17 Ward, Richard April 7 Ward, Richard April 6 Ward, Richard April 5 Ward, Richard April 4 Davenport, Lawrence April 2 Davenport, Lawrence April 1 Davenport, Lawrence April 7 Davenport, Lawrence April 6 Davenport, Lawrence April 4 Huntington, James P April 3, Huntington, James P April 2, Huntington, James P April 1 Huntington, James P April 6 Huntington, James P April 5, Huntington, James P April 4, Huntington, James P April 3 Huntington, James P April 1 PAGE 1787 367 1788 369 1789 372 1790 373 1791 380 1792 381 1793 382 1794 383 1795 384 1796 385 1797 385 1798 386 1799 387 1800 390 1801 390 1802 391 1803 394 1804 395 1805 396 1806 397 1807 398 1808 399 1809 400 1810 402 1810 402 1811 403 1811 404 1812 405 1813 407 1814 408 1815 409 1816 412 1817 414 :S18 416 1819 417 1820 419 1821 420 1822 423 1823 426 1824 427 1825 432 1826 434 1827 436 1828 440 Index of Public Officials. 471 OVERSEERS OF POOR. NAMK YEAR Garrenoe, John April Flandroe, Peter April Barto, Theodocius April Lespendard, Leonard April Barto, Ttieodocius April 4 Lespendard, Leonard April 4 Barto, Theodocius April 3 Lespenard Leonard April 3 Barto, Theodocius April 1 Davenport, Newbury April 1 Bartow, Theo April 7 Davenport, Newbury April 7; Bartow, Theo April Davenport, Newbury April Wooly, Samuel April Cornwell, Stephen April Shute, Peter April Wooly, Samuel April 3 Cornwell, Stephen April 3 Shute, Peter April 3 Guion, Abram April Guion, Elias April Guion, Abram April Guion, Elias April Burtis, Eponetus April 7 Shute, Peter ' April 7 Schurman, Fred April Stevenson, John J April Stevenson, John J April Purdy, Sam'l April Stevenson, John J April Purdy, Sam'l April Webb, Elisha April Smith, Matson April Palriier, James April Titus, Samuel April Palmer, James April Titus, Samuel April Reynolds, Justus April Coutant, Isaiah April Reynolds, Justus April Dean, Andrew A April Titus, Samuel April Bonnet, James April Ward, Elijah April 2 Anderson, William April 2 Stubs, Christopher April 1 PAGE 1784 365 1784 365 1785 365 1785 365 1786 366 1786 366 1787 367 1787 367 1788 369 1788....... 369 1789 372 1789 372 1790 374 1790 374 1791 380 1791 380 1791 380 1792 381 1792 381 1792 381 1793 382 1793 382 1794 384 1794 384 1795 384 1795 384 1796 385 1796 385 1797 385 1797 385 1798 386 1798 386 1799 387 1799 387 1800 390 1800 390 1801 391 1801 391 1802 391 1802 391 1803 394 1803 394 1804 395 1804 395 1805 396 1805 396 1806 397 472 lNi>EiX OF Public Officials. OVERSEERS OF POOR (Continued) NAME YEAR PAGE Bown, Joseph April 1,1806 397 Ward, Elijah April 7, 1807 398 Smith, Matson April 7,1807 398 Smith, Matson April 5,1808 399 Titus, Samuel April 5, 1808 399 Guion, Frederick April 4, 1809 400 Horton, Elijah April 4,1809 400 Guion, Fredk April 3,1810 402 Tompkins, Absalom April 3,1810 402 Tompkins, Absalom April 2,1811 403 Bertine, James April 2,1811 403 Tompkins, Absalom April 17,1811 404 Bertine, James April 17, 1811 404 Tompkins, Absalom April 7,1812 406 Bertine, James April 7, 1812 406 Tompkins, Absalom April 6, 181 3 407 Bertine, James April 6, 1813 407 Soulice, Joshua April 5, 1814 408 Hubert, Andrew April 5, 1814 408 Soulice, Joshua April 4,1815 409 Hubert, Andrew April 4, 1815 409 Hubbard, Andrew April 2, 1816 413 Schurman, Frederick April 2, 1816 413 Schurman, Fredk April 1,1817 414 Shearwood, Jonathan April 1, 1817 414 Schurman, Frederick April 7,1818 416 Shearwood, Jonathan April 7,1818 416 Pelor, George April 6,1819 417 Coggshall, Gideon April 6,1819 417 Pelor, George April 4, 1820 419 Coggshall, Gideon April 4,1820 419 Pelor, George April 3,1821 420 Newman, Zadoc April 3, 1821 420 Newman Zadoc April 2, 1822 423 Smith, Jeremiah April 2,1822 423 Newman, Zadoc April 1,1823 426 Smith, Jeremiah April 1, 1823 426 Davenport, Lawrence April 6,1824 427 Huntington, James P April 6,1824 427 Davenport, Lawrence April 5, 1825 432 Huntington, James P April 5,1825 432 Huntington, James P April 4,1826 434 Waring, Jonathan April 4,1826 434 Drake, Daniel April 3, 1827 436 Badeau, Benj April 3,1827 436 Badeau, Benj April 1, 1828 440 Diderer, Joseph April 1, 1828 440 Index of Publio Officials. 473 COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS (HIGHWAYS). NAME YEAR Guion, Abraham April Stephenson, Benjamin April Guion, Abraham April Stephenson, Benjamin April Guion, David April Guion, Abram April 4 Guion, David April 4 Willis, James April 4 Guion, Abram April 3 Guion, David April 3 Willis, James April 3 Guion, Abram April 1 Guion, David April 1 Willis, James April 1 Guion, David April 7 Williams, Daniel April 7, Davenport, Newbury April 7, Shute, Peter April 6 Williams, Daniel April 6; Davenport, Newbery April 6 Bonnet, Peter April Wooly, Samuel April Williams, Daniel April Bonnet, Peter April 3 Wooly, Samuel April 3 Williams, Daniel April Bonnet, Peter April Wooly, Samuel April Williams, Daniel April Williams, Daniel April Parcot, Paul April Ward, Elijah April Griffin, Gilbert April 7 Bonnet, Daniel April 7 Ward, Elijah April Griffin, Gilbert April Bonnet, Daniel April Rhinelender, Philip April Staples, John April Schurman, Jeremiah April Griff en Gilbert April Flandreau, Elias April Rechee, Thomas April Schurman, Jeremiah April Parcott, Paul April Flandrau, Elias April Corn well, Stephen April 1784. 1784. 1785. 1785. 1785. 1786. 1786. 1786. 1787. 1787. 1787. 1788. 1788. 1788. 1789. 1789. 1789. 1790. 1790. 1790. 1791. 1791. 1791. 1792. 1792. 1792. 1793. 1793. 1793. 1794. 1794. 1794. 1795. 1795. 1795. 1796. 1796. 1796., 1797., 1797., 1797. 1798., 1798.. 1798.. 1799.. 1799.. 1799.. PAGE 365 365 365 365 365 366 366 366 367 367 367 369 369 369 372 372 372 374 374 374 380 380 380 381 381 381 382 382 382 383 383 383 384 384 384 .385 385 385 385 385 385 386 386 386 387 387 387 474 Index of Public Officials. COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS (HIGHWAYS) (Continued). NAME YEAR PAW Ward, Elijah April , 1800 390 Souliss, Joshua April, , 1800 390 Cornwell Stephen April , 1800 390 Smith, Matson April , 1801 391 Souliss, Joshua April , 1801 391 Cornwell, Stephen April , 1801 391 Smith, Matson April , 1802 392 Soulis, Joshua April , 1802 392 Guion, Frederick April , 1802 392 Guion, John April , 1803 394 Parcott, Paul April , 1803 394 Griffin, Gilbert April , 1803 394 Guion, John April , 1804 395 Parcott, Paul April , 1804 395 Griffin, Gilbert April , 1804 395 LeCount John April , 1805 396 Parcot, Paul April , 1805 396 Soulice Joshua April , 1805 396 LeCount, John April , 1806 397 Parcot, Paul April , 1806 397 Soulice, Joshua April , 1806 397 Parcott, Paul April 7, 1807 398 Coggeshall, Gideon April 7,1807 398 Soulice, Joshua April 7,1807 398 Parcott, Paul April 5,1808 399 Coggeshall, Gideon April 5,1808 399 Soulice, Joshua April 5, 1808 399 Griffien, Henry April 4, 1809 400 Coggeshall, Gideon April 4,1809 400 Soulice, Joshua April 4, 1809 400 Griffen, Henry April 3,1810 402 Soulice, Joshua April 3, 1810 402 Horton, Elijah April 3, 1810 402 Soulice, Joshua April 2, 1811 403 Coutant, Isaiah April 2, 1811 403 Bonnet, John, Jr April 2, 1811 403 Soulice, Joshua April 17,1811 404 Coutant, Isaiah April 17,1811 404 Bonnet, John, Jr April 17, 1811 404 Soulice, Joshua April 7, 1812 406 Coutant, Isaiah April 7, 1812 406 Bonnet, John, Jr April 7, 1812 406 Hubbard, Andrew April 6,1813 407 Bonnet, John, Jr April 6, 1813 407 Coggshall, Gideon April 6,1813 407 Blauvelt, Isaac April 5,1814 408 Schureman, Fredk April 5,1814 408 Index of Public Officials. 475 COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS (HIGHWAYS) (Continued). NAME Wharen, Jonathan April Shearwood, Jonathan April Meed, William April Wharen, Jonathan April Soulice, Joshua April Mead, William . . April Shearwood, Jonathan April Smith, Jeremiah April Merrit, Sylvenus April Soulice, Joshua April Smith, Jeremiah April Merrit, Sylvenus April Soulice, Joshua April Smith, Jeremiah April Soulice, Joshua April Bonnet, David April Bonnet, David April Soulice, Joshua April Hobby, Caleb April Davenport, Lawrence April Soulice, Joshua April Guion, John April Hubbard, Andrew April Merrit, Sylvanus April Baylez, Jonathan, Jr April Merrit, Sylvanus April Hubbard, Andrew April Baylez, Jonathan, Jr April Hubbard, Andrew April Coutant, Isaac April Davenport, Newbury, Jr April Hubbard, Andrew April Coutant, Isaac April Davenport, Newbury, Jr April Davenport, Newbury, Jr April Webb, Elisha April Coutant, Isaac April Griffen, Morris S April Coutant, Isaac April Davenport, Newbury, Jr April Davis, Samuel April Seacord, Richard, Jr April Seacord, Nathan April FENCE VIEWERS. Leroux, Piter April Sicard, James (Cicar) April YEAR PAGE 5, 1814 408 4, 18!5 409 4, 1815 409 4, 1815 409 2, 1816 413 2, 1816 413 2, 1816 413 1, 1817 414 1, 18!7 414 1, 1817 414 7, 1818 416 7, !818 416 7,1818 416 6, 1819 417 6, 1819 417 6, 1819 417 4, 1820 419 4, 1820 419 4, 1820 419 3, 1821 421 3, 1821 421 3, 1821 421 2, 18'22 423 2, 1822 423 2. 1822 423 1, 1823 426 1, 1823 426 1, 1823 426 6, 1824 427 6, 1824 427 6, 1824 427 5, 1825 432 5, 1825 432 5, 1825 432 4, 1826 435 4, 1826 435 4, 1826 435 3, 1827 436 3, 1827 436 3, 1827 436 1, 1828 440 1, 1828 440 1, 1828 440 4, 1702 45 4, 1702 45 470 Index of Public Officials. FENCE VIEWERS (Continued). NAME YEAR PAGE Bot. Mr March 19, 1715 129-130 Sycart, Jacq March 19, 1715 129-130 Simmon, Pierre March 24, 1716 144-145 Fourrestier, C March 24, 1716 144-145 Sicart, Jacque April 2, 1717 154-155 Gagnard, Daniel April 2, 1717 154-155 Bold— April 2, 1718 158-159 Guion, Isaaq April 2, 1718 158-159 Martin, Jean April 2, 1719 170-171 Angevin, Zachary April 2, 1719 170-171 Sycart, P April 2, 1720 181-182 Suire, C April 2, 1720 181-182 Sycart, Daniel April 4, 1721.. 192-193 Suire— April 4, 1721 192-193 LeComte, F April 3, 1722 193-195 Bareth, Johannes April 3, 1722 193-195 Le Comte— April 3, 1723 199-200 Bareth, J— April 3, 1723 199-200 Guion, Isaac April 7, 1724 203 Bareth, John April 7, 1724 203 Coutant, Isaac •. April 3, 1725 203-204 Bareth, J .April 3, 1725 203-204 Suire March 25, 1726 208-209 Coutant, Isaac March 25, 1726 208-209 Coutant, Isaac April 4, 1727 210-211 Sicard, D., Jr April 4, 1727 210-211 Coutant, Jean : April 2, 1728 210-211 Sicard, D April 2, 1728 210-211 Coutant, Jean April 1, 1729 -: . 210-211 Sicard, D April 1, 1729 210-211 Coutant, Isaac April 3, 1730 212-213 Giraud, D April 3, 1730 212-213 Coutant, Isaac April 6, 1731 212-213 Giraud, D April 6, 1731 212-213 Le Comte April 4, 1732 214 Landrin April 4, 1732 214 Bernard, S April 3, 1733 214-215 Cuhard, Pierre April 3, 1733 214-215 Bernard, S April 2, 1734 216 Sicart, P April 2,1734 216 Bernard, S April 1, 1735 217-218 Sicart, P April 1, 1735 217-218 Bernard, S April 6, 1736 221-222 Sicart, P April 6, 1736 221-222 Bernard, Samuel April 5, 1737 224-225 Sycard, Jacque April 5, 1737 224-225 Bernard, Samuel April 4,1738 228 Index of Public Officials. 477 FENCE VIEWERS (Continued). NAME Lespinar, A., Jr April Secaire, James April Bernard, Samuel April Bernard, Samuel April Sicart, James April Bernard, Samuel April Sicart, James April Halstead, Ezekiel April Securement, Frederix, Jr April Halsted, Ezekiel April Securment, Fred., Jr April Halstead, Ezekiel April Sicard, James April Halstead, Ezekiel April Securment, Fred., Jr April Coutant, Isaac April Badeaux, John April Coutant, Isaac April Badeaux, John April Badeaux, John April Parcot, John April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Peter April Karight, John April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Coutant, Jacob April Sicard, Daniel, Jr April Shute, John April Sicard, Daniel April Shute, John April Sicard, Daniel April YEAR PAGE 4, 1738 228 3, 1739 234 3, 1739 234 5, 1740 238 5, 1740 238 7, 1741 239 7, 1741 239 6, 1742 241 6, 1742 241 5, 1743 243 5, 1743 243 3, 1744 244 3, 1744 244 2, 1745 245 2, 1745 245 1, 1746 253 1, 1746 253 7, 1747 258 7, 1747 258 5, 1748 265 5, 1748 265 4, 1749 265 4, 1749 265 3, 1750 266 3, 1750 266 2, 1751 270 2, 1751 270 7, 1752 270 7, 1752 270 3, 1753 273 3, 1753 273 :^E PRIZERS. 2, 1754 280 2, 1754 280 1, 1755 281 1, 1755 281 6, 1756 281 6, 1756 281 5, 1757 282 5, 1757 282 4, 1758 298 4, 1758 298 3, 1759 303 3, 1759 303 , 1760 304 , 1760 304 478 Index of Public Officials. FENCE VIEWERS AND DAMAGE PRIZERS (Continued). NAME YEAR Shute, John April 7,1761.. Sicard, Daniel April 7, 1761.. Badeaux, Peter April 6, 1762.. Sicard, Paul April 6, 1762.. Badeaux, Peter April 5, 1763. . Sicard, Paul April 5, 1763. . Badeaux, Peter April 3, 1764.. Sicard, Paul April 3, 1764.. Sicard, Peter April 2, 1765. . Seacord, Paul April 2, 1765.. Seacord, Peter April 1, 1766.. Seacord, Paul April 1, 1766.. Seacord, Peter April 7, 1767.. Seacord, Paul April 7, 1767.. Seacord, Peter April 5, 1768.. Seacord, Paul April 5, 1768. . Badoe, Peter April 4, 1769.. Seacord, Paul April 4, 1769.. Badoe, Peter April , 1770.. Seacord, Paul April ,1770.. Guion, Esaiah April 2, 1773- . Badoe, Peter April 2, 1771. . Badoe, Peter April 7, 1772.. Guion, Isaac, Jr April 7, 1772.. Guion, Isaac April 6, 1773.. Hunt, Joshua April 6, 1773.. Guion, Isaac April 5, 1774.. Guion, Elias April 5, 1774.. Guion, Isaac April 4, 1775., Guion, Elias April 4, 1775., Guion, Isaac April 2, 1776.. Guion, Elias April 2, 1776.., Fiandroe, Peter December 22, 1783., Guion, Elias December 22, 1783.. Williams, Daniel April , 1784.. Guion, David April , 1784. . Guion, Elias April , 1785.. Williams, Capt April , 1785. , Williams, Daniel April 4, 1786. Guion, Elias April 4, 1786., Shute, Peter April 4, 1786., Guion, Elias April 3, 1787., Pell, Joseph April 3, 1787. Bonnet, Daniel April 3, 1787. Williams, Daniel April 3, 1787. Williams, Daniel April 1, 1788. Guion, David April 1, 1788. PAGE 304 304 321 321 326 326 333 333 342 342 343 343 344 344 344 344 345 345 345 345 345 345 349 349 349 349 361 361 362 362 363 363 364 364 365 365 365 365 366 366 366 367 367 367 367 369 369 Index of Public Officials. 479 FENCE VIEWERS AND DAMAGE PRIZERS (Continued). NAME Huntington, Thomas April Williams, Daniel April Guion, Elias April Williams, Daniel April Shute, Peter April Guion, Elias April Williams, Daniei April Guion, Elias April Toffey, George April Guion, Elias April Shute, Peter April Williams, Daniel April Williams Daniel April Guion, David April Secord, Israel April Davenport, Newbery April Williams, Daniel April Bonet, Daniel April Rynelander Philip April Guion, David April Bonet, Peter April Burtis, Eponetus April Huntington, Thomas April Guion, Elias, Jr April Huntington, Thos April Burtis, Eponetus April Guion, Elias, Jr April Palmer, James April Guion, Elias, Jr April Huntington, Thomas April Schureman, Frederick April Drake, Benjamin April Tytus, Samuel April Schureman, Frederick April Drake, Benjamin, Jr April Guion, Elias, Jr April Schurman, Fred., Jr April Drake, Benjamin April Flandrow, John April Flandrau, John April Parcot, Paul April Schureman, Fred April Seacord, Richard April Bonnet, Peter April Schureman, Fred April Coutant, John April Bonnet, Peter April PAGE 1, 1788 369 7, 1789 372 7, 1789 372 6, 1790 374 6, 1790 374 6, 1790 374 5, 1791 380 5, 1791 380 5, 1791 380 3, 1792 381 3, 1792 381 3, 1792...... 381 1793 382 1793 382 1793 382 1794 384 1794 384 1794 384 7 1795 384 7 1795 384 7 1795 384 1796 385 1796 385 1796 385 1797 385 1797 385 1797 385 3 1798 386 3 1798 386 3 1798 386 1799 387 1799 387 1799 387 1800 390 , 1800 390 , 1800 390 , 1801 391 , 1801 391 , 1801 391 , 1802 392 , 1802 392 , 1802 392 , 1803 394 , 1803 394 , 1803 394 , 1804 395 1804 395 480 Index of Public Officials. FENCE VIEWERS AND DAMAGE PRIZERS (Continued). XAME YEAR Schureman, Fredk April Coutant, John April 2 Bonnet, Peter April 2 Schureman, Fred., Jr April 2 Coutant, John April 1 Bonnet, Peter April 1 Schureman, Fred., Jr April 1 Coutant, David April 7 Bonnet, Peter April 7 Schureman, Fredk April 7 Coutant, John April Bonnet, Peter April Schureman, Fred., Jr April Coutant, John April Hubbard, Andrew April Schureman, Fred., Jr April Coutant, John : . . . April 3 Schureman, Fredk April 3 Hubbard, Andrew April 3 Coutant, John April 2 Schureman, Fredk. April 2 Hubbard, Andrew April 2 Coutant, John April 7 Schureman, Fredk April 7 Hubbard, Andrew April 7 Coutant, John April 6 Schureman, Fredk April 6 Hubbard, Andrew April 6 Schureman, Fredk April 4 Bonnet, James April 4 Bales, Jonathan April 4 Baylis, Jonathan April 2 Tompkins, Absalom April 2 Guion, Elias April 2 Bayly, Jonathan April 1 Guion, Elias April 1 Tompkins, Absalom April 1 Guion, Elias April 7 Badeau, Benjamin April 7 Bonnet, James April 7 Guion, Elias April 6 Badeau, Benjamin April 6 Bonnet, James April 6 Hobby, Caleb April 4 Badeau, Benjamin April 4 Guion, Elias April 4 Secord, James, Jr April 3 1804. 1805. 1805. 1805. 1806. 1806. 1806. 1807. 1807. 1807. 1808. 1808. 1808. 1809. 1809. 1809. 1810. 1810. 1810. 1811. 1811. 1811. 1812. 1812. 1812. 18!3. 1813. 1813. 1815. 1815. 1815. 1816. 1816. 1816. 1817. 1817. 1817. 1818. 1818. 1818. 1819. 1819. 1819. 1820. 1820. 1820. 1821. PAGE 395 396 396 396 897 397 397 398 398 398 399 399 399 400 400 400 402 402 402 403 403 403 406 406 406 407 407 407 410 410 410 413 413 413 415 415 415 416 416 416 417 417 417 420 420 420 421 Index of Public Officials. 481 FENCE VIEWERS AND DAMAGE PRIZERS NAME Pine, James April Seacord, Nathan .April Secord, James, Jr April Pine, James April Seacord, Nathan April Drake, Daniel April Coutant, Isaac April Baddeau, Benjamin April Drake, Daniel April Coutant, Isaac April Baddeau, Benjamin April Bayless, Jonathan April €outant, Isaac April Badeau, Benjamin April Coutant, Isaac April Drake, Daniel April Badeaux, Benjamin April Coutant, Isaac April Drake, Daniel April Badeaux, Benjamin April Ouion, Ellas April Waring, Jonathan April Pine, James April SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS, Debane, Joseph December Frederick, Piter December Bareheit, Andrew April Frederick, Peter April Valau, Peter Ballet, Avnil Imath, Justisse o Jamain, Nicolas (Jamin, Nicollas) 14, 15, 16, 63 64 65 Jamison, David 125 \^q Jandrons, Piere ' -.73 Jeffreis, John (Jeffrey, Teffery) g 275 Johnston, John (Johnson) 3g0 961 Johnston, Charles , ... .273, 274, 276, 277, 279 516 Person Ai. Index. PAGE Johnston, Isabell 273, 274, 277, 279, 280 Jones, Peter 397, 398, 399, 400, 402 Jouneau, Peter (Petter, Peeter) 33, 36, 96, 110, 112 Jouneau, Abraham 24 Juin, John (Jane, June) 102, 271, 299, 327, 329, 331 Karight, John 266 Kip, Jacobus 158 Knapp, Henry B 413, 415 Knapp, Isaac 417 Knapp, Shubell (Shubal) 418, 419 Knapp, William 417 Ladou, Ambroise 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Daniel 123, 124, 125, 126, 158, 159 Ladou, Elizabeth 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Estienne 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Jeanne 125, 126 Ladou, Judith 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Marie 125, 126 Ladou, Martha 125, 126 Ladou, Marthe Anneraud 123, 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Magdelaine 124, 125, 126 Ladou, Pierre, Sr. (Ladoue, Ladoux, Ladow, Piter, Peeter) 19 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 45, 51, 57, 59, 75, 122, 123, 124 Ladou, Pierre 124, 125, 126 Lagge E. B. (Blagge, Edward) 198 Lairenbeau 210, 211 Lambert, Michael 108, 109 Landrin, Guillaume (Landrine, William) 15 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 44, 213, 214, 301 Landrin, Marie (Landrine, Mary) 18, 19, 21, 367 Lanoy, S. D., Mayor (P. D.) 40, 97, 102, 111, 163, 165 Lasty, Jacques (Laty) 14, 16, 63, 65 Lasty, Marthe (De Lasty) 9, 10, 58, 59 Laty, Catherine 51 La Tourrote, Jean 167 Lawrence, Stephen 238 Laysclav 55, 56 Le Boiteux, Gabriel (Le Boyteuix, Le Boyteulx, Le Boytuelx) ... 10 11, 40, 78, 162, 164, 166, 191, 199, 201 Le Comte, Josias (Le Conte, La Counte, Josiah) 212 213, 214, 217, 245, 347, 377, 380 Le Conte, Anne Marthe (Le Compte) 14, 15, 16, 17, 63, 64, 65 Le Conte, Esther (Le Counte, Le Count, Ester) 128 129, 171, 172, 173, 174 Le Conte, Frangois (Le Comte, Francis) 7, 8 42, 43, 44, 73, 148, 149, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 203, 204, 347 Personal Index. 517 PAGE Le Conte, Guillaume (Le Compte, Le Counte, Le Comte, Le Count, William) 9, 10, 12 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 101, 126, 127, 128, 129, 154, 155 156, 157, 158, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 182, 183, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 233 239, 241, 254, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 281, 287, 288, 289, 308, 328, 412 Le Count, John 396, 397 Lefevre, John (Lefavour) 410, 421 Leffuirt, Bartholomew (Lefuirt, Leffuiert) 199, 200, 201, 202 Leisler, Elsie (Leiseler, Elesie) 40, 97, 102, 111, 163, 165, 199, 275 Leisler, Jacob (Leslers Leizeler, Leisslor, Lezelars, Leisleir, Lislir) 39,40 47, 76, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 115, 116, 118 150, 151, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 199, 219, 236, 246, 257, 275, 276 Lembert, Daniel 73, 106, 154, 155 Lepinars Anthoine, Sr. (Lespinar, Lispenard, Lespenard, Lespin- ard, Anthoney, Anthony, Antony, Anthny, Antoney) 216 217, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 234, 235, 236, 237 248, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 276, 287, 291 292, 293, 297, 313, 314, 315, 316 Lepinars, Anthoine, Jr. (Lispenard, Lispinard, Lespinard, Antoine, Antoney) 215 216, 217, 218, 220, 224, 225, 228, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 240 Lepinars, Jo. (Lespinars) 69, 71, 129, 130, 144, 145, 154, 155, 158 159, 170, 171, 181, 182, 183, 184, 192, 193, 199, 200, 210, 211, 212, 213 Lepinars, Thom 217, 218 Lespenard, John 297 Lespinar, David (Lespinard, Lispenard, Lespenard) 282 298, 304, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, 367 Lereux, Charles (Lerieux) 283, 284 Lereux, Gurtery, Mrs 283, 284 Le Roux, Bartholomew (Leroux, Laroux) . .26, 52, 53, 73, 75, 94, 146, 219 Leroux, Edf oar 52 Le Roux, Peter (La Roux, Peiter, Peeter, Piter) 2, 3, 7 9, 45, 49, 50, 51, 92 199, 200, 218, 219, 246, 276 Le Vilain, Marie 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 40, 124, 125, 199 Le Vilain, Josias (Le Villain, Le Vilin, I., Josihas, Josehas, Jozias) 19 21, 24, 27, 28, 49, 50, 51, 57, 59, 66, 68, 73 Lezelars, Mme 27 28 Lispenard, Elizabeth. .235, 237, 250, 252, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 313, 315 Lispenard, Leonard (Lespenard) 364, 365, 366, 367, 368 Lorant 4g Mabe, Jeremiah (Mebe) 336, 345, 347 Mabee, Simon (Maybee) 234, 311, 313, 314 Macevers, James 344^ 345 345 Machet, John (Machett) 44, 45, 199 200 518 Personal Index. PAGE Machet, Lidea (Machett, Lyede) 199, 200, 201, 202 Machet, Marian 200 Machet, Mrs. (Widow) (Machett) 8, 40 Machet, Peter (Machett) 199, 200, 201, 202 Magnon, Jean 53, 54 Manbru, Jean (Mainbreu, Manbrew, John) 69, 71, 76, 77, 79, 80 Maney, Jane 200 Many, John 200 Marpas, Will 361 Marschalk, Joseph 354, 355 Marshall, John Soulice 436 Martin, Anne 29, 30, 31 Martin, Jean 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Martin, Jean, Jr. (John) 69 71, 117, 118, 123, 124, 158, 159, 170, 171, 334, 335, 336 Mead, William G. (Meed, Y.) 409 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 417, 420, 424, 437, 440, 441 Mead, William, Jr 411 Mercier, Isaac (Mersier, Isaaq) 44, 50, 52, 53 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 96, 98, 100, 102, 118, 124, 125, 142, 143 144, 145, 154, 155, 170, 171, 181, 182, 192, 193, 195, 199, 200, 203, 204 Mercier, Suzanne (Mersier, Madm., Madame) 102 220, 271, 287, 299, 327, 329, 332 Merritt, Sylvenus (Merrite, Merrit, Sylvanus) 414, 416, 423, 425, 426 Minn ar, John 252 Minnielle, Gabriel (Minucale, Minuiele) 33, 36, 37, 110, 112, 190, 219 Mompesson, Roger 202 Montagu, Lord Charles Greville 349, 350 Morgan, Caleb 267 Morgan, Charles 273, 275, 277, 279 M(»rgan, Susannah 273, 275, 277, 279, 280 Morin, Peeter 223 M orin, Mary 223 IMorreau, John, Sr. (Moreau, Mauraux) 80, 120 121, 122, 139, 140, 141, 160, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 258, 260, 262 Morril, Judith 395, 396 Morris, Louis (Maurice) 192, 259, 261 Morris, Richard (Rid) 379 Mot, James (Smots) 7, 45 Mott, Amos 242 Mott, William 242 Mott, Elizabeth 241, 242, 243 Mott, Charles 241 Moulinars, J 260, 262 Moynot, Peter 220, 230, 233 Mullinex, Jesse 432, 434 Munroe, Justus 394 Muriay 192 Personal Index. 519 PAGE Murray, Gee 350 Necolli, Jeremiah 396 Nesson To 19, 21 Neufuille, le Boyteux I. (Neuville, Neufouille) 22 24, 26, 27, 28, 60, 61, 185, 186 Neufuille, John (Neufuile, Newveal) 39 40, 41, 44, 93, 95, 119, 146, 147, 148, 175, 199, 201 Neufille, Josias 95 Neuffille, Mary 240 Neufuille, Rachel (Widow) 74 75, 76, 93, 95, 119, 120, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152 Newman, Zedock (Zadoc) 417, 420, 423, 426 Nicoll, James (Necole, Necolls) 382, 383, 386, 393 Nicoll, John (Nicole) 366, 382, 391, 394 Nicoll Agness 382 Naudine, Andre, Sr. (Nodin Naudin, Nodden, Nauden, Noddin, Andrew) 49, 50 51, 52, 53, 54, 64, 66, 67, 68, 72, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 95, 138, 148 149, 167, 168, 169, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191 Naudine, Andrew, Jr. (Naudin, Nodine, Nodden) 32, 33 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 53, 54, 55, 56, 67, 68, 115, 116, 160, 167 168 169, 170, 171, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 194, 195, 201, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 Naudine, Susianna 190 Nodden, Anne 79, 80 Nolan, John 33, 36, 37 Nolleau Anne Marie, Jr 102 Nolleau, Anne Marie, Sr 102 Nolleau, Jean 105, 106, 1:0, 112, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166 Norroway, Anthony P 429, 430 Nusnard, John 267 Obriant, John 274, 275, 277, 279 Obriant, Leah 274, 275, 277, 279, 280 Odell, Frederick (Odill) 412 Ogden (Widow) 366, 369 Palmer, Doctor 415 Palmer, James 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391 Palmer, Silvanus (Siluenus, Siluanus) 217 219, 220, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262 Papeun, John (Papin) 108, 109 Parcot, Elizabeth 270, 272, 273 Parcot, Jacque (Palcot, Parquot, James) 203 204, 207, 220, 253, 270, 272, 273, 298, 300 Parcot, James, Jr. (Purcut, Percut) . .258, 265, 270, 304, 305, 306, 307, 360 Parcot, John (Palcot, Parquot, Percut, Jean) 212 213, 220, 253, 260, 262, 265, 272, 300, 303, 304, 309, 317, 321, 330, 347 520 Personal Index. PAGE Parcot, Francoise (Fracis, Frances) 220, 260, 262, 298, 299 Parcot, Mary (wife of James, Jr.) 306 Parcot, Paul (Percut, Parcut, Parcutt, Percutt, Parcott, Parott) 365 367, 374, 382, 383, 385, 386, 387, 389, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397 398, 399, 401, 405, 406, 407, 408 Parcot, Peter (Pacot, Parcote, Palcot, Piter, Peeter, Pierre) 51 80, 117, 144, 145, 156, 186, 187, 188, 189, 205 Pell, Benjamin 379 Pell, John (Pel, Jean) 8, 9, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 36 37, 39, 41, 47, 48, 49, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 108, 109. 110, 112, 156 161, 163, 188, 189, 191, 205, 215, 216, 222, 271, 283, 299, 327, 329, 331 Pell, John, Jr 220, 221, 244, 267, 268, 281, 310, 343, 344, 345, 347 Pell, Joseph 267, 268, 367 Pell, Phillip. 1, 337, 343, 346, 348, 424 Pell, Rachell 25, 26, 31, 32, 39, 95, 96, 100, 108, 109, 110, 161, 163 Pell, Thomas 192 Pelletreau (Pelletreaux, Peltreau) 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 60, 61, 63, 64 Pelor, George 417, 419, 420, 433 Pelor, Mary 440, 442 Pelton, Daniel 367, 372, 380, 392, 407, 408, 412 Pennant, Edward 158 "Petit, Thomas (Petitts, Petitt) 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140 Pettit, William (Pittit) 412, 427 Philippse, Frederick (Philipse) 237, 238 Pine, James (Poine, Jeams) 258, 266, 304, 419, 421, 423, 424, 441 Pinkney, John 393 Pinkney, Micajah (Micaijah) 396 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 407, 408, 411 Pinkney, Thos. (Pinkneey) 122, 177, 179, 192, 284 Pintard, Lewis S. (Pentard) 386, 406 Pitcher, Ja 347 Poldy 192 Prevot, Jacques 30, 31 Pugsley, Hannah 388 Pugsley, James (Pogsly, Pugsly, Pughley) 273 280, 343, 345, 347, 349, 373 Purdey, Joseph 119, 121, 362 Purdy, Samuel (Purdey, Samuell, Saml) 224, 225 226, 249, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 264, 272, 273, 279, 280, 286, 291 293, 296, 297, 312, 313, 315, 325, 328, 330, 331, 333, 385, 386, 387, 390 Quantin, Isaac 47, 48, 51 Ranoud, William (Renoud) 367, 381, 390 Raymon 129, 130 Raynaud, Daniel (Rayneau, Raynau, Renaud) 52 54, 55, 57, 59, 67, 68, 129, 130, 135 Read, Eleazer 279 Rembert, Jacque 149 Renaud, Andrew 145 Personal Index. 521 PAGE Renaud, Stephen (Ranaud, Renoud) 305, 347, 409 Renaux, John (Ranaud) 326, 347 Renoud, Peter 301, 410 Renoult 108,' 109 Reshore, Mrs 41g Revasson, 1 24 Reynolds (Justus, Justues) 39I, 394 Richebel, Mrs. (Richbel, Richebell, Ridgbell, Ridgbel, Richbell, Ritchbell, Richbelle, Rigebell, Rigbell, Rigebelle) 3 10, 11, 13, 41, 43, 46, 48, 60, 61, 62, 101, 127, 135, 146, 152, 172, 220 283, 285, 287, 290, 294, 297, 319 Riche, Phillip (Reche, Richez, Riche, Philipe, Philip) 282 301, 303, 316, 347, 385, 413, 414 Richee, Thomas (Rechee, Riche, Rochey) 372, 383, 386, 440 Roberson, Elizabeth 406, 409, 410, 418 Rodman, Joseph (Radmon, Rodmend, Rodmand, Rodmen, Josep) 217 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 234, 238, 241, 243 244, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 265, 266, 269, 270, 271, 273, 280 281, 282, 287, 296, 297, 298, 299, 303, 327, 347 Rodman, Joseph, Jr 347 349 Rodman, William 265, 270, 281 Roe, Charles ; 3g9 Rogers, D 439^ 440 44^ Rogers, William 3g5 Rolf, Robert (Rolfe, Robed) 282, 302 Ronalds, James 3g3 ^Qi Ros, Matthew (Roe) 286, 291 Rosevelt, Elbert 429^ 43O Rundle, Samuel 409, 412, 414, 416, 417, 419, 421, 423, 426, 427 Russel, Caleb (Russell, Calib) 392, 394, 395, 396, 400, 402, 403,' 404 Russell, Laban ' 4^2 Rhinelander, Philip (Rynelender, Raylander, Rhinlander, Ryn- lander, Phillip) 241, 369, 370, 373, 374, 381, 384, 385, 386, 390 Rylender, Benjamin 273 Rynelander, Barnard (Bernard) 308, 338, 339 Sanson, Daniel 25 26 Sarazin, John 352 ' 353 Schermerhorne, Peter ".".'.353, 254, 355 Schureman, Frederick (Schurman, Scurman, Securman, Scureman Schorman, Scieuveman) 2 3 53, 54, 55, 56, 73, 119, 120, 121, 129, 130, 218 Schureman, Fred., Jr. (Schyrman, Schurman) 214 215, 228, 241, 243, 244, 245, 257, 347, 384, 385, 387, 390, 392, '394, 395 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413 414, 416, 421, 425, 435 Schureman, Jacob (Scurman, Schorman, Schurman, Sureman, Scuremen, Scureman) 51, 69, 70, 73, 117, 144, 145 522 Personal Index. PAGE Schureman, Jacob, Jr. (Schurman, Securman, Securment, Secur- mant, Securement, Schurmant) 234, 257, 281, 282, 304, 311, 313, 321, 326, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333 Schureman, Jane (Schurman) 331, 332, 333 Schureman, Jeremiah (Seurman, Schurman, Scurement, Secure- mant)...239, 240, 253, 270, 383, 385, 386, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 405 Schureman, John, Jr 405 Schureman John B. (Schurman, Scurment) 240 244, 347, 366, 367, 406, 408, 416, 417, 419, 421, 425, 427 Schurman, William 345, 349 Seamen, Hezekiah 241, 242 Seacord, Abraham 333 Seacord, Benjamin (Sicar, Sicor, Beniamin) 343, 368, 412 Seacord, David 394, 395 Seacord, Israel (Secord, Isserel) 347, 382 Seacord, Jeronamus A 437 Seacord, Nathan 416, 421, 423, 424, 440 Seacord, Richard, Jr v394, 432, 434, 440 Secord, Catherine 310, 312 Sevils, James (Sivalls) 400, 402, 403 Sherwood, Samuel 237 Sherwood, Jonathan (Shearwood) . .409, 412, 413, 414, 416, 423, 425, 437 Shute, John (Shout, Shut) 298, 302, 303, 304, 347, 366 Shute, Thomas 365 Shute, Peter 365 366, 367, 369, 370, 373, 374, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 392, 399, 408 Sicard, Ambroise, Sr. (Sicart, Sycard) 8, 9, 10 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 73, 76, 77, 300 Sicard, Ambroise, Jr. (Cicar, Sycart, Ambroisse) 15 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 43, 44, 49, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 144, 145 Sicard, Daniel, Sr. (Sycard, Cicar, Sicord, Secord, Sycart, Sicart) 1 7, 15, 17, 18, 19 21, 44, 45, 50, 69, 71, 78, 79, 80, 89, 132, 133, 138, 139, 141, 156, 160 161, 178, 186, 187, 188, 189, 192, 193, 220, 260, 262, 292, 310, 311, 312 Sicard, Daniel, Jr. (Sycart, Secard, Secord, Seacord, Danel, Dannel) 199, 200, 210, 211, 241, 265, 266, 270, 273, 280 281, 282, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 347 Sicard, Jacques (Sycart, Cicar, Sicart, Sycard, Secaire, Seacord, Secord, James, Jame, Jacque, Jams) 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25 45, 52, 54, 129, 130, 154, 155, 220, 224, 225, 234, 238, 239, 244, 336, 345 347, 393, 394, 395 Sicard, James, Jr. (Seacord, Secord, Secor) 303 392, 396, 397, 398, 399, 407, 413, 421, 423, 424 Sicard, Jaune 19, 21 Sicard, Anne 19, 21 Sicard, Marie 15,17 Sicard, Paul (Secard, Seacord) 300 301, 302, 303, 321, 326, 333, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347 Personal Index. 523 PAGE Sicard, Pierre (Sycart, Sycard, Secard, Seacord, Peter) 210, 211, 212, 213 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 265, 280, 281, 298, 303, 326, 342, 343, 344 Sicard, Silvie 15, 17, ig, 19, 21 Simon, Pierre (Simmon) 41, 42, 43, 53, 54, 98, 100, 123, 124, 144, !45 Smith, Matson 369, 372 374, 380, 386, 387, 388, 391, 392, 393, 398, 399, 401, 407, 408, 410, 412 413, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 421, 423, 426, 427, 428, 433, 435, 437, 441 Smith, Jeremiah 409, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 423, 426 Sneden, Stephen 362, 363 Sommerville, James (Sumervil) 395, 396 Soulice, John (Soulis) 347 358, 359, 360, 416, 421, 426, 427, 432, 435, 437, 440, 441 Soulice, John (Socless, Sucliss, Soliss, Souliss, Soulis) 253 254, 255, 283, 285, 319, 340 Soulice, Joshua (Soulise, Soulis, Souliss, Soulies, Solies) 304 321, 338, 339, 347, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 390, 391 392, 395 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408 409, 410, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421, 426, 427, 432, 435 Soulice Mary (Souliss) ' 359^ 360 Soulis, Bonnet Igl 132 Soulis, Daniel (Sulis) 338,' 339 Souse, C 192 Spock, Jonas (Tomas) 334^ 340 Staples, John (Stapels) 383, 385, 386, 387, 395 Stephens, Cov ^ 19g Stephenson, Benjamin (Stephens, Stevenson, Stephans) 1, 337 344, 345, 347, 349, 363, 364, 365, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 380, 381 Stephenson, John Thomas 346 389 Stevenson, John J 335 335 St. Gerard, Edward (Stegeard, Ste. Geeard, St. Geerard, Fitz' Gerard, Fits Gerard) 76 77, 79, 80, 82, 83, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 134, 137, 139, 141, 142, 144, 147 Stillwill, Stephen (Stilwill) 396, 397 Stinson, Esther 350 351 Stinson, Thomas 35O, 351, 352 Stoupe, Magdalene 350, 351, 353 Stoupe, Peter, Rev'd (Stoop) 254, 353 Streing, Daniel (Strain, Straing) 10 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 44, 45, 51, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 96 Stubs Christerpher 397 Stujky, Andrew ^.q2 Stujky, Mary 202 Suire, Anna (Sweare) 190 210 211 Suire, Cezar (Sweare, Cesar, Seaker) ' 143 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 158, 159. 168, 169, 170, 180, 181, 182, 190 192, 193, 199, 200, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209,' 229 Suire, Widow g^ gg Sycard, Jane ' „- 524 Personal Index. PAGE Taillaud 98, 99 Teiner 7 Tennyck, Tobias 252 Tervier, Susanne 51 Tesc, Jean 67, 68 Thanet, Peter (Thanuet, Thonet, Thannet, Piter, Peeter) 3, 46, 219 Thannet, Susanna 223 Thauvet, Andrew (Thaunet, Thonet, Tauvet, Thannet, Andre) 3 14, 15, 16, 17, 44, 45, 63, 64, 65, 219 Theroude Jacob (Theroulde, Therould) 33, 37, 44, 45, 103, 110, 112 Tienhoven, Cornelius 194, 195, 196, 197, 198 Tierens, Francis 34, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 Titus, Samuel (Titues, Tytues) 387 390, 391, 395, 398, 399, 422, 429, 430, 438 Toffey, John (Toffee) 408, 413 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420, 423, 426, 427, 430, 431, 433, 434, 436, 440 Toffey, George (Taffey, Toffy) 380 381, 385, 387, 390, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403 Tompkins, Absolom (Tomkins, Thompkens, Absolam) 396 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 410, 412, 413, 415 Tompkins, Caleb 429, 430, 433 Tompkins, John S 416 Tompkins, Jonathan G 371, 375, 388 Tompkins, Sarah 375 Torn, Joseph 212, 213 Townsend, John 336, 343, 346 Tredwell, Samuel 342, 356, 383 Tresvant, Daniel 353, 354 Tresvant, Susanna 353 Tresvant, Martha 353 Tresvant, Isaac 353 Tresvant, Esther 353 Tresvant, Theodore 353, 354, 355 Vallade, Peter 351 Vallau, Esaye (Valo, Ezaie, Isaac, Ezaye) 9, 24, 45, 49, 51, 52 Valleau, Peter Pierre (Vatteau, Valo, Vallau, Valau, Piter, Piere, Pieter, Peeter) 8, 9, 22, 24, 27, 28, 50, 51, 52 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 105, 117, 118, 222 Vanderburgh, Henry 183 Vandik, Frangois 114 Van Suiten, Puzeel (Vans Wieten, Vansiriten, Vansuiten) 34 114, 115, 116 Vanvlacq, Elizabeth 130, 131, 132, 133 Vernelle 19, 21 Vervellen, John 35, 39 Ville Pontoux, Jeana (Jeane, Joanna) 22, 23, 24 Ville Pontoux, Peter 22, 23, 24 Personal Index. 525 PAGE Vincent. Hester 273, 275, 277, 279, 280 Vincent, Charles 273, 275, 277, 279, 280, 343 Vivasin, Jeana 22 Underbill, Thomas ^Sl Underbill, Samuel 372 Underbill, Nathaniel (Nathiell, Nathanael) 267, 268, 302, 303 Underbill, Isaac 419 421 ' 435 Underbill, John B 408, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 432, 439, 441 Waites, Mr 424 Ward, Elijah (Eligah) 382 383, 384, 386, 387, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402 Ward, John 230, 233, 289, 307 Ward, Richard 404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412 Watts, John 3gg ^q-^ Webb, Elisba (Weeb, Weele, Eliesba, Eljba) ' 337 388, 391, 397, 406, 409, 412, 413, 415, 426, 435 Weed, Erastus H. ( Wead) 434, 436^ 439^ 440 Weir, Robert (Wears) ' '. 407 ' 410 Wessel, J. H. D. Peyster ' 108 Weyman, Edward B ' 4I7 423 425 Wharen, Jonathan (Warind, Waring) '....' 408 409, 410, 411, 412, 427, 432, 434, 435, 437, 441 White, George F 42g White, Emmet (Emmete) 438 439 White, William 394' ^q^ Wbitmore, James 4Q8 4Q9 ^-^-^ Willet, William (Willett) 192, 207 247 Williams, Daniel. .365, 366, 367, 369, 372, 373, 374, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384 Williams, Elijah 39g ' ggg Williams, Stephen ' 943 Willis, Charles V.V.395, 399, 400 Willis, John 426, 427, 433 Willis, James (Willais, Willies, Jamis) 326 339 342 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367 368 369. 370, 372, 373, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387, 39o! 391 Willis, Jacobus ' ' 3 . g Willis, Richard 1, 333, 336, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346 348 349 361 W^illy, William (Wyly) ' '325' 347 Wolly, Samuel (Wooley, Wooly, Samuell) ' 374 380, 381, 382, 383, 386, 387, 388 Wood, Samuel 3gP Zaight, William o r4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II Hill III llllllllll 014 224 164 A