Author Title r> \°i /i Imprint GPO lfi— 7401 State Course of Study FOR Approved High Schools IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI 191 Revised by WM. P. EVANS State Supt. Public Schools APPENDED: LIST OF LIBRARY BOOKS \Msft& • FOREWORD. 30 List Dist Price Price CONN : AGRICULTURAL BACTERIOLOGY. Blakiston 2.50 2 .25 **DARWIN: ORIGIN OF SPECIES. Appleton 2.00 1.29 DETMER: PRACTICAL PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. (Moore, Tr.) Mac- millan 3.00 2.61 FRENCH: ANIMAL ACTIVITIES. Longmans 1.20 1.01 GANONG : TEACHING BOTANIST. Macmillan 1.10 97 -**GRAY : STRUCTURAL BOTANY. Am. Bk. Co 2.00 1. 72 **HERTWIG: GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY. Holt 1.75 1.56 *HODGE: NATURE STUDY AND LIFE. Ginn 1.50 1.29 HOLLAND: THE BUTTERFLY BOOK. Doubleday 3.00 2.30 HOWARD: THE INSECT BOOK. Doubleday 3.00 2.30 HORNADAY: TAXIDERMY AND ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTING. Scribner 2.50 1.90 **JORDAN & HEATH : ANIMAL FORMS. Appleton 1.10 94 * *JORD AN & KELLOGG: ANIMAL LIFE. Appleton 1.20 1.01 LUBBOCK: FLOWERS, FRUITS AND LEAVES. Macmillan 1.25 1.06 METCALF: OUTLINE OF THE THEORY OF ORGANIC EVOLU- TION. Macmillan 2.50 2.08 MIALL: NATURAL HISTORY OF AQUATIC INSECTS. Macmillan. 1.75 1.45 *PRATT: A COURSE IN INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Ginn 1.25 1.09 * PRATT : A COURSE IN VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY. Ginn 1.50 1.29 UNDERWOOD: MOULDS, MILDEWS AND MUSHROOMS. Holt 1.50 1.27 Agriculture. **BAILEY: PRINCIPLES OF AGRICULTURE. Macmillan 1.25 1.09 BAILEY : THE NURSERY BOOK. Macmillan 1.50 1 . 15 CRAIG: JUDGING LIVE STOCK 1.50 1.25 GOFF : PRINCIPLES OF PLANT CULTURE. Judd 1.00 84 **HATCH & HASELWOOD: ELEMENTARY AGRICULTURE. Row, Peterson & Co 60 52 **HOWARD: PLANT PROPAGATION. Missouri Agricultural College. Free. (Order direct.) *HUNT : CEREALS OF AMERICA. Judd 1.75 1 . 15 ** JACKSON: AGRICULTURE THROUGH THE LABORATORY AND SCHOOL GARDEN. Judd 1.50 1.24 **KING: THE SOIL. Macmillan 1.50 1.15 LYONS & MONTGOMERY: EXAMINING AND GRADING GRAINS. Ginn 60 52 **MUMFORD: THE SEED. Missouri Agricultural College. Free. (Order direct. ) SPILLMAN: GRASSES OF THE UNITED STATES. Judd 1.00 70 **WHITTEN: THE FALLING LEAVES. Missouri Agricultural College. Free. (Order direct.) WING : SHEEP FARMING. J. H. Sanders 1.00 90 Physical Geography. **DAVIS: METEOROLOGY. Ginn 2.50 2.20 * DODGE: READER IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Longmans 70 60 *GEIKIE : EARTH SCULPTURE. Putnam 2.00 1.51 **LECONTE: ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY. Appleton 4.00 2.70 **RUSSELL : GLACIERS OF NORTH AMERICA. Ginn 1.75 1.58 **RUSSELL : LAKES OF NORTH AMERICA. Ginn 1.50 1.31 •**RUSSELL: RIVERS OF NORTH AMERICA. Putnam 2.00 1.51 SHALER : ASPECTS OF THE EARTH. Scribner 2.50 1 . 62 SHALER: NATURE AND MAN IN AMERICA. Scribner 1.50 97 SHALER : SEA AND LAND. Scribner 2.50 1.62 MILL : REALM OF NATURE. Scribner LONGMAN : NEW SCHOOL ATLAS. Longman 31 Manual Training. List Dist. Price Price ♦CHAMBERLAIN: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MANUAL ARTS. Flanagan 75 64 COMPTON: FIRST LESSONS IN METAL WORKING. Wiley 1.50 1.12 **GOLDEN: LABORATORY COURSE IN WOODTURNING. Am. Bk. Co SO 69 **GOSS : BENCHWORK IN WOOD. Ginn 70 60 "AMERICAN BLACKSMITH," Buffalo, N. Y. Periodical. Per year.. 1.00 1.00 ** "MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINE," Peoria, 111. Periodical. Per year 1.50 1.40 *"WOOD CRAFT," Cleveland, O. Periodical. Per year 50 50 Mathematics. **A GOOD SEVEN-PLACE TABLE OF LOGARITHMS ♦ANDREWS: MAGIC SQUARES AND CUBES. Open Court 1.50 1.25 **BALL: A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS. Macmillan 3.25 2.95 **BALL: MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS AND ESSAYS. Mac- millan 2.25 1.97 **CAJORI: HISTORY OF ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS. Mac- millan 1.50 1.31 CAJORI : HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS. Macmillan 3.50 2.95 DEDEKIND: ESSAYS ON THE THEORY OF NUMBERS. (Bemen, Tr. ) Open Court .... 75 63 *DE MORGAN: THE STUDY AND DIFFICULTIES OF MATHEMAT- ICS. Open Court 1.25 1.05 **FINE: THE NUMBER SYSTEM OF ALGEBRA. Heath 1.00 88 *FINK: HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS. Open Court 1.50 1.25 *GIBSON: ELEMENTARY TREATISE ON GRAPHS. Macmillan... 1.00 90 'MYERS : GEOMETRIC EXERCISES FOR ALGEBRAIC SOLUTION. University of Chicago Press. . 75 68 SCHUBERT: MATHEMATICAL ESSAYS AND RECREATIONS. Open Court 75 63 **SMITH:, THE TEACHING OF ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS. Macmillan 1.00 90 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 1000. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Whitlock. Small, Maynard & Co. Biog. pp. 205. A brief, readable and authentic account of the life of Lincoln 50 40 1001. ACROSS RUSSIA. Stoddard. Scribner. Geog. pp. 450. A de- scription of the country from the Baltic to the Danube 1.50 97 1002. AGRICULTURE, NEW ELEMENTARY. Bessey. Bruner & Sweezey. Univ. Pub. Co. Nat. pp. 200. An elementary text- book of plants, insects, etc 60 53 1003. AGRICULTURE THROUGH THE LABORATORY AND SCHOOL GARDEN. Jackson & Daugherty. Judd. Nat. pp. 403. Practical working manual by two teachers in the Kirksville State Normal 1.50 1.24 AMERICAN MEN OF ENERGY SERIES. 4 vols. Putnam. Each 1.50 98 1004. Benjamin Franklin. Robbins. 1005. General Henry Knox. Brooks. 1006. General Israel Putnam. Livingston. 1007. John J. Audubon, by his widow. 32 List Dist_ Price Price 1008. BASIS OP AMERICAN HISTORY. Farrand. Harper. Hist. pp. 303. A careful review of the physical features of North America, exceedingly helpful 2.00 1.50 1009. BIRD BOOK, THE. Eckstorm. Heath. Nat. pp. 376. A delight- ful study of the birds 60 51 1010. BIRD NEIGHBORS. Blanchan. Doubleday. Nat. pp. 250. Makes the identification of our birds simple and positive 2.00 1. 32" 1011. BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OP OUR LATE CIVIL WAR. Dodge. Houghton. Hist. pp. 348. An unbiased account of our late strife, containing many maps and illustrations 1. 00 85- 1012. BRIEFS FOR DEBATE. Brookings. Longmans. Lit. pp. 261. Exceedingly valuable in preparing for debates 1.25 95- 1013. CITIZEN, THE. Shaler. Barnes, pp. 346. A careful study of the relation of the individual to the government 1.40 1 . 07 1014. COAL AND COAL MINES. Green. Houghton. Sci. pp. 240. An interesting story of the industry 75 49- 1015. COMEDY OF THE WINTER'S TALE. Shakespeare. (Hiestand, editor.) Heath, pp. 132 25 23 1016. DANIEL WEBSTER FOR AMERICANS. Richardson. Little. Hist. pp. 351. Selections from the writings and speeches of Webster 50 43 1017. EARTH IN PAST AGES, THE. Herrick. Am. Bk. Co. Nat. pp. 241. A geological history of the world 60 51 1018. EPOCH MAKING PAPERS. Brown. Macmillan. Hist. pp. 207. Sources of American history 25 23: 1019. ESSAYS IN APPLICATION. Van Dyke. Scribner. Lit. pp. 282. Eleven interesting and inspiring essays. 1.50 1.14: 1020. ESSENTIALS OF THE ENGLISH SENTENCE, THE. MacEwan. Ginn. Lit. pp. 340. Gives essential facts of grammar and syntax needed for a study of English in composition, rhetoric and literature 75 6S 1021. FAMOUS MEN OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Haaran-Poland. Am. Bk. Co. Biog. pp. 272 50 43: 1022. FRENCH PATHFINDERS IN NORTH AMERICA. Johnson. Little. Hist. pp. 331. Story of early French explorers 1.50 97 1023. GEOGRAPHY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, A. Rocheleau. Ed. Pub. Co. Geog. pp. 496. Very interesting and instructive 1.00 80' 1024. HANDBOOK OF UNITED STATES POLITICAL HISTORY. Townsend. Lothrop. Hist. pp. 441 1.60 1.22 1025. HEROES AND HERO WORSHIP. Carlyle. Houghton. Lit. pp. 375. An edition of this classic intended for beginners 50 40 1026. HISTORY OF THE INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPE. Draper. Harper. Hist. 2 vols 3.00 1.95 1027. HOW GEORGE ROGERS CLARK WON THE NORTHWEST. Thwaites. McClurg. Hist. pp. 359. The story of the north- west conquest ^ 1.20 90 1028. HOW TO STUDY LITERATURE. Heydrick. Hinds. Lit. pp. 150. A valuable little book containing the "how" of studying literature 75 68- 1029. IDEALS OF THE REPUBLIC. Schouler. Little. Hist. pp. 304. Traces the fundamental ideas to which America owes her peculiar progress and prosperity 1.50 1.1T 1030. INSECT LIFE. Comstock. Appleton. Nat. One of the best books of its kind ever published 1.75 1 . 32 1031. LETTERS TO HIS SON. Chesterfield. McClurg. Lit. pp. 302. Impresses morals without forcing them upon the children.... 1.00 60 33 List Dist. Price Price 1032. LIFE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Eggleston. Barnes. Hist. pp. 264. Tracing the advance of the colonies toward in- dependence 1.20 91 1033. LIGHTS OF TWO CENTURIES. Hale. Little. Biog. sketches. . 1.50 98 1034. LITERARY BY-PATHS IN OLD ENGLAND. Shelley. Little... 1.50 1.15 1035. LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF AMERICAN STATES- MEN. Hubbard. Putnam. Biog. pp. 435. Washington, Frank- lin and others 1.75 1.32 1036. LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF FAMOUS WOMEN. Hubbard. Putnam. Biog. pp. 428. Rosa Bonheur, Bronte and others 1.75 1.32 1037. MAINE WOODS, THE. Thoreau. Crowell. Lit 35 24 1038. MAKING OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, THE. Crawshaw. Heath. Lit. pp. 462. Clear, sensible treatment of the principal works, authors and movements of English literature 1.25 1 . 07 1039. MAKING OF THE GREAT WEST. Drake. Scribner. Hist. pp. 337. The history of the country west of the Mississippi river 1.50 97 1040. MAKING THE MOST OF OURSELVES. Wilson. McClurg. pp. 297. Full of helpful suggestions well put, for men and women alike. First series 1.00 75 1041. Second series . ... 1.00 75 1042. MASTERPIECES OF MODERN ORATORY. Shurter. Ginn. Lit. pp. 369. Fifteen orations intended as models for students.... 1.00 85 1043. OUR FIRST CENTURY. Eggleston. Barnes, pp. 268. A pictlure of life in America during the seventeenth century 1.20 91 1044. OPPORTUNITY AND OTHER ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES. Spaulding. McClurg. Lit. pp. 228. A collection of papers dealing chiefly with the various aspects of education 1.00 60 1045. OUTLINE IN THE SHAKESPEARIAN DRAMA. Gettemy. Flan- agan. Lit. Information in compact form which students of Shakespeare should have 75 60 1046. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Walters. Sci. pp. 424. A text or reference book for high schools 1.20 1.06 1047. PICTURES FROM ENGLISH LITERATURE. Hamblin. Ed. Pub. Co. Lit. pp. 198. A collection of some of the best stories in English literature 60 48 1048. PILOT, THE. Cooper. Crowell. Litt. pp. 312. Story of the sea 60 32 104-9. POPULAR HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Nuttall. Little. Nat. pp. 972. Illustrated 3.00 1.95 1050. QUENTIN DURWARD. Scott. Houghton. Lit. pp.461 60 48 1051. RAMONA. Jackson. Little. Lit. pp. 490 1.50 96 1052. REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM. Wiggin. Houghton. Lit. pp. 327. Delightful novel by a famous authoress 75 42 1052a. RISE OF THE NEW WEST. Turner. Harper. Hist. pp. 366.. 2.00 1.52 RIVERSIDE ART SERIES. 12 vols. Hurll. Houghton. Each number contains about 100 pages fully illustrated. Each. . 50 42 1053. Raphael. 1054. Rembrandt. 1055. Michael Angelo. 1056. Millet. 1057. Reynolds. 1058. Murillo. 1059. Greek Sculpture. 1060. Titian. 1061. Landseer. 34: List DisL Price Price 1062. Correggio. 1063. Tuscan Sculpture. 1064. Van Dyck. RIVERSIDE BIOGRAPHICAL SERIES. 14 vols. Houghton. Hist, pp. 115 to 150. A series of short biographies of eminent men. Each 50 42 1065. Andrew Jackson. Brown. 1066. James B. Eads. How. 1067. Benjamin Franklin. Paul Elmer Moore. 1068. Peter Cooper. Rossiter W. Raymond. 1069. Thomas Jefferson. Henry C. Merwin. 1070. William Penn. George Hodges. 1071. Ulysses S. Grant. Walter Allen. 1072. Lewis and Clarke. William R. Lighten-. 1073. John Marshall. James B. Thayer. 1074. Alexander Hamilton. Charles A. Conant. 1075. Washington Irving. Boynton. 1076. Paul Jones. Hutchins Hapgood. 107 7. Stephen A. Douglas. Brown. 1078. Samuel B. Champlain. Sedgewick. 1079. SELECTIONS FROM THE BEST ENGLISH ESSAYS. Cody. McClurg. Lit. pp. 400. Historical and critical introductions. 1.00 75 1080. SELECTIONS FROM THE GREAT ENGLISH POETS. Cody. McClurg. Lit. pp.576. An anthology of English poetry 1.00 75 1081. SELECTIONS FROM THE WORLD'S BEST ORATIONS. Cody. McClurg. Lit. pp. 400. Historical and critical introductions 1.00 75 1082. SHORT INTRODUCTION TO THE LITERATURE OF THE BIBLE, A. Moulton. Heath. Lit. pp. 374 1.00 74 1083. SIDELIGHTS ON AMERICAN HISTORY. Elston. Macmillan. Hist. pp. 398. National period before the Civil War 50 43 1084. SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY PAPERS. Addison. Lit. pp. 217. A carefully edited edition with notes 30 25 1085. SOUTHERN LITERATURE. Manly. Johnson. Lit. pp. '540. Sketches of the writers of the South, with brief selections from their best works 1 00 90 1086. SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY. Dole. Crowell. Lit. pp. 435. A broad-minded discussion of problems arising in a popular form of government 1.25 95 1087. STARS AND TELESCOPES. Todd. Little. Sci. pp. 419. Probably the most interesting handbook of popular astronomy 2.00 1.52 1088. STARTING IN LIFE. Fowler. Little. Lit. pp. 411. This book should be read by every boy who is deciding upon his future calling 1.50 1.15 1089. STEPPING STONES TO AMERICAN HISTORY. Wilde. Hist. pp. 381. A good addition to the high school library 2.25 1.71 1090. STORIES FROM ENGLISH HISTORY. Warren. Heath. Hist. pp. 482. Stories from B. C. 55 to A. D. 1901 65 58 1091. STORIES FROM SCOTTISH HISTORY. Edgar. Crowell. Hist. pp. 331. Historical incidents interestingly told 40 24 1092. STORIES OF THE GREAT WEST. Roosevelt. Century. Lit. pp. 254. Interesting stories of adventure and history 75 67 1093. STORY OF ART. Whitcomb. Dodd. An instructive story of art for young or old, fully illustrated 2.00 1.29 1094. STORY OF THE BIRDS. Baskett. Appleton. Sci. pp. 263. Guide to the student in observation ; suggests what to look for and what to do when facts are found 65 54 1095. STORY OF THE FISHES. Baskett. Appleton. Sci. pp. 297. This book by a Missouri naturalist is very fine 75 C2 35 List Dist. Price Price 1096. STORY OF ROLAND. Baldwin. Scribner. Lit. pp.415 1.50 96 1097. TALES FROM ENGLISH HISTORY. Rolfe. Am. Bk. Co. Hist. pp. 168. Selections from the works of standard authors 50 43 1098. TALES FROM SCOTTISH HISTORY. Rolfe. Am. Bk. Co. Hist. pp. 215. Selections from the works of standard authors 50 43 1099. WOODCARVER OF OLYMPUS, THE. Waller. Little. Lit. pp. 311. A book which does one good to read and which is not readily forgotten 1.50 9T 1100. WORLD'S DISCOVERERS, THE. Johnson. Little. Hist. pp. 416. Stories of bold voyages made by navigators of many nations 1.50 97 1101. WORLD'S PAINTERS, THE. Hoyt. Ginn. Lit. pp.272. A book which treats of the world's best painters and paintings 1.25 1.12 1102. WHAT CAN A YOUNG MAN DO. Rollins. Little, pp. 339. Ad- vantages and disadvantages of a large number of professions, callings and trades set forth in this volume 1.50 1.15 1103. WHAT IS A PICTURE. McClurg. pp. 71. An attempt to explain what a picture is 60 46 1104. YOUNG CITIZEN READER, THE. Reinsch. Sanborn, pp. 258. Portrays political life in an interesting way 60 54 1105. YOUNG PEOPLE IN OLD PLACES. Baker. Bobbs-Merrill. Lit. pp. 322. A book very interesting to young people 1.25 82 V THE HUGH STEPHENS PRINTING COMPANY, JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI.