i 5e=-^^5'-^ If i cc§.c: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. # __^ # i c:ii. . ^^L__V e .. ^s:_._<-: ^^ — ~~ ^ — ■ ^^^^-~- ^ i.. "^cn^fer '" ■*SCIZ_*'- ^^ <3^ tcc:cc T CC ^r"ccnt in irear. Embrayer. The engine works well. La machine fonctionne bien. To break down. Machine brisee. U, V, w. Urge the fires. Valve-guard. Vacuum. Water-gausre. Poussez les feux. Boutoir de clapet. Vide. Indication du niveau d'eau. 31 MILITARY TERMS. Officer. Officicr. Lieutenant general. Lieuteuant-g6n(Sral. Major g-eueral. Major-general. Brigadier general. Brigadier-general. General-in-chief of artillery. Geueral-en-chef de I'artillerie. Aid-de-camp. Aide-de-camp. Colonel of infantry. Colonel d'infanterie. Colonel of cavalry. Colonel de cavalerie. Lieutenant colonel. Lieutenant-colonel . Major. Major. Adjutant, Aicie-mnjor. Captain. Capitaine. Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Colors. Drapeau, Corporal. • Caporal. Grenadier. Grenadier. Soldier. Soldat. Light infantry. Voltigeurs. Drum -major. Tambour-major. Dragoon. Dragon. Drummer. Tambour. Trumpeter. Trompette. Gunner. Canonnier. Miner. Mineur. Pioneer. Pionier. Spy. Espion. Engineer corps. Genie. Riflemen. Tirailleurs. Sentry. Sentinelle. Bayonet. Baionette. Musket. Fusil. Pistol. Pistolet. Bullet. Balle. Field-piece. Piece de campagne. Howitzer. Obusier de camr)agne. Fort. Fort. Ditch, Foss^. Mine. Mine. Draw-bridge. Pont-levis. Rampart. Rempart. Redoubt. Redoute. Fortified town. Ville de guerre. Truce. Treve. <::^gr_ ccc ^r^ c:c- ^1 ^e^ ircc 1% deed c:c