BF 3)34 mam mm mast Hi WWII m BE vm n Sffi MB H i / Class _Bhl.HL Book .ID 54 GopightK COPVR!GHT DEPOSIT Self Mastery BY FROID DANIELS ^jul^A The Author's Private Edition for Students of the Occult, and especially for those who seek wisdom, happiness health and success through Self Illu- mination and the Great Occult Way Copyrighted 1913 By J. R. DeMude PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR Cleveland, O. ^B I- /i if — y s ^ Dedicated to ISABEL SHAW whom to know has been one of the richest joys of my life. Rather would I discover the cause of one fact than become King of the Persians." Democritus 'What the fool cannot understand he laughs at; thinking that his grin indicates su- periority. Instead however it betrays the presence of weakness, incapacity and a specie of idiocy." "That writer does most for humanity who gives the most knowledge, and takes the least time." Col ton ©C!.A33245g SELF MASTERY CHAPTER I. A Voice in the Desert Silence. When the dream of gold had lured men to brave the perils of unknown regions in the great American desert a short time before the news of the "Find" at Goldfield had flashed around the world, the luring voice of the desert was heard by a young man in the East who soon found himself far west of the great Rocky Mountain range — beyond the backbone of the continent, headed for the heart of the great American desert. The dream of gold had seized his brain with a relentless grip; the "fever" was running high, and his blood was filled with a spirit of adventure, which had never known any fear of the wild. Accompanied only by a burrow which was "packed" with supplies insufficient for such a perilous journey, he soon found himself venturing to that far distant point in the treacherous desert, where the wandering coyote halts before turning back again toward the north lands. Another day found the venturesome prospector cross- ing great barren fields of alkali ; nearing the desert moun- tains of solitude, where the myriad of burning, jagged mountains of rocks seem to pierce the very heavens. This day of awful heat passed slowly and was now far spent. Shafts of steel blue, paralleled with orange and a soft red which blended to lavender were marking the sky, while the golden sun was still poised just above the hills. Night was drawing nigh. Great shadows of the towering needle peaks were falling gently upon the sand dunes and barren rocks, 6 SELF MASTERY until at last the desert was wrapped in a mantle of complete darkness which found a tired and lonely man with his meek companion comfortably resting under the mantle of a desert night, which once beheld can never be forgotten. The morning of another day found the seeker of for- tune pushing onward; farther south through the burning sand and trackless waste, often having difficulty in cross- ing deep gulches with their perpendicular walls. Now a valley of black and white alkali had to be crossed ; the shore dotted with clay hills, rocks; occasionally a scrub cactus, a clump of grease wood, or a bit of sage to break the same- ness of the landscape. No longer is there any sign of life. No longer could the coyote be heard with distance mak- ing the awful silence more terrifying and hideous by his wailing notes; not even the sight or sound of the small mournful desert owl, which is one of the last evidences of bird or animal life seen or heard as one penetrates the desert. It is now noon-day, and the awful heat turned his thoughts to his fast diminishing supply of water, but not a sign of water, other than that which spelled death to man or beast who drank of it. Scattered bones and skeletons of animals near it, told of its death dealing contents. The meager supply which he had left was now becoming scarce. His burning thirst pictured the precious drops of water as of more value than the gold which he had sought, and of which he had found so little. Only when his thirst became unbearable would he take a sip from his scanty store. The close of another day found him near the very heart of that elusive, far off south range; the very center of the desert, in whose mirages men often witness weird pictures of ships sailing the high seas ; or of life in a city, and no city nearer than five hundred miles as the crow flies. SELF MASTERY 7 On the east side, and at the foot of a towering crag which now cast its shadow several miles in the east, he found a welcome spot which offered a sort of shelter for himself, and also some scraggly sage bushes which would furnish a most welcome repast for his only companion. After "unpacking" and feeding the burrow his small reward for faithful service, the prospector hobbled him safely and turned him loose for the night to find a more sumptuous meal among the sage brush after which he apportioned to himself his own meager meal. The sky, which now for some moments had been a deep azure, slowly assumed a dull gray. The row of jagged peaks which lined the horizon a short distance to the southeast, formed what was once the shore line of a great inland lake. Its precipitous crags shot high in the heavens ; rocks which were a mile wide at the base, pushed straight up out of the earth thousands of feet. Their natural coloring was a dull red; some gray, some a yellowish white, while here and there spots of nameless combinations dotted its walls. As the great orb of day began to sink below the crest of the far away Sierra Nevadas, this weary youth beheld a picture the like of which few mortals have ever been privi- leged to see. Once beheld, its glories will never fade from the memory; never become less vivid. In no other place than the heart of the desert does God paint such scenes. The painting of this picture divine began with a dull grey mantle slowly spreading itself over the entire heavens. With this color hanging over the landscape as far as the eye could reach, there came a mantle of cool air from the sky which descended gently over the basin from the Rockies to the Sierras; a mantle, as if let down by angel hands to cheer and refresh any wanderer who might have yielded to the luring call of the desert. The sudden change of tern- 8 SELF MASTERY perature brings a welcome chill to man and beast, and caused the tired prospector to pull his Navajo blanket more closely about him. An hour before, a blanket could not have been endured, but now it was not only welcome, but necessary to keep away the approaching cold of the night. The gray of the sky is now being pierced by thousands of silvery shafts of soft white rays from the far west, which stop where they fall against the colored peaks to the east and south. The outer edges of the broad shafts of moon colored white which pierce the depths beyond the tops of the lower crags are turning to purple hue. Soft threads of gold parallel the white from the western horizon, becom- ing more pronounced and beautiful as they approach, and culminating in a glorious splendor as the nameless harmony of colors fall and mingle pleasingly upon the dull red spires. The whole of the mountains to the east seem now to be the central point where small lakes of pale orange color are penetrated by the soft white ray. The white is now seen to gradually merge into a rose pink; and the picture be- comes more beautiful than before. Floating clouds of golden red with pillows of brightest gold, shift slowly from peak to peak, the many color combinations of orange, pink and lavender fall in glorious harmony wherever they touch the towering sentinel. The entire sky becomes more beautiful until the scene becomes awe-inspiring, and beyond the power of man to describe. It lasted in its full glory only a few moments, when great clouds of darkness began to fill the old lake bed from below, as if actually rising up out of the ancient lake; gradually filling up higher and higher against the heavenly picture, until the last of its shafts of orange and purple faded away with the light of the rising moon. The last shaft of the lingering sun who had long since covered his face beyond the great Pacific SELF MASTERY 9 had faded from the sky and the awful stillness of the desert night was supreme ruler. The tired prospector was sitting where he would later sleep for the night, with the twinkling desert sky for a roof, snugly wrapped in the folds of the warm blanket. So unbe- lievably quiet is the silence of the desert, either day or night when there is no wind, that one may hear the blood surging against the drums of Tiis ears. The heart seems to beat aloud as if to break the awful solitude. The beautiful picture had now faded from the heavens. The silent moon had become hazy, and the huge clouds arose slowly from the south which quickly hid the solemn face of the queen of night ; and as the darkness stole over her face, the thoughts of the tired prospector turned backward and took flight to the east country and he dreamed of friends far away across the Rockies. Soon a sense of terrible loneliness stole over him; the feeling of the certain failure of his trip in the desert; of the fast disappearing provisions and the thought of another failure added to those of his list of others. He dreamed of opportunities gone; of trials, sorrows and disappointments which time had only embittered. He thought of his honest struggles; of his worthy motives; that somehow Fate had conspired against him; of hopes and ambitions crushed, shattered and trampled under foot. While thus absorbed in thought of his own disappointments, with emotions of remorse and revenge, his thoughts suddenly were changed by faint sounds as of that soft, low harmony of a great pipe-organ; the low enchanting music borne from a great distance. His thoughts now turned to the old Sanctuary where men and women lift their voice and soul to what seemed to him the "unknown God." The music divine 10 SELF MASTERY floated so softly in that gentle stillness that it seemed as if it were intensified by the presence of Angels, which caused his soul instinctively to seek communication with the Great Unseen. While his soul and heart were lifted in silent prayer, his attention was suddenly attracted by some dancing thing in the basin of the ancient lake bed, which he could see but dimly through the increasing darkness. Instantly he found himself staring toward that basin which millions of years ago had held a great land-locked lake. There he beheld great soft clouds of light accumulating — gradually covering ap- parently a hundred feet. It quickly spread to an immense diameter. In another instant our intruder of the desert had sprung to his feet, defiantly poised to challenge, or to learn, but his attitude of challenge quickly softened. His eyes met a scene never to be forgotten. The soft, white, phosphor- escent blanket of light began slowly to lift from the great floor and reveal the forms of thousands of human beings where only a moment before there was a strange, vast, uneasy mass of mysterious clouds. As the clouds lifted, the bewildered human forms began to move about in slow, weird confusion ; as if in fear and remorseful dread. As the cloud rose higher and higher their confusion gradually ceased, and soon all of them assumed attitudes of stillness. A deep and still more awful silence now seemed to pervade the whole of the desert and the apparition of human forms now stood still; watching, waiting, as if in silent expectation. Every ear seemed attentive ; every eye gazed in the direction of the only human being who beheld the vision. Disappoint- ment, sorrow and suffering had left their unmistakable foot- prints marked deeply in the countenance of each weary individual. Failure was written on many a brow, while suffering marked many another. Other heart-breaking evi- SELF MASTERY 11 dences were plainly visible everywhere; and each seemed to bear a sorrow all his own. Suddenly the awful silence was broken by a voice which seemed far above. No form or light was visible in that direction. The voice spoke in soft, low, full tones as though addressing this strange assembly. It spoke in a pitying manner — words which were indelibly recorded in the eager brain of the lonely prospector. It spoke in part as follows : "Why hither stand ye gazing When duty's plain and clear, Why sorrows so amazing When help is always near? "Your hearts seem filled with sadness; Your bodies racked with pain ; Yet, life is filled with gladness If truth you'll seek and gain. "Lend ear to truth ; proclaim the cause. Unfold thy soul, and learn its laws. You're told by him that you are God's ; Right here and now; not when we're clods. "If Godly powers be in your reach To gratify your heart, then teach This lesson to yourselves, this part, God does not mock the human heart." The voice of one in this sorrowful multitude now broke the short silence. "Why hither do we gaze? Our sorrows are more than we can bear. Why does a just God heap misery and pain 12 SELF MASTERY upon the faithful? Have we not kept the faith and lived according to all the laws of the church ? Still our lives are blighted; our hearts filled with grief; our bodies marked with disease and pain. We have sought in vain. We have followed the teachings, kept the laws, and revered the com- mandments ; but behold our plight ! Joy and happiness are still afar off." Following another interval of silence the first voice spoke again: "Then bury your man-made laws of God ! For they blind the soul to light. Cover them deep beneath the sod, Thy powers no longer they'll blight. "Mankind has ceased to hearken To the voice that dwells within ; Therefore his life is darkened, Though innocent may seem his sin. "Behold the powers within you! Lend ear to the soul, and its cries ; The Soul will guide and teach you, Until truth you will realize." Following this scene were revealed many things of pro- found importance to the race; and then the blackness of the lake-bed slowly engulfed the field of forms which soon faded away into a pale soft white, until no form could longer be seen. The old lake-bed was left once more hidden in its mantle of darkness, and the mountain walls were again standing out clearly in the soft light of the moon. SELF MASTERY 13 All that occurred or was revealed on that wonderful night, hundreds of miles from civilization, cannot be given here. It was revealed, however, that the weary prospector was to leave the desert at once; the way to go was clearly pointed out ; and that he was one chosen to lead many to a true realization of their own divine powers. "For centuries," said the voice, "mankind has been blindly groping for the secret of power, of health, of happi- ness and success — groping blindly in the dark; refusing to see by the aid of the great Light Eternal which ever shines within the soul itself. "They have sought," continued the voice, "but have not found; knocked, but no answer came, for they knocked at the wrong door." It was made known to the seeker of gold that there were greater treasures to seek than the gold of the desert. The voice which had lured him to the center of that far-off solitude would reveal treasures without price; treasures of love; of life eternal. It was revealed that after he had gained years of experience, supplemented by education and unfoldment, that he would be prepared to do a vast good for humanity ; that his message should go to the individual. Some of the great truths that were revealed on that memorable night, appear condensed and in a practical and understandable form, in the following pages. Enough truth to make every individual in the world happy — barring none — if these truths were applied practically to the lives of individuals. 14 SELF MASTERY CHAPTER II. Through Ages of Darkness, Shines the Light Eternal. Self Mastery, expressed in other terms, or at least its philosophy, is at once the most ancient as well as the most modern philosophy. King Solomon is accredited with say- ing that, "There is nothing new under the sun." Whether he was or was not the first to express that thought, it, never- theless is true. All things which exist today, always existed potentially. The great truths presented in the Philosophy of Self Mastery are as old as time itself; but as little known to the most of humanity as the nature of life at the bottom of the sea. Yet the great truths of the creative forces of the soul are so well known by a chosen few, whose lives have become "heaven on earth," as a result of the knowing and living in harmony with the secret forces of nature that, some of them are found living in paradise, in every city, though in humble homes on which fall the shadows of great marble palaces; palaces which too often are but gorgeous tombs, or prisons of sorrow and remorse; where discord, discontent and sadness reign supreme — Palaces of Sorrow. The potent message which Self Mastery offers, finds a wondrous response today in the hearts of thousands. The world is hungering and thirsting for the message it brings and especially those who have felt that fate was unkind; those whose lives have been filled with bad luck, misfortune ; who have struggled all through life and have met obstacles SELF MASTERY 15 at every turn, which blocked their progress and dashed their fondest hopes into the dust. The philosophy of Self Mastery opens a new world to all who have been thus unfortunate. It shows the reason for the apparent curse which rests upon them and places the powers of Fate in their hands, so that they may shape their lives and destinies according to design. From that other large class of people who, for some reason, real or imaginary, have pulled down the curtain of indiif erence, so that they are blinded to the divinely illum- inating splendors of the Nazarene's philosophy, the Mastery of Self lifts that curtain and literally bares the soul to one's own gaze, and they rejoice in singing a new song, and all life has a new meaning. The philosophy of Self Mastery breaks the shackles which bind one in darkness, and arouse one from that stupor of indifference ; reveals his own inherent powers and divine attributes; and forever removes the blindfold from self- deceived eyes. It brings out in bold relief that transfig- uring power of things Divine so beautifully that one is im- pelled to halt in the mad rush and whirl of the twentieth century grind, and behold himself as an immortal soul ; look upon himself as God looked upon man "In the beginning." The philosophy of Self Mastery when thus seen, prompts the soul triumphantly to cry out against the awful injustice which we ignorantly heap upon ourselves ; cry out against the misery, wretchedness, sorrow and failures we bring ourselves, and unerringly points out to us the way which is right. It would be unfair and unjust to the subject, however, to suppose or expect that a full comprehension of the great underlying laws involved in Self Mastery could be given in 16 SELF MASTERY one discourse, for the "Realizing" requires "growth", and that requires "time." For more than a thousand years ministers have been preaching about, and all around the most beautiful and fas- cinating things of life, but have sorrowfully failed to reveal the real kernel of truth and life. If they had succeeded in revealing the true philosophy, there would be but one great religious philosophy instead of several hundred. The simpler rudiments of this beautiful philosophy to an extent, is now being seen and felt in some of the churches, but owing to the fossil nature of the church gen- erally, the divine philosophy of Self Mastery has had to force the clergy to feed the flock something more than "stones" when the hearts of men and women are crying for "bread." The universal religious unrest, as seen through the world, in all the various movements such as Christian Science, Divine Science, Telepathic Influences, Magnetic Healing, Spirit Healing, Theosophical Movements and the revelations of reincarnation, the revival of Buddhism, and a host of other worthy movements, is a "fore-runner" — "The voice crying in the wilderness, preparing the way," for the unbelieveably wonderful light, power and happiness which is about to dawn upon the world through the evolution of "divine law" ; through the universal realization of the indi- vidual; of the great God. The voice of the soul is heard crying out against power lying dormant in every soul, its divine powers being used to mar and destroy the temple and wreck human happiness as a matter of choice. Liter- ally to bare these forces to the senses of man is the message which Self Mastery brings to all who earnestly seek light as to the Mystery of Self, in a spirit of truth. SELF MASTERY 17 The Problem of all Ages. During all the past ages, of which we have any record, the one great problem which has occupied the most serious attention of the brightest minds, and mightiest intellects, has been that of the soul and its powers. Not only is this true of the centuries which have been swept into the misty past, but likewise true of today. As the roll of the centuries brings us face to face with the problems which great minds are struggling to solve in 1913, we see eminent scholars, throughout the world, co-operating harmoniously in the in- vestigation of the soul and its powers. Nor are their efforts in vain. The mysterious secrets of the soul are fascinating the greatest minds of Europe and America. Marvelous things are being done; and things still more marvelous in this domain, will yet be done. The surface is only touched ; the mystery of God's alphabet is just solved, and we are be- ginning to work in the light. In order that the mind may be rid of anything which will prevent us from grasping a new truth, let us lay aside any thought of religion or holy books, and look at all sacred books as you do your history, or a novel, and bid time turn backward a little over 2000 years. Listen to the Sages! Hearken to the wise men of old ; lend ear to the prophet as he sings, "A Merry heart doeth good like a Medicine; but a broken spirit drieth up the bones. ,, "A Merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; but sorrow breaketh the spirit" — A million sermons are bound up in those lines. Truths of the soul's sorrows ; its wonderful creative power ; its power for good or evil alike on the human body; (on other bodies than its own) a message announcing the fact that the secret powers of the soul were startlingly potent, and known ages ago, long since forgotten, and recently dis- 18 SELF MASTERY covered again by men who dared question, wonder, and in- ' vestigate. Wise old Solomon! Renowned in those days through- out the known world for his wisdom, he recognized the mil- lions of good sermons which those two sentences contained. It matters not what you think of Solomon's character. Most of you know that he couldn't get a job as a dog catcher, or driving a garbage wagon if he were living today, if he lived as he did then. But wisdom is not knowledge, nor have all wise men been good. He was no better nor much worse than eminent contemporaries, and lived according to the customs of that age. Yet his mind quickly grasped the magnitude of such a proverb. Only a moment's reflection is here required to see that, in his estimation, so important and valuable were these laws of the mind and soul consid- ered, either for producing good or evil results, that Solomon wanted to make certain that posterity might take advan- tage of their wondrous possibilities, and his private scribe was commanded to write it in the proverbs. That passage is in itself a gold mine to those seeking light; and worthy of being carved in marble — in the world's Hall of Wisdom. Too many of us have long chanted the songs of the prophets and the words of the Nazarene in a spirit of dutiful mean- ingless indifference. They mean no more than the "tink- ling cymbal, or sounding brass." Many of us contentedly boast that the teachings of the Man Jesus are only for old men and enfeebled women; fables intended to make their declining days more endurable. Never did man make a more fatal error. Jesus was not an impractical dreamer, /but a wonderful Seer, who announced secret laws which / were then generally unknown; laws which are the most practical, sure, certain and scientifically correct that the 1 world has yet discovered. A SELF MASTERY 19 Let us consider some of the simple laws expounded by the one prophet whom all skeptics, all unbelievers, and all atheists everywhere alike admit was the sweetest character, the grandest brother, the noblest man, and about the only real friend of humanity of which the known world has any record. Divesting the same principle above quoted from Proverbs, of all its emotional language, Jesus expressed the same immutable law of mind, so simply, that a child, if let alone, can grasp it. "As a man thinketh in his own heart, so is he." A whole volume pressed into one sentence. As he continues to think, so shall he remain. Worth a thou- / sand sermons if you can see it ; sermons which are directly applicable to the daily life of every business man, profes- sional or laborer alike. Men have blundered over this mine of occult gems for ages, and many will blunder, stumble and fall for centuries to come. The renowned Plato in his life long search for the soul's secret, discovered so much about the creative power and its magic effects upon the body, that he was forced to the conclusion that man by nature was Divine, born of God, and that the devil wasn't on the job; that the real man, the soul itself ivhich inhabited the body, was an immortal entity; indestructible, eternal! That man, during the ages past, had been able to use those divine potvers at will; powers, which we have attributed to angels and gods only; that, through wrong living, and by habitually breaking the laws of his own divine nature, man's divine gifts at last be- came so perverted, by his own choice that his divine attri- butes, which he formerly could use at will, ivere gradually taken away; eliminated by a well knotvn natural law that, as a result of such a life, all the horrors of hell were nat- urally draivn down on the heads of those who chose so wilfully and untvisely. 20 SELF MASTERY This same law, in all animal life eliminates that which is not rightly exercised or wisely used. Thus it was that Plato taught of the manner in which man sacrificed his di- vine rights. His investigations led him to believe that it was possible for posterity again to attain this former estate. It is a well known fact that this natural law of elimina- tion is seen most strikingly illustrated in a physical man- ner in fish, which are found living in the several great caves of the world. They now have no eyes; but upon close ex- amination the skull reveals the fact that once that particular fish family had eyes; and when the brain is examined, there is the remnant of a perfect optic nerve. When the fish were first imprisoned in their underground cave, they had eyes; but living in total darkness there was no use for the eyes; there was no sun light to furnish the active stimulant; the exercisor; and not being used at all, the function of sight soon became dead. Thus it is with any other function of mind, body, or soul — God eliminates that which we do not wisely use. While there are many historical figures, great and small, who taught these same laws, yet for the purpose of this book only two or three will be mentioned. Shakespeare said, "If you would attain a virtue, as- sume it" ! ! That is another whole volume on metaphysical power, boiled down to one sentence. He knew what he was talking about. It is generally conceded that his knowl- edge of humanity, and its frailties ; of the effects of emo- tions upon the mind, brain and body was not exceeded be- fore nor has it ever been exceeded since. Emerson, Whitman, and others taught the same law. There are a thousand teaching likewise today. The initial truths then, underlying the greater laws of Self Mastery, are by no means new. SELF MASTERY 21 During the long years of unfaltering effort ; of untiring struggles of man to enslave the elements, harness the light- ning and subdue the Earth in order to add comfort and hap- piness, the secrets of the miracle working power of nature were laid bare, time and again, until we now have added to our comforts, thousands of wonderful inventions which one hundred years ago existed only in the minds of some of our wildest dreamers, or only potentially. Today we have conquered many of the physical laws of nature, and exclaim, "Behold, what wonders God hath wrought." And now the mighty cry goes up, from all over the world, "how about harnessing the most mysterious of all forces — the subtle powers of the mind?" Or, "those strange^ and mysterious forces of nature which, under certain cir- cumstances not yet definitely known, seem to obey the will of man, and through which the most astounding facts, reve- lations, and phenomena are produced. How about harness- ing those powers ? Powers which the chemist by the aid of his test tubes has proven that its powers are not beyond human comprehension. What will science yet do with these miracle working agencies?" The wisest and best men proclaimed these powers ages ago. Men and women have been guillotined and burned at the stake for daring to reiterate this truth ; and behold now our chemist announces that he proves the claims of the ancients by chemical analysis. Never in the recorded history of mankind was there such a universal awakening to the possibilities of thought power — soul power, as there is today. The wonderful po- tential possibilities of right thinking, and its blessing to the world ; and wrong thinking with its attendant curse is now stirring the entire civilized world. The thinking world is awakening to the fact that the beautiful teachings of the 22 SELF MASTERY old prophets; teachings which have long been buried under theological trash, are wonderfully alive! The stupid ef- forts which succeeded in covering the divine truth as re- corded for centuries, are now acting as a boomerang, show- ing as never before what an awful price is paid by posterity, in misery, sickness, sorrow, death and wholesale murder, as a result of the evil designs of ancient political intrigue, and deliberate perversion of truth. What an everlasting impression is made on minds which think, when we contem- plate the heritage which befell humanity as a result of the wicked ways of our fathers. The horrors of life's tragedies which blight the world as a result of false teaching can never be computed. The wondrous miracle of truth is shown by the fact that in defiance of all this accumulated and compounded villainy, to pervert and conceal truth, up through the deep layers of theological rubbish is coming to the surface, glimpses of immortal truth, seeking the light as it were, like the plant kept in the cellar, reaching up toward God's sunlight. So successfully had the evil de- signers concealed the truth that mankind has been groping blindly in the dark for centuries — seeking the light. Usually when he did find it, or suspect its whereabouts, it meant death to him because it is difficult for one to conceal Self- Illumination. The Unseen Chemist Today there is a new spirit dawning over the world, the spirit of toleration ; a light — "that light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." There is at present a great occult wave sweeping over the nation; a wave of unsuppressable magnitude and enthusiasm. People of all classes are showing an interest as never before witnessed SELF MASTERY 23 in the world, marvelling at the great possibilities of mind building ; of character building ; success building. A living interest is aroused in a power which destiny decrees shall bring untold happiness to generations yet to come. The wisdom of our immediate ancestors, in making the priceless sacrifices for us which they did, is vindicated. They planned wisely that we might be free and privileged to pry into God's mysteries without fearing prison or persecution ; free to herald our discoveries to the hungering world, — vin- dicated a thousand times in the discovery which they made possible; and stupendously important laws which reveal to view the miraculously creative force of the human mind and soul ; powers now known to exist and manifest for equally good or evil results, during each and every state of mind or emotion, according to the kind of emotion ; whether mild, violent, depressed or whether of love, faith or confidence. Within each of us, within our inner selves, we carry an unseen Chemist, with magic powers which are more in- tensely real than the most fascinating fiction. This unseen Chemist carries love, health, happiness, misery, sickness, sorrow and often death. Without any voluntary thought or intention on our part, it creates life or brings death; sick- ness or sorrow ; saves life or destroys it ; makes of us demons or angels; 'and the secret of this Unseen Chemist which bears happiness or death, the secret of its favorable or un- favorable, kind or unkind acts is hidden in the simplest and at once the most complicated occult statement that the great Nazarene Prophet ever made. It is found in "As a man thinketh in his own heart so is he." So simple that it sounds childish, but it contains a potent truth which is about to revolutionize the world. It has long proved the fatal stumbling block for clergymen, professional, and laymen alike; but at last it has yielded 24 SELF MASTERY up the key to its mystery. Its secret is so simple that the wisest could not see it, yet the most humble need not go astray. Its powers for good can never be fully estimated, and a fuller knowledge of it will prove it to be the prime factor in finally redeeming the human race. Creative and Destructive Forces. For a long time eminent physiologists, physicians, and psychologists have agreed that the mind's power had a won- derful chemical influence upon the body; an influence for good or bad — all depending upon the nature of the thought. It was noticed that sudden fear often causes death; that agonizing, unbearable grief turns the hair white in a single night. It happens so often that it is common knowledge and it seems unnecessary to point to particular cases. However, as Marie Antoinette is a well known historical personage, reference to her may prove of more value than a reference to others less known. Poor, unfortunate Marie Antoinette! That pitiable, misguided figure of French history, whose hair was as black as night ; her figure stately and erect. On the morning fol- lowing her husband's execution, she came from her boudoir, her shoulders drooping, and all the color departed from her cheeks; it had gone forever. Where nature had painted roses were now seen the deep and unmistakable traces of agony. Deep furrows were plowed in her colorless face ; the pupils of her eyes were only dark spots in staring discs of scarlet. The world beheld in her a pitiable object lesson as to the wages of sin against self. Her withered features were a haggard monument erected in honor of the quick and awful work of that Unseen Chemist, when directed unwisely. SELF MASTERY 25 Sorrow plows deep furrows in the countenance. It creates a chemical, a poison, which lowers the powers of one's vital resistance; reduces the weight of the body; de- stroys the appetite, and paralyzes the power of digestion, thereby so weakens the body, that it becomes the victim of any deadly germ. Violent fits of anger, rage or jealousy each creates a different kind of deadly poison, and is usually followed by a high fever ; then chills ; then a sick spell in bed. Prolonged grief is slow but certain suicide. It pro- duces a poison in the blood which gradually closes and destroys certain groups of cells in the vital organs. Anger, rage, jealousy, revenge, grief, each one after its own kind, creates a powerful poison in the blood, al- mpst instantly after the mental condition or emotion asserts itself. Each one of these emotions creates a separate, distinct kind of poison. Each poison affects the entire body and brain, but more particularly some special organ of the body such as the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, etc. The organ most affected will be determined by the kind of men- tal storm raging. Certain emotions instantly change the odor of the breath. In fact so quick, sensitive and wonderful is this force that it actually inoculates the saliva with a virus cor- responding to the kind of emotion present. Under certain conditions a special kind of saliva inoculation is noted in kissing. No idle dream is this, but a cold demonstrable fact proven chemically and otherwise. Who has not noted the disagreeable odor of the breath of one who is in great grief? What man or woman so un- fortunate as not to have noted the divine perfume with 26 SELF MASTERY which God scents the breath of the wife or sweetheart when tenderly held in the arms of the husband or lover ; or when the emotion of love is present? The change of the nauseating odor of the breath dur- ing grief to that of the sweetest, purest odor, is almost in- stantly wrought, if the thought which has produced the grief is suddenly removed by discovering the thing be- lieved is untrue, and the reverse emotion is set up. To il- lustrate : a grief may be present over a love affair, and the lover suddenly appears upon the scene and disabuses the mind of the thought which produces the grief. When the error is discovered, the trouble settled ; and when later this is followed by the emotion of love, the change is like magic. This is a simple illustration but will serve to fix the thought as to the effects produced by suddenly reversing deep emo- tions. The sublime beauty of this great Unseen Chemist is that its wonderful miracle working agency can be con- trolled — directed; that its power for good naturally far out-strips its power for evil. Were this not true, the race would be extinct. A few cases showing the fatal effect of perverted men- tal creations may be cited, showing the undisputed facts in such a graphic manner that the lesson will not be for- gotten. A case is reported in the Landon Lancet, which illus- trates the destructive power of mind or of the Unseen Chemist which does the mind's bidding: A boy, nine years old was badly bitten on the hand by another boy while fighting. Notwithstanding the fact that every effort was made to save the boy's life, forty-eight days later he died of hydrophobia. SELF MASTERY 27 Another case will illustrate the same law : The eminent Dr. Van Swieton, well known both in Europe and America for his knowledge, skill and achievements, reports a case of a young man who, while in a street brawl, fighting, while terribly enraged, tried to bite his adversary, but ac- cidentally bit his own finger very badly before he realized what he was doing. That young man died while in terrible agony, three weeks later, of hydrophobia, or a disease so closely resembling it, that it could not be distinguished from hydrophobia. Three of the most eminent authorities on children's diseases have informed us that hundreds of innocent babies are poisoned and die every year as a result of nursing the breast following moments of anger and rage on the part of the Mother. In such cases, the physicians are compelled to issue a death certificate, which is a lie on its face. These deaths are attributed to other causes, while the truth is, the milk was poisoned; inoculated with the poison which rage caused the Unseen Chemist to create, and the murder of an innocent is the result, the price paid for such indulgence. The mother of a well known London physician was acci- dentally bitten by an enraged epileptic. Result? She died of the bite a few weeks later. Notice, if you please, how quickly the state of rage or hate inoculated the saliva with a deadly poison, which is certain to claim the life of the victim. Creative Power of Love versus Hate. Love creates several distinct elements which instantly enter the blood and which are similar to a virus in their action; the principle of which promotes joy, brings roses to the cheeks, brilliancy and smiles to the eye and intellect; 28 SELF MASTERY health to the body, and a splendid success in any chosen field of operation. Rage in man or beast inoculates the saliva with a deadly poison, so that the bite of a man enraged is as poisonous as a reptile. Haven't some of you seen a teased rattle snake, viper or copperhead become so enraged that it sank its poison fangs into its own body and in a few minutes turned on its back, stiffened, and quivered contortively and died in awful cataleptic condition a few minutes later? It is a common sight where poison reptiles are found. This is akin and analogous to what occurred in the mind, blood and body of the young man referred to above who bit himself and died of his own venom. There is no passion to which the human mind is sub- ject but which instantly saturates the whole body with a sort of virus after its own kind. Either that of love, hate, joy, sorrow, success or failure — each producing a result peculiar to itself. What has seemed to be a law of God, that often works great injustice to the innocent as well as the guilty, is found in the fact that a man can't prevent his own deadly poison- ous thought waves from escaping into space, and eventually injuring others, but his own eventual punishment with a vengeance is as sure and certain to be meted out to him as it is that the sun will rise tomorrow. The influence of this mighty force does not cease or halt in the brain or body where it was created. Its power sets up immense, radiating, etheric, occult waves, similar to those generated at the spark gap in wireless telegrapTiy, and sends them flashing through space — hundreds of miles — yes, thousands of miles away. SELF MASTERY 29 Crashing with the speed of light, out into the world, where other brains intercept them; pick them up, and sooner or later in another brain, they, set up emotions, passions, ambitions, or depressions and plunge the victim who was sensitive to them into a similar condition ; and soon there follows a tragedy. Allow yourself, if you will, to contemplate the great, horrifying psychological crimes committed throughout the world, the responsibility for which no scheme of law yet devised by humans can fix or cope with. Nor will, or can it ever be done by any code of laws now written in any library of civil or criminal procedure in any country on this planet. Have you never felt a sudden mental or spiritual ela- tion, or a sudden depression without being able to assign any cause, and you could not shake the spell off? Beware of such feelings. They are caused by irresponsible tramp thought creations, turned loose upon the world. Arouse yourself therefore, to the meaning of their presence and pos- sibility when such feelings pervade you. Realize the neces- sity of throwing such depressions off. Nothing will succeed so quickly as forcing yourself to think thoughts of love, and good cheer for all mankind and of yourself, last. Wise was the prophet who sang, "Thoughts are things V * * * * endowed with wings." Be careful therefore/ what you think. Wise was the one who first sang, "Cast thy bread upon the water; it will return to thee in many days." Be careful of the quality of bread. Wise was the best friend this world ever knew — Jesus, the son of the car- penter ; the Son of Man, — when he said, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." "With what measure ye mete," etc. "A new commandment give I unto you — that ye love your enemies, — bless them that curse you." "Do good to them that hate you, — pray for them that ( 30 SELF MASTERY persecute you." This quoted from about the only real friend the world ever knew. The gems of divine wisdom given to the world by the Christ, reflect laws which are so beautiful that, when most of us come near enough to the Light Eternal to get a glimpse of things divine, the purity of that light blinds us. Seeing through the physical eye, and not through the great Inner Orb of the soul, the contrast is so great that often we be- come totally blind to some of the simplest, plainest, clearest and easiest to see, of all God's wondrous gifts to men. Many of us deliberately close our eyes and then exclaim, "Give me light," or "I can't see," when with the eyes open, a glance about us will reveal divinity everywhere. As we further consider the tremendous part which emo- tional chemistry plays in the affairs of men, we find that anxiety and worry are twins; that prolonged worry pro- duces a chemical; a virus in the blood which destroys the nerve filaments throughout the body, and works irrepara- ble harm to the entire nervous system. It also creates an occult element which is certain to bring defeat in the very thing about which we manifest the anxiety. Jealousy creates a virus which produces tumorous growths which often make death seem preferable to life. Often it produces cancer of the breast or lips. Joy produces a quality which brings life, strength, hope, courage and ambition to both body and mind. Under its magic stimulus, we walk with our heads in the air; our shoulders erect; with a smile on our countenance and a word of good cheer for all. Pleasurable emotions cause the lungs to do far better work, and thereby enrich the blood, make the body glow, and make us look, feel, and act like real men and women. Let us look at the havoc wrought by gloom, — depres- SELF MASTERY 31 sion, remorse, regret. In these qualities is concealed the cold, cruel, relentless hand of self inflicted tortures. Often its death grasp is indicated on the cheek of the despondent maiden, whose heart has been broken; — disappointed in love ; plainly indicated by the awful chemical shock through which that disappointment forces the body! The demoralizing effect which this long continued emo- tional grief has upon the mind, body, and soul is clear be- yond any possible doubt. Such despondency as disappointed love creates a virus which closes the cells of the lungs ; first one portion or group of cells closes, then another. Its sphere of action becomes larger, and more extended, until at last most of the internal surface of the lungs is closed ; the blood becomes overloaded with poison which would nor- mally be eliminated; but now the lungs no longer can per- form their function properly, and the fatal message is plainly written. It becomes more and more unmistakable as the surface of cell closure increases. It finally becomes a perfect hot bed for the deadly tuberculosis germ — a pitia- ble picture of the last struggles of the unfortunate victim who was once so cheerful, so full of life and hope. It is now easily seen that what was once the home, the "Temple" of a happy immortal soul, which was working out while here on earth the plan of the Great Divine Will, soon ceases to be a fit place for the soul's habitation ; and it is impelled soon to release its hold, renounce its claim, leave its Temple, and depart for that great Unknown Country. The Unseen Chemist and Love Enthroned. "He that controlleth himself is greater than he that controlleth an army." 32 SELF MASTERY Conforming to the plan of the writer, the negative, or destructive creations have been presented first, that you may more firmly grasp the divinely optimistic view. To see but one side and know nothing of the other, would work an injustice equally to you and the subject alike. It is there- fore desired most emphatically to convey the great truth that the mind's creative power for good results far out- weighs that for evil when understood intelligently; when properly guided and wisely directed. One of the first and last ambitions in presenting these potent facts is that, those who comprehend may attain happiness, health and success. This message is sent to the individual. The philosophy of self mastery enables us to attain hap- piness, joy, success and health; enables us to gratify life's sweetest ambitions and its secret hopes. It enables us to at- tain those normal desires which never cease to throb in the heart of the average human being, unless confidence, the will, and hope are dead. The first great principle in the practical application of the philosophy of Self Mastery is found in the self evident truth that God (nature, if you prefer) does not inspire the human heart with hopes and longings without also placing within reach, a power by which those hopes may be grati- fied; for God is not a mocker of men. God's laws are na- ture's laws and man cannot break them without paying the penalty. In as much as we cannot avoid them, it is wise to live in harmony with them. It follows therefore, as the night the day, that if you have secret hopes and ambitions to attain, for which you have struggled in vain, it is certain there is not only a good and sufficient reason for your fail- ure, but also a normal, natural way by which your hopes may be attained. I care not whether it be regarding your business, the attainment of some fondly cherished hope, a SELF MASTERY 33 matter of friendship, or a deep abiding love. If it con- stantly begs for expression, admission, realization, there is no doubt that such longing is in harmony with the plan of your life as intended by the Great Divine Architect; and there is a way by which the attainment is sure and certain. Furthermore, whether it be attained during your present life, during this incarnation, it is certain that some day, somewhere, somehow, in another life perhaps, it must be satisfied and attained in order to fulfill the plan of your soul's existence. Its needless postponement, however, on your part, will only delay the fulfillment of God's Divine plan for you ; entailing needless disappointment and sorrow and will only add more karma for you to work out. Each human being is a perfect prototype of the uni- verse, a perfect law unto himself ; a king, a God. Every law in this universe is found within the individual. Man is a miniature Solar system within himself — as much a perfect part of this great psychic world system, as our Solar system is a perfect part of the thousands of similar systems of worlds in space. Our world, the earth, is always in the right place, right on time, to be relied upon, which fact should be copied as the first principle for our own life. If the laws enunciated by the prophet of Nazareth are proven to be Nature's Laws and therefore, the only sane course for any man to follow, no argument or sophistry can ever hope to conceal this simple fact very long from prying minds of men. If "God" is divine, so is man. If man is a practical creature, so is God. If God is just, man must be and is, at least to himself. He cannot be otherwise. He pays himself what he earns. If unjust, apparently, to self, he in reality is unjust to everybody else. If true to himself, he is false to none. The law is inexorable. 34 SELF MASTERY The man Jesus proclaimed a practical God; one who mingles with you and me in every minute. You may call Him "the great law," or "the divine substance," or "love," in which creative principle, we ever "live, move, and have our being." Called by any other name, God responds the same. The God of nature is good. He is kind. He helps me to smile, and to enjoy. I can see him in the stars; hear his voice in the trees ; talk to him in the flowers, and behold him in the face of my enemies. Another of the vital tenets, or self evident truths in the philosophy of the Mastery, of Self, is that every human be- ing is created in the Image of God ; is a child of God as much as you are a child of your mother. By nature you are di- vine, whether you believe it, like it, or not. There is no such thing as your possible annihilation. You may have your choice ; reflect your divine nature, your true birthright, or you can choose the other path. Every soul is created free to choose his own fate. Fate shows that every soul is free, To choose his life, just what he'll be. For wide the realm, God's freedom given, But he will force no one to heaven. He'll call, persuade, direct aright, Crown you with wisdom, love and light ; Ten thousand ways He's good and kind, Though He'll never force the human mind. The Divine Creator leaves us free to choose and act. He also adds a little responsibility clause to this charter of freedom and privilege; you must shoulder the responsibil- ities for your own acts. This you cannot hope to avoid. SELF MASTERY 35 Divine freedom carries with it, within you, the penalty in- flicting power for every wrong you do, which is automatic in administration of punishment. It never fails to do its duty. It is the court, judge, jury and jailer. It may seem often to be tardy in administering proper or suitable pun- ishment, but it is sure and certain and we can never escape it, for it is ever right with us. It has been said that "The highway between 'heaven' and 'hell' is a straight line." Of the path between success and failure, the same. Between happiness and unhappiness, likewise. These roads are dotted with unfailing guide posts, but most of us either refuse to read them, or shy; get be- wildered, frightened, and run away into the wilderness of confusion. This, however, does not lessen our responsibility or help us to escape. Many of us are not afraid of anything and boastingly try to prove this to ourselves and try to con- vince our acquaintances that reading the guide posts which line both sides of the path of life is only foolishness and forms no part of the creed of a real man. How well we are paid for such a course of procedure! What a harvest we reap which we have sown, tho we are prone to complain that we have not earned such a deal from the hand of fate. You need no teacher to point this out, nor do you need any sacred book to prove it to you. If you will but open your eyes, and look about you daily you can behold di- vinity everywhere. You, my brother, or my sister, were de- signed by that great, kind Father, to reflect your divinity; to smile, to laugh, to work and to play; to let your light shine out brightly that it may warm and cheer the world. It is your privilege and your duty to be successful; to enjoy life; to love nature, and build a bodily temple which bears the stamp of God. 36 SELF MASTERY Success, happiness and an abundance cannot come to a mind that is pinched, shriveled, skeptical and pessimistic. Nor can the mind that doubts and fears, ever hope for much success — never until doubt, fear and pessimism are rooted out of your garden of mental creations and kept out. If one would become in harmony with the law of opulence, the law of plenty and of success, he must put himself in har- mony with the laws which govern his own being. When you finally conclude that you are born of God and not of the devil ; that you were created by a divine principle ; that you there- fore must possess divinely creative forces within your being ; that God is not a mocker of man's hopes, ambitions or of his miseries, and that you are therefore entitled to happiness, health and success as a natural heritage, then the bright and shining goal which you seek to attain will be in plain sight. You will have reclaimed your birthright. When you have made up your mind to desert bad luck, misfortune and pov- erty forever ; that you are going to substitute in their places, happiness, and success, your battle to find heaven on earth is almost won. The very act of turning your back to the bleak and barren coast of poverty and unhappiness, when done in a spirit of profound sincerity, conviction and deter- mination, will arouse within you a power to do, which you never suspected possible. Things will begin to move as you wish, making way for you; things which were impossible for you before will now seem easy and natural. Where be- fore grew a thistle will now be seen a rose. Where before you saw obstacles and monsters glaring at you defiantly, you will now see an opportunity. Where before you met a re- buff, you now find an inviting hand extended. Do your high- est and noblest duty to yourself and allow no one to block your progress because of any conventional feelings or no- SELF MASTERY 37 tions of friendship and its too often meaningless and empty obligations. While it is true that this creative principle within is inseparably linked by a golden cord of sympathy to that Great Universal Source of love and energy, it is equally true that no mind or intellect is great enough to attract that greater and lasting success, if that mind is snarling, back- biting and groveling in the mire of pessimism and doubt; or who habitually howls that the whole world is wrong. By so doing one creates an adverse occult energy which re- tards, blockades and actually dams up the great occult source through which the stream bearing your success must of necessity pass before it can possibly bring the results you seek. Nor can such one possibly know real happiness while steeped in the poisonous elements of envy or sarcasm. Never forget the poison which such emotions or states of mind create. Hate, Revenge and Jealousy act upon the body and mind like a dynamite bomb upon a building, when exploded within its walls. Such emotions shatter the men- tal and psychic structure into chaotic ruin. Self Mastery and its Magic Key. The master key to the vaults of happiness and success is found in the law of Love, Hope, Confidence, Good Cheer ; and a joyous smile is its gentle handmaid. These will lead you to within a step of a practical knowledge of your own psychic power. Having succeeded in this, the subtle laws of occultism will soon unfurl before you in all their glorious usefulness, and your life will never again be the same. Love is the master key to all perfect ideals of life. It is that something which struggles in the tiny flower seed to create the "flower in bloom." It is that which impels the 38 SELF MASTERY bee to carry the fertile pollen from the male to the female flower. It impells the mother, human or animal, gladly to sacrifice life in order that the offspring may live; it is the law of worlds — the power which impels the earth through space — that law which is surging through the soul when husband loves the wife, the mother the child, the lover the sweetheart, or that of friend for friend. It is eternally creative unless perverted by a perverted will. Even then it creates, but its creations are of evil. "Love is the ful- filling of the law." When living in harmony with the law of the creative thought, love, which is nature's highest manifestation, fills our lives with complete attainment of every desire, hope, and ambition which is worthy of being so named. The secret of creating and drawing to us all that is good has been proclaimed from the mountain and the valley for ages, and always has found some fertile soil. Usually, however, it has fallen on deaf ears. The Nazarene prophet announced it in "A new commandment give I unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you," for "love is the fulfilling of the law." The world's master minds and writ- ers have proclaimed the same law as the only force capable of solving the human problem for at least ten thousand years. And few there be, comparatively, who have solved the problem for self. Love is a vital law and not an emotion. The greatest of all the Apostles, in his Immortal 13th Chapter of First Corinthians, proclaims it : "Though I speak with the tongue of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become like a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I give all my goods to feed the poor, or my body to be burned, and have SELF MASTERY 39 not love, it profiteth me nothing. Love suffereth long, and is kind; it envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in truth, beareth all things and hopeth all things. Love never faileth. * * * And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." When we think of Love as an emotion, either pleasant, harmful, good, bad, or otherwise, and that it ends there, we deceive ourselves as badly as the Roman Churchmen de- ceived themselves when they announced that Gallileo was a fraud and sent him to jail. After due deliberation they had proven (?) the claims of the great Gallileo all to be false; that what he taught about the world plunging at terrific speed around the sun; and that earth revolved on its axis; that the sun did likewise; that he saw several moons around Jupiter ; that Jupiter was many times larger than this earth ; that Saturn had strangely fascinating rings around it in the form of discs which were several hundred thousand miles in diameter; that he saw mountains on the moon through the telescope which he invented; all these claims, they said, were "Contrary to common sense, con- trary to the Bible and to the teachings of the church, op- posed to true religion, and contrary to all the laws of God," and therefore they saw to it that such an heinous fiend as Gallileo was placed safely in a dungeon prison. The horri- fying facts are too well known to be presented here. Every school boy today knows that the great Gallileo was right; that the church as usual was wrong ; that the wisest clergy- men which the great church could produce shamefully de- ceived themselves ; deceived the world, and plunged human- ity into a deeper gloom than already had engulfed it, as the 40 SELF MASTERY price of closing their eyes to glimpses of the Light Eternal when brought face to face with it. A greater calamity than befell them, befalls the individual who deceives himself by tossing aside the thought of Love as being any less than as universal, as eternal and as necessary as the law of Gravity. Deceiving one's self as to the law of love is fatal to one's highest and best interest. The effects of the Law of Love, when wisely directed, are as certain as any other fixed law of nature, or of God, if you choose. When love is thrown into a frenzy or a panic, caused by jealousy, rage, or envy, the results are as uncertain in their destructive creations as the uncertainty of the panic-struck magnetic needle when carried into an excited field. The Law of Love operates under the joint* control of the Will, Faith, Hope, and Belief. It operates as unfail- ingly as the law of negative and positive magnetism. It is as certain as the result of fire when brought into contact with inflammable materials. It is "the greatest thing in the world"; the greatest law in this universe. Its powers may wisely be used to produce the most wonderful happiness, health, and pros- perity, or this same law may easily be perverted. When thus directed, its powers produce confusion, adversity, fail- ure, poverty, sickness, sorrow, dire distress, and death. The recent scientific proof that what the Ancients claimed for "love," and said of it was true, is the greatest discovery science ever made, and will yet be the means of bringing more happiness, more comfort, more pleasure, more joy, and be promotive of more real advancement to the human race than any other of the many wonderful discoveries yet revealed to man. SELF MASTERY 41 Every one has some fondly cherished hope, some ideal which he has strived to attain. Many have strived in vain ; others have attained their ideal to a degree; still others perhaps have strived more nobly; fought more gallantly, yet failure has been the only apparent reward. Some, per- haps, have a lingering hope still knocking at the door of their hearts, when the means by which that hope might have been realized has long since vanished; the hope itself crushed — shattered — almost gone, years ago. Still out of the past the voice of hope whispers to you. Many a worthy battle has been lost when attainment of some fondly cher- ished ideal was right at the very threshold ; almost attained. An honorable defeat, however, is no evidence of failure, for whenever a steadfast hope is found to linger for years, you may be certain that there is a way to gratify it; that according to the great divine plan, it is right and just that it should be gratified; as to when, or just how, it is not always easy to know. The puzzling question is certain to present itself to those beginning to see the light, "How can we reclaim, re- gain ourselves, or establish a conscious, intelligent associ- ation with the creative energies of our own soul, in that manner and degree which will aid our psychic creations in the building, or in accomplishing the object which seems the most desirable and necessary for our happiness or suc- cess ? The lesson in itself is not difficult, but it is confusing for most of us, and requires time for absorption and assimi- lation. It is well to remember that you did not comprehend and absorb your arithmetic, your grammar, algebra, analy- tics, or physics in a week, or a month, but that it required a long time. After you had mastered them, it seemed per- fectly simple, only natural, self evident, and as if you had always known them. Comprehending psychic forces is 42 SELF MASTERY much more simple, but few grasp a clear meaning instantly, because the mind has for so long a time been falsely edu- cated, which fact bars one's progress. So clearly and brightly does the light of the great good and kind Father illuminate the pathway of life, that few people ever gaze at its splendor long enough to get used to its beautiful radiance. Most of us need a gentle helping hand to assist us over the rough places in starting out anew. In beginning our search for the Occult Way, we must remember that "heaven is not gained by a single bound, but we build the ladder round by round." If you would attain happiness through the Life and Light Eternal, lay aside all preconceived ideas which do not proclaim for you your own divinity; for whether you are good or bad (which means good going the wrong way; on the wrong track) , you are still, nevertheless, immortal, in- destructible. In seeking that which doth not corrupt or perish, one must never lose sight of that heavenly birthright. After having gotten this far, let us begin to rid our- selves of all such rubbish as envy, doubt, fear and pessim- ism. Do not be so weak or cowardly as to say, "I can't," but assert "I can," and do it. That attitude does not cost you as much effort as the "can't" attitude and besides it will not only succeed in ridding you of the curse, but leave you with a strength you never had before. Discard layer after layer of the poisonous crusts of rubbish which you have accumulated until the last of the old shell is gone. Then you will behold yourself as God beheld man when first He created him and "made man in His own image, and saw that he was good to look upon." You will then behold your- self an immortal soul, in all its transcendent beauty ; ready again to start on life's journey; down the great shining SELF MASTERY 43 Occult Way — ready to be guided by that still, sweet voice within ; the light of your own immortal soul ; ready to claim your own; lovingly to demand that which you desire, "and it shall be given," given by the creation of the occult forces of your own soul with which you were endowed at the be- ginning. When freed from the curse of a weak, whimsical, per- verted and uncertain will ; when one has fully comprehended the meaning of the soul's creative powers, all that the heart craves, or the body needs is within easy reach. Many will ask "how about the application of the occult forces to business? Can the creative psychic powers of man be so directed and controlled that a definite object, aim or course of procedure in business affairs may be shaped? And if so, to any valuable degree? Is it practical when applied to every day business? to the affairs of every day life ? The answer from all who have tried it is, that it works miracles. That answer should be sufficient. Let us consider one of the simplest of all occult evi- dence which may be comprehended by those interested, even though they possess no knowledge of the occult at all. Every worthy attainment which man has achieved had its begin- ning in longing, in hoping, in dreaming, in the building of air castles, if you choose. It matters not whether it was a mechanical invention, a deep friendship, health, happiness, or the building of a battleship; it was first given birth in the psychic centers of the brain ; there cherished, nourished, and fed on hope and encouragement, day after day. There was present a constant longing in the same mental direc- tion — ever dreaming with an intense constancy, always in the one line of hope, during which time the combined action of occult, psychic, and creative energies, contributes to the 44 SELF MASTERY perfection of the dream, adding power and material each day, creating always in the positive direction, until at last every psychic condition within the mind of the "dreamer," within the aura of his activity became perfect; ready for the physical creation. The creative waves had lodged in many another mind, in which an unconscious, harmonious co-operation with that of the dreamer's forces had been building the resources of success sought, and which at last brought the "dreamer" an unseen assistance from many unexpected sources, until finally, all who looked could have seen the "dream" being actually materialized into a physical reality ; and soon that which was originally "only a dream," stands out clearly to all— created. You will notice that emphasis is placed on creating "in one direction only" in connection with the exercise of these subtle forces. An illustration may bring the law out more clearly : If a frog is in a well thirty feet deep, with a little muddy water at the bottom, and the frog climbs up three feet one day, and falls back; climbs up five feet the next day, looks back at the tempting muddy water, and jumps back ; then the next day climbs up ten feet, but looking back down yields to the temptation and decides to go back once more to the muddy water; then the next day has another longing to climb out of the well, and succeeds in climbing up only two feet, and finds it harder climbing now than before, and goes back; finally, if the frog continued this climbing and falling back and can't resist the temptation offered by the sensation of indulging in the muddy plunge, how long will it take the frog to climb out of the well ? Most of us are like the frog. One day we succeed in attaining wonderful heights, and almost rid ourselves of those deadly parasites, fear and poisonous emotions, such as envy, hate, revenge, and jealousy, and we invite hope, love, SELF MASTERY 45 confidence, optimism, zeal, and enthusiasm to abide with us. When we do, how quickly the voice of the soul expresses its approval, in our face, our feelings, and in spiritual exultation. Then one is likely to say, "Surely I am on the right road now." But are you standing on a sure footing? Are you sure you will not slip and fall back like the frog? What if some incident occurred which would ordinarily drive you to rage, would you Rage? Would you slip back to the bottom of the well into the muddy water? This temptation is humanity's "Waterloo." The thousands of tests conducted in occult and psy- chological laboratories have proven conclusively that, when under the direction of the will, the mind constantly creates one of two kinds of forces : one which aids us in pushing on- ward toward attaining our cherished ideal, while the other aids or pushes us backwards. It creates an occult substance out of which your success is possible, probable and easily at- tained when psychic laws are conformed to, while the other substance created actually defeats us in our purpose. When responding to the wishes of a perverted will it creates energies, or poisonous forces within us which plow deep paths of sorrow, from which we cannot extricate ourselves ; ruts of trouble which we boldly and deliberately chose. In contrast to this, when under a wiser direction of the Will, it creates a substance which opens to us through the tele- scopic vision of the soul, a view of the heavens ; or creates with equal ease a force which sinks us into the deep sor- rowful pits of hell, or the dark abyssmal pits of remorse. The hand of God cannot prevent you. You may choose freely but you must pay the price; receive your well earned reward afterward. 46 SELF MASTERY An Uncrowned King Discovered. In choosing the wiser and happier Way, one of the first steps reveals the necessity of renouncing the old, or the new becomes elusive. The moment you have renounced misfortune, failure and sorrow as having no normal, natural place in your life, and you have vowed to turn your back on these grewsome things forever that you are going to claim the riches to which every normal soul on Earth is entitled, then never turn back! Don't even look back if possible! Every time you look back or turn back, you just jump back into the well, and will have to pass through the same struggle in your tortuous climb again. Many of those who have achieved such wonderful suc- cess in unfolding and utilizing their psychic forces, are those who have endured great sorrows, heartbreaking dis- appointments, and those who have met with depressing fail- ures. Those having passed through great misfortune seem more appreciative of their birthright when they rediscover themselves, and for this reason are more successful when they do, because they have learned the lesson at the ex- pense of breaking health or heart ; learned the terrible price one must pay for the luxury of wrong thinking; learned the true value of wisely loving ones self, which attitude re- sults in a nobler love of God. In seeking to follow the light which ever shines from your own soul, follow the example left us by the immortal Columbus. In looking over the record of his voyage, we read: "Today, we sailed west — which was our course." Turning the record page for the next day's sailing you will find : "Today we sailed west, which was our course." Turn- ing page after page of the record of that wonderful voyage, SELF MASTERY 47 with all its terrible hardships, you will read: "Today, we sailed west, which was our course." In your journey down the beautiful Occult Way of life let your lights be burning; your motto ever be, "Today, I lived, acted, thought, and evolved in the right direction, for this is my course" In following the new light, it will be necessary that you be on the alert ever constantly to exercise divine purpose; ever in the same direction; and the moment you begin to realize your own divine attributes, your nearness to the powers which create every good thing we have, love, or enjoy, then the world will take on another hue, and look more beautiful than it ever did before. The moment you look upon yourself rightly; love self as you should with a divine appreciation of your own soul, then you will begin to honor your body as your temple ; the temporary abiding place of an immortal soul. You will respect yourself as never before, and the world will pay you an equal tribute of additional respect. "Be noble and the nobleness which lies in other men, but sleeping, will rise to meet thine own." Confidence in the nobleness of the Majestic Self, and a confidence in others is one of the grandest assets one can possess. Without confidence, no one accomplishes anything great or worthy. If you have no confidence in Self, the world will have no confidence in you. People will place the same value on you at which you value yourself. Take away a man's confidence, courage, hope, and enthusiasm, and you haven't much left. It is estimated by persons com- petent to judge that there are thirty thousand persons in New York City whose confidence in self is completely de- stroyed ; persons who are past being helped in this incarna- tion, because the will has been broken, destroyed ; hope has 48 SELF MASTERY been annihilated, and therefore they can be of no use to humanity, and only a misery to themselves. None of this vast number can be trusted to be sent a block on an errand. Not that they are inherently dishonest, but because circum- stances have conspired to crush, and kill all confidence in self. It has broken down the will, in which condition all sense of obligation, trust, and honor become dead. Verily "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; but a broken spirit drieth up the bones." That person therefore, who robs you of your confidence in self, destroys your belief in your own ability to attain some cherished hope or ideal, and thereby deals a death blow to your courage, count that person your enemy. Think kindly of him. Forgive him; but turn your back to him, and be more cautious as to where you place your pearls. The miracle of self confidence and enthusiasm has brought a crowning success a million times, out of the world's scrap heaps and discarded wrecks, when chrystal- ized opinion declared that only additional disaster and loss could come of further efforts in that direction. Confidence and enthusiasm grow the rose where stood the poisonous nettle. It produces fields of golden grain in the impassible deserts, when all, "the wise ones" said that the enthusiast was a fool. Self confidence, supplemented by a smiling enthusi- asm, puts armies over the Alps, discovers new countries, crosses unknown seas, wins happiness and success where the pessimists say "Impossible." Faith and self confidence enable one to behold himself as God beholds him; a soul with creative immortal attributes. It gives him back his divine birthright. Every thought we think not only affects our own body and brain structure, but also that of others. Those subtle SELF MASTERY 49 thought-waves are carried out into space like the waves of the wireless telegraph, where they are picked up, and acted upon by other persons who may be hundreds of miles away. Who can estimate the awful tragedies enacted by misguided souls, whose initial incentive to commit crime was born in the brain of some one else — perhaps hundreds of miles away? Who can estimate it! Thoughts which the original thinker flattered himself that no one knew but himself; and yet those supposedly secret thoughts took wings, and ended their journey by falling into some fertile soil ; the brain of a misguided brother. In a moment of blind rage, an awful tragedy was committed! How well there- fore, should we guard our "mental creations." How won- derfully true, that to an appalling degree, "We are our brother's keeper." What the world needs today more than any other one thing is genuine kindness ; that kindness which is born of a wise love of self, and a true love for all humanity. The world is hungering for smiles, for kindness, for love. It is craving to view more of the flowers beautiful in the gar- den of our thoughts and mental creations. It needs the gentle hand extended to help and to encourage the brother who, perhaps has failed in any one of the score of ways where a false step means a temporary defeat, or a crush- ing failure. To encourage and help such an one gives you a courage and a power with which to meet the new prob- lems of your own life which you did not have before; and a strength which you can not get otherwise. Kindness to the stranger, to the friend, or to the foe pays one a handsome dividend. Dollars can never estimate it. True encouragement and a wise sympathy smooths down the rough and rocky bumps of life. It takes the sting 50 SELF MASTERY out of failure; adds courage and confidence to the heart which needs them, and reveals the true meaning of, "more blessed to give than to receive." In as much as Nature has implanted in the soul a longing to attain ; to have and to possess health, happiness and plenty, a desire naturally manifests itself for more specific direction as to definite procedure in evolving these rightful riches. To which question the answer is that, no definite rule covering the needs of every one can be given because the same definite rule will not work for everyone alike. The reason for this is found in the fact that ages of false training prevents us from being able (any group of persons) to reason alike, even with the same facts be- fore them. Hardly two persons can be found who reason alike. A generally specific rule however, is applicable to every one who feels the call to higher and better things. If you are brooding over failure of any kind, stop it at once. It serves only as a millstone around your neck, and will drag you down deeper into the pitiable mire of help- lessness. Toss it aside forever. Bury the memory of it if possible, and look the world in the face squarely, and yourself likewise. Congratulate yourself that it wasn't worse; that you are wiser in that you know what not to do again, and try to put yourself for the time being, in tune with the song of the birds. Start all over again with a clean slate. Determine to close your eyes to the past, and open your soul wide to the eternal present and the brighter future, and you will start out realizing that you are either a new creature, or you have laid hold upon some new power ; that some new life giving power has laid hold of you. One may not be able to do this in a moment, or an hour, al- though many do; but a great reward will crown honest effort and a determination. Perseverance will win for you. SELF MASTERY 51 If that accursed demon of envy has barricaded itself within your sanctuary, then with one mighty, determination, root it out. Every time you see it coming near you, give it a stony stare, and turn your back. If you hate ; if you hold revenge ; if you are harboring some green-eyed monster, turn such a demon out without any ceremony. Desert them; and without your encourag- ing hand to feed them they will soon die of themselves. Such curses are the distress and remorse producers of the world. They are fiery, treacherous, life-consuming devils; so paralyzing and deadly that they endanger life. Often the losing of one's life is the price one pays for reveling in their gore. It is an expensive luxury,. If one's life has been such that false thinking has filled his brain, mind and soul with noxious thoughts and venom- ous weeds and he is unable to see the Light Eternal when face to face with it ; and if one finds that he can't rid him- self of the oppressive rubbish under which his soul seems weighted, the trouble may be that he is trying to create a vacuum by trying desperately to put the demons all out, and leaving nothing in the space occupied by them. A vacuum has never been created, and never can be. You can not remove anything from its position without leaving something in its place; and until you begin to learn to crowd these demons out by gently bringing some other more welcome guests in, you will not succeed. The secret is a process of substitution. One must force out the evil creations and disease producing thoughts, by a combination of starvation, by neglect, and by enlarging the group of noble ideals, and refusing to see, think of, or entertain the old, destructive, depressive thoughts. The new, and the good soon grow to occupy such a large space in your soul that there is almost no room left for the false, 52 SELF MASTERY or evil. The demon thought creations which have long held dominion are now squeezed into a space so small that they quickly die of themselves. Encourage the growth of the good within, at the ex- pense of evil. Never looking at the evil will cause it to wither away; dwarf itself into insignificance, until finally it occupies an infinitesimal space in the mind; "good" will have "overcome evil," while Divine Law — The Light Eternal is left in control Supreme. This is a most vital law, and applies to all occult attainment, it matters not in what field of endeavor the effort may be. Numerous books which have received recognition, are filled with false and inexplicit teaching on many of the most vital points. Several lectures of prominence are like- wise doing much harm in the same manner. While attempting to create success in health, business, development, or the many other worthy aims, negative creations are formed by hundreds of persons, who honestly strive to attain. The reason for their failure is found in their "creating energy," which begins to evolve in both directions unconsciously as a result of holding to, thinking of, and constantly reverting to the thought or condition which is the opposite of that for which they really long. This difficulty of tearing down as fast as one builds up must be overcome, by the masterful determination of "Thinking in the one direction, and holding the divine love ideal of self and humanity ever uppermost." Worry and fear are two of the most senseless world wide curses. Worry never benefitted any one, but brings trouble, sorrow, sickness, and disaster to thousands. If you are a victim of worry, and you wish to progress with the higher forces, you positively will have to eliminate it. It is another expensive accursed luxury and none can afford SELF MASTERY 53 to pay the toll it demands. Many say it is impossible to stop worrying. It is not impossible. Not being able to stop worrying is based upon the same law which enables others to stop the accursed habit. If you will just let go of yourself; let your muscles all relax and indulge in that sweet luxury of dreaming of the birds, the woods, the streams, God's beautiful flowers ; a trip through the clouds, through space, you will come back to yourself much re- freshed. If you doubt it, try it, and you will find that the thing over which you worried is no worse when you "re- turn" but you will be the better. Your worrying will never stop the world from spinning along in its orbit nor will it stop anything for your benefit, or because you worry. If you doubt this also, worry it out for a while and when you do stop, the world will still be spinning along just the same. Enough cannot be said of the greater love of self. "Love thy neighbor as thy self," can never be understood rightly in that arrangement of words only by one who is familiar with the ancient Greek or comprehends early Hebrew expression. "As thou lovest thy dearest friend, love thou thyself also," is more nearly a correct translation of the original thought. How can one love God who loves not himself? If one cannot love that which he sees, how can he ever love that which he has not seen? Learn as never before to love and respect Self; respect your body, the temple in which the real You dwells. Your Temple should be held in sacred esteem. Do you esteem it such? One should love self with a pride divine, but with no false or foolish pride. Begin to look upon Self as an incarnate soul ; a God, if you choose. "Know ye not that ye are Gods?" If you regard holy writ, that quotation alone should settle the question. It casts a new ray of light on the philosophy of early Christianity. 54 SELF MASTERY In the lifting of our lives to that plain of divine real- ization, we should ever keep before our vision that ever present law of divine compensation which shows us with an absolute certainty that, as fast as one begins to elimin- ate doubt, fear, revenge and envy from his heart, and sub- stitutes love, hope, faith, confidence, cheerfulness, and smiles real smiles from the heart itself; as fast as one be- comes able wisely to appreciate and lovingly to appropriate the gifts of the Soul; as fast as one seeks in the spirit of truth, to appropriate his divine birthright, just that fast and no faster, all things whatsoever one desires will be "added unto you," be it success in business, in music, in the home life, in love, or in the thousand avenues or de- partments of life in which one's hopes may lead. Never lose sight of the value of "Sailing west, which was our course" — sailing onward in the one positive, unalterable direction. Looking backward or down, is dangerous and should be religiously avoided. If you seek to add to self the richer joys of life; if you seek the world's blessing, or to obtain that which the world in general may say comes to those who are selfish enough, one must become wisely and whole heartedly unselfish; wishing from the depths of his heart, every possible suc- cess in every way, to all people everywhere, and out of the abundance of such unselfish love waves which you launch into space is created all that one's heart could seek; that which you have cast out into the great ocean of Creative Supply in waves of loving thoughts will return to you, laden with riches. The measure will be full and running over. Remember, however, one all important law ! Every time you try to get even with some one for some real or imagined wrong, you will be the one most injured at the SELF MASTERY 55 finish. Two wrongs never made a right; they never can, never did, and never will. It is a thing which carries a bitter and terrible boomerang with it, which will sooner or later hit the sender harder than was originally intended for the victim. If you will but reflect a moment on your own life, or on the life of others whom you have known, you will see how the life of the "Revenge seeker" has been dwarfed, bruised, punished, and cursed by his own Venomous stings. The law can't fail. Many who hear this have paid an awful price for blindly indulging in revenge. The very thought creation, and act itself, carries within it an unfailing reflex action, which shoots your own arrows back at you with an accurate aim, and the arrows carry a more deadly venom than you sent. Nor can you escape its blow. It is impossi- ble to avoid it, because it is justice meted out to you in that you must "reap what you sow." It is impossible to harbor revenge in your heart, and not suffer a frightful loss. Another important metaphysical secret is that subtle something which comes to one who has learned and mas- tered the meaning of "loving your enemies; doing good to those who despise you; and praying for those who hate you." Some day, some where, some time, you will have to learn it. A Glimpse of the Light Eternal. That the reader may be the better armed to win in the battle for Mastery over Self, it is desirable here to ex- press certain thought vibrations which will set in motion certain specific forces which may find a quick response in the heart of the reader ; thoughts which eventually come to brighten the life of every one who delves deeply into the 56 SELF MASTERY mystic side of things, and to all who have eagerly, earnestly sought light on the great questions of life ; sought glimpses of that Light Eternal, from whence the Soul came, and whither it goeth. All who have listened wisely, long and faithfully to the voice of the Master, and have hearkened to the wisdom which always comes to them from out of the depths of the Soul, if it is earnestly sought there soon is revealed that beautiful truth that there is but one road; one way to genuine happiness; one way to love and contentment and that way is Nature's way; that Nature's way is God's way; and that God's way is the only way. All other roads are full of lions, and lead to the abyss of remorse. These conclusions are self evident and are ar- rived at by all who patiently and faithfully seek out the mysteries of the Soul, and the meaning of life, the will of nature, and the pleasure of God. Within your Temple, your body, or somewhere within the Soul that dwells within, there resides a power, a light which, if man were not hampered and perverted by false teachings, would so brightly illumine the path of life, that he who hearkened, need have no fear of falling into the treacherous "abysses" during his journey of unfoldment here on Earth. Were we not perverted by false religious doctrines, "That still small voice within" would unfailingly give warning of the "lions," and whisper to us the great truths of our divinity. It would ever remind us that we are endowed with Godly attributes; that we can choose our lives, and just what we will be, although we may need some wiser and perhaps kindlier hand than our own to help us get started rightly, just at the right time. This "willing hand" will always be found when we honestly seek the light, for those who have "found it" are only glad to lend aid to the "worthy" or "distressed brother" or sister who SELF MASTERY 57 is trying to qualify to "seek more light." Have no fear, for then your own will come to you. When we approach near the deeper shadows cast by that light divine which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, we discover that man is free to choose evil, or to follow good ; that when we choose evil we must sooner or later pay whatever it demands; pay here, now, on Earth, and not necessarily in some misty future life. We learn that the Maker and Giver of every good gift denies no man the power to do wrong ; but when he does elect to do wrong, sins against the laws of his own soul; against the unalterable laws of God, that one carries right within him, a power which auto- matically administers a just punishment. This adminis- trator of punishment is right within his own being; and to escape its decrees is impossible. We learn that God him- self will not prevent us from doing wrong — nor does He save us from administering our self-merited punishment. The penalty is unavoidable. There is a much more beautiful thought however about this unescapable Master who seems cruelly just, and justly cruel, which at once commends itself even to those who try hardest to avoid paying its toll. It is that beautiful truth that somewhere reposing within the secret chambers of the soul of each one of us, awaits a potent power which, some day, some time, somewhere, somehow, will at last purify us, and work our final redemption. It may perhaps, be today; tomorrow; next week; next month; next year. It may be ten years; it may be fifty years; a hundred years. If you persist in evil ways it may be five hundred years, in another life; or in another life,* or yes, in yet another life; it may be a thousand years or ten thousand years. One stupendous unalterable truth the eternal Light reveals to those who have sought it is that, somewhere, 58 SELF MASTERY somehow, sometime, that eternal redemptive power within the soul itself will finally win out; will corner you. You will finally corner yourself, will meet yourself face to face, and there decide your fate. You will some day decide that there is no use longer to resist God's ways; you will auto- matically whip yourself with the result of evil, until at last you will have run your course. You will have decided that breaking the laws of Nature, — the laws of God — is but another name for slowly and wilfully administering the most cruel self torture. You will then see that "as you sow, you must reap." It will have a new meaning. At last you will see that there is but one way and that is Nature's way ; the soul's way ; God's way, and in that dark- est hour of your soul's existence, when you will have reached the lowest point of your choice, you will open your eyes and there will still be shining for you the "light eter- nal," offering as it has for thousands of years, to point the way, and that day you will find "your Father's house" open ; his beautiful joys awaiting you and with these things spread before you, that "redemptive power within" will begin anew. You will decide to live in harmony with your own laws, and thus you will finally redeem yourself; will have mastered Self, and will enter into the fullness of the blessings which, as the Prophet of old hath said are "pre- pared for you from the foundation of the world." In that day all life ; all people ; all creatures everywhere will reveal to you a new meaning of God ; His smiles will be seen even in the face of your enemies, and perhaps for the first time in years, or even centuries, you will have tasted happiness. Finally as this redemptive power within unfurls, there will arrive a period in your evolution at which you will have shaken off layer after layer; crust after crust; one false shell after another until you will have shaken off the SELF MASTERY 59 last vestige of impurity which retards and blinds the soul, and then you will be revealed unto yourself, a living God; a creature divine, with life eternal; life everlasting; pre- pared to enter that existence in which life, love, and happi- ness in all its beautiful conceptions are without end. In that period will be heard many to say, "Behold, evil hath driven me to redeem myself." 60 SELF MASTERY CHAPTER III. Success and its Price. What success mean to one, would in no manner mean success to another. That for which one person may strive unceasingly as the only thing which will make his life happy, may in no way, appeal to another. A definition for the word Success is not necessarily a matter of accumulat- ing dollars. This is proven by the facts printed in the pub- lic press every day. Recently a man who had accumulated two millions of dollars remarked that he was just beginning to realize that he was a poor man — poor in that for which his soul had longed, and which he believed the accumulation of gold would bring. He awoke to the delusion, and found that his millions left a terrible emptiness, a hungering and a longing in his heart, which money failed to alleviate. To others the meaning of success is the attaining of happiness, and with them, the element of money has little place, for the reason that their home lives are simple and void of all pomp or false pride. Viewing their lives from the money stand- point, they are satisfied with the few dollars which they earn honestly each month. The success which they crave may be the attainment of some ideal in study, in art or the companionship of one who will understand them; one who can sympathize with their aims, their hopes, plans or ideals. Success in any one chosen thing can never be attained except by paying an honest price, but not necessarily a SELF MASTERY 61 price in dollars. There is a law of compensation pervading the whole universe which tells us it is impossible to get something for nothing, from the labor of another without injuring both parties. Things must be paid for with an honest price. To expect something for nothing is as bad as to have to work and never receive any pay for your time and effort. Both lead to poverty. When we receive something for noth- ing the law of compensation is broken and detrimental re- sults follow as surely as the night follows the day. A religion which costs you nothing is worth nothing. A philosophy which you get for nothing, is worth just that. If you obtain something of value and pay nothing for it, you can be certain that sooner or later you will pay the price or pay a greater price as a result of having violated this universal, omnipotent law. The law of compensation assures us that we get out of life just what we put into it, that we are the result of what we have thought. It en- courages us with its promise, that the more truth you place in the hands of others, the more will the law of compensa- tion give you in return for your efforts. In no other law is the reward of compensation more apparent. Success or failure in any field of endeavor, follows a law which is as fixed and unfailing as the law of mathe- matics. Failure to succeed is caused by an internal oppo- sition ; an opposition within yourself. It may never be sus- pected or known by you, but its fruit you will reap just the same. Success never can come until this internal resistance is overcome. If such resistance within is retarding our progress, attainment or success, it becomes our highest duty to make our inner selves the object of an untiring search for the obstacle, or the resistance, and then remove it, no matter what the cost in effort. 62 SELF MASTERY There is a law running all through nature which tells us that like always produces like ; or that like attracts like. It is as true from the harvest we reap, from the kind of thought we plant in our mental or psychic garden as it is elsewhere in nature. There is no escape from natural law and its results. The kind of harvest we reap, measured by success, health or happiness, is determined by this un- changing law. The quality and the kind of seed we have sown, and the kind of care we have taken of the growing crops, will determine the final reaping. The entire philosophy of occult Science is based upon the same laws of common sense which determine finalities elsewhere in the natural world. In the animal and vegetable world, men would never think of violating the well known laws and expect anything other than a violated, mixed, unsatisfactory result. We would not think of planting corn and expecting to reap a harvest of grapes. Instead of that we follow fixed, wejl known and certain laws which, for thousands of years, have proved that "Like produces like." This law is absolutely true in either the mental, animal, vegetable or psychic world. In the kingdom of flowers and vegetables, if we wisn beautiful plants, splendid specimens, we do not grow them too closely together. We remove every weed, spear of grass, and unwelcome intruder. The soil is kept perfectly clean. As soon as an unwelcome weed is discovered, no matter how small it may be, it is removed at once for we know that it robs the soil of strength, and saps the flower of vitality, thereby reducing its strength, dwarfing its growth, and marring its beauty. If the weeds are not kept out, they will soon destroy the whole garden. SELF MASTERY 63 If you had a garden of choice flowers started and you discovered a poisonous weed among them which was rob- bing them of strength and threatened to destroy them, your only thought would be to destroy the weed; to tear it out root and branch, at once. The lesson is practical. Take it to heart; apply it to your own life. Let us have fewer seeds planted in our mental garden, and let us cultivate them carefully. Let us bar out or overcome all the stray or undesirable tramp thoughts, and keep our eyes ever open, and ourselves pre- pared to root out the unproductive, undesirable weeds as fast as they are discovered creeping in. This law is abso- lutely true in the mental and psychic world as it is in the animal and vegetable kingdom. In the mental kingdom, common sense is seldom in- voked. Procedure in this realm has been so haphazard for ages, that we deliberately sow thistles and expect to reap oranges. We sow envy, hate, jealousy and all sorts of whimsical seeds and expect to reap success and a crop of happiness. Because the seeds do not grow, we become dis- gusted and hurl invective at random because the crop is not of love, beauty, and riches, thus making our plight only the worse because of the shackling vampire mental creations which we thereby set loose into space to prey on ourselves or others, later. We fly into a rage, tear the mental garden up, and plant something else. Consequently our mental and spiritual gardens are always in the plowing and plant- ing stage. Neither task is ever half done. If the haphazard seeds are left to grow, we find lemons awaiting us when perhaps we had all along taken it for granted that a rose ought to be given us; but we reaped just what we sowed. We got what our efforts earned. King Compensation por- tioned us our share; our just deserts, in kind and quality. 64 SELF MASTERY Honesty,, cheerfulness, optimism, confidence, enthusi- asm, sincerity, justice, a respectful knowledge of this law of compensation, and a noble love of self, are the funda- mental ingredients which are necessary to produce a well balanced success. The pessimist who carries gloom and depressing clouds about with him, is as dangerous as the black damp. Avoid him. The pessimist cannot see like the optimist for he has cataracts on his eyes and things do not look right. He "sees things" but in the wrong light, for he is color blind, and this only adds to his danger. He does not see life as it is, or facts as they are. He is about as welcome as the ague. He brings as much happiness as a shaking chill. However, Compensation does not overlook him. It never overlooks anything or anybody, not even the greatest or the smallest ; the best or the worst ; the highest or the low- est of any of the creatures of this planet. It is the great law of balance ; the law which evens things up. It keeps an eternal vigil. Nothing escapes its eye. We may break any of the man made laws and never be punished, but as for the laws of balance, or the laws of justice, of right or wrong ; as for the laws of nature ; the laws of self ; the laws of the divinity; the laws of God; for breaking these there is no escape. Wise old Compensation never sleeps. Compensation has a wonderful memory. It never forgets the most trivial events, either good or bad. It would seem that some people are successful in direct violation of this law, and escape for a long time, but it gets them at last, and it always brings a suitable reward. We sometimes envy the "Harrimans," the "Morgans," and "Astors," and their millions, but this wise old law whispers in our ears words of good cheer, and bids us notice SELF MASTERY 65 that the drawn face of the "Harrimans" have no smiles, and that they know little of real happiness. The law of Compensation is a law of the soul. It is the law of all souls, whether good or bad. We carry a law of compensation within us which records every thought and act, and sees to it that we are rewarded handsomely, or at least rewarded justly. It deals us back just what we have earned. It shows us that it pays to be a real man or a real woman; that shams do not go far. It points out that shams may apparently run smoothly for awhile, but the sham gets his trouble from the start. Look at him or her a few years hence, and see how the Soul's law of Compen- sation has kept track; kept good account, and finally set- tled up things evenly. Hundred of cases may be cited where the sham has apparently evaded old King Compensa- tion for years; but at last they are dragged out into the limelight of shame and disgrace. Hundreds during the past year have taken their own lives to avoid the awful pangs of remorse. In seeking success therefore, there is a road which is sure, safe and certain ; and that road is beautifully lighted by man's inner conscience. It is an easy way, and the only road by which the goal may ever be safely reached. This road parallels the highway of Compensation. Its many lights teach us that poverty is a disease, an abnormal con- dition, an unnatural state; that the sons of God by nature cannot possibly reflect the distress of poverty, unless such distress comes as a result of having used the "talent" un- wisely. Compensation tells us that fear, worry, envy, hate, jealousy, shame, embarrassment, regret and the brooding over failure, are damning curses, awful vices, murderous luxuries which stand immovable, mountain barriers in the 66 SELF MASTERY way. They are impassible, perpendicular walls which can be removed by one method only. Never can you attain the goal you seek and still harbor these curses. You cannot serve God and Mammon, and before you can behold and enjoy, the glorious light of the occult way, to attain the hopes on which your heart may be set, these barriers, these vampire Demons which so many of us dread to part with, must be overcome, mastered, slain; must be forsaken for- ever and left to die. This they will quickly do of themselves if you refuse to support them. How terribly impossible to reflect that Image Divine, or be a real man or a real woman while under the yoke of failure thought. How difficult to look the world squarely in the face and smile with that open sincerity as a child of this beautiful world system, when the curse of fear, the curse of the race, has clutched you in its poisonous, paralyz- ing tentacles. The poverty thought and the demon of fear crush one to earth under the weight of embarrassment and fear; shame ascends our psychic throne, and self respect almost disappear. There are a few rare heroic exceptions to this state of affairs, but it nevertheless remains true that poverty thought has made mental or moral cowards of most of us, if not psychic cowards. It places blinders over our eyes and makes it impossi- ble for us to see our inseparable connection with that great ocean of creative supply, which contains enough to clothe, feed and keep comfortable, a thousand times the present population of this world as royally as that of the happiest and healthiest person to be found on this planet; and then there would be an immense reserve supply. In striving to attain success we must at once abandon all vicious, bitter, revengeful, fear thoughts. They wring a sad tale from the hearts of men. Look at the careworn SELF MASTERY 67 faces of little children who have been cursed by the hounds of fear since their birth. It stamps their little faces with age and care; weakens their hearts, and ruins their whole career. Fear robs children of all their real "childhood," so that they never know the pleasures of youth. The men- tal and physical creations of fear and poverty have dogged most of us since long before we were born. Unless we rid ourselves of them they will gnaw at our heels until death. True success and genuine happiness never can possibly come until we have overthrown these tyrants forever. Of all the useless, degrading views of a misguided race, fear is the worst. It blasts promising lives, ruins careers, wrecks reputations, destroys health, makes happiness im- possible, and what is more, ninety-eight per cent of all the things which you have worried about, for fear it might happen, never did happen. The worries which rent your nerves, weakened the heart, and produced so many other heart sickening conditions, were all for nothing. Refuse to tolerate a trend of thought or an emotion at any time unless it is to your happiness or success. What excuse can one have for reveling in sorrowful, depressing tales when to do so is to invite a growth of the same? Refuse to listen to any tale of depression unless some person is at that moment in distress, physical pain, or imminent danger, and needs assistance. Force yourself deliberately to cultivate just such habits of thought as you would wisely choose, and then practice it regularly until the mental habit is formed. It will then become "second nature," while at first it may seem drudgery. It is impossible for us to think one thing and be an- other. The tramp thinks "tramp thoughts." The happy, contented man thought of happiness. The successful busi- ness man, business thoughts. We cannot harbor depressing 68 SELF MASTERY thoughts of fear and failure, five hours a day and of success another five hours a day, and ever advance or succeed except in the wrong direction. Thinking of failure, sor- row or of the sorrows of someone else, is to throw down your guards, and extend an open invitation to those forces to start a growth of these same destructive creations within yourselves. Can a Christian, or a godly man, think constantly of lewd, low, mean, cruel, vulgar things day after day, and still be holy, pure, and good? How quickly can the least informed answer that question correctly. How quickly anyone can detect those thoughts when they begin to mani- fest in the physical form, in the expression of the face, in the eye, in the manner, by words, actions, deeds. One "rotten apple" will pollute a whole barrel of apples. Can one ever hope for success if he goes around with a long face, dreading failure, looking failure, feeling that he can- not afford this or do that, because of the dread of coming to want or meeting with bad luck? Can one behold the beauties of the rising sun by looking west, or with your eyes closed? It is as impossible to find success while disre- garding these mental laws as it is natural and certain for one to succeed when he begins to think and act in the right manner, governing his thought creations to conform to the law of success. Your hopeful, bouyant, optimistic, en- thusiastic, confidential attitude turns loose and sets in mo- tion, powerful occult forces which constantly assist in building the very thing you seek. Here again we see the great immutable, unfailing law, Compensation, at work. Picture, if you will, a man in business who carries the picture of failure always stamped in his face ; the merchant who dresses as a failure, assumes the air of a man who is a failure. How long will it require for him to reach the SELF MASTERY 69 goal of Success ? Would you feel like making a second pur- chase of him if this were his attitude while waiting upon his customers? Most anyone can see how quickly this would affect his patrons ; and also see the effect of this sort of logic ; but many of us fail to grasp its wondrous reversing possibilities. How well one likes to purchase where every one looks prosperous and assumes an air of prosperity, and acts like normal beings. Personal appearance is a most important factor. "Dress and manners'' have far more to do with our success or failure than at first would be suspected. Determine once and forever therefore, to remove the last trace of anything from your personality which suggests failure. Avoid it in your manner, your clothes, your actions, your voice, words and appearances in your home. Assume a manner which suggests everything so contrary to the idea of failure, that for another person to have a thought of failure from your appearance or actions would be impossible. Turn your back upon the failure atmosphere forever. Throw off your old outer shell with a mighty effort. Away with the old! Put on the new ! Never slide back. The very act of turn- ing away from depression and failure in your mental and physical attitude, being determined never to return, will in itself, turn loose a power which will cut a way for you where the sign has always read "No road." "If you would attain a virtue, assume it." How well Shakespeare knew the law. Most actors know this same law in a limited sense — the power which personal appear- ance wields over an audience, when the actor is made up to act the part of a certain character. "Make up," is a won- derful factor in life. Its vibration has a wonderful effect, not only upon the audience, but upon the actor as well. If an actor's make-up is poor, it is almost impossible for him to 70 SELF MASTERY play his part with what is known as a "magnetic effect." If he looks in a mirror while realizing that his make-up is bad, the effect upon himself is much more fatal. The power of color vibration in its effects as seen on animal life, vegetable life, or as it influences the mental or spiritual attitude and condition of health, have long been known by scientists. The government of United States and that of England conducted experiments which proved this law beyond all doubt. These experiments show that grape vines under the color vibration of the blue or purple ray produce twice as much fruit as under the ordinary sun- light, the fruit being almost as large again as the grape grown without the presence of the color ray. The experi- ment was conducted with two male calves, there being but a day's difference in their ages and both calves being large, and healthy. Both were fed alike, the same quality and quantity of food at the same time. They occupied pens side by side. One calf was sheltered under a roof which was made of pieces of violet colored glass. The sun was allowed to shine through this freely at all times ; while the other pen was arranged so that there was no shelter except during the rain or from intense heat. The experiment lasted for three months. At the end of the three months, the calf which was kept in the open was simply a normal, natu- ral, healthy, three months old calf. No larger or smaller than would be expected; while the calf kept under the in- fluence of the purple ray, was more than twice the size of the other calf, and manifested all the desires of a maturer bullock a year old. Hundreds of similar experiments were conducted with similar results. The same experiments have been tried with human beings, with almost unbelieve- able results. Certain colors of wall paper prove fatal to the patients who have certain diseases, and are confined in SELF MASTERY 71 such rooms. However, this leads us into another vast field of investigation, which cannot be entered here. The savage, in all parts of the world, when getting ready for war, paints himself with certain combinations of red, blue, ochre, and black, as a necessary preliminary. When they face each other with these hideous "war paint," combinations, it arouses a spirit of bravery, even in the most cowardly, which so blinds them with rage, they will walk into the very jaws of death. Hideous "war paint," and still more hideous "dress" have been mighty factors mentioned by all our old Indian fighters. Could our own little boys play "Indian" successfully without their Indian war togs on, their feathers "painted" and "colored," and a suit to match? Watch them play their childish war game and see the effect upon them of "make up." This same law of color vibration in the clothes we wear affects not only ourselves, our bodies, and our thought creative forces, but it affects all with whom we come in contact. We must never lose sight of the effect and value of being well dressed. It is our "war paint." We feel dif- ferent when dressed up. Every one will admit this. When you are well dressed and you know you look pleasing, your clothes affect your mental forces; you raise up your head, push out your chest, brace back the shoulders. You do not look or feel like the same person. When you are well dressed, others instinctively feel your changed magnetic force at once. Then you have con- fidence in self and instantly that confidence is felt by others and men begin to have a confidence in you they did not have before. In no philosophy is the law of drill or repetition so necessary as in studying the laws of the soul; and it will 72 SELF MASTERY here bear repeating again that people will never place a value on you, any greater than that which you place upon yourself. If you do not hold your head high, others will hold theirs above you. If your ambitions are no higher than the dust in the street, you can be sure that you will be con- stantly walked over by the crowd and never noticed. All the above illustrations and comparisons have been submitted with the hope that the student of the Occult Way may study the requirements of his own body, his own temple, in color vibration, most compatible and in harmony with that of his own soul. While it is true that "clothes do not make a man," it has so much to do with what the man is and does, that it cannot be overlooked. Some of us are color blind, others color ignorant, for which condition few of us are to blame ; yet this is no excuse for our not striving to ascertain what colors our bodies and minds require. In seeking success never lose sight of this factor. If you feel that you are poor, cannot afford to dress well, you must dress as well as you possibly can, and your new hope- ful vibrations will immediately begin to help you. The vibration of your clothes and of your home surroundings are bound to tell upon you. There is no escape from it. Wear the best clothes you can afford. Expend your money freely but judiciously and give it careful, optimistic con- sideration, and the investment will return you a handsome profit. Remember that no one can do his best or even well, who lives in a hovel, dresses meanly, starves his body, or lets his soul go hungry. There is a spiritual dress, a "Soul's Suit" about the body which is seen and felt by others, and he who culti- vates it to a pleasing degree, has something in his suit which no tailor can give. Its mysterious something is SELF MASTERY 73 seen when the back is turned. Its charming vibrations are felt throughout your whole being when you shake hands with such a one. Look not lightly upon the power of pleasure. It is worthy of your most serious attention. If you make a mil- lion in a year, and wreck your health so that you cannot enjoy what you have made, what have you gained? To deny self of all pleasures, to let your soul live in a half starved body, and deny yourself every luxury, and get along in the cheapest and poorest sort of things, is to cripple and dwarf your very soul. If one has sacrificed every pleasure in the mad rush for wealth, and after attain- ing wealth, finds that life holds no charms for him, that his horded gold cannot bring back the power to laugh, to smile, to enjoy; when one finds that his health is gone, what then has his wealth availed him? To deprive yourself of all amusements because you "cannot afford it," and never to know recreation and joyous exhiliration which it brings to mind and body, all in order that you may lay up a few dollars, is surely because of no love you bear for self. This is a love of gold, but not of God. Never deprive yourself of the gratification of your finer tastes. To do so is to bemean and brutalize and stifle the expression of all the best things within you. God shows his ideas of dress in the beautiful flowers, in the splendor with which he has pictured the starry heavens; of beauty as disclosed in the rose and the indescribable lily. To further teach us the lesson of God's idea of His children beautifying themselves, He paints millions of other beauti- ful flowers in colors of pleasing nameless hues, and still other beautiful scenes of nature with robes which bring joy 74 SELF MASTERY to the eye. The very breath of the flower brings sudden outbursts of inspiring pleasure to the soul. Take this lesson into your own life. You, too, are one of God's creations; one of God's children. He has taken more thought for you than for the lily of the field. God wants you to encourage all the finer tastes of your nature, never be afraid to show your finer feelings, and a proper love of self. Keep your heart, mind, soul and body as sweet, well cared for and as pure as possible, and you will reap God's smiles and a happiness and success in life which you have not even dreamed of before. Cheapness is a mania which comes from the thought currents of fear, and of failure. Avoid cheap things, cheap and common ideas. Cheapness will bring you cheapness as like draws or creates like. Cheap things have been made by poorly paid, weak, half starved, ill treated persons, often enslaved children, and the vibrations of this curse will fol- low the product. Leave cheap articles alone. Do not en- courage or assist in making possible the continuation of a curse which keeps half starved human beings at work un- der conditions equal to the worst slavery, by your patroniz- ing cheap places, or looking for cheap articles. Cheap articles, cheap places, cheap, unworthy ideas carry with them an inescapable venom which exacts from us its price. If you live in a hovel you are carrying the hovel thought vibrations in your psychic aura, which will work a con- scious or an unconscious depression on those whom you meet, and it will rebound back again to self. Being stingy with self, depriving self of the pleasant things of life will quickly show itself. Live first class. If you cannot possibly live first class live as neatly, tidily, and with as many little luxuries as SELF MASTERY 75 you can arrange. Treat yourself as a royal guest — not one day, but each day. Be a prince, a king, a queen. If you have been drawn into these destructive currents of thought which drag their victims down into the stream of failure, and you feel that it is impossible for you to af- ford to dress well, then dress as cleanly as you can. "Clean- liness is next to Godliness/' and "a cake of soap is a stepping stone toward heaven." Ever hold that vision before you in which you see yourself dressed in spotless clothes of the latest and best quality. It is impossible to go some place without starting, without a beginning of the journey. Make a start. Start right. Get off on the right foot. Make an honest, sincere effort. Do the best you can. Your ef- fort, though it may seem poor, weak and ineffective to you in the beginning, yet it will begin to have a telling effect from the very start. Silently demand in a prayerful con- sciousness, of the great Infinite God, as your natural herit- age. "All that my father hath is mine," because you and I are children of the father, and like the father; of the same creative attributes as the father, and directly re- lated to and connected with the greatest creative source of supply in the universe. Do not forget that while God sends the sunshine and the rain on the just and the unjust that, there are many other blessings which he witholds from all except those who do His will. He is just like our fathers and mothers in that the children who are dis- obedient do not share the confidence and gifts of those who are obedient, dutiful, considerate and true. With this optimistic, loving, kindly determined mental and spiritual attitude, with fear conquered, with worry and doubt eliminated and with a reasonable amount of zealous, honest, worthy effort on your part, wade in! and the world is yours. You will be wondrously rewarded. 76 SELF MASTERY The quicker we adjust ourselves to the Occult Way — God's way, the more quickly will we succeed. This is not a world of haphazard chance. Happiness, riches, love, honor are evolved from mental and psychic conditions or attitude, which are as never failing as the law which causes the water to flow from the mountain to the sea. Thought currents are as real as currents of electricity, and if you comply with the harmonious requirements of this infinite law of your own being, all that you seek shall be yours. Failure to comply with this law spells failure for you and for your aims in life. The quicker we learn, the better for us, that we are divinely related to, and forever inseparable from, the infinite creative supply of the universe. The moment you feel that you are not in touch with the rightful supply station, that moment you become obsessed with a fear; with a consciousness of your own weakness; a sort of childish helplessness. You are a law unto yourself; a world, a universe. The lever which con- trols it is to be found right within. It is all within our own control; by realizing our own infinite attributes, and by cheerfully, optimistically, enthusiastically, positively claim- ing and demanding your own, as your divine and lawful rights, in the right mental attitude ; and then optimistically getting busy to do all you can by honest genuine effort, towards bringing it to pass. No power in this world can resist, retard, or keep down a man or woman who is moved to do by such a combined force as this. Be cheerful under all circumstances, no matter what happens. Being otherwise cannot help you or the situation and will only make both worse. Fear, anger and pessimism strangle the forces which will give you what you seek, pro- viding you keep the channels cleared of these life destroy- ing demons. SELF MASTERY 77 The Nazarene prophet was the most practical man the world has ever known. He was not a dreamer. If we could only drop all the foolishness which has been en- grafted into our souls about Him and listen to His own words of wisdom, with half that degree of attention which we gladly give to a "Rockefeller," or a "Morgan," in the business world, the world's problem of sadness, disease, struggles and strife, would have been solved centuries ago and disease would long since have vanished. "Overcome evil with good." How simple, and yet how direct that com- mand. That apparently simple injunction contains the only solution by which evil will ever be overcome. All at- tempts to apply any other rule or principle results in the creation of more evil, and only complicates the existing trouble. What would you think or say of a man who owned a great farm which was subject to overflow from a nearby river, which destroyed his buildings and crops, and who would go to the head-gates of a dam nearby, and turn more rushing torrents of water into the farm, with the idea that he would thereby drive away the river water with the water from the great dam. There is no doubt as to what your opinion would be. Have you never thought of how this same principle works in the thought world? Fear never can be overcome by fright. Hate, spite, revenge or the death dealing forces of rage can never be overcome by re- taliation, or by applying the same destructive forces. Never lose sight of the all important fact that success and prosperity and abundance are products created by your own mental forces; by the soul itself. Thought force is a substance which is as real as the oxygen of the air. The greatest forces in this universe are those which cannot be seen. No one has seen electricity, magnetism or gravity. 78 SELF MASTERY We see the proofs of their existence. Psychic power is a force which is just as real as magnetism or gravity, but difficult for many to quickly comprehend. There are many who are born with the right mental attitude toward life; and who succeed in everything they undertake with apparently no effort. They are optimistic and therefore creative by nature. There are others who are born with a wrong mental attitude. It is difficult for them to comprehend when shown. They are naturally pessi- mistic or filled with fear. Such persons are in for a struggle in life. They require the helping hand of some responsive soul who recognizes their plight to get them started in the correct path of life and happiness. The more we contemplate the divinity of man, the more certainly and beautifully does the divine plan for humanity unfold to our view. It is certain that the time is not far distant when every man will be a crowned king as planned by the great Architect of the ages. Success grows largely out of the energies which are set in motion by our self confidence. Do not have any foolish fears of letting people know that you are self confident. Genuine self confidence forms that mysterious link which unites us with exactly the Divine Creative forces which we wish to attract, or utilize. Lack of self confidence begets indecision; indecision begets worry, and worry is that hungry, insatiable monster which dogs our footsteps from youth to old age, unless we slay the beast, once for all. No mind is great enough to comprehend the awful ruin, wreck, misery and sorrow wrought by this curse. The mental attitude of hope, of love, of faith, enthusi- asm, will soon overcome any monster that ever attacked the human mind. The cure for the disease lies within the dis- SELF MASTERY 79 ease itself. Apply the opposite mental state, and the cure is sure, quick, and certain; but we cannot keep returning, getting back into the same rut, and expect the cure to re- main, whether the cure has been psychic, or of a physical nature. Brooding over past misfortunes, or allowing ourselves to bathe in the muddy pool of remorse, creates a poison which sickens the heart, kills ambition, destroys our ability, defeats our aims, and literally "dries up the bones." This mental attitude will kill anybody or anything except that which is evil and undesirable. Lift up the soul in prayer- fulness, and hold only to that in the mental plane which you want. Cultivate self possession, repose, and self control, but do not mistake a sphinx-like stare for self possession. Emerson says, "The virtue you would love to have, assume as already yours, and appropriate. ,, Map out a grand program for yourself. Make it large and beautiful. Picture yourself as the hero. Put on your optimistic "war paint." Play the part like a royal king. Assume success as already yours, and act it well always. In entering upon this royal program, prepare yourself by ridding your mind of all the unpleasant things of the past. Start with a new calendar — a new page in life. Keep careful watch of the eternal present, and a glowing vision of the beautiful future. Never allow yourself to revert to an unpleasant past. Dreaming of a sorrowful, disappointed past instantly shocks the heart, and sets in motion forces which have killed many of the world's best people. It has killed more than war. It will do the same for you if you indulge in it freely. It is well to take inventory occasionally. Examine the supply of mental impressions which may have crept 80 SELF MASTERY into your garden of psychic flowers, and which may have taken root during the busy hours. Rid your mind regularly of any thought creations which you find undesirable. The very act of uprooting such undesirable intruders enriches the fertility of the brain and brings a strength to the flowering thoughts of our own choice. This practice will soon become a most pleasant and profitable habit. It has been said by Professor Elmer Gates, one of the foremost experimenters in chemical psychology, that "Any one may go into the business of building his own mind. Let him summon feelings of benevolence and unselfishness, making this a regular exercise like swinging dumb bells. Let him gradually increase the time devoted to these psy- chical gymnastics until it reaches an hour or an hour and a half each day. At the end of a month he will find the change in himself surprising." Discard any or all thoughts or things which are un- desirable or which do not become your ambitions. Holding fast to that which rightfully belongs to another, either in thought or otherwise, will always bring discord or sorrow. It is impossible for it to terminate otherwise. There is a wonderful power attracted and absorbed by us from our associations, the magnitude of which is far reaching, and its effect you cannot afford to ignore. If you associate with the frivolous, the aimless, the grumbling, the despondent, or with those who have no faith in these psychic laws, you will absorb inferior thought forces, which will shackle you, weigh you down, cripple your powers and injure your health. It matters not how much zeal and power you have, if you associate with those of the opposite, you will surely be held back. SELF MASTERY 81 Be cautious therefore, of your associations. Make it your business to know whether they sympathize with your ambitions. If not, then seek those who do. Base associ- ation will carry you quickly down into the treacherous under-currents, just as the log is carried down with the swirling current of the river. Such currents make you lose confidence in yourself, in your ability, and make you a coward in many respects. They saturate your entire nature with unaccountable periods of depression, gloom, and peevishness. We consciously or unconsciously create a mental at- mosphere around us. We build a thought power which is ever with, and around us, as literally as we can build a house. Association with the healthy, happy and successful, aids one to keep in an uninterrupted communication with the higher Powers ; with powerful currents of elevated thought forces on which, when you are once fairly launched, you will be carried onward to an ever increasing happiness and success. Proper association will aid you to guard against the accursed habit of weakening indecisions, which habit makes cowards of us, and reduces us to pygmies when com- pared to men. Holding yourself in the proper thought vibration and the right mental attitude, supplemented by proper associ- ations, seems to place the magic key in one's hand which unlocks the vaults to happiness, success and fame. One stands amazed at the unexpected means and agencies that will open up for attaining one's ambitions. Where you previously encountered difficulty, you will now find favor. Once you have gotten nicely started, never recede from the new position you have assumed. If you do, forces which you then spend to aid you, will now be 82 SELF MASTERY wasted. As you increase in patience, exactness, decision, method, and self control, these same qualities flow out to others and rebound back to you, ever bringing you more power and a greater success. Thus, the more you give, the more you have to give, when given in that way — the way referred to by the Nazarene. Beware of giving too much of your sympathy to those afflicted, crippled or in great sorrow. There may occa- sionally be a rare exception to the wisdom of this rule. This may seem heartless and cruel, but it is not. Justice to one's self is the first duty we owe God. The old physician has learned by priceless experience, and he warns the young physician on this point of "sympathy" on account of his own health — that he may live a long, useful and active life. Too much sympathy on the part of the physician results in his early death. The Magnetic Healer, unacquainted with this law of sympathy, frequently takes on himself the most violent kinds of chronic diseases, which are not all con- tagious. It is proven beyond a doubt that too much sym- pathy for the unfortunate, those in poverty on account of failure, etc., reacts upon the one who gives the sympathy. Too often sympathy proves to be a curse to the one sym- pathized with. This means much more than the beginner might at first suspect. It is far reaching in its effects on the recipient, on the body and also on the psychic forces, which are likewise subject to possible disaster. If we give sympathy and aid, moral or material, to others as they call for it, and without reservation or judg- ment, they will take all we have to give, and come open mouthed for more, and will continue to do so until we are exhausted. No outsider will ever put a limit on your giving. You must do that. Generosity and kindness are often only other terms for extravagance and injustice to SELF MASTERY 83 somebody — perhaps to the giver. Giving thus becomes a fixed habit. Reckless sympathy often gives ten times more than the recipient can appreciate. Gifts conferred by the Supreme Power are the only perfect and lasting gifts, and when thus received, they benefit not only the recipient, but many others. In your efforts to make life more beautiful, do not work until you lose the ability to rest and recuperate. If you do, your end is not far off. Work is noble, but it has its limits. You can sin against the Temple and its occupants by over- working as in any other sin, no matter how necessary such self enforced slavery may seem to you. The man who toils many hours a day longer than he should, or the mother who toils throughout the day, and far into the late hours of the night for her children, must suffer sooner or later, and pay the price for the sin against the body. God is no respecter of persons, conditions or circumstances. The law of our physical limitation must not be violated by the rich or poor — the good or the bad. As surely as we do, just that surely will we suffer for the sin against the Temple, right here, and now. When we shall have succeeded in launching ourselves fairly well, out on the beautiful Occult Way, accept its cheer, joys, and responsibilities with humility. Let us criticise less and encourage more than ever before. Let us work hard but play harder, and more often. Be quick to praise, and slow to blame. Be square with our friends, and our enemies will be few. Discard no old friend reck- lessly, and seek out a new. Pick the mote out of our own eye and we will see more virtues in the eyes of our friends. It is well for us to remember that the defects we often see in others are only responses or reflections from foul things hidden in ourselves. Let us be slow in our judgment 84 SELF MASTERY of others, but rather pass wise judgment on ourselves, and strive to do better and be better to ourselves and those around us. The rubber ball hurled against the wall conies bound- ing right back. Remember that the evil we say or do to others comes back and hurts us; that the fellow who "knocks," sooner or later gets hit with the force of his own blow. The world has no place for the jealous knocker. It is well to remember that the best of us are none too good, and that the worst of us are better than many of us are prepared to believe; that charm-, kindness and mercy are the marks which indicate love, honor and virtue; that he who growls loudest against the wrongs in others is doing so only to detract attention from the crookedness, dormant or active, within himself. SELF MASTERY 85 CHAPTER IV. Practical Steps for Entering the Silence. All the world's great prophets have come from the desert — the abode of Silence ; the home of Solitude. Shut a man up with books; let him study awhile alone ; out in the mountains or alone in the desert, with no companions but his books, the bird life, animal life, and the voice of nature, the song of the stars. Let him go "away from the world of people," and the power of Silence soon works a glorious transformation; an unfoldment of the intellect and the understanding; a spiritual discernment in his life, which seems almost like a miracle. The Silence has forever been the miracle worker. Its wonder-working is not confined to the producing of prophets, for its great transforming law works in many directions. The Silence will ever continue to be the fertile source from which love, greatness and genius will spring. Men seeking the solution of great problems of invention are observed stealing away to the Silence, often refusing to be disturbed for days at a time ; and while there, all alone sometimes for weeks, communing with their own Soul, at last the solution of the trying problem rises up before them, like some kindly beacon light in the night. The vision of its solution is painted vividly and permanently so that its details may be summoned to view at will. Some of the great composers have written master pro- ductions which have thrilled thousands of people with di- vine harmony, yet they could get such strains only after 86 SELF MASTERY long remaining in a mental and physical attitude of Silence for days and often weeks at a time. When that act of en- tering the Silence had invoked the required conditions, the Soul began to hear distinctly, strains of heavenly music which became indelibly impressed upon the brain. The Soul began then to see the wonderful music written — pic- tured in plain view as if done by some unseen hand. So clear and vivid became the miracle production that the entire masterpiece remained as perfectly in view as all the details are of any beautiful picture of nature at the moment one gazes upon it. In the golden Silence — the inspiring solitude is to be found the antidote for most of all the ills and sorrows of the race. This assertion is not an idle dream nor is it something new. It has been known for thousands of gen- erations. This truth has been known by few of the great, as far back through the ages as there is any written history of humanity. Far back of that, access is still had to a more reliable record, by some of the fortunate ones who "have eyes to see, and ears to hear." ' Have you ever considered the thought as to why the world's great "Saviors," or prophets, usually "went away to pray alone"? Why they so often went alone — out into the stillness of the night, away from everyone else, to some lonely spot? There is a most vital relationship between the thought of the Silence of Solitude and prayer. What is the relation of the Soul and its seeking out Solitude to that crying out for some avenue of escape from sorrow and unhappiness? There is also a profound relationship between desire and prayer which is as closely akin as that of electricity to magnetism. In the progress of the mind and soul we have desire, which acts as the ever present stimulus toward that SELF MASTERY 87 high goal of attainment. If that desire is sufficiently rooted in our nature ; if it affects our honor or our happiness, and that desire is not soon gratified, we are at last overwhelmed with an impulse to kneel down and pray. With this emo- tion comes another desire — to be alone; in the quiet Soli- tude where, for some reason, usually unknown to us in our present comprehension, it just seems sweet and best to be alone for awhile. Have your most earnest prayers ever been lifted toward "Heaven" while you were in the presence of others? Never! We feel ourselves responding to that impulse in times of grief and sorrow — find ourselves stealing quietly away toward some secluded spot, as nearly our idea of Solitude as is within our reach; and there the Soul seeks com- munion in prayer. Perhaps you may not have prayed for years, but that makes little difference, for the Soul knows how. Nature is ever kind and furnishes us with a court of last resort. Grief drives us into that "Nature's corner," where an appeal in prayer is resorted to — and what a re- lief follows ! It is therefore impossible to think deeply and soberly of that great Abode of Silence and what it brings ; the rich and joyous returns which Silence bestows upon those who commune with the higher Self, without solemn and sober thought of prayer. No doubt some will read these lines who have been unfortunate; some to whom the thought of prayer or re- ligion brings up many unpleasant recollections. The mo- ment some of us see the word "Prayer," it suggests a great confused cluster of notions, due to bad example, or false education by misguided but well meaning parents. There are many to whom the word "Prayer" suggests some form of bigotry; to others, nothing but superstition. 88 SELF MASTERY But this attitude results from the habit of sjirjace obser- vation, which is one of the most deadly habit parasites. Indifferent thought of prayer, and the tossing of that subject away into the scrap heap of other disgusting off- casts results from too hasty conclusions without due con- sideration of facts. Such a step in any line of reasoning often leads to many a sad calamity. Header, did you ever examine the philosophy of Prayer and any or all of its phenomena, with half the earnestness with which you would examine some problem, a new dress, some new brand of cigars, or some fancy kind of wine? Did your judgment of "Prayer and its phenomena" result in your casting it aside as of little value, or impor- tance? Let us digress and see what a curse surface judgment has heaped upon humanity. By way of comparison and illustration, it may be well to introduce certain undeniable historical facts to elucidate the subject, and show up the awful dangers to nation or individual, as a result of "Surface Judgment." It is well illustrated in the awful world tragedies which, during the seventeenth, sixteenth, fifteenth and fourteenth centuries, claimed the lives of more than one hundred and thirty thousand souls — all sacrificed because of surface judgment on the question of "Witch-craft" and "Heretics." Thousands of saintly men and women were burned at the stake — all in the name of God. Think of our own similar tragedies here in the United States, at Salem, Mass., less than two hundred years ago! There this same surface judgment mania caused nine per- sons to be hanged at one time, following a long sermon and supposedly suitable prayers by one of the leading preachers of America! The authorities of all New England seemed SELF MASTERY 89 ready for the asylum. If the authority of government and justice had been vested in a mad house, and administered by lunatics, it could have been no worse. Think of the tragedy and the awful loss to humanity when that great and good man and saint Cazella was burned in the streets of Spain. In a moment of sanity, after that awful crime, one of the priests who assisted in burning him remarked, "I am satisfied that he is now in heaven, for I saw his soul leave his body." Think of the world's greatest of all tragedies which still causes two of the most powerful nations of Europe to bow their heads in shame because of the tortuous death of that virgin, Joan of Arc. No other such tragedy is recorded in the annals of man's history; and it was because of sur- face judgment. The same was true of Jesus and Socrates. Tragedies are constantly happening to each of us or in any case most of us, because of surface judgment. In seeking to better your life, therefore, do not over- look the one great question of "Prayer, Silence and their phenomena." The Seeking of help through the Silence (through prayer, if you like,) is found in some form in all ages, in all places, among all peoples everywhere, civilized or uncivilized, throughout the world, The great psycholog- ists have all agreed that the underlying principle of all desire is a sort of unconscious prayer, that prayer itself is a manifestation of desire. The fact that this manifestation, this desiring, and that impulse to "go away to some lonely spot," for the purpose of praying, is found in all ages past, and among every known people of high or low degree, favors the theory and the principle that desiring to pray is a phenomena which points out a higher law. It does 90 SELF MASTERY more than that — it actually reveals that higher power, that everpresent, everhelpful force, hidden deeply in nature. It is noted universally that even the most ungodly fall upon their knees and offer prayer to the unknown God when such catastrophes occur, as the sinking of the "Ti- tanic," the "Martiniques" and the "Frisco" horrors. When great sorrow overtakes us, and our burden of grief bears us down so heavily that we feel we no longer can bear up under the strain, that desire to be freed from it, to be relieved of the unbearable agony, forces us to seek the helping hand of that mystic power which Nature has placed within our reach, and to which power we have ac- cess and recourse as a last resort. And it is as it should be — not to be used to its fullest limit, only during special occasions, but always to be used constantly and wisely. God, (Nature) , has implanted within the Soul, or placed within its easy reach, a power, or agency, which is capable of overcoming most of the great sorrows and tragedies which bow us down. Man's higher nature is so adjusted that it is possible to call into action this divine force at the moment when this force compels man to seek that which is highest. Through the avenue of prayer, man arouses the subtle, latent powers of the Soul, which power seems never called into action or aroused in any other manner. It would seem that in no other way can the miracle working forces be brought into action. Intense longing, sorrow or great grief whips us into a corner, and at last we seek relief or help in the attitude and utterance of emotional prayer. The Soul's energies or powers to do are always present, held in reserve; but that kind of intense prayer which, in a moment often works a transforming miracle, is only pos- sible during periods of intense distress of mind. It can be SELF MASTERY 91 brought into action only in the presence of mental, physical and spiritual attitude of prayer. This law is wise and rights for there is another law which teaches us that constant, intense, emotional prayer leads to fanaticism, in the same manner in which too much exercise of any func- tion of the body or brain, continued constantly, and for long periods of time, will produce an unbalanced, abnormal condition, from which it is only a step to loss of health. There is a normal, natural, daily prayer attitude which ever leads onward and upward to illumination of the Soul, the acquiring wisdom, growth of perfect health, a greater love, and a grander light on all questions of life. Lofty aspirations, a firm, loving, gentle desire, constantly exercised in the right direction, a wise persistent demand — prayer offered in gentle, loving, trusting simplicity — all offered in the highest and purest sense, will lift the body above worldly ills, the Soul above worldly troubles, and bless us with all the heavenly gifts and worldly help necessary for our comfort and happiness. Such prayer, offered daily while in the Silent place, will constantly evolve for us something higher, nobler and better. It will push us ever onward toward a greater success. It will gradually attune our bodily, mental and psychic powers to that pitch of di- vine harmony with the great eternal force of Nature so perfectly that to be other than healthy, happy, successful and contented would be impossible. This must be obtained through knowledge of the Silence. That strange, shuddering sensation which comes to so many from the thought of the Silence; that shrinking fear of loneliness on the part of many is pitiable. They are afraid of Self. There are people who would not have any fear of wild animals ; who would unhesitatingly slay a lion or face devils, but who "fear" if left alone. They are afraid 92 SELF MASTERY lest they discover themselves, meet themselves face to face in the lonely spot where escape is impossible. There are others who long to get by themselves, but who know not the art. Many of us never know the bless- ings which come in that sweet hour when one is all alone with one's self. Much has been written about "Entering the Silence," and while there are comparatively few who know its secret path, yet it is very easy and one of the most useful and valuable of all accomplishments. Many a bitter hour and foolish deed would we avoid if we learned to enjoy the blessings which are offered to us out of the depths of the illuminating Silence. Once we have mastered the art, life will instantly hold a thousand new charms for us ; and death will soon lose all of its fears. Man is afraid of that which he does not understand, and he understands less of himself than he does of all other things which he knows. When he finds himself in Solitude, he sees nothing there but the Solitude and himself. Not being well acquainted with himself, he becomes panic stricken, and wants to run away. Self is the one thing most of us do not study, examine, or try out; and the trying of ourselves out, all alone, by ourselves, in the Silence, is the only means of discovering ourselves. When left to ourselves, many of us become bored, miserable and desperate. Men left in solitary con- finement go mad. Many of us are afraid of an empty house, and if left alone to sleep in it, we are visited with strange, weird, un- accountable horrors. We would sleep in the open prairie with its tarantulas and poison reptiles, or camp on the open mountain top, and hear the cry of its prowling ani- SELF MASTERY 93 mals in search of prey, and endure the weird noises of the birds of night, than endure a night in a lonely cabin. What a glorious transformation occurs when we begin to realize our divinity, and discover the realities of the golden Silence. It is full of beautiful things for every one. Be not afraid of it. Walk right up to the imaginary ogres ; look them square in the face, and they vanish, and you will soon taste of the golden realities which are here in abund- ance. Every one needs some time, every day, when he can be absolutely alone. He ought, then, to look into his own mind, heart and soul, take inventory, get acquainted with him- self, and become familiar with what he finds within. The moment we do this we find ourselves good company. It is at first impossible for one to grasp the idea of the vast benefits which an hour of utter Silence will bring him, who deliberately seeks, and honestly endeavors to find what it offers. When first attempting it, we are prone to feel almost overwhelmed with doubts and questions as to the mysteries which loom up before us. The first time one is in the desert, the stillness and solitude become ap- palling; but it is well known to all who have sojourned there for a while, that the lure of the Silent desert with its dreams, enchantments and illusions is one which never ceases to draw one back again. Likewise, when we first "enter the Silence,' , we are tempted to forsake its stillness and its fascination and seek the companionship of friends. But like the "stay in the desert," if we persist, and just let our hearts fill up and run over with the strange mixture of thoughts, until these incongruous mixtures have stilled themselves, and out of it will come a "beautiful quiet," a serene calmness, a self pos- session, such a joyous illuminating contentment as can come 94 SELF MASTERY to the troubled hearts of men and women in no other way. The Silence solves many a mystery. After you have won the first great battle with Self, while in the abode of Silence, you have won your way to the shrine at which you will learn the sweetest, grandest and most practical kind of wisdom. You will return from your first victory with a deeper insight into life, and its mysteries than you ever had before. You will be far in advance of that person who is ever busy with the surface things. During all the great crises of the world, humanity has been compelled to turn to the lonely thinker — the man of Silence, the Master who came out of the Solitude. The world's great Saviors have all come from the deserts. The great poets from Silent Musings. The Gallileos, with their messages of wisdom, emerge from the Solitude. Every great man or woman who has blessed humanity, who has made the world better, happier, and wiser, has come from the Solitude — a child of Silence. Buddha, Jesus and Paul remained away in the Solitude for long periods before returning to the world of people with messages of wisdom. The best, truest and most useful information we ever get about men, life, ourselves, and the world; the beautiful truths of the stars, the flowers, of little children; of the sweetness of love, and the great wisdom of God all comes to us from "Entering the Silence," of "Being Still," and there communing with ourselves. That we should use moderation in all things, is a truism of which we should never lose sight. Like every other good thing in life, the silence can be abused. One can brood over things while alone, until he becomes a crank, deranged SELF MASTERY 95 or a fanatic. This is anything but the right sort of Silence, and must be carefully guarded against. One of the curses of the times is our being everlastingly too busy — always hurrying. Modern life is a busy whirl. We work and we play and we rushingly chatter away stolen moments as if it were our last moment — our last chance. And when we do have an hour of leisure, many of us devour cheap books, or trashy magazines, which not only rob us of that hour, but absolutely weaken and poison our minds, with highly colored and sensational brain storming absurd- ities, which fire the emotions and leave you exhausted men- tally, and still hungering for that something the Soul has failed to receive. The modern rush and grind make us irritable and helpless if we drift with the din. Many of us do not dare to just sit down and think; we must do some- thing, go somewhere, read something — no longer do we have that "hour for rest and reflection." No hour to dream of the child at play, the song of the birds, or the wonders of Nature. How different is the life, the contentment and genuine happiness of that one who still clings to that half -hour for Silent Musings during which he simply lets his thoughts run, who enjoys watching them, and who sees the great, deep, creative pictures of life grow before him. The best thoughts we ever get are not those which we are taught, or of which we read, but those which come to us out of the depths of the Silence, as if let down to us out of the great ocean of space ; and as they come nearer, they shine out before us like the star of the East, as it poised in the heavens before the wise men. 96 SELF MASTERY Worries and Troublesome Questions. If you are deeply worried, try a simple remedy instead of seeking advice from a host of acquaintances; just go away where you can be all alone, all by yourself where it is quiet, where you will not be disturbed. Quietly meditate. Sit quietly for half an hour. Let your thoughts wander for awhile. Do not try to control them or think logically. You may have chosen the place of Solitude in your own private room, out by the stream in the park, by the side of a lake, on the mountain or in the forest. In those first few mo- ments of Silence, you may seem to grow restless. If so, just be quiet; take a new hold on yourself, and begin to study how you may get in touch with, in communion with the great secret power which dwells in the Silence. Begin by thinking and investigating the thought of Solitude itself, and just see what thoughts will come to you in return. After you have permitted your wound up thoughts to chase each the other around and around aimlessly, while they are darting here and there, bringing this, and that picture, like some wild thing in the night, just let them go, and very soon you will begin to realize a calm stealing over you. You will begin to catch its meaning, catch a glimpse of things real, the broadness of life, the narrowness of your own views, the greatness of others, the goodness of Self, the sublimity of your Surrounding Solitude. If by the lake, its wondrous beauty will impress you as never before. The trees will soon begin to speak to you, the flowers will whisper a new message, and all life will smile a smile you never beheld before. Even the song of the birds and the hum of the insects will bring a new meaning to you and broaden your view of existence. Just here, let your- SELF MASTERY 97 self relax more completely ; let loose your tightened muscles and just "be still, and know that I am God." Very rapidly the things over which you worried will grow smaller, while the beauties of life grow larger. It all has a new meaning, a new song to our ear. Slowly and surely the message of the Infinite begins to dawn upon you ; the sweetness of the Silence has eased your tired brain; gradually but certainly, the great light Eternal steals over you, and your soul can see what you could not see before. You will find yourself "at one" with, at peace with your- self and Nature's way. Gradually the thought of your divinity will steal over your brain and you will say that you always were and you always will be ; that to worry and hurry only leads one into that whirlpool of darkness and gloom from which when you later emerge you find yourself much worsted for the experience, your time wasted, and Let your Soul recall what it has oft heard before — per- haps in ages past — "Your Soul shall live forever." This beautiful thought obligates you to a grander out- look at once. It enables you to view all eternity ahead of you. It shows you that it is folly to stick to the "low vaulted past," but it is wisdom to begin to build a mansion of beauty, a life of joy, a future of power and happiness. Why not, when you have all eternity in which to build? But the more you build now, the more wisely and beautifully today, the grander will that mansion be to- morrow. Neglecting joys today cheats you of sweeter pleasures tomorrow. And just here, while still relaxed, while yet communing with your higher Self in the Silence, begin turning the troublesome questions over which have vexed and worried you. Decide them in one way and try now vividly to im- agine the results which would follow. Now decide another 98 SELF MASTERY way. Gently turn the question over several times, so that you may get used to it at every angle. Then just let loose again, relax yourself more fully and ask yourself — your Soul, for the final answer; and the answer — the right answer, the wisest answer, the only answer will come and quiet your troubled heart. You may say "0, I just simply can not do it that way now/' possibly because of social position, or a thousand other reasons may be advanced by as many persons, but you may be certain that the following of any other course than that solution which was offered in that new light will only bring greater trouble later on. One hour of serious, honest Solitude and "perfect Sil- ence" will do more to rid us of moral contamination, of tramp thoughts, of mental garbage, than a whole month of any other kind of effort. While Communing in the Silence, when your eyes be- hold the beautiful grandeurs spread before you, and your ears hear for the first time that new song of nature, let your thoughts dwell for some moments on the thought that you are something more than a body, something more than a bundle of wants and woes ; that within your mental frame there is the real you, the /. A living, thinking entity which the laws of material growth, death or decay can never affect ; that for this divine something within, death is not a long period of darkness at the bottom of life's ladder, but only the change, an awakening as we step out into a new life; that death is but the turning of a new page of life, where the dawn breaks into morning and the dark shadows flee away. Glorious, illuminating, ever helpful Silence ! When we have it properly cultivated it reveals to us new worlds and transforms meaningless things into sources of everlasting pleasures. Out of the Silence we learn some of the most SELF MASTERY 99 beautiful, pleasing, as well as startling facts, not only about ourselves and our own lives, but things which are going on around us, just under the surface; get glimpses of that which is behind the scenes of the twentieth century civili- zation. However, one thing is certain: it is impossible to tell you in this book just exactly what to do or exactly what facts you are going to have revealed to you while you are absorbing from the Solitude. If this were possible or wise, there would be no need of your going to all the trouble to learn it. No other Soul but your own can learn or experi- ence something which Nature decrees you must experience or learn while dwelling in your bodily temple, this time. You only, must learn for yourself. You have the word of all who have tried it that it is glorious, and pays hand- somely for every effort you make in this domain. All who have honestly tested it, tell of its wonderfully illuminating and inspiring emotions and revelations which really satisfy the heart as nothing else can. It enables you soon to see, your fondest hopes becoming materialized into splendid realities. Think of the richness of the vision which came out of the Silence to that remarkable person, Helen Kellar, when she was yet a child. She was born deaf and blind. When her education had been carried to that point at which she could communicate her thoughts to others, the great Phillip Brooks began to tell her of God. After he had impressed her with several thoughts which he believed were all new to her, she replied to his questions, "Yes, I knew all this before, but I did not know his name was God." The whole world knows her work since. How did she know? There is an intuition which throbs eternally in the heart of all people which says that 100 SELF MASTERY we are immortal, that there is a great power divine of which we are a part, which will make us glad and happy if we only get in tune with the divine way — man's natural way, Nature's way; that Nature's way is the wisest way, truest, holiest, and best way ; that if we look up with lofty aspiration and seek wise guidance from the silence, the great Eternal Presence of that which connects us with the source divine and inexhaustible, there will come to us the perfect light and direction. Out of this gentle Silence, while the Soul instinctively looks out and away toward that heaven whence it came, cry- ing out against the apparent injustice of fate, seeking solace for the wounded soul, something whispers back from out the depths of the mysteries of Life, that in the Silence is to be found the reality of God's smile, which many never find until fate drives them into the corner of sorrow, in which place most people hear His voice easily. It tells us that in this Silence is that place in which, if man seeks, he shall surely find — find the solution, the remedy, the only remedy which heals the broken heart and brings health, happiness and success. It teaches us that preserving that hour of prayer in which one "goes away by himself" en- ables one to grasp that everpresent, unseen, divine, helping hand which awaits all who seek. God is not afar off nor hard to find. All phenomena of Nature and life teach us the lesson of system and regularity. We should have some special time for communion with self in Silence. When you work, work. When you play, play, but when you seek the Silence, remember to "go away to the place of Silence," alone, and "Let not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth." The Silence and Solitude do not encourage us to be hermits. "There is a time for everything." There is a SELF MASTERY 101 time to devote to yourself — privately, away from friends, and concealed from the eyes of the world. Many a splendid friendship has been wrecked because this principle has been violated. The soul needs room — must have it — in which to turn around at times. Try the Silence in harmony with the truths contained in the earlier chapters of this book — try it for a week, at regular hours each day, and see what a transformation it will work in you. You will find' that you have taken on a new supply of spiritual, psychic and physical energy. After an hour of such psychic revery, you will be refreshed bodily and have a clear mental atmosphere. It will be a pleasure to contemplate, a new source of hope, strength and light. That great and gentle Wordsworth knew the meaning of Silence. He had bathed in its transforming glories. Note in his verse: "0, gentle reader, had you in mind Such treasures as silent thought can bring. 'Tis there, my reader, that you will find A tale in everything. Just one impulse from the vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of morals, of evil and of good Than all the sages can." The normal human being craves companionship, family life, fellowship and friendship. This is as it should be — the plan of the great Kingdom of Love. As against this natural craving, there is warning of "an overdose" — carrying of association too far. The secret of many of the most sorrowful experiences in human life is the outgrowth of too much friendship, too much constant association. 102 SELF MASTERY Constant mingling with vivacious and dashing society develops that keen alertness, that quickness of repartee, but it literally robs the Soul of those stronger, nobler, more substantial qualities of character which, once taken from us, we are never the same again. Such splendid qualities for which the better people of the whole world long are growing only in the Shadow of Silence and Solitude. The glare of the city lights, night after night, with its dashing crowd, with its never ceasing stimulus of alert companion- ship, seems to offer many pleasing and fascinating charms for the moment, and especially for the fair sex, but it literally robs life of its sweetest things and after all, leaves the heart and soul hungry and sad. Empty of all save re- grets and despondency. But alas, this is usually discovered too late. If any doubt this, ask those who have had experi- ence, who have roamed the world and mingled with all the world had to offer. The stronger and more substantial traits of manhood and womanhood which are required to meet the great crises and tragedies of life have no chance to unfold within the soul who is denied time for being alone — in the Solitude. It prepares us to meet our own indi- vidual fate with a smile, strong in the presence of reverses and sorrow, brave in the hour of misfortune. In a word, it helps us as nothing else to be triumphant, to master Self, and he who is master of Self will be master of many others. It fortifies one with a serene calmness, courage and a poise which qualities can never rise to the Soul's surface if that one ever drifts with the chattering, the witty, butterfly crowd. Such a life crushes out the last spark of possible unfoldment while in this incarnation. If you doubt this, look about you and your doubt will quickly flee. Get acquainted with the Divine Inner Self. You will have to face every great crisis of life alone. You were born SELF MASTERY 103 alone. You are left to face trouble alone. Why not get acquainted with yourself? There is but one way, the Silent Hour. When you really know yourself, great sorrows and life's tragedies lose nearly all their terrors. It enables us to unfold higher qualities of character and discover wis- dom of Self and of others about life and about God, which gives a peace, a knowledge, a poise, grace, and power for which the whole world is hungering. You will be envied by few, but loved by all. The Special Hour. In seeking to unfold the highest within us, and in un- folding for the special purpose of attaining a certain de- sired result, whether in happiness for self, some special change in the life of a friend, or whether it be pertaining to a greater degree of financial success, in health, in love; success in developing the noblest qualities in character, psychic talents, clairvoyance, or the powers of mental crea- tions or astral projections, one of the most valuable prac- tices and indispensable requisites is to have a regular time each day during which we seek absolute silence and relax- ation. Often becoming perfectly quiet with the entire body relaxed, let the soul contemplate its own divinity and really try to feel more appreciation for the great beauties of life. Endeavor to hold this mental and spiritual attitude for ten minutes and then lovingly and wisely demand of the great Unseen Creative Source and Supply that which you seek. Any sort of demanding or kind of prayer which is minus this divine attitude will never do. Any kind of mental gymnastics without this religious attitude, this attitude of realizing your own relation to the Great Divinity Itself, plus a sort of joyous elevated, divine exhilaration, will never enable any one to gain that which he seeks. 104 SELF MASTERY A GENERAL PROGRAMME. (1) Monday. Seek the abode of Silence as described above, and as far as possible, hold this attitude of realizing your own divinity for a few moments, and then follow this with a few moments of asking (demanding) that which you long for, to make yourself or another happy. (2) Tuesday. Seek the Silence in that beautiful, sacred hour of rest in the same absorbing manner as on Monday. Contemplate realization, and the psychic attitude of realizing your closeness to the ever present power of the Infinite, then gently contemplate wisdom, and you will soon be surprised at the result. Then devote the remaining few moments you have to gently, lovingly but firmly asking (demanding) that which you desire. (3) Wednesday. After entering the Silence, contem- plate Patience. Enter that spiritual ecstacy of realizing your own divine nature as mentioned above. (4) Invite a feeling of joyous smile which will ex- press on your features that consciousness of Divine Pres- ence — a consciousness that you are an immortal soul. Then ask for a greater unfoldment and expansion of your own soul's power to express itself in the body (its Temple), and for greater fields of activity in producing good for Self and Humanity. Then gently demand the fulfillment of those special objects for which you may be striving. Believe and know that you are inseparable from God's great source of supply, (5) Thursday. Enter the hour of Silence as before, and after completely relaxing the body and attaining the proper spiritual consciousness of self divinity, gently de- mand that your soul express itself in a body beautiful ; that SELF MASTERY 105 the Soul by divine nature is perfect, and it must therefore by Nature, if permitted, unfold for itself a perfectly healthy body in which to dwell. Seek an understanding of the power of repose and ask for bodily expression of a more pleasing, magnetic personality. Follow this with a gentle demand of the great Everpresent, Inexhaustible Supply, for those special gifts or realizations for which your heart is seeking. (6) Friday. Seek the knowledge which gives a greater love of Self, and a nobler love for friends. "As thou lovest thy dearest friend, love thou thyself also," and then you will the more wisely love God. This, however, does not mean that you should indiscriminately give out your sym- pathy to those who are victims of apparent misfortune. If you do, you will do great injury to them and equally injure yourself. Unwise sympathy is as dangerous as hate and revenge to the one who indulges. It is an emotion which will cause you much trouble unless carefully guarded against. Follow with special concentration that which you personally wish to attain. (7) Saturday. After having entered the "Silent Rev- ery," seek to extend your thought creations out over the whole world, ladened with good wishes and glad tidings. Hold the prayer attitude of wishing a higher and better understanding of the great Light Eternal ; that every indi- vidual, everywhere throughout the earth, may behold that inner Light. Hold the thought (prayer) that all may at- tract bountifully of love, of success, health, happiness, and that the day may be hastened when every Soul will have shaken the last outer shell from itself, and entered a con- dition of perfect understanding at which time strife, dis- ease and sorrow shall have been overcome. 106 SELF MASTERY (8) Sunday. Devote a large portion of your hour of Silence to seeking a higher understanding, and to sending out thought creations to assist all those "Who are banded together in Silence and in secret, striving for divine under- standing, and to attain those blessings of life to which each one found worthy is entitled." The four Gospels are rich with occult philosophy, and to those who read and study Self Mastery, the life of the Nazarene prophet will reveal many a beautiful truth which has previously remained hidden or buried by false translations, or confusing context. SELF MASTERY 107 Take a few hours a week and get acquainted with yourself, and you will find yourself fairer than the rose, and worthy of a thousandfold better considera- tion than you have bestowed upon yourself. The Normal Soul seeks needed sympathy as the growing bulb craves sunlight. Both are necessary to the fulfillment of the great plan of life. When that craving for true sympathy is not met with a generous response, that Soul is dwarfed, and one cannot smile as one whose life plan is properly fed. Even Jesus craved sympathy. During the darkest hour of his life, just preceding the tragedy of Geth- semane, he said to those of whom he rightfully could claim sympathy, "Could you not remain and watch with me, one hour?" To sacrifice a true and tried friend for any per- sonal advantage or position, is eventually to rob your- self instead of your friend. To seek out that which is good and noble in man, is to search for God himself. Man's first great duty shines out like the brightest star. His first observations teach him that love soothes and heals the ugly wounds; that tender con- siderations are as beautifying to the one on whom bestowed, as lillies beautify the spot which they adorn. 108 SELF MASTERY If you have no love for God's creatures, how can you expect much of God's love shown you? If you despise any of God's children, how can you hope truly to love God? The great divine guide-post for the next thousand years will read, "As a man thinketh"; "the starry heavens above"; "the great moral law within." The soul feeds on faithfulness, admiration, hope, love. If one's love is dwarfed and withered, it mars and shrinks the whole life. To have a bosom friend whom we can trust, and to whom we can pour out our griefs, be they great or small, to whom we can safely confide our hopes, doubts and fears, this will take all the bitterness from the battles of life. Sympathy increases gladness, diminishes sorrow, and makes stronger and nobler him whom gives of wise sympathy. There is a sort of sympathy which is dangerous, and to be avoided as one would any other well-known danger. There is little danger from this source to those in whose heart the message of this little book finds a gentle response. The only thing in life which is offered to us free, is God, love, and knowledge of your own soul. FINIS. FEB 10 1913 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Dec. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-21 1 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HHHhH H BHoH mSl «i mi ■i ■ HH 9 HS HI I WilBMiMHIII ^^H B888& S18 311 9Ma&BKiQOOOB99Q^SfBOB^BBMaK90fli 88