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M Hemidrachm ... 40 .. 4 Aenus, 400-350 B.C. M Tetradrachm ... 48 Macedon. Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 B.C. N Distater 65 Caulonia, 550-480 B.C. M Stater ..... 94 Leontini, 466-422 B.C. M Tetradrachm . . 105 Syracuse, 480-415 B.C. M Tetradrachm . .110 Syracuse. Philistis, 275-216 B.C. M Tetra- drachm 118 Rome. Pertinax, 193 A.D. Aureus, 193 A.D. 266 II England. Edward IV, 1461-1483. N Rose noble, or ryal. Reverse 425 . . 10 England. Charles I, 1625-1649. N Unite, 1633 440 England. Charles I, 1625-1649. N Triple unite, or three-pound piece, 1643. Obverse and reverse 445 Westphalia. Osnabriick (Bishopric). Ernst August. 2R. Broad double thaler, 1680 . . 591 III Lower Saxony. Heinrich Julius, 1589-1613. M Ten thaler, 1620. Obverse and reverse . . 606 16 IV Lower Saxony. Anton Ulrich, 1704-1714. M Quadruple thaler, commemorating the death of his oldest son, August Friedrich . . . .616 . .24 Lower Saxony. Johann Friedrich, 1665-1679. M Six-thaler piece, 1677 623 CATALOGUE FACING PLATE NO. PAGE V Upper Saxony. Friedrich III, the Wise, 1486- 1525. M Double thaler, of medallic style, 15 19. Obverse and reverse 690 . . 32 Upper Saxony. Johann Georg I, 1615-1656. N Four ducats, Jubilee of the Reformation, 1630. Obverse and reverse 713 Roman-German Empire, Austria. Maximilian, Charles, Ferdinand. M Thaler, 1590 . . . 787 VI Roman-German Empire, Austria. Archduke Sigismund, 1439-1496. M y 2 Thaler, 1484. Obverse and reverse 779 . . 40 Roman-German Empire, Austria. Maximilian I, 1486-1519. M Broad double thaler, 1509. Obverse and reverse 780 Roman-German Empire, Austria. Charles V (Carinthia), 1515-1558. N Double ducat. Reverse 784 Roman-German Empire, Austria. Charles V and Ferdinand I. M Gulden, 1531 .... 786 COINS GREECE i Ionia, sixth century. EL 54 Hecte. Phocaic standard. 2 Persia, c. 520 B.C. N Daric. 3 c. 500 B.C. M Siglos. 4 Ephesus, 387-295 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 5 Samos, 394-365 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 6 Chios, 600-490 B.C. M Didrachm. 7 Similar. (Rev.) 8 Clazomenae, 500-394 B.C. M Didrachm. 9 Phocaea, 500-350 B.C. EL Hecte. 10 500-350 B.C. EL Hecte. 11 Lesbos, 550-440 B.C. Billon. 12 440-350 B.C. EL Hecte. 13 Pergamum, 133-67 B.C. M Cistophorus. 14 Cyme, c. 190 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 15 Smyrna, 190-133 B.C. ^Tetradrachm. 16 Myrina, c. 197 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 17 Aspendus, 400-300 B.C. M Stater. 18 Rhodes, 400-304 B.C. M Didrachm. 19 400-304 B.C. M Hemidrachm. 20 304-168 B.C. iR Tetradrachm. 21 304-168 B.C. M Didrachm. 22 Cilicia. Datames, 380-360 B.C. M Statei. 23 Sidon, 359-338 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 24 Tyre, 450-332 B.C. M Stater. 25 Aradus, 136-46 B.C. iR Tetradrachm. 26 Aegina, 700-550 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 27 404-350 B.C. ^.Tetradrachm. 28 Athens, 527-430 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 29 Similar. (Rev.) 30 Similar. M Tetradrachm. 31 527-430 B.C. M Drachm 32 220-86 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 33 Corinth, 520-480 B.C. M Stater. 34 338-300 B.C. M Stater. Mint-mark, an eagle. 35 Similar. Mint-mark, Pallas. (Rev.) 3 36 Similar. Mint-mark, torch. 37 Similar. Mint-mark, fore-part of a lion. 38 Similar. Mint-mark, fore-part of a horse. 39 Similar. Mint-mark, wolf. 40 338-330 B.C. M Hemidrachm. 41 Sicyon, 400-322 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 42 Pharae, 550-480 B.C. M Stater. 43 Boeotia, 197-146 B.C. M Drachm. 44 Phocis, 480-421 B.C. M Triobol. 45 387-346 B.C. M Triobol. (Rev.) 46 Larissa, 400-344 B.C. M Didrachm. 47 Macedon. Alexander I, 480-454 B.C. 7R Tetradrachm. 48 Aenus, 400-350 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 49- 400-350 B.C. M Tetrobol. 50 400-350 B.C. M Diobol. 51 Neapolis, 500-411 B.C. M Diobol. 52 Amphipolis, 424-358 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 53 Thasos, c. 146 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 54 Maronea, c. 146 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 55 Thrace. Lysimachus, 328-281 B.C. N Stater. 56 323-281 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 57 323-281 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 58 Similar. (Rev.) 59 Similar. 60 M Drachm. 61 (Under the Romans.) Coson, c. 42 B.C. N Stater. 62 Macedon. Philip II, 359-336 B.C. N Stater. 63 Similar. (Rev.) 64 M Tetradrachm. 65 Alexander III (the Great), 336-323 B.C. N Distater. 66 N Stater. 67 Similar. (Rev.) 68 Similar. 69 M Tetradrachm. 70 Similar. 71 — ■ — Similar. (Rev.) 72 ■ Similar. 73 Similar. (Rev.) 74 Similar. (Rev.) 75 -2R Drachm. io5 Plate I 7 6 Philip III, 323-316 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 77 Philip V, 220-179 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 78 Perseus, 178-168 B.C. ^Tetradrachm. 79 Macedon (in genere), 158-146 B.C. iR Tetradrachm. 80 (Under the Romans.) Aesillas, c. 146 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 81 Paeonia. Patraus, 340-315 B.C. M Stater. 82 Metapontum, 550-480 B.C. M Stater. 83 330-300 B.C. M Stater. 84 Velia, 400-268 B.C. M Didrachm. 85 ;R Didrachm. 86 ;R Didrachm. 87 Similar. (Rev.) 88 Tarentum, 360-272 B.C. M Didrachm. 89 278-272 B.C. M Didrachm. 90 Similar. 91 Similar. (Rev.) 92 Poseidonia, 550-480 B.C. M Stater. 93 Croton, 550-480 B.C. M Stater. 94 Caulonia, 550-480 B.C. M Stater. 95 480-388 B.C. M Stater. 96, Rhegium, 466-415 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 97 Thurium, 420-390 B.C. M Didrachm. g8 390-350 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 99 ■ — ■ — Similar. (Rev.) 100 M Didrachm. 101 Similar. 102 Neapolis (Naples), 340-268 B.C. M Didrachm. 103 Messana, 480-420 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 104 Naxos (Sicily), 415-403 B.C. M Didrachm, by Prokles. 105 Leontini, 466-422 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 106 Camarina, 495-485 B.C. M 11^ grammes. 107 Syracuse, 500-478 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 108 480-415 B.C. M Tetradrachm, by Eumenes. 109 ^R. Tetradrachm. no M Tetradrachm. in ^R. Tetradrachm. 112 M Tetradrachm. 113 yR Dekadrachm, Syracusan medallion. (Loaned by Mr. Edward T. Newell.) 114 -412-345 B.C. N 20 Litrae. 5 ii5 345-317 B.C. EL 50 Litrae. 116 317-310 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 117 — —Similar. (Rev.) 118 Philistis, 275-216 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 119 Gela, c. 466 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 120 Heraclea Minoa, 409-400 B.C. Siculo-Punic Class. M Tetra- drachm. 121 Selinus, 560-466 B.C. M Didrachm. 122 c. 425 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 123 Himera, c. 482 B.C. M Didrachm. 124 Agrigentum, 472-415 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 125 Cyrene, 431-321 B.C. N y 12 Stater. 126 Carthage, 410-310 B.C. Siculo-Punic Class. M Tetradrachm. 127 M Tetradrachm. 128 Same. (Rev.) 129 310-242 B.C. EL 118 grammes. Struck at Carthage. 130 Similar. (Rev.) 131 Egypt. Ptolemy I Soter, 305-285 B.C. M Tetradrachm. Phoe- nician standard, struck in Egypt for foreign use. 132 Similar. (Rev.) Probably struck in Cyprus. 133 M Tetradrachm. Struck in Egypt for home use. 134 Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 285-246 B.C. M Tetradrachm. Struck in Egypt. 135 285-246 B.C. Busts of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe. Rev. Busts of Ptolemy I and Berenice. N Tetradrachm. 136 Ptolemy III Euergetes, 247-220 B.C. Head of Arsinoe. N Octadrachm. Struck in Phoenicia. 137 Ptolemy VIII Euergetes, 169-116 B.C. Bust of Cleopatra III as Arsinoe II. N Octadrachm. 138 Syria. Antiochus I, 281-261 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 139 Antiochus II, 261-246 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 140 Antiochus III, 222-187 B.C. & Tetradrachm. 141 Seleucus IV, 187-175 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 142 Antiochus IV, 175-164 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 143 Alexander I, 152-144 B.C. ^R Tetradrachm. 144 Demetrius II, 146-138 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 145 Antiochus VII, 138-129 B.C. 7R Tetradrachm. 146 Demetrius II, 130-125 B.C. 7R Tetradrachm. 147 ■ Alexander II, 128-123 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 148 Antiochus VIII, 121-96 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 149 Seleucus VI, 96-95 B.C. M Tetradrachm. (Rev.) 6 150 Philippus, 92-83 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 151 Pergamum. Eumenes I, 263-241 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 152 Attalus I, 241-197 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 153 Bithynia. Nikomedes II, 149-91 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 154 Pontus. Mithradates VI, 121-63 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 155 Armenia. Tigranes, 83-69 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 156 Galatia. Amyntas, 36-25 B.C. M Tetradrachm. 157 Parthia. Mithradates I, 174-136 B.C. M Drachm. 158 M Drachm. 159 Numidia. Juba I, 60-46 B.C. M Drachm. 160 Cappadocia. Ariobarzanes I, 93-59 B.C. M Drachm. 161 Judea. Simon Maccabaeus, 143-135 B.C. M Shekel. ROME Republic, 338-27 B.C. First Period, 338-268 B.C. The first coins minted in Rome itself were of cast bronze, the pound of twelve ounces being used as the basis. There were six divisions, namely, unit, half, third, fourth, sixth, and twelfth, all of which are here represented. jes grave. Libral Series 162 As (Unit). Head of Janus. Rev. Prow; mark of value I 163 Semis (Half). Head of Jove. Rev. Prow; mark of value S 164 Triens (Third). Head of Roma. Rev. Prow ; mark of value • • • • 165 Quadrans (Fourth). Head of Hercules. Rev. Prow; mark of value • • • 166 Sextans (Sixth). Head of Mercury. Rev. Prow ; mark of value * * 167 Uncia (Twelfth). Head of Minerva. Rev. Prow ; mark of value • During this same period coins were cast in various cities of central Italy on the same standard as that used in the mint at Rome. 168 Campania. As. Head of Roma. Rev. Wheel; mark of value I 169 Apulia. Uncia. Toad. Rev. Ear of grain ; mark of value • 170 Apulia. Quincunx (reduced weight). Wheel. R ev. Wheel ; mark of value # # # 171 Umbria. Sextans. Club. Rev. Mark of value * 7 Second Period, 268-215 B.C. About 268 B.C. occurred what is known as the Triental Reduc- tion, when the cast bronze series was reduced in weight until equal to one third of the old Libral Series. The two lowest de- nominations, however, were struck instead of being cast. STRUCK BRONZE OF THE TRIENTAL SERIES 172 Sextans (Sixth). Head of Mercury. Rev. Prow; mark of value • • 173 Uncia (Twelfth). Head of Minerva. Rev. Prow; mark of value * SILVER COINAGE In the year 268 B.C. a silver coinage was for the first time introduced at Rome. It was based on the Roman pound, the denominations being 10, 5, and 2]/ 2 Asses. 174 Denarius. Head of Roma; mark of value X- Rev. The Dioscuri. 175 Quinarius. Head of Roma; mark of value V. Rev. The Dioscuri. 176 Sestertius. Head of Roma; mark of value IIS. Rev. The Dios- curi. Third Period, circa 215-154 B.C. The names of the ''Triumviri Monetales," appointed regularly to superintend the coinage, now appear on the coins themselves. (In the following descriptions first comes the denomination, then the mark of value, followed by the name of the monetal triumvir or magistrate, and the description of the coin.) 177 Denarius. X- S. Afranius. Head of Roma. Rev. The Dioscuri. Fourth Period, circa 154-134 B.C. Owing to the reduction in the As, so that there were 16 in the Denarius instead of 10 as heretofore, we find on the silver the mark XVI or its monogram X ( = 16 Asses), though the old mark X often still remains. 178 Denarius. XVI. L. Atilius. Head of Roma. Rev. Victory in biga. 8 179 Denarius. X- Q- Fabius Labeo. Head of Roma. Rev. Jove in quadriga. 180 Denarius. X. Cn. Gellius. Head of Roma in wreath. Rev. Mars in quadriga. Fifth Period, circa 134-104 B.C. "XVI" now disappears entirely in favor of 3: and X. The Dioscuri type only occurs exceptionally on the reverse, and in- stead we begin to find the private marks of the various moneyers. 181 Denarius. X. L. Antestius Gragulus. Head of Roma. Rev. Jove in quadriga. 182 Denarius. X. P. Porcius Laeca. Head of Roma. Rev. Three standing figures. 183 Denarius. T. Didius. Head of Roma. Rev. Two men fighting. 184 Denarius. X. C. Serveilius. Head of Apollo. Rev. M. Serveilius fighting. Sixth Period, circa 104-89 B.C. The head of Roma now seldom occurs ; she is replaced by other divinities more personal to the moneyer. The famous "Nummus Serratus" (of which No. 189 is an example) was now introduced and found much favor with the barbarian tribes. From this time on a large number of the coins were issued, not by the Triumviri Monetales, but by other magistrates, in time of need, at the special decree of the Senate. 185 Denarius. L. Flaminius Cilo. Head of Roma. Rev. Victory in biga. 186 Denarius. M. Herennius. Head of Piety. Rev. Anapis carrying parent. 187 Quinarius. Q. C. Egnatuleius. Head of Apollo. Rev. Victory crowning trophy. 188 Denarius. L. Iulius Caesar. Head of Mars. Rev. Venus in Cupid chariot. I8g Denarius. L. Scipio Asiagenus. Head of Saturn. Rev. Jove in quadriga. The Social War, 90-89 B.C. During the progress of this desperate rebellion against Rome the Allies struck silver coins in close imitation of the Roman denarii, but with Oscan inscriptions. 190 Denarius. C. Papius Mutilus. Helmeted head. Rev. Three men making a treaty. 9 Seventh Period, 89-54 B.C. The mark of value no longer appears on the denarii, and the types are purely arbitrary and left to the discretion of the moneyer, who therefore took the opportunity of commemorating on his coins the great deeds and proud lineage of his ancestors. 191 Denarius. L. Titurius Sabinus. Head of Titus Tatius. Rev. Death of Tarpeia. 192 Denarius. Manius Fonteius. Heads of the Dioscuri. Rev. Gal- ley. 193 Denarius. L. Cornelius Sulla. Cupid and head of Venus. Rev. Trophies. 194 Denarius. C. Mamilius Limetanus. Bust of Mercury. Rev. Ulysses and his dog. 195 Denarius. C. Annius Luscus, Proconsul. Bust of Anna. Rev. Victory in chariot. 196 Denarius. L. Procilius. Head of Jove. Rev. Lavinian Juno. 197 Denarius. L. Lucretius Trio. Head of sun-god. Rev. Moon and seven stars. 198 Denarius. P. Satrienus. Bust of Mars. Rev. Roman wolf. 199 Denarius. Q. Titius. Bust of the god Mutinus Titinus. Rev. Pegasus. Eighth Period, 54-44 B.C. Many generals (Julius Caesar among them) now strike denarii in the provinces ; it is the beginning of the transition from Re- public to Empire. 200 Denarius. C. Julius Caesar. Elephant. Rev. Pontifical instru- ments. 201 Denarius. C. Hosidius Geta, Monetal Triumvir. Head of Diana. Rev. Boar. 202 Denarius. L. Hostilius Saserna. Head of Pallor. Rev. War- rior in quadriga. 203 Ouinarius. M. Porcius Cato Uticensis. Head of Liberty. Rev. Victory. Ninth Period, 44-27 B.C. This period commences with the decree of the Senate author- izing Julius Caesar to place his own image on his coins. The period ends with the taking of the title of "Augustus" by Octavian Caesar— the end of the Republic. 10 445 — obverse 445 — reverse 440 — obverse 425 — reverse Plate II 204 Denarius. 44 B.C. C. Julius Caesar. Veiled bust of Caesar. Rev. Venus. 205 Denarius. C. Vibius Pansa. Head of Pan. Rev. Jove of Anxur. 206 Denarius. Petillius Capitolinus. Eagle on thunderbolt. Rev. The Capitoline. 207 Denarius. 43 B.C. L. Livineius Regulus. Head of Julius Caesar. Rev, Bull charging. 208 Denarius. 44-42 B.C. M. Junius Brutus. Head of Ahala. Rev. Head of Consul Brutus. 209 Denarius. 44-42 B.C. M. Junius Brutus. Head of Liberty. Rev. Brutus and lictors. 210 Denarius. 41 B.C. Marc Antony. Head of Antony. Rev. Piety. 211 Cistophorus. 40-38 B.C. Marc Antony and Octavia. Their busts. Rev. Chest and snakes. 212 Quinarius. 31-27 B.C. Octavian Caesar. His head. Rev. Vic- tory on chest. Roman Empire In the first years of his reign Augustus completely reformed the monetary system of what was now the Roman Empire. He reserved for himself the entire coinage of gold and silver, but left the bronze to be struck under the authority of the Senate, where- fore we find the abbreviation "S. C." (SENATUS CONSULTU) on all the bronze coins until even this right was withdrawn in the reign of Gallienus (254-268). The principal denomina- tions of the system as introduced by Augustus were : Aureus (or gold denarius), the silver Denarius, its half the Quinarius, and the bronze Sestertius, Dupondius, As, and Semis. In giving the denominations of the bronze below, the more popular designations of GB (large bronze), MB (medium bronze), PB (small bronze) are added. Augustus, 27 B.C.-A.D. 14. 213 Aureus. B.C. 12. Bare head. Rev. Bull. 214 Aureus. B.C. 2. Laureate head. Rev. Caius Caesar. 215 Aureus. After B.C. 2. Laureate head. Rev. C. and L. Caesar. 216 Denarius, c. B.C. 12. Bare head. *Rev. Civic wreath. 217 Denarius. B.C. 2. Laureate head. Rev. Diana, huntress. 218 Tetradrachm. Bare head. Rev. Altar. Struck in Asia Minor. STRUCK UNDER TIBERIUS 219 As (MB). Radiate head. Rev. Eagle on globe. 11 Livia, wife of Augustus. 220 Dupondius (MB). 22 A.D. Bust of Livia. Rev. S. C. Tiberius, 14-37 A.D. 221 Aureus. Laureate head. Rev. Livia seated. Nero Drusus, son of Tiberius. 222 Aureus. Laureate head. Rev. Triumphal Arch. Germanicus, son of Nero Drusus. 223 As (MB). 37 A.D. Bare head. Rev. S. C. Agrippina Senior, wife of Germanicus. 224 Sestertius (GB). Bust. Rev. Carpentum and mules. Tiberius Claudius, 41-54 A.D. 225 Aureus. 41 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Constancy seated. 226 Denarius. Laureate head. Rev. Peace. Agrippina Junior, mother of Nero. 227 Aureus. Busts of Agrippina and Nero. Rev. Wreath. Nero, 54-68 A.D. 228 Aureus. Laureate head. Rev. Concordia. 229 Sestertius (GB). Laureate head. Rev. Roma seated. 230 Sestertius (GB). Laureate head. Rev. Annona and Ceres. 231 Sestertius (GB). Laureate head. Rev. Triumphal Arch. Galba, 68-69 A.D. 232 Denarius. Bare head. Rev. Roma standing. Otho, January-April, 69 A.D. 233 Denarius. Bare head. Rev. Security. Vitellius, April-July, 69 A.D. 234 Sestertius (GB). Laureate head. Rev. Victory writing on shield. Vespasian, 69-79 A.D. 235 Aureus. 71 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Fortuna. 236 Sestertius (GB). 71 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Peace. Titus, 79-81 A.D. 237 Aureus. Laureate head. Rev. Annona. Julia, daughter of Titus. 238 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Venus standing. 12 Domitian, 81-96 A.D. 239 Aureus. 87 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Minerva. 240 Aureus. 95 A.D. Bare head. Rev. Emperor in chariot. 241 Sestertius (GB). 95 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Jupiter seated. Nerva, 96-98 A.D. 242 Aureus. 96 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Clasped hands. Trajan, 98-117 A.D. 243 Aureus. After 112 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Jove and Trajan. 244 Aureus. After 112 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Jove and Trajan. 245 Sestertius (GB). 100 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Female seated. Hadrian, 1 17-138 A.D. 246 Aureus. Bust. Rev. Italy and Hadrian. 247 Aureus. 118 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Fortune. 248 Sestertius (GB). After 118 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Fortune. 249 As (MB). 118 A.D. Radiate bust. Rev. Fortune. Sabina, wife of Hadrian. 250 As (MB). Bust. Rev. Juno Regina. Antoninus Pius, 138-160 A.D. 251 Aureus. 151 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Emperor standing. 252 Aureus. 155 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Emperor standing. 253 Denarius. Laureate head. Rev. Modius. Faustina Senior, wife of Antoninus. 254 Aureus. Bust. Rev. Ceres. 255 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Piety. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 A.D. M. Aurelius as Caesar (140-161 A.D.) 256 Aureus. 154 A.D. Bust. Rev. Mars. 257 Aureus. 160 A.D. Bust. Rev. Mars. 258 Denarius. 145 A.D. Bare head. Rev. Juventas. M. Aurelius as Emperor (161-180 A.D.) 259 Aureus. 168 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Justice. Faustina Junior, wife of M. Aurelius. 260 Aureus. Bust. Rev. Venus. 261 Sestertius (GB). Bust. Rev. Hilaritas. 13 Lucius Verus, 161-169 A.D., brother of M. Aurelius. 262 Aureus. 163 A.D. Bust. Rev. Salus. 263 Aureus. 167 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Concordia. Lucilla, wife of L. Verus. 264 Aureus. Bust. Rev. Venus. Commodus, 180-192 A.D. 265 Denarius. 190 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Genius. Pertinax, 193 A.D. 266 Aureus. 193 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Providence standing. Septimius Severus, 193-21 1 A.D. 267 Aureus. 204 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Liberality standing. Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus. 268 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Julia standing. Caracalla, 211-217 A.D. 269 Denarius. 212 A.D. Laureate head. Rev. Hercules. Plautilla, wife of Caracalla. 270 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Caracalla and Plautilla. Geta, brother of Caracalla. 271 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Hope. Macrinus, 217-218 A.D. 272 Denarius. 218 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Emperor seated. Diadumenian, son of Macrinus. 273 As (MB). Bust. Rev. Prince with three standards. Elagabalus, 218-222 A.D. 274 Aureus. 219 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Roma seated. 275 Antoninianus (2 Denarii). Radiate bust. Rev. Laetitia. 276 Denarius. Laureate bust. Rev. Emperor sacrificing. 277 Tetradrachm. Laureate bust. Rev. Eagle. Struck in Antioch. Julia Paula, first wife of Elagabalus. 278 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Concord seated. Aquila Severa, second wife of Elagabalus. 279 As (MB). Bust. Rev. Concord and altar. Julia Soaemias, mother of Elagabalus. 280 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Venus seated. 14 Julia Maesa, mother of Julia Soaemias. 281 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Piety. Severus Alexander, 222-235 A.D. 282 Aureus. 228 A.D. Laureate bust. Rev. Mars. Julia Mammaea, mother of Alexander. 283 Denarius. Bust. Rev. Venus Victrix. 284 Sestertius (GB). Bust. Rev. Fecundity. Maximinus, 235-238 A.D. 285 Denarius. Laureate bust. Rev. Emperor and two standards. Gordianus Africanus Junior, 238 A.D. 286 Sestertius (GB). Laureate bust. Rev. Roma seated. Gordianus III, 238-243 A.D. 287 Antoninianus. Radiate bust. Rev. Fortune seated. 288 Sestertius (GB). Laureate bust. Rev. Laetitia. 289 Sestertius (GB). Laureate bust. Rev. Peace. 290 (MB). Busts of Gordian and Tranquilina his wife, struck in Mesembria. Philipp Senior, 243-249 A.D. 291 Antoninianus. Radiate bust. Rev. Peace. 292 Sestertius (GB). Laureate bust. Rev. Annona. Trajan Decius, 249-251 A.D. 293 Antoninianus. Radiate bust. Rev. Fertility standing. Volusianus, 251-254 A.D. 294 Antoninianus. Radiate bust. Rev. Concord standing. Carausius, usurper in Britain, 287-293 A.D. 295 Antoninianus (base). Radiate bust. Rev. Peace. Maximianus Hercules, first reign, 286-305 A.D. 296 Follis. Laureate head. Rev. Moneta. Mint, Taracco. Galerius Maximianus, 305-311 A.D. 297 Follis (MB). Laureate head. Rev. Genius. Mint, Antioch. Diocletian, Senior Augustus, after his abdication in 305 A.D. 298 Follis. Laureate bust. Rev. Providence. Mint, Antioch. Maximinus Daza, Caesar, 305-307 A.D. 299 Follis. Laureate head. Rev. Genius. Mint, Alexandria. 15 Licinius Senior, 307-323 A.D. 300 Follis (reduced). Laureate head. Rev. Jove. Mint, Siscia. Constantine the Great, 305-337 A.D. 301 Centenionalis. Laureate bust. Rev. Sun-god. Mint, Lyons. Saint Helena, mother of Constantine. 302 Centenionalis. Bust. Rev. Security. Mint, Siscia. Constantine Junior, Caesar, son of Constantine the Great. 303 Centenionalis. Laureate bust. Rev. Praetorian camp. Mint, Cyzicus. Constantius, Caesar, son of Constantine the Great. 304 Centenionalis. Laureate bust. Rev. Praetorian camp. Mint, Siscia. The Declining Empire Under Constantine I was introduced the "Solidus," represen- tative of the old Roman Aureus, a gold coin weighing 72 to the pound. It became the standard coin of the declining Empire and continued under the Byzantine emperors until it gradually merged into the broad, thin, often concave, coin known as the "Byzant" or "Bezant." Constantius II, 323-361 A.D. 305 N Solidus. Antioch. 306 N Solidus. Antioch. Julian II, the Apostate, 355-363 A.D. 307 N Solidus. Sirmio. 308 N Solidus. {Rev.) Antioch. Valentinian II, 375-392 A.D. 309 N Solidus. {Rev.) Treves. Emperors in the East Theodosius I, 379-395 A.D. 310 N Solidus. {Rev.) Constantinople. 311 N Solidus. {Rev.) Constantinople. Honorius, 395-423 A.D. 312 N Solidus. Milan. 16 \\ h* f 606 — obverse A %j& x '3 606 — reverse Plate III Valentinian III, 425-455 A.D. 313 N Solidus. Ravenna. Arcadius, 394-408 A.D. 314 AT Solidus. Ravenna. Theodosius II, 408-450 A.D. 315 N Solidus. Rome. Pulcheria, wife of Marcianus, 450-453 A-D. 316 N Solidus. Constantinople. Leo I, 457-474 A.D. 317 A" Solidus. Constantinople. BYZANTINE EMPIRE Zeno, 474-496 A.D. 318 AT Solidus. Uncertain mint. Anastasius I, 491-518 A.D. 319 N Solidus. Constantinople. 320 N Solidus. {Rev.) Constantinople. 321 A^ y 2 Solidus. Constantinople. Justinus I, 518-527 A.D. 322 N Solidus. Constantinople. 323 N Solidus. (Rev.) Constantinople. 324 N Solidus. (Rev.) Rome. Justinian I, 527-566 A.D. 325 N Solidus. Constantinople. 326 N Solidus. Constantinople. Justinus II, 565-578 A.D. 327 N Solidus. Constantinople. Tiberius II (Constantinus), 574-582 A.D. 328 N Solidus. Constantinople. Phocas, 602-610 A.D. 329 N Solidus. Constantinople. Heraclius I, 610-641 A.D. 330 N Solidus. Constantinople. 331 AT y 2 Solidus. Constantinople. 17 Heraclius I and Heraclius Constantine, 641 A.D. 332 N Solidus. Rome. Heraclius I, Heraclius Constantine, and Heracleonas, 641 A.D. 333 AT Solidus. Constantinople. Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine, and Heracleonas, 638-641 A.D. 334 N Solidus. {Rev.) Constantinople. Constant II, 641-668 A.D. 335 N Solidus. Constantinople. 336 N Solidus ; small diameter, globular. Carthage. 337 N Solidus. Constantinople. Constant II and Constantine IV (Pogonatus), 668-685 A.D. 338 N Solidus. Constantinople. Constantine IV (Pogonatus) and Heraclius Liberius, 668-669 A.D. 339 N Solidus. Constantinople. Liberius V, 698-705 A.D. 340 N Solidus. Constantinople. Leo III and Constantine V (Copronymus), circa 741 A.D. 341 N Solidus. Constantinople. 342 N y 2 Solidus. Constantinople. Theophilus, son of Michael II, 829-842 A.D. 343 N Solidus. Constantinople. Constantine X (Porphyrogenetus) and Romain II, circa 950 A.D. 344 N Solidus. Constantinople. Constantine XII (Monomachus), 1042-1055 A.D. 345 N Solidus ; concave. Constantinople. John II (Comnenus Porphyrogenetus), 1118-1144 A.D. 346 N Solidus ; concave. Constantinople. FRANCE Burgundy (Duchy). Philip the Good, 1419-1467. 347 N Chaise. Kingdom. Philip VI of Valois, 1328-1350. 348 N Royal. Edward III of England, 1327-1377. 349 N Pavilion. 18 John the Good, 1 350-1 364. 350 N Franc. 351 N Mouton. Charles V, 1 364-1 380. 352 N Franc-a-pied. Henry VI of England, 1422-1461. Anglo-Gallic. 353 N Salute. 354 Same. {Rev.) Louis XII, 1498-15 1 5. 355 N Ecu aux pores-epics. Henry II, 1547-15 59. 356 M Teston. 1554. Henry III, 1574-1589. 357 N Demi-ecu. 1607. Henry IV, 1 589-1610. 358 M Demi-ecu piedfort. 1607. Louis XIII, 1610-1648. 359 M £cu. 1640. 360 N Louis. 1643. Louis XIV, 1643-1715. 361 M £cu. 1652. 362 N Louis. 1695. Louis XV, 171 5-1 774. 363 M £cu. 1718. 364 M £cu. 1725. 365 Similar. 1726. 366 N Louis. 1727. Louis XVI, 1774-1793. 367 M. Franc. 1784. 368 M £cu. 1775. 369 A^ Twenty francs. 1775. 370 M Ecu. 1786. 371 N Twenty francs. 1790 372 Similar. 1787. {Rev.) 373 M £cu. 1792. 19 375 N 376 M 377 N 378 N 379 M 38o N 381 - Republic, 1793-1814. Six livres. 1794. Twenty francs. 1804. Five francs. 1804. Twenty francs. 1805. Twenty francs. 1806. Five francs. 1806. Twenty francs. 1813. Similar. 1814. (Rev.) Louis XVIII, First Restoration, 1814. 382 N Twenty francs. 1814. Napoleon. 383 N Twenty francs. 1815. Louis XVIII, 181 5-1824. 384 N Twenty francs. 1819. 385 M Five francs. 1824. 386 A^ Twenty francs. 1824. Charles X, 1824-1830. 387 N Twenty francs. 1825. 388 M Five francs. 1825. Louis Philippe I, 1830-1848. 389 N Twenty francs. 1831. 390 N Twenty francs. 1843. Second Republic, 1 848-1851. 391 N Twenty francs. 1849. 392 N Twenty francs. 1851. 393 JR Five francs. 1851. 394 N Ten francs. 1851. Louis Napoleon, President, 1851-1852. 395 N Twenty francs. 1852. Napoleon III, 1852-1867. Twenty francs. 1854. Five francs. 1854. Five francs. 1854. Twenty francs. 1857. One hundred francs. 1859. 20 396 AT 397 N 398 M 399 N 400 N 401 N Ten francs. 1866. 402 A^ Five francs. 1866. (Rev.) 403 M Five francs. 1867. 404 N Twenty francs. 1867. Third Republic, 1870- 405 M Five francs. 1870. 406 M Five francs. 1877. 407 N One hundred francs. 1886. 408 N Ten francs. 1896. 409 N Twenty francs. 1896. 410 N Twenty francs. 1899. 411 N Ten francs. 1896. 412 N Ten francs. 1899. (Rev.) ENGLAND The early Britons issued a coinage the types of which were copied, as in Gaul, from Macedonian gold staters. English coinage proper begins with the Anglo-Saxon sceats and pennies. The kings retained, as a regal prerogative, the right to have their portraits on coins. Feudal and episcopal issues, so common elsewhere in Europe, are rarely known in England. Brigantes, circa 200 B.C. 413 N Stater. A coin of the ancient Britons of the Yorkshire dis- trict, having as types an unintelligible legend and a rude disjointed horse, debased imitation of the stater of Philip II of Macedon. Between this period and the Anglo-Saxon, Roman coins were probably used. Aethelstan, 925-941. 413a M Penny. Aethelred, 978-1016. 414 M Penny. Cnut, 1016-1035. 415 M Penny. Hardacnut, 1035-1041. 416 M Penny. 21 William I, 1066-1087. 417 M Penny. William II, 1087-1100. 418 M Penny. Henry III, 1216-1272. 419 M Penny. Edward I, 1272-1307. 420 M Penny. Edward III, 1 327-1 377. 421 AT Noble. Gold coinage was inaugurated in this reign. Henry IV, 1399-1413. 422 M Groat. The groat, or fourpenny piece, was copied from the "gros tournois," or ''great piece struck at Tours/' of Louis IX. Henry V, 1413-1422. 423 M Groat. Henry VI, 1 422-1 461. 424 N Noble. Edward IV, 1461-1483. 425 N Rose noble, or ryal. Obverse similar to the noble, rose on side of the ship. r Edward V, 1483. 426 M Groat. Richard III, 1483-1485. 427 M Groat. Henry VII, 1485-1509. 428 N Angel. The archangel Michael spearing a dragon. Henry VIII, 1 509-1 547. 429 N "Crown of the rose." This is the exceedingly rare piece published in the Amer. Jour, of Num., 1910, Vol. XLIV, I. Only one other example is thus far known. It is as rare as the ryal of Henry VII, of which only three are known. The reverse, showing the new type, is exhibited as more interesting than the crowned shield which forms the ob- verse. 22 430 N Sovereign. Mint-mark, fleur-de-lis, on both sides. 431 M Groat. Edward VI, 1 547-1553- 432 M Crown. 1551. The silver crown was introduced in this reign. Dates now begin to be added to coins. Elizabeth, 15 58-1 603. 433 2R Shilling. 434 N Sovereign. 435 M Crown. 1601. Issued only in 1601 and 1602. James I, 1603- 162 5. 436 N Unite, or sovereign, so-called "scepter," twenty shillings. 437 N Double crown, or eleven shillings. 438 N Unite. 439 N Unite. {Rev.) Charles I, 1625-1649. 440 N Unite. 1633. Above the crown, at the end of the legend, "B," the mark of Nicholas Briot, a French die-sinker, who was made engraver to the English Mint in 1633. 441 N Unite, or broad, twenty shillings. 442 N Uncertain unite, no date nor mark of value. Nos. 441 and 442 are "milled" pieces, that is, made by machinery, as distinguished from "hammered," money made by hand. Mill money derives its name from the circumstance that at first the power to drive the screw- press was supplied by a mill. The coins have more perfect circularity, and are usually marked by the absence of the inner circle seen on hammered coins. In Elizabeth's time mechanical aids for striking coins were in use for a few years, but hammered money was not superseded by ma- chine-made coins until 1662. 443 M Crown. 1642. 444 M Half-pound piece, ten shillings. 1642. This coin and the following numbers, 446-9, were made at the Oxford and Aberystwith mints. No. 449 is known as "the Oxford pound," bearing OX on the reverse. The pound and half-pound pieces were struck in silver in con- sequence of the scarcity of gold. 445 N Triple unite, or three-pound piece. 1643. 446 N Similar. 1642. (Rev.) The motto on the reverse, "The preservation of the Protestant religion, the laws of the land, and the freedom of Parliament," gave to these coins the name of "Declaration type." 23 447 & Pound, twenty shillings. 1643. 448 M Pound. 1643. {Rev.) 449 M Pound. 1644. (Rev.) Commonwealth, 1 649-1 660. 450 N Unite, twenty shillings. 1653. Protectorate, 1653-1658. 451 N Broad, twenty shillings. 1656. A milled coin by Thomas Simon. It is uncertain whether the coins with the por- trait of Cromwell were ever in circulation. Edge inscriptions appear frequently with the introduc- tion of machinery. Charles II, 1 660-1 685. 452 N "Touch-piece." SOLI DEO GLORIA. The archangel Michael spearing a dragon. Rev. A ship. This piece was worn as a talisman by persons who had been touched by the sovereign for the king's evil. The piece which Queen Anne presented to Dr. Johnson is pre- served in the British Museum. This is the last occasion on which the ceremony was performed. 453 N Guinea. 1665. The name "guinea" was given to these pieces because some were struck in gold brought from Guinea. 454 N Five-guinea piece. 1676. Mint-mark, an elephant, the device of the African Company, which imported the gold from Guinea. James II, 1685-1689. 455 N Five sovereigns. 1687. 456 N Guinea. 1688. William and Mary, 1 689-1 694. 457 N Five sovereigns. 1694. William III, 1694-1702. 458 7R. Crown. 1696. 459 N Guinea. 1701. Anne, 1702-17 14. 460 M Crown. 1707. 461 M Crown. I7I3- (Rev.) 462 N Guinea. 1708. 463 N Guinea. 1710. (Rev.) 24 ?>*$mp£ Plate IV 468 N 469 N 470 N 47i N George I, 17 14-1727. 464 N Guinea. 1715. George II, 1 727-1 760. 465 M Crown. 1746. Marked LIMA. Coined from gold cap- tured at Lima. 466 N Guinea. 1759. George III, 1760-1820. Guinea. 1775. Guinea. 1776. (Rev.) Spade-guinea. 1769. Name derived from the shape of the shield. (Rev.) One third of a guinea, seven shillings. 1806. Guinea. 1817. George IV, 1820-1830. 471a A^ Sovereign. 1821. Obverse and reverse (St. George and the dragon) were designed by Benedetto Pistrucci. 472 M Crown. 1821. 473 M Crown. 1821. (Rev.) 474 N Double sovereign. 1823. By J. B. Merlen. William IV, 1830-1837. 475 A^ Sovereign. 1832. By W. Wyon. 476 N Double sovereign. 1831. (Rev.) Victoria, 1837-1901. 477 M Crown. 1844. Young head by W. Wyon. 478 M "Godless" florin. 1849. B y W. Wyon. The words "Dei Gratia" were omitted after the queen's name, and the coin was therefore dubbed "godless." A parallel to this popular sentiment is to be found in the hue and cry raised over the omission of the familiar motto from the early issues of our Saint-Gaudens's gold. 479 M "Gothic" crown. 1857. 480 A" Half-sovereign. 1859. 481 N Sovereign. 1863. (Rev.) 482 N Five sovereigns. 1887. "Jubilee" head by Sir Edgar Boehm. 483 N Double sovereign. 1887. (Rev.) By Pistrucci. 484 N Sovereign. 1887. 485 N Half-sovereign. 1887. 486 M Crown. 1887. 25 487 M Double florin, four shillings, 1887. Not struck after 1890. 488 M Half-crown. 1887. 489 M Florin. 1887. 490 M Shilling. 1887. 491 M Sixpence. 1887. 492 N Five sovereigns. 1893. Latest head, by T. Brock, with INDIAE IMPERATRIX. 493 N Double sovereign. 1893. {Rev.) 494 N Sovereign. 1893. 495 N Half-sovereign. 1893. 496 M Crown. 1893. 497 M Half-crown. 1893. (Rev.) Marked with value. 498 M Florin. 1893. (Rev.) 498a M Shilling. 1893. (Rev.) 498b M Half-shilling. 1893. (Rev.) Edward VII, 1901- 499 M Pattern crown, designed by Messrs. Spink & Son. 500 N Five sovereigns. 1902. Proof, dull finish. 501 N Double sovereign. 1902. (Rev.) By G. W. De Saulles. 502 N Sovereign. 1902. (Rev.) 503 N Half-sovereign. 1902. 504 M Crown. 1902. 505 M Half-crown. 1902. (Rev.) 506 M Florin. 1902. (Rev.) Britannia on the prow of a ship. 507 M Shilling. 1902. 508 M Sixpence. 1902. 509 N Sovereign. 1902. By G. W. De Saulles. 510 M Half-crown. 1909. 511 M Florin. 1909. (Rev.) 512 M Shilling. 1909. (Rev.) 513 M Sixpence. 1909. (Rev.) Maundy Sets. These silver coins of four-, three-, two-, and one- pence were distributed for the king, as alms to poor people, each year on Maundy Thursday. The coins are still issued. (The three, two, and one denominations are shown in reverse.) 514 Charles II, no date. Head crowned. 515 !673- Laureate head. 516 James II, 1686. 26 517 William and Mary, 1691. 518 William III, 1699. 519 Anne, 1708. 520 George I, 1727. 521 George II, 1740. 522 George III, 1763. 523 George IV, 1829. 524 William IV, 1834. 525 Victoria, 1840. Young head. 526 1890. Jubilee head. 527 1901. Latest head. 528 Edward VII, 1902. Proof, dull finish. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM (NETHERLANDS) The coinage of the Netherlands, or Low Countries, presents con- siderable diversity: for such a limited territory, the number of issuing authorities — counts, dukes, episcopal powers, and inde- pendent towns — is very large. COUNTY OF FLANDERS Louis II of Maele, 1 346-1 384. 529 AT Chaise. DUCHY OF BRABANT Philip the Good, 1419-1467. 530 N Rijder. Struck at Antwerp by Philip the Good of Bur- gundy. Charles V, Roman Emperor, 1520-155 5. 531 N Florin. 1543. Dated piece struck at Antwerp. Anton Fugger, Seigneur of Weissenhorn, 1 530-1555. 532 N Florin. The States of Brabant. 533 M Crown. 1584. The States were in revolt against Philip II of Spain. Albert and Isabella of Spain, 1 598-1 621. 534 M Double ducaton. 1619. Philip IV, 1621-1665. 535 7R Ducaton. 1634. 27 542 M 543 N 544 N 545 2SL 54& M 536 M Patagon. 1653. 537 M Ducaton. 1660. 538 M Ducaton. 1660. (Rev.) 539 M Double ducaton. 1660. Philip V, 1700-1711. 540 M Ducaton Piedfort. 1704. The mint-mark, a hand below the head; struck at Antwerp. HOLLAND United Provinces, 1 581-1806. 541 M Leijcesterdaalder. 1586. A coin struck in the year that the Earl of Leicester landed in the Low Countries for the purpose of assisting the Republic of the United Provinces in the war against Spain. On the reverse are the shields of the six provinces over which Leicester assumed control. Rijksdaalder. 1652. A counterstamp with date, 1655 (?). Double ducat. 1654. Netherlands type. Ducat. 1657. (Rev.) Double ducaton. 1672. Double ducaton. 1673. (Rev.) WEST FRIESLAND United Provinces, 1 581-1806. 547 M Rijksdaalder. 1677. GUELDER Philip II of Spain. 548 2R Ducaton Piedfort. Struck at Nymwegen. No date. 549 M Ducaton Piedfort. 1567. (Rev.) ZEELAND 550 M Doubledaalder of 10 Schellingstuk. 1690. GRONINGEN AND OMMELAND 551 M Gulden (Achtenwintig, or 28-piece). 1692. UTRECHT Bishopric of Utrecht. Frederick of Blankenheim, 1 393-1423. 552 N Florin. 28 United Provinces. 553 M Double ducaton. 1659. 554 M Double ducaton. 1775. (Rev.) OVERYSSEL 555 N Rijder. 1616. KINGDOM OF HOLLAND AND THE NETHERLANDS Louis Napoleon, 1806-1810. 556 M Rijksdaalder. 1808. 557 N Ducat. 1809. William II, 1 840-1 849. 558 M Thaler (2^/2 gulden). 1848. William III, 1849-1890. 559 M Thaler (2^ gulden). 1869. 560 M Thaler (2 T / 2 gulden). 1874. (Rev.) Wilhelmina, 1890- 561 N Ten gulden. 1895. 562 M Thaler (2^/2 gulden). 1898. 563 JR Gulden. 1901. (Rev.) DUTCH EAST INDIES The following coins were struck in the Provinces for use in the Colonies. 564 M Four reals. 1601. Struck at Amsterdam. 565 M Ducaton. 1728. Struck in West Friesland. BELGIUM Leopold I, 1831-1865. 566 M Five francs. 1850. 567 ^R Five francs. 185 1. (Rev.) 568 N Twenty francs. 1! Leopold II, 1865-1909. 569 .¥ Twenty francs. 1871. 570 N Twenty francs. 1874. (Rev.) 571 M Five francs. 1873. 29 Luxembourg (Duchy) William I (of the Netherlands), 18 14-1840. 572 N Twenty francs. 1815. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was under the Dutch crown from 181 5 to 1867. GERMANY The Electoral Circles circle of the lower rhine 573 Mainz (Archbishopric). Ferdinand Charles Joseph. M. Thaler. 1794. 574 Cologne (Archbishopric). Salentin de Salm. M Thaler. 1572. 575 Gebhard II. M y 2 Klippethaler. 1581. 576 N Florin. 577 Palatinate. Friedrich III, the Pious. M Thaler. 1567. CIRCLE OF THE UPPER RHINE 578 Worms (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1617. 579 Hesse-Cassel (Landgraviate). Wilhelm V. M Double thaler. 1629. 580 Frankfurt (Imperial City). N Florin. 1496. 581 M Thaler. 1772. 582 N Contribution ducat. 583 Simmern (Principality). AT Ducat. 1578. 584 Same. (Rev.) CIRCLE OF WESTPHALIA 585 Munster. M Thaler. 1534. Obsidional piece of the Anabaptists. 586 Similar. Later restitution. (Rev.) 587 (Bishopric.) Christopher Bernard. M Broad thaler. 1661. 588 Same. (Rev.) 589 Sede vacante. M Thaler. 1688. 590 Cambrai (Archbishopric). Maximilian de Berghes. N Florin. 591 Osnabruck (Bishopric). Ernst August. M Broad double thaler. 1680. 592 Nassau (Principality). The Five Princes of Herborn. M Thaler. 1681. 30 593 Homes (County). Philip de Montmorency. M Thaler. 1568. 594 Similar. (Rev.) 595 Cologne (Imperial City). Caspar, Balthasar, and Melchior. M Ursula thaler. 596 M Klippethaler. 1592. 597 Deventer, Campen, and Zwolle (Imperial Cities). M Thaler. 1555. 598 Groningen (Imperial City). M Klippethaler. 1601. 599 Embden (City). M Thaler. 1674. CIRCLE OF LOWER SAXONY Brunswick-Luneburg — Line at Wolfenbuttel 600 Heinrich, 15 19-1568. M Thaler. 1547. 601 Julius, 1 568-1 589. M Sterbethaler. 1589. 602 Heinrich Julius, 1 589-161 3. M Thaler. 1590. 603 M Rebellenthaler. 1595. 604 Same. (Rev.) 605 M Triple thaler. 1608. 606 M Ten thaler. 1620. 607 Friedrich Wilhelm. M Double Schauthaler, so-called St. Ja- cob's or Lautenthal Ausbeutethaler. 1625. 608 M Lautenthal thaler. 1633. 609 Friedrich Ulrich, 1613-1634. M Glucksthaler. c. 1635. Brunswick-Luneburg— New Line Wolfenbuttel 610 August, 1635-1666. M Double thaler. 1655. 611 Same. (Rev.) 612 M Five-thaler piece, commemorating Duke August's birth- day. 1666. 613 M Double thaler. 1616. 614 Rudolph August, 1666-1685. M Triple thaler. 1685. 615 M Double thaler. 1686. 616 Anton Ulrich, 1704-1714. M Quadruple thaler, commemorating the death of his oldest son, August Friedrich. Brunswick-Luneburg — New Line Luneburg 617 Georg (Calenburg), 1635-1641. M Double thaler. 1634. 618 Friedrich (Middle Line Luneburg), 1636-1648. M Triple thaler. 1647. 619 Christian Ludwig (Celle), 1648-1665. M Quadruple Ausbeute- thaler. 1657. 31 620 M Triple thaler. 1663. 621 Georg Wilhelm (Celle), 1648-1665. M 1 %. Thaler. 1662. 622 Johann Friedrich, 1665-1679. M Double thaler. 1671. 623 M Six-thaler piece. 1677. 624 M Triple thaler, commemorating the duke's burial. 1679. 625 M Six-thaler piece, same subject. 1679. 626 Ernst August, 1679-1698. M Ausbeutethaler, 1685. 627 Liibeck (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1537. 628 Same. (Rev.) 629 Hamburg (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1694. 630 M Double thaler. Without year. SI DEVS PRONOBIS, etc. 631 Bremen (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1660. 632 Goslar (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1622. 633 Magdeburg (City). M Interimsthaler. Without year. 634 N Ducat. 1638. CIRCLE OF FRANCONIA 635 Bamberg (Bishopric). Christian Franz, 1795-1802. M Thaler. 1800. 636 Lothar Franz von Schoenborn, 1693-1 729. N Ducat. 1696. 637 Wtirzburg (Bishopric). Johann Philip I, 1642-1673. M Thaler. 1652. 638 Franz Ludwig von Erthal, 1779-1795. M Double thaler. 1786. 639 Eichstadt (Bishopric). Sede vacante. M Double thaler. 1790. 640 Franconian Possessions of the House of Brandenburg. Friedrich (Ansbach I), 1486-1515. N Ducat. 1500. 641 Friedrich (Ansbach I) and Sigismund (Bayreuth I), 1486- 1515. N Ducat. 642 Albrecht (Ansbach II), 1634-1667. N Ducat. 643 Same. (Rev.) 644 Joachim Ernst (Ansbach II), 1603-1625. M Thaler. 1620. 645 Friedrich, Albrecht, and Christian (Ansbach II). M Thaler. 1627. 646 Same. (Rev.) 647 Christian I, 1643. N Ducat. 1642. 648 Georg Wilhelm (Brandenburg), 1712-1726. M Reformation Jubilee thaler. 1730. 649 Teutonic Order. Maximilian I of Austria, 1590-1618. M Thaler. 1611. 32 713 — obverse 13 — reverse ; 690 — obverse Plate V 650 Similar. M Double thaler. 1614. 651 Charles I of Austria, 1619-1624. M Thaler. 1624. 652 Schwarzenberg (County). Ferdinand and Maria Anne of Sulz, 1683-1698. M Thaler. 1696. 653 Same. (Rev.) 654 Hohenlohe (Principality). Johann Friedrich I, (Oehringen), 1641-1702. M Thaler. 1696. 655 Wolfgang Julius (Neuenstein), 1641-1698. M Thaler. 1697. 656 Same. (Rev.) 657 Saxe-Henneberg (County). Dukes of the Ernestine Line (II- menau), 1691-1702. ^R Thaler. 1693. 658 Similar. M Thaler. 1696. (Rev.) 659 Nuremberg (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1634. 660 N Four ducats. 1698. 661 N Klippe % ducat. 1700. CIRCLE OF BAVARIA 662 Salzburg (Archbishopric). Mathias Lange von Wellenburg, 1519-1540. M Thaler. 1522. 663 Johann Jakob Khuen von Belasy, 1 560-1 586. N Double ducat. 1577. 664 Mark Sittich von Hohenems, 1612-1619. M Klippethaler 1614. 665 Paris von Lodron, 1619-1653. M Thaler. 1628. 666 Similar. M y 2 Thaler. (Rev.) 667 Johann Ernst von Thun, 1687-1 709. M Thaler. 1705. 668 Passau (Bishopric). Johann Philip von Lamberg, 1689-1712. M Thaler. 1712. 669 Bavaria (Duchy). Maximilian II Emanuel, 1679-1704. M Thaler. 1694. 6y Same. (Rev.) 671 Neuburg and Sulzbach (Principalities). Wolfgang Wilhelm, 1614-1653. M Thaler. 1623. 672 Ratisbon (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1793. CIRCLE OF SWABIA 673 Wurtemberg (Duchy). Ulrich, 1504-1519. M Thaler. 1507. 674 (Under Austria). N Ducat. 1520. Head of Charles V (Stuttgart). 675 Same. (Rev.) 676 Eberhard Ludwig, 1693-1733. M Thaler. 1694. 33 677 & Double thaler. 1694. (Rev.) 678 Wurtemberg-Oels. Elizabeth Maria. M Thaler. 1686. 679 Stuttgart. N Klippeducat. 680 Augsburg (Imperial City). M Guldenthaler (60 kreuzer). 1574. 681 M Thaler. 1642. 682 M "Schraubthaler." 1694. 683 M Double thaler. 1740. 684 Konigsegg (County). Four sons of Albert Eusebius. M Thaler. 1759- 685 Ravensburg (City). M Thaler. 1624. 686 Halle-in-Swabia (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1746. 687 Ulm (Imperial City). M Thaler. 1620. 688 N Ducat. 1704. 689 Furstenburg (Principality). Joseph Maria Benoit, 1 783-1 796. M Ausbeutethaler. 1790. CIRCLE OF UPPER SAXONY Saxony (Duchy) Ernestine Line 690 Friedrich III, the Wise, 1 486-1 525. M Double thaler, of medallic style. 1 5 19. FRID ■ DUX • SAX— ELECT ■ IMPERI— QUE LOCUM TE— NES GENERAL. 691 Friedrich III, the Wise, and Johann. M y 2 Thaler. 1525. 692 Johann Friedrich, 1532-1554. M Double thaler. 1539. 693 Same. (Rev.) 694 Johann Friedrich and Maurice, of the Albertine Line, 1 542-1 547. M Double thaler. 1545. 695 OldGotha. Johann Casimir, 1 570-1633. M Double thaler. 1625. 696 Old Altenburg. Johann Philip, Friedrich, Johann Wilhelm, and Friedrich Wilhelm II, 1603-1625. M Thaler. 1624. 697 Same. (Rev.) 698 Johann Philip. N Ducat. 1639. 699 New Gotha. (Line at Gotha.) Friedrich I, 1680-1691. M Schau- thaler, without year, signed I. G. W. (J. G. Wichmannshausen). 700 Johann Wilhelm. 2R Thaler. 1707. 701 Friedrich III, 1 732-1 772. M Thaler. 1764. 702 (Line at Meiningen.) Ernst Ludwig and Elizabeth Sophia, 1706-1724. A^ Ducat. 1714. 703 (Line at Coburg.) Ernst Friedrich, 1764-1800. M Thaler. 1765- 704 Middle Weimar. Eight sons of John, 1605-1619. ^R Thaler. 1611. 705 Bernhard. M Thaler. 1655. 34 Alb er tine Line 706 Albrecht I, 148 5-1 500. N Ducat. 707 Christian I, 1 586-1 591. M Thaler. 1592. 708 Christian II, 1601-161 1. M Double thaler. 1608. 709 M Thaler. 161 1. 710 Johann Georg I, 1615-1656. M Thaler. 1617. 711 M Triple thaler. 1628. j I2 m Klippethaler. 1630. 713 A" Four ducats. Jubilee of the Reformation. 1630. 714 M Double thaler. 1650. 715 M Sterbethaler. 1656. 716 M Thaler. 1657. 717 Johann Georg II, 1656-1680. ^R. Thaler. 1664. 718 Johann Georg III, 1680-1691. M Thaler. 1691. 719 Same. (Rev.) 720 Johann Georg IV, 1691-1694. M Pyramidthaler. 1694. 721 Friedrich August I, 1694-1733. M Vicariatsthaler. 1711 722 Pomerania (Duchy). Bogislaus XIV, 1620-1637. M Thaler. 1633. 723 Stolberg (County). Johann Martin I, 1638-1689. M Double thaler. 1650. 724 Quedlinburg (Abbey). Anna Sophie of Birkenfeld, 1645-1680. M Thaler. 1677. 725 Anna Dorothea, 1 684-1 704. M Thaler. 1704. BRANDENBURG-PRUSSIA, GERMANY 726 Brandenburg (Electoral Margraviate). Georg Wilhelm, 1619- 1640. M Double thaler. 1631. 727 Friedrich Wilhelm, 1640-1688. M Double thaler, without year. 728 AT Triple ducat, Victory at Warsaw. 1656. 729 Same. (Rev.) 730 Louise Henriette, wife of Friedrich Wilhelm. M Thaler. 1667. 731 H Double ducat, by Chr. Sutro. 1677. 732 N Guinea ducat. 1683. 733 Similar. 1687. (Rev.) 734 Friedrich I, 1701-1713. M Thaler. 171 1. 735 Friedrich Wilhelm I, 17 13-1740. N Ducat. 1740. 736 Friedrich II, 1 740-1 786. N Ducat. 1740. 35 737 -2R Piaster of the Royal Prussian Asiatic Company of Emb- den. 1751. 738 Same. {Rev.) 739 Friedrich Wilhelm III, 1797-1840. M Thaler. 1830. 740 Friedrich Wilhelm IV, 1840-1861. M Double thaler. 1845. 741 Wilhelm I, 1861-1888. M Coronation thaler. 1861. 742 M Double Vereinsthaler. 1870. 743 AT Twenty marks. 1873. 744 Friedrich III. N Twenty marks. 1888. 745 Wilhelm II, 1888- . M Bismarck thaler. 1894. 746 N Twenty marks. 1897. 747 M Five marks, Second Centenary of the kingdom of Prus- sia. 1901. 748 Waldeck and Pyrmont (Principalities). Georg Heinrich, 1813- 1845. & Double thaler. 1842. 749 Saxe-Weimar (Grand Duchy). Carl Friedrich, 1828-1853. M Double thaler. 1842. 750 Saxe-Meiningen (Duchy). Bernhard, 1803-1866. M Double thaler. 1843. 751 Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Duchy). Ernst I, 1806-1844. M Double thaler. 1843. 752 Brunswick-Wolfenbtittel. Carl III, 1815-1830. N Double thaler. 1829. 753 Wilhelm, 1 830-1 884. M Double thaler. 1856. 754 Nassau (Duchy). Adolph, 1839-1866. M Thaler. 1859. 755 Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Grand Duchy). Friedrich Franz, 1842- 1883. M Thaler. 1867. 756 Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (Principality). Gunther Friedrich Carl II, 1835-1880. M Double thaler. 1841. 757 Hesse-Darmstadt (Grand Duchy). Ludwig II, 1830-1848. M Double thaler. 1844. 758 Hesse (Electoral Principality). Friedrich Wilhelm I, 1847-1866. M Thaler. 1858. 759 Hesse-Homburg (Landgraviate). Ferdinand, 1848-1866. M Thaler. 1862. 760 Oldenburg (Grand Duchy). Nicolaus Friedrich Peter, 1853- 1900. M Thaler, i860. 761 Saxony (Kingdom). Friedrich August I, 1763-1827. N Ten thalers. 1812. 762 M Double thaler. 1851. 763 Johann, 1854-1873. M Thaler. 1872. 764 Albrecht, 1 873-1902. N Five marks. 1877. 36 765 Bavaria (Kingdom). Otto, 1886. N Ten marks. 1893. 766 Wurtemberg (Kingdom). Wilhelm II, 1891. N Ten marks. 1900. 767 Frankfurt. M Double thaler. 1866. 768 Hanover. N Ten thalers. 1839. 769 Georg V (George I of Greece). M Double thaler. 1855. 770 Hamburg. N Double ducat. 1808. 771 Liibeck. N Ten marks. 1901. CIRCLE OF AUSTRIA 772 Tyrol. Ferdinand, 1 564-1 595. M Double thaler. 1595. 773 Leopold and Claudia, 1625-1632. M Double thaler. 1626. 774 Leopold. M Thaler. 1632. 775 Ferdinand Charles, 1632-1662. M Thaler. 1654. 776 Same. (Rev.) 777 & Double thaler, without year. 778 Dietrichstein. Sigismund Ludwig. M Thaler. 1638. ROMAN-GERMAN EMPIRE, AUSTRIA 779 Archduke Sigismund, 1439-1496. 7R y 2 Thaler. 1484. 780 Maximilian I, 1486-1519. M Broad double thaler. 1509. 781 Charles V (Carinthia), 1515-1558. N Ducat. 1570. 782 N Ducat (Carinthia). 1582. (Rev.) 783 N Double ducat. 784 Similar. (Rev.) 785 N Ducat. 786 Charles V and Ferdinand I. M Gulden. 1531. 787 Maximilian, Charles, Ferdinand. M Thaler. 1590. 788 Rudolph II, 1576-1612. M Double thaler. 1604. 789 M Triple thaler. 1604. (Rev.) 790 M Thaler. 1610. 791 Ferdinand II, 1619-1637. M Double thaler. 1621. 792 M Double thaler. 1631. 793 Ferdinand III, 1637-1657. M Thaler. 1657. 794 M Double thaler (unusually broad), 1641. 795 Leopold I, 1658-1705. M Double thaler, without year. 796 M Broad double thaler. 1675. 797 ^R Thaler, Relief of Vienna. 1683. 798 Same. (Rev.) 37 799 Joseph I, 1705-1711. M Double thaler, without year. 800 Charles VI, 171 1-1 740. M Thaler. 1737. 801 Charles VII, 1740-1745. N Coronation ducat. 1742. 802 M Thaler. 1743. 803 Maria Theresia, 1 740-1 780. M Thaler. 1744. 804 M Thaler. 1780. 805 Franz II (Franz I as Roman Emperor), 1792-1835. M Thaler. 1802. 806 N Ducat. 1809. 807 M Two gulden. 1833. 808 Ferdinand I, 1835-1848. M Two gulden. 1840. (Rev.) 809 Franz Joseph I, 1848- . JR Double thaler. 1857. 810 N Four thalers. 1858. Trial piece. 811 M Double thaler. 1867. 812 Hungary (Kremnitz-Bergstadt). N 20 francs. 1880. 813 N 20 Kronen. 1892. 814 M. Jubilee thaler. 1908. 815 A^ 20 Kronen. 1908. HUNGARY 816 Ludwig I, 1 342-1 382. A" Ducat. 817 Sigismund, 1387-1437. A" Ducat. 818 Ladislaus II Jagiello, 1495-1516. M Thaler. 1506. 819 Ludwig II, 1516-1526. N Ducat. 1518. 820 Maximilian II, 1 564-1 576. A" Ducat. 1576. 821 Rudolph II, 1576-1608. N Ducat. 1589. 822 M Thaler. 1604. 823 Mathias II, 1608-1619. M y 2 Thaler. 161 1. 824 Ferdinand II, 1619-1637. N Ducat. 1618. 825 M Thaler. 1631. 826 — M Thaler. 1632. (Rev.) 827 Ferdinand III, 1637-1657. M Thaler. 1648. 828 Leopold I, 1656-1705. M Klippethaler. 1668. 829 M Thaler. 1698. 830 The Malcontents, 1 704-1707. 7R Gulden. 1704. 831 -Same. (Rev.) 832 Maria Theresia, 1740-1780. N Ducat. 1705. 833 M Thaler. 1747. 834 M Thaler. 1780. 38 835 Transylvania (Principality). Sigismund Bathori, 1 581-1598. M Thaler. 1594. 836 M Thaler. 1595. (Rev.) 837 Gabriel Bathori, 1608-1613. JR (gilt) Thaler. 1612. Kron- stadt. 838 M One-sided necessity thaler. 161 1. Hermannstadt. 839 ■ Gabriel Bethlen, 1 61 3-1 629. M Thaler. 1619. 840 M Thaler. 1621. 841 M Klippethaler. 1627. 842 M Thaler. 1629. 843 Georg Rakoczi, 1649-1660. M Thaler. 1649. 844 M Thaler. 1650. (Rev.) 845 M Thaler. 1658. 846 Same. (Rev.) 847 Achatius Bartsay, 1658-1661. M Thaler. 1659. 848 M Thaler. 1660. 849 Michael Afafi, 1661-1690. M Thaler. 1663. 850 M Thaler. 1672. 851 M Hexagonal Klippethaler. 1684. Weissenburg. 852 Clausenburg. N Ducat. 1705. 853 Kronstadt. JR Klippethaler. 1601. 854 Hermannstadt. M Thaler. 1605. 855 Batthyani (Principality). Ludwig, 1 787-1806. M Thaler. 1788. POLAND 856 Sigismund III, 1 587-1632. M Thaler. 1627. 857 Vladislaus IV, 1632-1648. M Thaler. 1641. 858 M Thaler. 1642. (Rev.) 859 Michael Korybut, 1669-1673. M Thaler. 1673. 860 August II, 1697-1733. N Double ducat. 1697. 861 M Thaler. 1702. 862 Stanislaus August, 1 764-1 795. M Thaler. 1766. 863 M Thaler. 1783. 864 Danzig. M Thaler. 1577. 865 A^ Ducat. 1577. 866 M Thaler. 1639. 867 M Thaler. 1648. (Rev.) 868 M Double thaler. 1650. 869 Elbing. M Thaler. 1635. 870 M Thaler. 1636. (Rev.) 39 871 M Thaler. 1651. 872 Thorn. M Thaler. 1629. So-called Brandthaler. 873 M Thaler. 1634. 874 M Thaler. 1649. 875 Same. (Rev.) BOHEMIA 876 Ludwig I, 1 5 16-1526. M Thaler, without year. 877 m Thaler. 1526. 878 Mathias II, 1612-1619. M Thaler. 1610. 879 M Thaler. 1611. (Rev.) 880 Interregnum, 1618-1620. M % Thaler. 1619. 881 Friedrich V, Count Palatine, 1619-1620. M Thaler. 1620. 882 Ferdinand II, 1617-1637. N Ducat. 1621. 883 Ferdinand III, 1637-1657. M Thaler. 1654. 884 Schlick (County). Stephan, 15 19-1528. M Thaler. 1526. 885 Crummau (Duchy). Johann Christian and Johann Seyfried, 1649-1664, Princes of Eggenberg. ^R. Thaler. 1658. MORAVIA 886 Olmiitz (Bishopric). Carl III of Lothringen, 1695-1711. /R Thaler. 1706. 887 Wolfgang von Schrattenbach, 171 1-1738. M Thaler. 1716. SILESIA 888 Sagan. Albrecht von Wallenstein, Duke of Mecklenburg, 1626- 1634. N Ducat. 1631. 889 Munsterberg-Oels (Duchy). Heinrich Wenceslaus and Carl Friedrich. 2R. Thaler. 1620. 890 M Thaler. 1620. 891 Liegnitz, Brieg, and Wohlau (Duchies). Georg III, 1639-1664, Ludwig IV, 1653-1663, and Christian, 1654-1672. yR Thaler. 1658. 892 Glatz (County). Johann, Seigneur of Bernstein and Helfenstein, 1 540-1 544. M Thaler. 1540. 893 Bohemian Silesia. Evangelical States of Silesia, 1634-1635. M Thaler. 1634. 894 Breslau. M Thaler. 1544. 40 779 — obverse 779 — -reverse 786 — reverse Plate VI ITALY 895 Turin. Sub-alpine Republic. N Twenty francs. 1800. 896 Milan. Filippo Maria Visconti, 1412-1447. N Fiorino. 897 Cisalpine Republic, 1 797-1802. M Scudo. 1798. 898 Mantua (Duchy). Ferdinando, 1612-1626. M Scudo. 1617. 899 Venice. Niccolo da Ponte, 1578-1585. A" Zecchino. g 00 m Giustina. 901 Pasquale Cicogna, 1585-1595. M Scudo. 902 Paolo Rainier, 1 779-1 788. M Giustina. 903 Republic, 1 848-1 849. 2R Ten lire. 1797. 904 Alvisio IV Mocenigo, 1 763-1 779. M Tallero (for the Le- vant). 1764. 905 Parma (Duchy). Maria Luisa. M Ten lire. 1815. 906 Piacenza (Duchy). Odoardo, 1622-1646. M Scudo. 1630. 907 Genoa. Biennial doges. N Scudo del sole. 1579. 908 M Scudo. 1670. 909 M Double scudo. 1692. 910 Florence. Republic, 1189-1313. AT Florin, c. 1252. 911 Cosmo I, 1 536-1 574. N Scudo. 912 Cosmo III, 1 670-1 723. M Piastra. 913 Carlo Ludovico and Maria Luisa, 1 803-1 807. M iy 2 Fran- cescone. 1803. 914 M iy 2 Francescone. 1807. {Rev.) 915 Leopoldo II, 1824-1859. AT Ten zecchini. 1836. 916 Rome. Pope Sixtus V. M Scudo. 1588. 917 Alexander VIII. JR Scudo. 1691. 918 Sede vacante. M Scudo. 1700. 919 Pius IX, 1846-1878. N Ten scudi. 1850. 920 Bologna. Clemens VII, 1 523-1 534. N Doblone. A coin struck by the Dominican brothers. 921 Naples. Charles V. M Testone. 922 Philip II, 1 554-1 598. M Mezzo ducato. 923 Charles II, 1665-1700. M Ducato. 1689. 924 Joachim Napoleon, 1808-1815. N Twenty lire. 1813. 925 Ferdinand I. N Fifteen ducats. 1818. 926 Ferdinand II, 1834-1858. M Piastra. 927 Palermo. Charles III, 1707-1735. M Double scudo. 1733. g 2 8 Ferdinand IV, 1759-1825. M Double scudo. 1785. 929 Malta. Emanuel Pinto, Knight of St. John of Jerusalem. N Two zecchini. 1762. 41 930 Ragusa (Republic). M Scudo. 1746. 931 Same. (Rev.) 932 Sardinia. Carlo Felice. N Twenty lire. 1827. 933 Victor Emanuel II. N Twenty lire. 1853. 934 Monaco. Charles III. N One hundred francs. 1886. 935 Albert I. N One hundred francs. 1904. 936 Italy (Kingdom). Napoleon I. N Forty lire. 1814. 937 Victor Emanuel II. N Twenty lire. 1862. 93 8 Humbert I. N Twenty lire. 1882. 939 M Twenty centimes. 1909. SWITZERLAND 940 Basle. M Thaler. 1741. 941 M Thaler. 1741. (Rev.) 942 Berne. M Thaler. 1494. 943 H Double ducat. 1771. 944 2& Thaler. 1798. 945 Geneva. M Genevoise. 1794. 94 6 M Ten francs. 1848. 947 Freiburg. M Four francs. 1813. 948 Lucerne. M Four francs. 1814. 949 Zurich. 7R Thaler. 15 12. 950 N Y^ Ducat. 1751. 951 M Thaler. 1776. 952 M Five francs. 1872. 953 Canton de Vaud. M Thaler. 1812. 954 Helvetic Republic. M Thaler. 1798. 955 N Twenty francs. 1896. 956 N Twenty francs. 1899. DENMARK 957 Christian II, 15 13-1523. M Thaler. 1523. 958 Christian IV, 1 588-1648. ^R Triple thaler, without year. 959 Friedrich III, 1648-1670. N Double ducat. 1658. 960 JR Eight marks. 1659. 961 -M Double thaler. 1669. 962 Christian VII, 1766-1808. M Thaler. 1795. 963 Friedrich VII, 1848-1863. M Thaler. 1848. 964 Christian IX, 1863-1906. A^ Twenty kronen. 1877. 42 NORWAY 965 Oscar I, 1844-1859. M Thaler. 1855. 966 Carl XV, 1859-1872. M Thaler. 1864. SWEDEN 967 Gustavus I, 1 523-1 560. M Thaler. 1544. 968 Same. (Rev.) 969 Johann III, 1569-1592. M Triple thaler, without year. 970 Same. (Rev.) 971 Gustavus II Adolphus, 161 1-1632. M Dickthaler. 1617. 972 M Thaler. 1631. 973 ~ & Thaler. 1632. (Rev.) 974 M Thaler, 1632, struck in Augsburg. 975 Same. (Rev.) 976 N Ducat. 1632. 977 Christina, 1632-1686. M Thaler. 1642. g^8 Same. (Rev.) 979 Charles XI, 1660-1697. M Four marks. 1693. 980 Charles XII, 1697-1718. M Thaler. 1707. 981 M Thaler. 1709. 982 Same. (Rev.) 983 Ulrica Eleonore, 1719-1720. M Thaler. 1719. 984 Friedrich I, 1720-1751. M Thaler. 1721. 985 Carl XIV, 1818-1844. M Thaler. 1819. 986 Oscar I, 1844-1859. M Thaler. 1855. 987 Carl XV, 1859-1872. M Four rigsdaler. 1870. 988 Oscar II, 1872-1907. N Twenty kronen. 1875. 989 7R Four kronen. 1907. RUSSIA 990 Peter I, 1682-1725. M Rouble. 1705. 991 N Ducat. 1721. 992 7R Rouble. 1725. 993 Same. (Rev.) 994 Catherine I, 1725-1 727. M Rouble. 1726. 995 -^ Rouble. 1727. (Rev.) 996 Peter II, 1 727-1730. M Rouble. 1727. 43 997 Anna I, 1730-1740. M Rouble. 1731. 998 Ivan III, 1740-1741. JR Rouble. 1741. 999 Elizabeth, 1741-1761. M Rouble. 1754. 1000 M y 2 Rouble. 1757. (Rev.) 1001 M Rouble. 1759. 1002 Peter III, 1761-1762. M Rouble. 1762. 1003 Same. (Rev.) 1004 Alexis Michaelowitz, 1754. Restrike made at the request of Catherine II. M Rouble. 1790. 1005 Paul I, 1796-1801. M Rouble. 1801. 1006 Alexander I, 1801-1825. M Rouble. 1818. 1007 Nicholas I, 1825-1855. M Rouble. 1859. 1008 Alexander II, 1855-1881. M Rouble. 1875. 1009 Alexander III, 1881-1891. N Five roubles. 1890. 1010 Nicholas II, 1891- . M Rouble. 1897. ion N Fifteen roubles. 1897. 1012 N Five roubles. 1898. 1013 N Ten roubles. 1899. SERVIA 1014 Milan I, 1868-1889. N Ten denare. 1882. 1015 Alexander, 1889-1902. M One denar. 1897. 1016 Peter I Karageorgowitch, 1902- . M Five denare. 1904. BULGARIA 1017 Ferdinand I, 1887- . N Ten leva. 1894. ROUMANIA 1018 Carl, 1866- . N Twenty lei. 1890. GREECE 1019 George I, 1862- . M Five drachmae. 1875. J020 N Twenty drachmae. 1884. MEXICO 1021 Charles I and Johanna, 1 535-1 566. M Four reals. 1022 Ferdinand VII, 1808-1821. M Five reals. 1811. 44 1023 Augustine I, 1822-1823. N Eight escudi. 1823. 1024 Republic, 1823-1864. M. Five reals. 1824. 1025 N One peso. 1826. 1026 Maximilian, 1864-1867. N Twenty pesos. 1866. 1027 Republic, 1867- . M Peso. 1871. CENTRAL AMERICA 1028 Costa Rica. N Two escudi. 1858. 1029 N Two escudi, 1855. {Rev.) 1030 N y 2 Escudo. 1850. 1031 Salvador. M Peso. 1892. 1032 Central America. M Eight reals. 1839. 1033 N y 2 Escudo. 1848. SOUTH AMERICA 1034 Colombia. M Eight reals. 1834. JOSS & Fifty centavos. 1892. 1036 Panama. M Fifty centesimos. 1904. 1037 -2R Twenty-five centesimos. 1904. 1038 -M Ten centesimos. 1904. 1039 M Five centesimos. 1904. 1040 M Two centesimos. 1904. 1041 Brazil. John, 1799-1818. M 960 reis. 1816. 1042 Peter I, 1822-183 1. M 960 reis. 1826. 1043 Peter II, 183 1-1889. N 1000 reis. 1838. 1044 jV 1000 reis. 1867. 1045 Republic, 1889- . M 2000 reis. 1907. 1046 Peru. M Eight reals. 1832. 1047 JR Eight reals. 1838. (Rev.) 1048 AT Five soles. 1863. 1049 Ecuador. M Four reals (Bolivar). 1844. 1050 M Sucre. 1884. 1051 M Five francs. 1858. 1052 N Ten sucres. 1900. 1053 Bolivia. M Eight reals. 1833. 1054 & 9 00 lei- I ^75- 1055 Chile. M Peso. 1819. 1056 N Peso. 1864. 45 1057 & Peso. 1876. 1058 M Peso. 1877. (Rev.) 10 59 & Ten pesos. 1901. 1060 Argentine Republic. N Argentino. 1886. WEST INDIES 1061 Hayti. Henry I, 1811-1820. M Gourde. 1062 M Gourde. 1812. 1063 Faustin I, 1849-1858. M ^Gourde. 1849. 1064 Cuba. M Souvenir dollar. 1897. 1065 Same. (Rev.) 1066 Porto Rico. Alphonso XIII, 1885. M Peso. 1895. 1067 Hawaii. Kalakana I, 1 874-1891. M Dollar. 1 Loo-*" One copy del. to Cat. Div. , ■>. * * • « A 4°* r0 V ^ ^ *-** y V™V vWy* \#/ o<^> y,.^t.\ /.c^.% /^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I 9HhHR0j ° 22 ° 08 931 9 ■ iiutt {DflyfiUBtt QBE JK ft*? wftj^jreiitt^^^^CTSQMMMgftj^^W^ ty£T?l BSSk Be IhhhHiih SzSmB gflilflfliHtiiratftffi^wfellHttiti^ iggjj »jj§j8$fi§ & 8ra^H3M^ii^§^^%%H^^S^«^^Sami Soft ^ r?^^^^-'