^ r % ^ O' fy s o X "T 3 ,\V fln %ovir\Q /IDemon? OF Samuel Benjamin Flagg AND Harriett Valentine Flagg The Best of Fathers AND The Most Devoted of Wives. CONTENTS. Preface Family History — Tables ........ First Generation Second Generation Third Generation Fourth Generation Fifth Generation Sixth Generation Seventh Generation Appendix — The Flagg Ancestry The Chandler Ancestry .... The Waters Ancestry The Goddard Ancestry .... The Rockwood Ancestry .... The Hayden Ancestry . Aged Members of the Family, Deceased " " " " Living Attendance at Colleges and Professional Schools War Service Index Page vii «« 1 H 9 it 17 tt 25 It 39 tt 77 «< 133 <( 169 tt 175 tt 179 It 181 It 183 tt 185 it 187 tt 189 tt 190 tt 191 It 196 <( 199 ILLUSTRATIONS. The Eleazer Flagg House, Grafton . . Frontispiece. The Stephen Waters House, West Sutton facing page 19 * The Daniel Hayden House, Grafton Chandler Flagg Nathan Waters Edmund Stephen Holbrook .... Samuel Benjamin Flagg .... James Tufts Otis Fletcher Presbrey . George Chandler Alden .... 23 34 44 62 72 95 96 4 J PREFACE. It is not the purpose in these pages to enter upon a defence or justification of the study of genealogy — those who are fond of declar- ing that they do not know their grandparents' names and never felt any interest to inquire, will hardly read this book at all. Equally remote is it from our thought to boast of our pedigree, as springing from the titled or wealthy classes of the past. The various families herein mentioned are representatives of that sturdy race which peopled New England in the 17th century, and in the 19th has carried abroad a reputation for independence of thought, industry and general intelligence, that is quite its own. We may even claim that a good share of the strength, the virtues and the courage of this ancestry is alive to-day in the present repre- sentatives of these families, and perhaps this is as truly a source of pride as any we could name. This publication marks the completion of a work begun over ten years ago, the expression of an interest awakened long before by talks with my father, whose love for his family was ever deep and strong. While it is true that for much of this period the material has lain neglected, yet the purpose has never been abandoned. The gathering of data has a fascination in itself, though the amount of labor involved is comprehensible only to those who have tried it for themselves. And the meeting with new found kindred, leading in some instances to lasting friendship, is perhaps the greatest reward of such service. Much of the information here given, especially that relating to the earlier generations, was learned from lips now forever silent. The very meeting and converse with these elders has been an inspiration. v iu 3CENDANT8 OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. In plan the present work differs from the ordinary family history in thai it is not concerned with any one family name, but carries out to the present in every line the descendants of one 18th century couple. From the outset the purpose has been to avoid what is found in some genealogies, mere lists of names and dates (and occasionally even the latter are largely wanting). As far as possible a brief sketch is inserted of each member of the family. Naturally, on the other hand, i t ] ;; . quite out of the question to admit extended biograpl, There has a Bpecial effort to bring the record in each cai down to tin- year 1902. Out of over 400 living adults, not over half a dozen have failed to be reached with inquiri • In general the family has shown a commendable pride and inter- est ; sometimes after vexatious delay ; while in a few cases there has been an utter neglect to notice my queries. No known means have been left untried to insure completeness. 1: -aiding the ancestry of those who married into the family in early generations, explanation is due that I have been able to spare but little time for this work, and have accepted, generally without verification, what seemed the best authorities. A few words about the scheme of arrangement : each family ( parents and children) is given a separate Arabic numeral, beginning with " 1 " for Eleazer and Huldah (Chandler) Flagg and extending to " .". 10". First under each number comes the father's full name, while the name of the parent, whether father or mother, who is by birth a member of the family, is printed in heavy type, followed by a superior figure indicating the generation. The children are placed last, with Roman numerals denoting order of birth. When a child has no issue | whether or not married), full record is inserted in this place: those having children are briefly noticed here, and receive a special Arabic number in the margin, and full entry farther on in order. This enables one to readily follow down to all descendants of a given person. For tracing back to ancestors, the tables on p _ ;i-7 are employed, which at the same time show relationship to other lines. To facilitate their at ference n by number to the specific table; and for generations below the tilth, the descent from an ancestor in that generation. PREFACE. i x Grateful acknowledgment is due to those who have manifested special interest in the work and have been at considerable trouble to help me : — among the older members of the family, first to my be- loved father, whose interest and encouragement formed one of the strongest reasons for undertaking it; to Mrs. Rebecca (Hunt) Roberts, Dr. Otis F. Presbrey, Mrs. Louisa (Goddard) Knowlton, Edmund S. Holbrook, Esq., and Rev. James Tufts, Jr., all of whom have since passed away. Of those still living, I am under special obligations to my cousin and brother-in-law, Walter N. Waters, who has gathered most of the material for the line of Huldah (Flagg) Waters ; also to Mr. Jason Waters, Mrs. Blanche M. (Stone) Putnam, Miss Lurentha M. Hawks, Miss Gertrude E. Flagg, Miss Theodora Rust, Mrs. Martha M. (Goddard) Seymour, Dr. Edward Goddard, Mrs. Nancy G. (Brooks) Dolliver, Mrs. Jennie A. (Brooks) Seaver, my aunt Mrs. Maria O. (Flagg) Hunt, Miss Ellen M. Fiske, Mr. William B. Fiske, Miss Mary Newton and many others. Charles A. Flagg. Library of Congress, Washington, D. C, Dec. 31, 1902. ABBREVIATIONS. The usual abbreviations are used : b. for born.; co. for company or county ; d. for died ; dau. for daughter ; m. for married ; rem. for removed ; res. for resided or residence ; s. for son ; s. p. for without issue (sine. /prole) ; unm. for unmarried. Where others have been employed it is thought they will explain themselves. When no state is mentioned, Massachusetts is to be understood, unless from the context some other one is clearly indicated. TABLES Showing the second to fifth generations of Descendants of Eleazer and Hnldah Flagg, in each of the five branches. Note that these charts contain only those living to-day, or who have descendants now living. In the family history which follows, each person is located by reference to one of these tables, or, if below the fifth genera- tion, by tracing back to an ancestor in that generation. The serial numbers used in the body of the work are given in parenthe- ses, and married names of women are italicized. TABLES. TABLE I. »© . Hunt, from which our frontispiece is copied. The early settlers of Hassanamisco were not unmindful ot relig- ious interests and duties; services seem to have been held very mIv, and 28 Dec. L731, a church was organized (parent ot the presenl First Congregational [Unitarian] and Evangelical Congre- gational societies |. Among the 20 signers of the original covenant we linrder to his Hon d : Mother, Ten Pounds in money annually Or in other things She Shall R - quest to her Satisfaction Dureingher Remaining my Widow, And also pro- vide for his Mother Suitable fire for her Comfort ready made : m. I Will and bequeath to My Beloved Son Eleazer Flegg Five Acres be the Same more or less, of Wood Land. Butted bounded &discribed a Flan of the Same, upon the Proprietors Hook of Reccords in S ally appears. Mjoining South : Easterly on his the S ; Eleazers a 30 my Looms with all the appurtenances there unto belo in ullHalfeof all my wearing apparrell, haveing Otherwi him to the amount of a full Share of my Estate ; i queath to my beloved Son Samuel Flegg My Home place in S 1 . Grafton, with all the buildings, fences, and Improv< be- bere unto. Excepting what 1 have above given to his Mother,and ,1. : r her Discease. (Only my will further is that that my two Daughters Marj and Submitt Shall have and Enjoy the Same privilidge thi ir Mother dos in and about the House So longas they or Either of them remain Unmarried & no longer.) Also I give to my Said Son Samuel all M other hand- in S d Grafton not dispos d of as above, with all the Privi- lidges and Appurtenances there unto belonging: Also all My Stock of Cattle ( t every Sort Willi all my Husbandry tools of every Sort, a- also FIRST GENERATION. 15 Sadies Bridles and all Utensels for teaming, I may die Seized of ; as also My Box for writings, also my Lanthorn, Oyl jars, Cyder Barrils Meat Tubbs, and all my Uttensells for Malting. Item. I give to My beloved Daughter Huldali Waters, one full Third part of all my indoor Moveable Estate after her Mothers Decease She haveing been Otherwise fully provided for Out of my Estate. Item. 1 give to My beloved Daughter Mary Flegg Thirty three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence, to be paid her by my Son Samuel Att five Equal Annual Payments, the first to be paid her in One Year after my Decease, Also One full Third part of all my In Door Moveable Estate after her Mothers decease, Item. I give to My beloved Daughter Submitt Flegg Thirty Three Pounds Six Shillings and Eight pence, to be paid her by my Son Samuel att Five Equal Annual payments, the first to be paid her in One year after my Decease, Also One full Third part of all My indoor Moveable Estate, after her Mothers Decease. Item. I Ordain and appoint My beloved Wife Huldah, and My belov' 1 Sons Eleazer, and Samuel Flegg joint Execut 18 of this My Last Will and Testament, Eujoiuing hereby My Said Son Samuel Flegg to pay all My just Debts And Funeral Charges before Any distribution be otherwise Made ; And I do hereby utterly Disallow, revoke, and disanull every other will, Testament Legacy, bequest or Execut rs by me in any wise before Named willed and bequeath' 1 Ratifying and Confirming this and No Other to be My Last Will and Testament. In Witness where of I the Said Eleazer Flegg have hereunto Sett My hand and Seal the Day and year first above named. Sign' 1 Seal d Publish 1 and declar 1 ' by the Said Eleazer Flegg as his Last Will & Testament Eliezer Flagg. In presence of Benjamin Rockwood Benjamin Rockwood junr Solomon Prentice. This document was presented for probate 30 Sept. 1771 by Sam- uel Flagg the only surviving executor. The following schedule is appended. A True Inventory of all the Rael and Personal Estate of Eleazer Flagg Late of Grafton yeoman Deseased, Prized at Grafton October ye 18 : 1771 by Benj a Rockhood Tim Darling Jonathan Hall all of Grafton is as followeth. Lands and Biddings in Said Grafton £400 Land given to his Son Eleazer Flagg 13 6 8 his waring Apparel 4 five cows 13 6 8 Two oxen 8 Eight yong Cattel 12 One Mare and Colt 8 Twenty Seven Sheep 6 16 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Four swine v 4 I!, 13 6 8 A saddle and Bridel and some Husbandry Tool- 2 Grain 6 Puter 4 Earthenware and glass Bottell 2 4 Nine chares, one Table and Wooden Plates 14 8 One Case of Draws and one Box 8 4 Kittel 1 12 Warming Pan 10 Iron Ware 9 8 One Brail and Bead Sted and clothing for the same 2 New Tow Cloth 1 7 £496 19 Eleazer Flagg married at Concord, 28 Sept. 1731, Huldah Chandler,* daughter of Samuel and Dorcas (Buss) Chandler; born Concord, 5 July, 1709. It is probable that she also was a child of one of Grafton's original forty proprietors, though here, as in her husband's case, the fact that father and son bore the same name and were not in any way distinguished in the records, make it possible that her brother Samuel Jr. was the one mentioned as proprietor, as he certainly was the one actually interested in the settlement. Mrs. Huldah Flagg was received into full communion by the Grafton Church, 20 Feb. 1742. She died 27 Jan. 1765. f Children, all born in Grafton: 2. i. Huldah, b. 1! Dec. 1732; d. W. Sutton. 21 Jan. 1825; m. 17(52. Stephen Waters. 3. ii. Eleazer, b. 12 Nov. 1734; d. Grafton. 10 Feb. 1767; m. 1763, Sarah Chandler. hi. Simon. 1). 25 May. L736 ; d. Grafton, 26 May, 1736. iv. John, b. 2 Aug. 1737. No record of death found, but in the bap- tismal entry. 7 Aug. 1737, the name is starred as are names of those dying in infancy. 4. v. Mart, b. 19 Mar. 17 40; d. 6 Apr. 1824; m. 1763 jamin ( roddard. 5. vi. EL,b. 5 Dec 1741; d. Grafton, 17 Oct. 1822; m. 1769, Lydia Rockwood. 6. vii. Submit, b. 5 Sept. 1744; d. Berlin, Vt.. 1 1 Mar. 1839 ; m. 17 Daniel Hayden. * I Bstry, see A.pp< d lix. t ii ii 23 of her descendants hi first or i. l2of them in the line of her sou Eleazer whose wife was liand- X v '■ : z :- — ■ :— < x £ :- x: .- SECOND GENEKATION. Stephen Watees, son of Kichard* and Anne (Holraan) Wa- ters, was born in West Sutton, 13 Apr. 1735. His father, Richard Waters, Jr., set off to him a portion of the estate, southeast of his own homestead. In 1757, according to the History of Sutton, the young man erected upon it the house to which he brought his bride, Huldah Flagg of Grafton, five years later, and which has been the Waters home from that day to this, now owned by his great-grand- son, Samuel Nathan Waters ; this same land having been handed down from father to son from 1723. Stephen, with his father and brothers, made many trips to Boston to sell their produce. This long drive of forty miles meant good horses and early starts. The best road led through Grafton by the house of Eleazer Flagg, where they often stopped for refreshment for man and beast. So here Stephen met Huldah. He was a strong, large boned man and she was rather small and delicate. Like others of his family, Stephen Waters was a great cultivator of apples and manufactured cider in considerable quantities. His orchards, still bearing fruit and showing remarkable growth, on the rocky and steep hillside, bear evidence of years of hard Avork to transform the primeval forest into the largest and best apple orchards in the region. Being a Free-Will Baptist, he did not join the close communion Baptists in Sutton, whose elder for many years was his brother Samuel Waters. He died at W. Sutton, 10 Jan. 1819. He married at Grafton, 19 May, 1762, Huldah Flagg, 2 born at Grafton, 14 Dec. 1732. She was an invalid for many years in the latter part of her life ; her husband was often seen going to and from the adjoining town of Oxford to borrow the chaise of an aris- tocratic gentleman, Gen. Davis, to give her a ride. No one in town possessed such a vehicle. Mrs. Waters was a very devout woman, read her Bible almost constantly in her illness until she be- came blind, and then would have her grandchildren, who affection- atety called her " Granny," read it to her. She died in West Sutton, 24 Jan. 1825. *For ancestry, see Appendix. 20 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGQ. Children, all born in W. Sutton : i. Axxa, b. 30 Mar. 1763 ; d. W. Sutton, 22 Oct. 1790 ; unra. 7. ii. John, b. 23 Oct. 17G4; d. W. Sutton, 19 Oct. 1847; m. 1st, 1790, Huldah Howard ; m. 2d, 1796, Hannah Putnam ; m. 3d, 1819, Hitty Kidder. iii. David, b. 2 Feb. 1767; d. youn^. iv. Nathan, b. 18 May, 1769 ; d. aged about 21. 8. v. Huldah, b. 11 Aug. 1771 ; d. Providence, R. I., 6 Mar. 1833; in. 1802, Daniel Hunt, vi. Rebecca, b. 25 May. 177."); probably d. in childhood (the His- tory of Sutton has it 28 Apr. 1804). 3 Eleazer Flagg, 2 the fourth Eleazer Flagg in direct line, was born at Grafton, 12 Nov. 1734. His uncle Nathaniel Flagg f 7 DO Grafton, 6 May, 1761, conveyed to him a plot of 34 acres and 50 rods on George Hill, Grafton, undoubtedly part of the original share of his grandfather Eleazer Flagg (2d) in 1728. It is evident that the purchase of this place for £120 was really his father's act and part of the latter's plan of providing for his children. He died in Grafton, 10 Feb. 1767. The widow was appointed administratrix, and the inventory showed a total of £281, Is. lid., including about thirty-five acres of land, with buildings, valued at £146, 3s. 4d. 22 Mar. 1768, the Judge of probate allowed her accounts " whereby it appears a Bal- lance Remains in her hands of £75, 18s. 7Jd. which she is fur- ther to account "or & as ye family have been kept together & one of ye Children but about a month old when ye Dec d Dyed I allow her ye Improvement of ye Real Estate Therefor." In 1772, after the i carriage of the widow, Joseph Merriam, Jr., was appointed guar- dian of the children, and two years later we find him petitioning the Governor and General Court, etating that Eleazer Flagg, Jr., left an estate of about 35 acres " which by reason of the inconvenient circumstances it now is in will not rent annually for perhaps half so much money as the interest of the money said land if sold would fetch and as there is two young children heirs thereto for whom petitioner is guardian," lie prayed authority to sell at once. Permission was ited, and accordingly, 11 May, 1776, the place on George Hill sold for £147, 6s. 8d. I i Jeduthan Fay of Westboro. Fam- ily tradition has it that payment was deferred, and owing to depre- ciation >f the currency, very little was ever realized by the heirs. At least a part of the land with the house later came into possession of the Forbush family. The children of Eleazer (1th) finally severed their connection SECOND GENERATION. 21 with Grafton by the sale to their uncle Samuel Flagg, 13 Feb. 1806, of the fi T7 e acre lot which came to them by their grandfather Flagg's will. The deed is signed by Eleazer Flagg of Conway and Isaac and Sarah Dole of Shelburne. Eleazer Flagg (4th) married, Concord, 8 Dec. 1763, Sarah Chandler,* daughter of James and Mary (Wright) Chandler; born in Concord, 9 Dec. 1742. She married (2d) 31 Mar. 1768, Nath- aniel Goddard of Grafton, and removed with him and the children to Conway. (She bore him one child, Mary Goddard, baptized in Grafton 1 July, 1770, and married to Stephen Billings of Conway.) Nathaniel Goddard died 31 Oct. 1815, aged 77. Mrs. Sarah (Chandler) Goddard died in Shelburne, 18 April, 1833, in her 91st , year. Children of Eleazer and Sarah (Chandler) Flagg : 9. i. Sarah, b. 6 Nov. 1764; d. Shelburne. 6 Aug. 1831 ; m. 1790, Isaac Dole. 10. ii. Eleazer, b. 10 Jan. 1767 ; d. Conway, 28 May, 1847 ; m. 1793, Elizabeth Warren. Benjamin Goddard,* son of Benjamin and Mary (Kidder) God- dard, was born in Grafton, 4 Nov. 1736. He served as a young man in the Old French and Indian war, and the story is told that he was sentenced to death because an Indian captive left in his charge had escaped ; he was later pardoned. At another time, the enemy poisoned the water supply and he and others narrowly es- caped death, and suffered long afterward from the effects. During the Revolution he was again in service. The state rolls show him to have been sergeant in Capt. Aaron Kimball's company of minute men, Col. Artemas Ward's regiment, which marched on the alarm 19 April, 1775, and was discharged 18 May, after four weeks' ser- vice. It is probable that he was in other command.:! during the war, and we are informed how during his absence in the army a detach- ment of British soldiers took possession of his home and ate or car- ried away nearly everything on the place. He built the old Goddard house, standing on the road to Westboro, a mile and a half from Grafton Centre; torn down about 1865. He was town clerk 1776-90 and 1793-94, selectman various years between 1777 and 1792, justice of the peace for Worcester Co. after 1789, and otherwise prominent in local affairs. He died in Grafton, 11 Mar. 1806. He married, Grafton, 8 Dec. 1763, Mary Flagg, 2 born Grafton, 19 Mar. 1740 ; died 6 Apr. 1824. * For ancestry, see Appendix. i 22 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Children, all born in Grafton : i Hi izabeth, b. 6 Nov. 1764; d. Grafton, 27 May, 1765. ii Hi i dah, b. 2 Nov. 1767; d. Grafton, 19 Jan. 1790; unm. iii. Ai;,:i.. b. 28 Jan. 177- ; d. Grafton, 25 Mar. H 76. 11. iv. Mary, b. 20 Oct. 177';: d. Grafton, 24 Aug. 1833; m. 17SW, Levi Goddard. 12. v. Sally, b, 16 Ang. 1778 ; d. Grafton, 20 Jan. 1822 ; m. 1799, ephen llolbrook. Samuel Flagg 2 was born in Grafton, 5 Dec. 1741. He re- mained at home with hie parents, and on his father's death in 1771 became the owner of the homestead in the Memam District, Grat- ton Here he spent his whole life, known universally as one of the best and must successful farmers in the town. From the fact that he manufactured malt in large quantities, he was often known as "Maltster" Flao-o-. Of a retiring disposition and without political ambition, he never sought public life, nor held offices except those in his native town, serving as selectman in 1782, 1801 and 1SUD. In religion, tradition says that he was a Baptist, though his wife was a member of the old Congregational church in Grafton Center, where he himself often attended and where his children were baptized. To quote the words of one, George W. Drury, who in youth was his hired man and lived in the family, and who died at 95, He was the best man, take him all in all, that I ever knew." Mr. *Iagg died in Grafton, 17 Oct. 1822.* He married in Grafton, 28 Dec 1769, Lydia Rockwood,f daughter of Benjamin and Ruth (Adams) Rockwood, born in Upton, 12 Sept. 1751, died in Grafton, 1 Oct. 1824. Children, all born in Grafton : i. Htjldah, b. 15 Sept. 1770; d. Grafton. 21 Oct. 1778. ii. Samuel, b. 9 Aug. 1772 ; d. Grafton, 7 Nov. 1778. 13. iii. Sally, b. 24 Sept. 1774; d. Grafton, 28 Mar. 1863; m. 1st, 1791, John Bennett ; m. 2d, 1823, Amos Ellis, iv. Abel, b. 16 Apr. 1777 ; d. Grafton, 15 Oct 1778. 14. v. Jeremiah, b. 26 Dec. 1779 ; d. Grafton, 27 Ang. 1843; m. 1st, 9 Lydia Drurj ; m. 2d, 1801, Sarah (Bngham) kingsbury. 15. vi. Chandler, b. I Jan. 1782; d. Marblehead, 1" Sept 1859; m. 181."). Lucretia T>. Lewis. 16 vii. Benjamin, d. 25 Apr. L 784 ; d. Athens, Me., 1 Jan. 1816 ; m. 1st, 1806, Lydia Harrington ; m. 2d, 1815, Lydia Leighton. 17. viii. Joseph, b. 2 Dec. 1786; d. Grafton, 5 Dec. 1841; m. 1821, Olivia 1\. Milliken. • His writing desk, hall clock and Bible a V in the possession of the writer, his great-grandson. f ] *• z z - z z :- > '— < < SECOND GENERATION. 23 6 Daniel Hayden,* son of Elisha and Lydia (Fairbanks) Hayden, was born in Hopkinton, 16 Dec. 1748. He was the owner of con- siderable real estate in Grafton , and built and occupied the last house on the old Upton road. He and his wife were early members of the Baptist church in town where Mr. Hayden led the singing for many years. After the marriage of their daughter Submit in 1807 and her removal to Vermont, they sold all their property in Grafton the next year and bought a farm on Dog River, Berlin, Vt., a mile and a half from Montpelier. The purchaser of the home in Grafton was Pardon Aldrich, but it was later occupied by Cushrnan Hayden (not related) and so to older residents of Grafton still known as the "Hay- den place " though now more commonly designated by the name of a later occupant, one Leonard. It was the scene of Grafton's most noted crime, the murder of Henry Powers by Jonathan Brooks in 1835. The new home of the Haydens in Berlin was considered the best farming land in the town and was sold for $18,000 after they left it ; is still known as the Hayden farm. The old couple were unfortun- ately involved in financial misfortune through the business ventures of their son John, and were compelled to give up their place. In Berlin they identified themselves with the Methodist church. Mr. Hayden was of powerful build and could do a man's work at 80. His grandson James Tufts who knew him in his last years thus described him : " A prodigious worker, strong as a giant and spry as a fox ; and full of humor and good nature." He died in Berlin, Vt., 9 Nov. 1841. He married in Sutton, 9 June, 1773, Submit Flagg 2 ; born in Grafton, 5 Sept. 1744; after the marriage of the older members of the family, she remained on the place with her brother Samuel and cared for their parents in their last years. Was noted in later life for her piety and remark- able knowledge of the Bible. She died in Berlin, 14 Mar. 1839. Children, all born in Grafton : 18. i. Daniel, b. 25 Jan. 1775 ; d. Lexington, 27 Apr. 1851 ; in. 1800, Sarah Greeley. 19. ii. Submit, b. 18 Apr. 1777; d. aNTewfane, Vt., 22 Aug. 1870; m. 1807, James Tufts. 20. iii. John, b. 7 May, 1781 ; d. Berlin Vt., July, 1852 ; m. 1st, 1807, Hannah Belknap ; m. 2d, Esther (Black) Rising. * For ancestry, see Appendix. THIRD GENERATION. THIED GENERATION. John Waters 3 [Table I] ; born in W. Sutton, 23 Oct. 1764. Like his brothers and sisters he was small and weak in infancy, and the story is told how, when he was born, the nurse put him in a two- quart pail and shut the cover. Later he developed into a large, powerful man, over six feet in height. From his father he inherited a large farm ; and devoted himself even more extensively to fruit, so that he was reported to have the largest apple orchards in that part of Mass. He made much cider — the ground about the house was said to be soaked with it. If his grandchildren as babies appeared to like the taste of it, he was sure they were Waters babies. The tall stone posts, which he split out of the solid rock for gate-posts, and which he set in the ground five or six feet, are monuments of his untiring energy. He worked until bed-time and was so unused to sitting still that he could not keep awake in church. Most of the timber used in building the W. Sutton Baptist church came from his woodland, and old subscription lists show that he was foremost in the support of said church. When too old and too rheumatic to stand, he sat in his old arm chair (still preserved) and made them bring him wood to saw. And in his very last years, when unable to get around without crutches, it was his custom to take a stool and establish himself under each of his apple trees in turn, and there by means of a hoe and long-handled saw loosen the ground and trim the tops till his critical eye was suited, when he would gather up his tools and move on to the next. As he had previously provided for his son Stephen, at his death the farm was equally divided between Nathan and Richard, the younger sons. He died in W. Sutton, 19 Oct. 1847. Married 1st, Sutton, 25 Nov. 1790, Huldah Howard, daughter Capt. John and Huldah (Sibley) Howard; born in Oxford, 23 June, 1768 ; died in W. Sutton, 26 Sept. 1795. Married 2d, Sutton, 15 Dec. 1796, 28 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Hannah Putnam,* daughter Nathan and Betty (Buffington) Put- nam ; born in W. Sutton, L3 March, L763; died there 28 Oct. 1818. Married 3d, Millbury, 10 Aug-. 1819, Hitty Kidder, daugh- ter of Jonathan and Susanna (Dwinnel) Kidder; born in Oxford, 18 March, L778; died in \V. Sutton, 17 July, 18G6. Children liv first wife, all born in W. Sutton: 21. i. Anna. b. 20 May, 179] ; d. Charlton, 23 Sept. 1875; m. 1820, Ebenezer Foskett. 22. ii. Lucr, b. 7 Sept. 1792; d. Charlton, 15 Oct. 1830; m. 1812, David ( 'arpenter. 23. hi. Lydia, b. 24 Dec. 1703; d. Webster, 19 Apr. 1872; m. 1820, Ikanah Mclntire. 21. iv. Huldah, b. 24 Sept. 17 ( .»:. ; d. Oxford, 14 Dec. 1843 ; m. 1814, Jesse Bigelow. By second wife, all b. in W. Sutton : 25. v. Stephen, b. 6 Aug. 1797; d. W. Sutton, 22 Sept. 1850; m. 1822, Matilda Carpenter. 26. vi. Nathan, b. 24 May, 1799; d. W. Sutton, 8 May, 1878 ; m. L832, Ulva A. Putnam. 27. vii. Richard, b. 1 Nov. 1802; d. W. Sutton, 29 Mar. 1876; m. 18.°) 7. Julia A. Torrey. 28. viii. Betsey, b. 17 Jan. 1804 ; d. Rochester, Minn., 5 Nov. 1863 ; m. 1S32, Tyler Carpenter. 8 Daniel Hunt, son John and Kezia (Darling) Hunt of Glocester, R. [., born probably in Burrillville, 11. I., 1751. Was a farmer, and after his third marriage, about 1804, bought the Ebenezer Waters place in W. Sutton, adjacent to the home of his father-in- law, Stephen Waters, and previously the property of the latter's father, Richard. He held it but a short time, and the estate later ■.!. into the hands of the Bullard family, which still has it. From AY. Sutton, Mr. Hunt removed to Douglas where he held consider- land and built a sawmill. While here he left the Baptist church to \\ hich he had previously belonged, and joined the Quakers. About 1808, removed to Providence, K. I., to go into the retail grocery business with his brother Seth, but his plans failed through the dishonesty of the man to whom he had sold his Douglas property. Died in Providence, R.I., 30 Oct. 1810. Married 1st, Patty South- jtry : John Putnam 1 of Aston Abbott, co. Bucks, England, came to America about 1634, and settled a1 Salem village, now Danvers; d. ■"<> I >e< . 1663; in. Priscilla ; (?i their son, Thomas Putnam 8 , bap. 7 Mar. 1614 5, >. S m Village; d. 5 Ma I, Vim Bi — - their son, Edward Putnam 3 , bap i July, 1654; farmer, res. Salem Village; d. 10 Mar. 1747; m. L681, Man Eale. their son, Isaac Putnam 4 , b. 14 Mar. 1698, rem. to Sutton about 1722; d. 1757; m. 1 720, \iina Puller. their son, Nathan Putnam.6 b. 24 Oct. 1730, res. Sutton; d. 6 Aug. 1813; m. 1752, Betty Buffington (1734-1S1U.) THIRD GENERATION. 29 wick(?) (two sons, two daughters). Married 2d, Martha Wallis of Douglas (one son, five daughters). Married 3d, W.Sutton, 19 Aug. 1802, Huldah Waters 3 [Table I] ; born in W. Sutton, 11 Aug. 1771 ; died in Providence, R. I., 6 March, 1833. Children, by third wife: 29. i. Stephen Waters, b. Sutton, 3 Oct. 1803; d. Oskaloosa, la., 4 Dec. 1880; m. 1st, 1830, Lomira Dudley; m. 2d, 1841, Mary (Sigourney) Towne. ii. Rebecca, b. Douglas, 28 Dec. 1805. While in her " teens " she joined her mother's church, the Baptists, but in 1835 united with the Friends. The same year, when her husband went out to Ohio to look the ground over, she remained to care for her brother's children, and in removing the following year to the new home, took them along and kept them till he remarried in 1841. She was always a warm friend of the Indians, and in 1849-51, while Mr. Jenks was temporarily in New England, she acted as matron of a girls' school among the Shawnees, about ten miles from the present Kansas City. And in 1869, when her second husband, Dr. Roberts, received appointment as Indian agent, he chose to serve among the Shawnees that she might be near " her children " as she "called them. She was a remarkable woman, and had she received the bene- fits of more education in youth, must have taken her place amoncr the leading spirits of her time. With New England thrift she had laid aside some property, and it was her pleasure in her last years to help those in need. After Dr. Roberts' death she re- sided in Oskaloosa, la., with her neice Mrs. Coburn and a step- daughter Mrs. Hambleton, save for the years 1893-95 when she was with another neice, Mrs. Goidd, in Brewster, Mass.; d. Oskaloosa, la., 16 May, 1891). s. p. Married 1st, Providence, R. I., 4 Aug. 1825, Laban Jenks, s. Peter and Elizabeth (King) Jenks; originally from Cumberland, R. I., he lived successively in Smithfield, R. I., and Sutton, where he had a blacksmith s shop and manufactured scythes. Rem. 1836 to Miami Co., Ohio, and 1862 to Iowa ; d. Oskaloosa, la., 6 June, 1865. She m. 2d, Hartland, Marshall Co., la., Aug. 1868, Reuben Lundy Roberts, s. Aaron and Elizabeth (Lundy) Roberts ; b. Muncy, Penn., 1 July, 1806. Was a physician : appointed Indian agent for the Shawnees at Olathe, Kan., but the agency was soon given up on the removal of the tribe to Indian Territory, and he rem. to a farm near Columbus, Kan., where he d. 13 Feb. 1875. Had 10 children by his first wife, Alvira Lewis. 30. hi. Huldah Ann, b. Douglas, 10 Dec. 1807 ; d. Providence, R, I., 6 Oct. 1833 ; m. 1827, B. Alvers Benson, 9 Isaac Dole, son of Parker (?) and Abigail (Lawrence) Dole; born in Shelburne, 5 Aug. 1762. Resided in Shelburne, where he 30 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. was a farmer and had a sawmill. His farm is still a well known landmark, and it is only in recent years that the house has been demolished. Died in Shelburne, 17 June, 1839. Married 1790*, Sarah Flagg 3 [Table II.] ; born 6 Nov. 1764. She was noted throughout the whole region for her strength and physical courage. Died in Shelburne, G Aug. 1831. Children, all born in Shelburne: 31. i. Hl-i.daii. b. 23 June, 1791; d. Zoar, 23 Jan. 1871; m. 1816 ^ Ebenezer S. Hawks, ii. Ki.kazkr, b. 7 Mar. 1795 ; was never strong. Lived at home, working on the farm and as a shoemaker, d. Shelburne, 2 Oct. IS 18, unm. iii. Sarah, b. 10 Oct. 1797 ; was an invalid and only recovered her health late in life. d. Shelburne, 30 June, 1857. 32. iv. Isaac, b. 11 Aug. 17'.) f J ; d. Shelburne, 11 July, 1879 ; m. 1824 Olive Pratt. 10 Elcazer Flagg' 3 [Table II.] ; born 10 Jan. 17G7. He was but one month old at the time his father's death broke up the home on George Hill, Grafton, and on his mother's second marriage to Na- thaniel Goddard he undoubtedly became a member of the hitter's household and removed with the family to Conway in the early "seventies." There is a vague family tradition that as a child, he was in or near Lexington on the 19th of April, 1775, and was a witness of the stirring events of that day ; and it is not unlikely that he was with his mother's family in the neighborhood of Concord. He learned the trade of a cabinet maker, but sustained an acci- dental injury which prevented his following it. Was all his life a farmer in Conway, which at the beginning of the last century was one of the most populous towns in western Mass. Died in Conway, 28 May, 1847. Married in Conway, 3 Feb. 1793, Elizabeth War- ren,! daughter of William and Elizabeth (Fletcher) Warren; born in Conway, 17 July, 1770; died there, 16 May, 1844. Children, all born in Conway: i. Daughter, stillborn, 24 Nov. 1793. ii. Chandler, b. 21 Nov. 1794. He is sail to have been drafted for the War of 1812, but before he reached the field p 'are was declared. Like others of the family, he ma 1,: trios to the * Intentions of marriage between Isaac Dole ami Sarai Flagg, filed in Conway, 23 t Ancestry; John Warren 1 , the immigrant, came to Watertown 1630, with hiswife Marearet, and .1. 1667, aged 82:— their son John Warren*, b in Eng. about 1622, res. Watertown, .1. 1702-3; m. Michal (Jennison) Bloys;— their sun ,lohn U.irrer 1 . I> li.,s, res Weston. (1. about 17'20 ; m 1st, Abigail Hastings;— their son Samuel Warren*, b. 1703-1- m. Tabitha Stone:— their son William Warren , b. 1740; m. Elizabeth Fletcher. THIRD GENERATION. 31 southern states with merchandise, and eventually located there. After seven years residence in Georgia, he came home on a visit and died within a year after his return, 16 Dec. 1830, unm. The family never knew the particulars, beyond a letter from a Mr. Charles Bacon, who wrote of having a brick arch built over the grave at Jefferson, Ga. 33. iii. Elizabeth, b. 9 Aug. 1796; d. York, N. Y., 3 Dec. 1822; m. 1820, Otis Presbrey. 34. iv. Lura, b. 16 Mar. 1798; d. Shelburne Falls, 5 Feb. 1893; m. 1823, Cyrus Alden. 35. v. Eleazer Fletcher, b. 8 Jan. 1800; d. "Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., 4 Sept. 1831 ; m. 1828, Elizabeth T. Burruss. 36. vi. Sarah, b. 27 July, 1801; d. York, N.Y., 30 Dec. 1881; m. 1826, Samuel "Warren. 37. vii. Fidelia, b. 23 Jan. 1803 ; d. York, N. Y, 29 Aug. 1839 ; m. 1829, Josiah Bond. 38. viii. Samuel, b. 3 Dec. 1804; d. Conway, 26 July, 1876; m. 1838, Rhoda G. Macomber. 39. ix. Jeremiah, b. 5 Aug. 1807; d. Sunderland, 2 Dec. 1878; m. 1837, Clarissa B. Munson. 40. x. Marinda, b. 25 Feb. 1809 ; d. Meriden, Conn., 20 Aug. 1896 ; m. 1830, Chauncy Colton. 41. xi. Tabitha, b. 1 Sept. 1811 ; d. Rome, Mich., 14 July, 1861 ; m. 1841, Josiah Bond. 42. xii. Eusebia X aville, b. 13 Apr. 1815 ; d. Conway, 23 June, 1844 ; m. 1840, Charles Macomber. 11 Levi Goddard,* son of Robert and Elizabeth (Goddard) Goddard, born in Petersham, 25 July, 1772. He was, all his life, a farmer in Grafton, occupying the house built by his father-in-law, Benjamin Goddard, a mile and a half from the centre of the town. After the death of his wife, the place was sold j and he spent the rest of his life among his children, the last six years with his daughter Mrs. Knowlton. Died in Grafton, 31 July, 1848. Married in Grafton, 16 May, 1799, Mary Goddard* [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 20 Oct. 1776; died there, 24 Aug. 1833. Children, all born in Grafton : 43. i. Benjamin, b. 14 Mar. 1800 ; d. Stockbridge, Vt., 4 May, 1882 ; m. 1834, Mary A. Rich. 44. ii. Sallv, b. 29 Nov. 1801 ; d. S. Framiugham, 29 July, 1889 ; m. 1826, John H. Merriam. 45. iii. John Flagg, b. 11 Dec. 1803; d. Indianapolis, Ind., 8 July, 1854; m. 1833, Clementine Lawton. * For ancestry, see Appendix. t The old house was d torn down in the " sixties " and unfortunately no picture of it is known. 32 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. 46. iv. Hi i.i-mi Chandler, b. 1 May. 1805 ; d. Grafton, 11 Aug. 1871; in. 1827, Charles Ira Warren. 17. \. Levi, b. 2 May, L807 ; d. Rochester, X. Y.. 20 July. 1881 ; m. 18.'! !. Lucinda Walling. 48. vi. Mart Elizabeth, b. 10 Apr. 1809; d. Grafton. :; Aug. 1841; m. 1829, Hollis Chamberlain, 49. vii. Loi [SA,b. L0 Apr. 1811 ; d. Templeton, 15 Jan. 1898; m. 1839, John Chandler Knowlton. 50. viii. CLARINDA, b. 24 Feb. 1813 : J. Washington. Vt., June, 1851 ; in. 1836, Benjamin Flanders, ix. Lucy Emeline, b. 17 Feb. 1815 ; J. Grafton, '.' Dec. 1837, unm. 51. x. Martha Evalina, h. 4 July, 1817; d, Chicago, 111., »", Apr. 1891 ; m. 1*41. Elisha W. Hind's. ,\i. Susan Zelinder, b. 3 Oct. L819 ; the lasl years of her life were spent with her sister Louisa in Templeton, where she J. 20 Jan. 1893, s. p. ; m. in Westboro, 5 May. 1852, Alexander Jacob Newton, s. Jonathan and Anna (Knowlton) Newton, b. Shrewsbury, July, 1818. Was a shoemaker in Marlboro; dis- appeared in 1862, and nothing further is known of him. 12 STEPHEN Holbrook,* son of William and Sarah (Bacheller) Holbrook, born in Grafton, 8 Oct., 1 7 ( > 7 : a farmer, and spent his entire life in Grafton. He died there 26 May, 1*50. He married 1st, in Grafton, 16 May, 1799, Sally Groddard 3 [Table III.], born in Grafton, 1 * > Aug. 1778; died there 30 Jan. 1822. He married 2d, Elizabeth Barnes. Children by first wife, all born in Grafton : 52. i. Mart, b. 3 Aug. 1799; d. Worcester, 5 Apr. 1869; m. 1831, John Emerson, ii. Lewis, b. 16 Oct. 1800. Was a fanner in Graf ton, where he held town offices and was for 12 years deacon iii the Evangeli- cal Congregational Church. Rem. to Worcester in 1*71 and d. there, 25 July. 1896, s. p. "He believed in hard work, scarcely a moment for leisure or pleasure. Before he was 20, had worked so hard on the farm that he never was well again. In religion, of the stern Puritan quality ; in daily life his hon- estyand faithfulness were relied upou by his neighbors." Mar- ried in Grafton, 2 Apr. 1857, Sophia Abigail Hall, dau. Samuel and Sophia (King) Hall; b. Grafton, 15 Apr. 1822. Was educated in musie and became a teacher, first in Kentucky and later in her native town. Is living at the Washburn home for aged women. Worcester. •Theearlyj tions of this family are not quite certain; probably John IIol- brook 1 the immigrant, Thomas,* John. 3 John Eolbrook, son of the lasl named, b. Weymouth, 22 Mar. 1694, rem. to Mendon and thenc I Grafton; d. 6 May, 1756; m. 1st, 13 Mar. 1718, Ruth I lilt. their son, William Holbrook, b. 24 -May, 171 l J, res. Graf- ton. .Married 15 May, 1753, Sarah Batcheller. THIRD GENERATION. 33 53. iii. Josiah, b. 18 Oct. 1802 ; d. Panama, N. Y., 7 Apr. 1839 ; m. 1835, Cynthia F. Barnes. 54. iv. Asenath, b. 1 Aug. 1805 ; d. Keene, N. H., 10 Dec. 18G2; m. 1834, David Woodward. 55. v. William, b. 9 July, 1807 : d. Leicester, 4 July, 1856 , m. 1832, Adaline Pratt. 56. vi. Sarah Bachellek, b. 20 Aug. 1809 ; d. Worcester, 26 Nov. 1877 ; m. 1842, Stephen Harrington, vii. Martha Pamela, b. 19 Jan. 1812 ; d Busti, N. Y., 31 May, 1880, «. p. ; m. Grafton, 1 May, 1856, Judson Southland, s. David and Mehitable ( -) Southland; b. Mendon, 1 Apr. 1793 ; a farmer ; rem. to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., in 1819, with a three-horse team, the journey taking five weeks. Rem. to Jamestown, N. Y., about 1825, and to Busti 1 who .1. 1693; their -on. Samuel Brigham,* l>. 12 Jan. 1652-3; a tanner and large landholder in Marlboro; d. 24 July, 1713; m. Elizabeth Howe, who d. : their son, Charles Brigham,- 3 b. 30 Dec. 1700, res |Marlboro; one of the -10 proprietors of Grafton, 1728, and settled on Brigham Hill in that town; d. 17 Mar. . ui. Mir, Peters; their son, William Brigham, 4 b. 26 Mar. 1739, res. Graf- l. 1 Aug.' 1833; in. 21 July, 1768, Sarah Prentice (1741-1834). Chandler Flagg i 782-1859 THIRD GENERATION. 35 As a physician he was most successful and enjoyed a high repu- tation ; retiring from practice in 1849. He died in Marblehead, 10 Sept. 1859. He married, Marblehead, 1815, Lucretia Bourne Lewis,* daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Orne) Lewis, born Mar- blehead, Aug. 1788; died there 26 Apr. 1867. Child : 64. i. Lucretia Lewis, b. Marblehead, 17 Sept. 1816; d. there, 9 May, 1897; in. 1837, William Fabens. 16 Benjamin Flagg 3 [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 25 Apr. 1784. Studied medicine with Dr. John Greene in Worcester, and began the practice of his profession there, removing in 1807 to Athens, Maine, at that time a new and sparsely settled region. Filled town offices for some years, and was a physician of high re- pute in that section. He died in Athens, Me., 1 Jan. 1816. He married 1st, 1806, Lydia Harrington, daughter of Noah and Lois (Kingsley) Harrington ; born in Shrewsbury, 25 Dec. 1784. They separated and she married 2d, 1811, Zadock Sibley of Millbury, and died in Millbury, 27 Oct. 1832. He married 2d, 1815, Lydia Leighton, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Rogers) Leighton; born (probably at Harmony, Me.) 1789 ; married 2d, 1819, Levi Emery of Skowhegan, and died in Skowhegan, 6 Dec. 1861. Child, by first wife : 65. i. Benjamin, b. Worcester, 9 Mar. 1807; d. Millbury, 10 Jan. 1882 ; m. Harriot Whiting. By second wife : 66. ii. Sarah Benjamin, b. Athens, Me., 2 Mar. 1816 ; d. Skowhegan, Me., 19 Dec. 1896; m. 1839, Ephraim Bigelow. 17 Joseph Flagg 3 [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 2 Dec. 1786. Being the youngest child he remained at home on the farm with his parents, and on his father's death in 1822 succeeded him in owner- ship of the estate which had been in the family since the settlement of the town. He also was a prosperous farmer ; and as a man, none stood higher in the respect and confidence of the community. Died in Grafton, 5 Dec. 1841. Married in Grafton, 26 Aug. 1821, * Thomas Lewis, her father, came from Boston to Marblehead and m. the dau. of Col. Azor Orne of Revolutionary fame. Q 6 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEB FLAGG. j. CT. ii. 68. hi 69. iv. 70. V. vi. Olivia Rebecca Milliken,* daughter of Samuel and Mehitabel Hough- ton (Rugg) .Milliken; burn 20 July, 1803. She married 2d, in Grafton, 2 April, 1744, Timothy Hunt (horn 20 Feb. 1784; died at Newton Corner, 10 Aug. 1860.) Her last years were spent with her children, chiefly in Kingston and Boston, and Buffalo, N. Y. Died in Buffalo, 7 "June, 1886. Children, all born in Grafton : Benjamin Leighton.d. L2July, 1822 ; d. Grafton, 17 Oct. 1822. Maria Olivia, b. 21 Feb. 182*4; m. 1842, Peter Hunt. Si san Caroline, b. 23 Oct. 1826; d. Halifax. 10 Aug. 1894; in. 1818, J. Chester Forbush. Samuel Benjamin, 1>. 6 Aug. 1828; d. Grafton, 10 Nov. 1900 ; in. 1869, Anna B. (Allcott) Silliman. Jane Amelia, b. 17 Sept. 1830 ; m. 1868, Jacob F. Krauss. Joseph Claradon, 1>. 15 June, 1832. Is a farm :• : res. on the old homestead in Grafton, 1856-59, then in Athens, Me., for four years. In 1865 went to Abington to carry on the place owned by his mother, remaining till it was sold in 1868. The next 12 years were spenl in Maine and Mass., and from I to 1885 he was in Cal. lumbering. Since 1889, has lived in Halifax. Married in Bloomfield, Me. (now Skowhegan), 8 June, 1856, Frances Wyman Bigelow, dau. Levi and Sarah (Emery) Bigelow; b. Bloomfield, Me.,7Nov. 1833 ; res. Skowhegan, Me. ; s. p. 18 Daniel Hayden 3 [Table V.] ; born in Grafton, 25 Jan. 1775. Resided in Chelmsford, and Boston where he kept a grocery store on Hanover St. for a number of years. The last part' of his life was spent with his daughter Abigail in Lexington, where he died 27 April, 1851. His nephew James Tufts, Jr., at one time a frequent visitor at his home, always spoke of the family, parents and children, as gifted and cultivated in an unusual degree — all noted likewise for beauty and grace of person. .Married in Nottingham West (now Hudson), \. II., 11 Dec. 1800, Sarah Greeley, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Greeley) Greeley; born in Nottingham West, N. II.. 30 July, 1782; died in Nashua, X. H., 12 June. L860. Children : (studio have been nine others, who died in infancy) : i. Sarah Ann, 4 b. Chelmsford, 4 June, L806; d. Boston,aboul 1MI, num. ii. Fran< es Ai gusta, 1.. Chelmsford, 7 April. 1808; res. Nashua, •V lb. Eor some years with her mother, lnu after her death re- turned to Boston, where she d. 5 June. 1869 : num. ompiler has given some time to the investigation of the families of both her parents, but has not a- d either back to the immigrant ancestor with certainty: hopes to i and publish hi.- researches later. THIRD GENERATION. 37 71. iii. Abigail Malvina, b. Chelmsford, 9 June, 1811 ; d. Lexington, 29 March 1859 ; m. 1831, Charles Fiske. iv. Elizabeth Farwell, b. Chelmsford, 7 May, 1813 ; was drowned at Rye Beach, N. H., 18 Sept. 1854 ; s. p. She m. 2 Dec. 1830, Aaron Dana, s. Rev. Nathan and Beulah (Winchester) Dana; b. 8 Auo-. 1793. He was for over 20 years a broker in Boston. Died Nashua, N. H., 8 Aug. 1852. v. Granville Greeley, res. Boston, where he was a dentist. Was associated in business with Dr. William T. G. Morton, one of the claimants to the discovery of Ether, and is said to have been the first person who administered this anaesthetic in the extrac- tion of teeth. He went to California in 1849, at the time of the gold excitement, and practised his profession in San Francisco. His name is not found in the city directory alter 1878, and while the record officials have no entry of his death, he is thought to have died about that date ; unm. 19 James Tufts, f son of William and Margaret (Browning) Tuffs ; born in New Braintree, 30 Sept. 1764. As a young man he adopt- ed the above spelling of the family name in place of the older Tuffs. Was graduated A.B. at Rhode Island College (now Brown Uni- versity) in 1789, and after an interval took up the study of theology with the celebrated Dr. Nathaniel Emmons of Franklin. Receiving calls from two parishes, Leicester, Mass. and Wardsboro, Vt., he accepted the latter and was there ordained to the Congregational ministry 4 Nov. 1795, Dr. Emmons making the three days journey on horseback to preach the ordination sermon. The salary was £60 the first year, to be increased £2 each year till it reached £80, which was to be the permanent amount. Here he continued 42 years as pastor, and as senior pastor five years more. He also kept the first post office in the place, for the three towns of Wardsboro, Strat- ton and Somerset, and retained the position twenty-nine years. Died in Wardsboro, 11 Aug. 1841. Married in Grafton, 2 Feb. 1807, Submit Hayden 3 [Table V.] ; born in Grafton, 18 April, 1777. She had an acute, strong mind, and most retentive memory, was quick to learn and was considered as a well educated woman during her life, though having very limited opportunity to attend school. When a young girl she had an ambition to study grammar, but it was not thought best for a girl to do that. Her brother studied with the minis- ter in Upton, and she kept up with him at home until finally she had permission to recite with him, and showed how fully she had mastered t Ancestry : John Tuffs 1 , b. 1704 of Scotch descent. Came to America between 1725 and 1735 from Ulster, Ireland, and settled in Brookfield. Died 27 Feb. 1795; m. Agnes Foote (1707-1788); their son William Tuffs 2 served in French and Indian war and Revolution; res. New Braintree; d. 13 Oct. 1783; m. 17 Nov. 1763, Margaret Brown- ing (b. 1731). 38 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. the subject. She began teaching school in 1792, at the age of fifteen, teaching chiefly in Grafton and Upton, receiving fifty cents a week, and more cadi year, up to one dollar and a half, when, as she re- marked, she was ashamed to ask any more, as no other teacher in town received over a dollar a week. When ninety years of age she addressed a teachers' meeting in Vermont, and in the course of her remarks spoke of her first school, seventy-five years before. After the death of her husband she continued to live in the par- sonage with her son John, and after his removal to the West, still for a time resided at the old home, but in 1864 went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Newton, in Newfane, where she died 22 Aug. 1870. Children, all born in Wardsboro, Yt. : 72. i. Submit Flagg, b. 29 Feb. 1808 ; d. Boston. 1 \ Sept. 1878 m Allen Morron. 73. ii. Eliza, b. 9 Sept. 1809 ; d. Newfane, Vt., 15 Feb. 1885 ; m. 1830, Hollis T. Robinson. 74. iii Nancy, b. 11 May, 1811; d. Newfane, Vt., 22 Dec. 189G ; m. 1836, Marshall Newton. 75. iv. James, b. 2 Nov. 1812; d. Monson, 29 Apr. 1901; m. 1855 Mary E. Warren. 76. v. J0HN,b. 11 Sept. 1814; d. Geneseo, 111., 15 Feb. 1885 ; m. 18-47, Desdemona S. Barber. 77. vi. Fanny Woodbury, b, 17 Apr. 1816 ; d. Englishtown, N. J., 21 June, 1865 ; m. 1843, John Cooke. 20. John Hayden 3 [Table V.] ; born in Grafton, 7 May, 1781. Resided with his parents in Berlin, Vt., and in addition to extensive farming, he bought and sold farm products and merchandise in Montreal. Was six feet in height, alert and strong like his father — a great worker, graceful and gentlemanly in manner. In business he was not successful. He died in Berlin, Vt., July, 1852. Mar- ried 1st, 2!» -Ian. 1807, Hannah Belknap; she died 1812. Married 2d, Esther Black, widow of Rising; born 1789; died in Berlin, March, 1833. ( 'hildren by first wife : i. Elijah, b. 30 Aug. 1807; d. in infancy. ii. Jn-iii \, Ii. 2 1 May. L808 ; d. in infancy. iii. Daniel Austin, b. 29 Aii;_ r - L809; d. in infancy. 78. iv. Sylvanus Belknap, b. '■> Oct. 1811; d. Cincinnati, O., 31 Jan. 1855; m. L839, Sarah II. Perry. By sect i ii. I w ife : 79. v. Samuel Flagg, b. Berlin, Vt., 7 Dec. 1820 ; d. College Hill, ( ).. ('. Aug. L890 ; m. 1843, Camilla Stebbr vi. Son, b. L822 or "6 and lived a tew hours. FOURTH GENERATION. FOURTH GENERATION. 21 Ebenezer Foskett, son of Samuel and Sarah (Hunt) Foskett, was born in Charlton, 8 March, 1787. He was a farmer and spent his whole life on the old Foskett homestead in Charlton, where he died 14 Oct. 1860. He married in W. Sutton, 4 July, 1820, Anna Waters 4 [Table I.J; born in West Sutton, 20 May, 1791; continued living- on the home place after her husband's death. She died in Charlton, 23 Sept. 1875. Children, all born in Charlton : 80. i. Harriet, b. 3 Apr. 1821 ; d. Webster, 17 June, 1894; m. 1851, Reuben T. Eddy. 81. ii. Samuel Waters, b. 29 Dec. 1823 ; m. 1855, Georgiana Mason. 82. hi. Tamma, b. 15 Aug. 1825; d. Charlton, 30 Apr. 1855; in. 1853, Whitman B. Potter, iv. Mercy, b. 25 June, 1826 ; engaged in sale of millinery and fancy goods at Southbridge in 1858, and about 1878 rem. to Worces- ter, unm. 83. v. John, b. 28 Mar. 1828: d. Webster, 6 June, 1898; m. 1869, Betsey A. Dockham. vi. Samantha, b. 1 Nov. 1829. For some years she had a millinery shop at Webster; later kept house for her brother John, and brought up his children; rem. 1902 to North Wilmington, unm. 84. vii. Dan, b. 11 Feb. 1833 ; m. 1862, Millia A. Davis. viii. Eliza, b. 26 Apr. 1835. Taught school some years and after- ward was a nurse in Webster and Lowell ; rem. 1896 to Wor- cester, where she res. with her sister Mercy, and d. 30 Oct. 1902. 22 David Carpenter, son of Simeon and Sally (Blanchard) Car- penter, was born in Sutton, 9 Jan. 1794; farmer in Sutton and Charlton, and died in Worcester, 28 May, 1886. He married 42 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEB FLAGG. 1st, in Sutton, April, 1812, Lucy Waters 4 [Table L] ; born in Weal Sutton, 7 Sept. 1792; died in Charlton, 15 Oct. 1830. He married 2(1, Abigail Rich, who died 5 Oct. 1873. (One son.) Children by first wife : i. Lucy, b. Sutton. 24 Oct. 1812; d. Rockford, 111.. 7 Sept. 1002; in. Charlton, 10 Sept. 1856, Otis Eddy, s. John and Mercy (Sayles) Eddy; b. Burrillville, R. L, 28 Aug. 1804. He is a farmer ; rem." 18G4 to Rockford, 111., where he still resides. 85. ii. David Waters, b. Sutton, 18 Mar. 1815 ; m. 1841, Harriet W. Stockwell. iii. John, b. Charlton, 11 Jan. 1820; d. Charlton City, 12. Inly. 1824. 86. iv. John. b. Charlton, 20 Feb. 1825 ; d. Holland, 14 Mar. 1873 ; m. 1844, Clementina II. Mclntire. v. Caroline Eliza, b. Charlton. 18 Apr. 1829: was a student at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham ; d. Charlton, 3 Dec. 1848. 23 Elkanaii McIxtire, son of Nathan and Jemima (Ames) Mc- lntire, was born in Charlton, 16 March, 1782; was a farmer and printer in Chariton, and died there, <> Aug. 1853. He married 1st, Polly Chase. He married 2d, in Charlton, 30 Oct. 1820, Lydia Waters 4 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 24 Dee. 1793 ; died in Webster, 19 April, 1872. Children by second wife, all born in Charlton : i. Stephen Waters, b. 3 Aug. 1821 ; d. Charlton, 15 May. 182 1. ii. George Waters, b. 8 Mar. 1824 ; owned a saw-mill and was a lumber dealer in Charlton; d. there. 30 Nov. 18UI. unm. 87. iii. Maky W lters, b. 29 May, 182G ; m. 1st. 1849, Amos S. Baker ; m. 2d, 1860, James Flint. 88. iv. Stephen Waters, Ik 9 May, 1829 ; d. Charlton. 1G Mar. 1884; m. 18.">4, Elizabeth R. Woodbury. 89. v. Moses Waters, b. 11 Sept. L832; d. Springfield, 7 July, 1875; in. L855, Susan L. Woodburv. vi. Nancy Ann Waters, b. 7 May. 1836 : d. Webster, 19 June, L897, s. p. ; m. 1st, Dudley, 18 Apr. 1858, Justin Holmes Rey- nolds, s. James and Dolly (Vinton) Reynolds; b. Charlton. 9 June, 1820; was a carpenter in Dudley and Webster; d. Charlton, 24 Dec. 1880. She m. 2d, Dudley, 14 Dee. 1884, Allen Gleason, s. Abie! and Nabby (Hammond) Gleason; b. Webster, 1 1 July, 1825 ; is a farmer in Webster. 24 JESSE BlGELOW, son of Thomas and Hannah (Chase) Bigelow, was born in Douglas, 7 March, 1792. He was a fanner and re- FOURTH GENERATION. 43 sided in Sutton, and removed in 1815 to the west part of Oxford, and after his second marriage, to Webster. He died in Webster^ 14 March, 1877. He married 1st, in West Sutton, 1 Dec. 181 4' Hulclah Waters 4 [Table I.], born in West Sutton, 24 Sept. 1795 : died in Oxford, 14 Dec. 1843. He married 2d, about 1844, Esther M. Simpson of Webster. Children by first wife, all born in Oxford : 90. i. Mary, b. 25 Sept. 1815 ; d. Coldwater, Mich., 5 Apr. 1886 ; m. 1842, William A. Bolster. 91. ii. Hui.dah, b. 6 Nov. 1817; m. 1st, 1836, Joseph Lawless; m. 2d, 1850, John Fegan. 92. hi. Jesse Waters, b. 27 Nov. 1821; d. Biookfield, 13 Jan. 1852; m. 1846, Joan Watson. iv. Hittt Kidder, b. 23 July, 1827 ; d. Oxford, 21 Apr. 1828. v. John Thomas, b. 25 July, 1830. H.j was a carpenter ; rem. to Oakham, Apr. 1855, and d. there. 4 Aug. 1858, s. p. ; m. Au- burn, 1 Feb. 1854, Lydia Ann Stearns, dau. Isaac and Hannah (Wheeler) Stearns; b. Spenc^-, 5 Mar. 1824; res. Oakham. 2.5 Stephen Waters 4 [Table I.], was born in West Sutton, G Aug. 1797. He was a farmer and miller in West Sutton. Though the eldest son, he had no part of the old family estate, his father having provided otherwise for him during his lifetime. He held town offices. Died in West Sutton, 22 Sept. 1850. He married in Sutton, 5 Dec. 1822, Matilda Carpenter, daughter of Simeon and Sally (Blanchard) Carpenter; born in Sutton, 1 Oct. 1800; she married 2d, 6 Nov. 1867, Rev. Willard Fuller, and died in West Sutton, 1 Dec. 1891. Children, all born in West Sutton : i. Jason, b. 9 Oct. 1824. After leaving school he was for several years engaged in teaching singing. Becoming interested in the anti-slavery movement, his contributions to the press in the years_ preceding the Civil war attracted the attention of the thinking public. Although not seeking or expecting office he was elected to the General Court for 1862-63 and again 1863- 64. Early in his first session, the Military committee unani- mously reported a bill appropriating $500,000 for the purchase of small arms for the state troops, limiting choice to the old Springfield pattern. Mr. Waters moved an amendment that said arms should be " of such pattern as the Governor and Council shall deem best adapted to the use for which it is to be applied." This amendment was lost in the lower house, hut its author called the matter to the attention of influential sena- tors, with the result that the Senate inserted it in the bill. < m its return to the House for concurrence the member from Sut- 44 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. ton, on permission from the chair, introduced a number of breech loading rifles and proceeded to demonstrate by actual experiment their immen e superiority. This direct proof. backt '1 up by extracts from letters of the fighting generals at the front, carried the day. The House accepted the Senate amendment, a committee was appointed to investigate the mat- ter, and the Spencer repeating rifle was chosen* Thus through the vigilance and pertinacity of the Sutton representative. Massachusetts enjoys the distinction of placing in the hands of her soldier- a weapon superior to any then in use. S me y< ars alter the Civil war. Mr. "Waters became editor of the Fall River Daily Times. His health being impaired by the confinement and hard work, he traveled for several com- mercial houses, visiting various parts of the United States and Canada, and acting as correspondent for a prominent New England journal. For the last twenty years he has resided at W est Sutton, "-here he is known as one of the town's most public spirited cozens; especially is his influence known and felt in all pertaining to education, unm. ii. Hannah Putnam, b. Id lug. L826; d. W. Sutton, 8 June, 1830. 93. iii. John Carpenter, b. 17 .1 4v, 1831 ; d. Mdlbury, 20 Nov. 1900 ; m. 1856, Mary A. Abbot. • iv. George, b. 4 Sept. 1834; d. W. Sutton. 28 Sept. 1834. 94. v. Andrew Ja< kson, b. 14 Jan. 1836; d. W. Sutton, 26 Aug. 1900; m. 1882, Susan O. Aldricb. vi. Nathan Putnam, b. 16 Jan. 1838; d. W. Sutton. 6 Sent. 1839. 95. vii. Julia Matilda, b. 7 Apr. 1840; m. 1860, Henry H. Phelps. 26 Nathan Waters 4 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 24 May, 1799. Receiving from his father the house built by Stephen Waters in 1757 and half of the estate, he was all his life a farmer iu West Sutton. Of the 200 acres he possessed, a large part was in apple orchards, and like others of the family he manufactured eider in large quantities. He served the town as selectman and was also justice of the peace ; settled many estates : was one of the main supports of the Baptisl church. Died in West Sutton, 8 May, 1878. He married in Sutton, 2 Dec. 1832, Ulva Abigail Putnam, daughter oi' Cor- nelius and Abigail (Bigelow) Putnam; born in Sutton, 18 Jan. L811; died in West Newton, 26 Aug. 1893. Children, all born in West Sutton : (i. Anaii Caroline, b. 26 Jan. 1835; d. W. Sutton. 3 May, 1879; ni. L863, Moses A. Aldrich. ii. Son (not named), b. 26 Jan. 18:).") ; d. W. Sutton, 9 Mar. 1835. iii. Ulva Maria, b. 27 March, L837; d. W. Sutton, 29 Dec. 1840. iv. Marion, b. 26 March, 1842; in. in W. Sutton, 1 Dec. 1867, Henry Angell inmau, son of Sanford Angell and .Marion S. Nathan Waters 1799-187^ FOURTH GENERATION. 45 (Savery) Inman ; b. in Burrillville, R. L, 28 Oct. 1844. Is a furniture salesman in Boston ; res. W. Newton, where he is a deacon and influential member of the Baptist church ; s. p.* 97. v. Samuel Nathan, b. 25 March, 1845 ; m. 1867, Emma A. Lanckton. 98. vi. Adelaide Putnam, b. 20 April, 1848 ; m. 1870, E. Everett Burdon. 99. vii. George Benton, b. 23 Feb. 1852 ; m. 1877, Rhoda E. Thomas. 27 Richard Waters 4 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 1 Nov. 1802. He was a farmer, and at the division of the ancestral estate received 112 acres as his share, and in 1839 erected on it a com- modious house, near the old homestead which fell to his brother Na- than. Like the other members of his family, he cultivated immense apple orchards, and so devoted to his farm was he that it is said he was away from it but six weeks during his entire life. Died in West Sutton, 29 March, 1876. Married in West Sutton, 20 Aug. 1837, Julia Ann Torrey, daughter of Lewis and Betsey (Titus) Torrey ; born in Sutton, 7 April, 1816 ; died in AVorcester, 5 Sept. 1881. Children, all born in West Sutton : 100. i. Isaac LeRoy, b. 26 Dec. 1843; m. 1871, Addie F. Shaw, ii. Ervin, b. 26 April, 1846 ; d. W. Sutton, 2 Jan. 1866. 101. hi. Flora Annette, b. 8 May, 1848 ; m. 1868, Alphonso D. Esta- brook. 102. iv. Evaline Inez, b. 10 Sept. 1850 ; m. 1869, Marble Putnam. 103. v. Juliette, b. 28 May, 1855 ; m. 1878, Edward M. Dunham. 28 Tyler Carpenter, son of Simeon and Sally (Blanchard) Car- penter ; born in Sutton, 8 Oct. 1805 ; early life was spent on the old Carpenter place, a mile south of Sutton centre ; removed to Ro- chester, Minn., 1856, and later to Marshall, Minn., where he died March, 1884. Married in West Sutton, 22 May, 1832, Betsey Waters 4 [Table I.), born in West Sutton, 17 Jan. 1804; died in Rochester, Minn. 5 Nov. 1863. Children, all born in Sutton ; i. Harriet Mart, b. 2 Feb. 1833 ; d. Rochester, Minn., 19 Dec. 1859 ; unm. 104. ii. George Waters, b. 3 Oct. 1834 ; m. 1860, Mary E. Lovell. 105. iii. Lewis Tyler, b. 29 May, 1836; m. 1866, Caroline V. Inman. iv. Julia Nabby, b. 23 Dec. 1839 ; d. Sutton, 20 Feb. 1840. * Adopted child : Jessie Guthrie Inman, dau. Dr. John and Jane (Uphani) Stickel ; b. Boston, 25 May, 1869. 46 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. v. Richard J. W., b. L5 June, 1841 ; d. Sutton, 28 July, 1851. 106. vi. Quiett Jui. ink, b. 7 Oct. 1843 ; d. St. Paul, Minn., 2 Jan. 1886 ; m. 1865, Charles J. Lange. vii. Charles, b. 11 July, 1847; d. 11 Aug. 1847. 29 Stephen Waters Hunt 4 (Table I.) ; born in Sutton, 3 Oct. 1803. Lived in Providence, R. I., for some years in the "thirties" and " forties " ; being possessed of considerable means he purchased a vessel in company with another, to engage in the fur trade at Astoria, but suffered shipwreck on the coast of Patagonia, losing nearly all he had. lie kept hotel in Shrewsbury and Sutton and spent his last years with his daughter in Oskaloosa, la., where he died 4 Dec. 1880. Married 1st, in Sutton, 1 June, 1830, Lomira Dudley, daughter of Capt. John and Deborah (Marble) Dudley; born in Sutton, 29 Dec. 1797; died in Providence, R. I., 22 Aug. 1835. Married 2d, in Oxford, 1841, Mary Sigourney, daughter of An- drew and Elizabeth (Wolcott) Sigourney, and widow of Benjamin F. Towne; born 20 Nov. 1799; died in Worcester, 8 June, 1860. Children, by first wife, all born in Providence, R. I. : i. Anna Maria, b. 6 Oct. 1832. Resided during the "sixties" with her step sister and husband, Gen. "Wallace of Maryville, E. Tenn. 1I«' died during the war. and the sisters lost nearly all they had. s. p. Married in Shawnee. Kan.. 4 June, 1873, Albert AmasaCoburn. son of ( >tis and I )elina (Martin) Coburn; b. in Ellisburg, Jefferson Co., N. V., * Aug. 1828. Enlisted 30 Aug. 1864 in Co. E, 1 0th New York Artillery, serving till discharged 23 June, 1S65. He is a printer; has resided in Rochester and Utica, N. Y., Burlington, la., Kansas City. M>.. and for the last 25 years in Oskaloosa, la. Is a deacon in the Congregational church, and member of the G. A. R. By his first wife, Lucv E. Walling, (married 4 June 1850 and died 1870) he had 1 son and 2 daus. 107. ii. Daniel Edward, b. 1 Feb. 1*31 ; m. 1855, Sarah "Wood-, iii. Mary Elizabeth, d. Aug. 1835, aged 2 or 3 week-. 30 Benjamin Alvebs Benson, son of Joseph and Lucy (Kimball) Benson; born in Sturbridge, 21 June, 1803. In later life he drop- ped his first name. Was a carpenter and skilled mechanic in Provi- dence, R. I., for some years : a member of the United Independent Artillery, rising through all grades to the rank of colonel which he held L832-33. Removing to New York, he was employed in R. lIoe*s great establishment, and was killed there by the fall of an FOURTH GENERATION. 47 elevator, 21 Aug. 1858. Married 1st, in Providence, R. I., 10 Dec. 1827, Hulclah Ann Hunt 4 [Table I.], born in Douglas, 10 Dec. 1807 ; died in Providence, 6 Oct. 1833. He married 2d, 16 Nov. 1834, Hannah Wilkinson. Children, by first wife, both born in Providence, R. I. : 108. i. Rebecca Jenks, b. 31 Oct. 1828 ; m. 1854, James Gould. ii. Almira Fisher, b. 22 Nov. 1832 ; d. Providence, 28 Feb. 1833. 31 Ebenezer Smead Hawks, son of Samuel and Mary (Smead) Hawks ; born in Deerfield, 9 Nov. 1788. The second in a family often children, with his father in poor circumstances, he was early put to work, on the farm and in the tannery, sawmill and brickyard. Up to the time of his marriage he was the mainstay of the family, and when drafted for service in the War of 1812, his mother's op- position was so strong that he hired a substitute. After marriage it was his purpose to remove to New York state, as so many others of the younger people were doing, but again heeded the protest of his parents and bought a place at Zoar in the town of Charlemont. It had been a public house, and he carried it on for a few years, then built a tannery and sawmill and devoted himself also to farming for the rest of his life. The educational interests of the town demanded his warm support and he was a devoted adherent of the Methodist church. In 1842 he served the town as selectman. Died in Zoar, 17 Sept. 1843 as a result of a kick by a horse. Married in Shel- burne, 17 Feb. 1816, Hulclah Dole 4 [Table II.] ; born in Shel- burne, 23 June, 1791 ; after his death she continued to live on the old place in Zoar, and died there 23 Jan. 1871. Children, all born in Zoar : i. Lurentha Melvina, b. 21 Jan. 1817; res. in Zoar and with her younger sister occupies one half of her father's home ; unm. 109. ii. Ebenezer Henry, b. 13 May, 1819 ; d. Jacksonville, Vt., 30 April, 1894 ; m. 1857, Mary E. Creasy, 110. hi. Sarah Elmira, b. 26 Aug. 1820; d. 27 Sept. 1898; m. 1844, William F. Stitt. 111. iv. Isaac Dole, b. 25 April, 1823 ; d. Zoar, 14 May, 1882; in. 1856, Caroline Smith, v. Huldah Maria, b. 4 Dec. 1825 ; living with her sister Luren- tha in Zoar ; unm. 112. vi. Joseph Allen Smead, b. 9 March, 1828 ; m. 1853, Harriet S. Rude. 113. vh. Lucy Abigail Caroline, b. 4 Feb. 1831 ; d. Deerfield, 25 April, 1858 ; m. 1857, George Frary. vhi. Julia Ann Lucretia, b. 11 Nov. 1833 ; was a school teacher ; d. Zoar, 14 Nov. 1857 ; unm. 48 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 32 Isaac Dole, 4 son of Isaac and Sarah (Flagg) Dole, was born in Shelburne, 11 Aug. 1799. He inherited his father's farm and saw-mill, and always lived on the old place in Shelburne. Hf died there, 11 July, 1879. Married in Shelburne, 1824, Olive Pratt,* who died 3 May, 1863, aged 72. ( hildren : i. Isaac Chandler, b. Shelburne, 4 Aug. 182 1. He was in poor health and never worked much ; lived with his father in Shel- burne, and d. there, 2o Feb. 1854, s.p.; m. 1846, Diantha Packard of Ballston, N. Y. After her husband's death, she returned to her native place and d. there 30 Mar. 185G. ii. Olivia, d. Shelburne, C> July, 1833, aged 3. 33 Otis Presbkey, son of Levi and Sarah (Pratt) Presbrey, was born in Taunton, 23 Sept. 1790. As a young man he went South as a peddler of "Yankee notions," and it is said that he was, with Chandler and E. F. Flagg, who accompanied him, in the Richmond Theatre at the time that it was burned in 1811 with a loss of 60 lives. All three escaped, one with a broken leg. lie was later a farmer in Conway, and removed in 1819 to York, Livingston Co., Xew York, where he died, 18 Dec. 1850. He married 1st, in Conway, 20 April, f 1820, Elizabeth Flagg 4 [Ta- ble II.], born in Conway, 9 Aug. 1796. She died in York, X. Y., 3 Dec. 1822. He married 2d, Lucy Whetmore, widow of Kellogg, by whom he had several children. Children by first wife, both born in York, N. Y. : 114. i. Otis Fletcher, b. 20 Dec. 1820; d. Saratoga, N.Y., 20 Aug. 1900; in. 18-17, Sarah A. Johnson. ii. Sarah Ann, b. 15 Aug, 1822 ; d. York, N. Y., 24 Sept. 1822. 34 Cyrus Alden,:}: son of Rev. John and Nancy (Gray) Alden, was born in Ashfield, 15 Aug. 1795. He was a farmer in Ash- field till 1836, when he removed to Shelburne Falls, and there en- gaged extensively in manufacturing. He was a man of strong mind, sterling integrity and always active in church work. He died at Shelburne Falls', 24 Nov. 1842. He married 1st, 20 Oct. • Her sister Betsey Pratt was wife of Elisba Thayer of Conway. filer father's Bible gives date 26 April. J Seventh in descent from John Alden, the Mayflower pilgrim. FOURTH GENERATION. 49 1819, Eunice Bacon (born 1801; died 1821), by whom he had two daughters. He married 2d, in Conway, 6 Nov. 1823, L.ura Flag-g 4 [Table II.], born in Conway, 16 March, 1798. With the exception of sight she retained all her faculties unimpaired up to the time of her death in her 95th year, at Shelburne Falls, 5 Feb. 1893. Children, by second wife, all born in Ashfield : i. Elizabeth Flagg, b. 3 Dec. 1824. Was a teacher some years before marriage ; present res. Baldwinsville, N. Y. s. p.; m. Elbridge, N. Y., 6 June, 1858, Squire Munro, s. John and Hannah (Coman) Munro; b. Elbridge, N. Y., 19 Nov. 1805. He was a farmer at Baldwinsville, N. Y. Had 5 chil. by a former marriage ; d. Baldwinsville, N. Y., 7 Mar. 1880. ii. Eunice Bacon, b. 11 Sept. 1827. She also was a school teacher before marriage and is at present living in Baldwins- ville, N. Y., s p.; m. Baldwinsville, N. Y., 28 Feb. 1877, Chester Clinton Tolman, s. Charles and Alta (Anderson) Tol- man ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 13 Nov. 1819. Was a mechanic in Shelburne Falls ; had one dau. by former wife. He d. Shelburne Falls, 7 Mar. 1889. 115. iii. George Chandler, b. 5 Aug. 1829 ; d.'Bristol, Col., 17 July, 1888 ; m. 1855, Susan A. Boss. iv. Charles Fletcher, b. 27 Apr. 1832. Was a mechanic in Shelburne Falls till the breaking out of the Civil war, when he enlisted in the 52d Mass. Infantry, being mustered in, 1 1 Oct. 1862 as corporal in Co. E, and was discharged 14 Aug. 1863 at expiration of service. After the war he was in business in Chicago, and later in nickel plating in St. Louis, where he d. 29 Apr. 1882. unm. 35 Eleazer Fletcher Flagg 4 [Table II.], was born in Conway, 8 Jan. 1800. He went South with his brother Chandler, and Otis Presbrey, afterward his brother-in-law, and traveled from place to place selling merchandise ; he seems to have resided permanently in the South after 1823, and eventually bought and cleared a planta- tion, "Deerfield," in Caroline Co., Va. Though known to have been uniformly kind to his slaves, he was poisoned by his cook, who put pounded glass in some food. It was afterward ascertained that she had poisoned three previous masters. His wife, who was away for the day at the adjacent plantation of her father, " Poplar- grove," escaped, as also his child William C, who refused to touch the food offered ; but he himself died from the effects, 4 Sept. 1831. He married, at " Poplargrove," Caroline Co., Va., 18 Dec, 1828, Elizabeth Turner Burruss, daughter of Harris and Elizabeth (Redd) Burruss ; born at "Poplargrove," 22 Dec. 1807. She mar- 50 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. ried 2d, Richard Woolfolk (by whom she had one daughter). She died at "Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., Nov., 1886. Children, both born at "Deerfield," Caroline Co., Ya. : 116. i. William Chandler, b. 27 Oct. 1829; d. Point Lookout, Md., 5 July, 1*134; m. 18.") 1, Mary J. Murray. 117. ii. Eleazeb Fletcher, b. 5 Oct. 1831 ; d. ''Lowood," Caroline Co., Va., 27 Dec. 1890 ; m. 1856, Amanda Morris. 36 Samuel Warren, son of Levi and Anna (Nichols) Warren, was born in Litchfield, Herkimer Co., X. Y., 28 Oct. 1797. At the age of ten, he was left fatherless, and three years later walked above 100 miles to Jefferson Co., X. Y., to some relatives, where he found a home for his mother. Speaking in later life of the trials of his early years, he was wont to say that he had a large penny which he always kept in his pocket, so that no one could say he was " not worth a cent," but it was all he had many times. In 1817 he removed to York, Livingston Co., X. Y., where he had in the preceding year purchased 33 acres of land. Upon this he built a log dwelling and the first saw-mill in that part of the town. Here he planted an extensive vineyard on the banks of the stream, and turned his attention largely to horticulture. In 1832, he began the manufacture of pure wine for medicinal and sacramental purposes. The product, which was 20 gallons the first year, in 1858 amounted to 3400 gallons, and had won a reputation from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The last six years of his life he was entirely helpless, but the mind was clear to the last. He died in York, 14 Sept. 1862. He married in York, X. Y., 30 Nov. 1826, Sarah Flagg' [Ta- ble II.], born in Conway, 27 July, 1801; died in York, 30 Dec. 1881. Children, all born in York, Livingston Co., X. Y. : i. Fidelia Flagg, b. 10 Dec. 1827. She taught school: was possessed of rare poetic talent. Began the study of medicine iii Syracuse, N. Y., being with six other ladies among the first of her sex to do so. In 185o entered Eclectic Medical Col- lege, Rochester, where she stood highest in her class and was within a month of graduation, when she d, 5 Feb. 1851, in Rochester. ii. Samuel, b. 15 dune. 1832; d. York. M dune, 1833. iii. JOSIAH, h. 2 1 Jan. L834. lie \\< nt to live on his father's place on marriage, but in a few years rem. to rrondequoit and there engaged in grape growing. In 1873 went to Geneseo, ^ Y., where he was in several kinds of business, chiefly the sale of farm implements and insurance. He was social, kindly in spirit, hopeful and genial in spite of business reverses. Was FOURTH GENERATION. 51 a Freemason, and a member of the Presbyterian church ; d. Geneseo, N. Y., 17 Mar. 1896; m. Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y., 2 May, I860, Elizabeth Maria Williams, dau. Lemuel and Adelia (Kennicutt) Williams ; b. Livonia, 22 June, 1833 ; res. Geneseo, N. Y., 5. p.* 118. iv. Mary Jane, b. 26 Mav, 1836 ; m. 1860, Alfred Burt. 119. v. Harlan Page, b. 18 Oct. 1841 ; d. York, N. Y., 30 Sept. 1882 ; m. 1869, Harriet C. Williams. 37 Josiah Bond, son of Jonas and Elizabeth (Howe) Bond, was born in Conway, 26 Sept. 1799. As a young man he worked at making boots and shoes, and went about from house to house and made footwear for the families. After marriage he cleared land in western New York, locating in York, Livingston Co. He removed in 1847 to Rome, Lenawee Co., Mich., where he was a farmer and stock raiser ; also bought and sold cattle for many years. Save for a few months in Adrian, Mich., with his son, the last fifty years of his long life were spent in Rome, where he died 12 Sept. 1897. He married 1st, in Conway, 1 Nov. 1829, Fidelia Flagg 4 [Table II.], born in Conway, 23 Jan.f 1803; died in York, N. Y., 29 Aug. 1839. He married 2d, Tabitha Flagg. 9 [See 41, p. 53] Children by first wife, both born in York, N. Y. : i. Chandler Fletcher, b. 27 May, 1831 ; was clerk and book- keeper in a drug store in Adrian, Mich., till taken ill with consumption ; d. Rome, Mich., 22 Dec. 1849. 120. ii. George Washington, b. 22 Feb. 1839; m. 1861, Jane E. Marks. 38 Samuel Flagg 4 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 3 Dec, 1804. Like his two older brothers, he went South as a peddler in his younger days, but returned and settled down on a farm in Conway, where he died 26 July, 1876. He married in Conway, 12 April, 1838, Rhoda Godfrey Macomber, daughter of Charles and Fanny (Godfrey) Ma- comber ; born in Conway, 22 Oct. 1813 ; spent her last days with her youngest son in Conway, where she died 12 July, 1900. Children, all born in Conway : 121. i. Charles Chandler, b. 7 Jan., 1839 ; m. 1860, Mary A. Brown. * Jennie Hall Warren, adopted daughter. tHer lather's Bible gives date 8 Feb. 52 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 122. ii. George Washington, b. 22 Nov. 1840 ; m. 1869, Charlotte C. Kins. 123. iii. Fannie Elizabeth, b. G Aug. 1843; m. 1862, Elias F. Brad- ford. 124. iv. Susan Wilson, b. 22 Jan. 1846 ; m. 1807, Wilscta E. Field. 12.3. v. Eleazer Fletcher, b. 3 March, 1848; m. LS74, Ellen M. Lnwrence. vi. Hatti:: Maria, b. 27 June. 185 1 ; was employed in a cotton mill the last years of her life ; d. Conway, 21 Sept. 1887. 39 Jeremiah Flags 4 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 5 Aug. 1807. In youth he learned the millwright's trade and later was a carpenter. In company with Messrs. Whitney, Graves and Wells, he built a cotton mill in Conway. Selling out his interest, he removed to Sunderland where he owned a sawmill. For four years, under Buchanan's administration, he was postmaster, being the only Am- erican Democrat in town. He later went into the patent right busi- ness and lost $12,000, the accumulation of a lifetime. After his wife's death, bought a small farm outside the village and there spent his last years. Died in Sunderland, 2 Dec. 1878. Married in Whately, 18 Jan. 1837, Clarissa Bodwell Munson, daughter of Joel and Folly (Wait) Munson; born in Whately 13 Feb. 1814; died in Sunder- land, 30 March, 1869. Children : i. Martin Van Buren, b. Conway, 4 Oct. 1840 ; d. there. 11 May, 1843. 126. ii. Martin Van Buren, b. Conway, 12 July, 1844; m. 1865, Louise C. Shearn. iii. Mary Amanda, b. Sunderland, 22 Oct. 1849 ; d. 31 Aug. 1851. 127. iv. Alvin Munson, b. Sunderland, 27 Oct. 1853 ; m. 1878, Julia C. Booth. 128. v. Fidelia Eusehia, b. Sunderland, 17 Nov. 1857; m. 1877, Harris A. Clark. 40 Ctiat-ntv Colton,* son of Zadoc and Huldah (Lanchton) Colton ; born in Longmeadow, 29 Jan. 1800. After bis marriage, lived in Wcstfield where he was a farmer. He served a term as represcnta- * A descendant of Quartermaster George Colton who came from Sutton Coldfield, England, and settled liv.-t in Windsor, Conn., and later in Springfield. FOUKTH GENERATION. 53 tlve In the General Court. Died in Westfield, 9 Jan. 1862. Mar- ried in Conway, 26 Oct. 1830, Marinda Flagg 4 [Table II.] ; bom in Conway, 25 Feb. 1809. In May, 1863, went to live with her son D. B. Colton in Meriden, Conn., and after his death con- tinued to reside there, spending her last days with her daughter, Mrs. Kust. For eight years she was confined to a wheel chair from the effects of rheumatism, but her mental powers began to fail only about three years before her death, which occurred at Meriden, 20 Aug. 1896 ; the last of her father's family. Children, all born in Westfield : 129. i. Ann Mehitable, b. 22 Aug. 1831 ; d. Owen, 111., 8 July, 1881 ; m. 1863, James Bliss. 130. ii. Jane Elizabeth, b. 21 Jan. 1834; in. 1856, Henry S. Thurs- ton. 131. iii. Benton Hart, b. 14 Aug. 1836; m. 1859, Lozina L. Wheeler, iv. Delazon Smith, b. 4 Feb. 1839. He studied dentistry in West- field with Dr. E. L. Clark; rem. to Meriden, Conn., in the spring of 1860, opened an office and practised successfully. Was an active member of the Congregational church. Died in Meriden, 13 Sept. 1864; unm. 132. v. Fannie Maria, b. 20 July, 1841 ; m. 1864, Theodore S. Rust. 133. vi. Emma Eusebia, b. 5 July, 1844 ; d. Cromwell, Conn., 12 Aug. 1885 ; m. 1871, Henry A. Shipman. vii. Francis Volnet, b. 2d May, 1847 ; d. Westfield, 29 Aug. 1849. vhi. Ernestine Rose, b. 13 Dec. 1850 ; d. Meriden, Conn., 22 July, 1865. J 41 Josiah Bond [see 37, p. 51] ; married 2d, in Conway, 30 Jan. 1841, Tabitha Flagg 4 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 1 Sept., 1811 ; died in Eome, Mich., 14 July, 1861. Children, both born in York, N. Y. i. William Henry, b. 20 Oct. 1843. Enlisted Aug. 1862 in Co. B, 18th Michigan Infantry, and was discharged on account of sickness, 2 Jan. 1863. Recovering his health, he re-enlisted in 11th Michigan Cavalry, serving till the end of the war. Was a mechanic by trade and all his life was spent in Rome, Mich., save 1871-73, when he was in Lyons, Rice Co., Kan., where he pre-empted 160 acres of land. Died in Rome, Mich,, 30 June, 1883 ; s. p. Married in Rome, 10 Jan., 1874, Re- becca Debora Marks, dau. of Cornelius and Fanny (Littz) Marks; she m. 2d, 4 Oct. 1888, Henry Harrison Ferguson, and with him rem. to Adrian, Mich. He is a retired farmer. ii. Mary Fidelia, b. 12 Jan. 1846. Lived with her father in Rome, Mich., till his death. Died while on a visit to a cousin in Dowagiac, Mich., 6 June, 1899. 54 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 42 Charles Macomber, eon of Charles and Fanny (Godfrey) Ala- comber ; horn in Conway, 24 April, 1808. AVas all his life a far- mer in Conway, where he died 16 Dec. 1876. Married 28 Feb. 1840, Eusebia Naville Flagg 4 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 13 April, 1815 ; died there, 23 June, 1844. He married 2d, Mar- tha Squires, widow of Ileman P. Graves. Children, by first wife, both born in Conway : 134. i. Henry Langdox, b. 3 June, 1842; m. 1st, 1864, Clara W. Lamb; m. 2d, 1900, Katharyn A. (Freeman) Haskins. 135. ii. Charles Albert, b. 10 July, 1843 ; d. Whately, 8 July, 1S70; m. I860, Mary E. (Lamb) Scott. 43 Benjamin Goddard 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 14 March, 1800. In his parents' old age he went home to carry on the farm, but removed to Vermont after his mother's death, when the home place was sold and passed into other hands. The rest of his life, Avas a farmer in Stockbridge, Vt., where he and his wife were mem- bers of the Methodist church. Died there, 4 May, 1882. Married in Braintree, Vt., 14 May, 1834, Mary Ann Rich, daughter of Jacob Reed and Xancy (Holmes) Rich; born in Stockbridge, Vt., 2 Aug. 1811, and is still living there. Children : i. Damarias Holmes, b. Grafton, 4 Aug. 1836 ; d. same day. ii. Mart Eliza, b. Grafton, 4 Nov. 1838 ; d. Stockbridge, Vt., 4 Oct. 1852. 136. in. Levi Benjamix, b. Stockbridge, Vt., 19 March 1840 ; m. 1884, Belle Twitchell. iv. Joseph Elmer, b. Sherburne, Vt., 28 June, 1842. Enlisted 5 Aug. 1864, in 3d battery, Vermont Light Artillery, and was mustered out 15 June, 1865. Is a farmer in Stockbridge, Vt. (P. O. Gaysville) ; unm. v. Sarah Amelia, b. Stockbridge, Vt., 8 Aug. 1844; d. there, 19 April, 1846. 137. vi. Lucy Emeline, b. Stockbridge, Vt., 2 June, 1846 ; m. 1871, Moses T. Stone, vii. Clarinda Elizabeth, b. Stockbridge, Vt., 26 March, 1850; m. Stockbridge, Vt., 11 Feb. 1869, .lames Sullivan "William- son, son of Caleb and Mary (Wilson) Williamson ; b. Pomfret, Vt., 3 Sept. 1845. Entered service 5 Sept. 1864 in the 3d battery, Vermont Light Artillery, and was mustered out 15 .1 uue, 1865. Is a farmer in Stockbridge, Vt. (P. O. Gaysville.) s. p. FOURTH GENERATION. 55 44 John Hunt Merriam, son of Joseph and Sally (Wetherbee) Merriam; born in Grafton, 27 Dec. 1800. He was a carpenter; resided in Grafton, removed 1850 to S. Framingham, and died there, 24 Sept. 1881. Married in Grafton, 4 Jan. 1826, Sally God- darcl 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 29 Nov. 1801 ; died in S. Framingham, 29 July, 1889. Children, all born in Grafton : i. Martha Ann, b. 1G Oct. 182G ; res. S. Framingham ; unm. ii. John Goddard, h. 26 July, 1831. Rem. about 1856, to Cin- cinnati, O., where he remained about four years, and then rem. to Mich. Enlisted at Trenton, Mich., 13 Aug. 1861, in Co. K, 1st Michigan Cavalry, and was appointed 1st sergeant. Was fatally wounded at the second battle of Bull Run, 30 Aug. 1862, while serving as 1st lieutenant. Was taken to a hospi- tal in Washington where his father was with him during his last hours. Died 23 Sept. 1862 ; unm. 138. iii. George Edward, b. 4 Jan. 1833 ; m. 1866, Mary H. Robinson. 139. iv. Mary Goddard, b. 9 Feb. 1835; m. 1854, Chauucey L. Mit- chell. 45 John Flagg Goddard 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 11 Dec. 1803. Learned the shoemaker's trade in youth, and worked successively in Millbury, Auburn and North Brookfield. Removed April 1834 to Wellsville, Allegany co., N. Y., shortly after its first settlement. Here he was successively in the shoe and lumber busi- ness. For many years he was member of the school board and jus- tice of the peace ; and in 1848 nominated by the Whig party for member of the Assembly. Mr. Goddard and his wife were among the sixteen founders of the First Presbyterian church of Wellsville. He failed in business in 1852, and May 1854, removed to Indiana- polis, Ind., where he died 8 July, 1854. "He is remembered by old citizens of Wellsville as a man of very genial sympathetic nature, puritanically severe to himself, but of a broad, tolerant spirit toward others ; of unflinching integrity and a quick sense of justice." Mar- ried in N. Brookfield, 25 April, 1832, Clementine Lawton, daugh- ter of Chester and Caroline (Wight) Lawton ; born in New Durham, N. Y., 28 Feb. 1810. She taught school in the Merriam district, Grafton, in the "thirties". Removed 1869 to Rochester, and died there, 23 Oct. 1887. Child : 140. i. Johx Lawton, b. Wellsville, N. Y., 18 Xov. 1843 ; m. 1871, Rosa G. Clarke. 56 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 4G Charles Ira Warren, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Prentice) Warren; horn in Grafton, 29 Aug. 1801 ; was a farmer in Grafton, and died there 22 March, 1872. Married in Grafton, 27 Dec. 1827, Huldah Chandler Goddard 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 1 May, 1*05; died there 1-1 Aug. 1871. Children, all born in Grafton : 111. i. Sarah Angelixe, b. 29 Sept. 1828; d. Worcester, 20 April, 1895 ; m. James W. McKenzie. ii. Levi Goddard, b. 16 Oct. 1831 ; d. Grafton, 11 Dec. 1836. iii. Lucy Elizaukth, b. 23 Feb. 1838 ; d. Grafton, 7 July, 1838. iv. Charles Augustlne, b. 11 Sept. 1812; d. Graftou, 20 Aug. 1843. 47 Levi Goddard 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 2 May, 1807. He learned shoemaking in youth ; removed 1835 to Florida, Orange co., X. Y., 1838 to Elmira, N. Y., where he remained about two years, then removed his family to South Creek, Bradford Co., Penn., about fifteen miles distant, continuing to work at Elmira and Che- mung, N. Y. In 1860 he changed his residence back to Elmira and continued to reside there the rest of his life. The respect of all who knew him was the reward of a long and honorable career. Died in Rochester, X. Y., 20 July, 1881. Married in New York City, 22 July, 1834, Lucinda Walling, daughter of Oliver and Martha (Mather) Walling; born in Minisink, Orange co., N. Y., 4 Feb. 1812; died in Elmira, N. Y., 4 Aug. 1895. Children : 142. i. Levi Smith, b. Florida, N. Y., 29 Oct. 1837 ; m. 1859 Helen E. Pierce. ii. Samuel Hall, b. Elmira, X. Y., 4 Feb. 1840. Res. with bis parents in Elmira; employed as baggage master and later as conductor on the Northern Central railroad. Was seriously injured in an accident, Jan. 1 8 69, from the effects of which lie never wholly recovered. Pied in Elmira, X. Y., 5 Dec. 18G'.J ; num. iii. John Washington, b. Elmira, N. Y., 4 Feb. 1840. En- listed at Elmira, 11' Aug. L862, in ( o. ('. lGlst New York Infantry; participated iii the Red River expedition and many battles and engagements on the Gulf coast : mustered out -Mi Sept. L865. His health was much impaired by his service, but in lt>70— 71 he was employed in the printing ce of his brother, F. L. Goddard, in New Haven. Died in Elmira, N. Y., 26 Jan. 1875 ; uuru. FOURTH GENERATION. 57 143. 144. 145. VI. vii. 14G. vni. Martha Mary, b. South Creek, Penn., 15 Feb. 1843 ; m. 1866, Edwin C. Seymour. Joseph Lewis, b. South Creek, Penn., 15 Feb. 1843 ; d. Rochester, N. Y., 10 April, 1895 ; m. 1875, Lucy M. Fish. Edward, b. South Creek, Penn., 14 Sept., 1844 ; m. 1870, Mary E. Kingsbury. Philemon Alonzo, b. South Creek, Penn., 1 May, 1849. Was newsboy on the Chicago and Burlington railroad a few years, then bookkeeper in Plainview, Minn., for a time. Started in the drug business for himself in Plainview and had established a good trade, but his health broke down under the confinement. His friends in both political par- ties elected him County auditor, but before his term began he died in Plainview, 11 Jan. 1881 ; unm. Freeman Lorenzo, b. South Creek, Penn., 1 May, 1849 ; d. Elmira, N. Y., 4 Dec. 1872 ; m. 1870, Elizabeth B. Mix. 48 Hollis Chamberlain, son of Eli and Mitty (Fay) Chamberlain ; born in Southboro, 24 Oct. 1805 ; was a shoemaker and farmer in Grafton. Died in Grafton, 22 July, 1883. Married 1st, in Graf- ton, 15 April, 1829, Mary Elizabeth Godclard 4 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 10 April, 1809 ; died there, 3 Aug. 1841. Mar- ried 2d, April, 1842, Fanny C. Brewer, who died in Grafton, 30 Oct. 1890, aged 81. Children, by first wife, all born in Grafton : 147. ( i. Mary Anjanette, b. 1 Jan. 1830 ; d. Kansas City, Mo., 10 ) Oct. 1886 ; m. 1850, Henry A. Sceva. ( ii. Martha Antoinette, b. 1 Jan. 1830 ; d. Grafton, 2 Jan. 1830. 148. iii. Edward Franklin, b. 9 May, 1835; d. Grafton, 29 July, 1902 ; m. 1860, Angeline A. Staples, iv. Louisa Maria, b. 6 July, 1837 ; d. Grafton, 19 Aug. 1859 ; unm. 49 John Chandler Knowlton, son of Joel and Polly (Brooks) Knowlton; born in Shrewsbury, 26 Dec. 1812. Was a farmer ; resided in Grafton first, and Templeton since Nov. 1858. Died in Templeton, 8 Jan. 1873. Married in Grafton, 18 Sept. 1839, Louisa GocldarcF [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 10 April, 1811 ; died in Templeton, 15 Jan. 1898. Child : 149. i. Susan Eliza, b. Grafton, 18 June, 1845 ; m. 1873, Simeon D. P. Gray. 58 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 50 Benjamin Flanders, son of David and Laura (Harris) Flan- ders, -was born in Orange, Vt., March, 1812. He was at different times a boot-maker and miller ; resided in Orange, Vt., and "Wash- ington, Vt. lie died in Washington, Vt., 8 Aug. 1858. He married 1st, in Grafton, 6 April, 1836, Clarinda Goddard* [Table III.], born in Grafton, 24 Feb. 1813; died in Washing- ton. \ t., 6 June, 1851. He married 2d, Sophia Maria Simonds of Northfield, Vt. Owing to the early death of both parents, his children were sepa- rated, going to the homes of various relatives. Children, by first Avife : i. Benjamin Lorriston, d. at the age of 6 month-*. 150. ii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Orange, Vt., Apr. 1840; d. Carroll- ton, La., 2 Dec. 1862; m. 1860, Sarah C. Farnsworth. iii. LORRISTON, (1. in infancy. iv.& v. Twin daughters, stillborn. 151. vi. Ellen Clarinda, b. Orange, Vt, 2 June, 1843 ; m. T. Benton Silloway. vii. George Levi, b. Orange, Vt., 2 Feb. 1845. Enlisted at "Wash- ington. Vt., 25 July, 1862, in Co. G, 10th Vermont Infantry. In the battle of Spottsylvania, 18 May, 1804, he carried de- spatches between different parts of Meade's army. After two horses had been shot under him, he was killed by a fragment of shell. 152. viii. Abbie Louisa, b. Washington, Vt., 23 Feb. 1848; m. 1869, Silas II. Brigham. ix. Lucy Ann, b. Washington, Vt., 24 June. 1849 ; m. E. Bethel, Yt., Harvey Philander House, s. Philander Chase and Althea (Vinton) House, b. E. Bethel, Vt., 12 Mar. 1849. He is a dealer in horses, W. Liberty, la., s. p. x. Charles Wilton, b. Washington, Vt., July, 1850. He went West about 1*71. and was last heard of on the Great Lakes some five years after, xi. Harvey Tilden, b. Washington, Vt.. 6 June, 1851. On his father's death he was adopted by his uncle .1. (.'. Knowlton. While staying on the farm of his cousin William Eastman, he was kicked by a horse and d. from the injuries 23 June, 1867. 51 Emsha Woodwakd Hinds, son of Warner and Achsah (Wood- ward ) Hinds, was born in Hubbardston, il Nov. 18 IK. He was a currier by trade; removed from Massachusetts to Rockford, 111. Enlisted 2* July, 1862, in Co. D, 74th Illinois Infantry, and 6crved till mustered out, 10 June, 18G5. Not beinir strong enough O O O FOURTH GENERATION. 59 to bear the long marches, he was detailed part of the time to care for the sick and wounded. Being of a gentle and kindly nature, and an earnest Christian, he exerted a good influence ; the boys all loved him, and years afterward many of them came long distances to thank him, also parents to show gratitude for services to sons who had not survived. After the war he returned to Rockford, residing there till his death, 11 Oct. 1886. He married in Graf- ton, 2i> Aug. 1844, Martha Evalina Gocldartl 4 [Table III.], born in Grafton, 4 July, 1817 : died in Chicago, 111., 6 April, 1891. Children : 153. i. Emma Evalina, b. Grafton, 19 Nov. 1845; m. 18G7, William Eastman. ii. Julia Augusta, b. Charlestown, 28 Oct. 1818 ; res. Chicago. unm. iii. Alice Warren, b. Charlestown, 10 Feb. 1854 ; d. Rockford 111., 31 Oct. 1869. iv. Louise Frances, b. Rockford, 111., 6 May, 18G0. Rem. to Chicago, 1890 ; is in the employ of the city as buyer of station- ery supplies, unm. 52 John Emerson, son of Calvin and Elizabeth (Petty) Emerson, was born in Fairfield, Me., 20 Jan. 1796. Farmer; resided in South Norridgewock, Me., removing to West Gardiner, Me., about l,s.">i;, Worcester 1863, and Holden 18G6. He died in Holden, 22 Jan. 1878. Married in Grafton, 13 April, 1831, Mary Holbrook 4 [Table III.], born in Grafton, 3 Aug. 1799; died in Worcester, 5 April, 18(19. Children, both born in South Norridgewock, Me. : • i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. 31 Dec. 1834; d. S. Norridgewock, 3 Mar. 1835. ii. Stephen Holbrook, b. 10 Feb, 1836; lived at home till 20 years of age. Enlisted 21 Oct. 1861, in the 11th Maine In- fantry, serving as corporal of Co. B ; promoted to sergeant and transferred to Co. G, 1 Sept. 1862; re-enlisted 4 Jan. 1864, and was mustered out 2 Feb. 1866, after a service of 4 years and 3 months. After the war he settled in Worcester; in 1881, went to Leadville, Col., and 1883 to California. Since 1891, has lived in Worcester, unm. 53 Josiah Holbrook 4 [Table III.], was born in Grafton, 18 Oct. 1802. He had a common school education only, but wrote a beautiful hand, and was a successful teacher of penmanship. In the early "thirties" he removed to Panama, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., GO DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. where lie was a merchant in a small way : a man of strong religious convictions and a deacon in the Presbyterian church. He died in Panama, X. Y., 7 April, 1839. He married in Ash ville, Chau- tauqua Co., X. Y., 26 Jan. L835, Cynthia Forbush Panics, daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Lavina ( Forbush ) Panics ; born in Hopkinton, 1 Sept. L814; married 2d, Deacon Henry Reynolds; died in Port- land, Chautauqua Co., X. Y., 8 July, 1895. Child: 154. i. Josiah, b. Panama. X. Y.. 9 Xov. 1839 ; m. 1st. 18G0, A. Jen- nie Wood; m. 2d, 188.'), Welthie F. Scofield. 54 David Woodward, son of Solomon and Susanna (Willson) Woodward, was born in Keenc, X'. II., li Aug. 1799. He in- herited the farm in Kecne which his father had bought when the place was almost a wilderness, and there spent his life. He died in Kccne, X. II., 7 Sept. 1885. Married in Grafton, 4 Dec. 1834, Asenath Holbrook 4 [Table III.], born in Grafton, 1 Aug. 1805 : died in Keene, X. EL, 10 Dec. 1862. Children : i. David Andrew, 1>. '.» May, 1838. Clerk in Worcester several years ; at the close of the war lie went South in government service, constructing and repairing bridges : d. Newbern, X. C, 1 1 May, 1865. unm. 155. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Keene, X. II., 1 Mar. 1840; m, 1865, ( reorge 1 1. Richards. iii. Josiah Holbrook, b. 24 July, 1842; ; a farmer and always lived with His lather on the home place; d. Keene, X. II.. 7 Dec. 1867. num. iv. Ellen Asenath, b. 6 Nov. 1844 ; is living on the homestead, Keene. X. II. unm. v. Hakkv Stephen, 1». 23 July. 1847; a farmer, owning and oc- cupying the old place in Keene, X. II. unm. 55 William Holbrook* [Table III.], was born in Grafton, 9 July, 1807. We* ° shoemaker and mechanic; resided in Grafton and Leicester. He died in Leicester, 1 July, 1856. He married in Grafton, 22 Nov. 1n.">2, Adaline Pratt, daughter of Sylvanus and Sally | Rice) Pratt ol Millbury; horn in Oxford, 27 July", 1808 ; died in Roxbury, 28 Sept. 1881. Children, both horn in Grafton : i. Edward William, b. 12 Nov. L833; d. Grafton, 5 Apr. 1834. ii. Am. mini: Blizabeth, b. 28 Oct. L835 ; in. Worcester, 13 Apr. 1857, (ieorge Metcalf Smith, s. Metcalf and Louisa FOURTH GENERATION. 61 (Smith) Smith, b. S. Walpole, 1 Aug. 1832. Leaving home in 1857, he lived in Appleton, Wis., for 10 years; then in Berlin and Ripon, Wis., till 1869, when he removed to Bos- ton, where he has since been in business. Is a publisher of subscription books. Res. Wollaston ; s. p. Stephen Harrington, son of Thomas Wentworth and Rachel Eunice (Hyde) Harrington, was born in Westboro, 14 Dec. 1806. He removed to Grafton 1831, to Millbury 1833, and to Worces- ter 1849. He was a mason builder all his life, and in partnership with his oldest brother, David B. Harrington, did a large business in Worcester Co., from 1835 to 1855, building many of the largest institutions and manufactories erected in that period. In those days there was no building during cold weather, and for twenty years he taught school in the winter ; more than half the time he was prin- cipal of the Millbury Academy. Was a lifelong member of the Congregational Church, and a Sunday-school teacher for sixty years ; in politics a Whig, and a staunch Republican after that party was formed. He died in Worcester, 13 April, 1886. He married 1st, 1831, Melinda Augusta Bryant, who died 1841. (Two sons and one daughter.) Married 2d, in Grafton, 10 May, 1842, Sarah Bacheller Holbrook 4 [Table III.], bom in Grafton, 20 Aug. 1809 ; died in Worcester, 26 Nov. 1877. Children, by second wife : 156. i. Lewis Wentworth, b. Millbury, 23 Sept. 1844; m. 1874, Mary Y. Taylor, ii. William Alfred, b. Millbury, 23 Sept. 1848 ; d. Worcester, 3 Nov. 1865. hi. Helen Augusta, b. Worcester, 25 Sept. 1852 ; d. there, 20 Sept. 1853. 57 Orra Goodell, son of John and Mary (Fisk) Goodell, was born in Rutland, 11 May, 1800. Resided in Millbury. Died in Indiana, Penn., 20 Dec. 1874. Married in Gr\ftc,n, 6 April, 1843, Hannah Goclilarcl Holbrook 4 [Table III.], born in Grafton, 12 June, 1814; died in Millbury, 28 June, 1868. Children, both born in Millbury: 157. i. Arthur Tappan, b. 11 May, 1847; m. 1869, Mary Ellen Prentiss. ii. William Holbrook, b. 23 Sept. 1849. Was formerly a mem- ber of firm of Buffington & Goodell, wall papers and window shades, Worcester ; at present employed in Winslow Skate Shop, Worcester, unm. 62 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 58 Edmund Stephen Holbrook* 4 [Table HI.], was born in GrTafton, 23 April, 1816. He took a preparatory course at Phillips Academy, Andover, and was graduated A.B. at Amherst, 1*;39. As a student he acquired a reputation as a poet and deep thinker; was also known as an orator, and on graduation from college was at once invited by the New England Anti-Slavery Society to be- come one of their' lecturers. For three years he taught a grammar school in Essex Co., Va., studying law at the same time. March 1, 1843, was admitted to the bar at Richmond, Va. In the fall of the same year, finding the slavery sentiments of Virginia distaste- ful, he went West and made his residence in Lasalle Co., 111. At the outbreak of the war with Mexico, lie assisted in the organization of a company, which became Co. I of Col. J. J. Hardin s 1st Illi- nois reo-iment. Mr. Holbrook was commissioned 1st lieutenant and participated in the campaigns of this command, being at the battle of Buena Vista and other engagements. Returning to Illinois, he published the "Peru Telegraph,"" a Free-soil weekly paper, 1848-51, and on the organization of the Republican party he warmly espoused its principles. In 1865 he transferred his law office to Chicago; five years later he removed his family to Joliet, and there opened a branch office, but returned to Chicago in Nov. 1875, where he thenceforth made his home. His specialty was real estate law, in which branch he was known as an eminent authority. Was a valued contributor in prose and verse to current literature. A selection of his writings was published after his death by his daughter: "Poems by Edmund S. Holbrook. Chicago, 1898." He died in Chicago, 1 Nov. L897. He married in Racine, Wis., 25 Nov. 1852, Ann Case, daughter of Caleb and Deborah (Jackson) Case: born in Oswego Co., N. V., ■>■> Sept. 1827; died in Chicago, 111., 10 May, 1882. Children, all born at Peru, 111. : i. Clarence, b. 28 June, 185 ! ; d. Peru. 24 July. 1854. ii. Kmmi n-d, b. 4 Mar. 1856 ; .1. Peru. 23 Feb. 1858. iii. Florence, b. 30 May, L858 ; graduated at Univ. of (hi(-. L879 ; teacher «>!' classics in Oakland. Cook Co.. 111.. 1879-86 ; principal of same -eh, h.I 1886-89, and principal of Forestvillej Elementary School, Chicago, since L889. Is the author oi several school books: " Round the year in myth and song/' 1897, " Hiawatha Primer." 1898, "Elementary Geography," L901, ■• From Many Lands; a third reader," L901, etc iv. Belle, b. ■'! Nov. I860; <1. Peru, 3 Nov. 1863. v. Si'am.m \.:.\\ is. 1). l'"> Nov. 1862 : is in the employ of the Chi- Water Dept. ; m. Kenosha, Wis...". Nov. 1891, lone Russell Cooper, dau. Samuel G.and Frances (Sykes) Cooper i 1,. Warkrsan. Green hake Co.. Wis.. 6 Feb. L872 ; S. p. vi. St: i .la, 1.. 5 Feb. L864 ; d. Peru. 111.. 3 Feb. 1870. ♦ Name written Stephen Edmund before 1839. Edmund Stephen Holbrook i 8 i 6- i 897 FOURTH GENERATION. 63 59 Joel Brooks, son of Elijah and Mary (Hall) Brooks; born in North Grafton, 27 July, 1789. Bought the Drury place in North Grafton, which had been for several generations in the family of his paternal grandmother, Sarah Drury; was a farmer and blacksmith. Died in North Grafton, 7 Oct. 1828. He married, North Grafton, 13 May, 1813, Fanny Belcher Bennett 4 [Table IV.], born in Grafton, 4 Jan. 1793 ; died in North Grafton, 8 Feb. 1870. Children, all born in North Grafton : i. Sally Louisa, b. 19 Mar. 1815 : d. N. Grafton, 10 Nov. 1824. ii. Nancy Grout, b. 6 Sept. 1818; most of her life has been spent in N. Grafton, where she cared for her mother till the latter's death. From 1891 to 1901 she kept house for her brother John in Dayville, Conn., and now res. with her niece, Mrs. Macker, at N. Grafton, s. p. m. 1st, N. Grafton, 19 Sept. 1843, Kendrick Hunt, sou of Timothy and Mary (Kendrick) Hunt ; b. Stoddard, N. H., 26 Dec. 1818 ; was a carpenter and wheelwright at N. Grafton. On account of ill health he was obliged to spend some years in California, and on his return from his second trip, died on board steamer " Golden City," 12 Sept. I860, and was buried on the Island of Flamingo in Panama harbor. She m. 2d, N. Grafton, 26 May, 1870, Samuel Barbour Dolliver, son of John and Mary (Barbour) Dolliver; b. Lynn, 8 Sept. 1811. He was a shoemaker and mechanic in N. Grafton, and had children by a former wife; d. N. Grafton, 18 July, 1880. 158. iii. Elijah Bennett, b. 21 Feb. 1820 ; d. N. Grafton, 25 June, 1879; m. 1842, Emeline Stratton. iv. Mary Hall, b. 11 June, 1822; d. N. Grafton, 20 Aug. 1827. 159. v. John Tyler, b. 8 Oct. 1825; m. 1st, 1848, Augusta Hunt; m. 2d, 1871, Sarah A. (Joslyn) Handy. GO Samuel Chandler Bennett 4 [Table IV.], born in Grafton, 5 Aug. 1798 ; was all his life a farmer in Grafton. Died in Graf- ton, 14 Sept. 18(50. He married, Grafton, 27 Feb. 1822, Cordelia Brooks, daughter of Joseph and Betsey (Boon) Brooks; born in Upton, 3 Apr. 1800. Her last years were spent with Miss Sarah A. Hale in Grafton, where she died 24 Mar. 1893. Children, all born in Grafton : 160. i. John Chandler, b. 9 June, 1823 ; m. 1st, 1847, Dolly Hunt ; m. 2d, 1892, Marion (Holden) Ferrin. Samuel Edward, b. 20 May, 1829 ; d. Abington, 3 Feb. 1883 ; m. 1853, Sophia E. Cashing. Joskph Edmund, b. 20 May, 1829; d. S. Braintree, 6 Nov. 1875 ; m. 1850, Lucinda F. Weed. 64 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 61 George Woodbury Hale, son of John and Elizabeth (Aldrich) Garfield (name changed in childhood from Thomas Woodbury Gar- field) ; born in Bradford, Vt., L6 Apr. 1806. Was employed in a shoe manufactory as cutter. Be resided in Grafton and died there L2 Sept. 1880. ' Married, Grafton, 17 Apr. 1834, LydiaDrury Flagg 4 [Table [V.J, born in Grafton. 22 Nov. 1802; before mar- riage she was a school teacher in the Merriam district, Grafton; died in Grafton, 25 Jan. 1868. Children, both born in Grafton : 163. i. Charles Augustus, b. 23 Aug. 1835 ; m. 18G8, Emma J. Kemp ton. ii. Sarah Annk. b. 27 Dec. 1830 ; she cared for botli parents most faithfully during their declining days, and has continued to live on her father's place, unm. 62 Charles Augustus Flagg 4 [Table IV.], born in Boston, 25 Nov. 1804; was in the liquor and restaurant business in Boston, where he died 18 June, 1846. Married, Boston, 17 Apr. 1834, Mary Young, widow of Bond; she was born in Wiscasset, Me/; died in Boston, 25 Sept. 1875, aged 75. Children, both born in Boston : 164. i. Adelaide Amanda, b. 11 Oct. 1836; m. \<\. is.".:;. Franklin Prince; m. 2d. 1881, .1. Lyman Crandall. ii. Charles Augustus. 1>. 2s sVpt. 1838 ; was a clerk in Boston for a time ; d. Winthrop, 3 July, 1800, unm. 63 Jeremiah Flagg 4 [Table IV.], born in Paxton, 30 Nov. 1810. Lived in Grafton all his life, where he was a shoemaker and farmer; died in Grafton, 11 dan. 1890. He married Eliza White Turner, daughter of Joseph and Betsey (White) Turner; born in Concord, 6 Sept. 1815; died in Grafton, 3 Oct. 1897. Children : 165. i. George Elbridge, b. Boston, 20 Apr. 1838; d. Charlestown, 30 Jan. L883; in. 1st. L858, Susan E. French; m. 2d, L861, Emma F. McDonald. ii. Samuel Chandler, b. Grafton, 28 Jan. 1844. Enlisted Dec. lsr.i in Co. A, 4th Mass. Cavalry, and after Beeing service in Richmond, Va., was mustered out 1 I Nov. 1865. Is a laborer, ( rrafton ; unm. 166. FOURTH GENERATION. 65 iii. Charles Augustus, b. Grafton, 1G Oct. 1846. Has been en- gaged in railroading, shoemaking, restaurant business and teaming, and since 181*1 in the manufacture and sale of medi- cines, lies. Chelsea. m. Boston, 1871 or 1872, Ellen Elizabeth Farnsworth, dau. of Henry and Emily (Hayden) Farnsworth; b. Harvard, 1 May, 1846 ; d. Boston, Apr. 1895. s.p. William Turner, b. Grafton, 25 July, 1848. He is employed winters in the Upton straw shops. Res. Grafton ; unm Emma Lydia, b. Grafton, 26 Mar. 1856; m. 1876, Thomas J. Hastie. IV 64 William Fabens, son of William and Sarah (Brown) Fabens ; born in Salem, 15 Apr. 1810. Was graduated at Harvard 1832,' studied law with Rufus Choate, and after admission to the bar opened an office in Marblehead. He served as trial justice 1835-75, member of both houses of the General Court, being a senator in 1858 and 1859, and was chairman of the board of trustees of the State nautical school, 1860-68. Died in Marblehead, 3 Apr. 1883. Married, Marblehead, 30 Nov. 1837, Lucretia Lewis Fiag-g' 4 [Table IV.], born in Marblehead, 17 Sept. 1816: died there! 9 May, 1897. Children, both born in Marblehead : 167. i. William Chandler, b. 1 Mar. 1843 ; m. 1875, Mary P. Allen. ii. Frank Lewis, b. 19 Sept. 1846. Was a real estate dealer in Marblehead and d. there, 11 June, 1892. s.p. m. 1889 or 1890, Sarah Smith Holland of Camden, N. J. She m. 2d, Russell, and rem. to Eufaula, Ala. 65 Benjamin Flagg 4 [Table IV.], was born in Worcester, 9 March, 1807. He resided in Millbury, where he was one of its largest and most successful manufacturers ; was proprietor of the Millbury Cotton Mills. He represented the town in the General Court in 1845. Died in Millbury, 10 Jan. 1882. He married Harriot Whiting, daughter of Asa and Clarissa (Hill) Whitino-- born in Holliston, 1818. Children, all born in Millbury: 168. i. Francis Whiting, b. 27 Dec. 1841 ; d. Holliston, 6 Jan. 1881 ; m. Caroline C. Foster. 169. ii. George Augustus, b. 2 May, 1845 ; m. Fanny W. Jewett. m. Henry Thomas, b. 5 Dec. 1848; d. Millbury, 30 Aug. 1864. GO DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEB FLAGG. Ephraim Bigelow, son of Levi and Sarah ( Emery) Bigelow") ; born in Bloomfield, Me. (now Skowhegan), 29 Aug. 1814. Was a farmer in Skowhegan, where he died 16 Nov. 1890. Married in Bloomfield, Me., 31 dan. 1839, Sarah Benjamin Flagg' [Ta- ble IV.], horn in Athens, Me., 2 Mar. 1816; died in Skowhegan, Me., 19 Dec. 1896. ( hildren, both born in Bloomfield, Me. : 170. i. Benjamin Flags, b. 20 Dec. 1839;m. 1866, Sarah II. Robinson. ii. Charles, b. 3 Sept. 18.". 1 ; d. Bloomfield, Me., 2-4 July. L855. 0,1 Peter Hunt, son of Timothy and Mary (Kendrick) Hunt, was born in Stoddard, X. II., 12 Mar. 1815. Came to Grafton when about 18, and right after his marriage, 10 Mar. 1842, bought the farm which had belonged to his father-in-law, Joseph Flagg. h\ 1845, the old house (see frontispiece) was torn down and a brick dwelling put up a little distance away. Was a strong, active man and an enthusiastic farmer. In 1858, owing to his wife's poor health, he sold the place and removed to Woodstock, Conn., near his sister Augusta, wife of John T. Brooks, hut returned to Graf- ton after a year or more, and in April, I860, bought a farm in the village of Saundersville. Died in Grafton, 21 Aug. lSdO. He married in Grafton, 2 Jan., is 12, Maria Olivia Flagg 4 [Ta- ble IV.], born in Grafton, 21 Feb. 182 1. She kept house in New- tonvilleand Boston, and for some years made a home for her mother at Kingston. Since Feb. 1887, has lived most of the time in Buf- falo, N. V., at the home of her sister, except during 1900 when in Grafton, keeping house for her brother, Rev. S. B. Flagg. Pres- ent residence, Washington, D. C. Children, all born in Grafton : i. Joskimi Theodore, b. 7 Apr. 1843. Enlisted in the 2d com- pany of Mounted Rifle Rangers (afterwards Co. I>. 3d Mass. Cavalry), being mustered into service 25 Oct. 1861. The company went out to New Orleans under Gen. Butler. He was discharged on account of disability 5 Dec. 1862. Was for a few months in the employ of Forbush & Brown, Buffalo, X. Y.. when he joined a party of young men going to Mon- tana. The rest of his life was passed in the West, mostly in Nevadaj where lie was in mercantile business in Palisade and Eureka. Died in Woodbridge, Cal., 9 May. 1874. unm. 171. ii. EvelynMaria, b. 8Apr. 1847; d. Aurora, 111., 9 Nov.l885 5 m. L868, Alvin Brown. iii. Caroline Flagg, b. 8 Oct. L852 ; d. Grafton, 17 Dec. 1853. iv. Amelia Kendrii k, b. 11 Dec. !*■">< : d. Woodstock. Conn., 18 Aug, 1858. Samuel Benjamin Flagg [S28-1900 FOURTH GENERATION. 67 (38 Jonathan Chester Forbush, son of Silas and Clarissa (Eames) Forbush ; born in Grafton, 14 July, 1825. He resided with his father on his farm, George Hill, Grafton, until he was twenty years of age, when he removed to the centre of the town and entered the shoe manufactory of his uncle Calvin W. Forbush. In 1852 he formed a partnership with Nathaniel Brown under the firm name For- bush & Brown, of which firm his cousin Justin Forbush was also a member till his death in 1859. In the spring of 1853 they moved their shop to Buffalo, N". Y., where Mr. Forbush continued to reside the rest of his life. In business the firm was very successful, and for a number of years after the retirement of his partner, Mr. Forbush was sole proprietor. Of that strength and ruggedness of character which has been al- ways a distinguishing mark of the sons of New England, he was thoroughly devoted to home and family, loyal to his faith as a life- long and active member of the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), and in politics a stalwart Republican. Died in Buffalo, N. Y., 19 Sept. 1901. He married in Grafton, 31 May, 1848, Susan Caroline Flags 4 [Table IV.], bom in Grafton, 23 Oct. 1826. All pertaining to her church and general philanthropic work in Buf- falo claimed her interest ; for thirty years she served on the board of managers of the Home for the Friendless. Died in Halifax, 10 Au^."l894. Children : 172. i. Florence Caroline, b. Grafton, 12 Mar. 1854; m. 1884, Henry R. Bird, ii. Grace Chester, b. Buffalo, N. Y., 25 July, 1873 ; res. Buf- falo, unm. 69 Samuel Benjamin Flagg 4 [Table IV.] ; born at the old homestead, Grafton, 6 Aug. 1828. Left fatherless at thirteen, he resolved to use his patrimony in preparing himself for life's work, going away to school first at Bolton, and later at Leicester Academy and Quaboag Seminary, Warren. On finishing his preparatory studies in 1846, he entered the freshman class at Brown University, where he was graduated A.B. in 1850. Hampered in choice of a profession by a vocal trouble, he turned to medicine, studying with Dr. Henry Parker of his native place and attending courses of lectures at Vermont Medical School, Woodstock, and Berkshire Medical Institution, Pittsfield. At the 68 DESCENDANTS OF ELEA/.EK FLAGG. latter school lie received the degree M.D. in 1854, and began the practice of his profession in Boston. At length a successful course of treatment for his voice left him free to follow natural inclination, and he entered the Meadville Theological School at Meadville, Penn. At the completion of the course lure in 1858 he began his real life work in the Unitarian ministry, going first to Kalamazoo, Mich., where under his efforts a church was organized. After remaining six years and seeing the society well established, he returned to his native New England, where he held the following pastorates: Waltham, 1865-69, Sandwich, 1869-70, Bernardston, 1873-84, Bridgewater, 1884-85, Green Harbor, 1887-91, Dix- field, Maine, 1801-92, Sandwich, a second time, 1893-98. On resigning 1 from his last charge, in gratification of an oft-expressed wish he returned to end his days in his native town. Died in Grafton 16 Nov. 1900. In his makeup were found the best characteristics of the old New Englandstock — a high sense of honor, lack of ostentation, and a sturdy independence that never accepted any teaching, religious, political or other, because it was labeled orthodox, and never feared to stand alone. That reverence for authority which will palliate or uphold injustice, found in him no advocate, and the question of right was ever one in which the personality or status of the parties weighed nothing at all. He was a lover of nature — long rambles over hill and forest were his delight ; and the farm training of boyhood left its trace in a fondness for outdoor country life. A modest man, he never took the place in his profession to which his abilities entitled him ; all self advertisement and that striving after popularity, which is so much in evidence even in the pulpit to-day, were equally abhorrent to him. In his religious nature, the most marked peculiarity was his de- votional fervor: in the words of a brother minister, "Some one has said that a Methodist heart and a Unitarian head in the same person would make the best kind of a Christian : Mr. Flagg had them both." AVhile ever active in the interest of his church, it was as no mere sectarian; everywhere he was on closest terms with the ministers of other faiths, and especially in his last years nothing interested him more than the signs of growing charity and co-operation be- tween denominations, a movement he had no small share in pro- moting. lie married in Kalamazoo. Mich., 29 Dee. 1869, Anna Bigelow Allcott, daughter of William W. and Deborah B. (Bangs) Alleott, and widow of E. .Marvin T. Silliman. She was born in Rochester, FOURTH GENERATION. 69 N. Y., 8 Aug. 1842. Everywhere in her husband's pastorates she proved herself a most efficient helpmeet, and especially among the needy and unfortunate did she find her sphere of usefulness. She died in Grafton, 6 May, 1900. Children : 178. i. Charles Allcott, b. Sandwich, 1 Oct. 1870 ; m. 1900, Harri- ett D. Valentine, ii. George Channing, b. Wollaston Heights, Quincy, 6 Nov. 1872. He was a printer in Boston, 1890-93 ; went on a ranch in Oregon in 1893, and has since lived in San Fran- cisco, Paso Robles and Los Angeles, Cal., working as a hotel clerk and in other occupations. Is at present a salesman in San Francisco, m. San Rafael, Cal., 9 Jan. 1902, Frances Adelaide Jackson, dau. Henry and Maria Adelaide (Rodri- guez) Jackson; b. Watsonville, Cal., 24 July, 1873. 70 Jacob Frederick Kratjss ; born in Boulbronn, Wurteinburg, eighteen miles from Stuttgart, 24 May, 1819. After graduation at Tubingen University, he studied philology three years at Basle. The next four years were spent in Jerusalem, as professor in the Hebrew college. In 1847 he came to America, taught languages and music two years in Philadelphia, and for three years was pastor of a German church in Eden, N. Y. 1852 he returned to Palestine with a colony from America, re- maining till 1868. During these years he was intimately associated with Tischendorf and other noted Biblical scholars and archaeologists. He finally took up his residence in Boston in 1868, where he was appointed Professor of German in the New England Conservatory of Music, and Professor of Talmudic Hebrew, Chaldee and Samari- tan at Boston University, holding both positions at the time of his death, which occurred in Boston, 12 Dec. 1883. Married, Boston, 10 Sept. 1868, Jane Amelia Flagg 4 [Table IV.]; born in Grafton, 17 Sept. 1830. She was a music teacher, both before and after her marriage. Since 1892, has resided much of the time in Halifax. Child : James Frederick, b. Boston, 5 Mar. 1870; has lived in Halifax since 1900 ; unm. 71 Charles Fiske, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Bridge) Fiske ; born in Chelmsford, 17 Nov. 1807. Having plenty of means, he 70 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. never engaged in any business, and always lived a quiet, unevent- ful life, residing in Milford, Me., Lexington and Boston. Died in Cambridge, 19 Feb. L899. He married 1st, Boston, 8 Nov. 1831, Abigail Malvina Hayden' [Table V.] ; born in Chelmsford, it June, 1811 : died in Lexington, 29 .Mar. 1859. He married 2d, Nashua, N. II.. 20 .May, 1861, Elizabeth Priscilla Greeley, widow of William Davis. She died in Nashua, X. II., 8 Oct. 1883, aged 64. Children, by first wife: 174. i. Frances Albertine, b. Milford, Me., 1 Nov. 1832; m. 1st, 1852, Thomas B. Davenport; m. 2d. L862, Seth II. Hay- ward. 175. ii. Charles, b. Milford, Me., 27 May, \<<\ : ra. 1st, 1855, Ade- line W. Shaw: m. 2d, 1868, Annie I. Craft-. 17G. iii. William Bridge, b. Milford, Me., 23 June, 1836 ; m. 1855, Henrietta S. Lyford. iv. Henry Augustus, b. Lexington, 2:) Apr. 1840; was a clerk in A. T. Stewart's store in New York; d. Charlestown, 9 May. 1870. nnm. v. Marion Augusta, b. Lexington, 28 Jan. 1846; d. Lexington, 12 -Ian. 1864. 177. vi. Abbie Josephine, b. Lexington, 18 Xov. 1848; m. 18G9, Alonzo A. GocMard. 72 Morron : Allen Moeron, son of John A. and Jean (McLean) born in Newville, Cumberland Co., Penn., Sept. 1800. lie studied medicine and obtained the degree of ALL), at the Vermont Academy of Medicine, Castleton, Vt. Was at onetime professor of anatomy in Vermont Medical College, but never practiced his profession much; was by occupation a lecturer, principally in opposition to Spiritualism, sometimes on temperance, astronomy, etc. Resided in Aurora and Clinton, N. V.. and Boston. He died in Wilson, N. V., Dec. 1881. Married Submit FlaggTufts* [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 29 Feb. 1808; died in Boston, 14 Sept. 1878. ( 'bildren : 17>. i. John Herschel, b. "Wardsboro, Vt., 30 July, 1835; m. 1866, Eleanor M. Reynolds. ii. Fanni Hayden,d. Aurora, N. Y.. 1838 ; d. Buffalo, N. Y., L849. 179. iii. Jean McLi in, b. Buffalo. X. Y.. 15 Oct. 1843; d. Philadel- phia, Penn., 12 May, 1888; m. 1871. Philip W. Taft. FOURTH GENERATION. 71 73 Hollis Taylor Robinson, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Taylor) Robinson; born in Newfane, Vt., 25 Aug-. 1803. In early man- hood he was a merchant in Newfane ; removed 1832 to Waterloo, Province of Quebec, where he was at first employed in the store of his brother Hezekiah, but the loss of a limb making: a change nee- essary, he served for some years as sheriff's bailiff. Returning to his native town in 1848, he made his residence in the village of vYil- liamsville. Was a wool buyer by occupation ; was a trial justice for over thirty years and represented the town in the General As- sembly. Died in Newfane, Vt., 1 Feb. 1885. He married, Wards- boro, Vt., 3 May, 1830, Eliza Tufts 4 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 9 Sept. 180'J. "She was a woman of rare men- tal ability, possessing a tenacious memory and an extensive fund of information upon most literary and scientific subjects — which how- ever owing to her extreme sensitiveness was known only to her most intimate friends." Died in Newfane, 15 Feb. 1885. Children : 180. i. William Hollis, b. Newfane, Vt., 8 June, 1831 ; d. Brattle- boro, Vt., 26 Apr. 1880; m. 1865, Elizabeth A. Doup. 181. ii. James Tufts, b, Waterloo, Quebec, 11 Sept. 1833; d. Peoria, 111., 26 Sept. 1878 ; m. 1855, Elizabeth J. Newton. iii. Henry John, b. "Waterloo, Quebec, 22 July, 1836 ; went to Kansas as a pioneer in April, 1855 and contracted malarial fever, returning home to die, 18 Oct. 1855. iv. Fanny Eliza, b. Waterloo, Quebec, 11 Oct. 1811 ; was for several years a successful teacher, and cared for her parents in their declining years, m. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 9 July, 1890, Jonas Abram Young, s. Hosea and Sally Josslyn (Black) Young; b. near Castle Creek, Broome Co., N. Y., -4 Nov. 1836; went West in 1802, locating in Chilhowee, Johnson Co., Mo., and there engaged in mercantile pursuits ; retired in 1883. Res. Warrensburg, Mo. s.p. 71 Marshall Newton, son of Marshall and Lydia (Newton) Newton; born in Newfane, Vt., 1 Apr. 1805. lie resided all his life in Newfane, where he was a general business man, insurance agent, etc. For over 40 years he was honored with the most im- portant offices in the gift of his fellow townsmen. Wis represen- tative in the General Assembly in 1847 and 1856 ; high sheriff of AYindham Co. one year, and for six consecutive years was elected and served as first associate judge of the county court. At the time of his decease, w r as county treasurer and deputy county clerk. Died in Newfane, Vt., 2d June, 1870. lie married 1st, 1833, 72 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Lydia Duncan of Dummerston. Married 2d, Wardsboro, Vt., 14 Dec. L836, Nancy Tufts 4 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 11 May, L811 ; died in Newfane, Vt., 22 Dee. 1896. Children by second wife, all born in Newfane, Vt. : i. Fanny Woodbury, b. 11 Nov. 1837 ; res. Newfane unm. ii. John,d. - Aug. 1839. In the Civil war he was for -cap' months commissary sergeant of a brigade of regular troops stationed on Lookout Mt., luit most of his service was at the front, in the battles of Perryville, Ky., Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and the Atlanta campaign. Served in the 18th U. S. Infantry. Is now troubled with his eyesight, and spends his winters in the National Soldier-' Home in Wash- ington, and canvasses for hooks in summer, unm. 182. iii. SERAPH, b. Clan. 1841; d. Newfane. Vt., 31 Mar. 1000; m. 1865, Edward E. Piatt. iv. Mary, b. 15 Aug. 1842; d. 23 Feb. 1843. ■v. James Holland, b. 4 Dee. 1843, Enlisted 9 dune. 1860, in Co. K, 9th Vermont Infantry, was appointed successively cor- poral and 4th sergeant, and discharged for disability 20 May, 1863. Re-enlisted 15 Oct. 1863 in Co. F, 17th Vermont In- fantry, was mustered in as 1st sergeant 12 Apr. 1804. Killed al Spottsylvania, 12 May. 1864. vi. Mary, b. 9 Oct. 1845; res. Newfane. Vt. unm. 183. \ ii. Charles Marshall, b. 31 Oct. 1846; m. 1874, Mary C. Boardman. 184. viii. William Henry, b. 25 June, 1850; m. 1881, Alice E. Dickin- son. 75 James Tufts 4 [Table V. | ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 2 Nov. 1812. When seventeen years of age he taught a school of fifty-five pupils in hi^ native town and was most successful. May, 1833, he attended Burr Seminary, Manchester, Yt., remaining as student and teacher till Nov. 1835, when he entered the sophomore class at Yale. Before graduation he took a school in Fairfield. Conn., which he taught two vears, returning to college to receive his degree of A.B. with his class in 1838. April, L 8 40, entered Andover Theological Si minary, but the following year was obliged to leave owing to a •us throat trouble which was never permanently removed. Never- theless he continued his studies at home, entered the ministry and was ordained at Wardsboro, 2 I Sept. L8 14. After preaching a short time at Chillicothe, O., he found himself definitely obliged to relin- quish hope of activity in his chosen field. Turning to educational work, he was elected superintendent of schools of Windham Co. Vt., serving two years most acceptably, taught in Wardsboro and Northampton, Mass., and in L852 took jfo&tcO °!¥uJfr~~ ] S I 2- 1 90 I FOURTH GENERATION. 73 the principalship of Monson Academy which he held till failing health compelled his resignation in 1859. His hold as a teacher °on the affection and respect of his pupils is shown by the fact that twenty- five years after this resignation, they raised a fund of $400 for a portrait of him to hang in the Academy. After his resignation, health was in time restored, but he did not again attempt public service in any capacity. With undiminished interest in the work of education, he took to private teaching, taking a few boys or young men into his family. In addition to this he frequently spoke in public and wrote for the press. Died in Mon- son, 29 April, 1901.* He married, Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 March, 1855, Mary Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Dr. John Parker and Lucy M. (Wheelock) Warren; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 9 Aug. 1823. Like her husband she has been a successful teacher; resides in Monson. Children, both born in Monson : i. James Frederick, b. 28 April, 1860 ; d. Monson, 1 Dec. I860. 185. ii. James Hayden, b. 9 July, 1862; m. 1801, Cynthia II. Whit- aker. 76 Jolm Tufts 4 [Table V.]; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 11 Sept. 1814. On arriving at manhood he assumed the management of the paternal estate and was known as one of the most successful and intelligent farmers in the region. He was a thorough scholar and possessed decided talents as a public speaker and in debate ; served many years as justice of the peace and was elected to the Vermont State Senate 1849-50. In, 1856 he sold the old place in Wards- boro, and removed to a farm in Geneseo, Henry Co., 111. In politics he was a Ivepublican, and warmly espoused the cause of temperance. He united with the Congregational church in Wards- boro under his father's pastorate ; and to the very end of his life, religious and especially Sunday-school interests claimed his earnest devotion. Died in Geneseo, 111., 15 Feb. 1885. He married in Townshend, Vt., 11 Feb. 1847, Desdemona Sophia Barber, daugh- ter of Calvin and Polly Brooks (Hall) Barber ; born in Townshend, Vt., 23 May, 1819; died in Olin, Jones Co., la., 19 June, 1901. Children : 186. i. John Calvin, b. Wardsboro, Vt., 5 Sept. 1848 ; d. Savanna, 111. 20 Sept. 1902; m. 1874, Ida L. Sloan. 187. ii. Ella Sophia, b. Wardsboro, Vt., 2 Dec. 1850; m. 1872, Win- field Scott. , * F r? r i ul , 1 , e To a n C o COunt of bis life » see " James Tllfts 5 a memorial : edited by James Hay- uen lutts, 1902. J 74 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEB FLAGG. 111. James Payson, b. Wardsboro, Vt, 22 Sept. 1852. Is state agentforthe American Steel and Wire Co. in Dallas, Tex. man. \. VI. 188. iv. Arthi k Henry, b. Wardsboro, Vt.. 14 Jan. 1856; m. 1885, Harriet L. Deane. Samuel Tenney, 1>. Geneseo, 111., 16 Mar. 1858; d. 11 Mar., 1858. Edward Warren, b. Geneseo, 111., 26 Nov. Is i9. In 1880 he run. to Sioux Falls. S. L\. and engaged in farming, hold- ing positions of trusl in the township. Removing to the city of Sioux Falls in 1890 he engaged in real estate business; L895-6 serving as deputy sh< riff of Minnehaha Co. ; d. Sioux Fails. S. 1).. 2 June, 1899 ; unm. 189. vii. Francis Barber, b. Geneseo, 111., 23 May. 1862; m. 188/, Loui-r M. Salow. 77 John CoOKE, son of James and Keziah (Canfield) Cooke ; born in Paw let. Vt., 13 Oct. 1808. Attended common schools and academy in hie native place, and by teaching- winters and working summers, iinallv accumulated sufficient funds to take a course of study at the Vermont Academy of .Medicine, Castleton, Vt., where he received the decree of M.D., Nov. 1834. Began practice in Manchester, Vt., removing to New York City in the fall of 1851, and to Eng- li.ditov.n, X. J., six years later, on account of his wife's ill health. He took high rank as a physician. Died in Englishtown, 28 March, l). He married 1st, 1835, Harriet V. Smith. Married 2d, in Wardsboro, Vt., 30 May, 1843, Fanny Woodbury Tufts 4 rTable V.] ; born in Wardsboro, 17 April, 1816; died in Eng- lishtown, N. J. 5 -21 dune, L865. He married 3d, L866, Elizabeth Castor of Ocean Port, N. J. (one son.) Children, by second wife : Harriet Anna. b. Manchester. Vt., 10 June. 1811; m. 1874, James A. Anil if r. James Tufts, b. Manchester, Vt., 26 Nov. 1848; d. there, lo April, L850. Caroline Mary, b. New York. N. Y., 6 Nov. L8o6; res. Na- tick : unm. 190 n. iii. 78 Sylvanns Belknap Hayden 4 [Table V.] -, bom 3 Oct. 1811 ; removed to Cincinnati, O., about 1832. Entered partnership with Samuel !'.. Elliot about 1841 as a member of the firm of Hayden, Elliot and Co., auctioneers and commission merchants; and about FOURTH GENERATION. 75 1853, in company with Sherman G. Hubbard, went into the whole- sale book trade. Died in Cincinnati, O., 31 Jan. 1855. He mar- ried in Berlin, Vt., Aug-. 1839, Sarah Hubbard Perry, daughter of Eussell and Nancy (Hubbard) Perry; born in Hartford, Conn., 21 Dec. 1820; died "in Montpelier, Vt., 3 Feb. 1862. Children, all born in Cincinnati, O. : i. Charles Perry, b. 12 Oct. 1842. Was at one time engaged in market gardening, but has been afflicted with partial deaf- ness and weak eyes to an extent to make work impossible. Res. Montpelier, Vt. ; mini. 191. ii. Henrietta, b. 11 May, 1845; m. 1S70, Charles E. Hibbard. iii. Edwin Clay, b. 25 Aug. 1817 ; was for a time a commission merchant in Boston; d. Windsor, Vt.. 2~) Feb. 1881. m. Bos- ton, 27 Dec. 1871, Gertrude White Spalding, dau. Levi and Julia M. (Cadwell) Spalding; b. Derby Line, Vt, 30 Oct. 1852; d. there, G Sept. 1876. s. p. 79 Samuel Flagg Hayden 4 [Table V.] ; born in Berlin, Vt., 7 Dec. 1820. At the age of seventeen he went to Cincinnati, O., and for two years served as clerk in his brother's store, when he became a partner in the firm of Hayden, Elliot and Co., auctioneers and commission merchants, and later was associated with M. B. Van Sickle as Van Sickle, Hayden and Co. About 1855 he ensrasred in the wholesale grocery trade without a partner, and though he lost his health in 1856 the business was efficiently carried on by em- ployees. In 1 Aug. 1859. He is a farmer, and ice, coal and lumber dealer in .Millbury. s.p. 213. ii. Stephen Charles, b. Warren. 2 June, 1866; m. 1st, 1889, Nellie McChesney : m. 2d. . 94 Andrew Jackson Waters 3 [Table 1.1 ; born in W. Sutton, 14 Jan. 1836. Graduated Bridgewater Normal School in 1863 and was a teacher for several years. Later was a book-keeper, and the last years of his life a baker in Webster. Died in W. Sutton, 29 Aug. 1900. He married in Putnam, Conn., 19 Nov. 1882, Susan Olive Aldrich, daughter of Smith and Olive (Foster) Aldrich; born in E. Blackstone, 27 March, 1860; resides in Webster. ( Ihildren : i. Herbert Allen, b. Woonsocket, R. I., 30 Aug. 1883. ii. Fred Andrew, b. Webster, 29 Jan. 1888. 95 Henry Hall Phelps, son of James and M indwell (Hall) Phelps; born in "W . Sutton, 15 Jan. 1837. He \va> a miller in W. Sutton, and died there, 9 April, 1*80. Married in W. Sutton, l!» Jan., 1860, Julia Matilda Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 7 April, 1840, and still lives there. Children, all born in W. Sutton: 211. i. James Ellsworth, b. \~> March. 1861; m. L892, Annie L. Sailor. ii. Lillian Waters, b, 10 Oct. 1863 ; d. W. Sutton, 9 Oct. 1865. FIFTH GENERATION. 87 iii- Charles Stafford, b. 27 March, 18G7 ; farmer and lumber- man, W. Sutton ; unm. iv. Lucy Waters, b, 17 Nov. 1876; school teacher in W. Sutton; unm. v. William Denton, b. 27 June, 1879 ; farmer and miller, W. Sutton ; unm. 96 Moses Alphonso Aldhich, son of Israel and Martha Abigail (Belcher) Aldrich ; born in Uxbridge, 27 Jan. 1842. Enlisted 24 July, 1862 in Co. E, 9th Rhode Island Infantry, and except for two weeks service in the 10th Rhode Island by transfer, remained with the regiment till mustered out Nov. 1862. Then helped recruit Co. G, 42d Mass. Infantry of which he was commissioned 1st. lieut. 9 July, 1864, and finally mustered out 11 Nov. 1864. Is a mason in W. Sutton. He married 1st, in W. Sutton, 26 Nov. 1863, Anali Caroline Waters 6 [Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 26 Jan. 1835. She possessed considerable literary talent and contri- buted poetry and some prose to "Mothers' Journal", "Boston Culti- vator" and other papers, under the pseudonym "Carrie Carlton." Died in W. Sutton, 3 May, 1879. He married 2d, in Sutton, 9 Aug. 1879, Elizabeth Delilah McDougall, widow of Albert Marius Thompson; she died 10 Aug. 1901. Children by first wife, all born in TV. Sutton : i. Herbert Alphonso, b. 2 Aug. 1866 ; a mason in W. Sutton. Married there, 27 June, 1893, Augusta Fletcher, dau. John and Augusta (Blanchard) Fletcher ; b. Nashua, N. H., 5 July. 1858. She was divorced from her first husband, La Fayette Marsell ; s. p. 215. ii. Robert Ethan, b. 24 Aug. 1867 ; m. 1803, Emma J. Nixon. 216. iii. Abigail Louisa, b. 18 Feb. 1871 ; m. 1888, Erastus C Pluin- mer. iv. Georgia Anna, b. 4 March, 1872 ; d. W. Sutton, 17 July, 1872. 217. v. Susan Frances, b. 31 Dec. 1873; m. 1889, Duty E. Caswell. 218. vi. Winfield Waters, b. 16 March 1875 ; m. 1897, Eva A. Por- ter. 97 Samuel Nathan Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 25 March 1845 ; left home in 18G4, and for three years was employed in Boston. 1867, he returned to W. Sutton and carried on the busi- ness of a general country store, filling the office of postmaster at the 6ame time, until 1870, when he sold out and removed to West New- ton, where he engaged in the grocery, flour and grain business, and 88 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. later as a coal, wood and lumber merchant with various partners. In L885 he disposed of his business and has since been agent for a Boston hay and grain firm. Residence, W. Newton. After his father's death he bought the old home place in W. Sutton, and spends a part of each year in the old house, which lias descended from father to son without a break for four generations. Married in Boston, 31 Aug. 1867, Emma Aurelia Lanckton, daughter of Harmon and Jane (Thayer) Lanckton; born in Worcester, 12 Jan. 1845. Children : 219. i. Walter Nathan, b. W.Sutton, 28 March, 18C9 ; m. 1891, Ada 1>. Valentine. ii. Percival, b. W. Newton. 7 Sept. 1874 ; he is a bank clerk in Boston, and lias studied at the New England Conservatory of Music; res. W. Newton; num. iii. Paul Alfrkd, b. W. Sutton, 4 July, 1880. Preparing for college at New ton High School, he entered Amherst College with the class of 1902. lie won the entrance prize of took very high rank as a student, especially in the modern languages, and would have been graduated in 1901, finishing the course in three years. Died in New York City, 11 Dec. 19 00. 98 Estes Everett Burdon, son of Estes and Abbie (Warfield) Burdon; born in Blackstone, 8 June, 1843. Was proprietor of the "Worcester Evening Gazette," 1868—70, and then a member of the firm Fay, Richards, Metcalf & Co., music dealers in Worcester, till 1874, when he removed to West Newton and entered the coal and lumber business with his brother-in-law, Samuel X. Waters. On account of failing health he was obliged to sell out, and spent some months with his family in the Azores. Returning to this country he changed to insurance, which has been his business since, save 1887— 91, when he was agent for Wm. Rogers and Sou, silver plated ware and cutlery. Has been general agent for the Equitable Life Assur- ance Society since 1891. For many years he has served as organist of the Baptist church, West Newton. .Married 1st, 9 Oct. 1867, Louise Putnam; born 2 Aug. IS 10: died 5 Aug. 1869. Married 2d, in Worcester, 1 Nov. 1870, Adelaide Putnam Waters 5 [Table I. j ; born in W. Sutton, 20 April, 1848. ( Jhildren by second wife : i. Edward Osc a n. b. Woreesu r. :» Sept. 1871. Was graduated LL.B. at Boston Univ. Law School 189 6 ; attorney and coun- sellor at law, Boston, also justice of the peace, with residence in W. Newton. July 1890 rem. to Seattle, VVash., where he FIFTH GENERATION. 89 is a lawyer and member firm of E. 0. Burdon and Co., finan- cial agents for the Chelan Transportation and Smelting Co. ; unm. ii. Marion Louise Horta, b. Horta, Island of Fayal, Azores, 12 March, 1877. Studied 1895-98 at the New England Con- servatory of Music, Boston, in piano and other branches. She is a teacher of pianoforte ; res. W. Newton, num. iii. Harold Waters, b. W. Newton, 3 Oct. 1878. Student at Boston Univ. School of liberal arts, 1896-97, Amherst Col- lege, 1897-1900. Rem. 1900 to Seattle, Wash., where he is in the coal business ; unm. 99 George Benton Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 23 Feb. 1852. Received the degree LL.B. in 1874 on completion of a course in Boston University Law School. Lawyer and real estate dealer in Ava, Douglas Co., Mo., for some years, and was at one time mayor of that city. Removed 1902 to St. Louis, where he is in powder business. Residence, Tuxedo Park, St. Louis, Mo. Married, Webster Groves, Mo., 15 July, 1877, Rhoda E. Thomas, daughter of Rev. David and Ann (Prosser) Thomas; born in Fredericks wn, O., 27 Dec. 1857. Children, all born in Ava : i. Nathan Richard, b. 27 Aug. 1885. ii. Edmund Thomas, b. 27 Aug. 1887. iii. John Clifford, b. 25 Sept. 1889. 100 Isaac LeRoy Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 26 Dec. 1843. Lived in West Sutton a number of years; since Nov. 1901 in Worcester; a machinist and pattern-maker. Married, West Sutton, 17 Sept. 1871, Addie Florence Shaw, daughter of Salem J. and Susan Ann (Putnam) Shaw; born in Wales? Mass., 8 Feb. 1854. Children, all born in West Sutton : i. Florence Jennie Lind, b. 8 May, 1873. Res. Worcester; unm. 220. ii. Richard LeRoy, b. 9 Nov. 1875 ; m. 1896, Rebecca E. Tay- lor. hi. Jason Isaac, b. 22 Dec. 1878; is a farmer in Douglas; post office, Manchaug; m. Worcester, (J May, 1902, Florence .Ma- belle Elliott, dau. Robert and Flora (McKinnon) Elliott ; b. Economy, Nova Scotia, 1882. iv. Lillian Rebecca, b. 28 Aug. 1881. Res. Worcester; unm. 90 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZBE FLAGG. 101 Alphonso Dwight Estabrook, son of Dwight and Mary (Rog- ers) Estabrook ; born in Paxton, 13 Jan. 1847 ; is a card maker in card clothing shop, Worcester. Married, W. Sutton, 10 May, 1868, Flora Annette Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in West Sut- ton, 8 May, 1848. , Children, both born in Worcester: 221. i. Fred Walter, b. 5 Feb. 1869 ; m. 1898, Carrie B. Shaw. 222. ii. Louis Torrey, b. 5 Oct. 1870; m. 1891, Mary M. Berry. 102 Marble Putnam, son of Waters and Jane (Putnam) Putnam; born in Sutton, 19 Aug. 1847. Is a butcher and has a farm of 200 acres in the part of Sutton known as "Eight Lots." .Married, West Sutton, 22 Dec. 1869, Evaline Inez Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 10 Sept. 1850. Children, all born in Sutton : i. Justin Marble, b. 27 Feb. 1873. Bought Hillside Farm of 100 acres in Charlton and rem. there Apr. 1898; is a dairy farmer, shipping milk to Boston; m. in Auburn. 26 Nov. 1901, Blanche May Stone, dau. Herbert Emory and Eliza Maria (Bowen) Stone of Worcester; b. Auburn, 12 May, L873 ; before marriage was a school teacher in Chatham, N. \.. Fairhope, Ala., and other places, s. p. 223. ii. Julia Rosina, b. 22 Aug. 1875; m. 1895, Willis B. Bobbins. iii. Charles Wesley, b. 9 Mar. 1880 ; is a farmer, living at home ; num. 224. iv. Jam: Waters, b. 1 Sept. 1882 ; m. 1898, Ezra W. Marble. 103 Edward Manning Dunham, son of John Owen and Lydia J. (Parmenter) Dunham; born in Vernon Mines, Kings Co., Nova Scotia, 29 Sept. 1849. Is a farmer in Tatnuck, Worcester. Mar- ried, West Sutton, L3 Nov. L878, Juliette Waters 5 [Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 28 May, L855. ( 'hildren : i. Ralph Emerson, b. Westboro, 17 dan. 1880; d. Worcester. 7 Apr. 1885. ii. Roxie [SABELLE, b. N. Dana. 6 Apr. 1882. iii. Clarence John, b. Worcester, L9 Apr. 1885. iv. Walter [rving, b. Worcester, 10 June, 1887. v. Clifford Manning, b. Worcester, 11 Dec. 1889. FIFTH GENERATION. 91 104 George Waters Carpenter 5 [Table I.] ; born in Sutton, 3 Oct, 1834. Is a farmer and broom-maker, Marshall, Lyon Co Minn. Married, Fall River, 28 June, 1860, Mary Elizabeth W ell, daughter of Rev. Lorenzo Orrin and Sylvian (Still well) Lovell- born in Norway, N. Y., 21 Aug. 1840; "died in Marshall, Minn.,' b July, 1889. } Children : i. George Lovell, b. Rochester, Minn., 13 July, 1861 ; d. there, Mar. 1863. 225. ii. Mary Lovell, b. Rochester, Minn., 8 Jan. 1863; m. 1885, Charles J. Hurd. 226. iii. George Howard, b. Rochester, Minn., 16 Oct. 1865; m 1 895, Emma M. Sorg. iv. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Rochester, Minn., 9 Nov. 1867 ; d. Cascade, Olmstead Co., Minn., aged 6 weeks. 227. v. Henry Lincoln, b. Rochester, Minn., 26 Feb.'l869 ; m. 1895, Anna M. Sorg. vi. Laura Sylviah, b. Cascade, Minn., 18 Aug. 1870 ; d. there, aged 6 weeks, vii. Elizabeth Stillwell, b. Cascade, Minn., 1 June, 1872; d. there, aged 6 weeks. viii. Lorenzo Lovell, b. Grandview, Lvon Co., Minn., 10 Oct. 18/d; d. there, 11 Sept. 1874. ix. Lucy Frances, b. Marshall. Minn., 28 Dec. 1875. Is a school teacher ; at present in Amiret, Minn. ; unm. x. William Waters, b. Marshall, Minn., 15 Jan. 1878 ; m. 1901, Margaret McGillivray. xi. Francis Wayland, b. Marshall, Minn., 18 Mar, 1881. Tn the summer operates a threshing machine, near Marshall, Minn., working winters in his brother's shop at Grand Forks, N. D. ; unm. 105 Lewis Tyler Carpenter 5 [Table I.] ; born in Sutton, 29 May, 1836. Went West with the family, and is now a carpenter and builder in Rochester, Minn. Married in Oxford, 2 Dec. 1866, Caroline Victoria Inman, daughter of Sanford Angell and Marion S.' (Savery) Inman, born in Oxford, 2 Dec. 1848. Children, all born in Rochester, Minn : 229. i. Marion May, b. 25 Nov. 1867 ; m. 1892, Henry H. Dean. n. Sophia Bigelow, b. 16 Mar. 1869; d. Rochester, Minn., 8 June, 1886. iii. Carrie Maud, b. 28 Oct. 1873 ; is living at home ; unm. 228. 92 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. iv. Mabel Frederk ka, b. 6 Dec. 1S74 ; was a school teacher for a time, in Rochester, Minn., 19 Sept. L901, Clarence Syl- vester Cable, s. (ieoi^v Sylvester ami Telina M. (White) Cable; b. Farmington, .Minn., 10 Oet. 1874 ; first studied for the ministry; is now a representative of the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Penn., in Duluth and St. Paul, .Minn; res. St. Paul; s. p. 106 CHARLES John Lange, son of Charles Gottlieb and Sarah Eliza- beth (Ashley) Lange; born in Catskill, X. Y., 28 Nov. 1841. R ridence, St. Paul, Minn., where he was a mail carrier for a number of years till Oct. 1901, when disabled by a stroke of apoplexy. Married in Rochester, Minn., 14 Sept. 1865, Qlliett Juline Carpenter 3 [Table I.], born in Sutton, 7 Oct. 1843; died in St. Paul, Minn., 2 dan. 1886. Children : i. George Frederick, b. Cascade, Minn., 10 May, 1866; d. Sept. 1ki;g. ii. Estella Mat, b. Cascade, .Minn.. 13 July, 1869; m. St. Paul, Minn.. 23 Dec. 1891, Carl Philip Hasselblad, s. John Philip and Anna Britta (Lindholm) Hasselblad, b. Arboga, Sweden, 20 Nov. 1869. Came to America 1881, and was chief clerk in mailing division. Duluth, Minn., post office, L891-1900. Is now a post office inspector with headquarters in Chicago; present res. Detroit, Midi.; s. p. 230, hi. Frederick Pkeston, b. Rochester, Minn.. 28 Oct. 1872 ; m. 1898, . iv. Edward Charles, b. Rochester, Minn., 1-1 Apr. 1874 : worked in car shops. Served in Cuba and the Philippines in Co. G, 4th U. S. Infantry, and was mustered out, 17 Nov. 1900. Is now a member of police force, Manila. P. I. num. v. WALTEE WATERS, b. Rochester. Minn., 11 Jan. 1877; served in the Philippines in the 13th Minnesota Volunteers, Is now in employ of a wholesale hardware firm in St. Paul, num. vi. John Paul, b. Rochester, Minn., 17 May, 1880; d. there, 12 Apr. 1896. 107 Daniel Edward Hunt 5 [Table I.] ; born in Providence, \l. I.. 1 Feb. 1834. Since L843 has lived in Worcester, where he i- a machinist. Married in Worcester, 29 Nov., 1855, Sarah Woods, daughter of Joseph and Susan (Hoar) Woods; born in Leominster, 30 Dec. 1833. FIFTH GENERATION. 9 o Children, all born in Worcester: i. Susan Alice, b. 9 Aug. 1856; d. Worcester, 28 Nov. 1857. ii. Edward Wallace, b. 22 May, 1858; d. Worcester, 18 July, 1864. iii. Isabel Dudley, b. 4 Dec. 185!) ; in. Worcester, 2 Oct. 1883, Willie Agustus Lewis, s. Frank W. and Ellen Elizabeth (Stuart) Lewis; b. Sterling, 4 Oct. 1860; head clerk in a florist store in Worcester ; s. p. 231. iv. Annie Grace, b. 31 Mar. 1862 ; m. 1881, John B. Flinn, Jr. v. Daniel Herbert, b. 28 Feb. 1867 ; a machinist in Worcester ; since 1894 with Rice, Barton and Fales Machine Co. unm, 232. vi. May Gertrude, b. 11 May, 1869; m. 1890, Augustus B. Tainter. vii. Sarah Bertha, b. 16 July, 1877 ; d. Worcester, 1 Feb. 1878. 108 James Gould, son of Thomas and Priscilla (Snow) Gould; born in Orleans, 18 Jan. 1817. He was a shoemaker and fisher- man ; was drowned by the capsizing of a boat at the entrance of Nauset Harbor, Orleans, 23 March, 1865. Married in Milford, 26 Oct. 1854, Rebecca Jenks Benson 5 [Table I.], born in Providence, R. I., 31 Oct. 1828 ; resides at Brewster with her daughter. Children : i. James Alvers, b. Milford, 10 Sept. 1855 ; is a fisherman ; res. E. Orleans, m. Harwich, 14 Dec. 1879, Desire B Eldred"-e, dau. William W. and Dorcas (Young) Eldredge ; b. Orleans, 1860; s.p. 233. ii. Hannah Rebecca, b. Milford, 28 Sept. 1857 ; m. 1886, Wil- liam Freeman, iii. Isaac Lorin, b. Milford, 3 Oct. 1859 ; d. there, 12 Feb. 1860. iv. Ida Louise, b. Harwich, 4 Aug. 1861 ; d. Uxbridge, 6 Apr. 1870. 234. v. Daniel Benson, b. Orleans, 27 Oct. 1863 : m. 1886, Helena M. Wiles. 109 Ebenezer Henry Hawks 5 [Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 13 May, 1819; resided in Zoar, removing in 1863 to Rowe, where he had a farm and saw-mill. Returned to his native place after his wife's death, and died at Jacksonville, Vt., his daughter's home, 30 April, 1894. Married, Rowe, 20 July, 1857, Mary Ett Cressy, daughter of George Washington and Sylvia (King) Cressy ; born in Rowe, 14 Mar. 1833 ; died in Zoar, 18 Feb. 1876, 94 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGQ. Children, both born in Zoar : 235. i. IIattik Adella, b. 28 Apr. 1861; d. Jacksonville, Vt., 13 .Jan. 1895; m. 1882, George M. Todd, ii. Son, b. 19 Jan. 1863; d. in infancy. 110 William Francis Stitt, son of Francis and Mehitabel (Hall) Stitt; born in Savoy, 23 July, 1822. Resided for some years in Plainfield. Pie is a self-educated man; speaks several languag 3, and fitted himself fur the medical profession. Removed 1860° to Philadelphia, Pa., and 1862 to Salem, X. J., where he is well and favorably known as a physician. Married, Zoar, G June, 1844, Sarah Elmira Hawks 5 [Table II.]; born in Zoar, 2Q Aug. 1820. Her death, which occurred 27 Sept. 1898, was the first break in her family circle in a married life of 54 years. Child : 236. i. Adelaide Frances, b. Plainfield, 6 Mar. 1846; m. 1867, Thomas S. Bradway. Ill Isaac Dole Hawks 5 [Table II.]; bom in Zoar, 25 April, 1823. Was a farmer and resided on his father's place in Zoar till the opening of the Fitchburg Railroad to the place, when he be- came station agent and built a small house near the depot. Kept post-office Jan. 1869-1879; was justice of the peace and served on school committee several years. Died in Zoar, 19 May, L882. He married, Binghamton, N. Y., 29 Apr. 1856, Caroline Smith, daughter of Linus Jefferson and Lucy (Carter) Smith ; born in Binghamton, N. Y., 3 Nov. 1831 ; resides in Zoar with her daush- ter Children, all born in Zoar : i. Ida Estella, b. 9 May. 1858: d. Zoar. \2 May, 1863. ii. (Charlie Dole, b. i:i Feb. L861 ; d. Zoar. 24 Feb. 1874. hi. { Joseimi Henry, b. 13 Feb. 1861 ; .1. Zoar. 30 Apr. 1863. 237. iv. Fred Julian, b. 15 June. 1864; m. 1886, Eva E. Ward. 238. v. Clara Belle, b. 6 Sept. 1866; m. 1884, Henry A. Manning. 112 Joseph Allen Smead Hawks 6 [Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 9 Mar. 1*28; lived at home till 20 years of age; first learned the shoemaker's trade and later worked in a tannery and match factory. Deciding to go West, in Nov. 1855 he started for Illinois and OTIS F. PRESBREY. FIFTH GENERATION. 95 bought a farm in the township of LaMoille, 3£ miles from Van Orin, Bureau Co., which is his post-office address. Here he has lived as a farmer and stockman ever since, but has given up active charge to his son David. Was elected Director when his school district was formed and served over twenty years, till his son was chosen in his place ; also was Commissioner of highways for twen- ty-one years. In all his long and active career he "never traded horses or had a lawsuit."' Married, Ashfield, 14 Apr. 1853, Har- riet Submit Rude, daughter of Thaddeus and Betsey (Vincent) Rude; born in Ashfield, 24 July, 1833. Children : 239. i. Joseph Olix, b. Zoar, 26 Feb. 1854 ; ni. 1878, Annie Dernell. 240. ii. David Rude, b. Van Orin, 111., G Apr. 1862 ; m. 1887, Jennie B. Denhain. 241. iii. Alice Maria, b. Van Orin, 111., 18 Mar, 1864 ; m. 1881, Nich- olas F. Kessler. iv. Hattie Submit, b. Van Orin, 111., 26 Oct. 1871; d. same day. 242. v. Ida May, b. Van Orin, 111., 25 Aug. 1872; m. 1892, Mark Harding. 243. vi. Lucy Matilda, b. Van Orin, 111., 6 Sept. 1874; m. 1895, Charles S. King. 113 George Frary, son of Thomas and Sarah (Moron) Frary ; born in >\ hately, 10 Sept. 1811. A broom-maker by occupation ; residence Hatfield and Deerfield ; removing about 1862 to Bureau Co., 111. Present residence LaMoille, 111. Married 1st, Wood- stock, Vt., 31 March, 1837, Attina D. Dennis, who died 6 Oct. 1856. (Three children.) Married 2d, Shelburne Falls, 30 Mar. 1857, Lucy Abigail Caroline Hawks 6 [Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 4 Feb. 1831 ; she was a school teacher before marriage ; died in Deerfield, 25 Apr. 1858. He married 3d, Belmont, O., 31 Jan. 1865, Mary W. Palmer, who died 22 June, 1892. (Two daughters. ) Child (by second wife) : 244. i. Carrie Olive, b. Deerfield, 2 Feb. 1858 ; m. 1877, Nathaniel P. Morrison. 114 Otis Fletcher Presbrey 5 [Table II.] ; born in York, Liv- ingston Co., N. Y., 20 Dec. 1820. In early life he worked on a farm and taught school in Livingston Co. ; 24 July, 1841, he was commissioned lieutenant in the 7th regiment of N. Y. militia. Turn- ing his attention to medicine, he was graduated M.D. at the Berk- 96 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE I-'LAGG. shire Medical Institution, Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 1846, practicing at Clarkson, Monroe Co., \. Y., till he removed to Buffalo about 1850. There he was chosen clerk of the School hoard and elected City clerk; 4 Mar. 1 863, President Lincoln appointed him Super- visor of internal revenue at Buffalo. About this time he was one of the organizers of the great International Bridge Co., also of the Buffalo Street ( !ar ( !o., being the first secretary of the first named corporation. In 1869 he was appointed by President Grant Super- visor of internal revenue for the district embracing Virginia, West \ irginia, Maryland and District of Columbia, with headquartei Richmond, to which city he removed his family. He resigned this position in 1870 and established himself as an attorney in Wash- ington for the prosecution of claims against the Internal Revenue Department and was engaged in this and the real estate business until 1886 when he retired from active business and became asso- ciated with his son Frank in the conduct of "Public Opinion," a weekly journal which, within a few years attained national promi- nence. Removing to New York city in 1892 he identified himself with the " New York Evangelist " and subsequently became its pub- lisher. For over 21 years he was a trustee of Howard Universitv at Washington, D. C, and of the Congregational Church of that city. Died in Saratoga, N. Y., 20 Aug. 1900. He married. Clarkson, N. 1 ., 3 Feb. 1S47, Sarah Ann Johnson, daughter of Luther Hart- well and Phebe (Smith) Johnson: born in Wampsville, X. Y., 11 Feb. 1828; died in Brooklyn, X. V., 19 Dec. 1896. Children, all born in Buffalo, X. Y. : 245. i Frank, 1>. 22 May. 1855; m. 1st, 1878, Emma Cohen; m. 2d, 1881, Stella Spalding. ii. Fannie Judson, 1>. -27 Nov. 1858 ; d. Buffalo. X. Y., 29 Sept. 1*:>9. iii. George Johnson, b. 19 May, 1865; m. 1886, Margaret E. Simpson. 246 115 George Chandler Alden 6 [Table II.] ; horn in Ashfield, 5 Aug. 1829. Studied with his un.de. Rev. John Alden. and attend- ed Franklin Academy, Shelburne Falls, and in Sept. 1848 entered Waterville College (now Colby). Leaving college in dan. 1851, he began the study of law at Waterville, Me. He went to Buffalo, N". ^ ., in 1854 and there commenced the practice of his profession, removing to Annawan, Henry Co., 111., in l*")?. Here in Aug. 1862, be helped raise a company for the war, which was incorpora- ted in the 112th Illinois Volunteers, of which regiment .Mr. Alden George Chandler Alden 1S29-1S88 FIFTH GENERATION. 97 was commissioned quartermaster. He served throughout the war ; was taken prisoner in northern Georgia in May, 1864, and con- tinually moved from place to place before Gen. Sherman's advance, till exchanged in Mar. 1865. In 1868, while a resident of Galcsburg, he received an appoint- ment as special agent of the Treasury department, which he held nearly eight years, then resumed his law practice at Galesburg. Was there appointed judge. In 1884 he moved to Fort Collins, Col. Died in Bristol, Col., 17 July, 1888. He married, Buffalo, N. Y., 18 Apr. 1855, Susan Adeline Boss, daughter of Philip and Sarah Ann (Stanton) Boss ; born in Roches- ter, N. Y., 16 May, 1831; residence, Denver, Col. Child : 247. i. William Cyrus, b. Annawan, 111., 1 Mar. 18G2 ; m. 1885, Inez M. Mitchell. 116 William Chandler Flagg 5 • [Table II.]; born at "Deer- field," Caroline Co., Va., 27 Oct. 1829. He and his younger brother were joint owners of the paternal estate with its 50 or more slaves. He went to Montgomery Co., Va., in 1851, and as a rail- road contractor helped build what is now the Norfolk and Western railroad. After marriage he returned to live with his mother about two years, then removed to the estate of his wife's mother in Mont- gomery Co. and devoted himself to farming. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted, 1 Apr. 1861, in Co. G, 4th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., which was attached to the Stonewall brigade. Was taken prisoner by the Union forces at Spottsylvania Court House, 12 May, 1864, and confined as prisoner of war at Point Lookout, Md. Since his father's death in 1831, communication had ceased with those living on the homestead in Conway, but when his uncle, Samuel Flagg, and others of the family, heard of his condition, they prepared and sent down boxes of clothing and food for their kins- man, the last of which arrived after his death 5 July, 1864. He married, Christiansburg, Va., 19 Dec. 1854, Mary Jane Murray, daughter of James and Sarah (Brownlee) Murray: born in Chris- tiansburg, Va., 4 Jan. 1836 ; is living with her elder son. Children, all born at "Murray's," Montgomery Co., Va. : i. James Richard, b. 15 Feb. 1856. Manages an estate of 700 acres, two miles from Christiansburg, Va. ; raises grain and cattle, unm. 248. ii. William Chandler, b. 23 \n<± 1857 ; m. 1879, Ellen Craig. 249. hi. Elizabeth, b. 23 Apr. 1859 ; m, 1887, John G. White. 98 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 117 Eleazer Fletcher Flagg 5 [Table II.] ; born at " Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., 5 Oct. 1831. In the division of his father's property, he received the estate of " Deerfield," which he made his home. As a young man, tried railroading with the Chesapeake and Ohio for a time, then was superintendent of the Kanawha coal mine till 1857. During the war was in the commission business in Rich- mond. Though enrolled in the Virginia state guard, he was never in active service. A short time before his death, exchanged homes with his eldest son, who was living on the adjoining estate, " Lo- wood." Died at "Lovvood," Caroline Co., Va., 27 Dec. 1890 Married, "Hanly," Kanawha Co., W. Va., 18 Dec. 1856, Amanda Morris, daughter of James B. and Sallie (Shelton) Morris; born at "Hanly," Kanawha Co., W. Va., 20 June, 1833; resides with her eldest son at "Deerfield." Children : i. James Hunter, b. " Hanly," Kanawha Co., W. Va., 15 Oct 1857 ; d. "Deerfield," 2 .Mar. L858. ii. Carroll Hansford, b. "Deerfield," 10 Feb. 1858 : d. there, 20 Feb. 1m;:.. ' 250. iii. William Chandler, b. "Deerfield," 2 Oct. 1861; m. 1886, Enodia Dandridge. iv. Morris Porter, b. "Deerfield," 1 Aug. 1863; engaged in mercantile pursuits and railroading; the latter pan of the time in employ of the Chesapeake and Ohio at Newport News, Va.; d. "Deerfield," Apr. 1897; unm. 251. v. Payton Bailey, b. " Deerfield," 7 Nov. 1865 ; m. 1897, Cora Stiars. 252. vi. Eleazer Fletcher, b. "Deerfield," 20 Nov. 1870 ; m, 1S91 Sadie Hill. ' ' 118 Alfred Burt, son of Samuel and Margaret (Heath) Burt ; born in York, Livingston Co., N. Y., 19 Dec. L832. Remained at home on the farm till 21, when he went West to Wis., and then to Minn., where he took 160 acres of government land. Returning to York in lN5i;, he started a harness shop, but sold out in 1868 and bought 80 acres of wild land in Campbell, Mich. After building a house and clearing his land he was compelled by his health to give up and return to X. V. in L872. Was foreman of Irondequoit Wine Co.'a cellar and vineyard till 1878, when he once more took up his resi- dence in Campbell, Mich., where he has since lived. Married, York, X. Y., 6 Mar. L860, Mary Jane Warren 5 ["Table H.l • born in York, X. Y., 26 May, 183b. 253.' 254. ii. in. IV. FIFTH GENERATION. 99 Children : i. Samuel Warren b. York, N. Y., 3 Mar. 1861 ; m. 1st, 1888 Parker. () Dilliu S ham '> *• 2d, 1898, Fannie (Hewitt) C \T? S &»■ Y ° rk 'o?- Y " 2 Au S- 1863 ' d ' Campbell, Mich., 3 July, 1893 ; m. 1884, Cora J. Norcutt. moh'T^^^^n^H 7 M& ^ l86Q > m ' Campbell, Mick ,16 Sept 890, Charles Sylvester Kart, son of Samue Xfi! t? d ( Sh 1 °P be11 ) Kart ; b. Ashland, 0, 16 May, 1868. He is a machinist at Lake Odessa, Mich. s.p. George Edwin, b. Campbell, Mich., 2 June, 1868. As the result of a serious sickness in childhood, he lost the use of one side of his body but is energetic and ambitious, and earns a 9« v> g Z m % ReS - Campbell, Mich. ; unm. 2oo. v. Fraxk,^. Campbell, Mich., 20 Oct. 1870; m. 1896, Eura 119 Harlan Page Warren 5 [Table II.] - born in York, Living- ston Co., N. Y., 18 Oct. 1841. Enlisted 11 Aug. 1862 for three years in the 33d New York Infantry, which waslater cloliS with the 49th regiment ; served as a musician and was honorably dis- charged 16 June, 1865. Came home and lived on the old place in 1 ork ; owned a vineyard and manufactured wine, and was also a dealer m ^pianos and other musical instruments. Died in York, 1«flQ W Tr' 1 J?? 1 . married ' Iroud equoit, N. Y., 15 May, 1869, Harriet Carolme Williams, daughter of Lemuel and Adelia (Kenmcutt) Williams ; born in Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y., 11 r J t NT 6 husband ' 8 death she has lived in Geneseo and 256. Children, all born in York, N. Y. 1. ii. Roy Tracy, b. 17 Mar. 1873 ; m. 1900, Adelaide A. MacLean. Lena Elizabeth, b 24 July, 1875 ; graduated at the Geneseo -Normal 1 raining School, 1897, and is now a teacher at Nut- ley, N. J. ; unm. hi. Harry Josiah, b, 27 July, 1880 ; is also a graduate of Geneseo Normal School ; now a traveling salesman ; res. Geneseo, iN. I.; unm. 120 George Washington Bond 5 [Table 11.1; b. in York Livingston Co. N. Y., 22 Feb. 1839. Removed to Rome, Mich.! rr^'oi ' and remained at home on the farm till he had passed his 23d year. In Nov. 1864, went into business for himself, run- ning a general store at Rome, Mich., for ten years, when he sold out 'LcfC. 100 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. and removed to Adrian, Mich., which has since been his home. Was a commercial traveler for several years, and more recently has won a name as an inventor. A steel fence post of his design was patented 22 duly, 1890; and the Bond Steel Fence Post Co., or- ganized with a capital of £40,000 with Mr. Bond as president, was awarded the contract to furnish all posts for U. S. mail boxes, for four years from 1 July, 1897. Disposed of his interest in the company in 1899. Married, Kome, Mich., 24 Oct. 1861, Jane Elizabeth Marks, daughter of Cornelius and Fanny (Littz) Marks; born in Kome, Mich., 2 Apr. 1840. Children : 257. i. Myron- Chandler, b. Kome, Mich., 5 Feb. 18G3 ; m. 1895, Emma A. Siebeneicher. 258. ii. Fannie Fidelia, b. Adrian, Mich., 12 Sept. 1874; m. 1898, Ralph II. Houser. 121 Charles Chandler Flagg 5 [Table IT.] ; born in Conway, 7 Jan. 1839. All his life has been spent in his native place, save a year in Shelburne Falls soon after his marriage. At one time was a carp nter, but for a number of years has been a manufacturer and dealer in lumber; has also a small farm and greenhouse. Married in Conway, 21 Oct. 1860, Mary Ann Brown, daughter of Isaiah M. and Mary (Dinsmore) Brown; born in Conway, 25 Jan. 1839. Children, all born in Conway : i. Alton Ellsworth, b. 26 May, 1862; d. Conway, 26 Aug. 1871. 259. ii. Charles Dwight, b. 10 Oct. 1864 ; m. 1888, Bertha M. Quinn. 200. iii. Makv Claire, b. 14 Apr. 1807 ; d. Conway. 3 Sept. L899 ; m. 1890, Donald McFarland. iv. "William Mai kick, b. 21 Feb. 1870; is head sawyer in his father's sawmill ; mini. v. Grace Edna, b. 20 Nov. 1*7:? ; living at home. vi. Edith Eliza, b. 12 July, 1875; employed in De Wolfe and HasselTs shoe shop. Conway. vii. Elwin Chandler, b. 12 July, 1875; works in his father's saw mill ; uniii. 261. viii. Lottie Stella, b. 27 Fob. 1878 ; m. 1899, George EL Robert- son. 202. ix. Alice Maud, b. 30 May. L880; m. 1899, William M. Alden. 122. George Washington Flagg 6 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 22 Nov. 1840. Enlisted at Springfield, 9 Sept. 1861, in Co. E, FIFTH GENERATION. 101 1st Mass. Cavalry, re-enlisted 29 Dec. 1863, and served till honor- ably discharged at the close of the war, 26 June, 1865. He began as a private and rose through every grade to 1st lieutenant, serving as captain at the close of the war. Was detailed as acting sergeant- major and acting adjutant of the regiment, was duty sergeant in command of orderlies at Gen. Birney'a headquarters, 1st division, 3d corps, Feb.— Aug. 1863, being on this duty at Gettysburg. Was commissioned 2d lieutenant 13 Nov. 1864, and 1st lieutenant 26 May, 1865. Dui'ing the war he had three horses shot under him. Since 1865, he has worked as carpenter, pattern-maker, mill- wright and gun-stockcr. Residence, Northampton. Married in Easthampton, 26 July, 1869, Charlotte Carpenter King, daughter of William D. and Elizabeth (Brown) King; born in W. Spring- field (now Holyoke), 5 Aug. 1843. Children : i. Gertrude Eusebia, b. Conway, 27 Feb. 1871. Was gradu- ated A.B. at Smith College 1893, and received degree A.M. in 1901 for post-graduate work in mathematics. Taught in a college preparatory school in Canton, O., 1895-96; Hopkins Academy, Hadley, 1896-97, and Rrattleboro. Vt., High School 1897-98. Tutor in mathematics, Smith College, since 1901 ; unm. ii. George Alonzo, b. Chicopee Falls, 11 June, 1876 ; d. there, 23 Aug. 1876. 123 Elias Ford Bradford, son of Shubal and Mary (Ford) Brad- ford ; born in Conway, 21 Nov. 1837. Enlisted 13 Aug. 1862, in Co. E, 1st Mass. Cavalry, and was honorably discharged 20 July, 1865. Is a farmer in Conway. He married, 1st, 29 Feb. 1860, Charlotte Howe, who died 12 Mar. 1861. Married 2d, Conway, 13 Aug. 1862, Fannie Elizabeth Flagg 5 [Table II.] ; born 'in Conway, 6 Aug. 1843. Children, by second wife, all born in Conway; i. Son, stillborn, 15 May, 1866. ii. Lottie Josephine, b. 7 Dec. 1867 ; for some years a dress- maker in Holyoke ; now housekeeper in Springfield : unm. iii. Mary Rhoda, b. 8 Oct. 1869 ; school teacher, res. Conway ; unm. 263. iv. Samuel Flagg, b. 25 Apr. 1875 ; m. 1900, Edith I. Robinson. v. Walter Leroy, b. 1 May, 1878; is a farmer, res. Conway; m. Conway. 26 Aug. 1902. Alice Elizabeth Rice, dan. of James Brainard and Cynthia Elizabeth (Field) Rice ; b. Conway, 19 Aug. 1880. 102 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 124 Wilson Eugene Field, son of Thomas Carter and Content (Sanderson) Field; born in Conway, 15 Nov. 1843. Enlisted Sept. 1862, in Co. D, 52d Mass. Infantry, and was discharged with his regiment 14 Aug. 1863. Removed to Paris, 111., after marriage, but on account of failing health returned to Conway in Apr. 1872, remaining two years. Since Apr. 1874, has resided in Lincoln, Neb., where he has followed the real estate and dairy busi- ness, and at present has a hay farm near the city. Is a Freemason, and charter member of East Lincoln lodge. Married, Conway, 8 Oct. 1867, Susan Wilson Flagg 5 [Table II.] ; born in Con- way, 22 Jan. 1846. She is active in the work of the Congrega- tional Church, and an enthusiastic member of the W. C. T. U. Children : i. Elizabeth Content, b. Paris, 111., 9 July, 1868; grad, A.B. from Nebraska State Univ. ls'.>3, and held position of assist- ant principal of the Ashland, Neb., High School for six years. Then entered Lincoln Dental School, receiving degree of D. M.D. in Apr. 1902. Dentist in Lincoln, Neb.; unin. ii. Samuel Bernard, b. Paris, 111., 23 Oct. 1869; d. there, 25 July, 1870. iii. Susan Wilson, b. Paris, TIL, 13 Jan. 1872 ; taught 4 years in the city schools of Lincoln, Neb. Recently graduated at the University of Nebraska with degree B. S. ; unm. iv. Orville Vinton, b. Lincoln, Neb., 13 Oct. 1875; d. there, 28 Oct. 189-"), while a student In Nebraska State Univ. v. Wilson Eugene, b. Lincoln, Neb., 5 Dec. 1881. Student at Lincoln Dental School ; unm. vi. Otis Sikes, b. Lincoln, Neb.. 7 Apr. 1884. 125 Eleazer Fletcher Flagg 5 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 3 Mar. 1848. Was a farmer in younger days, and since 187(5 has followed occupation of stone and brick mason ; residence, Conway. Married, Conway, 24 May, 1874, Ellen Maria Lawrence, daughter of Alvin and Maria (Burnett) Lawrence; born in Williamsburg, 20 Feb. 1856. Children, all born in Conway: 261. i. Minnie Riioda, b. 27 June, 1876 ; m. 1895, Charles Frederick Chapman, ii. Clarence Alvin, b. 1 July, 1878; is boss dyer for Tucker & Cook Mfg. Co. Res. Conway; unm. iii. Lawrence Fletcher, b. 10 Oct. 1881 ; d. Conway, 4 Mar. 1883. FIFTH GENERATION. 1Q3 126 io 3l ? a i rtl f l Q X aii T Bi r e S Flagg5 ^ TabIe n ; born in Con ™7. 12 1 July, 1844. In the Civil war, he served in Co. A, 18th Mass Infantry being mustered in, 21 Sept. 1861, and discharged for dis- ability 27 JSov. 1862. Occupation, carpenter from 1869 to 1894 and since that time an optician. Residence, Northampton. Mar- ried, Leeds (m town of Northampton), 17 Sept. 1865, Louise C. bnearn, daughter of Austin and Sarah (Cattrell) Shearn ; born in Bristol, England, 23 Sept. 1844. Children : i. Frederick Alvin, b. Sunderland, 17 Mar. 1867. He was a spinner and overseer for 11 years at Belding's silk mill, North- ampton, and since 1894 in employ of Northampton Gas Li Jan. 1885. v. " Lillian Mat, b. 10 Apr. 1887; d. Dayton, 11 May, 1888. vi. Florence Elisabeth, 1). 1 Nov. 1889. vii. Mary Grace, b. 11 Nov. 1891 ; d. Dayton, 20 Apr. 1898. viii. Clifford Munson, b. 5 Nov. 1893. ix. Ruth Delia, b. 2.) May, 1895. 128 Harris Alanson Clark, son of Edwin Alanson and Celestia (Gorham) Clark; born in Easthampton, 13 Mar. 1853. He is a cornice maker : has lived in Easthampton and Worcester. Married, Easthampton, June, 1*77, Fidelia Eusebiii Flagg" [Table II.] ; born in Sunderland, 17 Nov. 1857. Child : i. Henry Alanson, b. Easthampton, 16 Apr. 1878; is a plamlit;r in Worcester, m. Boston, 28 June, 1901, Mabell Rows Bill- iard, dau. Edgar Martin and Phcebe Catherine (Rows) Bal- lard ; b. Worcester, 3 July, 1878. s. p. 129 James Bliss, son of Christopher and Achsah (Doming) Bliss; born in Trov, X. Y., 22 Jan. 1822; was a tanner. Bought land in Owen, 111., from the government and lived on the place 40 years. Died in Owen, 111., 12 Mar. 1895. He married 1st, Lvdia E. Fife (1 son). Married 2d, Westfield, 27 Jan. 18(33, Ami Me- hitable Coltoil 5 [Table II.] ; born in Westfield. 22 Aug. 1831; died in Owen, 111., 8 July, 1881. lie married 3d, 8 Sept. 1887, Amanda Yountz, widow of Berry Henderson. Her present resi- dence, Prairie View, Lake Co., 111. Child by second wife :* i. Arthur Colton, b. Owen, 111., 20 Mar. 1875. Is a farmer on liis father's place in Owen. (P. ( ). Rickford, 111.) m. Lin- coln township, Ogle Co., 111., 8 Dec. L898, Harriet Harman, dau. Absalom Luther and Lauretta Sophia (Youtz) Harman ; 1). Lincoln township, 111., 7 Dec. 1879. s. p. • Other children by this marriage d. in infamy. FIFTH GENERATION. 105 130 _ Henry Smith Thurston, son of Henry Christopher and Catha- rine (Smith) Thurston; born 18 Jan. 1832. Removed to Shef- field with his parents when about eight years old. Went to West- field 1860 and was a book-keeper; at time of death, in employ of W. H. Foote. Was Town auditor 1878-9, member of Board of assessors 1880-84, and member of Board of registrars from 1887 till his death. Member of Mt. Moriah lod^e of Freemasons. Died in Westfield, 4 March 1895. Married, in Westfield, 7 April, 1856 Jane Elizabeth Colton* [Table II.] ; born in Westfield, 21 Jan. 1834; resides in Westfield. Children : i. Henry Smith, b. Portage City, Wis., 18 Sept. 1857 ; d. there 25 Oct. 1857. ii. Daughter, stillborn, Westfield, 3 Nov. 1870. 131 Benton Hart Colton 5 [Table II.] ; born in Westfield, 14 Aug. 1836. Lived on the farm with his father till 21 ; in 1857 went to Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., and thence to the neighborhood of Grand Rapids, Mich., where he bought and partly cleared 120 acres of land. About 1870 removed to the city of Grand Rapids and followed house building for ten years ; next was employed as foreman of bridges for railroads for a time. Has since made his home in Lynchburg, Va., and more recently in Piedmont, Bedford Co., Va. as storekeeper and postmaster. Married in Alpine, Mich., 31 Oct. 1859, Lozina Loveland Wheeler, daughter of Edward and Abigail C. (Warner) Wheeler; born in Somerset, N. Y., 28 May, 1843. Children : 265. i. Regetta Ann, b. Plainfield, Mich., 10 Dec. 1860; m. 1883, William R. McClure. ii. Chauncy Edward, b. Plainfield, Mich., 18 March, 1863; is a locomotive engineer on the Mexican Central railroad. Mar- ried, St. Joseph, Mich., 24 June, 1887, Celia Basten ; b. Mont- real, Canada ; s. p. iii. Delazon Benton, b. Plainfield, Mich., 18 March, 1867. Res. Lynchburg, Va. ; m. Lynchburg, Va., 11 May. 1895, Mary Etta Royalty, dau. John Washington and Mary Jane (Tolley) Royalty; b. Peakevill*', Bedford Co., Va., 28 April 1872; s.p. 266. iv. Emma Lala, b. Plainfield, Mich., 10 Aug., 1868; in. 1885, Willis Ii. Stevens, v. Abigail Marinda, b. Plainfield, Mich., 24 Dec. 1870; res. Lynchburg, Va. ; a dressmaker, m. Grand Rapids, Mich., 7 106 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Aug. 1889, John Tilghman Smith, s. George Washington ami Mary (Brown) Smith ; b. Kent Co.. Del., 30 Jan., 1»66; when four years old his parents rem. to Mich. lie was a ma- chinist ; rem. to Grand Kapids about 1887, and died there, 4 Feb. 1890; s. p. vi. Feank, b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 9 March, 1876 ; d. there, Sept. 86. vii. Fanny, b. Grand Rapids, Mich., 9 March, 1876 ; d. there, Sept. 1876. 132 Theodore Smith Rust, son of Daniel and Ann (Haskell) Rust; born in Northampton, 14 April, 1844. Was a machinist by trade and during the Civil war worked on guns and gun machinery, first in Northampton and later with Snow, Brooks and Co., Meriden, Conn. Since 18G4 he has been practicing dentistry, succeeding to the business of D. S. Colton, his brother-in-law. Married in Meri- den, Conn., 3 May, 1864, Fannie Maria Colton 6 [Table II.] ; born in Westfield, 20 July, 1841. Children, both born in Meriden, Conn. : i. Thkodora Frances, b. 30 May, 1870 ; living with her parents in Meriden. ii. Anne Marinda, b. 5 Sept. 1-572 ; was graduated A.B. at Smith College, 1896, took post-graduate work at Yale, and has de- voted herself to librarianship, having been in the Meriden and Brooklyn, \. Y. public libraries, and more recently catalogu- ing small libraries. 133 Hexry Allen Shipman, son of Allen and Brilla (Isbil) Ship- man ; born in Durham, Conn., 21 March, 1830. Was a mechanic and contractor in Ansonia, Conn., and died there, 29 Sept. 1884. Married 1st, Carrie Ives. (1 son.) Married 2d, in Meriden, Conn., 2 Oct. 1871, Emma Eusebia Colton* [Table II.] ; born in We.-tlield, 5 July, 1844; died in Cromwell, Conn., 12 Aug. 1885. Children, by second wife, all born in Ansonia, Conn. : i. Fannie Brilla, b. 1-1 Jan.. 1873; d. Ansonia, 15 Jan. 1873. ii. May, b. 6 May, L874 ; d. fcferwin's Point. Conn., 1 Sept. 1875. iii. Frank Colton, b. 29 July, L875 ; was graduated at Sheffield Scientific School, New Haven, in 1897. Is assistant civil engineer for tlie Pennsylvania railroad ; res. Pittsburg, Penn ; nii'n. iv. John Thurston, b. 2G Jan. 1880; d. Wallingford, Conn., 14 Feb. L893. FIFTH GENERATION. 107 134 Henry Langdon Macomber 5 [Table II.] ; born in Conway, 3 June, 1842. Enlisted in Whately in Co. D, 52d Mass. Infantry, was mustered in, 11 Oet. 1862, and honorably discharged 14 Aug. 1863. Removed to Amherst, 1865. Is a carpenter and builder, but for the last eighteen years has been foreman in Hills Co's box shop, Amherst. Married 1st, in S. Deerfield, 27 Dec. 1864, Clara Wood Lamb, daughter of Samuel and Maria (Wood) Limb; born in Colerain, 3 Dec. 1845 ; died in Amherst, 10 May, 1899. Mar- ried 2d, 9 Jan. 1900, Katharyn Augusta Freeman, daughter of Alonzo Warren and Eliza Ann (Mellen) Freeman, and widow of William Haskins ; she was born in Orange, 11 March, 1847. 7 Child, by first wife : i. William Henry, b. Amherst, 27 April, 1871 ; is a box maker, res. Amherst, m. Amherst, 30 June, 1900, Estella May Hal- lett. dau. Eugene C. and Phebe H. ( ) Hallett; b. St. Johusbury, Vt., 17 April, 1874; s. p. 135 Charles Albert Macomber 5 {Eusebia N. (Flagg) Ma- comber (42) Table II.] ; born in Conway, 10 July, 1843. En- listed 27 Aug. 1862 in Co. G, 52d Mass. Infantry, and was discharged 14 Aug. 1863 at expiration of service. After the war was a farmer in S. Deerfield and Whately. He died in the latter place, 8 July, 1870. Married in Whately, 3 Jan. 1866, Mary E. Lamb, daughter of Samuel and Maria (Wood) Lamb, and widow of Harrison G. Scott (1828-63.) She was born in Whately, 12 Nov. 1836; married for her 3d husband, George Hastings, and resides in Everett, Washington. Child : i. Clara Eusebia, b. S. Deerfield, 21 Nov. 1868; d. 25 Nov. 1868. 136 Levi Benjamin Goddard 5 [Table III.] ; born in Stock- bridge, Vt., 19 March, 1840. Enlisted 26 Sept. 1861, in Co. C, 6th Vermont Infantry; was wounded and taken prisoner 29 dune, 1862, and paroled 25 July. Re-enlisted 31 Dec. 1863, and was discharged 12 Sept. 1865, on account of wounds received 5 May, 1864. Is a farmer in Stockbridge, Vt. (P. O., Gaysville). He married, Bethel, Vt., 30 Mar. 1884, Belle Twitchell, daughter of Oliver and Betsey (Baker) Twitchell; born in Bethel, Vt., 9 May, 1851. L08 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Children : i. Bessie May. 1). 17 June, U ii. Benjamin Levi, b. 8 Sept. 1888. 137 Moses Towx Stone, son of David and Esther (Town) Stone; born in Croydon, N. H., 4 July, 1835. Enlisted 4 Oct. 1862, in Co. I), 16th New Hampshire Infantry, was 1st corporal and later promoted to sergeant; mustered out 20 Aug. 1863. In the army he contracted a disease which eventually caused his death, and on account of which he received a pension. Was a tanner ; res. Croy- don save the last two years of his life when he was in Newport, N. H. ; died in the latter place, 4 Feb. 1878. He married, Gran- tham, X. II., 18 May, 1871, Lucy Emeline Goddard* [Table III.]; born in Stockbridge, Vt., 2 June, 1846. Since her hus- band's death, she has lived with her brother in Stockbridge, Vt., four years, then in Lebanon, N. II., and since 1898 in Iowa; present residence Grinnell, la. Children : i. Etta Mat, b. Croydon, X. H., 5 Apr. 1872 ; d. there, 23 June, 1 ^75. ii. Mabel Vaughn, b. Croydon, N. II., 13 Dec. 1874; m. Bethel, Vt., 16 Apr. 1902, Lewis Francis Edmunds, son of William H. and Martha Jane (Wood) Edmunds ; b. Stockbridge, Vt., 6 Xov. 1875 ; a fanner and lumber dealer, Bethel, Vt. iii. Nellie Pauline, b. Newport, X. II., Feb. 1876 ; d. there, 27 Jan. 1877. 138 George Edward Merriam 5 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 4 dan. 1833. Like his older brother, he was in the Civil war. Entered the service of the U. S. 12 Sept. 1862, as corporal in Co. H, 44th Mass. Infantry, and was mustered out L8 June, L863. Was employed in the straw shops at Smith Framingham for a number of years till compelled to leave by failing health some four years ago. Married, Thomaston, Me., 12 Xov. 1866, Mary Hodg- kins Robinson, daughter of William and Eliza (Parsons) Robinson; born in Thomaston, Me., 16 Dec. 1845; died in S. Framingham, 1 dan. 1890. Children, all born in S. Framingham: 267. i. Sadie Eliza, b. 7 Dec 1867; m. 1888, Frank W. Bridges. ii. Edward Joseph, b. 20 Mar. 1879; living at home; unm. iii. Ambrose Hodgkins, b. 5 July, 1883 ; living at home. FIFTH GENERATION. 109 139 Chauncey Leland Mitchell, son of William .and Sarah Phipps (Leland) Mitchell; born in Sangerville, Me., 23 Oct. 1831; a straw manufacturer in Westboro. Married, South Framingham, 28 June, 1854, Mary Gocltlarcl Merriam 5 [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 9 Feb. 1835. She resides in Martinez, Cal., with her daughter. Children : 268. i. Lillia Augusta, b. S. Framingham, 20 July, 1800 ; m. 188G, Eugene W. Stoddard. ii. Flora Louise, b. Westboro, 21 Felt. 1867; d. there, 25 Jan. 1868. iii. Walter Merriam, b. Westboro, 20 Sept. 1860 ; d. there, 25 July, 1870. iv. May Frances, b. Westboro, 3 Aug. 1872; d. ihere, 6 Aug. 1872. 140 John Lawton Goddard 5 [Table III.] ; born in Wellsville, Allegany Co., N. Y., 18 Nov. 1843. Was educated in the Alle- gany public schools and Roberts' Young Men's Seminary, Elmira, N. Y. Removed 1869 to Rochester, N. Y., where he is engaged in shoe manufacturing. He married, Rochester, N. Y., 19 July, 1871, Rosa Georgina Clarke, daughter of William T. and Fanny (Smith) Clarke; born in Regent's Park, London, Eng., and came to this country at the age of four, with her parents. Child: i. Fanny Clementine, b. Rochester, N. Y., 27 Sept. 1872. Is a teacher in the Rochester public schools; uum. 141 James William McKenzie, son of John Simon Frazer and Mary (McDonald) McKenzie; born at Pictou, Nova Scotia, 1 Jan. 1830. Was a captain of militia in Grafton, and in the Civil war mustered into service 25 Sept. 1862, as sergeant in Co. E, 51st Mass. Infantry; honorably discharged 25 July, L863. After 1865 he was engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes, and in dress- ing leather in Grafton. Served as selectman 187 1-72 and was com- mander of the local G. A. R. post several years. Removed to Worcester, 1889, and died there. .Married Sarah Angeline Warren 5 [Table III.]; born in Grafton, 29 Sept. 1828; died in Worcester, 30 Apr. 1895. 110 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Children, all born in Grafton: i. Charles W., b. 29 Apr. 1853 ; d. Grafton. 14 Aug. 1853. ii. George Augustink, b. 23 Aug. 1854; rem. to Worcester 1889, and was a manufacturer of ladies' slices and Goodyear welting. Is now book-keeper for the American Steel and Wire Co. ; unm. iii. Mart Lizzie, b. 1 5 Feb. 1867. Was a stenographer in AVor- cester, and d. there, '!'■) Nov. 18'J6 ; unm. 142 Levi Smith Goddard 5 [Table III.] ; born in Florida, Orange Co., N. Y., 29 Oct. 1837. Enlisted 28 Dec 1863, in 1st battery, Minnesota Light Artillery, serving in the 4th division, 17th corps, and was mustered out 30 June, 1865. Has been a fanner most of his life; now has a restaurant at Harvey, 111., a suburb of Chicago. Married, Wabasha Co., Minn., 28 Dec. 1859, Helen Elizabeth Pierce, daughter of Ira and Electa (Allen) Pierce; born in Wal- worth Co., Wis., 2S Oct. 1844. Children : i. M \uv Ethel, b. Plainview, Wabasha Co., Minn., 1 Jan. 1861. [s a teacher; res. Harvey, 111. ; unm. 269. ii. Elsie Helen, b. Plainview, Minn., 17 Feb. 1864; m. 1885, Willard Noble. 270. iii. Jessie LuciNDA,b. Plainview. Minn., 12 Apr. 18G9 ; m. 1891, Fred E Cook. iv. Ida Josephine, b. New Sharon. Mahaska Co., Iowa, 17 July, 1877. A teacher at Harvey, 111. ; unm. 143 Edwin Chidset Seymour, son of Elias Chidsey and Lucy (Loveland) Seymour; born in Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. i ., 23 Oct. 1845. At the age of seven he removed with his parents to Bradford Co., Penn. ; worked in a cabinet shop with his lather till L864, when he enlisted in the 76th Penn. Volunteers, Berving till the close of the war. Removed L867 to Rochester, and 1868 to Bergen, Genesee Co., X. V. ; to Elmira, N. Y., in 1 < s 7 2 . Jan. 1882, he went out to Riverside, Cal., and began as contractor and builder, removing to San Bernardino in L884. Was elected sheriff of San Bernardino Co. 1888 and 1890, and chosen state senator in 1892 and 1 S * 1 4 by large majorities. Present residence, Patton. San Bernardino Co., Cal. He married. New Haven, Conn., '2 June, 1866, Martha Mary GoddanP [Table III. J ; born at South Creek, Bradford Co., Penn., 15 Feb. 1843. FIFTH GENERATION. HI Children : i. George Goddard, b. Bergen, N. Y., 26 May, 18G9. Was bookkeeper in Seattle, Wash., and Los Angeles, CaL, till Dec. 18 ( J6, when he went to South Africa. Is manager of Rem- ington Typewriter agency aud Garlick's Motor and Cycle supply, in Johannesburg, s. p. m. Los Angeles, CaL, 15 A T ov. 1892, Lotta Louise Anthony, dan. and Sarah (Marshall) Anthony; b. Santa Cruz, Cal., 22 Dec. 1872. Divorced, Pretoria, South African Republic, 30 Sept. 1899. She has m. again. 271. ii. Ida Lucinda, b. Bergen, N. Y., 22 July, 1870; m. 1892, J. William Curtis. 272. iii. Edward Levi, b. Elmira, N. Y, 23 May, 1873 ; m. 1892, Ju- lia Steiner. 273. iv. Martha Mary, b. Elmira, N. Y., 8 Sept. 1876 ; m. 1897, John Algeo. 144 Joseph Lewis Goddard' [Table III.] ; born at South Creek, Bradford Co., Penn., 15 Feb. 1843. Enlisted 2 Sept. 1864 in Co. L, 1st Veteran Cavalry, N. Y. Volunteers; mustered out 8 June, 1865. He then entered a law office in Rochester, N. Y., and three years later was admitted to the bar. Practiced his pro- fession in Rochester the rest of his life. The only public office held was the civil magistracy to which lie was elected in 1872 for three years. Died in Rochester, 10 Apr. 1895. He married, Monroe, Mich., 19 Aug. 1875, Lucy Marie Fish, daughter of Ethridge M. and Laura Ann (Stevens) Fish; born in Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y., 16 July, 1842. She was graduated 1860 at farrytown, N. Y., having made a study of elocution for four years. Residence, Conesus, N. Y. Child : i. Lucy Maria, b. Rochester, N. Y., 27 Aug. 1877 ; m. Conesus, N. Y., 27 Feb. 1901, Joseph Hooker Thompson, s. Elisha and Helen (Griswold) Thompson ; b. Conesus, 2s T . Y. ; and is an extensive farmer in that place, s. p. 145 Edward Goddard 5 [Table III.] ; born at South Creek, Brad- ford Co., Penn., 14 Sept. 1844. In Nov. 1863, he began study of dentistry with Dr. W. A. Hines of Elmira, N. Y., and three years later bought the office of his instructor, since which time he has practiced his profession continuously in Elmira. Married, El- mira, N. Y., 5 Oct. 1870, Mary Elmina Kingsbury, daughter of 112 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Horace and Catherine (Coats) Kingsbury; born at Big Flats, Chemung Co., X. Y., 28 Aug. 1846. Children, both born in Elmira, N. Y. : i. Nettie E, b. 23 June, L871 ; d. Elmira, 8 Nov. L878. ii. Linn H, b. 28 Sept. 1874; d. Elmira, 18 Sept. 1892. 14G Freeman Lorenzo Goddard 5 [Table III.] ; bom at South Creek, Bradford Co., Penn., 1 May, 1849. Learned the trade of printer in Elmira; removed Jan. 1866 to New Haven, Conn., where he opened a job printing office. Died in Elmira. N. \ ., 4 Dee. 1872. He married, New Haven, Conn., 21 Feb. 1870, Eliza- beth Bangs Mix, daughter of Henry and Azubah Kelsey (Tryon) Mix; born in New I Liven, IS Sept. 1847. She married 2d, 8 June, 187.";, Adelbert M. Foote, and died in New Haven, 24 Oet. 1885. Child : i. Elizabeth Mix, b. New Haven, June, 1871 ; d. there, 2 Mar. 1872. 147 Henry Augustus Sceva, son of Henry and Eliza ( Pitts ) Sceva ; born in Boston, 11 Nov. 1826, Resided with his parents on a farm in Townsend till IS years of age; then after some years of seafar- ing life, shoemaking and farming in Townsend, Grafton and other places, in 1863 he entered the employ of Estey Bros., Brattleboro, Vt., to tune organs. In 1871 engaged with W. W. Kimball, Chieago, as general agent and traveling salesman for Kimball pianos and organs, and continued in his employ over 20 years. >\ as in the piano business in Kansas City, Mo., from 1885 to 1894, when he went to live with his daughter in Idaho. Present address, Spokane. Wash. Married, Grafton, 1 Jan. 1850, Mary An.ja- nette Chamberlain 5 [Table III.]: born in Grafton, 1 dan. 1830; died in Kansas City, .Mo., 10 Oct. 1886. Children, both born in Townsend : 274. i. Mart Frances, b. 20 Aaig. 1850; m. 1st, 1872, Aaron Par- ker Tyler; m. 2d, 1889, John W. Roush. ii. Eliza P., b. 26 Sept. 1856; d. Upton, L859. 148 Edward Franklin Chamberlain 6 [Table 111.], born in Grafton, 9 Max, 1835. In the Civil war he served in Co. E, 51st Mass. Infantry, Sept. 1862— July, 1863; and as corporal in 1st FIFTH GENERATION. 113 battalion Mass. Heavy Artillery, Aug. 1864 — June, 1865. Far- mer in the town of Grafton (P. O. Westboro) ; and deacon in the Evangelical Congregational Church of Grafton since 1 Mar. 1878. Died in Grafton, 29 July, 1902. He married, Westboro, 9 May, 1860, Angeline Alphina Staples, daughter of Samuel B. and Lucena (Richards) Staples; born in Temple, Me., 4 Oct. 1842. Children, all born in Grafton : 275. i. William Eli, b. 19 Dec. 18G1 ; m. 1885, Sophia E. Estabrook. 276. ii. Emma Louise, b. 28 Nov. 1807 ; m. 1892, Frederick C Taylor, iii. Marian Ella, b, 23 Feb. 1873 ; is living at home. unui. iv. Norman Goodard, b. 30 Jan. 1889. 149 Simeon Dennison Parker Gray, son of Eli and Lucinda( Parker) Gray; born in Templeton, 6 Dec. 1841. Is a farmer and dealer in lumber, Templeton. Married 1st, Almanza S. Clayton of Wilton, Me. (1 daughter and 1 son). He married 2d, in Templeton, 20 Feb. 1873, Susan Eliza Knowlton 5 [Table III.] ; born in Graf- ton, 18 June, 1845. Children by second wife, all born in Templeton : i. Edith Goddard, b. 9 Jan. 1874. Taught school for some time, then took a special course at Mt. Holyoke College. Has since held positions in Baldwinsville High School and in Amherst, unm. ii. Anna Louisa, b. 14 July, 1876; d, Templeton, 23 Aug. 1876. iii. Eva Maria, b. 16 Jan. 1880 ; m. Templeton, 26 June, 1902, Frank Arthur Akers, s. Arthur Henry and Mary (Fisher) Akers; b. Agawam, 31 Aug. 1879. He is in the employ of the Bay State Metal Wheel Co., E. Templeton. 150 Benjamin Franklin Flanders 5 [Table III.] ; born in Or- ange, Vt., April 1840. He resided in Nashua, N. H. and enlie there 13 Sept. 1861, for three years in Co. A, 8th New Hampshire Infantry. He died of yellow fever at Carrollton, La., 2 Dec. L8G2. Married, Nashua, N. R., II Dec. 1860, Sarah C. Farnsworth, daughter of Henry and Emily (Hayden) Farnsworth; born in Har- vard. She married 2d, James G. Davis and died in Boston. Child of Benjamin F. and Sarah C. Flanders : i. Emma F., b. Nashua, N. H, 17 May, 1862. It has not been possible to obtain any further record, 114 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 151 Thomas Benton Silloway, son of Azro L. and Fiorina (Wheel- lock) Silloway: horn in Calais, Vt. Is proprietor of Hotel Racine, Racine, Wis. Married, Montpelier, Vt., Ellen Clarinda Flan- ders' [Table III.] ; born in Orange, Vt., 2 June, 18-43. Child : 277. i. Florence Mabel, b. Montpelier, Vt., 28 Feb. 1871 ; m. 1 Howard M. liiscoe. 152 Silas Howe Brigham, eon of Jonas and Lucinda (Howe) Brig- ham; born in Grafton, 5 Jan. 1*45. He is superintendent of con- struction for the American Steel and Wire Co., at Waukegan, 111. Married, Westboro, 18 Nov. 1868, Abbie Louisa Flanders* [Table III.] ; born in Washington, Vt., 23 Feb. 1848. Child: 278. i. Lena, b. Westboro, 2 March, 1870 ; m. 1892, Ralph D. Smith. 153 William Eastman, son of Rev. William and Louisa (Merrill) Eastman of Granby ; horn in Newton, Mich., 11 Jan. 1844. Re- sided in Amherst, removing 1880 to Holvoke, where he is a whole- sale poultry dealer. Married, Rockford, 111., 21 March, 1867, Emma Evalina Hinds' [Table III.] ; born in Grafton, 19 Nov. 1845. Children : 279. i. William, h. Amherst, 10 April, 1868; m. 1894, Anna II. Vail. 280. ii. Alio Alvena, b. Amherst, 25 March, 1870 ; m. 1894, S. Irving lv eler. 281. iii. Walter Merrill, b. Amherst, 1 Jan. 1874; m. 1897, Alice B. Chi iv. Louise IIim>s. 1>. Holyoke, 9 Nov. 1881 ; is a member of the cla>- of L904, .Mount Holyoke Coll l.'.l Josiah Holbrook 6 [Table III. ] ; born in Panama. Chautauqua Co., X. V., 9 Nov. 1839. A machinist by trade, most of his life has been spent (in a farm in Portland, Chautauqua Co., N. l ., where he was ajustice of the peace, a prominent member of the Con- FIFTH GENERATION. 115 gregational church, and superintendent of the Sunday-school. In 1892 he left the church for Christian Science, and Nov. 1895, re- moved to Toledo, O., where he has since resided. Married 1st, in Pembroke, N. H., 28 Nov. 1869, Alma Jennie Moore, daughter of Asa Moore ; born in Pembroke, N. II., 31 Dec. 1844 ; died in Port- land, N. Y., 15 Oct. 1870. He married 2d, in Hartfield, N. Y., 21 June, 1883, Welthie Francelia Scofield, daughter of Eliaa and Mary (McNette) Scofield ; born in Chautauqua Co., N.Y., 21 April, 1848. Child, by first wife : i. Son, b. and d. 15 Oct. 1870. By second wife : ii. Daughter, b. and d. 31 March, 1886. hi. Courtney Josiah, b. Portland, N. Y., 15 Dec. 1887. 155 George Hale Richards, son of Moses and Hannah (Hale) Richards •, born in Rowley, 27 Aug. 1818. Removed 1845 to Keene, N. H., where he has been a dealer in watches and jewelry ; now re- tired. Married, Keene, N. H., 2 Sept. 1865, Sarah Eliza- beth Woodward 5 [Table III.] ; born in Keene, N. H., 1 March, 1840. Children, both born in Keene, N. H. : i. William Andrew, b. 4 July, 1871. Was engaged in fruit cul- ture, Riverside Co., Cal., for about ten years ; since 1902, con- structor for Leominster Gas Co. iinm. ii. Alfred Woodward, b. 29 April 1874. In hardware husiness, witb Knowlton and Stone, Keene, N. II. ; m. Keene. 2 March, 1899, Florence Louise Pierce, dan. Charles W. and Ella It. (Ellis) Pierce; b. 2 Aug. 1875. s. p. 156 Lewis Wentworth Harrington 5 [Table III.] ; born in Mill- bury, 23 Sept. 1844. Devoted some attention to engineering and architecture, but learned the trade of a machinist. Resided in New Haven a short time, and was also in the hardware business in New York City. Since 1869 has been a builder, and a manufacturer of paper for buildings ; is vice-president of the T. New Roofing and Manufacturing Co., New York. Residence. Millburn, N. J. Mar- ried, New York City, 21 April, 1874, Mary Young Taylor, daugh- ter of James and Olivia (Moodic) Taylor; born in New York, 19 Dec. 1850. I 116 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Children, both horn in New York City : i. Wentworth Lewis, b. 28 March, 1875; graduated Harvard, 1898. With New York Telephone Co. as assistant manager, Cortland St. station. Res. Millburn, N.J. num. ii. James Taylor, b. 7 May, 1*77; graduated Harvard. 1*99. Alter three years in business he enters the College of Phy- sicians and .Surgeons, fall of 1902. unm. 157 Arthur Tappan GoodelP [Table III.] ; horn in Millbury, 11 May, 1847. Is a farmer in Sutton (P. O. Millbury). Married, Millbury, 5 Mar. 1869, Mary Ellen Prentiss, daughter of Daniel G. and Mary (Carter) Prentiss. Children : i. Frederick Valentine, b. 14 Feb. 1870. Lives on the home place in Sutton (P. 0. Millbury). m. Sutton. 27 Feb. 1901, Anna Laura Slayton, dau. Albert Gallatin and Caroline (Ry- der) Slayton; b. E. Brookfield, 14 July, 1868. 5. p. ii. Stella May. b. 10 Mar. 1872; m. Sutton. 23 June, 1897, George Rice Lincoln, s. Sanford W. and Myra F. (Seaver) Lincoln ; b. Millbury, 21 Apr. 1872. He is an electrician in Millbury. s. p. 282. hi. Annie Louise, b. 12 Jan. 1875 ; m. 1898, Joseph E. Gilford. 158 Elijah Bennett Brooks 5 [Table IV.] ; born in North Graf- ton, 21 Feb. 1820. Was all his life a fanner in North Grafton on the place that had beenhis father's. Died there, 25 June, 1879. He married, N. Grafton, 27 Mar. 1842, Emeline Stratton, daughter of Samuel andLovisa (Gibson) Stratton; born in Rindge, N. II., 17 Oct. 1821 ; died in N. Grafton, 27 Feb. 1895. Children, all born in N. Grafton : i. George Forrester, b. 16 June, 1843; d. N. Grafton, 7 July L845. ii. Henry Elijah, b. 29 Mar. 1845; was edgemaker in a shoe factory at N. Grafton for a number of years and served the town five term- as selectman, running on the Democratic ticket while his brother was a candidate on the Republican side. Rem, to Holyoke, where he is a watchman, m. N. Grafton 2 Apr. 1867, Inna Judd Humes, dan. Reuben and Delia (Bacon) Humes ; ]>. Millbury. s. p. iii. Elijah, b. 26 Sept. 1847 ; d. N. Grafton, 13 Oct 1847. iv. George Bennett, h. 21 Apr. L849 ; m. 1880, Ella M. Groat. 284. v. Makv Louisa, b. 18 Aug. 1853; d. X. Grafton. L9 Sept. 1896 ; m. 187 1. Alfred E. Lowell. 285. vi. Susan Maria, b. 11 Jan. 1856; m. 1878, Dean W. Macker. FIFTH GENERATION. 117 159 John Tyler Brooks 5 [Table IV.] ; born in North Grafton, 8 Oct. 1825. Removed to Woodstock, Conn., in 1855, and about two years later to Dawdle in the town of Killingly, Conn., where he has since resided; is a farmer and owns a grist mill. Married, 1st, Sutton, 7 Dec. 1848, Augusta Hunt, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Kendrick) Hunt; born in Stoddard, N. II., 211 Dec. 1830; died in Killingly, Conn., 5 Feb. 1870. He married 2d, Killingly, Conn., 26 Mar. 1871, Sarah Ann Joslyn, daughter of Arnold and Pasy (Allen) Joslyn, and widow of Francis H. Handy; she waa born in Killingly, Conn., 1828; died there, 6 Sept. 1891. Children, by 1st wife: i. George Milo, b. Needhani, 17 Apr. 1^49 ; is a carpenter ; res. some years in Worcester and at present in Webster, m. Wood- stock, Conn.. 4 July. 1870, Ellen F. Arnold, dau. Henry and Betsey J. (Hall) Arnold, s. p. 286. ii. Charles Augustus, b. Grafton, 20 June, 1851 ; m. 1st, 1878, Octavia J. Nims ; m. 2d, 1900, Lizzie J. (Copp) Parker. 287. hi. Fannie Maria, b. Grafton, 12 July, 1854; m. 1873, Thomas L. Gray, iy. Josephine Gilson, b. Woodstock. Conn., 15 Sept. 1857; m. Webster, 6 May, 1882, Edward Payson Eldredge, s. Elijah and Hannah (Holman) Eldredge. He is a farmer m Mans- field, Conn. s. p. 288. y. John Albert, b. Killingly, Conn., 29 Oct. 1860 ; m. 1883. Ella E. Williams. 289. vi. Jennie Augusta, b. Killingly, Conn., 8 June, 1863 ; m. 1882, Alfred W. Seaver. 290. vii. Chandler Bennett. It. Killingly, Conn., 12 Feb. 1866; m. 1886, Amandy J. Mahlert. 160 John Chandler Bennett 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 9 June, 1823. Was a shoemaker in Grafton in early life, removing to Canton in 1853 and four years later to Worcester, where he has since resided. Occupation, chiefly hotel and restaurant proprietor. Married 1st, Grafton, 8 Apr. 1847, Dolly Hunt, daughter of Timo- thy and Mary (Kendrick) Hunt ; born in Stoddard, X. II., 17 July, 1824 ; died in Worcester, 18 Aug. 1888. He married 2d, Worces- ter, 1 Oct. 1892, Marion Holden, daughter of Alvin and Almena (lyes) Holden, and widow of John G. Ferrin ; born in Mount Holly, Vt., 14 Apr. 1841. Children, by first wife : i. Wallace Gordon, b. Grafton, 26 Mar. 1848; d. there. 1 Oct. 1848. 118 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZKR FLAGG. ii. Epfie Lillian, b. Fairhaven, 17 Aug. 1855. Taught some re in the Wora ster public schools, in. Worcester, 6 Sept. 1892, Jere Judson Miller, s. Jere 6. and Jane W. (Green) Miller; b. Kennebunkport, Me., 5 Apr. 1836. After acourse in Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo. Mich.. 1858-61, he en- d the Baptist ministry, and was ordained at Somerville, Sept. 1861. Hi* settlements have been Perkins St. Bapiist Church, Somerville. 19 years, Lincoln Sq. Baptist Church, Worcester, Oct. 1881-Apr. 1892, Beth Eden Church. Wal- tham. May, 1893-May, 1898. Res. Melrose, s. p. iii. Orik Wilbur, b. Graf tun, 23 May, 1857; d. there, 23 Sept. 1857. 161 Samuel Edward Bennett 3 [Table TV.] : born in Grafton, 20Ma\\ 1829. Kept hotel in Canton, 1853-55 ; was in shoe busi- ness with his father-in-law in Abington the two following years and later ran a machine in a shoe Bhop till his father's death in 1860. Then returned to Grafton kept the hotel at New England Village, Grafton, for a year, and finally, in 1864, removed to Abington where, with the exception of rive years in Worcester, the rest of his life was spent, employed as stitcher in a shoe shop. Died in Abing- ton, 3 Feb. 1883. He married, Abington, 17 Nov. 1853, Sophia Elisabeth Gushing, daughter of Josiah and Achsah ( Powers) dish- ing; born in Abington, i) Jan. 1836 ; is still living there. Children : Twins, b. South Canton, 3 Aug. 1854, one stillborn, the other lived o days. 162 Joseph Edmund Bennett' [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 20 May, L829 ; lived in Grafton till 21 and then removed to Boston, afterward residing in various places. Died in South Braintree, 6 Nov. is?."). He married, E. Cambridge, 25 dune. 1856, Lucinda Frances Weed, daughter of Harvey M. and Mary Jane (Boynton) Weed; born in Sandwich, X. II. She left him about March, 1858, on account of his intemperate habits, and alter his death married 2d, William Henry Clark, who died about 18 1 J3. Resided in St. Louis, and later Kansas City, Mo. Child: i. Grai r. Ik about Sept. 18">7. Is supposed to be living in Kan- sas City, Mil, with her second husband, Murphy, by u bom -lie lias one child. FIFTH GENERATION. 119 163 Charles Augustus Hale 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 23 Aug. 1835. Was for man)' years a watchmaker and jeweller in Grafton Centre ; now lives on a farm a little distance from the village. Married, Grafton, 17 Sept. 1868, Emma Jane Kempton, daugh- ter of Abraham W. and Xancy (Xewton) Kempton ; born in Sutton, 31 Jan. 1845. Child : Delta Madge, b. Worcester, 8 June, ]870 ; is a teacher in the Worcester schools, unm. 164 Franklin Prince, son of Joseph and Ann (Burt) Prince; born in Canada, 12 Jan. 1820. Came from Pittsfield, X. IL, to Boston, where he was employed in the Custom House for fifteen years ; a florist, at the time of his death, which occurred in Winthrop, 2 Feb. 1879. Married, Boston, 9 Nov. 1853, Adelaide Amanda Flagg 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Boston, 11 Oct. 1836. She married 2d, in Boston, 22 June, 1881, Jabez Lyman Crandall, son of Tracy and Mehitable (Lyman) Crandall; bora in Royalton, Vt., 20 Dec. 1825. (His first wife was Lucinda M. Taft.) A teamster in E. Cambridge, for some years ; present residence Fitchburg. Child of Franklin and Adelaide A. Prince: i. Frederick Herbert, b. Winthrop. 31 Jan. 1857 ; was a plumb- er in East Boston, and later in cabinet trade in Boston ; d. South Boston, 3 March, 1881. unin. 165 George Elbridge Flagg 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Boston, 26 April, 1838. Was a shoemaker in Grafton in early life, removing later to Charlestown where he found employment as a teamster. Died in Charlestown, 30 Jan. 1883. He married 1st, 1858, Susan Elizabeth French, daughter of Cyrus Nelson and Mary X. ( AVavne) French ; born in Grafton, 26 March, 1841 ; died there, 9 Sept. 1860. Married 2d, in Salem, 26 Jan. 1861, Emma Fran.;- McDonald, daughter of Donald and Catherine (Cramer) McDonald; born in Guysborough, Nova Scotia; died in Charlestown, 13 April, 1892. Child, by first wife : i. Mary Eliza, b. Grafton, 1G May, 1859 ; d. there, 16 June, 1860. By second wife : ii. William Harvey, b. Boston, 22 Sept. 1863 ; was a teamster in Charlestown, at last reports, unm. 120 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. iii. Amber Amelia, b. Charlestown, 14 Dec. 1868. Rem. Oct. 1894 to Milwaukee, Wis., where she was forewoman for the Im als and Torrey Shoe Co. : was known by her maiden name. d. Milwaukee, 5 March, 1902. m. CharleBtown, 21 May, 1888, James William O'Connor, s. Jamea Michael and Brii (Morrisey) O'Connor; b. Somerville, 11 Nov. L866 ; was a plumber in Charlestown, and died there, 25 Dec. 1892. s.p. iv. George Roy, b. Cambridge, 1 -Jan. 1*71 ; was a teamster ; d. Charlestown, 2~> July, 1891. v. Joseph Chandler, 1>. Charlestown, ~2~> Aug. 1876 ; was a shoe- maker in Milwaukee, Wis. Present address unknown. 166 Thomas Joseph Hastie, son of Alexander and Janet (Pettigrew) Hastie ; horn in New York ( !ity, 3 April, 1852. Was a book-keeper for a lumber firm in Westboro for some years; since March, 1901, has been treasurer of the Westboro Savings Bank. .Married, Graf- ton, 2 Nov. 1876, Emilia Lydia Flagg 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Grafton, 26 March, 1856. Child : i. Marjorie, b. "Westboro, 15 Dec. 1891. 167 William Chandler Fabens 5 [Table IV.] ; born in Marble- bead, 1 March, 1843. Was graduated A.B. at Harvard 1864, and at Harvard Law School 1867. Admitted to the bar Dec. 1866 and is a counsellor and attorney at law with office in Lynn. He was master in chancery 1875-89, and has been trial justice and special justice of the Lynn Police Court since 1888. Has always lived in Marblehead, save the years 1878-83, when he was in Lynn. Mar- ried, Marblehead, 15 .Inly. 1875, Mary Prentice Allen, daughter of Ambrose and Margaret (Prentice) Allen; born in Marblehead, 14 June, 1843. Children, both born in Lynn: i. Marguerite Adelaide, b. 15 Aug. 1880; member of the class of 1903, Smith College. ii. M\ky Chandler, b. 25 Nov. 1881; member of the class of 1903, Radcliffe College. 168 Francis Whiting Flagg 5 [Table IV.]; born in Millbury, 27 Lee 1841. Was by profession a dentist; the last years of his life a farmer in Holliston. Died in Holliston, 6 Jan. 1881. Mar- ried Caroline C. Foster; born 23 Ihc. 1849. FIFTH GENERATION. 121 Children : III' '■: ^ rES FosT ™> b - 17 Jan. 1869 ; m. Ada F. Bent. 29o. ii. Harriet Whiting, b. 11 Aug. 1870 ; ,„. Warren U. Hamilton, m. Frank Otis, b. 14 Dec. 1874; d. 22 May, 1896. 169 George Augustus Flagr [Table IV ] ; born in Millbury, 2 May, 1845 Graduated A.B. Harvard, 18G6 and LL.B. Harvard Law ^ ch ° o1 ' 1868 « F °r many years a lawyer in Millburv, and served as representative in the General Court in 1878. Was promi- nent in political life as a member of the republican party Has resided in Holliston more recently, and is secretary and treasurer of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Co., with office in Boston. Mar- ried Fanny Walker Jewett, daughter of Charles Augustus and Su- san \\ illard (Flint) Jewett ; born in Cincinnati, O., 6 Feb. 1848. Children : 294. i. George Benjamin, b. Washington, D. C, 20 Mar. 1870; m. 1899, Madeline T. Smith. ii. Charles Jewett, b Boston, 25 May, 1874; graduated A.B. Harvard, 1898, and LL.B. Harvard Law School, 1901 A lawyer in Boston ; res. Holliston. unm Henry Whiting, b. Boston, 3 July, 1877. Is in the employ oi the Calumet and Hecla Mining Co. in Boston. Res. Hol- liston. uum. m. 170 Beiijamiu Flagg Bigelow* [Table IV. ] ; born in Bloomfield (now Skowhegan), Me., 20 Dec. 1889. Enlisted Sept. 1862 for 9 months m Co. K, 21st Maine Infantry; was on the Mississippi and at the siege of Port Hudson, and was mustered out 25 Aug 18G3. He enlisted again Mar. 1865 for one year in Co. B, 1st battalion Maine Infantry, saw service in the Shenandoah Valley VV ashington, Savannah, Charleston and Anderson, S. ( ' and was finally mustered out April 1866. He is a farmer in Skowhegan Me., on the place that was his father's. Married, Skowhegan, 26 Aug. I860, Sarah Helen Robinson, daughter of Joseph and Han- nah (Fogg) Robinson ; born 5 Dec. 1845. Divorced March, 1898. Children, both born in Bath, Me. : i. Vincent Robinson, b. 10 Apr. 1872; d. Bath, Me., 10 Au- 1872. ' °' 295. ii. Celon Benjamin, b. 7 Aug. 187 J ; m. 1st, Ina J. Douglas ; m. s 122 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 171 Alvin BROWN, eon of Thomas and Matilda (Peck) Brown ; born in Blakeley, Luzerne Co. (now Peckville, Lackawanna Co.), Penn., '>! July, L840. Hie parents were from Coleraine, Mass., and after the mother's death in 1847, his father moved back there. Mr. Brown enlisted 29 Aug. 1862, in Co. B, 52d Mass. [nfantry, and was discharged U Aug. 1863. Was a baker in Newton Corner 1863-66, then turned to the carpenter's trade at Plainfield and Ann.ra, 111., till 1873. After short residences in Kingston, Mass., and Hartford, Conn., he returned to Aurora, which has since been his home. Has shown some inventive ability, and a street sweeper patented by him has attracted much favorable notice. Married, Newton Corner, 20 Feb. 1868, Evelyn Maria Hunt 8 ['fable IV.] ; born in Grafton, 8 Apr. 1847 ; died in Aurora, 111., 9 Nov. 1885. Children : i. Percy Hunt, b. Aurora, 111., 9 July, 1869 ; d. Kingston, 10 Sept. 1873. , 296. ii. Makv Alice Evelyn, b. Kingston, 22 Sept. 1873; m. 1893, David Gilmour. iii Herbert Chester Franklin, b. Hartford. Conn.. 1 Dec. 1875; was farming in Elko Co., Nev., for ab »u1 seven years; since 1900, a carpenter and lumber dealer in Ely, \\ like Tine Co., Nev. unm. 172 Henry RtchaedSON Bird, son of Abram and Hannah T. (Stur- tevant) Bird; born in Waltham, 31 May, 1848. Was at one time in the sewing machine business in Boston, and after 1884 in the employ of Forbush and Brown in Buffalo. March, 1902, the old company was reorganized under the name of the Forbush Shoe Manufacturing Co., of which Mr. Bird is president. He was a D ioneer in the automobile business, bavin- built his first horseless wagon in 1894. Married, Buffalo, X. V.. L5 May, 1884 Flor- ence Caroline Forbush 8 [Table IV. J ; bom in Grafton, U March, 1854. Children, all born in Buffalo, X. Y. : i. Florence Sti rtevant, b. 14 Feb. 1885. ii Helen Forbush, b. 1 Oct. L886 ; d. Buffalo, 5 Feb. 1893. iii. Grace Antoinette, b. 23 June, 1888; d. Buffalo, 6 Jan. 1892. iv. ( hi 5TER Forbush, b. 16 July, 1890. v. Henrietta, b. 10 Nov. 1895. FIFTH GENERATION. 123 173 Charles Allcott Flagg" [Table IV.] ; born in Sandwich, 1 Oct., 1870. Was graduated A.B. at Bowdoin College 1894, and, after teaching the High School at Hopedale one year, entered the New York State Library School, Albany, finishing the course with the degree B.L.S. in 1899. Held the position of assistant in the New York State Library, 1896-1900, the latter part of the period as sub-librarian in charge of the department of History and Gene- alogy ; and since May, 1900, has been in the Catalogue division, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. Received the degree of A.M. at Columbian University, 1902, for post-graduate work in American history ; has compiled some bibliographies of a historical character, and published the "Family of Asa Allcott," 1899, and "In Memoriam, Samuel Benjamin Flagg," 1901. Married, East Orange, N. J., 21 June, 1900, Harriett Dryden Valentine, daughter of John Gill and Emma Augusta (Fiske) Valentine; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 Aug. 1876? She studied music at the National Conservatory, New York, and with a private teacher; and was very successful as an instructor on the piano, especially with young pupils. But as with others of a warm, affec- tionate nature, her true sphere was in the home. The beauty and harmony of the brief months of wedded life and the unfolding of a noble womanhood which they witnessed, it is vain to attempt to commemorate — for the survivor. the memory of them remains as life's richest blessing. She died at her home in Washington D C the 28th of April, 1901. Child : i. George Benjamin, b. Washino-ton, D. C, 2G Apr. 1901 ; d. ^iew York City, 12 May, 1901. 174a Thomas Bucklin Davenport, son of Samuel D. and Mary (Freeland) Davenport; born in Hopkinton, 19 Dec. 1830. Was a manufacturer of boots and shoes : office in Boston. He died in Hopkinton, 21 Aug. 1854. Married, Nashua, N. II.. 8 June, 1852, Frances Albertine Fiske 5 [Table V.] ; born in Mil- ford, Me., 1 Nov. 1832. She married, 2d, 1862, Seth H. Hay- ward [see 1746]. Child of Thomas B. and Frances A. Davenport : 297. i. Mary Freeland. b. Hopkinton, 8 June, 1853; m. 1881, A. Chester Moss. 124 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 1746 Setii Hastings Hatwaed, son of Caleb and Mary (Moore) Hayward; born in Mendon, 29 March, 1830. Was a manufac- turer of boots and shoes; resided in Mendon and later removed to Detroit, Mich. He died in Lexington, 29 March, 1*67. Married, Hopkinton, 5 April, 1862, Frances Albertine Fiske 5 [Table V.], widow of Thomas 13. Davenport. She was born in Milford, Me., 1 Nov. 1 S3 2. Child : 298. Seth Hastings, b. Detroit, Mich., 13 Feb. 1863; in. 1891, Mary H. Duly. 175 Charles Fiske 5 [Table V.] ; born in Milford, Me., 27 May, 1834. Served in the U. S. Navy in the Civil War, on board the San Jacinto, 1861-62. Then was in Lexington and in Chicago, 111. in the commission business. Removed to New York in 1865 and remained there fourteen years, connected with the house of J. L. Cobb and Co. Since 1879, has been in the Boston Post Office. He married 1st, 4 April 1855, Adeline W. Shaw of Augusta, Ale. Married 2d, in Eastport, Ale., 25 March 1868, Annie Isabelle Crafts, daughter of Rev. Eliphalet Porter and Augusta (Porter) Crafts; born in Sandwich, 25 June, 1846. Children, by second wife: i. Ellen Marion, b. Eastport, Me., 19 Nov. 1870; is a teacher in Boston, unm. ii. Frederick Porter, b. Albany, N. Y., 27 Feb. 1874; d. "Wal- thara, 7 Dec. 1879. hi. Edward Charles, b. Brighton, 19 Jan. 1876 ; d. there, 6 Sept. 1876. 176 William Bridge Fiske 6 [Table V.] ; born in Milford, Me., 23 June, 1836. He has been in mercantile business since he was thirteen years of age : is at present proprietor of the Imperial Soap Works, New York City. Residence, Brooklyn, X. Y. Married, Boston, 15 Oct. 1855, Henrietta Sargent Lyford, daughter of Epa- phras Kibbe and Sarah ( Fletcher) Lyford; born in Boston, 8 Jan. 1838 ; died in Brooklyn, 31 March, llh)2. Children : i. Willi \m Bridge, b. Boston, 28 Jan. 18">7 ; i^ in the commis- sion business in Chicago; m. Boston, 11 Mar. 1895, Claire FIFTH GENERATION. 125 Ernestine Acorn, dau. George E, and Theresa Jane (Nichols) Acorn ; b. Boston, 1 Jan. 1805. s. p, ii. Franklin Henry, b. Boston. 24 Mar. 1859. Has lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., Chicago, 111., and since Jan. 1893, in Pitts- burg, Penn., where he is manager for the N. K. Fan-bank Co. m, Chicago, 111., 4 July, 1891, Eva Strombenj, dau. Charles and Christine ( Swanson) Stroniberg ; b. Skalaiid, pro- vince of Smaland, Sweden, s. -p. 299. hi. Frances Abeie, b. Boston, 10 Apr. 1861 ; m. 1886, Archibald A. Smith. 300. iv. Marion Etta, b. New York City, 29 Sept. 1864; m. 1887, Sidney C. Ormsby. 177 Alonzo Austin Goddard, son of Alonzo and Elizabeth Nichols (Smith) Goddard ; born in Medfield, 1 April, 1848. He is in busi- ness, handling milk dealers' supplies ; residence, Somerville. Mar- ried, Boston, 18 Nov. 18G9, Abbie Josephine Fiske 5 [Table V.] ; born in Lexington, 18 Nov. 1848. Child : i. Henry Austin, b. Lexington, 25 Mar. 1875 ; clerk in a banking house in Boston. Res. Winchester, m. Somerville, 1 Oct. 1902, Amy Louise Hamlet. 178 John Herschel Morron 5 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 30 July, 1835. Was graduated at Hamilton College 1859, and attended Princeton Theological Seminary where he completed the course in 1862. Entered the Presbyterian ministry and has held the following pastorates: Pompey Hill, N. Y., Brockport, X. Y., First Presbyterian Church, Peoria, 111., and Fourth Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Residence, Peoria, 111. He married, Peoria, 18 Oct. 1866, Eleanor M. Reynolds, daughter of John and Sarah Kersley (Cooper) Reynolds; born in Peoria, 111., 18 April, 1841. Children : i. John Retnolds, b. Peoria, 111., 8 Nov. 1867. Res. Chicago, 111., where he is president of the Diamond Glue Co. and direc- tor of a number of institutions, m. Chicago, 18 Oct. 1893, Belle Edna Goodridge, dau. Charles Lowell and Charlotte Helen (Wheeler) Goodridge, and widow of Burch. s.p. ii. Sarah Reynolds, b. Indianapolis, Ind., '2'6 Sept. 1872. Res. Peoria, unm. iii. Jean McLean, b. Peoria, 111., 3 July. 1879 ; was graduated at Smith College 1901. A teacher in Peoria High School. 126 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 179 I'm up "W'ii.iuilTaft, son of Philip and Mary ( Wheelock) Taft ; born in Mendon, 22 May, 1*40. lie enlisted at Springfield, 10 Feb. 18l31, and was appointed corporal in an independent company, which was attached to the U. S. Engineer Corps, performing pontonier service al the front in Virginia. The organization later became Co. I, 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery. Mr, Taft lias for twenty years represented the Atha Steel Co., now a part of the Crucible Steel Co. of America ; residence, New York City. Married 1st, Providence, R. I., 1871, Jean McLean Morron s [Table V.] ; born in Buffalo, X. Y., 15 Oct. 1843 : died in Phila- delphia, Penn., 12 May, 1888. He married 2d, Ellen B. Taylor. Children by first wife, both born in Boston : 301. Nellie Morron, b. 2-1 Jan. 1872; m. 1897, Irving E. Olmstead. 302. Robert McLean Gordon, b. 14. June, 187.J; m. 1897,IdaV. Neal. 180 William Hollis Robinson 5 [Table V.] ; born in Newfane, Vt., 8 June, 1831. As a young man he went to Peoria, 111., and was there successfully engaged in the insurance and loan business for more than twenty years. Died in Brattleboro, Vt., 26 April, 1880. lie married, Fletcher, ()., 22 June, 1865, Elizabeth Ann Doup, daughter of Henry and Margaret (Beckenbaugh) Doup : burn in Miami Co., O., 15 May, 1840. Since her husband's death, she has lived in Brooklyn and New Y'ork, N.Y., and Chicago, 111. ( Ihildren, both born in Peoria, 111. : i. James Benrt, b. 28 June, 18G6 ; studied two years at Witten- burg College, Springfield, O., aud then entered the class of 1888 at Harvard, but was compelled by failing health to leave in the midst of senior year. In the fall of l Ss * s be entered the Law School of Columbia Univ., being graduated in 1890. Is now a lawyer in New York City. unm. ii. William Hollis, b. 20 Nov. L870 ; was two years at Witten- burg College, at Phillips Exeter Academy L887-88, and later took a business course at Springfield, O. Is proprietor of a merchant tailoring establishes at in Chicago, 111. m. Jefferson- ville, I ml.. 27 May, L900, Lillian May Hays, widow of Thom- as P. Craig; b. Bloomington, 111., 13 Oct. 1874. s. p. 181 James Tufts Robinson 6 [Table V.] ; born in Waterloo, Quebec, 11 Sept. I800 ; removed to Peoria, 111., when a young man FIFTH GENERATION. 127 and engaged in manufacture of flour. In partnership with Greorjre Field under the style of Robinson & Co., he owned two mills, the Fort Clark ' and the « City," with a capacity of 700 barrels a day • and during the "sixties" and "seventies" they were said to do a million dollar business a year. He died in Peoria, 26 Sept. 1878 Married, Vernon, Vt., 1855, Elizabeth Jane Newton, daughter of Alexis and Jane (Ayres) Newton; born in Vernon, Vt., 25 March, lbol; died 15 Sept. 1901. Children, all born in Peoria, 111. : L Lizzie Jane, b. 20 June, 185G ; a teacher in the public schools oi .Peoria since 1877. ii. Laura Ann, b. 2 Mar. 1860; m. Peoria, 2 Mar. 1882, Wallace Comvay Martin, s. James William and Mary Ann (Gardner) Martin; b. Darby, Clark Co., O., 27 Jan, 1852; was gradua- ted at Pennsylvania Dental College, Philadelphia, 1876. Is a dentist in Peoria, s. p. iii. Henry Newton, b. 23 Dec. 1862 ; a book-keeper in Peoria, where he d. Id June, 1895. unm. 182 Edward Erastus Platt, Jr., son of Edward E. and Maria Leek (Knapp) Platt. Was a flour dealer in Springfield, 18(35-1872 • afterwards a traveling salesman. Died 1891. He married, New- lane Vt., 5 May, 1865, Seraph Newton 5 [Table V.l ; born in Newfane, Vt., 6 Jan. 1841 ; died there, 31 March, 1900. Children, all born in Springfield : i. Mart Leek, b. 26 Nov. 1866 ; is a nurse in Concord, unm. ii. James Newton, b. 30 Jan. 1869; book-keeper in a bank in Vv albngford, Conn. unm. iii. Grace, b. 29 June, 1871 ; m. Newfane, Vt., 20 Oct. 1900, Ed- ward Roland Smith, s. Roland and Mary (Silvia) Smith- b Edgartown, 11 Feb. 1864. He is a building mover in Cottage City. s. p. fe 183 Charles Marshall JVewton 5 [Table V.] ; born in Newfane Vt., 31 Oct. 1846. Enlisted 6 July, 18(33, for three years as pri- vate in Co. L, 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery, and was wounded at Snicker's Gap, Va., July, 1864. Mastered out as sergeant Aug. 1865. After the war, held clerkship under Boston and Albany railroad at Springfield and Brookfield till 1870, then was clerk for mercantile houses till Oct. 1872, when he started in business for himself as dealer in clothing, furnishing goods and hats, Middletown, Conn. Served several terms in the Common Council. Was ap- 128 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. pointed U. S. postal card agent at Birmingham, Conn., Feb. 1890, under Pres. Harrison. His resignation was called for June, 1893, by the new administration ; refusing to resign, he was removed without just cause. Oct. 1898, he was obliged to give up business and seek a milder climate ; located in Orlando, southern Florida, ■where he has a pineapple and orange plantation. Has identified himself with the G. A. R. in his various places of residence, being at present a member of the Council of the Dep't of Florida. Married, Middletown, Conn., 24 March, 1874, Mary Catherine Boardman, daughter of Timothy and Julia (Stratton) Boardman ; born in Berlin, Conn., 27 May, 1849. Children : 303. i. James Holland, b. Middletown, Conn., 14 Oct. 1S75 ; m. 1901, P:dith B. Dickinson, ii. Emma Boardman, b. 6 July, 1877 ; d. 25 Oct. 1877. 184 William Henry [Newton 5 [Table V.] ; born in Xewfane, Vt., 25 June, 1850; removed 1873 to Middletown, Conn., where he was employed in his brother's store two years, and clerk in the First National Bank six more. Kemoved to Wallingford, Conn., Dec. 1881, having been appointed cashier of the newly organized First National Bank, which position lie still holds. Elected to the Court of Burgesses in 1889, and was warden of the borough (chief executive) for three years following; has been treasurer of the town a number of years. In 1895 and 1896, was a member of the General Assembly of the state, being appointed House chairman of the Committee on the school fund. A Republican in politics, influential member of the Congregational church and past master of the local Masonic lodge. Married, YVilliainsvillc, Vt., 13 Oct. 1881, Alice E. Dickinson, daughter of Dana D. and Eliza A. (Goodnow) Dickinson; born in Williamsville, Vt., 2 Aug. 185G. Children : i. Elsie Marion, b. Wallingford, Conn., 16 July, 1882 ; unm. ii. Daughter, d. in infancy, 1 H >s 4 . 185 James Hayden Tufts 6 [Table V.] ; born in Monson, 9 July, 1802. Fitted for college altogether under his father at home, and was graduated from Amherst, 1884, the first in his class. After serving as instructor in mathematics at Amherst 1885-87, he spent the next two years at New Haven Theological Seminary, taking the FIFTH GENEEATION. 129 degree D.B, and winning the University prize for English composi- tion, open to all students of Yale. Was instructor in philosophy, Univ. of Michigan 1889-91, his alma mater giving him the degree of A.M. in 1890. 1891-92 he studied in Berlin and Freiburg, the latter university conferring the degree of Ph.D. in 1892. Since his return, has been on the faculty of Chicago Univ. as assistant and associate professor of philosophy, and since 1900 professor of this department. Since 1899 he has held the position of Dean of the senior colleges. In literary work he has translated Windel band's "Geschichte der Philosophic" in 1893 and has since contributed to the "Dictionary of philosophy and psychology" and to various philosophical periodicals. Married, Leverett, 25 Aug. 1891, Cynthia Hobart Whitaker, daughter of Augustus and Caroline (Hobart) Whitaker; born in Leverett, 1 April, I860. Children, both born in Chicago, 111. : i. Irene, b. 17 Nov. 1893. ii. James Warren, b. 11 Apr. 1895. 186 John Calvin Tufts 5 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 5 Sept. 1848. Taught school when 18 ; and was engaged in farm- ing in the neighborhood of the home in Geneseo, 111., and later at Grinnell, la. Removed 1879 to Sioux Falls, S. D., where hia business was real estate and insurance. He was killed 20 Sept. 1902, in attempting to board a moving train at Savanna, 111. He was an unusually bright and intelligent man ; a great reader. Mar- ried, Geneseo, 111., 23 Dec. 1874, Ida L. Sloan, daughter of James and Lucy (Andrews) Sloan; born in Ashland, O., 9 April, 1848. Children : i. Lucy, b. Geneseo, 111., 12 Sept. 1876. ii. James, b. Geneseo, 111., 12 Nov. 1878; d. Sioux Falls, S. D., 15 Feb. 1883. iii. John Barber, b. Sioux Falls, S. D., 18 Apr. 1882; a ma- chinist. iv. Ware Jennings, b. Sioux Falls, S. D., 6 Feb. 1884. v. Frank Payson, b. Sioux Falls, S. D., 6 May, 1885 ; d. 18 Sept. 1886. 187 Winfield Scott, son of Ira and Catharine Augusta (Johnson) Scott; born in Chaplin, Nelson Co., Ky., 23 Jan. 1848. Resided 130 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. in Chicago, 111., and since his marriage in Olin, Iowa, where he buys and ships grain and stock. Married, Geneseo, 111., 28 Xov. 1 872, Ella Sophia Tufts 5 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 2 Dec. 1850. Children : i. Dessa Dellb, b. Grinnell, la., 1 1 July, 1*76 ; m. 3 May. 1*99, Roy Devern Cooley, s. Daniel and Catharine (Ilogle) Coo- ley; b. 20 Nov. 1871. Is a farmer, Onslow, la. s. p. ii. Elsie Ella, b. Olin, la., 1G .June, 1884; a school teacher. iii. Payson Wixfield, b. Olin, la., 13 May, 1887. 188 Arthur Henry Tufts 5 [Table V.] ; born in Wardsboro, Vt., 14 Jan. 1856. Was at Grinnell College, Iowa, four terms, 1873- 74, College of Physicians at Baltimore, Md., 1881-82, and received degree M.I), on graduation at University of the City of New York, 1883. He went at once to Sioux Falls, S. D., and began the practice of his profession. Has served several terms as Superin- tendent of the Board of Health of the city and of Minnehaha Co., member of the U. S. pension board of examiners, etc. He is an active and enthusiastic Freemason. Married, b' Jan. 1885, Har- riet Lemira Deane, daughter of Benjamin F. and Angie (Cobb) Deane; born in Grafton, Vt., 31 July, 1850; studied at Welles- ley College, 1877. Children : i. Marion Deane, b. Sioux Palis, S. D., 23 Mar. 1887. ii. Helen Angeline, b. 27 Apr. 1889. 189 Francis Barher Tufts 5 [Table V.] ; born in Geneseo, 111., 23 May, 1862. Farmer, residing at the homestead in Geneseo till 1897, when he removed to Wheatland, Dallas Co., Tex. lie mar- ried, Davenport, la., 14 Nov. 1887, Louise Minnie Salow, daugh- ter of William and Christine (Stein) Salow ; born in Geneseo, 111., 1G Aug. 1870. Children : i. Aletha Dim., b. Geneseo, 111., 2 Feb. 1889. ii. Mable Louisr, b. Geneseo, 111., .'> Dec. 1890. iii. Rot John, b. Geneseo, 111.. 25 June, 1893. i\. Ware Gilbert, b. Geneseo, 111.. 26 Oct. 1896. v. Gladts Ella, b. Dallas, Tex., 23 Sept. 1900. FIFTH GENERATION. 131 190 James Arthur Ambler, son of Harvey D. and Lavinia D. (Cook) Ambler; born in Needham, 2 April, 1842. Proprietor of Ambler Saw Manufacturing Co., Natick. Not confining his atten- tion to business pursuits, Mr. Ambler has won a name for himself as a writer, his " Evolution in Economics ; an analysis of social problems," being published in 1899. Married, Englishtown, N. J., 4 Sept. 1874, Harriet Anna Cooke 5 [Table V.] ; born in Man- chester, Vt., 10 June, 1844. Children, both born in Natick : i. Fanny Woodbury, b. 30 Nov. 1877 ; was graduated at Welles- ley College, 1901. ii. Olive Caroline, b. 14 Aug. 1879 ; was graduated at Welles- ley College, 1901. 191 Charles Edmund Hibbard, son of Isaac Lovejoy and Mary Gile (Sargent) Hibbard. Fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, and was graduated at Amherst, 1867. Then studied law with Mr. Collamore in Woodstock, Vt., and was admitted to the bar in Boston in 1869; went to Tama, la., where he remained three years, when he changed his residence to Methuen, practicing law in Boston till 1881. Removed that yea. to Lee, Mass., and 1887 to Pittsfield, where he has since resided. Has served Hamp- den and Berkshire Cos. three terms as District Attorney, and was Mayor of Pittsfield in 1891. He married, Montpelier, Vt., 2 Feb. 1870, Henrietta Hayden 5 [Table V.] ; born in Cincinnati, O., 11 May, 1845. Children : 304. i. Charles Lovejoy, b. Tama, la., 18 July, 1871 ; m. 1897, Alice Paddock. ii. Frederic Walbridge, b. Montreal, Canada, 27 Nov. 1872 ; grad. Phillips Acad., Andover, 1893. Manager's assistant Wo- ronoco Paper Co., Fairfield, Mass. ; res. Pittsfield ; m. 4 June, 1902, Grace Russell Allen, dau. William Russell and Louise (Woodward) Allen ; b. St. Louis, Mo., 1875. iii. Mary Page, b. Methuen, 30 Nov. 1877. 192 George Stebbins Hayden 5 [Table V.] ; born in Cincinnati, O., 12 June, 1844. Enlisted from Berlin, Vt., his father's birth- place, in Co. K, 4th Vermont Infantry, 6 Sept. 1861; was dis- 132 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER ELAGG. charged for disability 28 Dec. 1862. Was a house painter and decorator in Cincinnati. O., and in the city post office at the time of his death. 14 Feb. 1888. Married, Cincinnati, O., 3 Jan. 1878, Surah Belle Garwood, daughter of Robert and Mary (Latman) Garwood; born in New Richmond, O., 20 Sept. 185-i; resides in Cincinnati. Children, all born in Cincinnati : i. Alicine, b. 26 Mar. 1880; m. 24 Jan. 1899, Franklin Lawson ; b. London, Eng., about 1866. He is an artist, s. p. li. George Robert, b. 30 May. 1882; d. Sept. 1886. ii. Pearl Belle, b. 14 July, 1886. 193 William Clarence Hayden 5 [Table V.] ; born in Cincin- nati, O., April, 1852. Was in the grocery business for a time; since 1886 has been bailiff in the Common Pleas Court, Cincinna- ti, also Deputy Sheriff, and trustee of Millcreek township. Resi- dence, College Hill, O. He married, Cincinnati, 10 Oct. 18 7 7. Elizabeth Deserisy, daughter of Melancthon and Fanny (Hayes) Deserisy ; born in Cincinnati, 2 May, 1859. Children, all born in College Hill, O. : i. Bertox Rojare, b. 24 Oct. 1878; d. Aug. 1885. ii. William Lloyd, b. 16 Mar. 1888. iii. Jexxie DeGolyeu. b. 16 Oct. 1891. SIXTH GENERATION. SIXTH GENERATION. 194 Byron Edgar Eddy 9 [Han-let (Foshett) Edthf (80), Table I.] ; born in Webster, 25 Nov. 1857. Is a farmer, and carries on a grocery and general merchandise store at Woodstock, Conn. He married, Boston, 12 May, 1886, Flora Elizabeth Buttrick, daugh- ter of Albert Henry and Emeralda (Gordon) Buttrick ; born in Med- ford, 20 Dec. 1864. Children, all born in Woodstock, Conn. : i. Marion Griffith, b. 30 Mar. 1887; d. Woodstock, Conn., 16 June, 1893. ii. Mabel Buttrick, b. 20 July, 1889. iii. Edith Allen, b. 24 Apr. 1892. iv. Ralph Thurston, b. 21 Aug. 1896. v. Clara Foskett, b. 1899. 195 Eben Foskett 8 [Samuel W. Foskett" (81), Table I.] ; born in Charlton, 14 Jan. 1864. Learned the printer's trade and for five or six years was assistant foreman in the composing room of the Worcester Evening Gazette. While there he qualified himself to enter the Medical department of New York University ; was gradu- ated M.D. in 1895, and after two years at Bellevue Hospital, "began the practice of his profession in New York City. He married, Worcester, 14 Oct. 1897, Flora Gertrude Fay, daughter of Win- prop Baxter and Elizabeth (Watson) Fay; born in Jamaica Plain, 10 March, 1868. Children, both born in New York City : i. Winthrop Fat, b. 4 Feb. 1899. ii. Elizabeth, b. 8 Feb. 1900. 136 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 196 George Martin, son of Isaac Buxton and Almira (Hutchins) Martin ; born in Grafton, X. H., 24 Aug. 1855 ; was for some years assistant station agent at Southbridge and now holds position of as- sistant secretary for the West End Street Railway, Boston. Married, Webster, 17 May, 1872, Amelia Tamma Potter 6 [Tamma (Foskett) Potter 5 (82), Table I.] ; born in Charlton, 24 March, 1855. Children, both born in "Webster : i. Fred Leslie, b. 20 Aug. 1873 ; was a clerk in Boston and d. there, 10 July, 1894. unm. 305. ii. Milo Clifton," b. 27 Mar. 187G ; m. 1896, Ida D. Aldrich. 197 Harrison Brown Foskett 6 [John Foskett 6 (83), Table I.] ; born in Lake Village, N. H., 23 Aug. 1872; was graduated 1899 from Nichols Academy, Douglas, with purpose of entering Univ. of Penn. Medical school. Giving up that plan he has been in the printing business, in Boston and Watertown; and since 1901 as foreman of the printing office of the Charles E. Sampson Co., Wal- tham. Residence, Kendal Green, Weston. He married, Dudley, 29 June, 1899, Florence Lizzie Durkee, daughter of Erastus Barnes and Emily Frances (Elwell) Durkee; born in Dudley, 30 June, 1872. Children : i. Margaret Durkee, b. "Waltham, 2G Nov. 1899. ii. Lona, b. 12 Oct. 1902; lived a week. 198 Luman Foskett 8 [Ban Foskett 6 (84), Table I.]; born in Charlton, 26 duly, 1865. Went West in Dec. 1886 with his older brother Dwight T. Foskett, and has since been engaged in stock raising at Warner Lake, Lake Co., Ore. (Tost office, Adel, Ore.). He married, Lake City, Cal., 31 Oct. 1901, Carrie Ethel Baty, daughter of David and Sarah (Strief) Baty; born in Fort liidwell, Cab, 1 April, 1886. Child : Jennie Florence, b. Fort Bidwell, Cal., G Aug. 1902. 199 Clement Lincoln Marsh, son of Truman Head and Sarah (Shumway) Marsh ; born in Dudley, 18 Sept. 1861 ; owns and lives SIXTH GENERATION. 137 on the old Marsh homestead in Dudley ; a farmer. He married, Oxford, 23 Oct. 1888, Luella Foskett 6 [Dan Foskett' (84), Table I.] ; born in Charlton, 26 July, 1865. Children : i. Alice Isabel, b. Dudley, 13 Nov. 1889. ii. Owen Truman, b. Dudley, 4 July, 1891. iii. Henry Lincoln, b. 14 Sept. 1899 ; d. 22 Sept. 1899. 200 George Clinton Marsh, son of George Haven and Harriet Maria (Walker) Marsh; born in Dudley, 15 Aug. 1871 ; is a far- mer, residence Dudley, on the place where he was born. Married, Charlton, 15 Dec. 1898, Martha Simpson Foskett 6 [Dan Fos- kett b (84), 'Table I.] ; born in Charlton,, 19 Aug. 1876; taught the Parker school in Charlton two years before marriage. Child : Russel Foskett, b. 9 Nov. 1899. 201 Milton Herbert Sears, son of Sylvanus and Lucy (Hedge) Sears ; born in Worcester, 1 June, 1854. Farmer and milkman, Tatnuck, Worcester. He married, Charlton, 12 June, 1878, Emma Cliarleiia Carpenter 6 [David W. Carpenter" (85), Table I.] ; born in Grafton, 6 April, 1854; before marriage, was a school teacher. Children, all born in Worcester : i. Mabel Harriet, b. 7 July, 1879. ii. Herbert Franklin, b. 30 Sept. 1880. iii. Winthrop Sylvanus, b. 21 Aug. 1882. iv. Willarette Carpenter, b. 22 Nov. 1883. v. Burton Russell, b. 30 Mar. 1888; d. G Sept. 1888. j vi. Carmyn Ella, b. 17 Apr. 1890. { vii. Cola Abbie, b. 17 Apr. 1890. 202 Elmer Ellsworth Carpenter 6 [David W. Carpenter* (85), Table I.] ; born in Grafton, 4 May, 1862. Was for fifteen years an architect, contractor and builder in Worcester ; general manager of the Worcester and Webster Street Railway Co. 1808-1900, and is at present president and general manager of the New England Electric Railway Construction Co., also president of the St. Albans Street Railway Co. of St. Albans, Vt. Residence, Worcester. He 138 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. married, Charlton, 21 May, 1884, Matilda Estella Cassidy ; born in Peru, N. Y., 9 May, 1859. Children, both born in Worcester: i. Florence Amur., b. 5 May, 1885, ii. David Ellsworth, b, 21 Mar. 1889. 203 Edward Francis Carpenter 6 [John Carpenter* (86), Ta- ble I.] ; born in Charlton, 24 Dec. 1844. Enlisted 9 July, 1864, for 100 days in Co. G, 42d Mass. Infantry, and was mustered out 11 Nov. 1864. He has been reporter on the Southbridge Journal a few years, agent for sewing machines, etc., and Florida excursion ao-ent ; is now justice of the peace and real estate dealer, Worces- ter. Married 1st, Holland, 2 March, 1867, Sarah Jane Xewhall, daughter of Otis and Sarah (Lamb) Xewhall; born in X. Spencer, D June, 1847. They separated duly, 1873, and he obtained a di- vorce 1 May, 1874', for desertion. She died in (.lobe Milage, Southbridge, 19 Xov. 1879. s. p. He married 2d, Stafford, Conn., 3 May, 1874, Mary Elizabeth Smith, daughter of John Homes and Hannah Read (Ripley) Smith; born in Amherst, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, 1 I Feb. 1839. She was divorced from her first hus- band, Trefry, by whom she had three daughters. Child, by second marriage : 306. i. Vinnie Ajsnabelle, b. Holland, 6 Aug. 1874; m. 1894, Charles AY. Hurst. 204 Ezra Samuel Colburx, son of Dexter and Louisa (Tupper) Colburn; born in Stafford, Tolland Co., Conn., 2.") Dec. L843. He is a farmer and owner of the estate in Stafford where his ancestors have lived and died for several generations. Married, Holland, 26 Xov. 1*7 1, Caroline Eliza Carpenter 6 [John (_'">■/»„/,,'' (86), Table I.]; born in Charlton. 20 Jan. 1848. Before mar- riage she was a school teacher in Wales and Holland, Mass. ; has contributed some poetry to the periodical press, and published two volumes of verse, "Maple Valley Mill and Hoarding House" in INT 2, and "Hydcvillc and its Inhabitants," both printed in Southbridge. Child: 307. i. Myka Lillian, 1>. Stafford, Com... 27 Oct. 1879; m. 1900, William A. Thompson. SIXTH GENERATION. 130 205 Frank Shufelt Miller, son of William Henry and Ella J. (Shufelt) Miller; born in Chatham, N. Y., 6 March, 1863. Was in the employ of the "Worcester and Webster Street Railway from its construction, succeeding his wife's cousin Elmer E. Carpenter in the position of superintendent in 1900. Resigned in April, 1902, and is now New England representative of C. J. Harrington, New York, manufacturer of electric railroad and line material ; residence, Oxford. Married, Spencer, 5 May, 1887, Mary Cordelia Car- penter 6 [John Carpenter' 3 (86), Table I.] ; born in Locks Vil- lage, Shutesbury, 1 March, 1858. Children, all born in Spencer : i. Harlow Archie, b. 23 Feb. 1888. ii, Raymond Edile, b. 2 Oct. 1891. iii. Irving Willard, b. 17 Oct. 1892. iv. Ina Mildred, b. 13 July, 1894. v. Lura Evelyn, b. 29 Jan. 189G. 206 John Butler Carpenter 6 [John Carpenter' 3 (88), Table I.] ; born in Holland, 2 Sept. 1860. Leaving home in 1874, soon after his father's death, he has lived in Charlton, Ashland, Spencer and other places, chiefly in Massachusetts, engaged in farming and various occupations. Since 1896 has made his home in Somerville and is employed as motorman on the Somerville and Boston cars. Married, Sturbridge, 24 Nov. 1881, Lizzie Ellen Plympton, daugh- ter of Penuel and Rebeckah Adelia (Sanger) Plympton ; born in Sturbridge, 10 Aug. 1862. Children : i. Lena Florence, b. Ashland, 3 Sept. 1882; d. Holland, 17 Sept. 1884. ii. Tyler Ernest, b. Ashland, 23 Dec. 1883; employed in a pro- vision store in Cambridge three years, and, since March 1902, clerk in office of Dominion Steamship Line, Boston. hi. Llla Edna, b. Spencer, 18 Jan. 1887 ; d. Somerville, 13 Mar. 1897. iv. Otis Eddy, b. Spencer, 19 Sept. 1888. 207 Forbes Bryant Dodge, son of Rufus Brown and Augusta (Morse) Dodge; born in Charlton, 13 duly, 1854. He is a prin- ter, also justice of the peace and postmaster at Dodge post office in Charlton. Married, Dudley, 6 May, 1875, Emma Jane Ba- ker 8 [Mary W. (Mclntire) Baker" (87a), Table I.] ; born in 140 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Dudley, 4 Oct. 1854 ; she served as postmaster of Charlton for four years during Cleveland's second administration. Child : i. Mildred Baker, b. Charlton, 27 Aug. 1889. 208 Everett Waters Flint 8 [MaryW. (Mclntire) Flint" (876), Table I.] ; born in Charlton, 21 April, 1868 : is an optician in Bos- ton. He married, Boston, 12 July, 1900, Mary Adelaide Way- land; born in Boston about 1870. Child : i. Son, b. Boston, 8 Aug. 1901 ; d. there, 21 Sept. 1901. 209 John Waters Bolster 6 [Mary (Bigelow) Bolster" (90), Ta- ble I.] : born in Barre, 6 May, 18 I ."'». Is a farm laborer in Branch Co., Mich., vicinity of Cold water. He married. Coldwater, Mich., 15 May, 1866, Lizzie Munsell. She was born in Coldwater and died there. Children, both born in Coldwater, Mich. : i. Lena Mat, b. 4 Sept. 18G7 ; d. Coldwater, 1 May, 1880. ii. William Edward, 1). 5 Apr. 1870; is a farmer near Coldwa- ter, Mich. m. . 210 Charles Millard, son of Jahoiada and Maria (Pratt) Millard; born in Lathrop, Susquehanna Co., Penn., 19 July, 1841. Lived in Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich., removing to Jonesville, Mich., where he is freight agent for the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway. Married, Colon, Mich., 28 dune, 1867, Mary Jane Bolster 6 [Mary (Bigelow) Bolster 6 (90), Table I.]; born in Jackson, Steuben Co., End., 25 April, 1850. Child: i. HARRY C, b. Jackson. Jackson Co., Mich, 16 Mar. 1872: is clerk in the Ereigb.1 office at Jonesville, Midi. unm. 211 Thomas William Soott, son of William and Mary (Cairns) Scott; born in Providence, R. I., * Nov. 1843; removed to Web- ster. L857. Enlisted 3 Dec. 1863 for three years in Co. I, 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, and was mustered out II dune, L865. He Is a wool'sorter by' trade, in the employ of the Slater Woolen Co. of SIXTH GENERATION. 141 Webster. Married, Webster, 6 May, 1875, Hannah Eliza Fegran 6 [Huldah (Bigeloio) Fegan b (91), Table I.]; born in Webster, 30 June, 1851. Children, all born in Webster : 308. i. Jeannette Edith, b. 3 Dec. 1870; ra. 1897, Albert Wharton. ii. Grace Idella, b. 16 Sept. 1878; is forewoman in stitching room of B. A. Corbin and Son Co., shoe manufacturers, Web- ster, unm. iii. Frederic Allan, b. 17 Feb. 1884 ; employed in a foundry in Webster. 212 Albert Francis Douty, son of Solomon and Annie (Newel) Douty; born in Charlton, 10 July, 1844. A farmer, formerly in Oxford, now in Brookfield. He married, Brookfield, 1(5 April, 1870, Mary Jane Bigelow 6 [Jesse W. Bigelow* (92), Table I.] ; born in Brookfield, 16 Aug. 1850. Children, all born in Brookfield : i. Ada Bigelow, b. 4 Dec. 1882 ; m. 25 June, 1902, Joseph Burchall Dobie. f ii. Arthur Davight, b. 3 July, 1887. \ iii. Albert Stanley, b. 3 July, 1887. 213 Stephen Charles Waters 6 [John C. Waters" (93), Table I.] ; born in Warren, 2 June, 1866. Is a pianist, playing chiefly in city theatres, under the name of Prof. Harry W. Walton, Iiesi- dence, Boston. He married, 1st, Little Falls, N. Y., 8 Feb. 1889, Nellie McChesney, daughter of Robert and Susan (Churchill) Mc- Chesney ; born in Little Falls, N. Y., 9 Jan. 1874. They were divorced; her present address unknown. He married 2d, — . Child by first wife : i. Harold Churchill, b. Little Falls, N. Y., 18 Nov., 1889. 214. James Ellsworth Phelps 6 [Julia M. (Waters) Phelps* (95), Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 15 March, 1861 ; farmer and lumberman in W. Sutton. Pie married, Lisbon, la., 20 April, 1892, Annie Laura Sailor, daughter of Henry and Mary (Myers) Sailor; born in Lisbon, la., 12 March, 1865. Children : i. Henry Edison, b. Oxford, 15 Mar. 1893. ii. Heston, b. W. Sutton, 12 Sept. 1894. iii. Sailor, b. W. Sutton, 5 Feb. 1898. 142 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 215 Robert Ethan Aldrich 6 [Anah C. ( Waters) Aldrich 6 (96), Table I.]; born in West Sutton, 24 Aug-. 1867. Is a mason; residence, Upton. He married, Upton, 8 duly, 1893, Emma Jane Nixon, daughter of Thomas and Martha (Prentiss) Nixon ; born in Milford, 12 Nov. I860. Child : i. Robert Ethan, b. Upton, 25 Mar. 1894. 216 Erastus C Plummer, son of John and Sarah (Graves) Plum- mer; born in West Sutton, 1 Nov. 1864; is a carpenter by trade; at present manager of" the town farm at West Sutton. Married, \Y. Sutton, 22 Dec. 1888, Abigail Louisa Aldrich 6 [Anah C. (Waters) Aldrich" (96), Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 18 Feb. 1871. Children, both born at W. Sutton : i. Charles Andrew, b. 8 Feb. 1890. ii. Everett Erastus, 1>. 10 Jan. 1892. 217 Duty Everett Caswell, son of John and Elizabeth (Logie) Caswell; born in Douglas, 1 Sept. 1867. He is a farmer and mason, and has lived in Upton, and Burrillville, R. I. ; present resi- dence Tasseltop in the town of Douglas. He married, Sutton, 28 Oct. 1889, Susan Frances Aldrich 6 [Anah C. ( Waters) Aid- rich 6 (96), Table I.] ; born in W. Sutton, 31 Dee. 1873. Children : i. Anah Elizabeth, b. Upton. 3 June, 1891. ii. John Alphonso, b. Upton, 11 Sept. L893. iii. Marion Louisa, l>. Douglas, G Oct. 1895. iv. Mabel Caroline, b. Douglas, 1 June, 1902. 218 Winfield Waters Aldrich 6 [Anah O. (Waters) Aldrich (96), Table I.]; born in West Sutton, 16 March, 1875; is a mason; residence, Sterling. He married, W. Sutton, 1 Jan. 1897, Eva Adelaide Porter, daughter of George Henry and Nellie (Davis) Porter; born in Hinsdale, 20 Dee. 1881. Child: i. Walter Winfield, b. Sterling, 2 Sept. 1898. SIXTH GENERATION. 143 219 Walter Nathan Waters 6 [Samuel N. Waters" (97), Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 28 March, 1869. Student at New England Conservatory of Music 1886-88, and for the next four years musical director at the Connecticut Literary Institute, Suffield. Since 1892, has been a church and concert organist in Brooklyn and New York City ; also instructor in organ, harmony and counter- point, National Conservatory of Music, and teacher of sight singing in public schools of Brooklyn and Jersey City. He has lived in Rutherford, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y. and East Orange, N. J.; present residence, New York City. Married, Brooklyn, N. Y., 23 Dec. 1891, Ada Belle Valentine, daughter of John Gill and Emma Augusta (Fiske) Valentine; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 July, 1874. Child : i. Dorothea, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 29 Mar. 1895. 220 Richard LeRoy Waters 6 [Isaac L. Waters'" (100), Table I.] ; born in West Sutton, 9 Nov. 1875. He has lived in Worces- ter and in AVatervliet, Mich., employed as a machinist ; is at present an insurance agent in Watertovvn, S. D. Married, W. Boylston, 13 Feb. 1896, Rebecca Ellis Taylor, daughter of Henry Ellis and Marguerite (Campbell) Taylor; born in Holyoke, 10 March, 1877. Child : i. Henry Taylor, b. W, Sutton, 20 Jan. 1897. 221 Fred Walter Estabrook 6 [Flora A. ( Waters) Estabrook 5 (101), Table I.]; born in Worcester, 5 Feb. 1869; is a card machine operator, Worcester. He married, W. Sutton, 15 June, 1898, Carrie Belle Shaw, daughter of Salem J. and Susan Ann (Putnam) Shaw; born at W. Sutton, 24 Jan. 1875. Child: i. Mabelle Susan, b. Worcester, 12 Nov. 1900. 222 Louis Torrey Estabrook 6 [Flora A. (Waters) Estabrook 6 (101), Table I.] ; born in Worcester, 5 Oct. 1870; employed in card clothing shop, Worcester. Married, Worcester, 29 Oct. 1891, Mary Mehitabel Berry, daughter of Louis and Eliza (Shepherd) Berry; born in Worcester, 23 June, 1871. 144 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. Children, both born in "Worcester : i. Elsie Eudora, 1>. 23 May. 1894. ii. Wesley Irving, b. 25 Feb. 1899. 223 Willis Bent-ley Robbins, son of Zenas and Chloe (Bates) Robbins; born in Hast Thompson, Conn. Is a dealer in milch cows, Worcester. He married. Cottage City, 24 Aug. 1895, Ju- liu Rosina Putnam 8 \Evaline I. (Waters) Putnam? (102), Table I.] ; born in Sutton, 22 Aug. Ib75. Children, both born in Worcester: i. Ralph Raymond, 1). 29 Feb. 1896. ii. Helen May, b. 10 Nov. 18'.)7. 224 Ezra Washington Marble, Jr., son of Ezra W. and Ella J. (\Yheelock) Marble; born in Sutton, 18 Oct. 18V7: is a shuttle- maker; residence, Sutton. He married, Sutton, 3 Jan. 1898, Jane Waters Putnam [Evaline I. (Waters) Putnam" (102), Table I.] ; born in Sutton, 1 Sept. 1882. Child: i. Ezra Wesley, b. Sutton. 19 Apr. 1901. 225 Charles James Hurd, son of William Seth and Mary Jane (Hendry) Hurd; born in Cathcart, Ontario, 12 Aug. 1864. Is a contractor for plastering, Grand Forks, N. D. He married, Grand Forks, X. 1)., 5 Nov. 1885, Mary Lovell Carpenter 6 [ George \V. Carpenter* (104), Table 1.] ; born in Rochester, Minn., 8 Jan. 1863. Children : i. Charles Herbert, b. Reynolds, N. D., 14 Oct. 1886. ii. Sylviah M \i:y, Ii. Grand Forks, X. IX. 6 Aug. 1888. iii. William Maxton, b. Grand Forks. N. D., 5 Nov. 1891; d. there, •"> Nov. 1892. iv. John Reginald, b. Grand Forks, N. D., 5 Nov. 1891 ; d. there, 12 Sept. 1892. v. Ernest Ai.vin, 1>. Grand Forks, N. I).. 21 .June, 1895. vi. Mary Elizabeth, 1>. Marshall, .Minn., 8 Oct. 1897. 226 George Howard Carpenter 6 [George W. Carpenter* (104), Table I.] ; born inRochester, Minn., 16 Oct. 1865. Broom SIXTH GENERATION. 145 manufacturer at Grand Forks, N. D., under the firm name Carpen- ter Bros. He married, Inkster, N. D., 11 Sept. 1895, Emma May Sorg, daughter of George and Louisa (Krumm) Sorg ; born in Black Hawk, Wis., 24 April, 1875. Child : i. Harry Clifford, b. 22 Sept. 1899. 227 Henry Lincoln Carpenter 6 [George W. Carpenter 5 (104), Table I.] ; born in Rochester, Minn., 26 Feb. 1869. A broom maker, Grand Forks, N. D., in the employ of Carpenter Bros. He married, Inkster, N. D., 11 Sept. 1895, Anna Mabel Sorg, daugh- ter of George and Louisa (Krumm) Sorg; born in Black Hawk, Wis., 24 April, 1875. Child : i. Vernon Sorg, b. 13 Mar. 1899. 228 William Waters Carpenter 6 [George W. Carpenter 5 (104), Table I.] ; born in Marshall, Minn., 15 Jan. 1878. Like his brothers 'he is a broom maker in Grand Forks, N. D. Married, Inkster, N. D., 20 March, 1901, Margaret McGillivray ; born in Bruce Co., Ontario, 3 April, 1878. Child : i. Hattie Lenore, b. 2 Mar. 1902. 229 Henry Hazlitt Dean, son of Isaac Newton and Rebecca (Jones) Dean; born in Blakeley, Minn., 17 Dec. 1866; attended Hamline University, and later studied law in St. Paul. After his admission to the bar in 1888, practiced in St. Paul, West Superior, Wis., and since 1895 in Glen wood, St. Croix Co., Wis. Is serving his sev- enth term as City attorney, and the present fall (1902) has been nominated as District attorney. Is also representative of a number of fire insurance companies. He married, Rochester, Minn., 21 May, 1892, Marion May Carpenter 6 [Lewis T. Carpenter* (105), Table L] ; born in Rochester, Minn., 25 Nov. 1867. Children : i. Chauncey Louis, b. W. Superior, Wis., 20 Mar. 1893; d, there, 14 May, 1893. ii. Harry Carpenter, b. Rochester, Minn., 12 Apr. 1896. iii. Dorothy Marion, b. 11 Dec. 1900. 146 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZEE FLAGG. 230 Frederick Preston Lange 6 \QuiettJ. (Carjxuter) Lange* (106), Table I.] ; bom in Rochester, .Minn.. 28 Oct. 1872. Is a mail carrier, St. Paul, .Minn. He married, St. Paul, 22 June, 1898, Child : i. Roy Worthington, b. St. Paul. Minn.. 12 Dec. 1899. 231 John* Bradshaw Flinx, Jr., son of John Bradshaw and Abby (Studlev) Flinn ; born in Hubbardston, 22 Aug. 1847. Is a mem- ber of firm of X. Taylor and Co., merchant tailors, Worcester. He married, Worcester, 30 June, 1881, Annie Grace Hunt 6 [Dan- iel E. Hunt* (107), Table L] ; born in Worcester, 31 March, 1862. Children, both born in Worcester : i. Fred Hint. 1>. lu May. 1883 ; is a clerk in Worcester ; m. Paw- tucket, R. T.. 2 Apr. 1902. Bertha Cynthia Rice, dau. George H. and Frances D. (Clapp) Rice ; b. Hopkinton, 1-1 Jan. 1883. ii. Bkrtiia Mat Belle, b. 26 Dec. 1886. 232 Augustus Buebaxk Tainter, son of Harvey S. and Sarah Eliza- beth (Burbank) Tainter; born in Worcester, 27 June, 1859. Was a machinist; since Nov. 1893 has been in business as a wholesale confectioner in Worcester. He married, Worcester, 8 Oct. 1890, May Gertrude Hunt 6 [Daniel E. Hunt 6 (107), Table I.] ; born in Worcester, 11 May, 18l>9. Children, all born in Worcester : i. Harvey Hunt. b. 13 Aug. 1891. ii. Edward Earl, 1>. .'J Nov. 1893. iii. Wallace Wood, b. 27 Oct. 1895. iv. Ruth May, b. 18 July, 1898. 233 William Freeman, son of William and Martha (Simonds) Free- man ; born in Beverly, 20 Jan. 1820. At the age of nineteen he entered upon a seafaring life, working his way up from the forecastle in nine years time to the position of master of a ship. lie served in that capacity for thirty-six years, commanding some of the most famous vessels of his time, and meeting many thrilling experiences in storm and shipwreck in all seas. In L885 he retired from life afloat; resides in Brewster, where he was town clerk and treasurer for some SIXTH GENERATION. 147 years. Married 1st, 28 Sept. 1845, Phebe Harding Hard (born 1822, died 1885) (2 children.) He married 2d, Orleans, 31 Aug. 1886, Hannah Rebecca Gould 6 [Rebecca J. (Benson) Gould- (108), Table I.] ; born in Milford, 28 Sept. 1857. Child, by second wife : i. Phebe Hurd, b. Brewster, 2 Aug. 1891. 234 Daniel Benson Gould 6 [Rebecca J. ( Benson )Gould s (108), Table I.] ; born in Orleans, 27 Oct. 1863 ; is a fisherman, residence East Orleans. He married, Orleans, 25 Feb. 1886, Helena Maria Wiles, daughter of Benjamin and Celestia (Higgins) Wiles ; born in Orleans, 7 Aug. 1867. Children, all born in Orleans : i. Grace Viola, b. 11 June, 1887. ii. Ida Belle, b. 5 Sept. 1889. iii. Willis Stanley, b. 28 Apr. 1891. iv. Alvers Benson, b. 8 Mar. 1893. v. Bertha Celestia, b. 1 Oct. 1895 ; cl. Orleans, 30 May, 1897. vi. Lillian Madeline, b. 2 Sept. 1897. vii. Helen, b. 18 Sept. 1901. 235 George Millard Todd, son of Solomon and Harriet M. (Hawks) Todd; born in Charlemont, 14 Oct. 1854; was a car- penter ; removed to Rowe when young, and later to Jacksonville, Vt. He was killed by the cars at Rowe, 27 Nov. 1886. Married, Rowe, Nov. 1882, Hattie Adella Hawks 6 [Ebenezer H. Hawks, 5 (109), Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 28 Apr. 1861 ; died in Jacksonville, Vt., 13 Jan. 1895. Child : i. Pearle Atlanta, b. Rowe, 1 July, 1883; is a school teacher in Rowe. 236 Thomas Stewart Bradway,* son of William Warner and Lydia (Dare) Bradway; born in Lower Alloway, N. J., 14 Feb. 1843; removed, Mar. 1868, to Quinton, N. J., where he is a farmer. Was steward of the Quinton Methodist Episcopal Church for twenty years, and has been a member of the Board of Education *Eis:hth generation from Edward Bradway, who embarked at London, Eng., in Mar. 1677, in the ship Kent, and purchased of John Fenwick 1000 acres in Feuwick colony and 16 acres in what is now Salem, N. J., on which he erected, in 1691, a large brickhouse, still standing in good repair. 148 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. for a still longer period. He married, Salem, X. J., 31 Dec. 1867, Adelaide Frances Stitt 8 [Sarah A'. (Hawks) Stiff (HO), Table II.] ; born in Plainfield, 6 Mar. 1846. Children, all born in Quinton, N. J. : 309. i. Ella Maria, b. 6 Apr. 1870; in. 1892, J. Benjamin Massey. 310. ii. William Francis, b. 15 Dee. 1871; m. 1895, Lida W. Griscom. iii. Charles Stewart, b. 9 July. 1881. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. 17 Jan. 1885. 237 Fred Julian Hawks 6 [Isaac D. Hawks 6 (111), Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 15 June, 1864. Was station agent for the Fitchburg railroad at various points for several years; now in the employ of the Boston and Maine at Fitchburg. He married, Shelburne Falls, 19 Apr. 1886, Eva Eliza Ward, daughter of John Franklin and Mary Elizabeth (Dole) Ward; born in Buckland, 12 July, 1869. Children : i. Lepha Maria, b. Hadley, 7 May. 1888. ii. Mildred Elizabeth, b. Gilbertville, 8 Oct. 1890. iii. Russell Eugene, b. Bangor, Penn., 29 Apr. 1895. iv. Irene, b. Heath, 5 Oct. 1897. 238 Henry Albertus Manning, son of Albertus and Caroline Esther (Thatcher) Manning; born in Florida, Mass., 17 July, 1860 ; is a freight conductor on the Fitchburg division, Boston and Maine railroad : residence, Zoar. lie married, Charlemont Village, 16 Sept. 1884, Clara Belle Hawks 6 [Isaac D. Hawks 6 (111), Table II.] ; born in Zoar, 6 Sept. 1866. Children : i. Charlie Dole Hawks, b. Zoar, 30 Jan. 1886; d. there, 15 Feb. 1898. ii. Ivy Belle, b. Fitchburg, 13 May, 1889. 239 Joseph Olin Hawks 8 [Joseph A. S. Han-Is* (112), Table II.]; born in Zoar, 26 Feb. L854. He is a painter; residence, Van Orin, Bureau Co., 111. Married, Red Oak, la., 5 Feb. 1878, Annie Dernell, daughter of Sant'ord and Nancy (Baker) Dernell ; born in Peoria, 111., 19 July, 1859. SIXTH GENERATION. 149 Children i. Joseph David, b. Red Oak, la., 14 Dec. 1878. ii. Harriet Myrl, b. Clay Co., Neb., 10 Nov. 1884. 240 David Rude Hawks 6 [Joseph A. 8. Hawks' 3 (112), Table II.] ; born in Van Orin, Bureau Co., 111., 6 Apr. 1862. He is a farmer and stockman ; has always lived at home, and now carries on the farm at Van Orin. Married, Princeton, 111., 31 Mar. 1887, Jennie Be Denham, daughter of Oliver and Abigail Elizabeth (Mundy) Denham; born in Walnut, 111., 21 Oct. 1865; has been a teacher. Children, both born at Van Orin, 111. : i. Frances Elizabeth, b. 16 Nov. 1889. ii. Nell Catherine, b. 5 Mar. 1892. 241 Nicholas Frank Kessler, son of Andrew and Conigunda (Stahn) Kessler; born in Coburg, Germany, 5 July, 1847. Came to America with his parents in 1850, and until 1887 lived on a farm in Maytown, Lee Co., 111. Is a painter by occupation ; residence, Mendota, 111. He married, Van Orin, 111., 22 Dec. 1881, Alice Maria Hawks 6 {Joseph A. 8. Hawks 5 (112), Table II.]; born in Van Orin, 111., 18 Mar. 1864. Children : i. William Henry, b. Van Orin, 111., 18 May, 1884; d. Phoenix, Ariz., 23 Jan. 1900. ii. David Alva, b. Meudota, 111., 14 June, 1887; d. there, 29 Mar. 1893. iii. Sarah Mabel, b. Mendota, 111., 10 Aug. 1889 ; d. there, 27 Apr. 1894. iv. Grace Be, b. Mendota, 111., 26 June, 1896. 242 Mark Harding, son of Robert and Mary (Farrent) Harding; born in Whitford, Devonshire, Eng., 29 May, 1865. Is a farmer, living 2£ miles from Van Orin, Bureau Co., 111. He married, Van Orin, 22 Dec. 1892, Ida May Hawks 6 [Joseph A. tf. Hawks' (112), Table II.] ; born in Van Orin, 25 Aug. 1872. Child : i. Lucy Harriet, b. Van Orin, 111., 9 Sept. 1893. 150 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 243 Charles Sherman King, son of Ambrose and Amanda Jane (Hudson) King; born in Pilcher, O., 27 Dec. 1868; a tanner; resides 2 miles from Van Orin, Bureau Co., 111. He married, Van ( )rin, 22 Dee. 1895, Lucy Matilda Hawks 6 [Joseph A. S. Hawks' (112), Table II.] ; born in Van Orin, 111., 6 Sept. 1874. Children : i. Ai.ta Mat, b. Van Orin, 111., 15 Dec. 1896. ii. Clifford Allen, b. 1 Sept. 1898. 244 Nathaniel Perkins Morrison, son of William and Hannah (Hosmore) Morrison; born in Groton, Vt., 20 Nov. 1857. He is a stone mason; removed, 1874, to Zoar, where he lives in one part of the house built by his wife's grandfather, Ebenezer S. Hawks. Married, Zoar, 6 Dec. 1877, Carrie Olive Frary 8 [Lucy A. C. (Hawks) Frarif (113), Table II.] ; born in Deer- field, 2 Feb. 1858. Children, all born in Zoar : i. Leon Frederick, b. IB Dec. 1878 ; is a farmer; res. Zoar. ii. William Henry, b. 3 Aug. Itt81. iii. Eva Helena, b. 9 Sept. 1886. 245 Frank Presbrey 8 [Otis F. Presbrey 6 (114), Table II.]; born in Buffalo, N. Y., 22 .May, 1855. Was associated with the Buffalo Courier as reporter in 1878-4. Entered Princeton Univer- sity in 1875, remaining two years; in 1890 the University gave him the honorary degree of A.M. Attached to the editorial staff of the National Republican of Washington, D. C, 1877-78; and then connected with Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, and Denver and Ilio Grande railroads till 1882, when he went to Youngstown, O., to take the management of the Youngstown Daily News Register. After 1885 he was in Washington, for eight years manager of the weekly journal, Public Opinion, the last six of which his father was president of the company. Removed to New York in 1894 to take the management of the Forum, and two years later went into the general advertising business — his present occupation. Has issued a number of pamphlets setting forth the advantages of various sections of the country, also an attractive little work of 120 pages, "Memoirs of Vacation Days/' describing incidents and scenes of his wide travels at home and abroad. SIXTH GENERATION. 151 Married 1st, Washington, D. C, 12 June, 1878, Emma Cohen, daughter of Frederick and Emily (Roberts) Cohen; born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 10 April, 1856; died there 30 April, 1880. He married 2d, Lawrence, Kan., 13 June, 1881, Stella Spalding, daughter of William H. and Elizabeth (Daly) Spalding; born in Bloomington, 111. Children, by second wife : i. Charles, b. Youngstown, 0., 30 Mar. 1882 ; a member of the class of 1906, Princeton Univ. ii. Marguerite, b. Washington, D. C, 1 Apr. 188G. iii. Alice, b. Washington, D. C, 12 Jan. 1888. 246 George Johnson Presbrey 6 [Otis F. Presbrey 6 (114), Table II.] ; born in Buffalo, N. Y., 19 May, 1865. Was a student at Lafayette College, 1884-85; and at Columbian University, Washington, D. C, 1885-86. The next two years, was with Kan- sas Loan and Trust Co., Topeka. 1888-94 he was most of the time in the employ of "Public Opinion;" then connected with the "New York Evangelist," and more recently representative of differ- ent engraving companies. Residence, Richmond Hill, Long Island, N. Y. He married, Washington, D. C, 13 Aug. 1886, Margaret Ellen Simpson, daughter of James Simpson; born in Washington, D. C, 17 Jan. 1869. Children : i. Florence Simpson, b. Topeka, Kan., 18 May, 1887. ii. Otis Fletcher, b. Washington, D. C, 28 May, 1890. 247 William Cyrus Alclen 6 [George C. Alden* (115), Table II.] ; born in Annawan, 111., 1 March, 1862. Is a mining engineer, selling and erecting mining machinery, with headquarters at Denver, Col. He married, Friendship, Me., 28 Oct. 1885, Inez May Mitchell, daughter of Roscoe H. and Mary Caroline (Grinnell) Mitchell; born in Appleton, Me., 25 Dec. 1864. Children, born in Bristol, Col. : i. Lura May, b. 1 Jan. 1887. Ii. George Roscoe, b. 3 June, 1889. 248 William Chandler Flagg 6 [William C. Flagg* (116), Table II.]; born at "Murray's," Montgomery Co., Va., 23 Aug. 152 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 1857. Is a merchant in Christiansburg, Va. He married, Chris- tiansburg, 23 Dec. 1*79, Ellen Craig, daughter of and Emeline (.Miller) Craig. She died in Christiansburg, 21 Oct. 1892. Children, all born in Christiansburg, Va. : i. Mary Sherwood, b. 12 Mar. 1884; is a student in Montgom- ery Female College. ii. James Roklut, b. 1U July, 1*85 ; d. Christiansburg, 10 Jan. 1889. ii I . William Sydxor Junkin, b. 1889. 249 John Georoe White, son of Hugh Roy and Martha Harris (Burruss) White; born at Rock ('reek, Caroline Co., Va., 5 Sept. 184G. Was for several years in the Indian Territory in government employ, in the Osage Indian agency. Removed, 1875, to Wood- ford, Caroline Co., Va., where he has an estate, "Eastern View," of 229 acres, and is constable and post-master. In politics a Re- publican, and a Baptist in religion. He married 1st, 10 Feb. 1870, Nannie deter. Married 2d. Richmond, Va., 7 Dec. 1887, Eliza- beth Flagg 6 [William O. Flagg 6 (116), Table II.]; born at "Murray's," Montgomery Co., Va., 23 Apr. 1859. Children, born at " Eastern Viewy' Woodford, Va. : i. Mart Sherwood, b. 20 Jan. 1889. ii. Bessie Murray, b. 12 Aug. 1890. 250 William Chandler ¥h\gg 6 [Eleazer F. Flagg" (117), Table II.] : born at " Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., 2 Oct. 1861. Was three years a student at Richmond College, 1876—79, and two years at Medical College of Virginia, receiving degree of M.D. in 1882. Went at once to reside on the family estate of "Deerfield," where, in addition to a large medical practice, he manages a farm of some 300 acres. Married at Carmel Baptist Church, Caroline Co., Va., 29 Dec. 1886, Enodia Dandridge, daughter of William Gr. and Louisa Josephine (Terrell) Dandridge; born in Richmond, Va., 11 Jan. 1869. Children, all born at " Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va. : i. William Dandridge, b. 13 Mar. 1889. ii. Carroll Hansford, b. 15 Oct. L890. iii. Hi (Mi E \i;i.v. l>. lil Sept. 1892. iv. Henri Wilkinson, b. I Mar. L897. v. William Chandler, b. 13 Feb. 1899. SIXTH GENERATION. 153 251 Pay ton Bailey Flagg [Eleazer F. Flagg 6 (117), Table II.] ; born at " Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., 7 Nov. 1865. Was for some years in a wholesale grocery house in Fredericksburg, Va. ; now employed in a woolen mill in the same place. He married, Fredericksburg, 1897, Cora Stiars. Child : i. Morris P., b. Fredericksburg, Va., Sept. 1900. 252 Eleazer Fletcher Flagg 6 [Meazer F. Flagg 6 (117), Table II.]; born at "Deerfield," Caroline Co., Va., 20 Nov. 1870. Since his marriage he has resided on the estate of " Mont- pelier," Caroline Co., Va. (Welchs P. O.) Married, " Montpelier," Caroline Co., Va., 18 Dec. 1891, Sadie Woolfolk Hill, daughter of John Andrew and Sallie (Samuel) Hill; born at Culpeper Court House, Va., 16 Sept. 1871. Children, born at " Montpelier " : i, Hilda Coleman, b. 18 Mar. 1893. ii. "Welford Daxdridge, b. 19 Aug. 1895. j iii. John Fletcher, b. 4 Oct. 1899. 1 iv. Roderick Dew, b. 4 Oct. 1899. 253 Samuel Warren Burt 6 [Mary J. (Warren) Burr (118), Table II.] ; born in York, N. Y., 3 Mar. 1861. After his mar- riage lived for a time on his father's farm in Campbell, Mich. Since 1895 has resided at Proctor, 111., where he is station agent and telegraph operator for the Wabash Railroad. Married 1st, Campbell, Mich., 18 Dec. 1888, Lydian Kart, daughter of Samuel H. and Rachel (Shopbell) Kart, and widow of Sylvanus Dilling- ham ; she was born in Ashland, O., 19 Aug. 1870; died in Campbell, Mich., 8 July, 1892. He married 2d, Sullivan, 111., 21 Dec. 1898, Fannie Hewitt, daughter of William and Mary Ellen (Bailey) Hewitt, and widow of Charles Parker [married 5 Dec, 1894, and he was killed by lightning, 10 June, 1898; 2 children]. She was born in Lovington, 111., 3 Jan. 1876. Child, by first wife : i. Nellie Mae, b. Campbell, Mich., 25 Oct. 1889. 154 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. 254 Charles A Burt 6 [Mary J. ( Warren) Burt* (118), Table II.] ; born in York, N. Y., 2 Aug. 1863. Was a farmer in Campbell, Mich., where he died, 2 July, 1893. Married, Clark- ville, Mich., 4 Sept. 1884, Cora Jane Norcutt, daughter of John \Y. and Sarah Melissa (Pierce) Norcutt; born in Litchfield, Hills- dale Co., Mich., 19 Apr. 1866. She removed to Lake Odessa, Mich., after her husband's death, and married 2d, 21 Sept. I8i*8, Willard Sickelsteel, who is a blacksmith at that place. Children of Charles A and Cora J. Burt, all born in Campbell, Mich. : i. Rose May, b. 13 Apr. 188G ; d. Lake Odessa, Mich.. 3 July, 1898. ii. Harlan Warren, b. 4 Oct. 1888. iii. John Win slow, b. 7 Nov. L889. iv. Sarah Evelyn, b. 12 Mar. 18'J3. 255 Frank Burt 6 [Maiy J. ( Warren) Burt' (118), Table II.] ; born in Campbell, Mich., 20 Oct. 1870. Was telegraph operator and station agent for the Wabash Railroad at Stonington, 111., Dec. 1893— Oct. 1899, then bookkeeper at Wakita, O. T., and since Mar. 1902, millwright at Granite City steel works, Granite City, 111. Residence, Venice, 111. He married, Stonington, 111., 6 Jan. 1896, Eura Peters, daughter of Lyman and Harriett (Mc Daniel) Peters; born in Essex, ()., 28 Nov. 1*74. Children, both born in Stonington, 111. : i. Wilbur Alfred, b. 13 Oct. 1896. ii. Ernest Lyman, b. 1<3 Nov. 18'J'J. 256 Roy Tracy Warren* 5 [Harlan P. Warren* (119), Table II.] ; born in York, Livingston Co., X. Y., 17 Mar. 1873. Was graduated Feb. IN!'!', at. Geneseo Normal and Training School. He has since Keen employed as a traveling salesman ; residence, Rochester, N. Y. Married, Rochester, 1 Aug. 1900, Adelaide Augusta MacLean, daughter of John Wellington and Adeline (Miller) .MacLean; born in Caledonia, X. Y., 20 Aug. 1871. Child : i. Ruth MacLean, b. Rochester, N. Y., 12 May, 1902. SIXTH GENERATION. 155 257 Myron Chandler Bond 6 \ George W. Bond* (120), Table II.] ; born in Rome, Mich., 5 Feb. 1863. Is a draughtsman by trade; residence, Adrian, Mich. He married, Grand Rapids, Mich., 8 Jan., 1895, Emma Amelia Siebeneicher, daughter of Wenzeland Magdelene (Boseinillerj Siebeneicher; born in Grand Rapids, 10 Sept. 1860. Children, both born in Adrian, Mich. : i. Lorrain Fidelia, b. 21 May. 1896. ii. George Chandler, b. 26 June, 1898. 258 Ralph Henry Houser, son of Henry A. and Elizabeth (Tiers) Houser; born in Toledo, O., 26 Oct. 1876. Has been an engi- neer and railroad man ; now working in the Bond Steel Post Co% factory at Adrian, Mich. He married, Toledo, O., 9 Dec 1898 Fannie Fidelia Bond 6 [George W.Bond 6 (120), Table II l' born in Adrian, Mich., 12 Sept. 1874. ' Children, both born in Adrian, Mich. : i. Irene Elisabeth, b. 25 Aug. 1900. ii. Alma Littz, b. 3 Aug. 1902. 259 Charles Dwight Flagg 6 [Charles G. Flagg* (121), Table II.] ; born in Conway, 10 Oct. 1864. A carpenter by trade; re- moved to Florence, Sept. 1893, and has since lived there except from July, 1895, to April, 1897, when he was in Conway. 1899- 1901 had charge of a saw and planing mill in Florence. He married, Conway, 10 Oct. 1888, Bertha May Quinn, daughter of Frederic W. and Candace C. (King) Quinn; born in Ashfield, 20 March, 1868. Children : i. Charles Alton, b. Conwav, 4 Feb. 1889. ii. Eva Bertha, b. Conway, 4 Nov. 1891. iii. Eugene Morris, b. Florence, 22 Jan. 1895. iv. Wilson Henry, b. Florence, 18 Jau. 1901. 260 Donald McFarland, son of James and Mary (McGregor) Mc- Farland; bom in Holyoke, 6 May, 1867; is a laborer and has lived in Conway and other places. He married, Conway, 11 June, 1890, 156 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Mary Claire Flagg« [Charles C. Flagg 6 (121), Table II.]; born in Conway, 14 April, 1867; died there, 3 Sept. 1899. Children : i. Mary Isabel, b. Northampton, 29 Aug. 1891 ; is living in Conway. , _ _ ^ ii. Evekett Chandler, b. 29 May, 1894; d. Conway, G Dec. 1898. ntt .. . . . . . iii. James Mathew, b. Conway, 8 Nov. 1896; living with his mother's parents, Conway. . iv. Gladys Elizabeth, b. Conway, 17 Jan. 1899 ; also living with her grandparents. 261 George Henry Kobertson, son of James O. and Helen (Heath) Robertson ; born at Alexandria Bay, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 2i> April, I860 Was a farmer in New York state, removing to ^ orth Adams in 1896 and two years later to Conway, where he is employed in C. C Flao-o-'g saw mill. Married, Conway, 1 Nov. 1899, .Lottie Stella Flagg 6 [Charles C. Flagg' (121), Table II.]; born in Conway, 27 Feb. 1878. Child : i. Robert Espie, b. Conway, 25 Dec. 1900. 262 WILLIAM MELVIN Alden, son of Melvin and Mary (Stearns) Alden; born in Conway, 23 Oct. 1875; is a conductor on the Con- way Electric railroad. He married, Conway, 1 Jan 1899 Alice Maud Flagg 8 [Charles C. Flagg" (121), Table II.] ; born in Conway, 30 May, 1880. Child : i. Hazel Irene, b. Conway, 16 Apr. 1902. 263 Samuel Flagg Bradford" [Fannie E. (Flagg) Bradford' (in) Table II.] ; born in Conway, 25 April, 1875. He learned machinist's trade -with Norwood Engineering Co., Florence, and worked in that place, and also as a toolmaker in Springfield, bince Ai.ril 1902, has managed his father's farm at Conway. He mar- ried, Holyoke, 25 Dec. 1900, Edith Ida Robinson daughter of Loivn and Ida A. (Bolton) Robinson; born at b. Hadley *alls, 27 Jan. 1877. Child: i. Douotiiv Mat, b. Springfield, 10 Oct. 1901. SIXTH GENERATION. 157 264. Charles Frederick Chapman, son of James Monroe and Anna Louise (Newcomb) Chapman; born at Turner's Falls, 10 Oct. 1873. Machinist ; residence, Turner's Falls, where he died 23 Jan' 1899. Married, Conway, 11 Sept. 1895, Minnie Rhoda Flagg 6 [B/eazer Fletcher Flagg* (125), Table II.]; born in Conway, 27 June, 1876. Has made her home at her father's in Conway, since her husband's death. Child : i. Dorothy Louise, b. Conway, 10 Feb. 1899. 265 William Ross McClure, son of Horace and Hattie (Clements) McClure ; born 25 April, 1859 ; is a mechanic in Chicago, 111. He married, Grand Rapids, Mich., 24 June, 1883, Regetta Ann Colton 6 [Benton H. Cohort (131), Table II.] ; born in Plain- field, Mich., 10 Dec. 1860. Children, all born in Grand Rapids, Mich. : i. Hattie Marinda, b. 3 Feb. 1885. ii. William Benton, b. 14 Sept. 1886. iii. Lala Loveland, b. 18 Aug. 1889. 266 Willis Huntley Stevens, son of George Wellington and De- lana Mary (Huntley) Stevens; born in Duxbury, Vt., 8 March, I860. After marriage, resided in Richford, Vt., four rears, remov- ing Feb., 1890, to West Bolton, Vt., where he was elected to the state legislature in 1892, and town treasurer and chairman of the school directors. Is now senior partner, Stevens Bros., dealers in lumber and shingles, Bolton, Vt. He married, Grand Rapids, Mich., 11 Aug. 1885, Emma Lala Colton 6 [Benton II. Col- ton' (131) Table II.] ; born in Plainfield, Mich., 10 Aug. 1868. Children : i. Alice Lala, b. Richford, Vt., 1 1 Jan. 1887. ii. George Willis, b. Bolton, Vt., 2(3 Feb. 1894. 267 Frank Warren Bridges, son of Sampson and Lvdia Ann (Burpee) Bridges; born in Hopkinton, 20 July, 1865. " Was for some time assistant superintendent in the Gregory and Shaw boot shop, South Framingham; since 1901, proprietor of a grocery store in Auburndale. Residence, South Framingham. He married, 158 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. South Framingham, 23 May, 1888, Sadie Eliza .Merriam' f George E. Merriam" (138), Table III.] ; born in South Fram- ingham, 7 Dec. 1867. Siuce her mother's death she has kept house for her father. Child: i. Muriel, b. 2 April, 1900. 268 Eugene Warren Stoddard, son of Lorenzo and Jane (Fisher) Stoddard; born in Milford, 18 Sept. 1860. Graduated A. B. at Amherst, 1882. Taught the High School at Granby a year, and was at Andover Theological Seminary, 1883-86. Was ordained in the Confrre7. 310 William Francis Bradway 1 [Adelaide /•'. (Stitt) Brad- way 8 , Surah E. (Hawks) Stitt 6 (HO), Table II.] : born in Quinton, X. J., 15 Dec. 1871; is a farmer; residence, Quinton, X. .!. lie married, Quinton, X. J., 13 Nov. 1895, Lida Wright Griscom, daughter of Clarkson ami Anna (Wright) Griscom; born in Quinton Township, X. J,, 18 June, 1878. Children : i. Wallace Griscom, b. L8 4ug. 1897. ii. Kenneth Rulon, b. 11 May, L900. APPENDIX. THE FLAGG ANCESTRY. [Material gathered chiefly from Bond's " Family Memorials . . . Watertown " ; " Concord, Massachusetts. Births, Marriages and Deaths"; Fuller's " Eleazer Flagg of Concord, Mass., and His Descendants " (in the Maine Genealogist and Biographer for March, 1877) ; North's " History of Augusta (Maine)."] I. Thomas Flegg,* son of Bartholomew and Alicia ( ) Flegg; baptized at Whinbergh, County Norfolk, England, in 1615. He came to this country with Richard Carver in 1637, embarking at Scratbv, Norfolk. Though not among the first proprietors of the town of Water- town, his name is found on the records as early as 1641 ; appears as owner of a " homestall " of 6 acres, also a lot of 20 acres which had been originally granted to one John Rose in the " 1st great dividend," 25 July, 1636. Thomas Flegg seems to have been a man of some prominence in the town; was selectman 1671-76, '78, '81, '85-87. As far as is known he was ancestor of all bearing the name in this country. Died 6 Feb. 1697-8. Married Alary , who died 30 Dec. 1702. Children : i. Gershom, b. Watertown, 16 Apr. 1641 ; was a tanner ; rem. to Woburn about 1668. He held a commission a- lieutenant in King William's war and was killed by the Indians in a skirmish at Wheelwright's Pond (Lee, N. H.), 6 July, 1690. m. 1668, Hannah Leppingwell. (7 sons, 3 dau.) ii. Johx, b. Watertown, 11 June, 1643; res. Watertown; d. 6 Feb. 1696-7. m. 1670, Mary Gale. (1 son. 2 dau.) iii. Bartholomew, b. Watertown, ■!■) Feb. 1644-5; served in Capt. Samuel Moseley's company in King Philip's war, 167.3. Probably d. before 1697, as he is not mentioned in his father'- * Flegg is the English form of the name, still adhered to by our cousins in the mother country and followed here for the first 80 or 100 years. For the ancestry of Th Flegg, reference is made to a tabular pedigree by Miss Harriet A. Bainbridge of Lon- don, printed in North's History of Augusta, .Maine. The line is carried back without a break to William Flegg who died 142U ; also mention made of A s and De Fleggs of earlier date. In the 12th and 13th centuries the head of the family was lord of the manor of Fief" Hall, in Winterton, Hundred of East Flegg, Co. Norfolk. 176 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER ZLAGG. will of that year. No record that he was married; and in 172-") his only surviving brother Benjamin was granted a share in the Narragansett townships, in his right. iv. Thomas, b. Watertown, 28 Apr. 1646; res. Watertown and d. there, 171!). in. L667-8, Rebecca Dix. (1 son. 5 dan.) v. William, b. L648? No entry has been found of his birth, nor is there direct evidi ace that he was a son ; however, Bond and Fuller both agree in including him in this family. He was detailed as a soldier on guard duty at Lancaster at the time of King Philip's war. and killed by the Indians in the massacre of 22 Aug. 1675. vi. Michael, b. Watertown, 23 Mar. 1650-51; res. Watertown. Was one of the proprietors in the first attempted settlement of "Worcester, in 1674; served in King Philip's war. Lived afterwards in Watertown where he d. 16 Oct. 1711. m. 1st, 1671. Mary Bigelow (1 son, 2 dan.); m. 2d, 1704, Mary (Lawrence) Earle. (2 sons, 1 dan.) vii. ELEAZER, b. Watertown. 11 .May. 1653. - below.] viii. Elizabeth, 1>. Watertown, 22 Mar. 1654-5; d. 'J Aug., 1729; m, 1676, -Joshua Bigelow. ix. Mary, b. Watertown, 14 Jan. 1656-7; d. 7 Sept. 1720; .m. 1674, Samuel Bigelow. *"*«. x. Rebecca, b. Watertown, 5 Sept. 1660; d. 1721; m. 1679, Deacon Stephen Cook. xi. Benjamin, b. Watertown, 25 June, 1662; rem. to Worcester at the time of the third and final settlemenl of that town in 17!.-;; \. : - a prominent man among the early resident-: d. Worcester, 3 ."day, 1741. m. 1689 or '90, Experience Child. (5 sons, 4 dan.) xii. Allen, b. Watertown, 16 May, L665; res. Watertown ; d. Xov. 1711. m. 1684-5, Sarah Ball, (o sons. ('. dan.) II. Eleazer Flegg, born in Watertown, 14 May, 1653. lie removed to Concord ; was a tanner. Like at least three of his brothers he served in King l'lnli[>*s war, being in Capt. Samuel Appleton's company in the Narragansett expedition of 1075. Was admitted freeman 20 March, L690; held town offices, lie died in ('uncord, 1 .May. 1722. Married, Concord, lo Oct. 1676, Deborah Wright* (whose first husband, John Barnes, had been killed by Indiana in the Sudbury fight .'11 March, 1676). Her parentage is not quite certain ; she may have been a daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Wright of Concord. ( !hildren : i. Deborah, b. Concord, 9 Oct. 1677. atrj on the Concord records reads : " Eliazar flacke and Debra Barnes ma- ryed lo Octo. 1676." APrENDIX. 177 ii. Abigail, b. Concord, 9 Mar. 1679-80 ; d. there, 11 Aug. 1G80. iii. Eleazer, b. about 1687. [See below.] iv. Priscilla, b. ; m. 170"), Joseph Wheat of Concord. v. Joseph, b. ; in. 1713, Mary Tompkins of Salem. (4 sons, 4 dan.) III. Eleazer Flegg (2d), bom about 1G87. Lived in Concord, where he was constable and surveyor of highways. He was one of the original forty purchasers of Hassanamisco (Grafton). On the various divisions of the land among the 'proprietors, 1728-1744, he received parcels aggregating about 150 acres. There is no evidence that he himself ever lived in the new town, but unlike some others, his interest was not that of a speculator in land. The following deeds of jnft are on file in the Worcester Co. court house : To his son Eleazer Flagg, 50 acres, 17 Nov. 1731 ; To his son Robert Flagg, 34 acres, 26 Jan. 1737-8 ; To his son Nathaniel Flagg, 43£ acres, 7 Feb. 1744. Eleazer the father was also a petitioner for the Narragansett town- ships, as eldest male heir of his father, and on the setting- apart of these lands by the General Court in 1733 his name is found as a grantee of Narragansett No. 6 (now Templeton) ; also the entry that he received lot 94W in the division of that township in 1735. He died in Concord 28 March, 1745, in his 59th year. Married, Concord, 26 Jan. 1708-9, Deborah Tompkins, daugh- ter of John, Jr. and Rebecca (Knight) Tompkins, born in Salem, 8 Jan. 1688-9 ; died in Grafton, 16 Dec. 1753. Children : i. Eleazer, 3d, b. Concord, 23 Oct. 1709 ; m. Huldah Chandler. [Seep. 11.] ii. Nathan, no record of birth found. He was of Concord; bought real estate in Grafton from Jonathan Rolf of that place, 15 Apr. 1754. He is probably the Nathan Flagg who d. in the district of Carlisle, Concord, 9 Dec. 1755. Nathan- iel Flagg was appointed administrator and gave bonds L2 Jan. 1756. It is evident that he left no wife or children, a- the court, in appointing a committee of appraisal, added these in- structions: "When you have thus perfi cted your iir, you are to divide the same among the Brothers and Sisters of the dec' 1 . & to the heirs of such ai ••'." Heirs were brothers Eleazer, Robert, Nathaniel and James ; sisters Abi- gail Rolf and Elizabeth Nelson; al irah Whittemore, daughter of Deborah Whittemore, a deceased sister. iii. Robert, b. Concord, 25 Aug. 1713. Rem. to Grafton about 1735 and received from his father a grant of 34 acres on George Hill in 1737-8. m. Miriam . (1 sons, 3 dau.) 178 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. iv. Nathaniel, b. Concord, 21 May. 1716. lie also received a ft of land in Grafton from his father, 13| acres iu 17 11. and afterwards rem. to that town. Was a soldier at Crown Point. I?.";.".. Sold 34 acres to his nephew Eleazer Flagg (4th), in 1761; d. before 1786. m. Elizabeth -. (2 sons, 7 dan.) v. Deborah, b. Concord, L3 Feb. 1718-9; d. before 1757 ; m. Concord, 19 Oct. 1749, Jacob Wbittemore of Concord. vi. James, b. Concord, 3 May. 1723; rem. to Upton about 1750 and to Wilmington, Vt., 1783 ; d. 1807. m. Anna Morse of Cambridge. (7 sons, 1 dau.) vii. Jonathan, b. Concord, 3 Feb. 1725-6; d. Bolton. 26 Sept. 1717. * i viii. Abigail, b. Concord, 25 Jan. 1728-9 ; m. Jonathan Rolf of < S\ istboro. ( ix. Elizabeth, b. Concord, 25 Jan. 1728-9; m. Nelson. THE CHANDLER ANCESTRY. [Chiefly from data furnished by Prof. Charles H. Chandler, of Ripon, Wis.] I. Roger Chandler,* one of a company of twenty from the Ply- mouth colony who settled in Concord about 1658. He was appar- ently a mechanic in several lines ; admitted freeman 24 May, 1682. Died in Concord, 11 Jan. 1716-17, aged " about 80 " according to his gravestone. He married, Concord, 25 April, 1671, Mary Si- monds of Concord [probably the daughter of William and Judith (Phippen) Simonds; born 9 Dec. 16471. She died in Concord, 29 Aug. 1728. Children : i. Mary, b. Concord, 7 Jan. 1671-2 ; d. there, 14 Aug. 175!) ; m. 1690, Lieut. John Heald. ii. Samuel, b. Concord, 3 Mar. 1673-4. [See below.] hi. Joseph, b. Concord, 7 Oct. 1678; d. there, 14 Nov. 1679. iv. Abigail, b. Concord, 31 May. 1681; d. there, 29 Mar. 1766; m. Eleazer Brown of Concord, v. Hepzibeth; record of birth not found ; in. 1st, 1701, Ephraim Jones; m. 2d, 1711, Joseph Fletcher of Concord and Acton, who d. 1746; m. 3d, Stow. II. Samuel Chandler, born in Concord, 3 March, 1673-4. He prop] also an early petitioner for the grant of the Narragansett townships, ♦Nothing is definitely known regarding his parentage. Be was perhaps son of Roger Chandler, a clothmaker from Colchester, England, who married in !,■ . Holland, 27 July, 1615, Isabel] Chilton from Canterbury, England. She was a dan-li- ter of James Chilton of the " Mayflower," and was baptized in st. Paul' chui terbury, 15 Jan. 1-5SG-7. '1'his Roger Chan Hit's name is found on a tax list in Ply- mouth 1632-3; he died before 1665, leaving three daughters in the eolonv. 180 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. to survivors of King Philip's war, in the right of hie father-in-law, Joseph Buss, who had been a member of Capt. Nathaniel Daven- port's company in that war. In the records of Narragansett Xo. 6, now Templeton, granted by the General Court in 1733, his name occurs, also in the drawing of lots among the proprietors in 1735. There is, however, no evidence that he ever gave up his residence in Concord, where he died, 21 April,- 1743. .Married, Concord, 11 Dec. 1695, Dorcas Buss, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (.Jones) Buss; horn in Concord, 26 Jan. 1U72-3; died 13 Jan. 1757. Children, all born in Concord : i. Elizabeth, b. 6 Oct. 1696; d. 18 Oct. 1712. ii. Mart, b. 22 Sept. L699; d. before 1773; m. l>t. 1718, Joseph Dudley; m. 2d, 1752, Judah Clark of Lexington. iii. Joseph, b. 11 Oct. 1701; d. Concord, 31 Jan. 1746. iv. Samuel, b. 19 Oct. 1704 ; was a farmer in Concord; will pro- bated 17 Nov. 1754; m. about 17J0, Dinah . (7 sons and 2 dan.) v. John, b. 11 Jan. 1706-7; d. Concord, 3 May, 17 vi. Holdah, b. 5 July, 1709 ; m. Eleazer Flagg (3d). [See p. 11-16.] ii. Rebecca, b. 2 Dec. 1711 ; m. 1731, Eleazer Davis of Bedford. viii. James, b. 28 Aug. 1714. [See below.] III. James Chandler, horn Concord, 28 Aug. 1714. He lived in Concord ; was a member of the "Committee of Correspondence " in 1774, and the military stores whose seizure was one of t\\e objects of the expedition of the British to Concord, 19 Apr. 1775, were in part in his care at that time. He died 8 Dee. 1792. Married, 1st, 1737, Mary Wright, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth ( ) Wright : horn in Concord, 9 April, 172!) ; Nov. 1737 ; ru. Mary Flasrg. [Seep. 21.] v. Nathaniel (3d son), b. Grafton, 17 Mar. 1738; wasafarmer; known as Lieut. Goddard. Rem. to Conway, where he d. 31 Oct. 1815. m. 1st, Grafton, 7 June L763, Mary Winchester. m. 2d, Grafton, 3] Mar. 1768, Sarah (Chandler) Flagg. [See p. 21.] Another line. 8th and youngest surviving child of "William and Elizabeth (Miles) Goddard was II. Edward Goddard, born in Watertown, 24 March, 1674-5. He was by trade a weaver : was a schoolmaster in Watertown, 1697-1707, in Boston 1707-14, and after the last date removed to Framingham, where he taught the first grammar school for several years. Was selectman 10 years, town clerk 18 years, representa- tive 8 years, and a member of the Council for 3 years beginning 1733. lie was a man of extensive learning and a ready writer; left many papers and some published works. lie died 9 Feb. 1754. Married, June 1697, Susanna Stone, daughter of Simon and Mary (Whipple) Stone; born 4 Nov. 1675; died in Framingham, 4 Feb. 1754. 11 children, of whom the 1st was III. Edward Goddard, born in Watertown, 4 May, 1698. Was one of the first proprietors of Shrewsbury, where he had a farm of 300 acres. Died in Shrewsbury, 13 Oct. 1777. He married Ilep- zibah Ilapgood, daughter of Thomas and Judith ( ) Ilap- good ; born in Marlboro, 27 dune, 1704; died 19 July, 1763, 12 children, of whom the 4th child ami 2d son was IV. Robert Goddard, born 13 Aug. 172S. He removed to Peter- sham : was deputy sheriff in 1774-5. Died dune, 1807. He mar- ried 1st, Watertown, 8 Jan. 1752, Hannah Stone, baptized 15 Nov. L726; died June, 1807. Married 2d, Grafton, 15 Jan. 1760, Elizabeth Goddard, daughter of Benjamin and .Mary (Kidder) God- dard. [See above.] 11 children, among whom was V, LEV] GODDARD, born in Petersham, 25 July, 1772; married Mary Goddard. [See p. 31.] THE EOCKWOOD ANCESTRY. [Derived principally from Jameson's " History of Medway "; Morse's " Gen- ealogy of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans "; Tilden's " History of the Town of Medfield."] I. Bjchard Rockwood.* Nothing definite is known of his parent- age and early home ; it is quite probable that he came from Wey- mouth, Dorsetshire, Eng., as he was associated with others from that locality. Was a planter in Dorchester before 1636 and later removed to Braintree, where he had a grant of land for 5 heads, 24 Feb. 1639-40. Died 16(30. Little is known regarding his two wives. The first, Mrs. Agnes Rockwood, is thought to have been a daughter of Zachary Bicknell ; she died in Braintree, 9 May, 1643. Richard Rockwood's second wife was Anne , who died, Feb. 1664. He had three and perhaps more children, among them II. Nicholas Rockwood, born as early as 1628. Removed from Braintree to Medfield before 1662 ; took freeman's oath 23 May, 1666. He was a prosperous farmer; was burned out by the In- dians in King Philip's war in 1676. Died 26 Jan. 1680. He mar- ried 1st, Jane Adams, who died 15 Dec. 1654 (3 sons). Married 2d, 16 July, 1656, Margaret Holbrook, probably daughter of John of Weymouth, the immigrant. She died 23 April, 1670 (3 sons, 1 dau.). He married 3d, 1675, Silence Duntling, who died 9 Nov. 1677. (1 son.) Of his 8 children, the 6th child and 5th son was *For the first century after the appearance of the family in this country the name as it appears on the public records is almost uniformly written " Rockett." . Minn- Morse, the genealogist, states that this was in accordance with the pronunciation ; hut that the earliest generations at least, signed themselves Rockwoods. Rockwood is a common surname in England, while Rockett is nearly or quite unknown. 186 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. III. John Rockwood, born in Medfield, 12 Feb. 1602. He inher- ited the homestead in Medfield; was constable 1709. When the town of Medway was set off Prom Medfield in 1713 his estate lay- in the new town, of which he was elected first town clerk. Morse says "He was styled Rev. on the records, probably from his speak- ing in religious assemblies, for I can find no evidence that he was ever ordained or otherwise licensed to preach than by common eon- sent." Died in Medway, 16 Dec. 1746. Married 1st, 19 July, 1688, Bethia Twitched, daughter of Benjamin and Mary ( ) Twitched of Dorchester. She died 1 Jan. 1706-7. lie married 2d, 1710, Sarah Adams, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Fus- sell) Adams; b. Medfield, 6 Dec. 1667; died there, 17 May. 1758. 8 children (all by first wife) of whom the 5th child and 4th son was IV. Benjamin Rockwood, born in Medfield, 19 Nov. 1697. He lived in Medway : later in Grafton, with or near his son. Date of removal is unknown, but his signature as a witness of Eleazer Flagg's will, in 1762, would seem to indicate a residence there at that time. Died 6 June, 1777. He married Rachel Morse, daughter of Be- noni and Rachel (Bullard) Morse; born in Medfield, 30 May, 1702 : died 8 March, 1778. 3 children, of whom the 2d child and only son was V. Benjamin Rockwood, born 18 Nov. 1723. He removed as earlv as 1751 from Medway to Upton, where his father's youngest brother John Rockwood seems to have lived. About 1760 he moved to Grafton and bought (from the original Indian owners, according to family tradition) a farm in the Merriam district, ad- joining that of* Eleazer Flagg. Three generations of his descend- ants lived here, until it was sold by his great grandson John Rock- wood about 1855. lie died in Graftou, 13 Jan. 1801. Married, 17 May, 1750, Ruth Adams, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (San- lord) Adams: born in Medway, 6 March, 1728-9; was admitted to the Grafton church, 2d Feb.* 1775; died 22 Jan. 1817. 8 children, of whom the eldesl was VI. Lvi»ia Rockwood, born in Upton, 12 Sept. 1751; married Samuel Flagg. [See p. 22.] THE HAYDEN ANCESTRY. Main™]* *"*" flU ' nished by the late Josiah Ha yden Drummond of Portland, I. John Hayden, the first of this line in America, had a grant of land in Dorchester in 1632, was admitted freeman 15 May, 1634 He removed to Braintree before 1651 ; will dated 31 Oct. 1678 and probated 26 July, 1682. Married Susanna . They had 6 sons and 1 daughter ; eldest child was II. John Hayden, born (probably in Dorchester) between May 1634 and May 1635. Lived in Braintree, and died 1718. He married, 6 April, 1660, Hannah Ames, daughter of William and Hannah ( ) Ames of Braintree ; born 12 May, 1641 ; died in Braintree, 3 July, 1690. 3 sons and 5 daughters, among whom was HI. Josiah Hayden, born in Braintree, 14 June, 1669. He re- moved to Sudbury before 1700; died . Married Elizabeth Goodenow, daughter of John, Jr. and Mary ( ) Goodenow. Among their children was IV. Elisha Hayden, born in Sudbury about 1699. Was a farmer; resided in Hopkinton after 1730. Died 1758. He married Lydia Fairbanks, daughter of George and Lydia (Gay) Fairbanks of Sherborn and Holliston. She was born 13 Nov. 1710; and died 1765. 12 children, of whom the 10th child and 4th son was Daniel Hayden, born in Hopkinton, 16 Dec. 1748; married Submit Flagg. [See p. 23.] AGED MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. This list includes those who have passed their eightieth year; giving exact age and referring by page to the preceding family history. Deceased. Aged Josiah Bond Lewis Holbrook Lura (Flagg) Alden Submit (Flagg) Hayden Rebecca (Hunt) Roberts Submit (Hayden) Tufts Cordelia (Brooks) Bennett ~ Daniel Hayden, Sr. David Carpenter Huldah (Flagg) Waters Charles Fiske, Sr. Matilda (Carpenter) Fuller Sarah (Chandler) Goddard Lucy (Carpenter) Eddy Sarah (Brigham) Flagg Sally (Flagg) Bennett James Tufts, Jr. Hitty (Kidder) Waters Sally (Goddard) Merriam Marinda (Flagg) Colton Louisa (Goddard) Knowlton Rhoda G. (Macomber) Flagg Judson Southland David Woodward Nancy (Tufts) Newton \ Jesse Bigelow I James Flint Anna (Waters) Foskett Mary (Flagg) Goddard Stephen Waters Lucinda (Walling) Goddard John Waters Olivia R. (Milliken) Hunt Stephen Holbrook Died Yrs. Mos. Days Page 1897 97 11 17 51 L896 95 9 9 32 1893 94 10 20 49 1839 94 6 9 23 1899 93 4 18 29 1870 93 4 4 37 1893 92 11 21 63 1841 92 10 24 23 1886 92 4 19 41 1825 92 1 10 19 L899 91 3 2 69 1891 91 2 43 1833 90 4 9 21 1902 89 10 14 42 1870 89 7 10 34 1863 88 6 4 33 1901 88 5 27 72 88 3 29 28 1889 87 8 55 1896 87 5 26 53 1898 86 9 5 57 1900 86 8 20 51 1879 86 6 30 33 1885 86 1 1 60 1896 85 7 11 72 1877 85 7 12 1896 84 9 6 83 1875 M 4 3 •11 1824 84 18 21 ISI'.I 83 8 28 19 1895 83 6 56 is 17 82 11 26 27 1886 82 10 18 36 1850 82 7 18 32 190 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Aged Died Ulva A. (Putnam) Waters 1893 BENJAMIN GoDDARD 1882 Eliza W. (Ti bner) Flagg 1897 Desdemona S. (Barber) Tofts 1901 John Emerson 1878 Edmund S. IIolbrook 1897 Hollis T. Robinson 1885 Allen Morron, 1881 Samuel Flagg 1822 Cynthia F. (Barnes) Reynolds L895 Sarah B. (Flagg) Bigelow 1896 John H. Merriam 1881 Lucretia L. (Flagg) Fabens 1K97 Sarah (Flagg) Warren 1881 Eleazer Flagg (5th) 1847 Harriet W. (Stockwell) Carpenter 1899 Yrs. Mos. Daya Page 82 82 82 82 82 81 81 81 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 7 1 G 5 3 10 10 9 8 7 5 4 1 8 20 27 27 2 15 7 12 7 17 28 22 3 18 26 44 54 64 73 59 62 71 70 22 60 66 55 65 50 30 81 Otis Eddy, Mary A. (Run) Goddakd, George Frary, David W. Carpenter, Lurentha M. Hawks, Huldah (Bigelow) Fegan, George H. Richards, Nancy G. (Brooks) Dolliver, Harriot (Whiting) Flagg William Freeman, Sophia A. (Hall) Holbrook, William F. Stitt, Joan (Watson) Snow, Living. born 28 Aug. 1804. 2 Aug. is n. 10 Sept. 1811. 18 Mar. 1815. 21 Jan. 1817. 6 Nov. 1817. 27 Aug. 1818. 6 Sept. 1818. 1818. 20 Jan. 1820, 15 Apr. 1822. 23 July 1822. 11 Nov. 1822, page 42 54 95 81 47 85 115 63 65 146 32 94 85 ATTENDANCE AT COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS. [Dates in ordinary type signify year of graduation and are preceded by decree * indicates that the person was not graduated, and dates in italics indicate years of attendance when known.] Amherst College. Edmund S. Holbrook. A.B. 1839 Charles E. Hibbard. A.B. 18G7 George M. Foskett. A.B. 1878 Eugene W. Stoddard. A.B. 1882 Frederick C. Taylor. A.B. 1884 James H. Tufts. A.B. 1884 Harold W. Burdon. 1897-1900* Paul A. Waters. 1898-1900* Andover Theological Seminary. James Tufts, Jr. 1840-41* Eugene W. Stoddard. 1^86 Basel University, Switzerland. Jacob F. Krauss. Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield. Otis F. Presbrey. M.D. 1846 Samuel B. Flagg. M.D. 1854 Berlin University, Germany. James H. Tufts. * Boston University. Harold TV. Burdon. 1896-97* Law School. George B. Waters. LL.B. L87 1 Edward O. Burdon. LL.B. L896 Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Charles A. Flagg. A.l). 1894 Bridgewater Normal School. Andrew J. Waters. 1353 192 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. Brown University, Providence, R. 1. James Tufts, Sr. Chandler Flagg. Samuel B. Flagg. Chicago University. Florence IIolbrook. Colby College, Waterville, Me. George C. Alden. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Arthur II. Tufts. College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. James T. Harrington. College of the City of New York. Sidney C. Ormsby. Columbia University, Law School, New York. James II. Robinson. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. George J. Presbrey. Charles A. Flagg. Freiberg University, Germany. James II. Tufts. A.B. A.B. A.B. LL.B. A.M. Ph.D. 1789 1803 1850 1879 1848-51* 1881-82* 1902-3* 1875-78* 1891 1885-86* 1902 1892 Geneseo State Normal and Training School, Geneseo, N. Y. Lena E. Warren. Roy T. Warren. Harry J. Warren. 1897 lS'.l'J Hamilton College, Clinton, N Y. John II. MORRON. I In inline University, St. Paul, Minn. Henri II. Dean. Harvard University, < 'ambridge. Willi \m F lbens. William C. F \m ns. ( ; i orgi A. Flagg. James II. Robinson. ROB] i: i .M. <;. Taft. Stephi N A. Mi In i i A.B. 1859 A.B. 1832 A.B. 1864 A.B. 1866 1886-88* A.B. 1893 APPENDIX. 193 Charles J. Flagg. Wentworth L. Harrington. James T. Harrington, Law School. William C. Fabens. George A. Flagg. Charles L. Hibbard. Stephen A. McIntire. Charles J. Flagg. Radcliffe College. A..B. L898 A.B. 1898 A.B. L899 LL.B. L867 LL.B. 1868 1894 ' ,r >' : LL.B. 1900 LL.B. 1901 Cli tss of 1903 Mary C. Fabens. Iowa College, Grinnell, la. Arthur H. Tufts. 1873-74* Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. J ere J. Miller. 1858-61* Lafayette College, Easton, Penn. George J. Presbrey. 1884-85* Lincoln Dental School, Lincoln, Neb. Elizabeth C. Field. D.M.D. 1902 Wilson E. Field, Jr. Now a student. Meadville Theological School, Meadville, Pen Samuel B. Flagg. 1858 Medical College of Virginia, Richmond. William C. Flagg. M.D. 1882 Michigan University, Law Department, Ann Arbor. Jesse W. Curtis. LL.B. 1891 Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Charles E. Hibbard. 18i Montgomery Female College. Mary S. Flagg. Class of 19 Mount Holyoke College, South Iladley. Edith G. Gray. Special course* Louise II. Eastman. Class of I National Conservatory of Music, New York. Harriett D. Valentine. 194 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. B.L.S. .M.I). M.D. M.D. Nebraska University. Lincoln. Elizabeth ( . Field. A.B. ( )i:\ ii. 1.1 V. Field. Si san W. Field. B.S. New England Conservatory of Music, Boston. Walteb N. Waters. Marion L. II. Burdon. Percival Waters. New Yuri; Slate Library School, Albany. Charles A. Flagg. New York University. Medical Department. Arthur H. Tikis. Robert M. ( i. Taft. Eben Foskett. Pennsylvania Dental College. Wallace C. Martin. Pennsylvania I diversity, Philadelphia. Robert M. G. Taft. Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey. Joiix II. MORRON. Princeton University, New Jersey. Frank Presbret. Charles Presbret. Richmond College, Virginia. William C. Flagg. Rochester Eclectic Medical College, Rochester, N. T. Fidelia F. Warren. Smith College, Northampton. Gi i; i in 1. 1. F. Flagg. Anne M. \U st. < ii.i: i i;i DE F. Fl \<;g. •Iean M. MORRON. M \i;<.( ERITE A. FABENS. Tiibingen University, Germany. Jacob F. Krauss. University of Southern California, University. Cal. Jesse W. Curtis. Ph.B. 1S93 1895* 1901 1886-88* 1895-98* 1899 1883 1894 1895 1876 1862 1875-77* Class of 1906 1876-79* 1850-51* A.B. 1893 A.B. 1896 A.M. 1901 A.B. 1901 Class of 1903 1887 APPENDIX. 195 Vassar College, Poughheepsie, N. T. Florence C. Forbdsh. Vermont Academy of Medicine, Castlelon. Allen Morron. .M.D. John Cooke. M.D. Vermont Medical College, Woodstock. Samuel B. Flagg. Vermont University, Medical Department, Burlington. George M. Foskett. M.D. Wellesley College. Harriet L. Deane. Fanny W. Ambler. Olive C. Ambler. Williams College. Williamstown. Charles L. Hibbard. A.B. Wittenberg College, Springfield, O. James H. Robinson. William H. Robinson. Tale University, New Haven, Conn. James Tufts, Jr. A.B. Divinity School. James H. Tufts. B.D. Frederick C. Taylor. B.D. Sheffield Scientific School. Frank C. Shipman. Pli.B. School of Fine Arts. Anne M. Rust. 1834 1858* 1882 A.B. 1901 A.B. 1901 1892 * * 1838 1889 1891 L897 1896-97 WAR SERVICE. <;<•■ thai this record includes Duly descendants of Eleazer and Huldah Flagg and their husbands; ; not the ancestors of those who married into the family. Those mark ill w ith a * lost their lives iu the service.] Massachusetts. French and Indian War. Benjamin Goddard. Massachusel Massachusetts. Privateer " Thorn." Revolution. War of 1812. Benjamin Goddard. Chandler Flagg, 1>. 1 < 94. Chandlek Flagg, b. 1782. Mexican War. Illinois Lsl Infantry. Civil War. Edmund S. Holbrook. Illinois 7-lth Infantry. Elisha W. Hinds. 1 12th George C. Aldi w. .Maim'. 1st battalion Infantry . Benjamin F. Bigelow. 11th Infantry. S ephen II. Emerson. 2 1st Benjamin F. Bigei <>w. Mass. 1st battalion Heavy Artillery. Edward F. Chamberlain 2d Hea\ y Artillery. Thomas W. S< OTT. 3d " ' " Philip W. Taj d. i -i ( lavalry. Eli \> F. Be ^.dford. •• ( Irorg i \v. Flagg. 111. S miKi. ('. Flagg. 2d company Uifle rangers. Joseph T. Hi lsl [nfantry. < rEOKGE E. Fl. \«.t;. 18th Martin V. \\. Flagg. 42d Moses A. Axdrk n. 42d Fi'\\ \ki> F. Carpenter. 44th George E. Merriam. 51st " Edward F. C bamberlain 51s1 " ■ I \mi s \\\ McKi NZIE. 52d Charli - F. Alden. 5 2d A i.\ i\ 1 li; < > W N. VM [] sok E. Field. APPENDIX. 197 Mass. 52d Infantry. 52d 61st " Michigan. 1st Cavalry. 11th " 9th Infantry. 18th " Minnesota. 1st battalion Light Artillery. New Hampshire. 8th Infantry. 16th " New York. 10th Artillery. 1st Veteran Cavalry. 33d Infantry. 49 th " 161st " Pennsylvania. 76th Infantry. Rhode Island. 9th Infantry. U. S. Army. 18th Infantry. U. S. Navy. " San Jacinto." Vermont. 1st Heavy Artillery. 3d battalion Light Artillery. 3.1 " " " 4th Infantry. 6th " 9th " 10th " 17 th " Virginia. 4th Infantry (C. S. A.). Chaeles A. Ma comb i r. Henry L. M \< ombee. Thomas L. Gbat. John G. Mereiam.* William II. Bond. Allen I). Bolsi i r. William II. Bond. Levi S. Goddard. Benjamin F. Flandebs.* Moses T. Stone. Albert A. ( Iobubn. Joseph L. Goddaed. Harlan P. Waeeen. a a M Johx W. Goddard. Edwin C. Seymoue. Moses A. Aldeich. John Newton. Charles Fiske. Charles M. Newton. Joseph E. Goddakd. James S. Williamson. George S. Hatden. Levi B. Goddard. James II. Newton. George L. Flanders.* James H. Newton.* William C Flagg.* Spanish-American War. Mass. 6th Infantry. Everett T. Gra j . Minnesota. 13th Infantry. Walter W. Lam r U. S. Army. 4th Infantry. Edward C. Lange. INDEX. INDEX OF NAMES. Descendants of Eleazer and Huldah Flagg in ordinary type ; also their husbands and wives. All others in italics. Married women are entered but once— under maiden name if that is known. In case of two or more of the same name, dates of birth have been added to distinguish, if at hand or easily obtained. References are to pages. ABBOTT. ALDRICH (continued) Charles 86 Robert Ethan, 1867 . 87, 142 Mary Ann 44,86 Robert Ethan, 1894 . 112 ACORN. Smith 86 Claire Ernestine . . 125 Susan Frances . 87, 142 George E. 125 Susan Olive . 44, 86 ADAMS. Daniel Walter Winfield . 142 . 186 Winfield Waters . 87, 142 Jane .... 185 ALGEO. Jonathan . . 186 Doris Wilmot . 159 Mary , 160 George Edward 159 Ruth .... 22, 186 John .... . 159 Sarah . 186 John, 1856 . . Ill, 159 AKERS. Meredith Oudry . 159 Arthur Henry . . 113 ALLCOTT. Frank Arthur 113 Anna Bigelow . 36, 68 ALCOTT, see ALLCOTT. William Washington 68 ALDEN. ALLEN. Charles Fletcher 49, 196 Ambrose 120 Cyrus .... 31, 48 Electa . 110 Elizabeth Flagg . . 4, 49 Grace Russell 131 Eunice Bacon . 4, 49 Mary Prentice 65, 120 George Chandler, 4, 49, 96 192,196 Pasy 117 George Roscoe . . 151 William Russell . 131 Hazel Irene 156 AMBLER. John, 1599 48 Fanny Woodbury . . 131, 195 John, 1761 . 48 Harvey D. . 131 John, 1806 96 James Arthur . 74, 131 Lura May 151 Olive Caroline 131, 195 Melvih . 156 AMES. William Cyrus 97, 151 Mrs. Hannah 187 William Melvin . 100, 156 Hannah . 187 ALDRICH. Jemima . 12 Abigail Louisa 87, 142 William . 187 Elizabeth . 64 ANDERSON. Georgia Anna 87 Alia . 49 Herbert Alphonso Ida Diana Israel 87 136, 171 87- ANDREWS. Lucy 129 Moses Alphonso 44, 87, 19G. 197. 23 ANTHONY. 111 Pardon • • • Paris Hall 171 Lotta Louise 111 202 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. APPLETON. BELCHER. Samuel . 176 33 • ARNOLD. Martha Abigail . ' . 87 Ellen F. 117 BELDINfi. Henry . 117 Edna Leonora . 103 ASHLEY. Henry 103 Sarah Elizabeth 92 BELKNAP. Hannah . 23, 38 AYRES. Maude Alice 85 Jane 127 BELL. BACHELLER. Maria 81 Sarah 32 BENNETT. BACHELOR. Erne Lillian 118 Elfronia . 161 Fanny Belcher . . 6, 33, 63 BACON. Grace 118 Charles 31 John . 22, 33 Delia . 116 John Chandler 6,63,117 Eunice 49 Joseph Edmund . 6, 63, 118 BAILEY. Orie Wilbur 118 Mary Ellen . 153 Jlnhiinl Samuel Chandler 33 . 6, 33, 63 BAINBRIDGE. - auel Edward 63, 118 Harriet A. 175 "Wallace Gordon 117 BAKER. BENSON. Amos Series . 42, 82 Almira Fisher 47 Betsey 107 Benjamin Alvers . 29, 46 er . 82 Josij'h 46 Emma Jane . 83, 139 Rebecca Jenks . 3, 29, 47, 93 Nancy . 148 Wilbur Davis 83 BENT. BALL. Ada F. . 121, 165 Sarah . 176 BERRY. BANGS. Deborah Bigelow . BARBER. Calvin 68 73 /. mis Mary Mehitabel BICKNELL. Zachary . 143 90, 143 185 Desdemona Sophia 38, 73, 190 BIGELOW. BARBOUR. Abigail 44 Mary 63 Benjamin Flagg 6, 66, 121, 196 BARNES. ( vnthia Forbush Elizabeth . John Vathaniel . 33, 60, 190 32 176 60 Celon Benjamin Charles, IS 54 . Charles Cora Belle Ephraiin Francos Wvman . • 121, 166 66 166 . 166 35, 66 36 BARTON. 11, len M. ' . 161 \fary 182 Hitty Kidder 43 BASTEN. Euldah . . 3,43, 85, 190 Celia .... . 105 Jesse . 28, 42, 189 BATCHELLER, see BACHELLER. Jesse Waters . 3, 43, 85 BATES. ( hloe 1 11 John Thomas Joshua 43 170 36, 66 Lunj 83 V ,■;/. 1648 . 176 BATY. Mary, 1815 . 3, 43, 84 Carrie Ethel . . 81, 136 Mary Jane . 85, 141 David . 136 Samuel 176 becki;m;augh. Thoi 42 .1/.;/';,'"/'' t 126 Vincent Robinson . 121 INDEX. 203 BILLINGS. Stephen . BIKD. Abram Chester Forbush Florence Sturtevant . Grace Antoinette Helen Forbush . Henrietta Henry Richardson BISCOE. Arthur G. Howard Morton Howard Morton, 1900 BLACK. Esther Sally Josslyn BLANCHARD. Augusta Delia Sally BLISS. Arthur Colton Christopher James BLOYS. BOADWAY. Phebe . BOARD MAN. Mary Catherine . 73, 128 Rebecca .... 183 Timothy . . . .128 BOESEMILLER, see BOSEMILLER. BOLSTER. 67, 114, 21 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 1G1 161 161 23, 38 71 87 180 41, 43, 45 104 104 53, 104 30 163 Allen Dwight Eastman John Waters Lena' May Lewis Eastman Mrs. Marian Mary Jane Saloma Anna William A. William Edward BOLTON. Ida A. BOND. Chandler Fletcher Fannie Fidelia . George Chandler George Washington Jonas Josiah Lorrain Fidelia Mary Fidelia Myron Chandler William Henry 31, 5 84, 85, 84, 85, 197 84 140 140 85 84 140 84 43, 84 140 156 64 51 100, 155 155 4,51,99 51 1, 53, 189 155 53 100, 155 53, 197 BOON. Betsey 63 BOOTH. Catherine 103 Daniel 103 Julia Catherine . 52, 103 BORDMAN, see BOARDMAN. BOSEMILLER. Magdelene . . . 155 BOSS. Philip .... 97 Susan Adeline . . 49, 97 BO WEN. Eliza Maria ... 90 BOYNTON. Mary Jane . . . 118 BRADFORD. Dorothy May Elias Ford Lottie Josephine Mary Rhoda Samuel Flagg Shubal . Walter LerOy BRAD WAY. Charles Stewart Edward Ella Maria Kenneth Rulon . Mary Elizabeth •• Thomas Stewart Wallace Griscom William Francis William Warner BREWER. Fanny C. . BRIDGE. Elisabeth BRIDGES. Frank Warren . Muriel • . Sampson . BRIGHAM. Charles . J' mas Lena Samuel Sarah Silas Howe Thomas William BROOKS. Carrie E. Chandler Bennett Chandler Christopher Charles Augustus . 156 52, 101, 196 . 101 101 101, 156 101 . 101 148 . 147 . 148, 172 . 172 148 94, 147 172 148, 172 147 57 69 108, 157 15 8 • 157 34 . 114 . 114, 161 .'J 4 22. 34 .111 34 . 162 117, 165 117, 163 204 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. BROOKS (continued) Cordelia Edith Elizabeth . Elijah Elijah, 1847 Elijah Bennett Ellen Ethel Grout . Eva May Fannie Maria Fred Nims George Bennett George Forrester George Milo . George Roland . Harold Hunt Harry Charles Henry Elijah . Henry Leon Jennie Augusta Joel John Albert John Tyler Joseph Josephine Gilson Lois Augusta Mary Hall Mary Louisa . Nancy Grout Polhj Sally Louisa Susan Maria Susie Susie Harriet . Susie Maria Walter Clifford Walter Elijah . "Willis Edwin 33, 63, 189 165 63 . 116 6, 63, 116 . 103 163 . 162 117, 164 . 163 . 116, 162 . 116 117 . 163 164 . 163 116 . 162 ix, 117, 164 33, 63 . 117,164 63, 66, 117 63 . 117 164 63 116, 163 ix, 6, 63, 190 57 63 63, 116, 163 . 162 163 . 163 163 . 163 164 BROWN. Alvin . . 66, 122, 196 Eleazer . . . 179 Elizabeth . . . .101 Herbert Chester Franklin 122 Isaiah M. . . . .100 Mary .... 106 Mary Alice Evelyn . 122,166 Mary Ann . . 51, 100 Nathaniel ... 67 Percy Hunt ... 122 Sarah .... 65 Tlwmas ... 122 BROWNING. Margaret .... 37 BROWNLEE. Sarah .... 97 BRYANT. Melinda Augusta . . 61 BUFFTNGTON. Betty .... 28 BULLARD. Ed (jar Martin Mabell Rows . Rachel BURBANK. Sarah Elizabeth BURCH. BURDON. Edward Oscar Estes Estes Everett Harold Waters . Marion Louise Horta BURLEIGH. Mrs. J. O. BURNETT. Maria BURPEE. Lydia Ann BURRUSS. Elizabeth Turner Harris Martha Hams BURT. Alfred Ann Charles A . Ella Fidelia . Ernest Lyman . Frank George Edwin Harlan Warren John Winslo/w . . Nellie Mae Rose May . Samuel . Samuel Warren . Sarah Evelyn . Wilbur Alfred . BUSS. Dorcas . Joseph BUTTRICK. Albert Henry Flora Elizabeth CABLE. Clarence Sylvester . George Sylvester CAD WELL. Julia M. CAIRNS. Mary CALKINS. Ann Ha Elizabeth . CAMPBELL. Marguerite . 104 104 . 186 146 . 125 88, 191 88 45, 88 89, 191 89, 194 12 102 . 157 31,49 49 152 51, 98 119 99, 154 99 154 99, 154 99 154 154 153 . 154 98 99, 153 154 . 154 16, 180 . 180 135 79, 135 92 92 75 . 140 171 . 143 INDEX. 205 CANFIELD. Keziah . CARPENTER. Abbie Russell Caroline Eliza, 1829 Caroline Eliza, 1848 Carrie Maud . Charles David David Brainerd . David Ellsworth David Franklin David Waters Edward Francis Elizabeth Still well Ella Althea Elmer Ellsworth Emma Charlena . Florence Abbie Francis Wayland George Howard George Lovell George Waters Harriet Augusta Harriet Eliza Harriet Elizabeth Harriet Mary- Harry Clifford . Hattie Lenore Henry Lincoln . John, 1820 John, 1825 John Butler . Julia Nabby Laura Sylviah Lena Florence . Lewis Tyler . Lorenzo Lovell Lucy Lucy Frances Lula Edna Mabel Fredericka Marion May [. Mary Cordelia Mary Lovell . Matilda Otis Eddy Quiett Juline Richard J. W. Rosa Lilla Simeon Sophia Bigelow Tyler . Tyler Ernest Vernon Sorg Vinnie Annabelle William Waters CARTER. Lucy Mary • 74 • • 82 , 42 82, 138 , 91 , , 46 28,41, 189 , , 81 , 138 , , 81 3 42 81 190 82, 138, 196 , . 91 81 82^ 137, 139 82, 137 138 m # 91 . 91, 144 91 . 3, 4£ , 91 t w 81 81 91 45 # ^ 145 145 91, 145 42 . ' 3, 45 !, 82 . 82, 139 45 91 t # 139 3, 45, 91 , 91 • 42, 189 91 139 # # 92 . 91, 145 . 82, 139 91, 144 . 28, 43, 189 139 . ' 3, 46, ! 46 82 41, 43, 45 ( 91 . 28, 45 139 145 . ' 138, 171 . 91, 145 • 94 1,1, CARVER. Richard . CASE. Ann Caleb CASSIDY, Matilda Estella . CASTOR. Elizabeth . CASWELL. Anah Elizabeth Duty Everett John John Alphonso . Mabel Caroline Marion Louisa . CATTRELL. Sarah CAULKINS, see CALKINS CHAMBERLAIN. Edward Estabrook Edward Franklin 5, Eli • • • Emma Louise Harold Gibbs . Hollis . Louisa Maria . Louise Marguerite Marian Ella Martha Antoinette Mary Anjanette Mildred Merriam Norman Goddard Ralph Stuart William Eli . William Staples CHANDLER. Abigail Charles R. Mrs. Dinah Elizabeth Hepzibeth . Huldah . James, 1714 James, 1740 John . John, 1707 Joseph, 1678 Joseph, 1701 Mary, 1672 Mary, 1699 It'' horca Bogcr Roger, 1637 ? Samuel, 1674 Samuel, 1704 175 33, 62 62 82, 138 74 142 87, 142 142 . 142 142 . 142 103 160 57, 112, 196 57 113, 160 160 32,57 57 160 113 57 57, 112 160 113 160 3, 160 160 5, Sarah 179 179 180 180 179 14, 15, 16, 177, 180 21, 180 180 13 ISO 179 180 179 180 180 179 179 16, 179 6, 180 16, 21, 180, 184, 189 206 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. CHAPMAN. Charles Frederick Dorothy Louise James Monroe . CHASE. Alice Blanche J lun mih . Polly . Sanford . CHAUCER. Geoffrey CHILD. Experience CHILTON. Isdbell James CHOATE. Iiufus CHURCHILL. Susan CLAPP. Frances D. CLARK. Edwin Alanson Harris Alanson, . Henry Alanson ■ fru!ah William Henry CLARKE. Rosa Georgina William T. CLAYTON. Almanza S. . CLEMENTS. llattie COATS. Catherine COBB. Angle COBURN. Albert Amasa Otis . COHEN. Emma Frederick . COLBURN. Dexter . Ezra Samuel M via Lillian . COLE. Esther A. . COLLAMORE. 102, 157 157 . 1-57 114, 162 42 42 162 . 181 176 . 179 179 65 141 . 146 104 62, 104 • 104 180 118 55, 109 . 109 113 . 167 112 . 130 COLLETT. Delia . 46, 197 • 46 . 96, 151 • 151 138 82, 138 . 138, 171 • 84 • 131 168 COLTON. Abigail Marinda . . 105 Ann Mehitable . . 4, 53, 104 Benton Hart . . 4, 53, 105 Chauncy ... 31, 52 Chauncy Edward . . 105 Delazon Benton . . 105 Delazon Smith . . 53, 106 Emma Eusebia . . 4,53,106 Emma Lala . . .105, 157 Ernestine Rose ... 53 Fannie Maria . 4, 53, 106 Fanny ... 106 Francis Yolney . . 53 Frank .... 106 George .... 52 Jane Elizabeth . . 4,53,105 Regetta Ann . . 105,157 Zadoc .... 52 COMAN (see also COOMAN). Hannah CONVERSE. Dulcinea ■ COOK. Cecil Louise . Elihu Fred E ... Helen . , Lav i Hia D. . i 'hen . COOKE. Caroline Mary Harriet Anna . . 7 James .... James Tufts John ... 38 COOLEY. Daniel Roy Devern . COOMAN (see also COMAN). Ellen .... COOPER. lone Russell Sam a 1 1 G-. Sarah K< rsley COPP. Daniel F. . . , Lizzie Jane . COWLES. Frances Sophia . Mary Ingram . CRAFTS. Annie [sabelle foali ( Porter CRAIG. Ellen . Thomas P. 49 79 158 158 110, 158 158 131 176 7, 74 ,74, 131 74 71 , 74, 195 130 130 171 62 62 126 163 117, 163 159 160 70, 124 124 162 97, 152 126 INDEX. 20i CRAMER. DEMING. Catherine 119 Achsah . lot CRANDALL. DENHAM. Jabez Lyman . 64, 119 Jennie Be . 95, 149 Tracy 119 Oliver . 149 CRANE. DENNIS. Mehitable 33 Attina D. 95 CRESSY. DERNELL, George Washington 93 Annie . 95, 148 Mary Ett 47, 93 Sanford . 148 CROLEY. DESERISY. Eliza A. 167 Elizabeth 75, 132 CURTIS. Mi lancthon 132 Frances. 159 DETRAY. Jesse William 111, 159, 193, 194 Bathsheba . 82 Margaret . 159 DICKINSON. William Jesse 159 Alice E. 72, 128 CUSHING. Dana D. 128 Josiah 118 Edith Blanche . 128, 168 Sophia Elisabeth . . 63, 118 George L. 168 DALY. DILLINGHAM. Elizabeth 151 Sylvanus 153 DANA. DINSMORE. Aaron . Nathan 37 37 Mary . 100 DANDRIDGE. Enodia . . 98, 152 DIX. Rebecca . 176 William G. 152 DOBIE. DARE. Joseph Burchall . 141 Lydia . 147 DOCKHAM. DARLING. Betsey Ann . 41, 80 Kezia 28 Morse Brown 80 Timothy 15 DODGE. DAVENPORT. Forbes Bryant . 83, 139 Mary Freeland . 123, 166 Mildred Baker 140 Nathaniel 180 Bufus Brown . 139 Samuel D. 123 DOLE. Thomas Bueklin . 70, 123, 124 Eleazer . 30 DAVTS. Huldah . 4, 30, 47 /~i .„ 19 Isaac, 1762 . Isaac, 1799 21 29 Eleaser 180 30*, 48 James G. . 113 Isaac Chandler 48 Millia Antoinette . 41, 80 Mary Elizabeth 148 Nellie , 142 Olivia . 48 Samuel 80 Parker 29 William . 70 Sarah 30 DEAN. DOLLIYER. Chauncey Louis 145 John 63 Dorothy Marion . 145 Samuel Barbour . . Harry Carpenter Henry Hazlitt 145 91, 145, 192 DOUGHTY, see DO I I \. Isaac Newton . 145 DOUGLAS. DEANE. 166 • Benjamin F. 130 Harriet Lemira . 74, 130, 195 DOUP. DECKER. Elizabeth Ann . 71, 126 Polly 85 Henry . 126 208 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. DOUTY. Ada Billow Albert Francis Albert Stanley . Arthur D wight Solomon . D'OYLEY. Priscilla DRAPER. Harrit t DRTJMMOND. ./usiah Hayden . DRTJRY. Elijah George W. Lydia Sarah DUCIIER. Harriet Augusta . DUDLEY. John . Joseph . Lomira DULY. Mary Helen . DUNCAN. Lydia DUNHAM. Clarence John Clifford Manning Edward Manning John Owen Ralph Emerson Roxie Isabclle Walter Irving DUNTLING. Silence DURKEE. Erastus Barnes Florence Lizzie DUTCHER, seeDUCHER. DWINNEL. Susanna . EAMES. Clarissa EARLE. 141 85, 141 141 141 141 Ls3 1G1 187 34 22 22, 34 63 161 46 180 29, 46 124, 167 72 90 90 45, 90 90 90 90 90 . 185 136 80, 136 28 67 176 EASTMAN. A lire Alvena Donald Vail . ne . Jam Louise Hinds Walter Merrill II illiam William, 26 I / ll I. 162 161 162 163 162 11 I 58, 59, 1 1 1 111. 114, EASTMAN (continued) William, 1S68 . 114, 161 William, 1S95 . . 161 EDDY. Anna Maria . . 79 Byron Edgar . . 79, 135 Clara Foskett . . 135 Edith Allen . . 135 ■ !■■' I ... 79 John .... 42 Lewis Elmer . . 79 Mabel Buttriek . . 135 Marion Griffith . . 135 Otis . . . .42, 190 Ralph Thurston . . 135 Reuben Thurston . 41, 79 EDMUNDS. Lewis Francis . . 108 William II. . . 108 ELDREDGE. Desire B 93 Edward Pavson . . 117 Elijah . . . . 117 William IF. ... 93 ELIOT. Samuel B 74 ELLIOTT. Florence Mabelle . . 89 Robert .... 89 ELLIS. Amos . . . . 22 ,33 Elht M. . . . .115 ELWELL. Emily Frances . . 136 EMERSON. Calvin .... 69 John . . .32, 59, 190 Sarah Elizabeth ... 59 Stephen llolbrook . 5, 59, 196 EMERY. /.• n ;■:.-, Sarah . . . 36, 66 EMMONS. Nathaniel .... 37 ESTABROOK. Alphonso Dwight . . 45, 90 Dvright ... 90 Edward Austin . . 160 Elsie Eudora . . . 144 Fred Walter . . 90, 1 Li Louie Torr< y . . 90, L43 Mabelle Susan . . 143 Sophia Elizabeth . . 113, 160 W i bIi y Irving . . Ill FABENS. Frank Lewis ... 65 Margui rite Adelaide . 120, 194 Mary Chandler . . 120, 193 INDEX. 209 FABENS (continued) William .... 60 William, 1S10 . 35, 65, 192 William Chandler 6, 65, 120, 192, 193 FAIRBANKS. George . . . .187 Lydia . . . . 23, 187 FARNS WORTH. Ellen Elizabeth ... 65 Henry . . . 65, 113 Sarah C. . . . 58, 113 FARRENT. Mary .... FAY. Flora Gertrude Jeduthan Mitty Winthrop Baxter FECHEM. Nancy FEGAN. 149 79, 13.3 20 57 135 Hannah Eliza . . 85, John . . . .43 FERGUSON. Henry Harrison FERRIN. John G. ... FIELD, Cynthia Elizabeth . Elizabeth Content 102, 193, George .... Orville Vinton . . 102, Otis Sikes Samuel Bernard Susan Wilson . 102, Thomas Carter Wilson Eugene, 1843 52, 102, Wilson Eugene, 1881 102, FIFE. Lydia E. . FISH. Ethridge M. Lucy Marie FISHER. Jane Mary FISK. Mary FISKE. Abbie Josephine Benjamin Charles, 1807 Charles, 1834 . Edward Charles Ellen Marion 57 7, 70, 37, 69, 7, 70, 124, 85 141 ,85 53 117 101 194 127 194 102 102 194 102 196 193 104 111 111 158 113 61 125 69 189 197 124 124 FISKE (continued) Emma Augusta Frances Abbie Francs Albei i ine Franl lin Henry Frederick Porter Henry Augustus Marion A ugusta Marion Etta William Bridge, 1836 William Bridge. 1S57 123, 1 13 . 125, L67 7, 70, 123, 12 1 126 124 7o 70 125, 167 ix, 7, 70, 121 121 6,64, 100, 22 177 178 119 156 175 . 170 100 104 4, 52, 103 120 103 . 175 175 . 176 13 6, 22, 35 6, 35 36 98 152 FLAGG. Abel Abigail, 1080 Abigail, 1 72!/ . Adelaide Amanda . Alice Maud Mrs. Alicia . Allen Alton Ellsworth Alvin Booth Alvin Munson Amber Amelia . Arthur Henry Bartholomew Bartholomi w, 1645 Benjamin, 1662 Benjamin, 1691 . Benjamin, 178 t Benjamin, 1807 . Benjamin Leighton Carroll Hansford, 7.SV7.S' Carroll Hansford, 1890 Chandler, 1782 6, 22, 34, 102, 196 Chandler, 1794 30, 48, 49, 196 Charles Allcott 6, 69, 123, 191, 192. Charles Alton . . . 155 Charles Augustus, 1804 6, 34, 64 Charles Augustus, 1838 . Charles Augustus, 1846 6, 65 Charles Chandler 4, 51, 100, 156 Charles Dwight . 100, 155 Charles Jewett . .121, 193 Charlotte Louise * Clarence Alvin Clifford Munson Deborah, 10 77 Deborah, 1719 Delia E., see Fid lia E Edith Eliza . Eh '-.■ r, 1653 Eleazer, 1687 Eleazer, 1709 Elea. ;. / 73 t 103 102 104 178 . its 11, 20, 177 11-16, 19, 177, 186 4, 13-10, 20, 178, 180 Eleazer, 1767 . 4, 21, 30, 190 EL : E ■ tier, 1800 1,31, I Eleazer Fletcher, 1 83 1 i . 5 ,98 210 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. FLAGG (continued) I! azer Fletcher, 1S4S 4, 52, 102, 157 Eleazer Fletcher, 1870 Mrs. Elizabeth ■ Elisabeth, 1055 Elizabeth, 1729 Elizabeth, 1796 Elizabeth, 1859 Elizabeth Gertrude Ehvin Chandler Emma Lvdia Eugene Morris . Eusebia Naville Eva Bertha lie Elizabeth Fannie Stanley Fidelia Fidelia Eusebia Florence Elisabeth Francis Whiting Frank Otis . Frederick Alvin George Alonzo 6,65 193 George Benjamin, 1870 George Benjamin, 1901 George Channing George Elbridge George Roy 98, 153 . 178 176 . 178 4,31, 48 97,152 103 . 100 6, 65,120 155 4,31, 54 L55 4,52,101 . 103 4, 31, 51 4, 52, 104 6, 65 George Augustus 104 120 121 103 101 121,192, 121, 165 123 6,69 6, 64, 119, 196 . 120 George Washington 4, 52, 100, 196 Gershom Gertrude Eusebia Grace Edna Harriet Whiting Harry Munson . Ilattie F. Hattie Maria Henry Thomas Henry Whiting . Henry Wilkinson Hilda Coleman . Hugh Early lluldah, 1732 175 ix, 101, 194 . 100 121, 165 103 165 52 65 . 121 152 163 152 3,15, 16, 19, 182, 1S9 lluldah, 1770 . James James Foster James Hunter James Richard . James Hubert Jane Amelia Jaimettie Dinsmore miah, 7 77.'' miah, 1807 Jeremiah, IS10 .1. wetl Taylor John, Ii'>l-'} John, /7.V7 . John Fletcher Jonathan 22 12, 178 121, 165 98 97 152 6, 36, 69 104 6, -'2, 34 4, 31, 52 6, 84, 64 165 175 16 153 178 FLAGG (continued) Joseph Joseph. 17 S 6 Joseph Chandler Joseph Claradon Lawrence Fletcher Leurettie Lamont Lillian May . Lottie Stella Lucretia Lewis Lura Lydia Drury . Lvdia Emma, see Emma L. Maria Olivia . ix, 6, 12, 36, 66 Marinda . . 4, 31, 53, 189 Martin VanBuren, 1840 52 Martin VanBuren, 1844 4, 52,103, 196 177, ISO 6, 12, 22, 35,66 120 . G, 36 102 104 104 100, 156 . 6, 35, 65, 190 4, 31, 49, 1S9 . 6, 34, 64 Mrs. Mary Mary, 1657 . Mary, 1717 . Mary, 1740 5, 14-16 Mary Amanda Mary Claire Mary Eliza Mary ( J race Mary Sherwood Melviu Lister Michael Minnie Rhoda Mrs. Miriam Morris P. . Morris Porter Nathan Nathaniel 11,12 Payton Bailey Prisdlla . Bebecca Robert Roderick Dew Ruth Delia Sally . Samuel, 174 I 175 176 180 21, 184,189 52 100, 6,13 190 156 119 104 193 103 176 1.07 177 153 98 177 17S 153 177 176 11. 12, 177 153 104 6, 22, 33, 189 16,22,23,186, 22 4,31, 51, 97 1.32. 102 20, 177. . 98, Samuel, 177 2 Samuel, 1804 Samuel Benjamin, ix, 6, 36,66,67, 123,191-193, 195 Samuel Chandler, 1819 . 34 ;el Chandler, 1844 6, 64, 196 Sarah. 1764 . • 4,21,30 Sarah, 1 • 74, .-< e Sally. Sarah, 1801 4,31,50, 190 Sarah Ann ... 34 Sarah Benjamin . 6, 35, 66, 190 Simon . . • • 16 Submit 7, 14-16, 23, 187, 1S9 Susan Caroline . . 6, 36, 67 Susan Wilson . . 4, 52, 102 Tabitha . . 31, 51, 53 Thomas, 1015 . . . 176 Thomas, 1040 . . 176 INDEX. 211 FLAGG (continued); FORBUSH (continued) Walter Andrew . . 103 Grace Chester 6,67 Welford Dandridge . 153 Jonathan Chester . 36, 66, 67 William .... 175 Justin . 67 William, 1G4S . . 176 Lavina . William Chandler, 1S29 4, 49,50, Ehoda . 33 97, 197 Silas 67 William Chandler, 1857 97, 151 FORD. Mary William Chandler, 1S61 98, 152, 193, 194 101 William Chandler, IS 99 . 152 FOSKETT. William Dandridge . 152 Andrew 81 William Harvey . . 119 Ann 79 William Maurice . . 100 Annie Augusta . 80 William Sydnor Junkin . 152 Dan . 3,41,80 William Turner . . 6, 65 Dwight Tyler 81, 136 WihnaF. . . . 165 Eben . 79, 135, 194 Wilson Henry . . 155 Ebenezer . . 28, 41 Winthrop Scott . . 104 Eliza 41 Elizabeth . 135 FLANDERS. Abbie Louisa . . 5,58,114 Frank Warren George Mason 81 79, 191, 195 Benjamin . . . 32, 58 Harriet . 3, 41, 7 ' Benjamin Franklin 5, 58, 113, 197 Harrison Brown 80, i ■• i Benjamin Lorriston . . 58 Homer . . . 81 Charles Wilton . . 58 Jennie Chase 81 David .... 58 Jennie Florence 136 Ellen Clarinda . 5,58,114 John 3,41,80 Emma F. . . .113 John Waters . 80 George Levi . . . 58, 197 Harvey Tilden ... 58 Lindsey Lona 81 136 Lorriston ... 58 Luella 81, 137 Lucy Ann . . . 5, 5S Luman . . 81, 136 FLEGG, see FLAGG. Margaret Durkee 136 FLETCHER. Marshall Herbert . 80 Augusta ... 87 Martha Simpson 81, 137 Elizabeth .... 30 Mercy 3, 41 John .... 87 Ralph Davis 81 Joseph . . • .179 Robert . 81 Sarah .... 124 Samantha 3,41,80 FLLNN. Bertha May Belle . . 146 San Samuel Waters . Sumner . 41 3, 41, 79 81 3, 41. B0 135 Fred Hunt ... 146 John Bradshaw . . 146 Tamma Winthrop Fay John Bradshaw, 1S47 93,146 FLINT. FOSTER. Eddie James . . 83 Caroline C. 65, 120 Everett Waters . . 83, 140 Olive 86 James . 42, 82, 83, 189 FRARY. John .... 83 Carrie Olive , 150 Susan Willard. • • 121 George . 47, 95, 190 FLYNN, see FLINN. Thomns 95 FOGG. FREELAND. Hannah . • • 121 Mary 123 FOOTE. FREEMAN. Adelbert M. . . .112 Alonzo Warrt n 107 Agnes . . . • 37 Kathaxyn Augusta I, n>7 FORBUSH. Calvin W. . 67 _ Phebe Eurd ~ . WiV 117 146 Florence Caroline 6, 67, 122, 195 William, 1820 93, 146, 90 212 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. FRENCH. Cyrus Nelson . Susan Elizabeth FROTHINGHAM. Julia FULLER. Anna Willard FUSSELL. -Elizabeth GALE. Mary GARDNER. Mary Ann GARFIELD. John Thomas Woodbury GARWOOD. Hubert Sarah Belle GAY. Lydia GELENEAU. Leah GIBSON. Lovisa GIFFORD. Fred Lawrence Joseph E. GILMOUR. Clarence Nelson Hunt David John GIROLX. Alma Rose Moses GLEASON. Abiel Allen GODDARD. Abel Alonzo Alonzo Austin Benjamin, 1668 Benjamin, 7 74 Hannah . . . . 115 Maria .... 79 Mary .... 28 Saralf Anne . . .6, 63, 64 HALL. Betsey J. . . . 117 Jonathan . . . . 15 Mary .... 63 Mehitabel .... 94 Mindwell ... 86 Polly Brooks ... 73 Samuel .... 32 Sophia Abigail . . 32, 190 HALLETT. EstellaMay ... 107 Eugene C 107 Mrs. Phebe H. . . 107 HAMBLETOX. Mrs. Josepha ... 29 HAMLET. Amy Louise ... HAMILTON. Foster A 165 Warren U. . . .121, 165 HAMMOND. Nabby .... 12 HANDY. Francis H. . . 117 HAPGOOD. Iicpzibah . . . .184 Mrs. Judith . . . 184 Thomas . . . .184 HARDING. Lucv Harriet . . . 119 Mark . . . . i, 149 Robert . . . • 149 HARMAN. Absalom Lutht r . . 104 Harriet .... 104 214 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. HARRINGTON. HAYDEX. David />'. . 61 Abigail Malvina 7, 36, 37, 70 1 1 1 ii Augusta 61 Alicine . 132 James Taylor 116, 192, 193 Burton Rojare 132 Lewis Wentworth . 5, 61, 115 Charles Perry . 7, 75 Lydia 22, 35 Cush ma a 23 Noah 35 Daniel, 1748 . 16 23, 187, 189 Stephen 33,61 DanieL 2775 . 7, 23, 36 Thomas Wentworth 61 Daniel Austin 38 Wentworth Lewis . . 116, 193 Edwin Clav 75 William Alfred . 61 Elijah 38 HARRIS. Misha . . 23, 187 Elizabeth 166 Elizabeth Farwell 37 Laura 58 Emily . 65, 113 HASKELL. Frances Augusta 36 Ann 106 George Robert George Stebbins . 7, 132 75, 131, 197 HASKINS. William . 107 Granville Greeley Henrietta 37 7, 75, 131 HASSELBLAD. Jennie DeGolyer 132 Carl Philip 92 John 187 John Philip 92 John, 1634? . . 187 HASTIK. John. 1781 . . 7, 23, 38 Alexander 120 Joshua 38 Marjorie . 120 Josiah 187 Thomas Joseph . 65, 120 Pearl Belle . . 132 HASTINGS. Abigail Samuel Flagg . Sarah Ann . 7, 38, 75 36 30 Submit . . . 'i ', 23, 37, 189 Georrje 107 Mrs. Susanna . . 187 HAWKS. Sylvanus Belknap . 7, 38, 74, 75 Alice Maria 95, 149 William Clarence 7, 75, 132 Charlie Dole . 94 William Lloyd 132 Clara Belle . 94, 148 HAYES. David Rude Ebenezer Henry Ebenezer Smead . 95, 149 4, 47, 93 30, 47, 150 Fanny Louise . 132 168 Frances Elizabeth 149 HAYS. Fred Julian . 94, 148 Lillian May . 126 Harru t M. . 147 HAYWARD. Harriet Myrl . 149 Albertine Hastings 167 Ilattie Adella 94, 147 ( 'ah ii . . . . 121 Hattie Submit 95 Chester Stanford 167 Huldah Maria . 4, 47 Nellie Fiske . 167 Ida Estella 94 Seth Hastings, 1830 70, 123, 124 Ida May 95, 149 Seth Hastings, 1863 . 124, 166 Irene 148 HEALD. Isaac Dole . . 4, 47, 94 . 180 179 Joseph Allen Smead 4, 47, 94 John Joseph David . 1 19 HEATH. Joseph Henry Joseph Olin Julia Ann Lucretia 94 . 95, 148 47 11 leu Margaret . 156 98 I.i pha Maria . lis HEDGE. Lucy Abigail Caroline 4, 47, 95 Lucy . . 137 Lucy Matilda 95, 150 HENDERSON. Lurentha Melvina . i \. 1. 17. 190 /;. rry 104 Mildred Elizabeth 1 i 8 HENDRY. Nell i lathi rine 149 Mary Jane . 144 Russell Eugene . Samuel . Sarah Elmira lis HERZOG. 47 4, 47, 94 Selena 169 INDEX. 215 75, 193 131, HEWITT. Fannie William . HIBBARD. Charles Edmund Charles Lovejoy Frederic Walbrid^ Isaac Lovejoy . Mary Page . Robert Sargent HIGGINS. Celestia Henrietta HILL. Clarissa John Andrew . Ruth . Sadie Woolfolk HILLS. Prudence . HINDS. Alice Warren . Elisha Woodward Emma Evalina Julia Augusta Louise Frances Warner HINES. W.A.. HOAR. Susan HO BART. Caroline HOGLE. Catharine . HOLBROOK. Angeline Elizabeth Asenath Belle Clarence Courtney Josiah Edmund Edmund Stephen ix, 5 191 Edward William Florence Hannah Goddard John . John, 1694 . Josiah, 1802 Josiah, 1839 . Lewis Margaret Martha Pamela . Mary Sarah Bacheller . Stanley Lewis 131 168 99 153 153 168, 191, , 193 195 , 131 131 . 131 16 8 147 161 65 153 32 98, 153 79 59 32, 58, 196 5, 59, 114 . 5, 59 5, 59 58 111 92 129 . 130 5,60 5, 33, 60 62 62 115 62 , 33, 62, 190, 196 60 5, 62, 192 . 5, 33, 61 32, 185 32 5, 33, 59 5, 60, 114 32, 189 185 33 . 5, 32, 59 5, 33, 61 5, 62 HOLBROOK (continued) Stella . Stephen . Thomas William, 1719 William, 1807 . HOLDEN. Alvin Marion HOLLAND. Sarah Smith HOLMAN. Anne Hannah Solomon . HOLMES. Nancy HOLYOKE. Dr. . Ann . HOSMORE. Hannah . HOUSE. Harvey Philander Philander Chase . HOUSER. Alma Littz . Henry A. Irene Elisabeth . Ralph Henry . HOWARD. Huldah John HOWE. Azubah Charlotte Elizabeth . Elizabeth Lucinda HUBBARD. Nancy . Sherman G. HUDSON. Amanda Jane HUMES. Elizabeth . Irena Judd Reuben HUNT. Amelia Kendrick Anna Maria Annie Grace . Augusta Caroline Flagg Daniel Daniel Edward Daniel Herbert . 62 22, 32, 189 32 32 . 5, 33, 60 117 63, 117 65 . 19, 182 . 117 182 54 34 28 150 58 58 . 155 155 . 155 . 100, 155 20, 27 27 85 101 34 51 114 75 75 150 116 116 66 3, 29, 46 . 93, 14'; 63, 66, 117 66 . 20. 28 . 3, 46, 92 93 216 DESCI HUNT (continued) Dolly . Edward Wallace Evelyn Maria Huldah Ann Isabel Dudley Juh n Joseph Theodore Kendrick . Mary Elizabeth May Gertrude . Peter Rebecca Sarah Sarah Bertha Seth Stephen Waters Susan Alice . Timothy HUNTLEY. Delana Mary . HURD. Charles Herbert Charles James . Ernest Alvin . John Reginald . Mary Elizabeth .'/< rcy Phebe Harding Sylviah Mary William Maxton William Seth . HURST. Charles Warner John Leo Warner . HUTCIIINS. Aimira HYDE. Rachel Eunice INMAN. Caroline Victoria Henry Angell . ./, ssie Ghithrie Sanford Angell ISBIL. Brilla IVES. Almena < 'arrie JACKSON. />, borah II, a ry Fiances Adelaide JENKS. Laban Peter . 46 93, 146 12, 36, 66 . ix, 29, 189 41 93 28 3, 29, 46 93 36, 63, 66, 117 . 157 144 91, 144 144 144 Ml 34 147 . 144 114 144 . 138, 171 . 171 171 . 136 61 . 45, 91 44 1 S . 44,91 106 . 117 106 62 69 69 29 29 ELEAZER FLAGG. JENNISON. Michal . JETER. Nannie JEWETT. Charles Augustus . Fanny Walker . JOHNSON". Catharine Augusta Luther Hartwell Sarah Ann JONES. Ephraim . Bebecca . Sarah JOSLYN. Arnold . Sarah Ann KART. Charles Sylvester . Lydian Samuel H. KEELER. Alice Hazel Gordon Eastman Job F. Paul Irving Silas Irving Waldo Forrest KELLOGG. KEMPTOX. Abraham W. ■ Emma Jane KENDRICK. Mary KENNICUTT. Adelia KESSLER. Andrew . David Alva Grace Be Nicholas Frank . Sarah Mabel . William Henry . KIDDER. Hitty Jonathan . Mary S muel KIMBALL. Jaicij KING. Alta May . Ambrose dace C. Charles Sherman 30 . 152 121 65, 121 129 96 48,96 . 179 145 86 117 63, 117 99 99, 153 99, 153 . 162 162 . 161 162 114, 161 162 48 119 64, 119 63, 66, 117 . 51, 99 el 62 MURPHY. .... 118 220 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. MURRAY. NORCUTT. James , 97 Cora Jane . 99, 154 Mary Jane . . 50, 97 John W. • 154 MYERS. O'CONNOR. Mary . • . 141 James Michael . , , 120 NEAL. James William . 120 Ida Yrooman . . . 126, 168 OLDHAM. John Collins • . 168 ne . . , 183 NELSON. OLMSTEAD. . 178 Irving Ellis . 126, 167 • J oinette . . 166 Jean McLean , . 167 NEW. John Wesley . . 167 ( irrie . 160 Mary Livingston • 167 NEWCOMB. ORMSBY. a Louise . . 157 Dorothy . . 167 NEWEL. Kenneth Fiske . . 167 . 1 n nie • 141 Sidney Croley Waterman L., Jr. . 125, 167, 192 167 NEWHALL. Otis . . 138 ORNE. Sarah Jane . 82, 138 Azor . • 35 rah 35 NEWTON. Alexander Jacob 32 OYLEV, d\ see D'OYLEY. Alexis , 127 PACKARD. Charles Marshall 7,7: 197 ,, 127, 168, Diantha PADDOCK. • 48 Elizabeth Jane . . 71, 127 Alice . 131, 168 Elsie Marion . , 128 Franklin K. . t 168 Emma Boardman . 128 PALFREY. Fanny Woodbury . 7. 72 J'l/tii . • . 183 James Holland, 1843 ' 1H7 Martha 183 James Holland, , ■ > 128, 168 T\ k T AiTT"»T"* James Holland, 190. 168 PALMER. John 7, 72, 197 Mary )V. * 95 Jonathan . 32 PARKER. Lydia 71 (In tries . 153 Marshall, 1757 , 71 Henry', . . 67 Marshall, 1805 , . 38,71 Lucinda • 113 Mary, 1842 a 72 William F. . • 163 Mary, 184$ . . . ix, 7, 72 PARMENTER. . . . 119 ia J. , , 90 1'h id- a a E. ■ L63 PARSONS. Seraph . 7, 72. 127 Eliza • • • 108 William Henry • 7, 72, 128 PAYNE. NICHOLS. Jennie M. B. 80 . , 50 /'//« resa Jane . • 125 PECK. Matilda . 122 NIMS. /■V. derick B. # " 163 PEIRCE, see PIERCE. via Josephine • . 117, 163 PENNING. NIXON. June . • 85 Emma Jane . 87, 142 PERKY. Thomas . 112 Russell . • 75 NOBLE. Sarah Hubbard . . 3£ , 75 Earle Goddard . . 158 PETERS Peter # 158 Kura . 99, 154 l>h . . . 158 Lyman . 154 Willard . . . 110, 158 Ma • 34 INDEX. 221 PETTIGREW. Janet . PETTY. Elizabeth PHELPS. Charles Spafford Henry Edison Henry Hall Heston . James James Ellsworth Lillian Waters . Lucy Waters . Sailor William Denton PHIPPEN. Judith PIERCE. Charles W. _. Florence Louise Helen Elizabeth Ira . Sarah Melissa PIKE. Caroline . PITTS. Eliza PLASSE. William . PL ATT. Edward Erastus . Edward Erastus, Jr. Grace James Newton . Mary Leek PLUMMER. Charles Andrew Erastus C. Everett Erastus John PLYMPTON. Lizzie Ellen Penuel . POPE. Mary PORTER. Augusta Eva Adelaide George Henry POTTER. Amelia Tamma . Philip, Jr. . Whitman Bailey POWERS. Achsah . . 120 59 87 141 . 44, 86 141 86 86, 141 86 87 141 87 . 179 115 115 56, 110 110 154 . 162 112 . 181 127 72, 127 127 . 127 127 142 87, 142 . 142 142 82, 139 139 . 158 124 87, 142 142 80, 136 80 . 41, 80 118 PRATT. Adaline Betsey . Maria Olive . Sarah Sylvanus PRENTICE. Margaret . Sarah . Sarah Solomon PRENTISS. Daniel G. Martha . Mary Ellen PRESBREY. Alice Charles Fannie Judson Florence Simpson Frank George Johnson 96, Levi . Marguerite Otis . Otis Fletcher, 1820 Otis Fletcher, 1890 Sarah Ann PRESTON. Hannah . 33, 60 48 110 . 30, 48 48 60 . 120 34 56 15 110 142 61, 116 151 151,194 96 . 151 96, 150, 194 151, 192, 193 48 151 . 31,48,49 ix, 4, 48, 95, 150, 191 151 48 80 PRINCE. Franklin . 64, 119 Frederick Herbert . 119 Joseph 119 PROSSER. Ann 89 PUTNAM. Charles Wesley 90 Cornelius, 17(>2 13 < 'orm litis, 1 782 . . 44 Edward 28 Hannah . 20, Isaac 28 June 90 Jane Waters 90. 144 Jnloi 28 Julia Rosina 90, 114 Justin Marble 90 Louise 8S Marble . 45, 90 Nathan 28 Susan Ann . 89, 1 13 Thomas 28 Ulva Abigail . . 2 8, 44. 190 Waters 90 222 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. QUINX. Bertha May . Frederick W. READ. Martha . REDD. Elizabeth . REYXOLDS. Eleanor M. Henry James . John Justin Holmes RICE. Alice Elizabeth Bertha Cynthia George H. James Brainard John . Sally Abigail Jacob Heed Mary Ann Samuel . RICHARDS. Alfred Woodward George Hale . Lucena Muses William Andrew RIGHT, see WRIGHT. RIPLEY. Hannah Read RISING. RICH. 100, 155 • 155 182 • 49 70 125 , 60 42 . 125 42 ROBBIXS. i 'lara Jane . Helen May Ralph Raymond Willis Bentley Zenas ROBERTS. Aaron Emily Reuben Lundy ROBERTSON. George Henry Jann s O. . Robert Espie . ROBINSON. 1 1,1a . Fanny Eliza . II' in y John 11, nry Newton Hi ■ I iah . Hollis Taylor . 101 146 146 101 13 60 42 54 1, 54, 190 181 . 115 60, 115, 190 113 115 115 138 38 164 144 144 90, 144 144 29 151 29 100, 156 156 156 101, 156 7, 71 71 127 71 38, 71, 190 ROBINSON (continued) James Henry . 126, 192, 195 James Tufts . . 7, 71, 126 Jonathan .... 71 Joseph .... 121 Laura Ann . . . 127 Lizzie Jane . . . 127 Loren . . • .156 Mary Hodgkins . . 55, 108 Sarah Helen . . 66, 121 William ... 108 William Hollis, 1SS1 7, 71, 126 William Hollis, IS 70 ROCKWOOD. Mrs. Agnes Mrs. Anne Benjamin, 1697 Benjamin, 1 723 John, 1662 John, 1706 . John, 1825 Lydia Nicholas . Richard. RODRIGUEZ. Maria Adelaide ROGERS. Mary Mary ROLF. Jonathan ROSE. John . ROUSH. John W. ROWS. Phcebe Catherine ROYALTY. John Washington . Mary Etta RUDE. Harriet Submit Thaddeus . RUGG. Mehitabel Houghton RUSSELL. RUST. Anne Marinda Daniel Theodora Frances . Theodore Smith RYAN. Josephine Caroline RYDER. ■iline . 126, 195 185 185 15, 186 15, 22, 186 186 186 186 16, 22, 186 185 185 69 35 90 178 . 175 . 112, 160 104 105 105 . 47, 95 95 36 65 106, 194, 195 106 . ix, 106 53, 106 86 . 116 INDEX. 223 SAILOR. SEAVER (continued) Annie Laura 86, 141 Ella Jennie . 165 Henry 141 Herbert Alfred 164 SALOW. Myra F. 116 Louise Minnie . 74, 130 SEYMOUR. William 130 Edward Levi 111, 159 SALTMARSH. Edwin Chidsey 57, 110, 197 Matilda Ann . 80 Elias Chidsey 110 SAMUEL. George Goddard 111 Sallie 153 Ida Lucinda Ida Selena . .111, 159 159 SANDERSON. Laurance Edwin 159 Content . 102 Martha Mary 111,159 SANFORD. SHAW. Sarah 186 Addie Florence . 45, 89 SANGER. Adeline \V. 70, 124 Bebeckah Adelia . 139 Carrie Belle . 90, 143 SARGENT. Salem J. 89, 143 Mary Gile 131 SHEARN. SAVERY. Austin . 103 Marion S. . 44,91 Louise C. . 52, 103 SAYLES. SHELTOX. Mercy 42 Sallie 98 SCEVA. SHEPHERD. Eliza P. . 112 Eliza . . 143 Henry 112 SHIPMAN. Henry Augustus 57, 112 Allen 106 Mary Frances 112, 160 Fannie Brilla 106 SCOFIELD. Frank Colton . 106, 195 Elias 115 Henry Allen 53, 106 Welthie Francelia . . 60, 115 John Thurston 106 SCOTT. May . . 106 Dessa Delle 130 SHOPBELL. Elsie Ella . . 130 Bachel . . 99, 153 Frederic Allan 141 SHUFELT. Grace Idella . . 141 Ella J. . 139 Harrison G-. . Ira Jeannette Edith 107 . 129 141, 172 SHUMWAY. Sarah . 136 Payson Winfield 130 SIBLEY. Thomas William 85, 140, 196 Huldah . 27 William 140 Zadock 35 Winfield . 73, 129 SICKELSTEEL. SEARS. Willard . 154 Burton Russell . . 137 SIEBENEICHER. Carmyn Ella . 137 Emma Amelia 100, 155 Cola Abbie . 137 Wenzel . 155 Herbert Franklin 137 SIGOURNEY. Mabel Harriet . 137 Andrew 46 Milton Herbert . 82, 137 Mary . 29, 46 Sylvanus . Willarette Carpenter Winthrop Sylvanus . 137 137 . 137 SILLIMAX. Ebenez< r Marvin T. 68 SEAVER. SILLOWAY. Alfred Wellington . . 117,164 . izro L. . 114 Alice Elizabeth . . 164 Florence Mabel . 114, 161 Braman Albert 165 Thomas Benton . 58, 114 Charles Curtis . . 164 SILVTA. Clarence Brooks 164 Mary . . 127 224 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. SIMMONS. SOUTHLAND. Eliza 163 David 33 SIMONDS. Judson . 33, 189 Martha . 146 SOITTHWICK. Mary 179 Patty 28 Sophia Maria 58 SPALDING. William 179 Gertrude White 75 SIMPSON Levi . 75 Chloe 80 Stella . 96, 151 Esther M. . 43 William H. . 151 James 151 STAIIN. Margaret Ellen . 96, 151 Conigunda 149 SLADER. STANTON. Hannah 75 Sarah Ann 97 SLAYTON. STAPLES. Albert Gallatin 116 Angeline Alphina . . 57, 113 Anna Laura . 116 Samuel B. STEARNS. 113 SLOAN. Isaac 43 Ida L. . . . . 73, 129 Lydia Ann .' . 43 James . 129 Mary 156 SMEAD. STEBBIXS: Jlo.ry 47 Camilla 38, 75 SMITH. Frederick 75 Archibald Alexander . 125, 167 STEIN. Caroline . . 47, 94 Christine. • 130 Catharine . 105 STEINER. Chester Frothingham 167 Casper . 159 Edward Roland . . 127 Julia . . Ill, 159 Elizabeth Nichols . 125 STEVENS. Fanny 109 Alice Lala 157 Fletcher Lyford 167 George Washington . 157 Florence Marie . 161 George Willis 157 Francis Ira 167 I.' i ura Ann . Ill Fredt rich- Butler . 165 Willis Huntley 105, 157 George L. George Metcalf . George Washington 161 60 106 STIARS. Cora . 98, 153 Harriet A. 74 STICKEL. John Homes . 138 John 45 John Tilghman . . 106 STILLWELL. Kathryn Rrigham . 161 Sylviah 91 Linus Jefferson 94 STITT. Louisa 60 Adelaide Frances . . 94, 148 Madeline Taylor 121, 165 Francis 94 Mary Elizabeth . 82, 138 William Francis 47, 94, 190 Mi tcalf Phebe 60 96 STOCKWELL. Ralph Draper Raymond Fiske 114, 161 167 Enoch Harriet White 81 42, 81, 190 Boll . 127 STODDARD. Ethel Merriam . . 158 SNOW. Eugene Warren 109, 158, 191 Nathaniel 85 Lorenzo . 158 Priscilla 93 Walter Eugene 158 SORG. STONE. Anna Mabel . 91, 145 Blanche May ix. 90 Emma May 91, 145 Ban ill . 108 George . 145 Etta May 108 INDEX. STONE (continued) TAYLOR (continued) Hannah , 184 Viola Edna . . Herbert Emory 90 William . Mabel Vaughn . . 108 TERRELL. Moses Town . . 54, 108 197 Louisa Josephine . m Nellie Puuline . • 108 THATCHER. Simon . 184 Caroline Esther Susanna . , 184 Tabitha 30 THAYER. STOW. Elisha * 179 Jane . • Sarah . X 1 if 34 THOMAS. STRATTON. Emeline 63 116 David Rhoda E. . 45, Julia . 128 THOMPSON. Samuel . 116 Albert Marius . , , STRIEF. Elisha . Sarah . 136 Joseph Hooker . . STROMBERG. Charles Eva . • 125 125 Merton Lyle . William Archie . Willi ■'!< Henry . . ' 138, STUART. THURSTON. Ellen Elizabeth 93 Henry Christopher STUDLEY. Abby . STURTEVANT 146 Henry Smith, 1832 Henry Smith, IS 57 Sally . TICE. Annie Bell 53, Hannah T. • 122 SWANSON. George Cheeseman Christine 125 TITUS. SYKES. Betsey Frances • 62 TODD. TAFT. Anna , Helen McLean 168 George Millard . 94, Lucinda M. . 119 Pearle Atlanta . Nellie Morron 126 167 Salomon Philip . 126 TOLLEY. Philip Wilbur . 70, Robert McLean Gordon 126, 126, 196 168, Mary Jane • 192, 194- TOLMAN. TAINTER. Charles . . Augustus Burbank 93, 146 Chester Clinton • Edward Earl . 146 TOMPKINS Harvey Hunt a 146 Deborah 11, 12, Harvey S. 146 J., hi, Ruth Mav . • 146 John, Jr. Wallace Wood 146 Mrs. Margaret . . TAYLOR. 1/ try 177, Dorothv Louise , 161 Sara . • Ellen B. . . . 126 TORREY. Frederick . 160 Julia Ann . 28, Frederick Chamberlain . 161 Lewis Frederick Cowles 113, 160 191 195 TOWN. Helen , 161 Henry Ellis James . 143 115 TOWN Mary Young 61, 115 Benjamin F. . • Rebecca Ellis . 89, 143 TRA Sarah . 71 L[i ■ 226 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. TREFRT. VAIL. 138 Anna Henrietta Charh $ Albert . 114, 161 . 161 TRYON. , Azubah Eelsey . . 112 VALENTIN!:. TUFTS. Aletha Dell . 130 Ada Belle Harriett Dryden 69, 88, 143 123, 193 Arthur Henry 7,74. 130, 192, 193, 194 John Gill VANDERHOOF. 123, 143 Edward Warren 74 Andreio ( 85 Eliza . . 7,38,71 Florence DeEtte . 85 Ella Sophia . Fanny Woodbury Francis Barber 7. 73, 130 . 7, 38, 74 7, 74, 130 VAN SICKLE. M. B. . 75 Frank Payson . 129 VEERS. Gladys Ella . 130 Elizabeth . . 155 Helen Angeline . 130 VINCENT. Irene 129 Betsey , 95 James, 1764 . 23, 37, 192 VINTON. James, 1812 be, 7, 23, 36, 38, 72, Althea 58 168 189, 191, 195 I> >1ly . ~7~\. WAIN WRIGHT. 42 James, ISIS . James Frederick 129 73 James Hayden 7, 73, 128, 191, 192, 195 Elizabeth . WAIT. • 172 James Payson . 7, 74 Polly . 52 Jamea Warren 129 WALKER. John, 1704 37 Harriet Maria . , . 137 John, 1814 . John Barber 7, 38, 73 . 129 WALLACE (see also WALLIS). Gen. ... *fi John Calvin Lucy . Mable Louise . 7, 73, 129 129 130 WALLING. Lucinda . 32 56, 189 Marion Deane 130 Lucy A. . Oliver • 46 Nancy 7, 38, 72, 189 • 56 John . 130 WALLIS (see also WALL ACE). Samuel Tenney 74 Martha . • 29 unit Flagg . 7, 38, 70 WALTON. Ware Gilbert . 130 Harry W. see Waters, Stephen C. Ware Jennings . William . . 129 37 WARD. Eva Eliza . , 94, 148 TUPPER. John Franklin 148 Louisa . 138 WARD WELL, TURNER. Harriet . . 163 Eliza White . . 34, 64, 190 WARFIKLD. Joseph 64 Abbie . 88 TWTTCHELL. WARNER. Belle . 54, 107 Abigail C . . 105 /.'' njamin . 186 Clara • 171 Bethia 186 WARREN. Mrs. Mary . . 186 Charles Augustine , 56 Oliver 107 CI rlea Ira . 32, 56 TYLEB >n Parker 112, 160 Elizabeth . Fidelia Flagg . • 21, 30 60, 194 Asa Hi hi'v Asa 1(50 160 1 1 'Ian Page 11 ■■ ■ Joe Lab. . 4,61, 99, 197 99, 192 John Edward . 160 John, 1685 . • 51 30 ri'HA.M. Joh , 30 Jane 45 John, 1(178 . . 30 ^ INDEX. WARREN (continued) John Parker . Jonathan Josiah Lena Elizabeth Levi . Levi Goddard . Lucy Elizabeth Mrs. Margaret Mary Elizabeth Mary Jane Roy Tracy . Ruth MacLean Samuel, 1704 Samuel, 1797 Samuel, 1832 Sarah Angeline William WATERS. Adelaide Putnam Anah Caroline Andrew Jackson Anna, 1 763 Anna, 1791 . Betsey David Dorothea Edmund Thomas Ervin . Evaline Inez . Flora Annette Florence Jennie Fred Andrew George George Benton . Hannah Putnam Harold Churchill Henry Taylor Herbert Allen . Huldah, 1771 Huldah, 1795 Isaac LeRoy ■J macs Jason . Jason Isaac Jenny Martena John, 1640 . John, 1764 John Carpenter John Clifford Mrs. Joyce Julia Matilda Juliette . Lillian Rebecca Lucy Lydia . Marion . Nathan, 1769 Nathan, 1799 Nathan Putnam Nathan Richard Lind 3, 73 56 50 99, 192 50 66 56 30 . 38, 73 . 4, 61, 98 99, 154, 192 154 30 . 31,50 50 5, 56, 109 30 . 3, 45, 88 3, 44, 87 44, 86, 191 20 28, 41, 189 3, 28, 45 20 . 143 89 45 . 3, 45, 90 3, 45, 90 89 86 44 45, 89, 191 44 141 . 143 86 3, 20, 29 .3, 28, 43 3, 45, 89 181 ix, 3, 43 89 86 181 20. 27, 189 3, 44, 86 89 181 3, 44, 86 . 3, 45, 90 89 . 3, 28, 42 3, 28, 42 3, 41 20 . 3, 28, 44 44 89 WATERS (continued) Paul Alfred 88, 1 Pi i rival . . 88, 1 Rebecca hard, 1604 1 Richard, 1669 . ] Welt, ml. 1700 13, 19, 28, 1 Richard, 1802 , 3, 28, Richard LeB . 89. 1 . Samuel Nathan ■ 3,46, B7, Stephen, Z755 L6 L9; 28, : Sti phen, J 797 . . Stephen Charles . 86, 1 Ulva Maria . w l * Walter Nathan ix, 88, 143, 181, 1 WATSON. Elizabeth . 1 Henry Joan . • 43, 85, 1 WAYLANI) Mary Adelaide . 83, 1 WAYNE. Mary A T . 1 WEED. Harvey M. 1 Lucinda Frances 63, 1 WENTZEL. Sophia 1 WETHERBEE. Sally • WHARTON. Albert . 141, 1 Benjamin 1 Muriel Isabel 1 WHEAT. Joseph r WHEELER. Charlotte Helen 12 Edward . 1( Hannah . Lozina Loveland . 53, 1( WIIEELOCK. Ella J. . U Fiorina n L icy .'/. . 'i Mary . is WHETMORE (see also WIIITTE- MORE). Lucy 4 WHIPPLE. Mary . . 18 WHTTAKEB (see also WH Augrtsttu 12 Cynthia llobart . 73, 12 WHITE. Bessie Murrav 15 Betsey 6 228 DESCENDANTS OF ELEAZER FLAGG. WHITE (continued) ih Boy . John George . Mary Sherwood Tamisan Telina M. ■ WHITING. Asa ILirriot . John . W1IITT VKER (see also WMTAXER). Mary . ■ • 1S0 WHITTEMORE (see also WHET- MORE). . 152 . 97, 155 152 82 92 65 35, 65, 190 12 Jacob . Sarah WIGHT. Catharine . WIGHTMAN. James W. John 8. WILES. B( ■ Helena Maria . WILKINSON. Hannah WILLIAMS. Elizabeth Maria Ella Elizabeth Harriet Caroline ,w i Willi.-' . WILLIAMSON. leb . James Sullivan WILLSON. una WILSON. Mary WINCHESTER. Hi nl, tli Mary 93, 178 177 55 84 84 147 147 47 51 117, 164 51, 99 51, 99 164 54 54, 197 60 54 37 184 WOLCOTT. Elizabeth • WOOD. Maria • Martha Jane . WOODBURY. Elizabeth Rich ./ )seph Susan Lamson WOODS. Joseph Sarah WOODWARD. Aehsah David . David Andrew . Ellen Asenath Harry Stephen . Josiah Holbrook . Louist , ii Elizabeth . Solomon ■ WOOLFOLK. Bichard WRIGHT. A\ Deborah Edward Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. Elizabeth Joseph • Mary YOUNG. Dorcas JSosea • Jonas Abram . Mary YOUNTZ. Amanda • YOI'T/. Lauretta Sophia 46 107 108 42, 83 . 83, 84 42, 84 92 46, 92 58 33, 60, 189 60 5, 60 . 5, 60 60 131 . 5, 60, 115 60 50 172 176 176 176 180 180 21, 180 93 71 71 34, 64 104 104