Class _£_M1__ Book__J/\Lli*_ GpigM°_ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm THE BRIDE OF THE WHITE HOUSE. |<^T the time of President Cleveland's inauguration none but the boldest of prophets would have *Q% ventured to predict the social revolution which has occurred within the White House. Mr. Cleveland having reached that period in life when a man's habits are commonly supposed to have crystallized into a confirmed bachelorhood, nobody seems to have thought of his marriage as a possible contingency. Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland had been duly installed as " the first lady in the land," and the graceful way in which she filled the somewhat complicated duties of that position had added a sense of satisfaction to the general public acquiescence in what appeared to be the inevitable arrangement of the Presidential domestic economy. Miss Cleveland had, moreover, put forward a claim to public attention quite apart from that naturally at- tending her high social position. It had long been known that she was a lady of considerable culture with strong literary leanings, but it was a matter of genuine surprise when, in the autumn of 1885, sne published her volume of essays — "George Eliot's Poetry and other Studies" — a work which, though somewhat unequal in (v) VI MISS CLEVELAND S BOOK. execution, is nevertheless marked by much critical acumen, and embodies the conclusions of a mind at once clear in its processes and logical in its inferences. The reception accorded this volume was sufficiently favorable to encourage further ventures in the field of literature, and the American public began to plume itself upon the possession of a genuine authoress within the precincts of the Executive Mansion. But greater surprises were in store. It began to be whispered that the President seriously contemplated matrimony, and although these rumors did not immediately take definite shape they exhibited a persistency which compelled cre- dence, and even the refusal of those most nearly con- cerned to confirm them failed utterly to silence " Mrs. Grundy " in her assertion that where there was so much smoke there necessarily must be some fire. Presently, the reports took more definite shape ; names and localities began to be mentioned ; the ubiqui- tous reporter, with his ever-ready tablet and his ever- pointed pencil, made himself exceedingly active ; his keen professional scent could not be baffled ; and bit by bit the rather startling intelligence that Mr. Cleveland would exchange his bachelor freedom for the comforts of the connubial state became public property. It was learned that Miss Folsom, of Buffalo, was the lady of the President's choice; but, beyond this, little was known, and as the prospective bride was then in Europe the opportunities of the gossips were limited. The main facts of the lady's life soon became known, however, I ! BIRTH AND PARENTAGE. Vll and much interest was manifested in anticipation of the changed social conditions at the Capital. The facts were concisely as follows : Miss Frank Folsom, whom the American public seem to have determined shall be rebaptized Frances, was born on the 21st of July, 1864, in the house No. 168 Edward street, Buffalo, New York, and was conse- quently in her 2 2d year. At a later date the family removed to a dwelling in Franklin street subsequently occupied by Mr. George J. Letchworth, and, in 1875, they had gone to the Tifft House, where they were stopping at the time of Mr. Folsom's death. This sad event threw a deep gloom over the family, and, prob- ably with a view to a closer drawing of domestic ties, they went to Medina, taking up their abode with Mrs. Harmon, the widowed mother of Mrs. Folsom. The decease of the husband and father appears to have been a turning-point in the destinies of the family. Oscar Folsom was a man of genial good nature, gener- ous and open-hearted in a remarkable degree, and his death made a void not easily filled. From him his daughter inherited much of that power of winning the love and allegiance of friends which in her subsequent school-life was a noted characteristic. In appearance she was described as tall and grace- ful, with soft brown hair worn loosely drawn back from the forehead. Her eyes violet blue, her nose rather large and prominent; her mouth mobile and of singular beauty, and a distinct individuality imparted to the face by heavy eyebrows which nearly meet. Vlll EDUCATION. As a child, Frank had attended the French Kinder- garten of Mme. Brecker, and the quickness of appre- hension which she then displayed received a fuller exemplification when, upon the return of the family to Buffalo, she entered the Central School and almost im- mediately became the pronounced favorite of both teachers and her fellow-pupils. She threw her energies into her studies in a way which augured well for her future success in whatever field she should elect to occupy, and the development of her character in this matter of earnest application becomes a valuable pointer in aiding us to reach a just estimate of her personality, and to form a sound judgment as to her ability to fill with dignity the high social position to which she has been called. It was during the period of her attendance at the Central School that the incident occurred which has since led to some confusion regarding her Christian name. It seems that, owing to the masculine quality of the name Frank, Miss Folsom frequently found her- self figuring on the boys' lists — a circumstance which led to many errors on the part of others, and to no little annoyance to herself; she therefore temporarily adopted Clara as a middle name, and the insertion of the initial C after Frank was sufficient to bring about the quite common mistake of writing her name Frances. Mrs. Folsom at this time boarded with Mrs. Jonathan Mayhew, and afterwards occupied the house of Mrs. Boyd on Franklin street ; but the home-life of the family WELLS COLLEGE. IX seemed to be much broken up, and the daughter was glad to avail herself of her Central School certificate, which admitted her to the sophomore class at Wells College without preliminary examination. Here again she became a prime favorite, and it was during her sojourn at this institution that the flowers sent her from Albany, and the many evidences of regard which the Governor bestowed, began to cause a whisper that his attachment amounted to something more than mere friendly kindliness. The whisper grew into a much more definite utterance when Miss Folsom oraduated and was the recipient of really magnificent floral tributes from the White House conservatories. Governor Cleve- land had meanwhile become President of the United States, and the fact that he was a bachelor, coupled with the other fact that his exalted position kept him ever in the bright light of public scrutiny, conspired to set many tongues wagging as to the possible outcome of his ac- quaintance with the fair graduate, who, in June, 1885, said farewell to Alma Mate)' and went to spend the summer, or a part of it, at the residence of her- grand- father, the late Colonel John B. Folsom, in Folsomdale, Wyoming county, N. Y., two miles out of Cowlesville. This orentleman, whose recent death has made his errand- daughter the heiress to a considerable property, was familiarly called by her " Papa John," and a warm affec- tion seems ever to have existed between them. The old place is a typical homestead, possessing all the homely characteristics of farm-life combined with much X TRIP TO EUROPE. of solid comfort and refinement, and its associations are such as to form an excellent background for the experi- ences of an American girl in Europe — experiences which were soon to be those of the subject of this sketch. Exactly what understanding existed between the President and Miss Folsom at the time she went abroad may not be definitely known outside of the circle im- mediately interested, but it is likely that they were betrothed ere her departure. Both parties maintained a guarded silence, and it is an extraordinary circum- stance that, in these days of intensely personal jour- nalism, so delectable a morsel of gossip should have escaped parade in the newspapers until a date so near the occurrence of the nuptials. The fact points to the possession of much fortitude on the part of the Presi- dent, and much discretion on the part of the lady whom he had selected for his bride. Indeed, she seems to have gone to Europe for the purpose of recreation, and with the determination to maintain her privacy as a necessary condition thereto. Little was heard from Miss Folsom until, on the 27th of May, the Red Star steamer Nooi'dland, from Antwerp, sailed into the port of New York, having just transferred to a United States revenue cutter Miss Folsom, her mother, and her uncle, Mr. Benjamin Folsom. The cutter ran up the bay with an occasional salute of steam- whistles, but the party came comparatively unannounced. Colonel Lamont was present as the President's repre- sentative. At the pier the bride-elect was welcomed ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK. XI by Miss Cleveland, and the party was speedily installed at the Gilsey House. Mrs. Lamont, Mrs. Whitney, and Mrs. Endicott paid their respects early the following day, and on Sunday, the 30th, the President arrived in New York, and immediately repaired to the hotel to greet his future wife. He was accompanied by Secre- taries Whitney and Lamar, but these gentlemen left him at the ferry, and he met Mrs. and Miss Folsom alone in their private parlors. The hurried manner in which an American President is obliged to attend to personal matters, even of the first magnitude, is well exemplified in Mr. Cleveland's trip from Washington to New York to greet his bride- elect. A correspondent gives the following graphic description : " President Cleveland's last Sunday in bachelorhood was one of quiet but busy preparation for his journey to New York, and the other and most interesting event of the coming week. He attended church to-day (May 30) with Miss Cleveland and Miss Nelson, but the good and oratorical Dr. Sunderland, the President's pastor, who is very proud of the part he has to perform on Wednesday, did not refer to the blissful event in prayer or sermon. After the service they drove to Secretary Manning's. They found Mr. Manning bright and cheer- ful, and he declared his purpose to attend the wedding. il The President left the White House at a little before four p. m. for the Baltimore and Potomac station. He drove around the back way, to and across the govern- Xll WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK. ment reservation south of Pennsylvania avenue, so that the loungers on that popular thoroughfare did not get a chance to give him a parting glance and God-speed. He was at the back door of the station before anybody knew it. " The fact that the President was to leave Washington for New York on the regular Congressional express had been announced for some days in the daily press, and the announcement was officially confirmed at the White House. It was stated also that there was to be no special train. The official utterances of the White House, however, are not implicitly relied upon in the days of the honey-moon, and the fact was not considered as well established until it was confirmed by the railroad officials. . . . The Cabinet members of the President's party evidently understood that the train was to leave as on other days and came to the station early. " Some time before the Presidential party came, two mysterious-looking men, who kept their own counsel and whom no one knew, arrived, took up their position near the entrance to the private car, and seemed to make it their business to know who was present. There was a business headquarters look about them which reminded the lookers-on of similar strangers who were in attendance upon the President at the time of the inauguration, and who, it was afterwards discovered, were New York detectives, furnished by the President's excessively prudent friends as a body-guard. " One of these ever-present, ever-watchful strangers, WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK. Xlll save for his face which had a much happier look, might have been taken for the President himself. " The Cabinet party began to arrive, and the strangers moved from the gate a little to keep a close watch upon the car. If it was their purpose to keep the reporters away from the President they were unsuccessful, for the reporters were there in force. If they came to keep any one else away they were in like manner unsuccess- ful, for no one else had curiosity enough to come to the station in the hot sun. " Postmaster-General and Mrs. Vilas were the first of the Presidential party to arrive, accompanied by Assist- ant Postmaster-General Knott, of Maryland. The latter, known by virtue of his position to most railroad officials, had the side gate at once opened, and the Postmaster-General, Mrs. Vilas, Mrs. Lamont (who went as a guest of the party), Mr. and Mrs. Endicott, and Secretary Lamar at once walked down the long platform. They were the only members of the com- pany, except the President himself and his valet, Henry, for whom there was a long wait. The ladies at once entered the saloon parlor, at the rear of Vice-President Thomson's car. The drawing-room in the front part of the car was reserved for President Cleveland, and every blind and curtain in it was closely drawn. . . . " The lone wait that followed created uneasiness. . . . The train was held three or four minutes. . . . The President had not come. Then there was a movement and the word was passed along the scattered line : ' There he comes. He is coming the back way ! ' XIV IN NEW YORK. " Mr. Cleveland came in sight on the long platform from the South End about five minutes after the time for the regular leaving of the train. . . He was accom- panied by an assistant station-agent, who, in case of an accident, had apparently been stationed as a picket in the outfield. . . . He had hardly put foot upon the plat- form when the belated train rapidly pulled out of the station." Such a description is certainly a commentary on the rather dyspeptic manner in which Americans, as a people, get through with the business of life ! Miss Folsom kept herself as secluded as possible during the remainder of her stay in New York, but, as the wedding-day had been fixed for the 2d of June, there was much busy preparation and excitement. There had been considerable public comment as to whether the marriage ceremony should take place in the White House or at the Folsom residence, and as social annals failed to furnish a precedent some of the more conservative members of society doubted the good taste of a wedding in the White House. Never- theless this was finally decided upon, and elaborate preparations were set on foot. The Executive Mansion became the scene of the hasty labors of upholsterers, decorators, and florists ; there were crowds of callers, most of whom were unsuccessful in seeing the President, who escaped much annoyance by driving out to his country place, " Pretty Prospect," and turning his visitors over to the tender mercies of the doorkeepers. WEDDING PREPARATIONS. XV By Wednesday, June 2d, the preparations were com- plete. The Blue Room, in which the ceremony was to take place, had been converted into a Psyche's Bovver of loveliness. The south side was a solid bank of dark- areen foliaee, against which stood out the red and pink and white of azaleas and camellias. The fire-places were filled with potted plants, while the mantels were nearly concealed beneath banks of flowers. The east mantel was covered with purple pansies, bordered with a line of yellow, and fringed with ferns. On this purple bed appeared the inscription, "June 2d, 1886," in white pansies. On the west mantel was a bank of crimson roses, bordered with maiden's-hair fern, and bearing the monogram " C. F." in white moss roses. The mir- rors were bordered by parti-colored garlands composed of roses and other rare flowers. Great palms stood, sentry-like, on either side of the doorway leading to the main hall, and a scroll, composed of pinks and bearing the national motto, "E Pluribus Unum" was fixed im- mediately above the centre doorway. The East Parlor was decorated in a style quite differ- ent, but equally handsome ; there were fewer flowers, but the display of foliage, especially rare palms, was exceedingly fine. The Green Parlor was comparatively devoid of ornament, but such decoration as had been attempted there was in excellent taste and showed in pleasing contrast with the greater elaboration bestowed upon the other apartments. In the dining-room the ornamentation was in oreneral character similar to that XVI THE BLUE ROOM. of the East Parlor. Potted plants, arranged in pyramids, filled the corners, and roses festooned the mirrors. The side-boards were covered with rare plants, and a floral piece in the centre of the table represented a ship under full sail, the national colors flying from her mast-head, with a pennant bearing the monogram " C. F." It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening when the wedding guests assembled in the Blue Room. Owing to the President's desire that the affair should be as private as possible, the Diplomatic Corps had not been invited, and the following guests were the only persons present: Mrs. Folsom, the mother of the bride ; Rev. W. N. Cleveland, the President's brother; Mrs. Hoyt and Miss Cleveland, the President's sisters ; Mr. Bayard, Secretary of State ; Mr. Manning, Secretary of the Treasury, with Mrs. Manning; Mr. Endicott, Secretary of War, with Mrs. Endicott; Mr. Whitney, Secretary of the Navy, with Mrs. Whitney ; Mr. Vilas, Postmaster- General, with Mrs. Vilas ; Mr. Lamar, Secretary of the Interior ; Colonel Lamont, Private Secretary, with Mrs. Lamont ; Benjamin Folsom, Esq. ; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of Seneca Falls, N. Y. ; Mrs. Cadman and Miss Hud- dleston, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Harmon, of Boston; Miss Nelson, of New York ; W. S. Bissell, Esq., of Buffalo, and Dr. and Mrs. Byron Sunderland. The Attorney-General, though invited, was not present. The guests placed themselves in the form of a semi- circle, Mr. Bayard being at the extreme left and Rev. Mr. Cleveland at the extreme right. » THE WEDDING DRESS. XV11 The Marine Band, which was stationed in the ante- room, gave forth the dulcet strains of the perennial wedding march of Mendelssohn, as the Rev. Dr. Sunder- md took his position at the south end of the room, and immediately after the bridal party entered. Miss Fol- som leaned upon the President's arm, looking exceed- ingly pretty in her wedding dress of cream white satin. One skilled in the phraseology of the modiste has described this costume as follows : The dress was of thick ivory satin, with high, plain corsage, elbow sleeves, and very long train. The front breadth just below the waist was draped from side to side with soft silk India muslin, attached on the left side, and nearly joining the court train. The muslin was bordered with a narrowband of orange flowers and leaves that outlined the draping. The train, which was attached to the plain bodice just below the waist, meas- ured over four yards in length, was slightly rounded, and fell in full plaits on the floor, with no trimming but its own richness. Two scarfs of the muslin, starting from the shoulder seams, crossed the bosom in Grecian folds and were bordered with a narrow band of orange flowers to correspond with the skirt. The scarfs disap- peared under a girdle of satin, crossing the bodice from left to right. The sleeves were trimmed with folds of the mull and two or three orange buds and blossoms. The tulle veil, six yards in length, was fastened with a coronet of myrtle and orange blossoms above the high coiffure, its folds lightly covering the entire train. The XV111 THE WEDDING. general effect was that of exquisite simplicity, suited to the beauty of the bride. She wore no jewelry and carried no hand-bouquet, but lightly held a superb white fan. The President wore the canonical evening- suit of black. The bearing of the couple was dignified and im- pressive. They were followed by the few guests who were closely related to the contracting parties, and as soon as the usual hush of such occasions had fallen upon the assemblage Dr. Sunderland offered up the following prayer : "Almighty and Everlasting God, the Father of our spirits, the Framer of our bodies, the Giver of every good and perfect gift — Thou who canst see the end from the beginning, who knowest what is best for us Thy children, and hast appointed the holy rite of mar- riage to be sacredly observed throughout all genera, tions — regard now, we beseech Thee, Thy servant, our Chief Magistrate ; endow him plenteously with Thy grace, and fill him with wisdom to walk in Thy ordi- nances. Be very nigh to him in the midst of many cares and grave responsibilities ; day by day may Thy law direct him and Thy strength uphold him, and be Thou forever his Sun and Shield. And be graciously pleased to look down upon this Thy daughter, even as Thou didst favor the chosen Rebecca and many noble women that have adorned the world. May she indeed be a precious boon of God to her husband, to cheer and help him continually — a woman gifted with the I THE WEDDING. XIX beauty of the Lord and shedding the sweet influence of a Christian life upon the nation in whose sight she is to dwell. Wilt Thou approve what we, Thy servants, come to do in Thy name, by Thine authority and under the laws of the land in which we live ; and graciously assist them, this man and this woman, who are here to be united in the bonds of holy wedlock according to the institution of Thy words. Mercifully be pleased, Al- mighty God, to vouchsafe to each of them Thy grace, that they may well and truly weigh the unfailing vows which they are now about to make to each other in the presence of this company and before Thee, and that they may be enabled hereafter at all times so to live together as to rejoice in the solemnization of this union with joy unspeakable and full of glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The reverend doctor then performed the marriage ceremony in a manner at once solemn and impressive, the bride and groom making their responses in clear tones. The ring was then passed and placed upon the bride's finger, and the two were pronounced man and wife. The following benediction was spoken by the Rev. Mr. Cleveland: "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve and keep you, the Lord mercifully fill you with all temporal and all spiritual blessings, and grant that you may so live to- gether in this world that in the world to come you may have life everlasting. Amen." The ceremony occupied ten minutes. The Rev. Mr. XX THE DEPARTURE. Cleveland came forward first to offer his congratulations, and kissed the bride. Mr. Whitney followed and then Mr. Lamar and the rest. Upon Colonel Lamont's invi- tation the guests then entered the dining-room, where a collation was served. Very elegant white satin boxes containing pieces of the wedding cake were distributed as souvenirs, the date, June 2, 1886, being embroidered in colors on the covers. Shortly after eight o'clock the President and Mrs. Cleveland left the supper-room, and presently re- appeared in travelling dress, prepared to take a special train to Deer Park, where they were to pass the honey- moon. Hasty good-byes were exchanged, and the couple made their exit from a private door at which the President's landau was awaiting them. It was a difficult matter to escape the crowd, but by a little judicious manoeuvring this was accomplished in a reasonably satisfactory manner. While the Marine Band was dis- coursing " Lohengrin," " Maritana " and Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," the President and his bride made good their escape and were soon swiftly whirling away in the direction of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad station. It was a drive of two miles, and as they took a circuitous route they did not reach the station until a quarter after nine. President Garrett's private car, with an- other coach and a baggage car, had been waiting their arrival for half an hour; baggage was stowed away, servants were in attendance, and everything in order, so that when the happy pair stepped aboard there was THE WEDDING JOURNEY. XXI nothing to do but get away as quickly as possible, which feat was accomplished with remarkable celerity. Deer Park, which the President had selected for the scene of his honey-moon, is a charming summer resort on the crest of the Alleghanies, and as the hotel season does not usually open before the end of June the com- parative privacy which might reasonably be anticipated doubtless had much to do with the selection, which was certainly a judicious one. The journey to this retreat was safely accomplished, and the bridal couple had at last a chance to enjoy a little of that repose, " far from the madding crowd," which is always acceptable to the man who has been for a long time in the hurly-burly of affairs, but especially so to him who has just put his neck through the hymeneal yoke. The President had hired a cozy cottage, in which he and his wife at once settled themselves. As to the pleasant way in which life went with them, no better picture can be obtained than that furnished by a correspondent of the New York World: " When the sun rose over the summit of Eagle Rock this morning (June 4) there were no signs of life at the little cottage where President Cleveland and his bride have made their home for the honey-moon. A few clouds were in the sky, but with the breaking of day all was clear save a slight film that lowered from the north. In the valley below a heavy mist hung about the rocky cliffs and hid from view the little tributary of the Poto- mac, which, in the stillness of the mountains, could be XX11 DEER PARK. heard rushing on below. As the sun rose higher a slight breeze sprang up from the east and stirred the leaves on the oaks around the executive cottage. A more beautiful morning could not have been. The cool, bracing air of the mountain was warmed by the sun, and the clear atmosphere, like a huge magnifying glass, brought distant objects and the tops of the surrounding hills almost within reach. The first sound which broke the stillness was the voice of a young peacock perched upon the chimney of Stephen B. Elkins' cottage, next that of the President. In a few moments the birds were singing under the window of the bridal chamber, and the second day of the honey-moon had fairly begun. A curl of smoke floated out of the chimney of the cottage at eight o'clock, and the breeze drifted lazily away over the side of the mountain into the valley below. The ser- vants were up and had kindled a little blaze in the fire- place in the sitting-room, the blinds were opened and the piazza swept, and the cottage was awake. " Shortly after nine o'clock President Cleveland made his appearance for a moment at the front door, hat in hand, and after a few breaths of the mountain air passed out for a few moments' stroll in the rear of the cottage. He had hardly turned the corner of a little rustic sum- mer house among the trees when Mrs. Cleveland stepped on the piazza and stood for some time looking about and towards the far-away hills. She was dressed as usual in her pearl-gray suit, but wore no hat. Over her shoulders was thrown a light shawl. A TOUCHING INCIDENT. XXU1 "After walking the length of the piazza several times she seated herself in a wicker rocking-chair and con- tinued to enjoy the charming scenery. Both the Presi- dent and his bride seemed fresh and orient after their long, mght's rest. At five minutes after ten o'clock the President came up the steps of the porch and, taking Mrs. Cleveland's arm, retired to the dining-room, where breakfast was waiting them. While they were enjoy- ing their morning meal an incident occurred which, had Mr. Cleveland known of it, would probably for once have relaxed the police vigilance with which the cottage is guarded. An old colored woman shambled slowly up the path in front of the house, and encountering the sentry on post asked to be allowed to see the President. She led by one hand a little curly-headed boy, and in the other carried a bouquet of wild flowers which she had plucked for Mrs. Cleveland. The old woman had jour- neyed all night from over the hills from her little hut on the side of the mountain at Swanton, ten miles away. She wore an old faded calico-print dress, with a red bandanna handkerchief around her neck and up over her head in lieu of a hat, while her toes protruded from a pair of venerable slippers. Under her arm was an umbrella and a well-worn carpet-bag which antedated the last war. " The guard told her that he would receive no visitors. Thinking that after her long journey she could not be refused, the old woman would hear of no such answer. Finally, after a half-hour's argument, the poor old XXIV AN IDEAL HONEY-MOON. creature broke down and cried piteously. She pointed to her child and begged that he might at least be allowed to look at the President, but finding her en- treaties of no avail she slowly and sadly took her child in her arms and with tears in her eyes started back over the hills to her hut. " The poor old negro and her child were not the only disappointed visitors at the executive cottage. Hundreds of people who had heard of the arrival of the bridal party lost no time in hastening to get a look at the couple. The stalls around the village church and in front of the country stores were crowded full of every conceivable style of rural vehicle. The people had journeyed to Deer Park from their homes miles away, and all were intent upon getting at least one good view of the President and his bride." An invitation having been accepted to lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Davis, we are further told how delightful the affair was, and how, on the way home, Mrs. Cleveland drank some of the pure mountain water, using her fair hands in the absence of a cup, all of which interesting details tend to show that the Chief Magistrate of a great nation and that Chief Magistrate's bride feel and act much the same as other people when they have an opportunity of relaxation in close contact with the beauties of nature. The honey-moon seems indeed to have been a quite arcadian and ideal affair ; the President went fishing; his wife enjoyed the air and scenery; the public, though piqued by a pardonable curiosity, were CHURCH AT OAKLAND. XXV fairly considerate of their privacy and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the holiday. On Sunday, the 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland attended church at Oak- land, and were, of course, the cynosure of all eyes. As the party passed up the aisle a smile was observed to play about the mouth of the youthful bride ; it was caused by the fact that the good people of Deer Park had deemed it necessary to decorate the little pulpit with artificial flowers as an especial token of their recognition of the dignity of the occasion. With the surrounding hillsides Glorious in a dress of nature's own providing, — with valleys radiant in the variegated beauty of natural flowers, — it was yet thought to be in accordance with the canons of " ofood form " to wreath the pulpit in the poor imitation article. No wonder that Mrs. Cleveland smiled more broadly than the happiness of a honey-moon could reasonably account for; and yet the intention of the inhabitants of Deer Park was so manifestly kindly that one hesitates to con- demn even their good taste. The 8th had been fixed upon as the day of departure, and as the time to leave approached the little party seemed to feel a genuine re- gret. On the morning of that day the President and Mrs. Cleveland strolled out under the trees and gathered flowers in truly pastoral simplicity. Doubtless they wished to carry away these sweet souvenirs of a visit which must have had for them a double charm. They were joined by Colonel Lamont and breakfasted upon some of the trout caught the day before. Later, the Pres- XXVI RETURN TO WASHINGTON. ident drove to the observatory which crowns the long hill opposite the depot, and from this point of vantage took a last look at the beautiful hills. At noon the cottage was again reached, and, all preparations having been completed, the party left for Washington on a special train about one o'clock in the afternoon. It had been the President's desire to avoid any demonstrations on the way home, and with this end in view he had en- deavored to keep the time of his departure from Deer Park a secret. But all in vain! His intentions were telegraphed ahead, and crowds, and committees and the inevitable brass bands were awaiting him everywhere. At the regular Deer Park station the President and wife stepped out on the rear platform and were lustily cheered. The same performance had to be gone through with at Piedmont and at Keyser, and, in a modified de- gree, at Sir John's Run, where luncheon was served. The train was somewhat behind time in reaching Wash- ington, but the patience of a large crowd was not ex- hausted, and a squad of police was required to keep a way open for the bridal party to reach their carriages. It was after seven in the evening when a clatter of hoofs upon the asphalt pavement of the Executive Mansion announced the arrival of the carriages — one of which came in advance and contained the President's valet and Mrs. Cleveland's maid. At eight, dinner was served. In addition to the President and his wife there were present Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, Mrs. Hoyt, Miss Nelson, Colonel and Mrs. Lamont, and Rev. W. N. ARRIVAL HOME. XXV11 Cleveland and wife. It was an eminently sociable party and an enjoyable occasion upon which the young bride thus fairly entered upon her duties as mistress of the White House. Just how intricate these duties are can scarcely be appreciated by one not familiar with the complicated social etiquette of the Capital. It is at all times necessary for the wife of the President to proceed in accordance with recognized social precedent, and any mistake on her part would inevitably lead to heartburn- ings and jealousies — perhaps to the giving of offence in high quarters. She must understand whom to invite, when to invite them, and the order of their invitation. When the officials return from their summer vacations there is a busy period of calling and the exchanging of cards. There are few entertainments, but a vast amount of pre- liminary skirmishing in anticipation of the opening of the regular campaign. This period, too, has its really practical use in the necessity that people should become acquainted with one another ; for the changes are con- tinual. A new President enters upon his duties every four years. With his installation comes an entirely new set of personal and political friends ; the Cabinet is changed ; the wives of the ministers have to establish afresh the arrangement of their intercourse in the social field ; the order of precedence has to be reinforced, for in a democratic country, devoid of the landmarks and fixed lines of demarkation furnished by a titled nobility, this order of precedence is continually being over- ridden and altered. Every two years one-third of the XXV111 SOCIAL DUTIES. Senators are chosen. Every two years there is a new- lower House. The officers of the army and navy are being continually shifted from duty at Washington to duty on the frontier or at sea, and thus a quite im- portant element in society is constantly being changed in character. The whole social circle is thus in a state of ebb and flow. Even the Diplomatic Corps, which in a certain sense is a part of the life of official society, is scarcely of sufficient permanence to form any exception to the rule of endless change. Indeed, the one exception to this rule is the Supreme Court, the Justices of which, with their ladies, form a circle which is at all times duly mindful of the dignity of the judicial branch of the government, and is, on the whole, the most exclusive circle in Wash- ington society. As the Court assembles in October, the season may be said to open with the ceremonial calls of the Justices upon the President and Vice-President, and upon one another in the established order of precedence. Afterwards comes the exchange of courtesies among the resident official and unofficial class. The Conores- sional circle begins its season in December, the wives of Senators and Representatives exchanging calls and cards. The President's State Reception is given on New Year's day, after which receptions, balls and social entertainments of every description follow one another with bewildering rapidity. It is understood that the President's wife does not return calls, but she is com- pelled to receive a very large number of them, and is THE MISTRESS OF THE WHITE HOUSE. XXIX expected to know just how and when they should be received. She is not expected to accept invitations to social entertainments, but she is expected to extend hospitality to many persons, who, though all perhaps of greater or less political distinction, vary greatly in their importance in the social scale. Manifestly she must possess sufficient tact to get the right people together and keep the wrong people apart, and even a lady highly endowed with that most desirable quality would be apt at times to find herself in need of an experienced mentor. Upon assuming her duties at the White House Mrs. Cleveland showed a disposition to get about her a coterie of the younger ladies, and with this end in view invited certain Senators and Representatives, with their wives, to make social calls at the White House during several evenings of the week. She was thus enabled to form an opinion as to the social qualifica- tions, etc., of the ladies invited, and from among them will doubtless gather her own little court for the bril- liancies of the coming season. On Tuesday, June 15th, the first State Reception of the President and Mrs. Cleveland furnished an excellent opportunity of judging of the latter's ability to meet the rather pressing requirements of her new position. The reception rooms were brilliantly lighted and decorated, much in the same manner as at the wedding ceremony. The East Room was especially beautiful ; large tropical plants were placed in the corners and recesses, and the XXX FIRST STATE RECEPTION. mantels were banked with mosses and flowers. The chandeliers were draped with smilax, and the pillars ornamented with mammoth floral shields. The receiv- ing' party entered the room just before nine o'clock, the President escorting his bride, followed by Secretary and Mrs. Endicott, Secretary and Mrs. Whitney, Postmaster- General and Mrs. Vilas, Colonel and Mrs. Lamont, Miss Endicott and Lieutenant Duval, in the order named. The company having ranged themselves in the oval form for which the Blue Room seems especially designed, a special reception was accorded to the Diplomatic Corps, that body having tendered a request for this oppor- tunity to pay their respects and offer their felicitations. The presentations to the President were made by Chief Clerk Sevellon A. Brown ; those to Mrs. Cleveland by Assistant Secretary of State Porter. The members of the Corps appeared in full uniform ; they were accom- panied by the ladies of their families. Prince Leopold Auguste of Brazil was also present, and in his honor the Marine Band played the Brazilian national anthem. The scene was very brilliant, and the grace and dignity displayed by the young mistress of the house won the admiration even of those who plume themselves espe- cially upon the minute details of social etiquette and Savoir-faire. Following the reception to the Diplomatic Corps came that to the Judiciary, Congress, Army and Navy officers and departmental officials. The presentations to the President were made by Colonel Wilson, while Lieu- FIRST PUBLIC RECEPTION. XXXI tenant Duval performed the like agreeable duty towards Mrs. Cleveland. A laro-e number of ladies and gentle- men paid their respects. Mrs. Cleveland wore the trained skirt of her bridal dress, with a low bodice of ivory satin, edged with folds of mull, and filled in with lace. She had a corsage bouquet of roses and on her neck gleamed the diamond necklace, her husband's wed- ding gift. She was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Endi- cott, Mrs. Whitney, and Mrs. Vilas. Mrs. Cleveland performed the duties of hostess with rare delicacy and tact, but her ability to meet the ordeal of a more demo- cratic entertainment remained to be shown. No better test of this ability could well have occurred than the reception to the general public on the evening of June 1 8th. It was a crush of people representing the great masses ;. men, women and children of all degrees, eager to pay their respects to the chief magistrate of the land, and to get a glimpse of his bride ; people who had no thought of the regulation dress suits and court trains, but who had donned their best clothes and come to ex- tend an honest greeting of welcome and to express a hearty good-will. It was a gathering essentially demo- cratic and typically American — a good-natured crowd who came an hour before the time appointed and stood in line on the west side of the White House erounds, patiently awaiting the opportunity to reach the President and his wife. The gates were not opened until nine o'clock, and then it was with some difficulty that the guards kept the surging mass in line. By this time the XXX11 FIRST PUBLIC RECEPTION. line extended down the west side to the gates, thence on Pennsylvania avenue to Fifteenth street, number- ing probably ten thousand persons, of whom about half succeeded in being presented. The mansion had been fitted up in such a way as to facilitate as far as possible the entrance and egress of the crowd. The dining-room was transformed into a cloak-room, and numerous attendants were present to take and check wraps. Comparatively few of the callers availed them- selves of this convenience, however, the great object seeming to be to press on, hat in hand, to the President and Mrs. Cleveland, who stood receiving everybody graciously, assisted by several members of the cabinet and their wives. It was one o'clock before the doors were closed, and the experience must have been as fatiguing as it was novel to the lady who thus made her entrance upon the public duties of her new social posi- tion. The impression which she made was altogether agreeable, as she seemed to combine affability with dig- nity, a combination at once rare and of the first impor- tance in the wife of a President of this Republic. On Tuesday, the 226. of June, the first informal "At Home " was criven, from twelve to one o'clock, but o\vin■■■■ ■■■■■■:■ ■■'■ -:■■■, :■■■■} tX. • .■"■■:::. ■■& -