.^' !^«. li^r:^ TC7 Class. Book- /jci_\/^ II n-H' ^ //^ 7 F/< . /nm Z"? //" ^' NEWPORT EWPORT, the city by the sea, is known and recognized throughout Europe, as well as in every part of our own country, to be the "Queen of Summer Resorts." No other resort m the world can compare with Newport in the number and beauties of its many magnificient residences, the costs of which have been millions of dollars. In addition to these, there are many beautiful walks and drives, together with a large number of points of historical interest, all of which go to make the most delightful spot in the world to live in during the summer months. The walk along extending for a distance of three and one-half miles by the water's edge, and directly in front of the best residences, is beyond question the finest of its kind to be found at any resort. Newport the cliffs, of many Published by McMULLlN & HOLMES, 192 & 194 Thames St. COPYRIGHTED B'l THE OWENS BROS.- HILLSCN CCMPAN1'. BOSTON. MASS. THE OLD STONE MILL ill .. >Vl ■HK MAKBLE PALACE, ERECTED BY WILLIAM K. VANDERKILT THE FOKTV STEPS, ().\ THE CLIFF WALK Till-: CLIKF WALK, SHOWING Till-: liKKAKKKS IN THE DISTANCE Tin: KI.MS, RKSIDENCK OF E. J. BERWIN BELLEVUE AVENUE THK STONK AKCIl ON TUK CLIFFS RESIDI':XCE OF MRS, OliOKN CdKI.KT THE CASINO KESinENCE OF JAMES GORDON BEXXETT CH)ACaiNG ON THE AVENUE PrRC, A I'dRV BELEEVUE AVENUE THE HRliAKKRS, RESIDENCE OK CORNELIUS VANUEKBILT l!K.\riI MOUN'll, KKSII)KN_■. :-j^.: -V- Si.UARK IM.IIlyUIN, KESIDENCK OF MRS. JOHN O'BRIEN TllK CKUSSWAVS, RESIDKXCE OF yXL VVKSANT MSU YACHTS AT ANCHOR IN NEWPORT HAKH()K u feitu '^Moi'' •i^ ^ ON TIIK BEACH AT NEWPORT THAMES STREET ON FETE DAY y -<<"■ i i JAMKSTcnVX ON KETK DAY ■■«.> ^.* ;a-<^ ^/.' bXATUK (IF Ci iMMDIii iRK ]'EKKV TKINITV (■HL-KCH HATIIING PAVILION U. S. FRIGATK CONS TKI.I.A TH )\, Kill Vl'.AKS OLD TORPEDO BOAT (Morris, Copyright) NAVAL APPRENTICLS ON I'ARADK AT TRAININC; STATION SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOAT I'oRPiUSL I'REPARINC TO DIVE BEAULIEU, RESIDENCE OK WILLIAM WALDORF ASTOR HAWTHORNE VILLA, RESIDENCE OF SCHUYLER HAMILTON t&aa WILD ACRE, RESIDENCE OF ALBERT II. OLMSTED -t^f ^T^x.M-d - f : LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 608 843 7 1- - .,>r-^'*. y \ ^-.^r^ ^^v:|: ■ 1., \^-'^r^ :r^. ' vry ''A