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JAN 23^23 To The Good people of Prince Edward County^ Virginia; the nohle offspring of a splendid anx^estry; this work is most humbly dedicated. Historians ought to be precise, faithful, and unprej- udiced; and neither interest nor fear, hatred nor affection, should make them swerve from the way of truth, whose mother is history, the rival of time, the depositary of great actions, witness of the past, example to the present, and monitor to the future. — Cervantes. praecipuum munus annalium reor, ne virtutes sileantur, utque pravis dictis factisque ex posteritate et in- famia metus sit. — Tactitus, Annales III. 65. History of Prince Edward County FOREWORD Prince Edward county is not a large county. The pos- sible constituency for such a work as this is, therefore, de- cidedly limited. Hence, in order that it shall have an ade- quate circulation; a circulation worthy of the county; it will be necessary that its natural appeal shall be supple- mented by county pride. The urge of possible profit will not be sufficient to secure for it any large reading under the circumstances. The author entertains no expectation of monetary remuneration. The task has, with him, been a real work of love. Prince Edward county has never had a "History" published. It will be too bad if there is not discovered sufficient pride of county to secure for this be- lated effort a fitting response. The author believes that such county pride does exist in such measure as will make welcome this effort to make permanent some of the splendid history of the county. Few counties of Virginia are richer in historical material than is Prince Edward. It ought to have been published long ere this. This is at least an honest effort to supply the deficiency. It will provide a real starting point to some future more serious attempt to do justice to a great subject. This is the sincere desire of the present writer. HUtory of Prince Edtonrd Connty PREFACE This impretentioiis volume is put forth in the sincere hope that it may prove of some value to the student of his- tory, as well as to the present life of the Old Dominion, as it is contributed to by Prince Edward county. Of necessity, the record must be fragmentary and faulty in many respects, but in the more vital things, the author ventures the hope that reasonable accuracy has been attained. He is a pioneer in-so-far as this county is concerned. An effort has been made to link up the present with the past in a real way, hence the work is something more than a mere recital of past events. Much of present events and conditions, together with the life story of many now living, contributors to the sturdy progress of affairs in this part of the State, is included. The encyclopaedic method has been deliberately and purposely adopted. The orthodox historian will doubtless be shocked at this. The net result will doubt- less be, however, that the lay reader will find it all the more readable and interesting. That is one objective aimed at. A serious attempt has been made to bring the study down to even date, and this could be the more easily accomplished by the adoption of this method. "Ancient" history usually finds but the "faithful few" really interested. No history of the county having been previously pub- lished, the present worker found himself beset by a bewilder- ing mass of material. Out of this he was forced to make se- lection in a most arbitrary fashion. A previously mapped out course has been more or less rigidly adhered to, in spite of the many resulting inequalities. Doubtless much that is worthy of inclusion will be found to have been sacrificed, and much about which a question might very legitimately History of Prince Edward County be raised will be found included. This is, perhaps, inevit- able. All could not be used. Particular attention is directed to the chapter on "The Churches of Prince Edward." A fine history of the county might very easily be erected out of the story of her Churches. This is, perhaps, the first time in Virginia that a serious at- tempt has been made, in a county history, to give due credit to the Churches as history-making mediums. And the attention of the reader is also directed to the chapter on "Prince Edward county in the World War," where the most complete roster and record of all Prince Edward county soldiers and sailors who served in that ter- rible conflict, ever compiled by any county, after any war, is to be found. It is extremely desirable that such a record shall be preserved and we have ventured to include it here. That so much space has been given to the affairs of war requires, perhaps, some word of explanation. The late World War cost, in terms of human life, 10,000,000 soldiers and sailors; and 30,000,000 civilians, who but for that sangui- nary event might be living today, were sacrificed. In terms of money, as related directly to the objects of the war, it cost one hundred and eighty-six billions of dollars ! What "War" means to the United States will, perhaps, best be understood, if we can apprehend what it is claim- ing as its proportion of our national revenues It is per- haps but little realized by the average layman, that ninety per cent, of our revenues go to pay our bills to "War." Of this alarming proportion, sixty-eight per cent, goes for past wars, and twenty-two per cent, for the maintenance of our present Army and Navy. Of the small balance remaining, education receives one per cent, and labor, commerce, and the general public are expected to divide the balance amongst them ! And all this, in this good day of Our Lord, the Prince 8 History of Prince Edward County of Peace ! From these considerations it will readily be seen that "War" has not been given undue notice in this volume, for Prince Edward county has shared in due proportion in all that pertains to that phase of national life. Humanity is mortgaged to the hilt that "War" may be fed. America simply 7nust lead the war-weary nations of the earth to a better day. The author breathes a fervent prayer that a future historian may have the happy privilege to record the death of "War," The responsibility of leader- ship in that direction is upon us. We must not falter in leading the way to universal disarmament, and to ultimate peace. I submit the book to the public in the satisfying con- viction that I have not been remiss in the effort to ascertain and to record the truth as it pertains to the history of this part of the Old Dominion: the bare and simple truth, with- out fear or favor. That there has been much of diligent research will be made manifest by a reading of the chapter on "Bibliography." And I have done my best to make the record easily readable. It is enough for the servant that he be found faithful and, in this my humble effort, I have striven to merit that commendation. 1922. C. EDWARD BURRELL. History of Prince Edivard County EXPLANATORY Perhaps a brief note respecting some archaic terms, unavoidably employed, is here in order, so that the reader may readily possess the definitions necessary to a proper understanding of some passages in this work. "Tithes." "Tithable." 'For many years, from the begin- ning of the Colony, taxes were levied, not on property, but on persons as such, so that a "Tithable," generally speaking, was such a person thus subject to taxation; usually all males above sixteen years of age and servants of both sexes above that age. The "Tithe," therefore, was the tax thus imposed upon such taxable persons. "Pounds, Shillings, etc." It must be borne in mind that the pound was not the pound sterling. The pound here spoken of, amounted to but twenty shillings, i. e., the equivalent to $3,33V2- The shilling, too, was not the modern shilling; it was the equivalent to 16 2-3 cents. "The Test." In Colonial times an Oath was adminis- tered in which the affiant declared it to be his belief that there is not the "real presence" in the elements of the Com- munion of the Lord's Supper; an echo of Old World con- flicts. This was the "Test" so-called. "Prison Bounds." This was an area, which was not in any case to exceed ten acres, about the jail, or place of confinement, where prisoners, not committed for treason or felony, had liberty, on giving proper security that they would not break "bounds" but would continue therein until dis- charged. This provision was, for the most part, for the bene- fit of persons imprisoned for debt. This privilege was to last for only one year. --^•" 'T^ CONTENTS Chapter One A Short Account of the State 13 Chapter Two The Genesis of Prince Edward County 21 Chapter Thpjee The Organization of Prince Edward County 27 Chapter Four The Court House 37 Chapter Fm: Farmville : The County Seat 45 Chapter Six Prince Edward County in the Kevolutionary Period 53 Chapter Seven Prince Edward County in the War of 1812-14 61 Chapter Eight Prince Edward County in the War Between the States 87 Chapter Nine Prince Edward County in the Re-construction Period 189 Chapter Ten Prince Edward County in the World War 195 Chapter Eleven The Churches of Prince Edward 211 Chapter Twelve The Schools of Prince Edward 29] Chapter Thirteen Prince Edward County Biography 311 Chapter Fourteen "Who's Who" in Prince Edward 345 Chapter Fifteen The Judiciary of Prince Edward 363 Chapter Sixteen Agriculture in Prince Edward 371 Chapter Seventeen Prince Edward County Statistics 375 Chapter Eighteen Miscellaneous 383 Chapter Nineteen Bibliography 403 A ^linrt Artnunt of % g'talr History of Prince Edward County 15 A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE STATE A proper history of Prince Edward County requires that there shall precede it, a brief sketch of the beginnings of the State of which it forms an honorable part. For it ought al- ways to be remembered that Prince Edward County is a p)art of what was once a mighty Principality of vast dimensions. All of North America between Nova Scotia, or New Scotland, on the north ; and Florida, Land of Flowers, on the south; was once known as "Virginia." Queen Elizabeth of England, to which crown the country then belonged, was so charmed by the accounts given by the sea captains under Sir Walter Raleigh, of the wonders of the coasts of the Caro- linas in 1585, that she named the whole country "Virginia," in honor of herself, the "Virgin Queen," of which designa- tion she was particularly proud. All of Raleigh's efforts to found a colony on those shores were doomed to failure. The fate of one attempted colony on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, remains a pathetic mys- tery to this day. However, in the reign of James I, a successful settle- ment was made in what is now Virginia proper. A Royal Charter, granted to the "Virginia Company of London," in 1606, gave to that body the right to found a colony one hun- dred miles square, anywhere between the thirty-fourth and the forty-first degrees of north latitude; that would be be- tween the mouth of Cape Fear river in North Carolina, and the mouth of the Hudson river in New York; and to the "Virginia Company of Plymouth," a similar right between the thirty-eighth and forty-fifth degrees, which would be between the Potomac river and Nova Scotia; both of course, in "Virginia" as then constituted. Either Company might occupy in the overlapping territory, but were proscribed from 16 History of Prince Edward County making a settlement within one hundred miles of each other. Operating under this charter, the "Virginia Company of London" founded the settlement of Jamestown, named for James I, under which monarch the Charter was granted, on May 13, 1607, This Settlement thus ante-dated the Ply- mouth Colony, founded under the Mayflower Compact by 13 years, though what glory may attach to being the first Ameri- can Colony, is most frequently Ascribed to the "Pilgrim Fathers," who made their landing at Plymouth Rock, from the Mayflower, in 1620. This mistake has arisen from a confused interpretation of the records, and that in turn, from a failure to appreciate the fact that the Virginia of that period extended far north of the New England states of the present day and, of course, embraced Massachusetts and Ply- mouth Rock. Both the Jamestown Settlement, and the Plymouth Settlement were therefore, in 'Virginia' ; the Ja'mes- town Settlement being prior to that at Plymouth Rock, as we have seen, and in what is today, Virginia proper. The Jamestown Colony was conveyed from England in three small vessels, the combined tonnage of which, was less than that of the "Mayflower." Indeed the Mayflower herself was partly owned by men then living at Jamestown ! These three were the Sarah Constant, 100 tons; the Goodspeed, 40 tons; the Discovery, 20 tons. The "Virginia Company of London" was granted a second Charter in 1609, under the terms of which the boundaries of the Jamestown colony were extended along the coast for some two hundred miles, north and south, from Point Com- fort, and further, "up into the land throughout frolm sea to sea, west and north-west, and also, all the land lying within one hundred miles along the coasts of both seas," Naturally, these bounds were never attained. The term "from sea to sea" could have had but one construction and meant from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, and, with the line projected "west and north-west," embraced practically all the states History of Prince Edioard County 17 of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, with a part of Minnesota, as well as nearly all the Great Lakes. This territory, with that already granted under the former Charter, meant that this Company was given control of an immense Principality. As things then were, with the primi- tive methods of travel, etc., it was a practical impossibility for them to cover such vast territories or to come into actual possession of them. As a simple matter of fact, they did not succeed in doing so. To the latter part of this territory, subsequently known as the "Northwest Territory," Virginia did actually claim title under the Charter granted the "Virginia Company of London." Moreover, she later got actual title by conquest of her own soldiers under George Rogers Clark, who oper- ated under orders from the famous Patrick Henry, the then Governor of the State, during the Revolutionary War. However, in order to quiet dissension, she, in 1784 ceded it to the Federal Government, reserving only so much land therein as was necessary to enable her to fulfill her promise of land grants, made to her own soldiers who served in the Revolutionary and Indian Wars. The Settlement at Jamestown languished, and made little or no progress, till about 1620, but soon after that time it began to grow and had some prosperity. In 1622 the population is said to have numbered about 4,000 persons. Previous to this time there had been a period Imown as the "Starving Time," when there was much suffering through the failure of agriculture, so that many of the people were forced to eke out a precarious existence on roots, acorns, berries, nuts, herbs, and even on skins and snakes. In 1620 however, and from then on, a change took place. There was a great abundance of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Wine and silk were made in considerable quantities. Some 60,000 pounds of tobacco were produced each year. Cattle increased 18 History of Prince Edward County greatly in numbers. The Settlement was now, at last, in a prosperous condition. At about this time, women were imported, white women of course, and were sold to the colonists ! By reason of com- petition, the price of a wife rose from one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco, to one hundred and fifty pounds ! Thus far the settlers had succeeded in living in some measure of amity wdth the Indians, some religious work being done amongst them. Pocahontas, daughter of King Powhatan, Avhose real name was Matoax, rescuer of Captain John Smith, was the first convert gained from amongst these savage peoples. In 1613 she was married to John Eolph, an Englishman. Her baptismal name was Rebecca. In 1616 she went with her husband to England, where her eldest son was born, and Avhere, at Gravesend, she died. But on Friday, March 22, 1622, occurred the great and terrible massacre incited by Opeckankanough, in which three hundred and fifty men, women, and children Avere ruthlessly slain, and the cattle driven off, so that the remnant of the Settlement were left sorely distressed. The wily and savage Opeckankanough, pretending a desire to become a Christian, so beguiled the pious head of the College, Mr. Thorpe, that he took much pains in instructing him and was led to place considerable confidence in his sincerity, but on that fatal Fri- day, that good man, with the rest, was cruelly massacred ac- cording to the secret plans of the treacherous savage, who, under the mask of religion, had plotted the sudden and entire overthrow of the English. He was the implacable enemy of the white man, harboring no illusions as to the ultimate fate of the Indian if the white man were suffered to gain a firm foothold on what he considered to be his soil. He died as he lived, a brave, implacable savage. The progress of the Settlement was seriously retarded by this awful event, so that the extension of the frontiers History of Prince Edward County 19 was very greatly delayed. The general and continued hostility of the Indians, which succeeded the massacre, and which seri- ously threatened the very life of the Settlement, also hin- dered development and growth. However, with true Anglo- Saxon courage, the colonists ultimately recovered themselves and development began in real earnest, never again to be seriously threatened. Shortly before the massacre of 1622 (1619), a Dutch ves- sel, probably a camouflage for the "Treasurer," brought into Jamestown, the first cargo of negro slaves that were ever introduced into America, and here was sown the seed that resulted in the horrors of the War Between the States, of 1861-1865. 2FI|? djttpaia nf Prtttcp Sli uarii OInuntg History of Prince Edward County 23 THE GENESIS OF PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY The original division of the Old Dominion into "Shires," after the English fashion; as performed by the Assembly of 1624, at which time the State was divided into eight such "Shires," as follows: James City; Henrico; Charles City; Elizabeth City; Warrick Ri\'ier; Warrosqiiyoake ; Charles River; and Accawmack, and the later, and more intensive divisions of the same territory, give much aid in tracing the development of the various counties of the State as at pres- ent constituted. Prince Edward county, named for Edward Augustus, a son of Frederick, Prince of Wales, followed the division of the old "Shire" called Charles City. In 1703 Prince George was erected out of Charles City, and from Prince George was later carved, Brunswick in 1732 ; Amelia in 1735 ; and Dinwiddle in 1754. In 1753 an Act was introduced to separate the present Prince Edward county from Amelia and the separation took place accordingly in 1754. Nottoway was a further division of Amelia county by an Act of 1789. A further division of the ancient "Shire" of Charles City, produced Lunenburg county from BrunsAvick, in 1746: Halifax, in 1752; Bedford, in 1754; Charlotte, in 1765: Meck- lenburg, in 1765; Greenville, 1781. Pittsylvania was separ- ated from Halifax in 1767; and Henry in 1777. In 1791 Patrick was taken from Henry. In 1782 Campbell county was separated from Bedford and, in 1786, a part of the present Franklin county was erected out of Campbell county. A general pedigree sheet of Charles City Shire would look something like the chart on the following page: 24 History of Prince Edward County CHARLES CITY PRINCE GEOKOE, 1703 BRUNSWICK 1732 AiVtELIA 1735 DINWIDDIE 1754 LUNENBURG 1746 PITTSYLVAMA 1767 HENRY 1777 BEDFORD 1754 1 CAMPBELL 1782 1 FRANKLIN 1786 PRINCE EDWARD 1754 GREENVILLE 1781 NOTTOWAY 1789 CHARLOTTE 1765 MECKLENBURG 1765 (In Part) PATRICK 1791 This County is situated in the south-central part of Vir- ginia, its nearest border-line being some sixty miles south- east from the City of Richmond. It is about twenty-five miles long and about twelve miles wide. It contains an area of 345 square miles, over one-third of which is in a state of cultivation. The population of the county is (1921), 14,767. The Appomattox River runs on the northern border of the county, and, with its many branches, waters the surround- ing lands. Farmville is the head of the old Batteau naviga- tion, now discontinued, altliough the stream is navigable much higher up. Small fish are found in some abundance in the stream. History of Prince Edward County 23 The Appomattox Kiver is capable of furnishing con- siderable water power at this point, which is, as yet, practi- cally unutilized. Transportation within the county, and with the outside world, is furnished by the Norfolk & Western ; the Southern ; and Virginian railways, in addition to the fine system of pub- lic roads. Road building within the county is in a state of great activity, several stretches of State and National highways being either already completed, or under construction. For the most part, the roads of the county compare very favor- ably with those in other parts of the State. Farmville is the "hub" of the system of roads being built under the direction of the State Highway Commission in this part of the State. With her splendid schools, fine churches, clear water, rich soil, equable climate, good roads, and central location. Prince Edward county is one of the very best countiesj in the Commonwealth in which to make happy an,d prosperous homes. History of Prince Edivard County 29 THE ORGANIZATION OF PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY As stated elsewhere, Prince Edward county was formed in 1753, from a part of Amelia county. The first minutes of the new county, recorded in the "County Court Orders, 1754- 1758," says: "The Commission of Peace being first read, and the Commission of Dedimus Potestatom, David Flournoy and John Nash, Jr., administered the Oath of Chancery to John Nash the elder, George Walker, Joseph Morton and James Wimbish, Gentlemen, who also read and subscribed the Test; whereupon John Nash the elder administered in like manner, the aforesaid Oaths, to David Flournoy and John Nash, Jr., Gentlemen, who also read and subscribed the Test. The Court being thus Constituted." And thus Prince Edward county came into active being. These, and many succeeding minutes, were laboriously tran- scribed in quaint old English characters, by John Nash, the elder. Clerk of the Court. At a succeeding Court, held February 12, of the same year, John Nash, Jr., duly appointed Sheriff of the County, and John Nash, Sr., were appointed a Commission to solicit the Court of Amelia to appoint a Commission to act with them in running the county lines. At the same Court, George Walker, James Wimbish, and David Flournoy were "appointed to review the proposals of the people for building a Court House, and to report the several proposals to the next Court." One Charles Cuppler, was at this time recognized as an Attorney at Law; the first in the new county. At the June Court of the same year, Arthur Neal was appointed Constable and took the Oath. The findings of the Committee appointed to ascertain the 30 History of Prince Edward County proposals for the building of the Court House and report, and the results following therefrom, will be found set out in Chapter Four of this work. The county was divided into Six Magisterial Districts, as follows: Buffalo District; Farmville District; Hampden District; I^eigh District; Lockett District; and Prospect Dis- trict. The county is in the Fourth Congressional District, and in the Fifth Judicial District. For further matter respecting the Judiciary of the county, see Chapter Fifteen of this work. The Honorable E. T. Bondurant is the present represen- tative of the county in the House of Delegates. The Honorable Louis E. Epes is the present representa- tive of the count}?^ in the State Senate. The present Board of Supervisors of the county are : Buffalo District : W. W. Swan. Farmville District : J. Ashby Armistead. Hampden District: W. A. McCraw. Leigh District: F. H. Kauffman. Lockett District: W. B. Bruce, Prospect District : K. W. Fuqua. Samuel W. Watkins is the Treasurer of the county: E. L. Dupuy, Commissioner of Revenue; and Judge Asa D. Watlrins, Commonwealth's Attorney. Representatives in the House of Delegates and Senate Allen, James, 1782. Anderson, Samuel C, 1828-29, 1842-43, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1846-47. History of Prince Edward County 31. Bibb, Richard, 1783, 1784-85, 1785-86, 1786-87. Bibb, William, 1779, 1780-81, 1784-85. Booker, Edward, 1813-14, 1814-15, 1815-16, 1816-17, 1819-20. Booker, John, 1803-04, 1804-05. Booker, Richard A., 1861 (Jan.). Booker, William, Convention 1776; House 1776-77. Branch, Tazewell, 1874 (Jan.), 1874-75, 1875-76, 1876-77. Burke, Samuel D., 1840-41. Burton, R. M., 1891-92. Carter, Samuel, 1805-06. Champlin, N. H., 1881-82. Clarke, John, 1784-85, 1785-86, 1786-87. Clarke, John, 1817-18, 1818-19, 1821-22. Dickinson, Asa D., 1857-58, 1859-60. Dillon, James, 1829-30. Dupuy, Asa, 1820-21, 1821-22, 1822-23, 1823-24, 1824-25, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1831-32^ 1833-34, 1834-35. Dupuy, W. P., 1885-86, 1887 (March), 1887-88, 1889-90. Evans, W. D., 1877-78, 1879-80. Ewing, W. H., 1910, 1912. Farrar, Stephen C, 1827-28. Flournoy, John J., 1817-18, 1818-19. Flournoy, Thomas, 1777, 1779, 1781-82. Flournoy, William C, 1850-51, 1852 (Jan.). Griggs, N. M., 1883-84, 1884 (Aug.). Henry, Patrick, Convention 1788; House 1787-88, 1788, 1789, 1790. 32 History of Prince Edward County Holcombe, John, 1782. Jackson, Thomas P., 1869-70, 1870-71. Johnston. Peter, 1792, 1793, 1798-99, 1799-1800. 1800-01. 1801-02, 1802-03, 1803-04, 1804-05, 1805-06, 1806-07, 1807-08, 1810-11. Jorgenson, Joseph, 1871-72, 1872-73. Lawson, Robert, Convention 1788; House 1778, 1780-81, 1782, 1783, 1787-88. Lindsay, William, 1813-14, 1814-15, 1815-16, 1816-17. M'Dearmon, Samuel D., 1845-46. Mcllwaine, Richard, Convention 1901-02. Madison, James, 1835-36. Molloy, Thomas, 1795. Moore, Joseph, 1781-82. Morton, John, 1777. Nash, John, 1778. Owen, John, J., 1899-1900, 1901-02, 1904, 1906, 1908. Purnall, (Purnell), John, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1798-99, 1806-07, 1807-08,, 1808-09, 1809-10, 1810-11, 1811-12, 1812-13. Scott, Charles, 1797-98, 1799-1800. Southall, Stephen, O., 1852, 1853-54. Stokes, Colin, 1893-94, 1895-96. Thornton, John T., Convention 1861. Tredway, Thomas T., 1855-56, 1861-62, 1862, (April), 1862, (Sept.), 1863 (Jan.), 1863-&4, 1864-65. Venable, Abraham, B., 1800-01, 1801-02, 1802-03, 1803-04. Venable, Nathaniel E., 1836-37, 1838 (Jan), 1839 (Jan.), 1839-40. History of PHnce Edward County 33 Venable, Kichard N., Convention, 1829-30; House 1797- 98, 1820-21, 1830-31. Wade, James, 1795, 1796. Watldns, Asa D., 1897-98. Watkins, Henry E., 1812-13, 1819-20, 1820-21, 1822-23, 1823-24, 1824-25, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1832-33. Watts, William, Convention 1775; House 1776. Wilson, James H., 1841-42, 1852 (Jan.). Winston, Peter, 1914, 1916, 1918. Womack, Archer, 1809-10. Womack, Benjamin W., 1847-48. Woodson, Charles, 1811-12. Woodson, Tarlton, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1794, 1808-09. Wootton, William T., 1848-49, 1849-50. Bondurant, E. T., 1920. Prince Edward and Appomattox Watkins, F. N., 1865-66, 1866-67. Senate Paul Carrington, 1776, 1777-78, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794. Walter Coles, 1778, 1779, 1780-81. Nathaniel Venable, 1781, 1781-82, 1782. William Hubard, 1783, 1784-85, 1785-86, 1786-87. John Coleman, 1787-88, 1788-89, 1789, 1790. David Clarke, 1795, 1796, 1797-98. George Carrington, 1798-99. Gideon Spencer, 1799-00, 1800-01, 1801-02, 1802-03. 34 History of Prince Edward County Isaac H. Coles, 1803-04, 1804-05, 1805-06, 1806-07, 1807- 08, 1808-09, 1809-10, 1810-11. Joseph Wiatt (Wyatt), 1811-12, 1812-13, 1813-14, 1823- 24, 1824-25, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830- 31, 1831-32, 1832-33. William Rice, 1813-14, 1814-15. John Hill, 1815-16, 1816-17, 1817-18, 1818-19. Howson Clark, 1819-20, 1820-21, 1821-22, 1822-23. Henry E. Watkins, 1833-34, 1834-35. Archibald A. Campbell, 1835-36, 1836-37. Louis C. Bouldin, 1838, 1839, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1841-42, 1842-43. William H. Dennis, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1846-47. 1847-48, 1848-49, 1849-50, 1850-51. Thomas H. Campbell, 1852-53, 1853-54, 1855-56, 1857-58. William C. Knight, 1859-61. Asa D. Dickinson, 1859-61, 1861-63, 1863-65. Christopher C. McRae, 1865-67. James D. Bland, 1869-71 (Negro). John T. Hamlett, 1869-71. John Robinson, 1871-73 (Negro). Edgar Allan, 1874-75, 1875-77. Calvin H. Bliss, 1877-79, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1883-84, 1885- 87. ' N. M. Griggs, 1887-88, 1889-90 (Negro). Joseph W. Southall, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897-98. Asa D. Watkins, 1899-00, 1901-04. Wiliam Hodges Mann, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910. History of Prince Edicard County 35 Robert K. Brock, 1912, 1914-15. George E. Allen, 1916, 1918. Louis E. Eppes, 1920. Prince Edward County Senatorial representatives have served two or more counties, changing with various re-dis- tributions. History of Prince Edward County 39 THE COURT HOUSE The site of the first Court House of Prince Edward coun- ty, was at the village of Worsham, near to the location of Hampden- Sidney College. The fii-st courts ^ere held in private residences in that immediate vicinity. A Public Square was purchased and suitable buildings erected thereon in due course. This place was named for the Worsham fam- ily, the most conspicuous of them, in the affairs of the coun- ty being Branch G. Worsham, who became County Clerk in 1825 and continued till after the Civil War. At the February Court, February 12, 1754, Charles An- derson offered the use of his kitchen as a temporary lockup until such time as a suitable prison could be erected, which offer was declined, doubtless with thanks. At the next court, the same Anderson was awarded the contract for the building of a Court House, Stocks, Pillory, and Whipping Post, at or near his house in the county, the jail building to be of logs, twelve feet by sixteen feet in the clear, and to bring in his account at the laying of the next levy. He was later, at the May Court, 1755, paid fifty- two pounds and fifteen shillings for the same. At the October Court of the same year, arrangements Avere made for the painting of the Court House, the tarring of the roof, and for changing the character and the place of the windows. Many entries are to be found in the minute books of the Court respecting the Court buildings, providing for their upkeep, renewal, etc., in the century and a quarter, or there- abouts that the Court House remained at Worsham. High hopes had been entertained as to the prospective growth of the little village, but they remained unfulfilled; the place did not irrow. 40 History of Prince Edward County A pereistent agitation had grown up for the removal of the county seat to the larger and more convenient neighbor- ing town of Farmville, which would not down. This agita- tion culminated in a decision of the people in favor of such a removal. The following order apears in "County Court Orders,^ under date of April 18, 1871 : "The Council of the Town of Farmville having represented to the Court that the Corporation had contracted with James B. Eley, for the purchase of a lot of land containing not less than one-half acre, situated in the Town of Farmville, on the East side of the Main Street of said Town, between the Baptist and the African Baptist Churches, and desiring the Court to enter on record, its approval of said land as a location for a Court House, Clerk's Office, and Jail, it is ordered that the said location be hereby approved," etc. This order was signed by the Hon. F. N. Watkins, then serving as County Judge. The following entry of the 'County Court Orders,' on page 282, under date of February 12, 1872, shows progress : "It being suggested to the Court that the Council of the Town of Farmville will, in a short time, tender to the Court a Court House, Jail, and Clerk's Office, built in Farmville in pursuance of the provisions of the Act of General Assembly, Approved 4th November 1870, and of March 4th, 1871, in relation thereto, it is ordered that R. B. Berkeley, H. R. Hooper, and E. Wiltse be Commissioners on the part of the Court to confer with the Corporation of Farmville, and re- port to the Court whether said buildings are suitable for the use of the county, what stoves and other furniture will be necessary therefor, and the probable cost thereof, together with any otlier matter concerning the same, deemed perti- nent thereto." The final consummation of all these plans for removal to Farmville are attested in an Order of the Court, under date History of Prince Edward County 41 of March 19, 1872, and appearing on Page 287, 'County Court Orders' as follows: "A Deed, bearing date of February 1872, from the Town of Farmville to the County of Prince Edward, with certifi- cate of acknowledgment annexed, was presented in Court and ordered to be recorded. And, it appearing to the Court that the deed conveyed according to law, the lot in Farmville on which the Court House, and other Public Buildings are erected, it is ordered that the said Deed be accepted and ap- proved. Commissioners Berkeley, Wiltse, and Hooper, appointed at the February Term to examine the new Court House, made a report, which was Ordered Filed. The Court doth Order that it be certified on the records of the Court as follows, to wit: That the General Assembly of Virginia did (by an Act entitled, 'An Act to Authorize the Qualified Voters of the County of Prince Edward to vote on the Question of remov- ing the County Court House to the Town of Farmville' Ap- proved, 2nd November, 1870, and by an Act Amending the third section thereof. Approved 4th March, 1871) provide for the vote indicated in the Tables of said Acts. That said vote has been taken; that from the returns and abstracts of the votes so cast upon the Question of the removal of the Court House of Prince Edward, it appeared that a majority of the Votes were "For the Town of Farmville." That the Council of the Town of Farmville have caused to be erected a Court House, Jail, and Clerk's Office, in the corporate limits of said Town, on a lot of land not less than one-half or more than two, acres, and have tendered the same this day to the Court by an Order of the Council of the Town of Farmville, and have agreed to complete unfinished parts of buildings by Orders of the Council, herewith filed. That the fee simple title thereto has been made to the County of 42 History of Prince Edward County Prince Edward by a conveyance of General Warranty, which conveyance has been this day approved by this Court, and en- tered of record (See sep Acts, 69, 70. pa 550, and of 70, 71 pa 150) it is thereupon Ordered : — FIRST : That the conveyance and Buildings herein men- tioned be accepted and approved. SECOND: That as soon as practicable the Clerk of this Court remove the Books, Papers, and Furni- ture in the Clerk's Office, and in the existing Court House, and Jail, to the Clerk's Office, and Court House, and Jail, in Farmville, and thereafter the Court shall be held in Farmville. THIRD : That the real estate and other corporate prop- erty of the County of Prince Edward, be, and the same is hereby delivered to the Supervis- ors of Prince Edward, to be used for public purposes, and managed and controlled by them according to law. This Court neither abandoning or compromising any right of, or title to the said property, or any part there- of, at any time held by the County. That R. S. Hines, the present keeper of the old Court House and Jail, hold and take care of, according to law, the Public Property at, or near the old Court House, subject to the Orders of the Court or Supervisors; that he receive, hold, and deliver the keys of the Court House, Jail, and Clerk's Office to said Supervisors, and that the Clerk, without de- lay, certify this Third Section to the Super- visors. FOURTH : That a 'Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds' be appointed, who shall, till other- History of Prince Edward County 43 wise Ordered, keep the keys and take care of the Public Buildings and Grounds under the Orders of the Court, who shall cause fires to be made, and other conveniences provided for the Courts, who shall cause the Court and Jury rooms to be swept and kept clean. He shall prevent all pasting of advertisements on the walls of the buildings and enclosures, and shall give information of all violations of ''The Act to Prevent Certain Offenses Against Public Property" passed 21st January, 1867. Pro- vided, however, that this Order shall not apply to that portion of the Court House in which is situated the Clerk's Office and public room adjoining thereto, which rooms shall be under the care of the Clerk of the Courts. FIFTH: In-as-much as the Council of Farmville hav- ing, without expense to the County, erected the Public Buildings and conveyed the lot to this County, and have added a large room adjoin- ing the Clerk's Office, for the use of the Coun- ty, the Corporate Authorities of Farmville may, till further orders, use the said room for meetings of the Council, and for the Mayor's Court free of charge for rent, provided, how- ever, that the cost of furnishing and keeping said room and supplying it with fires and at- tending the same, shall be supplied by the Town of Farmville. SIXTH: That Henry J. Crute be appointed Superin- tendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. SEVENTH : That the Clerk cause brief notice of the change in the County Seat to be printed, and that he deliver 50 copies to the Sheriff, who is directed 44 Ilhtory of Prince Edward County to post not less than 4 copies thereof in each Township, and that he append thereto, notice of the Post Office addresses of the Officers of the County, and that a copy of the same be published weekly for four weeks in the "New Commonwealth." The Hon. iF. N. Watkins, was Judge, and F. H. Armi- stead Deputy Clerk, at the time of this change of the County Seat. The first sitting of the Court at the new County Seat was held on "Tuesday, the 26 day of March, 1872, in the 96th year of the Commonwealth," the Hon. F. N. Watkins, Judge, presiding. Wiltshire Cardwell qualified as the first jailor of the new Jail, March 26, 1872, and the following served as the Grand Jury at that first term: R. H. Carter, foreman; N. H. Champ- lin;"j. B. Dupuy; C. C. Taliaferro; R. H. Walker; and Rich- ard Burton. And the Court House has remained at Farmville to the present day. History of Prince Edward County 47 FAKMVILLE: THE COUNTY SEAT Fakmville, the principal town of Prince Edward Coun- ty, and the County seat, is a thriving place of some 5,000 population, inclusive of suburbs. It occupies a position of considerable importance as a tobacco manufacturing center, being the fifth largest in the State. The State Female Normal School, with an average en- rollment of over six hundred students, is located here. A splendid Training School, and an excellent High School are also located within the corporate limits of the municipality, while a good colored school is situated just outside the town on the Hampden- Sidney Road. Hampden- Sidney College, a Presbyterian institution, founded in 1775, is about seven miles distant, and is reached by a fine cement and macadam road. The famous Farmville Lithia Springs are situated just outside the corporate limits, on the Cumberland County side of the Appomattox river. This water is noted for its cura- tive properties, and is shipped to all points of this, and other countries. "The analysis of these waters is essentially the same as that of the celebrated Carlsbad Springs of Germany, but the Farmville Lithia contains more different kinds of salts, and is superior in consequence. The Farmville Lithia Springs, strictly speaking, is only a part of a straggling cluster of mineral springs which constitute one of Nature's greatest phenomena, some explored and some unexplored." Those springs explored outside of the Lithia are: Magnesia, for dyspepsia; Iodine, for blood troubles; Sulphur and Iron, for bony formations between the joints; Iodine, Iron and Sulphur, for complicated blood troubles; Alum, for chronic intestinal troubles, and internal piles; and Arsenous Chaly- beate, for the nervous system. These wonderful Springs were known to the Red Man, as is evidenced bv unearthing relics of 48 History of Prince Edward County the Stone-age and charcoal from their fires, in the work of excavation; also, living land-marks of the Indian Trail in the shape of large trees arranged to form an arrow pointing to a ford across the Appomattox river. To the White Man they have only been known for about half a century. Un- fortunately, these wonderful Springs have never been intelli- gently and energetically developed and exploited. In their financial, as well as in their curative properties, they present a most alluring prospect. To the south of the municipality, on the Hampden- Sid- ney Road, is to be found the almost equally celebrated Pickett Springs of almost pure water, used as a specific for various form of Kidney Disease. This water possesses radio-activity to approximately the following amount: 240 x 10-11 grams Radium per U. S. gallon. It is sodic and calcic bicarbonated alkaline (silicious) water of value, according to an analysis made by Mr. O. E. Sheppard of the University of Missouri. In Farmville, where a majority of the homes are supplied with these waters, not a single case of Typhoid has occurred for years, except by foreign contraction. Farmville is situated about seventy miles south-westerly from the City of Richmond. It was established in 1798, on the property of Judith Randolph. Charles Scott, Peter John- ston, John Randolph, Jr., Philip Holcomb, Jr., Martin Smith, Blake B. W. Woodson and Creed Taylor, Avere appointed Trustees to lay off the town in half -acre lots, on which the purchaser was required to build within seven years. The new town prospered from the very beginning and, in 1872, be- came the County-seat. The community boasts two newspaper printing offices; the "Herald" and the "Leader" ; three banks, one Baptist, one Episcopal, one Methodist Episcopal, and one Presbyterian Church, for white people, and two Baptist, and one Methodist Episcopal Church, for colored people; one Conservatory of Music; a fine Motion Picture Treatre; and the educational History of Prince Edward County 49 institutions above noted. It possesses two fine grist mills. The "Farmville Mill," established in 1838, is the oldest in the county. It has a fine re-inforced cement elevator, with a capacity of 50,000 bushels, erected in 1921 at a cost of $30,- 000, which compares most favorably with any of its kind in the State. The "Prince Edward Mill," operated by the Prince Ed- \\■'^vd trilling Company, composed of Thomas Asbury Gray, William S. Gray, and Leland H. Green, began operations in 1014. This mill has a capacity of 50 barrels of flour, 500 bushels of meal, 5,000 pounds of chop, and 2,000 pounds of mill feed, per day. In connection with the mill, the same company, operating under the name of the Prince Edward Ice Company, conducts an up-to-date ice plant and cold stor- age warehouse, with a capacity of 15 tons of ice per clay, and separate storage facilities for eggs, poultry, apples, ice cream, and ice. This entire plant has a valuation of $(iO,OOu. The Farmville Ice Plant, owned and managed by Wil- liam C. Newman, was opened for business in 1909. The plant has a capacity of forty tons of ice per day, but specializes in ice cream, and, besides enjoying a large local patronage, ships its product to many outside points. The plant, with its equipment, represents an investment of about $50,000. Four automobile concerns minister to the automotive necessities of the people. In the matter of hotel accommodation^ the traveling pub- lic is well cared for: The historic "Prince Edward Hotel" is owned and managed by Mr. Charles T. Chick. The ''Con- tinental Hotel," managed by Mr. J. O. Hardaway, is also owned by Mr. Chick. The third hotel, the "Ingersoll," is presided over by the Ingersoll Brothers. Two large lumber concerns are located here; the Taylor Manufacturing Company, organized to succeed the Buffalo Mills Company, in 1919, and specializing in building mate- rials; and the Farmville Manufacturing Company, organized 50 History of Prince Edward County in 1878 in succession to a concern originally located in Amelia county, and specializing in plow handles and building mate- rials. The officers of the Farmville Manufacturing Company are, George M. Robeson, President; Floyd B. Gilbert, Vice- President, and Erna L. Perrow, Secy.-Treas. The officers of the Taylor Manufacturing Company are, Bennett T. Taylor, Prospect, Va., President; Edward S. Taylor, Prospect, Va., Vice-President, and H. Carl Holesapple, Farmville, Secty.- Treas. The Post Office, completed in 1920, is modern in all its appointment and is an adornment to the town. Farmville is the center of the tobacco business for the county. Four tobacco factories are in regular operation, while five other factories are used for the hanging of tobacco. There are in addition, three warehouses and four storage houses. The property investment is well over the quarter million mark. An average of over 7,000,000 pounds of the weed are handled annually, for which approximately $1,000,- 000 is paid out every year. A strong and flourishing Chamber of Commerce, of which Mr. W. Clyde Duvall is President; Mr. E. Waller Sanford, Secretary, and Mr. J. Barrye Wall, Treasurer, is in operation, and doing good work. The officers of the municipality are : James A. Davidson, Mayor. N. B. Davidson; Dr. R. L. Hudgins; E. Lee Morris; E. Scott Martin; W. Clyde Duvall; W. C. Newman; H. A. Barrow; R,. B. Cralle; E. Southall Shields, Councilors. C. Booker Cunningham, Clerk. Horace B. Warriner, Treasurer. Leslie Fogus, Supt, of Public Utilities. E. D. Lipscomb, Chief of Police. J. W. Crute: T. S. Whitlock, and J. L. Sublett. police officers. Dr. William E. Anderson, Public Health Officer. History of Prince Edivard County 51 Dr. William E. Anderson; Dr. J. H. Cocks, and Mrs. Roberta Large are the members of the Public School Board. On March 1, 1912, an election of qualified voters was held in order to ascertain their will respecting the issue of school bonds for $25,000 to be used for the erection and furnishing of a new school house. The proposed issue was approved and, in process of time the present splendid school building was erected and put in use. The grounds cost $3,300. The pidsent valuation of the entire property and equipment is in the neighborhood of $60,000. The present teaching staff is as follows: M. Blair Dickinson, A. B., M. A., Principal. Herman Levy, A. B., B. S., Assistant Principal. Miss Hannah Crawley, Danville College and University of Virginia. Mrs. L. P. Davidson, L. I., Peabody College. Miss Grace Beard, B. S., Farmville. Mrs. Brazeal Hobson, State Normal, Farmville. Mrs, John Lancaster, State Normal, Farmville. Miss Ruth Woodruff, Averett College, Danville, Va. Miss Virgie Bugg, State Normal, Farmville; Cornell and Columbia. History of Prince Edward County 55 PKINCE EDWARD COUNTY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD Owing to the rather remarkable absence of data rela- tive to this period as affecting the part that Prince Edward county had in that stormy controversy, but little by way of connected narrative can be given. The Royalist Governor, Lord Dunmore, because of the antagonistic spirit shown by them against the Crown, often dissolved the Council of the Burgesses of Virginia, during the period from 1773 to 1776. After these successive dissolu- tions, instead of going to their homes as directed by the Governor, the Burgesses began, in 1774 to assemble at the Raleigh Tavern, at Williamsburg, the then Capital of the Colony, and resolved themselves into Revolutionary Con- ventions. One of these Conventions was convened in 1774, two in 1775, and finally into the famous Convention of 1776. Thus the very end that he strove to avert was really hastened by the ill-starred course of the Governor. So odious indeed, did the name of Dunmore become, that a county that had been named in his honor, was re- christened "Shenandoah." While these Conventions were being held the people gen- rally bcame greatly aroused, and began to organize for the conflict that was more or less generally expected. They chose Committees of Safety, and put the militia on a war footing. Prince Edward county was quite as active as any in the Commonwealth in pressing forward these precaution- ary measures. By an ordinance of one of the Conventions of 1775. the Colony was divided into eighteen districts for convenience in organizing. The Committees of Safety in these various districts were very great factors in the war, being in reality a sort 56 History of Prince Edward County of military executive in each county. That of Prince Edward county was not less active than others. Moiribcrship in any of these Committees was a distinct badge of honoi; so that descent from a Committeeman constitutes a clear title to membership in those later societies called, ''The Sons" and ''The Daiij;:hters of the Revolution." \'ii'ginia declared her independence of the British Crown on the 29th of June, 1776, five days before the gen- eral declaration of Inde'pendence, on the 4th of July in thit year. In all these activities Prince Edward county took a fore- most and honorable part. The great Patrick Henry, who was subsequently a resi- dent of Prince Edward county, was the first Governor of the new "Commonwealth." To him the county, on the 19th of June, 1775, voted resolutions of gratitude and confidence on the occasion of the "rape of the gunpowder," Avhich was actually the first active stroke in the Revolutionary War, for it stirred the Colonists to such unbounded enthusiasm that the success of the Revolution was practically assured. History of Pnnce Edward County Virginia Militia in the Revolution : Prince Edavard County. The list herein given is from a list which was contrib- uted by Alfred J. Morrison, in the "Viroinia Magazine of History," April, 1913, taken by him from the records. Officers appointed and commissioned in May, June, and July, 1777. Captains Josiah Chambers. John Bibb. Charles Allen. Jacob Woodson. Benjamin Allen. James Carter. Robert Goode. David Walker. Andrew Baker. Lieutenants John Dabney. Sharpe Spencer. Enslgns Richard Holland. William Rice. Second Lieutenants William Wooton. Henry Young. It appeared from an order made July, 1777, that the fol- lowing were then Captains of Militia Companies. Clarke. _ Owen. Ligon. Bigger. Thomas Flournoy. . ^ Chambers. William Bibb. 68 Hist 01' y of PHnce Edward County In 1778 the following Captains were appointed: John Bibb; George Carrington. In the same year the following Lieutenants were ap- pointed: John Dnpuy; Thomas Lawson. Also in the same year the following two Ensigns were appointed: Yancey Bailey; Bigger, Jr. In 1779 the following Captains were appointed : Wil- liamson Bird (in place of Charles Venable, resigned) ; Rich- ard Holland; Sharpe Spencer; Thomas Moore. And reference is made to the following as beinsc. or as having been Captains of Companies: George Booker; Samuel Venable; Henry Walker; David Walker, In 1779 the following Lieutenants were appointed: Nicolas Davis; Robert Venable; George Booker; Jesse Wat- son; William McGehee; Ambrose Nelson; John Langhorn. In the same year the following Ensigns were appointed: James Parks; Drury Watson; Thomas Watkins. In 1779 Thomas Haskins was recommended as Colonel of the Militia of the county, and George Walker as Lieuten- ant-Colonel. In 1780 the following were recommended, or appointed as Captains: Thomas Lawton; Dick Holland; Jacob Wood- son. And the following as Lieutenants: Jesse Watson; Drury Watson; William Price, Jr.; James Clark; James Wright; Joseph Parks. And the following as Ensigns: Stephen Pettus; William Booker; John Bell. In 1781 the following nominations were made and rati- fied: John Nash, County Lieutenant; George Walker, Colonel; Thomas Flournoy, Lieutenant-Colonel; John Clark, Major. I History of Prince Edward County 59 In the same year the following were appointed as Cap- tains: Stephen Neal; James Clark; Ambrose Nelson (in the stead of John Bibb). The following were appointed Lieutenants in the same year:' Natjhanidl Allen; John Richards; George Fioster; George Piilliam; William Wooten; James Parks; John Clarke, Jr.; John Bell. And the following were appointed as Ensigns: William Galespie; Peyton Glenn; Robert Walton; Philip Mathew. MUSTER ROLI> OF CAPTAIN JOHN MORTON'S COMPANY, OF PRINCE EDWARD MILITIA, JUNE 28, 1781 : OFFICERS Captain, John Morton, (Morton had eight sons in the service). First Lieutenant. John Holcomb. Second liieutenant, Obadiah AVoodson. Ensign, Edward Wood. Sergeant, James Morton. Sergeant, Samuel Anderson. Sergeant, Charles Stogg. Sergeant, Charles Anderson. Corporal, Robert Lawton. Corporal, Thomas Hastie. Corporal, William Wright. Corporal, William Chambers. PRIVATES Anderson, Parsons; Ascul, William; Baldwin, Thoma-: Bigger, William; Boas, Meshack; Bird, William; Boas, Michael; Brown, Isham; Byrk, Thomas; Casey, William: (30 History of Prince Edward County Chaffin, Isham; ChafRn, Christopher; Cocke, Anderson; Cun- ningham, Nathaniel; Cunningham, John; Daniel, George; Davidson, Edward; Davidson, William; Davidson, David; Davis, Charles; Durham, Nathaniel; Edmunds, Jacob; Fore, Francis; Foster. Joshua; Fraser, John; Eraser, Thomas; Fugue, William; Garratt, Alexander; Gillespie, William; Hales, Peter; Hampton, Nathan; Hoi man, Alexander; Hord, William; Howerton, James; Jennings, Isham; Jennings, James; Johnson, William; King, Thomas; Lee, John; Lee, Archibald; Leigh, Charles; Martin, Samuel; McGehee, Wil- liam; Morton, Thomas; Newcomb, Julius; Parker, Glover; Peak, Aaron; Pierce, Thomas; Pillon, Jasper; Rain, Nathaniel; Robertson, David; Rutledge, Dudley; Sharp, Moses; Smith, Robert. P.; Smith, John; Smith, Alexander; Spaulding, John; Sutherland, Philemon; Southerland, Wil- liam; Taylor, George; Thompson, John; ^Tuggle, Benjamin; Tuggle, Thomas; Walker, Thomas; Walker, William, 1; Walker, William, 2; Watkins, Abner; Webster, John; Whit- lock, Josiah; Wilburn, Thomas; Woodson, Anderson; Wood- son, John; Wright, Archibald, Much further interesting information regarding Prince Edward county soldiers, serving in the Virginia Militia dur- ing the Revolutionary War may be found in McAllister's "Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War." Olljapter Btmn Prtttrr £^marlJ Olomttg in Jl^r War of 1812-1314 History of Prince Edward County 63 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY IN THE WAR OF 1812-1814 The Manifesto of John Randolph, of Roanoke The following copy of the pamphlet, issued by John Raldoph of Roanoke, on May 3()th, 1812, is given in full, with introduction, and adenda, because it expresses, as per- haps nothing can so well do, the actual predilection of the people of Prince Edward county, respecting that unfortunate struggle between the government of the United States and the British crown. The people had no "stomach" for that war and Randolph rightly gauged public opinion, as found in this county, at any rate, ''"To the freeholders of Charlotte^ Buckingham^ Prince Edward and Cumberland. Fellow Citizens: I dedicate you the following fragment. That it appears in its present mutilated shape is to be ascribed to the success- ful usurpation which has reduced freedom of speech in one branch of the American Congress to an empty name. It is now established for the first time, and in the person of your representative^ that the House may, and will, refuse to hear a member in his place, or even to receive a motion from him, upon the most momentous subject that can be presented for legislative decision. — A similar motion was brought forward by the Republican minority in the year 1798, (this motion was drawn, it is believed, by Mr. Gallatin, but moved by Mr. Sprigg, declaring it to be inexpedient at that time to resort to war against the French Republic) before these modern inventions for stifling freedom of debate had been discovered. It was discussed as a matter of right until it was abandoned by the mover in consequence of additional 64 History of Prince Edward County information (by the correspondence of our Envoys at Paris) laid before Congress by the President. In "the reign of ter- ror" the father of the sedition law had not the hardihood to proscribe liberty of speech, much less the right of free de- bate on the floor of Congress. This invasion of the public liberties was reserved for self-styled Republicans, who hold your understandings in such contempt as to flatter them- selves that you will overlook their every outrage upon the first great principles of free government, in consideration of their profession of tender regard for the privileges of the people. It is for you to decide whether they have under-val- ued your intelligence and spirit, or whether they have formed a just estimate of your character. You do not require to be told that the violation of the rights of him whom you have deputed to represent you, is an invasion of the rights of every man among. you, of every individual in society. — If this abuse be sufl'ered to pass unredressed; — and the people alone are competent to apply the remedy; — we must bid adieu to a free form of government, forever. Having learned from various sources that a declaration of war would be attempted on Monday next, with closed doors, I deemed it my duty to endeavour, by any exercise of my constitutional functions, to arrest this heaviest of all pos- sible calamities, and avert it from our happy country, I ac- cordingly made the effort of which I now give you the re- sult, and of the success of which you will have already been informed, before these pages can reach you. I pretend only to give you the substance of my unfinished argument. The glowing words; — the language of the heart; — have passed away with the occasion that called them forth. They are no longer under my control. My design is simply to submit to you the views which have induced me to consider a war with England, under existing circumstances, as comporting neither with the INTEREST nor with the HONOUR of the Ameri- can people, but as an IDOLATROUS sacrifice of both, on the altar of French rapacity, perfidy, and ambition. History of Prince Edward County 65 France has for years past offered us terms of undefined commercial arrangement, at the price of a war with England, which hitherto we have not wanted firmness and virtue to reject. The price is now to be paid. We are tired of holding out; — and, following the example of the nations of continental Europe; entangled in the artifices, or awed by the power of the destroyer of mankind; we are prepared to become instrumental to his projects of universal dominion. Before these pages meet your eye, the last Republick of the earth will have enlisted under the banners of the tyrant and become a party to his cause. The blood of American free- men must flow to cement his power, to aid in stifling the last struggles of afflicted and persecuted man; to deliver into his hands the patriots of Spain and Portugal, to establish his Empire over the ocean and over the land that gave our fathers birth; to forge our own cliains ! — And yet, my friends, we were told in the days of the mad ambition of Mr. Adams, "THAT THE FINGER HEAVEN POINTS TO WAR." Yes, the finger of Heaven does point to war. It points to war, it points to the mansions of eternal misery and torture; as to a flaming beacon warning us of that vortex which we may not approach but with certain destruction. It points to desolated Europe and warns us of the chastisement of those nations who have offended against the justice and almost beyond the mercy of Heaven. It announces the wrath to come, upon those who, ungrateful for the bounty of provi- dence, not satisfied with peace, liberty, security, plenty at home, fly, as it were, into the face of the Most High and tempt His forbearance. To you, in thk pJare, I can speak with freedom, and it becomes me to do so; nor shall I be deterred by the cavils and the sneers of those who hold as '^Foolishness" all that savours not of worldly wisdom, from expressing fully and freely those sentiments which it has pleased God, in His Mercy, to engrave upon my heart. 66 History of Prince Edward County These are no ordinary times. The state of the world is unexampled. The war of the present day is not like tliat of our revolution, or any which preceded it, at least in modern t'mes. It is a war against the liberty and happiness of man- kind. It is w^ar of which the wdiole human race are the vic- tims, to gratify the pride and lust of power, of a single in- dividual. I beseech you, put it to your own bosoms, how far it becomes you as freemen, as Christians, to give your aid and sanction to this impious and bloody warfare against your brethren of the human family. To such among you, if any there be, who are insensible to motives not more digniHed and manly than they are intrinsically wise, I would make a dilferent appeal. I adjure you by the regard which you have for your own security and property, for the liberties and inheritance of your children, by all that you hold dear and sacred, to interpose your constitutional powers to save your country and yourselves from a calamity, the issues of which, it is not given to human foresight to divine. Ask yourselves if you are willing to become the virtual allies of Bonaparte? Are you willing, for (the sake of annexing Canada to the northern States, to submit to the ever-growing system of taxation, which sends the European laborer supperless to bed? To maintain by the sweat of your brow, armies at whose hands you are to receive a future master? Suppose Canada ours. Is there any one among you who would ever be the better for it? — the richer — tlie freer— the happier — the more secure? And is it for a boon like this, that you would join in a warfare against the liber- ties of man in the other hemisphere, and put your own in jeopardy ? or is it for the nominal privilege of a licensed trade with France, that you would abandon your lucrative com- merce with Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, and their Asiatic African, and American dependencies — in a word, with every region of those vast continents? That commerce whicli gives History of Prince Edward County 67 a vent to tobacco, grain, flour, cotton; in short to all your native products; which are denied a market in France. There are not wanting men so weak, as to suppose that their approbation of war-like measures is a proof of per- sonal gallantry, and that opposition to them indicates a want of that spirit which becomes a friend to his country; as if it requires more courage and patriotism to join the acclamation of the day, than steadily to oppose one's self to the mad infatuation to which every pepole and all govern- ments have, at some time or other, given way. Let the his- tory of Phocion, of Agis, and of the DeWitts, answer this question. INIy friends, do you expect to find those who are now loudest in the clamour for war, foremost in the ranks of battle? or is the honour of this nation indissolubly con- nected with the political reputation of a few individuals, who tell 3^ou they have gone too far to recede, and that you must pay, with your ruin the price of their consistency. My friends, I have discharged my duty towards you lamely and inadequately I know, but to the best of my poor ability. — The destiny of the American people is in their hands. The net is spread for their destruction. You are enveloped in the toils of French duplicity: and if, which may heaven in its mercy forbid, you and your posterity are to become hewers of wood and drawers of water to the modern Pharaoh, it shall not be for the want of my best exertions to rescue you from the cruel and abject bondage. This sin, at least, shall not rest upon mv soul. JOHN RANDOLPH, of Roanoke. May 30th, 1812. House of RepresentatiA^es of the Ignited States. May 30th. 1812. Soon after the Llouse met, ]SIr. Fisk moved that "when the House adjourn, it adjourn to meet on Monday next." Which Having been carried, he then immediately moved that 68 History of Prince Edward County the House do now adjourn. Negatived by a small majority. Mr. Randolph said that rumors to which he could not shut his ears (of an intended declaration of war on Monday next, with closed doors) and the circumstances which had just passed under the eye of the House (alluding to the mo- tion to adjourn) impelled him to make a last effort to rescue the country from the calamities, which, he feared, were im- pending over it. He had a proposition to submit, the decis- ion of which would affect vitally, the best interests of the na- tion. He conceived himself bound to bring it forward. He did not feel himself a free agent in the transaction. He would endeavour to state as succinctly as he could, the grounds of his motion, and he humbly asked the attention of every man whose mind was at all open to conviction; of every man devoted to the cause of his country; not only in that House, but in every rank and condition of life throughout the state. The motion which he was about to offer grew out of cer- tain propositions, which he pledged himself to prove; nay, without an abuse of the term, to demonstrate. The first of these propositions was, that the Berlin and Milan Decrees were, not only, not repealed,, but that our government had furnished to the House and to the world, un- equivocal evidence of the fact. The difficulty in demon- strating this proposition arose rather from his embarrass- ment in selecting from the vast mass of evidence before him, than in any deficiency of proof; for if he were to use all the testimony that might be adduced, he feared his discourse would grow to a bulk not inferior to the volume which he held in his hand. He would refer the House to the corre- spondence, generally, of Mr. Russell, our agent at Paris, ac- companying the President's message of the present session, — He referred to the schedule of American vessels taken by French privateers since the first of November 1810, (the period of the alleged repeal of the French Decrees) : of these, it was worthy of remark, that "'the Robinsonova, from History of Prince Edward County 69 Norfolk to London, with tobacco, cotton and staves ; the Mary- Ann from Charleston to London,, with cotton and rice; the General Eaton, from London to Charleston, in ballast; the Clio from London to Philadelphia, with English manufac- tures; the Zebra from Boston to Tarragona, {then in poa- session of the Spaniards) with staves; all coming under the operation of the Fren(;h Decrees and seized since the ^nd of November, 1810, had 7iot been restored, on the 14th of July last;" and that the only two vessels named in that schedule, which had been restored; viz, the Two Brothers from Boston to St. Malo, and the Star, from Salem to Naples (the one a port in France, the other virtually a French port) did not come within the scope of the Berlin and Milan Decrees. Indeed, the only cases relied upon by Mr. Monroe to prove the repeal of the French Decrees are those of the Grace Ann , Green of the New Orleans Packet. On the first of these no great stress is laid because, having been captured by an English cruizer, she was retaken by her own crew and car- ried into Marseilles, where consequently her captors became French prisoners of war (See note A.) (mutilation) it was to be expected, that in the case of war between the United States and England, our privateers carrjnng their prizes into French ports should be proceeded against under those decrees. It was, therefore, on the case of the New Orleans Packet that the principal reliance was placed, to show the repeal of the obnoxious decrees. But even this case established, beyond the possibility of doubt, that the Milan Decrees of the 23rd November and 17th December, 1807, were in force subsequently to the period of their alleged repeal. This ves- sel hearing at Gibraltar, where she had disposed of part of her cargo, of the letter of the Duke of Cadore of the 5th of August, 1810, suspended her sales, and the supercargo, after having consulted with Mr. Hackley, the American consul at Cadiz, determined on the faith of that insidious letter, to proceed with the remainder of his cargo to Bordeaux. He 70 History of Prince Edward County took the precaution however, to delay his voyage, so that he might not arrive in France before the 1st of November; the day on which the Berlin and Milan Decrees were to cease to operate. (Here Mr. Randolph was called to order by Mr. Wright, who said there was no motion before the House. The Speaker overruled Mr. Wright's objection, as the gen- tleman from Virginia had declared his intention to make a motion and it had been usual to admit prefatory remarks), Mr. Randolph said he would proceed in his argument without deviating to the right or to the left, and he would endeavour to suppress every feeling which the question was so well calculated to excite. "The vessel accordingly ar- rived in the Garonne on the 14th of November, but did not reach Bordeaux until the 3rd of December 1807, expressly set forthi for having come from an English port and having been visited by a British vessel of war." Thus this vessel having voluntarily entered a French port on the faith of the repeal of the decrees, was seized under them. "These facts, continues Mr. Russell, having been stated to me by the super- cargo, or the American vice-consul at Bordeaux, and the principal one, that of the seizure under the Milan Decrees being established by the process-verhcd^ pu£ into my hands by one of the consignees of the cargo, I conceived it to be my duty not to suffer the transaction to pass unnoticed." This procesS'Verhal is neither more nor less than the libel of the Admiralty court drawm by the law officer of the French Government, agreeably to the laws of the Empire. What should we say to the libel of a vessel by the District At- torney of the United States, or her seizure by the custom house officers, under an act of Congress which had been re- pealed? The whole of this correspondence proves un-* equivocally that neither the Custom House Officers, the Courts of Law, nor the French cruizers, not even the puhliek ships of war had ever received notice from their giovemment of History of Prince Edward County 71 the repeal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees. This last fact is further substantiated by the remonstrance of Mr. Barlow to the Duke of Bassano of the 12th of March, 1812, in the case of the "vessels caytiired and hurid by his Imjierial and Eoyal Majesty's ships Medusa and Nymph." It should be recollected that all the decrees of the French Emperor are given strictly in charge to certain public functionaries, who are directed to ])ut them in force. The only authorities to whom the repeal of these decrees was to be a rule of action; the Cruizers, Courts and Officers of the Customs; remained profoundly ignorant of the fact. It is to be found no where but in the proclamation of the President of the United States, of the 2nd of November, 1810. ""To have waited for the re- ceipt of this proclamation (says Mr. Russell) in order to make use of it for the liberation of the New Orleans Packet,' appeared to me a preposterous and unworthy course of pro ceeding, and to be nothing better than absurdly and basely employing the declaration of the President, that the Berlin and Milan Decrees had been revoked, as the means of ob- taining their revocation." They were then not revoked, or surely our minister would not stand in need of any means for obtaining their revocation. Proofs multiplying on proofs ! "The Custom House Officers of Bordeaux commenced un- lading the New Orleans Packet on the 10th December and completed that work on the 20th, as appears by their process- rerhal of those dates. That of the 20th expressly declares that the property was to be pursued before the Imperial Council of Prizes, (the Court of Admiralty,) at Paris, according to the decrees of the 23rd November, and 17th December, 1806, or in other words, under the decrees of Milan.^'' Mr. Russell's remonstrance was submitted to the Council of commerce, and further proceedings against the New Orleans Packet sus- pended. '■^The papers irere not transmitted to the Council of Prizes., nor a prosecution instituted before that tribunal; which proves only that the prosecution at law was suspended, 72 History of Prince Edward County not that the laws were repealed — "and the vessel and cargo on the 9th of January were placed at the disposition of the consignees, on giving bond to pay the estimated amount, should it be definitely decided that a confiscation should take place." Recollect that this vessel voluntarily entered a French I>ort on the faith of the repeal of those decrees. She is seized and libelled under them, but after great exertion on the part of the American minister, he obtains from the French government — What? Proof of the bona fide revoca- tion of the decrees? Nothing like it. A discharge of the vessel? Not at all, — the bond represents her — she stands pledged in her full value in case she should be found to come within the scope of the law; and yet we must believe the law to be repealed! What sort of a release is this? Mr. Russell makes a merit of having "'rescued this property from the seizures with which it had been visited" — that is rescued it from a court of justice; and of "having placed it in a situation more favorable than that of many other ves- sels and cargoes which continued in a kind of mortemain^ by the suspension of all proceedings in regard to them." And this letter and this case is adduced as a proof of the repeal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees, on the 1st of November, 1810! It is true that in a postscript dated the fifth of July, (a month subsequent to the date of the letter to which it is appended, and seven months after his remonstrance to the French government) Mr. Russell states that orders had been given to cancel the bond in question. But surely this is no proof of the revocation of the decrees. Let us see what he says on the 15th of that month. "Although I was fully impressed with the importance of an early decision in favor of the captured vessels, none of which had been included in the list above mentioned" — ("of the 16 vessels whose cargoes had been admitted by order of the Emperor" — probably un- History of Prince Edward County 73 der license) yet I deemed it proper to wait for a few days, before I made an application on the subject. On the 11th however, having learnt, at the council of prizes, that no new order had been received there" — (that on the 11th of July 1811, the French Admiralty Court had no notice of the re- peal of the decrees) "adjudged it to be my duty no longer to remain silent. I therefore, on that day addressed to the Duke of Bassano, my note with a list of American Vessels captured since the frst of November. On the 15th I learnt that he had laid this note, with a general report, before the Emperor, but that his majesty declined taking any decision with re- gard to it, before it had been submitted to the council of commerced The House will take into consideration the distinction between the council of prises, and admiralty court bound to decide according to the laws of the empire; and the coun- cil of commerce ; which was of the nature of a board of trade ; charged with the general superintendence of the concerns of commerce; occupied in devising regulations, not in expound- ing them : an institution altogether political; by no means judicial. His majesty then determined to consult his coun- cil of commerce, whether from motives of policy he should, or should not, grant a special exemption from the operation of his laws. In the same letter, learning from the Duke of Bassano that "the case of the brig Good Intent, must be car- ried before the Council of Prizes," Mr. Russell wishes to secure this case from this ''inauspicuous mode of proceed- ing:" that is, from the operation of the law. Why? if the law, so dreaded, was repealed? "I had from time to time (he continues) informed my- self of the proceedings in regard to the captured vessels, and ascertained the fact that the Duke of Bassano had made a report in relation to them. The Emperor it appears, how- ever, still wished for the decision of his Council of Com- merce. ^^ What ! to know if his decrees of Berlin and Milan 74 History of Prince Edward County were revoked? was his majesty i<::norant of the fact? Can stronger evidence be adduced that they were in force, or can the release (not by courts of law, but by special executive interference) under peculiar circumstances , and after a long detention for violating those decrees, of a single vessel, es- tablish the fact of their repeal. On the contrary ought not the solitary exception (granting it to be one) to fortify the general rule? In passing, it is worthy of remark that the French min- ister, being interrogated by Mr. Russell on the subject of our future commercial intercourse with France, ''replied that no such communication would be made at Paris, but that Mr. Serrurier would be fidly instructed on this head." The House would recollect how much liad been expected of Mr. Serrurier on his arrival, and how much had been obtained. An ex-Secretary of the State even had the temerity to charge the President with having compelled him to desist from put- ting any interrogatories to the French minister on his ar- rival. But, be that as it may, one thing is certain, that appli- cation having been made to the minister, at the requisition of the Senate during the present session, he had declared an en- tire ignorance of everything relating to the subject. To dissipate the last shadow of doubt on the question of the repeal of the French Decrees, Mr. Serrurier, in his letter of July 23, 1811, to the Secretary of State, expressly declares, that "the new dispositions of our government, expressed in the supplementary act of the ^nd of March last, having been officially communicated to his Court, his imperial majesty, as soon as he was made acquainted with them, directed that the American vessels sequestered in the ports of France since the ^nd of Novenfiber, should be' released, orders were at the same time given to admit American vessels, laden with American produce !" Under these circustances, whatever difference of opinion might exist as to the propriety of the President's Proclama- History of Prince Edward County 75 tion in the first instance, there could be none as to its revo- cation. As soon as it was ascertained, not only from the pro- ceedings of her cruizers on the high seas, but of her courts of law, and of her government, tliat France had acted, 7nala fM.e\ towards this countr}^, it surely became the duty of the President to recall that proclamation. He could have no doubt of his constitutional powers over the subject, having already exercised in a case not dissimilar. (Erskine's arrange- ment). That proclamation was the dividing line of our policy: the root of our present evil. From that fatal proc- lamation we are to date our departure from that neutral position to which we had so long and so tenaciously adhered, and the accomplishment of the designs of France upon us. In issuing it the President had yielded to the deceitful over- tures of France ; and it was worthy of observation how differ- ent a construction had already been put upon the act of non- intercourse (as it was commonly called) from that of May, 1810— although the words of the two acts were the same. In the first case, a modification of the decrees and orders of the belligerents, so that they should cease to violate our neutral rights was alone required. In the second, other matter was blended with them, although the words of the two acts were identically the same. This grew out of the insidious let- ter of the Duke of Cadore. the terms of which were accepted, with the conditions annexed, by the President of the United States. These conditions presented two alternatives: "That England should revoke her orders in council and abolish those principles of blockade which France alleged to be new, or that the United States should cause their flag to be respected by the English"— in other words, should become parties to the war on the side of France. In order to know what these principles were, the renunciation of which we were to re- quire at the instigation of France, it would be necessary to attend to the language of the French decrees. By these it would not be denied that principles, heretofore unheard of, 76 History of Prince Edward County were attempted to be interpolated into the laws of nations.'''' — Principles diametrically adverse to those which the o^overn- ment of the United States had repeatedly recognized in their correspondence with foreign powers as well as in their publick treaties, to be legitimate and incentestible. The French doctrine of blockade behind the only branch of the subject embraced in the Duke of Cadore's letter of the 5th of August, 1810, would alone be noticed. These required that the right of blockade be restricted "to fortified ports, invested by sea and by land. — That it should not extend to the mouths of rivers, harbours or places not fortified." Under such definition the blockade of May 1806, other- wise called Mr. Fox's blockade, stood condemned — but Mr. Randolph had no hesitation in affirming that blockade to have been legal, agreeably to the long established princi- ples of national law, sanctioned by the United States. In Mr. Foster's letter of the 3rd of July last to Mr. Monroe, he says — "the blockade of May 1806 was notified by Mr. Sec- retary Fox on this principle ("that no blockade can be justifi- able or valid unless it be supported by an adequate force destined to maintain it and to expose to hazard all vessels attempting to evade its operation") nor was the blockade announced, until he had satisfied himself by a communica- tion with the board of Admiralty, that the Admiralty pos- sessed the means, and would employ them, of watching the whole coast from Brest to Elbe and of effectually enforcing the blockade. "The blockade of May 1806, according to the doctrine main- tained by Great Britain, was just and lawful in its origin because it was supported both in intention and in fact, by an adequate naval force.'* In a subsequent part of the same letter it is distinctly averred that "that blockade was main- tained by a sufficient naval force :" and the doctrine of paper hlockade is every where disclaimed in the correspondence, here as well as at London. "If (says Mr. Foster) ) the orders History of PHnce Edward County 77 in council should be abrogated, the 'blockade of May 1806 could not continue under our construction of the law of na- tions, unless that blockade should be maintained by a due ap- plication of an adequate naval forced The same admission will be found in Marquis Wellesley's correspondence with Mr. Pinkney. The coast of France from Brest to Calais is what seamen call an iron-bound coast. It had been blockaded in every war during the last century, that short period of the American War excepted, when England lost the mastery of the channel. No British minister would be suffered to hold his place, who should fail strictly to watch the opposite coast of France. Brest, her principal naval arsenal, protruded out into the Atlantic Ocean, confessed the want of suitable harbours for ships of war in the channels, while from Plymouth, Ports- mouth, and the mouth of the Thames, the opposite coast is easily watched and overawed. From Calais to the Elbe the coast is low, flat and shelving, difficult of access, affording few good inlets, indeed none except the Scheldt. The block- ade of this coast is as easy as that of Carolina. But it must not pass unnoticed that the blockade was in point of fact, (as appears from Mr. Monroe's letters to Mr. Madison of the 17th and 20th of May 1806) limited to a small extent of the coast between Havre and Ostend; neutrals being per- mitted to trade, freely, eastward of Ostend, and westward of the mouth of the Seine "except in articles contrabrand of war and enemies' property which are seizible without blockade." And Mr. Monroe, in announcing this very blockade of May 16, 1806, to his own government, speaks of it as a measure highly satisfactory to the commercial interests. And yet the re- moval of this blockade, against which Mr. Monroe did not remonstrate, of which there was no mention in the subse- quent arrangement of Mr. Erskine, which did not stand in the way of that arrangement of which no notice was taken in our proposition to England for a mutual abandonment of 78 History of Prince Edward County our embargo and her orders in council, is now by French device and contrivance to be made a sin^ qua non, an indis- pensable preliminary to all accommodation with Great Brit- ain ! Mr. Randolph had heard with sincere satisfaction many respectable gentlemen in the House and out of it, express a wish, that, by a revocation of the orders in council, the British ministry would put it in the power of our government to come to some adjustment of our differences with England. The position which he was about to lay down, and the proof of which the course of his argument had compelled him in some degree to anticipate, however it might startle persons of this description, was nevertheless susceptible of the most direct and positive evidence. Little did these gentlemen dream, but such was the indisputable fact, that their removal at this moment would not satisfy our administration. In Lord Wellesley's letter to Mr. Pinkney of Dec. 29, 1810, he says: "If nothing more had been required of G. Britain, for the purpose of securing the continuation of the repeal of the French decrees, than the repeal of our orders in coun- cil I should not have hesitated to declare the perfect readi- ness of this government to fulfill that condition. On these terms the British government has always been seriously dis- posed to repeal the orders in council. It appears however, not only by the letter of the French minister, but by your explanation, that the repeal of the orders in council wiU not satisfy either the French or the American governments. The British government is further required by the letter of the French minister to renounce those principles of blockade which the French government alleges to be new." This fact is placed beyond a doubt, by Mr. Pinkney's answer of the 14th January, 1811. "If I comprehend the other parts of your Lordship's letter," says he, "they declare in effect that the British Government will repeal nothing out of the Orders in Council*'' — and again, "It is certairdy true History of Prince Edward County 79 that the American Government has required as indispensa- ble in the view of its acts of intercourse and non-intercourse, the annulment of the British blockade of May 1806." Thus when the British Government stood pledged to repeal its Orders in Council, a question entirely distinct, has been dexterously mingled with it in our discussions with England; the renunciation of the right of blockade in the face of Mr. Madison's construction of the non-intercourse law, and of Mr. Smith's instructions to General Armstrong of July 5, and 2nd November, 1810, has been declared in- dispensable in the view of that act, and there is the fullest admission that more than the repeal of the Orders in Council was required ; viz, of that blockade, against which we had not lifted our voice, until required to do so by France, which Mr. Monroe (so far from remonstrating against it, which would have been his duty to have done if illegal) consider it "(Z« highly satisfactory to the commercial interests. ''"' A block- ade easy as would be that of the ports of Chesapeake, with a sufficient force stationed in Lynn Haven Bay. What is a legal blockade? A blockade with such force as renders the approach of merchant vessels dangerous. Mark the wonderful facility with which Mr. Pinkney, not only blends the question of the blockade of May 1806, with the repeal of the Orders in Council; but his disposition to go, if he could., the whole length of the French doctrine of blockade; a doctrine unheard of before the reign of Bona- parte. "It is by no means clear that it may not fairly be contended on principle and early usage that a maritime blockade is incomplete with regard to states at peace, unless the place which it affects, is invested hy land as well as by seay And yet in the same letter he says, "You will imagine that the repeal is not to remain in force, unless the British government, in addition to the revocation of its Orders in Council, abandon its system of blockade. J am not conscious of having stated, as your Lordship seems to think, that this 80 History of Prince Edward County is so, and I believe in fact that it is otherwise. Even if it were admitted however, the Orders in Council ought never- theless to be revoked." The American doctrine of blockade is expressly laid down in Mr. Smith's letter to Commodore Preble of the 4th of February, 1804. "Whenever therefore you shall have formed a blockade of the port of Tripoli ('so as to create an evident danger on entering it') you will have a right to capture for adjudication, any vessel that shall attempt to enter with a knowledge of the blockade." The very same doctrine against which, at the instigation of France, we are now about to plunge into war! Mr. Randolph said he was compelled to omit many strik- ing proofs of his positions, from absolute weakness and in- ability, to read the voluminous extracts from the documents before him. If the offer should be made of a repeal of the Orders of Council which our people at home, good easy souls, supposed to be the only obstacle, the wound, as after the accommodation of the affair of the Chesapeake, would still remain incurable. He had not touched upon the subject of impressment, because, notwithstanding the use which had been made of it in that House and in the publick prints, it did not constitute, according to the showing of our own govern- ment, an obstacle to accommodation; (the orders in council and question of blockade being the avowed impediments) and because it appears from Mr. Monroe's letter of the 28th Feb- ruary 1808 "that the ground on which that interest was placed by the paper of the British commissioners of Nov. 8, 1806, and the explanations which accompanied it, was both honourahle and advantageous to the United States. That it contained a concession in their favor on the part of Great Britain, on the great principle in contestation, never before made, by a formal, obligatory act of the government, which was highly favorable to their interests." In fact the rejection of Mr. Monroe's treaty had alone History of Prince Edward County 81 prevented the settlement upon honourable terms, of this, as well as of every other topic of difference between the two governments. He called the attention of the House to Mr. Smith's letter to Mr. Armstrong of July 5, 1810, requiring, in the name of the President, restitution of our plundered property as "a pelirainary to accommodation between the two governments," — "As has been heretofore stated to you, a satisfactory pro- vision for restoring the property lately surprised and seized by the order, or at the instance of the French government must be combined with a repeal of the French edicts with a view to non-intercourse with Great Britian; such a provision being an indispensnhle evidence of the just purpose of France towards the U. States !" Yet no restitution had been made : "that affair is settled by the law of reprisal." What had been the language held on this floor and by ministers of state in official communications to committees of Congress? "that the return of the Hornet should be conclusive as to our relations with France. That if Mr. Barlow should not suc- ceed in attaining the most complete redress for the past and assurances for the future we would take the same stand against her as against Great Britain; that any uncertmnty as to his success would be equivalent to the certainty of his failure." Such was the language held until the fact occurred, that NO satisfaction had been, or was likely to be obtained. Indeed, for some days after the arrival of the Hornet, these opinions had been maintained. They had however gradually died away and it was only within 48 hours past that a differ- ent language had been held. Was it necessary to remind the House of the shuffling conduct and policy of France toward us? Of the explanation attempted by DECREES, the min- ister of marine, in relation to the Berlin Decree and the sub- sequent annunciation of his government to Mr. Armstrong, with true French sang froidj that "as there was no excepting of the United States in the terms of the decrees, so there was 82 History of PHnce Edward County no reason lot excepting them from their operation." Have we forgotten Champagny's declaration of war in our name, "War exists then in fact between England and the United States and his majesty considers it as declared.'' — Tn short, for years past France has required us to make war with Eng- land as the price of uiidefined commercial concessions from her. AVe have been told "that we ought to tear to pieces the act of our independence — that we were more dependent than Jamaica — ^that we were without just political views, without energy, without honour, and that we must at last fight for interest, after having refused to fight for honour." France, whilst you required of her as al preliminary to further accommodation, the restitution of her plunder, de- coyed into her ports, required from you, as preliminary, a war with England. Mr. Barlow has now been ten months in France.^ dancing attendance upon her Court, without being able to obtain an answer to a few plain questions. Are your Decrees repealed? — It is considered as improper to make the enquiry, — Instead of the edict, rescript, the instrument of re- jDeal, by whatsoever name it be called, he sends us the strict- ures of the French Grovernment upon the proceedings of the American Congress; and a remonstrance to the Duke of Bassano, that the repeal of the Decrees (in which he is com- pelled to feign a belief, because the President's proclamation is the sole evidence of the fact) has not been given in charge to the French cruizers, but that the publick ships of war (Nymph and Medusa) continue to hum our vessels on the high seas. And what does the Duke of Bassano tell him in reply? The same old story of Champagny to General Arm- strong — "The United States will be entirely satisfied on the pending questions, and there wdll be no obstacle to their ob- taining the advantages they have in view, if they succeed in making their flag f^afeP'' In other words, make war with England and you will be satisfied (and not until then) on the pending questions. And what are they ? On one of them History of Prince Edward County 83 the required compensation for plunder,— your minister, after waiting for months for an oral answer, tells you, ''This is dull work, hard to hegin and difficult to execute:' This is the claim too, required by Mr. Secretary Smith, under the President's order, to be satisfied as a preliminary to the acceptance of the overture of August 5, 1810 ! It is possible the Wasp may bring out something, just to hush up com- plaints until we are fairly embarked in war; into which, if we enter, it will be a war of submission to the mandates of a foreign Despot— the basest, the most unqualified, the most abject submission. France for years past has offered us terms (without specifying what they were) at the price of a war with England, which, hitherto we have rejected. That price must now be paid. The Emperor deals only for ready money — and carrying his jealousy further than in the case of the President's Proclamation (which he would not believe until its terms were fulfilled) he requires to be paid in hand before he will make his equivalent. In the celebrated case of insult by implication, or insinua- tion, offered by Mr. Jackson, there existed in the Archives of the country, a monument (such as it was) to the insensibility of this House to that insult. If under such circumstances, without having received any shadow of indemnity for the past, or security for the future— if indeed security could be given by the PYench Emperor— the United States becomes virtually a party to the Avar in his behalf, it must confirm beyond the possibility of doubt, every surmise that has gone abroad, however gross, however injurious to the honour or the interests of this government — that there exists in our councils an undue, a fatal French bias. After the declarations of official men, after the lan- guage uttered on that floor, if the U. States become parties to the war with France against her rival, it must establish as clearly as the existence of the sun above us — this event has not happened, and God forbid it should— but if it does, the 84 History of Prince Edward County conclusion will be irresistible, and this government will stand branded to the latest posterity, (unless the press should perish in the general wreck of human liberty) as the pan- dars of French despotism — as the tools, the minions, syco- phants, parasites of France. 'Twas to secure the country from this opprobrium that the proposition was about to be sub- mitted. This is not like a war for a Spanish succession or a Dutch barrier; for the right of cutting logwood on a desert coast, or iishing in the Polar sea. It is war unexampled in the history of mankind — a war, — separated as we are from the theatre of it by a wide ocean — from which it behooves us to stand aloof — to set our backs to the wall and await the coming of the enemy, instead of rushing out at midnight in search of the disturbers of our rest, when a thousand dag- gers are pointed at our bosoms. But it is said we must fight for commerce — a war for commerce deprecated by all the commercial portion of our country, by New England and New York, the greatest holders of our navigation and capital ! (Mr. CALHOUN called to order; the question of war was not before the House. It was decided by Mr. Bibb, then in the chair, the Speaker having vacated a few minutes before that the objection was not valid, as the gentleman from Vir- ginia had announced his intention to conclude with a motion, and it had been usual in such cases, to permit a wide range of debate.) Mr. Randolph thanlved the gentleman from South Caro- lina for the respite which he had unintentionally given him, and which, in his exhausted situation, was highly grateful. This war for commercial rights is to be waged against the ex- press wish (constitutionally pronounced, spoken in langu- age which cannot be misunderstood) of the great commercial section of the United States — a war which must cut up com- merce by tlie roots; which, in its operation, must necessarily drive population and capital beyond the mountains. History of Prii%ce Edward County 85 (Mr. CALHOUN said he would give the gentleman from Virginia another opportunity to rest himself. He repeated his call to order, and the Speaker decided that the motion must be submitted, reduced to writing, and seconded (thus reversing his own, and Dr. Bibb's previous decision). An appeal was taken from this decision, and it was affirmed ; ayes 67 ; noes 42. Mr. Randolph then said, that under the compulsion of the House, he would submit his motion. "Resolved, that under existing circumstances, it is in- expedient to resort to war against Great Britain." The motion was accordingly handed to the chair, and being seconded, Mr. Randolph was proceeding to argue in support of it, when Mr. Calhoun again interrupted him on the ground that a vote must be taken (without debate) ''to consider the motions The Speaker decided that this was not necessary,— and Mr. Randolph, after thanking the Speaker for this decision, was re-commencing his observations, when the objection being repeated, the Speaker said he had given a hasty opinion, and reversed his decision. The vote to con- sider the motion was then put and negatived; ayes 37; noes 72. Which put a period to all further discussion." The Manifestoe; the main body of which has thus been given; goes on for a full page to cite extracts from various Jetters and reports in support of the arguments used in the main body of the speech of Mr. Randolph, but are not neces- sary to our purpose here and will be omitted. The war party succeeded and the war went on with but little glory to the United States, and with little advantage to France. fliljapter iEtgI|t 1. Introduction. 2. Comparative Table, prepared by Mr. C. G. Lee. 8. Muster RoUs of Prince Edward Companies. 4. Interesting Experiences. "Captain" Sam Paulett; "The Old Reb." 5. Local War History. Dr. James L. White; the "Be- loved Physician." History of Prince Edward County 89 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY IN THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES Introduction It is extremely unfortunate tliat even officials, specifically charf^^ed with responsibility in the premises, so often lietray but little diligence in makino^ and preservin<): important rec- ords and lists, and that the public are so slow in coming to realize the vast impotrance of such things to future genera- tions. This disposition is glaringly evident in the lackadaisical manner in which our war records are kept — or, rather, in the way in which they are not kejDt. And all this is very evident in relation to the records of the War BetwetMi the States. Only such records of the part played by Prince Edward county in that colossal contest are available, as have been rescued from the rapidly disappear- ing mass, and compiled by private citizens. And they are pitiably meagre! Chief amongst those to whom the county owes a real debt of gratitude in this connection, is Captain Sam. W. Paulett, of Farmville. At the risk of appearing to over-balance the records, we are printing all the materials thus collected, in the sin- cere hope that they may thus be preserved from complete and final disappearance, in which case Prince Edward county would be indeed a serious loser. Hence the peculiar structure of this chapter. 90 History of Prince Edward County TABLE PREPARED BY C. G. LEE OF WASHINGTON, D. C. FROM RECORDS IN THE WAR DEPARTMENT NORTHERN ARMY Whites from the South -.. 316,424 Whites from the North _...-.- _ 2,272,333 Negroes ...- - - - - - - - -. 186,017 Indians — - - - - 3,530 Total ._ _...— - -. ......2.778,304 Confederate Armies all told _ - 600,000 Numerical Superiority of Northern Army — _ _2, 178,304 STRENGTH OF ARMIES AT CLOSE OF WAR. Aggregate Federal Army, May 1st, 1865 1,000,516 Aggregate Confederate Army, May 1st, 1865 133,433 Number of men in battles : Confederate Federal Seven Day's Fight 80,835 115,249 Antietem ..„ 35,255 87,164 Chancellorsville - _ 57,21 2 ...- 1 31 ,661 Fredericksburg 78,1 10 1 10,000 Gettysburg 62,000 - 95,000 Chicamauga 44,000 ....- 65,000 Wilderness 1 41,160 I'ederal prisoners in Confederate prisons _ .270,000 Confederate Prisoners in Federal prisons .220,000 Confederates died in Federal prisons 26,436 Federals died in Confederate prisons _ 22.570 The above table shows that the Federals let a little over twelve per cent, of their prisoners die in captivity. While the Confeder- ates lost only eight and one-half per cent, of their prisoners by death. The above statement is sworn to by C. G. Lee. CONFEDERATE MONUMENT Farmville, Virginia. See Page 8 0. History of Prince Edward County 91 NOTICE ! The following petition will be heard before the county court of Prince Edward on Monday, the 19th day of Decem- ^^' "^^^^" W. H. THACKSTON, Clerk. To the Honorable J. M. Crute, Jude:e of the County Court of Prince Edward county: The petition of S. W. Paulett: O. T. Wicker; and R. D. Miller, respectfully represents : That your petitioners served as soldiers in the defense of Virginia in the War BetAveen the States of 1861 and 1865, inclusive ; that they were members of a company of Infantry, enlisted for the most part in said county, in the commence- ment of said war. That said Company was raised for the defence of Virginia and did actually serve in one of the armies of the Confederate States of America, to wit: the Army of Northern Virginia, as Company F, 18th Virginia Infantry Regiment during the whole war. They file herewith a muster roll of said Company of Infantry and pray that the same may be recorded among the records of said county. And to that end that your Honor will require the proper notice of this application to be pub- lished and render to your petitioners all such other and fur- ther aid in the premises as may be needed, and your petition- ers, as in dut}^ bound, will ever pray, etc. S. W. Paulett, O. T. Wicker, R. D. Miller. Virginia: — Prince Edward county, to wit: I, Richard A. Booker, formerly Captain of Co. F, 18th Virginia Infantry, do certify that S. W. Paulett, O. T. 92 History of Prince Edward County Wicker, and R. D. Miller, whose names are signed to the within petition, were members of said Company of Infantry and were thoroughly reputable soldiers. Richard A. Booker, FormeHy Captain Co. F, 18th Va. Infantry. History of Prmce Edward County 93 ROLL OF COMPANY F, FARMVILLE GUARD, 18th VA. REGIMENT, HUNTON'S BRIGADE, PICKETT'S DIVISION. LONGSTREET'S CORPS OF INFANTRY. C. S. A. Captain— Richard A. Booker. Wounded at 2nd battle of Manassas; resigned and afterwards made Colonel of Re- serves and served to the close of the war. 1st Lieutenant — Charles D. Anderson; left Company April, 1862 ; became an officer in the Richmond City Battalion and served during the war. 2nd Lieutenant — Charles H. Erambert. Resigned April, 1862; became an officer in the Richmond City Battalion, and served during the war. 3rd Lieutenant — Samuel B. McKinney. Health failed; resigned April, 1862; served during the war in the Q. M. G.'s office at Richmond. 1st Sergeant — Chesley Wood. Health failed; detailed in Hospital; served during the war. 2nd Sergeant— Wm. C. Priddy. Health failed; detailed in Hospital; served during the war. 3rd Sergeant — Wm. H. Pettus. Transferred to Cavalry, 1862. 4th Sergeant — Wm. G. Vpnable. Discharged, May, 1861. 1st Corporal — James W. Womack. Killed at Gaines' Mill, 1862. 2nd Corporal — Robert E. Warren. Health failed ; put in a substitute; afterwards entered the Cavalry and served dur- ing the war. 94 History of Prince Edward County 3rd Coropral — C. D. Lindsey. Transferred to Co. K, 18th Va., Regiment, April, 1862, and served through the war. 4th Corporal — Samuel C. Price. Promoted to Sergeant- Major of the regiment, February, 1862; wounded at the 2nd battle of Manassass; promoted to Quarter Master of the regiment, fall of 1862, served during the war. PRIVATES Peyton B. Anderson, Killed at Gaines' Mill, 1862. William F. Anderson, withdrew after 1st battle of Manassas; afterwards served in the Cavalry. Z. A. Blanton, promoted to Sergeant; to Orderly Ser- geant; to First Lieutenant; then to Captain; disabled by a terrible wound in the charge at Gettysburg. George R. Boatwright, wounded at the battle of Drury's Bluff; killed at Hatcher's Run, March 31, 1865. Chas. H. Brimmer, health failed; detailed in hospital, where he served during the war. Thomas H. Bryant, wounded at Frazier's Farm ; killed at Gettysburg. Robert M. Burton, made orderly with staff of Gen. G. T. Beauregard; there served most of the war. Allison Brightwell, died in hospital. L. C. Butler,—. Joseph E. Chappell, wounded at Seven Pines ; transferred to artillery. Thos. A, Cliborne, wounded in several battles. George W. Cliborne, died of disease, contracted in the army. E. B. Coleman, transferred to Co. H, 18th Va. History of Prmce Edward County 95 Richard Crafton, transferred to artillery. J. J. Chernault, detailed brigade butcher. W. M. Davidson, served in the field, then detailed as Quarter Master's clerk. C. H. Dowdy, killed at Frazier's Farm. J. S. Davis, killed at Gettysburg. W. C. Davis, put in substitute 1862. E. P. Davis, put in substitute,' December, 1861. A. L. Deaton, died of typhoid fever, September, 1861. James H. Dunnington. wounded and disabled at Gaines' Mill, 1862; afterwards served as Orderly for General Hunton. Tom Dowdy, wounded at Bermuda Front, and died from its effects. Pat Dougherty, killed at Hatcher's Run, 31st March, 1865. J. T. East, died of typhoid fever, September, 1861. Robert W. Elam, promoted to Orderly Sergeant: killed at Hatcher's Run, 31st March, 1865. George W. Elam, promoted to 2nd Sergeant, then to Orderly Sergeant ; killed at Gettysburg. (leorge W. Erambert, detailed in hospital, October, 1861. J. T. Elam, detailed at General Hunton's headquarters. Obediah East, wounded at Seven Pines and Gettysburg. J. W. East, health failed; discharged. John Eagles, wounded and disabled. Peyton Enroughty, — . A. L. Faris, wounded and disabled at the battle of Wil- liamsburg, Ma}^ 5th. George R. Flippen, wounded at Gaines' Mill. A. S. Foster, transferred to Co. K, 18th Va., killed at Seven Pines. B. F. Foster, served faithfully through the war. S. B. Foster, transferred to Co. C, 18th Va., Regiment, April, 1862; died about close of the war. 96 History of Prince Edward County A. J. Fowlkes, wounded at Gaines' Mill; promoted to Orderly Sergeant; then to 1st Lieutenant. John M. Foster, captured at Gettysburg; died at Point Lookout, Md. James F. Foster, — . Robert Gilliam, wounded at Gettysburg. George Gills, — . Henry G. Haines, transferred to Co. K, 18th Va., April, 1862 ; supposed to have been killed in retreat from Petersburg. B. J. Harvey, detailed at Confederate shops at Farmville. J. S. Harvey, served through the war. B. A. Holt, transferred to Co. C, 18tR Va., April, 1862; detailed at Richmond, June, 1862; became Captain of a local company of city guards. T. A. Holt, wounded at Sailor's Creek. W. V. Holt, transferred to Co. K, 18th Va., April, 1862. R. M. Hawkins, detailed as brigade blacksmith. H. H. Hooton. wounded at Gaines' Mill. S. C. Hooton, wounded at Gaines' Mill, and killed at Gettysburg. A. M. Hughes, promoted to Sergeant, April, 1862; killed at Williamsburg, May 5th. J. W. Hancock, health failed; discharged, Febniary, 1862. J. S. Hart, detailed at Confederate shops at Farmville. Jeff Hawkins, transferred to 19th Va. Regiment. ^^it Hawkins, wounded; transferred to 19th Va. Regi- ment. Henry Harvey, wounded. Elisha Hunt, killed at Gettysburg. Tobe Hudgins, deserted at Gettysburg. Johnson Harvey, killed at Hatcher's Run, 31st March, 1865. Jesse Harvey, — . N. H. Jackson, promoted to 3rd Lieutenant; wounded at History of Prim-ce Edward County 97 2nd battle of Manassas; resigned, and afterwards served in the Cavalry. Abram Jenkins, detailed as blacksmith in Richmond. Jno. Jenkins, transferred to Cavalry. Henry Jenkins, detailed as blacksmith in Richmond. Tom Jenkins, killed at Frazier's Farm. Jno. Jackson, killed at Hatcher's Run, 31st March. Archer Jennings, — . Elihu Morrissett, transferred to Co. C, 18th Va., April, 1862; wounded and disabled at Gaines' Mill. T. L. Morton, detailed in hospital. Nat. S. Morton, wounded at Drury's Bluff; promoted to 1st (Corporal. Wm. H. Morton, made Color Corporal, April, 1862; wounded at Gaines' Mill; transferred to Cavalry. H. C. Middleton, detailed in hospital. W. J. Morrissett, elected Lieutenant at Orange C, H.; promoted to Captain; slightly wounded once or twice. Eddie Miller, left marker. R. D. Miller, captured at Gettysburg and kept in prison many months. John Moss, — . Rod Mayo, — . William A. Miller, promoted to 1st Lieutenant; wound- ed at Gettysburg. J. H. Minor, transferred to Co. E, April, 1862; health failed; detailed in hospital. T. F. McKinney, wounded at Gaines' Mill; afterwards served in Cavalry. W. J. Nash, wounded at Frazier's Farm; promoted to Corporal. Thos. J. Osborne, discharged, — ill-health. V. C. Overton, died of typhoid fever, February, 1862. Richard H. Page, killed at Frazier's Farm. 98 History of Prince Edward County John H. Pearson, died of disease, contracted by ex- l^osure. Samuel B. Partin, — . John E. Paterson, detailed in hospital during 1861 ; made Commissary of 16th Va. Regiment, 1862. T. J. Paulett, wounded at Gettysburg. H. A. Paulett.— Samuel W. Paulett, right marker; wounded at 2nd Man- assas; slightly wounded and captured at Gettysburg; severe- ly wounded and captured at Sailor's Creek, 6th April, 1865. Tom Price, killed at Bermuda Front. E. T. Rice, detailed in hospital. Chas. R. Richardson, detailed as clerk, October, 1861; afterwards returned to Company; killed at Bermuda Front. Walter H. Richardson, discharged as farmer, Sept., 1861. Jno. W. Ransom, made Sergeant of Company. Jesse Robertson, wounded terribly and died. T. L. Robertson, — . J. J. Riggins, captured at Gettysburg. George M. Setzer, wounded at Frazier's Farm; pro- moted to Corporal; killed at Gettysburg. W. G. Stratton, wounded at Hatcher's Run, 31st March, 1865. W. F. Smith, transferred to Co. K, 18th Va., April, 1862. Wm. Smith,—. Joel W. Toney, discharged 1862; joined again in 1864. Wm. A. Tuggle, killed at Frazier's Farm. - - Tompkins, wounded at Hatcher's Run, 31st March, 1865. Cicero A. Verser, transferred to Co. C, 18th Va., April, 1862; killed at Gaines' Mill. Ed. Verser, — . Paul C. Venable, transferred to Co. D, 18th Va., Feb., 1862; promoted to Ordinance Sergeant of the regiment; History of Prince Edward County 9J> afterwards promoted to Captain of Ordinance, on Gen. Wade Hampton's Staff. C. M. Walker, transferred to Cavalry, and wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., Stevensbiirg, and Winchester. L. A. Warren, promoted to Sergeant, and afterwards made Quarter-Master Sergeant. W. H. H. Walthall, promoted to Color Corporal. Thos. Weaver, killed at Bermuda Front. B. C. Wells, served through the war. T. A. Wells, served through the war. W. C. Wells,—. AV. Archer AVilson, killed at 1st battle of Manassas; first man of the Company killed in battle. Abram N. Womack, discharged for disease and over-age. Nathan B. Womack, discharged; afterwards rejoined. W. T. Worsham, wounded at Gaines' Mill; killed at Gettysburg. Tom Walden, died at Point Lookout, Md. Peter Wells,—. J. T. Wilkerson, discharged; afterAvards put in 19th Va. O. T. Wicker, wounded at Gaines' Mill; 2nd Manassas; Flint Hill; Gettysburg; and Bermuda Front. Edgar Wicker, — . Jno. I). Walthall, wounded at Gaines' Mill; and Gettys- burg. Conrad Zimmerman, wounded and disabled at Gaines' Mill; afterwards served as Conscript Officer. NOTE: (The foregoing most excellent summary of Company F, was made under the personal supervision of "Captain" S. W. Paulett.) NOTE: (R. D. Miller, one of the signers of this peti- tion, died in October, 1921, and was buried in Farmville cemetery.) 100 History of Prince Edward County KOLL OF CENTRAL GUARD OF COMPANY I, 23rd REGIMENT VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS C. S. A. NOTICE. The following petition will be heard before the County Court of Prince Edward, on the 21st of April, 1899. W. H. THACKSTON, Clerk. To the Honorable Judge of the County Court of Prince Ed- ward county : The petition of N. H. Garland, C. C. Bass, and F. H. Davis respectfully represents: — That your petitioners served as soldiers in defense of Virginia in the War Between the States of 1861 and 1865, in- clusive; that they were members of a Company of Infantry enlisted for the most part in the said county, in the commence- ment of said war. That said Company was raised for the defense of Virginia, and did actually serve in one of the armies of the Confederate States, to wit: in the Army of Northern Virginia, as Company I, 23rd Virginia Regiment, during the whole war. They file hereAvith a muster roll of said Company of Infantry and pray that the same may be recorded among the records of said county. And to that end that your Honor will require the proper notice of this application to be pub- lished, and to render to your Petitioners all such other and further aid in the premises as may be needed, and your Peti- tioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc. C. C. Bass, F. H. Davis, N. H. Garland. EiMory of Prince Edward County 101 Virginia: — Prince Edward county, to wit: I, Branch Worsham, formerly Lieutenant of Co. I, 23rd Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., do certify that C. C. Bass, N. H. Garland, and F. H. Davis, whose names are signed to the above petition, were members of said Company of Infantry, and were thoroughly reputable soldiers. B. Worsham, Lieutenant Co. I, 2^rd Va., Infantry. ROLL OF CENTRAL GUARD OF COMPANY I, 23rd REGIMENT VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS This Company was organized at Prince Edward court- house (now Worsham) and was the third to leave the county; was mustered into service May 22nd, 1861, at Richmond, and on Sunday, June 9th, 1861, left Richmond for Northwest Vir- ginia, the Regiment being commanded by Colonel William B. Taliaferro. Captain, Moses T. Hughes; commanded until the battle of Carricksford, July 13th, 1861, when he resigned. 1st Lieutenant, J. P. Fitzgerald; commissioned Captain of the Companj^ from July 25th, 1861. Commissioned Major of the regiment from June 10th, 1863, and Lieutenant-Colonel from the 27th of November, 1863. Wounded at Sharpsburg; captured at Spottsylvania ; carried to Fort Delaware, and from thence to the coast of South Carolina; exchanged at Charleston, July, 1864. Was with the Army of Northern Virginia at the surrender at Appomattox. 2nd Lieutenant, Branch Worsham ; captured at the battle of Carricksford. Appointed clerk of the Circuit Court of Prince Edward. 3rd Lieutenant, William G. Trueheart; elected 1st Lieu- tenant, July 20th, 1861; subsequently resigned and joined the Prince Edward company of Cavalry. 1st Sergeant, Nathaniel G. Jones ; served until discharged. Afterwards served in the 18th Virginia Regiment, 102 History of Prince Edward County 2nd Sergeant, Henry Venable; killed in the battle of Carricksford, July 13th, 1861. 3rd Sergeant, Christopher C. Bass; wounded at Mc- Dowell, May 8th, 1862; served until July, 1862, when he was discharged for physical disability. 4th Sergeant, Gustavus A. Bass; elected 1st Lieutenant at the re-organization in May, 1862. He commanded the Company at the battle of Chancellorsville, 1863, where he was killed. 5th Sergeant, James H. Thackston; captured on the re- treat from Northwest Virginia, and paroled, and when he was exchanged, joined some other company. 1st Corporal, Henry W. Edmunds; wounded at the battle of Carricksford, July 13th, 1861 ; captured and paroled, and when exchanged, joined the Cavalry, and was again severely wounded. 2nd Corporal, Thomas R. Farrar; killed at the battle of McDowell, May 8th, 1862; body sent home and buried in Prince Edward. 3rd Corporal, George W. Cliborne; exchanged into Com- pany F, 18th regiment in 1863. 4th Corporal, William L, Gutherie; elected 3rd Lieuten- ant at the re-organization of the Company in May 1S62; on the death of Lieutenant G. A. Bass, was made 1st Lieutenant, and became Captain of the Company in 1863; was captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse, May 12, 1864, and taken to Point Lookout, and thence to Morris Island, S. C, and, on being taken back to Lookout, died there from exposure and hardships endured while in prison. 5th Corporal, John M. Booker; killed at the battle of Sharpsburg, September 17th, 1862. History of Prince Edward County lu3 PRIVATES J. D. Allen, discharged for physical disability. John J, Allen, discharged, January, 1862. John R. Allen, captured July, 1861 on the retreat from Northwest Virginia, and paroled when exchanged, and did not rejoin the Company. Robert P. Anderson, transferred in June, 1861, to Captain J. M. P. Atkinson's Company (Hampden-Sidney boys) ; captured at Rich Mountain, July, 1861, and, when exchanged, joined the Artillery. Elisha S. Boatwright, served until late in the war, and discharged. Richard F. Burke, served through the war. Henry C. Campbell, discharged, August 1st, 1861, on account of physical disability. Wm. H. Campbell. John A. Chappell, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse- May 12th, 1864; imprisoned at Point Lookout until the close of the war. John Carter, killed at Carricksford, July 13th, 1861. Elijah F. Collins, killed at Carricksford, July 13th, 1861. John W. Cave, wounded at Carricksford. James A. Chrisp, served until late in the war, when dis- charged for physical disability. Jeremiah G. Daub, wounded in the arm at McDowell, May 8th, 1862, and discharged. Fayette H. Davis, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse, May 12th, 1864, and kept a prisoner at Fort Delaware un- til the close of the war. Richard A. Davis, captured on the retreat from North- west Virginia, July, 1861, and paroled; when exchanged, joined another company. Joshua Foster; killed at Carricksford, July 13th, 1861. Nelson H. Garland, was made 1st Sergeant of the Com- pany, and, at the re-organization in May 1862, was elected 104 History of Prince Edward County 2nd Lieutenant, and at the battle of McDowell, May glh, 1862, was disabled by a wound through the arm, and after that was on detached service. John R. Hughes, discharged July, 1861, for physical dis- ability. Shadrach H. Hines, discharged at the end of the tirst year's service as being over forty-five years old. Thomas L. Hines, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse and retained a prisoner at Fort Delaware until the war ended. Samuel C. Hines, discharged for physical disability. James H. Hailey. William Hamilton, died of disease, September, 1861. Francis Hamilton, served through the war. James Hamilton; served through the war. Irby King, killed at Carricksford, July 13th, 1861. Drury Lacy, wounded at Carricksford, July 13th, 1861; elected Lieutenant 1863; captured at Spottsylvania Court- house, May 12th, 1864; carried to Point Lookout, and thence to the coast of South Carolina, and afterwards exchanged at Chambersburg. Matthew L. Meadow, captured July, 1861, and never re- turned for duty. Overton Meadow, served through the war. Wm. J. Morris, wounded at Spottsylvania Courthouse. May 12th, 1864, captured and not released until the close of the war. Elijah Morgan, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse. T. W. Price. Joseph B. Price. Albert G. Rogers, served through the war. T. H. Rogers, wounded in the leg at Sharpsburg, served to the end of the war. R. T. Rice, discharged in March, 1862, for physical dis- ability. History of Prince Edward Connty 105 John F. Rice, Jr., captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse, May 12th, 1864, and not exchanged until after the war. F. S. Scott, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse. Robert C. Thackston, wounded at Cedar Mountain, August 9th, 1862, and died of his wound in the hospital. John S. Watson, captured at Spottsylvania Courthouse, May 12th, 1864, and taken to Fort Delaware; on his return, afterwards accidentally drowned by falling overboard the steamer at Baltimore. John M. Williamson, captured July, 1861, and never re- turned to his Company. Benjamin A. Womack, captured at Spottsylvania Court- house. RECRUITS WHO JOINED THE COMPANY IN THE FIELD 1861 N. E. Venable, served in 1861 in the Marine Corps, and, in September, 1864, resigned his commission and entered this Company as a private; was promoted to the Lieuten- ancy; was commander of the Company at Kernstown. C. R. Venable, joined the Company September, 1861, and was made Sergeant. 1862 Wm. D. Allen, captured at Spottsylvania. James J. Bigger, died of disease. Archer L. Bagby, captured at Spottsylvania. Robert Fitzgerald, died of disease. John E. Campbell. Richard Crafton, killed at the Wilderness. Beverley Dupuy, killed at Chancellors ville. 106 Tlistory of Prince Edward County Creorge G. Fowlkes, killed at Chancellorsville. James T. Fowlkes. Minford Fowlkes. Darious Hash; died of disease. John T. Hines. Stephen Hines, died of disease, George R. Hughes, discharged and died. John F. Jones, wounded at McDowell. Wm. L. Meadow, died of disease. James M. Morton, died of disease. Nelson McGeehee, died of disease. James Phelps, died of disease Robert Reider. Robert K. Thackston, wounded at Petersburg. John S. Thackston, captured at Spottsylvania. Wm. A. Walton, became 1st Sergeant and was killed at Sharpsburg. James L. Waddell. (Note: Fayette H. Davis, one of the signers of this petition, died in 1920, and was buried in Farmville cemetery.) History of Prince Edward County 107 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY COURT December Term 1898 On motion of the petitioners; W. H. Ewing, J. F. Wal- ton, and H. W. Edmunds, and it appearing that the Muster Roll of Company K, 3rd Regiment, of Virginia Cavalry, Fitz Lee's Division, C. S. A., has been published for two succes- sive weeks in the "Farmville Herald," and the Court being satisfied that the copy of said Muster Roll is as perfect as practicable to be made, doth order the same to be recorded as the law directs. Teste: W. H. THACKSTON, Clerk. Captain, John I. Thornton, elected Lieutenant- Colonel in 1862. Killed at the battle of Sharpsburg, 18G2, while in com- mand of the 3rd Regiment. 1st Lieutenant, Peyton R. Berkeley, elected to Captain in 1862. Resigned 1863. 2nd Lieutenant, H. I. Parrish. 2nd Lieutenant at or- ganization; promoted to be "Aid De Camp," with rank of Captain; afterward Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel of 16th Vir t? Txr«i7« r^.^^,>^i " (Signed) R. E. LEK, General. Official: G. M. Serrel, Lieut.-Colonel, Acting Adjutant- General. On which General Anderson endorsed : "For Major-General, Geo. E. Pickett, Commanding Di- vision.'- The Richmond Examiner, at this time stated in one of its issues, that General Lee had given orders for long- tail coats to be issued Pickett's men to hold them back while charging. After getting in those works, we moved up and down them for several days, getting the brigades of divisions in their positions, from right to left, reaching from the Howlett House on the James river, to the mouth of the Appomattox river. Between these points we now had Butler's force bottled up, and General Lee meant to keep the cork in, — the cork was our division and pretty hard to move. We now settled down to prepare for the long siege. There was but little fighting along this line during this campaign. We did camp and picket duty on the skirmish line for some months. Winter was now coming on and we began to build huts and dig holes to protect us from the cold weather. While on parapet duty one day I looked to my right hand and saw Generals Lee, Pickett, and Hunton com- ing down the line of works. As they passed my post I halted and presented arms, they saluted and passed just beyond my History of Prince Edward County 157 post and halted. General Lee was inspecting our lines. At this time the Yankee skirmish line was not more than one hundrd and fifty yards from where they stood. Of course, our skirmish line was between them and the Yankees, but the Generals were in full view of the enemy, and could have been easily killed by their sharp-shooters. Our skirmish i.ines were so close to each other I could have shot a gravel from one to the other without effort. In fact we often ex- changed tobacco for coffee with the Yanks. We would toss to them a piece of tobacco and they would toss back a small bag of ground coffee in exchange. General Lee remained here for some time examining the Yankee works through his field glass. My beat ran beyond where they were standing, and in walking it, I passed and repassed them many times. Always on the lookout, I, of course, caught a little of their conversation. General Lee finally turned to General Pickett and said: "General, those people are too close to your works. You must move them." I did not hear Pickett's reply, but knew those Yanks had to get further. xVfter coming off duty I told the boys what I had heard. They agreed with me. We always relieved the skirmish line at sundown. A few days af'^er General Lee had left the skirmish line, we doubled. We knew this had its meaning. After getting on the line we were told by the officer in command that when •'taps" were sounded at the works, which was always done at nine o'clock, we should immediately leap the pits and charge the Yankees in our front without further orders. The time soon came. Taps sounded and over the pits we went. The Yankees were more than surprised. They fired jbut few shots before we Avere upon them and over their pits. We captured many of them and advanced our line further on, and halted to dig the new line of pits. The Yanks did not like this much. While we were digging away, they threw forward a new line of battle, charged our skirmishers and drove them back to the old line of pits. Everything now 158 History of Prince Edward County remained quiet for a few days.. Tom Dowdy of my com- pany was wounded in this charge. Pickett was not satis- fied, — General Lee's orders had not been carried out. Prepa- rations were again made to charge the line. This time the effort would be made at daylight, so that we could see what we were doing. General Hunton came on the line to look after the work, gave orders to double the skirmish line, and to charge just at daybreak, which we did, again driving the Yanks out. and advancing our lines two hundred yards. Here we dug new pits, and General Hunton threw forward his line of battle to protect us until the work was finished. The Yanks, seeing the line of battle in the field, concluded to let us remain. It was on this new line, but not at this time, that Charlie Eichardson and Tom Weaver were killed. This was our skirmish line so long as we remained at this point. Winter was now on and wood very scarce. We had used up all between us and the works. There was a small piece of woods between our line and the Yankee skir- mish line. Both were afraid to cut it. The weather began to pinch us pretty tight. Both wanted that wood, so an agree- ment was made that each side should send out a detail of men, under guard, just before night, cut, and divide the wood. I have seen a Yank and a Reb cutting on the same tree and divide equally. The wood secured for the night, each would return to the pits, and ready to fight again if necessary. At this time the pickets were not firing at each other at all, although we were within speaking dis- tance. I have stated we relieved the picket line at sundown every day. The Yankees did the same. I have seen the two details marching along their respective lines relieving the men in the pits, the lines being from fifty to seventy-five yards apart, and not a shot fired! In fact, we got to know- ing each other by name ! I have often heard a Yankee calling out: "Say, Johnnie, is Captain Nash on duty this morning?" Evervthing worked like this for a long time; in Hhtory of Prince Edward County 159 fact till the Yankees withdrew the whites, and put negro troops, in our front. This kicked up the devil, and the kill- ing of everything in sight began again. There was no hold up now; the pop, pop of the guns was heard day and night. There was no rest for the negro; if he exposed any part of his body it was immediately shot at. Many were killed and wounded, but few of us were hurt. Bob Meadows and myself were one day on the right of our line, sharp - shooting, in front of Stewart's brigade. There were three negroes in a pit, but rather too far off for Stewart's boys to do much with them. Bob and I decided to turn our at- tention to them; they were about two hundred yards to our right, and in a half -moon pit. Our position gave us an enfi- lade fire along this pit, and we arranged a small log of wood to prevent the Yanks on our left and front from seeing us Elevating our rifle sights to two hundred yards, we awaited our time, agreeing that he would shoot the centre man, and. I the one on the left of the pit. We did not wait long be- fore we saw their heads coming up from behind the pit; we took deliberate aim, and, at the command from Lieut. Murray, fired. At the crack of our guns the two fell back dead on the outside of the pit, and remained in full view from about ten o'clock in the morning, until dark. The other gentleman in that pit did not shoAV himself again during that da3\ though we tried very hard to make him do so, by firing across his pit. I suppose he thought two dead niggers in one pit would do for one day. This firing was kept up for about three weeks, when, before day one morning, we were surprised by hearing a Yankee calling out : "Hello, Johnnie, don't shoot! There are no negroes on this side, this morn- ing." Dougherty, an Irishman belonging to our company, replied. "IVe will wait until day and see." Between day- break and sun-up we called and asked them to show up. Immediately three white men to each pit jumjied out in full view, not a shot was fired, and quiet was restored along our 160 History of Prince Edward County whole front again. We chatted with them, swapped tobacco for coffee, exchanged papers, and had a good time generally. During the month of December we were relieved and with- drawn from the line, and marched to Richmond, and from this point sent to Gordonsville, to meet a Yankee raid on that place. We succeeded in checking this, and returned to our lines again. On the 22nd of January, 1865, our gunboats came down the river to the Howlett House battery. Their intention was to shell Butler's observatory, pass along down the river in the rear of the Yankee line, and destroy the enemy's shipping at City Point. In the attempt to pass the obstructions in our front, all, except one, the "Fredericks- burg," ran aground. She succeeded in doing considerable damage to the enemy's vessels. During that night a heavy demonstration was made by our troops, and the next day the enemy's monitors arrived, and opened fire on our iron-clads which were aground in the river. A small wooden gunboat, the "Drewry," was blown up by them. The firing was very lively, the forts on both sides taking a hand in it. About the middle of the day, our boats succeeded, without material loss, in retiring to the rear of Fort Howlett, and at night they returned to Richmond. In this connection permit me to narrate a little personal experience. On the night of the gunboat expedition it fell to my lot to do vidette duty between the lines. Right here permit me to explain. In this day none but old soldiers would know what a vidette was. In approaching our line of battle, at night from the rear, you would first strike the the line of battle, then the skirmish line, next the vidette post. The post was next to, and as close as you could get it, to the enemy's line. The}' were thus placed, in order to observe and report any movement of the enemy. In case of advance on the part of the enemy, their orders being to fire and fall back on the skirmish line, the skirmish line reserving their History of Prince Edward County 161 fire until the videttes were all in. On this occasion I was left vidette for my line, with orders to hold my post until the Yankees advanced, then to fire and fall back. Those or- ders were given me bj'- Lieut. Fitzgerald of Company "I," who was in command of the skirmish line that night. I had been on but a very short while when firing commenced on my left next to the Howlett Hoiise, nearly one mile away. I paid no attention to this at first, but gradually the firing extended up the line and toward my position. HaAdng or- ders not to abandon my post unless the enemy advanced, I of course, held my ground as no enemy appeared. Yet I knew when the 8th Virginia opened fire on my left, to remain I would be in great danger, both from the Yankees and my own men, yet orders must be obeyed and, as there were no Yan- kees advancing on my front, I held my post. The boys in my rear lost their heads, and, forgetting that I was still in their front, they opened fire. The enemy opened also, thus placing me between the fire of the two lines. I placed my gun on the ground and laid down beside it, expecting that one side or the other would soon kill me. I could hear the singing of the bullets from either side, but was not hit. As soon as the fire slacked, I returned to the line of skirmishers; Lieut. Fitzgerald ordered me back to the vidette post; I refused to go; he said he would put me in the guard-house: I told him to do so, and be d — d, as I would no longer do duty for an officer who Avould place a vidette on post with orders to hold the same until the enemy advanced, then to fire and fall back: and he, being in a safe place, would per- mit his line to open on the enemy, with that vidette still in front. I jumped in a pit, and Fitzgerald did not arrest me, nor did I go on vidette duty again that night. I had fully made up my mind never again to serve as vidette with Lieut. Fitzgerald in command of the line, and I never did. After the white troops were put back in our front, with the exception of a few skirmishes in which we partici- 162 History of Prince Edward County pated, we had a quiet time on the skirmish line. Drilling, guard and picket duty, and working on the fortitications, were our principal occupations. The men had now learned the value of being protected by the shelter of earthworks, and they did a big lot of that kind of work. On March 5th, our (Pickett's) division was relieved by Mahone's division, and put in the field for active duty. Xow our troubles began again. We marched out and halted near the turnpike, within two miles of Chester station. While in camp without any shelter, a cold rain set in and continued for two days, (^n the 8th General Pickett held a grand review of his division. On the 10th Stewart's and our (Hun- ton's) brigade marched to Manchester, where we got aboard the cars, (old freight cars) on the Kichmond and Danville railroad and came to Burkeville. Here our trains, in three sections, were transferred to the tracks of the South Side railroad, now a part of the Norfolk and Western system, and started for Lynchburg. We of course passed through old Farm vi lie. On reaching here all the people turned out and gave us all we could eat and drinl?:, the boys got "how come you so" in a hurry, but we soon were off again. On arriving at Pamplin City Ave learned that Stewart's bri- gade had stopped off' at Farmville and gone into camp. We were taken off' at Pamplin's and camped in a piece of woods just to the right of where the pipe factory at that place now stands. We now heard that the object of our move was to assist General Early in heading off", and thrashing, General Hunter, who was making an effort to capture Lynchburg. The old General had gotten afoul of him that morning, cleaned him up, and was now in hot pursuit of him down the valley, and did not need us. We took the cars again the next morning and, headed again for Kichmond, passed through Farmville but did not stop. Arriving at High Bridge we stopped, got, off, and went into camp near the dwelling of Mr. Madison; the place is now owned by our townsman, C. W. Blanton. History of Prince Edward County 163 Soon after getting into camp, a lot of us came back to old Farmville, and were painting the old burg red. About one o'clock we were passing the Randolph Hotel where Gen- eral Pickett had his headquarters, when Charlie Pickett our Adjutant General, called, and informed us that marching orders had come, and we must get back to the bridge as soon as possible, or we would be left behind. We now struck back to the railroad and counted sills at the double-quick. We ar- rived on time, the boys were all on the cars, and only await- ing orders to steam out. It soon came and we were off for Richmond, where we arrived on the morning of the 14th. We started about 12 o'clock and marched within four miles of Ashland, where we halted in line of battle. General liOngstreet was in command of the force of which our di- vision was the main part. On the next day, the 15th Vir- ginia, had a sharp skirmish with Sheridan's cavalry at Ash- land. At night we were changing our position, moving to- ward the right, halting now and then expecting an attack, but none came. The next day we reached the Pamunkey river and built a bridge. Here our pursuit after the enemy's cavalry stopped, as they had disappeared from our front. We now returned to the lines near the Nine-Mile road. On the 23rd there was another grand review of our division by General Longstreet. On the 25th, Terry's, Stewart's, and Corse's brigades of our divison, were ordered to Richmond, thence to the right of General Lee's army at Five Forks. Why we left I can't say. We did not move until the morning of the 30th, when orders came for us to march. We moved to Richmond and took cars for Peters- burg. We left the cars a few miles before reaching that city, and marched across to the South Side railroad. On reaching this point, our column was turned to the right, and marched up the roadbed for several miles, when we turned to the left, crossed Hatcher's Run on a bridge of loose logs near an old mill. Here we again filed to the right, and were 164 History of Prince Edward County soon in line of battle behind breastworks which had been thrown up before our arrival. It had been raining very hard all day, and we were wet to the' skin, hungry, and muddy. We remained behind these works all night with skirmishers out to the front, and orders were to sleep (if we could) with guns in hand, as the enemy might attack our position at any minute. The night passed without any advance ^on; the part of the Yanks. The next morning, 31st. we were formed behind the works and orders came to right face, counter march, by file right. We marched down the works for half-mile, when we filed to the right, and passed to the front, forming line of battle along the White Oak Swamp (T think it was). Here we found some Georgia troops deployed as skirmishers to our front, in an open field. Everything being so quiet some of us took off our shoes, and began bathing our feet in the puddles of water left by the hard rain of the day before, and, while engaged in this, the pop, pop of the guns of the skir- mish line in our front was heard. You bet those shoes went on our feet quick, and the boys were in line, ready to meet the attack. The Yanks came charging over the hill and closed on our skirmish line in a hurry. A Lieut, of the 8th Vir- ginia regiment, seeing the danger to the line in front, called out in a loud voice: "Boys, they will capture our skirmish- ers; charge them." Without further orders, the boys raised the old yell, and at them we went on the run, with guns at the trail. Nearing them we opened fire, but continued to advance. The boys in blue stood it for a while, but, finding that we were closing in for a hand-to-hand fight, they broke and ran, we at their heels yelling like devils, and burning powder for all we were worth. Running them into a large body of woods, we found another line formed to meet us. M^e did not stop, but charged into, and broke this line also, and continued to advance. About a quarter-mile from this point we discovered their third line. By this time we were all History of Prince Edward County 165 broke up, and orders came to halt and reform the line, which we did in a few minutes although under fire. Orders now came to charge the third line, which we did in fine style, breaking it up in short order. We now had three lines of battle of the enemy, running in our front, we following on the run, yelling, shooting and killing all we could. This was all very nice, and we enjoyed it, but the Yank's time was now to come. We succeeded in driving them back nearly to the Jerusalem plank road, our ranks growing weaker and thinner at every step. The enemy had massed a very heavy force along the Plank road and put a stop to our advance. On" nearing this position we were halted and ordered to re- form line, but our boys, having already broken three lines of battle, w^ere very much scattered, and before we could line them up, the Yanks charged. It was impossible in our con- dition, to successfully resist this counter-charge, and the boys began to fall back; slowly at first. The Yanks, seeing how few we were, began to crowd us, and we broke into a run, and made back to our starting-point, and, this being the Yanks' time, they gave us "hail Columbia" before we reached the White Oak Swamp Road; but here we halted and stood at bay; — they could drive us no further! Right here the heavy fighting done at Hatcher's Run ended; about dark we with- drew and fell back again behind our works. In this charge my company had killed: Elam, Boatwright, Harvey, Jack- son, and Dougherty; wounded: Stratton, and Tompkins: captured : Harrison Walthall. A sad day's work for old Co. F : five killed, two wounded, and one captured. Elam was a brother of our townsman D. T. Elam. There was no better soldier than Bob Elam. I have often heard him sa3^^ if the Confederacy must fail, he wanted to die in the last fight. The noble boy nearly got his wish. There were but few fights after Hatcher's Run, 31st day of March. Soon after getting behind the works that night, Col. Carrington. who was in command of my regiment, sent 166 History of Prince Edward County for me, and I repoi'ted immediately. He informed me that all his staff had been killed or captured in our charge, and I must remain with him to carry orders. I placed two rails on the works, over which I stretched an oil-cloth, and then placed our blankets under them, and I laid down to rest. We had been fighting all day without one mouthful to eat, and now, the fighting over, we had not even one cracker to appease our hunger. We did not mind this much as we had become accustomed to it. We only drew the cartridge box belt the tighter and kept going. It was raining, and the night was \QYy dark. Soon after we had stretched out to rest, we heard an orderly enquiring for Col. Carrington. 1 called him, and found he was one of General Hunton's orderlies. He gave Col. Carrington some orders from Gen- eral Hunton for the officer in charge of our skirmish line. The Colonel said to me : "Sam, you have heard the orders, go out to the line and deliver them to Lieut. Murray who is in command." Our line was about 250 yards in our front, and in a body of woods. The woods in front of our works, for a distance of two hundred yards, had been cut down, lapped and interlapped, until a rabbit could scarcely get through it. Now you can imagine \A^iat a time I must have had in going to the front in such darkness. I mounted the works and struck out the best I could, stumbling here, fall- ing there, and sometimes walking upright, then on hand and knees, I finally worked my way to the edge of the woods in which our line was posted. I now thought my trouble was over, but not so; the Yanks got it into their heads to advance and drive out our boys, and the pop, pop, of the guns soon began again. I could hear the zip, zip, of the bullets, as they passed right and left, and I got behind a tree and awaited results. The Yanks soon found out that our boys were there to stay, and after firing a few rounds they fell back. I now advanced toward our line, and it was so dark I could not see a man. The men being deployed, I passed them History of Prince Edward County 167 without knowing it, and was on my way to join the Yankees, when I heard someone say in very low tone : "Halt ! Who goes there f I recognized the voice of Sam Moore, a mem- ber of B Company, and a most excellent soldier. I told who I was, and he said: "You spoke in time; I was about to pull down on you." I asked him where Lieut. Murray was. "Gone to the left," was his reply, so I went to the left too, and soon found Murray, and gave him the orders, and started on my way back to the works. Somehow I got completely turned around in those woods, and when I reached the cut down timber I was lost good. But I knew our works were in the direction I was going, so kept steadily on and finally reached them fully one mile below our regiment. I was now among some Georgia troops, who told me that my bri- gade was on their left higher up. I got on top of the works and found them again. On reaching the Colonel he said : "Sam, where have you been?" I replied: "Lost, but Mur- ray has his orders." This satisfied him and we went to sleep. No more orders that night, except to sleep on arms. April 1st, about day, orders came to march by the right flank, and we marched in the road, through fields, in the woods, taking all the near cuts, in order to get to, and rein- force, the other three brigades of otir division, who had been cut to pieces the day before by Sheridan's cavalry and War- ren's corps, at Five Forks. We joined them about dark, but found them falling back slowly, before five times their num- ber. About nine o'clock we halted, formed line of battle to fight again, but the Yanks thought better of it, and did not attack. Early on the morning of the 2nd we began to fall back again, crossing the South Side railroad at Church Roads, just above Petersburg, and continuing the march, halted near Exiter Mills, on the Appomattox river, having marched about twelve miles that da}'. But there was no rest for the weary and hungry ! We were soon on the march again. The division, now about 2,200 strong, moved to 168 History of Prince Edward County Deep Creek, which we reached that night. Here we put up a pretty little fight, stopped the enemy's advance, then con- tinued the retreat, without rations. Constant marching and fighting without food, shelter, or sleep, began now to tell seriously on that grand old di- vision. The boys were worn almost to a frazzle, but with a determination to do or die, they held the Yanks. Now and then we would pass a poor fellow who could hold out no longer, and had dropped by the roadside, to be picked up by the Yankee cavalry, who were constantly pressing our rear. With cheerful and loving words we would pass our dear comrade by, telling him to make one more effort and come if he could. When the lines were broken near Peters- burg, our division, with some other troops, were cut oft' from our main army. Sheridan put his whole corps of cavalry after those few^ men and tried to capture them before they could rejoin Lee. Sometimes he would attack our front: sometimes our rear. He hung a snag. We whipped him every time, and succeeded in rejoining General Lee at Amelia Courthouse, at which point General Lee had ordered rations for his army. None had been sent, consequently the army moved off again without rations. This was very hard to bear, but there was no grumbling among that noble band of men. They knew it was no fault of General Lee's and you could hear them sa^' : "We will follow Marse Robert to the end, I will be the last spoke in the hub when the wheel fails to turn." From Amelia Courthouse our division headed for Painsville, marched in that direction about two miles, when we counter marched by file left, came back to the Richmond and l^anville railroad, up which we marched for several miles, then struck off' to the right, and passed through Deatonsville, and reached Sailor Creek during the morning of 6th of April. Somewhere along the line of march. Colonel Car- rington sat in a corn-house door and gave each man as he History of Prince Edioard County 1.69 passed three ears of corn, which he said was for three days rations. The head of our brigade had halted near Sailor Creek, and this placed our regiment in the road opposite Capt. Hillsman's dwelling. I got in his yard, kindled a fire, and with a half of a canteen was parching some of my com. While doing this William Wilkerson, who now lives with me in my factory, came to me. He belonged to the 19th Va., Regt. We were discussing the question of coming by home, when I happened to look over to the left and discovered a Yankee cavalry crossing an open field and passing rapidly to our front, I called his attention to them and he said they were not Yankees. T told him they M^ere, and that I would know that flag if I saw in it perdition. General Pickett was sitting on his horse nearby. I called his attention to them and he immediately gave orders for us to cross the creek. We did so, and marched about 100 yards up the road, filed right and formed line of battle along the edge of a piece of pines. In our front was an open field about seventy-five yards across, then came a body of oak woods. We had been lined up but a few minutes, when the Yankees lined up along the edge of the oak woods. They were mounted, and we did not wait for any orders, but gave them a solid volley of musketry, and charged across the field. They gave way and we continued to follow, yelling and shooting. I had gotten about 25 yards into the woods, standing loading my gun, when a shell exploded very near me, a piece of which passed through one of my limbs, giving me a serious wound, which kept me on crutches for seven months after the war closed. T was placed on a stretcher and taken to the rear, where Dr. Berkeley dressed my wound, and sent me over the creek to a spring. I was not here long before the Yankee Infantry in line of battle, came up. I was of course made a prisoner. I knew it was getting serious for our boys now. With infantry in our rear, and on both flanks, and their caA^alry in our front, it would be a hard matter to hold our own against 170 History of PHnce Edward County such odds. The boys would not yet give up; they formed hollow square, and continued the fight until late in the after- noon, and were forced to surrender. I have heard that we had about 12,000 men in this fight, against 52,000 of the enemy, yet we held our ground for five hours ! Could men do more? It were enough honor to have shared the fortunes of any of those regiments. During the night I was taken up by the enemy and carried to Capt. Hillsman's yard, which was full of wounded Yanks and Rebs. Many died during the night. I was very weak from loss of blood and thought many times that night, while hearing the constant cry of the wounded, and the last gasp of the dying, that I too, would soon be marching in the silent army, but the good Lord ruled otherwise, and I am here to-day to recount to you those scenes of long ago. The next mornmg a Yankee Sergeant, who had been left in charge of us, drove a cow in the yard and shot her for those hungry, wounded men. After skinning her, he would cut a big chunk of the flesh, with the blood dripping from it, hand it to the boys, who, like dogs, ate it raw. I Aery well remember I thought it the sweetest piece of meat I ever ate. On the 9th a Federal surgeon came along with a lot of ambulances, examined, and dressed the wounds, put the boys in the ambulances, and sent them on to prison. When he got to me, he examined my wound very carefully, and said : "Johnny, you are very badly shot, and, if I start you back, you will die between here and Burkeville." I said: •'Doctor, let me die here; I will die that much nearer home.'' He asked me where my home was, and I told him, Farm- ville. He soon left with his ambulance train, leaving me alone in Hillsman's yard. I now made up my mind to get to Mr. Creed Farley's if possible, and in this I succeeded, History of Prince Edward County 171 and was never better treated or looked after in my life. While going over to Mr. Farley's I had the good fortune to run across a Yankee soldier, William Ferris, by liame. He was from New York city, and belonged to the 6th army corps. He was a man with a big heart; and, had I been his brother, he could not have done more for me. He dressed my wound twice regularly every day, and remained with me until I came home. We corresponded for a num- ber of years after the war. I wrote him last at St. Louis, Mo., but he has never replied, and I fear he has answered his last roll-call and is now marching with the silent army. He it was who first informed me of General Lee's surrender, and tne assassination of President Lincoln. On the 27th, it having been twenty-one days since I was shot, the Federals sent an ambulance from Farmville for me. I bid my good friends, the Farley's and Ferris, good- bye, and started for home with brother Henry, who had come down with the ambulance for me. On our way, arriving at Mr. Walthall's, we found Miss Sallie Keives, who afterwards married Mr. William Daniel, and who now lives a few miles from town. She wished to return to her home in Farmville with us, and we gladly consented, and had the pleasure of her most excellent company from there home. We left her at the residence of Mr. Joe Wiliams, who was her step- father, and drove to my own home, where there was great rejoicing over the return of the young, wounded soldier. That night I had a fall from our front porch which came very near terminating my life. My wound was nil torn open again, and it was thought I would bleed to death, but, as heretofore, I managed to pull through, and, as many of my friends will admit, am here j^et, and hope to remain for many moons to come. As before stated, I was shot and captured on the 6th of April, at Sailor Creek, about twelve miles below Farmville, 172 History of Prince Edward County and left on the battle field, where, what was left of our division, stood as a forlorn hope to save Lee's wagon trains, and those who did their duty on that day, were either killed, wounded, or captured, almost to a man. Here my own ex- perience as a soldier of the army of Northern Virjj^inia, ended. I can now only state what others have said as to the final march, and end, of that noble army. From Sailor Oeek, General Lee continued his ret rent in the direction of Lynchburg, passing through Farmville. He pressed on as fast as the condition of his men would permit, fighting every inch of ground, until he reached Appomat- tox Court-house. Here he found himself, and his little army, surrounded hy (xraut and his vast host. Up to this point he had managed to check their pursuit from time to time, and to continue his retreat. On the 7th of April. Geueral Grant sent the following communication to General Lee. ^xeneral : The result of the last week must convince you of the Jiopelessness of further resistance on the part of the army of Northern Virginia, in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the re- sponsibility of any further effusion of blood, by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army known as the army of Northern Virginia. U. S. GKANT, Lieutenant General. General Lee did not think as General Grant did. He replied on the same day, April 7th, as follows: General : I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express on the .hope- lessness of further resistance on the part of the army of Northern Virginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid the useless eftusion of blood, and therefore, before considering your proposition, ask the term you will offer on condition of its surrender. r. ]?. LEE, General. History of Prince Edward CounUj 173 Greneral Fitz. Lee says the next communication from General Grant was received by General Lee "at a large white farm-house at Curdsville." It would be interesting to know who resided at that "white farm-house" then, and who occupies it now. I trust some old resident of Curdsville will give the information. The two notes read as follows: April 8, 1865. General : Your note of last evening, in reply to mine oi" the same date, asking the condition on which I will accept the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia, is just received. In reply, I would say that, peace being my great desire, there is but one condition that I would insist upon, namely, that the men and officers surrendered, shall be disqualified for faking up arms again against the government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or will designate officers to meet any officers you may name for the same purpose, at any time agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the term upon which the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia will be re- ceived. U. S. GKANT, Lieutenant General. To which General Lee replied: April 8, 1865. General: I received at a late hour your note of to-day. In mine yesterday I did not intend to propose the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender of this army, but as the restoration of peace should be the sole object of all, I desire to know whether your proposal would lead to that end. I cannot therefore meet you with a view to surrender the army of Northern Virginia, but as far as your proposal may affect the Confederate States forces under my command, and tend 174 History of Prince Edward County to the restoration of peace, I shall be pleased to meet you at 10 a. m., tomorrow, on the old stage road to Richmond, between the picket lines of the two armies. R. E. LEE, General. On the next morning General Grant dispatched another note to General Lee, as follows: April 9, 1865. General: Your note of yesterday is received. I have no authority to treat on the subject of peace. I will state, however, General, I am equally anxious for peace with your- self, and the whole north entertains the same feeling. The terms upon which peace can be had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands of human lives, and hun- dreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. Seriously hoping that all our difficulties may be settled without the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, etc. U. S. GRANT, lAeutenant General. General Humphrey sent this note forward by Colonel Whittier, his Adjutant General, who met Colonel ISfarshall, of liee's staff, by whom he was conducted to the general. To this note Lee replied: April 9, 1865. General : I received your note of this morning on the picket line whither I had come to meet you and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposal of yesterday, with reference to the surrender of the army. 1 now ask an interview in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday for that purpose. R. E. LEE, Ge7ieral. History of Prince Edward County 175 Grant, who received this not« eight or nine miles from Appomattox, at once answered it. April 9, 1865. General R. E. Lee, Commanding C. S. A. : Your note of this date is but this moment (11:50 a. ra.) received. In consequence of my having passed from the Rich- mond and Lynchburg road to the Farmville and Lynch- burg road, I am, at this writing about four miles west of Walker's church, and I will push forward to fhe front for the purpose of meeting you. Notice sent to me on this road when you wish the interview to take place, will meet Very respectfully, your obedient servant, U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant General. General Fitz. Lee says this reply was sent direct to Gen- eral Lee by Colonel Babcock. Our noble old leader was obliged to confront a painful issue. His duty had been per- formed, but so earnest was he in trying to extricate his troops, and carry them south, that he failed to recognize the hope- lessness of further resistance, or the emergency that called for the surrender of his army. At the suggestion of some of his higher officers. General Pendleton, the commander of his reserve artillery, went to Lee on the 7th to say that their united judgment agreed that it was wrong to have more men on either side killed, and that they did not wish that he should bear the entire trial of reaching that conclusion. But Lee replied, that he had too many brave men, to think of laying down his arms, and that they still fought with great spirit; that if he should first intimate to Grant that he would listen to terms, an unconditional surrender might be de- manded, and "sooner than that I am resolved to die." General Lee had not altogether abandoned the purpose to march south, 176 History of Prince Edward County even after the notes of the 7th and 8th had been exchanged. Longstreet, Gordon, and Fitz. Lee, commanding his corps, were summoned to headquarters on the night of the 8th, near Appomattox Courthouse. The situation was explained free- ly, and the correspondence with Grant alluded to, yet "Marse Robert" was not ready, without one more effort, to surren- der those noble boys who had served him so faithfully. So it was decided that Gordon and Fitz. Lee should attack Sheridan's cavalr}' at daylight on the 9th, and open a way; but in case the cavalry was reinforced by heavy bodies of infantry, the commanding general must be at once notified, as surrender was inevitable. The attack was made at sunrise, and the Federal cavalry driven back with the loss of two guns, and a number of prisoners. The arrival at this time of two corps of Federal infantry, necessitated the re- tirement of the southern lines. General Ord, who commanded one of the corps of Federal infantry, states that he was "barely in time, for, in spite of General Sheridan's attempts, the cavalry was falling back in confusion." The die was cast; the last gun tired; and a white flag went out from the Southern ranks ; the war in Virginia was over ! Colonel Babcock, the bearer of General Grant's last note, found General Lee near Appomattox Courthouse lying un- der an apple tree upon a blanket spread upon some rails; from which circumstance the widespread report originated that the surrender took place under an apple tree. General Lee, Colonel Marshall of his staff; Colonel Bab- cock of General Grant's staff, and a mounted orderly, rode to the village, and found Mr. Wilmer McLean, a resident, who, upon being told that (jeneral Lee wanted the use of a room in some house, conducted the party to his dwelling. General Lee was ushered into a room on the left of the hall, and, about one o'clock, was joined by General Grant, his staff, and Generals Sheridan and Ord. Grant sat at a marble-topped table in the centre of the room; Lee at a small oval table History of Prince Edward County 177 near the front window. Generals Lee and Grant had met once, eighteen years before, when both were fighting for the same cause in Mexico. After a pleasant reference to that event, Lee promptly drew attention to the business before them; the terms of surrender were arranged; and, at General Lee's request, reduced to writing as follows : Appomattox Courthottse, Va. April 9, 1865. General : In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst., I propose to receive the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit : Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in dupli- cate, one copy to be given to an officer to be designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer, or officers, as you may designate. The officers to give their individual parole not to take up arms against the government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company and regi- mental commander to sign a like parole for the men of their coumiands. The arms, artillery, and public property, to be packed and stacked, and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side arms of the officers, nor the private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by the LTnited States authority so long as he observes his parole, and the laws in force where he may reside. U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant General. He then said to General Lee, "Unless you have some sug- gestion to make, I will have a copy of the letter made in ink and sign it." This gave Lee the opportunity to tell him that the cavalrymen and many of tne artillerymen, owned their own horses, and wished to know^ if those men would be per- mitted to retain them. General Grant said he would jrive 178 History of Prince Edward County instructions "to let all men who claim to own a horse or a mule take the animal home with them to work their little farms." April 9, 1865. General: I received your letter of this date, containing the terms of tlie surrender of the army of Northern Vir- ginia as proposed by you. As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th instant, they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. R. E. LEE. General. The formalities now concluded, his thoughts now turned to his hungry veterans, and to his prisoners; he said to Gen- eral Grant: "I have a thousand or more of your officers and men, whom we have required to march along with us for several days, and I shall be glad to send them to your lines as soon as it can be arranged, for I have no provisions for them. My own men have been living for the past few days, principally upon parched corn." General Grant suggested that he would send him twenty-five thousand rations. He told him it would be ample, and assured him it would be a great relief. He now rode away to break the sad news to the brave troops he had so long commanded. His presence in their midst was an exhibition of the devotion of soldier to commander. They pressed up to him, anxious to touch his person, or even his horse, and tears washed from strong men's cheeks, the stains of powder. Slowly and painfully he turned to his soldiers, and with voice quivering with emo- tion, said: "Men we have fought through the war together, I have done my best for you, my heart is too full to say more." It was a simple, but most affecting scene to see those iron-hearted men, whose eyes had been so often illumined Hutory of Prince Edward County 179 with the fire of patriotism and true courage; that had so often glared with defiance in the heat and fury of battle; and so often kindled with enthusiasm and pride in the hour of success; moistened now with the deep love and sympathy they each had for their beloved chief. He soon sought res- pite from those trying scenes and retired to his private quar- ters. On the next day a formal leave of his army was taken, in these never-to-be-forgotten words: Headquarters Armt of Northern Virginia. April 10, 1865. After four years of arduous service, marked by unsur- passed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard- fought battles who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, but finding that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continuation of the contest, I have determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. By the terms of agreement, offi- cers and men can return to their homes and remain there until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully per- formed, and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will ex- tend to you his blessing and protection. With unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous con- sid'jration of myself, I bid yoo an affectionate farewell. K. E. LEE. General. And then in silence, with lifted hat, he rode through a weeping army. Thus terminated the career of the Army of 180 History of Prince Edward County Northern Virginia — an army that was never vanquished, but that, in obedience to the orders of its trusted comman- der, who was liimself yielding obedience to the dictates of a pure and lofty sense of duty to his men and those de- pendent on him, laid down its arms and furled the stand- ards never lowered in defeat. Now, Mr, Editor, my task is advancing to its close; be- fore doing so permit me to oli'er an excuse for reproducing the correspondence which passed between Lee and Grant, prior to the surrender. In my conversation with many of my old comrades I have found but few who ever saw it in print. If this be true, then very few there must be among our young people who have seen it. For their benefit I ask that you publish it. There is one historical fact, per- taining to the surrender, which I think all should know. It is this: the vast discrepancy in numbers and resources we M^ere contending against at this particular time. On April the 10th, one day after the surrender. General Meade called to pay his respects to General Lee. The conversation natu- rally turned upon recent events, and he asked General Lte how many men he had at Petersburg, at the time of Grant's final assault. General Lee told him in reply that, by his last returns, he had 33,000 muskets. General Meade then said: ''You mean that you had 33,000 men in the lines immediately around Petersburg." To which Lee replied, "No:" that he had but that number from his left in the Chickahominy, and to his right at Dinwiddie Courthouse. At this General Meade expressed great surprise, and stated that he then had with him, in one wing of the Federal army which he com- manrled, over 50,000 men. Now, remember. General Lee had for months, kept up his line of defense before Richmond and Petersburg, a distance of more than thirty miles, with an army of 33,000 half-starved men, in the face of General Grant and his vast army of well-fed men. The last returns on March 1, 1865, of Grant's army, gives the total of all arms, Hktory of Prince Edxoard County 181 at 162,239 men. Col. Walter H. Taj-lor, who was Lee's Ad- jutant-Greneral, says: "When General Lee withdrew his army from the lines during the night of the 2nd of April, he had of all arms, not over 25,000 men who began the retreat that terminated at Appomattox." Think of it ! 25,000 men fighting and retreating before 162,000 and for several days succeeded in checking and driving back every attack, and at last with only 8,000 muskets in ranks, surrendered! Charges were now withdrawn from the guns, flags furled, and the Army of the Potomac, and the Army of Northern Virginia, turned their backs upon each other, for the first time in four long, bloody years. The Southern soldiers, wrapped in faded, tattered uniforms, shoeless and weather- beaten, but proud as when they first rushed to battle, re- turned to their desolate fields: homes in many cases in ashes, blight, blast, and want on every side ! Grand, glorious, and noble body of men, your deeds of bravery and self-sacrifice to duty and your fair Southland, will go down the ages in history and in song, never, no never, to be forgotten ! Now, Mr. Editor, as my task is drawing to its close, my heart throbs and thrills; again my blood courses rapidly through my veins as I hear in imagination the old Rebel Yell, and recall the many deeds of daring of my old and much-loved comrades in gray. How I love that grand old army and the noble band who filled its ranks! And it fills my heart with joy Avhen I feel and know that we "Who fold this love with rapture nearer our heart, Believe that some-where, some time, we will meet and never part." 182 History of Prince Edward County LOCAL WAR HISTORY The following very interesting paper was read before the Pickett-Thornton Camp, Chapter 16, of the Daughters of the Confederacy, at Farmville, Va., by the late Dr. James L. White, and reported in the Farmville, Va., Herald of July 9, 1897. Dr. White died June 26, 1909, aged 76 years, and lies buried in the Cemetery at Farmville. This very sug- gestive inscription is inscribed on his tombstone there: "The Beloved Physician." At the request of some of the members of your organi- zation, and after reading the second letter from Prof. T. J. Garden, addressed to you, it has occurred to me that I might, from my personal recollection, add some items of interest and information to the history of the Confederate General Hos- pital, located at Farmville during the late war. After participating as Surgeon in the celebrated cam- paign in the Valley of Virginia in 1862, I was ordered to report for diitj' to the surgeon in charge of the General Hos- pital at Farmville, and did so about the middle of Decem- ber of that year. I remained on duty at the General Hos- pital at Farmville until January '64, when I was transferred to field service and ordered to report to G«n. Longstre^, whose corps was then occupying the eastern portion of Tennessee. In the latter part of the spring of that year, Longstreefs corps was ordered to return again to Virginia, and I served as Brigade Surgeon to Bryant's brigade, of Kershaw's Division in the campaign of 1864, from the battle of the Wilderness to the front of Petersburg. I remained with Longstreefs corps until the early fall of 1864, when I was again transferred to hospital duty at Lynchburg, and served as Surgeon in charge of one of the General Hospitals until February, 1865, when I was again History of Prince Edward County 183 transferred to Farmville, and took charge of my old division in the General Hospital, and served in that capacity till the termination of the war. Pardon me for alluding to this much of my war history. It is only referred to because, to some extent, it is connected with the history of the General Hospital at Farmville. The General Hospital at Farmville was organized in the year 1862, under the supervision of the late Dr. H. D. Taliaferro, who was surgeon in charge from its organization to the termination of the war. Its capacity was about 1,200 or 1,500 beds, which were occupied chiefly by cases of chronic diseases, and convalescents from the hospitals in the cities, and others near the field of active operations. The buildings used for hospital purposes were the sev- eral tobacco factories and warehouses in the town, which con- stituted the 1st and 2nd divisions, together with ten or twelve new wards erected, and located to the west of the corporate limits, and directly on the line of the N. & W. railroad, which constituted the 3rd division of the General Hospital. Drs. Walton and Tuft were in charge, respectively, of the 1st and 2nd divisions, and I was assigned for duty in charge of the new wards, or the 3rd division. Those wards became the property of the United States at the surrender, and, after being occupied as hospitals, and deposits of dis- tribution of rations and other supplies to our indigent colored friends of this and the several adjacent counties, under the auspicies of the Freedman's Bureau for several years, were sold in 1870, or at the time this department was discontinued at Farmville. Soon thereafter they were all torn down and removed, with the single exception of the extreme western ward, which is even now, at this writing, partly intact, and used as a dwelling. The office of the surgeon in charge of the 3rd division 184 History of Prince Edward County and the dispensary (which was in charge of the late Mr. L. W. Williamson, a very competent druggist, who died a few years ago and is buried in the Farmville Cemetery), together with the bakery and the commissary department of that di- vision, are still standing and occupied as dwellings. They are the buildings in the rear of the residence and garden of our worthy fellow-citizen, ex-Governor McKinney, on the south side of the N. & W. R. R., and were opposite the wards which were located on the north side, with their gables and main entrance fronting the road, and extending back in their length from 100 to 150 feet towards the river. Dr. H. D. Taliaferro had been previous to the war, sur- geon in the United States Navy. He was a good organizer, a splendid executive officer, well up in his profession, an af- fable and kind-hearted gentleman, and well qualified for the position of Surgeon in charge of the General Hospital at Farmville to which he was assigned. After the close of the war he returned to his former home in Orange, Virginia, and after a few years went thence to Richmond, and finally re- turned to Farmvile, where he resided and practiced his pro- fession until his death, which occurred in January, 1891. He was buried in the Farmville Cemetery. The other sur- geons in charge of divisions were Dr. R. H. Walton, and Dr. Tuft respectively of the 1st and 2nd divisions. Each of the division surgeons had under their direction a number of assistant surgeons who had charge of the several wards in the respective divisions. Among those associated with me in the 3rd division were Drs. Boatwright, Chandler, Mathews, Garden, Ladd, Grayson, etc. In the other divisions the ward surgeons were Drs. Carter, Boykin, Russell, Hancock, Tatum, and others whose names I cannot now recall. Revs. Os- born, Langhorn, and Mcllwaine were Chaplains. The Quar- termaster and Commissary departments w^ere in charge of Major R. B. Marye, with several assistants. It was a pleas- ant military family and every branch was in harmony, and Hiatory of Prince Edioard County 185 satisfactory to the citizens and refug^ees, of whom there were a great many temporarily residing in Farmville at that time. There were none among us who at that time entertained any other idea than that the independency of the Confederacy would be ultimately established; but as time lengthened into years, we became more and more convinced that our cause was slowly but surely waning in its strength and resources, and that we had jeopardized our all, save honor and love of tradition and section, in the uncertain balances of war, which would end ere long in disaster to our homes and loved ones. We were not therefore, altogether surprised at the news which reached us on the 3rd of April, 1865, that the overwhelming Federal forces, which had been besieging Petersburg for nearly a year, had at last succeeded in break- ing through the attenuated lines of our half-clad, and half- fed Confederate heroes, driving them from their strong and fortified position in the front of that city and necessitating the evacuation of Kichmond, which was the seat of the Con- federate Government. Then began that sad, but stubborn and celebrated retreat of the Confederate forces which terminated in the surrender, on the 9th of April, at Appomattox Courthouse. The sad and terrible scenes witnessed during that short week of the retreat of the Confederates, and those which followed for many days and weeks thereafter, will long be remembered by the citizens of Farmville. Especially will be remembered the days of the 6th and 7th of April, for those were the days and nights our famished soldiers reached our town. All day and all night long the worn and weary column drag- ged its slow length through our streets; all day and all night long did our generous people, with open doors, distribute such provisions of food and comfort as they possessed, to this almost famished and heart-broken army. Early in the morning of the 7th, I think it was, Gen- 186 HUtory of Prince Edward County eral Lee, weary and worn with loss ol' sleep and the great responsibility of his position, entered our town and, ascer- taining the whereabouts of Generals Breckenridge, Lawton, and St. Johns, respectively the Secretary of War, Quarter Master General, and Commissary General, who had spent the night, but not in sleep, at the residence of Mr. P. H. Jackson, held an interview with them. He remained but a short while and, after taking a CONFEDERATE cup of coffee, which was sent to his room, parted from those gentlemen at the yard gate. This, perhaps, was the last meeting, or official consultation, held bet wen General Lee and any of the cabinet officers of the Confederate Government. Generals Brecken- ridge and Lawton turned their course toward Danville to join President Davis and the other members oi^ the Cabinet, who had gone by rail directly from Richmond to Danville, and General Lee, in the opposite direction, crossing the bridge over the Appomattox river at this place,. joined the Confederate column in Cumberland, which had been drawn up in line of battle from the point of woods near the railroad bridge crossing the hill near the Lithia Springs, thence across the old plank road near the toll house and be- yond the dwelling on the Bazarre plantation. The Federal column occupied the hills to the south and east of the town. At one time, early in the day, it was thought that a general engagement would take place, and the citizens were ordered to leave the town. Many of them, especially the women and children, did so, but there was nothing more than an ex- change of a few artillery shots between the two opposing lines of battle, which resulted in no damage, though some of the houses within the corporate limits twere sttruck, and the marks of the shots may be seen on them even at this day. Later in the afternoon, that portion of the Confederate forces which had been engaged at the High Bridge, crossed to the north side of the river at that point, and after uniting Avith the main body opposite the town, took up again their History of Prince Edward Countij 187 march. In the meanwhile the Federals, so soon as the Con- federate forces began their march, threw a pontoon bridge across the river, (the wooden bridge having been burned by the Confederates early in the day) and crossing to the Cum- berland side of the river, made an attack. They were re- pulsed and made no further advance till near sunset. The night of that day our citizens were again kept from sleeping and in an anxious and alarmed state, by the con- tinuous passing of the Federal forces through the streets. None but those who were present can imagine the horrors of that miserable night to our people. Closed doors were but little protection from the swarm of the Federal host that crowded our yards and streets, and none at all from the horde of lawless thieves and boomers who followed in the wake of the victorious army. We w^ere indeed in a pitiable condi- tion. Martial law. however, was established the following day, and guards of protection were given those who applied for them, and though we were prisoners in our own homes, still we felt less alarm, and madte ourselves more comfortable. We knew nothing of the events transpiring at the front. Hopeful we were, but ignorant as to whether our people had succeeded in reaching and uniting with others of our Con- federates at Lynchburg, or had encountered irreparable dis- aster. Sunday morning however, the various Church bells and others in the town, began ringing, and we were told it was to announce to all the surrender of General Lee at Appomat- tox Courthouse. Thus ended with us the entire movements of the war, but for days and weeks and months we had to submit to mili- tary government in our town and vicinity. A provost mar- shal with a military company to assist him, held us in sub- mission for eighteen months or two years, and we had no liberty or freedom of action until the last blue coat of our conquerors had disappeared from among us. 188 History of Prince Edward County This much of the local history of our town during the last days of the Confederacy I have thought would he of interest to you. None but those who witnessed them c^n ever realize how terrible was our everyday life. Our domestic living and home rule, underwent a sudden and de- plorable change. With no financial resources, and our pro- visions all exliausted, many of our citizens were compelled to accept the GENEROUS BOUNTY of dry codfish and hard- tack from our aggressors. (Note: This article was continued in a later issue of the Herald, but this much is perhaps sufficient for our present purpose. — C. E. B.) Jrinr? lEbmarli CHauntg ttt tl|f 2lj-ronatntrluitt l^niah Histomj of Prince Edward County 191 PKINCE EDWARD COUNTY IN THE RE-CONSTRUCTION PERIOD The War was ended! It had ended disastrously for the South ! Virginia, battle-ground of the hostile forces, was devastated! Her soldiers came back to their homes, if in- deed they had any homes to come back to, and, settling down to peaceful pursuits with the same determination with which they had addressed themselves to the war, began the sterner struggle with poverty. There was not enough seed left in Prince Edward with wliich to plant the first crop; neither was there money with which to buy seed had it been obtainable. Their hands were tied in many trying ways, yet they bent to the new tasks with a cheerfulness that was inspiring. Freedmen's Bureaus were set up by the conquering North and officials with shoulder straps and brass buttons abounded. They were sent into every County with authority to look after the late slaves; "wards of the nation," as they were then called. The negroes were organized into "Union Leagues." They were not eager for work. The difficulty of obtaining labor was added to the other troubles of the people. De- praved men, some of them alas, citizens, many of them a low type of Northern new-comers, entirely ignorant of the negro and his ways, and of the problems of the South ; "Scalawags,- ' and "Carpet-baggers" they were called, respectively, went among the negroes and did what they could to incite them to tumult and riot. To the everlasting credit of these negroes, be it said, that, though accepting their freedom as a great boon, and relying with childlike faith upon the promises of these 192 History of Prince Edward County northerners, most of them continued to be orderly, respectful and industrious. Thus was the previous kind treatment they had received from their Virginia masters vindicated. Yet, even in spite of their admittedly difficult position, it cannot be said that Prince Edward County, had even then, any greater ''labor problem" than has been experienced by her in recent years. We must not neglect to note in this connection, the fact that the city of Baltimore came to the aid of Virginia in this time of tremendous need like a veritable Ceres sowing seeds of hope, and offered to furnish seed on security of the crop to be planted, and marketed. This offer was most grate- fully accepted, and everybody took fresh courage. There was pulsing life once more in the land; peace brooded over all. Alas it was not to go on uninterrupted ! The horrors of the reconstruction were coming on apace. Prince Edward shared in the hope that came with the generosity of the city of Baltimore; she was to share in the turmoil of the recon- struction days. The eager cormorants from the north were getting hungry and were already demanding their sop. In 1870 the new Constitution of Virginia, framed in 1867- 68, by what is known in history as the "Black and Tan," or '"Underwood" Convention, became effective. Virginia was "readmitted into the Union;" that Union she had been fore- most in forming and in establishing, and that Union slie had been loathe to leave. Under these new conditions, each county was laid off into townships, and the County Courts, almost coeval with the Colony, were abolished, and the office of County Judge was created. Boards of Supervisors were created at the same time. Grave apprehension was felt lest the negroes, then constitut- ing the majority of the registered voters, might work great havoc in the fiscal matters of the county by electing a ma- jority of the newly created boards. The whites, however, so History of Prince Edward County 19H arranged their forces that these fears were never seriously realized, and the minimum of disorders occurred. From about 1S70 matters have gone on in regular and orderly routine, with nothing of particular moment calling for the attention of the chronicler of the Reconstruction Days. Further light is shed on these strange days in the chap- ter on the judiciary, to which the attention of the reader is specifically directed. Pnttrp Sbmarli (Eountg ttt tljr Waxih Par 1. Introduction. 2. Red Cross activities. 3. Muster Roll of the Farmville (juard. 4. List of white men from Prince Edward county in the service. 5. List of colored men from Prince Edward county in the service. History of Prince Edward County 197 PRINCE EDWARD IX THE WORLD WAR Introduction In this chapter we shall endeavor to give, with some rea- sonable accuracy, the story of the part played by Prince Edward county in the great war of 1914-18. Of necessity the recital must be somewhat curtailed, for space is not avail- able in which to tell of the multitudinous war activities of the people of this part of the State. Then, too, the lists appended are subject to further revision for errors. It is too much to expect that, in the mad whirl of war's turmoil, all names shall be properly recorded or transcribed. Many of the men went by ''nicknames" and these occasionally got into the records. Difiiculty was encountered also, in keeping the names of white and colored soldiers separate. Reasonable accuracy has, however, been attained, due in no small measure to the splendid work of Mrs. Roberta Large of Farmville, who, at much expenditure of time and labor, has done so much to keep our county records straight. Much additional and valuable information upon this topic Avill be found included in chapter eleven of this work, in the war activities of the Churches of the County. 198 History of Prince Edward County THE RED CROSS The following brief statement respecting the work of the Prince Edward County Chapter of the American Red Cross, is taken from a careful report of the work of that or- ganization during the great war, prepared by Senator R. K. Brock of Farmville, and filed at the Court House: The local chapter was organized at Farmville, August 31, 1917, largely through the efforts of Dr. T. G. Hardy, sup- plemented by a visit to Farmville of Col. Henry W. Ander- soi'., later head of the Red Cross Mission to Roumania. At the organization meeting the following officers were elected : Chairman: Robert K. Brock. Vice-Chairman: Mrs. J. L. Jarman. Treasurer: J. L. Bugg. Secretarj^: Rev. C. P. Holbrook. Executive Committee: the Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, ex-officio; W. S. Weaver, Rice, Va. ; E. S. Taylor, Prospect, Va. ; Mis. T. P. Singleton, Darlington Heights, Va ; E. S. Martin, J. L. Jarman, Mrs. R. B. Tuggle, Mrs. A. T. Gray. Mrs. J. L. Jarman, and Mrs. W. P. Richardson, all of Farmville, Va. A Membershi]) Committee, composed of Dr. J. L. Jar- man, Mrs. A. T. Gray. Mrs. R. B. Tuggle, Mrs. Thos. G. Hardy and Miss Sue Gray Flippen, was appointed by the Chairman, and the membership was rapidly increased. The officers and the Executive Committee, as well as the Committee on Membership, are people of standing in the community. The Chairman is a lawyer by profession and a former member of the Virginia Senate; the Vice- Chairman, wife of President Jarman of the State Normal College for Women at Farmville, occupies a place of great nistory of Prince Edward County 199 prominence in the social and civic life of the community; the Treasurer is Cashier of the People's National Bank, one of the leading banking institutions of tjhis section, land Chairman of the third, fourth, and fifth Liberty Loan Cam- paigns, bringing his county well over the top each time: and the Secretary is Rector of Johns Memorial Episcopal Church, Farmville, who has had wide experience in many forms of social welfare work, and brought with him an enthusiasm for the great work he was espousing. The Women's Work Committee, headed by Mrs. J. L. Jarman, amongst much other invaluable war work made the following articles: Surgical Dressings 21,660 Hospital Garments _ 825 Hospital Supplies 520 Refugee Garments 818 Reclamation Work done for Soldiers at Camp Lee 1,368 Comfort Kits 1 loo Christmas Packets 50 Property Bags 50 Linen Shower 350 In addition, the Knitting Committee com- pleted the following: Sweaters 248 Socks 286 Mufflers i \ Wristlets 18 Afghan 1 Branch Chapters were organized in the following places : Rice Branch, W. S. Weaver, Chairman; Meherrin Branch, M. E. Gee, Chairman; Darlington Heights Branch, Mrs. T. P. Singleton, Chairman; Prospect Branch, T. J. Mcllwaine, 200 History of Prince Edward County Chairman, succeeded by W. C. Chick; Sandy River Branch, W. B. Bruce, Chairman; Abilene Branch, Miss Annie Mc- Gehee. Chairman; Felden Branch, Miss Marie Allen, Chair- man: Hampden-Sidney, Mies Susie Venable, Chairman; Five Forks Branch, Mrs. Norvell Crute, Chairman. There is also a Colored Branch in Farmville, and colored members elsewhere in the county, who did fine work. The Chapter was not organized when the first drive for funds was inaugurated, but in the second drive in the spring of 1918, with Dr. Jarman as Chairman of the War Fund, the quota of $2,800 was more than doubled, the sum of $6,250 being raised. This was accomplished with the splendid or- ganization perfected by Dr. Jarman. The Home Service Section was organized in the early summer of 1918, with Dr. J. M. Lear as Chairman, and Miss Mary Dupuy as Secretary. Miss Dupuy was succeeded by Mrs. Koberta Large, who has performed wonders in securing and perfecting the records of the individual personnel of the men who went into service from Prince Edward County. The Junior Bed Cross, under the leadership of Miss lima Von Schilling did w^onders and forwarded the follow- ing articles to the Red Cross Headquarters: Property Bags - 200 Layettes j 1 Box Garments 145 Scrap Books _ 180 Gun Wipes 500 The local Chapter is still (1921) maintaining an exist- ence, as a permanent organization. History of Prince Edioard County 201 IN SERVICE DUKING THE GREAT WAR Members Farmviij.e Guard ' »^ J. Watson Anglea; John W. Almon. J. E. Baldwin; S. Blanton Badgett; Charles Boyd; Lloyd Bullock; Otds Bowman; Robert Stanley Baldwiin; Henry Bailey. D. J. Carroll; *Alfred Coleman; J. Vernon Collins; John Hiighbert Cocks; Wirt Cardiwell; William Haislip Crenshaw; Fields Cobb: Granville Chappell; Mack Cowan; W. C. Collins; Guy J. Crenshaw; Felix Cline; C. E. Chap- pell. Harry Dix; *Hershel Dix; W. P. Davis; F. L. Dietrick; Ruben Daniel; W. D. Druen; R. C. Dodl; J. F. Dodson. Littleton Edmunds; Charles F. Eifert; J. F. Echols; Decker Emerson. R. H. Foster; George Fitzgerald; J. W. Fers. Thomas Greenalls; *John N. Garland; J. H, Gilliam; J. E. Garnett; R. R. Gilliam; W. S. Gilliam; J. W. Good- mtn: AValker M. Gray. H. H. Hunt; Goode Hundley; L. L. Haymaker; *W. W. Hillsman; J. Ashley Hurt; Meband Harper. John N. Irving; LinAvood Irvine; Courtney Irvine. Emerson Jarman; Joseph Jarman. Henry A. Kelsey; A. G. Kelsey; *Finney Kernodle. Joseph E. Lowe; James E. Lipscomb; Guy F. Lancaster. Horace H. Moorefield; Richard K. Marsh; Rupert F. Mann; Frank L. Mcintosh. T. A. Perrow; D. W. Paulett; Raymond Phillips. Robert B. Rodgers; Lucius R. Reedy; Charles W. Raf- ferty; Spottswood B. Robinson. *]Millard Guy Smith; H. B. Shultz; Emmett Sheppard; 202 History of Prince Edward County Joel Shepparcl; Bryant Sheppard; Melvin T. Smith; Blanch- ard Skillings; Frank E. Slaughter. J. C. Terry; Lawrie W. Thompson; Thomas F. Taylor. Cimnino^ham Watkins; T. H. Whitlock; J. A. Whitlock; James Leigh Wilson, Jr.; W. H. Waters; Ernest Woodall; T. H. Williams; Sam Webster; *John Woodson Webster; Henry Wood; Carl Wilck; Paul Wilck; George W. White; Homer F. Wilkinson; Stanley Watkins; Wallace J. Wilck, *Signifies those who died in Service. History of Prince Edward County 203 LIST OF WHITE MEN IN THE SERVICE FROM PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Paul T. Atkinson; William Scott Addleman; Henry Guthrie Allen, *Paul Simpson Barrow; Owen Hall Bliss; Samuel W. Bondurant; William T. Bondtirant; Charles Richard Bugg; K. C. Bliss : J. M. Brightwell ; W. R. Berry ; John W. Brand- on; T. L. Bliss; Everett Bailey; John Barton; J. T. Baker; Norman Berry: R. A. Brisentine; W. D. Brisentine; C. H. Borum; J. E. Booth; Willie Brooks; Rush W. Bondurant; Robert N. Bradshaw; William H. Bondurant; Charles D. Beck ; Nathan Baker ; Oscar Borum ; John Clarke Bondurant. Charles M. Clarke; Frank B. Chernault; M. B. Coyner; T. H. Crenshaw; J. C. Crawley; J. L. Calhoun; H. W. Cov- ington; F. B. Cale; *R. C. Cheadle; L. B. Carwile; Baudie G. Carter; Charles Booker Cunningham; Albert Casey; John D. Cobb: Jasper S. Carter. Leon Lonsdale Duncan ; L. W. Drummeller ; T. B. Daniel : Harry S. Durfee; W. M. Davis; Linwood Dalton; Shirley E. Dowdy; W. M. Dickerson. Claude M. East; Russell East. Andrew Jackson Fears; Sam. S. Flippen; J. N. Foster; H. Leonard Fulcher; Roland Scott Franklin; H. T. Ferguson; John W. Ferguson; *Henry Fowlkes. William Gaunce ; James Sherman Goodrich ; Watson Wo- mack Gray; Thomas H. Garnett; H. A. Glenn; N. I. Gibson; N. C. GaUier; I. Peyton Glenn; F. T. Glenn; Ulysses O. Gunter; Isaac C. Glenn. E. H. Herzig; Thos. G. Hardy; W. A. Holt; W. W. Hughes; J. C. Hopkins; W. Edward Hines; W. Eleaser Hughes; J. B. Holt; Harry E. Hamilton; B. G. Hood; Henry Hancock; Alfred E. Inge; L. P. Inge. 204 History of Prince Edward County R. W. Jones; J. N. Jennings; Ernest L. Jennings; Ed- ward L. Jennings. G. W. Kennedy. W. E. Lee; Berry Lee; J. V. Lewis; Joseph H. Lewis, Jr. ; Herman Levy. Richard Lee Morton; Mark xV. Moffett; R. E. MofFett; M. R. Mays; T. J. Mcllwaine; W. H. Mason; Charles W. Mason; R. F. Mann; William Conway Morris; D. C. Morris; John A. Morris. C. M. Noel; Finley N. Nelson. F. L. Orange; J. J. Overton; L. N. Oliver; Otto Oliver. William R. Price; C. A. Price, Jr.; Joseph A. Poole; M. M. Ponton; G. D. Pickett; Haywood Pollard; Robert H. Phillips. Gates Randolph Richardson ; Joe Edmund Rogers ; James G. Redford ; Sam H. Rodgers. Willie Mann Scott; T. B. Scott; Frank Commer Sliultz; William Thomas Straley; L. D. Simpson; F. G. Shiiltz; *Phil B. Swan; L. A. Snow; G. E. Shorter; C. L. Stuart; Hutch Stowe; Nunnally Smith. John Daniel Thomas; W. E. Tomlinson; Pitzer S. Turns; Oscar Thompson. James B. Vaughan. Robert Earle Warwick ; Thomas Edward Webster ; Harry Eastley Whalley ; John Hugh Whalley ; Lee Carrington Whal- ley; Oscar Hamet Whitten; James William Wilson, Jr.; Howard F. Weaver; Cecil F. Walker; Charles T. Walker; H. E. Walker; G. L. Walker; S. N. Wood; Gene B. Walker: Sam M. Weaver; Alfred Wolter. *Si«rnifies those who died in Service. History of Prince Edward County 205 WHITE MEN OF THE COUNTY WHO ENLISTED ELSEWHERE Ernest Allen; Jean Anderson; Willie Adams. J. P. Bondiirant; Charles Bates; Richard B. Bates; Eu- gene Budd; J. Spencer Burger. W. G. Carter; James Cowan; Melvin Childress; Robert T. Cocks ; Morris Conway ; Leslie Carwile ; Martin Covington ; J. G. CrenshaAv; Charles B. Crute; A. B. Crawley; A. L. Crawley. Berlin Driskill; W. G. Dunnington; Wallace Duvall; A. R. Dunlaim; W. C. Davis; E. M. Dickerson; Jack Dun- nington. Reid Edmunds; J. Watson Elliott. Pierce Farr; H. G. Farley; James D. Fowlkes. Ernest Garland; T. A. Gray, Jr.; Thomas D. Glenn; Everett Garber. T. A. Hubbard; H. J. Hubbard; C. W. Hubbard; C. A. M. Hubbard; Hunter C. Harris; Willard Hart; Robert Hund- ley. Jack Irving. Hicks Ligon; Massie Lowe; Hatcher Layne; Haynes Lancaster; Clarence F. Lynn; Stanley R. Legus. *Dan A. Mcintosh; Henry L. Moore; Percy Moring; Cumfv Mottley; McGinnis. Bernard Oliver; Walter Overton. Walter A. Palmore ; Thomas G. Price. J. Maxwell Robeson ; Clyde V. Ransom ; Robert Richard- son; Walter Richardson; *Dewitt Riggins; Floyd Rosser. Ed. Shorter; Joel Sheppard. Elmer R. Tomlinson; Henry C. Thompson; T. A. Tweedy. Petit Venable; Reginald Venable; W. A. Vernon; A. E. Vaughan. Frank Nat Watkins; Sam W. Watkins; Louis Whitlock; E. Dixie Wilkinson. Earle Homer Young. *Sijmifies those who died in Service. 206 History of Prince Edward County IN STUDENT ARMY TRAINING CORPS FROM PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY AT HAMPDEN- SIDNEY COLLEGE *F. A. Allen; R. W. Biigg; J. S. Q. Carson; G. E. Coff- man; K. Drummeller ; T. J. Headlee; J. A. Jones; R. C. Moore; J. W. Putney; W. E. Smith; J. M. Watkins. * Signifies those who died in Service. History of Prince Edward County 207 COLOKED MEN IN THE SERVICE FROM PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY William H. Anderson; James Armistead; C. H. Ander- son; Luther Allen; J. N. Anderson. Wesley Bedford; Leonard P. Bedford; Willis Berry; Henry T. Brown ; Charles William Brown ; Lancaster Brown ; Fred Baker; John Baker; Phillip Bland; Wesley Brown; Floyd Brown; John Brown; Howard Brown; Archer Brown; Hunter Brown; R. W. Brown; J. H. Brown; S. J. Brown; Eddie Brown; Percy Brown; Royall Brown; Thomas B. Blue; Clarence Blanton; Eddie Berry; Edward Beverley; Willie Baker; Charles Banks; Waverley Burr; J. C. Berry- man; Robert Baldwin; Ernest L. Berryman; William Beas- ley; *Richard Lee Biggers; Vernon Bartee; Cavel Barksdale; Norvel Brown; William Booker. Roy Carthorn; John Cheatham; James Clarke; Berkley Carthorn; Joe Coles; William Clarke; J. H. Cromwell; Paul Coleman; Emmett Crute; James Carter; Albert Casey; Wil- lie Clark; Morton Couch. Amos Dickerson; James S. Doswell; George Daniel; H. A. Dodson; Edgar Durphey; Champ Dupuy; AValter Davis. Willie Ellis; Willie Ellis; Tom Evans; Charles Ellis; Paul Ellis; Johnny Evans; Alfred Eggleston. Pletcher Felton; Clinton Felton; Jeff Foster; Henry Foster; Sam Foster; Spencer Flournoy; Peter Freeman; Robert Foster; George Fultz; William Ford; Robert Fowlkes; Robert Flournoy; James Ford; John L. Fears; Solomon Fore; Lewis Flagg; Frank Farley; W. L. Fowlkes; John Freeman; Edward Flagg. James Gans; Floj'^d Glenn; Phillip Alex Green; Lewis Washington Green; Ederick S. Green; Wiley Ghee; John H. Giles; Herbert Green; Laban Green; Horace Green; John Goode ; Frank Gales ; Reese Gordon ; John D. Thomas Galiier. 208 Histopij of Prince Edward County Nathan Harvey; Clarence O. Hilton; Philip Arlie Hil- ton; Richard Arthur Hilton; Walter Samuel Hurt; Floyd Harris; Vernon Haskins; *Charles Harris; Wiley Haskins; Charles Haskins; W. Sanders Hines; James Hicks; John Haskins; Pompey Harrison; J. W. Holmes; Randolph Harrison; Johnny Hurt; Spencer Hurt; Simie Holley; Wal- ter Hayes; Adam Hicks; John S. Hendricks. George James; John Jeffries; John Henry Jordan; Hathew Johnson; Tom Johnson; Wiley Johnson; Joe John- son; Herman Johnson; Albert Johnson, Jr.; C. T. John- son; Henry Johnson; Johnny Johnson; George Johnson; Clem Johnson; Elijah Johnson; Benj. F. Jones; Henry T. Jones; Henry Jones; Thomas Jones; Jim Jenkins; Nineveh Jones; Eddie Jones; J. H. Jones; Alex Jones; Jasper Jones; Champ Jones; Charles Jones; H. E. Johns; Durvan Jack- son ; Nelson Jeffries ; Lee Jackson ; Ulysses Jackson ; Clinton Jackson; Chester A. Jeffries; Emmett Jackson; J. M. Jack- son. Willie Knight; Homer Kelsor. Freebelle Lee; Lightfoot Lacy; Robert Lacy; Armistead Lambert; James A. Lewis; C. Henry Lewis; George Lucas; Bascom Ligon; G. H. Ligon; Herman Ligon; Thaniel Lock- ett; Frank Lile; Jesse Logan. Walter A. Marshall; Edward Marshall; Racey Matthews; Every Morton; William Morton; Junius Morton; Fred Mor- ton; Taze Morton; Floyd Morton; Edward Miles; Clyde Maj^o; Vanderbilt Miller; N. P. Miller; Ned Marshall; John Marshall; T. H. Matthews; Joe Moore; David E. Moseley. Jolm (^^larence Paige; Joe Pascal; Richard Payne, War- ren P. Pryor; George T. Pryor; Waverley Pryor; James Pryor; H. T. Patterson; Oscar Palmore; William Payne. liaiT'son Randolph, Frank James Redd; Moses Ran- dolph; XTlysses Joe Randolph; Henry A. Redd; Romeo Ran- History of Prince Edward County 209 dall; John Richardson; Robert Rux; C. H. Robinson; Frank J. Redd: Flan Redd; James Redd; Thomas Redd; Ed Redd; Sam Redd; John Robertson; James H. Reed; Sam Reed. Liirtie Scott; Henry Scott; Edward Scott; Albert Scott; Prudential Scott; Cleveland Scott; Matthew Scott; Richard Scott; Richard Scott; John Smith; Georo:e Smith; Sam Simms; George Street; Vester Smith; Tom Stith; Oakley H. Sanders. Ellis Thomas; James Thornton; *Henry Threat; Watt Threat; Warren P. Thompson; Fred Taylor; McKinley Tucker: John Trent; Robert Terry; John P. Towns; Sam Trent ; Frank Topp. Jimmy Venable. Henry Watkins; Alex Watson; Truly Watson; William Whit; Harrison Williams; Percy C. Womack; Willie Wood- son; Clevelanid; Walker; Wiley Walker; John Wingfield; Monroe Watkins; Walter Watson; Bennie Walden; H. W. Walker: Ed Williams; Norfleet Ward; Stardie Ward: Rich- ard Woodson; Harrison West; Clem Warren; Emmett War- ren; Hilary Wilson; Robert Winston; Edmund Watson; Ed- ward Winston ; Dennis Walker ; Branch Washington ; Charles Watson. Willie Young. *Si£rnifies those who died in Service. 210 History of PHnce Edward County COLORED MEN OF THE COUNTY WHO ENLISTED ELSEWHERE Dorsey Anderson; Paul Anderson; Claud M. Allen. Nelson Baker; Charlie Baker; Willis H. Branch; Harvey Brown ; Anderson Brown ; Dominion Brown ; Herbert Brown ; Robert Booker; Wesley Booker; Wayman Brown; John Sim Bolden. Charles Cooper. Henderson Davis; Edward Davis; Jack Dupuy. W. D. Elam; Robert Anderson Ellis. Samuel Fowlkes. Levi Green; Burnett Griggs; A. S. Green. Norman A. Hairston ; Lindsey Hays ; Spencer Hurt ; Her- bert Hines: George Hill; James Hall. Ernest L. Johns; Mesles Johnson; Neal Johnson; James Johnson; Cleveland Johnson; Nelson Jordan, Jr.; Arthur Jenkins. Coley Lewis; Paige Lancaster; Daniel Logan; Wm. H. Logan; Paul Layne; Joe Ligon. James Miller; Preston Miller; Haskins Mosely; LaFay- ette Munford; Sam Matthews. Oliiey Pry or. Munford Richardson; Lud Roberts. Sam Sims. Charles Terry; Alfred Thornton. Thomas Watts; Joseph Walker; Shirley Walker; Pernell Watkins; Harry Watkins; Jefferson J. Wilson; Burley Wil- son; Leonard Wilson; Nat Ward; *Dick Ward; C. H. Wade; Robert AVomack; Clyde Woodson; Howard White. *Signifies those who died in Service. History of Prince Edward County 213 THE CHUKCHES OF PRINCE EDWARD BAPTISTS IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY The first Baptist Church established in Virginia, was the Burleigh Church in Isle of Wight County (now known as the Mill Swamp Baptist Church), organized in, or about the year of 1714. (McClothlin.) Long before the Revolutionary War, the Baptists in Vir- ginia had reached considerable numbers and had atltdnel some prominence and prestige. The following from the Manuscript Journal of the House of Delegates, 1773-1774, suggests something of the prominence the}^ had already attained : Thursday, the 12th of May, 14 George III., 1774.— '^A petition of sundry persons of the community of Christians called Baptists, and other Protestant dissenters, whose names are thereto subscribed, was presented to the House, and read, setting forth that the toleration proposed by the bill, ordered at the last session of the General Assembly to be printed and published, not admitting public worship except in the daytime, is inconsistent with the laws of England, as well as the practice and usage of the primitive Churches, and even of the English Church itself: that the night session may some- times be better spared by the petitioners from the necessary duties of their callings, and that they wish for no indulgences which maj^ disturb the peace of Government," etc. What action the House took on the Petition is not stated in the Journal. That they, at that time, interested themselves in questions of public moment is evident from an Address presented by them to Patrick Henry upon the occasion of his first eleva- 214 History of Prince Edward County tion as Governor of Virginia. Of all the congratulatory mes- sages received by him at that time, probably none came so straight from the heart as did this one from the distressed and persecuted dissenters in Virginia, called Baptists, who had learned, in many an hour of bitter need, to look upon him as their strong and valiant champion, in the Legislature and in the Courts. He was not of their persuasion, being him- self an Episcopalian, nevertheless, on August 12, 1776, "the ministers and delegates of the Baptist churches" of the State, being met in Convention at Louisa, sent him the following Address : ''MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY,— M your advancement to the honorable and important station as Gov- ernor of this Commonwealth affords us unspeakable pleasure we beg leave to present your Excellency with our most cor- dial congratulations. "Your public virtues are such that we are under no temp- tation to ilatter you. Virginia has done honor to her judg- ment in appointing your Excellency to hold the reins of gov- ernment at this truly critical conjuncture, as you have al- ways distinguished yourself by your zeal and activity for her welfare, in whatever department has been assigned to you "As a religious community, we have nothing to request of you. Your constant attachment to the glorious cause of liberty and the right of conscience, leaves us no room to doubt your Excellency's favorable regards while we worthily de- mean ourselves. "May God Almightj'^ contiiuie you long, very long, a public blessing to this your native country, and, after a life of usefulness here, croAvn you with immortal felicity in the Avorld to come. Signed by order: Jeremiah Walker, Moderator. John Williams, Clerk." History of Prince Edward County 215 To this loving and touching address, the Governor re- plied, on the very next day, in an off-hand letter, showing deep feeling and a very natural gratification: — ''TO THE M/NISTERS AND DELEGATES OF THE /BAPTIST CHURCHES, AND THE MEMBERS OF THAT COMMUNION. ■'GENTLEMEN, — I am exceedingly obliged to you for your very kind address, and the favorable sentiments you are pleased to entertain respecting my conduct and the prin- ciples which have directed it. My constant endeavor shall be to guard the rights of all my fellow-citizens from every encroachment. "I am happy to find a catholic spirit prevailing in our country, and that those religious distinctions, which formerly produced some heat, are now forgotten. Happy must every friend to virtue and America feel himself, to perceive that the only contest among us, at the most critical and important period, is, who shall be foremost to preserve our religious and civil liberties. '•My most earnest wish is, that Christian charity, for- bearance, and love, may unite all our different persuasions, as brethren who must perish or triumph together; and I trust that the time is not far distant when we shall greet each other as the peaceable possessors of that just and equal system of liberty adopted by the last convention, and in sup- port of which may God crown our arms with success. ""I am, gentlemen, your most obedient and very humble servant, P. Henry, Jun. August 13, 1776" (American Arch., i. 905, 906.) The Baptist churches of Prince Edward county, main- tain membership in the Appomattox Association. This As- 216 History of Prince Edward County elation jjrew out of the old Middle District Association, which, at a meeting held at Rice's station (its second) on May 9, 1785, sent out the Meherrin, and the xVppomattox Associations, itself retaining the name of Middle District Association. The first meeting of the newly formed Appomattox As- sociation was held in Prince Edward county, at Wallrer's Church the same year. Four of the churches forming the new Association w^ere located in Prince Edward ; viz : Rocks, organized 1772; Appomattox, 1773; Sailor Creek, 1781; and, Mountain Creek, 1788. Of these four, only Rocks and Ap- pomattox remain, but are now, by reason of a later county division, both in Appomattox county. The meeting house of Sailor Creek Church was located about one-half mile from Rice on the road leading to Farm- ville. It was destroyed by a cyclone in 1832. On August 15, 1857, Pisgah Church, (Rice) was formed at Union, and, in 1881 moved to their present building at Rice's Station. Pis- gah is thus the lienal descendant of Sailor Creek Church. The Mountain Creek Church has passed out of the memory of the present generation. The Church building is supposed to have stood about two and a half miles northwest of Green Bay station, in Prince Edward county. It is considered probable that Sandy River Church, (Sharon) formed in 1827. and situated about five miles dis- tant, absorbed the membership of the Mountain Creek Cliurch. A severe controversy arose in 1832-1834, between the Methodists and the Baptists, over the building occupied by the Baptists at Sandiy River, which ended by the Baptists retaining possession. The following Baptist Churches are located in Prince Edward county: History of Prince Edward County 217 Bagby Memorial. Bethpeor. Farmville. Mount Nebo. Pisgah. (Rice) Sharon. (Sanely River) Spring Creek. 218 History of Prince Edward County BAGBY MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH For several years prior to 1903 preaching services were held at a little schoolhouse hard-by the site upon which stands the place of worship of this congregation. It is known that J. R. Doan, now pastor of the Baptist Church at South Boston, while pastor of the Burkeville Baptist Church, and F. W. Moore, now pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Petersburg, Virginia, both went time and again to preach at this school house. Especial interest was shown in the spirit- ual needs of the people of this neighborhood, by Dr. George R. Bagby, while he was pastor of the Baptist Church at Farmville, Virginia. On April 18, 1903, Rev. Dr. W. J. Shipman; Rev. W. Moseley Seay ; and F. L. Overton, effected the organization of a Baptist Church here, to be Imown as the Bagby Memorial Baptist Church, the name being given in honor of Dr. George R. Bagby, of Farmville. Mr. Seay became the first pastor of the new Church. The Rev. W. B. Daugherty followed Mr. Seay and served during 1904-5. Then followed Rev. Z. J. Edge, 1006; Rev. W. T. Woodhouse, 1907-8, returning to serve from 1910 to 1917. The Rev. Dr. J. M. Pilcher was supi)ly pastor for a term of months in 1909. Beginning No- vember 1, 1917, the Rev. Dr. John E. White has been the pastor. The Church had but few charter members and was ad- mitted into the Appomattox Association of Baptist Churches in 1904. The first deacons were : J. C. Moring ; P. N. Jenkins ; W. V. Clements; and W. T. Gibbs. Its present deacons are: C. L. Elliott; G. P. Nunnally; J. R. Moring; E. P. Johnson; and A. Lee cook. History of Prince Edward County 219 The present membership of the Church is ninety-nine. The Church building occupies a desirable and well lo- cated site, about three and a half miles from BurkeviUe and near to the road which leads from that town to Farmville, and is valued at about $850. The Church was represented by three of its young men in the great war. Daniel K. Harris, son of the Kev. D. J. Harris, went to Camp Lee, but was soon transferred to a hospital suffering with tuberculosis. Later he returned to his father's home in Prince Edward county, and early in 1920, died in Roanoke, Virginia. James Oscar Thompson enlisted at Farmville, September 10, 1918, and saw service in France. J. Grady Redford entered Camp Lee in September, 1917. In February, 1919, he was returned from France, having been severely wounded in the right shoulder and arm. He was discharged from the hospital in August, 1919. He was with the 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division. 220 History of Prince Edward County FAHMVII.LE BAPTIST CHURCH The Farmville Baptist Church was organized, Novem- ber 25, 1836, by the Rev. William Moore, who remained its Minister from that date until 1840. In a brief historical sketch by the late Dr. Peter Winston, it is noted that Sam and Phil White (colored) were the first members of the Church. B. M. Robertson; Frank Robertson; W. Nunnally; and G. Nunnally were the first deacons of the Church, and the following were registered as charter members: Benjamin M. Robertson; Mrs. E. R. Robertson; C. E. Chappell; Mrs. A. B. Chappell; Miss Mary Harwood; M. Grigg; Mrs. Edith Mann; Mrs. Jane Williams; Granville Nunnally; Mrs. Betsy Nunnally; Washington Nunnally; Mrs. Judith Nunnally; Jeremiah Porter; Mrs. Jeremiah Porter; Reuben Seay; Royall Godsey; Mrs. Delilah Godsey; Thomas J. Valentine; Shelton Davis; Mrs. Mary Davis; Mandy Porter; Samuel White; (colored) Phil White; (colored). 23 in all. The Rev. William Moore, the first pastor, was assisted History of Prince Edward County 221 in the organization of the Church by the Revs. Daniel Witt, and Elijah Roach. The Church building was finished within a year and in 1837, was formally dedicated to the worship of Grod, by the celebrated Rev. Daniel Witt, whose remains lie buried in the little graveyard of the Sandy River Baptist Church, some eight miles distant from Farmville. The first Church building, a modest structure, continued to meet the needs of the new congregation until 1856, when, during the pastorate of the Rev, James Hay, a new building was erected on the present site, and formally dedicated in February of that year by the Rev. Dr. T. G. Jones. This second building continued to serve the needs of the congregation until 1912, when the present beautiful and finely equipped Church building and Sunday School plant was erected during the pastorate of the Rev. Willis L. Wayts, and formally dedicated to Divine worship on Novem- ber 1, 1914, by the Rev. Dr. G. W. Ferryman, of Norfolk, Va., who offered the dedicatory prayer and preached the ser- mon of the day. Dr. Ferryman was assisted in these im- pressive services by the Rev. H. M. Fugate, a former pastor, and by the then pastor, the Rev. Willis L. Wayts. The total cost of the plant, according to a minute upon the Church Register of January 3, 1915, was $21,033.93, without pipe organ and other furnishings. Under the same date there is an entry regarding a payment on pipe organ and furnish- ings of $1,255.32, in a report presented by Mrs. (Dr.) R. L. Hudgins, treasurer of the Pipe Organ Fund. From tlie completion of the new Church building, the congregation has enjoyed an almost phenomenal growth, so that the premises are already too circumscribed for the large congregations. The property is situated on Main Street, in the very heart of the business section of the city. The current issue of the minutes of the Appomattox As- 222 History of Prince Edward County sociation of Baptist Churches gives the following interest- ing figures regarding this Church as reported at the As- sociational Meeting held with the Maple Grove Baptist Church, July 19-20, 1921 : Membership of the Church 504 Baptisms for the year 56 Total new members received during the year 101 Sunday School enrollment 397 Sunday School income $ 430.57 Church income, total from all sources 14,014.00 Benevolence, (included in above total) 3,755.62 Per capita, (including all depts.) 27.80 Value of Church building 35,000 Value of parsonage 8,000 Total $43,000 The following ministers have served the Church since its inception: Kev. William Moore, 1836-1840. Organized the Church and built the first Church building, 1836. Rev. James H. Fox, 1840-1842. Rev. Thomas W. Syndor, 1842-44. Rev. James W. Goodman, 1844-1846. Rev. Robert Nowlin, 1846-1848. Riiv. "VVlliam Sedgwicl^, 1848-1849. Ser\^d only six months. Rev. William Tyree, 1849-1852. Rev. James Hay, 1852-1858. It was during his pasto- rate that the second Church building was erected, 1856. Rev. S. C. Boston, 1858-1859. Rev. A. J. Huntington, 1859-1862. Rev. Robert East, 1862-1865. History of Prince Edward County 223 Rev. S. C. Boston, 1865-1867. Second pastorate. Rev. N. W. Wilson, 1867-1869. Died of yellow fever in North Carolina. Rev. H. J. Handy, 1869-1875. Died in Maryland. Rev. James Nelson, D. D., 1875-1885. Was the organizer of the State Normal School for women, Farmville, and later was President of the Woman's College, Richmond, Va. Died, 1921. Rev. W. F. Kone, 1885-1891. Died in Kentucky. Rev. George F. Bagby, D. D., 1891-1899. Died of cancer. Rev. Samuel H. Thompson, 1900-1904. Died of cancer. Rev. R. A. McFarland, 1904-1906. Went to Seminary. Rev. J. D. Harte, 1906-1907. Served for only four months. Resigned; ill-health. Rev. Henry M. Fugate, 1907-1911. Rev. Willis L. Waji;s, 1912-1915. Resigned; ill health. It was during his pastorate that the present edifice was erected. Rev. Cosby U. Robertson, A. B., B. D., 1916-1918. Re- signed to enter Navy as Chaplain during the Great War. Rev. C. Edward Burrell, LL. B., D. D., 1919. Came to the Church from Camp Lee, where he served as Chaplain during the Great War, and is still with the Church. The present officers of the Church (1921) are: Rev. C. Edward Burrell, LL. B., D. D., Minister. Dr. J. H. Cocks, Clerk. R. C. Gilliam, Corresponding Secretary. L. A. Smith, Treasurer. C. A. Kennedy, Financial Secretary. E. L. Erambert, Honorary Deacon. J. A. Armisted; E. W. Sanford; C. M. Smith; Anderson Ligon; Frank Pillow; Dr. J. H. Cocks; W. C. Fall well; T. 224 History of Prince Edward County H. Fallwell; R. W. Noel; O. S. Mann; S. W. Putney; L. A. Smith, Deacons. Mesdames J. L. Horner, R. W. Noel; J. L. Putney; E. W. Ellington ; Colin Stokes ; J. A. Armistead ; W. P. Gilliam, Deaconesses. Mrs. W. B. Hobson, Organist. T. H. Fallwell, Missionary Treasurer. J. L. Putney, Chairman Finance Committee. AVilliam H. Crenshaw, Chairman Property Committee. • G. S. Thomas, Chairman Missionary Committee. E. W. Sanford, Chairman Music Committee. Fred Butcher, Chief Usher. M. W. Whitlock, Assistant Chief Usher. R. C. Gilliam and S. W. Putnej', Auditors. W. C. Fallwell, Sunday School Superintendent. This Church had sixteen (16) men in the various branches of the service during the great war, 1914-1918. The Rev. Cosby M. Robertson, B. A.; B. D., pastor of the Church at the outbreak of hostilities, resigned his pas- torate to become Chaplain in the Navy, in which position he served throughout the war, with the rank of Captain. Dr. J. H. Cocks, the Clerk of the Church, entered the service with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. He was later trans- ferred to the dental branch. He received his commission as Captain, on the field during the fighting in the Argonne Woods, where he was wounded. William H. Crenshaw, received his commission as 1st Lieutenant, from the Officers Training School but did not succeed in getting overseas. Henry A. Kelsey was appointed Sergeant. Lawrie W. Thompson was made a Corporal. The followine: served as Privates : T. H. Crenshav/ : Gar- History of Prince Edward County 225 land Hurst; Walter S. Overton; Peter Raymond; Harry S. Thompson; Gary M. Smith. Jr.; John W. Webster: M. Guy Smith ; T. Elbert Osborne ; F. L. Magann ; J. W. Mottley ; C. M. Noel. All these men, save Lieutenant William H. Crenshaw, and private Caiy M. Smith, Jr., F. L. Magann, and C. M. Noel, saw service overseas. Privates Guy M. Smith, and John W. Webster were killed in action, and T. Elbert Osborne died of wounds re- ceived in battle. The present pastor of the Church, the Rev. Charles Edward Burrell, LL. B., D. D., was stationed at Camp Lee during 1918-19 in the capacity of special Camp Chaplain. One of the women of the Church, Miss L. Wheeler, saw service overseas with the Red Cross. Throughout the war the general attitude of the Church was fervently patriotic. All Federal requests for announce- ments and discourses were most heartily responded to. Special prayers for soldiers and sailors were continually offered and several patriotic services were held. A service flag was erected and there was a formal dedication of the same, and the national colors were displayed. The Women's Organizations, together with the Men's Bible Class, co- operated in welfare work for men in unifonn. A special memorial service for those who died in service was held. Food conservation was urged from the pulpit and practised by the membership of the Church in a general way, and they participated most heartily in the work of war charities, both at home and abroad, by way of special offerings, collections, etc. This Church Avas the first in the county to fittingly com- memorate the service rendered by the members of its congre- gation in the war. This was done by the erection of a suit- 226 History of Prince Edward County able tablet in the main auditorium of the building. Ex- cerpts from the report of the unveiling; ceremonies, which appeared in tlie FarmviUe "Herald" of November 18, 1921, folloAV : "On last Sunday afternoon at 3 :30, very appropri- ate services were held at the unveiling of the tablet dedi- cated to the boys who were in the service durinir \^\e late war. A beautiful service was conducted by the American Legion, accompanied by the FarmviUe Silver B^nd* the Farmville Guard being the guard of honor. * * * The tablet is made of white Rutland marble, twenty inches wide and four and one-half feet long. The names of Millard G. Smith, John W. Webster and Thomas Osborne, the three boys from the Baptist Church who made the Supreme Sac- rifice, are carved in gold. Those in the service were, Revs. Robertson and Burrell, J. H. Cocks, W. H. Crenshaw, Henry A. Kelsey, Lawrie W. Thompson, Thos. H. Cren- shaw, Raymond E. Phillips, Dallas G. Hurst, Walter S. Overton, Peter Raymond, Henry S. Thompson, Cary M. Smith, Jr., Joel W. Mottley, and Charles M. Noel. "The presentation address was delivered by Dr. J. D. Eggleston, of Hampden- Sidney College, who paid tribute to those who had so nobly served their country, and the many who had died to save Christianity, Democracy and the world from the despotic heel of an unscrupulous beast. * * * "The Star Spangled Banner was rendered by the band, following which the American Legion Service was continued, including acceptance address by Commander J. H. Cocks, prayer of dedication by Chaplain Burrell, and dedication by Commander J. H. Cocks. The services concludted with the benediction by Chaplain Burrell." The tablet was unveiled by the Misses Lucy Lee Webster and Blanche Smith, sisters of two of the men who were killed in battle. History of Prince Edward County 227 Others to take part in the service were, the Eev. Dr. E. G. Gammon, the Rev. Dr. George Spooner, and the Rev. Frederick Diehl. The Baptist Church Choir, Miss Evelyn Barnes, and Joseph A, Poole, rendered special music. 228 History of Prince Edward County PISGAH BAPTIST CHURCH, RICE Only the most meagre outline of the history of Pisgah Baptist Church, Rice, Va., is available, all Church records prior to about fifteen years ago being lost. Much of the in- cidental history regarding Baptist work in this section of the county is, however, given in the general article on Bap- test churches in the county. The following brief sketch is furnished by Mr. J. R. Weaver, one of the oldest surviving members of the Church. Pisgah Church was constituted at Union Church, in Prince Edward county, about two miles east of Rice Sta- tion, in 1857. Union Church was known as a free Church, that is, it was free to all denominations. The celebrated Daniel Witt, D. D., was the pastor until his death in 1871. 1872. Rev. S. J. Adkins was pastor for five or six years. 1878. Rev. J. H. Newbill Avas pastor for two or three years. 1880. Rev. J. A. Leslie was pastor for about five years. It was during the ministry of Mr. Leslie that the Church moved to Rice and erected a new house of worship there. They have since then retained the property then purchased. 1886. Rev. W. B. Haislip was pastor for two or three years. 1889. Rev. J. W. Wildman was pastor for about four years. 1894. Rev. W. R. L), Moncure was pastor for two or three years. 189(3. Rev. E. M. Dowley was pastor for two or three years. 1898. Rev. A. B. Rudd was pastor tor five months, re- signing to accept Missionary work in Porto Rico. History of Prince Edward County 229 1898. Rev. G. F. Bagby, D. D., was pastor for about two years. 1901. Rev. W. J. Shipman was pastor until his death, August, 1915. From 1915 the Church was served by supplies from various sources, until 1917, when, January 1st of that year, the Rev. Horace J. Parker assiuned the pastorate, remain- ing until June 30, 1920. The Rev. George F. Cook assumed the pastorate on September 1st, 1920 and resigned, Sep- tember 26, 1921. The present Church officers are: Trustees: J. S. Brad- shaw, B. J. Olgers, and J. R. Weaver. Deacons: J. S. Bradshaw, S. D. Hubbard, B. J. Olgers, R. B. Walthall, J. R. Weaver, and J. W. Bradshaw. Treasurer: S. D. Hubbard. Apportionment Treasurer: J. S. Bradshaw. Sunday School Superintendent: B. J. Olgers. Clerk: J. R. Weaver. The following report of the war activities of the Church was furnished the War History Commission, by the then pas- tor, the Rev. H. J. Parker : "There were seven men who served in the Army from this Church, and their names are as fol- ^ lows: William T. Bondurant, John C. Bondurant, William Hester Bondurant, R. Melve Bradshaw, Herbert Guy Far- ley, Thomas Howard Garnett, John Edward Garnett. The only one in the Navy was James W. Wilson, Jr. Herbert Guy Farley saw active service and was slightly wounded at Argonne Forest. Thomas Howard Garnett and John Edward Garnett also saw active service. The general attitude of this Church was one of loyalty toward war activities. The members united heartily in the 230 History of Prince Edward County National Prayer Observance and other Spiritual activities. Federal requests for anouncements were frequently made by the pastor at the regular preaching services. There was displayed in the main auditorium, a service flag. The Church heartily participated in war charities at home and abroad by way of specal collections. Members of the congregation strictly observed set rules in order to con- serve food and fuel during the war." History of Prince Edward County 231 MOUNT NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH This Church is situated near the Abilene Post Office, on the county line road, between Prince Edward and Charlotte counties. A partially successful attempt was made to organize on the 29th of November, 1903, but the organization languished until a more thorough organization was effected on the 1st of July, 1904. The following pastors have served the Church: Rev. J. B. Williams; June, 1904- July, 1906. Rev. George R. Pankey; November, 1906- January. 1910. Rev. J. E. Tucker; March, 1910-May, 1911. Rev. P. H. Dalton; June, 1911-August, 1911. Rev. John E. White; February, 1912-January, 1916. Rev. J. A. Barnhardt; April, 1916-March, 1920. Rev. W. F. Hunt; May, 1920- August, 1920. Rev. G. A. Harris, present supply. The Rev. W. E. Warren was serving the field when the Church was organized, 1903. Deacons: J. R. Pollard; J. W. Pankey; T. B. Yeamen; and P. A. Denton. Clerk: O. L. Vassar. Treasurer: C. E. Bagby. These officers are serving the Church at the present time. The present membership of the Church is 72. The following is the charter membership list of the Church as of November 29, 1903: T. B. Yeamen, L. J. Yeamen, W. J. Yeamen, E. T. Yea- men, J. R. Pollard, J. W. Pankey, J. W. Bagby, J. W. Allen, D. C. Allen, Mrs. J. R. Pollard, Mrs. J. W. Bagby, 232 History of Prince Edward County Mrs. Mary J. Driskill, Mrs. Nolia Baker, Mrs. Lizzie A. Nelson, Mrs. Bettie Womack, Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mrs. D. C. Allen, Mrs. Emma Daniel, Carrie Yeamen, Sallie Yeamen, Pearl Yeamen, Mary Sue Yeamen. History of Prince Edward County 233 SHARON BAPTIST CHURCH (SANDY RIVER) Most of the subjoined material respecting this splendid old Church was supplied by Professor W. A. Harris of Rich- mond University. The old records of the Church have all been either lost or destroyed so that recourse had to be had to the Baptist archives in Richmond and Dr. Harris under- took an exhaustive search of the materials stored there. He says: "In speaking of Prince Edward county, Jeter says : "The eastern, or lower, end of the county was quite destitute of evangelical, especially Baptist, preaching. Sandy River Church, an old framed, dilapidated, but spacious, colonial house of worship, occupied a central position in this region. It was open for preaching by all Christian denominations, and was occupied alternately by Rev. Jno. H. Rice, D. D., of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Matthew L. Dance, of the Methodist Church. Thither Divine Providence directed the steps of Witt. * * * jjis first sermon at Sandy River, as stated in the Memorial Discourse by Rev. T. W. Sydnor, D. D., delivered before the Appomattox Baptist As- sociation, was preached on the fourth Sunday in February, 1827."— Life of Daniel Witt, by J. B. Jeter, pp. 146-7. "In 1828, Sharon is given, (in the Association minutes, for the first time) with Daniel Witt as pastor and 71 mem- bers. In 1829 there were 84 members, and in 1831, 226, and in 1833, 289 members. The number graduallj'^ increased un- til, in 1864 there were 606 members, white and colored. From then until 1871 the members reduced to 137. (Suggestive of the dire results of the war. — Ed.) "Daniel Witt was pastor of Sharon from its organization to his death, November 15th, 1871. Witt was succeeded in the pastorate by Rev. J. H. Newbill in 1872. 234 History of Prince Edward County "Under the caption: 'Concise View of the Churches,' I find these entries in the minutes of 1834-35: 1834 — ""Sharon is one of the most respectable churches in the upper country. Since its constitution, and the settle- ment of Elder D. Witt among them, it has been signally blessed. But the sickness of the minister's wife, and the dis- agreeable contentions with the Methodists, seem to have stopped their onward progress. They report no baptisms, but a decrease." 1835 — "They are an active people, forwarding the reli- gious enterprises of the day. They have a temperance Society, a Domestic Missionary Society, a Foreign Missionary Society, and a Sunday School." "The following is from Jeter's life of Witt, pp. 160-61: ''For many years' says Dr. Sydnor, in his Memorial Dis- course, 'he was pastor at Jamestown, in Cumberland, and at Union in Prince Edward; and for a few years at Lebanon, in Nottoway,' the two latter of these churches, as well as the flourishing Church in the town of Farmville, claimed Sandy River; or Sharon; as their mother, and Dr. Witt as the principal agent in their organization." The controversy with the Methodists, referred to above by Dr. Harris, occurred in 1832-34, with respect to the building in which they had held their services jointly. During this dispute a line was surveyed directly through the building, the Methodists claiming one-half and the Baptists the other I Surely a difficult situation if the brethren were to dwell at peace in Zion ! The Baptists retained possession of the prop- erty. The matter was fully set out in a pamphlet of the day. From this Church there were but three who served in the Army or Navy during the world war; viz: Heber Weaver and Moncure Weaver in the Army, and Carroll Melvin Bass in the Navv. Heber Weaver saw active service in France. History of Prince Edward County 235 The entire membership of the Church responded, in a most fervent manner to all war appeals, and in observance of all conservation regulations. As this Church has been a part of the "field" with Pis- gah Church of Rice, ever since the days of the saintly Witt, the same pastors have served them both, therefore a list of the pastors may be found in the sketch of the Pisgah Church. The present pastor of both churches is the Rev. H. P. Dalton, who came to them, April 1st, 1922, from Boykins, Va., in succession to the Rev. G. F. Cook. The officers of the Church are : John H. Bruce, Clerk. I). J. Weaver, Treasurer. W. B. Gates, Sunday School Superintendent. J. J. Gilliam, D. J. Weaver, W. M. Gilliam, J. T. Bruce, C. M. Bass, and W. B. Gates, Deacons. 236 History of Prince Edward County SPRING CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH This Church was organized in 1.S23, Unfortunately, like so many other churches, this organization set so little store by its earlier records, that they have either been lost or de- stroyed. Amongst its earlier ministers, were the noted Daniel Witt, D. D., and E. W. Roach, the last of whom served the Church for about forty years. From records at present available, the following minis- ters have served the Church since 1875 : Rev. J. H. Newbill, July 3, 1875, to July, 1877. Rev. S. J. Atkins, July, 1877, to July, 1880. Rev. E. S. Taylor, 1880-1886. Rev. S. J. Atkins, (second pastorate) 1887-1888. Rev. W. B. Haislip, March, 1899, to October, 1889. Rev. S. U. Grimsley, 1890-1892. Rev. J. H. Couch, 1892-1903. Rev. J. B. Williams, 1903-1910. Rev. W. A. Pearson, 1910-1915. Rev. Vernon I'Anson, 1916-1918. Rev. W. W. Hamilton, Jr., April to August, 1919 (Sup- ply). Rev. Elbert Y. Poole, 1919-1922. During the pastorate of Rev. Vernon I'Anson a com- modious parsonage was erected, and during that of the Rev. Elbert Y. Poole, a new and modern Church structure was built at an expenditure of a little more than $20,000. The present officers of the Church are: Deacons: E. D. Carwile, B. L. Jordan, Hatcher Layne, A. L. Dickerson, H. I. Shorter, S. A. Wilkinson, and D. G. Womack, Uhtory of Prince Edward County 237 Clerk: Eobert St. John. Sunday School Superintendent : E. D. Carwile. The present membership of the Church is 303. Total amount raised for all purposes in 1921, $10,482.79. The Church engaged heartily in all forms of war work during the great world war. The foIloAving members of the congregation serA^ed in various branches of the service : Wal- ter Chennault, Frank Chennault, Walter Overton, J. J. Over- ^ ton, Jr., Paul Layne, Hatcher Layne, D. C. Morris, W. C. Morris, Edward Shorter, Jr., Everett Garber, W. A. Wat- son, Jr., Edward Roach, H. E. Hamilton, Leslie Carwile, W. M. Dickinson, John B. Cobb, Charles W. Putney. There were no causalties in the contingent supplied by this Church. (Note: The foregoing sketch Avas furnished by the Rev. E. Y. Poole, the then pastor of the Church.) 238 History of Prince Edward County BETHPEOR BAPTIST CHURCH In 1913, the Spring Creek Baptist Church dismissed a number of its members to form the new Bethpeor Church, under the leadership of the Rev. W. A. Pearson, then pas- tor of the Spring Creek Church. Mr. Pearson served tlie two churches until 1915, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Vernon I'Anson, who served for two years, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Elbert Y. Poole, who resigned in the spring of 1922. The present membership of this Church is 79. In 1921 the sum of $1,049.37 was raised by them for all purposes. W. H. Gilliam is the Clerk of the Church, and Ray Mickle is the Superintendent of the Sunday School. The Chapel House is valued at $2,500. History of Prince Edward County 239 THE ESPISCOPAL CHURCH IN PRINCE EDWARD The Espiscopal Church of Virginia began with the first settlement of the first Colony in 1607. It immediately en- countered immense difficulties from the scarcity of ministers of and character. The clergy of England were strangely reluct- ant to undertake work in the new mission field of America. Of those who did come, but few were faithful and d-uly qualified for the station. Indeed some them were men of very ques- tionable character, gi^-en to swearing and drunkenness. By Act of the xissembly of 1755 the new Espiscopal parish of Prince Edward county was established under the name of Saint Patrick. The county of Prince Edward had been separated from that part of Amelia in which the parish of Nottoway was constituted, and the parish of Saint Patrick was made to correspond with the bounds of the new county of Prince Edward. In 1788 the county of Nottoway w^as established substantially on Avhat are its present lines. The Act of the Assembly speaks of two ncAv churches being re- cently built in the lower part of Nottoway Parish, and re- quires that the Nottoway Parish refund a portion of the money which had been raised from the whole parish before the division, for the building of these two churches, to the new parish in Prince Edward county. Services were held ir- regularly until 1779, when for a time, Saint Patrick's had no representative, either clerical or lay, in any convention of the Church. During this initial period the parish was served in turn by the Rev. James Garden, and the Rev. Archi- bald McRoberts. During Mr. McRoberts' time there were three churches in Prince Edward, viz : The Chapel, or Wat- kin's Church, situated about eighteen miles from Prince Ed- ward Court House, on the Lynchburg Road ; it was this con- gregation that followed Mr. McRoberts when he relinquished his Episcopal ministry to form an Independent Church in 1799; French's Church, situated about a mile from the Court House ; and Sandy River Church, about eight miles from the 240 History of Prince Edward County Court House on the Petersburg Road. None of these churches have survived to the present. Of course, in these early days, the Episcopal Church in Virginia occupied the same relation to the Government as did the Episcopal Church in England; it was the established Church; all others were known as Dissenters. The decline of the Episcopal Church in Prince Edward was no doubt hastened by the defection of McRoberts; the tjuestionable character of some of its ministers; and the rise of Hampden- Sidney College and the Presbyterian Church. Certain family connections made the decline certain. "Thub Anne Michaux, daughter of one of the original refugees, and Avho, having fled from France on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, settled at Manikin, married Richard Woodson, Esq., of Poplar Hill, Prince Edward, sometimes called Baron Woodson, on account of his large possessions. This lady lived herself to a great age, but, of a numerous off- spring, only two daughters survived, one of whom was mar- ried to Nathaniel Venable, son of that Alvan Vennblf one of the vestrymen of a parish in Louisa; — the other to Francis Hopkins, Esq., clerk of Prince Edward. Joseph Morton, the ancestor of the most numerous liranch of the Mortons, of Charlotte, married a sister of Richard Woodson. The progenitor of the Mortons of Prince Edward and Cum- berland, married a Michaux. Other familes of Scots or Scotch-Irish and Huguenot race were settled in both coun- ties." Thus the intermarriage of Episcopalians with these peoples, mostly Presbyterians, was the real basis of the de- cline of the Episcopal Church in Prince Edward, at this time. The following entry in the minutes of the Assemblv held at the capital at Williamsburg, November 22, 1781, is sug- gestive of the impending decline : "Sundry inhabitants of Prince Edward county pray that all the old vestries may be dissolved by the Act of Assembly and new ones elected by the body of the community at large. Dissenters to be equally History of Prince Edward County 241 competent with conformists to the post of vestrymen, and the sole proviso to be 'attachment to the present form of govern- ment.' Heferred to the next Assembly, and, June 9, 1782, rejected." The following most interesting excerpts are taken from an historical sketch contained in the Parish Register of John's Memoral Church, Farmville, Va., and written by the Rev. Philip Slaughter, Historiographer of the Diocese, of St. Patrick Parish, and Witmer Parish, Prince Edward county. "Saint Patrick should not be confounded with plain Pat- rick Parish, which is in the county of Henry, the latter county and parish dividing between them the honors of the name of the 'Forest-born Demonsthenes,' Patrick Henry. These names are redolent of the Revolution and of a new era: Prince Ed- ward and Saint Patrick point to the old regime, when princes and saints were above par. Prince Edward county was taken from the county of Amelia by Act of Assembly, in 1753, and tlie Parish of Saint Patrick from the Parish of Nottoway, in 1755. The first vestry met at the Court House, September 9, 1755. Present: Jno. Nash; Jno. Nash, Jr.; David Flournoy; George Walker; Thos Scott; Jno. Leneve; James Wimbish; Thos. Hawkins; Peter Tiegrancl; and Charles Venable. These qualified by taking the oaths required by law in Court, sub- scribing to the test, and the promise of conformity to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England. Hugh Challis was chosen Clerk and ordered to get a book in which to record the proceedings of the Vestry. This book lies before me, having been found (among the papers of Nathaniel Venable, a Secretary of the Vestry, in Colonial times) by ]Mr. A. P. Venable, and kindly sent to the writer. The next Vestry meeting was at Sandy River Church, December 3, 1755. The Rev. James Garden (who, as ap- 242 History of Prince Edward County pears in the 'Lambeth Archives,' was licensed for Virginia by the Bishop of London, September 2, 1754), produced a letter from the Hon. Thos. Dawson, Commissary for Vir- ginia, recommending him to this Parish, 'upon which, and upon the knowledge of this Vestry, he is unanimously chosen Minister.' The Wardens were order to pay £250 for 300 acres of land for a glebe when they were satisfied with the title, which came originally from J, Morton, Patentee. In 1757 R. Burk; Philemon Holcombe; Jno. Graham; R. Woodson: and Zachariah Leigh were added to the Vestry, and Nathaniel Venable made Clerk. In 1760 Obadiah Woodson was added to the Vestry, and the keys of the Glel^e houses were received from P. Legrand and delivered to the Rev. Mr. Garden. The following minute occurs at this date : 'Whereas, the upper Church is situated among the Dissenters, the Vestry think that service should cease there from this time.' 3rd December, 1761, the Vestry ordered new churches on the land of Messrs. Buchanan & Co., Merchants of Glasgow, near Robin's Spring; the other near where Sandy River Church now stands; dimensions 48 ft., by 28 ft., and that £100 per year be levied for building these churches. 1762 a chapel was ordered on O. Woodson's land in the upper part of the Parish. Col. John Nash and P. Legrand were given leave to build pews in the upper Church with windows. John Nash, Jr., was given leave to build a gallery for his family in the upper Church, and John Leigh, one in Sandy River Church. 1763. Three acres of land were bought for Sandy River Church. 1766, Peter Johnston, Vestryman, in place of Woodson, deceased. History of Prince Edward County 243 1766. Dials on orood posts were ordered at each Church; service to begin at 11 o'clock a. m.; April to October, and at 12 o'clock the rest of the year; and the Communion ad- ministered at Christmas, Easter, and Whitesuntide ; a gallon flagon, pint cup, and salver of silver, with table cloth and napkin to be provided. 1772. "Ordered that Peter Johnston import superfine crimson broadcloth, to be made up with silk lace and tassels, and proper cushions, for the use of the Church.' Rev. James Garden died, P'eb., 19, 1773. On the 10th of August, the Revs. Moss; Ogilvie; Saunders; and McCart- ney's names were before the Vestry, which chose the Rev. James McCartney 'in consideration of the character given him by gentlemen from North Carolina.' At this date, David Rice was Clerk (Lay Reader) of Sandy River Church, which was about eight miles from the Court House on the Peters- burg Road; Richard Byrd was Lay Reader at French's, • sometimes called 'JNIiddle Church,' one mile from the Court House; and John Crockett of the LTpper Chapel (Watkins) about eighteen miles from the Court House on the road to Lynchburg. When the minister attended one Church, Lay Readers served the others. Buffalo Church had disappeared from the record. Sandy River Church, after the Revolution, became the source of a bitter contention between the Methodists and the Baptists, the details of which may be seen in a pamphlet of the day. The dispute was referred to Judge Bouldin and Mr. Charles Smith. The Baptists, I believe now hold it. The latest record in the old Vestry Book is December 1774; many leaves having been torn out. We know from other sources that the Rev. Archibald McRoberts was minis- ter of the Saint Patrick, 1777-78. (There is a deed recorded in Prince Edward of date, August 14, 1778, from Thos. Scott; Benjamin Haskins; Thos. Haskins; John Nash; Peter 244 History of Prince Edward County Johnston; Peter Legrand: Philemon Holcomb; and William Bibb, Gentlemen: Vestrymen of Saint Patricks Parish, to Archibald McRoberts, conveying 500 acres of land, adjoining Nathan Venable and Daniel McGehee.) In 1779, when the Church of England was tottering to its fall, he deserted the sinking ship, and set up an "inde- pendent' Church at the Upper Chapel, which soon came to grief, and he joined the Presbyterians, who were then riding the top of the wave in Prince Edward. Many Epis- copalians became trustee of Hampden-Sidney College, and one (Cushion), at a later period, presided over it. Two Presb}^- terian waves; one from Hanover, and the other from the Valley, met and culminated in Prince Edward, and many Episcopalians, (sheep without a shepherd) were carried away by them. The Episcopalian Church having never been allowed to have an American Bishop to watch over and confirm its members and ordain its ministers, and having now cut off from the Church of England, was in a state of supended ani- mation, from which many thought she never would be awak- ened. Rev. Devereux Jarrett of Bath Parish, one of the few burning and shining lights of that dark day, sought by his evangelistic fervor and electrical eloquence to keep alive the smouldering embers upon her altar. Outside of his ow^n Parish he traversed twenty-nine counties in Virginia and North Carolina, lifting up his voice like a trumpet; pro- phesying that the old Church was not dead, but sleeping, and would again rise from the dust and be a praise in the land. In 1781-82 Jarrett preached at Sandy River and French's. Saint Patrick's sleep has been long and deep; quite, or nearly a century ! One cannot but think that the descendants of the Woodsons; Reades; Venables; Wimbishes; Flournoys; Scotts; Nashes; Goodes; Haskins; Leighs; Legrands; Hol- combes; Byrds; Berkleys; Johnstons; Bulks, and scores of other names recorded in this book,^ whatever may be their History of Prince Edward County 245 present connection, will look with approvino; eye and helping hand at the effort to resuscitate the Church of their fathers." John's Memorial Church, Farmville, is the only Epis- copal Church now survivino; within the bounds of Prince Edward county. Property is still held for Church purposes on the road leading from Hampden-Sidney College to Pamplins, on which stands a modest meeting house known as Saint Ann's Church, or Spring Creek Mission. Occasional service is con- ducted by the Rev. Thomas H. Lacy, of Richmond, Virginia, though there is no Church organization and no Church mem- bers there now. It appears that a party of English people, from Dorsetshire, settled in that part of the countj^ sometime shortly prior to 1870, and these gave land for Church pur- poses and erected a modest building, and, among them, main- tained the Church. They later returned to England and from there deeded the property to the Church, as appears from a deed recorded in the Clerk's Office at Farm^dlle, in Book 81, page 257, the purport of which is that T. A. Homer, and W. C. Lacy, Dorsetshire, England, convey to John Sid- dons and Henry Jacob of Prince Edward county, Virginia, trustees of the Spring Creek Episcopal Mission Fund, one- half acre of land in Prince Edward county, and described as follows : "Fronting 275 links on the public road leading from Hampden-Sidney College to Pamplins depot, and extending 185 links back on each side, being part of the tract of land fornierly owned and occupied by Henry Collett, and now occupied by Thomas Homer." The deed was signed by T. A. Homer, W. C. Lacy, and was dated May 10, 1874, and ac- knowledged by them in England before one. Cam Lyker, a Justice of the Peace, on May 23, 1874. 246 Tlistory of Prince Edward County JOHN'S MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FARM VILLE The Church known locally as Saint John's Protestant Episcopal Church, but properly, John's Memorial Protest- ant Episcopal Church, was oro;anized in 1880. in the house then occupied by Mr. L. M. Blanton, and now occupied by Dr. L. D. Whitaker. For a time, services were held in the Court House. During the year of the organization; 1880; the present Church property was purchased, as appears by deed dated October 1st of that year and recorded on page 30 of book 34, in the land hooks in the Clerk's otfice. As there recited, one-half acre of land was conveyed by Ellen W. Berkeley, widow, through R. M. Dickinson, Commissioner appointed by the Circuit Court of Prince Edward county at the September term of the court of that year, to James M. Johns, by Avhom it was conveyed to the members of John's Memorial Church for purposes of public worship. By the same instrument Alfred Moth, L. M. Blanton and L. C. Irving were constituted trustees to the use of the Church. The price paid for the land was $400. The instrument is signed by: R. M. Dickinson, Commissioner; Ellen M. Berkely; J. M. Johns; Pauline C. Johns, wife of J. M. Johns. The present rectory property was acquired under a deed dated March 27, 1883, and appearing on page 198 of book 3o. in the Clerk's office at the Court House. No price is stated in the deed. The premises were formerly occupied by Col- onel R. A. Booker, and are located at the corner of St. George and High Streets. Thus the efforts of several years, to establish an Epis- copal Church in Farmville were at last being rewarded. History of Prince Edward County 247 In March 1879, the Rev. Frank Stringfellow became Rector of the Parish, and it was as a result of his labors that the Church was organized and the Church property bought. The first building was erected under his supervision. He was sent to Farmville with the hearty approval of Rt. Rev. F. M. Whittle, D. D., Bishop of Virginia, and his short minis- try was eminently successful. Rev. F. D. Lee was his assistant for a year. Rev. Arthur S. Ijloyd was placed as Deacon in charge of the Parish in 1880. He resigned to go to St. Luke's, Norfolk. He was followed by the Rev. J. W. Ware, who resigned to go to Saint James, Ashland, Virginia. Rev. Baker P. Lee, deacon, was sent to the Parish in 1896, by the Bishop. In two years he was followed by Rev. Walter B. Capers, deacon. July 1, 1901. Rev. Stephen O. Southall accepted a call to the Parish, and took charge. April 1, 1903, he resigned and accepted the Rectorship of Bath Parish, Dinwiddle County, In January, 1904, Rev. Randolph Roy all Claiborne of Forest, Va., (Saint Stephens Church) was called to this Parish. March 1st he accepted the call and took up the work, which also included the country work; All Saints, Grace, and Guinea. December 25, 1906, he resigned to go to Saint Francisville, La. The Church then remained without a rector until July 1st, 1908, during the greater part of which time the Rev. George G. IMatchetts, (perpetual Deacon from the Dioscese of Pennsylvania) acted as suppl}'. On July 1st, 1908, the Rev. Dudley Boogher, of Saint An- dre ^ns Church, Clifton Forge, Virginia, took charge of the work in Farmville, (the churches of Cumberland county being ministered to by the rector of Powhatan Court House) and continued until June 5, 1914, when his resignation was ac- 248 History of Prince Edward County cepted that he might take charge of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Parkersburg, W. Va. In November, 1914, Rev. Frederick Diehl, rector of Saint I'aul's Church, Wellsboro, Pa., was called. He accepted the call and began his rectorship, January 13, 1915. In the mean- while the rectory Avas enlarged and much improved. Mr. Diehl left February 1, 1917, to take charge of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kocky Mount, North Carolina. The Rev. Charles Pay Holbrook, rector of Saint Andrews's Church, Beacon, N. Y., w^as called on May 6, 1917, and began his work in Farmville, June 10, of that year. In 191S two flags were placed in the Church; the National Colors on the Gospel side of the arch, and a service flag, with ten stars, on the Epistle side. These ten stars represent the following sons of the Parish : Chaplain J. M. Robeson, Avho was later wounded in battle. Lieutenant W. P. Hazelgrove. Charles R. Bugg. Robert E. AVarnick. John N. Garland, killed in action, October 1918. Robert B. Rogers. (Juy liancaster, wounded in battle. Junius Wilson. March Moffett. Haynes Lancaster. In July, 1918, four more stars w^ere added for Roy Moffett. Joseph A. Poole. M. B. Coyner. C. F. Walker. In September, 1918, another star was added for History of Prince Edioard County 249 Robert W. Bugg, member of the Student Training Corps, o1 Hampden-Sidney College. I\Ir. Holbrook resigned on May 1, 1920, to take charge of the new mission work in the suburbs of Norfolk. TTpon the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Holbrook, the Ves- try called the Rev. Frederick Diehl, rector of the Church of the (jrood Shepherd, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, who ac- cepted the call, and began his second rectorship of the Farm- ville Church on October 1, 1920. The value of the property, including both the Church and the rectory, is set down as $19,000. The membership, in September, 1921, was given as 95, and the total income from all sources, as $8,190.00. The following are the officers for the current year, 1921: Vestrymen: Charles F. Bugg; George M. Robeson; J. L. TUigg; J. A. Garland; A. T. Gray; Fred. M. Bugg: W. C. Newman. Senior Warden : Charles F. Bugg. Junior Warden: George M. Robeson. Treasurer: J. L. Bugg. Secretar}^: J. A. Garland. Sunday School Superintendent : J. L. Bugg. President, Women's Auxiliary: Mrs. W. C. Duvall. President, St. John's Guild: Mrs. J. A. Garland. President, Junior Auxilary: Miss lima Von Schilling. President, Little Helpers: Miss Virgilia Bugg. Organist : Mrs. Roberta Large. Choir Mother: Mrs. Munro Gordon Jones. President, Ladies' Aid Society : Mrs. Carrie Taliaferro. Sunday School Teachers: Miss Virgilia Bugg; Misses Edith, Maud and Carrie Taliaferro; Miss Mary E. Peck; Mrs. R. E. Duvall. The Rev. Frederick Diehl teaches the Bible Class. 250 Ilistorij of Prince Edward County THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Methodism was slow in entering the State, following after the Episcopal, the Presbyterians, the Quakers, and the Baptists had obtained a more or less secure footing in Vtir- ginia. To the Rev. Robert Williams belongs the honor of planting Methodism in Virginia. He was born in England. He had labored extensively in Ireland. He received from Mr. Wesley a license to preach under the authority of the regular Missionaries in the new American Mission field. He was ex- tremely poor, so that his passage to America was paid for him by a Mr. Ashton, who came over in the same vessel. AVilliams landed at New York in the fall of 1769. He thus came in advance of Messrs. Boardman and Pillmoor. He continued his labors in the city of New York until the close of the summer of 1771. In the meantime Boardman and Pill- moor had arrived in the new world, having landed at Glou- cester Point, in New Jersey, on the 24th of October, 1769, from whence they went to Philadelphia. Williams visited Philadelphia and received a general license to travel and preach, from the hands of Pillmoor. After a visit with Strawbridge, the father of Methodism in Maryland, he, in the spring of 1771, returned to New York city. The date of the beginning of Williams' work in Virginia, is 1772, when early in that year, he landed at Norfolk, and at once opened his mission. He preached his first sermon at the door of the Court House in that city. He mounted the steps and sang a hymn, which resulted in a curious crowd gathering to see what it was all about. The hymn finished, he knelt where he was and prayed. He then announced his text and proceeded to preach to a most disorderly crowd of people, quite unused to such a spectacle. Owing to the ex- treme plainness of his diction, he was charged with "swear- History of Prince Edvmrd County 251 ing." This grew out of his frequent use of the words : "hell," "devil," "damned," etc. He was voted "crazy" by the frivol- ous people who heard him. However, a few hearts were touched, and these sincere people received him into their homes and cared for him. "The tree of Methodism was thus planted in an uncon- genial soil, but, watered from on high, it struck its roots deep, and put forth goodly branches, bearing much fruit." After this beginning in Norfolk, Williams went over to Portsmouth and, under a couple of persimmon trees, preached the first Methodist sermon ever heard in that town. Among those converted under his ministry in Norfolk, was Isaac Luke, a citizen of Portsmouth, and a member of the Epis- copal Church, who invited him to come over to Portsmouth, and who befriended him in his work in the two cities. As to how long Williams continued his labors in Nor- folk and Portsmouth, we have no accurate information, but, in the fall of 1772, he was joined in his work there by Wil- liam Watters, who accompanied him on his return from a visit to Maryland. On their journey from Baltimore to Nor- folk, the two held a meeting at King William Court House, in the home of a Mr. Martin who had kindly entertained them overnight. Along the entire route of three hundred miles, they preached at every convenient place and opportunity, finding everywhere an appalling lack of "experimental relig- ion." They were the first Methodist preachers who ever passed through this part of the new world. Weary and worn with toil, they at length reached Nor- folk to take up again the work begun there. They found the field a most difficult one. After spending the winter of 1772 in Norfolk and vicinity, Williams went, in February, of 1773, to Petersburg, and introduced Methodism officially into that town. He was invited there by two citizens of the place 252 History of Prince Edward County whose names will ever remain identified with the beginnings of Methodism there; Gl'essett Davis and Nathaniel Young. As elsewhere, so here, the other denominations were found fairly well entrenched. Williams preached his first sermon in the theatre, which had been opened for religious services through the instrumentality of Davis and Young. After laboring in, and about the town for several weeks with but little to encourage him, Williams was furnished a horse by his two young friends and set out, in true Methodist fashion, to preach in the country round about the city. In a short time a generous revival rewarded his work in the country, which was destined to spread Methodism over every part of the State of Virginia and North Carolina. In this part of the State, Williams was much encouraged in his work by the sympathy of Archibald McRoberts and Dever- eux Jarratt, ministers of the Episcopal Church. On the 14th of July, 1773, the first American Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, assembled at Philadel- phia, when the whole number of members was reported as 1160, viz : New York 180, Philadelphia 180, Ncav Jersey 200, Maryland 500, Virginia 100. Six circuits were formed and ten preachers appointed. Virginia appears in this entry: "Norfolk, Richard Wright; Petersburg, Robert Williams." The whole of 1773 was spent by Williams in preaching and forming Societies in that part of the State south of Petersburg, during which time the Lee family was received into the Society; Jesse Lee being a conspicuous representa- tive of that noble family. On the 26th of September, 1775, this splendid "soldier of the Cross" entered into "that rest that remaineth for the people of God." In his "Journal" Bishop Francis Asbury thus refers to the event : "Tuesday 26, Brother Williams died. The Lord does all things well; perhaps Brother Williams was in danger of being entangled in wordly business, and History of Prince Edward County 253 might thereby have injured the cause of God. So he was taken away from the evil." On Thursday, Bishop Asbury preached his funeral sermon. Every trace of the burial place of this pioneer of American Methodism has been lost. Not even the rudest stone is left to mark his resting place. Robert Williams preached the first Methodist sermon on Virginia soil; formed the first Methodist Society; printed the first Methodist book; was the first Methodist Minister to marry; aided in building the first Methodist Church build- ing; made out the plan for the first Methodist circuit; was the first Methodist minister to "locate;" the first to die; the first to be buried in Virginia soil; and was the first Metho- dist preacher to enter heaven from Virginia ! A pioneer in things Virginian, surely ! At the Christmas Conference, held in Baltimore, Decem- ber 25, 1784, the Methodist Societies definitely took the form of a Church organization, in the strict and proper sense, with the title, "The Methodist Episcopal Church." Francis As- bury and Thomas Coke were, at this time, elected to the office of "Superintendents of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America," the first in a long and honorable line. The "O'Kelly Schism" that had so long agitated the body, and that finally culminated in the "Christian Church;" the body possessing the proper legal right to the use of that title; came to a head at the Baltimore Conference of Novem- ber 1st, 1792, when O'Kelly and his immediate adherents withdrew from the Conference to establish the "Republican Methodist Church," as it was at the first called. In 1801, O'Kelly changed the name of his party, by formally re- nouncing the first name chosen and announcing the new name to be "The Christian Church." The question of slavery agitated the Methodist Church long before it became a national question under the impulse of northern propaganda, and many efforts were made by the 254 History of Prince Edward County young Church to stamp it out, at least in as far as it affected Methodists. The movement that ultimately resulted in the emancipation of the slaves, was in reality a southern move- ment, in which the Methodists had an high and honorable part, later taken up by northern agitators. At the annual Con- ference, held at New Bern, N. C, February 10, 1813, the fol- lowing series of resolutions were adopted: "1. The preachers shall instruct the colored people in the principles and duties of religion. 2. To search out and pay particular attention to all the classes of colored people in the bounds of their stations and circuits. 3. If any member of the M. E. Church be found guilty of carrying on, directly or indirectly, the trade of slave speculation, he or she shall be expelled the Church." Bishops Asbury and McKendree presided over this Conference. The first instance on record of the elevation of a colored man to ministerial orders by the Virginia Conference, oc- curred at the Petersburg Conference of the 18th of March, 1824, when David Payne, of Richmond, a free man of color, was graduated to the office of Deacon, Payne subsequently went to Liberia as a missionary, where he died at his post of duty. Methodism was slow in taking root in Prince Edward County. While great progress was being made in virtually all the surrounding counties. Prince Edward seemed to re- main comparatively neglected until a rather late date. This was partly owing to the fact that in the east and west journies of the Apostle of Methodism, Francis Asbury, and his co-workers, the line of travel seemed to take them either to the north, through Dinwiddle, Amelia, Buckingham ; or to the south, through Brunswick, Lunenburg, Charlotte. What- History of Prince Edward County 255 ever may have been the cause, it remains a fact that Prince Edward County api^ears but rarely in the earlier records of the Church. In 1805, on their journey to the Conference at Granville County, N. C, the two veterans, Francis As- bury and Richard Whatcoat, passed through Prince Edward County, doubtless exhorting the saints on their way. At a later date, while Presiding Elder of the Meherrin District, the celebrated John Early held a remarkable Camp JSIeeting at Prospect, where, it is said, that in seven days about one thousand persons professed conversions. In a mere sketch of such a mighty movement, it is ob- viously quite out of the question to go into details, hence the progi-ess of Methodism in the County will be best followed through the brief historical sketches of the local churches of the county. 256 History of Pnnce Edward County THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH, FARMVILLE The following sketch of the early history of the M. E. Church, Farmville, was made by the Rev, Staunton Field, November 7, 1846, and is to be found in an old Registry Book of the Church : "A brief history of the rise and progress of Methodism in this place may not be without interest and importance for future reference when the present generation shall have passed away. Up to the year 1833 this was merely a casual preaching place for the Methodist Ministry. In that year, under the administration of the Gospel, by that evangelical and zealous Minister, the Rev. William B. Rowzer, who had charge of the Prince Edward Circuit, the first class was formed, and Meth- odism formally introduced and established. From this time Farmville appeared upon the plan of the Prince Edward Circuit, up to the "Great Revival," as it was called, of 1837. It seems from the best information we can obtain, though it appears somewhat remarkable, that the first house of wor- ship was commenced in 1831, and completed in '32; a year previous to the formation of the first class. The Rev. John Early was at this time Presiding Elder of the District, then included in the Lynchburg District, through whose active in- strumentality, no doubt, the building was commenced and finished. In the year 1837, as above mentioned, under the ministry of the Rev. John W. Childs; Dr. A. Penn, Presiding Elder, it pleased Almighty God to visit the infant Church here, with a powerful and sweeping revival. The meeting was con- tinued from day to day successively, for several weeks, and resulted in the conversion of many souls. It may be recorded as a remarkable fact, that the store doors were closed, and History of Prince Edward County 257 business generally suspended, during the exercises of the meeting. This circumstance will go to show the extraordi- nary character of that revival, and is a lasting memorial of the deep and pervading interest which must have been experi- enced by the whole community. Many who are on their way to Heaven, and some who have already reached that happy place, Avill, throughout the dateless periods of eternity, look back upon that occasion as the brightest era in their existence. This revival so fully and firmly established Methodism here, that the brethren, believing that it would be important to its further prosperity and success, requested to be set off as a station, distinct from the Circuit, which was accordingly done in the following year, and the Rev. Jesse Powers was appointed the first stationed Minister in this place. By his zeal and piety as a Christian Minister, and especially as a Pastor, the station was sustained, and abundantly blessed of the Lord. The following year, 1839, the church being too small, in the estimation of many, and without a suitable place for the accommodation of the colored people, it was thought advis- able that a new and more commodious house should be erected. Accordingly, the present house of worship was commenced in '39 and completed in 1840. The Rev. George W. Blain, of precious memory, suc- ceeded Bro. Powers, and at the Conference of 1840, which assembled in this place, was returned in charge of the station. With alternate successes and reverses, the cause of Metho- dism moved on, without any great display of Divine power in the conversion of souls, up to the year '42, at which time, under the administration of the Rev. Jacob Manning, Pastor, and the Rev. H. B. Cowles, Presiding Elder, the Church was again visited with a ''season of refreshing from the pres- ence of the Lord." Many valuable members of the Church were brought in at that time, and many, we trust, will remain pillars in the temple of the Lord, to go out no more forever. 258 TJlsforij of Prince Edward County The Rev. Thomas H. Jones succeeded Bro. Manning in the charge of the station. Nothing of special interest oc- curred during this year. There were some few conversions and accessions to the Church. The Rev. J. L. Knight was the next preacher in charge of the station for the year 1845. There was no revival this year and no incident which we have gathered up worth recording. These are some of the most prominenT circumstances and events connected with the giowth of Methodism in this place, set forth liastily and in the most simple and unvarnished manner, and may serve, if for no other purpose, to give some data upon which to con- struct a more comprehensive and extended account, by some more able or competent pen." g. FIELD, Farmville, Nov. 7, 1846. In connection with the notable fact, cited by the above historian, that the first building was erected before the formal organization of the Church, the transfer of the property, lot 19, in the plan of the Village of Farmville, from James Madison and Susan his wife, to Thomas Scott, John A. Scott, John Clarke, Nathaniel Jackson, Charles Venable, Joseph E. Venable, and Thomas Almond, Trustees of the M. E. Church, South, is recorded, under date of February 6, 1833, in Book 21, at Page 183, in the Registry Office in Farmville. The consideration was the sum of $150. The Church has re- tained the original site to the present day. The membership in 1846 had reached the respectable total of 118, many of whom, however, were colored. Both white and colored were members of the same Churches in those days. Discipline was very rigorously enforced as evidenced by notations set opposite many names, such as: ''Expelled for dancing;" "Expelled for intemperance;" "Withdrawn in preference to standing a trial." The following note occurs during the ministry of the ^ev. Frank Stanley, 1860: "I leave Farmville tomorrow for History of Prince Edward County 259 Conference, and have transferred from the Richmond Church Advocate, my letter of 22nd of last March, and have only time to record my sense of gratitude to God and my thanks to all the members of this Station, and, indeed to all the people, for their uniform kindness to myself and family; for the ample support they have given us, notwithstanding they have this year expended about $-1,000 in improving the Cliurch, have paid the Conference Collection, and given liberally for missions and to the poor. This has been one of the happiest and most successful years of my ministry. This book will show a large increase of members. May God make them per- fect in holiness and keep them all blameless unto the Day of Christ. I pray my (unknown) successor not to let the numerous Class of colored Catechumens be neglected." FKANK STANLEY, Farmville, 14, Nov., 1860. The membership at this time was 155. List of Ministers With Notes 1838. Jesse H. Powers. 1839. George M. Blain. 1840. Benjamin B. Miles. 1841. Jacob ^Manning. 1842. Thomas H. Jones. 1843. Wm. J. Norfleet. Deceased, Jany. 1881. 1844. J. L. Knight. 1845. Stanton Field. 1846. Wm. H. Rohr. 1847. J. C. Garlick. 1848. J. D. Blackwell. 1849. J. C. Newberry. 1850. Josephus Anderson. 1851. Josephus Anderson. 1852. Oscar Littleton. 1853. Charles H. Hall. Died, 1872. 260 History of Prince Edward County 1854. Wm. W. Berry. 1855. Joseph J. Edwards. 1856. Joseph S. R. Clarke. 1857. Joseph S. R. Clarke. 1858. John S. Rees. Died in 1861. 1859. Frank Stanley. 1860. Nelson Plead. 1861. Nelson Heal. Died in Baltimore Conference 1903. 1862-1865. Wm. E. Judkins. 1865-1866. Jacob H. Proctor. 1866-1867. C. C. Pearson. Left the Church for Epis- copal. 1867-1869. Oscar Littleton. Died July 31, 1910. Buried at Farmville. For 60 _vears a member of the Virginia Con- ference. 1869-1870. Wm. E. Edwards. Died in 1902. 1870-1872. F. M. Edwards. 1872-1873. George M. Langhorne. 1873-1876. James F. Twitty, D. D. 1876-1880. Leonidas Rosser, D. D. 1880-1882. Joshua Hunter. 1882-1886. Wesley C. Vaden. 1886-1889. W. E. Evans, D. D. 1889-1890. T. McN. Simpson, D. D. 1891-1894. James Cannon, Jr., D. D. Later Bishop. 1894. R. H. Bennett, D. D. (3 months.) 1894-1895. G. W. Wray. 1895-1899. T. McN. Simpson, D. D. 1899-1901. J. S. Hunter. 1901-1903. T. N. Potts, D. D. 1903-1005. J. B. Winn, D. D. History of Prince Edward County 261 1905-1909. S. C. Hatcher, D. D. 1909. W. T. Green. 1910-1911. W. R. Proctor. 1911-1912. W. G. Porter. 1912-1913. S. A. Donahoe. 1914-1916. G. H. Lambeth, D. D. 1916-1919. Jno. T. Bosman, D. D. 1919. G. H. Spooner, D. D. This Church had in the various branches of the service during the Great War, forty men. Captain H. H. Hunt went OA^erseas as Captain of a Com- pany from Farmville, served at the front and was made Major. Dr. C. B. Crute volunteered, June 21st, 1917, and was appointed 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Department, and was attached to the British Forces overseas and was promoted to be Captain. He saw service in France, Belgium, Italy, Egypt and India. After two years service overseas, he re- turned to xVmerica, and was stationed at Fort Whipple Bar- racks in Arizona, and later was transferred to Fort Mc- Pherson, in Georgia, from whence he received his discharge and returned to Farmville to re-enter his profession as a private citizen. Dr. T. G. Hardy volunteered in June, 1917, and saw ser- vice overseas ae 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Department in France, both at the front and in hospital work. He was discharged in January 1919, and resumed his private practice in Farmville. Dr. J, S. Burger enlisted in the Medical Department with the rank of 1st Lieutenant, and served at Camp Meade throuirhout the war. 262 History of Prince Edward County Paul Barrow enlisted in the Navy and died in Hampton Roads of pneumonia. Walker Paulett enlisted as private, and was promoted to be 1st Lieutenant and, in the fight in the Argonne Woods, led his company for many days Avith conspicuous bravery. Edward Davis enlisted as a private, was promoted to be Sergeant and, when all his superior officers were killed^ wounded or captured, led his Company, reduced to a hand- ful, for days in the thickest of the fight. Emerson Jarman volunteered early and was assigned to the regular army, and promoted to be 1st Lieutenant. He did not get overseas. Joseph Jarman, James Cowan, Mack Cowan, F. Law- rence Orange, James Lipscomb, Henry Wood, Zenas Chap- pell, Walker Drummeller, and Howard Whitlock, saw ser- vice in the ranks overseas. Willard Hart saw service overseas as an expert marks- man with the Marines. T. A. Gray, Jr., C. B. Collyer, R. H. Paulett, and Gates Richardson, saw service with the Aviation Corps, but did not get overseas. John Foster saw service with the Wireless Department overseas. Walter Gray got as far as England, but did not succeed in getting to the trenches. E. A. Chappell, J. H. Lewis, Jr., F. L. Carter, Harry Mottley, John A. Morris, Wallace Duvall, Lewis Whitlock, and C. B. Cunningham saw service in the homeland. Womack Gray was detained in America in preparation for work in the Medical Department. History of Prince Edward County 263 O. H. Whitten saw service in the navy but did not suc- ceed in getting overseas. Among the Student Army Training Corps, were W. P. Venable, Jr., J. B. Wall, Jr., Archer Paulett, Reginald Ven- able, and Ernest Garland. Judge J. M. Crute, from whose article this sketch is made, says: "At this late date (March 19, 1920), with all the records turned in, it is impossible to give a correct report. Several of those across the sea were promoted to Sergeants and Corporals, who enlisted as privates." Dr. T. G. Hardy, Dr. J. L. Jarman, Mrs. J. L. Jarman, Mrs. T. G. Hardy, E. S. Martin, and Dr. J. M. Lear, were prominent in the work of the Red Cross in the county. The work of Mrs. Jarman with the women of the county was a notable contribution to the work of the Prince Edward Chapter of the American Red Cross. 264 History of Prince Edward County THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH SOUTH, PROSPECT.— OLIVE BRANCH CIRCUIT This is the oldest M. E. Church organization, in what is now Prince Edward county and is composed of two preach- ing appointments in the county, viz : Prospect and Olive Branch. It is the mother of Methodism in the county. Orig- inally it was attached to the Lynchburg Circuit. The Church organization was in existence for some con- siderable time before the property was secured, as a meet- ing house was already upon the land purchased for Church purposes by the Society in Prospect, July, 14, 1820. The land then purchased consisted of one acre and was conveyed by Robert Venable to Charles Venable, William Johnston, David, Anderson, Jesse BracUey and Samuel Venable, in trust for the M. E. Church, for Church purposes. (See Deed Book 117, page 139, in the Clerk's Office at Farmville.) Approximately the same situation obtained at Olive Branch appointment, a meeting house being already upon the property, and in use for Church purposes, prior to the actual acquisition of the land by the Society. The property, one acre and building, Avas conveyed by Benjamin Boatwright and his wife, Mary W, Boatwright, to Rev. William Johnson, Rev. James McNeal, Edwin Gray, Thomas Andrews, Joel Elam, John C. Owen, Charles W. Wilkerson, James Martin and Charles Venable, in trust for the M. E. Church for relig- ious purposes, July 9, 1829. (See Deed Book 20, page 242, in the Clerk's Office at Farmville.) An additional piece of property was subsequently obtained for the use of the So- cietyi adjoining tjhe first parcel, from the same parties^ January 17, 1834, making up the present property. (See Deed Book 21, page 19^5, in the Clerk's Office at Farmville.) The present Parsonage property at Prospect was con- veyed by James D. Crawley and his wife, Amanda M. Craw- History of Prince Edward County 265 ley, in trust, to Joseph W. Gills, Thomas H. Crawley, Thomas H. Glenn, Joseph B. Glenn, George M. Gillespie, Robert N. Wilkerson, and W. E. H. Durphy, trustees, July 30, 1877, the consideration being the sum of $1,125. (See Deed Book 33, page 140, in the Clerk's Office at Farmville.) There is a singular lack of available data relating to these early days of Methodism in this part of the county, the minute books of the Society being either lost or destroyed. What information there is available serves to indicate that the work of the Circuit was pressed with great earnestness and Avith a gratifying measure of success. For 1920-21 the Prospect Church raised for all purposes, the sum of $4,175.56, while, for the same period of time, the Olive Branch Church raised $1,845.92. The present officers of the Prospect Church are : Minister: Rev. R. S. Baughan. Stewards: T. S. Tweedy. I. H. Glenn, J. R. Glenn, B. T. Taylor, C. H. Rucker, C. W. Crawley, C. E. Chick, T. R. N. Cocks. Trustees : G. R. Glenn, R. J. Carter, E. S. Taylor. Sunday School Supt.: B. T. Taylor. President of the Woman's Missionary Society; Mrs. R. S. Bauirhan. The present officers of Olive Branch Church are : Stewards: J. Hopkins Wilkerson: J. Henry Wilkerson. W. W. Vaughan, R. H. Wilkerson, H. C. Elam, W. B. Binford, H. L. Moore, J. R. Fore. Trustees: E. H. Gilliam, I. O. Reynolds, Emery Chick, G. D. Warriner, R. Lee Price, J. W. Davis. 266 History of Prince Edward County Sunday School Supt.: W. B. Binford. President, Woman's Missionary Society; Mrs. J. D. Carter. The circuit was or*ranized in 1870 with three churches, viz., Olive Branch, Prospect, and Pamplin. In 1873 Smyrna was added to the circuit, and later on Piney Ridge. In the year 1914 Pamplin and Piney Ridge were transferred to an- other circuit, leaving Olive Branch, Prospect, and Smyrna, which compose the present charge. The tirst pastor of Pros- pect Circuit was Rev. Alfred Wiles, who was succeeded by Rev. J. Wiley Bledsoe. Revs. J. S. Hunter, W. C. Vaden, G. H. Ray, H. C. Cheatham, T. J. Taylor, J. E. Potts, R. W. Watts, and J. H. Proctor were others of the early pastors. With the passing of the years this charge has grown and kept pace with the progress of the times. It now has three good Sunday Schools open every Sunday throughout the year, three flourishing "Woman's Missionary Societies," with one young lady from Olive Branch preparing for work in foreign fields. The charge over-subscribed the Centenary quota by a good margin, and raised the full quota in the Educational Movement, The budget system has been adopted enabling the Stewards to meet all obligations promptly. The pastor is paid monthW and presiding elder quarterly. Recently, a copy of the Advocate has been put in every home on the charge, totaling 175 subscriptions. The village of Prospect was named for the original Church, which stood on the site of the present cemetery. This building was burned in 1860, at which time it was being used as a school house. The present building was erected in 1859. During the History of Prince Edward County 267 War between the States the Federal soldiers camped on the Church grounds and pitched one of their tents on the north- east side of the building. Needing a place to hang their clothing, they bored holes in the weather boarding and in- serted wooden pins for clothes racks. These holes still re- main. The following constituted the first official board : Samuel T. Clark, Henry J. Venable, Thos. W. Crawley, J. W. Gills, James D. Crawdey, and Robt. V. Davis. Records show that at this time there were only 96 members on roll. In 1919 the old Church building was remodeled. Eight Sunday School rooms were built and equipped, an attractive recess pulpit put in, furnace installed, and an imposing colonial front added. An Epworth League has recently been organized, which gives promise for splendid work in the future. 268 History of Prince Edward County SMYRNA CHURCH Smyrna Church is located at Sheppards in Buckingham county, about ten miles from Prospect. Prior to 1873 it was on the Buckingham Circuit. Since that time it has been a member of Prospect Charge. History of Prince Edward County 269 The following article was supplied by the Rev. J. M. Moser, then pastor of the Prospect M. E. Church: "The two churches, Prospect, and Olive Branch, of our Prospect Charge, sent twenty-one men into the various branches of service in the world war. Husie Glenn to Camp Taylor, and oversea. Peyton Glenn to Camp Lee, was made Sergeant, and saw duty oversea. Watkins Brisentine and his brother Allen were in Camps Lee, and Hancock. Hunter Ferguson to Camp Lee, and made Sergeant. Norwood Gallier was in Camp Lee, and was in action oversea. Frank Glenn was in Camp Lee, and made Sergeant. Leonard Fulcher in Camp Lee, and saw service oversea. Claude East in Camp Lee, and saw action oversea. Russll East first in Camp Eustis, and later in school and was training at University of Virginia. Robert Cocks to Navy, and made storekeeper. Robert Cheadle in Camp Lee. He died of pneumonia, following influenza. Warren Tomlinson in automobile training, and saw ser- vice oversea. Elmer Tomlinson, helper in war shops, up east some- where. Jake Hop&ins in Camp Lee. Isaac Glenn in school and war training at University of Virginia. Bascom Taylor in school and war training at Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Virginia. Phil Swan to Camp Lee, saw action oversea, and was killed in battle there. 270 History of Prince Edward County John Fore, saw action oversea, and, after Armistice, did police duty in Germany. Ernest AVoodall, in action oversea, and was seriously wounded. Henry Moore in the Navy. Both these churches were, without exception, warmly patriotic. All seemed bent and determined to do their part in all the war activities without hesitation or stint. During the whole time our boys were in camp and over- sea there was not a single service in our churches without fervent, faithful prayer for them, that in body they might be protected by the Great, Good Lord of Hosts; that in soul they might be kept pure, in life clean, and that after they had won the victory and set the world free, they might re- turn to us the same pure boys they were when they went away. We had no service flag, but we all kept and carried a service heart. Our boys were sent away with a farewell prayer service — a real overflow community prayer meeting. And, on their return, we called them together in the same Church in a gracious service of thanksgiving to our Father for His won- derful goodness and mercy to our boys, and to us and our Allies. Our people were quite active and very generous in rais- ing all war funds, even the children catching up the patriotic spirit, both buying, and soliciting War Saving Stamps with a zeal that called out our best praise; so that in Red Cross work, Y. M. C. A. work. Liberty Loans, and War Saving Stamps, our people truly excelled. We are not able to give the figures, but verily they were far into the thousands. We feel safe in making the statement that our people never turned down a single call for War Charities. Our men, our women, our children, were always ready to give, and to do, for the war and for relief." March 6, 1920. History of Prince Edward County 271 SALEM M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH; RICE This article was contributed by the Rev. O. M. Clarke, present pastor of the Church. Salem M. E. Church, South, was organized in the fall of 1884, as the outgrowth of a Sunday School organized in 1883, at the home of Mr. C. L. Overton, by Mr. A. W. Drum- meller, of Farmville, and a revival meeting conducted at Rice, by Rev. J. S. Hunter of Farmville. There were fourteen charter members, as follows: Mrs. M. J. Hubbard, Mrs. M. R. Watson, Miss Betty Wade, John T. Branch, Mrs. M. B. Price, J. W. Garrett, Mrs. V. C. Garrett, AV. H. Hubbard, J. E Hubbard, S. D. Hubbard, Miss Nannie B. Hubbard, (now Mrs. Amos, of Roanoke,) Miss Mary Watson (now Mrs. Smith, of Cumber- land) Miss Mary Watson (now Mrs. J. A. Hillsman,) Miss Anna Watson (now Mrs. John Morrissette). The Church was assigned to Burkeville Circuit, with Rev. J. B. Askew as its first pastor, who served until 1887. The following ministers have since served this Church: J. E. White, 1887, (died); W. E. Bullard, supply, 1887; T. M. Beckham, 1888-1890; F. B. Glenn, 1890-1892; R. L. Wing- held, 1892-1894; R. S. Baughan, 1894-1897; W. F. Hayes, 1897-1899; J. E. Oiler, 1899-1900; Dr. Leek Spencer, 190a- 1903, (died) ; J. E. McCullough, supply; W. L. Jones, 1903- 1907; T. E. Johnson, 1907-1909; W. A. S. Conrad, 1909-1911; R. G. James, 1911-1913; W. A. S. Conrad, 1913-1917; T. H. Stimson, 1917-1918; O. M. Clarke, 1918, to the present. Present officers: Rev. O. M. Clarke, Postor. J. E. Hubbard, Superintendent Sunday School. W. D. Mason, Treasurer. 272 History of Prince Edward County Stewards: J. E. Hubbard; George Frank; M. T. Gar- rett. Assistant Stewards: W. D. Mason; H. H. Hubbard; W. H. Price. Trustees: J. E. Hubbard; George Frank; W. D. Mason; W. H. Price; H. H. Hubbard. The gross income for last year, for all purposes, was $1,125. History of Prince Edward County 273 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY Somewhere about the year 1740, reports came to Virginia of awakenino^s and revivals of religion occurring in the North, and some books, differing from those in common use, found their way for the first time into Virginia, and disturbed the minds of many persons in the counties of Hanover, Louisa, and thereabouts. Finding nothing corresponding with these teachings in the sermons of the clergy of the established, or Episcopal Church, and deeming them to be Scriptural, as opposed to that of the clergy, some of these people of the laity, separated themselves from the usual services, which by law ihey were bound to attend, and read sermons in private houses. These things came to the ears of the then Governor of the State, Governor Gooch, and he became much offended, and, summoning a general court, delivered a charge complaining of the conduct of those laymen and preachers who, professing to be Presbyterians, yet utterly disregarded the Act of Tol- eration, and produced much discord in the colony. This charge was laid before the Synod of Philadelphia, by a mes- senger for Virginia. The Synod, having considered the matter, sent the fol- lowing address to the Governor: — "May it please your Honour, the favorable acceptance which your Honour was pleased to give our former address, and the countenance and protection which those of our per- suasion have met with in Virginia, fills us with gratitude, and we beg leave on this occasion with all sincerity to express the same. It very deeply affects us to find that any who go from these parts, and perhaps assume the name of Pres- bA'^terians, should be guilty of such practices, such uncharit- able and unchristian expressions, as are taken notice of in your 274 History of Pnnce Edward County Honour's charge to the Grand Jury. And, in the meantime, it gives us the greatest pleasure that we can assure your Hon- our that these persons never belonged to our body, but are missionaries, sent out by some, who, by reason of their divi- sions and uncharitable doctrines and practices, were, in May, 1741, excluded from our Synod, upon which they erected them- selves into a separate society, and having industriously sent abroad persons whom we judge ill qualified for the character they assume, to divide and trouble the churches. And, there- fore, we humbly pray, that while those who belong to us, and produce proper testimonials, behave themselves suitably, they may still enjoy the favor of your Honour's countenance and protection. And, praying for the divine blessing on your Honour's person and government, we beg leave to subscribe ourselves your Honour's, etc. etc, ROBERT CATHCART, Moderator. These persons, thus complained of, are identified by an address to the House of Burgesses, sent at about this time, as follows: "ADDRESS TO THE BURGESSES." ''''To the W orshipful the Speaker and Gentlemen of the Tlovse of Burgesses. "The humble petition of some of the clergy of this Dom.in- ion showeth : "That there have been frequently held in the counties of Hanover, Henrico, Goochland, and some others, for several years past, numerous assemblies, especially of the common people, upon a pretended religious account, — convened some- times by merely lay enthusiasts, who, in these meetings, read sundry fanatical books and use long extempore prayers and discourses, — sometimes by strolling, pretended ministers, and at present by one Mr. Samuel Davies, who has fixed himself in Hanover; and, in the counties of Amelia and Albemarle, History of Prince Edward County 275 by a person Avho calls himself Mr. Cennick, well known in England by his intimacy with Mr. Whitefield. "That though these teachers and their adherents (except the above-mentioned Cennick) assume the denomination of Presbyterians, yet we think they have no just claim to that character, as tlie ringleaders of the party were, for their erroneous doctrines and practices, excluded from the Presby- terian Synod of Philadelphia in May, 1741, (as appears from an address of said Synod to our Governor;) nor have they, since that time, made any recantation of their errors, nor have been readmitted as members of that Synod, which Synod, though of many years standing, never was reprehended for errors in doctrine, discipline, or government, either by the established Kirk of Scotland, the Presbyterian Dissen- ters in England, or any other body of Presbyterians what- soever. Whence we beg leave to conclude, that the dis- tinguishing tenets of these teachere before mentiond are of dangerous consequences to religion in general, and that the authors and propagators thereof are deservedly stigmatized with a name (New-Lights) unknown till of late in this part of the world. "That your petitioners further humbly conceive that, though these excluded members of the Sj^nod of Philadelphia were really Presbyterians, or of any of the other sects toler- ated in England, yet there is no law in this Colony by vir- tue whereof they can be entitled to a license to preach, far less to send forth their emmissaries, or to travel themselves over several counties, (to many places without invitation) to gain proselytes to their way; 'to inveigle ignorant and un- worthy i>eople with their sophistry;' and, under pretence of greater degrees of piety among them than can be found among the members of the Established Church, to seduce them from their lawful teachers and the religion hitherto professed in this Dominion. 276 History of Prince Edward County "Your petitioners therefore, conildinw in the wisdom and piety of this worshipful House, the ijuardians of their reli- oioiis as well as their civil privileges, and being deeply sensible of the inestimable value of the souls committed to their charge, of the infectious and pernicious tendency, nature, and conse- (juences of heresy and schism, and of the sacred and solemn obligations they are under 'To be ready with all faithful dili- gence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doc- trines contrary to God's word, and to use their utmost care that the flock of Christ may be fed with the sincere milk of the word only,' humbly pray that the good laws, formerly in that case made and provided, may be strictly put in execu- tion; particularly that entitled 'ministers to be inducted.' And, as we humbly think this law still retains its primitive force and vigour, so we pray that it may on this occasion effectual- ly exert the same, to the end that all novel notions and per- plexing, uncertain doctrines and speculations, whicn tend to the subversion of true religion, designed by its admirable Author to direct the faith and practice of reasonable creatures, may be suitably checked and discouraged. And that this Church, of which we are members, and which our forefathers justly esteemed a most invaluable blessing, worthy by all prudent and honourable means to be defended and supported, being by us in the same manner regarded, may remain 'the pillar and gi-ound of truth,' and glory of this Colony, which hitherto hath been remarkably happy for uniformity of re- ligion. "And your petitioners, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, ^^^' "D. MossoM, "John Brunskill, "Pat. Henry, (Rev.) "John Robertson, "Robert Barrett." History of Prince Edward County 277 The result of this protest from these five clergymen, was that Mr. Davies was summoned to appear before the House and plead his own cause, which he did with such ability that he appears to have secured recognition, though not to the extent that he had hoped for. He was allowed to continue his work with some restrictions. His labors were confined to the Hanover Presbytery which embraced the territory after- wards composing Prince Edward county, most of his efforts being concentrated on that section of his territory. His zeal and eloquence attracted great crowds, and drew many from the Episcopal churches, which stirred up continual opposi- tion to him. He was more or less directly instrumental in the establishment of the Academy of Prince Edward, now Hampden-Sidney College. He was afterward President of Princeton College, New Jersey. How he obtained recogni- tion from the Synod of Philadelphia does not appear, nor does it api>ear that he was amongst those originally expelled by that body. The progress of the Presbyterians in Prince Edward county has been co-existent with the growth of Hampden- Sidney College and the reader is directed to the chapter deal- ing with that institution for further information, as touch- ing those early days of the Church. Another factor in the decline of the Established Church that did so much to accelerate the growth of the Presbyterians in Prince Edward, was the defection of the Rev. Archibald McRoberts from the Episcopal Church and his adherence to the Presbyterian Church. This good man was ordained in 1763, and continued a minister of the Episcopal Church until 1779. When he withdrew, he was located in a parish in Prince Edward, and lived at Providence, on the glebe near Prince Edward Court House, from whence, on July 13, 1780, he wrote his friend Mr. Jarratt, regarding the change he had made. In that letter he savs: — 278 History of Prince Edward County "Upon the strictest inquiry it appears to me that the Church of Christ is truly and properly independent; and I am a dissenter under that denomination. Ecclesiastical mat- ters among the Presbyterians I find every day verging toward my sentiments, and will, I believe, terminate there. There is very little that divides us even now. They constantly attend my poor ministry. Several of Mr. Sankey's people have joined my congregation, and I have lately had a most delightful communion-season at Cumberland, wdiere I assisted Mr. Smith, at the urgent request of himself and the elders. Soon after my dissent, as my concern for the people had suffered no change, I drew up a set of articles including the essential parts of natural and revealed religion, together with the Con- stitution and Discipline of the Christian Church, and pro- posed them to their consideration; since which they have formed a congregation at the chapel, and a few have acceded at French's and Sandy River. I preach at the churches by permission, and intend to continue, God willing, until the first of January, at which time, if congregations should not be formed at the lower churches, my time will be confined to the chapel, and such other places as Providence may point out and the good spirit of God unite his people at." He was a Scotchman by birth. The following incident is related of him : '"'Most of the able-bodied men of Prince Edward were off' with the army, on duty elsewhere, when Tarleton, with his troops of cavalry made a foray through that and the neighboring counties. He visited sundry houses in Prince Edward, attempted to frighten women and children, destroyed much furniture, and otherwise did much wanton mischief. A detachment was also sent to the glebe, and Mr. McRoberts had hardly time to escape. They ripped open feather-beds, broke mirrors, etc., and went off, having set fire to the house. It burned slowly at first, but the building would have been consumed had not a shower of rain come up suddenly and extinguished the flames. Mr. McRoberts, History of Prince Edward County 279 who regarded this as a special interposition of providence, called the place PROVIDENCE." The name stuck, and such it was known ever after. Later on, the glebe became the property of Colonel Venable. (Meade, Vol. I, 448.) It would appear that two of Mr. Mciloberts' sons gradua- ated with the first class from Hampden- Sidney College. The Rev. Richard Sankey, ordained in 1739 by the Pres- bytery of Donegal, in Pennsylvania, moved to Prince Edward county with his entire congregation, establishing his work at French's, a little to the northeast of Kingsville. He was the first regularly installed Presbyterian minister in the county. Other Presbyterian churches of these early days of the county, now extinct, were Briery, 1748; Buffalo, 1759; and Watkins, 1759. 280 Jlutory of Prince Edward County THE FARMVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There is a tradition that the Farmville Presbyterian Church was oro;anized in 1828, but that is not borne out by the facts, as the following paper discloses: "Petition of the members of Hanover Church, worship- ping at Farmville, Va., to West Hanover Presbytery, ask- ing a division of Hanover Church, October 8th, 1844. Farmville, Va., Oct. 8th, 1844. The Memorial and Petition of members of the Hanover Church, (Prince Edward county) usually worshipping at Farmville, to West Hanover Presbytery: Your petitioners resjDectfully request that the Presbytery would divide Hanover Church, organizing one of the divis- ions at Famiville. The records of the proceedings of Han- over Church in reference to the desired division will ac- company this petition, and we ask that the same be considered a part of this memorial. The representatives of the Hanover Church in Presbytery will give the necessary explanations in reference to the wishes of the memorialists. We are not advised that it will be contrary to the con- stitution, or form of Government of the Presbyterian Church, to permit the present pastor of the Church to have charge of the two churches and, as your memorialists do not desire a change in our pastoral relations, they ask that a division be made contemplating such an arrangement. Your memorialists will only add, that the members of Hanover Church, usually w^orshipping at Farmville, are near- ly, if not entirely unanimous in the request herein presented. Respectfully submitted, F. N. Watkins, M. A. Watkins, C. R. Barksdale, Ed. M. Barksdale, John Dupuy, Ann Dupuy, Wm. C. Flournoy, (by History of Prince Edward County 281 F. N. W.), M. W. Flournoy, M. R. Flippen, Caroline Flip- pen, Wm. M. Womack, N. D. Price, M. T. Price^ M. E. Venable (by F. N. W. by permission), Mary C. Womack, Jacob W. Morton, Mary Jane Morton, Wm. C. Chappell, A. W. Millspaiio:h, C. C. Read, A. E. Read, Mary P. Venable, Charles T. Carrington, C. Scott Venable, E. G. Venable, Mary E. Venable, Sarah S. Venable." This paper, the orin:inal of which is now in the hands of Mrs. Henry Edmunds of Farmville, Va., reveals the fact, that the Church Avas organized in 1844 with twenty-seven charter members, and was set off from the College Church, which was then known as Hanover Church, and was served by the same minister as the College, or Hanover Church. The minister was Rev. Wm. C. Scott, who seems to have served the Church till 1854. He was succeeded by Rev. Michael Osborne, who, served till 1863. Then followed in suc- cession. Rev. Richard Mcllwaine, 1864-1870; Rev. H. H. Hawes, 1871-1885; Rev. W. H. Neel, 1885-1888; Rev. E. H. Harding, 1891-1903; Rev. J. G. McAllister, 1903-1905; Rev. H. T. Graham, 1905-1909; Rev. W. E. Hill, 1909-1912; Rev. Andrew Allen, 1912-1916; and Rev. Charles F. Rankin, to the present time. At the time the Farmville Church was organized. West Hanover Presbytery was composed of thirteen churches, the oldest of which was Cumberland, organized in 1754, having had a history of nearly a century when the infant Farmville Church was born. The Presbytery noAv has forty-eight churches on its roll. The present house of worship at Farmville, is the origi- nal building, and the lot on which it stands, is said to have been given by Col. James Madison, grandfather of Mr. AVil- liam G. Dunington. To the original building has been added the portico, and the Sunday School annex, which was built during the pastorate of the Rev. W. H. Neel, and just now 282 History of Prince Edward County the congregation is preparing to add another wing to the building, containing eighteen class rooms, for the purposes of a modern Sunday School. During its seventy-eight years of history, the Church has grown from a membership of twenty-seven, to an enrollment of three hundred and sixty; and, from the modest contribu- tions of those early days, to an annual budget of about S12,- 000, and is now the second largest Church in the Presbytery, Charlottesville ranking first. It would appear that the Farmville Church, before the War between the States, had an endowment, as was true of some other churches in this section, and that this endow- ment consisted largely in slaves; of course the Church lost its endowment with the close of the war. This perhaps, seemed a great loss to the congregation at that time, but, doubtless, was a great blessing in disguise, as has been pro- ven in so many other cases where a Church has lost its en- dowment. Many of the names of those twenty-seven charter mem- bers still appear on the roll of the Church, in their descend- ants, as officers and members of the Church, who are worthily carrying on the work which their fathers and mothers so bravely began. And this old Church, which has waxed stronger as the decades have gone by, bids fair to render a more glorious service in the future than it has in the past; for, to the manhood of old age, it adds the lustiness of youth. (Note: With some unimportant alterations, the above most excellent record was furnished by the Rev. C. F. Rankin. It would appear that some substantial grounds for the tradi- tion that this congregation was formed in 1828, exists in the probability that that date is meant to mark the time when Presbyterian services were first held in Farmville in connec- < > uT o u J . o >< u S Hi ^ Q « Q S z „- ~' u Q Cu < X u . U . J > J "" o« u I u 0!: 3 I o E - History of Prince Edward County 283 tion with the Cumberland, Hanover (or College) Churches; the erection of the independent Church taking the place in 1844, as stated above. — Editor.) The following compose the official membership of the Church at the present time : Pastor; The Rev. Charles F. Rankin. Elders: Dr. P. A. Irving, Clerk of Session. W. D. M. Stokes, E. A. Richardson, Joel Watkins, Judge George J. Hundley, Judge Asa D. Watkins, J. J Adams, W. T. Clark. Deacons: Capt. S. W. Watkins, Chairman and Treasurer of the Church; George Richardson, Assistant Treasurer of Church; R. B. Cralle, F. H. Hanbury, C. W. Blanton, C. W. Harrison, Charles Scheffield, Horace Adams, R. B. Johns, A. V. Wade, J. T. Thompson, F. W. Mcintosh, E. W. Husted, F. S. Blanton, B. M. Cox. Superintendent of Sunday School: F. S. Blanton. Officers of Women's Auxiliary: President: Miss Carrie Bliss. Vice-Pres. : Mrs. A. B. Armstrong. Secretary : Mrs. E. S. Shields. Treasurer: Mrs. P. A, Irving. Circle Leaders of Women's Auxiliary: Mrs. George Richardson. Mrs. Henry B. Smith. Mrs. C. A. Price. Mrs. George Rex. Mrs. S. W. Watkins. 284 History of Prince Edward County COLLEGE PKESBYTERIAN CHURCH, HAMPDEN- SIDNEY This Church was first organized under the name, "Han- over Church,'' which name was subsequently changed by the Ptesbytery to "College Church," and is located at Hampden- Sidney, in tlio iiiimediate vicinty of the College, and is, of course, the College Church. On the 20th of October, 1835, "Hanover Church," (the present "College Church") was organized under orders of Presbytery, by a division of "Cumberland Church," which formerly embraced the territory and the membership of the present "Cumberland Church," the "College Church," and the Farmville Church, with the following officers: First pastor, the Rev. Benjamin M. Staunton, D. D., who was ordained in 1835; ruling elders: Major James Moi"ton, Dr. Goodrich Wilson, Moses Tredway, Armistead Burwell, James Madison, John Rice, Silas Biglow, Clement C. Read, Samuel Lyle, Samuel C. Anderson. This new organization included ruling elders. Dr. Good- rich Wilson, Col. James Madison, Col. John Rice, Clement Read, Samuel Lyle, and Samuel C. Anderson. The Church thus organized embraced "College Church" proper, and the Farmville Church, and so continued until the 21st of December, 1844, when a portion of the members of this Church was organized as a Church to be known as the Farmville Church. On the 1st of May, 1840, the following were elected rul- ing elders: Henry E. Watlrins, Dr. Peyton R. Berkeley, Nathaniel E. Venable, and Thomas Flournoy, Mr. Flournoy subsequently removed to the neighborhood of Farmville, and it is believed, never acted as elder in the College Church. On the 1st day of March, 1845, at a meeting of the Han- History of Prince Edward County 285 over congregation, held at College Church, agreeable to previous notice, the following were elected as ruling elders: Asa D. Dickinson, John Hughes, Dr. B. F. Terry. In September of 1856, the following were elected deacons in this Church, being the first of that class of officers : Robert C. Anderson, James A. Womack, John A. Dalby. At the same time Abraham C. Carrington was elected ruling elder. In December 1859, Edwin Edmunds, Henry C. Guthrie, and Henry Stokes, were elected ruling elders. In May, 1860, A. R. Venable and Charles Baskerville were elected deacons. On the 12th of August, 1871, Louis L. Holladay and Andrew R. Venable were elected to the elder- ship, while Henry AV. Edmunds and John M. Venable were made deacons. The following have served the Church as pastors: Rev. B. M. Staunton, D. D., 1835-1840. Upon the death of Dr. Staunton, Rev. James AV. Alexan- der of Princeton, N. J., was called but declined. Rev. Patrick I. Sparrow, D. D., June 26, 1841-1847. Rev. Benjamin H. Rice, D. D., ordained, June, 1848- 1858, when he died. Drs. R. L. Dabney and B. M. Smith, joint pastors, 1858- 1874. Drs. Smith and Peck, supplied, 1874-1875. Rev. Charles A. White, D. D., 1875-1891, when he died. Rev. Richard Mcllwaine, D. D., 1891-1895. Rev. James Murray, D. D., 1895-1907. Rev. W. J. King, 1907-1917. Rev. Edgar G. Gammon, D. D., 1917. 286 History of Prince Edward County The following are the officers for the current year, 1921. Session : The Rev. Edgar G. Gammon, D. D., Moderator. A. W. McWhorter, Clerk; E. L. Dupuy, J. D. Eggleston, P. T. Akinson, R. E. Stokes. Deacons : J. H. Rodgers, Allan Stokes, John Allen, T. J. Mcllwaine. Church Treasurer: E. L. Dupuy. The total income of the Church for the current year, (1921) was $12,040.16. The value of the Church property, including the fine new manse, erected in 1920, is approximately $50,000. The Church has made marked progress under the pas- toral charge of the Rev. Dr. Gammon, a sketch of whom will be found in the chapter on "Who's Who in Prince Edward," in this work. History of Prince Edward County 287 JAMESTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, RICE War Record. This Church had but one representative in the Great War, Private James Blanton Vaughan, who trained at Camp Lee and served overseas. He was discharged on March 1st, 1919, from Camp Dix. The Church as a whole, responded to all calls throughout the war period, including war chari- ties. Prayers were offered for the success of the Allies, and a fervent patriotism was in evidence. The minister of the Church, the Rev. F. W. Osborn, led his people in all their war activities. 288 History of Prince Edward County DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, LIBERTY CHURCH The following' article respecting Liberty Church, was furnished by the Rev. F. W. Berry, present pastor of the Church : This Church was first organized in 1847. Its first loca- tion was near the Richmond and Danville R. R., three miles N. E. from Green Bay. There were twenty-three charter members, with two elders: S. H. Wootton, and William Wal- ton. In the year 1881 the Church was moved to Green Bay, its present location. Since locating at Green Bay, the Church has furnished the charter membership for three Churches, namely, Beulah, at Rice; Bethel, in Lunenburg Co.: and Crewe. The present membership is one hundred and four. The officers are: Elders: L. D. Jones; F. W. Berry. Deacons: F. H. Jones; S. C. Coleman; G. W. Palmer. Secretary-treasurer: F. H. Jones. The total income for all purposes in 1921 was $450. The following men from the congregation served in the world war : R. W. Jones ; L. A. Snow ; W. R. Berry ; Thomas Weaver, overseas; S. S. Flippen and O. C. Bonner, at home niMory of Prince Edward County 289 COLORED CHURCHES The author is indebted for the following very excellent sketch of the colored churches of the county, to the Rev. P. AV. Price, who, besides serving a group of colored Baptist churches, is the principal of a large colored school in Farm- ville. The sketch is presented almost verbatim as prepared by him. There are at present in the county of Prince Edward, twenty colored churches, wath an approximate membership of 5,665; namely: Alabama; Beulah A. M. E.; Calvary; First Baptist, Farmville; First Rocks; High Bridge; High Rock; Levi; Mercy Seat; Mount Zion; Mount Moriah; Monroe; New Hope; New Witt; Peaks; Prospect A. M. E. ; Race Street, Farmville; Sulphur Springs; Triumph; and Zion Hill. The oldest of these, and the churches from which most of the others sprang, are. First Baptist, Farmville; Mount Zion; Sulphur Springs; Triumph; and New Hope. These were organized by colored members from white churches of which they were meml^ers before the |emancipation, and in some instances with the aid and advice of the white friends who were members of the churches from which they ob- tained their letters of dismission to form the exclusive col- ored churches. The value of the colored church property is about $37,- 000. These churches pay to their pastors about $5,300 an- nually. To Foreign Missions they pay about $300, and to Home Misssions (most of which is used in the county to help build schools and pay teachers,) about $19,000. A few of the consecrated pioneers who ha\'e nursed these churches during their earlier years, often men of limited education, but men with fixed faith in God, were Revs. John White; Carter Braxton; Robert Watkins; Armis- tead Burkley; and Nelson Jordan. 1. Hampden-Sidney College. 2. Union Theological Seminary, Richmond. 3. State Female Normal School, Farmville. 4. Colored Schools. History of Prince Edtoard County 293 THE SCHOOLS OF PRINCE EDWARD HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE This institution, a College for men, originated as an Academy, established by the PTesbytery of Hanover, 1774- 1775, and known as "Prince Edward Academy," and for- mally opened, January 1, 1776. The circumstances leading up to its establishment were briefly these: Virginia was at the first settled by Englishmen, most of whom were members of the Church of England, now called the Episcopal Church. Dissenters were very few in number, but grew steadily, so that some years previous to the Revo- lutionary War, they had become a rather considerable body. They possessed no independent institution of higher learning, William and Mary, then the only College in the state, being under the control of the Episcopalians. At about this time, the Rev. Samuel Davies, of Hanover county, with other of like mind, formed the Hanover Pres- bytery of the Presbyterian Church. The bulk of the Presby- terians in the lower part of the state, were then residing in Prince Edward and the nearby counties. This newly formed Presbytery determined to found an institution more in sym- pathy with their ideals than William and Mary, and did so at about the above date. The Academy was organized into a College and chartered in 1783. It received its name from those two valiant cham- pions and martyrs of liberty John Hampden and Algernon Sidney. When established, it was dependent upon private munificence, and has continued from its inception to be sup- 294 History of Prince Edward County ported by private benefactions. Next to William and Mary. it is the oldest College in the South. The many fine buildings of the College, occupy an ele- vated, healthy, and attractive situation seven miles from Farmville and about eighty miles from Richmond. The vil- lage of Hampden-Sidney and the College buildings are lighted by electricity supplied from Farmville. At the present time there are seventeen buildings in the College group, residences included, and the grounds comprise some two hundred and twenty-six acres, with one hundred and thirty and six-tenths acres still to come from the Venables' estate. It is said that more instructors have come from this insti- tution, than from any other in the Southern States. The Presidents of Hampden-Sidney College, since its inception, are as follows: Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, D.D., LL.D., 1775-1779. Rev. John Blair Smith, D.D., 1779-1789. Rev. Drury Lacy, D.D., 1789-1797. Rev. Archibald Alexander, D.D., LL.D., 1797-1806. Rev. Moses Hoge, D.D., 1807-1820. Jonathan P. Cushing, A.M., 1821-1835. Rev. Daniel Lynn Carroll, D.D., 1835-1838. Rev. William Maxwell, LL.D., 1838-1844. Rev. Patrick J. Sparrow, D.D., 1845-1847. Rev. Lewis W. Green, D.D., 1848-1856. Rev. John M. P. Atkinson, D.D., 1857-1883. Rev. Robert Mcllwaine, D.D., LL.D., 1883-1904. Rev. James Gray McAllister, D.D., 1905-1908. History of Prince Edward County 295 Rev. Henry Tucker Graham, D. D., 1908-191T. Joseph DuPuy Eggleston, A.M., LL.D., 1919. The broken periods in the above line were filled by Com- mittees and Acting Presidents, the following serving in one or other of these capacites: William S. Reid, D.D., 1807; Messrs. M. T^-yle, James Morton, William Berkeley, John Miller, J. P. Wilson, 1820-1821; George A. Baxter, D.D., 1835; S. B. Wilson, D.D., F. S. Sampson, D.D., 1847-1848 ; Charles Martin, A.B., 1848-1849, 1856-1857; Rev. Albert L. Holladay (Died before taking office), 1856; James R. Thornton. A.M., 1904; William H. Whiting, Jr., A.M., 1904-1905, 1908-1909; J. H. C. Bagby, Ph.D., 1906; Ashton W. McWhorter, A.M., Ph.D., 1917-1919. Amongst the notable names in the long and honorable history of Hampden-Sidney, none shine with greater bril- liance than that of the Rev. Samuel Stanhope Smith, to whom is given the credit for the founding of the original Prince Edward Academy. He was a native of Lancaster county, Penna., and a graduate of the College of New Jersey, of the class of 1769. He subsequently united with the Presb}i;ery of Hanover, "V^irginia, and so pressed the cause of education as to make his name historic in the early annals of the Common- wealth. He was the first Rector of the Academy, and, under his control and direction, and stirred by his almost magical influence, it attained a remarkable prosperity. He resigned in October, 1779, in order to accept the professorship of Moral Philosophy in his Alma Mater in New Jersey, and his broth- er, the Rev. John Blair Smith, was appointed to succeed him. He was the last Rector of the Academy, and the first President of the College proper. These two remarkable men, brothers, exerted a permanent and lasting influnce upon the religious and the educational life of the Commonwealth. It is worthy of note that not so much respect for ''moral 206 History of Prince Edward County suasion" was entertained at Hampden- Sidney in those early days, as to exclude at least occasional recourse to corporeal punishment. This form of punishment was generally re- served for the members of the grammar school, but the su- perior dignity of the Sophomores and the Juniors was not always safe from invasion, though the Collegiate classes were usually exempt. It is also worthy of note that in the early financial prob- lems of the institution, the trustees did not hold back from accepting the friendly aid of the lottery schemes, at that time flourishing. At so late a date as 1797, at a meeting of the Board, upon the occasion of the installation of Dr. Archi- bald Alexander, afterwards the founder of the Theological School of Princeton, as President of the College, a petition to the General Assembly of the state for a lottery to be conducted in favor of Hampden-Sidney, was most gravely approved and recorded ! From 1776, through to 1820, the Academy, and later the College, were enabled to exist through the union of the pas- toral office with the Presidency of the school; the President of the College being later installed as Pastor of the Prince Edward and Cumberland Churches. In 1820 that union was permanently dissolved. The Hanover Presbytery was determined in its choice of the site for the school, h\ the liberality of Peter Johnston of Prince Edward county, who donated about one hundred ocres of land in his county for the purposes of Prince Ed- ward Academy. The land was situated in the tobacco-grow- ing section, where money currency had but limited circula- tion. This Peter Johnston, of Longwood, was a Scotchman, and a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church. He was the friend and correspondent of the father of Sir Walter Scott, and was the adjutant of General Lighthorse Harry Lee's famous Legion during the Revolutionary War. His History of Prince Edward County 297 son, Peter Johnston, was a member of the first class of the institution, and was the father of the famous Gen. Joseph E. Johnston of Virginia fame. Among the Trustees of the original Academy may be noted the names of James Madison (1751-1836) fourth Presi- dent of the United States, and Patrick Henry (who is be- lieved to have drafted the college charter) subsequently Gov- ernor of Virginia. These names, amongst others, indicate that the institution was a product of the struggle for reli- gious and civil liberty. The legislative government of the College was originally vested in twenty-seven Trustees, who had authority to fill all vacancies occurring in their own body. The following is a partial list of the original incorporators and trustees: Rich- ard Sankey, John Todd, Samuel Leake, Caleb Wallace, Peter Johnston (donor of the land), Col. Paul Carrington, Col, John Nash, Jr., Capt. John Morton, Capt. Nathaniel Venable, Col. (Thomas Ra^id, James Venable, Francis N. Watkins. The following were subsequently added to this number: Rev. David Rice, Col, Patrick Henry, Col. John Tabb, Col. William Cabell, and Col. James Madison, Jr. The College succeeded the Academy in 1783 by Act of the General Assembly, of that date, and the following were noted as the incorporators: Rev. John Blair Smith, Patrick Henry, William Cabell, Sr., Paul Carrington, Robert Law- son, James Madison, John Nash, Nathaniel Venable, Francis Watkins, John Morton, Thomas Reade, William Booker, "Hhomas Scott, Sr., James Allen, Charles Allen, Samuel Woodson Venable, Joseph Parke, Richard Foster, Peter John- ston, Rev, Richard Sankey, Rev, John Todd, Rev. David Rice, Rev. Archibald McRobert, Everard Meade, Joel Watkins, James Venable, and William Morton. By an Amendment to the Charter, secured February, 298 History of Prince Edward County 1919, the number of trustees was reduced to twenty-five, and vacancies occurring in the Board to be filled by the Synod of Virginia. The following constitute the Board of Trustees at the present time (1921) : J. B. Bittinger, D.D., Charles A. Blanton, M.D., J. E. Booker, D.D., W. C. Campbell, D.D.. A. B. Carrington, A. B. Dickinson, Hon. Don P. Halsey, J. Nat Harrison, Hon. H. R. Houston, Hon, F. B. Hutton, Paulus A. Irving, M.D., Hon. C. P. Janney, Col. C. C. Lewis, Jr., F. T. McFaden, D.D., H. W. McLaughlin, D.D., W. W. Moore, D.D., LL.D., J. Scott Parish, Col. John H. Pinner, W. H. T. Squires, D.D., Ernest Thompson, D.D., Hon, James L. Treadway, Hon. E. Lee Trinkle, A. L. Tynes, M.D., Hon. A. D. 'Watkins, B. F. Wison, D.D. The literary degrees conferred under the Charter, were first bestowed, September 22nd, 1786, at which time the de- gree of A. B. was awarded Kemp Plummer, David Meade, James Watt, Ebenezer McRoberts, Thomas McEoberts, Nash IjeGrand, and John W. Eppes, seven in all. The last two distinguished themselves in after life, the one as an Evangel- ist, the other as a member of Congress. The following compose the Faculty of the institution at the present time : Joseph DuPuy Eggleston, A.M., LL.D,, President, (See, "Who's Who in Prince Edward,") A, W, McWhorter, A,M., Ph.D. Dean. Henry Clay Brock, B. Lit., Professor Emeritus of Greek. J, H. C, Bagby, M.A,, M,E., Ph,D., Professor of Physics and Astronomy, J. H. C. Winston, A.B., B.S., PhD,, Professor of Chem- istry and Geology, William H, Whiting, Jr,, A,B,, A,M., Professor of Latin and Spanish. History of Prince Edward County 29r* Ashton W. McWhorter, A.M., Ph.D., Professor of Greek. John A. Clarke, A.B., M.A., Professor of French and German. Asa D. Watkins, A.B., B.D., Professor of English. James S. Miller, B.S., C.E., Sc.D., Professor of Mathe- matics. J. B. Massey, A.B., B.D., D.D., Professor of Bible, Phil- osophy, and Psj'^chology. Thomas Cary Johnson, Jr., B.A,, M.A., Professor of History and Economics. Thomas Smyth, B.S., Professor of Biology. Benjamin D. Painter, A.B., B.S., Assistant in Mathe- matics and Modern Languages. F. T. McFaden, Instructor in Mathematics. Despite the fact that repeated efforts have been made to secure an adequate endowment, it is a %ct that Hampden- Sidney has today the smallest endowment of any standard College in the whole Southland. Founded in faith and prayer, it makes a «onfident appeal to the aid and loyalty of its constituency; the whole of the United States of America ! The usual Societies and Fraternities flourish among the students. Athletics also flourish, a fine athletic field of some five or six acres — Venable Fi^d — immediately adjoins the college buildings. A fine library of some 15,000 volumes is available to the student. The present enrollment of the College is one hundred and eight3^ Some four hundred former students of Hampden-Sidney saw service during the Great World War, eleven of whom made the Supreme Sacrifice. 300 History of Prince Edward County UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY This institution originated in the efforts of the Han- over Presbytery and the Synod of \'lrginia, to give the can- didates for their ministry a more complete theological train- ing than was then available. Such efforts were put forth as early as 1812, but it did not get into regular operation until 1824. It was located in the immediate vicinity of Hampden- Sidney. It had a very successful history but was moved to Richmond in 1898. Many of the most successful ministers of the Presbyterian Church look back with fond recollections to the years spent at the Union Theolgical Seminary while it was located in Prince Edward County. To the Rev. John Holt Rice, D.D., born November 28, 1777, and who died in Prince Edward County, September 2, 1831, belongs the credit for the founding of this institution. He was then an instructor at Hampden-Sidne}'. It was at the head of the Seminary that he passed his last years. He was famous as an orator of unusual powers and as a writer of ease, fertility and force. History of Prince Edward County 30l STATE FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL On March 5th, 1839, the Legislature of Virginia incor- porated "The Farmville Female Seminary Association." Messrs. W. C. Flournoy; James E. Venable; Thomas Flour- noy; William Wilson; George Daniel; Willis Blanton; and James Ely were the incorporators. The capital stock was $30,000, to be divided into 300 shares each, of the par value of $100: {Acts of 1839, jmge 120). By deed dated May 26th, 1842, George Whitfield Read and Charlotte his wife, in consideration of $1,400, conveyed to "The Farmville Female Seminary Association," lots Nos. 105 and 107 containing one acre of land. These lots were the same which James Madison, trustee for Josiah Chambers, had, in consideration of $1,250, conveyed to George W. Read by a deed dated April 3rd, 1836. For these deeds see Deed Book 22, page 56, and Deed Book 23, page 384. While excavating for the foundation of a new building that was erected for the State Female Normal School, in 1897, the Corner Stone in the old building of the Farmville Female Seminary, above referred to, was dug up and opened. There was no box in the stone, but a hole about 4 by 5 inches, and 3 inches deep. Across the top of this hole was a silver plate, bearing the following inscription: •Farmville Female Academy Built by Joint Stock Company, A. D. 1839. Inside of the hole M-as a copy of the New Testament, a newspaper, three silver coins — 5, 10, and 25 cent pieces — and a Masonic emblem or badge. The back was all that remained of the New Testament, and the letters on that faded away a few minutes after being exposed to the air. A piece of the newspaper about an inch square could be read. 802 History of Prince Edward County This original building was completed in 1842 and was at once occupied and used for the purposes for which it was erected. It was at this time that the final payment of the purchase price of the property was made. Solomon Lee, Esq., was first in charge as Principal. He was followed after a few years by his brother, Kev. Lorenzo Lee. A northern man named Coburn, and remembered main- ly as the possessor of a very long nose, succeeded him. Then in 1850 Mr. John B. Tinsley succeeded to the office of Princi- pal, and was succeeded in rather rapid succession by two men named Gould and Lamont, respectively. About 1860 Mr. A. Preot, Esq., assumed the reins and remained some nine or ten years, which included the difficult years of the war and the more difficult years of the Re- Construction Period that succeeded. A Rev. Mr. Crawley conducted a school there for one year during 1871 or 1872. He was succeeded by the Rev. Paul Whitehead, who was followed for a short term by a Miss Carter. By an Act of the Legislature, passed May 24th, 1860, the charter of the company was amended, and the name changed to "The Farmvilla Female College." This corporation held the property until Janaury 15th, 1878, when, it was con- veyed by deed to Mih G. M. Bickers, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the stockhcStlers in a meeting held July 1st. 1870, when they determined to sell and, after paying its debts, dis- tribute the proceeds amongst the stockholders. By deed dated May 29th, 1882, Mr. Bickers conveyed the property to the Rev. Paul Whitehead and others, Mr. Whitehead being the Principal of the College at that time. By deed dated April 7th, 1884, "The Farmville College," a corporation of which the aforementioned Rev. Paul White- head was President, conveyed it to the town of Farmville, and, by a deed of the same date, the town of Farmville con- History of Prince Edtoard County 303 veyed it to the State of Virfrinia, in consideration that the State AYOiild establish on it a Female Normal School. "A system of free schools for Virginia was established, July 11, 1870, by the first Legislature to assemble after the War between the States. As these schools struggled year after year for a stable footing, it became more and more evi- dent that they must be supplied with specially trained teach- ers before they could reach the desired efficiency. To make provision for this pressing need, the Legislature at its regu- lar session in March, 1884, passed the following Act estab- lishing the Normal School : ''Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That there shall be established, as hereinafter provid- ed, a normal school expressly for the training and education of white female teachers for public schools. 2. The school shall be under the supervision, manage- ment and government of W. H. RuHner, J. L. M. Curry, John B. Minor, K. M. Manly, L. R. Holland, John L. Buchanan, L. A. Michie, F. N. Watkins, S. C. Armstrong, W. B. Talia- ferro, George O. Conrad, W. E. Gaines, and W. W. Herbert, as a board of trustees. In case of any vacancy, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, the successor shall be ap- pointed by the Governor. The Superintendent of Public In- struction shall be ex-o-fficlo a member of the board of trustees. 3. Said trustees shall, from time to time, make all need- ful rules and regulations for the good government and man- agement of the school, to fix the number and compensation of the teachers and others to be employed in the school, and to prescribe the preliminary examination and conditions on which students shall be received and instructed therein. They may appoint an executive committee, of whom the Superin- tendent shall be one, for the care, management and govern- ment of said school, under the rules and regulations prescribed 304 Flhtory of Prince Edward County as aforesaid. The trustees shall annually transmit to the Gov- ernor a full account of their proceedings under this act, to- gether with a report of the progress, condition and prospects of the school. 4. The trustees shall establish said school at Farmville, in the County of Prince Edward; i)rovided said town shall cause to be conveyed to the State of Virginia, by proper deed, the property in said town known as the Farmville Fe- male College; and if the said property is not so conveyed, then the said trustees shall establish said school in such other place as shall convey to the State suitable grounds and build- ings for the purpose of said school. 5. Each city of five hundred inhabitants, and each coun- t}'^ in the States shall be entitled to one pupil, and for each additional representative in the House of Delegates above one, who shall receive gratuitous instruction. The trustees shall provide rules for the selection of such pupils and for their examination, and shall require such pupil selected, to give satisfactory evidence of an intention to teach in the pub- lic schools of the State for at least two years after leaving the said normal school. 6. The sum of five thousand dollars is hereby appro- priated to defray the expenses of establishing and continuing said school. The money shall be expended for that purpose under the direction of the trustees, upon whose requisition the Governor is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the treasury. 7. There shall be appropriated annually, out of the treas- ury of the State the sum of ten thousand dollars to pay inci- dental expenses, the salaries of oiSicers and teachers, and to maintain the efficiency of the school, said sum to be paid out of the public free school fund; provided, however, that the Commonwealth will not in any instance be responsible for History of Prince Edward County 305 any debt contracted, or expenditure made by the institution in excess of the appropriation herein made. 8. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall ren- der to the Second Auditor an annual account of the expendi- tures under this act." It was not until 1886, however, that the institution was incorporated by the Le<^islature, under the name of the State Female Normal School. That Farmville secured the school was ownino; to the fact that the town offered to give to the State a building formerly used as a girls' school, and this offer was warmly supported by such influential men as Dr. W. H. Ruffner, Dr. James Nelson, then pastor of the Baptist Church at Farm- ville, and Dr. W. H. H. Thackston, at that time mayor of Farmville and most anxious to promote its interests. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in Richmond, April 9, 1S84, and organized by the election of Dr. J. L. M. Curry, president, Dr. J. L. Buchanan, vice- president, and Judge F. N. Watkins secretary and treasurer. The Board was confronted by a serious difficulty at the outset in tli'e shape of the seventh section of the law establish- ing the school. This provided that the money set apart for the support of the school should be taken from the public free school funds. The question was at once raised as to its constitutionality. It was the opinion of the Attorney-Gen- eral, and, later, of the Court of Appeals, that the seventh section was "unconstitutional and void'' in so far as it at- tempted to divert the public school funds. The Board of Trustees thus found itself without funds for the proposed work, until an extra session of the Legislature amended the section, August 23, 1884, by passing a law re- quiring that the ten thousand dollars be paid out of the treas- 306 History of Prince Edward County ury of the State, "which was just what should have been done at first." At the first meeting of the Board, Dr. W. H. Kuffner was unanimously chosen president. At the same meeting a committee composed of Dr. Kuffner, Dr. Curry, and Dr. Buch- anan, was appointed to formulate a plan of organization of the school. The committee made its report June 10, 1884, but, because of the delay in getting the funds to run the school, the report was not adopted until September IT, 1884. The school was then ordered to be opened October 30th, fol- lowing, although, to quote Dr. Ruffner's words, all they had was "a principal, an appropriation, a rough scheme, and an old academy building, — not a teacher, nor a book, nor a piece of apparatus or furniture." The school was opened promptly at the appointed time, however, with Dr. Ruffner as president; Miss Celeste E. Bush, of Connecticut, as vice-president; Miss Clara M. Brim- blecom, of Boston, for vocal music; and Miss Lillian A. Lee, of Connecticut, for drawing and mathematics. To this number were later added Miss Pauline Gash, of North Caro- lina, teacher of English; and Mrs. Clara Bartkowska, of Rich- mond, Va., to have charge of the preparatory school. These six persons formed the first Faculty of the school. During the first year Mr. Beverly H. Robertson was added to this faculty as teacher of science, Latin, and algebra; and Miss Belle Johnson, as teacher of piano music. In this first ses- sion there were enrolled one hundred and ten students, of whom forty-four were accommodated in the building. There were three gi-aduates, viz: Annie Lydia Blanton; Lulu M. Duncan; and Lulu O. Philips. To Dr. W. H. Ruffner, and to Dr. J. L. M. Curry, un- doubtedly belongs the credit for the Normal School idea in Virginia, and the State was fortunate indeed in securing the services of two such able men to launch and guide the new History of Prince Edioard County 307 undertaking. By this means the new venture set out on correct Normal School lines and the vexations, due to con- stant experimentations, were thus avoided. Thus the pioneer school of its kind in the Southland was assured a proper foundation, and Farmville Female Normal School was a suc- cess from the very start. A more extended note respecting these two remarkable men will be found in chapter thirteen, on biography. The school had in turn, the following to serve in the office of President: Dr. William Henry Ruffner, 1884-1887. James Atkinson Cunningham, LL.D., 1887-1896. Robert Fraser, LL.D., 1898-1902. Joseph L. Jarman, A.B., LL.D., 1902, to the present time. (See further. Chapters on Biography and Who's Who). When Dr. Jarman assumed the presidency of the in- stitution, the entire plant; grounds, buildings, etc.;, were valued at only $90,000; the present valuation exceeds $500,- 000. During Dr. Jarman's regime, twenty-eight separate pieces of property have been purchased, so that the school grounds now comprise some twelve acres all told. For thirty-seven years Mr. Benjamin M. Cox has served the institution as Business Manager. His daughter. Miss Mary White Cox, is the efficient Head of the Home Depart- ment. Mrs. Bessie G. Jamison is the housekeeper. Miss Lillian V. Nunn is the supervisor of the laundry department. Mr. William Marshall Atkinson is the college constable. 308 History of Prince Edward County Statistics of Growth iStudents 1884-1885 121 1899-1900 _ 351 1889-1890 248 1909-1910 616 1921-1922 637 Faculty ■ 1884-1885..„ 8 1899-1900 13 1889-1890 9 1909-1910 _ 32 1921-1922 42 Home Department 1884-1885 1* 1899-1900 3 1889-1890 _ 2 1909-1910 12 1921-1922 13 Lady Principal History of Prince Edward County 309 COLORED SCHOOLS This sketch of the colored schools of the county, like the sketch of the colored churches, was furnished by the Rev. P. W. Price, a most excellent colored preacher, who, in ad- dition to his pastoral duties (he serves a group of colored Baptist churches) is also the principal of the splendid col- ored school at P'armville, with an enrollment of about 400 children under his care. The sketch is given almost verbatim. The attention of the careful reader will be arrested by the statement of the exceedingly short and inadequate school term, and by the beggarly salary paid the teachers of these schools. A few years after the Civil War, when the days of the re-construction were well over, the doors of a few public schools were opened to colored people. These schools, about six to begin with, were taught by white people for some years, until some of the colored students became qualified to assume the task of teaching. The real thirst for an education on the part of the colored community has added very greatly to the school advantages presented to colored students and, at the same time, created a deep sympathy in the hearts of many white friends. Hundreds of those who attended these colored schools of the county, have finished higher schools, returned to their homes, and through strenuous effort, and with the co-operation of the school authorities, have increased the number of colored schools in the county to thirty-three, with a teaching force of fifty-one. The average length of the school term is from five to six months, and the average monthly salary of the teachers, be- tween $35 and $40. Prinr? iEbmarh (Eountg Itngrapljg 1. Henry Watkins Allen. 2. J. L. M. Curry. 3. John Atkinson Cunningham. 4. Asa D. Dickinson. 0. Walter Gray Dunnington. 6. Eobert Fraser. 7. Patrick Henry. 8. Joseph Eggleston Johnson. 9. John Peter Mettauer. 10. James Nelson. 11. William Henry Ruffner. 12. Francis N. Watkins. 13. Peter Wi-hston. 14. Daniel Witt. History of Prince Edward County 313 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY BIOGRAPHY HENRY WATKINS ALLEN : Brigadier-General, Confed- erate States Army, and Ex-Governor of Louisana. Henry Watkins Allen was born in the county of Prince Edward, near Farmville on the 29th day of April, 1820. His father, Dr. Thomas Allen, a graduate of Hampden- Sidney College, was of Scotch extraction. His mother, Ann Watkins, was descended from a Welsh family. The first mention of a "Watkins" in the history of Vir- ginia, was of one "James Watkins," a companion of "Captain John Smith," in his expeditions of 1607-8. The Watkins are related to many of the best Virginia families; the Finchards, Carringtons, Venables, etc. In the Revolutionary War a troop of horse, known as "Watkins Troop," raised in Prince Edward county, fought with conspicuous bravery; their leader, Thomas Watkins, grandson of Thomas Watldns of Chickahominy, at the battle of Guilford Court House, March, 1781, was distinguished for his gallantry; winning laurels in single combat. Henry W., the subject of this sketch, was the fourth son of Dr. Allen. A biographer (Sarah A. Dorsey) describes him as "rash, but true; quick, but not malignant; flashing with sudden ire, but sweet and sound in temper; with noth- ing hidden, nothing mean, heartfelt warmth, earnest affec- tion, constancy, generosity, no revenge, with a softness and tenderness of soul almost feminine." In 1833, Mrs. Allen having previously died, Dr. Allen, with his motherless children, moved into Kay county, Mis- souri, leaving the remains of the gentle wife and mother to rest beneath the green sod of "Old Virginia." 314 History of Prince Edward County With the subsequent history of Allen we may not deal in detail in so short a sketch, save to note the fact that in 1861 he re-visited yiro;inia, and spent a short time with his relatives in Prince Edward county. Whilst there he went to the family cemetery to see his mother's grave. "Never," says his cousin, the late Honorable Francis N. Watkins, father of Judge Asa D. Watkins, present Commonwealth's Attorney, a sketch of whose life appears elsewhere m tiiis work, "did I wit- ness such uncontrollable emotion as seized him as he ap- proached that hallowed spot." Henry Watkins Allen died in exile, in the city of Mexico, on Sunday, April 22nd, 1866, at 11 o'clock in the morning. WALTER GRAY DUNNINGTON See Page .'ii'U. History of Prince Edward County 315 DR. J. L. M. CURRY. Born in Georgia, 1825. Died in Asheville, N. C, Fehimary 12, 1903. His father was a prominent landholder and slaveowner of Georgia, but the subject of this sketch spent his early life on a plantation in Alabama. He graduated from the University of Georgia at the early age of eighteen, then studied law at Harvard University, graduating when twenty years of age. At the age of twenty-one he became a member of the United States Congress from 1857 to 1861, when his fine gifts of oratory attracted much favorable attention. In 1866-67 Dr. Curry served as President of Howard College, Alabama. For thirteen years he was Professor in Richmond College and also President of the Board of Trus- tees of that institution. He often occupied the pulj)it as preacher, although he had no regular charge. He was at one time President of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. For twenty-two years as agent of the Peabody P^und, and for twelve years of the Slater Fund (which was used exclusively for the education of the negro) he had more to do with the organization of the common school system of the south than any other man. While agent for these two funds. Dr. Curry was twice sent to represent his country at a for- eign court; first as Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain by ap- pointment of President Cleveland, and afterwards as repre- sentative at the Coronation of the Spanish king. , It was under Dr. Curry's leadership that the establish- ment of State Normal Schools was inaugurated in the South. It was he who originally drafted the bill for the Virginia School at Farmville. He was elected the first President of its Board of Trustees. Before coming to his work in Farmville, he was already distinguished as a statesman, diplomat, educator, and author. He died at seventy-eight years of age, at Asheville, N. C, on February 12. 1903. 316 History of Prince Edward County DR. JOHN ATKINSON CUNNINGHAM. Born, June 24, 1846. Died, October 9, 1898. The subject of this sketch, the second President of the State Female Normal School of Farmville, Va., was born in Richmond, Virginia, June 24, 1846. His paternal grandfath- er, Edward Cunningham, came from Ireland, to Virginia in 1770, and made a large fortune through establishing iron works that were situated near the present site of the Trede- gar mills in Richmond, and, through a chain of country stores which extended from Virginia nearly to Ohio. The father of the subject of this sketch, bearing the same name, received his schooling at William and Mary, at Harvard, and at the University of Pennsylvania, from which latter institution he graduated in medicine in 1825. He married Miss Mary John- ston, a granddaughter of Peter Johnston of Longwood, near Farmville, and donor of the land on which now stands Hamp- den- Sidney College. John Atkinson Cunningham, Junior, was the only child of this union. He Avas very delicate in health and received most of his early education from a French governess. After- wards he attended private schools, but immediately before the breaking out of the War between the States, he was a pupil at New London Academy, Bedford County. At the age of seventeen he entered the Confederate Army and served as a private to the end of that struggle. After the war he pursued his studies at the University of Virginia, where he graduated in chemistry, Latin, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, pure mathematics, and French. He after- wards receive his Master's degree from the University of Nashville, and in 1896 Hampden-Sidney College gave him the honorary degree of LL.D. In 1874 Mr. Cunningham married Miss Florence Boyd, of Nashville, Tenn., who lived for not more than a year History of Prince Edward County 317 afterwards. In 1887 he married Miss Martha Eggleston, daughter of Mr. Stephen Eggleston, of Cumberland county, Virginia. For a short time after leaving Nashville, Tennessee, where he had taught in the University of Nashville, Mr. Cunning- ham was in business as a druggist in Richmond, Virginia. In 1877 he was made Principal of Madison School in that city, where he taught with great success until he came to Farmville. The ten years of Dr. Cunningham's Presidency of the Normal School at Farmville, were years of steady and sub- stantial growth. In his first year ninety-three students were enrolled in the Normal School department; in his last there were two hundred and fifty. He died, October 9, 1898, at Farmville, Va., aged 52 years. 318 Tlistory of Prince Edward County JUDGE ASA D. DICKINSON. Born, 1817. Died, 1884. Asa D. Dickinson was born in Nottoway County, Va,, in 1817, the son of Robert Dickinson and Mary Purnal Dupuy. His father was a prominent farmer and citizen of Nottoway County, while his mother sprang from the Huguenot family of that name. Two brothers of his mother, Colonels Asa and Joseph Dupuy, were for many years representatives of Prince Edward County in the Virginia Legislature. Judge Dickin- son's mother was a niece of General William Purnal. The subject of this sketch received his collegiate educa- tion at Hampden-Sidney College, from which institution he graduated with high honors, in 1836. He afterwards studied law at William and Mary College, and commenced the prac- tice of his profession in 1840. He was twice married. His first wife was a Miss Mi- chaux of Prince Edward county. His second wife was a Miss Irvine of Campbell county. His family consisted of five sons; two, R, M., and Purnal, by the first marriage; and four daughters. In 1857, Judge Dickinson was elected to represent the county of Prince Edward in the State Legislature and again in 1859. He subsequently served two terms in the State Senate. He also was a member of the Confederate Congress from the district composed in part of the county of Prince Edward. He was disfranchised by reason of this connection with the Confederacy, but his disability was removed by the Congress of 1870, at which time he was elected Judge of the Third Judicial Circuit, in which position he continued for fourteen years; until his death, which occurred, July 22, 1884, as a result of an apoplectic seizure which attacked him while bathing in the Rapidan River. During the strenuous days of the War between the States, History of Prince Edward County 319 Judge Dickinson won, and retained, the favor and the con- fidence of President Jeffei-son Davis. For thirty-seven years. Judge Dickinson was a member and a ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church. He was also a Trustee of Hampden-Sidney College. He lived most of his long life near Worsham, where he commenced the practice of law. He was buried in the College Church Cemetery at Hamp- den-Sidney, the burial service being conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Charles White, D. D. Mr. Blair M. Dickinson, a grandson of Judge Dickin- son, is the honored Principal of the Farmville Public School. Another grandson is Mr. A. B. Dickinson, a prominent lawyer of the City of Richmond, Va. 320 History of Prince Edward County WALTER GRAY DUNNINGTON Born, Farmville, February 12, 1849 Died, Farmville, August 2, 1922. Walter Gray Dunnington was, for many years, one of the most prominent tobacco merchants of the entire South. He was born in Farmville, /February 12, 1859, and died in the county in which he was born, August 2, 1922. He was the son of James W. Dunnington and Sallie Madison. He was, on his mother's side, the grand-son of Col. James Madi- son. The Dunningtons, were originally Maryland people. On both sides of the house, Mr. Dunnington came of English ancestry. The habitat of which was the county of Berkshire, in England. Soon after growing up Mr. Dunnington went West, and for some time lived in the vicinity of Kansas City, Mo. Af- ter about two years he returned to his old home in Farmville and went into the tobacco business, in which business his father also had been engaged. His operations in tobacco were of such magnitude that they extended into Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Eng- land and Holland. While he conducted his business chiefly from Farmville, he had very large interests in Louisville, Ky., and spent a considerable part of his time there. He also con- ducted many of his business operations in New York City. In his own line of business, he was one of the "big men" of the State, and, for that matter, of the nation as well. He was the means of making Farmville one of the leading ex- port tobacco markets of the State. Mr. Dunnington never held political position of any kind, having no inclination in that direction. At one period, how- ever, he had been a member of the Town Council of Farm- ville. For many years he served as a member of the board History of Prince Edward County 321 of trustees of Hampden-Sidney College, at which institution his three sons were educated. He was a man of simple tastes, modest and unassuming, yet, at the same time, aggressive and full of energy, alert in speech and bearing, and possessed of remarkable business acumen. Mr. Dunnington was married, October 12, 1876, to India W. Knight, daughter of Capt. John H. Knight, a gallant soldier of the Confederate Army, who survives him. Their family consisted of six children, five or whom survive him. They are Walter Gray Dunnington, Jr., a prominent lawyer of New York City ; Dr. J. H. Dunnington, an eye specialist of New York City; Mrs. A. G. Clapham, of Washington, D. C, Mrs. E. Southall Shields, of Farmville, Va.; and J. W. Dunnington of Farmville, for many years associated with his father in the tobacco business in that place. His youngest child, named for his Norwegian friend, Conrad Langaard, died in infancy. Mr. Dunnington was devoted to his family. He was a most loyal friend and, while he consistently shrank from publicity, his deeds of kindness to those in distress were multitudinous. His death brought a remarkable career to a a close. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Farmville. 322 History of Prince Edward County DR. EGBERT FRAZER. Robert Frazer was the third President of the State Fe- male Normal School at Farmville. He became President in February, 1898. He was intended by his father for law. His academic course at the University of Virginia was in- terrupted by the War between the States. Disabled from wounds, he returned to the University in the fall of 1863, and took up the study of law with Professor Minor. He was never satisfied with that step, preferring the profession of teaching to that of the law. Later he took up teaching and the law was abandoned. In 1871 he bought the Fauquier Institute, a good board- ing school for girls, at Warrenton. Here he remained until 1882, when, under the urging of Dr. J. L. M. Curry, he ac- cepted the Presidency of Judson Institute, at Marion; "v^^here he remained five years, and had a phenomenal success. Over- work at Marion, broke his health, so that he had to devote three years thereafter to recuperation. In 1891 he was called to the Industrial Institute and College of Mississippi, at Columbus, to serve as its President. Here he remained for seven sessions, and made the school the pride of the State. He came to Farmville with a mind richly stored with knowledge, a broad vision of life, and a varied and extensive experience in schools of many types. His four years' work in Farmville was characterized by the same zeal and earnest- ness that he had displayed in other places. He was extremely conscientious in his convictions of duty. When Dr. Frazer resigned the Presidency of the State Normal School in 1902 in order to enter upon the duties of Feld Agent of the Southern Educational Board, he left be^ hind him many grateful memories of a courteous, cultured, sympathetic, Christian gentleman of earnest purpose and un- bending principle, staunchly loyal to his lofty ideals of duty. History of Pnnce Edward County 323 PATRICK HENRY. After his final incumbency of the Governorship of the State (1784), the celebrated Patrick Henry made his resi- dence for a time in Prince Edward County, dwelling upon the banks of the Appomattox from the latter part of 1786. until 1794. Entries in the Registry Office at Farmville on page 187, book 9, under date of, October 13, 1792, show that he. on that day, conveyed to Augustus Watson of Nottoway, and holding of 936 acres, on the Appomattox River, for 936 pounds "'cur- rent money of Virginia." The property was described as follows : "Beginning at Tarlton Woodson's line on the Sandy Ford road, thence along his line, north seven and one-half de- grees west two hundred and twenty poles to pointers. Thence north, eighty-one degrees east twenty poles on Venable's line, to a branch. Thence down the said branch as it meanders to Appomattox river. Thence down the said river one hundred and fourteen poles, to a corner on the banks of the said river. Thence south five degrees, west one hundred and fifty poles to pointers. Thence south twenty-four degrees east eighteen poles, to a poplar fell down. Thence south sixty-four and a half degrees east three hundred and fifty poles to pointers, hence south sixty-three degrees west one hundred and twenty- four poles, to a white oak. Thence thirty-three degrees west, to the road. Thence up the said road as it meanders, to the beginning, with all houses, woods and under woods, ways, waterance, water courses, etc." Signed, Patrick Henry, Dorothea Henry, (his wife) And witnessed by: Tarlton Woodson, John Miller, Woodson Allen, John Watson. 324 History of Prince Edward County A second deed to the same property, by the same persons, is recorded in book 9, on page 327, as being given shortly after the first one. In connection with the same transaction, a commission to privately examine Dorothea Patrick, who was then at Char- lotte Court House, was appointed, as recorded in book 10, on page 442, in the same registry office. A further instrument, constituting "James Fontain, of Kentucky" his attorney, to close a certain estate, is recorded in the same registry office, in book 8, page 212, in 1790. The exact location of the house in which Henry lived in Prince Edward county has been a matter of considerable dispute, but, after exhaustive research, Mr. Roy Mathewson, realtor, of Farmville, writes as follows: "Mr. Henry's first purchase of land in Prince Edward was twenty acres, con- veyed to him by his friend Venable, who was known as Abraham Venable, T., and T distinguishing him from several others of the same name. ******** The recorded deed does not so state, but, by a comparison of the metes and bounds of the 20 acres first conveyed, with other descriptions, it is probable that the house in which Patrick Henry lived was built by the father of Abraham Venable T, who was also Abraham Venable, but known as Abraham of Prince Edward. ******* xhe house in which Mr. Henry lived was burned in the seventies. There are a few people living today who have seen it. Their descriptions agree that it was a large two story frame dwelling with a high brick basement. A two story portico running along half of the front, was supported by high columns. There was a double row of large locust trees from the house to the road, a dis- tance of several hundred feet, and the usual office building at the road end of the row of locusts. ********* its location is near the Farmville-Lynchburg Highway, about five miles west of Farmville and about half a mile north of Hisitory of Prince Edward County 325 Appomattox Church. It is also about Tour miles from Hampden- Sidney. The farm was known as "Cliffside," but that name seems to have gone out of use about fifty years ago and does not serve to identify the property now." The aboA^e description means that the place was about one mile N. W. from the present Tuggles station on the Norfolk and Western R. R. The present owner is L. H. Williamson. Patrick Henry was, soon after taking up his residence in the county, elected as one of its delegates in the Assembly, where he reassumed his old position as leader. He con- tinued to serve in every session of the Assembly until the end of 1790, at which time, because of increasing physical disability, he finally withdrew from all further official con- nection with public life. He however, continued to practice law within the county. Writing concerning him in connection with this law work. Dr. Archibald Alexander, then of Hampden-Sidney College, says: "In executing a mission from the Synod of Virginia, in the year 1794, I had to pass through the County of Prince Edward, where Mr. Henry then resided. Understanding that he was to appear before the Circuit Court, which met in that county, in defense of three men charged with murder, I determined to seize the opportunity of observing for myself the eloquence of this extraordinary orator. It was with some difficulty that I obtained a seat in front of the bar, where I could have a full view of the speaker, as well as hear him distinctly. But I had to submit to a severe penance in grati- fying my curiosity; for the whold day was occupied with the examination of witnesses, in which Mr. Henr}' was aided by two other lawyers. In person, Mr. Henry was lean rather 326 History of Prince Edward County than fleshy. He was rather above than below the common height, but had a stoop to his shoulders which prevented him from appearing as tall as he really was. In moments of ani- mation, he had the habit of straightening his frame, and adding to his apparent stature. He wore a brown wig, which exhibited no indication of any great care in the dressing. Over his shoulders he wore a brown camlet cloak. Under this his clothing w^as black, something the worse for wear. The expression of his countenance was that of solemnity and deep earnestness. His mind appeared to be always absorbed in what, for the time, occupied his attention. His forehead was high and spacious, and the skin of his face more than usually wrinkled for a man of fifty. His eyes were small and deeply set in his head, but were of a bright blue color, and twinkled much in their sockets. In short, Mr. Henry's appearance has nothing very remarkable, as he sat at rest. You might readily have taken him for a common planter, who cared very little for his personal appearance. In his manners, he was uniformly respectful and courteous. Candles were brought into the Court House, when the examination of the witnesses closed; and the Judges put it to the option of the bar whether they would go on with the argument that night or adjourn until the next day. Paul Carrington, Jun- ior, the attorney for the State, a man of large size, and un- common dignity of person and manner, and also an accom- plished lawyer, professed his willingness to proceed imme- diately, while the testimony was fresh in the minds of all. Now for the first time I heard Mr. Henry make anything of a speech; and, though it was short, it satisfied me of one thing, which I had particularly desired to have decided: namely, whether like a player he merely assumed the ap- pearance of feeling. His manner of addressing the Court was profoundly respectful. He would be willing to proceed with the trial, "but," said he, "my heart is so oppressed with the weight of responsibility which rests upon me, having the History of Prince Edward County 327 lives of three fellow-citizens depending, probably, on the exertions which I may be able to make in their behalf (here he turned to prisoners behind him), that I do not feel able to proceed tonight. I hope the Court will indulge me, and postpone the trial till the morning." The impression made by these few words was such as I assure myself no one can ever conceive by seeing then in print. In the countenance, action, and intonation of the speaker, there was expressed such an intensity of feeling, that all my doubts were dispelled; never again did I question whether Henry felt, or only acted, a feeling. Indeed I experienced an instantaneous sym- pathy with him in the emotions which he expressed; and I have no doubt that the same sympathy was felt by every hearer. As a matter of course, the proceedings were deferred till the next morning. I was early at my post; the Judges were soon on the bench, and the prisoners at the bar. Mr. Carrington opened with a clear and dignified speech, and presented the evidence to the jury. Everything seemed per- fectly plain. Two brothers and a brother-in-law met two other persons in pursuit of a slave, supposed to be harbored by the brothers. After some altercation and mutual abuse, one of the brothers, whose name was John Ford, raised a loaded gun which he was carrying, and presenting it at the breast of one of the other pair, shot him dead, in open day. There was no doubt about the fact. Indeed, it was not denied. There had been no other provocation than oppro- brious words. It is presumed that the opinion of every juror was made up from merely hearing the testimony, as Tom Harvey, the principal witness, who was acting as constable on the occasion, appeared to be a respectable man. "For a clearer understanding of what follows, it must be observed that the said constable, in order to distinguish him from another of the same name, was commonly called Butter- wood Harvey, as he lived on Butterwood Creek. Mr. Henry, it is believed, understanding that the people were on their 328 History of Prince Edward County guard against his faculty of moving the passions and through them influencing the judgment, did not resort to the pathetic as much as was his practice in criminal cases. His main ob- ject appeared to be, throughout, to cast discredit on the testi- mony of Tom Harvey. This he attempted by causing the law respecting riots to be read by one of his assistants. It appeared in evidence that Tom Harvey had taken upon him to act as constable, without being in commission; and that, with a posse of men, he had entered the house of one of the Ford's in search of the negro, and had put Mrs. Ford, in her husband's absence, into a great terror, while she was in a very delicate condition, near the time of her confinement. As he descanted on the evidence, he would often turn to Tom Harvey — a large, bold-looking man — and with the most sar- castic look, would call him by some name of contempt; "this Butterwood Tom Harvey," "this would-be constable,'' etc. By such expressions, his contempt for the man was communicated to the hearers. I own I felt it gaining on me, in spite of my better judgment; so that before he was done, the impression was strong on my mind that Butterwood Harvey was unde- serving of the smallest credit. This impression, however, I found I could counteract the moment I had time for reflec- tion. The only part of the speech in which he manifested his power of touching the feelings strongly, was where he dwelt on the eruption of the company into Ford's house, in cir- cumstances so perilous to the solitary wife. This appeal to the sensibility of husbands — and he knew all the jury stood in this relation — was overwhelming. If the verdict could have been rendered immediately after this burst of the pa- thetic, every man, at least every husband, in the house, would have been for rejecting Harvey's testimony, if not for hang- ing him forthwith." — J. W. Alexander, "Life of Archibald Alexander," 183-187. In the year 1794, being then fifty-eight years of age, and possessing a reasonable competence, Patrick Henry de- History of Prince Edward County 329 cicled to withdraw from his profession and resolved to spend his remaining days in retirement. He therefore, removed from Prince Edward county, to Long Island in Campbell county, and there, in 1795, he finally established himself on an estate in the County of Charlotte, called Ked Hill, where, he continued to reside for the rest of his life ; which gave him his burial place: and which remains in the possession of his descendants. This considerable description of his residence within the county of Prince Edward is given because the people of the county are naturally proud of the fact that they were honored by the residence amongst them of so great and so good a man. He was born at Studley, in the county of Hanover on May 29, 1736, and died at Red Hill in the county of Charlotte on June 6, 1799. 330 History of Prince Edward County GENERAL JOSEPH EGGLESTON JOHNSTON. Joseph Eggleston Johnston was the eighth son of Peter Johnston and Mary Wood, who was the daughter of Colonel Valentine Wood, of Goochland County, whose wife was Lucy Henry, sister to Patrick Henry. He was born at Cherry Grove, Prince Edward county, February 3, 1807. He was named after Joseph Eggleston, a military associate of his father, and the Captain of the company of Lee's Legion of which his father, Peter Johnston, was Lieutenant. In 1811, Peter Johnston, with his family, removed to a place which he named "Panecillo," on the edge of Abingdon. This removal was consequent upon Johnston's appointment as a judge of the General Court of Virginia. His education was begun by his parents, both of whom were distinctly competent to give it. This was the custom in those days, amongst the "gentry." This work was carried on by the parents until the lad was old enough to enter the Academy at Abingdon; a fairly good classical school. Young- Johnston was a good student, and mad© the most of the op- portunities afforded him, both at home and at school. He ever maintained a fondness for the classics. Homer was his favorite. In 1825, when he was eighteen, he secured, through the influence of James Barbour, United States Senator from Vir- ginia, and Secretary of War under President John Q. Adams, the appointment to the Military Academy at West Point as a cadet. He thus obtained an entrance into the field of his cherished ambition, for he had long desired to be a soldier. He was descended from a long line of Scottish Clansmen. In the above year, having successfully passed the neces- sary examinations, Joseph E. Johnston was admitted as a cadet at West Pbint. He was one of the one hundred and History of Prince Edward County 331 five who wti • so fortunate as to enter in that year. Robert E. Lee, slightlj^ v. .er than himself, and the son of the com- mander of Peter Johnston, young Joseph's father, in the War of the Revolution, was one of his fellow students. Their tastes and habits being of the same character, they soon be- came fast friends, which friendship continued throughout their lives. Seven other young Virginians were fellow stu- dents of the two friends, all of whom dropped out, leaving young Johnston and Lee to pursue their studies together as the sole representatives of their beloved State. They gradu- ated together, the only remaining representatives of the Old Dominion, in 1S29, Lee standing second to Charles Mason, of New York, in the class of forty-six. Johnston, hindered in his studies by a serious affection of the eyes that precluded his studying at night, stood thirteen. Young Johnston's first military service was as second Lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery; the next, in garrison at New York; which was followed by similar duty at Fortress Monroe. This period extended from 1829 to 1832, when his actual active campaigning began in the Black Hawk expedi- tion of 1832, under General Scott. In so brief a sketch as this must of necessity be, it is manifestly impossible to follow, in any detail, the stirring military career of this favorite son of old Prince Edward county, and no effort will be made to do so. On July 10, 1845, when he was 38 years of age, John- ston, having attained the brevet rank of Captain, was mar- ried to Miss Lydia McLane, a young woman of remarkable beauty, and great personal accomplishments. The family to which Mrs. Johnston belonged is one greatly distinguished in the annals of Delaware and Maryland. The union was a singularly happy one, and the fact of the absence of off- spring seemed but to draw them the closer together. During the progress of his military career it was the 332 History of Prince Edward County misfortune of General Johnston, that a serious estrangement subsisted between himself and President Jefferson Davis, of the Confederate States, which caused him to be often super- seded, so that he was ever preparing campaigns from which others reaped much of the glory and most of the reward. He possessed a singular ability to subordinate himself for the good of his beloved Southland, and a patience that finally reaped its just reward in the esteem of his contemporaries, so that, scarcely second to the immortal Lee, he is entrenched in the affectionate regard of the peoples of the South, and respected by the erstwhile enemies of his people, as one of the great Generals of all time. At the conclusion of the hostilities, that marked the de- feat of the South in the War between the States, General Johnston took service with a railroad, and later with an ex- press company. Later still he engaged in the insurance busi- ness in Savannah, where he remained for nearly a decade. In 1877 he returned to his native State, taking up his residence in Richmond. In 1878 he received the nomination of the Democratic party and was triumphantly elected to Congress where he served for one term as a member of the House of Representatives. He seldom spoke in the House, but was an honored and influential member throughout his term, at the close of which he was appointed as Commissioner of Railroads under President Grover Cleveland, retaining his residence in Washington. On February 22, 1887, his beloved wife died at their residence in Washington. This was a crushing blow, so that he could never afterward trust himself to speak her name, and his house remained from the time of her death exactly as she had left it. A union of singular happiness was thus brought to a pathetic close. Mrs. Johnston had, for a long time, been a martyr to suffering, during which her husband's attentions were as unremitting as those of a youth- ful lover. History of Prince Edward County 333 From the time of the death of Mrs. Johnston, the old General gradually became weaker, though he still maintained his upright posture and steady gait. On the night of March 21, 1891, he peacefully passed away at his residence, 1023 Connecticut Avenue, in the city of Washington. The imme- diate cause of his death was heart failure. He was in his eighty-fourth year when he died. He was buried in the Greenmount Cemetery, Baltimore, beside the wife he loved so dearly. Nothing marks his resting place save the simple inscrip- tion, selected by himself: JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON, Son of Judge Peter «& Mary Johnston of Va., Born at Longwood, Prince Edward C, Va., February 3, 1807. Died March 21, 1891. Brigadier General, U. S. A. General, C. S. A. 334 History of Prince Edward County DR. JOHN PETER METTAUER. Bom 1787, Died 1875. The father of John Peter Mattaiier, was a surgeon, who, with a brother, followed the fortunes of Lafayette. After the battle of Yorktown, the French army was quartered at various points in Virginia. With one regiment, sent to Prince Edward county, were the two brother surgeons. Francis Joseph Mettauer, one of these brothers, obtained permission to remain in Prince Edward county, rather than return to France. I^ater on he married Eliza Gaulding and to them was born in 1787, John Peter INIettauer. Comparatively little is known of his early childhood or of his youth, save that he was raised in an atmosphere of surgery. He very early imbibed a love for surgery and re- solved to make that work his profession. The embryo surgeon was sent to the neighboring college of Hampden-Sidney for his literary training; from which institution he graduated with the degree of A.B. in 1806. He then went to the University of Pennsylvania for the study of medicine and graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1809. Young Mettauer was exceedingly fortunate in select- ing this University, for medical work was then being con- ducted under the most favorable auspices at Pennsylvania. The ablest instructors then obtainable were on the staff of that institution. He also was so fortunate as to enjoy a very extended practice in the Philadelphia Dispensary during his stay in that city. Returning to Prince Edward county, the young doctor at once entered upon the practice of general medicine. Soon, however, his preference for surgery and his marvelous skill in that branch of his work, attracted wide attention and pa- tients from great distances began to seek him out. From all parts of the United States they came, some even from abroad. Into' Prince Edward Court House (Worsham), a History of Prince Edward County 335 representative village of "ye olde time," came pouring an ever increasing stream of the sick and the ailing, in quest of the skillful aid of the young surgeon. These were suffi- cient, with their varied retinue of personal attendants, to tax to the utmost the modest accommodations afforded by the private hospital operated by Dr. Mettauer, and by the two houses of entertainment at Kingsville and Worsham, referred to in the terms of that day, as commodious "taverns." In 1837 Dr. Mettauer organized his Medical Institute, which later on, became a part of Randolph-Macon College. Most of these young students were from points in Virginia and nmnbered amongst them, many who in later life attained eminence in the practice of medicine. This Institute was kept up until 1848, when it became the Medical Department of Randolph-Macon College, located in Mechlenburg county. Dr. Mettauer w as a voluminous writer, though many of his most valuable works w^ere never published. He was a daring inventor of surgical instruments, making many of them at old Peter Porter's shop in Farmville with his own hands. He was a man of strilcing appearance, being tall, well- formed, and robust. Unlike most of the young physicians of those days w^ho rode horseback in making their rounds, young Mettauer used a carriage for that purpose. His most striking pecularity was his insistence on wearing a prepos- terously tall "stove pipe" hat, upon any and every occasion. He never attended services in the churches, doubtless be- cause that would necessitate the removal of his head-gear. He even objected to removing his hat when testifying in a case in court. He even left instructions that he was to be buried with his hat on, with the result that it required a spe- cial coffin of a trifle over eight feet long to contain his re- mains with this favorite article of head-dress and the con- siderable number of special instruments and the large parcel 336 History of Prince Edward County of letters from his first wife, which, by his special direction, were buried with him. He even wore this hat at meals it is said! Piercing black eyes, were over-shadowed by an heavy over-hanging brow, above which rose a high and most intel- lectually shaped forehead. Eccentric in action and commanding in appearance he was a marked man in any assemblage. His passion for his home county of Prince Edward amounted to almost an obsession. He tried a brief settle- ment at Norfolk and engaged as professor of surgery at Baltimore, in Washington University, but the pull of "home" soon had him back in Prince Edward county where he stayed until he died. In November of 1875, being then eighty-eight years of age, Dr. Mettauer was called to attend a case of morphine poisoning. A short walk through wet snow made his feet wet. As a result he developed a deep cold, which soon re- solved itself into pneumonia, from which, in two days, he died. Alert and erect, he laid down his work while still in the harness. A most useful life was thus crowned with an heroic death. Close to the scenes of his useful endeavors for his fellows he lies buried, a strong, unselfish soul, tak- ing a well-earned repose. Prince Edward county is justly proud of her surgeon son. History of Prince Edward County 337 JAMES NELSON, D.D., LL.D. Born, August 23, 1841; Died, November 13, 1921. Although Doctor Nelson was not a native of Prince Ed- ward County, so much of his labor was done in, and for, the county, that it is fitting that this notice shall be taken of him here. He was born in Louisa county, Virginia, on August 23, 1841. The War between the States began when he was still at school. He joined the Confederate Army and was for four years Chaplain of the Eorty-fourth Virginia Regiment. What was known as "the great revival'' began in the bri- gade to which young Nelson was attached, and it is said that hundreds of Confederate soldiers were converted through his labors. With the close of the war he entered Columbian Col- lege, Washington, and graduated at the head of his class. He then served as pastor of a church in that city, and later became general evangelist for the Baptists of Maryland. In 1875 he accepted the pastorate of the Farmville Baptist Church and began at once to establish a Normal School for women there. He repeatedly appeared before the Legisla- ture and the Governor and finally won out in his project and the Female Normal School of Farmville, the progenitor of like schools at Radford, Fredericksburg, and Harrisonburg, came into being. In 1881 he went to London, England, as a delegate to the World's Sunday School Convention, and while in that city, preached in the church of the famous Charles Haddon Spurgeon. In 1885 he left Farmville to accept the pastorate of the Baptist Church at Staunton, Virginia, where he lectured be- fore the Staunton Female Seminary and other schools in addition to his duties as pastor of the Staunton Church. 338 History of Prince Edward County After leavings Staunton, he was for nearly thirty years President of the Woman's College of Richmond. The school, when he took charg;e of it, was near extinction. Its long history, its old prestige, and its multitude of alumnae alike seemed unable to save it. Dr. Nelson, in a few brief years, re-established it on a sure footing, made it for many sessions a most useful agency and, at the proper time, most generously stood aside and closed the college that West- hampton College might be opened. In choosing his teachers. Dr. Nelson was guided by a sure instinct that even he could not explain. Dr. J. A. C. Chandler, now President of the College of William and Mary, was picked by Dr. Nelson wdiile still a very young man, as one of his teachers. Among other of his teachers, were Hiss Lenora Duke, later Mrs. Chandler; Dr. M. A. Martin; Dr. W. A. Shepherd; Dr. F. C. Woodward; Dr. Emory Hill; Christopher Garnett; Miss Mary Carter An- derson, now Mrs. Charles S. Gardner; Miss Marian Forbes; Miss Addie Garlick; and Miss Catherine Ryland, now Mrs. Garnott. Dr. Nelson was the despair of every college executive, for it was said of him that he could do more work with less money than any college president in Virginia. He had a marked spiritual influence over the student body of the col- lege. Dr. Nelson died on Sunday, November 13, 1921, at 904 Grace Street West, Richmond, Virginia, and was buried at Hollywood Cemetery in that city. History of Prince Edward County 339 DR. WILLIAM HENRY RUFFNER. He was the son of Dr. Henry Riiffner, a distinguished Presbyterian preacher, who was, for many years President of Washington College, now Washington and Lee LTniver- sity. Thus, the subject of this sketch was reared in a home of culture. From the college of which his father was Presi- dent he, in 1845, received the degree of M.A. He afterward studied theology at Union Theological Seminary, and at Princeton, New Jersey. He was at one time Chaplain of the University of Virginia, and later became pastor of Seventh Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. In 1853, on account of broken health, he withdrew from the ministry. He wrote much on educational and agricultural sub- jects, and was at one time editor of the Virginia School Journal, and of the New England Journal of Education. He was State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Virginia, from 1870 to 1882. This office had just been created and he was the first to occupy it. His difficulties were multiplied from the fact that he had to provide for two distinct races of people at a time wdien feelings were apt to run high; moreover the War between the States, that presented that problem, had left his constituency almost too poor to be taxed for education. In founding the new system he wrote, trav- eled, lectured, visited schools, held meetings, and organized teachers' institutes, until 1882, when a change in the politics of the Administration brought about his retirement. It was from this retirement and with his vast experience behind him, that he was called in 1884 to undertake a new pioneer work, and he became the first head of the State Female Nor- mal School of Virginia, located at Farmville. He was also helpful in founding the Agricultural and Mechanical Col- lege, and Miller School, and was at one time a member of the Board of Hampton Institute (Colored). 340 History of Prince Edivard County What Horace Mann, thirty-three years before him, had done for Massachusetts, Dr. Ruffner did for Virginia. He lived to a good old age and died November 24, 1908, beloved and honored by all. History of Prince Edward County 341 JUDGE FRANCIS NATHANIEL WATKINS. Born ApHl 14, 1813. Died 1885. Judge Watkins was born in 1813, and spent his entire life in Prince Edward county. He was a member of the Virginia Legislature in 1867-1868, and Judge of the County Court of Prince Edward for fourteen years. He was Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Board of LTnion Theological Semi- nary for forty years, of Hampden- Sidney College fourteen years, and of the State Normal School for the first year of its existence, when his valuable and active life was brought to a close in 1885. He was an ardent friend of education, especially of the common school system. 842 History of Prince Edward County DOCTOR PETER WINSTON. Born in Richmond, 7«., June 5, 1836. Died at Farmville^ Virginia, January 30, 1920, aiul buried at Farmville, Virginia. Doctor Peter Winston was born at Richmond, Virginia, June 5, 1836. He was graduated from Hampden-Sidney Col- lege, Prince Edward county, with the degree of A.B.; at- tended the University of Virginia for one year, and also the University of New York, where he graduated in Medicine. Then he was for one year a student in Paris at the Univer- sity of France, from whence he returned, in obedience to his country's call, in 1861, to become a surgeon in the Confeder- ate Army, whicli position he held through the period of the War between the States. He afterwards located in Farm- ville, Virginia, where he practiced medicine to the time of his death in 1920. He w^as mayor of Farmville in 1873-1874, and was a Delegate to the State Legislature in 1914, 1916, 1918 from Prince Edward County. He was Moderator of the Appomattox Association of Baptist Churches in 1873 and 1874, and again in 1914 and 1915. He was a prominent and deeply interested member of the Farmville Baptist Church for many years. He was for twenty-four years physician to the State Female Normal School, at Farmville, Virginia, and was«a trustee of Hampden-Sidney College for a great many years, as well as of the State Board of Correction. He had reached the ripe age of eighty-four when he died. On September 15, 1868, he married Miss Mollie Emma Rice in Farmville, Va., and she survived him at his death. History of Prince Edward County 343 KEV. DANIEL WITT, D.D. 1801-1871. This noted divine was the son of Jesse Witt and Alice Brown, then living in Bedford county, near to what is now Bedford City, then known as Liberty. He was born, No- vember 8, 1801. As a result of hardships endured during the Revolutionary War, his father was compelled to use crutches and found it S, difficult matter to care for his large family qn the small farm that he had managed to purchase. He was a man of vigorous and rather remarkable intellect. Both father and mother were ardent Baptists. Under the circum- stances of the family, the boy Daniel, received but limited edu- cational advantages, his early school days extending but little over three years. Of a rather delicate physique, the outdoor life made necessary by demands of the little farm and the large family, was a most fortunate thing for him, as it gave the needed strength for the work of the after years. Until the fourth Sunday in August, 1821, nothing par- ticularly striking occurred in the life of the young man. On this day, however, a "section meeting"; a religious gathering much after the fashion of the "protracted meeting" of later days, but conducted by a designated section of the Baptist Association of Churches, held at Hatcher's Meeting House, and at which Elders Davis, Leftwich, Harris, and Dempsey were the preachers, was being held. The meeting lasted all day and resulted, on October 21, 1821, in his avowal of conversion. To get to this meeting he journeyed farther from his home than he had ever before done: some twenty miles. On the second Sunday in December, 1821, with the ice on the water, the subject of our sketch, and his older brother Jesse, were baptized and received into the fellowship of the Little Otter (now Bedford City) Church. Almost imme- diately he began to preach and met with much acceptance, although it is said that he then possessed but ONE sermon. On April 13, 1822, his Church licensed him to preach. He 344 History of Prince Edward County was soon preaching throughout the counties of Henry, Pat- rick, Pittsylvania, and Campbell. Upon the organization of the General Association of Baptist Churches in 1823, young Witt, with Jeremiah B. Jeter, his lifelong friend, were desig- nated its first missionaries and set apart for work in the western part of the State, included in their field being the counties of Franklin, Henry, Patrick, Montgomery, Gray- son, Giles, Wythe, Monroe, Greenbrier, Pocahontas, Alle- ghany, Bath, Rockbridge, and Botetourt. He was formally ordained to the ministry, in his home Church, Little Otter, on August 7-8, 1824. In February, 1827, he preached at an Associational meet- ing of the Appomattox Association of Baptist Churches, held at Sandy River, Prince Edward county, in Sharon Bap- tist Church, and this led to his acceptance of a call to that Church. And thus began a ministry, unique in many ways, that was to extend over a term of forty-five years, to he termin- ated only by the death of the devoted pastor. He pur- chased a modest home near to his Church where he spent the rest of his years and in which he died, No^^nber 15, 1871. The honorary degree of D.D. was conferred on Mr. Witt by Columbian College, Washington, D. C. He was the Mod- erator of the Appomattox Association of Baptist Churches for eleven of its sessions, and was President of the General Association, at its Petersburg session in 1861. He was thrice married. In 1829 he was married to Miss Mary C. Cocke, of Cumberland county, who died in 1834. In 1836 he was married to Miss Mary A Woodfin, who died in 1842. In 1849 he was married to Mrs. Mary Ellen Temple, who survived him. His family consisted of four sons. History of Prince Edward County 345 Upon the wish of his Church, Dr. Witt was buried near the pulpit where for so many years he had proclaimed the message of life eternal. Shortly after his death, a handsome marble shaft, suitably inscribed, was erected by Sharon Church and other friends, and there he sleeps! JAMES A. DAVIDSON, Mayor of Farmville, Va. See Page :i 5 -2 . 1. Robert Kincaid Brock. 2. Edward Taylor Bondiirant. 3. James Augustus Davidson, 4. Joseph Dupuy Eggleston. 5. Edgar Graham Gammon. 6. George Jefferson Hundley. 7. Joseph L. Jarman. 8. Asa D. Watkins, History of Prince Edward County 349 "WHO'S WHO" IN PRINCE EDAVAUD Someone has said that "history is but the lengthened shadow of the human race.'' That is the reason for this, and the preceding chapter on "Biography." The men who are cited in this chapter, though still living, have already rendered such service in their respective spheres, for the good of their fellow citizens of Prince Ed- ward county, as to mark them out for distinction. To the lasting discredit of humanity let is be said that we are all too prone to wait until after the obsequies, be- fore doing justice to those who have served us. Of course it is not intended to intimate that these alone have served their fellows faithfully and well, but they stand in a representative capacity in their several callings, in that service which every robust citizen feels to be incumbent upon those who enjoy the privileges of our democratic institutions. And that is the reason for these two chapters. These men have either made, or are making, history. 350 History of Prince Edward County EGBERT KINCAID BROCK. The subject of this sketch was born in Buckingham coun- ty, Virginia, May 29, 1878. His father was Henry C. Brock, for thirty-two years a professor at Hampden-Sidney Col- lege; and his mother, Mary Carter Irving, daughter of the late Robert Kincaid Irving, at one time a member of the Virginia House of Delegates; of the State Senate, and Clerk of the County of Buckingham. He is a nephew of the late Robert A. Brock of Richmond, for many years Secretary of the Virginia Historical Society, and of the Southern His- torical Society. He graduated from Hampden-Sidney College in 1897 with the degree of A.B. He then taught for one year in Surry County, and for one year in Halifax County. For four years he conducted a private school in Charleston, West Virginia, He received his legal education at the University of Vir- ginia. Is a member of the Chi Phi Fraternity. Was at one time the president of the Alumni Association of Hamp- den-Sidney College. He began the practice of law in Farmville in 1904 where he soon formed a partnership with Judge A. D. Watkins, which has continued to the present time. He Avas elected to the Senate of Virginia in 1912, where he served for four years as a member of the Committees of Finance; Schools and Colleges; Courts of Justice; and Fish- eries and Game, of that body. He was a delegate to the State Democratic Convention in 1908, 1912, 1916, and 1920, and was the alternate delegate to the National Democratic Convention in St. Louis in 1916. He was Chairman of the Prince Edward Chapter of the Red Cross from the time that the Chapter was organized dur- ing the Great War, which office he still holds. He was History of Prince Edward County 351 Chairman of the Legal Advisory Board of Prince Edward County during the War. He is Secretary of the Prince Edward Public Health Association; and of the Electoral Board of the County; Ex- aminer of Records for the Fifth Judicial Circuit since 1918; and Secretary-Auditor of the Virginia Normal School Board since October 1919. He volunteered for service in the Great War in the spring of 1918, making application for admission to the Third Offi- cers' Training Camp, but was rejected. He applied again to the Fourth Officers' Training Camp, and received appoint- ment to Camp Lee; was inducted into the service before the local Draft Board; and was ordered to report, Novem- ber 13th, 1918. Through the signing of the Armistice on the 11th of that month, this appointment was cancelled. Mr. Brock stands high in the estimation of his fellow- citizens of Prince Edward county for his splendid public spirit and devotion to duty. 352 History of Prince Edward County EDWARD TAYLOR BONDURANT. The subject of this sketch was born in Prince Edward county, near Rice, October 22, 1864, and has lived in the coun- ty all his life. In 1881 he professed religion and united with the Christ- ian (Disciples of Christ) Church in April of that year. When sixteen years of age, owing to the death of both father and mother, and being the eldest of the boys of the family, he was forced to leave school and assume the manage- ment of the home farm, which he did so successfully that all the debts against it were paid off. and in 1893, by decree of the Circuit Court, his father's farm was sold to him by the legatees. He married Agnes Leigh Clark, October 20, 1886. Side by side they have fought the battle of life, with the hope that their children might haA'ei a good education and prove a bless- ing to the world. Having been a tobacco grower practically all his life, he very early became very much interested in the promotion of an organization for securing better prices for that commodity for the growers of it. In 1905 he led in a movement to that end. Failing at that time to secure sufficient strength to accomplish the hoped-for results, that organization went into the loose warehouse business. He was made manager and continued to serve in that capacity for eight years with a marked degree of success. During all these eight years he continued to attend to the managment of his farm as well. In 1913 he was sent by the U. S. Government to Austria, to investigate the conditions under which Virginia tobacco was beinnj bouirht bv foreign governments. The war coming on soon afterwards, his mission proved abortive of results. In 1920 he was sent to the Legislature in succession to History of Prince Edward County 353 the late Dr. Peter Winston. He was re-elected in 1922 with- out opposition. Mr. Bondurant is deservedly popular amongst all classes of people in the county, but it is amongst the farmers that he enjoys his greatest popularity. 354 History of Prince Edward County JAMES AUGUSTUS DAVIDSON. The subject of this sketch, is the son of William Meade Davidson and Julia Wiltse Davidson, and was born at Farmville, Virginia, May 31st, 1877, and has lived in Farm- ville all his life. He attended the public schools of his native town, finish- ing his course in February 1892. On the 28th of October, 1903, he was married to Miss Birdie Waddell Cox, of Richmond, Virginia, and has a fam- ily of three Children: James A., Jr.; Paul William; and Frances Wiltse. He served two terms as a memberof the Farmville Town Council ; from September 1, 1916, to September 1, 1920, when he was elected Mayor for the term of two years; from September 1, 1920, to September 1, 1922, winning by a sub- stantial majority over his fellow-councilor, Mr. E. W. San- ford. He is the junior member of the firm of Stokes and David- son, wholesale and retail grocers of Farmville, which firm occupies the finest grocery premises in the town, situated on Main street; a new and handsome structure, erected in 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson are prominent socially, through- out the county and are deservedly popular amongst the host of their friends, whom they frequently entertain in their beautiful home on Third street. History of Prince Edward County 355 DR. JOSEPH DUPUY EGGLESTON, Junior, A.M., LL.D. Dr. Eggleston began life as a country boy near Wor- sham, in Prince Edward county. He was graduated from Hampden-Sidney College in 1886, was prepared for college at old Prince Edward Academy at Worsham, Va., under Pro- fessor J. R. Thornton, and, at eighteen, was at work in a one-room school in Missouri, at $15 a month. He was soon promoted to a two-room school in Prince Edward, his native county, and, a little later, to a three-room school in Georgia. Teaching was then given up temporarily because of ill- health, and he went to work in a drug store. In eighteen months he had worked up from a twenty-five-dollar a week clerk, to the head of the business. He then returned to the school-room, and for two years taught in a High School in Asheville, N. C, twice during that time declining the office of principal of it. He then succeeded Mr. Claxton as Superintendent of the Asheville schools. He filled this position most successfully for seven years, finding time also to become one of the organizers of the Asheville and Buncombe County Good Roads Associa- tion, and was an active member of the executive committee of the Asheville Business Men's Association. At the end of nine years work in Asheville he returned to Virginia in order to be near his father, who w^as in failing health. He was on the editorial staff of the B. F. Johnson Pub- lishing Company only a short while before he was asked by President Dabney, of the University of Tennessee, to help in organizing the Bureau of Publicity and Information of the Southern Educational Board. Upon the death of Mr. T. J. Garden, shortly after, Mr. Eggleston was appointed to fill his unexpired term as County Superintendent of the schools of Prince Edward. Then he was elected State Superintendent of Public 356 History of Prince Edward County Instruction in Virginia, which office he filled with character- istic energy and conspicuous success for seven years. As State Superintendent of Education, he was ex-oficio, a member of the Board of Visitors of the State Normal School for Women, at Farmville. At the request of United S^tates Commissioner of Education, P. P. Claxton, he resigned the State Superintendency in order to become Chief Special- ist in Rural Education for the United States, but in six months, was unanimously called as President of Virginia .Polytechnic Institute, where he remained for six years. In that period, 1913-1919, the enrollment of V. P. I. in- creased from 460 to 781. Asked to take the Presidency of his Alma Mater, Hamp- den-Sidney College, he declined unless it should become the property of the Synod of Virginia. When the College came under the control of the Synod, he accepted the Presidency and assumed office, July 1, 1919. Dr. Eggleston has written extensively for leading pa- pers in Virginia and North Carolina; is a member of Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Beta Kappa Clubs, and author, with R. W. Bruere, of "The Work of the Rural School." Farmville and Prince Edward county are greatly hon- ored in the work of this distine;uished son of theirs. Hiatory of PHnce Edward County 357 THE EEVEREND EDGAR GRAHAIkl GAMMON, D.D. The subject of this sketch is the present 9?*astor of Col- lege Presbyterian Church, at Hampden- Sidney, Virginia. His father was the late Rev. James Polk Gammon. His mother's maiden name was Susan Southall Langhorne. He first saw the light of day, September 10, 1884, at Asheville, North Carolina. When about two years of age his parents moved to Vir- ginia, where he was reared. He entered Hampden-Sidney College in 1902, and graduated in 1905, with his A.B. degree. Upon his graduation he taught school for three years, and, in 1908, entered Union Theological Seminary in Rich- mond, from which institution he graduated in 1911 with his B.D. degree. His first ministerial labors were at Clarksburg, West Virginia, where he remained for only one year, resigning to take up mission work at Harlington, Texas, on the Mexican border. Here he did aggressive and successful Home Mis- sion work for a period of five years. From Harlington, in the fall of 1917, he came to his present work at Hampden-Sidney. During the war he did Y. M. C. A. work at Hampden- Sidney College, with the Student Army Training Corps, and was deservedly popular with the young men with whom he worked. He received his D.D. degree from Hampden-Sidney Col- lege, which institution takes pride in the splendid work he is doing with the student body of the college, with whom he is extremeh"^ popular. 358 History of Prince Edward County JUDGE GEORGE JEFFERSON HUNDLEY. The subject of this sketch was born on the 22nd day of March, 1838. He is the son of Josiah Hundley and Cornelia Jefferson Hundley, both of whom were born and reared in Amelia county, Virginia. His mother died when he was three years old, and his father, when he was ten. After his mother's death George was taken to the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Jefferson, the widow of John Gar- land Jefferson, and was raised by her. He lived in the coun- ty of Amelia till he grew to manhood. He received his edu- cation in the private schools of that day, in Amelia county. He was put out to business when quite young, but before he was full grown, managed by his own efforts and with the help of his mother's sister, Mrs. Nicholas Carrington, to con- tinue his education at Fleetwood Academy in Nelson county, Va., and at Hampden-Sidney College, and his legal educa- tion at Judge Jno. W. Brockenbrough's Law School in Lex- ington, Va. He had to borrow money to enable him to com- plete his education, but paid it all back by his individual efforts afterwards. He obtained his license to practice law in April 1861, being examined by Judges R. C. L. Moncure, Wm. J. Robert- son and William Danniel, three Judges of the Court of Ap- peals of Virginia, said court being then in session in Rich- mond. Returning then to the home of his cousin, Wm. C. Carrington of Howardsville, Albemarle County, with whom he had read law before going to law school, young Hundley volunteered in the Howardsville Blues, a company then be- ing organized to enter the W^ar between the States, on the side of the south; was elected a Lieutenant in the company and joined our army at Manassas Junction. This com- pany formed a part of the 19th Virginia Regiment and took part in the first battle of Manassas. In 1862, in company with his cousin, Lieutenant Car- History of Prince Edward County 359 ring^on, he -'joined the cavalry" bein^ attached to the 5th Viro:inia cava-lry, and served until tlie end of the war. He was severely wounded in 1863 and performed his last service at Appomattox Court House in 1865. After the surrender, the courts being closed, young Hundley organized a private school at Howardsville, Va., and taught school until February 1866, when he settled at Buckingham Court House, Va., to practice law. When he went there, after purchasing some civilian clothes, he had exactly $15 left in cash, but soon got a good practice, and with the proceeds, paid off his debts then remaining un- paid. He took an active part in the struggles of the best people against the oppressions and outrages of the enemies of the South, in the days of the Re-Construction Period. Young Hundley was nominated for the Virginia Senate from Buckingham district, twice. The first time he was de- feated by a small majority, in a district with an overwhelm- ing negro majority. The second time he was nominated by the Conservatives, or Democrats, of that day, during his absence from the district, without solicitation on his part, and was elected by a good majority, and served in the Senate for four years. At the close of his term in the Senate, he declined re- election and moved to Richmond to practice his profession. He had enough of political office holding, but, whilst still in the Senate, and also subsequent to his retirement from poli- tics, he championed the cause of white supremacy, and can- vassed the State in every election for the cause of democ- racy and white rule. While he was still in the Senate, a bill was passed re-organizing the Militia of the State and he was appointed a Brigadier-General of Militia, by Gov- ernor Wal]fer. , While in Richmond he purchased an estate near Amelia 360 History of Prince Edward County Court House and, having married, he moved to his home county of Amelia and practiced law there and in adjoining counties, and sometimes argued cases in other States. In 1895 an attempt was made to repeal the Walton Law, which was, at that time, the only protection the people of south- side Virginia had against negro domination, by a proper restriction of suffrage, and General Hundley, as he was then known, was appealed to by the Democrats of Nottoway and Amelia, to stand for election to the Legislature. This he refused to do at first, but being assured that he would be elected without opposition, he consented and was returned. Some leading Democrats from the w^hite sections of the State, who had been leaders in the Legislature for many ses- sions, championed the repeal of the Walton Law. Mr. Hundley led the defenders of that law and, after the hardest fight of his life, succeeded in defeating the repeal of the law, thereby saving white supremacy in south-side Virginia, until the new Constitution established it permanently by Consti- tutional restrictions of Suffrage. In 1898 Governor Tyler appointed Mr. Hundley Judge of the 3rd Judicial District of Virginia, composed at that time of nine counties; viz: Amelia, Powhatan, Cumberland, Buckingham, Appomattox, Prince Edward, Charlotte, Lunen- burg, and Mechlenburg. L'lnder the new Constitution, Judge Hundley having removed to Farmville, the circuit was di- vided, and he became Judge of the present 5th Judicial Dis- trict, composed of five counties. He has been on the Bench for twenty-four years, during which time he has tried many important and celebrated cases. Judge Hundley is descended, on his father's side, from Josiah Hundley, who emigrated from England in 1759 and settled in Williamsburg, Va., and through his mother, Cor- nelia Jefferson, from the Jeffersons of the Revolution. His grandfather was George Jefferson, who was the first cousin, History of Prince Edicard County 361 intimate friend, and boyhood playmate, of Thomas Jeffer- son, President of the United States. Through his mother, he is descended also, from Elizabeth Giles, the only sister of Governor Wm. B. Giles, of Virginia. His grandfather, John Garland Jefferson, of Amelia, was a protege of President Jefferson, who took him to Monticello, to read law under his supervision, and in President Thomas Jefferson's works. Vol. 4, page 388, there is published a letter to George Jeffer- son. In Vol 5, of the same work, there is published a letter to John Garland Jefferson, son of George Jefferson. Both of these letters are couched in the most affectionate terms. Judge Hundley's ancestors have fought for their coun- try in every war, Colonial or National, that this country has been engaged in. He, himself, served throughout the War between the States, during which he was severely wound- ed. His father Josiah Hundley the 3rd, served under Gen- eral Taylor, in the Mexican war. Judge Hundley's son, Robert Garland Hundley, was trained at Fort Meyer, and commissioned as Lieutenant of Infantry when barely old enough to receive a commission, and served through the Great World War in France, during wiiich he was severely wounded. He is now practicing law in Richmond. 362 History of Prince Edward County JOSEPH L. JARMAN, A.B., LL.D., President State Fe- male Normal School^ Farmville^ Va. Dr. Jarman, fourth President of the State Female Norm- al School, Farmville, Virginia, was born in Charlottesville, Virginia, on the 19th of November, 1867. His father, Wil- liam Dabney Jarman, served in the Confederate Army, in the War between the States. Plis mother was Catherine Goodloe Lindsay, of the well known Tiindsay family of Albemarle county. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Charlottesville. At the early age of fourteen (having been left an orphan) he was sent to the Miller Manual Labor School, where he remained from 1881 to 1886. In competi- tive examination he won the Miller Scholarship at the Uni- versity of Virginia, where he was a student from 1886 to 1889, devoting himself especially to the natural and physical sciences. Upon the completion of his course at the University of Virginia, he returned to Miller School as a member of the faculty, but remained there for only one year, as, at the end of that time, he was called to the chair of natural science at Emory and Henry College. He remained at Emory and Henry for twelve years, leaving ther'e in January 1902, to take up his present position at Farmville. During his stay at Emory and Henry College the degree of A.B., was conferred upon him by that institution, and, since he has been in Farmville, Hampden-Sidney College has honored itself by conferring upon him the degree of LL.D. Dr. Jarman is a member of the American Chemical So- ciety; the American Society for the Advancement of Science; and the Virginia Historical Society. He was a member of JUDGE GEORGE JEFFERSON HUNDLEY Fifth Judicial District Set- Page 3 56. History of Prince Edward County 363 the State Board of Education for eight years, viz: from 1906 to 1914; and was Chairman for the Red Cross; the Y. M. C. A.; and the United War- Work campaigns during the World's War, securing from Farmville and Prince Ed- ward County the splendid total of approximately $25,000, for these interests. Notwithstanding his multitudinous duties. Dr. Jarman is very active in the work of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Farmville, of which he is a loyal and consistent member, being Chairman of the Official Board of that Church. 364 History of Prince Edward County JUDGE ASA DICKINSON WATKINS. Judge Watkins was born in 1856 and has lived in Prince Edward county all his life. He is one of the most influ- ential and best esteemed citizens of Farmville, in that coun- ty, having been officially intimately acquainted with the pub- lic affairs of the county since he was twenty-one years of age. He was Judge of the County Court from 1886 to 1891, and Attorney for the Commonwealth from 1891 to the pres- ent time. He was a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, 1897-98,, and of the State Senate from 1899 to 1904. He succeeded his father, the late Judge F. N. Watkins, in 1885, as Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the State Female Normal School, at Farmville. He has also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Hampden-Sidney College for the past twenty-nine years. He is a member of the Board of Visitors of the Negro Nor- mal and Industrial Institute of Petersburg, Virginia, and is a member of the State Inter-Racial Commission at the pres- ent time. He is an ardent friend and an active exponent of educa- tion for the masses. He is a member of the Pl-esbyterian Church in Farm- ville where he served, first as Deacon, and later, as Elder, which latter office he still holds. In 1886 he married Miss Nannie E. Forbes, daughter of Col. W. W. Forbes, of Buckingham county. His family con- sists of four sons and four daughters. ®lyf 3uitrtarg af l^tXntt ^hm^rh CHounty History of Prince Edward County 367 THE JUDICIARY OF PRINCE EDWARD Xo inconsiderable part of such an historical sketch of the count;^- as we are endeavoring to give, must rest in tra- dition. Tradition, properly substantiated, forniB a legiti- mate source of history generally, because actual documentary evidence is not available in respect to many vital items of the history of the changeful conditions that have been the lot of the Southern States. This is true in a very large measure respecting the Judici- ary of Prince Edward county. Much of the subjoined matter was furnished by Judge George J. Hundley, from a peculiarly retentive memory, but in the material facts it has been verified by such document- ary evidence as is available. Subsequent to the Revolutionary War, and prior to the War between the States, the Juduciary of the County, in the main, followed the subjoined plan: The Court of Appeals, the highest State Court, was com- posed of five Judges, who were elected by the people under a restricted franchise. This system resulted in the election of men of high repute, so that this court was held in great respect. It had general jurisdiction. The District Court of Appeals, which was composed of three Circuit Court Judges, elected by the people under re- stricted franchise, which had appellate jurisdiction over both civil and criminal cases. The County Courts, composed of five Magistrates, were appointed by the Governor, and had general jurisdiction in civil cases, but in criminal cases acted as an examining board only. One of their number, selected by themselves, was ap- pointed to act as presiding magistrate. Under this system, one of their number, under the rule of seniority, was en- 368 History of Prince Edward County titled to the office of Sheriff. These courts stood very high in popular esteem, being usually composed of educated men, some of whom had even studied law, as was rather customary amongst the "gentlemen" of that day and period. We have thus seen, that prior to the Civil War, the Judges were elected under a qualified white franchise, which resulted in the election of men of substance and standing, whose decisions stood high in the esteem of the superior courts. At this time, in order to be entitled to vote, the citizen was required to be a landowner, who could vote wherever he owned land. Amongst the Judges thus selected were such men as Judge R. L. E. Moncure; Judge William Daniel; Judge William J. Robertson; of the Court of Appeals; and Judge William Leigh; Judge Lucius P. Thompson; Judge Hunter Marshall; Judge — Nash; Judge — Meredith; and Judge William Crump, of the Circuit Court. During the war the Judges thus elected continued to dis- charge their duties. The above named Judges were in office during this period. After the war these officers were removed, and others; in many cases disreputable men, were appointed by the mili- tary authorities who took supervision of the courts of justice. Virginia was made into Military District Number One, for this, and other purposes. One of these military appointees, was one, Philip A. Bowling, a native of Buckingham, who presided over nine counties which included Amelia, Buckingham, and Prince Ed- ward counties. He belonged to one of the most prominent families of Virginia. During a debate between him and John Randolph of Roanoke, noted for the "edge" of his tongue when aroused, the latter referred to Bowling as "the degenerate son of a worthy sire." As a young man he gave History of Prince Edward County 369 every promise of a brilliant and useful career, possessing a fine mind and an imposing presence. He was elected to the Legislature while still in his early twenties, and supported a proposition to abolish slavery in Virginia, which was lost by a very narrow margin, said to be one vote. His vote is said to have been influenced by the fact that one, Arthur Tappen of Matesachusetts, an ardent abolitionist, came to Rich- mond in order to advocate abolition, bringing with him his young daughter, a most attractive young woman, between whom and j'oung Bowling an afl'ection sprung up that re- sulted in their becoming engaged to be married. About this time a great agitation was made by the advocates of slavery, so that his vote in favor of abolition made him very unpopu- lar in certain influential quarters. He made desperate efforts to regain his popularity, but was ever afterwards unable to regain his former position, and gradually became a politi- cal pariah. His family bitterly opposed his marriage to Miss Tappen and finally induced him to marry a Miss Eppes, a most ex- cellent young lady of Xorth Carolina. Miss Tappen also married shortly afterwards. Disappointed both matrimonially and politically, Bow- ling gradually sank until he became a drunkard and a gam- bler. His wife dying, he moved to Farmville, where he rented a small office, in which he slept and lived. While here, his very bedding was sold from under him for debt. In the meantime the husband of the former Miss Tappen died, and hearing of it, Bowling wrote to her something after this fashion: "I am bankrupt in morals and in pursel; I gamble and I drink whiskey; and if you will marry me I will come and see you at once;" to which she replied: "I will be glad to see you." He went to Boston and saw her and they became engaged. Though her father was so bit- terly opposed to the marriage that he threatened to shoot 370 History of Prince Edward County Bowling, they were married and returned to Virginia to live. It was this man whom General Canby, in charge of Mili- tary District No. 1, appointed as Judge over the district which included Prince Edward county. In order to qualify, Bowling took the "Iron Clad Oath" declaring therein that he had never sympathized with, or aided the South in the War between the States ! His wife, for whom he entertained a genuine affection, had a very salutary influence over him, so that he became somewhat less dissipated, but still remained far from a model of sobriety. Mrs. Bowling accompanied her husband on his circuit of the counties in his district and was much chagrined at his dissolute conduct, for she was a most ex- cellent woman. They lived on a farm near to Amelia Court House. Bowling continued to serve until the civil govern- ment was rehabilitated. After he was set aside upon that occurrence, he went back to his old life of dissipation. The military supervision ended, the Underwood Con- vention; better known as the "Black and Tan Convention;" a convention make up of negroes, carpetbaggers, and scalawags (these "scalawags" were southerners who had turned rene- gades for money, or plunder reasons) assumed control and the "Reconstruction'* days proper, began. This Convention, thus composed, proceeded to change the entire judicial sys- tem. It introduced the northern system, entailing a vast increase in the number of officers and in the amount of ex- pense for judicial purposes. They proceeded to disfranchise all the leading southerners who had participated in the war on behall of the South, either in the Government or in the Army, so that they could neither vote nor hold office. Every man now elected to office, including the judiciary in all its branches, had to take what was known as the "Iron Clad Oath," thereby swearing that he had neither participated in, History of Prince Edward County 371 nor sympathized with, what was called "The Rebellion." The same oath was required of the voters. After this arrange- ment had been agreed to, a general election was ordered. Under the limited franchise thus achieved, vast numbers of the white men of the South were shut out from the polls, and every male negro of twentj'-one years of age was per- mitted to vote. As one result of this plan many negroes were elected as Magistrates, Constables, etc., and some were sent to both Houses of Congress, and to both Houses of the State Legislature. They were also elected as County Clerks, Treas- urers, Commonwealth's Attorneys, etc. Amongst those sent to represent Prince Edward county in the State Legislature and Senate appear the names of James D. Bland (negro) John Robinson (negro) N. M. Griggs (negro). The Conven- tion generally was made up of negroes, carpetbaggers, and scalawags. The representatives of the South to both Houses of Congress were generalh^ of the same type When the native white southerners again secured con- trol in the Convention of 1901, the work of the Underwood Convention was set aside almost in its entirety, save that the system of County Judges in a modified form was retained, and the Magistrates Courts finally ceased to exist as form- erly. Dui€ng ,the interim of the Underwood Oonvefntion Judge F. N. Watkins, Judge J. M. Crute, and Judge Asa D. Watkins, served as Judges in Prince Edward county. The Convention of 1901 did away with the purely county courts, as the I^nderwood Convention had done away with the purely magisterial courts. XTnder the I^^nderwood Constitution the Circuit of the Fourth Judicial District, which included Prince Edward county, consisted of nine counties, in which court was held but twice in the year. Under the Constitution of 1901 the number of the counties were reduced to five, in each one of which court was held much more frequently. The Circuit Judges, sitting in Prince Edward county 372 History of Prince Edward County under this Circuit arrangement, have been Judge Asa D. Dickinson, Judge Francis D. Irving, Judge Samuel F. Cole- man, and Judge George Jefferson Hundley, the present in- cumbent. As previously stated, an orderly and exhaustive review of the judicial system as affecting Prince Edward county, is practically impossible within the scope of this work, but the foregoing will perhaps serve to give a general survey of the system. The following are the present officers of the Court: Horace Adams, Clerk. Gordon E. West, Deputy Clerk. John A. Clark, Sheriff. Judge Asa D. Watkins, Commonwealth's Attorney. Agrirulture In ?rt«rp llimarh (flouuty History of Prince Edward County 375 AGRICULTLmE IN PRINCE EDWARD The soil of the county is much like that generally pre- vailing in this part of the State. It is generally good, though in places somewhat "run down" through over-cultivation with- out adequate fertilization. It is varied, sandy, red and choco- late loams, or gray loam. It is generally rather highly pro- ductive and well adapted to the production of the various farm crops of this part of State. Tobacco, wheat, and corn, are the chief farm products of the county. All forage crops, especially the legumes, are easily grown; and the grasses,— clover, timothy, red top,— ^show good profits. This is not a natural grazing section, except for sheep, in which case, however, it ranks well, but its adaptability to forage crops and grasses, has given it some prominence as a dairying section. Cattle and hogs are profitably raised. All fruits and vegetables, common to the State, do well. Potatoes frequently yield phenomenally well. Marl, coal, and copper ore, are found in the county, with some evidence of the presence of other minerals. The forest products are poplar, pine, and oak for the main part. In recent years there has been some considerable cutting of this timber. At the present time two flourishing lumber concerns are in operation in Farmville, besides sev- eral temporary concerns in other parts of the county. The major part of the county is in a state of good cul- tivation. The surface of the land is rolling. The land is watered by the Appomattox River and its man\ branches. Agricultural statistics for the county will be found under the head of "Statistics" in chapter seventeen. (Slifnptn S^tnmtttn Ifirmte ^m^xh (Houtttg ^tatiattrB 1. Population. 2. Marriage and Divorce. 3. Vital Statistics. 4. Agriculture. History of Prince Edward County 379 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY STATISTICS POPULATION Total, 1920 14,767. Male 7,410. Female • 7,357. White 6,584. Negro 8,183. Negro majority 2,401 . Increase in white population over census of 1910, 772. Decrease in negro population from census of 1910, 275. Per cent of negro population 55.4. Population per square mile, 41.5. Number of dwellings in county, 2,910. Number of families in county, 3,055. 380 History of Prince Edward County MAREIAGE AND DIVORCE, 1920. MARRIAGES. White couples, 47. Black couples, 95. Total, 142. DIVORCE DECREES GRANTED, 1920. Total for the county, 20. A dultery, 3 ; Desertion, 15 ; Cruelty, 1 ; Imprisonment, 1. White Male Plaintiff: Adultery, 1; Desertion, 1. White Female Plaintiff: Adultery, 1; Desertion, 1. Black Male Plaintiff: Adultery, 1; Desertion, 7. Black Female Plaintiff: Desertion, 6. It will be noted that the color of those alleging "Cruelty'' and "Imprisonment" is not given. History of Prince Edtcard County 381 VITAL STATISTICS, 1920. Total births „ 381 Illegitimate 35 Legitimate _ 346 DEATHS Infants under one year 24 Typhoid 2 Whooping cough 3 Diphtheria 1 Influenza 11 Tuberculosis of lungs 31 Meningitis 1 Bronchitis 1 Pneumonia IT Congenital debility 8 Other causes of early infancy 1 Cancer 4 Puerperal 2 Accidents 4 Burns 1 All other causes 83 Total „ 194 Excess of births over deaths 152 382 History of Prince Edward County PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT *AGRICULTURE FOURTEENTH CENSUS: 1920. Released July 14, 1921. The director announces, subject to correction, the follow- ing preliminary figures from the Census of Agriculture, for Prince Edward county, Va. Farms and Jan 1, Farm Acreage. 1920 FARMS Operated by- White farmers Col'd farmers Operated by Owners and managers 1 Tenants _. Land in farms, Total, acres 177 Improved, acres 71 1,843 859 984 263 580 522 ,373 Apr 13 1910 1,682' +9.6 758+13.3 924' +6.5 1,216 +3.9 466+24.5 180,661 —1.7 66,177j +7.9 FARM VALUES Value of land and buildngs. January 1, 1920 April 15, 1910 Increase, 1920 over 1910 Amount _ Per cent — $6,650,780 3,036,432 3,614,348 119.0 DOMESTIC ANIMALS Farms reporting domestic animals Animals reported : Horses Mules Cattle .- Sheep Swine _... Jan. 1 Apr. 15 1920 1910* 1,746 1,589 2,234 2,003 983 493 4,067 4,394 383 1,03'4 6,821 6,008 PRINCIPAL Acres CROPS Harvested Corn ...1919 15,022 1909 13,509 Wheat 1919 5,879 lyuy 4,7 44 Hay 1919 4,152 1909 4,090 Tobacco 1919 7,056 190!) 6,444 Quantity Harvested 230,909, bu. 218,660, bu. 65,049, bu. 49,457, bu. 4,769, tons 4,845, tons 3,531,579 lbs. 5,107,637, lbs. *The figures for domestic animals in 1910 are not very closely comparable with those for 1920, since the present History of Prince Edward County 383 census was taken in January, before the breeding season had begun, while the 1910 census was taken in April, or about the middle of the breeding season, and included many spring calves, colts, etc. 1. Social and Economic Conditions. 2. A Pathetic Letter. 3. An Old Court Order. 4. Wonder Booker and the Negro of his day. 5. Crown Deed from George the Second, Signed by Governor Gooch. History of Prince Edward County 387 MISCELLANEOUS SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS In the early days of the Colony, almost as a matter of necessity, rather than of choice, the simple life was the general rule, for both the rich and the poor alike. What was true of the Colony generally was true of Prince Edward particularly. In the modern acceptation of the term there was but very little comfort or luxury. For the most part the houses were quite rude and gen- 61 ally small. Glazed windows were still somewhat of a curi- osity. All the lumber was sawn by hand and the nails were wrought by the blacksmith. Practically all articles of do- mestic use were made at home. On nearly every plantation there were negro smiths, carpenters, masons, shoemakers, etc., and generally speak- ing, all implements of agriculture, few and very primitive, were homemade. The same was true of all house furnishings. Roads were but little better than bridle-paths so that horseback was the usual mode of travel. A "bridal tour" usually meant that the bride went to the home of the groom, riding behind him on the same horse. Books were few, but that mattered little to most of the folk because they were for the most part, very busy during the daytime and there was little light for night-reading. The well-to-do got their clothes, and their wines, and some of their furnishings from England, but the poorer peo- ple wore home-spun. The "ladies" had their imported linens and silks, which, because they were most exceilently made and because there were but few occasions for them being worn, were handed down to their daughters who were not ashamed to wear them. The planters wore broadcloth on 388 History of Prince Edward County public occasions, with short breeches, knee buckles, and silk stockings. Pewter, even amongst the well-to-do, was much commoner than china, or than silver. The negro women were taught to card, spin, and weave, and to cut and make the clothes of the children and ser- vants. The negro men were taught to make the rude utensils of the farm or of the household, and to raise the farm crops. Far more attention was paid to the morals of the peo- ple then than is given today. The Church wardens kept a sharp eye for sinners, bound out orphans, and the children of parents who did not take proper care of them, kept down immorality as well as they covild, and appear to have taken their responsibilities in these respects rather seriously. Men Avere taken before the Grand Jury for Sabbath-breaking; were prosecuted at law for not attending Church; were publicly whipped for cheating at cards and were severely punished for swearing. Educational facilities in those days were few and very simple, but so far as it went, education was of a practical and very thorough character. Ordinarily the "three R's" would constitute the curriculum, but Latin was taught to all who wished, or were required by their parents, to learn it. Many of the rich had private tutors and both in these private schools, and in the more public institutions of learning, the birch and the ferrule were more or less generously adminis- tered. For the most part the boys received a better educa- tion than fell to the lot of the girls. The girls were usually taught music and the old fashioned "spinnet," a sort of primitive piano, was the instrument played. The chief agricultural products of these early days in Prince Edward county, were cereals, hay, and tobacco, which were carried, either by ox-cart to Kichmond, or by batteau down the Appomattox to Petersburg. The earlier records are somewhat prolix in the number History of Prince Edward County 389 of the crimes and their punishments that they contain. Many of these punisliments would today be called excessive and barbarous, but they were identical with those inflicted in England itself. A crime of a servant against his master; or of a wife against her husband, when of a grave nature, was c^led "petty treason'' with correspondingly severe pun- ishment; most often death. Hog stealing appears to have been so persistent that special penalties were provided for it. That punishment came at last to take the form of death. Then, as now, hogs seemed to have a special fascination for the negro and many of them suffered the extreme penalty. The crime against women, though of much rarer occur- rence than today, was by no means unknown as has been asserted. One of the most unique laws, at least to us of these lax days, was that prescribed for habitual absence from Church; 50 pounds of tobacco or its equivalent in cash, defaulting which, the penalty was to be "Ten lashes on the bare back." That was the law for about forty years, 1680-1720! Though the severity of the punishment was somewhat abated, it was still a misdemeanor for many years later, as evidenced by the fact that the Grand Jury at the May Court, 1755, amongst others, made a presentment against one "John Conneson for not going to any Place of Worship in one Month." All of which is suggestive of the close watch set by the officials over the morals of the community life of Prince Edward county in those "good old days." One can scarce refrain from wondering what would be the meas- ure of official duty if the same care were to be undertaken today! 390 History of PHnce Edward County A PATHETIC LETTER The following most interesting letter is on file at the Court House in Farmville. It is exceedingly illuminating as showing the conditions under which our progenitors lived in those now far distant days. Taken in connection with the court proceedings which are appended, it is very sugges- tive of the severity of our fathers. The manuscript is as follows: THE FOLLOWING LETTER WAS WRITTEN BY FREDERICK BRIGGS TO HIS WIFE, WHILE UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH, FOR HORSE STEALING; AND WHO WAS EXECUTED, TO- GETHER WITH HIS COMRADE, M'ELHENEY, ON THE 10th OCTOBER, 1780, IN THE COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD. IT PRESENTS AN ARTFUL WARNING TO THOSE WHO LIVE DISHONESTLY, AND WHO WICEKDLY TRANSGRESS THE KNOWN LAWS OF GOD. "My Dear Wife— The hand of Justice has arrested me in Virginia, at a great distance from you and my other dear friends, whom I never more expect to see; I do, therefore, write this to acquaint you with my lamentable fate, and to convey a wretched father's last request and charge to the children whom my bleeding heart cherishes with a fondness that only death can destroy. — On the 3rd of August, I was taken up, together with my companion, M'Elheney, in Nottowa} County, charged with carrying off the horses of a Mr. Spen- cer, in Charlotte, about fifty miles from the place of our capture. From the jail of Nottoway, we were sent, on the 13th of the same month, for trial, to Charlotte county; where we were detained in prison till the 30th, and then, by the examining court, were sent down to Prince Edward, to be History of Prince Edward County 391 tried before the District Court; on the 1st of September, our trial came on, and the jury having brought us in GUILTY, on the 9th, we received the awful sentence of DEATH! AVhat a melancholy scene does the history of a few days present to your view ! Surely I must have been infatuated to have brought myself into a situation where every day's anguish of mind would more than balance the follies and fancied pleasures of all my past days of dissipation; and, yet these distressful days are the prelude to the tremendous day of my execution, and the most tremendous day of stand- ing at the bar of the eternal God, in judgment. Oh! my dear, what shall I do? My soul shudders at the Catastrophe to which I am reduced, and which I am un- able now to prevent. O! that I had contented myself at home in industrious labor, with you and my dear, DEAR children — then I might have enjoyed peace, with the most homely fare; whereas, now, I am torn violently from you all, forever ! and have brought distressing ignominy and reproach upon myself and family. But this regret is useless now — I have no prospect of any relief, but from the God of mercy and compassion. To Him, I have been attempting to turn my distressed thoughts, and to seek His mercy and grace, ever since my confinement in Charlotte. But the thought of you and my poor deiar children, so overwhelms and over- burdens my distressed mind, that I scarce can command one calm reflection. My dear creature; as I never more expect to see you in this world, I beseech and charge you to take care of our poor children as well as you can — let me entreat you, by the love and affection that always subsisted between us, not to suf- fer any person to use them ill, if you can help it. I hope that the dying words of a husband that loves you, will pre- vail with you to keep the children out of the way of bad com- pany, lest the untimely wretched fate of their poor father 392 History of Prince Edward County slioiiid be their's. Let me also beseech you, to take more care of their precious immortal souls, than we both have done; and that you may the better succeed in this, be engaged for your own salvation — for death may be as near you as it is me; it may seize you, at home and in security, as well as it has unexpectedly approached me — and I am sure, if you saw the grim messenger, as plain as I now view him, ready to grasp you in his dreadful arms, you would feel your need of a change of heart, and an interest in Jesus Christ, who, only, can save the lost. O ! fly, fly from the wrath to come, and warn our beloved children, also, to escape the terrors of the law. Bring them up in the fear of God, and keep them from the vile practices of a sinful world; so may you look for a blessing from that merciful God, who is the widow's guardian and the orphan's friend. Oh; if I were a faith- ful servant of that God, how easily I might leave you under His protection and fatherly care; for He hath promised, in Jeremiah, 49 ch. llv., "Leave thy fatherless children, I will preserve them alive, and let thy widow trust in me." Now, my dear, let my entreaties prevail with you to seek the Lord for yourself and for your children; and when I am dead and forgotten, as I soon shall be, let me be considered as yet speaking in this mournful letter. Call my dear fatherless children around you, to hear what their miserable father has to say to them : Come, my fatherless, unfortunate little ones: come, listen to your dying parent's last request and charge. I have been too negligent of your precious perishing souls, while I was with you — I now confess it, before God and you, and would try to make one feeble attempt, before I die, to say some- thing to you for your good. I beseech, I conjure, I command you all, to seek the Lord in the days of your youth; quit the follies of the idle and thoughtless, and try to give your- selves up to God in time, lest His wrath burn fiercely against you forever. Don't give way to frolicking and company- History of Prince Edward County 393 keeping; these ruin and destroy many a soul. Be resolved to seek God's mercy, let others do what they will ; pray much, avoid the wicked, and all of you carefully associate with people of good characters. Be industrious, for idleness leads into bad company, extravagance and wickedness of every kind; it often leads into dishonesty and RUIN. My dear daughter, by beloved Nancy Goodrich, I think I see you weeping by your mama's side, while she reads; let me ad- dress you particularly; you are grown up to be a woman; remember that virtue and religion will be your greatest orna- ments. If you behave well and shun bad company, you may be happy and esteemed, though your unfortunate father is not. Assist your dear distressed mother; obey her, and try to comfort her in her afflictions — may the almijrhty God bless you, my dear child, and make us meet in a better world. How can I support under the grief that wrings my heart while I bid you a long farewell. My poor Howell and Edward, will you remember your poor father's words ; my heart bleeds for you, my poor dear fellows, lest you should live wickedly and die miserably — resolve to be good boys, and obey your poor dear mother in all things; do your best to help her, in an honest way. If you behave well, and be industrious, you will alwaj^s be encouraged by good people. Never associate with idle, wicked company, lest you come to the unhappy end of your unfortunate father — my poor boys, seek and serve the Lord, and He will bless you. Oh ! that He will pity your j^outh and teach you His ways — farewell, my dear fellows, farewell ! Clerimon and Dolly, little Tommy and Queen Polly : dear babes and children, how I could press you to my bosom, if you were here; but, oh no, my rough irons would hurt your tender limbs. Oh, for one parting kiss from my dear children, but that cannot be; I am to die without seeing you; then, remember what your dear daddy says to you — be good children, pray to God every day, do what your mama bids you, and as you grow up, help her 394 History of Prince Edward County with all your might to provide and maintain you all in an industrious way. My sweet little children, I am not fit to bless you, but I hope the God of Mercy will. My blessed wife, if you have had another child since I left home, let it also know my fat© when it gets old enough, and warn it thus to avoid an end like mine. Tell my poor mother, that her hapless son is just about to be hurried out of this world — I expect she will be shocked and distressed, but I hope God will support her. I hope my brothers and sisters will have compassion on my distressed family, and not grudge to do them every kindness in their power — the Lord will reward their kind hearts, if they act thus and also serve Him. I here bid them all an affectionate farewell. My dear soul; it is but justice that, with my dying hands, I record how I regard you, and declare, that I never saw a woman on whom I could better depend. May God reward your FAITHFULNESS. Let Howell be bound apprentice, when about nineteen, to some trade; let him have his choice. If you ever marry again, bind out all the boys; but if you live a widow, you cannot do without them — keep what little there is together, for your needy rising family. And now, as it appears prob- able that w© shall never see each other in the face again in this world, let us try to cast ourselves into the arms of God's mercy, and seek His favor, tbat we may be allowed to meet in a happier world hereafter. And now, my dearest love, how shall I take my last leave of you on earth ! Oh, how shall I say that we must meet no more, until the Heavens and the Earth pass away — there must we meet before the JUDGMENT SEAT ! How can I bear to think that I am dead to you forever! My God, support my wife — and, oh, have mercy upon her wretched, but most affectionate hus- band. FREDERICK BRIGGS." "P. S. The time appointed for our execution, is the History of Prince Edward County 395 16th October. Keep this letter to show to the children as they grow up, and take a copy of it, which I wish you, for my sake, to read often to them. Farewell, my dearest wife, farewell ! F. Briggs." The first Order in this case stands under date of Tues- day, September 1, 1789, as follows: "William Mackelhany and Frederick Briggs, late of the Parish of Cornwall, in the County of Charlotte, labourers, who stand jointly indicted for felony, were led to the Bar in the custody of the Jailor, and thereof arraigned and severally pleaded not guilty to the indictment, and for their trial put themselves upon God and their country, whereupon an jury," etc. They were then remanded to jail, and on the 9th, Sep- tember, at the same court, the following entry occurs : "Wil- liam Mackelhany and Frederick Briggs, late of the Parish of Cornwall, in the County of Charlotte, labourers, who stand jointly convicted of Horse Stealing, were again led to the Bar, and, being asked what they had to say why sentence of Death should not be pronounced against them according to law, severally answered they had nothing to say further than they had already said. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the said William Mackelhaney and Frederick Briggs, for their offense aforesaid, be severally hanged by the neck until they be dead, and command is given to the Sheriff of Prince Edward County, that he do execution of this judgment at the public gallows on Friday the Sixteenth Day of October next, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and four o'clock in the afternoon." And it was done accordingly. 396 History of Prince Edward County AN OLD COURT ORDER The following page of an old Court Order, is interesting, as illustrative of the method of doing the county business at that time in vogue: '•At a Court in the County of Prince Edward, the Twen- ty-ninth Day of Xo-sember, lT5-i, for laying County levy. PRESENT : John Nash, James Wimbish. David Flour- noy, James Erwin, and Thomas Haskins, Gentlemen, Justices. lbs. Tobacco. To the Clerk, for his Ex Officio 1248 To the Sheriff's for Ditto „ 1248 To Mr. Clement Read, King's Attorney 936 To John LeNeve. for laying off Ten acres Land, Prison bounds 350 To Honourable, the Secretary for Commission Peace and Dedimus and writ of election of Burgesses 357 4139 To John Le Neve for two Record Books at 43s each To John Le Neve for one Record Book at 26s £5.12.0 To Honourable, the Secretary for the second Commission of the Peace and Dedimus 112 112 To John LeNeve for sending for a Commission of the Peace, etc £1.10.0 To Richard "Washburn for one old Wolf's Head certified by George Walker 100 To Abraham Baker for one old Wolf's Head certified bv James Wimbish _ 100 Hiatory of Prince Edward County 397 To William Searcey for one young Wolf's Head certified by George Walker _ 50 250 To the Sheriff for Sundry Services, Gross, 300 240 To the Clerk for Sundry Services, Gross, 90 _ 63 To Captain Anderson, for Guarding Abraham Womack 25 days, _ - 750 To Captain Anderson for Guarding Timothy Sullivant 19 days, ^ 570 1623 To William King, 17 days Guard over Womack To William King, 6 Days Guard over Chapman 690 To Joel Stubblefield, 29 Days a Guard 870 To Alexander LeGrand, 6 Days a Guard — 180 To John Philips, 6 Days a Guard 180 1920 To Captain Anderson, for the use of his kitchen as a Prison, 49 Days - £4.0.0 To Captain Anderson for changing for Court House - 300 300 To Mr. Nash, for paid John Bentley, Sending for Books £2.10.0 To Richard Perryman, for Prison Chimney £1 .6.0 To Captain Anderson, for Labouring Diet and Time „ £1.15.0 £6.13.0 398 History of Prince Edward County To Tobacco to be sold for Discharge Money Debts ...22593 To Sheriff's Commission at six per cent on 33040 1982 33040 To the County Credit by 826 Tithes at 40 lbs. per Pole 33040 Ordered that the Sheriffs of this County Collect of every tithable person in this County, 40 pounds Tobacco per Pole, and in case of non-payment, to Distrain. And it is ordered that the Sheriff enter into Bond next Court. Mr. John Nash is appointed to receive of the Sheriff of this County 22593 lbs. of Tobacco as Collected and Dispose of the Same at the Best Price he can get, and that he account with this Court for the same when required. — Jno. Nash." It will be observed that Tobacco served as a common medium of exchange, doubtless because of the shortage of money, in "those good old days," hence we have no monopoly of that distressinjr ailment. History of Prince Edward County 399 WONDER BOOKER WONDER BOOKER, celebrated negro character, living in the County, attained the advanced age of 126 years, dying within the County in 1819. He was a slave and belonged to Mr. George Booker. He received the name "WONDER" "from the circumstance that his mother was in her 58th year at he time of his birth. He was of great strength of body, and his natural powers, which were far superior to those of color in gen- eral, he retained in surprising degree. He was a constant laborer in his master's garden until within eight or ten years of his death." A notable feature of the minutes of the early days of the County, contained in the Order Books of the County Court, is the large space given to cases respecting property rights in negro slaves, and many cases of felony and mis- demeanors committed by negroes. That all was not an un- clouded Paradise in the days of slavery, is thus made very manifest, for then, as now, a disproportionate part of the time of the Court was taken up with cases arising from the colored element of the population. 400 History of Prince Edioard County CROWN DEED FROM GEORGE THE SECOND Doubtless there are very few families in Prince Edward County in position to boast of continuous residence upon land devised directly from the British Crown in the days of the Georges, Second and Third. There are fewer still who have retained, and can produce, the original Sheep- skin Deed. Numbered amongst these few are the Elams of the western section of the county. Mr, William Carter Elam holds title to a part of such a grant, with possession of the original Crown Deed, written on genuine "sheep-skin." He is a direct descendant of the Lodwick Elam to whom the grant was made and the property so devised has never wanted one of that descent and bearing that honorable name, to own and reside upon the land. He owns, lives upon, and works, a part of the original grant which has never been out of the family. Mr. Elam's post office address is Prospect, Virginia. A married sister, Mrs. Robert H. Reynolds, also resides upon another section of the original grant. Two parcels of land were devised to Lodwick Elam; the first, containing four hundred acres, under date of March 20, 1745, in the nineteenth year of the reign of the Second George; the second, for three hundred and ninety-five acres, bearing date of May 23, 1763, in the third year of the reign of the Third George; the king of the Revolutionary period. Believing that the student of history will be interested in these rare documents, we have vettitured to re-prod,uce the earlier one of the two deeds. "GEORGE THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c., History of Prince Edward County 401 TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS J^IAY COME, Greetings: KNOW YE, that for divers good causes and considera- tions, but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of FORTY SHILLINGS, of good and lawful money for our use Paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia. WE HAVE Given, Granted, and Confirmed, and by these Presents, for us, our heirs and successors. Do Give, Grant, and Confirm unto Lodwick Elam, one certain Tract or Parcel of Land containing Four Hundred Acres, lying and being in the County of Amelia on the Head Branches of the North Fork of Falling Creek and bounded as fol- lows, to wit: BEGINNING at a corner white oak on the north side of the said fork; thence South eight Degreesi, West one hundred and sixty-nine Poles, crossing the fork to a corner red oak. Thence West eight Degrees, North three hundred and eighty Poles to a corner large white oak in a Branch of Vaughans Creek, Thence North eight Degrees East one hundred and sixty-nine Poles to a Corner white oak. Thence East eight Degrees south three hundred and eighty Poles to the beginning. WITH ALL Woods, Underwoods, Swamps, Marshes, Low Grounds, Meadows, Feedings, and his due share of all Veins, Mines and Quarries, as well discovered as not dis- covered, within the bounds aforesaid and being Part of the said Quantity of four hundred Acres of Land, and tli^e Rivers, Waters, and AVater Courses therein contained, to- gether with the Privileges of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling, and all other Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments whatsoever to the Same or any Part thereof, belonging, or in any wise appertaining. 402 History of Prince Edward County TO HAVE, HOLD, Possess and Enjoy the said Tract or Parcel of Land and all other, the before-granted Premises and every Part thereof with their and every of their Appur- tenances unto the said Lodwick Elam, and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, To the only use and behalf of his, the said Lodwick Elam, his Heirs and Assigns forever, TO BE HELD of us, our Heirs and Successors as of our Mannor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, in free and common Soccage and not in Capite or by Knights Service. YIELDING AND PAYING unto us, our Heirs and Successors for every fifty Acres of Land and so proportion- ately for a lesser or greater Quantity than fifty Acres, the Fee Rent of one Shilling Yearly, to be paid upon the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch Angel and also Cultivating and Improving three Acres Part of every fifty of the Tract above-mentioned within three Years after the Date of these Presents. PROVIDED always that if three Years of the said Fee Rent shall at any time be in Arrears and Unpaid, or if the said Lodwick Elam, his Heirs or Assigns do not within the Space of Three Years next coming after the Date of these Presents, Cultivate and Improve three Acres Part of every fifty of the Tract above-mentioned, Then the Estate hereby Granted shall Cease and be Utterly Determined and there- after it shall and may be Lawful to and for us, our Heirs and Successors to Grant the same Lands and Premises with the Appurtenances unto such other Person or Persons as we, our Heirs, and Successors shall think fit, IN WITNESS whereof we have Caused these our Let- ters Patent to be WITNESS our Trusty and well-beloved Wil- liam Gooch, Esquire, our Lieutenant Governor and Command- er-in-Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williams- History of Prince Edward County 403 burgh, Under the Seal of our said Colony, the twentieth Day of March, one thousand seven hundred and forty-five, In the nineteenth Year of our Reign. — William Gooch." (Endorsed on the back, "Lodwick Elam's Patent for 400 acres, Amelia") The reader will, of course, bear in mind the fact that Prince Edward County was not yet divided from Amelia county; that was done by act of 1753; the property above- described was, however, situated in that part of Amelia County afterwards cut off to constitute Prince Edward County. But little punctuation was done in this original docu- ment, laboriously transcribed by hand, most of what appears has been done by the author where thought necessary to make clearer the intent of the patent. The writing was done in splendid penmanship style and remains in a condition of remarkable legibility despite the many intervening years. History of Prince Edward County 407 BIBLIOGKAPHY The following books, papers, and magazines have been called into requisition in preparation of this work: Howes' "Historical Collections of Virginia." Chandler and Thames' "Colonial Virginia." McDonald's "Life in Old Virginia." Ridpath's History of the United States. Henning's "Acts of the Legislature." State Library Papers on the House of Burgesses and Delegates. State Library List of Revolutionary Soldiers of Vir- ginia, 1912. Virginia State Library, Ninth Annual Report of the Library Board and State Librarian, 1911, 1912. McAllister's "Virginia Militia of the Revolutionary War." Virginia Historical Magazine. Captain John Smith's History of Virginia. Two vol- umes. Meade's "Old Churches and old Families of Virginia." Foote's "Sketches of Virginia." John Randolph's Address. The war of 1812. McGuire and Christian, "The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the War Between the States." "The Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Con- federate Armies." "William and Mary College." Adams' "Thomas Jefferson and the University of Vir- ginia." 408 History of Prince Edward County "The Virginian." Normal School, Farmviille, 1909. Sarah Dorsey's, "Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen." Tyler's "Life of Patrick Henry." ' "The Life of General Joseph E. Johnston." — "A Sketch of Dr. John Peter Mettauer of Virginia." Dr. G. B. Johnson. Jeter's "Life of Daniel Witt, D. D." Bennett's "History of Methodism." Semple's ''Baptists in Virginia." Unitel State Census reports; Department of Agriculture "Handbook of Virginia"; Files of the "Farmville Herald"; "Manual of West Hanover Presbytery;" etc. etc. And, in addition, I am gratefully indebted to generous help received from Dr. H. R. Mcllwaine, State Librarian of Virginia; Dr. W. A. Harris of Richmond University; Judge G. J. Hundley, Farmville; Judge J. M. Crute, Farmville; Mrs. Roberta H. Large; Senator Robert K. Brock; Dr. J. D. Eggleston, President of Hampden-Sidney College; Mrs. George Ben Johnson, Richmond; Dr. J. L. Jarman, State Female Normal School, Farmville; to the State Officers, and to a kindly host of friends, who in various ways have as- sTsted in the compilation of this work. The County Records and Deed Books, which were found to be in a remarkably good state of preservation, have been most diligently searched, in which arduous labor most cheer- ful and timely assistance w^as rendered by Mr. Horace Adams, County Clerk, and Mr. Gordon E. West, Deputy County Clerk. FINIS. ^ di :.^» .^ /%. '^i^l^^^^ '^"'^ '■j;-,?^:',?, " ^ / .^^ '^W^ ^ -^ « o .^ V- o. <. ^O- ^ o « o , -^ ^ ^^-!.^ G^ ♦V fDOBBSBROS. ,\ LIBRARY BINDING ST. AUGUSTINE j^^ FLA. "^^ •.'^.