Two Ml^™„^^ ^^.^ ^^._.-ls Each Day BETWEEN Atlanta, Monroe, Hamlet, Raleigh, Richmond, Portsmouth, Wash- ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and NEW YORK Connections Made for All Eastern Points by Rail and by Norfolk and Steamer Lines THREE TRAINS DAILY TO— Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood & Clinton THROUGH PULLMAN CARS AND ELEGANT CAFE DINING CARS. For full information address C. B. WALKER, Depot TicKet Agent, Phone 213 R. M. COFFEY, City Passenger and Ticket Agent Phones 100 W. E. CHRISTIAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent Atlanta, Ga. Jiiniiiilii all j] iiii 1111I11N..1.11111 iiiii..iiiiii»,jiliii.,.«iiliii.iiiifliu.iiilhi..iiiiii Ill iiiiii.iniaiii iilii iiHiiiiiMiiliiiM.niiiii iilii iilii iilii iili iiiiiiniiidiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii.iiiiiHiiiiiiiili]iiN,iian. TH E georgid Rome Insurance €0., OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Organized 1859. Cash Capital, ..._-_ $300,000 00 Total Assets, 962,636 ^3 Total Liabilities, - 644,395 00 Surplus to Policyholders, - - - 618,241 99 Net Surp:us, - - 318,241 ^^ RHODES BROWNE, President. W. C. COART, Secretary. DANA BLACKMAR, Ass't Sec'y. Metropolitan Department : 41 and 43 Pine Street. JOHN A. KELLY, Manager. "iif iipiii"iiiiiiiii"iiiiii n il i ii|ipiiiipi iiiiiii i ii i i|]ii N i » i f i i|[iii " imii i i n ni)i miii w ifii i iiiiipiii w mii fiN ii i ifii'i »i |iii ii iiiif iiMi i i i pi i i i;ii i» i i i i pi n iiii||ii ii"i i i i|iiii i ii ii ;iiiiiiiiipi ii iii i |[i i[ i i i ni«ii]jiiiiiii||(piiiiiiniiiimii]j)iiiiiii^ ji iiijiiii'iiiiuiii" IT "iinllil Hljliiiiiifliii "I STEVENS BROS. STEVENS POTTERY, QA PRICE LIST SUBJECT TO DISCOUNTS, 4 -- ONE OF THE LARGEST MaNUFAOTURINC | PLANTS IN THE SOUTH OF | Clay Goods. Free Brick and Locomotive ti e. Fire Proofing, | Flue Pipe and lining, Sewer and R. R. Pipe. I CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. | WORLDS FAIR EDITION. ADVANTAGES .OF... GEORGIA Por those Desiring Homes in a Genial Climate Prepared Under the Direction of O. B. Stevens, Commissioner of Agriculture ...BY... JOSPPH T. DPRRY, Historian and Statistician AND R. P. WRIGHT, Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture NOV 37 ISC D. of D, J. T. DERRY, Historian and Statistician. R. F. WRIGHT, ^^ssistant Commissioner of Agriculture STATE HOUSE OFFICERS JOSEPH M. TERRELL, Governor. JOHN C. HART, Attorney-General. \VM. A. WRIGHT, Comptroller-General. ROBT. E. PARK, Treasurer. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. SAMUEL W. HARRIS, Adjutant-General. WM. B. MERRITT, State School Commissioner. 0. B. STEVENS. Commissioner of Agriculture. R. F. WRIGHT, Asst. Com. of Agriculture. JNO. M. McCANDLESS. State Chemist. \A'ILMON NEWELL, Entomologist. DR. W. C. BRYANT, Slate Oil Inspector. W. S. YEATES. Geologist. JUDGE WELLBORN. State. Librarian. JNO. W. LINDSAY, Pension Commissioner. Prison Commission, JOS. S. TURNER. Chairman. CLEMENT A. EVANS. THOMAS EASON. Railroad Commission. J. POPE BROWN. Chairman. JOSEPH M. BROWN, H. WARNER HILL. SUPREME COURT THOMAS J. SIMMONS. Chief Justice. WM. H. FISH, Presiding Justice. ANDREW J. COBB, Associate Justice. JOHN S. CANDLER, Associate Justice. JOSEPH R. LAMAR, Associate Justice. HENRY G TURNER. Associate Justice. SUPERIOR COURT Circuits. Judges. Solicitors. Albany Circuit \\. N. SPENCE W. E. WOOTEN. Atlanta Circuit J. H. LUMPKIN CD. HILL. Atlantic Circuit PAUL E. SEABROOK LIVINGSTON KENNAN. Augusta Circuit HENRY C. HAMMOND J. S. REYNOLDS. Blue Ridge Circuit GEO. F. GOBER B. F. SIMPSON. Brunswick Circuit T. A. PARKER JOHN W. BENNETT. Chattahoochee Circuit W. B. BUTT S. PRICE GILBERT. Cherokee Circuit A. W. FITE SAM P. MADDOX. Coweta Circuit R. A. FREEMAN H. A. HALLS. Eastern Circuit GEO. T. CANN W. W. OSBORNE. Flint Circuit R. J. REAGAN 0. H. B. BLOODWORTH. Macon Circuit W. H. FELTON. .JR WM. BRUNSON. Middle Circuit A. F. DALEY B. T. RAWLINGS. Northeastern Circuit W. T. KIMSEY W. A. CHARTERS. Northern Circuit HORACi^ M. HOLDEN DAVID H. POTTLE. Ocmulgee Circuit H. G. LEWIS J. F. DeLACY. Ocoree Circuit n. m. ROBERTS -.J. A. LAING. Pataula Circuit H. C. SHEFFIELD MOSES WRIGHT. ■ Rome Circuit \V. M. HENRY W. E. THOMAS. Southern Circuit R. G. MITCHELL FRANK A. HOOPER, Southwestern Circuit Z. A. TJTTLEJOHN W. T. KIMSEY. Stone Mountain Circuit L. S. ROAN W. K. FIELDER. Tallanoopa Cir^'uit A. L. RARTLETT C. H. BRAND. Western Circuit R. B. RUSSELL , , lOVKKNOU JUSHrn M. TKUliliLL nwl^. 0. B. STEVENS. Commissioner of Agriculture. Georgia's Resources and Advantages PART I. GEORGIA AS A WHOLE Georgia, the last settled of the original thirteen States, which united under the Federal Constitution to form the American Union, is the greatest in area of all the States east of the Mississippi river. At the time of the first English settlement at Savannah in 1733, it embraced the territory between the Savannah and Altamaha rivers, but at the close of the French and Indian war its boundaries were extended to the Mississippi on the west and to latitude 31 degrees and the St. Mary's river on the south and still later to 30 degrees 21 minutes and 30 seconds on the south. Out of her western lands ceded to the United States in 1802 were formed the larger parts of the States of Alabama and Mis- sissippi. During the war for Independence, Georgia, the youngest and feeblest of the colo- nies, bore her full proportion of hardship and danger and was nobly illustrated in the field by such gallant soldiers as Elijah Clarke, James Jackson, John Dooly, Samuel Elbert' John Twiggs, Wm. Few, Lachlan Mcintosh and others, and in the forum by Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett, George Walton, Archibald Bulloch, Abraham Bald- win and many more. In the war of 1812 her sons, under General John Floyd, won distinction in the campaigns under Andrew Jackson against the Indian allies of the British. In the Mexican war she was nobly illustrated by Col. Wm. H. T. Walker, sorely wounded at Chapultepec and Colonel James Mcintosh, killed at Molino del Rey. In the war between the States, Georgia furnished to the Confederate cause nine- ty-four regiments and thirty-six battalions, embracing eVery arm of the service. ]\Iany of the most brilliant officers of the Southern army were from Georgia, among them being John B. Gordon, Joseph Wheeler and James Longstreet. On her soil were fought the battles of Chickamauga, Ringgold, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Allatoona and numerous smaller en- gagements and skirmishes. During the Spanish-American war Georgia furnished more volunteers in propor- tion to population than any other State. Thus at every period of American history' Georgia has taken a conspicuous stand. Her Crawfords, Berrien, Stephens, Toombs, Cobbs, Benjamin H. Hill and Henry Grady were among the greatest orators of America and no grander pulpit orator than George F. Pierce can be named in the roll of America's great preachers. Sidney Lanier also ranks high among American poets. Great on these lines, Georgia is also one of the most progressive among our States. In the later thirties on account of her rapid growth in manufactures and her wisdom and zeal in railroad construction, Georgia received the proud title "Empire State of the South." It has been said that the South was retarded to such an extent by slavery and so much damaged by the war that she is far behind the rest of the Union in the race ]6 Georgia's Resource:-; and Advantages. of progress. This statement has been repeated agahi and again until the whole world including our own people accept it as the truth. Growth in population is one of the evidences of progress, and in this Georgia com- pares favorably with any of the "Old Thirteen." The United States census of 190O ly authority for the following statements : The population of Massachusetts is ver}'- nearly seven and a half times as large as it was at its first census in 1790; That of Pennsylvania more than fourteen times as large ; That of New York more than twenty-one times as large ; That of Georgia nearly twenty-seven times as large (the exact figures being 26.8 times as large). We think that will do pretty well. From the above named eastern and middle States there has been a large emigra- tion to the AA'est and from Georgia there has also been a very large emigration to all the States of the Southwest. Here the record is about evenly balanced. In 1860 the per capita wealth of these same States was as follows : Massachusetts, $662; Pennsylvania, $487; New York, $475; Georgia, $611. As a result of the civil war the per capita wealth of these States was far ahead of that of Georo'ia. In 1870 the comparative per capita -wealth was as follows: Massa- chusetts, $1,463; Pennsylvania, $1,081; New York, $1,483; Georgia, $226. In 1890 the record stood thus : Massachusetts, $1,252, a loss of seven and a half per cent, in per capita vv'ealth from 1870 to 1890; Pennsylvania, $1,177, a gain of eight and four-fifths per cent. ; New York, $1,430, a loss of three per cent. ; Georgia, $464, a gain of 105 per cent. We think this record speaks well for the enterprise and progressive spirit of Georgia. A State that had suffered such shrinkage in values by the disastrous results of war and was able so soon to get upon her feet and vie with her more fortunate sisters in the race of progress, must be inhabited by an enterprising, dauntless and intelli- gent people, whom no disasters can appall and no adversities subdue. But say some: "The South is far behind the North in the matter of conve- niences." This, too, is a mistake. Name the convenience known to the North that we do not have in our cities, and large towns: steam-heated houses, lit by gas, or elec- tricity or both, and supplied with water. Wherever one may travel, in cities or mid rural scenes, he will find comfortable homes and frequently elegant dwellings, sup- plied with all modern conveniences. And we are abundantly supplied with telegraph and telephone lines, both short and long distance. The growth of the cities and towns of Georgia in every section of the State is evidence of prosperous farmers; for a strong agricultural community is back of every thriving, growing town. Electric railways give rapid transit to all parts of our cities and afford speedy and comfortable communication with near-by townis and villages or pleasure resorts. Magnificent lines of railway traverse every section of the State, giving to its farm- ers easy access to markets ; to the enterprising merchants of her cities and towns readv communication with the magnificent farms, market gardens and immense orchards that abotmd in north, middle and south Georgia; bringing to her manufacturers the fleecy cotton of her fields, the coal and iron of her mines and the timbers from her forests. • "In addition to railroad advantages many Georgia towns enjoy fine water trans- portation and thus obtain cheaper freight rates. The Savannah river is navigable for steamboats to Augusta, 230 miles from its mouth. Steamboats ply the Chattahoochee ■from Columbus to the Apalachicola' and thence to the Gulf of Mexico; to which also steamboats descend from Albany by the Flint and .Vpalachicola rivers. From the At- Georgia's Resource-^ and Aia'aniaces. 1" lantic steamboats also ascend the Altamaha and its branch, the Ocmulgec, to H'aw- kinsville, or its other branch the Oconee almost to the city of JMilledgeviUe. The St. Mary's river is navigable for the largest vessels from its mouth up to and beyond the town of that name. The Satilla and Ogecchee are each navigable for some distance from their mouths. The inlets and sounds flowing between the mainland and the lovely islands that skirt the Georgia coast from the Savannah to the Saint Mary's riv- ers are navigable for large steamboats. Through St. Simon's sound the largest ocean vessels pass up the Turtle river, a short but deep stream, to the city of Brunswick, the second in importance of the sea- ports of Georgia, as Savannah is the first, to whose wharves great ocean vessels ascend by the river of that name. In Northwest Georgia the city of Rouie enjoys a tine river trade through the Oos- tanaula and the Coosa. Into its lap steamboats pour the productions of the Coosa valley, such as lumber, iron, grain and cotton, and the staple products of the Oosta- naula valley. Every section of Georgia is drained by rivers of considerable size with their trib- utary creeks and branches and is consequently a splendid agricultural country. The Drainage System of Georgia comprises nine basins: the Tennessee basin, drained by tributaries of the Tennessee river; the Mobile basin, drained by the Talla- poosa and Coosa rivers and their tributaries into the Gulf of Mexico; the Apalachi- cola basin, drained by the Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalachicola rivers into the Gulf of Mexico; the Altamaha basin, drained by the Oconee, Ocmulgee and Altamaha riv- ers into the Atlantic ocean; the Ogeechce basin, drained by the river of that name through Ossabaw sound into the Atlantic ocean ; the Savannah basin, drained by the Savannah river and its tributaries into the .-Vtlantic ocean; the Ochlockonee basin, ilrained by the river of that name through Ochlockonee bay into the Gulf of 'Mexico; the Savannah basin, drained by the Allapaha and Withlacoochee rivers and their tri- butaries into the Suwannee river and Gulf of Mexico; the Satilla and St. Mary's basin, drained by the Satilla river through St. Andrew's sound and by the St. Mary's through Cumberland sound into the Atlantic ocean. Between these two rivers lies the noted Okefinokee swamp. Extent and Topography of Georgia. — Georgia, embracing .ji),47.5 square miles, lies between the parallels of 30' 21' and 3S)" and 3.5' North latitude, embracing 4° 38' 21". This fact would itself insure variety of climate and jjroduclions. This variety is in- creased by the topography of the country ; the northern section containing moun- tains of from 3000 to 5000 feet above sea level and having an average elevation of more than 1000 feet, while Middle Georgia ranges from 180 to 500 and in a few instances to 1000 feet above sea-level, and Southern Georgia has an average elevation from 100 to 500 feet. Some of the peaks of the Blue Ridge chain of mountains rise to an elevation of 5000 feet. Some of the most noted peaks are: Sitting Bull (middle summit of Nanta- hela), in Towns county, 5,046 feet above sea level; Mona (east summit of Nantahela), 5,039 feet; Enota, also in Towns county, 4,~S)7 feet; Rabun Bald in Rabun county, 4,718 feet ; Blood, in Union county, 4,468 feet ; Tray, in Habersham county, 4,403 feet ; Cohutta, in Fannin county, 4,155 feet; Dome, in Towns county, 4,043 feet; Grassy, in Pickens county, 3,290 feet; Tallulah, in Habersham county, 3,173 feet; Yona, in White county,' 3,167 feet. Twenty miles to the west of the Blue Ridge lies the Cohutta range with an aver- age altitude of 3,000 feet above sea level. To the northwes.t of this range are Lookout and Sand Mountain ranges, spurs of the Alleghanies which, like the Blue Ridge, be- long to the great Appalachian mountain sj'^stem. The highest spur of Lookout Moun- tain range, High Point, has an elevation of 2,408 feet, while Pigeon Mountain, the ■8 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. northeastern spur of the same range, has at its loftiest point an altitude of 2,331 feet and still another spur, known as Round Mountain, rises to 2,200 feet above the level of the sea. Taylor's Ridge with its prolongation, called the White Oak Mountains, varies in elevation from 1,300 to 1,500 feet, while a little farther south Rocky Face Ridge, rising to a height of from 1,500 to 1,700 feet above sea level, forms the eastern watershed of Chickamauga river, which flows through the valley at an elevation of 900 feet above the sea. Going southward one comes to Pine, Lost and Kennesaw moun- tains, the last of which with its double peak is 1,809 feet above sea level. In a rolling country of hills and level stretches about 14 miles east of the city of Atlanta, a vast pile of granite, called Stone Mountain, has an elevation of 1,686 feet above the sea and about 700 or 800 feet above the surrounding country. There are a few other ele- vations in Middle Georgia, which, rising to a considerable height above the level country, are called mountains, as Pine and Oak mountains, on the eastern boundary of Harris county, and Graves mountain in Lincoln county. Sections of Southwest Georgia have hills which rise to an altitude of 500 feet above the level of the sea. About 3,000 square miles of the region along the Atlantic coast have an elevation of 100 feet. Of nine climate belts found in the United States eight are represented in Georgia, the lowest having a mean annual temperature of less than 40 degrees, the highest, of between 70 and 80 degrees. Of course the lowest in mean annual temperature is found on the highest of the mountain peaks. Below the summit of these loftiest mountains along their sides the mean annual temperature is betwen 40 and 45 degrees and corresponds with upper New England and New York and the mountain region of the two Virginias. A still larger climate zone of between 45 and 50 degrees of mean annual temperature corresponds with portions of New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. A narrow strip having between 50 and 55 degrees of mean annual temperature runs northward through North Carolina and Virginia up to New Jersey, while another zone of between 55 and 60 degrees and about three times as large as all the preceding together, passing through both Carolinas ends in Virginia. Nearly all Middle Georgia is in a climate zone of between 60 and 60 degrees, which corresponds with that of upper Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, West Tennessee and Arkansas and part of Virginia. Southern Georgia has a climate ranging betwen 65 and 70 degrees and corre- sponding with that of Southern Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and upper Florida. The mean annual tempeiatures at some of the important stations in North and Middle Georgia are as follows: At Rome, 61.9 degrees; Gainesville, 61.3; Atlanta, 61.4; Carrollton, 62; Athens, 63; Augusta, 64; LaGrange, 64.1; Thomson, 64.7. For lower Middle and Southern Georgia, these temperatures are at Macon, 66.1 degrees; at Cuthbert, 68.1; at Americus, 68.2; at Brunswick, 68.1. The only station touching the zone between 70 and 75 degrees of mean annual temperature is Blackshear with 70.8 degrees. The isothermal line of 80 degrees July temperature runs above Augusta and Ma - con to West Point. In the greater portion of Middle Georgia above this line and in North Georgia the July temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees. Below this same isothermal line throughout the greater part of East, Southeast and Southwest Georgia the July temp'^rature is between 80 and 85 degrees. For the whole State the mean July temperature is 81.8 degrees. Snow seldom falls in Southern Georg'-a, and there rarely to a depth of more than two inches. The fall and depth of snow increase slightly in Middle Georgia. In the mountain region the frequency and depth of snow storms show considerable increase. Atlanta, the capital and largest city, near the border of Middle and Northwest Georgia, situated on a ridge with an average elevation of 1,050 feet above sea level Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 19 has a mean annual temperature corresponding to that of Washington, St. Louis and Louisville, the winters being warmer and the summers cooler. The annual average rainfall of Georgia is 49.3 inches. The highest is at Rabun Gap, 71.7 inches and the lowest at Swainsboro, 39.4 inches. At Atlanta it is 52.] 3 inches. F"or Middle Georgia the average annual rainfall is 49.7 inches ; for East Geor- gia, 41.4 inches, and for Northwest Georgia GO. 3 inches. The average of the summer rainfall is: for North Georgia, 13.6 inches; for Southwest Georgia, 14.5 inches and for the entire State, 13.4 inches. At different lo- calities representing every section of the State, the summer rainfall averages : in Rome, 10.8 inches; Atlanta, 10.8 inches; Rabun Gap, 15.4 inches; Americus, 16 inches; Brunswick, 16. G inches. Agriculture. — With its great variety of climate, owing to its nearly four and a half degrees of latitude and the varying altitudes of its different sections, Georgia can raise the greatest variety of products of any State in the Union. The crops and fruits of every section of our country are found within its borders. On the extreme southern section of its mainland and on its sea-islands are grown also many of the fruits of the tropics, such as oranges, lemons, bananas, etc. In ev- ery section of Georgia are found pomegranates and figs. hi Northwest Georgia there is great variety of surface and soil. There is abund- ance of land, either rolling or entirely level, well adapted to the growing of corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, cow-peas, vegetables, clover, timothy, orchard grass, Bermuda, Johnson, red-top and many other grasses useful for hay and pastur- age. Fine cotton is produced also as far north as Floyd county, above which very lit- tle of this crop is raised. There is also in this section a great variety of the finest fruits, such as peaches, apples, pears, cherries, and all kinds of berries and grapes. Some of the most noted vaiTeya are Cedar, Texas, Broomtown and Vann's. In Northeast Georgia, the most mountainous and most thinly inhabited sec- tion, but little over 12 per- cent, of the land is under cultivation. Much of the till- able land, however, has a very rich, dark red soil. Little Tennessee valley in Rabun county and Nacoochee valley in White county are noted for fertility and bear all kinds of crops, grasses and fruits. Of the area known as Middle Georgia 75 per cent, is under cultivation. The cen- tral cotton region of the State includes the southern part of Middle and large areas of Southern Georgia. The region embraces the sand and pine hills belt, covering about 3000 square miles, and the red hills belt and 3'ellow loam region, these two in- cluding together about G,650 square miles. Throughout this area, except in the sand hills belt are raised large crops of corn andcotton. Along the- coast lands embracing an area of about 2,045 square miles rice is exten- sively cultivated and the Georgia sea-islands produce most of the finest cotton known to commerce. All over Middle and Southern Georgia grows the sugar-cane, which is richer in saccharine matter than any other known plant from which sugar is extracted. The average yield of sugar cane to the acre, about 200 gallons of syrup, is far be- low that obtained by the best cultivation. Many farmers in Georgia have obtained by employing the best methods from 500 to 700 gallons to the acre. The United States census of 1900 reports the crop of 1899, which was one of the poorest seasons that Georgia has known in a long time for all kinds of crops and horticultural products. By that census the total value of Georgia's agricultural prod- ucts was $86,345,343. Of this amount, $42,5;U,235 represented the value of the cotton crop and $17,158,868 that of the corn crop. The sugar-cane brought $1,690,000; Irish potatoes, $326,856; sweet potatoes, $2,354,390 and miscellaneous vegetables $3,009,306. The peach crop for the census year (1899) was almost entirely wiped out by late frosts. The normal value of Georgia's corn has for several vears been in the neigh- 20 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. borhood of $19,000,000 and the United States Department of Agriculture in 19021 re- ported Georgia's cotton crop to be above $69,000,000 in value, the sum of these two crops alone showing a greater value than all the agricultural products of the State combined in the census year. Georgia has in her commercial orchards more than 16,000,000 peachtrees, of which over half are now in bearing. In an ordinarily good fruit year the peach crop of Georgia is worth at least $4,000,000 and in some years will go far ahead of those fig- ures. The agricultural and horticultural products of Georgia combined will in a good season considerably exceed in value $100,000,000. Georgia outranks all the States in the quality and value of her watermelons. So large is their shipment and sale that they rank as one of the great money crops of the State. As many as 316,000 water- melons have been sold in Augusta or shipped from that city in a single season. In Georgia more than 100,000 acres are devoted to their culture and the number of cars needed in their transportation is in excess of 10,000 a year. One of the finest and richest of nuts, the common black walnut grows abundantly in Georgia. English walnuts and pecans also do well in every section of Georgia. There is a large pecan grove near West Point, one in Jasper county, near Monticello, several groves in Mitchell county, one of which covers 100 acres; a grove of 1,000 trees in Dougherty county, several groves in Berrien county, near Tif ton ; also groves in Hancock and Spalding counties, a large grove near Rome, trees which bear abund- antly in Richmond county and in the city of Augusta. Peanuts or ground-peas (also called goobers) are raised in abundance all over Georgia. The spreading branches of the white peanut lie flat upon the ground, while those of the red peanut and Spanish peanut have an upright growth. The Spanish peanuts mature earlier than the others and are the surest crop of the three. The pea- nuts growing in Georgia's most southern section are valuable for making peanut oil. The harvesting must take place before frost. The yield of nuts is from 30 to 50 bush- els and some times 100 bushels to the acre. Well cured peanut hay makes fine stock feed, especially for ewes in lambing season. The chufa, a species of ground or grass nut, has a pleasant taste and is highly esteemed by some farmers as a fattening food for hogs. Cassava (the variety known as sweet cassava) though a new crop to Georgia, has done splendidly, wherever it has had a fair trial, through the whole Southern section of the State. From its roots are made the best of starch and from them also can be pre- pared tapioca and other excellent dishes for the table. As stock feed they are first class. The most important value of cassava is its ability to produce the best starch known to commerce. On one acre of South Georgia land with proper cultivation it v/ill yield 4000 pounds of starch, while the best corn or potato lands of Illinois or Michigan can produce only 1,200 pounds of starch from these vegetables. Stock Raising is very profitable to those engaged m it. In North Georgia the slopes of the mountains and hills are well suited to the grazi:ng of stock and the long level stretches of the wiregrass or South Georgia section are especially suited to this purpose. In Southern Georgia cattle and sheep need very little shelter and for only a few weeks of the winter. There are in every section of Georgia model dairy herds of high grade cattle and many farmers are paying attention to the raising of the best types of beef-cattle. Horses, mules, swine and poultry are plentiful for all purposes. In 1900 the total value of all live stock on farms, including poultry, was $35,200,507 and the total value of all domestic animals not on farms was estimated at $2,281,059, making in all $37,481,566. The number of specified domestic animals on farms in 1900 was: Dairy cows, 276,024; other neat cattle, 623,467; horses, 127,407; mules and asses, 267,840; sheep (lambs not included), 258,891; swine, 1,424,298. Of poultry there were 4,549,144 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 21 chickens, 103,416 turkeys, 208,997 geese and 64,895 clucks. The total value of all the poultry was $1,458,055. There were 187,919 swarms of bees valued at $243,769. The Forest Timbers of Georgia are many and valuable. Those of Northwest Georgia embrace six varieties of oak (red, white mountain or chestnut, black, water and post oak), two varieties of pine (short-leaf and long-leaf, the latter differing from the long-leaf of Southern Georgia), poplar, ash, beech, elm, chestnut, hickory, maple, (including the sugar maple), walnut, iron-wood, sugar-berrjr, sycamore, sweet-gum, black-gum, dogwood, persimmon, sassafras, wild cherry, red-bud, warhoo and cedar. Many of these are found in large quantities and are useful for the manufacture of fur- niture and hardwood finish for dwellings. The oaks and pines are much used in the construction of buildings, the manufacture of furniture, farming utensils, wagons, etc. Large quantities of the oak and pme are annually shipped. In the forests of Northeast and Middle Georgia are found in the red lands, Span- ish, white and post oaks, hickory, chestnut, dogwood, persimmon, sassafras and in the lowlands of some of the counties short-leaf pine, poplar, ash, walnut, cherry and buck- eye. There is more hickory and less pine than on gray, sandy land. With these black-jack is freely interspersed. Throughout the sand and pine-hills belt of Middle and South Georgia the prevail- ing timbers are pines, both long and short-leaf. There are al.«o found some scrub black-jack, oak, sweet-gums and dogwood and along the streams are undergrowth of bay and gall-berry bushes. Among the red hills throughout the section lying between the Savannah and Flint rivers, the timbers are oak, hickory, short leaf pine and dogwood, with beech, maple and poplar on the lowlands. Throughout the Yellow-loam region are oak, hickory and long-leaf pines. What is known as the long-leaf pine region embraces 17,000 square miles. The forests of this section are a great source of wealth to the State. The timber lands are being put under cultivation, as fast as they are cleared. The pine and palmetto flats around Okefinokee swamp furnish large quantities of long-leaf pine, cypress and saw palmetto, which are found also along the creek bottom and hummock lands, together with black-gum, tupelo gum, titi and maple. ' Throughout the coast region are found also magnificent live-oaks, red and water oaks, red cedar, hickory, chincapin, sassafras, cabbage and blue palmetto. Geology and Mining. — Georgia is divided into three main geological areas. The Palaeozoic division in which are represented Cambrian, Silurian, Devonian and Carbo- niferous formations is found in the Northwest section of Georgia and embraces the counties of Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, Chattooga, Floyd and the larger por- tions of Murray, Gordon, Bartow and Polk. Shales, sandstones, limestone, quartzites and cherts are abundant. Valuable deposits of coal, iron, manganese, roofing slate and aluminum (or bauxite) are found in this region of parallel mountain ridges and valleys. The Crystalline area includes a much larger portion of the State, embracing all those parts not in the Palaeozoic area that run north of a line drawn from north- east to southwest, through Augusta, Milledgeville, Macon and Columbus. Here are found granites, gneisses and schists, while on the border of the Palaeozoic and Crys- talline areas are found the marbles for which Georgia has become famous in every sec- tion of the Union. The marble belt traverses Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, and Cherokee counties, and the most important quarries are found in Pickens county. Many localities in the Crystalline are rich in granite and gneiss, and in sev- eral portions of this same area corundum is found in considerable quantities. Before the discovery of gold in California the gold mines of Georgia were highly esteemed. For a time the excitement over the rich mines of California caused a great decrease in mining operations in Georgia. But in recent years there has been a great awakening in the gold region of the State. The gold deposits are found in four Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 23 belts, of which, the first runs through Rabun, Habersham, White, Lumpkin, Dawson, l-'orsyth, Cherokee, Cobb, Bartow, Paulding and Haralson counties. The second belt traverses Rabun, Habersham, Hall, Gwinnett, Forsyth, IViilton, DeKalb and Fulton counties. A third gold belt passes across Cobb, Paulding and Carroll counties. There is a fourth gold belt which passes through Lincoln, Columbia, McDufifie and Warren counties in the southeast part of the Crystalline area. In the counties of Towns, Un- ion, Gilmer, Fannin and Meriwether are scattering deposits of gold. The coal fields of Georgia are mostly in Dade and Walker counties. • The iron ores are in the Palaeozoic area, the brov/n ores being found in Bartow, Polk and Floyd counties, and the red ores being mined in Walker and Chattooga counties. There are large deposits of bauxite (or aluminum) in Georgia. The most exten- sive are in Floyd and Bartow counties, but this mineral is also found in Polk, Walker and Chattooga counties. Deposits of Corundum occur in Rabun, Towns, Union, Habersham, Carroll and Heard counties. Near the Carolina line in Rabun county on Laurel creek is the larg- est corundum mine in Georgia and one of the most noted in the United States. Of other minerals pyrite is found in Lumpkin county, copper in Murray and Fan- nin counties ; talc in Murray, Fannin and Cherokee ; mica in Union and Fannin, and barite in Bartow. Near the town of Emerson, in Bartow county, graphite abounds. Several precious stones are found in Georgia: amethysts in Rabun county; a few diamonds in Hall ; some good moonstones in Upson county, and in the northeast part of the Crystalline area have been found rubies and sapphires of small size. Limestone for calcimining is found not only in the Palaeozoic and Crystalline areas in Northwest and Northeast Georgia, but also in localities in the coastal plain region which includes all the Southern part of Georgia. In this coastal plain region marls and phosphate abound. Limestone for building purposes is found in beds throughout the counties em- braced in the Palaeozoic area and in Hall and Habersham counties of the Crystalline area. Through all that part of Georgia north of what is called the fall line which runs from Augusta through Macon to Columbus are found clays suitable for the man- ufacture of common brick and the coarser grades of earthenware. Immediately below this fall line there is a narrow belt running across the State in which are found clays suitable for the manufacture of porcelain, enameled brick, china ware, terra cotta, sewer pipes, etc. The> annual output of all the minerals of Georgia is about $5,000,000. Mineral Springs are found in Georgia in the Palaeozoic and Crystalline areas. Among tliose of medicinal value are chalybeate, sulphurous and lithia waters. Ac- cording to the report of the United States Geological Survey, the output of the min- eral waters of Georgia in 1898 was 197,100 gallons, valued at $39,230. Artesian Wells are confined to the coastal plain region. Almost all this portion of the State is underlaid by pervious beds, which, when pierced by the drill, furnish large quantities of pure, wholesome water. Not all these water-bearing beds furnish flowing wells. But those non-flowing wells furnish large quantities of pure water, which can be brought to the surface by pumps. The average depths of the wells already bored is about 450 feet. The various strata penetrated consist of soft limestones, clays and sands. Thus the wells can be had for very little outlay of money. The sanitary advantages that have resulted to many towns and localities all over the South Georgia coastal plain through the pure wholesome drinking water of the ar- tesian wells, are seen in the fact that sections once dreaded as malarial and sicklv arc Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 25 now considered among the most salubrious in the State and are increasing more rap- idly in population than even the hill country of North Georgia. Water Powers. — The streams of Georgia furnish water powers in numerous lo- calities in varying amounts from the little cascade that runs a small neighborhood mill, to the great shoals and falls that furnish from 20,(JOU to 30,000 horse powers, and run mighty flouring mills and cotton factories. With the exception of a few notable cases, the largest water powers of Georgia occur at or just above what is known as the Southern Fall Line, running from Au- gusta on the northeast down through Macon in Central Georgia to Columbus on the southwest, where the streams pass from the hard rocks of the Crystalline area to the softer formations of the coastal plain; and on the western Fall Line, formed by the contact of the Palaeozoic and Crystalline areas in the northwest, passing through Polk, Bartow, Gordon and Murray counties. Along these, fall lines are located the larger water powers. But numerous other powers are to be found at various points on different streams throughout the State. Manufactures. — As we have already said, it was on account of her manufacturing enterprises and the energy displayed by her in the construction of railroads that Geor- gia in, the later thirties received the title still worthily worn, "Empire State of the South." Georgia still stands with the foremost of the Southern States in the variety and value of its manufactures and the number of its manufacturing establishments. According to the census of 1900 the total value of Georgia's manufactures was $89,- 789,650. There have been since that time great strides forward in every kind of man- ufacture. In 1901 the LTnited States Department of Agriculture reported an increase from 68 cotton mills with SITjS-I.d spindles, and 19,398 looms in 1899 (the year for which the census of 1900 reported), to 86 mills with 969,364 spindles in operation in 1900 stated that 28 more mills were completed during 1900, with 13 more in process of construction. This report agrees very closely with one prepared in the summer of 1901 by the Georgia Department of Agriculture, which contained the names of 111 mills in oper- ation with 1,192,486 spindles and 26,645 looms. In bleached cotton goods Georgia stands fourth in the Union with 24,265,583 square yards. The cotton gins which in 1900 numbered 4.729, running for four months, have increased to more than 5,000. It was while Eli Whitney was living in Georgia that he invented the cotton gin. The cotton oil mills in operation in 1901 numbered 58 and paid above $5,000,000 for cotton seed, whose finished products were valued at $14,000,000. At the present time there are 104 cotton oil mills and the increase of their business has been corre- spondingly great. The fertilizer factories registered with the Commissioner of Agriculture for the season of 1903 and 1904 number 145. Many of these do- a very heavy business all over the Southern States. Georgia stands ahead of all the States in the manufacture of turpentine and resin and in 19DO exported 14,623,328 gallons of spirits of turpentine and 1,408,928 barrels of turpentine, rosin and pitch.. There were reported in 1900, 1,254 establishments with a capital of $11,802,716 engaged in the lumber industry. Other ManufactiTes are printing establishments, flour and grist mills, woolen mills, furniture factories, ornamental iron works, foundries, blast furnaces, carriage factories, car shops,, black-smithing and wheelwrighting, manufactories of brick, tile and pottery, manufactories of paints, chemicals, ice, electric-light plants, carpenter work, canning factories, creameries and numerous others. Among the most import- ant manufactories of the State are the marble and stone works, turning out the build- ing and paving stones and splendid marbles for which Georgia is so famous through- out the Union. 20 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. When the colony of Georgia was founded by Oglethorpe, it was intended to be a silk producing country. Efforts are being made to revive this industry. In 1902 a silk-growers association was formed in Atlanta consisting of members from many districts in the State. A plan is now on foot to construct a silk mill with a very large capital at Tallulah Falls. Railroads. — Georgia has a magnificent system of railroads whose total mileage in the State is 6,035.32, and is being increased each year. The great trunk lines are the Central of Georgia with 1,302.23 miles; Southern with 919.90 miles ; Seaboard Air Line with 649.49 miles; Atlantic Coast Line with 667.70 miles, and the Georgia Railroad with 303.50 miles. The combined mileage of the other railroads of Georgia is 2,194.50. Electric lines traverse not only all the large cities, but many of the smaller cities and towns, connecting them with their suburbs and in many instances with neighboring towns. The grand trunk lines are very energetic in advertising the advantages of the sections through which they pass, the Southern and Central being especially noted for the good work which they are doing for Georgia. Good Roads. — The number of good country rOads is rapidly increasing all over the State. Among the best are the roads running out from Atlanta to College Park, Peachtree Creek, the water works and Decatur. Many miles of well-graded macad- amized roads are found in the counties of Fulton, Floyd, Bartow, Bibb, Richmond, Jefferson, Emanuel, Spalding, Meriwether and Chatham. The shellroad from Savan- nah to Bonaventure and Thunderbolt, also the road from that city to Beaulicu and Isle of Hope were noted before the Civil War. Some of the macadamized roads lead- ing out from Rome in Floyd county are built of hard limestone and marble. The coun- try roads which radiate from Augusta and Macon, forming the favorite drives of the citizens, are among the best. The same may be said of the shellroads of Glynn countj centering in the city of Brunswick, and of the well-graded drives through the fragrant pines that go out from Thomasville into the surrounding country. Mail Facilities. — Not only do the citic-s and towns of Georgia have the best of mail facilities, but through the bounty of '"LTncle Sam," the farmers in every section have the rural free delivery which furnishes them letters and daily papers on the date of publication. Banks. — There are in Georgia 39 national banks with a capital stock of $5,046,000, deposits of $20,000,000 and reserve of about $9,000,000. There are 243 other banks with $10,100,000 capital and over $30,000,000 deposits. Assessed Valuation. — In 1903 according to the report of the comptroller-general, the assessed valuation of property in Georgia was $467,310,646; in 1900 it was $489,- 000,000. The bonded debt was $7,531,500 net and the tax rate was $5.30 per $1,000. Education. — Georgia is well provided with schools, both public and private. The public school system is an excellent one and is constantly being improved. It embraces 7,700 schools, of which 4,919 are for white children and 2,781 lor col- ored. Of a total of 9,180 teachers, 5,997 are white and 3,183 colored. Of who have enjoyed a normal school training there are 1,791 white and 447 colored, 2,238 in all. The number of pupils enrolled in 1902 was 258,984 white and 316,359 colored, being a total of 439,645. The average daily attendance was 159,562 white and 105,826 colored, a total of 265,388. One of the leading higher institutions of learning in the State is the Uni- versity of Georgia, of which the principal buildings are at Athens. This has numerous branches as follows : North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahlonega ; Georgia School of Technology, at Atlanta ; Georgia Normal and Industrial College for Ladies, at Milledgeville ; Georgia State Normal College for both sexes, at Athens ; Georgia State Industrial College for Colored Youths, near Savannah. Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 27 Several other noted schouis are affiliated with the L'niversity of Georgia, but do not receive State funds. These are: South Georgia Military and Agricultural Col- lege at Thomasville; Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural College, at Hamilton. The Augusta Medical College is one of the departments of the State University. In Atlanta are two medical colleges, and one dental college. Two of the most noted colleges of the South are in Georgia: Emory College at Oxford, the property of the North and South G'eorgia and Florida Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church (South) and. Mercer University, the property of the Baptists of Georgia. The first college in the worid chartered for the purpose of bestowing literary de- grees upon ladies is Wesleyan Female College at Macon, the property of the Method- ists of Georgia and Florida. Shorter College, a Baptist institution, at Rome, was built and endowed by Alfred Shorter, of Rome, and Agnes Scott Institute at Decatur was built by Colonel George W. Scott, liberally endowed and turned over to the Presbyterian Synod of Georgia. Lucy Cobb Institute at Athens was founded mostly through the efiforts of General Thomas R. R. Cobb, one of Georgia's greatest orators and most gallant soldiers. Other excellent colleges are: Southern Female College, College Park, near Atlanta: Southern Female College at LaGrange; LaGrange Fe- male College at LaGrange ; Andrew Female at Cuthbert ; Monroe Female College, at Forsyth; St. Stanislaus College for Roman Catholic piiests, near Macon; Young L. Harris Institute at the town of Young Harris; Brenau Female College, at Gainesville; Piedmont Institute, Rockmart ; South Georgia College at McRae. With the exception of the State Industrial College for Colored Youths at College near Savannah, all the above named institutions are for whites exclusively. For the colored people there are the following institutions : Atlanta University, Clark University, Spellman Seminary, Morris Brown College and Gammon Univer- sity, all at Atlanta; Payne Institute, at Augusta, under the auspices of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, South. In the private schools and colleges of Georgia, are 10,- 097 whites and 4,877 colored pupils, being a total of 14,974. Religion. — The leading Christian denominations are well represented in Georgia, the Baptists and Methodists being the most powerful in numbers, wealth and influ- ence. The Baptists have a total active membership of 368,000. The church buildings number 3.586. Intheir Sunday-schools are 76,052 pupils. The Methodists have 272,- 000 members, 3,205 churches, and 117,828 Sunday-school pupils. "The Presbyterians have 18,000 church members, 237 church buildings and 12,600 Sunday-school pupils. The Congregationalists have 4,714 members, 65 church buildings and 4,284 Sunday- school pupils. There are 7,976 E/piscopalians with 137 church buildings and 4,400 Sunday-school pupils. The Disciples of Christ have 9,805 members, 110 church build- ings and 3,147 Sundav-school pupils. The Roman Catholics have 20,000 church members, 40 church buildings and 2,500 pupils. The Hebrews in Georgia number about 6,200. Charitable Institutions. — Georgia has many benevolent institutions, some of the most prominent of which are: The Orphan Hbuse at Bethesda, near Savannah, founded in 1739 by Rev. George Whitefield in whose honor one of the counties of Georgia was named; the State Lunatic Asylum at Milledgeville ; Georgia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Cave Spring: Academy for the Blind at Macon; Female Asy- lum at Savannah; Augusta Orphan Asylum at Ar.gnsta ; Orphan Home of the North Georgia Conference of the M. E. Church, South, at Decatur, about eight miles from the city of Atlanta: Orphan Home of the South Georgia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Macon ; Mumford Institute Home for Boys and Girls, near Macon; Appleton Orphan Home (Episcopal), at Macon; Baptist Orphans' Home, Hapeville. near Atlanta, and the Abram's Home for widows (a Hebrew insti- tution), in Savannah. 28 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. State Government. — The present constitution of the State of Georgia, which was adopted in 1877, guards carefully the rights of the people and prevents extravagant appropriations by the Legislature. The governor is elected for two years and can be re-elected for a second term ; after that he retires. His salary is $5000 per annum. The State House officers are as follows : Attorney-General, Comptroller-General, Adju- tant-General, Treasurer, Secretary of State, State School Commissioner, Commission- er of Agriculture, State Geologist, State Librarian, Commissioner of Pensions, three Prison Commissioners and three Railroad Commissioners.. The Supreme Court consists of one Chief Justice and five Associate Justices. There are 2i- Superior Court Circuits, each having a judge and solicitor. Georgia is represented in the National Congress by two Senators and eleven Representatives. Thus the State has 13 votes in the electoral college. Political Divisions and Population. — Georgia has 137 counties enjoying such priv- ileges of self-government, that one of the United States government publications speaks of them as 137 little commonwealths. As has been said already, the population of Georgia has shown a steady increase from the first census in 1790 to the last in 1900. We give here the population of Georgia at each Federal census : 83,548 in 1790. 900,185 in 1850. 162,686 in 1800. 1,057,386 in 1800. 353,433 in 1810. 1,184,109 in 1870. 340,985 in 1820. 1,543,180 in 1880. 576,823 in 1830. 1,837,353 in i8go. 691,392 in 1840. 2,216,331 in 1900. The total white population in 1900 was 1,181,109 and the total negro population was 1,034,998. There were besides 204 Chinese, 1 Jap and 19 Indians. The foreign born population numbered 7,603 males and 4,800 females, a total of 13,403. There are 373 incorporated places in Georgia, of which 40 had a population in 1900 of more than 2,000. Of these 13 had a population in excess of 5,000. Atlanta, the capital, had 89,872 and with its usual ratio of growth, has now more than 100,000. Savannah, the chief seaport, had 54,244, but at this time has more than 60,000. Au- gusta, the greatest cotton manufacturing city of the South, had 39,441, but now has 45,000. Macon, which had 33,372, has now at least 30,000. Columbus, the second great cotton manufacturing city of the South, had 17,614 and is now estimated to con- tain 30,000 inhabitants. The other cities of Georgia, which in 1900 had a population in excess of 5,000, are: Athens, 10,345; Brunswick, 9,081; Americus, 7,674; Rome, 7,- 291; and including suburbs, 14,000; Griffin, 6,857; Waycross, 5,919; Valdosta, 5,613; Thomasville, 5,322. Some other important and rapidly growing towns of Georgia are here given with their population in 1900: Cartersville, 3,135; Cedartown, 3,833; Dalton, 4,315; Gaines- ville, 4,383; Toccoa, 2,176; Marietta, 4,446; Elberton, 3,834; Covington, 3,063; Mi!- ledgeville, 4,319 (the former capital of the State); Washington, 3,300; Barnesville, 3,036; Tallapoosa, 3,138; Newnan, 3,654; LaGrange, 4,374; Waynesboro, 2,030; San- dersville, 2,033; Dublin, 3,987; Hawkinsville, 3,103 ; Fort Valley, 3,023; Dawson, 2,936 ; Cuthbert 2,641; Cordele, 3,473 ; Albany, 4,606; Bainbridge, 3,641; Thomasville, 5,322; Moultrie, 3,331; Quitman, 3,281; Madison, 1,992; Eatonton, 1,823. PART II. GEORGIA BY SECTIONS North Georgia. — This section of the State was the home of the Cherokee Indians until 1838, when these original owners of the soil were moved to lands west of the Mississippi river provided for them by the government of the United States. Al- though in Dade and Walker counties are found the coal mines of Georgia, the lands there are also very productive of wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye, hay, clover, Irish po- tatoes, and vegetables common to both the North and South. Lookout Valley in Dade, McLemore's Cove, Peavine, Armuchee and Chickamauga valleys in Walker, cannot be excelled in fertility by any lands of Georgia. The vacant lands, woods and mountain slopes afford splendid range for stock, such as sheep, cattle and swine, all of which are raised throughout this section in considerable numbers. Chickamauga Creek and Chattooga river afford fine water powers, which have been well utilized. Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray, Gordon, Chattooga, Floyd, Bartow, Polk, Paulding, Cobb, Cherokee, Pickens, Gilmer and Fannin should all be included in northwest Georgia. This section is rich in minerals such as coal, iron, ochre, manganese, bauxite (aluminum), and gold, and abounds also in the fin- est marble. The Georgia marble quarried in Pickens, Cherokee, and Gilmer counties, varies from pure white to pink, gray, chocolate brown and dark green, and has been employed in the construction of noted buildings in every part of the Union. No higher tribute to its excellence can be given than the fact that with Vermont so near by, Georgia marble has been employed in the structure of the State capitols of Rhode Island and Maine, St. Luke's Hospital and the New Stock Exchange in New York and the Corcoran Art Gallery in Washington. To the list of buildings which have used Georgia marble in their construction we must add the United States Gov- ernment Building at Boston, Massachusetts, and the State capitol of Minnesota, and in the interior finish the Georgia capitol and the Piedmont Hotel in Atlanta. From Holly Springs in Cherokee county beautiful serpentine has been procured for the dec- oration of buildings, as may be seen, in Chicago and in the Prudential Building of At- lanta. Monoliths of Georgia marble suitable for huge columns can be quarried with ease, near Graysville, in Catoosa county. In Taylor's Ridge and neighboring moun- tains, sandstone has been quarried to a large extent. Yellow ochre, a kind of iron ore used in the manufacture of paint, abounds in Bartow county and much of it has been shipped to England to be used in the manu- facture of linoleum. At Emerson in the same county is a factory for the manufacture of hydraulic cement and near by are quantities of iron ore. Graphite also is mined here. This beautiful section of the State, in addition to its mineral wealth, has some of the finest lands in Georgia. The bottom and valley lands are very fertile, producing the finest of the wheat, rye and oats, splendid crops of corn, every vegetable grown in the North and South and on some of the lands is grown the best of upland cotton, which from its superior quality commands the highest prices in the market. On the hill slopes are orchards of peaches, apples and the various small fruits. Berries of every variety and of the finest quality are raised for home consumption and for the western markets. Manufacture, commerce and agriculture all combine to make a busy, prosperous country. Hence growing cities and towns are found on its lines of railway. Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 31 Rome, in Floyd county, the largest city of Northwest Georgia, has a very pictur- esque situation on hills and in the valley between the Etowah and Oostenaula at the point where they unite to form the Coosa. It is a great railroad center and at the same time has a good steamboat trade on the Oostenaula and Coosa. It has street cars, electric lights, water works, manufactures of iron, cotton, furniture, etc. It has handsome residences and public buildings, a good system of public schools, is the seat of Shorter College for ladies and is well supplied with churches of the different Chris- tian denominations. Population, including suburbs, 14,000 ; in the corporate limits, 7,291 of whom 4,457 are white and 2,834 colored. Floyd is a great agricultural county, yielding bountifully grasses, clover and all the cereals, many of the lands easily yielding 50 bushels of corn and 40 of wheat to the acre, and producing besides the best quality of upland cotton. In fruits and ber- ries, Floyd is unsurpassed. Pecan trees also bear well in Floyd. Cave Spring, in the beautiful and fertile Vann's Valley, has in its limits a large limestone cave in the side of a well-wooded hill, at the foot of which is a spring of clear, mild limestone water. This town is noted as the seat of the Georgia Academy for the Deaf and Dumb, and also contains Hearn Institute, Hearn Female Seminary and the Wesleyan Institute. Here also is a plant for steel and manganese and an electric plant. At Lindale the proprietors of the great cotton factory have erected an elegant school building with library and reading room lighted by electricity for the benefit of the operatives. The lands in and around Rome as a center, range from $io to $75 an acre, according to location and fertility. Marietta, in Cobb county, 1,100 feet above sea level, is the next largest town of this section, having a population of 4,446, of which 2,516 are white and 1,930 colored. Not far from the foot_of the double-peaked Kennesaw Mountain, it has pure water, a fine climate, good schools, is well supplied with churches, is lighted by electricity, has the largest chair factory and largest paper mill in the State, four marble yards, a large plant for finishing marble, a canning factory, a creamery and other industries. In the beautiful national cemetery are buried 10,000 Federal soldiers. At Kennesaw Mountain was fought one of the great battles of the Atlanta campaign of 1864, In the northeastern part of Cobb county the splendid water power of the Chatta- hoochee has built up Roswell, a growing manufacturing town with two large cotton factories and a woolen mill. At the town of Powder Spring are mineral waters highly impregnated with sul- phur and magnesia. Acworth like Marietta, on the Western and Atlantic railroad, is in the midst of a fine agricultural country and has a large flouring mill, a chair factory and variety works for turning out mantels, wheelbarrows, etc. The surrounding country is also rich in minerals. Cobb county has some lands which readily yield 50 bushels of corn and 40 of wheat to the acre, and also makes good yields of cotton of a superior qual- ity. It is noted also for fine commercial peach orchards and raises in profusion all kinds of fruits, berries and vegetables. The large poultry farm near Smyrna is one of the great enterprises of the county. The price of lands in this country vary from $15. to $60. an acre. Dalton in Whitfield county comes closest to Marietta in size, having a population of 4,3^5. of whom 3,356 are white and 959 colored. Like Rome and Marietta, it is well supplied with churches and schools, has gas and waterworks, large cotton and flouring mills, canneries and flourishing commercial houses. There is here also a college for young ladies. Dalton has a pretty situation on the Western and Atlantic and Southern railways in a fertile valley, just east of Rocky Face and Chattooga mountains. Though reaching to the Tennessee line, Whitfield county in addition to fine crops of cereals pro- duces cotton of fine quality and like Floyd, Bartow and Cobb, has good dairy farms Georcta's Resources and Advantages. i 33 well stocked with Jerseys and other good breeds. Fruits and vegetables are raised in abundance. Between Dalton and Marietta on the Western and Atlantic railroad is Cartersville, in Bartow county, the terminus of the East and West railroad which runs in a south- westerly direction into the State of Alabama. All around this thriving little city are line cotton, corn and wheat lands and in close proximity are beds of iron ore and man- ganese. Ochre is extensively mined and Cartersvills ranks first in the county in the manufacture of ochre and second in the shipment of manganese. It has a population of -3,135 of which the whites number 1,680 and the blacks 1,455. Cartersville has the con- veniences of larger places, such as gas and electric lights, ice factory and waterworks, it also has manufactories of iron and steel. Bartow county is not only a fine agri- cultural region, but is full of manufacturing plants of every kind and enterprising towns and villages such as Adairsville, which has one of the largest flouring mills in Georgia, Emerson with its cement and plaster works, Cassville with its tannery, and Allatbona with its gold stamping mill. All through the county in town and country are schools and churches. Polk is a good county for all farm stock. Many of the lands have rich soil and those of Cedar Valley through which runs Cedar Creek, are equal to the lands in the blue-grass region of Kentucky. They double in some crops the productiveness of other lands that are rated as good and with other crops more than double them. Cedartown, the county site, so named from the growth of cedar in its vicinity, on the former Chattanooga, Rome and Southern railway, now a part of the Central of Georgia railway system, at the point where it is crossed by the East and West rail- way, has manufactories of cotton, cotton-seed oil, knitting mills, an iron furnace, elec- tric power cotton gin, a system of waterworks owned by the city and an electric light plant. Population 2,823— white, 2,067, colored 756. The State quarry near Rockmart seems to have an inexhaustible supply of slate for roofing. At this place is the flour- ishing Piedmont Institute for boys and girls. Chattooga is a county of market gardens,' orchards, minerals and manufactories on a large scale. Splendid crops are raised of corn, wheat, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, also some cotton. It is a fine country for hay. No finer peaches or strawberries are raised anywhere than on its hills and ridges. Iron, bauxite, clay, limestone, manganese, coal, slate, talc and sandstone abound. Iron is mined at Dirtseller Mountain, near the town of Lyerly, at Shinbone Ridge near Menlo and Taylor's Ridge near Summerville, and in the town limits of Summerville bauxite is mined. Red iron ore is found in six different veins. Chert is shipped from the neighborhood of Summerville in great quantities. This well built town is surrounded by prosperous farms cultivated after the most approved methods. Near by also are large cotton mills. Trion with its extensive cotton mills is the largest town in the county (population 1,926). Flour, grist, saw mills and tanneries are scattered over the county and schools and churches are in every neighborhood. In this county are the beautiful and fertile valleys of Chattooga, Broomtown and Armuchee. Catoosa county has fine farming lands with prosperous farms and gardens and rich deposits of building stones of which the sandstones and limestones are of superior quali- ty. In this county is the noted health resort known as Catoosa Springs, famed for the varied mineral waters. The county has flour, grist and lumber mills and is well supplied with schools and churches. Ringgold is its county site beautifully situated on the north and west of Taylor's Ridge. Named for the gallant Marylander who lost his life in the first battle of the Mexican war, this little town was itself the scene of the gallant combat by which General Clcljurne in November 1863 saved the artillery Gkorgia's Resources and Adx'axtages. 35 and trains of Bragg's defeated army, for which he and his troops received the thanks of the Confederate Congress. Gordon county, well watered by the Oostenaula, Coosawattee and Connesauga riv- ers, has soils similar to those of Floyd and Bartow, producing the finest of wheat, oats, rye, corn, potatoes of both kinds, every variety of vegetables and cotton of good quality. It is also a good fruit county. It has deposits of bauxite, limestone, iron and, near the town of Calhoun, black and variegated marbles. Most of the products of the county are marketed at Calhoun, situated in the rich valley of the Oostenaula on the Western and Atlantic railway. Resaca, named for the second battle of the Mexican war, was itself the scene of fierce fighting in May, 1864, as was also Lay's Ferry. Flour and grist mills, a large brickyard and many small industries and good com- mercial houses add to the comforts of the people. Schools and churches are scattered all over the county. Paulding county has fine bodies of land along the Tallapoosa river, Pumpkinvine, Sweetwater and other creeks, yielding abundantly of the crops already mentioned as produced by other counties of this section. During the campaign of 1864 for ten days, from May 25th to June 4, there was con- stant fighting along the line of Pumpkinvine creek from Dallas to Allatoona, marked by the fierce combats of New Hope church, Pickett's Mill and Dallas, the whole series of battles and skirmishes being called by both Johnston and Sherman the battle of New Hope Church and pronounced by Sherman a drawn battle. There are good water powers on some of the streams and some of them are util- ized by grist mills. With plenty of good freestone water and a healthful climate and schools and churches this is a fine country in which- to make a home. Murray county, though not yet traversed by a railroad, is in easy distance of two great lines and through the Coosawattee which empties into the Oostenaula it has steamboat transportation to Rome, the leading market of Northwest Georgia. The Western and Atlantic railroad runs close to its southwestern line, and Dalton in Whit- field count}', where this road crosses the Southern railway, it is the chief market for a large part of Murray county. Well watered by the Connesauga and Coosawattee rivers and their branches, the lands are fertile, producing in abundance the crops al- ready mentioned in the counties of this section and affording also fine pasturage for sheep and cattle. This county is rich in minerals and on the Cohutta Mountains, which cross its eastern section, profitable mining has been done. Along this beautiful range in sheltered orchards some of the most luscious fruit is grown. Spring Place, the county site, in the midst of charming scenery, with the Cohutta Mountains in full view, has a handsome Cou -t House, good schools and churches, which are scattered also over every section of the county. All over the county are mineral springs, of which the Cohutta Springs, ten miles from Spring Place, are the most noted. Cherokee, Gilmer, Pickens and Fannin are traversed by the Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Railways, from which at Blue Ridge, the county site of Fannin, there runs oflf a branch road to the northeast. These counries have already been mentioned as famous for their rich veins of beautiful marble of several varieties. Cherokee is also one of the chief gold mining counties of Georgia and has besides deposits of iron, mica, talc, marble and other minerals. Near Canton, the county site is a spring, strongly im- pregnated with alum and noted for great curative powers. This town, beautifully situated on an eminence around whose base flows the Etowah river, has a mill for saw- ing' and finishins: marble and for monumental work. Geokiua's Resources and Advantages. 37 From the village of Ball Grouiul runs a short railroad about ten miles long to the quarries. Pckens is noted for its great abundance of the finest marble, of which vast quanti- ties are blocked out in the quarries and conveyed to Marietta over the Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern railroad. At and near Tate are some of the richest marble quarries of the United States. The crops are those already mentioned as belonging to this section of Georgia and the valley lands are exceedingly fertile. At Waleska, eight miles from Canton, is the Reinhardt Normal College, a fine school for boys and girls. The valley lands of Fannin and Gilmer are also very productive. Gold and copper are found in Fannin and gold and iron in Gilmer, in which latter county there is also great abundance of beautiful marble, both the pure white and variegated, limestone, sandstone, mica, slate and granite. Cotton is not raised in Fannin and very little in Gil- mer. But there are in the valle3's fine crops of wheat, corn, barley and oats. All vege- tables do well. Apples of fine quality are raised in both these counties and can be kept almost from one end of the year to the other. At Morganton in Fannin is the North Georgia Baptist College, a fine institution. The railroad has greatly developed both of these counties, as may be seen from the fact that the town of Blue Ridge, the county site of Fannin, had in 1890 only 264 inhabitants and in 1900 contained a population of 1,148, nearly all being white. The negroes in Fannin count)^ number only 296 in a total population of 11,214 and in Gilmer county JJ out of a total of 10,198. The eastern section of North Georgia embraces the counties of Forsyth, Dawson, Lumpkin, Union, Towns, White, Hall, Rabun, Habersham, Banks, Franklin and Hart. Rabun, Towns and Union form the northern tier' of- these counties. Close to the northwestern corner of Union county passes the railroad that runs from Blue Ridge in Fannin county to Murphy in North Carolina and a road from Tallulah Falls running northward through Rabun to Franklin in North Carolina is rapidl}^ approaching comple- tion. With these exceptions this part of the mountain section of Georgia is without railroad facilities. The counties of White, Lumpkin, Dawson and Forsyth are also as yet without such advantages. In Towns there is abundance of granite and serpentine quarries for building. Iron, chrome, magnetite, manganese, asbestos, talc, ochre, yellow and red plumbago, buhr, some gems and plenty of corundum are found. At Tate City, there is a large plant for mining corundum. The mountain streams afford fine water powers. At Young Harris is a Methodist college and at Hiawassee is one be- longing to the Baptists. In the western part of Union are found iron ore, alum, sulphate of iron and granite quartz. There are large quarries of millstone of excellent quality. On Ivy Log, Brass Town and Coosa creek gold has been found and also variegated marble. The mineral products of Rabun are gold, copper, corundum, mica, asbestos and sandstone. Iron, carbonate of iron and alum are found. The celebrated Tallulah Falls, a successsion of beautiful cascades and a grand chasm afford some of the most picturesque views in the LInited States. The apples, cabbages and chestnuts produced in this part of the State are very fine. Lumpkin county is in the heart of the gold belt of Georgia. Many millions_ of dol- lass have been taken from its mines and for the last half century the vicinity of Dahlonega, its county site, has been the center of the most extensive gold mining operations of Georgia. Just east of Dahlonega is a long line of high ridges and hills extending many miles to the southeast, which form the axis of the gold belt and are covered all over with the prospector's pits, cuts' a'nd tunnels. There are twelve gold mines now in operation payng good dividends. In almost every part of the county gold is found and the evidenc'e of its exist-ence every where meets the eye. Georgia's Resuukce ; anu Advantages. 39 Dahlonega, with a population of 1,255, stretches along a high hill commanding a fine view of Walker's Mossy Creek and Yonah mountains. In White county, which was formed from Lumpkin and Habersham counties, were discovered the first gold mines in Georgia. Gold and absestos are still mined to a considerable extent. There are several mines of gold, and quarries of asbestos and five successful gold mills. The beautiful Nacoochee Valley, as fertile as it is fair, is in White county. Dawson county is also in the gold region. On nearly every branch that flows into the Etowah from its north side is a placer gold mine and from the bed of the river itself large quantities of gold have been taken and washed out with an iron pan, rewarding well the labor thus employed. In this county are the falls of Amicalola, from the summit of which the appearance of the range of mountains to the South, and west, can scarcely be suspassed in grandeur. Forsyth is another gold county. Some of the mines have yielded large amounts of gold. Much of the scenery is beautiful, especially in the neighborhood of Gum- ming, the county site. Some silver and copper have been found in this county. In Hall county there are profitable gold mines and iron, lead and silver are found in small quantities. Large quantities of brick and lime are made and there is a large supply of building stones. This county has several valuable waterpowers aggregat- ing 6,000 horse-powers, some of which are utilized by flour and grist mills. Gainesville, the county site, on the Southern Railway about 53 mills from At- lanta is a growing city in a fine farming county, with manufacturing establishments of many kinds including great cotton mills in and around its corporate limits. The electric light plant and waterworks are owned by the city. The Gainesville, Jeffer- son and Southern Railway connects Gainesville with Monroe and Social Circle in Walton county and by another branch with Jefferson in Jackson county. Gainesville's total population is 4,382, of which 3,196 are white and 1,186 are colored. In this city are Brenau College and Conservatory of Music for ladies and the Georgia Military In- stitute for young men. Later estimates place the population of Gainesville at 6,500. In Habersham county are found iron ore of superior quality, while granite of the very best is found in apparently an inexhaustible supply. There are also large depos- its of gold, copper, manganese ochre, marble, slate, graphite, mica, talc and sand- stone. Asbestos is being profitably worked. Toccoa is a thriving town of 2,176 in- habitants on the Southern railway at the junction of tht Elberton branch with the main trunk line. Within three miles of the town is the beautiful fall of Toccoa. Dem- orest on the Tallulah Falls Railway has a good trade and commands from all sides a lovely view. Clarkesville on the same railway, from its high ridge near the Soque river, presents to the eye of the tourist a magnificent view of the surrounding country. Cornelia is a growing place on the Southern Railway with several manufacturing establishments. Banks, Franklin and Hart complete the list of North Georgia counties. These are fine agricultural counties, but in Franklin and Hart there are also extensive man- ufactories, especially in and around Lavonia and Royston in Franklin county and in Hartwell and vicinity in Hart county. Lavonia, the largest town in Franklin county, on a branch of the Southern Railway, has in the town and suburbs, a population of 2,093. At Hartwell is the Hartwell Collegiate institute. All these Northeast Georgia counties have splendid lands for the production of the staple crops which we have already named in the counties of Northwest Georgia, excellent also for vegetables and fruits. In the upper tier of the mountain counties cotton is not raised. In many localities tobacco is cultivated and some of the farmers make a fair profit from its sale. Splendid apples are raised all over North Georgia and the most luscious peaches are produced in the great orchards that dot the tops and slopes of the hills in all the counties traversed by the various lines of Georgia's Resource.-; and Advaxtages. 41 railway on the western side and the Southeern railway and its branches on the eastern. Mr. I. C. Wade, a Northern gentleman and ex-Union soldier, at one time land and in- dustrial agent of the Southern railway, now makes his home at Cornelia and con- siders that region one of the garden spots of the world. Hon. O. B. Stevens, Commis- sioner of Agriculture, has orchards of apples and peaches at Cornelia and considers them a splendid investment. Strawberries and raspberries of the finest varieties arc raised in profusion all over the counties of Northwest Georgia along the lines of the Western and Atlantic, the Southern, the Central of Georgia, the Chattanooga South- ern and the Alabama Great Southern, and in Northeast Georgia along the Southern and its branches. Grapes too are abundant and in the vineyards around Cornelia and at other points are found the best varieties. Most of the chestnuts sold in the cities and towns of Georgia in the fall and winter are raised in the northern tier of coun- ties. The most magnficent cabbages, white and crisp, are raised in this same section, as are also turnips of great size and excellent flavor. All the vegetables of the North and of the South are grown in these highly favored localities. All the grasses and clover are grown to perfection and all kinds of live-stock thrive and give good profits to those who raise them. Poultry, eggs and honey are abundant and the man who knows how to make a good farm in any other part of the United States can find here all that heart can wish. There are also vast stretches of forest land having all kinds of hardwood, such as oaks of severar varieties, pines of two varieties, poplar, ash, beech, elm, chestnut, hickory, maple, walnut, iron wood, sugar berry, sycamore, sweetgum, dogwood, per- simmon, sassafras, wild cherry, cedar and buckeye. These woods are being utilized in all the customary ways. All the cities and towns of any commercial importance have good banking facil- ities, well equipped stores, good schools and churches. In the thinly settled moun- tain regions of course church and school advantages are not so good, and yet there is scarcely a corner into which Christian ministers have not borne the light of the gos- pel or the school teacher carried the torch of knowledge. The climate is bracing and healthful, the water pure and cool, the scenery often charming in its beauty or awe-inspiring in its grandeur. There are many rough and rugged places and one often meets rude and unlettered people. But show us the country that is devoid of such drawbacks. The advantages of North Georgia far outweigh the disadvantages, and taking it all in all, one can hardly find a more inviting field for enterprise or for the building of happy homes. To the tourist, Northwest Georgia possesses many attractions, especially along the Western and Atlantic railroad, the scene of many combats in the Atlanta cam- paign of 1864. At Chickamauga, the scene of a great battle in September, 1863, is a beautiful national park and here were assembled during the Spanish American war sons of the men who had so bravely grappled with each other in the sad days of strife. : i 1 I ■!■';,': Middle Georgia. — The Southern tier of the counties that have been described un- der the head of North Georgia is often included in Middle Georgia. The counties just south of them, viz. : Elbert, Madison, Jackson, Gwinnett, Milton, DeKalb, Fulton, Douglas, Carroll and Haralson, although along the lower edge of the Piedmont region and considerably above the center of the State, are generally regarded as being in the Northern part of what is known as Middle Georgia, while Richmond, Warren, Han- cock, Baldwin, Jones, Bibb, Crawford, Upson, Talbot and Muscogee may very prop- erly be considered as on the Southern border of the middle belt. In the balance of this sketch of Georgia, in order to avoid constant repetition, let us say that schools and churches abound in every city, town and x'illage and throughout the rural dis- tricts. Again, although through Middle Georgia we have corn, wheat, oats, rye, and Georgia's Resources and Advaxtages. 43 other crops like those of North Georgia, let it bf remembered that this is the home of cotton, the chief money crop of this section. After the close of the war of the Revolution, beginning at the eastern counties, the immigrants who poured into Georgia from Virginia and the Carolinas, rapidly ex- tended their settlements westward, encroaching more and more upon the lands of the Indians, until after the removal of the various nations of the Creeks beyond the Mis- sissippi the whole of Middle Georgia became the home of the white man, who, with his negro servants, opened up field after field and built towns and villages. Among the early settlers the Virginians were so numerous that the Indians, as we are told by Governor Gilmer, nearly always spoke of the Georgians as Virginians. As towns grew up and became centres of trade, railroads from the eastern side of the State were built to reach them. First came the Georgia Railroad, running from Augusta up into the Piedmont section, then the Central from Savannah. These roads, with their numerous branches^ soon brought all the important towns of Mid- dle Georgia into communication with each other and they began to grow rapidly in wealth and importance. The Georgia railroad was begun in 1833 and was largely owned by residents of Augusta, while the Central was a great enterprise of the citi- zens of Savannah and was begun a short while after the Georgia railroad. The chief cities of Middle Georgia in the order of their size are Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Co- lumbus and Athens. While railroads have been a very important factor in their up- building, they owe their chief importance to the fact that they furnish the most con- venient markets for the rich upland agricultural region in which they are located and have abundance of cotton, lumber and other materials necessary for manufacturing. The splendid water powers found all through the Middle Georgia counties began to be utilized way back in the thirties and flour, grist and cotton mills began to spring up on every side. Agriculture, railroads and manufactures conspired to build up all the cities and towns of this section. Atlanta, the youngest of all these cities, is now the largest city between Wash- ington and New Orleans. In 1837 the Southeastern terminus of the Western and At- lantic railroad was established near where the Union Passenger Depot now stands (1904), and Terminus was the name given to the site thus chosen. Soon afterwards the Georgia railroad was extended to this point. The Macon and Western came next and the new railroad center was in 1843 named Marthasville in compliment to the daughter of ex-Governor Lumpkin, who had been distinguished by his great interest in railroad enterprises in Georgia. On the 29th of December, 1847, the legislature in corporated as the city of Atlanta the new town which was already giving evidence of rapid growth. Its name is derived from Atlantic, because it was considered as the gateway for trade from the west seeking a passage through Georgia to the Atlantic ocean. Hence also the title "Gate City," often applied to it. By the United States census of 1850 the population was 2,572. Until 1853 it was in the limits of DeKalb county of which Decatur was, as it still is, the county site. In that year the county of Fulton was formed and Atlanta made the county site. By the census of i860 the population of Atlanta was 9,554- During the civil war it was the seat of important industries, the chief object of which was the upholding of the military power of the Confederate States. Hence it became the prize for which desperate battles were fought and at last was captured by the powerful army under General Sherman (Sep- tember 2nd, 1864). When Sherman started to the sea (November iSth, 1864), he or- dered everything burned except the mere dwelling houses and churches and no pre- cautions were taken to prevent the spread of the flames. Only 450 houses, including dwellings and churches, escaped. Stores, workshops, mills, and most of the residences were reduced to ashes. Even before the close of hostilities in the following spring, the people began to return and rebuild the ruined city. Before the approach of the hostile army, the population of Atlanta had reached 14,000. There were very few of Georgia's Resources and Ad\'antages. 45 these who did not return, and, soon after peace had come to stay, new citizens from all over the South and North began to flock in and by the census of 1870, a little over five years from the time of its destruction, Atlanta numbered in its corporate limits, 21,789 inhabitants. The city was made the capital of Georgia in 186S, and in 1S77 the people of Georgia voted to make it their permanent capital. The handsome capitol building was erected on a lot donated by the city during the administration of Governor Mc- Daniel and cost $1,000,000. It enjoys the distinction of being one of the few public buildings in the United States, whose cost came within the appropriation set apart for its completion. By the census of 1900, the population of Atlanta was 89,872, and, including the im- mediate suburbs, 103,000. The white population in the corporate limits was 53,908, and the colored 35,967. On every side are still to be seen the evidences of rapid growth, and judging by the past, one can safely place the population at this time as considerably over 100,000. Atlanta is one of the best built cities of the United States. Handsome public and private buildings, splendid hotels, handsome churches and elegant school buildings be- speak enterprise and increasing wealth. Its miles of well paved streets extend out from the city into first class McAdamized roads. Electric cars bring it into close connection with all the suburban villages and towns and electric lights make its main thoroughfares at night almost as bright as day. In the city limits and in its vicinity are great manufactories of various kinds and Its commerce is extensive and rapidly growing. Located in Atlanta are the Technological School for whites, Atlanta University and Clark University for colored, a law college, business colleges, medical colleges and two dental colleges. Besides Atlanta there are in Fulton county the following towns: East Point (pop- ulation, 1,315), College Park (population, 517), Plapeville (population, 430), Oakland City (population, 823). At College Park is the Cox College, a well equipped and up- to-date institution; at Hapeville, the Baptist Orphans' Home, and at East Point many important manufacturing plants. Hapeville is on the Central of Georgia railway in close connection with Atlanta. College Park and East Point are on both the steam and electric railway lines. Edgewood with a population of 1,285, a suburb of At- lanta, is in DeKalb county. Decatur, the county site of DeKalb, six miles from the Union Depot in Atlanta, and connected with that city by the Georgia railway and three electric lines, is the seat of Agnes Scott Institute for young ladies. Near by is the Orphan Home of the North Georgia conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. South, and in the vicin- ity are cotton mills and fertilizer factories. Population, 1,418. The town of Stone Mountain on the Georgia Railroad, about ten miles northeast of Decatur, derives its name from a great mountain of granite 1,500 feet above the level of the sea and 900 feet above the surrounding country. From the quarries at and near this mountain are cut immense quantities of the best granite to be found in the United States, and at Lithonia in the southeastern part of DeKalb county, the quar- ries of gneiss bring handsome profits to their owners. In Gwinnett county, Lawrenceville, the county site on the Seaboard Air Line rail- way, and Buford on the Southern, are thriving towns. Buford, the larger, with a population of 1,352, has three large harness factories, one smaller one and four tan- neries and at Lawrenceville is a cotton mill. In this county granite is abundant, iron, quartz and buhrstone are found and there is some gold in the Chattahoochee river and at a few other points. In Milton county on the upper edge of Fulton there is abundance of timber and Georgia's Resource ; and Aia'antages. , ' 47 stone for building purposes. Though no railroad passes through the county, the Southern Railway runs close by its boundary line. Douglas, Carroll and Karalson counties are brraight into close touch with Atlan- ta by one of the lines of the Southern Railway. In each of these counties there is abundance of liard wood, and some pine. The water is cool and healthful, the cli- mate bracing, in Douglas county are the lithia springs, a favorite health resort, whose waters arc highly prized for their medicinal properties. In Carroll county gold, copper, iron, pyrites, mica and asbestos arc found in work- able C|uantities. The gold is said to be oi very fine quality. Near Villa Rica is an extent of country six miles long and one mile wide are several mines yielding large amounts of gold. Quartz and granite are also found. Gold is mined extensively in Haralson county, also, and the Royal Geld Mine at Tallapoosa has a plant which cost $200,000. This is a great county for vineyards and near Tallapoosa are two wineries, one of which manufactures unfermentcd wine. Tallapoosa, the county site, has a population of 2,128 inhabitants. Among the manufactories of Haralson county may be mentioned a glass factory, a charcoal pig iron furnace, and flour, gri?,t and saw mills. A cotton mill and cottonseed-oil mills are among the manufactories of Carroll- ton, the county site of Carroll county. In Campbell and Cov,'eta counties there are inexhaustible supplies of granite, ex- tensive deposits being in the vicinity of Ncwnan, while near Grantville gold is ob- tained in payable quantities. In both these counties and in Troup county are large manufacturing establishments. The fruit industry of Coweta is steadily growing. Nine miles cast of Newnan is Vina Vista, one of the most complete wineries in the South. Newnan, the county site of Coweta, a thriving little city of 3,654 inhabitants, has electric lights, ice plant, waterworks, a good fire department and splendidly pay- ing industries. LaGrange, the county site of Troup, with a population of 4,274, has waterworks, electric lights and with its two colleges for ladies is a place of great refinement and culture, it it surrounded by a magnificent farming country, market gardens and or- chards and in its vicinity is a noted creamery. Dairy and beef cattle and fine stock of all kinds indicate the thrift of the people. West Point, another large manufacturing town of Troup county, owns its own electric lights and waterworks. It is on the border of Alabama and Georgia. There are in its coiporate limits inside the Georgia line 1,797 inhabitants. Near West Point is a large Pecan Grove. Meriwether count}' is rich in mineral deposits such as gold, iron, asb'jstos and granite. The gold mines even with primitive methods have yield- ed handsomely for forty years. At Chalybeate Spring iron ore of the best quality is found. The asbestos deposits are abundant in yield and easily worked. Meriwether granite is equal to that of Quincy, Massachusetts and susceptible of very fine polish. The church of St. Luke in Columbus, Ga., used this granite exclusively in its elegant columns and the other granite work employed in its construction. This county is fa- mous for its springs, the Chalybeate and Warm Springs, and also • has fine farming lands. Heard county also has abundance of granite and possesses splendid farming lands. Fayette also has fine farming lands. Coweta, Troup, Meriwether and Fayette all possess magnificent water powers. Clayton and Henry have good water powers and some fine farm lands and are prosperous counties. Asbestos is found in Clayton and Henry county, cotton ranks high in the market. Rockdale county produces much paving and building material and has several flourishing manufacturing plants. Conyers, the county site on the Georgia railroad, with a population of 1,605, ^^^ ^n active cotton trade. Its paper mill, fertilizer factory and cottonseed-oil mill pay good profits. Georgia's Resources and Advaxtages. 49 Newton is a fine agricultural county with good paying manufacturing industries. Covington, the county site (population, 2,062) on the Georgia railroad and the termi- nus of a branch of the Central, has large cotton mills in its vicinity ,and is connected by a street railway with Oxford, the seat of the great Southern Methodist Institution, Emory College. 'J"hc suburbs of the two towns join at the Georgia Railroad. Social Circle (population, 1,229), a town of Walton county, on the Georgia rail- road, has a cottonseed-oil mill, a fertilizer factory and some smaller industries, and by ,thc Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern branch of the Georgia Railroad, is con- nected with Monroe, the county site (population, 1,846), which has also a cottonseed- oil mill, besides a cotton mill and prosperous mercantile establishments. Madison (population, 2,000), also on the Georgia Railroad, one of the most beau- tiful of the small cities of Georgia, has a cotton-oil mill, fertilizer factory and other industries. It is the county seat of Morgan, a well watered and fertile county noted for large yields of fruits, wheat, corn and cotton. Madison has electric lights and wa- terworks. Eatonton (population, 1,823) connected by railroad with Covington, Madison, and Milledgeville, a beautiful town, adorned with many shade trees, is the county site of Putnam. It is in the center of a fine cotton section and has three cotton factories and a shoe factory. In its vicinity arc raised peaches, plums, and grapes. Within twelve miles of this town are the Oconee Springs, noted for their mineral properties. There are fine water powers in Putnam county. Monticello (population, 1,106), the county site of Jasper county, on a branch of the Georgia Railroad, has a harness and collar factory and a bobbin factory. Near it is a pecan grove and orchards of peaches and apples. Baldwin is a good, substantial old county with fine farms, orchards and gardens and fine water powers at Furman's Shoals, three miles above Milledgeville. This city (population, 4,219), the county site of Batdwin, and for many years the capital of Georgia, is situated at the head of navigation of the Oconee river. It is lighted by electricity, has fine commercial advantages, being on two railroads, the Georgia and the Central, and has a grain mill, oil mill, fertilizer factory, repair shops and other small industries. It is also a famous educational center, being the seat of the Georgia Mil- itary and Agricultural college, a branch of the State University, and the Normal and Industrial College for Young Ladies. It has fine public schools. The State Sanita- rium for the Insane, the largest institution of its kind under one management in tke world, is three miles west of Milledgeville. Nine miles south of Milledgeville is Ste- vens' Pottery, at one of the finest clay deposits in America. Athens, the county seat of Clarke county, with a population of 10,245, is con- nected by rail with Atlanta and Augusta and with the chief towns of the neighboring counties. It is on the Oconee River, which affords splendid water power for its large cotton factories, cottonseed-oil mills and other industries. Beautiful in situation, adorned with handsome homes, at an elevation of 800 feet, which renders its climate delightful, with gas and electric lights, waterworks, ice plants and electric railway,' with fine commercial advantages, it is also the seat of the State University, the State Normal School for both sexes, and Lucy Cobb Institute for ladies. It has long borne the name "Classic City." Commerce (a new name for the much more euphonious one of . Harmony Grove), the largest town of Jackson county, on a branch of the Southern Railway, has a cotton mill, cottonseed-oil mill, two potteries and factories for making wagons and bug- gies, harness and mattresses. Jackson, of which Jefferson is the count}^ site, is a fine agricultural county. The same is true of Oconee and Madison counties, cacli of which has splendid water- powers, which at Pligh Shoals on the Appalachee riv^r, in Oconee county, have been utilized by a cotton factory. GF.ORorA's Resources and Ad\'antaces. 51 Elbert is one of the finest agricultural counties of Georgia and Elberton, the county site is one of its most progressive towns. Its population is 3,834, of which 2,224 are white and 1,610 colored. At the junction of the Seaboard Air Line and a branch of the Southern system, it has a large cotton trade and important man- ufactories, including a cotton mill, cottonseed-oil mill and planing mills. It has electric lights, waterworks and good public schools, and like all the towns and cit- ies of its section, is well supplied with churches. There is a cotton factory at Beverly on Beaver Dam Creek. In the county are three guano factories, tvv^o carriage factories, a large fliuring mill with patent roller process, and four quarries from which are obtained as fine granite as can be found in the State of Georgia. The waterpowers of Elbert county are immense and there is room for many largp mills without danger of exhausting them. Oglethorpe, which is separated from Elbert by the Broad river, has also fine water powers and contains some of the finest farms in Georgia, on some of which beef cattle of the best breed are raised for the market. Wilkes is one of the oldest and best counties of Georgia, being up-to-date in agri- culture as well as rich in minerals, such as granite and quartz, and having also some gold and iron. Two gold mines are profitably worked. There are fine waterpowers, especially at Anchovy Shoals, amounting there to 75,000 horse-powers. Washington, the county site, is one of the most beautiful of Georgia towns and one of the oldest, being the first named in honor of the "Father of our Country." It was the home of Robert Toombs and the place where Jefl^erson Davis held his last cabinet meeting at the close of the Civil War. It has a cotton compress, tannery, lum- ber and planing mills and a brick factory. It has a public library and good public schools and churches, has a waterworks plant, is progressive and enterprising and con- tains a population of 3,300. Columbia, Lincoln and McDuffie are all good agricultural counties. There is one noted gold mine in Lincoln county and in McDuffie are three in successful operation. Thomson, the county site of McDuffie (population, 1,154), on the Georgia rail- road, has a canning establishment and manufactures cotton goods and fertilizers. Greene county is the center of the Bermuda Grass Region and dairying and the raising of beef cattle are two of its great industries. Greensboro, the county site (population, 1,511), has a cotton mill and at Union Point are fertilizer factories and a knitting mill, also an electric light plant. There are other industries, as a knitting mill at Penfield, a wagon factory at White Plains, a box factory at Siloam and several flour and grist mills throughout the county. There are fine water powers, especially on the Oconee river. Augusta, the county seat of Richmond, is the second oldest city in Georgia and in cotton manufacture the first in Georgia and the South, being for this reason often styled the "Lowell of the South." It is at the head of steamboat navigation, is the third in the State in size and has a population of 39,441 in the corporate limits (20,913 being white and 18,528 colored). From 1735, when it was first laid out, it was a cen- ter of trade. Seven miles above the city are the falls of the Savannah river. Here the city built a dam and a canal nine miles long and 150 feet wide, so as to utilize the great water power. Of the 14,000 horse powers already developed at this point, 1 1,000 are now in use. There are mills belonging to nine dififerent companies and a number of mills across the river in South Carolina are built and owned by Augusta capitalists. There are in Augusta fertilizer and cottonseed-oil factories, foundries, planing mills and manufactories of medicines, clothing and minor articles. The Geor,gia Medical College, a department of the State University, is located in Augusta, and here is the Academy of Richmond county which dates back to colonial days. If in the census report of 1900 the suburbs had been included, the population would have numbered 45,000. Summervillc, a beautiful suburban town connected with Augusta by electric railway, has a population of 3,245. Here is located the U. S. arse- Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 53 nal. From the point overlooking the city and from the In.ights of North Augusta on the South Carolina side, the view of the city is very charming, especially at night with its brilliant electric lights. Augusta is one of the largest interior cotton markets in the South. Commercially, Taliaferro, Glascock, Warren and Flancock, and also of those al- ready named, Columbia, Lincoln andMcDuffie are in close touch with Augusta. 'Warrenton (population, 1,113), is the county site of Warren county, and is a prof- itable market for the vegetable, fruits and melons raised in the neighborhood. ■ Sparta, the county seat of Hancock county, on a branch of the Georgia Railroad, about half way between Augusta and Macon, is a thriving town, to which the prod- ucts of the county are brought for market and shipment. There is at Sparta a cot- ton-oil mill, a flourishing creamery and in its vicinity are some large peach orchards. Asbestos, plumbago, kaolin and agate are found in Hancock county. Peaches, apples, pears, pecans, and all the staple crops of Middle Georgia, are found in this county. Macon, the county seat of Bibb county, and the fourth city in the State in popu- lation, is a great commercial, manufacturing and educational center. Here are some of the largest and most substantial wholesale houses in Georgia, five cotton mills spin- ning yarn, three knitting mills, three iron foundries, a cotton compress, large cotton- oil mills and fertilizer esablishments. Here are Wesleyan Female College, ths first institution in the world chartered to give diplomas to ladies, Mercer University, a noted Baptist Institution, St. Stanis- laus College, for Catholic priests. Mount de Sales Academy, for young ladies, a nor- mal school for colored students, and the Academy for the Blind, a State institution with two departments, several blocks apart, one for white and the other for colored children. By the census of 1900, the population of Macon was 23.272, of which the whites numbered 11,711 and the colored, 11,561. But the suburban district of Vineville witb 7,787 inhabitants and East Macon with 5,078, are really parts of the city making a total population of 36,137. In Jones county there is a fine vein of kaolin which is being utilized. This is a part of "the great clay belt, wliich extends from Augusta southwesterly through Bald- win past Macon in Bibb county to Columbus in Muscogee county. It has veins ex- tending down into Twiggs county to the south. Throughout the whole length and breadth of this belt the clavs are very pui'e, of a beautiful white color and capable o.( standing a greater degree of heat than any other clays of the United States. In Butts county is the celebrated Indian Spring, a great health and pleasure re- sort, celebrated for the healing properties nf its sulphur water. This county has flour and cotton mills and fertilizer factories. Jackson and Pepperton are neighboring towns and busy manufacturing centers. Jackson has a popula_tion of 1,487 and Pep- perton of 500. In Monroe county is Forsyth (population, 1,172), the seat of Monroe Female Col- lege. It is a handsome town with several prosperous industries. Barnesville is a growing city of Pike county, has two of the largest bup-p-v factories in the South, and is the seat of one of the best schools of Georgia, the Gordon Institute. Its popula- tion is 3,036. Spaldine is a county of .Sfood farms and manv manufactories. Griffin, the countv site, owns its own waterworks and electric-lights, has an ice plant, cottonseed-oil mills, pianino- mills, chair factory, five large cotton mills and manufacture"; _ more Turkish towels than are made anywhere else in America. Near by is the United States Ex- periment Station for Georgia. The poDulaKon of Griffin is 6,857- the whites number- ing 3.500 and the colored 3,258. In addition to the usual crops, there are orchards of peaches and apples, vinevards and a pecan grove. Upson county has fine water powers on Big Potato creek. Thomaston, the county ' • ' ^£^'^ ' t — ,.- .„ _j. -^ ^ Georgia's Rlcsources axd Ad\'a\tages. 55 seat (population, 1,714) has a cotton mill. The R. E. Lee Institute is in Thomas- ton. On the east of Flint river begins the Pine Mountains, the highest points of which are 800 feet above the river. Talbotton, the county seat of Talbot (population, 1,131), is in the center of a good farm and trucking country. It has two fine schools, Collinsworth Institute and Le- Vert Female College, four good public schools. Harris county has good farming lands and fine water powers. Columbus, the county site of Muscogee, is an important manufacturing city, well known for its splendid cotton mills. In addition to being a great railroad center, it enjoys the advantages of water transportation and has a fine steamboat trade with towns and the country along the Chattahoochee river. Augusta alone in the South excels Columbus in the manufacture of co;ton goods, for which the fine waterpowers of the Chattahoochee afford splendid facilities. The population of the city in its cor- porate limits was 17,614 by the census of 1900. Of these, 10,337 were white and 7,277 colored. The population is now estimated at 20,000. Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, education and the influence of its churches have combined to make Middle Georgia one of the most desirable sections of the Union. Over large portions of Middle Georgia wheat is a profitable crop, yielding on very ordinary land eight, and on good lands from 15 to 40 bushels to the acre, and in some instances as high as 60 bushels to the acre. Corn ranges all the way from 10 to 50 bttshels to the acre and in some instances has gone beyond 100 bushels. The peavine, often called the clover of the South, affords in its peas not only a nourishing food for stock, especially for milch cows, but also a wholesome diet for the table. The vines make the best of hay and the yield varies according to soil and cultivaition from 2,000 to 14,000 pounds to the acre. The peavine is also one of the best of soil renovators. The vetches, sorghum and millet and, in the more northern counties of the section, clover, are cultivated for forage crops. Considerable quantities of sugarcane are raised, but it is in South Georgia that this is one of the leading crops. But Middle Georgia, together with the larger part of South Georgia, is the great cotton region of the State. The yield of this great money crop varies according to soil from 500 to 1500 pounds of seed cotton to the acre, or from a third to a whole 500 pound bale to the acre. In every pound of seed cotton one-third is lint and two-thirds seed. The lint is manufactured into yarn and cloths of various kinds. Part of the seed is used for replanting, and great quantities of it are sold to the cottonseed-oil mills, which manufacture from them oil and cottonseed -meal and have left the hulls and linters which also bring profitable prices. During the past season the high prices that have prevailed make the value of Georgia's cotton crop, including lint, oil, meal, hulls and linters, equal to $100,000,000. The traveler going through Georgia cannot judge the quality of the soil by what he sees from a train moving over a road that runs for the most part along the ridges, If he stops at some station and takes a ride out into the country, he will find rich lands teeming with profitable crops. He will also find farms where exhausted lands have by a careful system of renovation and scientific culture been brought back to the productiveness of tht virgin soil. There are farms where skillful farmers have taken so-called worn-out lands and made them yield a bale of cotton to the acre, and at the same time have added each year to the productiveness of the soil. There is hardly a farmer in Middle Georgia who does not have his orchards of jicaches, apples, pears and cherries, quantities of blackberries and patches of luscious strawberries and in his vegetable garden a good variety of healthful diet, for the ta- bic. Grapes are abundant and there are large vineyards, especially on the Central Railway, between Macon and Atlanta on the Southern, and on the Atlanta and West Point Railroads. GiiOrgia's Resources and Advaktages. 57 Irish potatoes of the best types are raised, and in the sweet potato Georgia in every section possesses an article of food which in the varied dishes that can be pre- pared from it furnishes not only wholesome, but sonietunes luxurious diet. Figs also are among the fruits of Middle Georgia and in many localities pomegranates are found. South Georgia. — Of the three Georgia sections, this is the most extensive in area and, with the exception of a few localitieSj showed during the decade from 1890 to 1900 the heaviest g-ains in population and wealth. This will be surprising to some who are in the habit of looking upon South Georgia as a malarial section, healthy only during the winter. But there is much hill country 'all over Southwest Georgia which i; healthy the year round and in Southeast Georgia and throughout the coast- al plain region the many artesian wells supplying pure, good water have wrought such a change that localities once regarded as very unwholesome are now the healthy abode of a rapidly increasing population, while on all the numerous railroad lines that penetrate this whole region are flourishing and rapidly growing towns and cities. This is not on the whole as good a wheat country, „ as either North or Middle Georgia, and in some parts no wheat is grown at all. But over the greater part of it are made heavy yields of cotton and corn and thousands of acres produce the su- garcane, the richest in saccharine matter of any plant that grows. The Georgia cane syrup is already a favorite in many parts of the United States and its manufacture and sale are steadily and rapidly growing. South Georgia produces the greater part of the crop of sea island cotton, the finest in the markets of the world. Tobacco, too, is being extensively cultivated and there is in Decatur county one of the largest tobacco farms in the United States. In addition to the millet, crab grass, and crowfoot, sorghum forage and ipeavines of Middle Georgia are the soja and the velvet bean, both splendid for stock and the best of soil renovators. Cassava also a fine feed for stock, yields bountifully throughout this section and the lower counties of Middle Georgia. The great peach orchards of Southern Georgia have a national reputation and their fame has even crossed the Atlantic. There are fine vineyards also in many places. In Southeast Georgia are some of the largest market gardens (truck farms) in the State, especially in the neighborhood of Brunswick and Savannah. All over the coastal plain from the Atlantic ocean to the Chattahoochee river on the western border of the State are extensive forests of long leaf pine, producing an- nually millions of feet of lumber and gallons of spirits of turpentine, giving employ- ment to sawmills great and small, to railroads, steamboats, ships and merchants. As the forest lands are cleared, market gardens and flourishing farms sprin,g up. The marls with the muck from swamps furnish a cheap fertilizer easy to be obtained. There are vast ranges for cattle and sheep and of the latter there are some very large flocks, yielding a fine profit to their owners. Beef cattle of the best breeds can by recent discoveries be rendered immune as to the cattle tick and its resultant Texas fever, and with need for shelter, but a .short time during the winter, can be raised with ffreat profit to the stock men. Thoug-h rice is grown in the uoper counties of Georgia, the great rice crop of the State is that of Southeast Geor^i^. Southeast Georgia- was the first settled portion of the State. Here^ Oglethorpe's first settlement wis made at Savannah and at Frederica on St. Simon's island was his favorite homf. Thoueh of Frederica nothing remains but the rnin^ of the old fort and the memr-rv of the defeat of the Spaniards at the "Blody Marsh," across St. Si- mon's Sound on the banks of the Turtle river is the growing city of Brunswick, the second in size of Georo-ia's seaoorts. The chief cities of South Georgia are Savannah, Brunswick, Americus, Waycross. Gilur(.;ia's Resources and Aux'axjacies. 59 Valdosta, Thomasviile, Albany, Cordele, D.ibHn, Dawson, Cuthbert, Bainbridge, Quit- man, Moultrie and H.'avvkinsville. Savannah is the oldest city of Georgia, its most important seaport and commer- cial center, ranking among the cities of the South, next to New Orleans in the value of its commerce, first in the world in the shipment of naval stores and third as a cot- ton market. Savannah stands upon a bluff 46 feet above the level of the Savannah jnd iV miles from the sea. It is connected by water with every county of the Atlantic coastal plain and by rail with every part of Georgia and the railroads that radiate from it in all directions give it rapid connections with every quarter of the Union. The Savannah, the first steamship that ever crossed the Atlantic, was owned in Savannah and the Ocean Steamship Company of that city has the finest line of steamers to-day that ply between Northern and Southern ports. Among the exports of Savannah are not only the raw cotton, but also cotton goods from the factories of Georgia, rice, lum- ber and naval stores and fruits, melons and vegetables from the orchards, fields and market gardens of the vicinity and on the lines of the railroads that come into the city. Its import trade also is very extensive and its large wholesale houses are strong and substantial. Its manufacturing interests are important, embracing various grades of cotton goods, cottonseed-oil mills, fertilizer factories, foundries, machine shops for making agricultural implements and various other industries. It is one of the most beautiful cities of the Union and has several handsome his- toric monuments, viz.: the one to General Nathaniel Greene, another to Count Pu- laski, another to Sergeant Jasper, all heroes of the American revolution, one to W. W. Gordon, the great promoter of the Central Railroad and one in honor of the Confeder- ate soldiers. The population of Savannah by the census of 1900 was 54,244 of which the whites numbered 26.109 ^"d the colored 28,135. But a large, thickly settled district has been taken into the corporate limits and with the accustomed ratio of increase the city at this time (1904) contains considerably more than 60,000 inhabitants. On a branch of the Central Railroad, bstwen Savannah and Augusta, the town of \A'aynesboro (population, 2,030) in the midst of a cotton and lumber region, has cot- tonseed-oil mills and fert'lizer factories. It is the cotinty seat of Burke which is the greatest cotton county of Georgia. At Shell Bluff is an inexhaustible supply of lime- stone of the best quality for making lime. Buhrstone is very abundant in this county. Louisville (population, 1,000) is the county site of Jefferson county. It is an old town of historic interest from the circumstance that for nine years (from 1795 to 1804) it was the capital of Georgia. Sandersville and Tennille are important towns of Washington county, the former being the county site. Sandersv'lle is on a branch of the Southern Railway and has good commercial facilities, large fertilizer establishments and machine shops. It is sit- uated upon a ridge between the Oconee and Ogeechee rivers, 500 feet above sea level. Population, 2,023. Tennille is smaller, having i,T2I inhabitants, but is quite a manu- facturing center, having a cotton factory, cottonseed-oil mill, hard wood factory, min- eral works, machine works and novelty factory. It has also an electric light plant. Connected with Tennille by a short railroad is Wrightsville (population, 1,127) the county seat of Johnson county in the/ midst of an extensive lumber region. From the great forests of pine in this county- are manufactured rosin and turpentine. In Wilkinson county there is a qijarry of limestone whence is obtained a ma- terial which after hardening in the open air has been found to be excelHnt for the construction of chimneys. In Twiggs county there is a fine vein of potterr clay. In Laurens county, the large number of saw mills and turpentine distilleries prepare great quantities of lumber, rosin and turpentine for export to Savannah. Georcta's Resources ano Adx'axtages. G1 Dublin, the county site, a rapidly growing town of 2,987, inhabitants, has sev- eral prosperous mercantile and manufacturing establishments, among- the latter beino- a cotton mill, a cotton-oil mill, ice and furniture factory, a foundry," brick \forks, va- riety works, stone factory, a shingle machine, a ham packing establishment and many small inuusiries. In Bryan and Bulloch counties the larger part of the cotton raised is .rea-island. In both these counties, Emanuel and Screven, lumber and turpentine interests are ex- tensive, as they are also in Montgomery, Tattnall, Liberty and Mcintosh. Darien, the county site of Mcintosh (population, \,72^)), has a large trade in lumber, rosin' and turpentine. All these are good agriculturjii counties. Brunswick (population 9,081), the county seat of Glynn county, the second in siz,:' and importance of the seaports of Georgia, has one of the best harbors on the At- lantic coast, is beautifully located on a blulf of white sand and has a heavy trade in lumber and naval stores. The city has waterworks and electric lights. Glynn county has great quantities of pine and cypress timbers and a considerable amount of hard woods besides. Waycross, the county seat of Ware county, is one of the great railroad centers of Southeast Georgia. It had by the last census a population of 5,919. It has electric lights, waterworks, a street railway and several manufacturing industries. The pine and cypress timbers are very valuable. Rosin, turpentine and lumber are shipped in large quantities. The railroads radiating from this town bring into it the products of many adjoining counties, viz.: Pierce, Coffee, Clinch, Charlton, and parts of Berrien and Appling, while Jesup in Wayne is another growing railroad center, into which are gathered the products of the neighboring pine forests for shipment to Brunswick and Savannah. With both of these Georgia ports Montgomery, Telfair, Dodge and Wil- cox counties have easy access by rail. Large flocks of she'ep range in all these coun- ties, bringing with their wool good profits to their owners. McRae (population, 1,020) the county seat of Telfair on the Southern Railway, is the center of a large business in lumber,shingles, turpentine and rosin, has saw and planing mills and an oil and fertilizer factory. Here is located the South Georgia college. Abbeville (population, 1,152), the county seat of Wilcox, on the vvest bank of the Ocmulgee river and connected with Savannah by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, has also a large trade in turpentine, rosin and lumber, and so has Seville on the same rail- road, in the western part of Wilcox county, a town of 1,277 inhabitants. Eastman (population, 1,235), the county seat of Dodge, on an elevation of 300 feet, has a considerable trade in cotton, lumber, cane syrup, cattle, chickens and veg- etables. Hawkinsville (population, 2,103), county seat of Ptilaski connected by branch roads with two main trunk lines of railway, has also lines of steamers to Darien and Brun- swick and has among its industries an oil and fertilizer factory, a cotton mill, turpen- tine distillery, barrel, carriage and ice factories. About ten miles from Hawkinsville in the same county is Cochran, a busy town of 1,531 inhabitants on the main line of the Southern Railway. It also has several manufacturing industries. Houston, with its millions of peach trees, is the greatest peach-growing county in the United States, and next to it in Georgia comes Macon county, also counting its peach trees by the million. There are also in these two counties orchards of pear, ap- ple, and plum trees. Fort Valley (population, 2,022), the most important town of Houston county, on one of the lines of the Central Railway, has three large canning factories, crate and basket factories, an ice factory, cotton compresses and knitting mills. The county site of Houston is Perry on a branch of the Central Railway. Houston is also a good wheat county. Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 63 In Macon county there are on the Central Railway three towns, Marshallville, Montezuma and Oglethorpe, the last being- the county site. At these points are can- ning and fruit-packing factories and at Montezuma is a fertilizer factory doing a large business. Americus, the county seat of Sumter county, with a population of 7,674, is the largest c'.ty cf Southwest Georgia in the midst of a rich cotton growing re^^icn. It is the distributing point for mules and horses to all parts of Southwest Georgia. It has in its corporate limits and in its vicinity factories for horse-collars, shoes, wagons, cot- ton-seed oil and guano, a foundry and railroad shops. The city has a good system of waterworks and electric lights. During the latter part of the Civil War, Sumter and the neighboring counties produced such a large part of the supplies for the Confeder- ate armies of Virginia and Tennessee that this section of. the State was called Egypt. At Anderscnvillc, the site of the noted war prison, is a weU-kept Federal cemetery. That part of the coastal plain region vvhicli is drained into the Gulf of Mexico now contains many growing towns. The rich lands drained by the Flint and Chattahoo- chee rivers are among the best in the Stat; for the production of cotton and corn, and in many localities much hay is raised. The eastern part of tliis plain is also rich in forests of pine and has an extensive trade in lumber and naval stores. This is par- ticularly true of the section drained by the /Vllapaha river. Buena Vista, on the Central Railway, the county seat of iMarion, named for a fa- mous battle of the Mexican war, (population, 1,161), is a good cotton market. Richland (population, 1,014), an important town of Stewart county, at the junc- tion of two branches of the Seaboard Air Line system, has a wagon and buggy and guano factory and Lumpkin, the county site on the main line of the same system, with a population of 1,470, is beautifully located on a high ridge. Dawson (population, 2,926) the county seat of Terrell county, at the junction of two railroads, has waterworks, electric lighi;s, prosperous business houses and is in the center of a fine cotton country, which is true also of Cuthbert the county site of Ran- dolph county, with 2,641 inhabitants. It has waterworks and electric lights, a cotton m'd, carriage factory, machine works and ice factory. Here are Andrew Female Col- lege and Bethel Male College. At Fort Gaines, the county seat of Clay county, beautifully located on a high bluff overlooking the Chattahoochee 160 feet above the river, are guano and brick facto- ries and a cottonseed-oil mill. It enjoys both railroad and water transportation and has 1,305 inhabitants. Quitman is a good agricultural county. Vienna (population, 1,305) the county seat of Dooly county, does a heavy lum- ber business and has a cottonseed-oil mill. It is on the Southern and F'lorida Rail- road. Cordele (population, 3,473). on the same railroad, a new and rapidly growing city, does a heavy lumber business in addition to its trade in cotton, corn and vegeta- bles, and has a cotton factory, ice plant, fertilizer establishment, and a fine system of waterworks. Fitzgerald, in Irwin countv, a new town founded under the auspices of ex-Gov- ernor Northen, by veterans of the Union army from the Northwest, is at the junction of two railroads. It has a cotton mill, cottonseed-oil mill, iron foundry, sash and door factory, and extensive lumber business. Its population in 1900 was 1,817, ^^'^^ '^ now claims about 3,000 inhabitants. The town has waterworks and electric lights. Tifton, the largest town of Berrien county, with ,a population of 1,384, at the crossing of four railroads, has saw mills, a canning establishment, machine works and foundry. In its neighborhood are several vineyards producing grapes of fine quality. peach, apple and pear orchards and pecan groves. Ashburn (population, 1,301), the chief business town of Worth county, on the Georgia's Resources axd Adx'antages. 65 Georgia Southern and Florida Railroad, is in a district abounding in turpentine dis- tilleries and has large lumber, shingle and planing mills. Albany (population, 4,606), the county site of Dougherty county, with seven lines of railway radiating from it and a steamboat traffic also with Bainbridge and points along the Flint river, in the center of a rich agricultural region, is an extensive cot- ton, fruit, melon and hay market, and has brick yards, cotton compresses, cotton- seed oil and fertilizer factories and a large canning factory. It has gas and electric ligiirs, a good system of artesian waterworks, and, like all the towns and cities which we have mentioned or shall yet mention, has fine schools and is well supplied with churches of the various Christian denominations. In Dougherty county is a pecan gToyc of 1,000 trees. Bainbridge (population, 2,641), in Decatur county, of which it is the county seat, on the Flint River, by which it has a good steamboat trade, and at the junction of two lines of railway, in the midst of a country producing large crops of cotton, corn, sugar cane, tobacco and fruits, and with a heavy business also in luroDer, has cotton- seed oil mills, iron foundry, cooperage works, railway shops, several lumber mills, ice factory and a boat building plant. Thomasville (population, 5,322) the county seat of Thomas county with broad and well-kept streets and gardens, in which flowers bloom the year round, is lighted by gas and electricity and has a good system of waterworks, railroad shops, sash and blind factories and an iron foundry. Young Female College and South Geoigia College are located here. Cairo, in Thomas county, is a great point for the manufacture and shipping of Georgia cane syrup. Camilla (population, 1,051) in Mitchell county, on a branch ol the Savannah, Florida and Western Railway, has fertilizer works and is the market for many and varied products such as peaches, grapes, walnuts, lumber, turpentine and rosin. There are several groves of pecans, one of them covering a hundred acres. Moultrie (population, 2,221), the county seat of Colquitt county, wnere three raiU roads meet, has electric lights, waterworks, a cotton mill, ice factory, railroad shop, wagon and buggy factory, many large turpentine distilleries in its vicinity and is an extensive market for grapes and melons. Quitman (population, 2,281), the county-seat of Brooks county on ihe Savannah, Florida and Western railroad, a branch of the great Atlantic Coast Line System, in a rich market garden section, is the shipping point for garden produce and melons. It has a cotton mill, fertilizer and oil factories, ice factory, waterworks and electric plant. Valdosta (population, 5,613), the county seat of Lowndes county, is a great rail- road center in the heart of a great yellow pine region, and is the greatest inland mar- ket for sea-island cotton, large crops of whijh are raised in its neighborhood. The ship- ment of naval stores to Brunswick and Savannah is one of its great industries and it has an iron foundry, and factories for the manufacture of cotton goods, fertilizers, bug- gies, builders' material and other woodwork, and an iron foundry. It also has a pork packing establishment. It has waterworks and electric lights. Blakcly, in Early county, is the seat of a large fertilizer and oil mill, lumber and turpentine business. Miller, Baker, Webster, Calhoun, Taylor, and Chattahoochee are all good counties, rich in agricultural products and with good railroad facilities. In Crawford county is a fine vein of pottery clay. All South Georgia is a great and growing country, increasing rapidly in wealth and population, and with every advantage, educational and religious. In fact, each sec- tion of Georgia offers an inviting field to the enterprising immigrant. She is a ^great, Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 67 broad-minded State, growing rapidly in population, wealth and influerice. To every class of industrious law-abiding people, seeking pleasant homes and with a mind to work, especially to all true Americans from North, West or South, without regard to political affiliations, Georgia stretches forth the right hand of fellowship, and bids them welcome. The price of lands in Georgia varies from ten to seventy-five dollars an acre, ac- cording to fertility of soil or proximity to some large city or rapidly growing town. A TOBACCO FIELD. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF COUNTIES OF GA. WITH POPULATION OF EACH BY CENSUS OF 1900, AND VALUE OF ALL PROPERTY ACCORDING TO COMPTROLLER-GENERAL'S REPORT FOR THE YEARS 1903 AND 1904; PRICE OF LANDS PER ACRE; ALSO FORESTRY AND PRODUCTS, AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL AND MINERAL. APPLING COUNTY.— Population, white, 8,823; colored, 3,513; total, 12,336. Aggregate value of whole property, 1903, $1,735,876; 1904, $1,858,051. Price of lands per acre, from $3.00 to $15.00. Forest timbers, chiefly long-leaf pine. Products: Ag- ricultural, cotton, corn, oats, rice, sugar-cane, potatoes (Irish and sweet), field peas, ground-peas, peavine and crab grass hay; Horticultural, pears, grapes, plums, peaches, watermelons; Mineral, . BAKER COUNTY. — Population, white, 1,934; colored, 4,770; total, 6,704. Ag- gregate value of whole property, 1903, $607,688; 1904, $658,582. Price of lands per acre, from $5.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory and long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, upland rice, field peas, ground"peas, sugar- cane, sorghum-cane, potatoes (Irish and sweet), all grasses except clover; Horticul- tural : peaches, plums, cherries, Cjuinces, apples and watermelons. Mineral : . BALDWIN COUNTY. — Population, white, 6,511; colored, 11,257; total, 17,768. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,937,788; 1904, $2,030,085. Price of lands per acre: from $10.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers: poplar, hickory, pine, maple, ash, walnut, locust, oak. Products : Agricultural : corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, field-peas, ground-peas, potatoes (Irish and sweet), crab-grass and bermuda hay, sugar-cane. Horticultural: peaches, apples, plums, cherries, figs, pomegranates; Mineral: pottery clay. BANKS COUNTY. — Population: white, 8,448; colored, 2,097; total, 10,545. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,030,322; 1904, $1,076,823. Price of lands per acre: from $2.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers : Poplar, hickory, pine, maple, ash, walnut, locust, white, post and mountain oak. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, sorghum-forage, sweet and Irish potatoes, field-peas, hay from clover, bermuda grass and the vetches ; Horticultural : cabbages, onions and other veg- etables, apples; Mineral, granite. BARTOW COUNTY.— Population: white, 14,635; colored, 6,188; total, 20,823. Aggregate value of whole property, 1903, $3,923,097; 1904, $4,133,855. Price of lands per acre: from $10.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers: poplar, hickory, maple, ash, walnut, chestnut, oak, locust, pine. Products: Agricultural: corn, wheat, oats, cotton, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, sorghum-cane, peavine, crabgrass and clover hay ; Hor- ticultural : peaches, apples, berries, and all small fruits, and almost every variety of veg- etable; 'Mineral: iron, manganese, ochre, bauxite, and limestone with active and suc- cessful operations in all. BERRIEN COUNTY.— Population: white, 13,494; colored, 5,946; total, 19,440. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,891,549; 1904, $4,051,360. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers: chiefly long-leaf pine. Products: Ag- ricultural : cotton, corn, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 69 from nativte grasses ; Horticultural : Peaches, grapes, cherries, plums, pears and every variety of vegetables, figs, watermelons; Mineral: brick clay and marls. BIBB COUNTY. — Population: white, 23,078; colored, 27,395; total, 50,473. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $17,685,595; 1904, $20,201,695. Price of lands per acre : from $10.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, cherry, walnut and some yellow pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, field- peas, ground peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from clover, crab and bermuda grass, some sugar-cane, and sorghum-cane ; Horticultural : all varieties of vegetables, peaches, apples, plums, pears, figs, pomegranates, watermelons, canteloupes, berries and grapes ; Mineral: granite, limsetone, some ochre and abundance of pottery clay. BROOKS COUNTY. — Population: white, 7,702; colored, 10,904; total, 18,606. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,309,724; 1904, $3,494,622. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : chiefly long-leaf pine. Products : Ag- ricultural : cotton (long and short staple), corn, oats, rye, wheat, upland rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground peas and much sugar-cane, crab-grass and pea- vine hay; Horticultural: peaches, pears, oranges, figs, melons, and all varieties of veg- etables; Mineral: . BRYAN COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,969; colored, 3,153; total, 6,122. Ag- gregate value of whole property, 1903, $708,156; 1904, $781,845. Price of lands per acre: from $2.00 to $15.00. Forest timbers: long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton (upland and sea-island), corn, sugar-cane, rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, field- peas, ground-peas ; Horticultural : all the usual vegetables, peaches, melons and ber- ries ; Mineral : marls. BULLOCH COUNTY. — Population: white, 12,213; colored, 9,164; total, 21,377. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,240,036; 1904, $3,566,225. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $40.00. Forest Timbers: pine (long-leaf), and cypress. Prod- ucts: Agricultural: cotton (upland and sea-island), corn, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab and other grasses for hay ; Horticultural : all va- rieties of vegetables, peaches, pears, plums, grapes and melons, berries ; Mineral : marls. BURKE COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,522; colored, 24,643; total, 30,165. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,209,368; 1904, $3,342,954. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers; oak, hickory, and long-leaf pine. Prod- ucts: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, hay from crab and bermuda grass and wire grass for grazing, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, figs, pomegranates, watermelons, canteloupes, berries and all kinds of garden produce; Mineral: limestone, buhrstone, marls. BUTTS COUNTY.— Population, white, 5,998; colored, 6,807; total, 12,805. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,607,214; 1904, $1,653,937. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to .$50.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, gum, walnut, cherry and long-leaf pine, etc. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, cow-peas, field- peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, crab and bermuda grass ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, cherries, plums, pears, watermelons, canteloupes, figs, and every variety of vegetables ; Mineral : sulphur in its mineral waters. CALHOUN COUNTY.— Population : white, 2,399; colored, 6,875; total, 9,274. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,082,735; 1904, $1,301,679. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $35-00. Forest timbers: long-leaf pine, oak, gum, walnut and other woods. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, sugar-cane, wheat, oats, rye, field- peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from crowfoot and Bermuda grass ; 70 Georgia's Resources and AovANXAGiis. Horticultural: peaches, grapes, berries, watermelons, canteloupes, figs, pomegranates and all garden products ; Mineral : . CAMDEN COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,423; colored, 5,246; total, 7,669. Ag- gregate value of whole property : 1903, $900,786; 1904, $927,225. Price of lands per acre : from $2.50 to $50.00. Forest timbers : long-leaf pine, cypress, sycamore, etc. Products : Agricultural : corn, sugar-cane, sorghum-cane, cotton, rice, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, and all the grasses; Horticultural: all kinds of vegetables, grapes, peaches, plums, cherries, berries, melons, oranges, lemons, figs, olives and pomegranates; Mineral: marls. There are also mineral springs. CAMPBELL COUNTY. — Population: white, 6,350; colored, 3,168; total, 9,518. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,595,147; 1904, $1,707,388. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers ; chiefly oak and pine. Products : Agri- cultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab and Bermuda grass and clover; Horticultural: all garden products, peaches, ap- ples, watermelons, canteloupes, berries grapes; Mineral: granite and barite. CARROLL COUNTY. — Population: white, 21,539; colored, 5,037; total, 26,576. Aggregate v.alue of whole property: 1903, $3,761,162; 1904, $3,867,662. Price of land per acre : from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, ash, maple, walnut, pop- lar and gum. Products : Agricultural : cot-ton, corn, oats, wheat, sugar-cane, hay from crab and Bermuda grass, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, tobacco. Horticultural: all vegetables, peaches, apples, watermelons, canteloupes, berries, cher- ries, etc.; Mineral: Gold, quartz and granite. CATOOSA COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,341; colored, 482; total, 5,823. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $842,654; 1904, $875,496. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $25.00 and $40.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, poplar and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, timothy, herd and orchard grass, clover, German millet, sorghum-cane ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, cherries, plums, grapes, berries (especially strawberries,) watermelons, canteloupes; Mineral: sand and limestones, iron and gold. CHARLTON COUNTY.— Population : white, 2,849; colored, 743; total, 3,592. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $520,352; 1904, $522,362. Price of lands per acre: from $2.00 to $10.00. Forest timbers :yellow (long-leaf) pine and cypress. Prod- ucts : Agricultural : sea-island cotton, sugar-cane, corn, tobacco, Irish and sweet pota- toes ; Horticultural : oranges and figs ; 'Mineral : marls. CHATHAM. COUNTY. — 'Population: white, 29,930; colored, 41,309; total, 71,239. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $32,726,293; 1904, $33,177,373- Price of lands per acre: from $10.00 to $100.00. Forest timbers: pine, cypress and live-oak. Prod- ucts : Agricultural : corn, cotton, Irish and sweet potatoes, sugar-cane, field peas, ground-peas, crab-grass, hay ; Horticultural : all varieties of vegetables, berries, mel- ons and fruits, immense quantities of all these being shipped north from the market gardens at large profits; Mineral: . CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY.— Population : white, 1,852; colored, 3,928; total, 5,790. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $562,938; 1904, $582,028. Price of lands per acre, $3.00 to $15.00. Forest timbers: some oak and hickory, but chiefly yel" low pine. Products: agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, upland rice and crab grass; Horticultural: apples, peaches, plums, cherries, melons, grapes, berries, and every kind of vegetable; Min- eral : marls. •J2 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. CHATTOOGA COUNTY. — Population: white, 10,714; colored, 2,238; total, 12,- 952. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,254,662; 1904, $2,256,745. Price of lands per acre : $3.00 to $50.00. Forest tim-bers : oak, hickory, maple, ash, chestnut, gum, walnut, pine, cherry and poplar. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, clover and grasses, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum cane, field peas, ground peas and tobacco; Horticultural: every variety of vegetable, berries of all kinds including the finest strawberries, peaches, aples, plums, cherries, melons and grapes ; Mineral: iron, bauxite, clay, limestone, manganese, coal, slate, talc, sandstone and chert. CHEROKEE COUNTY. — Population: white, 13,958; colored, 1,285; total, 1.5,243 Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,141,972; 1904, $2,184,644. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $30.00. Forest timbers : hickory, oak, pine, poplar, beech, ash, walnut, cherry and other hard woods. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, orchard and crab-grass and cloVer ; Horticultural: vegetables of all sorts, apples, peaches, plums, cherries and berries ; Mineral : gold, copper, iron, mica, talc and marble. CLARKE COUNTY.— Population : white, 8,230; colored, 9,478; total, 17,708. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $6,897,815; 1904, $7,269,235. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : pine, oak, poplar, hickory, birch, maple, cherry, ash, walnut and chestnut. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground peas and hay from crab and Bermuda grass and clover; Horticultural: every kind of vegetable, peaches, apples, plums, cher- ries, canteloupes, watermelons, grapes and berries ; Mineral : granite, graphite, galena. CLAY COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,865; colored, 5,703; total, 8,568. Aggre- gate value of whole property : 1903, $1,161,806; 1904, $1,275,401. Price of lands per acre: from $2.50 to $25.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, and other hard woods, long- leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rice, sugarcane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, Bermuda, Johnson and crab grass, sorghum forage and pea-vine hay ; Horticultural : Melons, peaches, grapes, berries and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : marls. There are some mineral springs. CLAYTON COUNTY. — Population, white, 5,572; colored, 4,026; total, 9,598. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,453,504; 1904, $1,494,391. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, cherry, walnut, maple, ash and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley, sorghum cane, sugar cane, sweet and Irish potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from Timothy, red-top, blue, orchard, crab and Bermuda grasses, also clover and peavines : Horticul- tural : peaches, apples, berries, melons, cherries, plums, figs, and vegetables of all varie- ties; Mineral: asbestos. CLINCH COUNTY.— Population, 5,142; colored, 3,590; total, 8,732. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,042,544; 1904, $1,063,296. Price of lands per acre: from $2.50 to $15.00. Forest timbers: yellow pine, cypress and live oak. Products: Ag- ricultural: sea-island cotton, corn, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, and tobacco: Horticultural : peaches, berries, pecans and vegetables ; Mineral : marls. COBB COUNTY.— Population: white, 17,334; colored, 7,330; total, 24,664. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $5,218,525; 1904, $5,352,745. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : yellow and white hickory, post and red oak, maple, ash and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, hay from crab grass, clover and peavines : Horticultural : all Varieties of vegetables, peaches, apples, grapes, berries, melons; Mineral: gold, copper. / C *'-■ /^ TTJi-/ n « U L iV \iJomert,*« 1/ LX4J ^CRAWFOROrS^ ?Y Blakely I A R iVY 74 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. COFFEE COUNTY.— Population : white, 9,558; colored, 6,611; total, 16,169. Ag- gregate value of whole property: $2,732,993. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : All varieties of oak, hickory, gum, yellow pine and cypress. Products : Agricultural : sea-island cotton, corn, sugarxane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab-grass and peavine hay, and tobacco ; Horticultural : all gar- den products, peaches, grapes, strawberries and melons; Mineral: . COLQUITT COUNTY.— Population, white', 10,034; colored, 3,602; total, 13,636. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,777,044; 1904, $2,999,252. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : longdeaf pine. Products : Agricultur- al : corn, upland and sea island cotton, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, oats, field- peas and ground-peas and tobacco ; Horticultural : peaches, grapes, and melons ; Min- eral : . COLUMBIA COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,900; colored, 7,753; total, 10,653. Aggregate value of whole propert}^ : 1903, $923,167; 1904, $980,986. Price of lands per acre from $3.00 to $30.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickroy, maple, walnut and pine. Products : Agricultural : corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, field"peas, ground-peas, red clover, alfalfa and vetches ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, plums, peas, melons, ber ries and vegetables of all varieties; Mineral: gold and clay. COWETA COUNTY.— Population: white, 10,759; colored, 14,221; total, 24,980. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,747,401; 1904, $4,761,880. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, gum, walnut, maple and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from Bermuda grass, peavines, sorghum and millet; Horticultural: apples, peach- es, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, every variety of vegetables, berries and melons; Mineral: gold and granite. "CRAWFORD COUNTY.— Population, white, 4,550; colored, 5,818; total, 10,368. Aggregate value of whole property, 1903, $1,037,046; 1904, $1,042,669. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, bay, gum and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, sugar- cane, field-peas, ground-peas, crab and Bermuda grasses ; Horticultural : peaches, ap- ples, plums, pears, grapes, cherries, berries, melons and all garden vegetables ; Min- eral : clay. DADE COUNTY. — Population: white, 4,140; colored, 438; total, 4,578. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $974,972, 1904, $1,011,636. Price of lands per acre: From $2.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, maple, cherry, ash, poplar, pine locust and birch. Products: Agricultural: cotton, wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye, Irish potatoes, crab grass, hay and clover ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, grapes and nearly all vegetables ; Mineral : coal and iron. DAWSON COUNTY.— Population, white, 5,271 ; colored, 171 ; total, 5,442. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $557,585; 1904, $578,124. Price of lands per acre: $2.50 to $25.00. Forest timbers: hickory, cedar, poplar, chestnut, locust, gum, walnut, oak, birch and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, sorghum, crab-grass and tobacco ; Horticulture : all kinds of vegetables, apples, peaches, cherries, melons, grapes and berries; Mineral: gold in large quantities. DECATUR COUNTY. — Population: white, 13,67b; colored, 15,778; total, 29,454. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,567,481; 1904, $5,114,698. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : yellow-pine, cypress and various kinds of oaks. Products: Agricultural: cotton (upland and sea-island), corn, sugar cane, Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 75 oats, sweet and some Irish potatoes, field peas, ground-peas, tobacco, grains and for- age crops. One farm has nearly 1,000 acres in tobacco. The syrup industry is flour- ishing; Horticultural: peaches, plums, berries of all kinds, figs, melons, and all the usual garden vegetables ; Mineral : Marls. DeKALB COUNTY. — Population: white, 14,068; colored, 7,044; total, 21,112. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,936,473; 1904, $4,918,375. Price of lands pej acre : from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : oak, chestnut, cherry, walnut, hickory and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field"peas, ground peas and crab grass hay ; Horticultural : peaches, ap- ples, plums, cherries, pears, figs, berries, watermelons, cantaloupes, and all vegetables ; Mineral : granite and gneiss. DODGE COUNTY. — Population: white, 8,270; colored, 5,705; total, 13,975. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,985,250; 1904, $2,187,573. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : yellow pine with some oak, hickory, and other hardwoods. Products: Agricultural: corn, cotton (upland and sea-island), sugar- cane, oats, wheat, rye, sweet and Irish potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and hay from crab grass and German millet; Horticultural: peaches, apples, plums, figs, grapes, cher- ries, melons, berries and all the usual vegetables ; Mineral : . DOOLY COUNTY.— Population, white, 11,883; colored, 14,684; total, $26,567. Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $4,278,091 ; 1904, $4,560,950. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : large quantities of yellow pine and some hard woods. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground-peas,, crab-grass hay; Horticultural: the usual varieties of vegetables, melons, berries, figs, peaches, plums and cherries ; Mineral : marls. DOUGHERTY COUNTY.— Population: white, 2,451; colored, 11,228; total, 13,- 679. Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $3,834,230 ; 1904, $4,087,868. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : yellow pine, cypress and some hardwoods. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, upland rice, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas, crab and crowfoot grass, Egypt- ian corn, German millet and sorghum forage ; Horticultural : peaches, pears, grapes, figs, watermelons, cantaloupes and all varieties of vegetables; Mineral: . DOUGLAS COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,590; colored, 2,155; total, 8,745. Aggregate value of whole property, 1903, $1,123,062; 1904, $1,139,496. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, chestnut, gum, birch, maple and some pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum cane, field-peas, ground-peas and crab-grass hay; Horti- cultural: peaches, apples, melons, berries, plums, cherries, figs and all vegetables; Mineral, pyrites. EARLY COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,863 ; colored, 8,965 ; total, 14,828. Ag- gregate value of whole property : 1903, $2,282,925 ; 1904, $2,693,430. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers: yellow pine, cypress, oak, walnut and red cedar. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, oats, sweet potatoes, sugar-cane, rice; Horticultural: all varieties of vegetables, melons, berries, peaches and figs; Min- eral : marls. ECHOLS COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,218; colored, 991; total, 3,209. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $401,978; 1904, $435,543. Price of lands per acre: from $2.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers: yellow pine, cypress. Products: Agri- cultural: cotton (sea-island), corn, sugar-cane, rice; Horticultural: the different va- rieties of vegetables, some peaches, berries, melons ; Mineral : marls. 76 ' Georgia's Resources and Advantages. EFFINGHAMI COUNTY. — Population: white, 4,630; colored, 3,704; total, 8,334. Aggregate Value of whole property: 1903, $1,237,191; 1904, $1,267,862. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $35-oo. Forest timbers: pine and cypress. Products: Agricultural: cotton, both long (sea-island) and short (upland) staple, corn, sugar- cane, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, groundpeas and rice ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, quinces, grapes, melons and all varieties of vegetables; Min- eral : . ELBERT COUNTY.— Population: white, 9,936; colored, 9,793; total, 19,729. Ag~ gregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,330,381 ; 1904, $2,412,722. Price of lands per acre: "from $3.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, chestnut, poplar, cherry, walnut and some pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, bar- ley, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground peas, sorghum-cane, Bermuda grass hay; Horticultural: apples, peaches, plums, cherries, melons, berries and all varieties of vegetables; Mineral: granite and graphite. EMANUEL COUNTY. — Population: white, 12,873; colored, 8,406; total, 21,279. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,730,499; 1904, $2,875,637. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : pine and cypress. Products : Ag- ricultural : upland and sea-island cotton, corn, sugarcane, oats, field-peas, ground-peas, sweet potatoes, hay from peavines and native grasses ; Horticultural : vegetables of all kinds, peaches, figs, melons and berries; Mineral: marls. FANNIN COUNTY. — Population: white, 10.918; colored, 296; total, 11,214. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $935,795; 1904, >$i, 080,606. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $30.00. Forest timbers : white oak, post-oak, hickory, ash, poplar, maple, walnut and some pine. Products : Agricultural : corn, oats, rye, wheat, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum-cane, field peas, crab-grass hay and clover; Horticultural: apples, cherries, some peaches, berries and the usual varieties of vege- tables; Mineral: gold, copper. FAYETTE COUNTY. — Population: white, 6,553; colored, 3,561; total, 10,114. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,001,556: 1904, $1,010,970. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, walnut, maple, chest- nut, pine, gum and poplar. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground-peas, sorghum and sugar-cane and crab grass hay; Horticultural: peaches, apples, melons, grapes, berries, and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : granite. FLOYD COUNTY. — Population: white, 21,633; colored, 11,480; total, 33,113. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $9,003,028; 1904, $9,501,868. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, walnut, maple, poplar, gum, chestnut and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, bar- ley, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane and hay from crab grass and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes, cherries, all varieties of berries, watermelons, cantaloupes and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : brown and red iron ores, manganese, bauxite, marble (variegated and black), slate, limestone, cement rock, lithographic stone, brown stone, kaolin, ochre, brick clay, bitu- minous shale, iron pyrite, gold, silver and lead. FORSYTH COUNTY. — Population: white, 10,467; colored, 1,083; total, 11,550. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,434,571; 1904, $1,505,072. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers: second growth pine, hickory, chest- nut and the varieties of oak. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, barly, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, hay from crab and Bermuda grass and from clover. The best hay of the county is a mixture of pea- 78 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. vine, sorghum and crab grass; Horticultural: apples, peaches, plums, grapes, berries, melons and vegetables of every kind; Mineral: gold and small amounts of silver and copper. FRANKLIN COUNTY. — Population: white, 13,496; colored, 4,204; total, 17,700. Aggregate value of vi/hole property: $1,916,413. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $45.00. F'orest timbers : different varieties of oak, hickory, maple, ash, birch, gum, walnut, poplar and some pine. Products : Agrucultural : cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, sorghum-cane. Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from crab and Bermuda grass; Hor- ticultural : vegetables of all kinds, apples, peaches, berries and melons ; Mineral :, granite. FULTON COUNTY.— Population : white, 71,591; colored, 45,772; total, 117,363. Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $55,550,135 ; 1904, $58,322,234. Price of lands per acre: from $10.00 to $125.00. Forest timbers: oak and walnut. Products: Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, freld-peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from clover, blue grass, Bermuda, crab and orchard grasses, red top, TiiiT othy and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, cherries, plums, peas, grapes, ber- ries, melons and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: some copper, iron pyrites, asbestos and gold, none of which are being mined. Claj's for making brick and terra cotta are being worked. GILMER COUNTY. — Population: white, 10,121; colored, yj ; total, 10,198. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $769,366; 1904, $812,391. -Price of lands per acre : from $2.50 to $25.00. Forest timbers : chiefly oak and poplar. Products : Ag- ricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, upland rice, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, red-top, Timothy, Bermuda, clover, crab, orchard and blue grass. Horticultural : apples, peaches, quinces, plums, cherries, grapes, some berries and mel- ons and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: gold, iron, white and variegated marbles, limestone, sandstone, mica, slate and granite. GLASCOCK COUNTY. — Population: white, 3,001 ; colored, 1,515; total, 4,516. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $445,558; 1904, $479,685. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $25.00. Forest timbers: oak, walnut, pine, chestnut, hickory, maple, and gum. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas ; Horticultural : all varieties of vege- tables, apples, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, melons and berries; Mineral: . GLYNN COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,200; colored, 9,117; total, 14,314. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,401,168; 1904, $4,483,692. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers : cypress, sweet-gum, beech, gum, white oak, live oak, post oak,, ash, and yellow pine. Products : Agricultural : sea-is- land cotton, corn, sugar-cane, wheat, oats, rye, rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas, some hay from Bermuda and crab grass ; Horticultural : peaches, plums, pears, quinces, melons, figs, grapes and berries and all viegetables ; Mineral: marls. GORDON COUNTY. — Population: white, 12,488; colored, 1,631; total, 14,119. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,179,486; 1904, $2^49,857. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : oak walnut, poplar, ash, hickory, chestnut and some pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum-cane, field-peas, ground-peas, crab grass and clover hay; Horticultural : peaches, apples, plums, grapes, berries, melons, and all kinds of vege- tables ; Mineral: iron, limestone, bauxite, black and variegated marble. GREENE COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,325; colored, 11,217; total, 16,542. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,057,237; 1904, $2,096,633. Price of 8o Georgia's Resources axd Advantages. lands per acre: From $5.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers: oak hickory, gum, maple, cherry and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corji, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum cane, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, clover, Bermuda, German millet and peavine hay; Horticultural: peaches, apples, cherries, plums, grapes, berries, melons, and the usual kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : Granite. GWINNETT COUNTY.— Population : white, 21,442; colored, 4,143; total, 25,585. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903,, $3,645,319; 1904, $3,793,296. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, walnut, maple, poplar, gum and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, hay from crab grass and clover; Horticultural: peaches, apples, plums, cherries, pears, grapes, vegetables of all kinds, berries and melons; Mineral: granite, iron, quartz, buhrstone and some gold. HABERSHAM COUNTY.— Population: white, 11,812; colored, 1,792; total, 13,- 604. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,793,859; 1904, $2,017,817. Price of lands per acre: from $2.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers: white oak, post oak, poplar, maple, hickory, beech, walnut, cedar and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas and ground-peas, clover, alfalfa, vetches and all the hay grasses; Horticultural: garden vegetables (es- pecially cabbage and Irish potatoes), apples, plums, pears, grapes, cherries, melons and berries; Mineral: iron, graphite, asbestos, gold, copper, ochre, manganese, marble, slate, graphite, talc and sandstone. HALL, COUNTY. — Population: white, 17,480; colored, 3,272; total, 20,752. Ag- gregate value of whole property : 1903, $5,184,207; 1904, $5,458,633. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers: white oak, post-oak, poplar, hick- ory, pine, maple, ash, walnut, mountain oak and loeust. Products : Agricultural : corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, crab and Bermuda grass and clover ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, figs, berries, melons and all garden produce; Mineral: gold, granite and other building stones, brick clav. and some iron, lead and silver. HANCOCK COUNTY.— Population : white, 4,649; colored, 13,628; total, 18,277. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,049,963; 1904, $2,287,418. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers : pine, oak, sweet gum, maple, hickory and walnut. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, r3'e, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sugar-cane and sorghum-cane, crab and Bermuda grass and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, mel- ons, berries, and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : asbestos, plumbago, kaolin and agate. HARALSON COUNTY.— Population : white, 10,280; colored, 1,642; total, 11,922. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,570,120; 1904, $1,593,419. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, walnut, gum, maple, poplar, and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum- cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, grormd-peas, crab grass and clover; Horticul- tural : apples, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, berries, melons and all garden vegeta- bles; Mineral: gold. HARRIS COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,823; colored, 12,186; total, 18,009. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,805,699; 1904, $1,800,790. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, walnut, hickory, maple, cherry, gum and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley, sugar-cane, sorghum-cane, sweet and Irish potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab grass (i ^7" ■ AH IfcfcWj LEGEND ■ I I Below 44 inches. | | Over 72 inches. "iG d) Rjp-0 N .^ I I 44 lo 48 inches. „ ,-, ( ) ^ I I 48 to 52 inches. "'jrft^ '3 I I 52 to 54 inches. rsSv C Ol.vioi, V* 54 lo G4 inches. ' ^ ^^^, 64 [ Z] "* '" "* inches. RAIN MAP OF GEORGIA. ANNUAL-. HOWING BY ISOTHYETAL CURVES TH GWINI cjicK'ille ' ^i^ms^ ..,,.>rQ; K//V riv, Co, MP SON l^rauklin Prtg.&Pub. Co., Atlanta, Ga. 82 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. hay; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries and grapes; Mineral: Granite. HART COUNTY. — Population: white, 10,467; colored, 4,025; total, 14,492. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,613,825; 1904, $1,678,978. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, hickory, walnut, cherry, ash, gum, and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sor- ghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, iield-peas, ground-peas, crab and Bermuda grasses, German and cattail millet, Japan clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, grapes, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: granite. HEARD COUNTY. — Population: white, 7,163; colored, 4,014; total, 11,177. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $964,476; 1904, $973,825. Price of lands per acre : "from $4.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, maple, poplar, walnut, gum and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, crab and Bermuda grass; Horticultural : vegetables of all kinds, peaches, apples, pears, cherries, melons, grapes and plums ; Mineral : granite. HENRY COUNTY. — Population: white, 9.213; colored, 9,389; total, 18,602. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,437,155; 1904, $2,350,267. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : oak, walnut, chestnut, poplar, ma- ple, cherry, pine and gum. Products : Agricultural : corn, cotton, wheat, oats, bar- ley, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, crab and Bermuda grasses and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, figs, plums, cherries, melons, grapes, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: granite. HOUSTON COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,635; colored, 17,006; total, 22,641. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,989,300; 1904, $2,995,255. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers : oak, poplar, walnut, maple and yel- low pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, Irish and sweet po- tatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, crab-grass hay; Horticultu- ral: peaches( greatest peach county in the United States), apples, pears, plums, figs, cherries, grapes, berries, melons, and vegetables of every kind; Mineral: clay. IRWIN COUNTY.— Population : white, 8,960; colored, 4,685; total, 13,465. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,753,318; 1904, $3,279,039. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : yellow pine, white-oak, wateroak, tuHp, Juniper, cypress, black-gum, cedar, red oak, ash and hickory. Products : Agricultural : cotton (sea island and upland), corn, wheat, oats, rye, rice, sugar-cane, sorghum-cane, sweet and Irish potatoes, field peas, ground-peas, hay from Bermuda, crab and crow- foot grasses, peavines, cattail millet and velvet beans; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plum, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and all vegetables; Mineral: ^ . JACKSON COUNTY. — Population: white, 16,433; colored, 7,606; total, 24,039. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,473,151 ; 1904, $3,615,769. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers : pine, oak, post-oak, water-oak, white-oak, hickory, poplar, persimmon, beech, dogwood, birch and ash. Products: Ag- ricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground-peas, sorghum cane, hay from crab grass, millet, red clover, Bermuda grass and peavines; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, and vegetables of all kinds; Mineral: granite, quartz, soapstone, asbestos, tourmaline and some iron ore. JASPER COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,388: colored, 9,645; total, 15^033. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,767,355; 1904, $1,822,226. Price of lands 84 Georgta's Resources and Advantages. per acre: from $5.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, hickory, walnut, maple, cherry, gum and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum cane, sugarcane, Bermuda and crab grass hay; Horticultural: apples, grapes, berries; Mineral, . JEFFERSON COUNTY.— Population : white, 6,634; colored, 11,578; total, 18,- 212. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,613,660; 1904, $2,864,255. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, poplar, wal- nut, cherry, maple and long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, Bermuda and crab grass ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, grapes, cherries, melons, ber- ries and the usual garden vegetables; Mineral: Buhrstone, limestone, marls. Some spec- imens of agate and chalcedony have been found. JOHNSON COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,878; colored, 4,531 ; total, 11,409. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,501,082; 1904, $1,641,644. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers: some hard woods as oak, hickory, poplar, etc., and large quantities of long-leaf (yellow) pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton (upland and sea-island), corn, oats, wheat, rye, sugarcane, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, crab grass and peavine hay, field-peas and ground-peas ; Horticul- tural : all vegetables, apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, melons and ber- ries ; Mineral : . JONES COUNTY. — Population: while, 3,908; colored, 9,450; total, 13,358. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,074,353; 1904, $1,059,437. Price of' lands per acre: from $3.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, poplar and other hard- woods, also shortdeaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, field-peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from Bermuda and crab grass and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, figs, pears, plums, berries, melons, cherries and all the usual vegetables ; Mineral : kaolin. LAURENS COUNTY. — Population: white, 14,569; colored, 11,339; total, 25,908. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,833,823; 1904, $3,998,411. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : a few hard woods and large quan- tities of yellow pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton (upland and sea-island), corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, field-peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from Bermuda and crab-grasses and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, figs, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, grapes and all the common garden vegetables ; Mineral : marls. LEE COUNTY.— Population: white, 1,507; colored, 8,837; total, 10,344. Aggre- gate value of whole property: $1,231,868. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers: poplar, cypress, hickory, white oak and yellow pine. Prod- ucts : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, hay from Bermuda, crab and crow- foot grasses and peavines ; Horticultural : vegetables of all kinds, melons, peaches, ap- ples, pears, berries and cherries; Mineral :marls. LIBERTY COUNTY.— Population: white, 4,479; colored, 8,614; total, 13,093. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,361,346; 1904, $1,396,180. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: yellow pine, oak, palmetto, gum, cy- press, magnolia, poplar, maple and hickory. Products: Agricultural: sea-island cotton, com, rice, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, sugarcane, hay from Bermuda, crab and crowfoot grasses'; Horticultural : vegetables of every kind, apples, peaches, grapes, melons, cherries and berries; Mineral: marls. LINCOLN COUNTY.— Population : white, 2,883; colored, 4,273; total, 7,156. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $718,740: 1904. $726,889. Price of lands per 86 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. acre: from $3.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: several varieties, of oak, hickory, popiar, maple, dogwood and a considerable quantity of pine. Products : Agricultural : cot- ton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, and barley, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet po- tatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from crab and Bermuda grasses and clover; Horti- cultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries and v;egetables of all kinds; Mineral: gold and granite. L'OWNDES COUNTY.— Population: white, 9,347; colored, 10,689; total, 20,036. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,644,290; 1904, $4,861,712. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers : some oak and poplar and other hard- woods and extensive forests of yellow pine. Products : Agricultural : upland and a much larger amount of sea-island cotton, corn, sugar-cane, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, broom corn, and hay from crab and crowfoot grasses and peavines ; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, grapes and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: marls. LUMPKIN COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,951 ; colored, 482 ; total, 7,433. Ag- gregate value of white property : $902,520. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers: oaks of various kinds, hickory, ash, poplar, maple, gum, beech, birch, walnut and some pine. Products: Agricultural: corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum-cane, field peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and a little upland cotton; Horticultural: peaches, pears, quinces and apples of the best quality; Mineral: gold in large quantities. McDUFFIE COUNTY.— Population: white, 3,661; colored, 6,143; total, 9,804. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,392,276; 1904, $1,463,113. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers : oak,, hickory, poplar and other hard woods and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, field- peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, hay from crab grass and peavines ; Hor- ticultural : vegetables of all kinds, apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, berries, grapes, watermelons, canteloupes ; Mineral : gold and clay. McINTO.SH COUNTY.— Population : white, 1,456; colored, 5,081: total, 6,537. Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $690,455 ; 1904, $679,242. Price of lands per acre : from $2.50 to $25.00. Forest timbers : cypress, sweet-gum, white and live oak, ash, hickory and pine. Products: Agricultural: sea-island cotton, corn, oats, su- garcane, rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and crab grass hay; Horticultural: peaches, melons, berries, and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: marls. MACON COUNTY. — ^Population: white, 4,302; colored, 9.791; total, 14,093. Ag- gregate value of whole property : 1903, $2,140,334; 1904, $2,263,089. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers: Oak, poplar, and long-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from crab grass and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches in great quantities, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, ber- ries and all the usual garden vegetables ; Mineral : clay. This is the second peach-grow- ing county in the State, ranking next to Houston. MADISON COUNTY.— Population : white, 9,339; colored, 3,885; total, 13.224. Aggrega'-e value of whole property: 1903, $1,216,490; 1904, $1,316,762. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : Oaks, walnut, poplar, cherry, gum, maple, cedar and short-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, fiekkpeas, ground-peas, crab grass hay and some tobacco ; Horticultural: Every kind of vegetable, apples, peaches, grapes, melons, and berries; MineraH graphite. 88 Georgia's Resources axd Advantages. MARION COUNTY. — Population: white, 4,231 ; colored, 5,849; total, 10,080. Ag- gregate value of whole property, 1903, $1,176,309: 1904, $1,214,769. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers: Some good hardwoods and a little long- leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum-cane, su- gar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and hay from crab and pea- vines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, figs, melons, berries and all Varieties of veg- etables ; Mineral, . MERiy/ETHER COUNTY.— Population : white, 9,522; colored, 13,817; total, 23.339-, Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,995,884; 1904, $1,942,160. Price of' lands per acre: from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, poplar, maple, walnut and some pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, fye, sor- ghum-carie, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and crab grass hay; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, cherries, plums,, melons, berries, grapes and the usual kinds of vegetables; Mineral: gold, iron, asbestos and granite. ~^ MILLER COUNTY. — Population: white, 3,611; colored, 2,708; total, 6,319. Ag- gregate value 'of whole property : 1903, $1,053,804; 1904, $1,289,856. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : some hard woods and a considerable quantity of long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, sugar-cane, oats, sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas ; Horticultural : vegetables of all kinds, peaches, apples, melons, berries, plums and cherries ; Mineral : . MILTON COUNTY. — Population : white, 6,000; colored, 763; total, 6,763. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $910,206; 1904, $904,267. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $15.00. Forest timbers: oak, walnut, .hickory, chestnut, maple, cherry, gum and pine. Products: Agricultural: corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, barley, Irish and sweet potatoes, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, and hay from crabgrass and clov:er; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes^ melons, berries and the usual garden products; Mineral: mica and granite. ", MITCHELL COUNTY. — Population :white, 6,778,; colored, 7,989; total, $14,767. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,743,784; 1904, $3,173,085. .Price of lands per acre : fro m$3.5o to $40.00. Forest timbers : some hardwoods and considerable long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: upland and sea-island cotton, wheat, corn, oats, rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas, sugar-cane, Bermuda and crab-grass and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, melons, berries, grapes and all the usual garden vegetables; Mineral: marls. MONROE COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,817; colored, 13,865; total, 20,682. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,478,663 ; 1904, $2,568,114. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, walnut, hickory and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum-cane, sugar-cane, crab-grass hay ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, figs, plums, cherries, melons, grapes, berries and every variety of vegetables ; mineral : mica. MONTGOMERY COUNTY.— Population : white, 9,653; colored, 6,706; total, 16,- 359., Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $2,441,667; 1904, $2,662,810. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers : cypress, oak, hickory, ash and long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, rice, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, figs, pears, berries, melons and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: marls. : . ; MORGAN COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,207; colored, 10,606; total, 15,813. Aggregate, value of whole property: 1903, $3,202,602.. Price of. lands per acre: from . — ■ .^ '■V*/ IS'^^J-^v. 90 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. $5.00 to $50.00. Forest timbers : a few hardwoods and some second growth pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar- cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and large crop of hay from red top, Bermuda, crab and orchard grasses, peavines and clover; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, cherries, grapes, melons, plumis, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Min- eral : some mica. MURRAY COUNTY.— Population : white, 8,102; colored, 521; total, 8,623. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,100,924; 1904, $1,157,704. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $30.00. Forest timbers: oak, ash, beech, birch, laurel, chestnut, hickory, walnut, maple, gum and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum-cane, field-peas, and hay from crab-grass and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : gold, talc, limestone, marble. MUSCOGEE COUNTY.— Population : white, 14,229; colored, 15,607; total, 29,836. Aggregate value of whole property : 1903, $16,275,610; 1904, $17,593,405. Price of lands per acre : from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, poplar, chestnut, dogwood and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground peas, hay from crab and John- son grasses; Florticultural : apples, peaches, plums, pears, cherries, grapes, melons and berries; Mineral: granite. NEWTON COUNTY.— Population : white, 8,589; colored, 8,145; total, 16,734. Ag- gregate value of whole property:, 1903,, $3,088,533 ; 1904, $3,365,214. Price of lands per acre: from $4.50 to $70.00. Forest timbers: a few hardwoods, as oak and poplar, and second growth pines. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, sorghum and sugar-cane, hay from crab and Bermuda grass; Florticultural: apples, peaches, pears, cherries, figs, grapes, melons, berries, and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: granite. OCONEE COUNTY.— Population : white, 4,189 ; colored, 4,413 ; total, 8,602. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,145,712; 1904, $1,176,900. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, syca- more, poplar, maple, ash and gum and short-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cot- ton, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field- peas and ground-peas, hay from crab and Bermuda grasses, peavines and clover; Hor- ticultural: apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, figs, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral : -mica, feldspar, horn-blende and gneiss. OGLETHORPE COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,638; colored, 12,243; total, 17,881. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,691,952; 1904, $1,829,879. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers : oak, pine, hickory, poplar, birch, ash, maple, sweet gum, blackgum, dogwood and cedar. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field- peas, ground-peas, hay from Bermuda, crab-grass and clover; Horticultural: apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes, plums, figs, melons, berries and all kinds of vegeta- bles; Mineral: gold, granite, graphite and ochre. PAULDING COUNTY.— Population : white, 11,624; colored, 1,345; total, 12,969. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,536,103; 1904, $1,604,030. Price of land per acre: from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, pine, gum, maple, walnut, chestnut, birch. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, bar- ley, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from crab- 92 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. grass, peavines, and clover ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, mel- ons, berries and the usual vegetables; Mineral: gold, pyrites and shales. PICKENS COUNTY. — Population: white, 8,226; colored, 415; total, 8,641. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $838,885 ; 1904, $830,477. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $25.00. Forest timbers : oak of the various kinds, ash, poplar, hickor3\ maple, and other hardwoods and short-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : corn, wheat, barley, oats, r}'e, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field"peas, crab- grass hay, clover, and some tobacco ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables (cabbages and turnips be- ing specially fine) ; Mineral: marble in large quantities, iron ore and limestone. PIERCE COUNTY.— Population: white, 5,916; colored, 2,184; total, 8,100. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 103, $1,797,691; 1904, $1,942,238. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, black gum, poplar, maple, and cypress in considerable quantities and a great quantity of yellow, (long-leaf ) pine. Products : Agricultural : sea-island cotton, corn, oats, Irish and sweet potatoes, sugar- cane, field-peas, ground-peas, and crab grass hay: Horticultural: peaches, pears, ber- ries, melons and all kinds of vegetables ;Mineral. PIKE COUNTY.— Population: white, 9,158; colored, 9,603; total, 18,761. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $2,530817; 1904, $2,710,078. -Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, hickory, walnut, maple, cherry, gum and some short leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: c'tton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugarcane, Irish and sweet potatoes, fiekkpeas, ground- peas, hay from crab and Bermuda grass, peavine and various kinds of millets ; Horti- cultural : apples, peaches, pears, grapes, cherries, melons, berries and all the vegeta- bles; Mineral: . POLK COUNTY. — Population: white. 12937; colored, 4,919; total, 17,856. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,594,746; 1904, $3,833,144. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $65.00. Forest timbers : oak, poplar, hickory, chestnut, ma- ple, cherry, beech, birch, gum and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum and sugar-cane, field peas, ground- peas, and hay from crab and Bermuda grass and clover; Horticulturl : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries and vegetables of every kind; Mineral: iron and slate. * PULASKI COUNTY.— Population : white, 7,460: colored, 11,029; total, 18,489. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,598,686; 1904. $2,740,641. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $50.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, gum, hickory, cypress and long-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugarcane, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, cherries, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: Clay and limestone. PUTNAM COUNTY. — Population: white, 3,379; colored, 10,057; total, 13,436. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,957,709 ; 1904, $1,964,873. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers : oak, chestnut, hickory, poplar, cher- ry, ash, walnut, sweetgum and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, hay, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar cane, Irish and sweet potatoes,' field-peas, ground-peas, hay from crab and Bermuda grass; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, figs, plums, cherries, pomegranates, melons, berries and all garden vegetables; Mineral: granite and brick clay. 94 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. QUITMAN COUNTY.— Population: white, 1,254; colored, 3,447; total, 4,701. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $532,942 ; 1904, $560,673. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $20.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, chestnut, beech, gum, wal- nut, poplar and some yellow pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, rice, hay from cralj, Bermuda and Johnson grass ; Horticultural : peaches, pears, apples, figs, melons, berries and all the usual garden vegetables ; Mineral: . RABUN COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,104; colored, 181; total, 6,285. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $578,195; 1904, $761,702. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $15.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, poplar, cedar, maple, beech> ash, birch, gum, persimmon and pine. Products : Agricultural : corn, wheat, oats, rye, upland rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, sorghum cane, field-peas, ground peas, hay frorn crab and Bermuda grass and clover; Horticultural: apples of the finest quality, some of the other fruits and all kinds of vegetables, especially white head cab- bage of enormous size; Mineral: gold, asbestos, mica, corundum, copper, sandstone, iron, carbonate of iron and alum. RANDOLPH COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,550; colored, 11,297; total, 16,- 847. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,161,950; 1904, $2,338,354. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $65.00. Forest timbers: ash, maple, poplar and yellow pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, upland rice, hay from crab and crowfoot grass- es and peavines; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, and all the usual garden vegetables; Mineral; . RICHMOND COUNTY. — Population: white, 27,439; colored, 26,296; total, 53,- 735- Aggregate value of whole property; $23,023,761. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $100.00. Forest timbers: oak, walnut, sweetgum, cherry, maple, poplar, pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, barley, peas, hay from Ber- muda, crab and Guinea grasses, peavines and vetch ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, plums, pears, cherries, grapes, figs, some pecans and vegetables of every kind ; also some pecans ; Mineral : sandstone, kaolin, brick and pottery cla}'. ROCKDALE COUNTY. — Population: white, 4,419; colored, 3,096; total, 7,515. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,494,132; 1904, $1,625,061. Price of lands . per acre ; from $3.50 to $60.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, walnut, sweet gum, poplar, maple, ash and pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar cane, field peas, ground peas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from crab and Bermuda grasses, peavines and different species of millet ; Horticul- tural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, figs, grapes, melons, berries and all the usual garden products; Mineral: granite in large quantities. SCHLEY COUNTY.— Population: white, 1,916; colored, 3,583; total, 5,499. Ag- gregate vjalue of whole property: 1903, $802,096; 1904, $851,632. Price of lands per acre : from $3.00 to $20.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, ash, maple and long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet pota- toes, field peas and ground peas; Horticultural; apples, peaches, pears, plums, ber- ries, melons, and vegetables of all kinds ; Mineral : . SCREVEN COUNTY.— Population ; white, 8,306; colored, 10,946; total, 19,252. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,810,148; 1904, $1,984,098. Price of lands per acre: rfom $4.00 to $20.00. Forest timbers: white oak, ash, maple, poplar, long- leaf pine and cypress. Products : Agricultural : Upland and some sea-island cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, rice, sorghum and sugarcane, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, Irish and sweet potatoes, hay from crab grass and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches. Georgia's Resources and Advantages. ' 95 apples, plums, figs, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: Ijuhrstone and clay. SPALDING COUNTY. — Population: white, 8,465; colored, 9,154; total, 17,619. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,264,784; 1904, $4,425,580. Price of lands per acre: from $5.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers: Oak, ash, maple and poplar and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, Irish and sweet potatoes, sor- ghum, millet, peavines, clover and vetches ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, grapes, cherries, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral, granite. STEWART COUNTY.— Population : white, 4,019; colored, 11,837; total, 15,856. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,914,755; 1904, $1,929,366. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $50.00. Forest timbers : Some hardwoods and long-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: corn, wheat, rye, sugarcane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab, Bermuda, Johnson and Crowfoot grasses ; Horticultural : peaches, plums, apples, pears, berries, melons and all vegetables; Mineral: marls and brick da}'. SUMTER COUNTY.— Population : white, 7,399; colored, 18,813; total, 26,212. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,913,563; 1904, $5,376,180. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $75.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, hickory and other hard- woods and yellow pine and cypress. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, Bermuda and crab- grass and peavines for hay; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, and all varieties of vegetables; Mineral: marls. TALBOT COUNTY.— Population: white, 3,658; colored, 8,539; total, 12,197. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,107,902; 1904, $1,129,559. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $35.00. Forest timbers : some hardwoods and pine. Prod- ucts : Agricultural : corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, and crab-grass hay ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries and all garden vegetables ; Mineral, — . TALIAFERRO COUNTY.— Population : white, 2,391; colored, 5,521; total, 7,- 912. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $725,838; 1904, $741,150. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers: a few hardwoods and some short-leaf pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sor- ghum and sugar-cane, field peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet potatoes and crab grass hay; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries and all va- rieties of vegetables; Mineral, . TATTNALL COUNTY.— Population : white, 13,306; colored, 7,113; total, 20,419. Aggregate Value of whole property: 1903, $4,000,000; 1904, $4,051,071. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers: a few hardwoods and extensive forests of long-leaf (yellow) pine. Products: Agricultural: sea-island cotton, corn, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas and sugar-cane ; Horticultural : peaches and other fruits, melons, berries and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral: marls. TAYLOR COUNTY.— Population: white, 4,820; colored, 5,026; total, 9,846. Ag- gregate value of whole rpoperty : 1903, $1,009,507; 1904, $1,088,465. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $35.00. Forest timbers : some hardwoods and pine. Products : Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field- peas, ground-peas, hay from crab grass; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, and all vegetables; Mineral: clay. 96 Georgia's Resources iXD Advantages. TELFAIR COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,957; colored, 4,126; total, 10,083. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,560,631; 1903, $1,726,597. Price of lanas per acre : from $3-00 o $25.00. Forest timbers : some hardwoods, including cypress, l3Ut the most extensive forests of pine. Products : Agricultural : upland and sea-island cotton, corn, oats, rye, sugarxane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, rice', millet, crab-grass hay ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, plums, pears, ber- ries, melons, and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral, . TERRELL COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,674; colored, 13,349; total, 19,023. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,879,678; 1904, $3,195,923. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers: oak, white oak, ash, maple, sycamore, poplar, gum, magnolia and long-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, crab and Bermuda grass, peavines and velvet beans; Horticultural: peaches, ap- ples, plums, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and vegetables of every variety; Miner al : marls. THOMAS COUNTY. — Population: white, 13,626; colored, 17.450; total, 31,076. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $5,056,631; 1904, $5,650,938. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $75.00. Forest timbers : various kinds of oak, hickory, poplar, magnolia, gum, beech and large quantities of yellow pine. Products : Agri- cultural : upland and sea-island cotton, corn, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar- cane, field-peas, ground"peas and crab-grass ha}' ; Horticultural : all varieties of vege- tables, peaches, pears, apples, plums, berries, figs, grapes and melons; Mineral: marls. TOWNS COUNTY. — Population: white, 4,677; colored, 71; total, 4,748. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $376,180; 1904, $401,445. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $10.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, poplar, walnut, chestnut, cherry, Lynn birch, maple, ash, locust and pine. Products : Agricultural : corn, oats, wheat, rye, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab-grass and peavine hay, red-top and clov'er; Horticultural: some peaches, grapes, cherries, plums, melons ands berries, abundance of apples of best quality, chestnuts, vegetables of all kinds, among which are turnips of immense size and cabbages of best quality and size ; Min- eral : granite, serpentine gneiss, gold, iron, chrome, magnetite, manganese, asbestos, talc, ochre, yellow and red plumbago, buhrstones, some gems and abundance of corun- dum. TROUP COUNTY.— Population: white, 8,668; colored, 15,334; total, 24,002. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $4,435,034; 1904, $4,556,204. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $80.00. Forest timbers : yellow pine, oak, hickory, maple, walnut, sweet gum, poplar, ash and cherry. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground peas, hay from Bermuda and crabgrass, peavines, clover and wheat hay; Hor- ticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, melons, berries, figs, and the best of all varieties of vegetables and pecans; Mineral: some granite. TWIGGS COUNTY.— Population: white, 2,911; colored, 5,805; total, 8,716. Ag- gregate value of whole property : 1903, $881,051 ; 1904, $853,426. Price of lands per acre: from $3-00 to $15.00. Forest timbers: pine, hickory, oak, poplar and other hard- woods peculiar to this section. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweeet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas, Bermuda and crab grass hay, and peavines ; Florticultural : peaches, apples, pears, plums, figs, cherries, melons, berries and all varieties of vegetables ; Mineral : pottery clay and bluestone., 97 \ggre- $10.00. gum, e, sor- 3 and [uanti- :)s and ti and Ag- 3-50 to pine. , Irish icultu- :ables; iS,66i. ice of r, ma- corn, pota- 3lums, 3ages : 20,942. lands sweet- *vheat, 'ound- aches, e. Ag- lands -S, cy- sea-is- ■ound- pears, lands , dog- 'Vheat, "ound- ■pples, total, Price :kory, vheat, Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 97 UNION COUNTY. — Population: white, 8,353; colored, 128; total, 8,481. Aggre- gate value of whole property: $576,845. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $10.00. Forest timbers: oaks of various kinds, hickory, poplar, white and spruce pine, gum, walnut, black locust, maple and laurel. Products : Agricultural : corn, wheat, rye, sor- ghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas and ground-peas, hay from crab and herd's grass, red, top and clover; Horticultural: peaches, plums, cherries, large quanti- ties of apples of finest quality, all varieties of garden vegetables, including turnips and cabbages of the best quality and size; Mineral: iron ore, alum, sulphate of iron and granite quartz, millstones and variegated marble. UPSON COUNTY.— Population: white, 6,189; colored, 7,481; total, 13,670. Ag- gregate value of whole property: $1,652,276. Price of lands per acre: .from $3.50 to $45.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, elm and other hardwoods, also some pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, oats, wheat, rye, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab and Bermuda grass hay ; Horticultu- ral : peaches, apples, pears, figs, cherries, berries, melons, and all kinds of vegetables; Mineral : mica. WALKER COUNTY. — Population: v.'hite, 13,197; colored, 2,464; total, 15,661. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,542,121; 1904, $2,805,473. Price of lands per acre: from $3.00 to $45.00. Forest timbers oak, ash, walnut, hickory, ma- ple, poplar, laurel, gum, chestnut and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats and barley, sorghum, field-peas, ground-peas, Irish and sweet pota- toes, hay from crab grass and clover; Horticultural: peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, melons, berries, and all kinds of vegetables, especially the finest of cabbages; Mineral: iron, bituminous coal, granite, marble and limestone. WALTON COUNTY. — Population : white, 12,601 ; colored, 8,341 ; total, 20,942. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,425,073 ; 1904, $3o35>623. Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers: oak, poplar, hickory, walnut, sweet- gum, maple, ash, cherry and some pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, hay from Bermuda, crab-grass and peavines; Horticultural: apples, peaches, plums, cherries, melons, berries, figs and vegetables of all kinds; Mineral: granite. WARE COUNTY. — Population: white, 8.652; colored, 5,109; total, 13,761. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,349-133; 1904. $3,665,080. Price of lands per acre : from $4 to $60.00. Forest timbers : a few hardwoods, as oaks, gums, cy- press, magnolia, and large quantities of yel-low pine. Products: Agricultural: sea-is- land cotton, corn, oats, rice, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, crab-grass hay and tobacco ; Horticultural : peaches, melons, berries, figs, pears, plums and oranges and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral : marls. V\^ARREN COUNTY. — Population: white, 3,842; colored, 7,621; total, 11,463. aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,345,285; 1904, $1,433,589. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, poplar, persimmon, dog- wood, laurel, bay, chestnut, and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, hay from' crab grass, sorghum and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, plums, cherries, melons, grapes, berries, and vegetables of the usual kinds; Mineral, — . WASHINGTON COUNTY. — Population: white, 10,805; colored, 17,422; total, 28,227. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,981,037; 1904, $4,313,440. _ Price of lands per acre: from $4.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers: white oak, poplar, hickory, chestnut, gum and yellow pine. Products : ; Agricultural : cotton, corn, oats, wheat. 98 Georgia's Resources and Advantages. rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, field-peas, ground-peas, and crab grass hay ; Hor- ticultural : peaches, apples, pears, figs, berries, grapes, melons, cherries, and vegetables of all kinds; Mineral: pottery clay, sandstone and buhrstone. WAYNE COUNTY. — Population: white, 7,222; colored, 2,227; total, 9,449. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,706,892; 1904, $1,761,267. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $50.00. Forest timbers : Some hard woods, chiefly cypress, and large quantities of yellow pine. Products : Agricultural : Seansland cotton, corn, oats, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, crab-grass hay; Horti- cultural: peaches, melons, berries, figs, pears, grapes and a great variety of vegeta- bles. Mineral : marls. WEBSTER COUNTY. — Population: white, 2,504; colored, 4,114; total, 6,618. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $766,218; 1904, $802,026. Price of land per acre : from $4.00 to $25.00. Forest timbers : pine, poplar, ash, birch, tupelo, sweet and blackgum, hickory, black-jack, red, white and Spanish oaks. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sugar-cane, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, hay from crab and crowfoot grasses; Horticultural: peaches, ap- ples, plums, cherries, melons, grapes, figs, berries, and all kinds of vegetables ; Mineral, WHITE COUNTY. — Population: white, 5,312; colored, 600; total, 5,912. Aggre- gate value of whole property: 1903, $662,627; 1904, $676,208. Price of land per acre: From $4 to $20.00. Forest timbers : pine, white, red, Spanish and post oaks, chestnut, hickory, cherry and walnut. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field"peas, ground-peas, hay from Ber- muda, crab and herd's grass, clover and peavines ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, plums, pears, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and every kind of vegetable. There are shipped in winter, large white cabbages, barrels of sauerkraut and luscious apples ; Min- eral : gold and asbestos. WHITFIELD COUNTY.— Population: white, 12,683; colored, 1,826; total, 14,- 509. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $3,143,523; 1904, $3,253,007. Price of lands per acre : from $4.00 to $70.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, maple, poplar, cherry, walnut, beech, birch, persimmon, and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorg-hum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peaS) ground- peas, crab grass hay, clover and peavines ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, melons, berries and all the varieties of vegetables; Mineral: iron, bauxite, manganese, silica, marble, sandsto:ie, limestone and clay. WILCOX COUNTY.— Population : white, 6,893; colored, 4,204; total, 11,097. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,607,704; 1904, $1,778,020. Price of lands per acre : from $3.50 to $20.00. Forest timbers : some hardwoods including considerable cypress; also large quantities of yellow pine. Products: agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sugar-cane, sorghum, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, hay from crab grass and peavines ; Horticultural : peaches, apples, pears, plums, cherries, figs, grapes, melons, berries, and all the usual vegetables ; Mineral, clay. WILKES COUNTY.— Population : white, 6,423; colored, 14,443; total, 20,866. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,747,270; 1904, $2,824,930. Price of land per acre : from $4.00 to $60.00. Forest timbers : oak, hickory, poplar, sweet gum, cherry, maple, black-jack and pine. Products: Agricultural: cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorghum and sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground- peas, crab and Bermuda grass hay, peavines and clover; Horticultural: apples, peach- Georgia's Resources and Advantages. 99 es, pears, figs, cherries, grapes, melons, berries, and all varieties of vegetables; Min- eral : granite, quartz, some iron, gold and soapstone. WILKINSON COUNTY.— Population : white, 5,409; colored, 6,031; total, 11,440. Aggregate value of whole property: 1903, $1,168,881; 1904, $1,229,330. Price of lands per acre: from $3.50 to $30.00. Forest timbers: oak, hickory, gum, cypress, syca- more, and long-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, sor- ghum, sugar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field peas, ground-peas, hay from crab- grass and peavines ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, figs, melons, berries and all garden products ; Mineral, clay and rotten limestone. WORTH COUNTY.— Population : white, 10,252; colored, 8,412; total, 18,664. Ag- gregate value of whole property: 1903, $2,974,486; 1904, $3,247,122. Price of land per acre : from $4.00 to $40.00. Forest timbers : hickory, gum, cypress and long-leaf pine. Products : Agricultural : cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, upland rice, sorghum, su- gar-cane, Irish and sweet potatoes, field-peas, ground-peas, chufas, ha}^ from crab grass and peavines ; Horticultural : apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, figs, mel- ons, berries and all the usual vegetables; Mineral: clay, limestone, and sandstone. NOTE. — The returns of the following counties, giving the aggregate value of whole property for 1904, did not come in time to appear in this publication: Coflee, Franklin, Lowndes, Morgan, Richmond, Union and "Upson. J. T. DERRY. Greater Georgia Oazateer AARON, Jeferson County Uay, I J, Gen Store ABBA, Irwin County Barrett, S J, General Store ABBEVILLE, Wilcox County AbbevilleBrick Works, Abbeville Cotton Oil Co, Cottonseed Products Abbeville Jlercantile Co, Gen Store Abbeville Pharmacy, Allen, C L, (Mrs II It), Gen Store Baker, A T & Co, Gen Store Barnes & Co, Gen Store City Drug Co, Floyd, J T, Hotel Ford C F, Wheelwright etc Hair & Co, Grocers Hamilton, W J, Grocer Handley, M A (Mrs G W), Gen Store Hardwood Mfg C!o, Harrell, W L, Furniture, etc Lasseter, S P, Saloon Lattimcr & Stewart, Misses, Millinery Little, J H, Grocer Little Sisters, Millinery McLeod & Co, Gen Store Macon, T J (Mrs G H) Millinery Mann, T C, Saloon Moody, E A, Hardware Murray, J I), Gen Store Oliver, P S, Dry Goods Oliver, W C, Men's Furnishings Paxon, J A, Saw Mill Reid, J L & Co, Gen Store Stantly, J B, Blacksmith Storey, Lewellyn, Butcher Vaughan, W P, Grocer Wilkerson, (The) Co, Shingle Mill Wilkersonn ,W K, Dry Goods etc, Wilson, N P & G T, Saw Mill ■ Wooten, J G & P D, Gen Store ABEL, Houston County Hartley, G D, Gen Store ACADEMY, Jackson County Mathis, M B, Gen Store Pinson & Waddell, Gen Store ACHORD, Dodge County Howell, W H, Gen Store ACORN, Habersham County Kimsey, J H, Gen Store AGREE, Dougherty County Heath. W A, Gen Store Hill, B W, (agt). Gen Store Maultsbv, A G, Naval Store Mock, J W, Saw Mill and Gin (Near) Wilder, C C, (Mrs C E), Gen Store Wi der, il-L, (Mrs T M) Gen Store Vl'ildcr, W C, Drugs and Groceries ACTON, Harris County Richardson, J R, Gen Store ACWOETH, Cobb County Awtry, Orlando & Collins, Gen Store Cowan Moore & Co, Millers Durham Bros, Drugs Gibson Thomas, Variety Shop Kitchen & Williams, Hware and Lumbe; Lemon & Nichols, Grocers James L. Lemon, Prest. Orlando Awtrey, Vice-Prest. M. E. AVatson, Cashiei THE S. LEMON BANKING CO., Lemon, Jesse L, Gen Store and Hwa LitchfieM House Lotran & Evatt, Tanners GEORGE V/. McLAIN, Dealer in FANCY GROCERIES, HAY & GRAIN. Propr. of McLain Hotel. Rates Reasonable. P. O. McLAIN & SON, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. McLain Lunsford, Furniture McMillan, O W, Jr, Coal, Wood, etc McMillan Bros, Gen Store Nichols, J L, Grocer Phillips, M M & C C & Co, Gen Store Roberts & Collins, Gen Store J. W. ROBiNSON & CO., FLOORING. CEILING, SHINGLES, WEATHER BOARDING, _DO0RS, SASH. BLINDS, MOULDINGS, LATHES, ETC. Rodgers, J W, Grocer Sain, J P, Jeweler Terry, T F, Gen Store and Flour Mill ADA, Dooly County Bunklev, R J, Gen Store Drake, D C, Gen Store Greer Bros, Gen Store Pitts & Nipper, Gen Store ADABELLE, Bulloch County Adabelle Trading Co, Naval Stores Olliff, J F, Gen Store ADAIR, Murray County Adair, J T, Gen Store ADAIRSVILLE, Bartow County Adairsville Banner, Pubs Adairsville Gin & Warehouse Co Adairsville Hardware Co adairsville Merc Co, Gen Store lexander, W J, Gen Store Bailey, C P, Meats Blanton Sisters, Notions Casey, W C, Livery Cox, A M, Gen Store Dyar, J P, Gen Store Elrod, G B, & Co, Gen Store Franklin, R L, Gen Store Gardner, J B, Crate Factory & Planing Mill Gentry, A P & Co, Grocers Graves, J E & Son, Grocers Gray, Josephine M, Gen Store Haley, John W, Jeweler Hightower, J F, Farm Implts, Buggies, etc McCutchen, W A, Gen Store & Hotel Mosteller, A J, Flour and Saw Mill Owen, W P, Grocer Pavoloski Aug & Bro, Blacksmiths Scott, J E, Gen Store Scott & Bov.doin, Drugs Veach, J M & Co, JFlour Mill Whitworth, W P, Grocer ADAMS, Lee County Tyson, D W, Gen Store ADAMSON, Heard County Almon,' R W, Gen Store ADASBURGE, Wilkes County Barksdale, R N, Gen Store Fanning, J G. Gen Store Cartrell Joseph B, Gen Store Harper, V,' P & Co, Gen Store Lotlin, W P, Gen Store and Gin ADEL, Berrien County Adel Furniture Co, Adel Ginning Co , Adel News, Publishers Clements & Co, Gen Store Cone, J S, Livery Crosby & Castleberry, Gen Store Edison, A, Dry Goods, Clothes & Shoes Glosier, E N, Grocer Goodman, B W & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Gray, Miss L P. Millinery Harwell, S J. Drugs Hester Mrs Fannie, Jlillinery Ingram, G W, Grocer Kennon, J H, Gen Store Knight, R A, Planing Mill and Gin Newberry, M M, Saw Mill Parrish, A A & H L. Gen Store Passmore (The) Co, Grocer Shaw & Shaw, Hdware and Groceries Stephens, Mrs J F, Grocer Sutton, J M, Cotton and Fertilizer Sutton & Wright, Gen Store Vickers & Co, Naval Stores Webb, C E. Grocer Wilkes, J T, Gen Store V/ilkes, J T & Bros. Gen Store Williams, S P, Drugs & Jewelry ng & Vickers, Saw Mill Greater Georgia Gazetteer. ADELAIDE, Bulloch County Cowart, Z H, Gen Store Hendrix, E A, Gen Store ADGATEViLLE, Jasper County A M, Gen Store Mrs C A, Grocer ADLIA, Brooks County ADOLPHUS, Franklin County ADRIAN, Emanuel County Adrian Drug Co, Arnold, N S, Gen Store Barwick, G H, Gen Store Beasley, Joseph I, Gen Store & Mfg Soda Water Cheatham, Thomas A, Gen Store Curry, Mrs T F, Millinery Durden, L L, Blacksmith Fountain, C A, Gen Store Jackson & Jones, Grocers James Lumber Co, Saw Mill and Gen Store Kirkland, E S, Blacksmith Smith, George C, Grocer Smitii, J D Co, Gen Store Stubbs Mrs Susie, Millinery Watkins, L V, Gen Store Webb, J E, Crossties Yarbrough Furniture Co Youmans G E & Co, Drugs Young-blood, J A, Gen Store AERIAL, Habersham County Davis, E K, Gen Store Henderson, T B, Gen Store Pepper, J M, Saw Mill AFTON, Dawson County Anderson, R F, Miller Anderson, R F & Son, Gen Store Turner, B B, Gen Store Hogan, S W, Gen Store LAGRICPLA, Glascock County Brown & Co, Gen Store Gibson, W A, Saw Mill AI, Gilmer County , Spearman, N B, Gen Store AID, Franklin County, Crow, J S, Gen Store Duncan, M H, Gen Store AlKENTON, Jasper Counly Athon & Lynch, Gen Store AILEY, Montgomery County, Alley Pharmacy, Drugs Mlcorn, G B Co, Gin & Grist Jlill Benton, T L, Grocer Collins & Johnson, Blacksmiths Hudson, J H, Gen Store Johnson & Browninfr, Livery McBride, C J (Mrs P) Hotel McNatt, Miss M E, Millinery McNatt, W A, Gen Store Petterson's J A Sons, Gen Store Peterson, W J & T A, Gen Store Poulnot & Williams, Saw Mill & Black- smiths Riddle, J A, Naval Stores & Gen Store AIMAR, Liberty County Aimer W W Co, Planing Mill, etc AIRLINE, Hart County Heaton, J S, Gen Store McKern, S M, Grocer Reynolds, M C, Gen Store AKRIDGE, Thomas County, Merritt, J M & Son, Gen Store Pope B H, Gen Store ALACULSEY, Murray County ALAMO, Montgomery County, Browning Miss S E, Gen Store Burch, J B, Shingle Mill Burch, Mike, Naval Stores CampbeU, A L, Gen Store ClarKe, J W K & Bro, Gen Store Clements, J W & Son, Gen Store Coleman, W B, Shingle Mill Gen Store Idelson, Isaac, Gen Store McLennon, A O & Co, Neval Stores and Poteete, L L, Gen Store ears, H L, Gen Store, Mill, etc ALBANY, Dougherty County, Acme Brewing Co, Adams & Brosnan, Saloon & Restaurant Albany Artesian Ice Co Albany Brick Co, Mfgs Albany Chemical Co, Pat Meds Albany Drug Co, W & R Albany Furniture Co, Albany Grocery Co, W Albany Machinery Co, Albany Mfg Co, Mineral Waters Albany, (The) Melon Assn Albany Produce Co Albany Supply Co, W Groceries Albany Warehouse Co Albany Whiskey Co , Altman, Max, (Agt) Saloon and Gro- Americus Grocery Co, W Artesian City Furniture Co, Bell, W S, & Son, Hardware Billingslea, F A, Gen Store (Near) Blake, A W, Gen Store Bledsoe, G F, (Est of) Restaurant Brosnan Denis, Gen Store Brown, R B (agt) Gen Store Brown, S B & Co, Gen Store Brown & Weslosky, Dairy and Trucker? Bush, S E. (Mrs S 15) Grocer Call, F H, Grocer Carter & Co, Cotton and Coal Cassel, H, Groceries and Liquors Cassel, Max & Sister, Millinery Chattanooga Brewing Co, Churchwell, A F, Dry Goods, etc Cincinnati Mont Market, Cocke, 1 r, 0«i Store Coffee, J H, Gen Store Coffey, C, Undertaker Cohen, A S, Gen Store Cohn Bros. Grocers and Bakers Cohn & Wynn, Saloon and Restamant Cook Furniture Co, Furniture, etc Cook, I & Co. Naval Stores Crine, M (agt). Gen Stores Cruger & Pace, Brick and Lumber Mfgs Crystal lee Co, Mfgs Chjvler, Henry, Grocer Davis, D D, Grocer Davis, J H, Saloon Davis, C R & Co, Men's Furnish's, etc Decker, II J Jr, & Co, Cotton Buyers Deese & Deese, Groceries and Liquors Denson, D W, Grocer Denson, J M, Grocer Drinkwater, J P, (agt). Grocer and Saloon Eatman, R C, Hdwe and Plumber's Sup Eclipse Canning Co Ehrlich, Joseph, (agt) Shoes, Hats, Trunks, etc Elliott, George H, Gen Store (near) Enterprise Grocery Co, Farkus, Samuel, Livery Fleming, D Grocer Floyed, H A, Gen Store Frank, C A, Tinner Gannaway, W E, Warehouse, Cotton & Fertilizer Georgia Bottling Works Georgia Com Co Georgia Cotton Co Georgia Cotton Oil Co Gleaton & Jones, Warehouse and Cotton Godwin, F W, Livery Green, C H, Grocer Gunnison, S W, Hardware Haenel & Co, Books, Staty and Bycycles Hall, R A & R P, Warehouse and Cot- ton factors Hall & Wallace, Ginnery Harris, Phil , Jeweler Harris, W, Dry Goods, etc Harrison, H W, Gen Store Henderson Buggy Co, Mfgs Herald Publishing Co Hofmayer, Jones & Co, Dry Goods and Men's Furnishings Jackson, D L, (jcn Store Jackson, Jacob, Tailor Jarard, M A, Well Driller Joiner, J W, Jeweler Jordan, E W, Gro and Sa'oon JojTier, J A, Mfg Cigars Kentucky Whiskey Co Kieve I, (agt) Gen Store Koppel, Morris, Gen Store Lee Bros, Gen Store Leonard, P B, Contractor Livingston, S J W, Livery and Sales Stables Lonsberg, Max, Gen Store Lonsberg Bros, Books, Staty and Musi- cal Instruments Lucas, C, Grocer, Fruits, etc McCarthy & Stewart, Saloon McGonigle, C J, Liquors McKeller, W B, Grocer Mallett, Gray (The) Lumber Co Mayer, Morris, Gen Store Miller, J A, Gen Store Miller, W H, Monuments, etc Mock & Rawson, Grocers ilooney ,N, Saloon Mroczkovreki, G W, Wagon Repair Shop Muse, A 'W & Co, Cotton Warehouse Nelms, H H , Gen Store, Saw Mills, etc, (Near) Nicholas, Joe, Grocer Nicholas, Louis K, Grocer Nichols, H, Photographer Owens, C F & Bro, Laundry Owl Drug & Seed Co, Palmer, L H, (Mrs G C), Milinery Palmer R L & Co, Grocers Parker & Co. Compress and Cotton Exps j Pattison, T Son. Gen Store and Liquors Pinkston, J R, Dry Goods Pioneer Guano Co, Guano, Wools etc Pittman, W A, Meats Plonsky, L S, (agt). Groceries and Li- quors Plonsky, L S, (agt). Groceries and Liq- uors Powell, R G, Gen Store Ragan, L V, (Mrs N L) W Gro & Com Barrv, J I;, Tailor Greater Georgia Gazetteer, ALBANY— Continued Rawlins W W, Butcher Reich, Samuel, Dry Goods Clothes, etc Roberts, John H, Sewing Machines Roberts, W C, Gen Store Rosenberg, M, Dry Goods, Clothes, etc Rummey, J A, Tailor Sale Davis Drug Co, W & R Sapp, Mrs M C, Gen Store Saye & Weir, Electrical Supnlips Shackelford, C M, Gen Store, Grist Mill, etc Shivers, C M, Drugs Sllman, Nicholas, Grocer Sliman, Thomas, Gen Store Smith, B F, Bycyoles Smith, C D, Contractor Solomon, H, (agt) Liquors and Cigars Steele, (The) Furniture Store Stern, S, Grocer Stocks, E J, Saw Mill and Gen Store, (Near) Sn-iley, T W, Jeweler and Optician Thomas, J W, Printer Tift & Peed, W Grocer and Provisions Tucker & Co, W Grocers Van Dyke, C C, (Mrs) F M, Restaurant Wallace, G A, Gen Store and Gin (Near) Washington, G W, Gen Store Watson, W 0, Blacksmith and Gin Re- pairer West & Co, Bagging and Ties Westbrook, W Z, Gen Store Weston J D & B L, (agts) Lumber Yard, Coal, Wood, etc Vv'eston & Co. Sash, Bldrs' Materials, etc Wilder, W H & Son, Undertakers Williams, Edward, Saloon Williams, Joe. Fruits, etc Wilson & Baldwin, Hotel Woodall, C H, Bicycle Repairer Zucker, L W, Notions ALDINE, Jasper County, Goodman, J T, Gen Store ALEXANDER, Burko County Blanchard, Geo P, Blacksmith* Dixon, M E, Gen Store Skinner, Ben, Gen Store ALEXANDERVILLE, Echols County Mitchell, H & Son, Saw Still and Gen Store Saunders. J G, Naval .Stores ALFORD, (P at Hartwcll), Hart Co Brown, S V & Co, Gin ALGER, Mitchell County Clark Lee, Saw Mill Jones, R W, Gen Store & Mill ALICE, Pickens County Kerby Bros, Gen Store ALIPH, Tattnall County ALLAPAHA, Be County Allapaha Furniture Co Allapaha Lumber Co. Saw Mill Austin. J A, Grocer Baker. F Otis. T,iverv Baker, J H, Naval ' Stores. (Near) Barrineau Bros, Naval Stores Uaskins, A Kendricks, Gen Store Harris, F B, Hotel Henderson, M W, Ginnery , Hook & Wood Lumber Co McSlillan & Lamb, Gen Store Moore, James, Grocer Noble, Jane, Millinery Norton, E H, Gen Store, Sewing Ma- chines, etc Paulk, G A, Drugs Paulk, F & Co, Gen Store Purvis, T M, Gen Store Sheppard, A L cfc Co, Gen Store Vinton, F E, Gen Store ALLATOONA, Bartow County Armstrong, J C & Son, Gen Store ALLEN, (P O at Augusta) Richmond Co Meyer, W W, Gen Store Poole, G E, Gen Store ALLEN'S MILL, Carroll County Couch, V/ F, Gen Store ALLENTOWN, Wilkerson County Adams, I A, Gen Store Allentown Gin & Mill Co, Daughtry, G O A Gen Store Denson, E J & Son, Drugs Harrison, W F, Grocers, etc Meadows, P W L, Gen Store Meadows, I N, Gen Store Pritchett Bros, Gen Store Wade, Frank, Gen Store ALMA, Appling County Cockman & Barber, Gen Store, Gin and Grist Mill Douglass & Tayler, Gen Store & Cross- ties Haya, Gray, Blacksmith McLauchin, Been & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Medders, B N & J M, Gen Store Pierce Trading Co, Gen Store (See Blackshear) ALMON, Newton County Everett, S W, Gen Store and Drugs Marbut, W S, Gen Store Rawlins. L C, Gen Store Tucker, B F, Gen Store ALPHA, Worth County ALPHARETTA, Milton County Blackwell & Stone, Gen Store Carroll, A G & Son. Gen Store Jones & DeVore, Livery McClesky & Smith, Black: Manning Bros, Gen Store Norman, A S, Feed, etc Norman, A S & O P, Gen Store Oliver, J A. Gen Store Rucker, George D, Publisher Teasley, W A, Fertilizer Teasley & Teasley, Gin Waters & Paris, Gen Store ths ALPHONSO, Macon County McCarty, J E, Gen Store ALPS, Meriweather County Higgins Bros, Gen Store ALTHAMAHA, Tattnall County Davis S H, Blacksmith Tippens, John U, Naval Stores and Gen Store Tod David, Gen Store and Naval Stored Widincamp, E, Gen Store Winincamp, W J, Saw Mill ALTO, Banks County Grant, J A & Co, Gen Store ALTON, Milton County Boles J H & H A. Gen Store Lowe, T F, Machinery ALVIN, Madison County Streetman, J B, Gen Store AMBOY, Wilcox County, Pate, Bennett and Son, Gen Store Raney Roberts & Co, Gen Store AMBROSE, Coffee County Ambrose Mercantile Co, Gen Store Brown, H F, Gen Store Clements, E W, Gen Store Tilman, L A, Gen Store Vickers, D, Gen Store and Gin Vickers, H L, Gen Store Wadley- Lumber Co, Saw Mil AMERICUS, Sumter County Allen, H E, Drugs Allen & Bailey, Saloon Americus Construction Co, Builders Material Americus Furniture & Undertaking Co Americus Grocery Co Americus Guano Co. Branch Mfrs Americus Ice Co, Mfgs Americus Illuminating & Power Co, Mfrs Americus Machine Shops, Repairs Americus Oil Co, Mfrs Cottonseed Oil and Fertilizers Americus Printing Co, Americus Whiskey Co, Saloon Bagley, W D, Bicycles and Firearms Bagley Grocery Co Bailey, W D, Men's Furnishings Baisden, T J. Gen Store Ball, B, Baker Barnett, W O, Mfr and Dealer Harness Black, Eulie, Grocer Bolton, J S and Bro, Gen Store Booker, W N, Saloon Bragg & Ivy, Drugs eti' Bragg, G M, Meats, etc Buchanan & Bros, Grocers Callaway Grocery, Carter, J N, Machine Shop Carter, W C. Laundry Carter & Vinson. Machine Shop Cato, J P, Dry Good and Shoes Chambliss Warehouse Co. Cotton, etc Christopher, Mrs W T, Millinery (Jlark & Tavlor. Live Stock Cloud Misses, E & S, Millinery Cohen, Aaron, Dry Goods, Clothes, etc Cohn, T R, Dry Goods, etc Collin, T>, Furniture, etc Cotton Avenue Furniture Co etc Bass, T Q, Gen Store and Liquors Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 103 AMERICLrS— Continued Council, L G, Com Cotton and Fertil- Council, Parker & Co, V/arehouse Daniel, O H, Gtn Store Davenport Drug Co Davis, W D, Clothing, etc Dews, W W, Buggies, etc Dixon, O L, Furniture Dodson's Pharmacy, Dudley, W H O, Jr, Bicycles Duncan, A G, Dry Goods Elam, ■ Mrs Mary T, Millinery and Fancy Goods Eldridge, G M, Drugs English, R L B, Grocer Evans & Kidd, Livery Fort, Mrs Sallie T, (mngr) Stationer, etc Fricker, Jamos & Bro, Jewelers and Musical Instruments Giddings, J I, Harness Glover Grocery Co, W Dealers Gunn, W J, Fruits, Confec, etc Hamil, A J, Brick, Lime, etc Hamilton & Co, Dry Goods, etc Ilarris, J W, W and E Hardware Hart, J M, Grocer HoUiday, (Mrs J J) Books and Station- ery Hooks, T B, Gen Store Home, C S S & Co, Dry Goods Hudson, W B, Gro and Saloon Hudson, J R & Co, Drugs Hutoherson, R S, Blacksmith Johnson, H R, Mill, etc Johnson, J M, Gen Store Johnson, Robert, Gen Store Johnson & Harrold, Gen Store and Com Cotton Johnston, G M, Saloon and Restaurant Joiner, T E, Grocer Jones, Josephine, Gen Store Josey, W J, Shoes, Clothes, etc Kempures Bros, Candy Kidd & Evans, Livery and Sales Stables Kleckley Bessie (Mrs J H) Millinery Kothman, J T, (mngr) Baker Lambert, A W, Gen Store Lazarus M, (Mrs H) Dry Goods etc Loving, G O, Livery McOlesky, H S, Hotel McGehee, E J, Saloon McMath, John F, Miller Miller & Clark, Marble Mims, W G, Grocer & Fruits Mize, H L, Gen Store Moon, George, Grocer Nicholson, J C, Dry Goods, etc Oliver, A T, Blacksmith, etc Oliver & Childers, Gen Store Oliver, F G, Sewing Machines, etc Parks, T B, Market Patterson, M J, Pawnshop Payne, C P, Plumer Pearlman, D, Dry Goods, etc Pearlman, S, Dry Goods Perry & Brown, Gen Store Phillips, M B, Gen Store Pinkston Co, Drv Goods, etc Poole, J H & Son, Gen Store Powell, W W, Saloon Press (The) Publishing Co Rembert, W A Drugs Richland - Oil Co, Cottonseed Products Rollins, George, Grocer Russell, J W, Grocer, etc Rylander Shoe Co, Sawyer, W H Son & Co, Machine Shop Scarborough, H F, fagt) Saloon Scarborough. "W H, Gen Store Schroeder, W H R, Tinner, etc Scott, G A & Co, Saloon Sheffield, Huntington & Co, W & R Hardware Sheffield E D & Co, Dry Goods, etc Sherlock & Co, Meats and Fish, etc Shivers, John VV, Lumber Sills, S L Co, Saloon Simmons, J J, Gro and Saloon Smith, A L, Drugs Smith, B F, Grocer Smith, T H, Fruits and Confec Smith, A \V, Furniture Co Smithwick, H W, Gunsmith Sparks, J L, Grocer Spear, H L, Gen Store Standard Grocery Co, W Sullivan, G T, Jeweler Swearingen, M, Grocer Taylor, J T, Gen Store Times Recorder (The) Publishers Tinsley, W J, Qrocers, etc Xorbett & Seig, Grocers Tower, L S, Furniture, etc Turpin, G A, Livery Turpin Bros, Livery, etc Walker, Peter, Grocer iVallis Bros, Canning Factory Wheatley, George D, Dry Goods Wheatley & Ansley, Dry Goods Cloth- ing, etc Whitley Grocery Co, W Dealers Wilkins, J M, Grocer Williams, E A, Grocer Williams, Miss N C, Teas and Coff'-es Wimbish, L H, Grocer AMITY, Lii County Crocker, J J, Gen Store Dunaway, S H, Gen Store Graves, W O & Son, Gen Store AMOS, Burke County Franklin, H, (agt) Gen Store Hudson, William, Sr, Gen Store AMZI, Murray County Dickerson, A T, Gen Store Langston, J W, Gen Store ANDALUSIA, Randolph County Grubbs, J A, Gen Store Taylor, J M, Gen Store ANDERSONVILLE, Sumter County Eastcrlin Bros, Gen Store Harden, Mamie, Gen Store Hill, Dan, Gr-<;er Johnson, J Sjj; Gen Store ANDES, Baldwin County Humphries, J E, Gen Store Humphries, J P, Gen Store Walker, J F, Gen Store ANSLEY, Worth County Overstreet, S F & Co, Naval Stores Thompson, H I & Co, Saw Mill ANTHONY, MeDuffe County Banks, J L, Gen Store Dozier, J A, Gen store ANTIOCH, Troup County Birdsong, J W, Gen Store AONIA, Wilkes County I Tatom & Ware, Gen Store APPALACHEE, Morgan County Davis, U A & Co, Gen Store Knott, E W, Repair Shop Knott, John, Gen Store Porter, G W, Gen Store APPLE VALLEY, Jackson, County Apple Valley Ginnery Smis, J C, Gen Store . APPLING, Columbus County Gray, M L, Gen Store Kelley, M L, (Mrs S E) Gen Store Knox, W C, Gen Store Morgan, J H, Gen Store Morris, E P, Gen Store Reeves, George H, Gen Store ARABI, Dooly County , R A, & Son, Gen Store Cox, J M, Gen Store Harrell, G B, Gen Store Hai-vard & Royal, Drugs Jenkins, Miss Kate, Millinery Pate, W J, Livery Patterson & Co, Naval Stores Royal, S A, Gen Store Royal, T A & Son, Gin and Mill heppard, W A Son, Gen Store & Blacksmith ARAGON, Polk County Baldwin, B T, Grocer Bearden, G W, Gen Store Farrer, A W & Co, Gen Store Gaston, Mrs Lou, Millinery Hurgens, H E, Meats McBride, Arthur, Gin .Morgan, J B, Gen Store Smith, W E & Co, Gen Store ARCOLA, Bullock County Stacy, M B, Gen Store, etc Stacy, S L, Gen Store Trask, L B, Gen Store ARCH, Forsyth County Bennett, M, Gen Store Wallis, G E, Gen Store Way, A B, Gen Store McElvcen & Proctor, Gen Store AEGYLE, Clinch County Barnhill, J F, Naval Stores and Gen Store Chancey & Grace, Saw Mill Harper, B A, Gin and Saw Mill Hinson, W L & Co, Gon Store Robinson, L L, Gen Store Robinson, W E, Cross Ties Smith, L A & Co, Gen Store Wallace & Williams, Naval Stores and Gen Store ARLEN, Bulloch County Martin C M, Gen Store Newman, C C & Son, Gen Store ARLINGTON, Calhoun County Arlington Furniture Co Arlington Lumber Co Arlington Pharmacy Beckom W A, Warehouse Bostwick R H, Gen Store Boynton, Mrs C J, Millinery : 104 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. ARLINGTON— Continued Boynton, L H & Co, Grocen Butler, George J, Giocer Calhoun, J W, Fertilizer and Live Stock Callahan, Fort & Boyd, Naval Stores Collins & Toole, Gen Store Cowart-Lelton, C, Gen Store Cowdry, W D, Gen Store Fudge, Y W, Hardware, Groceries and Notions Harrison, G W, Gen Store Jones, Joshua, Publisher Land & Lee, Blacksmith, etc Layton, Mrs IZ E, Millinery, etc McCuUers, J D, (agt). Groceries, Cider, etc McMillan, D, Grocer Mathis, S E, (Mrs B H), Grocer Murray, L F, Warehouse, etc Nance, Samuel T, Grocer Parramore, R J, Grocer Perry, Delia, (Mrs F A), Gen Store Ray, William, Grocer Saunders, W E, Drugs Stein, Harry, Dry Goods ARMSTRONG, Wilkes County Newsome, H Q, Gen Store Newsome, J C, Gen Store ARMUCHEE, Floyd County Ramsey & Wynn, Gen Store Rutledge & Anderson, Blacksmiths Salmon, J W, Gen Store Salmon & Sons, Gen Store ARNOLD, Milton County Bates, W A, Gen Store Burdett, Gillespie & Co, Gen Store ami Mill Chamblee, W L, Gen Store ARNOLDSVILLE, Oglethorpe County Arnold. N D, Gen Store Griffeth, J H & Co, Gen Store ARP, Banks County Ncal, R W, Gin and Mill Oliver, DeWitt, Gen Store ARRIEVILLE, Johnson County Williams, Burns & Spell, Gen Store ARRINGTON, Worth County Clyatt & Golden, Naval Stores ARTHUR, Laurens County Burch, John B, Shingle Mill Burch, John & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores Purvis, D W, Gen Store ASBESTOS, White County Craven, E B c& Son, Gen Store ASBURY, Troup County Brown, B H, Gin Cleveland k Bro, Gen Store FJwards, D L, (agt), Gen Store Gray, J H & Son, Gen Store Philpot, G A, Gen Store ASCALON, Walker County Bostrom, Otto, Blacksmith ASHBURN, Worth County Bankston, B H, Racket Store and Bi' cycles Berowitz, L, Dry Goods, Clothes, etc Betts, J S & Co, Saw Mill and Gen Store Burke, J W, Sr, Blacksmith, etc Cockrell, B H, Gen Store Fincher, & Johnson, Buggies, etc Fincher & Womble, Gen Store Gorday, G B, Gen Store Gorday, H A J, Gen Store Hudson, S B, Grocer Hunt, Jas T & Co, Naval Stores Johnson, -W B, Grocer, Butcher and Livery Luke, R A, Grocer, etc McLendon, J T & Sons, "Saw Mill, Grist Mills and Gin Murray, W A, Gi:n Store Paulk, R & Co, Dry Goods, Clothes, etc Roberts, J O, Hotel Shingler, J S & T J, Naval Stores Shingler Mercantile Co, Gen Store Shingler, W A & Co, Naval Stores Teagle, Ira E, Jeweler Walker, J W, Grocer and Confectioner Wells, Mrs A J, Millinery Whidby, R A, Jeweler White, T W, Optician Woods, J M, Drugs ASHLAND, Franklin County Parks, J L, Gen Store Smith, W H, (The) Co, Gen Store ASHLEY, Wilcox County Reeves, M H, Gen Store ASHTON, Irwin County Dickson, M & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Dodd, E S, Saw Mill Young, J R & Co, Gen Store ASHWOOD, Berrien County Griffin, W H, Gen Store ATHENS, Clarke County Aaron, D M, Gen Store Abney, T L, Grocer Abney Bros Co, W Grocers and Mfrs Appling, C S, Grocer Arnold, M M, Groccf, .^ Arnold Grocery Co, ,. Arnold & Sorrels, Druv^ Vts, etc Athens Banking Comp^._ r/ Athens Bottling Works, Athens Coal & Coke Co Athens Compress Co Athens Cycle Co, Bic.vcles Athens Dispensary, Liquors Athens Foundry & Machine Co Athens Fruit Co Athens Gas Light Co Athens Hardware Co. W and R Hardware Athens Ice & Coal Co, Mfrs and Deale-9 A.thens Lumber Co Athens Mfg Co, Yearns etc Athens Roller Covering Co Athens Woolen Mills, Cording Bailey, C F. Gen Store Bailey, D W, (agt) Tinner and Plumber Bailey, George A, Supply Co, Stoves, Hardware, etc Baker, H, Clothing, etc Barber, H B, Gen Store Barrett, T H & Co, Mfgrs Brick Bernstein, J S. (Mrs Selig), Livery, Buggies and Furniture Betts, W E, Soda Water Boley, Sidney, Dry Goods feoley, Solomon J, Dry Goods and Shoes Bondurant & Co, Tinware, Plumbing, etc Booth, G B, Meats Booth, G M, Meats Booth, R, (Mrs W R), Grocers Booth, T M, Meats Booth, J H & Bros, Grocers Bowden, F H, , Grocer Bradbery, Lou & Lona, Millinery Bramlett, Mercantile Co, Grocers Brandt, R, Jeweler, Brightwell, G P, Gen Store Brown, J T, Gen Store Buchwald, E, Dry Goods, etc Buchwald, Samuel H, Clothes, etc Butler, J N, Gen, Store Carlton, J H, Feed and Blacksmith Carter, William T, Jeweler Center, A N & Sons, Grocers Cheatham, C L, Grocer Cheatham, E S, Grocer Childers, Wiley, (agt) Tinner Clarke Co, Gin Co Climax Hosiery Mills CoUette & Ingle, Laundry Collins, George, Grocer Crawford, J R, Grocer Cutres & Petropol, Fruits Davis, Sam, Publisher Davison & Lowe, Dry Goods Bearing Hardware Co, Hardware, Bug- gies, etc Dornblatt Plumbing Co Dorsey, E H, Clothing, etc Doi-sey & Funkenstein, Furniture and Undertakers Dozier & Co, Lumber Eidson, B S, Gen Store Eppcs Winkins Co, W Grocers Frabstein, M, Clothing, etc Fears, E P, Livery and Grocer Fears, J P & Sons, W and R Grocer and Produce Finch, John F, Meats Flatow Lucein (The) Co, Dry Goods, etc Fleming, T & Sons, W and R Hardware Fowler, John A, Distiller Freeman & Co, Grocers Fuller, William H, Grocer Funkenstein, R S, Dry Goods Gardner, J E, Printer Georgia Junk Co Goldwasser, B, Clothing, etc Gf/ttheimer, H, Hotel Griffeth Implement Co, Buggies, Wagons, etc Griffeth & V.'elch, Cotton Factors Harbin, J A, Gen Store Haselton, D P, Pianos Hauser, G, Tobacco Head & Mahon, Clothing Hinton, H P, Grocer Hodgson Cotton Co Hoff, Louis, Dry Goods Holmes, E J, (Jen Store Huen, S T, Grocer Huggins, James H & Son, Gen Store Hulme, G H & Co, W Grocers Inman & Co, Cotton Jackson, J P, Gen Store and Fertilizer Joel, Abe, W Dry Goods Johnson, J T, Grocer Johnson Shoe Co, Keese, J S, Grocer King, J S & Co, W Grocers Klein & Martin, Wagon Makers Lampkin. Cobb, Gen Store Lyndon Mfg Co, Bobbins McCurdy, J JI, Meats McEvoy, E C, Drugs McGregor, D W, Statv and Photo Sup- McGregor, E R, Gen Store plies McKinnon, W M, Blacksmith McMahon &: Son, Grocers %ls"stencils"rubber stamp? AND ALL ACCESSORIES. INK, INK PADS, DATERS, NUMBERERS, SIGN AND PRICE MARKERS, RUBBER TYPE, AIR CUSHION STAMPS, SELF INKERS, LINEN MARKERS, POCKET STAMPS, PRINTING WHEELS, BANK STAMPS, STAMP RACKS, PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS. Every bu Iness office should have at least an outfit of stamps consistiDgo forms shoven below : an Ink Pad and a Stamp Rack iu VFhich to hold them. The seven stamps complete S2.75; Ink Pad 2Jc., Stamp Rack 50c, For any cme Stamp, see price under eac , add postage for mailing. JUL 4 1904 (Line Dater, aScts.) Atlanta, Qa. (Name of town, 15cts ) PA I D MAY 12 1904 Atlanta Rubber Stp.&S.Wks Per Jlilanta Rubber $umf and Stencil Ulorks, 31 South Broad St., ATLANTj) , GA (8 Line Card Stamp, 35 cts . ) This represents our "Air^Cushion" Band Dating stamp, New Pattern. Price $1 50. A' lanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works, By (Signature Stamp, 25 cts. Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works. (Firm ^ame,]6ets,) F».A.Y TO ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK OR ORDER Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works. (Endorsing Stamp, 46 cts.) BADGES, BRASS AND PORCELAIN SIGNS, DOOR NUMBERS, HOTEL AND BAGGAGE CHECKS, LICENSE PLATES, STEEL STAMPS, BURNING BRANDS, WAX SEALS, CAR SEALS, LODGE AND NOTARIAL SEALS, STENCIL ALPHABETS AND FIGURES, BRUSHES, PAINTS. ^ ATLANTA ^ RUBBER STAMP & STENCIL WORKS, | BSXABUISHED 1868. 31 So. Broad St. ATLANTA, fiA. Both Phones 519. Mention this Book and Send for Catalogue. ^ =2 o 65 o < z a u > O < 2 < < H ((3 (d (d H H < •■^■■■■■■■■■■Msaai I I O. S. NUNNALLY. MM •«■■■■■■ «■■■•«• I C. T. NUNNALLY. | MANUFACTURERS OF Union Made Clothing Pants, Overalls and Duck Coats. (WE SELL JOBBERS EXCLUSIVELY.) F>. O. BOX 3QO. 3a West Alabama St. I I •MM ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I fa H < fa z < X a S < < > Q Z < H < &4 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, 105 ATHENS— Continued Mallison Braided Cord Co Mallory, W A & Co, W Grocers Massey, J H, Grocer Michael Bros, W and 11 Dry Goods Minder, Joseph, Tailor Mitchell, T L, Publisher Mize, M C, Meats Moore, J O, Soda Water Morris, L, Dry Goods Morris, Moses & Lee, Clothing, Dry Goods and Furniture Morton", I P, Grocer Moss R F Mfg Co, Planing Mill Moss, R L & Co, Cotton Com Murry, W O, Gen Store New Windsor Hotel Nichols, H W, Racket Store Noland, J S, Jeweler Oconee Oil & Fertilizer Co, Mfgrs O'Farrel, O H, Coal and Com Oliver, T P, Grocer Orr Drug Store Palmer, H E & Sen, Drugs Parr, G D, Gen Store Patman, J H, Meats Philpot, S T, Hotel Phinizy, Billups, Wareliouse, etc Pickrell, B R, Blacksmith Pledger, M N, Grocer Presnell, h, (Mrs G W), Grocer Presnell & Pledger, Blaoksmitlis Princeton Mfg Co, Cotton Goods Robertson, A R, Grocers, Marble and Granite Rose, Georgia, fMrs B O W), Grocer Rowe, H J, Publisher Russell Bicycle Co Saye, G W, Plumber Schibe, Wm H, Pianos Soudder, C A. Jeweler Skalowski, M H. Confectioner Sledge, E D, Com Bicycles, Wagons, etc Smith, E I, Shoes Smith, Warren J & Bros, Drugs Southern Brick Co, Mfrs Southern Mfg Co, Battings Standard Mfg Co, Knitting Mill Star Thread Mill Stern Charles & Co, Clotiiing Stone, E D, Printer Storj', Samuel F, Cotton Buyer Straaten, J Van, Meats Talmadgo Bros & Co. W Grocers Talmadge Hardware Co. Toomer, J B, Sewing Machines Tuck, W R. Gen Store Turner & Hodgson, Dry Goods, etc Umbach. F G, Mtr Carriages Ur' Mfg Co, Confeo and Svrup Refijg Vi , E A, Baker Vondcrleith, Miss Rosa A, Art Goods, et Vonderleith, O A. Grocer Webb & Crawford. W and R Grocers Weir, J B, Gen Store Western Market, Butchers Whitlock, E P. Grocer Williams and Co. Plumbers VA^illiamson, George H, Grocer Winofleld Cash Store. Gen Store Wooten, fagt) Books and Staty Wright, T B, Grocer Young, Charles T, Livery ATKINSON, Wayne County Easton, Henrv P, Gen Store Johnson. D R & Sons, Saw Mill Knox Bros, Cross Ties and Gen Stores Middleton, B G & Co, Gen Store Middleton, B O & Sons. Naval Stores and Ccn Store ATLANTA, Fulton County Abbott, M H, Furniture Abelsky, A, Retail Liquors Abelson, N, Mfrs Overalls and Pants Abernathy Bros, Retail Drugs Acme Cash Grocery Co, Groceries Adair, A D & McCarthy Bros, Wholesa:( Fertilizers Adams, J Q, Photos THE ADAMS AND HOYT CO., MANUFACTURERS SODA WATER SUPPLIES. Adamson & Son, Retail Grocers Adeiatin, I, Retail Clothing Afri-Cola Co, Manufacturers Akers, F P H, Wholesale Grain Akridge, G W, Retail Grocers Alabama Cotton Products Co, Cotton Products Albright Prior, Co, Wholesale Grocery and produce .Alexander, John, Meat Alexander, Elyea Co, Retail Hardv.-are Alexander, J M & Co, Retail Hardware Alexander & Co, Retail Lumber Allen, Bona, Mfr Leather and Harness Allen, E W & Co, Priuters Allen, L W & Bro, Retail Grocers Allen-Miles Co, Mfr Harness and Dealers in Hides Almand, W T, General Store Alsabrook, W M, Grocer Amelia Milling Co, The, Grist Mill American Baptist Publication Society, Books American Book Co, Books American Can Co, Manufacturers American Chemical Co, The, Chemicals American Press Association, Stereotype News American Rail Trust Co, Brokers American Soda Fountain Co Soda Founts, etc Steel American Steel Hoop Co, Hoops American Typewriter & Supply Co, Type- writers and Supplies Anchor Manufacturing Co Anderson Hardware Co, Hardware Anderson, W W & Son, Wholesale Pro- duce Anderson & Co, Furniture Andrews, J H, Merchandise Broker Andrews, Perry & Bro, General Contrac- tors .\ngeline, E, Grocer Annestown Cotton Mills, Manufacturers :T3ry G.'' Clayton Co, (Th^o. ANSLEY, Clein*™'^^-'"" -^ ESTATE, 217 CENTURY BUILDING. Aphro Co, Tlie, Mfrs and Bottlers Arberry, J AV, Grocer Archer, C, Grocer Archer, W B & Co, Liquors Armour Fertilizer Works, Fertilizers Armour Packing Co, Meats Armstrong, R S & Bro, Iron Brolcers, Arnold Hat Co, Hats Aronson. S. Tailor Ashe, H M, Typewriters and Supplies Ashley, H P, Machinist Askew, D P. Cigars Askew & Mixon, Stock Yards Askin & JIarine, Clothins: Atkins, E C & Co, Mfrs Saivs and Tools Atkins, McKeldin & Browm Co. Hats Atlanta Agricultural Works, Manufactur- ers of Plows, etc Atlanta Art Glass Co, Art Glass Atlanta Bottling Works Atlanta Baking Powder Works, Mfrs Bak- ing Powder ATLANTA BOX FACTORY, Manufacturers of Paper Boxes and Specialties, Printing and Embossing. ATLANTA BUGGY CO. BUGGY BUILDERS, FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. Atlanta Car Wheel & Mfg Co, Car AA'heela Atlanta Chemical Co, Chemicals Atlanta Compress Co, Cotton Compress Atlanta Cornice & Roofing Co, Cornice and Roofing Atlanta Cotton Mills, Cotton Goods Atlanta Envelope Co, Printers Atlanta Extract AVool Co, Extracts Atlanta Floral Co, Florist , ATLANTA FURNACE CO., Heating, Ventilating and Sani- tary Engineers and Contractors. Corr S. Pryor and Southern Railwa3\ Atlanta Hat Co, Hats Atlanta Horse & Mule Co, Livery Atlanta Hosiery Mills, Manufacturers Atlanta Ice & Coal Co. Ice and Coal Atlanta Journal Co, Newspaper Atlanta Junk Co, Atlanta Knitting Mills, Underwear Atlanta Leather Co, Leather and Find- ings Atlanta Litho & Printing Co, Lithograph- ers and Printers Atlanta Lounge Co, Manufacturers ATLANTA MACHINE Vi^ORKS, BOILERS, ENGINES, Architectural Iron Work and Special iVIachinery. Atlanta Manufactu Co, Ir. Is, etc ATLANTA MARBLE & GRAr^- ITE CO., Monumental and Cemetery Wor'k a Speciality, Office and Yard : 82 E. HUNTER ST. Bell Phones 3635 and 870. Atlanta Jletal & Bottle Co. Atlanta Milling Co, Flour Mill Atlanta Mineral AVater & Supply Co Atlanta Newspaper Union Atlanta News Publishing Co, Atlanta Oil Co, Oil Atlanta Pants Factory, Pants and Over- als .Atlanta Paper Co, Paper and Bags Atlanta Pharmacal Co, Drugs io6 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. ATLANTA— Continued Atlanta Photo Supply Co, Photo Sup- plies Atlanta Plating & Maiiufaeturing Co, Plating Atlanta Plow Co, Mfrs Plows Atlanta Portrait Co, Portraits Atlanta Press,^ Publishers Atlanta Pretzel & Saratoga Chips Co, Pretzels and Saratoga Chips Atlanta Ring Co, Jewelry Atlanta Roofing- & Construction Co, Roofing and Contracting Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Works, Manufacturers ATLANTA SHOW CASE CO. Manufacturers of FINE SHOW CASES, 276 Marietta St. Atlanta Soda Co, Soda Water Atlanta Specialty Co, Atlanta Spring Bed Co, Manufacturers Atlanta Steam Candy Co, Candies Atlanta Steam Co, Steam Heating Atlanta Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works, Atlanta Steam Heating Co, Steam Heat'g Atlanta Steel Hoop Co, Mfrs Hoops and Ties Atlanta Stove Works, Stoves Atlanta Supply Co, Mill Supplies Auten, R L, Grocer Avary, M B, Drugs Avery & Co, Dealers, Machi] Avery & Hoskins, Grocer EABCOCK & WILCOX CO., Manufacturers Boilers. 1427 EMPIRE BUILDING, H. H. MEADOWS. Backus, John M, Restaurant Bacon, S W, Fruit Co, Produce Badger, J F & Co, Blacksmiths Badgett, Mays, Rep Musical Instruments Caer, M J, Meats 13aer Bros, Meats I3aer, Simon & Co, Mfrs Agents Bailey, J M, Groceries and Meats Gailey, W L, Grocer Baker, A H, Mfrs Candies and Retails Groceries Baker, John L, Restaurant P. D. BAKER, Manufacturer of IRON BEDS. c;eneeal office and factory: 41 to 51 RIDGE AVE. ATLANTA TABLE CO., TABLES, FLAT AND ROLL TOP DESK? Atlanta Terra Cotta Co, Manufacturers Atlanta Tile Co, Tile Works Atlanta Trading Stamp Co, Trad'g Stamp .Atlanta Trunk Factory Manufacturers Atlanta Typewriter & Repair Co, Type- writers Atlanta Variety Works, Variety Works Atlanta Water & Electric Power Co Atlanta White Lead & Color Works, Mfrs Manufacturers Atlanta Windmill Co, Windmills Atlanta Wire & Iron Works Co,Manufac- tures Atlanta Wood Finishing Co, Wood Fin- ishing ATLANTA WOODEN WARE COMPANY, 501-266 MARIETTA ST., ATLANTA, GA. MANUFACTURERS OF Brooms, Wholesale Wooden Ware, Importers Mat- ting. Atlanta Woolen Mills, Manufactures Atlanta Compress Co, Cotton Compress ATLANTA OFFICE, THE ATLANTIC DYNAMITE COMPANY. of New Jersey, Equitable Bldg. Atlantic Dynamite Co, Dynamite Austern, L, Clothing. Shoes, etc Austin, J N, Coal and WooJ Austin, W E & Co, Baldwin, C H, Grocer Baldwin, Cicero, Grocer Ball, H, Liquors and Tobacco Ballew, H, Meat Market Balser, Jos, Grocer Bancroft, George, Coal and Wood Barclay & Brandon, Undertakers Garfield Bros, Grocers Barge, W P, Gen Store Barker, O D, Publishers and Printers Barner, D J, Produce Barnes, J J, Produce Barnes, J L, Hotel Bartlett, John T, Grocer Basil, & Economy Soda Water, Sodaw ater Bass Dry Goods Co, Department Store Bazaar Furniture Co, Furniture Beach, Aaron, Plumber Sean, W R & Co, Printers Beasley Medicine Co, Drugs Beauchamp, G B, Coal and Wood Becht Piano Co, Pianos Becks Stem Laundry, Laimdry Beck and Gregg, Hardware Beckman, S R, Grocer i3eem, A Q, Grocer Bekakes, Chas, Fruits Belcher Grocery Co, Grocer., Bell Bros, Wholesale Produce and 1-ruiis Bell & Vanness, Christian Index Belingrath Plumbing Co, Plumbers Selvin, W S, Drugs Bender, Wm, Saloon Benjamine-Ozburn Co, (The), Soda Water Supplies Benjamin's Pliarmacy Co, Druggist Bennett, B P, Sr, Printer Bennett, Riley W, Grocer Bennett Rubber Stamp & Seal Co, Rub- ber Stamps and Seals Bently, H H, Meats Bentley, John O, Grocer Berger, D, Grocer Best Tea & Coffee Co, Tea and Coffee Bergstrom, Jr, A M, Job Printer Beth Mont Knitting Hills H. M. BEUTELL. Manufacturer of Bank, Drug and Jewelry Fixtures. Bewick Lumber & Timber Co Beyers, David, Bakery Beiser Bros, Meats Bigler, J, Liquors Binder Bros, Picture Frames Binder Frame Mfg Co, Manufacturers Black, R C, Shoes Black, R C, Mfrs Agent Blacknall, R B, Grocer Blakeman, T E, Mfrs Cigars Block Co, Frank E, Confec and Groceries Blood Balm Co, Manufactures Patent Medicine Blosser Co, (Dr.), Manufactures Patent Medicine Blount Carriage & Buggy Co, Manufac- turers Bluthenthal & Bickart, Liquors Boritzky, Joel, Liquors and Shoes Boley, H A, Watchmaker Bond, T L, Dry Goods etc Bone & Bros, W C, Cigars, etc Boone, J W, Jewelry Boorstein, S, Furniture Booth, W K, Wagon Maker Bom Fish Co, Fish and Oysters Bortoli Co, (The) Tiling Boston Shoe Co, Shoes Bowden Lithia \\ater Co, Lithia Water Bowen, C J, Contractor Bowen, J B, Plumber Bowen, M C, Grocer Boyal, Mrs W, Grocer Boynton, G H, Grocer Boynton Grocery' Co, Groceries Bradfleld Regulator Co, Patent Medicines Bradley, Thomas, Beer Bradley Co, Milton, Lithographers Brady & Bro, J D, Liquors Bramlett, H P, Paper, etc Brannans Pharmacy, Drugs Brannen & Anthony, Drugs Bratton, L R, Drugs Bremer Co, F Millinery Breslen, J M, Liquors Bresslin, H, Dry Goods Brice, J T, Grocer Bridwell, W L, Grocer Britt Co, The W E, Jewelers Broadway 5 & 10 Cent Store, Bronk, AI, Liquors Brooke, G W, Flour and Grain Brooks, Aaron C, Grocer Brooks, E L, Dental Supplies Brooks, W R, Grocer Brotherton, F M, Stoves, Hardware, etc Brotherton, Wm H, Dry Goods Brown, Geo, Restaurant Brown, Jas, Fruits Brown, P W, Meats Brown, >V J, Liquors -vnn W L, Grocer own, W W, Grocer Jrown, Xenophon, Fruits Brown & Co, C D, Grocers Bro\™, Geo, Cigars, Tobacco, etc Brown, Geo & Peter Brown & Co, J J, Grocers Brown, Ketchum Iron Works, Iron Works Brown, Walker, Dental Co, Dental Sup- plies Brown & Allen, Drugs, Brown & Catlett, Furniture Broyles, R A, Grocer BRUCE, MORGAN & DILLON. ARCHITECTS, Pi-udential Building. Bruce & Co, Geo, Liquors Bryan, C M. Grocer Buchanan, Mrs E M, Millinery Buchman, Jacob Bullock, J H. Meat Market Bullock Elec Mfg Co Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 107 ATLANTA— Continued Burel, L M, Grocer Burns, Solomon, Grocer Burns, Sol, Grocer - Burroughs, W H, Grocer Burrowes Co., The E T, Mfrs Scroi Game Boards Burton, Ruben M, Grocer Burton Grocery Co, Groceries Butler, W T, Grocer BUTT & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, 525 CENTURY BUILDING. Butterick Publishing Co, Byers, W A, Grocer Bj-fleld, B* F, Grocer Byrd Priting Co, Printers Cable Co, (The), Musical Instruments Cain, J M, Grocer Cain, S I, Grocer Cain & Co, C M, Fisli Caldwell, J H, General Store Caldwell, J L, Cigars and Tobacco Caldwell & Owen, Furniture Calloway, C M, Liquors Camp & Son, H H, Machinery Camp & Toland, Grocer Campbell, A F, Meats Campbell, E L, Meats Campbell, J L, Drugs Campbell Coal & Coke Co, Coal and Coke Campbell Electric and Machine M£g Co Campbell & Co, L, Confect and Soda Fount Campbel, R 0, Coal Campbell & Poole, Liquors Canady & Bryant, Meats Cantrell, J L, Cicrars, etc Capital Camera Co Capital City Art Glass Works, Capital City Bottling Works CAPITAL CITY BRICK CO. Manufacturers of All Clay Standard Size Brick. Office, 703 Empire Building. Capital City Chair Co Capital City Loan Co Caralee & Demopules, Liquors Carey Mtg Co,. Philip, Cahart Shoe Co, Mfg Shoes Carlile, James, Furniture Repairer Carlton Press, (The), Job Printing Carlton & Co, J C, Cotton Goods Carlton, & Co, J K P, Cotton Goods Carlton, James, Mfrs Soap Carlton Shoe Co, Shoes "* Carmichael, Mrs J E, Millinery Carmichael Furniture Co, Furniture CARNEGIE STEEL CO. Steel Rails, Bars, Beams, Hoops, Cot- ton Ti( Etc Carnes & Carnes, Horse Shoers Caralee, Geo, Confectionery and Fruit Carpenter, W R, Meat Mkt and Resta rant Carr and Co, J P, Job Printers Carrinerton & Weavers, Tailors Carroll, W R, Dry Goods elo Carroll Bros. Tailors Carroll & Co, E H, Liquors Carrol & Hunter, Coal and Wood Carter, J C, AVholesnle Flour Carter, W E, Mfg Agt Carter & Gillispie, Electricians Cassella Color Co Castrer, Theo, Liquor Castle Bicycle Co, Bicycles Chasewood, C L, Confectionery Catching, B H, Dentist Carter, O C, Grocer Gates, J N, Grocer Catheart, T F, Tobacco & Cigars C'andle, Wm P, Jewelry Cavelry Chas E, Com Merchant Cay, John E, Cotton Cafalu & Co, Groceries & Fruit Central School Supply House, School Supplies Century Cigar & Soda Co, Cigars & Sod.r Water Cerf & Co, E A, Tailors Carniglia, Joe, Groceries & Fruits Chamberlin, Johnson, DuBose Co, De- partment Store Cl'.amblee, J B, Liquor Cliambliss, Joel E, Grocer Chapman, C H, Dry Goods Oliapman, L F, Meats Chapman, S F, Grocer Chapman it Bros, General Score Chastain, N A, Grocer Cliattahoochee Brick Co, Mfrs Brick CHATTAHOOCHEE BRICK CO. RAILROAD BUILDERS And Manufacturers of Chattahoochee River Brick, Plain, Ornamental .and Oil Pressed. Chattahoochee River Mills, Meal Cheatham, C D, Liquor Cherokee Chemical Works, Chemicals Jherokee Marble & Granite Works, Ma ble & Granite Works Cherokee Ochre & Barytes Co, Mining Cherry Mercantile Co Chertok & Roughlin Gro Co, Childless, J J, Grocer Chiles, J S, Boston Dye House FRED E. CHOATE, . . . WHOLESALE . . . LINENS. Chomsky, Jacob, Grocer Chomsky, J, Wholesale Produce City Grain & Feed Co, Grain & Feed Clark, J C, Machinest Clark, I C, Liquor Clark, S H. Grocer Clark, E C Lumber Co, Clark, Jas A, Fish & Oysters Clay, G W. Grocer Clayton, Henry G, Grocer Clayton Co, (The), Mfrs Washing Ma- chines Clein Bros, Dry Goods Clemets, W P, General Store Clemons, J F, Plumber Clower & Johnson, Grocers Coachman, J W & J J, Coffee Coats Shoe Co, Shoes Coco Cola Bottling Co. Bottlers Coco Cola Co, (The) Manufacturers Coco Cola Gum Co, Manufacturers Coffey, W J, Meats Coggins, T R & Bros, Shoes Cosrgins Wilkins & Co, Shoes Cohen, G, Clothing Cohen, I, Liquor Cohen, J, Liquor Cohen, M, Grocer Cohen, M M, Liquor Cohen, W, Meats Cohen & Rosonstein, Grocers Cole, R D Mfg Co. Mfrs Engines Etc Coleman, A, Grocer Coleman, P E, Mgr White Swan Laun- dry Collier Bros, Groceries & Meats COLCORD-.W1LLIAIV1S LUM- BER CO., Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MAN- TELS, INTERIOR FINISH, Rough and Dressed Lumber Collins, Mrs M S, Grocer Collins Brick AVorks, Manufacturers Cullom, E O, Dropsy Med Co Columbia Mining & Smeltering Co Columbia Book Co, Books eE Stationery Comer, R H, Grocer Condon Studio (Tlie), Photos Conger, T A, Meats Conklin Tin Plate & Metal Co, Manufac- turers Conley, Mrs M M & Son, Groceries, Coal & Wood Conally, J 0, Meats Consolidated R R Advertising Co, Adver- tising Constangy & Smolensky, Mfrs Skirts Constitution Publishing Co, Publishers Continental Gin Co, Manufacturers Cook, T E, Grocer Cook, Hardware Co, Hardware Cooke, V C, Drugs Colledge, P J & Bro, Paints Cooley, S, Grocer Cooper, Rufus M, Tailor Cooper Mfg Co, Chairs Copes, Geo S & Co, Coal & Wood Corey, Joseph, Confectionery Cotton, J W, Grocer Cotton Collar Co, Manufacturers Cotton Down Co, (The) Mfrs Comforts Cotton Publishing Co, Publishers Cotton States Belting & Supply Co, Man- ufacturers Cotton States Bridge Co, Contractors Couch Bros & J J Eagen Co, Mfrs Horse Colars etc Co.x, J F, Broker Cox Bros & Co, Undertakers Cox, F S & Co, Mdse Broker Cox, V H & Co, Drugs Crabtree, W M, Groceries & Meats Cramer, Henry N, Machinist Crane, E D & Co, Harness, Buggies etc Crankshaw, Chas W, Jewelry Craven, Miss Cornelia, Dry Goods Crawford, J M, General Store Crawford, Mat, Meats Crawford Coal & Ice Co, Coal & Ice Crawford Drug Co, Drugs Crescent Mfg Co Crescent Pharmacy, Drugs Crenshaw, W T, Typer\VTiters Crew-Levock Co, Oil Refiners Cress 5 and ten cents store Crocker-Gill Co, Musical Instruments , Crossland, J E & Co, Brok & Comm Crouch Marble and Granite Co, Marble & Granite Works Cruikshanks, A, Cigars Crumbly, F H, Dry Goods & Shoes Cudahy Packing Co, Meats etc Cultivator Publishing Co, Publishers Cummings, J E, Liquors Cunningham, Mrs J P, Grocer Cureton, W G, Grocer Curran & Scott, Liquor Cjirtis. A L. Drugs Cut Price Laundry & Dve House, Laun- dry Dabnev Inmplemtne Co, Mrrs Dahl Co, The C A, Florist Dailey, S E, Furniture Daily Report Co, Publisher Daniel, John B. Drues Daniel Bros Co, Mens Furnishers Daniels Shoe Store, Shoes loS Greater Georgia Gazetteer. ATLANTA- Continued Davies & Hoyt, Cigars & Tobacco Davis, A W, Lumber & Broker Davis, H B, Dry Goods, Notions Etc Davis, John S, Grocer Davis, S M, Groceries & Meat Davis, W P, Steel Broker Davis, R W, Comm & Broker Davis & Ballew, Liquor Davis & Freeman, Jewelry Davisno-Paxoii-Stokcs Co, Department Store Dawson, A, Druga Day, S W, Fish, Game Etc Dean, John W, Grocer DeFoor, J M, Grocer DeFoor, J A, Grocer DeGive, L, Opera House DeGroot, The L P Mfg Co, Interior Fin- ishings Dehor, Moses S, Drugs DeLamater & Lawrence, Drugs Delbridge, A J, Shoemaker Del Barrio, Frank, Cigars Delbridge & Bice Co, Stationers Etc DeLeon, B C, Merchandise Broker DE LOACH MILL MANUFAC- . . TURING COMPANY, 4!X) Highland Ave., Atlanta, Ga. The Largest SAW MILL MANUFAC- TURING PLANT in the World. New and Modern Tools Electrically Driven, DeLoach, W B, Grocer Deneen, John, Grocer Dewald, Gea A & Co, Mdse Brokers WILLIS F. DENNY, ARCHITECT, 1018 PRUDENTIAL BLDG. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. CO., Manufacturers of Architectural Slieet Metal Work, Cornices,' Skylights, Crest- ings, Finials, DIXIE VENTILATORS. Fire-Proof Metal Windows. 20-22 TRINITY AVE. Blank HENRIETTA C. DOZIER. ARCHITECT, 716 Peters Building. Dozier, L A & Co, Plumbers Drake, H F, Bakery Duffy, Jas, Dry Goods & Notions Duke, J R, Restaurant Duncan, W S & Co, Flour & Grain Dunn Machinery Co, Machinery Dunning & Son, Lime Etc Dunwoody, R G, Drugs Durand, Restaurant Dykes, Mrs S L, Millinery E E M Co, Mfrs Medicated Cigarettes Eagle Mfg Co, Manufactures Candy Etc Eagle Rubber Stamp Co, Rubber Stamps Easterlin & Cameron, Fruits Echols Bros, Feed & Sale Stables Edgerly, L S, Liquor Dibble, W J, Comm Tannery Supplies Dicie, Jos B, Confectionery & Fruits Dickey, J L, Hotel Dine & Clopper, Meats ClNKiNS & DAVIDSON, . . . WHOLESALE . . . HARDWARE. Dixie Camera Co, Cameras Dixie Contracting & Construction Co, Dixie Loan Co, Pawn Brokers Dixie Paint & Wall Paper Co Dixie Printing Co, Job Printers Dixie Seal & Stamp Co, Seals & Stamps Dixie Vinegar Works, Manufacturers Dobbs-Hahr Lbr Co Dobbs-Way & Co, Crockery Dodd, J E, Grocer Dodd, G T, Grocery Co, Grocers Dodgon, W A, Grocer Oodson Printers Supply Co, Printers Sup- plies Dodson & Cochran, Grocers Dohert3% John, Dry Good & Notions Domini, John, Beer Saloon Donaldson, E J & G P, General Store Donelly, P H, Grocer Donehoo, E F, Fish Etc Doolittle, C V & Co. Produse & Fish Doonan & Lovett, Book Sellers Dom A W, General Store Dom, John S, Creamery Dougherty, D H, Dry Goods & Notions Doughertv-Ward-Little Co, Dry Goods & Notions EDGEVVOOD LUMBER CO., SVj N. Forisyth St., J. G. FOOTE, General Manager. P. O. Box 332. Edgewood Liquor Co, Liquor Edward & Son, Photographers Eichberg Co, Tlie M H, Manfifacturers Agents EinsiJin, S & Co. Clothing Edmondson, Frank & Bros, Gnigs Eiseman Eros, Clothing Eiseman & Weil, Clothing Elder Thomas G, Produce Elder, S J & Co, Manufactures Harness Electric Novelity Works, Supplies Elizabeth Cotton Mills, Manufactures Yarns Elkip Watson Drug Co, Di-ugs Elliot, E Jl, (Mrs A K), Grocers Elliot & Williams, Grocers Ellis, A E, Produce Ellis, P H, Grocer Ellman & Levin. Saloon Emerson, F H, Cigars etc Emerson Drug Co, Mfrs Bromo Seltzer Emery Market Co, Produce Emmons, MR* Co, Clothing Empire Glass & Decorating Co, Empire Marble & Granite Co, Empire Plumbing Co, Plumbera Empire Printing & Box Co, English-American Loan & Tiust Co i Enterprise Lumber Co, JIanufacturers j Enterprise Sausage Factory, I Eskridge, A P, Grocer I Eskridge, Peter P, Grocer Essig Bros, Clothing & Men's Furnishings : Kstcs, Louis, Drugs j Ethridge & Toney, Meats j Etowah Milling Co, I Ettinger, A B & S, Cigars I Eubank, G T, General Store Eubanks, 1 B, Grocer Eureka Phamacy Evans, G W, Grocer Evans, J H, Grocer Evans, W H, Grocer Evans & Ashley, Groceries A Meats Everett, J H & Son, Flour & Grain Everett-Ridley-Eagan & Co, W D Qds Notions & Shoes Evins, J C & J G, Furniture Ewing, J W, Contractor Excelsior Steam Laundry Co, Exposition Cotton Mills Fain, H C, Tailor Fain, W L & M M, Wholesale Flour Fain & Stamps, Wholesale Produce, etc Fair (The), Furniture Fairfield, W E, Manufacturers Agent Faith, John, Saloon Fall, M A, Manufacturers Agent Tallin, J C, Grocer Fanning, G B, Grocer Farlinger, A W, Grocer Farmer, J H, Blacksmith Farmer's E.xchange, Feed Farmer's Gin & Warehouse Co, Farr, I J, Grocer Frasier St Pharmacy, Drugs Faustman, J, Jewelers Supplies Feldman, R L, Wholesale Grocer Feldman, S, Clothing etc Feldman & Greenbaum, Grocers, Field & Smyth, Blacksmiths Fielder & Allen Co, Office Funr & Type- writers Fincher & Fincher, Grocers Finklestein, H, Grocer Finkelestein, J A, Grocers Finley, (The) Rubber Tire Co, Manufac- turers Finnigan, J J & Co, Boiler Works Fischer, Julius A, Lumber & Contractor Fischer & Suttles, Live Stock Fleming, W T, Market & Restaurant Flesh, L, Dry Goods etc Flood, Samuel, Grocer Flournoy, W C, Com Fruits & Produce Folger Bros, Typewriters Folsom, L B, Hotel & Restaurant Foote, J C, Grocer Foote Grocery Co Foote & Davies (The) Co, Printers Foote's Trunk Factory Ford, M E & C W, Plumbers Fordon, M, Tailor Forrest, R, Manufactures Cigars Forsyth, J J, Grocer Forsyth, W, Blacksmith Foster, S M, Restaurant Foster, W J, Grocer Foster, C H & Bro, Groceries, Coal & Wood Fowler & Co, Meats Fox River (The) Butter Co Francis, H L & M D, Coal & Wood Frankel, M, Leather, etc Franklin (The) Printing & Publishing Co Franklin Plumbing & Tinning Co Frasier, J D, & Co, Wholesale Grain Freed, E H, Grocer Freeman, O L, Meats Friedman, C, Grocer Freidman, M, Grocer Frith, J J, Grocer Froshin, J, Dry Goods etc Froug, B, Grocer Frye, Sarah S, (Mrs B C). Millinery Fugazzi, Lovelace & Co, Wholesale Fruits Fuhrer, Hortense (Mrs John), Hair & F (3oods Fuller, A T, Grocer Fuller, J C, Feathers Fuller, L, (Mrs S A), Grocer Fuller, Lucy, Grocer Fuller, W R, Grocer Fuller, M H, & P L, Grocers Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 109 ATLANTA— Continued Fulton, J A, Grocer Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills Fulton Chemical "Works Fultou Foundry & Machinery Co Fulton Furniture Co Fulton Junk & Paper Co, Junk Fulton Market Co, Meats Fults, J C, Meats Furman Farm Improvement Co, Mfrs Fertilizers Furniture Exchange Furse, Marion, Grocer Furstenburg, A L, Wholesale Liquors Gaines, Marion, lioots & Shoes Gale, C W, Cabinet Maker Gallager & Young, Bakers Game, Morgan F, Drugs Gann, Geo H & Co, Grocers Gann & Garraux, Saloon Gardner, E L, Plumber Garner & Myers, Grocers Garlock Packing Co, Engine Packing Garner, James S, General Store Garrets Art Store Garrison, A L. Grocer Ciarrow, George, Candy Manufacturer Garvin, B F, Grocer Garwood, J, Grocer Gate City Cigar Co, Manufacturers Gate City Coffin Co, Manufacturers Gate City Cotton Mills Gate City Engraving Co Gate City Fence Works Gate City Hosiery Mill Gate City Paint Co Gate City Printing Co Gate City Roller Covering & Supply Co Gate City Supply Co, Plumbing etc Supplies Gate City Towel Supply Co 3athright, W E, Shoemaker javaghan , James, Saloon Gavaghan, D & Co, Saloon Geha, N, Oriental iNovelities G elders, Albert, Restaurant General Contracting Co, General Electric Co General Fire Extinguisher Co George, J A, Grocer etc George S, Bros, Dry Goods and Notions George & Vickery, Grocers Georgia Book Bindery Georgia Bottling Co Georgia Car Co Georgia Coal Co Georgia (The) Cotton Oil Mills, Manu- facturers Georgia Cycle Co Georgia Electric Light Co Georgia Iron & Coal Co Georgia Leader, Ne\vspaper Georgia Machinery Co Georgia Paint & Glass Co Gi^orgia Printing Co Georgia Shingle Co, Mfrs G-'^orgia Soap Co. Mnnufacturers Georgia Supply Co, Roller Covering etc Georgia Tanning & Manufacturing Co GEORGIA TILE GO. Manufacturers and Layers of He Cement tile. Office. 401 Peters BniMing. Gershon Bros & Rosenfield, Wooden e, N, Confectioner Porter, T H, Wall Paper Portwood, M E, Grocer Post, H W, Bicycles IVc-tlew^it, T H, Grocer Pctts, M J, (Mrs \V C), Grocer and Meats Potts, W C, Meats P.jtta-Tliompson Liquor Co, Wholesalf Dealers Powell, D AV, Grocer Powell, R E, Market Pratt, N P (The) Laboratory Preiss, Harry & Co, Coal and Wood Prior, R T, Grocer Prior, G S Grocery Co, Prisock, M J, Saloon Proctor C^al Co, Mining and General Store ProutT, L M, Saloon Prouty, L M & Co. Saloon ProTano, L S & Co, Drui;s Pylant, L B. (The) Co, Grocers Quick, J M & Co, Wall Paper Ramsey-Brisben Stone Co, Randall Bros, Coal and Wood Rankin, V O, Grocer Raphael, J and S, Dry Goods and Cloth- ing Ravenel. St .lulian & Co, Fertilizer Eav, C B, Cigars Ray, C C, Grocer Ray, (The) Co, Phonographs Ray Fish Co Ufa, C B, Meals Reeder, A B, Grocer Reese, H O, Meats Reese, W O Millinery Co, Kegenstein, J, Wholesale and Retail Mil- iftlery Reid Dry Goods Co, Department Store REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO. Regenstein, M II & Co, Mfrs Garters Repauno Chemical Co, Mfrs Explosives Revson, F, Bottlers' Supplies Reynolds W E, Grocer Reynolds, W W, Sign Painter Rhodes, A G & Son, Funiture Rhodes, E L & Co, Millinery Rhodes Haverty Furniture Co Rhodes Haverty Novelty Co, Household Noveltiesc Rice, E J, Grocer Rice & Love, Woolen Mills Rich M & Bros Co, Department Store RICHARDS MACHINE CO. Manufacturers of Woodworking Machinery, Hand and Pow- er Elevators. Shafting, Pulleys, and Hangers. Richards, S P Co, Wall Paper and Sta- tionery i^ichardson, Robert, Grocer Seaman & Ferrel, Baker, etc aigbers, Maggie L, (Mrs F H), Mtr Ice Cream Riley, J P, Phonographer Risdon, Hugh C, Publisher Risetti, B, Fruits Roane, M P, Grocer Roberts, T G, Meats iioberts Grocery Co Hobins, A C, Grocer Robinson, A M Co, Wholesale Notions Robinson, C II & Co, Grocers Robinson Neckwear C)o, Manufacturers Rogers, John, Grocer Soemer, F L, Mfrs Shoe Uppers Rogers, Joseph, Baker Iiogers, O H, Grocer Ijc.jers, L W, Grocer iior;ers Crockery Co, Rogers & Harwell, Com Grain and Flour RAS^SOM ROGERS. CIVIL ENGINEER AND I-AND SJS- VEYOR, 626 Empire Euilfling. Romm, Bertha, Grocer Rose, George V, Coal and V.'ood Rose R M & Co, Wholesale Liquors Rose, J W, Watchmaker F.oseber)', J R, Grocer Roscndorf, S, Grocer Rosenthal, Louis, Dry Goods and Cloth' ing Rosenthal, R, 5 and 10 Cent Store Roughton, J F & Co, Drugs Rountree, H W & Bro, Trunk and Bag Co Royal Lumber Co, Russel, J J, Grain and Flour Rufsel, W F, Photographer Rvan, Marv, Millinery Sahli. G G, Grocer Saliba, T S, Dry Goods & Notions Salters, M T, Mfr Medicines Samuels, S, Saloon Samuels, A & Co, Saloon Sanders, Swaun & Co, Cotton Satzky, Elizabeth (Mrs A), Tailor Saul, J, Wholesale Clothing ^/7C OFFICERS. JA.M£S -W. KNOIvISH, Prest. 'WALKER P. INMA.N, Vice-P. JOHN K. OTTLEY, Cashier. CHA.]R.X,ES I. RYA.N, Ass't Cash. Cash Capital $400,000 00 •Surplus and Profits $227,240 34 ^ j^ j^ A general BanKin^ business. Collections a special feature. The best in method and service. Exchange on all parts of the "w^orld. Letters of Credit and Travelers* ChecKs. Direct European connections. Accounts, larg^e and small, invited. A De sibilated Deipository of the United States. State of Geor- gia, and of the City of Atlax^ta. FOURTH NATIONAL, BANK ATLANTA. GEORGIA. We Want to Serve you. j^ Write or Call. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Don't forget that Mr. Frederick H. Lewis, the greatest li\ ing recognized authority on the manufacture of Portland Cement, manufactures OLD DOMIN- ION. See his books. Use Old Dominion for Mosaic Tile work. Hexagon Tile, Stucco, Pebble Dash, and all high grade work. KEYSTONE LIME is guaranteed as good as the Eastern Rockport Maine Lime, the: world'vS be^^t Killian's No. i Machine Made and Killian's Hand Made Fire Brick, Terra Cotta Pipe, Etc. Use ALABAMA and SOUTHERN CROSS Brands of Portland Cement, (slag) for concrete foundations for Residences, Court Houses, Cotton Oil and Lumber Mills, Asphalt, and Vitrified Brick Roadways. Use MAGNOLIA SEMI-GRADE PORTLAND CEMENT on work that re- quires a Cement between PORTLAND and HYDRAULIC. Acme Cement Hard Wall Plaster and Acme Cement Wood Fibre Plaster are the best grades of their respective kinds CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. CHARLESTON ATLANTA BIRMINGHAM NEW ORLEANS I I I I I Greater Georgia Gazetteer. "3 ATLANTA— Continued "GATE CITY SANITARIUM." 327 Whitehall St. Open {or the Treatment of all Chronic Troubles. Rheumatism a Specialty. Equipped with all Modern Electrical and Hot Air Appliances and Elegantly Fitted Up for the Reception of Patients. Well Located in the Heart of the City and the Best of Attention Given Every Patient. Sausone, P, Wholesale and Retail Fruits Sawtell, T R, Wholesale and Retail Meats Schane Shoe Co, Shoes Schaul, H H, Pawnbroker Schaul & May, Jewelers and Brokers Schleeinger, H L, Mfr Candy and W F Groceries Schmidt, F, Baker A. M. SCHOEN, Chief Electrician South-Eastern Tariflf Association. Silvey, John & Co, Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions Simenhoff, J, Grocer Simons, H, Confec and Toys iimmons T E & Co, Manufacturers Med- icines , H, Dry Goods monton, J S, Grocer mpson & Harper, Wholesale Lumber ;m3, E S, Warehouse and Grocer ms, J N, General Store Bros, Grocers .nger, H L, Wholesale Grocer nkovitz, Nathan, Dry Goods, Clothing etc Sisson, V P, Printer Slaughter, J B, Coal and Wood Smith, A A, Fertilizing Materials, eta Smith, A A, Grocer Smith, C H, Millinery CHARLES WALTER SMITH. ARCHITECT, 33 Brown Building. Schoen Bros, Hides and Wool Shrimper, William, Grocer Schroeter, J H & Bro, Machinist Schwartz, Phil, Saloon Schwartz, Julia, Clothing Sciple Sons, W Gds etc Woodward Lumber Co Wooten, R N, Gro & Meats Wren, W B, Grocer Wright, F W, Tinner Wylding, Jasper, Tailor Wylds, Charles A, Distiller Young, Charles, Grocer Young, Henry C, Grocer Young, J M, Butcher Youngblood, W E, Blacksmith Zinn, Sarah J, Confec & Toys AUEAEIA, Lumpkin County AURUM, Warren County Woodruff, W J, Gen Store ADSTELL, Cobb County Artesian Litliia Hotel Austell Grocery Co Austell Improvement Co, Lumber etc Austell Variety Store Catheart Cooper cSt Co, Drugs Cochran & Mossley, Gen Store Cureton, James, Nurseries Daniel, F A, Grocer Forsyth, J A, Grocer Humphries, W A, Meats Irvine A H, Gcu Store McErAvin, T J, Blacksmith Perkerson, J D, Gin & Flour Mill Shelverton, O J, Undertaker White, Gen Store AUSTIN, Morgan County Newton, E T, Gen Store ACTNEY, JMcDu e County Harison, J M, Gen Store Whitaker, R H, Gen Store AUTREYVILLE, Colquitt County Autrey, D A, Gen Store Morrison, John, Naval Stores & C Jn Store Whipple, J A, Blacksmith Wilkes, G W, Gen Store AVALON, Franklin County Carroll, G W Jr, Gen Store Dean, RAP, Gen Store McBath, W L, Drugs Tuttles, P P, Gen Store Yow & Cooper, Gen 'Store AVEEA, Jefferson County Avera, W S, Gen Store Dixon, G F, Gen Store Dixon, E F, Gen Store Hadden, L H, Gen Store LaFavor, S W, Gen Store Raley, Mrs J C, Gen Store Rivers, Paul E. Gen Store & Saw Mill Rollings, W J, Gen Store & Saw Mill Honey, Sallie V, Millinery Thigpen, C G, Gen Store Williams, E O, Gen Store «'illiams, J B, Hotel AVONDALE, McDufBe County VVhitaker, R , Gen Store AYERSVILLE, Habersham County Kytle, J H, Gen Store BABCOCK, Miller County Babcock Bros Lumber Co Hixon, A G, Gen Store BACON, Monroe County Mann, W R S, Gen Store BACONTON, Mitchell County Fleming, Frank, Gen Store , Glausier E D & J T, Gen Store Jackson Bros, Gen Store Jenkins, T L, Gen Store MuUins, E B, Naval Stores & Gen Store Reynolds, G H & Co, Gen Store Sharp, J P, Gen Store Turner, D B, Gen Store Williams, Mrs LAS Co, Gen Store Winchester, H C, Blacksmith Whitaker, R H, Gen Store Bainbridge Bottling Works BAINBRIDGE, Decatur County Adams, C D, Resturant Bailey, J W, Logging Bainbridge, Argus, Publishers Bainbridge Cooperage & Supply Co Bainbridge Grocery Co Bainbridge Oil Co Bainbridge Packing Co Bainbridge Laundry Belcher Bros, Gen' Store Rerrien, C B, Restaurant Bethume, F, Saloon Blaum Jewelry Co Blranenstein, E, Saloon Bonair Bar, Saloon Brackin, G B, Livery & Undertaker Brockett, H B, Drayage Bruton, H J, Gen Store Calhoun, M D, Gen Store Callahan, J W, Naval Stores Callahan, (The) Co, Naval Stores Cliett, C C, Lumber & Gen Store Colbert, B F, Jeweler Colbert Bros, Grocers Cox, E C, Tailor Daughtry, J S & Co, Gen Store Democrat Publishing Co Drake, T C, Gen Store & Naval Stores Draper, H O & Co, W Grocers Ehrlich, H B & C?o, Gen Store & Saloon Fair, (The), Millinery Finch, H J, Saloon Fingerhut, L & Sons, Gen Store Flint River Lumber Co Floyd, J M, Gen Store Fudge, Mrs B D, Hotel Georgia Pine Lumber Co Griffln, C, Fruits & Confec GrifBn, C H, (Mrs Geo D). Livery k Transfer Gurlev, D C, D Gds etc Guy, "a & S, Gro & Rest Helton, C A, Grocer Hicks, R L, W & E Drugs 'lines, S, Gen Store Hunter & Baggs Furniture Co Tohnson, L C, treats Fohnson Hardware Co vwilecki, 1, Hardware & Builders Ma- terial ^jaing & Fain, Gen Store vicCaskell, J C & Co, Naval Stores \IcRee & Callahan, W Gro Vehicles McRee & O'Brien, Hotel Macdonald, A J, Hardware Mart (The) Clothing Co, D Gds & Clothei Melton & Dukes, Saloon Melton & Dukes, Shoes Moore, E M, Grocer Nussbaum Bros, Furniture Nussbaum Ice & Light Co, Mtrs O'Neal, W O, Printer Oak City Cooperage Co, Mfra Oak City Drug Co Patterson, L F, Mfr Brick Ramsey-Wheeler Co, W Lumber Reynolds, Mrs Mary J, Millinery Roberts, Mary E (Mrs Drew), Naval Store Rosenberg, M, Gen Store Sampson, Ed, Fruits and Confec Sapp Bros, Grocer and Fruits Scott, J G, Fruits and Produce Scott, R E, (Mrs J M), Gen Store Searchlight (The) Publishing Co, Snook, Ootto, Saloon Smith, N J, Jeweler, etc Sowder & Jester Bros, Variety Works Speight, Thomas, Meats Stansell Eros, Bicycles Stuckey & Cox, Livery Stults, D, Saloon Subers, J I, Jeweler Sutherland, D T, Foundry and Machine Shop Swindell, E & Co, Saw Mill Thomason, T I, Bottling Works and Ginnery Toole, L C, Clothing, etc Toole Bros, Men's Furnishings Tyler, J M, Grocer Ward, R F, Butcher Warden. T R, Drags White Lumber Co, Saw Mill Williams & Singletary, Saloon Willis,- G, Saloon Willis, E J, Drugs Wright, W W, Warehouse, Vehicles anrt Fertilizer BAIRDSTOWN, Oglethorpe Countv Walton, P M, Gen Store BAIT, Miller County Cleveland, Geo W, Gen Store Cook, John Sr, Gen Store Cook, G W & Bro, Gon Store BALDWIN, Habersham County Baker, A M & Son, Hotel and Livery Bond, W R, Gen Store Coffee, E J, Gen Store Shore, W A, Gen Store Taylor, James J, Blacksmith BALL GROUND, Cherokee County Bearden, S H, Gen Store Cox, Emma A, Gen Store Hendrix, D G & Co, Gen Store Howell, M A, Millinery Lovelady, A J, Undertaker Lyon, A C, Junk Roberts, A W, Gen Store T Saye, J P, Drugs Shelton, A C, Gen Store Wry, J W, Saloon BALLOON, Clinch County Brinson, G A & Son, Gen Store BALL'S CHUECH, Wilkinson County Brooks, J W, Gen Store Hatfield, J R. Gen Store Sapp, W E, (Mgr), Gon Store BANDANA, Montgomery County O'Connor, James. Gen Store and Saw Mill Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 119 BANKSVILLE, Banks County Wright Bros, Gen Store Wright, P H & Co, Millers BANNER, Liberty County Porter, C B & Bros, Gen Store BANNING, Carroll County Hanson, H M, Saw Hill Hutcheson Mfg Co, Yarns, etc ■ BARBER, Colquitt County Barber, W H & Co, Naval Store BARGE, Carroll County Davison, E Z, Gen Store Little & McKibben, Gen Store Patterson, E N, Gen Store Roberts, H N, Gen Store Styles, Joe C & Co, Gen Store ^ BAEKSDALE, Washington County Beach, W E, Gen Store BARNSVILLE, Pike County PETE L. GORDY, FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, Country Produce. Fine Cigars and To- bacco a Specialty. Grace, Mrs Fanny, Hotel Hanson & Kennedy, Gen Store Hawkins, EEL, Plumber and Tinner Hightower, J D, Hardware Jordan Undertaking Co H. G. JORDAN & SONS, DRUGGISTS. Flioue No. 44. A. T. ABBOTT & SON, FRUIT GROWERS, BarnesYille, Ga.— Warsaw, Ga. Anderson, D L, Drugs, Bailey, C M, Grocer Bair & Hunt, Cotton Warehouse Elankston, M W, Hardwai-e EARNESVILLE PLANING MILL CO., M> NUFACTTJRERS AND CONTRACTORS. Bate, J II & Co, Jewelry and Bicycles Bennett, A O, Contractor Blackburn, J H, Drugs Brazier & Dumas, Mfrs Buggies Bush, R L, Grocer Citizens Bank, J W Cabiness, Pres City Hotel Cochran, T W, Livery Collier & Ogletree, Gen Store S. J. DUMAS, MARKET STREET RESTAURANT. Meals at all Houre. 25 CENTS. Laster, M, Grocer Maddux & Son, Gen Store Mallory, W A, Racket Store Marshburn, S M, Dry Goods, etc Martin & Crowell, Grocers Matthews Son, Meats Middlebrooks, J T, Gen Store Mills, A L, Dry Goods, etc Milner, J P B, Gin Mitchell, Ecbevt, Stock Dealer News Publishing Co Oxford Knitting Mills Pitts, Gray, (The) Co, Gen Store Reeves, B F, Grocer Reeves, James M, Grocer Reeves, J W, Grocer Smiley, E, (Mrs T T), Millinery Smith, D B, Grocer teiith, J Q & Sons Co, Mlg Carnages J. W. STAFFORD & SONS, MERCHANTS. Stallings, J F, Gen Store Stocks, O E, Meats Suggs, J G, Baker SUMMERS BUGGY CO., Wholesale Manufacturers FINE VEHISLES. Established 1866. We Build But One Grade, "THE BEST." W. K. WILKINSON, Proprietor of BARNESVILLE NURSERY AND POULTRY €0. Elliott, M M & Co, Grocers First National Bank, L O Benton, Pres J. L. FOGG, Operative and Mechanical DENTIST. Gem Knitting Mills, Underwear Georgia Medicine Co, Georgia Underwear Co Willis, F L, Grocer Woodward, J, Woodshop Yarbrough, W C, Meats BARNETT, Warren County Atchison, T L, Gen Store Fielder, P C, Gen Store Turner, Mrs B, Gen Store BARNEY, Brooks County Edenfleld, W C, Drugs Hall, M A, (Mrs J P), Gen Store Paxcin, C D, Saw Mill Hozier, T A, Gen Store Scruggs, J G, Saw Mill Walker, F B, Gen Store BAREETTSVILLE, Dawson Count Chastain, M, Gen Store MoGehee, E B, Gen Store BAREINGTON, Dawson County Poppell, S R, & Bros, Gen Store BARTON, Jefferson County Armstrong, J H, carpenter Bartow, (The) Bank, Beddingfleld & Black, Gen Store Brown, A S, Gen Store Brown, Joseph, Gen Store Fields, N T, Grocer Jo.sey E, Drugs etc Josey, C R, Drugs etc Kitchens, B F, Gen Store Lanier, Brown & Bryant, Gen Store Lester, E E, Gen Store Palmer, G T, (Agt), Coffins, Powell, A E, Blacksmith Powell, B E, Gen Stone Rhodes, Eugiene, Gen Store Salter, Z B, Gen Store Smith, B W, Gen Store Smith, R L, Gen Store Smith Bros & Co, Store Spier, W M, Gen Store Walker, C H, Naval Stores Wiggens, B J, Gen Store BAEWICK, BROOKS COUNTY Barwick Cooperage Co, Mfrs Fcss, A J, Ginnery Massey Bros, Gen Store Moore, W R, Grocer Pope Rountree & Co, Gen Store Walcott & Fambrough, Saw Mills BASCUM, Screven County s, S B, Gen Store EASE, Jackson County Andrews, O A, Gen Store BASTONVILLE, Glasscock County Baeton, N T, Gen Store Lockett, A J, Gen Store BATESVIIjLK, Cherokee County Nix, W S & Co, Gen Store BATTLE HILL, Fulton County Bear, M J, W Meats BAUGHVILLE, Talbot County BAXLEY, Appling County Baldwin, Harry, Gen Store Appling Syrup Co, Mfrs Barnes, Simon, Hotel 1 Baxley Banking Co Baxley Crossties Co Bland James, Gro & Millinery Cohen, M M, Gen Store Comas, P H, Drugs Decker (Mrs Addie), Grist Mill Deen, Henry, Gin & Grist Mills Deen & Fischer, Naval Stores Dent, Jim, Blacksmith Easton, E H. Blacksmith Ellis, John Jr, Grocer & Grain Fisher, W J, Livery Grainger & Weatherly, Naval Stores Hall, Thomas L, Gen Store Hirschman, Jacob, Gen Store Johnson, J Allen, Saw Mill Johnson, J J. Gen Store Johnson, J M, Gen Store Jordan, G W. Contractor and Builder 1 McEorie, T H & Co, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. BAXLEY— Continued Melton & Gilmore, Gen Store Middleton, W T, Gen Store Moody, Wilson, Crossties and Gen Stort Moody, I M & Bros Gen Store Morris F A, (Mrs D A), Gen Stor« Millinery Morris & Johnson, Undertakers News Banner Publishing Co Owen & Ellis, Tombstones Poland, Paul, Gen Store Robinson, M Y, Gen Store Rogers, W Hughes, Gen Store Roger, J C, Gen Store Sapp & Miles, Naval Stores and Ge» Store Schlitter & Johnson, Livery, Live Stock and Gen Store Sellars, B W, Saw Mill Smith & Thomas Blacksmiths Sullivan, O W, Saw Mill Sullivan, J R, Gen Store Tippins, J ^V, Drugs, Vehicles, etc Tippins & Johnson, Buggies, Wagons, etc Tolar, S B, Grocer Turner, E W, Saw Mill Weaver, J L, Dry Goods, Shoes, etc BAY, Colquitt County Hambrick, J T, Grocer Holmes, Ben & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store BAYBORO, Colquitt County Davis & Hatchett, Naval Stores Finney Bros & Harwell, Tie Contractor Folsom Bros, Gen Store Sharp & Marsh, Gen Store BAYONET, Monroe County Jackson, R W, Gen Store BAYVIEW, Liberty County Long, N E, Gen Store Robitzsch, W J, Naval Stores BEACH, Ware County Lewis, R M, Naval Stores, etc Sweat, W M, Gen Stores and Crossties Taylor, J F, Naval Stores BEALL SPRINGS, Glascock County Beall, J C A, Gen Store and Hotel Neal, D A, Gen Store BEARD'S CREEK, Liberty County Durrance, James H, Gen Store and Saw Mill and Gen Store Howard Bros, Gen Store and Naval Stores Hughes, J W &i Sons, Naval Stores, Smiley, W D, Blacksmith BEATRICE, Stewart County House, John F, Gen Store House, S J, Gen Store BEAVERDALE, Whitfield County Clayton, J M, Gen Store Dunn, E R, Gen Store Warmack, Geo W, Gen Store BEDE, Wilcox County Tomberlin, J W & Co, Crossties BEECH HILL, Wilkinson' County Ivey, H J, Mfr Hardwood Lumber BEEKS, Pike County Anderson & Anderson, Gen Store Coggins, S S, Gen Store BELAIR, Richmond County Batchlor, W A, Gen Store BELLVIEW, Talbot County McDowell, Mrs M M, Gen Store BELLMONT, Hall County Bennett, J F, Gen Store Kenny, J M, Gen Store Tanner, M T, Gen Store BELLTON, Hall County Bryan, A L ,Gen Store Buice, M, Gen Store Carlton, E E, Gen Store Carter, A J, Gen Store Carter, Ira K, Gen Store Griffin, J T & Son, Gen Store Hatchcock, G, Drugs King, W L, Gen Store Quillian, J C & Bros, Gen Store and Millers Sanders, M M, Millinery Terrell, S H, Gen Store Wade, Carrie, Gen Store BELLVILLE, Tattnall County Hearn, C W, Gen Store, Gin, Grist and Rice Mil Newton & O'Quinn, Naval Stores Newton & Overstreet, Gen Store and Naval Stores Tippens, G W, Crossties BELOIT, Lee County Deariso, J C & Bros, Gen Store Tyler & Deberry, Naval Stores BELOTVILLE, Lowndes County Belote, W A, Gen Store and Saw Mill Carroll, J W, Gen Store Frier A J. Gen Store Theus, W F, Gen Store BENDER, Laurens County BENEFIT, White County Henderson, J W & Sons Gen Store Miller, J M, Gen Store BENEVOLENCE, Randolph County Parham, S L, Grocers, etc Ferryman, C G, Gen Store Ward, J C, Gen Store BEREA, Madison, County Chandler, Berry, Gen Store BERLINE, Carroll County Boon, W B, Gen Store Rutledge, Thomas, Gin BERMUDA, Gwinnett County Deshong, J A, Gen Store BERNER, Monroe County Cochran & Martin, Gen Store Jackson, T B & Son, Gen Store BERRY, Polk County Hackney, John, Gen Store BERT. Habersham County Soque Mills, Woolen Gds BERZELIA, Columbia County Merry, Brad, Miller Partridge, John, Gen Store Phillips, R T, Mill BETHANY, Morgan County McKinney, H K, D Gds & Gro BETHEL, Randolph County Martin, R B, Gen Store Wiggins, G G, Gen Store BETHLEHEM, Ti'alton County Bagget, Harrison & Co, Gen Store Beddingfield & Harris, Gen Store Bridges, J J & Sister, Gen Store Harris, R S & Son, Gen Store Manning, R L, Gin BETWEEN, Walton County Briscoe, Benjamin P, Gen Store BEVERLY, Elbert County Pearl Cotton Mills Thomas, J C, Gen Store BICKLEY, Ware County Denton, W M, Gen Store & Grist Mill Fryer, N A, Gen Store & Drugs Wilson, D A, Gen Store BIG CREEK, Forsyth County Allen, James, Gen Store Bagley, R A, Watchmaker Bagley, D H & Son, Gin Bagwell & Son, Gen Store Bagwell, & Sin. Gen Store Brannon, F, Gin Clements, Wm, Gen Store etc Cunningham, H L, Miller Cunningham, D B &H L, Gen Store Echols, J . H, Gen Store Green, P W, Gin & Grist Mill Jones, W W, Gen Store Moore, Joseph L, Gin & Saw Mill BIGGARS, Haralson County Biggars, T J Jr, Gen Store & Saw Mill Waddell, W J, Gen Store & Saw Mill BIGOAK, Twiggs County Cranford, Ed F, Gen Store BILLARP, Douglas County Banks, J M, Gen Store BILLOW, Carroll County Hughens, James M, Gen Store BINGEN. Decatur County Taylor & Taylor, Saw Mill ^wvwvywtfyywy^wy^wyw^vwvywwv^ Che most DeliflDtful and RcTrcsbiiifl fountain Drink Before the Public. HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of PEOPLE ^* From Maine to California, from the I^aKes to the j^^ ^ Gulf, claim COCA-COLA as their favorite drink 2l ^^^V At iSoda Fotantains aixd Carbonated in Bottles 5c iV^ €i Cedesco Cigar Co.,, Jftlama, - Georgia. ^ MANUFACTURERS OF J^ Clear Havana Cigars. We are our own importers of ALL HAVANA TOBACCO Used in our Factory. LEADING BRANDS Especial, El=Tedesco, La Perlosa, Standard, Petit Bouquet, Lakewood, Cuban Babies, Little Havana Prices, = $30,00 to $250.00 per 1,000. < WE ALSO MAKE A SPECIALTY OF \ Private Brands for the trade ,£^ jEf Correspondence from Jobbers and the Trade Solicited ^gl.ti^■^l,,|-,^f>o|^/'\l/%^,/'Hi,4,/'\^^^ ii.4,<€5v'liC\4,^-.,4 /<5k --j^'^'i s 1 GOLDEN GRAIN WHISKEY ^ ^ ^OLDEN GRAIN RYE WHIS= ^-* KEY is pure, old and mel= low and the best the world knows about at dollar a bottle. If you don't know about Qolden Grain, 'phone us== we'll do the rest. We're Atlanta agents for this celebrated whiskey and sup= ply the trade throughout the State. Mail orders promptly filled. THE BEST THE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT AT$1A BOTTLE. FULL QUARTS. J^ J^ E. H. CARROLL & CO. Atlanta, Ga. ^S*xS" BOTH PHONES Ki 1467 S K^^ NO. 16 MARIETTA % STREET % 5^7 ?^^ Greater Georgia Gazetteer. BINGHAM, Coffee County Kirkland Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores BIO, Hart County Tcasley, B A, Gen Store BIRDFORD, Tattnall County Johnston, J H & Bro, Gen Store BIRDIE, Spalding County Elder, J J, Grocer Elder, J H & Son, Gen Store BIRMINGHAM, Milton County Buice, A H, Gen Store Newton, T B, Gen Store BISHOP, Oconee County Branch, R E, Livery & Fertilizers Branch, W L, Gen Store Dixon, J K, Gen Store Fambrough, S D, Gen Store Jaci^son, J H, Gen Store Johns, J J, Gen Store Wallace & Thrasher, Blacksmiths BLACK CREEK, Screven County Edenfield, B K, Gen Store BLACKSHEAR, Pierce County y, M K, Baker BlackBhear, (The) Mfr Co, Fertilizers Blackshear Pharmacy Brantley, (The) A P Co, Sea Island Cot- ton etc Byrd, E Z, Publisher & Job Printer Clayton, Layton F, Blacksmith Davis, H & Son, Gen Store Gilmore & Sons, Gen Store Grady & Darling, Gen Store Harper, J A, Grocer Huges, W E, Grocer McCIeland Sears & Co, Naval Stores Murray, James B, Grocer & Meats Pierce Trading Co, Gen Store Richardson & Bro%vn, Gen Store Shaw, J M, Mfr Stave Machines Strickland Bros, Gen Store Ward, J O, Gen Store BLAOKVILLE, Emanuel County Ricks, D T, Gen Store BLAOKWELLS, Cobb County Shaw, Monto, Gen Store BLADEN, Gljim County Bladen, (The) Lumber Co, Saw Mill Owens, J B, Gro & Liquors Sinclair, D S. Saw Mill & Gen Store Ward, John A, Gen Store BLAINE, PICKENS Ccounty Cooper & Swann, Gen Store BLAIRSVILLE, Union County Butt, E W, Gen Store Butt, J A, Gen Store Conley, W J, Grocer Erwin, F J, Drugs Prater, J P & A J, Gen Store Waldrop & Brackett, Gen Store BLAKELY, Early County Alexander, J A, (Mrs A E), Grocer Alexander, W H Jr, Drugs Anthony, J P, Gen Store & Crosstles Bailey, J S & Co, Hardwood Lumber C« Blakley, (The) Brick Co, Mfro Blakely Dispensery Blakely Oil & Fertilizer Co Boyett & Ginn, Furniture Stoves Hard- ware & Household Gds Bridges Bros, Gen Store Brooks, B E, Grocer Brooks, R H & J L, Grocers Bush, S L, Blacksmith & Cotton Ware house Cain, A B, Gen Store Chancy, J C, Gen Store & Grist Mill Chipstead, Geo E, Gen Store & Buggies City Pharmacy. Cobb, W T G, Gen Store Cobb, W C, Gen Store Cordary, T P, Variety Works Elder, M O, Blacksmith Elder, W L, Gen Store Fleming, A J & W W, Publishers Flowers Bros, Lumber Co Mfrs Fort, J W, Naval Stores & Gen Store Fryer, E L, Gen Store Livery etc Fudge, Mrs J D, D Gds Notions Geer, Alice E, (Mrs C B), Millinery Gilmore & Son, Gen Store Grimsley, J B J, Meats Henderson, Oma, (Mrs T), Milly Hilton & Holland, Naval & Gen Store Howell Bros, Grocers James, D W, Gen Store & Warehouse James & Chancy, Gen Store Jennings, W J, Drugs Jones, T F, Gen Store King, H T, Grocer Livindston, J B, Hardware McDonald, W O, Gen Store McDowell William L, Hotel Martin, J E Jr, Gro Hrdwe Mock, J P, Saw & Grist Mill & Gin Owens, A J, Gen Store Powell, Jack, Printer & Pub Ray, W D, Grocer Rosenbloum, L, D Gds etc Singletary, A J, Gen Store & Cotton Warehouse Smith, J J, Grocer Notions Smith, Lucy B, (Mrs H G), Gen Store Smith, M M, Grocer Standifer, W B, Drugs Stein, B & Co, D Gds Clothes etc Strong, L O, W & R Drugs Thomas, Walters. Grocer etc Thomason, Mrs A Y, Hotel Underwood, John, Gen Store Waldrop, S A, Racket Store Waller, G S & L C, Gin & Saw MUl BLANTON, Lowndes County Progress Saw Mill & Lumber Co Zeigler, H G, Gen Store BLARNEY, Appling County BLITCH, Bulloch County Blitch, W H, Gen Store Blich J A & Son, Gen Store Blichton Bryan Co, Gen Store Donaldson, R H, Gen Store BLOODWORTH, Wilkinson County Deason, W A, Gen Store Poke, J R, Gen Store Kingry Miss Lula, Millinery BLOOMINGDALE, Chatham County Oliver, L C, Gen Store Oliver, L C & S H, Naval Stores Wright, H J, Naval Stores BLOUNT, Monroe County Webb, T H, Gen Store Westbrooks, W II, Gen Store BLUE RIDGE, Pannin County Allen Bros ,Gen Store Alsobrook ,Geo N, Tombstones Baugh & Johnson, Gen Store Blue Ridge Drug Co, W Blue Ridge Electric Light & Power Co Blue Ridge Furniture Co Briant, S, Jeweler Chastian, Owensby & Co, W Gro Cook, R M, Hotel Crawford, Boon, Live Stock Crawford, L B, Gen Store Edwards, L G & Co, Gen Store Frank, D G, (The) Grocery Store Friedman, Josheph H, D Gds Gartrell ,AVilliam, Liquors Hackney, J M, Publisher Holt, H H, Gen Store Home Steam Laundry McAfee, G W, Gro & Restaurant McKinney, J B, Livery McKinney & Center, Gen Store McMillan, Mrs F L & Co, Gro Odom, A J, Gen Store Pierce, William, Blacksmith Prewett Medicine Co, Mfrs Proprietary Medicines Stafford, J H, Gen Store Swain & Willis, Gen Store Trammel, O J, Saw Mill Trammel, V A, Lumber Trammel, V A & Co, Hardware & Furni- ture Vestal & Thomaston, Gen Store Walker, G W, Saloon Wilson, Mrs L M, Millinery BLUE SPRING, Gordon County Alton, J M, Gen Store Brand, W M, Blacksmith Cook, L J, Gen Store Elliott & Taylor, Gen Store Roockcr, L C, Gen Store Strain, J A, Saw & Grist Mill BLUEVILLE, Marion County Amos, George, Gen Store BLUFFTON, Clay County Bluffton Supply Co, Gen Store Wood workers Greene, N J, (Mrs W T), Gen Store Haisten, O, Gro & D Gds etc Harrison, Hathaway & Sanders, Gen Store Lee & Sons, Drugs & Gro Mansfield, J E, Gen Store Pilcher, W C & J L, Ginnery & Saw Mil] Rambo, C J, Saw Mill BLUNDALE, Emanuel County Blackwell, W A, Gen Store BLYTHE, Richmond County Atkinson, R T, Gen Store Berwick Bros, Fertilizers Dye, B F. Gen Store Hatcher, J A, Blacksmith Palmer, Samuel E, Gen Store Templeton, J E, Saw Mill Tinly, J C, Gen Store BOAZ, Appling County Slater's, James P Son, Gen Store 122 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. BOOHEE, Bartow County HendereoD, Mrs A E, Gen Store BOGAET, Oconee County Bean, Vf P, Gen Store Cash, W B, Gin & Planing Mill Daniel, W T, Gen Store David, J P, Gen Store Griffith, R S, Gen Store Miller, James M, Blacksmith Nixon, J F B, Saw Mill & Gin Nunnally, W Arthur, Gen Store Wall J D, Gro Sc Drugs Wall, M P, Gen Store Wise, J P & Co, Gen Store BOGGS, Madison County Hix, J J. Gen Store Son-ells, R J, Gen Store BOGLEY, Screven County Williamson, C E & Co. Gen Store BOHLEE, Columbia County BOLD SPRING, Franklin County Langston, S A, Gen Store Little, D E & Co, Gen Store Gin & Mill EOLING, Cherokee County Pureell, T B, Gen Store BOUNGBHOKE, Monroe County Ewing, F M, Gen Store Gray & Wadlev, Gen Store Norri«, C B, Gen Store Sanders, G C, Gen Store Wa)t!in, T E & Co. Gen Store BOLTON, Fulton County McClellan, Wm. Gen Store Mansky, T J, Grocer Summerlan, M J, Grocer Walker, M M, Gen Store BOLWAY, Floyd County Craton, John M, Gen Store BONAIRE, Houston County Lewis, W C & Son, Gen Store Slocumb, G L, Gen Store Walker, F F, Gen Store BOND, Bibb County Bond, R W & J B, Gen Store BONEVILLE, McDuffee County Lavigno, Lawson, Grocer Smith, Mrs W W, Gen Store Wall, C R, Gen Store BONVIEW, Taylor County Shirah, A, Gen Store Downey, G T, Gen Store BOONE, Gordon County BOSTON, Thomas County Ansley & Parish, Gen Store Barow, J M & Son, Livery Beasley & Cooey, Saw Mill Boston Printing Co, Publishers Boston Melon Co, Watermelons etc Boston Prniting Co, Publishers Boston Star Store, Gen Store Brantly, W Z, Gen Store Brooks, J B & S W, Gen Store Brooks & Clarke, Gen Store Burney, J G, Hardware City Drug Store Comfort, (The) Trading Co, W & R Gro Cook, M L & Co, Gen Store Janiels, E W, Drugs /ambrough, W B, Saw Mill Foster, W R, Contractor & Builder Foy, B H, Livery Groover, J M, Live Stock etc Groover & Groover, Sale Stables Groover & White, Millinery Ivci-, F C. Gen Store Lr.mdon, M, Gen Store Levit, Isaac. Gen Store Linton, M B, Gen Store & Gin Lovell, J L, Blacksmitli McGaughey, J N, Gen Store Mcintosh, John H, Livery Mallette & Clark, Saw Mill Malloy D G & J H. Gl-ii fc Xaval Store Mardre, W T, Grocer Masse}', Mrs H 0, Millinciy Milligan, B C, Warehouse MiUigan & Hollovray, Gin & Grist Mill Nimo, J W, Jeweler Norton, B A & F S, Gen Store Saw Mill Norton, F S & Co, Saw Mill Parraniore. J J, Furniture Vehicles etc Shuman, W T, Gen Store Taylor, J W, Gen Store Taylor, T A & Co, Saw Mill Warwick, John, Ginnery Way, J B & Co, Naval Stores Whaley ' & Daniels, Gen Store Zeigler, S B & Co, Gen Store HOST WICK, Morgan County Bostv.ick SIfrg Co, Cotton seed Products Jones, R B, Gen Store Gin etc BOWDON, Carroll County Adamson, G E, Gen Store Barrow. J W, Gen Store Bennett, O P, Gen Store Downs, J W Jr, Gen Store Downs, Lovvorn & Wilson, Gin & Plan- ing Mill Glanton, S H, Millinery Johnson, W T, Furniture Kuglar, C E. Saw Mill Lovvorn, J L, Drugs Loworn. R M, Gro & Drugs Pearce, E L, Gen Store Reaves, H J, Gen Store & Harness Shellnutt, N, Gen Store Walker, J J, Gen Store BOWDRE, Hall County Butfington, M C, Gen Store Hulsey, J M, Fertilizer Rucker, J D, Gen Store BOWENS MILL, Wilcox County BeaU Bros, Gen Store BOWERSVILLE, Hart County Bowers, B, Gen Store Bowersville Gin Co Cannon Bros, Gen Store Cheek, H M, Cigars Oovle. F B, Guano Si Cotton Fleming. S T, Gen Store fJable, H L. Gen Store Holhrook Mds Co. Gen Store Holland, B M, Gen Store BOWLING, Oglethorpe County BOWMAN, Elbert County Bowen, D P, Gen Store Bowman Mfgr Co, Flour Cordell Bros, Gen Store David, W A, Gen Store Dillashaw, W A, Gen Store Ginn, I L & Co, Gen Store & Millinery Ginn & Hendricks, Gen Store Gloer, J A, Gen Store & Guano Hall, T A, Blacksmith King, W H, Miller Teasley, B P, Miller & Gin Teasley & Son, Gen Store Vaughan, C D, Gen Store Ward, E H, Gen Store BOXSPRINGS, Talbot County Adams, S K, Gen Store Bo.\sprin.^s Mfg Co, Coffins Browning, J W, Gen Store Fort, W, Gen Store King, J W, Gen Store King & Gordy, Drugs McLendon & Blytlie, Gen Store Parker. A R, Gen Store Ship, J W, Gen Store BOYD, Screven County. BOYETTYILLE, Decatur County BarbC)-, G W J & Sons, Gen Store BOYKIN, Miller County Clifton. J S, Gen Store Ramsey, J T, Gen Store EOYNTON, Catoosa County Minor, J S, Gen Store Osborn, J W & J C, Gen Store Russell, G E D, Blacksmith BRADLEY, Jones County Gordon, G W, Gen Store Mullikin, M H, Gsn Store Souther, T G, Mill & Gin Winters, S L, (Mrs B P), .Gen Store Winters, W D, Gen Store' BRAG, Bulloch County Tankersley, W M, Gen Store BRAGANZA, Ware County Mcdlin & Sundly. Naval & Gen Store Pollard, George P, Crossties * Gen Store BRANTLEY, Marion County Allison, W P & C A, Gen Store BRASWELL, Paulding County Camp, T G, Gen Store Ellsberry, W M. Planing Mill Vaughn, J T, Grocer BREMEN, Haralson County Bartlett, H T, Grocer Bishop, R, Gen Store Boatright. J P, Hotel Greater; Georgia Gazetteer. 123 BREMEN— Continued Boswell, Oscar, Grocer & Rest Brazeal, F B, Gen Store Bremen Canning Co Bremen Machine Works Bullard, William M & Son, Gen Stove Drugs & Planing Mill Copeland Bros, Drugs Copeland, J T & Son, Furniture Gin & Mill Crockett, W T, Gen Store Enterkin, H G, Gen Store Enterkin, S J & H G, Fertilizers & Wagons etc Hamilton Hardware Co Holding, J Z, Meats McPherson Bros, Gsn Store Nelson, J M, Gen Store Riggs, J E, Gen Store Shellnutt, J P, Gen Store Shellnutt, J H, Grocer Stephens & McColman, Grocers Walraven, G L, Liverv Witcher, Mrs Z L, Gen Store BRENT, Monroe County Andrews & Scott, Gin Maddox, J M, Gen Store Scott, M 0, Gen Store BRENTWOOD, Wayne County Ritch, J 0, Naval Stores BREWTON, Laurens County Brantly, F H, General Store Brewton Merchantile Co, General Store Bryant, H B, General Store Carter, G W, Saw Mill Jackson Irwin, Gen Store Keen James L, G^n Store. Keen J L and Son. Gen Store Lovett J M, Gen Store, Maddox B P , Grocer Perdue, E C, Blacksmith Thigpen, I B, Gen Store Thigpen, M G, Gen Store BRIDGE, Emanuel County Phillips Wilder, Saw Mill Williamson, II R, Saw Mill & Gen Store Williamson, J G & Son, Gen Store BRIDGETOWN, Coffee County. Metis, Aaron, Gen Store BRIGHT, Dawson County Hendruc and Son, Gen Store BRINSON, Decatur County Bridtjes, R L Z, Drugs Brinson, J H, Coffins Livery & Wagons Cochran & Johnson, Gen Store & Saw Mill Herbert, H W, Hotel Lowey, George L, D Gds Staty etc McCuUey, W W, Gen Store McDow, Mrs M J, Millinery Pate, D S, Lumber Co Powell, J H, Gen Store & Gin Stuart Lumber Co, Saw Mill Warren, S J, Saw Mill BRISTAN, Coffee County BROADHDRST, Wayne County Adams & Sayer, Gen Store BRISTOL, Pierce County Bristol Naval Stores Co Kicklighter, H H, Gen Store BROAD, Wilkes County V.'oodard & Fleming, Gen Store BROCTON, Jackson County .Martin, E C, Gen Store EROGDON, Fayette County Brogdon, C B, Gen Store BRONCO, Walker County Vir-inia Iron Coal & Coke Co BRONWOOD, Ten ell County Allen, Misses L & K, Millinery Bronwood Dispenscry Bullock, B V, Gen Store Calhoun, W C, Gen Store Collins J T & Co, Gen Stare Cook, J M, Gen Stove Cowart, T W, Gen Store Denton Miss Kate & Co, Millinery EUerbee, J H, Gen Store Gammage, D T, Gen Store Gunnells, C W, Warehouse & Guano Holland & Berry, AVarehouse etc Huff, Mrs E A, Gen Store Kennedy Gin & Mill Co Thompson, S JI, Gen Store Wall, H A, Dru,js Williamson, II E, Gen Store BROOKEE, Coffee County McE.ichin, J T & Son, Gon Store BROOKFIELD, Beriien County Brown, J N & Co, Naval & Gen Store Carter & Webb, Gen Store Gay, J L, Gen Store Gibbs Bros, Crossties BROOKLET, Bulloch County Bryan, McNeal & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store McNeal, L, Naval Store Parker, W C, Gen Store Pretorious, W S, Gen Stove Robertson, Jones & Co, Naval Stores ^ Gen Store Warnock, J A & Son, Gen Store BROOKLYN, Stewart County Armour, W S, Gen Store Glenn. J M, Gen Store Harris, H, Gen Store .Tones, Miss MoUie, Millinery Majors, T A, Gin & Saw Jlill Majors & Seville, Gen Store BROOKMAN, Glynn County Livingston, A, Gen Store BROOK'S STATION, Fayette County Bishop, W G, Gen Store Boykin, Bishop & Co, Gin Boykin Bros, Gen Store Henderson. R H. Gen Store Putman, J M, Blacksmith Stcpliens, W N, Gen Store BROUGHTON, Morgan County Spcer, H M, Gen Store BROWN, Franklin County Green & Co, Gen Store BROWN'S CROSSING, Baldmn County Brown, H L, Gen Store BROWNSVILLE, Paulding County Bavtletl, A L, D Gds & Gro Moody, A, Blacksmith BBOXTON, Coffee County Anderson, J D, Gen Store Broxton Drug Co Broxton Feed & Supply Co Broxton Havdwave Co Byrd, Thomas. Ginnery Dorminey Price Lumber Co, Gen Stove & Saw Mil! Fussell, L J & Bros, Gen Store Garbutt, A G, Planing Mill Gove & Collins, Gen Store Leath, J W, Gen Store Long, H P, Gen Store Lott, D W, Gen Store Lett, Elias Jr, Gen Store Lott, Jesse, Saw Mill Lott, A & Son, Gen Store etc Lott-Tylev Lumber Co, Saw Mill Mashburn. D J, Harness Palmer, J L, & Co, Gen Store P.axon & Cannon, Saw Mill Peterson, William M, Gen Store Prigen, J W, Gen Store Schulman, A, Gen Store Smith, O O, Gen Store Vickevs & Bros, Gro & Livery Viekers & McGovern, Naval & Gen Store Vickevs & Willis, Naval & Gen Store BRUNSWICK, Glynn County Abbott, Jesse E, Grocer Adderly, H V, D Gds Aiken, Frank D, Lumber Crossties & Ex- porter Aiken Canning Co Anderson, M A, Grocer Anderson, W C, Contractor & Planing Anderson, William. Gen Store Arnheither, A, Butcher & Green Grocer Arnheither, Chris, Meats etc Augustine, S, Grocer Baker, A II, Plumber Baker, Marcus A, Turpentine Still Re- pairer & Plumber Baldwin, J C, Builder Barnus, John, Grocer Baumgai'tner, Charles, Meats Bay, (The) Iron Works, Foundrv Beach, L W, W «: R Beer Bell River Packing Hcuse, Oysters & Fruits Berrie ,B H, Meats Bishop, I N. Drugs Bloodworth & Owens, D Gds Bod.ani,, William X, Tailor Bohnne, J H, Stove Repairer etc Borchavdt, Abram, Butcher Borchardt, Benjamine & Co, W Gvo S ^ Pro Bowen & Thomas, Contractors Briesnick-Hensell, Engineering Co Foun- dry & Machine Works Brohead. J E, R R Ties Brown & Co, Lumber & Crossties Brunswlelc Bottlins Mfg Co Brunswick Cj'cle Co. Bicvcles etc Brunswick Ice & Cold Storage Co Brunswick Marble & Granite Co Brunswick Paint & Oil Co Brunswick Planing & Fwdg Co Brunswick Steam Laundry Buggs & Smith, Drugs 124 Greater Geor gia Gazetteer. BRUNSWICK— Continued Burnett, J M, W Grocer Burney, R B, Grocer Burns, Thomas B, Wheelwright Burns & Dickey, Saloon Busbee, P G, Grocer Byrd, John, Grocer Byrd & Buggs, Undertakers Cahn, Oouis, Groecr Carter, James G, Tailor & Dyer Carter, Mamie (Mrs W L), Saloon Cates, G V, Drugs Clarke, John Jr, Naval Stores Coleman, D V & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Colson Hardware Co, W & R Coney & Parker, W & R Coal & Wood Cornelius, J K, Baker Curry, W H, Saw Mill Daniel, Moses, Plumber Davis, J B, (The) Co, D Gds etc De Journett, O E, Produce De Voe, W H, Grocer Devaris, P, Grocer Devaris & Veinberg, Saloon Doerfinger, Charles J, Jeweler Doerfinger, W E, Jeweler Douglass (,The) Hardware Co Downing, (The) Co, Naval Stores & Com Durden & Co, Grocers Elkan, Morris, D Gds etc Elliott, D 0, (Mrs J B), Gen Store Ellis Young Co, Naval Stores Emanuel, N & Co, Lumber Evans, T & Bros, Gen Store Perentino, M, Fruits & Confec Fleming & Waff, Stationers Foley, T J, Saloon Fortson, T S, Drugs Fuller, Warren A Co, Yellow Pine & Cypress Lumber Futch, A A, Grocer Gazaway, Sol, Saloon Glogauer, Hannah, (Mrs S M), Grocer Glj-nn Ice Co Goette, Philip, Tailor Golden, James, Liquors Goldstein, H, Gen Store Gonzales, John, Fruits & Gro Harper, G W, Grocer Heller, J H & Bro, D Gds etc Herald Publishing Co, Newspaper Higdon, Peter, Saloon Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co, Mfrs Hirsch, Charles S & Co, W Lumber Hoffman, J, D Gds Hoodenpyle, J M, Produce Horan, Patrick, Saloon Howard Supply Co, R R Supplies Hoyt, Colson, Plumber Hunter, R E, Drugs Isaac ,M, (Mrs M), W & R Grocer Isaac ,W B, Grain & Hay Jeffers ,A C, Grocer Jennings & Burge P,lumbers Joel Bros D, Gds Clothes etc Joerger, W, (Mrs Mrs F), Drugs Johannessen & Bro, Grocer Johnson R H, Drugss Journal Publishing Co Kaiser, A & Bro, D Gds, Clothes, eto Keany, Thomas, Grocer Keler, Philip, Saloon Kessler, P 0, Firearms Knibb, J R, Produce Krause, Peter & Son. Baker Confec etc Lang & Wood, Saw Mill Lazarus, Abe, Grocer Lavadas, J N, Confec & Fruits Lavin, H P, D Gds Levison, Belle, (Mrs Sig), Liquors & Cigars Levison, Robert, (Mng), Saloon Levy, B H Broc & Co, Clothing Lissner, Jacob J, W Grocer Lissner, D J, Peddler Lopez, T, Gro & Ship Chandler Lott, Lewis, (The) Co, W Grocers Ludmg, L, Bottler Lyons, George, Confec & Cigars Lytle, W H Jr, Wall Paper etc McClendon, Ben, Saloon McClure, (The) 10 Cent Store, W R McCrary, H S, Livery MoCuUough, R B, Blacksmith McGarvey, Comae, Furniture Mansour, A, Furng Gds Marks, S, Saloon Martin, M G, Fruits & Confec Mason, E H & Co, Ship Chandlers Matthews, Joe, Fruits & Confec May, Julius, Liquors Mender & Gararis, Fi-uits Miller, H M & Son, Furniture Moore, C G, Undertaker Morgan's Drug Store Morgan & Davis, Liquor Mott, Kennon, Jlr & Optician Newkirk, J S, Grocer Newman, Tobias, W & R Liquors News Publishing Co, Newspaper Nisi, William, Grocer Novbe & Parker, Planing Mill Nussbaum, B, Grocer Obcrlauter, Richard, Jeweler Odham, L D, Gen Store & Crossties Olemne, B J, Bicycles Padrose Benito, Lumber Parker, C L, Grocer Patterson, Downing Co, Naval Stores Peterson, J S, Saloon & Restaurant Phoenix Grocery Co Ponder, D R, Liquors Porter, Hugh, Oglethorpe Hotel Rio Hondo Cigar Factory Roberts Leon E, Grocer Bobtrs, E Y, Furniture Rogowin, Philip, D Gds Clothes etc Rothschild, Abraham, Jeweler Sequi, P A, Fish & Oysters Selig, H, Liquors Sheppard, A S, Saloon Silverstein, H, Shoes Slater, Miss Kate, Millinery Smith, J A, Shoes & Men's Furng Smith's Pharmacy South Georgia Brick & Supply Co Southern Pine Co of Georgia Southern Produce Co Strachan, F D M cSt Co, Ship Brokers, Sylvia, Frank, Fruits & Groceries Tankersley, J H, Harness Taylor, Charles M, Gen Store Taylor Cook Cypress Co, Mfrs Taylor, A & Co, Land & Timber Thomas, J W, Livery Terras, Rosendo, Lumber, Cotton & Ro- sin Expr Tupper & Co, Lighterage, etc Turner, H M, Grocer etc Vlasses, Bros, Fruits etc Von Weller, L J, & Co Cigars etc Wallace, B J, Blacfamith Wallace, J W, Fish & Oysters Watkins, J W, Junk, Hides etc Weinberg, L E, Saloon Wenz, Albert E, Ship Chandler & Brkr Western Grain & Produce Co Whaley, H W, & Co Wharfingers Williams, G, Saloon Wilson, J W, Rest Wimberly, C H, Photographer Winston, R H, Photographer Winter, Theodore F, Tailor Wrench, H A & Sons, Printers & Pub lishers Yue Mo Zelmonovitz, A, Grocer & Crockery Zissimato, Eli, Fruits & Confectionery BRUSHY, Spalding County Chapman, J G, Gen Store BRYANT, Early County Boyd, J G & Co Gen Store & Naval Stores Sherman Bros & Co Shingle Mill BUCHANNAN, Haralson County Aughmuty, A C, Hotel Ayers, Alfred, Publisher Beall & Co, Gen Store Davenport, B J, Gen Store Eaves & Sons, Gen Store Gentry, W A, Livery Jeffers, L S, Grocer Land, S D, Blacksmith Lasseter, H D, Drugs & Hdwe McCalman, W A, Gen Store Moor, Thomas M, Grocer Mothershed, T R, Charcoal & Gen Store Smith, F R, Drugs Smith & Hutcheson, Gen Store Strickland Bros, Gen Store Williams, J S, Blacksmith BUCK, Coweta County Moore, J W, Gen Store BUCK CREEK, Screven Counay Bazemore, J M, Gen Store Mallery, W A & Co Naval Stores BUCKHEAD, Morgan Counay Alford, E L & Co Gen Store Baker & Paschall Co Gen Store Buckhead Gin & Milling Co Gaissert, G M, Gen Store Harris, H, Grocer Ingram, .B F, Gen Store McWhorter & Shouse, Gen Store Marshal, W M, Gen Store Morgan, J H, Grocer Rogers, W L & Co Gen Store BUD, Spaulding County Wix, J N, Gen Store BLTDAPEST, Haralson County Steele, J, Gen Store BEUNA VISTA, Marion County Brannon, W H, Drugs Brown, R, Gen Store Buchanan, Irene, Milly Beuna Vista Dispensary, Liquors Burt S M & Co, Gen Store Cements, Charles M, Furniture etc Clements, R E & Sons, Gen Store Duke & Wall, Gen Store Duncan & Parker Bros, Gen Store Fair (The), D Gds Foster, Mrs W T, Millinery Fouch & Wall, Gen Store Georgia, (The) Trading Co Gen Store Hair, R M, Gen Store Hair, R M, Milinery Holton, AV H, Grocer Jefferson Misses, Millinery Jefferson, Wesley, Gen Store Jordan & Pickard, Livery Lowe, J E, Grocer Lowe, J G, Grocer Lowe Bros, Gen Store Lowe Geo R & Co, Warehouse McCall, C H, Gen Store & Gin McCrary, M B, Hardware & Grocer McCrary, J W, Gen Store McCrary & Cock, Buggies, Harness etc Martin, J E, Hardware Moore, J E & Co, Furniture etc Rush, R C, Gen Store Rushin & Co, Gen Store Singleton, W C & Bros, Gen Store Smith & Browning, Gen Store Stevens, Baker, (3rocer Tharpe, E N, Grocer Tharpe Hotel Wilson, S T, Jeweler & Repairer Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 125 BUFF, Gordon County Thompson, J M, Gen Store BUFFAIjO, Hart County Brown, W W, Gen Store BUFORD, Gwinnett County Allen Bona, Mfr Collai-s & Harness Allen, K H, Mfr Harness Bowden, I, Gen Store Brodgon & Sears, Livery Buford Hardwore Co Burton Back Band Co Mfrs Busha, S J, Gen Store Cole, J R, Grocer Gage, D H, Machinist Garner, M S, Gen Store Gavronski, Morris, Gen Store Green & Shadburn, Grocers Haynes, T G, Grocer Hoyt Mfr Co, Planing Mill, etc Johnson, A H, Grocer Love, H, Dry Goods Mahaffey, E Vf V, Gen Store Mauldin, A A, Gen Store Merritt & Allen, Meats Mitchell, W S, Blacksmith Moore, D Y, Gen Store Neese, J P, Grocer, etc Patillo Lumber Co, Mfrs Sash, Doorf Coffins, etc Pendley, J L, Jeweler Perry, L I, Restaurant and Grocer Pirkle, A J, Builders Materials, etc Pool, C D, Fertilizer Quillian, J W & Co, Drugs Robinson & Robertson, Grocers Seals, W R, Meats Shadburn & Brogdon, Gen Store Sudderth, L T, Gen Store Sudderth Bros, Gen Store Wallace, J, Meats Weaver, J H, Drugs White, C I, Grocer Williams, E O, Grocer Wozencraft, Oscar, Publisher BULLARD'S Twiggs County Fitzpatrick, Irwin, Gen Store Harrell, Frank, Gen Store Johnston, W W, Gen Store Melton, Mrs M H, Gen Store BULLOCHVILLE, Meriwether County BuUochville Mercantile Co, Gen Store Bullock, H E, Gen Store Calloway, J T, Gen Store Daniel, R W, Gen Store Dunn, R A, Gen Store Florence, W M, Gen Store Leverett, H B & Co, Gen Store Talbot, P S, Gen Store Wells G B, Confectioner BURLINGTON, Union County Hensen, T M & Son, Gen Store Rogers, G S, Gen Store Slaughter, T M, Gen Store BURROUGHS, Chatham County Bailey & Co, Saw Mill Fawcett, William, Rice Planter & Saw Mill Fountain, W S, (Mrs H A), Gen Store BURTON, Rabun County Blalock, H C, Gen Store BURTSBORO, Lumpkin County BURWELL, Carroll County Eady, W A, Saw MiU Hearn J A, Gen Store BUSHVILLE, Banks County Hill, L L, Gen Store McKoy, N, Gen Store, Gin and Mill BUTLER, Taylor County Acme Pharmacy, Benns, W N, & Son, Printers Butler Clay Co Chapman, A D, Gen Store Chapman, M T, Gen Store Chapman, R T, Gen Store Childs, H A, Gen Store Childs, W H, Millinery Cox, O S, Gen Store Fountain, A J, Warehouse Fountain, L R, Gen Store Fowler, N T, Jeweler Lipsey, J W, Gen Store McCants, J J, Saw and Grist Mill Martin, C W, Gen Store Peebles, I F & Co, Gen Store Piltinton Bros, Naval Stores Riley, Waynne, Drugs Rogers & Blythe, Saw Mill Stokes, Clifford, (Mrs J G), Gen Store West, J H & Co, Gen Store Wilson, W B, Livery and Undertaker Wilson & Tickling, Com Cotton BUTTS, Emanuel County Allmond, R N, Gen Store Johnston & Oglesby, Gen Store Lane, R Y, Naval Stores Lewis, H C, Gen Store Newton, A S, Gen Store Redd Mrs, Gatsey, Gen Store Roberts, J T, Naval Stores and Gen Store Wiggins, W R, Gen Store BY'RD, Floyd County Callahan, W M, Gen Store BYRON, Houston County Bateman, C L & Co, Gen Store Dupree, C M & Co, Gen Store Hardison, R G, Gen Store Matthews, C M & Co, Gen Store Mills, J W, Gen Store Peavy, H J, Gen Store Richardson, C C, Gen Store Warren & Lowe, Drugs CABANISS, Monroe County Castleberry, J T, Gen Store Goggans, W W, Gen Store Shannon, John R, Drugs CADLET, Warren County Bishop W F, Blacksmith Hill, J W, Blacksmith McGinty, C S, Gen Store Morris, H J, Gen Store CAGE, Webster County Harris, J B, Gen Store CAINS, Gwinnett County Cooper, T J, Gen Store CAIRO, Thomas County Belcher, T F, Gen Store Blitch, A J & Co, Naval Stores Brown Miss J D & Co, Millinery Cairo Furniture Co Cairo Variety Works, Planing Mill, etc Cannon (The) Co, Mfrs Barrels Cargill-Wright Co, Mfrs Syrup and Candy Carter & Adams, Saw Mill Duren & Co, Millinery Evans Bros, 6 and 10 Cent Store Free, L A, Gen Store Forrester Bros, Dry Goods, Clothing, etc Hart, H J, Tinner and Repair Shop Hartsfleld, R D, Gin Hudson & Graves, Harness, etc Hurst, Mrs E J, Gen Store Lewis, Ira L, Saw Mill McManeus, B W, Blacksmith McManeus, M G, Grocer and Restaurant Mathews Bros, Naval Store Mauldin Bros, Gen Store Muggridge O Jl & Co, Grocers Odom Bros, Blacksmith OUiver A R, (Mrs J L), Millinery Patterson, W A, Naval Stores Poulk, John L, Gen Store Poulk & Baldy, Gen Store Poulk Bros, Gen Store Powell, Benjamin F, Gen Store Powell, Kedar, Gen Store Richter & Ruchin, Gen Store Robinson W H & Co, Gen Store Roddenberry, W B, Vehicles Roddenberry & White, Agricultural Im^ piemen ts Sanders, C F, Jeweler and Repairer Sapp Hardware Co Sapp, J P & Co, Cotton Warehouse Swicord, Mrs B V, Hotel Taylor, W C, Saw Mill Wight Bros, Gen Store & Syrup Wight T & Co, Gen Store Wight & Browne, Drugs Williams, B V, Grain and Feed Williams, R A, Cotton Warehouse and Guano CALEB, Gwinnett County Weaver, E L C & Son, Gen Store CALHOUN, Gordon County Adcock, M T, Gen Store Addington, J B, Gen Store Ballew, J M, Grocer Bensen, T J, Hotel Berry, J C, Optician and Jeweler Bird & Ellis, Grocers Black, A T, Fertilizers Black & Crutchfield, Machinery & Marble Browder, T A, Dry Goods, etc Byrd, J M, Grocer Calhoun Brick Co Calhoun (The) Drug Co Calhoun (The), Times Pub Callahan, F T, Harness Callahan & Hall, Gen Store Chastain Bros, Drugs Dover, S B, Jeweler Dover, H A & Co, Warehouse Dunnagan, P C, Gen Store Fain, W D, Gen Store Field, Herndon, Flour Mill and Gin Fine, L, Clothing Frix Charles, Blacksmith, etc Gordon, J B, Gen Store Gray H B & H E, Wagons, Harness Etc Gray & Bonner, Cotton Gin Hall C C, Gen Store Hall, J M, Gen Store Harlan, B M, Fertilizer Hicks, F L, Gen Store Hines, W L. Gen Store Hinson P, Blacksmith, etc 126 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, CALHOUN— Continued Hooper, M C, Tinner Hughey, T J, Saw MiU Hugbey, W M, Gen Store Jackson, E L, Furniture Kay, J II, Gen Store Logan, John W, Livery and Hotel Logan & Kavnes, Livery SIcDariel, A K & Co, Clothing, Mea's Furnishings & Shoes Neal, J M, Gen Store Neal, J N F, Hardware Pitts, L E, Gen Store PajTie J G, Meats Furnishings and Shoes Rankin & Son, Books and Stationery Eeid, J O, Gen Store Roach, M]s J B, Millinery and Dry Goods Roach Bros, Gen Store Ross, Isaac, Shoemaker Scott, A M, Restaurant Simpson, J C, Livery Tinsley, J E, Jeweler Watts J B, Dry Goods and Notion« Westfield & Kay, Gen Store White & Douglas, Gen Store CALLIE, Bulloch County Waters, W A, Gen Store CALUMET, Screven County Parker, W A, Gen Store CALVARY, Decatur County Bird, B P, Gen Store Clay, Henry I, Saw Mill and Blacksmith Higdon, J & I, Geu Store CAMAK, Warren County Dennis, A K Sr, Gen Store Geeter, E T, Gen Store Kitchens, C D, Gen Store Rogers, W G, Gen Store Rogers, J B & Co, Gen Store CAMERON, Screven County Oliver, E L, Gen Store CAiULLA, Mitchell County Arthur Z J & Co, Gen Store Braggs & Perry, Gen Store Bailey, J H, Gen Store Berman, I, Gen Store Brown, J S, Drugs Bush I A, Gen Store Butler, Heath & Butler, V.'arehouse, Fer- tilizers and Cotton Buyers Butler, J W & Co, Gen Store Camilla Supply Co, Gen Store Cockran, J N & Co, Grocers Cochran & McElvey, Millinery Cullens Bros, Grocers Dixon, W C, Gen Store Einstein & Dasher, Grocers Enterprise Publishing Co Freeman, M R, Gen Store Harrelll, A H. Vehicles and Fertilizer Holton, S J, Saw Mill Joiner A B, Gen Store Kerha, J W, Gen Store Lewis Drug Store Lofton, L W, Gen Store McElroy & Driver, Saw Mill McElveen, Miss Clara G, Millinery McElroy & Tucker, Saw Mill Mitchell County Fertilizer Co, Fertilizer, Gin and Grist Mill, Electric Lights, etc Morgan, L T, Gc Store Palmer, J L & Co, Gen Store Patrick, A R, Gen Store Perry's Pharmacy, Drugs Radford & Futch, Meats Swindle, G W, Undertaker Swindle & Son, Livery and Sales Stables Taylor, C L, Jeweler, etc Watkins, William M, Wheelwright Walker, I P, Saw Mil Wilson, J B, Gen Store CAMPAGNE, Towns County Burch, John, Gen Store CAMPBELLTON, Campbell County Herndon, E O, Gen Store CAMP CREEK, Union County Cobb, J C & Bro, Gen Store Hayes, W J, Gen Store Turner, A L, Gen Store CAMPTON, Walton County CANDLER, Hall County CANDY, Oconee County CANOE STATION, Emanuel County Canoe Turpentine Co, Naval Stores CANNON, Franklin County Bagwell & Burton, Gen Store Bond, S P, Gen Store Bowers, J M, Publisher Bowers, W P & Co, Gen Store Cannon Gin Co Cannon Oil & Fertilizer Co Childs, J N, Blacksmith Duncan, J A, Grist Mill Jordan, B C, Grocer Mason, E M, Gen Store Osborn, L E, Farm Supplies Owens, A J & Co, Gen Store RejTiolds, M C, Gen Store Starr, John W, Drugs Union Publishing Co CANOOCHEE, Emanuel County Williams, R A Jr, Oen Store and Gin CANTON, Cherokee County Burk E & A, Millinery Burtz, P P, Gen Store Canton Cotton Jlills, Yarns, etc Cherokee Marble Works Cobb, W S, Gen Store Coggins, A L, Live Stock Cruisler, B P, Gen Store Crisler, B P, Gen Store Crisler, V P, Tanner Ellis, W M, Gen Store Fineher Drus Co Georeia JIarble Finishing Works Heard & Conn, Gen Store Jarvis, J W, Jeweler Johnson, G B, Grocer, etc Johnson, J C & Son, Lumber, etc Jones, R T, Gen Store McCullum, W T, Repair Shop Page, J H, Marble Page, W D, Tanner Palmer Bros, Gen Store Perry, W A, Confec Ponder, T J, Meats, etc Richards, Lee, Livery Scott, John A, Grist Mill and Disterlly Webb, William J, Hotel Willis, D A, Blacksmith CAPEON, Dooly County Lester, J D, Gen Store CAPTOLA, Screven County BUtch, William M, Gen Store McGee, W J, Saw Mill Pearson, L P, Gen Store Woods, C L, Gen Store CARL, Gwinnett County Jones, J H, Gen Store Loving & Son, Gen Store Pearce, J W, Grocer CARLTON, Madison County Andrews, Glenn & Co, Gen Store Arnold, G L, Gen Store Arnold, M P & S F, Gen Store Arnold, E C, Gen Store Broach Bros & Co, Gen Store Carlton Drug Co Carlton Gin Co Deadwyler, L & Co, Blacksmiths Eberhardt & Fortson, Gen Store Mathews, A W , Gen Store Moore, M G, Gen Store Power, J O, Gen Store Stevens, Martin & Co, Gen Store CARLYLE, Hancock County Hight, S D, Gen Store CARMEL, Meriwether County Caldwell, L A, Gen Store Campbell, H L, Geu Store Spence, Ida V, Gen Store CARNEGIE, Randolph County Bass & Tabb, Blacksmiths Swan Bros, Gen Store and Gin V.'cathersbv, H S & Son, Gen Store CAENESVILLE, Franklin County Adair, J P, Blacksmith Ayers, S M, Mill, Gin and Tanner Broom & on. Gen Store Carnosville Mfg Co, Chairs and Tables Carnes\'ille Mill & Gin Co Crow, T J Jr, Gen Store Crow, T J Sr, Drugs Detter, W B, Blacksmith Dickson, Thomas, Gen Store Dortch, J R. Publisher, Furniture, etc Dortch & Co, Furniture, etc Freeman, H M, Drugs Fricks, J C, Gen Store Hall, W C, Grocer Hall, J R. Drugs Little, R L, Dry Goods Mabry, J J P, Jeweler Manley & Co, Gen Store Minyard, J H, Blacksmith Parker A: Shelton, Grocers and Drugs Paj-ne, D H, Gen Store Rampley, Linhart & Co. Gen Store Tucker, James R, Drugs Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 127 CAREOLLTON, Carroll County Aderhold, J O, Gen Store Aldridge, E G, Mfr Trunks Baskin & Baskin, Dry Goods and Millinery Basa, J C & Co, W and R Grocers Beavers, W \V & Co, Gen Store Beddingfield, J Z, Ice Bledsoe & Griffin, Livery Bledsoe & Robinson, Meats and Drugs Bosweil, J F B, Gin and Saw Mill Bradley, Pace & Co, Gen Store Bremen Canning & Ice Co, Burns & Boatright, Gen Store Burspn G W & Son, Fertilizers Burson & Brock, Gen Store CarroUton Electric Light Co Carpallton Hardware Co CarroUton Medicine Co Carrallton Furniture & Undertaking Co CarroUton Grocer}' Co Chambers, L A, Grocer, etc Coleman, W A, Gin and Saw MiU Coleman & Creel, Jewelry and China Connor Bros, Gen Store Fargason W G, Dry Goods Fits W W & W L, Drugs Fletcher, Dozier & Smith, Meats Gray Drug Co Gudell, J, Gen Store Hamrick, J D, Drugs Harris, J H, Hardware Hearn, John T, Publisher Heaton Bros, Gen Store Henslee, W F, Grocer Hogan, G A, Buggies and Harness Holmes, G M, Grocer Jackson, J H, Bottler and Soda Water Jackson J H & Co, Grocers Jackson & Griffin, Gen Store Johnson, Fleming & Copeland, Gen Store Johnson R W, Grocer Johnson, W E & Co, Drugs Kytle, S C, Furniture and Undertaker Lambert, J L & Co, Gen Store Loftin Bros, Harness Lyle, E S, Gen Store McDaniel & Jones, Gen Store Mandeville Mills, Mfrs Cotton Yarns, Sheeting and Cotton seed Products Matthews & Redwine, Gen Store Morrow, B R & Son, Gen Store New, D F & Bro, Flour Perdue W J & Bro, Warehouse Powell, E H, Gen Store Robinson. H R. Harness Shop Rome Hardware Co Roop A, Livery Etc Rowland, T T & Co, Gen Store Sewell, E, Grocer Sharpe, R L, Printer Siminton, A A, Miller Skipper, J F, Grocer Stewart, C H, Gen Store Stewart, W J, Fertilizer Stone, E J & Co, Gen Store Teague, R C & Co, Grocers Thomason, J .1, Newspaper Toney W V, Blacksmith Toney & Thrasher, Blaclcsmith Tumlin, G W, Gen Store Tumlin, & Griffin, Grocers Turner, L M & Co, Grocers Walker, J M & Son, Mfrs Door, etc Wells, E W, Buggies and Stock Dealer Williams, C B, Gen Store Williams & Lassiter, Gen Store CARR'S STATION, Hancock County Arnold, W N, Gen Store Carr, J D, Ginnerv Ellis. J T, Gen Store Palmer. J A, Gen Store Underwood, G W, Gen Store Underwood, J D, Gen Store CARRUTII, Madison County Jordan, F M, Gen Store CAESONl'ILLE, Taylor County Riley, Mrs M J, Gen Store CARTECAY, Gilmer County CARTERSVILLE, Bartow County American Ochre Co, Mfrs Anderson, John P, Livery Baker, William F, Jeweler Barron, . A L & Bro Grocers J. J. BENTLEY, CARTERSVILLE, GA. Bernstein, J, Clothing Blackman, L J, Bottler Blue Ridge Ochre Co, Mfrs Bradford, D F, Grocer Bradford & Bell, Grocers Bradley, H T cS: Co, Gen Store Burton, W T, Harness, etc Burton Buggy & Harness Co Calhoun Bros, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery Cartersville Brick Co Cartersviile Cotton & Produce Co Cartersville Ginning Co Cartersville Light & Power Co Cartersville Milling Co Cartersville Printing Co Collins, M, Grocer COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Large Airy Rooms. Goods Beds and a Pirst-Class Table. $1.00 PER DAY, and Special Rates by the Week. Comarata, V, Fruits Crouch, George S, Dry Goods Etowah Milling Co Field, J E & Son, Feed, etc Fink, J C, Meats Foster & Evans, Gen Store Gaines Marble Co Gassett, John Q, Grocer Georgia Peruvian Ochre, Georgia Peruvian Ochre Co GUreath G H. Grocer Gilreath M H Jr, Grocer Gilreath, (The) Co, Gen Store Gilreath, J H & Son, Drugs Ginn, W W, Gen Store Gresham, F, Jeweler Hicks & Brevard, Furniture, etc Hobgood Furniture Co Jackson & Griffin, Furniture, etc Jermulosky & Knoller, Gen Store Jones, H E F, Livery .Jones, J W, Undertaker Jones Carriage Co Kilpatrick. W R, Grocer Knight (Tlie) Hardware Co Ladd (The) Lime Co Landers, H M, Grocer Lumpkin Bros, Harware & Plumbing McEver, J D, Grocer Marr, J T, Grocer Mason, Music Co, Matthews, L B & Co, Grocers Milam, Madison, Tailor Milam, J C, Cotton Milner & Smith, Grocers ^ Monford, J A & Co, Grocers Payne, A, Grocer W. T. PUCKETT, Dealers in STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Cotton and Guano. COUNTRY PRODUCE A SPECIALTY. Rhea, R R, Meats Khea, S M, Moats Scheuer Bros, Drv Goods and Clothing Shellman, P S, Hotel Shockley, Leo Millinery Smith, J L, Gen Store Smith S C & Son, Gen Store Stanford Bros, Grocers and Bakers Strickland Bros, Gen Store Union Supply Co, Vaughan, J W & Co, Dry Goods, etc Watkins, T D, Grocer White, Walter, Grocer Wilkie, H, Books, etc Wilkie, W H, Musical Instruments and Sewing Sfachines Word, M F, Drugs Young Bros, Drugs GARY, Pulaski County Abney, J F, Gen Store Andrew, J T, Gen Store Floyd, J E, Gen Store Hendricks & Co, Gen Store King, C N & Co, Gen Store Lee, T J, Gen Store Mullis, Lassiter & Co, Gen Store Thompson, G A, Gen Store Wade, Frank & Co, Gen Store CASH, Gordon County Dew, W F, Mill CASSANDRA, AValker County Condra, J H, Gen Store Rodges, J M, Miller CASSVILLE, Bartow County Hawkins, McTier & Co, Gen Store Lavton, William, Gen Store Pittard, W D, Gen Store Smith, E B, Gen Store CATAULA, Harris County Gammel, E B, Gen Store Hobbs, A C. Gen Store Kimbrough T H, Gin & Saw MiU Moore, J H, Gen Store Thompson, J W, Gen Store CAT CREEK, Lowndes County Caswell, L M, Saw Mill and Gin Edmondson, J L, Gen Store Everette, J J, Gen Store Griffin E G, Gen Store Griffin, J B, Gen Store 128 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, CATLETT, Walker County Cooper & Arnold, Blacksmiths Sims, T E, Gen Store CATLIN, Laurens Count}' Martin, J W, Saw and Grist Mill CAVE, Bartow County Gaines, L P. Miller CAVE SPRINGS, Floyd County Campbel, Robert, Gen Store Corput, Felix, Guano Farmers' Alliance Cooperative Co, Gen Store General Bauxite Co Hight, Ida, Cotton Gin Miller, F L Jr & Co, Gen Store Sewell, Isaac & Bro, Drugs Sewell Isaac, Hotel Tilley R B & Co, Gen Store Tumlin, Albert N & Co, Gen Store Williams & Forbes, Livery Williams & Morgan, Gro and Meats Wright, Frank C, Mfr Fly Screens CAWTHON, Green (jounty Cawthon, L S, Gen Store CAYLOR, Whitfield County Prater, W H & Co, Gen Store CECIL, Ber: County Belote, Israel P, Hardware Bray, J N & Co, Saw Mill and Gen Store Byrd, J P & Bro, Gen Store Fulwood, Z, Gen Store Lewis, Robinson & Co, Naval Stores Luke & Daniel, Gen Stores Mathis, W F, Gen Store Mathis, E H & M M, MiUinery Murry, J H, Gen Store Webb, F A, Livery CEDAR GROVE, Walker County Bell, F L & Son, Gen Store Culberson, W C, Blacksmith Fowler, Edward, Blacksmith Kell & Simmons, Gen Store Witt, John W, Saw Mill CEDAR SPRINGS, Early County CEDARTOWN, Polk County Adams, J A, Gen Store Adams, T A, Livery and Sales Stables Alabama Warehouse Co Alabama & Georgia Iron Co Barber & Co, Gen Store Bobo, M C, Grocer Borders, G S & Son, Gen Store Bradford, E, Drugs Brewer, (Mrs L J), Gen Store Bright, J T, Dry Goods Britt, C Y & Co, Gen Store Burbank, T F, Drugs Cedartown (The) Coton Co, Mtfrs Hosiery Yarns Cedartown Supply Co Chatmon, John R, "loinber Cherokee Mills, Knitters Underwear Campbell W S, Grocer Camarata, Joel, Confec Carter, G W, Gen Store Carter ,J A, Confec Cobb, A C, Dry Goods Collins, J S & G D, House Furnishings Cone, J F, Gin Coplan, Isaac, Dry Goods, etc Crabb, J O, Soda Water Crabb & Roberts, Undertakers Crawford, W D, Meats Crawford, Wm W, Livery Davis Bros, Clothing and Men's Furns Dempsey, H J, Coal, etc Dodd, J H, Hardwkare Estes, J E, Grocer Etowa Milling Co Featherstone, G W, Gen Store and Mine Frederick, Mrs F, Millinery Freeman, S L, Grocer Frog Mountain Ore Co, Mining Garner, J T, Grocer Goldstein & Berkovitz, Dry Goods Good, J E, Coal Griffin, Davis & Co, Furniture Hackney J J, Gen Store and Mill Hall & Barr, Hardware Hand J C, Gen Store Hightower, T M, Lumber Holmes, W K, Gen Store Hume, E C & Co, Books and Stationer^ Josephine (The) Mills Underwear Jundins & Pliillips, Grocers Knight Drug Co, Kuster Mfg Co, Paper, etc Lacy & Co, Haberdashers Lee, J W Jr, Gen Store Levison, G W, Mfr Charcoal Lowery, E A, Gen Store Lumpkin, C B & Co, Gen Store McAlpin, J T, Bicycles McCray, J J, Restaurant McCurry, F B, Grocer McCibbin & Son, Charcoal McMaster, M B, Gen Store Marshall, F S, Gen Store Mee, Isaac T, Tin Shop and Bicycles Moore, J S, Gen Store Morton Bros, Gen Store North Georgia Mining Co Pace & Cotton, Livery Pace & Son, Liverv Faille, E W, Jeweler Philpot, W R, Meats Philpot & Judkins, Meats Prewett, W F, Grocer Roberts, J R, Livery Russell Di-ug Co Sewell, R, Fertilizer Shiflett, W S, Saw Mill Sloan, G L, 'Grocer Standard Cotton Mills Standard Publishing Co Stubbs A W & Co, Grocers Teat, W S, Grocer Thomas, A S, Grocer Toney & Thrasher, Blacksmiths Turner, J L, Jeweler Vandevander H N, Gen Store Vulcan Coal Co, Walker W R, Grocer Willingham, O, Notion, etc Wood Co, Gen Store Woods, J W, Gen Store Wyeen, H E, Saw Mill CELESTE, Wilkes County Harnett, E A, Gen Store CEMENT, Bartow County Howard Hydraulria Cement Co CENTER, Jackson County .larrett, W R, Gen Store Matthews, J W, Gen Store CENTERSIDE, White County Dean, W D, Gen Store CENTRALHATCHEE, Heard County Hardagree, E F, Gen Store Jackson, A J, Gen Store Robertson, J R & Co, Gen Store Shellnut, J L, Gen Store and Blacksmith CENTRE POST, Walker County Edwards, Dan, Saw Mill McConnell, M A, Gen Store CERES, Crawford County Moore, M J, Gen Store CERLASTAE, Columbia County Dunaway, H M, Gen Store CHALKER, Washington County Cobb & Sparkes, Gen Store Coper I J, Saw Mill and Gen Store Scruggs & -Co. Gen Store CHALYBEATE, Meriwether County Bradley, J A, Gen Store Bradley, W J, Gen Store CHAMBLEE, DeKalb County Burnham J W, Gen Store Elliott & Wallace, Gen Store Miller & McCarroU, Gen Store Wamack & Wallace, Livery CHAMLISTON, Terrell County Chambless, Dock, Gen store Wiggins & Barine, Gen Store CHANCE, Houston County Davis, A R, Gen Store CHAPELHILL, Douglas County CHAPPEL, Monroe County Chapel, A H, Gen , Store Mann, Thomas M, Gen Store C HARLES, Stewart County Adams, "C E, Gen Store Walton, G O, Gen Store CHASTAIN, Thomas County CHATTAHOOCHEE, Fulton County Lowery, J W, Gen Store Whittier, (The) Mills, Yarns CHATTERTON, Coffee County Beach, A T & W R, Naval Stores Kirkland, K, Naval Stores Kirkland, T J, Gen Store Williams, S J, Gen Store CHATTOOGAVILLE, Chattooga County Dcster, J S & Son, Gen Store Garrett J A, Gen Store Millican, L W & Co, Gen Store I C. E. CURRIER, President H. R. BLOODWORTH. Cashier. H. T. INIVIAN, Vice-President. G. R. DONOVAN, Ass't Cashier. A E. THORNTON, Vice-President. J. S. FLOYD, Ass't Cashier. Atlanta ^lational Bank, Atlanta, Ga. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Capital, _ _ „ - $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, - $320,000.00 DIRECTORS: A. E. Thornton, F. E. Block, S. M. Inman, C. E. Currier, H. T. Inman, A. R. Swann, Alfred Austell. Accounts with individuals^ firms, corporations and I banks solicited. Issuesletters of credit* Buys and sells foreign exchange. I I X 'S .2 •- O S •a CO oj a> ^ •*-► a i-i 0-U-, 33 g g o — " aT ii 5 ™ ci! a, rt 5 3 n J3 " CO 'Zi o '^ .£ ft g p O VORLD Sold by Jobbers Xhrougthout the South. Manufactured our cement equal to any brand used in this market." Miles & Bradt, Atlanta, Ga. Architects, Builders and Contractors. "In December, 1903, I made some test of Southern States Portland Cement with the following results: Neat Cement one week old, tensile strength per square inch average 580 1-3 lbs. Neat Cement one month old, 720 lbs. Mixed with sand, one part cement and three parts sand, one week old, 173 2 3 lbs. — Same mixture one month old 223 2-3 lbs. "We have been using your Southern States Portland Cement on ciiy work since December, 1903, and are now using about 200 barrels per week and it affords me pleasure to state with entire satisfaction." Atlanta, Ga. R. M. Ci,ayton, City Engineer. Address all Correspondence to Southern States Portland Cement Co. 1107 EMPIIVE BUILDING, Atlanta, - - - Georgia. The New Columbia, (Single Key=board.) MR. CHAS. SPlRO,THeNe„Ba,.Loc. (Double Key-board.) OF NEW YORK CITY, The Inventor of these machines, originated the idea of VISIBLE WRITING years ago and has clearly demonstrated the rectitude of the new standard. If you contemplate buying a typewriter now, or in the near future, does not reason dictate that you should apply the same business principles to the transa tion that you would to the purchase of a blooded cow or horse ? These you would select by "Points." Permit us then to call your favorable attention to our "Points" of excellence not pos- sessed by any other typewriter: We manufacture both a double and single key- board. VISIBLE WRITING. All the writing re- mains in sight contin- uously. Descending type-bars enhance manifolding power. A separate lock for each series of type-bars, insuring the best align- ment. Wide, direct act- ing type-bar bearings, insuring durability. Ball-bearing Carriage. Rapid feed from top for postal cards, telegrams, etc. Illuminating color work done instantly for advertising, etc. A mimeograph attach- ment. A paragraph attach- ment. A "Justifying" attach- ment for use in libraries. A device for invertii g the ribbon, thus doub- ling its life. The best written Guar- anty given by any Co. When you remember that our machines do all that others practically accomplish and the above in addition, we think you will not fail to hunt us up before buying elsewhere. We also do Expert Repair Work and Garry a Fine Line of Supplies. For further particulars, address The Columbia Typewriter MTg Co. 43 W. ii6th Street, New York City. (or) The Atlanta Branch, 34 Walton St., ATLANTA, QA. THIS ABOUT BEER. Steinerbrau Is made of the best import= ed hops and malt the world produces. This brewery isconduct= ed on the best hygienic principles and the most absolute cleanliness is ob= served in every depart= ment. Great care is taken to see that beer is in the fin= est possible condition be^ fore delivered to the trade. Steinerbrau BEER IS A PRODUCT OF THE CLEANEST, BEST EQUIPPED, MOST MODERN BREWERY IN THE COUN- TRY. A DELICIOUS, CREAMY, SPARKLING BEER. Steinerbrau When you want beer why don't you say "STEI= NEBRAU" and drink with the feeling that you have procured the best that your money can buy? The Atlanta Brewing & Ice Company spend more money to make good beer than any other brewery in the South. Steinerbrau, is full of strength and fine flavor. Well aged and absolutely pure. Steinerbrau MUCH HAS BEEN SAID OF THE QUALITY OF BEER, AND THE RE- SULT IS THE CAREFUL, DISCRIM- INATING MAN ORDERS STEINER- BRAU. Atlanta Brewing & Ice Co. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 137 DALTON— Continued Dalton Marble Works Dalton Foundry & Machine Siiops Dalton Millinery Co Daniel, E E & Co, Grocers Davis & Son, Meats Dejournette & Co, Produce Dettor, D L, Hotel Duane Chair Co Eaton, Coffee & Co, Gen Store Evans & Co, Hardware Farrar Lumber Co Fincher & Nicholas, Drugs Finley & Sons, Machinists Flemister Bros & Heggie, W Grocer Foster Son & Hallan, Gen Store Georgis Wagon & Improvement Co Chasewood, C L, Confectionery Graham, J D, Coal Gregory & Gregory, Grocers and Hardware Griggsby & Henderson, Gen Store Haig, W M, Meats Hall, T J, Grocer Hammontree, E L, Grocer Hardwick, C L & Co, Bankers Heartsill B L, Publisher Heggie, M E, Gen Store Henry, J T, Grocer Herndon, E O, Grist Mill, etc W. W. HENDERSON, FRUIT GOWER, DALTON, - - GEORGIA. Herron & Thomas, Dry Goods and Millinery Hightower & Tally Medicine Co, Drugs Hix B K. Meats Holland, E, Grocer Holland, J L, Fruits and Confectioneries Holland, J T, Gen Store Horan G W, Confec and Baker Howard, W H, Gen Store Jameson, B, Pound Store Johnson, A C & Co, Gen Store Leftitte & White, Gen Store Leonard, B D & Co, Furniture and Un- dertaker Loveman, Sam, Dry Goods McCarson, W B, Gen Store McCarty, W S, Grocer Mclntyre & Hood, Livery McKnight, S J, Dru;s MoWilliams Bros, Gen Store Manly Machine Co, Machinists and Archi- tectural Iron Nancy Hanks Hay Press Co Mfrs North Georgia Canning Co Mfrs North Georgia Milling Co, Roller Mill Parker, S T, Tailor Parmalee C L. Tanner Petty, E W, Gen Store Pitts & Hill, Grocers Pruden, W H, Tanner, etc Quillian & Felker, Men's Furnishings Robertson, J F, Gen Store Robertson, W A, Clothing ,toc Roberston, J F, Gen Store Shahan Bros & Co, Gen Store Showalter A J (The), Publishing Co Smith, H J, Gen Store Smith, T T. Grocer Smith, William M, Blacksmith Smith, M H L, Mfr Pants and Tents Stafford Bros & Co, Gen Store Stroup W H, Grocer, etc Tawer, R D, Gen Store Union Stove & Mfg Co Vance, C N, Harness Maker Wilson, W H, Phonograplier Wood, J J & C L, Grocers Wright T A, Hardware DAMASCUS, Early County Graham, Nathan, Gen Store Haddock, J D & Co, Naval Stores Haddock, W W, Gen Store and Millinery Hightower, Co, Gen Store Means & Co, Saw Mill Mims, J W, Gin and Grist Mill Sirmons, C W, Gen Store, Hotel and Livery DAMES FERRY, Monroe County Allen, J L, Gen Store Carstarphen, T J, Mill Green, S B, (Mrs W H), Gen Store Hodge, S A, Saw and Grist Mill DANBURG, Wilkes County Anderson, A S, Gen Store Anderson, E R, Gen Store Heard & Sutton, Gen Store DAND, Clinch County Manor, C J, Gen Store DANFORTH, Jefferson County Lanier, T A, Commisary DANIELVILLE, Madison County Cox, D H, Grocer Daniel, W A, Buggies Daniel, J O & Son, Livery David, George M, Gen Store Greene, L E & Co, Gen Store Griffith, G O, Gen Store Mosely & Christy, Publishers DANVILLE, Twiggs County Armstrong M S, (Mrs A F), Gen Store Bradshaw J W & Co, Gen Store Bryant, W H & Son, Gen Store Danville Ginning Co Haj-nes, B W, Gen Store Holloway, J T. Furniture Holloway & Johnson, Blacksmiths Hughes & Stetson, Gen Store King, E A, Gen Store Linder & Johnson, Shingle Mill Maxwell I N, Gen Store Newby J I, Gen Store Tindol Bros, Gen Store DARIEN, Mcintosh County Asman, B, Tailor Bailey & Daniels, Blacksmiths Bluestein, M, Saloon Britt, J A, Gen Store Clark, P S & Co, Drugs Clark Bros, Lumber Collatt Isadore, Shoes, Hats and Clothes Chomly R H, Liquors Darien Fish Co, Darien Ice Mfg Co Dean, S R, Butcher Devereaux, Simon, Fruits Dunham T H, Saloon Fisher, J M, Saloon, Baker and Grocer Forbes, J G, Gen Store Fox, Richard ,D Gen Store Fulton, A B, Gen Store Fulton, H L, Gen Store Goldin, David, Drv Goods and Clothes Grubb, R W, Publisher Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co Hunter-Been & Co, Lumber Josel, A, Gen Store Joselove, I, Dry Goods and Clothing Knight Drug Co Mansfield, Joseph, Gen Store and Saloon Poineer Co, Saloon Rotschild, Charles R, Dry Goods, etc Sapelo Land & Lumber Co Schmidt & Willy, Expr Timber Southern Pine Co of Georgia, Lumber, eto Stevens, J B, Drugs Strains Adams Sons, Gen Store Westberry & McKeithen, Saloon Wilcox, W A, Gen Store Young, R A, Butcher Young, W McW, Jeweler DASHER, Lowndes County Dasher, P, Gen Store Fender, J F, Gen Store and Saw Mill Fender & Tomlinson, Gen Store DATES, Emanuel County Mullin, Geo W & Co, Gen Store Scott, J H & Co, Gen Store DAVIS, Coffee County Parker & Co, Naval Stores Taylor, G W, Gen Store DAVISBOEO, Washington County Alfred, J W, Gen Store Bailey, W G & Son, Saw Mill Beall, H. P, Gen Store Berry D L (Mrs A R), Grocer Brown, A S, Gen Store Brown, Taylor & Morris, Gen Store, etc Burgamy J T & Son, Gen Store Davis, S B, Gen Store Davisboro, Cotton Oil Co Davisboro Drug Co Davisboro Pharmacy Davisboro Warehouse Forbes, W B, Gen Store and Saw Mill Gibbs & Bros, Carriage and Wagon Mkrs Hattaway & Hattaway, Gen Store Hajmes & Maxwell, Gfn Store Holcombe, M C, (Mrs J H), Gen Store Horton Geo T, Meats Hunter, H C, Gen Store Kennedy, J, Gen Store Orr, S H, (Mrs T J), Gen Store and Livery Smith, R L, Gen Store Thompson, R B, Gen Store DAWNVILLE, V/hitefield County Davis, M T, Gen Store DAWSON, Terrell County Allen, Frank P, Jeweler Allen, S T & Co, Wagon Shop Ansley C C Co, Gen Store Baldwin, W R Jr, Gen Store Baldwin, A J & Co, Gen Store Baldwin & Co, & Geise, Gin and Grist Mill Barnes, N B, Jeweler Barnes, E L, Gen Store Bell Bros, Drugs Bradv Bros, Saw Mill Bridges P W, Gen Store Brown, D W, Gen Store Brown, S V, Gen Store, Vehicles, etc Casey, J C, Gen Store Churchwell, A F, Dry Goods and Clothing Clark, Mrs F W, Millinery C'av, J S, Sewing MacTiines, etc Colley, F M, (Mrs P C), Gen Store Cochran, J R & Co, Grocers Collier, & Watson, Grocers Couch & Cannon, Racket Store Craivford, B T, Gen Store Davidson & Baldwin, Drugs Davis-Davidson Co, Dry Goods, Clothes 138 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, DAWSON— Continued Dawson Compress & Storage Co Dawson, (The) Crate & Box Works Dawson Drug Co Dawson Furinture Store Dawson Grocery Co Dawson Grocery & Market Co Dawson Hardware Co Dawson Square Bale Gin & Mill Co Dodwell, O D, Gen Store Dozier, N W & Co, Fertilizers Dozier, Perry & Co, Gen Store Eubanks, G W, Gen Store Eufala Brick Co, MJrs Fulton John A, Gen Store Harrell, M I, Ice Mfr Hart, Thomas J & Co, Carriage Mkri Hay, W T, Gen Store Hayes, J B, Gen Store Hickey, W T, Livery Stable Hill, Eli, Grocer Hornady W P, Haberdasher Jennings, F JI, Gen Store Kaigler, William, Grocer Kendrick Drug Co, Langston, C M, Grocer Lennard Lud M Jr, Gen Store Lewis, G & Bro, Gen Store Locke & Arthur, Cotton Lowery, J W F, Gen Store Lowery & Davidson, Warehouse McCullum, A R, Photographer McGill, J T, Grocer McLain Bros & Co, Gen Store Marshall & Co, Grocers Melton E L, Gen Store Miller W L, Plumber Mize, C L, Books and Millinery Moffett Furniture Co, Pace, G V, Backett Store, Gin Mill Pace, S, Gen Store and Gin Mill Petterson Bros, Gen Store Perry & Roberts, Warehouse & Fertilizers Petty & HoUingworth, Hardware and Vehicles Eagan, Thornton & Nasworthy, Fertilizerg Rainey, E L, Publishers and Printers Roberts, J I, Gen Store Roberts & Co, Gen Store Seay, John, Grocer Senn, R J, Meats Shields & Cox, Brick, Coal, Lumber, etc Simmons & Hill, Warehouse Southern Grocery Co W Terrell County Dispensary Thornton, H H, Laundry Thornton & Nasworthy, Warehouse Tison, A J, Newspaper Variety, (The) Works Co, Sash, Doors, etc Walls Bros, Gen Store Ward & McDonald, Gen Store Witchard, T O & Co, Gen Store Wooten, J W, Grocer DAWSONVILLE, Dawson County Bober W L. Drugs Holdings J 0, Mill and Gen Store Houser, Thomas, Miller Martin L S, Blacksmith Thomas, J B & Son, Publishers Tucker, W J & Co, Gen Store DAY, Paulding County Goldin & Reeves, Gen Store McGarrity, J W & Co, Flour Mill DAYTON, Echols County Levitan, B, Gen Store DEAEING, McDuffie County Gay, J A, Gen Store Haywood, Silas M, Gen Store McDougle, H J, Gen Store McGahee, D, D, Gen Store DECATUR, DeKalb County Almand, B F, Gen Store Ansley Pharmacy, Bailey W H, Jewelry & Bicycle Sup- plies BaQey Bros, Jewelry, etc Bailey & Son, Grocers Burgess & Co, Gin, Mill, etc Chewning, G W, Gen Store >ecatur Pharmacy George M H & H F, Gen Store lohnson, Z L, Meats New Era Printing & Publishing Co Weeks Bros, Gen Store DECORA, Gordon County Phillips J R & Bro, Gen Store DEEPSTEP, Washington County Avant, J H, Gen Store ,]iladin, L A, Gen Store Peeler, J E, Gen Store Prince & Tucker, Gen Store Tucker, M R & Son, Gen Store and Saw Mini Veal, T J & Bro, Gen Store DELIA, Haralson County DELL, Decatur County Sykes William E & Bro, Gen Store DELLWOOD, Emanuel County Mulling, G W, Gen Store Taylor & Stroud, Gen Store DELPH, Columbia County Kelly, F B, Gen Store DELRAY, Upson County Childs, J J, Gen Store Lewis & Franklin, Mill Reeves & Childs, Ginnery DELTA, Macon County Neisler, H H, Gen Store DELZEL, Twiggs County Barrow, E E, Gen Store Bond, J T & Bro, Gen Store DEMOBEST, Habersham County Adams, J S. Planinsr Mill Andrews, G P, Druijs and Confeo Brown, L, (Mrs J P), Gen Store Chrisler, W F, Jeweler Demorest Foundry & Machine Shopa Donaldson, L J, Gen Store Flor, Edward, Mfr Saddletrees Hamilton, M L. (Mrs A), Furniture Hard, E B. Feed Lonfrdon Broom & Brush Factory McMillan, W H, Gen Store Mize, F B, Gen Store Hunt, G S, Blacksmith Mullinox, A F, (Mrs J). Gen Store Rice, M, Millinery Sears, F S, Meats Sosebee W M, Livery Southern Novelty Works DENNABD, Houston County DENNIS, Murray County Calhoun & Spruill, Blacksmiths, etc Worley, J S, Gin and Grist Mill Worley & Gregory, Gen Store DENVER, Heard County Lester, I E, Gen Store DESOTO, Sumter County Bagley, G W, Gen Store Ferguson, E S, Gen Store Fewell, J J Gen Store Hammack, W S, Liquors Luke, E A, Gen Store Sessions & Co, Gen Store Swain & Son, Blacksmiths DESSER, Decatur County Barber, W B & Son, Gen Store Horn, I K, Gen Store DEVEREUX, Hancock County Coleman, T H, Gin and Mill Coleman, W L Sr & Co, Gen Store Harper, F M, Gen Store Lary, J L, Gen Store Moate, J M & C G & Co, Gen Store Smith, A I, Gen Store DEVORE, Milton County DeVore, D W, Blacksmith DEWEY, Bartow County Bell, M C, Gen Store DEWITT, Mitchell County Cowan J E, Gen Store DEWY ROSE, Elbert County Harper & Hewell, Gen Store Moon & Benton, Gen Store Norman & Hewell, Gin and Grist Mill DEXTER, Laurens County Allegood, Mrs C, Grocer Fann, T J, Soda Water Georgia Shingle Co, Mfrg Hogan, R C, Gen Store Joiner J W & A H, Gen Store King. J L, Gen Store Taylors Pharmacy Taylor, W B Mercantile Co, Gen Store Thomas & Gay, Gen Store DIAL, Fannin County Chastain, J M, Gen Store DIAMOND, Gilmer County Kimsey, A L, Gen Store DICKEU, Calhoun County Davis, C J, Gen Store and Saw Mill Manry & Lawrence, Gen Store Parkins Machine Works Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 139 DIGBEY, Spalding County Digbey & Coppage, Gen Store DILLAED, Rabun County Dillard, Z B, Gen Store Dorsey, G O Gen Store Thomas & Bates, Gen Store DIIIE, Baker County Kelly, J W, Gen Store Watson, S M, Gen Store and Lodging DINS.MOEE, Milton County Clayton, I L, & Son, Gen Store Ramsey, John W, Grist Mill DIP, Hall County Keith, O V, & Bro, Gen Store Miller, T O, Saw Mill and Gen Store DISCO, Miller County MuBgrove, C C, Saw Mill and Gen Store DIXIE, Brooks County Austin Mercantile Co, Gen Store Bower R E, Gen Store Hannan, J J & Son, Saw Mill and Gen Store Hodges B G, Cross Ties and Gen Store Jones, C S, Gen Store Nix, C (Mrs F W), Gen Store DOCTOR TOWN, Wayne County Breen F E, Gen Store DODSON, Coweta County Hyde, Archie B, Gen Store Leigh & Sanders, Gen Store DOERDN, Colquitt County Adkins Millinery Co Atkinson & Davis, Hardware, etc Baisden & Co, Grocers and Millinery Beard, W O, Hotel Clay T H, Bicycles and Sewing Machines Davis, A E, Blacksmith Doerun Trading Co Liquors Fain, D A, Guano Farmers' Trading Co, Gen Store Freeman, R H, Gen Store Harrell, J M & Co, Drugs Idelson, M E, (Mrs A A), Saloon Jones, A T & Bro, Saw Mill Jones, M L & Mro, Gen Store Jones & Bell, Saw Mill Leverett, M L, Gen Store Leverett & Jones, Gen Store McKissack, C L, Gen Store Mallett Gray (The") Lumber Co, Manning & Cox, Gen Store Mennesota Lumber Co, Saw Mill Sellars, A D, (Mrs George J), Gen Store Shepard & Co, Livery Shiver, A B, Gen Store Stokes, R H, Gen Store Timmons, Goodman & Co, ..aval Stores Tyson, J N, Gen Store Veal, J R, Saloon Walters & Paircloth, Grocers and Meats West, W H, Gen Store Williams, W W, Hardware- DOLES, Worth County Champion, C J & Co, Gen Store McMichael, J R, Blacksmith DOLLY, Monroe County Taylor, Miss Kitty, Gen Store DONALSONVILLE, Decatur County Adams Bros, Soft Drinks, etc Benton Shingleur Co, Gen Store Boyett, J H, Gen Store Butler & Spooner, Gen Store Caldwell, J R Jr, Gen Store and Saw Mill Chattahoochee Lumber Co, Mfrs Crawford Kitchens & Co, Gen Store Donaldsonville Carriage Co, Repair Shop Donaldsonville Dispensary Liquors Hollingsworth, P L, Drugs Horn & McMuUen, Gen Store King, W B, Hotel .Martin, Mrs A, Millinery Model Drug Co Oliver, G W, Livery Shingler, G P & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Shingler, T J & Bro, Naval Stores Subers, A A, Gen Store DONOVAN, Johnson County Jackson, J S & Co, Gen Store Meadows S C, Gen Store DOOLING, Dooly County Jenkins, J A, Gen Store and Mil DORA, Fannin County Lance, V C, Gen Store DORAVILLE, DeKalb County Flowers, G N, Gen Store Munday, Bolton & Co, Gin, Saw Mill, etc Munday Bros, Gen Store DOUGHERTY, Dawson County Law, F W, Gen Store Winn, Mdse Co, Gen Store DORMINEY'S MILL, Irwin County Dickson & Dorminy, Saw Mill and Gen Store Dickson & Meadows, Cross Ties Dorminy, J H & Co, Gen Store Dorminy, J & Son, Gen Store DORSET, Morgan County Waters, G L, Gen Store DOT, Carroll County Johnson, N N, Grocer DOUBLE BRANCHES, Lincoln County Price, J M, Gen Store and Miller Wells, J F, Gen Store DOUGHERTY, Dawson County Gober, R A, Gen Store and Miller DOUGLAS, Coffee County Adams, S P , Grocer Aspinwall, F A Jr, Grocer Bennett & White. Saw Mill Cox, J M, Naval Stores Deen, O F, Drugs Dent, J H, Saw Mill Dorminey, J V, Gen Store Douglas Foundry & Machine Worlts Douglas Furniture Co Douglas, (The) Ice Works & Power Co Douglas, Mfg Co, Variety Works Douglas Planing Mill Co Douglas Supply Co, Gen Store DuVall, C O, Photographer Fales, S & Co, Gen Store Fielding, C M, Jeweler Finley, S, (Mrs A B), Gen Store Flowers & Whidden, Vehicles and Organs Freeman J M & Daughters, Publishers Gaskins & Davis, Gen Store Goodyear, N F, Blacksmith & Wheel- wrights Hart Furniture Co Hoffman, F T, Saw Mill Leader, H, Dry Goods, Clothes, etc Lott, Robert, Green Grocer and Restau- rant Lett, D & Bro, Grocers, etc Markey Trading Co, Gen Store Merchants' & Farmers' Warehouse Payne, Wm H, Lumber Co, Com Peterson, B, Gen Store, Gin, Grist Mill Peterson, D H, Bicycles, Peterson, Lott & Paulk, Livery and Sales Stables Pierce, F J, Hotel Sapp & Dent Drug Co, Sappell, A E, Rackett Store Steadman, F R, Saw Mill and Gen Storo Tanner & Day, Brick Mfrs Thompson S T, Grocer Turrentine, Mr & Mrs S O, Grocers and Millinery Vickers, Peter, Gen Store Vickers & Adams, Gen Store Vickers & Co, Gen Store Watt-Harley-Holmes Co, Hardware Williford, J W, Marness and Hardware DOUGLASV$LLE, Douglas County Abercrombie, J S, Livery Abercrombie, W C & Co, Live Stock Brantley (The) Co, Gen Store Dorris, W I, Gen Store Dorsett O, Jeweler Dorsett Drug Co Douglas, C F, Publisher Downs, H L, Blacksmith Duncan, N B & J T, Gen Store Enterkin, J Q & Co, Gen Store Grifith iz Dorsett, Drugs Groodzinsky, I & J, Clothes and Shoei Harding, J W, Gen Store Hyatt & Downs, Buggies & Hamea McCarley, P Y & Son, Grocers Meadows, L O, Flour Mill Phillips, M E, (Mrs J E), Milliney Phillips &, Edwards, Grocers Pittman, J A, Gen Store, etc Pool, W H, Mill Sellman, J L, Drugs Stewart, F M, Gen Store Stokelv, J C. Dry Goods Stringfellow W J, Shoes Upshaw Bros, Gen Store Walton, I L, Gen Store Watson J P, Gen Store Watson, Baggett & Co, Gen Store DOVEDALE, Baldwin County Mvrick, J D, Gen Store Ftiles, J E, Gen Store DOVER, Screven County Call & Lee, Naval Sores Dover Supply Co, Gen Store Freeman, J W Co, Gen Store Gross, J J, Gen Store Lane, E S, Gen Store i4(J Greater Georgia Gazetteer, DOVEREL, Terrell County Hays F F, Gen Store Lee & Thornton, Gen Store Woods, T A, Gen Store DOW, Milton County Wills, W T, Gen Store DOWDY, Madison County Bullock Bros, Gen Store Hull (The) Gin Co, DOYLE, Marion County Persons, E T, Gen Store DRAKETOWN, Haralson County Brooks, W S, Gen Store Gober, F Y, Gen Store McCIendon, T J, Gen Store, Gin & Mill Stephens & Brooks, Gen Store Strickland, S W, Grocer DRANESVILLE, Marion County Cranford, R A, Gen Store Croxton, W S & Co, Gen Store DREXEL, Morgan County Gibbs, T A, Gen Store and Mill Noland, J A, Gen Store DREW, Forsyth County Bennett, O P, Gen Store DREWERYVILLE, Spalding County Williams, J W F, Gen Store DRONE, Burke County Cates, J S, Gen Store Drons Mfg Co, Mill and Gin Hill, L D, Gen Store Hill, Mrs M B, Gen Store DRY BRANCH, Bibb County DRY POND, Jackson County Brooks, C T, Blacksmith and Saw Mil! Porter, C M, Gen Store DUBLIN, Laurens County Artesian Bottling Co Baker, W A Lumbers, etc Beacham, J H, Livery, etc Blackshear, E H & Co, Gen Store Bostwick & Kennedy,Meats Brandon & Dreyer, W Grocers Brantley C W & Sons, Buggies, Wagons Brown & Phillips, Sale Stables Burnley, W A, Blacksmith Burns, W S & Co, Livery, etc Carter Warehouse Co Chapman, L A, Brick Yard Chavous A, Harness Curry, W L, Grocer Dasher, W, Restaurant Davis, J T, Grocer Davison, A AV, Gen Store Deese, R F & Co, Furniture and Hard- ware Dublin Bottlinff Works Dublin Cigar Factory Dublin Cooperage Co Dublin Cotton Mills Dublin Cotton Mills Store, Gen Store Dublin Furniture Mfg Co Dublin Fruit and Candy Store Duncan, A T, Grocer I'^armers' Supply Co, Gen Store ■■■■uller, J F, Saw Mil iTuiler, E J & Son, Contractors Uem City Bakery kieorgia Warehouse Compress Co Gibson & Co, Gilbert Hardware Co Green, M M, (Mrs J F), Drugs Griner, L L & Co, Buggies, etc Hale & Bostwick, Grocers Harp, E M, Blacksmith Hawkins & Weddington, Publishers Hicks, H & Co, Drugs Hightower, Eugenia C, (Mrs R II), Drugs Hooks, T W, Hotel Hubbard, J J, Harness, etc Jackson, J A, Gen Store Jepeway, M, Fruits, etc Johnson, R A, Gen Store Jones, M L, Warehouse Jones, M L & A B, li'ertilizers Jones, Tyre Co, Gen Store Keen, J Y, Dry Goods and Clothes Kelly, John A, Contractor Kendricks, M A, Grocer Kittrell, C H, Jeweler, etc Kreutz H E, Gen Store Lee, J Y & Co, Gen Store Lichenstein, A, Dry Goods and Clothes Lord & Brooks, Gen Store Maddox, G W, Gen Store Oconee Lumber Co, Saw Mill Orr Smith Grocery Co Outler D F, Grocer Outler, J M, Gen Store Pane, C, Meats Prescott, W W, Grocer Pritchett & Hooks, Carriages & Wagons Hacheal & Collins, Blacksmiths Reihardt Furniture Co Robinson Hardware Co Schaufele William F, Dry Goods, etc Shirley, W E, Gen Store Simmons Mfg Co, Lumber and Veneering Smith, J D, Sale and Feed Stables Smith, T II, Live Stock Smith, W T, Co Cotton Smith, Arnau Co, Men's Furnishings, etc Sm.ith J E Jr and Co, W Dry Goods, etc Southern Iron Works Springhaven, Lumber Co, Saw Mill Stantley & Hilton, Publishers and Job Printers Tarpley E J, Drags Thomas, J H & Co, Gen Store Thompson, G C, Contractor Toole Furniture Co Tripp, C M, Livery Walker, S L, (Mrs J W), Dry Goods Weaver, H D, Grocer Webb, C L, Jeweler Weicliselbaum Sam Co, Gen Store Westbrooks, C E, & Co, Gen Store White, J Tom, Shingle Mill Whitehurst Drug Co Witherington & Pittman, Gen Store Wynne, W R, Meats Zachery, J R, Saw Mill DUBOIS, Dodge County Sapp, J C, Gen Store DUCKCREEK, Walker County Ryan, John W, Blacksmith Wardlaw, W A, Gen Store DUCKTOWN, Forsyth County Wright & Hawkins, Gin & Saw Mill DUDLEY, Laurens County Cook, B 0, Gen Store Cook, W R, Gen Store Dudley Gin & Mill Co Duggan, I J, Gen Store Gilbert, W J, Gen Store Hooks & Freeman, Gen Store Whipple, A P, Gen Store DUFF, Wilcox County Ambrose, H M, Gen Store DUGDOWN, Haralson County McKibben J W, Gen Store DUGGARS, Taylor County Dugger J G, Gen Store DUGROAD, Pickens County Ruddell W D & J R, Grocers DULUTH, Gwinnett County Bemett D F, Gen Store Coggins, J W & V F, Gen Store Cook & Son, Blacksmiths Herrington & Allen, Grocers Jones, W E, Cotton & FertiUzera Knox & Lewis, Gen Store Lowe & Summerour, Gen Store Rutledge, W B, Gen Store Strickland, H, Jr, Fertilizer DUNAGAN, Hall County Buffington Bros, Gen Store Butler A A, Tanner Dunington, E P, Gen Store DUNBAR, Houston County Davis, J G, Wheelwi'ight Willingham Mercantile Co, Gen Store DUNDEE, Fayett County EUerson, L C, Gen Store Landrum, J T, Gen Store DUNN, Hurry County Keith, C C, Gen Store DUNWOODY, DeKalb County Cheek, J N & Sons, Gin & Grist Mill Duke, Mrs Georgia, Gen Store Moss, Perry L, Gen Store Nash, J P, Gen Store Powers, J W, Gen Store DUPONT, Clinch County Carter, W Z, Meats Fruits etc Gill W W & Son, Gen & Naval Stores Stores Hughes, C H. Grocer Johnson, J H P, Gen Store Lieberis, R & Co, Gen Store Register, P A, Gen Store Thomas, F A, Blacksmith DURANT, Franklin County Redd, W W, Gen Store Wilmont & Ayers, Gen Store DYAS, Monroe County Davis, W M, Gen Store Lindsey W F, Saw Mill Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 141 DYE, Elbert County Seymour, J W, Gen Store DYKE, Gilmer County Teem, W C, Gen Store EAGLECLIFP, Walker County Hall-Vaught Mining Co, Coal Massey & Hughes, Gen Store EARLY, Floyd County Angle & Early, Gen Store EASTANOLLEE, Franklin County Coe, L H, Gen Store EAST ATLANTA, DeKalb County Brown, J F, Grocer Plncher, Thomas H, Saw Mill Jones, William A, Gen Store McWilliams J W & Son. lien Store Marbut & Minor, Gen Store EASTBURN, White County Stovall, J H, Gen Store EAST END, DeKalb County Lockridge & Kibler, Grocers EASTERLING, Liberty County Dasher, W H & Son, Gen Store Easterling, Bacon & Co, Gen Store Strickland, W A, Gen Store EASTMAN, Dodge County Anderson, U & Son, Gen Store Anderson & Morris, Gen Store Barrett, J H, Hotel Bowen, G W, Gro Bowen, J & Co, Gen Store Brown, C G, Gen Store Brown, L (Mrs C G), Millinery Buchanan, K F, Meats Burch, M D, Gen Store Bush D M. Hardware Caldwell, J K Sons & Co, Feed & Livery Clark, J B, Drugs Clements, W H, Gen Store Cooper, N E, (Mrs W A) Grocer Cooper & Kimberly Co, Saw Mill Danielfl W B, Livery Day, H J, Blacksmith Eastman Fish fSt Produce Co Eastman Oil & Fertilizing Co, Mfrs Eastman Shingle Col, Gen Store Edward, M H & Bro, Gen Store Folsom, B R, Harness Gent's Furng Co Georgia Creosote & Chemical Works Giddens, H M, Mtr Soda Water Giddens Grocery Co Hall, W R, Gen Store Harrell, W F, Cotton Com & Guano Hervman, J D, Drugs Holt, D H, Gen Store Humphreys, J D, Gen Store & Saw Mill Lock, W M, Grocer Lowery J E, Gen Store Massey & Harrel, Gen Store Methvin C M, Publisher Morris J C, Confectioner Ne\vman, H C, D Gds etc O'Malley Wm, Buildina: Material Peacock, C H, Gen Store Peacock, J W, Furniture & Coffins Peacock, L M, Gen Store Ponder, E E & Co, Gen Store Racket Store Co, D Goods etc Rose J R, Drugs Van Allen, C H, Jeweler Wilcox, John, Gen Store Williams, W J & Son, Gen Store Wooten, L G, Gen Store & Naval Stores Wooten L F, Gen Store & Naval Stortu EAST POINT, Fulton County Atlanta Chemical Co, Mfrs Atlanta Utility Works, Mfrs Barfield Bros, Grocers etc Burgess, J A, Meats, Gro, etc Callahan, W T, Grocer Clements, W P, Racket Store Couch Bros & J J Eagan Co, Mfrs Horse Collars DeFoor, C L, Gen Store East Point Bakery Fulton Drug Co Furman Farm Improvement Co Gate City Cotton Mills Huie, P L, Grocer Kendricks, S, Grocer Little, E G, Grocer McConnell, O E, Gen Store McKenzie, J C, Grocers, etc Mason, C H, Furniture Miller, J W, Gen Store Piedmont Cotton Mills Ramsey, Samuel W, Grocer Shettlesworth, J S, Gen Store Southern Saw Works Tliompson, R P, Gen Store Thimble, C Q, Grocer White Hickory Wagon Mfg Co EATONTON, Putnam County Adams, George W, Publishers Anderson, A E, Wheelwi-ight Bonner, R H, Gen Store Bradberry, J L, Blacksmith Brookin, J J, Gen Store Browns' Bargain House ,Gen Stor Bryant, S J, Gen Store Callahan, E J, Butcher Davis', C M, Sons, Shoes & Mens' Furng Dennis, C N & F A, Grocers Eatonton Electric Co Eattonton Mfr & Repair Co Elliott & Elliott, Racket Store Ezell, E B & Co, Gen Store Grant, J C, Jeweler Griggs, Miss Pauline, Millinery Hcarn, W H, Shoes Hearn & Green, Hdwe Hudson, V A & Son, Gen Store Hutchinson, R W, D Gds Ingram, W R, Gen Store Jarmulowsky, O, D Gds John, J L, Hotel & Livery King, E J, Gen Store Lcnord, C D, Contractor & Bldr Little & Co, Mdse Bkrs Com Merchants Milledgeville Oil Mills, Ginnery Montgomery, Jack, Gro & Rest Nahers, T N, Bottling Works Nelson, G W, Gen Store & Furniture Newsome, H A & Son, Meats etc Paul, I, Gen Store Pinkerton, W H, Gen Store Putman County Canning Co Putman Oil & Fertilizer Co, Mfrrs Rainey, J M, Hotel & Livery Reid, R A, Drugs Robertson, J M, Gen Store Rosser J L & Co, Gen Store Scott, H R, Grocer Shivers & Belvin, Drugs "ipivey, J G, Gen Store Spivey, John F, Gen Store Tatum, C F Drug Co Thompson, Robert L, Gen Store Turner & Txirner, Gen Store Wallis, W P, Gen Store Wice, M, D Gds Clothes etc Wilcoxen, Mrs R J, Grocer Williams, J L, Grocer Wilson, J P, Gen Store Zachery O B, Gro & Meats ECHO, Bullock, County Echo Lumber Co, Saw Mill Finch, B J, Grocer Mixon, John F, Gen Store Mixon, J S, Gen Stre ECKEHT, Walker County Harris, J D, Gen Store Lowery, J W, Saw Mill Wilson, J A, Gen Store & Blacksmith ECONOMY, Upson County Childs, J B, Gen Store ECTOR, Meriwether Count.^ Reeves, W J, Gen Store EDEN, Effington County Deugger & Fetzer, Saw Mill Edwards, P M, Gen Store & Wood Fetzer G W, Gen Store & Naval Stores Shruptine, P N, Gen Store EDENFIELD, Emanuel County Durden, Lola, (Mrs J D), Gen Store EDGEHILL, Clascock County Avera, W S, Gen Store McCoy, L T, Gen Store EDGEWOOD, DeKalb County Albritton, J H, Grocer Edgewod Grocery Co Gobay, M, (Mrs E E), Gen Store Hardin, J R, Gen Store Nichols, D & Son, Contractors Suber, E J, Grocer EDISON, Calhoun County Coleman J M, Gen Store Hammach Rish Sons & Co, Gen Store Holloway, W R, Gen Store Manry, W A, Gen Store Perry, M L, (Mrs W T), Gen Store Phillips, J S, Gen Store Shepard, E S, Gen Store Tennille, C M, Gen Store Turner, Henry, Gen Stove & Fertilizers Watkins, Tilden, Gen Store EDITH, Clinch County Allen, U L, Gen Store Dougherty, F J, Gen Store & Naval EDNA, Montgomery County Peterson, A A Sr, Gen Store EDY, Lowndes County Blanton, M M, Gen Store Saw Mill ft Ginnery EELBECK, Chattahoochee County McCardle C L, Gen Store Underwood, Charles B, Gin & Mill 142 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. EGAN, Fulton County Boynton, George H, Grocer Dodson, E T, Grocer Harison, W T, Furniture EGYPT, Effington County Egypt Merchantile Co, Gen Store Foy, E E, (The), Mfg Co, Saw Mill Hurst James R, Gen Store Eountree, C G, Gen Store & Saw Mill Waters, W A, Gen Store ELBEETON, Elbert County Adams, W W, Wagon Mfr Adams, W B & Bro, Gen Store Almond, C J, Gen Store Arnold & Co, Gen Store Auld, W N, Bicycles Auld, J F & Sons, Buggies & Wagon Mfrs Bailey, J P, Gro Notions Bazonas, S P, Confeo & Fruit! Bonds, G M, Grocer Brewers, S S, Livery, Buggies & Harness Brickie, George A, Baker Brown Bros, Gen Store Campbell, Thomas W, Grocer Cauthen Bros, Buggies Wagons etc Chapman, W B, Grocer Chidel, C, Jeweler Cleveland Drug Co Cohen, J, D Gds & Notions Cooley, W H, Grocer etc Duncan Bros, Gen Store Elberton Brick Co, Mfrs Elberton Cotton Compress Co ELBERTON GRANITE CO., PETER BERTONI, Proprietor. Wholesale Dealer in MONUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, Either Granite or Marble. On Seaboard and Southern Railroads, ELBERTON, GA. Elberton Grocery Co Elberton, Hdwe Co Elberton Oil Mills, Cotoonseed Oil Elberton Planing Mills Elberton Roller Mills, Flour Ethridge Granite Co Gaines, W R, Gen Store Ginn, J G, Grocer Hall, J E, Gen Store Hawes, S O, Gen Store Higgenbotham, J C, Pianos Hudgins, R E, Livery Hulme T J. Meats Jones, W O & Co, Gen Store Lunsford, G A, Gin McKnight, M E, Millinery Mathews, W J, Drugs Mattox, J R, Gen Store Maxwell, J H, House Furng Maxwell, M H, Livery Maxwell, M E, Gen Store Maxwell & Oglesby, Gen Store Myers, M, Clothes & Shoes Pearl Cotton Mills Pressley, M H, Com Brokerage Reese, W W, Gen Store Reese & Mcintosh, Furn & Undertaker Roberts Mrs E W, Hotel Silverman, S, (Mrs M,) D Gds & Cloth- ing Smith, B F, Gen Store Smith, L, Gen Store Smith. W V & Son, Gen Store Star Publishing On. Printers Sunsford, W G, Gin Swift Cotton Mills Co, Cotton Goods Swift, I G & Co, Gen Store Tabor & Almond, Gen Store Tate J B, Meats Tate, E B & Son, Gen Store Thornton, O, Grocer Thronton, B E & Bro, Gen Store Thronton, D J & Bro, Gen Store Tribune (The) Publishing Co Tunison, J E Co, Furniture Turnell, J H, Gen Store Wallis, W E, Contractor Whitaker, W B, Drugs White, G L, Gro & Confeo ELDER, Oconee County Marshall, J T & Son, Gen Store Smith, G B, Gen Store ELDORA, Bryan County Levris, Z, Gen Store ELENOHA, Burke County Detwiler, W, Gen Store Vann, S I, Gen Store Wright, Henry, Saw Mill ELDORENDO, Decatur County Mathews J 0, Gen Store Murry, S W L, Gen Store ELGIN, Butts County Hammond Bros, Gen Store Maddox Bros, Gin Pettigrew, J O & Co, Gen Store ELKO, Houston County Elko Gin Co Eubanks, C E & J L, Gen Store Grace, J H, Gen Store Mann, J O, Drugs etc Marshall, J D, Gen Store Means, William, Gen Store Smith, J J, Gen Store Till, W E, Hotel & Livery ELLABELL, Bryan County Blitch, L M, Naval Stores Clanton, W M, Gen Store Clanton, L O & W R, Naval Stores Hayman, Geo F & Co, Naval Stores Morgan M T (Mrs James D), Hotel Morgan Bros, Naval Stores Morgan, C C & O J, Gen Store Smith, W B & Co, Naval Stores ELLAVILLE, Schley County Allen, S V, (Mrs A), Millinery Baugh, A S, Blacksmith Bridges Bros, Drugs etc Cheney, Miss Minnie, Millinery Duncan Bros, Gen Store Eason, A J, Grocer Herring, N D, Grocer Hill & Hill, Livery Mott, T J Jr, Gen Store Murry, A C, Gen Store Murry & Stewart Bros, Bros Store Parks & Allen, Gen Store Parks & Holloway, Gen Store Peacock, Mrs L H, Hotel Peacock, C K & Son, Gen Store Reid, John, Gen Store Royal Bros, Warehouse, Com Cotton Eoval, S A & J T, Gen Store Sears, W D, Drugs Strange & Arrington, Gen Store Tison, J J, Blacksmith Wall & Sellers, Gen Store Waters & Lindsey, Warehouse Williams & Waters, Gen Store VVilliamB, J B, Gen Store Woods & Co, Gen Store ELLENWOOD, Clayton County QiUoway, W G, Grocer Sprayberry, J F, Fertilizer Waggoner, C H, Gen Store ELLERSLIE, Harris County Burgin, S J, Gen Store Carter, R F, Gen Store Ellison Bros, Gen Store Tidwell, C, Gen Store ELLIJAY, Gilmer County Bearden Bros & Teem Co, Gen Store & Hdwe Bearden, J B, Drags Bearden & Kell, Tanners EUijay Times, Newspaper Cowart, S A, Gen Store Cox, W A, Gen Store Bishop, L E, Gen Store Hunnicutt, John, Tanner Everett & Barrow, Gen Store Foote, R T, Bridges and Buildings 318 Austell Building. ATLANTA. GA. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 153 HAWKINSVILLE, Pulaski County Adams,, & Lovejoy Co, Com Anderson Cotton Co <^™ Anderson's, E W Sons. Gen Store Atkinson, C, Gen Stores Bailey, D A. Naval Stores Baskins, J O. Grocer Beane J C & Co, Repair Shop Bennett & Buff, Bottlers Boston (The) D Gds Boyer & Co, W Grocery Bragg, T 11. Livery BrowTi & Taylor, Gen Store & Gin Brown Bell Pharmacy BuH, N F. Coal Caldwell, S M, D Gds etc ■ _ ;^».> Carter, O & Co. Gro & tiest Cash (The) Store. Gen Store Cofield, J B, Photographer Coley & Atkinson. Saw Mill Coley, G R & Bro. Gen Store Coney, Lovejoy & Co, Gen Store Cross, William. Grocer Danforth, G W, Blacksmith Davis, W H, Ginnery Delamar, R F, Gen Store Ethridge, F M Grocery Co, W & R Fleming, J F. Gen Store Foster, J A, Feed & Sale Stable George, J A, Drugs Globe (The. D Gds Goode, E \V. Drugs Gordon, B, Jeweler Ham, J K P. Grocer Haip, H A & Co. Gen Store Harvard, H F, Meats Harvard, J J. Publisher Hawkinsville Bank and Trust Co. i J Henry, Pres, R A Pate, Cash (Cap paid in $50m, 8urp$7,705.«) Hawkinsville Brick Yards Hawkinsville Cotton Mills Hawkinsville Drug Co Hawkinsville Fruit & Candy Co Hawkinsville Light & Ice Co Henderson, J C, Grocer Hind & Churchwell, Gen Store (See McRae) Holmes (The) Co. Cooperage Hopwood, C F, Books etc Huggins, J L, Builders Supplies etc Ivey, W R, Gen Store Jeffcoat, J S, Hotel Jordan & Sparrow, Com Cotton etc King, L A. Jeweler Lathrop Cotton Oil Co, Cotton Seed Products Love, Amos, Gen Store Manheim, M, Fum & Undertaker Margolis, George, D Gds etc Mashbum, John F, Gro & Baker Mashburn & Polhill, Gen Store Miles, William Grocer Miller, A J, Gen Store Miller, O, Jeweler Miller, H H k Co, Gen Store Newman, H C, Dry Gds (See Eastman) Ocmulgee Mills, Gin, Mill eetc Pate, R O, Vehicles eetc Pipkin, A C, Grocer Planters (The) Fmik, -^ F nn^,,,. " N A Jelka Cash, (Cap paid in $50m) Powel. E O, Hotel Powell, B O & Co, Turpentine Powell Drug Co, Pulaski Ginning & Milling Co Pulaski Mercantile Co Gen Store Pagan & McDonald, Gen Store Reynolds. R E, G^n Score Richardson & Anderson, Gen Store Rock Warehouse & compic&s ^^u, Oottor. Compress Rudich, H, Gen Store Sommer, F (Mrs E), D Gds, Clothing etc Tippett & Scarborough Naval Stores Vaughn, W R & Co, Grocers Walker, O J, Livery & Sales Stable Waterman, F B, Gen Sttore Watson, J K P. Lumber Way, S A. Furniture Wetherford, A E & Co, Blksths Whitfield Hardware Co, W & R Wilcox, T R, Gen Store Woodham, K W, Beef Market ■*" ' HAYLOW, Echols County Bennett, J A. Gen Store Buffalo Yellow Pine Co, Cordell, E H, Gen Store i HAYNEVILLE, Houston County U' ' .. . ( Haley, J S. Gen Store Wimberly, E H Jr, Gen Store HAYNIE, Floyd County Hix Bros, Gen Store HAYSTON. Newton County McCart, S R Jr, Gen Store Smith, T S, Gen Store HAYWOOD, Chattooga County Sliopshirc, J T, Gen Store HA2EN, Columbia County HAZELHURST, Appling County daker, A J, Grocer Blanton, Nash, Grocer Burch, Andy, Grocer Carswell Lumber Co Cash Grocery Co Citizen's Bank, G W Chapman, Pres, J T Miler, Cash, (Cap paid in $12m, surp, $3,200) Clark, A A, Grocer Cook, Henry & Sons, Gen Store Cromartie, J A, Gen Store Crosby, I, Grocer etc Girtman, D L, Saw Mill Hall, John M, Drugs Hazelhurst Bottling Works, Soda Water Hazelhurst Drug Co Hazelhurst Mercantile Co. Gen Store Hinson, W F. Gen Store Montgomery, R M, Drugs Moore Bros, Gen Store Parker & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store (Near) Patrick, Mrs D, Millinery Pcttiford, E D, Grocer Tuten, Mrs J 0, Hotel Watson & Clark, Livery etc Joseph E, Jeweler HEADEN, White County Headen, E P. Gen Store HEADRICK, Catoosa County Sluice, R L. Gen Store HEADSTALL, McDuffe County HEARD, Houston County Braddy, T B, Gen Store Heard, J M. Gen Store HEARDllONT, Elbert County McCalla, J W & I H, Gen Store HEARDVILLR, Forsyth County Heard, George W. Gin Heard, Hunter & Ramsey, Roller Mill Heard & Hardin, Gen Store HEARTSEASE, Berrien County Hart Lumber Co HEBRON, Washington County Barlow, A W, Gen Sttore Ennis, E N Jr, Gen Store & Saw Mill Gilmore S M. Gen Store HEDWIG, Lumpkin County Smith, J M & Bro, Gen Store & Grist Mill (See Auralia) HEFLIN, Heard County Aubrey, H N, Saw Mill HELEN, Telfair County Beacham, L T. Saw Mill Brewton, W C. Gen Store Brigam, A J, Gen Store Burch, G H. Grocer Calhoun, H A & Son. Naval Stores C!ar8on, J R N, Jeweler Curry, J T & Co, Drugs & Gen Store Deen, W H. Gen Store Dopson, Mrs H V, Millinery Fletcher, J C. Livery & Blksth Foseett, S M. Hotel Galbraith, E, Gen Store Helena Bottling Works Holmes, R H, Gen Store & Naval Stores Parks & Luckie, Mfrs Ice Sikes Mfg Co, Hay Presses Smith, James D, Gen Etore Stewart, D M, Livery Studstill, Gen Store Tompkins, R G. Gen Store Turner O W, Gen Store Walton, M C, Gen Store HELP, Franklin County Bond & Bray, Gen Store HEMP, Fannin County Davenport, W O, Gen Store Grantham, W M. Gen Store HEMPHILL, Fulton County Fain, H Parker, Gen Store HoweU, A H G. Gen Store HEMPSTEAD, Colquitt County HENDERSON, Houston County 154 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. HENDRICKS, Upson County Mangham, J Vf St. Son, Grist Mill & Gin Means, Mrs S M & Daughter, Gen Store Tisinger, J S, Gen Store HENRY, Franklin County Crawford, J M, Gen Store HEPHZIBAH, Richmond County King, Julius, Saw & Grist Mill Albion Kaolin Co Caiswell, F W, Gen Store Fryer, John B, Gen Store Kelly Bros, Blaelcsmiths Murphy, Henry L, Gfen Store Story, S G & Co. Gen Store Weathersbee, W G, Gen Store HERMITAGE, Floyd County Republic Mining & Mfg Co HERNDON, Burke County Belt, C I, Gen Store Brown & Cockfleld, Gen Store & Saw Mill HEROD, Terrell County Brim, C B & Co. Gen Store Haas Bros & Co, Gen Store Harris, C M, Gen Store Herod Gin & Mill Co, Ginnery HERRING, Colquitt County Herrin, W I, Gen Store HEKSHMAN, Screven County Deaton, J M, Gen Store Harrison, W K, Gen Store, Gin & Mill Heath, R E, Gen Store Hill C H & Bro, Gen Store & Gin HIAWASSEE, Towns County Berrong, J Miles. Gen Store Hedden, W W, Gen Store Hooper T J, Gen Store Johnson, J F, Drugs Kimsey & Burch, Gen Store Twiggs, J V. Gen Store Wyley, O C, Gen Store f HIOHITEE, Chattahoochee County Bagley, Robert, Gen Store HICKORY FLAT, Cherokee County Johnson, John A, Gen Store Jones, R T, Gen Store (See Canton) Stringer, D M, Saw Mill HICKORY LEVEL, Carroll County Baskine, Pearce & Co, Gen Store Bryce & Willis, Gin & Mill Enterkin, Kelly & Co, Gen Store mCKOX, Wayne County Dixon, M M Saw Mill Hickox, J J, Gen Store & Naval Stores Johns & Co. Gen Store Jones & Herrin, Gen Store Nichols, A S, Naval Stores Ray, C M & Bro, Crossties HIGDON'S STORE, Fannin Count/ Deering, John T, Gen Store Steppe, William M, Gen Store HIGGINS, Monroe County Higgins, T J, Grist Mill HIGGSTON, Montgomery County Adams, W E, Grocer Allmond, W, Saw Mill Baker, T N, Gen Store & Saw Mill Council, James, Naval & Gen Stole Cummings, J J & Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store Elliot, W W, Blacksmitli Evans, W W, Drugs Fair (The) Store Gen Store Fulgham, J P & J C Hotel McEachern, D E, Drugs Milligan, George A, Grocer Smith, C M (Mrs Q) Gen Stjre Thompson, W M, Gen Store Watkins, M B, Grocer HIGH FALLS, MonrDe County HIGH POINT, Walker County Carlock, E K, Gen Store Duncan, J L & Co, Gen Store Parish, J R J, Gen Store Phillips, M M, & Sons, Gen Store Williams, J H & Bros Gen Store HIGH SHOALS, Oconee County Boyd, J W, Gen Store High Shoals Mfg Co, Cotton Ingram, J P, Meats Jones, Walter H, Gen Store Lowe, James H, Undertaker & Gen Store Malcomb, G, Gen Store eeto Medlin, A J & Son, Grocers HIGH TOWER, Forsyth County Heard, W W & Co, Gen Store ToUinson & Roach, Gin HILL, Berrin County HILLIS, Burke County Daniel, W, Gen Store Helmey, W H, Gen Store Herrington, W J, Commissary Hillis, T J, Gen Store Wood, W P, Gen Store 1 HILLMAN, Taliaferro County Dozier, C W, Grocer Moore, L T, Gen Store HILLSBORO, Jasper County Burton, H W, Gen Store Burton, J C & Co, Gen Store FuUerton, G E & Bro, Gen Store Greer Bros & Garland, Gen Store King, G W, Gen Store I.avson C C Jr, Gen Store Marks,F C & C H, Gen Store Middlebrooks, S H, Wagon Mkr Ring, Mrs M R, Gen Store Turner & Co, Gen Store Wilson, Mrs Ella, Millinery HILTON STATION, Early County HUton, E, Gen Store & Gin Kenney, C M, Saw Mill & Gen Store McLaurin, J A & Co, Naval Stores HINESVILLE, Liberty County Caswell, J M, Hotel & Fertilizers Hines, J C. Gen Store Liberty Co Herald, Miller, E C, Gen Store Eyon, J R, Gen Store HINTON, Pickens County Thompson & Moss, Gen Store HIRAM, Paulding County Croker, O S, Gen Store Croker, B E & W E, Gin Driskell, J N, Blacksmith Kendall, T B, Gen Store Lackey, S W & Son, Gen Store Moon & Hunt, Gen Store Owen, T J & Co. Gen Store Ragsdale, G W. Drugs Shipp, J W, Gen Store Tidwell, J S, Gen Store Walden, W T. Gen Store Winters, William, Gen Store HIX, Madison County Howington & Martin, Gen Store Martin, E F, Gin & Mai HOBOKEN, Pierce County Davis, W S. Gen Store Hickox, J J & Bro, Naval Stores HODGE, Carroll County Williams, B, Gen Store HOGANSVILLE, Troup County Askew & Payne. Fum & Undtkrs Bass, C K. Gen Store Brazell, Trimble & Co, Gen Store Brooks, H D, Gen Store Garden, J W, (agt) Soda Fountain & Cigars Daniel Drug Co. Hendon's Drug Store Hightower. M H Merc Co, Gen Store Hogansville Hardware Co Hogansville Mfg Co, Cotton Gds Hogansville Mill & Lumber Co Hopson, M S, Grocer Jackson & South, Meats Jenkins, R H. Drugs Jennings Bros, Gen Store Jones, T B, Gro & Confectioner Lattimer, D T, Livery Lee, N P, Livery McGee, Walter, Gen Store Merchants' * Farmers' Bank, J H Covin. Pres S A Davis Cash (Gap paid in $26m, surp $12,250) Mobley & Trippe. Gen Store Prather, O W, Wheelwright Reid, W D. Gen Store Reid, Sewell & Co. Gen Store Roberts & Longino, Gen Store Rosser, M S, Millinery etc Rosser, W C. Gen Store Sims, W N, Grocer ! Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 155 HOGANSFILLE— Continued. South tSc Lane, Millinery Strickland, Victor, Drugs Taylor, B F, Oil Mill Trimble Brick Co, Mfrs Utting, B H, (ag-t) Jeweler Weems, Mrs F S, Hotel Word, Fi-ank, Warehouse Zachry Bros, Gen Store HOGGAED, Baker County Cheshire, Z, Gen Store Sharp, John E, Naval Stores & Gen Store (Near) (See Colquitt) HOLDEN, Greene County Rhodes, R A & H A & Co, Gen Store HOLDFAST, Colquitt County Hinson, J D, Qea Store HOLLAND, Chattooga County Hammond, W M, Gen Store Holland, C I & Sons Gen Store HOLLAND'S MILLS, Carroll County Shackleford, R J, Qen Store HOLLINSHEAD, Houston County Ramage, A B & Co, Gen Store HOLLINSWOETH, Banks County Coffee, F M, Gen Store Duckett, Moss & Co, Gen Store HOLLONVILLE, Pike County Yarbrough, J A, Gen Store Yarbrough & Moore, Gen Store, Gin & Mill HOLLY, Murray County HOLLYSPRINGS, Cherokee County Boring, James R, Drugs De Lay, F L, Gen Store King, .1 B, Blacksmith MuUins, M J, Grocer Ragsdale, C B & Son, Gen Store Verd Antique Marble Co HOLLYWOOD, Habersham County Ivester & Co, Gen Store HOLT, Irwin County HOMER, Banks County Arnold, J D, Gen Store Dyar, R J, Machinist Hill, James N, (5«n Store Hill, J D, Gen Store Journal Pub Co Mason, W B, Gen Store Thompson, Alonzo, Saw Mill Thompson, E T, Gen Store HOMERVILLE, Clinch County Culpepper, A H, Drugs Dame, George M, Newspaper Dame Bros, Gen Store Dickerson, W T cSi Co, Sales Stable Dougherty, J F & Co, Naval Stores Ecord, William A, Grocer Ferdon, J H & Co, Naval Stores Hunter, Mitchell F, Green Grocer Kirkland, D E, Gen Store Lasky, B, D Qds etc Mattox, J D, Beer Minnesota Lumber Co, Saw Mill (See Valdosta) Mullen, W H & Co, Sliingle Mill Patterson Bros, Gen Store Peagler, H J, Naval Stores Register, S W, Millinery Smith & Brinson, Gen Store Sweat & Mattox, Gen Store Waldrup, J L, (^en Store HOOD, Union County Jackson, W A, Gen Store HOOKER, Dade County Ford, W A, Gen Store HOOPER. Haralson County Bently, J W, Mill HOPE, Pike County Sikes, H T, Gen Store HOPEWELL, Whitfield County Smith T T. Gen Store HORACE, Carroll County Almon, W A, Grocer HOENE, Monroe County HORN'S CROSS ROAD, Miller County Bush, George W, Gen Store HORTENSE, Wayne County Harrison, N H & Son, Gen Store Middleton, W D, Gen Store HOSCHTON, Jackson County Allen, L C, Drugs Brandon & De Lapperiere, Tannery & Mfrs Collars Brazelton Bros, Gen Store Braselton Bros & Cooper, Gin Darby, J W, Gen Store & Planing Mill & Grist Mill De Lappeiere W P, Gen Store, Drugs & Livery Evans, C F, Gen Store Faulkner, James A, Gen Store Hill, J E & W A, Gen Store Hosch, "R a. Gen Store Hoschton Cotton Oil & Mtr Co Lott, J H, Blacksmith Lott, Flanigan & Allen, Gen Store Parks, M W, Gen Store Sell, H J, Gen Store Sell, L F. Gen Store HOUSTON, Heard County Haralson, W H, Gen Store HOWARD, Taylor County Brown, J W, Hotel Cosby, Mrs VV T, Gen Store Gorman & Huggins, Gen Store & Naval Stores Hill, L & Son, Saw Mill Huff, T E, Gen Store Hunter, J E, Gen Store Matthews, F, Gen Store &, Warehouse Matthews, O F & Co, Gen Store Purvis Bros, Gen Store Rogers, W D & Son, Gen Store (See Stewarts Mill) HOWELL, Echols County Carter, C W, Gen Store Gupton, R T, Naval Stores & Gen StoH Herndon, B, Gen Store Lucas Milling Co Malloy, J P, Naval Stores & Gen Store Robinson & McCranie, Saw Mill Taylor, S W, Gen Store HOYLE, Gwinnett County Beard, J T O & Son. Gin Saw & Grist Mill Starnes, P B, Gen Store Woodall, T. Gen Store HUB Thomas County Dixon, J W, Gen Store HUBBARDSVILLE, Dawson County HUBERT, Bulloch County Forbes, L A & Co, Gen Store Stansell, Bros, Gen Store HUCHING, Oglethorpe Couaty Arnold & Berry, Gen Store HUDSON, Sumpter County O J. Gen Store , J T, Gen Store HUFF, Gwinnett County Turner, C A, Gen Store HUGHES, Murray County Keith, J W, Gen Store Orr, J T. Gen Store HUGENOT, Elbert County DuBose, J D, Blacksmith DuBose, Joel H, Gen Store HULETT, Carroll County Boyd, M A, Gen Store Thompson, Britt, Gen Store HULMEVILLE, Elbert County HUMBER, Stewart County Worthington, W G, Gen Store HUMPHREY'S, Clinch County Buroh, Alex, Gen Store is6 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. HUNTINGTON, Sumpter County Johnson, J M, Gen Store Nunn, A S & Son, Gen Store HUNTSVILLE, Paulding County Bowman, L N, Gen Store & Gin Dunaway, M, Gen Store & Saw MiU Sheffield, W J, Gen Store Tibbetts, M G, Gen Store HURON, Putnam County Ezell, C P & Co, Gen Store Howard, S N, Gen Store HURST, Fannin County Moore, J A, Gen Store NicholB R W, Gen Store Nichols & Harris, Gen Store & Lumber HUSTLE, Terrell County Woolbright, D J, Gen Store HUXFORD, CoSee County Huxford, C, Naval Stores etc HYACINTH, Wilcoi County HYDE, Wilkes County Standard, W T & Son, Gen Store ICE, Pierce County Humphrey, W P, Naval Stores ICEBERG, Monroe County (Eee Juliette) HJA, Madison County Thompson & Campbell, Gen Store INAHA, Irwin County ! L, Gen Store 1 E, Saw Mill & Gen SI INDIA, Walton County Carithers, H A & J Y, Gen Store INDIANOLA, Lowndes County Shelton, O I, Gen Store & Crosstie« INDIAN SPRINGS, Butts County Indian Springs Grocery Co Scoville Bros, Hotel Varner, J & A J, Hotel Wright, B A, Gen Store INGLESIDE, DeKalb County Almand, Mrs S S, Gen Store Ingleside Grocery Co Jones, A K, Gen Store Lee, H R, Gin & Mill INGLEWOOD, Dodge County Bowen, S D, Gen Store & Naval Stores Thistlewood, O C, Gen Store INMAN, Fayette County Burch, J T, Gin Harp, W N T, Gin Henderson, W D, Gen Store ilcLuoas J L, Gen Store INVERNESS, Mcintosh County Cromly, James, Grocer INWOOD, Telfair County Marchant, J I, Gen Store IONIA, Wilcox County IRBY, Irwin County Gress Mfg Co, Lumber (See Tifton) IRENE, Washington County Walker, John F, Gen Store IRON CITY, Decatur County ifeiS, £«.... "t. , k Brigham, C R, Hotel & Gro Clark Bros, Saw Mill Dicenson, Jesse L, Gen Store Drake Bros, Gen Store Floyd, T J, Gen Store Floyd, W J, Drugs Jennings, W J, Drugs King.J A McD, Blacksmith Lane, J T, Gen Store Rabun, J D, Naval Store? & Gen Store Sharp-Hagan Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores Strickland & Lane, Gen Store Sykes, JAB, Drugs Williams, Nora, Millinery Williams, R H, Livery IRON ROCK, Franklin County Burton, B H, Gen Store ' ) IRWINTON, Wilkinson County Baum, D B, (agt) Gen Store BUrney, A E & Co, Undertakers Butler, J E, Gen Store Chambers, F B, Gen Store Dupree, W T, Gen Store Everett, D A. Grocer Harrison, H H. Gen Store Hatfield, J T, (agt) Gen Store Helton, B R, Gen Store (Near) Jones, W B, Grocer Rutland, J W, Coffins, etc Rutland, W H, Publisher Sapp, R F, Gen Store (Near) Stevens, B I, Livery Stinson, I B, Gen Store Williams, G E, (Mrs J F,) Gen Store Wood & Parker, Drugs IRWINVILLE, Irwin County Barber Bros & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Barber, Lee & Co, Gen Store Clements. J B, Saw Mill & Gin Hyman & Co, Gen Store Irwin County Courier Co, Pubs Trwinville Merc Co, Gen Store James, E T, Saloon Luke, Jesse, Watch Repairer, etc Turner & Cavenaugh, Gen Store Vaughn, M G, Blacksmith ISAAC, Irwin County I " ^ i ,fl I ti '■■ £ Gibbs, Mattie, (Mrs Jacob) Gro & Milly Gibbs, T D, Soda Water Moore, G F & Co, Gen Store Moore, Luke & Co, Gen Store Windsor & Rawls, Grocers ISABELLA, Worth County Causey, W B & H L, Gen Store Davis & Barfleld, Gen Store Gillis, W D, Gen Store Gregory, W H & Co, Gen Store Paul, W G & Co, Gen Store ISLA. Chatham County (See Monteith.) ISLE OF HOPE, Chatham County Barbee, A M, Gro & Rest Muller, C M, (Mi-s Herman D, Groca: Thomson, F H & Son, Fruits ISOM, Brooks County ITHICA, Carroll County Boyd Bros, Gen Store ITTLEY, Forsyth County Glover, W M, Gen Store Hollbrook, Geo W, Gin & Saw Mill Nally, W T, Blacksmith Peek, S P, Gin & Grist Mill Vaughan, J E, Gen Store IVANHOE, Bulloch County IVEY, Wilkerson County Byington, M L, Gen Store Fountain, J M, Gen Store Hornsby, S P, Gen Store IVY LOG, Union County JACKSON, Butts County Adams, W F & Co, Gen Store Arenson, J, D Gds Baily, J T, Grocer etc Book & Novelty (The) Co Buchanan, C W, Grocer, etc Carmichael Buggy Co, Mfrs Bn^'^it^s fe Dlrs Fertilizers Carmichael, Etheredge-Smitli (Thol Co. Gen Store Carmichael, W L & Co, Dnigs Crawford, L M & Co, Meats Crum, J W, Hdwe & Crockery Farmers' (The) Union, Warehouse First (The) Nat Bank of Jacksor R F, Maddox, Pros, J F, Carmichael Cash (Cap paid in $30m, surn i51m( Gilmore, H F, Planing Mill " Graham, C R & Co. Live Stock Groodzinsky, I & J, Clothing etc (See Douglasville) Hanes, George S, Jeweler Hanna Drug Co, Jackson Banking Co,, F S Etheridge, Pres, R R Sansett. Cash (Cap paid in $50 m surp S25m) Jackson Bottling Worlcs Jackson Dru^ Co Jackson Furniture Co Jackson Grocery Co Jackson Mercantile Co, Gen Store Johnson, J S & Co, Hardware Kinard, S B, Coal Kinard & Clark, Grocers Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 157 J AOKSON— Continued. McCord N E, Gen Store McKibben Co, Live Stock Mays, R W, Live Stock Moon Merc Co, Gen Store Kewton-Carmichael Hardware Co Pepperton Cotton Mills, Sheetings etc Plunket, J A & Co, Flour Mill Shaver, A H, Publisher Smith & Co, Gen Store Smith & Etheridge, Cotton & Bnkrs Spencer, L B, Livery Taylor, W M, Grocer Tha'xton, D F, Blacksmith Wagner, J L, Tinware Watkins, R T, Gen Store Woodward, W J, Gen Store Wright & Carter, Live Stock, Wagons etc JACKSONVILLE, Telfair County Brooks, W K, Gen Store Jones, R, Saw Mill Mann, White & Son, Gen Store &, Naval Stores Smith, W H. Blacksmith Wilcox, George R, Gen Store Wilcox, J J, Gen Store Williams, W, Gen Store Wynn & Veasy, Gen Store JAKE, Carroll County Melear, Mrs J W, Millinery Robertson, B F & Bro, Gen Store JAKIN, Early County Bivins, J A, Gen Store Calhoun, G A, Blacksmith Flowers (The) Lumber Co, Mfrs Horn & Aman, Gen Store Jakin Brick Co, Mfrs Minter, H G, Drugs Mosley, O H, Gen Store JAMES, Jones County Duffy, T W, Gen Store Kingman, R H Jr, Gen Store JAMESTOWN, Chattahoochee County JAPANESE, Marion County Parker, John H, Gen Store JAREETT, Hall County Alexander, E H, Gen Store JASPER Pickens County Byrd, Thomas, Blacksmith Darnell, S J. Gen Store Davis, A W, Gen Store etc Groover, J P, Harness Jasper Mfg Co, Bldg Materials Jones, W M, Gen Store, Drugs etc King William. Blacksmith McHan, A & Son, Gen Store Prather, M A, Gen Store Richardson, F C, Drugs, Hotel etc Tate, Simmons & Co, Gen Store JAY, Bulloch County McElveen, M J & Bro, Gen Store Waters, T H, Gen Store JEFF, Clay County McLendon, A E, Gen Store McLendon, M W, Gen Store JEFFERSON, Jackson County Bailey, E C, Gen Store Bell, H W, (The) Co, Lumber Bennett & Dickson, (Jen Store Brock, C O & Co, Gen Store Holder & AVilliamson. Pubs Jefferson Banking Co, John C Turner, Pres, and Acting Cash (Cap paid in $35m, surp, $10m Jefferson Cotton Mills Kelly J P. Gen Store McElhannon, C, Gen Store Maxwell & Pettyjohn, Gen Store Merkfl, J W & Co, Gen Store Mobley Bros & Co Gen Store Millinery etc Pendergrass, F L, Gen Store Pendergrass, J B, Drugs Pendergrass, N N, Gen Store Puler & Green, Meats Randolph Bros, Grocers Randolph, J E & H J, Saw Mill Randolph J E, Contractor Rogers, I W & Co, Gen Store Smith & Co, Guano & Cotton Story, C J, Blacksmith Sudderth, O C, Gen Store Tinson & Waddell, Gen Store Turner, Webb, Holder Co, Gen Store Willis Bros, Gen Store JEFFERSONVILLE, TwiggsCounty Burke, J S, Gen Store Califf Bros, Gen Store Chapman, O T, Gen Store & Livery Dennard, S I, Gen Store Finch, B F, Gen Store Jones, A C, Gen Store Jones, B R, Gen Store McCallum, J A, Gen Store McCoy, J T, Blacksmith McCrary, H W Jr, Drugs McCrary, Mattie (Mrs H W) Gen Store & Hotel Stokes, J A, Gen Store Whitehurst Bros, Gen Store Wimberly, J R, Gen Store JENKINSBUEG, Butts County Akins, B F, Drugs Bankston, W J, Gen Store Childs, J W & J B, Gen Store Harris, W A, Gen Store Jenkinsburg Mercantile Co, Gen Store JENNIE, Tattnall County White R K, Naval Stores JEPTHA, Madison County King, J T. Gen Store JEROME, Bulloch County Beasley, S E, Gen Store Morris, T J & Son, Gen Store Sharpe, B R, Naval Stores & Gen Store JERSEY, Walton County AUgood, J W, Blacksmith Barrett Bros & Allen, Gen Store Blasingame & McGarity, Gen Store Fincher, T H, Millinery Harris, John T, Saw Mill & Gin Jersey Oil Mill Co, Cotton Seed Products Mitchell, A L, Confectioner JESSEE, Union County McGlannery, J R, Gen Store JESIJP, Wayne County Black, J Frank, Gen Store Breen, F E, Saw Mill etc Causey Bros, Gen Store Clark, D M, Grain & Feed Dye John C, Gen Store George, B, Grocer Grantham & Gordon, Grocers Horton Drug Co Jesup Mercantile Co, Gen Store W P Cobb, Cash (Cap) paid ia $25m) Jesup Mfg Co Jesup Mercantile Co, Gen Store Knight, J 0, DruffS McDonough, Mrs Mary E, Hotel Massey, John, Gen Store Merchants' & Farmers' Savings Bank H W Whaley, Pres, W H Whaley, Cash, (Cap paid in $10m) Milikin Benjamin, Publisher & Fertilizers Nathan, I, D Gds Clothing etc Reddish, Mrs Lou, Millinery Rogers, Miss Mabel Millinery Smith, Sam B. Hotel Trovvell, J W C, Bottling Works I'uten, J G» Grocer Wheeler, T S, Grocer Wilkins, W T (agt) Undtkr Wilkins & Co, Gen Store JEWELL, Hancock County , Bowen, Jewell & Co, Gen Store & Mfrs Cotton Goods Cason A R & H B, Gen Store Rhodes J W, Gen Store JEWELVILLE, Banks County. Coffee T M, Gen Store Gillespie W H T, Gen Store JIMPS, Bulloch County Chance C C & Co, Gen Store Jones Harley T, Gen Store Wilson J A, Gen Store JINKS, Gwinnett County Jinks William D, Gen Store JOCKEY, Pickens County JOE, Cherokee County Satterfleld J M, Gen Store JOHN, Monroe County Gregory J S & Son, Gen Store JOHNSON, Decatur County Johnson Bros, Gen Store JOHNSTON STATION, Liberty County Branch A S, Gen Store Futch George B, Grocer Home E D, Gen Store Hughes J W, Naval Stores, etc McDonald C J, Gen Store Murray G W, Green Grocer O'Neal S B, Gen Store Rimes M T, Gen Store Rimes Bros, Gen Store Southern Brick & Tile Cto, Mfrs 158 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. JOHNBTONVILLE, Monroe Ooasty Fleming J B, G«n Store JOHNSTOWN, Dawson Coumty Foute Henry, Oen Store JOICE, Tatnall County NonB.n W J, Gen Store »nd Saw Mill JOLLY, Pike County H«.le R W, Grocer JONES, Mcintosh County Williams & Linder, Gen Store JONESBORO, Clayton County Berry J & Son, Gin Blalock A C, Gen Store Blalock Buggy Co Brown J E, Gen Store Camp A A, Gen Store Cannon T C, Drugs Central Creamery Co Dorman W P, Wheelwright Evans A M Mrs J F), Gen Store Evans Bros, Gen Store Foster W V, Gen Store Hanes O A, Gen Store Martin A S, Gen Store Morris Robert, F Grocer Morrow J A, Publisher Morrow W H H Co, Gen Store Beeves W M, Meats Kivei-s A B, Warehouse Sims W T, Gen Store ^ „ «■ Stewart Mrs W B, Gen Store and Cotfuis Taylor A S, D Gooas Turnipsecd W H, marble Williamson N W, Gen Store JONES MILLS, Meriwether County Freeman & Thrash, Millera Moore George, Gen Store JONESVILLE, Mcintosh County Fulton, C O, Saw Mill JORDAN^'ILLE, Sumter County Jordan, S J, Gen Store JOSEY, Jefferson County Josey, W E, Gen Store, Mill * Clin Powell, B E, Gen Store Wiggins, B J, Gen Store JULIA, Henry County Green, J D, Gen Store JULIETTE, Monroe County DriskcU D S, Gen Store Juliette Milling Co, Grist Mill Williams, R L, Gen Store JULYSS, Washington County Smith, Wiley, Gen Store JUNIPER, Talbot County Baldmn, A W, Saw Mill Posey & Son, Mtrs Coffins, etc Weaver, Mrs Ida J, Gen Store JUNO, Dawson County Crawford, William, Saw Mill Ilarben, C J, Gen Store and Lumber Harben Bros, Saw Mill Harbin, J J N, Blacksmith, etc KARA, Early County Brown, M k Co, Gen Store Carter, W A, Gin & Saw Mill Sasser, D W Jr, Grocer KARTAH, Chattooga County Kendrick, J M, Gen Store, Tobacco, etc KATHLEEN, Houston County I 1 Dupree, W E, Gen Store Kinard, Davis & Co. Gen Store Watson, J H, Gen Store Woodward, Miss R F, Gen Store KEASLEY, Pickens County Ray, Jones & Co, Gen Store KEDRON, Coweta County Wynn O, Gen Store KEITH, Catoosa County AVard, L E, Gen Store KEITHSBURG, Cherokee County KEITHS MILL, Whitfield County Keith, D P, Gen Store KELLER, Bryan County Carpenter Lois E (Mrs J D), Gen Store Cory P D, Gen Store Fulton. E A, Gen Store McCallum & Bethea, Naval Stores KELLOGG, Cherokee County Hunter Gin Co Poor Lewis. Gen Store Smith, D A, Gen Store Kelly S KELLY, Jasper County J & Bro, Gen Store KELVIN, Worth County Farmer, J R, Gen Store McLeod & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Sto KEMP, Emanuel County Kitchen, C W, Gen Store KENNA, Lincoln County Le Soy, T A, Blacksmith KENNEDY, Tattnall County IvENNESAW, Cobb County Carrie, J T, Gen Store Gatlin, W T, Gen Store Hill Bros. Gen Store Hodgens J B. Gen Store Lewis J G, Gen Store Pritchard, G W, Blacksmith Roberts, W O, Gen Store Silver & Stephens, Gen Store Speir & Lester, Gen Store KENSINGTON, Walker County Hall & Garmany Bros, Gen Store Hardin, T J & Sg#l, Blacksmiths liaylor & Whitlow, Gen Store l^rsley & Davis, Blacksmiths KENWOOD, Fayette County Austin, J M, Gin & Saw Mill Games, Mi's S J, Gen Store Davis, R L, Gen Store KENZIE, Upson County Gordy, L M, Saw Mill ilcKenzie C B, Gen Store KERJHT, Whitfield County Freeman, E G, Gen Store KESTLER, Early County Bovd-McBavid Lumber Co Etluidge, \\m A, (agent). Livery Evans, J T, Saw Mill George, J U, Saw Mill Uightower, J A, Warehouse Hightower & Co, Gen Store Lanier, S L, (Mrs T J), Milly Lewis & Hightower, Wareliouse Parr McL & Bro, Gro & D Goods Perry-Pickron Co, Gen Store Phillips, W A, Gen Store Pickron, J R, Gen Store Poole, R C, Gen Store , ^ . . ,,.,, I Williamson & AMley, Gm & Grist Mill KEWANEE, Laurens County Rude, Miss Carrie B, Gen Store KEY, Brooks County Duggar E J, Gen Store Groover, M E, Gen Store McStephenson, J J, Blacksmith Ramsey, W W, Gen Store KEYSVILLE, Burke County Daniel, J W, Gen Store Torbitt, A M, Gen Store Woodward, J M, (agent), Gen Store KIBBEE, Montgomery County Ellington & Ellington, Gen Store Fields, J H, Gen Store Memory & Williamson, Gen Store O'Connor, James B, Saw Mill, Grist MUl & Gin KIMSEY, White County Henderson, J W & Son, Gen Store KINCAID, Chattooa County Clark, J H, Gen Store Garrett, J H, Gen Store KINDERLOU, Lowndes County Kinderlou Mills, Baskets, Crates & Boxes McRec Bros, Saw Mill, Gen Store & Baskets Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 159 KINGSXAUD, Caniden County Brown, A B, Gen Store Brown, J W, Gen Store Coleman, Young 6c Co, Naval Stores McKendree, E S, Gen Store Patterson, W G, Gen Store Peeples, W H, Gen Store Peeples, G H & Bro, Gen Store & Oi-o ties Sheffield C M, Gen & Naval Stores Shetfield John W, Gen Store KINGSTON, Bartow County Bradley, J D & Co, Drugs Griffin, W H, Gen Store Hargis, J F & Son, Gen Store Harper, W H, Blacksmith Johnson W C, Grocer etc Jolly Sc Jolly, Gen Store Law, J W, , Blacksmith McGuire, J E, Grocer Mclvelvey, J N, Gen Store Mayson, C N, Drugs Kaimey, W W, Gro & Hdwe Rollins, J D, Gen, etc Scott, H G, Gen Store & Market KINGWOOD, Colquitt County Hammock V & Bro, Gen Store Finch, Humphreys & Co, Gen Store Huber-Stokes Lumber Co, Saw Mill May & Truitt, Gen Store KINLAW, Camden County Gowen, R C & Co, Gen Store KIOKEE, Columbia County Lewis, Ellis, Gen Store KIRKLAND, Coffee County Giddens & Turner, Gen Store Kirkland, G, Gen Store Pierce Trading Co, Gen Store KIRKWOOD, De Kalb County Cassels, L J, Grocer Coffee, J E, (agent), Gro & Meats KISSEMEE, Irwin County Purvis, Samuel, Gen Store KITE, Johnson County G D, Gen Store Claxton Bros & Co, Gen Store Coursey, J L, Gen Store Coursey & Kersev, Gen Store Davis, G E. (Mrs J A), Gen Store Kight, W N, Naval Stores Eight, Gordon T & Co, Gen Store McArthur, J T, Gen Store Peacock, M D L, Drugs Sterling, R Z, Gen Store Thompson, W G, Gen Store Wheeler, S W, Gen Store KITTRELLS, Johnson County Moye, A, (mgr). Gen Store Smith, E & Co, Gen Store KNOB, Henry County KNOXVILLE, Crawford County Harris, Z T, Hotel Harris & Harris, Gen Store Jack, J W & Co, Gen Store Jones, J W, Drugs kifi&tii - KOGER, Columbia County Koger, J H, Gen Store KOLB, Cobb County Coleman, J P, Gen Store, etc f. i; - KYLE, Fannin County Kyle, H S, Gen Store Towers Pin & Bracket Co. Mfrs Vestal & Thomas, Gen Store LACEY, Mcintosh County Durham, H, Gen Store LACONIE, Berrien County LA CROSS, Schley County Dixon, L W, Gen Store Singletary, H H, Gen Store Walker, G T & Son, Gen Store LaFAYETTE, Walker County Baker, F L, Grocer Bank of La Fayette, Jas P Sliattuck, pros, J E Patton, cash, (Cap paid in $20m) Borders, A M, Blacksmith Burney, H P, Jeweler Center, W W, BlacksiAith Center & Center, Hotel Culberson, Shaw & Shaw, Gen Store Elizabeth Hosiery Mills Fariss, J D & Co, Drugs Farriss, F O, Gen Store Foster, Mrs W A, Hotel Hackney & Dunwoody, Meats Higgins, A M, Blacksmith Higgins, C P, Gen Store Kirby, H B, Livery McCall, B A, Hardware, etc Mize R F, Planing Mill Miee W D, Saw Mill Napier, N C, (Est of). Pub & Job Printei Nash, J W. Hotel Nash, T J, Gen Store Rhea, J H B, Saw Mill & Gin Rogers, R O, Grist & Saw Mill Scott W M, News Stand etc Spencer, W H, Shoemaker Union Cotton Mills, Cotton Goods Warrenfells & Son, Saw Mill Warthen & Sparks, Gen Store Wert, W B, Drugs LAFF, Tattnall County Alexander S, Saw Mill & Gin Currie, D W & Bro, Gen Store Grace, II C & Son, Gen Store, Gin, Grist k Saw Mill Jones & Lewis, Gen Store LAGRANGE, Troup County Askew, J F & Co, Furniture, etc Bank of La Grange, L J Render pres, W A Reeves cash, (Cap paid in $50m, Burp $5m) Barker B, Harness & Saddlery Barnard & Awtrey, Coal, etc Barrett, F C, Meats Birdsong, Geo W, Gen Store Bradfield E R, D Gds, Clo, etc Bradfleld J L, Clo & Shoes Bradfield Drug Co, W & R Brown ^ Mills, Drugs Burks & Burks, Drugs Butler, H C, Planing Mill Callaway's Department Store FULLER E. CALLAWAY, Wholesale Department Store Supplies. Direct Mill .Shipments a Specialty. Childs & Pharr, Furniture, etc Clarke, E B, Grocer Cofield, W W, Grocer Cox, G, Publisher Daniel, E D & Bro, Grocers Daniel Grocery Co De Loach, J C, Gen Store De Loach, T S, Grocer De Loach, W E, Grocer Dixie Cotton Miljs, Sheeting, etc Dozier & Ford, (mgi-s), D Goods Drinkard & Watkins, (5rocers Dunson, E H, Meats Dunson, J E & Bros Co, Plantation Supplies Edmonson G S, Gen Store Edmonson, J H, D Gds, etc Edwards, D L, (agent). Gen Store Ford, Mrs W C, Millinery Freeman, C T, Grocer Gibson, Ben, (agent). Grocer Gilbert, (The), Jewelry Co Goldstein Bros, D Gds etc Gray W V, D Goods & Clo Hammett, R L, (agent). Grocer Handley, A B, Gin Hannah, W P, Grocer Harralsom, W L, Gen Store Hawkins, R E, Coal, etc Heard G B, Grocer Heard & Son, Gro & Meats Heran & Lancaster, Gen Store Holmes, W A, Gen Store Hood, E G, Warehouse, etc Hudson, W A, Grocer La Grange Bottling Works La Grange Mills, Cotton Duck La Grange Tin & Roofing Co Ladies Furnishing Store La Grange Banking & Trust Co, Joseph E Dunson pres, T J Thornton cash, (Cap paid in $160m, surp $35m) La Grange Creamery Co La Grange Hardware Co La Grange, (The), Reporter, Pubs Lehman Jewelry Co McCarne & Market, Gen Store McClueng, R R, Grocer Market, P H, (irocer Marshburn N E, D Goods Milam, R W, Livery Morgan, J J, Grocer Slorgan & Evans, Drugs Ncwsom & Dunson, Grocers Parnell, W W, Carriage Repairer Pike Bros, Lumber Revis, Cicero, Grocer Robertson, G K, (agent). Gen Store Roper, J C, Grocef Sansone, G L, Fruits, etc Schaub, I L, Books, etc Spinks Hardware Co, W & R Truitt, J G, Live Stock Truitt, C V & Co, Plantation Supplies. Unity Cotton Mills, Cotton Duck Walker, E G & Co, Grocers Ward. R C, Printer Warlick. J A, Meats Williams, E A, Livery 1 6b Greater Georgia Gazetteer, LAKECKEEK, Polk County Hogga, S E, Gen Store LAKELAND, Decatur County Ohason Reuben & Son, Gen Store LAKE PARK, Lowndes County Barton, C J, Gen Store Brown Ewell, Gen Store Carter, E C & Co, Butchers, etc Corbett, J T, Gen Store Crews, Samuel, Saloon Hiers J W Jr, Gen Store Howell, Lute, Saloon Mosely, C L, Gro, Confec, etc Prescott, E W, Saloon Prescott, J P & Bro, Drugs Pridgen (The) Go, Gen Store Stalvey, J D, Grocer Stephens, Mrs Kate, Millinery Swilley, Samuel E, Blacksmith Wheeler, J T, Gen Store White, F M & Son, Gen Store Wisenbaker, A, Gen Store LAMAR, Sumter County Hooks B J, Gen Stole LAMAR'S MILL, Upson County Kickerson, C W, Gen Store LAMBERT, Liberty County Fitch, George B, Grocer Jones, W, Grocer Jones, A, Lafayette Co, W & R Gen Store Miller Edward P, Naval Stores & Gen Store LAMONT, Monroe County LAND, Hall County Duckett, J T & Son, Gen Store Haynes, F J, Gen Store Haynes, R H. Gen Store Llaynes, J W & Son, Saw Mill liogers Bros, Gen Store LANDRUM, Dawson County Boone & Palmour, Gen Store Pahnour B. Mill ^towers Bros, Saw Mill LANE, Forsyth County JJramblett M T & Sons, Drugs LANHAM, Bulloch County Lewis, E S & W M, Saw Mill LANIER, Bryan County Edwards, A J, Naval Stores Lanier, I G & Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores LANKBAERETT, Whitfield County Shadden, W K & Co, Gen Store LAREDO, Cherokee County Ingr&m & Thomaeon, Gen Store LARKIN, Madison County Ilardman P D, Gen Store LATHAM, Haralson County Mosley, J C, Gen Store LAUNCELOT, Irwin County Paulk, J A, Gen Store LAURA, LTnion County Reese, Q F, Gen Store LAUREL, Dawson County Black N D, Gen Store Smith G W Jr, Saw Mill LAURENS HILL, Laurens County Walker, T J, Gen Store Wall, J M, Gen Store White, J M, Gen ^tore LAVENDER, Floyd County Bass, N H, Gen Store LA VILLA, Houston County Gunn, D F, Gen Store LAVONIA, Franklin County Alexander, R M, Drugs Allison, T F, Gen Store Bank of Lavonia, T F Allison pres, W C Mason cash (Cap paid in $25m> Blackwell, J C, Furniture, etc Bobo, E J, D Gds, Clo, etc Bonner, Thomas B, Drugs Brissey & Caldwell, D Gds Notions etc Brooks & Tabor, Gen Store Brown, J R, Drugs Cannon, O D, Gen Store Cannon Bros, Livery Cash, H A, Grocer Farmers' Oil & Fertilizer Co Freeman, J M, Drugs Gary A D, Watchmaker Knox, T R, Grocer Lavonia Cotton Mills Lavonia Gin Co Lavonia Hardware Store Ledbetter, L, (Mrs W F), Millinery Maret A J, Gen Store Mauldin, J B, Gen Store Morgan & King, Gen Store Penland E C, Produce Ray, C P, Gen Store Roberts, Thomas H, Gen Store Thomas Sim W, Grocer Turman, W P, Gen Store Vickery, C W & Son, Bankers Wallace, D, Grocer Weldon, E W, Wagon Repairer Wilkinson, Mrs Kate, Hotel Yow & McMun'ay, Gen Store LAWRENCEYILLE, Gwinnett County Ambrose, J A & Co, Lumber & Building Material Ambrose & Shannon, Buggies Austin, J P, Gen Store Bagwell Drug Co Bank of Lawrenceville, W S Witham prea, W M Sasser cash, (Cap paid in $15m) Born & Fountain, Drugs Bramlett, H H, Gen Store Brooks, E S, Gen Store Brown, J G, Blacksmith Blown, W E & J L, Furniture Byrd J P & Co, Gen Store Cooper W O, Cotton Seed & Fertilizer Cornett, M S, Hotel Craig, G P & Son, Gen Store Evans Cooper Co, Gen Store Ewing, A E, Gen Store Ewing, M E, Gen Store Ewing, M O, Gen Store Globe Warehouse Co Gunter, C D, Furniture Mfr Gwinnett Journal Holland, W A, Gen Store Jackson, C P, Saw Mills Juhan, O R, Karness Knopf, J, Gen Store Lawrenceville Hardware Co Lawrenceville Mfg Co McGee, James H, Gen Store Uacklin, S, Grocer Nix, O A, Publisher Petterson, A T, Blacksmith Pentecost, F T & Son, Gen Store Powell & Bro, Gen Store Robinson, R L, Grocer Rockmore M L, Fertilizei-s & Vehicles Rutledge & Clower Gen Store Sammons Bros & Co, Gen Store Shackelford, A N, Jeweler Shackelford, J H, Jeweler Tanner, W T, Hardware Townsley, T P, Gin Vose & Flowers, Gen Store Wall, C C, Blacksmith Wallace J D, Gen Store WilUams, J C, Gen Store Winn, A M & Son, Drugs LAWTONVILLE, Burke County Chew, Harry H, Gen Store LAX, Coffee County Griffin, A L, Gen Store Howell, A T, (agent), Gen Store & Gin Howell, J E & Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores Sirkland, R L, Gen Store LEAF, White County Irwin, G B, Gen Store LEAH, Columbia County LEAKTON, Newton County McCuUough, W F, Gen Store LEARY, Calhoun County Addison, P B, (agent), Livery Barbre, C S, Livery Boyd, P E, Gen Store, Gin & Grist Mill Cunningham & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Daniells, Harper, Saw Mill & Gin Griffin, H V, Jeweler Griffin Bros, Bicycles Griffin F P & Sons, Drugs Hammond T R, Gen Store Jordan, R M, Gen Store McRainey, M A, Naval Stores, Mill, etc Wooten J M, Gen Store LEATHERSVILLE, Lintfoln Ooanty Smalley, J R & Bro, Gen Store GEORGIA TANNING & MFC COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF Harness and Saddlery — — G oods — — ^ FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY Atlanta, j& j^ j^ j^ Georgia ^ DABNEY IMPLEMENT CO. "-WHAT "WE SAY "WE- D0-"WE: DO DO." "^ JOBBER.S AND DISXR.IBUXORS Buggies, Wagons and Harness FARM MACHINERY, GASOLINE ENGINES &i PUMPS Special Attention to Mail Orders. Write for Catalogues and prices. DABNEY IMPLEMENT CO., 98 and lOO S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Georgia. CLARENCE ANGER, State A^ent ^'^^ Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co., of Newark, N. J. Cash Assets Over 85 Million Dollars. And Geixeral Ag^ent "The Employers' Liability," of London. Resources Over Six Million Dollars. Personal Accident, Health, Employers' Liability^ Elevators and Fidelity Bonds. 810, 812 and 814 Englisli American Building. Atlanta, ga. Richards Machine Co., MAINUPACTURERS OR Woodworking Machinery, Pulleys and Hangers. General Machine and Repair Shop. a4 SOUTH PORSYTM ST. ATUAINTA, = QEORQIA. ATLANTA SHOW CAvSE CO. SHOW CASKS MADE FOR THE TRADE. Hig'h-Class WorKtnanshiip. Best Materials. Prices Guaranteed. See us First. "WATCH THE WHITE STAR BUGGY" We absolutely guarantee that the "White Star" buggy is the lightest running buggy made in the Southern States. There exist in our shops "twelve whys," that enable us to make this guarantee^ BUGGY BUIL,DERS Pof the 'Wholesale Trade. ATLANTA. OEOR.GIA. ATLANTA BUGGY COMPANY, 1 Atlanta xSHow Case Co. MANUFACTURKR.S OF FINE SHOW CASEvS. MADE TO ORDER CASES OUR SPECIALTY. Let Us Figure WitH Yoti. Office 275 Marietta St. Atlanta Georgia. Parian Paint Co. MANUFACTURERS Douse Paints and Specialties Aitanta, Georgia, Greater Georgia Gazetteer. i6i LEBANON, Milton County Ellington, J S, Gen Store LEESBUKG, Lee County Callaway, J P, Gen Store Carter, J T, Gen Store Cook & Tomlinson, Naval Stores Ford, T F 6 Co, Millinery Hancock, W C, Gen Store Hines, J M, Gen Store Holliday, T A, (agent). Gen Store Kimbrough, Mrs M, Gen Store Laramore, W M, Gen Store, Gin & Grist Mill Lee County Dispensary, LiquorfB Lipsey, L B, (Mrs J A), Gen Stors Long, H L, Drugs Mims, F M, Saw Mill Miuter, J A cS; Co, Saw Mill Odum, L A, (Mrs H C), Gen Store Pettis, D C, (Mrs D A), Gen Store Prior, E S, Gen Store Putnam, C F, Gen Store Hagan, D A, (agent). Gen Store Salter, James, Gen Store LEQUIN, Newton County Meadows, I \V, Gen Store Rogers Bros, Gin & Saw Mill LELAND, Mitchell County Nelson & Adams Lumber Co,- Saw MIU LELIATON, Coffee County Cross, J W, Gen Store Gray The) Lumber Co, Saw Mill McWhite, J F, & Keeffee, Naval Stores & Gen Store LENARD, Cobb County Martin, H P, Gen Store LENOX, Berrien County Baldwin, A J & Co, Gen Store Baldwin & Lowe, Gen Store & Saw Mill Gray Bargain House, Gen Store Lenox Bargain House, Gen Store Lott & Allen, Gen Store Lowe, H, Furniture Robinson, J D, Gen Store Shaw & Shaw, Gen Store LEO, Wlilte County Coolley, J D, Gen Store & Holler MIU Miller J M, Qen Store LE ROY, Appling County Cameron Bros, Naval Stores LESLIE, Sumter County Bradley, J L, Blacksmith ChamblisB Warehouse Co, Gen Stote Johnson Wilson Co, Gen Store Leslie Mercantile & Supply Co, Geo Store Leslie Planing Mill 'I ''11^ Rouse, B W & Bro, Gen Store Williams, J H, Qen Store LEVERETT, Lincoln Couaty Sims, L W, Gen Store LEWIS, Macon County Edwards W L, Gen Store Tarrer, J C, Gen Store LEWISTON, Wilkinson County Balkom B F, Gen Store Lewiston Clay Works, Pottery McWilliams, J L, Gen Store Smallwood W G, Gen Store LEXINGTON, Oglethorpe County Arnold & Rayle, Gen Store Bank of Lexington, W S Witham prei, C M Hunter cash, (Cap paid in $16m, suiplus $500) Brooks, Geo W, (agent). Gen Store Bush, W T, Gen Store Cooper, W J & Co, Gen Store Crawford & Maxwell, Gen Store Gottheimer, Wm M, Gen Store Knox, Annie, Millinery Lexington Milling Co Matthews, R L, Grocer Jlaxwell, Edgar, Gen Store Shackelford, W A. Publisher Smith Bros, Gen Store & Buggies LEXSY, Emanuel County Jones, C G & Bro, Grocers, etc Williamson & Powell, Gen Store Youmans, J C & Co, Naval Stores * Gen Store LIBERTY, Mitchell County Culpepper, D C, Gen Store LIBERTY HILL, Pike County Farley, L P, Gen Store Jackson, E P, Gen Store LICLOG, Gilmer County Anderson, J W, Gen Store UDE, Emanuel County Woods, 3 A, Gen Store LIFSEY, Pike County LKsey, J C, Gen Store LI60N, Bartow County Griffin, P C, Gen Store Griffin & Moore, Gen Store & Saw Mill Ligon, J O, Gen Store Nichols, Z T, Gen Store LILBUEN, Gwinnett County Bracewell & Brownlee, Gen Store Lee, J A & W A, Gen Store McDanicl, J C, Gin Q Saw Mill Nash & Carroll, Gen Store Young, J S & Son, Gen Store LILLIAN, Washington County Smith, J L, Gen Store LILLYPOND, Gordon County Colston, W L, Wagon Mkr McDaniel, J M, Gen Store LIMERICK, Liberty Co unty Dryer S D & Co, Gen Store LIMESINK, Decatur County Parker, R A, Gen Store Peeples, J L, Gen Store & Naval Stores Prebles Paul & Co, Naval Stores & tten Store LINA, Wilkes County Orr, A J, Gen Store/ & Saw Mil LINCOLNTON, Lincoln Ckiunty Estes & Dozier Groves, C L, Gen Store HoUenshead, C S, Gen Store Mitchell, T P, Drugs Murray, J F, Gen Store Parks, W E & Son, Gen Store Price & Nash, Gen Store Willingham, A S & Co, Undertakers LINDALE, Floyd County Barnett, D W, Meats Bohannau & Lanning, Gen Store Brittain Bros, Gen Store & Drugs Callaway & Bradshaw, Gen Store Calloway & Curry, Gen Store Dunahoo, W G, Gen Store Ellenburg Bros, Grocers Harburg Bros, Grocers Koptevoske, Ike, D Gds Mass Cotton Mills in Georgia Reese, Paul D, Drugs Russell & Harbour, Contee Stephens, Sallie, (Mrs John), Groceries Tankersley & Towns, Meats Wallis & Dabbs, Grocers Wardlaw R F & Co, Gro & Milly LINDSEY, Washington County Walker Bros, Gen Store LINK, Stewart County Cleveland T W, Gen Store LINTON, Hancock County Bateman G W, Jeweler Moran C W, Gen Store Trawick J T, Gen Store LINWOOD, Bartow County Edwards John W, Gen Store LISBON, Lincoln County Cade R L, Milling Dallas W H. Gen Store Du Bose B J, Gen Store LITHIA SPRINGS, Douglas County Blair James & Co, Gen Store Garrett & Starnes, Drugs Starnes T J, Gen Store & Litery Watson & Strickland, Gen Store LITHONIA, DeKalb County Almand & George, Gen Store Bishop W J Sons, Granite Bond W A cS J B, Gen Store Bonds D B, Gen Store Brand J T, Gen Store & Granite Brantley Granite Co Brownlow A B, Gen Store Chupp D B, Miller j 1 62 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. LITHONIA— Continued. Chupp J L, Gen Store Corley John W, Meats Evans & Davidson, Stone Contrftctora Georgia Rough & Cut Stone Co Guinn Bros, Grocers Hailey S A, Milly & Notions Johnson W M, Gen Store Johnson G M & Co, Geo Store Johnson J C & Co, Gen Store Johnson J E Drug Co Johnson J E Shoe Co Jones Francis Co, Granite Contra Kelly J W, Gen Store Leftwich, Wright & Power, Gen Store Levy J, Tailor Lowe T J, Gen Store McDonald C H, Grocer Moore M C, Gen Sore Nuckols S S, Gen Store Ozmer R C & Bro, Gen Store Phillips T P, Grocer Rankin C A, Livery Reagin N W, Meats Reagin E & Co, Marble Quarry Record Publishing Co, Newspaper Rowan B F, Blacksmith Southern Granite Co, Rock Quarry Tribble R H & Co, Gen Store Warren A I, Livery Wesley & Co, Gen Store West End Co, Gen Store Winburn S (Mrs D D), Dry Goo(to LIVERPOOL, Forsyth Oouoty Durham J B, Gen Store Hunter J T, Drugs LIVINGSTON, Floyd County Landers H B & Co, Gen Store Shipley Thomas, Gen Store Webb J W, Gen Store LIZELLA, Bibb County Hall & Yates, Gen Store McCook M L (Mrs G E), Gro LOCKETT, Chattooga County Clements Hall & Co, Gen Store LOCO, Lincoln County Smalley C D & Co, Gen Store Tyler A H, Miller' & Mfr Brick LOCUST GROVE, Henry OonBty Bank of Locust Grove Etheridge Pres, J W Bro\vn Cashr Brooks R N, Gen Store Brown R C, Gen Store etc Castellow & Castellow, Gen Store Gardner J L, Dry Goods Gardner & Holsomback, Fum Undtkrs Heflin & Price, Flour Mill Peek & Co, Grocers Price A H Merc Co, Gen Store Pursley L H, Blacksmith Upchurch T J, Gro & Hotel Williams C V, Gen Store LOFTIN, Heard County Duffy S S, Gen Store LOGANVILLE, Walton County Bennett N O, Cotton Seed Bennett & Knight, Blacksmiths Brasswell W H & Son, Gen Store and undertakers Brasswell W H & Son, Gen Store and Undertakers Cooper J P, Gen Store Floyd W L, Lum Fertilizers etc Floyd W L & Co, Gin & Saw MiU George C C, Hotel Hodges Lamar T, Dry Goods Hodges D Y & Co, Gen Store Loganville Banking Co A M Brooks Pres. W A Bennett Gash Cap paid in $15,300) Mitchell Will, Gen Store Moore J L, Hotel Robertson W F, Gen Store Rockmore J P, Gen Store Shellnut E F, Furniture Stevens G A, Blacksmith LOIS, Berrien County Carter J E, Gen Store Edmondson C D, Gen Store LOLLIE, Laurens County Pope G B, Saw Mill Pritchett George E & Co, Naval Stores LON, Bulloch County Lanier J D, Gen Store Peeples B J, Saw Mill LONE OAK, Meriwether County Hopson J B, Gen Store Lone Oak Gin Co Sewell EEC, Gen Store Sewell & Nail, Gen Store LONG BRANCH, Tattnall County Marlow J D,' Grocer Sikes J W, Gen Store & Gin LONG CANE, Troup County Greene H H, Gen Store LONGPOND, Montgomery County Adams A L, Toombstones, etc Calhoun W P, Gen Store Calhoun J W & Wm, Saw Mill Johnson Peter, Saw Mill, Gin and Grist Mill McArthur J H, Naval Stores, etc McBryde E T, Gen Store Moses M T, Gin Nease L R, Gen Store LONGSTREET, Pulaski County Barksdale B E, Gen Store Frazier & Dunham, Gen Store Helms J E & Co, Gen Store Reeves T S, Gen Store Whitehurst Burke, Gen Store Wimberly H S, Gen Store LOEANE, Bibb County Culverhouse G W, Gen Store Powers N A, Gen Store Powers & Harrison, Gen Store LOST MOUNTAIN, Cobb County Arnold J W & Co, Gen Store LOTA, Thomas County Reaves M A, Gen Store LOTHAIR, Montgomery County Bamhill D S, Gen Store Barwick Natlian, Saw Mill Doster Jeff A, Gen Store Frost J J, Saw Mill Hobbs P O, Gen Store McCrimmon W C, Saw MiU and Gen Store Mosely AV R, Jeweler Mosley B A, Gen Store Pate E C & Co, Gen Store Pritchett William, Naval Stores and Gen Store Smith L, Gen Store LOTHHOP, Walker County LOTT, Emanuel County Gay Q C, Gen Store L0UDBEE6, ■Wilkes County Hopkins W L, Gen Store LOUISE, Troup County Porter Bros, Gen Store LOUISVILLE, Jefferson County Aldred A E, Gen Store Bank of Louisville, William S Witham Pres, L R Farmer Cash Cap paid in $25m, surp $23m) Beall J L & Co, Gen Store Benning James, Grocer Bostick R L, Gen Store Brown James F, Contr & Bldr Brown J F & Co, Mill and Gin Clark S M, Fertilizers Cohen Bargain House, Gen Store Comer & Williams, Commissary Davis Elbert & Son, Grocers Dawson & Alexander, Gen Store Farmer L R & Co, Lumber, Coal, etc First Nat Bank of Louis\'ille, H M Co- mer Pres, W W Abbott Cash (Cap paid in $35m) Gamble M G, Gen Store Gav I J, Gen Store Hall William, Live Stock Irwin Bros, Blacksmiths Keith's J J Sons, Grocers Little William, Gen Store & Gin Little, Williams & Co, Gen Store Louisville Drug Co Louisville Mfg Co, Cotton Seed Products Lowry W P, Cotton Seed, etc McKenzie W B, Gen Store Oates W A, Gen Store Polhill & Denny Co, Gen Store Ponder E E, Gen Store Proskitt T B, Butcher Rhodes Bros, Livery and Sale Stables Stone-Murphy Co, Gen Store White J W, Publisher Wimberly H, Gen Store Wright's Pharm.acy LOUVALE, Stewart County Cain H T, Gen Store Hewell J B, Gen Store Tatum M D, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 163 LOVEJOY'S STATION, Clayton County Conkle G H, Gen Store Edwards & Dorsey, 'Xen Store Fullerton J J, Grocer McVicker A V, Gen Store McVicker Bros, Gen Store Mitcham & Wyiin, Gen Store Peeplea Z T, uen Store Stanfield J M, Blacksmith Stantield Bros, Grocers , LOVELACE, Troup County Godwin G T, Gen Store LOVETT, Laurens County Askew Mrs A S, Gen Store Bush & Hattaway, Gen Store Farmers' & Merchants' Warehouse, Com Cotton Glover S F, Wheelwright Kight N J (Mrs B T), Gen Store Lovett E A, Gen Store Manning J L, Gen Store and Naval Stores Marchman J C, Gen Store LOWELL, Carroll County Burns B L, Gen Store Lambert J A, Gen Store Nix W L, Gen Store LOWRY, Fayette County Spurlin J M & Son, Gen Store LUCILE, Miller County DuBose & Batchellor, Gen Store Houston J L & Co, Gen Store White & Houston, Gen Store LUCKY, Haralson County Waddell W J, Gen Store Wells J C, Gen Store LUDOVIC, Bulloch County Knight A J & Bros, Gen Store LUDVILLE, Pickens County Hamrick Bros, Gen Store Slagle & Allen, Gen Store Stewart W S, Gen Store LUELLA, Henry County Adams Bros, Gen Store Bailey W H, Gin Collier W P, Gen Store Smith S E, Blacksmith LUKE, Wilcox County Ennis J H, T3en Store Greer W A & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores GriiHn Bros, Gen Store Hancock Fred, Gen Store LULA, Hall County Cagle C D, Livery Carter .^ S, Livery, etc Carter Merc Co, Gen Store Cofiee Joel, Gen Store & Hotel Engelka A, Restaurant Gowder H N, Gen Store Harris B F, Gen Store Hawkins James D, Gen Store Hill G W & Son, Gen Store Hyder Boling & Co, Gen Store Jones B F, Confectioner Kendrick W R, Gen Store Martin H B, Blacksmith, etc Martin Richard, Gen Store Woodall M K, Gen Store LULATON, Wayne County Collins A L, Gen Store Courson J L Co, Gen Store Mitchum H W, Grocer Pierce Trading Co, Gen Store Raybon D B, Gro & Shoes LUMBER CITY, Telfair County Allen J (Mrs Haynes), Grocer Bank of Lumber City Bohannon M L & Co, Crossties Cook Matt, Gen Store etc Davis T H, Livery Dease R C, Livery, etc Dyal F L, Gen Store Erie Lumber Co, Mfrs Lumber & Crates Ferguson Mrs H N, Millinery Gurtman & Harrison, Grocers, etc Jennings W A, Meats Lumber City Brick Works Lumber City Pharmacy McArthur & Mitchell, Gen Store McArthur & Wilcox, Furniture Mims J W, Gen S:ore Ocmulgee River Lumber Co Perkins Mrs W S, Millinery Reynolds J B, Drugs Ryals H C, Grocer Ryalg J W, Drugs Ryals W R, Dry Goods Steel G T, Hotel and Livery Thompson & Ryals, Meats Vaughn J D, Gen Store Wilcox J H & Co, Gen Store LUMPKIN, Stewart County Bank of Stewart County, A H Simpson Pres, W L Mardre Cash. Burts N R, Gen Store Carter E L, Gen Store Carter W P, Gin, etc Carter & Patterson, Fertilizers Chambless E M & Co, Gen Store Corbett Epsie (Mrs M), Hotel Dalton S H, Grocer Darby J B, Grocer Dennard T D, Gen Store Forrester G, Publisher Gillis W S, Gen Store Harrell M A (Mrs B F), Gen Store Heard & Cozart, Drugs Herin & Beall, Dry Goods Holder J T & Son, Livery Latimer A W, Publisher McDowell M T, Gen Store Overby W W, Gen Store Overley B H, Grocer Pearson E P & Son, Furn, etc Pinkston J G, Gin Pugh G W, Gen Store Raleigh A L, Gen Store Raleigh F A, Grocer Richardson J D, Gen Store Rockwell E H, Jeweler Sherling B W & J A, Gen Store Singer F S, Gen Store Singer John L, Grocer Singer Miss Mattie, Gen Store Solomon C O, Millinery Surles C A, Carriages Thompson J J, Livery and Undtkr Tondee W H, Warehouse Trammell T L, Gen Store Wood B L & Co, Gen Store LUPONT, Effingham County Graham J A, Saw Mill LUSK, Fannin County Greenway J G, Gen Store Spinks G F, Gen Store LUTHEH, Warren County LUTHERSVILLE, Meriwether County- Albright & Fitls, Blacksmiths Chandler A, Gen Store Colley Bros, Gen Store Lasseter H J, Drugs Lasseter & Norris, Gen Store McWilliams C F, Gen Store Williams Gus, Gen Store Williams J H J & G, Gen Store LUXOMNI, Gwinnett County Kenerly I N & Son, Gen Store Todd & Hunt, Gen Store LYERLY, Chattooga County Cherokee Mining & Mfg Co Gilmer & Anderson, Blacksmiths Hill & Wheeler, Gen Store Lee A J, Mfr Chairs Pollock J L & Bro, Gen Store Rome (The) Furnace Co, Gen Store and Miners Rose J M, Gen Store Rush J M Mill Co, Simmons T B, Saw Mill Stark & Doster, Gen Store Stark & Son, Gen Store LYNCH, White County Hood J E, Gen Store Stovall W I, Gen Store LY'NEVILLE, Taliaferro County Asbury F L, Gen Store LYONS, Tattnall County Aaron J B, Gin & Grist ffiU Aaron I E & Co, Drugs & Sundries Bird W A & Co, Gen Store Broughton Mrs M P, Milly Brown L M (Mrs J P), Gen Store Coleman I O, Naval Stores Coleman J E, Gen Store Coleman W H & Bro, Gro etc Davis & Coleman, Gen Store Dewitt S B (Mrs T H), Livery Duffy J P, Blacksmith Ehrlich H, Dry Goods Evans W J & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Fields H I, Grocer Folsom S L & Son, Grocers Ganey & Godwin, Gen Store Garbutt & Donovan, Saw Mill Giles & Odom, Gen Store Hooks J J, Gen Store HuBscy S I, Gen Store Lyons Drug Co Lyons Hardware Co Lyons Pharmacy McBride J B, Hotel McNatt & McBride, Gen Store 164 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. L VONS— Continued. Newton D C & Son, Naval Stores and Gen Store O'Neil R S, Confectioner Odom & Co, Uen Store Parker P J, Grocer Partin George R, Staty & Confeo People's Ci'ie) Bank ot Lyons, J L Ben- ton Pres, \V U liinter Cash Rogers C J & Co. Gen Store Rogers & 2\ewton, Gen Store Smith F il & Co, Planing Mill Thompson Bros, Saw Mill Tuten W G & Co, Grocers LYTLE, "iValker County Bagwell R B, Gen Store Henry Hayden, Gen Store McARTHUR, Montgomery County Jordan J T, Saw Mill McArthur & Mitchell, Gen Store, San MiU, Gin etc McBEAN DEPOT, Richmond County Cox J T, Gen Store Fulcher J W, Gen Store McElmurray W W, Gen Store Winter B G Jr, Gen Store McOASiy, Johnson County Armstrong C, Gen Store Underwood E B, Gen Store McOOLLUM, Coweta County McCoUum J E, Gen Store McCONNELL, Cherokee County Heard & McGuUian, Gen Store McDANIEL, Pickens County McDaniel Holmes & Co, Gen Store McDonald, coffee County Bailey J F & T A, Saw Mill Brooker A D, Saw Mill Dorris & Thigpen, Gen Store Sears D, Gen Store Stewart Merc Co, Gen Store Tanner T, Gen Store Mcdonough, Henry County Bank of Henry County, F S Etheridge Pres, J B Dickson Cash Bankston Joel Jr, Blacksmith Carmichael B B & Sons, Fum, Lumber etc Copeland H J (The) Merc Co, Gen Store Costley-Bowden Gin Co Dearing & Smith, Gen Store Dun F E (Mrs H L), Hotel Fouche J A, Publisher Goodwin Ed, Grocer Rogers & Newton, Gen Store Green D J & Co, Fertilizer, Cotton Seed etc Huling W A Co, Gen Store Kelley T C, Gin Kelley & Brannon, Grocers I Lemon G W. Qrocer ,' ^la'JI) McDonald C D, Drugs McDonough Drug Co McDonough Mercantile Co ( Manly Mrs R C, Millinery Maxwell Miss Kate, Millinery Norman M A, Gin Rogers J S, Live Stock & Warehouse Russell J B, Gin Scott D W, Drugs Sloan T A & Co, Dry Goods Smith B, Harness & Shoe Maker Smith Joel J, Livery Smith John R, Machine Shop, etc Stewart W H, Blacksmith Strobhar C W, Agr Implts & Dairy Tidwell W E, Picture Frames and Re- pair Shop Tolleson H M, Live Stock Tucker C L Co, Drugs Turner H C, Gen Store Upchureh, J V (agt), Oroosr Woodward N W, Meats McGregor, Montgomery County McArthur W T, Naval Stores & Gen Store McGregor A T, Gen Store McHENRY, Gordon County Fields L 0, Grist Mill Kinnon Andrew J, Gen Store McDaniel C E (agt). Gen Store McINTOSH, Liberty County Cassell's R Q Son, Gen Store Perry E R, Naval Stores & Gen Store Perry Richard, Gen Store Phillips R P, Blacksmith McINTYHE, Wilkinson County Hughs W J, Gen Store Murphy J M, Grocer Price Henry Jr. Gen Store Shepherd, M, Gen Store Walden W W, Gen Store McKEE, Dawson County Anderson Mrs A, Mill McKee J H, Gen ^ore McKIBBEN, Butts County Taylor Mrs Emma, Gen Store McKINNON, Wayne County McLEOD, Emanuel County Kountree E D, Gen Store McPHERSON, Paulding County Butler, Mrs J B, Gen Store Coleman Bros, Saw Mill McClendon Charles, Gen Store McMachen Bros, Lumber Suit John, Gen Store & Coaling McRAE, Telfair County Ault W, Saw Mill Bond L A, Planing Mill Boothe T W, Gen Store Brewton W C, Grocer etc Broward J P, Meats Bullard & Galpert, Men's Furng Citizens' (The) Bank. J F Cook Prea, Olin Pharr, Oashier Coleman W B, Saw & Shingle Mill Cook-Boothe Furniture Co Cooper R B (agt), Grocer Dennis, W J, Saw MiU Evans J \V, Grocer Folsom W B, Gen Store Folsom & TiUman, Hardware Forester, Fanny, Millinery Freedman J, Dry Goods etc Graham T S, Gen Store HaiTis, Mrs T A, Hotel Haynes O V, Baker Heath L A, Livery Hind & Churchwell, Gen Store Holland George T, Gen Store and Na- val Stores Jones J I, Meats Keimon B M, Drugs Lindsey Mrs G B, Millinery McLean J T, Buggies & Harness Mcltae Andrew, Com Cotton McRae A S J, Gen Store McEae O F, Publisher McRae Oil & Fertilizer Co, Cottonseed Products Merchant T L & Co, Grocers Merchants' (The) Bank, H E Pritehett Pres, H H Whiddon Cash Miller James, Saw Mill Mordaugh J E, Gen Store Prevost, J M, Shoemaker Rawles R K, Undertaker Redmond J H, Grocer Ryals A L, Gen Store ^tvinney W E, Drugs Telfair Furniture Co Telfair Pharmacy Walker & Co, ^Vheehvi-ights Wilcox Hardware Co Wilcox J L & Co, Gen Store Williams, J T, Gen Store Wright J C, Jeweler McRAEVILLE, Decatur County Morgan Lillie (Mrs J H), Gen Store McVILLE, Dodge County Brown Calvin, Gen Store McMillan & Co, Saw Mill McWHORTER, Douglas County Gaston & Hudson, Gen Store MABEL, Camden County Kirkland J J, Gen Store Strickland F S, Grocer ■''■ / " ' P" ■ ij ;1 V,! ; MABLETON, Cobb County Barber Mrs E A, Gen Store Gamer W P, Grocer Landers M A J, Gen Store Lowe T J, Fertilizers Lowe T J Jr, Gen Store Nix M H, Drugs Moss A Y, Gen Store MABRY, Carroll County Warren A J, Gen Store MACEDONU, Miller County Phillips W A, Gen Store MAOEO, Emanuel County Anderson J H, Gen Store Greater Geowgia Gazetteer. i6s MACHEN, Jasper County Baynes R A, Gen Store Builard Bros, Gen Store Cook J 6, Grocer Martin S L, (Mis J B), Gen Stora Smith J K & Co, Gen Store MACON, Bibb County Acme Brewing Co, Brewers, Beer and Mfrs Ice Adams H D, W & R Grocer Adams Bros Co, \V Grocers Adams B T & Co, Com Cotton and Fer- tilizers Adams & Johnson, W & E Gro Adanison Mrs A V, Grocer Alexander G S, Friuts & Confec Allen J H, Meats Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co, "W Amason J W, Gro and Liqs Am Nat Bank, J M Johnston Pres, L P Hillyer Caoh Anderson W F, Brickyard Andrew J B, Grocer Armstrong W M & Co, Gro & Saloon Arnold Thomas, Grocer Artope & Whitt Co, Granite & Marble "Ashworth W H, Mfr Carriages Atwell 6 W, Grocer Baggarly B H, Grocer C. T. BAILEY, 419 Poplar St., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Feed Stuffs and Cow Peas. Bailey Henry, Grocer Balkcom M C (agt), Hdwe etc Barfield, H L, W & B Grocer Barlow M J (Mrs M T), Grocer Barnes Mrs W J, Millinery Bari^on T J, Grocer I. BASHINSKI, Kennesaw Bar and Restaurant. Opposite Union Depot. Open Day and Night. Battle William, Broom Mfr Bazaar (The), Millinery Bazemore AV L, Grocer Becker J H, Furniture Bedingfleld & Co, W & R Liqs Bell S E, Gen Store Benner J H & G H, Saloon Benson, Walker & Moore, Clo etc Bentley George, Grocer Bernd G & Co, W & R and mfrs Har- ness, Saddlery, etc Bibh Brick Co, Mfrs Bibb Furnishing Co, Furniture Bibb Mfg Co, Cotton Goods W. W. BILLINGSLEA, 452 Mulberry St., Manufacturer of Three Little Devils, Headache Powders. Billingslea's Pharmacy Binion Z T, Grocer Blaekshear E R (Mrs T B), Photogra- phers Block A & N M, Liquors Blouenstein S, Pawnhroker Blue Hill Gold Mining Co Blue (The) Store, Gro & Meats Boon W H, Grocer Best Clifford (Mrs A M), Grocer Bost W H, Blacksmith OSCAR BRADLEY, 466 First St., Staple and Fancy Groceries. Wholesale and Retail. Phone 423. Bradley Oscar, Grocer Bradley W E, Blacksmith Brannon Mrs M V, Grocer Brantly J M, Meats Bright Green Y & Son, Grocers Brooks William, Repair Shop Brown Burr, Stationer Brown Willis, Fruits Wag Co Brown & James Furnituri Bruhl P E, Jeweler Brunner^ Drug Co Brunson J H, Grocer Bryan J E, Dry Goods Bryant Isaiah, Grocer Co BURDEN SMITH & CO., Second and Cherry Sts. LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE. E. L. BURDICK, 452 Poplar St., Groceries and Farmers' Supplies. Burke T C, W & R Paints, Sash, Door etc L. H. BURGHARD, 155 Cotton Ave. Funeral Director. BURNETT & GOODMAN, Bush & Cornell, Gen Store Calfce, Cecil, Upholster Cambrevi A, Fruits, Confec, etc FRANK CAMERIERO, 612 Mulberry St. The American Barber Shop. Hot and Cold Baths. Cameriero M F & Co, Fruits etc Cannon H G, Gro & Lqs Carroll I A, Saloon Carstarphen T J Warehouse Co, W Gro Caserio J & Co, Fruits & Confec THE CASH STORE, H, A. Kennington, Mgr. 328 Main St., E. Macon. Groceries Specialty, Dry Goods, Coun- try Produce, Fruits, Etc. Cassidy H (Mrs D), D Gds & Millj- Cassidy James, Saloon Cassidy O, Bar Cassidy Bros, Liquors Cassidy & Gillespie, Saloon Castellaw W H, Grocer CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, H. A. Clark, Prop. 312 Second Street. Central City Brick Co, Central City Drug Co Central City Ice Works Central Georgia Bank, R H Brown Pt«^ T O Chestney Cash Chancy William, Grocer Chapman P H, Gen Store THE CHEATHAM DRUG & SEED COMPANY, , Dealers in All Kinds of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds. Mulberry and Third Streets. Cheek R L & Co, Clo & Men's Fumg Cherry Drug Co Childs C W & G W, Blksts Christians T J, Grocer Clark H V, Gro & Meats Clark T H, Gro & Liqs G. P. CLARKE & CO., Wholesale and Retail Fish, Oysters, Poultry and Game. 655 Poplar St. Clay Lamar, Undertaker CleautiB D, Fruits & Ooafeotiouery Clinton Road Gro Co Clisby & McKay, Boots & Shoes Coggins J M Jr, Job Printer Coleman Sadie, Grocer THE T. A. COLEMAN BOOK & PRINTING CO., Booksellers, Stationers and Printers. & Morris, Job Printers COLLEGE HILL PHARMACY, E. S. BAYNE, Mgr. Washington Ave. and Orange Street. Collier C F & Bro, Grocers COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK, A General Banking Business Transacted. Special Facilities for Handling. Collections on all Georgia Points. Connor J W, Grocer Cook J R & Co, Brickyard Couch, Matilda (Mrs H A), Gro Cox & Chappell Co, W Grocers Crawford J D, Grocer Crawford L C (Mrs H), Gen Store CRESCENT STEAM LAUN- DRY. 403 Cotton Ave., E. Elkan Prop., Most Modern and Up-to-date Plant i the South. C. H. CRIMM, Supt. Agents Sun Life Assurance Co., Commercial Bank Building, Crimmins T E, Saloon Croom J T, Jeweler Cross J D, Grocer Crumps Park Drug Store Curry J H, Dry Goods Dannenberg (The) Co, W & R Drir Goods etc Darsey J W. Carriage Repairer Dans A & Co, Liquors Davicison John E, Gen Store Da-sis W E, Gen Store Disroon, Frank, Grocer 1 66 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. MACON— Continued. Davis J P, Grocer Davis Mrs Kate, Grocer etc Davis M D, Dry Goods etc Davis W A & Co, Com Cotton De Berull A, Grocer De'BerufE M L (Mrs A), Dry Goc S. E. DENNARD, Third and Mulberry, Livery, Peed and Sale Stables, First- Class Turnouts. Phone 152. Devlin Ed, Gro & LJqs Devlin Hugh, Gro & Liqs Dewberry Elizabeth (Mrs W A), Gtooer DeWlTT McCRARY, 338 Main Street, East Macon. Druggist and Manufacturer of McCrary's Teething Powders. Washington Dessau, Nathaniel E. Harris. Walter A. Harris, Pope S. Hill. DESSAU, HARRIS & HARRIS, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at L/aw. Dinkier L J, Saloon Dixie (The) Co, W & E D Goods etc Donnelly T II (Est of). Gen Store & U<| Doody W A (The) Co, Dry Goods DoBter W D, Saloon Doughlass C H, Saloon Drew & Parker, Gro & Liqs Dumas & Herndon, Fish etc Dunlap Hardware Co, W * R Dupriest & Turner, Grocers Durden Miss S, Grocer Durden J J & Son, Grocers Eads John C & Co, Clothing etc EDEN & ROGERS CO., m Cotton Ave., Plumbing, Heating, Tinning. Edwards J C, Produce & Com Edwards J B & Co, Coal, Wood & Con Elder W F, Lumber Elliott J H, Grocer Ellis J W, Grocer Ellis Lmich Rooms Emory & Co, Undertakers Empire Coal Co, English, Johnston & Co, Cotton Warfr house & Compress Etheridge N J, Saloon Etheridge & Baker, Hardware CLAUD ESTES, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Does a General Practice. Evans J H, Livery Evans Melissa (Mrs O), Grocer Evers R C, Grocer Exchange Bank, J W Cabaniss Preg, C M Orr Cash Exchange Saloon & Cafe Fair Furniture Co Fargarson L H, Brokerage & OOtt Fidelity Produce Co Findlay Furniture Co Findlay Iron Works Co First (The) Nat Bank, R H Plant Pres, Luther Williams Cash Flahive J J, Saloon Fleetwood & Co, W Liquors Florida (The) Saloon Flournoy J A, Grocer Flournoy R B, Grocer Ford J W (agt). Furniture Forest H L & Bro, Cattle Freel & Co, Saloon Freeman E A, Gro & Meats Freeman R W, Furniture, etc Freeman T H (agt). Cigars etc Frey M & Son, Marble Fried J R & Co, W Notions etc Frink J S, Gro & Meats Furcron J M, Grocer Gagliardi C & Co, Fruits etc Cans & Lippman (agts), Cfgars, Liqs W Hats Gantt (The) M(g Co, Agrl Implts Gantt & Holmes, Com Cotton Gates T A, Blacksmith Geismar & Abramson, Grocers Georgia Fence Co, Dlrs Georgia Fruit Phosphate Co Georgia Furniture Co Georgia Kaoline Co THE GEORGIA LOAN & TRUST CO. Farm and City Loans. Lands Bought and Sold. 565 Mulberry Street. 0. A. Coleman, Gen. Mgr. Georgia Packing Co Georgia (The) Quincy Granite Co S. J. Stubbs, Prest. Chas. H. Jordan, Secy.-Treas. GEORGIA SPOOL AND BOB- BIN MFG. CO., Slubber, Intermediate and Speeder Bob- bins; Warp and Filling Bobbins, Spools, Skewers, and Quill Stubs. Georgia Wall Paper Co, Dlrs Gibson Preston, Grocer Gildea P & Co, Saloon Gildea & Cassidy, Saloon Globe Remedy Co, Mfg Chemists Glover S W, Grocer Godfrey & Bellinger, Gen Store Goette F W, Tailor Coins & Small Co, Coal and Wood GOLGAR & STEINBERG, 617 Poplar St., Dealers In Furniture. Goldman F, Dry Goods Goldman M, Saloon Goodin Mrs O L, Gen Store Goodson J W, Livery Goodyear W A, Wheelwright, etc Gormley J C, Tinware, Plumbing etc Gravbill Floyd, Meats Green J E, Gen Store J. C. GREEN, 330 Main St., E. Macon, Fine Wines and Liquors, Cigars and To- L (Mrs M). Grocer MISS M. J. GREENE, 157 Cotton Avenue, SELECT MILLINERY. Greenwood A, Clothing etc Gresham J L, Harness Griffith P D, Bicycles HARRY M. GRIGGS, Saloon and Pool Room. Headquarters for All Sporting Events. Gruhn A, Grocer Gullin George W, Blacksmitth etc Gunu J W & Son, Blksths & Wag Yd GUNN, TAYLOR & FOSTER, Feed and Sale Stables, Scientific Horse Shoeing. Guthman S, Laundry Guttenberger FAS Co, Musical Insts Haber (The) Blum-Bloch Hat Co, W CHAS H. HALL, JR., oS Pythian Castle, Attorney at Law. C. B. HALLEMAN, 464 First St., Fine Groceries and Table Condiments. Hallam Wirt W, Lumber Halliburton Bros, Grocers Hamlin R L, Grocer, etc Hammock B F & Co, Gro & Liqs Hardeman F S & Co, Cotton Factors Harris A C, Woodyard Harris Alex E, W D Gds & Notions Harris Ike, Saloon & Gro M. H. HARRIS, Attorney at Law. Washington Block. Harris -ilax J, D Goods Harris E B & Co, Shoes Harrison N C, Gro & Meats JESSE B. HART, 659 Mulberry St., Funeral Director and Embalmer. i Hartz John, Gen Store & JIfr Brooms Hatcher AV H, Drugs Hays & Mansfield, Planing Mill Heard Bros, Com Cotton Etc Heard, Whiteside & Nash, Gen Store Heimer M, Saloon Henderson & Co, Gen Store Hendley B H, Gro & Liqs Hondrix Miss N J, Millinery Henjy R L, Butcher W. L. HENRY CO., 214 Cotton Ave., Phone 242. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Sau- sage, Western Meats, Etc. Herndon Miss Nellie, Grocer Herring J F, Gro & Meats Hicke & Mullally, Livery C. C. HIGHTOWER, JR., 271 Washinston Ave., Staple and Fancy Groceries. Phone 435. Hightower J H, Grocer Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 167 MACON— Continued. Hightower J S, Grocer etc HirBch Jacob, Junk & Paper HoUeman C B, Grocer HoUoway J L, Grocer A. T. HOLT, REAL ESTATE and RENTING AGENT. 263 SecoBd Street, Macon, Ga., U. S. A. Holt L M, Gen Store Holt's Coal & Wood Yard Holt & Malone, W Grocers W. R. HOLT, Cor. Second and Poplar Sts. ■Wholesale Groceries, Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran and Stock Feed. . . . USE . . . HOLMES' MOUTH WASH, Preserves Teeth, Cures Bleeding Gums, Ulcers, Sore Mouth, Sore Throat. Purifies the Breath, Recommended by Leading Dentists. Sold by all Druggists and Dentists. Manufactured by Dr. W. N. Holmes, Dentist. $1.00. Home Savings Bank, R A Merritt Pres, Oscar E Dooly Cash Howard W C, Tinner Hubbard Edinburg, Grocer Hubbard J H (mgr), Saloon Hubbard Morris, Gi"o & Saloon Hubbard W R & Co, Livery etc C. HUHN, 520 and 622 Mulberry St., Sporting Goods. Hunt E P, D Gds & Notions Hunt T W, W Cigars & Chewing Gum Hunt Bros, Grocers Hunter W E, Grocer Hutchings C H & Co, Undtkrj IDLE HOUR NURSERIES, Growers of Clioice Flowers and Plan! Irvine's Ga Music House Isaacs E, Fruits etc Jackson B J, Grocer Jackson W A, Grocer Jacobvitz & Landis, D Gds 0. E. JAMES, The Largest and Cheapest Implement House in this Country. Cash or Credit. Jenkins C M, Gen Store Jenkins H A, Grocer Lampkin W W, Grocer Lannin Mrs S L, Grocer Lassiter Nannie (Mrs H L), Oro Lawson C L, Gen Store Lazarus J, Furniture Lazarus R (Mrs Max), Jeweler H. HERBERT JOHNSON, D.D.S. COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING. LEE & GREEN, 159 Cotton Ave, Practical Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Johnson H J, Grocer Johnson J W, Gen Store Johnson, King & Co, W Confec Lester-AVhitney Shoe Co, Lewis C L, Grocer Linch G R, Grocer Lingo G W, Wall Paper & DecorstiBg Lockhart J W, Grocer Loh Edward, Saloon & Rest J. W. JOHNSTON, JR., Crump Park, General Merchandise. HENRY P. LOH, 564 Mulberry St., Jones A D, Gro & Liqs BAXTER JONES, 409 Poplar St., FARM LANDS. TOBACCONIST. Long D F, Gro & Liqs Lorol Obie, Gen Store Lov^e Furniture Co Lucas C P, Grocer Luquire H F, Gen Store & Meate BEN L. JONES, East Macon, Grocer and Cotton Factor. McANDREW & TAYLOR, Jones F M, Wood Jones L A, Tailor Jones L R (Mrs F M), Milly Jones T J, Gro & Notions Jones W R M, Gen Store 566 Cherry St., Furnishers to Men and Women. McArthur & Sons Co, Pianos, Orgaoa, OTc McCall R L, Meats McCallum C L, Gen Store McCaw Mfg Co, Oils, Soaps, etc McCombs S E, Grocer McCommons Claj'ton, Grocer McCoy k Melton, Grocers McCrary De Witt, Drags McCrea W K, Gen Store McCreary Olin, Grocer JONES GOGERY CO., Foot of Mulberry St. Wholesale Groceries. Phone 540. Jones K & 3, Grocers Jones S & Co, W & R Grocers Jones & Gunn, Meats MALCOLM D. JONES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Over Max Jlorris Drug Store. McDonald J M, Grocer McEs'oy Book & Stationery Co HARRY M. McKAY & BRO., 360 Second Ave., MERCHANT TAILORS. Jordan J H, Grocer Joseph Thomas, Confectioner Juliette Milling Co, Grist JKll Kantorovitz H & Co, Tailors Kaplan H, Gen Store Kaplan & Backer, Furniture McKay J D & Co, Gro S: Meats McKervey Hugh, Shoemaker McManus Mrs Matty, Grocer McManus L Co, Furniture R. C. KEEN, 216 Cotton Ave., Staple and Fancy Groceries, Teas, Coffee and Spice. Macon Bottling Works Macon Cabinet Works Macon Carpet & Furniture Co THE MACON COCA COLA BOTTLING CO., 561 Mulberry St., Ex-clusive Bottlers of Coca Cola. Kelly J L B, Gen Store Kemper J T, Gen Store Kennington F, Grocer Kessler H, D Gds and Shoes Kessler M, D Gds, Shoes, etc Kessler Bros, Clothing, etc Macon Cooperag-e Co, Mfrs Macon Dental Depot Macon Gas Light & Water Oo Macon Grocery Co, W Macon Ice Delivery Co Macon Lumber & Mfg Co Maoon Machine Shops, Gen Eopslif KING & OLIPHANT, PHARMACISTS. Cotton Ave. and Mulberry St. Lackay J P, Gen Store Lackay & Lackay, Gro & Saloon Lamar H J & Co, Timi^s Lamar's Roller Flour Mills, Oea Store and Mill Lamar, Taylor & RTTey V'- Co, W & R Lamar & Lamar, Drugs Macon Mining Co, Kaolin, etc MACON PARLOR FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Artistic Bed Lounges, Couches, and Mor- ris Chairs for the Trade. Greater Georgia Gazetteer MACOX— Continued. Macon Pressing & Tailoring Co MaeoD Railway & Light Co Macon Savings Bank, H T Powell pres, J W Cannon Cash MACON SHOE CO., MACON SEED HOUSE, L. W. Gray, Mgr., Garden, Field and Flower Seed. Stock and Poultry Powders, 466 Poplar Street. MACON SPRING'BED & MAT- TRESS CO. Manufacturers of All Grades Springs, Cots, Mattresses, Pillows, Etc. Macon Telegraph Publishing Co MACON TRUNK CO., 163-165 Cotton Ave., Trunks, Bags, Suit Cages. Macon Wall Paper Co Macon Yellow Pine & Hardwood Co, Mfrs Sash, Doors & Blinds Mallary Bros Machinery Co Mallary Mill Supply Co Mallary & Taylor Iron Works Manchester Mfg Co, Cotton Yarn.i Mandle C & D, Saloon Marshall T P, Mfr Drugs & Chemicals Maesoe & Felton Lumb?r Co, Mfrs Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc DRS. J. M. & R. H. MASON, 354 Second St., DENTISTS. Uatthews Annie (Mrs S A), Gro Mayer & Watts, W & R Oro & Com Cotton Meath M J, Plumber Mercer J J, Jeweler Merkel's Baker.v, Oonfec & Bakers Merritt S B, Carriage & Wagon Repair- er Merritt T E, W & R Grocer Merritt Hardware Co Messier H, Blacksmith Michael Joseph, Clothing E. A. MIDDLEBROOKS, 203 Hardeman Ave., Fancy and Family Groceries. MilUrong J W & C M, Bottling Works MILNER, THE PHOTOGRA- PHER, Located at 161 Cotton Ave. Mims J S, Grocer Miralgia E, Gro & Gonfec Mixon M H, Grocer Mohlwk Cider & '^'inejar Works Moll H, Jewelry, etc Moody L B, Grocer Moore A B, Grocer, etc Moore B A, Meats Moore C B, Gro & Saloom Moore T H, Butcher Moore & Shinholser, Gro & Liq Morgan AV T, Dru^s Morris F (Mrs M I), Dry Goods etc MAX MORRIS DRUG CO., 656 Cherry St., PHARMACISTS. Morris & Wilchinski, Millinery Moaeley M E (Mrs J F), Gen Store Muecke F W, Cabinet Works Munsch C, Grocer Murphy John, Saloon Murphy Patrick, Saloon Napier Bros, W Grocers Neel W W, Grocer Neill William & Co, Hotel NeW'Comb J A, Hotel Newman M, Baker & Confec Newman Millinery Co News (The) Printing Co, Publishers etc Newton C E & Bro, Produce O'ConnoU C, Gro & Liqs O'Hara JI, Saloon Oakley Emma (Mrs H S), Milly Odom C W, Gro & Meats Odom Bros, Grocers Palmer Mfg Co, Cooperage Paleveda Andrew, Grocer, etc Papadea P, Confectioner THE PARK HOTEL, Rate |2,00 to $2.60. Parker H C, Grocer Parker T F, Grocer Parker Railway News Co, Staty Parmelee S S, Carriages, etc ' Parr N I & Co, Grocers N. I. PARR, 271 Ocmulgee St., GROCERIES AND FRUITS. Patterson A L & Co, Inc, Contractii Engineers Paul B F, Grocer PajTie Cotton Mills, Mfrs Yarns PELLEW'S PHARMACY, 124 Hardeman Ave., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Permenter Shoe Co Peyser M Jr, Cigars Pej-ton J B, Grocer Phillips John, Wood Wkr Phillips Mrs L E, Grocer Phillips & Jones. Inc. Men's Furng Pitts Mrs E L, b Gds & etc Plant R H, Banking & Ins Plant's I C Son, Banker Planters Supply Co, Live Stock & Fer- tilizer Pleasant Hill Pharmacy J. W. POE, 378 First St., Cutter and Finisher of Monument and Building Stones. Poole Mrs J J, Grocer Poumelle M W, Hotel Powers F H (agt), Books & Staty Press Printing Co, Pubs & Job Printers Putzel Morris, Electrical Supplies Quinland J J, Baker & Confec Raley G L, Gro & Meats Raley J L, Gro & Liqs Raley J S, D Gds etc Raley J L & Son, Liquors Raley J S & Co, Gro & Liqs RANEY & CALLAGHAN, 456 First Street, Ji', Office Outfitter THE RED CYPRESS LUM- BER COMPANY, Manufacturers of CYPBESS LUMBER AND SHINGLES. All Communications to be addressed to the Company. RED STAR TRADING STAMP COMPANY, 212 Colton Ave. Red Cypress (The), Lumber Co, Saw Mill Redding W G, Grocer Reddy T B, Grocer Rees G A, Grocer Reeves James, Grocer Etc Reid Shoe Co, R Dlrs Reynolds W H, Grocer RHODES, AUSTIN FUR. CO., 173 and 175 Cotton Ave., House Furnishers on Easy Payments. Rice C W, Drugs Richmond A N & Co, Saloon Richter H J, Restaurant Ricks L C, Tinner, etc Ricks W W, Grocer Rivers Mrs H A, Gen Store Robinson W J, Furniture Rodgers W H, Gro & Meats Rossman W H, Grocer Koush Produce Co Rustin J T, Grocer Ryder Mrs M L, Grocer R.ymer Piano & Organ Co, Dlrs Samuels & SjTnan, Tailors Sanders Furniture Co Sawyer E J, Grocer Schall George (agt), Gro & Meats Schatzman William H, Carriage & Wag Mkr Schmidt Margaret (Mrs H), D Gds SchoBeld'B J S Sons (The) Co, Iron Works Schofleld Mfg Co, Knitting Mills W. E. SHELTON, 672 Poplar St. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty. Shinholser & Co, Vehicle Shinholser W N, Saloon Simmons W S, Saloon A PURE OLD CORN WHISKEY besides being the best known stimulant, has an unsurpassed therapeutical value It is an ideal tonic for fortifying the system. BUT IT MUST BE PURE. Our forefatheiri used a very primitive method in the distillation of Corn Whiskey for their own family and medicinal purposes, but the product was honest and unadulte- rated. We adopted this "primitive method" years ago, improving on it as our experi- ments justified. We discovered that by a double filtration through charcoal the injurious oils could be eliminated from our product and that by ageing it in lightly charred barrels the whiskey acquired a rich amber color and that soft velvety taste so exquisite to the connoisseur, so palatable to the most delicate invalid. R. M. Rose Co. own more old Georgia ' primitive method" Corn Whiskey in stock and bond from one to six years old than all other dealers in the United States combined. Rose's celebrated Old Corn Whis- kies are sold to the consumer direct. Terms are strictly cash with order. Owing to recent court decisions, liquors cannot be shipped C. O. D. to prohibition towns. All mail orders receive the prompt and pergonal attention of R. M. Rose, Pres., or Randolph Rose, Secretary & Treasurer. R. M. ROSE CO. 79=81 PEACMTREE ST., ATLANTA, = = = = GEORGIA. iV M. ROSE CO. yf ^ DISTILLERS. > ^ I I I THe I^argest Dealers in tlie SoutH. Foremost Wine & Liquor MercHants. Supplying^ tKe Consumer Direct. GOOD CORN ROSE'S PURITY WHIS] ElIE :s: Six Years Old, ( '^"''''$100 a Pure StraigHtK gallon WhisKey. ( 13-50 ( 5uart. Gallon $2.00 Mountain Dew Corn - - Rose's Pure New "Sweet ROSE'S PERFECT Mash" Corn - - - - •75 2.50 A Very SmootK f ^^^''i'^gs Mellow < gawon Rose's Blue Ridge Corn, 2 years old . - - - Rose's Famous "Old Geor- •65 2.20 WhisKey. ( ^-"^ gia, ' ' Four years old - .80 2.70 ROSE'S Rose's Old Reserve Stock Corn, six years old, ab- solutely the finest, oldest CONSTITUTION A Superbly- ( Quart a£-ed Corn Whiskey on Fine Old -j gallo^ the market - - - - $ I -00 3-50 WhisKey. ( *^o° I 79-81 PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA. GA. I BSTABUISHBD IS43. j Endorsed by 40,000 Of the South's Best Farmers. Poblished Semi^Monllily. The tultirator^Publishing Co ~ J. B. HUNNICCT, Eeitor. T. P. HUNlflCOT, Manas, r. INMAN BLDG. P. 0. Box 798 ATLAfMTA. GA. F(»' 63 Years the Leading Agricultural Paper of the South. That is a pretty large claim, but we believe it. And what is more, om- advertisers and subscribers believe it. That is what makes it true. But THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR was never so prominent and aggressive as under its pi-esent editorial and business management. The following extract from editorial in our special issue of March 1, 1904, commemorating our 63rd anniversary and the five years of worlv under the present management, sliows what THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR has ac- comijlished under tlie editorial management of Dr. J. B. Hunnicutt: "Agriculture in the South was then (in 1899 floundering in a sea of uncertainty and gloom. All kinds of forebodings and evil prognostications filled the air. We 'at once an- nounced that we took no stock in that kind of feeling. We believed that a better way of farming could be found and that a brighter day for the farmer would follow. "Since that day THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR has had a definite aim. It has stood for a better method of farming. We believed that when we used the same business meth- ods on the farm that we used in other lines of business, prosperity would be the result. THE "cultivator is no accident or incident. It is a paper with a purpose. We have steadily preached the doctrine that good work on the farm would pay. "We believed that if three inches of soil had made something, more soil would make more. We believed that crops grew in proportion to the cubic space of soil from which they fed. Hence 12 inches of soil would make much larger yields than four inch^. "Almost alone and often ridiculed we have fought on this line. "But now a great change has come. Thousands of farmers and writers have come to believe as we do about this and other forward movements iu farming. Great and grow- ing prosperity is spreading all over the South. We find that our lands are as productive as the land of the North or West. We find that a great variety of crops can be grown here profitably. We find that improved implements can be used to advantage in place of trifling and unreliable labor when we have moved the stumps and stones. We lind that we can grow cattle and make butter and beef and cheese and all these luxuries. We find that in vegetables and fruits we can surpass any other sections. We find that we are not dependent upon cotton and cotton alone for money. All these and hundreds of more things that we are daily learning have brought about a great change. "Instead of being the poorest we are getting to be the richest section of the United States. THE CULTIVATOR has led in bringing about this great reformation. And we propose to keep in the front." ■ THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR treats of those subjects which are the very keystone of Southern prosperity, and it treats of them with authority and power. The past is surely an indication of the Future. If you wish to reach the farmers of the South, THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR is the medium. Georgia , 16,550 Alabama.. 7,024 South Carolina 7,278 IVIississippi 2,451 North Carolina 1,620 Tennessee 1,006 Louisiana Texas Arkansas Florida IVIiscellaneous and Foreign 1,016 705 701 624 770 TOTAL 39,745 | Advertising rates, 20c an agate line. Address SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR PUBLISHING COMPANY, Box 998. ATLANTA. GA. SiS35^5!©5^i@i5§?^!@5S?2!§^5^5®5©iS^5!©5^5^i^5^?8^5 S(®5®2SS^«aSi!^S ROBERTSON SANITARIUM ^ ESTABUISMED 1877. Is the only hygienically conducted Sanitarium in the South, and is noted for its unsurpassed equipment and solid home-like comforts. It is beauti- fully located in a region considered the ''Mecca of the South.'' With an equable climate and mountainous atmosphere, making a visit here desira- ble at all seasons. Those suffering from mental diseases or drug habits are not admitted. For illustrated booklet and further information, address Robertson Sanitarium, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. I Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 169 M ACON— Continued. Sims George L, Saloon Singleton M, Grocer Small A T, Gen Store Small A B & Co, W Oroceri Smith E F, Grocer Smith R F, Variety Store Smith Gro Co Smith &c Thai3ter, Carriage Repairers Smith & Watson, Printers Smittner Mrs Eddie, Grocer Snelman Ettie, Grocer South Macon Grocery Southern Electric Supply Co Southern Pkg Co Southern Phosphate Works (Branch) Sparks Miller, Grocer Stag (The) Saloon Star Clothing Co Stetson Lumber Co Stevens L O, Jeweler Stevens W H, Gro & Rest Stevens W O, Drugs H. STEVENS' SONS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF SEWER PIPES. Stewart A J, Genl Store Stewart Fred, Grocer tewart J P, Grocer Stewart J T, Liquors, etc Story J E & Co, Grocers Stratton G W, Sporting Gds etc Stratton Brick Co, Mfra Strayer W N, Grocer WILL C. STOKES, Manager South Ga. Territory, COLUMBIAN WOODMEN. Strong Shoe Store S. M. SUBERS SONS, Tabor J H, Grocei- Tampa Fish & Ice Co Taylor H W, Saloon WE NEVER SLEEP. TAYLOR'S DRUG STORE, Second and Cherry Streets, Open all Night. TAYLOR SHOE CO., Headquarters for Quality, Fashion, Fit and Durability. Thomas B T, Gro & Liqs Thomas D L Ss Son, «ro etc L. A. THOMAS DRUG CO., Cor. Fourth and Arch Streets. DRUGGIST. L. T. THOMPSON, 312 Main St., E. Macon. FANCY GROCERIES. O. W. THOMPSON, 665 Cherry St., Stove Repairing for All Kinds of Stoves. Thorntton Ed, Blacksmith Thurman Robert F, Meats Tinker W II, Printer Toney J W, Gen Store C. JULIAN TOOLE FUR. CO., 1002 Fourth St., Cash or Credit. Phone 2605 JOHN B. TRAVERS, Cor. Fifth and Walnut Sts., Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Tobacco. Travers L, Saloon Tucker T 11, Gen Store Turner A W, W Tob & Cigs Turner J, Shoes J. D. TURNER, Cor. 2nd and Poplar St., Staple and Fancy Groceries. Turner Robert, Grocer Turpin & Toole, Brickyard Union Cigar Tactory THE UNION DRY GOODS CO. 652, 654 Cherry St., MACON'S FASHION CENTER. UNION STEAM LAUNDRY, Union Pressing and Tailoring Co., 461-463-465 Second St., Laundry, Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing. Urquhart R E, Laundry VINEVILLE DRUG STORE, 123 HARDEMAN AVE., Vineville. CHAS. WACHTEL'S SON, None but the Best. Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. Waggenstein Misses A & N, Bakery, To)-s etc Wald John, Confec etc Wall J E, Grocer Waller J 0, Grocer W. T. WAMACK, East Macon, General Merchandise and Cotton Factor. Thomas E L & Co, Grocers Ward Ellen A, Millinery Warfleld & Brown, Livery & Feed Stable Warren E W, Grocer Waterman & Co, Sale & Feed Stable Waters E H, Wall Paper etc Waxelbaum (The) Co, W D Goods etc Waxelbaum E A & Bro, W Shoes eto Waxelbaum J J & Co, Produce Webb A D, Gro & Liqs Webb E L, Gro & Saloon Webb J B, Gro & Liqs S. & E. WEICHSELBAUM, 361 Third St.. Wholesale Whiskies and Cigars. Weichselbaum Sam & Mack, Liqs Wells (The) Co, Grocers W. D. WELLS, D. D. S. DENTIST. Com Bank Bid. Whitaker J C, Grocer Whitaker Joseph, Grocer Whittcn B F, Grocer etc Wiggins G P, Cigars Wilchinski H, D Gds etc Wilder's R C Sons Co, Planing Mill, etc Williams E A, Grocer Williams J W, Baker W. LAMAR WILLIAMS, 107 Cotton Ave. Mfr. Picture Frames, Pictures and Art Goods. Williams (The) Buggy Co, Mfrs Buggies, Wagons, etc Williams J H & W W, Jeweler« Williams J T & Co, Whisky & (Jigars Willingham C B, Cotton Factor & Com Willingham C B Jr, Hardware, House Furng eto Willingham Cotton Mills, Mfrs Cotton Duck Cloth Willingham E J & P D, Furniture Car- pets etc Willingham Mfg Co, Furniture WILLINGHAM SASH & DOOR COMPANY, CABINET MANTELS, PAINTS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Sas'h, Doors and Blinds. 457 THIRD STREET. Wilson J M, Grocer Wilson P A (Mrs E F), Gro WILSONS STUDIO, For Artistic Photographs, 62 1-2 Cherry St. Phone 890. Wing George F & Co, Staty etc Winn-Johnson Co, Mfrs & W Crackers & Candy Winters Mary Rebecca, Grocer Witman D, Auction & Com Mer Witt William, Grocer Wolff E, Cotton Buyer & Com Womack W T, Gen Store & Bar Wood T M, Grocer Wood W B, Gro & Meats Wood Furniture Co Wood-Peavy (The) Furniture Co Woodall C Y, Photographer Woodruff C N, Florist Woodruff D B, Florist Woodward Peter, Grocer Worthy Hood, Grocer Worthy Peter, Saloon Wright Green, Grocer Wright H, Seeds 170 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, MACON— Continued. Wright J T, Wagons & Kepair Shops Wright L E, Vehicles & Contr Wright Steve, (mgr), Drugs Wyche W J, Gro & Meats Yatea D, Gen Store Yates & Rankin Co, W & E D Ods, Olo etc Youmans & Leete, Pianos, Organs et-: Young E F, Grocer Young T F, Grocer Zarks Mark, D Gds etc MADGE, Wilcox County Johnson J E, Gen Store MADISON, Morgan County Advertiser Pub Co, Alliston C W, Grocer Bacon W T, Publisher Ballestrcre Frank, Confectioner Bank of Madison, O B Stovall Pre*, B f Shaw Cash Eearden Merc Co, Gen Store Bond & Williford, Millers Brady P H, Livery Brooks M T, Hotel Burnett W H, Gen Stor Carbine T D Hardware Co Carter S G, Gen Store Clay Lula, Millinery Cohen Louis, Dry Goods Oohen W, Dry Goods etc Davis J T, Livery Dexter G N Sr, Undertaker Douglass A E, Grocer Duckworth E L (agt), Gen Store Eppa W P, Meata , Eureka Ice Works Few L I, Grocer Fitzpatrick H H, Gen Store Gaissert R L, Gen Store George Charles F, Drugs George M, Printer Godfrey J E, Coal Hollis & Son, Gro & Rest Hotel Morgan Hough C L, Grocer Hunter J H, Furniture etc Hunter & Brooks Drug Co Jarboe O S, Gen Store Jefferson Street Bank, S B Cohen Prsa, S F Beckham Cash Lasseter E M, Blacksmith Leak Grocery Co Leak Hardware Co Madison (The), "Advertiser*' Madison Oil Co, Mfrs Madison Variety Works Markham C B," Bicycles, etc Monroe W E, Grocer Morgan County Bank, L Benton 1 f «, W P Eobei-tson Cash Murray D H, Saw Mill Mustin M A, Gro & Crockery Nichols H W, Backet Store Peniek & Harris, Grocers Perkins S A, Gen Store Peteet Bottling Works Reeves J A, Grocer, etc Kichter M L, Jlrv & Crockery Stovall G B, Gen Store Thomas E E & Bro, Gen Store Thompson L M, Wag Repairer Trammell Lee. Gen Store Turnell S A, Grocer Vason Bros, Drugs Walton P W Co, Dry Goods, Shoes, No- tions Ware A S, Baker MADISON SPRINGS, Madison County Fitts & McEwen, Gen Store '*''"" MADRAS, Coweta County licGee L M, Grist Mill Turner R W, Gen Store Yeager E M. Gen Store MAGGIE, Pike County MAGNET, Rockdale County Kinnett, Maddox & Baker, Gen Store Stowers A M, Gen Store MAGNOLIA, Mitchell County Bush I A, Gen Stove & Saw Mill MALDEN BRANCH, Bryan County English J P, Saw Mill Morgan C P & E A, Gen Store Speir W L & Co, Naval Stores MALINDA, Jackson County Haney & Hammond, Gen Store Kinney & Patrick, Gen Store MALLORYSVILLE, Wilkes County Adams Bros, Gen Store Bunch S J, Grist & Saw Mill Haynie W L, Drugs Hill Bros, Gen Store MAL51AIS0N, Catoosa County Patterson J S & Son, Gen Store MALVERN, Emanuel County Drake N J, Gen Store MANASSAS, Tattnall County. Barnett W F, Crossties Calloway J A, Cotton & Fwtilizer Cummings Mrs M F, Saw Mill & Osn Store Grimes (The) Co, Saw Mill Machinsiy, etc Hodges & Polk, Saw Mill Hodges & Southwell, Gin k Girist MHl Kennedy J L, Drugs Kennedy R F, Grocer Kennedy W H, Gen Store Robinson B & Co, D Gds, Olo etc Rogers J H, Blacksmith Rogers W E, Gen Store Smith H G, Naval Stores * Oro« lUes Tippins H W, Grocer Tippins W E, Gen Store MANDEVILLE, CarroU County Evans W M *; Sons, Gan Store Holoombe R D & Co, Gen Store Jacobs & Miller, Saw Mill MANILA, Monroe County MoRely Mrs Mollie, Gen Store MANOR. Ware County Booth W K, Oen Store Corbitt William, Grocer James B C, Grocer Manor Trading Co, Gen Stors Ray M D L, Gen Store MANSFIELD, Newton Oouaty Banks C A, Gen Store Cavender Bros, Gen Store Curtis T W, Gen Store Flemister & Henderson, Qan Store Flemister Hdv/e Co, Gen Store Harwell 0, Gen Store Henry M J, Gen Store Loyd & Boyd, Gen Store McLendon & Henderson, Gen Store Star Grocery Co Thompson A B, Racket Store MARBLE, Colquitt County Baldwin & Lowe, Planing Mill Simmons L D, Saw Mill MARBLE HILL, fickera Oounif Disharoon & Darnell, Gen Store Eaton & Pool, Gen Store Marble Hill Quarry Co Patterson James W, Gen Store Southern Marble Co MARCUS, Jackson County Anderson A F, Ges Store Armor George F, Gen Store Chandler J M & Bro, Oen Store Justice John G, Nursery UARORET, rannia County Davis A P, Gen Store MARIETTA, Cobb Countf Anderson John A G, Livery Anderson Bros, Gen Store Awtrey B, Publisher Baker & Bruce, Meats THE BALDWIN GROCERY CO. Len C. Baldwin, Mgr. FASHION PLATE GROCERS. Benson, J T, Grocer J. J. BLACK LUMBER CO., Sash, Doors and BUILDING MATERIAL. Black L & Son, Undtkrs & Lum Bnmiby (The) Cliair Co, Mfvs Butler' John, Gen Store Butler Marble & Granite Co Games & Ohenev, Furniture Clay H H, Gen Store Coleman J P, Gin & Mill Cook E M & Co, Jewelers Cox L S, Marble Yard C. M. CROSBY & CO., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, Telepho 41. Dobbins John S, Fum & Croclleiy Dobhs H C, Hardware Dupree Bros, Clo & Men's Tarag Faw & Rogers, Grocers Firt Nat Bank, R W Boone Pres, C 3 McCandlish Cash Florence, King & Co. Oen Store Florence & Williams, Gen Store Fowler Bros & Co, Gen Store Gantt J N, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 171 ilARIETT A— Continued. Gibson G W, Gen Store A. B. GILBERT, Dealer in Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. EAST SIDE OF THE SQUARE. Glover Machine Works Gober Nursery Co Goggins Bud, Gen Store Gresham G B, Gen Store Grist C C, Racket Store Grist M T, Harness Mkr Hamby P T & Co, Gen Store Hardage J J, Gen Store Hardeman F, Gro Confeo etc Hardeman J W, Gen Store Henderson O E, Contractor Lumber Dealer and Undertaker Hipps R E, Meats Humphries W H, Confectioner Jackson P, Gen Store Kelly W S, Clothing Kennsaw House Kennesaw Marble Co Kimble John, Upholsterer Legg J W, Drugs Legg Bros, Gen Store Lyons M R, Grocer McClatchey D F, Grocer McNeel Marble Co Manning Bros, Bv^gies, WagonB etc Marietta Chair Co, Chairs & Tables Marietta Ice Co, Mfrs Marietta Knitting Co, Hosiery Marietta Paper Mills THE MARIETTA TRUST & BANKING CO., Capital $50,000.00; Surplus & Profits, $34,609.25. This Bank is regularly examined by the State Bank Examiner. It is al- so required to make its condi- tion public. Stockholders' lia- bility same as national banks. Meinert Henry, Livery & Coal Mitchell T \V, Hotel Mozeley S G & Co, Granite & Mlrbla Mosher W T, Confec & Baker Murra}^ J E, Photographer Neal & Massey, Publishers Northcutt, Stone & Barnes, Gen Store NORTH GEORGIA SUPPLY COMPANY, Dealers in HARDWARE, BUGGIES AND HARNESS. Page W A, Racket Store Roesel W F, Baker Rogers F P, Gen Store W. A. SAMS & CO., PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. Sampler W C, Grocer Schilling F E A, Hardware Schoenthall Bertha, Millinery Siler J E, Books Springer I H. Stock, Feed, etc Stephens C P, Butcher Turner Bros & Co, Grocers Ward H A & Bro, Gen Store Warren J S, Millinery W. W. WATKINS, CARRIAGE, WAGON AND GENERAL REPAIR SHOP, Shoeing a Specialty, MARLOW, Effingham County B N, Gen Store MARSHALLVILLE, Macon County nd Fertil- Bartlett H D, Gen Store Doliler E H, Blacksmith Collins T A, Hotel Cornwell Louisa C, Millinery Felton Mack, Gen Store Felton R W, Gen Store Frederick J V, Gen Store and Under- taker Frederick, Slappy and Frederick, (3en Store and Warehouse H H H (The) Co, Mfrs Proprietary Sled- icines Haslam J E Jr, Gen Store Hickson N E, Drugs & Livery Jones. J B, Gen Store Kelley John E (agt). Gunsmith Killings J W, Blacksmith McNeal W H, Gen Store Murph Bros (The) Co, Gen Store Murph & Austin, Gen Store S^appey G R, Gen Store Taylor H W, Gen Store Taylor R T, Meats Walker J C & Co, Gen Store Ware M S, Banker Whitfield T W, Grocer MARTIN, Franklin County Farmers' Cotton & Oil Mill Co Kitcherside John W, Drugs Martin Gin Co Mason, Randall & Co, Planing Mill Mitchell W A. Gen Store Mitchell W B, Gen Store Stansell & Taylor, Blacksmiths Young T J, Blacksmith Yow T R & L, Gen Store MARTINEZ, Richmond County Green A A, Gen Store Lanham W M, Gen Store Thompkins Turner, Gen Store MASON, Heard County Awbrey J J Jr, Gen Store MASSEE, Berrien County Barnhill M E, Gen Store & Felton Lumber Co, Mfrs Lum- ber, Sash, Doors and Blinds MATLOCK, Tattnall County MATTHEWS, Jefferson County Avcra E C, Gen Store Denny M P, Gen Store Fleming J E, Gen Store Ganus L A, Gen Store Ganus R R, Gen Store Rhodes R A, Gen Store & Grist Mlil MATTIE, Pulaski County Daniel J L. Gen Store Holt D H, Gen Store MAUD, Campbell County Campbell J P, Gen Store MAULDIN'S MILL, Hall County MAX, Talbot County Maxwell P F, (agt). Gen Store MAXADE, Macon County Smith D C, Gen Store MAXEY'S, Oglethorpe County Arnold W H & Son, Gen Store & Miilg Birchmore T E, Carriage Mfr Brightwell A T & Sons, Gen Store Crawford J 0, Gen Store Gillen A J, Gen Store Gillen F D, Gen Store Maxey's Mfg Co, Gin etc MAXWELL, Jasper County Kelly L S, Gen Store, Mill, etc MAXWELLTON, Clayton County Harrison D M, Grocer Marcey Mrs C V, Grocer MAYDAY, Echols County Bamberg W F, Naval Stores and Saw Mill Tomlinson S E & Co, Gen Store MAYFIELD, Hancock County Anderson J B, Gen Store Beckum H F, Gen Store Reynolds A L, Gen Store Stevens W W, (agent), MiUer MAYHAW, Miller County Davis D B, Grocers, etc (Near) Roberts V C, Gen Store Spooner & McGregor, Naval Stores MAYSIE, Appling County Vam J K, Gen Store, Saw & Grist Mil! & Gin MAYSVILLE, Banks County Atkins H & T E, Bankers Bacon & Co, Gen Store, etc Oarr, Boyd & Co, Gen Store Eberhart A S, Gen Store Garrard & Jordan, Blacksmiths Garrison W O J, Gen Store Green & Smith, Gen Store Hampton & Moore, Grocers Harmon & Parks. Gen Store Holbrook P M, Grocer Lockhart V D, Drugs McCurdy C W. Hardware McGalliard & Miller, Gen Store McLeroy H J, Blacksmith 172 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. MAYSVILLE— Continued Sladdox T H, Publisher ilaysville Drug Co MAYSVILLE MFG. CO., Manufacturers of CHAIRS. C. T. Bacon, Prest., H. W. Wooding, Treas., N. J. Wooding, Vice-Prest. Jlaysvil'.e Oil Mills, Cotton Seed Prod Headers H 0, Jeweler Prickett B, Gen Store Kay W P & Co, Gen Store Smith J T, Gen Store Suddath L P, Livery Underwood & Meadors, Drugs White & Co, Gen Store Yarbrongh J D, Gen Store Yeargin & Co, Coffins, Furniture, etc MAYVreW, Washington County May E T, Gen Store MEADOW, Gwinnett 'County Coggins J W & V F, Gen Stora MEANSVILLE, Pike County Lifsey W S, Gen Store Means W H, Gen Store Slade J C, Saw Mill Whittle T E, Saw Mill MECCA, Campbell County Brock A h. Gen Store Cook Robert, Gen Store MEDA, Putnam County Edmonson & Son, Gen Store MEDDERS, Appling County Meddors Benjamin N, Gen Store, Gin & Grist Mill Taylor E L, Gen Store MEEKS, Johnson County Meeks, Douglass & Co, Mill & Gin Pulien J 0, Gen Store Riner T J, Gen Store MEIGS, Thomas County Atkinson M H, Gin, Grist & Planing Mill Atkinson & Bro, Gen Store Bjanan, Aultman & Co, Gen Store & Drugs Carter J N, Gen Store & Naval Stores Duren G L, Gen Store Dyson T F, Hardware & Blacksmiths Hurst W H, Gen Store, Hotel & Livery Jones Mrs T A, Millinery Moncrief H M, Groceries & Meats Sasser Bros, Grocers Simpson J M, Gen Store Thompson & Crowell, Blacksmiths Vanlandingham W H, Grocer Whidden & Mize, Saw Mill & Gen Store Wilkes M & Son, Ginnery MEINHARD, Chatham County Godley Bros, Saw Mill & Gen Store Harrison S B, Gen Store Hester J E, Gen Store Overstreet W H, Naval Stores & Gen Store Winkler A N, Gen Store MELDRIM, Effingham County Colson Mrs W H, Grocer Putch C B, Grocer Heidt T L, Gen Store Highsmith J L, Planing Mill MELROSE, Lowndes County Culbreath L M, Gen Store Martin J B, Naval Stores & Gen Store Williamson T W, Gen Store MELVILLE, Pickens County Jones W A, Gen Store MENLO, Chattooga County Agnew & Hammond, Gen Store Baker T P, Gen Store Jennings W J, Gen Store & Mill Meadows M R & Co, Soft Drinks Smith J W & Co, Meats Welch G W, Gen Store MERIDIAN, Mcintosh County Hopkins E K & Co, Gen Store . MERIWETHEH, Baldwin County Harper William I, Gen Store Home W L, Gen Store Myrick H J, Gen Store Stiles J B, Gen Store Westbrook A C, Gen Store MERRILLVILLE, Thomas County Carter F N, Gen Store & Planing Mill Chastain W A, Gen Store Hudson W J, Gen Store Jarrett C E, Gen Store Lunsford William R, Gen Store Pierce & Green Bros, Gen Store Sheffield & Lanier, Saw Mill Turner & Turner, Gen Store MERRITT, Emanuel County Smith H L, Gen Store MERSHON, Pierce County MESENA, Warren County Adkins E F, Gen Store Lassiter T C, Wheelwright ifr-Carthv J F, Gen Store RtoTio G W, Gen Store Thompson B P, Gen Store Thompson J W, Gen Store METASVILLE, Wilkes ConalT Johns F S, Gen Store fSee Wnshirtrtonl Latimer J L, Gen Store Seminole llininq: Co IfETC.UJ, Thomas County roDoiand H C & Co, Gen Store Hnrne Miss Piny. Millinery Home & Vann, Gen Store Thomas J B & J A, Gen Store White J R, Gen Store Young E R, Drugs UBTTER, BuUoch Oouniy Bird Joslah, Gen Store & Gin Bowen M J & Co, Gen Store Burns T H, Grocer Canoe Tin-pentine Co, (See Canoe Station) Carter Sallie, Millinery Dekle M S, Gen Store Doughtry J A & E, Saw Mill Kennedy D L & Son, Drugs Mercer M, Gen Store Metter Trading Co, Gen Store Mikell 0, Blacksmith Moore Alex, Gen Store Parish & Hall, Novelty Works * Grist Mill Perkins P H Ss Co, Saw Mill Pittman J R, Gen Store Register H C, Gen Store Sheridan & Perkins, Saw Mill Terrell J A, Gen Store A^•arren A I, Saw Mill Williame W W, Jeweler Wright John T & Son, Gen Store MICA, Cherokee County Bel! & Mlncey, Gen Store MIDDLETON, Elbert County Heard & Swift, Gen Store MIDLAND, Muscogee County Jenkins, Dudley & Co, Gen Store Willis J S, Gen Store Willis E P & Son, Gen Store MIDRIVER, Camden County MeKinnon L T, Gen Store (See White Oak) MIDVILLE, Burke County Barnwell Walter J, Sporting Goods Brock H O, Gen Store Brock C M, Gen Store Carlton A L, Blacksmith Davis & Marks, Gen Store Drew J H, Gen Store Jackson C A, Fruits, etc Jones Allen W, Miller & Oommissai^ Kiler Mrs Isabella, Millinery MidviUe Drug Co Murphree R M, Gen Store Shuptrine James N, Gen Store MIDWAY, Meriwether County Norria W S, Gen Store MIKE, Quitman County Duskin M J (Mrs M T), Gen Store MILAN, Telfair County Browning W C, Gen Store (See Glenwood) Cook Morjran, Gen Store Evans Lumber Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores Holt M D, Naval Stores Lancaster E W. Gen Store Luke & Co, Gen Storo McLeod H W, Gin & Grist Mill Marchant Bros, Oen Store & &iw Mill Rawlins O W, Gen Store Rawlins John * Sons, Saw Mill Rnic^s J R, Lumber Studstill Annie E CMrs W H), Hotel Studstill & Cobb, Oen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 173 MILFORD, Baker County Askew B H, Gen Store Klias Matthew, Gen Store Wilburne M F & Sister, Gen Store MILLEDGEVILLE, Baldwin County Anderson Mrs B B, Gen Store Andrews Miss Mary, Millinery Annex (The), D Gds, etc Appel Sara (Mrs H G), Millinery, etc Barnes E L, Grocer Barnes, Moore & Son, Publishers Barrett Charles F, Drugs Barrett S. Gen Store & Warehouse Bass E E, D Gds, etc Bearden Sallie, Millinery Becker E, Blacksmith Bell E E, D Gds Bell J F, Grocer Bonner C H, Grocer, etc Brooks John A, Gen Store & Miller Brown D W (ajjent). Furniture Carraker G W, Gen Store Carraker W & J, Carriages, etc Carr Mrs Kate, Millinery, etc Carr & Conn, W Grocers Case George D, Drugs City Bakery Cline Hugh T, Coal Cline P J, D Gds and Olo Cook Lumber Co Culver & Kidd, Drugs Echols W B, Grocer Edwards Bottling Works Edwards Store, Gen Store Electric Light Co Ellison Misses, Photographers Ennis J H, Meats Evans Samuel, W Clothing Evans Samuel Sons & Co, Com Cotton & Fertilizers Exchange Bank of Milledgeville, John Conn pres. Otto M Conn cash, (Cap paid in $5m) Fair Mrs J B, Millinery Parrel T T, Gen Store Godard Vf G, Gen Store Goodman & Wooten, Gen Store Greene C E, Grocer Hall L O, Grocer Hancock S F (agent), Hardware & Stoves Hatcher R W, Hardware Haug Fred, Shoes Hawkins K P, Drugs Hemphill W A, Confeo Heyfron P J, Tailor Hines J R, Gen Store Home Julius A, W Grocer Huff Benjamin, Grocer Huffman Miss Ella, Gen Store Humphrey W R, Grocer Joseph Dry Goods Co Kennedy II L, Jeweler Killings Grocery Co Layfleld Margaret (Mrs O D), Gen Store Leonard W H, Gro & Furniture McComb H E, Grocer Malpass John B, Grocer Mandle ilorris, Hotel Massey W A, Gen Store Merchants & Farmers Bank, John T Allen pres, C H Troutman cash, (Cap paid in $40m surp $llm) (Cap paid in $40,000 surp $11,000) Milledgeville Banking Co, D B Sanford pres, Miller S Bell cash, (Cap paid in $50m surp $27,164) Milledgevile Brick Works Milledgeville Ice Works Milledgeville Oil Mills, Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Milledgeville Supply Co, Gen Store Miller W W, Shoes, Hats & Notions Montgomery D F, Gen Store Montgomery, W H, Grocer juoran O 1'', Gen Store Morris C L, D Gds, etc Nelson & BrooKS, Gen Store Nunn Xi, Racket Store O'Quinn J B, Grocer O'Quinn W J, Gen Store & Mill Oconee River Mills, Grist Mills Ohlraan J, D Gds, etc Parker Julia (Mis H P), Millinery Ratteree G T, Gen Store Roberts W H, Grocer Robson R C, Mdse Brkr & Com Merchant Sanford H V, D Gds Simmerson Jesse, Grocer Staley Joseph, Stoves Sc Tinware Stanley J W, Baker Star Grocer Co Stembridge J E, Gen Store Stembridge S J, Gen Store Tennille Lula (Mrs W K), Gen Store Vaughan W J, Publisher Vaughn & Hines, Shoes, etc Vinson J H, Drugs Walker W A, Lumber & Stook Tfsdar Walker W A & Co, Furniture Wall R L, Gen Store Whiiden G T, Livery & Sola Stables Williams Dixon, Jewelry, etc Williams W J, Grocer Wooten R H, Stationer, etc MILLEN, Screven Oounty Awtry Mrs A E, Hotel Bank of Millen, James H Daiiiel pPG!* C E Attaway Cash, (Gap p»id is $25m Bell H q, Dragi Brigham O R, Grooer Brinson O H, Livery Burke V L, Gen Store Daniel T Z, Gen Store Daniel Sons & Palmer (The) Oo, Gee Store & Bankers Dwelle R G, Gen Store Edenfield J M (mgr). Gem Store Edenfield Bottling Works Emanuel J M, Gen Store Lambert J E, Gen Store Lewis R L (agt). Gen Store Parker C Co, Gen Store Millen Cash Store Millen- Mercantile Co, Gen Store Millen Mills, Cotton Yams Millen Bottling Co Parker H W, Naval Stores Perkins & Burke, Gro & Meats Rackley Mrs Ida, Millinery Raeldey J M, Jeweler Rich G B, Jeweler MILL HAVEN, Screven County MELLICAN, Catoosa County Kettner T W, Gen Store McOalla D, Gen Store MILL BAY, Bulloch County Dutton A D, Gen Store Hodges E W, Gen Store IHLLTOWN,, Berrien County Allen, Taylor & Co, Gen Store Oliurch T W, Blacksmith Clements, Lee & Co Gen Store Duggar W J, Gen Store Gress O V Co, Saw Mill Knight & Godwin, Gen Store Mitchell & Co, MilUnery Reigell D J, Gen Store Sirmans Bros, Gen Store MILLWOOD, Ware County Bennett R A & Co, Crossties, etc Hedges J M, Gen Store Murray J W & Son, Naval Stores Pierce Trading Oo, Gen Store (See Blackshear) Rouse E L, Grocer Walden A A, Gen Store MILNER, Pike County Ferguson R P, Blacksmith Ferguson E T, Grocer Gardner J A, Gen Store Holmea L, Drugs Hunt T J, Gen Store Martin Josh, Miller Rice W M & Son, Gen Store Swint 3ros, Gen Store Tyus W G, Gen Store MIMSVILLE, Baker County Lofton W W, Gen Store liims R L & Son, Gen Store & Gin MINEOLA, Lowndes County Mineola Milling Oo, Saw Mill & Gen Store Young H M, Naval Stores MINERALBLUFF, Fannin County jlnderson John W, Gen Store Black J M & Son, Gen Store Dickey G P, Gen Store Dickey A K & Co, Gen Store MINERVA, Fulton County Oofield T W, Grocer Kory J H, Gen Store Eosser M J, Gen Store MINGO, Pulaski County Singletary R G, Gen Store MINTON, Worth County Hancock A H, Gin Minton Trading Co, Gen Store Woolard H O, Naval Stores & Gen Store (Near) Store MIONA, Macon County Underwood R R, Gen Store MIRIAM, Decatur County Reynolds J F, Gen Store & Ginnery MISH, Forsyth County Bennett & Thomas, Gen Store Thomas C E, Gin, Saw & Grist Mill MISSION RIDGE, Walker County Brazeal C W, Meats Hooper B F, Gen Store 174 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, MITCHELL, Glascock County Cooper & Snider, Gen Store Kelly Mrs George C, Hotel Kelly J C, Gen Store Kitchens J Henry Grist Mill & Gin Kitchens T L, Gen Store Lockhart C P, Blacksmith Smalley J F & Son, Gen Store MIZE, Franklin County Addison H B, Gen Store Crump D, Ger Store Parker W H. Drugs MOBLEY, Screven County Bates Edgar W, Gen Store (Near) Lovett W P, Gen Store Mears J W, Gen Store Wood W P, Gen Store MODESTO, Cherokee County Hollbrook John R, Saw Mill Hollbrook W B, Lumber & Gin MADOC, Emanuel County Anderson & Wall, Gen Store & Naval Stores Hall C I, Gen Store Rich J E, Gen Store MOLENA, Pike County Carreker J P, Gen Store Oockrell Mrs L, Millinery Jordan H G & Co, Gen Store Jordan Undertaking Co Lawrence Zaeh, Miller Molena Drug Co Molena Warehouse Moore G V, Gen Store Richardson S C, Gen Store Stribling R L,, Repair Shop Strickland C A, Distiller Willis D M, Gen Store ' MONTAO, Charlton County Courson E M, Gen Store Dinkins R H & Bro, Gen Store Dyal-Upchurch Co, Gen Store & Saw Mill Reuis W R & Son, Gen Store & Gin Reynolds J & G, Gen Store MONITOR, Madison County Pittman R L, Miller, etc MONROE, Walton County Allen & Co, Gro & Meats Almand L V, Gen Store Arnold A J, Buggies, etc Arnold & Co, Gen Store Avery W J, D Gds & Notions Aycock M S, Gen Store Bank of Monroe, B S Walker pres, J R Radford Cash, (Cap paid in $75,000, surplus $23,000) Bell Bros, Mfrs Soda Water Bell W F & Father, Gen Store, Gin & Mill Bentley H L, Gen Store Boorstein R T, D Gds, Clo, etc Breedlove Hardware Co Day James M, Gen Store Dorsey William, Gen Store Durden J G, Gen Store Fambrough W P, Grocer Felker George W, Banker Felker J H, Gen Store & Pub Gallaway L J & N L, Drugs Hanson T W, Gen Store Harris E S, Gen Store Hays Jesse W, W Shoes Hester O P & Co, Grocers, etc Jones & Co, Gen Store Kelly & Wright, Gen Store Kent & Galloway, Soda Fount Knight R C & Co, Harness, etc Lawrence T H, Furniture Lewis G A & Co, Gen Store Long J T, Buggies & Bicycles MoComiell W O, Gen Store MeGaughey D P, Gen Store Mathews J F, Jeweler Mendel Morris, D Gds Monroe (The) Cotton Mills Monroe Furniture Exchange Nichols H W, Racket Store (See Athens) Nowell J M, Gen Store Nunnally W H & Son, Gen Store Pannell W H, Gen Store Roane E T, Grocer Roberts & Locklin, Undertakers Setzer Drug Co Stoval H C, Grocer Van Home J T, Drugs Walton Cotton Mill Co, Cotton Goods Whitworth & Barrett, Groceries Wright J E, Gen Store Wright W M & R W, Saw Mill MONTE, Emanuel County Coleman A I, Saw Mill & Gin Coleman J E, Gin Durden Lumber Co, Mfr Lumber & Gen Store MONTEVIDEO, Hart County Chapman D O, Gen Store MONTEZUMA, Macon County Avera R D, Saw Mill Avery W D, Grocer Birdsey J S, Grocer Brown J M, Com Cotton Chastain M E, Gen Store Collins J R. Repair Shop Collins R O, Gen Store Culler J J, Saloon De Vaughn J E, Gen Store & Agrl Implts Felton A L, Gen Store First (The) National Bank of Monte- zuma, E B Lewis pres, Chas B Lewis Cash, (Gap paid in $30m) Pokes F Q, Repair Shop Forehand G W, Gen Store Fricdin L, D Gds Hamilton L B, Liquors Hamilton & Woodfolk, Millinery Happ J A, Gen Store Hicks & Gallagher, Gen Store Hill Yancey ,Gen Store, etc Lewis J M, Gen Store Lewis (The) Banking Co, (Cap paid in $100m Lewis J F & Sons Co, Gen Store Lippman Gabe, Saloon Lippman Louis, Hotel Lofley O F, Gen Store McKenzie J M, Gen Store McKenzie T R, Gen Store McKenzie W L, Warehouse, etc StcKenzie's J W Sons, Gen Store McKenzie Shoe Co McKenzie & Haugabook, Live Stock Maffett J D & Co, Gen Store Marshall Bros, Grocers Montezuma Mfg Co, Cotton Seed Products Patrick & Meadows, Com Cotton Ramsey C, Jeweler Rape J M, Grocer Reid J E, Drugs Richadson C H, Drugs Robinson J E, Millinery Sawtell J C, Publisher Solomon C E, Warehouse Taylor Cook, Gen Store Taylor & Lavender, Saw Mill Vance W E, Harness, Hardware, etc Walker Drug Co Waters J R, Grocer Weeks Simon, Blacksmith Wilson E J, Brick Mfr MONTICELLO, Jasper County Allen W W, Gen Store Ballard W E, Gen Store Bank of Monticello, J H Kelly pres, M S Benton cash, (Cap paid in $25,000) Beal C P, Jeweler Beale T P, Soda Water, etc Benton D B, Gen Store Benton Lucian, Gen Store Benton A & M, Gen Store, Mill, etc Benton L O & Bro, Mules, Fertilizers & Cotton Benton Supply Co, Gen Store Burke W P, Gen Store p Burney & Benton, Warehouse Campbell S R, Buggies, etc Campbell Jones & Co, Boots, Harness, etc Cohen S, (agent), D Gds, etc Cornwell Bros, (len Store Dodson J A & Co, Gen Store Edward H V, Gen Store, Saw Mill & Gin Elder J G, Publisher Epps Madison, Blacksmith Furse Drug Co, Greer A C, Grocer Harvey A, Gen Store Harvey J D, Hardware Hecht J E, Jeweler Hecht S A, Blacksmith Hicks W A, Gen Store Howard J B, Gen Store (Near) Hutchinson (The) Co, Gen Store Jasper County Bank, D B Benton pres, J L Benton cash, (Cap paid in $26,000, surp $1,000) Jordan Charles D, Drugs Jordan R. Furniture Jordan & Co, Gen Store Kelly B C, Ginnery Kelly J H, Gen Store Kelly Bros Merc Co, Gen Store Malone & Edwards, Meats, etc Minter A J tfc Son, Gen Store Monticello Cotton Oil Co, Cotton Seed Products Monticello Electric Light & Power Co Monticello Vehicle & Coffin Co, Penn Bros, Publishers Persons & Phillips, Gin Pope W R, Warehouse Powell Bros, Gen Store Pve D T, Gen Store Robinson, Kelly & Co, Gen Store Star Furniture Co Talmadge W J, Grocer Tucker B H, Gen Store Tyler M D, Gen Store White J B & Co, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 175 MONTREAL, De Kalb County EichardBon J J, Ckn Store MONTROSE, Laurena County Brookins J B, Gen Store Holder E J, Gen Store Keen J H, Gen Store Sanders J M, Gen Store Wade E L (agent). Gen Store MOORE'S MILL, Cherokee County Moore A O, Grist Mill MOHAN, Crawford County Davis D S, Gen Store Davis R B & Son, Gen Store Moran Bros, Gen Store MOEELAND, Coweta County Brannon W A & Co, Gen Store Broom W P, Gen Store Camp H W & Son, Gen Store iloreland Mfg Co, Fruit Packaees York J F, Blacksmith Young L S, Drugs MORGAN, Calhoun County Arnold S T, Gen Store Aycock Anna (Mrs I B), FmitJ, eto Cmnbie J L, Gen Store McGuirt S N, Gen Store Elder D T, Gen Store Dozier Hotel & Stables, Gen Store Morgan Canning Co, Fruit Cannery Phillip M A & Co, Gen Store, Gin and Grist Mill (Near) Pruitt J W, Gen Store Eagan K McK, Gen Store Smith W E, Gen Store Smith R M & Son, Blacksmiths Thornton T J, Gen Store Tinsley Mrs T W, Millinery Tinsley T J & Co, Gen Store, Gin ft Saw Mill Williams & Tinsley, Naval Stores MORGANTON, Fannin County Aaron James T, Gen Store Dickey & Hampton, Gen Store Powell J C, Gen Store MORGAmiLLE, Dade County MORRISON, Bryan County Morrison C K, Naval Stores Parrish & Burkhalter, Gen Store MORRIS STATION, Quitman County Boyett, Sparks & Wilson, Gen Store Cumbie & Oliver, Gen Store Phillips M N, Gen Store Teel & Oliver, Ginnery MORROW, Clayton County Adamson W O, Gen Store Allen A Lj Gen Store Daniel A E, Gen Store Port Panl, Gen Store Mitchell, P E, Guano, etc Munday 0, Gen Store Murphey J D, Gen Store Nesbit, J R, Gen Store Patterson W F, Gen Store, etc Sneed J 0, Nursery MORVEN, Brookl Ooaaty Edmonson R D, Gen Store Evans J D, Repair Shop Girardeau S M, G»-rt Store ft NaTai Store* Harrington B P, Blacksmith Hodges Bros, Gen Store Holland Robert J, Gen Store Humphreys J S, Drugs McLeod A G (agt). Gen Store and Saw Mill Mallory Bros, McLeod & Murphey, Saw Mill Meadows & Co, Naval Stores and Gea Store Morven Foundry & Machine Co Morven Repair Works Ousley Bros, Gen Store & Livery Parker L B, Gro and Meats Sci-uggs Bros, Ginnery Wiggins J T, Naval Stores MOSSY CREEK, White County Bowen J B, Gen Store MOTAN, Hall County MOTTS, Camden County Mott B L, Gen Store MOULTRIE, Colquitt County Adams L L, Livery Allen C B, Publisher Allen J P, Jeweler, Etc Allen & Co, Grocers Allen & Holmes, W Grocers Applewhite W E, Gen Store Arnold H P, Gen Store Battle Supply Co, Live Stock, Wagons and Milly Battle & Melton, Coffins Beall O A, Gen Store Bedgood, Howell & Co, W Lumber Benenson J, D Goods, Clot, Etc Blasingame & Morgan Limiber Co Brown J B, Grocer, Etc Butler J S, Saw Mill Champion R E, Meats Cheek L B, Gen Store Citizens' Bank, W H Barber Prei, J H Williford Cash Coleman J W, Gen Store and Lum Colquitt County Brick Co Colquitt County Cooperage Co, Mflfl Colquitt Lumber Co, Saw Mill Corbett B J & Co, Saw Mill Crescent Drug Co Crescent Lumber Co, Planing Mill Daughcrty, Morrison & Co, Lum Dukes & Co, Sewing Machines Farmers' Hardware & Supply Co, W &R Felder J A, Grocer Fisher J Sell, Blacksmith Georgia N S Co, Mfrs Globe (The) Store, Gen Store Hall John R, W & R Hardware Hall & Allen, Clo & Furn Hanges Nick, Grocer Harrell & Carleton, Gen Store Heard (The) Shoe Co, Boots & Shoes Hicks & Watson, Drugs Hitchcock J G & Co, Saw Mill Holland G W, Grocer Holmes C E, Naval Stores & Gen Store Holmes James, Naval Stores and Gen Store Holmes C E & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Holmes & Carter, Naval Stores and Gen Store Horkan G A, Drugs Horn Mercantile Co, Home & Henderson, Furn and Undtkra Hotel Colquitt Hutchison P F, Confec etc Joselove & Bohrman, D Gds, Clo, Shoes Etc Keller Lumber Co, Saw Mill and Gen Store Kimball H H, Plumber Laney B C, Livery Lewis T E, Millinery McBride & Cooper, Saw Mill McCall Lucy A (Mrs H A), Hotel McCarty P H, Colthing, Etc Mclver & Co, Lumber McNeil John T, Harness McNeill Laura A (Mrs J T), Millinery Mathis J F, Drugs Matthews W B & Co, Gen Store Melton J W, Furn & Stoves Merritt, Home & Autrey, Harness Mills J B (agt). Naval Stores Morrison J & Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores Moultrie Banking Co, W W Ashburn Pres, Z H Clark Cash Moultrie Cotton Mills, Sheetings & Drills Moultrie Ice & Cold Storage Co Moultrie Iron Works Moultrie Jewelry Co Moultrie Repair Co, Mfrs Vehicles Mumford J J, Grocer, etc Newton G F & Sons, Grocers Norman Newton & Co, Warehouse, Vehl' cles, Fertilizers, etc Norman & Harrell, Shoes Perry A S, Lumber Com Polikoff J S, D Gds, Clo, Eto Redfearn M D & Son, Meats Rogers, Touchton & Co, Clo & Men's Furng Ross J S, Grocer Rudisill W F, Publisher Saliba & Saliba, Fruits, etc Sampson Peter, Grocer, etc Sessons, Barber & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores Smith W H & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Souter Thomas, Grocer Spivey Grocery Co, W Spivey J F & Co, Gen Store and Na- val Stores Spivey J H & Bro, Laundry Spivey & Heard, Men'a Furnishings etc Spivey & Moore, Gen Store & Naval Stores Strickland J H, Grocer Summer & Pounds Lumber Co Tncker E W ft Co, Grocer Union Pinopolis Saw Mill Veal J R, Gen Store Vereen W C, Gen Store & Naval Stores Vick A O, Varietv Store Webb W A, Mfr Brick Welsh & Cooper, Planing Mill Westbrook H V & Bro, Gen Store Williams J A, Livery Williams Perry J, Grocer Williams T E ft Co, Gen Store Williams & Hutchings, Saw Mill 176 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, MOUNTAIN lULL, Harris County Meadows Mrs JI J, Gen Store Smith Fannie (Mra Amos), Gen Store il : .. MOUNTAIN SCENE, Towns County 'England & Stroud, Gen Store MOUNTAINTOWN, Gilmer County MOUNT AIRY, Habereham County Echols John M, Grocer Fort John P, Fruit Grower Gresham Bros, Hotel Kimsey A L, Gen Store McConnell W A, Geu Store McOonnell T J & J H, Gen Store Newton E C, Gen Store Wilcox M C, Publisher MOUNT PLEASANT, Wayne County Akin L B, Gen Store Goin W A, Gen Store MOUNT VERNON, Montgomery County Abt T B, Blacksmith & Wheelwright Browning Chas D, Gen Store Crawley Warren, Fish Market Folsom D W & Son, Publishers Fountain Jesse I, Bice HuUer & Grader Fountain Wm E, Racket Store Fox Lessie (Mrs C W), Milly Fox Robert L, Drugs McQueen W H, Gen Store McRae M, Hotel McHae W C, Saw Mill & Gin McRae & Bro, Gen Store McRae & Thompson, Coffins Mason & Bland, Mfrs Brick Morrison J W, Gen Store Morrison M & Co, Drugs Moses J J, Gen Store & Saw Mill Mount Vernon Iron & Brass Foundry Mount Vernon (The) Bank, J H MoAr- thur Pres, W A Peterson Cash Mount Vernon Machine Works Rackley W L D, Gen Store Thompson Mrs Maxie J, Gen Store MOUNTVILLE, Troup County Brock B H, Drugs & Gro Fineher I D, Hotel Fuller Bryant, Gen Store Lane H H, Drugs Moore C D, Mdse and Lumber Mutual Coffin & Casket Co, Mtrs Porter W C, Blacksmith Smith W, Gen Store Trippe J N & Co, Gen Store Trippe & Russell, Warehouse Wella G I, Gen Store MOUNT ZION, Carroll County Entrekin & Shaw, Gen Store Martin James A, Drugs Mize J O, Saw Mill Morris W T, Gen Store Morris H H & Bro, Gen Store Savitz J M, Gen Store MOXLEY, Jefferson County Carawell B S, Gen Store Cheatham T M & Co, Saw Mill McDaniel N T, Gen Store Tinsley Mrs M E, Gen Store MOYE, Clay County McLendon J W & Son, Gen Store Sutton T C & Sons, Gen Store, Gin and Saw Mill MUDGE, Pierce County Griffln M, Gen Store McDonald k Jeffords, Crossties MULBERRY, Jackson County i . ... .i .:., Hainey H N & Son, Gen Store MULBERRY GROVE, Harris County Richardson M L, Gen Store MUNNERLYN, Burke County Carpenter J N & Co, Gen Store Carswell P W, Gen Store Elsey Oil Mill & Fertilizer Co Lambert F Mrs J AJ, Gen Store Rogers J B & Co, Gen Store Smith E A, Gen Store Warnock George O, Gen Store MURPHY, Colquitt County Ashburn Lumber Co, Saw Mill fe Gen Store Duren N L, Livery and Gen Store Rosencroit W P, Gen Store MURRAY, Schley County Kelly James, Gen Store MURBAYVILLE, Hall County Montgomery & Ellis, Saw Mill Parks H 0, Gen Store MUSELLA, Crawford County CMlds J D, Gen Store Dickey R L, Gen Store MUSGROVE, Laurens County Warren T D, Gen Store MYERS, Bulloch County Johnson Bros & Co, Naval Stores Kingery J B, Gen Store MYRA, Appling County MYRTLE, Houston County Anderson G D, Gen Stone MYSTIC, Irwin County Bussell Z J & I J, Water Mill & Gins Dismuke F S, Grocer Diamuke R T, Blacksmith Dorminy & Fletcher Lumber Co, few Mill Drew B, Naval Stores Paulk John B, Gunsmith Wileoi B E & Bro, Gen Store NACOOCHEE, White County Green J I, Gen Store Richardson J A, Gen Store Jornson Holmes, Coal NAHUNTA, Wayne County Crawford & Brown, D Gds, Gro, Etc llerrin Bros, Naval Stores Ueirin J S & Co, Gen Store Highsmith H 0, Gen Store Morgan Mrs E L, Gen Store Morgan J A, Naval Stores & Gen Store NANKIN, Brooks County Horn W J, Gen Store Knight Z T & Son, Gen Store Wood D M, Gen Store Woodward W J, Gen Store NANNIE, Floyd County Greene J H, Gen Store NAOMIE, Walker County Arnold Frank, Blacksmith Coulter W W, Gen Store Robinson W M, Saw & Grist Mill NARROWS, Banks County Presley John, Gen Store NASHVILLE, Berrien County Albriton Augustus, Hardware, Ha;mes3, Etc Bank (The) of Nashville, John F Lewis Pres, J W E Powell Cash Brown W D & Co, Naval Stores BuUard A E, Gen Store Chism W B, Gen Store Gaskin W M & Bro, Gen Store Goodman Julia P, Millinery Goodman W B, Drugs Hackerman S, D Gds, Clo, Shoes Etc Lewis S M, Livery Morris W E & Co, Gen Store Nessmith & Hall, Saw Mill Peeples H B & Son, Gen 3tore "South (The) Georgian" Turner A (Mrs R K), Millinery Tygart R W, Hdwe, Furn, Etc Tygart S T, Drugs & Ginnery Tygart W H, Gen Store NATAL, Union County McGee W T, Gen Store NATHAN lifL, Johnson County Bray C T, Gen Store Oliver William, Gen Store NAYLOR, Lowndes County Carter J P, Gen Store Carter R M, Gen Store Furn Etc Dampier F L, Gen Store and Crossties Lams J P & Bro, Blacksmiths Mitchell Mrs L E, Gen Store & Millinery Patterson G T, Naval Stores Peeke H B, Saw Mill Peters & Bamberg, Gen Store Stalsey M S, Drugs NEAL, Pike County AKord T B, Gen Store Blount M, Gen Store Gilbert & McGee, Gen Store Hartnett W H, Distiller ^ ^ THE BEST EQUIPPED AND ^ ^ The Largest Saw Mill Manufacturing Plant in the World Our Machines are all Specialties and coverel by patents, and have points of essential superiority over all others. First Prizes having been awarded us at all contests. The DeLoach Patent Variable Feed Saw Mill is unlike any other and vastly superior. The DeLoach Patent Triplex Hay Press is the most powerful known, and the quickest in operation. We build Shingle Mill9,Lath Mills, Stave Mills, Planers, Edgers, Grinding Mills, Water Wheels, etc BranctieB : NEW TOBK, N. T. ST. LOTJIS, MO. DeLOACB MILL M'PG CO., 400 Highlancl Ave. Atlanta, Ga. DiBtribuling Points : NEW OBLBANS, LA. DENVBB, COIi. MINNEAPOLIS, MIN. SPOKANE, WASH. Terrace and Irrigate Your Farm DOIN'T PAV hundreds of dollars foi fertilizers and let the rain •wash them away, when you can buy a Bostrom Improved Parm Level with Telescope lor $10.00, or onewlthoutTelescope tor $6.00 and SAVE IT ALU , . hy properly terracing your farm. Keclaim yonr wornoutlandandin ashort time make it as pro- ductive as the test you have. POR ROAD BUIUDIINO, having Tile Drains, hice Culture. Ditches, Laying Out Orchards, Obtaining Angles and Foundation Levels there Is ISO BETTER IINSTRUIVIEINT made. Write for Descriptive Circulars. BOSTROM=BRADY MFG. CO. 30 1-2 W. Alabama St. ATLANTA. GA. THIS IS THE MAN Who writes advertising for people all over the United States. From flaine to California. How is that for success? I AM AT YOUR SERVICE. M. P. >V R O U Q M T O N. p. O. BOX SS4 ATL,A1NTA, OA. If you want the Best Drink in the World say RED ROCK And say it ^=P L n I N^= Then you get RED ROCK QINGBR ALE. MANUFACTURED BY HAGAN Ianufa.cttirers High Grade Pertilizers, Acid Phosphate or Dissolved Bone, Pure Animal Bone Meal, Special Fertilizers for Special Crops. Write for Memorandum Book giving general information. *' ^? E-STALISHED 1866. ^«» V? tlii.,rtaii.,l||llllll|t||l,i,lll|t|lllllll|[|l,|.,lllj||lll ,„mill„„„l|illi„„,tl,„,iil|||ii i ,iii.imlllll. .n«l lllj larimrlllllim .illll ll *< it lit liiii.nllll]ri.iirlllll I* llln illiiMilliiiilillmllltllillllllllJI CURES CATARRH. Thousands who have suffered with Catarrh and Hay Fever testify to the efficacy of TOTAL ECLIPSE CATARRH CURE. It is needless for you to continue a victim of the twin banes of humanity. If you are physically and mentally depre sed by either Catarrh or Hay Fever give our remedy a test. If the first trial doesn't improve your condition we'll cheerfully return the money paid. Of all the cures offered the suffering, we know ours is the safest, surest and best. Packet for pipe dr I l\t\ lOO Cigarettes ^ I "WW- Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Eclipse Medicine & Manufacturing Company, ATLANTA, GA. miiifiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiipiiiiiijiiiiiimii If ipii"iipiiiiiipiii»iri|iii««iif»iiiii|]iiiii«ip"iiiipi"iiipiiiiiiii"»iniii w iir""'iiii""' COMPLETE ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS INSTAllEP. MOTORS : DYNAMOS *. : AT I/A NTA*. THE MOWRY CANDY CO. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS Mowry's Cream Kisses a Specialty Office and Factory 82 N. FORSYTH STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. DROPSY CURED Send to Dr. H. H. Green's Sons for ten days' treatment, directions and terms. THEY CURE DROPvSY IN ITS VARIOUS FORMvS Some may say your case is complicated and Dr. Green's Sons can not cure you; be not discouraged. All cases of Dr psy are complicated, more or less. Dr. Green's Sons are constantly curing persons of Dropsy — cases that have been pronounced hopeless by the best physicians. Remember, ten days' treatment free by mail. Under this proposition can any person be wicked enough to cry humbug? Remember— Ten Days' Trial Treatment Free to Every Sufferer DR. H. H. GREEN'S SONS, L,oiva DisxAivce caul, isoe. box h, atuaivta, a a. W, M. SCOTT & CO. City Properties, Farms, Pine Lands 72 N. BROAD STREET, = = . = - ATLANTA, QEORQIA. Over 25 years active continuous experience. (Our Mr. Scott was Adgt. 13th Wis. Vet. Vols. Past Dept. Commander Q. A. R. Qa. & S. C.) Write us for any information concerning Greater Georgia. Enclose stamps for postage. GOPHER OIL THE NEW ERA REMEDY Should be in every home for emergencies. It takes out the fire of burns and scalds and heals up the sore Is specific; for Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Eczema, Sprains, Swelling , Kheumatism, Inflammation, Mumps, Chilblains, Piles and all injuries. Using GOPHER OIL convinces all that it is no experiment. GOPHER OIL is the ideal "Twentieth Century Remedy," the "New Era Medicine." The world today is confronted with the fact that GOPHER OIL is the most wonderful and powerfully penetrating substance yet produced, and with all this, it does not sting the tender parts to irritation, but soothes to gentle rest and ease, the irritated nerves, the nagging pain, the weeping sore, the edematous itch, conquering the evil, not effecting in the least healthy tissue. Full directions go with each 25c. or 5Uc. bottle. Get it at druggists and country stores. M. P. GAME Proprietor, yVTL,A.lNTA, QA.. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 177 NEBO, Paulding County Doyal L T, Meats NEEDHAM, Ware County Moore, Sharpe & Co, Gen Store & Na- val Stores Thrift & Hickox, Naval Stores NEESE, Madison County Glenn James W, Gen Store NELLWOOD, Bulloch County Lester R F Jr, Naval Stores NELSON, Pickens County Blue Kidge Marble Co Nelson Mercantile Co, Gen Stroo Sheppard Miss Iowa, Milly & Soda Ft Thomason H D & Son, Saloon Wilson Lumber Co NETTIE, Forsyth County Greene & Blackstock, Gin, Saw and Grist Mill Hansard J L, Gen Store Majors W L, Gen Store Martin Sam C, Gin & Saw Mill NEVILS, Bulloch County Banks S C, Gen Store NEW, Chattooga County Johnston R B, Blacksmith NEWBORN, Newton County Adams & Mitchell, Blacksmiths Childs Robert, Gen Store Duke Loyd & Co, Gen Store Harrell & Wilson, Gen Store Pennington M E, Grocer Pitts J T & J W, Gen Store Porter J C & F R, Gen Store Speer T J, Gen Store Stanton J O, Gen Store Stowe W E, Drugs NEWBRIDGE, Lumpkin County Crenshaw A B & Co, Gen Store Johnson D O, Gen Store Whelchel A B, Gen Store WheTchel J E, Grocer, Etc Whelchela A S, Gen Store NEW ENGLAND CITY, Dade County Wilson R L, Gen Store NEW HOPE, Paulding County J J, Gen Store Brown L L, Gen Store, Gin & Mill Ellet & Whittaker, Gen Store Rackley W B, Gen Store NEW MARKET, Monroe County Fears & Ham, Millers NEWNAN, Coweta County Adams L, Millinery Armstrong & Co, Grocers Arnall Ginnery Co Arnall & Farmer Mdse Co, Gen Store Askew Bros & Co, Gen Store Askew W S Co, Millers Atkinson Bros, Gen Store Banta H S, Jeweler Barnett St John & Co, Gen Store Barron C J, Repair Shop Black Bros, Gen Store Boone D W, Gen Store Biadley J P, Gen Store Bradley J P & Foegel, Tailors Bradley & Bank!», Gen Store Bradley & Wester, Drugs Broadwater &, Moore, Meats & Rest Brown & Whatlej', Publishers Burch A R, Restaurant Burdette A R & Co, Cotton & Fertili- zers Burpee T G, Harness & Tanner Butts Fannie, Millinery Byrum William C, Grocer Camp Thomas L, Gen Store Carniichael G 0, Grocer Carmichael J W, Grocer Carmichael W S, Butcher Gates A B, Woodyard Cavender S J, Livery Cole R D Mfg Co, Planing Mill, Foun dry. Etc Coweta-Fertz Co, Branch Coweta Nat Bank, R H Hardaway Prea, N L North Cash Cuttino P F & Co, Gen Store Farmer C W, Grocer Farmer & Lee, Geu Store First Nat Bank, Charles C Parrott Prea, H H North Cash Gearreld W P, Livery Gibson J S, Farmers' Supplies Glover H C & Bro, Gen Store Goodrum J J & Son, Mfrs Shoej Hardaway »to Hunter, Gen Store Hodge J R, Wood Wkr Holmes W P, Grocer Holt & Cates, Drugs Hughes R, Gen Store Hutchins J B, Gen Store Irvin J S & Co, Gen Store Jackson Mary J (Mrs W C), Gen Store Jackson W E, Grocer Johnson Hardware Co, Hdwe Jordan & Reese, Grocers Keith M G, Livery Keith M G & J J, Live Stock Krueger Wm (agt), Harn Etc Land J D, Gen Store Lee E A B (Mrs J A), Milly Leigh S E, Gen Store & Mill McCutcheon & Parrott, Pubs Manget V E, Gen Store Manget D T & Co, W Grocers Martin J M, Tinner Martin Bros, Meats, Etc Mendelson Charles, Racket Store Mendelson M, Clot, Shoes, Etc Mendelson Sol, Gen Store Merck & Demp, Bicycle Repairs Miller J S, Lumber, Etc Murray S W, Stationery, Etc Newman Bros, Gen Store Newnan Banking Co, B T Thompson Pres, J H Pendergrast Cash Newnan Bottling Works NewTian Canning Co Newnan Cotton Mills, Yarns Newnan Furniture Co Newnan Jewelry Co Newnan Light & Power Co Newnan Market & Ice Co O'Neal A B, Racket Store Olmstead O S, Grocer Orr & Powell, Gen Store Owens J W, Grocer Penniaton Paul, Drugs Pinson House Pope Alexander, Hardware Potts T E, Gen Store Powel Thomas W & Co, Cotton Powers J A (agt), Grocer Reese E O, Furniture Reese Drug Co Reid J S, Restaurant Reynolds J P, Gen Store Robinson D, Clothing, Etc Salbide M, Mfr Cigars Shackleford T F, Cotton & Fertilieera Scroggins Furniture Co, R Smith J E, Gen Store Spence & Meyer, Gen Store Steed W A, Contractor Stephens J A & Co, Gen Store Stewart R J, Grocer Swint J T, Gen Store Taylor J W & H W, Grocers Thompson & Scroggins, Undtkrs Welch W L & Co, Gen Store Widener J H, Gen Store Williams O T, Gen Store Word A R, Wood and Coal NEWPORT, Fannin County Mashburn Thomas, Gen Store Stepena W J, Gen Store NEW PROVIDENCE, Wilkinson County Burke A N, Gen Store NEWEY, Troup County NEWTON, Baker County Cox S M, Gen Store and Logging Grider M E, Saloon Hall J W, Gro & Saloon Hall R L & W H, Gen Store & Saloon Ledbetter H A (agt). Gen Store & Hotel Livingston W T, Gin & Grist Mill McConnell Bros, Naval Stores McRainey M A, Naval Stores & Gen Store Norris J T, Gen Store Norria C E & Bro, Gen Store Ryals Mrs E A, Millinery, Etc Solano J M, Gen Store NEWTON FACTORY', Newton County Dick E F, Blacksmith Gaither Mrs A L, Grocer Pickett James E, Grocer Pickett W H, Gen Store NICHOLLS, Coffee County Bagley J II Sons & Co, Gen Store Brantley A P Co, Gen Store Brigmond A W, Grocer Cash Grocery Co Cohn Nathan D, D Gds & Clothing Cole Daniel F, Naval Stores & Ge» Stores Davis J A, Gen Store Dedge J L, Saw Mill & Gen Store Hall M, Gen Store Jardine J M & Co, Jewelers Kirkland R G, Naval Stores & Gen Store Lott Dan, Gen Store & Gin McLauchlin N L, Gen Store Meeks D H, Drugs Nat Trading Co, Gro & Bicycle Supplies 178 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. Soda Water NICHOLS— Continued NichoUs Bottling Work Nicholls Grocery Co Nichols llfg Co, Naval Stores & Gen OUifl A^M^Mrs J A). Gen Store Parker & Anderson, Gen btore & Hotel Eabinowitz Wm, » Gds, Olo etc Ritch E D, Gen Store Bobinson k G, Gen Store & Crosstres Southern Pine Co o£ Georgia, Timber Tanner F M, Gen Store Williams John, Livery NICHOLSON, Jackson County Bond C L, Gen Store NICKAJACK, Cobb County Mosa H A, Gen Store CONCORD WOOLEN MILLS, MANUFACTURERS CASSIMERES, SUITINGS, JEANS AND PANTS. Established 1867. ^i^KAJACK, GA. NIOKELSVILLE, Gordon Comity Holbrook W J, Miller, Etc NIOKVILLE, Elbert County Booth Bros, Gen Store NIELLY, Telfair County Smith T J, Gen Store & Naval Stores NILE, Brooks County Crocker C A, Gen Store Youne S M, Gen Store NINNERVILLE, Morgan County Cook J W, Gen Store NIXON, Coweta County Horton W J, Gen Store ^ NOAH, Jefferson County Avera E C, Gen Store Avera W C, Fertilizers Baggett R R, Gen Store NOBLE, Walker County Glass J P, Gen Store NOCHWAY, Randolph County King W G, Gen Store NONA, Putnam County Hawkins C H, Gen Store Jackson J D, Gen Store Jones & Gregory, Gen Store NORCROSS, Gwinnett County Bolton, Ford & Co, Ginnery Cain S, Gen Store Dean E C, Gen Store Haynie John W, Hardware & Repair Shop Johnson A A & TE, Gen Store Keady W M, Drugs Letson Bros, Grocers Lietch W R, Gin and Saw Mill Lively P & Son, Gen Store McElroy & Nesbitt Furn Co Martin A A & Son, Gen Store Medlock McDaniel Co, Gen Store Medlock & Elder, Livery Johnston J F, Gin and Saw Mill Southern Oak Leather Co, Tanners Wall & Meyers, Gen Store Webb James W, Gen Store NORDEN, Bryan County Tuten W G, Saw Mill NORMAN, Pike County NOERISTOWN, Emanuel County Durden J F, Gen Store Durden W J, Blacksmith Durden W S, Gen Store Phillips William C, Saw Mill Price W D, Gen Store Ricks E L, Gen Store Smith Bros, Gen Store Thigpen A M, Gen Store NOETHEN, Hancock County Coleman W N, Gen Store NORTON, Whitfield County Robinson J M, Gen Store . •.■ ■ j -,■■ NORWOOD, Warren County Avery & Bro, Blacksmiths Barksdale B B, Gen Store Cooper W H (agt), Saw Mill & Gin Darden N M, Drugs Hawes W L, Gen Store Hill V y. Gin and Miller Johnson R L, Hotel and Blksmith McGinity & Shu-ley, Gen Store Massengales S E & Co, Gen Store Norman J M, Gen Store Pilcher & Evans, Fertilizers Eav & Co, Gen Store Smith Matthew, Gen Store Stanford Miss M L, Gen Store NOTE, Putnam County Maddox N G & Co, Gen Store NOVETTA, Forsyth County Barrett O M, Gen Store Tatum E S, Gin and Saw Mill Wallace G E, Gen Store NUBERG, Hart County Norman M M & Co, Saw Mill & Gi: Thornton & Ray, Gen Store NUNEZ, Emanuel County Dozier W P, Gen Store Fordon L P & Co. Drugs Phillips A C & Co, Gen Store & Saw Mill Youmans S & Co, Gen Store NUNN, \^'a3hinston County Nunn P C, Gen Store NUNNALLY, Walton County Adams J M, Gen Store NYDIA, Henry County Rowan W E, Gen Store NYE, Taliaferro County Stone C H, Gen Store Wright John T, Gen Store NYSON, Fayette County Jones C P, Gen Store O'NEAL'S MILLS, Troup County Floyd T L, Gen Store Kimbrough & O'Neal, Gen Stole Satteiwhite D H, Gen Store Satterwhite & Bryant, Gins Smith W J, Grocer OAKFIELU, Worth County Campbell J E & Co, Gen Store Davis D H, Gen Store Tlavi=; W A, Gen Store Dupree Bros Gen Store and Naval Stores Hall M D (Mi-s W J) Gen Store & Drugs Harris C H & Co, Gen Store Hicks R N, Drugs Jackson W J, Gen Store Linden Lumber Co, Hardwood Lumber Eto Rountree J E & Co, Saw Mill Vickers & Co, Naval Stores Wallace George W, Gen Store OAK GROVE, Quitman County Ellis John R, Gen Store Morris J W, Gen Store & Gin OAKHURST, Cobb County 1 Brown J W, Gen Store Davis A D, Gen Repair Shop Garrison T W, Fertilizers, Gin & Mill OAKLAND, Meriwether County Atkinson & Co, Gen Store Blakely W L, Gen Store Clarke John R, Blacksmith Oakland Ginnery, Powers E H, Gen Store Sitton H C & Son, Blacksmiths & Wood Shop Thrash & Crouch, Gen Store OAKLAND CITY, Fulton County Allen J E, Gen Store Chapman & Bro, Gen Store Moblev W H, Confectioner Tucker C M, Gen Store OAKLEY MILL, Cobb County Johnson C E, Gen Store Peed C C, Gen Store OAKEIDGE, Meriwether County Hamby B F, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 179 OAKWOOD, Hall County Allen W C, Gea Store Odell U S, Gen Store Pierce, H F, Gen Store C F, Gen Store OAKY, Effingham County Burns G W, Saw & Grist Mill Harrelson E D, Naval Stores Snooks J> Sons, Naval Stores Wilson S A, (Est of). Gen Store OATTS, Durke County Lynch W H, Gen Store QBE, Colquitt County Acme Lumber Co, Barber & Norman Bros, Naval Stores & Gen Store Butler J L, Saw Mill Home K W, Gen Store, Gin and Saw Mill Moore Mrs S L, Gen Store Norman Pearce tfc Co, Naval Stores Perry Julien E, Gen Store Hentz Bros, Gen Store Reynolds J M & Co, Gen Store Sikes J B & Co, Gen Store and Livery Wilder M L (Mrs T L), Gen Store OCEE, Milton County Bagwell & Douglas, Gin Cunningham D B, Gen Store Shirley J W & Bro, Gen Store OCHILLEE, Chattahooche County Broadnax J T, Lumber Van Home W I, Gen Store OCHLOCHNEE, Thomas County Anderson D B, Gen Store Anderson J H, Gen Store & Saw Mill Anderson J R, Drugs & Gra Burch J R, Saw Mill Cardin J F, Gen Store Groover J T & J S, Saw Mill Groover, Singletary & Co, Gen Stora Hudson Lumber Co, Saw Mill Patterson & Walker, Naval Store Pittman & McGoogan, Naval & Gen Sto Segler W T, Saw Mill Sills L R, Gen Store & Livery Sills W D, Gen Store Singletary Susan E, Millinery Singletary & Co, Gen Store Spence Isaac S, Gen Store Stephens & Calhoun, Gen Store Watson, Covington & Co, Naval Stores, Gen Store I OCHWALKEB, Montgomery County Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co, Saw Mill Knox R H (The) Co, Gen Store Way W H, Gen Store OCILLA, Irwin County Bank of Ocilla Bruce C E & Bro, Meats and Ice Ensign-Oskamp Co, mfrs Lumber Fiveash & Paulk, Gen Store George J B, Hotel Harper L H, Blacksmith Henderson Reason & Co, Gen Store Hogan D J, Gin Howell J E & Co, Gen Store & Naval Stores Irwin County Publishing Co Luke & Clements, Stock Dlrs McCall Walter, Gen Store Ocilla Dispensary, Liquors Ocilla Hardware & Supply Co Ocilla Pharmacy Overby Miss T E, Millinery Paulk, Little & Griner, Gen Store Paulk, Sutton & Co, Live Stock Paulk & Co, Gen Store Powell, BuUard & Co, Naval Stores and Gen Store Purvis & Co, Gen Store Sapp Drug Co Sutton Bros, Ginnery Sutton Paul & Sutton, Gen Store Waits, Tankersley & Co, Gen Store Wilcox Mrs A B, Hotel OCONEE, Washington County Bailey C M, Gen Store Curry T A, Gen Store Gilbert G J, Gen Store Graybill L A, Gen Store Hodges C M & Bro, Gen Store OCONEE JHLLS, Hall County Bufflngton J P & J R, Gen Store Gaines H W T, Miller and Gin Gaines John O, Gen Store OCTAGON, Mcintosh County OCTAVIA, Cobb County Darby Asa, Gin and Mill ODELL, Forsyth County ODESSA, Wayne County ODESSADALE, Meriwether County Cole & English, Blacksmiths Cunningham T W, Gen Store Glanton W A, Gen Store Harman J O & Co, Gen Store Partridge Bros, Gen Store & Mill Smith W R S, Gen Store ODOMVILLE, Emanuel County ODUM, Wayne County Burnett & Dukes, Naval Stores Carter & Gurr, Naval Stores and Gen Store OFFERMAN Pierce County Aspinwall M A, Gen Store & Naval Stores Chancey J W, Gen Store Johnson Mrs J Q, Millinery Leigh J L, Gen Store McDonough H A, Gen Store Southern Pine Co, of Georgia OGDEN, Sumter County Carter J C, Gen Store OGEECHEE, Screven County Burns B, Ginnerj^ Ennies M J, Gen Store Mallory & Jaudon, Naval Stores and Gen Store Nunnally R W, Gen Store Roberts A R, Gen Store OGLESBY, Elbert County Deadwyler A P, Gen Store Oglesby D P, Gen Store OGLETHORPE, Macon County Bank of Oglethorpe, W H Stewart Prea, C J Dunn Cash Bridges R L & Bro, Gen Store Brown & Co, Saw Mill Cpogle D P, Gen Store Crumley M F, Drugs Edwards W S, Gen Store English W L, Live Stock & Vehicles Gardner & Shealy, Com Cotton and Fer- tilizers Grant P T, Saw slill Greer L C, Publisher Greer & Kleckley, Com Cotton Johnson S K & Son, Gen Store Kaigler J H, Ginnery, etc Kelsoe Mrs M P, Millinery Lofley & Shealy, Gen Store McBride & Collins, Gen Store McCarty M V, Gen Store McKay & McBride, Livery Moffett T E, Livfci-y Murray E L, Saloon Nelson J L, Gen Store Nelson J P, Gen Store Scovill T Mayes, Hotel Shealey W P, Saloon Shealy A E & Bro, Gen Store & Coffins Webb W E, Gen Store Williams J B, Warehouse OHOOPEE, Tattnall County Bird C C & Co, Grocers, Etc Cowart D C, Gen Store Evans W J & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores Graham C M & Son, Gen Store McKenzie & Chitty, Saw Mill Meadows George W, Naval Stores and Gen Store Meadows J W, Saw Mill Newton & Newton, Gen Store O'Quinn & Baldwin, Gen Store Ohoopee Mercantile Co, Gen Store Swindell JI L, Gen Store OKAPILCO, Brooks County OLA, Henry County Crowell A L (Mrs J F), Gen Store Crowell S P, Gen Store & Mill Crowell T J, Blacksmith Norman A C, Gen Store & Blacksmith Rape J S, Gen Store OLGA, Stewart County Crumbley J D, Gen Store i8o Greater Georgia Gazetteer, OLIVER, Screven County Grovenstein J Aj Gen Store HodgeB W P, Gen Store Hunter W T, Gen Store Lanier A B, Drugs Oliver Supply Co, Oen Store OLLIE, Gilmer County Poindexter J W, Gen Store OLIISTEAD, Washington County Beach W R, Gen Store OLNEY, Screven County Brewer J M, Gen Store Parker M L (Mrs ill L), Gen Store OLYMPIA, towndes County Bernal C D, Gen Store Crowley B M, Blacksmith Faulk & May, Gen Store Fitzgerald J B & W E, Grist MiU Fitzgerald W A & Co, Grocers Helton A H, Grocer, etc Omaha Warehouse & Com Co OMAR, Wayne. County Aspinwall J A, Gen Store and Gin OMECEON, Wilkinson County Green John R, Gen Store OMEGA, Worth County Cowart M, Gen Store ; Marchant Joseph, Gen Store Taylor J W, Gen Store Whidden Bros, G«n Stors ; ONIDA, Liberty County Ellarbee H G, Gen Store Gooden W P, Gen Store ONO, Campbell County Watkins J C, Gen Store OOSTANAULA, Gordon County Mansell W T, Gen Store OPHELIA, Wilkes County T J, Gen Store Quillian E P, Drugs West Yellow Pine Co, Saw Mill and Gen Store OPHIR, Cherokee County OEAN, Murray County Logan & Reed, Gen Store ORANGE, Cherokee County Jones R T, Gen Store ORCHARD HILL, Spalding County Crawley F M, Gen Store Grubbs W J, Gen Store Swint M F (agt). Gen Store OREMONT, Polk County Lacy-Buck Iron Co, Mfrs ORIANNA, Laurens County Kitchens W H, Gen Store Smith Joel L, Gen Store OEIE, Baker County olm R, Naval Stores Store ORIENT, Gwinnett County Brownlee A J, Gen Store ORLETTA, Stewart County Hardin J J & Son, Gen Store ORRVILLE, Washington County es D, Mill & Gin . E, Gen Store ORSMAN, Floyd County Barnes Bros, Gen Store ORUS, Colquitt County Jackson Lumber Co, Saw Mill OSANDA, Campbell County Aderholt H P, Blacksmith Campbell Robert, Gen Stores OSBORN, Towns County Wood & Adams, Gen Store OSCARVILLE, Forsyth County Bailey J W, Gin Crow W T, Gen Store Waldrop Ira, Gen Store Waldrop & Crow, Gin OSGOOD, Berrien County Phillips P D, Saw Mill Phillips & Hollingsworth, Saw Mill OSIERFIELD, Irwin County Harper A L & Co, Gen Store Shepherd, Ford & Co, Dry Goods Sheppard A, Gro and Blksmith OSWALD, Telfair County Cook Bros, Gen Store Moon J W (agt), Saw Mill OTHELA, Cherokee County McLain James, Gen Store OTIS, Forsyth County Burris R B, Gen Store & Flour Mill Nuckols T L, Gin & Saw Mill Pendley John F, Gin and Grist Mill OUSLET, Lowndes County Denmark J C, Gen Store McQuaig S C, Gen Store & Naval Stores Sims W A, Gen Store OVAL, Paulding County EUis C S, Gen Store OWENSBYVILLE, Heard County Owensby I M, Gen Store Owensby O J, Gen Store OWEN'S FERRY, Camden County Dyal & Lang, Gen Store & Rice Planters King H C Jr, Rice Planting, Ties, Lum & Gen Store McKinnon L T, Gen Store OWLTOWN, Gilmer County OXFORD, Newton County Bentley M A, Meats Branham J W, Gen Store Henderson F A, Gen Store Johnson J Z, Gen Store McGath & Bonnell, Publishers Stone D T & Son, Grocers OZELL, Brooks County Clvatt & Ham, Naval Stores Tolar F P, Gen Store Vann E E, Gen Store PACE, Newton County UeCord O P, Gen Store Ramsey C D, Gen Store PALMETTO, Campbell County Bearden W F, Flour Mill BuUard T P, Drugs Bullard & Smith, Gen Store Daniel H T, Gen Store Daniel M W, Gen Store Johnson Mrs M E, Millinery Langston Fanny, Millinery McCoUum S S, Gen Store Morris H W, Grocer Moseley C B, Gen Store PCM Cash Store, Gen Store Palmetto Cotton Mills, Yams, etc Smith W J, Grocer Smith & Smith, Drugs Steed F H, Guano Thornton Bros, Gen Store Zellars H C, Hardware PANOLA, DeKalb County White F M, Gen Store PANSY, Lincoln County Powell W C, Gen Store PANTHERSVILLE, DeKalb County Warren A M, Gen Store White Thomas A, Gen Store PAOLI, Madison County PARIS, Coweta County ColUna S G, Gen Store Summer W H, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. PARISH, Bulloch County Beacham H S, Gen Store Calhoun J A, Gen Store Durden E M, Saw Mill Burden W M & Co, Saw Mill Everett J & Son, Gen Store Parish J Blitch, Gen Store Turner O 0, Grocer PAKKER STORE, Hart County Carnes J E, Gen Store Chappelear J B F & Son, Gen Store Eaves R W, Gen Store Walters J C, Gen Store PAEKEEVILLE, Worth County Jenkins & Livingston, Saw Mill McNeil G B, Gen Store and Drugs PAEKMAN, Chattahoochee County Laj'field J B, Gen Store PARKS, White County Seabolt T W & Bros, Gen Store PARRAMORE, Screven County Parker H W, Naval Stores & Gen Store PARROTT, Terrell County Brightwell John L, Gen Store Cook H A, Gen Store Cook Gin & Mill Co Cook & Carter, Gen Store Culpepper U A, Blacksmith Jennings W S & Co, Grocers Lee A J & Sons, Saw Mills, etc Lee Bros, Gen Store Morgan W D & Co, Gen Store Parrott Square Bale Gin Co Tilley J W, Gen Store Williford J H & Co, Drugs PASCHAL, Talbot County Barnes Mrs W H, Gen Store Beckley A D, Gen Store Moore C W & Co, Gen Store Perkins Co, Saw Mill Union Telephone & Electric Co PATAULA, Clay County Crozier C C, Gen Store PATILLO, Monroe County Bell D M & Son, Gen Store PATTEN, Thomas County PATTERSON, Pierce County Blumenfeld I & Adler, D Gds Clo Etc Hyers Henry (The) Co, Gen Store Jackson J L, Gen Store Moore W R, Drugs O'Quinn J H, Drugs Price JI E (The) Co, Gen Store Tyre S R, Gen Store & Crossties Tyre Henry (The) Co, Gen Store Walker D J & Son, Gen Store PAULINA, Harris County Jones R M, Gen Store PAYO, Thomas County Adams Bros, Gen Store Alderman E, Hotel Barwick B H, Publisher Cromartie Sadie G, Millinery Davis T W, Livery Harris J Frank, Drugs Harrison J D, Gen Store & Naval Stores Holloway M R, Gen Store Home K S, Fruits Paul J C, Blacksmith Peacock D D, Gen Store Eeddick J H & Co, Gen Store Redfearn E C, Saw Mill, Etc Shelley C C, Naval Stores & Gen Store Sherrod Bros, Sa-.^ Mill Wheeler J T, Gen Store PAWNEE, Decatur County HoUingsworth C N, Saw Mill PAX, Effingham County Gnann J M, Gen Store PAYNE, Cherokee County Crawford A T, Gen Store PAYNTER, Fannin County PEACE, Baker County Hudson E L & Co, Gen Store Sanders N H. Gen Store Saw Mill & Gin PEACHLAND, Macon County Sandlin J J, Gen Store PEACOCK, Coffee County Giddens A, Gen Store PEARL, Camden County Whitehead George W, Gen Store PEARLY, Laurens County Brown R E, Saw Mill Robertson J M, Gen Store Thaggard Bros, Naval Stores & Gen Store PEARSON, Coffee County Brogdett James, Gin Corbett Joe & C W, Drugs Corbett M S & Son, Gen Store Davis J P, Gen Store Guest F M, Gen Store & Naval Stores Harrell N E, Gen Store Holzendorf C P, Livery Isler J N, Drugs Kirkland B Jr, Gen Store Kirkland Jeff, Naval Stores & Gen Store Mancil L, Grocer Moore E L. Saw Mill Morris J W, Gen Store Overstreet J F. Gen Store Sears H F, Naval Stores & Gen Store Suggs T D. Gen Store Tillman Z C, Saw Mill V.'hite & Corbett, Gen Store PEEKSVILLE, Henry County PELHAM, Mitchell County Anton Bros, Fruits Aftvinson W S, Gin & Grist Mill Belin J P & Co, Saw Mill Berman L & Co, Gen Store Bradford J N, Gen Store Brightwell G W (mgr). Grocer Buntin C W & J B, Gen Store Cannon & McClain, Meats Churchwell A F, Dry Goods & Clo Cochran & Keaton, Livery Daniel D, Gen Store Davidson H" C, Gen Store Everett Mercantile Co, Gen Store Everett & Battle, Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc Farmers' Bank of Pelham, J L Hand Pres, R U Curry Cash Fort, Hudson & Co, mfrs Coffins Graham J W, Watch Repairer Hand (The) Trading Co, Gen Store, Oil Mill and Guano Factory Harrell Mrs N V, Millinery Higgston Lumber Co Hill & King, Drugs Hollingsivorth John, Sales Stable Howze Jesse, Gen Store James C V, Hdwe & Vehicles King Mrs M E, Millinery King M H, Hotel Kinney M C, Mfr Barrels Lane J T & Co, Gen Store McElvey J 0, Saw Mill Merry H H, Publisher Mitchell H N & Co, Gen Store Mize F A, Gen Store & Naval Stores Mize John J, Mfr Cotton Stalk Choppers Nelson J E, Livery Nesmith & Wj'nne, Gen Store Parish & McCormick, Furniture Pelham Hardware & Supply Co, Hard- ware, Wagons, Crockery, Stoves, Etc Pelham Mfg Co, Cotton Mills Perry's Pharmacy Porter A J, Blacksmith Powe A E, Gen Store & Naval Stores Stubbs & Lord, Saw Mill Tucker H B, Grocer Taylor cfe Co, Blacksmiths Turner Bros, Gen Store Vickers J B, Bicycle Repairer Webb R B & Co, Gen Store White G W, Meats Wilder A U, Gen Store Wilder T L, Gen Store Wilhs & Cain, Gen Store PEMBROKE, Bryan County Bacon T J, Gro and Hdwe Carter M E, Gen Store Dukes J L, Naval Stores Harvev E V, Ties and Timber Hood R J, Saw Mill Morgan & Smith, Gen Store Moyd J B, Gen .Store and Livery Olive Richard W, Hotel and Livery Osteen & Son, Gen Store & Naval Stores Pembroke Lumber Co, Mfrs Rimes W B, Drugs Smith H H, Gen Store Smith W H, Gen Store PENDARVIS, Wayne County Harper E C, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. PENDEEGKASS, Jackson County. Barber T J, Gen Store Braselton & iI.arlo\v, Gen Stor* Brooks J S, Gen Store Hill B A & Co, Gen Store Long & Getzen, Gen Store ]loberts P J, Gen Store & Gin Trout H, Gen Store Wiiite A D, Drugs PENFIELD, Greene County. Boswell F E, Gen Store Bos\Yeil G B, Grocer Boswell R P, Gen Store Boswell A J & E R, Gen Store (ieer & Colclough, Gen Store MeMekin G D & Co, Gen Store Penfield Hosiery Mill Wilson W E, Blacksmith PENNICK, Glynn County. Dubberly Davis, Gen Store, Crossties and Saw Mill Sapp J A (Est of). Gen Store and Saw Mill PENNINGTON, Morgan County. Pennington Mdse Co., Gen Store PERKINS, Burke County. Bargerson T F, Gen Store Perkins M M, Gen Store Rodgerfl J A, Gen Store PERRY, Houston County Boughton L E, Stationery, etc Cater R L, Drugs Cooper O D, Gen Store Cooper C F Sr, Blacksmith Day W D, Gen Store and Warehouse Edwards & Marshall, Gen Store Hodges John H, Publisher Holtzclaw H M, Drugs Holtzclaw J G, Gen Store Houser F M, Gen Store Houston Banking Co, J H Davis Prest, J D Martin Cash Kunz Lizzie M. Millinery Kunz Ophelia (Mrs J B), Gen Store Marcliman R L, Furniture Marshburn J J, Ginnery Martin J D Jr, Grocer Miller J R, Grocer Norwood F E (Mrs W H), Milly Norwood W H, Gen Store Parker & Barfleld, Meats Paul L M, Gen Store Perry Loan & S.ivings Bank, C R Mann Pres, L F Cater Cash Schilling A B, Tailor Schilling R G & Bro, Repair Shop Sims W B, Gen Store Tuttle J N, Hotel Wells M M (Mrs G B), Hotel Winn G W, Livery and Gro PERRY'S MILLS, Tattnall County. Cook F B, Gen Store Gray & Melton, Gen Store and Naval Stores PERSIMMON, Rabun County York John M Sr, Gen Store PETERSBURGH, Gordon County Green A J, Gen Store PuUain A J, Gen Store Taylor H Sr, Gen Store PETREL, Cherokee County. Smith J W, Gen Store PETTY', Murray County Looney J A, Grocer PEYTON, Appling County Bazemore Mrs M E, Gen Store PFEIFFER, Screven County PHELPS, Whitfield County Stark P, Gen Store PHIDELTA, Banks County Mize L B & Co, Gen Store PHILEMA, Lee County Carter & Co, Gen Store Larramore H H, Gen Store Manning L C, Gen Store Mims 1'" M. Saw Mill Mims L W & Co, Gen Store Etc Muse, Brown & Mims, Cotton Gin and Grist Mill PHILIP'S MILL, Coflee County Brown J L & Co, Gen Store Cockrell Mrs L A, Gen Store Harris W J, Gen Store Tatum & Holland, Gen Store and Naval Storei PHILOMATH, Oglethorpe County PICKARD, Upson County Butts J H B, Gen Store PICKREN, Coflee County Byrd L, Saw Mill and Gen Store Byrd R L, Gro and Naval Stores Ellis Gaines Sr, Naval Stores & Gen Store Wise J D, Gen Store PIDCOCK, Brooks County Coffee J C, Livery and Market Georgia Lath and Shingle Co McKinnon J A, Gen Store McLeod W E & Co, Gen Store Pidcock Merc Co, (See C W Cooper Co, Thomasville) Starling A R, Gen Store Ward M, Gen Store and Saw, Gin «nil Grist Mills PIEDMONT, Pike County Collier Isaac C, Gen Store Warthen G H, Gen Store PIERCEVILLE, Fannin County Lovelle S L, Gen Store PeHrey J W, Gen Store Phillips Mrs James & Son, Gen Store Pool W A, Gen Store Vestal Joseph & Son, Gen Store PINEBLOOM, Coffee County PINE GROVE, Appling County Bohanon J L, Gen Store Johnson 1 F, Gen Store and Crossties Johnson L A, Gen Store & Naval Stores Mims E B. Naval Stores Williams H C, Gen Store PINEHURST, Dooly County B.ii field & Home, Gen Store CarmacK W H J, Gen Store Edenfield W N, Drugs Evers J D H, Gen Store and Milly Folds J H, Gen Store Forehand A F & Son, Gen Store FuUington G W, Gin, Mill, Etc Gore C P, Gen Store Gunn E M, Gen Store Haslam W M (agt), Di-ug» Lindsev Peter G, Gen Store Mixon E (agt). Gen Store Peavy Laura (Mrs H E), Gen Store Simmons J M, Fish, Ice, Etc Thompson C A, Gen Store Torbert J M, Gen Store Wilder Bros, Gin and Mill Williams Bros & Co, Ginnery Williams & Snelling, Gen Store Wright J F, Gen Store PINE LEVEL, Crawford County PINE LOG, Bartow County Collins J C, Gen Store Darrah J A, Gen Store Maxwell Bros, Gen Store PINE MOUNTAIN, Rabun County Winchester & Whitmire, Gen Store PIXE03A, Effingham County PINEPARK, Thomas County AMcrman B A, Gen Store Ballard Mrs J F, Gen Store Ballard & Stubbs, Gen Store Barwick J H & Son, Gen Store Blasingame C T, Gen Store Connell J G, Saw Mill Ward Bros, Gen Store PINETTA, Irwin County PINEVIEW, Wilcox County Bruce J I, Gen Store Dennard J J, Naval Storea Dennard R M, Gen Store Dennard Holt & Co, Gen Store Dickereon J H, Gen Store McEachin C C, Gen Store Mann T C, Saloon Mann W D & Co, Gen Store Mizell Miss Edna, Millinery Pineview Whiskey Co, Saloon Thigpen Joseph D, Livery Warren R E, Gen Store Windham & Bruce Drug Co Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 183 PINEVILLE, Marion County Wilson James L (agt), Gen Store PINIA, Dooly County Gibbs Dwight, Wheelwright PINK, "White County Cooley John P, Gen Store PINOPOLIS, Colquitt County Folsom Bros, Gen Store Marsh W J, Gen Store Nance W O & Co, Naval Store and Gen Store Swilley Mi 9 S A, Gen Store and Cider Weeks J S, Gen Store PISCOLA, Brooks County Eamsey & Ramsey, Gen Store PISGAH, Gilmer Conuty. Ellis J G, Gen Store PISTOL, Wilkes County Muse D J, Gen Store PITTS, Wilcox County Chandler Grey, Gen Store Coleman W A, Gen Store Cooper C F, Drugs Enterprise Lumber Co (See Atlanta) Fuller C F, Gen Store Greeson W B, Saw Mill King J A & Son, Gen Store McAllister J N, Grocer McAllister Mrs P C, Gen Store Mixon G W & Co, Gen Store Owens J H, Gin and Saw Mill Shivers Katherine (Mrs J A), MiUy and Williamson W M, Grocer PITTSBURG, Walker County Carson S T, Gen Store Chastain A J, Meats Durham Coal & Coke Co, Mmers ana Mfrs Tatum G W M, Gen Store PLAINS, Sumpter County Carter & McGarragh, Gen Store Carter & Montgomery, Gen Store Graham J, Gen Store Graham Bros, Gen Store Harvev M L & Co, Gen Store Jennings Mrs A M & Co, Milly Lunsford, French, Timmerman Co, Gen Store McKissach W C, Gen Store Murray J W & Sons, Ginnery Oliver-McDonald Co, Gen Store Plains Bank, R S Oliver Pres, W L Thomas Cash Plains Gin & Mills Plains Sq Bale Ginning Co Spann & Montgomery, Com Cotton Tavlor C L (Mrs John), Gen Store Timmerman & Wise, Com Cotton, Fer- tilizers and Buggies Walters C L & Oo, Gen Store PL-AINVILLE, Gordon County Brownlee J H (agt), Gen Store Gunn J H, Gen Store Gunn J T, Saw Mill and Gin Huffaker Mrs M T, Gen Store and Drugs Huflaker William, Grocer Jacks T F, Gen Store Jliller W J & Co, Mfrs Flour Price & Antry, Gen Store Sisk J Vf, Gen Store Smith & Padgett, Blksths & Wood Wks PLEASANT, Forsyth County Bloodworth & Walker, Blkstha Brice T R, Gen Store Suckles T L, Gin and Saw Mill Orr & Hunt. Gen Store Rice M B, Grist and Saw Mill PLEASANT HILL, Talbot County Bardvell T A & Co, Gen Store Daniel & Smith, Gen Stoie Evans G W, Gen Store Ferguson H J, Gen Store Owens Mil D O. Frist Mill & Gin Pye W B, GenStore Trussell U A, Wheelwi'ight Willis W A, Gen Store Woodall S W & Oo, Gen Store PLEASANT RETREAT, Vfhite County Couitenay W H, Gen Store Tesnatee Live Stock Co PLOWSHARE, Carroll County Moore J B, Gen Score PLUG, Carroll County PLUMB, Franklin County Oliver S J, Gen Store POINT PETER, Oglethorpe County Fleming & Burt, Gen Store Matthews, King & Co, Gen Store Tiller T R, Gen Store POLE, Habeialiam County Church J, Gen Store POMONA, Spalding County .„.5,-.i W T, Gen Store Manley Bros, Gen Store POND FORK, Jackson County Hitchcock R R, Gen Store POND SPRING, Walker County Brotherton J L, Gen Store Hairis D T, Glacksmith Owings R R, Miller POOLER, Chatham County Bourne L J, Gen Store Bourne Bros, Saw Mill Heidt Josephine O (Mrs T P), Drugs, Etc Morgan H H, Grocer Powell J A, Gen Store Rothwell Benjamin, Brick Mir Shearouse & Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store Shearwood Lumber Co, Saw Mill Thompson D F, Grocer POPE'S FERRY, Monroe County. Davis J W, Gen Store POPLAR, Talbot County Butler I B, Gen Store POPLAR SPRINGS, Haralson County. Williams H L, Saw Mill PORTAL, Bulloch County Aaion C B, Gen Store Cowart L W, Saw Mill Davis B A, Gen Store Finch W S, Gen Store PORTER SPRINGS, Lumpkin County Walker W, Gen Store POSCO, Polk County Gaston W F, Gen Store POST OAK, Catoosa County Allison B C, Gen Store POTS MOUNTAIN, Dawson County Hubbard Thomas E, Gen Store POTTERVILLE Taylor County Bibb Mfg Co, Cotton Gda Crook M L, Gen Store POULAN, Worth County Bank ot Poulan, John G McPhaul Prest, W J McKerall Cashier Bullard Bros, Gen Store Charles & Pinkston, Gen Store Collier W D, Grocer Davis B A, Gen Store Girdner E L, Livery Hunton & Co, Planing Mill Lumber etc Jameson E (Mrs W K), Gen Store Jordan & Simerly, Gen Store and Saw Mill Retchings F M (Mrs T L), Milly Kimble F M, Gen Store McGirt & Phelps, Gin, Grist Mill and Woodwork Poulan Cotton Mills Poulan Supply Co, Gen Store Smith H W, Drugs Stevens V P, Drugs Willis J W, Saw Mill & Blksth POWDER SPRINGS, Cobb County Bell Gertrude, Millinery Butner Bios, Gen Store Biitner J L & Co, Gen Store Camp T N & G A, Gen Store Cassady & Caldwell, Blacksmiths Cotton & McTyre, Gen Store Duncan F R, Gen Store Elliott & Croker, Gen Store Hunter J H, Drugs Kimberly & Chandler, Grocers Lindley T N & Co, Gen Store Milly eta McLand Mercantile Co, Gen Store Manning W J, Fertilizers Matthews Uriah, Furniture Murray, Baggett & Co, Gen Store Reynolds L W, Blacksmith Scott & Haney, Fertilizers POWELLS, Washington County Whitfield P A (Mrs S A,) Gen Store POWELTON, Hancock County Leonard S C (agt). Gen Store Rainwater W P. Gen Store Wheeler C E, Gen Store i84 Greater Georgia; Gazetteer. POWER, Cobb County Power h M, 'Gin POWERSVILLE, Houston County Allen Mrs E E, Millinery Dupree & Hays, Fertilizers etc English H VV, Gen Store & Gin English E M, Gen Store English H W & Co, Gen Store Mathews E S, Gen Store PBATEUS MILL, Whitfield County Prater W H, Gen Store Prater W H & Co, Millers PRATT, Harris County Pratt H H, Gen Store PEATTSBURG, Talbot County Mathews J B & Co, Gen Store Parker J T, Grist Mill Potter L, Gen Store PRESTON, Webster County Addy W P, Gen Store etc Alston & Bozeman, Drugs and Liquors Bell L C (Mrs S), Hotel Bell & Horn, Liquors Christian G M, Blacksmith Cobb & Montgomery, Gen Store Goss B F, Gen Store Gurley S E, Millinery Horn J L, Gen Store King John E, Gen Store Moore Misses, Millinery Nicholson E L & Co, Gen Store Parker H V, Cottonseed Rees J O, Gen Store Stapleton J P (The) Co, Gen Store Tharpe T J, Gen Store Walker W F & Co, Drugs PRETORIA, Dougherty County Red Cypress (The) Lumber Co Wells R L & Co, Grocers PRICE, Hall County Jackson V A, Gen Store PEIDE, Hancock County Wheeler W M, Gen Store PEINCETON, Rockdale County Costley J L T, Son & Co, Gen Store, Mill Etc Nowell, Summers & Co, Gen Store PRINGLE, Washington County Price W W & Son, Gen Store PRIOR'S, Polk County Jones & Fite, Gen Store Oredell Iron Co, Ltd PROCTOR, Bulloch County Hiers J M, Saw Mill PROTECTION, Gilmer County Cochran W N, Gen Store PRUIT, Banks County Anderson T E, Gen Store PRUNE, Murray County PUCKETT, Gwinnett County Jones J T, Gen Store Pugh T E, Gin PULASKI, Bulloch County Franklin H L, Gen Store Franklin & Williams, Coffins & Caskets Green C H, Grocer Green Miss Maggie, Hotel Morris G W & Son, Gen Store Williams H R, Gen Store PUTNAM, Marion County Stevens E W, Gen Store PUTNEY, Dougherty County Gantt G E, Naval Stores Putney F F, Saw Mill Putney Fertilizer Co Putney F F & Co, Gen Store Tyler & Haiglei Store Yellow Pine Mfg Co, Lumbi Naval Stores and Gen PYE, Wayne County Bugstiner L E, Gen Store Madray E W, Naval Stores and Gen Store Pye D D, Blacksmith Reddish J M & Co, Naval Stores QUAKER, Douglas County Daniel & Son, Gen Store QUEBEC, Union County Miller James M Js Co, Gen Store QUINCE, Tattnall County Bird J F, Gen Store Brown L W & Co, Gen Store Collins G W Jr, Gen Store Collins & Collins, Gen Store Holland Jordan, Timber Hussey M D, Gen Store Moore & Eason, Saw Mill Murphy I H & Co, Gro & Cider Newton & Eason, Naval Stores Sikes E P, Grocer QUITMAN, Brooks County Alderman & Milteer, Grocers Atlantic & Gulf Mills, Cotton Y'arn Avera & Smith, Drugs, Paints & Oils Avrett G W, Hdwe, Stoves Etc Bank (The) of Quitman, J O Morton Prest, Frank Spain Jr Cash Beasley Adam & Co, Harness & Saddlery Bowman & Mabhett, Clo & Men's Furng Cannon (The) Co, Mtrs Barrels Christian George R, Furn & Musical Insts Clark W L, Saw Mill Clvatt D T, Naval Stores & Gen Store Collins R E, Blacksmith Creech R C (agt). Grocer Davis Fertilizer Co, Mfrs & Dlrs Davis W A & Co, Syrup & Watermelon Davis & Powell, Gen Store Dekle H E, Jeweler Denmark L C, Harn & Saddlery Denmark Bros, Gen Store Dugger A A, Gen Store Dukes E T, Cotton Warehouse, Etc Free Press Publishing Co Georgia-Florida Grocery Co Green A W, Racket Store Groover Fuller, Live Stock Hassell & Perry Co, D Gds Hatzopoulo P, Fruits & Confec Hawks C S & Co, D Gds & Milly Hendry N C, Gen Store Hotel Marie Ives G W, Gen Store Johnson Marble Works Jones W A, Furniture Joyner C C, Meats Kent A (agt). Sewing Machines & Or- gans Laney M & Co, Wagon Mkrs Langford A A & Son, Grocers Lazarus Bros, D Gds, Etc Lewis J O, Gen Store Lilly & Lilly, D Gds, Etc Little & Phillips, Contrs & Bldrs Lucas J C, Saw Mill McCleUan S D, Gen Store Mclntosh-Powers Co, Gen Store McMullen & Davis, Drugs Mabbett B E, Gen Store Mabbett & Groover, Fertilizers, Water- melons, Etc Merchants' & Farmers' (The) Bank, J B Eountree Pres, J E Davis Cash Morrison D T, Plumber Morrow W C Jr, Laundry Neel Bros & Co, Gen Store Oelsner Julius, Clo & Men's Furng Oelsner & Felder, Clothg Etc Oglesby Lumber & Mfg Co Oliver & Yates, Grocers Pedrick E J, Gen Store & Gin Powell Wm J, Gro & Crockery Powers & Co, Dept Store Price L S, Gen Store Pritehard M C, Grocer Quartei-man & Jelks, Drugs Quitman Advertiser, Publishers Quitman Bottling Works Quitman Furniture & Vehicle Co Quitman Ginnery Quitman Machine Shop Quitman Marble Co Quitman Oil Co Quitman Syrup & Produce Co Remington Charles H, Undtkr Etc Renfroe Bros, Saw Mill Eountree J B, Buggies & Wagons Rountree S S, Gen Store Sheffield P Jr, Grocer South Georgia Grocery Co Stewart Bros, Livery Thompson W T, Cotton Buyer Tillman Estate of John, Hdwe Townsend & Thomas, (5en Store Wade J H & Son, Bldg Materia! Walker Mercantile Co, W D Gds West Coast Lumber Co Williams' G B Son, Mfrs Pat Medicine Wilson J D, Clothing Etc EABBIT, Taylor County Montgomery S, Gen Store RABUN GAP, Rabun County Keener & Son, Gen Store EACEPOND, Charlton County Naval Stores & Gen EACKLEY, Emanuel County Oliopee Lumber Co, Saw Mill Georgia Chemical Works AUGUSTA. GEORGIA J. RICE SMITH, L. C. HAYNE, PRES. & MGR. VICE-PRES. A. SMITH IRVINE, SECY. & TREAS. MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Fertilizers J\nA Md PI)o$p[>ate$ OAPACITYs Augusta Factor jr, - - - 35,000 Pon Pon Factory, - - - - 35,000 Total, 70,000 Ectual to 700,000 Bags for Each Season Quality Best riechanical Condition Excellent Analysis Guaranteed Every Bag Full Weight, 200 Pounds E:STA.BLISH£D 1858. •f PERKINS MANUFAGTURIN6 GO Doors, Sash and Blinds ^ Mill Work of Every Description in Georgia, >^ Yello>v Pine Lumber, Tennessee Oak, Poplar AND ANY OF THE Hardwoods. Organization Thorough and Mills Equipped with Latest Improvements Principal Saw ^.lill located at Hagan, Tatnall Co., Ga., on the Register & Glen- ville»R. R. The road is forty miles in length, owned and operated by the Company. Connects for all points with the Central of Georgia Railway. 75,000 Acres Uncut Georgia Pine Timber. Two Saw Mills with a Daily Capacity of 100,000 feet. TKree Planing Mills. Tw^elve Dry Kilns. Augusta Plant covers ten acres and is connected by spur tracks with all the Railroads leading out of the city. Stock carried at Mills and Yards 5,000,000 to 10,- 000,000 feet. PklCES, CATALOQUES, ETC., ON APPLICATION. Perkins Manufacturing Co., AUGUSTA, GA. Enterprise Manufacturing Co. AUGUSTA, GA., U. S. A. iVlanuf acturers of Brown & Bleached Cotton Sheetings Sheetings and Drills For Export and Domestic Markets. Cable address, "Enterprise, Augusta," Code A. B. C, Fourth Edition. J^ jS^ j^ j^ je^ js^ j^ j0^ Augusta Brewing Co., bre:>v£b.s and bottlers of Fine Export and Draught Beers. SPECIAL BREMT "BOHEMIAN" EXPORT. ELDORADO FARM. REGISTERED JERSEY CAHLE Embracing the blood of the St. Lamberts Tormentors and Golden Lad Strains . . . ALSO FINE HARNESS HOR5ES. j^ FOUR-IN-tiANDS I SINGLES. HUNTERS AND SADDLE HORSES ==^i^^== FOR SALE =^=^=== Visitors Cordially Invited. For particulars and prices, address ELDORADO FARM, AMORY S. DUNBAR, Prop. E. J. REEVES, Supt, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. i8S KAIFORD, Mitchell County RAINES, Dooly County Williams Isaiah, Gen Store "Williams Bros, Naval Stores RALEIGH, Meriwether County Brown E L, Gen Store Brown J W.Gen Store Gill. A N, Gen Store McRae W A, Blacksmith Mann H G & Co, Gen Store Morris W J, Gen Store RALPH, Douglas County Gore H, Gen Store RAMON, Wilcox County Barton J B, Gen Store RAMSEl', Murray County Humphreys & Fincher, Gen Store RANDA, Lumpkin County Brooksher J M & Co, Nursery RANGER, Gordon County Cooper J T, Gen Store & Fertilizers Hamrick H M, Gen Store RAPE, Henry County HATCLIFF, Gilmer County Pence W A, Gen Store Hatcliffe W C, Blacksmith RATIO, Clinch County Dickerson W R & Co, Gen Store RAYLE, Wilkes County Arnold Bros, Gen Store Calloway W S, Gen Store Evans J R, Gen Store Griffith J M, Gen Store Rayle R T, Gen Store Rayle & Thaxton, Mill ffi Gin Sherrer W W, Gen Store RAY'S MILLS, Berrien County Brown W D, Naval Stores Rigell J S, Gen Store RAYSVILLE, Lincoln County REDAN, DeKalb County Rivers T W, Gen Store REBECCA, Wilcox County ClegK A: Hickson, Saw Mill Fields Bros, Saw Mill McMillan & Brumbley, Gen Store Smith, Lawson & Sons, Gen Store RECOVERY, Decatur County Floyd & Johnson, Gin Johnson W P, Gen Store REDBLUFF, Montgomery County McCrimmon W C, Gen Store, Saw Mill, Etc Williams L M (Mrs Charles D), Gen Store BEDBUD, Gordon County Knight J N, Gen Store Moss M, Gen Store Runyan Bros, Gen Store REDCLAY, Whitfield County McNabb H R, Gen Store Sloan F A & Co, Turn & Saw Mill Weatherly & Lambdin, Mill REDDICK, Screven County Mills J A, Gen Store Heddick J C, Gen Store RED HILL, Franklin County " Sligh J II, Gen Store & Gin RED LEVEL, Wilkinson County Hall W A, Gen Store Smith Joel A, Gen Store RED OAK, Campbell County Lee & White, Furn & Coffins Mims S G, Gin and MUl Stancel P D B, Gen Store Suttles & Suttles, Gen Store REED CREEK, Hart County Ayers L J, Gen Store Ayres J A & Co, Gen Store Ertzberger H K & Co, Gen Store Obarr & McLesky, Gen Store REEDY SPRINGS, Laurens County MuUis J J, Fertilizers MuUis'^W H, Gen Store Etc Register R J, Gen Store and Saw Mill REESE, Morgan County REEVES' STATION, Gordon County. Hederson M S, Gin Etc Mims O A Gen Store Wright C J, Nursery REGISTER, Bulloch County Cox & Arthur, Crossties Daughtry C C, Grocer Donalson & Mixon, Ginnery Holland J W & Co, Gen Store Ollifl J W & Co, Gen Store Street W L & J W, Fertilizers Thomas W C, Saw Mill Williams A T, Gro Cider Etc REHOBOTH, Morgan County Adams H D, Gen Store REIDSVILLE, Tattnall County Adams G L & Co, Contractors .\lexander & Alexander, Gen Store Anderson H H & Bro, Livery Easterling J J, Gen Store Easterling W H, Grocer Folsom George G, Publisher Heery & Sikes, Saw Mill, Ginnery, Et« Herst Bros, Saw Mill Lipsitz Wolf & Bro, D Gds and Notions Parker ACS Son, Saw Mill & Gen Store Penuel & Phillips, Live Stock Rogers D J, Drugs Rogers Josie, Millinery Rogers & Co, Gen Store Smith Delia, Millinery Strickland & Merriman, Blksths Sturtevant J S, Grocer Swain J R, Grocer, Etc Swain L B, Naval Stores and Gen Store Tattnall (The) Bank, C W Smith Pres, Benj H Groover Cash REMUS, Paulding County S W, Gen Store RENFROES, Stewart County Averett E M, Gen Store Dillard J S, Gen Store Renfroe J M, Gin REO, Walker County Hammontree William, Gen Store RESACA, Gordon County Bradley W S & Co, Gen Store Brown D H, Gen Store Edwards J F, Gen Store Fain T G, Grocer Fain W L & Co, Flour Mill Norton Guy, Gen Store Taylor W M, Grocer Ward W A, Gen Store REX, Clayton County Barr J P, Gin Banknight A J, Gen Store Clark & Lewis, Gen Store Estes J H, Building Material Henry G B, Gen Store Willingham J N, Gen Store REYNOLDS, Taylor County Barber & Rawls, Naval Stores Bryan J N & Co, Gen Store Connelly F H, Racket Store Crawford & Payn, Livery & Sales Stable Davis B C, Gen Store Goddard E A, Gen Store Goodwin F C, Gen Store Gostin W T, Gen Store Hicks W B, Vehicles, Machy, Etc Hill J G & Co, Drugs Hill & Matthews, Live Stock Hobbs William, Blacksmith HoUis E A, Gen Store Matthews J A, Gin Mussellwhite W M, Gen Store Neisler C H, Gen Store Paris Bros, Gen Store Powell Co, Gen Store Reynolds Banking Co, R G Tomlin Pres R A Hinton Cash Ricks Bros, Gen Store & Warehouse Rocers J W, Drugs Ruffln & Pool, Gen Store S.Tnders D A, Blacksmith Trawick H S, Com Cotton Trawick S W (Mrs H S), Milly 1 86 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. KEYNOLDSVILLE, Decatur County Kejnolds R A, Gen Store BHINE, Dodge County Clements A F (agt), Gen Store Coffee M W, Livery Coflee Bros & Co, Gen Store Cravey J L, Gen Store Gii!i;n J S, Gen Store Man I H & Son, Hdwe & Furn Jiamilton E L (Mrs W J), Milly Lancastc." Mrs Fannie, Millinery Lancaster G W, Cold Drinks McRae T J, Blaclcsmith Maloy W C, Drugs Mizeil Griffin, Hotel Heaves J L & Co, Gen Store Ryals B & Co, Gen Store Taylor W J D, Gen Store RICEBOKO, Liberty County Bacon H C, Gen Store Frazier S F, Gen Store Jones W A Jr, Gen Store O'Neal E M, Gen Store RICHARDSON, Rockdale County Mann J J & Bro, Warehouse Richardson W M, Gen Store Willingham J F, Gen Store RICHLAND, Stewart County Alston N C, Drugs, Etc Alston E L & Co, Gen Store Askew Mrs J J, Gen Store Bank of Richland, E J Prothro Pres, O V Lamar Cash Bell R S, Livery Cantvell W W, Gen Store Cantrell J H, Saw Mill Carter E I, Gen Store Carter J T, Grocer Chappell T C, Gen Store Clements J N & Co, D Gds, Shoes Etc Cobb & Phillips, Millinery Colbert O J, Gen Store Denton S E & Co, Gen Store Dillard A D, Gen Store Dixon, Ellington & Co, Gen Store Drew L S (Mrs J R T), Gen Store Etheridge William M, Gen Store French ■'i: Morton, Gen Store Harrell J W, Drugs Han ell Y R, Livery LayHeld & Bell, Gen Store Lunsford & French, Vehicles Merriit Fanny & Co, Gen Store Morgan W S, Grocer Moigan P E & Co, Gen Store & Jewelry J S. Overley, Grocer Parks J O, Gen Store Richardson M G, Gen Store Richland Gin Co Richland Grist & Planing Mill Richland Oil Co Richland Variety Works, Contractors, Etc Rouse E M. Grocer Seats M, Saw Mill Snelling J M, Grocer Stevens & Nicholson, Gen Store Woodard & Powell, Meats & Gro RICHWOOD, Dooly County Mitchell T W, Gen Store Newby W F, Gen Store Sims W T, Gen Store Reeves J H, Saw Mill & Gin HIDDLEVILLE, Washington County Brown Joseph E, Gen Store Brvan J Y, Gen Store Fulghum W H, Grist & Saw Mill King R W, Gen Store Moye J E, Gen Store Thigpen Vv R & Son, Gen Store EIDGE, Richmond County Atkins W, Gen Store lUEGEVILLE, Mcintosh County Bailey Arthur (agt). Gen Store Cronny W G, Grocer Fulton H L, Gen Store Hilton ft Dodge Lumber Co, Saw Mill Roughen P F, Gen Store RIDLEY', Heard County Davis L F, Gen Store Ridley W A & W D, Gen Store Etc RIGGTON, Tattnall County McOall C F & Bro, Gen Store RILE, Hart County Bobo D B, Gen Store RINCON, Effingham County Morton J G, Naval Stores Mottwildcr G E, Saw Mill Simmons John B, Gen Store Wall J A (agt). Gen Store Yarborough W B & Co, Gen Store RINGGOLD, Catoosa County Biggers W E, Fertilizers & Gen Store Diggers W J, Blacksmith Bryan J C, Printer & Pub Calhoun J D, Grist MiU and Gin Felker Mrs Mary, Grist Mill Hackett A T, Miller Kendiiek Mercantile Co, Gen Store McClain J A & Bro, Gen Store Trundle W H, Gen Store AVhitsitt W J, Hotel Wright Sons, Livery RIPLEY, Twiggs County Jones J W, Gen Store RISING FAWN, Dade County Atkins J C, Saw Mill Blarsit J H C, Gen Store Cantrell J M, Gen Store Cureton Geo W, Distiller, Etc Georgia lion & Coal Co, Miners Hale A M, Gen Store Hale C C, Gen Store Hale Graham, Gen Store Smith T F, Grocer Tatum R P, Gen Store Wilson D A, Gen Store RITCH, Wayne County O'CJuinn W J, Gen Store, Gin and Oris Mill Ritch George, Gen Store RIVERDALE, Clayton County Adams W L, Gen Store Camp W 0, Gen Store Dodd W T, Drugs Hancock B F, Mfr Wagons Huie & Adams, Gen Store Shierling J L, Gen Store ,3as_*>--- ■• I -( ; . RIVERSIDE, Greene County White C L, Gen Store ;Sfe,-^=' ■■.•^' ■ I : " RlVtH'lOWN, Campbell County Jones J & Son, Gen Store ,.&■■-■"• ■■■'■• - ' ■'! ' i , BIVEBVIEW, Meriwether County Reynolds J B, Gen Store ;»;-' ^ ' ■ ■ :l , RIXVILLE, Emanuel County Rice W B, Naval Stores Ricks C C, Grocer Ricks R M, Grocer ,«>,-?' ' ' i ; ROANOKE, Milton County Hembree D V, Gen Store ^«.. . 'S ^ ■■! I ROBERTA, Crawford County Andrews J N, D Gds Clo etc Bank of Crawford County, S H Phelan Pies. M G Phelan Cash Bowers H C, Gen Store Carnes M P (Mrs M H), Gen Store Clark A H, Repairer Jewelry Dennington J W, Publisher Dent G L, Warehouse Dent & Dent, Bu'jgies, Wagons Etc Ellis Miss Lee, Millinery LeSuer R J, Mfr Drugs LeSuer Bros, Pharmacy Lewis J N, Gen Store Lowe Bros, Gen Store McCrary & Bentley, Gen Store McGee L S, Gen Store Matthews R L, Gen Store Sandefer & Phelan, Gin Seagler N E, Gen Store Wright & Allen. Gen Store „ £ ( ^: ' '! : ROBINSON, Taliaferro County Monk R C, Gen Store Muidcn W H, Gen Store Robinson Gin Co, Ginnery ROBLEY, Crawford County Fincher Bios, Gen Store BCftlELLE, Wilcox County ^ ; Bank of Roehelle, Brown A T, Gen Store Brown J (agt). Grocer Etc Brown & McNamara, Gen Store Bwd H L, Livery Cook E J, Crossties Dau-ev J H, Saloon Elkins O B (agt). Grocer Evers J T, Repair Shop Fann J J. Saloon Fenn & Co, Gen Store Holliday G W & Co, Gen Store Jackson Rosa E, Millinery Jones W W, Gen Store King John T (agt). Pub Etc King (The) Drug Co, Land M A (Mrs H F), Hotel McCallum W D, Grocer Mashburn Henry, Gen Store Mullis Eli Jr, D Gds Owens J H, Gin and Saw Mill Owens W B, Gen Store Reid S B & Son, Gen Store Roehelle Buggy & Wagon Co Rogers Dry Goods Co, Gen Store Rosseau &" Jordan, Gen Store Smith J Y H, Drugs Smith W E & Bro, Blksmiths Etc Walker J, Gen Store & Naval Stores Woodburn J B D, Gen Store and Naval Stores Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 187 EOCKALO, Heard County Pope J B, Gen Store SuttleB W H, Gen Store ROCK FENCE, Elbert County Harper & Jchnson, Gen Store ROCKINGHAM, App'.ing County Carter & Bro, Crossties Taylor & Taylor, Gen Store Williams J N, Gen Store EOCIvLEDGE, Laurens County Crescent Mfg Co, Gc:i Stoie & Saw Mill Hester J 11 & Co, Gen Store Holmes J L, Gen Store Johncon G M, Gen Store Wilkes N, Gen Store Wilkes 1: V & B C, Gen Store ROCK MART, Polk County Allgood H C & Co, Gen Store Blakely W J, Millinery Campbell W T & Bro, Grocers Carlton & Co, Flour Mill Carlton & Lee, Gen Store Carmichael W I, Jeweler Cochran R Toombs, Gro & Meats Cochran, Finch & Co, Gen Store Fambro J A, Hardware Fambro W B, Furniture Graefer A H, Gen Store Greer O G, Gro & Meats Heard & Beasley, Live Stock Johnson R E, Gen Store McBrive N W, Gen Store McRae & Co, Gen Store Morgan Jennie, Millinery Morgan Mrs M P, Gen Store Morgan T A, Grocer Morgan Hardware Co Nerve Pepsin Co, Mfrs Polk Co Mercantile Co Eacket Store, Shoes Roberts J N, Gen Store Eockmart Bank, Hoke Smith Pres, Bucll Stark Cash Roekmart Drug Co Rockmart Slate Co Simpson O W Jr, Gen'l Store Southern States Portland Cement Co Sweeney C M, Gen Store Taylor H T & Co, Grocers Etc Todd E, Grocer Waits, Johnson & Co, Machinery & Fer- tilizerB Weems W O, Gen Store White & Brooks, Grocers ROCK SPRING, Walker County Jones R 0, Gen Store Rogers A E, Blacksmith Shields J M Jr, Blacksmith Wellborn Bros, Gen Store ROCKVILLE, Putnam County Branch & Dejamette, Gen Store Jones J W & Co, Gen Store ROCKY CREEK, Gordon County Camp & Cabeck, Gen Store & Mill Todd J W, Gen Store ROOKY PACE, Whitfield County Calloway & Ault, Gen Store Hassler Bros, Flour Jlill & Gin Wood J H & Bros, Gen Store KOCKV FORD, Screven County Bailey R L, Gen Store Call G E, Gen Store Chapman W J, Mfr Brick Di:vcn M B, Gen Store Finch U C, Gen Store Jenkins W B, Saw Mill Miller O S, Gin Newton A R, Gen Store Etc Parker John T, Gen Store &, Hotel Paiker Joseph F, Gen Store Parker JI M (Mrs J W A), Gen Store Paiker J J & Bro, Gen Store Parker \V" H & Son, Gen Store Rocky Ford Drug Co Rocty Fcid \Vason Works Wallace Miss Lila, Millinery Williams S J, Gen Store ROCKY MOUNT, Meriwether County Bird D T, Blacksmith Clark VV B, Gen Store York W H, Blksth & Hdwe ROCKY PLAIJiS, Newton County Cowan R L, Gen Store Mabry H H, Gen Store KODERICK, Liberty County Lang W L, Gen Store & Naval Stores BODING, Bryan County Bashlor W H, Gen Store Bragg W B, Gen Store Gill J B & Son, Naval Stores & Gen Store ROEBUCK, Gilmer County ROENA, Crawford County ROGERS, Burke County Wadley W O (Est of). Gen Store ROLLINS, Paulding County Neal W M, Gen Store EOLLO, Screven County Wyley J T, Gen Store ROME, Floyd County Abromeon Max, D Gds & Clo Anchor Duck Mills, Cotton Y'arns Annoratone Victor, Gro & Rest Arnold T P, Gen Store Austin James F, Grocer Aycock W L, Gen Store Bale F S, Gen Store & Bldre' Material Barnes W P, Blacksmith Barnes Bros, Gen Store Bass C C & Co, Gen Store Bass & Heard, W D Gds Battey Machinery Co Beard John M, Grocer Etc Black Arthur, Grocer Bosworth & Vandiver, Grocere Bowie Stove Works Bradshaw J M, W & R Grocer Brand N L (Mrs N O), Grocer Brannon J L & Co, W Grocers Brett M W, Hardware Broach & McCurry, Planing Mill Brooks H B, Gen Store Burgess & Bro, Gen Store Bumey A S, W & R Shoes Bumey Stark J, Tailor Callahan J A & Bro, Grocers Campbell & Co, Grocers Cantrell J R & Co, Tinware Etc Cantrell & Owens, Boots & Shoes Carnochan A, Harness Celero Pepsin Co, Mfrs Chidsey Harvey Co, W Grocers Chinnick William, Restaurant Christopher G P, Gro & Livery Coker John E, Com Brkr Etc Coker W H, AV & R D Gds, Gro Eto Compton J F, Meats Conn J J, Grocer Cothran Graham Orchard Co Crane F S, Grocer Cundell Lumber Co, Mill Cunyus W D, Hotel Curry-Arrinston Co, W Drugs L. D'ARCY, PROFESSIONAL . . . HORSE SHOER. Lame and Interfering Horses A Specialty. SECOND AVE., Near Land Company Bridge. Davis G J, Jeweler Davis Foundry & Machine Works Dougherty William, Gen Store Douj^lacs James & Co, Livery Drennon W T & Bro, Blksths Duke William G, Grocer Dunn W M, Grocer East Rome Grocery Co Elliott tSc Lanier, Plumbers Esserman Bros, E> Gds Exchange (Thel Bank, W P Simpson Pres, W W Berry Cash Fahy Thomas, D Gds Farmers' Supply Co, D Gds & Gro Ferguson F, Grocer First Nat Bank, J H Reynolds Pres, B I Hughes Cash Fleming J B, Harness Ford & Harris, Meats Gammon W M & Son, Clothing George Foundry & Machine Works Georgia Cotton Oil Co Gibson & DeJournett, Grocers Gomez N M, Hotel Gordon & Son, Grocers Graves R W & Co, Coal Greene J F, Livery Griflin Hardware Co, W & R Grimm E E, D Gds Hale Jervis Co Hand & Co, Grocers Hanks Foundry Co, Mfr Stoves Hanks Furniture Co, Furn Etc Hanson F Supply Co, Plumbing Heating Etc Harley T M, Bicycles Hart A W, Boot & Shoe Mkr Hari'ey & Hill Burial Co, Undertakers Harvey & Hill Furniture Co Hawkins Misses, Millinery Helms L A, Grocer Holder &. Starnes, Grocers Howel (The) Cotton Co of Georgia, Buyers Hub (The) Clothing Co, Clo & Men's Furng Hugley J J (agt). Grocer Harvis (The) Co, Cafe Johnson & Co, Gen Store Jones F H, Publisher Jones W T, Marble Jones & Johnston, Grocers, Eto Kanipe A E, Gen Store Kelley & McWillian Candy Kerce B E, Grocer W Gro & Mfr Greater Georgia Gazetteer. ROME— Continued. lung B N, Grocer King C L Mfg Co, Baskets, Etc Klasing H J, Blaclcsmiths, Etc Kuttner S N, Boots and Shoes Kuttner Jacob & Co, W & li D Gda «nd Clo Lafka A, Fruits and Confec Lanhani Henry, W Grocer Lanham & Sons, W & U D Goods Lesser Bros, D Gds and Clo Llttlejohn H T, Grocer Lumpkin T E cSt Co, Mfrs Cigs McDonald-Brown Furniture Co McGhee Cotton Co McGill VV K, Meats May Mrs J W, Millinery Mcndelson J, D Goods Miller George H & Sou, Nursery Miller Orchard Co, Nursery Mitchell D E, Grocer Mitchell R V & Co, Books & Staty Montgomery & Co, AV Grocers, Cotton Factors and Fertilizers Morris P I, Grocer Morris E L, Grocer Morris T C, Grocer Morrison Trammel Brick Co, Mfrs Moss & Stroud, Blacksmiths Murphy G B & Co, Grocers Neal James, Tinner Novelty Gum Co, Dlrs O'Brvan Ira T (agt), Blksth O'Neill Mfg Co, Planing Mill Pane P, Confectioner Patton Sash, Door & Building Co Pavolowski H J, Gro & Notions Peters E D, Bottler Pintchuck M, Shoes Porter Bros & Co, Laundry Powers Sam Co, D Gds Shoes & Clo Proctor Edw & Co, Grocers Quarlcs F W & Son, Gen Store Kagan R J, W Grocer Bagan Furniture Co Rawlins A, Gen Store Rcid G T, Grocer Republic Mining & Mfg Co, Bauxite Riggins N, Grocer Roark B F Jeweler Roebuck W B, Tinner Rome Bottling Works, Mfrs Carbonated Drinks Rome Brick Co, Mfrs Home Coca Cola & Bottling Works Rome Furnace Co Rome Furniture & Lumber Co, Mfrs Rome Guano Co Rome Hardware Co, W & R Rome Hosiery Mills Rome Ice Mfg Co Rome Mfg Co, Pants & Overalls Rome Publishing Co MRS. J. E. CONNELLY, ROME TANNERY, L. W. PALEN, Manager. . . Tanner of . . OAK BELTING LEATHER. Rome Shoe Co "Rome Tribune,** Publishers Eosenberg M, D Gds & Clo Rounsaville G M, Livery Rounsaville & Bro, W Grocers Ruggles O E, Wall Paper Sanders D B, Gen Store Shulman L, Shoes Simpson Gro Co Smith Henry A, Staty & Books Smith John M, Gin and Saw Mill Smith M L, Gro and Woodyard Smith L W & Co, Printers Sorrell H E, Grocer Southern Banking & Trust Co Southern Co-Operative Foundry Co Spiegelberg M, Gen Store Standard Scale Co, Mfrs Stanfleld Sam H, Shoes Stephens A C, Jeweler Stewart & Arkridge, Meats Tate D M, Gro & Best Taylor & Norton & Co, Drugs Templeman J H (The) Co, Pianos Terhune-Nixon Co, W & R Hardware Thedford M A Medicine Co, Todd L G, Grocer Towers Freeman Orchard Co Towers Sc Sullivan Mfg Co, Plows, Etc Tracy S V, Cigar Mfr & Gro Turner M (Mrs T), Printer Veal J E Jr, Jeweler Veal J E Sr, Sporting Goods Veal J Sam, Books & Sta THOMAS WATERS. Manufacturer of HAVANA CIGARS. Rome, Ga. Watters J B & Son, Clothing Watters W W, Publisher Weisendanger John, Baker West Frank L Burial Co, Undtkrs West Cycle & Arms Co Whitehead E M, Grocer Whitlock M G, Hotel Wilkerson Bros, W & R Meats Williams R L (agt), Mfr and Dlr Williams R L (agt), Mf & Dl Bugg Williamson J K, Repairs Jewelry Wimpey M A, Blacksmith Winn & Co, Gro & Butchers Wonder (The) Store, Crockery Eto Wood T S, Jeweler Woodall Meat Co Woolf & Cornwell Co, Gen Store Wright & Helm. Grocers Wright & Wootten, Drugs EONEY, Sumter County EOOPVILLE, Carroll County Friel Z T, Blacksmith Guthrie Z T, Grocer Roop J K, Gen Store, Fertilizers & Machy Veal & Co, Gen Store Worley J A, Saw Mill ROOSEVELT, Gilmer County Davis W T, Gen Store ROSA, Johnson County 1 Brantley T F, Gen Store Pridgen A L, Gen Store ROSCOE, Coweta County !' Bynum O'L, Repair Shop etc Sanders C P, Gen Store Sewell J W, Gen Store ROSEBUD, Gwinnett County Cooper M E, Saw Mill & Gin Johnson J T, Gen Store Upshaw Bros & Francis, Gen Store ROSEDALE, Floyd County Caldwell M J, Gen Store Keys & Bro, Grocers ROSE HILL, Oconee County Bailey Mrs S W, Grocers ROSEWOOD, Appling County Holton & Helton, Gen Store & Naval Stores Johnson J W Jr, Gen Store, Gin and Grist Mill Johnson L W, Gen Store ROSSVILLE, Walker County Anderson Mrs D J, Gen Store Cook & Son, Grocers Gross Jacob, Gro & Confec Jones C R, Grocer Murray & Edge, Grocers Nat Mfg Co, Hearses Park Woolen Mills, Cloth Richmond Hosiery Mills Robinson Charles B, Blacksmith Sarrell W Z, Drugs Scaggs I N. Gro & Feed Stlth M M (Mrs James C), Gen Store Wilbanks G P, Drugs ROSWEli, Cobb County Ball B C, Gen Store Broadwell R G, Fertilizers, Etc Crowley, Weaver & Co, Gen Store Crowley & Carpenter Bros, D Gds Etc Drake H F, Blacksmith Gourley J J, Gen Store Hembree C L, Vehicles Hembree L E (Mrs F M), Millinery & Gro Jones S B, Furniture LAUREL MILLS MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, S. Crowley, Pres., J. O. Crowley, Sec. and Treas. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOLEN AND MIXED JEANS CASSIMERES, ETC. Morris D P, Soda Fount Morris & Son, Gen Store Otwell C C," Blacksmith O.xbow Pants Mfg Co OXBOW PANTS MFG. CO. Makers of Cheap and Medium Grade Pants. Sell to Jobbing and Retail Trade. Perry C J, Gen Store Perry, Hughes & Jones, Livery Ramsey F M & Son, Gen Store ROSWELL BANK, S. Y. Stribling, President. Jack J. Spalding, Vice-Prest. Chas. C. Foster, Cashier. CAPITAL $25,000. DIRECTOES^A. W. Calhoun, R. D. Spalding, I. M. Roberts, C. J. Perry, B. F. Simpson, Jack J. Spalding. Roswell Hardware Co Greater Georgia Gazetteer. KOSWELL— Continued ROSWELL MFG CO., SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, YARNS AND WARPS S. Y. Stribling, Pres. and Treas. Chas. C. Foster, Secretary. DIRECTORS— E. D. Spalding, Jack J. Spalding, A. W. Calhoun, A. T. Heath, C. A. Geiger, G. W. GignilUat. Roswell Mill Co, Flour and Corn Mill St -John W W, Jeweler Voss P M, Gen Store Webb C T, Harness Mkr White L, MUl \A'ing George W, Carriages, Etc EOTHERSAY, Colquitt County Redding T C, Gen Store Taylor, Ford & Co, Naval Stores Tift Lumber Co, Saw Mill ROUND OAK, Jones County Barr J H, Wheelwright Barron & Henderson, Gen Store Gresham John H, Gen Store Johnson F S, Gen Store Pippin T C, Gen Store Round Oak Gin & Mill Co Walker J H, Gen Store EOUNDTOP, Gilmer County ROUNDSVILLE, Floyd County (See Etowah) ROUNDTEEE, Emanuel County Brown Z A, Gen Store Coleman J A, Naval Stores Ellison & Coleman, Lumber and Gen Store McClendon S J, Gen Store HOVER, Spalding County Freeman J T, Gin Glazier J H, Gen Store EOXANA, Paulding- County Crow W M, Gen Store ROS;', Gilmer County Allen W A & Co, Gen Store ROYAL, Taylor County Watkins E E, Gen Store "^ ■* ROYSTON, Franklin County Baty J W & Son, Gen Store Bond, Wilder & Co, Gen Store Brooks & Tabor, Gen Store Crow W A, Planing Mill Dorough L W, Coffins, Bicycles and Machinery Farmers' Gin Co Farmers Oil Mill, Cottonseed Products Ginn S A, Gen Store Gordon G W, Jeweler Holbrooks J W & Son, Gen Store Hubbard Bros & Co, Gen Store Hnlme S M, Gen Store Johnson Mrs D F, Hotel McCrary H L, Drugs McCrary, Brown & Co, Livery & Live Stock Owens C H, Grocer Perrin E B, Gen Store Putnam J E, Grocer Ridgeway Geo T, Drugs, Gro, Etc Royston J A, Gen Store Roj-ston Bank, J J Bond Pres, J F Lee Cash Boyston Gin Co Royston Hardware Co Royston Roller Mill Strickland Bros, Gen Store Westmoreland C L, Racket Store Welborn L T (Mrs C B), Gen Store Wilbanks & Brown, Livery Wilbanks & Duncan, Gen Store RUARK, Dougherty County RUBY, Irwin County Branch Jehu, Naval Stores & Gen Store Chula Gro Co Fletcher M E & Co, Gen Store Jones I L, Gen Store Phillips & HoUingsworth, Saw Mill Whidden David k Son, Gen Store RUCKERSVILLE, Elbert County Wamsley L H, Gen Store EUE, Telfair Garrison W M, Gen Store Gill J C, Gen Store Jones J C, Gen Store EUPERT, Taylor County Royal R A, Gen Store RURAL VALE, Whitfield County EUSH, Webster County Leverett M J, Gin & Saw Mill Morgan W D. Gen Store RDSKIN, Ware County Steffes John G Co, Gen Store Stefles John G Co, Gen Store, Syrap, Broom Factory, Etc EUSSELLVILLE, Monroe County Hardin H, Gen Store EUSTIC, Floyd County Fincher J M, Gen Store RUTH, Greene County Cawthon B H, Gen Store Cawthon L S, Gen Store Williams H P, Gen Store RUTHERFORD, Oconee County Brooks W P & T C, Gen Store, Saw Mill, Etc Godfrey Robert, Gen Store t'l .. ;( f •' RUTLAND, Bibb County Cutler M A & N S, Gen Store & Gin RUTLEDGE, Morgan County Barker A A, Gen Store Barker W D, Gen Store Bonner H F, Grocer Cook A C, Gen Store Davis B, Grocer Davis J A, Gen Store Hale W F, Gen Store Hawkins C M, Gen Store Hollis E, Gen Store McWhorter T M, Drugs Oxford T D, Gen Store Wallace M L, Gen Store Wallace W P, Warehouse Welch W O, Grocer -t^Li I i .1 RYLEY, Macon County Brooks Elizabeth (Mrs W T), Gen Store RYO, Gordon County Green Bros, Gen Store RYSH, Clay County Rish J T, Gen Store SABINE, Twiggs County Tharpe T S, Gen Store SACKVILLE, Carroll County Bonner-Gay Co, Gen Store SACO, Mitchell County SAFFOLD, Early County Callahan (The) Co, Naval Stores Sheffield T E, Gen Store SALACOA, Cherokee County SALMON, Oglethorpe County Tiller J W Jr, Gen Store SALUBRITY, Franklin County Burrus C B & Son, Gen Store Nored J ^, Gen Store SAM, Bulloch County Bird D E, Saw Mill, Etc Campbell John, Gen Store SANDERSVILLE, AVashington County Adams A, Gro & Hdwe Albea Se Tatum, D Gda, Shoes, Ett Bell & Goodman, Gen Store Bird M H, Blacksmith Blake W N, Racket Store Brown R M, Gen Store Chapman C B, Publisher City Drug Store Cohen Louis, Bnkr, Fertilizers and Com Cotton Cohen-Duggan Job Co, W Gro Daniel J W, Hotel Davis D D, Jeweler Greer K P & Co, Gen Store Hall C M & Bro, Gen Store Happ & Paris, Gen Store Harris Wiley & Son, Gen Store Hermann H A, Drugs Hermann's I Sons, Shoes and Hats Hitt J E, Meats Holt & Bro, W Gro & Vehicles Hymes B (trusteel, D Gds & Clothing Jackson CHS, Gen Store 190 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. SANDERSVILLE— Continued Jamerson M D, Drugs Jones C W & Co, Gro & Hdwe Knight Bros, Saw Mill Lang S G, Machinerj Lawrence J K, Grocer Lockhart J D & Bro, Gen Store McCarty W A & Co, D Gds, Clo * Shs McDonald J T, Blacksmith Mathis & Adams, Drugs Newman J D & Bro, Gen Store Park W L, Publisher Phillips F M, Gen Store Eawlings C G, Livery, Sale & Feed Sta- ble Eeinhart George A, Shoemaker Richards Q, Livery Sandcrsvilie (The) Bank, D P Hale Pres, C Whitehurst Cash Sandersville Drug Co Sandersviile Enterprise Co, Gin, Mill Etc Sandersville Hardware Co Schwall & Twilley, Machine Shop Sheppard W J, Gen Store Tanner Mrs Wm Jr, Gen Store Tarbutton, Duggan & Wall Co, Under- takers Toole Furniture Co Trawick J W F, Gen Store Wall J B, Gen Store Walton L E, Gro & Meats Warthen & Irwin, Bankers & W & R, Gen Mdse Webster Lewis W, Gen Store Wood Newman, Gen Store & Fertilizers SAND HILL, Carroll County Byram John, Gen Store Harper &; Bro, Blacksmiths Hesterlee J D, Gen Store Kelly, White & Brasher, Machy Towler & Couch, Gen Store SAND TOWN, Campbell County Campbell J P, Gen Store Campbell & Waits, Gen Store Strickland E B, Gen Store Suber J A, Gen Store SANDY, Jefferson County Averette John Sr, Gen Store SANDY CROSS, Oglethorpe County Stevens, HuS Sa Co, Gen Store SANDY POINT, Crawford County SANDYEIDGE, Henry County Lunsford D A, Saw Mill Welsh B H, Gen Store Woods W C, Saw Mill SANFORD, Stewart County Adams J B, Gen Store SANTA LUCA, Gilmer County Plemmons N S, Gen Store Walking George, Miller SAPELO, Mcintosh County Hazzard W J, Gen Store & Saloon SAPP, Whitfield County SAEDIS, Burke County Bargeron W R, Gen Store Godbee G W, Gen Store Mills J A, Grist Mill & Ginnery SARGENT, Coweta County Cavender W W, Gro & Saw Mill Sewell A L & Co, Gen Store Wahoo Mig Co, Yarns & Roping ar Gen Store SASSER, Terrell County Anthony C C & Bro, Gen Store Brim W E & Son, Gen Store Collier & Watson, Gen Store Davis L E, Gen Store Foreman A J, Gen Store Howell J I, Gen Store Joiner J C, Grocer McLendon J J, Gen Store Marshall Mrs R J, Gen Store Patterson & Mikel, Naval Stores Sasser Dispensary Tyler J B, Naval Stores SATILLA BLUFF, Camden County Foster & Lang, Gen Store Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co SAUTEE, White County SAVANNAH, Chatham County Abel Charles, Saloon Abrahams & Putzel, Electrical Con- tractors and Supplies Adams Paint Co, Paints, Oils, Etc Adler Leopold, Dept Store Advertising & Exhibiting (The) Co Agency of the Antwerp Naval Stores Co, Exps Naval Stores Aimar W W & Co, Lumber, Saw and irianing Mill and Wood Alberti J R, Grocer Alberino M, Fish Alexander Pano, Confec & Fruits Alexader Grocery Co Alexader Peter, Restaurant Allen Bros, Crockery, Etc Allmond Emerson F, Gro and Liqs Almitz O, Dry Goods Alvarez G, Cigar Mfrs Am Mfg Co, Pants, Shirts, Etc Anderson J N, Saloon Anderson T L, Drugs Anglin Thomas, Saloon Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn Antiseptic Broom Co, Mfrs Antonopoulo George, Confec & Fruits Apple Mark, Carriages, Wagons, Etc Arvaniti Eli, Fish Ashton Walter, Drugs Astarito J, Saloon Athos Chris, Confec & Fruits Axson's Randolph 5?ons, Cotton C. BACKMAN, D.D.S., DENTIST. SAVANNAH, GA. Bacon A S & Sons, Sash, Lum Blinds Etc Baddenhoop J H, Gro & Liqs Badeniioop E A, Gro & Liqs Badenhoop & Lang, Gro & Liqs Baker Eugene M, Drugs Baker Joseph H, W & R Meats Ball George, Baker Ballantyne Thomas Jr, Baker Bannon John J, Grocer Barkley & Co, Grocers Barrett Patrick, Blacksmith & Wheel- wright Barriffe John, Fruits and Confec Bart Charles A, Baker Bartels Maggie (Mrs George), Baker Barthelmess G J, Blacksmith Bartlett Henry, Contractor Beach George W, Grocer Beaufort Phosphate Co, Mining NORMAN BECKETT, REAL ESTATE DEALER, ROOM 3, PROVIDENCE BLDG. Beckman George, Saloon & Rest Belford & Co, W & E Liquors Belsinger & Gross, Confectioners Bennett James G, Green Gro Bennett Mrs M C, Gro & Meats Berendt Isaac, D Gds & Clo Berenthien P, Saloon Berman L, Gro & Liqs Bernstein J, Saloon Bernstein S, Crockery & House Furng Bernstein & Co, W Clo & D Gds Berry J F, Gro & Liqs Berry N, Stencils, Rubber Stamps Seals Bessinger S S, Green Gro Betencourt M J, Grocer Bevill Mrs R S, Grocer Bewan J O, Gro & Liqs Beytagh T F, Saloon Billington Robert, Cotton Exp Bird Henry F, Butcher Bishop W A, Drugs Black H G, Ham & Saddlery Blenjes Fred, Gro and Liqs Bluestein L, Clo & Men's Furng Blumberg M & Sons, D Gds Clo Etc Blumenfeld Mfg Co, Junk Bohan Mrs M A, Baker Bohan & Derby, Warehouse Bohn Henry N C, Gro & Liqs Bohn John H A, Gro & Saloon Bokelman D, Gro & Saloon Bolde Nicholas, Fish Boley H M, Gro & Liqs Bolland W H, Bakery & Notions Bond, Allan & Co, Coal and Wood Bono M & Bro, W & R Clothing Bono M & Bro, W & R Clohting Bookhoop F H, Gro & Liq Bouhan William, Gro & Saloon Bouquin G, Furniture Bowen P L & Co, Green Gro Bowens H W, Grocer Bradley S, Locksmith Bradley A J & Co, Produce, Etc Bradley H H & Co, Com Bradwell A L, Grocer Braid & Hutton, Printers & Binders Branch S W (The) Co, Gro & Liqs Brandon Timothy H, Icecream Etc Brano George E, Confec & Fruits Braun & Glazebrook, Cotton Brazell S P, Drugs & Seeds Brennan & Co, Com & Produce Brennan & King, Millinery Brickman Charles, Gro & Liqs Brickman Bros, Locksmiths Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 191 SAVANNAH— Continued. Brinkham H C, Saloon Brinkman C J & Co, Gio & Liqg Broadman Harry, Gro & Liqs Broderick E F, Plumber Brodman J D, Gro & Liqs Brodman O D, Gro & Liqs Brodmann George, Gro & Liqs Brody T, Plumber, Etc Brooks Mrs G, Dental Supplies Brooks & Green, Saloon Broome P H, Green Grocer Brouse Ephriam, Clothing etc Browder R T, Com and Brkr Brown Mrs Jennie, Grocer Browra J Palmer, Dairy Brown Selig, D Gds Clo Etc Bro\™ Bros, Gro & Liqs Bruner's C W Son, Com & Brokerage Bryan Gad D Jr, Saloon & Rest Bryson T A, Bicycles, Etc Buchenholz Marcus, Notions & Jewelry Buchsbaum A, Baker Buckheit J Q, Baker & Contec Buicken John, Gro & Liqs Bunger H H, Gro & Liqs Butler George R, Grocer Butler John G, Paints and Oils Butler, Stevens & Co, Cotton and Com Byck Edw L, Cigs & Tob Byck Bros & Co, Shoes Byck M S & D A, Stationers and Prin- ters Caflero E, Fish Cain Mrs .lulia, Gro & Liqs Calhoun John A, Lumber Canady A P, Grocer Canter M, Clothing, Etc JOHN F CANTY PRACTICAL WHEELWRIGHT General Blacksmith Work A Specialty. Canuet & Co, Syrups & Oils Capitan G P, Confec & Fruits Caracciolo Edw, Shipsmith Carellas George, Fruits, Etc Carlston A, Grocer Carr John, Saloon Carsons Stable, Livery A. GORDON CASSELS, 5 BARNARD ST. Wholesale Fruit, Produce, Hay and Grain. Chambers George, Grocer Chapeau's T T Son, Naval Stores Champion II A & Co, Saloon Chapos John, Confec & Fruits Chatham (The) Bank, Leopold Adler Pres, F W Clark Cash Chatham Trunk Factory Chattahoochee Lumber Co, Mfra Chestnutt & O'Neill, Naval Christopher G, Saloon, Confec Etc Churchill Aaraon F, Ship Brkr Citizens' Bank, Mills B Lane Pres, Geo C Freeman Cash Clanton M A, Grocer Clark David, LTpholsterer Clary W O, Gro & Meats Cleary William J, Grocer Clemens H K, Gro & Liqs Clements R H, Blacksmith Cler Charles F, Shoes Cohen A S, Coal and Wood Cohen Bertha (Mrs Sej'mour), Meats Cohen's J T Sons, D Gds Etc Cohen Kulman Carriage & Wagon Co Coleman Charlesi Mfr Cigars Collat Isidore, Shoes, Hats and Clo Collins John T, Plumber Collins, Grayson & Co, W Fruits Etc Columbia Drug Co, W Commercial (The) Bank of Savannah, Ga, J H Entelman Pres, Barron Carter Cash Ccmmissarj (The) Co, Gen Store PAUL CONIDA'S, Manufacturer of The Highest Grade Candie: Connevat R V, Bicycles & Sundries Connerat William H, Wood Connery Charles P, W & R Liqs Connor E M (Est of). Books Etc Consodine T M, Shoes Consolidated Grocery Co, W Consolidated Naval Stores Co Cooledge F J & Bro, Paints Cooley R, Grocer Cooley Thomas, Gro & Liqs Cooper G, Gro & Liqs Corbett Lizzie Mrs W F, Saloon Cordray J P, Green Gro & Liqs Cornwell & Chapman, House Furng, Plumbing and Hardware Cosgrove Mary, D Gds Etc Cosgrove W H, Plumber & Gas Fitter Cottingham John, Saloons P. H. COTTON, Manufacturer of Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Coucoules D, Confectioner, Etc Cox Charles A, Tinner Craig S A, Grocer Craig G F & Co, Lumber Crambes John, Fruits & Confec Craford & Walthour, Cotton Expa Crittenden H E & Co, Hay, Grain & Prod Cubbedge W O, Drugs Cummings J J, Lumber & Crossties Curculis Theodore, Confec Etc Cutts E A, Cotton Dahl Isabella (Mrs M E), Gro Daily John A, Gro & Saloon Dancy D Y & Chaplin, Cotton Factors and Com Dasher D H, Grocer Davis Thos J, Hay and Grain Davis-Forrest Machine Works Deignan D, Saloon Deitch & Slotin, Dry Goods etc Delmonico Co, Wines, Table Delicacies Etc Denmark John M, Gro Liqs & Wood Derst George, Gro & Liqs Derst John, Baker Desbouillons A L, Jeweler Dewald N & Co, Com.m & Bkge Dich F (Mrs S), Dry Goods Dich I, Dry Goods Dich S, Livery and Sale Stable Dickinson G E, Cotton Broker Dierks W C A, Gro and Liqs Dieter F C, Meats Dieter J N, Butcher Dixie Oi' Works, Oils, Etc Dixie Stone Co, Mfrs Dixon W T, Undertaker Dixon Lumber Co, Mfrs Lumber, Plan- ing Mill and W Gro Domnit M. Um»ii.flla Repairer Donahue H, Saloon Donkor Eli, Fruits and Confec Doolpy Thomas J, Painter Dorsett Charles H, Auctioneer & Real Estate Dougan & Sheftall, W Gro & Giain Dowling James, Fickle Mfr Doyle Michael J, \V & R Liqs and Gro Drake J M, Furniture Drocopolos John, Confec & Fruits Dryfus Moses, Clothing, Etc Dub B, Hotel Dub J B & Bro, Scrap Iron & Metal Duckworth (The) Co, Cotton Exps Dukes R J, Drug3 Dulohery G & Co, Gro & Liqs Dwelle & Dwelle, Cotton Factors and Com Mers Eagle Mtg Co, Saw Mill and Syrup Refinery Eason George H, Drugs and Seeds Eason & Son, Contractors Eckstein G & Co, W & R D Gds Edmondson C & Son, Corn Etc Egan James J, Liquors Ehrlich B, W Butter, Cheese, Etc Ehrlich A & Bro, W Gro Etc Ehrlicher M B, Gro and Liqs Eicholz Emanuel, Gro & Liqs Eicholz M, Saloon Eicholz Selig, Gro and Liqs Electric Supply Co, Supplies & Contrs Eliopoles I G, Fruits and Confec EUarbee Mrs C J, Gro and Meats Ellis Charles, Fertilizers, Cotton Etc Ellis, Young (The) Co, Com Naval Stores Elsinger E (Mrs B), Saloon Entelman Albert H, Gro & Liqs Entelman John F, Gro & Liqs Epstein D, Shoemaker & Repair Shop Epstein M, D Gds Etc Epstein I & Bro, W D Gds Ernst John, Baker Eskedor W H, Gro & Liqs Esterofl H, D Gds and Notions Esteve J M & Co, Cotton Estill William, News DIr I Euell George W, Blacksmith Everett W H, Cigs and Tob Excelsior Bargain House, D Gds Etc Exley M L, Green Gro Falk Clothing Co, Clothing, Etc Farie James Jr, Naval Stores Exp Farrell M A (Sirs Michael), Gro & Liq Fass Israel I, Clo, Shoes, Etc Fechner Charles, Harness Feeley's John Sons, Livery Fegeas E F, Hair Gds, Etc Fehrenkamp Henry, Gro & Liqs Feidelson M, D Gds & Shoes Feinberg M, Tailor Ferrara Vincent, Boots & Shoes Ferst's M Sons & Co, W Gro & Liqs H. F. C. FEUS, Builder and Repairer of WAGONS, DRAYS, TRUCKS and FARM IMPLEMENTS. Agent for Farm Implements. Painting, Trimming and Lettering, 512-520 NE(W STREET. Fevec Alice (Mrs H D), Grocer Finberg K, Jeweler Fincken Pacetti, Saloon & Rest Finn J R, Grocer Finney Benjamin F, Chemist Fischer Annie L (Mrs I M), O Gds and Notions Fisher George B, Gro & Baker Fitzgerald D D, Crossties, Etc Flannery John (The) Co, Cotton Flathmann John, Gro & Liqs Fleming James T (Est of). Green Gro Fleming J M, Mdse Broker Etc 192 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, SAVANNAH— Continued. Flood & Gray, Paints Floyd ii Co, Cotton Pickery Foleron K, Fruits & Confec Foley Mrs Kate, Gro & Notions Folger Bros, Typewriters & Supplies Fold A L & Co, ■ Drugs Forest City Wheelwright Works Fountain George W, Grocei Fountain N A, Grocer Fox Peter, Antique Furn Upholstery etc Fox R L, W & R Butcher Fox & Weeks, Undertakers Foye & Eckstein, Dept Store Frank Leo, Saddlery & Uarn Frank & Co, W D Gds & Notions Freeman John W, Confec Etc Freeman T T, Gro & Fruits Frelong F, Saloon FretweU John W, State Printer Etc Fried Leon, D Gds Etc Friedman David, D Gds Etc Friedman Mrs J, Green Gro & Gro Friedman S, ButcScr Frierson Norton Sr, Electric Supplies Frizzeli & AUeyn, Job Printers Frost Bert B, Saloon & Rest Frost H W & Co,j Cotton Buyers Fryer William W, Grocer Fulton F E, Gro & Meats Fulton W B, Green Grocer Funk John, Butcher Furlong James F, Blacksmith Furrer A, Painter Furse & Co, Wood Gabel Rosa (Mrs Louis), D Gds Etc Gails Ben J, Grocer Gainey M, Liquors .. Galina Joseph A-, 'Saloon Gallagher J, " Woodyard Gardner J (agt), Novelties Gardner M S, Green Grocer Gardner Sig, Mon's & Ladies' Furng Garfunkel & Sons, D Gds Etc Garmany L M, Plumber Gartelman Deidrlch, Grocer Gartelman AV H, Gro & Liqs Gaspareich Andrew, Confec & FruitB Gates H L, Green Grocer Gandry & Co, Cotton Gavnor John II, AVharf Bldr Geffken H H, Gro & Liqs Geffken Meta, Gro & Liqs Geftken R, Grocer Gcil Jacob W, Green Grocer Gcil & Quint, Shoes Geiss W J, Bicycles Gentile F, Fish George Jerry, Confectioner George Numann, D Gds & Notions George Antonio, Fruits & Confec George Nicholas, Grocer George Numan, D Gds & Notions Georgia Breviang Assn Georgia Car & Mfg Co Georgia Fruit Co, Fruit Growers Georgia Lumber Co, Commission Georgia Steam Laundry Georgia Supply Co, >IilI, Railroad and Steamboat Supplies Gerken H (agt), Gro & Liqs German (The) Bakery Germania Bank, Henry Blun Pres, J M Hogan Cash Gerst S L, Cigars, Etc Getsinger M A (Mrs G W), Hotel Getz A, Tailor L, Y. GIBBS* SON & CO. FERTILIZERS. 21 Bay Street, West. Goette John A, Undertaker Goldberg D M, D Gds, Clo, Etc Golden Thomas, Saloon Goldman & Malever, D Gds Clo Etc Goode B, Plasterer Gooding William, Baker Goodman Bros, Gro & Liqs Gordon J, Vegetauies Gordon W W & Co, Cotton Com Gorrie (The) Ice Mfg Co Gottlieb Isadore, Baker Gracen Thomas B, Blacksmith Grady J E & Sons, W Gro & Grain Graham Charles F, Hotel Graham H F, Grocer Graham Bros, Drugs & Notions Granger Stubbs Lumber Co Grantham Bros, Fruits & Prod Grass J J, F Gds Gray M L, Bicycles Green J li. Bicycles, Etc Greene & Co, Picture Frames and Art Material Greer L B, Grocer Grefe Herman, Gro & Liqs Gregaracos George, Confec & Fruits Grewe Fred W K-, Gro tfc Liqs Grice J H & Bro, Gro & Liqs Grice & Stephens, Gro & Liqs Grittin J R, Dairy Gritrith R H, Grocer Grimm Daniel D, Hay and Feed Grimm J Fred, Gro & Liquors Grimm J 11, Gro & Liqs Grimm John F, Gro & Liqs Grogan James, Dye Works Groot Theo, Gro & Liqs Groover J A, Butcher Groover Mary (Mrs C H), Gro Guckenheimer's S Son, W Gro & Liqs Gunby William B, Chemicals Gussoni Ernesto, Cotton Exp Haas Isaac G, Mdse Broker & Com Mer Habersham J C, Butcher Haddon A H . & Bro, Green Gro & Wd Haddon Bros, Gro & Liqs Hagan Patrick, Marble Hagel John, Tailor Hahne Frank, Tin & Sheet Iron Wrkr Hallenbech John, Painter & Decorator Halligan John, Plumber Halloran & Fitzpatrick, Green Grocer Handrenos P G, Confec & Fruits Hanley Bridget (Mrs M), Grocer Hanley Andrew Co, W & R Paints, Oils Sash etc Hardee & Marshall, Fancy Gro Hardy H C Sr, Commission Harmon's Stables, Livery- Harms J D, Gro & Liqs Harris W S & Co, Printers Hart Francis, Gro Liqs Etc Hart Fred (agt), Baker Hartfelder-Garbutt Co, Mill Supplies Harvey J W, Gro & Grain Haslam & Co, Haberdashers Haslam & Co, Tailors Hay D R, Grocer Harden ^V F, Green Gro Heath C P, Gro & Liqs Heidt Plow Co Hoitman C H, Gro & Liqs Heitman J F, Grocer Etc Helmken John H, Gro Liqs & Cafe Henderson's T Sons,* Undtkrs Hendrix M B, Green Grocer Hennessy John H, Wheelwr & Blkstii Hennesv James W, Green Grocer Herb H J, Contr & Bldr Herbert & Quarterman, Safes, & Houst' Gilbert C M & Co. Imps Coffees Etc Gildea Neill, Saloon Girardeau A B, Pat Medicines Givovich Melchior, Butcher Glass R H, Florist Gleason E C & Son, Livery Globe Shoe Co, Boots & Shoes Herman Morris, Butcher Herman Coal & Wood Co Herman M S & Bro, Com Etc Hermes A J, Baker Hester & Co, Butchers Hetterich Charles, Candy Mkr Uewett M W, Green Grocer Heyman I, Milly & Notions Heyward T S, Cotton & Fertilizers Hicks E, Grocer Hicks Robert M, Rest & Liqs Hicks Thomas, Grocer Higgins Mrs Mary, Grocer Higgins Walter F, Bicycles, Repairing and Supplies Hines Optical Co Hios P S, Fruits Etc Hirsch Henry, Meats Hirsch Charles S & Co, W Lum Hirsh Julius D, Billiards & Cigs Hirshovitz D, (Jro & Liqs Hitchman Arthur H, Liquors E. HOCHMAN, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, IS BROUGHTON ST., W. Hodges L E, Grocer Hodges Lemuel J, Butcher Hoffman W H, Photographer Hogan Daniel, D Gds Hohenstein J, Grocer Holbrook (The) Co, Installment Gds Holland D A, Bicycles & Typewriters C. A. HOLMAN, 316 Broughton St., FURNITURE. Holman W R, Photographer Holmes & Co, Com & Prod Hoist J B Co, Cotton Buyers & Exps Home (The) Supply Mfg Co Ciders, Vinegars, Extracts, Etc Home Annie (Mrs J D), Wood Horning E, Grocer Horovitz R, Baker & Gro Horrigan Mrs Mary C, (Est of), Gro & Liqs Horton & Co, Gro & Liqs Hoskovitz Barnett, Shoes Howard C W & Co, Ship & Mdse Bro Howard Supply Co, R R Supplies Hubbard Henrietta (Mrs R G), Green Gt Hubbell F C, Cotton Hudgens J E, Gro Grain Etc Huff Pharmacal Co, Drugs Huff & Nelson, Drugs Huger Abraham, Tailor Huff Jos & Co, Phosphate Humphrey J C & Co, Stoves Etc Hunt John W Jr, Blacksmith Hunter, Pearce &' Battey, Cotton and Naval Stores • Hunter & Co, Cotton Brokers HuEsey W T, Grocer Hutton & Gibbes, Cotton Hvatt William J R, Green Gro Hj-man S, Tailor Hymes H, Art Goods Ingram Albert, Jeweler Ingram Jas A, AVatch Repairer Inman & Co, Cotton Itzkovitz Charles, Grocer Jachens Frederick H, Gro & Liqs Jackson Andrew, Saloon Jackson Joseph L, Plumber Jackson's A Sons, Cotton Buyers & Pick Jackson & Gutman, D Gds Agnes iScott Institute FOR YOUNG LADIES. DECATUR, - - - GEORGIA. LOCATION.— Six miles from Atlanta. Electric and steam cars. Elevation 1050 feet. Ideal climate. Health record unsurpassed. BUILrDirsaS & GROUNDS — Elegant buildings with modern conveniences. Beau- titul grounds. COURSES.— Graduate, Special, and College-Preparatory courses. Music and Art. PACULTY.— Teachers from Johns Hopkins, Washington and Lee, University of Miss. Woman's College ot Baltimore and other institutions of highest standing. ' Catalojue containing full information sent on application. [ F. H. GAINES, D. D. President .J P.O. BAKER Manufacturer of Iron Beds 41 to 51 Ridge Ave. Atlanta, 6a. f^ffl^lE^KE A MATCHLESS LIVER MEDICINE is> That acts gently and easily. They pleasantly unload the Stomach, Bowels and K dneys of that which clogs the system, and produces disease. The Liver is the great organ of the body, and if that is kept in good, active condition, disease cannot e.xist. est^medif,w''n'?'^?i,/l''^H"''"l',!^''"'-""'',?l l™"? ^ fo™"'a. devised by a corps ot eminent Physicians and are the est meaicine of the land m the world to-day. They sold positive guarantee to cure Biliousness, Con- M -_.-, Nausea, Sallow Comple and diseased Kidneys. , Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Dysentery, impure "Blood, Furred Tongue "Dizz " .li^,?""'^ distressing diseases arising from an inactive Livei-, Clogged' Bowel ABOUT YOUR ORDER.-There are a lot of things you have to bl^v vvifhout any trial at all and must then make the best of vour purchase, good or bad ;X/'^™f °' ^ t"a' treatment is positive proof of our faith in PODOPIIY- J^Jiih, and the guarantee we give is evidence of our honorable dealings mth customers. The price of any treatment is dear unless it actually cures the dis- ease for which It is taken. PODOPHYLETS positively cure or we refund your Druggists sell PODOPHYLETS for 10c and 25c of 9 and 24 doses. 4 large Doxes, a complete course with guarantee, for $1.00. If you have received a sample and vour Dru^^gist cannot 668" AtlanJa 'oa *fo2 co"m™f^t °''"' P°''.f °'^''' =''™P^ " ^^^'^*^''^'' '^"«^ '° PODOPHYMT Mm TO. Box 668, Atlanta, Ga., for complete course with guarantee. If you have not tried them write for FREE SAMPLE. g^^^^ta^h. Address PODOPHYLET MEDICAL CO., Box 558, Atlanta, Qa. The i1u0U$ta Chronicle AUGUSTA, GA. It is the leading and most influential paper in EASTERN GEORGIA AND WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA It is the only morning paper in Augusta, Ga. and within a radius of seventy-five miles. . It is the only paper, morning or evening, having a Leased wire ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE It covers the richest section of Georgia and South Carolina completely. The Augusta Chronicle, the exponent of the best thought and most conservative sentiment of the South. It will give prompt attention to any enquiries from North or West concerning the South. DAILY, THE AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, SUNDAY, AUGUSTA, SEMI-WEEKLY. GEORGIA. s o w ■^ &: Wg. =: C« Q. rf 3 3 Or<5 a - t: O w M - «^ ^ ^ n> 3 CO • i§ -o a. a ■or o t/> 2c ^" Cm o» • ■^ &«9 • CD* B> 1/5 m n qs_ 3 ^ CD O ft 1= H 2 ^ K" ra 2. aa" r Ck9 D 3 v« =*■ t/5 ^^ r t CD — t •8 en c e3' 1^ o ! __, 2 a 5" LJ »1 73 03 9 11 c n 3 OS n o » CD* • ^ ■*• ^ CD* ^ 03 n o -T1 D 5 v« aa C3 CS o QO &i Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co- Bailderg and Dealers in ENGINES ^» BOILERS RAII.ROAD, COTTON, SAW, FERTILIZER, Oil and Ice Machinery and Sup- plies and Repairs. Shafting, Pu'- leys, Hangers, Leather and Rubber Belting and Hose. MIUU SUPPUIES AIND TOOLS. High Pressure Horizontal Tubular Boilers a Specialty. irSCORPORAXED 1894. Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works and Supply Store. CAPACITY FOR. 300 HANDS. Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines, Ashworth Cards, Korting and Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, Etc. AUGUSTA, = = QEORQIA. GEORGIA-CAROLIM BRICK CO., HOWARD H. STAFFORD, President. MANUFACTURERS OF Plain, Re-Pressed. Dry Pressed and Ornamental -€B R I C K8^ RED AND BUFF. Annual Capacity 75.000,000. Write for Prices- AUQUSTA, QEORQIA, U. S. A. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 193 SAVANNAH— Continued. Jacobson Mary (Mrs William), Saloon Jarrett Bros, Saw Mill & Lum Jaudon W A (agt), Com Clo Jenkins J W, Hotel & Saloon Jernigan Ellen O, (Mrs D W), Gro & Liqs Johnsen N E, Grocer Johnson Jos H, Undertaker Johnson Martin, Saloon Johnson Moore & Co, Naval Stores Etc Jones F F & Co , Cotton & Naval Stores Jones Franklin F & Son, Butcliera Jones Pharmacy, Drugs Jones & Helmley, Furniture Joyce Bernard, Saloon Joyce James J, Green Gro & Mfr Sau- Joyce John W, Gro & Meats Juchter Mrs A C, Gro & Ship Chandler Juchter John, W Liqs, Cigs, Etc Jung (The) Brewing Co Ealamaros E, Confec & Fruits Kalola Co, Pat Med Mineral Water Kaminsky J, D Gds Clo Etc Kaminsky L, D Gds Clo Etc Kaminsky S, Clothing, Etc Karow & Forrer, Cotton Exps Karsner Bros, Tailors Karstens August, Gro & Liqs Kassel Ida (Mrs Jacob), Boots, Shoes & Hats Katsures D, Fruits & Confec Katzoff Joseph, Tailor KAVANAUGH & CO., IIG Bay St., West. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. Kayton L & Son, W Prov WM. KEHOE & SONS, Foundry and Iron Works. Keifer Edward J, Drugs Kelly A T, Saloon Kelly Ellen (Mrs John), Clo Etc Keisling & Teynac, Florists Kennedy E J, Tailor Kenner Sl Britton, Millinery Keimickell Printing Co, Stationers & Printers Kent Alfred, Blacksmith, Etc Kessel Adam, Baker Kiene Herman , Saloon Kieman Plumbing Co Kikos George, Tob & Fruits Kiley Mrs Ann, Saloon Killorin Edw, Contractor King Mead Co, Paints, Oils, Etc Eiokos V, Confec & Fruits Kirby F M & Co, 5 & 10c Store Kirkland D & Co, Hides, Wool, Etc Klingman R (Mrs A), Green Gro Knickerbocker Ice Co Knight E B, Plumber Knijrht Pharmacy Co, W & R Knight & Co, Green Gro Knoop, Frerichs & Co, Cotton Exp3 Knoop & Fabarius, Cotton Knox J F, Gro & Liqs Koch & Sylvan, Jewelers Kolman Mary (Mrs Phillip), Saloon Koneman C H, Gro & Liqs Kracken Cord, Gro & Liqs Kraft Jacob, Baker Krapf M, Grocer Kramer F Chris, Blacksmith Kravitch H, D Gds, Notions, Etc Krouskoff Millinery Co, W & R Kuck Herman F, Gro & Liqs Kuck John, Gro & Liqs Kutsures P, Saloon & Fruits Kyriakides S, Confec & Fruits Labiche Eugene, Tob & Mfr Cigars Ladeveze C R, Pictures & Frarftes Lang J W, Plumber Lang Nicholas, Gro & Liqs Lang J M & Co, Fertilizers Lange Harry, Saloon & Rest Lanier A H & Co, Gen Store Lark M J, Gro & Confec Lasky M, Clothing &' Shoes Lattimore Wm & H H, Hardware, Sto and Bicycles Launey A R, Photographer LeHardy & Co, Cotton Exps Leavy J W, Cooperage Lsdlie Charles & Son, Produce Lee George \\\ Grocer Leffler A Co, W Gro, Liqs & Cotton Factors Lehwald George, Drayage Lehwald Sam, Shoes Lehwald A J & Co, Men's Furng & Tai Leonard D M & Co, Junk Loenard Shoe Co Leopold C H, Bicycles, Etc Levkoy & Haym, W & R Hay, Grain, Gro, Etc Levy B S, Clothing Levy Henry, Butcher Levy S, Cigars B. H. LEVY BROS. & CO., THE LEADING OUTFITTERS FOR MEN. Levy J & Co, Jewelers Lewald Sam, Shoes Lewis H, D Gds, Etc Lightbody F, Baker Lindauer L, Peweler Linder Henry, Grocer LINDSAY & MORGAN, FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS, MATTINGS, Linoleums, Wiiidow Shades, Awnings, Etc. 110 and 112 Broughton St., W, Lippman Drug Co, W Drugs & Liqs Lipshutz Isaac, D Gds Etc Lipsitz R E, Grocer Lisberger Daniel S, Laundry Littmoden Charles H, Grocer LIVINGSTON'S PHARMACY COMPANY. 26 BROUGHTON, W. DRUGS. Logan Ann M, Green Gro Logan Hugh, Bulvjher London-Savannah Naval Stores Co Louisville Distilling Co, of Savannah, Ga, Liquors Love J M, Grocer Etc EDWARD LOVELL & SONS. Lowden Geo W, Oysters &; Fruit Can Lubs John F, Gro & Liqs Lucken N C, Gro & Liqs Ludden & Bates Southern Music Hse Luerssen C F, Gro & Liqs LUMBERMEN SUPPLY & E. COMPANY, Lynch John, Gro & Liqs Lyon & Logan , Cotton Shippers, Etc Lyons John & Co, W & R Grocers McAleer John, Shipsmith McArthur & Sons Co, Pianos & Organs McBride John M, House & Sign Painter McCarthy L A, Plumber McCormick William, Saloon McDonald T F, Saloon McDonough & Co, Lumber McDonough & Ballantyne, Founders McEllinn T J, Plumber, Etc McElya Hugh, Saloon McEneneaby P J, Harness McGlashan P, Harness McGrath & Ransford, Gro & Liqs ilcKenna J II, Plumber McKindsey Miss li L, Millinery McLaughlin Robert, Restaurant McMillan Bros, Cgppersmiths McNally F, Gro & Meats McRae & Coleman, Saloon DR. L. E. McTYRE, DENTIST. 24 BROUGHTON ST., WEST. MacDonald & Steinberg, Tailors Maclean Malcolm, Cotton Factor ^Madison L, Painter Maggioni & Co, W & R Fish and Canning Factory Mallette A R (Mrs L E), Hotel Malloch John & Co, Cotton Exps Manning Patrick, Saloon, Etc Marcus William, D Gds Clo Shoes Etc Marin Mrs N, IBaker Marin W R, Baker Marin &; Co, Hardware Marko witz L (Mrs Nathan) , Soda Water Marks Charles Shoe Co Marks Charles & Co. W Hats Martin H E, Wood, Oil & Gasolene Martin W J, Wood Martini Charles J, Mfr Cigars Masonic Art Store, Picture Frames and Art Goods - Masters J F, Plumber Masters J J, Blacksmith Masters P E, Plumber & Green Gro Masterson A W, Cigs & Tob Mastroglia Chris, Confec & Fruits Maurikis P, Fruits & Confec Max & Curtis, Saloon May J F, Gro & Butcher Mayrikis P K, Fruits & Confec Mehrtens Mrs Mary E, Butter, Etc Meincke P A, Gro & Saloon Meinhard, Schaul & Co, W Clo & Men's Furng Mendel A M, Cor# Merchant 194 SAVANNAH— Continued. Greater Georgia! Gazetteer. Mendel A & Co, Gicen Gro & Liqs Mercer Furniture Co , , . Merchants' Nat Bank of Savannah, J A G Carson Pres, W M Davant Cash Merrifield, Zeigler & Co Metropolitan Clothing Co Metzger & Brunson, U Gds Meyer Clarence, Grocer Meyer John, Gro & Liqs Meyer John P, Gro & Liqs Meyer Plumbing Co Mezyk Joseph, Shoes, Etc Michalowsky S & ^ro, !• ish Middleton Edmund K, Naval Stoies, Brkr, Etc Mill Haven (The) Co, Mfrs Lumber Millard Paint Co, Paints & Oils Miller C P, Furn, Carpets, Etc Miller & Webster, Meats Mills George J, Bnkr & Brkr Mingledorff & Co, Machine & Iron WKs Minis J F & Co, Ship Brkrs ttc Minter Pauline (Mrs Bernard), Cigais Mitchell T E, Green Gro Mock O V (Mrs J B), &10 Moehlenbrock Chas & Bro, Gro & Liqs Mohr L & Sons, W D Gds & Notions Monahan James T, Blacksmith lloney Savers Co, W Gen Supplies Monsees C H, Gro & Liqs Moore John H, Photographer Moore T A, Blacksmith Moore W H, Meats Moore Metal Co Moor & Co, Brokers, etc Mordecai & Strozier, Furnitura Morehouse W M, Mfr Tm Cans Sorehouse Mfg Co, Baking Powder, etc Morgan James, Grocer Morgan h S, Meats & Gro Morgan & Co, Bicycles & Supplies 'Morning (The) News" Morrell W G, Bice Brkr & Com Morrison Sarah, Saloon Morrison D J & BroD Goods, Clo Et. Morrison J L & Co, D Goods Etc Morse B E (Mrs F H), Gro Morton Peter (agt). Saloon Moses Daniel L, Grocer Moyle E, Mfr Trunks Etc Moynelo & Co, Exps & Imps Munster C A, Grocer Murken J H, Gro & Liqs Murphy Chris P H, Pamter Mur'phy Honora (Mrs M .1), Notions Murphy Mamie J (Mrs > J), Gi" « Meats Mutual Fertilizer Co Mutual Gas Light Co Mutual Grain & Supply Co, W .V K Grain & Hay Myers Kate (Mrs J H), Grocer Mvers H & Bros, Commission Myers Lee Eoy & Co, W Tob & Cigs Nally Mrs Mary A, Notions Nathan M, Vehicles & House Furng Nat (The) Bank of Savannah, &a, Her- man Myers , Cot Exps PBzmayer Plerman, Baker pfer"ont (The) Mfg Co of Georgia and Florida, Boxes, Crates, Etc Pigman W A, Drugs Pinkoson L, Umbrella Repairer Pinkussohn J S, Cigar Co Planters' Rice Mill Co Poole W G, Dyeing & rlcaiung Porcher F M, Plumber Pounder D D, Gro & Liqs Poythress J W (agt), Grocer Pra"-er Laundry Co Prarie Pebble Phos Co Prather & Co, Price A C, Plumber Piice L S, Furniture Puder J C, Wood DIr Purse F E, Printer & Binder Putzel L, Com Prod iQuante F H, Gro & Meats (Juarterman I, Butcher Kabey Peter, Contractor Rackstraw J T, Gro & Liq» Eanitz F W H, Gro & Liqs Ransier A J, Harness Mkr Etc Raskin S & Son, Gro & Liqs Raskin & Lichtenstein, Cigar Mtrs Rauzin M & Son, Gro & Liqs Rav (The) Co, Phonographs Etc Ray's James Sons, Mfrs Soda Water Etc Red Bluff Trading Co, Stock Raising Red Cross Laundry Red Cross Pharmacy Reid W F, W & R Drugs Reid & Co, Drugs Remier B, Gro & Liqs Reniler Robert, Gro & Liqs Rendant J C F, Green Gro Reppard Iron Co, Steel Rails , Eeppard, Snedeker & Co, Lumber Ehodes Haverty Furniture Co Richman Julius, D Gds & Clo Riley William J, Blacksmith Eimes Bros & Co, W Gro Prod & Com Ripke John, Gro & Liqs Roberts H, Cabinet Mkr Robinson (The) Lumber Co Robinson & Sheftall, Green Gro Rocea F E, Butcher Rocker John & Bro, Gro & Liqs Roentch Martin, Saloon „ -^ ., Eosedew Canning Co, Oysters, Fruits & Vegetables Rosenheim Jos & Sons, Vf Boots & Shs Rosenhofl Pauline (Mrs L), MiUy Grocer Ross P Sanford, Inc, Cont Ross J S, Gro Rothwell Benj, Brick Mfr & Wood Rourke John J, Gro & Liqs JOHN ROURKE & SONS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Blacksmihs andt Boiler Makers. Rourke John & Sons, Foundry Etc Eowlinski Robert A, Drags Royall W H, Undertaker Euan J G, Cotton Rubanovich B, D Gds & Clo Rubin S, D Gds Etc Rubenstein S J, D Gds, Slices & Co Rubenstein S M, Shoes Euckh Miss Marie, Green Gro Ruiz Manual, Shoes, Etc Runbaken Abraham, Delicacies Sable L, Saloon ^ ^ .^ Sacks George, Confec & Fruits Sallce S S. Pianos & Organs Saloom Saide, D Gds & Notions Samuels H, Jeweler Sandei-s C M, Tinner Sanders J K, Tinsmith Sanders Philip, Gro & Liqs Saussv & Hu.xford, Naval Stores & C ot Savailnah Bank & Trust Co, J D Weed Pres W F McCauley Cash Savannah Blow Pipe & Exhaust Co Savannah Brewing Co Savannah Building Supply Co Mtrs Brick, Etc Savannah Candy Factory, Mfrs Savannah Consolidated Bottling Co, Soda Water Savannah Contracting Co Savannah Cooperage Co, Mfrs Savannah Cotton Mills Savannah Crockery & Hardware Co Savannah (The) District Messenger ^ Delivery Co, Gen Del & Storage Savannah Dredging Co Savannah Fish & Oyster Co Savannah-Florida Phosphate Co Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 195 SAVANNAH— Continued. Savannah Furniture Co Savannah Grocery Co, W Gro & Liqa Savannah Guano Co Savannah Lighterage & Transfer Co Savannah Liquor Co Savannah Locomotive Works & Sup Co Savannah Mattress Co, Mfrs Savannah Milling Co, Grist Hill Savannah Monument & Tile Co Savannah Press Publishing Co Savannah Pulverizing Co, Mfr3 Savannah (The) Rice Mill Co Savannah Steam Dye Works Savannah Syrup Co, Refiners, Etc Savannah Tile & Artificial Stone Co Savannah Trust Co, William W Mack- all Pres, W V Davis Sec & Tieas Savannah Wood Co Savannah Woodenware Co, W Wooden- ware, Tinware, Etc Schaffer Peter (Estate of). Baker Scherer J H, Gro & Saloon Schine L, Green Gro Schlotelburg D, Gro & Liqs Schnaars Frederick, Gro & Liqs Schneider Robert, Watchmkrs Schroder Anna (Mrs Fred), Gro Schroder C H, Gro & Liqs Schroder H & Co, Gro & Liqs Schroeder George, Gro & Liqs Schroeder George H G, Gro & Liqs Schroeder J H, Gro & Liqs Schultes G, Gro & Liqs Schuman J C, Gro & Liqs Schutz Nathan, Ladies' Furng Schwab's M Son, Optician Schwalb John, Drugs Schwarz Fred A, Baker Schwarz George C, Saloon Schwarz George & Sons, Broom Factory Scott A, Grocer Scott & Davis, Butchers Seaboard Cotton Oil Co, Cot Product* Seabrook E, Grocer Seay John W, W Gro & Liqs Seckinger C R, Plumber & Tinner Segall Morris, Green Gro Semken Henry, Gro & Liqs Semmes Hardware Co, W Hardware & Cutlery Setpa J, Saloon Shearouse J H, Gro, Hay & Grain Shearson C A, Cotton Exp Sheftall C H, Laundry Sheftall J B, Buti,-ner Sheftall Solomon, W & R Gro, Liqs Eti, Shotter S P Co, Naval Stores Exptrs Shueneman D H. Gr 0& Liqs Shuptrine J T, Drugs & Seeds Siegal S, D Gds Siem J D, Gro & Liqs Silverstein David, Grocer Silverstein David, Liquors Simkins Eldred & Co, Pat Medicines W. D. SIMPKINS & CO., 213 and 215 Bay St. West. Wholesale Hay, Grain, Feed, Fruit and Produce. Simon A, Tailor Sirman Eugenia B ,(Mrs J H), Gro Skidis Chris, Fruits, Etc Slater James F, Saloon Slater J C, Gro, Grain Etc Slater & McKenzie, Furniture Sloat Bros Co, Pat Medicines Smith J B, Grocer Smith Margie S, Saloon Smith Bros, W Tob Gro & Liqs Smith S F & Co, Grocers ■Smith & Kelly (The) Co, Stevedores .Snedeker F A, \Vood Yard Sognier Joseph, Tob & Mfr Cigart Solomon A W & Co, Laundry Solomon Henry & Son, W Gro & SOLOMONS COMPANY, DRUGGISTS, Congress St. Bull and Charlton Sts. South American Cigarette Co, Mfrs South Side Cash Grocery Southeastern Plaster Co, Mfrs Southern Asphalt Co Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, John Flannery Presfi Horace A Crane Vice-Pres, James Sullivan Cash Southern Cotton Mills & Commission Co Southern (The) Cotton Oil Co, Producrs Southern Drug & Chemical Co Southern Grocery Co of Georgia Southern Lamp Black Works, Mfrs Southern Mercantile Co, House Furng Southern Mutual Drug Co Southern (The) Paving Gravel Co Southern Pine Co of Georgia, Lumber Speight W G, Gro & Liqs Spellman & Biuning, Gro & Liqs Spier R J, Gro & Meats Spiliotia John & Co, Fruits & Confec Springfield Dairy Co Stahmer John, Gro & Liqs Standard Candy Co, Mfrs Standard Creosote & Chemical Co, Mfrs Standard Fuel Supply Co, Coal & Wd Star Clothing o, D Gds Clo Etc Star Rosin Co, Naval Stores Steffens Harry, Gro & Liqs Stinback L, Tailor Steiner Solomon, D Gds & Notions Steinman Bros, Saloon Stelljes George, Gro & Liqs Sternberg & Co, Jewelers Stevens St Julian, Tinner Stewart Mrs Belle, Grocer Stewart's James T Son, Cotton Stiles Josephine E, Saloon Slivarius O E, Gro & Liqs Stokes M A, W Ribbons Shoes & Notions Storer F W & Co, Scrap Iron & Metalss Strachan & Co, Ship Agts Etc Stults C E & Co, W Liqs & Cigs Stunt R N, Contractor Etc Sullivan John, Gro & Liqs Sullivan's M M Sons, W Fish Etc Suiter Henry, Gro & Liqs Suiter H W, Gro & Liqs Susong W A, Sales Stable Sutker W, Grocer Suwannee Fertilizer Co Sweet Mrs M E, Gro & Notions Sybrandt & Co, Cotton Taggart G I & Co, Coal & Wood Tarver W H, Books Tatnall Investment Co, Naval Stores Taylor D O, Gro & Meats Taylor J K, Saloon Taylor Wm & Sons, Paints, Etc Teasdale & Co, Cotton Brkrs Toeple J W, Furniture Tcynac H F, Gro and Notions THEUS & CO., Tholkcn George H, Gro & Liqs Thomas Ameen, W & R Notions Etc Thomas George W, Bicycles & Repairg Thomas Jedua B, Grocer Thomas Lewis A, Butcher Thomas D R & Son, Coal & Wood Thomas J & C Nj Jewelers Thomason D N (agt). Stoves & Fum Thomason & Harvey, Wood Etc Thompson A D & Son, Printers' Rollers Thonnesen G M (Mrs E C), P Gds Etc Thornton Lula L (Mrs J D), Drugs Thorodocos George, Confec & Fruits Tiedeman George W, W Grocer Tietjen John F, Gro & Liqs Tietjen Grocery, W & R Gro & Grain Tillinger A, Gro & Meats Tishler M, Tailor Tishler Solomon J, Tailor Tobin W K, Meats Toehl H (agt), Gio & Liqs Tolson Benjamin, Gro & Meats Toossas Demetrios, Fruits & Confec Tossopoulos A, Confec & Fruits Traganas John, Gro & Fruits Trapani L, W & R Liqs Traub H & Son, W Grain Gro & Prov Tribune (The) Pub Co Tubbesing J H, Baker Turner li, Boots and Shoes Union Pharmacy Union Shipping Co, Cotton Compress Union Transfer Co United Hydraulic Cotton Press Co Van Keuren R & Co, Jewelers Vainas N, Fruits, Etc Vale Royal Mfg Co, Shingle Mill Vaisberg Printing Co Vasile A, Gro, D Gds & Saloon Vaughn & Co, Mdse Brkrs Verneso A, Confec & Fruits Veruki Elias, Saloon & Fish Vetter C A, Baker Vetzburg A Co, W D Gds Etn Vianas Nicholas, Confec &: Fruits Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co, Mfrs Fertilizers VoUers William, Gro & Liqs Volpin B & Bro, Bicycles & Repairing Wachstein F, Jeweler Wachstein S, Jeweler Wade John T, Saloon Wainer A, Green Gro Walker A J, Grocer Walker-Mulligan Furniture Co Wilder M, Blacksmith Wall E J & Co, Blacksmiths Wallace & Sutker, Saloon Walling H D, Fruits & Confec Walsh James, Blacksmith & Wheehvright Walsh J R, Naval Stores Walsh Miss Mary C, Baker Walsh & Meyer, D Gds Etc Ward H M, Contractor Ward W E, Blacksmith Warmbold E E, Safe Repairer Watson & Powers, Hotel J. D. WEED & CO., Wholesale Hardware, lion and Steel Plate. Weil E A & Co, W Shoes Etc Weiser J A, Jeweler Weitz B, Saloon V.'ellbrook John F, Gro & Liqs Wells B S, Cotton Shipper Wells Commercial Co, Cotton E.^ptrs Wells & Lange, Grocers Etc Werm Frank, Jeweler Werntz J C, Grocer Werntz J L & W T, Gro & Meats Wesson Process Co West A M & C W, Grocers West Thomas & Co, Crockery Wcstcott Charles B, Bicycles Wheeler F F, Hats Whelan F T, Livery Whitcomb E F & Co. Brkrs & Com White J P, Gunsmith 196 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. b A VANN AH— Continued. T. P. WrCKENBERG & CO. 124 Bay St., West. Hay, Grain, Provisions, Fruits and Pro- duce. Wiehra T E, Gro & Liqa Wiggins J W, Plumber Wilder J H, Grocer Wilensky J T, Jeweler Wilensky M, W Leather & Shoe Findgi Wilkins Harry, Gro, & Liqs Wilcox Ives Oil Co, Mfrs Wilcox, Ives & Co, Cotton & Com Williams Henry T, Cotton Williams Peter, Grocer, Etc Williams W B, Tailor Williams Bicycle Co Williams J P Co, Naval Stores CottOB W Gro Etc Williams & Grice, Gro & Liqs Williamson & Rauders, Ship Brkrs Wilson A K, Gen Com Wilson A J, Gro & Liq» M. EDW. WILSON, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. Windisch V, Tailor Winkler C, Butcli*r Winter A, Liquors Winter Fritz, Gro & Liqs Woeltjen Henry, Gro Liqs Ete Woledge-Philpot Co, Planing Mill Wolf John, Florifit Wolf Louis, Liquors Wolf Louis, W & R D Gds Etc Wolf Joe & Bros, Scrap Iron Etc AVolfson & Mirsky, W Notions Wood H D, Grocer Wood Henry, Saloon & Rest Wood J S & Bro, Cot Com & Fertilizers Wood-01 Chemical Co, Mfrs Wooley Tie Co, Tie Contractors Wortsman David L, V/ Candy, Crackera Etc Wright & Cq, Com Merchants Wylly-Gabbett Co, W Lum & Crossties Yonge St Julian R, Drugs Yonge & Co, Drugs Ybanez E D, Saloon, Etc YOUMANS & LEETE, 365 W. Broad St. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Young L Gourdin, Cotton Com Younglove ,& Sipple, Livery Zavick Nick, Gro & Liqs SCAEBORO. Screven County Burns G W & Son, Gen Store Proctor & Burns, Gen Store Sharpe (The) Co, Gen Store, Nav»l Stores & Timber Taylor J R, Blacksmith SCHL.4TTERVILLE, Pierce Coun SCOGINS, Meriwether County Scogin J T, Gen Store SCOTLAND, Telfair County Browning J A & Son, Gen Store Everett D A, Gen Store Flanders George P, Gen Store Graham A & Bro, Grocers Kemp & Rollins, Gen Store Kinchen R L, Gen Store Neal J W, Drugs Wooten J A & Son, Gen Store Etc SCOTT, Johnson County Chiplev J D, Gep Store Hilburn I H & Son, Gen Store Holmes J E Sr, Gen Store Mims W D, Gen Store Purvis H E, Gen Store Smith G T, Gen Store SCOTTDALE, DeKalb Countyf SCOTTDALE MILLS, Manufacturers of SHEETINGS AND DRILLS, SCOTTDALE, GA. SCOTCHVILLE, Camden County SENOIA, Coweta County McKinron H T, Naval Stores & Gen Sto Baggerley Bros, Wagons, Etc SCOTTSBOEO, Baldwin County Barnes W H H, Saw Mill Richardson Miss E S, Gen Store Scottsboro Mercantile Co, Gen Store SCREVEN, Wayne County Colson A C, Drug3 Googe E C (Mrs Wm), Gen Store Hatcher J & Bro, Gen Store Hilton John A, Gen Store Kicklighter & Long, Naval Stores Walker J H (The) Co, Gen Store SEABROOK, Liberty County SEALS, Camden County Clark J B, Gen Store SEED, Habersham County Porter D, Gen Store SELINA, Clayton County Jones H C, Gen Store S. H. ZELLNER, Prop. CENTRAL GEORGIA PECAN NURSERIES. Leading Paper Shell Varieties Propagated. SHIPPING POINTS. Forsyth and Barnesville. SEMPER, Spalding County Cooper C A, Grocer SENEY, Polk County Carmichael A P & Co, Undtkrs & Fur Cook T W, Grocer Couch M H & Co, Gen Store Daniel C P Sons, Gen Store Deracken Elam, Furniture, Etc Edwards & Travis, Gen Store Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, W S Witham Prefc,. J A Sasser Cash Hand Vindex, Gen Store Hardy J C, Livery Hollberg C F, Gen Store Kirkland Mrs E, Millinery Kirkland J W, Gen Stora Lett Samuel, Gen Store McCrary W R, Drugs McKnight Co, Gen Score McKnight & Estes, Livery Martin Bros, Gen Store Nolan & Son, Grocers Persons T S, Meats Sasser & Powers, Gen Store Senoia Hardware Co Senoia Mfg Co, Back Bands Ware H L, Wagons, Buggies, Etc SESSOMS, Appling County Cole W R & D F, Gen Store & Nav Sto Meeks & Lewis, Gen Store Prince J W, Gen Store & Grist Mill SEVIER, Forsyth County Phillips, Nuckles * Rice, Mill Martin S, Gen Store Shadburn H L, Gen Store SEVILLE, Wilcox County Causey & Britt, Gen Store Colyer Drug Co Croom J H, Grocer Forrest W H, Saloon Dorminy J E & Co, Gen Store Hamilton A M (Mrs W C), Millinery Hutchinson J H & Co, Whiskey, Etc Powell C b &) Co, Gen Store Seville Whiskey Co Tippett Bros & Holt Co, Gen Store Wilcox J M & Co, Gen Store! SEWARD, Montgomery County Gibbs E S & Bro, Gin & Saw Mill McNatt H B, Gen Store Mosely B K, Gen Stora SEYMOUR, Jackson County Seymour A J, Gen Store SHACK, Chattahoochee County Coleman W, Gen Store Lamb G W, Gen Store Willis R L & E M, Gen Store SHADY DALE, Jasper County Allen A J, Mfr Cotton Planters Banks O Bros, Sale & Feed Stable Baynes AV E, Gen Store Bonner T R (agt). Gen Store Hod^e Mercantile (The) Co, Gen Store Leverett B & Co, Gen Store Shady Dale Furniture Co, Spearman John, Jeweler SHADY GROVE, Carroll County SHAFTER, Pulaski County Hinson J B & Co, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 197 SHANNON, Floyd County Waters Charles, Gen Store SHARON, Taliaferro County Barnett Bros & Co, Gen Store Brown L R, Drugs Doherty John, Liquors Fallin J W, Saloon & Grist Mill Jackson h S, Gen Store Kendrick J A, Gen Store - Kendrick J M & Co, Gen Store Moore A D, Wag & Buggy Mkr Moore O D & AV H, Gen Store O'Keeffe John, Gen Store Sharon Gin Co Sturdivant J P, Orocer SHARPE, Walker County Williams Co, Gen Store SHARPSBURG, Coweta County Bridges E W, Gin Cole J R & Co, Gen Store Hardy G S, Grocer Etc Johnson L Z, Gen Store Orr W B, Gen Store Ktovall J B, Repair Shop Winn J H & Son, Gen Store SHARPTOP, Cherokee County Wiley, Stearns & Wiley, Gen Store SHAW, Walker County Stevens Bros, Gen Store SIIEARWOOD, Bulloch County Shearouse J N, Saw Mill, Gen Store at* Shearwood Lumber Co, Saw Mill Standard Creosote & Chemical Co, Mfw SHEBA, Hancock County Brantley J W, Gen Store SHELBINE, Camden County SHELL BLUFF, Burke County Hatcher J N, Gen Store Hatcher W J, Gen Store Mathis W G, Gen Store SHELLMAN, Randolph County Allen & Spurlock, Gen Store Bovett & Russell, D Gds Cheney C M, Gen Store Cheney Mrs S E, Millinery CheneV E R & Co, Gen Store Compton K L (agt), Gen Store Cox & Radford, Saw Mill Coxwell William V, Gen Store Crittenden Miss Ida, Millinery Crittenden Bros, Gen Store Crittendon Warehouse, Curry (The) Co, Live Stock, Etc Edwards W S, Gen Store & Gin Etheridge Jos & Son, Gen Store Green C J, Gen Store Hart H H, Gen Store Hook W J, Gen Store Knighton C H & Co, Gen Store Marlin R B, Gen Store Martin I A & C W (The) Co, Gen Store Millirons L E, Gen Store Oliver W J, Gin & Cotton Seed Oil Oliver W J & Son, Gen Store Peoples' Bank, II A Crittendon Pres, H O Crittendon Cash Pruitt J W Sr, Gen Store Roberts J J, Blacksmith Sasser F B (Mis J G), Hotel Shellman Banking Co, W J Oliver Pres T R Arthur Cash Shellman Drug Co Short Bros & Hayes, Gen Store Smith W E, Gen Store Terry Bros, Gen Store SHELTONVILLE, Milton County Collins T L, Gen Store & Gin Rutledge W B & Co, Gen Store SHEPHERD, Coffee County Fillingim E P, Gen Store & Naval Sto Lott J S, Gen Store, Gin & Grist Mill SHERMAN, Pickens County Owen E, Gen Stor« SHILOII, Harris County Anderson G B, Gen Store llandley M A (Mrs J C), Gen Store Dunn W M, Gen Store Johnson W A, Gen Store Moran T J, Gen Store Moran W D, Gen Store Neal J M, Gen Store Parker W R, Gen Store Shiloh Gin Co SHOAL CREEK, Hart County Edwards J N (Est of). Cotton ginning & Saw Mill Maret R M, Gen Storo SHOALS, Warren County Coleman J H & Co, Gen Store SHOULDER, Hancock County Harris J M Jr & Co, Gen Store SIBBIE, Wilcox County Fuller A W, Saw Mill SIBLEY, Dooly County Blanding F W, Gen Store Central Georgia Land & Lumber Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store Pitts A H, Gen Store & Oroasties Siblev Lumber Co, W Whidby J E & Bro, Gen Store SIGSBEE, Colquitt County Taylor W M, Gen Store Taylor G F & Bro, Planing Mill SIGURD, Dodge County Clark & Coleman, Ginnery, Etc SILCO, Camden Countyu Davis & Brandon, Naval Stores & Gen Store Williams S, Gen Store SILOAM, Greene County Bryson & Johnson, Gin Dolvin & Corry, Gen Store Flllinghin J T, Gen Store Jackson J H, Gen Store O'Neal A S, Grocer O'Neal H D, Gen Store jihodes, Dolvin &■ Co, Gen Store Saggus D A, Blacksmith Stanley E J, Gen Store Thornton C P, Restaurant SILVER CITY, Forsyth County Clark M C & Son, Blacksmiths Pruitt J C, Gen Store Smith G W & Bro, Gin Etc \Mllianis T J, Blacksmith SILVER CREEK, Floyd County Porter J B & Son, Gen Store SILVER SHOAL, Banks County Furr P F M, Gen Store SILVEY, Meriwether County Br»kefield W, Gen Store SIMPSON, Heard County Levens J M, Saw Mill ite Gin gIRMANS, Clinch County Brack C F, Gen Store Sirmans F B, Saw Mill, Gen Store, Etc SISSON, Wilkes County Sherrer John F, Gen Store SKEINAH, Fannin County Woody C R, Flour Mill Woody C R & Son, Gen Store SKIPPERTON, Bibb County Watson W T Jr, Gen Store SLATE, Hart County Jordan J W, Gen Store SLOANS, Hall County Sloan W W, Gen Store SLOCUMB, Jones County Sterling J D, Gen Store SMALL, Johnson County Powell A E, Gen Store Powell A G, Gen Store Powell B E Jr, Gen Store SMARRS, Monroe County Smarr J L, Gen Store Thrash L N, . ft,"n Store Trammell D O, Gen Store, Gin & Mill SMILEY, Liberty County Pinholser J H, Gen Store Smiley Bros, Gen Store SMITHONIA, .0,jiethorpe County Cimningham G W, Gen Store Smith James M, Gen Store & Mfr Cot- tonseed Oil Greater Georgiai ^Gazetteer. SMITHVILLE, Lee Couuty Bank of Smithville, W S Witham Pres, Rowe Price Cash Bass & Co, Gen Store Beauchamp W & Son, Gen Store Burton T S, Gen Store Chappell Miss M E, Millinery Edwards J B, Gen Store Gonekel C G, Gen Store Griffin P G, Gin Hale P S, Gen Store Hill J A, Furii, Hardware, Eto Jennings J R, Grocer Jennings & Burton, Millinery Livingston A IV & Bro, Saw Mill Lunsford W H, Crrocer McAfee A H, Hotel McAfee J H & W F, Drugs McKenney B I, Warehouse, & Fertilizers Mitchell H B, Cotton Gio Mitchell W E, Gen Store Morgan M M, Grocer Prather Charles, Blacksmitk Pryor R S, Gen Store Smith Bros, Gen Store Smithville Ginning Co Smithville Supply Co, Gen tore Smithville Warehouse Co, Cot Whs« Snellgrove J D, Gro Harness Etc Tracy L B, Gen Store Turner Bros, Gen Store Wells Bros, Grist Mill AVilkerson J L, Gen Store SMITUM, Hall County Sloan J A, Gen Store SMYRNA, Cobb County Ireland S J, Gen Store Pace John T, Saw Mill & Gin Pace W T, Drugs Whitfield T W, Grocer SNAP, Bulloch County Simmons B H, Gen Store SNAPPFINGER, DeKalb County Bro\vn J L, Milling Dobbs P M, Gen Store Dobbs R L, Grocer Kelly J T, Gen Store, Gin, Saw Mill etc SNAPPING SHOALS, Newton County DeLoach & Bell, Millers Bearing & Smith, Gen Store Fincher D (Mrs R M), Milly Gilmore E G, Gen Store Harvey W B, Gen Store Hooten & Austin, Gin Stone J A & Moss, Blacksmiths SNELLVILLE, Gwinnett County Lanier J D, Gen Store Pate T A & Co, Gen Store Peter Lem, Gen Store Saw^-er James, Gen Store Stansell & Barnet, Blacksmiths SNOW, Dooly County Smith J W, Gen Store SOCIAL CIRCLE, Walton County Almand E L, Hardware Eto Bank of Social Circle, J M Hurst Jr Pres, M L Mobley Cash Herman L Z, Clo Shoes Etc Brown R L, Grocer Edmundson E B, Gen Store Garrett Lizzie, Hotel Hale W M, Grocer Herndon E M & Sons, Gen Store Jones F B, Meats & Gro Knox W T & Bro, Gen Store Lane J M, Meat Market Lloyd W H, Wagon Shop Long J T, Buggies & Bicycles Mayo E T & W F, Gen Store Nichols Cut Price Store Pennington L C, Printer Robinson Bros & Ci^ Gen Store Shepherd J O, Gen Store Shepherd Bros, Gen Store & Livery Sigman T W, Grocer Smith B G, Warehouse Social Circle Cotton Mills Social Circle Furniture Co Spearman W B, Confectioner Spence I N B, Drugs Stanton G B, Bldrs' Supplies Walton Guano Co, Branch Walton Oil Co, Mfrs Whatley J P, Notions SOCRATES, Monroe County Wise M T, Gen Store & Mill SOFKEE, Decatur County Wyatt, Frierson & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores SONORAVILLE, Gordon County Elrod A F, Gen Store Littlefield & Son, Gen Store & BlliSths Silks & Brooks, Gen Store Spencer & Littlefoot, Gen Store Yarbrough Perry, Miller SOPERTON, Montgomery County Bank (The) of Soperton Blizzard T H, Hotel Cook W R, Gen Store Dinkins Mrs M C, Millinery Durden & Durden, Gen Store Frost & Frost, Gen Store Gillis Ben, Grocer Hinson M J, Gen Store Holmes C L & Son, Gen Store Holmes L J & Son, Gen Store Johnston J D & Co, Gen Store Lee H, Livery Lee S A, Jeweler Morris J L, Gen Store Outlaw E A, Gen Store Sherrod J H, Drugs Soperton Drug Co, T\'ade J A Jr, Gen Store Vi'illiams J C & Sons, Gen Store SOQUE, Habersham County Camp H J, Gen Store West B & J A, Gen Store Wikle W L, Gen Store SOUTH ATLANTA, Fulton Co Bartlett J T, Grocer Bryan C M, Gen Store Burroughs W H, Gen Store Busbee C K, Gen Store Corley S, Grocer Dease E W, Blacksmith Fagan J T, Confectioner Henderson W C, Gen Store Kendrick George F, Grocer Kitchens J A, Grocer Norman W Y, Grocer Price L J, Gen Store Sappington W M, Grocer Slater J R, Coal & Wood South Atlanta Coal & Wood Co SOUTH BEND, Fulton County Busbee C K, Gen Store SOUTHWELL, Bryan County Corbett T G, Gen Store & Saw Mill SOWHATCHEE, Early County Lane Joseph P, Gin SPANN, Johnson County Edmundson J S, Gen Store Waller T R, Gen Store SPARKS, Berrien County Brice Mrs J P, Millinery Brice J E & Co, Ginnery Bryant J H, Hotel Burge & Boyett, Livery Burke W H, Jeweler Byrd J W, Millinery Dale John & Son, Grocers Goodwin E H, Grocer, Etc Jones W R, Gen Store Kretlow S & E, Grocers McCranie J H, Drugs McCranie & Lovett, Drugs McDermid & McPhaul, Grocers McKinney Bros, Gen Store Parrish A L, Gen Store Price Mrs J P, Millinery Purdom Bros, Gen Store Purdom I W & Co, Bankers & Fertili- zers Purdom & Whitehurst, Live Stock Reynolds W O, Gen Store Rowland B A (The), Gen Store Shuman & Rountree, Gro & Meats Simmons B S & Co, Grocers Sparks Enterprise, Newspaper Sparks Hardware Co Sparks Mercantile Co, Gen Store Studstill & Kinard, Grocers Vaden D M, Gro Hardware Blksth Etc SPARTA, Hancock County Allen J W, Gen Store Archer G P, Gen Store Bank (The) of R A Graves Binion L (agt). Grocer Bruce Terrell, Gunsmith City Market, Meats Culver J L, Gen Store Fish Isaac. D Gds Etc Friese C J, Planing Mill & Furn Friese Miss M A, Millinery Garner J T, Gen Store Garrett \Y L, Gen Store Harper J C (agt), Gro & Rest Johnson Richard I, Gro & Fish Johnson W J, Gen ^gtore Laramore A S, Jeweler Lee W B, Gen Store Lewis & Moore, Publishers Little & Dickens, Gen Store Mandle Ike (agt). Fruits Mandle J & Son, Gen Store Middlebrooks W H, Coal Nearv W R, Livery Ohlnian (The) Mercantile Co, Gen Store Orgain H I, Furn and Co na Piem D, D Gds Roberts Mrs A E, Hotel Rocker O J, Grocer Rogers J H, Repair Sliop Rozier H F & F A, Gen Store Rozier & Middlebrooks, Drugs Shivers C M, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 199 SPARTA— Continued Shivers P B & Co, Millinery Smith James, Machise Shop Sparta Banking Co Sparta Creamery Co Sparta Hardware Co Sparta Oil Mill, Cottonseed Products Stephenson Roberts Co, Hdwe Vardeman George S, Drugs Walker J D (execr). Banker & Buggies White Frank & Son, D Gds Wynn H L, Blacksmith SPENCER, Appling County .Herrington J L~ Gen Store and Naval Stores SPILO, Union County Hemphill & Hill, Gen Store Ledtord A P, Gen Store Swanson J C, Gen Store SPOONER, Miller County Roberts J E & Son, Naval Stores and Gen Store Spooner J P & Son, Gen Store SPOT, Forsyth County Thally William A, Gen Store SPREAD, Jefferson County Arrington B I, Gen Store Ccbbham Lumber Co, Saw Mill Denton Bros, Gen Store Dickson T J & Co, Gen Store Hannah James E (mngr), Gen Store McDonald A D, Planing Mill Parish & Pardue, Gen Store Roney Bros & Co, Gen Store Spread Milling Co Stapleton A S, Gen Store Stapleton James, Gen Store Stapleton & Haddon, Saw Mill Vause J M, Gen Store Walden & Stapleton, Gen Store Warthen T & Bro, Gen Store SPRINGFIELD, Effingham County Mingledorff B E, Gen Store Shcarhouse H & Bro, Saw Mill & G Sto SPRINGHAVEN, Laurens County Bobbitt Wilson, Gen Store Freeman E N, Gen Store Hughes D G Jr, Gen Store & Saw Mill SPRING PLACE, Murray County Cohutta (The) Talc Co, Miners & Mfrs Dickson James A, Blacksmith Everett W E, Gen Store Everett & Shriner, Gen Store Everitt Bros, Gen Store Fincher & Bro, Gen Store Henry C L, Publisher Johnson W J & J E, Grocers Kennor E S, Gen Store Kerr Hull, Gen Store Murray County Milling Co Pendley & Sons, Saw Mill & Qin Robinson J L, Gen Store Thompson L W, Gen Store SPRING VALE, Randolph County Davis T M, Gen Store & Blksth Davis Haywood, Blacksmith Garner F M & Son, Gen Store Giiffln J L & Son, Gen Store & Gil Lee J \V, Gen Store Maddox J M, Gen Store Pearce J R, Fertilizer SPRUCE, Habun County Thompson George H, Gen Store ST CHARLES, Coweta County ST CLAIR, Burke County Torbitt A M, Gen Store ST MARKS, Meriwether County Garden J W (agt). Gen Store Garden Ji & Son, Saw Mill Carley J F & Son, Grocers Humphries O, Gen Store Perkins J D, Gen Store Perkins Bros, Blacksmiths ST MARY'S, Camden County Arnow & Bunkley, Gen Store Etc Barnard A F, Drugs Nix J S, Gen Store Eudulph Bros, Gen Store Sterling David C, Gen Store ST SIMON'S MJLLS, Glynn County Arnold Wilhelmina, flotel Currie John, Butcher Dent S G, Gen Store FoUins J W, Gen Store Hilton & Dodge Lumber Co Josephs P O, Gen Store Tilton C W, Gen Store Wallace W L, Gen Store Weinstein Nathan, Confectioner Wright & Gowan, Gen Store STAFFORD, Murray County Johnson C V, Gen Store Kerr Hull, Gen Store STAMP CREEK, Bartow County Leach J W, Gen Store STANFORDVILLE, Putnam County Baugh W F, Gen Store Layson C C, Gen Store & Gin Rosey A J, Gen .rtore STANLEY, Screven County Brigham Charles, Gen Store & Gin STAR, Bulloch County Brannan J A & Son, Gen Store STARK, Butts County Jones J C & Co, Gin Mays B W & Co, Gen Store Wyatt & Jones, Gen Store STARESVILLE, Newton County Anderson & Belcher, Gen Store Eppcs J L & Bro, Gen Store Farmers' Union Merc Co, Gen Store Franklin & Anderson, Brick Mfrs Lunsford C C, Gen Store STATE LIKE, Heard County Allen H C, Gen Store STATENVILLE, Echols County Ham L G, Grocer Prescott E G, Gen Store Etc Prine George W, Gen Store Etc Smith S A, Gen Store • STATESBOEO, Bulloch County Bank of Statesboro, D R Groover Pres, J L Coleman Cash Barnes D & Co, Bottling Works Barnes & Ackaman, Saw Mill Bennett & Fulcher, Photo Blackburn & Brown, Contractors Blitch J G Co, Gen Store Bowcn J E, Jeweler Bowen Mrs John 15, Millinery Brannen J I, Grocer Butcher Miss M E, MiUmery City Ice Co, Mfrs Clary F L (Mrs A J), Gen Store Crouch Sam J, Drugs Davis H B, Brick Mfr Davis L P, Jeweler Davis W D, Machine Shop DeLoach W C, Grocer Ellis W H, Drugs Franklin A J, Confec Etc Fulcher & Jones, Gen Store Glisson L C, Backet Store Gould & Waters, Gen Store Grimes M E, Jeweler Griner & Zittrauer, Grocers Hughes W T, Gen Store Jaeckel Mrs Ida, Hotel & Livery Kennedy & Cone, Clo & Shoes Lanier C A, Shoes & Undtkr Lively M M, Drugs McDougald J A & Co, Naval Stores Ss Gen Store McGregor T A (agt). Publisher McLemore C T, Livery Martin M A, Gen Store Martin W B, Grocer Maull B P, Gro & Ice Mitchell J G & Bro, Blkstha Moyd C C, Gen Store Oliver E C, D Gds, Clo, Etc Olliff J W & Co, Gen Store OUifE & Smith, Gen Store Outland B T, Sales Stables Parker W C & Co, Gen Store Pretorious W S, Fertilizers Proctor Bros, Gen Store Raines W G, Hardware Robinson & Williams, D Gds Shoes Etc Rcers & Alderman, Contractors Sanderson T H, Saw Mill, Gro, Etc Sea Island Bank, John F Brannen Pres, E F Donaldson Cash Simmons R, Sales Stables Simmons (The) Co, Gen Store . Smith & Olliff, Livery Statesboro Ice Mfg Co Statesboro Leather & Tanning Co Sattesboro (The) Mfg Co, Lum & Bldra Material "Statesboro (The) News" Statesboro (The) Storage Sc Commission Co, Warehouse Strange Miss Ophelia & Co, Milly - Waters M L, Gen Store What Not (The). Notions Williams R M, Gen Store & Naval Sto Williams, Outland & Co, Gen Store Etc Wimberly Miss SaSlie, Millinery Zittraur & Hall, Livery Greater Georgia Gazetteer STATHAM, Jackson County Arnold & Chambers, Gin, Etc Chandler P J, Blactemith Hammond R L, Gen Store McDonald, Burson & Co, Gen Store Malcolm A L, Gen Store Nicholson Bros, Gen Store Rylee Bros, Gen Store Thurmond J M L. Gen Store Tucker M J, Fertilizers STAUNTON, Berrien County Cannon H M Sr, Gen Store Daughtery J T & Coj Gen Store & Na- val Stores Harrell S, Gen Store, Brick, Saw Mill & Gin James A & Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store STAY, Lumpkin County Edge A J, Gen Store STEAM MILL, Decatur County Dickenson Jesse L, Gen Stores Dickenson & Williams, Gen Store & Na- val Stores Kenley R F, Gen Store STELLAVILLE, Jefferson County Baston W E, Gen Store STEPHENS, Oglethorpe County Adkins W F, Gen Store Howard & Young:,^ Gen Store McWhorter F L, Gen Store McWhorter J H, Gen Store Nicholson M J, Drugs Stephens Gin Co, Gin & Mill STEPHENSVILLE, Wilkinson Co Howell J H (agt). Gen Store Morris J B W, Gen Store Smith A I, Gen Store STERLING, Glynn County Bloodworth J M, Saw Mill Dubberly Davis, Crossties, Gen Store, Saw Mill Etc Everett R H, Gen Store & Mfr Shingles Wright & Co, Gen Store STEVENS' POTTERY, Baldwin County Cooper T J, Gen Store Gladden S G W, Gen Store Pierce J S, Gen Store Stevens Bros & Co, Gen Store & Pottery STEWART, Newton County Aiken T O & Co,- Pen Store Ballard F D & R W, Gen Store Gin Etc Fincher J M, Gen Store Pope J H, Gen Store Potts W M, Gen Store STEWART'S raLL, Schley County Rice & Rice, Gen Store & Naval Stores Rogers Bros, Gen Store STILESBORO, Bartow County McCormick J H D & T I, Millers McGinnis R H, Gen Stores Sproull T M, Gen Store STILLMORE, Emanuel County Alsop Sarah K, D Gds Bird W A, Gen Store Brinsou George M, Saw Mill, Gen Store E ct C'leary & Oglesby, Gen Store (JoUins R E, Saw Mill Cowart L J, Gen Store Kdenfield E A, Livery & Vehicles Kdenfield E A Banking Co IJvans W J, Naval Stores Etc Heath E H & Bro, Gen Store ilolmes & Keen, Bottling Works Hughs Nat, Hotel Kennedy E L, Gen Store Kennedy Sallie A, Millinery Lane L P, Drugs Lanier Lenora T (Mrs R S), Furniture Etc Martin J L, Gen Store Sanders & Kendrick, Saw Mill Stillmore Mercantile Co, Gen Store Strickland W J, Gen Store Tanner J F, Gen Store Woodward J A & Co, Gen Store \ oumans Drug Co STILLWELL, Effingham County Gnann C B, Gen Store Gnann C F, Naval Stores & Gen Store Gnann Bros, Saw Mill Richer J W, Gen Store Rieser & Dasher, Saw Mill STILSON, Bulloch County Brown J E, Gen Store Brown & Proctor, Naval Stores Hutson J H, Naval Stores Strickland J D, Gen Store Strickland W J, Saw Mill STINSON, Meriwether County Florence H A, Gen Store Flournoy A G, Gen Store Hastey Bros, Gen Store STOBO, Hall County Waters S, Gen Store & Saw Mill STOCIiBRIDGE, Henry County Flat Rock Gin Co Grant J E, Blksth & Woodshop Jarrett T W, Grocer McWilliams S C, Fertilizer & Gin McWilliams S C, Fertilizers & Gin Mann J J & W O, Warehouse Mays A W & J T, Gen Store Jlilan W W, Gen Store Morris G W & Son, Gen Store Mosely T P, Gen Store Nix J R, Gen Store Upshur & Nix, Gen Store Walden B L, Gen Store Walden J C, Gen Store Ward Z D, Drugs Ward W W & Son, Buggies Etc Willingham J F, Gen Store STOCKTON, Clinch County Byrd J L & Co, Naval Stores Cowart M, Gen Store Crews W B N (agt). Gen Store Fry E Y, Naval Stores & Lumber Fry 51 W & Co, Naval Store Fry M W, Naval Stores Holzendorf Bros, Gen Store Jackson J E, Gen Store Mathis J A, Furniture & Gro Jug Co, Mfrs STOGNEH, Carroll County STOXE MOUNTAIN, DeKalb County Campbell T J, D Gds & Milly Daniel Mineral Water Co Guess H P, Undertaker Langford R L, Gen Store McCurdy J S, Undertaker Maddox W D, Grocer Minor Emory, Gin Nash & McCurdy, Gen Store Pounds J C, Gen Store Rankin Bros, Gen Store Stover Mrs S B, Publisher Teat & McCurdy, Confec Etc Wells T P, Hardware STONEWALL, Campbell County Derrick & Ewing, Gen Store Johnson Charles, Gen Store Scarbrough W J, Gen Store STONO, Milton County Shirley J W & Bro, Gen Store STOP, Fayette County Boarden Thomas W, Gen Store Fambrough A A, Grocer Farr T N, Gen Store Slaton W E, Gen Store STOREVILLE, Forsyth County Westbrook C, Gin & Saw Mill STORY, Cobb County Terry T F, Gen Store STROUDS, Monroe County Abercrombie W K, Gen Store Elder Bros, Gen Store Parker & Elder, Gin & Mill STUBBS, Mitchell County Lee J T, Gen Store STUCKEY, Montgomery County SUBLIGNA, Chatto County Broom B R & Co, Gen Store Dill M P & Co,. Gen Store SUCCESS, Screven County Jenkins S S, Gen Store SUGAR HILL, Hall County Hudgins J Z, Gen Store SUGAR VALLEY, Gordon County Casrle M. Drugs Dickey W F & Son,- Gen Store Everett J Q, Gen Store Everett H D «c T E, Gen Store Harbour & Wright, Millers James B M, Blacksmith Wright J M, Mfr Leather Ill MllllllltNFllllllHiillllllllriitllliLlnr .^rlllllliinllffllliiiitllillliiiMtlDlti i i rltilll llllllii]illillllii.illlll itlilliiiiltiltl lllll [lit]l . Ji |l | | tiitrilll|;iintlllllliii[lllllllii ||i||}| | llflrii.irllUllliiiiLtll lv The Georgia Loan & Trust Co., MACON, GEORGIA. Chartered by Georgia Legislature in i883. ^ j^ j^' Places Loans on Improved Farm and City Property in Georgia and Ten- nessee. Invests funds for private parties in 6 per cent, loans. Interest allowed inves- tor depositing with Company till desira- ble loan is accepted. Lands in Georgia bought and sold for others. Collects defaulted mortgages and han- dles real estate for non-residents. Send for latest list of Georgia real estate for sale. iill|piiipiffln|J"ini||irimijirinii||piiiipiinn^^ iiipiiiiiiig{«iiiiiigiiw>iip, 0. r c Zi (fit t « Z < u at h ^ © tRAOe HAftK. m^: REGISTEREO. Established in 188S. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. :Manufacturers and Importers of:^^ Ycrtili2gr $^0Kiiiical$. FACTORIES AND OFFICES Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Columbia, S, C. Macon, Qa. I ANNUAL CAPACITY: I] 150,000 Tons Manufactured Goods. Largest MBit Order House in ttteSouttt \ OUR MOTTO : Prompt Shipments Honest Deal ngs AND — ^-^ THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY -ESXABHSHED IN 1881- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED THE BEST AND OLDEST CORN WHISKEY IN THE UNITED STATES Direct from Bonded Warehouses Guaranteed EIGHT Years Old By the Gallon 4 Fall Quarts $3,00 S3.25 Expre-s Prepaid Cipress Prepaid Ati APPETIZER RIF»E OLD PURE Bruce Melt Whiskey NOT LIKE THE REST THIS IS THE BESr AO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUTIT By the Gallon 4 Full Quarts S3.25 S3,50 Express Prepaid Express Prepaid FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES SEND FOR OUR PRICE LIST THIS IS THE LEADER OLD SHARPE WILLIAMS, ID YEAR OLD PURE RYE J{ FULL QUARTS on approval ON RECEIPT OP $3.50 The Altmaycr & Flatau Liquor Co. 506-508-510-512 Fourth St., MACON. GA. I I Mi* Greater Georgia Gazetteer. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Dade County Forester J M, Gen Store Smith T B, Gen Store SUMMEETOWN, Emanuel County Medlock J C, Gen Store Snellgrove J M, Gen Store Whitehead W Q Co, Gen Store SUMMERVILLE, Chattooga' County'" Arrington Drug Co Bank of Commerce, J S Cleghom Pres, N K Bitting Cash Bennett MAC, Grocer Cleghorn Henry & Co, Gen Store Clemmons J R, Grocer Garrett S, Tinner Henley S B, Fertilizers Kiles, Thompson & Co, Gen Store Hinton & Co, D Gds Etc Johnson J W, Restaurant Megginson H E, Gen Store /loyers G J, Tanner Murphy A L, Jeweler, Etc Murphy & Bitting, Livery Pitts J W, Gen Store Eeese W O, Gro & Rest Rich W N, Saw Mill Salmon C R, Blacksmith Sewell G W, Gen Store Taylor & Espy, Gro & Hardware SUMMIT, Emanuel County Brown J G, Gen Store Cowart J E, Fertilizers Drinkard G P, Gen Store Burden Mrs W L, Millinery Durden W L & Co, Live Stock Gray W A, Grocer Hattaway B A & Son, Planing Mill Kingery J B, Gen Store Lowery H M, Blacksmith Mulling E B, Saw Mill Overstreet L (5frs J D), Gen Store Roberts J T, Naval Stores Rountree B L, Gen Store Summit Mercantile Co, Gen Store Williford W H, Saw Mill SUMNER, Worth County Bridges J D, Gen Store Chambliss B B, Saw Mill Ourry W M, Gen Store Garrett D A, Saw Mill Hammock H H, Blacksmith Land Henry, Gen Store Pitts J H, Gen Store Sessions Mrs Julia L, Gen Store & Milly Sumner D W & Co, Gen Store SUMTER, Sumter County SUN HILL, "Washington County Tanner C B & Bro, Gen Store Thigpen L C & Co, Gen Store SUNNY SIDE, Spalding County Elder & Brewster, Gen Store Miller W B, Wagons & Buggies Patterson Z M, Gen Store Starr J P & Son, Gen Store Wood G W, Gen Store SUNSET, Colquitt County Vercen, Smith & Co, Gen Store & Na- val Stores SUERENCY, Appling County Cameron Bros, Naval Stores Cole C E & Bro, Gen Store Dixon A & Son, Gen Store Dukes G W & Bro, Grist Mill & Gin Fisher W I & Co, Gen Store Hart W S, Drugs Johnson S M & Co, Grocers, Etc Leggett D W, Gen Store, Naval Stores, Gin & Grist Mill Ross J A, Naval Stores Surrency H W, Hotel Thompson J L, Naval Stores Tillman W H, Gen Store Wilson & Dukes, Gen Store SUSINA, Thomas County Beach S M, Gen Store & Drugs Dickey L D, Gen Store Hawthorne P A, Gen Store Sellers W F, Blacksmith SUTALLEE, Cherokee County McCurley W R & Son, Saw Mill 4; Gin Mayhugh G M, Gen Store SUWANEE, Gwinnett County Beaty & Brogdon, Gen Store Brogden J B, Gen Store Little & Johnston, Gen Store Rogers Laura, Millinery Smitli & Harris, Gen Store ^S'ilson W'illiam, Gen Store SWAJ.NSBORO, Emanuel County Anderson R J & Co, Jewelers Bank of Swainsboro, Green Bell Pres, S J Flanders Cash Barnes James G, Gen Store Brown A H, Photographer Cai-michael M M (Mrs J L), Hotel Citizens' Bank of Swainsboro, George Rentz Pres, Homer D Strickland Cash Coleman John C, Gen Store & Real Es Coleman T E, Green Gro Etc Ehrlich Joe, D Gds Etc Flynt S A, Blacksmith Gary & Smith, Gen Store Gilpin W T, Saw Mill Meadows & Strickland, Livery Moxley T B, Restaurant Oliff & Coleman, Buggies, Wagons & House Furng "Pine (The) Forest", Publisher Rains Thomas (agt), Billiards, Etc Rentz Edw P, Saw Mill & Gen Store Rentz & Bro, Live Stock Rountree Lewis H, Livery Smith George L, Drusrs Swainsboro Gin & Mill Co Swainsboro Planing Mill Swainsboro Trading Co, Gen Store Wood W G, Jeweler & Repair Shop Youmans Jordan S, Gen Store Youmans L P, Drugs SEWEETWATER, Gwinnett County Alford J A, Gen Store SWIFT, Elbert County Bell B B, Gen Store & Drugs Edmunds T A, Saw Mill Gray George, Gen Store Waiisley M F, Gen Store SWILLS, Emanuel County Coleman B F & Co, Gen Store Hall J W & Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store SWORDS, Morgan County Swords J B, Gen Store SYBEET, Lincoln Couutj- Busbv J W & Son, Gen Store Florence W T, Gen Store, Saw & Grist Mill AVard Mrs Alice, Millinery SYCAMORE, Irwin County Bussey H W & Son, Saw Mill Dasher AY li. Ginnery Denham J W M, Saw Mill Fountain C, Gen Store Fountain W D, Gen Store Fountain M A & Co, Gen Store Freeman V A, Blacksmith Gamble J D, Gen Store & Wood Cent Henderson W R & Co, Gen Store Van Houton William, Machine Shop AVinn & Gardner, Saw Mill SYCORAX, Oglethorpe County SYLVANIA, Screven County Bussey J H, Publisher Carter J M, BIksths & Wheelwrights Chance H H, Gen Store Everett C, Planing Mill Freeman James, Gen Store & Gin Hagan C E, Blacksmith Hilton L H Co, Gen- Store & (3otton Kittles Bros Co, Gen Store Lariscv H AV & Co, Saw Mill Mills 'H B, Gen Store Mims Lovett Drug Co Mock P A, Gen Store & Live Stock Morel J J B, Naval Stores & Gen Store Overstreet G M, Drugs Owens E & F W, Gin & Grist Mill Powell J AV, Drugs Screven County (The) Bank, L H Hil- ton Pres, Vindex Hand Cash iSilver Isaac, Gen Store AVaters George AV, Saw Mill Etc AVaters AV J & Son, Jewelers AVells J E, Grocer SYLVESTER, Worth County Alford & Sloan, Mill and Variety A\T!:s Allen W A, Publisher Bass M J, Meats Bowen R E & Bro, Gen Store Broxvn J R, Grocer Bullard J M, Contractor Calhoun R L, Saw Mill Cochran J T & Son, Gen Store Crockett M J, Drugs Deariso J L & Bro. Ren Store Deariso R L & Co, Gro & Grain D?es D L (Mrs Lee). Hotel Dees G AV, Blacksmith Faton J R. Naval Stores Fnrmers' AVarehouse, Cotton First Nat Bank. T J Pinson Pres, G M Pinson Cash Ford G T fart). Gen .Store Gammage William. Meats •^■lHq AV D. Gen Store Golden Mrs D A, Millinery Gregory J 0. Gen Store TTansford H D. D Gds TTqrris C P. Meats Killhouse C W, Hdwe, Bidrs' .Supplies & Contr Holomon .1 O & Co. Cotton & Fcrtilijci-s Hiighes C D. Jeweler Greater Georgia Gazetteer. SYLVESTEK— Conliiiued Jones W A, Gen Store Keen \V li, Blacksmltn Kendall M M, Sale Stable Kinard J F & Son, Sale Stable McCarty Bros, Gen Store McGowan S E, Blacksmith O'Connor W F, Blacksmith Pate Smith Co, Gen Store Pinson- Johnson Co, W Gro & Com Pinson T J & Co, Naval Stores Priest John C, Grocer Kogers Bros, Grocers Rutland J It, Gen Store & Milly Sikes W Lj Drugs Spurlin T A, D Gds & Milly Studstill E D, CrosstiM Sutton E L, Livery Sylvester Banking Co, C A Alford Pre», J H Westberry Cash Sylvester Drug Co Sylvester Supijly Co, Gen Store Sylvester Warehouse Co 'latum J AV, Naval Stores Tatum Naval Stores Co West Medicine Co, Pat Meda Westberry J S & Bro, Gen Store Wigodoner Jacob, Gen Store Williams F L, Livery Worth County Ginning Co TABOR, Franklin County TAILS CEEEEK, Gilmer County Hyatt P G, Gen Store Rogers C N, Miller TALASSE, Jackson County Holiday William, Gen Store TALBOTTON, Talbot County Bardwell E L & Co, Drugs Bardwell T A & Co, Gen Store Callier N T, Gen Store Chester C C, Grocer Couch & Keller, Livery Dennis J M, Jeweler Douglas & McGehee, Drugs Farmers Warehouse Co, Com Cotton Freeman L P, Buggies, Etc Gibson T N & Son, Livery Green Mrs Ida, Gen Store & Sons, Blacksmiths Jordan J W, Gen Store Lawrence H J, Publisher Lawson Mrs H, Grocer Leonard Enos, Gen Store Etc McCoy J M, Gen Store McGehee E H, Uen Store Mathews C H, Gen Store Neal McCormick, Gin & Mill Peoples Bank, W S Witham Pres, A D Brown Cash Persons Bros, Gen Store Smith B A, Gen Store Smith, Pve & Mattheivs, Millers Spivey E H, D Gds Shoes Etc Thornton S W & Son, Warehouse Tucker C O, Gen Store Weston P M, Hotel Wind Robert, Hardware TALIAFERRO, Chattooga County Taliaferro J N, Miller Etc TALKING ROCK, Pickens County Freeman J W, Gen Store Gibson A N, Gin & Grist Mill Keel J L, Blacksmith Morrison M, Gen Store & Hotel Reese W H, Saw Mill & Gin Taylor & Perry, Gen Store Thompson Elijah, Miller TALLAPOOSA, Haralson County Abercrombie W E, Gen Store Barton G W & Sons, Hardware Benson F W, Drugs Bentley E G, Fertilizer, Cottonseed Etc Brewster S & A, Gen Store, Furn & Lum Brown J H, Grocer Burns H H & Co, Soda Fountain Cadle & Warren, Gen Store Canada H E, Gen Store Carter & Smith, Meats Chandler J K, Gen Store Citizens (The) Bank, Cobb R E, Livery Colvin A, Jeweler Craven J Z, Gro & Rest Crawford A A J, Gen Store Crawford W M, Gen Store Dixie Glass Works Dunklee Edith M, Baker Evans G B, Grocer Fowler E P C, Ice and Coal Frizzell H, Blacksmith Gamble J A, Gen Store Gamble T J, Gen Store Goble A G, Grocer Greene M A, Foundry & Mach Shops Haas A E (Mrs Fred), Grocer Hargreaves D B, Stationer Hensel Charles, Grocer Hilton S L, Gen Store Hitchcock H A (Mrs C B), Lumber Kemp George W & Bro, BIksths Kilgore, Sewell & Co, Gon Store Lawler C J, Meats Little A, Grocer Little J B, Gen Store McBride J M, Banker McBride R J, Gen Store & Lumber Mayers C F D, Grocer Meager W H, Saw Mill Pratt George, Paints, Etc Ray C L, Jeweler Robertson W F, Drugs Robinson E C, Rest & Gro Roop M H, Hardware Rutenberg P M, Gen Store Shannon A, Millinery Smith Etta, Millinery Smith F H, Grocer Smith & Carter, Meats Southern Car Wheel & Iron Co Southern Printing Co Tallapoosa Water Co Thornton T J (Mrs J C), Saw Mill Treadway M. J & Co, Grocers Tuggle J T, Gen Store Tumlin W L, Lumber Tumlin G W & J C, Gen Store Tumlin W L & A B, Gen Store Tm-ner A O, Grcocr Vernon Light & Power Co Watson & Strickland, Gen Store Witcher & Smith. Liverv Young Nettie F (Mrs J T), Gro TALLOKAS, Brooks County Erice Mitch"ll (Est of)'. Naval Stores, Saw Mill & Gen Store Byrd D D (agt). Gen Store TALLDLAH FALLS, Rabun County Cannon H E, Gen Store & Livery navidson R W, Gen Store Seri Culture & Mfg Co Sweet W E, Canning Taylor J R, Gen Store Taylor W D & F, Gen Store Taylor & Ginn, Gen Store TALMAGE, Pickens County Bennett & Sons, Gen Store TALMO, Jackson County TALONA, Gilmer County TAPLEY, Irwin County Clements John, Gen Store Mauldin R D, Gen Store & Saw Mill TARBORO, Camden County Godlv J B, Gen Store Lang W C, Gen Store McKinnon L T, Gen Store Stafford N B & Bro, BIksths Etc TARBLUFF, Montgomery County WTiite J L, Gin & Grist Mill Wynn J A, Gen Store & Saw Mill TAEEYTOWN, Montgomery County Cadle W B, Gen Store Dickens W T & Co, Gen Store Warnock W F & Bro, Gen Store & Saw Mill TAEVEE, Echols County Culbreth T G, Naval Stores Hemdon T D, Grocer Miller H E, Crossties & Gen Store TATE, Pickens County Georgia Marble Co Lovelady & Donald, Gen Store Sickels George B & Co, Mfrs Contrs & W Dlrs Marble Tate Sam & S L, Gen Store TATHAM MINES, McDuffie County Columbia Mining Co, Gold Mining Nat Mining Co, Wynne Mrs W J, Gen Store TAX, Talbot County Fryer R C & J 0, Gen Store Robinson W A, Gen Store Eussell J T, Gen Store TAYLOR, Crawford County TAYT.OR'S CEEEK, Liberty Co Caswell J M Jr, Gen Store Hendry R S, Gen Store Martin D J. Gen Store May John T & Co, Gen Store Olmstead O J, Naval Stores & Gen Store Stafford C E, Gen Store TATLORSVILLE, Bartow County Davis-Shaw Co, Gen Store McDonald fc Harris, Grocers Smith W E, Gen Store Tavlorsville Trading Co, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 203 TAZEWELL, ilaiion County Chapman, Wall & Co, Gen Store TEAGLE, Gwinnett County Poole C B, Gen Store TELFAIRVILLE, Burke County Daniel A L (Mrs R W), Gen Store Daniel J Z, Gen Store McNorrell W H, Gen Store TELL, Campbell County Bishop J C, Gen Store Derick & Ewing, Gen Store Kiser W C & P L, Gen Store TELOGO, Chattooga County Hemphill D A, Gen Store TELOGA SPRINGS, Chattooga County McWhorter J T, Gen Store TEMPERANCE, Telfair County Fussell M E, Millinery Maloy J C, Gen Store Maloy J C Lumber Co, Saw Mill & Geo Store Mizell & Williams, Gin Wilcox John S, Gen Store TEMPLE, Carroll County Adams Bros, Gen Store AUgood L Y, Pianos & Organs Allgood & Edmondson, Gen Store Baxter Bros, Gen Store Daris J T, Grist Mill Edmondson & Wynn, Livery Enterkin W A, Wagons, Etc Griffln Bros, Gen Store Hayes J W, Gen Store Kinney & Steadam, Gen Store Lewis W P, Hotel Marchman I A & Co, Grocers Moore Pharmacy Co Muse H P, Blacksmith Redwine J O, Saw Mill Einger C E, Gen Store Roop Bros, Gen Store Sewell H H, Gen Store Stovall J W, Gin Temple Hardware Co Vines J R, Blacksmith White C A. Gen Store White E M (Mrs J R), Gen Store Williams J P, Gen Store Williams Bros, Gen Store TEMPLE GROVE, Murray County Browder T A, Gen Store Burns "VV M, Gen Store Hayes G W, Gen Store Ridley H Jr, Gen Store TEMPY, Worth County Cannon W C, Gin & Saw Mill TENNHjLE, Washington County Avant G L, Gen Stores Bashinski Harry Jr, D Gds Etc Bashinski H M, D Gds Clo Etc Eoatwright J V, Grocer Brantley & Woramack, Gen Store Brown C E. Gen Store Burnett A I, Gen Store Daniel C E & W A, Drugs Davis W P, Wheehvi'ight Davis Mathis & Adams, D Gds, Boots, Shoes Etc Dundas W S, Saw Mill Farmers' Warehouse Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, William S Witham Pres, J H Arnall Cash Franklin Bros, Grocers Hamilton & Raines, Gen Store Hatch H S, Livery Q Hotel Hatch R G, Liveiy Jenkins & Oliver, Gen Store Joiner C, Gen Store Joiner W J, Planing Mill Jordan L N, Grocer Lichtenstein J, Grocer London J, D Gds Etc Moore R A, Blacksmith Murchison M G, Blacksmith Murchison W E, Wagon Mkr Pritchard Bros, Publishers Sessions F L, Gen Store Smith C E, Racket Store Smith H D, Bottles, Etc Smith Bros, Gro &, Hdwe Smith T N & J W, Undtkrs, Cotton & Fertilizers Tennille Banking Co, J W Cabaniss Pres, J Bashinski Cash Tennille Drug Co Tennille Oil Co, Cottonseed Products Walker J T, Gro Hdwe & Furn Watkins M W, Grocer Wood G H, Gro & Hdwe Y'oung R W, Gen Store TEEIA, Campbell County Hogan W A, Gen Store TERRACE, Colquitt County Hayes S L, Gen Store TERRY, Paulding County Revel H N, Gen Store TESNATEE, White County J R, Gen Store J C, Gen Store TEXAS, Heard County Bartlett J M, Gen Store Kitchens A J, Gen Store THARPE, Houston County Bateman & Barfield, Gen Store THEBES, Liberty County Maxwell & Johnson, Grocers THE GLADES, Hall County Jennings Abraham G, Gen Store Rogers J G, Blacksmith* THELMA, Clinch County McGarrity J W & Co, Saw Mill Thelma Lumber Co THENA, Washington County Hood Singleton, Gen Store Walker C O, Gin Mill etc Warthen T & Bro, Gen Store THEO, Mcintosh County Jones John R, Whiskies & Gro THERISSA, Screven County Evans J H & Son, Gen Store & Naval Stores Lee Mrs J L, Gen Store THE ROCK, Upson County Marchman J H, Gen Store Reeves & Daniels, Gen Store & Blksths Stephens Bros, Gen Store & Blksths THIGPEN, Clinch County Buckhalter A J (agt). Gen Store THOMAS, Burke County Dye J M, Gen Storo THOMASTON, Upson County Adams W E & Co, D Gds Etc Allen J T, Gen Store Alliance Ginnery & Mill Asbell R L, Gen Store Barron J T, Gen Store Bland R J, Gen Store Britt Hightower Co, Live Stock, Vehi- cles, Etc Carrawav J D, Blacksmith Collier S M, Haberdasher Crawford L A, Sale Stables Daniel W Y, Gen Store Davis M W, Grocer Downing W M, Repair Shop Eldridge C M, Blacksmith & Car Repr Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, Geo A Weaver Pres, Thos M Mathews Cash Fincher R A, Jeweler Forrest C B, Meats Garner & Hardage, Gen Store Grigg T S, Drugs Hammond W C, Gen Store Hannah G W T, Drugs & Gen Store Hannah J D, Gen Store Harp W A, Gen Store Jenkins-Childs Co, Gen Store Johnson J M, Bottler Jones J M, Harness, Etc King Lumber Co, Gin Lewis & Chatfleld, Gen Store Mann Samuel, Clothing, Etc Matthews R A (Est of), Gen Store Meeks J A, Gen Store Murray J P, Gen Store Norris Bros, Gen Store Olipbant John J, Drugs Parks P C, Stablei Pasley C M, Sales Stables Pruitt & Murrav, Gen Store Reeves T J, Gen Store Reviere P D & Co, Gen Store Saltzer C (agt). Baker Thomaston Cotton Mills Thomaston Undertakers & Sales Stables Co Thompson (The) Stock Co, Live Stock Upson Alliance Warehouse Upson Banking & Trust Co. S Y Pmitt Pres, J R Atwater Cash, Bankers Upson County Oil Mills, Cottonseed Products Weaver Merchandise Co, Gen Store White A W Shoe & Leather Co, Mfrs Leather Willis J T, Publisher Zorn A J, Racket Store THOMASVILLE, Thomas County Planing Mill Co Andrishok John, Tailor Arnold Adam, Brick Mfr Austin N J, Grocer 204 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. THOMASVILLE— Cout inued. Balfour & Sturdivant, Ham, Etc Ball T J, Gro & Grain Ball W L, Hardware Bank of ThomasvUle, li M Smith Pres, B H Wright Cash Blanton D C, Butcher Biauton S B, Publisher Bonnell J W, Lumber Brandon Gro Co, W Broad Street Cafe, Restaurant Brooks K J & Co, Grocers Brown A 0, Grocer Burch iV H & Son, Gro & Wood Carroll Calvin, Meats Cave H M, Gro & Baker Chastain J T & Sons, Gen Store & Grist MiU Ohurchwell A P & Co, D Gds Citizens' Banking & Trust Co, J T Cul- pepper Pres & Cash Clifton J S, Vehicles & Harn Cochran C W, Gen Store Cochran J W & Son, Sale & Feed Sta Coleman & Adams, Hardware Cone J J, Sale & Feed Stables Cooper O W Co, W Grocers Daniels H, Grocer Davidson J H, R R Contractor Davis C F, Livery Dekle Robert, Saw Mill Dickinson R C, Drugs Dillon J W, Grain, Lime, Etc Dixon C B, W Grocer Dixon J T, W Grocer Dixon D A & Son, Gen Store Dobson J B, Saw Mill Donaldson J N, Meats Driver Lumber Co Duren T B, Gen Store Duren W E, Grocer Eclipse Medicine Co Edwards B, Laundry Elder M R, Livery Epply Mrs J A, Milly & Hotel Evans & Son, Warehouse Etc Fass Joseph, Grocer Feinberg W, Furniture Ferrill G W, Furniture Fidelity Lumber Co Floyd, Howell & Co, Gen Store & Na- val Stores Forbes George W, Furniture Foreman D, Grocer Frazier G W, Groceries, etc Gardy W M, Grocer Georgia-Alabama Compress Co Georgia Crate & Basket Co Goehring C F, Watchmaker Etc Goldberg Joseph, Dry Goods Grant J B, Plumber Gribben James, Contractor Hayes & McManeus, Bicycle Hartsfleld J J, Butcher Heeth Rosa W (Mrs R S), Gro & Bake Herring & Herring, Undtkrs Jennings Nursery Co Jerger L H, Jeweler Jones A, Blacksmith Jones S A, Grocer Kelly H L (agt), Grocer Kirby Planing Mill Co Kitchen Trading Co, Grocers Koosa Assord, Grocer Langford D L, Grocer Lester Amos W, Grocer Lewis J O J, Meats Lowry Elisha, Gen Store Lundav \V M, Grocer McCartney T J, Gen Store McDonald R E, D Gds McDougald A & Son, Blksths, Etc McKinnon James, Com Prod McLoud Dawson, Tinner & Plumber Macon Lumber Co, W Mallard J S, Livery Mallard & Varnedoe, Clothing Massey James, Grocer Mays S W & Co, Cotton Miller Royal J, Hotel Mitchell Randall, Grocer Mitchell Robert, D Gds, Gro, Etc MoUer A W, Photographer Xeel Bros, Gen Store & Cotton Oglethorpe Savings & Trust Co Owen A J, Gen Store Palin A W, Blacksmith, Etc Peacock J W, Drugs Pittman J T & Sou, Grocers Powell B M, Meats Pringie W A, Grocer Quinn B, House Furng Keid J W, Cotton "Warehouse Rhodes J H, Grocer Kobison J E & Co, Books & Staty Rogers L B, Meats Rosenberg M, D Gds Etc Rosolio R L, Gen Store Sampson A, Gen Store Sampson S, F Gro & Confec Sampson T, Grocer, Etc Sampson & Co, Confectioners Smith J E, Gen Store Smith B S & Co, Grocers Smith Lumber Co Southern Saw Mill Standard Lumber Co Steyerman Louis, D Gds, Clo, Etc Steyerman Simon, Gen Store Stringer J D, Geu Store Stuart C T & Son, Hotel Stubbs G W & Co, Gen Store Taj'lor & Watson, Clo & Men's Purng Thomas R Jr, W & R f'rugs Thomasville Buggy Co Thomasville Electric Light & Gas Co Thomasville Ice Mfg & Cold Storage Co ce. Coal and Wood Thomasville Iron Works, Foundry, Ma- chine and Boiler Shop & Mill Sup Thomasville Nat Bank, M R Mallette Pres, W H Rockwell Cash Thomasville Shoe Co, Shoes, Hats & Men's Furng Thomasville Variety Works Times Enterprise Pub Co Trull J A, Gen Store Tuttle C M (agt), Jeweler Van Dyke S B, Restaurant Vann H H, Meats Vinson T S, W & R Gro & Brkr AVatson & Gibson, Naval Stores Watt James & Bro, Hardware Watt James Bro, Hardware Watt Supply Co, Furn Doors Sash Paints and Oils Wortz & Son, Bicvcles & Sporting Gds Whiddon R F & Co, Planing Mill, Va- riety AVorks, Etc Whitaker Doss & Co, Livery Winn T D, Grocer Wolff C & S M, D Gds & Milly Young C H (mngr). Gen Store THOMPSON'S MILLS, Jackson Co Thompson J N Co, Gen Store THOMSON, McDufEe County Adkins A F, Lumber Bank of Thomson, John E Smith Pres, J T Neal Cash Barnes J D, Crosstles Boatwright J W & Son, Gen Store Brown B C, Staty & Notions Cliatt J E, Saw Mill Curtis A H, Undtfcr & ■WhcelwT Demedicis Joseph, Contractor Drane W A, Gen Store Farmers' & Merchants' Bank Fortson Miss Annie, Millinery Gibson Drug Co Gross J E, Cotton Factor, Mill & Gin Gross Matt W, Publisher Harrison & Hadley, Drugs Hays M A, Grocer llolzendorf A S, Grocer Howell John D, Gen Store Howell Bros, Gen Store Johnson J C, Butcher Jones J P, Fertilizers Knox Charles E, Hotel Kunnes Elias, D Gds, Shoes, Etc Landers Evans, Green Gro Laramore H B, Jeweler Le-wis T N, Gen Store Mathews A J, Drugs Neal John B, Fertilizers Parks Mining Co Pitts Antiseptic Invigorator Co, Mfrs Reese J M, Blacksmith Scott T A, Gen Store Shields J F, Gen Store Shields Mrs J W, Hotel Shields & Nixon, Cannery Smith John E Cotton Mfg Co, Cotton G Specter M, Gen Store Stein Meyer, D Gds, Shoes Etc Storv Bros, Gen Store Stovall J B, Baker Thomson Basket & Veneer Co, Wooden- ware, Ete Thrasher & Wilkerson, Furn, Vehicles & Live Stock Turner Hardware Co Watson J F, Gen Store Watson W A. Gro & Butcher White J E, Publisher Williams E A, Gen Store Wilson J E, Livery THORNTONVILLE, Marion County Lancaster F, Gen Store THRASHER, Morgan County Gary J M, Gen Store THRIFT, Emanuel County Gay & Kent, Gen Store Johnson M G, Gen Store Lester John A, Gen Store Oglesby D S & Sons, Saw Mill THUNDER, Upson County Davis M F, Distiller Edgeworth T E, Saw Mill Pilkinton & Lawrence, Gen Store THUNDERBOLT, Chatham County Ambos Henry, Saloon & Rest Bannon Mrs A M, Hotel Calder A M & Bro, Gen Store Miller John H, Butcher Pedrick J K, Saloon Thunderbolt Marine & Navigation Co, Bldrs and Kepairers Yarn & Byrd, Canning Factory, Gro Sa- loon Etc Warsaw Ice & Ligh tCo THURMAN, Meriwether County THYRE, Screven County Hunter W T, Gen Store Lanier N W, Gen Store Sheppard W D, Gen Stott White E D Sr, Gen Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. TIBET, Liberty County Middleton S L, Saw Mill TICKANETLEY, Gilmer County J H , Gen Store Gen Store TIFTON, Berrien County Acme Lumber Co Raker W E & Son, Gen Store Bank (The) of Tifton, W S Witham P.„ , . W W Banks Cash Bowen E P, Gen Store Bowen I W & Bro, Gen S.ore Brightwell E L, Grocer Brim S E, 10 Cent Store Brow-n H W, Photographer Brace Mrs A G, Grocer Bruce Pharmacy Co Bussey E F & Co, Gen Store Carson Bros, Clo & Men's Furng Carter & Borough, Sewing Machine., Pianos Etc ,. , t^ Carson J P & Co, Ladies Furng Chisolm N W, Grocer rhnrehwell J & t'On- Gen btoie Citizens' Bank of Tifton, E A Buck Pres Jacob M Faulk Cash Clark P J & Co, Foundry & Mach bhop Clyatt & Taylor, Naval Stores Cochran J E, Jeweler Coddingtcn Lumber^ Co, Saw Mill Columbus Barrel M£g Co Connell W E, Grocer Creighton Mrs W L, «■""»"?. „^^ „, Cruin & Parker, Naval Stores & Gen Sto First Nat Bank, J J L Phillips Pres, D Gorman Cash Ford I L, Gen Store Fountain J J & Son, Grocers Garrett J N, Baker & Contec Gazette Publishing Co, Printers Georgia Pine Co, Com Lumber GifEord George T & Co, Machine Shop Golden Hardware Co Gross Mfg Co, W Lumber Harris Lumber Co, W Henderson W J & Son, Grocers Hollomon Nettie (Mrs J), Grocer .James W E, Saw Mill Johns J E, Livery Kent H & Son, Furn & Fertilizers Kent & Ogden, Grocers LaSha Roy, Bicycle Repainng Mathis & Youmnns, D Gds Etc Myers Aug, Tailor Myers I W, Hotel Norman, Feagan & Gen Store O'Quinn O R, Groc! Parker C L & Co, muiiio Parker Drug Co Poston Bros, Grocers Provident Lumber Co Regopoulos M, Fruits, Etc Roush A J, Tinner & Plumber Sheoherd L S & Co. Gen Store Sho'prio & Co, Gen Store Slack S G & Co, Hardware Smith's Drug tore Fperlin & Hurst, D Gds Tavlor J S, Furniture Tift H H, Saw Mill, Naval Stores & Gen Store Tifton Bottling Works Tifton Buggy Works, Vehicle Repairers Tifton Buggy & Wagon Co Tifton Clothing Co, Furng Gds Tifton Cotton Mills Tifton Furniture Store Tifton Ginning Co Tifton Gro Co Tifton Ice and Power Co Tifton Knitting Mills, Hosiery, Knitted Underwear Etc Tifton (The) Lumber Co, Tifton Undertaking Co Williams J D E, Grocer Youmans E E, Green Gro TIGER, Rabun County Cannon C B, Gen Store Cannon R E, Gen Store Dickson J C & Co, Gen S.ore 205 Pres, CuUom Hogan Martin TIGNALL, Wilkes County Blanchard J M, Blacksmith Moss J A, Gen Store Poole B W, Gen Store Veronee W T, Blacksmith Wilkerson, Bolton & Co, Gen Store Wilkerson J J & Co, Gen Store TILDA, Milton County Austin A W, Gen Store Dodd J A, Gin, Saw & Grist Mill TILTON, Whitfield County B, Gen Store M, Gen Store E & Bro, Gen Store ,,,., „.js. Gen Store Tovaisend J D, Gen Store TIMMS, Gwinett County Wood John G, Gen Store TIMOTHY, Campbell County Jeanes C J, Gen Store TIPPETTVILLE, Dooly County Grantham N S, Gen Store Noble T E & Co, Gen Store Tippett Bros & Holt Co, Gen Store TISON, Tattnall County Anderson G Q, Naval Stores Padgett Columbus C, Gen Store Padgett D J, Gen Store Smiley J C, Saw Mill Smiley J N, Blactemith Youmans L W, Gen Store TIVOLA, Houston County ival Stores Logan J F, Gen Store en Store Palmer TOBESOFKEE, Bibb County Birdsong H T, Gen Store TOBLER, Upson County Mitchell G H, Gen Store TOCCOA, Habersham County Bennett A N, Blacksmith Bowling W T. Gen Store Brown Merc Co, Gen Store Busha H J, Gen Store Busha J H. Machinery Camp W H, Grocer Capps T A, Gen Store Capps Cotton Mills Carter J M & Co, Gen Store Cox H J, Harness & Gro Dance C H, Gen Store Edwards W C & Co, Gen Store First Nat Bank, W S Witham George D Brown Cash Garland N L, Livery Hayes W J, Ge Store Hogsed D E, Machy, Hdwe, Etc Isbell T R, Gen Store Rilgo & Edwards, Gen Store Lathridge & ColUer, Grocers McCraoken R E, Stationer, Etc McJunkin & Co, Drugs Mabry F A, Gen Store Matheson W A. Hardware Moseley H T, Gen Store - Parramour & Co, Harness & Saddlery Ramsey & Perteet, Millinery Reeves D M, Gen Store , „ , Reeves & Wilson, Mfr Shuttles & Bob Rothell & Son, Livery Schaefor E, Cotton Buyer Scott T W, Gen Store Simmons Furniture & Lumber Co Simpson D J, Machinery [Southern Publishing Co Toccoa Banking Co, SB \ow ires, R Bruce Cash Toccoa Cotton Mills Toccoa Falls Light & Power Co Union Publishing Co Watkins J C & Co, Gen Store Whitehead J M, Gen St^re Williford Mrs W T, Millinery TOLEDO, Charlton County Thompson John C, Gen Store & Naval Store* TOM, Johnson County Brady John R, Gen Store M-eks W A, Gen Store Powell J C, Gen Store Williams m'f (MisT J Jr), Gen Store TOMPKINS, Camden County Brinkins Peeples I en Store Store TOOMBSBORO, Wilkinson County Boone E M & Co, Gen Store Branan Bros, Saw Mill Cason L R, Gen Store FoBsett G T, Gen Store Hall H A & Son, Gen Store Miller Mrs C R & Co, Millinery ^epherd J M, Gen Store, Gin & Mill Spence & Stubbs, Gen Store Thompson J D, Drugs TOONIGH, Cherokee County Hillhouse J F, Gen Store TOWALIGA, Butts County Kin.ard Davis & Co, Gen Store TOWNS, Telfair County Adams Bros, Gen Store Clements J Clayton, Guano & Gin Clements M C & Bro, Gen Store Cowart Bros, Gen Store Powell J A, Blacksmith Towns E D, Gen Store Towns J M, Gen Store Wilcox A & Co, Gen Store TOWNSEND, Mcintosh County Davis C H & Co, Naval Stores, Cxc ties Etc Sinclair D S, Gen Store To%vnsend Mercantile Co, Gen Store 2o6 Greater Georgia Gazetteer, TKACK ROCK, Union County Caldwell McG, Gen Store Hullander M A, Gen Store TEACY, Meriwether County Turner G, Gen Store TBADEB'S HILL, Charlton County & Robinson, Naval Stores Store TRANS, Walker County Espy B B, Blacksmith Keown, Son & Price, Gen Store TRAVISVILLE, Clinch County Bloodworth J M fi Co, Saw Mill Hodges Lumber Co, Saw Mill atrange W J, Gen Store TRENTON, Dade County C;ase Leroy, Gen Store Castleberry J M, Gen Store Corput J H, Grocer Cureton J A & Co, Grist Mill "Dade County Sentinel", Pubs Hughes \V T, Gen Store Jackson K D, Gen Store Page William, Blacksmith Robertson J C, Gen Store Simpson W M, Grocer Sitton & Co, Flour & Grist Mill Williams House, Hotel TRICKUM, Whitfield County Giddens R A Jr, Gen Store Holcombe A M, Gen Store TRILBY, Baldwin County Riley O F (agt). Gen Store TRINITY, Liberty County Johnson C G, Gen Store TRION FACTORY, Chattooga Co Burns J J, Publisher Chapel Creek Mill Co, Grist Mill Clements, Hall & Hammond, Gen Sti Day R J, Jeweler Gidden R A, Gen Store Harris D J, Gen Store Pursley Bros, Gen Store Roberson R F, Gen Store Ross T J, Livery Trion Mfg Co, Cotton Goods ^^'illiams D R, Gen Store TRIPLETT, Wilkes County Wheeles O H, Gen Store Wynne A H, Gen Store TROPIC, Sumter County Croxton A B (agt). Gen Store Logan M G, Gen Store TRUETT, Colquitt County Hatchett William, Gen Store May J C, Gen Store TDCKAHOE, Screven County TUCKER, DeKalb County Cheu'ning A G, Gen Store r.ngland G M & Son, Gen Store Kenney i^ T, Gen Store ilorris John M & Sons, Gin, Grist & Saw Mill TUGALO, Habersham County \\'hite V A, Gen Store TULIP, Chattooga County Edwards W H, Confectioner TUNIS, Henry County TUNNELL HILL, Whitfield County Cochran E C, Drugs Dunn John B, Miller Giddens R A Jr, Gen Store Moore & Flcmister, Gen Store Ward J P, Blacksmith TURIN, Coweta County Arnall J T, Gen Store Davies A C, Millinery Dominick E & Co, Gen Store Gav M M, Millinery Hines T R & Co, Drugs Pitts Edgar C, Grocer Planters' Gin & Mill Co, Gin Russell W C, Warehouse TUBNERVILLE, Habersham County Dawkins W C & Bro, Blksthg Ellard Bros, Gen Store (ireen J C, Gen Store Rumsey C W a, Co. Gen Store TUSCULUM, Effingham County TWEED, Laurens County Branch J J, Saw Mill TWIGGSVILLE, Twiggs County S W, Gen Store \'auslm J S, Gen Store Walters Bros, Gen Store TYBEE, Chatham County Sohan William M, Saloon & Rest Bvrum & James, Liquors Graham Charles F, Hotel Naylor F, Saloon Tvbee Artesian Water, Ice & Lighting Co TYRE, Douglas County Emlen E W, Gen Store TYRONE, Wilkes County Griflin Bros, Gen Store Power G W, Gen Store SUitnn H T, Gen Store & Miller TY TY, Worth County Coleman Mrs S C, Gen Store Tlell & Ford, Gen Etore Duvden M F, Blacksmith Ford J H, Gen Store Ford R T, Gen Store Ford J 11 & Co, Gen Store Nelson M J (Mrs G S), Gen Store Pitt C E (Mrs M B), Gen Store Shiver D D, Grocer Sizemore George W, Saw Mill Vinton I B, Saw Mill Williams W E, Gen Store TYUS, Carroll County Benford J H L & Son, Gen Store Tyus Store Co, Gen Store UNADILLA, Dooly County Bank of Unadilla, R L Wilson Pres, Jno Lockerman Cash Barlow W W, Livery Blankinship A W, Gen Store Boniske R & Co, Gen Store Bridges J & L, Milliney Brown J W, Gen Store Brown & Speight, Gen Store Broxton J A, Gen Store Carroll & Home, Com Cotton Duncan Mrs J E, Hotel Graham C C & Bro, Saw Mill Gregory T H, Gen Store Griggs N T, Livery Jackson Joe, Saw Mill Joiner & Goodwyn, Grocers King J A & D I, Planing Mill Leggett W H, Grocer Lockerman & Fokes, Com Cotton McArthur J F & Co, Gen Store Manning B F, Gen Store Manuel S, Gen Store Oliver Bros, Grocers, Etc Ransom G W, Grocer Saunders J W, Gen Store & Drugs Sheppard S J, Saw Mill Smith C W, Gen Store Smith R A, Gen Store Unadilla Mercantile Co, Gen Store Wootten, Pate & Co, Drugs UNION, Stewart County Gillis N, Gen Store Harden, T B Grocer UNION POINT, Greene Cc Allbright H C, Notions Bank of Union Point Carlton J E & Co, Gen Store Davant W G, Gen Store Dolvin R T, Gen Store Dolvin W W, Grocer Fluker Oscar E, Bottler Fluker W O, Gen Store Greene County Oil Co Hilliard H C, Contractor Ivey & Co, Gen Store Jackson E L, Gen Store Knox Mrs Julia B, Gen Store Ogeechee Brick Co, Mfrs Overton J T, Gen Store Parham F M, Gen Store Rhodes R A, Gen Store Richards C E, Drugs Union Mfg Co, Hosiery Etc Union Point Machine Works Veazy J A, Furniture UNIONYILLE, Monroe County Edwards B C, Gen Store Harper N A, Gen Store Norris J M & Co, Gen Store Parker J G, BIksth & Eaw Mill Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 207 UPATOIE, Muscogee County Jackson J W, Gen Store Jenkins S H, Gen Store McCurdle W A, Gen Store Upatoie (The) Co, Ginning UPCHURCH, Ware County Upchurch C M, Gen Store UPTON, Cofiee County Ashley J M, Gen Store & Naval Stores Smith James, Gen Store URBS, Randolph County Shivers Bros, Gen Store URSULA, Troup County Cunningham T W, Gen Store VADA, Mitchell County Glover W G, Gen Store Harrell & Cumbie, Gen Store Oliver W H, Saw Mill Sapp H H, Drugs Sapp E A, Gen Store Whitley W B, Gen Store VALAMBROSA, Laurens County Chandler Nathaniel C, Gen Store Hughes E H, Gen Store TALDOSTA, Lowndes County Andrews J M, Gen Store Ashley C R, Buggies Wagons Etc Ashley Paine Mfg Co, Planing Mill & Variety Works Bailey J F, Lumber Black G, Gen Store Black H, Brokerage & Hides Bondurant C S & Co, W & R Drugs & Stationery Boring J H, Grocer Boyd Fry Stove & China Co, Hardware & Crockery Breedlover P L (Mrs S B), Confec k I'icture Frames Briggs M A, Clo Shoes & Men's Furng Briggs AV H Hardware Co Briggs & Dunbar, W Grocers Brown J H, Grocer Brown L E, Contractor Burnett & Stevens, Grocers Burt N J, D Gds Milly & Ladies' Furng Carroll J M, Grocer Etc Carter Powell & Oo. Gen Store Carter & Dovough, Pianos & Organs Chandler A M, Naval Stores Citizens' Bank of Valdosta, J F Lewis Pres, C W Lamar Cash Comraanchee Mfg Co, Pants Connell Bros, Laundry Converse A, D Gcis, Clo Shoes Corhett W P, Liqs & Tob Crown Bottling Works Curry M, Hay, Grain Etc Dasher J J & Co, Gen Store Davis E H, Meats Davis Bros & Co, Clothing Dickinson S E & Co, Gen Store Dimmock A E, Drugs Dorris & Thigpen, W Shoes Dukes A H, Grain Dunaway W D, Drugs Durant Lumber "Co, Com Edison A, D Gds, Clo & Shoes Fender J B, Naval Stores Fender J Frank, Saw Mill & Naval Sto Fender Lumber Co, Mfr Lura & Plan Mill Farrill E D, Hotel First Nat Bank, D C Ashley Pres, Jaa Y Blitch Cash Flasher Joseph, Meats Fulgham S F & Son, Crossties Etc Giddens Furniture Co Godwin's S B Sons, Furniture Grier Mrs W M, Hotel Hagan, Carter & Co, Sales Stables Ham Bros, Livery & Sales Stables Hamilton E S, Restaurant, Etc Harley Hardware Co Hart George P, Drugs Hartsfleld H A, Gen Store Henderson Cranford Buggy Co, Mfrs Holder W L, Bicycles, Kepr & Job Ptr Howard J H, Grvter Hudnall Edward, Slices Ingram & Hewlett, Harnes Jones B U, Men's Furng, Shoes & Hats Jones T, Meats Jones & Youles, wen Store Kazanzas J, Gro & Fruits Kazanzas J & Co, Saloon Kent A, (agt). Sewing Mach & Organs Kentucky Whiskey Co, Saloon Lane W T, Gen Store Lane, Tillman Co, Gen Store & Mtr Fertilizers Lewis Lumber Co, W Lowndes Alliance Warehouse Co McGhan Geo & Son, Plumbers Manlove J W, Milly, F Gds Etc Manning Eli B, Racket Store Harks E A (Mrs B), D Gds, Clo, Shoes Etc Martin W L, Plumber Mathis T F, Grocer Mercliants' Bank of Valdosta, R Y Lane Pres, E W Lane Cash Milhous G B, Grocer Milhous S L, Grocer Miller-Jones Shoe Co, Milner R B, Drugs Milton Tom, Gro & Restaurant Minnesota Lumber Co, Saw Mill Jlonroe W F, Drugs Montgomery Cooperage & Hardwood Co Newsom & Knowles, Saloon Ousley & Co, Furn Undtkrs W & R Gro Paine Dunaway Drug Co Palin T J, Blacksmith Parrish A A, Sewing Mach Bicycles Patterson Grocery Co Pearlman B, D Gds & Clo Peeples C B, Paints & BIdrs Material Feeples-Denmark Co, Com & Brkrs Pendleton A S (The) Co, W Gro Perkins J D (agt), Gro & Rest Pinkston J W, D Gds & Shoes Prescott R T, Hotel Proctor & Rivers, Grocers Progress Saw Mill & Lumber Co Ricks W L, Job Printer & Picture Fra Roberts John T, Vehicles & Harn Roberts Cranford Dasher Co, Live Stock. Buggies, Etc Rodrigues Cigaro Compania, Mfrs Rosentahl R, 5 and 10c Store Rouse Roscoe, Plumber Scott L W, Baker Confec Sliaw & Touchton, Crockery Etc Short A C, Grocer .:jills S L, Saloon Sims J M, Jeweler Simians B J, Gen Store Sloat Bros, Saloon Smith E R, Saloon Smith A B & Co, Gen Store South Georgia Buggy Co, Mfrs South Georgia Produce Co Southern Product Co, Com Lum Cot Etc Springer J E & Co, Jewelers etc Stanley S M, Saloon Star (The) Steam Laundrv Staten J L, D Gds Etc totesbury H H, Gen Store Strickland A J, Mfr Fertilizers Strickland Cotton Mills Strum L H & Co, Bicycles & Sport Gds Swindle & Eigell, Gen Store Taylor G, Mfr Mattresses Etc Xhomas-Uoberts (The), Hardware Co, W and Eetail Three States Lumber Co Tolar A L, Gen Store Ulmer J P, Blksth Sc Undtkr Valdosta Bottling Wks, Mfr Soft Drinks Valdosta Drug Co, W Valdosta Foundry & Mach Co Valdosta Furniture Co Valdosta Ginning Co Valdosta Grain Co Valdosta Ice & Mfg Co, Ice, Electric Pit Valdosta Lumber Co, W Valdosta Marble Co, Tombstones, Etc Valdosta Mercantile Co, W D Gds, No- tion, Shoes, Hats & Mfrs Pants Valdosta Sash & Door Co, Mfrs Valdosta (The) Saw Mill & Mfg Co, Saw Mill Valdosta (The) Tailoring Co Valdosta Times Publishing Co, Newspa- per Varn & Mathis Grain Co, Grain & Feed Varnedoe C C & Co, D Gds, Shoes, Mil- linery Etc Varnedoe & Cranford, Grocers Wackym E, Confec & D Gds Warlick L H, Marble Works Webb J /T & Bro, Gro Hay Prod Etc Wells W E, Saw Mill Whittington B F, Furniture Wilson D S, Photo & Frames VALLEY STORE, Chattooga Co Hammond J D & Son, Flour Mill VANCE, Tattnall County Newsome T A & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Purvis H E & Co, Gen Store Waters J O & Bros, Grocers VANCEVILLE, Berrien County Fender W L, Naval Stores & Gen Store VANNA, Hart County VAN WINKLE, Fulton County Church R A, Gen Store VARNELL'S STATION, Whitfield Co Caylor J N, Gen Store Fagala J & Son, Gen Store & Grist Mill Kirkpatrick H M, Gen Store Speer D A, Gen Store VAUGHN, Spalding County VAYLES, Union County Lance & Laudermilk, Gen Store VEAZEY, Greene County Marchman W H, Gen Store Moon E D, Gen Store Moore F W, Gen Store Veazey W E, Gen Store 208 Greater Georgia Gazetteer VEGA, Tike County Fowler & Graham, Gen Store VELMA, Appling County Williams H K, Gen Store VENICE, Jefferson Coimty Brown E J, Gen Store Whigham N K, Gen Store VENTURE, Monroe County Allen J M, Gen Store VERA, Campbell County Smith J M, Gen Store VERNAL, Randolph County Edwards W S, Saw Mill & Gin Stewart D K, Gen Store VERNON, Troup County Market J F, Gen Store VESTA, Oglethorpe County Cunningham & Stevens, Gen Store VICKERY, Forsyth County Burgess L H, Gen Store VICTORIA, Cherokee County Williams T J & Bro, Gen Store VICTORY, Carroll County Causey W J & Co, Gen Store VIDALIA, Montgomery County Blocker George, Gen Store Blocker Thomas A, Gin Citizens' Bank, W T Jenkins Pros, J E Schurapert Cash Clifton & Odom, Naval Stores & Gen Sto Culpepper C W (agt). Gin Darby W L, Saw Mill Davis E L, Gen Store Flanders Drug Cu Folsom-Tillman Hardware Co Foss L L Gin M(g Co Griffin A S, Gen Store Griffin Louisa J (Mrs A S), Milly Hagan P S, Gen Store Hart W A, Meats Lanier Joseph N, Gen Store Leader & Rosansky, D Gds Clo & Not Lovett C H, Gen Store McClenney D C, Fruits McLemore William M (trustee) Grocer McLeod Isaac, Gen Store Matthews G N, Gen Store Meadows S B, Gen Store, Livery Etc Peterson A A, Gen Store Phillips W H, Saw & Grist Mill Poe T G, Gen Store Poe John W & Bro, Naval Stores & Gen Store and Saw Mill Rimes Leonora (Mrs J J), Hotel Pobinson Murrav, Drugs Etc Shuman F B, Gen Store Shuman J W, Livery Smith T C, Gen Store Stanford W W, Grocer Stewart James T Son, Cotton Thompson F, Gen Store ■\\Tiitaker M A, Blacksmith Wiggs B B, Gen Store & Naval Stores VIENNA, Dooly County Adkins T J Jr, Printer & Pub Aultman L M, Livery Bank (The) of Vienna, J O Hamilton Pres, W C Hamilton Cash Bennett C E, Blacksmith Boniske R, Gen Store Bryant Bros, Grocers Carnes Miss Zora, Millinery Cooper J J, Gen Store Cross & Williams, Grocers Earnest Bros, Gen Store Egleston-McDonald-Howell Co, Gen Store Everett P C, Gen Store Feldsher cS; Rainbow, D Gds Forbes Cox Drug Co Forehand J B, Com Cotton Hamilton J O, Live Stock Heard J P & Sons, Gen Store & Bankrs Hodge J M, Grocer Huggins J D, Naval Stores Jordan W W, Grocer Leonard A J, Gen Store Leonard W H, Grocer Lewis Bros Co, Shoes, Hats, Etc McDonald P G, Gen Store Matthews G K, Meats, Etc Mayer, Watts & Co, Gen Store Mitchell Mrs R P, Millinery Moseley Mercantile Co, D Gds Etc Peacock & Kelly, Gen Store & Naval Sto Peavy J L, Grocer Penny Z T, Grocer Powell James P, Grocer PuUen Mercantile Co, Gen Stor e Roberts J W, Hotel Smith H D, Pub & Livery Taggart J L, D Gds & Milly Taylor Bros, Gen Store Taylor & Purser, Clothing, Etc Thigpen & Morning, Gen Store Thompson D B, Cora Cotton & Gen Sto Vienna Cotton Oil Co, Cotton Seed Pro Vienna (The) Drug Co Vienna Lumber Co, Commission Walton Bros, Gen Store Waters John F, Hotel & Livery Veai-wood F M & Son, Saw Mill Youmans II A, Jeweler VIEW, Habersham County Shore W A, Gen Store VILLANOW, Walker County Atkins B, Blacksmith Cavender J W, Gen Store Keown W A, Gen Store Love J, Gen Store & Ham Mtr VILLA RICA, Carroll County Allen L R (Mrs Z T), Millinery AUgood J W H, Jeweler Ayers & Son, Fertilizer & Cotton Bank of Villa Rica, W B Candler Pres S O Fielder Cash Candler W B, Gen Store Carnes & Waldrup, Grocers Floyd B F, Undertaker Fuller J T, Gin Green & Durrett, Gen Store Griffin C M & Co, Gen Store Hambriek W H, Gen Store Hart J V, Gen Store Havnes S T, Grocer Henderson N J. Gen Store Henslee F N, Meats Henslee Bros, Gen Store Hixou Gin Co Kilgoro J H, Gen Store Kinney M T & J D, Blksths Leatherwood W B & Son. GiH Little & Tarpley, Blacksmiths Malone W H, Gen Store Maxwell W A, Gen Store Pope Bros, Gen Store Powell Marchman Pharmacy Smith Albert, Livery Staune I, Grocer Steed E T, Gen Store Strickland W F, Hardware Strickland Drug Co Tarpley M, Lumber Tarpley & Bagwell, Millinery Villa Rica Cotton Oil Co Wilson J, Grocer Wilson J N & Co, Gen Store VINING STATION, Cobb County Chattahoochee River Mills Neufville P, Gen Store Robinson Bros, Gen Store VINSON, Paulding County Ezell J C, Saw & Grist Mill Kimball John W, Gen Store Vinson & Son, Gen Store VIOLA, Heard County Middlebrooks L E, Gen Store Ward Mrs S E, Gen Store VIOLET, Meriwether County Lewis J M, Grocer VIRGIL, Jackson County Lanier J L, Saw Mill Niblack Hugh R, Gen Store VON, Emanuel County Patterson R C, Saw Mill Register E J, Naval Stores WACO, Haralson County Braden A W, Gen Store Bush A P, Miller Garrett E F & Co, Grocers Gaulding S & Co, Gen Store & Drugs Hansard, G W , Blacksmith Heaton W W, Gen Store Heaton & Senft, Mfrs Horse Collars Hubbard S A, Livery Hubbard & Parker, Hotel Jacobs J T, Grocer Kellam S E (iirs J W), Grocer Little & Kibben, Gen Store Pitts H H, Blacksmith Suggs G L, Warehouse, Gin & Banker Upchurch J L & Co, Gen Store AVADE, Emanuel County Durden's R W Sons, Gen Store Roberts J T, Gen Store & Naval Stores WADLEY', Jefferson County Bank of Wadley, Geo P Eentz Pres, B L Humphrey Cash Barrow H V, Jeweler Beasley G, Gen Store Caldwell Melville A, Grocer Calhoun L T & Son, Gen Store Cato J W, Gen Store Cheatham R A, Cen Store Davis George W, Gen Store Evans Annie D, D Gds Etc Evans S C, Gen Store Ilauser W C & J G, Drugs Holmes Drug Go Kelly L C, Bottling Work3 Lamb M G, Turpentine & Commissary Mills Danford M, Gen Store Robinson R E, Gen Store Sheppard N H & L K, Gen Store & Mil Steinberg S, D Gds, Clo, Etc Wadley Banner Pub Co I I I USE PLANTENE, • THE NEW VEGETABLE SHORTENING A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR LARD OR BUTTER. MADE BY I I I MACON, = = = GEORGIA. I I mcrican L...J ♦ ♦♦♦ A Beer for Conrioisseurs ^ American Queen Beer represents the very highest attainment of the brewer's art. Ic is absolutely pure, delicious in flavor, full of "life" and "vim" — a delightful beverage — exhilarating and healthful — an ideal food and tonic. For home use American Queen has no peer — at the club the most fastidious prefer it to all other brands — wherever introduced it has immediately become a favorite. Ask for it — and insist on the brewery bottling. American Queen and other Acme Beers are sold by good dealers everywhere. Acme Brewing' Company « MACON, GEORGIA ■-I1UII1J. N.LI..i.l!.JIIi iww«aww Al( Contracts and Agrements Contingent on Fires and Other Unavoidab e Accidents- MOULTRIE M. SESSIONS, President & Treasurer. E. J. POWEBS, Vice-President. MARIETTA PAPER MILLS. GEORGE H. SESSIONS, Secretary. iVlarietta, ... Georgia. The Paper Mills are now putting in two more fine new machines. One will be used entirely for making box board paper. By July ist will turn out 70,000 lbs. paper per day, or half million dollars worth paper per annum. MOULTRIE M. SESSIONS, E. J. POWEBS, THOS. S. KENAN, A. F. PARKEB, President and Treasurer. Vice-President. Secretary, Superintendent. The Standard Press Cloth Co. Manufacturers of CAMEL'S HAIR and MOHAIR, YARNS & PRESS CLOTH. MARIETTA, GEORGIA. The Only Plant of its Kind in tH© South. BUTLER MARBLE tc GRANITE CO., MARIETTA, GEORGIA. — — — Makcpactdkers of Marble ai\d Granite Monuments or EVERY DESCRIPXION. Also Vaults, Cemeterv Walls &, Coping All Vorfc Goaranteed to be First-Class in Every Resp ect. Large Plant, Modern Machinery and Skilled Worlcmen Employed Designs and Prices FurnisHed on ^Vpplication Butler Marble & Granite Co. Marietta, Georgia. THE RANKIN HOU5E Columbus, Ga. EUROPEAN ca AMERICAN PLAN THe Eeading' Commercial Hotel FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR A. (Ei R. REID, Proprs. UOCKWOOD BROS., ARCHITECTS, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. Modern Designs and Up=To=Date Ideas, Our Specialty. EstGS House, COLUMBUS, GA. Remodeled and Modern in every Convenience Nearer to Depot, Post Office, Transfer Station tlian any hotel in tlie city. Rates, $2.00 Per Day. THE VALDESE HOTEL VALDOSTA, = GEORGIA. Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 209 WAHOO, Lumpkin County Bennett A J, Gen Store Jiartin J J H, Gen Store WAINVVRIGHT, Charlton County Anderson D F, Gen Store McDuffie W L, Gen Store Wainwright I T, Gen Store Wilson & Lay ton. Naval Stores WALDEN, Bibb County Huff- J W, Gen Store Johnston R A, Gen Store Willis J B, Gen Store WALESCA, Cherokee County Bearden W A, Gen Store Edwards A & H H, Gen Store Fincher E A, Cotton Mill Hamrick Jesse, Gen Store McCandlesa J A, Saw Mill Moore Bros, Grist Mill WALKEE, Laurens County WALKER STA, Dougherty County Bailey B A, Gen Store Bailey B R, Gen Store & Gin Spurlin W A, Gen Store WALKEHSVILLE, Pierce County Cason J L, Gen Store & Naval Stores Walker J & Son, Gen Store WALLACE, DeKalb County Andrews W W, Gen Store WALLACEVILLE, Walker County WALNUT, Lumpkin County WALNUT GROVE, Walton County Allen W Y, Gen Store Bi-odnax G H, Wagons, Buggies, Ko Clay & Broadnax, Gin Dial J T, Blacksmith Dial U M, Gen Store Robinson Luke, Drugs Robinson & Co, Gen Store Shellnut Bros, Gen Store WALNUT HILL, Franklin County Bellamy L H, Gen Store Bellamy S F, Gen Store Paj-ne W S, Mill, Gin & Tannery WALRICK, Crawford County Walker W J, Gen Store & Gin WALTER, Burke County Henderson James L, Gen Store Murphy J M C, Gen Store Etc Rhodes W E, Gen Store Story Sam G, Gen Store WALTERTUWN, Ware County VValtertown Brick Co, Mfra WALTHEM, Butts County J E, Gen Sto WALTHOURVILLE, Liberty County Norman H C, Gen Store "■ WALTHRALL, Polk County Jones J Willingha WAMPUM, Haralson County Blackman W L & R D, Gin Hobbs T B, Gen Store LeGrand J W, Gvn Store WARDIN, Charlton County Wardin, Carswetl & Co, Crossties & Ge Store WARESBORO, Ware County Bennett R G, Naval Stores & Gen Stor McDaniel J A, Gen Store Murray C O, Grocer Spence J M Jr, Gen Store & Crossties Sweat J W & Co, Naval Stores Tyre C W & Co, Gen Store WARHILL, Dawson County Chambers W H, Gen Store Hughes John O, Gen Store Stephens Bros, Gen Store WARM SPRINGS, Meriwether Go Davis C L, Hotel WARNERVILLE, Meriwether Co Reynolds J B, Gen Stove WARRENTON, Warren County Battle & Wicker, Undertakers Cliapman Mrs H E, Millinery Citiens' Bank of Warrenton, L G Neal Pres, Charles R Fitzpatrick Cash Cody R L, Grocer Dawson A L, Blacksmith Empire Mercantile Co, Gen Store English W C, Livery & Sale Stable Farmer C C, Gen Store Fulghum J A, Gen Store Gresham-Boswell Co, Gen Store Hall & Maner, Drugs Hardaway J F, Gen Store Harper Bros, Gro & Hdwe Howell F L, Blksth & Undtkr Jarrett E W, Grocer Jarnagin J C, Drugs Johnson C F, Saw Mill Mand!e Charles. Tailor Norris W J, D Gds & Notions Pate John R, Miller Pilcher & Evans, Fertilizers Reese J L, Gen Store Steine Joseph, D Gds & Olo Steine Mocks, Gen Store Williams C C, Gro & Butcher WARRIOR, Worth County WARSAW, Milton County Abbott W A & J E, Gen Store Harnett W H, Gen Store Parsons M, Gin Etc WARTHEN, Washington County WARWICK, Worth County Clements & Co, Gen Store Poole D L, Gen Store Poole W R, Gen btore Ridley J N & Co, Gen Store Rodgers J B, Gen Store Simmons & Burke, Saw Mill Wise J F, Saw Mill & Ge Store WASHINGTON, Wilkes County Almond I A, Gen Store .'inthony G T, Grist Mill & Gianery Armer J N, Grocer Barksdale E O, Cotton & Coal Barnett O S, Mtr Brick Bolton B H, Blacksmith Bonner Martha (tars John M), Grocer Brooks S L, Gen Store Bufford Monroe, Meats, Etc Butler C R, Grocer Butler G W, Gen Store Calloway & Lowe, Gen Store Chapman Kate, Millinery Chapman J W, Printer & Pub Dakeman Kate, Millinery Drake S C, Tannery Edmondson Mrs J, Millinery Ficklen & Neeson, Publishers Fitzpatrick T M & Bro, Gen Store Flukcr J M, Gunsmith & Repair Hackney James, Carriage Mkr Hanson J H, Grocer Hardin B B, Gen Store Harper & Fanning. Gen Store Hester A D, Gen Store Hill J L, Livery Hill W M & Co, D Gds & Shoes Hines Smith Co, Gen Store Holland E L. Machinist HoUenshead T B, Gen Store Jackson J F, Live Stock Jacfcson T J, Gen Store Jarrett M A, Grocer Johns E S, Gen Store Johnson W T, Hotel Johnson W T Co, Gen Store JoUes S, Mer Ijilor Etc Kramer Theodore. Grocer Etc Latimer (The) Co), D Gds, Shoes &CI0 Lindsev John T, Gen Store Logan J L & Co, Gen Store Lowe G Y, Hardware, Etc Lucas C S. Drugs Lyndon G E, Vehicles Lyndon Johnson Furniture Co Lyndon & Fortson. Com Cotton McLendou Toombs & Bro, Gen Store Milner H L, Gen Store Moore M V, Meats Nance Mary, Gen Store Pharr M A. Cotton Factor Philpot William H, Gen Store Read H H. Pub & Machinist Reynolds J E, Bottler, Storage Etc Reynolds Bros, Ice & Fertilizer Richards V, Bicycles Rusher T P, Gen Store Shelverton W E. Grocer Simpson F T, Miller Sinltflekl Jlartha, Grocer Slaton & Green Drug Co, Smith Furniture Co Stevens & Darden, Drugs Greater Georgia Gazetteer, WASHINGTON— Continued. Sutton Jack, Grocer Sutton & Holloway, Grocers Washington Compress Co Washington (The) Exchange Bank, T U Green Pres, Joseph R Dyson Cash Washington Loan & Banking Co, G B Lyndon Pres, Boyce Ficklen Cash Washington Mfg Co, Lumber, Planing Mill & Coal Weinstein M, D Gds Clo Etc Wilheit K A, Gen Store Wilkes Cotton Co, Compress Williamson P E, Contr & Bldr Wood J M, Livery Wootten R H, D Gds, Shoes Etc Wright James G, Drugs Young J L, Butcher WATERLOO, Irwin County Clyatt & Young, Naval Stores WATERMAN, Cobb County Warren D M, Gen Store WATERPORT, Walton County Crow E M, Gen Store & Gin Mill WATKINSVILLE, Oconee County Ashford A W & Son, Gen Store Butler J M, Gen Store Elder A C, Variety Works Hodges W H, Drugs Jones J E, Gen Store Langford W B, Gen Store McRee J K & Son, Gen Store McRee, Osborne & Co, Gen Store Malcomb A, Gen Store Nicholson W M, Blacksmith * 'Oconee Enterprise", Publishers Poulnot J B, Gen Store Thrasher I W, Gen Store WATSON, Cherokee County rhlHips J E, Gen Store WAVERLY. Camden County Kendrick J H, Gen Store Lang Richard, Cen Store Morgan & Colgan, Naval Stores Quarterman J H, Gen Store WAVERLY HALL, Harris County Bickley & Baugh, Blacksmiths Bicldey & McCuUochs, Gen Store Byrd & Baldwin, Gen Store Jameson B B. Drugs Kirkpatrick E R & Co, Gen Store Luttrell J A, Gen Store Luttrell W H, Hotel Pitts I H & Son, Gen Store Smith C F, Gen Store Stanford L W, Drugs Whitehead Mrs Lucy A, Gen Store WAYBACK, Calhoun County Manry J W, Gen Store WAYCROSS, Ware County Adams J V/ & Co, D Gds, Shoes & Cl.> Adamson Charles, Tailor Bailev J S & Co, Hardwood Lum Bandell Frank, D Gds Etc Bank of Wavcross, G R Youmans Prl !, James Knox Cash Barnes H V, Grocer Beat'-n C H, Clothing, Etc Benton H J & Co, D Gds Bibb r G, Grocer Blackshear Hardware Co Brinson Drug Co Brinson & Ballard, Drugs Brown T L, Shoes & Harness Campbell Georgia (Mrs J R), Gro & D Goods Cannon Pump Mfg Co Cash (The) Grocery Cason W A, Prod & Fruits Cato Mrs K W, Books & Staty Cherokee Pharmacy Cockfleld J L, Grocer Cox J M (The) Co, W Grocers Darling T Jefferson, Contractor DeLoach Mrs M, Racket Store Dickins J E, Shoes, Etc Driggers Bros, Gen Store Elcrucero Cigar Factory First Nat Bank, J S Bailey Pres, A 51 Knight Cash Gardner R R, Meats Gem Pharmacy, Gillon J H (The), Machine Co Gorman Bros, Grocers Grace-Brautley Co, W & R D Gds, Shoes Etc Greer & Williams, Publishers Griffin & Thomas, Undertakers' Supplies Guilford J S, Market Gustoso (The) Cigar Mfg Co Hardy Bros, Grocei-s Hardy J W S & Co, Gen Store Highsmith E (Mrs J W), Hardware & Paints Huber J C, Baker Humphreys J C, D Gds, Etc Isaac A, Tailor Jones J H, Gro & Wood Jones R E (Mrs J E), Gro Meats Etc Jones J A & Son, Commission Jones (The), Pants Mfg Co Keene H H, Plumber Ivefferer & Been, Naval Stores Knight J R, Sewing Machines & Mu Gds Leach George C, Hotel Lott Daniel & Oscar, Fertilizers Lott & Jones, Livery & Sale Stabloe Loving W R C, Grocer Luther J P S: Co, Jleats McGee John W, D Gds Etc McOee J T, Blkstli & WheeUviight Mav Mrs J R. Hotel Mi>;on T E, Meats Moore, Sbar))e & Co, Naval Stores Murphy, Singleton & Co, Planing Mill & Novelty Works Murphy-Whitman (The) Co, Furn & Un- dertakers O'Quinn. W D, Clo & Men's Furn:; Ost Charles B, Hotel Parker C W. Olothin,';-, Shoes, Etc Parnell Eddie. Millinery Perhani \ P & Son. Printers & Puhiisii Price McCulIey (The) Co, W Gro a:i;i!i and Pro Unsenhloom Mrs Fannie, Gen Store Ross Furniture Co Rouse L R, Grocer Satilla Mfg Co, Ice, Light & Power and Planing Mill Seals (The) Drug Co Seaman H C. Clothing, Etc Ses-soms Shoe Store Smith AV J. Grocer South Atlantic Car & Mfg Co Thomas B H, Carriaares, Wagons. Kte Thomas M A, Gen Store Thomas J B & Bro, Grocers Tomlinson P C, Grocer Trent F B. Saw Mill Supplies Walker Jlrs R L, Restaurant Walker & Bvadlty, Grocers Wasliington G P, Drugs Vratson" (The) Brad Co, D Gds, Slio.-ji Etc Watt Harley Hardware Co Waycross Bazaar, Millinery, Etc Waycross Book Store, Drugs & Books Waycross Bottling Works Waycross Clothing Store, Clo, Shoes Etu Waycross Cotton Ginning Co Waycross Cycle Co, Bicycles & Sundries Waycross Furniture Co Waycross Jewelry Co Waycross Plumbing Co Williams L W, Meats Wilson Gro C~ Wilson (The) Stei.n Laundry Wood C H, Grocer, Etc Youmans George R, Jlry & Mus Instrs Youmans Mercantile Co, D Gds, Shoes WAYNESBORO, Burke County Bank (The) of Waynesboro, W A Willuns Sr Pres, W H Walters Cash Bateman R F, Gro & Meats Bateman E O & Son, Gro & Meats Bell S, Gen Store Blount W T, Blacksmith Brinson F L, Livery, Etc Cates F M, Gen Store Chandler Bros, Gen Store Citizens' Bank, R C Ncely Pres, R N Berrien Jr, Cash Cole R M, Gen Store Cole W H (agt), .Grocer Corker P L, Gen Store Daniel's C P Sons, Gen Store Deck P S. Grocer Ellis J H (agt). Gen Store Ford Lewis B, Drugs I Hall M E & Son, Gen Store ' Hudson W B, Gen Store Humphrey David M & Son, Gro & Meats Hurst C W, Livery I Hurst J, Grocer Jones Charles W, Grocer Jones W E, Gen Store McCathern S J (Mrs W), Hotel McEimurray J F Jr. Gen Store SlcMaster H B, Drugs Manaue Henry H, Tailor Moblev Eros, Foundiy Ncely R C (The) Co. Gen Store Prescott J E, Wheehvright Quinney Thomas, Gen Store Redd Z L (Mrs John A), Grocer Rountree Robert, Grocer Sanders John D, Wheelwright Schperling E, D Gds, Clo, Etc Schwarzweiss S, Oen Store Skinner C W, Gen Store Smith E A, Gen Store Spears H M, Grocer Sullivan Bros, Publishers Thomas N P, Gen Store Tinley W M, Gen Store Vaughn James Vi', Furniture Vins'on Gary, Hardware Walters W H, Racket Store AVavnesboro Grocery Co, W We'intraub S, Gen Store Wells A M, Jlillinery Wclherhohn S & Son, Gen Store AVAYNESVILLE, Wayne County Gordon & Wiggins, Gen Store Hack F C, Drugs Hiffhsmith E IT. Gen Store McVeigh J L, Naval Stores & Gen Store Middleton A D. Gen Store Pop\relI J W Sr. Grocer Etc Sallens W J, Gen Store Wiggins W M, Gen Store Williams H G, Saw Jlill WAYNMANVn^LE. Upson County Triune Mills. Gen Store & Cot Mills Upson Mfg Co. Yarns. Etc Greater Georgia Gazetteer. WAYSIDE, Jones Couuty Barfleld D H, Gen Store Smith A M, Gen Store Smith J Q, Gin WAY'S STATION, Bi-jan County Bailey & Co, Saw Mill & Gen Store Carpenter P W, Gen Store Goette J W, Gen Store WEAVER, Pike County Elliott L Z, Gen Store Parker J W, Gen Store Weaver J T, Grocer WEBB, Milton County AngUn Robert, Gen Store Bagwell W W, Gin & Mill WEEDA, Washington County Taylor S J, Gen Store Gin & Mill WEISMAN, Screven County Evans, Colson & Colson, Saw Mill Gen Store Hodges E M, Gen Store WELCOME, Coweta County Hutchins A S, Gen Store WELLS, Murray Oo«nty Smith W L, Gen Store WELLSTOK, Houston County Lewis W C & Son, Gen Store Smith J A, Gin Watkins G K, Gen Store Watson W C & C B, Gin WENDELL, Warren County Hart J S, Gen Store WENONA, Dooly County Cato W C, Gen Store Keid W A, Gen Store Thompson Bros, Gin, Saw Mill, Etc WESTBROOK, Laurens County Smith B K, Gen Store WESTLAKE, TwiggB County Fitzpatrick I & Oi., Gen Store WESTON, Webster County Bridges J R. Gen Store Hartsficld A H, (len Store King J J, Gen Store Kin? W H, Gen Store & W Fertilizers Reddick O A C, Gen Store Tan'in Mrs J E, Millinery WEST POINT, Troup County Adair J G, Bicycles Adams David T^. Gen Store Adams F L, Hardware Allen O A, Saloon Askew J L & Co, Drugs Atkinson & Turner, Mfrs ft Tanners Aughtman & Millar, Gen Store Bank (The) of West Point, R Herzfeld Pres, J C McKemie Asst Cash Bankston W T, Publisher Barker N L, D Gooda Barnes J W, Grocer Barrow J L B, Gen Store Bass C E, Drugs Booker A C, Grocer Booker T P & Co, Gro & Livery Bradfleld J R, Grocer *n M S & Son, Gen Store Chambers L B & Co, Saloon Cofield W T, Get. Strore Ciolley M L, Novelties Collins E J, Lumber Cook W W, Fruits, Etc Dickson S R, Tinner Eady-Baker Grocery Co Hagerdorn J J & Co, D Gds, Milly & Pianos Hammond S T, Blacksmith Haralson C L, Gen Store Henagan W C, Tinner Heyman, Lee & Co, W & R Gds Hodnett G P & Bro, Gen Store Huguely E D, Grocer Jacobs J G, Gen Store & Meats Jervey E T, Hardware Johnson C B & Co, Meats Johnson S H, Bottler Jones L, Mfr Brick Jones R M, Gen Store Jordan & Crouch, Grocers Lanett Bleaching & Dye Works Lanett Cotton Mills Langley (The) Mfg Co, Lap Robes, BUo McPherson N B, Mfr Brick Miller J P, Drugs Miller & Erwin, Boots & Shoos Milner W A & Co, Grocers Mobley J T, Grocer Palmisano A, Confectioner Palmer W E, Staty & F Gds Prince L J, Livery Riverdale Cotton Mills Rivers W M, Saloon Schaefer W G (agt), Confec Scott Miller (The) Co, Plantatioa Shi Smith T L, Grocer Stein L, D Gds Stein S, D Gds etc Strong L & Son, Gen Store Styward A H, Gro & Confec Varner Bros, D Gds West Point Dry Goods Oo West Point Investment Ca West Point Mfg Co, Cotton GkJ» West Point Roller Covering Wks West Point Wholesale Grocery Co White T P & Sons, Carriages Williams W L, Hotel Williams John H & Co, Gro Woodvard H T, D Gds Yarbrough E E & Bro, Saloon WESTVIEW, DcKalb County Turner John X, Grocer WHALEY, Hancock County Wlialey W T, Gen Store , : ■ 1 1 ^ - WHIGHAM, Decatur County __ Bell William C, Vehicles & Live' Stock Bower R M, Hardware Chapman I P, Gen Store Clinard S E & Co, Gen Store & Ufav 9to Cobb & Lewis, Gen Store Davis Fevtilier Co Dixon Miss E C, MiUinery r-U-on E C & Bro, Gen Store & Mlllr Futrill & Shaw, Naval Stores Hcrrin W H & Co, Naval Stores Johnson D R, Gen Store Lane & Johnson, Naval Stores Lodge G F, Naval Stores & (Sen Store McElvy G B, Livery McNair D G & Co, Gen Store Martin J, Hotel Parker & Belcher, Gen Store Quinn W M, Baker Rappeport M, D Gds, Clo, & Shoes Robinson L B & Bro, Gen Store Swicord Joe & Co, D Gds Etc Weldon Miss S S, Millinery Whigham Dispensary, Liquors ,. Whigham Drug Co WHITE, Bartow County Edge J A, Gen Store WHITEHALL, Clarke County Georgia Mfg Co, Cotton Rice Robert, Blacksmith Towns J H, D Gds Etc Whitehall Yarn Mills WHITEHOUSE, Henry (jounty Cook D P, Gen Store Elliott A C, Gen Store Elliott H S, Gen Store Kelley T C, Gin Phillips J A, Gen Store WHITE OAK, Camden County Dyal D A, Gen Store Liles K W, Gen Store McKinnon J K, Gen Store McKinnon L T, Gen Store McLane Reed, Shingle Mill WHITEPATII, Gilmer County Pinson & Weaver, Gen Store WHITE PLAINS, Greene County Hillsman & Gorham, Blacksmiths Holden J F & T C, Gen Stor» King O C & Co, Drugs Tappan George \V, Gen Store Tappan R, Gen Store Tappan & Merritt, Gen Store Walker Z T, Gen Store White Plains Mfg Co, V/agocB WKITESBURG, Carroll Oountjr Camp J T, Gen Store Duncan John W, Blacksmith Duncan & Stephens,.. Gin Friddell W F, Drugs & Gro Kilgore J N, Gen Store Lipscomb J H, Gen Store Richardson E A, Gen Store Strickland Vv" T, Giocor Strickland W T & Bro, Gen Stor« WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mar- iwether County WHITESVILLE, Harris County Daniel B D, Gen Store Haralson T W, Gen Store Maddox W N, Gen Store Reid & Hopkins, Gen Store Talley F M & Co, Gen Store WHITLEY, Irwin County McCaskill D A & Co, C^n Store Greater Georgia Gazetteer. WHITNJ3Y, Walton Countv ill Edmondson E B, Gen Store Etc Whatley J W, Gen Store WHITTEMORE, Emanuel County Bishop L L, Grocer WIER, Lumpkin County Anderson A J, Gen Store Fowler Mrs F 1, Gen Store Mincy William, Gen Store WILCOX, Coee County McLean John & Co, Naval Stores & Gen Store Wilcox H P, Gen Store Wilcox J L, Gen Store & Gin WEUDWOOD, Dade County Martin James, Gen Store WILKINS, Floyd County Young J W M, Mill & Gro WILLACOOCHEE, Coffee Co Bank of Willacoochee, J B O'Berry Pres George F McOranie Cash Berner I & Bro, D Gds Bostick N S Co Cady & Shaw, Gen Store Carter & Ford, Gen Store Corbett & Shearer, Gen Store Corbitt Aaron, Gen Store Duncan W H, Grocer, Etc Gaskin D E, Gen Store Gaakins G D, Gen Store Gaskins, Oberry, M Craine & Co, Live Stock & Vehicles Johnson C V (Mrs W S), Gen Store McClure, Paulk & Co, Vehicles. Etc McElroy S L, Drugs Meeks Gray, Gen Store Oberry J E Sons & Co, Gen Store and Naval Stores Paulk E M, Crossties Paulk & Peterson, Gen Store Peterson H, Grist Mill & Gin Higell W T Jr, Gen Store Summerlin B F, Gen Store, Hotel & Lir Viekers J J, Gen Store Wilcox Jefferson, Drugs Willacoochee Furniture Co 1 ■ WILLARD, Putnam County WILLETT, Muscogee County Comer M L, Gen Store Massev S C, Grocei Patrick William A, Gen Store WILLIAMSBURG, Calhoun County Price John C Jr, Gen Store WILLIAMSON, Pike County Dickinson & Maddox, Grocers Horton William, Blacksmith Jackson H S, Gen Store WILLINGHAM, Worth County Alford C A, Naval Stores Alford & Sloan, Saw Mill & Gen Stoft Tntum J W, Gen Store & Naval Stores WILLIS, Twiggs County Gallemore John L, Gen Store Lowe R L, Grocer WILLOW, Lumpkin County WILNER, Jackson County Lanier R L D, Gen Store McElhannon C C, Gen Store Wills Bros, Gen Store WILSONVILLE, Coffee County Beach A T & Co, Gen Store & Naval St Meeks & Hall, Naval Stores Moore G R, Naval Stores Wilson H C, Grocer WINCHESTER, Macon County Felton W H, Gen Store Hatcher M J, Gen Store WINDER, Jackson County Bennett E S, Grocer Byrd Vf E & Co, Lumber Bradberry L Y, Gen Store Camp & Rogers, Warehouse Chandler A D, Gen Store Chapin J P, Grocer De Laperriere G W, Drugs De Laperriere J C, Warehouse Flanigan T C cSl P A, Shoes & Menn'i Furng Foster 3 A & Co, Furniture Garrison H J, Jeweler Garrison Mrs S M, Millinery Gholston C A, Gen Store Griffeth, Millsaps & Co, Gen Store Hale T A & Co, Gen Store Hamilton C T, Gen Store Herren & Durst, Gen Store Hodges J N, Grocer Hodges, Camp & Arnold, Gen Store Jackson Z F & Co, Gen Store Jenkins B H, Grocer Kilgore & Kelly, Gen Store Lamar A G, Publisher Lay J O, Fertiliers Lay A S & Co, Gen Store Lee Fitzhugh & Co, Drugs Lord N B, Printer McDonald G W & Son, Gen Store Mobley R B, Grocer Moore R D, Meats Moore & Terry, Grocers Morgan T J, Grocer Morgan H M & Co, Gen Store Nichols H W, Racket Store Nowells L W Co, Livery O'Neal A H, Bottler Oliver & Nowell Bros, Harness Patat H E,' Blacksmith Pledger & Vonderlieth, Mfrs Sash ana Doors Rice J G, Grocer togers Grocery Co Russell L C, Publisher Segars H S, Gen Store Sharpton L O & Bro, Gen Store Smith Hardware Co Smith & Carithers. Bankers Smith & Co, Grocers, Etc Sorrells, Brown & Co, Gen Store Strange J T & Co, Gen Store Tuck L (Mrs R J), Confec 'Jpson Countj^ Oil Mills, Gin Williams R P, Carriage Mkr ■Vilson Bros & Saramon, Gen Store iVinder Banking Co. T A Maynord Pres, W H Toole Cash Winder Cotton Mills Winder Foundry & Mach Works Winder Furniture Co Winder Hosiery Mills Winder Lumber Co Winder (The) Marble Co Winder Oil Mill Co Winder Racket Store Winder Roller Mill Co, Flour & Mt-al Wood S H, Gen Store Wood & Cannon, Buggies, Etc Woodruil Hardware Co Young W V, Hotel WINFIELD, Columbia County Blanchard P A, Gen Store WINOKUR, Charlton County Anderson W R, Naval Stores Crews N L, Gen Store Crews S C, Gen Store King N B, Gen Store & Crossties King & Crews, Gen Store & Crossi Middleton & Co, Saw Mill Middleton & Murray, Gen Store Wasdon D R, Gen Store WINSLOAV, Wayne County Rumph J R, Gen Store & Naval Stores WINSTON, Douglas County Enterkin G W, Gen Store McLarty A A, Gen Store Sayer W A, Gen Store WINTERVILLE, Oglethorpe Co Anthony C H, Blacksmith Anthony D A, Undertaker Coile F W, Drugs Feagin C C, Confectioner Kroner Co, Grocers Noell & Hale, Saw Mill Pittard J T, Gen Store Tuck J W, Gen Store Winter D H, Gen Store WINTON, Newton County Patrick G, Gen Store V\"m£GRASS, Clinch County Dougherty J F & Co, Naval Stores WOLF FORK, Rabun County Ritchie J R, Gen Store WOMACK, Clay County Naramore C R, Grocer WOOD, Warren County WOODBINE, Camden County Bedell J K, Rice Planter & Gen Store Clinch & Huger, Rice " is J S N Sr. Gon Store Davis &; Brandon, Naval Stores & Gen Store Whittord F A, Blacksmith Greater Georgia Gazetteer. 213 WOODBURY, Meriwether County Aycock J A, Planing Mill Barteo James A, Grocer Chunn A R, Livery and Undtkr Chunn B E, Grocer Cluinn & Williams, Millinery Clements H W, Drugs Dixon M L, Millinery Duncan A 0, Tanner, Etc Fendley A J, Hotel Gill W P, Saw Mill Gill J M & Son, Blacksmiths Granger G W, Gen Store Hamby J T, Gen Store Hirsch Simon, Gen Store Hooten J M, Drugs Mabry S T, Saw Mill Milam Mrs Annie, Millinery Milam L V, Grocer Muse, Gill & Co, Saw Mill See John W, Grist Mill Smith G W, Blacksmith, Etc Smith W J, Grocer, Etc Spears R B, Undertaker Sutton J D, Gen Store Wales & Powell, Gen Store Wheelis A F, Gen Store Williams J W, Gen Store & Undtkr Williams Bros, Gen Store & Livery Woodbury Banking Co, L O Benton Pres, T J Marshall Cash Woodbury Oil Mills WOODCLIFF, Screven County Biinson & Getzinger, Gen Store Parke"!- Walton M, Gen Store Parker (The) Co, Gen Store Pfeiffer Mrs A K, Gen Store WOODFIN, Jasper County Smith N P, Gen Store WOOD STATION, Catoosa County Cooper L M, Gen Store WOODSTOCK, Cherokee County Beaver J F, Blacksmith Dean & Parkinson, Drugs Dobbs, Perkinson & Haney, Gen Stor« Dobbs W P & Son, Livery Fowler G T, Gen Store Johnston J H, Gen Store Lattimer P B Jr, Confectioner Paden James M, Contractor Paden J M, Millinery Reeves L M, Gen Store Robertson J T, Gen Store Spears R B, Furn & Undtkr W00D6T0WN, Henry County Wood & Dickerson Telephone Co WOODVILLE, Greene County Bentley J F, Gen Store DavKon & Durham, Gen Store Durtiam & Callahan, Gen Store Moody, Rej-nolds & Co, Gen Stora Young J L, Miller WOODWARD, Fulton County Lewis C, Drugs, Etc WOOLLEY'S FORD, Hall County Parelor C C, Gen Store WOOLSEY, Fayette Ooonty Griffith R M, Blacksmith Hutcheson G W L, DrugJ Jones W F, Gen Store Lewis J T, Gen Store & Mach Minter R P, Gen Store \^■allace Mrs E E, Millinery WOOSTER, Meriwether County Wooster George, Gen Store WOOTTENS MILL, Telfair County Bland J 6, Gen Store Miller & Hatten, Gen Store Wooten J & W H, Gristmill & Gin WORNER, Terrell County Whitchard T & Co, Gen Store WORRILL, Randolph County Monk J M, Gen Store Weathcrsby H S, Saw & Grist Mill WORTH, Worth County Cauda Lumber Co, Mfrs Cowan W W, Grocer Enterprise Lumber Co, Mfrs McCowen E E, Gen Store Pullcn W H (agt). Gen Store Sapp J W, Gen Store WORTHVILLE, Butts County \\ .. i 'J; Gray Mronroe, Gen Store Hendricks M, Miller Potts William, Gen Store Stodgill W F, Gen Store White G W, Gen Stove WRAY, Irwin County Carver Jesse, Gen Store Clark & Wilcox, Gen Store Dooly Lumber Co, Saw Mill Jowers E P & Co, Saloon Lupo George, Gen Store Merritt G W & Co, Gen Store Vickers L (Mrs E E), Gen Store WRAYSWOOD, Greene County S I" ■ J Wray Bros, Gen Store WRENS, Jefferson County Arrington R I, Gen Store Hadden & Denton, Gen Store Hitt M C Jr, Gen Store McKenzie A M (Mrs J S), Gen Store Radford J T, Gen Store Sevint & Co, Grocers Speering Henry, Gen Store Whiteley J W, Gen Store Wren & Phillips, Gen Store Wrens Milling Co, Lumber & Flour Mill Wrens R H & Co, Saw Mill , : -■ - -• PI' WRIGHT, Wilcox County '--": 1 ' ' S S 1 Garbutt Lumber Co, W Gaulding J S & Son, Gen Store Wright Slercantlle Co, Gen Store WRIGHTSBORO, McDuffle County WRIGHtSVILLE, Johnson County -■• . , :.r -I I- ? t iin Bank of Wriffhtsville, J E Linder PrM, R B Brran Cash Bloimt D G, Gen Store Biinson J \Y & Son, Drugs Brown A N, Fertilizers Brich J H Jr, Drugs & Jlry Bush & Hataway, Gen Store & Mill . Clark A T, Gen Store Crawford J W A, Hardware, Coffins Si Vehicles Douglas John A Jr, Gen Store Downs L D, Gen Store Duffee & Sanders, Gen Store Eyoup Joseph, Grocer Faircloth William, Pub & Job Prints- Fitzgerald & Joyner, Gen Store Fortner S L, Gen Store Hawkins M, Grocer Huff J M, Publisher Isof Betms, Gen Store Jackson T H, Gen Store James A, Gen Store James C A, Gen Store Johnson Banking Co Linder N J (Mrs A T), Hotel Lovett R T, Hotel McAfee J A, Gen Store McColsky & Scarboro, Naval Stores Martin Bros, Blacksmiths Moye S J, Grocer Page Drug Co Rowland J H, Saw Mill Smith-Amau Co, Men's Furng Etc Stephens & Page, Gen Store Stewart & Daley, Furniture Summer E J, Saw Mill Summer J H, Gen Store Tanner E W, Gen Store Tompkins H C, Gen Store Tompkins & Johnson, Gen Store Wrightsville Furniture Co Wrightsville Gin & Warehouse Co Young R W, Gen Store WYLLY, Laurens County WYNN'S MILL, Henry County Wynn J A C, Miller YAHOOLA, Lumpkin County Ridley J, Gen Store * s . ! TALE, Fulton County Hataway H E, Grocer Johnson R C, Grocer Mueller Sam, Grocer Seymour Harry, Grocer YAEBROUGH, Gordon County Yarbrough H, Miller YATE8VILLE, Upson County Adams C F, Blacksmith Childs W W, Gen Store Dennington J W, Drugs Farmers* Supply Co, Gen Store Finchcr J J, Gen Store Franklin J A, Grocer Haygood Bros, Gen Store Jamerson A M, Gen Store Johnson L M, Drugs Johnson & Matthews, Gen Store Middlebrooks R R, Gen Store Williams J B, Blacksmith Yatesville Gin Co Yatesville Mercantile Co, Gen Store YELLOW CREEK, Dawson County Heard J A & Son, Gen Store 214 Greater Georgia Gazetteer. YELLOW DIRT, Heard County Carter & Jackson, Gen Store YELLOW RIVER, Gwinnett County Lee T W, Gen Store Lee J A & W A, Gim Store Y'ellow River Mlnin^^ Coshrdiuetaoishrli Yellow Kiver Milling Co, Flour TEOMANS, Terrell County Jonea J S, Gen Store Snellgrove & Bozeman, Saw Mill YONAH, Banks County Simmons T B, Gen Store YORKVILLE, Paulding County YOXILEY, Burke County Godbee F B, Gen Store May E O, Gen Store YOU^fGCANE, Union County Butt J A Jr, Gen Store YOUNG HARRIS, Towns County Allison B F & Son, Gen Store Awtry R J, Hotel Dyer M L, Gen Store & Livery Hooper T J & Son, Gen Store Hunt E M & Co, Milly & Staty Sargent W R, Blacksmith Stephens J H, Jeweler Waldrop V M, Gen Store Webb C A, Gen Store YOUNGS, Polk County Young A E, Gin Young & Russell, Gen Stor» yOUNKER, Dodge County Home E S & Co, Gen Store Kimberly & Wynn, Gen Store Tripp & Avant, Gen Store yPSILANTI, Talbot County YUKON, Gilmer County Wright & Sawyer, Gen Store ZACHRY, Morgan County Cochran John H, Gen Store ZAIDEE, Montgomery County ZARAX, Crawford County Marshall W J, Gen Store ZEBINA, Jefferson County Milton J J, Gen Store Taylor, King & Co, Gen Store ZEBULON, Pike County Bank of Zebulon, J W Cabanisa Pre C R Gwynn Cash Fincher W T, Grocer Ford J W, Harness Mkr Franklin W J, Gen Store Green, Mangham & Co, Gen Store Harper C H, Gen Store Harrison M G, Gen Store Head J M, Drugs Howell J H, Undertaker Parker J W, Gen Store Pierce G B & Co, Grocers Sullivan Slade & Co. Gen Store Waller W J, Gen Store ZEIGLER, Screven County Jenkins W T & Co, Naval Stores & G- Store Zeigler A, Saw Mill Zeigler C L, Gen Store ZEKE, Cherokee County McFarland E J, Gen Store ZELLNER, Monroe County Zellner S H, Gen Store ZENITH, Crawford County Carr W P, Gen Store McCarty G W, Gen Store ZETELLA, Spalding County Blanton W P, Saw' & Grist Mill Digbey A, Gen Store English J A, Grocer ■ J E, D Gds & Gro ZETTO, Clay County Sanders C E, Gen Store Sanders & Jenkins, Gin & Saw Mill ZINGARA, Rockdale County Graham P L, Gen Store & Gin Haralson J H, Gin and Feed Mill ZOAR, Bulloch County Coleman W W, Gen Store Milev C B. Saw Mill Stewart S G, Gin & Grist Mill ZONE, Walker County ZULA, Chattooga County Sanders R C, Gen Store ^•^^^i^ AMERICUS Americus is one of the most beautiful cities in Georgfia. It is the city farthest south which crowns the plateau lying- southward from Macon and the central part of the state, and which gradually recedes from this point into the lower and level land of the southern most part of the state. It is situated on the main line of the Seaboard Air Line and Central of Georgia Railways; being a dividing point of the Seaboard on their line running between Mont- gomery, Alabama, and Savannah of this state. The company maintaining here large con- struction and repairing shops. Americus has a population of nine thousand with an assessed property of more than two million and six hundred thousand in 1903, which according to the best au- thority and information available represents about two thirds of its actual or real Value. Upon this is levied a tax of $1.50 which meets every requirement of the city's government, and provides a sufficient sum to pay the interest on outstanding bonds and create a sinking fund for their retirement as fast as they become due. These bonds — in all amount to one hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars, the proceeds of which have been judiciously expended in water works, sewerage and other public improvements such as schools, streets, etc. WATER WORKS.— The city owns and operates what is probably the best water works in the Southern States for a town of like importance. Sixteen miles of water main has been laid through its streets, at a cost of nearly one hundred thousand dollars, which receives its supply from fiftyone subterranean springs and three large artesian wells, making filtaration wholly unnecessary and a supply of v/hich the ca- pacity has never yet been tested of pure sparkling water. During the Spanish-American war government reports of the water supply in Southern cities ranked Americus first in purity and character, the highest possible compliment to, and authority concerning this essential feature which is Americus' pride. SEV/ERAGE. — Coupled with an excellent water system, Americus enjoys the dis- tinction of having one of the finest sanitary sewerage in the United States, size of city considered. This was constructed, seven miles in all, by Mr. Earle, now Superin- tendent of water and sewerage Commission of New Orleans, under the supervision of Rudolph L. Herin of New York as consulting engineer, and represents an expen- diture of about forty thousand dollars, and is generally regarded by municipal ex- perts to represent the maximum of construction, both as to character and magnitude, at the minimum of any sewerage system in the Southern States. FIRE DEPARTMENT. — Americus maintains an efficient paid fire department, which is thoroughly equipped with all modern fire apparatus, the result of which is that insurance rates are exceedingly low. During the past two years (1902-3) there has not been a single fire which has gained any headway — and no loss whatever in the fire limit district. 2i6 Americus. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. — The public schools of this city are the boast of the town and the pride of the State. The efficiency of their curriculum under the able manage- ment of Professor J. E. Mathis, Superintendent, is widely known throughout the State, while the high standing pupils who graduate from the high school readily taken when entering any institution of high education proves the thoroughness of their instruc- tion. The city owns two large buildings which were erected at a cost of about fifty thousand dollars and leases two others. Dur-ing the school year of 1903-4 the total en- rollment show 1285 children, 673 of which are white. It is also very interesting to note in the report of the superintendent for the ensuing school year, that only 80 white children who did not attend the public schools, none of whom were ten years of age who could neither read nor write. FINANCIAL. — The city's thrift and commercial activity is readily reflected in its banks of which it has three. Using these as a business barometer which is the best indication of a city's, sec- tion's or county's prosperity known to commerce, it is readily seen that a wide-spread commercial activity and financial ease abounds. That these conditions are apparent, as well as to show, that the institutions are of such a character as to adequately take care of the financial interests of any man- ufacturing or industrial corporation which would seek this section as a location, the following table has been arranged, the figures obtained being taken from the best official bank reports. Capital. Planters Bank $ 50,000 Bank of Southwestern Georgia 100,000 Bank of Commerce 65,000 Total $215,000 $813,278 $114,593 Surplus and Un- Deposits. divided Profits. $350,000 $ 60,000 276,03s 27,672 187,243 26,921 . W. SMITH ®. CO.. >? ARCHITECTS. >«» Garrard Building, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HIGH CLASS ESTIMATES DESIGNS. FURNISHED. ^ ^ ^ "WRITE US. >? ^? >? INCORPORATED 190 CAPITAL $70000.00 Dudley-Butts Sash, Door & Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS Yellow Pine TaoSr A Specialty. Also Hardwood Interior Finishers and Office Work. Columbu-s, Georgia, Marietta Knitting Co. TV^KRIETTK, GA. IVlanu9aotut*er*s of MBN'S HALFHOSB 7. 200 PAIR* A DAY. S^^^^^^^^j^Hi^fc^(S«||M ■ ■[ HHS^HBS^S^'-sjy J ! ; p u g- B H 5.3 R a " g e g . B rj B; g !'^g.e;B He.e. m^j^^i^ .: ^.^ , §:\^ wui;);)|Mjffl - J Plant of the Glover Machine Works, iVlarietta, Qa. BUILDERS OP ( Steam ( Steam Locomo ives < Compressed Air Hoisting Engines < Compressed Air I Electric j Electric R.. H. NOR.THCUTT, President. J AS T. ANDERSON, Vice-President . GCO. H. SESSIONS. Cashier. THE MARIETTA TRUST ca BANKING CO., MARIETTA., GEORGIA Capital. . $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits. $34,609.25. DIR.ECTOR.S: R. H. NORTHCUIT. JAS. T ANDERSON. GEO. H. SESSIONS. T. M. BRUMBY. J. H. BOSTON. D. W. BLAIR. W. H WYATT. S. D. KAMBO. GEO. H.KKELER. This Bank Is regularly examined by the State Bauk Examiner. It Is also required to mate Its eoJdltlon public. Stockholders liability same as National Banks. R. L. "G, C Athens, = = = Georgia. Doors, SasH, 3linds, Mill Work, Cement and Lime. Builders Material. Side Walk Tile Manufacturers. ricConnell Belt and Leather Co., AXHEIVS, GEORQIA.. Xanners ai\:3 Manufacturers of Leather Belting, Lace Leather, Hame Strings^ Leather Straps, mil and Agricultural Strapping of Every Description. R. U. MOSS MFQ. CO. Qeneril Sale Agents, = = = = Athens, Georgia. HODGSON COTTON COMPANY COTTON BROKERS. DEALER.S IN FERTILIZERS. EDWARD R. HODGSON, A. H. HODGSON, E. R. HODGSON, JR. J. M. HODGSON, HARRY HODGSON. ATHENS. - GEORGIA. IVIanufacturei-s of Scales and Trucks, Highest Class Products, Lowest Possible Prices, wwnre us at rovib, ga. Parent Annuity Company of tKAe Soutli. State Mutual Lite An nuity Ass ociation, Rome, Ga. Total Assets, - - . - - $226,046.94 Total Liabilities, 104,703 20 Total Surplus, - - 121,343.74 If you are interested in a Southern Company, write, C. R. PORTER, Vice-President and General M'g'r. ROME CEOP^GIA. ROME BRICR CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Common Brick, Plain and Ornamental Press Brick in shades of Red, Buff and Gray, Vitrified Paving Brick. CAPACITY 100,000 DAIUV. Office and Plant at R.oine, Floyd Co. Georgia. iJ ctj J i O H o OS il ATHENS ATHENS.— The Educational Center. Within a hand shake reach are located the university of the state of the- far famed Lucy Cobb Institute. Few are the Georgians now coming upon the stage of life who are not conversant with the daily life of the Athenian for it was in Athens the majority of the coming actor in life finished his educational work. It was there the young man rounded himself for his business or professional ca- reer while it was there the young lady was qualified for the duties which will develop for her when she becomes the wife of the young man who was educated but a short distance away. Nature favored Athens for the part it has filled in the history making of the Empire state of the south by giving it an altitude where pure, delight- ful air was abundant and where health giving waters gushed in plenty from the near by hill and mountain side. Within forty miles of the Blue Ridge mountains down from which breezes are constantly wafting to fill the lungs of the healthy growing Geor- gian who rarely thinks of illness or disease. Almost a thousand feet above sea level the citizens hardly realize the change from one season to another, twenty degrees above zero being as a rule the lowest temperature known, while in the hottest weath- er the thermometer rarely reaches as high as ninety-four. Even at the hottest in sum- mer time the nights are cool and bracing. With a population of fifteen thousand Athens' greatest death rate for years has been less than one per cent. It has never had an epi- demic of any sort while health and vigor among the people have often been comment- ed upon throughout the state. Within the corporate limits of the city meanders the Oconee river, a stream into which many mountain streams carrying an abundance of pure mountain water empty. It is from the Oconee the city water works are supplied and the system is one of the best and most complete in the state, the filtration be- ing one of the features. Its sewerage system is known the state over as one of the best. The city built upon elevations and depressions give the pipes an easy flow into the Oconee a distance below the water works and above which an immense dam has been constructed to prevent the possibility of contamination by a back up. The water works were constructed in ' 92 and since that date the plant has been visited by experts or observers from other cities who were on tours of inspection. With- out an exception the system and the plan and the work have been endorsed and many are the compliments which have been paid Mayor Rhodes and those associated with him in the conduct of the municipality. The legislative body is made up of the leading and successful business men of the city, men who have shown ability to take care of their own affairs and who are therefore able to care for the city. Ath- ens enjoys the distinction of having one of the finest and best equipped electric street car services in the city every one of the principal streets having tracks and satisfactory schedules. The sewerage system, as has been said is one of the best and most satisfactory in the state and has been copied by municipalities in the south more than once. Not content with being the pioneer in educational work, Athens as far back as 1844 took a hand in manufacturing and that year set up the High Shoals Manufacturing company with J. W. Hinton as president. It carried 10,000 spindles and 187 looms and made plaids and yarns. Three years later, 1847, the Southern Mutual Fire Insurance company was organized in Athens and has been in business ever 2i8 Athens. since. It is wholly unlike any other company. It does no business outside the state. One of the largest industries in Clarke county is the Whitehall Yarn mills es- tablished in '94, the product of which goes almost exclusively to Europe. On the ground once occupied by the oldest mill in the south, a mill which was destroyed during the war between the states the Georgia Manufacturing company is now operat- ing a plant which was constructed in 1882. The old mill was constructed in 1829 by A. Clayton and Thomas Johnson and was managed by John White Sr. from '36 to '54. The present plant is managed by John White Jr. The Athens Electric Light Plant is owned by the Athens Electric Railroad com- pany which furnishes the city with arc lights at $55.76 per light, the price said to be the lowest in the country. It was the Athens Electrical company which is said to have turned the first wheel in the country. It is at Athens the North Georgia Fair Association hold every year its fairs, fairs in which some ten counties participate and which are a feature in that section of the state once a year. ATLANTA The Queen City of the state, the Gate City of the South, the youngest of the sisterhood of progressive towns which have made Georgia famous the world over — Atlanta. It is upon the acme of the Piedmont region Atlanta is located and notwithstand- ing the fact that she is but, half a century in age she has proven herself the premier of all towns not only in the state but throughout the South. To the casual reader of the daily papars the phenominal history of Atlanta is well known. It was in the forties that a few hearty, progressive pioneers began build- ing homes and places of business near what is now known as the junction of Deca- tur, Marietta and Peachtree streets. At that time the Georgia railway was wending its way North and because Decatur objected to being the end of that line the pro- moters of the railway system pushed along to what was then commonly accepted as the cross roads in Henry County. Here the line rested and because of that rest the old cross roads became known as the terminus. About the same time, or shortly thereafter, the Western & Atlantic Road, the state's property was projected, and within a short time, a link of rails and cross ties stretching between Chattanooga on the Tennessee border and the terminus was be- ing constructed. With the construction of the new line the life, prosperity and business of the old cross roads began to manifest itself and within a short time the population began to assume proportions. It was then that the dignity of the citizenry called for a name in keeping with its growth than the word Terminus indicated. On the old Norcross corner, where the Fourth National Building is now reaching into the skies, so tradition says there was a meeting of the pioneers to give the then progressive town a name more suitable to its growth and conditions. Just at that time, Miss Mar- tha Lumpkin, daughter of one of Georgia's governors, was the reigning belle of the Empire State of the South. Sitting around the warm stove in the Hon. Jonathan Norcross' counting room discussion as to a name for the new city was rife and at times ran riot. Finally, Marthasville proved itself popular with that aggregation of old time settlers ; and, for a number of years, the point at which the Georgia Railway and the State Railway came together was known as Marthasville. Under that name the town continued to prosper and grow. New business houses, new hpmes and new planta- tions were being rapidly carved out of that territory, which but a short time before was a wilderness given over to the red man, the deer, the bear and other wild animals of that age and period. Even those, who were first among the first at the cross roads, as well as those who came later, were astonished at the rapid and unprecedented pro- gress of the newborn town. New industries of all kinds began to spring up. Nothing seemed to stand in the way of the new settlement, and day after day were presented additional evidences of the faith of those who had planted themselves here in the fu- ture of the thriving town. It was the same spirit, which today governs and controls Atlanta that then gov- erned and controlled Marthasville. Not altogether euphoneous was the name the people had selected a change of name was suggested. For half a century residents of Atlanta have been discussing the manner in which it eventually obtained the name it now wears. Some ascribe the name to one event, some to another. Still so far thare has been no settled conclusion as to how the name of Atlanta was finally selected. 220 Atlanta. But Atlanta — the name has been a tahsman, a seasma to this spot of earth and to those who have here made their homes and here conducted their business. With the declining years of the '50's Atlanta was beginning a rapid race in its competition with other Southern towns, some of which were two, three and even four times as old. It was just reaching its commercial prominence v/hen the war between the states came on. At that time there were here great slaves marts, some of the largest wholesale grocery houses in this section of the South. Runners for these Atlanta concerns were penetrating the territory which for years had been given over without dispute to Alacon, Savannah, Charleston and Chattanooga. The incom- ing of the Atlanta trade solicitor was looked upon by these older towns as an affront. The representative houses of these older cities could not by what right Atlanta had penetrated their territory. But, backed and equipped with that same nerve, pluck and determination, which has ever since characterized the Gate City of the South, her drummers continue to push their way; and, within a short time, much of the trade which had been going in- to the quartette of old cities found its way into Atlanta. It was here that the Georgia planter came to buy his slaves. It was here the Georgia planter came to buy his mules. It was here the Georgia planter came to buy his wearing apparal and his food. And it was in this way that Atlanta aroused an enmity in some sections of the South, which is still in force. With the opening of the war, Atlanta's geographical situation made her a point of vantage to the Confederate Government. In the early days of that memorable struggle it was into Atlanta troops poured from all sections of the South enroute to the front it was into Atlanta that supplies of all kinds for the fighting forces were sent for storage. It was into Atlanta, during the latter port of th^__war, that brigades, divisions and corps were rushed to protect the entire South from the invasion by Sherman's forces. It was Atlanta that held the key to the situation. It was Atlanta upon the holding of which the fate of the Confederacy hung. Here 'the last and most desperate stand was made. As long as Atlanta held out there was hope for the new government. But, with the fall of Atlanta, the death knell of the Confed- eracy was sounded. So it was that for a period of two years about the eyes of the entire world was centered upon Atlanta. The student of that great conflict, whether in America or in Europe, it mattered not where he was, realized that the fate of Atlanta was the fate of the Confederate government. In this way, Atlanta gained a prominence which came to no other city of the South, not even Richmond. No other city of the South, not even Richmond, the capital of the ill-fated Con- federacy. The war over, Atlanta, a mass of ruins, was generally considered by the student of geograph}^ as a dead town, a town which nothing could revive and reinstate. But Phoenix-like, the Gate City quickly arose from its bed of ashes. That same energy, pluck, work and determination which had changed the Henry County cross-roads into the Terminus, the Terminus into Marthasville, Marthasville into Atlanta, quickly became apparent again and once more it was a city inocculated with thrift, energy and vigor which attracted the attention not only of the resi- dents of the near by towns but of the casual observer, who happened to pass through. Into the city flocked the men who had made good soldiers, some of whom wore the Gray, some the Blue. Within a short time it was demonstarted conclusively that the man who made a good soldier, who is fearless in battle and generous in victory inva- riably made a good business man. It was these men, who but a short time before had faced each other in deter- mined death struggles were working side by side in the upbuilding of the new Atlanta. The same life, the same energy they had exhibited when facing each other with mus- Atlanta. 221 ket, was manifested as they vied each with the other in securing trade for Atlanta houses. It was the example these men set which has ever since been followed by the energetic Atlantan who goes out of the city with his sample case. Within a year after the close of the war Atlanta had a population of something like eight thousand. Two years later that population was practically doubled. In 1880 Atlanta had a citizenry approximating 25,000. It was then that the full growth of Atlanta was asserted by many throughout the South. But again a mistake had been made for Atlanta had not yet attained its knickerbockers. Five years later the town had doubled its population while in '90 it had reached something like 65,000 or 70,- 000. And still the story of Atlanta's growth was written within its initial paragraphs. With 1900 came a population of over 100,-000 and still the music of the saw and the hammer were being echoed from every hilltop and every vale within the city limits. Yet Atlanta was to see the period of its most rapid and solid growth. It is with- in the last three or four years that the most phenominal expansion of any city of the South has been observed in Atlanta. During that time more buildings of gigantic proportions and positive wealth have been erected than ever before within twice the period of time. A casual observation shows the erection of more valuable build- ings than any other town of the same size from the Atlantic to the Pacific can pre- sent. And still the mania for handsome office structures and for magnificent palatial homes is every day showing itself. A resume of Atlanta's commercial growth would be almost among the impossi- bilities; from a half dozen drummers representing as many houses that particular line has grown until now an army of sample case carriers can be seen leaving the city every morning. With only a few shops the ambition of which was to supply the local trade of the city, the manufacturing industries have grown until today when hundreds of smoke stacks indicating some kind of a factory can be seen scattered all over the city. Trades in all lines have shown themselves and each year each of these branches is multiplied in its output The rapidity of the growth of Atlanta is illustrat- ed by the fact that since it was blotted from the map the city has spread over more than twelve miles of ground. With no business in 1865, comparatively, it received in 1902 four-tenths of the freight delivered in Georgia, while its post office receipts were four-tenths. Thirty seven years ago there was hardly a dollar to turn a trade. Within the past year the bank clearings aggregate $131,000,000. At the beginning of this period there were only a few stragglers remaining in the wake of Sherman's fire and sword. The business head quarters of 120,000 Atlanta is now. the thriving city of the South. From bare ground covered with ashes and ruins in 1865, the city has been built up to a value of $58,000,000 this consisting largely of solid masses of brick and mortar, stone and steel, which go to make up a magnificent array of handsome bus- iness houses. In 1866 there were 300 houses in Atlanta. Today there are 25,000. Atlanta is the result of a combination of advantages, on a commanding geo- graphical location, turned to the best account by a spirit of transcendent energy, which surmounts all obstacles and builds even on disaster the fabric of success. The growth of this unconquerorable spirit has been promoted by a unity of pur- pose which has prevented the domination of ' factions. Whatever local interests may clash, the good of Atlanta is always a rallying cry. The Atlanta spirit, which has ac- complished so much in the upbuilding of the city itself, is happily contagious, and has much to do with making. Georgia the Empire State of the South. The spirit of new life has spread from this to other Southern States which are the most active in the development of their resources, and the spirit of the Southeast is the spirit of Atlanta. For this moral and material eminence Atlanta is fortunately situated on a ridge which divides the watershed of the Atlantic from that of the Gulf, and at a point 222 Atlanta. ' J where the natural barrier of the Apalachian chain is broken by great gaps in the mountains. This is the natural point of intersection for railway lines from the West with lines from the East. This geographical vantage ground is accompanied by a topographical eminence, from which the great climatic advantages of Atlanta are derived. More than 1,000 feet above sea-level at its lowest point, and from eleven to twelve hundred at other places, Atlanta enjoys a cool, bracing atmosphere, with breezes that blow over the foothills of the Blue Ridge. The exhilarating air is a kind of natural tonic, so differ- ent from that of the coast and Gulf regions that an inhabitant of the low counties, coming to Atlanta during the heated term, feels a stimulus as if he had been drink- ing great draughts of aerial champagne. The rolling surface of the country, which slopes in almost every direction from the city, affords easy drainage and keeps the sur- rounding region free from malaria. Atlanta's public buildings typify the solid character of her institutions. 'Most con- spicuous among them is the State Capitol, which was erected at a cost of $1,000,000. This stately structure, the hotels, office buildings, theatres, churches, the custom- house, the county court-house, and other public edifices, make up an aggregate of ten millions invested in public buildings. Outside of the public buildings, the architecture of Atlanta is of a pleasing character, and has steadily improved during the past thirty years. Few cities in any part of the United States can show more attractive residence streets or architectural designs in- dicating more culture and good taste. Peachtree Street, the principal one for res- idences, has a number of elegant homes which would be ornaments to any city. Atlanta is a city of homes, and this is apparent not only in the appearance of the houses, but in the statistics of the United States census, by which Atlanta is credited with a larger percentage of home-owners than any city of its size in the Southern States. The water-supply for domestic and manufacturing purposes and for sanitary use is hardly equal in any city of Atlanta's size, and the rates per thousand gallons for families or for manufacturing purposes are merely nominal, and probably lower than any on record. Conditions in Atlanta are highly favorable to manufacturing industries, and this is attested by the great variety of articles made here. There were in 1900 395 establish- ments, employing over 9,000 operatives at good wages, and pouring into the chan- nels of trade an annual pay-roll of $3,100,000. The value of the raw material con- sumed was more than $8,000,000 and the product between sixteen and seventeen millions. Since then the product has increased to $20,000,000 and the number of wage earners to 11,000. The manufactories of Atlanta in their variety have a guaranty of stability not to be found in those of any city where industry is confined to one family, as of iron or cotton, however important that may be, and the extent of this variety is to some degree indicated in the chapter on this subject. Among the articles made are many specialties, for which there is a demand in almost every State in the Union, and con- cerns making them have enjoyed prosperity through a long series of years. The trade of Atlanta covers all of the States between the Ohio and Potomac rivers, the Gulf, the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river, and in some lines, ex- tends to the far Southwestern States and into Mexico, while in a few it covers the entire country. The tendency of the jobbing trade of the Southeast is to concentrate in Atlanta, and little by little the business of other centers gravitates to this city. Atlanta's commanding geographical and topographical situation was, at the out- set, one of the causes which led to the development of a great railroad center, at which powerful systems from the East, th-2 West and the Southeast regularly com- pete. As a distributing point Atlanta enjoys facilities hardly equaled elsewhere in Atlanta. 223 the Southeastern States, and as an accessible place of rendezvous for all kinds of organizations and interests, it is a favorite, and has come to be known as the Conven- tion City. Atlanta's financial institutions are of the most solid character. Atlanta is the third city in the United States in the amount of insurance writ- ten and reported to agencies. It is the Southern headquarters for a number of fire and life insurance companies, and agencies of old-line and every other type of insurance are numerous. ■ Atlanta early established a system of public schools, and before almost any city in the South, turned its attention to technical education. The Technological School was established by the State upon inducements offered by the city of Atlanta, which bore half of the cost of the original plant, and contributes regularly to the support of the institution. There is ample opportunity here for technical instruction of other kinds. Atlanta has three medical colleges, whose attendance averages 600, to say noth- ing of the students of the dental colleges. Several large and flourishing business col- leges have maintained themselves here for many years. The religious and social atmosphere of Atlanta is wholesome and invigorating. It is a city of churches and the home of church-going people, and the community is honey-combed with fraternal organizations. The social intercourse of the people, as well as the facility for doing business, is greatly aided by an ideal system of rapid transit. With all these advantages, Atlanta has a wholesome and inspiring public spirit which never fails to respond when the interests of the city are at stake. This is per- haps the most distmctive thing about Atlanta. The city government of Atlanta is administered by a Mayor and General Council and Executive boards. The legislative body is composed of councilmcn from the dif- ferent wards, elected by the whole city, and aldermen who are elected in a like man- ner. The aldermen and councilmen vote separately on matters involving the expendi- ture of money, and the concurrence of both bodies is necessary to an appropriation. The Mayor has the usual veto power. The tax rate is one and a quarter per cent, and the ratio of assessment to real value of property is about sixty per cent. The assessed value of real and personal prop- erty is $57,369,612. The city owns property valued at nine millions, and has a bonded debt of $3,- 081,500. Deducting the Sinking Fund of $210,695.18, the net debt is $2,870,804.82. There is no floating debt, and the bonded debt is limited by the State Constitution to seven per cent, on the taxable property. The net debt is therefore $1,000,000 under the limit. The Charter requires the Mayor and General Coun,cil to carry over a balance of $175,000 in cash from year to year. This keeps the Treasury in good condition and the city is able to float three and one-half per cent, bonds at par and above. LIGHT AND POWER. — Aflanta is well supplied with gas at a low figure— $1.00 per thousand cubic feet. It is so economical that gas stoves are very largely used for cooking purposes and not a few for heating The Georgia Railway and Electric Company has two large plants for the genera- tion of electric current for light and power. The city is well illuminated by arc lights and electricity is largely used in business offices and residences., The same company has a steam-heating plant, and pipes have been laid in the principal streets for this service. GREAT POWER PLANT.— The Atlanta Water and Electric Power Plant Com- pany has been at work since August, 1902, on a massive masonry dam across the Chattahoochee river, at Bull Sluice shoals, fifteen miles from Atlanta. They had ex- 224 Atlanta. J [ pended $300,000 by February, 1903, and by the middle of 1904 the plant will be com- pleted and equipped to deliver 11,000-horse power of electric current in Atlanta. The total investment will be $2,000,000. This power plant will give a tremendous stimulus to manufacturing. Already the assurance of this power has called into existence two mammoth new enterprise, not yet known to the public, which will use a third of the electric current thus made available. Smaller industries in sight increase the demand to half the new power, fifteen months before the current can be turned on. There is hardly a doubt that the whole of the 11,000-horse-power will be taken by the time it is ready for use. As the steam and electric powers already in existence furnish 45,000-horse pow- er, which is in constant use, the addition of 11,000-horse power within two years will increase the manufacturing industries of Atlanta by twenty-five per cent. This is con- sidered a very moderate estimate ; for within the two and a half years following the census of June, 1900 the product of Atlanta factories increased from $16,721,000 to $20,417,000, and the number of wage earners from 9,368 to more than 11,000. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. — Atlanta has an imposing array of educational institutions, extending from the public school system to the great polytechnic institute known as the Georgia Institute of Technology. There is a variety of technical schools, including law, medicine, dentistry, handicrafts, business colleges, industrial schools and divinity schools. There are sixteen white and six colored Grammar schools, a Girls' High School a Boys' High School, and a night school. The total expenditure for these institutions during the year 1901 was $186,475.50. The cost per pupil was $15.49, and the num- ber of pupils 12,000. There is a usual organization of Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, principal and teachers, under a Board of Education. The teachers meet in normal class once a week, and many of them spend their vacations at summer schools of the great universities. There is a fine esprit de corps, and excellent work is done. Atlanta's great educational institution is the Georgia Institute of Technology, sup- ported by the State of Georgia, with an additional annual appropriation from the city. It has about 400 students, and the work is the best of its kind in the South. There are machine shops in wood and in the metals, a blacksmith shop, a textile school, and de- partments of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. In addition there is excellent work in mathematics, chemistry, and the other scientific schools, with a good education in English. Graduates of this institution have been distinguished for the thoroughness and the practical value of their education, which has enabled them to go from the shops and recitation-rooms directly into manufac-turing and engineering pursuits. A number of them hold very high and responsible positions in the management of great enterprises, and almost without exception, the graduates hold good positions in proiductive industry. There are 600 students attending the medical colleges of Atlanta. The Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons is one of the best equipped in the country, and its course is very thorough. It has a very large attendance from all parts of the Southern States, and some from beyond that territory. Eclectic College of Medicine and Surgery is also well attended. The Dental College holds a position of eminence among the institutions of that kind. The members of the Medical and Dental professions of the city rank high. There are several excellent institutions for the education of girls, notably the Agnes Scott Institute, the Southern Female College and the Washington Seminary. We are Manufacturers of High=Qrade Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Grates AND HOLLOW-WARE. Our motto is the Best Quality at Low Price. We will be pleased to send Catalogue and quotations on application. SOUTHERN CO=OPERATIVE FOUNDRY CO. ROME, GEORGIA. G. H, MILLER, Pres, J. SHELLENBERGER. Sec'y & Manag J. MILLER, Treas. C. L. RING MFG. CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Carriers, Crates and all Kinds of Packages for Fruit. ^VENEERS OF SPECIAL SIZE CUT TO ORDER. We desire to call special attention of Jobbers of Wooden Ware to the first-class Clothes Hamper which we manufacture at a very low price. F^ome, = = - Georgia, U. S. A. Rome Testing Laboratory, S. L. QRAHAIU:, A. C, Prest. and General Manager. Analytical and Inspecting Chemists, Chemical and Physical Testing of all kinds- ORE SAMPLERS AND ASSAYERS. ROME, GEORGIA. ROME STEAM BAKERY JOHN VEISENDANfiER, Proprietor. Baker and Confectioner. ROME. GEORGIA. No. 335 Broad Street. Kincaid Building. ED. L. WIGH i', I'kESlDKNT. LGRIN^i BRO W N, Manager ED. L. WIGHT, JR , Vice-President. H. KONIGSMAKK, Secretary, BELMONT FARM S/VIYRNA, GEORGIA. (ikcorpor7\.te:d) CAPITAL, F»AiD IIN $4o,ooo. Breeders of Light and Dark Bralimas; Buff and Partridge Cochins; Black and White Langshans; Barred, White and Buff Plymouth Rocks; Golden-Laced, Silver- Laced, White and Buff Wyandottes; Black Minorcas; Blue Andalusians; Brown, White and Buff Leghorns; Cornish and White Indian Games; White Crested, BJack Polish, Ga. Shawl Neck and War Horse Pit Games; Black Breasted Red and Red Pvle Game Bantams; BufT Pekin, Black and White Cochin; Golden and Silver Seabright Bantams; Mammoth Bronze and White Holland Turkeys; Whitt and Colored Muscovy Ducks; White, Fantail, Magpies, Turbits, Runts and Hom- ing Antwerp Pigeons; Pheasants in Seven Varieties: Lady Amherst, Mongolian Golden, Silver. Swinhoe, Reeves and Japanese; English Hounds, Scottish Terrier, Collie and Pointer Dogs; Jersey Cattle and Berkshire Hogs of the most noted American and Imported families. SOUTHERN AGENTS FOR PRAIRIE STATE INCUBATORS AND BROODERS. Oat:alo£ue F'fee Upon Application. WILSON STOCK FARM} I BRKEDCB. OF I Standard Bred Trotters and Pacers AND BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKENS J. H. WILSON, Proprietor U Milner, Georgia u SKiZKNNAH CKatHatn County, Georgia. Population 70,000. ■ Me n Temperature — Winter 52°, Spring 66°, Summer 81°, Fall 67°. Bank ■ I Clearings $195,000,000 a year. 8 Miles Wharf Front. Four Railroad Systems with I I Total Mileage of 15,630. 70 Acres Parks 35 Miles Paved Streets. 7S Miles Paved B I County Roads. 12,000,000 Gallons Daily Pure Artesian Water. Assessed Valuation I I $41,500,000 Super > Public Schools. Daily Steamship Lines to New York Boston. I I Philadelphia and Baltimore. a I S>6c »S A V A N N A H MORNING NEWS, ? >^ Architect, STEEL CONCRETE Fire Proof Con- Strucijon-CHEAPEST, BEST, MOST ARTISTIC. Water Supply, Lights, and Sewage Disposal for Cities and Isolated Buildings. Atlanta. 225 The Southern MiHtary College is an excellent institution for boys, and Hunter's School for Boys has a fine reputation. THE CARNEGIE LIBRARY.— The Carnegie Library, built of white marble, at a cost of $120,000, and supplied with 20,000 volumes, is one of the best of Atlanta's institutions. It has a circulation of 11,000 and any citizen can secure books without charge. The library began as the "Young Men's Library," a subscription institution, which acquired most of the books now on the shelves. Several years ago Mr. A. Carnegie gave the- city of Atlanta $100,000 to erect a building for the library, provided the city would maintain it with an annual expenditure of not less than $5,000. The conditions of the the gift were complied with, and the new building was erected near Peachtree street, and the young Men's Library was merged in the Carnegie Library. Since then, Mr. Carnegie has added $45,000 to his gift, of which $20,000 was for the building and $25,000 for furnishings. The State Library has a large collection of law books, and a rare collection of colonial history of this and other Southern States. RICHARDS MACHINE COMPANY, ATLANTA GEORGIA.— Incorporated. W. Woods White, President; E. R. Richards, Secretary and Treasurer, and George W. Andrews, Superintendent, Manufacturers of Woodworking Machin- ery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers. General Machine and Repair Shop No. 64 South Forsyth Street. This company makes a specialty of machinery for planing mills, fur- niture factories and wood-working shops, and they have the best facilities for doing all kinds of machine work; besides this, they also build hand and power elevators. Mr Richards is thoroughly familiar with the details of the business, and no man has wider experience than he in this line. He is also one of the leading members of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. AUGUSTA The Georgia City which has given to the state some of its most prominent and successful men. Along the Savannah river that stream which loses itself in the waters of the Atlan- tic is located, the third city in the state from a population stand point. It was a hun- dred years ago or more that a few Americans who knew not fear or hardship tented for the night on the banks of that stream which wended its way to the ocean front where to-day stands one of the proudest cities of the state. So abundant was the game in the stream, upon the land alongside and in the air above that the night's sojourn drew itself into a prolonged stay, a stay so drawn out that Augusta by tradition rather than bv recorded history may date its birth from' that camp. But be that as it may Augusta now has for its central point geographically a mon- ument upon the identical spot where those strong, brave men rested that night, that marker having been dedicated to the brave sons of Richmond county who gave up their lives in the war between the states. Before the struggle of the early '6o's there was little of Augusta about which a picture could be drawn. But during that strug- gle and for a few years immediatel}^ thereafter there was an abundance of material for both the artist and the writer. On the Carolina line, the river separating the two states Augusta found itself in history making almost before the people of the city re- alized that their town was on the map of Georgia. It is just across the river that Ham- burg rests — Hamburg that Carolina town once the peer of Augusta. Claiming noth- ing because of its population but claiming all because it was the home of a half dozen of the wealthiest planters of the state and as many of its most extensive slave owners. Hamburgers declined to yield to the demands of the negroes, once slaves but then in office and that great historical riot of the early '70's came. It was then that Augusta came to the front historically and from that day to the presect Augusta has been in- delibly written upon the map of the South. But one other city of the state can boast of the fact that it was laid out by Ogle- thorpe. In 1737 that founder and pioneer of the colony set his surveyors to work on right bank of the Savannah river and in 1798, fifty years later Augusta was incorporat- ed. Blessed with an excellent climate, the air being dry, crisp and healthful, the soil fertile and responsive, a clever navigation to Savannah and in close touch with its sister state it did not take the settlement long to demonstrate that profitable homes, free from Indian raids, one of the great dangers of that period, was ready for those who came to that section. During the days preceeding the revolution the planter raised his cotton and gave his time to the importation or the rearing of his negro. And in all this work he was remarkably successful. Then as the dark clouds of the revolt from King George began to gather over the political horizon dissentions and divisions commenced to show among those who had lived for years in peace and harmony. In that section were those who espoused the cause of the ruler while next to the royalist lived the man, his life long friend who wanted freedom, even if war were necessary to secure that freedom. By the time the clash came there were two parties, both strong and fearless every member of which was ready to stand by his faith. It was a leading part Augusta played in that memora- ble struggle. It was there many of the decisive struggles came on. It was there the follower of both Washington and the King showed the material of which they were Augusta. 227 made. And then after the new government was set up it was from Augusta some of the leading leaders came to war in peace as they had in the days gone by. It was at Augusta and it was upon the waters of the Savannah, notwithstanding the many vehement declarations to the contrary that the first steambqat was made to cut its way through the waters. Fulton's Hudson river boats are all good and the dates historians give for that event are all satisfactory to even the student of Georgia his- tory. But Fulton's work on the Hudson was antedated by the little steamer which cut the waters of the Savannah at Augusta after it had been turned upon the waves of that stream prior to the Hudson river work. . Up to the '6o's Augusta maintained a steady growth, the majority of the residents being extensive planters in Richmond county within a few hours' ride or drive of the city. Cotton, then as now was the leading product in that section and from the wharf on the banks of the Savannah river many was the boat loaded with the fleecy staple for its point of destination across the Atlantic. But during the war between the states Augusta once more came to the front with its quota of men all ready to give limb or life for the cause they espoused. From Augusta came some of the best soldiers shown during that great conflict. It was Augusta which gave many of the best officers who fell while fighting under the stars and bars. The war over, broken in health and in Ipurse these same g-ood soldiersi -came home to make as good a citizen as they had made fearless fighters. Then the strug- gle for life began. The negro in whom dollars upon dollars had been invested was in greater number than was the late master. It was neg'fo supremacy or another bitter struggle. Surrendering nothing of his pride, sacrificing nothing of his manhood the Augustan set to work determined to redeem what he had had before the war be- gan. It was a slow task but the more obstinate it appeared the more determined the Augustan showed himself. The city was in ruins and those who had known it and who still loved it went into the contest. In '70 the population was a few thousand only. Cotton was the natural trade feature of the section and within a few years af- ter the war was over Augusta was handling more cotton than any city in the state with possibly two exceptions. Its magnificent water power caught the attention of some eastern capitalists and within a short time a cotton mill vv^as in operation in that city. It proved a paying investment and within a short time another mill was under way. Before that structure was completed others were discussed, contemplated and conjectured. The expansion of the milling industry gave a head writer on a north- ern daily the right to dub Augusta the "Lowell of the South", a name which is fre- quently used to-day in speaking of Augusta. Each mill added to the line in that city seemed an inspiration for other mill builders the result being that to-day Augusta is one of the largest cotton mill towns in the south. In order to bring land desirable for mill plants near the waters of the Savannah a canal nine miles long, that is its run to-day, was constructed. The canal is one hundred and fifty feet wide and is the prop- erty of the city. Its capacity is sufficient for all demands upon it to-day but that ca- pacity can be easily increased. Ten different companies now own mills in Augusta, the mills combined having over six thousand looms while the spindles reach almost a quarter of a million. Over seventy thousand bales of cotton are used annually in these mills. On the Carolina side of the river are a number of cotton mills which though within a hand clasp of Augusta are not considered t>y the Augustans as a part of the industries of that city. In Augusta proper over $3,000,000 are invested in cotton mills in which there are five thousand six hundred and thirty seven looms and one hundred and eiglity nine thousand two hundred and thirty eight spindles. From these mills the output is varied and general and in every sense of the word thorough- ly satisfactory to the buyer in every market. Cotton is not Augusta's only out put. Every resident of the city has an abiding faith in its future and is ever ready to invest a dollar in an enterprise giving the slightest 228 Augusta. promise of success. Cotton seed oil factories, brick yards, probably one of the largest in the south, certainly one of the largest in the state, planing and lumber mills, fer- tilizer plants, terra cotta works, broom factories, one of which is said to produce the best sweeper in the country, buggy and wagon factories and shirt factories are among the other industries. By rail Augusta has direct connection with almost every city in the Carolinas and Georgia. The Central system in Georgia and the Georgia system with the South Carolina and Charleston and the Western Railways of Carolinas together with the boat line on the Savannah give the city the greatest advantages desirable as to freight rates. That there is no dearth of trade is shown by that fact that the trade transactions of all kinds amount to $65,000,000 annually. The banking capital is within a shade of two million dollars. The public buildings of the city are among the most attractive in the state as well as being among the most valuable. The leading thoroughfares are marked with monuments some of which are among the handsomest in the south. One on Broad- way, old Broad street, erected to commemorate the valor of the men in grey is said to be beyond compare with any marker known in the entire country. A monument to three Georgians who signed the declaration of independence is a conspicuous work, one that is studied by the stranger long, closely and carefully. Many and varied are the stories of the past brought into life again by the student of history who will pass an hour or two strolling about the streets of that old town the soil of which has echoed the foot steps of Oglethorpe. Few cities of the south have as many and as delightful suburbs as has Augusta. The educational advantages are unsurpassed, one school or academy dating back to colonial days. Then near at hand is the Augusta Medical college a department of the state university and one of the oldest schools in the state. Its public school system is equal to that of any city in the state while a number of private schools are abun- dantly and liberally patronized. The average attendance upon public schools alone is over five thousand daily. Churches are numerous and handsome while the ministers are among the most scholarly and carefully trained in the state. The congregations are always large and as a consequence the morals of the city are up to a good standard. Law abiding and ever ready to lend a helping hand to one needing aid and deserving it there is never a fear of trouble. The police department is well drilled and well trained and is com- posed of men who as a rule are strong, athletic and of good appearance. Than the Augusta fire department there are few better forces in any city. Thor- oughly equipped with the best machinery turned out and carefully drilled in their work there is no reason to apprehend a disastrous conflagration in that city. 'Many and varied are the industries which keep Augustans busy right along and good is the daily wage the workman earns. Iron is worked into any shape or style a consumer can demand. Wood is turned to any design the artisan can be called upon to produce. Factories for the furniture trade are there as are almost any other indus- try now catalogued in trade. Its in the center of the county ahnost by geographical measurement Bainbridge, the thriving capital of Decatur county is situated. On the eastern bank of the Flint river , a stream at that point navigable for good boats, the growing hustling town nestles while immediately across the stream are located the lumber mill employees, a location which is within itself a goodly sized town. The residents of the lumber mill city do their trading in Bainbridge and for that reason are considered, and rightly so a portion of the city of Bainbridge. In 1900 Bainbridge had a population of twenty- six hundred. To-day, including the lumber mill section there are six thousand peo- ple or more who claim Bainbridge as their post office. Industrious and energetic are the people and therefore successful and satisfactory are the undertakings of the pro- jectors. The city government is in the hands of young, progressive men, men who have the good of Bainbridge at heart. Mayor E. J. Willis is ever ready to stand sponsor Jor any movement intended or calculated to advance the interests of the city while the members of the local legislature are using all efforts to show the same devotion to the city as the mayor manifests. The taxable property reaches almost the two million dollar mark and yet the rate is almost inlinitissable. Including free schools and free water it is less than .008. The school system is one of the best and most complete in the state and is under the direction of a board of trustees the members of which are elected by the voters of the county. Few counties of the state have a staff of officers more acceptible to the people at large than Decatur. The lumber industry is one of the features of the county and is one of the most remunerative. The Flint River Lumber Company, one of the most successful of that line was organized in '95 and is located advantageously on the main lines of the A. C. L. and G. F. and A. railroads, every convenience for shipping being offered. While Bainbridge is the mart of Decatur, the county within itself adds no little to the commercial worth of that section. In fact within the county are potent interests financially and otherwise. The Cohens tobacco farm seventeen miles from the city of which S. A. Einstein is general manager is an industry of importance and is well known throughout the tabacco trade. The company operates nineteen tobacco farms in that section and employs between three and four hundred people. It works one hun- dred and sixty mules and ownes five hundred head of cattle. The work is of the in- tensive character and last year 1,200,000 pounds of tobacco were turned out. The same company owns and operates a large sugar mill. Brick yards of extensive propor tions give employment to an army of men while the cooperage works are among the largest of that kind in the state. In the county are some of the most productive tur- pentine forests in the state. FLINT RIVER LUMBER COMPANY.— The Flint River Luj^ber Company was organized in 1895. Mr. C. H. Caldwell, President, Mr. J. M. Caldwell, Vice President, and Mr. Chas O. Locke, Secretary and Treasurer. The Flint River Lumber Company does an extensive business th;roughout the New England States and ships from seventy-five to one hundred cars of dressed lum- ber during a single month. The sales of the past year were more than double annual- ly. The firm employes 150 to 175 people, and own over 30,000 acres of wooded land. 230 Bainbridge. THE BAINBRIDGE OIL COMPANY.— One of the largest and most modern plants in the Southern states, was organized in 1902, for the purpose of manufactur- ing cotton seed products. The plant is located at the junction of the A. C. L. and the G. F. & A. Railroads, with the best possible track connections with both roads. The mill has a ca- pacity of eight tons per day, and the products find ready market within a radius of seventy-five miles from Bainbridge. The plant covers something over six acres of ground, and the factory and other buildings are of the most substantial kind. Mr. J. M. Diffee, who has active management of the entire plant is an Oil Mill man with a wide experience and is fully competent to cope with the ever increasing growth of his immediate section. Mr. Diffee is warm in praise of the advantages this immediate sections holds for manufacturers. E. SWINDEL AND COMPANY.— In the year of 1886, E. Swindel and Com- pany laid the foundation for a lumber business that has proven to be one of the big- gest enterprises in Southwest Georgia, and to-day this firm exports^ to all parts of Europe thousands of feet of undressed lumber, and throughout the United States and Canada ship dressed lumber for all purposes, numbering among their customers some of the most prominent contractors in the world. This great lumber business is located in West Bainbridge, and the plant covers some thirty or more acres of ground, through- out which they have ample railroad facilities, owning and operating a spur track that covers more than fifteen miles. They employ two hundred and fifty people and turn loose a pay roll of four to five thousand dollars monthly. CEDARTOWN One of the most progressive and energetic cities of the new school in the state is Cedartown the Capital of Polk county, a county known the state over as one of the most porductive and remunerative in not only the state but throughout the south. It was about the close of the war between the states that a few energetic men laid out a village where that prosperous town now stands. Within a short time a railway line reaching from Griffin to Chattanooga was projected through that section. Then within a short time the town began to grow. Agriculturalists from other sections of the south, from the west and other portions of Georgia quickly discovered the great fertility of the land and it was with rapid strides the country began adding to its population. More like the blue grass region of Kentucky than ar^y other country the farmers were not long in giving their time and attention to stock raising. Soon the fame of that section began permeating the country and when home seekers from other states came to Georgia few of them invested until Polk county had been given an inspection. Naturally the value of the land began rising and it was not long be- fore Polk county homes were inaccessible to any except the man who was well fixed with coin. With the growth of the county the city kept apace and within a short time Cedartown was a city of over three thousand and was giving promise of continued and rapid growth. The mercantile line advanced and multiplied until some of the houses were doing a wholesale trade. Manufactories of various kinds sprung up and in every wa}' there were indications of prosperity and success. Cotton mills soon gave promise of success and almost before the first one had been completed the second had been begun. Banks were of course necessary and to-day there are few cities of the same size in the city having more banks otric power. Within a few miles of Cedar- town. Its electric light plant is commensurate with the light plants of any city in the state, population being taken in consideration. The same power plant that gives the city its day night sun is utilized by the many factories now doing a good bus- iness in the city. The electric light plant is owned by the city as is the water works plant and both have proven the wisdom of the members of the city legislature when the ordinances creating both were adopted by the local legislative body. In addi- tion to its cotton mills Cedartown abounds with cotton seed oil mills, knitting mills, an iron furnace, a cotton gin run by electric power. Within a few miles of Cedar- town is Rockmart where there is an inexhaustible supply of slate for slate roof- ing. All over the country this slate has been tested upon the tops of homes and pub- lic buildings and never has it fallen short of the representations made by the quarry- man. Here too, at Rockmart is one of the finest schools to be found in the south, the Piedmont Institute for boys and girls. It is a school which had a small inception but which grew rapidly because of the thorough training given each pupil schooled there- at. The prolific_ soil of that section can not be better indicated than by the statement that gardens within the city limits produce vegetables enough to supply the family cultivating it with a sufficiency for the winter season. That Cedartown and the county of Polk are destined to become known wher- 232 Cedartowk. ever the state of Georgia is known none who have been through that section of the state have the slightest doubt. Judiciously, cautiously and carefully governed by the men who have helped to build the town there is every reason that the city which has followed the town will be better managed and that it will be a more desirable place for those seeking homes whether those home seekers come from Georgia or from the far west or from the other side of the Atlantic. Apart from the excellent streets within the city there' are driveways from the corporate limits of the city in every direction which will carry one to any corner or confine of the county. And these driveways are among the best in the state. With an excellent line of streets, With a sewerage system sufficient to support the natural health advantages, With an excellent school system in both city and county. With an efficient staff of officers. With public buildings, city, county, state and national, , There is nothing Cedartown should want at present to induce immigration and to increase its population. --^^ ^^ 'X^ ^mSLs ' '^H^^^^avWsP^ ..^ Jj^g^^^^^^ ^£^^^HH ■ "''i P^ /■'-^■■■■i'Sy^i- ~-w '■fksiiMiSi: Bl .- ^ 1|m»J III m ^«i MWy/ ff 5^ |f^' ;;■., H ':. ' (flB ■ 'Ah--- ■ ' 1-, .'. ' i:''-, ■ H ^'- ''tH. B^ ::'.ai- fe:. , ^^^M| Ma«««««^«*^ ROSE HIl L Residence of Eugene B Heard Midd le^on, Ga The Pioneer Peach Grower of North-East Georgia. COLUMBUS For half a century Columbus has been busily engaged with cotton and woolen goods. In population she stands fifth in the state and in the manufacturing of cotton goods second in the south, Augusta alone ranking her. The cotton and woolen mills are unsurpassed for the quality of the goods turned out, the work being done by skilled white labor. It is here the Eagle and Phenix Manufacturing company one of the oldest in the south is located and here that company has three mills each of v/hich is completely equipped with the best and most approved machinery known. The three mills have an aggregate of 1,492 looms with 50,000 spindles. It requires eighteen thou- sand bales of cotton every year to keep the machinery moving along and the mate- rial is always secured, it matters not what the market price may be. The Muscogee mills come next with 450 looms and 16,000 spindles and consumes 7,500 bales of cot- ton annually. Four hundred looms with 13,000 spindles consuming 5,200 bales yearly is the record of the Swift Mills, The Hamburger Mills have 210 looms with 6,000 spindles and use every year 2,800 bales. The Columbus Manufacturing Company's mills have eight hundred Igoms and 25,000 spindles and consume every year 6,500 bales of cotton. It is 3,352 looms, with 110,000 spindles Columbus has all told and in the aggre- gate forty thousand bales of cotton are consumed every year. In addition to the looms and spindles indicated the Bibb Manufacturing Company of Macon is now complet- ing a 'magnificent mill which will have six hundred looms and twenty thousand spindles. The annual cotton receipts are heavier at Columbus than at any point in the south, nearly 200,000 bales being receipted every year, the warehouse receipts alone being something over sixty thousand bales. It might be said with safety that Colum- bus was the pioneer city of the state, in fact of the south in turning crude cotton into finished goods with which the eastern and northern markets were given an observation of the possibilities of the south as a manufacturing point — and that observation quick- ly satisfied the moneyed man of the east that Georgia and other southern points pos- sessed great possibilities. But it was not cotton alone to which Columbus and the business men of that city gave their time and attention. Other possibilities were in sight and into these the energetic, fearless man of business went. Foundry and machine work, at first merely a repair shop for the big cotton factories near by were tried and within a short time the Goldens made it plaiiTto the watching public that no mistake had been made when they opened what is now Golden's Foundry and Machine Works — one of the largest and most successful industries of that kind in the south. Starting with a small capital but with an abundance of will and determination the firm was not long in ascertaining that there was room for their plant and force but that both could be increased with safety. A sugar factory was added to the industries o f the city within a short time and this too pro- ved a successful feature to the city on the Ocmulgee. Compresses and cotton seed oil mills, flour and grist mills, lumber and planing mills with foundries and a plow and gin fac- tories, a barrel factory and a factory for sashes, doors and blinds along with a box and furniture factory were quick upon the heels of their predecessors. A show case factory, the first of the kind in the south, an ice maker, wagon, trousers and broom factories, a guano plant, cider and vinegar works from whch are shipped the best vinegars made in the country, marble yards and brick yards all proved successful 234 Columbus. while a canning factory turning out eight thousand cans each day stands a monu- ment to the men who had the nerve and discretion to invest tlieir money in it. In these industries alone there are employed over three thousand artisans, the great majority of the employers being trained and finished hands while the others are now mastering a work which will put them among the skilled labor of the country. Every Saturday afternoon the pay rolls make an aggregate of nearly twenty thous- and dollars. The water power is universally considered one of the finest not only in the state but one of the best throughout the entire south. Within the limits of the city there are two falls while within the county but outside the incorporate limits are horse- pow- ers enough to supply many more mills. It will require the erection of many more mills and the rapid consumption of the power to use up what Columbus now has stored. And when that shall have taken place there is more power not yet inves- tigated which can be utilized and utilized within a short time-power sufficient to sup- ply any demand that may be made upon it. A happy thought it was which came to the Columbus legislature when it passed an ordinance giving to any corporation of respectable proportions a site free, an ample site well located for steam and with a railroad frontage. Commercially Columbus stands in the front ranks of Southern cities. Her banks are safely conducted, the officers being among the most conservative and successful bus- iness men of the city. The combined capital of the banks along the Muscogee is ap- proximately three-quarters of a million dollars while the surplus and undivided pro- fits are abundantly satisfactory, not only to the stockholders but to those doing bus- iness with them. Electric lights, and gas are abundant and of first grade while the water Avorks and electric street railways are unsurpassed in the south. In addition to the seven railway lines reaching Columbus, each one being thor- oughly equipped with all modern improvements and by which Columbus is brought within quick and easy contact with other sections of the world, Columbus has boat lines from that city down to the southern portion of Florida. Four lines of steamers make the city on the Chattahoochee a competitor in wholesale trade with all other points and it is no unusual picture to see steamers loaded with goods consigned to Florida points. The public buildings, city, county, state and national are among the best in the south while the churches are known the state over for the beauty of design and for the excellence of execution. In all there are twenty-nine churches, eighteen having been erected for and by white congregations while eleven are used by the colored church attendants. It required nearly a half million dollars to construct these houses of worship. The public school system, a part of the general system of the state is in Musco- gee kept a pace with the educational work in other cities and other counties. All told 2,500 pupils are enrolled, 1,222 being white children, the balance being colored. The public school system is augumented by a number of private schools some of which are among the best educational institutions of the state. The Eagle and Phenix Mills years ago became practically an educational insti- tution for its two thousand operatives by establishing a free library of over a thou- sand volumes with a gymnasium over which a competent physical instructor pre- sides at the expense of the mill while lyceum courses are presented in the audito- rium which has a seating capacity of 1,000. The police and the fire departments are equal to all demands made upon them. Both departments are thoroughly and com- pletely equipped and both are under command of men abundantly able to render the city the best service that could be exacted. On the police department, though there are forces in the state numerically larger, are men whose appearance have given the Columbus. 235 Columbus police force a name throughout the south. As a rule the members are young, strong healthy and athletic in appearance. Neat and with an evident pride they walk their beats attracting attention more by an apparent determination to do their duty than by a desire to be seen posing as an ilde figure on the curbstone or in some doorway. Trained to a duty they discharge that duty and it is with pride the mayor of the city points to them individually and collectively. Not to be outdone by the patrolmen the members of the fire department keep themselves on dress parade constantly unless they are fighting a conflagration or rub- bing up the harness or machinery about the houses to which they are attached. Streets surpassing those of Columbus are rarely seen. There are cities in the state which have more miles of improved streets than Columbus but so far as Columbus has progressed in that line the progress has been with a view to a permanency. It will be years before what has been constructed will call for further attention. All well graded it is a pleasant drive the highwyas of the city offer while the sidewalk work makes a pedestrian's path as easy as that path can be found in any city. For sewerage Columbus on the banks of the Chattahoochee required but little work. The entire city from its highest point has a natural flow into the river and it is into that river the sewerage finds its way leaving behind nothing that can engen^ ger the health of the residents or that can give sickness and disease the slightest opportunity to take root or to grow. Immediately across the river is Girard, Ala. a progressive town of several thou- sand. But for the river, in fact the river would have to be introduced as the dividing line between the two states, the stranger would never know he had passed from one state into another so much alike are the people on both banks, their customs, habits, dress and general, deportment. Three bridges, all the best engineering skill could pro- duce connect the Gorgia bank with the Alabama bank at Columbus making it easy to walk from Columbus to Girard or the reverse within a few minutes. Never at a standstill Columbus has the reputation of having doubled its popula- tion every thirty years. If that theory holds good the city on the Chattahoochee should now have some thing like 28,000. For hotels there are few cities in the south better equipped than Columbus while in every line of mamifacturing there are few places in the south that can surpass it. DAWSON Dawson with its thirty five hundred people is one of the progressive, energetic counties of the state. Located as it is in the center of Terrell county practically it has a population of ten thousand people or more from which to draw. The city and county are tax free, not an assessment of any kind being made upon the property own- ers for a penny of revenue. The dispensary money more than pays all expenses of both city and county and if the county commissioners were so minded the handling of that fund could be made to fatten the county treasttry and to lay aside a dollar for "the rainy day" as the old saw goes . The city owns the electric light plant and the streets are as bright by night as by day so abundant and complete are the lamps. Mayor Mercer has made an excellent chief executive and under his admin- istration Dawson has enjoyed an era of prosperity. The school system, fashioned after the methods of other cities of the state is one of the best in the south and the schools are liberally and fully attended, the capacity of the houses being taxed so en- thused are the residents of the city on the subject of education. No city in the state has finer climatic conditions than has Dawson and for that reason no one ever hears of an epidemic of any kind in Terrell county. Careful and cautious are those in charge of the health department and the sanitary conditions can in no way be surpassed at any point in the south. The trade conditions are excellent and prosperity as a rule prevails in the city and that portion of the county tributary to Dawson. Within the city there are a number .of factories each of which has proven satisfactory, profit mak- ing and money obtaining. Carriage factory, wagon works and lumber mills have shown a profit for those engaged in those lines of work. As an agricultural section the territory around Dawson has shown itself prolific. No land in the state can produce more cotton to the acre than can the Terrell county land around Dawson. It is rich and prolific and consequently land is not easily obtained, the seller never turning loose his acreage without fixing his own price. The mercantile houses are among the best in the state and are conducted on a safe and economical basis while the banking cap- ital is abundantly able to supply all demands made upon it at any and all times. THE ETHERAGE QUARRY. Owned and operated by the Long Blue Granite Company, Elberton, Ga. ELBERTON Elberton the county site of Elbert county is one of the best known towns in the State, and has grown rapidly from a small unpretentious burg to one of the best and most substantial little cities in the South. Located on the lines of two of the best rail- roa:ds that traverse the State, giving ample facilities for transportation of merchandise in and out, with freight rates that will compare with any section of the country. Here are located a number of the foremost manufacturing concerns of the Southern States, including cotton mills, oil mills, roller flour mills, planing mils, granite works, an ice plant and other industries that are continually growing and increasing the out-put of their respective lines. The most progressive and up-to-date merchants are engaged in the different lines of traffic, and it goes witihout question that this is one o? the most substantial commercial centers of the State. Three banks with sufficient moneys to han- dle the needs and demands of the surrounding territory. Elberton supports one of the best equipped electric light plants in the south, and a fine system of water-works is being installed. Splendid schools and churches in El- berton and every section of Elbert county. The population is more than four thousand, while the population of Elbert coun- ty is more than twenty thousand, with taxable property amounting to something over $2,247,845. The tax returns for each year show an increase over the previous year. Savannah river, Broad river, Beaver Dam creek, and Deep and Cold creeks, and other streams surround Elberton, making possible the building of water powers that will give an advantage to manufacturers not obtainable in other sections. The soil throughout the county is prolific, and some of the most prominent farm- ers in the state are located here, among whom may be mentioned Mr. Eugene B. Heard, the pioneer peach grower of this section. Mr. Heard numbers his peach trees by the thousands and ships hundreds of cases over the states. Mr. Heard has demonstrated to his entire satisfaction that peach growing can be profitably pursued. The Blue Granite Quarries are producing the finest and largest speciments of light and dark blue granite and make a specialty of large size monumental stones. These quarries are located within a short distance of Elberton and have perfect railroad facilities. The quarries are owned and operated by the Long Blue Granite Company, who ship their product throughout the country. FORT VALLEY Fort Valley, a beautiful and prosperous mid-state town of twenty-five hundred inhabitants, is situated in Houston County, twenty-nine miles south of Macon on the Central of Georgia and the Southern Railways. Lying as it does at an altitude of 676 feet above the sea level, it neither partakes of the sub-tropical conditions found two hundred miles southward in lower altitudes, nor of the vigorous, bracing climatic conditions of the mountains in the extreme northern part of the state, but is rather of a happy medium temperature, especially for a section lying near the 33rd. degree north latitude, accompanied by mild breezes which are the rule rather than the exception, both of which are essential to the suc- cess of peach growing and fruit culture, the one thing aibove all others upon which Fort Valley bids for distinction. In the year 1903, Fort Valley returned an assessed valuation of five-hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars, an increase of ten per cent over the previous year. Upon this valuation, which upon the best and a multiple of authority is estimated at two- thirds actual value, is levied a tax of 2.15 per cent., which meets the town's every fis- cal requirement. With the exception of a bonded indebtedness of twenty-five thousand dollars, the proceeds of which were invested in an excellent system of water works which the city owns, and which is now conservately estimated to be worth thirty-five thousand dollars, and from which the city has now accumulated in its treasury nearly nine thousand dollars to be used in retirement of bonds, the town is out of debt and is practically a unit in a discussion which is now before it, looking toward installing a new municipal lighting plant, and further bettering their public school system. The executive department of the town's government is vested in a board of May- or and Alderman, of which the Hon. J. L. Fincher is 'Mayor, and B. H. Watson, J. R. Kinney, J. B. Clark and R. H. Hartley Aldermen. These gentlemen have just been seated, April 1904, having been elected upon a campaign waged upon "higher property valuations, an improved school system and municipal electric lighting", and bid fair to carry out the people's expressed wishes, looking toward the substantial betterments and improvements. The towns commerce is amply provided for financially in the way of two well conducted state banks, one, the IDow Law Bank, which was chartered in 1895, W. H, Harris, President and J. C. McDonald, Cashier, and the Exchange Bank, an in- stitution dating back to 1889, with C. G. Gray, President, and A. D. Skellie, Cashier, which taken together have a collective capital of $80,600 with collective deposits amounting to $129,542. Fort Valley itself is a beautifully laid out town, situated as it is in the heart of a slightly undulating, though generally level section, having wide streets which are well kept and abundantly shaded. It is the capital of a fertile territory some forty miles square which is prolific in its production of corn, cotton and fruits, principal of which are peaches and plums and for which the section is most widely known. PEACH: INDUSTRY. — The Fort Valley peach territory, or rather the territory covered by the peach industry of which Fort Valley is the capital, covers an area of some ten miles north and south on the Central of Georgia Railway and ten miles to Fort Valley. 239 the northwest on the Southern Railway, and includes such well known fruit centers as Perry, Roberta and Zenith. In this one division of Georgia's prolific fruit growing centers alone, are more than two million peach and plum trees, or an acreage of ten thousand acres under the highest degree of cultivation. This grand division is sub-divided into orchards of various sizes, from the small orchard of fifty acres with its thirteen thousand trees, ranging up to those owned by companies operating upon a gigantic scale at the head of which is the Hale Georgia Orchard Company with its eighteen hundred acres and three hundred and fifty thousand trees. That the magnitude of such an enterprise may be the better grasped, is only to state, that this company alone has a railway spur running into their property two miles, and that at their packing house which is centrally located, is employed during the picking season between five and six hundred employees, and that from this one company's packing house are shipped from three to as high as fourteen cars of peach- es and plums, averaging five hundred crates each, every day during the season, which usually begins about the tenth of June and ends the last week in July. GEORGIA FRUIT PACKAGE COMPANY.— It is here also, is located quite naturally the largest fruit basket manufactories in the South, the subject of this par- agraph. This company began business about twelve years ago, at the time of the earliest development of this section as a fruit growing center, and have not only kept pace with the local growers wide demands, but have gone out over the fruit growing south, up the Atlantic coast to Connecticut, throughout the middle west, besides exporting into Cuba, Bermuda, Porto Rico and Mexico, until it ' is a matter of much pride with the management to claim the enviable distinction of being the largest man- ufacturers of fruit carrier packages in the world. With a plant well situated on the main line of the Central of Georgia Railway covering ten acres, this company here alone e^mploy two hundred hands at an aver- age pay-roll over one thousand dollars per week, turning out eight thousand crates per day, besides operating a branch factory, of about half the capacity of the parent factory, at Dawson, Georgia. Manufacturing what is widely celebrated and known as the "Six Basket Georgia Carrier", besides a suitable carrier basket or crate for every fruit growers needs, such as cantaloupe crates, strawberry crates, tomato crates, orange boxes and bean and onion crates as well as boxes for canned fruits and vege- tables, the company so diversify their output that they are at once enabled to oper- ate their plant at all seasons of the year and seek wider markets than any other man- ufacturer conducting a similar business. HARRIS MANUFACTURING COMPANY.— The above mentioned company, which is one of the largest and most influential in Fort Valley, was organized in Decem- ber 1902, to operate the Valley Rolling Mills, where one hundred and twenty-five bar- rels of flour, one thousand bushels of meal and seventy-five tons of feed are ground per day. This product, large as it seems, finds a ready market in south-west Georgia, Alabama and Florida, requiring the constant attention of traveling representatives who regularly covers this territory in the interest of the company. In connection with this large and increasing mill business is also operated a lum- ber manufacturing business doing a large commerce in Yellow Pine products, such as flooring, ceiling moulding and all manner of building material. Located seven miles 240 Fort Valley. from Fort Valley the Company owns a valuable tract of timber land, covering about fifteen hundred acres, which forms the source of their lumber operations and which in its self is a business of sufficient magnitude to engage more than an ordinary bus- iness man's time. The active management of these enterprises fall upon Messers. W. H. Harris as President and H. L. Harris as Secretary both of whom have shown marked business acumen and sagacity. Besides these interests, Mr. W; H. Harris is proprietor of the Harris House, Fort. Valley's principal hotel, a modern hotel of iifty rooms, thorughly equipped with con- veniences such as sanitary plumbing, electric bells, etc ; is the president of the Dow Law Bank which is elsewhere mentioned ; is a large fruit grower, as well as owning and operating a telephone system covering the city and connecting it with outlying points such as Perry, Marshallville, Roberta, Zenith, Montezuma as well as all the fruit orchards of any importance within a radius of several miles. Mr. Harris' large and several interests thoroughly identify him with all of the section's needs, and is first and foremost in all movements and enterprises which has for its purpose the well being and upbuilding of Fort Valley and its outlying sec- tion. OGLESBY BLUE GRANITE. The Rock that made the reputation for Elberton Granite. Quarries owned and operated by the Long Blue Granite Co., Elberton, Ga. SOUTHERN PINE CO. OF GEORGIA, HHNR-y P. XAI.MA.G13, ■WM. B. STILLWELL,, Se TIMBER AND UUiVIBER. Manufacturers and Shippers of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE LUHBER. Having exceptional facilities we are prepared to furnish promptlv, via all rail, steamer, or sailing vessel, for domestic or foreign trade, GEORGIA PINK CAR SILLS, DECKING, BRIDGE AND BUILDING LUMBER, KILN-DRIED D. & M. FLOORING, CEILING, ETC., IN CARGO OK CARLOAD LOTS. Correspondence with Railroads, Car Builders and Dealers solicited. Mills located in the best belts of Virginia Longieaf Pine, on lines of Savannah, Florida & Western, Brunswick & Western, Offerman & Western, Waycross Air Line and Southern railroads. New York Correspondent THE HAVILAND LUMBER CO., 52 Pine Street. Grangcr-Stubbs Lumber Co. Successors to E. B. MUISXIIVa «St CO. Yellow Pine Lumber and Cross Ties. USE SOUTHARD'S CODE. HARVEY GRANGER. Savannah. Ga^ CHARLES E. LEWIS. Baltimore. Md i FURNEY B. STUBBS, Macon. Ga SIDNEY J. STUBBS, Macon, Ga. Annual Capacity, 100.000,000 Feet, OFFICES : Standard Oil Building. Savannah, Ga. Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md. Bowling Green BId'g, New York, N. Y. Dyal-Upchurch BId'g, Jacksonville, Fla Dressed Timbers Any Size or Length and Factory Flooring Are Among our Specialties. No Orders Too Large for our Facilities or Too Small for our Careful Attention. SHIPPIINO RORTS : SAVAIVIVAI-I, QA. JACKSOINVIUUB, HUA. BRUINS WIOK, QA. HERIVAIVDIIVA, HUA. The Enquirer Sun, COLUMBUS, GA. THE PAPER That Reaches the People and Covers this Territory Thoroughly. Published in the Interest of Columbus and the Surrounding Country. £% THE MEDIUM FOR Sil ADVERTISERS W WHO WANT TO REACH the PEOPLE. Eagle and Pheni Mills COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Paid up Capital, 65,000 SPINDLES $750,000.00 2,100 LOOMS MANUFACTURERS OF Kimono Outings, Rescue Plaids and Cable Cottonades FOR DOMESTIC AND EXPORT TRADE Fred'k Victor & Achelis, 66 LEONARD STREET NEW YORK S o 1 e Selling Agents GAINESVILLE Located fifty-three miles from Atlanta, on the main line of the Southern Railway running between Washington and Atlanta, is Gainesville, a town of sixty-five hun- dred population, the county seat of Hall County. Situated as it is upon the crest of a lesser range of mountains, 1,400 feet above the level of the sea, it becomes the gateway to that portion of the State farther north, and northwest, which in many instances attains the height of 3,000 feet, is the seat of the most picturesque scen- ery, delightful climate, health-giving springs and prodigal mineral deposits to be found in the Southern States. Gainesville's rapid and substantial growth from a small berg with a few cheap, shambling buildings, to a compact and well-built town, is due to its diversity of in- terests, it being a manufacturing point of note as well as an agricultural mart. No better evidence of the above need be given than to state that the assessed value of property for the year 1903 was $1,859,305 as against $1,301,245 for 1899, showing an increase of $558,060, or about forty-three per cent, in four years. Gainsville as a municipality, from the view point of either the investor or munici- pal economist, presents a most attractive study and a most inviting field. Its executive department is vested in a board of Mayor and Council of which the Hon. Howard Thompson is Mayor, and Messers. C. A. Dozier, John A. Pierce, M. D. Hudson, W. H. Craig, Jot S. Allen and C. H. Bell, Councilmen. It enjoys the exceedingly low tax rate of 2 per cent, which includes state and county tax, and that upon an assessed valuation of an average not exceeding 75 per cent, of the real values. Lying one and three quarter miles to the, north and connected by the interurban line of the Gainesville and Dahlonega Railway Company, is New Holland, a thriving suburb of twenty-five hundred population, the site of the Pacolet mill. To this, must be added the district immediately outlying the corporate limits occupied in part by the Gainesville Cotton Mill, a city in itself of fifteen hundred people making in all a population of more than ten thousand persons who either live, derive their support or purchase their daily supplies in Gainesville. In climate, Gainesville and contigeous territory is ideal. Standing as it does at an altitude varying from 1400 to 3000 feet above the sea level, its mean temperature during the summer months is but 71 degrees and is made the cool and restful re- treat for innumerable summer tourists. Careful and reliable investigation into the death rate, gives ample proof of the healthfulness of the city. The mortality list which is here presented has been prepared through the most authoritive sources covering a period of the past five years, and presents, upon comparison, indisputable evidences of a condition in which any city may well boast. Year. Death rate per 1000. Per cent, of death rate. 1899 15-5 1-55 1900 14 1.4 1901: 14-3 1-43 1902 15 1.5 1903 12 1.2 FINANCIAL. — The banking institutions of Gainesville, readily reflect the rapid and substantial development of the city, and in point of stability and magnitude are 242 ' Gainesville. at once easily fitted to adequately take care of the cities rapidly growing financial needs. As a trade barometer, which indicates the growth and development of any city, the statements of the banking interests tell a better and more reliable story than can be gained through any other source, it matters not of what creedence, and in this re- gard, Gainesville courts comparison with any city of like importance, as a study of the following interesting tables will show. Surplus and Un- Capital. Deposits. , divided Profits. First National Bank $ 50,000 $187,515 $ 73.495 State Banking Co 53,ooo 175,000 68,000 Bank of J. H. Hunt 12,000 28,000 30,161 Total .' $115,000 Comparing the above table with lik vious, the following is shown : ■First National Bank State Banking Co Bank of J. H. Hunt $115,000 $390,515 $171,656 ms which obtained in 1899, five years pre- Surplus and Un- Capital. Deposits. divided Profits. $ 50,000 $ 83,538 $ 37,650 53.000 109,000 30,000 12,000 13,000 14.850 Total $1 15,000 $205,538 $82,500 Showing an increase in the collective deposits of the city for a period covering about four and one half years, of one hundred and eighty four thousand, nine hundred and seventy^seven dollars, an increase of 90 per cent., as well as showing that after paying dividends the institutions were able to accumulate a collective surplus and undivided profit of eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and fifty-six dollars or an in- crease during this short period of no per cent. It has a bonded indebtedness of $140,000, $40,000 of which are light and water bonds, $50,000 street, sewer and school buire of the city's rapidly growing financial Iding bonds. Standing out boldly against this limited liability, is a long list of public improve- ments which the town has promoted, as well as public utilities which she owns, chief of which are a splendid system of public schools, (one new school building just hav- ing been completed in the early part of this year, 1904, costing $25,000, street im- provements for the same ensueing year aggregating $15,000, coupled with a most ef- ficient system of new sewerage which has been installed at a cost of more than $26,- 000, and a beautiful and substantial city building, built in 1900 at a cost of over $15,- OOO.' Added to these interesting facts, is thefitting one that the city owns its water works, fed by several springs of cool clear water, as well as its electric lighting plant, both of which are conservatively estimated to be worth $75,000, judgeed by the earning capacity, derived from a low and equitable charged for water and light, which is quite sufficient to meet all contingent expense and create a sinking fund with which to retire the bonds issued, to meet, the cost of construction. EDUCATIONAL. — Coupled with an excellent system of public schools already casually mentioned, is Brenau, a private college of unusual high character, for young ladies. Gainesville. 243 The school was founded in 1878 as a Baptist Denominational school, and was known for a number of years as the Georgia Baptist Seminary for Ladies, taking the name of Georgia Female Seminary and Conservatory of Music at the time of its purchase by Professor Van Hoose in 1886. Associated with Professor Van Hoose since 1893, is Professor H. J. Pearce who to- gether have served continuously since as joint Presidents, and who have jointly con- tributed towards making it one of the foremost private colleges and conservatories of music "for young ladies in the Southern states, not only adding to the efficiency of its curriculum and prestage of the school generally, but increasing its enrollment from thirty in 1893 to the capacity of the college, two hundred and fifty pupils for the school year of 1903-4. In addition to the regular course is a recently added feature of a summer term of six weeks, taking the direction of a normal course which is conducted upon the high- est and most ethical lines and in which the regular faculty is assisted by the lead- ing artists of the entire South. GAINESVILLE AND DAHLONEGA RAILWAY COMPANY AND NORTH GEORGIA ELECTRIC COMPANY.— No man, or set of men, have put on foot a movement which means more to industrial Georgia, than that of the promoters and owners of the above named corporjitions. Starting in with the idea of piercing the heart of Georgia's mineral belt at Dahlone- ga, and connecting it at Gainesville with the outer world, this being the nearest point touched by rail, they have within the past three years built and put in operation eight miles of Electric Railway in and around Gainesville, grading fifteen miles of right of way on the direct route to Dahlonega, and have recently completed one of the fin- est waterpowers in the Southern States if not in the entire country, capable of dev- eloping 3000 horse power. Of the Railway Company and its development it is not within the scope or province of this work to dwell, other than to casually mention the beautiful park and summer resort situated about three miles from Gainesville which is a part of an elaborate plan to beautify and develop this beautiful and healthful section. But it is the purpose to touch more at length and to the point upon the develop- ment of cheap power and light which is Gainesville's pride and hope. Situated fifteen miles from Gainesville at New Bridge on the Chesatee River is the first of a system of water powers this company built. This is a modern horizontalurban water power, capable of developing twelve hundred and fifty horse power, and is the present source of supply for power to operate their electric lines. The managment are contracting with manufacturers for pov/er at a rate considerably less than the cost of power produced from coal, and for light at less than ten cents per thousand K. W., which to a manufacture is sufiicient proof of the character and value of the enterprise. Correspondence with Superintendent W. A. Carlisle will develop the detail and mi- nor features which cannot here be gone into. PACOLET MANUFACTURING COMPANY.— Situated at New Holland, a sub- urb of Gainesville, lying one and three quarter miles to the north, is the Pacolet Mill, one of the very largest and most modern cotton mills in the United States. Advan- tageously located on the main line of the Southern Railway, the company have here turned a plot of one thousand acres into a model city, the center of which is their giant mill of fifty-three thousand spindles and eighteen hundred looms, giving employ- ment to twelve hundred hands and setting an industrial pace which requires fortune and eminent capabilities to follow. Here it is that twenty-five thousand to thirty thousand bales of cotton are turned 244 Gainesville. each year into cloths, drills and sheetings which find their principal market in far away Shangi, China The company was first attracted to the advantages held by this section several years ago, but it was not until three years since, (1901.) that the idea crystalized into being by affecting an, organization known as the Pacolet Manufacturing Company with a capital of one million dollars of which V. M. Montgomery is President and Treasuier, B. L. Stallworth Manager, and M. G. Stone Superintendent. The mill as is already indicated is one of the most modern in the country. The site upon which it is built is fitted by nature as a most desirable place to build a fac- tory which of needs must be surrounded by its artisans. Centering this property and furnishing the water supply, is an immense spring of pure crystal water flowing about three hundred gallons per minute, a spring even in this section where springs are noted for their volumn and purity, is conspicious on account of its depth and sparkling clearness. Around this is built a model city of three hundred homes, perfect in its sanitary appointments and lighted throughout with electricity. GAINESVILLE COTTON MILLS COMPANY,— One of Gainesville's boasts is the Gainesville mill, a corporation organized in 1901, with a capital stock of $850,000, of which V. M. Montgomery is president, L. G. Potter treasurer, and M. G. Stone superintendent. The mill, which is probably one of the best equipped in the entire covmtry, operates thirtj^-five thousand spindles, and one thousand looms, the looms working exclusively on print cloth. Five hundred hands are employed, using about six thousand bales of cotton per year. To specialize upon the various features of this twentieth century plant is beyond the province of this article, more than to mention, that the surroundings and environ- ments seem to have had as much consideration as the construction of the mill itself. Where the most improved sprinkler system is installed throughout the mill, the com- pany has builded a school where one hundred and two pupils, children of their em- ployees are being taught. Where a mammoth electric plant is installed to furnish light for the mill and mill city surrounding it, a lodge room has been built for the benefit of its employees who are members of secret organizations. Where operatives' homes are usually built with- out regard to looks or comfort, the plan here seems to have taken artistic shape, and a city of an hundred homes has been builded upon a high ground overlooking the city proper, within five minutes walk of the mill, in keeping with the most refined tastes and approved ideas of home building. To sum up the character and magnitude of this modern mill in a single sentence will be but to say, that the entire installation cost $750,000, or about $22.00 per spindle. Mr. L. G. Potter, upon whose shoulders fall the active management is a cotton mill man of fourteen years' experience. With a wide experience in other sections of the South, where mill conditions are not in common with those in Gainesville, he is warm in praise of the advantages this immediate section holds for manufacturers, and especially in cotton and its allied industries with which he is most familiar. GEORGIA CLAYS The clays of Georgia have played a most important part in the upbuilding of the commonwealth, in furnishing lucratiye employment to her people and in gaining for Georgia the enviable position of the "Empire State of the South." The Bauxite for of Northwest Georgia have been accorded special prominence in another section of this volume but kaoline, potters' clay, fullers' earth and other valuable clays are found in many sections in sufificient quantities and of exceptional commercial purity. Evi" dencing this fact the Stevens Pottery at Stevens, Ga., is cited as a shining example of what is being accomplished by her enterprising citizens. This extensive plant is lo- cated eight miles from Milledgevlle and nine miles from Gordon on the Central of Georgia Railroad. Exceeding thirty-five acres of ground is thickly studded with the buildings, kilns and pits of the Stevens Bros. & Co. Pottery, and every character of Fire Brick, Vitrified Brick, Salt-glazed Brick, Sewer Pipe, Fire Clay Chimneys and Slabs, Locomotive Tile, Fire Proofing, etc., is made. This is one of the most promi- nent and prosperous industries in Georgia and their goods find ready sale not only in this State, but are shipped all over the States of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama and Louisiana. More than one hundred expert operators are engaged year in and year out at this pottery and constant enlargements and im- provements are continually being made necessary by the increasing demand for the Stevens' product. The town of Stevens, while not incorporated, contains a citizen- ship of 500 people, nearly all of whom are dependent either directly or indirectly upon the Stevens Pottery. The Stevens Bros & Co. corporation is officered as follows : J. H. Stevens, president; W. C. Stevens, vice-president; A. B. Echles, secretary; F. A. Echles, treasurer, and J. S. Bone, general manager. Such men and such enterprises have made Georgia great and more men and more enterprises of this kind is what Georgia seeks. , ■ ■< ■ , ;i ■ 1 1 j GREENSBORO Cattle of the finest hoof and hide, cattle for the butchers stall, cattle for the stock farm, cattle for the dairy, all handsome fat and smooth may be seen any day roaming around the confines of Greensboro for it is in Green county that the best of Bermuda grass grows and it is upon that grass, the heifer, the cow and the beef thrive and fatten. Located both north and east from the center of the state Green county by nature has every advantage a citizen should desire. The climate is always mild and gentle. Never too cold, never too warm, it suits all who pay that section a visit and if the visitor is in search of a home he rarely goes further in his search. It is in Green he finds the farm he wants if it is a farm for which he is searching. If it is a professional line or mercantile pursuit or a trade Greensboro can as a rule show him such advantages as will stop his search, for there is room in that city for all want- ing to earn a good and satisfactory return for his work either manual or profession- al- - ■ , ;i : With a population of a little less than three thousand people Greensboro is mov- ing along with a good even stride under the direction of Mayor Shipp. The cit)' has a taxable property of about $600,000 and the rate is extremely low. The water-works plant, and it is one of the best in the state belongs to the city, while an electric light plant is being erected, a plant sufficient for the town for a long time to come. A cotton factory has proven successful and is being run to its limits. Two of the finest dairy farms in the state are located near Greensboro while all the lands are de- cidedly adaptible to farming purposes. The school system is in excellent form and the schools are largely attended. One of the largest harness factories of the state is locat- ed in Greensboro and from it goods are sold into many cities both within and out- side the state. ERT Within a gunshot from Alabama rests the city of Cuthbert, Randolph County Georgia. With a population of 2.500 about it has shown itself one of the most pro- gressive of the smaller towns of the state. The county of which Cuthbert is the cap- ital was named for John Randolph of Roanoke. Originally, the county was a part of Lee from which it was taken about 1830; and, about the same time was given papers of incorporation. The county has an area of about 450 square miles with a population of something over 3,000 people. The- residents .of the county came from the Eastern and older parts of the state, from South Carolina, from North Carolina and from North Georgia, Virginia giving its proportion of inhabitants. It was the pioneers' tasks which confronted them all. This was what the hardy men of that period were seeking, and within a short time there were few who in any way inclined to dispute the progress and movements of those who came to settle this section. A home blessed by nature it was the pioneers' privilege to find. The surface of the land, the climate and those who had preceeded him were all in harmony with the new home seekers. Few were the advantages any county could offer over the advantages Randolph presented. The soil was suited to any demand that might be made upon it. The corn, the wheat, the rye, the barley, the oats, the rice, the potatoes — of both brands — the sugarcane, the watermelon, the pumpkin, the peanuts, the peas, the tobacco, all come from the earth with the same spontaneity. To the student there was little reason to think that Ran- dolph did not produce all that was wanted, and to further the investigation the more complete was the satisfaction of those who undertook the study. So it is that Ran- dolph to-day stands among the best counties of the state. HARTWELL When Nancy Hart in the days of the revolution shouldered that long smooth bore, flint lock rifle and played her part in securing the independence of the colonies froni British rule there were none who for the moment thought her name would be perpetuated by giving it to a county the county site of which should bear practically the same name. But just that was done. In northeast Georgia on, the Carolina line a county carved by the Legislature was named Hart county and the capital of that county was christened Hartwell. Like the heroine it proved to be a progressive determined section and since the day the cor- porate limits were laid out there has never been a moment of idleness or of lost time with those who there live or with those who have been in charge of the affairs of the mountain city. Situated as it is high above the lowlands adjacent it has always been free from sickness, illness or plagues of any kind whatever. The land about the town is rich and productive and fruit is raised without the slightes care or attention. From a mere village in the days of the early '8o's it has grown to a thriving city of three thousand nearly and among the citizens are some of the most progressive and suc- cessful business men of the state. Its educational system is satisfactory to those of that section and from the Hartwell schools have come some of the best and most sue* cessful professional as well as business men of the state. The city has taxable proper- ty of over a million and it is a small rate required to maintain the government. Some years ago one of the hardy progressive investigating men of that section read of the growth of pecan tree and of it the generous return from that growth. He determined to try it, believing that the climate and the soil were at hand. He planted his grove and within a few years found a rich harvest. Then it was that others followed the lead set and within a short time pecan groves were numerous in that sectipn of the state. Every pecan grove proved a money maker and to-day there are many of these groves scattered over the hills and through the vales of that section of Georgia. And without an exception they are paying groves, the meat of the nut being rich, palatable and juicy while the hull is thin and easy to crush. The Hartwell nurseries are known the south over and it is here many farmers essaying to grow fruits go for their start while every one with an eye on the pecan tree is sure to visit that place for his first "setting". The Candler cotton mills in which are made drills and dress goods are among the most successful in the state while the oil mill and the roller mill cannot be surpass- ed in the south. The farming lands command a high price thereby showing their val- ue and worth. Pecans from the Hart county pecan groves are shipped to every section of the country and wherever they go subsequent orders are sure to come again. The tax rate is very low and the city is without any debt. An electric light plant is now being built. MACON A growing, thriving city of 40,000 active, energetic Americans v^rho now enjoy the fruitful soil upon which the Red Man once roamed. Macon, placed by nature upon the east and west banks of the Ocmulgee, the stream down which Cortez rowed and roamed in search of his "Stream of Life", his Ponce de Leon is now one of the most thriving, most promising towns of the south, a town destined to be in the near future one of the greatest trade marts as it is to- day one of the wealthiest and most prominent socially. Three-quarters of a century have winged away since the pale face began the real battle with the Red Man for the possession of the land upon which the Central City of Georgia now stands — it was an appropriate name not only geographically but from an industrial and business standpoint then as it has ever been since. It was in the early '80' s — about 1785, it might have teen a few years earlier, it could have been a few years later that a dozen or so of sturdy, hearty, hardy, fearless pioneers, searching for homes found their way into that little valley, a valley watered by the Ocmulgee and shaded by the thickly groved hills upon either bank. Selecting the eastern shore of the stream for their resting place the advance guard laid out its home, a home though then small and insignificant was destined to become one of the essential points in the life and history of what is now the Empire State of the South. Just at that time Hawkins, a man of American birth but of prominent English con- nection had won fame as a leader in combats against the Indians in the northeast and in baptising the new home for the white man one of the pioneers with a rifle long- er than he was tall, so tradition in Bibb County goes, drew from the box the slip of paper upon which was written the name the new settlement should have. And in that way the new home for the pale face was selected. It was Fort Hawkins and for years after that date the palisades on the east side of the Ocmulgee was known as Fort Hawkins. There a strong fortress was built. There the white settlers, with their long rifles, guns were muzzle loaders in those days, and their wives and children gathered from all sections when it was noised about that the Indian had taken once more to his war paint and had broken the pipe of peace. But as the Indian gave way to the white man the settlement widened. On the west side of the river was the better land and the better location for the home. With hills for observation and for defense no longer in demand the west side, now Macon pro- per began showing its natural advantages not only to the old Fort Hawkins resi- dents who themselves began moving across the Ocmulgee, but to the new seekers for homes who had been drawn to that portion of the state by the disclosure of its wealth in its varied ways. Then within a short time, a few years after all apprehension of Indian upris- ings had passed away the influx of settlers was pronounced, more so probably than at any other point in the state. It was to the central portion of the state the better class of home seekers went. Just why that happened there is no explanation. Still it is true. From Virginia, from the Carolinas and from Tennessee they came and be- fore the eighteen hundreds were a quarter of a century old the Central City of Geor- gia had been incorporated as the city of Macon. It was then a city of a few thousand but within its confines were some of the most distinguished families of the south, fam- ilies whose names were known on the other side of the Atlantic better probably than on this side. Within the city were men prominent in all walks of life. Lawyers of Dti\ HOUSE The Geoigia Kaolm Co Macon Ga THB OANTT MFG. CO.,Macon. Ga. Sole Max^tifacturers of Ganti's Patent Cotton Planters, Gantt's Patent Guano DistrJbut rs, Gantt's Patent Grain Drills, Gantt's Improved Cot- ton Gins. ghly tested in all the cotton frrowing: States and one genuine excent those made by THE GANTT MANDFAOTURING CO., talogue. GANTT MACHINES ha^e been th. ) H V ikconecLh ^^ le for prices and THE GEORGIA KAOLIN CO. Miners and 6 Kippers of Best Grades CHina Clay General Offices: MACON, Ga. Mines and Mills; Dry Branch, Ga. Newly developed mines and improved methods of handling and manufacture. We crush and belt our material, thereby increasing its natural plasticity, removing the small percentage of impurities and making it suit ble for the requirements of the paper, paint, asbestos and bleaching maunfacturers. We also have a specal clay for the potteries. For samples and interesting quotations address the General Office, Macon, Ga. We sell direct and thereby save you all brokerage and commissions. "our' MOTTO: PURITY AND PROMPTNESS." T. P. MARSHALL. 'WKolesale and R.etail MANUFACTURING CHEMIvST. A^ACOIN, QEORQIA. 1^ BABY EASE.— For all Bowel Complaints. ojig ^ Georg'iii Pine CougK Balsam. ^ Dead SKot for CKills and Fever. ^ Dandelion Tonic tKe Great SKin and Blood Purifier. The Macon Telegraph Macon, Georgia. The Morning Paper that Carries the r N EWS 1 I I To Thousands of the Best People Throughout the Southern States — = IF YOU WANT TO REACH THE PEOPLE ADVERTISE IN THE MACON TELEGRAPH The H^w Hotel Lanierl MACON, GEORGIA. I A High Class, Commercial and Tourists Hotel, m a City of * I beautiful Parks, beautiful Streets, Churches. Schools and Col- | I ^eges. I % An ideal spot for recreation, and Health and the second City w S in Georgia in Commercial and manufacturing importance. « % The Lanier offers superior service, exceptionally delightful w % rooms.and elegant Cafe and Palm Room. * I Liberally conducted on the American and European Plans. * I J. A. NEWCOMB, Prop. | I ED. H. RACINE, rigr. | I American Plan $2.50 to $5,00 I I European Plan 1.0O to 4.00 | W. H. LOWRY. F. BARTOW STUBBS. BROWN HOUSE, Msicon, Ga.. OPPOSITE UNION DEPOT Courteous Treatment, Cuisine First Class, Service Unexcelled. LOWRY (SL STUBBS, Props. The European Hotel. M. O'H A R A, Proprietor. 5 6:2 = 5 6 4 Mulberry Street, MACOIN, GA. M. H. MASSEE, A. C. FELTON, Jr., V. R. PATRICK, President. Vice-President.. Secy and Treas MASSEE & FELTON LUMBER CO. MANUPACTURERS OR LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE LUMBER SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS. Hardware, Paint, Glass, Lime and Cement ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Macon, = = = Georgia. :;:ji3J3i3:iTi3-i^i?i^i:'i-T-i-'f:'-^ t«A;5i<;i:, ;e^ ■ir,i:jSSi<:iZi^- THE STRATTON BRICK CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Plain and Ornamental Brick, macon, georgia. j^ Let Us Know Your Wants. j^ SOUTHERN INVEiSTMENTS Timber Lancis, Mineral L-ands, Farm Lands, j^ Kaolin L.ands, Ranch L^ands, I^oans Negotiated. Macon and Southern Georgia, the coming section of the South. Eighteen years ex- perience. Correspondence invited I^and and Industrial Agent for Atlantic and Birming- ham Ry. Co DUNCAN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. MACON, QEORQIA. Macon. 249 international reputation, medical men who had attained prominence, men of letters and business men who had builded reputation and fortunes. And as men of medicine, of law and of letters advanced Macon in some ways took kindly to education. Why none can now tell. But that it did there is no better illustration than the existence to-day of Wesleyan and Mercer, two of the recognized educational institutions of the world were founded. Wesleyan came into educational life in the early part of the cen- tury and from its class rooms some of the brightest women of the age have gone. Within the walls of that institution have been educated women at whose knees have knelt boys to whom were subsequently given the highest honors brain and Christian training could command. On its roster can be found the names of students from every nation on earth. And as Wesleyan has done for the young women of the world so has Mercer done for young men. From' every latitude on the globe young men have come to Mercer and back to the point from which they came they have carried light, know- ledge and intelligence. Not content with giving Macon two of the highest grade schools in the world the people have since the formation of the town shown a kind- ly disposition towards a dissemination of knowledge and the result is one of the best and most complete systems of public schools in the country. High schools for the full school population of the city, grammar schools for all who may seek entrance and common schools sufficient for the entire child census of the city have been pro- vided. In addition to these are Mount de Sales, one of the most excellent female col- leges of the country, a Catholic institution and Pio Nono college sustained by the same church. Few citie? in the country can show a better home for the parent seeking the educa- tion of a child. Nature was kind to the Central city in more ways than one. Its altitude brings nothing like excessive heat. Neither is there a want of warmth in the winter days. Some hundred feet above the sea level it aflfords a pleasant breeze at all times. Dur- ing the hot summer days there is always a delightful air in the city while the fall months rarely show a pronounced change of any kind. The winter days are short but never severe, few Maconians dropping summer underwear for a suit pronounc- ed in its difference. The transition from season to season is slow and gradual, never quick and marked. Its rains, like those at any point within two hundred miles are us- ually forecasted by the weather bureau. Sudden and unexpected storms are rare and extremely unusual. With every advantage nature can offer it required but little work on the part of man to bring the Central city in line with corporations which have expended for- tunes. On the banks of the Ocmulgee, with an abundant flow of water it took small labor to give Macon a water supply sufficient for ev'ery demand that may be made on the water department for years to come. The plant is managed by a private cor- poration, the same body having control of the light plant. But both water and lights are commensurate with all demands upon them and the consumer rarely recognizes the fact that he is being served by a private organization. One of Macon's prides is its fire department and justly proud of that department she may be. Few cities of two times the population of the Central city has a fire de- partment equal to it. Abundant and sufficient is the machinery as well as the men. At the head of the department is one of the most efficient fire fighters in the entire country. For nearly a quarter of a century the Central city has had the same fire chief and never has there been the suggestion of a change. It is the best and most ap- proved machinery known the country over that is used in the department while the members of the force have shown themselves fearless and competent in every sense of the word. What has been said of the fire department can be said of the police de- partment with the same assurance. Handled by a man who has seen service from Manassas to Appomattox there is no reason to doubt the competency of that body, 250 Macon. or the efficiency of the chief. Every member strong, healthy and athletic and each one above the average size of man there is no reason to question the efficiency of that department. As it is with the fire department and with the police department so it is with the sanitary department. From 'Frisco across the Atlantic, from the lakes down to the gulf there is not a cleaner city on the map. It is one of the boasts of the city and that boast can easily be sustained that epidemics can never secure a foot hold in that section and that sickness is too rare for the purse of the doctor. Never at a standstill since its incorporation Macon is now growing as it never grew before. Private buildings, magnificent homes of a palatial character, well con- structed and equipped business houses are going up in great number. The national government will soon raze the post office structure and upon the present site will construct one of the prides of that governmental department. Under the roof will be court rooms for the United states courts, apartments for Judge Speer and for other government ofiicials. This will be next to the largest post office in the state. The Aca- demy of Music, a house given to the public by Joseph Jefferson has just been torn down and upon the site is now being erected one of the most commodious, complete and thorough theatres south of Baltimore. No tity in the south has better hotel accom- modations or hotel accommodations more extensive than has Macon. The Brown, one of the oldest hostelries of this section, a house constructed before the war but recently modernized and made over, the Hotel Lanier, the house at which Mr. Davis, president of the Confederacy was entertained after he was captured and the Plaza, one of the best European houses in the South are among the leading rest places. Since the recent annexation of Vineville and Htiguenin Heights Macon can boast a population of forty thousand. It has streets paved with belgian block, streets paved with brick, streets paved with asphalt and chert drive ways. It is the unusual width of the streets of the city that has made it known by all who seek the Peninsu- lar state for a winter's rest. Wide, of even, grade, a drive way upon either side with a park in the center there is an abundance of roadway for all vehicles while the grass covered, tree lined parks in the center tend to make the highways among the hand- somest to be found anywhere. The ground upon which the city had been construct- ed was level and even and required but little work to bring the streets to an easy grade for 'both heavy and slow or light and fast traffic. Covered with trees of natural growth, trees old and strong it did not require much time to convert the natural for- est into beautiful groves in the very center of which are now located some of the most attractive homes in the entire south. Educational institutions of the higher grade and houses of worship go hand in hand the world over. So it happens that the Central city is in no way behind other cities of the south in its churches. Within the limits of the city are some of the handsomest church buildings in the country while the occupants of the various pul- pits are among the most learned men of the state. There is not a denomination known to the Christian forces that has not erected a fortress from which and in which to wage war against sin in accordance with its own creed. Each line is strong within itself while there is not an isolated denomination. It is democracy there among the church people. There a unison of feeling and of work is apparent to even the casual observer, to even the stranger. The morale of the church going people permeates every walk of life and in the Central city there is a close conformity to all laws, state and muni- cipal. Gaming has heen eliminated since Hon. Ben Jones, a member of the board of aldermen, one of the successful young business men of the city began his crusade a year ago while the liquor traffic is unde an absolute control. Commercially Macon has few rivals in the state while in the entire south she has no superiors. Some of the leading wholesale houses of Dixieland are in Macon. Drum- mers go from the Central city into New Orleans, into Charleston, Augusta and Savan- CLAG PIT. The Georgia Kaolin Co.. Macon, Ga. Macon. 251 nah, Nashville, Atlanta and Tennessee points find Macon a good market and many is the bill of lading written in Macon depots for points outside the state. As a whole- sale grocery market it presents several of the leading houses of the country while its handling of cotton is the largest with an exception oi* two in the south. It is in Macon that Jaques, Tinsley & Company, Johnson & Winn and the Macon Grocery Com- pany, recognized the country over as leaders of the grocery trade are located. Here the Willinghams with their immense furniture factories, their extensive lumber trade, both crude and finished are located. The Bibb county cotton mills under the manage- ment of Major J. F. Hanson one of the most extensiye plants in the south carries a pay roll the numerical strength of v/hich runs into the four figures. These mills like others in and around Macon handle the fiher from the field in which it has grown even to the store room where it is measured off with the yard stick. The compress is never idle, the bagging in which the bale is rolled requiring about its capacity. The McCaw Manufacturing Company known the country over because of the Plant so closely i- dentified with it is but one of the many similar industries, while the Acme Brewing Co. has sent to all sections of the country a grade or two of beer which has given Macon beer a national reputation. Nearly five thousand operatives, probably fully that num- ber are required to keep the factories of various kinds located in the Central city go- ing, factories in which something over $5,000,000 has been invested. The annual pay rolls of these places of industry are slightly less than a million dollars. From these concerns an army of traveling men run out of Macon and between their sales and the sales through the mails something like $12,000,000 come back every year. Few cities in the south are better equipped financially than Macon. Her banks rank among the best in the south while the financiers at the head of the institutions are recognized the country over as men of caution, prudence and safety as well as men of capacity and ability. It is over two million dollars of surplus and undivided profits the Macon banks have. While constantly acquiring wealth the business men of the city are by no means sordid and selfish as is shown plainly by their charitable works. The city hospital, the gift of the ladies and gentlemen of the city, the Julia Parkham Jones home for indigent ladies, the Roff Home, the Home for the Friendless and the Georgia Industrial Home for orphaned boys and girls, the creation of the late Dr. Mumford are monuments to the generosity of the money makers of the city. While presenting an array of the handsome costly public buildings Macon can show some of the most delightful attractive, charming palatial residences in the en- tire country. With magnificent, spacious lawns, grass covered and flower dotted Col- lege street will compare favorably with any home avenue or boulevard in the Union Stretching from one end of the city to the other, reaching from the banks of the O'cmulgee to Tattnall square, a distance of five miles the street presents one home after another, vieing each with the other. Homes costing a five figure price are there and without an exception they are homes built to please the taste of the most fastidious. Located as it is, practically within the very center of the state Macon is na- turally a point to which trade should drift. As though nature had not done enough itself the projectors and builders of railroads pointed all lines into or out of Macon. Then the management of the lines in constructing schedules made them suit the con- venience of all travelers going into or coming out of Macon. So it is that what nature could not do for the advancement of the city the man managing the railroad did. No better system of rails can be found in any section of the country than Macon can pre- sent thus affording the trader all advantages. Apart from its rail facilities the Ocmulgee lends the Central city commerce a strong hand. The national government by the ex- penditure of thousands and thousands has made the stream navigable from Macon down and to-day a second boat, a twin to the one which has been in use a year is be- ing constructed for the same navigation company. It will soon be a water rate freight Macon will be given and then her commercial advantages will be greatly multiplied. Signs and mementoes of the days of Oglethorpe still abound in and about thai. great maritime port of the South Atlantic coast — Savannah and there for years to come the student of history will find many things calculated to carry the mind into the far distant past. Few cities of the south compare with Savannah socially, commercially, moral- ly or financially. One of the oldest cities of the south it has always been one of the most progressive, energetic and successful. Made up of people who traced their lin- eage three, four, five and a dozen generations it is naturally one of the proudest points in the south. And with that pride, energy and intellectual qualities have al- ways gone hand in hand. Within twelve miles of the ocean, situated on a bluff forty feet above low water mark it is by nature one of the healthiest places in the state. Rarely has the city's health been in any way aiTected. It was years ago yellow fever had its last visitation to that city .and then the contest between the disease and the health department was short and decidedly effective. Driven out by the health work- ers the fever has never been known there-since and to-day Savannah is looked upon as one of the cities of the south immune against that disease. In trade Savannah is the third cotton port in the Union and is the chief ship- ping point for naval stores in the world. The commerce for the past year is estimat- ed, in round figures, $2,000,000. The annual receipts of cotton at Savannah for years past have been over a million bales. Three-fourths of the entire sea island cotton crop in the south is handled in Savannah. The naval stores receipts are astounding to one not acquainted intimately with that work. For a period of four years the annual receipts on an average have been about 350,000 casks of spirits of turpentine and a mil- Ion and a quarter of barrels of rosin. These products are carried from Savannah un- der every flag known in the world, to every country with which the United States trades. It goes direct to Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia jnd South America. In ad- dition to this direct foreign trade coastwise steamships and railway lines supply Bal- timore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Montreal and interior cities of the country. In lumber Savannah has an immense trade, a trade which shows a constant and em- phatic growth every year. Over two million feet of lumber are going out of that port every year to foreign ports. As a banking point Savannah ranks with any city if she does not surpass them. Few are the cities having the same amount of capital. The revival of the sugar-cane industry is now being felt in Savannah and is bringing to it an increase of coin, one to be felt more pronouncedly every year as the growth of cane is aug- mented. The rice planters find Savannah one of the best markets known and here a- gain a decidedly successful and advantageous trade is being formed and conducted. In all probability the best truck farms in the south are in close proximity to Savan- nah. Here the best vegetables, the best berries, the best melons that find their way to the northern markets are raised. All these too are early in coming and many of the first shipments north are sent from Savannah. It is the early part of April, rarely as late as the middle of that month these shipments begin and returns approximating $300,000 have been recorded. One of the best sanitary systems known in the south obtains in Savannah. The garbage is cremated while the most improved plans for disinfecting purposes in mari- time sanitation have |been adopted, the quarantine system being thorough and com- Savannah. 253 plete. A ehain of artesian wells supply the town with an abundance of pure cold healthful water. Savannah and Chatham county have an excellent public school system the aver- age attendance of pupils being something like seven thousand, the majority of whom are white children. Churches of every Christian denomination are numerous, well at- tended and well supported. On every hand are numerous evidences of learning, im- provement and education. Electric lights, gas, ice factories, electric street railroads, both city and suburban, an excellent system of water-works and a first class paid fire department are among the elements which contribute largely to Savannah's stand- ing as a city, to say nothing of its magnificent police department with its political form, supported as it is by one of the finest militia regiments in the.^state. In manufacturing Savannah has every advantage. The raw materials for the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods are at her quick disposal, are right where they can be easily reached simply by stretching out the hand. Just now Savannah has in successful operation a cotton yarn mill, a knitting mill, cotton seed oil mills, an ag- ricultural implement manufactory, ice factories, boiler works, machine shops, a brass foundry, brick yards, sash, door and blind factories, carriage works, flour and grist mills, rice mills, fertilizer works, cigar factories, soap works, and planing mills along with the Southern Rubber Manuacturing company, an organization recently set upon foot and one which is proving quite satisfactory to those interested therein. Four oyster canning factories have proven successful in every sense of the word — ■ as many as three million cans or more haing been canned within the year. With its many beautiful parks, its many handsome residences, its great gallery of markers and monuments it has an air of elegance and of refinement which invari- ably attracts the attention of the stranger who by accident or design may visit the city. On Bull street, a name brought from England with the coming of Oglethorpe, it might be said to Forsyth park, that name speaks for itself, there is a promenade unequaled in the South. Five parks or squares, all works of beauty made so by nature and by skilled workmen, are to be seen from Bay street out. In Johnson square a marble obelisk, to the memory of General Nathaniel Greene, erected in 1829, attracts attention. The story of General Greene is a part of the history of Georgia and the greater part of that story is written in Savannah by markers and monuments. It was General Greene who was second in rank under Washington and as such he commanded the department of the south and rescued the Carolinas and Georgia from the grasp of the Briton who invaded the country. Born in Rhode Island, Gen. Greene after the revolution settled in Georgia, upon land granted by the State to him for his services in the war. The monument which attracts the attention of all in plain and unornamented in its style. It was meant to carry out the design of the Roman sword. Rich in its legends, all supported by monuments few cities of the South can arouse the patriotism of the American more thoroughly than can Savannah. The next monument on Bull street is one erected to the memory of W. W. Gordon, a pioneer in railroad develop-ment in Georgia. In Madison Square stands the monument of another Revolutionary hero, Sergeant William Jasper. This was unveiled in 1888 in the presence of President Cleveland and party, and the local officials and dignitaries. In Monterey Square stands a monument to Count Palaski, the noble Pole, who gave his life for American freedom on the 9th of Oc- tober, 1779, when the combine French and American armies met a disastrous repulse in their assault upon the British lines. In the extension of Forsyth Park is yet another handsome monument erected to the memory of the Confederate soldiers who fell in the Civil War. This park is the largest of about thirty, which give comfort and beauty to Georgia's lovely Forest City. In its center stands a fountain modeled after that in the Place de la Concorde at Paris. Some of the parks are ornamented with banana trees, and several of the gardens with orange thees. Among the many lovely flowers the most beautiful is the Camellia Japonica, which here blooms in midwinter in the open air. 254 Savannah. Savannah is well supplied with suburban retreats. Tybee is reached by one of the branches of the Central of Georgia Railway, eighteen miles in length. The beach at Ty- bee is one of the best in the country, and the hotel accommodations are excellent. An electric railway leads to Thunderbolt, a small, picturesque town on Warsaw river, fa- mous for fish and oysters. On the same line of railway is Bonaventure, once a noble es- tate of the Tattnall family, now a beautiful cemetery. Its avenues of great live oaks, fes- tooned with gray moss, give to the place an air of solemn grandeur well befitting the si- lent resting place of the dead. The place was first settled by Colonel John Mullryne, an Englishman. By the marriage of his daughter Mary, in 1761, to Josiah Tattnall of Charleston, it came into the posession of the latter family. Tradition says that the marriage was the occasion of planting these magnificent oaks so arranged that the ave- nues by which they are lined would form the letter "M" and "T," to typify the union of the two families. In 1847 the estate passed into the hands of Captain T. Wilt- berger, by whom it was adapted to its present use. The electric cars also run to the Isle of Hope, another summer resort of the people of Savannah. About two miles from Savannah is the Jasper Spring, the scene of a daring exploit of Sergeant Jasper, when he and Sergeant Newton rescued from the British guard an American prisoner who was be- ing carried to Savannah for execution. On the banks of the Ogeechee river are some of the largest rice plantations in Georgia. TIFTON Pure, soft water in great abundance, exhaustless forest of immense giant trees which are every day being converted into lumber for markets at home, abroad and across the Atlantic have given Tifton and its twenty-five hundred people a standing in ■ Georgia and a reputation throughout the south. At the crossing point of the Georgia Southern and Florida and the Plant system on the northern border of Berrien county, a county abounding in wealth, minerals as well as timber Captain H. H. Tift located the city some years ago and there he set up his mill as he began to fell his trees. Within a short time he began adding to his plant and as the large trees were being converted into lumber additions were bei-ng made daily to the population. New industries were established and business be- gan diverging and spreading out. Not content with his railroad facilities Capt. Tift alone .constructed a line from Tifton to Fitzgerald, some twenty-five miles northeast of him. The line is known as the Tifton and Northeastern and is owned wholly and oper- ated by Captain Tift who finds an abundance of time to care for his railroad as a side issue making that duty more a pleasure than a labor. No city in the state has a more progressive or enterprising population than has Tifton. There are gathered the suc- cessful business man of the east alongside of whom is located is to be found the cautious, patient New Englander. Mlingling with these are the wide-awake eminent- ly social man of the South, forming a combination hard to match, making a combina- tion that cannot be beaten. Though in the timber belt, a section in which the hard limbed, deep chested woodsman works from dawn to dark there is little, if any of that immorality for which one might naturally look. On the contrary the presence of churches, the ministers being among the finest pulpit orators obtainable, the multi- tude of public schools all tend to make apparent to the casual observer, to even the stranger that Tifton is a city where life and property are safe and v^fhere every resi- dent has long been of a mind to see that the name of the city in which they reside is kept clean and right before the public. While the industries and trade lines are varied and many it is the lumber or saw mill work which predominates. One mill alone, the property of Captain Tift has a capacity of fifty thousand feet a day. Dry kilns and planing mills are numerous and extensive and as a rule men of the town generally find the big figures at the end of the year on the side of the led- ger they like the best. The Tifton and Northea.stern railroad connecting with the Georgia and Alabama at Fitzgerald gives the city as good shipping facilities as any place in the state has or may need. The line though a short one has one of the largest passenger services in the state. In fact statistics show that it does five times as much work as any road in the state leading into a town the size of Tifton. One of the most complete and successful hotels in the state, a hotel to which not only the residents of the city but the traveling public generally point with pride is the Hotel Sadie, a house large enough to accommodate a large patronage and yet a house which is never empty. THOMASVILLE Thomasville is a flourishing city with a population of 3,522, or, including the district, 9,172. It has three banks with an aggregate capital of $250,000; first-class hotels, a fine system of public schools, two colleges, and churches of the iMethodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Bible Christian and Roman Catholic de- nominations. It is well lighted by gas and electricity and has water-works and a sys- tem of sewerage. The natural drainage is perfect, the water running off in every direc- tion. The streets are broad, well-kept, and in many places shaded with native trees. It is noted for its beautiful flowers which bloom every month in the year. There are 2 florists establishments, each with an annual sale of $1,000 worth of flowers and flow- ering plants. Two branches of the Plant system cross each other at Thomasville. The Tifton, Thomasville and Gulf Railroad also has its southern terminus here. The public roads of the county are in good condition, and there are beautiful drives in and around Thomasville. Thomas and Decatur counties are extensively engaged in the manufacture of syrup from the sugar-cane. Thomas county was formed from Decatur and Irwin in 1825, and a part of Lowndes was added to it in 1826. It was named in honor of Jett Thomas, who was captain of artillery in the army of General Floyd at the battles of Antossee and Chal- ibbee. He was born in Virginia in 1777, and died in Milledgeville, Georgia, of cancer in 1815. Thomas county is bounded on the north by Mitchell and Colquitt, east by Brooks county, south by the State of Florida, and west by Decatur county. The Ocklockonee river, from the northeast to the southwest corner is the principal stream. The county lies on the backbone of an elevated ridge, which extends across the State frgm north- east to southwest. It slopes eastward and westward and from the watershed thus form- ed flow numerous creeks and smaller, limpid streams. From the hillsides burst numer- ous springs, from which flow branches of clear water. In every part of the county wells of good freestone water are easily dug. In many sections the surface is level, in others undulating. Some parts of the county are rather hilly. The soil varies greatly and some close observers say that no fifty acres are exactly alike. The greater part of it is gray, sandy loam, with a red clay subsoil, while some of it is of a yellow, sandy clay formation. There are lands of black muck, very fertile. The principal crops are cotton, both long and short-staple, sugar-cane, sweet and Irish potatoes, peas of every variety, all the common vegetables, and many kinds of grasses. Crab is almost the only grass cultivated in Thomas county for hay, being cut after other crops, especially af- ter melons. When cultivated for hay exclusively it produces from 4,000 to 8,000 lbs. to the acre. The native grasses (wire and sedge), burned ofif in spring and growing up luxu- riantly from the principal summer pasturage, which is supplemented by the cane brakes. In winter the preferred foor for cattle consists of cotton seed meal and hulls with hay from the native grasses. Some attention is given to jthe improvements of beef cattle. The improvement in milch-cows is marked, the Jersey predominating. There are 4 dairy farms with a capacity of 200 gallons of milk a day. The county has wild turkey and quail for those who fancy hunting, and the many streams furnish black bass and perch to reward the labors of the fisherman. The fruits consist principally of pears, peaches, apples, plums, strawberries, figs, grapes and watermelons. B&B RESTAURANT PETE BARBOUR & BRO. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA JOHN ROURKE and SONS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ourkc*s Iron Works, JOHN ROURKE & SONS, Proprietors. Marine Railway and Wharves on Savannah River. 610 to 634 BAY STREET, EAST, and 601 to 622 RIVER STREET, EAST. SAVANNAH, GA. IRON and BRASS FOUNDERS, MacHinists, BlacKsmitKs. WINDER FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, Winder, ! Georgia, j STATIONARY DETACHED PORTABLE Engines, Boilers, COMBINED AGRICULTURAL RETURN FLUE Poitabie I WOODRUFF HAY PRESS Full Circle, Double Stroke, Steel Lined Box. Either mounted or unmounted. Not a cheap, light press, but a strong, heavy press for a very low price. Write for dealers' prices and terms. WOODRUFF HARDWARE CO., WINDER, CA. Newnan Marble Works HIGHEST CLASS WORRMANSH IP GEORGIA MARBLE A SPECIALTY J. E. ZACKERY, NEWNAN, QA. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. -WORK GUARANTEED. MASSEE&FELTOMLIBEIICO. Office and Factory at Macon, Qa. Saw & Planing Mills, Massee, Qa. CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF \(ough and Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Shingles, Laths, Mouldings, Etc. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS FOR HeatH ^ Millig'ari Paints, Yale (^ Towne Hardware, Gagers WHite Lime, Old Dominion Cement. All the Best of their kind. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Correspondence Solicited. T H M A S V I L L E . 257 The vegetables are all the varieties comnion to this country. The products of the market gardens over and above home consumption amount to som.ewhere near $3,- 000 worth. About 200 acres are devoted to grapes cultivated for home use. A good portion of the county is still covered with original forest growth and con- sists mainly of yellow pine, various ' kinds of oak, hickory, magnolia, gum, beech and others. About 35 lumber anci sawmills, all run by steam, are employed in sawing the timber and preparing it for manufacturing purposes. There are in Thomasville railroad shops of the Plant System, 3 shops for repair- ing vehicles, 2 sash and blind factories, and one foundry. In Thomasville and other towns are 10 to 12 shops where shoes are repaired and made. In the country are 12 tur- pentine distilleries. There are j grist-mills and ginneries run by water- power. Cairo has become the center of the syrup trade of Georgia, shipping in one }^ear 10,000 barrels, valued at something over $ioo,ooo.The leaders in this industry are Mr. J. Byron AVright and his two brothers. While the syrup industry was still in its infan- cy Mr. Wright, at that time a school-teacher, was forced by ill health to seek employ- ment in the open air. He began to study th^ best methods of syrup making and was aided in his efforts by his two brothers, who wei^e merchants. The result has been a vast improvement in Georgia syrup, for which there is a rapidly increasing demand. The improvements introduced have led to the intention of establishing first-class sugar refineries, which would bring Georgia to th^ front as a syrup and sugar-producing State. Major Purse of Savannah, is one of the most zealous promoters of this great in- dustry. He and Colonel James, with 'Mr. Wight and others, have made trips to Louis- iana for the purpose Of obtaining information. The great railway lines, the Central of Georgia, the Southern and the Plant Systems, are taking a lively interest in the pro- motion of cane-growing. /- Many of the best farmers of this section think 600 gallons of good syrup to the acre, under proper care and cultivation, a conservative estimate, while some made as high as 750 gallons to the acre at a time when there was no market for it. During the winter of 1900-1 there were shipping from this section through New Orleans to Texas, 1,500 barrels of Georgia syrup. The products of the county are marketed at Thomasville, Boston, Cairo, Ocklocko- nee, Metcalf and Meigs. Of 15,000 bales of cotton shipped from the county, 2,500 are handled at Thomasville. According to the census of 1900 there were ginned in Thomas county 10,923 bales of upland and 1,550 of sea-island cotton in the season of 1899-1900. The whole county is well supplied with churches and schools. Of no public school buildings 63 are for white and 47 for colored, and the average attendance is i,- 956 white pupils, and 1,980 colored. The area of Thomas county is 713 square miles, or 456,320 acres. Population in 1900, 31,076, a gain of 4,922 since 1890; school fund, $19,923.92. WASHINGTON Full of reminiscenses of the early days of colonial Georgia, replete with features of the revolutionary period, always alive to the active events transpiring in its every age, Washington, the capital of Wilkes county, holds an endearing memory in the hearts of all Georgians. Wilkes county, located as it is in the northeastern section of the State, has always been a factor in the history of the State. Here it was in the days antedating the Revo- lutionary War that the sturdy sons of Old Virginia and Old Pennsylvania gathered to carve out of that wilderness then the home of the red man a settlement. It was a bat- tle between the Indian and the Pale Face to the finish — a battle to the finish because the territory in question abounded in game and sport for the one, while, to the other, it gave every opportunity for an excellent home making. Located, as the county is, within a tier of that portion of Carolina where the Tory had his home, Wilkes county became a battle field, upon which to the victor went the spoils. In the days of the long smooth bore flint-lock gun every tree was presumed to be the fortress of an armed revolutionary soldier, or the hiding place of a Tory. It was upon the soil of Wilkes county that many a sanguary feud was brought to its conclusion by the death of one of the two parties therein engaged. With the close of the Revolution the historic features of that contest were not forgot- ten; and for years afterwards there rankled in the hearts of its people feelings of animos- ity, which began with the division of the people, caused by that great revolution. Replete in its citizenry with people of English blood, old colonial estates and homes were marked out. Upon these were gathered the slaves of the owner and it was upon every plantation within the county a small village was established, the whitewashed walls of the cabins marking the settlements. Gradually, as the home-builders progressed and as the descendants of the families be- gan interman-ying, the old feeling of animosity died out, and, in its place came a unison of purpose and of action. The closer and nearer the people came to each other until the entire county of Wilkes was apparently a solidity, a unit)', with a single purpose the home owners worked, until the people of Wilkes county were looked upon as one family. The soil, the most productive and responsive in the State, quickly brought a response to the labors of the owners; and, within a short time, Wilkes county was looked upon as one of the wealthiest in the State. There was not a cereal placed beneath the soil that did not give an abundant harvest; and that, too, with slight work. Almost within the very heart of the county the settlers preferring town life had gath- ered; and there where the court house, from which justice was dispensed, was erected a town, which since its inception has been the pride of Georgia. It was at that period the name of Washington was given everything that was good ; and it was that name the peo- ple of the county selected for their county site. But little did they think when that name was selected of the important part it should play in the history of this Union. During the years previous to the war between the States, Washington, Wilkes coun- ty, countinued to grow and to prosper. So did the county. And when the vyar of the six- ties came on it was from both town and county that men were rushed to the front. But Washington, Ga. THE PITZPATRICK HOTEL, One of the most popular hostleries in the State. Washington' 259 at that time few there were who were inclined to the opinion that the final chapter of that great tragedyy in which nations only play a part would find its final paragraphs writ- ten within the confines of the town named for the Virginian who had struggled so val- iantly to establish the new and growing nation. Prolific with its men and women of let- ters. Proud of those who had attained distinction, Washington welcomed Mr. Davis, President of the Confederacy, and his cabinet to that city as they were fleeing from the invading army wearing the blue. It was here the last meeting of President Davis' Cab- inet was held — if the story that a session was held in LaGrange be set aside. The Old- time Mansion, in which the meeting is said to have been held, is still a part of old Wash- ington; and, during the last four or five years, the Daughters of the Confederacy have been making heroic efforts to save and maintain that old mansion. Efforts have been made to obtain the old building bodily so that it may be removed North, where it can be set up as a relic of the Confederate Government. But through the devotion of the Daughters of the Confederacy and the women throughout the South, the oldtime mansion yet remains intact; and there it will continue to rest as long as the women of the, South can control the situation. Washington within itself is a town of importauce. Outside of its historical features it has trade capacities unexcelled by towns of the same population of any town in the South. Its taxable property is shown to be $1,250,000. An excellent public school sys- tem prevails, while within the corporate limits is located one of the best Catholic schools in the South. The city owns its own electric light plant and its waterworks system. Its sewerage is not surpassed by any town of the same size in the State. It has three banks, each with an abundance of capital, all officered by the safest and most conservative bus- iness men of the city. The mercantile men are all energetic and successful, and full of a friendly combat one with the other. There are a number of manufactories, each of which is proving itself successful and growing. Under the administration of Hon. J. R. Dy- son, ma3'or, who is cashier of the Washington Exchange Bank, the affairs of the city are being satisfactorily and admirably conducted. Few are the towns in the South more attractive than is Washington in Wilkes county. It is one of the oldest and best coun- ties in Georgia. It is up-to-date in agriculture and is rich in minerals such as granite and quartz with some gold and iron. Two gold mines are now being profitably worked. Fine waterpowers especially at Anchovy Shoals are to be found, those at these shoals having a force equal to seventy-five horse-power. Washington is distinguished locally by having been the home of Robert Toombs. Among its other possessions are a public library, and abundance of churches. Its population is approximately 4,000. INDEX PAGE. Abbeville ... , 61 Academy for the Blind 53 Academy of Richmond County 51 Acworth 31 Adairsville 33 A Field of Broom Corn 60 Agate 53 Agnes Scott Institute 45 Agriculture 19, 20 Agricultural Map opposite page 16 Allatoona 15, 35 Alum. See Canton, Cherokee County . 35, 37 Aluminum or Bauxite 21, 23, 29, 35 Albany 59, 65 Alleghany Mountains 17, 18 Alphabetical List of Counties, with Popula- tion, products, etc 08-90 Altamaha Basin 17 Americus City 57, 03 Amethysts 23 Amlcalola Palls 42 Anchovy Shoals 51 Andersonvllle 63 Andrew Female College 03 Apalachicola Basin 17 Apples (see reports of counties) . ... 19, 37 Appling County 61. 68 Area of Georgia 15 Armuchee Valley 29, 33 Artesian Wells 23, 25, 85 Asbestos 37. 39, 47, 53 Ashburn 63, 65 Asses 20 Assessed Valuation of Property 26 Athens 43, 49 Atlanta 15. IS, 43, 45 A Tobbacco Field 67 Augusta 43, 51, 53, 55, 59 Bair.bridge 59, 65 Baker County 65, 68 Baldwin, Abraham 15 Baldwin County 41. 49, .53, 68 Ball Ground 40 Banking Establishments 20 Banks County 25, 37, 39, 68 PAGE. Baptist Orphans Home 45 Barite 23 Barley (See the report of products of each county) 19 Barnesville 53 Bartow County . 31, 33, 68 Bauxite or Aluminum 21, 23, 29 35 Beef Cattle 57 Bees 21 Bermuda Grass (isee list of products of each county) 19, 51 Berrien County 61, 63, 68, 60 Berrien, John McPherson 15 Berries (see reports of counties) 19 Bethel Male College 63 Beverly 51 Bibb County 41, 53, 69 Blackshear 61 Black Walnut 20 Blakely 65 Bleached Cotton Goods 25 Blood Mountain 17 Bloody Marsh 57 Blue Ridge (town) 37 Blue Ridge Mountains 17 Bonded Debt 25 Brick (enameled brick) 23 Brooks County 65. 09 Broom Corn (a field of) 60 Broomtown Valley 18, 33 Brunswick 17, 57, .59, 01, 65 Bryan County 61, 69 Bucliwheat 19 Buena Vista 63 Buford 45 Buhr 37. 45, 59 Bulloch. Archibald 15 Bulloch County 61, 69 Burke County 59, 69 Butts County 53, 69 Cabbages 37 Cairo 65 Calhoun County 65. 09 Calhoun (town) 35 Camden County 38, 70 Camilla 05 INDEX- PAGE. Harmony Grove 49 Harris County 58, SO, 82 Hart County 37, 30, 82 Hartweil 39 Harvestins Rye 30 Harvesting Wheat 24 HawkinsviUe 59, (jl Hay (see reports of counties) 19 Heard County 47, 82 Henry County 47, 82 Herd of Jerseys 24 Hiawassee 37 Hiawassee Baptist College 37 Highest Elevations 17 High Falls of the Towaliga, Monroe Coun- ty, Ga 57 High Shoals 49 Hill, Benjamin H 15 Hogs 19 Horses 20 Houston County 61, 82 Hydraulic Cernent 29 Hydraulic Mining at the Singleton Mine in Lumpliin County 30 I Icing Fruit Cars 66 Indian Spring 53 Irish Potatoes (see also list of counties) . . 19 Iron (see also list of counties) 21. 23. 29-34, 37, 39, 45, 47 Iron Ore Mine near Gartersville, Ga 40 Irwin County 63, 82 J Jackson, Andrew 15 Jackson County 41, 49. 82 Jackson, James 15 Jackson (tovra) 49, 53 Jasper County 49,. 82. 84 Jefferson County 49, 59, 84 Jesup 61 Johnson County .59. 84 Johnson Grass 19 Jonesboro 15 Jones County 41, 84 K Kaolin 53 PAGE. Kennesaw Marble Dressing Works, near Ma- rietta, Cobb County, Ga 44 Kennesaw Mountain 15, IS L LaGrange 47 Lanier, Sidney 15 Last Confederate Cabinet Meeting 51 Laurens Countj' 59, 61, 84 Lavonia 39 Lawrrenceville 45 Lay's Ferry 35 Lead 39 Lee County 84 Lemons 19 Lewiston White Clay Bed, Jones County . 62 Liberty County Gl, 84 Limestone 21, 23, 29 Lincoln County 51, 53. 84, 80 Lindale 31 Lithonia 45 Little Tennessee Valley 19 Longstreet, James 15 Lookout Mountain 17, 18 Lookout Valley . 29 Lost Mountain 18 Louisville 59 Lowndes County 65, 86 "Lowell of the South" 51 Lucy Cobb Institute 49 Lumber Industry 25 Lumpkin County 37, 39, 86 Lumpkin (town) 63 Lyerly 33 M MoDuffie County 51, 53, 86 Mcintosh County 61. 86 Mcintosh, James 15 Mcintosh, Lachlan 15 McLemore's Cove 29 McRae , 61 Macon City 43, 53 Macon County 61, 63, 86 Madison (city) 49 Madison County 41, 49, S6 Magnesia (see Powder Spring) 34 Magnetite 37 Mail Facilities 26 Manganese 21, 29, 37 Manufactures 25 INDEX- PAGE. Marble 21, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37 Marble Quarry in Pickens County, Ga. . . 40 Market Garden 57 Marietta 31 Marion County 21, 66, 88 Marls 23 Marshallville 63 Menlo . 33 Mercer University 53 Meriwether County 47, 88 Mica 23, 37, 47 Middle Georgia 41-57 Milledgeville 49 Miller County 65, 88 Corundum 37 Milton County 41, 45, 47, 88 Mineral Map Opposite page 72 Mineral Springs 23, 47 Minerals (see also mineral products of each county in alphabetical list of counties) 68-09, 21, 23 Mining in Georgia 21, 23 Mining Iron Ore by use of Steam Shovel, near Cedartown, Polk County, Ga. . . . 38 Miscellaneous Vegetables 19 Mitchell County 65, 88 Mona Peak 17 Monoliths of Georgia Marble 29 Monroe County 53, 88 Monroe Female College 53 Monroe (town) 49 Montgomery County 61, 88 Montezuma 63 Monticello 49 Moonstones 23 Morgan County 49, 88, 90 Morganton 37 Moultrie 59, 65 Mount de Sales Academy 53 Mules 20 Murray County 35, 90 Muscogee County 41, 53, 55, 80 N Nacoochee Valley 19, 42 Nantahela Mountain 17 Natural Dam on Big Potato Creek, Upson County, Ga 52 New Hope Church 15, 35 Newnan 47 Newton County 49, 90 Normal and Industria.l School for Young Ladies 49 PAGE. North Augusta 53 North Georgia 29-41 North Georgia Baptist College 37 O Oakland City 45 Oat Field 32 Oats (see different counties) . 19 Ochlockonee Basin 17 Ochre 29, 37 Oconee County 49, 90 Oconee Springs 52 Ogeechee Basin 17 Oglethorpe County 51, 90 Oglethorpe (town) 63 Okefinokee Swamp 17, 21 Onion Field 89 Oostenaula Valley 35 Oranges 19 Orchard Grass 19 Orphan Home of North Georgia Conference 45 Oxford 49 Paulding County 35, 90, 92 Peach Crop (see reports of counties) 19, 20, 57 Peachtrees 19, 20, 32, 57, 61 Peachtree Creek 15 Peanuts (see reports of counties) 20 Pears (see reports of counties) 19 Peavines (see reports of counties) 55 Peavine Valley 29 Pecans 20, 31, 53, 65 Penfield 51 Pepperton 53 Perry 61 Phosphates 23 Pickens County 35, 37, 92' Pickett's Mill 35 Picking Pears 81 Picking Tomatoes 77 Pierce County 61. 92 Pierce. George F 15 Pike County 53, 92 Pine Hill Belt 21 Pine Mountain 18 Pine Mountains 55 Pine — Long-leaf (see reports of counties) . 21 Pitch 25 Placer Mining on Coosa Creek, near Blairs- ville, Union County, Ga. . . 34 INDEX- PAGE. Witch's Head at Tallulah Falls. Rabun County, Ga 50 Woolen Mills 25 Worth County 63, Co, 99 Vvright, Robert F 3, 7 AVrishtsville 50 Yellow Loam Region 21 Yona Mountain 17 Young Female College 65 Young Harris 37 Young Harris College 37 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. A Field of Broom Corn CO Agricultural Map opposite page 16 Artesian well at Albany, Ga 85 A Tobacco Field 67 Cane Creek Falls, near Dahlonega, Lump- kin County, Ga 48 Chicken Houses and Runs 71 Corundum Mine, Rabun County 42 Cotton Field 58 Derry, J. T 3, 5 Digging Potatoes 83 Field of Corn 91 Forestry Map opposite page 88 Gathering Beans 79 Geological Map opposite page 96 Harvesting Rye 30 Harvesting Wheat 22 Herd of Jerseys 24 PAGE. High Falls of the Towaliga, Monroe Coun- ty, Ga 57 Houses and Runs for Berkshire Hogs ... .73 Hydraulic Mining at the Singleton Mine in Lumpkin County 36 Icing Fruit Cars 66 Iron Ore Mine near Cartersville, Ga. . . . 46 Kennesaw Marble Dressing Works, near Ma- rietta, Cobb County, Ga 47 Lewiston White Clay Bed, Jones County, Ga. 62 Marble Quarry in Pickens County, Ga. ... 40 Mineral Map opposite page 72 Mining Iron Ore by Use of Steam Shovel, near Cedartown, Polk County, Ga. . . . 38 Natural Dam on Big Potato Creek, Upson County, Ga 52 Oat Field 35 Onion Field .89 Picking Pears 81 Picking Tomatoes 77 Placer Mining on Coosa Creek, near Blairs- ville, Union County, Ga 34 Scene in Peach Orchard 87 Shipping Melons 93 Rain Map opposite page 80 State Capitol 3 Stevens, O. B 3, 11 Sugar Cane Field 64 Terrell, Jos. M 9 View on Augusta Canal — Large Cotton Mill and Confederate Obelisk . 55 Witch's Head at Tallulah Falls, Rabun County, Ga 50 Wright, R. F 3, 7 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS AMERiCUS— PAGE. The Planters Bank Back fly leaf. ATHENS— Hodgson Cotton Co 216c R. L. Moss Mfg. Co 216c ATLANTA— A. D. Adair & McCarty Bros 176b Atlanta Brewing & Ice Co 136d Atlanta Buggy Co 160d Atlanta National Bank 128a Atlanta Marble Co 152d Atlanta Rubber Stamp Co 104a Atlanta Show Case Co 160d Atlanta Soda Co 128d P. D. Baker 192a Blood Balm Co 128c Bostrom-Brady Mfg. Co 176a Bowden's Photo Studio 152c Capital City Chair Co 144a Carolina Portland Cement Co 112b E. H. Carroll & Co 120b Coca-Cola Co 120a The Columbian Typewriter Co 136c Dabney Implement Co 160b Daniel Mineral Water Co 128d DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co I76a Eclipse Medicine Co 176c El Tedesco Cigar Co 120c Empire Business Bureau 152d Equitable Dye Works 152c Tlie Fourth National Bank 112a Georgia School of Technology .... 128b Georgia Tanning & Mfg. Co 160a Georgia Textile Co 152c J. . W. Golucke & Co 136a Gopher Oil Co 176d Dr. H. H. Green's Sons 176d Koca Nola Co 128c Lamar & Rankin Drug Co 144b Law Bros. Co 152b Drs. Leatherman & Bentley 152a Lowry National Bank 144a Atlanta Marble Works 152d Mowry Candy Co 176c Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co ICOc Nunnally Bros 10-lc J. W. Otto Co 152c Parian Paint Co 160d I ATLANTA — Continued. PAGE. Podophylets Medicine Co lt>2a Red Rook Ginger Ale 17Gb Red Rook Ginger Ale 12Sc Dr. Reynolds & Co 144d Richards Machine Co 152b Ransom Rogers 152b Robinson Sanitarium 16Sd R. M. Rose Co 16Sb M. P. Roughton 176a W. M. Scott & Co 170d O. H. Sheffleld & Co 128d Southern Cotton Oil Co 128c Southern Cultivator Pub. Co 168e Southern States Cement Co 13Gb Taylor Umbrella Mfg. Co 144a Two Jakes Sign Co 152b The Walker Co 144c Wrigley Engraving Co 120b AUGUSTA— The Augusta Brewing Co 184c The Augusta Chronicle 192d The Eldorado Farm 184o Bnterpris'e Mfg. Co 184c Georgia Carolina Brick Co 192d Georgia ChemicSl Works 184a Grantville Mfg. Co Lumbard Iron Works iy2d Perkins Manufacturing Co 184b CEDARTOWN— Cedartown Company Back fly leaf. COLUMBUS— Dudley-Butts Co 210a Eagle & Phenix Mills 240d The Estes House 208d The Enquirer Sun 2-lOc Georgia Home Ins Co. . First colored page. Lockwood Bros 208d Rankin House 208d T. W. Smith & Co 21Ca DECATUR— Agnes Scott Institute 192a FORSYTH— The Rocker-Churn Mfg. Co 224d HARTWELL— Witham Cotton Mills Bacj! fly leaf INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS- MACON— Acme Brewing & Ice Co 208b Altmayer & Flatau Co 200d Brown House 248c Duncan Real Estate Exchange .... 248d Gantt Manufacturing Co 248a Georgia Kaolin Co 248a Georgia Loan & Trust Co 200a Hotel Lanier 248c Macon Telegraph 248b T. P. Marshall 248a Massee & Felton Lumber Co . . . 248d-2.56d McCaw Manufacturing Co 208a M. O'Hara 248c F. S. Royster Guano Co 200c J. S. Schofield's Sons Co 192c H. Stevens' Sons Co 200b Stratton Brick Co 248d MARIETTA— Butler Marble & Granite Co 208c Glover Machine Works . 216b Marietta Knitting Mills 216b Marietta Paper Mills 208c MILNER— John H. Wilson 224b NEWNAN^ PAGE. Newnan Marble Works 256c ROME— C. L. King Mfg. Co 224a Rome Brick Co 216d Rome Steam Bakery 224b Rome Testing 'Laboratory 224a Standard Scale Co 216d Southern Co-operative Co 224a State Mutual Life Ins. Co 216d SAVANNAH— Peter D. Barbour & Bro ' . . . 256a J. de Bruynkops 224d Granger-Stubbs Lumber Co 240b John Rourke & Sons 256b Savannah Morning News 224c Southern Pine Co 240a STEVENS POTTERY— Stevens Bros Second colored page. SMYRNA— Belmont Farm 224b WINDER— The Winder Foundry 256c Woodruff Hardware Co 256c The Planters Bank of americus, ga. Designated State, County and City Depository OFPICERS: L. G. COUNCII. President. R. J. PERRY, Vice-Pres. C. M. COUNCII,, Cashier. A General Banking Business Transacted. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED RE- LATIVE TO ANY COMMERCIAL INTER- ESTS IN THE AMERICUS DISTRICT. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, Firms and Individuals Solicited. WITHAM COTTON MILLS, Hartwell. Ga. Manufacturers of Fancy Tickings, Sateens, Shirtings and Yarns. KEEP YOUR ON CEDARTOWN, QA. CHARLES ADAMSON, J. WRIGHT ADAMSON, President. Sec. (Si. Xreas. THE CEDARTOWN COMPANY. REAL ESTATE. CAPITAL $500,000. Cedartown, the County Seat of Polk County, is situated 90 miles South of Chat- tanooga, 60 miles northwest of Atlanta and 80 miles east of Birmingham. Population has grown in the last 10 years from 1200 to 5000 and is still steadily increasing. Kailpoad facilities are excellent: Central' of Georgia running north and south and the Seaboard Air l,ine running east and west — connecting Atlanta and Birmingham. Cedartown is the center of a manufacturing and mining region, and of an espec- ially fine body of farming lands. It has no debt and low tix rate. It has all the conveniences of a city: Waterworks, sewerage system, electric lights, good schools, churches of all the various denominations, handsome city hall, efficient Fire Department. No man lias ever yet lost money in Cedarto-virn Real Estate. The tendency of value being constantly upwards. CedartO^wn has four Spinning Mills, three Knitting Mills one Paper Box Factory, one Iron Furnace, one Cotton Seed Oil Mill, Lumber Co., Ice Plant and other small industries. These industries together with the Railroads and Mining Companies make monthly cash disbursements amounting to $45000, thus insuring the business prosperity and stability of the city. If you wish to make an investment either large or small that will pay you hand- some'y purcHase Cedarto^w^n Real Estate. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED All inquiries promptly answered. For maps and pamphlets apply to CEDARTOWN COMPANY, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA. THE OLD RELIABLE SEABOARD Air Line Railway Offers Every Advantage to the Traveling Public Two Magnificent Trains Each Day BETWEEN Atlanta, Monroe, Hamlet, Raleigh, Richmond, Portsmouth, Wash- ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and NEW YORK Connections Made for All Eastern Points by Rail and by Norfolk and Steamer Lines THREE TRAINS DAILY TO Athens, Abbeville, Greenwood & Clinton THROUGH PULLMAN CARS AND ELEGANT CAFE DINING CARS. For full information address C. B. WALKER, R. M. COFFEY, Depot TicKet Agent, City Passenger and Ticket Agent Phone 213 Phones 100 W. E. CHRISTIAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent Atlanta, Ga. ii!i!:iii!:i;i:iiiiiii]iiiii.:L..iii li