Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/compendiumofchroOOjaqu COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. > London: A. and G. A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square. COMPENDIUM CHEONOLOGY CONTAINING THE MOST IMPORTANT DATES OF GENERAL HISTORY, POLITICAL, ECCLESIASTICAL, AKD LITERARY, PEOM THE CHEATION OF THE WOELD TO THE EKD OF THE YEAE 1854. BY F. H. JAQUEMET. EDITED BY THE REV. JOHN ALCOEN, M.A. ^CP Cr LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 1855. TO THE MOST REV. RICHARD WHATELY, D.D, LORD ARCHBISHOP OF DUBLIN, IS, BY HIS grace's KIND PERMISSION, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BT HIS grace's OBLIGED AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT. Few are aware of the difficulties that lie in the way of obtaining accurate chronological data, for both Ancient and Modern History. The compiler of the following list has spent several years in ascertaining its contents, from a variety of the most trustworthy sources ; and it is hoped it will be found, on examination, to answer a useful pur- pose in furnishing a more portable and accurate Chrono- logical Guide than any that has been hitherto published in the English language. The requirements of students of Classical and Eccle- siastical History in the Universities have been specially considered in the preparation of the work. The leading events of both Ancient and Modern History have been distinguished from the rest by being printed in the largest type, for the convenience of those who may wish to learn or to teach a selection of the most important dates only. Lists of the genealogies of the English and French monarchs, and a synchronical list of the sovereigns of the chief countries of Europe, have been added, to save the trouble of referring to a variety of places in the book. The Indices have been designed to contain every name and event mentioned in the body of the work, and thus to facilitate its use as a book of reference. In a field so extensive, there cannot but be room for a variety of opinions, as to what ought to be inserted, and what omitted, in a compendium of this nature. While it is hoped the selection here made will be found generally useful, the Editor will feel obliged for any suggestions VI ADVERTISEMENT. relative to improvements, either in the matter or form, that might be made in future editions of the work. The subjects that are printed in different typographical characters are to be distinguished as follows : — Kings of Judah, and afterwards Kings of England, in Old English ; as, UtCtOVia, queen of England. Kings of Israel, and afterwards Kings of Scotland, in Roman capitals ; as, DAVID II., king of Scotland. Emperors of Germany in Egyptian type ; as, CHABLES v., emperor of Germany. Kings of France in Italic capitals ; as, Z O UIS XIV., king of France. The Popes in small Italic capitals ; as, pope GJREGOBY VII. Illustrious men in small Roman capitals ; as, socrates. The History of the Bible, and afterwards that of the British Empire, are printed in Italics. Ecclesiastical History in smaller Italics, The most important events in General History are printed in large Egyptian capitals ; as, THE DELUGE. Literature, discoveries, inventions, &c., are printed in the smallest type. ERRATA. The following errata have been discovered while the work was going through the press: — Page 3. line 14. for Cj-cles read Cycle. B.C. 220. for Philip read Philip III. A. c. 331 . „ Tachomius read Pachomius. 400. „ Claudius read Claudian. 915. after 915 insert " Constantine and Romanus, emperors of the Last," under 919 ; and omit it in 915. 1107./or Alexander VII. read Alexander 1. 13.34. „ Benedict VII. read Benedict XII. 1440. „ Frederick II. read Frederick IV. 1453. „ Constantine XI. re«rf Constantine Xlll. 1517. insert Correggio, painter, b. 1494, d. 1534. 1570. „ John Fox, martyrologist, b. 1517, d. 1587. 16o4./i>r Dutch read Spaniards. 1759. „ Frederick IV. read Ferdinand IV. 1815. „ Labeydoyere rrad Labedoyere. 1845. „ Disturbance is rt-flci Disturbance in. ERRATA (continued;. vii 11. c. 1859. The next date to this should be 185G, not l'/i'i, and some ia 3f.O.) — DishonOlirablc pCaCC of Antalcidas between the Spartans and Per- sians, by which the Greek cities of Asia Minor are rendered tributary to Persia. — philoxexvs, « dichryambic poet of Cjthera, who rayoyed the favour of Dionysias. 3S2. Ph'cebidas, the Spartan, seizes the citadel of Thebes by treachery. 379. The Spaiians are expelled from Thebes. — OlynthnS' is conquered by the Spartans after a war oft 4 years, 377. Chabrias defeats the Lacedemonian fleet at Xaxos. IS^US, an orator of Cbalcis, in Eubcea, who came to Athens, and became there the pupil of Lysias, and soon after the master of Demosthenes. PHILlSTUSof Syracuse, an historian. AKETA, a female philosopher of Cyrene— PHILO'LAVS, a Pychagorean philosopher of Crocona, who maintained that the earth turus" round its axis. 374. Artaxerxes Mnemon sends an army imder Pharna- bazus, with 20,000 Greeks, commanded by. Iphicrates, agidnst Xectanebis, king of Egypt, who had shaken ofl' ihe Persian yoke. 371. BATTLE OF LEUCTRA, in which the The- bans under Pelopidas and Epaminondas defeat' the Lacedtemonians, whose king, Cleombrotus, is killed in the action. 369. The Messenians, assisted by the Thebans, return tct the Peloponnesus, $6 years afcer their expulsion.! The citY of Messene is built. —352.] COMPENDIUM OF CIIIiONOLOGY. 35 H.<:. 'M)1, Dionysiufi IL, tyrant of HyrmmM. — Omt of the (yjriHulr: at Rome in (dfiCUA from the plebeian 8. — r/i^ foll/mimj ymr Jofi/iwm, hi/jh [rrkat of tlve Jt-im, kiMts hu frroiMr Jonhv/i in litf:. l/irapk, fi/r wlmh tka witi/m vs rfuj^Ai t/j pay o, jlriA fry titjh Pt'/fHi/irui fw 7 ycMrn. ?>()4:. Pelopidus defeats Alexander, tyrant of Pherse, in ThcHsaly, hut m killed in battle. — Taebos »uc- ceedr; Xectajjebj- I. 3G:i the LACEDEMONIANS ARE DE- FEATED BY EPAMINONDAS AT THE BATTLE OF MANTINEA, IN WHICH HE IS KILLED, 302. In order y> fulfil the i)i(}[Ai('/:y, Ciiniu>: devotes himself by leaping into a gulf in the Forum at Rome. 3ol. Agecilaus goes intf> Egypt tx> assist Tachos against Artaxerxes, but being seduced by the splendid offers of Nectanebis II., he makes him king instead of Tachos. Agesikus dies on his return. .-ifJO. PHILIP IL ASCENDS THE THRONE OF MACEDON, AND DEFEATS THE ATHENIANS AT METHONE. He in- stituUic the Ma^:edonian phaianx. 3o9. Artaxerxes IL is succeeded by Lis sr>n Ochus TArtaxerxes IILj. 3o8. Revolt of the Athenian colonies. Philip takes Amphi polls and Pydna. 3o7. THE SECOND SACRED WAR is occasioned by the Phocians alta/:king and plundering the temple of Delphi — Dionysius the Younger is expelled from Syrax^use by Dion, and next year withdraws to Italy. 356. Alexander the Great, son of Philip, is born at Pelk in Maxiedonia. — The temple of Diana at Ephesus is burnt by Erostratus. — Philip con- f|uers the Thraxiians, Paeonians, and Illyrian«, and takes Potidsea. First plebeian dictat^jr at Rome, C. IMarcius Rutilu». 352. Philip takes Methone. — The Phocians, under 36 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [351--. B.C. Onomarchus, are defeated in Thessaly by Philip. — DEMOSTHENES delivers his first Philippic. — THEOPOMPUS, a Greek historian of Chios, disciple of Isocrates. — SCOPAS, a distinguished sculptor in marble, statuary in bronze, and architect, native of Paros. 351. First plebeian censor at Rome, C. Marcius Rutilus. 350. Ochus invades Egypt, expels Nectanebis, and re- duces the whole country, which has ever since been enslaved by strangers. 347. Philip takes Olynthus. 346. Philip puts an end to the Sacred war by taking possession of all the cities of the Phocians, and is admitted a member of the Amphictyonic Council. Dionysius recovers the tyranny of Syracuse after 10 years' banishment. 343. WAR BETWEEN THE ROMANS AND THE SAMNITES, which lasts 71 years, and leads to the conquest of all Italy. — Syracuse is taken by Timoleon, and Dionysius the Tyrant finally banished, 340. P. Decius devotes himself to death for his country in the war with the Samnites. — Philip invades Scythia. About this time flourished DEMOSTHENES, the prince of orators, born at Athens, and pupil of Issus and Plato. — ^SCHINES, an Athenian orator, rival of Demosthenes.— ARISTOTLE, a famous philo- sopher, born at Stagyra. His disciples were called PERIPATETICS, be- cause they received the philosopher's lectures as they walked about. The Peripatetics placed their " summum bonum " in the due exercise of the moral and intellectual faculties. Aristotle was preceptor to Alexander the Great.— THEOPHRASTUS, a philosopher, native of Eressus in Lesbos : he studied under Plato, and afterwards under Aristotle, whom he succeeded in the Lyceum. He died aged 107- To his care we are indebted for the works of Aristotle, which the dying philosopher entrusted to him — DIOGENES, a celebrated Cynic philosopher of Sinope. — HERMO- GENES, an architect of Alabanda, in Caria, who built the temple of Diana at Magnesia, and the temple of Bacchus at Teos. — MYRON, ALCAMENES, and CTESILAUS, statuaries — DEMOCRATES, an architect of Alexandria. — LYSIPPUS, a famous statuary of Sicyon. He made no less than 1500 statues ; those of the 25 horsemen who were drowned in the Granicus, were so valued that, in the age of Augustus, they were bought for their weight in gold. Alexander the Great would allow- none but Lysippus to make his statues, and none but Apelles to take his portrait APELLES, a celebrated painter of Cos, others say of Ephesus. — PRAXITELES, one of the most distinguished artists of Greece, was both a statuary in bronze and a sculptor in marble. Praxiteles stands with Scopas, at the head of the " later Attic school," so called in contradistinction to the earlier Attic school of Phidias. — PAUSIAS, a painter of Sicyon, the first who understood how to apply colours to wood and ivory by means of fire. — PROTOGENES, a painter of Rhodes — ARISTOXENUS, a celebrated musician. The three books he wrote upon music are the most ancient on that subject extant.— GRANTOR, a philosopher of Soli, Plato's disciple, 339. The Carthaginians are defeated by Timoleon near Agrigentum. — Phocion obliges Philip to raise: —327.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 37 B.C. the sieges of Perinthus and Byzantium. — The laws made by the general assembly of the people, the Comitia tributa, no longer require the confirmation of the Koman senate. 338. PHILIP DEFEATS THE ATHENIANS AND THEBANS AT CHiEIlONEA.— Ochus, king of Persia, is poisoned by Bagoas, who makes Arogus or Arses king. 337. Philip is chosen generalissimo of the Greeks against the Persians. 336. ALEXANDER THE GREAT, KING OF MACEDON ; his father Philip having been killed by Pausanias. — Bagoas poisons Arogus, and is put to death by Darius Codomanus, who ascends the throne of Persia. 335. Alexander destroys Thebes,. 334. Alexander begins the Persian invasion, and gains a victory over Darius at Granicus. — First plebeian pragtor at Rome. 333. Alexander reduces all Asia Minor, and gains another great victory at Issus. 332. Alexander destroys Tyre and Gaza; he visits Jeru- salem, the high priest meets him, and showing him the prophecy of his coming into the Holy Land in Daniel, Alexander spares and protects that city. He conquers Egypt, and there founds Alexandria. — The Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim huilt hy Manas seh, son of Joiada, ac- cording to Josephus. 331. BATTLE OP ARBELA. END OP THE PERSIAN, AND COMMENCEMENT OP THE GRECIAN OR MACEDO- NIAN EMPIRE.— Alexander takes posses- sion of Babylon and Susa, and sets fire to the palace of Persepolis. 330. Darius is slain by the traitor Bessus. 327. Alexander's expedition against Porus. — He builds on the banks of the Hydaspes the cities of D 3 38 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [326— B.C. Nicsea, in honour of his victory, and Bucephala, in memory of his horse Bucephalus. 326o Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Eu- phrates. 325. Papirius Cursor, dictator at Rome, triumphs over the Samnites. (See 309.) 323. ALEXANDER THE GREAT DIES AT BABYLON at the age of 33 ; Philip Arid^us, his brother, succeeds nominally as king, while the commanders of his army divide the empire among themselves. 321. THE SAMNITES MAKE THE ROMAN ARMY PASS UNDER THE YOKE IN THE CAUDINE PORKS OR PASS. 320. Polysperchon publishes liberty to all the Grecian cities. — Ptolemy Soter seizes upon Phoenicia, Coelo- Syria, and Judea, takes Jerusalem, and carries 100,000 Jews captives into Egypt, where they form a colony at Alexandria. 318. Athens and most of Greece conquered by Cas- sander. 317. Demetrius Phalereus governs Athens for 10 years. — Agathocles, tyrant of Syracuse. 316. Cassander obtains the kingdom of Macedon. — Eumenes is delivered to Antigonus by his army. 3 1 2. Seleucus Nicator takes Babylon.— COMMENCE- MENT OP THE ERA OF THE SELEU- CID^. 311. Cassander, Lysimachus, and Ptolemy, conclude a peace with Antigonus. The following year Cassander murders Alexander ^gus, with Roxana his mother. 309. Conquests of Agathocles in Africa. — Papirius Cursor in his second dictatorship gains a signal victory over the Samnites. 307. Demetrius Poliorcetes captures Athens, and re- establishes democracy. (Poliorcetes signifies Be- sieger of Towns). —300.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 39 B.C. 306. Alexander's successors first assume the title of kings. — Pyrrhus, at the age of 12, is placed on the throne of Epirus by Glaucias. 304. Demetrius besieges Rhodes. The Rhodians form an alliance with the Romans. The following year Demetrius wrests all southern Greece from Cassander. 301. BATTLE OP IPSUS, IN WHICH AN- TIGONUS IS DEFEATED AND KILLED BY PTOLEMY, SELEUCUS, LYSIMACHUS, AND CASSANDER.— The dominions of Alexander are formed into four kingdoms : Egypt, with Judea, Phoenicia and Coelo-Syria, under Ptolemy Soter ; Macedon and Greece, under Cassander ; Thrace, Bithynia, &c., under Lysimachus ; and Syria, with all the East, under Seleucus. 300. 300. About this time Seleucus Nicator founded about 40 cities in Asia Minor, among which were Antioch, Edessa, and Laodicea. — First Plebeian Pontifex Maximus (High Priest) at Rome. — About this time flourished menander, comic poet of Athens, educated under Theophrastus. He received the appellation of Prince of the New Comedy.— PYRRHO, a philosopher of Elis, disciple of Anax- archus. The manner he had of doubting of everything has been called Pyrrho- nism ; he is the FOUNDER OF THE SCEPTIC SCHOOL— BEROSUS, an historian of Babylon. — EUCLID, a famous mathematician of Alex- andria. He wrote 15 books on the elements of geometry. He established a school at Alexandria, which became so famous that from his age to the time of the Saracen conquest no mathematician was to be found who had not studied at Alexandria. — ARISTARCHUS, an astronomer of Samos, who first found means of determining the distance of the sun, as compared with that of the moon ; his treatise on the magnitude of the sun and its distance is still extant. — ZENO, a distinguished philosopher, native of Citium, in the island of Cyprus, FOUNDER OF THE SECT OF THE STOICS, so called because his followers received his instructions in the portico called " Stoa." He placed happiness in virtue, and recommended resignation, and the diligent study of one's self, and taught that God was the soul of the world. — EPICURUS, a celebrated philosopher, native of Gargetium, in Attica. He taught his followers that happiness con- sisted in pleasure, not such as arises from sensual gratification, or from vice, but from the enjoyments of the mind and the study of virtue. Accord- ing to Diogenes Laertius he wrote no less than 300 volumes — ARCE- SILAUS, a philosopher of Pitane, in .ffi^olia, disciple of Poleinon. He was the founder of the Middle Academy, as Plato was of the Ancient, and Carneades of the New. He professed to know nothing (Acatalepsy"), and accused others of the same ignorance — CHARES, a statuary, who was 12 years employed in making the famous Colossus of Rhodes. It was a brass statue of Apollo, 70 cubits high, erected at the port of Rhodes in honour of the Sun, and esteemed one of the wonders of the world ; it was built in 290, D 4 40 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [297— thrown down by an earthquake in 224. and finally destroyed by the Saracens ton their taking Rhodes in a.d. 672.— THEOCRITUS, a Greek pastoral poet, who flourished at Syracuse. Virgil, in his Eclogues, has imitated and often copied him. — BION, a philosopher and sophist, from the Borysthenes in Scythia.— MOSCHUS, a Greek bucolic poet. — ARATUS, a Greek poet of Cilicia. — MEGASTHENES, a Greek historian. — CRATES, a philo- sopher of Bceotia, disciple of Diogenes — POLEMON, a philosopher, disciple and successor to Xenocrates — ERASISTRATUS, a celebrated physician, grandson to the philosopher Aristotle. 297. Death of Cassander, king of Macedon ; war among his two sons Antipater and Alexander. 296. Athens is again taken by Demetrius Poliorcetes. 295. Pyrrhus sole king of Epirus. — The second Decius devotes himself to death at the battle of Sen- tinum against the Gauls. 294. Demetrius murders Alexander, and seizes the crown of Macedon. 289. Death of Agathocles. — Anarchy at Syracuse. 287. Demetrius is expelled from his kingdom by Pyrrhus, who, the year after, is driven out of it by Lysi- machus, king of Thrace ; he in his turn is defeated and slain by Seleucus (281), and Se- leucus is assassinated by Ptolemy Ceraunus (280), who is defeated and slain the same year by the Gauls, who laid waste the whole country. — Law of Hortensius, by which the decrees of the people were allowed the same force as those of the senate. 285. The astronomical era of Dionysius of Alexandria. 284. Ptolemy Philadelphus succeeds his father Ptolemy Soter on the throne of Egypt. Ceraunus, his elder brother, flies out of Egypt, first to Lysi- machus, and then to Seleucus. Phiiadeiphus signifies one who loves his brother; Soter, saviour; and Ceraunus, thunder. —Building of the Pharos at Alexandria (esteemed one of the wonders of the world) by Ptolemy Philadelphus. It was a tower built of white marble, and could be seen at the distance of 100 miles. On the top fires were continually kept to direct sailors. SOSTRATUS was the architect employed in its construc- tion Ptolemy founds the famous library of Alexandria. 281. The Romans begin the Tarentine war, which lasts 10 years. — Commencement of the Achaean league. 280. Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, goes to Italy to assist the Tarentines, and defeats the consul Laevinus. — Antiochus Soter succeeds Seleucus as king of Syria. —260.] COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 41 B.C. 279. The Gauls under Brennus are cut to pieces near the temple of Delphi. 277. Antigonus Gonatas ascends the throne of Macedon. — About this time the Septiiagint {Greek) Version of the Old Testament is made by order of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Seventy- two translators were shut up in thirty-six cells to accomplish it. Ptolemy gave the Jews about a million sterling for a copy of the Old Tes- tament, and to the seventy-two translators half a inillion more for the translation. 276. Manasseh succeeds Onias in the high priesthood. — TIMiEUS, an his- torian of Sicily. 275. PYRRHUS IS DEFEATED BY THE ROMANS UNDER CURIUS DENTA- TUS, NEAR BENEVENTUM, AND EVACUATES ITALY. 273. Pyrrhus conquers Macedonia. 272. Tarentum is taken, and the Samnites are finally subdued by the Romans under L. Pap. Cursor the Younger. — Death of Pyrrhus. 270. Hiero II. king of Syracuse. 269. Fabius Pictor coins silver money: tlie Romans had hitherto used only brass money ; gold was coined in 206. 268. Athens is taken by Antigonus Gonatas, who occu- pies it 12 years. 265. The citizens of Rome are numbered at 292,224, 264. THE FIRST PUNIC WAR begins, and con- tinues 23 years. — The chronology of the Arun- delian Marbles, or Chronicle of Pares, is now composed. (See 1582.) — The first combat of gladiators, consisting of two pairs only, exhibited at Kome by the Bruti at the funeral of their father. 263. The first sun-dial is erected at Rome ; it was brought from Catana by Messala. 262. Antiochus Soter is defeated at Sardis by Eumenes of Pergamus. — Agrigentum is taken by the Romans. 261. Antiochus Soter is killed in a battle with the Gauls, and is succeeded by Antiochus Theos. 260. First naval victory (at Mylae) obtained by the 42 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [255— B.C. Romans under the consul Duilius over the Car- thaginians. — Provincial quaestors are instituted at Rome. 255. REGULUS is defeated by Xanthippus in Africa. 254. Cn. C. Scipio and A. Atilius Calatinus take Panormus. The following year the Romans, from repeated shipwrecks, renounce the sove- reignty of the seas. 251. Aratus re-establishes the Ach^an league, and per- suades the people of Sicyon to join it. 250. Great victory of Metellus over Hasdrubal near Panormus: 130 elephants are captured and sent to Rome. — Arsaces I. founds the kingdom of Parthia after having shaken off the Seleucidan yoke. Theodotus follows his example, and founds the kingdom of Bactria. — The Romans besiege Lilybseum, and are defeated by Hamilcar. — About this time flourished CLEANTHES, a Stoic philosopher, successor of Zeno. He was so poor, that to maintain himself he used to draw out water for a gardener in the night, and study in the day time. Cicero calls him the Father of the Stoics.— MANETHO, an Egyptian historian.— ZOILUS, a sophist and grammarian of Amphipolis, distinguished for his severe criticisms on Homer. —CONON, a Greek astronomer of Samos — LYCOPHRON, a Greek poet and grammarian, born at Chalcis in Eubcea — CALLIMACHUS, an historian and poet of Gyrene. —ERATOSTHENES, a geometer of Gyrene. According to some he first observed the obliquity of the ecliptic, and first found out how to measure accurately the extent and circumference of the globe APOLLONIUS, a geometrician of Perga in Pamphylia, discoverer of the conic sections ARCHIMEDES, a famous geometrician and mechanist of Syracuse, founder of the science of hydrostatics, inventor of the screw called the Archimedean screw, now used as a means of pro- pelling ships.— STRATON, a philosopher of Lampsacus, disciple and successor in the school to Theophrastus, and preceptor to Ptolemy Phila- delphus ZENODOTUS, a grammarian — PHILO, an architect of Byzan- tium, celebrated for his mechanical inventions.— CTESIBIUS, an historian. — SOSIBIUS, a grammarian of Laconia, who advised Ptolemy Philopator to murder his wife Arsinoe and his brother — HOMER junior, one of the Greek poets called Pleiades, native of Hierapolis. 249. Sea fight of Drepanum, where Claudius Pulcher is defeated by Adherbal. 247. Death of Ptolemy Philadelphus : his son Ptolemy Euero-etes succeeds him. 246. Seleucus Calllnicus succeeds Antiochus Theos, and puts to death his step-mother Berenice. Her brother Ptolemy Euergetes invades and over- runs the w^hole Syrian empire from the Helles- pont to the Tigris. 244. The citadel of Corinth is taken by Aratus. — Le- -220.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY, 43 B.C. onidas is restored to the throne of Sparta, Cleom- brotus banished, and Agis put to death. 241. The Carthaginians are defeated by Lutatius Ca- tulus at the Agates. End of the first Punic war. — Attains, king of Pergamus, succeeds Eu- menes, his first cousin. 240. Comedies are first acted at Rome, being those of Livius Andronicus. 237. Hamilcar Barcas passes into Spain with his son Hannibal, then 9 years old. 235. The temple of Janus is shut for the first time since the reign of Numa. 231. The Romans conquer Sardinia and Corsica.- — The first divorce known at Rome takes place, that of Sp. Carvilius. 228. The Roman ambassadors first appear at Athens and Corinth. — Hamilcar is killed in Spain. Has- drubal, his father-in-law, succeeds him in the command. The following year he builds New Carthage in Spain (now Carthagena). — Cleo- menes III., king of Sparta, gains a great victory over the Achgeans under Aratus. Two years after Cleomenes restores the ancient constitution of Lycurgus, which Agis had in vain attempted to do. — - C. N^VIUS, a Latin poet, who was banished from Rome by Metellus. 224. The Romans cross the Po for the first time in pursuit of the Gauls, who invaded Italy 226 : the Boii are conquered. — The Colossus of Rhodes is thrown down by an earthquake. 223. Death of Seleucus Ceraunus, king of Syria ; An- tiochus the Great, his brother, succeeds him. 222. Battle of Sellasia, followed by the taking of Sparta by Antigonus II. (Doson.) — Marcellus gains the third spolia opima by killing Yiridomarus, king of the Gauls. — Ptolemy Philopator, king of Egypt. 221. Hasdrubal is assassinated, and Hannibal succeeds to the command of the Carthaginians in Spain. 220. Social war between the ^tolians and the Achseans 44 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY, [219— B.C. assisted by Philip 11., tlie last Macedonian king of that name. 219. HANNIBAL TAKES SAGUNTUM, and subdues all Spain as far as the Iberus (Ebro). 218. THE SECOND PUNIC WAR begins, and con- tinues 17 years. Hannibal crosses the Pyrenees and the Alps, gains the battle of Ticinus over P. Scipio, and that of Trebia over Sempronius, 217. Hannibal passes the marshes of Clusium, where he loses an eye, and at the lake of Thrasymenus defeats and kills Flaminius, who had given battle contrary to the advice of his council of war. Fabius Maximus, surnamed Cunctator ("Delayer") is made dictator. — Ptolemy gains a great victory over Antiochus at Raphia ; and coming to Jerusalem he attempts to enter the Holy of Holies, but is hindered by the high priest, Onias II. 216. BATTLE OP CANN.E, in which the Romans under Varro are totally defeated by Hannibal. Paulus ^milius, the other consul, is killed in the action. 214. The Romans begin the war in Epirus against Philip i of Macedon. 212. SYRACUSE IS TAKEN BY MARCEL-- LUS after a siege of 3 years, and Archimedes i is killed, THE TWO SCIPIOS, CORNELIUS AND" CNEIUS, ARE KILLED IN SPAIN.. Philip defeats the ^tolians. 211. Capua surrenders to the Romans. — Antiochus the" Great conquers Judea. 210. Publius Scipio (having been sent into Spain, 211); takes Carthagena. 207. HASDRUBAL IS DEFEATED AND I KILLED BY LIVIUS AND CLAUDIUS! NERO AT THE METAURUS, a riverr in Umbria. -194.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 45 B.C. Battle of Mantinea, where Philopoemen, general of the Achseans, defeats Machanidas, tyrant of Sparta, who is killed in the action. Nabis succeeds him. 204. Ptolemy Y. Epiphanes, only 5 years old, king of xLgypt. Worship of Cybele introduced at Rome from Pessinus in Phrygia. 203. The Carthaginians recal Hannibal to Africa. Sopho- nisba (Syphax's wife, Hasdrubal's daughter) is poisoned by Massinissa, king of Numidia. — Antiochus combines with Philip of Macedon to divide the dominions of the young Ptolemy between them, and seizes upon Palestine and Coele- Syria. 202 BATTLE OP ZAMA in Africa, where HAN- NIBAL IS DEFEATED BY CORNE- LIUS SCIPI9 AFMCANUS I. End of the second Punic war. — Philip is defeated by the Rhodians near the isle of Chios. 201. The Komans send M. Emilius Lepidus into Egypt to assist the people in defending their infant king. Syphax is led in triumph to Rome by P. Scipio. 200. 200. FIRST MACEDONIAN WAR. P. Sul- pitius gains a victory over Philip near Octo- lophuS. About this time flourished FABIUS PICTOR, the first Roman historian. — C. ALIMENTUS, an historian. — APOLLONIUS RHODIUS, a Greek poet— PLAUTUS, a comic poet, native of Sarsina in Umbria. — CARNEADES, founder of the Third or New Academy.— ENNIUS, an epic poet, native of Rudia» in Calabria. — CCECILIUS STA- TIUS, a comic poet, native of Gaul.— Wealth and luxury begin to appear at Rome. 197. PHILIP IS DEFEATED BY FLAMI- NIUS AT GYNOSCEPHAL^, which puts an end to the first Macedonian war. — Death of Attains I., king of PergamUS. six prators now appointed at Rome. 196. Greece is declared free at the Isthmian Games. ■ Hannibal joins Antiochus. 194. Three days' triumph of Flaminius. The orchestra is appro. priated to the senators by Scipio. 46 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [l92- B.C. 192. Nabis is defeated by Philopoemen, and slain soon after. — Lacedaemon is added to the Achaean league. 191. War with Antiochus ; second battle of Thermo- pylae, where Antiochus is defeated by Glabrio. 190. The Romans under Lucius Scipio enter Asia Minor. ANTIOCHUS IS DEFEATED AT MAG- NESIA. 188. Philopoemen takes Sparta, and abrogates the laws of LyCUrgUS. Eumenes II. founds a library at Pergamus. 187. Antiochus is slain while attempting to rob the temple of Elymais, and is succeeded by his son Seleucus Philopator. 186. Triumph of Manlius over the Galatians. —The Baccha- nalia forbidden, and contests of athletes first exhibited at Rome. 184. Cato the Elder censor at Rome. — Death of piauius. 183. DEATH OP HANNIBAL. Forsaken by his countrymen, he had taken refuge at the court of Prusias, king of Bithynia ; when he saw his house besieged on all sides, he took poison, which he carried in his ring. —DEATH OP PHI- LOPCEMEN5 justly called the last of the Greeks; he was poisoned by order of Dinocrates, the Messenian general — DEATH OP P. COR. SCIPIO APRICANUS Major. 181. Ptolemy Epiphanes having been poisoned, is suc- ceeded by his son Philometor, then only 6 years old. 179. Perseus succeeds Philip as king of Macedon. 176. Heliodorus, by order of Seleucus, attempts to rob the Temple of Jerusalem, but is said to have been prevented by an angel. — Seleucus is poisoned by Heliodorus, who attempts to seize the crown. 175. Antiochus Epiphanes, the brother of Seleucus, ob- tains the kingdom of Syria " by flatteries," and reigns 11 years. Jason buys the high priesthood of him, and supplants his brother Onias. 171. SECOND MACEDONIAN WAR with Per- seus, 26 years from the peace of Plaminius. — -150.J COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 47 B.C. Antiochus gains a great victory over Ptolemy, near Pelusium. 17 ANTIOCHUS TAKES JERUSALEM, slays 40,000 persons, sells as many more for slaves, and plunders and profanes the temple. The Alexandrians make Physcon, brother of Ptolemy Philometor, king of Egypt. 168. PERSEUS IS DEFEATED BY PAULUS ^MILIUS AT PYDNA; Macedonia is reduced to a Roman province. Illyria is also made a Eoman province, being conquered by Anicius. The history of Polybius ends here. — Antiochus prepares to besiege Alexandria, but is prevented by the Romans. 167. Violent persecution of the Jews. The seven Jewish brothers and their mother suffer martyrdom. — - Polybius, the historian, one of the 1000 Acheeans now sent to Rome as hostages for 16 years. 166. Era of the Maccabees, under Judas Maccabasus. 1 64. Death of Antiochus Epiphanes ; his son Antiochus Eupator succeeds him. 162. Demetrius Soter, son of Seleucus Philopator, escapes from Rome, kills Antiochus Eupator, and succeeds to the throne of Syria. 161. Nicanor, sent by Demetrius against the ^ Jews, is slain by Judas with all his army ; but Bacchides, sent to avenge this blow, slays Judas, who is succeeded by Jonathan. — Decree at Rome against the Latin rhetoricians and philosophers. 159. Crates ambassador at Rome from King Attains. — Death of Terence, the celebrated comic poet Time is measured at Rome by a water machine (Clepsydra) invented by Scipio Nasica, 104 years after the introduction of sun-dials. 155. The Athenians being fined 1000 talents for plundering Oropus, send Diogenes the Stoic, Carneades the Platonic, and Critolaus the Peripatetic, on an embassy to Rome. 153. War of the Carthaginians against Massinissa, and of the Romans against the Lusitanians. 150. Demetrius Soter is slain by Alexander Balas, who succeeds him, and reigns 5 years. — About this time flourished HIPPARCHUS, an astronomer of Nicaea, who first made a catalogue of the stars to the number of 1022. He first used latitude and 48 COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. [l49 — B.C. longitude, and discovered the precession of the equinoxes — Q. ME- TELLUS MACERrONlNUS, architect of Jupiter Stator's temple at Rome.— L. ACCIUS andPACUVIUS. Roman tragic poets.— POLYBIUS, the celebrated historian, native of Megalopolis in Peloponnesus >fl- CANDER, a Greek poet, grammarian, and physician MELEAGER, collector of Greek anthology. 149. THE THIRD PUNIC WAR begins. — Pru- sias, king of Bitliynia, is put to death by his son Nicomedes. — Cato the Censor, and Massinissa, king of Numidia, died. PIso's law of bribery at elections. 148. Andriscus of Macedon is defeated by Metellus. — Birth of Lucilius. 146. Metelhis defeats the Achasans. DESTRUCTION OP CARTHAGE (737 years from its foundation) by Scipio Africanus Minor, July 2. CAPTURE OP CORINTH, September, by Mummius : Greece is reduced to a Roman pro- vince under the name of Achaia. Demetrius Nicator recovers Syria from Balas. 145. Viriathus, the general of the Lusitanians, defeats the praetors Vitellius and Plautus. 1 44. Jonathan is put to death, and is succeeded in the high-priesthood hy Simon. 143. The Salassians conquered by Claudius, and the 2nd Pseudo -Philip by Tremellius the quasstor. The embassy of Scipio, and Panaetius into Egypt, Syria, and Greece. 141. The JSTumantine war begins and continues 8 years. Pompeius is defeated. — The sovereignty of Judea is confirmed to Simon and to his pos-- terity by a general assembly of the Jews at Jerusalem: he frees them from all tribute to any foreign prince. 140. Viriathus, general of the Lusitanians, after having been engaged for 8 years in war with the Romans, is assassinated at the instigation of the consul Caspio. 138. Demetrius Nicator is taken prisoner by the Par- thians : his brother, Antiochus Sidetes, ascends the throne in 137, and reigns 10 years. -118.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 49 B.C. 137. The Romans under Mancinus are shamefully de- feated by the Numantines. 135. Simon and two of his sons are basely murdered by Ptolemy his son-in-law ; he is succeeded by his son John Hyrcanus. The history of the Apocrypha ends, 134. Troubles excited in Rome by the tribune TI- BERIUS GRACCHUS, who RENEWS THE AGRARIAN LAW : Scipio Nasica, his kinsman, is of the opposite faction. 133. JSTumantia is taken and destroyed by the Romans 20 years from the beginning of the war with the Lusitanians. — Tiberius Gracchus is killed. — Death of Attains III., king of Pergamus : he bequeaths his kingdom to the Romans. 132. End of the war of the Romans against the revolted slaves in Sicily under Eunus ; it had lasted 2 years. 130. The consul Crassus is defeated by Aristonicus, and killed. 129. Aristonicus, son of Eumenes II., king of Pergamus, . is defeated after 2 years' war against the Romans. Scipio Africanus Minor is found dead in his bed. — Death of Carneades. 128. Antiochus Sidetes is slain in war with the Par- thians : Demetrius Nicator returns, and recovers his kingdom. '25. The Romans, under M. Fulvius Flaccus, first make war on the Transalpine Gauls. 123. C. Gracchus, tribune of the commons, passes the Sempronian law. Metellus conquers the Balea- rians. — Carthage is rebuilt by the Romans. 121. C. Gracchus is killed. — The Allobroges are con- quered by Domitius -^nobarbus and Fabius Maximus. 118. Narbonensis Gallia (the south of Gaul) becomes a Roman province ; they plant a colony in Narbo 50 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. [ll7— ■ ;b.c. Martins (Narbonne). — Micipsa, son of Massi-- nissa, dies. 117. Death of Ptolemy Physcon, king of Egypt; he is 5 succeeded by Ptolemy Lathyrus, in conjunction i with his mother Cleopatra. The Roman am- bassadors restore Adherbal to his kingdom ini Numidia. 115. Plays are banished from Rome by the censors Metellus and Domitius ^no- barbus : the Latin flute-players alone are tolerated. 113. First great migration of the German nations.— Carbo treacherously attacks the Cimbri, and is^ defeated by them. They retire to Helvetia, and! from thence to Transalpine Gaul. 112. Jugurtha assassinates Adherbal, king of Numidia.. 111. THE JUGURTHINE WAR begins, and con- tinues 5 years, during which Metellus, Marius, and Sylla distinguish themselves. — Mithridates^ VI. (surnamed the Great, and Eupator), kingi of Pontus, conquers Scythia, Colchis, and otheri countries. 109. Aristobulus and Antigonus, sons of Hyrcanus, takei and utterly destroy Samaria. Aulus is defeated! by Jugurtha, and Metellus succeeds to the com- mand of the Roman army. — Silanus is defeated by the Cimbri. 107. Hyrcanus dies, and is succeeded by his son Aristo- bulus, who first assumes the insignia and title of kingv — Marius is appointed to the command against Jugurtha. — Cassius is defeated by the( Helvetii. 106. End of the JugUrthine war, Servillus C^piO shares the judida between the senate and theequites Aristobulus dies, and is succeeded' by his brother Alexander Jannceus, who reigns with great success 27 years. Birth of Cicero, the statesman, orator/ and philosopher, at Arpinum, a town of the< Yolsci. Birth of Pompey. 105. The Cimbri defeat 80,000 Eomans under Manliua and Caepio on the banks of the Rhone. 83.] COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. 51 L02. MARIUS DEFEATS THE TEUTONES near Aquas Sextias (Aix) in Provence^ and the Cimbri the next year at Yercellae. 100. LOO. BIRTH OP JULIUS C^SAR. Metellus is banished and Saturninus killed. 99. Dolabella conquers Lusitania. The second Servile war in Sicily is put an end to by Aquillius, in the 4th year. 97, Immolation of human victims forbidden at Rome. 96. Cyrene (a country in the north of Africa) is left by Ptolemy Apion to the Romans. 92. First embassy from the Parthians to the Romans, received by Sylla. 91. Drusus is killed. 90, THE SOCIAL WAR is begun by the Piceni at Asculum, and continues 2 years, till terminated by Sylla. — Freedom of Rome granted to all Latium and to the peaceable states. 88. THE MITHRIDATIC WA^ ^^g^^'^ ^.^^ continues 26 years. The civil wars of Marius and Sylla begin, and continue 6 years. Sylla takes possession of Rome. 87. Freedom of Rome granted to all Italy, and 10 new tribes added. Rome is attacked by four armies : those of Marius, Cinna, Carbo, and Sertorius, who enter the city in triumph. 86. Sylla defeats Mithridates, conquers Athens, and sends its valuable libraries to Rome. — Death of Marius at Arpinum. 85. Fimbria gains a victory over Mithridates. — Birth of Brutus. 84. Peace between Mithridates and Sylla; Asia, Bithynia, and Cappadocia are surrendered by Mithridates. 83. Sylla defeats Norbanus. — The capitol is burned. — > E 2 52 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [62— B.C. Tigranes, king of Armenia, is chosen king by the Syrians. 82. SYLLA defeats the younger Marius at Praeneste, , and Telesinus, the general of the Samnites ; he is • made perpetual dictator, and enforces his horrible 5 proscriptions. 81. Triumph of Sylla. Triumph of Pompey for his^ victories in Africa, while still an eques, and ini his 25th year. 80. Julius Caesar serves his first campaign ; he is pre- sent at the siege of Mitylene, the last city ini arms for Mithridates. — Ptolemy Lathyrus, kingj of Egypt, dies, and is succeeded by Alexander. 79. Sylla abdicates. Jannceus dies, and is succeeded by his wife\ Alexandra, who makes her eldest son Hyrcanus high priest. — Cicero goes to Athens for three years. 78. Death of Sylla. The war of Sertorius begins, and lasts 8 years. 75. Servilius Isauricus in the 3rd year of the war sub- dues the pirates. 74. Bithynia is left by Nicomedes to the Romans. — The Mithridatic war is renewed, 10 years after the peace. 73. THE SERVILE WAR begins under Spartacuss The following year he defeats the consuls Lenn^ tulus and Gellius, and is himself defeated ancc killed by Pompey and Crassus in 71. 72. LucuUus defeats Mithridates, who has recourse tc Tigranes, king of Armenia, to. help him. — Sertorius is assassinated in Spain. 70. Pompey and Crassus are chosen consuls at Romee and restore the power of the tribunes of th« commons. Cotta restores the judicia to the equites, 10 years afte< Sylla had deprived them of it— Cicero's oration against Verres.— Birtl of Virgil. Alexandra dies, and is succeeded by Hyrcanui who is dispossessed by his brother Aristobulus. 69. Tigrauocerta is taken by Lucullus, — Law of Roscius Otho, giving the knighi seats in 14 rows, next to the senators. —52.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 53 B.C. 67. LucuUus is superseded by Glabrio. War with the pirates of Cilicia. Crete is subdued by Metellus (Creticus). Cilicia and Crete are made pro-^ vinces of the Roman empire. — Terentius Varro conquers the pirates of Adria^ and obtains the first " naval crown." 66. The command against Mithridates is given to Pompey by the Manilian law. He conquers Mithridates in a night battle. 65, Pompey conquers Syria, which puts an end to the reign of the Seleucidae. Piso's conspiracy at Home. Birth of Horace. 63. VICTORIES OP POMPEY: he conquered 15 kingdoms, and took 400 towns. He takes Jeru- salem and restores Hyrcanus to the government of Judea. — Mithridates kills himself in the 26th year of the war: it is said that he conquered 24 nations, whose languages he spoke with the same ease as his own. — Pharnaces his son, king ofBosphorus. — Catiline's conspiracy is detected by Cicero. — Birth of Augustus. 61. Pompey enters Rome in triumph. 59. Caesar, having Bibulus for his colleague in the con- sulship, proposes a new agrarian law. 58. The command in Gaul is given to Caesar by the Clodian law. Cicero is banished, and recalled next year. 56, FIRST TRIUMVIRATE, consisting of C^SAR, POMPEY, and CRASSUS. 55, JULIUS C^SAR INVADES BRITAIN. He was the first Roman who crossed the Rhine, which he did earlier in the same year. — The second consulship of Pompey and Crassus. 53. Crassus is killed, and his army routed in Meso- potamia by Monasses, the surena or general of Orodes, king of Parthia. 52. The third consulship of Pompey, without a col- league. Milo is defended by Cicero when on his trial for killing Clodius. E 3 54 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [51— B.C. 51. Ptolemy Auletes, king of Egypt^ dies, and is suc- ceeded by his daughter Cleopatra, and his eldest son Ptolemy XII. — Cicero, proconsul in Cilicia, takes Pindenissum. 50. Civil war between Cfesar and Pompey. — About this time flourished L. AFRANIUS, a Latin comic poet L. C. SISENNiE, an historian.— TERENTI US VARRO, a Latin writer, celebrated for his great learning. — HORTENSIUS, an orator. — T. POMPONIUS ATTICUS, a celebrated Roman knight, to whom Cicero wrote a great number of letters which contain the general history of the age J D. LABERIUS, a Roman knight, famous for his poetical talents in writing pantomimes. — LUCRETIUS, a poet and epicurean philosopher. — Death of POSIDONTUS a stoic philosopher of Apamea ; Cicero was one of his pupils.— TROGUS POMPEIUS, a Latin historian.— SOSIGENES, an Egyptian mathematician.— AULUS HIRTIUS, a Latin historian.— DIO- DORUS, an historian surnamed SICULUS, because he was born at Argyra in Sicily CORNELIUS NEPOS, a celebrated historian, born at Hostilia on the Po, an intimate friend of Cicero and Atticus SALLUST, a Latin historian, native of Amiternum, in the country of the Sabines — CATULLUS, a poet of Verona ; he was the first Roman who imitated with success the Greek poets, and introduced their metres among the Latins. 49. Ciesar defeats Afranius and Petreius at Ilerda; passes the Rubicon, marches to Rome, and enters on his first dictatorship. commencement of the era of Antioch, October, a.c. 49 ; it placed the creation 6492 years B.C. 48. BATTLE OP PHARSALIA, in which CffiSAR DEFEATS POMPEY, who seeks a refuge in Egypt, but is assassinated by Ptolemy's order. The Alexandrian library of 400,000 volumes is , burned. 47. Alexandria is taken by Ctesar. 46. War against Pharnaces. — War in Africa against Metellus, Scipio, Cato, and Juba, king of Mau- ritania. Battle of Thapsus. — Cato kills himself at Utica. — Julius Ciesar causes the calendar to be corrected by Sosigenes, a mathematician of Alexandria: this year is made to consist of 15 months or 445 days. In consequence, this year "is called "the year of confusion." The solar year of 365^ days is intro- ■ duced instead of the lunar, and the first Julian year began January 1st, 45, , B.C. 45. New war in Spain: battle of Mvmda, in which Cfesar defeats the two sons of Pompey the Great : (Cneius and Sextus). Cassar is appointed per- petual dictator and Pontifex IVIaximus. 44. JULIUS C^SAR IS KILLED in the senate house by Brutus and Cassius, leaders of the con- ■ spiracy against him. — Octavius, grand nephew < and heir of Julius Ciesar, comes to Rome, and is opposed at first by Antony. —30.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 55 B.C. 43. Battle of Mutina, where Antony is defeated by Hirtius and Pansa, the last of the consuls of the Republic. SECOND TRIUMVIRATE, OF OCTAVIUS, MARK ANTONY, and LEPIDUS. Proscriptions and murders in Rome. Cicero is put to death. 42. BATTLE OP PHILIPPI, in which Brutus and Cassius are defeated by Octavius and An- tony. 41. Distribution of lands to the soldiers of Octavius. Virgil loses his farm. 40. Herod the Great, king of the Jevjs, marries Mariamne, daughter of Hyrcanus. He obtained from the Romans the government of Judea. — L. Antonius surrenders at Perusia. The Parthians invade Syria. 39. Pollio triumphs over the Parthini, a people of Dal- matia. 38. Yentidius defeats Pacorus^ general of the Parthians, 1 5 years after the death of Crassus, and on the same day. — Sosius and Herod take Jerusalem from Antigonus. 36. Pompey the Younger TSextus) is defeated in Sicily by Octavius and Lepidus. Lepidus is banished to Circeii by Octavius. 35. Phraates, king of Parthia, is deposed, and succeeded by Tiridates. 34. Antony divides Armenia among Cleopatra's chil- dren. 33. Mauritania is reduced to a Roman province. 32. Octavius and Antony prepare for war. 31. BATTLE OP ACTIUM, AND END OF THE ROMAN COMMONWEALTH. Octavius emperor of Rome, uniting in himself the dignities of consul, tribune, imperator, and Pontifex Maximus. 30. Death of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Egypt is reduced to a Roman province. — Expedition of Crassus (the younger j against the Dacians. — Phraates is restored to the throne of Parthia. E 4 56 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [29— B.C. 29. Triple triumph of Octavius. Temple of Janus is shut. (See B.C. 235.) 27. OCTAVIUS RECEIVES THE TITLE OP AUGUSTUS. He goes on an expedition against the Cantabrians in Spain, the augustan AGE. VIRGIL, the poet, born at Andes, a village near Mantua HORACE, a poet, native of Venusia, and follower of Epicurus. — TI- BULLUS, PROPERTIUS, and OVID, Latin poets, friends of Virgil and Horace, and, like them, also patronised by Augustus. — M^CENAS, a celebrated Roman knight, who has rendered himself immortal by his liberal patronage of learned men and of letters. Virgil dedicated to him his Geor- gics, and Horace his Odes.— PHiEDRUS and FALISCUS, poets.— T. LIVIUS, a native of Padua, who has immortalised his name by his history of the Roman empire. He died at Padua, on the same day with Ovid. — DIONYSIUS of Halicarnassus, so called from his native town, a famous historian VITRUVIUS, a celebrated architect, native of Formse, a maritime town of Campania.— HYGINUS, a mathematician — STRABO, a geographer, native of Amasia, on the borders of Cappadocia. 24. Expedition of .^lius Gallus into Arabia Felix. Augustus returns : the temple of Janus is closed the second time by him. 23. Death of Marcellus. — Agrippa in Spain. — Embassy of Phraates to Rome. 20. Tiberius recovers the Koman standards from the Parthians. — Porus, king of India, sends an em- bassy to Rome. — The Cantabrians are defeated by Agrippa. 17. Herod the Great begins to repair the temple. — Augustus revives the Secular Games ; this was the fifth celebration. 16. Defeat of Lollius by the Germans. 15. The Rhgeti and Vindelici are defeated by Tiberius and Drusus, and the Sicambri by Augustus. 12. The Pannonians are defeated by Tiberius. 10. Augustus shuts the temple of Janus for the third time. 9. Drusus is killed in an expedition against the Catti and Cherusci. 8. Augustus corrects an error of the Roman calendar. The month Sextilis is now called Augustus or August, in honour of the emperor. Death of Maecenas and of Horace. 6. Tiberius retires to Rhodes for 7 years. — The angel Gahriel announces the hirth of John the Baptist, 5. Augustus ordains a census of all the people in the Roman empire. — The angel Gabriel announces to Mary the hirth of the Messiah, —2.] . COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 57 .c. 4. BIRTH OP JESUS CHRIST, 4 years before the commencement of tlie vulgar era^ in the year 4709 of the Julian period, 749 A.u.c, and in the 4th year of the 193rd Olympiad. — P. Quin- tilius Varus, prefect of Syria. — Herod, hoping to murder the infant Saviour, orders the massacre of all the male infants at Bethlehem. Herod dies soon after, and is succeeded by his eldest son Ar- chelaus in Judea and Samaria, and hy Antipas in Galilee and Percsa. — About this time flourished vellius PATERCULUS and VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Latin historians. — CEL- SUS, a physician. — POMPON lUS MELA, a Spanish geographer.— MACER, a Latin poet of Verona. — ASINIUS POLLIO, an orator, poet, andhistorian.-PYLADES, a mimist, excelled in tragic, and BATHYL- LUS in comic personiiications VARIUS, a distinguished tragic poet. — PLOTIUS TUCCA, a poet.— VERRIUS FLACCUS, a grammarian, tutor to the two grandsons of Augustus. 2. Joseph and Mary return with Jesus from Egypt, and settle at Nazareth in Galilee* 58 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. . [l— A.C. 1. 1. COMMENCEMENT OP THE CHRIS- TIAN ERA, 4 years after tlie real time of Christ's birth. 6. Archelaus is deposed, and Judea reduced to a Roman province under P. Sulpicius Quirinius (Cyrenius) of Syria. Coponius is appointed pro- curator. — About this time arose Judas of Galilee. 7. Cyrenius completes the census of Judea. 8. Jesus, now 12 j/ears of age, disputes with the doctors in the temple. 9. The Roman legions under Yarns are cut to pieces in Germany by Arminius. — Ovid is banishec to Tomos. 12. Tiberius is admitted to a share of the governmeni with Augustus. 14. TIBERIUS, 2nd emperor of Rome. — GER MANICUS, grandson of Augustus, a distin- guished general. — SEJANUS, a profligate am cruel man, minister of Tiberius. 17. Vonones, king of Parthia, is deposed and succeeded by Artabanus, king of Media. — Piso, prefect of Syria.— Twelve cities in Asia Minor are destroyed by an earthquake. — Caiaphas appointed High Priest by Gratus in the room of Simon. 19. Germanicus, poisoned by Piso, dies at Antioch. — His wife Agrippina accuses the murderer, who kills himself Tiberius banishes the Jews from Rome. Saul of Tarsus comes to Jerusalem, to Gamaliel - 26. Tiberius retires to the island of Capreae. — Pontius Pilate is appointed governor (^procurator) of Judea instead of Gratus. — John the Baptist begins his ministry, and next year baptizes our Lord. 27. JESUS CHRIST enters upon His public ministry, being about 30 years of age. [Or, in 29.] 44.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 59 A.C. 28. John the Baptist is beheaded by Herod Antipas at Macharus. 30. OUR LORD IS CRUCIFIED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE, April 5. Descent of the Holy Ghost, May 25. Peter and John are imprisoned. [Or, in 33. ] 31. Ananias and Sapphira are struck dead. Sejanus is disgraced, and put to death by Tiberius. 34. Lucius Vitellius, prefect of Syria. — Death of Herod Philip. Vitellius removes Pilate in 36. 37. Vitellius removes Caiaphas from the High Priesthood at the Passover. Stephen is stoned, and the Church persecuted. This occurs when Vitellius had withdrawn from Jerusalem, after the news of the death of Tiberius. Philip preaches to the Samaritans, and baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch. The conversion of Saul, afterwards Paul. CALIGULA, third emperor of Eome, SON OF GERMANICUS. Macro, a favourite of Ti- berius, is accessory to that emperor's death. 38. Caligula gives Herod Agrippa Batanaea and Tra- chonitis, the tetrachy of Herod Philip. 39. Petronius Turpilianus prefect of Syria : he is or- dered to erect the statue of Caligula in the temple. St. Matthew writes his Gospel : according to others about 61. 40. Herod Agrippa obtains the dominions of Herod Antipas, who was banished in 39. Second slaughter of the Jews in Babylon, and flight to Seleucia. The first was in 34. 41. CLAUDIUS, 4th emperor of Rome. — Saul escapes from Damascus, and goes to Jerusalem and thence to Tarsus. Peter at Lydda and Joppa. 42. Claudius makes Herod Agrippa king of Judea, Sanaaria, and Abilene. Cornelius the centurion, the first Gentile convert to Christianity^ taught by Peter. 43. Expedition of Claudius into Britain. — Barnabas brings Saul from Tarsus to Antioch. — The name of Christians is first given to the disciples of Christ at Antioch. 44. Herod puts James, the brother of John, to death, and 60 COMPENDIUM OP CHKONOLOaT. [45— imprisons Peter. Soon after he is himself eaten up of worms. St. Mark writes his Gospel {according to some, 64). The provinces of Macedonia and Achaia are restored to the senate. 45. Vespasian in Britain. — A dreadful famine in Judea, foretold by Ayabus in 43. Saul {with Barnabas) makes his first circuit from Antioch to Derbe by Cyprus, return- ing in 46. 47. Council of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem respecting the neces- sity of circumcision. 48. Messalina is put to death by Claudius, who marries Agrippina, the mother of Nero. — -a census being taken by Claudius, the citizens of Rome are found to amount to 6,900,000.— Second circuit of St. Paul from Antioch through Cilicia to Derbe and Troas. 49. St. Paul preaches in the Areopayus at Athens. About this time flourished L. A. SENECA, an Eclectic philosopher and poet, preceptor of Nero. — COLUMELLA, native of Gades, now Cadiz, a naturalist. — APION, a grammarian, wrote a book against the Jews, which Josephus refuted.— ISIDORUS, a geographer. — PHILO JUD^US, a Jewish wrifer of Alexandria ; he has been surnamed the Jewish Plato. — CORNUTUS, a Stoic philosopher.— APOLLONIUS TYANEUS, a Pytha- gorean philosopher, well skilled in the secret art of magic — Q. CURTIUS, an historian—LUCAN, PERSIUS, PETRONIUS, and SYLVIUS ITA- Lie US, Latin poets. 50. Claudius banishes the Jews from 'Rom.Q.— Paul writes Epistles to Thessalonians from Corinth. 51. Caractacus, the British king, is carried prisoner to Rome. Gallio proconsul of Achaia. Paul visits Ephesus, Jerusalem {Uh time), and Antioch, and Peter comes to Antioch, 53. Felix is appointed yovernor of Judea, Paul at Ephesus. 54. Claudius is poisoned by Agrippina. NEKO, 5th emperor of Rome. 66. Britannicus is poisoned by Nero. Gospd of Luke pub- lished. Paul writes 2 Epistles to Corinthians, and 1 to Gala- tians ; and next year to Romans, from Corinth. Uproar at Ephesus excited by Demetrius. 6Q, Paul is seized at Jerusalem and sent before Felix, and in 58 before Festu^. 59. Nero puts to death his mother Agrippina. Paul arrives at Rome. Peter writes his 1st Epistle from Babylon. 60. Suetonius Paulinus defeats the Britons. St Paul writes Epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon, all sent at once by Onesimus. 61. THE BRITONS UNDER QUEEN BOA- —70.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOaY. 61 DICEA DEFEAT THE ROMANS, st Paul is liberated and writes the Epistles to the Hebrews. — Timothy is imprisoned at Rome. 62 PauVs fourth circuit from Antioch through Galatia and Phrygia to Ephesus, 63. Paul visits Crete, writes 1 Epistle to Timothy and the Epistle to Titus from Corinth, and goes to Nicopolis in Epirus. St. Peter probably first arrives in Pome at this time. 64. Eome is set on fire by Nero. FIRST PER- SECUTION OF THE CHRISTIANS. 65. Conspiracy of Piso. — Seneca and Lucan are put to death by Nero. Cestius Gallus prefect of Syria. St. Peter is put to death at Pome, and St. Paul arrested at Ephesus. 66. St. Paul is put to death at Pome. The Jewish war begins. Cestius Gallus is defeated and Vespasian appointed to the command. Barcas Soranus and Thrasea Pastus are put to death by Nero. — LINUS, Pope or Bishop of Pome, a martyr. Linus is placed first by Irenceus, Eusebius, Augustine, and Optatus^ But Tertullian, Pufinus Epiphanius, ^c, place Clemens Ro- manus first (^See 91.) The title of Pope was anciently given to all bishops. According to some it was first adopted by Hyginus, A.D. 138. According to Baronius it was applied to all bishops until the year 850, and was first appropriated formally to the bishop of Rome by a decree of GREGORY VIL in 1073. Bar. Mar. Rom. X. Jan. 67. Massacre of the Jews by Floras at Caesarea, Ptolemais, and Alexandria. — Josephus (the Jewish historian, born in 38), governor of Gali- lee, is captured at Jotapata. 68. Nero kills himself. GALEA 6th emperor. Ves- pasian takes Gadara and Jericho. 69. Galba is murdered, January 15, and succeeded by OTHO, 7th emperor of Rome. Otho is defeated, kills himself, April 16, and is succeeded by VITELLIUS, 8th emperor. Vitellius is de- feated, killed December 22, and succeeded by VESPASIAN, 9th emperor of Eome, pro- claimed at Alexandria July 1. 70. JERUSALEM IS TAKEN AND DE- STROYED BY TITUS, son of Vespasian ; 62 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [78— A.C. about 1,100,000 persons perished in the siege. — Vespasian builds an amphitheatre at Rome. 78. Era of Salivahana, the years of which are called Saca, much used in the south and west of India — Great pestilence at Rome, 10,000 dying in one day.— ANACLETUS, bishop of Rome, a martyr. 79. TITUS, 10th emperor of Eome. — Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Strabise, are destroyed by an erup- tion of Vesuvius, in which Pliny the Elder, the celebrated naturalist, lost his life. 80. Conquests of Agricola in Britain ; he first discovered it to be an island. 81. DOMITIAN, 11th emperor of Rome. — Age of TACITUS, a celebrated Latin historian, intimate friend of Pliny. — JU- VENAL, native of Aquinum, in Italy, who maybe called the last of the Roman poets EPICTETUS, a Stoic philosopher of Hierapolis, in Phrygia. Like the Stoics, he supported the doctrine of the immortality of the soul, but declared himself strongly against suicide. — QUINTILIAN, a celebrated rhetorician, native of Spain. His " Institutiones Oratoriae," the most perfect system of oratory extant, were discovered in 1415 in an old tower of a monas- tery at St. Gall, by Poggio Bracciolini, a native of Florence PLINY the Younger, nephew of Pliny the Elder, distinguished himself at the bar by his eloquence at the age of 19. He refused fees from the richest as well as the poorest of his clients. 91. CLEMENT, bishop of Rome. {See 66.) 95. Second persecution of the Christians. St. John is banished to Patmos. 96. Domitian, the last of the twelve Csesars, is killed by Stephanus. MERVA, 12th emperor. — St. John is liberated from exile, and writes his Revelation and Gospel. 98. TRAJAN, 13th emperor of Rome. He forbids the Christian assemblies. 100. St. John dies about this time.— Age of FLORUS, SUETONIUS, PLU- TARCH, historians.— DION CHRYSOSTOM,an eminent rhetorician and sophist. — PHILO BYBLIUS and AULUS GELLIUS, grammarians — MARTIALIS, a poet. EVARISTUS, bishop of Rome, martyr. 101. 102. Pliny, proconsul of Bithynia, writes his famous letter to Trajan, giving an account of the Christians. 103. Trajan reduces Dacia to a Roman province. 107. Trajan's victories in Asia. — Third persecution of the Christians. 108. Ignatius is devoured by wild beasts at Rome. -145.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 63 A.C. 109. ALEXANDER /., bishop of Rome, martyr. 1 14. Trajan's column is erected at Rome. 115. The Jews in Cyrene murder 200,000 Greeks and Romans. 117. Trajan is repulsed in his assault of Atra, the capital of the Hagarenes^ and dies in Cilicia. — ADRIAN, 14th emperor of Kome. 118. Fourth persecution of the Christians. 119. SIXTUS L, bishop of Rome, martyr. 121. Adrian builds his wall in Britain to prevent the incursions of the Picts and Scots. 128. TELESPHORUS, bishop of Rome, martyr. 130. Adrian rebuilds Jerusalem by the name of ^lia Capitolina, and erects a temple there to Jupiter. 131. The Jews rebel, having at their head the impostor Barchochebas, who pretended to be the Christ ; they are defeated by Julius Severus. lo2. Adrian, after his return from Eg}'pt and Syria, publishes his perpetual edict or code of laws. 135. The Romans destroy 580,000 Jews in Judea, and banish the rest. 138. ANTONINUS PIUS, 15th emperor of Rome. — Rise of the Gnostic sects in Syria and Egypt ; they held two first principles, a good and an evil one. SIMON, who had been rebuked by Peter in Samaria, was the reputed originator of the Gnostics, one part of whom (the Syrians) were called ^^ Docetce" or " Ap- paritionists." These held that the Son of God has no proper humanity, and that he died only in appearance on the cross. The Ebionites denied the Divinity of Christ. MAECION was one of the Docetce. He rejected the Old Testament, and mutilated the New. — ADRIANUS, a rhetorician. — A RRI AN US, an historian, and philosopher of Nicomedia, disciple of Epictetus. — JUSTIN MARTYR, a native of Palestine, formerly a Platonic philosopher. He wrote two apologies for the Christians. PTOLEMY, a celebrated geographer, native of Alexandria, or according to some of Telusium. In his system of the world he places the earth in the centre of the universe, a doctrine universally received till the 16th century, when it was confuted and rejected by Coper- nicus. 139. Lollius Urbicus, Roman governor of Britain, pushes his conquests to the Murray Frith. The wall of Antoninus is built between the Forth and Clyde. — HYGINUS, bishop of Rome. 142. PIUS I., bishop of Rome, martyr. 145. Antoninus defeats the Moors, Germans, and Dacians. 64 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [146— A.C. 146. The worship of Serapis is brought to Rome. 157. ANICETUS, bishop of Rome.— ^^S^ of APPIAN, an historian, native of Alexandria.— ATTICUS, a Platonic philosopher.— PA US AN IAS, the topographer of Greece.— LUCIAN, a celebrated writer of satires. 161. MARCUS AURELIUS, 16th emperor of Rome ; lie associates with him on the throne L. VERUS. 162. War with the Parthians under Yologesus; it con- tinues 5 years, and is brought to an end by Cassius, the lieutenant of Verus, in 167. 167. Poly carp, disciple of St. John, a bishop of Smyrna, is burned alive in that city SO TEE, bishop of Rome, martyr (or 168). 169. War against theMarcomanni; it continues 5 years. 171. Death of Yerus. Marcus Aurelius remains sole emperor. 176. ELEUTHEEIUS, bishop of Rome; he opposed with great zeal the doctrine of the- Valentinians. 177. Persecution of the Christians at Lyons, 180. COMMODUS, 17th emperor of Rome. About this time flourished MAXIMUS TYRIUS, a Platonic philosopher. MONT ANUS, a heretic of Pepuza in Phrygia, who pretended to prophesy, and said he was himself the promised Paraclete or Comforter. The austerity of the Montanists was extreme. — > TERTULLIAN, a celebrated Christian ivriter of Carthage, who became deceived by the imposture ofMontanus. — Irenceus preaches the Gospel at Lyons and obtains great reputation by his work " Against Heresies." Foundation of a Christian school at Alex- andria. 189. The Saracens (now first mentioned in history) de- feat the Romans. 192. Commodus is killed by Martia and Lsetus, and s^ic- ceeded by PERTINAX, 18th emperor of Rome. VICTOR, bishop of Rome; he excommunicated the Asiatic Christians, and was opposed by Polycrates and Irenceus. 193. Pertinax is killed by the Praetorian guards, wLo sell the empire to DIDIUS JULIANUB, 19 th emperor of Rome. Didius Julianus is killed by the Praetorian guards, and succeeded by SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS, 20th emperor of Rome. 194. Severus defeats and kills his rival Niger at Issus. -222.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 65 A.C. 195. Byzantium is besieged, and surrenders to Severus next year. 196. Albinus is proclaimed emperor in Britain. 197. Severus defeats his rival Albinus at Lyons, who kills himself. 198. Severus crosses the Euphrates to repel the Par- thians. 200. Severus conquers the Parthians, and is repulsed by the HagareneS at Atra.= About this time flourished OPPIAN, a Greek poet of Cilicia. Caracalla was so pleased with his poetry, that he gave him a piece of gold for every verse of his " Cynegeticon " (a poem on hunting). — PHILOSTRATUS, a famous sophist, native of Lesbos, or, according to others, of Athens MINUCIUS FELIX, a Roman lawyer, ".ho wrote in defence of the Christian religion. — PAPINIANUS, Cara- i \lla's preceptor, killed afterwards by his royal pupil. From his school the Romans have had many able lawyers, who were called " Papinianists." — DIOGENES LAERTiUS, an historian and Epicurean philosopher, ncUive of Cilicia. — CLEMENT of Alexandria, master of the catechetical school there. 201. 201. Zephyrinus, bishop of Kome (or 202). Severus visits Palestine and Egypt. 202. Fifth persecution of the Christians, principally in Egypt. 203. The Scots are converted to Christianity by the preaching of Marcus and Dionysius. 208. Severus visits Britain with his sons Caracalla and Geta ; the following year he builds a wall there from the Tyne to the Solway Frith. 211. Severus dies at York. CARACALLA, 21st em- peror of Eome, and GETA. 212. Caracalla murders Geta. 2\o. Caracalla confers the right of citizenship upon all Roman subjects. 217. Caracalla is murdered by MACRINUS, who becomes the 22nd emperor of Rome. D. Macrinus is killed by the Prgetorian guards^ and succeeded by HELIOGABALUS, 23rd em- peror of Rome. 9. CALIXTUS I., bishop of Rome, martyr. 2. Heliogabalus is killed by the Praetorian guards, and succeeded by ALEXANDER SEVERUS 66 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [223— A.C. 24tli emperor of Rome. A tribute is paid by the Romans to the Goths. — About this time flourished DION CASSIUS, iELIANUS, and HERODIAN, historians. — ULPI- ANUS, a lawyer ; he was secretary and prime minister to Alexander Seve- rus. He raised a persecution against the Christians, and was at last murdered by the Praetorian band. — AMMONIUS SACCAS, a Christian philosopher, who opened a school of Platonic philosophy at Alexandria ; he reduced the opinions of the Eclectics to a system, and fancied that all religions meant the same thing, though expressed in different forms : Origen and Plotinus were among his pupils. — ORIGEN, a learned defender of Christianity and Biblical critic, surnamed Adamantius for his assiduity ; he suf- fered martyrdom in his 69th year, 254. 223. URBAN!., bishop ofBome. 226. The Parthians are conquered by Artaxerxes^ king of Media, and their empire destroyed. He: founds the dynasty of the Sassanidse. 230. PONTIANUS, bishop of Borne, afterwards banished by Maximin. 232. Alexander Severus defeats the Persians under Ar- ■ taxerxes. 235. MAXIMIN assassinates Alexander Severus, and I is proclaimed (25th) emperor of Rome. — The sixth, persecution of the Christians. — ANTER US, bishop of Borne, martyr, succeeded next year by FABIANUS. 238. The GORDIANS I. and IL are elected 26thi and 27 th emperors of Rome. They are suc- ceeded by PUPIENUS and BALBINUS,,, 28th and 29th emperors of Rome. — Maximin is killed by his own soldiers. — Pupienus and Bal- binus are killed by the soldiers, and succeeded! by GORDIAN III., 30th emperor of Rome. 242. Gordian defeats the Persians under Sapor. 244. Gordian is killed and succeeded by PHILIP thee Arabian, 31st emperor of Rome, who makes? peace with Sapor. 248. The Secular Games are celebrated at Rome. — Pompey's theatre is burnt. CYPRIAN is elected bishop at Carthage; he died a martyr in 258. 249. Philip is killed by the soldiers, and succeeded byy DEOIUS, 32nd emperor of Rome. 250. TTie seventh persecution of the Christians Age of PLOTINUS, ai Platonic philosopher of Lycopolis, in Egypt ; he was a favourite with all thei Romans, who considered him a superior being. — PORPHYRY, a Pla4 tonic philosopher of Tyre, was a man of universal informatiom and a formidable enemy to Christianity. He collected the writings -269. J COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 67 A.C. of his master Plotinus. — MANES, a Persian, founder of the sect of the Manichees, whose principles were nearly those of the Syrian Gnostics {see 138), while he also resembled Montanus (see 180) in pretending to be himself the Paraclete. — S ABEL- LI US, who, like Praxeas and Noetus, affirmed that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are but One Person. — PAUL of Thebais, said to have been the first hermit. — ARNOBIUS of Sicca, in Numidia, a rhetorician and philosopher, who became a convert to Christianity, and an apologist for it. 251. Decius is killed in battle against the Goths, and succeeded by GALLUS, 33rd emperor of Kome. — CORNELIUS, bishop of Rome: NOV ATI- ANUS, rival bishop. 252. LUCIUS /., bishop of Rome, martyred the following year. 253. The Goths, Burgundians, &c,, make an irruption into Moesia and Pannonia. ^ — STEPHEN I., bishop of Rome. 254. GaUus is killed, and succeeded by ^MILIANUS, 34th emperor of Rome ; he is soon killed by his soldiers, and succeeded by VALERIANUS, 35th emperor of Rome. 257. The eighth persecution of the Christians. SIXTUS 11. , bishop of Rome, martyred three days before his faithful disciple Laurence. 259. The Persians ravage Syria. Valerian is taken in Edessa by Sapor, king of Persia (or in 260), by whom he is kept prisoner, and at length flayed alive. — DIONYSIUS, bishop of Rome : he opposed the heresy of Sabellius. 260. GALLIENUS, 36th emperor of Rome. The Thirty Pretenders to the empire, called the Thirty Tyrants. — The temple of Diana at Ephe- sus is burned. 261. Sapor takes Antioch, Tarsus, and Caesarea in Cap- padocia. 264. Successes of Odenatus of Palmyra against the Per- sians; he is killed in 266. 267. The Heruli invade and ravage Greece. 268. Gallienus is killed by his soldiers, and succeeded by CLAUDIUS II., 37th emperor of Rome. 269. The Goths and Heruli, to the number of 320,000, F 2 68 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [270— A.C, are defeated by Claudius. — FELIX L, bishop of Home, martyr. 270. AUIIELIAN, 38tli emperor of Eome. 271. The Alemanni and Marcomanni ravage the empire. 272. The ninth persecution of the Christians. 273. ZENOBIA, queen of Palmyra, widow of Ode- natus, IS DEFEATED BY AURELIAN at Emesa, and afterwards captured at the Eu- phrates, and carried to Rome, where she adorned the triumph of her conqueror. LONGINUS, her minister, and the greatest phi- losopher of his age, is put to death by the emperor. — Death of Sapor I. 275. TACITUS, 39th emperor of 'B.omQ.—EUTYCHI. ANUS, bishop of Rome, martyr. 276. PROBUS, 40th emperor of Eome, successful against the Goths and Persians. 282. CAHUS, 41st emperor of Rome, defeats the Quadi and Sarmatians. — Carinus and Numerianus, Caesars. 283. Death of Fingal, king of Morven, and father of Ossian. — CAIUS, bishov of Rome, a relative of the Emperor Diocletian. Carus defeats the Persians. 284. Carus is killed by lightning, and succeeded by Diocletian, 42nd emperor of Rome. EUA OF DIOCLETIAN. 286. Diocletian takes MAXIMIAN, 43rd emperor of Rome, as his partner in the empire. The em- pire is attacked by the northern nations. — Carausius usurps the government of Britain, and reigns 7 years ; he is assassinated by Alectus, who succeeds him. 290. The Gregorian and Hermogenian Codes are published. 292. Partition of the empire by Diocletian between two emperors and two Caesars as co-rulers. — Galerius and Constantius, Caesars. 295. Alexandria in Egypt is taken by Diocletian. -314.] COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 69 A.C. 296. MARCELLINUS, bishop of Rome, distinguished by his courage under severe persecution. 297. Galerius is defeated, but next year is successful in the war against Narses, king of Persia. 3 00. The Gospel is preached in Switzerland. — Age of ^ELIUS SPARTIANUS, JULIUS CAriTOLlNUS, FL. VOPISCUS, historians. 301. 303. The tenth persecution of the Christians, which continues 10 years. 304. Diocletian and Maximian abdicate the throne, and are succeeded by GALERIUS and CON- STANTIUS CHLORUS, 44th and 45th emperors of Rome. Constantius obtains the West, and Galerius Italy, Africa, and the East. 305. Galerius appoints two Caesars, Severus and Max- imm. — Antony founds the monastic order in Egypt — Council of Eliberis in Spain. 306. Constantius dies at York, and is succeeded by CONSTANTINE THE GHEAT, 46th emperor of Kome. 308. MARCELLUS bishop of Rome. 310. Birth of Sapor II., king of Persia. — EUSEBIUS, bishop of Rome. 311. Death of Galerius : there remain Constantino, Lici- nius, Maximin, and Maxentius. — MELCHIADES, bishp of Rome. Rise of the Donatist controversy. 312. Division of the empire between Constantino and Licinius. Constantino defeats Maxentius, who is drowned in the Tiber. After that victory Constantino becomes a Christian. 313. Battle of Adrianople. Licinius defeats Maximin, who kills himself. Edict of Milan, published by Con- stantine, giving toleration to the Christians throughout the empire. 314. Pope SYLVESTER. Council of the Western bishops at Aries in France, to suppress the Donatists. This sect was so called from DONATUS, bishop of CascB Nigrce, or another Donatus, bishop of Carthage. Their characteristic was a pretension to ex- clusive sanctity of church communion ; they re-baptized their pro- selytes from other Christian communities. F 3 70 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [323- A.C. 323. Licinius is defeated by Constantine at Chrysopolis, now Scutari, in Bitliynia, and afterwards is put to death. The following year Constantine restores to the persecuted Christians their liberty and property, and rebuilds their churches, 325. THE FIRST OP THE COUNCILS, COM- MONLY CALLED CECUMENICAL OR GENERAL, HELD AT NICE in Bithynia, at which the doctrines of Arius are condemned, and the Christian faith declared in the first part of the NICENE CREED. — - ATHANASIXJS, bishop of Alexandria, introduces monachism into the Roman empire ; he is famous for the opposition he rnaititained against ARIXJS, who denied the Divinity of Christ, making Him only the highest of created beings. 326. Constantine puts to death his son Crispus, his wife Fausta, and the son of the emperor Licinius. 328. CONSTANTINE REMOVES THE SEAT OP THE EMPIRE PROM ROME TO CONSTANTINOPLE (formerly Byzan- tium). 330. Solemn dedication of Constantinople. 331. Constantine orders all the heathen temples to be destroyed. LAC- TANTIUS and EUSEBIUS, Christian writers : the former is called the Christian Cicero. — J AMBLICUS, a philosopher. — TACHOMIUS institutes in Egypt the order of the Coenobites. — HILARY, bishop of Poitiers. 336. Pope MARCUS. 337. Death of Constantine the Great, and succession of his three sons, CONSTANTINE IL, CON- STANS, and CONSTANTIUS, 47th, 48th, and 49th emperors of Rome. — Pope JULIUS I., of great piety and learning ; he maintained the cause of the Athanasians. 340. Constantine II. is defeated and killed by Constans at Aquileia ; this latter remains sole emperor of the West. 348. Constantius is defeated by the Persians at Singara. 350. Constans is killed in Spain by Magnentius, who assumes the purple. Constantius remains sole master of the empire ; he twice defeats Mag- nentius, who kills himself at Lyons. — Famous —379.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 71 A.C. defence of Nisibis by Lucilianus against Sapor, who raises the siege. 352. Pope LIBERIUS. 356. FELIX. II., pope during the exile of Liherius, who was banished by Constantius. 357. The Germans are defeated by Julian at Strasburgh. 358. Liberius is restored to the papal chair after having subscribed to the Arian creed. 359. Council of Ariminum (^Rimini) sanctions the Arian doctrine. 361. JULIAN, 50th emperor of Rome, called THE APOSTATE, for abjuring Christianity after having been educated for the Christian ministry. He is elected Pontifex Maximus. He fruitlessly attempts to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. 362. Expedition of Julian against the Persians : he is killed in battle the next year. 363. JOVIAN, 51st emperor of Eome, chosen by the army in the East. He makes peace with the Persians. 364. VALENTINIAN I., emperor over the West; MAKES MILAN HIS PLACE OP RESIDENCE, and appoints his brother VA- LENS emperor over the East. 366. Pope DAMASUS succeeds to the office in opposition to his rival Ursicinus : he ojyposed the Arians ; Jerome was his secretary. 367. Gratian is taken as partner in the Western empire by his father Yalentinian I. 375. VALENTINIAN II., emperor of the West.— BASIL THE GEE AT and GREGORY NAZIANZEN, Christian writers. — AUSONIUS, a poet and statesman ; he was Gratian's preceptor. 376. The Huns, of Tartar origin, cross the Volga and the Don, and drive out the Goths, who obtain from Valens permission to settle in Thrace. 378. Valens, emperor of the East, is defeated and killed near Adrianople in a battle against the Goths. They advance to the gates of Constantinople. 379. Gratian places on the throne of the East THEO- F 4 72 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [381— DOSIUS THE GREAT, who expels the Goths from Thrace. 381. SECOND GENERAL COUNCIL, mj a^ Con- stantinople, in which the doctrine of 'MAC'EDO'NIVS, who denied the Divinity/ of the Holy Ghost, is condemned, and the Nicene Creed enlarged in order to express the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. 383. Gratian is defeated and killed by Andragathius. — The Huns overrun Mesopotamia, and are de- feated by the Goths. 384. Symmachus pleads the cause of paganism in the senate at Jilome. He wrote against the Christians, and was refuted hy Ambrose, bishop of Milan, and by Prudentius, the Christian poet. Jerome, at the desire of Hamasus, begins the compilation of the Latin translation of the Scriptures, called the Vulgate. Pope SYRICIUS. 388. The tyrant Maximus is defeated and put to death by Theodosius. Valentinian II. reigns over all the West. 390. Massacre of the inhabitants of Thessalonica by Theodosius the Great— JOHN CHRYSOS- TOiyE, " t^^^ golden-mouthed," appoirited bishop of Constanti- nople in 398, an eloquent Christian writer. — Paulinus, bishop of Nola in Campania, inventor of bells, " Campance." — THEON of Alexandria, and TAPPUS, mathematicians. 392. Valentinian II. is strangled at Vienna in Dauphiny, by Arbogastes, who places on the throne of the West Eugenius : 2 years after, that emperor is defeated and killed at Aquileia by Theo- dosius the Great. 394. Theodosius the Great sole emperor. 395. Final division of the Roman empire between the sons of Theodosius the Great: ARCADIUS EMPEROR OF THE EAST, AND HO- NORIUS EMPEROR OF THE WEST. — The Huns invade the Eastern provinces. 397. Gildo revolts against Honorius in Africa ; the fol- lowing year he is defeated by his own brother, and kills himself. 398. Pope ANASTASIUS: he caused the works of Origen to be pro- scribed. —417.] COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. 73 A.C. 400. COMMENCEMENT OP THE GREAT IRRUPTIONS OP THE BARBA- RIANS INTO THE ROMAN EMPIRE. — The Yisigoths (Goths of the West), iinder Ala- ric, invade Italy. CLAUDIUS, a poet and favourite of StUicho — HYPATIA, a celebrated woman, teaches geometry at Alexandria MA- CROBIUS, a Latin critic and antiquarian. — JEROME AND AUGUS- TINE, two of the most illustrious and learned Christian writers. DIOPHANTUS, the only Greek writer on Algebra, supposed to be the inventor of it. The Saracens brought it into Spain in 900. Leonardo of Pisa into Italy in 1202. 401. 402. Pope INNOCENT I. 403. Stilicho, general of Honorius, defeats Alaric near Pollentia. THE SEAT OP THE EM- PIRE IS REMOVED by Honorius PROM MILAN TO RAVENNA. 404. Fergus I., king of Scotland, is supposed to have begun his reign. Death of the Empress Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius. 405. Stilicho defeats 200,000 of the Goths under Rada- gaisus at Fsesulae. 406. The Vandals, Suevi, and Alans, settle in Gaul. 408. Theodosius II., emperor of the East. 410. ROME IS SACKED AND BURNED BY ALARIC. — PELAGIUS, a native of Britain, founded the sect of the Pelagians. He denied " Original Sin" and main- tained that man does not require the assistance of Divine grace to perform good works. He was strenuously opposed by Augustine^ bishop of Hippo in Africa, and Jerome. — OROSIUS, an his- torian.— SOCRATES, SOZOMEN, and SULPITIUS SEVE- RUS, ecclesiastical historians. 412. The Vandals settle in Spain; their name is pre- served in " Andal "-usia. 413. The kingdom of the Burgundians is begun in Alsace. 414. The kingdom of the Visigoths is established, with Toulouse for its capital. 417. The Alans are defeated and extirpated by the Goths. — Pope ZOSIMUS. 74 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY, [419— A.C. 419. Pope BONIFACE I. : he is maintained in his office by the Emperor Honorius against his rival EULALIUS. 420. Pharamond, first king of the Franks on the Lower Rhine. 421. Theodosius II. marries Athenais, daughter of an Athenian philosopher; she takes the name of Eudocia. 422. Pope CELESTINE I. 425. Yalentinian III., grandson of Theodosius the Great, emperor of the West, 2 years after the death of Honorius. Theodosius establishes public schools at Constanti- nople, and attempts the restoration of learning. 426. The Romans imthdr aw finally from Britain {accord- ing to some, 448). 428. The Franks and Goths are defeated by -/Etius. 429. Genseric, king of the Vandals, crosses from Spain to Africa with 80,000 men at the invitation of Count Boniface. 430. Pulcheria, sister of Theodosius II., receives the title of Augusta, and reigns 40 years over the East. 431. THE THIRD GENERAL COUNCIL, held at Ephesus, in which Nestorius is condemned by the hifluence of Cyril, bishop of Alexandria. The adherents of Nestorius, being banished from the Roman empire, obtained an establishment from the king of Persia, and have continued to exist as a distinct sect to the present day. 432. Pope SIXTUS III. : he opposed the doctrines of Nestorius and Pelagius in the West. Count Bonifacc slain in a battle with JEtius. 435. The Theodosian Code is published. 439. Genseric invades and plunders Italy ; he takes Carthage, and begins the kingdom of the Van- dals in Africa. — The Empress Eudocia retires to Jerusalem. 440. Pope LEO I., surnamed the Great, was most zealous in his en- deavours to extend his authority, and permitted the public con- fessions, hitherto j)ractised in the church, to be changed into —456.] COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. 75 A.C. private ones to the /jriesfo.— Computation by Olympiads ceases. 442. Theodosius is compelled to make a disgraceful peace with ATTILA, king of the Huns, sur- named the " Scourge of God." 445. Attila overruns Illyricum, Thrace, Dacia, Moesia, and Scythia. — The Britons in vain solicit the Romans to assist them against the Picts and the Scots. 448. Death of Clodion, king of France ; Merovee suc- ceeds him, and gives his name to the first line of French kings, called " Merovingian." 449. The Britons invite the Saxons and Angles to their assistance. 450. Death of Theodosius II. His sister Pulcheria marries Marcian, emperor of the East. That reign is called the Golden Age. 451. Attila is entirely defeated near Chalons-sur-Marne by ^tius, Merovee, and Theodoric, king of the Visigoths, who is killed in the battle. — The Saxons arrive in Britain under Hengist andHorsa. Hengist founds the kingdom of Kent, the 1st of the Ileptarchg ; the 7th kingdom, Mercia, is not founded till 586. — The Fourth General Council, held at Chalcedon against Dioscorus and Eutyches. They taught that there was but one nature in Jesus Christ, compounded of the Divine and human natures. Their adherents, called Monophysites (i.e. Maintainers of the ^^ One Nature^^^ or Jacobites, were nume- rous in Egypt and Syria, and their sect has survived in those countries until the present day. 452. Foundation of Venice. — Attila again invades Italy. 453. Death of Attila. 455. Valentinian III. is assassinated, and succeeded by Maximus, who seeks to marry Eudoxia, widow of the murdered prince. She calls to her assistance Genseric, who, coming from Africa with his Vandals, takes and plunders Rome. Avitus, successor of Maximus, is dethroned by Count Ricimer. 456. Childeric, king of the Franks. 76 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [457— A.C. 457. Leo I., the Greats emperor of the East. — Majori- anus, emperor of the West. 461. Majorianus is put to death by Ricimer, who places Severus on the throne of the West : 4 years after he is poisoned by Ricimer. — Pope HILARIUS. 467. Anthemius, emperor of the West. — Pope SIM- PLICIUS. 468. Euric, king of the Visigoths, drives the Romans out of Spain. 470. j^lla the Saxon takes possession of the kingdom of Sussex, and the year after he defeats all the British princes. 472. Anthemius is killed, on the taking of Rome, by Ricimer, his son-in-law ; he is succeeded by OlyblUS. Great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, seen from Constanti- nople. —aS'^. Pa^r^cA /oMMC?5 the archbishopric of Armagh. — SIDO- NIUS APOLLINARIS, bishop of Clermont, a poet and Chris- tian writer. — GENNADIUS of Marseilles, an ecclesiastical writer. — PROCLUS, a Grecian philosopher. — PRISCIANUS, a gram- marian. 473. Griycerius, emperor of the West. 474. Julius Nepos dethrones and succeeds Glycerins. — - Leo II., Junior, son of Ariadne, though an in- fant, succeeds his grandfather Leo I. in the Eastern empire, and some months after he is succeeded by his father Zeno. 475. Augustulus Romulus, emperor of the West, is raised to the throne by his father Orestes, general to Nepos, and abdicates the following year. 476. Orestes is put to death by ODOACEIl, king of the Heruli, who TAKES ROME, and assumes the title of king of Italy. — EXTINCTION OF THE WESTERN EMPIRE, 507 years from the battle of Actium, and 1229 years from the building of Rome. —498.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 77 THE MIDDLE AGES. A.C. 481. CLOVIS L, real founder of the French monarchy. ZENO makes Theodoric the Ostrogoth his ge- neral, and creates him consul. (Ostrogoths, or Goths of the East.) 482. The Henoticon, or Formula of Concord, promul- gated by the Emperor Zeno. 483. Pope FELIX. III. : he had a violent dispute with the Emperor Zeno respecting the Western Church. — Litanies and bells were first used in churches. 486. BATTLE OP SOISSONB, gained by Clovis, then 19 years old, over Syagrius, the Roman general, who died of a broken heart in con- sequence of his defeat. End of the Koman dominion in Gaul. 488. Theodoric entirely defeats Odoacer, and is acknow- ledged king of Italy by the Emperor Zeno. 490. The Burgundians under Gondebald ravage Italy. — Ireland is now famous for its schools of learning and religion, whence it was called the " Insula Sanctorum^'' or Island of Saijits. 491. Anastasius I., emperor of the East. He marries Ariadne, Zeno's widow. Bloody quarrels in the circus at Constantinople between the factions of the Blues and Greens. 492. Pope GELASIUS L 493. Odoacer is put to death by Theodoric, who puts an end to the kingdom of the Ileruli in Italy, and founds instead the kingdom of the Ostrogoths. 496. Clovis defeats the Alemanni at Tolbiac, near Cologne, and embraces Christianity. He was converted by Clotilda his wife, daughter of Chilperic. — Pope ANASTASIUS 11. He endeavoured to bring about a unity between the Eastern and Western Churches. 498. Pope SYMMACHUS. —LAURENTIUS, antipope. 78 COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. [500— A.C. 500. Clovis defeats Gondebald, king of Burgundy, and renders him tributary. He establishes the Salic law, by which females are excluded from the crown of France. silkworms, and paper made of cotton, are in- troduced into France BOETHIUS, a philosopher, is put to death in 526 by Theodoric, on suspicion of a conspiracy.— CASSIODORUS, an historian. 501. 501. The Burgundian laws are published by Gondebald. 502. Cabades, king of Persia, ravages part of the Eastern empire. 507. Clovis defeats Alaric, king of the Visigoths, at Vouille, near Poitiers, and compels him to re- treat to Spain. He adds Aquitaine to the kingdom of France. The French king receives a congratulatory embassy, with a diadem, from Anastasius. 508. Arthur is chosen Pendragon, or sovereign of the Cambrian British kingdom. Theodoric the Great defeats Clovis in the battle of Aries, and then makes peace with him. 510. Clovis makes Paris the capital of the kingdom of the Franks. 511. Death of Clovis : his dominions are divided among his 4 sons. Childebert I. has Neustria, or the western part of France — capital, Paris ; Thierry, the elder son, has Austrasia, or the eastern part of France — capital, Metz ; Clo- taire I. becomes king of Soissons, and Clodomir of Orleans. 512. The Heruli are allowed by Anastasius to settle in Thrace. 514. Pope HORMISDAS. — LA URENTIUS, antipope. 515. Arthur, king of the Britons, is supposed hy some to have begun his reign, 516. The computation of time by the Christian Era is introduced by Dionysius Exiguus the monk (or perhaps about 530).— Death of Gondebald, king of Burgundy ; Sigisnuuid his son succeeds him. -537.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 79 A.C. 517. The Getae ravage Illyrium, Macedonia, and Epirus. 518. Justin I., a peasant of Dalmatia, becomes emperor of the East. Abolition of the Henoticon. 519. Justin restores the orthodox bishops, and condemns the Eutychians. — Reunion of the Eastern and Western Churches. — Cabades, king of Persia, proposes that Justin should adopt his ^on Chosroes, and on his refusal declares war. 523. Pope JOHN I. : he was thrown into prison, where he died in 526. 525. The Arian bishops are deposed by Justin. Antioch and many other cities, almost destroyed by an earthquake, are rebuilt by Justin. He adopts his nephew Justinian. 526. Theodoric puts to death Boethius and Symmachus. — Pope FELIX IV. 527. Justinian I., emperor of the West. 529. Belisarius, general of Justinian, is defeated by the Persians. The Code of the Civil Law is pub- lished by Justinian. Benedict founds a monastery on Mount Casino, in the south of Italy. Origin of the Order of Benedictines. 530. Pope BONIFACE IL — Congal founds the monastery of Bangor in Antrim. 532. Justinian congratulates Chosroes on his succeeding to the Persian throne, and concludes a perpetual peace with him. Great insurrection at Con- stantinople quelled with prodigious slaughter by Belisarius. Pope JOHN II. — The Count MARCELLINUS, PROCOPIUS, and AGATHIUS, historians. 533. Death of Athalaric, king of the Ostrogoths ; he is succeeded by his mother Amalasonta. — The Pandects of Justinian are published. 534. Theodobert, king of Metz. — Belisarius defeats Gelimer and the Vandals in Africa. 535. Pope AGAPE TUS. 536. Pope *S'/ZFEi?7f7AS'.— JORN ANDES, a Gothic historian.-SIMPLICIUS, a philosopher. 537. Belisarius subdues the Ostrogoths in Italy, and 80 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [538— takes Rome. — Justinian dedicates the church of St. Sophia. 538. Pope VIGILIUSL 540. Belisarius refuses to accept the crown of Italy. 541. The Roman consulship is suppressed by Justinian. 542. Arthur, king of the Cambrian Britons, is killed in the battle of Camlan. — Chosroes I. takes Antioch. 543. Totila the Goth recovers Italy from the Romans. 547. Ida the Saxon lands at Flamborough, subdues the country from the Humber to the Forth, and founds the Northumbrian kingdom. Totila takes and plunders Rome. 548. Theodebald, king of Metz. 549. Rome is retaken by Belisarius. 550. Commencement of the kingdom of Poland under Lechus. Rome is recovered by Totila. 551. The manufacture of silk is introduced into Europe. 552. Totila is defeated by Narses, and killed. 553. Teias, successor of Totila, is defeated by Narses in Campania. — End of the kingdom of the Ostro- goths. Italy is added to the dominions of the emperors of the East, and governed by Narses. The Fifth Greneral Council, called by Justinian, held at Constantinople. — It condemned the "Three Chapters" in opposition to the council of Chalcedon, which was supposed to have been too favourable to the Nestorians. — Silkworms are introduced from China, according to some. (See 500.) K>65. Pope PELAGIUS L : he is said to have ordered heretics to be put to death. 558. The Huns, breaking into Thrace, are defeated by Belisarius. — CLOT AIRE, sole king of France. 559. Belisarius is degraded and ungratefully used by Justinian (according to some). 560. Pope JOHN III., a great ornamentor of churches. —"BelisSirmS is restored to his honours and command. 562. Death of Clotaire I., son of Clovis. France is divided among his 4 sons : Caribert is king 593.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 81 A.C. of Paris, Gontran of Burgundy and Orleans, Sigebert of Austrasia, and Chilperic of Soissons. 565. The Picts are converted to Christianity by Columba, the Irishman, who founds the celebrated monastery of lona in 563. Justin II., emperor of the East. 568. Alboin, king of the Lombards, conquers part of Italy. He establishes feudal policy in his do- minions. 571. Birth of Mahomet, the false prophet. — Bloody quarrels of the two rival queens Brunechilda, wife of Sigebert, and Fredegonda, wife to Chil- peric. 574. Pope BENEDICT I., surnamed Bonosus. 578. Tiberius II., emperor of the East. — Pope PELA- GIUS II. — Gregory of Tours, a bishop and historian. — Fortu- natus, bishop of Poitiers, a poet. 579. Death of Chosroes the Great; his son, Hormisdas lY., succeeds him. 580. The Latin tongue ceases to be spoken in Italy about this time. 582. Maurice, emperor of the East, son-in-law to Ti- berius II. 584. Chilperic I., king of Soissons, is assassinated by his wife Fredegonda. CLOT AIRE IL, his son, succeeds him. )85. Leovigild, king of the Visigoths in Spain, being an Arian, puts to death his son Hermenegild, be- cause he had embraced the Catholic faith. He had joined the kingdom of the Suevi to his own. Next year, Recard, his son and successor, ab- jures Arianism. [Or, in 589.] 8189. Columbanus, Gallus(or St. Gall), and 11 other Irish monks, travel to France, and erect the monastery of Luxeul in Burgundy. (90. Pope GREGORY THE Gi2^^ r.—Antioch is again destroyed, with 30,000 inhabitants, by an earthquake. 93. Gontran, king of Burgundy and Orleans, dies without issue, and leaves his dominions to Cliil- debert II., his nephew, king of Austrasia. G 82 COMPENDIUM OF CHROlSrOLOGY. [596— A.C. 596. Death of Childebert II. His two sons, Theodebert , and Thierry, succeed him under the regency of Brunehaut (orBrunechilda), their grandmother Theodebert as king of Austrasia, and Thierry of Burgundy and Orleans. — Augustine, the mo7ik, is sent' by Gregory to convert the Saxons to Christianity. 601. 602. Phocas, emperor of the East, murders his prede- cessor Maurice, with his six sons and three daughters. — Chanting in churches is introduced by Gregory) the Great, who establishes schools of chanters. 604. Pope SABINIANUS. 606, Pope BONIFACE III. (or according to others, 607). Phocas is said to have divested the bishop of Constantinople of the title oj , " Universal Bishop" and to have given it to Boniface. He gavei at least priority of rank to the Roman see, in opposition to that previously claimed by the bishops of Constantinople. 608. Pope BONIFACE IV, The Pantheon at Pome, originally dedi-i cated to all the pagan gods, is given to Boniface by Phocas, and' dedicated to the Virgin and all the Saints in 610. 609. The Jews of Antioch massacre the Christians, 610. Heraclius, emperor of the East. — Chosroes II. com- mences his conquests in the East, and defeats the Eomans at Antioch. 612. Theodebert, king of Austrasia, is defeated and put to death by his brother Thierry, king of Bur-- gundy. 613. The French Maires du Palais are first introduced by Clotaire as regents. This office became hereditary. 614. Clotaire II., sole king of France. He causes Brunei haut to be put to death. — St. Gall founds the monastery at St. Gall in Switzerland, and Columbanus that of Bobio neat Pavia, a year before his death. Jerusalem is taken by the Persians under Chos- roes II., who carries off the so-called " true cross." -642.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 83 6i5. Pope DEUS DEBIT. 619. Pope BONIFACE V. : he made churches be considered asylums for criminals. 621. Glorious campaigns of Heraclius against the Per- sians for 6 successive years. 622. ERA OP THE HEGYRA, OR PLIGHT OF MAHOMET from Mecca to Medina, July 16. 625. The Persians under Chosroes II., with the Huns, Abari, and Sclavonians, besiege Constantinople. [Or, in 626.] — Pope HONORIUS I. 628. Dagobert and Charibert, kings of France. — Siroes, king of Persia, makes peace with Heraclius, and restores the " true cross." 632. Death of Mahomet at Medina, June 8. Abubeker succeeds him as caliph of the Saracens. (Caliph signifies Vicar or Successor.) He gathers together into one book the scattered chapters of the Koran. — Era of Yezdejird, or Persian era. 634. Abubeker dies, and is succeeded by Omar in the caliphate. Dagobert I. founds the abbey of St. Denis. 636. Jerusalem is taken by Omar and the Saracens, who keep possession of it 463 years. — The -Koran is published. King Rotharis gives a code to the Lombards (ac- cording to some, 643). 638. Sigebert II. and Clovis II., kings of France. 640. Battle of Nahavund, in which the Persians under Nooman are completely defeated. Persia passes under the dominion of the Arabian caliphs. — The library of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus, is burnt by the Saracens. [Or, 641.] The Slavi found the kingdom of Servia and Croatia. — Pope SEVERINUS dies soon after his election, and is suc- ceeded by John IV. 1. Death of Heraclius, emperor of the East: short reigns of Constantine III., Heracleonas, and Tiberius III. 2. Constans II., son of Constantine, emperor of the East — Pope THEOBORUS I. G 2 84 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [644— I.e. 644. Omar is assassinated : Othman succeeds him. 648. Cyprus is taken by the Saracens under Moawiyah. 649. Pope MARTIN I. : he is deposed by the emperor in 653, and dies in 655. 651. Yezdejird III., the last of the Sassanides, is assas- sinated. — The Saracens conquer Persia. 653. The Saracens take Rhodes, and destroy the Colossus. [Or, %55,^ Pope EU GENIUS. 654. Childeric IL, king of Austrasia, ^55. Othman is assassinated : Ali succeeds him. — Moa- wiyah, governor of Syria. 657. Pope VIT ALI ANUS : he sent missionaries into England. 658. The Saracens obtain peace of the Emperor Constans, and agree to pay a yearly tribute. — Organs are first used in the Western churches hy Vitalianus. 661. Ali, son-in-law of Mahomet, is assassinated, Janu- ary 24. Abdication of his son Hassan, DYNASTY OP THE OMMYADES : Moa- wiyah, a descendant of Ommia, takes possession of the whole caliphate. 668. Constantine IV. (Pogonatus), emperor of the East. — Constantinople is besieged by the Arabs. 669. Sicily is ravaged by the Saracens. 672. The Saracens ineffectually besiege Constantinople : their fleet is destroyed by the Greek fire in- vented by the mathematician CaUinicus. Pope ADEODATUS. 675. The Saracens attempt to land in Spain, but are 3 repulsed by Wamba, king of the Visigoths. 676. Pope BONUS: succeeded in 678 by AGATHO. 679. Dagobert II. is assassinated. THIERRY III., limgi of all France : he is the first of the seven kings? called Sluo^o-ards. Yezid I. succeeds his father Moawiyah in thei caliphate. 681. THIRD COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE (^or Sixth Ge^ neral), at which the Monothelite heresy is condemned ; it was at —706.] CfOMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 85 A.C. branch of the Eutychian heresy, its followers were so called from allowing of one will only in our Lord. 682. Pope LEO IL : succeeded in 684 by BENEDICT II. 683. Moawlyah II., son of Yezid, is proclaimed caliph at Damascus : on his abdication, Merwan is pro- claimed caliph in Syria, and Abdallah in Arabia. Abdalmelek succeeds his father Merwan in the government of Syria and Egypt. 685. The Britons are totally subdued hy the Saxons, and retreat into Wales and Cornwall, Egfrid, the Saxon, penetrates northward to Angus, hut is slain by Bredei, the Pictish king. Justinian II. , emperor of the East. Pope JOHN V. 686. Ceadwalla, king of Wessex, subdues Sussex and Kent, Pope CONON: THEODORE and PASCAL, antipopes. 687. Thierry III. is defeated near Testry by Pepin d'Heristal, who takes the title of Duke and Prince of the Franks. Pope SERGIUS L 692. CLO VIS III,, king of France. 695. Justinian II. is dethroned, mutilated, and banished by Leontius, who succeeds him. CHILDEBERT IIL, king of France. 698. Leontius is dethroned and mutilated by Tiberius Absimarus, who succeeds him. — Carthage is destroyed by the Saracens. 699. The Saracens are defeated by John the Patrician. 700. The Saracens are defeated with great slaughter by Heraclius, brother of Tiberius. 701. 701. Pope JOHN VL 705. Justinian II. escapes from prison, defeats and puts to death Tiberius and Leontius, and is restored to the throne. Pope JOHN VIL 706. Walid succeeds Abdalmelek in the caliphate. G 3 86 COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. [707-^ A.C. 707. Justinian II. is defeated by the Bulgarians. 708. Pope SISINNIUS : he dies 20 days after his election, and is suc- ceeded by CONSTANTINE.—At this time the custom of kissing the Pope's toe is introduced. 709. Africa is finally conquered by the Saracens. Silver plates and vessels are first used in England by "Wilfred, a Northum- • berland bishop. 711. Philippicus Bardanes, emperor of the East. — The i Saracens of Mauritania, under the name of Moors, make their first descent upon Spain. DAGO BERT III, king of France. 713. Anastasius II., emperor of the East. BATTLE OP XERES de la Frontera, gained I by the Moors under Tarik over Roderic, the last t king of the Visigoths, who is drowned in the flight: : the conquest of all Spain by Musa, general of t| the caliph Walid, followed this victory. Gibraltar r (Gibel-al- Tarik, or, the Hill of Tarik) is so called in commemoration of the c Arabian general ; the ancients called it Calpe. 715. CHILDURIC II.,kmg of France. Charles Martel, , maire du palais, governs all France for 26 years. Pope GEEGOBY 11. 716. Theodosius III., emperor of the East. — Constanti- nople is a second time besieged by the Arabs. 717. Pelagius, the last descendant of the Visigoth kings, retires into the mountains of Asturias, and there founds a little Christian kingdom. 718. Leo the Isaurian, emperor of the East. — The smaii poxi ravages Europe. — BEDE, an English monk, the most celebrated historiaai and learned writer of his time ; he died in 735, aged 63. — JOHN DAMASni CENUS, a theologian FREDIGAIRE, a chronicler. 719. The Arabs besiege Constantinople for the third time, and are destroyed by Greek fire. 720. THIERRY IV,, king of France. 726. Leo forbids the worship of images, which leads tG( the loss of nearly all the Greek possessions im Italy. 728. Leo orders Pope Gregory to be seized and sent td)' Constantinople ; but the order is frustrated, and Leo confiscates the episcopal domains in Sicily Calabria, and Apulia. -752.] COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. 87 A.C. Capture of Ravenna by Luitprand, king of the Lombards. 729. The Saracens ravage Gallia Narbonensis. 732. CHARLES MARTEL DEFEATS THE MOORS between Poitiers and Tours ; Abdal- rahman the Moorish general, and 300,000 of his men, are killed. Fope GREGORY IIL, the first who sent nuncios to foreign powers. 736. The Frisons are defeated by Charles Martel. Leo persecutes the monks. — Boniface or Winfrid, a native of England, made archbishop of Mayence in 746, preaches Christianity in Germany. 737. Death of Pelagius, who preserved the Christian monarchy in Asturias. Charles Martel again defeats the Moors at Nar- bonne. — Death of Thierry IV. Interregnum of 5 years, during which Charles Martel strengthens his authority. 740. The duchy of Spoleto is seized by the Normans, and recovered by the pope. The race of Odin in Sweden is dethroned by Sigurd. 741. Constantine V. (Copronymus), emperor of the East. Pope ZACHARIAS. 742. CHILDERIC III., king of France. 743. Constantine defeats and puts to death Artacazdus, who had seized Constantinople. 745. Constantine destroys the Saracen fleet. 749. The dynasty of the Ommyades is subverted, and that of the Abassides acknowledged. [Or, 752.] 750. Alphonso I., the Catholic, founds the kingdom of Leon in Spain. 751. PEPIN LE BEEF (the Short), king of France, founder of the second or CARL O VINGIANvsice, 752. Astulphus, king of the Lombards, seizes on Ra- venna. Eutychius, the exarch, takes shelter in Naples. Pope STEPHEN JI. G 4 88 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [753— A.C. 753. Astulphus declares war on Stephen, and threatens Rome. 754. Stephen requests the assistance of Pepin against the Lombards. The French king invades Italy, and obliges Astulphus to promise to restore his conquests there. Almanzor, caliph of the Saracens, a great encourager of learning. COUNCIL AT CONSTANTINOPLE of 338 bishops, assembled by Constantine, which condemns image-worship. The modern Greeks reckon this the 7 th and last General Council. ^55. Offa, king of Mercia, pays to tlie pope a tribute com- monly called " Peter'' s pence,^'' Astulphus violates his promise and besieges Rome. 756. Desiderius, or Didier, is proclaimed king of the Lombards. Abderrahman L, the only descendant of the Om- myades that is not put to death, takes the title of king of Cordova, and founds the dynasty of the Ommyades in Spain, which country becomes lost to the caliphate. Pepin le Bref founds the temporal power of the popes by bestowing on the see of Rome a considerable territory in Italy, rescued from the Lombards. 757. Pope PAUL L: he renews the alliance with Desiderius. 762. Almanzor builds Bagdad on the Tigris, and makes it the seat of the empire of the caliphs. 767. The Turks ravage Asia Minor. 768. Death of Pepin le Bref: his two sons Charles (the Great) and Carloman succeed him. Pope STEPHEN in. 770. Constantine dissolves the monasteries in the East. 772. CHARLEMAGNE, sole monarch of France : he sustained a long war of 33 years against the Saxons commanded by Witikind. Pope ADRIAN! 774. Charlemagne, at the invitation of Adrian, defeats i Desiderius, and puts an end to the kingdom of : the Lombards, which had subsisted 206 years. 775. Leo lY., emperor of the East; Irene his wife. -800.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 89 778. CHARLEMAGNE DEFEATS THE MOORS, and carries his victorious arms to the banks of the Ebro ; on his return his rear-guard is defeated at Roncesvalles, where his gallant nephew Koland is killed. 779. Charlemagne first institutes tithes for the maintenance of the church, of schools, and of the poor. 780. Death of Leo IV., a zealous Iconoclast (image- breaker). His son Constantine VI. (Porphyro- genitus), in his minority, succeeds him under the regency of Irene his mother, who keeps him in entire subjection. — Pope Adrian I. causes money to be coined with his name. 781. Pepin, son of Charlemagne, is anointed king of Italy, and Louis his brother king of Aquitaine. 785. The Saxons are subdued by Charlemagne. Haroun-al-Raschid (Aaron the Sage, the celebrated hero of the Arabian Nights), caliph of the Sara- cens, invades part of the empire. — syncellus, a chronicler. Flourishing state of the arts and sciences among the Arabs. 786. Constantine assumes the government of the empire, and imprisons his mother. 787. The Danes first land in England. THE SECOND (OR DEUTERO-) NICENE COUNCIL, as- sembled atNiccea by Irene, condemns the council of Constantinople, and commands the worship of images ; this is called by Romanists the Seventh General Council. Charlemagne was so much in- censed at this, that he published the " Caroline Books " against this abuse. 788. Irene puts to death her son Constantine, and is proclaimed sole empress. — paul warefridus dia- CONUS, an historian.— EGINHARD, an historian, secretary to Charle- magne — ALCUIN, a learned Englishman, the companion and favourite of Charlemagne, is supposed to have assisted in the compilation of the Caroline Books, which were sent to Pope Adrian in 790. 794. Charlemagne utterly extirpates the Huns. THE COUNCIL OF FRANKFORT, assembled under Charle- magne, foi'bids the worship of images. 795. Pope LEO III. '797. The Saracens ravage Cappadocia, Cyprus, Rhodes, &c. 800. NEW EMPIRE OP THE WEST.— CHARLEMAGNE is crowned emperor at Rome. Capitularies, a code of laws given by Charlemagne. 90 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [801— A.C. The Danes, known hy the name of Ostmen or Easter- lings, invade Ireland, and huild the cities of Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford, Dynasty of the Aglabites founded at Kairwan and Tunis. 801. 801. Irene proposes to marry Charlemagne, but the plan being disapproved of by her subjects, she is dethroned, and confined to a monastery. 802. Mcephorus, emperor of the East. Here begins the i Lower or Greek empire. 803. Peace of Saltz (on the Saal) between Charlemagne • and the Saxons: they are completely subdued I and compelled to embrace Christianity. 807. Haroun-al-Easchid courts the alliance of Charle magne. 808. Dynasty of the Edrisites founded at Fez. 810. Death of Pepin, king of Italy; his son Bernard I succeeds him. 811. Nicephorus, after having associated his son Stau-- racius in the empire, is slain by the Bulgarians. . Michael I. (Curopalates), emperor of the East. 813. Leo V. the Armenian, a zealous Iconoclast, emperor of the East. Almamun (son of Haroun-al-Easchid), caliph ofl the Saracens, a great encourager of learning. 814. LOUIS LE DEBOHHAIRE succeeds his father Charlemagne. His empire comprehended France, Germany, and the Netherlands ; part of Hun- gary ; Italy as far as the duchy of Benevento;; and the north of Spain. A council at Constantinople under Leo condemns image-worship. 816. The Eastern empire is devastated by earthquakes,! famine, and conflagrations. Pope STEPHEN IV. 817. Louis le Debonnaire divides the empire among hkj sons. Pope PASCAL I. -842.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 91 A.O. 818. Louis suppresses a rebellion in Italy, headed by his nephew Bertrand, whom he punishes with the loss of his eyes. 820. Dynasty of the Taherites founded in Khorassau. 821. Michael II. (Balbus or the Stammerer), emperor of the East. Abderrahman II. succeeds Alhakem as king of Cordova. 824. Pope EUGENIUS II. — A council at Paris condemns image' worship. 826. Harald, king of Jutland, visits the Emperor Louis at Ingelheim, and receives baptism. 827. ^[BQhCtt unites the kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy, and is the first monarch of all England, The Saracens make themselves masters of Sicily, Apulia, and Calabria. The feudal system is established in Sweden. Pope VALENTINUS. 828. Boniface, marquis of Tuscany. Pope GREGORY IV. 829. Theophilus, emperor of the East. Anschaire or Angarius, preaches Christianity/ in Denmark and Sweden* 832. The Danes invade England and are expelled by Egbert, 833. The Caliph Almamun dies, and is succeeded by his son Motassem. 837. ^tjelfeolf, son of Egbert, king of England, During the reign of this weak prince, the Danes return and ravage the kingdom for a long time unmolested, 840. LOTHARIUS, emperor of Germany. CHARLES THE BALD, king of France. ^41. Lotharius is defeated by his two brothers Charles and Lewis in the battle of Fontenay, and de- posed. The Caliph Motassem forms a body guard from among the Turks. 842. LEWIS (of Bavaria), emperor of Germany. Michael III., emperor of the East. — ■ The Empress Theodora {widow of Leo') re-establishes image-worship. 92 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGT. [843— A.C. 843. Kenneth M^Alpin, king of the Scots, subdues the Pictish Mngdom, and unites it to the Scottish, Treaty of Yerdim between tlie tliree sons- of Louis le Debonnaire. The Xormans plunder tlie city of Eouen. — rabanus MAURUS, RADBERT, and RATRAMNE, theologians. 844. Pope SEBGIUSII. ; according to some he icas the Jirst person who changed his name on his election. {See 956.) 845. The Normans plunder Hamburgh, and penetrate into Germany. 847. Al-Motawakel, caKph, a persecutor of the Jews and Christians. Pope LEO IV. : between this pojitiff and Benedict III. the see was occupied hy Pope Joan, according to the mediceval story. 848. The Venetian fleet is destroyed by the Saracens, who besiege E-ome. 851. Basilius is associated as emperor of the East. 855. LEWIS II., emperor of Germany. Pope BENEDICT in. : ANASTASIUS, antipape. 858. OBtStlbaltr M., king of England. Garcias Ximenes assumes the title of king of Navarre. Pope NICHOLAS L 861. (Bi^^tVotXi, king of England, The Turkish guards kill the Caliph Motawakel, and place his son Mostanser on the throne. Bogoris, king of the Bidgarians, is converted to Christianity. 862. Rurik, the first sovereign of Russia; he was of Norman origin. 866. ^tjclrctl, king of England. — Photius, patriarch of Constan- ^ tinopJe, excommunicates Pope NICHOLAS. 867. The Danes ravage England. Basilius, sole emperor of the East. — Pope ADRIAN II. 869. THE FOUETH COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE icaUed by the Latins the Eighth General) : Photius is deposed, and Ignatius recalled, 872. ^Ifrttr t!)£ CSreat, king of England. The Taherites are overthrown, and the Saffarian ^887.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 93 A.C. dynasty is founded in Persia by Yakub Ebn Seis. Pope JOHN VIII. — JOHN ERIGENA SCOTUS, the Irishman, a learned theologian — ADO, NICETAS, ASSER, historians. 875. CHARLES THE BALD, emperor of Germany. — Harold Harfager unites the provinces of Norway, conquers Orkney, Shetland, and the Hebrides, and appoints earls to govern them. 877. LEWIS THE STAMMERER, emperor of Germany and king of France. 879. LOUIS III. and CARLO MAN, kings of France. — Boson, duke of Provence, makes himself in- dependent of the kings of France, and founds the kingdom of Aries, which comprehended Provence, Dauphiny, and part of Savoy. THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE {called by the Greeks the Eighth General) held under Photius, who was restored the year before, re-establishes the decrees of the Second Nicene Council respecting image-worship. 880. The Danes under Guthrum are finally defeated hy Alfred the Great, who allows them to settle in Northumberland on their consenting to embrace Christianity CHARLES LE GROS, emperor of Germany. Oleg, regent of Russia : Kiow is the capital of his empire. " Basllics," or collection of laws made by the Emperor Basil. 882. The Normans ravage and burn the towns of Treves, Aix-la-Chapelle, Liege, and Cologne. — Pope MA- RINUS, or Martin 11. 884. CHARLES LE GROS is made king- of France. Pope ADRIAN III. 885. Pope STEPHEN V. 886. Leo VI., the philosopher, emperor of the East : Zoe, his second wife. Photius is again deposed. The university of OXFORD is founded by Alfred. '887. ARNULPH or ARNOLD, emperor of Germany. The Normans besiege Paris, which is gallantly defended by Bishop Goselin and Count Eudes. The Hungarians or Magyars, inhabitants of the country situated between the Volga, the Kama, and the Ural, make themselves masters of the 94 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [888— A.C. country now called by tlieir name, Hungary ; from thence they extend tlieir ravages over Ger- many. 888. EUDES or ODO, count of Paris, is made kmg of France on the death of Charles le Gros, to the prejudice of Charles the Simple, son of Louis the Stammerer. — Rodolph founds the second kingdom of Burgundy. Death of Mahommed I., king of Cordova. 890. Alfred the Great composes his Code of Laws, and divides England into counties, hundreds, and Guy, duke of Spoleto, after having defeated Be- renger, duke of Frioul, is crowned emperor. 891. Pope FOEMOSUS, the first who was translated to Borne from another see. He died detested; his corpse was dug up and thrown into the Tiber. — DeathofPHOTlUS, bishop of Constantinople, author of " Myriobiblon " or Bibliotheca, containing an abstract of 280 ancient authors. 893. Arnulph, emperor of Germany, defeats Guy, duke of Spoleto, and is crowned king of Italy at Pavia. 894. Borziwoy, king of Bohemia, embraces Christianity. 896. Pope BONIFACE VI.: he obtained the see by open force, and died soon after, succeeded by STEPHEN VI. 897. ROMANUS, antipope. Stephen VI. is strangled in prison. 898. CHARLES III., the Simple, is acknowledged king of France. Pope THEODORUS II. holds the see for 20 days, and is suc- ceeded by JOHN IX. 900. LEWIS IV., emperor of Germany. Pope BENEDICT I V. 901. 901. ^bfoatti $., the Elder, king of England on the death of his father Alfred the Great. Leo YI., emperor of the East, takes for his 4th wife Zoe, surnamed Carbonopsine. 902. The Danes are entirely expelled from Ireland accord- ing to the ancient annalists. -923.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 95 A.C. 903. Pope LEO V. is driven from his seat a few months after his election, and dies in prison. CHRISTOPHER intrudes himself into the see by open violence; he is expelled by SERGIUS III., who was noted for his vices. 904. Lewis, king of Aries, is taken prisoner by Berenger, who causes his eyes to be put out. 905. Charles the Simple allows the Normans to establish themselves in France. 907. Oleg of Russia, guardian of Igor, attacks Con- stantinople. 908. Mahomet Al-Mahdi, descended from Hosein, the son of Ali and Fatima (whence his dynasty is called the Fatimite), claims the caliphate in "Western Africa, and subverts the Aglabite and Edrisite dynasties. RHASIS, an Arabian physician. 910. Establishment of the monastery of Clugni or Cluny, in Burgundy. Berno is its first abbot. 911. RoUo, the leader of the Normans, is made duke of Normandy, and converted to Christianity. Pope ANASTASIUS III. 912. COISTRAD I., emperor of Germany ; his reign is one continual scene of trouble. The empire passes from the French to the Germans. Constantino VII. (Porphyrogenitus), emperor of the East. Abderrahman III., an illustrious caliph of Cordova. 913. Pope LANDANIUS or LAND O. 914. Pope JOHN X., the first pope who appeared at the head of an army- 915. Constantino and Romanus, emperors of the East. The university of CAMBRIDGE is founded by Edward the Elder. 920. HENHY I. (the Fowler), emperor of Germany. 922. Charles the Simple, king of France, is dethroned. R OBER T, brother of King Eudes, usurps the throne, and is killed in battle. 923. RA OULoxR OD OLPH, king of France. About this time the great fiefs are multiplied : the dukes or governors of provinces, and the counts or ^ governors of towns, appropriate to themselves what they formerly held from the crown. 96 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [924— A.C. 924. Berengarlus I., king of Italy and emperor of the West, is assassinated at Verona. 925. ^tSdStart, king of England. Henry I. (the Fowler) joins the kingdom of Lorraine to Germany. Formation of the county of Holland in favour of Dirk I., or Thierry. 926. Constitution of York. Freemasons' Lodges are first established in England, and spread over Europe. Hugh of Provence, son of Theobald and Bertha, is crowned king of Italy. 927. Bamiro IL, king of Leon and the Asturias. — Odo, abbot of Cluny, reforms the Benedictines. 928. Guy, duke of Tuscany, in compliance with the entreaties of his wife Morozia, causes Pope John X. to be put to death. Pope LEO VI. Lambert, duke of Tuscany, Guy's brother. Victory of Leopold the Illustrious over the Hun- garians. 929. Charles the Simple dies in prison. His son Louis IV. (d'Outremer) was then in England. Foundation of the margravate of Misnia by Henry I. Pope STEPHEN VII. 931. Rise of the republic of Pisa. Geneva is overrun by the Saracens. Pope JOHN XI. : he is imprisoned in the castle of St. Angela, where he dies. 932. Battle of Mersburg in Saxony, where the Hun- garians are defeated by Henry the Fowler. 934. Gum, king of Denmark, is compelled by Henry to desist from pursuing the Christians, and to give up the province of Schleswig. 935. Increasing power of the Emirs-al-Omra, or Com- manders of Commanders, created by the Caliph Al-Rahdi at the court of Bagdad : the caliphate begins to decline. 936. OTHO THE GBEAT, emperor of Germany. — LOUIS IV. {D'OUTREMER), king of France, succeeds Baoul, the usurper. Pope LEO VII -955.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 97 A.C. 938. Athelstan defeats the Scots, Welsh, and Danes, at Brunshury in Northumberland. Ramiro II., king of Leon and Oviedo, defeats the Saracens at Simancas; about 80,000 of them perished. 939. Louis IV. (D'Outremer) is defeated by Otho the Great, and compelled to yield Lorraine to the conqueror. Pope STEPHEN VIII. 940. (IBtrmuntr 1., king of England. — Howel-Dha, king of Wales, an eminent lawgiver. — Otho assembles a diet at Arensberg, which appoints a judicial combat to decide the right of inheritance. 941. Igor of Russia invades the Greek empire and is defeated. Harald Blaatand, king of Denmark, favours the spread of Chris- tianity. 942. Pope MARTIN III. (or Marinus III.). 945. Edmund conquers Cumberland from the ancient Britons, and gives it to Malcolm, king of Scotland, on his doing homage for it. Haco, king of Norway, embraces Christianity, and recommends it to his people in a public diet The Buyides, becoming Emirs-al-Omra, seize the sovereignty of Bagdad and reduce the caliph to the rank of Grand Imaun, 946. Pope AGAPE TUS II 947. ClBtfrClJ, king of England.— LVlTPUA-i^D, bishop of Cremona, an historian, 948. The Danes of Dublin embrace Christianity. 949. Harald, king of Denmark, is defeated by Otho, and, with his wife, receives baptism in presence of the emperor, (According to others, in 972.) 951. Victories of Otho in Italy, and over the Huns. 954. L O THAIRE, king of France. ^K>6, (iBbltig, king of England. Dunstan, a learned and ambitious prelate. Hugh the Great, count of Paris, receives from i Lothaire the duchies of Burgundy and Aquitainej and the title of duke of France, B 98 COMrENDIUM OF CIIKONOLOGY. [956— A.C. The Hungarians ravage Bavaria and are defeated by Otho on the banks of the Leek. Olga or Helena, the first Russian princess who embi-aced Christianity, is baptized at Constantinople. 956. Pope JOHN XII. ; some say that he is the first pope that changed his name on his appointment {see 844) ; he ivas formerly called Octavian. Death of Hugh the Great ; his son Hugh Capet succeeds him as duke of Burgundy. 959. Q^ti^^Xy king of England, famous for his attempt to > extirpate the wolves. Romanus II., emperor of the East. 962. Otho, at the request of Pope John, marches into) Italy, and deposes King Berengarius II. He iss crowned emperor at Borne, and confirms to that see thet donations of Pepin and Charlemagne, '•^saving in all things hiss own authority and that of his successors." 963. Nicephorus Phocas, emperor of the East. Otho assembles a council and deposes Pope John XII. , who had con-i spired against him. LEO VIII. succeeds. The Romans had> previously sworn never to elect a pope without the consent of thin emperor. 964. Pope BENEDICT V. is elected by the Romans, and deposed bih Otho. 965. Pope JOHNXIIL is elected by the authority of Otho against tU popular will, and is driven out soon after, but restored- 966. Mieczislaus, duke of Poland, embraces Christianity at the solicitation) of his wife Dambrowka, sister of Boleslaus II. 967 . Boleslaus II. {the Pious), duke of Bohemia, spreads Christianiik throughout his dominions. Antioch is recovered from the Saracens by Mcec phorus. 968. Discovery of the silver mines of the Hartz. 969. John Zimisces, emperor of the East. Moez, the Fatimite ruler of Western Africa, gain possession of Egypt, builds Cairo, and makes the seat of a new caliphate. 972. Pope BENEDICT VI. 973. OTHO II. (the Sanguinary), emperor of Germami 974. The Bomans attempt to re-establish a republi under the Consul Crescentius. I -993.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 99 A.C. Pope Benedict VI. is thrown into prison hy Crescentius and strangled thei'e. BONIFACE VII. succeeds, but is driven out after a month by BONUS II. (or Bomnus), who died next year. 975. ^bfoatlJ tfie iWartgr, km^ of England. — Kenneth HI. annexes the Britons of Strathcluyd to the Scottish kingdom, Basilius II. and Constantine IX., emperors of the East. Pope BENEBICT VIL 978. Edward is murdered at the instigation of his step- mother Elfrida. (iBtficlulJ U., king of England, 980. The Danes of Dublin are defeated with great slaughter at Tara hy Malachy IL, king of Ire- land. 982. The Danes discover Greenland. 983. OTHO III. at the age of 12 succeeds his father Otho IL, who died at Rome. — Leopold L, of Babenberg, margrave of Austria. 984. Pope JOHN XIV. ; his original name had been Peter, which he changed out of respect for Peter the Apostle on ascending the papal see. Pope JOHN X V. is said by some to have been pope for 4 months only, and his successor is called John X VI. A school of medicine, tiie earliest on record, is spoken of as now existing at Palermo Arabic numerals are introduced into Europe. (Some say they were first introduced in 900, others in 991.) 985. Sweyn, king of Denmark. 986. LOUIS V, (the Sluggard), king of France. 987. THE CAPETIAN DYNASTY, the third race of the French kings, now begins. HUGH CAPE T, duke of France and Burgundy, count of Paris and Orleans, is elected to the throne ; Louis y., the last of the Carlo vingian line, having died at Compiegne. !988. Wladimir the Great, grand duke of Russia, con- quers Livonia and the Crimea : he embraces Chris- I tianity (according to some, in 980), and marries Anne Romanowna, I sister of the emperor of Constantinople. 993. The first canonization of a person as a saint to be invoked by all churches, is now made by a bull of John XV., being that of St. ULRICH (Udalricus), bishop of Augsburg, 20 years after his death. H 2 100 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [996— A.C. 996. ROBERT THE WISE, son of Hugh Capet, succeeds him. Mahomet Almanzor, general and prime minister of Hissem, king of Cordova, takes the city of Leon by assault, and sacks Compostella. He is said to have vanquished the Christian princes in fifty engagements. Otho III. defeats Crescentius, who had again raised a revolution in Rome. GREGORY V. is appointed by Otho to the papal chair, but as soon as Otho leaves Rome, Crescentius again revolts, and expelling Gregory, places Philagathus in his stead as John X. VI. 998. Otho again attacks Rome, and takes it, orders Cres- centius to be beheaded, and restores Pope Gregory V. Robert, king of France, is excommunicated by Gregory for persisting in keeping Bertha his queen, and his kingdom put under interdict. 999. Boleslaus, first king of Poland. Pope SYLVESTER 11. {Gerbert) : he is the first Frenchman who attained to that dignity. 1000. Sancho the Great, king of Navarre, 1001. lOOL Brian Boroimhe, or Boru, becomes king of all Ireland. — King Ethelred marries Emma, sister of Richard II., duke of Normandy. Mahmoud of Ghazna, son of Sabektekin, the first who extended the Turkish sway beyond the limits of Khorassan, and took the title of sultan. 1002. MASSACRE OP THE DANES throughout England hy Ethelred, on the day of St. Brice, Nov, 13th. — Sioeyn, king of Denmark, attacks England the following year. HENRY II., emperor of Germany. Ardoin, marquis of Ivry, is crowned king of Italy at Ivry. The Transylvanians are conquered by the king of Hungary, and embrace Christianity. 1003. Vope JOHN XVL: he dies the same year, and is succeeded by —1022.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 101 A.C. JOHN XVI L {These two popes are called by some John X VIL and X VIIL, and so on.) 1004. Pope JOHN XVIII. 1005. Churches are first built in the Gothic style. 1008. Death of Bernard of Menton, who founded the hospital for monks on the Great St. Bernard. 1009. Pope SERGIUS IV. 1012. Pope BENEDICT VIIL : he was driven out by Gregory, his competitor, and restored by Henry II. — The church of Notre Dame is built at Paris. The cathedral of Strasburg is begun, 1013. ^tOCgn of Denmark usurps the throne of England : Ethelred seeks refuge in the court of his hrother- in-law, Richard, duke of Normandy, hut returns soon after on the death of Sweyn. 1014. THE DANES ARE DEFEATED AT CLONTARP hy Brian Boru, who is killed in the battle. Canute, son of Sweyn, king of Mercia. 1015. Death of Wladimir the Great: his dominions are divided among his 12 sons. The Manichean doctrines are prevalent in France and Italy. 1016. ^Umuntl IE. {Ironside), king of England. Six battles are fought with the Danes under Canute in Eng-^ land : at last the kingdom is divided between both kings. 1017. €^anut0 \{yz CStCat, in consequence of the murder of Edmund Ironside, becomes sole king of England. — FULBERT, bishop of Chartres, a theologian. 1018. The Normans invade Italy, The Russians enter Poland, and are expelled from it. The Poles take Kiow. 1019. Basil II. subdues Bulgaria. Jaroslaus or Yaroslav, son of Wladimir, grand duke of Russia. He framed a code of laws for the Russians, and established a public school at Novgorod. 1020. Ferdinand I., count of Castile, takes the title of king. FERDUSI, the Persian Homer. 1022. Robert orders 13 of the chief men among the Manichees of France to be burnt. H 3 102 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l023 A.C. 1023. Foundation of the Camaldulensian Order by Romuald. 1024. CONRAD II., emperor of Germany ; Eobert of France having refused the imperial dignity after the death of the Emperor Henry II., with whom the Saxon dynasty becomes extinct : it is suc- ceeded by that of Franconia, also called the Salic, in the person of Conrad, conrad was sumamed the Salic because he was born on the banks of the river Sala. — Ernest, duke of Suabia, who had rebelled against him, is slain: he was the first person put under the BAN (or outlawry) of theempire.— A VICENNA, an Arabian physician — GUIDO ARETINO, a monk, Inventor of the musical scale. Pope JOHNXVIIL or XIX. 1025. Death of Basil II. : his brother Constantine IX. reigns alone. Mieczislaus II., son of Boleslaus, king of Poland. Mahmoud of Ghazna conquers the north-western portion of India. 1027. Insurrection at Cordova against the Caliph Has- chem : he is dethroned, and the dynasty of the Ommyades in Spain ended. (According to some, 1038.) Humbert White Hands, son of Berold, receives Maurienne from Conrad II. : origin of the house of Savoy. 1028. Canute the Great conquers Norway. Romanus III. (Argyrus), emperor of the East. — Sancho the Great unites the kingdom of Castile to that of Navarre. [Or, in 1031.] 1031. HENRY L, son of Robert, king of France, succeeds him. 1032. Henry I., after having defeated his brother Robert the Old, gives him the duchy of Burgundy : Robert is head of the first royal house of Bur- gundy. 1033. Pope BENEDICT IX. {Theophylact) becomes pope, by purchase, at\2 years of age : he is expelled twice by the Romans for his crimes, in 1038 and 1044. 1034. Romanus III. is killed by his wife Zoe : Michael IV. (the Paphlagonian) succeeds him. The Emperor Conrad II. succeeds to the possession of Transjurane Burgundy. —1044. J COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 103 AC. 1035. Death of Sancho the Great, king of Spain; his dominions are divided among his 4 sons: Gar- cias is king of Navarre ; Ramirez I. founds the kingdom of Arragon ; Ferdinand the Great is king of Castile and Leon; and Gonzalvo of Sobrarva and Kibargorza. 1036. J^aroltr 1. {Harefoot), king of England on the death of Canute the Great, who gives Norway to his eldest son Sweyn, and Denmark to Hardicanute. 1037. Leon and Asturias are united to Castile. 1038. THE EMPIRE OP THE SELJUKIAN TURKS IS POUNDED BY TOGRUL BEGr, grandson of Seljuk : this becomes the western division of the Turkish empire. 1039. Canute M. (or Hardicanute), king of England, MACBETH murders Duncan, and usurps the throne of Scotland, HENRY III. (the Black), emperor of Germany. 1040. Christ Church in Dublin, is founded by the Danes. Sitric, king of Dublin, gave the ground, ^c, to Donatus, the first Danish bishop. 1041. (iBbtuartr Ml. (the Confessor), king of England, re- stores the Saxon line on the death of Hardicanute, the last of the Danish dynasty, Michael V. (Calaphales), emperor of the East. Casimir L, son of Mieczislaus 11., reascends the throne of Poland. The Normans conquer Apulia. 1042. Constantine X. (Monomachus), emperor of the East. 1043. William Iron- Arm, a Norman chieftain, son of Tancred Hauteville, is created by his country- men duke of Apulia. The Hungarians yield to Henry III. part of Pan- nonia. The Seljukian Turks under Togrul Beg subdue Persia, and embrace Mahometanism. CAMPANESof Novaro, an astronomer FRANCO and HERMAN CON- TRACTUS, mathematicians.— MICHAEL PSELLUS, a philosopher. 1044. The Romans expel Benedict IX., and elect in his place John, bishop of Sabina, under the 7iame of SYLVESTER III. Benedict H 4 104 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l046— A.C. recovers his place by force, but soon sells it to John Gratian, who takes the title of GEE GORY VI. 1046. William establishes his possession of the duchy of Normandy by the battle of Val de Dunes. Henry III., in the council of Sutri, causes the 3 rival popes, Bene- dict, Sylvester, and Gregory, to be declared unworthy of the pontificate; and appoints to that office Suidger, bishop of Bam- berg, with the title of CLEMENT II. 1048. Litervieio between William^ duke of Normandy, and Edward, king of England, — Gerard of Alsace, first hereditary duke of Upper Lorraine, and founder of the house of Lorraine. — DAM ASUS II. (Poppo) becomes pope after a short usurpation by BENE- DICT IX. 1049. Dirk IV., count of Holland, defeats the Emperor Henry III. and the lords of Lorraine. Death of Zoe, empress of the East. Pope LEO IX. (Bruno'), the first who maintained a regular army, and the first who marked in his bulls the year of our Lord instead of the indictions, as formerly. 1050. The Turks devastate the frontier of the Greek empire in Asia. BEEENGARIUS, who maintained the doctrine of John Scotus on the Eucharist, and denied the bodily presence, is condemned as a heretic at Rome under Leo IX., and again at Vercelli. This was the first formal decree respecting the doctrine of the bodily presence. {See 1079 and 1215.) 1053. The Normans, commanded by Eobert Guiscard and Humphrey, gain a victory at Civitella over the Germans and Leo IX., who is taken prisoner. Leo IX. excommunicates the Greeks on account of the letter of Michael Cerularius, patriarch of Constantinople, who had ac- cused the Latins of errors. 1054. Earl Godiuin, father of Harold IL, returning from exile, obliges Edward to banish all foreigners from England. — Theodora, Zoe's sister, empress of the East at the age of 72. — The legates of Leo IX. ana- thematise Cerularius in the church of St. Sophia : Cerularius, in a council, excommunicates the legates and all their supporters : from this time the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches becomes irremediable. 1055. Henry III. causes his son to be declared king of the Romans, a title thenceforth applied to the heir of the emperor. —1061.] COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 105 A.C. Death of Jaroslaus, the Legislator, grand duke of Russia. Pope VICTOR II. iGelehard). 1056. HENRY IV., emperor of Germany, is placed under the tuition of Hanno, archbishop of Cologne, and Adelbert, archbishop of Bremen. Death of Togrul Beg : his nephew Alp Arslan succeeds him as sultan of the Seljukian Turks, and crosses the Euphrates to attack Cassarea. 1057. MALCOLM IIL ( Canmore), king of Scotland, after the defeat of the usurper Macbeth by Siward, duke of Northumberland. Isaac I. (Comnenus), emperor of the East. Pope STEPHEN IX. 1058. Boleslaus II. (the Hardy), king of Poland. Pope Benedict X. is deposed, and succeeded by NICOLAUS II, 1059. Constantino XL (Ducas), emperor of the East. Robert Guiscard the Norman, and his brother Roger, acknowledge themselves vassals of the papal see. Pope Nicolaus creates Robert duke of Apulia and Calabria, and of Sicily in antici- pation of its conquest by him (see 1090) : hence the pope's claims of superiority over the kingdom of Naples and Sicily. — Robert attacks the Sa- racens in Sicily. — Nicolaus, in a council held at Rome, trans- fers the election of popes from the clergy and people in general to the cardinals, i. e., the 1 cardinal bishops and 28 cardinal priests ; the rest of the clergy and people are left only the right of approving. The cathedral of Westminster Abbey is founded about this time by Edward the Confessor. 1060. PHILIPPE /., king of France, under the regency of Baldwin, earl of Flanders. Origin of the republics of Genoa, Lucca, Pisa, Milan, and Pavia. Rodrigo Diaz, a Castilian hero, surnamed the Cid, is knighted at the age of 20 by Ferdinand I. 1061. Aboubeker founds the empire of the Almoravides in the north of Africa; a few years after, his successor Yoursoulf builds the town of Morocco. Pope ALEXANDER II. (^Anselm Badage) is elected by the in- fluence of the Archdeacon Hildebrand, without consulting the Emperor Henry IV. : he carries the papal power to a height it 106 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l065— A.C. had not reached before. Cadolaus is appointed in opposition to Alexander by the council of Basle, with the title of HONO- mUS II. — BERENGARIUS, archdeacon of Angers (see 1050), the originator of the scholastic theology ; his example is followed by his adver- sary LANFRANC, prior of Bee in Normandy, and afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, and by ANSELM, Lanfranc's successor. 1065. Deatli of Ferdinand I. the Great : his three sons suc- ceed him ; Sancho II., king of Castile ; Alphonso VI., king of Leon ; and Garcias, king of Gallicia. 1066. I^atoltf, son of Godwin, succeeds Ediaard the Con- fessor : he obtains a complete victory near York over his brother Tosti, and Harold Haifager, king of Norway, who are both killed in the battle. Three days after, William, duke of Normandy, invades England, BATTLE OF HASTINGS, Oct. 14, in which King Harold is slain. End of the Saxon monarchy in England, which had continued for more than 600 years. OTilliam tje ©Onperor, king of England, the first of the Norman line, Beginning of tournaments. 1068. Edgar Atheling seeks refuge in Scotland: his sister Margaret is married to Malcolm, king of Scot- land, Death of Constantine XI. (Ducas), emperor of the East. His three sons Michael, Andronicus, and Constantine, are deprived of the throne by their mother Eudocia, who marries Romanus lY. (Diogenes), and causes hmi to be crowned. 1070. The feudal law is introduced into England by Wil- liam, after the suppression of the English insur- rections, 1071. Welf or Guelf, head of the house of Brunswick, is made duke of Bavaria by Henry IV. Romanus Diogenes, the Greek emperor, is defeated and taken prisoner by the Sultan Alp Arslan, successor of Togrul ^Qg, who makes himself master of many provinces in Asia Minor. Michael VII., Andronicus I., and Constantine XII., joint emperors of the East. 1072. Alphonso VI. becomes king of Castile. —1080.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 107 A.C. Melek Shah, son of Alp Arslan, succeeds him. [Or in 1074]. 1073. GREGORY VII. (HILDEBRAND) > elected pope hy the Bomans themselves, hut Henry IV. approves his election. He was the first .Roman pontiff that appropriated the title of POPE (Papa), to the exclusion of the other bishops or prelates. 1074. Gregory VII. forbids the sale of ecclesiastical benefices, and the ex- ercise of the secular right of investiture, and enforces clerical celi- bacy. He endeavoured to make the pope supreme head of all king- doms by freeing the clergy from all civil jurisdiction, and making all temporal princes hold their power hy grant from the pope, and submit their differences to his decision. Patrick, the second Danish bishop of Dublin, is sent to be consecrated by Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury. 1075. The Seljuk Turks take Syria and Palestine from the Fatimite (Egyptian) caliphs. The Sultan Melek Shah gives to Soliman the provinces in Asia Minor. Gregory VII. decrees excommunication against such as should give or receive lay investiture to bishoprics or abbacies. 1076. Rebellion of Robert {son of William the Conqueror) in Normandy. Melek Shah conquers Turkestan and Tartary to the borders of China. The council ofWorms, assembled by Henry IV., deposes Gregory VII., who in return excommunicates the emperor, and absolves his sub- jects from their oath of allegiance to him, 1077. Henry TV. stands for three days barefooted and bareheaded at the castle of Canossa, waiting for the pope's pardon (Jan. 25—27). — Matilda, countess of Tuscany, bequeaths all her estates to the Roman see. RUDOLPH, duke of Suabia, is crowned emperor of Germany at Mentz. 1078. Nicephorus Boton usurps the throne of the East. 1079. The Doomsday-book* is begun by William the Con- queror. Final trial of Berengarius before Gregory VII. He is obliged to subscribe a confession, that the body of Christ is not merely sacramentally, but really and substantially in the Eucharist. 1080. Henry IV. is defeated at Fladenheim by Rudolph, who receives a crown from Gregory VII. having this inscription, " Petra dedit Petro, Petrus diadema Bodulpho."— The council of 108 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [IO8I— A C. Meritz, and a little after that of Brixen, depose Gregory VII. and put in his place Guihert, archbishop of Ravenna, who sub' sequently took the name of CLEMENT III. 1081. Death of Rudolph at the battle of Mersburg, in which his troops are defeated by Henry IV. Henry besieges Rome, but without success. Alexius I. (Comnenus), emperor of the East. The Normans invade the Eastern empire, and Alexius is defeated at Durazzo by Robert Guis- card, duke of Apulia. Wladislaus, king of Poland. Hermann of Luxemburg, king of the Romans. 1082. Turlogh, grandson of Brian Boru, becomes supreme monarch of Ireland, 1084. HENRY IV. TAKES ROME, having besieged it for the third time, and is crowned emperor there by Clement III., who occupies the city of Rome till the year 1099. Gregory VII., being besieged in his castle of St. Angelo, calls to his assistance Robert Guiscard, who rescues him and carries him to Salerno. Asia Minor is finally conquered by the Turks under SolimaD. Bruno institutes the order of the Chartreux (CARTHUSIANS). ANSELM, archbishop of Canterbury, a scholastic theologian (born in Piedmont about 1033, died in 1109).— ROSCELLINUS, canon of Compiegne, a scho- lastic doctor, founder of the " Nominalists." — LAMBERT, SIGEBERT, and INGULPHUS, historians— WILLIAM of Apulia, BERENGER of Provence, and GUALFREDO of Sienna, poets. 1085. Death of Gregory VII. at Salerno. — Death of Robert Guiscard. Alphonso VI., king of Castile, takes Toledo and Madrid from the Moors. 1086. Philip I., king of France, divorces his wife Bertha. VICTOR III- (Desiderius or Didier) is elected pope in opposition to Clement III. St. Paul's Cathedral is destroyed by a great conflagration and rebuilt by Mauritius, bishop of London. 1087. OTilltnm IK. {Rufus), receives the kingdom of Eng- land on the death of William /., who leaves Normandy and Maine to Robert, his eldest son, and to Henry, surnamed Beauclerc, the pos- sessions of his mother Matilda. 1088. Pope URBAN II. {Odo, bishop of Ostia) succeeds Victor. He —1097.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 109 A.C. excommunicated Philip of France for marrying Bertrade, the count of Anjou's wife. 1089. Matilda of Tuscany marries Guelph, son of Guelph, duke of Bavaria. 1090. Roger, brother of Eobert, completes tlie conquest of Sicily, and restores the Christian religion there. 1092. Death of the Sultan Melek Shah: under his son Barkiarok the Seljukian empire is divided into the states of Iran, Kerman, and Roum ; the latter at first under the sultans of Nice, then of Iconium. — Soliman, sultan of Mce. 1093. DONALD BANE, kin^ of Scotland. Conrad, son of Henry IV., at the instigation of Urban, rebels against his father, and assumes the title of king of Italy. 1094. Henry of Burgundy expels the Moors from Por- tugal, and receives the title of count of Por- tugal. Death of Sancho II., king of Arragon and Navarre ; his son Peter I. succeeds him. Order of Fontevraud founded by Robert of Arbrissel. 1095. jy^l^CAl^ 11., king of Scotland. THE FIRST CHUSADE is preached by Peter the Hermit at the council of Clermont in Auvergne, convoked by Urban II. : here also Urban prohibits bishops and priests from taking oaths of allegiance to temporal sovereigns. — Insti- tution of the order of the Knights of Jerusalem. 1096. The first Crusaders, under Walter the Pennyless, are destroyed at Nice by Soliman. Departure of the second army of Crusaders ; they are headed by Godfrey of Bouillon and his brother Baldwin, Hugh of Vermandois, brother to the king of France, Robert of Normandy, Stephen of Blois, Robert, count of Flanders, Ray- mond IV., count of Toulouse, and Tancred, nephew of Robert Guiscard. Malchus, the first bishop of Waterford, then a Danish city, con- secrated by Anselm at Canterbury. 1097. Neivcastle-on-Tyne huilt by Malcolm Canmore, — Contests of William Rifus and Anselm, arch- no COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [l098— AC. bishop of Canterbury, loJio is obliged to leave Eng- land, and is deprived of Ms temporalities. The Crusaders take Nice in Asia Minor (June 20), and defeat the Turks in Bithynia. The Almoravides invade the provinces of Spain which belonged to the Arabs. 1098. EDGAR, king of Scotland. — Magnus Barefoot, king of Norway, reduces Orkney, Shetland, and the Hebrides, to complete subjection to his crown. Jerusalem and Tyre are taken from the Turks by Mostal, caliph of Egypt. The Crusaders take Antioch. Pope Urban makes Roger and his successors hereditary legates in Sicily. ROBERT, bishop of Molesme, founds the monastery ofCiteaux, and the order 0/ CISTERCIANS, in which the Benedictine rules are strictly observed. 1099. JERUSALEM IS TAKEN BY THE CRUSADERS, and declared the capital of a new kingdom, the sovereignty of which is be- stowed on Godfrey of Bouillon (July 15). Vic- tory of Godfrey over the Egyptian forces at Ascalon. — Institution of the order of the Knights t)f St. John, afterwards called the Order of IMalta. Pope PASCAL 11. {Rainer') succeeds Urban, and by the death of Clement III., in the following year, is left without a competitor. 1100. l^tnrD 5. {Beauclerc), king of England, on the death of his brother William Rufus, whom he succeeds, to the detriment of Robert, duke of Normandy. Henry restores Anselm to Canter- bury. Death of Godfrey of Bouillon (July 18) : his brother Baldwin, count of Edessa, succeeds him. Conrad, son of Henry IV., dies : Conrad's brother Henry also rebels against his father. — Beginning of the age of the TROUBADOURS or poets of Provence, and of the Trou- veres or poets of the north of the Loire ALHAZEN, a mathematician — RAYMOND, count of Toulouse, LAURENZIO of Verona, and GUN- THER, poets.— ANNA COMNENA and NESTOR, historians. -1116.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. Ill 1101. A.C. o 1104. Baldwin, king of Jerusalem, takes Ptolemais (Acre). 1105. Henry IV., dethroned by his son Henry Y., dies the following year at Liege. His body remained un- buried, under sentence of excommunication, for a long time, and was at last clandestinely buried in the cathedral of Spire. Pope Pascal had absolved the son from his oath of allegiance to his father. 1106. Battle of Tenchehray in Normandy : Robert is taken prisoner hy his brother Henry, who causes his eyes to be put out, and confines him in the castle of Cardiff, where he dies after 28 years'^ imprisonment, Henry adds Normandy to his dominions, HENRY v., emperor of Germany. 1107. ALEXANDER VII., king of Scotland. 1108. LOUIS VL (le Gros), king of France: he estab- lishes the Third Estate or Commons. Amadeus III., first count of Savoy, son of Odo, count of Maurienne^ and Adelaide, marchioness of Susa. 1109. The Crusaders take Tripoli in Syria, and give it to Raymond, count of Toulouse. Death of Alphonso VI., king of Castile : his sons Urraque, and Alphonso VII. (the Fighter), suc- ceed him. 1111. Henry V. at Rome : he takes Pascal II. prisoner; compels him to concede the right of giving in- vestiture to bishops and abbots, and afterwards is crowned by him. 1112. Pascal acknowledges his fault in a council at the Later an, which rescinds his compact with the emperor. 1113. Wladimir 11. (Monomachus), grand duke of Russia. 1115. Death of Matilda, countess of Tuscany. Bernard is chosen abbot of Clairvaux ; from him the Cistercian monks took the name of Bernardins. 1116. War between Henry I., king of England, and Louis le Gros, king of France. 112 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1118— A.C. Henry Y. marches into Italy, and the next year occupies Kome, the pope Pascal having fled. — PETER ABELARD, a philosopher and theologian ; TOGRAI, HARIRI, and SHARFADDIN, Arabian poets. 1118. Synod of Rathhreasil in Ireland, presided over hy Gillebert, first bishop of Limerick {then a Danish city), and first pope^s legate for Ireland. This synod first settled the limits of dioceses in Irelaiid, and fixed their number at 24, exclusive of Dublin, which was subject to the see of Canterbury. Pope GELASIUS II. {John of Gceta). Henry V, appoints a rival pope with the title of QBE GOBY VI I L John I. (Comnenus), emperor of the East. The military and religious order of Knights Tem- plars is instituted at Jerusalem. 1119. Henry I. of England defeats Louis le Gros at Brenneville. — Pope CALIXTUS II. {Guido) succeeds Gelasius : he took and imprisoned Gregory VIII — Origin of the order of the PREMONSTRANTS, instituted by Norbert, who builds his first monastery in the Isle of France, at Premonstre. Tliey were, in the main, followers of the Augustinian rule, and were clothed in white, hence called " White Canons." 1120. William, son of Henry of England, and all his retinue are droivned in returning from France. The empire of the Almoravides in Africa is de- stroyed by the Almohades. 1122. Concordat of Worms between Calixtus II. and Henry V. End of the dispute about investitures : the use of the sceptre is substituted for that of the ring and the crosier when the emperor confers the regalia on a bishop or abbot. 1123. THE FIRST LATERAN COUNCIL confirms the Concordat. 1124. DAVID L, king of Scotland. — Pope HONORIUS II {Lambert). '-^ OTTO, bishop of Bamberg, preaches Christianity to the Pomeranians, who had been conquered by Boleslaics of Poland ; and VICELIN to the Slavonians. 1125. LOTHABIUS II., duke of Saxony, succeeds Henry V. as emperor of Germany. Conrad, duke of Franconia, contends with him for the empire. 1130. E-oger II., a Norman prince, takes the title of king of the Two Sicilies. Death of Pope Honorius II. : quarrels between his successor INNOCENT II. {Gregory ofPapi), and the antipope ANA- CLETUSIL {Peter of Leon). - PETER DE BRUYS is burnt at St. Giles in France. Among other things, he taught that the body arid blood of Christ are not distributed in the sacrament, but —1141.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 113 A.C. only the signs of them ; and that the oblations, prayers, and good works of the living, do not profit the dead. 1135. Sbtcpfici^) count of Blois, usurps the throne of Eng- land on the death of Henry L, in opposition to the claim of Matilda, Henry's daughter, 1137. LOUIS VII. (le Jeune), king of France : married to Eleanor of Guienne. Death of the Emperor Lotharius XL, the last of the house of Saxony. The Pandects of the Roman law are discovered at Amalfi on its capture by Lotharius. Irnerius, a celebrated civilian, first taught the Roman lawr in Bologna, and recommended its use in the empire. (See 1160.) 1138. The Scots under David I. are defeated by the JEn^ glish in the battle of the Standard. CONRAD III., duke of Franconia, son of Fre- derick, duke of Suabia, the first of the house of Hohenstaufen, ascends the imperial throne. Henry the Haughty, duke of Saxony, is put under the ban of the empire. The duchy of Saxony is given to Albert the Bear, and Bavaria to Leopold of Austria. Anacletus, the antipope, dies. 1139. Roger 11. defeats Pope Innocent II. Alphonso, duke of Portugal, defeats 5 Mahometan kings at Ourique, and receives from his soldiers the title of king. Death of Boleslaus III. : partition of Poland, THE SECOND LATERAN COUNCIL, condemning the doctrines of Peter de JBruys, and of Arnold of Brescia, a pupil of Abelard. MALACHY, bishop of Down, goes to Borne to obtain palls for the Irish archbishops, and is appointed pope's legate in the room of Gillebert. He dies in France in 1148, ayid is the first Irishman canonised by a pope. The name of Ghibelline first applied to the imperial faction in Italy, and that of Guelph to the opposing faction, which became that of the popes. 1140. Battle of Weinsberg in Suabia gained by Conrad III. over Guelph, duke of Bavaria. The canon law is first introduced into England. Death of HUGO of St. Victor, called Augustine the Second. — Controversy respecting the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION of the Virgin Mary, which doctrine was opposed by Bernard of Clairvaux as a novelty. — Building of the church of St. Denis^ near Paris. .41. Stephen is taken pjrisoner in the battle of Lincoln by Matilda, who is croicned at Winchester. — I 114 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOaY. [ll42— A.C. Matilda builds at Stratford-le.Bow the first stone bridge that had been seen in England. 1142. Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony. — Brandenburg is given to Albert the Bear. Cistercian monks introduced into Ireland; they settle at Mellifont, near Drogheda. — Death of Abelard. 1143. Stephen recovers the kingdom. Manuel Comnenus, emperor of the East. Pope CELESTINE 11. {Guy, cardinal of St. Mark) : rided 5 months. Death of WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY, historian.— OTTO of Frisengen, historian. 1144. Pope LUCIUS II. (Gerard) is killed by accident in a popidar commotion. 1145. Atabeck-Zenghi, emir of Aleppo, takes Edessa from the Crusaders. Pope Eugenius III. {Bernard^ a disciple of the great Bernard of Clairvaux ; he is frequently driven out of Rome by those opposed to the temporal government of the priests. 1147. THE SECOND CRUSADE, excited by Ber- nard, abbot of Clairvaux (who promised great victories), and headed by Conrad III. and liouis VII. The Crusaders, after an unsuccessful expedition, return with the remnant of their army in 1149. 1 150. IRNERIUS revives the study of the civil (Roman) law at Bologna. AILRED and CONSTANTINUS MANASSES, historians. 1151. John Paparo, the first foreigner who is sent as papal legate to Ireland, brings ivith him 4 palls for the 4 archbishops, the first time palls were sent to Ireland. The canon law is collected into an epitome (Decretinn) by Gratian, a Benedictine monk at ^oZo^rHa.— PETER LOJMBARD, bishop of Paris, called the Master of the " Sentences," having collected a system of theology from the Fathers, which zcas published in 1162. He is the first icriter icho mentions the seven sacraments. 1152. Louis YII. divorces Eleonora of Guienne, who mar- ries Henry Plantagenet, duke of Normandy and count of Maine and Anjou ; she bj^ngs him for dowry Aquitaine and Poitou. Henry invades England. FREDERIC I. (Barbarossa), emperor of Germany. The caliphs of Bagdad recover their independence. Synod of Kelts, in which Paparo presides, and the palls are given. Tliis synod is said by some to have been held at Drogheda. It ei forced the celibacy of the priesthood, and the payment of tithes, which are noic for the first time mentioned in Irish history. Publication of Tribonian's Institutes of Justinian, or code of the Roman law. 1153. MALCOLM IV., kiiig of Scotland. —1159.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 115 A.C. Treaty of Winchester. Compromise between Stephen and Prince Henry. Dermod Mac Morogh, king of Leinster, carries off the icife of O'Ruark, prince of Breffni, ichich leads to the invasion of Ireland T)y the English. Prester John, a Nestorian priest, who had become king of Tartary, flourishes about this time. Death of the Abbot BERNARD, called by some the last of the Fathers: he had founded 160 monasteries. 1154. f^tnry M.. {Plantagenet\ son of Matilda, succeeds Stephen as king of England : icith him begins the line of the Plantagenets. Frederic Barbarossa takes Asti, Tortona, and Milan. Foundation of Moscow. ARNOLD of Brescia, ivho spoke vehemently against the encroach- ments of the clergy, is given up to the pope by the emperor, and is hanged, his corpse burnt, and his ashes thrown into the Tiber. Pope ADRIAN IV. {Nicholas Breakspear), the only Englishman ever made pope. He sends a bull to King Henry the next year., giving him the sovereignty of Ireland, and the right to conquer it on promise of paying " Peter's Pence," or one penny for each house in it to the pope. The fleur de lis is used lor thie first time in the royal insignia of France. 1156. The marquisate of Austria, detached from Bavaria, is erected into a duchy by Frederic Barbarossa. Henry the Lion obtains the duchy of Bavaria. The Palatinate of the Phine is given to the house of Hohenstaufen. 1157. Yaldemar the Great, king of Denmark. Andrea the Politic, grand duke of Russia, fixes his residence at Wladimir. Eric X., king of Sweden, the conqueror of Fin- land : he obliges the Finris to embrace Christianity. The bank of Venice is instituted. 1158. Interview between Henry 11. and Malcolm IV. at Carlisle. The military order of Calatrava is instituted in Castile. The patrimony of Matilda, duchess of Tuscany, passes to Guelph VI. Frederic I. conquers Poland. 59. Pope ALEXANDER III {Roland of Bandinelli). Cardinal Octavian is elected anfipope, and supported by the emperor and the council of Pavia as Victor IV. I 2 116 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1160— A.C. 1160. PETER VALDUS or WALDO, a rich merchant of Lyons {from whom the sect of the Waldenses is supposed by some to have derived its name), causes the Gospel to be translated into French, JOHN OF HEXHAM, historian. — Bills of exchange invented by the Jews, as a means of removing their property from countries where they were persecuted. 1162. Pope Alexander III. retires into France. — Milan is taken, for the second time, and razed by Fre- deric Barbarossa. 1163. Almeric I., brother of Baldwin, king of Jerusalem. 1164. THE CONSTITUTIONS OF CLAREN- IDON, limiting the rights of bishops and priests, and defining the regal power over them, are passed at the council of Clarendon, by which Thomas a Bechet is condemned. Sardinia is erected into a kingdom by Frederic Barbarossa. Institution of the order of Teutonic Knights in Germany. PASCAL IIL {Cardinal Guido) is elected pope by order of the em- peror on the death of Octavian {Victor JV.). 1165. WILLIAM THE LION, king of Scotland.— John of Salisbury, a learned man, pupil of Abelard. 1166. William II. (the Good), king of Naples and Sicily. 1167. Frederic Barbarossa takes Rome: flight of Alex- ander III., who had excommunicated and de- posed Frederic. The Lombard league is formed against Frederic Barbarossa. 1168. Dermod, king of Leinster, is expelled, and takes refuge with Henry of England. The city of Milan is rebuilt, and Alexandria in Piedmont founded in honour of Alexander IIL — CALIX.TUS III. (John of Struma) is elected pope at Home on the death of Pascal the antipope. 1169. Robert Fitz Stephen lands ivith an English force in rVeXjOl^d. —lo,000 persons in Catania destroyed by an eruption of Mount Etna. 1171. T. a Becket is murdered at Canterbury, and in 1173 is canonised and enrolled among the martyrs. — Henry lands in Ireland. Shiracush, lieutenant of Norradin or Noureddin, sultan of Aleppo, defeats Amaury or Almeric, king of Jerusalem, in Egypt. Death of Adhed —1179. J COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 117 A.C. the caliph of Egypt, and end of the dynasty of the Fatmiites : Mosthadi of Bagdad is acknowledged the only lawful caliph, and the true Imaun of the Church 1172. ANNEXATION OP IRELAND TO ENG- LAND : Henry II. receives the submission of the Irish princes. SYNOD OF CASHEL, in which the Irish Church adopts the Romish ritual in conformity with the English. Alphonso I., king of Portugal, takes the town of Murcia from the Moors. 1173. Baldwin IV., king of Jerusalem. — Death of Nor- radin, sultan of Aleppo. 1174. Saladin is made by the caliph and people sultan of Egypt and Damascus. 1175. Roderic, king of Connaught, makes submission to Henry II. by his delegates at the council of Windsor, 1176. Battle of Lignano near Como, in which Frederic Barbarossa is defeated by the Lombard league. His fleet is also defeated by the Venetians, on occasion of which the ceremony called " Wedding the Adriatic " is first performed by Pope Alex- ander. Migration of Waldenses into Bohemia, 1177. Justices of assize in England are first appointed about this time. Treaty of Venice, between the pope, the emperor, the Lombard league, and the Normans. — Venice has now the sovereignty of the sea : Ziano, doge. Saladin's forces are defeated by the Latins near Ascalon. 1178. Freyburg in Switzerland is built by Berthold IV., duke of Zaehringen. 1179. The THIED LATEEAN COUNCIL, at which it is determined that the pope should be elected by the votes of the cardinals alone (the votes of two-thirds of them to be sufficient to elect hini), thus excluding the Roman people and clergy from the negative voice left them in 1059 ; the FIRST CRUSADE AGAINST HERE- TICS is sanctioned : schools are also commanded to be established or revived in monasteries and cathedrals. Pope Alexander III. I ^ 118 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [II8O— A.C. confirms the title of king to Alphonso /., duke of Portugal. He also makes canonization one of the '■^greater causes" reserved for the pope's decision. — Foundation of the university of Padua. 1180. Philip Augustus, king of France. Alexius II. (Comnenus), emperor of the East. Fall of the powerful house of the Guelphs by the proscription of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony and Bavaria : the Emperor Frederic gives the duchy of Bavaria to Otho of Wittelsbach, and that of Saxony to Bernard of Aschersleben. Parma and Placentia adopt a republican form of government. 1181. JOHN CUMIN, the first English archbishop of Dublin : he founds St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1190. Pope LUCIUS III. {Hubald Allucingolo), the first pope elected by the cardinals only. 1183. Andronicus Comnenus, emperor of the East: he puts to death the young Alexius II. Canute YI., king of Denmark, reduces Pomerania, Mecklenburg, and Schwerin. 1185. Andronicus, the last of the Comneni, is assassinated. Isaac II., emperor of the East. Philip Augustus banishes the Jews from his king- dom, causes the streets of Paris to be paved, and surrounds that town with walls. Death of Baldwin IV., king of Jerusalem. Pope URBAN in. {Hubert Crivelli.) EUSTATHIUS, bishop of Thessalonica, celebrated for his commentary on Homer.—WILLIAM OF TYRE, historian. 1186. Bulgaria shakes off the yoke of the Grecian em- perors. Guy of Lusignan, king of Jerusalem. 1187. SALADIN TAKES JEIIUSA.LEM, after having defeated Lusignan at Tiberias, and taken him prisoner. Urban III. dies of grief when he hears this news. — Pope GEE GOBY VIII., Oct. 25.— Pope CLEMENT III {Paul Scolaro), Dec. 19. 1189. Death of Henry 11. , king of England. — He had 5 sons and 2 daughters. Henry, who married Marguerite of France, and died in 1182 ; Richard, surnamed Coeur do Lion (Lion's Heart) ; Geoffrey, who married Constance of Bretagne, died in 1186, and left a son named Arthur; John, surnamed Lackland ; Maud, who married Alphonso of Castile ; and Joan, married William, king of Sicily. l^icSartr ©ceur Ue UtOn, king of England. —1197.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 119 THIRD CRUSADE, undertaken by the em- peror. William II. (the Good), king of Sicily^ dies without issue : his aunt Constance tries to succeed him, but Tancred, natural son of Roger, duke of Apulia, usurps the throne. 1190. HETTRY VI., emperor of Germany, on the death of Frederic I. (Barbarossa) in Asia. Richard of England and Philip of France set out for the Crusades. this is called by some the Fourth Crusade. 1191. Siege and capture of Ptolemais or Acre by the Crusaders. Return of Philip Augustus to France. The order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary of Jerusalem is instituted in Palestine for the relief of the sick and wounded Germans in that country : Henry Walpott, first grand master of the order. — Pope CELESTINE III. ^Hyacinth Bobo.) 1192. RICHARD I. DEFEATS SALADIN AT ASCALON. On his return from Palestine Richard is arrested by Leopold of Austria, and detained in prison 14 months. — Pope Celestine lays Henry VI. and Leopold under an interdict in consequence. 1193. Death of Saladin: his dominions are divided among his 17 sons. He was the founder of the dynasty of the Ajoubites or Jobites, so called from his father Ajoub or Job. 1 1 94. The Emperor Henry VI. takes the kingdom of the Two Sicilies from William III., son of Tancred. Fourth Crusade, undertaken by the emperor at the desire of Celestine III. 1195. Alexis III. (Angelus), the Tyrant, emperor of the East : he usurped the throne, after having caused the eyes of his brother Isaac to be put out. 1196. Joannice, duke of Bulgaria, succeeds Peter. 1197. Henry VI. dies at Messina: his brother Philip, duke of Suabia (guardian of the minor Frederic, son of Henry), and Otho IV., duke of Saxony, contend for the empire. 1 4 120 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. [1198— A.C. 1198. PHILIP is crowned king of the Romans, and is virtually emperor. Pope INNOCENT III. {Lothario Conti). This pope increased the pontifical power, and established the Mendicant Orders. ( See 1209.) He conferred the title of king on Primislaus Ottocare I., duke of Bohemia, and on Johannicus, duke of the Bulgarians and Walachians, in 1204, and crowned as king Peter II. of Arragon^ who had made his dominions tributary to the pope. The order of Knights Sword-bearers is instituted by Bishop Albert of Bremen, hy authority of the pope, to compel the Livonians to submit to baptism. 1199. 3i^{)n {Lackland), king of England, on the death of his brother Richard \Coeur de Lion), icho had married Berengaria of Navarre, and had no chil- dren. John succeeds him, to the prejudice of his nepheiv Arthur. — Robin Hood and Little John, celebrated outlaws. 1200. Innocent IIL lays England under an interdict. — ROGER OF HO VEDEN,GYRALDUSCAMBRENSIS, PETER OF BLOIS, SAXO GRAMMATICUS, WILLIAM PARVUS, GUALTER VINE- SAUF, GERVASE, and RALPH DE DICETO, historians. The invention of the mariner's compass, is by some placed at this date, and ascribed either to the English or French; by others to Flavio Gioia, of Amalfi. in Naples, a famous mathematician, who lived in 1300. It is also said that Marco Polo, a Venetian, on his return from China brought back the in- vention with him in 1260 or 1295. 1201. 1201. Albert of Bremen builds the town of Riga. Melek-Adel (Saladin's brother) takes Egypt and Damascus from his nephews. 1202. King John puts to death his nepheio Arthur. — The pope for the first time appoints to the archbishopric of Armagh. The Fifth Crusade (called by others the fourth) sets out from Venice. It was preached by Foulques, and commanded by Boniface, marquis of Mont- ferrat, and Baldwin, count of Flanders. The Venetians furnish a fleet commanded by their doge Dandolo. Valdemar II. (the Victorious), king of Denmark. Jemmgin or Yesoncay conquers Unkhan, the fourth in succession from Prester John, and assumes the name of Genghis Khan, or the Great Em- peror. 1203. THE CRUSADERS TAKE CONSTANTI- —1209.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY, 121 A.C. NOPLE, and re-establish on the throne Isaac Angelus, and his son Alexius lY. (the Young) ; they are both, soon after, put to death by- Alexius Ducas or Murzuphlus, who usurps the throne. 1204. Constantinople is taken a second time by the Cru- saders; Murzuphlus is slain, and Baldwin, count of Flanders, proclaimed emperor. The Cru- saders divide among themselves the provinces of the Greek empire. — Baldwin is defeated by the Bulgarians. Andrew II., king of Bohemia. THE INQUISITION IS ESTABLISHED BY POPE INNOCENT III., who sends 2 in- quisitors into Languedoc : in 1206, DOMINIC, /ownc/er of the Dominicans, is joined with them. 1206. Henry, Baldwin's brother, emperor of Constan- tinople. Origin of the Greek empire of Nice under Theo- dore I. (Lascaris), son-in-law to the emperor Alexius III. ; and that of Trebizond, under Alexius and David Comnenus, grandsons of Andronicus I. 1208. London incorporated ; it obtains a charter for electing its mayor and magistrates. OTHO IV. crowned by the pope emperor of Germany on the death of Philip. He restores the dominions of Matilda to the pope, but after- wards revokes the grant. 1209. INNOCENT III. SENDS A CRUSADE AGAINST THE ALBIGENSES of Lan- guedoc: Simon, count of Montfort, commands the Crusaders; and Eaymond, count of Tou- louse, at first joins him, and afterwards, in 1211, turns against him. The name Albigenses was given to all the sects then residing in Languedoc, called in that age Albi- gesium.— The order of the FRANCISCAN FRIARS is founded in Italy by Francis of Assisi (in Umbrid), who added the vow of poverty to the monastic vows of chastity and obedience, and insti- tuted the rule of Mendicant Friars. — Albert, patriarch of Jeru- salem, prescribes a rule for the CARMELITES, the originator of whom was Berthold, 122 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. £l212— AC. The council of Sens forbids the teaching of ARISTOTLE'S philosophy. WALTER DE MAPE S, poet. GUNTHE R, poet and historian. 1212. Innocent III. ^having the year before excommunicated John, king of England, absolves his subjects from the oath of allegiance, and transfers his sovereignty to Philip of France. — John becomes tributary to the pope. FREDEmC II., son of Henry VL, is proclaimed emperor of Germany at the diet of Coblentz, in- stead of Otho IV., wlio contends for the empire. Establishment of the electoral college by Frederic II. The Moors are defeated at the battle of Ubeda, or Tolosa, by the kings Alphonso IX. of Castile, Peter II. of Arragon, and Sancho of Navarre. Crusade of children from France to recover the Holy Land. 1214. ALEXANDER IL, king of Scotland. Battle of Bouvines in Flanders, won by Philip Augustus over Otho IV. and the count of Flan- ders; 50,000 French fought against 150,000 allies. Otho abandons his claims to the empire. 1215. THE MAGNA CHART A, which limits the royal authority, and is the bulwark of English free- dom, is extorted from King John by the barons at Runnymede. The pope annuls the Magna Charta, and absolves John from his oath to observe it. Genghis-Khan conquers the northern provinces of China. The FOURTH LATERAN COUNCIL, at which Innocent III., without asking the opinion of any one, publishes 70 decrees. With respect to the manner of Christ's presence in the Eucharist, he pronounced that opinion to be the only true one which is now universal in the church of Rome, and applied to it the name of TRANSUBSTANTIAf ION. He also made AURICULAR CONFESSION binding on all, which had hitherto been only voluntary. Aristotle's Logic is again admitted into tiie university of Paris. (See 1209.; 1216. Death of John Lackland. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters by his second wife Isabella, daughter of the earl of Angouleme : Henry, who succeeded him, and Richard; Jane, married to Alexander, king of Scotland; Eleanor, married first to the earl of Pembroke, and afterwards to the earl of Leicester ; Isabella, married to Frederic II. , emperor of Germany. f^tnrg Jfi* is placed on the throne by the barons, to the exclusion of Louis, the son of Philip —1227.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 123 A.C. Augustus, to whom the pope had granted the in- vestiture of the kingdom of England. Peter of Courtenay, emperor of the East. Pope HONORIUS III. ( Centius Savelli) : he sanctioned the order o/* DOMINICANS, or Preaching Friars, or Jacobins, founded hy Dominic de Guzman, born in Arragon, 1170, and died at Bologna in Italy, 1221. 1217. Sixth Crusade (fifth according to others), conducted by Andrew, king of Hungary, Ferdinand III. (the Saint), king of Castile. 1218. Frederic II. renews the war in Italy. Death of Berthold Y., last duke of Zaehringen: Helvetia becomes an unmediate province of the Germanic empire. Honorius III. publishes a crusade against the pagans of Prussia. 1219. Damietta is taken by the Crusaders. 1221. GENGHIS-KHAN CONQUERS PEHSIA, and soon after Afghanistan and part of India. (See 1202.) Robert de Courtenay, emperor of the East. 1222. John Ducas or Vataces, emperor of Nice. The Golden Bull, or Constitution of Hungary, is settled in a diet summoned by Andrew II. 1223. LOUIS VIIL (the Lion), king of France. Eric XII. (the Stammerer), the last of the house of Swerker, ascends the throne of Sweden. Toushi, son of Genghis-Khan, defeats the princes of Kiow. — The Tartars found the kingdom of Kiptshak, between the Don and Volga. 1226. New crusade against the Albigenses. LOUIS IX., or St. Louis, then 11 years old, succeeds his father Louis VIIL under the regency of his mother, Blanche of Castile. New Lombardian league against Frederic II. 1227. Pope GREGORY IX. (Ugolino): he excommunicates the Emperor Frederic II., with whom, henceforth, he has continual war. Defeat of Valdemar IL, king of Denmark, at Born- h^ved, in Holstein ; he loses aU his conquests in Germany. Death of Genghis-Khan : his 4 sons divide among themselves his vast empire. They achieve the 124 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1228— A.C. conquest of China, overturn the caliphate of Bagdad, and render the sultans of Iconium their tributaries. Octal, grand khan. 1228. Seventh (or Sixth) Crusade, led by the Emperor Frederic II. : he regains Jerusalem. Baldwin II., emperor of Constantinople ; he takes John of Brienne for his associate in the empire. Death o/STEPHEN LANGTON, archbishop of Canterbury, who is said to have divided the Bible into chapters. 1230. Beunion of the kingdoms of Castile and Leon by Ferdinand III. The Knights of the Teutonic Order of St. Mary establish themselves in Prussia. 1234. Kayi of Khorassan settles atErzingan; hence the origin of the Osmanli Turks. Thibaut, count of Champagne, inherits the kingdom of Navarre. THE INQUISITION in France is placed by Gregory IX. in the hands of the Dominican monks, who erect their first permanent court in Toulouse. 1235. Creation of the duchy of Brunswlck-Luneburg, in favour of the house of Guelph. End of the quarrels between the Guelphs and Ghibellines. (See 1139). 1236. Ferdinand III. of Castile takes Cordova from the Mahometans, and by degrees deprives them of all but the kingdom of Granada. 1237. James I. of Arragon conquers Valencia. The Mogul Tartars, under Baton, grandson of Genghis-Khan, invade Russia, and settle them- selves there for more than 2 centuries. (See 1479.) Union of the order of Sword-bearers with the Teutonic Knights. 1239. Eighth Crusade, under Thibald V., who is followed next year by Richard, duke of Cornwall. Gregory IX. again excommunicates Frederic II. — St. Louis refuses the imperial crown. The study of Aristotle's philosophy is promoted by Frederic II. Foundation of the university of Salamanca. WILLIAM OF BRITTANY, NICHOLAS DE BRAY, THIBAUT OF CHAMPAGNE, poets.— MATTHEW PARIS, historian.—ALEXANDER HALES, the " Irrefragable Doctor," expounder of Aristotle. —1254.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 125 A.C. 1240. St. Alexander Newsky, grand duke of Russia, 1241. THE HANSEATIC LEAGUE (a commercial union) is formed by Lubeck, Hamburg, Bremen, and other towns of Germany. Pope CELESTINE IV. (^Godfrey Castigliare) : he dies the same year. 1243. Pope INNOCENT IV. (Fiesho). 1244. The Korasmins, expelled by the Mogul Tartars, take Jerusalem. 1245. The FIRST COUNCIL OF LYONS, at which Innocent IV. deposes Frederic II., and grants the use of red hats to cardinals, declaring than to be princes of the church — The Crusade is ordered to be preached. — The pope sends legates to treat with the Tartars. Andrew of Hungary, king of Naples, is assassi- nated. 1248. The Ninth (commonly called the Seventh) Crusade, under St. Louis of France. 1249. ALEXANDER IIL, kin^ of Scotland. St. Louis takes Damietta from the Turks. Raymond VII. dies, the last of the counts of Tou- louse. 1250. BATTLE^ OP MANSOURA IN EGYPT. St. Louis and 2 of his brothers are taken prisoners : his brother Robert dies there. The king is ransomed for 800,000 gold bezants, and returns in 1254. CONEAD IV. succeeds Frederic II. as emperor and king of Sicily, but the pope gives the empire to William, count of Holland. Yaldemar I., king of Sweden. 1252. Alphonso X. (the Wise), king of Castile. Astronomical tables, called ALPHONSINES, composed by Alphonso X., king of Castile— College of the Sorbonne at Paris founded by ROBERT DE SORBONNE, confessor of St. Louis.— ROGER BACON discovers the use of convex lenses. 1254. Interregnum in the empire of Germany from the death of Conrad IV. in 1254, to the election of Rodolph in 1273. During this period Denmark, Holland, and Hungary, become independent of the empire. Portugal attains its present limits by the conquest of Algarva. 126 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1255— A.C. Ottocare 11., king of Bohemia. Pope ALEXANDER IV. {Raynald). 1255. Theodore II. (Lascaris), emperor of Nice. Domination of the Mamelukes in Egypt and Syria. The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary build the city of Konigsberg on the Kegel. 1258. The Provisions of Oxford extorted from Henry III, at the parliament at Oxford. The 24 barons, under Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, seize, and administer the government of England {June 11, Mainfroi, tutor of the young Conradin (Conrad V, usurps the crown of the Two Sicilies. Holagu, a Mongol chief, grandson of Genghis- Khan, usurps the throne of Bagdad, and puts the caliph Mostasem to death. END OF THE CALIPHATE OP BAG- DAD. 1259. John Lascaris, emperor of Nice. 1260. Michael VIII. (Palasologus), emperor of Nice. Hospital of the Quinze Vingts at Paris, for the blind — Roger Bacon invents the magic lantern. 1261. Michael Palasologus recovers Constantinople. END OP THE LATIN EMPIRE OP CONSTANTINOPLE. Pope URBAN IV. {James Pantaleon). 1263. The Norwegians invade Scotland, and are defeated by Alexander III. in the battle of Largs. — Civil wars in England excited by Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester. Peter of Savoy makes himself master of the Canton de Vaud, which had been given him by the Emperor Richard, duke of Cornwall ; he builds the castle of Chillon on the shores of the Lake Leman. Origin of ike societies of Flagellants. THOMAS AQUINAS, a Dominican, called the " Angelic Doctor," b. 1224, d. 1274 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, a learned Dominican friar nnd philo- sopher, b. 1205, d. 1280. — BONA VENTURA, a scholastic theologian, b. 1221, d 1274.— ROGER BACON, the "Admirable Doctor," a natural philosopher, b. 1206, d. 1284.— ROBERT OF GLOSTER, the first English writer in rhyme. — ABULPHARAGIUS and ELMAKIN, his- torians. 1264. Battle of Lewes {May 14.); Leicester at the head of the rebels defeats Henry III. —1273] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 127 Urban IV, appoints the festival o/" CORPUS CHRISTI " to be observed by the whole church. 1265. THE FIRST HOUSE OF COMMONS as- sembled 171 England. Having iisitrped the royal authority, Leicester calls a parliament, and to give his government a more popular form, summons deputies from every borough, as well as 2 knights from every shire. Battle of Evesham (Aug. 4.), gained by Edward, Henry IIVs son, over Leicester, who is killed in the action. Pope CLEMENT IV. (Guido Fulcodi) : he confers the kingdom of Naples on Charles of Anjou, brother of Louis IX. of France. 1266. Battle of Benevento, in which Mainfroi is defeated and killed by Charles of Anjou, 1268. Conradin, and Frederic, duke of Austria, after having been defeated by Charles of Anjou, are beheaded at Naples : extinction of the house of Hohenstaufen. Ottocare II. invades Austria, Carinthia, Styria, and Carniola. 1269. St. Louis publishes the PRAGMATIC SANCTION, wherein the rights of the Gallican church in the choice of bishops are asserted, against the usurpation of the pope. \^0r, in 1268.] 1270. THE LAST CHUSADE (the tenth, com- monly called the eighth) is undertaken by St. Louis, who is carried off by the plague before Tunis. PHILIP IIL (the Bold), the eldest son of Louis, succeeds him. 1271. Prince Edward of England takes Nazareth, and is stabbed by an assassin. Next year he concludes a truce with the sultan of Egypt y and returns home. The county of Toulouse added to the French crown. Tope GREGORY X. (Thibald). 1272. dBtlfoartr ]!., king of England, on the death of Henry III, in the 51th year of his reign. Death of the Emperor Richard, duke of Cornwall. 1273. RODOIiPH I. of Hapsburg, emperor of Germany, and first of the Austrian family. Mahomet II., king of Granada, builds the palace of Alhambra. 128 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1274— A.C. 1274. SECOND COUNCIL OF LYONS, in which Gregory X. reduces the numerous orders of Mendicants to 4 — namely, the Domi- nicans, Franciscans, Carmelites, and Augustinians : he first re- quires the cardinals to elect the pope in conclave. Philip the Bold gives the Comtat Venaissin to the popes. Death of Henry, king of Navarre. 1276. Peter III. (the Great), king of Arragon. Pope INNOCENT V. {Peter de Tarentaise).—Pope ADRIAN V. \Ottohoni Fieschi). — Pope JOHN XXI. {Peter), bishop of Tusculum. 1277. Pope NICHOLAS III. {John Cajetan), 1278. Eodolph of Hapsburg defeats at Marchfeld the king of Bohemia, Ottocarus II., who is killed in the battle. Vinceslaus II., king of Bohemia and Moravia. Execution of Peter de la Brosse, prime minister to Philip the Bold. 1279. Dionysius the Just, king of Portugal. 1280. The Moguls or Tartars, under the command of Kublai, grandson of Genghis-Khan, complete the conquest of China. The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary build Marien- burg on the Nogat, which became afterwards the capital of the order. 128 1. Pope MARTIN IV. (Simon de Brie) : he excommunicated Michael Palceoloyus, the Greek emperor. 1282. THE SICILIAM VESPEES: at which all the French in Palermo are massacred. — The king- dom of Sicily is separated from the kingdom of Naples, and given by the Palermitans to Peter III., king of Arragon, Mainfroi's son-in-law. The Emperor Rodolph gives the duchy of Austria to his son Albert, who becomes the founder of the Hapsburg dynasty of Austria. 1283. CONQUEST OF WALES BY ED- WAUD I. : its king Llewellyn is slain in battle, and David, his brother and successor, is executed by Edivard's orders. — EDWAB,D I. —1291.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 129 CREATES HIS ELDEST SON ED- WARD PRINCE OP WALES; a title which has since been home hy the eldest sons of the sovereigns of England. The Teutonic Knights of St. Mary, after a bloody war, complete the conquest of Prussia. Andronicus II. (Palaeologus), emperor of the East. 1284. Reunion of Champagne and Brie to the crown of France. Peter III. of Arragon defeats Charles, king of Sicily, and takes prisoner his son Charles the Lame. Philip III. of France, at the instigation of the pope, attempts to conquer Arragon. Death of Alphonso X., king of Castile ; his son Sancho the Great succeeds him. 1285. PHILIP IV. (the Fair), king of France, who in- stituted the French parliaments. Cardinal Du- prat. Amadeus V., count of Savoy. Pope HONOBIUS IV. {James Savelli). Invention of spectacles by Alexander de Spina, a monk of Florence, according to some. (See 1252.) Others attribute the invention to Salvias. 1286. MARGARET of Norway, queen of Scotland. DURANDUS, bishop of Mende, a distinguished jurist and general ; died in 1296. 1287. The Mongols of Kiptshak invade and pillage Poland. 1288. Osman or Ottoman succeeds to the dominions of his father Ertogrul at Erzingan. Pope NICHOLAS IV. {Jerome of Ascoli); next year he sends JOHN DE MONTE COEVINO and others to the Tartars and Nestorians ; they introduced Christianity into China. Marco Polo, a Venetian traveller in the East from 1278 to 1295. 1290. Interregnum in Scotland for 2 years. Competition for the crown hetween John Baliol, Robert Bruce, and many others. Decline of the republic of Pisa : rise of Genoa. Death of Ladislaus III., king of Hungary ; many competitors contend for that kingdom. 1291. END OP THE LATIN KINGDOM IN PALESTINE : capture of Tyre and Ptolemais by the Turks : the Knights Hospitallers, and i K 130 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1292— A.C. their chief John Villiei^, retire to the island of Cyprus. 1292. JOHN BALIOL appointed king of Scotland hy Edward Z of England, ADOLPHUS OF K"ASSAU, emperor of Germany. 1293. From this year there is a regular succession of En- glish parliaments, 1294. Pope CELESTINE V. {Peter de Murrho), an austere hermit: he abdicated in a short time. Pope BONIFACE VIII. {Benedict Cajetan) : he published the celebrated bull called " UN AM SANCTAM," in which he asserted that Christ had committed both the spiritual and temporal swords to his church, and that it was necessary to salvation that every creature should be subject to the Roman pontiff. 1296. Baliol is defeated, and taken prisoner by Edward I. Interregnum in Scotland for \0 years. — Sir Wil- liam Wallace undertakes the deliverance of his country, and is victorious in several encounters with the English. Sicily is separated from Arragon. Matthew Visconti the Great, lord of Milan. Premislaus, duke of Poland, causes himself to be crowned king. 1297. WALLACE DEFEATS THE ENGLISH AT STIRLING, and expels thein from Scot- land, and is chosen regent. — Aristocracy is intro- duced at Venice : " the Golden Book," or register of the nobility. 1298. BATTLE OP 'FA.'L'KTR'K gained hy Ediuard I. over the Scots, July 22. Statute of Edward, ''no taxes loithout consent of parliament.^^ Battle of Worms, in which the Emperor Adolphus of Nassau is killed. ALBERT I., duke of Austria, emperor of Germany. 1299. THE MODERN TURKISH EMPIRE BEGINS UNDER OTTOMAN or 0th- man, its first sultan, in Bithynia. 1300. Wenceslaus, king of Bohemia, is elected king of Poland. THE FIRST JUBILEE is published by Boniface VIIL, and one is appointed to be held every 100 years. Plenary^ indulgence is 1308.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGT. 131 v.c. offered to all tJiose who should make a pilgrimage to Rome during that year. RISE OF ITALIANLITERATURE— DANTE, born at Florence 1265, died in exile at Ravenna 1321.— RAYMOND LULLY of Majorca, a Franciscan doctor and alchymist, who undertook the propagation of Christianity in Africa, and was stoned to death at Bugia in Mauritania, 1315 — DUNS SCO- TUS, the great opponent of Aquinas, b. 1265, d, 1308, — FLAVIO GIOIA improves the mariner's compass. — GIOTTO, a painter, sculptor, and archi- tect of Florence, the pupil of Cimabue. 1301. 1301. Quarrel between Philip the Fair and Pope Boni- face YIIL WILLIAM OF NOGARET, a famous lawyer, afterwards made chancellor of France on account of his determined opposition to the pontiff. 1302. Corny n and Fraser defeat the English thrice in one day. Philip the Fair admits the Tiers Etat (Third Estate) to the assembly of the States General. Battle of Courtenaj gained by the Flemish over the count of Artois^ who is killed in the action : 4000 pairs of spurs adorned the triumph of the conquerors. 1303. Ferdinand IV. of Castile takes Gibraltar. Nogaret attacks and makes Boniface VIII. prisoner at Anagni : the pontiff dies soon after from indignation. Pope BENEDICT XL {Nicholas Bocasini.) 1304. Wallace is betrayed to Edward L, and executed in London. 1305. Louis, son of Philip the Fair, becomes king of Navarre. Pope CLEMENT V. (JBertrand de Got), a Frenchman, archbishop of Bordeaux. ] 306. ROBERT I. {Bruce), king of Scotland. Douglas and Randolph, distinguished Scottish warriors. 1307. QBhiXiUXti 11. succeeds his father Edivard I. Gaveston was his favourite. — Bills of exchange are first used in England. [Or, in 1381.] WILLIAM TELL, Furst, Stauffacher, and Melchtal, combine to rescue Switzerland from the tyranny of Gesler, the imperial governor. John de Monte Corvino is appointed by the pope archbishop of Cam- balu or Pekin, in China ; 7 other bishops are sent thither. 1308. HENRY VII. of Luxemburg, emperor of Ger- K 2 132 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l310— A.C. many ; Albert being assassinated in Switzerland by the Duke John of Suabia. The cantons of Uri, Schweitz, and Unterwalden, secure their independence. Donati is killed at Florence. The seat of the popes is transferred from Home to AVIGNON for 70 years, 1310. Rhodes is taken by the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. Celebrated reign of Charobert (Charles Eobert), king of Hungary. John of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia. Chimneys used in domestic architecture. 1311. Civil war in England against Edward II. and Gaves- ton ; the king is defeated, and Gaveston put to death hy Lancaster. COUNCIL OF VIENNE in Dauphiny, in which the Templars are ordered to be suppressed, at the instigation of King Philip, who cruelly destroyed them. 1312. Alphonso XL, king of Castile. Joinville, an historian. 1314. BATTLE OP BANNOCKBURN, in which the Scots under Robert Bruce defeat the English under Edward II. (June 25.) L O UIS X. (the Hutin) succeeds his father Philip - the Fair. LEWIS V. of Bavaria, and Frederic the Fair of Austria, are both elected emperors of Germany. 1315. Expedition of Edward Bruce to Ireland: he is de- feated at Dundalk in 1318. BATTLE OP MORGARTEN, wherein 1600 Swiss defeat 20,000 Austrians. It established the liberty of Switzerland. Perpetual league of Brunnen formed between the cantons of Uri, Schweitz, and Unterwalden. 1316. PHILIP V. (the Long), brother of Louis X., as- cends the throne of France (John, the posthu- mous son of Louis X., having lived only a few days) ; and the Salique law of succession is established. Pope JOHN XXII. (James de Cusa') : he increased very much the papal exactions. —1328.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 133 A.C. 1319. Lewis V. defeats Frederic the Fair at the battle of ISIiihldorf. Invention of paper made with rags [or, in 1417] : it was first made of cotton about A.D. 500. 1320. The royal dignity becomes permanent in Poland, under Ladislaus Lokieteck. Gedimin^ grand duke of Lithuania, effects the con- quest of Kiow. 1322. Defeat and execution of Lancaster hy Edward 11. CHARLES IV. (the Fair), king of France, brother of Philip the Long. Battle of Vechivis, in which Frederic the Fair is taken prisoner. Lewis Y. remains sole master of the empire, without seeking for the pope's sanction. WALTER THE LOLLARD is burnt for heresy at Cologne. WILLIAM OCCAM, an English Franciscan monk, who upheld the philosophy of the Nominalists, as did also the celebrated Doctor BURIDAN of Paris MUNDINUS, a celebrated anatomist, died in 1326. — ABULFEDA, an Arabian geographer and historian. 1326. Execution of the two Spencers, the favourites of Edward IL About this time heretics are first burned in Ireland. Sardinia is incorporated with the kingdom of Arra- gon. 1327. Edward IL is murdered at Berkeley Castle hy order of his wife Isabella and Mortimer her favourite. He was called Edivard of Carnarvon, from having been born there. eBtltoari) mi., king of England. Death of Ottoman, first Turkish emperor : Orchan or Urklan, his son and successor, makes new conquests from the Greeks, and institutes the order of the Janissaries. John XXII. deprives the Emperor Leiuis of his title for the second time, and excommunicates him. 1328. Andronicus III. (Palaeologus), emperor of the East. PHILIP VL (of Valois), king of France : hence the house of Yalois. Death of Castruccio Castracani, sovereign of the republics of Lucca and Pisa. Ivan I. (Kalita), grand duke of Russia, fixes his residence at Moscov/. K 3 134 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l329— AC. John XXIL is deposed at Rome, and NICHOLAS V. {Peter de Corbierre), antipope, elected by Lewis V.; he abdicates in 1330. 1329. DAVID II.j king of Scotland: Randolph, earl of Murray, regent. Treaty of Pavia: the house of Wittelsbach is divided into two principal branches — namely, that of the Electors Palatine, and the dukes of Bavaria. Nicholas de Lyra, famous for his commentaries on the Bible, completed in 1330 ; he died in 1340 DUBANDUS of St. Porcain, the " Most Resolute Doctor," a Dominican ; died in 1333.— VILLANI, historian, died 1348. 1331. Execution of Mortimer, earl of March. 1332. Edward Baliol, assisted hy Edward III., is crowned at Scone king of the Scots, but is soon driven out of the kingdom,. James Artevelde, a brewer of Ghent, excites the Flemish to rebellion against France. Lucerne joins the Swiss confederation. 1333. The Scots are defeated hy Edward III. at Halidoun Hill, near Berwick, July 19. Douglas is killed, and Baliol restored, Casimir III. (the Great), king of Poland. The Turks under Urklan make themselves masters of Nice in Bithynia. NICEPHORUS GREGORAS and NICEPHORUS CALLISTI, historians. 1334. Fope BENEDICT VIL (James Fournier) : he confirms the de- cision of the Doctors of Paris, condemning the opinions of his predecessor John XXII. 1337. Edward III. claims the sovereignty of France, and prepares to invade it. 1340. Naval battle of Slugs in Flanders, gained by Ed- ward III. over the French admirals. Battle of Tarifa gained over the Moors by Al- phonso XL, king of Castile. GUNPOWDER is invented by Schwartz, a monk of Cologne. According to the Turks it had been long known in the East, being used at the siege of Alex- andria in 852. It is also said to have been known for ages by the Chinese, but not used.— Oil painting is said to be invented, or at least much improved, by VAN EYK. — ANDREW HORNE, an English lawyer. — ANDREAS, of Bologna, a canonist— SIR JOHN MANDE VILLE, a traveller. 1341. John V. (Palseologus), emperor of the East. John Cantacuzene, his tutor, usurps the throne, PETRARCH the poet is crowned with bays at Rome ; b. 1304, d. 1374. 1342. Louis I. (the Great), king of Hungary, son of Charles Robert. Pope CLEMENT VI (Peter Roger), born in Limousin. -1352.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 135 A.C. 1345. Joanna I. orders Andrew of Hungary, her first husband, to be strangled. Foundation of Amsterdam. Madeira is said to have been discovered by Macham an Englishman. 1346. BATTLE OP CRESSY, icon by Edward IIL and the Black Prince over JPTiilip VI., king of France {Aug. 25.), the first battle in which cannon were used. Battle of Durham, in lohich David II. of Scotland is taken prisoner. Pope Clement VI. causes the Germans to elect Charles IV. emperor, in opposition to Lewis V. Foundation of the university of Valladolid by Clement VI. 1347. CAPTURE OP CALAIS BY EDWARD III. Fitz Balph is appointed primate of Ireland : he was famous for his opposition to the Mendicant Friars. CHARLES IV., emperor of Germany on the death of Lewis. NICHOLAS RIENZI assumes the government of Eome under the ancient title of Tribune. University of Prague founded ; according to some, the most ancient in Germany. 1348. Avignon is sold by Joanna I. of Naples to Clement VI. THOMAS BRADWARDINE, a distinguished divine and mathematician, is made archbishop of Canterbury, and dies in the same year. — Death of LAURA, Petrarch's heroine. 1349. Edward III. institutes the Order of the Garter. Charles the Bad, king of Navarre, succeeds his mother Joanna II. Humbert II., last sovereign of Dauphiny, bequeaths his dominions to France, with the condition that the eldest sons of the kings of France should take the name of Dauphin. 1350. The first great pestilence in En^and, called the Black Death, from May ^l. to Sept. 29. It had begun in Asia in 1346, and traversed Europe westward. JOHN THE GOOD, king of France. Death of Alphonso XL, king of Castile : his son Pedro or Peter the Cruel succeeds him. Clement VI directs the Jubilee to be celebrated every 50th year instead of every \00th. BOCCACCIO, fatherof modern Italian prose, d. 1375.— BARTOLUS and BAL- DUS, Italian lawyers. 1352. The Turks first enter Europe. K 4 136 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l355— A.C. The towns of Zurich, Glaris, Zug, and Bern, are admitted into the Swiss Confederation. — Pope INNOCENT VI. ^Stephen Aubert.) 1355. Marino Faliero, doge of Venice, is beheaded. Convocation of the States General of France by King John. Meistersangers (bards or poets) in Germany. 1356. BATTLE OF POITIERS, in which John IL, king of France, is taken prisoner by the Black Prince, and afterioards brought to London. Unsuccessful expedition of Edward III. against Scotland. Charles IV. publishes the golden bull, or fun- damental law of the empire ; by it the number of electors must not exceed 7, 3 of them eccle- siastical, and 4 lay ; viz., the archbishops of Mayence, Treves, and Cologne ; the king of Bohemia, the count palatine of the Rhine, the duke of Saxony, and the margrave of Branden- burg. 1357. Coals first used in London. 1358. Marcel, provost of the merchants of Paris, heads the rebellion against the Dauphin Charles, regent of the kingdom. Beginning of the Jacquerie, or faction of the peasants, against the nobles. Soliman, Orchan's son, crosses the Hellespont, and takes the city of Gallipoli. JOHN CANTACUZENUS and RANULPH HIGDEN, historians. 1359. Amurathl., son and successor of Orchan or Urklan. 1360. Peace of Bretigni : King John is restored to liberty, and gives up to Edward III. Calais, Guienne, and other provinces. Formation of the Free Companies in France, a for- midable association of banditti. JOHN WICKLIFFE about this time begins to attack the mendicant monks; born 1324, died 1384. LEONTIUS PILATUS, first introduced the study of Greek among the Latins : he taught Petrarch and Boccaccio. 1361. The second great pestilence in England, from August 15. to May 3. the folloiving year. Death of Philip of Kouvre, last duke of the first —1369.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 137 A.C. house of Burgundy ; that duchy is reunited to the crown of France. War between Pedro the Cruel, king of Castile, and Pedro TV., king of Arragon. Amurath I. takes the whole of Thrace, and fixes his residence at Adrianople. [Or, in 1360.] 1362. The law pleadings in England are changed from French to English. Dmitri Donskoy, grand duke of Russia. Pope URBAN V. ( William Grimoardi) : he transformed the double into the triple crown still worn by the popes. 1363. John the Good grants the duchy of Burgundy as a fief to his son Philip the Hardy : second house of Burgundy, for a long time formidable to France. First European league against the Turks. The king of Hungary and his allies are defeated near Adrianople. 1364. CHARLES V. (the Wise), king of France. The Tyrol is given up to the house of Austria. FROISSART (died 1401) and MATTHEW OF WESTMINSTER, historians. 1365. Bodolph, archduke of Austria. Foundation of the university of Genoa. 1366. Re-establishment of the doctrines of Aristotle in France. 1367. Statute of Kilkenny passed under Lionel, duke of Clarence, condemning the use of the Irish language and customs. Battle of Najara, in Old Castile, wherein Dugues- clin is defeated and taken prisoner by the Black Prince, and Pedro the Cruel replaced on the throne. Urban V. removes to Home, but returns to Avignon in 1370. 1368. Pedro the Cruel is dethroned and put to death by Henry Transtamare, his natural brother, helped by Duguesclin. The Genghiskhanide Moguls are exj^elled from China, after having possessed it for 88 years, and Christianity is extinguished there, 1369. The third great pestilence in England, from July 2. to Sept. 29. John Palteologus comes into Italy to seek recon- 138 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1370— A.C. ciliation with the Latin Church, and ask assist- ance against the Turks. Construction of the Bastille. Rise of the dramatic art in France in the form of " Mysteries " and " Moralities." 1370. Duguesclin takes from the English Guienne, Poitou, and Saintonge. Flourishing epoch of the Teutonic and Hanseatic Leagues ; the latter is composed of 64 towns. Death of Casimir the Great : end of the Piast kings of Poland. TAMERLANE the Mongol (Taimur-Lenk, or the Lame), having conquered Hosein, the emir of Khorassan, and made Samarcand his capital, takes Turkistan, and proceeds to extend his conquests. Pope GREGORY XL (Peter Beaufort, called by some Roger). 1371. EOBEKT IL (Stuart), first king of Scotland of the family of the Stuarts, 1377. Death of Edward III., after a glorious reign of 50 years. He married Philippa of Hainault, and had 12 children, among whom were Edward the Black Prince ; Lionel, duke of Clarence (ivho died in 1368, leaving an only daughter, married to Edmund Mortimer, earl of March) ; and John of Gaunt, H^iCjarlJ M., son of the Black Prince, becomes king of England at the age of II under the regency of his uncles Lancaster, York, and Gloucester. Population of England 2,092,798. Wickliffe is denounced by the pope as a heretic. Rome is once more made the permanent residence of a pope upon the removal of Gregory XL to it from Avignon. [Or, in 1376.] 1378. WEK'CESLAUS, emperor of Germany: he is de- posed in 1400. GREAT WESTERN SCHIBW of the rival popes at Rome and Avignon begins : Urban VL (Bartholomew Pig- nand) is elected at Rome, and Clement VLL. (Robert of Geneva), elected at Fondi, settles at Avignon. Clement is acknowledged by France, Spain, Scotland, Sicily, and Cyprus. Chaucer (died 1400) and Gower (died 1402) poets. 1380. CHARLES VL, king of France. Death of Du- guesclin. —1386.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 139 A.C. The Genoese fleet is defeated by that of the Vene- tians at Chioo-o-ia. Joanna I., queen of Naples, deposed by Urban VL, adopts for her successor Louis of Anjou, brother of Charles the Wise ; on the other hand Urban VI. gives the kingdom of Naples to Charles de Durazzo, son of Charles the Lame. Union of Denmark and Norway, under Queen Margaret, called the Semiramis of the North. The Tartars of Kiptshak are defeated near the Don by Dmitri Donskoy, grand duke of Russia. The translation of the Bible into English is completed by Wickliffe. [Or, in 1383. J 1381. Insurrection of the English peasantry under Wat Tyler and Jack Straiv. Peace between Venice and Genoa. Charles de Durazzo makes himself master of the kingdom of Naples, and puts to death Queen Joanna I. 1382. Charles VI., directed by the constable, Oliver of Clisson, gains over the revolted Flemings the battle of Eosbach, in which James of Artevelde is killed. 1383. Cannon first used in defence of toicns hy the English at Calais. {See 1346.) Sigismund (brother of Wenceslaus), king of Hun- gary. John Bastard usurps the throne of Portugal : be- ginning of the golden era of the Portuguese. 1384. Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, succeeds to the earldom of Flanders. 1386. Tamerlane subdues the north of Persia, Armenia, and Georgia. Amurath conquers Karamania. Jagello, grand duke of Lithuania, is baptized, and elected king of Poland under the name of Ula- dislaus V. Charles de Durazzo, king of Naples, is assassinated in Hungary : his son Ladislaus, Otho, duke of Brunswick, and Louis II., son of the duke of 140 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1.388— A.C. Anjou, contend among themselves for the throne of Naples. BATTLE OF SEMPACH, gained by the Swiss over Leopold IL, duke of Austria, who is killed in the action : here Arnold Winkel- RIED sacrifices his life for his country. University of Heidelberg founded. 1388. Battle of Otterburn between Percy (^Hotspur), and Douglas, Amurath I. is killed after defeating the Hungarians, Servians, Poles, &c., at the battle of Cassova. Battle of N^fels, near Glaris, gained by the Swiss over the Austrians. 1389. Battle of Fahlkoeping, in which Albert, king of Sweden, is defeated and taken prisoner by Queen Margaret. Bajazet I., emperor of the Turks. Pope BONIFACE IX. {Peter Tomacelli) at Pome : he fixes the regular Jubilee to be held every 33rd year. 1390. KOBEKT IIL, king of Scotland, 1391. Manuel IL (Palseologus), emperor of the East. Amadeus VIII., first king of Savoy. 1392. Tamerlane finally conquers Persia, and takes Bag- dad ; soon after he defeats the khan of Kiptshak, and advances to Moscow. 1393. Insanity of Charles YI. : John, duke of Berry, and Philip the Hardy, duke of Burgundy, com- petitors of the duke of Orleans, take the regency by force. The constable of Armagnac sustains the pretensions of the duke of Orleans, his son- in-law. Cards are said to have been invented to amuse Cliarles VI. during his illness. 1394. The Jews are banished from France by Charles VI. BENEDICT XIII. succeeds Clement VII. as pope at Avignon. KNIGHTON, historian. 1395. Creation of the duchy of Milan in favour of John Galeas Visconti. 1396. Bajazet I. defeats Sigismund of Hungary and John the Fearless of Nevers, at Nicopohs. 1397. UNION OP CALMAR: Margaret unites in —1404.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 141 A.C. her person the crowns of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Siege of Constantinople by Bajazet ; he is diverted from it, being himself attacked by the famous Tamerlane in 1399. The French Church withdraws itself from subjection to either of the rival popes ; and next year king Charles VI. imprisons Bene- dict III. 1398. Tamerlane subdues part of Hindostan, and takes Delhi. 1399. Richard 11. , king of England, is deposed, and soon after {according to some) starved to death. f^tntg Yi^.y duke of Lancaster, succeeds Richard 11. , to the prejudice of Edmund Mortimer, earl of March : hence the house of Lancaster. Origin of the faction of the Two Roses ; the Bed was the badge of the Lancastrians, and the White that of the Yorkists ■ Order of the Bath instituted in England by Henry IV. 1400. KOBERT, count palatine, emperor of Germany. CHRYSOLARAS, a teacher of Greek in Italy.— ALAIN CHARTRIER, poet and chronicler, secretary to Charles VII. 1401. 1401. The first law is passed in England for persecuting those who dis- sented from the church of Rome, and the first person burnt on a charge of heresy, viz. William Sawtre. 1402. Battle of Homeldon Hill, gained by the English under the earl of Northumberland and his son Henry Hotspur, over the Scots commanded by Earl Douglas, who is taken prisoner. BAJAZET IS TAKEN PRISONER BY TAMERLANE IN THE DECISIVE BATTLE OP ANGORA. Soliman I., em- peror of the Ottoman Turks. The Seljukians recover Karamania. (See 1386.) The Canaries are rediscovered by John Bethencourt, a Norman, and are seized by the Spaniards in 1420. 1403. Battle of Shreivsbury between the earl of Northum- berland and the royal forces, in which Hotspur is killed. 1404. John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy. — Civil 142 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1405— A,C. * war in France caused by tlie factions of the Biir- gundians and the Orleanais, or Armagnacs. Pope INNOCENT VII. {Cosmato Megliorati), at Borne. 1405. Death of Tamerlane on his way to conquer China. 1406. JAMES I., kinff of Scotland, Pisa passes under the dominion of the Florentines. Pope GEE GORY XII. (^Angela Corario), at Rome. 1407. The duke of Orleans is assassinated by John the Fearless. New troubles in France. 1408. JOHN HUSS, a disciple of Wickliffe, begins to preach a reformation in Bohemia. 1409. Owen Glendoicer of Wales is expelled hy Henry IV. The Genoese assume their independence and mas- sacre the French. COUNCIL OF PISA called for terminating the papal schism. Gregory XII. and Benedict XIII. (see 1394) are deposed, and ALEXANDER V. (Peter de Candia) elected. University of Leipsic founded by Frederic tiie Warlike, afterwards elector of Saxony. 1410. SI GrlSMUND, emperor of Germany. Death of the Sultan Soliman I. : war of his sons Musa and Mahomet I. Pope JOHN XXIII. (^Balthasar Cossa) appointed successor to Alexander V. 1411. The duke of Orleans calls the English to his assist- ance against the Burgundians. The university of St. Andrew's in Scotland is founded. 1412. Sicily is reunited to the kingdom of Arragon. Eric (the Pomeranian), king of the united kingdoms of the North. Algebra taugtit in Europe by the Arabs. 1413. I^trxvg Yf,f hing of England, succeeds his father Henry IV.) who had married Mary of Bohemia. Their other children were, Thomas, duke of Clarence ; John, duke of Bedford ; Humphrey, duke of Gloucester ; Blanche of Castile, duchess of Bavaria ; Philippa, queen of Denmark Several Lollards or Wickliffites were in this reign condemned to death for their opinions. Mahomet I., emperor of the Turks ; he expels the Seljukians from Karamania. (See 1386 and 1402.) Ladislaus, king of Naples, makes himself master of Rome ; flight of Pope John XXIII. 1414. COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE, which lasts 4 years. This council decides that a pope is subject to a general council, and by —1420.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 143 A.C. it John XXIII. in 1415, and Benedict XIII. in 1417, are de- prived of the pontificate, and Gregory XII. voluntarily resigns. TTius ends the Great Schism, virtually at least, though not form- ally until 1429, when ClementVIII,, successor of Benedict, resigns his claim to Martin V. JOHN GERSON, a theologian, patron of Nominalism. 1415. BATTLE OP AGINCOUHT, in ichich Henry V. defeats the French under the Constable d'Albret. The electorate of Brandenburg is conferred on Frederic of Hohenzollern^ burgrave of Nurem- burg, and ancestor of the royal house of Prussia. Capture of Ceuta by the Portuguese. JOHN HUSS is condemned by the council of Constance, and burnt alive (July 6), in violation of the safe-conduct granted him by the emperor. On the lUh of June the famous decree is passed, " that the Sacred Supper should be administered to the laity in the element of bread only." •1416. JEROME OF V^KG\jB, one of the most zealous partisans of John Huss, is condemned by the council of Constance, and burnt alive, May 30 ; beginning of the religious troubles in Bohemia. 1417. Lord Cobham is burnt alive in London. Civil war of the Cabillauds and Hame^ons in Holland. Pope MARTIN F. {Otto Colonna), acknowledged by the council of Constance. 1418. Alliance of the duke of Burgundy icith Henry V. of England. Isabella of Bavaria, wife of Charles V^I., joins the enemies of France, War of the Hussites in Bohemia : John Ziska their leader. 1419. John the Fearless, duke of Burgundy, is assassi- nated, and succeeded by his son John the Good. Death of Wenceslaus, king of Bohemia ; his brother the Emperor Sigismund, succeeds him. 1420. Treaty of Troyes, by which Henry V. of England is made regent of France, and heir to the throne, to the exclusion of the dauphin. There are in France at the same time two kings, two queens, two regents, and two parliaments. The Bohemians revolt from Sigismund. — Schism among the Hussites ; they are divided into two factions : the Caliztines, who derived their name from the calix or cup, and 144 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l42l- A.C, the Tahorites, who derived their name from Mount Tahor, in Bohemia. The island of Madeira is discovered by the Portuguese. (See 1345.) 1421. The duke of Clarence, Henry V.^s brother, is slain in a skirmish icith a body of Scotch troops in the pay of the dauphin. John VI. (Palaeologus), joint emperor of the East. Great inundation in Holland : 72 towns or villages are overflowed. 1422. I^enrj) UII. {only son of Henry V., born in 1421) is proclaimed king of England and France. His uncle the duke of Gloucester holds the regency of England, and his other uncle, the duke of Bedford, ' that of France. — James L, king of Scotland, is liberated from captivity by the English. CHARLES VII., king of France, is crowned at Poitiers. Amurath II., emperor of the Turks, besieges Con- stantinople, but is obliged to raise the siege the following year. 1423. Battle of Cravant in Burgundy, gained by the English : Xaintrailles is taken prisoner. Sigismund confers the electorate of Saxony on Frederic the Warlike, margrave of Misnia. Joanna II., queen of Naples, adopts Louis III. of Anjou. 1424. The French and Scots are defeated by the English at Verneuil. Death of John Ziska. Procopius Easa is chosen for his successor. 1425. The Court of Session in Scotland is instituted by James I. John VII. (Palaeologus), emperor of the East. Vassili Vassiliewitch, grand duke of Russia. MONSTRELET, a French historian, d. 1453— LEONARDO ARETINO, an Italian historian, d. 1443. 1429. JOAN OP ARC {the Maid of Orleans) compels the English to raise the siege of that town. Charles VII. is crowned at Bheims. 1430. Foundation of the order of the Golden Fleece by Philip the Good. —1438.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 145 A.C. 1431. Joan of Arc is burned alive in the market place of Rouen by the duke of Bedford. COUNCIL OF BASIL for the reformation of the church assem- bled under Martin V., who dies in February, and is succeeded in March by Pope Eugene IV. ( Gabriel Condolmeri). This council renews the decision of that of Constance respecting the authority of councils over popes. Rise of the Medici family in Florence : Cosmo, surnamed the Ancient and the Father of his country, is at the head of that republic for 30 years : he promotes learning, and especially the Platonic philosophy. The Portuguese discover the Azores. 1433. Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, adds to his dominions Hainault, Holland, and Friesland. 1434. Military order of the Annunciation, instituted by Amadeus VIII. , duke of Savoy. Ladislaus VI. (son of Jagello), king of Poland. 1435. Treaty of Arras between Charles VII. and Philip the Good of Burgundy, who forsakes the cause of the English, and joins Charles VII. ; the duke of Bedford dies of grief in consequence. Death of Joanna II. ; extinction of the house of Anjou at Naples. The fishing of herrings is commenced by the Dutch. 1436. The French recover Paris, after it had been 16 years in the hands of the English. Naval victory of the Genoese over the king of Arragon. 1437. JAMES II., king of Scotland, his father James I. being assassinated. Death of Sigismund ; his son-in-law Albert II., of the house of Hapsburg (Austria), is elected king of Bohemia. 1438. ALBERT II. is elected emperor of Germany and king of Hungary. Alphonso V. (the African), king of Portugal, carries on war against the Moors. The Second PRAGMATIC SANCTION (see 1269) established by Charles VII ; it forms the basis of the liberties and rights of the Gallican church. Eugene IV. in person opens the council he had summoned to meet at Ferrara, which next year is removed to Florence. L 146 COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. [1489-- A C. 1439. Schism of Jiasil : dcposUion of Enrjenc IV. hy the council of that 'place, a,nd election of FELIX V. {Amadeus VIII. of Savoy). —COUNCIL OF FLORENCE under Eugene : the Greek and Latin churches are reunited for a short /me. — GEMISTIUS PLETHO introduces the Platonic philosopliy among the Latins. 1440. FREDERIC II. (the Peaceful), emperor of Ger- many. Christopher the Bavarian, king of the united king- doms of tlie North. The African Slave Trade commences. INVENTION ()!•' I'llINTING. JOHN COSTER, of Haerlom, printed from wooden blocks a ))ook of images and letters in I'l.'iH (14:50 V). JOHN FA UST esl.il)lifihed a printing ofliee at Mcntz, and priiitc-d the " 'LVaetatus Petri llis|)aiii" in 1'1'1'2; h(t is said to havr; invented caHt types in Hr)0. JOHN (iUTTI'^Ninilfc; iiivcnlslorK<'n of th(! l',il)le, from H'Hto 14t;0. J'E'i'EK S(JllyKl'i''l!;KofStrashurg, first cast tn(;tal types in matrices, and is therefore the inventor of complete printing in 14.'32. 1443. Alphonso V., king of Arragon, makes himself master of the kingdom of Naples. John Castriot (Scandcrbeg) makes himself prince of Albania, having recovered it from Amurath II. 1444. BATTLE OF VAUNA, gained by the Turks over Ladislaus YI., king of Poland, who dies in the action. Ladislaus the Posthumous, king of Hungary. Battle of Ht. James near Basle: the Swiss defeat the army of the Armagnacs. Kc -establishment of a permanent militia in France. 1446. Great inundation of the sea in ITolland; it bursts the sluices near Dortrecht, and 100,000 persons arc drowned. 1447. Amurath IL besieges Croja with 100,000 men, but is compelled by Scandcrbeg to raise the siege. Death of Philip Visconti, duke of Milan, the last of the family of the Yiscontis. Rise of the Sforza family at Milan. Casimir IV., king of Poland. Eugene IV. is succeeded hy Pope Nicholas V. (Thomas of Surzand), who founds the library of the Vatican in 1448. 1448. Constantino XI. (Palseologus), the last emperor of the East. Charles Cnutson is elected king of Sweden under the name of Charles VIII. —1453.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 147 A.C. Accession of the house of Holstein to the throne of Denmark in the person of Christian I. 1449. End of the schism of Basil: Felix V. resigns his pontificate, and Nicholas V. ratifies the acts of the council of Basil, and remains sole pope. 1451. Mahomet 11., emperor of the Turks, son and suc- cessor of Amurath II. Reunion of the ancient peerages to the crown of France. Decline of the feudal system. — Glasgow obtains its charters from James II., and its university is founded. — ALBERTI OF lUMINI, architect of churches.— MAJANO, architect of the palace of St. Mario. 1452. Creation of the duchies of Modena and Reggio (afterwards joined to that of Ferrara), in favour of the Marquis Borsa of Este. 1453. Battle of Chatillon in Guienne, gained hy Dunois over the English, wherein the hrave Talhot and his son Lord Lisle are killed. END OF THE ENGLISH DOMINION IN FRANCE : they retain only Calais. EXTINCTION OF THE EASTERN OR GREEK EMPIRE. Mahomet II. takes Constantinople after a long siege in which Con- Stantine XI. is killed. — a great number of Grecian literati take refuge in Italy: among them are: JOHN ARGYROPYLUS, an Aristotelian, preceptor to Peter, son of Tosmo di Medici, and GEORGE HERMONYMUS or CHARITON YMUS, who taught Greek at Pari?. — GEORGE CODINUS (Curopalates), historian. — LAURENTIUS VALLA, theologian and classical critic, d. 1465— THOMAS A KEMPIS, theologian, supposed author of the '• Imitation of Christ," which was really written in P'rench hy one John Gerson, d. 1481. — NICOLAUS CUSANUS, theologian and mathematician, b. 1401, d. 1464 — ANTONIU.S DE RUSELLIS, jurist at Pavia, d. 1467. He wrote " Monarchia," a trea- tise to prove that the popes had no higher jurisdiction than any other bishops.— JENEAS SYLVIUS (Pope Pius II.), historian and cosmographer, d. 1464. L 2 148 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1454— MODERN HISTORY. A.C. 1454. Richard, duke of York, is appointed protector of England, Establishment of the Inquisition at Venice. 1455. Battle of St. Albania gained hy the duke of York : Henry VI. is taken prisoner, and Somerset is killed. Pope CALIXTUS III. (Alphonso Borgia). — POGGIO, historian and classical critic, d. 1459.— GEORGE OF PURBACH, matliematician, im- prover of trigonometry— GEORGE SCHOLARIUS (otiierwise GENNA- DIUS), a defender of the Greek church against the Latins. 1456. The Turks besiege Belgrade, and are defeated by John Hunniades. 1457. Christian I., king of Denmark, is acknowledged king of the Union of the North. The Bohemian or MORAVIAN Brethren form their sect from the tenets of the Tahorites, a branch of the ancient Hussites. 1458. John II., king of Navarre, becomes king of Arragon and Sicily after the death of his brother Al- phonso V. Matthias Corvinus, son of Hunniades, is elected king of Hungary. George Podiebrad, king of Bohemia. Pope PIUS II. (uSHneas Sylvius Piccolomini. ) Engraving on copper invented by TOMASO FINIGUERRA, a goldsmith of Florence. [Or, in 14G0.]— DONATELLO, a sculptor of Florence. 1459. Mahomet II. conquers Servia, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, and the whole Peloponnesus or Morea, as well as most of the islands of the Archipelago. 1460. JAMES III., king of Scotland : his father James II. is killed at the siege of Roxburgh Castle. — Battle of Northampton gained by Warivick {July 10.); Henry VI. is again taken prisoner. Battles of Wakefield (in which the duke of York is killed, Dec. 24.) and of St. Albans gained by Margaret of Anjou. —1468.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 14^ Conquest of Thurgau by the Swiss. The Portuguese discover the Cape Verde Islands. CARDINAL BESSARION, a learned promoter of the Platonic philosophy, d. 1472. — GEORGE PHRANZA, LAONICUS CHALCONDYLAS, and DUCAS, historians. — GEORGE TRAPEZUNTIUS and THEODORE GAZA, translators of Greek authors into Latiu. 1461. ([BtllnartI JIT. assumes the title of king. He was son of Richard duke of Yoi^k, lineally descended from Lionel, duke of Clarence, second son of Edward III, ; hence the house of York, BATTLE OP TOWTON gained by Edward IV. over the Lancastrians. L O UIS XL, king of France. Discovery of Guinea by the Portuguese. 1462. Ivan III. (the Autocrat), otherwise John Basi- lovitz, grand duke of Russia. 1464. Lord Montacute, brother of the earl of Warwick, gains over Margaret of Anjou the battles of Hedgely and Hexham. Henry IV. of Castile is deposed. Peter I. of Medici, son of Cosmo I., gonfaloniere or chief of Florence. Tope PA UL III. {Peter Barbo) : he fixes the Jubilee to be held every 25th year. Stages, diligences, and posts, established by Louis XL in France. 1465. The infamous ''Head Act^^ is passed at Trim in Ireland. 1466. Peace of Thorn : Prussia is divided between Poland and the Teutonic Order. The Greek empire of Trebisond is conquered by the Turks ; its last emperor, David Comnenus, is killed. 1467. Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy. Order of the Minimi founded by FRANCIS OF PAULO. 1468. The Orkney and Shetland islands are given to James HI. of Scotland as the dowry of the daughter of Christian of Denmark. Louis XL is taken prisoner by Charles the Bold at their meeting at Peronne. Chastisement of the inhabitants of Liege for their revolt from Charles. Henry IV. (the Powerless) is compelled to acknow- L 3 150 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY, [1469— A.C. ledge his sister Isabella heiress to the throne of Castile. 1469. Ferdinand V. (the Catholic), son of the king of Arragon, marries Isabella of Castile. Louis XI. receives from the pope the title of " Most Christian " King, retained from that time by the kings of France. The Cardinal John de la Balue^ a favourite of Louis XL, is disgraced and imprisoned. 1470. Warwick restores Henry VI. to the throne of Eng- land. Mahomet II. takes the island of Negropont or Eu- boea from the Venetians. Printing at Paris. — JOHN MULLER of Kcenigsberg (otherwise REGIO- MONTANUS), improver of trigonometry, d. 1476— RUDOLPHUS AGRI- COLA, tiieologian and classical critic, d. 1485. — B. PLATINA, author of the lives of the popes, d. 1481. —JOHN WESSELof Groningen, theologian, d. 1489. — PHILELPHUS, historian and moral philosopher, d. 1480. 1471. BATTLE OF BABMET, in which Wanvick the " king-maker " is defeated and killed by the forces of Edward JF". — BATTLE OP TEWKESBURY, in which Margaret is de- feated by Edivard IV. — Prince Ediuard of Lan- caster is murdered by Clarence and Gloucester. — - Death of Henry VI. Ladislaus II., king of Bohemia. Steno Sture governs Sweden with the title of ad- ministrator. Pope SIXTUS IV. {Francis de Albescolo or De la Rover a') -.famous for his nepotism, 1472. Lorenzo di Medici (the Magnificent), governor-in- chief of the republic of Florence. 1473. Louis XL prohibits Nominalism, but revokes the prohibition in 1481. 1474. Death of Henry TV., king of Castile : his sister Isabella, wife of Ferdinand the Catholic, suc- ceeds him. 1475. Edward IV. invades France. Peace of Picquigni purchased by the French. 1476. BATTLES OP GBAHSON AHD MORAT gained by the Swiss over Charles the Bold. The following year the Swiss defeat him at Nancy, where he is killed. —1484.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 151 A.C. Alphonso V. of Portugal is defeated at Toro by Ferdinand the Catholic. 1478. Marriage of Maximilian of Austria with Maria, daughter and heiress of Charles the Bold. The duchy of Burgundy and the Netherlands pass under the dominion of the house of Austria. Consj)iracy of the Piazzi and the Salviatti against Julian and Lorenzo di Medici : Julian is killed. Cliristian I., king of Denmark, institutes thie Order of tlie Elephant. — Watches are said to be invented at Nuremberg. [Or, in 1497.] 1479. Ferdinand and Isabella unite the kingdoms of Arragon and Castile. Russia is freed from subjection to the Tartars by Ivan Basilovitz, or John III. the Great. (See 1237.) 1480. Otranto is taken by the Turks, and is soon after recovered. HERMOLAUS BARBARUS, classical critic and translator, d. 1494.— MAR- SILIUS FluINUS, translator of Plato under the auspices of Lorenzo di Medici, d. 1499. 1481. Bajazet II., emperor of the Turks: Zizim his competitor. Provence is reunited to France. John II., king of Portugal. Friburg and Soleure enter into the Swiss Con- federation. Ferdhiand and Isabella establish the Inquisition in Spain : Torque- mada, grand inquisitor from 1483. Death of Thomas LORD LYTTLETON, the jurist. 1483. Death of Edward IV., king of England: his two sons, ^tltoattf U, and Richard, are murdered in the Tower hy order of their uncle, ^^tcjattf 3I3I]I., duke of Gloucester, the Protector, who ascends the throne, Edward IV. had married Elizabeth Wydville : their eldest daughter married the earl of Richmond, afterwards Henry VU.— Population of England, 4,689,000. CHARLES VIIL, king of France; Anne of Beaujeu regent. — Catherine of Albret, queen of Navarre. John, king of Denmark, is elected king of the Union of the North. 1484. The house of Saxony is divided between the Al- bertine and Ernestine branches. Pope INNOCENT VIIL {John Baptist Cibo). L 4 152 COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. [l485— 1485. BATTLE OP BOSWOHTH {August 22nd\ in lohich Richard III. is defeated and killed by Henry, earl of Richmond, loho takes the title of l^euru Ftt — l^ouse of '^utror. — TAe loars of the Roses, after desolating England for more than 30 years, are ended by the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV. 1486. Bartholomew Diaz, a Portuguese, discovers the Cape of Good Hope, which he then called the "Stormy Cape." (See 1497.) 1487. Battle of Stoke, in which the impostor Simnel is defeated by Henry VII. 1488. JAMES IV., king of Scotland: his father James III. was killed in a revolt of his subjects at Ban- nockburn. Battle of St. Aubin in Brittany, gained by Louis de la Tremouille over the duke of Orleans. 1489. The family of the Lusignans cease to reign in Cyprus : the island is given up to the Venetians. Savonarola begins to preach a reformation at Florence, ' 1490. Death of Matthias Corvinus : Ladislaus of Poland, king of Bohemia, is elected king of Hungary. JOHN PICUS of Mirandola, a learned Platonist, d. 1494. — JOHN REUCH- LIN, promoter of the study of Hebrew, d. 1522._PONTANUS, poet and historian.— PHILIP DE COMINES, historian, d. 1509.— ANGELO PO- LITIAN, classical scholar and translator, d. 1493. 1492. END OP THE KINGDOM OF THE MOORS IN SPAIN : Granada is taken by Ferdinand after a siege of 8 months. The Jews, to the number of 150,000, are also ex- pelled from Spain. DISCOYEHY OP AMERICA BY CHRIS- TOPHER COLUMBUS, a native of Genoa, in the service of Spain. He sailed from Spaln Aug. 3., and Oct. 12. discovered Guanahani or St. Salvador, one of the "West Indies. Peter di Medici succeeds Lorenzo at Florence. Ivan III. (the Autocrat) becomes master of the whole of Russia. Pope ALEXANDER VI. (Roderic Borgia) the pontifical Nero. 1493. MAXIMILIAN I., emperor of Germany. Caesar Borgia receives the cardinal's hat. —1499.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 153 A.C. Second voyage of Columbus, he discovers the Ca- ribbean islands. 1494. Expedition of Charles YIII. of France into Naples, during which he takes Rome. The ALDINE printing-press is established at Venice by Aldo. 1495. Diet of "Worms wherein the Perpetual Public Peace in Germany is drawn up: institution of the Imperial Chamber : creation of the duchy of Wirtemberg. Charles VIIL, being opposed by a confederacy of the Italian princes, with the Emperor Maximilian at their head, is obliged to abandon his con- quests : he secures his retreat by his victory over the allies at Foronuovo. Ferdinand II., king of Naples. Emmanuel, king of Portugal. 1496. Neicfoundland discovered by Sebastian Cabot, — Marriage of Philip, archduke of Austria, with Joanna the Mad, daughter and heiress of Fer- dinand Y. (the Catholic). Frederic of Arragon, king of Naples. 1497. The Portuguese, under Yasco de Gama, double the Cape of Good Hope and sail to the East Indies. (See 1486.) 1498. LOUIS XIL, king of France, surnamed the Father of his people. Cardinal Amboise, his prime minister. Ciesar Borgia is created duke of Yalentinois by Louis XII. Third voyage of Christopher Columbus, in which he discovers the American continent. Yasco di Gama lands in the East Indies at Calicut, on the Malabar coast. SAVONAROLA is burned at Ferrara by Pope Alexander VI. for preaching against the vices of the clergy. 1499. Louis XII. marries Anne of Brittany, widow of Charles YIII., and invades Italy. Peace of Basil : the Swiss are acknowledged in- dependent of the empire. Amerigo Yesputio, a Florentine merchant, lands 154 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l500— A.C. in Soutli America, and gives his own name to tlie New Continent. — demetrius chalcondylas publishes at Florence the Greek Lexicon of Suidas. 1500. The French under Trevulzio take the Milanese from Louis Sforza the Moor. Discovery of Brazil by Alvares Cabral, a Por- tuguese. — Birth of Charles V. at Ghent. His father was Philip, archduke of Austria (son of the Emperor Maximilian 1.): his mother Joanna the Mad, the only heiress of Ferdinand and Isabella. 1501. 1501. Steno Sture the Elder resumes the administration of Sweden, and John, son of Christian L, retires to his kingdom of Denmark. Basil and Schaffhausen are admitted into the Swiss Confederation. Alexander, king of Poland. ISMAEL SoPHi founds a new empire in Persia, and establishes there the Shiite in opposition to the Sonnite form of Islam- ism : hence the enmity of the Persians and Turks. The Shiites admit the Koran alone, and reject tradition. 1502. Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII, of England, marries James IV. of Scotland. Fourth voyage of Christopher Columbus to Ame- rica : he enters the Gulf of Honduras. 1503. Battle of Seminare in Calabria, lost by the French (Friday, April 21.). Battle of Cerignole, in which Gonsalvo of Cordova, the Spanish general, defeats the Chevalier Bayard and the duke of Nemours, who is killed in the action (Friday, April 28.) : the kingdom of Naples, with the exception of the town of Gaeta, falls into the hands of the Spaniards. Alfonso, duke of Albuquerque, viceroy of the Portuguese establishments in the East Indies. Pope PIUS III. (Francis Piccolomini). Pope JULIUS II. (Julian della Rover e^'. he was the friend and patron of Michael Angela and Baphael. 1504. Death of Isabella ; her son-in-law Philip, archduke of Austria, inherits Castile. Charles III. (the Good), duke of Savoy. "War between Venice and the Turks. —1512.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 155 A.C. Vassili IV. (or V.), grand duke of Russia; he obtains the title of emperor from Maximilian I, ; during his reign he takes Smolensko from the Poles, and destroys the republic of Pskof Francis Almeida, a Portuguese governor of the East Indies. 1506. CHURCH OF ST. PETER at Rome is commenced by Pope JULIUS II. — Death of Christopher Columbus. — The sugar cane is first planted in Hispaniola, being brought from the Canaries. 1507. Louis XII. subdues the revolted Genoese. Sigismund I., king of Poland, reigns gloriously for 41 years. Madagascar is discovered by the Portuguese. - 1508. LEAGUE OP CAMBRAY formed against the Venetians by Pope Julius II., Louis XII., Ferdinand V., Maximilian I., and the duke of Savoy. 1509. Death of Henry VII. , king of England. He married Elizabeth of York. Their children were, Arthur, who married Catherine of Arragon, and died young ; Henry VTII. his successor: Margaret, married, first, James of Scotland, and, secondly, Douglas, earl of Angus; Mary, mar- ried, first, Louis XII. of France, and, secondly, Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk. I^tnrg FIM., Mug of England. The Venetians are defeated at Agnadello by Louis XII. and the Chevalier Bayard. — The Florentines take Pisa, after a siege of 4 years. Cardinal Ximenes conquers Oran in Africa. TRITHEMIUS, ANGLERIUS, and CRANTZ, historians. — GAWIN DOUGLAS,poet.— LEONARDO DA VINCI, founder of modern painting, d. 1519.— RAPHAEL, head of the Roman school of painting, d. 1520 ; and ALBERT DURER, of the Flemish.— GIORGONE, Venetian painter. 1511. Council assembled at Pisa and Milan against the pope by Louis XII. and the emperor. HOLY LEAGUE between Henry VIII., the Emperor Maximilian I., the Pope, Venice, Spain, and Switzerland, against Louis XII., king of France. Albuquerque conquers Goa, and makes it the capital of the Portuguese settlements in the East Indies. Cuba is conquered by the Spaniards. 1512. Battle of Ravenna gained by the French, under Gaston de Foix, over Julius II., Ferdinand, and the Venetians. 156 COMPENDIUM OP CHRONOLOGY. [l513— A.C. Maximilian Sforza is reinstated in the duchy of Milan. Diet of Cologne ; institution of the Aulic Council ; Germany is divided into 10 circles. Selim 1.5 son and murderer of Bajazet, succeeds him. 1513. BATTLE OP PLODDEN {Sep. U.), fatal to the Scots, in ivhick their king, James IV., is killed. — The English defeat the French in the battle of the Spurs : the duke of Longueville and Chevalier Bayard are taken prisoners. — Cardinal Wolsey prime minister of Henry VIII. JAMES v., king of Scotland. Battle of Novara gained by the Swiss over the French. — Appenzell is joined to the Swiss Con- federation, composed of 13 cantons. Christian 11., king of Denmark and Norway. Pope LEO X. (John di Medici), patron of the fine arts, employs the illustrious painter and architect Raphael, in finishing the church of St. Peter at Pome. — Nugnez Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean near Panama. 1514. Death of Anne of Bretagne, wife of Louis XIL : he marries Mary, Henry VIII.'' s sister. Selim I. defeats the Persians, and destroys the town of Tauris (Tabriz). 1515. Death of Louis XIL, the last of the Yalois Orleans. FRANCIS L, count of Angouleme, first of the house of the Valois Angouleme. — Battle of Marignano in which the French, under Tri- vulzio, defeat the Swiss, and take possession of the Milanese. Leo X. persuades Francis I. to abolish the Pragmatic Sanction given by Charles VII. (in 1438), and to substitute in its place the Concordate. 1516. Charles I. of Spain (afterwards Emperor Charles V.) succeeds Ferdinand the Catholic (his grand- father on his mother's side), who reigned over Spain, the Two Sicilies, Sardinia, the Nether- lands, and Franche Comte. Cardinal Ximenes, prime minister ; who caused to be completed at Alcala (Complutum) in 1517, the famous COMPLUTENSIAN POLYGLOT BIBLE. Lewis II., king of Hungary and Bohemia. —1520.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 157 A.C. Barbarossa seizes the kingdom of Algiers. Zwingle, at Einsiedlin, in Switzerland, preaches against the cor- ruptions of the church of Home, especially/ Indulgences. 1517. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY BEGUN BY LUTHER, an Augustine monk and professor at Wittemberg, who in this year publicly attacks the sale of Indulgences. Frederic the Wise, elector of Saxony, is his protector. The Turks put an end to the reign of the Mame- lukes in Egypt. Las Casas obtains from Ferdinand permission to import SLAVES from Africa to America. ERASMUS, born at Rotterdam, 1467, d. 1536, the chief promoter of learning in thisage.-AVENTINUS, LUDOVICUS VIVES, and Dean COLET of London, friends of Erasmus Cardinal CAJETAN (Thomas de Vio of Gffita), theologian and commentator, b. 1J69, d. 1534.— MACHIAVELLI, a Florentine historian and author of "The Prince," b. 1469, d. 1527. — ARIOSTO, poet, author of "Orlando Furioso," b. 1474, d, 1533. — TRIS- SINO, b. 1478, d. 15.50, the first epic poet who used a modern language Henry Cornelius AGRIPPA, mystical philosopher and Plutonist, b. 1486, d. 1535 William LILY, first master of St. Paul's School, author of the "Latin Grammar," b. 1466, d. 1522.— MICHAEL ANGELO, head of the Florentine school of painting, b. 1474, d. 1563. — TITIAN, chief of the Venetian school, b. 1477. d. 1576.— ANDRE DEL S A RTO, painter.— James HOCHSTRATEN, Romish theologian, opponent of Reuchlin and Luther. — PIRCKHEIMER, a learned civilian of Nuremberg, d. 1530.— CAKO- LOSTADT (Andrew Bodenstein\ theologian at Wittemberg LATIMER, theologian and preacher in England, b. 1470, d. 15.54. 1518. Luther meets Cajetan at Augsburg. — Melancthon becomes professor of Greek at Wittemberg. 1519. CHARLES V., emperor of Germany on the death of Maximilian. Expedition of Ferdinando Cortez against Mexico. — First voyage round the world undertaken by Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of Spain. He discovers and sails through the straits that bear his name, and gives to the new ocean he enters the name of" Pacific Ocean." (See 1513.) Discussion between Eck, Carolostadt, and Luther at Leipsic. — Olaus Peterson and his brother Laurent, Luther^s disciples, preach the reformed religion in Sweden and Denmark. — Zwingle procures the expulsion fro7n Zurich of Bernardin Sampson, agent for the sale of indulgences. Death of Dean Colet, the founder of St. Paul's school. 1520. Interview between Henry VIII. and Frauds I. near Ardres, called the " Field of the Cloth of Gold:' Insurrection of Castile : John Padilla. Christiern 11., king of the Union of the itsTorth : Massacre of Stockholm by Christiern and Arch- bishop TroUo. Ei'ic Vasa, father of Gustavus Vasa, is among the victims. 158 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l521— A.C. Soliman II. (the Magnificent), emperor of the Turks, creates the Ottoman navy. Leo X. condemns the opinions of Luther, who publicly burns the bull of condemnation. 1521. First war between Charles V. and Francis I. : the French under Lautrec are defeated, and lose the Milanese territory. Gustavus Vasa, at the head of the Dalecarlians, defeats the troops of Christiern II. Ferdinand of Austria, brother of Charles V., mar- ries Anne of Hungary and Bohemia : origin of the two branches of the house of Austria. Ferdinando Cortez completes the conquest of Mexico. — The Ladrone and Philippine islands are discovered by Magellan. John III., king of Portugal. Soliman II. takes Belgrade. Luther is excommunicated by Leo X. (Jan. 4.), pleads his cause at the DIET OF WORMS (April 17 and 18.), is carried off to the castle of Wartburg, and proscribed by the diet. — Death of Pope LeoX. 1522. Soliman II. takes Rhodes from the knights of St. John, who retire to Malta. Luther returns from Wartburg to Wittemberg (in March'), restrains Carolostadt, and publishes his German Bible. — The diet of Nuremberg publishes the " Centum Gravamina," or Hundred Complaints against the Court of Rome. Pope ADRIAN VL (Adrian Boyens). 1523. GUSTAVUS VASA, KING OF SWEDEN. — Christiern IL is deposed. — Frederic I. of Holstein, uncle of Christiern II., ascends the throne . of Denmark : end of the Union of Calmar. Pope CLEMENT VIL (Julius de Medici). 1524. Coalition against Francis I. : his army is defeated at Bebec, near Milan, and Chevalier Bayard (the knight " sans peur et sans reproche ") mortally wounded. Reformation at Zurich, under the direction. ofZwingle. 1525. BATTLE OF PAVIA, in which Francis I. is taken prisoner by Charles V. Insurrection of the peasantry in Thuringia, Fran- -1529.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 159 A.C. conia, and Swabia : Thomas Munzer, their prophet and leader, is defeated at Mulhausen and beheaded. Teutonic Prussia is erected into a hereditary duchy in favour of Albert, margrave of Brandenburg. John the Constant, elector of Saxony. Reformation in Prussia and Saxony. 1526. Treaty of Madrid between Charles V. and Fran- cis I., when the latter is set at liberty. Soliman II. defeats Lewis II., king of Bohemia and Hungary, near Mohacz ; Lewis is killed in the flight. Ferdinand of Austria succeeds him. John Zapolya, palatine of Transylvania, his com- petitor for the throne of Hungary. Foundation of the empire of the Great Moguls in Hindostan by Baber. The first diet of Spires calls for a general council, and permits reformations in worship. TINDAL publishes the New Testament in English. This is the first printed edition of any part of the Bible in English. 1527. Henry VIII. questions the validity of his marriage with Catherine of Arragon, his brother''s icidow, and forms the project of divorcing her in order to marry Anne Boleyn. Margaret of Yalois marries Henry d'Albret, king of Navarre. Rome is taken and plundered by the general of Charles Y., Bourbon, who is killed in the attack. The Florentines shake off the yoke of Alexander di Medici. The reformed religion is established in Sweden, and tolerated in Denmark. 1527. Pizarro and Almagro invade the empire of Peru. — The Bermudas are discovered by John Ber- mudez, a Spaniard. 1528. Andrew Doria expels the French from Genoa, and re-establishes that republic. Councils of Bourges and Sens against Luther. — Reformation at Berne. 1529. Treaty of Cambray, termed the Peace of the Ladies 160 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1530— A.C. (August 5.). Francis gives up his claims on Milan and N"aples. Soliman II., with 250,000 men, is repulsed before Vienna. Second diet of Spires, which forbids changes in public worship until the decision of a council. Six princes and 14 imperial cities protest against it, whence the name o/ PROTESTANTS. CEcolampadius establishes the reformed religion at Basle. 1530. Diet of Augsburg. Confession of Augsburg, drawn up by Melancthon, Luther' s friend and coadjutor. Siege and capture of Florence by the imperialists. Fall and death of Wolsey ; Sir Thomas More suc- ceeds him as lord chancellor. COPERNICUS, an eminent astronomer of Thorn in Prussia, completps his system of the universe. — PIGHIUS, mathematician, d. 1542. — PARA- CELSUS, a physician, d. 1541. — GUICCIARDINI, historian, d. 1549.— BUD^aiUS and VATABLUS, critics. 1531. League of Smalcald between the Protestant princes. — Religious war in Switzerland : death of Zwingle in the battle of Cappel. Captivity of Bonnivard at Chillon. The English convocation assert the king's supremacy. 1532. Truce of Nuremberg. — John Frederic, elector of Saxony. 1533. Henry VIIL divorces Catherine of Arragon, and marries Anne Boleyn. Thomas Cranmer, arch- bishop of Canterbury. — Birth of the Princess Elizabeth. Appeals to Rome prohibited by parliament. Ivan IV., grand duke of Russia. Pizarro completes the conquest of Peru, and orders its inca (emperor) Atahualpa to be strangled. 1534. Christian III., king of Denmark. Barbarossa seizes the kingdom of Tunis. The English parliament reject the papers supremacy, and give to Henry VIIL the title of Supreme Head on earth of the Church of England. Pope PAUL III. (Alexander Farnese). THE ORDER OF THE JESUITS is founded by IGNATIUS LOYOLA, a Spanish knight; FRANCIS XAVIER, the " Apostle of the Indies," and five others, unite with him. They left Paris to meet at Venice in 1537. Their order is sanctioned by Paul III. in 1540. The following year Loyola is chosen general of his order. At his death, in 1556, his society consisted of above 1000 persons. 1535. Expedition of Charles V. to Africa against Che- ^1542.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 161 A.C. reddin Barbarossa, grand admiral of tlie Turks, and king of Algiers and Tunis. Charles takes Tunis. Renewal of the league of Smalcald. The Reformation is established at Geneva by JOHN CALVIN. — Henry VIII. is deposed and cursed by Pope Paul III. — Dis- orders and excesses of the ANABAPTISTS at Munster : John Bockholdt, a tailor of Leyden, is made their king ayid lawgiver. 1536. Execution of Anne Boleyn : Henry VIII. marries Jane Seymour, wlio dies next year after the birth of her son Prince Edward. — Suppression of the lesser monasteries in England. Revolt in the northern counties. The hinges supremacy is established in Ireland by act of parliament. The city of Munster is taken by its bishop. Count Waldec, and Bockholdt executed. 1537. Origin of the Mennonites or reformed Anabaptists, so called from Menno Simonis of Friesland, their foimder, who begins to pro- pagate his system. Matthewe's Bible is published in England with the royal license. 1538. Treaty of Mce between Francis I. and Charles V. 1539. SIX ARTICLES of Henry VIII. against the Protestants, called the Bloody Statute. — The first regularly authorised translation of the Bible into English, called Cranmer's, or the Great Bible, is appointed to be kept and read in the churches. The reformed religion is finally established in Denmark : BUGEN- HAGEN of Wittemberg, chief director of the Reformation there. 1540. Henry VIII. marries Anne of Cleves, and a few months after divorces her to marry Catherine Howard. — Final dissolution of the monasteries in England by Henry VIII. Rebellion and chastisement of the inhabitants of Ghent. Variation of the compass noticed by Cabot. — SLEIDAN, historian, d. 1550 BUCER, theologian, died at Cambridge 1551.— JULIUS CAESAR SCA- LIGER, Latin poet and critic, d. 1558 : his son, Joseph Scaliger, was also a critic and historian. — HOLBEIN, Swiss painter, d. 15.54. — RABELAIS, French writer, d. 1553. — POLYDORE VIRGIL, historian, d. 1555.— PETER MARTYR, theologian, d. 1562. — MELANCTHON, d. 1560; CRANMER, d. 1556 ; and CALVIN, d. 1564, reformers. 1541. Unsuccessful expedition of Charles Y. agaii^.t Al- giers. Diet of Ratisbon. Sigismund I. (the Great) joins Lithuania to Poland. 1542. Defeat of the Scots at Solway Moss by the English. Death of James V. IMARY, daughter of James M 162 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1543-. A.C. v., only 7 years old, queen of Scotland. Catherine Howard, wife of Henry VI IL, is heheaded ; next year he marries Catherine Parr, his sixth and last wife. — Con OWial submits to Henry VIII. at Greenwich, and receives the title of earl of Tyrone. — Japan visited by Ferdinand Mendez Pinto. 1543. Copernicus publishes his system of astronomy, and dies immediately after.— The exhibition of " Mysteries and Moralities " prohibited by law in England. 1544. Edinburgh is taken by the English under the earl of Hertford. — Henry VIII. takes Boulogne. The French defeat the troops of Charles V. in the battle of Cerizoles. Peace of Crespy between Charles V. and Francis I. 1545. The Scots defeat the English at Ancram Muir. Peter Louis Farnese, first duke of Parma and Placentia. THE COUNCIL OF TRENT holds its first session, Dec. 13th: it continues 18 i/ears, under the popes Paid III., Julius III., and Pius IV. 1546. Cardinal Beaton, archbishop of St. Andrew'' s, is assassinated. Death of Luther, Feb. 18 th. — War of Smalcald : proscription of the Protestant elector John Fre- derick of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse by Charles V. 1547. Death of Henry VIII. He left three children: Mary, by Ca- therine of Arragon ; Elizabeth, by Anne Boleyn ; and Edward, by Jane Seymour. (IBtlbjartl li^S., king of England. — Somerset, the pro- tector, gains the battle of Pinkey over the Scots. HENRY II., son of Francis I., succeeds him. Battle of Mlihlberg, in which the Protestants are defeated, and the elector of Saxony taken pri- soner. The landgrave of Hesse surrenders him- self to Charles V. — Diet of Augsburg : Charles Y. confers the electorate of Saxony on Maurice. Fiesco's conspiracy at Genoa. Orange trees brought from China to Portugal. 1548. The Interim is granted by Charles V. to the Pro- testants : it allowed them the use of the communion in both kinds, and the marriage of their clergy, until the matter should he determined by a council. — 1555.J COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 163 A.C. Sigismuncl IT. (Augustus), king of Poland. The BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER is composed, and read in all the churches of England : a revised edition of it is published in 1551. — Sternhold, versifier of the Psalms, d. 1549. 1 550. Pope JULIUS III. (John Maria del Monte). SIR JOHN CHEKE, tutor to King Edward, d. 1 557 ; and ROGER ASCHAM, to Queen Elizabeth, d. 1563 — CONRAD GESNER, naturalist, d. 15G5.— TURNEBUS (d. 1565) and CASTELVETRO (d. 1556), critics, 1551. The English Liturgy first used in Ireland, and the Book of Common Prayer published in Dublin, the first book ever printed in Ire- land. 1552. TREATY OP PASSAU, between Charles v. and the elector of Saxony, by which the free exercise of Protestant wor- ship is secured. 1553. ilWarg, queen of England, on the death of Edward VI. ; she re-establishes the Roman Catholic re- ligion in England. Richard Chancelour, captain of a ship of Sir Hugh Willoughby's squadron (sent out by Edward VI. to find a north-east passage to China), discovers the passage to Archangel by sea. Metz being bravely defended by D'Aumale, duke of Guise, Charles Y. is obliged to raise the siege. Philibert Emmanuel, surnamed Iron Head, duke of Savoy. Michael Servetus is burned for heresy at Geneva. 1554. Mary, queen of England, marries Philip 11. , son of Charles V. — Sir Thomas Wyatt is defeated in his attack on London, and executed toith 400 of his followers. — Executions of Lady Jane Grey, Lord Guilford Dudley, her husband, and Nor- thumberland, her father-in-law. 1555. Persecution of the Protestants by Mary. Rogers, the first victim, is burned in Smithfield ; Bishop Hooper at Gloucester; Ridley and Latimer in Oxford. Achbar the Great, grand mogul of India. The Spaniards colonize the Manillas, and call them the Philippine Islands. Peace of Augsburgh, which grants to the Protestants of Ger- many full liberty of conscience. Pope MARCELLUSIL (Marcellus Cervini).—Pi>pe PAUL IV. (John Peter Caraffa). M 2 164 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l556— A.C. 1556. Abdication of Charles V. : he retires to the monas- tery of St. Just, leaving the empire of Germany to his brother FERDIHATTD, king of the Ro- mans ; and to his son Philip II., Spain, Naples, the Milanese, and the Netherlands. LjELIUS SOCINUS, a Tuscan (d. 1562), according to some the founder of the Socinian sect, which, however, was first organised by his nephew, Faustus Socinus, about 1560. 1557. Battle of St. Quentin gained over the French by the Spaniards, commanded by Philibert Emma- nuel of Savoy and the count of Egmont. 1558. The duke of Guise recovers Calais from the Mnglish in 8 days : it had been in their possession for 200 years. iBli^abet^, queen of England. — Mary, queen of Scots, is married to the dauphin, afterwards Francis IL The French are defeated at Gravelines by the Spaniards and Count Egmont. — Charles V. dies at the monastery of St. Just. 1559. Treaty of Chateau Cambresis between France and Spain. FRANCIS IL, king of France. Margaret of Parma, daughter of Charles V., is appointed governor of the Netherlands : Philip II. establishes the Inquisition there. Pope PIUS IV. (John Angelo de Medici). 1560. The Reformation is completed in Scotland by KNOX, and the par- liament abolishes the papal authority. CHARLES IX. (brother of Francis II.), then 10 years old, ascends the throne of France under the regency of his mother Catherine of Medici. Conspiracy of Amboise, formed by the party of Conde against that of Guise. Beginning of the civil wars in France. Death of Gustavus Vasa, king of Sweden ; his son Eric XIV, succeeds him. X>eaAUD, French astronomer. — DENH AM (d. 1668) and COWLEY (d. 1667), poets.— CALUERON, Spanish writer, d. 1687.— JEREMY TAYLOR, theologi.in, b. 1613, d. 1687. — BRIAN WALTON, compiler of the Polyglot Bible, d. 1661. — Samuel BOCHART, scripture geographer, &c., d. 1667— SAL- MASIUS, the learned defender of royalty in England, d. 1653. — Sir James WAKE, Irish antiquary and historian, d. 1666 LEO ALLATIUS, classical critic, d. 1657. 1651. Battle of Worcester won by Cromwell: Prince Charles takes refuge in an oak, called from this circum- stance the " Royal Oak.'''' — The Navigation Act passed. The Cape of Good Hope colonised by the Dutch. Milton publishes his " Defence of the People of England against Salmasius;" whilst he was writing this he lost his sight. — Hobbes publishes his "Le- viathan." 1652. The first naval war between the English and the Dutch. Blake is defeated by Van Tromp at the Goodwin Sands, but afterwards defeats him at Portland. Mazarin is recalled ; after the conflict in the suburb St. Antoine he is dismissed for the second time. 1653. CROMWELL, PROTECTOE, of the common- ivealth : he is raised to this dignity by the army after having dissolved the parliament. — The Dutch fleet is defeated by Monk ; 30 ships are taken, and Van Tromp is killed. — John de Witt is at the head of the Dutch government for 20 years. The doctrines of Jansenius (5 of them) are condemned by Pope Innocent X. N 178 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l654— A.C. 1654. Successes of Blahe in the Mediterranean. — The English, under the Admirals Penn and Venables, take Jamaica from the Dutch. Christina, queen of Sweden, resigns the crown to Charles X. The Cossacks of Ukraine submit to Russia. Invention of the air-pump made public by Otto Guericke at Ratisbon. 1655. Charles X., king of Sweden, invades Poland. Pope ALEXANDER VII. (Fabius Chigi). Satellite of Saturn (the 6th) first discovered by Huyghens. — Deaths of Gasseiidi and Abp. Usher. 1656. Alphonso YL, king of Portugal. Religious war in Switzerland. Pascal publishes his ^^ Provincial Letters " against the Jesuits. 1658. Dunkirk is delivered to the English, — Death of Oliver Cromwell: his son Richard succeeds as Protector of England. LEOPOLD I., emperor of Germany. Aurengzebe, Great Mogul. 1659. Peace of the Pyrenees between France and Spain. Philip IV. gives up to France Artois, Roussillon, and part of the Netherlands. — Louis XIY. marries Maria Theresa, daughter of Philip lY, Horrebow discovers the aberration of the fixed stars, according to some. 1660. RESTORATION OP MONARCHY IN ENGLAND hy General Monk, who places (E\)m\t% M.. on the throne. The peace of Oliva between Sweden, Denmark, and Poland : Poland gives up to Sweden Li- vonia and Esthonia. — Revolution in Denmark: hereditary succession and absolute power are given to Frederic III. SPINOZA, philosopher, who reduced pantheism to a system, b. 1632, d. 1677 — VAYER DE LA MOTHE, sceptical philosopher, d. 1672. -DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULT, French writer, d. 1679.- JOHN MILTON, the poet, b. 1608, d. 1674.— MOLIERE, dramatist, d. 1673. — Lord CLAREN- * DON (d. 1674) and MEZERAY (d. 1679), historians.— FALL A VICINI, hist, of Council of Trent (pub. in 1656), d. 1667.— LAUNOI, French theo- logian, maintainer of the "Gallican liberties," d. 1678.— Sir Matthew HALE, jurist, &c., d. 1676.— REMBRANDT, MURILLO, WOUVERMANS, and Sir Peter LELY, painters.— CARISSIMI, musician. 1661. The marquis of Argyle is beheaded for treason Mag 21th. — The Portuguese cede to Britain the town of Tangier and the island of Bombay, SAVOY CONFERENCE respecting alterations in the English Prayer-book. —1666.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 179 A.C. Death of Mazarin : Louis XIV., now 23 years of age, takes the administration into his own hands. Disgrace of Fouquet. Colbert, super- intendent of the finances. 1662. Louis XIV. buys the towns of Dunkirk and Mardyke from Charles IL Death of Blaise Pascal. 1663. Carolina colonised by the English. Last subsidy voted by the clergy in convocation to the crown : from this time convocation never sat but in form. Opening of the permanent diet of Ratisbon. Royal Society of London incorporated Foundation of the Academy of Inscrip- tions and Belles Lettres by Colbert. — James Gregory publishes his invention of the reflecting telescope. — First idea of a steam-engine suggested by the marquis of Worcester. 1664. The second Dutch war begins. Battle of St. Gothard in Hungary, gained over the Turks by Montecuculi : peace of Temeswar. The canal of Languedoc is begun by Riguet. The fraternity of the Reformed Bernardines of JjA TRAPPE is established by the famous Jansenist Armand John Bouthillier de Ranee, abbot of La Trappe. 1665. The Dutch fleet is defeated by the English under the duke of York. — Great Plague in London. Death of Philip IV., king of Spain : his son Charles IL succeeds him, under the regency of his mother Maria Anne of Austria. — Battle of Villaviciosa or Montes Claros, gained over the Spaniards by the Portuguese and French under Schomberg. First publication of the " London Gazette." — First publication of the " Journal des Savans" by SALLO. — CASSINI, an Italian astronomer, discovers the rotation of Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. 1666. Desperate conflict between the English and Dutch fleets near the mouth of the Thames. The English under Prince Rupert {grandson of James /.) and the duke of Albemarle (^Monk\ obtain a decisive victory. The Dutch were commanded by De Ruyter and Va7i Tromp the Younger. — Great Fire in London, Sept. 3, 4, 5 ; about 13,000 houses are burnt. — The Scots Covenanters are defeated on the Pentland Hills. Death of Abbas II., king of Persia. N 2 180 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l667— A.C, Sahatei Levi in Turkey pretenda to he the Messiah. The Royal Academy of Scienci s is founded by Colbert. Newton discovers tlie different refrangibility of rays of light, and tlie method of fluxions ; and conceives the idea of universal gravitation. 1667. The Dutch take possession of the mouth of the Thames, and hum several ships at Chatham. — Peace of Breda hetioeen England and Holland, wJdch con- firms to the English Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey, and to the French Acadia (^Nova Scotia). Louis XIV., having Turenne under him, invades the Spanish Netherlands, and takes Lille. Alphonso VL, king of* Portugal, is deposed : Don Pedro, his brother, is appointed regent of the kingdom. Treaty of Andrussow between Eussia and Poland : preponderance of Russia. Pope CLEMENT IX. (Julius Rospigliosi.) Koemer, a Danish astronomer, discovers the velocity of light (and Cassini also). — MILTON publishes his " Paradise Lost," MOLIERE his " Tartuffe," and RACINE his " Andromaque." 1668. Triple Alliance concluded at the Hague between England, Sweden, and Holland, for the preser- vation of the Spanish Netherlands. The prince of Conde and the duke of Luxemburg invade Franche Comte. — First peace of Aix-la- Chapelle, May 2. Spain gives up to France Douay, Tournay, Lille, &c. John Casimir, king of Poland, abdicates, and retires to France. Newton constructs the first reflecting telescope. LA FONTAINE publishes his first fables.— DRYDEN appointed poet laureate. 1669. Cahal administration in England, consisting of Clif- ford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington, and Lau- derdale. The Turks complete the conquest of the island of Candia from the Venetians. Exploits of Morgan the buccaneer in the Gulf of Mexico. Catania nearly destroyed and 27,000 persons killed by an eruption of Mount Etna. Newton completes his theory of fluxions. 1670. Marshal Crequi takes Lorraine from the Duke Charles HI. —1675.] COMFENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 181 A.C. Christian V., king of Denmark and Norway, son of Frederic III. Pope CLEMENT X. (Altieri). Bayonets invented at Bayonne: first used in battle bv the French in 1693 — CASSINI fd. 1712J, ROEMKR, aiid BOREL'LI, astronomers. — Dr. HOOKE and James GREGORY (d. this year), iiatural philosophers- Isaac BARROW, mathematiciana nd theologian, d. 1677. — Nicholas MER- CATOR (Kauflman), matheinatician.— CUDWORTH, a modern Platouist (see 1678), d. 1088— Bp. PEARfsON, expositor of- The Creed," d. 1686.— MARSHAM, chronologist, d. 1681.— MAIMBOURG, Jesuit historian, d. 1686. — ISAAC WALTON, biographer and "Angler," d. 1683.— COR- NEILLE, French dramatist, d. 1684. —BUTLER (d. 1680), OTWAY (d. 1685), WALLKR (d. 1687), and DA BARGA {d. 1687), poets— LALLY, musician, d. 1687. — LE BRUN, painter, d. 1688. — BERNINI, sculptor, d. 1680. 1671. Conspiracy of the Hungarian lords against the Emperor Leopold I. Fifth satellite of Saturn discovered by Cassini, and 3 others soon after. 1672. England and Siceden renounce the Triple Alliance, and join with France. — Great naval battle of the English and the French against the Dutch. Louis XIV. conquers great part of Holland. Fa- mous passage of the Rhine, June 12. — Re- establishment of the stadtholdership in favour of William III., prince of Orange. John de Witt, grand pensionary, and Cornelius, his brother, are assassinated at the Hague by the mob. 1673. The Test Act, excluding Roman Catholics from office, is passed in England (not repealed till 1828> Louis XI Y. takes IMaestricht, John Sobieski defeats the Turks at Choczim in Bessarabia. Malebranche publishes his " Search after Truth." — Death of Moliere- 3 674. Tlte parliament of England obliges Charles 11. to make peace icith Holland. Louis XIV. makes himself master of Franche Comte. — Victories of Turenne in Germany. — Battle of SeneiFe in Flanders, between Conde and the prince of Orange. John Sobieski is elected king of Poland. Death of Milton. — Sir Christopher Wren knighted. Next year the foundation of St. Paul's is laid by him. 1675. Famous campaign of Turenne against Montecuculi. Turenne is killed near Salsbach. Crequi is defeated and taken prisoner in attempting to relieve Treves. N 3 182 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l676— A.C. The Swedes are defeated at Fehrbellin by the Elector Frederic William, and lose the greater part of their possessions in Germany. MICHAEL DE MOLINOS, a Spaniard, publishes his " Spiritual Guide" reviving the doctrines of the Mystics : his followers were called Quietists. Foundation of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. — St. Paul's begun to be rebuilt. 1676. Admiral Du Quesne gains two naval victories near the islands of Lipari and Messina over De Ruyter, who is mortally wounded. — Victory of Marshal Virome over the combined fleets of Spain and Holland. Teodor Alexiewitch, cza^r of Russia. Pope INNOCENT XL {Benedict Odeschalchi). 1677. Capture of Valenciennes by Vauban. Disturbances in Hungary, headed by Tekeley. First war between Russia and Turkey : Ukraine is given up to Russia. (See 1654.) LEIBNITZ invents the differential and integral calculus. 1678. Peace of Nimeguen, concluded under the mediation of England, between France, Holland and her allies. France obtains Franche Comte, and several cities in Flanders and Hainault. The Mogul emperor, Aurengzebe, overruns India. Cudworth publishes his " Intellectual System." 1679. The Long Parliament of Charles IL is dissolved after having passed the HABEAS CORPUS Act. — The Scottish Covenanters are defeated at Bothioell Bridge by the duke of Monmouth. — The " Meal Tub Plot " against the duke of York is discovered. Foundation of the French colony of Pondicherry in India. 1680. The names of Whigs and Tories first given to the two factions in England. The Whigs desired to curb the power of the crown, and the Tories the power of the people. Chamber of Reunion instituted by Louis XIV. Revolution in Sweden : Charles XI. renders his power absolute. Sir Isaac NEWTON (b. 1642, d. 1727), LEIBNITZ (b. 1646, d. 1716.), HUY- GHENS (b. 1629, d. 1696), and Robert BOYLE (b. 1627, d. 1691), natural philosophers. — WALLIS, mathematician, d. 1703. — MALEBRANCHEj —1685. J COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 183 A.C. mental philosopher, b. 1638> d. 1715.— John LOCKE, mental philosopher, h, 1G32, d. 1704._B AYLE (b. 1647, d. 1706), and HUET (d. 1721), sceptical philosophers. — PUFFENDORF, jurist and historian, b. 1G31, d. 1694,— KAY, naturalist, d. 1705. — THOMAS BURNET, cosmogonist. — ISA AC VOSSIUS, classical critic._BOSSUET(b.lG27,d 1704), BOURD ALOUE (d. 1704), CLAUDE (d. 1687). TILLOTSON (d. 1G94), and STILLING- FLEET, theologians.— TILLEMONT, ecclesiastical historian, d. 1697.— DRYDEN (b. 1631, d, 1701), RACINE (d. 1699), LA FONTAINE (d. 1694), and BOILEAU (d. 1711), poets. — John EVELYN, diarist, d. 1706. — LA BRUYERE and Madame DE SEVIGNE, French writers, both d. 1696 PURCEL, musician, d. 1695. 1681. Louis XIV. in time of peace takes Strasburg (see 1648), which he causes to be fortified. Establishment of the Quakers in Pennsylvania : William Penn builds there Philadelphia. 1682. Louis XIV. seizes on the principality of Orange. The Militia of the Strelitzes proclaims Iwan and Peter I. (Peter the Great) czars of Russia under the regency of their sister Sophia. Bombardment of Algiers by a French squadron under Du Quesne. Council of French bishops at Paris, ichich asserts the " Gallican liberties " against the pope. 1683. Rye-house Plot: execution of Lord Russell, July 21. — Execution of Algernon Sydney, December 7. Death of Maria Theresa of Austria^ wife of Louis XIV. — Death of Colbert. Death of Alphonso VI. , king of Portugal : Peter II., his son, succeeds him. Vienna is besieged by the Turks under Kara Mus- tapha ; they are defeated by John Sobieski, king of Poland. 1685. Death of Charles 11. , king of England', his brother ^d^\M% SH* succeeds him. — The duke of Mon- mouth makes a descent on Devonshire, is defeated at Sedgemoor, and beheaded. REVOCATION OP THE EDICT OP NANTES by Louis XIV. : he persecutes the Protestants, 500,000 of them seek refuge in England, Prussia, and Geneva. Louvois, prime minister of Louis XIV., and his father Le Tillier, chancellor, both bitter enemies of Pro- testantism. — Bombardment of Genoa : humilia- tion of the doge before Louis XIV. Controversy of Claude and Bossuet — Michael de Molinos is cast into prison, where he died in 1696. N 4 184 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [I686— A.C. 1686. The league of Augsburg against France. Peace of Moscow between Russia and Poland. The Caroline Islands are discovered by the Sjia- niards. 1687. Hungary is acknowledged to be an hereditary state of Austria. The Turks are completely defeated at Mohacz in Hungary by the imperialists under the Duke Charles of Lorraine. Revolution at Constantinople : Mahomet IV. causes Kara Mustapha to be strangled ; he is himself deposed by the Janissaries : his brother Soliman III. succeeds him. MOLINOS, author of Quietism, is condemned to perpetual imprison- ment. — Madame GUYON propagates Quietism, and is perse- cuted in France ; d, 1717. Newton publishes his " Principia." 1688. REVOLUTION IN BRITAIN: WUliam, prince of Orange, and stadtJtolder of the Nether- lands, makes a descent upon England, and lands at Torbay on the 5 th of November, the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot : James IL takes refuge in France. Louis XIV. invades the Palatinate of the Rhine : an alliance is formed against him by England, the Empire, Spain, Holland, and Savoy. 1689. OTtlliam Ml, and jWarp, king and queen of Great Britain. — Episcopacy is abolished in Scotland by King William. — Battle of Killicrankie, in which William^ s troops are defeated by Viscount Dundee, who is slain in the action. — James II. lands in Ireland : siege of Derry and defence of Ennis- killen. The French lay waste the Palatinate of the Rhine, and burn to ashes Worms and Spires. PETER THE GREAT becomes sole master of Russia. Pope ALEXANDER VIJL {Peter Ottoboni). 1690. BATTLE OP THE BOYNE in Ireland, (July 1.), gained by William III. over James II. The brave Schomberg, then 82 years old, is killed in the action. —1695.] COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. 185 A.C. The East India Company's agents at Sootanutty obtain a patent from Aurengzehe, Battle of Fleurus in the Netherlands, gained by Marshal Luxembui^, pupil and friend of Conde, over Prince Waldec, commander of the allied army. Victory of Catinat, at Stafarda in Italy, over Victor Amadeus, duke of Savoy. John Locke publishes his "Essay on Human Understanding." — Bishop BURNET, historian and theologian, d. 1715.— Sir Godfrey KNELI.ER, portrait painter, d. 1723. — CARLO MARATTI, painter, d. 1713.— COHORN, a Dutchman (d. 1704), and VAUBAN, a Frenchman (d. 1706), military engineers. — Sir C. WREN, architect, d. 1723. 1691. Athlone is taken and the Jacobites of Ireland de- feated at Aughriin {July 12.) by General Ginckle, Limerick capitulates : 12,000 of the Irish Roman Catholics retire to France, and are formed by Louis XIV. into a corps called the Irish Brigade. Mons is taken by Louis : Vauban conducts the siege. Defeat of the Turks at Salankemen in Sclavonia. Pope INNOCENT X 11. (A. PignatelU).—I>eath of R. Boyle. 1692. The French fleet under Tourville is defeated off La Hogue by the combined fleets of the English and Dutch under Admiral Russell. — Massacre of the Macdonalds at Glencoe in Scotland, January 31. — Battle of Steinkirk in Hainault, where King William is defeated by Luxemburg. Namur is taken by Louis XIV. Hanover is made the ninth electorate of the em- pire. 1693. Victory of Catinat at Marsaglia over the duke of Savoy : Schomberg (son of the veteran who ivas killed in Ireland) is mortally wounded and taken prisoner. — Naval victory of Tourville, seconded by John Barth and De Forbin, over the English and Dutch under Sir George Rooke. — King Wil- liam is defeated by Luxemburg at Neerwinden. 18,000 persons are destroyed at Catania by an earthquake. 1694. Queen Mary dies of the small-pox. The French Academy publishes its " Dictionary."— Deaths of PufTendorf and Archbishop Tillotson. 1695. JVamur is take?! by King William {June 25.). Mustapha II., emperor of the Turks. 186 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l697— A.C. Deaths of La Fontaine, the French fabulist, in his 74th year, and of Huyghens, discoverer of the ring and 6th satellite of Saturn. 1697. PEACE OP RYSWICK between France, England, Holland, and Spain, September 11. The Turks are defeated at Zenta by Prince Eugene of Savoy. Peter the Great gains a victory over the ^urks, and takes the city and port of Azov : on this occasion he equipped his first fleet at "Waronitz and laid open the Black Sea. Erection of Fort William at Calcutta by the En- glish. Charles XII., king of Sweden. Augustus II., elector of Saxony, is elected king of Poland. Controversy of Bossuet and Fenelon about Quietism. Peter Bayle, a French philosopher, publishes his " Historical and Critical Dic- tionary." Captain Savery constructs a steam-engine for raising water. 1699. The Scots attempt to plant a colony at Darien. Peace of Carlowitz between the emperor, the Poles, the Venetians, and the Turks, Jan. 26. — The Morea is given up to the Venetians. Deaths of Stillingfleet and Racine. 1700. War of the North: Eussia, Denmark, and Poland, combine against Sweden. — Charles XII. invades Zealand, and forces the king of Denmark to conclude a peace with him. CHARLES XII. DEFEATS THE RUS- SIANS BEFORE NARVA. Death of Charles II., king of Spain. — Accession of the house of Bourbon to the throne of Spain in the person of Philip V. of Anjou, grandson to Louis XIV. New Britain discovered by Dampier. Pope CLEMENT XI. (^Albano). PA CENT, mathematician, extends algebraic geometry to surfaces by intro- ducing three co-ordinates.— JAMES BERNOUILLI (d. 1705), and JOHN, his brother (d. 1748), mathematicians.— DA VID GREGORY, astronomer, — LEUWENHOECK, famous for microscopical discoveries, d. 1723 — POIRET, theosophist, d. 1719.— FENELON (b. 1651, d. 1715), theologian, opponent of Bossuet.— Dr. SOUTH, theologian, d. 1716.— H. DODVVELL, critic and theologian, d. 1711. — Richard SIMON, author of " Critical History of the Bible," d. 1712.— DU PIN (b. 1657, d. 1719), NATALIS ALEXANDER (d. 1724), HARDUIN (d. 1729), and Willian CAVE (b. 1637, d. 1713), ecclesiastical historians. - FARQUHAR (d. 1707), and SOUTHERN (d. 1746), dramatists. — FILICAIA, Italian poet, d. 1707.— Lord SHAFTESBURY, author of the "Characteristics," d. 1712 — Madame DE MAINTENON. author of "Memoirs," d. 1719. — Madame DACIER, (d. 1720), and GRONOVIUS (d. 1716), classical critics. — CORELLI, musician, d. 1713— GIRARDON, sculptor, d. 1715. -1704.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 187 1701. A.C. 1701. Succession to the crown of Great Britain settled on the princess of Hanover and her Protestant heirs. — Death of James II, at St. Germain! s. By his first wife, Aune Hyde, hie iiad two daughters; Mary, married William of Nassau, prince of Orange; Anne, married George, son of Frederic III., king of Denmark. By his second wife, Marie Beatrice of Modena, his children were, James Francis Edward, afterwards called the Pretender, and Mary Louisa, who died unmarried. The war for the Spanish succession begins between the Archduke Charles, and Philip, grandson of Louis XIV. — Prince Eugene defeats the French in Italy. Frederic III., elector of Brandenburg, takes the title of king of Prussia, under the name of Frederic I. Death of the poet Dryden. 1702. ^nnt, queen of Great Britain on the death of Wil- liam III. — War against France and Spain : the English and Dutch destroy the French fleet at Vigo. The French send colonies to the Mississippi. — Troubles in the Cevennes occasioned by the persecution of the Protestants called Camisards. 1703. FOUNDATION OP ST. PETERSBURG by Peter the Great : he constructs the port of Kronstadt, and lays open the Baltic Sea. Marlborough makes a successful campaign in the Loto Countries and takes Liege. Interruption of the stadtholdership at the death of William III. : Anthony Heinsius, grand pen- sionary. Achmet III., emperor of the Turks. 1704. CAPTURE OP GIBRALTAR by the English under Sir George i2ooAe. — BATTLE OP BLENHEIM, or Hochstedt, gained by Marl- borough and Prince Eugene over the French and Bavarians under Marshals Tallard and Marsin and the elector of Bavaria. Augustus, king of Poland, after having been de- feated by Charles XII. at Riga (1701), Clissau 188 OOMVENDiriM Oh' ClIRONOl.OfJY. [1705— (1702), and Piiltunk (1703), iw dciHWcd, and SlanislauH JjcckylnHki, ])alat"mc of l^oHOii, cdoctod in his place. — Charley XII. penetrates into the interior of tlie Ukraine, and is joined by M;izepp;i, hetnian of th(^ C'ossaeks. N.'wioii piihlislifs l.iH r(.mpl.-l,(! " ()|.(i(s " atid " Lines of tlui I'lilid Ordor."— n;(ii(lrl |iiil)lislifs his (irst, ('k<', Kossucl, and of Itdtiidaloiic. 170/). 7V/Y' JCiH/lish. niidcr ilic curl of l^icrhoroiKjIi take IhirccloiKt. JOSEPH I., emperor of ( iei many. 17()(). UNION OP ENGLAND AND SCOT- JjA^jy^hi/ Ircdtij si*2. d. 17%^ rriath<>matJdan«. _0<-an MUDHALX Cd. I72;i„ VLHVliV (, fAjAf^imlic^i ttiiU/rinm. — MABSJLLOK, hU^^nf^xn ¥r(^i,t:h iirt-M.Uf.r , d. 1742.— MAT'lHRW HKSUy. VAUVu.hi crjmweuvtt/jr, U. \(/i'i,<\. J714,— JIOLLIN, hitt/Amn. d. 1741— ADDISON', (A>«rt and «fc*.»a>ut, b, iri72- d. J7iO — Sir liicbard STKHLK. drafnatiit an/i «rtsayitt, b, iWI, d. 1720. — /y,r'l iJOLINOflltOKK, philotophical writer, b. 1W2, d, IT'jI^ Da»iK-l Dhi Oh, riov<-litt, author of" Kobirmorj Crii*/^*<-," b, K>/^ d, 1731.— 'i A TK 'd. 17l'v, ItOWK Cd. I71>i;, PKIOK M. 1721;, CONGKKVK ''d. 17^/;, ar.d J'AKNKLL, p'>^t^JiOP:itHA A VK and CHK.SELDhN, nhytidan*. — LH C/.KliC, crtic. ] 7 ] 1 . 77/./? TorieH Hupplant the Wldrj winutry in En/jlond: dufjraca of Marlhcrroufjlt. Engluk South Sea Company u incorporated. CHARLES VI. ^the archduke;, hnjl\i(-r of Jo.^epli I., un\)(:r(jr of Germany. Peter the Great i.-: .surrounded by the Turks at the Pruth, and concludes a treaty with them. Expedition of Duguay-Trouin to Brazil : iiio Jan- eiro is taken, D'rfUh of Boil/raii d/ CkuiMd XL In thin Ml Ia corudtmrut 1 1 j/nqtOH'ditmH, dxtro/Md frr/ffi. tlic. wMh of FaafJiamia Qvmh- nc.l'ii Fr(nu:h Ne>j; TcjiUirMcrd, oh faljifi awl inffuMd v;i.th tliM (-.rrt/rH of Jaruicnvem.. 1714. G£orge 5. r/ ^A^ i^ouse of 23runsfoi£fe, /?//?/:;f/>/ r/ 190 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1715— A.C. Hanover^ succeeds Queen Anne: he was the son of the electress Sophia of Hanover , grand-daughter of James L — Sir Robert JValpole, prime minister. Peace of Rastadt between tlie emperor and France. Barcelona is taken by the duke of Berwick, and the war of the Spanish succession ended in Spain in favour of Philip Y. 1715. Rebellion in Scotland and the north of England in favour of the Pretender James Francis, son of James IL — The English insurgents surrender at Preston : the Scots are defeated at Dumblain or Sheriff-Muir, Death of Louis XIY. at the age of 77 : he reigned 64 years from his majority. LOUIS XV,, great-grandson of Louis XIV., suc- ceeds him under the regency of Philip, duke of Orleans. The Turks take the Morea from the Venetians. (See 1699.) The Emperor Charles VL, Philip v., and the pope, support the Venetians. Deaths of Fenelon, Bishop Burnet, and Malebranche.— Rows succeeds Nahum Tate as poet laureate. 1716. Prince Eugene defeats the Turks at Peterwaradin. Death of Leibnitz. 1717. Prince Eugene takes Temeswar, defeats the Turks near Belgrade, and takes Belgrade. Alberoni, prime minister to Philip V. Peter the Great visits Paris. 1718. Conspiracy formed against the regent, Philip of Orleans, by Cardinal Alberoni, and Cellemare, the Spanish ambassador. — Quadruple alliance formed against Spain, between England, France, Austria, and Holland. Sir George Byng destroys the Spanish fleet off Sicily. Peace of Passarowitz between the emperor, the Venetians, and the Turks. Charles XII. is killed at the siege of Frederickshall in Norway : his sister, Utricia Leonora, succeeds him. — 172G.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 191 A.C. Peter the Great condemns his son Alexis Czaro- witz, to death. 1719. Execution of the count of Gortz at Stockholm. Peace of Stockhohn between Sweden, Denmark, England, and Prussia. — Disgrace of Alberoni. Publication of Wolff's philosophy. 1720. The South Sea Scheme in England, principally con- trived by Sir John Blount, is broken up. The Mississippi Scheme in France, projected by John Law, is also broken up earlier in the year. Frederic of Hesse Cassel is elected king of Sweden according to the wishes of his wife Utricia Leonora. Alexander POPE, poet, b. 1688, d. 1744 — GAY, poet, b. 1G88, d. 1732 Jonathan SWIFT, poet and miscellaneous writer, b. 1G67, d. 1745.-- Dr. ARBUTHNOT, miscellaneous writer, d. 1735— FONTENELLE, philo- sophical writer, b. 1657, d. 1756.— Christian WOLFF, philosopher, b. 1679, d. 1754— Richard BENTLEY, classical critic, b. 1661, d. 1742. — Abraham SHARP, mathematician, — VERTOT, historian, d. 1735. _ MONT- FAUCON, antiquarian, d. 1741. 1721. Peace of Nystadt between Russia and Sweden. Kussia obtains Livonia, Esthonia, Ingria, and Carnelia: it is on this occasion the senate con- fers on Peter the epithets of " Great," and " Emperor of all the Russias." Po pe INOCENT XIII. {Michael Angela Conti). 1723. Inocidation for the small-pox first introduced into England by Lady Worthy Montague. — Death of sir Christopher Wren. 1724. Pope BENEDICT XIIL {Vincent Maria Orsini). Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg instituted. FAHRENHEIT, an experimental philosopher, publishes his " Dissertations on Thermometers," b. at Dantzic 1686, d. 1736. — REAUMUR, improver of thermometers, b. 1683, d. 1757. 1725. Death of Peter the Great : his consort Catherine L succeeds him: Menzikoff, prime minister; he died in exile in 1729. Alliance of Hanover (at Herrnhauseii) between France, England, and Prussia, in opposition to the treaty of Vienna between Spain and the empu'e. 1726. Great earthquake at Palermo. — The Cardinal de Fleury, minister of Louis XIV. Gay publishes his " Fables." 192 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l727— A.C. 1727. Death of George I. : he married Sophla Dorothea ofZell, and had 2 children ; George Augustus, and a daughter Sophia, married to Frederic William, king of Prussia. C!BrCOtgt M., king of England: Walpole remains prime minister. — Treaty between Great Britain and Denmark. — The Spaniards besiege Gib- raltar. Death of Catherine I., empress of Russia ; Peter II., Alexie witch, then 12 years old, succeeds her. Count Zinzendorf establishes fAe sec^q/* MORAVIANS, or Herrn- huters, in Lusatia, which had its rise in 1722. Death of Sir Isaac Newton. 1728. Treaty between Great Britain and Holland. The name of " Methodists " in England first applied to Charles Wesley and his companions at Oxford. The congress of Soissons. Behring's Strait discovered by Behring, a Danish navigator in the service of Kussia. 1729. Treaty of Seville between Great Britain, France, and Spain. Death of Leopold, duke of Lorraine. Chester More Hall invents the achromatic telescope ; reinvented by Dollond in 1757 — Pope's " Essay on Man" published — Death of Dr. Samuel Clarke. 1730. Anne, niece of Peter the Great, empress of Russia. Biren, regent of the empire, is banished to Siberia in 1740. Abdication of Victor-Amadeus II., king of Sar- dinia : his son Charles Emmanuel III. succeeds him. Christian VI., king of Denmark. The Corsicans rebel against Genoa. Sedition at Constantinople : Achmet III. gives up the throne to his nephew Mahomet Y. — The Persians under Kouli-Khan defeat the Turks. Pope CLEMENT XII. {Laurence Corsini). Death of Eusden, succeeded by CoUey Gibber as poet laureate.— James THOM^ SON, poet, publishes his "Seasons," 1726 — 30: d. 1748 Dr. Isaac WATTS, poet, &c., b. 1674, d. 1748— LE SAGE, author of " Gil Bias," b. 1668, d. 1747.-SOMERVILLE (b. 1692, d. 1742), and Richard SAVAGE, (b. 1698, d. 1743), poets.— J. B. ROUSSEAU, lyric poet, d. 1741._Bishop BERKELEY, philosopher, d. 1753.— BARBEYRAC (d. 1747), and BUR- LAMAQUI, political philosophers.— Colin MACLAURIN, mathematician d. 1746. — Archhishop POTTER (d. 1747), Dr. WATERLAND (d. 1740), and Dr. DODDRIDGE (d. 1751), theologians. — Nicholas FRERET, chronologist, d. 1749.— Sir HANS SLOAN E, physician and naturalist, d. 1752._DILLEN1US, a botanist, d. 1747. 1731. Treaty between Great Britain, Holland, and the —1739.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 193 k.C. Emperor, and general peace. — Extinction of the house of Farnese : Don Carlos, infant of Spain, becomes duke of Parma. Clairaut publishes his " Treatise on Curves of Double Curvature."— Deaths of Bishop Atterbury (in exile) at Paris, and of Daniel Defoe. 1732. Pretended miracles wrought at ike tomb of the Abbe Paris, a Jan- senist. 1733. The Jesuits are expelled from Paraguay. Frederic III., king of Poland. 1734. Commercial treaty between Great Britain and Russia. Siege and capture of Philipsburgh at which the duke of Berwick is killed. Death of Marshal Villars. 1735. The Imperialists in Italy are defeated by the French at Parma and Guastalla, and by the Spaniards at Bitonto. — The infant, Don Carlos, is crowned at Palermo king of the Two Sicilies. Harrison constructs his first time-piece. 1736. The Russians under Count Lacy recover Azov, and under Marshal Munich penetrate into the Crimea. Kouli Khan (Nadir Shah) usurps the throne of Persia. Theodore, baron of Neuhof, is created king of Corsica. Death of Prince Eugene. Bishop Butler's "Analogy of Religion" is published. 1737. Bradley discovers the aberration of light. 1738. Successes of the Turks against the Austrians. Peace of Vienna between France and Germany. Hume publishes his " Treatise on Human Nature." 1739. The English under Admiral Vernon take Porto Bello, a Spanish settlement on the isthmus oj Darien. Swedish factions of the Hats and Bonnets. The Russians defeat the Turks at Choczim. Peace of Belgrade between Austria, Russia, and Turkey : Belgrade, Servia, and WaUachia, are ceded to Turkey. — Russia is interdicted from having a fleet or naval stores in the sea of Azov, or the Black Sea. o 194 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l740— A.C. Nadir Shah takes Delhi and conquers the greater part of the Mogul empire. 1740. Admiral Anson sets out upon his voyage round the tuorld : his fleet is shattered hy a storm in doubling Cape Horn. Frederic II. (the Great), king of Prussia. Death of the Emperor Charles VI., the last male descendant of the house of Hapsburg. His eldest daughter, Maria Theresa, succeeds him in his hereditary dominions. War of the Austrian succession begins ; it lasts 8 years. — Invasion of Silesia by Frederic the Great. The Methodist Society is founded hy John WESLEY (&. 1703, d. 1791. Pope BENEDICT XIV. (Prosper Laurence Lamhertini). Bishop BUTLER, moral philosopher, d. 1753. — CALMET, a Benedictine, author of the " Dictionary of the Bible." &c. d. 1757 — CJLAIRAUT, mathe- matician, b. 1713, d. 1765 — BLAIR, poet, author of " The Grave," b. 1700, d. 1746— BRADLEY, astronomer, d. 1762.— C. VINER, lawyer, b. 1680, d. 1756. — Christ. PITT, poet, b. 1699, d. 1748.— MONTESQUIEU, miscel- laneous writer, b. 1689, and MOSHEIM, ecclesiastical historian, b. 1694 (both died in 1755) W. MAITLAND, historian, d. 1757.— DE MOIVRE,- mathematician, d. 1754.— MAUPERTUIS, mathematician. 1741. Carthagena is attacked by Admiral Vernon. Battle of Molwitz gained by Frederic II. — Bavaria, Saxony, Spain, and France, declare themselves against Maria Theresa. — Prague is taken by the French and Bavarians. Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of Peter the Great, ascends the throne of Russia. Deaths of Rollin, poet, and J. B. Rousseau, lyric poet.— Foundation of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich — HANDEL publishes his "Messiah " (b. 1684, d. 1759).— Garrick first appears as an actor. 1742. The elector of Bavaria is chosen emperor, and takes the name of CHARLES VII. Peace between Austria and Prussia signed at Breslau : Silesia is given up to Prussia. De- fensive alliance betiveen England and Prussia. Prague is evacuated by the French under Belleisle. Fielding publishes his first novel, " Joseph Andrews."— Deaths of Halley and Bentley. 1743. War in Germany between the British, Hungarians, French, and Austrians. Battle of Dettingen {at which George II. was pre- sent) gained by the earl of Stair over the French under De Noailles. Death of Cardinal Fleury, —1747.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 195 A.C. 1744. Anson completes his voyage round the world, having captured the Manilla galleon. Frederic II. renews the war against Austria and takes Prague, but is forced to retreat. Death of Alexander Pope the poet.— Akenside publishes his "Pleasures of the Imagination." 1745. REBELLION IN SCOTLAND: Charles Edward, grandson of James II. of England, gains the battle of Prestonpans. Louishurg and Cape Breton are taken by the English from the French.— Death of Sir Robert Walpole. Death of Charles VII. : his son, Joseph 11. , re- nounces his father's claims to the succession. FRANCIS I. (of Lorraine), grand duke of Tuscany, and husband of Maria Theresa, is elected em- peror. — Maximilian Joseph L, elector of Ba- varia. Quadruple alliance between Britain, Austria, Hol- land, and Poland. Battle of Fontenoy in Flanders, gained by Marshal Saxe over the English and the Dutch. Peace of Dresden between Prussia, Poland, Austria, and Saxony. Successes of Don Philip against the king of Sar- dinia. The electric shock discovered at Leyden.— Death of Jonathan Swift. 1746. Charles Edward {the young Pretender) defeats the English under Hawley at Falkirk: two months after he is defeated at Culloden by the duke of Cumberland, and obliged to leave Scotland. Lords Balmerino, Kilmarnock, and Lovat, are executed; they are the last persons who suffered the punish- ment of beheading in Great Britain. Ferdinand VL, king of Spain. Frederic V., king of Denmark. Count Saxe takes Brussels and Antwerp, and de- feats the allies at Roucoux. Madras is taken from the English by La Bourdon- naye, 1747. Invasion of Holland by the French: re-establish- ment of the stadtholdership in favour of William IV., prince of Nassau-Dietz. o 2 196 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1748— A.C. The French under Marshal Saxe gain the battle of Yal or Laffeldt over the allies commanded by Cumberland. — The fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom is taken by the French under Count Lowen- dahl. Naval successes of Admirals Anson and Warren, and of Commodore Fox. — The French fleet is defeated by Hawke, Kouli-Khan is murdered : revolution in Persia. Klopstock publishes his " Messiah."— Gray publishes his first ode, on " Eton College." — Deaths of Le Sage, Barbeyrac, and Archbishop Potter. 1748. PEACE OP AIX-LA-CHAPELLE : end of the war of the Austrian succession, — Mutual restitution of all conquests made during the war both in Europe and in the East and West Indies. — Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, are given up to Don Philip, infant of Spain, and son-in-law of Louis XV. Dupleix, the French governor, defends Pondicherry against Admiral Boscawen. Deaths of the poets Thomson and Watt?.— Montesquieu publishes his " Spirit of the Laws."— Tobias Smollett publishes his first novel, " Roderick Random." Euler publishes his " Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum." 1749. Halifax in Nova Scotia is founded by the British. League of the Pope, the Venetians, &c., against the Algerines. The Royal Dublin Society is founded. 1750. Commercial treaty between Great Britain and Spain. Joseph I., king of Portugal. Westminster Bridge finished — Discovery of the city of Pompeii. The Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, and the Royal Society of Gottingen, are founded.— Samuel Johnson commences the publication of the " Rambler." — AKENSIDE (b. 1721 d. 1770), SHENSTONE (b. 1714, d. 1763), COLLINS (b. (1720, d. 1766), and Dr. Edward YOUNG (b. 1681, d. 1765), poets.— Gilbert WEST (b. 1706, d. 1756), Lord George LYTTLETON (b. 1709, d. 1773), MALLET, D. (b. 1700, d. 1765), VOLTAIRE (b. 1694, d. 1778), poets and miscellaneous writers Archbishop SECKER (b. 1693, d. 1768), Dr J. LELAND, (writer against Deism, b. 1691, d. 1766), Dr. JORTIN (historian, b. 1698, d. 1770), Jonathan EDWARDS (American), metaphysician (b. 1703, d. 175S), and Dr. Nathaniel LARDNER (b. 1684, d. 1768), theologians.— VATTEL, writer on Law of Nations, b. 1714. d. 1767 R. SIMSON, mathematician, b. 1710, d. 1761 — James FERGUSON, mechanist and astronomer, b. 1710, d. 1764.— John HARRISON, mecha- nician, inventor of chronometers, b. 1693, d. 1776— LINN^US, the naturalist, b. 1707, d. 1778. — MUSCHENBROCK, physician and natural philosopher, b. 1692, d. 1761 ALGAROTTI, an Italian critic, b. 1712, d. 1764 John MASON, author of" Self-Knowledge," b. 1706, d. 1763— James HERVEY, author of" Theron^nd Aspasia," &c., b. 1714, d, 1758. — Lady W. MONTAGUE (b. 1690, d. 1762), Lord CHESTERFIELD (b. 1694, d. 1773), DODSLE Y, the books(41er (b. 1703, d. 1764), miscellaneous writers. —RICHARDSON, the novelist, b. 1689, d. 1761.— FIELDING, dramatist and novelist, b. 1707, d. 1754.— Dr. STUKELY, antiquarian, b. 1687, d. 1765 _N. HOOKE, Dr. BIRCH, W. GUTHRIE, historians. — HO- GARTH, painter, b. 1698, d, 1764.-.ROUBILLIAC, and RYSBRACH, sculptors.— GEMINIANI, musician. —1756.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 197 A.C. 1751. Capture and defence of Arcot by Clive. Adolphus Frederic, of the house of Holstein Got- torp, king of Sweden. The " Encyclopedia " is begun by Diderot and D'Alembert. 1752. Neio style introduced in Britain; September 2nd is reckoned I4ith. Khorassan is separated from Persia Franklin invents the lightning conductor — Death of Bp. Butler, the eminent divine and moral philosopher, 1/53. The British Museum is established in Montague House.— Death of Bp. Berkeley, the metaphysician. 1754. Dispute between the English and the French about the frontiers of Canada. Jumonville, a French officer, is assassinated ; to avenge his murder the French seize on Fort Necessity. Expedition wider Major Washington, icho bravely repulses a French attack. Othman III., emperor of the Turks. Great eruption of ^tna. — Great earthquake at Constantinoj^le and Cairo. Hume publishes the first vol. of his Hist, of Eng. : completed 1761. — Deaths of Wolf, and Fielding the novelist. 1755. Defeat of Braddock near Fort Du Quesne. Pascal Paoli heads the malcontents of Corsica. Lisbon is nearly destroyed by an earthquake ; 30,000 persons are killed. — Victory of General Johnson over Dieskau in Canada. Publication of Johnson's " Dictionary."— Deaths of Montesquieu and Mosheim. 1756. THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR. France, the Empire, Sweden, Russia, Austria, and the elec- tor of Saxony, unite themselves against Frederic the Great, whose only ally is England. Battle of Lowositz gained by the Prussians. Capitu- lation of the Saxons at Pirna. William Pitt, aftericards Lord Chatham, is appointed secretary of state. Naval fight between Admiral Byng and La Galis- sonniere. — Capture of Port Mahon in the island of 3Iinorca by the duke of Richelieu. Surajah Dowlah takes Ccdcutta, and shuts up 146 British soldiers in the ^^ Black Hole,^^ of whom 123 died in one night. Home publishes his tragedy of " Douglas."— Publication of Simson's " Euclid." o 3 198 compendium: of chronology. [1757— A.C. 1757. Victory of Clive at Plassey, and conquest of Bengal : foundation of the present British Empire in India, Admiral Byng is sentenced to he shot for misconduct. Fort William Henry in Canada is taken by the French under Montcalm, Battles of Prague and Keichenberg gained by Fre- deric the Great over tbe Austrians. — Dauhn, the Austrian general, repulses the king of Prussia at Kolin. — The French take Verdun and Bre- men : capitulation of Closterseven. — The Prus- sians defeat the French and Austrians at Rosbach and Leuthen. The king of Prussia becomes master of Silesia. Damiens attempts to assassinate Louis XV. The Russians take Memel, and gain the battle of Gros Jagersdorff. Mustapha III., emperor of the Turks. Death of Colly Gibber, poet laureate, succeeded by Whitehead. — Invention of achromatic telescopes by Dollond. (See 1729.) 1758. Senegal and Goree are taken hy the English. — Cape Breton, Louishurg, and Fort Du Quesne, are taken hy the English : they are repulsed at Ticon- derago. — Naval successes of O shorn, Hawke, and Anson. — De Lolly captures some British settle- ments on the coast of Coromandel, Ferdinand of Brunswick is victorious over the French at Crefeld. — Battle of Zorndorf gained by the Prussians over the Russians. — Dauhn surprises and defeats the army of Frederick at Hochkirchen. Pope CLEMENT XIII. {Charles Rezzonico). 1759. Defeat of the French at Quebec by General Wolfe, who is killed in the action : Montcalm, the French general, is also killed, Guadaloupe surrenders to the English. — The French admiral La Clue is defeated off Gibraltar by Bos- cawen. — Marshal Conjlans is defeated hy Haicke off Belleisle, General Lolly is defeated at Wondiwash by Colonel Coote, — Sural is token. The French under the duke of Broglio are victorious —1761.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 199 AC. at Berghen, near Frankfort, but are defeated at Minclen. — Bloody battle of Kunnersdorf lost by Frederic 11. Charles III., king of Spain. Frederic IV., king of the Two Sicilies. The Jesuits are expelled from Portugal. Death of Handel — The book " De I'Esprit," by Helvetius, a materialist, is con- demned and burnt — Harrison finishes the chronometer for which 20,000/. reward is given — Adam Smith publishes his " Theory of Moral Sentiments," and Robertson his " Historj' of Scotland." 1760. Montreal and all Canada surrender to the English. George 3I]Ii^ king of Great Britain, succeeds his grandfather George II. George II. married the Princess Caroline of Anspach, and had 2 sons and 5 daughters : Frederic, prince of Wales, died in 1751 ; William, duke of Cimiberland, died in 1765 ; Anne, married the prince of Orange ; Amelia, died in 1786; Caroline, died in 1757; Mary, married the prince of Hesse Cassel ; Louisa, married the king of Denmark. Capture of Tliur of s squadron {who had taken Carrick- fergus) hy Captain Elliott near the Isle of Man. Battle of Leignitz gained by Frederic II. over the Austrian general Laudohn. — Capture of Berlin by the Austrians and Russians. — The king of Prussia defeats the Austrians under Dauhn at Torgau. Hyder Ally, sultan of Mysore. Dr. Samuel JOHNSON, lexicographer and critic, b. 1709, d. 1782. — Oliver GOLDSMITH, poet and miscellaneous writer, b. 1728, d. 1774. — Laurence STERNE, miscellaneous writer, b. 1713, d. 1768 David HUME, meta- physician and historian, b. 1711, d. 1776 Tobias SMOLLETT, continuator of Hume's " History of England," and novelist, b. 1721, d. 1771 John CAMPBELL, historian and biographer (" Lives of the Admirals "), d. 1775. — EULER, mathematician, b. 1707, d. 1782 — Benjamin FRANKLIN, ex- perimental philosopher, b. 1706, d. 1790. — BUFFON, naturalist, b. 1707 d. 1788. — HALLER (Swiss), physician, b. 1708, d. 1777. — MENDELS- SOHN, Jewish philosopher, b. 1729. — Bp. WARBURTON (b. 1698. d. 1779) and Soame JENYNS (b. 1704, d. 1786), theological writers.— Bp NEWTON ("Diss, on Prophecy"), b.J704, d. 1782. — Bp. LOWTH, Hebrew critic, b. 1710, d. 1786 — Lord KAMES, critic, b. 1096, d. 1782.— METASTASIO (b. 1698, d. 1782), CHURCHILL (b. 1730, d. 1764), GRAY (b. 1716, d. 1771), GRAINGER (b. 1723, d. 1767), poets. — GESNER (of Zurich) painter and pastoral poet. b. 1730. d. 1788. — Jean Jacques ROUS- SEAU, miscellaneous writer, b. 1712, d. 1778. _ WINCKLEMANN, anti- quarian, b. 1718, assassinated 1768. — D'ANVILLE, geographer, b. 1697, d. 1782. — GOLDONI (Italian), comic dramatist, b. 1707, d. 1793.— GARRICK, the actor, b. 1716, d. 1779— Anthony Raphael MENGS (Bohe- mian), painter, b. 1726, d. 1779.— JOMELLI (b. 1714, d. 1774) and Dr. ARNE (b. 1704, d. 1778), musicians. — Colman the elder publishes his first drama. B. 1733, d. 1794. 1761. Pondicherry is taken hy the English, and also Belle- isle. Family compact of the house of Bourbon con- cluded at Paris by the duke of Choiseul, prime minister. Expedition to explore Arabia sent by the Danish government: Carsten Niebuhr, geographer, o 4 200 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l762— A.C. 1762. Martinico and Havannah are taken by the English, also the Philippine Islands. Death of Elizabeth Petrowna, empress of Russia. Peter III. of the house of Holstein Gottorp succeeds her ; he is dethroned and assassinated, and his consort Catherine II. ascends the throne. Execution of John Galas at Toulouse. Condemnation of " Emile" and its author : Rousseau takes refuge in Neufchatel. — Deaths of Bradley the astronomer, and of Lady Mary Wortley Montague (born 1690J. 1763. PEACE OP PARIS between England, France, and Spain. France gives up to England Canada and all its dependencies. Cape Breton, and several islands in the West Indies. Cuba and Havannah are restored to Spain, and the Spaniards in return cede Florida to the English. Treaty of Hubertsburgh between Russia, Prussia, and the elector of Saxony : it restores the affairs of Germany to the same state in which they had been before the seven years' war. 1764. Stamp Act in North America: commencement of the contest between the American colonies and Great Britain. Expulsion of the Jesuits from France. Election of Stanislaus Poniatowski, last king of Poland: troubles relative to the dissidents or dissenters. Surajah Doiolah, the soubah of Bengal, is defeated at Buxar by Munro. Byron^s voyage round the world and discoveries in the South Seas. Dr. R. Chandler's travels in Asia Minor and Greece (d. 1810).— Dr. Thomas Reid publishes his " Inquiry into the Human Mind." — Hannah More publishes her first tragedy. 1765. JOSEPH II., emperor of Germany. 1766. The American Stamp Act is repealed. Christian VII., king of Denmark. The Jesuits are expelled from Denmark and Bohemia. Mesmer publishes his " Theory of Animal Magnetism." 1767. The colonies in North America cease from importing English goods. The Jesuits are expelled from Spain, Genoa, and Venice. Wallis and Carterefs discoveries in the South Seas : Otaheite discovered by Wallis. —1771.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 201 A.C. Publication of the "Nautical Almanack" commenced by Dr. Maskelyne.— . Carsten Niebuhr publishes his "Travels in Arabia."— Invention of the spinning-wheel by Hargreaves. 1768. Beginning of the war between Russia and Turkey. Genoa sells Corsica to France : Pascal Paoli takes refuge in England. The Jesuits are expelled from Naples, Malta, and Parma. — The " Dissideyits " of Poland are reinstated in their former liberties. James BRUCE (b. 1730, d. 1794) discovers the source of one of the branches of the Nile, called the Blue River. — BOUGAINVILLE'S discoveries in the South Seas Sir Joshua REYNOLDS is elected first president of the Roval Academy of Painting (b. 1723, d. 1792), GAINSBOROUGH and C. VERNET, painters. 1769. The Russians, under Galitzin, defeat the Turks and take Choczim. Pope CLEMENT XIV. (^Francis Laurence Ganganelli). Cook sails to Otaheite (to observe the transit of Venus on June 3.), and makes his first discoveries in the South Seas. James WATT (d. 1819) takes out a patent for improvements in the steam- engine. 1770. The Turkish fleet under Capitan Pacha is destroyed in the narrow bay of Chisme by the Russian Admirals OrlofF and Spiritoff, who brought their fleet round from the Baltic to attack them. — Victories of General Romanzow over the Turks near the Pruth and the Kukuli. Banishment of the French minister Choiseul. Botany Bay discovered hy Captain Cook. Earthquake at St. Domingo. Thomas REID, metaphysician, b. 1709, d. 1796. — Adam SMITH, political eco- nomist, b. 1723, d. 1790. — W. ROBERTSON, historian, b. 1721, d. 1793 LELAND, Thos., historian, b. 1722, d. 1785. — Sir W. BLACKSTONE, jurist, b, 1723, d. 1780 Nevil MASKELYNE, astronomer, b. 1732, d. 1811. — D'ALEMBERT, mathematician and philosopher, b. 1717, d. 1783.— LOGAN, WARTON, WHITEHEAD, GLOVER, LESSING, poets.— GROSE, antiquarian.— BROTIER and MICHAELIS. critics. — Bp. HORNE and Dr. TOWNSON, theologians. — Sir David DALRYMPLE (Lord Hailes), historian and antiquarian. — Thomas SHERIDAN, Richard PRICE rfinancier), and DIDEROT (encyclopedist), miscell. writers — CONDILLAC, metaphysician, d. 1780.— John HOWARD (b. 1726, d. at Cherson, 1790) and Jonas HANWAY, philanthropists,— GLUCK,PICCINI, and MOZART, musicians.— Sir R. Arkwright and Smeaton, mechanicians. Deaths of the poets Akenside and CHATTERTON (aged 18) ; Gray died in 1771 Death of George WHITFIELD, the celebrated preacher, b. 1714. 1771. Louis XV., by an edict, establishes the absolute dominion of the monarchy over the parliament. Gustavus III., king of Sweden. The Russians, under Prince Dolgoruki, force the lines of Perekop and conquer the Crimea. Stanislaus Poniatowski, king of Poland, is carried off by force from Warsaw. 202 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1772— A.C. De Lolme of Geneva publishes his " Constitution of England." 1772. FIRST DISMEMBERMENT OP PO- LAND by Catherine II., Maria Theresa, and Frederic the Great, devolution in Sweden ; the authority of the senate is diminished, and that of the king increased : the constitution is restored to what it was before 1680. — Execution of Count Struensee, prime minister of Sweden, at Copenhagen. 1773. The Order of the Jesuits is suppressed by Clement XIV. Victor Amadeus III., king of Sardinia. Insurrection at Boston in America, — Cook's second voyage and discoveries, 1772 — 5. Alfieri publishes his first tragedy, " Cleopatra." 1774. LOUIS XVL, grandson of Louis XV., succeeds him : Turgot his prime minister. Romanzow crosses the Danube : peace of Kainargi between Russia and Turkey ; the Crimea is declared independent of Turkey. — Abdhul- Achmet, emperor of the Turks. The port of Boston is shut up by the British. — Warren Hastings, first British governor-general of India. — New Caledonia discovered by Cook. Eddystone light-house (the present) completed by Smeaton — Goethe publishes his " Werter. "—Death of Goldsmith. 1775. Beginning of hostilities between England and North America : the American congress gives the com- mand of their army to Washington. Battle of Bunker\9 hill. The Zaparog Cossacks are expelled by Catherine II. of Russia. Pope PIUS VL {Angelo Braschi). R. B. Sheridan publishes his first drama, " The Rivals." 1776. The United States of America declare their inde- pendence {July 4.). They comprised 11 States at first ; South Carolina and Maryland were added 'in 1781. — Washington defeats the English at Trenton on the Delaware. Weishaupt founds the secret order of the Illuminati. Adam Smith publishes his " Wealth of Nations," whence dates the science of political economy Gibbon puVjlishes the 1st vol. of his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," completed in 1788. — Death of Hume, the historian. —1780.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOaY. 203 A.C. 1777. Philadelphia is taken by the English under Howe. Gates, the American general, compels the English under Burgoyne to surrender at Saratoga ( Oct. 16.). — Death of Joseph I., king of Portugal: Maria, his daughter, and Peter III., jointly, succeed. — Death of the Elector Maximilian- Joseph I. of Bavaria ; succeeded by Charles Theodore. — Necker, minister of the finances in France. Death of Haller, Swiss physician and philosopher. 1778. Alliance between France and the United States of America. War between France and England : naval battle of Ushant between Admiral Keppel and U Orvilliers. — The Sandwich Islands discovered by Cook. War of the succession of Bavaria. Foundation of Cherson on the Black Sea by the Russians. Deaths of Voltaire, J. J. Rousseau, Linnteus, and ihe French tragic actor Lekain. 1779. Spain and Holland declare themselves in favour of the United States of America. — Peace of Tes- chen, in Silesia, between Austria and Prussia. SIEGE OP GIBRALTAR by the Spaniards ; it is defended by General Elliot. — Captain Cook is killed at Owyhee. — Great eruption of Vesu- vius. Deaths of the 1st earl of Chatham, Garrick, and Bp. Warburton. 1780. Death of Maria Theresa: her son Joseph II. suc^ ceeds her. War of the English against Hyder Ally, sultan of Mysore. — Admiral Rodney defeats the Spanish fleet near Cape St. Vincent. — Charlestown sur- renders to the British. — Cornwallis defeats the Americans at Camden-town. — Rochambeau is sent to America with 6,000 French soldiers. — JVar between England and Holland. Naval and Military Bible Society established. CONDORCET, natural philosopher, b. 1743, d. 1794. —WARING, Dr. E., mathematician, b. 1735, d. 1798. —LAVOISIER (b. 1743, d. 1794), Dr. PRIESTLEY (b. 1733, d. 1804), Dr. Joseph BLACK (b. 1728, d. 1799), and H. CAVENDISH (b. 1731, d. 1810), chemical philosophers Dr. James HUTTON, geologist, b. 1726, d. 1797.— Dr. PULTENE Y, botanist, b. 1730, d. ISOl.—Edward GIBBON, (b. 1737, d. 1794), Abbe RAYNAL (b. 1718, d. 1796), Robert ORME (b. 1728, d. ISOI), historians — Dr. E. DARWIN, poet and zoologist, b. 1721, d. 1802.-COWPER (b. 1731, d. 1801), MASON, 204 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l781— William (b. 1725, d. 1797), Jas. BEATTIE (b. 1735, d. 1803), KLOPSTOCK (b. 1724, d. 1803), ALFIERl (b. 1749, d. 1803), poets SPALLANZANI, naturalist. — J. ANDERSON, agriculturist. — Dr. TISSOT, physician (Swiss). —LEDYARD, traveller, — Josiah WEDGEWOOD, improver of pottery manufacture Sir W. JONES, poet and orientalist, b. 1746, d. 1795. — BOSWELL, biog. of Dr. Johnson, b. 1740, d. 1795 ZIMMERMAN (" Essay on Solitude "), b. 1728, d. 1795.— Dr. KIPPIS, biographer, b. 1725, d. 1795 Dr. G. CAMPBELL (" Philosophy of Rhetoric"), b. 17i;9. d. 1796. — James M'PHERSON ("Ossian"), b. 1738, d. 1796 Horace WALPOLE (b. 1718, d. 1797), Edmund BURKE (b. 1730, d. 1797), Bp. HURD (b. 1720, d. 1808), Dr. BLAIR (b. 1718, d. 1800), MARMONTEL (b. 1728, d. 1799), LA HARPE (b. 1739, d. 1803), miscellaneous writers.— WRIGHT, COP- LEY, and Angelica KAUFMANN, painters.— BACON, sculptor. 1781. Cornwallis conquers the tivo Carolinas, and advances into Virginia, where he is shut up in Yorktown hy the combined forces of Washington, Rochambeau, and La Fayette, supported hy a French fleet under Count de Grasse, and is obliged to sur- render. — Hyder Ally is defeated by Sir Eyre Coote. W. Herschell discovers the planet Uranus. — Kant publishes his " Critique de Raison pure," and Schiller his first tragedy. 1782. Bombardment of Gibraltar by floating batteries in- vented by D"" Argon. — Rodney defeats Count de Grasse between the islands of Dominica and Sahites ; the French admiral is carried prisoner to London. THE INDEPENDENCE OP THE UNITED STATES is achnowledged by Great Britain. Tippoo Saib succeeds his father Hyder Ally. — Sir Edw, Hughes defeats the French fleet under Suffrein in the East Indies. Dungannon Convention, and declaration of Irish in- dependence. Sunday schools first established by Robert Raikes and Dr. Stock in Gloucester. 1783. Peace of Paris and Versailles, between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America. — William Pitt, second son of Lord Chatham, is made prime minister at 25 years of age, and, tcith only a short interval, retains that office 22 years. — Calonne, minister of the finances of Louis XVI. Catherine of Russia annexes the Crimea to her empire. Great earthquake in Naples and Sicily ; 40,000 lives lost, and the town of Messina nearly destroyed. — The first balloon, constructed in France by MONT- GOLFIER (b. 1745, d. 1799), makes its ascent at Paris. 1784. Peace between Great Britain and Holland. —1789.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 205 A.C. Estdblisliment of the Indian Board of Control, Turkey gives up to Kussia the Crimea and part of Cuban. Colman the younger publishes his first drama.— Death of Samuel Johnson. 1785. Insurrection in Holland: William V., the stadt- holder, is deposed. — Alliance between Austria, France, and Holland. — Yoyage of discovery of La Peyrouse : he is shipwrecked in 1788. Death of Whitehead ; succeeded as poet laureate by Warton. 1786. Death of Frederic the Great; his nephew Frederic William II. succeeds him. Maria I., sole sovereign of Portugal. Marquis of Cornwallis, governor-general of India. — Commercial treaty between England and France, The Sunday School Society is formed. (^See 1782.) The Royal Irish Academy incorporated — Home Tooke publishes his "Diver- sions of Purley." 1787. Warren Hastings is impeached for misdemeanours in the government of India by Sheridan and Burke, the distinguished orators. First assembly of the Notables at Versailles, ac- cording to the plan of M. de Calonne, one of the French ministers. Banishment of Necker : Cardinal de Brienne succeeds him. The Prussians, under the duke of Brunswick, in- vade Holland, and re-establish the stadtholder- ship. Turkey declares war against Russia. De Saussure ascends Mont Blauc. 1788. Brienne is dismissed, and succeeded by Necker. Second assembly of the Notables at Versailles. — Charles IV., king of Spain. Austria joins Bussia against the Turks. Prince Charles Edward dies at Rome. — Botany Bay colonized by the English. — Defensive alliance between England and Holland. Lagrange publishes his " Mecanique Analytique."— The Abbe BARTHELEMY (h. 1715, d. 1795; publishes his " Voyage du Jeunne Anacharsis."— Death of Buflbn (aged 81), and Gesner, poet of Zurich. — Cotton is first planted in Georgia, 1789. The abolition of the Slave Trade is proposed in par- liament by Wilberforce, FRENCH REVOLUTION: States-General at Versailles : National Assembly. — Mirabeau, 206 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l790— A.C. La Fayette, Maury, Syeyes, Talleyrand, Lan- juinais, BaHly, Le due d'Orleans, Eobespierre, &c. — Necker is banished (July 11.). The Bas- tille is taken, and the governor assassinated (July 14.). JSTecker is recalled (July 17.). De- claration of the " Kights of Man : " abolition of the feudal regime. The princes of the blood and chief nobility leave France. Decree for dividing France into 83 departments. Revolution in the Netherlands. Sweden declares war against Russia, and threatens Cronstadt. — Selim III., emperor of the Turks. — The Austrians, under Laudhon, take Bel- grade. Herschell's great telescope erected at Slough, and the 1st and 2Dd satellites of Saturn discovered — Bowles publishes his " Sonnets," and Lavoisier his " Elements of Chemistry." 1790. Wa?^ in India loith Tippoo Saib. Monastic establishments and titles of nobility are suppressed in France. General Confederation at Paris in the Champ de Mars. Introduction of the paper money under the name of " assig- nats." LEOPOLD II., grand duke of Tuscany, succeeds his brother Joseph II. as emperor. Alternate naval victories of the Russians and Swedes in the Baltic. — The Russians under Suwarrow take Ismail (in December) : 30,000 Ottomans are killed and 10,000 taken prisoners. Mutiny of the Bounty ; Captain BliglCs boat-voyage ; the mutineers colonize Pitcairn's Island, Deaths of Franklin the philosopher, of Adam Smith, of Howard the philanthro- pist, and of Warton (succeeded as poet laureate by Henry James Pye) — J. C. F. von SCHILLER, poet and historian, b.l759, d. 1805.— KANT, meta- physician, b. 1724, d. 1804.— HERDER, philosopher and philologer, b. 1744, d. 1803.— LAGRANGE, mathemat.and astron., b.l736,d. 1813.— MESSIER and LALANDE, astronomers.— GALVANI (b. 1737, d. 1798), CAVALLO (b. 1749, d. 1809), nat. philosophers. — AT WOOD, G., mechanician.— LAVATER, physiognomist, b. 1741, d. 1801.— DOLOMIEU, mineralogist. — GMELIN, chemist, — J. Bapt. MUNOZ (Spanish), MALLET, P. H., (Swiss), Von MULLER, Joseph MILNER ("Church Hist."), FER- GUSON (Adam), historians.— MA LONE, critic— GOETHE (b. 1749, d. ISSi), WIELAND (b. 1733, d. 1813), DELILLE (b. 1738, d. 1813), Robert BURNS (b. 1759, d. 1796), Charlotte SMITH, Charles DIBDIN, CUM- BERLAND (dram.), and Arthur MURPHY, poets.— O'KEEFE, comedian. — Gilbert WAKEFIELD and C. J. HEYNE, classical critics. — Home TOOKE, philologist.— General VALLANCY, C. TOWNLEY, BRAND, STRUTT, Jacob BRYANT, antiquarians.— Dr. PALEY (b. 1743, d. 1805), Bp. HORSLEY (b. 1733, d. 1806), and Bp. PORTEUS (b. 1731, d. 1808), theologians — BARRY and OPIE, painters— JULIEN, sculptor.— CIMA- ROSA and ARNOLD, musicians. —1792.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 207 A.C. 1791. Death of Mirabeau. The king of France and his family escape from Paris, but are intercepted at Yarennes. Avignon and Venaissin are annexed to France. Louis XVI. accepts the constitution of 1791, presented to him by the Constituent Assembly. Legislative Assembly. — Convention of Pilnitz between Austria and Prussia in favour of Louis XVI. New Constitution of Poland (May 3.). Revolution in Hayti. — Toussaint I'Ouverture be- comes the leader, and expels the French. Riots at Birmingham, Discoveries of Galvani published. — First steam-engine in Dublin erected by Henry Jiickson. 1792. FRANCIS II., emperor of Germany on the death of his father, Leopold II. Gustavus III., king of Sweden, is assassinated by Ankerstroom ; his son Gustavus IV. succeeds him, under the regency of the duke of Suder- mania. Eussia overturns the new constitution of Poland. — Peace of Jassy between Russia and Turkey; the Dniester is made the frontier. The Russians found Odessa. Earl Macartney is sent on an embassy to China ; he returns in 1794. Seringajmtam is invested hy Lord Cornwallis, and Tijypoo Saih submits. — Sir John Shore, governor- general of India. s France declares war against Austria. The Prus- sians, under the duke of Brunswick, invade France, and take Longwy and Verdun: they are repulsed at Valmy by Kellermann. Savoy is occupied by Montesquiou. Capture of Spires, Worms, and Mayence, by Custine. — Victory of Jemmapes gained by Dumouriez over the Aus- trians. — Insurrection of the suburbs St. Antoine and St. Marceau. Attack on the Tuileries : the Swiss guards are massacred : Massacre of Sep- tember. Third national assembly, called The Convention. Abolition of Royalty. PRANCE IS DECLARED A REPUBLIC 208 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. [l793— A.C. (Sep. 21.). Kobespierre, Danton, St. Just, Col- lot d'Herbois, Tallien, &c. First application of gas to the purpose of illumination, made by Murdoch in Corn- wall.— Dugald Stewart publishes his "Philosophy of the Human Mind." — Deaths of the musician Mozart, of Bp. Home, of Sir Richard Arkwright, the mechanist, of lords Rodney and North, and of Sir Joshua Reynolds (suc- ceeded as president of the Royal Academy by B. West). 1793. LOUIS XVI. IS BEHEADED on the 21st of January, and his consort, Marie Antoinette, on the 15th of October, and the duke of Orleans Nov. 6th. Lyons declares for Louis XVII. (February 28th). — The convention declares war against England, Holland, and Spain. First coalition against France of all Europe (Sweden, Denmark, and Turkey excepted), directed by England. Defeat of Dumouriez (in March) at Neerwinden : he and the duke of Chartres (Louis Philippe) j oin the Austrians. The Austrians take Conde, Valenciennes, &c., and the Prussians Mayence. Erection of the Revolutionary Tribunal, and the Committee of Public Safety. Eeign of Terror under Robespierre. Insurrection of La Vendee under D'Elbee, La- rochejaquelin, Stofflet, Bonchamp, &c. ; the Ven- deans gain the battle of Saumur, &c. — Brissot, and the chiefs of the Girondist party, are guillo- tined. Tyranny of the Mountainists or Jacobins. Marat is assassinated. The Christian era and Christian religion are renounced : the Republican calendar and the worship of " Reason " are sub- stituted. Toulon puts itself under the protection of the English and Spanish fleets under Lord Hood and Don Langara {Aug.). The duke of York is defeated hy Houchard at Hondscote (^Sep.). Lyons is taken by the Republicans (Oct.). Dugommier compels the English to evacuate Toulon {in Dec. ) : Bonaparte distinguished himself under him as an officer of artillery. Second partition of Poland between Russia and Prussia. —1795.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 209 A.C. Massacre of tlie Whites at St. Domingo. The Alien Bill is passed in England {Jan. 4.). Deaths of Charles Bonnet of Geneva, a naturalist, and of the historian Robertson. 1794. The Habeas Corpus Act is suspended {May). Trials of Hardy, Tooke, Thelwell, ^c.^for treason. Battle of Fleurus gained over the prince of Coburg by Jourdan and Marceau (June 26.). General Sherer retakes the fortresses of Landrecies, Conde, and Valenciennes. Kleber takes Maes- tricht (Nov. 4.). Dugommier, victorious in the Pyrenees, is killed near St. Sebastian. Perignon, his successor, takes Figuiere and Rosas. General Moncey victorious in Spanish Navarre. Downfal and execution of Robespierre (July). The French fleet, under Villoret Joyeuse, is defeated off Ushant by Admiral Hoiue (June). — Howe takes possession of Corsica. — Battle of Nimeguen between the French and the English under the duke of York. New revolution in Poland excited by Kosciusko. Battle of Warsaw : the suburb of Prague is taken by Suwarrow. Warsaw capitulates (Nov. 9.): downfal of Polish liberty. — Execution of Hebert, Danton, Camille Desmoulins, Mal- herbes, Lavoisier, Madame Elizabeth Andre Chenier, &c. First meeting of the Church Missionary Society (^Nov. 4»). Paley publishes his " Evidences of Christianity." — Thomas Payne publishes his " Age of Reason."— Deaths of Condorcet, of Lavoisier the chemist, of Gibbon the historian, of Colman the elder, the dramatist, and of James Bruce, the traveller. 1795. Holland is overrun by the French under Pichegru. The " Batavian republic " is established. The stadtholder takes refuge in England. — Belgium is annexed to France. — Lyons is bombarded, laid in ruins, and all its loyal inhabitants massa- cred (May). — The royalists landed at Quiberon are defeated by Hoche (June). — The Convention employs Bonaparte (Oct.) to destroy the " sec- tions " of the Parisians. LOUIS XVII. dies in prison at Paris ( June) : his uncle, then residing at Verona, takes the title oi LOUIS XVIIL 210 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1796— A.C. Executive Directory formed, (Nov. 5.). I Lord Bridport defeats the French fleet at U Orient. The Cape of Good Hope is taken from the Dutch by the British under Craig, Clarke, and Elphinstone; and Ceylon hy General J, Stuart and Commodore Ranier, Great disorders in Ireland. — Battle of the Diamond, in Armagh, and formation of the first Orange lodge, Mr. Hasting^ trial ends in his acquittal, PINAL PAIITITI9N OF POLAND be- tween Russia, Austria, and Prussia. First expedition of Mungo Park into tlie interior of Africa. W. Roscoe publishes his " Life of Lorenzo di Medici."— The Shakspeare forgeries by Ireland are published Deaths of Sir William JONES, of James BOSWELL, and of ZIMMERMAN.— Polytechnic schools established. 1796. The Frencli, under Bonaparte, overrun and plunder the north of Italy. Bonaparte gains the battles of Montenotti (April), Lodi (May), Areola and Rivoli (Nov.), &c. The French generals Mo- reau and Jourdan enter Germany, and are ultimately repulsed by the Archduke Charles. Famous retreat of Moreau to the Rhine. The British evacuate Corsica, which is seized hy the French, Unsuccessful expedition of the French against Ireland under General Hoche. — Death of Henry Flood. Death of Catherine II. : her son, Paul I., succeeds her. Denmark abolishes the slave-trade before any other European nation. Laplace publishes his " Mecanique Celeste." — Invention of Lithography by Alois SENNEFELDER Hahnemann announces the principle of Homoe- opathy Discovery of VACCINATION by Dr. JENNER, an Englishman (b. 1749, d. 1823) : the cure became general in 1799 Deaths of Robert Burns, the poet, and of Dr. T. Reid. 1797. Mutiny of the British fleets at Portsmouth and the Nore. — The Scots'" Militia Bill is passed. — Sir John Jervis {afterwards Earl St. Vincent) defeats the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent. Nelson distinguishes himself in this engagement. — The Dutch fleet near Camperdown is defeated by Admiral Duncan, — 1798. J COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 211 A.C. Admiral Hervey captures the island of Trinidad. Bass's Straits discovered hy Surgeon Bass of the *' Reliance.''^ Mantua surrenders to tlie French (Feb.), and Yenice is occupied (May). Peace of Campo Formio : the Emperor Francis 11. gives up to the French Belgium and Lombardy, and receives for himself the whole territory of the republic of Yenice. Death of Frederic William II., king of Prussia : his son Frederic William III. succeeds him. Formation of the Cisalpine republic, and of the Ligurian republic of Genoa. Feth- Ally-Khan, shah of Persia. John Adams, president of the United States. Lacroix publishes his "Differential and integral Calculus." — Stereotyping is said to have been invented by Ambrose Didot of Paris ; others ascribe it to Mr. Tilloch : it is said to have been suggested by W. Ged of Edinburgh in 1735 Deaths of Edmund Burke, Horace Walpole, and Joseph Milner, the historian, 1 798. Second coalition against France, of England, Eussia, Naples, Sicily, Turkey, and Austria. Prussia, Holland, and Belgium are neutral. The papal government is suppressed by the French : the pope, Pius YL, quits Rome (Feb. 26.), and is carried prisoner to France, where he dies next year. — Pome is captured by the king of Naples, but soon recovered by the French. REBELLION IN IRELAND : it is finally suppressed by Marquis Cormoallis, lord lieutenant. — Unsuccessful expedition of the French against Ireland ; Humbert, their general, lands at Killala, and surrenders after the battle of Ballinamuck. Expedition of the French into Egypt under General Bonaparte and Admiral Brueys. They take Malta from the knights, defeat the Turks at the Pyramids, and enter Cairo. BATTLE OP THE NILE GAINED BY LORD NELSON over the French: Admiral Brueys is hilled {August 1.). — General Stuart takes Minorca. Marquis of Wellesley, governor-general of India. P 2 212 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1799— A,C. The Swiss are finally defeated, and their inde- pendence abolished (Sep.). The king of Sardinia gives up Piedmont to France, and retires to Cagliari. Deaths of Dr. Edward Waring, mathematician, and of Galvani. 1799. Union with Ireland proposed in the British parlia- ment and rejected hy the Commons of Ireland. Seringapatam is taken by General Harris and Sir David Baird ; Tippoo Saib, sultan of Mysore, is defeated and killed by the English; the entire peninsula of India is subjected to their authority. Expedition of Bonaparte in Syria : capture of Gaza and Jaffa. Bonaparte is obliged to raise the siege of Acre by the exertions of Sir Sydney Smith; he returns to France, after defeating a Turkish force at Aboukir. Lucien Bonaparte, president of the council of the Five Hundred. Abolition of the Directory, and of the Constitution of the Year III. Bonaparte, Cambaceres, and Lebrun are named consuls (Dec). BONAPARTE FIRST CONSUL OP THE REPUBLIC. Brilliant success of the Russian general Suwarrow : he recovers from the French the north of Italy. — Massena defeats Korsakoff at Zurich. Maximilian- Joseph II., elector of Bavaria. The British troops (under Abercrombie at first, then under the duke of York^ are defeated by General Brune, and compelled to evacuate Holland. — The English take Surinam from the Dutch. Death of Washington. Death of Pope Pius VI. in captivity at Valence (Aug."). — Dr. Carey establishes the Baptist mission at Serampore. Campbell publishes his " Pleasures of Hope." — Humboldt's " Travels in Ame- rica," to 1804 Dr. Clarke's " Travels in Greece and Asia," to 1802. 1800. UNION OP IRELAND AND GREAT BRITAIN under the same parliament. The emperor of Russia recalls his troops from Italy. — Bonaparte crosses the Alps and takes Milan. BATTLE OP MARENGO; in which Bona- -1801.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 213 ^.c. parte defeats the Austrians (June 14.) : they re- th-e beyond the Mincio. — Bonaparte at Paris (July) : explosion of the infernal machine (Dec. 24.). Battle of Hohenlinden (Dec. 3.), gained by Moreau over the archduke. Battle of Heliopolis gained by Kleber, who is assassinated at Cairo. Malta is taken hy the English. Pope PIUS VII. {Barnabas Chiaramonti). Death of the poet Cowper— Sir William HERSCHELL, astronomer, b. 1738, d. 1822.— LA PLACE (b. 1749, d. 1827), and DELAMBRE (b. 1749, d. 1822), mathematicians and astronomers — BODE, astronomer, b. 1747, d. 1827. — H. ANDREWS, astronomer. — MONGE, inventor of Descriptive Geometry, b. 1746, d. 1818. —John PLAYFAIR, mathematician and geologist, b. 1749, d. 1819— LACROIX, and Charles BUTTON, mathematicians Dugald STEWART, metaphysician, b. 1753. d. 1828.— Bishop WATSON, (" Apol. for Bible," b. 1737, d. 1816), and Robert HALL, (b. 1764, d. 1831), divines. — Gi-anville SHARP, critic ar,d philanthropist — Richard PORSON, clas- sical critic, b. 1759, d. 1808 Joseph WHITE, orientalist.— Dr. John LEY- DEN, poet and linguist LANGLES, orientalist.— W. BELSHAM, his- torian and essayist, b. 1752, d. 1827. — W. MITFORD, " Hist, of Greece," b. 1734, d. 1827 A. F. TYTLER (lord Woodhouselee), historian, b. 1747, d. 1813— VOLNEY, historian and traveller, b. 1755, d. 1820.— J. P. CURRAN, (b. 1750,d. 1817), H. GRATTAN (b. 1750, d. 1820), and Richard Brinsley SHERIDAN (dramatist, b. 1751, d. 1816), distinguished orators Jas. GRAHAME, and W. HAYLEY, poets— HOLCROFT, IFFLAND (German), COLMAN, jun., Mrs. INCHBALD, dramatists. — Hannah MORE, Countess de GENLIS, Madame COTTIN, Baroness DE STALL, Mrs. RADCLIFFE, H. MACKENZIE, novelists, &c Mrs. BARBAULD, and Bernardin de ST. PIERRE, miscellaneous writers — Arthur YOUNG, agriculturist — Sir Joseph BANKS, naturalist," b. 1743, d. 1820. — George SHAW,naturalist.—SONNIN I, traveller and naturalist.— WILLDENOW, botanist. —WERNER, mineralogist. —Major RENNELL, geographer.— DENON, antiquarian.-Dr.R. ANDERSON, biographer— Dr. E. CART- WRIGHT, inventor of weaving machines.— Dr. C. BURNEY (" Hist, of Music "), b. 1726, d. 1814.— Joseph HAYDN (h. 1732, d. 1809), BEETH- OVEN (b. 1770, d. 1827), CHERUBINI (b. 1760, d. 1842), PAISIELLO, and CORRL musicians — Benjamin WEST, NORTHCOTE, STOT- HARD, T. MORLAND, DAVID, and FUSELI, painters. — CANOVA and NOLLEKENS, sculptors.— J. P. KEMBLE, TALMA, Mrs. SID- DONS, actors. 1801. 1801. First meeting of the imperial parliament of Great Britain and Ireland. — Pitt resigns, after having been prime minister 18 years: Addington succeeds him. — Battle of Alejcandria gained over Me-nou hy the English under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, ivho is hilled : the French capitulate to General Hut- chinson, and are sent back to France. Battle of Copenhagen : the Danish fleet is taken and destroyed by Nelson (April 3.). Peace of Luneville between France and Germany 214 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l802— A.C, (Feb.) : France obtains all the left bank of tlie Ilhine. The Emperor Paul of Eussia is dethroned and put to death : his son Alexander I. succeeds him. JeiFerson, president of the United States. The planet Ceres discovered by Piazzi Death of Lavater. 1802. Peace of Amiens between England, France, Hol- land, and Spain. — The Cape of Good Hope re- stored to the Dutch. — Peace between France and Turkey. The Roman Catholic religion is re-established in France by the Concordat. — Bonaparte is elected chief consul for 10 years, and afterwards for life. — Institution of the Legion of Honour. Toussaint I'Ouverture is taken by the French at Hayti. The prince of Orange renounces the office of stadt™ holder. The planet Pallas discovered by Olbers. — The " Edinburgh Review " com- menced by Francis Jeffrey and others. 1803. Execution of Colonel Despard for high treason. Fresh hostilities hetiveen France and England. — The French under Alortier seize Hanover, General Arthur Wellesley {afterwards duke of Wel- lington) enters the Mahratta states BATTLE OF ASSAYE, in which Wellesley defeats the forces of Scindia, ivhich were ten times greater than his oivn. — The Great Mogul puts himself under the protection of General Lake. France sells Louisiana to the United States. Evacuation of St. Domingo by the French : Roch- ambeau capitulates to Dessalines, but is obliged to surrender to Admiral Duckworth. St. Do- mingo becomes an independent state under the ancient name of Hayti. Act of Mediation by Bonaparte in Switzerland: 19 cantons are formed. St. Lucia, Tohago, Demerara, §'c., are taken by the English. Insurrection in Dublin headed by Robert Emmet, in which Lord Kihvarden is killed. —1805.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 215 A.C. Phrenology is invented by Dr. Gall Congreve rockets are invented by Sir W. Congreve — The percussion principle for fire-arms is discovered by Alex. J. Forsyth, d. 1843 — Deaths of Klopstock, Herder, Alfieri, La Harpe, and Beattie. 1804. Conspiracy of Pichegru, Cadoudal, and Moreau, against Bonaparte (Feb.). Pichegru is strangled in prison ; Moreau retires to America. — The Duke D'Enghien is shot by order of Bonaparte, (21 March). NAPOLEON IS PHOCLAIMED EM- PEHOR OF THE FRENCH (May 18.) ; the pope assists at his coronation at Paris (Dec. 2.). — Fouche, minister of police. — Death of M. Necker, at Copet, in Switzerland. Francis II., of Germany, takes the title of Francis I., emperor of Austria. — Insurrection of the Servians against the Porte headed by Czerni George. Dessalines, emperor of Hayti, as James I. Pitt is reappointed 'prime minister, — The English take possession of Surinam. — War with Spain. Establishment of the British and Foreign Bible Society/ (^March 7.)« The planet Juno is discovered by Harding.— Deaths of Dr. Priestley, and Kant, philosophers, and of Bryant, antiquarian. 1805. Napoleon assumes the title of king of Italy. — Third coalition against France, consisting of Great Britain, Russia, Austria, and Sweden. — Battle of Elchingen gained by Ney. — The Austrian general Mack, with 25,000 men, surrenders to the French at Ulm. NAPOLEON DEFEATS THE AUSTRI- ANS AND RUSSIANS AT AUSTSR- LITZ (Dec. 2.). — Peace of Presburg between France and Austria : Austria cedes Venice, the Tyrol, &c. Maximilian-Joseph II., elector of Bavaria, takes the title of king, as does also the elector of Wirtemburg. — New Batavian constitution : Schimmelpennink, grand pensionary. The camp at Boulogne, destined for the invasion of England, is broken up. LORD NELSON DEFEATS THE FLEETS OF FRANCS AND SPAIN AT TRAFALGAR {Oct. 21.), takes 20 sail, P 4 216 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1806— A.C. and is killed in the engagement. — Sir Richard Strachan captures 4 more of the combined jieet at Ferrol. Mungo Park makes a second journey into Africa, and is killed at Boussa. — Deaths of Schiller and Paley. 1806. Joseph Bonaparte is made king of the Two Sicilies (March). — Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland. — Confederation of the Rhine : dissolution of the Germanic empire. — Fourth coalition against France, consisting of England, Russia, Prussia, Saxony, and Sweden.— THE PRUSBIAMS AHE DEFEATED BY HAPOLEON AT JENA (Oct. 14.) : Napoleon in person de- feats Prince Hohenlohe, and Davoust defeats the duke of Brunswick on the same day at Auer- stadt. — The different Prussian armies and fort- resses successively capitulate. — Hanover, which had been occupied by the Prussians^ is occupied by the French. — Mortier occupies Hamburgh. — Murat enters Warsaw. Indecisive battle of Pultusk between Napoleon and the Russians (Dec. 26.). Death of William Pitt {Jan. 23.); Lord Grenville, prime minister. — Napoleon excludes all British manufacturers from the Continent by the decree of Berlin {Nov. 21.), and commands all British sub- jects to be seized and all British property to be confiscated. — Sir John Stuart defeats the French under Regnier at Maida in Calabria {July). — The Cape of Good Hope is taken by Sir David Baird and Sir H. Popham. {See 1802). — Buenos Ayres is taken by General Beresford and Sir H. Popham, but is soon after retaken by the Spaniards. — Deaths of Charles James Fox {Sept. 13.), Earl Macartney, and Lord Thurloio. The Ottoman Porte declares war against Russia. Murder ofDessalines; emperor of Hayti: Christophe succeeds him. Deaths of Bishop Horsley, Charlotte Smith, Henry Klrke White (aged 21), and Barry the painter. 1807. Napoleon defeats the Russians and Prussians at Eylau (Feb.), and at Friedland (June). — Dantzic —1808.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 217 A.C. is taken by Lefebvre (May). — Peace op Tilsit (June) between France, Russia, and Prussia. — Formation of the duchy of Warsaw in favour of the king of Saxony. Napoleo7i, by the decree of Milan (Dec, 17.), prohibits all communication between Great Britain and the continent. Copenhagen is bombarded, and the Danish fleet sur- rendered to the British under General Lord Cath- cart and Admiral Lord Gambier (Sept. 7.). — The British fleet under Admiral Duckivorth passes the Dardanelles and threatens Constantinople. — General Auchmuty takes Monte Video. — General Whitelocli is defeated at Buenos Ayres. The British troops under General Fraser take Alex- andria, but soon evacuate Egypt. THE SLAVE-TRADE IS ABOLISHED BY THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT.— The duke of Portland, prime minister. — Lord Minto, governor-general of India. — Death of the cardinal of York, the last descendant of the Stuarts, born in 1725. The partition of Portugal is projected by Napoleon. — Junot advances upon Lisbon. • — The prince regent and royal family withdraw to Brazil (Nov. 29.). The French occupy Portugal. Revolution at Constantinople : Selim III. is de- joosed by the Janissaries, and his nephew Mus- tapha IV. succeeds him. The Russian fleet defeats that of the Turks at Lemnos. Partition of Hayti : Petion is elected president of one part of the island at Port-au-Prince. The first steam-vessel is started by Fulton on the Hudson river in America Gas-lamps first used in London, introduced by F. A. Winsor.— Lord Byron publishes his "Hours of Idleness." — The planet Vesta is discovered by Gibers. Deaths of Lalande, G. Attwood, and Opie the painter. 1808. The French invade Spain: Murat enters Madrid: Charles IV. abdicates in favour of his son Fer- dinand VII., who is dethroned by Napoleon, and imprisoned with his brothers in the castle of Valencay. — Joseph Bonaparte is made king of 218 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l809— A.C. Spain (June) : Murat succeds him as king of Naples, — Gallant defence of Saragossa by Pa- lafox, wlio repulses the French. — Battle of Baylen (July 20.) : Dupont, with 14,000 French troops, surrenders to Castanos. — Joseph Bona- parte abandons Madrid, and retires to Burgos (Aug. 1.). The Portuguese arm against the French, and solicit aid from Great Britain. Battle of Vimeira : Sir A. Wellesley defeats the Frejich under Junot. — Convention of Cintra: the French evacuate Portugal. — The Russian fleet in the Tagus surrenders to Sir Charles Cottoji. Conference at Erfurth between the Emperors Alex- ander and Napoleon (Sep. 27.). — Napoleon enters Spain (Nov.). Russia and Denmark make war upon Sweden. Russia conquers Finland. — Frederic VL, king of Denmark. The Sultan Mustapha is deposed, and Mahomet VI. succeeds him. Deaths of Bp. Hurd, Madame Cottin, Home the dramatist, Porson, and Angelica Kaufmann. 1809. Retreat of Sir Johyi Moore from the interior of Spain: battle of Corunna (Jan. 16.), in which the French under Soult are repulsed^ and Sir John Moore hilled. — The British forces re-emhark for England. Spencer Perceval^ prime minister. Fifth coalition against France, of England, Austria, Spain, and Portugal. — The Austrians under the Archduke Charles are defeated by Napoleon at Eckmuhl and Ratisbon. — Vienna surrenders (May 13.). — Napoleon crosses the Danube : battles of Aspern and Esslingen, where he is repulsed by the Archduke. — MAPOLEON DEFEATS THE AUSTRIANS AT WAGRAM (July 6. and 7.).— Armistice of Znaym. — Peace of Schoenbrunn (Oct. 14.). Saragossa surrenders to the French under Lannes (Feb. 19.). Passage of the Douro at Oporto hy Sir A, Wellesley, —1810.] COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. 219 A.C. and retreat of Soult into Gallicia. — Battle of Talavera {July 27.), in which the French, under Jourdan, Victor, and Sebastiani, are defeated hy Sir A. Wellesley, icho is in consequence created Viscount Wellington. Expedition under the earl of Chatham and Sir Richard Strachan to the island of Walcheren. — - Flushing is taken, hut is soon after abandoned, and the island of Walcheren evacuated after the troops had suffered much from disease {Nov. 24.). The French fleet in the Basque Roads is destroyed by Lords Gambier and Cochrane, and that in the hay of Rosas by Lord Collingwood. — Lord CoU lingwood and General Oswald take possession of the Ionian Islands. — Cayenne and French Guiana, Martinico, and Senegal, are taken by the British. — A Russian flotilla in the Baltic is cap- tured by Sir James Saumarez. The 50th anniversary of George III.^s reign is cele- brated as a jitbilee ( Oct. 25.). Gustavus TV., king of Sweden, abdicates the crown : his uncle the duke of Sudermania succeeds him as Charles XIII. — Finland is ceded to Russia (Sep. 17.). The states of the pope are annexed to France. Pius VII. excommunicates Bonaparte, and is detained a prisoner at Savona. James Madison, president of the United States. The " Quarterly Review " is commenced : Wra. Gifford, editor.— Deaths of Bp. Porteus, and Hadyn the composer. 1810. Napoleon divorces the Empress Josephine (Jan. 16.), and marries the Archduchess Maria Louisa of Austria (Ap. 1.). Louis Bonaparte abdicates the throne of Holland (July 3.). — Holland, Hamburgh, Bremen, Lubec, Oldenburg, and parts of Westphalia and Berg, are annexed to France. — Hanover is annexed to the kingdom of Westphalia. — Napoleon orders all British merchandize on the continent to be burned. Death of the crown prince of Sweden : Bernadotte is adopted by Charles XIII. as his son and sue- 220 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1811— A.C. cessor, and proclaimed (Nov. 5.). — Sweden de- clares ivar against Great Britain, Soult conquers all Andalusia except Cadiz, which baffles the attempts of Victor. — Ciudad Roderigo and Almeida are taken by the French. — Massena invades Portugal : Wellington retires to the lines of Torres Vedras, having defeated the French in the battle of Busaco {Sep. 27.). — First meeting of the cortes in Spain since the usurpation of Bona- parte (Sep. 28.). — Revolt of the Spanish colonies in South America : republic of Venezuela. Guadalowpe, the last of the French West India islands, surrenders to General Beckwith and Ad- miral Cochrane, — The islands of Bourhon and the Mauritius are taken by an expedition sent from India by Lord Minto. — Death of the Princess Amelia and of Lord Collingioood. The Russians conquer from the Turks all the right bank of the Danube. Foundation of the university of Berlin The polarization of light is discovered byMALUS,ofPans,b. 1775, d. 1812— HEGEL, philosopher.b. 1770, d. 1831. — Dr. Thomas BROWN, metaphysician, b. 1777, d. 1820 CARNOT (b. 1753, d. 1823) and LEGENDRE (d. 1832), mathematicians. — PIAZZI (b. 1746, d. 1826) and Dr. S. Vince, astronomers. — Sir John LESLIE (b. 17C6, d. 1832), mathematician and natural philosopher.— Dr. WOLLAS- TON (b. 1766, d. 1828) and VOLTA (b. 1745, d. 1826), natural philosophers. — F. A. WINSOR, introducer of gas lights. — John RENNIE, engineer.-. JACQUARD, mechanist — HAUY, mineralogist. — THORNTON, bo- tanist. B. G. NIEBUHR (b. 1776, d. 1831), Wm. ROSCOE (d. 1831), Archdeacon COXE, Sir Richard MUSGRAVE, Malcolm LAING, Sir N. W. WRAX- ALL, DARU, and T. MAURICE, historians. — Dr. R. MORRISON, Chinese scholar and missionary, d. 1834. — Dr. William MAGEE, b. 1765 ("Dissert, on Atonement" in 1809), d. 1831.— Dr. Thomas Fanshaw MID- DLETON, biblical critic, b. 1769, d. 1831.— Rev. Thomas SCOTT (b. 1747, d. 1821) and Dr. Adam CLARKE (b. 1762, d. 1832), scripture commentators. — SirW. GELL, Claudius J. RICH, and Sir W. DRUMMOND, archse- ologists.- BURCKHARDT and Dr. Edward CLARKE, travellers.— MALTE BRUN, geographer — BLOOMFIELD, CRABBE, and Vincenzo RIONTL poets — Wm. GIFFORD, poet and critic, d. 1826. — Ugo FOS- COLO, Italian dramatist. &c.— Rev. R. C. MATURIN, M. G. LEWIS, the German LAFONTAINE, Mrs. BRUNTON, and Miss EDGEWORTH, novelists.— Sir Egerton BRYDGES, miscell. writer. — Sir Samuel RO- MILLY, distinguished lawyer— Drs. ABERNETHY and WILLIS, phy- sicians — Edward BIRD, painter. — FLAXMAN, sculptor. Deaths of Dr. Chandler and Dr. Maskelyne. 1811. Suchet takes Tortosa by capitulation (Jan. 1.), Tarragona (June 28.) and Montserrat (Aug. 19.) by force ; gains a victory over the Spanish general, Blake, at Murviedro (the ancient Sa- guntum) ; and conquers the province of Va- lencia. Massena retreats from Torres Vedras. — Badajos —1812.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 221 surrenders to the French {March 11.) : Lord Wel- lington attempts to besiege it ; SouU advances to its relief, and is defeated hy General Beresford at Alhuera {May 16.). — Massena is defeated at Fu- entes d^ Honor e, and is succeeded hy Marmont. — The siege of Badajos is abandoned, — The French under Victor are defeated by General Graham at Barrosa {March 6.). The regency of England is entrusted to the prince of Wales {in Feb.) during the temporary derangement of George III, — A Danish force of nearly 4000 men attacks the island of Anhalt, and is repulsed hy 150 British under Captain Maurice {March 27.). — A brilliant comet visible in England {Sep. 1.). — Biots at Nottingham by weavers, who destroy several articles of machinery. Birth of Napoleon's son (March 20.), whom he styles king of Rome. A Turkish army capitulates to KutusofF. — Massacre of 1600 Mamelukes in Cairo by order of Me- hemetAli (Mar. 1.). — Feudal rights are abolished in Spain. — Eruption of a volcano in the sea off the island of St. Michael. — Conflagrations in the Tyrol, by which 64 villages are destroyed. Deaths of James Grahame, the poet ; Pallas, the traveller ; Robert Raikes, founder of Sunday schools j and Dr. Leyden, poet and linguist. 1812. Ciudad Bodrigo is stormed (Jan. 19.) by Lord Wel- lington {who is created duke of Ciudad Bodrigo); and Badajos {Ap. 6.). — Sir Stapleton Cotton defeats the French cavalry at Villa Franca {Ap. 10.). Battle of Salamanca gained by Wellington {July 22.) ; he enters Madrid {Aug. 12.), but is compelled to raise the siege of Burgos {in Oct.), and retire to the frontiers of Portugal. Spencer Perceval {prime minister) is assassinated in the House of Commons by Bellingham {May 11.) : Lord Liverpool succeeds him. The United States declare tear against Great Britain {June 18.). Peace of Bucharest between the Eussians and the 222 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l813— Turks (May 28.). — The Pruth is made the common boundary, Bessarabia being ceded to Eussia. — War is declared by Napoleon against Eussia (June 12.). — Battles of Smolensko (Aug. 17.), and of Moskwa or Borodino (Sep. 17.), lost by the Eussians. NAPOLEON ENTERS MOSCOW ; THE RUSSIANS SET IT ON FIRE the same day (Sep. 14.). — Eetreat of the French army : passage of the Beresina, in which they lose 20,000 men (Nov. 26-28.). — Napoleon reaches Paris (Dec. 18.). Earthquake at Caraccas. — Dreadful eruption of a volcano at St. Vincent. Lord Byron publishes the first two cantos of " Childe Harold."— Niebuhr pub- lishes his " Roman History," 1811-2. Deaths of Heyne the classical scholar, opponent of Wolfe ; Home Tooke, phi- lologist; General Vallancey, Irish antiquarian; Malone, critic; Malus, experimental philosopher. 1813. Sixth great coalition against France, of Great Britain, Eussia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden. — Battles of Lutzen (May 2.) and Bautzen (May 21.) gained by Napoleon. — Battle of Dres- den (Aug. 26. and 27.) gained by Napoleon, in which Moreau is mortally wounded. BATTLE 0¥ LEIPSIC (Oct. 18. and 19.), in which the Austrians, Eussians, and Prussians defeat Napoleon, w^ho escapes to Mayence. Eevolution in Holland : the French evacuate it, and the prince of Orange is restored (Dec. 1.). Suchet compels Sir John Murray to abandon the siege of Tarragona. BATTLE Q¥ YITTO'RIA {June 2\.\ in ivhich Jourdan is totally defeated by Lord Wellington, who is thence made a field-marshal : he defeats Soult at the Pyrenees {July 2d>.). —Capture of St. Sebastian by General Graham {Aug. 31.). Passage of the Bidassoa {Oct. 17.).— Pampeliina capitulates {Oct. 31.). — Battle of the Nivelle {Nov. 10.), where Soult is defeated. Lord Hastings, governor-general of India, The Spanish cortes abolish the Inquisition in Spain. Moore publishes his " Melodies : " they are set to music by Sir John Stevensoii. —Deaths of H. J. Pye, poet laureate (succeeded by Southey) ; of Wieland, Delille, Granville Sharp, and Lagrange. —1814.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 223 A.C. 1814. France is invaded on the south hy Wellington ^ ivho defeats Soult at Orthes {Feb. 27.). — The duke of Augouleme joins him : Bordeaux opens its gates to him, and proclaims Louis XVIII. — Wellington defeats Soult at Tarbes {Mar. 20.) a7id at Tou- louse {Ap. 10.). — General Graham fails in an attempt to storm Berg en-op- Zoom. The allied armies of Kussia and Germany invade France on tlie north : Paris is occupied by the Russians and Prussians (Mar. 31.). — Napoleon is deposed (Ap. 3.)^ and his dynasty declared at an end : he retires to Elba (Ap. 28.). RESTORATION OF THE BOURBON DYNASTY.— Treaty of Paris : the boundaries of France are reduced to what they were on 1st of January, 1792. — Great Britain restores the French colonies, retaining Malta, Tobago, St. Lucia, and the Mauritius. — Louis XVIII. gives the French the constitutional charta. The Congress of Vienna opened (Nov. 3.). — Belgium is reunited to Holland, and the prince of Orange is styled king of the Netherlands. — Hanover is declared a kingdom. — Tuscany, which had been occupied by Murat, is restored to Ferdinand III. — Nice and Genoa are given to the king of Sardinia. — Parma and Placentia are given to Maria Louisa. — The duchy of Saxony is ceded to Prussia. Sweden acquires Norway in exchange for Pome- rania, &c., by the treaty of Kiel. — Ferdinand VII. of Spain sets aside the constitution of the COrteS, and revives the Inquisition. The republic of the Ionian islands is placed under the protection of Great Britain. — The United States malie an unsuccessful attempt to reduce Canada. — The British under General Ross gain the battle of Bladensburg and take Washington {Aug. 24.). — General Ross is defeated and killed in an attack on Baltimore {Sep. 12.). — Peace of Ghent {Dec. 24.), between Britain and the United States, 224 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l815— A.C. Pope Pius VII. re-establishes the Order of Jesuits. — Death of Joanna Southcote the impostor. Wordsworth publishes his " Excursion." — Deaths of Dr, Barney, and of Charles Dibdin, fanaous for his naval songs. 1815. Battle of New Orleans: the English are repulsed by the Americans under Jackson, Jan. 8. Napoleon quits Elba, lands at Cannes (Mar. 1.), and re-ascends the imperial throne (Mar. 20.). — Coalition of Vienna (Mar. 25.). — Napoleon passes the Sambre, and defeats the Prussians at Ligny (June 16.). — The same day Ney at- tacks the English, &c., at Quatre Bras, where the duke of Brunswick is killed. BATTLE OF WATEHLOO {June 18.) : Na- poleon is completely defeated by the British, Hano- verians, 8fc., under Wellington, assisted by the Prussians under Blucher. — The allied armies (July 7.) and Louis XVIII. (July 8.) enter Paris for the second time. — Napoleon surrenders to the British at Rochefort (July 15.), and is exiled to St. Helena. — Executions of Ney and Labeydoyere : escape of Lavalette. — Ministry of Talleyrand ; then of Eichelieu. — Treaty between France and the Allies (Nov. 20.) : the north of France to be occupied by 150,000 of the allied troops for 5 years. — " Holy Alliance" between Russia, Prussia, and Austria (Sep. 26.). Joachim Murat, king of Naples, is defeated by the Austrians at Tolentino (May 2.) : Ferdinand IV. enters Naples (June) : Murat makes a descent at Pizzo (Oct. 9.), is taken prisoner, tried, and shot. The Congress of Vienna acknowledges the inde- pendence and neutrality of Switzerland, com- prising 22 cantons. — The Lombardo -Venetian kingdom is given to Austria. — The duchy of Warsaw, under the name of the kingdom of Poland, is given to E-ussia, with the exception of Cracow. — New Germanic confederation (June 8.). — Swedish Pomerania is given to Prussia, and Denmark receives instead the duchy of Lauenburg. BELZONI sets out on his travels to Egypt.— Deaths of Carsten Niebuhr, the —1818.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 225 A.C. CopS' VaiSer^' ^''"''"*' ^^""^'^^P^^' i Dr. Claudius Buchanan ; and J. S. 1816. The Princess Charlotte is married to Prince Leopold of Saxe Cohurg— Spa-Fields' riot, by the distressed manufacturers. Lord Exmouth bombards Algiers. The storthing abolishes nobility in Norway. — New Germanic confederation finally arranged.-— Maria, queen of Portugal, dies in Brazil : John VI., her son, succeeds her. The united provinces of La Plata assert their in- dependence. The Jesuits are expelled from Prussia. ^ Pius VII. issues a hull against Bible Societies. ^^^nH^hi?^^^^^' 'netaphysician.-Sir James MACKINTOSH, statesman safetf lamn't' Sr'^T * YonvrP'r^ P^X^' 'Chemist, inventor ofX Wm CORRFTT '--f-'r '^"^ ?/^ ^^c^^«' ^"^^"^ ^"^ ph.ranthropt.t.1: Dr ril MRsTr ' Pol'''cal writer. -Sir John MALCOLM (Persia) and JUr. GILLIES (Greece, &c.), historians.- Fred, von SCHLEGEL, historian of literature and Augustus W. von SCHLEGEL. poet, phill^ and S?r w"" srnTT'^nT^;^J.?T'?^i'^EY, Jas. HOGG, Reg^naM HEBER. air W. SCOTT, Robert SOUTHEY Wrr WORHSWORTH Th-^o CAMPBELL, Lord BYRON, Thos.' Mod^^lY^^^fl^l^-^' novelist Dr. NARES, critic. - Dr. CHANNING, Sir R. PHILLIPS KhmmmVov'^^'^^^^^^'^,'- '^''' S^^^' ^ilcei: writers. -rS BELI^JIl H AAm V^'n^'^" rehg.on.-PESTALOZZI, LANCASTER. ai^i^L,, and HAMILTON, founders of systems of education M'ADAM r.fRi^Ktrj!TSisrh"^ 1817. The marquis of Hastings destroys the Mahratta power, and renders British influence universal in India.— Death of the Princess Charlotte, aged 22. — Habeas Corpus Act suspended {Feb. 21.). Waterloo bridge opened {June 18.). General Bolivar, supreme head of the government of Venezuela.— James Monroe, president of the United States. —Death of Kosciusko. — Czerni George is executed by order of the Sultan. Moore publishes his " Lai la Rookh."- Deaths of Werner, the mineralogist- JiTnyrStilU^i^f''^''^"^''' ^^^'^^"le de Stael, the novelist; and of Heinrich 1818. The dukes of Clarence, Kent, and Cambridge, and the Princess Elizabeth, are married. — Death of Queen Charlotte. Voyages of Buchan and Ross in search of an Arctic passage. The army of occupation is withdrawn from France. Q 226 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l819— A.C. — France joins the Holy Alliance. —Death of Charles XIII., king of Sweden : Bernadotte, under the name of Charles XIV., succeeds him. Chili is declared independent of Spain : victory of General San Martin over the Spaniards near Maypo. Death of Petion, president of the republic of Hayti : he is succeeded by General Boyer. Heunion of the Lutheran and other reformed forms of worship in several parts of Germany. Deaths of Monge, and of Burckhardt the traveller. 1819. Birth of Princess Victoria {May 24.), daughter of Edward duke of Kent^ Ath son of George III. Dispersion of the Manchester reform meeting {Aug. 16.). Southwark bridge opened. New South Shetland discovered. — First voyage of Captain Parry to the Arctic Seas ; Barrow's Straits discovered. — First passage of the Atlantic by steam effected by the " Savannah " from New York to Liverpool. Union of the republics of Venezuela and New Granada under the name of the Bepublic of Columbia. Death of Blucher. — Kotzebue the poet is assassinated at Mannheim by Sand Death of Jas. Watt, improver of the steam-engine ; of M. Laing, Playifair, Edw. Bird, and of Dr. Wolcot (" Peter Pindar"). 1820. ^RtOtgC lU., king of Great Britain on the death of his father George III., in the 59th year of his reign. — Cato Street conspiracy in London. Revolution in Spain by the army intended for America : Ferdinand VII. swears to the con- stitution of 1812 : abolition of the Inquisition. — Revo- lution in Portugal : proclamation of the consti- tution of the cortes at Oporto and Lisbon. Assassination of the duke of Berri. — Birth of the duke of Bordeaux. Insurrections in Naples and Piedmont suppressed by Austria : general desire for liberty throughout Italy. Suicide of Christophe (see 1806) : Boyer becomes ruler of the whole island of Hayti. — 1S23.J CO^MrEKDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 227 A.C. Deaths of H. Andrews, astronomer ; Sir Joseph Bunks ; Hayley, W. ; Dr. T. Brown ; Benj. West ; and Volney. — Sir T. Laurence, pres. ot royal academy. — Belzoni publishes his " Travels in Eg^pt." 1821. Commencement of the Greek Revolutionary War under Ypsilanti : revolt of the Morea ; massacre of the Greeks at Constantinople. The Floridas are ceded by Spain to the United States of America. Napoleon dies at St. Helena (May 5.) : he was born at Ajaccio, in Corsica, August 15. 1769. George IV. is crowned at Westminster Abbey {July 19.), and visits Ireland and Hanover. — Death of Queen Caroline. Mechanics' Institutions are established in England (See 1841), and adopted in France, Germany, &c Death of C. A. Stothard, painter : published monu- mental etfigies of Gt. Britain in 1810, sqq. , 1822. The Greeks declare themselves independent : 40,000 Greeks, who had revolted from the Turks, are massacred in the island of Scio. Independence of Mexico : Iturbide, emperor. Civil war in Spain : the anti-constitutionalists are successful : army of the faith under Urgel. — The prince royal of Portugal, Don Pedro, is elected constitutional emperor of Brazil. Death of Lord Londonderry {late Lord Castlereagli) : Canning succeds as foreign secretary. Deaths of Canova, the sculptor ; Delambre, mathematician and astronomer ; Sir W. Herschell, the astronomer ; Shelley, the poet (drowned) ; Dr. E. D. Clarke, the traveller; C. J. Rich, the antiquarian ; and Bp. Middleton, critic. 1823. Austria, Pussia, and Prussia recall their ambas- sadors from Spain, in consequence of the proceed- ings of the cortes. — Louis XVIII. declares war against Spain : the French army, under the duke of Angouleme, passes the Bidassoa : the Spanish constitution, and the acts of the cortes, are abolished ; absolutism is restored. — The Spanish constitutional general, Piego, is executed at Madrid. Victories of Marco Bozzaris over the Turks. Free trade system is commenced in England by Hus- kisson. — Lord Amherst, governor-general of India. — British consular agents are sent to the new South American States. Pope LEO Xll. {Hannibal delta Genga). Q 2 / 228 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1824— A.C. Deaths of R. Bloomfield ; Carnot ; C. Hutton ; Ricardo, political economist ; Belzoni, traveller ; John P, Kemble, actor ; Nollekens, sculptor ; and Dr. Jenner. 1824. The great Erie canal, 393 miles in length, connect- ing the waters of the great western lakes with the Atlantic Ocean at New York, is opened. Burmese war : Rangoon is taken by the British. — The first stone of " London Bridge " laid. — The London Mechanic^ Institution is opened. Denham and Clapperton^s exploring expedition to Central Africa (1823-4). — Parry^s third voyage of discovery to Prince Regents Inlet, ^c, CHARLES X, king of France^ on the death of his brother, Louis XVIII. Bolivar, dictator at Peru. — Iturbide (expelled in 1823) lands in Mexico, and is shot. Ipsara is taken by the Turks, and retaken by the Greeks with great slaughter. Lord Byron dies at Missolonghi. — Death of Bowdich, the traveller, in Africa. 1825. Death of Ferdinand IV., king of the Two Sicilies : his son, Francis I., succeeds him. Lewis, king of Bavaria, succeeds his father Maxi- milian Joseph. Alexander I., emperor of Russia, dies at Tagan- rok : his brother, Nicholas I., succeeds him. The Burmese are defeated by General Campbell near Prome. — Great Britain acknowledges the South American repid)lics, and forms treaties with them. — Great commercial panic in London and through- out England. First voyage by steam from England to India, by Captain Johnston. — ClappertorHs second exploring expedition to Africa, 1825-7. The Egyptian army, under Ibrahim Pasha, lands in the Morea, and commits the greatest excesses. Algiers is nearly desolated by an earthquake, which continued at intervals for 5 days ; Blida is totally destroyed, with a population of 15,000. John Quincy Adams, president of the United States. Upper Peru is detached from the government of Buenos Ayres, and formed into a new republic^ —1827.] COMPENDIUM OF CHROl^OLOGY. 229 A.C. named " Bolivia," in honour of Bolivar, its liberator. Deaths of Denon, of David and Fuseli, painters, of Mrs. Barbauld, and of Rev. C. Wolfe. 1826. Revolt of Bhurtpore : it is besieged and taken hy the British under Lord Comhermere(^Stapleton Cotton), — Peace xmth the Burmese, loho pay 1,500,000/., and cede several provinces. — Opening of the sus- pension bridge, constructed by Telford, over the Menai Strait, near Bangor {Jan. 30.). Death of John VI., king of Portugal and emperor of Brazil : he is succeeded, as emperor of Brazil, by Don Pedro, who grants a liberal constitution to Portugal, and abdicates that throne in favour of his daughter, Donna Maria da Gloria, 7 years old. A British force of 5,000 men is sent to Lisbon to aid the Portuguese government against the absolutists. Missolonghi is taken by Ibrahim Pasha, and Athens by Beschid Pasha. — Revolt of the Janissaries in Constantinople, 15,000 of them are slaughtered, and the corps is abolished, and a new army is organised on the European model. Poets: DIBDIN, Thos., dramatist, T. H. BAYLEY, Mrs. HEMANS, L, E. LANDON, and COLERIDGE.— Historians: MAC CRIE, SISMONDI, HEEREN James MILL, historian and political economist POISSON, and Dr. O. GREGORY, mathematicians and natural philosophers. — John FOSTER, essayist DALTON, chemist, author of the "Atomic Theory." Sir Astley COOPER, and Sir Charles BELL, anatomists.— WILBER- FORCE, Zach. MACAULAY, and CLARKSON, philanthropists.— PAGANINI, violinist. Deaths of Volta of Como, inventor of the voltaic pile ; Piazzi ; Malte Brun ; Bishop Heber ; W. Gifford; Flaxman; and Weber A. G. Laing, the traveller, is killed in Africa. 1827. Canning, prime minister: Wellington, Peel, and six other cabinet ministers resign. — Treaty of London between England, France, and Russia, for the pacification of Greece. — Canning dies, and is sue- ceeded by Goderich: Wellington, commander-in- chief. BATTLE OF NAVARINO {Oct. 20.). The Tur co-Egyptian fleet of 110 sail is nearly de- stroyed by the British, French, and Russian fleets, under the command of Admiral Codrington. Parry's unsuccessful attempt to reach the North Pole over the ice. a 3 230 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l828— A.C. Death of the musical composer Beethoven ; of Laplace, and Bode, astronomers, and of Pestalozzi.— Sir. W. Scott is made known to be the author of the " Waverley Novels." 1828. The duke of Wellington, prime minister. — Sir R. Peel home secretary. — Lord W. Bentinck, governor- general of India. — Corporation and Test Acts repealed. — The London University is opened. Capo d'lstrla assumes the presidency of Greece. — Russia declares war against Turkey (April 26.). — Capture of Yarna (Oct. 15.). Don Miguel usurps the throne of Portugal. The Morea is evacuated by the Egyptian army under Ibrahim Pasha, pursuant to the convention between Sir E. Codrington and Mehemet Ali. Champollion is sent into Egypt to make archaeological discoveries Deaths of Dr. Gall, Archdeacon Coxp, Dugald Stewart, and Dr. Wollaston, natural philosopher, inventor of the Camera Lucida. 1829. York Minster is set on fire by Jonathan Martin {a maniac), and the interior nearly destroyed. The Roman Catholic Emancipation Bill is passed. — Irish Association formed under O^ Connell for the Repeal of the Union. The Russians take Silistria, cross the Balkan (July), and advance to Adrianople. — Treaty of Adrian- ople (Septc 14.): the independence of Greece is acknowledged by Turkey. Santa Anna defeats the Spanish troops, and obliges them to evacuate Mexico. Andrew Jackson, president of the United States. Pope PIUS VIII. {Francis Xavier Castiglioni). Deaths of Dr. Young ; Sir H. Davy ; Davu, poet and historian ; F. von Schlegel, " Hist, of Literature." 1830. ^gEilliam IV. {the duke of Clarence) succeeds his brother, George IV., as king of Great Britain. The Liverpool and Manchester railroad (the earliest) is opened: Huskisson is killed by an accident on this occasion.— Eaid Grey, prime minister. Algiers is taken by the French, the dey deposed, and the territory made a French province. — Charles X., king of France, dissolves the new Chamber of Deputies before it had met, changes the law of elections, and suppresses the liberty of the press. THREE DAYS' REVOLUTION OF JULY —1832.] COMPENDIUM OF CHROJNOLOGY. 231 A.C. (27-29) : expulsion of the king and royal family from France. L O UIS PHILIPPE, duke of Orleans, king of the French. Belgian revolution commences at Brussels. — Revo- lution in Brunswick : Duke Charles is expelled, and succeeded by his brother, Duke William. — Eevolutions at Dresden and Cassel. — Eevolution in the Papal States suppressed by the Austrian forces. Commencement of the Polish revolution at War- saw. Revolution in Switzerland : the aristocratic govern- ment is changed into the democratic. The Salic law is abrogated by Ferdinand of Spain in favour of his daughter, which excludes from the throne his brother Don Carlos. — Ferdinand II., king of Naples. — Death of Bolivar. ARNOLD, historian — Sir David WILKIE, painter Basil HALL, Thomas HOOD, Theodore HOOK, miscellaneous writers. — Deaths of the Countess de Genlis, Sir Thomas Laurence, W. Hazlitt, and Major Rennell, geo- grapher. 1831. Warsaw capitulates to the Russians (Sept. 8.). First ajipearance of clwlera in Great Britain at Sunderland {Oct. 26.). — London Bridge opened {Aug. 1.). — R. Lander discovers the course of the Niger : he is killed in Africa in 1833 or 1834. Leopold of Saxe Coburg is chosen king of the Belgians. Deaths of Hegel, Archbishop Magee, Rev. Robert Hall, W. Roscoe, B. G. Nie- buhr, H. Mackenzie, Dr. Abernethy, Northcote and Jackson, painters, and Mrs. Siddons, the actress. lb 62. The English Reform Bill is passed. The cholera carries off great numbers in France and Great Britain. — The citadel of Antwerp, de- fended by General Chasse, surrenders to the French (Dec. 24.). — The duchess of Berri lands in France (May 1.), and is arrested at Nantes (Nov. 7.). The kingdom of Poland is declared an integral part of the Russian empire. — Creation of a third estate in Russia. The prince Otho of Bavaria is elected king of Q 4 232 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l833— A.C. Greece by the national assembly. — Ibrahim Pasha takes Acre and defeats the Tm^ks in Syria (July). Death of the duke of Reichstadt, Napoleon's son^ aged 21. Deaths of Sir Walter Scott, Crabbe, Goethe, Cuvier, Bentham, Dr. Bell, Dr. A. Clarke, Sir J. Mackintosh, Legendre, ChampoUion the archBeologist, Say, Spurzheim, and Pugin, the architect. 1833. The Chinese and Indian trade is thrown open to all British subjects, who are allowed to settle and pos- sess land in India. — First admission of the natives to the magistracy. Death of Ferdinand YIL, king of Spain : Isabella, his daughter, then 3 years old, succeeds him, under the regency of Christina, her mother. — Insurrection in Biscay : Don Carlos, brother of Ferdinand YII., is proclaimed king by the in- surgents : the war continues 7 years. Smyrna falls into the hands of Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mehemet Ali : the sultan solicits the aid of Russia, and abandons Syria to the viceroy of Egypt. Deaths of W. Wilberforce, Hannah More, Sir J. Stevenson, and Edmund Ke^, the actor. 1834. Lord Melbourne, prime minister {July 18.). ABOLITION OF SLAVSHY in the British colonies: an indemnification of 20,000,000/. is granted to the planters of the West Indies, — The Poor Law Amendment Bill is passed, — The British houses of Parliament are destroyed by fire. — Sir Robert Peel, prime minister {Dec. 26.). Don Miguel withdraws from Portugal, and Don Pedro and his daughter. Donna Maria, the young queen, enter Lisbon. — Death of Feth- Ali- Shah, king of Persia : his eldest son, Mirza Mehemet Khan, succeeds him. — Death of General La Fayette. Deatlis of S. T, Coleridge, the poet; Stothard, the painter; Charles Lamb; and Dr. Doyle, R. C. Bishop of Kildare. 1835. Municipal Corporations' Reform Bill is passed: David Solomons, the first Jew sheriff of the city of London. —1837.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 233 A.C. The Bi'itish legion auxiliary to the queen of Spain is formed under General Evans. Expedition to explore the Euphrates under Colonel Chesney, 1835-6. Death of Francis I.^ emperor of Austria : his eldest son, Ferdinand L, succeeds him. — Fieschi at- tempts to assassinate Louis PhiHppe. — Great fire at New York: property valued at 20,000,000 dollars is destroyed. Mendelssohn publishes his oratorio of " Paulus."— Deaths of Mrs.Hemans; Hogg, the poet; Mc Crie, the historian; Humboldt, the philologist; Mal- thus, \\ m. Cobbett ; Mathews, and Banister, actors. 1836. Ferdinand Augustus, duke of Saxe Coburg (cousin to Queen Victoria), is married to Donna Maria, queen of Portugal. — The Portuguese constitution of 1820 is proclaimed at Lisbon, and accepted by the queen. Donna Maria (Sept. 9.). — The Spanish constitution of 1812 is proclaimed at Madrid, and accepted by the queen regent (August 12.). — Espartero gains the battle of Bilboa (Dec. 25.). The British legion twice victorious at St. Sebastian, — The British Association for the advancement of science holds its first meeting at Bristol. — Lord Auckland, governor-general of India, — Silver groats are issued. Louis Napoleon attempts an insurrection at Stras- burg, is arrested and sent off to America. — Death of Charles X. (ex-king of France) at Gratz. Deaths of Gillies and Mill, historians ; Sir W. Gell ; G. Colman, jun. j Sir Chas. Wilkins, orientalist ; Westall, R., painter. 1837. UiCtOria, queen of England, on the death of her uncle, William IV. — The duke of Cumberland, Ernest Augiistus, becomes king of Hanover in consequence of the Salic law; he abrogates the free constitution granted by his brother, William IV., and restores the old form of government. Battle of Irun, gained by the British legion in Spain {May 17.). The first electric telegraph in England, founded oi Oersted's discovery, is invented by Wheatstone, 234 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1838— A.C, Insurrectionary idiots in Canada suppressed hy Sir F. Head. Yan Buren, president of the United States : that republic recognises the independence of Texas. 1838. The Royal Exchange is burnt, — The earl of Durham, governor-general of Canada and high commissioner for the redress of grievances. — Battle of Prescott in Upper Canada: defeat of the Insurgents. — Fresh insurrection in Lower Canada suppressed hy Sir J. Colborne. — Queen Victoria is crowned at Westminster Abbey {June 28.). — The Great Western steam-ship arrives at New York in 15 days from Bristol, the first steamer that crossed the Atlantic by the power of steam alone. — The London and Birmingham railway is opened throughout. — Slavery is abolished by the Anglo- Indian government. — Treaty of commerce between England and Turkey. Deaths of Talleyrand ; of L. E. Landon, Ashe, and Attwood, musicians ; Nath. Bowditch, American mathematician. 1839. Aden, on the Bed Sea, is occupied by the British. — Captain Elliot, British superintendent at Canton, is arrested by the Chinese government, and cargoes of opium destroyed to the value of ?>, 000,0001. — The citadel of Ghiznee, in Cabid, is stormed and captured by the Anglo-Indian army under Sir J. Keane, and Shah Soojah is invested with the sove- reignty of the Affghans. Abdul Medjid, emperor of the Turks. — Don Carlos seeks refuge in France. — The Pope prohibits the traffic in human beings by the subjects of Roman Catholic states. — Christian VIII. , king of Denmark, son of Frederic VI. Invention of Daguerreotype — Deaths of T. H. Bayley, Sir W. Beechey, Joseph Lancaster, and Gait, the novelist. 1840. Queen Victoria is married to Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg-Gotha {Feb. 10.); on the Mh of August he is appointed, by statute, regent and guardian during the minority of the heir to the crown in the event of the queen^s death. — Edward Oxford, a lunatic, fires two pistols at the queen {June 10.). -1841.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 235 __ Birth of the princess royal, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa {Nov. 21.). The emperor of China prohibits all commerce ivith the English (Jan. 2). — Canton is blockaded by the British. Sidon is taken by the allies under Commodore Napier. St. Jean d'Acre is bombarded and taken by the allied fleet under Admiral Stopford.— New Zea- land is declared a British territory.— The uniform penny postage comes into operation. The body of Napoleon is removed from St. Helena by permission of the British government, and is deposited in the Hotel des Invalides at Paris. — Louis Napoleon makes a descent on France near Bonloo-ne, and is arrested. — Death of Lucien Bonaparte. Frederic William IV., king of Prussia.— William I., of Holland, abdicates, and is succeeded by his son William II. — The Spanish ministry, nomi- nated by Espartero, is appointed by the queen regent ; a few days after she resigns her autho- ritv. Deaths o'f Poisson ; Sir R. Phillips; Madame D'Arblay; Paganinij and C. O. JMiiller, classical historian. 1841. Canton capitulates to the Anglo-Indian army wider Sir H. Gough: the Chinese are obliged to pay 6,000,000 dollars {May \n.).—Amoy is taken by the British {Aug. 27.). General rising of the Affghans, under Akbar Khan, against the British at Cabul : Sir Alexander Burnes and Sir W. Macnaughten are murdered. Birth of Albert Edward, prince of Wales, heir ap- parent to the croivn {Nov. 9.). — The Great Western railway is opened from London to Bristol: it cost about 5,000,000/. The Niger expedition to plant a colony in Central Africa fails through the unhealthiness of the climate. Victoria land is discovered by Captain Ross. Espartero is nominated by the cortes regent of Spain during the minority of Queen Isabella II. 236 COMPENDIUM OF CHKONOLOGY. [1842— A.C. Insurrection in favour of Christina, begun by General O'Donnell. — Tyler succeeds to the pre- sidency of the United States on the death of President Harrison. The Protestant bishopric of Jerusalem is founded. Deaths of De Candolle, the botanist ; Dr. Olinthus Gregory ; De Saussure, the naturalist; Dr. G. Birkbeck, founder of mechanics' institutions (see 1821); Sir F. Chantrey ; Sir Astley Cooper, anatomist ; T. Dibdin, dramatist ; Theodore Hook ; and Sir David Wilkie. 1842. The Anglo-Indian troops, consisting of nearly 5,000 fighting men, evacuate Cahul under a convention, hut are attacked hy the Affghans in the Khoord pass {Jan.), and massacred, together with the camp folloivers, in all about 13,000 persons. — Loj^d Ellenhorough, governor-general of India. — Gen- eral Sale defeats Akhhar Khan before Jellalabad {April). — General Nott defeats the Affghans be- fore the ivalls of Candahar and takes Ghiznee, and General Pollock enters Cabul {Sept.), and demolishes its fortifications : the British troops evacuate Affghanistan in December. Peace of Nankin {Aug. 29.), between the British and the Chinese, the Chinese agreeing to pay 2 1,000,000 dollars in the course of 3 years, to throw open the ports of Canton, Amoy, Foo-chow-foo, Ningpo, and Shanghai, and to cede Hong-kong to the British. — Prince Albert lays the first stone of the New Exchange in the city of London. — John Francis fires a pistol at Queen Victoria {May 30.): he is transported for life. — Death of the marquis of Wellesley. Anti-liberal revolution in Portugal ; the charter of Don Pedro (1826) is proclaimed. — Insurrection at Barcelona, in Spain, against the government of the regent Espartero: Barcelona is bombarded, and the insurrectionists disarmed (Dec. 4.). The emperor of Russia publishes a ukase for the amelioration of the condition of the serf popu- lation of the empire. The Marquesas islands are occupied by the French. — Death of the duke of Orleans, the eldest son of Louis Philippe. — The town of Cape Haytien, __1S44.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 237 in St. Domingo, is destroyed by an earthquake : 10,000 persons are killed. 1843. Sir Charles J. Napier defeats the Ameers of Scinde and takes Gwalior; annexes the province to British India, and is appointed first governor of it.— 1 he navigation of the Indus is rendered free to ail nations, ,,^ /^ -i f^K \ Birth of Princess Alice Maude Mary {Aprd 25.).— Queen Victoria lands at Treport, on a visit to the king of the French {Sept, 2.); and at Ostend, on a visit to the king of the Belgians {^Sept. 13.). Thames Tunnel is opened for foot passengers : it was completed in about 9 years, and at a cost oj 446 OOOZ. Numerous meetings held in different parts of Ireland for the Repeal of the Union. Kevolution in Spain: Espartero is defeated, and takes refuge in England.— Isabella II. declared to be of age by the Cortes. — Kevolution at Athens: Otho assents to the dismissal of his Bavarian ministers, and to the re-estabhshment of the National Assembly.— Revolution m Hayti: the President Boyer is driven from the island.— Pomarree, queen of Otaheite, places herselt under the protection of the French (Sept. 9.). They seize the island in November. Meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland at Fdmhurah (May 18.); the moderator, and a majority of the mSeZfprotfst against the interference of the civil power with Iherfghi^and privileges of the church: formation of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland. . n „„ j announces his theory of Quaternions. 1844. Birth of Prince Alfred Ernest Albert {Aug. 6.).— The new Royal Exchange, London, is opened by Queen Victoria{Oct. 28.).— The Emperor Nicholas L of Russia visits London {June I.).— The king of the French lands at Portsmouth on a visit to Queen Victoria {Oct. S.l-Sir Henry Harding e, 238 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [l845— A.C. governor-general of India. — Trial of O^Connell and his chief associates. Tangier and Mogadore are bombarded by the Frencb under Joinville.— Death of the duke of Angouleme. — Death of Joseph Napoleon. — Death of Charles XIV. (Bernadotte), kmg of Sweden : his son Oscar succeeds him. Exhibition of the Holy Coat at Treves : first letter of Bong e on the subject, which led to the formation of the German Catholic Church. Deaths of J. Abercrombie, physician and mental philosopher ; John Dalton, chemist ; Thomas CAMPBELL, the poet ; Beckford, author of" Vathek ," Captain Basil Hall ; Thorwaldsen ; Mrs. Hofland, novelist ; John Stirling, essayist. 1845. Battle of Moodkee{^Dec. 18.); the Sikhs are defeated ; Sir Robert Sale is mortally wounded, and General Mac Caskill is killed. — Battle of Ferozeshah {T)ec. 21. and 22.) : the Sikhs are defeated hy the British, commanded hy the governor-general, with whom were Sir Hugh Gough, Sir Harry Smith, Sir John Littler, and Major General Gilbert. Sir John Franklin sets out on his ill-fated voyage {^May 24.). — Disturbance in Ireland: the bands of Molly Maguires attack the tax-collectors. — Establishment of the Irish Board of National Education. The United States declare war against Mexico. — Polk, president U. S. — Death of General Jack- son. Disturbance is Switzerland; alliance of Lucerne, and other Roman Catholic Cantons, to place education in the hands of the Jesuits, &c. Disease of the potatoes throughout the greater part of Europe. Completion of Lord Rosse'smonstertelescope.— Deaths of Augustus von Schlegel, critic and poet ; Thomas Hood ; Royer CoUard ; Sir T. F. Buxton ; and Bp. Alexander of Jerusalem. 1846. The Sikhs are defeated hy Sir Harry Smith at Aliwal (Jan. 28.). BATTLE OF SOBRAOM {Feb. 10.): the Sikhs are totally defeated at the Sutlege by Sir Hugh Gough. — Treaty of Lahore, signed by the Maha- rajah and the British {Mar. 9.). — Tlie governor- general and Sir H. Gough are created Viscount Hardinge and Baron Gough. —1848.] COMrENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 239 A.C. Resignation of Sir Robert Peel ; he is succeeded by Lord John Russell as prime minister. — Birth of the Princess Helena Augusta Victoria {May 25.). Insurrection in Portugal : Saldanha defeats the insurgents at Torres Vedras. — Isabella II. of Spain is married to her cousin Don Francisco, duke of Cadiz ; on the same day the duke of Montpensier marries Ferdinanda, the infanta of Spain. — Louis Napoleon escapes from the castle of Ham. — Cracow is seized by the Austrians. Insurrection of the Protestants of Geneva against the council : the council is deposed, and a pro- visional government established : fight in the city. — Ultimately the leagued Eoman Catholic cantons submit to the diet. General Riche, president of the republic of Hayti. Pope PIUS IX. {Mastei Ferreti). Death of Bessel the astronomer. — Msedler of Dorpat publishes his discovery of the "Central Sun." — Invention of gun-cotton by Professor Schcenbein of Basle, and by Dr. Boettinger Deaths of Haydon the painter; Robert Plumer Ward, essayist and novelist; and Thomas Clarkson, whose life was spent in labouring to efTect the extinction of the slave-trade. 1 847. Earl Dalhousie, governor-general of India. — O' Con- nell makes his last speech in parliament : he dies at Genoa , aged 73. — Dreadful famine and pesti- lence in Ireland, the parliament grant 10,000,000/. for the relief of the Irish. The Kaffir loar begins. The Mexicans are defeated at Bueno -Vista by General Taylor (Feb. 22.); and by General Scott (Ap.l8.). Discovery of the gold region in California. Espartero is restored to Spain. — Death of Palafox, the hero of Saragossa. — Death of the Arch- duchess Maria Louisa, second wife of Napoleon. Discovery of the planet Neptune by Galle of Berlin ; its existence and approx- imate position had been previously determined by Le Verrier and by Adam?. Deaths of Dr. Dibdin; Dr. Chalmers; Mendelssohn, the musician: and Jacobs, the philologist. 1848. Renewal of the Sikh war.— -Lieut. Edwardes, with a small force, defeats the army of Moolraj. — General Whish is obliged to raise the siege of Mooltan, Shere Singh is defeated {Nov. 22.) ajid driven out of Ramnugger by Lord Gough and General Thackwell, 240 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [lS48— A.C. Meeting of the confederated " Young Irelanders " in Dublin. — Arrest of Mitchell, editor of the ^' United Irishman ;" he is transported for 14 years {May 26.). — Duffy, Martin, Meagher, Doheny, ^c, are arrested (July 8.). — Insurrection headed by Wm. Smith O'Brien at Ballingarry near Clonmel, suppressed by the police (in July): O^Brien is arrested at Thurles, and is sentenced to death at Clonmel (Oct, 9.). The Chartist Convention at London : Jones, Williams, S^c, arrested (June 6.), Birth of the Princess Louisa Carolina Alberta (March 18.). Death of Christian VIII., king of Denmark (Jan. 20.) : his son Frederick VII. succeeds him. — Revolt of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein (March 25.). — The Prussians support the duchies. KEVOLUTION AT PARIS (Feb. 22-24.). Louis Philippe is dethroned, and takes refuge in England. — French republic : a provisional government is appointed, which resigns (May 6.) to an executive commission, composed of MM. Arago, Gamier-Pages, Marie, Lamar tine, Ledru Rollin. — Election of Louis Napoleon as a mem- ber of the National Assembly for the department of the Seine and 3 other departments. — Insur- rection in Paris against the troops and national guard (June 23-26.) suppressed with great loss of life by Generals Cavaignac and Lamoriciere : the archbishop of Paris is mortally wounded. LOUIS NAPOLEON PRESIDENT OP THE REPUBLIC : ELECTED DEC. IL Insurrection at Milan fMar. 17.): the Austrians evacuate it (Mar. 26.). — Venice is proclaimed a republic (Mar. 23.). — Insurrection at Vienna : the emperor is obliged to quit the capital, but is restored by Prince Windischgratz. — The Hun- garians assert their independence (April 1.). Prague is bombarded (June 18.). — The Hun- garians defeat Jellachich, ban of Croatia (Sep. 29.). —1849.] COMPENDIUM OF CHEONOLOGY. 241 A.C. Revolt of Sicily : the king of Naples gives a consti- tution to his people and expels the Jesuits. Great fighting at Naples between the troops and the national guard (May 15.). — Messina is twice bombarded ; and taken (Sep. 7.). Insurrection at Rome : Pius IX. escapes in dis- guise from Rome to Gasta (Nov. 24.). — Tuscany receives a new constitution (Feb.) Charles Albert, king of Sardinia, espouses the cause of Italian freedom, and goes to war with the Austrians, who are defeated at Goito (May 29.). — The Sardinian army is driven back to Milan, and there capitulates to Marshal Radetski (Aug. 4,). Revolution at Munich : abdication of Ludwig, or Louis I., king of Bavaria, in favour of his son, Maximilian II. — Insurrection at Berlin (Mar. 18.) ; it is declared in a state of siege (Nov. 12.). The Jesuits are expelled from Austria. — Abdication of the Emperor Ferdinand I. (Dec. 2.) : his nephew, Francis Joseph, succeeds him. The cholera again appears in Great Britain. Deaths of John Quincy Adams, American statesman ; Chateaubriand ; Isaac Dis- raeli ("Curiosities of Literature"); Berzelius, chemist ; Dmizetti, musician ; George Stephenson, who first applied steam to railroads: born 1781, near Newcastle ; Miss Herschell, astronomer. 1849. Lord Gough defeats the Sikhs at Chilliamcallah (Jan. 13.). Unconditional surrender of the citadel of Mooltan, with its garrison, hy the deiDan Mool- raj {Jan. 22.). LORD GOUGH GAINS THE DECISIVE BATTLE OF GOOJERAT {Feb. 21.).— Sir Charles Napier is appointed commander-in- chief in India {Mar. 6.). The Punjab is annexed to the British dominions {Mar. 30.). — Moolraj is transported for life for murder {July 31.). The sentence of death passed on Wm. Smith O'Brien, Meagher, M^Manus, and G'Donoghue, is com- muted into transportation. Queen Victorians first visit to Ireland : she lands at Cove {Aug. 3.), which she names Queenstown, and enters Dublin {Aug. 6.). — Death of Adelaide, queen dowager {Dec. 2.). — Public prayers for the re- R 242 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1850— A.C. movalofthe cholera (^Sep. 16.). — The Encumbered Estates' Commission opened in Dublin (^Oct. 24.). The Austrians are defeated by the Hungarians at Gran (Ap. 17.), and evacuate Pesth. Kossuth is made governor of Hungary (May 14.). The Hungarians defeated by Marshal Haynau at Temeswar (Aug. 9.). Gorgey surrenders to the Russians (Aug. 13.). Komorn, defended by Klapka, holds out till Sep. 28. The Sardinian army is defeated by Kadetski at Novara (Mar. 23.). Charles Albert abdicates in favour of his son, Victor Emmanuel II., who concludes a treaty at Milan (Aug. 6.). The pope formally dethroned, and a republic pro- claimed at Rome (Feb. 8,). The French, under Marshal Oudinot, occupy Civita Vecchia (Ap. 26.) : Rome capitulates to them (June 30.). The papal government re-established (July 15.). Re- public proclaimed at Florence : the grand duke escapes to Gaeta (in Feb. ), and, through Austrian intervention, returns (July 23.). Palermo is taken by the Neapolitans, and Sicily submits. — Venice surrenders to the Austrians (Aug. 22.). Riots in Montreal: the houses of assembly burned {Ap. 26.). — Solouque (Faustin I.) proclaimed emperor of Hayti (Aug. 26.). William 11. of Holland dies (Mar. 17.); he is suc- ceeded by William III. Deaths of Charles Albert, ex-king of Sardinia, at Oporto (July 18.) ; and of Mehemet Ali, aged 80 ; he is succeeded by Ibrahim Pasha, his son. Deaths of Maria Edgeworth and Horace Smith, novelists ; Bernard Barton, poet; Pat. F. Tytler, historian ; Hartley Coleridge, Lord Carnarvon, Horace Twiss, miscellaneous writers ; Sir J. Brunei, engineer of the Thames-tunnel ; Madame Catalan!, vocalist ; Prince Hohenlohj' pretender to miraculous powers. 1850. Birth of Prince Arthur Patrick Albert {May 1.). — Patens assaidt on the queen {June 21. y — Marshal Haynau assaulted by Barclay'' s draymen in Lon- don {Sep. 4.). — Great hail-storm in Dublin {April 18.). — Deaths of the duke of Cambridge and Sir Robert Peel. —1851.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 243 AC. Embassy from the king of Nepaul to Queen Victoria, — Sir Charles Napier resigns his command in India {July 2.). — Discovery of the north-west pas- sage hy Captain M^Clure (^Oct. 26.). — Submarine telegraph laid from Dover to Calais {Aug. 28.). — Britannia tubular bridge opened {Oct. 21.). The po]oe returns to Rome (Ap. 12.). — Synod of Thurles, opened {July 22.).— PAPAL AGGRESSION on England hy the estahlishment there of a Romish hierarchy by bull of Sep. 24. Judgment of the privy council in the case of the bishop of Exeter against the Rev. Mr. Gorham. The Russians defeated by the Circassians (Jan. 3.). — The Schleswig-Holsteiners defeated by the Danes at Idstedt (July 25.) and at Frederick- stadt (Oct. 6.). — The Haytians defeated by the Dominicans (Oct. 9.). Deaths of Wordsworth, the poet (succeeded by Alfred Tennyson as poet lau- reate) ; Gay Lussac, the aeronaut ; Miss Jane Porter, novelist ; Neander, church historian ; Lord Jeffrey, critic ; and W. Westall, landscape painter. 1851. Great Exhibition in London^ opened by the Queen in person {May 1.), closed by Prince Albert { Oct. 15.). — Ecclesiasticcd Titles' Bill passed. — Deaths of Lord Langdale, the earl of Derby, and Richard Lalor Sheil. The Kaffir loar continues: Lieut.~Col. Fordyce is killed in an attack on Water-Kloof {Nov. 6.). — Tlie British destroy the town of Lagos, in Western Africa {Dec. 26.). — Great concourse to the gold- diggings in Australia. Schleswig-Holstein submits to terms imposed by the Austrians and Prussians, and is delivered up to the Danes (Feb. 9.). — Revolution in Portugal, headed by the duke of Saldanha. — War between Brazil and Buenos Ayres. — The rebellion in China begins. War between the French and Algerines. — The National Assembly is dissolved by Louis Napo- leon (Dec. 2.), and 200 persons arrested. Barri- cades are erected in Paris on the 4th, but are destroyed by the troops. — Louis Napoleon re- elected president of the republic by 6,798,479 votes. Deaths of the king of Hanover (who is succeeded R 2 244 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [1852— A.C. by his son, George Frederick) ; of Don Manuel Godoy (the " Prince of Peace ") at Paris, aged 87 ; and of Marshal Soult, aged 82. Eclipse of the sun (July 28.)- — Deaths of Audubon, the naturalist ; Dr. Pye Smith, biblical critic ; CErsted, Danish natural philosopher ; Daguerre, inventor of Daguerreotype; Dr. Llngard, historian; J. F, Cooper, American novelist ; Mrs. Shelley, miscellaneous writer; Turner, landscape-painter. 1852. JVar of the British with the Burmese. Commodore Lambert destroys the stockades in Rangoon river {Jan. 10.). Martaban stormed (Ap. 8.). Ban- goon taken {Ap. 14.). Sir Colin Campbell repulses the Hill Tribes near Peshaicur. General Cathcart is sent to replace Sir Harry Smith in the command at the Cape of Good Hope. The Ministry are defeated on Lord Palmerston^s amendment to the Militia Bill, and resign next day (20 Feb.^. Lord Derby prime minister. ■ — Party riots at Stockport {June 29.). — Dissolution of parliament {July 1.). General elections begin {July 6.). Election riots at Six-mile-bridge {July 22.\ — Resignation of the Derby ministry {Dec. 20.). Jndustrial Exhibition at Cork opened {June 10.). First pillar of the Sydenham Crystal Palace planted {Aug. 5.). Shock of an earthquake felt in Dublin and Wales {Nov. 9.). Great Jlre at Montreal {July 8.): 1100 houses de- stroyed. Death of the DUKE OF WELLINGTON at Walmer Castle {Sep. 14.). His public funeral {Nov. 18.) — Deaths of Sir David Baird and Sir H. J. Fust. The dictator Posas is defeated by the Brazilian forces under Urquiza, who enters Buenos Ayres in triumph on Feb. 19. — Pevolution in Buenos Ayres in October. — The first railway in Brazil, opened by the emperor in person (July 29.). Caravajal is defeated and taken prisoner in Mexico by General Harney, U. S. PROCLAMATION OP THE EMPIRE IN FRANCE (Dec. 2.). Deaths of Prince Schwartzenberg of Austria ; Castanos, duke of -1854.] COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 245 Baylen ; and Daniel Webster, secretary of state, U.S. Deaths of Thomas Moore, the poet ; Mantell, the geologist; Dr. Herbert Mayo, physician ; Finden, the engraver. 1853. Birth of Prince Leopold G. D. Frederick, Queen Victoria's fourth son {Ap. 1.).— Opening of the Dublin Exhibition May \2. ; closed Oct. 31. — JEiicampment at Chobham formed June 13. ; broken up Aug. 20. — Grand review of the fleet at Spit- head Aug. II. — Queen Victoria visits Ireland Aug. 29. — Uniform penny receipt stamp intro- duced Oct. 10. — Deaths of Viscount Melbourne {Jan. 29.); Lord Saltoun (Aug. 18.); Sir Charles Napier, conqueror of Scinde {Aug. 29.), aged 71. The first railway {the Great Feninsular) opened in India. The Russians cross the Pruth (July 2.). — Meeting of the emperors of Russia and Austria at Olmutz (Sep. 24.). — The Russians defeated by the Turks at Oltenitza (Nov. 4.). — They destroy the town of Sinope, and the Turkish flotilla there (Nov. 30.). Death of Marshal Haynau at Vienna (Mar. 14.). Maria II., queen of Portugal, dies (Nov. 15.).— End of the siege of Buenos Ayres, and disper- sion of Urquiza's army. — The city of Shiraz, in Persia, destroyed by an earthquake: 12,000 lives lost. — Cumana nearly destroyed by an earthquake. — Industrial Exhibition at New York opened (July 14.). — Genoa and Turin Railway opened throughout (Dec. 15.). New Protestant church of the Waldenses at Turin consecrated A coLetTi'sible'in Great Britain and Ireland in June-Deaths of Ludwig Tieck (at Berlin), poet and critic ; Arago, natural philosopher ; S'r W Betham, Irish antiquarian ; Onslow, musical composer ; Lady Sale ; and Mrs. Opie. 1854. Battle of Citate, near Kalafat (Jan 6.), where the Russians are attacked and defeated by Achmet and Ismail Pashas. Diplomatic relations between Great Britain and Russia suspended {Feb. 4.).— Giurgevo is abandoned by the Turks (Feb. 19.). The first detachment of British troops {the Cold- stream and Grenadier Guards) leave Southampton 246 COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. [lS54— for Turkey {Feb. 22.), —The Baltic fleet sails from Spithead {March 11.). The emperor of Russia rejects the propositions of the Four Powers {Mar. 12.). GortschakofF defeated in an attack on Tiirtukai (Mar. 15.). He crosses the Da- nube, and effects a juncture with Liiders in the Dobrudscha (Mar. 23.). — Rupture between Greece and Turkey (Mar. 27.). — Cutting out of two Russian vessels at Hango {April 20.).— Bom- bardment of Odessa {Ap. 22.). Day of Humiliation and Prayer jmblicly observed {Ap. 26.). The Russians repulsed at Czernavoda (Ap. 25,). — Assault on the outworks of Silistria (Ap. 28.). — Sali Pasha defeats the Russians at Nicopolis. — Brahestadt bombarded (Ap. 30.). Uleaborg destroyed (Ap. 31.). — Assaults on the town of Silistria (May 11. 21. and 29.). — The Russians defeated at Karakal (May 30.), and at Slatina ^31.), — Silistria is reinforced by 5000 Turks (June 5.). — Successful sorties (8. and 13. June). Final assault (June 29.), and abandonment of the siege by the Russians. — Victory of the Turks at Kama, near Giurgevo (July 7.), and at Olte- nitza (July 8.). Unsuccessful attack by the allied squadrons on Petro- paulowski, in Siberia^ from July 29. to Aug. 4. Insurrection at Madrid, headed by General O'Don- nell (July 17.). Barricades and fighting in the streets (July 18. and 19.). Attack by the Baltic fleet on Bomarsund, in Aland, which surrenders {Aug. 15.). Destruction of Kola, in Lapland, by the British {Aug. 24.). — Omar Pasha enters Bucharest (Aug. 22.). Tlie allied forces embark from Turkey for the Crimea {Sep, IL), and land there {Sep. 14.). — 77icy attack and force the Russian position on the Alma {Sep. 20.), disperse a Russian convoy at Mackenzie's Farm {Sep. 25.), and take possession of Balaklava {Sep. 26.) — Opening of the batteries, and naval attack on Sebastopol {Oct. 17.). — The Russians 1854. J COMPENDIUM OF CHRONOLOGY. 247 A.C. seize the Turkish redoubts near Balaklava : their cavalry defeated by the British : charge and heavy loss of the cavalry of the light brigade (^Oct. 25.). — The Russians repulsed in an attack on Sir de Lacy Evans'' division {the 2nd) Oct. 26. — French new batteries opened {Nov. 1.). — The Russians attack the British at Inkerman {Nov. 5.), and are repulsed with heavy loss. — Tempest in the Black, Sea, loss of ''The Prince;' S^c. {Nov. 14.). Destructive fire and explosion at Newcastle- on- Tyne {Oct. 6.). INDEX, No. 1, CONTAINING THE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. N.B. F. atter the name of a place, signifies Foundation -, B. Battle; C. Capture; P. Peace; T. Treaty; S. Siege. A. B.C. iEschylus 475. 444 A aron - 1471 ^sopus •• 578 Abdon - 1140 iEtna - 425 Abednego - 580 Afranius - 49 Abel- - 3876 Afranius, L., poet - 50 Abihu - 1492 Agamemnon - - 1184 Abijah - 958 Agathocles - 317. 309. 289 Abimelech - - 1249 Agesilaus - 396. 395. 394. 361 Abiram - 1471 Agis 244. 228 Abner - 1048 Agrarian law - 484. 134. 59 Abram - 1096 Agrigentum, C. - 262 Abraham •- 1092 Agrippa Sylvius - 915 Absalom - 1021 Agrippa 23. 20 Academic School - 400 Ahab -918. 910. 898 Accius - 150 Ahasuerus - -530. 464. 462 Achaean League 281. 251 Ahaziah -898. 885. 884 Achan - 1451 Ahaz - 742 AchiUes - 1184 Ajax - 1184 Actium, B.- - 31 Alba, F. - 1184 Adam - 4004 Alba, C. - 665 Adherbal - - 249 Alba, Lake - - 397 Adherbal - 117. 112 Albula - 915 Adrastus 1263. 1226 Alcseus - 612 Agates, B. - - 241 Alcamenes - - 340 JEgos Potamos, B. - - 405 Alcibiades - 415. 412. 404 ^lius Gallus - 24 Alcmseon - 752 ^milius, Paulus - 216 Alcmaeonids - 612. 548 ^milius, Lepidus - 201 Alcman - 665 ^milius, Paulus - 168 Alexander of Pherae - 364 ^neas ^olic Migration - 1184 - 1124 335. sat «jt;u. ooo. 334. 333. 332. ^schines - 340 331. 327. 323. 250 INDEX, NO. 1. Alexander ^gus - 311 Son of Cassander 297. 294 Balas - 150 Jannseus 106. 79 - 80 - ui s^^y\}i - Alexandra - 79. 70 Alexandria, F. - 332 Alexandrian library - - 48 Alexandria, C - 47 Alimentus - - 200 Allia, B. - 387 Alyattes 617. 585 Amasis 570. 525 Amaziah - 839 Amazons - 1213 Amenophis II. - 1491 Amon - 643 Amos - 758 Amphictj'ons 1522. 346 Ampbipolis, B. .. 422 Amphipolis, C. - 358 Amyrtseus - - 413 Anacharsis - - 594 Anacreon - 537 Anaximander - 571 Anaximenes - - 571 Ancus Martins - 640 Andocides - - 400 Andriscus - 148 Andronicus, Livius - - 240 Anicius - 168 Antalcidas, P. .. 387 Antenor - 1184 Antigonus -316 . 311. 301 II., Doson - 222 r\-P T-iiA rmn - 109 )bulus II. 38. Gona,tas - 277. 268 Antioch, P. - - 300 Antiocli, Era of - 49 Antiochus Soter 280 . 262. 261 Theos - 261. 246 thr Clrr'\f """ '^'' "^ "^'' 203. 196. 191. 190. 187 175. 171. 170. 168. 166. . 162 Sidetes - 138. 128 Antipater - 297 Antipas 4 Antiphon ■ 400 Antisthenes - - 400 Autium, C. - - 466. 457 Antonius, L. - - - 40 Antony 44. 43. 42. 34. 32. 30 Anxur, C - - - 403 Apelles - - " 340 Apocrypha - - - 135 Apollonius, geometrician - 250 Apollonius Rhodius, poet - 200 Appius Claudius - - 449 Aquae Sextise - - 102 Aquillius - - - 99 Arabia - - - 24 Arabs - - - 1892 Aratus, poet - - 300 Aratus - 251. 244. 228 Arbaces - - - 820 Arbela, B. - - - 331 Arcesilaus ™ - - 300 Archelaus - - - 4 Archelaus, philosopher - 548 Archilochus - - - 683 Archimedes - 250. 212 Archons, perpetual - - 1070 Archons, decennial - - 752 Archons, annual - - 683 Ardys - - - 678 Areopagus - - 1556. 461 Areta - - - 377 Arginusse, B. - - 406 Argon - - - 1223 Argonautic expedition - 1263 Argos - _ - 1856 Argus - - - 1263 Aridasus, Philip - - 323 Arion - - - 625 Aristarchus - - - 300 Aristides - - - 483 Aristippus - - - 400 Aristobulus - 109. 107. 106 Aristobulus II. - - 70 Aristogiton - - - 488 Aristonicus - 130. 129 Aristophanes - - 444 Aristotle - - . 340 Aristoxenus - - - 340 Arogus or Arses - 338. 336 Arphaxad - - - 657 Arsaces I. - - - 250 Artabanus - - - 465 Artaphernes - - - 490 Artaxerxes I. 464. 463. 424 Artaxerxes II. Mnemon 405. 374. 361. 359 Arundelian Marbles 1582. 264 Asa - - - - 955 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED B. C. 251 Ascanius . , B.C. - 1184 Boii - _ B.C. - 224 Asculum, B. - - 90 Brasidas . - 422 Asher _ _ - 1747 Brennus - 387. 279 Asinius PoUio . 4 Brutus, the Elder . - 509 Aspasia . - - 444 Brutus - B5. 44. 42 A sshur . - - 2221 Bucephala, F. - - 327 Assyria - . 2221. 2069 1 Byzantium, F. - - 658 Assyrian empire - 820. 606 Byzantium, S. - - 339 Astyages - - 585. 571 Atlialiah - . 884. 878 C. Athens, F. . - - 1556 Cadmus - - 1519 Athens, C 479 404, 318. 307. Csecilius - 200. 167 296. 268. Csepio . - 140 Athletes - - - 186 Caepio, Servilius . 106. 105 Atlas - - 1582 Cffisar, Julius 100 80. 59. 58. 56. Attains I. . - 241. 197 55. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. Attains II. . _ - 159 Cain- _ " 4003 Attains III. . - - 133 Calatinus, Atilius - - 254 Angnstus 63. 44. 42. 41. 36. 32. Caleb - - 1530 31. 29. 27. 24. 17. 15. Calendar corrected -■ - 46. 8 10. 8. 5. Callicrates - _ - 444 Aulns . - - 109 Callicratidas - _ - 406 Anlus Hirtins . - 50 Callimachus, archit. - - 400 AuritsB - . - 2084 Callimachus, historian - 250 Azariah - - 952. 810 Callinus - - 740 Cambyses 536. 530. 525. 522 B. Camillus _ 393. 388 Baasha - - - 954 Candaules - 735. 716 Babel _ . - 2247 Cannse, B. - _ - 216 Babylon, F. - - ■• 2221 Cantabrians - _ - 20 Babylon, C. 538. 516 331. 312 Canuleius - - 442 Bacchanalia _ - - 186 Captivity, Jewish - 606. 598 Bacchides - - - 161 Capua, F. - - 469 Bacchylides - - 475 Capua, C. - 420. 211 Bagoas - 338. 336 Caranus - - 814 Baladan . 747 715. 712 Carbo - 113. 87 Balak . - 1451 Carchemish, B. - - 606 Barak - - 1296 Carneades - 200 . 155. 129 Bathyllus - 4 Carthage, F. - - - 869 Belesis - 825 820. 767 Carthage, C. - . - 146 Belochus _ - 1433 Carthage, rebuilt _ - 123 Belshazzar - 555. 538 Carthagena, F. _ - 228 Belus - - 2221 Carthagena, C. - - 210 Beneventnm L, B. - 275 Carthaginians -409 . 395. 339 Benhadad _ - 839 Carvilius, Sp. . - 231 Benjamin - - 1732 Cassander 318. 316. 311. 304. 301. Berenice - - 246 297, Berosus . - 300 Cassius, Spurius - 484. 483 Bessus . - 330 Cassius - - 107 Bias - _ - 603 Cassius - 44. 42 Bibulus - - 59 Castor - - 1263 Bidpai ^ - 1022 Catiline's conspiracy - - 63 Bilhah - - 1451 Cato the Elder > 184. 149 Bion- _ - 300 Cato Uticensis . - 46 Bithynia - - 74 Catullus, poet - 30 252 INDEX, NO. 1. B C B.C. Catulus, Lutatius . - 241 Corsebus - 776 Caudine Forks _, - 321 Coronea, B. - - 447 Cebes _. „ 400 Cossus, Cornelius - 434 Cecrops _ - 1556 Cotta - 70 Celsus _ - 4 Crantor - 340 Censorship - - - 440 Crassus - 130 Chabrias . - 377 Crassus - 73. 70. 56. 55. 53 Chseronea, B. - - 328 Crassus, the Younger - 30 Chares _ - 300 Crates - 300 Chaldea _ . 2221 Creation of the World - 4004 Charilaus r _ > 878 Cremera - 475 Charon . _ 480 Creon - 483 Charops _ - 752 Critolaus - 155 Chedorlaomer _ 1913 Croesus 560. 546 Cheops . 1082 Ctesias - 400 Chilon _ 603 Ctesibius - 250 Chinese Empire - 2221 Ctesilaus - 340 Chiniladon - - 647 Cunaxa, B. - - 401 Cicero 106. 79. 70. 63. 58. 52.51.43 Curiatii - 667 Cimbri -109 . 105 . 102 Curius Dentatus - 275 Cimmerians - „ 635 617 Cursor, Papirius - 325 Cimon - 466. 461 .456 .449 Cursor, the Younger - - 272 Cincinnatus - . _ 456 Curtius - 362 Cinna _ - 87 Cushites - 1619 Citium, S. - _ . 449 Cyaxares 635. 611. 606 585. 571 Claudius Pulcher - - 249 Cybele - 204 Claudius Nero _ . 207 Cycle, Lunar - - 432 Claudius _ _ 143 Cylon - 612 Cleanthes _ - 250 Cynic School- - 400 Cleobulus . _ 603 Cynoscephalse, B. - - 197 Cleombrotus - - - 371 Cyrene - 96 Cleombrotus - _ „ 244 Cyrus the Great 546. 538. 536. 530 Cleomenes III. - - 228 Cyrus II. - 401 Cleon - .. 422 Cleopatra - - 117 D. Cleopatra . 51. 34. 30 Dactyli, Idsei - 1453 Cleosthenes - . - 884 Daedalus - 1304 Clepsydrse - . - 159 Damon - 400 Clodian Law- - - 58 Dan - - 1748 Clodius _ . 52 Daniel - 603. 570. 555. 537 Cnidus, B. - _ _ 394 Dardanus - 1490 Codrus _ _ 1070 Darius the Mede 571. 538 - - 509 504. 486 Collatinus Colossus of Rhodes . 300 . 224 Nothus - 424 Comedies _ _ 240 Ochus - 361 Comitia tributa . 469 . 339 Codomanus - 336. 334. 330 Confucius - ~ 520 Dathan - 1471 Conon _ 406 .394 Datis - 490 Conon, astronomer . _ 250 David 1063. 1055. 1048. 1047. 1015 Consuls . 509 . 367 Deborah - 1296 Corcyra, F. - _ - 703 Decemviri - - 449 Corinth, F. - „ _ 1520 Decius - 340 Corinth, C. - _ - 146 Decius - 295 Corinthian War - - 395 Dejoces - 710 Coriolanus - - - 488 Delphi - 548 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED B. C. 253 B.C. B.C. Deluge of Xoah - 2348 Epicurus - - 300 Deluge of Ogyges - 1796 Epigoai . - 1215 Deluge of Deucalion - - 1529 Epimenides - . - 594 Demetrius Phalereus- - 317 Erasistratus - - - 300 Demetrius Poliorcetes 307 304.296. Eratosthenes - - - 250 294. 287 Erectheus _ 1506. 1356 Demetrius Soter - 162 161. 150 Erostratus - . - 356 Demetrius Xicator - 138. 128 Esarhaddon - - 7 06. 678. 667 Democrates - - 340 Esau - . - 1836 Democritus - - 456 Eteocles - - 1225 Demosthenes - 352. 340 Euclides, archon - - 403 Dentatus, Curios - 275 Euclid _ - 300 Dercyliidas - - 397 Eumenes - - 316 Deucalion - - 1 529. 1522 Eumenes of Pergamos 262. 241 Deucalion - 1263 Eumenes U. - . - 188 Diana's Temple - 356 Eumolpus - - 1356 Dido - 869 Eunus - - 132 Dinocrates - - 183 Euripides . 444. 406 Diodorus - 50 Eurymedon - _ - 466 Diogenes the Cynic - - 340 EurVsthenes - . - 1104 Diogenes the Stoic - - 155 Eve* - . - 4003 Dion - - - - 357 Evilmerodach - 562, 560 Dionysius the Elder - 406. 389 Exodus - - 1491 Dionysius II. - 367. 357. 346. 343 Ezekiel . - 594 Dionysius of Alexandria - 285 Ezra - - - 444 Dionysius of Halicamassus - 27 Dipaenus - 509 F. DolabeUa - - 99 Fabii (300) - - - 475 Dolon - 578 Fabius Maximus Cunctator - 217 Domitius J'.nobarbus 121. 115 Fabius Maximus - - 121 Draco - 621 Fabius Pictor _ 269. 200 Drepanum, B. - 249 Faliscus - - 27 Drusus - 91 Fimbria - - 85 Drusus - 15. 9 Flaminius - - 17. 197. 194 Duilius - 260 naccu5, Yerrius - 4 E. Ecbatana, F. - Fulyius Flaccus - - 125 - 710 G. Eclipse - 585 Gad - - 1748. 1451 Edessa, F. - - 300 Gaza, C. - - 332 Eglon - - 1394. 1336 GedaUah - - 588 Egypt - 2188 Gellius - - 73 Ehud - 1.336 Gerizim, Temple of - - 332 F.lah - - 930 Gibeonites - _ - 1450 Eleatic Sect - - 548 Gideon _ - 1249 Eleusinian Mysteries - - 1519 Gilboa, B. - - - 1055 Eli - : - 1140 Glabrio . - 67 Elijah - -910 . 906. 896 Glaucias - - 306 Elis - - 1453 Golden Number . - 432 Elon - - 1140 Goliath _ - 1063 Ennius 200. 167 Gomorrah - - 1897 Enoch - - 331 7. 3017 Gorgias - - 444 Epaminondas- 371. 363 Gracchus, Tiberius . 134. 133 Ephori - 760 Gracchus, Caius - 12.3. 121 Ephyre - 1520 Granicus, B. - - - 334 254 INDEX, NO. 1. Gyges - B.C. - 716 Ictinus Idsei Dactyli B.C. - 444 - 1453 H. Ilerda, B. - - 49 Hagar . - 1892 Imilcon - 395 Haggai . - 520 Inachus - 1856 Halys, B. - . - 746 Inarus 463. 455 Ham - 2444. 2221. 2188 Ionian Colonies 504. 496. 397. 387 Haman - - 453 Ionic Migration . 1044 Hamilear -250.237. 228 Ionic school - - 601 Hanani - - 952 Iphicrates - 374 Hannibal 237. 221. 219 . 218. 217. Iphitus - 884 216. 203. 202. 196. 183 Ipsus, B. - 301 Hasdrubal - - 250. 228. 221 Ira ^ (C. 671.) 685 Hasdrubal _ - 207 Isaac 1896. 1872. 1760. 1716 Hazael _ - 8.39 Isseus - 377 Hecatompylos - - 1519 Isaiah - 758 Hector - - 1184 Ishbosheth - - 1055. 1048 Helen _ 1213. 1184 Ishmael - 1892 Heliodorus - . - 176 Isocrates - 400 Helvetia _ - 113 Issachar - 1747 Helvetii ™ - 107 Issus, B. - 333 Heraclidse _ - 1104 Isthmian Games 1326. 582. 196 Heraclitus _ - 499 Italian sect - - 548 Hercules , ' - 1263 Ithobal - 586 Hermocrates - - - 409 Ithome (C. 723.) 743 Hermogenes - - - 340 Herodotus - - 444 J Herod the Great - 40. 38. 17. 4 Jabin - 1296 Hesiod - - 975 Jacob 1836. 1760. 1689 Hezekiah. _ 750. 727 Jael - - 1296 Hiero II. - - 270 Jair - - ' 1140 Hipparchus - - (510). 488 Jannseus 106. 79 Hipparcbus, astronomer - 150 Janus, Temple of 235. 29. 24. 10 Hippias - (510). 488 Japhet - 2448 Hippocrates - - - 444 Jared - 3017 Hirtius - - 43 Jason, Argonaut - 1263 Homer - - 975 Jason, high priest - 175 Homer, Junior - - 250 Jebusites - 1047 Horace - 65. 27. 8 Jeconiah 599. 598 Horatii _ - 667 Jehoram, Israel 896. 884 Hortensius, Law of - - 287 Jehoram, Judah 898. 888 Hortensius - - 50 Jehoshaphat 914. 898 Hosea - - 758 Jehoash or Joash, Israel - 839 Hoshea - •■ 730 Jehoahaz, of Israel - - 856 Hosbeng - - 2040 Jehoahaz, of Judah - - 610 Hyginus - - 27 Jehoiachin - 599. 598 Hyksos - - 2084 Jehoiada - 878 Hyrcanus - 13 5. 109. 107 Jehoiakim - 609. 604. 599 Hyrcanus - 79. 70. 63 Jehu, prophet - 952 Hystaspes - - " - 468 Jehu, king - Jemshid - 884 - 2040 I. Jephthah - 1140 Iambic verses -• - 683 Jeremiah - 588 Ibsan - - 1140 Jericho, C. ~ - 1451 Ibycus - - 537 Jeroboam - 974 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED B. C. 255 Jeroboam II. - 825. 784 Lollius _ . 16 Jerusalem, C. 1047. 588. 320.170.63 Lot - _. - 1913 Jerusalem, spared - - 332 Lucilius - - 148 Jeshua - - 520 Lucullus „ 72. 69. 67 Joab - - 1021 Lucretius . - 50 Joash, of Judali _ 884. 878 Ludi Sa^culares _ - 456 Joash, of Israel - - 839 Lutatius Catulus _ - 241 Job - - - 1531 Lycophron - - - 250 Jocasta - - 1266 Lycurgus - 898. 884 Joel - - 769. 758 Lysander 405 . 404. 395 Johanan - - 367 Lysimachus - 311. 301 . 287. 284 John the Baptist - 6 Lysippus . - 340 Joiada - - 409 Lysias _ - 400 Jonah - - 862 Jonathan - 161. 144 M. Joseph 174,5. 1 728 1701. 1635 jMaccabees - . 166. 161 Joseph - 2 Macedon . 814. 168 Joshua - 1451. 1443 Macer - 4 Joshua _ - 367 Macertoninus . - 150 Josiah 643. 624. 610 Msecenas - - 27. 8 Jothara - - 758 Machanidas - _ - 207 Juba . - 46 Magnesia, B. _ - 190 Judah _ - 1752 Malachi _ - 430 Judas Macc;ibffius - 166. 161 Manasseh _ - 1457 Jugurtha 112. 111. 109. 107. 106 Manasseh, king _ - 698 Manasseh, high priest - 276 K. Mancinus _ - 137 Korah _ - 1471 Manetho _ - 250 Manilian law _ - 66 L. Manlius _ - 186 Laban - - 1760 Manlius - - 105 Laberius, J. D. _ - 50 Man ah - - 1140 Laborosoarchod - - 556 Mantinea, B. . 363. 207 Lsevinus - - 280 Marathon, B. - - 490 Lamachus _ - 415 Marcellus _ 222. 212 Lamech - ■■ 2948 Marcellus _ - 23 Laodicea, F. - _ - 300 Mardonius - _ - 479 Lartius - - 499 Mariamne - - - 40 Latinus - 1239. 1184 Marius 111. 107 102. 88. 87. 86 Lavinia - - 1184 Marius, younger . 82 Leah _ - 1760 Mary _ 2 Lectisternium _ - 399 Massinissa - 203 153. 149 I.entulus _ - 73 Maximus, Valerius - 4 Leonidas . - 480 Medon _ - 1070 Leonidas _ - 244 Medontidse - _" - 1070 Lepidus, M. ^'Emili us - 201 Megasthenes - - 300 Lepidus - 43. 36 Mela, Pomponius - 4 Leucippus - - 456 Melchizedek . - 1913 Leuctra, B. - _ - 371 Meleager _ - 150 Levi - _ - 1752 Meles - 735 Lilybffium - - 250 Meranon - - 1856 Livius Andronicus . - 241 Menahem - - 772 Livius Salinator . - 207 Menander _ - 300 Livius, Titus - - 27 Menelaus - - 1184 Lokman - - 1012 Menes -. - 2188 256 INDEX, NO. 1. Menu . B.C. - 2126 NsBvius _ B.C. - 228 Meribah . - 1451 Nahor _ - 2126 Meshach - - 580 Naphtali - - 1747 Messala . - 263 Naxos, B. - - - 377 Messana, F. - - - 670 Nazareth - 2 Messene, F. - - - 369 Nearchus - - 326 Messenian wars 743. 685. 465 Nebuchadnezzar 606. 604.598.588. Messiah - 1689. 5. 4. 2 586. 580. 572. 570. 562 Metaurus, B. _ - 207 Nechus or Pharaoh Necho617. 610. Metellus - - 250 606 Metellus Macertoninus - 150 Nectanebis I. - 374. 364 Metellus Macedonicus 148. 146 Nectanebis II. - 361.350 Metellus Numidicus 123. 115. HI. Nehemiah - - - 445 109. 100 Nemean games - 1226. 568 Metellus Creticus _ - 67 Nepos, Cornelius - - 50 Metellus . - 46 Neriglissar - - 560. 556 Methone, B. - . - 360 Nestor - 1263. 1184 Methone, C. - - - 352 Nicsea, F. (in India) - 327 Methuselah - _ - 3317 Nicander - ~ 150 Mettius Fuffetius _ - 665 Nicanor - - 161 Meton _ - 432 Nicetas - - 400 Mieah _ - 758 Nicias - - 415 Micipsa, death of - - lis Nicomedes - - 149. 74 Miletus, C. - - - 496 Nimrod - - 2221 Milo, athlete _ - 504 Nineveh 2221. 2069. 862. 820. 606 Milo - _ - 52 Ninus - - 2069 Miltiades - 490. 486 No-Amon, C. - - 688 Minos I. _ - 1406 Noah 2948. 2348. 1998 Minos II. - - 1304 Norbanus - - 83 Mithridates 111. 86 . 85. 84. 80. 72. Numantia, C. - - 133 66. 63 Numa Pompilius - - 715 Mitylene, S. - - - 80 Mizpeh - - 1096 0. Mizraim _ - 2188 Obadiah - - 588 Monseses « - 53 Obed - - 1312 Moschus _ - 300 Ochus 359. 350. 338 Moeris - - 2040 Octavius 63. 44. 43. 42. 41. 36. 32. Moses 1571. 1531. 1492. 1471 1451 31. 29. 27 Mummius - - 146 Octolophus, B. - - 200 Munda, B. - . - 45 (Edipus - - 1266 Musseus - - 1239 CEnophyta, B. - - 456 Mutina, B. - . - 43 (Enotrus - - 1028 Mycale, B. - - - 479 ^^ \r. - - - 1451 Mylse, B. - - - 260 Oguz Khan - - - 2084 Myron - - 340 Ogyges - - 1796 Myronides - - - 456 Old Testament - - 277 Olen - - 2326 N. Olympiad, First - - 776 Nabis _ 207. 192 Olympic games 145£ . 1222. 884 Nabonadius - - - 555 Olynthus, C. - 379. 347 Nabonassar - - - 747 Omri - - 929 Nabopolassar - 625, 606 Onias - - 276 Nabuchodonosor " - 667 Onias 11. - 217. 175 Nadab - - 1490 Onomarchus - - - 352 Nadab, king - - - 954 Orcetes - - 522 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED B. C. 257 Orodes Oropus Orpheus Othniel Ovid- 53 - 155 .506. 1263 - 1394 - 27 P. Pacorus - - - 38 Pactolus, B. - - - 395 Pacuvius - - - 150 Padua, F. - - - 1184 Pansetius - - - 143 Panathensean games - - 1506 Panormus, B. •- - 250 Panormus, C. - - 254 Pansa - - - 43 Papirius Cursor - -325. 309 Papirius Cursor, the Younger 272 Paris - - 1213. 1184 Parmenides - - - 609 Parthenise - - - 708 Paterciilus - - - 4 Patroclus - - - 1184 Pausanius - - - 336 Pausias _ . - 340 Paulus ^miliiis - 216. 168 Pekah - - - 759 Pekahiah - - - 761 Pelasgi - - - 2084 Pelopidas - - 371. 364 Pelops - - -1304 Pelusium, B. - - 171 Periander - - 625. 603 Pericles - - 461. 444. 429 Perinthus, S. - - 339 Peripatetic school - - 340 Perseus - - 179. 171. 168 Perusia - - - 40 Petreius - - - 49 Phsedrus - - - 27 Pbalantus - - - 708 Phalanx, Maced. - - 360 Phalaris - - - 571 Pharaoh Hophra - 594. 570 Pharaoh Necho - 617. 610. 606 Pharnabazus - 394. 374 Pharnaces - - 63. 46 Pharos at Alexandria - 284 Pharsalia, B. - - 48 Pherecydes - - - 571 Phidias - - - 444 Phido - - 869. 748 Philip 360. 358. 356. 352. 347. 346. 340. 339. 338. 337. 336 B.C. Philip Aridseus - - 323 Philip II. 220. 214. 212. 203. 202. 200. 197 Philippi, B. - - - 42 Philistines 1336. 1140. 1096. 1093. 1055 - 337 - 250 - 377 207. 192. 188. 183 - 387 Philistus Philo Philolaus Philopoemen - Philoxenus - Phocion Phocylides - Phoebidas Phraates Phraortes Physcon Piceni Pindar Pindenissum, C. Piraeus Pirithous PisistratidsD - Pisistratus - Piso - Piso's law Pittacus Plague at Athens Platsea, B. - Platsea, C. Plato Plautus Plautus, poet Plebeian magistrates - 339 - 537 - 382 35. 30. 23 - 657 - 170 90 - 475 - 51 - 404 - 1263 - 510 560. 530 65 - 149 - 603 - 430 - 479 - 427 429. 400 - 145 - 200 492. 469 marriages with patricians, 442 qusestorship - military tribunes consul dictator censor prsetor Pontifex Maximus Pleistoanax - Plotius Tucca Polemon PoUio Pollux Polybius Polycletus - Polycrates - Polygnotus - Polynices Polysperchon Pompeius 406 397 367 356 351 334 300 - 445 4 - 300 - 39 - 1263 168. 167. 150 - 444 - 522 - 444 - 1225 - 320 - 141 258 INDEX, NO. 1. Pompey 81. 73. 70. 66. 65. 63. 61. 56. 55. 52. 50. 48 Pompey, Cneius, and Sextus - 45 Pompey, Sextus - - 36 Pomponius Atticus - - 50 Pomponius Mela - - 4 Porus - - - 327 Porus - - - 20 Posidonius - - - 50 Potidaa, C. - - 429. 356 Potiphar - - - 1728 Praeneste, B. - - - 82 Praxiteles - - - 340 Procles - - 1225.1104 Prodicus - - - 444 Prometheus - - - 1582 Propcrtius - - - 27 Protagoras - - - 444 Protogenes - - - 340 Prusias - - 183. 149 Prytanes - - - 779 Psammetichus - - 670 Psammetichus - - 525 Psammeticlius - - 401 Psammis - - 600. 594 Pseudo -Philip - • 143 Ptolemy Soter 320. 311. 301. 284 Ceraunus - 287. 284 Philadelphus 284. 277. 247 Euergetes - 247. 246 • Philopator - 227. 217 Epiphanes -204.203. 181 Physcon - 170. 117 Lathyrus - 117. 80 Apion - - 96 Auletes - - 51 XII. - 51. 48 Publilius - ■• - 469 Pul - - - 771. 747 Pulcher, Claudius - - 249 Pydna, C. - •• 358. B. 168 Pylades - - - 4 Pyrrho - - - 300 Pyrrhus 306. 295. 287. 280. 275. 273. 272 Pythagoras - - - 548 Pythian games - 1263. .591 Pythias - - - 400 Q. Qusestors, plebeian - - 406 Quaestors, provincial - - 260 Rachel 1760. 1732 B.C. Rameses - 1577 Ramoth Gilead - 897 Raphia, B. - - 217 Regulus - 255 Rehoboam - - 975 Reuben - 1752 Reuben, tribe - 1451 Rhodes, S. - - 304 Rhodes, Colossus, 300. 224 Rhcecus - 509 Rome, F. - 753 Rome, C. - 387 Roscius Otho - 69 Roxana ^ 311 Rubicon - 49 Rutilus 356. 351 S. Sabacon - 751 Sabines, rape of - 750 Sacadas - 588 Saguntum, C. - 219 Salamis - 1773 Salamis, B. - - 480 Sallust - 50 Samaria, F.- - 929 Samaria, C. - 721. 109 Samaritans - - 678 Samson - 1140 Samuel 1096. 1095. 1063. 1060 Sanchoniatho - - 1451 Saosduchinus - - 667 Sappho - - - 612 Sarah - - - 1859 Sardanapalus - - 820 Sardis, C. - - 635. 546 Sardis, B. - - - 262 Sardis, burning of - - 504 Sargon - - 721. 715 Saturninus ■• - - 100 Saul - - 1095. 1093. 1055 Scamander - - - 1546 Sceptic School - ■ 300 Scipio, Cn. C - - 254 Scipio, Publius 218. 210. 201 Scipio, Cornelius and Cneius- 212 Scipio Africanus Major 202. 183 Scipio Africanus Minor 144. 143. 129 Scipio, Lucius • - 190 Scipio Nasica - - 134 Scipio - - - 46 Scopas - - - 352 Scyllis ~ - - 509 Scythians - - - 634 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED B. C. 259 Seblcus or So B.C. - 727 Sosius B.C. - 38 Secession, Roman - - 492 Sostratus _ - 284 Seculares Ludi - - 456 Sparta, F. - _ - 1490 Seleucidee, era of _ - 312 Sparta, C. - _ 222. 188 Seleucus Nicator 312. 301. 300. Spartacus _ - 73 287. 284. 280 Sphacteria, C. _ - 425 Seleucus Callinicus _ - 246 Stesichorus - _ - 658 Seleucus Ceraunus - - 223 Stoic sect _ - 200 Seleucus Philopator - 187. 176 Strabo - - 27 Selinus, destroyed - - 409 Straton - - 250 Sellasia, B. - - - 222 Sulpitius - - 200 Semiramis - _ - 2069 Sun-dials _ - 263 Semiramis - _ - 1433 Susa, C. _ - 331 Sempronian law - - 123 Susarion _ - 578 Sempronius - - - 218 Sybaris - - 510 Sennacherib - 7] L5. 713. 706 Sylla 111. 92. 90. 88 .86 . 84. 82. 81. Sentinum, B. _ - 295 79. 78 Septuagint - - - 277 Syphax - - 201 Sertorius, - 87. 72 Syracuse, F. - - - 732 Servilius Isauricus _ - 75 Syracuse, S. - _ - 395 Servius Tullius - - 578 Syracuse, C. - - 343. 212 Seth - - 3874 Sethon or Sevechus - - 727 T. Shadrach - - 580 Tabernacle - - 1490. 1444 Shamgar - - 1336 Tachos . 364. 361 Shallum . - 772 Tanagra, B. - .. - 457 Shalmaneser - -729. 724. 721 Tarentum, F. _ - 708 Shem - - 2446 Tarentum, C. _ - 272 Shepherd kings - 2084. 1825 Tarquinius Priscus - - 616 Shiloh - - 1689 Tarquinius Superbus 534. 509 Shiloh - 1444. 1141 Telesinus - - 82 Shishak or Sesostris - 1002. 971 Temple, The _ 1004. 515 Sicinius Dentatus _ ■ 449 Terah _ - 2126 Siculus - - 50 Terence _ - 159 Sicyon, F. - - 2084 Terentilian law - - 460 Sihon _ - 1451 Terentius Varro . - 50 Silanus - - 109 Terpander - - - 670 Simeon - - 1752 Teucer . - 1173 Simon _ 141. 135 Teutones _ - 102 Simon ides - - 475 Thales _ - 603 Sisenna, L. C. - - 50 Thapsus, B. - - 46 Sisera - - 1296 Thebes 1519. 1225. 382. 379. 335 Sisyphus - - 1520 Thebes in Egypt - - 1002 Sisyphus - - 1326 Theseus - 1263. 1257. 1213. Smerdis - - 522 Theocritus - - - 300 Smyrna, F. - - - 1124 Theodotus - - - 250 Socrates - 444. 400 Theognis - - 537 Sodom - - 1897 Theophrastus - - 340 Sogdianus - - 424 Theopompus - - 760 Solomon - - 1015 Thermopylae - 480. 191 Solon - 603. 594 Thespis - - 562 Sophocles - 444. 406 Thimbron - - 399 Sophonisba - - - 203 Thrasybulus - - 404. 401 Sosibius - - 250 Thrasymenus, B. - - 217 Sosigenes - 50. 46 Thucydides - - - 444 s 2 260 INDEX, NO. 1. Thurii B.C. - 443 Volumnia B.C. - 488 Tiber - 915 Volero - 469 Tiberius - 915 Tiberius - 20. 15. 12. 6 W. TibuUus - 27 War of the Amazons - 1213 Ticinus, B. - - 218 Civil, at Rome - 88. 50 Tiglath-pileser . 747. 740. 729 Corinthian - 395 Tigranes 83. 72 Jugurthine 111. 106 Tigranocerta, C = 69 1st Macedonian- - 200 Timseus - 276 2nd Macedonian - 171 Timoleon 343.339 1st Messenian - - 743 Tissaphernes 412. 396 2nd Messenian - - 685 Tirhakah 717. 688 3rd Messenian - - 465 Tiridates - 35 Mithridatic 88, 74 Tirzah - 929 Numantine - 141 Tola - 1140 Peloponnesian - - 431 Trebia, B. - - 218 1st Punic - 264 Tremellius - - 143 2nd Punic - 218 Triumvirate, 1st. 56 3rd Punic - 149 Triumvirate, 2nd. - 43 Isi Sacred - 448 Trogus Pompeius - 50 2nd Sacred - 357 Troy - 1.546. 1184 of the Samnites- - 343 Tucca Plotius - 50 Servile, in Sicily 132. 99 TuUus Hostilius - 672 Servile, in Italy •- 73 Turks - 2084 Sertorius - 78 Tyre or Tsor, F. - 1252 Social, Greece - - 220 Tyre, S. - 586 Social, Italy - 90 Tyre, C, 573. 332 Tarentine - 281 Tyrtseus - 685 1st of Thebes - - 1225 2nd of Thebes - - 1216 U. Transalpine Gauls - 125 Ulysses - 1184 X. Xanthippus - Uzziah - 810 - 255 Xenophanes - - 548 V. Xenophon 444. 400 Valerius Maximus 4 Xerxes 486. 480. 479. 465. 424 Varius, poet - 4 Varro - 216 Z. Varro, Terentius - 67 Zachariah - 772 Varus, Quintilius 4 Zama, B. - - 202 Vashti - 462 Zebulon - 1747 Veii, C. - 393 Zechariah - 520 Velleius Paterculus 4 Zedekiah - 598 Ventidius - 38 Zeno - 300 Vercellse, B. - " (103.) 102 Zenodotus - 250 Verres - 70 Zerah - 941 Verrius Flaccus 4 Zerubbabel - - 520 Veturia - 488 Zeuxis - 444 Virgil 70. 41. 27 Zilpah - 1748 Virginia - 447 Zimri - 929 Viriathus 145. 140 Zion - 1047 Viridomarus - - 222 Zipporah - 1531 Vitellius - 145 Zoilus - 250 Vitruvius - 27 Zoroaster - 520 INDEX, No. 2. CONTAINING THE EVENTS THAT OCCURRED AFTER THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. A. A.C. Abasside dynasty - - 749 Abbas the Great, - - 1585 Abbas II. - - - 1666 Abdallah - - - 683 Abdalmelek - - 683. 706 Abdalrahman - - 732 Abderrahman I. - - 756 Abderrahman II. ~ - 821 Abderrahman III. - - 912 Abdhul-Achmet - - 1774 Abdul Medjid - - 1839 Abelard - - 1116.1142 Abercrombie, Sir R. - 1799. 1801 Abcrcrombie, Dr. J. - - 1844 Abernethy, physician 1810. 1831 Aberration of light - 1659.1737 Aboukir, B. -• - - 1799 Abubeker - - 632. 634 Abulfeda - - - 1322 Abulfaragius - - 1263 Academy, French - - 1635 Academy, Dictionary of - 1694 Academy of Inscriptions, &c. 1663 Academy of Sciences, Paris - 1666 Academy, Royal Irish - 1786 Academy of Sciences, Peters- burg - - - 1724 Academy, Military, "Woolwich 1741 Achbar the Great - - 1555 Achmet I. - 1603. 1617. 1618 Achmet III. - - 1703. 1730 Achromatic telescopes 1729. 1757 Acre, C. 1104. 1191. 1832. 1840 Acre, S. - - - 1799 Adams, President U.S. - 1797 Adams, J. Q., ditto - 1825. 1848 Adams, astronomer - - 1847 Addington - - - 1801 Addison - - 1709. 1710 Adelaide of Susa - - 1108 Adelaide, Queen - - 1849 Adelbert - .. _ io56 Aden, C. - - - 1839 Adeodatus, pope - - 672 Adhed - - - 1171 Ado - - - - 872 Adolphus of Nassau - 1292. 1298 Adolphus, Frederic, of Sweden 1751 Adrian - 117. 121. 130. 132 Adrian I. pope 772. 774. 780. 788 II. - - - 867 III. - - - 884 IV. - - - 1154 V - - - 1276 VI. - - - 1522 Adrian Turnebus - - 1559 Adrianople, B. 313. 378. 1363 Adrianople, T. - - 1829 Adrianus, rhetorician - 138 jEIia Capitolina - - 130 ^lianus - - - 222 ^lius Spartianus - - 300 ^lla- - - - 470 ^milianus - - - 254 ^neas Sylvius - - 1453 iEtius - 428. 432. 451 JEtna. See Etna. Agabus - - - 45 Agapetus I, pope - - 535 s 3 262 INDEX, NO. 2. Agapetus II. pope Agathius, historian ■ Agatho, pope Agincourt, B. Aglabite dynasty Agnadello, B. Agricola Agricola, Rudolphus Agrippa Agrippa, Herod A.C. - 946 - 532 - 676 - 1415 800. 908 - 1509 80 - 1470 - 20 37. 40. 44 Agrippa, Henry Cornelius - 1517 Agrippina - - - 19 Agrippina - - 48. 54. 59 Ailred, Historian - - 1150 Aix-la-Chapelle, C. - - 882 Aix-la-Chapelle, P. - 1668. 1748 Air-pump - - - 1654 Ajoubite dynastv - - 1193 Akenside - " 1744. 1750. 1770 AkbarKhan- - 1841.1842 Alans - - 406. 417 Alaric - - 400. 410 Alaric - - - 507 Alban's, St., B. - 1455. 1460 Albemarle, Duke - - 1666 Albemarle, Earl - - 1712 Alberoni - 1717. 1718. 1719 Albert the Bear - 1138.1142 Albert of Brandenburg - 1525 Albert of Bremen, bp. 1198. 1201 Albert of Jerusalem - -1209 Albert - 1282. 1298. 1308 Albert of Sweden - - 1389 Albert II. of Germany 1437. 1438 Albert, Prince of Saxe-Coburg 1840. 1842. 1850 Albert E., Prince of Wales - 1841 Alberti of Rimini - -1451 Albertus Magnus - - 1263 Albigenses - - 1209. 1226 Albinus - - 196. 197 Alboin - - - 568 Albret, Constable d' - - 1415 Albuera, B. - - - 1811 Albuquerque- - - 1511 Alcazar, B. - - - 1579 Alcmaer, B. - - -1573 Alcuin - - - 788 Aldo- - - - 1494 Alectus - ^ - 286 Alemanni - - 271. 296 Alexander I. pope - - 1 09 II. - - 1061 -III. 1159. 1162. 1167. - 1168. 1176. 1179 Alexander IV. pope vi. VII. VIII. A.C. - 1254 - 1409 1492. 1498 - 1655 - 1689 Alexander Severus - 222. 232. 235 Alexander I. of Scotland - 1107 II. of Scotland - 1214 III. of Scotland 1249. 1263 Alexander de Spina - - 1285 Alexander of Poland - 1501 Alexander, bishop of Jeru- salem, - - 1841. 1845 Alexander de Medici - 1527 Alexander, Natalis - - 1700 Alexander I. of Russia 1801. 1808. 1825 Alexandria, C. - 295. 1807 Alexandria, B. - - 18C1 Alexandria, F. - - 1168 Alexandrian library - - 640 Alexis Michaelowitch - 1645 Alexis Czarowitz - - 1718 Alexius I. - - - 1081 II. - - 1180. 1183 . III. - - 1195. 1206 IV. - - - 1203 Alexius Ducas, or Mur- zuphlus - - 1203. 1204 Aifieri - 1773. 1780. 1803 Alfred the Great, 872. 888. 886. 890. 901 Algarotti - - - 1750 . Algebra - - 400. 1412 Algebraic geometry - - 1637 Algerines, league against - 1749 Algiers, bombardment 1682.1816 Algiers, C - - - 1830 Alhakem - - - 821 Alhambra, palace - - 1273 Alhazen - - - 1100 All - - - 655.661 Alice Maud, princess - 1843 Alien Bill - - - 1793 Aliwal, B. - - - 1846 Allatius, Leo - - - 1650 Alliance, Holy - 1815.1818 Alliance, Quadruple -■ 1718.1745 Alma, B. - • - 1854 Almagro - - - 1527 Almamun - - 813. 833 Almanack, Nautical - - 1767 Almanara, B. - - 1710 Almanza, B. - - 1707 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 263 Almanzor Almanzor Almeida, Francis Almeida, C. - Almeric I. Almohades - Almovavidcs - Al-Motawakel Al-Omra, Emirs Alp Arslan - Alphonsines - Alphonso I. - IV. VI A.C. 754. 762 996. 1001 - 1604 " 1810 - 1163. 1171 - 1120 1061. 1097. 1120 - 847 - 93.5 1056. 1071, 1072 - 1252 - 750 - 925 1065„ 1072. 1085. 1109 VII. - - 1109 IX. '- - 1212 X.- - 1252.1284 XI. - 1340. 1350 Alphonso I. of Portugal, 1139. 1172. 1179 . V. of Portugal, 1438. 1476 VI. of Portugal, 1656. 1667. 1683 V. of Arragon, 1443. 1458 Alphonso, Duke Al-Rhadi - Alva, Duke of, Alvares Cabral Amadeus III. V. - VIIL Amalasonta - Amaury Amboise, Cardinal - conspiracy of 1503. 1511 - 935 1567. 1573 - 1500 - 1108 - 1285 1391. 1434 - 553 1163. 1171 - 1498 - 1560 - 384 1760. 1810 Ambrose, bishop Amelia, Princess America, discovery of, 1492. 1493. 1496. 1498. 1499. 1500 American wars 1775.1783.1814 American Independence - 1782 Amerigo Vesputio - - 1499 Amherst, Lord ■ - 1823 Amiens, P. - - - 1802 Ammonius Saccas - - 222 Amoy, C. - - - 1841 Amsterdam, F. - - 1345 Amurath I. 1359. 1361. 1386. 1388 II. 1422. 1443. 1447. 1451 III. - - 1574 IV. - 1623.1638 Anabaptists - - 1535. 1537 Anacletus - - - 78 II. - 1130. 1138 A C. 31 Ananias Anastasius I., emperor 491. 507. 512 II. , antipope I., pope - iii. Ancram Muir, B. Anderson, James ,Dr., E. - Andragathius Andrea, of Russia - Andreas Andrew II. of Bohemia Andrew of Hungary 121 Andrew of Hungary Andrew del Sarto Andrew Doria Andrews, H., astron. Andrew's, St., University Andronicus Andronicus Comnenus Andronicus II. Andronicus III. Andrussow, T. Angelo, Michael Anglerius Angles Angora, B. - Angouleme, Duke, 1814 Anicetus Ankerstroom Anna Comnena Anne Romanowna - of Bohemia of Beaujeu of Bretagne of Hungary Boleyn 1527. of Cleves of Austria Queen Hyde of Russia , Princess, Annunciation, order of the - 1434 Anschaire - - - 829 Anselm 1061. 1084. 1096. 1097. 1100 Anson 1740. 1744. 1747. 1758 Anterus - - - 235 Anthemius - - 467. 472 Antioch, C. - 261. 542. 1098 , destroyed - 525. 59a 713 855 398 496 911 1545 1780 1800 383 1157 1340 1204 1222. 1245 - 1345 - 1517 - 1528 1800. 1820 1411 1068. 1071 1183. 1185 - 1283 - 1328 - 1667 1503. 1517 - 1509 - 449 - 1402 1823. 1844 - 157 - 1792 - 1100 - 988 - 1399 - 1483 1499. 1514 - 1521 1533. 1536 - 1540 1615. 1643 1701. 1702 1701 - 1730 - 1760 S 4 264 INDEX, NO. 2. A.C. Antioch, B. - - - 610 Antoninus Pius 138. 139. 145 Antonius de Rusellis - 1453 Antony - - - 305 Antwerp, truce - - 1609 , C. - - 1746. 1832 Apion - - - 49 Apollonius Tyaneus - ' 49 Appian - - - 157 Aquileia, B. - - 340. 392 Arabic numerals - - 984 Arago - - 1848, 1853 Arblay, Madame d' - - 1840 Arbogastes - - - 392 Arbrissel, Robert of - - 1094 Arbuthnot, Dr. - - 1720 Arcadius - - 395. 404 Archangel, passage by sea to, 1553 Archelaus - - - 6 Aryon, D' - - - 1782 Areola, B. - - - 1796 Arcot, C. - - - 1751 Arctic exp. - 1818.1819.1845 Ardoin -_ - - 1002 Ardres, interview near - 1520 Arensberg, diet - - 940 Aretino Guido, mus. - - 1024 Aretino Leonardo - - 1425 Argyle - - - 1661 Argyropylus, John - - 1453 Ariadne - - 474. 491 Arians - 325. 358. 365. 525 Ariminum, council ' - - 359 Ariosto . - - 1517 Aristotle's philosophy 1209. 1215. 1239. 1366 Arius - - - 325 Arkwright - - 1770. 1792 Aries, council - - 314 Aries, B. - - - 308 Aries, kingdom - - 879 Arlington - - - 1669 Armada, Spanish - - 1588 Armagnac - - 1393. 1444 Armagh, archbishopric 472. 1202 Armagh, C. - - - 1566 Arminians - - - 1618 Arminius - - - 1601 Arminius - - - 9 Arne, Dr. - - - 1760 Arnobius . - - 250 Arnold, or Arnulph - 887. 893 Arnold of Brescia - 1 1 39. 1 1 54 Arnold Winkelried - - 1386 Arnold, Dr. T. - 1830. 1842 A.C. - 1790 887. 893 - 1589 - 1435 - 138 - 17 - 743 226. 232 - 1332. 1382 -508. 515. 542 1189. 1199. 1202 - 1509 1850 1539 1562 1595 - 1302 1099. 1177. 1192 - 1550 - 1816. 1838 - 1669 - 1809 - 1803 - 872 - 1177 - 1154 Arnold, musician Arnulph, or Arnold Arques, B. - Arras, T. Arrianus Artabanus Artacazdus - Artaxerxes - Artevelde Arthur, King Arthur, Prince Arthur, Prince Arthur, Patrick, Prince Articles, Six - Articles, the Thirty- nine Articles, Lambeth Artois, Count Ascalon, B. - Ascham, Roger Ashe Ashley Aspern, B. - Assaye, B, - Asser Assize, Justices of Asti, C. Astronomical tables - - 1252 Astulphus - 752. 753. 754. 755 Atabeck-Zenghi - - 1145 Atahualpa - - - 1533 Athalaric - - - 533 Athanasius - - 325. 337 Atheism punished - - 1619 Athelstan - - 925. 938 Athenais - - - 42 1 Athens, C. - - - 1826 Athens, Revolution at - 1843 Athlone, C. - - 1691 Atra- - - 117.200 Atticus - - - 157 Attila 442. 445. 451. 452. 453 Atterbury, bishop - - 1731 Atwood, G. - - 1790. 1807 Atwood, musician - 1816. 1838 Aubin, St., B. - - 1488 Auchmuty, General - - 1807 Auckland, Governor-General 1836 Audubon - _ - 1851 Aughrim, B.- - - 1691 Augsburg, league - - 1686 Augsburg, P. - - 1555 Augsburg, diet - 1530. 1547 Augsburg, Confession - 1530 Augustine - - 400. 410 Augustine, the monk - 596 EVENTS THAT OCCURREU A. C. 265 Augnstinian ordei- . A.C. - 1274 Banister _ A.C. - 1835 Augustulus, Romulus - 475 Bank of Amsterdam . - 1609 Augustus II. - 1697. 1704. 1709 Bank of England - - 1594 Aulic Council _ - 1512 Banks, Sir J. 1800. 1820 Aulus Gellius . - 100 Bannockburn, B. _ - 1314 Aumale, d', duke of Guise - 1553 Bannockburn _ - 1488 Aumale, B. - - - 1592 Barbadoes _ - 1625 Aurelian - 270. 273 Barbarossa - 1516. 1534. 1535 Aurelius, Marcus - 161. 171 Barbaras, Hermolaus - 1480 Aurengzebe 1658. 1678 1690. 1707 Barbauld, Mrs . 1800. 1825 Auricular confession - 440. 1215 Barbeyrac _ 1730. 1747 Ausonius - - 375 Barcelona, bombarded - 1842 Austerlitz, B. _ - 1805 Barcelona, C. . 1705. 1714 Austrian family - - 1273 Barchochebas _ - 131 Aventinus - - - 1517 Barea Soranus - - 66 Avicenna - - 1024 Barga, Da - - 1670 Avitus - - 455 Barkiarok - 1092 Azof, C. - 1697. 1736 Barnabas 43. 45 Azores, discovered - - 1431 Barnet, B. - - 1471 Barneveldt - - 1619 B Baronets, created - 1611 Baber - ' 1526 Barrosa, B. - - 1811 Babington _ - 1586 Barometer, invented - 1643 Bacon, Lord - 1597. 1605. 1610 Baronius, cardinal - 1601 1620. 1621. 1626 Barricades, day of - 1648 Bacon, Roger 1252. 1260. 1263 Barry, painter 1790. 1806 Bacon, sculptor - - 1780 Barrow, Isaac - - 1670 Badajos, C. - - 1811. 1812 Barrow's Straits _ - 1819 Baffin's Bay - . - 1616 Barth, John 1693 Bagdad, F. - - - 762 Barthelemy, abbe - - 1788 Bagdad 1055. 1392. 1401. 1637 Bartholomew Diaz - ■ - 1486 Bagdad, C. - 1258. 1392. 1638 Bartholomew, St. _ - 1572 Bagnal, Marshal - - 1598 Bartolus _ - 1350 Bailly - - 178^ Barton, poet - - ~ 1849 Baird, St. David 1799, 1806. 1852 Basil the Great _ - 375 Bajazet I. 1389. 1396. 1397. 1402 Basil or Basle, council - 1061 Bajazet II. - - 1481. 3512 Basil, council - - 1431 Balaklava, C. - - 1854 Basil, schism - 1439. 1449 Balbinus _ - 238 Basil, P. - - 1499 Balboa, Nugnez - - 1513 Basilius 851. 867. 880 Baldus - - 1350 Basilius, or Basil II. 975 .1019.1025 Baldwin - - 1060 Basnage - 1710 Baldwin 1096. 1100. 1104 Basque Roads, B. - - 1809 Baldwin IV. - - 1173. 1185 Bass's Straits - - 1797 Baldwin 1202. 1204. 1206 Bassompierre - - 1629 Baldwin II. - - - 1228 Bastille - 1369. 1789 Baliol, John - 1290. 1292. 1296 Batavia, F. - - - 1621 Baliol, Edward _ - 1332 Bath, order of the . - 1399 Ballin amuck, B _ - 1798 Batou - - 1237 Ballingarry - - - 1848 Bautzen, B. - -- - 1813 Balloon, first - - - 1783 Bayard 1503. 1509 1513. 1524 Balmerino - - 1746 Bayer - 1601. 1603 Balzac _ - 1654 Baylcn, B. - - - 1808 Bangor, monaster^ Y - - 530 Bavlen, duke of - - 1852 Banier 1618." 1636. 1639. 1641 Bayle, Peter - 1680. 1697 266 INDEX^ NO. 2. Bayley - - 1826. 1839 Bayonets - - - 1670 Beaton, cardinal - - 1546 Beatrix - - - 1272 Beattie - - 1780. 1803 Beaumont - - - 1601 Beckford - - - 1844 Beckwith, General - - 1810 Bede- - - - 718 Bedell, bp. - - - 1640 Bedford, Duke 1422. 1431. 1435 Beeehey, Sir W. - 1816. 1839 Beethoven, musician - 1800. 1827 Behring _ - - 1728 Belgrade, S. - - - 1456 Belgrade, B. - - - 1717 Belgrade, P. - - 1739 Belgrade, C. - 1521. 1717. 1789 1811 Belisarius - 529. 532. 534. 537. 540. 549. 558, 559, 560 Bellarmine - - - 1610 Belleisle, B. - - - 1759 Belleisle, C. - - - 1761 Belleisle, General - - 1742 Bell ' - - 1816. 1832 Bell, Sir Charles - 1826. 1842 Bellingham - - - 1812 Belsham - - - 1800 Belzoni - 1815. 1820. 1823 Benburb, B. - - - 1646 Benedict, St. - - 529 Benedict I., pope - - 574 . II. - 684 (see 682) . . III. - - 855 IV. - - 900 V. - - 964 YI. - 972. 974 VII. - - 975 VIII. - - 1012 IX. 1033. 1044. 1046. 1048 X. - - - 1058 XI. - 1303. 1307 XIT. - - 1334 . Xm. 1394. 1397. 1409. 1414 XIII., properly so called - - 1724 XIV. - - 1740 Benevento, B. - - 1266 Bentham - - 1816. 1832 Bentinck, Lord - - 1828 Bentivoglio - - - 1630 Bentley - - 1720. 1742 Berengaria - - - 1199 Berengarius - 1050. 1061. 1079 Berengarius or Berenger I. - 890. 904. 924 Berengarius II. - - 962 Berenger of Provence - 1084 Beresford, General - 1806. 1811 Beresina, Passage of - - 1812 Bergen-op-Zoom, C. - 1747 Bergen-op-Zoom - - 1814 Berghen, B. - - - 1759 Berkeley, bp. - 1730. 1753 Berlin, University - - 1810 Berlin, C. - - 1760. 1806 Bermudas, discovered - 1527 Bernadotte - 1810. 1818. 1844 Bernard, king of Italy 810. 818 Bernard of Menton - - 1008 Bernard of Clairveaux 1115. 1 140. 1145. 1147. 1153 Bernard of Aschersleben - 1180 Bernard, Duke - - 1638 Bernardin, Sampson - - 1519 Bernardin de St. Pierre - 1800 Bernardins - - - 1115 Bernini - - - 1670 Berno - - - 910 Bernouilli, John - - 1700 Bernouilli, James - - 1700 Berold - - - 1027 Berri, Duke - - - 1820 Berri, Duchess - - 1832 Bertha - - - 926 Bertha - - - 998 Bertha - - - 1086 Berthold IV. - - 1178 Berthold V. - - - 1218 Bertrade - - - 1088 Berwick, B. - - - 1333 Berwick, Duke 1707. 1714. 1734 Berzelius, chemist - - 1848 Bessarion, cardinal - - 1460 Bessel - - - 1846 Betham - - - 1853 Bethencourt - - - 1402 Beza, Theodore - - 1564 Bhurtpore, C. - - 1826 Bible, divided into chapters - 1228 , commentaries on - 1331 1810 , Wickliffe's translation 1380 , Polyglot - 1516. 1650 , German translation - 1522 , Cranmer's, or the Great 1530 , Matthew's - - 1537 EVENTS THAT OCCURKED A. C. 267 Bible, Douay version . T. - A.C. 1609 , Irish translation O.T. 1640 , Naval and Miliary Society - - 1780 , British and Foreign Society 1804 Bidassoa, passage of - 1813. 1823 Bilboa, B. - " - _ 1836 Billingsley, Henry - - 1570 Bills of Exchange - 1160. 1307 Birch, Dr. - - - 1750 Bird, painter . 1810. 1819 Biren, duke of Courland _ 1730 Birkbeck, Dr. _ - 1841 Biron _ _ 1602 Bitonto, B. - _ _ 1735 Black, Dr. Joseph - - 1780 Black-hole (Calcutta) - 1756 Black death - 1350. 1361. 1369 Black Prince 1346. 1356. 1367 Blackwater, B. - - 1598 Blackstonc, Sir W. - . 1770 Bladensburg, B. _ . 1814 Blair, poet - - . 1740 Blair, Dr. Hugh - 1780 Blake _ 1652. 1654 Blanc, Mont - . , 1787 Blanche of Castille _ , 1226 Blenheim, B. _ _ 1704 Blida, destroyed _ . 1825 Blois, assembly at - - 1588 Blood, circulation of - - 1628 Bloody Statute - - 1539 Bloomfield, R. - 1810. 1823 Blount, Sir John _ _ 1720 Blucher , 1815. 1819 Blues, faction of _ _ 491 Blumenbach - . - 1816 Boadicea - - 61 Bobio, monastery - - 614 Boccaccio - ]350. 1360 Bochart - . 1650 Bockholdt, John - 1535. 1536 Bode, astronomer - 1800. 1827 Bodleian library - _ 1598 Boehmen - _ 1620 Boerhaave - . _ 1710 Boethius - 500. 526 Bcettinger, Dr. . - 1846 Bogoris - - 861 Bohemian or Moi avian Brethren - _ _ 1459 Boileau, Despreaux - 1680. 1711 Boissot - _ 1574 Boleslaus II. of Bohemia 966. 967 A.C. Boleslaus of Poland - - 999 Boleslaus 11. of Poland - 1058 Boleslaus III. of Poland 1124, 1139 Bolingbroke, Lord - - 1710 bolivar 1817. 1824. 1825. 1830 Bolivia, republic - - 1825 Bomarsund, C. - - 1854 Bombay, ceded - - 1661 Bonaparte 1793. 1795. 1796. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1802. 1804. 1805. 1806 Bonaparte, Lucien - 1799. 1840 Bonaparte, Louis - 1806. 1810 Bonaparte, Joseph - 1805.1808 Bona Ventura - - - 1263 Bonchamp - - - 1793 Boniface, Count -• 429. 432 Boniface or Winfrid - - 736 Boniface of Tuscany - 828 Boniface of Montferrat - 1202 Boniface I. pope - - 419 IL - - - 530 IIL - - 606 IV. - - 608 V. - - - 619 VL - - 896 Vn. - - 974 VIII 1294. 1300. 1301. 1303 IX. - - 1389 Bonnet, Charles - - 1793 Bonnivard - - - 1531 Book of Common Prayer 1548.1551. 1603. 1661 Bordeaux, Duke - - 1820 Borelli - . - 1670 Borgia, Roderic - - 1492 Borgia, Caesar - 1493. 1498 Bornhseved, B. - - 1227 Borziwoy ™ - _ §94 Boscawen - - 1748. 1759 Boson of Provence - - 879 Bossuet 1680. 1685. 1697. 1704 Boston - - 1773. 1774 Boswell - - 1780. 1795 Bosworth, B.- - - 1485 Botany Bay - - 1760.1788 Both well bridge, B. - -1679 Bougainville- - - 1768 Bouilland - . _ i650 Boulogne, C- - - 1544 Bounty, mutiny of the - 1790 Bourbon, house of - - 1589 Bourbon, Duke - - 1527 Bourbon Island, C. - - 1810 Bourdaloue - - 1680. 1704 268 INDEX, NO. 2. Bourdonnaye, La . _ A.C. 1746 Brunton, novelist A.C. ' 1810 Bourges, council - - 1528 Bruyere, La - - 1680 Bouthillier de Kance - _ 1664 Bryant, antiquarian - 1790. 1804 Bouvines, B. - - - 1214 Brydges, Sir E. - 1810 Bowditch, mathematician 1838 Bucer, theologian - 1540 Bowdicb, traveller . . 1824 Buchan, traveller - 1818 Bowles _ 1789. 1850 Buchanan, Dr. Claudius - 1815 Boyer 1818. 1820. 1843 Bucharest, P. - 1812 Boyle, Robert - 1680. 1691 Buckingham 1625. 1627. 1628 Boyne, B. - - - 1690 Buckingham - 1669 Bozzaris, Marco - - 1823 Budseus - 1530 Braddock . _ 1754 Bueno- Vista, B. - 1847 Bradley 1737 1740. 1762 Buenos Ayres 1806. 1807. 1852. Bradwardine - - 1348 1853 Braganza, duke of . . 1640 BuflPon 1760. 1788 Brand - - 1790 Bugenhagen - - 1539 Brandon - - 1509 Bunker's Hill, B. - - 1775 Brazil, discovery of - - 1500 Burckhardt - 1810. 1818 Breda, P. - - 1667 Burgos, S. - - 1812 Bredei - - 685 Burgoyne - 1777 Brehon laws - _ - 1606 Burgundian kingdom - 413 Bremen, C. - - - 1757 Burgundian laws - 501 Brenneville, B. _ - 1119 Burgundians - - 490 Breslau, P. - - - 1742 Burgundy, house of 1263. 1361. 1363 Bretigni, P. - _ - 1360 Buridan - 1322 Brian Boroimlie, or Boru 1001 1014 Burke - 1780. 1787. 1797 Bridport, Lord - 1795 Burlamaqui - 1730. 1748 Brienne _ 1787. 1788 Burmese War 1824. 1852 Briggs _ .. 1620 Burnes, Sir Alexander - 1841 Brille, C. - - - 1572 Burnet, Thomas - 1680 Brissot _ _ 1793 Burnet, bp. - 1690. 1715 Britain - - 426 Burney, Dr. - 1800. 1814 Britain, New- _ _ 1700 Burns, Robert 1790. 1796 Britannicus - _ - 55 Busaco, B. - - 1810 Broglio, duke of _ _ 1759 Bushe, C. K. - 1843 Brotier, critic _ _ 1770 Butler, bp. 1736. 1740. 1752 Brown, Dr. Thomas - 1810. 1820 Butler, poet - - 1673 Bruce, Robert - 1306. 1314 Buy ides, - 945 Bruce, Edward - - 1316 Buxar, B. - 1764 Bruce, traveller » 1768. 1794 Buxton, Sir T. E. - - 1845 Brueys, Admiral - - 1798 Byblius, Philo - 100 Brun, Le - _ 1670 Byng, Sir George - 1718 Brun, Malte - _ 1810. 1826 Byng, John 1756, 1757 Brune, General . - 1799 Byron, Lord 1807. 1812 1816. 1824 Brunechilda, or Brunehaut 571 .596. Byron, Commodore - - 1764 614 Byzantium, S. - 195 Brunei, Sir J. _ - 1849 Brunnen, League - - 1315 C. Bruno - - 1084 Cabades - 502. 519 Bruno, Jordano _ . 1601 Cabal administration - 1669 Brunsbury, B. , _ 938 Cabillauds, faction of - 1417 Brussels, C. - _ - 1746 Cabot, Sebastian - 1496 Brunswick, house of- 1071 1714 Cabul, C. - 1842 Brunswick, Dnke 1787. 1792. 1806. Cadiz - 1587 1815 Cadiz, C. - - 1596 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 269 Cadolaus Cadoudal Coesar Borgia Cgesarea, C. - Caiaphas Cairo, F. Cairo, C. - Caius, pope - Cajetaa Calais, C. - Calas, John - Calatrava, order of ■ Calcutta, C. - Calderon Calendar, reform of California Caligula Calixtines Calixtus I. - Calixtus II. - Calixtus III. - Callinicus Calmar, union of Calmet Calonne Calpe Calvin - 1535. Camaldulensian Order Cambaceres - Cambray, league of - Cambray, T. Cambridge University Cambridge, Duke Camden, W. Camden-to^vn, B. Camerarius Camisards (Protestants) Camlan, B. - Caraoens Campanella - Campanes Campbell, John Campbell. Dr. G. - Campbell, T. 1799. Campbell, General Camperdown, B. Campo Formio, P. - Canada, French colony Canada, C. - Canaries, discovered Candahar, B. CandoUe, De, botanist Canning Cannon first used Canonisation - A.C. _ 1061 _ 1804 1493. 1498 . 261 17. 37 1 . 969 - 1798 _ 283 1517. 1518 1347. 1558 . 1762 . 1158 - 1756 . 1650 1752. 1582 - 1847 37. 38 i - 1420 - 219 1119 1122 1168. 1455 .. 672 1397. 1523 - 1740 1783, 1787 - 713 1540. 1564 - 1023 - 1799 . 1508 - 1529 _ 915 1818. 1850 . 1610 . 1780 . 1560 - 1702 _ 542 - 1570 . 1620 - 1043 - 1760 _ 1780 1816. 1844 1825. 1852 _ 1797 - 1797 - 1604 - 1760 > 1402 - 1842 . 1841 1822. 1827 1346. 1383 993. 1179 Canon law - - 1140. 1151 Canossa, castle - - 1077 Canova, sculptor - 1800. 1822 Canton, blockaded - - 1840 Canton, capitulation - - 1841 Canute 1014. 1016, 1017. 1028 1036 Canute II. (Hardicanute) 1039. 1036. 1041 Canute VI. - - - 1183 Cape Breton, C. 1745. 1758. 1763 Cape of Good Hope 1486. 1497. 1795. 1802. 1806 Cape Verde Islands - - 1460 Capetian dynasty - - 987 Capitan Pacha - - 1770 Capitularies - - - 800 Capo d'Istria- - - 1828 Cappel, B. - - - 1531 Caracalla Caracci, Lewis Augustine and Han- nibal Caractacus - Carausius Caravajal Cardan, Jerome Cards invented Carey, Dr. - Caribbean islands Caribert Carinus Carissimi Carioman Carloman Carlos, Don - Carlos, Don - Carlovingian dynasty Carlowitz, P. Carmelite order Carnarvon, Lord Carnot Carolina colonised Caroline, Princess Caroline books Caroline Islands Caroline, Queen-consort Caroline, Queen - ' Carolostadt 1517. Carrickfergus, C Carteret Carthage, C.- Carthage, destroyed - Carthagena, S. Carthusians, order - Cartwright - - 1601 51 - 286 ■ - - 1852 - 1560 - 1393 - 1799 - 1493 - 562 - 282 - 1660 - 768 - 879 - 1731. 1735 1830. 1833. 1839 - 751 - 1699 1209. 1274 - 1849 1810. 1823 - 1663 - 1760 787. 788 - 1686 - 1760 - 1820 1519. 1522 - 1760 - 1767 - 439 - 698 - 1741 - 1084 - 1800 270 INDEX, NO. 2. Carus - - 282. 284 Casaubon - - -1601 Cashel, synod of - - 1172 Casimir I. - - - 1041 Casimir III., the Great 1333. 1370 Casimir IV. - - . 1447 Cassini 1665. 1667. 1670. 1671 Cassiodorus - _ ., 500 Cassius . _ 162 Cassius, Dion _ _ 222 Cassovia, B. - . 1388. 1644 Castanos, General ., 1808. 1852 Castelvetro - » 1 550 Castruccio Castracani _ 1328 Catalani, vocalist _ _ 1849 Catania 1169. 1669. 1693 Cathcart, Lord - - 1807 Cathcart, General - - 1852 Catherine of France - - 1422 of Albret - - 1483 of Arragon 1509. 1527. 1533 Howard - 1540. 1542 Parr - - 1542 de Medici - 1560. 1564 I. - - 1725. 1727 II. 1762. 1772. 1775. 1783. 1796 Catholic league - 1576. 1590 Catinat - - 1690. 1693 Cato Street conspiracy - 1820 Cavaignac - - -■ 1848 Cavalerius - .. 1635. 1640 Cavallo _ - 1790 Cave, Dr. W. . - 1700 Cavendish _ - 1588 Cavendish - _ - 1780 Cayenne, C. - _ - 1809 Ceadwalla - - - 686 Celestine I., pope - - 422 II. - - 1143 III. 1 191. 1192. 1194 IV. _ - 1241 V. - _ - 1294 Cellemare . - 1718 Centum Gravamina . - 1522 Cerignole, B. „ - 1503 Cerizoles, B. - . - 1544 Cerularius - . 1053. 1054 Cervantes _ - 1601 Cestius G alius _ 65. 66 Ceuta, C. - - 1415 Ceylon, C. - _ - 1795 Chalcedon, council of - 451 Chalons-sur-Marne, B. - 451 Chalcondylas, Laonicus - 1460 Chalcondylas, Demetrius - 1499 Chalmers, Dr. - - 1847 Champollion- - 1828. 1832 Chancelour ^ - . 1553 Chamber of Reunion • - 1680 Chandler, Dr. - 1764. 1810 Chauning, Dr. - 1816. 1842 Chanting introduced - - 602 Chantrey, sculptor - 1816. 1841 Chapman ~ - . 1620 Chardin - - - 1678 Charibert - - •- 628 Charlemagne 768. 772. 774. 778. 779. 781. 785. 794. 800. 801. 803. 807. 814 Charles Martel 715. 732. 736. 737 Charles L the Bald -840.841,875 II. le Gros - 880. 884 III. the Simple 888. 898. 905. 922. 929 IV. the Fair- ~ 1322 V. the Wise - - 1364 VI. the Beloved 1380. 1382. 1385. 1393. 1394. 1397 — VII. the Victorious 1422. 1429. 1435. 1438 • VIII. the Affable - 1483. 1494, 1495 ■ IX. - - - 1560 X. - 1824. 1830. 1838 of Anjou 1265. 1266. 1268. 1284 the Lame - ~ 1284 the Bad - - 1349 — IV. of Germany 1346.1347. 1356 the Bad of Navarre - 1349 ' the Dauphin- - 1358 de Durazzo 1380. 1381. 1386 Cnutson - - 1448 the Bold of Burgundy 1467. 1468. 1476. 1478 in. of Savoy 1504. 1508 I. of Spain and V. of Germany 1500. 1516. 1519. 1521. 1525, 1526, 1.527. 1535. 1538. 1541. 1544. 1546. 1547. 1548. 15.52. 1553. 1556. 1558 Emmanuel the Great 1580 L of England 1625, 1637. 1642. 1644. 1645. 1647. 1649 - n. of England 1651. 1660. 1662. 1674. 1679. 1685 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 271 Charles VIII of Sweden - 1448 X. of Sweden 1654.1655 II. of Spain - 1665. 1700 III. of Lorraine 1670. 1687 XL of Sweden - 1680 XIL of Sweden 1697. 1700. 1704. 1709. 1718 Albert of Sardinia - 1848. 1849 VL of Germany 1706.1710. 1711. 1713. 1715. 1740 Arehdake 1796. 1800. 1809 Emmanuel IIL - 1730 VIL of Germany 1742. 1745 Edward 1745. 1746. 1788 Theodore, Elector, - 1777 in. of Spain- - 1759 IV. of Spain- 1788. 1808 XIIL of Sweden 1809. 1814. 1818 Duke of Brunswick 1830 • XIV. of Sweden 1818. 1844 Charlestown, C. - - 1780 Charlotte, Princess - 1816. 1817 Charlotte, Queen - - 1818 Charibert - - - 628 Charobert - - - 1310 Chartist Convention - - 1848 Cbartreux order - - 1084 Char trier, Alain - - 1400 Chasse, General - - 1832 Chateaubriand - 1800. 1848 Chateau-Cambresis, T. - 1599 Chatham, Earl - 1779, 1809 Chatillon, B. - - - 1453 Chatham, descent on - - 1667 Chatterton, poet - - 1770 Chaucer - - - 1378 Cheke, Sir John - - 1550 Chenier, Andre - - 1794 Chereddin Barbarossa 1516. 1534. 1535 Chersou, F. - - - 1778 Cherubini, musician - - 1800 Cheselden - - - 1710 Chesapeake, bay of - - 1607 Chesterfield - - - 1750 Chesney, Colonel - - 1835 ChildebertL- ■ - 511 Childebert IL - 593. 596 Childebcrt IIL - - 695 Childeric I. - - - 456 Childeric IL of Austrasia •• 654 Childeric II. of France - 715 Childeric IIL - - 742 Chili - 1523. 1818 ChiUon 1263. 1531 Chillianwallah, B. - - 1849 Chillingworth - 1630 Chilperic I. - 562. 584 Chinese war - 1840. 1842 Chinese rebellion - 1851 Chioggia, B. - " 1380 Chisme B. - - 1770 Chobham - 1853 Choczim, B. - 1673 1739. 1769 Choiseul 1761. 1770 Cholera 1831, 1832. 1848. 1849 Chosroes I. the Great 519. 532. 542. 579 Chosroes II. - -610. 614. 625 Christ Church, Dublin - 1040 Christians, name of - - 43 Christians, 1st persecution of 64 2nd — 95 ?rf1 1 A*7 dth 11" ■ 5th 202 6th 235 7th 250 Sth 257 9th 272 10th 303 at Lyons - - 177 Christians, massacre of - 609 Christian assemblies - 98 school - 180 - 516 era - Christian L 1448. 1457. 1468. 1478 IL 1513. 1520, 1521. 1523 IIL - 1534 IV. - 1626 V.- - 1670 VL - 1730 VIL - 1766 VIIL 1839. 1848 Christina 1632. 1654 Christina - 1833 1840. 1841 Christopher, antipope - 903 Christopher the Bavarian 1440 Christophe of Hayti 1806. 1820 Chrysolaras - - 1400 Chrysopolis, B. - 323 Chrysostom, Dion - ]00 Chrysostom, John - 390 Churchill - 1760 Gibber 1730. 1757 Cid, the " 1060 272 INDEX, ISO. 2. A.O. Cimabue - - - 1300 Cimarosa - - - 1790 Cintra, convention of - 1808 Cisalpine republic - - 1797 Cistercians,orderof 1098. 1115. 1142 Citeaux monastery - Ciudad Rodrigo, C. Civil law - 529. Civita Vecchia, C. CiviteUa, B. - Clairaut Clapperton - Clarence, duke of Clarendon, Constitutions of Clarendon, Lord Clarke, Dr. Samuel - Clarke, General Clarke, Dr. E. 1799. Clarke, Dr. Adam - Clarkson Claude, John Claudius, poet Claudius - 41. 42 Claudius II. - Clavius Clement of Alexandria Clement I., pope II. - III. (antipope) - 1098 1810. 1811 1137. 1150 - 1849 - 1053 1731. 1740 1824. 1825 - 1818 1164 - 1660 1710. 1729 - 1795 1810. 1822 1810. 1832 1826. 1846 1680. 1685 - 400 43. 48. 54 268. 269 - 1601 - 200 66. 91 - 1046 1080. III. IV. V. VI. VII. (at Avignon) VII. VIII. IX. X. - . XL XIL XIII. XIV. Clement, Jacques Clerical celibacy Clermont, council of 1084. 1086. 1099 - 1187 - 1265 - 1305 1342. 1346. 1348. 1350 1378 1523 - 1592 - 1667 - 1670 1713. 1715 - 1730 - 1758 1769. 1773 - 1589 1700. Clifford Clissau, B. Clive Clodion Clodomir Clontarf, B. Closterseven, Clotaire I. - 1074 - 1095 - 1669 - 1704 - 1751.1757 - 448 - 511 - 1014 capitulation of 1757 -511.558.562 A.C. Clotaire IL - -584.613.614 Clotilda - - - 496 Clovis L 481. 486. 496. 500. 507, 508. 510, 511 Clovis IL - " - 638 Clovis IIL - - - 692 Clugni, monastery - 910. 927 Coaches in England - - 1580 Coalition against Francis I. - 1524 Coalition against France — 1st - - - 1793 2nd- - - 1798 3rd- - - 1805 4th- - - 1806 5th- - - 1809 6th- - - 1813 of Vienna - - 1815 Coals - - - 1357 Cobbett, William 1816.1835 Cobham, Lord - - 1417 Coblentz diet - - 1212 Coburg, Prince of - - 1794 Cochrane, Lord - 1809.1810 Codinus - - - 1453 Codrington, Admiral - 1827. 1828 Coffee brought to England - 1641 Cohorn, engineer - - 1690 Coke, Sir Edward - - 1620 Colbert 1661. 1663. 1666. 1683 Colborne, Sir J. - - 1838 Colet, Dean - - 1517. 1519 Coleridge, S. T. - 1826. 1834 Coleridge, Hartley - - 1849 Coligni - - 1569. 1572 Collard, Royer - - 1845 Collins - - - 1750 Colman, senior 1760. 1784. 1794 Colman, junior 1784.1800.1836 Collingwood, Lord - 1809. 1810 Collot d'Herbois - - 1792 Cologne, C. ~ - - 882 Cologne, diet - - 1512 Columba - - - 565 Columbanus - - 589.614 Columbia, republic of - 1819 Columbus 1492. 1493. 1498. 1502. 1506 Columella - - - 49 Combermere, Lord •- 1826.1812 Commandine - - 1560 Commodus - - 180, 192 Commons, House of - - 1265 Common Prayer, Book of - 1548. 1551 Commonwealth - - 1649 EVENTS THAT OCCUREED A. C. 273 - 1770 1780. 1794 440. 1215 - 1759 - 530 - 1710 - 1803 - 686 - 912 1024. 1027. 1034. 1100 1125. 1138. 1140. 1147 Complutensiau Polyglot Bible 1516 Compostella, C. - - 996 Corny n ... 1302 Concini - - 1610. 1617 Concordat of Worms - 1122, 1123 Concordat . - - 1802 Concordate - - - 1515 Conde - 1560. 1562. 1569 Conde, the Elder - 1618.1638 Conde the Great 1643, 1644, 1645. 1648. 1668. 1674 Conde, C. - - 1793. 1795 Condillac Condorcet Confession Conflans, Marshal Congal Congreve Cofigreve, Sir W. Conon, Pope Conrad I. . II. III. IV. - - 1250. 1254 V. - - 1258. 1268 Conrad - - 1093. 1100 Constance of Bretagne - 1189 Constance of Sicily - - 1189 Constance, Council of 1414, 1415 Constans I. - ■ 337. 340. 350 II. - - 642. 658 Constantine I. (the Great) 306. 311, 312, 313. 323. 326. 328. 331. 337 II. - 337. 340 III. - - 641 IV. - - 668 V. 741.743.745.754.770 780. 786. 788 912. 915 - 920 975. 1025 - 1042 1059. 1068 1068. 1071 1448. 1453 - 708 328. 330 ^VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. Constantine, Pope Constantinople, F. Constantinople, insurrection at 532 Constantinople besieged 625. 668. 672. 716 719. 907. 1397. 1422 Constantinople, C 743. 754. 869. 1203, 1204. 1453 Constantinople, Councils of 381. 553. 681. 754. 814. 869. 879 Constantinus Manasses - 1150 A.C. Constantius - - 292. 304. 306 Constantius - 337. 348. 350. 356 Convocation - - - 1663 Convention, French - - 1792 Cook, Captain 1769, 1770. 1773, 1774. 1778, 1779 Cooper, Sir Astley - 1826. 1841 Cooper, J. F. - - 1851 Copenhagen, C. - - 1700 Copenhagen, B. - 1801. 1807 Coote, Sir Eyre - 1759.1781 Copernicus - - 1530. 1543 Copley, J. S., painter 1780. 1815 Coponius - - - 6 Cordova, C. - - - 1236 Corelli - - - 1700 Corneille - - - 1670 Cornelius - - - 42 Cornelius, Pope - - 251 Cornutus - - - 49 Cornwallis 1780, 1781. 1786. 1792. 1798 Corpus Christi - - 1264 Corri, musician - - 1800 Corsica, C. 1730. 1736. 1755. 1794. 1796 Cortez - - - 1521 Corunna, B. - - - 1809 Coster - - - 1440 Cosmo de Medici 1431. 1453. 1464. Cottin, Mad. - 1800. 1808 Cotton, Sir Charles - - 1808 Cotton, Sir Stapleton - 1812. 1826 Council, Aulic - - 1512 Courtenay, B. - - 1302 Coutras, B. - - - 1587 Covenant - - - i638 Cowley - - - 1650 Cowper - - 1780, 1800 Coxe, Archd. - 1810. 1828 Crabbe - - 1810. 1832 Cracow, C. - - - 1846 Craig - - - 1795 Cranmer, Thomas - 1532. 1540 Crantz - - - 1509 Cravant, B. - - •• 1423 Crecy, or Cressy, B. - - 1346 Crefeld, B. - - - 1758 Crespy, P. - - - 1544 Crequi .... 1629 Crequi - - 1670. 1675 Crescentius - 974. 996. 998. Crimea 1736. 1771. 1774. 1783, 1784 Crispus - - - 326 Croja, S. - - - 1447 274 INDEX, NO. 2. 1649, 1653. 1095, 1670. 1746, 1816. Cromwell 1644, 1645. 1651. Crusade 1st - 1 2nd - 3rd - 4tli - . 5th - 6tli - 7th - 8th - • 9th - 10th Cuba, conquest of Cudworth CuUoden, B. - Cumberland, Duke - Cumberland, dramatist Cunningham - Cur ran Curtius, Q. - Cusanus, Nicolaus Custine Cuvier Cyprian Cyprus Cy renins Cyril Czernavoda, B. Czerni, George D. Dacier, Madame - - 1700 Dagobert I. - - 628. 634 n. - - 679 III. - - 711 Daguerre - - - 1851 Daguerreotype - - 1839 D'Albret - - ■ 1415 D'Alembert - - 1751. 1770 Dalhousie, Earl - - 1847 Dalton, chemist - 1826. 1844 Dalrymple (Lord Hailes) - 1770 Damascenus - - - 718 Damasus I., Pope - 366. 384 II.- - - 1048 Dambrowka - - - 966 Damietta, C. - - 1219. 1249 Damiens . . - 1757 Dampier - - - 1700 Dandolo - - - 1202 Danes 787. 800. 832. 837. 867. 880. 902. 1002. 1014. 1016. 1041 Dante - - - 1300 Danton - - 1792. 1794 D'Anville - - - 1760 A.C. 1650, 1658 1096 - 1147 1189, 1190 - 1194 - 1202 - 1217 - 1228 - 1239 - 1248 - 1270 - 1511 1678 1746 1747 1790 1842 1800 49 1453 1792 1832 - 248 - 648 - 6, 7 - 431 - 1854 1804. 1817 A.C. Dantzic, C. - - - 1807 D'Arblay, Madame - - 1840 D' Argon - - . 1732 Darien - - - 1699 Darnley - - 1561. 1567 Daru, historian - 1810. 1829 Darwin _ - 1780 Dauhn 1757 1758. 1760 D'Aumale - - 1553 Dauphin - - 1349 David I. _ 1124. 1138 David II. - 1329. 1346 David Comnenus _ - 1206 David Comnenus - - 1466 David, painter _ 1800, 1825 Davila _ - 1620 Davoust - 1806. 1809 Davy, Sir Humphry - 1816. 1829 De Candolle, botanist - 1§41 Decius - 249. 251 Decimal arithmetic _ - 1602 Decretum . - 1151 De Foe . 1710. 1731 De Forbin - . - 1693 De Lally - 1758, 1759 Delambre - 1800. 1822 Delavigne - - 1843 D'Elbee - - 1793 Delhi, C. _ 1398. 1739 Delille . 1790. 1813 De Lolme - - 1771 De Lyra . - 1331 Demerara, C. . - 1803 Demetrius - _ - 55 Demetrius Chalcondylas - 1453 Demoivre - - 1740 Denain, B. - . - 1712 D'Enghien - . - 1643 D'Enghien - . - 1804 Denham _ 1643. 1650 Denham, traveller _ - 1824 Denis, St., church - - 1140 Denis, St., B. _ - 1567 Denon . 1800. 1825 De Nouailles _ - 1743 Derby, Lord - - - 1852 Dermod, M'Morogh - 1153. 1168 Derry, S. - - 1689 De Saussure - - - 1787 Descartes 1629, 1630. 1637. 1650 Desiderius - -756, 757. 774 Desiderius - _ - 1086 Desmoulins - - - 1794 Despard, Colonel - - 1803 Dessalines - 1803, 1804. 1806 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 275 Dessau, B. - - 1626 I)e Stael, Baroness - - 1800 Dettingen, B. - 1743 Deus-dedit, Pope - 615 Diana, temple - 260 Diamond, B. of the - - 1795 Dibdin, C. - 1790. 1814 Dibdin, T. - 1826. 1841 Dibdin, Dr. - - 1847 Diderot 1751 1770 Didot, Ambrose - 1797 Didius Julianus - 193 Dieskau - 1755 Digby, Sir Kenelm - - 1640 Dillenius - 1730 Diocletian 284. 286. 292. 295. 304 Diogenes Laertius - - 200 Dion Cassius - - 222 Dion Chrysostom - - 100 Dionysius . - - 203 Dionysius, Bishop of Kome - 259 Dionysius Exiguus - - 516 Dionysius the Just - - 1279 Diophantus - - - 400 Dioscorus - - - 451 Dirk I. or Thierry - - 955 Dirk IV. - - - 1049 Disraeli, Isaac - - 1848 Dmitri Donskoy - _ 1362. 1380 Docetse, or Apparitionists - 138 Doddridge, Dr. - - 1730 Dodsley - - - 1750 Dodwell, H. - - - 1700 Doheny - - - 1848 Dolgoruki, Prince - - 1771 Dollond - - - 1757 Dolomieu - - - 1790 Domenichino - - 1620 Domitian - - 81. 96 Dominic - - 1204. 1216 Dominican order - 1204.1216 Donald Bane - - 1093 Donatello - - - 1458 Donati - - - 1308 Donatist controversy 311. 314 Donatus - - - 314 Donatus of Dublin - -1040 Donizetti, musician - - 1848 Donus I. - - - 676 Donus II. - - - 974 Doomsday Book - - 1079 Dort, Synod of, - - 1618 Dort, assembly of the states - 1572 Douay Seminary - - 1568 Douay Bible- - - 1609 A.C. Douglas - - 1306. 1333 Douglas - - 1388. 1402 Douglas, Earl of Angus - 1509 Douglas, Gawin - - 1509 Doyle, Dr. - - - 1834 Drake, Sir Francis 1580. 1586, 1587, 1588 Drebbel - - - 1609 Dresden, P. - - - 1745 Dresden, B. - - - 1813 Dreux, B. - - - 1562 Drogheda, Synod - -1152 Drogheda, C. - - 1649 Drummond - - - 1810 Dryden - 1668. 1680. 1701 Dublin, F. - - - 800 Dublin, bishops of - 1040. 1181 Dublin University - - 1591 Dublin Society - - 1749 Ducas, histoi-ian - - 1460 Duckworth, Admiral 1803. 1807 Dudley - - - 1554 Duffy - - - 1848 Duguay-Trouin - - 1711 Duguesclin 1367, 1368. 1370. 1380 Dugommier - - 1793, 1794 Dumblain, B. - - 1715 Dumouriez - - 1792, 1793 Dunbar, B. - - - 1650 Duncan - - - 1039 Duncan II. - - - 1095 Duncan, Admiral - - 1797 Dundee, Viscount - - 1689 Dundalk, B. ; 1315. (1318) Dungannon Convention - 1782 Dunkirk - - 1658. 1662 Dunois - - - 1453 Dunstan - - - 955 Du Pin - - - 1700 Dupleix - - - 1748 Dupont, General - - 1808 Duprat - - - 1285 Du Quesne - - 1676 1682 Du Quesne, Fort - 1755.1758 Durandus of Mende - - 1286 Durandus of St. Porcain - 1331 Durazzo, B. - - - 1081 Durer, Albert - - 1509 Durham, B. - - - 1346 Durham, Earl - - 1838 Duris Scotus - - 1300 Dutch East India Company - 1602 Earthquakes 1693. 1755. 1783 T 2 276 INDEX, NO. 2. A.C. Earthquake in Dublin - 1852 East India (English) Company 1600. 1690 East India (Dutch) Company 1602 Ebionites - - - 138 Ecclesiastical Titles Bill - 1851 Eck - - - - 1519 Eckmiihl, B. - - 1809 Eddjstone lighthouse - 1774 Edessa, C. - - - 1145 Edgar - - - 959 Edgar Atheling - - 1068 Edgar - - - 1098 Edict of Restitution - - 1629 Edinburgh, C. - - 1544 Edinburgh Review - - 1802 Edgehill, B. - - - 1642 Edge worth - - 1810. 1849 Edmund I. - - 940. 945 Edmund II., Ironside 1016, 1017 Edmund - - - 1272 Edmund Mortimer - 1377. 1399 Edmund, Duke of York -1377 Edred - - - 947 Edrisites - - 808. 908 Edward I. - - 901,915 II., the Martyr 975. 978 III., the Confessor 1041. 1048. 1059. 1066 I. 1265. 1271, 1272. 1283. 1292. 1296. 1298. 1304. 1307 ■ 11. 1307.1311.1314.1322. 1326, 1327 III. 1327. 1332, 1333. 1337. 1340. 1346, 1347. 1349. 1356. 1360. 1377 IV. 1461. 1471. 1475. 1483 1536. 1547. 1332, V. - VI. - Bruce -^ — Baliol of Lancaster Edwards, Jonathan - Edwardes, Lieutenant Edwy Effingham Egbert the Great 827 Egfrid Eginhard Egmont Elchingen, B. Eleanor of Provence 1483 1553 1315 1333 1471 1750 1848 955 1596 837 - 685 - 788 1557. 1558. 1566 - 1805 - 1272 832. Eleanor, of Guienne - 1137. 1152 Eleanor, daughter of John - 1216 Election of Popes - - 1059 A.C. Electricity - - 1601. 1745 Electric telegraph - - 1837 Eleutherus - - - 176 Elephant, order of the -1478 Elfrida - - - 978 Eliberis, Council of - - 305 Elizabeth Wydville - - 1483 Elizabeth - - 1483. 1485 Ehzabeth, Queen 1533. 1558. 1570. 1584. 1586. 1599. 1601. 1603 Elizabeth, Princess - - 1649 Elizabeth of Russia - 1741.1762 Elizabeth, Madame - - 1794 Elizabeth, Princess - - 1818 Ellenborough, Lord - - 1842 Elliott, Captain - - 1760 Elliot, General - - 1779 Elliot, Captain - - 1839 Elmakin - - - 1263 Elphinstone - - - 1795 Emancipation Bill - - 1829 Emesa, B. - - - 273 Erairs-al-Omra - 935. 945 Emma - - - 1001 Emmanuel of Portugal - 1495 Emmet, Robert - - 1803 Encumbered Estates Court - 1849 Encyclopedia - - 1751 Enghien, Duke of - -1643 Enghien, Duke of - - 1804 Enniskillen - - - 1689 Ephesus, Council of - - 431 Epictetus - - - 81 Episcopius, Simon - - 1618 Erasmus - - - 1517 Ercilla - - - 1580 Erfurth, Conference at - 1808 Eric X. - - - 1157 Eric XIL - - - 1223 Eric the Pomeranian - 1412 Eric Vasa - - - 1520 Eric XIV. - - - 1560 Erie, canal - - - 1824 Ernest - - - 1024 Ernest Augustus - - 1837 Ertogrul - - - 1288 Espartero 1836. 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843. 1847 Essex - 1596. 1599. 1601. Esslingen, B. - - 1809 Este, Borsa, marquis of - 1452 EthelbaldIL - - 858 Ethelbert - - - 861 Ethelred - - - 866 Ethelred IL 978. 1001, 1002. 1013 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 277 Ethelwolf - Etna, Mount - Elides Eudocia Eudocia Eudoxia Eudoxia A.C. - 837 - 1669. 1754 887, 888. 922 421. 439 - 1068 - 404 - 455 A.C. Famine in Ireland - - 1847 Farquhar - - - 1700 Fatimites - 908. 969. 1075. 1171 Eugenius, Emperor - - 392 Eugenius I , Pope - - 655 II. - - 824 III. - - 1145 IV. 1431. 1438, 1439. 1447 Eufjene, Prince 1697. 1701. 1704. 1706. 1708, 1709. 1712. 1716, 1717. 1736 Eulalius, rival pope - - 419 Euler - - 1748. 1760 Euphrates Expedition - 1835 Euric, King - - - 468 Eusden - - - 1730 Eusebius, Bp. of Rome - 310 Eusebius, Christian writer - 331 Eiistathius, Bp. - - 1185 Eutychians - 451. 519. 681 Eutychianus, Bp. of Rome - 275 Eutyches - - - 451 Eutvchius - - - 752 Evans, General - 1835. 1854 Evaristus - - - 100 Evelyn, John - - 1680 Evesham, B. - - - 1265 Evremond, St. - - 1697 Exchange, New - - 1842 Excommunication - - 192 Exeter, Bp. - •• - 1850 Exhibitions - 1851, 1852, 1853 Exmouth, Lord - - 1816 Eylau, B. - - - 1807 Fabianus - - - Factions of the Two Roses - Factions, Burgundian and Orleanais - - - Factions of the Hats and Bonnets - - - Factions of the Blues and Greens _ - - Feesulse, B.- Fahrenheit - - - Fairfax _ - - Falkceping, B. - - Falkirk, B. - - 1298. Falkland Isles Family Compact 235 1399 1404 1739 491 405 1724 1645 1389 1746 1594 1761 - 1440 - 326 - 1556 - 1675 53. 56 - 269 - 356 - 483 - 526 - 1439. 1449 - 1628 1686. 1697. 1700. 1715 Faust Fausta Faustus Socinus Fehrbellin, B. Felix Felix I., Pope II. III. - IV. - V. Felton Fenelon Ferdinand I., the Great, of Spain - 1020. 1035. 1065 II. - - 1158 . ■ III. 1217. 1230. 1236 IV. - - 1303 . v., the Catholic 1469. 1476. 1479. 1481. 1492. 1496. 1500. 1508. 1512. 1516, 1517 VI. - - 1746 VII. 1808. 1814. 1820. 1830. 1833 I., of Germany 1521. 1526. 1556 II. 1619. 1621. 1629 . III. - - 1637 II., of Naples -1495 IV. 1759. 1815. 1825 II. of Two Sicilies 1830. 1848 I., of Austria 1835. 1848 1758 1519. 1521 1542 1836 1846 1020 404 1750 1790 1650 1845 1438 of Brunswick Cortez Mendez Pinto Augustus Ferdinanda, Infanta of Spain Ferdusi Fergus I., king of Scotland Ferguson, James Ferguson, Adam, historian Fermat Ferozeshah, B. Ferrara, Council of - Feth-AH-Khan - 1797. 1834 Festus - - - 56 Feudal system 827. 923. 945. 1070. 1451. 1789. 1811 Ficinus - - - 1480 Field of the Cloth of Gold - 1520 Fielding - 1742. 1750. 1754 Fiesco - - '■1547 T 3 278 INDEX, NO. 2. Fieschi - - 1835 Figuieres, C. - - 1794 Filicaia - - 1700. 1707 Finden, engraver - - 1852 Fingal - - - 283 Finiguerra, Tomaso - - 1458 Finland - - - 1809 Fitz-Ralph - - - 1347 Five Hundred, Council of - 1799 Fladenheim, 13. - - 1080 Flagellants, societies of - 1263 Flavio Gioia- - - 1300 Flaxman, sculptor - 1810.1826 Flechier - - - 1687 Fleur-de-lis - - - 1154 Fleurus, B. - - 1690. 1794 Fleury - - - 1710 Fleury, Cardinal - 1726. 1743 Flodden, B. - - - 1513 Flood, Henry - - 1796 Florence, Council of- - 1439 Florence, C. - - - 1530 Floras - - - 67 Florus, historian - - 1 00 Fludd - - - 1620 Flushing, C- - - - 1809 Fontarabia, S. - - 1638 Fontenay, B. - - 841 Fontenelle - - -1720 Fontenoy, B. - - 1745 Fontevraud, Order of - 1094 Foranuovo, or Fornova, B. - 1495 Forbin, De - - - 1693 Fordyce, Lieut. -Col. - 1851 Formosus - - - 891 Fornova, or Foranuovo, B. - 1495 Forsyth, Alexander - - 1803 Fortunatus - - - 578 Foscolo, Ugo - - 1810 Foster - - 1826. 1843 Fotheringay castle - - 1587 Fouche - - - 1804 Foulques - - - 1202 Fouquet - - - 1661 Fox, Charles James - - 1806 Fox, George - - - 1649 Fox, CouTmodore - - 1747 Francis I., of France 1515. 1520, 1521. 1524, 1525, 1526. 1529. 1538. 1544. 1547 II. - - 1558, 1559 I., of Austria - 1804. 1835 Joseph of Austria - 1848 I., of the Two Sicilies 1825. 1830 Francis I., of Germany Almeida Xavier of Assisi of Paulo John - Franciscan Order Franconia, dynasty of Frankfort, Council of Franklin, philosopher A.C. 1745 1792. 1797. 1804 - 1505 - 1534 - 1209 - 1467 - 1842 - 1209 - 1024 - 794 1752. 1760. 1790 - 1845 420. 428 - 1302 - 1807 571. 584 1523 - 1559 1648. 1660. 1701 - 1699 Franklin, Sir John - Franks Fraser Fraser, General Fredegonda - Frederic I., of Denmark II. III. IV.- V, - - - 1746 • VI.- - - 1808 VIL - - 1848 I., of Prussia - 1701 II., the Great 1740, 1741. 1744. 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760. 1772. 1779. 1786 William I. - - 1713 II. _ 1786.1797 — ^IIl. - 1797 • ^IV. - 1840 Barbarossa 1152. 1154. 1164. 1156. 1158, 1159. 1162 1167. 1176, 1177. 1180. 1189. 1190 Frederick II. 1212. 1218. 1226, 1227, 1228. 1239. 1245. 1250 III., the Fair 1314. 1319. 1322 IV. - - 1440 of Hohenzollern 1415 of Austria- - 1268 the Warlike 1409. 1423 the Wise - - 1517 of Arragon - 1496 the Elector 1620, 1621 I., Duke of Prussia 1 640 1675 , king of Sweden III., of Poland Prince of Wales Frederickshall, 8. Frederickstadt, B. 1720 1733 1760 1718 1850 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 279 A.C. Fredigaire - - - 718 Free Companies - - 1360 Freemasons - - - 926 Free Presbyterian Church - 1843 Free trade - - - 1823 French Academy, F. - 1635 French Revolution - - 1789 Freret - - . 1730 Freyburg, F. - - 1178 Friars, mendicant - - 1209 Friburg, B. - - - 1644 Friedland, B. - - 1807 Frobisher, Sir Martin - 1576 Froissart . _ - 1364 Fronde, civil war of the - 1648 Fulbert - - - 1017 Fulton - - - 1807 Furst - - - 1307 Fuseli, painter - 1800. 1825 Fust, Sir H. J. - - 1852 G. Gadara, C. - - - 68 Gaeta, C. - - - 1503 Gaeta - - 1848, 1849 Gainsborough - - 1768 Galba - - 68. 69 Galerius 292. 297. 304, 305. 311 Galileo - 1610. 1632. 1642 Galileo, the younger - - 1641 Galissonniere, La - - 1 756 Galitzin - - - 1769 Gall, St., monastery - - 614 Gall, Dr. - 1803. 1616. 1828 Galle, astronomer - - 1847 Galilean Church 1269. 1438. 1682 Gallienus - - 260. 268 Gallic . - - - 51 Gallipoli, C. - - - 1358 Gallus - - 251. 254 Gait - - - 1816. 1839 Galvani - 1790, 1791. 1798 Gamaliel - - - 19 Gambler, Admiral - 1807. 1809 Garcias Ximenes - - 858 Garcias - - 1035. 1065 Gamier- Pages - - 1848 Garrick - - 1741. 1760 Garter, Order of - - 1349 Gas introduced - 1792. 1807 Gassendi - 1630, 1631. 1655 Gaston de Foix - - 1512 Gates, General - - 1777 Gaveston - - 1307. 1311 Gay - - 1711. 1720. 1726 Gaza, C. Ged, W. Gedimin Gelasius I., Pope Gelasius II. - Gelimer Gellius, Aulus Gell, Sir W. Gemblours, B. Geminiani Gemistius Pletho A.C. - 1797 - 1797 - 1320 - 492 1118, 1119 - 534 - 100 1810. 1836 - 1578 - 1750 - 1439 Genghis Khan 1202. 1215. 1221. 1227 Genghiskanides - - 1368 Genlis, Countess of - 1800. 1830 Gennadius - - - 472 Genoa, Republic 1060. 1290. 1409. 1528 Genoa, University - - 1365 Genoa, C. - - - 1685 Genseric - 429. 439. 455 GeofiFrey - - - 1189 George Hermonymus - 1453 George Codinus - - 1453 George of Purbach - - 1455 George Scholarius - - 1455 George Dodiebrad - - 1458 George of Trebisond - 1460 George, Fort St. - - 1640 George I. - - 1714. 1727 11. - - 1727. 1760 III. 1760. 1809. 1811. 1820 IV. 1820, 1821. 1830 . Frederick, of Hanover 1851 Gerard of Alsace - - 1 048 Gerard, painter - - 1816 Gerbert - - - 999 Germain en Laye, St., T. - 1570 Germanicus - - 14. 19 Gerson, John - - 1414 Gervase - - - 120O Gesenius - - _ 1342 Gesler - - _ 1307 Gesner, Conrad - - 1550 Gesner, poet - - 1760. 1788 Geta- - 208.211,212 Get® - - - 517 Ghent, Rebellion - - 1540 Ghent, Pacification - - 1576 Ghent, P. - - - 1814 Ghibellines - - - 1139 Gibbon - 1776. 1780. 1794 Gibraltar - - - 713 T 4 280 INDEX, NO. 2. Gibraltar, C. A.C. 1303. 1704 A.C. Gospel preached in England - 657 Gibraltar, S. 1727. 1779. 1782 - Germany 736 Gibraltar, B. Gifford - 1809 - 1759 1810. 1826 T^on Yv» o vL- and Sweden - 829 Gilbert, Sir Humphrey - 1578 Bulgaria - 861 Gilbert, physician - 1601 - Bohemia 894. Gilbert, General - 1845 967 Gildo - 397 - ^Jr\T»Tn *:i'rtATT Q 1 1 - xN ormanciy y 1 1 Gillebert, Bp. 1118. 1139 - Norway - 945 Gillies 1816. 1836 - Kussia - 988 Ginckle - 1691 Transylvania Gioia - 1300 1002 Giorgone Giotto - 1509 - 1300 - T^r\m QT^a n 1 o 1 1 O/^ x^omeranid iiz* - Sclavonia 1124 Girardon - 1700 -Finland - 1157 Glasgow University - - 1451 - China - 1288 Glencoe, massacre of - 1692 - Africa - 1300 Gloucester, Duke 1422. 1471 Gospels (The) translated into Glover, poet - - 1770 French - 1160 Gliick, musician - 1770 Printed in English - 1526 Glycerins 473, 474 Phrmi'^h +""""'"*''"" ^ '^°'^ Gmelin, chemist Gnostic school - 1790 - 138 Tt.;<^T-. 4"nnT^r^1<-. + ;^.-. 1 C ClO Gothard, St., B. - 1664 Goderich, Prime Minister - 1827 Gothic style - - 1005 Godfreyof Bouillon 1096. 1099. 1100 Goths 222. 253. 269. 376. 378. 383. Godwin - 1054 405. 417. 428 Goethe - 1774. 1790. 1832 Gottingen - 1750 Goito, B. - 1848 Gough, Sir Hugh (now Viscount) Gold in California - - 1847 1841. 1845. 1846. 1848, 1849 . in Australia - 1851 Gower - 1378 Golden Bull •• - 1356 Gowrie - 1582. 1600 Golden Book - 1297 Graham, General 1811, 1813, 1814 Golden Fleece, Order of the - 1430 Grahame, poet - 1800. 1811 Goldsmith - 1760. 1774 Grainger - 1760 Goldoni - 1760 Grammont - - 1644 Gondebald - 490. 500. 501. 516 Gran, B. - 1849 Gonsalvo - 1035 Granada, C. - - 1492 Gon salvo of Cordova - 1503 Granson, B. - - 1476 Gontran 562. 593 Grasse, Count de - 1781, 1782 Good Hope, Cape 1486. 1497. 1651. Gratian, Emperor 367. 375. 379. 1795. 1806 383 Goodwin Sands, B. - - 1652 Gratian - 1150 Goojerat, B. - - 1849 Grattan - 1800 Gordians, I. II. III. - - 238 Gratus 17. 26 Gordian III. - 242. 244 Gravelines, B. - 1558 Goree, C. - - 1758 Gray 1747. 1760. 1770 Gorgey - 1849 Greek Empire of Nice - 1206 Gorham - - - 1850 Greek Eevolution - 1821, 1822 Gortschakoff, General - 1854 Greens, faction of the - 491 Gortz, Count - 1719 Greenland, discovered - 982 Goselin - 887 Greenwich Observatory - 1675 Gospel preached in Switzer- Gregorian Codes - 290 land - 300 Gregory Nazianzen - - 375 Pirt" 'ifi'i Gregory of Tours - - 578 Gregory I., the Great, Pope - 590 Saxony - 596 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 281 Gregory II. - III. - IV. - V. - — VI. - VII. A.C. 715. 728 - 732 - 828 996. 998. 1012 - 1044. 1046 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077. 1079, 1080. 1084, 1085 VIII. 1118, 1119. 1187 IX. - 1227. 1234. 1239 X. - - 1271. 1274 XL - - 1370. 1377 XII. 1406. 1409. 1414 XIII. - 1572. 1582 XIV. - - 1590 XV. - - 1621 Dr. Olinthus 1826. 1841 James - 1663. 1670 David - - 1700 Grenville, Lord - - 1806 Gresham, Sir Thomas -1569 Grey, Earl - - - 1830 Grimaldi - - - 1653 Grose, antiquarian - - 1770 Gros Jagersdorff, B. - - 1757 Grotius - 1620. 1625. 1645 Gronovius - - - 1700 Gaadaloupe, C. - - 1810 Gualfredo - - - 1084 Gualter Vinesauf - - 1200 Guarini - - - 1601 Guatimozin - - - 1521 Gaastalla, B. - - - 1735 Guebriant - - - 1641 Guelf or Guelph 1071. 1089. 1140 Guelph, house of - 1180.1233 Guelph VI. - - - 1158 Guelphs and Ghibellines 1139. 1235 Guericke, Otto - - 1654 Guibert - - - 1080 Guicciardini - - - 1530 Guido Aretino - - 1024 Guido, painter - - 1630 Guildford, Dudley - - 1554 Guinea discovered - - 1461 Guiscard - - - 1102 Guise, duke of 1558. 1560. 1562.^ 1563 Guise, Henry of - 1576.1588 Gunpo-wder invented - 1340 Gunpowder plot - - 1605 Gunther - - - 1100 Gunther - - - 1209 Gum . _ . 934 Gustavus Vasa 1520. 1521. 1523. 1560 A.C. Gustavus Adolphus 1611. 1618. 1630, 1631, 1632 Gustavus Til. - 1771. 1792 Gustavus IV. - 1792. 1809 Guthrie - - - 1750 Guttenberg - - - 1440 Guthrum ... §80 Guy - - - 890. 893. 928 Guyon ... 1687 Gwalior, C. - - - 1843 Gyraldus Cambrensis - 1200 H. Habeas Corpus 1679. 1794. 1817 Haco - _ _ 945 Haerlem, C. - - - 1573 Hagarenes - - 117. 200 Hague, Triple Alliance - 1668 Hahnemann - - 1796. 1843 Hail Storm - - - 1850 Hale, Sir Matthew - - 1660 Hales, Alexander - - 1239 Halidoun Hill, B. - - 1333 Halifax, F. - - - 1749 Hall, More - - - 1729 Hall, Eobert - - 1800. 1831 Hall, Basil - - 1830. 1844 Haller - - 1760. 1777 Halley - - 1710. 1742 Hamburgh, C. - 845. 1806 Hame^ons, Faction - - 1417 Hamilton - - - 1816 Hamilton, Sir W. - - 1843 Hampden - - - 1637 Hampton Court Conference - 1603 Handel - 1704. 1741. 1759 Hannibal Caracci - - 1601 Hanno . . _ io56 Hanover - 1806. 1810. 1830 Hanover, alliance of - - 1725 Hanseatic League - 1241. 1370 Hans Sach - - - 1570 Han way, philanthropist - 1770 Hapsburg dynasty - - 1282 Harald - - - 826 Harald Blaatand - 941. 949 Hardicanute 1036. 1039. 1041 Harding, astronomer - 1 804 Hardinge - - 1844. 1846 Harduin - - - 1700 Hardy - - - 1794 Hargreaves - - - 1767 Hariri - - - 1116 Harney, General - - 1852 Harold Harfager - 875, 1066 282 INDEX^ NO. 2. Harold!., Harefoot - - 1036 Harold - - - 1066 Haroun-Al-Raschid 785. 807. 813 Harriot - - - 1610 Harris, R. - - - 1641 Harris, General - - 1799 Harrison, John 1735. 1750. 1759 Harrison, President - - 1841 Harvey, - 1619. 1620. 1628 Haschem or Hissem, Caliph 996. 1027 Hassan - - - 661 Hastings, B. - - - 1066 Hastings, Warren - 1774. 1787 1795 Hastings, Lord - 1813. 1817 Hauy - - - 1810 Havannah - - 1762, 1763 Hawke - - 1747. 1758 Hawkins - - 1588. 1594 Hawley - - - 1746 Haydn, musician - 1800. 1809 Hay don, painter - 1816. 1846 Hayley - - 1800. 1820 Haynau, Marshal 1849, 1850. 1853 Hayti 1791. 1802, 1803. 1818. 1846. 1849 Hazlitt - - 1816. 1830 Head, Sir F. - - 1837 Head-act - - - 1465 Heber, Bp. - - 1816. 1826 Hebert - - - 1794 Hedgely, B. - - - 1464 Heeren - - 1826. 1842 Hegel - - 1810. 1831 Hegyra of Mahomet - - 622 Heidelberg, university of - 1386 Heinsius, Anthony - - 1703 Heinsius, D. - " - - 1640 Helena, St. - - 1815. 1840 Helena Victoria - - 1846 Heliogabalus- - 218.222 Heliopolis, B. - - 1800 Helvetia - - - 1218 Helvetius - - - 1759 Hemans, Mrs. - 1826. 1835 Hengist - - - 451 Henoticon - - 482. 518 Henrietta Maria - - 1649 Henrietta of Orleans - - 1649 Henry I of England 1087. 1100. 1116. 1119. 1135 II., Plantagenet 1152. 1154. 1158. 1168. 1171. 1172, 1175. 1189 Henry III. 1216. 1258. 1264, 1265. 1272 IV. - 1399. 1409. 1413 V. 1413. 1415. 1418. 1420, 1421, 1422 VI. 1422, 1423. 1455. 1460. 1470, 1471 VII. 1485. 1487. 1502. 1509 VIII. 1509. 1511. 1513. 1520. 1527. 1533, 1534, 1535, 1536. 1539, 1540. 1542. 1544. 1547 T. of France - 1031.1032 11. - - - 1547 III. 1573,1574.1588,1589 IV. 1587. 1589, 1590. 1592, 1593. 1597. 1600. 1610 I., the Fowler, of Germany 920. 925. 929. 932. 934 II. - 1002.1012.1024 III., the Black 1039. 1043. 1046. 1049. 1055 IV. 1056. 1061. 1071. 1073. 1076,1077.1080,1081.1084. 1093. 1100. 1105 V. 1100.1105,1106.1111, 1112. 1116. 1118. 1122.1125 VI. 1190.1192.1194.1197 VII. - - - 1308 of Burgundy - 1094 the Superb - -1138 the Lion 1142. 1156. 1180 prince, of England - 1189 of Constantinople - 1206 of Navarre •• - 1274 ■ of Transtamere - 1368 Hotspur - 1402, 1403 IV., of Castile 1464. 1468. 1474 d'Albret - - 1527 duke of Guise 1576. 1588 duke of Rohan - 1635 — of Gloucester - 1649 Matthew - - 1714 Heptarchy - - 451. 827 Heracleonas - - - 641 Heraclius - 610. 621. 628. 64i Heraclius - - - 700 Herbert, G. - - - 1620 Herculaneum - 79. 1708 Herder - - 1790. 1803 Herman of Luxemburg - 1081 Herman Contractus - - 1043 Hermenegild- - - 585 Hermoginian Codes - - 290 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 283 Hermonymus . A.C. - 1453 Herod Antipas - 28. 40 Herod Philip - 34. 38 Herod Agrippa - 38. 40. 42. 44 Herodian - - 222 Herschel, Miss _ - 1848 Herschel, Sir W. 1781. 1789. 1800. 1822 Hertford, Earl _ - 1544 Heruli 267. 269. 476. 493. 512 Hervey - - 1750 Hervey, Admiral - - 1797 Hexham, John of . - 1160 Hexham, B. - - - 1464 Heyne - 1790. 1812 Hilarius, Bishop of Rome - 461 Hilary - - 331 Hildebrand - - 1061. 1073 Hissem, or Haschem - 996. 1027 Hobbes - 1650, 1651 Hoche - 1795, 1796 Hochkirchen, B. _ - 1758 Hoffmann, Daniel . - 1603 Hofland, Mrs., novelist - 1844 Hogarth - - 1750 Hogg - 1816. 1835 Hohenlinden, B. . - 1800 Hobenlohe, Prince - 1806. 1849 Hohenstaufen, house of 1138. 1156. 1268 Holagu - - 1258 Holbein - - 1540 Holcroft _ - 1800 Holstein, house of _ - 1448 Holstein, T^var of - 1848. 1851 Holy Coat - - - 1844 Holy League - - 1511 Holy Alliance - - 1815 Home, dramatist -- 1756. 1808 Homeldon Hill, B. - - 1402 Homoeopathy - 1796. 1835 Hondscote, B. . - 1793 Honorius - 395. 397. 403. 419 Honorius I., Pope - - 625 II. . 1124. 1130 III. - 1216. 1218 IV. _ - 1285 Hood, Lord - - - 1793 Hood - 1830. 1845 Hooker, Richard - - 1580 Hooke, Dr. - _ - 1670 Hooke, N. - . - 1750 Hook, Theodore > 1830. 1841 Hooper, Bp. - » - 1555 Hormisdas, Pope - - 514 Hormisdas IV., king of Persia 579 Horn, Count- - - 1566 Horn, Cape - - 1616. 1740 Home, Andrew - - 1340 Home, Bp. - - 1770. 1792 Horrox - - - 1639 Horrebow - - - 1659 Horsa - - - 451 Horsley, Bp, - - 1790. 1806 Hosein - - 908. 1370 Hospital of Quinze Vingts - 1260 Hospitallers, Knights - 1291 Houchard - - - 1793 House of Commons - - 1265 House of Commons, Ireland - 1606 Howard, Catherine - - 1540 Howard, Lord - - 1588 Howard, philanthropist 1770. 1790 Howe - - 1777. 1794 Howel-Dha - - - 940 Hubertsburg, T. - - 1763 Hudson - - - 1610 Huet- - - - 1680 Hugh of Provence - - 926 Hugh, the Great - 955, 956 Hugh Capet - - 956. 987. 996 Hugh of Vermandois - 1096 Hughes, Sir Edward - - 1782 Hugo of St. Victor - -1140 Huguenots - - 1620. 1629 Humbert White Hands - 1027 Humbert II., of Dauphiny - 1349 Humbert, General - - 1798 Humboldt - - 1799. 1835 Hume, D. 1738. 1754. 1760. 1776 Humphrey ... 1053 Hungarians - - - 887 Hungary, war in - 1848. 1849 Huns 376. 383. 395. 558. 794 Hurd, Bp. - - 1780. 1808 Huskisson - - 1823. 1830 Huss, John - - 1408. 1415 Hussites - - 1418. 1420 Hutchinson, General - - 1801 Hutton, James - - 1780 Hutton, Charles - 1800. 1823 Huyghens 1641. 1655. 1659. 1680. 1695 Hyder-AUy 1760. 1780, 1781, 1782 Hyginus - - 66. 139 Hypathia - _ _ 400 Ibrahim 1G40 284 INDEX, NO. 2. A.C. Ibrahim Pacha 1825, 1826. 1828. 1832, 1833. 1849 Ida - - - - 547 Idstedt, B. - - - 1850 Iffland, dramatist - - 1800 Ignatius - - - 108 Ignatius, Martyr - - 869 Ignatius Loyola - - 1534 Igor - - - 907. 941 lUuminati, order of - - 1776 Immaculate Conception - 1140 Imperial Chamber - - 1495 Inchbald, Mrs. - - 1800 Independence, United States - 1782 , Irish - - 1782 Indulgence, Plenary - - 1300 Indulgences, sale of - 1517. 1519 Ingelheim - - - 826 Ingulphus - - - 1084 Inigo - - - 830 Inkerman, B. - - 1854 Innocent I. (Pope) - - 402 II. - - 1130. 1139 III. 1198. 1200. 1204. 1198 1209. 1212 - 1243, 1215 IV. - - 1243. 1245 " V. - - - 1276 — — VI.- - - 1352 VII. - - 1404 . VIII. - - 1484 IX - - 1591 X. - - 1644. 1653 XI. - - 1676 — XII. - - 1691 Xlir. - - 1721 XIV. - - 1740 Inoculation - - - 1723 Inquisition - - 1204. 1813 - 1204 - 1454 1481. 1813, 1814. 1820 in the Netherlands 1559 1381 1520 1820 1820 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 1848 ^.xxxx. - - 1848 Interim - - - 1548 in France at Venice in Spain Insurrection in England of Castile Naples - — Piedmont Paris Milan - Venice - Vienna - Hungarian Rome Berlin - Interregnum, Germany - 1254 Interregnum, Scotland 1290. 1296 Ionian Islands, C. - 1809. 1814 lona, monastery - - 565 Ipsara, C. - - - 1824 Ireland 490. 1172. 1782. 1795. 1798. 1848 Irenseus - - 180. 192 Irene 775. 780. 786, 787, 788. 801 Irish Academy - - 1786 Irish RebeUion - 1641. 1798 Irish Brigade - - 1 69 1 Irish Independence - - 1782 Irish Association - - 1829 Irish National Education - 1845 Irnerius - - 1137. 1150 Irun, B. - - - 1837 Isaac I. - - - 1057 Isaac II. - - 1185. 1195 Isaac Angelus - - 1203 Isabel of Bedford - -1377 Isabella of Angouleme - 1216 Isabella, wife of Frederic II. - 1216 , wife of Edward II. - 1327 of Bavaria - - 1418 of Castile 1468, 1469. 1479. 1481. 1500. 1504 II., of Spain 1833. 1841. 1843. 1846 Isidorus - - - 49 Ismael Sophi - - 1501 Ismail, C. - - - 1790 Ismail Pacha - - 1853 Issus, B. - - - 194 Iturbide, Emperor - 1822. 1824 Ivan I. - - - 1328 II. - - - 1353 III. - 1462. 1479. 1492 IV. - - 1533. 1682 Ivri, B. - - - 1590 Jack Straw - - - 1381 Jackson, Henry - - 1791 , General 1815. 1829. 1845 —, J., painter - 1816. 1831 Jacobs - - - 1847 Jacobin Club - - 1794 Jacquard - - - 1810 Jacquerie - - - 1353 Jaffa, C. - - - 1799 Jagello of Poland - -1386 Jagellon dynasty - - 1572 Jamaica, C. - - - 1654 Jamblicus - - - 331 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 285 James, St. A.C. - 44 Joachim Murat m 1808. 1815 James, St., B. - 1444 Joan of Sicily ~ - 1189 James I., of Scotland 1406. 1422. Joan of Arc - _ 1429. 1431 1425 Joan, papess - - 847 II. - 1437. 1451. 1460 Joanna I., of Hungary 1345. 1348 III. - 1460. 1468. 1488 Joanna II., of Navarre - 1349 IV. - 1488. 1502. 1513 Joanna I., of Naples 1380. 1381 V. - 1513. 1542 IL, of Naples 1423. 1435 VT nf ^rntliTifl — -^ T tVip Mnd 1496. 1500 1196. 1198 ofEngland 1567. 1582 1603. Joannice or Johannicus 1605.1606.1611. 1621 . 1623. 1625 John the Baptist - 26. 28 II. 1685. 1688, 1689, 1690. John, St. 30. 95, 96. 100 1701 I., Pope . - 523 Francis Edward - 1701 II. - - - 532 I., of Arragon - 1237 III. - . - 560 Jamestown, F. - 1607 IV. _ - 640 Jane of Scotland - 1216 V. - - 685 Jane Seymour - 1536 VI. - - - 701 Jane Grey - - 1554 VII. - - - 705 Janissaries, Order - 1327 VIII. -■ - - 872 Jansen of Middleburg - 1590 IX. - - - 898 Jansenius - 1638 X. . 914. 928 Jansenius' Doctrines - 1653 XI. - - - 931 Jausenists - 1638 XII. - ' 956. 962, 963 Jarnac, B. - - 1569 XIII. - _ - 965 Jaroslaiis or Yaroslav 1019. 1055 XIV. - - - 984 Jassy, P. - 1792 XV. - - 984. 993 Jean d'Acre, St., C. - - 1840 XVI. - - 996. 1003 Jefferson, President - - 1801 XVII. - . - 1003 Jeffrey, Francis 1802. 1850 XVIII. - - 1004 Jellalabad, B. - 1842 XIX. - . - 1024 Jellachich - 1848 XX. or XXL - - 1276 Jemmapes, B. - 1792 XXII. - 1316. 1327. 1328 Jemmgin or Genghis Khan - 1202 XXIII. 1410. 1413. 1414 Jena, B. - - 1806 the Patrician - - 699 Jenner, Dr. - - 1796 Damascenus - - 718 Jenyns - 1760 Erigena Scotus - 872 Jericho, C.- 68 Zimisces - - 969 Jerome - - 366. 384. 400 I., Comnenus - - 1118 Jerome of Prague - 1416 Paparo - - 1151 Jerome Savonarola - - 1444 ° of Salisbury - - 1165 Jerusalem, council of - 47 Cumin .- - 1181 Jerusalem, C. 70. 614. 636. 1065. St., knights of - - 1099 1098, 1099 1187. 1244 L, Lackland 1189. 1199. 1202. Jerusalem, Bp. of 1841. 1845 1212. 1215. 1216 Jerusalem, rebuilding - 130 , Little - . - 1199 Jervis, Sir John - 1797 Ducas - . - 1222 Jesuits, order of - 1534 of Brienne .. - 1228 Jesuits 1584. 1606.1733. 1759. 1764. Lascaris _ - 1259 1766,1767,1768.1773.1814.1816. De Monte Corvino 1288. 1845. 1848 1307 Jews 19. 50. 1185. 1394. 1492 Baliol - 1 290 292. 1296 Massacre of 40. 67. 135 Villiers _ - 1291 Massacres by - 115. 609 Suabia - . - 1308 Rebellion of - - 131 v., Palseologi is 1 41. 1369 286 INDEX, NO. 2. A.C. John Cantacurene, Emperor 1341. Julien, sculptor . A.C. - 1790 1358 Julius Severus . - 131 II., tlie Good, of France 1350. Julius Capitolinus - - 300 1355, 1356. 1360. 1363 ' Nepos- . 474, 475 of Gaunt - 1377 I., pope - - 337 Bastard - 1383 II. 1503. 1506. 1508. 1511, Duke of Berry - - 1393 1512 Fearless 1396. 1404. 1407. III. - _ - 1550 Ziska - 1418. 1424 Jumonville - - - 1754 the Good, of Burgundy 1419 Junot « 1807, 1808 VI., Palseologus - 1421 Jupiter, Sat. of . - 1610 VII., PalsGologus - 1425 Justin Martyr - - 138 Argyropylus - - 1453 Justin I. - 518,519. 525 ■ Hunniades - 1456 II. - _ - 565 II., of Navarre " 1458 Justinian 525. 527. 529. 532, 533. — de la Balue - 1469 537. 541 III., of Russia - - 1479 II. - 685. 695. 705. 707 ■ of Denmark 1483. 1501 Just, St. _ - 1792 II., of Portugal - 1481 Justus Lipsius - - 160 III., of Portugal - 1521 VI., of Portugal 1816. 1826 K. the Constant, of Saxony 1525 Kaffir War - - - 1847 Frederick, of Saxony 1532. Kainargi, P. - - - 1774 1546. 1547 Kames, Lord _ - 1760 of Austria 1571. 1578 Kant - 1781. 1790. 1804 IV., of Braganza - 1640 Kara Mustapha - 1683. 1687 Casimir - 1668 Kaufmann - - 1780. 1808 Sobieski 1673. 1674. 1683 Kayi of Khorassan - - 1234 Johnson, General - 1755 Keane, Sir J. _ - 1839 Johnson, Samuel 1750. 1755. 1760. Kean, Edmund, actor - 1833 1784 Kellermann - _ - 1792 Johnston, Captain - 1825 Kells, Synod of - - 1152 Joinville, hist. - 1312 Kemble, actor - 1800. 1823 Joinville, Prince - 1844 Kenneth . - 843 Jomelli - 1760 III. - - 975 Jonathan Martin - 1828 Kent, kingdom of . - 451 Jones, Inigo - - 1640 Kent, duke of - - 1818 Jones, Sir W. 1780. 1795 Kepler 1595.1610.1615 .1618.1630 Jones - 1848 Keppel - - 1778 Jonson, Ben - - 1638 Khoord pass - - - 1842 Jornandes - - 536 Khorassan - - - 820 Jortin - 1750 Kiel, T. - - 1814 Joseph L, emperor - 1705. 1711 Killala - - 1798 11, emperor - - 1765 Killicrankie, B. _ - 1689 I. of Portugal 1750. 1777 Kilkenny statute - - 1367 II. - 1765. 1780. 1790 Kilmarnock - - - 1746 Josephine - 1810 Kilwarden, Lord _ - 1803 Josephus - 67 Kinsale, C. - - - 1601 Jourdan 1794. 1796. 1809. 1813 Kiow, C. - - - 1018 Jovian - 363 Kiptchak, F. - - - 1223 Joyeuse, duke of - 1587 Kippis, biographer - - 1780 Jubilee 1300. 1350. 1389. 1464 Klapka - - 1849 Judas of Galilee 6 Kleber . 1795. 1800 Julian the Apostate - 357. 361, 362 | Klopstock - 1 747. 1780. 1803 Julian di Medici - 1478 I Kneller - - 1690 EVENTS THAT OCCURKED A. C. 287 Knights of Jerusalem, order of -of St. John - 1099. Templars Sword Bearers 1198. of Nova Scotia Baronets Knighton Knox, John - Kolin, B. - Komorn, C. - Konigsberg, F. Koran Korsakoff Kosciusko Kossuth Kotzebue, poet Kouli-Khan - Kronstadt Kublai Kukuli, B. - Kunnersdorf, B. Kutusoff Labedoyere - La Bruyere - La Clue La Croix Lactantius Lacy, Count - Ladislaus IIL ■ Lobieteck - of Naples - VI. of Hungary 1560. 632 1794. 1730. 1736. A.C. 109.5 1522 1118 1237 1623 1625 1394 1572 1757 1849 1255 , 636 1799 1817 1849 1819 1747 1703 1280 1770 1759 1811 - 1815 - 1680 - 1759 1797. 1800 - 331 - 1736 - 1290 - 1320 1386. 1413 1434. 1444 - 1444 II., of Bohemia 1471.1490 Ladrone Islands Lalius Socinus Laetus La Fayette - Laffeldt, B. - La Fontaine - La Galissoniere La Grange - La Harpe La Hogue, B. Lahore, T. - Laing, INIalcolm , A. G. Lake, General (lord) Lalande Lally, De, General Lally, musician Lamartine - - 1521 - 1556 - 192 1781. 1789. 1834 - 1747 1668.1680. 1695 - 1810 - 1756 1788. 1790. 1813. - 1780. 1803 - 1792 - 1846 - 1810. 1819 - 1826 - 1803 1790. 1807 1758, 1759 - 1670 - 1848 Lamb, Charles Lambert, Duke , historian , Commodore Lambeth Articles Lamoriciere, General La Mothe, Vayer de - Lancaster House , Joseph Lander, traveller Landonius, pope Landon, poet Landrecies, C. Lanfranc Langara Langles, orientalist - Langdale, Lord Langton, Bp. Lanjuinais Lannes, General La Peyrouse- Lapide, Cornelius, a. La Place - 1796. La Plata Lardner, Nathaniel - Largs, B. - La Rochejaquelin Las Casas Lateran Council, L - II. . IIL IV. Latimer, Bp. Latin tongue empire kingdom La Trappe - Laud, Archbishop Lauderdale - Laudhon Launoi Laura Laurence , painter 1816. Laurent Laurentius, antipope - Valla - Laurenzio Lautrec Lav alette Lavater La Vendee - Lavoisier - 1780. Law, John - 1816. 1834 - 928 - 1084 - 1852 - 1595 - 1848 - 1660 1322. 1377 - 1399 - 1816.1839 - 1831 - 913 - 1826. 1838 - 1795 - 1061. 1074 - 1793 - 1800 - 1851 - 1228 - 1789 - 1809 - 1785 - 1620 1800. 1827 - 1816 - 1750 - 1263 - 1793 - 1517 - 1123 - 1139 - 1179 - 1215 - 1555 - 580 1204. 1261 - 1291 - 1664 - 1643 - 1669 1760. 1789 - 1660 - 1348 - 257 1820. 1830 - 1519 498. 514 - 1453 - 1100 - 1521 - 1815 1790. 1801 - 1793 1789. 1794 - 1720 288 INDEX, NO. 2, Lawrence, Sir T. Leake, Sir John Lebrun Lechus Leek, B. Le Clerc Ledru Rollin Ledyard, traveller Legislative Assembly Legendre Lefevre Legion of Honour , British Leibnitz Leicester Leignitz, B. - Leipsic University ,B. - Lekain Leland, J. , Thomas A.C. 1820. 1830 - 1708 - 1799 . - 550 - 955 - 1710 - 1848 - 1780 - 1791 1810. 1832 - 1807 - 1802 1835, 1836, 1837 1677. 1680. 1716 - 1264, 1265 - 1760 - 1409 - 1631. 1813 - 1778 Lely, Sir Peter Le Maire Lemnos, B. - Lenses, discovery of - Leo I., the great pope IL 1750 1770 1660 1615 1807 1252 440 682 - 795 - 847 - 903 - 928 - 936 - 963 1049, 1050. 1053, 1054. 1513. 1515. 1520 - 1605 - 1823 457 — in. IV. — V. — VL — vn. — VIIL IX. — X. XL — XIL I. the Great (emperor) II. Junior - - 474 IIL the Isaurian 718. 726. 728. 736 — IV. V. VL Leon, C. Leonardo Aretino Leonardo da Vinci Leontius Pilatus Leopold of Saxe Coburg 1816. 1831 L, Emperor 1656. 1671 -- IL, Leopold the Illustrious I. , of Babenberg of Austria - IL, of Austria of Lorraine - 775. 780 - 813 886. 901 - 996 - 1425 - 1509 695. 698 - 1360 - 928 - 983 - 1138 - 1192 - 1386 - 1729 Leovigild Lepanto, B. - Lerme Le Sage Leslie, Sir John Lessing, poet Le Tellier - Leuthen, B. - Leuwenhoeck Le Verrier, astronomer Lewes, B.- Lewis L, of Bavaria - IL - the Stammerer IV. - of Aries 1790. 1792 - 585 - 1571 - 1598 1730. 1747 - 1810 - 1770 - 1685 - 1757 - 1700 ^ 1847 - 1264 - 842 - 855 - 877 - 900 - 904 1314. 1319. — v., of Bavaria 1322. 1327, 1328. 1346, 1347 — king of Bavaria - 1825 — IL, of Hungary 1516.1526 - 1810 - 1574 - 1800. 1811 -352. 356. 358 311, 312, 313. 323 882. 1703 - 1760 - 1176 - 1815 - 1797 1667, 1668 - 800 - 1691 - 1141 - 1851 1750. 1778 - 66 M. G. Leyden, S. - , Dr. - Liberius, pope Licinius Liege, C. Liegnitz, B. - Lignano, B. - Ligny, B. Ligurian Republic Lille, C. Limerick, F. - , C.- Lincoln, B. - Lingard Linnaeus Linus Lionel, duke of Clarence 1367. 1377 Lipsius, Justus Lisbon destroyed Lisle, Lord - Litanies Lithography, invention of Littleton Littler, Sir John Liturgy, English Liverpool, Lord Llewellyn Locke Lodi, B. Logan, poet Logarithms invented - 1601 - 1755 - 1453 - 483 - 1796 - 1481 - 1845 - 1551 - 1812 - 128£ 1680. 1690. 1704. - 1796 - 1770 1614 EVENTS THAT OCCUKRED A. C. 289 Gazette ; T. of Bridg^ Uoiversity - Londonderry, Lord - , S. Longinus Longueville, Duke of Longwy, C. - Lope de Vega Lorenzo di Medici - Lorraine, House of - Lothaire Lotharius 11. A.C. Lollius Urbicus - - 139 Lombard, Peter - - 1151 League 1167. 1176. 1177 Lombardian, New, League - 1226 London incorporated - 1208 Mechanics Institution 1824 - 1665 - 1S27 1824. 1831 - 1828 - 1822 - 1689 - 273 - 1513 - 1792 - 1625 1472. 1478 - 1048 954, 955 840,841. 1125. 1137 Louis L, le Debonnaire, (French) 814. 817, 818. 826 II., the Stammerer - 877 III. - . - 879 IV., d'Outremer 929. 936. 939 v., the Indolent 986, 987 VI., - 1108.1116.1119 VIL, the Young 1137. 1147. VIII., the Lion 1152. 1223. 1226 IX., St. Louis 1226 1239. 1248, 1249, 1250. 1269, 1270 X. le Hutin 1305. 1314. 1316 XL 1461. 1468, 1469. 1473 XIL 1498, 1499. 1507. 1508. 1509. 1511. 1514, 1515 XIIL 1610. 1615. 1629. 1643 XIV. 1643.1659. 1661,1662. 1667. 1672,1673, 1674. 1680, 1681, 1682,1683. 1685. 1688. 1691, 1692. 1694, 1715 XV. 1715.1757.1771.1774 XVL - 1774. 1791. 1793 XVIL - 1793. 1795 XVIII. 1795. 1814, 1815. 1822, 1823, 1824 Philippe L, 1793. 1830, 1835. 1844. 1848 Napoleon 1836. 1840. 1846. 1848. 1851 ■ ofAquitaine - - 781 , son of Philip Augustus 1216 ■ I., the Great - - 1342 A.C. 380. 1386 - 1423 - 1488 - 1500 - 1566 - 1848 - 1760 - 1848 - 1745. 1758 - 1685 - 1760 - 1746 - 1747 - 1756 49. 65 - 1060 - 1803 - 157 - 350 - 252 - 1144 - 1181 - 1517 - 728 - 947 55 - 1801 - 1186. 1187 1489 1850 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522. 1528. 1546 Louis II., of Anjou - 1 III., of Anjou - de la Tremouille Sforza of Nassau I. of Bavaria - Louisa, Princess Louisa Carolina, Princess Louisburg, C, Louvois Lowth, Bp. - Lovat Lowendahl, Count Lowositz, B. - Lucan Lucca, Republic Lucia, St. C. - Lucian Lucilianus Lucius I. IL - ;IIL - Ludovicus Vives Luitprand , historian ■ Luke, St. Luneville, P. Lusignan, Guy of - Lusignaus of Cyprus Lussac, aeronaut Lather Lutheran Church Lutter, B. - Lutzen, B.- Luxemburg, Duke of , Marshal Luxeul monastery Lyons, Councils of - , C. ' Lyttleton, jurist , Lord George M. - 1818 - 1G26 1632. 1813 - 1668 1690. 1692 1693 - 589 1245. 1274 1793. 1795 - 1481 - 1750 Mac- Adam - - - 1816 Macartney, Earl - 1792. 1806 Macaulay, philanthropist - 1826 Macbeth - - 1039. 1057 MacCaskill, General - •- 1845 MacCrie - - 1826. 1835 Macdonalds, massacre of the - 1692 Macedonius - - -381 Macham - - - 1345 290 INDEX, NO. 2. Machiavelli - A.C. - 1517 Malcolm Canmore - „ A.C. 1097 Mack, General - 1805 Malcolm IV. 1153 1158 Mackenzie, novelist - 1800. 1831 Malcolm, Sir J. . 1816 Mackintosh, Sir J. - 1816. 1832 Malebranche- 1673 1680 1715 Maclaurin - - 1730 Malek-Adel - . 1201 MacClure, Captain - - 1850 Malherbe, poet . 1601 Macmanus - - 1849 Malherbes - _ 1794 Macnaughten, Sir W. - 1841 Mallet, D. - - 1750 Macphersou - - 1780 Mallet, P. H., historian - 1790 Macrinus 217, 218 Malone, critic 1790 1812 Macro - 37 Malplaquet, B. . 1709 Macrobius - - 400 Malta, Order of - 1099 Madagascar, discovery of - 1507 , S. - 1565 Madeira 1345. 1420 — , c. - 1798. 1800 Madison, James - 1809 Malte Brun - - 1810 Madras, F. - - 1640 Malthus 1816. 1835 Madras, C. - - 1746 Malus 1810. 1812 Madrid, T. - - 1526 Mandeville, Sir John _ 1340 Madrid, C - 1808. 1812 Manes _ 250 Msedler, astronomer - - 1846 Manichean doctrines - _ 1015 Maestricht, C. 1579 1673. 1794 Manichees - 250. 1022 Magdeburg, C. - 1631 Mansoura, B. - 1250 Magee, Archbp. 1810. 1831 Mantell - 1852 Magellan 1519. 1521 Mantua, Surrender of _ 1797 Magic Lantern - 1260 Manuel Comnenus - _ 1143 Magna Charta - 1215 Manuel II., Palseologus - 1391 Magnentius - - 350 Manuel Chrysoloras - - 1453 Magnus Barefoot - 1098 Mausfeld, Count 1618. 1626 Mahmoud of Ghazna 1001. 1025 Marat - 1793 Mahomet - - 571. 622. 632 Maratti, Carlo, painter . 1690 Mahomet- Al-Mahdi - - 908 Marceau - 1794 Almanzor - 996. 1001 Marcel - 1358 — I. , emperor of the Turks Marcellinus, historian - 532 1410. 1413 Marcellinus, Bishop of Rome 296 II. 1451. 1453. 1459. Marcellus I., Bishop of Rome 308 1470 Marcellus II. - 1555 III. - 1595 Marchfeld, B. . 1278 IV. 1649. 1687 Marcian, Emperor - - 450 V, - - 1730 Marcion _ 138 VI. - 1808 Marck, Count - 1572 Mahommed I., of Cordova - 888 Marcomanni - - 271 II. - 1273 Marco Polo - 1200. 1288 Maida, B. - - 1806 Marcus Aurelius 161 . 171 Maires du Palais - 613 Marcus - 203 Maimbourg - - 1670 Marcus, Pope - 336 Mainfroi 1258. 1266 Mardyke - 1662 Maintenon, Madame de - 1700 Marengo, B.- - 1800 Maitland, W. - 1740 Margaret, Malcolm's wife 1068 Majano - 1451 1189. 1 ^Bfi i^oD Majorianus, emperor - 457. 461 of Pembroke - 1377 Malachy II., of Ireland - 980 of France - - 1307' Malachy, Bp. - 1139 of Sweden 1380. 1389. Malchus - 1096 1397 Malcolm - 945 ■ of Anjou - 1460. 14641 Malcolm III. 1057. 1068 of Valois - - 1527- EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 291 Margaret, daughter of Henry 1502. of Parma - Maria of Burgundy - ■ Theresa - 1659, Theresa 1740, 1741. I., ofx Portugal 1777. II., da Gloria Louisa Anne of Austria Marie di Medici Marie Beatrice Marie Antoinette Marie Mariana Marienburg, F. Mariendahl, B. Marignano, B. Mariner's compass Marino Faliero Marin us Mark, St. - Marlborough 1703, 1708 Marmontel - jNlarmont, Marshal - jNIarquesas - jNIarsaglia, B. Marsham INIarsin jNIarston Moor, B. jMartaban, S. - Marti a Martialis Martinico, C. Martin I. (Pope) II. - III. - IV. - V. - Jonathan 1826. 1836 1810, 1704. , 1709, 1762, 1417. Mary of Bretagne of Bohemia daughter of Henry VII. Queen of Scots 1542. 1561. 1567. Queen 1.547. 1553, 1554, di Medici - 1 600. daughter of Charles I. A.O. VII. 1509 1559 1478 1683 1772. 1780 1786. 1816 1834. 1853 1847 1665 1610 1701 1793 1848 1610 1280 1645 1515 1200 1355 882 44 1706. 1711 1780 1811 1842 1693 1670 1704 1644 1852 192 100 1809 649 882 942 1281 1431 1829 1848 1377 1413 1509. 1514 1558. 1587 1555, 1558 1610 1649 A.C. Mary Beatrice of Modena - 1701 daughter of James 11. 1689. 1694. 1701 Louisa- - - 1701 Princess - - 1760 Maskelyne - 1767. 1770. 1810 Mason, John - - 1750 Mason, W., poet - - 1780 Massacre of the Danes - 1002 ®f St. Bartholomew 1572 of Protestants in Ireland 1641 of September in St. Domingo of the Mamelukes of the Greeks of the Janissaries 1799. 1810, 1792 1793 1811 1822 1826 1647 1811 - 1710 - 1620 - 1612 - 1087 Massaniello - Massena Massillon Massinger Mathias of Germany - Matilda Matildaof Tuscany 1077. 1089. 1115 Matilda - 1135. 1141. 1154 Matthew, St. - - 39 Matthew, Paris - - 1239 Matthew Visconti - - 1296 Matthew of Westminster - 1364 Matthews, actor Matthias Corvinus Matthias of Germany ^aturin Tiaud Maupertius - Maurice Elector Stadtholder ■ of Nassau - historian Mauritius, Bp. Mauritius Maury Maxentius Maximian Maximilian - - 1835 1458. 1490 - 1612 - 1810 - 1189 - 1740 582. 602 - 1547 - 1584 - 1625 - 1810 - 1086 1810. 1814 - 1789 311, 312 286. 304 - 1478 1495. 1504. 1508. 1511 Sforza - - 1512 II. of Germany - 1564 of Bavaria - 1618 IL of Bavaria - 1848 Joseph L 1745. 1777 IL 1799. 1805. 1825 1493. u 2 292 INDEX, NO. 2. Maximilian Joseph III. (2nd King) 1848 Maximin 230. 235. 238 Maximin 305. 311. 313. Maximius Tyrius - - 180 Maximus ... 388 Maximus _ _ - 455 Mayeiice, or Mentz, council - 1080 Mayence, or Mentz, C. 1792, 1793 Mayenne 1589, 1590 Mayo, Dr. - - - 1852 Maypo, B. - - - 1818 Mazarin 1642. 1648. 1652. 1661 Mazeppa - - - 1704 Meagher - - 1848, 1849 Meal-Tub Plot - - 1679 Mechanics' Institutions - 1821 Mede, Jos. - - - 1625 Medici - - - 1431 Mehemet Ali 1811. 1828. 1849 Meistersangers - - 1355 Melanchthon 1518. 1530. 1540. 1560 Melbourne - - 1834. 1853 Melchiades, Bp. of Rome - 311 Melchtal - - - 1307 Melek Shah 1072. 1075, 1076.1092 Melek Adel - - - 1201 Memel, C. - - - 1757 Mendelssohn- - - 1760 , musician 1835. 1847 Mendicant orders 1198. 1209. 1274. 1347. 1360 Menai Bridge - - 1826 Mengs _ . . 1760 Mennonites - - - 1537 Menou - - - 1801 Mentz, or Mayence, council of 1080 Menzikoff - - - 1725 Mercator - - - 1570 Mercator, Nicholas - - 1670 Mercia, kingdom of - - 451 Merci 1618. 1644, 1645 Mercury, transit of - - 1631 Merovee - - 448. 451 Merovingian dynasty - 448 Mersburg, B. 932. 1081 Merwan - - - 683 Mesmer - - - 1766 Messalina - - - 48 Messier, astronomer - 1790. 1817 Messina, C. - - - 1848 Metastasio - - - 1760 Methodists - - 1728. 1740 Metius - - - 1590 Metz, S. - - - 1553 Mexico, conquest of 1519.1521 , independence of 1822 , war in 1845. 1847. 1852 Mezeray - - - 1660 Michael I. Emperor - - 811 II. - - 821 III. - - 842 IV. - - 1034 — V. - - 1041 Psellus - - 1043 VII. - 1068. 1071 VIII. Palseologus 1260, 1261. 1281 III. Theodorowitsch 1613 Angelo 1503.151-7 Servetus 1553. 1628 Cervantes - - 1601 Molinos - - 1675 Michaelis - - - 1770 Middleton - - 1810. 1822 Miecislaus - - - 966 II.- - 1025. 1041 Miguel, Don - 1828. 1834 Milan, edict of - - 313 Republic - - 1060 , C. 1154. 1162. 1800 rebuilt - - 1168 , Council of - - 1511 , Decree of - - 1807 , Insurrection at - 1848 Militia Bill, Scots' - - 1797 Mill, James - - 1826. 1836 Milner - - 1790. 1797 Milton 1651. 1660. 1667. 1674 Minden, B. - - - 1759 Minimi, Order of - - 1467 Minorca, C. - - - 1798 Minto, Lord- - 1807.1810 Minucius Felix - - 200 Mirabeau - - 1789. 1791 Mirza, Mehemet Khan - 1834 Missionary Society - 1794 Mississippi Scheme - - 1720 Missolonghi, C. - - 1826 Mitchell - - - 1848 Mitford - - 1800. 1810 Moawiyah I. 648. 655. 661. 679 II. - - 683 Modena, Duchy of - - 1452 Mogadore, bombarded - 1844 Mohacz, B. - - 1526. 1687 Moliere - 1660. 1667. 1673 Molinos - 1675. 1685. 1687 Molly Maguires - - 1845 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 293 1750, 1757. 1664. 1740. 1748. 1639. Molwitz, B. - - - Moncey - - _ _ Moncontour, B. - Monge . - . 1800, Monk - 1653. 1660, Monmouth, Duke of - 1679, IMonophysites _ _ _ Monothelit$s _ _ _ Monro, General - - - Monroe, President Monstrelet - - - - Mons, C. - - - - Montacute - - - - Montague, Lady 1723 Montaigne - Montanists Montanus jSIontcalm - Montcontour, B. Montecuculi - Montenotti, B. Montesquieu Montesquiou _ _ _ Monte Video, C. - Montfaucon - - - - JMontgolfier - - - - ]\Ionti _ _ _ - Montmorenci - . - Montpensier, Duke Montreal, C. - - - , Riots in - - Montrose - - - - Montserrat, C. - - - Moodkee, B, - - - Moolraj - . - 1848, Mooltan, S. - - - 1848, Moore, Sir John - - - , Thomas 1813. 1816, Moors or Saracens 189, 711. Morat, B. - - - - Moravian Brethren - 1457. More, Hannah 1764. 1800. , Sir Thomas Morea - - - 1699. Moreau 1796. 1800. 1804. Morgan - _ _ . Morgarten, B. - - - Morland - _ - - Morocco, F. - - - Morozia - _ _ _ Morrison, Dr. Mortier - _ . 1803. Mortimer - - . 1327. Mortimer, Edmund - 1377. A.C. 1741 1794 1569 1818 1666 1685 451 580 1764 1817 1425 1691 1464 1762 1580 180 180 1759 1569 1675 1796 1755 1792 1807 1720 1783 1810 1567 1846 1760 1849 1650 1811 1845 1849 1849 1809 1817. 1852 1610 1476 1727 1833 1530 1715 1813 1669 1315 1800 1061 928 1810 1806 1331 1399 Moscow, F. - _ A.C. - 1154 ,c. . - 1571. 1812 Moscow, P. - _ - 1686 Mosheim _ 1740. 1755 Moskwa, B. _ - 1812 Mostal . - 1098 Mostanser . - 861 Mostasem _ - 1258 Mosthadi _ - 1171 Motassem - 833. 841 Motawakee - _ - 861 Mountainists - _ - 1793 Mountjoy, Lord . - 1601 Mozart - 1770. 1792 Mudie, R. - _ - 1842 Muhlberg, B. - - 1547 Miihldorf, B. _ - 1319 Muley Moluck _ - 1579 Mulhausen, B. - - 1525 Muller, John _ - 1470 MuUer, historian - 1790. 1840 Mundinus _ - 1326 Mungo Park - - 179.5. 1805 Munich, revolution at - 1848 Municipal Corporation Bill - 1835 Munoz - - 1790 Munro . - 1646 Munro . - 1764 Munster, C. - w - 1536 Munster, T. - _ - 1648 Murat 1806 1808. 1815 Murcia, C. - _ - 1172 Murdoch _ - 1792 Murillo _ - 1660 Murphy - - 1790 Murray, regent - 1567. 1569 Murray, Sir John - - 1813 Murviedro, B. - - 1811 Murzuphlus - - 1203, 1204 Musa . - 713 Musa _ - 1410 Muschenbrock - - 1750 Museum, British _ - 1753 Musgrave - - 1810 Mustapha L - 1617 1622, 1623 II. - - 1695 IIL - - 1757 IV. - 1807, 1808 Myriobiblon - - - 891 Mysteries and Moralities - 1543 N Nadir Shah - - - 1739 Nsefels, B. - . - 1368 Nahavund, B. - - 640 U 3 294 INDEX, NO. 2. Najara, B. Namur, C. Nancy, B. Nankin, P. - Nantes, Edict of Napier, John Napier, Commodore Napier, Sir Charles A.C. - 1367 1692. 1695 - 1476 - 1842 1598. 1685 1610. 1614 - 1840 1843. 1849. 1850. 1853 Naples, B. - - - 1848 Napoleon I. 1804, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815. 1821 , Louis - 1806. 1810 , Joseph 1806. 1809. 1844 , Jerome - - 1807 ir. - 1811. 1832 III. (Louis) 1836. 1840. 1846. 1848. 1851 Narhonne, B. - - 737 Nares, critic - - - 1816 Narses, king of Persia - 297 Narses - - 552, 553 Narva, B. - - - 1700 Naseby, B. - - - 1645 Nassau, Count of • - 1572 National Assembly - - 1789 National Education, Irish Board - - - 1845 Navarino, B. - - - 1827 Navigation Act - - 1651 Nazareth, C- - - 1271 Neander, church historian - 1850 Necessity, Fort, C. - - 1754 Necker 1777. 1787, 1788, 1789. 1804 Neerwinden, B. - 1693. 1793 Nelson 1797, 1798. 1800, 1801. 1805 Nemours, Duke de - - 1503 Nero - 54, 55. 59. 64, 65, 66. 68 Nerva - - - 96 Nepos, Julius - 474, 475 Neptune, planet - - 1847 Nestor - - - 1100 Nestorius - - 431, 432 Neuchatel - - - 1707 New Caledonia - 1707.1774 Newcastle-on-Tyne, F. - 1097 Newcastle-on-Tyne, fire at - 1854 New Exchange - - 1842 Newfoundland, discovery of - 1496 New Orleans, B. - - 1815 Newport - - - 1607 New South Shetland - -1818 Newspaper - - -1588 New Style in Britain - 1752 A.C. New Testament 1526, 1527. 1603 Newton, Sir Isaac 1642. 1666. 1668, 1669. 1680. 1687. 1704 , bishop - - 1760 New Zealand discovered - 1642 Ney - - - 1805. 1815 Nicene Creed - - 325 Nice, Council 1st - - 325 , Council 2nd - - 787 , C. - - 1097. 1333 , Empire - - 1206 Nicephorus - 802. 811 Phocas - 963. 967 Boton - - 1078 Callisti - - 1333 — Gregoras - 1333 Nicetas - - - 872 Nicholaus I. (Pope) - 858. 866 XL - 1058, 1059 IIL - - 1277 IV. - - 1288 V. (Antipope) - 1328 V. - 1447. 1449 L of Russia 1825.1844 de Bray - - 1239 de Lyra - - 1331 Rienzi - - 1347 Nicopolis, B. - - 1396 Niebuhr, Carsten 1761. 1767. 1812. 1815 , B. G. 1810. 1812. 1831 Nieuport, B. - - - 1599 Niger - - - 194 Niger expedition - - 1841 Nile, B. - - - 1798 Nimeguen, P. - - 1678 Nimeguen, B. - - 1794 Nivelle, B. - - - 1813 Noailles, De - - - 1743 Noetus - - - 250 Nogaret - - 1301. 1303 NoUekens 1800. 1813. 1823 Nominalists 1084. 1116. 1322. 1414. 1473 Nooman . . - 640 Norbert - - - 1119 Nordlingen, B. - - 1645 Norman line - - 1066 Norradin - - 1171. 1173 North, Lord - - - 1792 Northcote - - 1800. 1831 Northampton, B. - - 1460 Northumberland - - 1554 Northumbrian kingdom - 547 Norway . - - 1814 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 295 A.C. Notables, 1st Assembly - 1787 Notables, 2nd Assembly - 1789 Notre Dame de Paris - 1012 Nott, General - - 1842 Novara, B. - - 1513. 1849 Nova Scotia, knights of - 1623 Novatianus - - - 251 Novogorod,"^ public school - 1019 Numerianus - - - 282 Nuremberg, diet of - - 1522 Nuremberg, truce of - 1532 Nystadt, P. - - -1721 O. O'Brien - - 1848, 1849 O'Connell 1829. 1844. 1847 Octai - - - 1227 Octavian, Antipope - 1159. 1164 Odenatus - - - 264 Odessa, F. - - - 1792 , bombardment - 1854 Odin - - - 740 Odo - - 927. 1108 Odoacer 476. 488. 493 O'Donnell, General 1841. 1854 O'Donoghue - - 1849 fficolampadius - - 1529 Oersted - - 1837. 1851 Offa - - - - 755 Oil-painting - - - 1340 O'Keefe, comedian - - 1790 Olaus Peterson - - 1519 Olbers - - 1802. 1807 Oleg - - 880. 907 Olga or Helena - - 955 Oliva, P. - - - 1660 Olivarez - - - 1621 Oliver of Clisson - - 1382 Oltenitza, B. - - 1853 Olybius - - - 472 Olympiads - - - 440 Omar - 634. 636. 644 Ommia - - - 661 Ommiades, dynasty 661. 749. 756. 1027 Onesiraus - - - 60 O'Nial - - - 1542 O'Nial, Shane - - 1566 , Hugh 1595. 1598, 1599. 1646 Onslow - - - 1853 Opie, painter - 1790. 1807 , Mrs - - 1816. 1853 Oppian - - - 200 Orange lodges formed - 1795 Oranges Orchan, or Urklan Orestes Organs rOrient, B. - Origen Orkney Islands Orleans, Duke of A.C. - 1547 - 1327. 1333 475, 476 - 658 - 1795 • 222 - 1468 - 1393. 1407 - 1789. 1793 ". 1842 - 1770 - 1780 - 410 - 1814 - 1153 ' 1778 - 1758 - 1844 - 1288. 1327 - 1234 - 1648 283. 1780 - 1604 - 481. 493. 553 - 1809 1767. 1816. 1843 644. 655 1288. 1327 1618. 1622 - 1754 69 the Great 936. 939, 940. Orloff Orme Orosius Orthes, B. - O'Ruark d'Orvilliers - Osborn Oscar Osman I. Osmanli Turks Osnaburg, T. Ossian Ostend, C. - Ostrogoths - Oswald Otaheite Othman Othman or Osman I. ■ II. - III. - Otho Otho I 949. 951. 955. 962, 963, 964, 965 II. - - 973. 983 III. - -983.996.998 IV. 1197. 1208. 1212. 1214 of Wittelsbach - -1180 of Brunswick - - 1386 of Greece - 1832. 1843 Otranto, C. - - - 1480 Otterburn, B. - - 1388 Otto, Bp. - - - 1124 — , historian - - 1143 Ottocare II. of Bohemia 1254. 1268. 1278 Ottoman or Osman 1234. 1288. 1299. 1327 Otway Oudenarde, B, Oudinot, Marshal Ourique, B. - Ovid Owen Glendower Oxenstiem - Oxford University 1670 1708 1849 1139 9 1409 1632 886 u 4 296 INDEX, NO. 2. Oxford, Parliament of Oxford, Edward P. 1258 1840 - 331 - 1700 - 1520 - 1179 66 - 1826. 1840 - 1800 - 1794 - 1580 1790. 1794. 1805 - 1808. 1847 - 1849 - 1802 - 1811 - 1660 - 1852 533. 1137 - 608 - 1755. 1768 " 1850 - 1151, 1152 500. 1319 - 200 - 1618 - 390 - 1530 - 1767 824. 1682 - 887 - 1209 - 1763. 1783 • 1814 - 1795. 1805 Parliament, English 1258. 1265. 1293. 1640. 1679. 1800, 1801 Parliament, French - 1285. 1302 Parma, Republic - -1180 , duke of - - 1592 . , B. - - - 1735 Parnell - - - 1710 Parry - 1819. 1824. 1827 Pascal, Antipope - - 686 Pascal I., Pope - - 817 II. 1099. 1105. 1111. 1112. 1116 III. - . Blaise Pachomius - Pacent Padilla, John Padua, University Psetus, Thrasea Paganini Paisiello Paine, Thos. Palestrina Paley Palafox Palermo, C. - Pallas, planet Pallas, traveller Pallavicini - Palmerston, Lord Pandects Pantheon Paoli, Pascal - Papal aggression Paparo Paper Papinianus • Paphenheim - Pappus Paracelsus - Paradise Lost Paris, Council , S. — ; p. • , T. - Park, Mungo Paoli Paschasius Quesnel - Passage, North-west - - 1164. 1168 1648. 1650. 1656. 1662 - 1755. 1768 - 1713 - 1850 Passarowitz, P. Passau, T. - Pate - Patrick, St. - Patrick, Bp. of Dublin Patrick's Cathedral - Paul, St. 19. 37. 41. 43. 45. 48. 49. 50, 51. 53. 55, 56. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 65, 66 ■ ofThebais - - 250 L, Pope - - 757 Warefridus Diaconus 788 A.C. - 1718 - 1552 - 1850 - 472 - 1074 - 1181 n. - III. - IV. - V. - I. of Russia - - 1464 1534, 1535 - 1555 1605, 1606 1796. 1801 Paul's, St. - Paul's, St., School Paulinus Pausanias Pavia, Republic , Council of , T. - ,B. - Payne, Thomas Pearson, Bp. Pecquigni, P. 1086. 1675. 1710 - 1519 - 390 - 157 - 1060 - 1159 - 1331 - 1525 - 1794 - 1670 - 1475 Pedro the Cruel, of Castile 1350. 1361. 1367, 1368 Pedro IV. of Arragon - 1361 Pedro, Don - - - 1667 , •■ 1822. 1826. 1834 Peel, Sir Robert 1827, 1828. 1834. 1846. 1850 Pelagians - - - 410 Pelagius - - - 410 I., Pope - - 555 II. - - . 578 •, King of the Visigoths 717. 737 - 1641 - 1654 - 1681 - 1840 - 1853 - 1666 - 687 Pendulum Penn, Admiral Penn, William Penny Postage Penny Postage Receipt Pentland Hills, B. - Pepin d'Heristal Pepin le Bref 751. 754. 756. 768 Pepin - - 781. 810 Perceval, Spencer - 1809. 1812 Percussion firelock - - 1803 Percy, Hotspur - - 1388 Pergolese - - - 1727 Perignon . _ - 1794 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 297 Peronne, meeting at Perpetual Edict Per si us Persian Era - Persia Pertinax Peshawur, B. AC. - 1468 - 1650 - 49 - 632 - 640 192, 193 - 1852 Pestalozzi - - 1816. 1827 Pestilence - 1350. 1361. 1369 Petavius - - - 1640 Peter, St. 30. 41, 42. 44. 51. 59. 63, 65 Peter's pence - 755. 1154 Peters, St. church - 1506. 1513 the Hermit - - 1095 de Bruys - 1130. 1139 of Blois - - 1200 de la Brosse - - 1278 ofCourtenay -1216 Lombard - - 1151 Valdus - - 1160 I. of Arragon - 1094 II ditto - 1198. 1212 III. ditto 1276. 1282. 1284 of Savoy - - 1263 • Shaeffer - - 1440 I. of Medici • - 1464 IT. of Medici - - 1492 Louis Farnese - 1545 Martyr - - 1540 Ramus - - 1559 L the Great 1682. 1689. 1697. 1703. 1709. 1711. 1717, 1718. 1721. 1725 • IL of Russia - •■ 1727 III. of Russia - 1762 • the Cruel - 1350.1368 IL of Portugal - 1683 III. ditto - - 1777 IV. - - - 1826 Peterborough, Earl of - 1705 Petersburgh, F. - - 1703 Peterson, Olaus and Laurent- 1519 Peterwaradin, B. - - 1716 Petion- - - 1807. 1818 Petrarch - - 1341. 1348 Petronius - ~ - 49 Petronius Turpilianus - 39 Pharamond - - - 420 Philadelphia, F. - - 1681 Philadelphia, C. - - 1777 Philelphus - - - 1470 Philemon - - - 60 Philagathus - - - 996 Philibert, Emmanuel 1553. 1557 A.C. Philip, the Deacon - - 37 Philip (Herod) - 34. 38 the Arabian - 244. 249 Philip L of France 1 060. 1086. 1088 IL, Augustus 1180.1185. 1190, 1191. 1212. 1214 of Suabia, Emperor 1197, 1198 III., the Bold 1270. 1274. 1278. 1284 IV., the Fair 1285. 1301, 1302. 1305 - 1316 1328. 1346 - 1361 V. VL, of Valois of Rouvre the Hardy, of Burgundy 1363. 1393 the Bold, do. 1384 the Good, do. 1430. 1433. 1435 Visconti - - 1447 de Comines - - 1490 L, of Castile - -1504 IL, of Spain 1554. 1556. 1559. 1566, 1567. 1580. 1584. 1598 IIL - - 1598. 1610 IV. - 1621. 1659. 1665 V. 1700, 1701. 1710. 1713, 1714, 1715. 1717 , Duke of Orleans 1715. 1718 , Don - - 1745. 1748 Philippa, Queen - - 1377 Philippine Islands 1521. 1555, 1761 Philippicus Bardanes - 711 Philipsburg. C. . - 1734 Phillips, Sir R. - 1816. 1840 Philo _ - 49 Philo Byblius - - 100 Philostratus - - - 200 Phocas - 602. 606. 608 Photius 866. 869. 879. 886. 891 Phranza - - 1460 Phrenology - _ - 1803 Piazzi Conspiracy - - 1478 Piazzi, astronomer 1801. 1807. 1810. 1826 Piccini - - 1770 Piccolomini - _ - 1618 Picts _ 121. 445 Picts converted - - 565 Pichegru - 1795. 1804 Picus - - 1490 Pighius . - 1530 Pilate - 26. 30. 34 298 INDEX, NO. 2. A.C. " 1791 - 1547 - 1756 931. 1290. 1406 - 1409.1511 - 1509 17. 19 - 65 - 1790 - 1740 Pitt, William, Lord Chatham 1756 Pitt, William 1783. 1800. 1804. 1806 Pius I., pope - - - 142 Pilnitz convention Pinkey, B. - Pirna, capitulation Pisa, republic Pisa, councils of Pisa, C. Piso - Piso - Pitcairn's Island Pitt, poet — II. - 1453. 1458 III. - - - 1503 IV. - 1559. 1564 V. - 1556. 1570 . VI. - 1775. 1798, 1799 VII. 1800. 1809 1814. 1816 VIII. - . - 1829 IX. 1846. 1848 1849, 1850 Pizarro . 1527. 1533 Placentia Republic - - 1180 Placidia - - 421 Plague in London - - 1665 Plantagenet line - - 1154 Platina, Bartolomeo - - 1470 Platonic philosophy 1431. 1439. 1460 Plassey, B. - - - 1757 Playfair - 1800. 1810. 1819 Pliny the Elder - - 79 Pliny the Younger - 81. 102 Plotinus - 222. 250 Plutarch . - 100 Poggio - - 1455 Poiret - - 1700 Poisson - 1826. 1840 Poitiers, B. - _ 732. 1356 Poland - 550. 1772 Polarisation of light - - 1810 Politian - - 1490 Polk, President - - 1845 Pollentia, B. - - 403 Pollock, General . - 1842 Poltrot - - 1563 Polycarp - - 167 Polydore Virgil - - 1540 Polyglot Bible - 1516. 1650 Polycrates - - - 192 Pomarree - - 1843 Pompeii - 79. 1750 Pompey's theatre - - 248 Pondicherry, F, - - 1679 Pondicherry, S. Pondicherry, C. Poniatowski - Pontanus Pontianus Pontius Pilate Poor-law - 1748 - 1761 - 1813 - 1490 - 230 26. 30. 34 - 1563 Poor-law Amendment - 1834 Pope, the 66. 606. 756. 1059. 1061. 1073. 1074. 1294. 1414 Pope's toe - - - 708 Pope Alexander 1711.1720.1729. 1744 Popham, Sir H. - - 1806 Population of England 1377.1483 Porphyry - - - 250 Porson - - 1800. 1808 Porta, J. B. - - - 1590 Porter, novelist - - 1850 Porteus, Bp. - - 1790. 1809 Portland, B. - - - 1652 Portland, Duke of - - 1807 Port Mahon, C. - - 1756 Porto Bello, C. - - 1739 Postage, penny - - 1840 Potatoes introduced - - 1586 Potatoes, disease of - - 1845 Potter, Archbishop - 1730. 1747 Poussin - . - 1640 Pragmatic Sanction 1269. 1438. 1515. 1713 Prague university - - 1347 , P. - - - 1635 • , B. - 1620. 1741. 1757 , C. - - 1741. 1744 • , bombardment of - 1848 Praxeas - - - 250 Prayer, Book of Common 1548.1551 Preaching Friars - - 1216 Premislaus of Poland -1296 Premonstrants, order of - 1119 Presburg, P. - - 1805 Presbyterian Church 1592. 1843 Prescott, B. - - - 1838 Prester, John - - 1163 Preston, B. - - - 1715 Preston Pans, B. - - 1745 Pretender - - 1701. 1715 Pretender, Young - 1745, 1746 Prideaux, Dean - - 1710 Price, financier - - 1770 Priestley, Dr. - 1780. 1804 Printing - - 1440. 1571 Primislaus Ottocare I. - 1198 Prior - - - 1710 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 299 Priscianus - . A.C. - 472 Probus - - 276 Proclus _ - 472 Procopius Procopius Rasa Prome, B. - ; - 532 - 1424 - 1825 Protestants 1529. 1548. 1552. 1555. 1853 Protestants, massacres of 1572. 1641 Prudentius - - - 384 Prussia, division of - - 1466 Pruth, B. - - - 1770 Pruth made the frontier - 1812 Pruth crossed - - 1853 Ptolemais, C. 1104. 1191. 1291 Ptolemy, geographer - 138 Puffendorf - - 1680. 1694 Pugin, architect - - 1832 Pulcheria - - 430. 450 Pulteney - - - 1780 Pultowa, B. - - - 1709 Pultusk, B. - - 1704. 1806 Punjab, C. - - - 1849 Pupienus - - . 238 Purcel - - - 1680 Pye, poet - - 1790. 1813 Pyrenees, P. - - - 1659 Q. Quadi - - - 282 Quadruple Alliance - - 1745 Quakers - - 1649. 1681 Quarterly Review - - 1809 Quatre-Bras, B. - - 1815 Quebec, F. - - - 1608 Quebec, B. - - - 1759 Queenstown - - - 1849 Quentin, St. B. - - 1557 Quesnoy, C. - - - 1712 Quietists - 1675. 1687. 1697 Quintilian - - - 81 Quicze-Vingts, Hospital - 1260 R. Rabanus Maurus - - 843 Rabelais - . - 1540 Racine - 1667. 1680. 1699 Radagaisus - - - 405 Radbert - - - 843 Radcliffe, novelist - - 1800 Radetski, Marshal ■• 1848, 1849 Raeburn, painter - - 1816 Ragotski - - - 1644 A.C. Rahes - - 932. 934 Raid of Ruth ven - -1582 Raikes - - 1782. 1811 Railways 1830. 1841. 1852, 1853 Raleigh, Sir Walter 1584. 1588. 1610. 1618 Ralph de Diceto ■■ - 1200 Ramillies, B. - - 1706 Ramirez I. - - - 1035 Ramiro 11. - - 927. 938 Rammohun Roy - - 1816 Ramus, Peter - - 1560 Randolph - - 1306. 1329 Rangoon, C. - - 1824. 1852 Ranier - . - 1795 Ranulph Higden - - 1358 Raoul or Rodolph - 923. 936 Raphael - 1503. 1509. 1513 Rasa, Procopius - - 1424 Rastadt, P. - - - 1714 Rathbreasil, synod of - 1118 Ratisbon, diet - 1541. 1663 Ratisbon, B. - - - 1809 Ratramne - - - 843 Ravaillac - - - 1610 Ravenna, C. - - 728. 752 Ravenna, B. - - - 1512 Ray - - - - 1680 Raymond IV. 1096. 1100. 1109 Raymond - - - 1209 Raymond VII. - - 1249 Raymond Lully - - 1300 Raynal . _ _ 1730 Realists - - - 1116 Reaumur - . > 1724 Rebec, B. - - - 1524 Rebellion in Ireland - 1649. 1798 Scotland - 1745 China - - 1851 Recard - - - 585 Reformation in Bohemia - 1408 Basil- 1431. 1529 Florence - 1489 Zurich 1516. 1524 Germany - 1517 Sweden and Denmark - 1519. 1527. 1539 Prussia and Saxony - - - 1525 Berne - 1528 Geneva - 1535 England -1360. 1380. 1531. 1534. 1540. 1548 : Scotland - 1560 300 INDEX, NO. 2. Reformation in Ireland 1536. 1551 Reform Bill - - - 1832 Reggio, Duchy of - - 1452 Regiomontanus - - 1470 Regnier, poet - - 1601 Regnier, General - - 1806 Reichenberg, B. - - 1757 Reid, Dr. T. - 1764. 1770. 1796 Reign of Terror - - 1793 Rembrandt - - - 1660 Rennell - - 1800. 1830 Rennie - - - 1810 Repeal of the Union - 1829. 1843 Republican calendar - - 1792 Republic, French - 1792. 1848 Requesens, Lewis of - - 1573 Reschid, Pasha - - 1826 Restoration, the, in England - 1660 Reuchlin - - - 1490 Review, Edinburgh - - 1802 Review, Quarterly - - 1809 Revolution in England 1649. 1689 Sweden 1680. 1772 • France - 1789 Hayti 1791. 1843 Poland - 1794 Spain - 1820 Portugal - 1820 Greece 1821. 1843 France, Belgium, Warsaw, Papal States, Bruns- wick, and Switzerland - 1830 — Paris, Rome, Munich 1848 Portugal - 1851 Revolutionary Tribunal - 1793 Reynolds - 1768. 1774. 1792 Rhasis - - - 908 Rheinfeld, B. - - 1638 Rhemish New Test. - - 1582 Rhodes, C. - - - 1310 Rhodes, Colossus - - 653 Rhotas, B. - - - 1849 Rich, C. J. - - 1810. 1822 Ricardo - - 1816. 1823 Richard of Normandy - 1013 I. CcEur de Lion 1 1 88. 1 1 90. 1192. 1199. n. - - 1377. 1399 IIL - - 1483. 1485 son of John- - 1216 > of CornwaU 1239. 1263. 1272 II., Stuart - - 1371 Richard Duke of York 1454, 1455. 1461 Protector - - 1658 Richardson - - - 1750 Riche, President - ■ 1846 Richelieu - 1630. 1635. 1642 Richelieu, Duke - - 1756 Richelieu - - - 1815 Richmond, Earl of - - 1483 Ricimer -455. 461. 472 Ridley Riego Riga, F. Riga, B. Rimenant, B. - - 1555 - 1823 - 1201 - 1704 - 1578 Rimini, Council of _ - 359 Rio Janeiro, C. - - 1711 Riquet Rivoli, B. : - 1664 - 1796 Rizzio . - 1566 Robert _ - 922 the Wise 996. 998. 1022. 1024. 1031 the Old - - 1032 Guiscard 1053. 1059. 1081. 1084, 1085 of Normandy 1076. 1087. 1096. 1100. 1106 of Flanders - of Arbrissel - Bp. of Molesme Fitz- Stephen - de Courtenay St. Louis' brother - 1096 - 1094 - 1098 - 1169 - 1221 - 1250 ofGlos'ter - -1263 Bruce 1290. 1306. 1314 II., Stuart - -1371 IIL, of Scotland - 1390 of Germany - - 1400 Robertson - 1759. 1770. 1793 Robervald - - - 1650 Robespierre 1789. 1792, 1793, 1794 Robin Hood - „ 1199 Rochambeau - 1780, 1781. 1803 Rochefoucault - 1660 Rochelle, C. - _ 1620 Rochelle, S. - - 1627 Rocroy, B. - Roderic - : 1643 713 Roderic of Connaught Rodney, Admiral 1780. 1782. Rodolph - - - 1., of Hapsburgh 1278. 1175 1792 888 1273. 1282 IL - -. 1576. 1612 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 301 Rodolph of Austria - _ A.C. 1365 Rodrigo Diaz - 1060 Roemer 1667. 1670 Roger I.- 1090. 1098 Roger II. - 1130. 1139 Roger of Hoveden - - 1200 Roger Bacon- 1252 1260. 1263 Roger Ascham - 1550 Rogers - 1555 Roland - 778 Rollo - 911 RoUin 1710. 1741 Romanus, Antipope - - 897 Romanus I., Emperor - 915 II. - - 959 III. 1028. 1034 IV. 1068. 1071 Romanow, House of - - 1613 Romanzow - - 1770. 1774 Rome, C. 410. 455. 472. 476. 547. 549, 550. 998. 1167. 1413. 1494. 1527. 1798. 1849 Rome, S. - 755. 848. 1081 Rorailly - - - 1810 Romuald - _ - io23 Rouceveaux or Roncesvalles, B. 778 Ronge . - _ 1844 Ronsard . - _ 1570 Rooke, Sir George - 1693. 1704 Rosa, Salvator - - 1610 Rosacrucian mania - - 1614 Rosas, C. - - - 1794 , Dictator - - 1852 Rosbach, B. - - 1382. 1757 Roscellinus - - - 1084 Iloscoe - 1795. 1810. Rosse, Lord - Ross, General , Captain - 1818. Rossi, Count Rossellini . - _ Rotharis - - _ Roubilliac - - - Roucoux, B. - - Rouen, C.- Rousseau, J. B. , J. J. 1730. 1762. 1710. 1760. Rowe Rowley - - _ Roxburgh, S. - - Royal Exchange - 1569. Royal Society, London , Dublin , Gottingen Royal Irish Academy 1831 1845 1814 1841 1848 1843 636 1750 1746 843 1741 1778 1715 1470 1460 1838 1663 1749 1750 1786 A.C. Rubens _ _ . 1520 Rudolph - 1077. 1080. 1081 Rupert - - - 1666 Ruric, Family of - 862. 1598 Russell, Lord - - 1683 , Admiral - - 1692 , Lord John - - 1846 Ruyter, De - - 1666. 1676 Rye-House Plot - - 1683 Rysbrach - - - 1750 Ryswick, P. •• - - 1697 Sabatei Levi - - - 1666 Sabektekin - - - 1001 Sabellius - - 250. 259 Sabinianus, Pope - - 604 SaflParian dynasty - - 872 St. Paul's - - 1675. 1710 St. Helena - - 1815. 1840 Saladin 1174. 1177. 1187. 1192, 1193 Salamanca University - 1239 , B. - - 1812 Salankemen, B. - - 1691 Saldanha, Duke of - 1846.1851 Sale, General - 1842. 1845 , Lady - - - 1853 Salic-law - - 500. Salic Dynasty Salivahana - - - Sallo- Salmasius - - . Salsbach, B. - Saltoun _ _ _ Saltz, P. - - - Salvador, St., discovery Salvator Rosa Salviatti, conspiracy of Salvius - _ _ Sancho I., of Leon - 1830 1024 78 1665 1650 1675 1853 803 1492 1610 1478 1285 955 the Great 1000. 1028. 1035 IL of Castile 1065. II. of Navarre the Great of Castile - Sandwich Isles Sand San Martin - - - Santa Anna - - - Sapor L 242. 244. 259. 261 IL Sapphira Saracens Saratoga, B. - Saragossa, B. 1094 1212 1284 1778 1819 1818 1829 , 273 310. 350 - 31 - 189 - 1777 302 INDEX, NO. 2. Saragossa, S. 1808, 1809 Sejanus . A.C. 14. 31 Sarmatians - - 282 Selden - - 1640 Sarpi, Paul - 1609, 1610 Selim I. - 1512. 1514 Sassanidae dynasty - - 226 11. - 1566.1571 Saul - - 19. 37. 41 . 43. 45. 48 III. - - 1789. 1807 Saturn - 1655. 1671. 1789 Seljuk - - 1038 Saumarez, Sir James - 1809 Seljukian Turks 1038. 1043. 1075 Saumur, B, - - 1793 Seminare, B. - - 1503 Saunderson - - 1710 Sempach, B. - - - 1.386 Saussure, De, naturalist - 1841 Seneca - 49. 65 Savage - 1730 Seneffe, B. - . - 1674 Savannah - 1819 Senegal, C. - - 1758. 1809 Savery - 1697 Sennefelder - - - 1796 Savonarola - 1489. 1498 Sens, Council - 1209. 1528 Savoy House - 1027 , B. - . 1648 Conference - 1661 Sentences, the Master of - 1150 Saxe, Marshal 1745, 1746, 1747 Septimus Severus 193, 194, 195. Saxo Grammaticus - - 1200 197, 198. 200,201. 208. 211 Saxon Heptarchy - 827 Serampore - - - 1799 Dynasty 1024. 1066 Serapis, worship of . - .146 Saxons - -449.451.596 Sergius I. Pope - - 687 Say - 1816. 1832 II. - - - 844 Scaliger, Julius Caesar - 1540 III. - - - 903 , Joseph - 1601 IV. - - - 1009 Scanderheg - 1443. 1447 Seringapatam, C. - 1792. 1799 SchffifFer - 1440 Servetus, Michael . 1553. 1628 Schiller - 1781. 1790. 1805 Servia - 1739. 1804 Schimmelpennink - 1805 Seven Sacraments - - 1151 Schism of East and West - 1054 Seven Years' War - 1756. 1763 Schism, Great Western 1378. 1414 Severinus, Pope - - 640 Schism among the Hussites - 1420 Severus, Julius - - 131 of Rt^iI 14.^0 144.Q iqq 194 IQ'S Schoenheinn - - 1846 197, 198. 20C ), 201. 208. 211 Schoenbrun, P. Schlegel, Augustus - , Frederic - 1809 1816. 1845 1816. 1829 QHK Sevigne, Madame de - 1680 Schleswig, H. 1848. 1851 Seville, T. - . - 1729 Scholastic theology • - 1061 Sforza, family - - 1447 Schomberg, Duke 1665. 1690 , the Moor . - 1500 Schomberg - - 1693 , Maximilian - - 1512 Schwartz - 1340 Shaftesbury - - - 1700 Schwartzenberg, Prince - 1852 Shah Soojah - - - 1839 Scinde - 1843 Shakspeare - - - 1601 Scindia - 1803 Sharfaddin - - - 1116 Scots- - 121.203.445 Sharp, Abraham . - 1720 Scots' Militia Bill - - 1797 , Granville _ 1800. 1813 Scotus, John Erigena - 872 Shaw, naturalist - - 1800 Scott, Rev. T. - 1810 Shell - - 1851 , Sir W. 1816. 1827. 1832 SheUey, poet- - 1816. 1822 Sebastian, Don 1574. 1579 Shelley, Mrs. - - 1851 , St. 1794 1813. 1836 Shenstone > - 1750 Sebastian!, General - - 1809 Shere Singh - - - 1848 Sebastopol, S. - 1853 Sherer - - 1794 Seeker, Archbishop - - 1750 Sheridan, R. B. 1 '75. 1787. 1800 Sedgemoor, B. - 1685 Sheridan, Thomas - - 1770 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 303 Shetland Islands . A.C. 1468 Sixtus IV. - A.C. - 1471 Shetland, N. S. . 1819 V. - - 1585 Shiites . 1501 Slave Trade 1440. 1517. 1789. Shiracush . 1171 1796. 1807. 1834 1838. 1839 Shore, Sir John , 1792 Slavi - - 640 Shrewsbury, B. - 1403 Sleidan - 1540 Shultetus, Abraham - 1593 Sloane - 1730 SicilianvVespers - 1282 Sluggards, Kings - 679 Siddons, Mrs. 1800. 1831 Sluys, B. - 1340 Sidney, Sir P. - 1586 Smalcald, League of 1531. 1535 Sidon, C. - 1840 Smalcald, War - 1546 Sidonius Apollinaris _ 472 Smeaton 1770. 1774 Sigebert . . 562 Smerwick, B. .. 1580 II. - - - 638 Smith, Charlotte 1790. 1806 V\ in4-y^'*»tr»-.-» - - 1084 , Horace - 1849 Sigismund - - - 516 ,Dr. Pye - 1851 of Hungary 1383. 1396 , Adam 1759. 1770 .1776. 1790 1410. 1419, , Sir Sydney - - 1799 1420 1423. 1437 , Sir Harry 1845, 1846. 1852. I. the Great, of Poland Smollett 1748. 1760 1507. 1541 Smolensko, C. - 1504 II., Augustu 3, of Poland Smolensko, B. - 1812 1548. 1572 Smyrna, C. - 1833 of Polnnrl _ _ 1587 740 Snellius Sobraon, B. - 1620. 1624 - 1846 Sigurd - - Silistria, C - - - 1829 Sobieski, John 1673, 1674. 1683 Silistria, S. - . .., 1854 Socinian Sect - 1556 Silk manufacture - . 551 Socinus, Sselius and Faustus - 1556 Silkworms - - - 500 Socrates - 410 Silver mines - - . 968 Soissons, B. - - 486 Silverius, Pope - - 536 Soissons, Congress - " 1728 Silvesters, Popes 314. 999. 1044 Soliman 1075. 1092 Simancas, B. - Simnel 938 1487 - 1358 1402. 1410 „ . I. - Simon - - 17 II., the Magnifi cent 1520, Simon Magus - - 138 1521, 1522. 1526. 1529. 1565 Simon of Montfort 1209. 1258. 1263, Solomons, David - 1835 1264 Solouque 1849. 1852 Simon, Richard - - 1700 Solway Moss, B. - 1542 Simplicius, Pope - - 467 Somerset - 1455 Simplicius. philosopher - 536 Somerset, Protector - - 1547 Simson - 1750. 1756 Somerville - - 1730 Sinclair, Sir J. _ 1816. 1835 Sonnini - 1800 Singara, B. - - . 348 Sonnites - 1501 Sinope, C. - - - 1853 Sophia,-St., Church - - 537 Siroes - _ 628 Sophia of Russia - 1682 Sisinnius, Pope - . 708 of Hanover - - 1714 • Sismondi Sitric 1826. 1842 1040 of Zcll - 1727 - 1727 _ Princess Si ward _ . 1057 Sophi, Ismael - 1501 Sixteen, Faction of . _ 1579 Soranus, Barea - 66 Six-mile Bridge _ . 1852 Sorbonne, Robert de - - 1252 Sixtus I., Pope _ _ 119 Sorbonne, College - 1252 II. - _ . 257 Soter - 167 III. - - - 432 Southcote, Joanna - 1814 304 INDEX, NO. 2. Southwark Bridge - Soult 1809, 1810, 181] A.C. - 1819 1813, 1814. 1851 Southern - 1700 South, Dr. - - 1700 South Sea Company - - 1711 South Sea Scheme - - 1720 Southey - 1813 1816. 1843 Sozomen - 410 Spa-Fields Riot - 1816 Spallanzani - - 1780 Spectacles invented - - 1285 Spectator - 1709 Spencers - 1326 Spenser - 1580 Spinning Jenny - 1767 Spinola - 1604 Spinoza - 1660 Spires, 1st Diet of - - 1526 Spires, 2nd Diet of - - 1529 Spires, C. - 1689. 1792 Spiritoff - 1770 Spiritual Guide (Molinos') - 1675 Spottiswoode - - 1646 Spurs, B. - 1513 Spurzheim - 1816. 1832 Stael. Baroness de 1800. 1817 Stafarda, B. - - 1690 Stair, Earl - - 1743 Stamp Act - 1764. 1766 Standard, B. - - 1138 Stanhope 1708. 1710 Stanislaus Lecksinski 1704. 1709 — Poniatowski 1764. 1771 ir. ~ 1795 Staremberg - - 1710 States General 1588. 1789 Stauffacher - - 1307 Stauracius - - 811 Steam Engine 1663. ] L698. 1769. 1807 1825. 1830 Steele 1709, 1710 Steinkirk, B. - - 1692 Steno Sture - - 1471 Steno the Elder - 1501 Stephanus 96 Stephen of Blois - 1096 Stephen of England 1135. 1141. 1143 1153, 1154 Stephen, St. - - 37 Stephen I., Pope " 253 . 11. - - 752, 753, 754 III. - - 763 IV. - - 816 V. - - 885 A.C. Stephen VI. - - 896. 897 VII. - - 929 VIII. - - 939 IX. - - - 1057 Stephenson - - - 1848 Stereotyping - - - 1797 Sterling - - - 1844 Sterne - - - 1760 Sternhold - - - 1549 Stevenson, Sir John - 1813.1833 Stewart, General - - 1798 Stewart, Dugald 1792. 1800, 1828 Stilicho - - 403. 405 Stilling - - - 1817 Stillingfleet - - - 1699 Stirling, B. - - - 1297 Stock, Dr. - - - 1782 Stockholm, massacre of - 1520 Stockholm, P. - - 1719 Stockport riot - - 1852 Stofflet - - - 1793 Stoke, B. - - - 1487 Stolbova, P. - - - 1617 Stopford, Admiral - - 1840 Storthing - - - 1816 Stothard, T. - - 1800. 1834 Stothard, C A. - - 1821 Stow- - - - 1601 Strabise - - - 79 Strachan, Admiral - - 1805 Strada - - - 1630 Stratford, Earl of - - 1641 Strasburg cathedral - - 1012 , C. - - 1681 Strathcluyd - - - 975 Struensee, Count - - 1772 Strutt - - - 1790 Stuart, House of - - 1603 , Sir John - 1795.1806 Stukely, Dr. - - - 1750 Style, New - - 1582. 1752 Suchet - - 1811.1813 Sudermania, Duke of - 1792 Suetonius, Paulinus - - 60 , historian - - 100 Sueur, Eustache le - - 1640 Suevi - - - 406 SufiPrein - - - 1782 Sugarcane - - 1506.1641 Sully - - - 1597 Sulpitius Quirinius (Cyrenius) 6, 7 Severus - - 410 Sultan - - - 1001 Sunday Schools - 1782. 1786 Surajah Dowlah - 1756. 1764 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 305 Surinam, C. - Sutri, Council of Sutlege SuwaiTow Swerker, House of - Sweyn 985. 1002. Swift, Jonathan Sword ;^earers, order of 1198 Syagrius Sydenham Palace Sydney, Algernon Syeyes Sylvain Bailly Sylvester I,, Pope II. - ■ III. Sylvius Italic us Symmachus - , Pope Syncellus Syricius, Pope Taborites Tacitus, historian emperor 1789. Taherites Talavera, B. Talbot Tallard Talleyrand Tallien Tallis Talma Tamerlane 1370. 1386. 1398. Tancred Hauteville - of Sicily Tangier, ceded Tangiers, bombarded Tangrolipix - Tara, B. Tarbes, B. - Tarifa, B. - Tarik Tarragona, C. , S. Tarsus, C. Tartaglia Tasman Tasso Tate- 1799 A.C. 1804 . 1046 . 1846 1790 1799 - 1223 1013 1014 - 1036 1720 1745 1198 1237 - 486 _ 1852 - 1683 - 1789 - 1793 314 - 999 1044 1046 - 49 . 384 - 498 _ 526 - 785 - 384 1420. 1457 - 81 - 275 820. 872 1 _ 1809 , 1453 . 1704 1815. 1838 - 1792 - 1570 _ 1800 1392. 1397, 1402. 1405 . 1043 . 1096 - 1189 - 1661 - 1844 . 1046 - 980 .. 1814 - 1340 - 713 - 1811 1813 _ 261 - 1560 .. 1642 _ 1580 1710. 1715 A.C. Tatler - - - 1709 Tauris, C. - - - 1514 Taylor, Jer. - - - 1650 , Brook - - 1710 , General - - 1847 Tea, introduction of - - 1610 Teias - - - 553 Tekeley - - - 1677 Telescopes 1590. 1663. 1668. 1789. 1845 Telegraph, Electric - - 1837 Telesius - - - 1560 Telesphorus, Pope - - 128 Tell - . - . 1307 Temeswar, C. - - 1717 , P. - - 1664 , B. - - 1849 Templars, Order of the Knights 1118 Tenchebray, B. Teniers Tennyson Teodor Alexiewitch - TertuUian Teschen, P. - Test Act Testament, New Testry, B. - Teutonic Order 1237. 1255 •Teutonic Russia Tewkesbury, B. Thabor, B. - Thackwell, General Thames mouth, B. Thames Tunnel Thelwell Theobald Theodebald - Theodebert - Theodebert - Theodora Theodora Theodore, Antipope 1526. 1106 1630 1850 1676 180 1779 1673 1603 - 687 1164. 1191. 1230. 1280. 1283. 1466 - 1525 - 1471 - 1645 - 1848 ;66, 1667 - 1843 - 1794 - 926 - 548 - 534 596. 612 - 842 - 1054 - 686 I. Lascaris, Emp. - 1206 II. - - 1255 Gaza - - 1460 of Corsica - 1736 Theodoric, King of the Visigoths 451 Theodoric the Ostrogoth (the Great) 481. 488. 493. 500. 508. 526 Theodorus I., Pope - - 642 Theodorus II. - - 898 Theodosian Code - - 435 X 306 INDEX, NO. 2= Theodosius the Great 379. 388. 390. 392. 394 II. 408. 421. 425. 430. 442. 450 III. .. - 716 Theon - - - 390 Theophilus - - - 829 Thermometers invented - 1609 Thessalonica, massacre at - 390 ThibaldV. - - - 1239 Thibaut - - 1234. 1239 Thierry - ~ - 511 of Burgundy 596. 612 III. - - 679. 687 IV. - - 720. 737 Third Estate, or Commons 1108. 1302 Thirty Years' War - 1618. 1648 Thirty-nine Articles - 1562 Thomas a Becket - 1164.1171 Aquinas - - 1263 Bradwardine - 1348 Woodstock - - 1377 a Kempis - - 1453 Munzer - - 1525 More - - 1530 Cranmer - - 1533 Wyatt - - 1554 , Christian - - 1710 Thomson, James - 1730. 1748 Thorn, P. - - - 1466 Thornton, botanist - - 1810 Thorwaldsen - 1816. 1844 Thou, De - - - 1601 Thrasea Psetus - - 66 Three Chapters, the - - 553 Three Days' Revolution - 1830 Thurgau - - - 1460 Thurles, Synod of - - 1850 Thurlow, Lord - - 1806 Thurst - - - 1760 Tiberias, B. - - - 1187 Tiberius 12. 14. 19. 26. 31. 37 Ticonderago, B Tieck, Ludwig Tiers Etat. Tillemont Tillon Tillotson Tilly Tilsit, P. Timothy II. - - - 578 III. - - 641 Absimarus - - 698 - 1758 - 1853 See Third Estate. - 1680 - 1797 - 1680. 1694 1618. 1626. 1630. 1631 - 1807 6L 63 A.C- Tindal - - - 1526 Tintoretto - - - 1580 TippooSaib 1782. 1790. 1792. 1799 Tissot, physician - - 1780 Titian - - - 1517 Titus, Emperor - 70. 79 Tobacco introduced - - 1586 Tobago, C. - - - 1803 Toe, Pope's - - - 708 Tograi - - - 1116 Togrul Beg - 1037. 1043. 1056 Tolbiac, B. - - - 496 Toledo, C. - - - 1085 Tolentino, B. - - 1815 Tooke, Home 1786. 1790. 1794. 1812 Torgau, B. - - - 1760 Tories - - 1680. 1711 Toro, B. - - - 1476 Torquemada - - 1481 Torres Vedras - 1810, 1811 Torres Vedras, B. - - 1846 Torricelli - - 1640. 1643 Torrigiano - - - 1513 Torstenson - 1618. 1642. 1645 Tortona, C. - - - 1154 Tortosa, C. - - - 1811 Tosti - - - 1066 Totila 543. 547. 550. 552, 553 Toulon, C. - - - 1793 Toulouse, B. - - - 1814 Tournaments - - 1066 Tourville - - 1692, 1693 Toushi - - - 1223 Toussaint I'Ouverture 1 7 9 1 . 1 802 Townson - - . - 1770 Townley, Charles - - 1790 Towton, B. - - - 1461 Trafalgar, B. - - 1805 Trajan 98. 102, 103. 107. 114. 117 Transubstantiation - - 1215 Transits - 1631. 1639. 1769 Trapezuntius, George - 1460 Trebisond, Empire of 1206. 1466 Trent, Council - 1545. 1563 Trenton, B. - - - 1776 Treves, C. - - - 882 , S. - - - 1675 , Holy Coat at - 1844 Trevulzio - - 1500. 1515 Tribonian's Institutes - 1152 Trinidad, C. - - 1797 Tripoli, C. - - - 1109 Trissino - - - 1517 Trithemius - - - 1509 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 307 Trollo, Archbp. . A.C. - 1520 Utrecht, P. - A.C. - 1713 Tromp, Van - 1652. 1653 Utricia Leonora 1718. 1720 Tromp, the Younger - 1666 Troubadours . - 1100 V. Trouveres . - 1100 Vaccination - - 1796 Troyes, T. - _ - 1420 Valdemar of Denmark - 1157 Tudor, House of _ - 1485 Valdemar II. 1202. 1227 Tuileries, Palace - - 1564 Valdemar I. of Sweden - 1250 Tunis, a _ 1535. 1573 Val de Dunes, B. - 1046 Turenne 1618. 1644, 1645. 1648. Valdus, Peter - 1160 1667. 1674, 1675 Valenciennes, C. 1677. 1793, 1794 Turgot _ - 1774 Valengin - 1707 Turin, B. _ - 1706 Valens - - 364. 376. 378 Turlogh . - 1082 Valentinian I. - 364. 367 Turnebus . - 1550 II. 375. 388. 392 Turner _ - 1851 III. 425. 455 Turtukai, B. - . - 1854 Valentinus, Pope - 827 Twiss, Horace _ - 1849 Valerian 254. 259 Two Roses, Faction of - 1399 Valla, Laurentius - 1453 Tychoe Brahe - - 1601 Valladolid, university - 1346 Tyler, President - - 1841 Valiancy 1790 1812 Tyre, C. - 1098. 1291 Valmy, B. - - 1792 Tytler, A. F. _ - 1800 Valois, House of - 1328 Tytler, P. F. - - 1849 Orleans Angouleme - - 1515 1515. 1589 U. Valteline, War in 1620. 1635 Ubeda, or Tolosa, B - 1212 Van Buren - - 1837 Uladislaus V. of Poland - 1386 Vandals 406. 412. 429. 439 Ubn, B. - - 1805 Van Diemen 1616. 1642 Ulpianus - - 222 Vandyke - 1620 Ulric, St. - - 993 Van~Eyk - - 1340 Unam Sanctam, Bui I 1294. 1713 Van-Helmont - 1620 Unigenitus, Bull . - 1713 Vanini - 1619 Union of Denmark and Nor- Van Tromp - 1652, 1653 -way - - 1380 Van Tromp, Younger - 1666 Union of England and Scot- Varna, B. - - 1444 land . 1603. 1706 Varna, C. - 1828 Union of Ireland and Great Varus 9 Britain . - 1800 Vasco di Gama 1496. 1498 United States _ - 1776 Vassili Vassiliewitch • - 1425 Urban I. (Pope) _ - 223 Vassili IV. - - 1505 II. 1088. 1093 1095. 1098 Vatablus - 1530 III. - - 1185. 1187 Vatican Library - 1447 IV. - . 1261. 1264 Vattel - 1750 V. - - 1362. 1367 Vauban - 1677 1690, 1691 VI. - _ 1378. 1380 Vechivis, B.- - 1322 VII. - . - 1590 Velasquez - 1640 Urgel _ - 1822 Venables, admiral - 1654 Urklan . - 1333 Vendome, duke of - - 1710 Urquiza - 1852, 1853 Venezuela, republic - - 1810 Urraque - - 1109 Venice, F. - - 452 Ursicinus, Pope . - 366 , Bank of - 1157 Usher, Archbp. - 1640. 1655 , T - - 11T7 Ushant, B. - - 1778. 1794 ,C. - - 1797 Utrecht, Union of - - 1579 , republic - 1848 X 2 308 INDEX, NO. 2. Venus 1665 Verde, Cape, Islands Verden, C.- Verdun, T. - Verdun, C. - Vernet Verneuil, B.- Vernon, admiral Veronese, Paul Versailles, P. Vertot Verus Vervins, P. - 1639. 161 45. 66. Vesta, planet Vesuvius, eruption of Viazma, P. - Vicelin Victor I. (Pope) II. - III. - IV. - Amadeus I. - II. - III. general Emmanuel II. Victoria A.C. 1759 - 1460 - 1757 - 843 - 1792 - 1768 - 1424 - 1739 - 1580 - 1783 - 1720 162. 171 - 1598 68, 69, 70 - 1807 472. 1779 - 1634 - 1124 - 192 - 1055 - 1086 1159. 1164 1630. 1690 - 1730 - 1773 1809. 1811 " 1849 1819. 1837, 1838. 1840. 1843, 1844. 1849, 1850 1840 1841 1683 1738 1806 1805 1809 1814 1580 538 1702 1331 1794 1734 Victoria Adelaide, Princess - Victoria Land Vienna, S. - P. - B. - - 1529. T. - C. - Congress Vieta Vigilius I., Pope Vigo, B. - " Villani Villaret Joyeuse Villars 1709. 1 Villaviciosa, B. Villeroi Vimeira, B. - Vince, astronomer Vincent de Paula , St., B. , St., Earl Vincens, Dr. Vinceslaus II. of Bohemia Viner Virginia Virome, Marshal 12. 1665. 1710 - 1706 - 1808 ~ 1810 - 1632 1797 1797 1815 1278 1740 1584 1676 1780, - 1296 - 1395 - 1447 400. 414 657, 658 - 34. 37 - 69 - 1541 - 1813 1800. 1820 - 162 1750. 1778 1810. 1826 - 17 - 300 - 1680 - 1630 - 507 - 384 - 1809 - 1718 - 1460 - 1790 - 1536 - 1690 Visconti, Matthew Visconti, John Galeas Viscontis, Family of Visigoths Vitalianus Vitellius Vitellius, Emperor Vittoria Colonna Vittoria, B. Volney Vologesus Voltaire Volta Vonones Vopiscus Vossius, Isaac Vossius, G. J. Vouille, B.- Vulgate, Latin W. Wagram, B.- Wake Wakefield, B. Wakefield, Gilbert - Waldec, Bp. - Waldec, Prince Waldenses - 1160. 1176. 1853 Wales, Prince of - - 1283 Walhalla - - - 1842 Walid - - 706. 713 Wallace - 1296, 1297. 1304 Wallachia - - - 1739 Wallenstein 1618. 1626. 1630. 1634 Waller - - - 1670 Wallis, mathematician - 1680 Wallis, Captain - - 1767 Walpole, Sir Robert 1714. 1727. 1745 Walpole, Horace - 1780. 1797 Walpott - - - 1191 Walter - - - 1096 Walter de Mapes - - 1209 Walton, Isaac - - 1670 Walton, Brian - - 1650 Wamba - - - 675 Wandiwash, B. - - 1759 War, Jewish - - - 66 , Parthian - - 162 , Marcomanni - - 169 , Civil, in England 1263. 1311. 1455. to 1485. 1642 , Civil, in France - 1404 , Cabillauds and Hame^ons 1417 , of the Hussites - - 14!8 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. 309 War, Thirty Years' 1618. to 1648 , Religious, in Switzerland 1531 , Religious, of Smalcald - 1546 , Religious, in France - 1560 , Russia and Turkey 1677. 1768. 1806. 1828 , of the North - -1700 , Spanish Succession - 1701 , Austrian Succession - 1740 , Seven Years' - - 1756 ■ , England and North America 1775 , England and France - 1778 , England and India 1780. 1790 , England and Holland - 1780 , Civil, in Spain - - 1822 , Civil, in do. - - 1833 , Burmese - - 1824 , Kaffir - - 1847. 1851 , Sikh 1845, 1846. 1848, 1849 ■ , Sardinia and Austria 1848, 1849 , Hungary and Austria 1848, 1849 , French and Romans - 1849 , Schleswig-Holstein 1848. 1850 • , French and Algerines - 1851 , Brazil and Buenos Ay res 1851 , British and Burmese - 1852 , Russians and Turks - 1853 , British, French, and Russians 1854 Warburton - Ward, essayist Ware, Sir James Warefridus Diaconus Waring, Dr. E. Waronitz Warren, Admiral Warsaw, C. - Warsaw, B. - Warton - 1770. 1785. 1790 Warwick 1460. 1464. 1470, 1471 Washington 1754. 1775, 1776. 1781. 1799 Washington, C. Wat Tyler - Watches invented Waterford, F. Water-Kloof, B. Waterland, Dr. Waterloo, B. Waterloo Bridge Watson, Bp. - 1760. 1779 - 1846 - 1650 - 788 1780. 1798 - 1697 - 1747 - 1806 1794. 1831 - 1814 - 1381 - 1478. 1597 - 800 - 1851 - 1730 - 1815 - 1817 - 1800 A.C. Watt, James - 1769. 1800. 1819 Watts, Dr. Isaac - 1730. 1748 Weber, musician - 1816.1826 Webster - - - 1852 Wedgewood - - - 1780 Weimar, Duke of - - 1618 Weinsberg, B. - - 1140 Welf or Guelph - - 1071 Wellesley, Marquis 1788. 1798. 1842 Wellesley, Sir Arthur 1803. 1808, 1809 Wellington 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815. 1827, 1828. 1852 Wenceslaus - - - 1300 , Emperor - 1378 of Bohemia - 1419 Werner - - 1800. 1817 Werth, John- - - 1618 Wesley, Charles - - 1728 , John - - 1740 , musician - - 1816 Wessel - - - 1470 West, painter 1792. 1800. 1820 West, Gilbert - - 1750 Westall - 1816. 1836, 1850 Westminster Abbey - - 1059 Westminster Bridge - - 1750 Westphalia, T. - - 1648 Westphalia, Kingdom - 1810 Wheatstone - - 1837 Whigs - - 1680. 1711 Whish, General - - 1848 White Canons - - 1119 White, H. Kirke - - 1806 White, Joseph, Orientalist - 1800 Whitehead - 1757. 1770. 1785 Whitelocke, General - 1807 Whitfield - - - 1770 Whitgift - - - 1595 Wickliffe - 1360. 1377. 1380 Wicklifltttes, or Lollards - 1413 Wieland, poet - 1790. 1813 Wilberforce 1789. 1826. 1833 Wilfred - - - 709 Willdenow, botanist - - 1800 Wilkie, Sir D. - 1830. 1841 Wilkins, Sir Charles - 1836 William the Conqueror 1046. 1048. 1070. 1079. 1087 II. Rufus 1087. 1097. 1100 III. of Orange 1672. 1674. 1688, 1689, 1690. 1692, 1693. 1695. X 3 310 INDEX, NO. 2. William IV. - Iron- Arm - of Apulia Prince of England of Malmesbury the Lion — ^ II., the Good, (of Naples) 1166. 1189 of Turc III., son of Tancred Parvus 1830. 1837 - 1043 - 1084 1120 1143 1165 ~ of Brittany ■ — of Holland - — of Nogaret ■ — Tell — Ocram — Sawtre — I. of Orange 11. 1185 1194 - 1200 - 1239 - 1250 - 1301 - 1307 - 1322 - 1401 1566. 1572. 1574. 1584 - 1650 IV., Stadtholder - 1747 of Cumberland - 1760 v., Stadtholder - 1785 Duke of Brunswick - 1830 I. of Holland 1815. 1840 Wolsey Worcester, B. Worcester, Marquis - Woolwich Wordsworth - 1816. Worms, B. - , Concordat - , Council -, C. -, Diet 513. 1843. 1122, 1689. 1495. - 1618. 1674. 1690. A.C. 1530 1651 1663 1741 1850 1298 1123 1076 1792 1521 1660 1648 1810 1723 1780 1610 1554 Wouvermans Wrangel Wraxall Wren, Sir C. Wright, painter Wurzburg, League - Wyatt X. Xaintrailles - - 1423 Xeres de la Frontera, B. - 713 Ximenes - - 1509. 1516 Y. II. of Holland - 1840 Yakub, Ebn. Seis _ 872 III. of Holland _ 1849 Yezdejird, Era _ 632 William Henry, Fort, C . 1757 Yezdejird III. . 651 Williams - 1848 Yezid L - 679 Willis, physician - 1810 York, Constitution of - 926 WiUoughby, Sir Hugh - 1553 , B. - 1066 Winchester, T. - 1153 , Duke of _ 1377 Winckelmann _ 1760 , House of _ 1461 Windischgratz, Prince . 1848 , S. - 1644 Windsor, Council _ 1175 , Duke of 1794. 1799 Winkelried, Arnold - - 1386 , Cardinal of _ 1807 Winsor 1807. 1810 Minster _ 1829 Wirtemberg, Duchy - - 1495 Yorktown, C. - 1781 Wislock, B. - - 1636 Young, agriculturist - 1800 Witikind . 772 -,Th. - 1816. 1829 Witt, John de 1653. 1672 , poet - _ 1750 Witt, Cornelius de - _ 1672 Yoursoulf _ 1061 Wittelsbach, House of - 1331 Ypsilanti _ 1821 Wladimir the Great - 988. 1015 Wladimir IL _ 1113 Z. Wladislaus - _ 1081 Zacharias, Pope _ 741 Wolcot, Dr. - - 1819 Zapolya, John _ 1526 Wolfenbuttel, B. - 1641 Zealand, Invasion of - 1700 Wolf, philosopher 1719, 1720. Zeno 474. 481, 482, 483. 488 . 491 1754 Zenobia _ 273 Wolf . 1812 Zenta, B. - 1697 Wolfe, General _ 1759 Zephyrinus - _ 201 Wolfe, Rev. C. .. 1825 Ziano, Doge - _ 1177 Wollaston 1810 1828 Zimmermann 1780. 1795 EVENTS THAT OCCURRED A. C. Ziska - - 1418. Zinzendorf - - - Zizim - - _ Znaym, armistice Zoe, Leo VI. 's second wife - Zoe, Leo VL's fourth wife - A.a 1424 1727 1481 1809 886 901 Zoe,RomaiiusIIL'swife 1034.1049 Zorndorf, B. - Zosimus, Pope Zummerhausen, B. - Zurich, B. - Zutphen, B. - Zwingle 1516. 1519. 311 A.C. - 1758 - 417 - 1648 - 1799 - 1586 1524. 1531 X 4 SYNCHR(( SOVEREIGNS OF EUROPE, F]l ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERM AN Yi 827. Egbert. 824. Dongal. 814. Louis le Debonnaire. 814. Louis le Debon 837. Ethelwolf. 831. Alpine. 834. Kenneth IL 840. Charles the Bald. 840. Lothaire. 857. Ethelbald. 860. Ethelbert. 866. Ethelred. 854. Donald V. 858. Constantine II. 855. Louis II. 872. Alfred. 874. Ethus, or Eth. 876. Gregory. ■ 875. Charles 11. 877. Louis the Stammerer. 879. Louis 111. and Carlo- 877. Interregnum. man. 880. Charles III, le < 884. Charles le Gros. 887. Eudes, or Hugh. 887. Arnould. 893, Donald VI. 893. Charles III. 899. Louis III. L TABLE BERT THE GREAT TO 1854. DENMARK. SPAIN. POPES. THE EAST. arold. 791. Alfonso II. 827. Valentinus. 828. Gregory I. 829. Theophilus. ric. ricll 842. Ramiro I. 850. Ordogno. 844. Sergius II. 847. Leo IV. 855. Benedict III. 858. Nicholas I. 842. Michael III. 866. Alfonso III. 867. Adrian 11. 872. John VIII. 867. Basilius I. ormo the Old. 882. Martin II. 884. Adrian III. 885. Stephen V. 891. Formosus. 896. Boniface VI. 897. Romanus and Stephen VI. 898. John IX. 886. Leo VI, 314 SYNCHRONIC AL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF 900. ENGLAND. Alfred. SCOTLAND. Donald VL FRANCE. Charles IIL GERMANY. Louis IIL 901. Edward the Elder. 904. Constautine IIL 924. Athelstan. 940. Edmund I. 947. Edred. 955. Edwy. 959. 974. Edward the Martyr. 979. Ethelred II. 944. Malcolm I. 953, Indulfus. 961. Duff. 965. CuUen. 970. Kenneth IIL 994. Constantine IV. 995. Grimus. 922. Robert. 923. Rodolph. 936. Louis IV. 954. Lothaire. 986. Louis V. 987. Hugh Capet. Robert 11. Saxon dynasty. 911. Conrad I. 918. Henry I. 936. Otho I. 973. Otho II. 983. Otho III. EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 315 900. DENMARK. SPAIN. POPES. THE EAST. GoRMo THE Old. Alfonso III. John IX. Leo VI. 903. Leo V. 904. Sergius III. 910. Garcias. 914. Ordogno II. 911. Anastasius III. 913. Landonius. 914. John X. 911. Alexander and Con- stantiiie VII. 919. Romanus Lecapanus. 920. Constantine VIII. 923. Froila II. Harold II. 925. Alfonso IV. 927. Ramiro II. 928. Leo VI. 929. Stephen VII. 931. John XI. 936. Leo VII. 939. Stephen VIII. 942. Martin III. 928. Stephen and Christo- pher. 945.Constantlne VII. (sole). 950. Ordogno III. 946. Agapetus II. 955. Ordogno IV. 956. Sancho I. 956. John XII. 967. Ramiro III. 963. Leo VIII. and Bene- diet V. 965. John XIII. 972. Benedict VI. 974. Boniface VII. & Dom- 959. Romanus II. 963. Nicephorus II. 969. John I. nus II. 975. Benedict VII. 975. Basil ius II. and Con- stantine IX. Swein. 982. Veremundo II. 983. John XIV. 984. John XV. 985. John XVI. 999. Alfonso V. 996. Gregory V. 999. Silvester II. 316 SYNCHEONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEEEIGNS OP 1000. ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY. Ethelred II. Grimus. Robert II. Otho in. Stephen (997). 1003. Malcolm II. 1002. Henry II. 1013. Sweyn. 1014. Canute the Gt. 1013. Ethelred restor- ed. 1016. Edmund Iron- side and Canute again. 1033. Duncan I. 1031. Henry I. 1024. Conrad II. 1036. Harold I. 1039. Hardicanute, 1041. Edward the Confessor. 1039 Macbeth. 1057. Malcolm III. 1060. Philip I. 1039. Henry III. 1056. Henry IV. 1038. Peter. 1041. Aba. 1044. Peter again. 1047. Andrew I. 1061. Bela I, 1064. Salamon, 1066. Harold II., and William the conqueror. (Norman line.) 1075. Geisa I. 1077. Ladislas I. 1087. William II. Ru- fus. 1093. Donald VII. 1094. Duncan II. and Donald Bane. 1098. Edgar. 1095. Coloman. 1100. Henry 1. EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 317 1000. DENMARK. SPAIN. POPES. EAST. SWEIN. SWEDEN. Alfonso V. Silvester II. CONSTANTINE IX. 1001. Olaf. 14. Canute II. 1003. John XVII. and XVIII. 1009. Sergius IV. 1012. Benedict VIII. 1026. Edmund. 1027. VeremundoIII. 1024. John XIX. 1028. Romanus III. 36. Canute III. Kings of Castile. 1035. Ferdinand. 1033. Benedict IX. 1034. Michael IV. 42. Magnus. 1041. Michael V. 1042. Constantine X. 47. Swein 11. 1051. Edmund Slemme 1044. Gregory VI. 1046. Clement 11. 1047. Benedict again. 1048. Damasns 11. and Leo IX. 1056. Stenkill. 1065. Sancho II. 1054. Vacant. 1055. Victor II. 1057. Stephen IX. 1058. Benedict X. and Nicholas II. 1061. Alexander II. 1054. Theodora. 1056. Michael VI. 1057. Isaac I. 1059. Constantine XI. 1066. Halstan. 1007. Eudocia. 1071. Michael VII. 73. Interregnum. 1072. Alfonso VI. 1073. Gregory VII. fagain. )77. Harold. )80. Canute IV. 1078. Nicephorus III. )86. Olaus IV. 1090. Ingo. 1085. Vacancy. 1086. Victor III. 1088. Urban II. 1081. Alexius I. 395. Eric III. 1099. Pascal IT. SYNCHRONICAL TABLE OP THE SOVEREIGNS OF 1100. JGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY. lENRY I. Edgar. Philip I. Henry IV. COLOMAN. PRUSSIA. 1107. Alexander. 1108. Louis VL 1106. Henry V. 1114. Stephen. 1124. David. 1125. Lothaire II. Stephen. 1153. Malcolm IV. 1137. Louis Vn. 1138. Conrad III. 1 152. Frederic Barbarossa. llSl.Belall. 1141. Geisa IL 1134. Albert L Henry IL 1165. William. 1161. Stephen III. 1180. Philip II. 1174. Bela IIL 1170. OthoL 1184. Otho II. Richard I. 1190. Henry VI. 1198. Philip. 1196. Emeric. John. EUROPE^ FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 31: 1100. NMARK. ;ric hi. nterregnum Nicholas I. SWEDEN. Ingo. Eric IV. Eric V. Sweinlll. J Canute V. Canute VI. 1112. Philip. 1118. Ingo II. 1129. Swerker. SPAIN. Alfonso VI. 1109. Urracaand Alfonso VII. 1126.AlfonsoVin 1150. Eric X. 162. Charles VII 1168. Canute. 1192. Swerker II. PORTUGAL (Counts of). Henry. 112. Alfonso and Theresa. 1128. Alfonso alone. 1139. Alfonso I. as king. 1157. SanchoIII. 1158. Alfonso IX. 1185, Sancho I. POPES. Pascal II. 1118. GelasiusII. 1119. Calixtus II 1124. Honorius II. 1130. Innocent II. 1143. Celestine II 1144. Lucius II. 1145.EugeniusIII 1153. Anastasius IV. 1154. Adrian IV. 1159. Alexander III. 1181. Lucius III. 1185. Urban III. 1187. Gregory VIII. and Clement III. THE EAST. Alexius I. 1118. John Com- nenus. 1143. Manuel I. 1191. Celestine in. 1198. Innocent IIL 1180. Alexius II. 1183. Androni- cus I. 1185. Isaac II. 1195. Alexius III, 320 SYNCHRONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF 1200. ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY. PRUSSIAA John. William. Philip II. Philip. Emeric. Otho II. 1208. Otho IV. 1204. Ladislas II. 1205. Andrew II. 1206. Albert II 1216. Henry III. l2l4.AIexandern. 1249. Alexander in. 1223. Louis VIII. 1226. Louis IX. 1212. Frederic n. 1235. Bela IV. 1221. John La Otho II 1250. Cocrad IV. & William. 1256. Interregnum 1272. Edward I. 128.5. Margaret. 1270. Philip III. 1285. Philip IV. Houses of Haps- burg, Luxemburg, and Bavaria. 1273. Rodolph. 1270. Stephen IV. 1272. Ladislas III. 1266. John 11. 1282. Otho IV. 1292. JohnBaliol. 1291. Interregnum 1292. Adolphus 1298. Albert 1290. Andrew III. EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 321 1200. ISTMARK. SWEDEN. SPAIN, PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST. WTE VI. SWERKER II. Alfonso IX. Sancho I. Innocent III. Alexius III. ^''aldemarll. 1203. Isaac II. Latin Emperors. 1204. Baldwin I. 1206. Henry I. 1210. Eric XI. 1214. Henry I. 1212. Alfonso II. 1216.HonoriusIII. 1220. John I. 1223. Eric XII. 1217. Ferdinand III. 1223. Sancho II. 1227. Gregory IX. 1217. Peter de Courtenay. 1221. Robert de Courtenay. 1228. Baldwin II. .ric VI. 1248. Alfonso III. 1241. Vacancy, and Celestine IV. 1243. Innocent IV. Lbel. . 'hristopher .ric VII. 1251. Waldemar. 1252. Alfonso X. 1254. Alexander IV. 1261. Urban IV. 1/65. Clement IV. 1268. Vacancy. 1271. Gregory X. Greek Empprors at Constantinople. 126l.MichaelVIII ricVIII. 1279. Magnus I. 1290. Birger II. 1284. SanchoIV. 1294. Ferdinand IV. 1279. Denis. 1276. Innocent V., Adrian V., & Vicedonr.inus. 1277. John XX. or XXI., and Nicholas III. 1281. Martin IV. 1285.HonoriusIV. 1288. Nicholas IV. 1M2. Vacancy. 1294. Celestine V. and Boniface VIII. 282. Andronicus II. 322 SYNCHRONIC AL TABLE OF THE SOVEEEIGNS OF 1300. ENGLAND. Edward 1. 1307. Edward II. 1306. Robert Bruce I. 1327. Edward III, SCOTLAND. John Baliol. 1329. David Bruce II. 1332. Edward Ba- liol. 1342. David II. again. FRANCE. Philip IV. 314. Louis X. 1316. John and Philip V. 1322. Charles IV. 1328. Philip VI. 377. Richard II. 1371. Robert Stuart II. 1390. Robert III. 350. John II. 1364. Charles V, GERMANY. Albert. 1308. Henry VII. 131 3. Interregnum. 1314.LouisIV.and Frederic III. 1330. Louis IV. alone. 1347. Charles IV. 1380. Charles VI. 1378. Wenceslas. HUNGARY. Andrew III. 1309. Charobert. PRUSSlJi Otho IV 1309. Waldedt 1319. Henry I.I 1320.1nterreg!^ 1323. Louis 1342. Louis the Great. 382. Mary. 1352. Louis III 1365. Otho V\' 1373. Wences 1378. Sigismi 1388. Jnssus. EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 323 1300. MARK. VIII. ristopher erregnum aldemar I. erregnum aus V. urgaret. SWEDEN. BiRGER II. 1320. Magnus II. 1363. Albert. SPAIN. Ferdinand IV. 1312. Alfonso XI. 1350. Peter the Cruel. 1368. Henry 1379. John I. Henry III. PORTUGAL. Denis. 1325. Alfonso IV. 1357. Peter the Se- vere. 1367. Ferdinand I, 1384. John I. POPES. Boniface VIII. 1303. Benedict XI. 1304. Vacancy. 1305. Clement V. 1314. Vacancy. 1316, John XXII. 1334.BenedictXIl, 1342. Clement VI, 1352. InnocentVI, 1362. Urban V. 1370. Gregory XI. 1378. Urban VI. 1389. Boniface IX THE EAST. Andronicus II. 1332. Andronicus III. 311. JohnPalaeo- logus. 1347. John Canta cuzenus. 1355. John False- ologus re- stored again Y 2 324 SYNCHRONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY. PRUSSl 1392. Mary and Si- gismund. House of Lan- caster. 1399. Henry IV. - 1400. j Henry IV. Robert III. Charles VI. Wenceslas. Sigismund. Jossus, 1400. Frederic and Rupert. 1406. James I. 1410. Jossus and Sigismund. 1411. Sigismu again. 1413. Henry V. 1415. Frederic 1422. Henry VL 1422. Charles VII. 1437. James II. House of Austria. 1437. Albert. 143S. Albert II. 1439. Interregnum 1440. Frederic IV. 1440. Ladislas IV. 1444. Interregnum 1453. Ladislas V. 1440. Frederic House of York. 1460. James III. 1458. Matthias. Corvinus. 1461. Edward IV. 1461. Louis XL 1470. Albert II 1476. John 11 1483. Edward V.& Richard III. 1483.CharlesVIII. Hou^e of Tudor. 1483. Henry VII. EUEOPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 325 ;nmark. SWEDEN. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST, 1391. Manuel Pa- Iseologus. Margaret & Eric IX. 1397. Union of Calmar. 1394. Benedict XIH. 1400. Eric IX. and Margaret. Henry III. John I. Benedict Xlll. Manuel PAL.E0L0GUS. 1406. John II, 1404.InnocentVIl NOe.GregorvXII. 1409. Alexander V. 1410. John XXIII. Eric IX. or sole so 1412. Eric XIII. vereign. 1417. Martin V. 1433. Edward. 143I.EugeniusIV, 1425. John Palffio- logus 11. Interregnum 1433. Alfonso V. Christopher III. End of 1440. Christopher III.ofDen- marli. Union. Christian I. l448.CharlesVIII. 1454. Henry IV. 1447. Nicholas V. 1455. Calixtus III, 1458. Pius 11. 1448. Constantinc Xlll. SiiltanF. 1453. Mahomttll. 1470. Interregnum l474.FerdinandV. 1464. Paul II. 1471. Sixtus IV. John. 1483. John 11. (John I. of Denmrirk) Y 1481. John II. 3 1484. Innocent VIII. 1481. Bajazet II. 326 SYNCHKONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HUNGARY. PRUSSI 1488. James IV. 1498. Louis XII. 1493.MaximilianI. 1490. Ladislas VI. Elector! 1486. John I 1499. Joachii 1500. Henry VII. James IV. Louis XII. Maximilian I. Ladislas VI. Joachim 1509. Henry VIII. 1513. James V. 1515. Francis I. 1519. Charles V. 1516. Louis II. 1526. John Zapol- ski and Fer- dinand I. 1547. Edward VI. 1542. Mary. 1547. Henry 11. 1541. Ferdinand alone. 1535. Joachin 1553. Mary. 1558. Elizabeth. 1567. James VI. 1559. Francis II. 1560. Charles IX. 1558. Ferduiandl. 1564. Maximilian II. ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HOLLAND. PRUSSIi 57 I.John Geo EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 327 ^MARK. SWEDEN. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST. 1495. Emmanuel. 1492. Alexander VI. 1500. HN I, or John II. Ferdinand V, Emmanuel. Alexander VI, Bajazet II. 1502. Interregnum 1504. Joan. 1503. Pius I II. and Julius II.: Christian II. l512.FerdinandV. 1516. Charles I. 1513. Leo. X. 1512. Selim I. 1520. Christian II. of Denmark. 1521. John III. 1522. Adrian VI. 1520. Solyraan. >ederic I. 1523. Gustavus Vdsa. 1523. Clement VII. :^hristian III. 1534. Paul III. 1550. Julius III. 1553. Philip. II. 1557. Sebastian. 1556. Marcellus II. and Paul IV. "rederic II. 1560. Eric XIV. I5G8. John HI. 1559. Pius IV. 1566. Pius V. 1566. Selim II. "IMARK. SWEDEN. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST. Y 4 1572. C^egory 328 STNCHRONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. SCOTLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HOLLAND. PRUSSIA 1574. Henry III. 1576. Rodolph II. Stadtholders. 1579. William of ,1 Nassau. 1 1587. Maurice. 1589. Henry IV. 1598. Joachim Frederic 1600. ENGLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HOLLAND. PRUSSIA. DENMARK Elizabeth. Henry IV. RODOLPH II. Maurice. Joachim Frede- ric. Christian IV House of Stuart. 1603. James L 1610. Louis XIH. 1612. Matthias. 1619. Ferdinand II. 1608. John Sigis mund. Dukes of Prussia. 1616. John Sigis- mund. 1619. George Wil- liam. 1625. Charles 1. 1643. Louis XIV. 1637. Ferdinand III. 1625. Frederic Henry. 1647. William II. 1640. Frederic William. 648. FredericII EUROPE^ FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 329 Christian IV. 1592. Sigismund. SPAIN. 1598. Philip III. PORTUGAL. 1578. Henry 1S80. Anthony. 1585. Sixtus V. 1590. Urbjin VII and Gregorv XIV. 1591. Innocent IX, 1592. L lenient VIII. THE EAST. 1574. Amurath III. 1595.MahometIII 1600. WEDEN. IGISMUND. Charles IX, Gustavus II, Interreg- num, then Christina. SPAIN, Philip III. 1621. Philip IV. PORTUGAL. Anthony. POPES. Clement VIII. 1605. Leo XI. and Paul V. THE EAST. Mahomet III. 1603. Achmet. 1640. John IV. 1621. Gregory XV. 1623. Urban Vin 1644. Innocent IX. 1617. Mustapha I. 1618. Osman I. 1622. Mustapha I. again. 1623. Amurath IV. 1640. Ibrahim. RUSSIA. Boris Godonof. 1606. Demetrius. 1610. Interregnun 1613. Michael Fe- dorovitz 1645. Alexis. 330 SYNCHRONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. 1649. Common- wealth. 1660. Charles II. 1G85. James II. 1689. William III, and Mary. FRANCE. GERMANY. 1658. Leopold I. HOLLAND. 1650. Interregnum 1672. William III, PRUSSIA. 1688. Frederic. DENMARK 1670. Christian 1699. Frederic : 1700. William and Mary. Louis XIV. Leopold I. William III. Frederic. Frederic IV 1702. Anne. 1705. Joseph I. Princes of Orange. 1702. William IV. Kings. 1701. Freda House of Hanover 1714. George I. 1715. Louis XV-. 1711. Charles VI. 1711. William V. 1713. Frederic William I. 1727. George II. 1730. Christian 1740. Maria The- resa. 1710. Frederic II. or in. VI 1742. Charles VII. 1745. Francis I. 1751. William VI. V*. 1746. Frederic"" EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 331 tVEDEN. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST. RUSSIA. 1649. Mahomet IV. Charles X. 1656. Alfonso VI. 1655. Alexander VII. Charles XI. 1665. Charles II. 1683. Peter II. Ifi67. Clement IX. 1670. Clement X. 1676. Innocent XI, 1687. Solyman III. U>76. Theodore 11. 1682. Ivan IV. and Peter I. Emperors. Charles XII. 1689. Alpxander VIII. 1691. Innocent XII. 1691. AchmetIL l695.MustaphaIl. 1689. Peter I. 1700. , . , 1 ARLES XII. Charles II. Peter II. Innocent XII. MUSTAPHA II. Peter THE Great 1700. Philip V. 1706. John V. 1700. Clement XI. 1703. Achmet III. Ulrica Eleo- nora. Frederic. 1724. Louis I. and Philip V. again. 1745. Ferdinand VI. 1721. Innocent XIII. 1724. Benedict XIII. 1730.ClementXII. 1740. Benedict XIV. 1730. MahomedV. 1725. Catherine I. 1727. Peter II. 1730. Anne. 1740. Ivan V. 1741. Elizabeth. . Adolphus iTfcderic, 1750. Joseph. 1754. Osman 11. )757.MustaphaIll 1 1 332 SYlSrCHEONlCAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HOLLAND. PRUSSIA. DENMAR 1760. George III. 1774. Louis XVI. 1793. Louis XV II. 1765. Joseph II. 1790. Leopold II. 1792. Francis II. 1795. United to France. 1786. Frederic William 11. 1797. Frederic William III. 1766. Christia VII. 1784. Regencj Freder 1800. George III. Louis XVII. Francis II. William VI. Frederic Wil- liam III. Frederic, R Emperors of Austria. 1804. Napoleon. 1804. Francis I., I'nrmerly Francis II. 1806. WilliamFre- deric & Louis Buonaparte. 1810. United to France. 1813. M^illiam re- stored. 1808. Frederic 1814.LouisXVIII. Kings of the Netherlands. 1815. Napoleon again ; then Louis XVIII. 1815. William 1. 1820. George IV. 1824. Charles X. EUROPE, FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 333 SWEDEN. I. Giistavus Adolphus III. i2.Gustavus IV. PORTUGAL. 1759. Charles III. 1788. Charles IV. 1777. Maria and Peter III 1786. Maria alone. 1792. Regency of John. POPES. 1758. Clement XIII. 1769. Clement XIV. 1775. Pius VI. THE EAST. 1774. Abdul Ah- med. 1788. Sehm III. RUSSIA. 1762. Peter III. & Catherine 1 1 1796. Paul. . 1800. ^TUSTAVUS IV. Charles IV. John, Regent. Pius VI. Selim III. Paul. 1800. Plus VII. 1801. Alexander I. D.CharlesXlII. 1808. Ferdinand VII. & Joseph Buonaparte. 1814. Ferdinand VII. 1807.MustaphaIV. 1808. Mahmud II. 8. Charles XIV. 1816. John VI. 1823. Leo XII 1825 Nicholas. SYNCHRONICAL TABLE OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. FRANCE. GERMANY. HOLLAND. PRUSSIA. DENMARBli 1830. William IV 1837. Victoria. 1830. Louis Philippe. 1848. Louis Napo- leon, Pre- sident of the Republic, & 1852. Emperor, as Napoleon in. 1835. Ferdinand. 848. Francis Joseph. 1840. William II. 1849. William III 1840. Frederic William IV, EUROPE, FR03I EGBERT THE GREAT TO 1854. 335 rEDEN. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. POPES. THE EAST. RUSSIA. 1833. Isabella II. 1826. Peter IV. & Maiall. 1828. Don Miguel. 1833. Maria II. restored. 1829. Pius VIII. 1831. Gregory XVI. 1839. Abdul Med- jid. Oscar, 18o3. Pedro V. 184f5. Pius IX. 1855.AlexanderIl T^^^- o H 5 o ""„ 2 to *> >> > I ^ - I -. o 1 wS.^ I ©^. -,f|g| ©- " 5 ' E ? S ^^ B , ^-o «5 § ^5 II- -d jSt3 lis III i . . ^1 r- -a- C 1^ in Ol <3> C5CO l-» lO t^ ^ § ^^ * Great (called Great eElde Peace? IH gbert the thelwolf thelbald thelbert thelred Ifred the dward th thelstan dmund I dred dwy. dgar the 11 3 B HCt:UUU- .£^2 s ? « ■ -s .2 ^ P,, £; 1;? 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C 3 a o ° S rtS cfl 3'3 n! x; O J3 O O J3 ;. a ;2 K "So ^ -^^^s S a .2;0-a ^^S 5'rs o^ ""> = £iS ^■3 -fi'S 2 3.^ c-S ^•3 O ■3 O CD p 1 -1 K3 s • 5:; -^ ?S -gfe s :? is ss ^ ?5S^ CO 1 rr O feg liisi 1 i I SI 1 III i 41 is is i ill CO CD -i< to »^ 1 1 i I2 1 ill i S« rt 3 xs o s s x: 5 ^S 3 3 , ^=« . 0^ 0? ^L ^^ zt^'^i S HH- H-; >^ a .S 5 .2 £ S ;:• u, en 10 W^H^-^K a5 ffi p. H^H-] [33 KINGS OF FRANCE, ETC. 339 •z £ a ^= ^ 'x .!i =- 5 ^. ^§ ^,S^.S55^ I <| c c ceo ' ' 'X 5 s 5 3 g X I s r .<=>! s ill ill - ' " • t--^:-. -o .- CI J-- — ■^ C ?1 ^ ^ t^ — S -r — . o ^ I' — — .' — -« — -- s ■r. J~ r- / - t- y^ — "" ~ — — — — -" ■" „ ,- ^, ■X „ — o -1 _ ^ cc ,^ ^^ „ ^ , c^ .--t -r — -" -, -r o X rt " _^ ~ " 1-^ =i : O ^ O .r-a THE ENt*. London : A. and G. A. Spottiswoode, Nevv-sfreet-Square. '7-/^