/ / FIRST REPORT Record Commissioners CITY OF BOSTON. 1876. SECOND EDITION, 1881. ^S?% BOSTON : ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, CITY PRINTERS, No. 39 ARCH STREET. 1881. ^ CITY OF BOSTON. City Document No. 92, FIRST REPORT OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS. To his Honor the Mayor and the City Council of Boston: — The ordinance * creating the office of the Record Commis- sioners defines their duties as follows : "To complete, as far as practicable, the record of births, deaths and marriages in the town and city of Boston, prior to A.D. 1849." The reasons which led to the passage of the ordinance will l)e found in Appendix A, being a portion of the report of a Joint Standing Committee of the City Councillor 1875. A reasonable construction of the duties of the commission- ers seems to include therein all such investigations as will directly assist in perfecting the record of the vital statistics of Boston. How great are the deficiencies in those records / will be seen by the statements made in Appendix A ; and ' although the readiest mode of supplying the information wil^ be to copy the existing church records, the commissioned y * Section 1. In the month of July in the year 1875, eras soon thereafter as n be, and eveiy fifth year thereafter, tVie Mayor shall appoint, subject to the appp and confirmation of the City Council, two suitable persons, to be termed Record C missioncrs, who shall hold office for the term of five years from t he first INIonday in in the year of their appointment, and until their successors shall be appointed and ified. Tlioy shall have and exercise the powers antl duties hereinafter dcsinnated serve without compensation, and may be removed at any time by the ^layor or b current vote of two-thirds of both branches of the City Council, and all va- occurring from any cause shall be filled in the same manner as the orisrinal f ments are herein directed to be made. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to complete, so far as pr? the record of births, marriajres and deaths, in the town and city of Boston, pi'icr 1849, and to receive and collect all documents obtainable therefor. All docui I'ecords so collected shall become at once the property of the city of Bost* deposited in the office of, and be in the charge of, the City Registrar, or such as the City Council may direct. Sect. 3. Tlie said commissioners shall have no power to enter into any agreement in behalf of the city with any person, whereby the expenditure o any other obligation, shall be incurred, unless expressly authorized so to do Council; provided, howev.r, that, unless otherwise ordered, they shall havi and control of the expenditure of all moneys expressly appropriated for document^ or records supplementaiy to the town or city records. Passed July 6, 1875. [.July 12, 1875, William H. Whitmore and William S. Applcton were n confirmed as Record Commissioners.] 2 City Document No. 92. desire at this time to report upon certain preliminary inves- tigations wliicli they have made. Evidently, any trustworthy information as to the names of the inhabitants of Boston during the period for which the registers are so defective, must be of the greatest value in any attempt to supplement those records. If we know the heads of families, we shall have a guide to the extent of the information yet to be obtained. The earliest directory of the inhabitants of the town was published in 1789, and contained 1,474 names; the second in 179(), containing 3,531 names. No earlier list of names is known to be in print, except two given in Nathaniel Dear- born's "Boston Notions " (1848), and one appended to "John Dunton's Letters from New England," published by the Prince Society in 1867. The various writers who have treated of our local history, Pemberton, Snow, Shaw, Dearborn, Drake and Shurtlc'lf, have apparently been unable to make any attempt at supply- ing the names of the earlier inhabitants, or, indeed, of those living here at any date prior to 1789. The very defects which have led to the appointment of this commission have so disheartened our successive historians that they have all failed to write a town history of Boston. As is well known, a great proportion of the towns in New England possess full and satisfactory histories, not only of the acts of the commu- nities, l)ut of all families therein resident. Of Boston it may be said that much has been written about the town, and very little ai>out the citizens. It is with the greatest pleasure, then, that the connnis- sioners announce that, very recently, documents have been recovered, which will enable those interested to gain a very satisfactory knowledge of the inhabitants of the town prior to A.D. 1700. Although the records in charge of the city clerk, outside of the books of the town and of the selectmen, are very Hcanty, a number of very valuable papers have been found in the custody of the Board of Overseers of the Poor. That Board has recently had exn mined the papers which had accidentally come into its possession, and has kindly given the Record Commissioners every facility for examining and copying the same. In this collection are portions of the tax lists of 1674 and 1676, and fortunately the missing parts are not parallel. There are at the State House tax lists for 1687 and 1688, unU in the city clerk's office a list of inhabitants made in Inasmuch as these lists will afford a very satisfactory Report of Record Co3imissioners. 3 account of the heads of families in Boston foi' one irenera- tion, and as this information is at present not easily attain- able by the public, it has seemed to the commissioners best to make this report, and to advise the publication of these lists. The field to be covered by their work is so large and the results will be so diversified, that it now seems best to report whenever any particular subdivision can be completed. In the present case it seems evident that the public good will best be served by furnishing a sufficient number of printed copies of these papers to supply all of our citizens who may desire them. Such documents are not easily read in the original, and the worn and tattered condition of these papers renders it highly undesirable that they should be handled often. A printed copy, carefully made, will meet the wants of all but special investigators, and w411 enable us to preserve the originals for posterity. Should the present proposition be favorably received by the city government, the commissioners will feel encouraged to pursue other subdivisions of their work, in the belief that whatever directly contributes to a knowledge of the past history of Boston will be promptly made availal)le by its inhabitants. The commissioners, therefore, respectfully suggest that this report and the accompanying papers be printed for distribution. W. H. WHITMORE, W. S. APPLETON, Record Commissioners. CITY OF BOSTON. In Board of Aldermen, Sept. 25, 1876. Ordered, That the Record Commissioners be authorized to print and distribute fifteen hundred copies of their report, with the accompanying papers, at an expense not exceeding six hundred and fifty dollars, to be charged to the appropriation for Printing. Read twice and passed : sent down for concurrence. Sept. 28 ; came up : concurred. Approved by the Mayor, Sept. 29, 1876. City Document No. 92. APPENDIX A. The following extracts from a report of the Joint Committee on the Ptililic Library (City Docnmcnt No. 46 of A.D. 1875) contain some special information in regard to the deficiencies in the city records, and are, therefore, worth}' of reproduction. The connnit- tee reported in favor of establishing the Board of Record Commis- sioners, and, as this advice was accepted, the argumentative por- tions are omitted. The report states as follows : — "It. appears by the statement of N. A. Apollonio, the City Kegistrar, hereto annexed, that the records of birtlis, deaths and marriages in the City of Boston are now kept systematically and have been since the year 1849. This, however, is but a brief pai't of the period since the settlement of the town, and your commit- tee is obliged to report great and deplorable deficiencies in the earlier records. " To explain the extent of these deficiencies the following state- ments are copied from Shattuck's Report on the census of 1845, i^p. 5, 130, showing the population of the town : — A.D. 1680, population was 1 4,500 1690, u a 7,000 1700, u i( 6,700 1710, (( u 9,000 171.5-1724, population averaged 11,000 172.5-1734, a 13,000 1735-1744, u 17,000 1745-1754, u 15,731 1755-1764, > ( 15,631 1767-1774, u 15,520 it 1811-1820, 38,274 1821-1830, a 58,281 1831-1840, u 78,603 1841-1845, (( 102,620 " It may be assumed that the annual number of births is about 3 in every 100 inhabitants, and the deaths about the same. Let us examine the number of probable births in Boston during certain periods : — " 1st. From 1630 to 1700, the probable average population was 3.000, giving 90 births per annum, and in 70 years 6,300 births. Our record has about 1,850 births. " 2d. From 1700 to 1744, average population, 13,000, births, 390 per annum.* or for 44 years, 17,160 births. Our record has 20,000 for the whole period, and is therefore reasonably full. * Shattuck's table shows in ten years, 1735-1744, there were 5,779 baptisms. Appendix. 5 *' 3d. From 1744 to 1807, average population, 20,000 ; births, 600 per annum ; for 63 years,* 37,800 births. Our record has about 5,000 names, or not one seventh. "4th. From 1807 to 1849, average population, 70,000; births, 2,100 per annum ; for 42 years, 88,200 births. Our meagre record is for 3,o00 births. " We see then tliat for about a centur}', viz., from 1744 to 1840, the birtlis must have amounted to at least 125,000, and our records preserve the names of but 8,500, or less than seven per cent. " As to deaths, the record is even worse. Out of at least GO, 000 deaths which have occurred in Boston between 1630 and 1810, we have a record of some 4,700 onl}-. In fact, these statistics are almost entirely wanting. Yet at the same time we are able to fix with considerable accuracy the number of deaths, since a weekly table was published for many years in the newspapers. A copy is given in Shattuck's Report, Appendix, p. 71, showing that from 1704 to 1774 there were 35,673 deaths.! Add 35 years (1775- 1810), at 500 per annum, 17,500, and at least 10,000 for the 60 3-ears previous to 1700, and the total is 60,000 deaths. " As to the marriages, in an}- particular period, the number is rather less than half the number of birtlis. It seems, therefore, that from 1630 to 1807 there were undoubtedly- some 25,000 to 30,000 marriages. Our volumes contain about 20,000 ; and tliis part of the record is the best of all. " We are forced to report, therefore, that in regard to the records of the city proper, between the years 1630 and 1849, not more than 7 percent, of the births are preserved, about the same per- centage of the deaths, and probably about two-thirds of tlie mar- riages. We also see that in regard to the births the deficiencies occur mainly in the century' fiom 1744 to 1849, and that, owing to the increase in population, the greatest number of the unrecorded deaths occurred during the eighteenth century-. "To any one familiar with the records of the towns in Massa- chusetts, and aware of the care and completeness with which records have generally been kept, this report on our Boston records Avill be a disappointment. It is impossible now to loarn when or where the deficiencies in these records were caused. The successive town clerks may have neglected their duties, or the records may have been destroyed, or a part at least may yet be recoverable. " It is evidently the duty of the city, now that these deficien- cies have been pointed out, to take immediate measures to (ill the blanks by all the secondary evidence that can be obtained. Your committee, therefore, desire to point out the sources from which much important information can be at once procured. "The church records of baptisms, burials and marriages are numerous and copious. Although their records relate mainly to church members, with their families, this class during the last two centuries embraced by far the greater part of our citizens. Prior * Also he shows in thirty years, 1745-1774, there were 12,284 baptisms, t See tables later in this Appendix. 6 City Document No. 92. to 1700, at least seven churches were established here, and tliree or four times as many have been founded since. " The custom of infant baptism enables us to obtain the births, therefore, of a great number of children, with an accuracy of date sufficient for all purposes. In fact it is to be remembered that in England nothing but baptisms are recorded, and the system of town records of births, like the system of registering deeds, was practically employed in New England as a new plan. " But inasmuch as the records of the thirty oldest churches of the city, are in private hands, and not generally accessible, and as, [ * The following list of Boston chui-cbes, which omits a few churches discontinued, may be of service in this connection. It is copied from a book entitled " Boston and its Vicinity," published in 1851.] Twenty Churches, 1630-1804. 1. First Church, 2. Second " 3. Friends, 4. First Baptist, 5. Old South, 6. Stone Chapel, 7. Brattle Street, 8. New North, 9. New South, 10. Christ Church, founded in 1630. 1650. " 1664. " 1665. 1669. " 1686. " 1699. " 1714. 1719. " 1722. 11. Federal Street, 12. Hollis Street, 13. Trinity, 14. West Church, 15. Second Baptist, 16. First Universalist, 17. Ch. of the Holy Cross, 18. Chapel of ditto, 19. First Methodist. 20. First Christian, founded in 1727. " 1732. " 1734. 1737. " 1743. 1785. 1788. 1788. 1792. 1804. Later Chuhches. 21. 99. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 61. 52. 53. 54. 65. 60. 67. African Baptist, founded Second Methodist, " Third Baptist, " Park Street, " St. Matthew's (E.), " Second Universalist, " New Jerusalem, " African Methodist, " Hawes Place, " Essex Street, " St. AuTustine (C), " St. PauWE.), " Bulfinch Street, " Phillips , " Twelfth Congregational, " Bowdoin Street, " Thirteenth Cong'l, " Pitts-street Chapel, " Salem Sti-eet, " Pine Street, " South Congregational, " Rowe-street Baptist, " Bethel, " Mariners' Church, " St. Stephen's Chap. (E.)," Grace (E.), " Fourth Universalist, " South Baptist, " Third Methodist, " Warren-street Chapel, " Fifth Universalist, " Central, " St. Maiw's (C.) " St. Patrick's (C.) " Maverick, " Zion, " Fourth Methodist, " in 1805. 58 1806. 59 1807. 60 1809. 61 1816. 62. 1816. 63 1818. 64 1818. 65. 1819. 66. 1819. 67. 1819. 68. 1820. 69. 1822. 70. 1823. 71. 1825. 72. 1825. 73. 1825. 74. 1826. 75. 1827. 76. 1827. 77. 1827. 78. 1827. 79. 1828. 80. 1828. 81. 1829. 82. 1829. 83. 1830. 84. 1831. 85. 1834. 86. 1835. 87. 1835. 88. 1835. 89. 1836. 90. 1837. 91. 1837. 92. 1838. 93. 1839. Harvard Street, founded in 1839. Tremont Street, " 1839. Suflblk-street Chapel, " 1839. German Evangelical, " 1839. Bowdoin Square, " 1840. Fifth Methodist, " 1840. Sixth Methodist, " 1840. Sixth Universalist, " 1840. German. " 1840. Mount Vernon, " 1842. Second Adventist Ch., " 1842. Ch. of the Messiah (E.), " 1843. Freewill Baptist, " 1843. Winthrop, " 1844. St. Peter & St. Paul (C), " 1844. St. John's (C), " 1844. Advent (E.), " 1844. Holy Trinity (C), " 1844. St. Nicholas" (C.), " 1844. Synagogue, " 1844. TVehtv-Eighth Cong'l, " 184,-). Ch. of the Saviour (U.), " 1845. Union Baptist, " 1845. Second Hawes, " 1845. Payson, " 1845. Baptist Bethel, " 1845. South Univeralist, " 1845. Seamen's Chapel, " 1845. Indiana Street " 1845. Sbawmut Church, " 1845. Pilgrim Congregational, " 1846. Weslcvan Methodist, " 1846. East JJoston, " 1846. Eighth Methodist, " 1846. First Presbyterian, " 1816. St. John's (E.), " 1846. Appendix. 7 moreover, tlie}^ are alwa^'s subject to destruction by fire or other accident, it is most desirable that carefulh' authenticated copies should be deposited with our other records, in the custody of the City Registrar. "Again, as regards deaths, the tombstones of the three ohi graveyards in the city give much information, and that of the highest authenticit}'. Copies of these inscriptions have been printed, but a ftdl and complete revision should be made, and the results i)laced in our city archives. " As to marriages, the church records will supply much, and the newspapers of the day will add much more, as they will also to the record of deaths. " Other sources of information, as deeds, familj- records, printed directories, etc., can also be depended upon as certain to be capa- ble of giving valuable results. " It seems, therefore, that not onl}' are the deficiencies evident, but the means of supplying our wants are at hand, though in daily danger of destruction. " The work calls for no large outlay, but it does require a contin- ued and patient labor until all possible sources of information have been exhausted, and the results have been transferred to our Registr}'. " Of the necessity of the work there can be no doubt. Every community recognizes the importance of preserving its records, and this city now properly expends a large sura annually for this object. It is of equal importance to collect the records of the past citizens of this cit}', and by prompt action a very satisfactor}' record can now be perfected. " Your committee has examined chiefly the records of the city proper ; but any plan of collecting missing records will equally em- l)race the archives of Charlestown, Dorchester, Roxbuiy, West Roxbury and Brighton, now included in our limits." The following documents were appended to the report : — City Registrar's Office, March 17, 1875. W. II. Whitmore, Esq. : — Dear Sir, — In compliance with 5'our request, I have the pleas- ure of furnishing you with a statement concerning the records be- longing to this office, specifying the number of volumes they emlirace, and the periods which they cover, together with their gen- eral condition. As you are already aware, this office contains full and complete records of the births, marriages and deaths, from the year 1849 to tlie present time. The births during this period are comprised in twelve large volumes, containing, perhaps, an average of 15,000 names in each volume. For this same period there are fifteen vol- umes of marriage records, containing, probably, not far from 100,000 marriages. The records of deaths are contained in six- teen large volumes, embracing the period between 1810 and 1875. These records are full and com[)lete. There are no records of deaths between 1800 and 1810. Whether none were kept during 8 City Document No. 92. that period, or whether they have been lost, it is impossible to determine. In addition to the above there are, — 1. A vohime of births, marriages and deaths, embracing the period between 1630 and 1666. This volume was transcribed on parchment, by order of the City Council, in 1856. 2. A volume containing over 20,000 births, during the period between 1630 and 1744. This volume has been transcribed within two 3-ears, and is believed to be full and complete. 3. A volume of 107 pages, containing births from 1744 to 1807. This record is not a complete one, and contains probably not more than 5,000 names. 4. A volume of about 70 pages, containing about 3,500 births, between 1800 and 1849. All the entries of this volume were made subsequent to 1849. The records during this period are exceed- ingU" meagre, and make no pretentions to completeness. In addition to the Marriage Records, before mentioned, are, — 1. A volume of 107 pages (lettered "A"), embracing the period from 1651 to 1662, and from 1689 to 1720, and containing about 4,300 marriages. Evidently not complete. 2. A volume of 141 pages (lettered "B"), containing about the same number of marriages as the preceding volume. Tlie period embraced in this book is between 1720 and 1752. 3. A volume of 113 pages (lettered "C"), containing about 3,500 marriages, between 1750 and 1790. 4. A volume of 221 pages (lettered "D"), containing about 6.000 marriages. The period covered is between 1761 and 1807. Tliere is no record of marriages between the 3-ears 1752 and 1761. 5. A volume of over 500 pages (lettered "E"), containing about 8,000 marriages. The period embraced in this book is be- tween 1807 and 1830. The record is believed to be reasonably complete. 6. A volume of about 450 pages (lettered "F"), containing in the neighborhood of 9,000 marriages, embraces the peiiod be- tween 1830 and 1840. This record is also a complete one. 7. A volume of about 320 pages (lettered "G"), containing about the same number of marriages as the preceding volume. It covers the period between 1840 and 1849. In addition to the Records of Deaths, before mentioned, there are, — 1. A small volume of 39 pages, containing about 1,700 deaths. This record is a transcript of the deatlis contained in the volume copied on parcliment, before mentioned. 2. A volume of 79 pages, containing about 3,000 deaths, from 1700 to 1800. This record is manifestly very imperfect. It is perhaps proper to say, tlmt in addition to the above llierc is one vohime containing marriages, in other towns of the iState, of Appendix. 9 parties residing in Boston. The marriages were prior to 1800, and were recorded in compliance with an Act of the Legislature in 1857 or 1858. The number of marriages recorded in this volume is about 1 ,000. There are also about 60 volumes of Intentions of Marriage, reaching from 1707 to 1875. These are full and complete. The Roxbury Records, to the period of annexation (1868), are comprised in nine volumes, viz. : — Vol. 1. This book contains births, marriages and deaths, from 1630 to 1785. It is much worn and defaced, and some progress has been made towards having it transcribed. Vol. 2 contains births from 1785 to 1844, and deaths from 1796 to 1844. Vol. 3 covers the period between 1842 and 1849, and contains about 2,500 births, 600 marriages, and 1,500 deaths. Vol. 4. Births from 1850 to 1864. Vol. 5. " " 1864 to 1868. yjj{* y' I Marriages from 1850 to 1868. Vol. 8. Deaths from 1850 to 1868. Vol. 9. Out-of-town marriages. The Records of Dorchester to the year of annexation (1870) are contained in 8 volumes, viz. : — Vol. 1. 113 pp. Births, Marriages and deaths, from 1531 to 1683. Vol. 2. 206 pp. Births, Marriages and deaths, from 1684 to 1744. Vol. 3. 646 pp. Births, marriages and deaths, from 1745 to 1825. Vol. 4. 300 pp. Births, marriages and deaths, from 1825 to 1844. Vol. 5. 130 pp. Births, marriages and deaths, from 1844 to 1849. Vol. 6. Births, from 1850 to 1869. Vol. 7. Marriages, from 1850 to 1869. Vol. 8. Deaths, " " " I have omitted, in the above enumeration, the indices belonging to those records which are not alpbabeticallj^ arranged. These Indices are very numerous, and are methodically kept. Hoping the foregoing statement will meet your wishes, I am, very respectfully, N. A. APOLLONIO. Wm. H. Whitmore, Esq. : — Dear Sir, — In compliance with your wishes, I would state, that Messrs. Sampson & Davenport have been employed since the crea- 10 City Document No. 92. tion of the Registration Law, in 1839, to procure the returns of births in Boston. For this purpose they use a corps of canvassers, who coniinence their work on the first da}' of January each year, and finish it on or before the first day of F'ebruary ensuing. A transcript is made of these returns on the city records, and the originals forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the law. Ill collecting the births, town clerks and registrars are subject to the instructions of the Seeretar}- of State, b}- wliom they are directed to enter the name of ever}' child they find born during tlie year, irrespective of the real place of its birth. After the returns are made from all the towns, the Secretary causes the foreign births to be eliminated from each, and assigned to their proper places. These returns, with those of marriages and deaths, which are forwarded in like manner, furnish the materials for the yearly State Registration Reports, issued by the State Department. I desire further to say that, after twenty-one j-ears* observation of this method of making up the records, and no little reflection on the subject, I am persuaded that there is little or no room for improvement in this direction. N. A. APOLLONIO. Appendix. 11 Statement of the Deaths, Baptisms, and Marriages, in Boston, from 1704 to 1774. [From Shattuck'a Census of Boston, 1846.] Deaths. Years. Baptisms. Intentions of Marriage. Marriages recorded. White. Colored. Total. 1704 203 17 220 1705 238 44 282 1706 216 45 261 1707 225 38 263 1708 24^ 46 291 162 1709 295 82 377 183 1710 248 47 295 166 1711 305 58 363 139 1712 270 46 316 222 1713 380 100 480 208 17U 340 73 413 230 Total, 2,965 596 3,561 1,310 1715 281 65 336 209 1716 284 71 355 203 1717 371 80 451 177 1718 334 46 380 No 208 1719 253 61 304 return 186 1720 261 68 329 in these 176 1721 968 134 1,102 years. 163 135 1722 240 33 273 246 209 1723 342 71 413 255 191 172-t 360 47 407 229 200 Total, 3,694 656 4,350 2,052 735 1725 268 66 324 228 176 1726 290 53 343 229 202 1727 373 106 479 243 155 1728 385 113 498 255 185 1729 471 99 570 253 161 1730 749 160 909 255 175 1731 318 90 408 6G3 252 170 1732 400 99 499 526 230 163 1733 374 84 458 526 205 118 1734 440 88 628 536 198 150 Total, 4,068 948 5,016 2,151 2,348 l,6.i5 12 City Document No. 92. Deaths. IntentionBof Marriasea Mairiage. recorded. WTiite. Colored. Total. 1735 370 85 455 579 234 139 1736 532 85 617 614 283 159 1737 516 91 007 579 242 142 1738 476 100 576 530 254 150 1739 468 86 654 479 271 138 1740 568 136 704 591 264 132 1741 455 100 555 680 238 80 1742 445 72 517 716 283 110 1743 536 84 620 585 255 114 1744 425 72 497 566 269 96 Total, 4,791 911 74 5,702 780 5,779 2,593 1,260 1745 706 573 185 76 174(; 479 99 578 480 332 101 1747 710 67 777 492 289 132 1748 626 114 740 604 243 92 1649 581 96 677 493 255 92 1750 507 97 604 533 238 66 1751 548 76 624 488 246 50 1752 893 116 1,009 357 215 2 1753 418 63 481 376 260 1 1754 380 54 434 439 242 • Total, 5,848 856 6,704 4,735 2,505 612 1755 419 65 484 442 245 1 1756 461 65 526 441 265 . 1757 361 73 434 415 279 2 1758 467 57 524 423 182 1759 565 64 629 376 216 2 1760 508 08 576 417 262 4 1761 448 83 531 412 241 57 1762 390 83 473 418 227 68 1 763 344 63 407 418 264 58 1764 471 77 648 367 207 45 Total, 4,434 690 5,132 4,129 2,388 237 1765 508 52 560 " 479 250 65 1766 400 45 445 424 210 73 1767 403 65 468 439 221 63 1768 369 48 417 414 295 117 1769 579 66 645 440 231 87 1770 404 79 483 445 187 63 1771 423 59 482 399 207 90 1772 458 59 517 373 237 86 1773 533 02 595 486 251 53 1774 546 50 596 521 221 61 Total, 4,623 585 5,208 4,420 2,310 758 Appendix. 13 Statements of the Births, Deaths and Marriages for thirty-five years, from 1811 to 1845, inclusive. Inten- Proportion to Births tious of M.ar- I'opu atioQ. Population. re- corded. riagc; en- ro- eorded. Fe- males. tered. Males. Total. One in In 100. 1811 84,255 108 448 188 373 375 748 45 2.18 1812 35,2r.O 93 451 204 280 547 633 55 1.85 1813 36,2(54 85 481 2.S0 410 334 750 48 2.06 1814 37,2Gi) 98 428 300 307 328 G95 53 1.80 ]8ir> 38,274 79 543 356 407 433 830 40 2.16 181(5 39,275 78 603 435 540 433 873 45 2.22 1817 40,284 103 689 415 4.-.3 422 875 40 2.17 1818 41,288 85 019 452 480 439 927 44 2.23 i8iy 42,293 77 612 418 423 3(50 789 53 1.86 1820 43,298 90 098 481 505 509 1,014 42 2.31 Mean, 8.9G 557.2 348.5 415.0 397.0 813.2 47 2.09 1821 4(5,295 84 735 505 678 643 1,321 35 2.85 1822 49,291 80 801 023 570 518 1,088 45 2.20 182;'. 52,288 91 93".» 089 531 514 1,045 50 1.99 1821 55,284 72 979 585 023 585 1, 2m 45 2.18 182:> 58,281 62 1,01 710 092 070 1,3(52 42 2.33 1S2(! 58,903 03 1,0(55 747 023 544 1,1(57 50 1.98 1727 59,525 05 1 ,002 757 495 444 939 63 1.57 1828 CO, 147 42 1,051 742 003 556 1,159 51 1.92 1821) ()().7G9 47 992 024 (500 550 1,156 52 1.90 i8;;o ('.1,392 34 927 508 532 49.3 1,025 59 1.66 Menu, 04.0 950.2 049.0 594.7 076 552.3 1147.0 49 2.05 1831 (54,834 27 944 (519 077 1,353 47 2.08 1832 08,270 27 1 ,075 867 840 8.S5 1,675 40 2.45 1833 71,780 44 1,334 759 679 095 1,374 52 1.91 1834 75,1(50 34 1,213 780 705 075 1,440 52 1.91 1835 78,003 34 1,772 937 991 828 1,819 43 2.31 I83t; 79,404 08 1,582 1 ,024 831 817 1,648 48 2.07 1 737 80,325 40 1,443 782 «75 868 1.743 46 2.16 1 838 81,180 48 1,350 750 937 802 1,799 45 2.21 183"J 82,215 48 1,391 778 803 859 1,722 44 2.23 1840 85,(K)0 28 1,489 756 851 890 1,841 46 2.10 Moan, 90,874 39.8 13(59.9 808.8 840.8 800.0 1641.4 46 2.15 1841 35 1,587 905 927 850 1,783 50 1.96 1842 96,747 22 1,729 912 1,147 1,113 2,200 42 2.33 1843 102,020 26 1,810 904 980 1 .022 2,008 51 1.95 1844 108,493 15 1,987 1 ,029 1,015 1,039 2,054 52 1.89 1S45 114,300 8 2,351 1,182 1,158 2,340 48 2.04 Mean, 21 1,893 937 1 ,052 1,037 2,089 48 2.03 Note. This may be regarded as a eomplete account of all the deaths, except the still- born. 'I lie intentions of marriage are also complete. The marriiifji'n are not all recorded, and very few of the births, as will appear evident from tliis abstract itself. L'\&t& 0-^ ir^A'p-aj er5 ,,, lG14 14 City Document No. 92. APPENDIX B. Introduction. Ill r('!2;;ira fo the following list of tax-payers in the town of Boston, it is i)ro|)er to say that it has been the intent of the editors 1() make a careful transeiiption of the names without emendation. The lists are in various handwritings and of ver}' widely ditfering degrees of aceuraey. Some of them are the revised lists i)rej)ared liy practised clerks, and others are the hasty transcripts of less aecom[)lished oflicials. bome of the writers used the modern forms of letters, and others retained the earlier style in vogue in the generation of the emigrants to New England. Every one who has had occasion to examine manuscripts is aware of the diflHculty in discriminating" between certain letters, and this difficulty is greatly increased by any lack of scholarship on the part of the writer. Again, a list of names is especially difficult of transcription, because there is no re[)etition of words or lettei's to assist the copyist in reading doubtful portions. There is no guide to the intent of the writer, since, when we feel sure of the name intended, we are not certain of the method of spelling followed by the writer. Again, the transcriber has not felt at liberty to seek other sources of information to learn the names of the inhabitants of Boston at the period, because there is no certainty that persons of names reseiii!)liiig those of well-known citizens did not also reside here for a short time. In most cases the industry of genealogists will hereafter succeed in identifying tiu^ names here given ; but as these lists are meant to be the sources of information, no nttempt has been made to annotate the record. The sole object of the transcript is to give an exact copy of the words written on each paper, so far as they can be made out from a careful study thereof. The original papers will all be carefully preserved in the city archives, and every one dissatisfied with the commissioners' ver- sion will have an oi)portunity to examine the documents anew. Some clerical errors in these lists will strike every examiner. Tht! forms of the vowels, e, t», a. w, are so easily confounded th:it it is diflicult in many cases to decide what was meant; while on the other hand, it is clear that the old spelling and pronunciation often varied from the present form. Phonetic forms occair, as when Jedries is i)laced nncler G in alphabetical lists, Eustis under W and Uran under Y. Such a name as INIaccarty is sometimes found under C as C'arty. In fact, no name must be considered as wanting from the list until it has been sought under all possible variations of spelling. .Some apology may seem necessary for printing so many of these lists containing so many rei)etitions. In excuse it may be pleaded that all these facts are new to the public, and that these lists, it is feared, are all that remain of the great mass of such material once on record. The great deliciencies in the town records render it desirable that we slu)nld give al! the information in our power as Appendix. 1.') to the length of time that any and eveiy person remained in Hus- ton. Often the nearest approach we can make to the date of the death of one of onr eaily citizens will be the fact that he disap- peared from tiie tax-list. In order to save expense, the names only Iiave been copied on most of tiie lists, the exceptions being the lust town-rates of Hwt and l(i7G, and the very copious tax-lists of 1G87 and 1680. In tht; lutt(n" especially, the details of the property of our citizens are given with so great thorougluiess as to atforii valuable information to tiie historian. In respect to the system on which the lists were made, it is evident tliat tlie divisions to which tiie constables wei-e apportioneti were those of the military companies of the town. Prior to 1670 the number of constables (Ixisides one each for Runmey Marsh or Chelsea, and Muddy I4iver was raised to six i'or IJoston, and again, March lOtii, 1677-78, to eight. liy the Colony records it appears that October 7, 1674, the Court ordei-ed tiie miUtia to be divided into companies of one hun- dred each, and in IJoston eiglit com|)anies were accordingly made. The captains were Major Tiioinas Clarke, Thomas Savage, Thomas Clark, 2d, John Wicliards, dauies Oliver, Daniel Henchman, William Hudson, ,I<)hu Ilidl. We are not. able to (ix with certainty the lioiindaries of these early local subdivisions, though the well-known citizens in each list will allord a clue for an approximation. In 1710 a division into eight wards vvas made, of which Siiuht- LKi-F says (Description of Boston, p. I'i!)) that no record re- mains. Fortunately, a copy has been discovered, and will be given herein, although two ye.'ii-s later anothei- division was made, quite different in its lines. Theic is a certain piobability that the first plan lollowed the lines then in ns(i Cor Ihi- military compani(>s, and that any changes would a[)[)t'ar in IIh; second plan. As Shinllelf shows, in August 1713, tin- Selectmen made; a division into wards, which was not put on the book, l)ut '' attesied by the Town Clerk and put on fib-." Among the i)apers discoveied at the otfice of the Overseers of the Poor is an attested copy of this document, either the original or one made at the time for the use of Ih.-it lioai'd. It is as follows : — [Division ok Wai;i>s, 171.').] 1. — iSoiil// Wiinl or PrcciitL The South end of Orange Street is the Southern ])ound of this Precint and the Southern halfe or half of Pond Street and West Street the Northern bounds thereof; Including Newberry Street so farr Northwai'd, and all tlu; Streets, Lanes an. I Allyes, Eastward & Westward, Viz'. : Beech Street, Kainsford Lane, Hogg Ally. Essex Street, Frogg Lane, 16 CiTv Document No. !)2. •J. — Newberry Ward or Precint. 'I'lie Soiitlicrn hounds of this Precint talies in the Northei'ly lialfc- i);irt of Pond St)-eet :uid West Street, ;ind the Northerly l)ounds tiie Soiithei ly h:Ule part of Winter Street & Summer Street : Includinic iSewherry Street from the middle of Pond Street & West Street to IMarlhourougii Street, willi all the Sti'eets, Lanes & Allyes Eastward & Westward within said l)ounds, Viz'. : — Short Street, South Street, (.'onimon Street, lilinil Lane, Sea Street, Turn again AH}'. 3. — Jjdtter;/ ]V(ir(l or Precint. The Southern bounds of this Precint takes in tlie Northerly halfe of Winter Street & Summer Street, & the Northern bounds takes in the Southerly halfe of Scool Street & Water Street: Jiicluding all the Streets, Lanes & Allyes within said Bounds, V\/J. : Malborough Street, Olivers Street, Cral) Lane, liawsons Lane, Beacon Street, Gridlys Lane, ALilke Street, Davys Lane, Gibbs Lane, Ijatlery March, Cow Lane, Sconce Lane, Belcheis Lane, Flounder Lane, Coopers Ally, Bislioi>'s Ally, Croocked Ally, JoUitfs Lane, Long Lane, Centry Street, Tanners Lane, 4. — CorithUl Ward or Precint. The Southerly bounds thereof takes in the Northerly halfe Part of Scool Street & Water Street & so downe directly to the Sea. And the Northerly bounds thereof takes in all ]\Ierchants Kow & to run frovn thence at the South part of the Wharfe by the Swing Bridge west north west thro' tlie Dock to Wing's Lane, take- ing in the South sitlc of Wing's Lane as fair as Justice Loyd's Corner, & from thence the whole of Hainiover Street Avestward to Queens Street : Including all the Streets, l>anes & Allyes within said Boiuids, Viz'. : Cornhili, AVillsons Lane, Tremont Street, Spring liane, Shrimptons Lane, Mackrell Lane, Clun-ch Square, Piei'scrs Ally, Dock Square, Budding Lane, llillers Lane, Corn Markett, Halfe S(iuare Court, King Street, Corn Court, Leveretts Lane, Queen Street, Brattle Street. 5. — Sudbury Ward or Preci)d. The Southerly bounds thereof takes in the Northern Side of the Towne Dock from the Mill Creeke, & runns West north west through the said Dock to Wings Lane, takeing in the Norther Side of Appendix. 17 snid Lano, Crosseing over Hannover street to the Northerly corner of the Brick House of Mr. John CokMiian. And the Northerly bounds thereof, is the Mill Pond from y" Mill Creeke, reacheing to the end of Cnmbridge Street, including all the kStreets, Lanes and Allyes within saitl bounds, Viz'. : Sudbury Street, Cold Lane, Seotto's Ally, Cambridge Street, Marshalls Lane, Swing Bridge Lane, (Jreen J^aue, Creeke Lane, Part of Hannowr St. Union Street, Salt Lane, from y** northern Anne Street from y" Marsh Lane, Corner of Mr. John Conduit in Union Link Ally, Coleman's Brick St. to y*" Lower Fish Markett, House, the remaiiie- Biidge on y" Mill Minotts Court, ingpartof Hannover Creeke, Street to the Mill Bridge. G . — 3fill Bridge Ward or Precint. The South west bounds of this Precint is the North East Side of the Mill Creek from the Mill Pond downe to the Sea South K:isterl\-. And the Northest bounds is the Southwest Side of Wood Lfine & Weev Lane, including all the Streets, Lanes and Allyes within said Bounds, Viz'. : That part of Anne Street from the Lower Crosse Street, l*.ri(lge ; that is over the Creeke northward to Old Way, Fish Street. Elbow Ally, 'I'hat^ part of Fish street from the begin- Gallop's Ally, ing of it Southwest, Leading North East- Paddyes Ally, eriy to the middle of Wood Lane. Tiiat part of Middle Street that leads from the .Mill Creecke to the Middle of Wood Lane & Beer l>ane. as also that Part of tiie Back Street as afores^. 7. — 'Ship Ward or Precint. The Southwest bounds of this Precint takes in the Northeast Side of ^Vood Lane and Beer Lane. The Southeast Side of jNUiddle Sti'cct from said Lanes unto North Street & so downe to the Sea, takeing in the Northeast Side of North Street & Part of Linn Street Leading Northward to the middle of North street. Including all the Streets, Lanes & Allyes within said Bounds, Viz.: Fleet Street, Bell Ally, Salutation Ally, Chirks Square Sun Court, Wliite Bread Ally, Mn printed in Shurtleifs book, pp. i:5<)-L Shurtle.lf, indeed, says that Burgiss's m;i[) of 1 728, " substantially sliows these boundaries l)^' dotti-d lines." A carefid inspection tails to confirm tliis ; whatever Btugiss's dots signify, they do vot lollow tlie lilies ol 1715. They resemlile rather the lines of 1713, and via;/ show the still older divisions of the preceding halt- century - _Pemberton says (ALass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 1st s. iii., 2C>7) that in 1735 the town was divided into twelve wai'ds, which number long continue(l. In Shaw's Description of P>oston, pi). 1 11-115, is an account of the boundaries as settled in l.S()5. [Wakds, 1715.] North loard. No. 1. — Bounded North by Charles River & South ])y the North side of Fleet Street & Bennett Street. ^ FleM ward, No. 2. — Bounded Northerly by the South side of F\vei Street & lieunct Street, and southerly by Wood &, Beer lanes. Api'Endix. id Bridge v:(inh X'>. '". ■ — Hoiiiiiled Xortlu'rly liy Wood & Ilccr Lanes, and Southeily by the Mill Creek. Creek ivard. No. 4. — Hoiinded Northerly by the Mill C'l-eek & Southerly by the North side of Wings Lane IVoui the Upper End thereof, the North side of ILuniover sti-eet to the Orange Tree, & the North East side of Cainltridge stieet. Kings tvtird, iVo. o. — Bounded Northerly by the South side of Wings Lane from the ui)per end thei'eof, the South side of Hannover street, & the South-westerly side of Cambridge; & Southerly p. the North side of King and Queens streets to the Southard of the School House, Mr. Colons House the southermost House. Change ward, No. 6. — Bounded Northei'ly l>v the South sides of King & Queen Streets, & Southerly by tiie North side of JNIilk street, thence the West side of Mall)orou^h Street as far as Rawsons Lane, the North side thereof, & the North side the Common. Pond ward . No. 7. — Bounded Northei'ly by the Soutli side of JMilk Street, thence the East side of Murlbnrough Street as far as Rawsons Lane the South side thereof, southerly l)v the North side of West & Pond Streets, blind lane & thehce the North side of Summer Stieet. ISoiith ward., No. 8. — Bounded Northerly l)y the South side of Summer Street as far as Church Green, the South side of Blind Lane, of Pond & West Street; and Southerly- bj- the Towns Southern Bounds. Feb'y i u u u u a <( 5 220 '* " " " 44 " " " " " " Mud'yKiv'r 44 " *' " " 20 " " " " " " lium'yM'sh 30 " " " " 691 298 298 989 About 989 names are thus recovered ; a few, however, are entered on more than one list. It will be noted that in 1676 there were in all onl}' 853 heads taxed ; and this list gives us 691 names, besides nearly 300 more of persons who were undoubtedly living in the town. Hence we can estimate that we obtain five-sixths of the tax-payers in 1674. Special comments will be made on each portion of tlie following list in the proper places, explaining the relation of the papers to each other. Appendix. 21 The following sheet endorsed " Boston y" 8"* X"' 1674. Total] sumes of Rates made for y® Tovvne & Country," is evidently a sum- mary of the whole : — 8 X br. 1674. *No. (1) Page, (2) "Walker, (3) Bingley, (4) Jessen, (5) Poole, (6) Muddy River . Rumny Marsh £ 49 318 Constable Greenwood's , TOWNE. COUNTBET. 246 318 565 126 691 * This entry was an error made at the time, as the totals show those figures of No. 1 were not included. No. 1 was Greenwood's list and is added below the others, and it consists of eeven pages. Clearly the clerk made a mistake, and, finding it out, omitted these figures (£49.8 and £76.19), adding instead the true figures of Greenwood's list. 22 City Document No. 92. List No. 1. Tlie mnnliers added in pai-eiitlieses refer to the Pieliminnry List, which is also preserved, and which has been carefully compared uiih this for varialions. 'No 1, 1074. For Cunstablb GliEENWOOU." A. Jno. Attwood Alesiinder Addam Tbo: Attkins . Jno. Anderson It. Jno. Baker . . Sam" Burnell . Jno. Brookins Kicli: Baiiiard Mr. Briinblccnin Tlio. Bcut'ss . Edw. Biidd . . Jos. Bastar . . Math. Barnard Tlio. Berry . . Steph: Bond . Tho: Bill . . . John Braddley Jno: liawdon . Peter Benuot . Phil: Blak<' . . Benj: Breeme . Jacob Bowry . Uich; Bennet . C. Jno: Cooper . Nath: Copp . Rich: Collicott Jer; Cu.shiou . Uob: Cox. . . Author Cliickly (228) (51) (178) (106) (204) (58) (190) (94) (40) (147) (156) (101) (315) (184) (238) (271) (316) (15) (239) (273) (153) (108) (170) Country. Appendix. List No. 1. — Continued. ' No. 1, 1674. For Constable <3-RBENW00D." - Continued. W? Clough (108) The: Cooper (2.V2) Humphy Cumly (176) Hencry Coolcy (185) Jno: Clark (192) Jos: Cocke (265) W™ Careless Pressious Collicott .... (276) Rob: Cannon, Junior . . . (t65) Jno. Clear, Junior .... (146) Jno.Carthew (104) Edw: Cocke (105) Jno. Can (221) D. Tlio: Deuuiss . . Franc: Downc . . Jos: Dell James Dowell . . Leanard Dowdon . Franc: Duddson . \\rm Downe . . . Tlio: Duicf,'lass . . E. Tho. Eldridge, Sen' Tho: Eldridge, Jun James English . . Henery Edwards . Sam" Emmons . . F. Jno. Fre.ik . . . . Juo. Farnum, Sen"' Jno. Farnum, Jun' Jos. Farnum . . . Jno. Frauke . . . (220) (93) (161) (281) (80) (76) (77) (305) (127) (113) (188) (150) (289) (149) (196) TOWNE. COUNTRET. *Town rate in margin is corrected to £14.9. ♦•County rate corrected in margin to £10.15, but it adds £11.13. 2i City Docoiext No. 92. List No. 1. — Continued. " No. 1, 1674. Fob Constable (iKEBNWOOD." «. Wra Gaurd (216) W"> Grecnougb, Son' . . . (262) N.ith. Greenwood .... (74) Jno. Gritteu (210) Edw: Graut (S2) Tho; Gatteridge (212) Abra; Gorden (246) Obediah Gills (S7) \Vm. Greenough, .Tun . . (29) H. Capt. Dan. Henchman . . (IS) Widdow Hanniford .... (97) Franc. Iluddson ..... (1) Christop' Holland .... (215) Widdow Ilitt (219) Wm. Howard (258) Charles Ilopkins (25) Ezik. Hamlin J no. Harris8 Jeamts Halaeyl (1^6) Ni«h: How (21U) Jus: Halswortb (2ua) George Uiskett (G) J, Edw; Jones (l'>7) Jno. Jarvess (50) Phil. Jeshop (223) Henery Ingrahani Sam: Judkin K. Rich: Knight (211) Henery Kimball (63) Jno. Keene (loo) ArthirKeene. . . . . . . (IGO) Tlio.Kellond (92) Tho. Kimball (177) TOWNE. COUNTRET. ♦Town rate coiToctcd in margin to £!y.05, but really adds £19.04. Appendix. liist No. 1. — Continued. 25 ' No. 1, 1674. For Constable Greenwood." li. Wm. Lamshead Kicholas Lash (224) M. Jacob Mason (280) Rob: Miller (277) Edmund Mountfort .... (148) Jno. Maverick (208) Wm. Mumfort (2S6) Tho: Moore (142) Tho: MitclicU (226) George Mauaing (303) Jno: Moore (202) Nicbolse Martin Jcr: Merrill (244) Sam" Mosely (98) He^y Mason (301) Nicholas Molder IV. Jos: Nash (144) James Nash Tho: Narramore (242) Jno: Newton (257) Sam" Nordon (114) O. Jno. Orriss (23^ George Orriss (231) Tho; Ovennan (47) 1». Edw; Paige (71) "W"' ritts (r,5) Jno. Parmetor (44) Tim: Prat (279) Elias Parcraan (49) Wm. Porter (154) Tho: Paddy (162) Jno: Perec (209) R. Sam" Uuok (12) Jno: Richards (81) TOWNE. COCNTRET. 20 City Docittnient No. 92. Liist No. 1. — Continued. " No. 1, 1674. For Constable Greenwood." R. — Continued. Niith: Robinson Nath: Ransfort Obediah Reed Widdow Raw sons . . . Roger Rase . Jno: Russell S. Rich: Shute Jno. Sealy . Jno. Star . . Jno. Scarlett Robt. Smith Capt. Sam" Scarlett Dan. Stone . . . Jno. Scato . . . Nichol Stoue . . W? Sumner . . Earth: Straltou . Steph: Serjiaiil . JabisSalltc-r . . Rosmus Stephens Jno. Smith Sen' . Jno. Smith Jun'' T. Pail. Travcss . Tim. Tliornlon Rich Tout . . \V™ Turnonr . ■\Vm Tower . . Dan. Turen . ■ r. Widdow Upshall V. Jno. Viall, Sen"- (200) (2.36) (297) (180) (148) (22) (70) (270) (57) (95) (101) (120) (122) (191) (256) (i:i) (20) (110) (259) (20) (287) (61) (308) (66) (1215) (151) (89) TOWNE. ConNTRET. *Town rate corrected in margin of original to £15.15, which is right- Appendix. List No. 1. — Concluded. 27 'No. 1,1674. For Constable Greenwood." v. — Continued. Jno. Viall, Jun' (27) Tbo: Vei-ney (2G0) W. Robert Williams Lawrence Waters .... (225) Rich. Way (131) Jno. White* (133) Jiio.- Winsiey Barth. WliiftwcU (304) l^awrauce White (222) Jos. Williams (10) Beiij. Williams (9) Sampsi/U Waters (96) [Humy Warren] (erased) . Tho. Webb (261) Obadiah Wallcer (198) Sam" Winslow (299) Humphrey Warren .... (118) TOWNE. COUNTRET. * John White has 2 and 7 sliillings in the country rate. 28 City Document No. 92. Liist No. 1, Second Part. Endorsed — "No. 1, 8th Xber. tJounstable Greenwood. Towne . Rates. Country ..... 674. £76 19 49 8 £126 0" 'No. 1, 1674. Fob Constable Greenwood." A. William Avis Watching Atlierton . . . (31) William Armstrong . . . (69) Henry Addams (141) Mathuw Atkins (145) Jolin Ami (194 B. James Barret (23) John Bully (37) Stephen Bussell (41) Samuell Burn.all Philip Bullis (214) Nicholas Boone (251) .John Balier (269) Joseph Bennet (:-02) C. David Cummins (73) William Coleman . . . . (103) Pcircy Clark (S5) Tho. Cole (100) Jonas Clark (240) Pavid Copp (2S2) 1>. William Day (21) Hix Dunning (129) E. William Egland (.-i) Silvester Evely (159) Henry Knmis (247) F. Thomas Fuller (88) Towne. COUMTRET. Appendix. 29 liist No. 1, Second Part. — Continued. ' No. 1, 1674. For Constable Gbeenwood." F. — Continned. Henry Floodd (294) David Faulkner (309) G. SamuellGold (56) Rowland Gideon, y« Jew . (143) John Gwin (173) H. Samuell hudson (3) Johnholand (42) Ephraim hall (86) [Robert hudson] (erased) . . . Thomas hunt (298) George hooper (296) Anthony howard (314) William huflfc (65) Thomas hawkins (135) Rohert honghten (229) J. Thomas Jowles (43) li. Richard Loftt (318) M. John Miles (253) P. William Paesamore .... (7) Edward Pegge (72) Joseph Penuel (227) John Preist R. Edward Rolph (293) CaUbe Rawlings (174) S. Edward Sprague (17) Win. Steuens (182) Will. Snelling (207) John Standbridge (311) Robert Snell (175) TOWNE. COUNTRET. 19 30 City Documen-t No. 92. List No. 1, Second Part.— Continued. "No. 1, 1674. For Constable Greenwood." TOWNE. COUNTREY. S. — Contimied. Benia: Stow (138) T. RiciTowcIls (4) Robert Tukc Mrs. Talbee (199) John Tucker (307) henry Turberfield .... (310) W. Joseph Williams James Whitehead .... (28) Will. Wade (155) James Waldon (201) Ricd Williams (254) ¥. Tymothy Yale (140) £ s. 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 8 d. £ s. 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 00 d. 02 02 Seven foregoing pages 2 14 14 15 17 3 3 8 9 4 15 16 19 16 7 2 10 13 8 9 2 2 15 18 5 19 19 1 17 72 49 Appendix. 31 paeliminary list for no. 1 (1€74) endorsed as follows : — " 1674. Constable Greenwood. List of Names." This list, like the others hereafter mentioned, was probabi}- pre- pared before the Tax List, and was a guide in making up the taxes. We sliall find in the similar lists prepared by the othi-r constables various memoranda in regard to the persons named, as that they were lodgers, servants, children, etc. But this list of Constable Greenwood's has nothing but the names, and is of ser- vice mainly as supplying the names of certain inhabitants who were not lax-payers. The following list contains all the names on the Pi-eliminary List which are not on the Tax List of 1G74 in Greenwood's division, and printed in the preceding pages. There are 319 in all, 213 being also on the Tax List. The Tax List has also 26 names not on this. The numl)ers refer to the place on the original paper, which has seven columns of names : — 2 Nathaniel Collins 1 99 11 Oiild G()(xlm Williams fery™. 100 14 Robert Vogg 102 19 Richard Hinks™ 24 .loseph Hersey 30 Robert Starr 107 32 Benjamin Ingle 33 Sanv' Woody 34 W"«. Dauis 111 35 .James Updyke 112 30 Josias Baker 115 38 Isack Sheffield 3!J Roller Spenser *Tiioinas .lowells (Spelt Jowles on Tax List) 116 45 Sam" Browne 117 4() Henry Critchett 119 *Mr Overman (called Thomas 0. 121 on Tax List) 52 John Addams 53 Sam" Addams 124 54 Ben. Burgis 125 59 John Engoldsby 12C. CO Nick Mason 128 62 Theophilns thornton. 130 64 Joim Arnald 132 67 W'" Nicols G8 John Sawdy 134 ♦John Zeely (spelt Sealy on Tax List) 75 Nathaniell Greenwood (evidently 137 junior) 139 78 James dulaine 79 Rob. Brimsdon 83 John Robertts 84 Joshua Ghy 90 John Shcpiieard 152 91 William Bracy 157 Jno. Steuens Tho. Fielde George Keay. ♦Edward Cox (spelt Cocke on Tax List.) Joseph blake. *John Kine (called Keenc on Tax List.) Thomas Wood Cock, Tho. Joslin Job Juke (note, that we have Robc't Tukc also on Tax List, and 1 suspect the same person is tneant) Richard dence Maior Clarke Richard Hallawell Richard Jinks ♦Daniel Turell, jun. (called Tii- ren on Tax List) Splandy decro. Edward Weston John Barrell John Mathews Ambrose bennitt Ben. Crabtrec ♦John White, Hatter. Henry Vane. •James Halsell (spelt Halscyl in Tax List) John Foster. Mrs. Howard ♦Thomas More (called Moore on Tax List) ♦Joshua Nash (called Jos. N. in Tax List) Richard bradly John Barnard 32 City Docuiment No. 92. l-,8 163 1G4 1()D 171 172 17!) 181 183 ]8G 187 181) 193 195 197 205 200 217 218 228 230 232 233 235 Tho: Barnard Robert Howard Micliaell Martin *Win. ClufF (spelt Clough on Tax List) John Winslow Sannioll Chiekley Josh. Rawlins *Caleb Rawlins (spelt Calibe R. in Tax List) *Tiio: Komble (spelt Kimball on Tax List, as also in the case of Henry K.) Edward Pegge (different from Edw. Page s"' & j'' both entered here and on the Tax List) John Weedon (or Welden) Jolin Anger or Anger. ■Sam" Rawlins Richard maltimore Francis Coward Jonathan Wales *John Amy, Sen John Amy John Higgs *James Warden (spelt Walden on Tax List) *Joshua Holsworth. Richard Dauis. Ciiarls bemmur (?) Tho. Cock Edward Budd (twice entered, pe^-haps ]t., ♦Phillip Josep (called Jeshop in Tax List) John Wilkins John Dawes cxperens Orris Jona. Orris. William Snelling (second men- tion.) 237 John Pam'^'' (perhaps duplicate mention of J. Parraeter.) 241 Will Parram 243 Tho. Mitchell (second mention) 245 Jeremi Morrell (two of these names in succession.) 248 Nick White 249 Richard Smith 250 Sam" Brokenbery *John Mills (called Miles on Tax List) 255 M' Purmitt. *Erasamus Steuens *William Greenough, shipmaster. 2G3 AVill. Burridge 264 Nathaniell Paddy 2G6 Tho. More (second mention). 267 Joseph Priest 272 John downes *Mr. Callecott (Richard C. of Tax List probably) 274 Robert Cannon Sen"" 275 John Hewlett *Preserue Callicott (Called Pres- sions C. in Tax List) 278 John Lawrence 283 John Parram 284 Tho. Broughton 285 Nath. Broughton *John Farnham, miller. Prob. the junior on Tax List 290 John Farnham 291 James Lamshead 292 John Senderland 295 Jonathan Copp 298 Sam" tyly 306 Richard pooly 312 Will. Norton 313 Mrs. Powell 317 William Talderley 319 John Langworthy. Appendix. 33 Division No. 2 of Tax List of 1674. The number added after most of the names refer to the document following, which is the Preliminarj^ List prepared before the Tax List was settled. Endorsed — "No. 2 Cunstable Page, 1674. Towne £39 02 Country 21 05 £60 07 " No. 2, 1674- A. Doctor Alcock (94) Nath. Adatos, Jun' .... (17) Nath. Adams, Sen' .... (18) Abra. Adams (22) Johuath. Adams (20) Dauid Adams (19) Jno. Allen B. Oorge BurriU (21) Roger Billing The. Ballard Nath. Blake (103) Sam" Blake Eobt. Blumfeild (67) C. Jno. Cljanterell (81) Jno. Cbantcrland Andrew Clarke ^10) John Conney ... . . (64) Jno Cockes (59) Jno. Checkley (12) Sam" Clemons (24) Jno. Clarke (26) Jno. Coomer, puterer . . . ( 3) Jno. Cleeby (42) Jos. Cawley (60) D. John Dewltt (44) Abra. Darby Step" Danes (15) 3 Towne. COUNTRET. 5 3 d 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 10 3 4 4 10 04 2 2 2 3 2 34 City Document No. 92. List No. 2. — Continued. No. 2, 1624. E. Juo. Eley (28) David Edward* (34) Robt Emous (80) F. Sam" flac (47) Jacob femiside, Joyn' . . (97) Lodowlck fowler at Mr. Rawson . (84) Jao. femiside ....... (97) ♦J. Math. Grose- Tho. Grose (68) Widdow Gallop. ..... Nath. Gallop (31) Peter Gee . (37) Henry Gibbs ■VVm. Greenige ....... (52) H. Tho. Harris (13) Jno. Holaway GeoTge Henley ...... (35) George Halliott (83) Robt. Horton Tho. Hatherly (8T) J. Sata"! Jenkins . (11) Gawdy James (75) Juo.JaeJisoD (74) W" Joanes, mrht (69) Jno. Jcbson (79') M. Jno. King. (14.48) I.. Tho. Lake. ........ Jno. Lux . (85) James Loyd ;W. Widdow Mihun Tho. Murkes (1) TOWNE. 12 16 2 4 2 5 3 4 6 S 15 3 COPNTBET. Appendix. List No. 2. — Continued. 35 No. 2, 1674. AI. — Continued. .Ino. Millows (62) Tho. Mitchell Ri. Medlecott (50) Gorge Monjoye (66) Henry Mattex (91) Wr. Mr Nayler Andrew Newcombe . . . (72) Jno. NichaU (51) Adam Nichals (73) O. Jno. Oleuer (33) W» Okenden P. Ben. Phepen (4) Jno. Phillipes (66) Wm. Proute Jos. Proute (39) Tim. Proute, Jun' .... (40) Peter Place (52) Jno. Place (52) George Pugles (55) Jno. Pearce Nicho. Phillips, cooper • . (56) Jos. Pearce (99) Jno. Prescott (9) R. Jno. Rickes (71) Humphy Richards .... (96) Tho. Rickes (74) Sam'iRugles (95) James Robertson (5) W^Rawson (84) .S. Jno. Sweete (34) Elias Stiff (92) Jno. Search TOWNE. COUNTBET. 36 City Document No. 92. List No. 2. — Continued. No. 2, 1674. S. — Continued. Steph. Scott lli. Smyth Ben. Sanders (51) Tho. Saxton (41) Wm. Smyth (T7) Tho. Standary (82) Robt. Sanders (57) Philip Squire (88} Jno. Smyth (93) Jos. Shaw (32) Samson Stoddard Jno. Soomes (65) Jno. Swemsteade (65) Phillip Stratton T. Wm. Tawbntt (61) Joss. Towensend (69) Dan" Tawnsend Ri. Trams (25) Henry Tarlton at Jno Clerks (26) V. Jno. Vercng (90) Edw. Urie (30) W. Jno. Warring (2) Jno. Willyams, batcher . . (29) Jno.Wakefeide (5S) Jno. Willyams, boteman . (54) RieWWest Sam'iWarde (70) W^Whytwell (63) Tho. Walker (101) Rob'WilUams (78) Jno. Walley, m'ster . . . (100) W^Wliytaway ..... (98) Obadiah Walfeilde .... (27) TOWNE. COUNTKKT. Appendix. Liist No. 2. — Continued. 37 No. 2, 16T4. TOWNE. COUNTBET. Edw. Weedon (46) W° Waters (86) James Wiseman (89) £ s. 4 6 2 d. £ ». 2 3 2 d. *U 9 7 11 In fol. 1 12 12 14 13 9 7 6 7 6 8 11 2 3 £39 02 £21 5 •Adds £13 19. 38 City DocinnENT No. 92. Preliminary List for Paige's Division. — 1G74. With Constable Paige's account is found his prelirainaiy state- ment, which has the additional feature of specifying the lionse- hoUleis, lodgers, and servants. I have given herewith a full copy of this document, numbering the entries, and marking, with a star, the names which will be found on the official Tax List printed ou the preceding pages. " A List of y'' names of y« men and youth that are in my part of the twone. Given in ye 15th August 1674, pr mee Nicho. Paige, Cunestapble." ♦House. Tho: Markes Lodger. Sanmell Markes ♦House. John Warringe *nous. Jno. Cumer. *Ho. Binj. phipeney *Ho. James Robertes Lo. Will: a Taller Ho. EUes Callender & Sar' Josias man & Sar' Joseph Greefinge Ho. Nicho. Molder Edward perey Isa: peptriper philil) Jurd(jn SamuU Matte.x Jno. prescot Andrew Clarke Jno. Gofe Joseph Souter Tho. Andrewes. Saui" Jenkines Jno. Chickley Tho. Harres Jno. Locke Jno. Kinge Stej)hen Daues Jose])li Souter Nath" Addames sen'' Nath" Addames jun' & one sonn : & one sarvant Daued Addames Ezekell Handinge Jonathan Addames George Buroll Abraham Addames Danell Tiiringe Sen"" Joseph Hepdesli Frances Burges. Samull Clomcnes llichard Traues Will. Batt. Jno. Clarke Henrev Tarellton Obedaya Wallkfild Jno. Elley Lo. Lo. Lo. 8 Ho. *Ho. 10 *Ho. Lo. Sar. Sar. 11 *Ho. 12 *Ho. 13 *Ho. Sar. U *Ho. 1.^ *Ho. i»; Ho. 17 *Ho. 18 *Ho. & 19 *Ho. Sar. 20 *Ho. 21 *Ho. 22 *Ho. 23 Ho. Sar. Sar. 24 *Ho. 25 *Ho. *Lo. 2G *IIo. Lo. 27 *Ho. 2S *Ho. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 57 58 59 GO 61 62 6:5 64 *Ho. Sar, *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. Sar *Ho. *Ho. * w *Ho. Ho. *Ho. Ho. Sar. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. Ho. *Ho. Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *Ho. Sar. *Ho. *Lo. Ho. *Ho. *Ho. *llo. *IIo. *Ho. *Plo. Jno. Willanies , Samull Bill Edward Youringe Nath" Gallep Joseph Shaw . Will. Drew. Jno. Oliuer Jno. Sweet and th him Datied Edwardes George Henley James Dowell peeter Gaye Jno. Sarch . Tho. Gross. Josepth prout. Temo, prout, jun' Tho. Saekston Jno. Clesbey Joseph BcUenes Jno l)u W^it Kalfe Salmon Edward Weeden Samull Flack Jno. Kinge Jno. Spry Rich. Medlecut Jno. Nicklos Peeter Place Jno. Place Will Grcenedge, sons Jno Wakfeld. Jno. Willanies George Pugles Nicho. Phillepes Jno. Allin and Danell Turinge Binj. Sanders Rob. Sanders Jno. Osborne Jno. Cox. Josepth Cauley Will Tabut Jno. Mclloes Will. Whitwell Jno. Coney r Appendix. Sar^ Humphry Towgos 85 *Ho. Jno. Lux Sar. Nath. Wayer 86 *Ho. Will. Waters 65 *Ho. Jno. Somes 87 *Ho. Tho: Hatherley *Lo. Jno. Swimsted 88 *Ho. Phillep Squire 66 *Ho. Jno. Phillepes Sar. Mathew Thomas *Lo. George Moiigoy 89 *llo. James Wiseman 67 *Ho. Rob: lilumfeld 90 *Ho. Jno. Vearen 68 *Ho. Tho: Gross 91 *Ho. Henrey Mattex 69 *Ho. Josepth Townesinge 92 *Ho. Elias Stef *Lo. Will. Jones 93 *Ho. Jno. Smith and 70 *Ho. SamuU Ward twoe sarvantes Sar. Jno. Barrell 94 *Ho. Dockter Allcock 71 *Ho. Jno. Rex 95 *Ho. Sam nil Rogles 72 *Ho. Andrew Newcora 96 *Ho. Humphrey Richardes 73 *Ho. Addam Nicklos 97 *Ho. Jno. Faronsey 7-t *Hj. Jno. Jackson *Son Jacob Farnsey *Lo. Tho. Rex 98 *Ho. Will. Whartway 75 *Ho. Gode James 99 *Ho. Josepth Pearse 76 Ho. Will. Greene 100 *Ho. Jno. Walley Sar. George Buley 101 *iio. Tho. Wallker 77 *Ho. Will. Smith. 102 Ho. Jno. Sounderland 78 *Ho. Rob Willames 103 *lIo. Nath" Blacke 71) *Ho. Jno. Gepson Lo. Elieath : Blake. 80 *Ho. Rob. Enienes 81 *Ho. Jno. Chantrell Lodgers. 82 *Ho. Tho. Stanbearey Sar. Binj: Smith. Sam Marks 83 *Ho. George Hallard *Ed. perry at Fosters 8i *Ho. Will. Rawson & 2 o" ditto *Lo. Lodweck Fowler Jno. Goffe. 39 lu the foregoing list of 103 entries there are, also, 41 names of lodgers, servants, etc., or 144 names in all. On the Tax List there are 12G names, of which 100 are on the Preliminary List (including the name of John King as twice re- corded, though possibl}' meant for a son of the name also) ; this leaves 44 names on this -list, not taxed in this district at least. Of these 14 are recorded as householders, and 30 as lodgers or servants. The following changes of spelling are noticeable : — 5. James Roberts in one list, Robertson in the other. 37. Peter Gee " " " Gay " " " 48. John King seems to be a duplicate of No. 14. 69. Joseph Townsend or Townsinge. 71. John llickes or Rex. 74. Thomas Rickes or Rex. 75. Gawdy or Gode James. 79. John Jebson or Gepson. 82. Thomas Standary or Stanbeary. 83. George Halliote or Hallard. 92. Elias Stiff or Stef. 97. John and Jacob Ferniside or Farensey. 98. William Whytaway or Whartway. * See No. 7 in preceding list. 40 City Document No. 92. Tax List, Division No. 4. — 1G74. It will be seen tliat this list ends with the letter T, so that there must have been another sheet. Again the pages add : — No. Town. Country. 1, £23 08 £19 03 §, 11 17 9 11 3, 13 13 8 01 4, 21 00 11 17 69 18 48 12 11 03 4 13 Requiring To make up the sum of £81 01 53 05 which is charged to Bingley's list in the general statement prefixed. We recover from the Supplementary List eleven names in U and W. ; and, as they are well-known and wealthy citizens, their taxes would nearly make up the sum required. These names are : — Hezekiah Usher, sr. Ilt'zekinh Usher, jr. .John Usher, .John Waite, Thomas Wattkins, William Waycott, Joseph Webb, John Willkins, Mildred Wills, Experience Willis, John Wissell, jr. As in the previous examples, reference is made to the Preliminary List for this division printed immediately after it. The numbers in parentheses, annexed to some names in this list, denote their positions in the other list. Appendix. 41 List No. 4. ' No. 4, 1674. Constable BlNQLET." A. Good. Allen John Allcocke (23) Edw. AUine God: Armitage (132) W" Allford (163) Bozon Alline (26) Widdow Addames (93) B. Joseph Bellnapp (37) Widdow Becke Johu Buttolph (62) Mannasseh Beck (41) Tho. Bumsteed (52) Sam. Bosworth (53) Widdow Buttolph Thorn. Brattle (73) Tho. Baker, Junior (120) Rich. Brooks (139) Charls Bucknell (181) James Br.ading (146) Tho. Balland (103) Tho. Bingly John Burrey James Brown (149) Mr. Burton (164) Rich. Burford (59) Nath. Bifeild (102) C. Mr. Caroll at Mecarter (77) Rich. Cleere Walter Cunnigraue Ed. Creeke (17) TOWNE. COUNTBAT. 8 3 2 3 8 4 5 13 3 4 2 3 42 City Document No. 92. liist No. 4. — Continued. ' No. 4, 1074. Constable BlNGLET." C. — Continued. Rich. Crispe (36) Mr. Caruah Leu' Clark (118) Nich. Cleerc Thomas Clark, Junior (50) Tlioraas Clark y« Pewterer . . . (80) Julin Cross (144) 1>. Francis Dowse* (9) Jos: Dauis Good. Deacons (128) Vail. Dotlirow Ux, Dudson** Tlio. Deano (180) Natli. Daucnport Tho. Edwards (15) Hob. Earle (78) Sam. East (46) F. W'iddow Fletcher Jacob Fowle (130) Hope Foster (153) Tho. Furbush (150) nol)t. Feild c;. Hahb. Olouor (88) John Gloiier (89) James Oreenu (160) Isack Groose (152) Nath, Grenn (24) TOWNE. £ 4 1 3 s. 15 2 2 10 2 14 3 4 6 10 8 d. . 23 8 1 1 4 4 12 2 5 8 12 COUNTEAY. •Dowse's rate is Indistinct. **Ux, is written over W Appendix. Liist No. 4. — Continued. 43 ' No. 4, 1674. Constable BiNGLEY." G. — Continued. Clem. Groose (151) Will Griggs Sam. Grenwood (31) U. Willwm Harris (40) Cap'. Hudson (1) Josh. Hewes (20) Kicho. Homes John Hill John Horton Widdow Houtchine (25) Eliak. Hutchenson (81) Joh. Haywood W" Hawkins (86) John Hall at Wattkins .... (156) Ann Hunt (9) Capt Hutchinson (112) Ed. Hutchenson, Jun'. .... (113) Joh. Hunt, Butcher (98) W'» Hamhlton (7) Mary Halle (148) W°> Howard W" Hawkins, Junior .... (105) Ingerraan Hilgerson I. Hen. Ingram (12) Fra. Johnson (95) Roger Jud (63) K. W" Killkupp (Ill) Jo. Keyne (141) TOWNE. 10 Country. 11 44 City Document No. 92. List No. 4. — Continued. ' No. 4, 1674. Constable BiNGLEY." Hen. Larartne (5) Wm Lamb (21) Aug. Lindon (108) John Lowell (170) Joseph Lowell (140) Tetter Lidgitt (176) Zebelond Leatherland .... Abr. Letherbridge (32) Sam. Lynne M. Jam. Masefeild (45) Widdow Miner (48) John Moss (55) Zad Mecartour (75) Gorge May (100) Eph. Moss (60) IV. John Newton M» Newgate (110) O. Cap' Olliuer (175) Hennry Ongram P. Tho. Piatt (4) Hump. Persons (57) Joseph Persons ........ (58) Widdow Powninge (107) Sam. Plummer (135) Nath. Peirse (183) Rob. Portia (6) M"; Parker S. Thomas Samford (39) 13 TOWNE. 13 10 COUNTRT. 2 2 10 4 2 2 5 2 3 10 10 10 3 2 4 Appendix. List No. 4. — Continued. 45 'No. 4, 1674. Constable BiNGLET." S. — Continued. Thomas Sharwood (51) Jose. Sweett (61) Sam. Shrimpto (125) Tho. Smith, marriner (90) Tho. Skinner ye Baker . . . .(137) Eph. Searle (168) John Steuens (136) M^ Smith at Wattkins (155) HenH. Sandboord at Wattkins . (157) Widd. Sauage (65) Rich. Smith (66) T. William Taylor the march'. . . (16) Ben. TwLng (34) Esah. Toy (143) Ez. Toy John Tucker (115) John Toy (106) Mr Ed. Ting (173) John TwLng (33) Barthell. Tippin (64) TOWNE. £21 Country. *£11 ♦Country rate adds £11 11 0. 46 City Document No. 92. Pkeltminary List for Division No. 4. The rreliininary List mentioned is subscribed as follows : — " These are a List of the names of psons ratable, p. me Tho: BiNGLEY, Constable." It is in four columns, on two pages ; the columns contain respec- tively 52, 52, 49 and 35 names. 1 have been thus precise, as I have aflixed to the names, found therein, and on the Tax List, the num- ber (in parenthesis) wliich they hold on this Supplementary List. There are in all 188 names, of which 104 names are on the Tax List; the 84 other names aie n)ost.ly called servants. It is to be remembered that by servants are meant apprentices and workmen ; and in most instances the persons so described will be recognized as meml)ers of well-known families. The Tax List has 132 names, 28 being new. I add the names on the Supplementary List, and 7iot on the Tax List; also are given some names, marked with a star,, which are on ihe Tax List, but concerning which some additional information is given by this Preliminary List. The notes in parenthesis are mine ; everything else is copied from the original. The 1! names in small capitals are those beginning with U or W, and which may have been on the missing part of the Tax List. The whole number of names on the Tax List is 132 (omitting Henry Ongram, who appears also as Henry Ingram), 104 being on the Preliminary List, and 28 being new names. We thus get the names 132 and 84 = 216 persons in Bingley's division. Names of the Preliminary List, no^ on the Tax List. The nuin- bers refer to the original paper. 2 .Tno. Rumin "I t, ^ <-. ^ tt j „ ,, , 1 „ ,.„ > serv'^ to Cant Hudson. 3 Ivowland 13oulter j ' * Ilenery Largen (Called Largine in the Tax List.) 8 Mrs Conigrave 11 &.lnoMello [ (t rancis) Dowses men i;i MiclKU-ll Holmes 11 I'^raiicis Sidwell, IIollnu's man J8 ,Jii(>. .\vis & ) ^,, , ,, ^ , VJ Ilenrv Find. } (''^'l^^''*''!) Croakes men 22 Widow Allcock & *Jn.). .\llcock her son. (He is on the Ta.x List.) 27 Tiio. Joncson ^ 28 dacot) (ioodcy !- (Bozoun) Aliens men 2» Will. King j :^0 Widdow Mason :!") Zechicll Crevate 3S I'lii). Norton, (Joseph) Belknaps man. ' riiuiii:is Said'ord — (^Called Saniford on Tax List.) Appendix. 47 ♦Mcnasses Beck jii 41' Jno Bilker & ) „ , , „^„„ ... ,„, ,, ,, > Beck s men 4.1 Tlio. Powell j 44 Menasses Beck se. (Note only one M. B. on Tax List.) 47 Elv Diinfonl *\v'i(l(l()w Myiiot (? Miner on Tax List?) 49 Nathiuiieiri^unforil 54 Jno. Hail, Bosworths man 5t> Nathaniell Moss seivt to y'' s'' (Jno) Moss. *Uuniplirey Persons ] *Josei)li Persons I t »« x i ^,,. , ' ,, .. , Jno Mosses Lodgers *lucli. Biirtord | ° *I'i|iliraini Moss ] *Ro,uer JujJ (Jnd on Tax List.) f.7 Robt. llastiiiiTs ] (>8 Tlio. Plindey I . , .... t- ■»! /r>- i in ^(. 'iM 11 11 Serv'^ to Snnth (Ricnard) 6;) I no. Bull ^ ' 70 Oliarles Hoss J 71 Mrs. Bellinniiani, vvid. 72 Mr. I>Mder. jfoiie. 74 Epliraini Manning, Mr. Hratles man ♦ riicodnis Meearter (Called Zad M. on Tax List.) 7G Julin Stacey liis (Maecarty's) servant. *Mr. Carev, l^odgcr at Mecarters (Probably the Mr. Carroll of the Tax List.) 79 Thomas Phillips (]{oi)') Earles man 82 Jonathan Palme serv' to (Eliakim) Hntchinson IVir. Shrnntons men 12/ Nathainell Ellkm j *Jolm Deacons (Christian name not given in Ta.x List.) 129 Jonathan Nt'gers )H1 Jno. .Iiineson (Jacob) Fowles man *(Jodt'rey Armitage & 48 City Document No. 92. 133 Sam" Armitage his son. (G. A.'s Christian name abbreviated in Tax List.) 134 Zecliiel Chever serv' to Armitage. *Jno Stevens, Lodger at (Samuel) PlHmers 138 Jno Bugby, serv'. to (Tbomas) Siiiner. 142 James Butler serv' to (Jolm) Keen. 145 Will. Midltton. *James Bredon (Spelt Brading in Tax List.) 147 John Cliailey, Lodger at Bredons *\Vid. Ilaile (Evidently the Ann Haile of the Tax List.) *James Brown, son to Wid. Ilaile. *lsaek Grose, (Clement) Grosses son. 154 Tho. Watkins *Henry Sandf'ord (Called Sanboord in Tax List.) Lodger at Watkins. 158 Mildred Willis, wid 1.")!) Experience Willis IGl Robert Combe ) ^ *T 1 r y Greens men *lsaek Jones J *Mr Barton (Evidently the Mr. Burton of the Tax List.) IfiS Nicholas Fishborn 1,,,, n ,pi /- Bartons men Ibo & lliomas ) Ki" Christopher Gibson \C}9 Jose])h Peek (Ephraim) Series serv'. i'^.) T>- 1 -nr 1 • (John) Lowell serv'' 1/2 Rich. Woodes J ^ -^ *Mr Ed. Ting, se. 174 Ed Ting, jn. (Only one on Tax List.) *Capt. James Oliver (Christian name omitted on Tax List.) 177 Charles Lidgett ^ 178 William Antrobos >• Mr. (Peter) Lidgetts servV 179 James Lendill j 180 John Sweeting, Lodger. 182 Hester Perce, widdow *Nathaniell Perce) „r.^ -p, 10I T\f o > Wid. Perces sons 184 Moses Perce ) 1.S5 Jno. Waite. 187 Fardenando George ) ^^ ^m n v» o t. 188 George Bumas / ^' (Thomas) Deancs Seryf Appendix. 41) Tax List, Division No. 5. — 1G74. This list has also a preliminary part, which is also printed, and the names found on both are marked with a star. It appears that there are cue hundred and twenty names on the Tax List, eighty-six of which are on the Freliuiinary List. The latter also has the names of twent\'-seven servants, nine sojourners and eight sons, not on the Tax List; making one hundred and sixty-four names recovered in this divisiun. Endorsed " No. 5. 1674." — " Counstable .lessen Rates. Towne . Countrey £t)4 14 U 50 11 £115 5 0" List No. 5. Towne. C OUNTRIE A. £ s. .7. £• S. (?. *Benjaruou Allford & biothor .... 1 10 *Isack Addington 10 . . 10 ♦Josh Attwattei- 3 3 *Tlieo''«- Atkinson, Junior 3 3 *Jaracs Allinson 4 4 *Henry Allen 1i> *Jos. Allen 15 B. *Tho. Bendish . . . 1 Jobn Blower .... 2 2 ♦Abraham Browne . 3 3 *Tho. Baker, senior . 3 3 *Rob'- Butcher . . . 3 _ 3 *Petter Bracket . . . 8 8 *Jerimiah Bumstead . 3 3 *Benjam. Bishop . . - - Abraham Bartholmew 1 C. ElishaCook • • 12 • . 12 *Tho. Cox , . 2 . , . , 2 ^0 City Document No. 1)2. List No. 5. — Continued. €. — Continued. Jost'pli Codiicr Alw'iu Ohilde *Jno. Casit! . . ♦Rich'iOritchly *Ltaiph Carter . *Goodm. Collins Mr. Clutterbrocke D. nV"" DauU . . . AmbrosDcirn(?) ♦Humphry Dauis *Jeriiniah Dumer *W™ Deau . . . *Falherg(in ]>iuly James Dounis . Eleaztr Daneiiport £. *Mr. Eucdcu . . *Tho. Edsall . . ♦Joseph Emcrsoa Tho. Elliott . . *Jno. Fairewethcr Jno. Frost . . . Ezekiell Foj^g . 6. ♦W" Gilbert . . *Petter golding . ♦Enoch Grccnleif *Edwd goodwill . H. Tho. Hitchbome . •Elisha HutchiiiBon Appendix. List No. 5. — Continued. 51 H. — Contimied. *W™ Hawkins, senior *TTunipliry Hodges *i:ob' Howard . . *JonMtli. Howard . Tlio. Heatli . . . W" Harrison . . ♦Jonathan Jackson *\Vm Ingram . . . Jacob Jesson . . . *Samuell Johnson . Morgan Jones . . K. ♦Richard Knight . . . *E;phraiin Kerapthornc ♦W'" Kent li. *Samnell Logg lleuery Loudei Tho. Mattson, Junior . *Sinieon Messenger . . *John Man ♦Arthur Mason . . . . Jolin Marshall, junior *Sam'i Jlarshall . . . . ♦Sanmell Minatt . . . . Hcnery Messenger . . ♦Fransis Morse . . . . Widdow Manning . . *Mr. Mosely ♦George Munck . . . . TOWNE. COUNTRIE. ♦Country rate adds £9.0. 52 City Document No. 92. List No. 5. — Continued. M. — Continued. *JaraeB Meers . . *8am" Moore . . *Benjam. Neagus *Jabesh Neagus . The. Norman . Tbo. Offeild . *Robt. Orchard M" pickcring . . . *Edwd. porter . . ♦Joseph porter . . *Nickoles page . . Elazer phillips . . •Tho. peck, Senior *Tho. peck, Junior ♦Sanauoll pollard . *Zachariah phillips Tho. patten . . . •Jno. peck . . . . R. *Syinon Rogers . . ♦Samuel I Ryall . . Welthian Richards Cristopher Read . S. ♦Anthony Stodard *Edwd. Shippen Epbraim Sauage . ♦John Sands . . . COUNTKIE. ■ Country rate adds £9.09. Appendix. Liist No. 5. — Continued. 53 S. — Continued. Widdow Sands . *Tho. Smith . . . , ♦Sampson Sbeaflf , *Capt. Sauage . . Robert Sedgwick , T. Joseph Tumor . *Henery Tite . . Barnard Trot . . ♦John Tappen . . *.Tolin Turner . . *Johu Tailor . . *pen Townsend . *Ephraim Turner W. Manies Wliitcomb *Iiichard Wliarton [IllcgibleJ .... [ " ] . . . . ♦Jno. Wing .... ♦W-Worster . . . Mrs. Winslow . , Ilenery Woolfe . . ♦Jno.Woodmansy . *Jno. Woodbery . fol I , 2. 3. TOWNE. COUNTBIE. *18 4 l-l 19 9 10 9 18 ♦Adds £18 5. 54 ClTV DoCUMEiNT No. 92. Preliminary List, Division No. T). — 1074. 'I'hcre is nlso a Preliminary List of names for tliis division. Sncli as are found on the Tax List also are uiarived witli a star on eucli list. It is subscribed as follows : — " Herein is contained tlie name of the Males now living in my Squadron, p. me Jacob gesson Constable in Boston, rateable Accordinii' lo law." Masters of Famylyes. *Peter Golding *Tlu)nia.s Peck senif Molin Peck *Tlio. Peck *\Villi:iin IiiLjrali. *'riu'()d''^' Atkinson *Sani'^ IJoyall *M^ Joshua Atwater ♦Jonathan Jaxon Jolin Noyse Mr. I^isrum. Mr. Phelps. Tho. Shipscnt *(700(linan (!ollins *l>enja. Bi.sliop 'I'ho. Rawlins .lames Hill *,John Wing Josepii Marshall *. lames AUiston Isaac Pat (see No. 117 on p. 47.) *Sani" .lohnson *Sam" Marshall .lolin Clou" Walters . . . Thomas Saxton . . Thomas Matson Beni Richard Knight . . Thomas Harwood . William Downe . . Joseph Dill .... Bartholomew Checvers Benjamin Gibbs . . Thomas Savage juni Loyonell Wheately Widdow Marshall Hugh Drewry . . William Daws . Ambrose Daws . John Inglesby . Peter Warnes . . 150 120 140 40 40 20 20 60 40 20 20 20 20 20 10 100 10 30 160 10 10 10 40 20 10 10 40 30 40 20 10 40 40 30 50 200 40 30 10 40 10 10 10 10 200 200 150 30 40 10 40 100 64 City Document No. 92. 1676. Sheet No. 3. — Continued. Widdow Milum . William Browne George Corwin . Thomas Matson junr Nathaniel Greene John Saffin . . John Pease . . William Taylor Thomas Edwardi Francis Dowce Hope Allin . . Francis Jonson Pilgrim Simpkins Rowland Story Thomas Dyer . John Hall . . . Robert Windsor John Bateman John Hunt . . 20 90 90 10 50 60 20 100 60 20 40 10 10 10 20 20 10 20 10 2,550 1676. Sheet No. 4. 4. 1676. a 53 o o o a! a 03 o .a a Edward Lilly . . Obadiah Emmons ' Sammuell Syndall Isack Woody . . Joshuah Scottow Widdow Jackson William English John Casoy . . . Robert Brimsden • 40 10 100 10 60 20 30 50 50 30 30 20 Appendix. 65 1676. Sheet No. 4:.— Continiied. 4. 1676. Christopher Clark James EveriU Thomas Dewer Thomas Holman [torn] Drinker Samuel Emmonds Giles Dyer William Long Nath" Williams Edmund Jacklln Jno. Button Jno. Courser Josiah Cobham seni'' .... William Kirby William Bartholomew . . . Joseph Rock Jno. Cleare Joseph How Jno. Andrews Mrs Scoggans farme .... Elder Wiswalls farme . . . Mrs Newgates farme .... Elia.s Maverick Jolm White [torn] Gardner Mrs Cottons farme W"" Aspinwall Jno. Hulls farme Henry Stevens Edward Devotion Isack Stedman Goodman Drews ..... Aaron Way Thomas Townsen for Arthur Miisons farme John Bennett William Castle iJ< 500 250 100 20 20 30 40 15 10 10 6 7 7 10 40 30 100 30 40 20 80 10 20 50 40 20 10 30 10 40 100 30 20 10 40 30 20 20 20 30 30 15 10 10 5 6Q City Document No. 92. 1676. Sheet No. 4. — Continued. 4. 1676. Bainuell Legg . . Lief John Smitb W™ Eustice . . . Samuell Townsend Jeremiat Beleber Thomas Moore . Jeremiah Cashing Jao. Farnum seni' Matthew Bernard Anthony Chiekley John Sweet . . . Jeremiah Marrill Augustine Clement Daniell Turell, seni' Nathauiell Addams Abraham Addams . David Addams . . Widdow Plaice . . Jno. NicoUs .... Samuell Alcock . . Timothy Prout, scnl Timothy Prout, juni' John Serch . . 1,297* 40 30 10 20 10 100 40 20 10 100 60 10 20 100 40 10 10 10 20 30 30 20 10 l,928t 132t 118 1676. Sheet No. 6. 6. 1676. 73 3 S o b g 1 o O o .3 a, o m 1 W"' Greenough . . Joseph Cocks . . . James English . . Nathaniell Robinson Mr. CoUer so 80 20 20 30 50 50 * Adds 1,287 in o rit ;• t Adds 2 ,02S in c rig ^ A( Ids 122 Appendix. 67 1676. Sheet No. G. — Continued. 6. 1676. a 3 O K a p. 1 1 1 John Frick .... Widdow Walker . Thomas Rawlins . Mlchaell Martin . . John Blake .... John Winsly . . . John Pugsly . . . [ ] Barren ? [ ] risford [ ? Gallup.] ] Drewry Samuell Bridge . . Lieutenant Willis . Peter Sergant . . . 60 40 30 5 60 60 10 20 100 20 20 10 100 1 1 50 50 150 No 6 . . . No 5 . . . " 4 . . . " 3 . . , " 2 . , . " 1 . . . 87 1,297 510 66 862 765 2,504 1,928 2,550 3,690 6,590 18,027 1 25 29 16 11 29 1 39 132 69 39 108 7 118 74 18 38 2 6 6 38 30 50 06 50 50 60 100 300 960 872 1,050 2,175 3,930 2 82 2 111 388 255 1,524 260 9,287 Boston y^ 30* August Anno 1676 The valuation of lands, houses, estates «fec of y* towne of Bos- ton, taken y** day & yeare above written, & contained in these G sides of paper viz.' £ s. d. Estates at 1*^ pr £. 138 10 Heads 853 at 20'' pr head 71 1 8 Summa totalis £ 209 209 2 THOMAS SAVAGE Co™iss' JOHN JOYLIFFE THO: BRATTLE JAMES OLIVER JOHN LAKE DANIEL TURELT 68 City Document No. 92. Tax List for 1681. (Imperfect.) The uext document is a tax list for 1G81, of which we find the greater part, viz., divisions or precincts Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8, and Rumney Marsh. The missing parts are for precincts Nos. 1 and G, and Mudd}' River. It has not seemed necessar}- to print the amount of the tax paid by eacli person, as the original can alwa^'s be consulted to alford this information about the individuals not named in the preceding lists. 1681. — Division No. 2. Endorsed "No 2. rates. December 12* Major Clarkes Comp* 1681." rated to 3 Country A. Nathaniel! Addams sen^ Dauid Addams Jonathan Addams Abrahan) Addams W"' Andrews Jn" Auprer Beniamin Alford Joseph Arnald Jn" Afters Widdow Andersonne George Andrews B, Georure Burrelt Thomas Bishop Beniamin Breeme Thomas Burnett Jn" Bamett widdow Brumell Hu^h Babell \V"' Bowers Jn" Battler Jn» Boaden Nathaniell Bank Elishar Blake llenery Batcheler C. Robt. Cox Josepli Cawly Maior Tlio. Clarke Jn" Cleauesby Jno Coomer J no Creazy l^)bt Castle W" Cundy widdow Cushin Roh' Cumby Jn" Clarke Docter Ralph Carter Elias Callender Jno. Chickly Jno. Childe Jn". Clapp widdow Cox Tho. Cooper Preserue Callicott Richard Callicott George Cable dauid Copp D. Edmund Dorr Richard drake James Dowell Siluanus Dauis Andrew Doleberry Robt. Darby Beniamin Duning W" dick Henery Dawson E. Richard English Henry Emms Silucster Euely Dauid Edwards Sam" Emins James English W" Euerdon Jn" Endicoate Beniamin Elkins F. Tho. Fox Sam'i Flack W"^ Fox rjno. Farnam sen''] ") „ , FT 1, T-i • 1 T > Erased. [Jacob tarnsidej j Jno. Farnside M"^ Jn" Ford at m'' Rob' How- ards. G. Edward Goodwin Jn" Goff Jn" Ghee widdow Gallop margett Mary Gallop Sam'ii Gallop Jn" Gardner paynter Lott Gordin widdow Greenough Abraham Gordin Appendix. 69 Henery Greene Jn" Greene m' Tho. Gibson Peter Ghee H. Capt Elisha Hutchinson Anthony Howard James Hallsey W™ Harris Eobt. Howard Goorse Henly Jn" Hall Jn° Harwood James Howard docto"^ w"" Hewes at Rob' How- ards Thomas Hamelton John Hosker I. Joseph Jacksonne John Jenkins K, Thomas Kenible Artlmr Kine John Kiene W™ Kent Jn° Keetch L. Tho. Lee ni' Humphry Liscum w"" Laman at Caleb Rawlins M. Thomas More Jacob Mason Jn** Measure Jn° More Edward Maltimore widdow Munioy Jn° mellows Richard Middlecutt Arthur Moser Robt. More Edmund Mumford W" Mumford N. Thomas Narramore W™ Norton Thomas Newman Jn° Nick George Newby Jn° Nickols O. m'' Jno Oliuer P. Jno Playstead Tymothy Prout sen' Joseph Prout J no Place Jn° Paraer William Penny George Pnglis Pliillip Prance Joseph Pi-arce deacon Jn^ Phillips Moses Pearce Jn° Pitcher R. Thomas Rapier Caleb Rawlins Joshua Rawlins William Rowse S. Jabes Salter Daniell Stone Jno Scate Jno Sweete Jn" Search Phillip Squire widdow Saxton w'" Somner Josejiii Shaw W"' Snell Amos Steuens Jn» Starr Sam" Stocker Jn° Stanliridge Peter Sampson Richard Simmons T. William Towers Alee Thomas Dan" turrell jun'' Joseph Turell Joseph Tuwnsend William Turner Jn° Trow uif Dan" turrell sen' Richard trauis widdow Turrell W. Jn'^ Williams, Boat'" mrs. niehettabcll Warren Widdow VVinsley Addam VVinthrop Richard Way Riciiard West Jn" Williams Butcher Thomas Wells Jn" Wakefield Obadiah Wakefield Andrew Wiilett Joseph Welden Stcuen Werendunk Tnomas West y. Timothy Yeales 70 City Docuiment No. 92. 1681. — Division No. 3. No. 3. Capt. Daniel Hinksman's Company." A. John Alden -luhn Alcock K. Jusc'ph Biiteman John Boulter Joseph Batenian AVilliani Bryan Thomas Blaskfeild Diiuid Basset John Balintyne liicliard Brookes George Briggs John Baker William Browne, Esq' John Benjainine Edward Broniefeild John Barber C. Joseph Clarke John Cony seni'' Jophn Carney John t^^oke Thomas Cooke Henry Carter John Courser Isacke Cousens John Cottey Mathew Collens James Cooke Kiehard Cheeuers John Carthew X>. John Davis l\ol)ert Day Thomas Dauis Giles Dyer Benjamin Dyer William Drene [Drane?] John Dyer Leonard Dowden John Dickerson Stiles Drarie E. Robert Emons James Eueril William Euans Thomas Eliot F. Francis Foxcrafte John Foster John Farniside Jacob Farniside G. John Giles John Ginison Thomas Grose .John Gwin' Isacke Grose H. Samuel Jlolman Michail Holmes Thomas Harris John Humlocke George Hawlet Thomas Hatherly Joseph How Henry Harris widdow Hall William Harrison* Ambros Hunnywel Edward Hunloeke Joseph Hillier I, Joseph Johnson John Jackson Gaudie James Samuel Jackson Samuel Jenkins John Johnson Iv. Richard Knight Li. Widdow Lake William Longe Philip Langdon Abram Leatherbridge John Levitt Edward Lylly William Lane Jun"" M. WMddow Milelam Samuel Mattocks Peter Munings Henry Mattockes John Mellows John Messinger Hugh Mallagan Daniel Mathews Samuel Mattockes Jun' N. Samuel Naney Widdow Naney Andrew Newcombe P. Elizabeth Phipany Job Pieince William Paulfrye R. Samuel Kugles Joseph Hocke John Kix William Rawson * Against the name of Harrison 07' Hunnywel is written " body maker." Appendix. 71 S. Constant Sanies Jolin Somes Joseph Sade Tlionias Savage Pilgrim Simkins Thomas Standberry Samuel Syndale AVilliam Smith John Sandie Thomas Shepard John Smith John Smith Benjamin Sandie Joseph Sandie T. William Tomline V. Henry Tomson John Vcringe John Underwood Jn" Yousell \V. Widdow Walker Joshuah Winsor William Whitewel William Waters Henry Wheler John Wally mariner [William Warren] John Whalely Natha. Williams 1681. — Division No. 4. " No. 4. Maior Snung his Company A. John Allcock Edward Allen B. Thomas Baker Nathanell Balston Stephen Broof Jeams Buttler Jeams Burgis Thomas Bridges Phillip BuUes Tho. Boult Jno. Briggs Jarues Bollard Dauid Bassett Thomas Barnes Jams Barton Tho. Bur^wes Samuel 1 Bed well Jun"" Moses Bradford Mr Brinly at M"" Lloyds C. Christopher Clark Josiah Cobham Senio^ Josiah Cobham Juni' Bartho. Cheuers Nicholas Caruar Anthony Chicklie Samuell Clarke Frances Cooke William Clough James Cooke Mathew Collens Edward Creeke Joshua Cobhara D. Thomas Duer Roger Dubleday William Dawes Widdow Dowse Samson Duer Ambrose daues E. George Eliston Thomas Edwards Beniamin Emons Jn° Edes F. John Foy Kichard Fesie Danuell Fairfeild Widdow Fitch G. William Gibson Jabob GuUie William Grigs Nathenuell Green Edward Grach H. George Hucheson Tho. Hunt Tho. Hitchborne Jeams Hakens Thomas Harward Tho. Hollman John Hill Ann Huntt Will Haberfeild Samuell Haward William Harris J. Samuel Jackline Richard Joanes Henry Ingram K. Richard Knight 72 City Document No. 92 L. James Loyd William Lambe M. Denis Maokdanuell Jeames Marshall Henry Mills Joshua Mattson Samuel Matocks George Mather N. George Nick Andrew Neal Edward North Jn" Nellson O. Euen Owne P. Thomas Platts Thomas Peniberton George Person Jolm Peas William Parsons Ralp Phillips R. John Ruguls Samuel Kauenscroft Abraham Row S. Robert Shelton Edward Shapplie Jn" Saffen Richard Steuens George Sigsworth William Sidnara John Skiner Samson Stoder Widdow Scotto T. John Tucker Thomas Thacher Barthol. Threenedles Will. Thornton Edward Tarling William Taylor James Taylor V. Roger Vickers Richard Veasey W. John Wing Isaac Woodie Nicho. Willniott Sanmell Walker Jeams Webster Return Waite Tho. Wattkins Isaac Walker Joshep Wise Richard Williams William Wright Benia Walker George Wrigljt 1681, — Division No. 5. No. 5. Capt Hutcliinsons Company." A. Bozoon Allen Mathew Atkins B. Thomas Barber Thomas Biddle Mannaseth Becke Natha. Byfeild Joseph Belknap Jeremiah Bunsteed Ric- Sami' Bligh Thomas I3ingly John Bwige Sam" Bignell Thomas Beard Nathaniell Bishop W™ Busway Jn" Bull Roger Burgis Timothy Batts estate Jn'^ Balston son to James Balston ' An abbreviated word, not very leg^ible. 74 City Document No. 92. Jn" Bukcr Kob' Butcher C. Willow Cocke William Clarke Timothy Clarke Jn" Crosse Jn" Clough Moses Collier Nath" Colston at M^ Harrises 1*. Jn" DinsdcU Addam Dinsdell W'" Dinsdell Edward Drinker Ambrose Dew Nath" Dew Simon Danieli Joscpli Day Hugh Druery Edward Dauis E. Henery Ellis Jn" Eniitt Francis East Sam" East F. Xath" Fox Beniamin Franklin W"> Fisher James Flood Arthur Furman Steucn Fielder G. Thomas Grecian Jn" Griffon Jn" GreenliefF Joseph Gridley Jn" Goodin Tho. Gutteridge Widdow Gill Kichard George H. James Hill Widdow Haugh James Herington Thomas Harris Richard Harris Humphry Hussell Jn" Hughes Jn" Harwood AV"> Hoare Jn" Harris Thomas Hill Jn" Harrison sen"' John Hill Epliraim hall J. John Jolliff Hichard Jackson Jn" Ireland Jn". Joanes Maditt Ings Sam'' Ings K. Fetter King William King li, James Landon dau-d Landon Henery Lamshead Henery Lowder M. Sam" Marshall Jn" Marsh Currier Beniamin Montford Henery Montford Rob' Mason Jeames Meares Jn" March Butcher Jn" Mirrian sen'' Jn" Mirrian Jun'' Isack Mirrian Sam" Mirrian Jn" Mat rone James Maxwell N. W'" Needham O. Widdow Olliuer & Nathaniell Olliuer Rob' Orchard P, Humphry Parsons Joseph Parsons Jn" Poole Thomas Peck Jun'' Richard Pattishall W»' Pliillips Sam" Phillips Joseph Pliillips Nelicmiuh Pierce Sam" Pierce W'" Pollard sen'' Abell Porter Jun"' Jn" Pinclion Joseph Pinchon Hugh Perrin Hugh Price M"^ Parris R. Thomas Rawlins Joshua Rice Thomas Robbinson Nath" Reynolds Edward Right shomaker Thomas Rootes S. Thomas Smith Steuen Sergeant Hanah Sliarpc widdow Jno Shaw Sauell Simson Peter Searieant Abraham Spencer Bartholomew Sutton Thomas Spowell Joseph Stocker Benia. Smith Jun'' Appendix. 75 Richard Scate Aron Steuons Henery Steuens Sampson Sheaffe Wiildow Saxton Thomas Staplcfford Ebenezer Starr T. Arthur Tanner ,In? Temple Josiah Tory Nath" Thare Peter townsend W"> troute dauid Thomas Sam" tyly " Mr. John Bolt omitted before. W. Cap« Jn" Wally Edward Winshiw Tiiomas Wheeler Jn? Winsc'omb Jn? VVyborne W?' Willcott Jn? Winsiow Thomas Wyhornc Edward Willis Richard Wharton James Whitcombe Phillip Wharton Rob' Wright W'n Wright Jun! Ed. Wright 1681.— Division No. 8. " No 8 Capt John Hulls Comp." A. Jolin Allcock Henry Alline Matliew Anarer B. Antony Blenny a malter Alexander backer Joseph Brisco Widow Barnal AVilliam Backer John Blake Edward Bellcher Satisfcction Bellcher James Ballston John Benit Josiah Bellcher sener Josiah Bellcher juner John Belcher Alexander Bogles C. Samuell Courtes Edward Couell Joseph Couell John Couell John Clow Eduard Colborne D. William Danes Thomas Downes Ehennescr Danport Timothy Dwight E. Jacob Elate Asaph Elate Edward Eles F. Theophilas Frary O. Robeart Gray Thomas Gent Isack Goose Giles Godnard John Gibsonn William Gilbord H. Joseph Holmes Captaine Hull John Homan James Hares Ingerman Hilgasonn Eliasar HoUiocke Joshua Hewcs Nicklas Hasard Timothy Horton *Elisabath Harisonn widow Samuell Homes Edward Hill Emalicy Holyway J. James John senior [Joseph?] John Jones Li. James Landal Joshua Lanne M. John Masonne William Mideltonn Samuell Masonn Edward Miltonn John Molbery Nathanell Man William Manly N. John Nedora O. Elisha Oadly William Obisonn Peater Oadlv • In the marKln la written " Brata." 76 City Document No. 92. p. AboU Porter sen Thomas Plinily Moyces Paine sene Movces I'ainc Ju Seth Pery Thomas Pady Jolin Pell William Paine Isack Peper Joiin Poarce Samuel Peacoke Q. Danell Quinsie li. AVidow Ranfort Daiiid Kanfort Solomon Kanfort Ric'iiard Randal S. John Shatly painter Justine Seawell Bengamen Smith Feare-not Shawe Elxsander Simsonn Mathyas Smith Samull Snow Eneas Salter Decon Sandersonn I^obert Sandersonn Kichard Smith Widow Salter John Salter T. James Townend Ilezichiath User W. Robeart Walker Joseph Wealer James Whight Samuell Walker Dauis Williames Thomas Walker Peater Warren Corneles White Peater Wiere Jonathan Wayles Henry Write William Write 1681, RuMNEY Marsh. Kndorsed Rumny Marsh rate December 15th 1681 " Elias Mavericke senior Elias Mavericke Junior Jeremiah Belsher John Wis wall fjdward Tuttle • Benj". IMussey Bryan Breedon Teage Upbarron John Grover James Bill senior James Bill Junior John Tattle senior William Harsic senior John Smith Thomas Townsend Samuel Townsend William Ustice Deane Winthrop Aron Way William Ireland John Flood for himself and the estate of Jn? Dolittle William Ilarsie junior John Burrel John Souter Paule Mavericke Elisha Tuttle Isacke Loo vis [? Lewis] William Green & Newel John Tuttle "To the Constable of Rumny Marsh you are required in his ma" iiiime forthwith to colect of your seuerall inhubitance the sunim of Fifty pounds nine shillings and two pence, that is to sa}', twenty-nine pounds, seuenteen shillings & six pence for the use of y*-" Country by virtue of warrants from the Country Tre;isu% four- teen pounds eighteen sliillings & nine pence to be paid in mony wiiliout abatement and the rest of the summ to be paid in wheate at six shillings. Rye at four and six pence, pease, barely, and barely malt at four shillings, Indian at three shillings six [)ence, Appendix. 77 and oates at two shillings p. busiiell, all to be good well winowed & marckable Corne (noe bail}' to be payd after the first of Aprill) , and u' else is paid in the country rates besides monv & corne is to be paid at mony price : Provided noe leane cattle or horses be p;.id in the said rates : and the payment to be made unto the Country Treasu'' or his assigns: and the towne rate aboue said amounting to the summ of twenty puuuds eleuen shillings eight pence, in the seuerall graine abouesaid ; and they y' pay mony is to haue one-quarter ptt. abated, and they that pay not in graine as ahouesaid is to pay what else at mony price, but noe leane cattle or h(n'ses : tlie payment of the towne rate to be paid in to Tliomas Brattle treasu"' or his assignes. And hereof .you are not to fade and for so doing this shalbe your warrant. '• Dated in Boston the loth of Decemb' 1681 HENRY ALLINE NATHANELL GREENWOOD THO BRATTLE JOHN JOYLIFFE DANIEL TURELL THEOFH. FRARY. *' More added by the rate of John Benuitt." 78 City Document No. 92. Almshouse Rate of 1685. The following extract, from "Snow's History of Boston" (p. 324), will explain the cause of this tax: — "The Old Alms House, Work House and Bridewell together with the Granary, were situated on Park street. The Graunry was a long wooden building- at the corner of Common st, capable ol" containing 12,000 bushels of grain, which it was customary lor a commiUee, annually appointed by the town, to have stored in it for the accommodation of the poor and (others who wished to pur- chase in small qnantilics, at an advance on the wholesale price not exceeding ten per cent. The Alms House was a two stor^- brick building, in the form of an L., with a gable roof, appropriated to the aged and inlirm poor. The Work IJoiise was a large brick building, 120 feet long, two stories high with a gable i"oof, for the reception of vagrant, idle and dissolute persons. Bridewell was ronliguous to the work house and was a sort of prison for the dis- orderly : a part of the house was assigned to the insane." *• The first proposal for an Alms house on tlie Town recoids occurs in Nov. IGGO. In Fel). 1685, a person is admitted into the Alms house. Dec. 16, 1682, the Alms house being burnt a new one is pro|)ose(l : it was building June 2, 1686. The Work house was l>uilt in 1738." Drake adds (p. 597) that the North End market-hous(! fell into disuse. '• was eventually taken down, and the timber used in the construction of a Work-house." On Burgess's Map only three houses (those on the corner where the Tremont House stands) are depicted on the whole square en- closed by Beacon, Park, and Tremont streets. Yet on lioiiner's Map of 1722, as reproduced b^' George G. Smith, we lind several moie houses, together with the Bridewell on Park street, and the Almshouse on the corner of that street and Beacon stieet. May 25, 1795, the town voted to sell all this laud, and March 23, 1801, it was sold at auction by the agents of the town. The corner lot where the church now stands extended ll-S feet up Park street; then came three lots, each 78 feet long, on that street, and liounded by the Granary burying-ground. The next lot was 72 feet wide, and extended back 156 feet, overlapping lot No. 3, and reaching'to the grave-yard. Lot No. 5 was the corner lot, G6 feet on Park street and 156 feet on 15eacon street. Lot No. 6 was 56 feet on Beacon street, running through to the grave-yard, and bounding east on the lot sold to William Phillips, and since covered by the Athenaeum building. On lot No. 6 the Misses Payne and their brother built a large double house with a drive-way through the centre. Lois 5 and 4 were bought by Thomas Amory, and here he built the large double house which has had as tenants Samuel Dexter, Christoi)her Gore and George Ticknor. On the Park street lots have lived Judge Artemas Ward, Abbott Lawrence, Gov. Gardner, the Quiucys, Warrens, and other distinguished citizens of Boston. Appendix. 79 Tax Lists ix 1685. '* Rates com'ted to 3-0 8 Constables in Bostone for collection of rate made for y* Almes house Majer Richards Comp*. *Cai> Turin Capt Winge *Capt Savage *Capt Hutchinson *Capt Townsend Capt Hill Capt Sewall 329 .. 12 Endorsed " Rates for ye Almes house made March IS"", 1685. 41 .. 8 44 .. 29 .. 11 37 ., 10 50 .. 11 55 .. 6 49 .. 8 21 .. 18 Separate lists for the four companies marked with a star have been found, and are as follows: — '* Capt. Danieil Turells List of the Rate For the worke house. A. Nathaniell Addams Daiiid Addams Jonathan Addams Abraham Addams Jdsepli Arnold Thon)as Ashley B. Jolm Barneard 15* to pay in worke Thomas Bearnerd 15* to pay in worke David Bassett Marrinor c. •John Cleasbey Elids Callender Hobert Cumbey John Commer promised D. Mr. Andrew Dolberry Beniamin Dunning Widdow Dowdcn Hennery Dawson subscribed 10* John Driuer E. William Euerdon Jacob Euerett F. Thomas Fox John Farnura Sen"" G. . John Gey Lott Gording promised & subscribed H. George Henley subscribed 1'' James Howard Docf William Huse 30* J, Joseph Jackson Mathew Joan€s K. Thomas Kembale William Kent John Keene subscribed 10* Richard Knight caruer M. Jacob Masson 3 days worke Edward Mortraore William Munford Andrew Marriner Mary Munioy subscribed 2" 80 City Document No. 92. Thomas Newman Jolin Niculs subscribed !'• R. Calleb Rawlins JushuuU Rawlins s. Phillip Squire Joseph Shaw subscribed H' William Snell John Saxton John Trow T. W. Richard West John Wakefeild Obcdiah Wakefeild subscribed Andrew Willett M^ Weljster Thomas Warren Endorsed : ••' Capt. Sauages Comp*'^^ £37.10. For ye Work House." *•' Persons in Capt Sauages Comp"" that have not pay^." A. •Tolin Aleocke [erasedjj John Anderson B, Tho. Bridges promised Tho. Baker promised James Bulges promised Tho. Barnes Richard Banks Nath" Balston John Borland C. promised Anthony Chicklj ])r()miscd John Clark shipm^ promised Tiio. Duer promised Mathew Collins j)romised Jonas Clay promised Joshua Cobhani promised Mungo Craifort James Cooke mariiier W'» Clough Geo. Cabell D. Roger Dubbleday promised E. Geo. Ellison promised Ben. Emons promised H. Capt. Tho. Hunt promised James Hawkins Michael Holmes J. Sam. Jacklin 20 promised M. Tho. Mercer N. Andrew Neale 20* promised P. Tho. Piatt W'" Paine R. John Ruggles Butch^ S. John Strange W'" Stoughton Esq Widdow Scottow T. Tho. Thatcher Barth. Threeneedles Geo. Thomas w. Returne Waite Ja. Webster senior promised Ja Webster junior Ben. Walker promised Appendix. 81 A List endorsed " The Original Hutchinsons inv\ Capt Townseiids VVorke House £50.. 11" Capt. Pen Townsends Coinp* A. Anna Armitage subscribed B. Jon'^ Balston Sen"' promised ten tun of limestone •Teremv Buuipstced Tho. Baker sen"^ promised to pay Iron worke Peter Buttler, mariner to be Ka. Thomas Brightman, Butcher Abraham Browne c. Gilbert Cole James Craven Merch' Jno. Cornish D. Symon Daniel, Butcher Mrs. Mary Dudley E. Peter Edgerton promised F. Jno. Fosdick pro : G. Le' Greenleafe pro. H. W"' Haberfield promised W'" Ilolloway to be rated W'" Hawkins sen'' Butch"" Jno. Higgs at Habberfields K. Ric'' Knight promised Kiel)" King, merch. draught of the Rates in Capt. CoInp^ An". 1685." " For y« M. Fra. Moss. pro. Benj^ Monford, merch'. L. W-" Lewes Esq"- 'i'honr Larkin N. Mrs. Sarah Noise Sam" Phillip Rest. Edmond Perkins pro. W" Paine, smitii, pro Sam. Phillips, Butch"" pro. Hump. Parsons, rated. Sam" Pease, mariner Richard Pierce, Printer. K. Gamaliel Rogers pr mised W'» Robbins, smith John Roberts Theophilus Rhoade.s S. Thomas Smith, Blacksmith 1 subscribed j Rowland Story, rest W" Smith, joyner, subscribed Anthony Stodlland Widddw Harrisone Tho. Hunt Nickholas Hale Jno. Hill Richard Holmes Ephriam Hayward Sam" Jackline Will Joyce Sara' Jacksone Henery Ingram A rone Jefforde Jno. Joanes li. Will Leaues Jno Leach J. James Loyed Will. Lamb Sam' Lillye Rehannan Lyone M. James Marshall Denis Mackdaniel Tho. Matsone Henery Messenger J no. Marshall N". Widdow Neale Jno. Nelsone P. Jno. Pollard George Perssone Widdow Plats Will Parssons Will Paine Tho. Phillips Jno- Plas.sone B. Tho. Rowe Sara' Rauenscraft Jno. Rudgles S« Jno. SaflBne Sarasone Stod'' Robart Shellstone Jne. Strange Sanasone Slieafe Robart Sharpe Barth®. Smith — Abraham - T- Widdow Taylo-- Bartho' Thneenedles James Tajlo'' Gorge Tompsone V. Roger Vrckary Jno. Vickary^ Sam' Yickarj W. James Websf Tho Webst^ Edward Watkins Jam«s Websf Jun'^ Benjamin Walker Capt- Jno Winge Tho. Waf^ Jno. Woody Marke Ward Nicholas Wliite Elisha Cooke Elisha Hutchinsone John Jovliffe ♦Daniel furiell John Faireweather Tymotliy Proute Seno'' Henerv .•Vilen *Edward Willis Theophilus Frary * These names arc all in one handwriting, and are not according to the genuine eigna lures of Turell and Wyllys. Tho persons named are the Commissioners. ^4 City Document No. 92. To Henry Ernes, Counstable in Bostone Yon are required in las Majesties name forth with to collect of the Setierall psons rated by the Select men for y" Towne of Hos- tone, the Seuerall Siimes mentioned in this Sheet of pap' Ainountinge to y'^ Sume of Sixtye pounds Aleauen Shillings to be p'' as rate [lay, and as to what pay you receaue as rate pay, you are to take notice that 3'ou receaue noe Leane cattle nor horses & for each psnne who payes there rate in mony you are to abate one third p''' of y" Sume they are rated & y"" s"^ Sunie of Sixtye pounds, Aleauen Shillinges by you gat'^'^'^ you are to pay at or ijcfore the thirteth of Novemb"" next P^nsewinge unto Ed. Willis Treasurer for y*" Towne of Bostone his ord"" or Successors in s'' otlice for the Vse of y* Towne afore S**, and in case any refuse to pay, you are to distraine upon y* goods or estates of such psons Soe refusinge & what goods by you shall be distrained upon, you are to expose to pulique Saile, and the one plush to returne to x*^ psons soe distrained upon, hereof you are not to faile at yo"" perrill for which this shall be yo'' warrant given by me owne of y'^ Councell und' my hand & seale the thirteenth or fourteenth of Aug. IGSG A True Coppie JNO. USHER Attested p JOHN JOYLIFFE Eecord". Tax List June, 1687. (Imperfect.) The following documents comprise about one-half of a town tax for 1()S7. The precincts for which we have names are Nos. 1, 2, 5 and (5. The amounts of taxes are omitted. Towne Rate made the 6'*^ of June 1687 No 1. A. Tliomas Atkins Jolin Atwood John Ares .Saninuiell Addanis B. Oliner Borry Tlioniiis Bones .lolin Burridge Tlininus Baker Jonathan Bill .Saniinuell Burnell Rohert Bremsdon Edward Budd Widdovv Berry Tlioiuas Berry William Blackwell rlosias Baker I'liillip Basse Tiionias Bill Lawrence Briscow Daniell Ballerd George Beard Edward Brecknell C. William Colman Percy Clarke John Carter Jonas Clarke Erecte Clesbey William Clongh D. William Downes William Day William Danis, Blockmaker Zachariali Dauis Richard Dill E. Thomas Eldredge Jos.cph Eldredge Robert Edmunds William Euerdon Appendix. 85 John Ersey \ViJd(jw English lately niarryed to Cap. F. John Farnum Jiin. Dauiil Farniim Jonathan Farnuni Gabriell Fitchlocke G. Thomas Gutridge Sen J()sei>li Graiint Obediah Gill Kobert Ganiniin Widdow Greenwood Sanminell Greenwood Jun"" widdow Ganrd James Goodwin of Noddles Isl- and William Greenough Nicolas George Issaack Grefi'en Widdow Groues William Gill Sammuell Greewood Sen"" Tlio Goodale H. William Huff Thomas Hunt John HuUand Ciiarles Hopkins George Hiscott Francis Hudson William Hobbey Erecte Hamlin George Hooper William Hunt Edmund Hemfeild John Holbrooke William Harris John Hiscott John Hobbey Sammuell Huckford Hezekiah Hinksman Nathaniell Hinksman James Haukins John Haydon, saylmaker J. John Jacobs John Jerues sen"" Thomas Johnson William Ireland John Jerues jun'' K, Widdow Kelland Widdow Kembale John Keene Hennery Kimbale L. John Leach Robert Lash M'' Lauson in Joseph Nashcs house John Lane Mr. Humphrey Liscomb M. Robert Moore John Mattoone John Mershall, Butcher Hennery More John Maior John Merrifeild, smith N. Sammuell NowcU, Esq"" George Nowell John Nash O. John Orris John Okkey P. Elias Parkman John Parmenter Edward Pago William Parkman Joseph Pennywell John PuUcn John Pitts Thomas Palmer R. John Richards esquir John Ransford Obediah Read George Robison Sammuell Rucke senT Edvrard Ransford John Roberts Sammuell Rucke jun^ William Roi)b Dauid Robbison S. Capt. Ephrem Savage Robert Smith John Scarlett Sammuell Saxton Arthur Smith Richard Sliutc Michaell Shute Widdow Margett Smith John Smith Butcher Roberts Seers Mr. Shortt at widdow Hunts Josias Stone James Smitii, Marriner John Stcuens Wdliani Starling (or Starting) Richard Starling Elexander Seers T. Tymothy Tliorneton Richard Tout Nicholas Tribbey Joseph TayK Tho. Thurton Jeremiah Townscnd V. Jno. Viall W. Samson Watt" Joseph Williams Benj. W^illianis 8(; City Document No. 92. Jno. Wliitc, Jo^'n'' Linvraiu'c \Vliite Betvj. Wardk' .Ino. W'ilkins Sam' Wakt'feild Jno. Welch Francis Wliitenian 'J'lioiuas Willy (or Willis) Benj. Worthy lake John Joyliffe Elislia Cooke Elisha Hutchinson Tymothy Proiit, Sen^ Henry AUine John Fayerweather Th. Frary Edw. Wyllys Daniel Turell No 2 Towne Rate made the 6"> of June 1687 A. Nathaniell Addanis Daiiid Addanis Jonatlian Addams Abraluun Addanis Joseph Arnold Widdow Anderson Thomas Ashley B. Saninmoll Burrell Benianiin Breine John Barnerd Thomas Bearnerd Elathar Blaeke William Burrows Nathaniell Baker John Bushnell Joiin Bayley Sammuell Bayley, Saylmaker Beniamine Jilackledge William Bedlam William Barrett John Barber Tayler James Berry Widdow Baxter C. John Clesbey John Commer Widdow Cundey Kohert Cumbey Doeter John Clarke Elias Callender Dauid Copp Edward Collins Jose])!! Calley Jonatlian Charles Sammuell Clianler, Joyner Thomas Cushing Geori^e Callend'' D. Andrew DoUierry William Dennis Charles Demerrit Saniimiell Dolison Diidli y Dexter Widdow Dowden E. Hennery Ernes James English John Endicott Dauid Edwards Jacob Euerett Thomas Elliott Dauid Eddows, smith F. Thomas Fox John Foster William Fuller John Figg Kobert Feathergill G, Josiah Grise Sam" Grise Edward Goodwin John Goff John Gey John Green Thomas Gold Joseph Gallop Beniamin Gallop Abraham Gording Jerrimiah Gibson John Granton James Grant William Getferys John Gardner H. Cap' Elisha Hutchison Cap' Anthoney Howard James Halsey Robert Howard George Henley James Howard Docf William Hnse Jacob Hewiu George Hallett John Hunt, inarriner «J. Joseph Jackson Mathew Joanes Widdow Joules K. Thomas Kembale Widdow Keene William Kent Richard Knight, Caruer Thomas Kellon John Ketch li. John Langdon, Butcher Robert Leiwes Appendix. 87 M. Thomas Moore John iMoore Edward Mortiraore M"" Kifluird Meddlecott Edward Mumford Widdow Martin Andrew Marriner Samuuudl Mansi'eild Kobert Mare Mr Morton, Brewer William Mumford N. William Norton John Nicols Jolin Norton Dauid Norton Thomas Newman O. Widdow Olliuer John Olliuer, Carpenf P. Jolin Playsted Tymothy Prout Sen" Joseph Prout Widdow Puglis Moses Pearce Tymothy Pratt Jolm Price Sammuell Phillips Sammueil Pecocke Edward Peggy John Pearse John Pitcher R, Joshuah Rawlins Calleb Rawlens William Rouse William Robbey Thomas Row, saylmaker Hennery Rawlins Joseph Russell S. John Search Jabes Salter John Scate Joseph Shaw William SnoU John Stanliridge Edward Summers Ricliard Skinner Nicolas Salsberry Erasmus Stephens T. Daniel Turrell SeriT Widdow Tommas Daniel Turrell Jun^ John Trow Richard Trauers Samnmell Turrell William Towers for himselfe & the house William Trout James Tiiornberry Richard Trauers Jun' Daniell Trauers Sen'' Daniell Trauers Jun"" W. Widdow Williams Widdow Warren Widdow Winslow M"" Addam Winthrope Richard Weay John Wakfeild Obediah Wakfeild Andrew Willott Thomas Warren Widdow Whetter Gabrill Warner Hennery Williams M"" Wackliam John Worden, Currier John Weeden Nicolas Winnopp Richard Whitredge Tymothy Wandworth [*] " No 5. Town Rates made June 6tli, 1687." A. Bozono Allen Tho. Atkinson, Glaiser Josepli Allen Mathew Atkins Joshua Atwater Will. Ardal B. Tho. Bulklcy Manassa Beck Tho. Beddle Ben. Bullifent Sam" Button Fra. Burrows Tho. Batso John Baker Will. Bryant Edmond Browne James Barnes Nath. Byfield W"' Browne, Merch' Sarah Barret C. Rich. Crisp Tho. Clarke Will. Crow Christop"" Crow Tho. Cartor D. John Dosset John Dosset Jun'' ' The signatures of the Commissionera are given here in the original. 88 City Document No. 1)2. J i-epli Dnuis .Idliii Dauis Gi'ori^ Dauson (or Danson) IMoses Deshon E. fiL'orij Ek'ston F. Gibson Farr John Field, slioomaker O. William Gibbons ll.ibacock Glouer E'ii)ch Groneleafe Will. Glanuel li:)b' Giitterage J.iiiic's Grene John Ganlnor Nath. Grene H. Will Hall John Ilayward E'.iakeni Hutchinson Widow Hawkins Anne Hunt Bon Harris Hanian, Atturny Sam" Hubbert J. RodfTcr Jud Tlio. Jackson Daved Jefferies Abel Jeiferies K. John Kilby Sen' John Kilbv Junf Cliristop'' Kilby Hod^er Kilcop Will. Keen L. Ezi'kcl Leuet S im" Lynde Tho. Leachfield Will Lackey John I>owel Will. Lamb M. Tliaddeas Macarty James Meers Hen. Mountfort Eliazer Moody Giles Mastor N. Georg Xickelson O. Tho. Oakcs P. Humph. Parson Will. Porter Ral])h Perkins, Iron Monger W^idow Powning & her son Dan Sam" Plu^er Joseph Phillips Ebenezer Peirse K. John Ivowliston Dan Royse Humph. Richards, Jornyman Joseph Rodgers S. Sam" Shrimpton Esq'' Mary Swett Tho. Smith Tho. Skinor Ephram Saile Joseph Smith Francis Smith T. John Twhing Georg Tomson Margret Thatcher Isaiah Tay (or Toy) Rebecka Taylor W. Will Wniite Daued Walcsby Joseph Webb John Wnig Edward Willy Michalc Willis [John Joyliffe Elisha Cooke Elisha Huthinson Tymothy Prout Sen'' Henry Alliiie John Fayerweather T Frary Edw. Wvllys Daniel Turell]* " No G. Town Rate made June v*" Gtli 1G87, A. Jn" Allen Weau^ P>enjamin Alford Widdow Avere Jn" .Vddams Jn" Ayers Naac Addington Daniel Allen B. James Booth, Taylor Will Bari)^ Lodg^ Abraham Browne Jeremiah Bumsted .Joseph Browninge Richard Buckley Joseph Belknap * Thcac iire tbc Commissiouers, and tlioy bignod all of the sheets. Appendix. 89 Tho. Bak'' Ju"" Tho. Brytman Potf Barkf Tayl-- at Mr. Pages Jn Byer, waif M° Bossing'' Rob' Butch'- Petf Bull'' Jonathan Brigham Sam" Bill Joseph Brigham John Briggs, Boatman W'° Burt, Butcher C. Elisha Cooke Esq"" Tho. Crees, Apothecary Richard Christopher Jno Cuny Jun'' Flurance Contee, Butch^ Andrew Cuningehain, Glassier Tyniotliy Clarke Jn" Clough Jun'' Sam' Clough, Joyn"- Jn" Cooke, Merch' Josiah Cobham sen'' James Cornish, Shoemaker Dunkin Cambell D. Humphery Dave Esq'' J no IJaue Syraond Daniel Henery Deareinge James Dennis Sen'' James Dennis Jun"" Jeremiah Dum'' Nathaniel Dewe Cap' Benjamin Davis Mary Dudley widdowe Anibros Dew Dew soon to Ambrose Dew E. Robert Earle Jno Earle Tho. Edwards, Joyn' w'^ Smith F. Jeremiah Fitch Nathaniel Fo.x John Fayerweather G. Will™ Gilbart Enoch Greenliffe sen^ W"^ Galloway Dauid Gwine W" Gerrish H. Robart Hussey, wosted com'' Wil'n Haberfeild Jn" Higs Robart Hawkins, wosted com'' Joseph Hauen, Lodg'"at bumsteds James Hill I. John Joyliffe, Esq"" Sam' Johnsone Dauid Johnsone, watchmak'' Robart Johnsone, Lodg'' at waites K. Tho. Kirke, Shoomak'' ? Jn" Kitie, weau'' at Aueres Mathew KeatTayl"" works at barb''* Nicholas Kinge Jj. Simond Lynde Madam Sarah Leverett Jn° Linsey, single man Taylo'' Sam' Legg Hudson Leuerit Tho. Larkin Sam' Landmand, weau''at A veryes Maj": Lidgett M. Francis Mosse Artlier Masson Widdow Messeng^ Ehonezer Messeng"! Sinii:>ii Messeng^ Gorge Muneke Petf; M:irkes poore Butch^ Tho. Mallett AViddow Man for the house she lives in Tho. Marshall [James Meares removed J James Ma.xwell N. Robert Noakes Benjaniin Negus Jun'! Barb' Jabez Negus P. Cap' Nich" Paige Josepth Peck, Coop. Abraham Pearce, labourer James Pemerton Benjaniin Pemerton Tho. Palme': at Mr Davies Sam' Paine at M'^ Franckes W" I'aine, blk. smith Sam' Proct"; Lodg'' at Jn" Waites Tho. Pecke sem Sam' Phillips, Butch^ Sam' Phillips, Book selK Mathew Preist at George Monks George Pordidge Sammuel Parris R, Richard Reed, Cooke Gamaliel Rodg^^ S. Richard Spry, Tayl' at Cap' Savages Widdow Stod'-d Jn" Simones, labourer Ed. Stephens, Taylo": Charles Scute, weau^ atAueryes W" Smith, JoynT Simion Stod'''^ Edward Shippe Iproflf'ese Shrimptone Tho. Smith Widdowe Smith 90 City Document No. 92. T. Barnard Trott Henery Tite Pettf Townsand Pen Townsand Jn" Tuckerinan senr Sam' Tylt'c, Jahourer Andrew Tliorntone, wander Henery Ticknf, cook at Muncks Tho. Thortone, shoomakf jour- ny man Josepli Thaxter W. M-: White at Trotts Jame« Woodmancey Jn« Win, weaur at Aueryes Jn« Waite Mrs. Winslowe Judith Warner Werendunke Robert Williams Appendix. 91 Tax List and Schedules. — 1G87. The original of these lists is in the files of the Secretai-y of State's office, book 12G, pp. 280-306. As will be seen the schedules of property and of the heads of families are very full. Sheet No. 1. ]\o. 1. Fraucis Hudson . . . Thom.ag Atckins . . . George Hiscott . . . John Hiscott .... Beiamin Williams . . Jolin Pollen Sammuell Ruck, Sen' Mr. Thomas Berrey . Hezechiah Hinksman Nathaniell Hinksman William Dey .... Thomas Gutridge . . Sammuell Rucke, Jun' Mr. John Peuuyweli . Michaell Shutt . . . John White John Welch William Greenough . Edward Budd .... John Mattune .... Nathaniell Parkman . Laurence White . . . Beniamin Worthyleg Robert Moore .... Robert Lash Francis Whitman . . Beniamin Wardle . . John Carter John Wilkins .... *5; J~ S=ia £ s. d. 4 6 5 7 5 10 2 2 2 1 3 2 8 2 3 9 2 • 1 8 1 11 1 11 1 8 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 92 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 1. — Contimied. John Hansford Edward CoUens Mr Sammut'll No well . . Percey Olarke Thomas Eldredge, Jun' . Sainmuell Wakcffild . . MrlloblA'y George Hoojier William Clough Robert Seers Jiunes iSraith, Marriner . John Orris Edward llausford .... Nicolas George Robert Gammiu William Harris Jonas Clarke Thomas Row, saylemaker John Atwood Joseph Williams .... George Robison Thomas Thurton .... John Smith William Hunt WilUam Euerdon .... Baniell Ballerd William Colman John Jacobs Allesander Seers .... John Oakej' Thomas Baker John Jeruis, Jun'r . . . . John Steucns Samson Waters Robert Smith Mr. Humphry Liscombe . Mr. Thomas Liscooibe . . £ «. Appendix. Sheet No. 1. — Continued. 93 John Viall Obediah Gill William Dauis Maior John Richards . . Jonathan Howard . . . . Jonathan Bill Sammuell Burnell . . . . Mr. Uobert Bremsdon . . John Burredge Thomas Johnson . . . . William Dowues . . . . Mr. Joseph Short . . . . Edward Ilemfeild . . . . George Nowell John Roberts Jobe Chamberlin . . . . Sammuell Greenwood, Jr, Joseph Graunt William Huff Edward Brecknell . . . . John Pits Henery Kinibale . . . . John Maior John Mershale William Burrows . . . . John Scarlett Joseph Tayller Gabriel! Fis-hlocke . . . . Sammuell Saxston . . . . Richard Shut William Parkemau . . . Zachariah Dauis Elias Parkeman John Jeruis Sen'r . . . . £ s. 4 . 6 . 1 11 12 a 1 8 2 6 1 11 10 8 1 10 1 10 2 11 3 4 2 1 11 1 11 1 10 5 4 . 2 11 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 S 2 4 2 4 3 9 2 11 1 10 4 . 6 8 2 , 1 8 1 11 94 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 1. — Continued. William Shute Aurthcr Smith Xbumas Hunt Tymothy Thorneton liiecto Clesbey Dauid Robyeou John I'arment"' John Ilulland George Beard John Nash John Holbrooke . John Leach Sammuell Bayley, sayleraaker Joseph Eldredge Sammuell Greenwood, Sou' . Andrew Elliott Thomas Edmunds Charles Hopkins James Goodwin John Ammy Nicolas Stone Widdow Kellond Jonathan Jackson Widdow Hall Widdow Hunt Widdow Greenewood .... Widdow Gaurd Christopher Hulland Robe Widdow Haneford Widdow Cotter Widdow Blackwell ..... Mr. Increas Mather ..... Widdow Margett Smith . . . William Cundey ijammuell Hudson John Orroes c a 4 10 20 3 4 15 4 4 6 4 2 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 4 4 40 2 3 3 10 3 3 Appendix. Sheet No. \,— Concluded. 9-) ISO. 1. 13 cs Mb 1- « 1 £ 8. d. Widdow Bell 1 1 ■ 6 2 2 18 * 8 6 1 10 1 10 . 2 2 8 14 00 12 2 5 66 345 6* 2 36J 20 16 David Fauckner Experience Orris 1 1 4 2 • 2 . 1 10 Richard Tewell 2 66 92 1 6 345 445 2 6 7 13 2 8 10 365 568 3 10 20 16 06 21 00 04 1 10 Sheet No. 2. Daujd Edwards . ,l.)hn Goy .... Joseph (jallopp . I'.eniiimin Oallopp William Dennis . Richard Whitredgo ilohn Hunt . . . Beniarain Breeme Richard Knight . William Trout . Richard Trauors Sammuell Jackson Richard Trauors, Jun'r Duniell Turrell, Sen'r . 2 ■J' « 15 5 5 2 2 2 3 5 2 2 3 2 2 14 £ X. 96 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 2.^Conti7iued. Jonatban Addanis Dauid Addams . Nathnnii'll Addams Abraluun Addams David Eddows . Widdow Dowdca Sjammuell BiutcU Saramuell I'ecocke Kignall Grcijaoii Johu WakctVild . Obediah WaUefoild John Nicols . . . John Bushuell . Francis Ellis . . Mr. Moddlpoott . Andrew Marriucr George Hallett . John Wordeu . . Joseph Arnold . Johu LauLrdou, bat William Jetlery . John Green . . . Edwaj-d Summers John Search . . . Widdow Cundoy Sammuell Phillips SanimucU Turrell John Figi; (or Iligs Widdow CoUieott Mr. Morton Braer Johu Pearce . . . William SncU . . Ellias Kallender . John Eudicott . . Edward Wecden Johu Underwood Widdow JouleK . 1 = 1 Appendix. Sheet No. 2. — Continued. Mr. Addam Winthropp Tliomas Fox Kobcrt Fethergill . . . John Goff Mrs Winsley John Strid William Mumford . . . l)auid Copp Itauii'll Ti-auers .... Thomas Elliott .... (Jbediah Reade .... Edward Peggy .... Richard Skinner .... Gilbert Cardey .... James English James Graunt . . . .' George Loucrine . . . Jno; Faruum William Johnson . . . William Norton .... Dauid Norton Mr. Laueon, ehipm' . . Andrew Dolberry . . . Andrew Willett .... Charles Demerritt . . . Nicolas Winnopp . . . Hetmery Rawlins . . . Erecte Hamlin .... John Keene Thomas Kellon .... Thomas Beues .... Jabes Salter William Kent Thomas Warren .... 7 1 < a i o o 2 15 4 3 20 4 5 3 4 5 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 8 6 6 3 2 4 10 2 10 15 10 4 1 1 V) 3 10 3 ■: 5 S 1 11 2 4 • C 1 1 10 1 10 3 6 2 5 1 10 3 8 1 10 2 2 1 8 2 6 3 S 1 11 1 8 1 8 4 7 1 10 98 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 2. — Continued. Samrauell Dobson .... Jonathan Charles .... James Halsey Kobert Lewes John Clesbey James Howard John Commer Danniell Turrell, Jun'r . William Bedlow .... Capt. Anthoney Howard . Nathauiell Baker . . . . Edward Mortimore . . . Mr. John Foster . . . .,. C'alleb Rawlins Edward Goodwin . . . . Beniamin Rawlins .... Mr. Kerke John Ketch John Playated John Moore Thomas Kembale . . . . Samrauell Addams . . . John Bayley John Scate ....... John Barber W illiam Barrett Thomas Moore Edward Worrell . . . . Andrew Stillings . . . . Mathew Atkins Edmund Mumford . . . . Mosses Pcarce John Stanbridge Joseph Russell Henory Emes Ocors^e Henly Tvinolhy Wadsworlh . . sa 4 6 4 4 6 2 4 30 10 4 20 4 2 3 14 2 6 4 4 2 4 4 2 3 4 10 6 3 6 10 10 10 £ 8. d. Appendix. Sheet No, 2. — Continued. 99 Th(;ma8 Gushing . . . Jolni Bearntrd . . . . TIk mas Bearueard . . Danifll Trauers, Jun'r , Itobcrt Howard . . . . Till, mas Newman . . . William House . . . , Joseph Jackson . . . . William Robcy . . . . James Thorneberry . . Mathew Joanes . . . . Abraham Gording . . . John Granton John Trow Thomas Gold Tymothy Prout . . . . Joseph Prout Robert Cumbey . . . . Richard Wey Docter William Huse . Docter John Clark . . Capt. Elisba Hutchinson . . . Widdow Warren busanah Oliver Jno. Sneling Wido Carwithen alias Rolph . *Sammuell Jackson Daved Farnum Widdow Keene Widdow Saxton George Callender Mary Clarke Widdow Williams John Williams, butcher . . . John Bowden I 3 = 3 3 20 5 8 4 10 4 15 6 4 2 10 5 10 8 10 30 £ 8. d. 1 8 3 7 3 7 1 8 9 5 2 1 3 5 2 • 4 2 2 • 4 7 2 2 1 8 2 • 1 10 4 5 2 11 4 2 4 . 4 2 5 10 8 7 5 10 2 1 1 8 100 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 2. — Continued. Oliucr Berry Widdow Tomas Widdow Anderson . . . Widdow Baxter Deborah I'rout AUexander Vlitnly . . . . Widdow AVebb Saminuell Norden . . . . Sammuell Flack Jacobb Hueo Hennery Williams . . . . Tymothy Pratt Kliathar Blacke Widdow I'uglis Thomas Walter Widdow Martine . . . . Gabriell Warner .... Thomas Narrowmoor . . John Creassey Tho. Ashley John Blake Joseph Shaw John Starr Grigory Wackeom . . . James Dowell William Shipriu Richard Weeden .... Nicolas White Mr. John Jefferd .... John Palmer James Greene Robert Mare Sammuell Mansfeil . . . Richard RicratTt Litherwood at the pellican John Bolt Jdliii Champlin 3 = c ^ Appendix. Sheet No. 2. — Concluded. 101 No, a. M < Housin Mills. 1 3 a o •g £ s. d. John WatBon 1 1 1 1 4 8 10 10 • . 1 8 4 11 10 15 9 4 9 4 9 Josbuah Rawlins 26 05 3 2 4 26 07 07 2 6 Sumufl Grice 2 6 John Lawson 217 1 26 11 7 26 13 7 Sheet No. 3. John Barbur . . . . William BoukU'rson . George Brings . . . , Richard Brookes . . William l?allentine . John Gepson . . . , James Rainsthrop . . John Courser . . . . James Adams . . . . Edward Adams . . . Wlddow Everell . . . Joseph Pearse . . . . Samuel Walker . . . ■a a o ■6 SB i « a Hi t 2 16 1 5 4 5 2 4 1 4 • 5 6 12 . 20 10 1 30 £ s. d. 1 10 3 10 2 . 4 3 1 8 2 3 2 2 1 1 8 1 8 . 6 4 4 5 3 102 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 3. — Continued. JVo. 3. Widow Manning . . . IIu!,'li MuUagiu .... Thotniis Hitcbborn . . George Hollard, Jun'r . George' Thomas .... John Sharp EJinond Draper . . . . , Widow Ehs" Thompson , Nathauacl Williams . , , Isaac Walker Thomas Staubury . . . . Susanna Walker, widow . Jonathan Champion . . . John Alden Busanna Leudall, widow Thomas Gross John Dyer Samuel Checkley . . . . John Davis . Joshua Winsor . . . . . Isaac Lorin Jacob Randall Widow Winsor . . . . . John Cotta Joseph Hiller Thomas Savage John Nelson Thomas Pembartou . . . Hannah Prowse, widow . John Carthew John Clarke William Palfrey Edward Lillie 1/mcelot Lake Richard Cheever .... David Harris Gyles Dyer 20 20 40 25 15 15 40 15 15 40 10 15 15 30 40 15 20 20 £ s. d. 30 I 40 Appendix. 103 Sheet No. 3. — Continued. No. 3. Mary Milam, widow . . Francis Marshall . . . John Ballentiue .... William Long Elias Heath John Yorke John Coomes John Alcock Job Prince Christopher Talbut . . Nathanael Jewell . . . Thomas Paddy .... Ebenezar Price .... John Walley, Jun'r . . John Somes Kobert Perrin Mary Lake, widow . . Thomas Child Ralph Carter Robert Johnson .... Samuel Nanney .... Samuel Mattocks, Sen'r Samuel Mattocks, Jun'r Thomas Bishop .... Ann Checkley, widow . Capt. William Wright . John Coney, Sen'r . . . Matthew Gross .... Widow Turell Joseph Townsend . . . Widow Rock Benjamin Backaway . . Edw. Page, Sen' . . . Mr. Cotton Mather . . Isaac Jones Joseph Callow .... Thomas Cooke .... n o o < ^ 1=1 i o . C 6 1 2 1 . 1 30 6 455 1 30 1 20 . . 1 20 1 4 I 3 1 6 20 1 6 5 1 6 10 1 5 5 1 1 5 5 4 20 1 20 1 6 6 2 4 5 2 8 8 6 5 2 2 8 5 30 10 2 20 10 2 10 10 1 2 4 2 15 4 30 1 2 4 5 1 10 . 1 5 5 1 2 . 1 5 £ 8. 3 4 3 4 2 1 11 3 10 2 7 4 10 2 2 2 1 1 10 1 10 1 e 5 10 5 1 10 4 7 1 4 2 3 4 2 6 2 6 1 10 2 1 104 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 3. — Continued. Timothy Dwight 1'1'illip Laugdou . John Ricks . . . Widow Newcombe Richard Narramore Henry Godfrey . , Lot Gourding . . . Widow Whitwell . William Smith . . Emra Gepson, widow William Bassctt . . Thomas Barrington Samuel Johnson . . John Smith .... Pilgrim Sympkins . John Huulock . . . Thomas Hathorly . Thomas Pennant . Jacob Everitt . . . Richard Talley . . John Tyler Oliver Tomlyn . . . . John Symous David Bassctt Henry Dawson . . . . Henry Bennett . . . . Edward Evered . . . . John Ferniside . . . . Richard Ellis Abraham Letherbridge Jacob Ferniside . . . . Thomas Inglesby . . . 'I'hoinas Gutteridgc . . William Jones S.i.iiUel Ruggles . . . . 4 1 1 . 3 7 4 2 8 2 1 2 5 1 . 1 11 1 10 2 4 1 11 1 8 2 6 1 11 2 5 1 i 2 3 Appendix. Sheet No. 3. — Concluded. lOf) IVo. ». •a s o IJ i o i o £ ». d. John Veren, Sen'r . » 6 2 2 John Verc'U, Jun'r . . • 1 8 John Webber . . . 1 8 John Walley, Seu'r 6 20 3 10 Kichani I'rcist . , . 2 . 1 10 Joseph Wing . . . 3 1 11 John Loveriug . . 4 4 2 4 Henry Mattocks . . 2 1 10 Richard itussivant 1 8 Coustantiue Sandys 1 8 Widow Dickcrson . 4 4 John llolbrookc . . 2 . 1 10 Thomas Vercn . . 2 1 10 William Thwyng . 3 1 11 John Qwyn .... 2 • 1 10 2 19 01 9 02 11 6 19 9 1 9 OS 01 John Ballentine 1 . . 10 2 6 John Farnum, Tertius 2 . 3 4 John Aulgar 2 5 ■ 3 9 1 9 11 4 1 9 07 07 106 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 4. IVo. 4. Sam uell Clarke 'J'hcinias Barnes Edward Cruk & 3 men . . Edwai-d Watkins . . . . Willi. C(;uch Jobnathcan Sauige . . . Joseph Sopor Jaruis Ballard Joseph Bradinge . . . . Thomas Cutler, mere' . . James Burges Capt. Blackwell & 1 man Robert Purdue James Websteir Sammuel Howard . . . . John Marshall John Tuckerman, Ju'r . . William Manley Arthor Hale John Fairefold ...... Bengemen Throdnedell . Bartholme Throdnedlo . . James Hawkens & man . Ambrose Dawes Jobe Ingram .Tuhaathan Dawes . . . . Danniell Fairefeld . . . . Elliczur Fairaden . . . . Thomas Cfioper & man ChrisUipher Flage .... William Paine Stephen Minor & man . . Dauid Stephens Roger Dubbledaye .... Micael Homer Beniamen Emmones Scn'r James burton & man . . . 2 2 2 4 8 4 4 2 3 30 20 £ s. d. 1 10 1 10 7 9 1 10 1 8 1 10 5 2 1 8 2 6 1 11 6 3 1 8 2 3 1 11 1 8 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 3 3 2 3 1 10 1 10 1 11 9 2 1 8 4 5 1 8 3 . Appendix. Sheet No. 4. — Continued. lo; John Rugglcs & man Thomjis Stc'dinan Jobn Dauis itLniainen Walker Richard luglish John Foy Jonas Clay WilUam Billings Hugh Barton Abraham Smith John Saffin John Tukor Gorg Person Sammuell Ravenscraft & man . Jeremiah Toye Jeames Fowele Richard Lackey Nathaniel Leagit Isack Cusins Francis Foxcraft & man .... Richard Rodgei-s Peter Clarke Anthonie Chekley Andrew Veach Richard Barrit John Bonner William Joyce Peter Assalli Thomas Harwod John Robbinson James Tayler & man Samuoll Jacklin & man .... Samuell Sparks John Borland <^ £ X. (?. 5 . 1 10 1 10 5 5 1 8 5 3 1 U 1 8 1 8 S 2 4 7 1 10 3 9 5 8 2 6 2 6 1 8 1 8 2 . 11 01 2 . 2 11 7 4 1 11 1 8 3 9 1 10 18 8 3 9 2 4 2 . 11 II 1 8 ■I 2 108 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 4. — Continued. No. 4. o H tJ3 a 3 O S 1 o o 4" s. d. 1 3 5 6 3 4 8 18 10 6 2 10 6 10 2 3 5 2 12 5 8 4 10 4 4 5 4 2 6 10 10 10 30 6 10 10 10 10 5 5 20 30 20 10 2 11 William Gibson & 2 mtm Grimeston Bowd & man 5 6 3 7 1 8 •7 Bartliolme Chevers & 2 men .... Samuell Lilli & mau 1 1 6 9 7 7 3 . 2 11 1 10 1 8 1 10 Christopher Clark Thomas Scot , . . . 3 4 1 8 o 3 4 2 6 2 3 John Strang 2 4 2 1 1 10 1 10 4 . 2 1 John Woodie & man 4 . 2 5 . 9 1 8 Monggoe Craford Joshuwaye Cobham 3 9 1 10 James Marshal 1 8 1 10 2 2 Thomas Hambliu 1 3 9 Appendix. 109 Sheet No. 4. — Continued. Richard Shering . . . Elhanon Lion .... r Thomas Baker . . . William Turnor . . . John Jones William Griges & man George Cable & man Edward Allin .... Jamee Prier Obadiah Emmones . Nickolas Hale . . . . , Thomas Madson, Se'' Thomas Madson, Ju'' . Samuell Cahone . . . , Robbert Patin John Vickcors . . . . Joseph Vickcors . . . William Browne . . . John Birge & 2 men . , Henery Ingrum & man Thomas Hunt & man , WiddowEdsell . . . . Moses Bradford . . . . John Hill Nicholas Shapleigh . . Thomas Harris . . . , James Worth Sarah Barrett, als. . . . Mary Thacher Widow Harrison . . . Anthony Stoddard . . William Dawes 11 1 3 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 5 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 19 14 1 14 1 110 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 4. — Concluded. TSo. 4. Thomas Ratlif J aims Cooper TIkj. W'atkius at farindius iSUvcu Brat at [ ] • . . . George Ilambleton . . . Dauid Stephens Daniel Harrise ..... John Mulligan William Laing James Came & shopp . . John Edcs & house . . . Cornellius Collins .... Arnold Collins William Griflin Bengemen Peck ..... Samrauel Jones Willi Willson John Holl.-iud Patrick Moysler Samm' Marshall, & sonn Willi Crichfeld Richard Warner <^ IXo. 5. Appendix. Sheet No. 5. Ill Pan: Royse Joshua Atwater . . . Samll Proctor .... James Meers .... Will. Bry.aut .... Ben. Mountfort . . . James Green .... Edmont Browne . . . Returne Walte . . . John Roberts .... Experianc Willis . . Michaiel Willis . . . James Barnes .... Humph'y Perry . . . Will Browne .... Mr. Maine Ephrem Saile .... John Gill John Lowel Snsanah Stokes . . . Eben Pierse Tho. Cartor Tho. Clarke Coll Sam'U Shrimpton Sam'U Hubbert . . . Georg Hornebuckle . Will. Keen Joseph Phillips . . . Sam'U Plumer .... Isaiah Toy Christop' Crow . . . Gibson Farr Joseph Rodgers . . . Tho Skinor Eliezer Moody . . . . Tho Jackson .... Tho Parris .3 ^ ,v "• ^ s^ 10 10 10 20 10 10 8 10 4 4 4 4 30 II £ s. d. 2 11 2 6 112 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 5. — Continued. Daved Jefferies .... Michel Perry Giles Master Will. Lackey George Farwell .... Thu. Gutterage .... Ben. Harris Mary Lechtiekl .... John Paintor Enock Greenleafe . . . Abigail DuQson .... Edward Hutchinson . . Rodger Kiilcop .... Sam '11 Lynde Margrel Tliatcher , . . Moses Deshan Will Crow Will Ardall Dan Powning ..... Joseph Smith Francis Smith John Baker Madam Rebecka Taylor James Loyde Mr Brookhonen .... The Brenly Will Brenly Will Lamb Nath Green Jno Gardnor Hump Richards .... Sam'UTyly Bozone Allen Rob't Prise John Thwing Joseph Peck <-i •r oiO V 4 4 603 S2 8 4 1 8 2 1 2 1 3 8 3 2 3 . 8 1 8 5 . 1 8 1 8 4 2 6 10 3 4 3 6 2 1 2 6 1 8 6 11 4 4 8 6 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 6 10 3 2 1 10 1 10 Appendix. Sheet No. 5. — Continued. 113 Rich Crispe Will Wliite Tho Bulkly Miinassa Beck .... Tho Beedle J no Dossett Sen'r . . .Tiio Dossett .Jun'r . . Ezi'kel Levet .... David Wailesby . . . Johu West Esq . . . Peter Haj-raou . . . John Bonaray .... Tho Oakes Ben Bulifant Esqr . . Tho Atkinson .... Richard Procktor . . John Rowlcstoae . . Georg Nickason . . . Jacob Holloway . . . Sara' 11 Button .... Humpr Parson . . . Joseph Allen .... Will Hall Mary Swett Nicholas Backster . . Jos Thaxter Will Gibbons .... •Joseph Dauls .... Georg Dauson .... John Hay ward . . . Mrs Belengham . . . Francis Burroughs . Tho Bludsto Thaddeus Macarty . John Kilby Johu Kilby .Jun'r . . Eiiuk Hutchinson Esq 2 " rt £ «. d. 3 5 6 9 4 7 2 3 2 3 6 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 4 1 8 1 8 3 6 8 . 2 4 1 10 2 1 3 . 1 8 2 1 1 8 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 7 2 10 4 1 13 114 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 5. — Concluded. Georg Eliston . . Jusuph Webb . . Dority Hawkins . Habakuck Olouor Ralph Perkiuni . . Tho Smith . . . Jotham Grovcr . Anne Hunt . . . John Wing . . . Georg Tomson . Hen Sprie .... Mary Tyug . . . John Tuttle . . . a ^•3 o o O 2 8 6 6 6 6 12 6 10 30 4 6 20 20 10 10 50 10 6 20 51 85 399 603 11 8 5 507 823 136 1,002 1 8 1 3 1,330 S £ 8. d. 4 . 2 1 2 2 3 . 3 . 6 10 8 3 9 13 7 4 Sheet No. 6. Not numbered, evidently No. O. Robert Williams . Richard Reade . . J.-bu niggs .... W" Habertield . . James Woodmansey Tliomas Kirke . . . Francis Moss . . . Thomas Edwards . John Allen .... James Coruisli . . Timothy ( 'uuniugham Cap"' Betijamin Davis 1 homas CrL-ese . . . o It <1J 2 ^2 « W2^ o % o O 3 5 8 8 10 4 4 4 2 e 25 1 1 1 1 20 40 5 £ g. d. 4 7 2 . 2 . 2 . 1 10 2 2 1 8 7 5 1 8 Ap<»bndix. Sheet No. 6. — Continued. 115 IVot numbered, evidently No. O. Cap'" Nathll Byfteld . Edward Bertlos (?) . AVilliam Gilbert . . . Widdowe Smith . . . Ilcnry Dcering . . . Widdow Geerisb . . Hit-hard Wilkins . . . David Jolmsou . . . Widdow Egerton . . Juhu Linsey Hudson Leverett . . Joseph Brunning . . John Eyre Massy y keeper James Pemberton . . Benjamin Pemberton James Denais Scn'r . James Dennis Jun'r . Dennis Mathews . . Simeon Messenger . . Sam" Legg Jeremiah Bumstead . Benjamin Negus Jun'r . Widdowe Messinger , Abraham Pierce . . . . Kichard Christophers , Mr. Elisha Cooke . . , Mad.am Leverett . . . . Ezekial Cheevcr . . . . Henry Thyte(?) . . . . Arther Mason David Mason Abraham Browne . . . Gamaliel Rogers . . . . John Briggs Henry Sharp Bernard Trott o O IB C. s. d. . 10 20 2 6 10 1 20 2 9 4 2 25 1 1 60 9 6 5 2 1 19 10 3 8 20 1 3 7 20 1 1 40 7 4 20 1 20 5 3 10 2 6 10 60 7 1 6 8 4 2 15 1 4 10 6 . 5 6 18 20 4 1 10 8 2 1 10 2 1 10 30 1 100 12 9 18 1 60 9 3 . 1 8 2 1 10 3 10 10 6 8 6 1 6 1 3 2 6 1 5 4 10 1 10 1 [torn 8 ] 1 4 16 30 3 10 1 1 8 1 . 1 8 1 1 8 2 20 20 6 8 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 6 6 . 2 2 Appendix. Sheet No. 6. — Continued. 117 Not numbered, evidently A'o. O. Thomas Brightmaii , Henry Brightrnan Florence Charty , John Hurd Sain'll Paine W n> Machelassin Peter Barker Mathc-w Rua Jacob Randal , John Ilannikin Joshua Matstock Coll. Nlcho: Paige Thomas Dudley James Mountecre Thomas Mallett Paige Duke Francis Legare Warner Werendonke Andrew Cunningham Sam'U Phillips Dunkin Cambell W" Paine Isaac Addington Jabez Negus Julm Rawlins Edward Perry John Adams Thomas Thornton Nicbo: King Simeon Stoddard Edward Shippen James Craven Glanvil at Mr. Rhandolphs Jeremiah Duiner John Cole Ebenezar Ruseeli <^ ■3 ^--2 - — % w5^ 30 80 100 20 4 . 1 8 2 11 1 8 1 8 2 . 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 . 12 n 1 8 2 6 2 11 1 8 1 8 1 . 9 3 2 3 5 8 4 10 4 2 3 10 4 1 12 6 19 3 4 1 S 9 10 1 s 1 8 118 City Jjocltment Xo. 02. Sheet No. 6. — Continued. ]Vot uuiuberecl, evidently Johu AVayte Coll. Fruwe Steplieu Wereiidonke . . . Thomas Peck Uogur Gilbert Robert Noakes Wickiowe Man ...... Jolm Marshall ThuiTi.is Marshall Dan'U AUm Widdowe Dudley Epiphras Shriinpton . . . Wm Burl Phillip Kiuuy Saiu'U Johusuu Sam'll Phillips Edward Hill Sam'll Landman Dawd Gwin Mr Sam'll Willard Thomas Smith John Byer Widdowe Winslow, Judith J(/hn Winslowe John Alden Thomas Bozenger Johu Joylifle llob't Butcher Ambros Dew Nath'U Dew Obadiah Dew James Maxwell John Clowe Sarauell Clowe Joseph Bridgham Sam'll Bill Nath'U Foxe Appendix. Sheet No. 6. — Concluded. 119 Kot nambtred, evidently James Hill .... Sam'll Parris . . . Richard George . . Peter Butler .... Charles Lidgett Esq. Mrs. Leues .... Jonath Bridgham . George Vaughan . Harry Benning . . ■a 03 K <>4 O i- O o 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 4 12 20 6 20 4 4 66 3 1 1 1 1 20 20 20 80 30 104 628 66 13 14 957 694 1 1 2 2 4 11 6 2 15 17 1 1 12 I 28 Sheet No. 7. IVo. 7. Tho. Bannister . . Sam 11 Bay ton . . . Theodor Adkinson Timothy Armatage Edward Wyllys . . Widd Whetcomhe . Wm Fisher .... Widd. Frost .... Joseph Grinliflfe . . Joseph Gridlee . . Edw. Euens .... Henry Ellis .... Rob' Eable .... Rich Draper .... W™ Densden . . . ■3 CO W o Houses Mills & Wharfcs. 3 a o o 1 8 10 2 8 1 10 1 1 15 20 1 20 20 1 1 20 20 1 4 6 6 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 5 3 2 1 . 2 . 2 2 1 10 1 8 1 10 120 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 7. — Continued. ]\o. 7. William Howe Joseph Hill . Isack Ilak'm llLiiry Calkott Rich Jackson AV™ James . Joseph Ivnight . John King . . . Henry Lowdor . Oaued Landeu . W" Fuller . . . James Fluode . . John Fosdicke Rich : Harris . . Ambrose Houywell Nath Balston . . Tho Bligh .... John Barrey . . Edw Ashle . . . Rich Cornish . . James Cornish . Caleb Chaiflin . . Tho Clarke . . . Ezek Gardner . . Isack Grigs . . . Beuj : Gillam . . .Joseph Lowell Sen'r Joseph Lowell Jun'r .John Lee . . Rich Lofte . Widd Laugle W™ Needham Robt Omen . Regnall Odor Xath Oliiier . Rob't Orchard Edw Thwinge Appendix. Sheet No. 7. — Continued. 121 JVo. Nath Thear Rich Willy Rob't Wright John Winseome . . . . - Tho: Wibome John Wear John Temple Arther Tanner .... George Turfeere .... W" Slacke Rowland Stoope .... Ralph Striker Jolin Smith Tho: Smith, blacksmith Giles Silvester Ebenezer Messenger . . Dan'll Oliuer Hugh Price Henry Duen Tho Davis John Booker Abraham Blush .... Jonathan Balston Jun'r Peter Bowden John Balstou Jonathan Balstou Seu'r Stephen Butler .... S.tm'U Bridge Charles Bliucoe .... John Deusden Adam Densden .... Joseph Densden ... Edw Drlnkrr Joseph Day ...... Sam'U Green 72 ss;s £ s. d. 1 10 4 5 3 8 3 9 1 10 4 7 3 4 1 11 4 . 2 2 1 10 3 10 2 . 1 10 5 6 3 . 2 1 5 . 10 10 2 . 2 5 6 1 10 1 10 1 8 4 7 2 . 2 2 122 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 7. — Continued. John Greenliffe Tho Gietion .James Glasse \V™ riolloway Scn'r W"> Holloway Juu'r Abraham Ilarrisou Joshua Ilubbprt Tho Messenger Jacob Moliue John Mash, [or Nash] butiher . . . Henry Munford John Mash, [or Nash] curlier . . . [Alexander Buhnan]* Edw Brumfcild Jo Apleton Symon Bredstrect John Bakci- John Cooke Widd Cooke John Ciirbe Gilbert Cole Bauid Crutch Tho Pound Jonathan Pollard Joseph Parsons N.ith Pearcc Dantll Quiuze John Mcllocs Sam'll Marshall Benj. Marshall John Robinson Tbo Reaper Nath Renolds Joshua Rice W™ Robins Tho Sbipcott * Canccllec" t^'V. b:^: £ $. J. HW Appendix. Sheet No. 7. — Continued. 123 TSo. 7. Tho Smith Henry Shearloe . . , Joseph Stocker . . . Tho Stapleford . . . Tho Wheeler Seu'or . Tho Wheeler Jueu'or Widd Wooddy . . . Edw Wanton .... Sami' Wurdon . . . John Pinchin .... Sam'U Pearco .... John Poole Widd: Noise .... W"- Phillips Edmond Perkins . . Tho Peck, Junior . . Edw Tommas . . . Rich Patishall . . . John Peck .... Tho Prince .... James Pecker . . . James Penneman . Barth: Sutton . . . Wm Smith .... George Smith . . . Widd Hough ... Widd Stebbins . . . Peter Sarjent . . . , John Salle John Merriam, Se'or , Isack Merriam . . . Sam'U Merriam . . , Rob't Sanders . . . . Stephen SarJ-mt . . . Henry Stcph ;ns . , . Sauill Simson . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 74 »4^ 2 4 12 4 6 6 6 20 4 25 6 3 6 6 426 £ s. a. 1 8 1 8 1 10 2 10 4 4 2 . 6 2 2 2 2 5 . 2 . 8 2 1 . 1 11 60 10 10 4 5 2 10 2 6 2 , 2 4 2 2 4 . 1 8 6 1 . 12 1 2 2 1 10 2 . 9 5 6 124 City Document No. 92. Sheet No. 7. — Concluded. ]\o. 7. Joseph Sowter John Shawe Widd; Sharpe Ralliffe Widd. Pollard Mathew Darbc Benj. Merriatn Widd Parsons for her weare house at y« dock Will. Clarke The: Saye Sam'll Oker Widd. Elizabeth Winsloe orge Clark . . . . Peter Welcome . . . Wiild Elliott . . . . Wiild Daurs . . . . Tho Dowue Theoplial Frary . . . Henry I-illy James Harris . . . . Wield Elgasou . . . . Halisfaction Belcher . W Pollard Johu Belcher . . . . Seth Perre John Unett Hugh Drewry . . . . Sam'll Vesee . . . . Eneas Solter . . . . Elizar Holioak . . . . Sampson Sheefc . . . James Smith . . . . iloses Payne . . . , Ilich White John Cornish . . . . John Blake .... Tho Phillips . . . . Joseph Cowell . . . Edw. Cowell . . . . Hezakiah XTsher . . . John Mason . . . . , J-'anril Mason ... Mii-haili Shallcr . . . Sam '11 IviMl -a 5 1 e2 is o O o 1. ' i- s. a. 6 2 2 4 2 . 6 2 2 1 8 f> 2 2 6 20 3 10 4 20 2 3 4 4 ]8 30 5 8 10 20 6 1 6 2 5 4 2 3 6 1 9 2 1 10 10 2 6 69 383 14 310 8 18 9 2 1 8 10 . 1 20 4 10 1 8 3 4 6 2 2 5 3 9 6 20 3 10 20 30 10 5 10 2 G 20 1 10 6 6 4 2 • 4 . 2 • 10 1 10 4 . 4 2 . 6 5 2 10 15 1 10 4 5 20 20 5 3 4 2 . 6 4 1 10 1 20 4 T 2 . 1 10 Appendix. Sheet No. 8. — Concluded. 127 Uicli. IVarce Tho (iolclu W ■' Weaver Ma'.hew Mably C.ipt. Roger Clapc (iik« Fifeilde Henry Cole Is.-ick Goosse Charles Martarme James Johnson Widd Barnard Jonathan Wales Edw. Kills John (ioodwin Sani'U Bicknell John ^^erri;uIl Ju'or John Jhukins Rich Keats Kphraini Hall Anth. Crecnliill Jonathan I'rancklin, in Wyn's lion Fearnott Shawe Rob't Browne John Ilewiu John Wilkye W'": Middletou Joshua lines George lines W"! Kssett John Mnlherre Isaek While Rieh Leeke Ralph Diirdent SaniMI Snow Henry Wright I ]'2! 2r,i 3.s:! isi :iio 4!tl •JO 16 U 128 City Document No. 92. 0«DOO-«1*t^COCOOrHOOr-(i-l-^00 ■O d CO CO M !>• (N -* iH ^ lO •9,1J.H!qA\. 2g snsK guisnoH •*CO«(N(NCOIMCJ(N (N « CO (N •i.i I aAoqn onijig o •iK I 3A0qB B.iaqjBOyW o 5S d30iis OAia "■ •pio .U I JO oniQ « •s.i.f 8 ^ naoMjaq ouKI co C» . CO C« JO SOJBJ^ 28 ff'lS-lOll IS I naoAnnq ojntl (^^ M o> ■s.i.t t ^ R iiasMiaq m rH .H lO 0^ •pio s.i,^ t d JO 93M.of) ^' H|ing ^ CO CI e^ « CO c) m CO •pio s.iX f7 JO naxQ ~ •pirc';! o.mjsTjjj O i-H O . C-' C-I CO CI I-H o o to •SMOpBOJ^ O 58 pauq aiquav '^ O O O 00 SpBdH rH rH CI rH rH CI >-( t-1 I-H CI tH CI T3 ^ t- u 'c c c k c & '^ 3 » .S « ^ -11 is ■^ -^ -Tit =^ ^ G - Appendix. 2U n r-'.., "3 ■-s C5 b r- |-^ ■3 w — 5 ■§, i ►^ Iz; 5 -^ ^ M 3 9 •; 3 3 = c; M < t? W P 130 City Document No. 92. Oi i-< CO O -(> CO O CO O OO CI r-l OC O 00 CO i-( CI r1 r^ •p[0 .lA r. ^^ 1 uooAi^oq oiJUJO M.^ I .l.\n((l! alu.Wv. CO -^ C-1 O C-J •p|o .1,^ [ JO ouKl •S.1A o :g Z n.iaAvjaq ojua JO gajiijf :g sas.ioj^ -* 1-1 C^ CO c» ?S X u.)DA\}aq ou!(j •s.i.t f- ^ C 'iaoAv^a(| saaajS ^ saoj^aji •p[o sj.C f JO saAVO-, :5j sniia C-. tn tH .-flop o i; 3 ;j fn o fe ca 3 P5 2 ^ fe -5 ;^ fe "^ •c Xl o 2 3 2 -s -^ tf B ac j^ ►?. S - n :f ? -3 ^ j: s .■i o o o a O i-c ^^ I-; i-j Appendix. lai CC O O tO t^ -^ ^ ^ •i.i I SAoqi; oni.wg :? -llO-^i-ICOC-JCllNrJIi-ICO-^M MBD/C ano OAoqc p|o jXonojo oii!(j^ n O O 'O o o o o o o o o 00 -^ C-l CO r- ri CO CO CI CI •S.IA 8 7S Z. u.).).\iioii o;)!a •p.II!AV(ln 5S s-t ^ 8 JO 80.n!H ^ sosaojj i-c C-l CI IN 01 (M r-l tH •SUA ;; j^ 5S X n93.W}3q oiji(j d ■-I Cl , CI i-H i-l O --I j^jTOOMjsq ovjia >o Cl CI d S 2S i 3 M c5 a a ^ S. ~ '^ 132 City Document No. 92. "8 to o >>» «£> CO - ^. •o o - o « n CO o 00 c^ »- ;=; o> CO :: QO :2 c^. =i< ■ • • •80j.iRqA\ 01 M CO CO ^ CO CO o .o CO o .- o :S >-[l!H •Suisuuii C-l CO CO ■n IH ^ o c^< ^_^ ^ ^ o ma' I ,)AOfH! OUtAVg o •.ici>.t ono oAoqu 8.1,)ll|\MAV o ■^ dOdllH ,)A\a '^ •p.lIIAVcIu Tg i p|() jA'oaojo<)iJ!(j; g OOrHW-HOOOOClO CO CI CO ■pjt!A\dii ^ s.i.^ 8 JO sajBj^ :§ sosMoji rHHi-(r-IC>rHe>IM>raC)iOrH CI O l-H l-H CJ ■8 ^ o uo8Ai]oq onia CO CI t C) CI CO •pio 8.I.C t, ;^ JO 83M00 ::s H||na co rHO-^COOr-lrtrHCO C] CO ■« CO CO •* -H^ CZ) 00 CO lO CO CO CO to CI •p[o s.iiC ^ JO nax'o CI Ci CI CI C4 CJ CI •pUK'J 0.in}9t!J CO O O O O 1!^ o cc o o o •AVOpB.1]J(J 3S epnB^j aiqujV COClOOOiOiOOO C» C* CO i-t rH CO rh o o o CO C-l CO •spi'ojj a a a o •a 1^ 2 H M «-t i-r 1^ a § o C3 £5 .i2 >* :s ^ r ^ ^ g a a £: ^ a <1 F M 1-5 »-j f> -3 >> 6: S a s ►-» OJ n Appendix. 133 «ot-aoooaooocx)QOoocx. ,r-tco>o C30 ,«— a> —(.CO .... -^CI^C^C^ OO . O -^JikO-^ ««-H»H Tti.O .... 0.0"*Tf oo.o ,o,. CQ C^ -^ CO I- o rH , CO . G^ , . ,, ,1-11-1 C-1C0,C4 ,C^., ,.,,,, ,.,"^ .... C^,. co.o .... COi-t(M OC^J,-rt< .... ■^ClClr-ti-i ,O>OC0 CD ,r-t(M (M -( CO - - - - -0 1 « -a ■a ri ^ _ >■ 3 »— 1 S £ c '5 c ^ 0' a < a .-) ■2 in 55 a ft rfi C3 j j: J i £ ^ ' S 5 ■^ ff 1^ Pi i- 1 a Q. 5 Mi ■-5 a C3 a _2 c 1^ City Document No. 92. Boston, Valuation of 1688. At the State House also will be found in tlie Usurpation TajxTs, Vol. 1:^!), i)p. 139 to ir>9 inclusive, a list of tax-papers and their l)ropertv, in Boston, in 1G88. AlthouL'"h a careful copy has been made of these lists, which will be placed at the Citv Clerk's office with other documents, it has been found unadvisal)le to undertake to print all the details of the taxable estates. In tlie following pages, therefore, only the names of the tax-payers are given, with the statement of the num- ber of heads in each family. "Boston Valuation. Boston, 27 August, 1688. The Ten sheets of paper annexed Contain a List of the male Persons in the Town of Boston from Sixteen yeares old and up- wards And an Estimation of y" Real and Personal P^state in the said Town, whereby it appeai'es That y-^ Heads at 20''- p' head comes to £124. 18. 4 Estates at one penny p'' pound comes to 83. 4. 8 J £208. 3. Oi. 1490 heads." " Taken by E Cooke, Co miss''. D Tun ELL TiMO. Pkoutt Jn° Fayerweather Edw" Willys J. A I) DING ton p. townsend Ad. Wintiikop James Hill" 1G88. — Sheet No. 1. William Parkman, Will Shute, Samuell Saxon, (jrabrioU Fishluck, Ellas Parkman, William Ireland J"", Jolm Jaruis sen"", liicliard Shute, .losi'ptli Ijiic'kley, Arthur Smith, Thomas Hunt, .Jonathan Farnum, Jolin Wood, Timothy Thornton, Nath Hall, Ezekiall Clesbe, Edward Bricknoll, 2 Josepth Soutcr Jun," 1 •John Parmeter, 2 John Holland, 1 Edw. Tvving, 1 J(jhn Nash, 1 John Loach, 1 John Holhrock, 1 Thomas Watkins, 1 Edward Bud, 4 John ]\Iattono, 4 John Pullin, 1 William Grecnough, 1 John Eyres, 2 John White, 1 John Rol)hinson, 1 John Welch, 1 Andrew Wilson, Appendix. 135 Nicholas Inglesbe, Samuell Ruck, Jun'", Josopth Penniwell, Will'" Day,* Miciiaoll 8hute, Tiiomas Guttcridge, Hezekiali llinckman, Natii: Hinckiuan,* Wid. Berry, William Avis, HainufU Kuck sen"", Elias Jaruis, Benjamin Williams, George Hi.skett, Josepth Morse, Thomas Attkins, Kicliard Tuells, Francis Hudson, Tho. Eidredge, Thomas Palmer, Pcroey Clark, Samuell Hudson, S'' Will'" Phipps, Samuell Nowell Esq"", William Hobby sen'', George Hooper, Charls Hopkins, Jn° Kanstbrd" wid., Jn" Wilkins, Edw Collins, Josepth Peniwell Jun', William Clou, Rc>bert Seares, David Faukoner Jun"", •Fames Smith, mariner, Isaac Grose, John Earthy, Pvlward Pell, Josias Baker, Francis Wliittman, Stephen Swusey, William Mortoe, Wid. Guard, William Loud, Josepth Nash, William Starling, Nath. Parkman, David Vaune, El)enezer Plum, Lawrence White, Thomas Goodale, Lawrence Drisco, Robert Moore, I^awrence Walters, Richard Towl Jun"", Berijanien Wardell, John Lane, .losias Stone, Andrew J^liott, Will-" Condey, Josepth Eidredge, William Harris, John Oliuer, Edw. Ransford* wid, Nicholas George, liobert Gamou, Samuell Greenwood, sen"", Thomas Edmonds, Thomas Martin, Samuell White, Jacob Mason, Jonas Clark, John Cranmer, Joliii Attwood, John Fort'laiul, Josepth Williams, George Rol)bin.son, Josepth Robbinson, Coop'', John Smith, Wid'^ Hunt, William Euerton, Daniell Ballard, Jonathan Jackson, John Nontock, Schoole maste, Alexander Seares, William Coleman, Samuell Chickley, John Oakey, Thomas Baker, John Stephens, Jolin Jaruis, Jun"*, Robert Smith, Samson Walters, Isaac GritRn, P^dward Page, Jun"", AVid. Kellond, Thomas Lyscura, John Vyall, Obediah Gill, Will. Davis, Major John Richards, Jonathan Howard, Jonathan Bill, John Haden, Samuell BurnoU, Zacheriah Davis, Peter Femes, William Downes, Josepth Sliort, Wid. Hunt, Thomas Johnson, Vincent Williams, John Leach, Baker, Robt Brimsden, George Noell,* Job Chamberline, John Roberts, John Ta])])er, Samuell Greenwood, Jun'', Josepth Graunt, .James liobcs, ,I()hn Marshall, Wid. Lumsley, Wid. Kemball, Henry Kemball, Phillip Bass, Will. Hough, John Rashley, ia(> City Document No. 92. Doc't Wadsworth, .loliii I'ilts, Will'" Burroughs, \Vi(l (iroues, ,)n" Major, AVill'" An ling', Wid. Scarlett, Joseptli Tayler, 1 John Cliskett, 1 Mr. Lane att John Sniitlis, huchcr, 1 James Goodwin, ii 20.S 1688. — Sheet No. 2. l);iuid Edwards, 1 John Gey, 1 Joshua Gey & two seruants, a VViddow Dowden, Joseph Gallop, 1 Heuianiin Gallop, 1 l^iehard Whitredge, 1 Thomas Lausenhey, 1 John Hunt, 1 Reniamin Breem, & 2 Jieniamin Starr, 1 Biehard Knight, 1 Thomas Child, 2 Docf John Clark, 1 Henery Williams, Daniell Turrell, sen'', 2 Jonathan Addams, 2 Nathaniell Adams, 2 Dauid Addams,* 2 Ahraham Addams, 1 James Dowell, 1 John Snelliug, 1 Sanimuell Barrel!, 1 George Barrell Jun'', 1 John Butler, 1 Dauid Kddows, 1 William Burt, 1 John Lauson, 1 Widdow Olliuer, William Stratton, 1 Widdow Williams, John Wakefedd, 2 Obediah Wakefeild, 1 James W^illiams, 1 William Whetter, 1 Mathew Auger, 1 John Nicols, S John Bushnell, 1 John Boys, 1 John Showrey, 1 John Child, 1 M' Uiehard Meddlecott, 1 Andrew Marriner, 3 (teorge Hallett, 1 Jiisiph Arnold, 1 John Green, 1 Edward Summers, ] Cii'ori,^' Mathews, 1 William JefTery, 1 John Langdon, 2 Doeter William Huse, ] John Starr sen"". 1 John Starr jun"". 1 INP Adilam Winthrop, Jose Winthrop, John Pearee, wosted Comer, Theodus Moore, Christopher Addams, William Dennis, Francis Holland, Hohert Maugridge, Sanimuell Phelps, John Golf, William Muniford, Bichanl Merritt, Joseph Marriner, Dauid Copp, John Pitcher, Daniell Trauers sen"", John Farnum, secundus, Dauid Farnuin, Dauid Norton, AVilliam Arnold, Dauid Carwithy, M'' Aston, at M^ Joules, Widdow .Joules, James Warden, Edward i\-'ji'\, Gilbert Cardey, Mrs. W^arren, widdow John Ketch, Jonathan Charles, Thomas Harris, John Harris, Tiiomas Willis, James Halsey, John Ciesbey, Edward Goodwin, JS'ic(jlas l^hillips, Daniel Turrell jun'', William Dedlow, [or Bcdlow] James Howard, Edward Moriimore, James Greene jun'', Calleb Kawlins, M'' Joiiii Foster, M'^ VValterhouse, John Playsled, John Comiuer, Bobert Cumbey, Kicliard Austen, Maior Authouey Howard, liichard \Vey, John Scate, M'' Shippery, Thomas Watson, at M'' Shiprys, Appendix. 137 Mr Medcap, at M' Shiprys, Natlianiell Baker, William VV alley, at Nat Baker, Erasmose Steuens, Thaclier Atckins, John Kertik-, John Hadiler, Thomas Moore, John Williams, Thomas Thirteen, Edward Worrell, Edmund Mumford sen^ Edward Mumford Jun% Mosses Pearce, John Stanbridge, George Henly, Hennery Emes, Widdow Kind, Tynnnhy VVadworth, Joseph Russell, W^iddow Cundy, Andrew Stillians, Widdow Baxter, John Bearneard, Thomas Bearnerd, Robert Howard, Benianiin Mils at M"^ Howards, John iSynderlin, M Barber, A Tayler, William Barrett, James English, Nicolas Gwinnop, Will Broning, at Gwinops, John Hauthorne, at Gwinnops, W'" Arbuckle & his brother, at James English's, William Rouse, Cap' Sugars, M^ Richards, Mrs. Winsley widdow, William Turner, Elowrenoe Keen, Samnmell Dohson, Sammuell Bayley, Daniell Trauers, Jun'', Tobias Atckins, at Mrs. Tomas, Richard Tout, sen'', Thomas Berry, Thomas Bill, Erecte Hamlin, Richard Rycraft, Andrew Willett, Charles Demerrett, William Perram, Jun', Good'" Pamer, John Granton, John Trow, Thomas Gold, James Burges, William Norton, Obediah Reade, Good'" Crisp, Abraham Gording, John IJayly, William Kobe, Josiah Greele, Sammuell Greele, Jacob Hewen, James Thorneberry, Thomas Webb, Mathcw Joanes, Tymothy Prout, Joseph Prout, John Search, Thomas Ashley, Joseph Jackson, M' Coale, at Suraners house, John Moore, Zachariah Kerke, M'' Goodman, Benianiin Rawlins, Thomas Kembale, Hennery Webster, Cap' Hutchison, Thomas Warren, Widdow Anderson, William Towers, John Kind, Samnmell Addams, Thomas Beues, W^illiam Kent, Jabes Salter, Joseph Sopper, Joseph Calley, Nick las Correll, at Mrs. Toramas, Thomas Kellen, AViddow Tommas, John Drew, George Kallender, M'' Lauson, Tymothy Pratt, Amos Morrell, George Kerbey, M"" Morton, Bruer, 24 i> 1688. Sheet No. 3. John Coney sen''. Cap' William Wright, Joseph Callow, Edw. Roiiinson, at "Wid. Tabots, Will Troutt, atl s^ widdoes, Thomas Gutteridge Jun'', Abraham Leatherbrich, Richard Mussivant, Thomas Verrine, John Verrine sen'', John Verrine Jun', Jolin Webber, John Curtis, Sauiuell Ruggles, 138 City Document No. 92. Richard Ellis, Kichanl Lad, Jolm FeriiL'side, flacol) Ferncside, .l<)lin Endicott, Tlios. Pa.iigester, Josopli Win;^, Ellis Calk-nder, Pliiliip !S{iiiire, iSamiioil 'rurell, ,L)lm Fiuif, VVill'"SiKdl, Eliather Blake, Saimiell Waketeild, Tlujinas Fox. Ikobert Featlicrgale, Joun Ireland, Joiin Gardner, Lott Gourding, Gilbert Bant, John (iip.son, .lohn Farniiin, Tertius, >Samuell Joiinson, Williant Bonidorson, Thomas Hichhorne, Joyn'', (ieorge Hallord, Jun'", 'I'lio: Ciisliing, Jeremieh dishing, Isaac Loring, Hugh Mulligan, Tlioinas I'aul, IJichard Brookes, dohn Ciinnihall, James IJanstrap, Saniucl! Jackson, Joseph How, Samuell ^Valker, Abraham Francis, Robert Wakam, John IIoIl)roek, at wid. Euerills Wid Euerill, Jose]>h rierci', Nath. Williams, Wid. Tomiison, John Sliarpe, att Wid. Tompsons, rioseph Bacon, att s'* widdows, Isaac Walker, Susanna Walker, Tliomas Stanbury, Samuel! < ^ohoiine, John Jacob, John Aiding, 'i'liomas (irose, Joseph Ililliard, Nath: Eton, att s^ Ililliard C^apt. The. Savage, 'I'liomas Ingglesbe, Thomas Penierton, I):ivid Harris, Jiihn Dyer, Samuel! Chickley, John Ballintine, Elias Heath, Joseph Stacey, att Jno. Ballintine, Christopher Golf, Nath. Shannon, John Cotty, John Nelson & for Long Island, liobert Johnson, Pilgrime Simkins, flolin Tiler, John L^'dngine, att Wid. Prouseys, Wid. Prouss, Joshua Winsor, Will'" Palphrey, Edw. Lilly, Jeremiah Gibson, att s*" Lillys, Rich'* Chiuers, Gyles Dyer, Isaac Jones, Francis Marshall, John Kibbey, John C!oml)es, Ephraim Greene, att s*" Combes, John (h'is. Job L'rince, Nath: Jewell, RichJ Talley, John Smith, Tayler, Christophur Talbott, Con?> John Heath, 2 Matthew Taunton, Dyer, 1 Carter, seaman, John Wing, 2 George Tompson, ] John Woodde, 1 Matthew (-oUins, 1 Matthew Turnor, Joiner, Benj^ Lawrence, liv'' with Barnes 1 (gone), 1 John Pym, Gunsmith, 1 Hump'' Richards, at Skinn'"', Appendix. 141 S nn" Vern.ay, niarrincr at Tays, Kich'' Draper, join' boards atlvilbys, Ik-nry Sharp, Carpenf, Joliu Vickers, Joseph Vickers, Wm. Browne, Erasmus Tetter, Tho. Thornton, sho-maker, workes with Pembarton, 1 Jacob Holloway, workes with Nickerson, join'' 1 John Hannagen, Tailor 1 Jolin Ilurd, 1 « ^ i ■, „. , ,1 .,, ' > Butchers 1 Rich'' Sherry, / Tho: Fowler, married Sarah Barrett, Richard Rogers, 1 151 1088. Sheet No. 6. Robbert Williams, Richard Read, John Hiijes, James Woodmansea, Thomas Kirck, Frances Mos, Thomas Edwards, John Allin, James Cornish, Cap' Bengamen Dauis, Nathanael Byfeld, Tiio: Cresi, William Gilbert, Widdow Smith, Henery Deeringe, Richard Wilkins, Dauid Johnson, Widdow Egerton, John Linse, Hudson Leucrct, Joseph Browninge, John Eyre, Richard Griffin, Mase y" keper, James Pemmorton, Lanckman Duchman, M'' Cook, Peter Earew, Seth Swofen, Edward prockter, Ricliard prockter, William Hall, Siramion Mesingar, Sammuell Leg, Peter Clarke, Thomas Fayerweather, Jeremyah Bumstead, Bengamen Negus jun'', widdow Mesingar, Richard Licke, Richard Cristophars, M' Elisha Cook, Madam Leverit, Henery Tyte, Arthor ]\Iason, Abraham Browne, Jacobas Condcr, Gamaliell Rogers, John Briges, Barnod Trot, Widdow Stoder, Bengamin Allford, Richard Buckle, John Fayerweather, Pen Towensend, John simmones, Richard Broweri, John llarbord Coward, Notarie, Johnathan Pemmerton, Cap' Adams & man, Joseph Belknape, John Conie, John Tuckerman sen"", George pordage, Sammuell pordage, Jerimyah fich, Thomas Baker, John Rayne, W^iddow Greenleaf, Roger Jud, Mary Auren widdow, George Monke, Henery Ticknur, Thomas Largin, Thomas Brightman, Niccolas Cox, Jacobas Loper, James Law, Johnathan Belcher, James Barnit, John Caslinton, florance Mecarte, Samuell paine, Willi. Macklefin, peter Barbor, Mathu Rea, Necolas Page, Thomas Dudle, frances Legar, warnor wisendock (2 saru**), Andrew Cunningham 2 sr, sammuell phillips & man, Dunkin Canmiill, Willi, paine & man, Jabishe Negus, Isacke Adington, John Rawlins, John Adams, Charles Liget, Simmyen Stoder, 142 City Docutment No. 92. Jerimyah Dumer & man, John Cole, John wate, Thomas Peck, ae"", Robltcrt Nokes, widow man, Thomas Marshall, Daniell Allin, w'idciow Dndle, Ephaphros shrimton, PhiUii)e finne, sammuell Johnson, Edward Hill, Sammuel Landman, Daiiid Gwin, Thomas Smith, Widdow Judeth winsloe, Joiin Allden, Juni"", Thomas Bosingar, John JoUif, Kobhert Bncher & man, Ami)rose Due, Nathanell Dew, Obadiah Dew, James Maxell, John Clow, Sammuell Clow, Joseph Brigham, samuell Bill, Nathanell fox, James Hill & man, Richard George, Peter Butler, Johnathan Brigham & man, Edward Shippin & man, Josepii Grenleaf, James Grayeiiam, John winsloe, John George &. brothere at J*^ waits, Isacke Grigges Thomas Hill, Mouenser Bornone at Mr. Dauis, Dauid Mason, Joseph Parsons, Thomas Wheler, Sammuell Bedwell Juni'', Mounes'' Deuax at M'' Dauies, Benj'' Harris, Jolmothan Euans, An Jones, Sammuell Rusell, Joseph Juet, upholstur at mr Stoder, Jonathan Evered, M'' waite Winthrope Esq'', 1688. Sheet No. 7. Jacob Malyne, Richard Wylly, Samuel Bayton, John Levensworth, Caleb Chafin, Robert Orchard, 'IMiomas Clarke, William Clarke, John Jones, Jonathan Pollard, Thomas Messenger, John Forsdick, Thomas Robbinson, Henry ]>ewin, Ralph Durdant, Thomas Davis, Daniel Quinsy, Edward Bromfield, Jose Appleton, Allexan Smith. o Rechard Wharton Esqir, Edward Thomas, 1 183 1688. Sheet No. 8. John Pell, John Balston, Rich Keats, W"» King, John Mulberee, Tho Hill, John Bull, W" Essett, Dan" Mathews, e Cap' Roger Clap, John Harker, seaman, Joseph Holmes sen'', Joseph Holmes Ju"", Mathew Maple, Edw Gouge, James Townsend, Peter Wyer, Henry Allen, Rob' Sanderson, Tho Linckhorne, 14-i City Document No. 92. 'NTpshua Lee, AV'" Obinson, Stephen Gibbins, Alox'.ind'' Symson, Josopli Symson, Tho.. Wagget, Nich Baker, i>ack Whitev W" Haze, Peter Warren-, John Belcher, Elizr Barnes, AA'idil RaynesforJ^ Solo llaynesford, John Kagland, Ja.eol) Elliot, Joseph Eliiot, John Joanes, Peter Welconibe, W"^ Adams, Gorge Clark, Eneas Salter, Tho Baker, Tho Walker sen% Ranid Helines, Mark Thest at Colanderj, Kich Harrison, W" Pollard, John Bennet, Christopher Munck, John Clowe, Tho Walker Jun% Rob' Sanderson Sa^'^y, Widd Elliot, Widd l>auis, Tho. Downe, Dauid Uaynsford, Theophalus Frary, Ehenezer Ilayden, Seth Perre, Elizer IloUioke, Hnsh Drewry, Sam' Veze, James Harris, John Needham, Elisha Odlin, Moses Payne, James Warner, Michaill Shaller, \Ym Verion, Sampson Sheeffe^ John Bavle, Tho Wailis, W"' Wailis, Anth Greenhill, John Blake, Tho Golde, Sam" Walker, John Cowell, Joseph Cowell, Fearnot Shaw, Ewd Cowell, Jonath Francklin, W'"' Baker, Alexand'' Baker, Peter Odlin, Rich Pearee, W'" Tedman, John Mason, Sam'i Mason, Tho Pennant, Benj Stenens, Joseph Wheler, Nehemiah Pearee, Sam'i East, Izace Hallam, John Byer, John Cornish, Joseph Briscoe, Giles Fyfield, Kichd: Fifield, Henry Cole, Tho Cobb, Bich Cobb, Izace Goosse, Charles Martame, James Johnson, John Horridg, Cap' Sam" Sewell Mathias Smith, Francis Smith, Ephra Hall, Rob' Husse, A Comer, Phill Wells, Josiah Francklin, j:dw Ellis, Sam" Bicknall, John Good wen, John Merriam Jun', John Jinkins, Joshna Hues, W'" Middelton, John West Esq% John Bonneme, Widd Hilgason, Alias Sraale, Ralph Hues, Sam" Snowe, Robt Browne, Nathaniel Thayre, John Wilkey, heads Ui Appendix. 145 Muddy River Valuation, August 27, 1688. 1688. — Sheet No. 9. Thomas Gardner sen"", John White sen"", John Winchester sen"", Robert Harris, John White jun'', Thomas Gardn'' jun"", John Winchester jun'', John Harris, Benj"^ White, Andrew Gardner, Joshua Gardner, Josiah Winchester, Jonathan Torrey, Uriah Clarke Joseph Gardner, Joseph GrifBn, Dorinan Mareen, Isaac Heath, Ebcnez"' Heath, Thomas Boylston, Joseph Buckminster, Thomas Stedman, Nath" Stedman, Erasmus Drew, Georjfe Woodward, Joshua Cliild, Joseph Davis, Daniel Harris, Roger Adams, Sam" Aspinwall, Sam" Clarke, Robert Sharpe, George Bersto, John Parker, John Devotion, John Clarke, James Parker, Simon Gates, Joshua Kibby, Jn** Simson, Edward Devotion, Thomas Devotion, Widow Aspinwall, Thomas Woodward 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 I 1 i i i 1 I I 2 1 48 RuMNEY Maesh and Noddle's Island, August 27, 1688- 1688.— Sheet No. 10. James Bill, Dean Winthrop, William Colmer, John Tuttle, Edward Tuttle, Elisha Tuttle, Jonathan Tuttle, John Floyde, Hugh Floyde, Isaac Lewes, Sam" Stocker, Benjamen Muzzy, Ditto Tennant to Coll. Paige, Teago Barry, Bryant Bradene, Aaron Way, William Ireland, Sam ' Townsend, Jeremiah Belcher, John Senter, William Eustice, Widd" Maverick, Elias Maverick, 10 John Smith, William Hasey, John Wiswall, Joseph Bill, Joseph Hasey, Abraham Lewes, Robert Mussey, Aphra Bennet, Joseph Eustis, William Eustis, Howell Jones, David Wayer, Jeremiah Belcher, for Hogg Island, John Kine and Nicholas, Salis- bury for Gov's Island, Col" Samuel Shrimi^on for Nod- dles Island, John Pittum, at Deer Island, George Worthilake, Henry Mare, at Long Island, 42 146 City Document No. 92. Tax List for one Precinct. 1689. The following list of names is probably one of the lists prelim- inaiy to some tax. It was clearly prepared by Samuel Greenwood, no doubt the constable of that name. Greenwood held that office in 1674, and again in 1689; this list is probably of the latter date. W. H. W. A. John Attwood, 2 seruants John Aires Mathew Armstrong Sam^ Auis Thonaas Adkins, one neagroo B. M"" Robart Brimsdon, 1 neagroo Phillip Bass W'° Burrous, 1 malata John Bennet John Barret Boson Brewer 8am" Burnall, I neagro boy Thomas Baker, 1 negro man John Baker Daniell Ballard Eicliard Barnard Edward Bndd, an old negro woman Josia Baker Joseph Buckley C. Ezekiall Cleasbey John Collier, a baker Dauid Coope Thomas Cummins Jonas Clarke Edward Crufe Will'" Coolie Peter Clemens Will"" Clow Sam" Clark Henry Cbamleft j 1>. Lenard Drown I Sam" Drown Henrey DickersoH Will'" Dauid Will™ Day Sam" Durrum E. Robart Edmonds Will'" Euerton Robart Earle G, Joseph Grant, 1 seruant Obadla Gill, 1 seruant Will"' Gill, 1 seruant Thomas Goodale my selfe Sam" Greenwood, 1 ser- uant Cos. Sam" Greenwood, 2 ser- uants Thomas Gillbird Joseph Gleadon Robert Gammin James Grant Bartliollmew Green, John Grenough, 1 ser. Water Guteredg John Goodwin, 2 seruants H. Will" Huffe, negro man Thomas Hunt, 1 neagro 2 seruants Ephrim Hunt Hul)bard, new comer Sam" Hunting Richard Hunewell Stephen Hunewell Nathanill Henchman Will'" Hobby John Hodsdun Nicholas Hoppin John Hosket Francis Hudson I, John Irland Nath" Jaruis John Jenkins, nego man John Jaruis K. Timothy Kembali Thomas Kellon Joshua Kent L. Robart Ladd Robart Lash M. John Marsh Francis f part of 1 Edward -! ^ ,« j paper torn off Robart N. John Nash, 1 ser Nath" Newell Ezekiall Needham John Needham P. James Pitts John Pits JVIathew Poolle Appendix. 147 ■'.V ill'" Partman, 1 ser. John Pamiter Joseph Parrira Joliii Paine, newly married Sam" Poolle Ellas I'lirinton John PuUin Lady Phips Nathan" Partman K. John Kobarts Joseph Kobarts Mrs. Ann Richards Sam" Pussell John Hansford Dauid Koberson, neagro* Jolin Koberson, neagro S. Jolm Salsbury John Scaley, malata* John Souter, negro man Ricliard Shute Artlier Smith Will"' Shute, 1 seru. Anthony Stodder Ilenrey Sharpe, 1 ser. John Stephens Robart Starkey John Stepens John Snelling, 2 seruants Joseph Snelling torn] Sedgick ] Seares off ] Stone, 1 seru. ] S toner ] Studsen ] T. ] Thornton, negro wo. ] Trevoice ] Townsand V. ] Vstis ] Vann ] Vearing ] Viall, malata W. John Waters Richard Witteredg Joseph Will"", negro man Joseph Williams John Willkins James Wakam Sam" White Sam" White Larence White John Welch Andrew Willson Ben° Williams (1091. List of Abatements.) The following scrap seems worthy of preservation : — " March 23'i 1690-1. Poore in the 10 rates, quarter of William Hough, constable of Boston." Josiiih Baker, sick & great fam? Job Chamberlain, the same Joseph Fuller Gabriel Fishlock George Hesket, held at eastw* Jolin Jarvice, at sea Tliomas Palmer, very poor Edward Page, dead Isathaniel Robinson, dead in West Indies William Sterling, taken in France Jeremiah Townsend, dead of Canada diseas George Worthylake, dead not able to paj — in the £ 8. d. 14 U 10 12 1 10 1 10 5 5 1 10 10 10 8 10 1 9 10 * Of course in all these cases the name is that of the owner, owned a negro or mulatto, or had a servant. The addition means that ha 148 City Docuiment No. 92. Tax List of 1691. Lacks Rumney Marsh only. Of the country rate for 1691 we have a nearl}' perfect list, the only missing part being that for Rumney Marsh. For reasons before stated we omit the amounts and tiive all the names. Endorsed Cons'^" "No 1 Countrie Rate June 1691. Joseph Grant, A. Jiihn Atwood Tliomas Atkins SammHcU Addams B. Robert Brorasden Saionmell Burnell Tliomas Baker Daaiell Ballerd Jolin Blake Edward Budd Josiah Baker Phillip Base William Burrows Joseph Buckley Widdow Barry Jonathan Bill Thomas Berry C. Job Chamberlin William Colmars Jonas Clarke William Cundey William Clough Erecte Clesbey Robert Cumbey Peircy Clarke D. Laurence Driscow William Downey William Dauis E. William Euerdon Andrew Edn)unds John Eares Joseph Eldredge F. Jonathan Farnuni Joseph Fuller G. Obediah Gill Issack Greffen Robert Gammin Joseph Graunt Samnuiell Greenwood sen' Sammuell Grenwood jun' Cap' William Greenough James Goodwin, of Nodles Island Cap* John Greene H. Francis Hudson Widdow Hunt at Widdow Kem- baU William Hobbey Hezekiah Hinksman Nathaniell Hinksman George Hiscott Richard Huniwell William Huff L' Thomas Hunt Cap' Nathaniel Hall J. Elias Jeruis William Ireland Thomas Johnson John Jerues John Ireland Jonathan Jackson K. Widdow Kerabale, Ej. Widdow Lumsdle M. Jacob Masson John Mershall John Maior Robert Moore N. John Nash P. S"- William Phips Thomas Palmer Nathaniell Parkman John I'uUen John Parmenter John Pitham for himselfe &Deare Island William Parkman Elias Parkman R. John Roberts James Robes Maior John Richards George Robyson AViddow Ransford Sammuell Ruck John Rashley Nicolas Rashley John Ransford John Rule John Robinson David Robinson S. Robert Smith sen'' Robert Smith Jun"" John Steuens Appendix. 149 John Smith William Shortredge Robert Seers Josial) Stone Michael Shutt WiJdow Scarlett Samimiell Sackson William Sliute Aurther Siuitli Nicolas Salsberry, at Gou'^ Island T. Widdow Tayller Tymothy Thorneton Richard Toutt Jun' Jolm Stouer V. John Viall Thomas Verring W. Samson Watters Joseph AVilliams Sammuell Woodward Laurence White John Welcli Beniamin Williams Laurence Watters Endorsed "No. 2 Countrie Rate, worth, Cons'''." June, 1691. Tym° Wads- Jonathan Addams Widdow Addams David Addams Abraham Addams Mathew Atkins Benjamin Breme John Butler Samuel Burrell George Burrell juni' William Burt John Bushnell William Bramsdle Oliver Berry John Barnard Thomas Barnard Nathanael Baker John Bayly John Barber Elisha Bennet John Boult James Berry Doctor [ torn George Callender John Cranmer David Copp Widdow Carwithy Joseph Galley John Clesby John Comer Jeremiah Gushing AVilliam Cole Nicholas Cocke John Carlile Andrew Dolberry Widdow Dowden John Drue William Dennis Sammuell Dyer David Edwards William Endicut, at blue bell James English Henry EfTis Thomas Eldredge Benjamin Eius John Foster John Farnum Sen^ David Farnum Robert Fethergill John Farnum junir John Gey Joseph Gallop Benjamin Gallop John Greene Nicholas Gwinnop James Grant Docter Gannet Abraham Gording Samuel Grice James Glasse Cap' Gilbert John Hobbey Michael Homer Gcoi-ge Hallet Docter William [ torn 3 M [ torn ] James Halsey James Howard Widdow Henley Robert Howard Thomas Jackson Widdow Jolls William Johnson, dead Mathew Jones Joseph Jackson 150 City Document No. 92. llicliard Jackson Nicliolas Inglesby Richard Knight Widdow Kent Jolin Keech Widdow Kinde John Langdon John Lawson George Lawson Thomas Lassenby Richard Middlecut George Mathews Andrew Marriner Robert Maugridge William Miimford John Moore Widdow Mumford Edmond Mumford John Metcalfe Edward Mortimore John NichoUs David Norton Timothy Prout Timothy Prat Edward Peggy Moses Pearse Thomas Parker John Pearse Joseph [ Rowland [ Primley Ohadiah Read Caleb Rawlins Joseph Russell William Rouse William Robey Widdow Rawlins Edward Sumner John Search Jabes Salter John Scate Erasmus Stevens William Shipree John Snelling John Sunderland Joseph Scate Capt. Daniel Turell Widdow Thomas Daniel Turell, juni^ John Trow Daniel Travis Richard Whitridge Widdow Wheeler Widdow Williams John Wakefeild Obadiah Wakefeild Thomas Whittaker Andrew Willet M" Warren M" Winslow Edward Worrell Thomas Webb Richard Way Adam Winthrop Timothy Wadsworth Ebenezer Weekes Cons^e Wadsworth, p warr' 392« : 13 More added rated afterward put into y'= list foregoinge James Berry Widdow Rawlins Samuell Dyer [ ]* Ebenezer Weekes Joseph Scate Endorsed " No. 3 Countrie Rate. Cous'^'^" June, 1691. William Rouse, A. Jose Appleton John Alden sen! Peter Assalle B. John Belcher Gilbert Baunt Erancis Burrows John Bollinton William Boulderson Thomas Burrington John Baker C. Elias Callender Joseph Callow Ralph Carter John Coomes Richard Cheuers John Carthew John Cotty L' Samriiuell Checkley John Cunibale Thomas Cushing Duncan Cambale * Evidently this name waa that of Priraeley, who is rated for 12 names were written on the list and are given in their right place. !. All these W. H. W. Appendix. 151 Thomas Cornish D. John Draper Henery Dawson Tyniothy Dwite Benianiin Dyer Geiles Dyer John Dyer E. Widdow Euerrell Dauid Eddows Beniamin Emmons Jun F. Gibson Farr Jacob Farnse John Figg G. Thomas Gatridge M'' John George Christopher Goff Thomas Grose John Gibson Rignall Grignall Arron Gefferds Joshua Gey H. Dauid Harris Joseph Hilliard Elias Heath Sammuell Hulland I. John Indycott Nathaniel! Jewell Sammuell Johnson Issaack Joanes Widdow Jacobs Sammuell Jackson Dauid Johnson Li. Richard Ladd Widdow Lake Widdow Lilley Thomas Luscombe Sammuell Lilley Thomas Littlepage M. Thomas Martine Thomas Mercer Sammuell Mattuckes Sen. Sammuell Mattuckes Jun. Henery Mattock Francis Mershall Widdow Milium Widdow Manning Nicholas Manning N. Mr. John Nelson Francis Nox O. John Orris P. Thomas Phillips Richard Prist Ebenezer Price Job Prince .(?) William Palfree Thomas Pemberton Joseph Pearce Widdow Prouse John Pas cow Thomas Pennett Nathaniell Pulman William Parson R. George Reason James Ilanstrope John Richards S. Pilgrim Simkens William Snell Phillip Squire John Soomes Thomas Stanbridge Maior Thomas Sauedge Joseph Siiaw Widdow Checkley John Selman T. Sammuell Turrell Joseph Townsen Richard Talley Thomas Tayller Widdow Trauers V. John Verring James Updick W. John Walley sen. Joshua Winsor Nathaniell Williams San)muell Wakcr Widdow Waker Widdow Winsor Sammuell Worthen Thomas Winsor Endorsed " Maj"" Savidges Compa. No 4. Breame, Constable." June 20. 91. Beiij. A. John Allen Allen Alialtree Edward Allen Louis Allard B. Widdow Browning John Brigg Jarvis Ballard James Barton 152 City Document No. 92. Joseph Breedon Stephen Bruff Hugh Barton W"» Billings Jn" Booker Moses Bradford Joseph Billinge Grinstone Bond Jn° Benniore Richard Barnerd C. Edward Creeke Jn" Creeke Tlio: Cooper Jonas Clay Tho: Cooke Jno. Cuniball Cliristopher Clarke W" Chrisfeild Mongo Caraffbrd George Cirbey Capt. Anthony Chickley Bartho. Chevors D. Anibross Dawes Simon Daniell Sampson Duer E. Benj"' Emmons Tho. Edwards Jn" Ensine F. James Fowls Dan" Feirfeild James Farrey Jno Foy Fran. Foxcraft G. William Gibson W" Griggs Giles Godward \V'» Griffin H. Tho. Harwood Sam" Howard Jn° Hunlooke Jaines Hawkins Tho. Harris Arther Haley Tho. Hamlen Jno Hackheld Tho. Hamblcton George Hiteheli Tho Hunt Jno Hinderson Tho. Hatherley seni^ Tho. Hatherley juniT Sarah Harris J. Daved Johnson Job Ingruni Sani'i Jacklin Benj Jones K. Andrew Knott Jno Knelland L. Jno Loverine Dominaek Lovelock Bob' Lewis Phillip Langdon William Lavis M. Tho Messenger W"i Manley Stephen Minott John MuUigon Joseph Marrinor P, Benj Pemberton Robert Price W"> Philps W'" Payne, joyner R. Sam" Ravenscroff Jno Robbinson J no Rix S. Joseph Scott Daved Stevens Abraham Smith Rob' Shelstone Tho Savidge Jno Strainge Sampson Stoddard •James Smith Capt Sugars T. Barthol Threednedle W'" Twing Jer Toy Benj" Trednedle W'Turner "V. Jn° Vickars W. Daved Watterhouse Jn'^ Walker Jn° Ward Tho. Wheeller Edwd Wattkins W°> Wilson Appendix. 153 Endorsed Cons"^" No 5 Countrie Rate 1691. Samson Dewer, A. William Ardall John Addanis Bozoiin Allen Joseph Allen Thomas Atkinson B. Samuel Boone William Browne James Barnes Abraham Blush Wicklow Buttolph Edmond Browne Nicolas Buttolph Samuell Button Peter Barber Samuell Bay ton Edward Battals Capt. Belcher Mons'' Barbutt Peter Barackin C. Mr. Curie Samuell Clow- Thomas Clarke William Crowe Ricliard Crispe Thomas Carter Rebeka Charles D. John Dossett George Danson Eichard Draper John Dossett juner Henry Deering Mons' Devoe Moses Deshan E. George Eliston Simon Eyers G-. Habucock Glover Capt Nathanell Green John Gardner Robart Guttrage Rot)art Gibbs William Gibbens James Green Richard Green Jotham Grouer H. John Heath George Hombuckle William Hall Eliachim Hutchinson John Hill William Haines Capt. Hall J. Dauid Jeffreis Henry Ingram K. John Killiy John Kilby juneT Cristopher Kilby Roger Kilcop William Keyne Ij. James Loyde Samuell Linde ■ John Leuensworth John Loue Erancis Legarr M. James Montare Eliazer Moody Thadeas Macarty James Mears Beniamin Montfort John Maxfeild Mrs. Nowell, widdow N. George Nicolson O. Thomas Cakes, Esq™ P. Richard Prockter Edmand Prockter Humphry Parsons Ralfe Perkens Jos Phillips Mycall Perry Thomas Parris Widdow Pownding Daniell Pounding Richard Peacock Samuell Plumer John Pimm Capt. Pearse R. John Robarts John Ruggles Joseph Rogers S. Widdow Sale Henry Sprye Richard Sherren Cor'^n'ill Sam" Shrimton Henry Sharpe Joseph Smith Widdow Swett Mons' Shabbut Shabbut, cooper T. Samuell Tilge Thomas Thornton Widdow Thacher Widdow Thaxter Esaiah Toy Richard Tought William Turner Thomas Thornton 154 City Document No. 92. U. John Usher Roger Vicors John Viccors ■W. Samuell Wintworth Joseph Webb John Watson Ciipt. John Winge Experians Willis Beniaman Walker John Wiborne Thomas Willis Endorsed " No 6 Countrie rate. Const'''^" Benjanien Alford Joseph Alliston John Allen Isaac Addington, Esq. John Arnold Richard Bulkley Peter Buttler *- Gabriel Bernon Joseph Belknap Henry Brightnian Jolin Briggs Thomas Baker Sen. Thomas Brattle Isaac Biscon Thomas Blyth Thomas Brightnian Wido Buttler David Bassett John Conney James Cornish Ezekiel Cheever Elisha Cooke, Esq'* Samuel Clieckley William Clutterbuck Andrew Cunningham Timothy Cunninghaoi Richard Christophers Benjamen Davis Jeremiah Durner Widdo Dudley John Dinely Thomas Davis James Downing John Eyre Jonathan Everett Capt John Fairweather Jeremiah Fitch Benjamen Fitch Thomas Fiteh Benjamen Funnell John Funnell Andrew Funnell William Gilbert Tiiomas Graftbrt John Gibson June, 1691. Joseph Belknap, John Hicks Benjanien Harris John Hurd John Herbert Coward* Thomas Hayes Samuel Jolmson Sen. Widdo Jones Samuel Legg Mad'" Leverett John Liddikin Hudson Leverett Simeon Messenger Joseph Maylira Francis Morse Arthur Mason George Monck Florence Mackarty Thomas Marshall Widdo Mann Jabes Negus Robert Noakes Wid" Oxenbridge Samuel Paine Joseph Parson George Pordage James Pemberton L' Co. Nic'O Paige Thouuis Peck, Sen. Samuel Phillips William Phillips Mons. Pastre Thomas Peck Jun. Gamaliel Rogers John Rolestone Bryan Smith Francis Smith Widdo Stoddard Edward Shippen Epaphras Slirimpton Simeon Stoddard Nathan" Shannon Jolin Sanderson ' Although put under 11, his suniiinie was Cowaril Appendix. 155 Nicolas Tippet Penn Townsend James Taylor & Ptner Bernard Trott Henry Tyte Andrew Veacli Richard Wilkins Robert Williams John Ware Cap' W" Wright ditto for his house Cap' Edward Willey James Worth Endorsed "No 7 Countrie Rate 1G91. Sainii" Grag, Cons'''^" Thcoder Atkinson Daniel Allen Edward Ashley John Alden Jan. Widd° Armitage Jonathan Balston Sen. Jolin Balston Nathan' Balston Jonathan Balston Jun. Thomas Bossenger Joseph Bridgham Samuel Bill & Spectacle Island Robert Butcher Benjamen Baggworth John iioarland Samuel Bridge John Barry, Tann. Jahleel Brenton Abraham Browne William Clarke Caleb Chafen John Chaddock John Cordner John Carry Gilbert Cole David Crouch John Clough Adam Dinsdale Nathan" Dew Oliadiah Dew Edward Drincker Thomas Eyre Thomas Fairweather Josiah Franckline William Fuller Thomas Fox William Frathingham Benjamen Gillam Balden Gouge David (ivvinn Saniucll Gray John Greenleafe Dorothy Gretian Edward Hill Joseph Hill Richard Harris Cap' James Hill Thomas Hill William HoUowcll Sen. Will'" Hollowell Jun. Abraham Harrison John Hannikin Ephraim Hall Wido Hunt John Joyliffe Roger Judd Henry Louder Joseph Langdon David Langdon Richard Louden John Mico & Ptner Robert Mason Doct. Morris John Marion Sen. Isaac Mirriam Samuel Mirriam John Marsh, butcher John Miller Widdo Mountfort Samuel Marshall John Mellows Theadosius Moore John Marshall John Marsh, currier Thomas Mallet Moses frenchman, Rope maker Widd° Noyce Robert Orchard Nathan" Olliver Daniel Olliver Regnall Odall Widd« Olliver Samuel Phillips Ann Pollard Jonathan Pollard John Poole Phillip Plienny Ednmnd Perkins 156 City Document No. 92. William Paine John I'oriliini James Peniiiman John Parker Caleb Pay Peter Sarsreant Barth"' Sutton & son John Sinitli Steven Sargeant Saveall Synipson Thomas Shipcott Gyles Sylvester Thomas" Smith, Stiller Thomas Smith, Smith Rowland Storry Thomas Staplefort Robert Sanders John Temple Phillip Verrin Cornelius Waldo Christoph'' Webb Benjamen Webb Wido Whetteomb John Wineheomb John Wiiislow Wid'? Winslow John Walley Thomas Walter James Woodmancey Michael Willis Jidward Wanton James Webster [Note. Endorsed hereon is a warrant specifying the rates to be allowed for provisiona, viz. : — wheat OS. pr. bu., Indian com 2.?., barley and barley malt 2*. 8(?., pease 2.?. 8(Y.,oates Is. per bushel. Pork sealed by a sworu packer 40.?. per bbl.; beef 24s. per bbl. Tersous paying la kind were also to pay tht>charge of transportation. Endorsed Con'"^" "No. 8 Countrie Rate, 1691. Elizer Holioake, A. Deacon Henery A [ Bareachiah A [ ] Silence Allen John Au^ur James Andrews B. John Bennet AViddow Blake Samuel 1 Bisnall Nathaiiieil Barnes John Bull John Bolstone Thomas Baker James Burgis Thomas Banist^ Joseph Briscoe • Edward Brumfeild Mons"; Boqueet C. Henery Cole Thomas Cobb Richard Cobb John Cornish Joseph Cornish Richard Cornish Edward Co well Harry Clarke Joseph Cowell George Clarke Tymothy Clarke John Cowell Robert Calfe D. Thomas Downe Zachariah Davis Eleazi; Darbie Samuell Durrani E. Robert Earle John Earle Edward Ellis John Esjbear Jacob Eliott Joseph Eliott F. Giles Feifeild Cap' Theo Frarie Richard Feifeild James Floyde William Fisher Widdow Frost G. Isacke Goose John Goodwin Edward Gon^e Thomas Gold Richard Gridlie Anthony Greenehill John Glouer William Gibbons John Gill H. Joshuah Hewes James Harris Elezer Holioake Joseph Holmes Ral[)h Hewes John Horrige Appendix. 157 James Hallet Joseph Holmes Jun^ K. Richard Keates Widdow Kinge Jj, Samuell Langmon Thomas Lincolne John Lee M. Samuell Mason John Mason Christoph": Monke Jacoh Moline John Mirian, Jun^ Daniell Morey Paul Millard Allexand"- Millar N. John Needland O. Elisha Oadleyn Peter Oadlyn William Obison P. Thomas Prince Samuell Peirce John Pell .^B^iddow Peirce Seath Perrie R, Solomen Raynsford David Raynsford Widdow Ragland Tliomas Raper Sam" Sewall, Esq'- , & Mrs. Hull R, Robert Sanderson sen"^ Robert Sanderson Jun^ Alexand"; Simson Michaell Sheller Mathias Smith Samson Sheafe Eneas Salter Eleazer Starr Christopher Stegg T. William Tudman Peter Townsend Nathaniell Thayer Nathan" Toy at Eld^ Colebornea house V. Samuell Veazie John Vicars W. Wait Winthrop Esq* Thomas Walker sen' Thomas Walker Jun^ Thomas Wallis William Wallis Henery Wright Peter Welcombe Joscpli Wheeler Samuell Walker Peter Warren Peter Wire Edward Willis John Waite John Wis wall Endorsed " Muddy river rates, Dee. 13. IGDl. Thomas Gardner sen^ Jno White senr Peter Aspinwall sen^ Jn'^ Winchester sen^ Edward i)eiiotion Robert Harris Thomas Woodward Thomas Stedman Jn° Harris Dan-' Harris Josepli Dauis Dor man Marrian Tsack Heath Jun^ Josiah Winctliester Erasainan Drew Hener\^ Siai^er Vriah'Chirke Andrew (iarchier Thonuis Gardner Jun^ Tliomas Boilstone Jn" Wiiite Jun^ Joseph White Tymothy Harris Beniamin White Jn" Denotion George Herstow Jn" Ktiion Edmund C'hamberlin Jacob Cluunl>erlin Joshua Kebby W" Willis Ebenezer lluttson Jn" I'arker ('lenieni ( 'orbin Clirist()j)tier I'ortngall Abicll liMmbe .lonathan -loanes Josepli I'cinerton Joshua (iardner Thomas Sudgroue Jonathan I'Diry Jabez Buekminster Sanv' (,'larke Natli'' Stedman his estate Roger Addams Nath" Hammond Joseph Griggs J a" Winchester Jun^ 158 City Document No. 92. List of Inhabitants. 169 5. In the City Clerk's office there is a book containing a list of inhabitants of the town in 1695, evidently made at that date. The substance of it has been printed in " Boston Notions," but mixed with other names. We therefore now print it in its proper form, the names being arranged alphabetically, and under each letter, also by precincts or wards. " A List of Inhabitants in Boston 1695." 1. Jolin Atwood Thomas Adkins Matthew Armstrong Samuell Avis 2. David Adams .Jonathan Adams .Joseph Adams Iliimphery Atherton .Tosepli Arnold 3. .lose Appleton .Tohn Ahlen Nathaneel Alden Joseph Allen Abraham Adams William Arnold .Joseph Amy Johi» Alcoek 4:. William Alden .Tohn Adam .Jiin'r Allen Anghletree 5. Bozoun Allen William Ardell .Tcremiah Allen O. Tsaaek Addmgton •loseph A lesion Benjamin A 1 ford William Adams, glover .lereniiali Allen :5 Kaphaell Abandana .Jolui Allen, printer David f\vigni(jn, cook vvid. .Vvi'ry 7. .Tohn Arnold John i\dams sen! Edward Ashly Theoder Atkinson Robert Archer John Adams, jnalster Joseph Alexander widdow Allen 8. John Alger John Allen .lames Andrews Elisha Adlin Ilenery Allen Silence Allen Barachiah Arnold liichard Ackerman 9. Roger Adams* 10. Roger Adams Sanmell Aspinwall 1. Robert Brinsdon Sanuiell Burnell Thomas liaker Edward Bud Daniell Ballard .Tosiah Baker rhillip Bas William I'nrroughs Thomas Berry Phillip Bowdeu Nath'> Blake John Bowden John Borden 2. John Bernard Samuell Burrell Thomas Bernard William Brown Robert Benjar John Butier Nathaneel Baker John Barber Elisha Bennet John Bolt Georg Hurrell jun'r James Berry John liucanan Benjamin Bream John Bayly Oliver Berry .Tohn Barrell Newcome Blake Georg Beard Daniell Bisco Ambrose Berry John Beales 3. Francis Burroughs Gdbert Bant * Probably cancelled. Appendix. 159 Edward Beers John Ballantine John Baker Thomas Burrington Eobert Blabber Josiah Boyles John Belehar William Barnsdell Henery Bennet Stephen Billion James Bankes Peter Basset Eichard Brookes Edward Beers wid Rebecka Blackman 4. Samuell Barret Joseph Billings Richard Bernard John Benmore Moses Bradford Jarvis Ballard James Barton William Billings Nicolas Bow Peter Bowden John Bashoon Hugh Barton James Babbage Daniell Bristow wid Briggs wi Bridges 6. James Barnes Abraham Blish Peter Barber Edmund Brown AVilliam Bryant AVilliam Barbut Thomas Beete Nicolas Buttolph John Bishop Edward Jiartles Georg Bailcoek. — Edward Brown John Brown Edward Brattle Bond John Booker Jauu's I>cury wid Bellingham Button 6. Isaak Iiis(M)n Henry liriglitman Andrew Belchar Hichard iimwn (jal>rieil IJernd^n John Briggs William Briggs Richard Buckly Peter Butler Joseph Belknap David Basset Alexander Bulman Francis Brock Thomas Brown Edward Boilston Tiiomas Baker wid Mary Button 7. Robert Butcher Nathaniel 1 Buyfield Natlian" Balston Abraham Brown Thomas Bossenger Samuell Bridge Stephen Butler John Barry Samuell Bill Thomas Brattle Benjamin Bagworth John Balston Jahleel Brenton Jonathan Balston Sen' Jonathan Balston Jun' John Boreland Joseph Bridgluun Philip Bargier John Blore John Beard William Jjoatswain William Butler Samuel Boon Stephen IJadger 8. Edward Bromfield Thomas Banister Samuel Bickner Jonathan Belchar John Bt'iinet John Balston, carpent. John Bull Tliomas Baker Joseph Brisco John Biiurri Benjamin lUacklcech Richard Buckly Francis Biu-kit William Burrage IJobt-rt Brown wid Bnrges O. Jeremiah Belchar Jam.s Bill Jonathan Bill doseph Bill William l?()rdinan John Bull Tiiaddi'us Barrow Briant Bredon lO. Thomas Boilston Georg Bearstow Joseph Buck master 160 City Document No. 92. 1. William Coleman Job Cliamberlain Jonas Clark Ezkell Clesby Robert C'omby William Clough Sainiu'l Clark, carpent William Cop mV Edward Cruff Henry Cliamlet William Chamlet Samuell Clark, mariner Christophers Thomas Coates William Clements David Cop William Critchfield John Cobl)ft 2. John Clark William Cole Nicolas Cocke John Carlile John (^olmor Josc])h Chamberlain John Child David (7op Sen"; David Co|) Jnn^ Jeremiah Cushing IVrcivall Clarke M nil go Craford John Candish Ebenezer Clough Daniell Collins Samuell C'op John Cuimibar 3. Thomas Child Elias Callender Samuell Checkly Ralph Carter John Combes Richard Chcever John Carthew John Cotta, Sen'r John Cotta, Jnn^ Thomas Ciishing Stephen Cros John Curtis Ebenezer Chafin Jonathan Cockeraft John Coniiy wid Checkly wid Cranmer Courser 4. William Critchfield Jonas Clay Thomas Cooper Edward Creek Anthony Checkley Duncan Campbell Mathew Cary John Cunniball Stephen Clay John Coleman wid. Calender wid. Cheever 5. Richard Crisp Georg Cable Thomas Clark Wiliam Oos William Crow Samuell Clough John Campbell Mathew Collins Thomas Cook Thomas Coram wid. Crow 6. Samuell Checkly Thomas Crees James Cornish John Clesby John (^ary Andrew Cunningham Jiichard Christophers John Cook Elislia Cook Thomas Cornish Timothy Cunningham 7. Caleb Chafin John Cutler John Clough William Clark John Cook David Crowch Abraham Christophers Gilbert Cole Thomas Carter John Clampit Edwaril Chamden John Cole, mariner John Cole, Schoolmaster Joseph Cowell JunT 8. Henry Cole John Cornish Joshua Cornish Robert Calf John Clough, glover George Clark Sen'r Georg Clark Jnn'r Cob Sen": Richard Cob Jun'' Timothy Clark Joseph Cowell Sen'C William Clap Richard Critchfield w Sarah Cowell w Hannah Cowell w Margaret Corwin O. John Center William Colnier 10. Abraham Chamberlain Joshua Child Samuell Clark Appendix. 161 1. Jacob Davis Samuel Durrara William Davis William Dennis Peter Dunbar Henery Dickerson Leonard Drown Lawrence Drisco 2. Joseph Doweling Charles Demerit Samuell Dj'ar wid Dolberrj' 3. Gyles Dyar Robert Davis Henry Dawson John Dyar John Dyar John Dorrell Joseph Dean 4. Samson Dewer Ambrose Daws John Draper William Deusberry wid Dowel Doumede 5. Henery Deering John l^osset Richard Draper Ednmnd Dolbear Samuel Daniell wid Dudson G. Benjamin Davis Jeremiah Dumer James Downing Thomas Davis, cooper Thomas Davis, Shoemaker Moses Deschamp Joiin Davenport Seth Dwight 7. Benjamin Dyar John Dyar Obadiah Dickerson Adam Dindsdall Dindsdall Edward Drinker Piiilip Delarock Joseph Dayes Obadiah Dew Nathaneel Dew Richard Deloy Simon Daniell John Dingly John Doan 8. Edward Durant Thomas Down Sylvanus Davis Mathew Delavar Moses Dry, or le Sic* Eleazur Darby w Sarah Davis w Davis 9. Thomas Dowty 10. John Druce John Devotion Eramus Drue Josej)h Davis Edward Devotion 1. William Everden Robert Edmonds Joseph P^ldridge Jonathan Evans John Ever, barber David Eustus John Eyeres Jun'' Robert Edmonds 2. William Endicot David Edwards James English Henery E^ines Benjamin Emmes Eccles, Butcher John Earl John Elliset Eules, carpenter 3. Benjamin Emmons Jun'' John Endicott Jonathan Elasson widdow Everell 4. William Everton Benjamin Emons, Senr John Eustus Martha Ely 5. Georg Ellisston Richard Ely G. John Eyre Esq"" Jonathan Evoret Obadiah Eifions 7. John Egbar Thomas Eyres 8. Robert Earl Edward Ellis Samuell F^arl Daniell Ellin Edward Eglinton * Thus iu original. Undoubtedly meant for a Fi-eucli name and its traiRint.ion 11 162 City Document No. 92. Roarer Earl Robert Ellis, Junr Joseph Elliot Esset 9. William Eustus Senr AVilliam Eustus Junr lO.John Ellis 1, Jonathan Farnuin 2, John Foster Esq DaA'id Farnuni John Farnun) Senr William Frothingham John Farnuni Junr Stephen French Phillip Fentee John Frizell Gabriell Fishlock 3. Gypson Far Jacob Fermiside John Figge 4. James Fowl James Farris Francis Foxcraft John Foy Henry Franklen widdow Fitch »>. Ca{)t Fox — llopestill Foster G. Thomas Field Benjamin Fonnell Thomas Fitch John Fonnell John Fairweather Benjamin Fitch Duncan mack Farland Robert Franks 7. Josiah Franklen John Fosdick Richard Flood Thomas E'ox William Fisher widdow Fairweather 8. Joseph Flood Gyles Fyfield Theophilus Frary James Flood Richard Fyfield Joseph Fuller Alexander FuUcrton Henry Ferry widdow Frost y. John Fh)id Sen Hugh Floid John Floid Junr 1. James Glass .lohn Greennough James (Joodwin Robert (Jammon Sanniell Greenwood sen"" Obadiah Gill Samuell Greenwood Jnn'r Joseph Grant William Gill James (irant Abraham (lourding Jun'r Thomas (Joodale Joseph (ilidden Bartholmew Green 2. John Goodwin Joseph (ialloj) Benjamin (iallop Thomas Gold Thomas Gilbert Abraham Gourding Sen'r John Golf John Green James Grey Samuell Gricc Edward Goff. — John Gallant Sanniell Gardner 3. Joshua Gee Christopher Goff licgnal Grinian Ijot Gourding John Gawd Robert Glover Henry Gibbs widdow Gross 4. John Gwin Jun'r William Gypson Thomas (iwin William Griggs Thomas Grat'ord John Garret John George 5. William Gibbond Robert Gtittridge Robert Gibbs Enock Greenleaf Appekdix. 163 Niithaniell Green Jjimcs Green Duncan Garnock Kicliard Green John Green William Gull "Widilow Gross • widdow Gardner C Jeremiah Gypson James Gouge Edward Gouge Rebockah Griffin 7. John Greenleaf iSaniuell Grey Baldwin Gouge Nathaniell Green Thomas Gretian Benjamin Gillara David Gwin Thomas Gent Icabod Gale Anthony Gretian Martha Grantham 8. Isaak Goos John Glover Richard Gridly William Gibi)onds Thomas Gold Bartliolmew Green Samuell Gaskell Anthony Groenhill Gyles Goddard 10. Thomas Gardner Joseph Gardner Joshua Gardner widdow Gates widdow Gardner 1. Francis Hudson William Hobby Nathaniell Henchman Richard Honewell William Hough Thomas Hunt Richard Holt Nathaniell Hall Jolin Hiskot Stephen Honowell John Hodgden Joshua Hewes Jun^ Samuell Hermon Samuell Holmer 2. Coll. Elisha Hutchinson Robert Howard James Howard Jolin Hobl)y Dr William Huglis Joseph Hillar Erasmus Harrison Joshua Hewes Junr (1) Nathaneell Halsey widdow Henly 3. David Harris Elias Heath Tiiomas Hitchborn Elizur Hoi i oak Sanuiell Holland Thomas Hatherly Sen'r Thomas Hatherly Junr widdow Hawkins 4. Thomas Hunt Thomas Harwodd Thomas Harris Georg Hallet Arthur Hale James Hawkins John Hunlock John Horton William Hannah William Harris Hercules Hewet Gustavus Hambleton widdow Harris 5. Georg Ilorbuckle Francis Holmes William Hall John Hill Eliakim Hutchinson Joshua Hewes Samuell Hood widdow Herridge 6. Lawrence Hammond Ambrose Honowell AVilliam Hill John Henderson William Haherfield . Benjamin Harris Jacob Hahvell Nathaniell Halsey widdow Hacket 7. Ebenezer Hayden Richard Harris JoHcpli Hill Ki)hraim Hall AV^illiam Hayden Edward Ilili Alnahani Harrison, clerk James Hill Thomas Hill Junr Benjamin Holoway William Holowell Thomas Hay 164 City Document No. 92. 8. Isaak Hallum Torrence Ilenly Richard Hubbard WilliaiiJ HoUoway Nicholas Hopkins widduw Hunt James Harris Nathanietl Holmes Jos(.'i)ii Hohnes Natlianiell Hatch Grecnhill Henewell Joseph Holmes Jun'r Henry Hill, marriner John Hubbard Thomas Hall 9. Joseph Hasey William Hasey 10. Robert Harris Danic'U Harris Timotliy Harris Robert Harris Junr Nathaniell Holland 1. John Jarvis John Ireland Nathaniell Jarvis Thomas Johnson 2. Thomas Jackson Mattliew Jones Joseph Jackson Sanniell Jackson Zechariah Johnson John Jenkins Nicholas Ingoldsby John Jenkins, mariner widdow Joles 3. Nathaniell Jewell John Jei)son William Jepson Thomas Jepson widdow Jacobs 4. Samuell Jackline Aaron Jeffords L* Jarvis Benjamin Jackson Isaak Jones, Fisherman widdow Jose 5. Henry Ingram David JefTrys David Johnson David Jenners G. Job Ingram Samuell Johnson James Jarvis Samuell the Jew widdow Jones 7. John Joyliff Esq Roger Jud Nathaniell .Johnson 8. John Johnson Isaak Jones 9. William Ireland 1. Tlioiiias Kcllond Timothy Kemble, carp 2. 3. Richard Knight John Keetch Timothy Kemble widdow Kind Deborah Kean Andrew Knot John Kneeland Solomon Kneeland 5. Roger Kilcup Christopher Kilby 6. John Kilby senr William Keen John Kilby Junr Keemer Ralph Kilcup Solomon Kneeland John Killio Samuell King 7. Nathaniel Keettle 8. John Kelton Richard Keates 1, Robert Lash 2. John Langdon John Lawson Robert Lad Thomas Lazenby Appendix. 1G5 John Lowden 3. Samuel Lillie Thomas Littlepage Peter Lawrence I-ancelot Lake Peter Leach Tliomas Lamb Daniell Loring Capt. Lassells widdow Lillie 4. John Love John Loverin Phillip Langdon Isaak Loring William Lovis ,5. Sanmell Lynde Francis Legaree William Laeky James Lehlond Edward Loyd Ebenezer Lowell widdow Lash G. Samuell Leg John Lewis Richard Lux Lampree 7. 8. David Langdon Joseph Lowell Ebenezer Luscomb Joiin Leinene Joshua Lane Robert Logen Richard Lowden Thomas Linkhorn Samuel Landman John Levensworth Joseph Lobden John Lee John Leach 1. Francis Marshall John Marshall Elias Maverick Sen'r Robert Moor Peter Marshall 2. Richard Middlccott Amos MurreJl Edward Mortimer Edward Martin Tiiomas Mitchill John Mountford Henry More Edunind Mountford Christopher Monk Andrew Mariner Thomas Martin John Mills Robert Maugridg Edward Mills widdow Mountford Lydia Moor widdow Moor widdow Mathews 3. James Macollie Thomas Martin Samuell Mattock senr Samuell Mattock Junr Joseph jNIariner Richard Miles J^ Widdow Maning widdow Main 4. Thomas Mercer Stephen Minot William Manly Georg Mountjoy John Mulligan William Mountford Richard Moril Thaddeus Mackarta 5. Henry Mountford Eleazur Moody Robert Maxwell Benjamin Mountford Thaddeus Mackarta John Maxwell James Mears James Montier William Man Thomas Melens Medcalf Merit widdow Matson 6. David Mason Joseph Malam Florence Mackarta Thomas Marsliall James Maxwell Georg Monk Artlmr Mason Simeon Messenger Archiable Macquedick Hannah Man her husband Francis Mors Alexander Miller Elizabeth Mors 7. John Marsh Isaak Marion, butcher John Marion senr Samuell Marion Robert Mason Paul Miller Miles mariner 16() City Document No. 92. Jolin Mico Samuel 1 Marshall John Morris Tliomas Messenger James Marshall Nicholas Mead Nathaniell Miles William Molton wiiidow Man, unicorn John Mulberry John Marion Jun"" Daniell Mory Jacob Melyen John Mason Jacob Mason Henry Miles Samson More Joseph Marsh Joseph Marshall John Marsh at Keats Widdow Mason 9. Paul Maverick 10. Dorman Morean 1. John Nash Georg Nowell John Nedliani Ezekiell Neilham Nathaneell Newhall Joseph Nash 2. John Nicols David Norton Georg Norton Thomas Nulline Georg Newby 3. Francis Nocks 4. Timothy Nash 5. Tiiomas Newton John Nelson Capt Newhall G. Jabesh Negus Robert Nokes Nathaniell Newgate 7. Samuell Norteross Sarah Noyes 1. 2. John Oliver ;5. John Orris 4. 5. Thomas Oakes O. Widdow Oxenbridge 7. Nathaniell Oliver Daniell Oliver llegnall Odall Kicliard Okum 8. Kichard Oakman AVilliani Obison widdow Oxford 1. John Trat Nathaniell Parkman John Fnllen John Parmiter John Pittam William Parkman James Pitts John Pitts Gerard Pursly Richard Pears Samuell Poor. Joseph Parrnm IClins Puddington Willinm Pearse widdow Perkins 2. Timothy Prout Josepii Prout Edward Peggy Jolni Palmer Jolm Pears EdwMvd Proctour John I'lm Thomas Parker Jolm Plaisted sen^ John Plaisted Jun! Robert Pears Ebenezer Parmiter Prindle Eilward Porter Thomas Prankin Sam" Pain, mariner 3. Ebenezer Price William Palfery Joseph Peirce Joshua Peacock Elias Puddington Appendix. 167 John Parker Poushind widdow Piur-son widdow Prince widdow Peinberton 4. Richard Priest Huniphery Parsons Thomas Phillips John Pasco William Parsons William Pain Robert Price William Philps Joylliff Price Francis ParnoU Peter Parrot Stephen Palmer 5. Richard Proctour Samuell Pliiiher Daniell Powning Tliomas Perkins Thomas Pecke Jun'r Elkanah Pembrock Thomas Palmer John Pitts Benjamin Pemberton Thomas Plats William Pain widdow Powning G. Joseph Parson Samuell Phillips Joseph Prince Henry Put Nicholas Paig James Pemlierton Richard Peacock John Pastree widdow Phillips 7. Jonathan Pollard Jose Pliillips Hugh Perrin John Pool W'illiam Phillips William Pain, Smith John Potwine Michaell Perry John Parker Samuell Phillips Mr Pain, from Nosset Edward Puniree David Pollard John Pecke Anna Pollard 8. Thomas Prince Thomas Powell Samuell Pears Seth Perry Nathaniell Purdue John Pell Daniell Phippeny William Porter Jun'r Richard Pain, mast maker Henry Perkin John Potter Natlianeel Peather widdow Pearce 9. Thomas Prat Edward Phillips 10. Solomon Phips John Parker 1. Joseph Roberts John Roberts James Robes Georg Robinson John Robinson Joseph Robinson John Kainsford John Russell David Robinson John Rucke Jun'r Anna Richards widdow Rainslbrd 2. Ralph Rainsford Obadiah Reed William Roby Samuell Russell James Rainier Joseph Russell William Rous Risee, mariner Benjamin Rawiings 3. John Richards James Ranstrop Joseph Ryall Ralph Rainsford Richard Richardson Charles Roberts George Raison 4. John Rickes John Rogers 5. John Roberts John Ryall Huniphery Richards Joseph Rogers Nathaniell Raynolds Samuell Ruck 6. Joseph Rainier John Rowlstone Caleb Ray Joseph Russell 108 City Document No. D2. William lliindall Gaiualiell Kogers 7. Joliii llilee William Kidgill Andrew Rankin William Randall 8. James Randab William Ruck 3. Henry Sharp, painter .loliM .Smith 'riiiiinas Stephens Jo.siali Stune Iviihert Seers Rieliard Shoot Artluir Smith MicliDlas Salisbury John Stover Joseph Snelling Jolin Seally William Shute J()hn Sowther James Seward S! Samson Slioar Michaell Shoot John Snelling Anthony Stoddard Jolin Si'liy Saniueli Swetman William Slie|)eree Edward Siiluers John Seate Jahesh Salter Joini SiiTions John Sunderland William Stratton Jose))h Switcher Benjamin Snellings Christopher Sleg Joseph Skinner John Shine Sainnell Siiaddock James Statson James Seward Richard Slierrin Widdow Stepliens James Statson JJohert Starkeo Pilgrim Simkins William Snell John Somes Major Thomas Savage Thomas Standbury John Sell man Alexander Seers Seth Smith Nicholas Sparry John Siinson Thomas Steel Thomas vSimkins 4. Abraham Smith Robert Shelstone James Smith Thomas Savage, goldsmith Ephraim Savage Cyprian Southwark Gregory Sugars Moses Shedbeard John Salisbury Thomas Storey Jacol) Smith John Spencer Elizabeth Stephens 5. Henry Si)ry Richard Sherrin Coll Samuell Shrimpton I'eter Shabbod Samson Stoddard Capt" Smithson Sarson Thomas Savage, mariner Widdow Svvet O. Simeon Stoddard Nathaniell Shannon Francis Smith Joseph Scot Briant Smith Rol)ert Sanders Peter Sheridan John Shaddock Epa]>hras Shrimpton Widdow Stoddard 7, Samuell Smith Savel Simson Stephen Sergeant John Smith, baker Thomas Smith, stiller I'eter Sergeant, Esq Gyles Sylvester Thouuis Shepcot Rowland Storey Joseph Stocker Barthoimew Sutton William wSutton John Smith, the Smith Windor Sandy - William Slack Appendix. 109 8. Samucll Sewall Esq & Mrs Hull Alexander Simson Elizur Star Joseph Simson Eneas Salter Michaell Shaller Matliias Smith liobert Sanderson Samson Sheaf Samuel Salter Eneas Salter Jun^ Sherlow Robert Smith sen! Joseph Soper Nieliolas Stoughton Widdow Sanderson Widdow Small 9. John Smith 10, Thomas Stedman Nathaniell Stedman Ralph Shepard 1. Timothy Thornton Richard Tout Junr William Towers 2. Daniell Turell Daniell Travis Georg Tliomas John Trow Thomas Townsend, smith Christopher Taylor John Tucker, mar Thomas Townsend Sarah Turell Wid of Capt Turell widdow Thomas 3. Samuell Turell Joseph Townsend Richard Tally Beniamin Tout dead ■ Thomas Tyler Samuell Thorn John Tenny, dead James Tra worthy Anthony Thorning, at Lyon ram- pant 4. John Thwing Isaiah Tay Jeremiah Tay Bartholomew Threenedle Daniell Thomson 5. Matthew Turner Edward Thomas James Thornbury Thomas Thornton John Tliwing Benjamin Thaxter 6. Nicholas Tippet James Taylor Penn Townsend Francis Tiirasher Bernard Trot John Tuckerman Samuel Tilly James Townsend 7. William Turner William Tilly John Temple John Tuckerman Jun'r 8. Edward Taylor Peter Townsend senr Peter Townsend Jun'r William Tedman Georg Turfery AViddow Thair 9. Samuell Townsend Elisha Tuttle Edward Tuttle John Tuttle Jonathan Tuttle 10. Jonathan Torey 1. 2. 3. 4. David Vaughan John Viall Thomas Veering Christopher Vale John Veering James Updick John Vicars John Usher Peter Varhee 6. Andrew Veatch 7. 8. Joseph Vicars 9. 10. 170 City Docuivient No. 92. 1. Joseph Williams Samuell Woodward Lawrfnce AVIiite Samuell Workman John Welch John Water Benjamin Williams Andrew Wilson Samuell White, mariner Samuell White, carpenter Benjamin Worthyluke 2. Richard Way Richard White Obadiah Wakefield Amos Wodlin John Wakefield sen^ John Wakefielil Jun^ Adam Wiiithrop Andrew Willet Timothy Watsworth Edward Worrell William Wheeler John Waters AViar, boatman Joseph AVadsworth mr Widdow Wensley Widdow Warren Widdow Waters 3. John Wally sen^ Joshua Windsor Samuell AValker Thomas Windsor Benjamin AVeb Samuell Wentworth Nathaniell AVilliams Jonathan Waldo James Williams Francis. AV hitman Whitehorn, at AVentworths AViddow AValker 4. John AValdo John AVatkins Andrew Waker AA'illiam AA''iison Thomas AValker Ebenezer AVeekes 5. Benjamin AValker Samuell Ward Joseph Web John AVatson Edward AVinslow James AVood John Wiswall William Welsted Dr. Richard Williams 6. Richard Wilkins James AA'^orth Robert AA'illiams Thomas AVheeler John AA'ilson John AValker AViddow AVare Sarah AA^ebster AVidow Wesendunck 7. Cornelius AA^ildo John AA'illiams James AA'^ebster David AValshy John AA''a]ly Jun^ John Wenchcomb Edward Wanton Elizaljeth AA^hetcomb Michaell AVillis Jobn AVinslow and mother maj John AVally Daniell AVillard William Welsted Junr Joseph Web Martha AVharton 8. AVait AVinthrop Esq^ Thomas AA^^ilker Sen^ Thomas Walker Jun^ John AVait Return AVait William AVallace Thomas AVallace Peter AVare Edward AVillis Joseph AAHieoler John AVillianis William AVcb AVilliam AVheeler 9. Aaron Way Dean Winthrop Jose AVinthrop Thomas AVillianis John AA'ait 10. Joseph AA'hite Benjamin AA'^liitc John AVinchester Josiah AVinchester Thomas AVoodward Georg AVoodward. — Widdow White INDEX OF NAMES. In preparing the following Index, I liave endeavored to assist the reader in finding names, hut without warranting the correctness of my identifications. That is, I have placed untler one head names wliich seemed to he prohal)ly tlie same, altiiough varied in spelling. But the reader is again warned that the si)elling of many names is so varied on these lists as to render it impossible to place them under definite and certain headings. Thus, we have Jeffries under Gelferies, Eustis under Ustice, Chaddock and Shaddock, Ersey, proba- bly for Ilersey, and innumerable instances of changes of vowels. Hencevhe searcher for any name nuist look for it under all possible variations, and nuist follow out all references to names resembling the one sought :« »rt»7,e »way he under more than one heading. He must search all names under the initial letter of the name, and nnist also search under any other initial which could be interchanged therewith. It is hoped that every name on the foregoing lists has been safely trans- ferred to the following columns. UosroN, December, 1881. W. II. WHITMORE. Abmulana, 158. Abbot, 143. Abdey, 73. Ackennan, 158. Aci'cs (Afikars), 56, 58. Addams, 22, 28, 31, 33, 3H, 41, 56, 58, 62, 66, 68, 79, 84, 86. 88, v,4S. Bulklcv. .S7, 113, 116, 140, 154. Bull, 47. 73, 124, 133, 14.3, 156, 159. Bullis, -iS, 71. Bullivaiit, 82, 87, 113, 140. Bully (Buloy), 28,39. Bulman, 122, 142, 159. Bumas, 4S. Bunistca.i, 41, 49, 54, 72, 81, 88, 89, 115, 141. Builoid, 41, 47. BuiRis, 18, 3!, 38, 54,71, 73,78, 80, 82, 106, 137, 139, 156, 159. Burnoll, 22. 28, 84, 93, 135, 146, 148, 158. Burowes, 71, 86, 87, 93, 113, 136, 140, 146, 148, l.>0, 158. Buircll, 33, 38, OS, 70, SO, 96, 149, 158. Buiicv, 41. Buiiic'lsji; (Bun-age), 32, 84,93, 159. Huniiiittoti, 150, 15y. Bun. Ml, lis, 136, 149. Burlon, 41, 48, 62, 72, 130. BusliiKll, 86,96, 130, 149. Bu.i. 1 Vise, 5S. <;;isie, 50, f)4, 64. C:i:;lintnn. 141. Ca.-^lle, 65, 68. Cawlc'y, 33, 38, 68. Center, 100. Chadflock, 155. Chaiaeii, 120, 142. 155, 160. Chambeilaiu, 93, 135, 147, 148, 157, 160. Chauulen, 160. Chainlet, 140,160. ChainfiioM, li)2. Chaniplin, 100. Chanter, 80. Chanterell. 33, 39. Chaiil'erland, 33. Charles, SO, 98, 130, 153. Charley, 48. Charty, 117. Cheeyer, 48, 03, 70, 71, 102, 108, 115, 132, 138, 139, 150, 152, 154, 160. Chickley (Checkly), 22, .32, 33, 38, 66, 68, 71, 72, SO, 83, 102, 103, 107, 13.'), 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 154, 16J. Childs, all, 50, 58, 68, 103, 130, 136, 145, 160. Chreslield, 152. Christophers, 89, 115, 141, 154, 160. Clninhfx, l,if,toriii Boston, 0. Cirbe-y, 152. Claiuplt, 160. Clapp, 6S, 82, 127, 143,160. Clarke, 15, 2:1, 28, 31, 33, 38, 42, 47, 57, .58. 6.5, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, SO, S2, 83, 84, 86, S7, 811, 92, 911, 102, 106, H)7, 108, 111, 120, 124, 120, lis, 1J9, 13 1, 1.35, 136, 1.3H, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 152, 1.53, 155, 150, 157, 100. Classe. 143. Cl.-iy, SO, 10", 139, 152, 160. Clear, 23, 41,42, 05. Clements (CleinoMs), 33, 38, 66, 146, 160. Clesby ((-"leayesbv), 33, 38, 08, 79, 84, 86, 94, OS, 134, 136, 140, 148, 149, 160. Clifford, 139. Cliskett. 130. Cloui;h (Cliitn-), 23, .32, 54, 71, 74, 80, 81, 89, 92, 13-'>, 148, 155. 160. Clow, 75, 82, lis, 120, 142, 144, 146, 153. CUitlerluick fClutterhrock), 50, 154. Coantr, Si. Coate.s, 100. Cobb, T.'4, 114, 150, 100. Cobl.elt, lO.I. Cohhani, r.5, 71, SO, 83, 80, 108, 139. Cockcr.d't, 160. Cocke, 23, :;l, 32, 74, 149, 160. Cockes(Cox) . 22,31 ,33, 38, 49, .54, 02, 06, OS, 141 . Coilner, 50, Ui8, 139, 155. Cohoiin, IS. Colboriie, 75. 157. Cole (Coollel, -.s, SI, S3, 117, 122, 127,1.33, i:'.7. 112, 1 l:;, 144, 140, 149, 155, i56, 10;i. Colinian, 2S,SI, SI, \i, I:15, I4S, 160. Collicott. 22, 23, ;,2, OS, '.)0 Collier (Coller). I.O, 74, 140. Collin.*, :;l, 50, 54, 55, 7(1, 71,80, 83, SO, 92, IDS, 110, i;;-.. Mil. 100. Colnier, I:;l, 14.5, 100. Colston, 71. Combe, 4s. Condor. MI. Coii3. Currier, 143. Curtis (Courtis), 75. 1.37, 160. Cusliinsi. 22, 60. 68, SO, 99, 138, 149, 150, 100. Cusins,^l(i7, 139. Cutler, !06, 100. -Daniel, 74, 81, 89, 116, 139, 1.52, 101. Daiison, 72, 1 10, 153. Darbv, 33, 6^ 124. 143, 156, 161. Davenport (D.uipoit), 42, 50, 01, 75, 161. Daues (l)auis), ;>!, 32, 33, .38, 42, 50, .54, 55, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 84, 8S, 93, 107, 113, 128, 141. 142, 144, 146, 148. 157. Davis, 5.5, 56, 57, 70, 72, 82, 89, 102, 114, 121, 133, 1.35, 139, 14U, 142, 145, 154, 156,161. Daw, 72, 89, 116. Dau'-is, 32, 63,71, 83, 100, 109,126, 139,152, 101. Dawson, 08, 79, 88, 104, 113, 151, 161. D.iy, 28, 70, 74, 84, 91, 121, 135, 143, 146, 161. Deaeons, 42, 47. lieane (Dean), 42, 48, .50, 51, 101. D.arinu.s, .-9, 115, 141,1.53, 161. IU<(th^m Boston 1714-1845, 11, 13. Deero, 31. De.llow, 130. Deebneke, 139. Deir, .50. Delavar, 161. Del.iroek. 161. Dell (Pill), 23,63. Delov, Pil. Deiu'eri-il. 86,97, 137, 161. Den. e,. 31. DfUilv, 55, lieniker. 6.5. 1 )eniiis, 23. .50. .55, ,86, 89, 9.5, 115, 136, MO, 161. l)eHS(l;ill (Diiisdall), 61, 74, 142, 155, 161. Donsilen. 119, 121. ] )uslH>n ( I )es(l)amps) , 82, 88, 112, 138, 152, 161. Devax, 142. Devor, 153, Devotion, .56, 05, 129, 145, 1.57, 101. Dew, 74, 89, 118, 142, 155, 161. Dewer ( I)uor),65, 71 , 80, 83, 108, 139, 152, 153. Dewin (Dueii). 121. 142. Dewitt (Du Wit), 33, 38. Dewsbury, 161. Dexter. 80. Diek, 68. Diekerson, 70, 105, 146, 101. Dill, 63, 84. Iiiim^ly (Dinly), .50, 54, 154, 161. Doan, 161. Dobson, 86, 98, 137. Dolbear, 161. Doleberry, 68, 79, 86, 97, 149, 161. Donieniek, 125 Doolittle, 59, 76. Dornian, 47. Dorr, 68. Dorrell, 161. Dosset, 72, 87, 113, 140, 153, 161. Dothrow, 42. Dowdeii (Dowilon),23, 70, 79,86,96,136,149, 161. Dowell, 23, 38, 68, 100, 136, 161. Dower, 161. Downc (Uownes), 23,32,63,75, 84, 93, 126, 135, 144, 156, 161. Downey, 148. Downiiitc, 154, 101. Dow.se, 42, 46, 64, 71. Dowly, 161. Drake, 6S, 72, 78, 83. Draper, ln2, 119, 141, 151, 153,161. Drarie, 70. Drene, 70. Drew, 38, .57, 58, 128, 137, 142. 145, 149, 157,161. Drinker, 74, 121, 143, 155, 101. Driseow, 135, 14S, 161. Driver, 79. Drown, 1J6, 161. Druce (Drew?), 56, 57, 05, 101. Drury (Drewry), 03, 07, 74, 126, 144. Drv, 101. Dn'ble.lay, 71, 80, 83, 106, 139, 161. Duebinan, 141. Dn.ldson. 23, 42. 47, 72, 112, 140, 161. Du.lley, SI, 89, 117, 118, 141, 142,154. Duen, 121. Du:rL'lass,23. Duke, 117. Dubiiiie, 31. Dunnner, .50, 55, 89, 117, 142, 154, 161. Dunan, 156. Dunbar, 101. Duncan, 56. Dunford, 47. Duni ing, 28, 68, 79. Durant, 101. Durdent, 127, 142. Durrum, 146, 101. DuWit, 38. l)wi;;lit. 75, 104, 138, 151. 101. Dyer, (il, 05, 70, 102, 138, 149, 150, 151, 161. Eable, 119. East, 42, 74, 120, 144. Earle. 42, 47, 72, 89, 142, 146, 150, 101, 162. Earthy. 1.35. Kbron, 72. Eecles, 101. Kdall. 142. Edde, 83. Ed.lows, S6, 96, 130, 151. Edes, 71, 110. Kdii.'rlon, 81, 115, 141. Kdnionds. .55, 72, 84, 94, 135, 146, MS, 161. Kdsall, .50,54, 83, 109. Edwards, 23, .34, .38, 42, 64. 68, 71, SO, 87, 89, 95, 10S, 114, 136, i:',9, 141, 149, 152, 161. Eubear, 1.56, 161. Egland, 28. Index of Names. 175 Ksflinton, 161. Ekiiis, l:i9. Eire's (Kyi-e), 55, 115,134, 141,148,153,154, 155, 161. Eldridgc, 23, 84, 'J2, 94, 133, 148. 140, 161. Kit's, 75. Elc!y, .34, 38. ICIit'ason, 120 ElUin, 47, 08. Elin, Hn. Elliot (Eliott, Eliitc), 50, 70, 75, 86,94,0", 125, 1211, K:>, 144, 156,102. Ellis. 74, 0>i, U)4, 119, 127, l:i8, 143, 144, 156, 161, 102. Elistoii, 71, 8S, 114, 140, 153, 161. Eiisoii, SO, 161. Ellisot, 101. Ely, 101. Emci-.soii, 50, 55. Enus (Emms), 28, 08, 82, 84, 86, 98, 1.".7, 149, 101. Kmnii.ns, 23, 31, 39, 64. 65, OS, 70, 71, 80, S3, iOii, 109, 139, 151, 152,161. Kmilt, 74. KiHlico:.t(>, 68, 86, 96, 138, 149, 161. Km,"-'^. 1.2. i:iiglish,23,64, 66, 68, 8.5, 86, 97,137,139,149, lai. Enarolili^by, 31. Knsinc, 152. Krsi'y, S.i. E'sel, 127, 143, 102. Eton. 138. Evurlv, 28, 08. Kvan.-; (Eir.ins), 50, 70, 72, 119, 142, 143, 161. Evedeii (Euerdcn), 50, 54, 68, 79, 84, 92, 1.35, 148, 101. Evci-ed, 104. 142. Eveii-tt, 70, 86, 104, 138, 1.')4, 161. Evci-ill (Eiiercll), .'iS, 65,70, 101,138,151,101. ICverton. 140, 148, 161. Eustice, 59, 66, 76, 139, 145, 101, 162. Faindem, 106. FmrlicUl, 71, 83. 106, 139, 152. Faii-weaUier (Fayerwethur), 50, 54. 72,83, SO, 85i, 8 J, 116, 134, 141, 154, 155, 162. Fai-indin, 110. Faniham (Kainiim), 23, 32, 66. 68, 79, 85, 97, 99, 105, 134, 130, 138, 148, 149, 162. Farnscy (Farcnsfv), 39, 151. Fanisido (I, 80, 99, 127. 137, 144, 156, 162, 103. (ioblini; ((Jolden), 50, ;.4, 73, 83. (iociilale, 85,95, 135, 140, 162. (.ioodey, 40. Goodman, 137. Guodwin (Goodin). .50, .54, 68. 74, 85, S6, 91, , 137. (.iiathani, 163. Cray ((ircy), .')5, 75, 125, 142, 1.55, 162, 163. Ciriiian, 74, 122, 139, 142, 155, 163. (ireelp, 137. Gritciie, 39, 42, 4S, 59, 03, 64, 69, 71, 73, 76, 83, Sti, 88, 90, 100, 111, II-J, 121, 136, 138, 140, "^ 142, 140, 148, 149, 153, 162, 163. Greenhill, 1-J7, 144, 1-56, 163. <;rc'Oi>iili;e, 34, 38. (irocnleaf, 50, 54, 55, 61, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88, 80, 112. 110, no, 122,140,141, 142,155,162,103. Grii'i^jugli, 24, 32, 06, 68, 85, 91, 134, 146, 148, 102. Greenwood, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 4r!, 77,85, 93, 94, 135, 146, 148, 102. Grignoii (Griniau), 90, 138, 162. (.iv\w, 86, 101, 140, 162. (iri.lloy, 74, 119, 143, lf)6, 163. (TrUlon (Grcptinee), 24, 30, 38,74, 82, 85, 110, 135, 141, 145, 148, 152, 103. Griiiss, 43. 71, 83, 109, 120, 139, 142, 1.52, 157, 162. Grignall, 151. Gross (Gro.'^tO, 34, 38, 39, 42, 43,48, 60, 70, 102, lO;'., 135, 138, 151, 102, 103. Grover (Grouer), .59, 63, 70, 1 14, 153. (Jrovos, 85, 95, 136. Grow, 03. Grundi, 58. (lull, 103. Gullio, 71. GulUTidiic'. 24, 74, 82, 85, 88, 91, 104, 112, 135, 137, 110, 140, 153, 102. Gwin, 20, 70, 89, 105, 118, 142, 185, 162, 163. (Twinnop, 137, 149. Gypsoii, 102, 103. HaboHu'ld, 71,81, 89, 114,103. Ilackor. 143. Hac-kott, 73. 83, 130, 163. Hackkcld, 1.52. I ladder, 137. llaiiips, 15:;. liakens, 71. Hale (llnile), 43, 48, S3, 100, 100, 1.39, 163. Haley. 152. Hall, 20, 43, 47, 64, 69, 70, 74. S8, 94, 113, 127, 134, 1 II, 144, 1 18, 15:!, 155, 103, 104. Hallaiti (Halcni), 120, 144, 164. llallard, :'.9. 1:38. llalla\vell,31,143, 155, 16:;. H.ill.'t. to, 90. 136, 149, 157, 163. Haillot, 34, 39. JIalsov. 0:». 80, 98, 136, 140, 163. Halse'vl (llMlsell). 24, 31. Halsworlli, 24,32. II ally, 03. Hainan, ss. 113, 140. Ilaniiltoii (Ilanilileton), 43, 69, 110, 152, 163. Hamlin. 21, :;s, S:, ',17, 108, 137, i:'.9, 152. Hatmiii.n.l, 57, 1.i7, 163. llaifLs 5... Hanna-an (Hannikin), 117, 141,155. hannali, 10:!. Hauawell. 14:;. (laiinifi.rd, 24, 94. H.ires, 75. Harker, 143. Harris, 24, 34, 38, 43, 50, 5S, 00, 70, 71. 73, 74, S3, 85, 88, 92, 102, 100, 110, 1 12, 120, 120, 128, l:J5, 130, 138, i:», 142, 144, 145, 151, 1.52, 154, 155, 1.56, 157, 163, 164. Harrison, 51, 02, 70, 74, 75, 83,109,122,143, 144, 155, 163. llarsie, 76. Harwood, 03, 69, 71, 7.3, 74, 83, 107, 1.39, 1.52, 163. Hasard, 75. Hastinsis, 47. Hasy, ,59, 132, 1.33, 145, 164. Hatch, 104. Hatliirly, 34, .39, 70, 104, 139, 152, 103. llaiiL,'h (nousl)). 74, 123, 135, 143, 147, 163. Haven, 89. Ha^\ kin.s, 29, 4:% 47. 51, .54, 60, 73, 80, 81, 82, 8:;, 85, 88, 89, 100, 114, 139, 152, 163. Hawlet, 32, 70. Hawthorne, 137. Hav, 103. Hayden, 143, 103. Haydon, 85, i;35, 144. Haves (Haze), 144, 154. Haymon, 113, 140. Haywood (Ilayward. Haward), 43, 63,71,73, 83,88, 113, 140. Heath. 51, 103, 129, 138, 140, 145, 151, 153, 1.57, 163. Helnies, 144. Hemes, 125. Hemfi<-ld, 85, 93,143. Uenehman (Hinksman), 15, 24, 31, 70, 85, 91, l:!5, 140, 148, 103. Henderson, 1.52, 102, 103. Henley, .34, 38, 69, 79, 86,98,137,149,103,164. Eepdish. :!S. Herinijlon. 74. Herman, I1!:;. Herring, 55. Hersey,31. Heskea,147. Hewes (Hnse), 43, 69, 75, 79, 86, 99, 127, 136, 144, 150,103. Hewott, 163. Hewin (Heuon), .55, 80, 100, 127, 137. Hieks, 154. Hi'TUinson, 73. HiL'ijs, 32, 81, 89, 90, 114,141. Ilile, 71. Hilijerson, 43, 75, 126, 144. Hill, 43,54, 74, 75, 79, 83,89, 109, 118, 119, 12n, l:!4, 142, 143, 153, 155, 163, 104. HiUiard, l:;8, 151. Hillier, 70, ln2, 103. Hiseolt, 24, 85. 91, 135, 147, 148, 163. Hilelibi.rne, .Mt, 71, 83, 102, i:iS, 103. Hitehell, 152. Hitt, 24. Hoare, 74, 13:;, 143. Hohliy, 85, 92, 135, 140, 148, 149, 103. Hohei-t,61, i:iS. Hod-don (iIndsdon),14r., 103. n().!t;rs, 51,55. Holbrook. 8.-), 04, 105, 134, 138. Holland, 24, 29, S:!, 102, 110, 1:14, 136, 163, 164. Hollawav. :;4, 02, 75, 81, 113, 122, 134, 136, 141, 103, i(;4. Hollioeke (Holyoke), 75, 126, 144, 156, 163. lIollin. Hosket, 100, 146. Hontrhton, 2'.i. Hoiitehine, 4:;. Howard, 24. 29, 31, :!2, 43, 51, 54, 6S, 69, 7:!, 79, 82, 86, 9:?, 9,8, 99, 100, 135, 130, 137, 139,149, 152,103. Index of Names. 177 nowc, 24, 65,70, 120, 138. Howes, 103. Hubbard, &4, 88, 111, 122, 146, 164. Huckford, 85. Hudson, 15, 24, 29, 43, 46, 58, 85, 91, 04, 135, 146,148, 157, 10;5. Hufle, 2'.», 85, 93, 146, 148. Hughes, 74, 163. Huley. 129. Hull, 15, 65, 75, 157, 169. HuUiitul, 85,94, 151. Huiiloek (Humlock), 70, 104, 139, 152, 103. Hunnvwtll (Honewell), 70, 120,143, 146,148, 163, lf4. Hunt, 29, 43, 47, 55, 64, 71, 80, 83, 85, 86, 88, 92, 94, 95, 109, 114. 134, 135, 136, 139, 146, 148, 162, 155, 163, 164. Huntiriij, 146. Uurd, 117,141, 154. Hurlebury, 55. IlUKsell, 74. Hussey, 89, 116. Hutchinson (Hutcliison), 43, 47, 50, 54, 69, 71, 72, 73, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88, 99, 112, 113, 137, 140, 153, 163. Indycott (.•seeEndicoat), 151. Ingolls, 59. Ingle, 31. Inglesby, 63, 104, 135, 138, 150, 164. Inglish, 106, 107, 1U9. Ingniham (Ingram), 24, 43, 46, 51, 54, 61, 71, 83, 106, 109, 139, 140, 152, 153, 164. Ings, 74. - Ireland, 59, 74, 70, 85, 132, 134, 138, 145, 146, 148, 164. _ ^ Jacklin, 65, 71, "80, 83, 107, 139, 152. 164. Jackson (Jaxon), 34, 39, 51, 54, 63, 64,69, 70, 74, 79, .'^S, 86. 8S. 94, 95, 99, 111, 120, 133, 135, 137, 138, 140, 148, 149, 150, 151, 164. Jacobs, 85, 92, 138. 151, 164. James, 34, 39, 70, 120. Jarvc8, 24, 85, 92, 93, 134, 135, 142, 146, 147, 148, 164. Jeb.soii, 34, 39. Jeffall, 139. Jefferde, 83, 100, 164. Jeflries {see CJeflereyes), 88, 96, 112, 136, 140, 153. Jenkins. 34, 38, 69, 70, 144, 146, 164. Jenks, 31, Jenners, 164. Jennison (nee Ginison), 140. Jepson, Si'e (icpson. Jcshop, l4, 32. (lesson. 49, 51, 54. Jew, the. 164. Jewell, 193, 138, 151, 101. J odes. 103. John, 75. Johnson (Joneson), 43, 46, 47, 51, 54, 64, 70, 73, 82, 85, 89,93,97, 103, 104, 115, 118, 127, 135, 138, 141, 142, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 154, 164. Jones, 24. 34, 39, 47, 48, .51, i-.5, 71, 74, 75, 79, 83. 86. 99. 104, 109. 110. 137, 138, 1411, 142, 144, 145, 149, 151, 1.52, 154, 157, 104. Jose, 1G4. Joslin, 31. Jossen, 21. Jowles (.lolls), 29, 31, 86, 96, 136, 149, 104. Joyce, 83, lii7. Joylifle (.lolliflb),!)4, 61, 67, 74, 77, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 118, 142, 1.55,164. Judd (,Iud), 43, 47, 73, 82, 8S, 116, 141 , 155, 104. .hideth, 142. Jiidkin. 24. Juel, 142. Jug, 47. ,luke, 31. Jurdon, 38. Keats, 127, 143, 157, 164, 166. 12 Keay, 31, 89. Keayne (Keync, Kine, Keene), 24, 31, 43, 48, 6D, 69, 73, 79, 82, 85, 86, 88, 97, 99, 111, 137, 140, 153, 164. Kecmcr, 164. Kectch, 69, 86, 98, 136, 150, 164. KeelUe, 164. Kellard,85. Kcllond, 24, 62, 86, 94, 97, 135, 137, 146, 104. Kelton, 157, lii4. Kcmpthorne, 51, 54. Kent, 51, .54, 69, 79, 80, 97, 137, 146, 150. Kenton, 55. Kertile, 137. Kibbo, 56, 129, 138, 145, 157. Kifl'e, 89. Kilby, 88, 113, 140, 141, 153, 164. Killcup, 43, 60, 73, 82, 88, 112, 140, 153, 164. Killio, 164. Kimball (Kembale), 24, 32, 63, 69, 79, 85, 86, 93, 98, 13.5, 1J7, 146, 148, 164. Kind (Kine), 137, 145, 150, 164. King, 34, 38, 39, 46, 74, 81, 89, 117, 120, 124, 143, 1,57, 164. Kirby (Cirbey), 65, 137, 152. Kirke, 89, 98, 114, 137, 141. Kneiland, 152, 164. Kniuht, 24, 51, 54, 61, 63, 70, 71, 79, 81, 86,95 120, 1 :;6, 142, 143, 150, 164. Knott, 139, 152, 164. Lackey, 88, 107, 112, 140, 165. L.add, 138, 146, 151, 164. Laing, 110. Lake, 84, 63, 67, 70, 102, 103, 138, 151, 165. Laman, 69. Lamb, 44, 72, 83, 88, 112, 140. 157, 165. Lampreo, 165. Lan)shead,25, 32, 74. Landal, 75. Landman, 89, 118. 142, 165. Landon, 74, 120, 142. Lane, 70, 73, 85, 135, 136, 143, 165. Langdon, 70, 8tj, 96, 104, 136, 139, 150, 152 155, 164,165. Laugle, 120. Lant;mon, 157. Ij.angwoitliy, 32. Lanni', 75. Largine. 44, 46. 141. Larew, 141. Larkin, 81, 89, 116. Last'iibv, 150. Lasli, 25, 85, 91, 140, 164, 165. Lassell, 165. Lavis, 1.52. Law, 141. Lawrence, 32, 140, 165. Lawson, 85, 97, lul, 136, 137, 1.50, 164. Lazenby, 130, lii4. Le.uli, 8:!, 85, 94, 1.34, 135, 165. Leachfleld, 88, 112, 140. lAallurland,44. Lcblond, 165. Led:mine. 1,38. I,eaue.«, 83. Lee, 69, 120, 1)2, 144, 157, 165. Leekc, 127. Legare, 117, 141, 153, 165. Legg. 51, f4,6fi, 73, 89, 115, 141, 154, 165. Lemeiid, 105. Lendall, 48, 102. JiC Sic, <(//», 165. Lowdeti, 155, 165. Lowdir, 51, 74, 120, 155. Lowell, 44, 48, 55, 88, 111, 120, 140, 143, 105. Lumsdle, 148. Lumsley, 105. Luvijen, 40. Luscombe, 151. Lux, 34, 39, 165. Lyndo (LiiKle), 60, 73, 88, 89, 112, 116, 140, 153, 165. Lynne, 44. Lyone, 83, 143. Lytliei-laiid, 140. Mably, 127. Maccarty (Mecartour, Carty, Mactre), 41, 44, 47. 60, 73, 88, 113, 140, 141, 163, 154, 165. Macdaiiiel, 72, 83. WaclielaKsin, 117. MaokKailand, 162. Mackielin, 141. Macklie, 73. Macollie, 165. Maequedick, 165. Main, 165. Maine, 111, 138. M.iior, 85, 93, 133, 136, 148, Mallagan, 70. Malletl, 89, 117, 139, 155. Maltiniore, 32, 69. Malyne, 138,142. Wanly, 75, 1U6, 139, 152, 165. Mann, 38, 51, 54, ol, 75, 89, 118, 142, 154, 165, 16(1. Manning, 25, 47, 51, 102, 151, 165. Manny, 63. ManstVild. 87, 100. Maple, 143. Mare, 87, 100. 145. Markes, 34, 38, 39, 89. Maroone, 56. Marsh, 74, 142, 146. 155, 165, 166. Marsh, r.urauey, 15, 20, 21, 58, 59, 68, 76, 131, 132, 148. Marshall, 51, 54, 63, 72, 74, 83, 85, 89, 93, 103, 106, 108, 110, 118, 122, 135, 138, 139, 142, 143, 148, 151, 1:-|4, 155, 165, 166. Marion, 142, 155, 157, 165, 166. Marrean 123, 124, 127, 128, 143, 145. Marriugex, 1704-1840, pp. 11-13. Marriner, 79, 87, 96, 136, 150, 152, 105. Marianne, 127, 144. Martin, 25, :'.2, 67, 87, 100, 1.35, 151, 165. Mason, 25, 31, 46, 51, 54, 65, 69, 74, 75, 79, 89, 115, 126, 135, 141, 142, 144, 14S, 154, 155, 157, 158, 165, 166. Maspy, 115, 141. Master, 88, 112. Mather, 72, 94, 103. Mathews, 31, 61, 70, 115, 125, 136, 143, 150, 165, Matrone, 74. Matstock, 117. Mattocks (Matex), 35, 38, 39, 63, 70, 72, 103, 105, 138, 151, 165. Mattone,85, 91, 134. Mattson (Madson), 51, 63, 64, 72, 83, 109, 140, 165. Maugeridge, 136, 150, 165. Maverick, 25, 59, 65, 76, 132, 145, 165, 166. Maxfeild, 44, 153. Maxwell, 74, 89, IIS, 142, 165. May, 44, 47, 60. Maylin (May lam), 154, 165. Mead, 166. Meares, 62, 54, 74, 88, 89, 111, 140, 153, 165. Measure, 69. Medcup, 137. Medlecott (Middlecut), 35, 38, 69, 87, 96, 136, 150, 165. Melens, 165. Mellows, 35, 38, 46, 60, 69, 70, 122, 143, 155. Menan, 47, 09, 70. Mercer, 80, 151, 165. Merriam, 144. Merrifield, 85, 87. Merrill, 25, 66. Merritt, 136, 165. Messenger, 51, 54, 70, 73, 82, 83, 89, 115, 121, 122, 141, 142, 152, 154, 165, 166. Metcalf, 150, 105. Michel, 139. Mico, 155, 156, 166. Mideltonn,48, 75,127, 144. Milam (Milium), 34, 64, 70, 103, 151, 164. Millard, 157. Miller, 25, 129, 138, 1.55, 157, 165. Mills (Milso, Miles), 29, 32, ,58, 72, 137, 165, 166. Miltown, 75. Miner, 44, 47, 106. Minot, 47, 61, 55, 139, 152, 105. Mirack, 143. Mirrian, 74, 123, 124, 127, 143, 144, 155, 157. Mitchell, 25, 32, 35, 139, 165. Molberry, 75. Molden, 39. Molder, 25, 38. Moletts, .55. Moline, 122, 157, 166. Monck (Munck), 51, 55, 89, 90, 116, 141, 144, 154, 157, 165. Monjoy (Munjoy), 35, 39, 69, 79, 165. Mony, 143. Montarc, 153. Montier, 165. Moody, 88, 111, 116, 140, 153, 165. Moon; (More), 25, 31, 32, 52, 54, 66, 69, 85, 87, 91, 98, 135, 136, 137, 139, 148, 150, 155, 165, 166. Morean, 1.50, 166. Morey, 143, 157, 166. Morrell, 32, 66, 137, 165. Morris, 155, 166. Morse (Mosse), 44, 47, 51, 54, 81, 82, 89, 114, 135, 136, 137, 141, 154,105. Mortmore (Mortimore), 79, 87, 98, 136, 150, 165. Mortoe, 135. Morton, 46, 87, 137. Mosely, 25, 51, 54. Moser, 09. Moulton, 82, 166. Mounteere (Montare), 117, 153,166. Mountfoit (Mumford),25, 69, 74, 79, 81, 87, 88, 97, 98, 111, 122, 136, 137, 140, 142, 150, 163, 155, 165. Mousett, 125. Moyster, 110. Mud, 140. Mulbcrce, 143, 166. Mull.agiii, 102, 110, 138, 152, 165. Munings, 70. Murrell, 165. Mussivant, 105, 137. Index of Names. 171) Muzzey, 59, "6, 131, 133, 145. Kalara, 165. Nancy (Nanney), 70, 103, 138. Narramore, 25, 69, TOO, 104, 139. Mash, 25, 31, 85, 94, 122, 134, 135, 146, 148, 166. Nayler, 35. Neal, 72, 8u, 83. Nedoni, 75. Needham, 74, 120, 125, 143, 144, 140, 106. Ncedlaiid, 157. Negoose (Ncgers, Negus), 47, 52, 54, 55, 73, b.9, 115, 117, 141, lTi4, 166. Nellson, 72, S3, 102, 138, 151, 166. Nosbit, lOS. Newby, 60, 106. Newcorabe, 35, 39, 63, 70, 104, 139. Newell, 76, 146. Newgate, 44, 47, 60, 65, 140, 166. Newhall, 166. Newman, 69, 80, 87, 99. Newton, 25, 44, 166. Nicholas, 145. Nichols, 31, 36, 38, 39, 60, 69, 80, 87, 96, 136, 150, 166. Nick, 69, 72. Nickerson (Nickelson), 8S, 113, 140, 141, 153. Noakes, 73, 89, 118, 142, 154, 166. Noletre, 108. Nontock, 135. Norcross, 166. Nordon, 25, 100. Norman, 5J. North, 72, 140. Norton, 32, 69, 87, 97, 136, 137, 150, 166. Nowell, 85, 92, 93, 135, 153, 166. Nox, 151, lOt). Noyes, .54, 81, 123, 143, 155, 166. Nullim, 106. Oadly, 75. Oakcs, 8S, 113, 140, 153. 166. Oakley, »J. ()aknian,li'i6. Obison, 75, 125, 143, 144, 157,166. Odall,155, 166. Odlin, 125, 144, 157. Odor, 120. Offield,52, 61. Okeilden, 35. Oker, 124. Okkey, 85, 135. Okum, 166. Olliver (Oliiier), 15, .35,38. 44, 48, 61, 07, 69, 74. 87, 99, 120, 121, 135, 138, 143, 155, 106. Omen, 120. Ongram, 44, 46. Orchard, 52, 54, 74, 120, 142, 155. Ormes, 94. Orriss, 25, 32, 85, 92, 95, 138, 151, 166. Osborne, 38. Overman, 25, 31. Owno, 72. 0.\enbridge, 82, 154, 160. Oxford, 106. Tad.ly, 26. 32, 76, 103, 138. Paggi'.-ler, 138. Paig'c (Page), 21, 25, 32, 33, 38, 52, 54, 85, 89, ^117, 131, 1.35, 141, 145, 147, 154, 167. Paine, 76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 89, 106, 117, 126, 139, 141, 144, 147, 152, 154, 156, 100, 167. Painter, 112, 140. Palme, 47, 89, 116. Palmer (Pamer),.32, 69, 82, 85, 89, 100, 116, 135, 1.37, 147, 14S, 160, 107. Parker, 44, 55, 56, .59, 73, 129, 130, 139, 145, 15U, 156, 157, 106, 107. Parkm.an, 25, 85, 91, 93, 134, 135, 148, 166. Parmeter (Parmeuter), 25, 32, 85, 94, 134,147, 148, 166. ParnoU, 167. Parsons (Persons). 44, 47, 72, 74, 81, 83, 88, 107, 108, 113, 122, 124, 139, 140, 142, 151, 153, 154, 167. Parram, 32, 137, 147, 166. Parris, 74, 89, 111, 119, 140, 153. Parrot, 167. Partman, 147. Pasco, 143, 151, 167. Pashly, 55. Pastre, 15t, 167. Passamore, 29. P.atesliall, 61, 74,123. I'attcn, 52, 109, 140. I'aul, 138. PaullVye, 70, 102, 138, 151, 166. Paydon, 125. Pviicock, 58, 76, 87, 96, 138, 153, 166, 167. Pearee (Pierse, Peree), 25, 35, 39, 44, 48, 69, 73, 74, 76, 81, 87, 88, 89, 96, 98, 1»1, HI, 115,122, 123, 124, 127, 136, 137, 138, 142, 144, 150, 151, 153, 157, 166, 167. Pd.isoVSirff*; 72,-^1. Pcather, 167. Peck, 48, 52, 54, 61, 74, 89, 110, 112, 118, 123. 142, 143, 154, 167. Pecker, 82, 123, 143. Pegge (Peggy), 29, 31, 32, 87, 97, 136, 150, 166. Peirson, 139, 167. Pell, 70, 124, 135, 143, 157, 167. Peraberton (Pemerton), 18, 47, 56, 58, 72, 73, 89, 102, 115, 138, 140, 141, 151, 152, 154, 157, 167. Pembroke, 107. Penuel (Ponnywell), 29, 85, 91, 135. Pennant, 104, 144. Penneman, 123, 143, 156. Penn.tt, 151. Penny, 69. Peper, 76. Peptriper, 38. Perey, 38, 76. Perkins, 81, 88,114, 123, 140, 143, 153, 155, 166, 167. Perrin, 74, 103, 143, 167. Perry, 39, 111. 112, 117, 126, 140, 144, 153, 157, 167. Pettee, 19. Phelps, 54, 136, 143, 152. Phenny, 155. Phepen (Phipenv), 35, 38, 63, 70, 107. Phillips, 35, 38, 39, 47, 52, 54, 55,09, 72, 74, 78, 81,83, 87,88, 89,90, 108, 111,117, 118, 123, 126, ]36, 140, 341, 151, 153, 154, 155, 167. Phipps, 135, 147, 148, 152, 167. Pickering, 52. Pimm, 153, 166. I'iper, 59. Pitcher, 69 87, 136. Pitham, 148. Pitman, 133. Pitts, 25, 85, 93, 136, 146, 166, 167. I'ittum, 145, 100. Pynchon (Pinchon), 74, 123, 142. Place, 35, 38, 66, 69. Pl.-.ssono, 83. Plaits, 44, 72, 80, 83. 107. Plavstead, 69, 87, 98, 136, 100. Pliniley, 47, 76, 100. Plum, 135. Plunnner, 44, 48, 73, 82, 88, 111, 140, 1.^3, 107. I'oder, 141, 14J. J'ollard, .52. 54. 01. 74, 83, 122, 124, 126, 142, 14:j, 144, 155, 107. Pollen, 91. I'oole, 21, 01, 74, 123, 143, 140, 147, 155, 167. I'ooly, 32. Poot, 100, 107. Poj/nl(ition,uM(i of. 4. Pordage, 89, 110,141,154. Pordum, 156. Porter, 25, 52, 54, 62, 73, 74, 70, 82, 88, 166, 107. Portis, 44. Poj-tugal, 157. 180 City Document No. 92. Potter, 167. Pot wine, 167. Pound, 122. I'ousUmd, 167. I'owull, 32, 47, 167. Powinge (Pownding, Powringe), 44, 47, 60, 7.i, 88, 112, 140, 153, 167. Pninco, 6'J. Piankin, 166, Pratt, 2), «7, 100, i:i3, 137, 150, 166, 167. Proscoll, 3.\ 3S. Price, 74, S7, 103, 112, 121, 13S, 112, 151, 152, liiCi, 167. PricT, 100. Priest, 20, 32, 8'J, 105, 151, 107. J'riniley, 150. p-ine.e, 70, 103, 123, 138, 143, 151, 157,167. "rindle, 106. roctor, 89, 111, 113, 141, 153, 166, 16". , Prou.se, 151. I'rouseys, 138. •:., ,- Proutc, IS, 35, 38, 66, 60, 83, 86, 87, 88, 99, 100, 134, 137, 150,166. Prowse, 102, 138. Puekle, 73. Puddington, 166. Puglis (P 'les), 35, 38, 69, 87, 100. I'ugsly, 6 . Pnllen,85, 134, 147, 148, 166. I'nlman, 151 Piimree,167. ]'urdue,106, 167. Purinton, 147. Purniitt, 32. Pursley, 166. Put, 167. Pyra, 140. Quincy, 76, 122, 142. llaglaiid, 144, 157. Rund.il, 76, 102, 117, 168. liandolpli. 117. 138. Ilainer. 141. 107. Kainslbrd (U.-infort), 26, 55, 78, 85, 92, 125, 135, 144, 147, 148, 157, 1()7. llainstlirop, lol, 138, 151, 167. liaison, 107. liaT^ger, 62. Kankin, lOS. Papier (Haper), 09, 122, 142, 157. Pashlev, 135, 148. i;.atIif,*UO, 124. Ratt, 47, 54. llavenscrnft, 72, 83, 107, 1.39, 152. Rawlings, 26, 20, .32, 54, 67, 69, 74, 80, 87, 97, 98, 101, 117, 136, 137, 141, 150, 167. Rawson, 35, 39, 70, 124. Rayiie, 141. Rea (Ray), 117, 141, 156, 1C.7. Reason, 151. Iteconl Commissioners, Ordinance estab- lishing, 1. Reed (Read), 26, 52, 85, 89, 97, 114, 137, 141, 150, 167. Reynolds, 74, 122, 133, 143, 167. Rhoades, SI. Rice, 59, 74, 122,142. Richards, 15, 25, 35, 39, ,52, 61, 79, 85, 88, 93, 112, 135, 137, 140, 147, 148, 151, 167. Richardson, 167. Ricrafl, 100, 137. liidcr, 47. RidtK'Way, 138. l;i.lgill, 168. Riyht, 74. Rilee, 108. Risce, 1C7. Risford, 07. Rix (Rex, Rickes), 35, 39, 70, 104, 139, 152, 1^7. River, Muddy, 15, 20, 21, 58, 59, 68, 76. 131, 132, 148. Robb, 85,94, 137. jbbins, 81, 122, 143. Roberts, 31, 38, 39, 81, 85, 93, 111, 135, 140, 147, 148,153,167. Robertson, 35, 147. Robes, 137, 148, 167. Robey, 73, 87, 99, 135, 150, 167. Robinson, 26, 66, 74, 85, 92, 94, 107, 122, 134, 135, 137, 139, 142, 147, 148, 152, 107. Rocke, 65, 70, 103. Rogers, • i. 55, 81, 88, 89, 107, 111, 115, 140 141, • 167,108. l.-dllih, 20, .. 1^ Rolstone, 82 i.. 140, 154, 167. Rooks, 7 ' Rootes, Rose, 26, «■" Ross, 47. Roswell, 131. Royall (Ry '. 54, 167. Row, 72, 8; Rowlinsou, . . Rowse, 69, 87, 99, 137, 150, 167. Royne, 116. -,; Royse, 88, 111, 140. Ruck, 25, 73, 85, 91, 135, 148, 167, 168. Rugles, 35, 39, 57, 70, 72, 80, 83, 104, 107, 137, 139, 153. Rule, 148. Rumin, 46. Russell, 26, 87, 98, 117, 137, 142, 147, 150,107. Rust, 62. S.ade, 71. Sadgrove, 157. Saflin, 64, 72, 83, 107. Saile (Sale), 73, 88, 111, 140, 153. Salle, 123. Salmon, 38. Salsberry, 87, 133, 145, 147, 149, 168. Salter, 26, 69, 76, 87, 97, 108, 126, 137, 144, 150, 1.57, 168, 169. Sanies, 71. Sampson, 69. Saiiliarton, 141. Saiidbcianl, 45. 4S. Sanders, 36, 38,81, TJ3, 143, 156, 168. Sanderson, 62, 76, 125, 143, 144, 154, 1.57, 169. Sands (Sandys, Sandie), 52, 53, 54, 71, 105, 138, 168. Sanford (Samford), 44, 46, 48, .54, 73. Sargent, 26, 67, 73, 74, 123, 142, 143, 150, 168. Sarson, 168. Savage, 15, 45, 52, ,53, 54, 59, 63, 67, 71, 79, 80, 82, 85, 89, 102, 106, 116, 133, 138, 139, 151, 1.52, 168. S.awdy, 31. Saxon, i;U, 149. Saxlon, 30, 38, 63, 69, 75, SO, 85, 93, 99. Says, 124. Scaley, 147, 168. Scarlet, 20, 02. 85, 93, 136, 149. Scale, 20, h9, 75, 87, 9S, 136, 150, 168. Scog<,'an, 65. Scott, 30, 108, 152, 168. Scottow, 58, 04, 72, 80. Scute, 89. Scaly, 26, 31. Search (Sarch), 35, 38, 66, 69, 87, 96, 137, 150. Searieant, 74. Searle, 45, 48. Bears, S5, 92, 135, 147, 149, 157, 168. Seayer, 1.57. Sedgewick,53, 147. Segar, 57. Selnian, 151, 168. Semison, 58. Senior, 132, 145. Sewall, 76, 79, 124, 144, 157, 169. Seward, 168. Shabbut, l.i3, 168. Shaddock. 168. Shaller, 126, 144, 157, 169. Shannon, 138, 154, 168. Index of Names. 181 Shapplie, 72, 109. «harpc, 56, 73, 74, 83, 102, 115, 124, 130, 138, 141, 143, 145, 147, 103, 168. Sliarwood, 45. Shiilly, 76. bhaw, 18, 36, 38, 61, 69, 74, 76, SO, 87, 100, 124, 127, 144, 151. Sheair, 53, 55, 75, 83, 120, 144, 157, 169. Sliearloe, 123. Shc'dbearcl, 168. Shc-ffoil(l,3I. Shellsloiif, h3, i:;9, 152, 168. Sholtoii, 72, lOS. j:>- Sliepliciird, 31, 71,169. ., Sheridan. 1G8. - Slierina:, 109. , •- Slierlock, 108, 139. Shcrlow, 169. Sherrin,153, 168. Sherry, 141. Shiiio, 168. Shippc SbippcM), 2, 54, 60, 117, 142, 154. Shipri'o (Sbippery), 136, 137, 150, 108. Bhiprin, 100. Shipscut, 54, 122, 143, 156, 168. Shoar, 108. Short, 85. 93, 135. Shortbritlge, 149. Showrv, 136. Shriinpton, 45, 47, 73, 88, 89, 111, 118, 133, 14U, 142, 14o, 153, 154, 108. Shurtlcff, 15, 18. Shute (Shutt), 26, 85, 91,93, 94, 134, 135,147, 149, 168. Sidnani, 72. Sid well, 46. Sigsworth, 72. Silly, ItiS. ^Silvistcr, 81, 121,156, li)8. Sininioiis (Symt)n8),69, 89, 104, 116, 141, 108. Simpkin8, 64, 71, 104, 127, 138, 151, 168. !-;imp-iiin,T4,76, 123, 125, 142, 144, 145, 156, 157, 16S, 169. .-Skinmu-, 45, 48, 72, 73, 82, 87, 88, 97, 111, 140, 168. Plackc, 121, 16S. Slog, ii;8. Small, 144, 169. Smith, 26, 3:, 36, 39, 45, 47, 53, 54, 59, 61, 66, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92, 94, 104, 1U7, 112, 114, 115, 118, 121, 123, 124, 126, l:i2, 134, 135, 136, 138. 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 1J5, 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 1:">4, 156, 157, 168, 169. Smilhson, 168. Snell, 29, 69, 80, 87, 96, 138, 151, 168. Snelliiig, 29, 32, 99, lo6, 147, 150, 168. Snow, 76, 78, 127, 144. Somes (Sooinos), 36, 39, 71, 103, 138, 151, 168. Sopor, 106, 137, 109. Soutcr (Souther), 38, 70, 124, 134, 147, 168. Southw.ird, 168. Sparks, 107. Sparry, 168. Spenser, 31. 74, 163. Spo\v<>ll, 74. Sprague, 29. Spry, 3S, 89, 114, 140, 153, 168. Squire, 36, 39, 69. SO, 126, 138, 151; Stacy, 47, 138. Stauherry, 39, 71, 102, 138, 168. .StaiiUridge, 29, 69, 87, 98, 137, 151. Staridary, oti. St.Tplef.iVd, 75, 123, 143, 156. Star (Ktarr), 20, 31, 69, 75, 100, 136, 143, 157, 109. Starkoy, 147, 168. Starling, 85, 135. Starting, 85. Statsoii, 168. Stebbins, 123, 143. Stedinan, 56, 57, 58, 65, 107, 128, 129, 145, 157, 169. Steel, 168. Stegg, 157. Stephens (Stevens), 26, 29, 31, 32, 45, 48, ."Jii, 56, 05, 69, 72, 7a, 85, 87, 89, 92, 106, 110, 116, 123, 135, 137, 139, 144, 147, 148, 150, 152, 168. Sterling, 147. Stifl", 35, 39. Stillians, 137. Stilling-, 98. Stocker, 59, 69. 74, 81, 123, 131, 143, 145, 168. Stoddard, 36, .52, 54, 55, 81, 83, 89, 108, 109, 116, 117, 139, 152, 154, 168. Stodder, 72, 83, 141, 142, 147. Stokes, 111. Stone, 22, 62, 69, 85, 94, 135, 147, 149, 168. Stoner. H7, 168. SU"-- ,121. St( 1, 81, 143, 156, 168. Stf on, 80, 169. St> . , 149, 168. Stow, 30. Straker, 143. Strange, 80, 83, 108, 1.39, 152. Stratton, 26, 30, 130, 108. Strieker, 121. Strid, 97. -- '"■• Studaon, 147. •''' Sugars, 1.37,152, 108. Sumner (Somner), 26, 6.5, 69, 137, 150. Summers, 87, 96, 136, 168. Sunderland. 32, 39. ''-1.168. Sutton. 54, 74, Ij 156, 168. Swa.sey, 135. Sweet (Sweett), 35, 38, 45, 66, 09, 82, 140. Sweeting, 48, 141. Swemstedc, 36,39. Swetman, 108. Swett. 88, 11.'!, 116, 153, 168. Switcher, lOS;. Synd.all, 64. 71. Synderlin, 137. T.ibot, 137. Talhee, 30. 'I'albutt (Tawbutt), 36, 38, 03, 103, 138. Talderby, 32. 'J'ally, 05, 104, 138, 151, 109. Tanner, 75, 121, 142. Tappen, 53, 54, 55. Tapper, 135. Tarling, 72. Tarltori (TarcUton), 36, 38. Taunton, 140. J^'^ Tay, 82, 88, 139, 140, 141, 109. Taylor, 38, 45, 53, 54, 64, 72, 83. 85, 88, 89, 93, 107, 112, 136, 137, 139, 140, 149, 151, 155, 169. Tedman, 144, 169. 'I'emple, 75, 121, 142, 156, 169. Tcnny, 169. Tetter, 141. Tewell, 95, 135. Thair, 169. Thatcher, 47, 72, 73, 80, 82, 88, 109, 112, 139, 140, 1 53. Tliaxter, 81, 90, 113, 140, 153, 169. Thayer, 75, 121, 144, 157. Thest, 144. Thirteen, 137. Thomas, 39, 48, 69, 75, 80, 87, 100, 102, 123, 137, 14-3, l.M), 169. Thomson, 102, 138, 140, 169. Thorn, 169. Thornlierry, 87, 99, 137, 169. Tliorning. 109. Thornton, 2r.. 31, 72, 85, 90, 94, 117, 134, 141, 147, 149, 153, 169. Thrasher, 169. Threeneedles, 72, 80, 83, 106, 139, 152, 109. 'I'hurton, 85, 92. Thwing, 45, 73, 82, 88, 105, 112, 120, 134, 139, 140, 152, 109. Thyer, SI. 1S2 City Document No. 92. 'I'liVlP, 115. 'lii-kiiei-, !iO, 116, 141. 'I'ilUC lf.3. 'I'ill, 62. TipiX't, If),'), 169. ■| ippiii, 45. 'lite, .W, 54, W, 141, 155. 'I'oiiilinc's cromlyn), 71, 104. 'I\.iiis>>ii,71, 7y, 8:i, 8S, 114. 'i'oi-y CI'oiTv), 75, 116, 129, 145, 157, 109. 'I'olfiill Cl'uttla), .'•>9, 63, 76. Tout,. 2 1, 85, 137, 149, 153, 169. 'i'owills 30. Tower, 26, 09, 87, 137, 109. 'i'dW -OS, 39. 'loul, i:'>5. TowiisiiKl (TowiiseiDeo), 36, 39, 53, 54, 50, 62, 05, 06, 09, 75, 70, 79. 81, 85, 91), 103, 110, 125, 131, 132, 134, 138, 141, 1-12, 143, 145, 147, 151, 155, 157, 169. Toy, Jo, 73, 88, 107, 111, 152, 153, 157. 'I'raviss (Traues), 26, 30, 3S, 69, .S7. 95, 97, 99, l:.0, 137, US, 147, 150, 151, 109. TriuvorUiv, IGJ. Ti-ibbic, 73, 85, lOS. 'I'l-oU, 53, SI, 90, 115, 141, 155, 169. 'I'routo, 75, 87. 95. 137. Ti-ow. 09. 8i), 87, 99, 137, 150, 169. Tucker, 30, 45, 72, 107, 169. 'I'lickc-niian, 90, ]O0, 116, 139, 141, 169. Tuilnian, 124, 144, 157. Tuki-, 30, 31. 'I'iirl)crtcikl..30. Tiirfci-v,81, 121,109. Turcll"(Turfn, Turinge), 26, 31, 38,66, 67, 69, 77, 79. S3, 80, 87. 88, 95, 90, 98, 103, 134, 130, 138, 150, 151, 169. Tumour, 20, 53, 54, 09, 109, 137, 140, 152, 153, 109. Tuttk',03, 76, 114, 131, 140, 145, 169. 'I'slcr, 101, 1 ;8, 109. 'I'vly (Tillcv). 32, 75, 90, 112, 140, 109. Tyiii,', 4s, I'll. Un(lci-\\ (1. 71, 90. fiHll, 120. Upbaii'on, 70. [;|)(lyUc, Ml, 151, 109. rpsiiail, 20. i;ric, 3ii. Ui'iut' (^'ouiii)t;i'), 38. I'soll (YouscU), 71. li.^lRT, 40, 47. 73, 70, 84, 120, 140, 154, 169. Uslice, 70, 132, 147. Valo, 169. Vauc, 31. Varhce, 169. Vauirii, 119, 135,147,109. Veach, lo7, 155, 169. Veaivu (Vt-ri'ii;;), 30, 39.71,105,137,147,149. 151,150, 109. Veazie, 72, 120, 144, 157. Voi-ioii, 11). Vonicv, 27, 141. Vickirs i\'i<';irv). 72, 83, 109, 140, 141, 152, 154, ]..;. 109'. Viall (Voyal.-), 20, 27, 62, 85, 93, 135, 147, 1 19, 109. Wackcouil) (Wackhain), S7, 100, 138, 1 •: 170. Wailc, 30. Wa.lswoi-tll, 9S, 13i;, 137, 149, 1..0, 170. WaifSjott, 125. 144. Waiu-. 411, 4>*, 02, 72, SO, 89, 90, 111,118, 140, i42, 157, 170. W.nkcfcild (WallUfdld), 30, 38, 09, 80, 80, 87, 92, 90, 130, 138, 150, 170. Wally, 170. Waldo, 150, 170. W a Id roil. 30, 73. AValcs, 32, 70, 127. Walcsby, 73, S8, 113, 140,170. Walfeild, 36. Walker, 21, 27, 30, 39, 67, 71, 72, 73, 70, 80, 83, 101, 102, 107, 108, 125, 126, 138, 139, 144, 151, 15-2, 154, 157, 170. Walkye, 127. Walley, 36, 39, 71, 75, 103, 105, 137, 1.38, 151, 1:'0, 170. Walli8 (Wallise), 73, 125, 144, 157. 170. Waller.s, 63, 100, 135, 142, 156. Wahvortti, 130. Wandwoi-th,87. Wanton, 123, '., 150, 170. Warde, 30, 39, ^2, 170. Warden, 32, VM'. Wardlo, 80, 91, 135. Tr«?-(/.s', divi.sion in 1713, pp. 15-18. ir«rr/.«, divisi(,n in 1715, pp. 18-19. Ware, 143, 155, 170. Wark, 83. Warner, 87, ICO, 110, 130, 144. Warnes, 03. Warren, 27, 02, 09, 71, 73, 70, SO, 87, 97, 99, 125, 136, 137, 144, 150, 157, 170. Warring, 36, 38. Walel-hoil.sc', 136, 152. Waters, 27, 37,39, 71, 83, 85, 92, 125, 147, 149, 170. Watkins, 40, 45, 43, 55, 60, 72, 83, 100, 110, l.;4, 139, 152, 170. AVatson, 101, 136, 164, 170. Way (Woy). 27, .59, 03, 05, 69, 70, 87, 99, 132, 130, 142, 145, 150, 170. Waycott, 40, 47. Wayer, 39, 145. Wear, 87, 121, 143. Weaver, 127. Webb, 27, 40. 47, 73, 82, 8S, 100, 114, 137, 140, 150, 154, 150, 170. Webber, 105, 137. Webster, 72, SO, 83, lOii, 108, 137, 139, 143, 156, 170. Weederi tWeedon), 32, 37, 38, 59, 87,96, 100, 133. Week.s, 150, 170. Weill), 86, 91, 134, 147, 149, 170. Welcome, 120, 144, 157. WeMon, 32, 09. Wells, 69, 144. Welsled, 170. Wensley (Winsley), 27, 07, 69, 97, 137, 170. Wenclieonib, 1^0. Wentworth, 154, 170. Werenduidi (Wesendouk), 69, 81, 90, 117, 118, 141,170. West. 311, 55, (59, SO, 113, 144. Weston, 31. Whately, 71. Wharton, 53, 54, 01, 75, 81, 143, 170. Whartway, 39. Wheatly, 03. Wheatiin, 58. Wheeler, 01, 71, 75, 76, 123, 125, 142, 143,144, 150,152,157,170. Win tier, 87. 130. Wbitconib. 53, 54, 61, 75. 119, 143, 156, 170. While', 27, 31. 3-', 50, 5H, 05, 70, 83, 86, 83. 90, 91, loo, 113, 120, 127, 12S, 129, 13,0, 134, 13,'., MO. 1 14, 145, 147, 119, 157, 170. Whitchea,!, 30. Wlillehorn,-170 Wldlniaii, SO, 91. 135, 170. WhitiHore, 3, 7, 9, 171. Whilreilire, 87,9.5, 130,147,150. WInllakcl-, 150. \\hit\vell, U7, 30. 38, 03, 71, 104. Whytiiway, 3.0, ■)'■<. Wicre, 70, 125, 143, 157, 170. Wilkey, 12., 144. Wilkins, 32, 40, 47, 80,91, 115, 135, 141, 147, 155, 170. Wilkinson, 73. Willard, 118, 170. Willcott. 75. Willet, 69, 8J, S7,97, 137, 150, 170. Index or Names. 18; Williiims, 27, 30, 31, 36, 38, 39, 65. 69. 71, 72, 7li, SI, 85, 87, JtO, 91, , l:!6, 137, lo8, 141, 142, 143, 147, 149, ir>0, 1.1 1, i;.5, 170. AVilliK, 40, 48, 58, 60, 67, 73, 75, 82, 83, 84, 86, NS, 111, 119, 129, 134, 136, 140, 143, 154, 156, 157, 170. Willniot, 72. Wills, -0,60. Willy, 82, S6. 88, 121, 142, 1.55. Wilson, 56, 58, 110, 134, 139, 147, 152, 170. Will, 90, 127. Winchester, 56, 57, 58, 128, 130, 145, 157, 170. Windsor (Winser), 64, 71, 102, 138, 151, 170. Wing, 53, 54, 61, 72, 79, 83, 88, 105, 114, 138, 140, l.i4. Winiiopp, 87, 97. Winsinmb(Winchcoinb), 75,121,143,166,170. Winslow, 27, 32, 53, 54, 75, 87, 90, 118, 124, U2, U>0, 156, 170. VVinthrop. 59, 63, 69, 73, 76, 87, 97, 131, 134, 130, 142, 145, 150, 157, 170. Wi8P, 72. Wiseman, 37, 39. Wjswall (Wissell), 40, 47, 65, 76, 132, 145, 157, 170. Wodlin, 170. Wood, 1.34, 140, 170. Woodberry, 53, 54. Woodcock, 31. WoodcK, 48. Woodinaiiccy, 53, 54, 61, 73, 90, 114, 141,156. Woodlict, .')5. Woodward (Woodworlb), 56, 129, 130, 145, 149, 157, 170. Woody, 31, 61, 64, 72, 81, 83, 108, 123, 143. Woolte(VVolve), 63, 73. \\ oull'er, 66. Worci ster, 53, 54. Wurdeli, 87, 96, 123, 136, 143. ^^'ork■l'(ltls>>, 78, 80, 81. Workman, 170. Worrell, 98, 137, 1.50, 170. Wortli, 109, 155, 170. Worthen, 151. Worthylake, 86, 91, 133, 145, 147, 170. Wright, 61, 72, 74, 75, 76, 103, 121, 127, 137, 143,155, 157. Wybonie,75, 121, 142, 154. Yale (Yeale8),30, 69. Yorke, 103. Youringe (Uring), 38. Zeely, 31. RiSia ;■? LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 787 256