''\v^^ o*^-'. V<^" f^t V f. v y«r^ t .^^<^/l/, r\ Or* ■♦TV ^ ^B^^iI^k^ ^ 'X* <5y ~ n\ rh /K, c^ % < 1 * t * "^J^c^^ ^^^. o "Wx^^XN" V <^ '^ 9 X -.ONG, u AO. 7. o -<|. *0 * K' -^^s:^^ |;^)^ F 104 .N6 G75 Copy 1 TZ^l ^■^^■ m %, e ;^oriai^^^ DEIJVERED AT ^I IT S I O HALL, I i F-rzday Evei^zng, J^ly 3, 1(. mO^EIAIi s ©ES« ^ .■:i^ Rev. S. DRYDEN PHELPS, D. D., rv> ' ^ mi ,f , Lm (fi 4, DELn*:rvED at M U S I O HALL, ON F-rzday Eveizing, JzUy S, 186&, AT THE ■IHOMAt SllVIili Eey. S. DEYDEN PHELPS, D. D., % i §'.o,r.rc,rt,c,cl %\^\ of J--.cl(lic,r^' (?irau,c,'^,. AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION WITH THE OCCASION. "JQ c w '.tjJ a V c 11 : PRINTED V, V 11 O G O S O N & R li I N S N ISUS. /" / '•?■- ^^ K £ r A C E >^|^^'HE ceremony of decorating the grii\es of the 'yjii:^' Soklicrs and Sailors, Avho fell in the late war, ^^Sf ^""^'^^ generally observed on the 30tli of May last, but the Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, in New Haven, thought best to defer the performance of that duty until the 4th of July, at which time the i)lan pro- posed and fully carried out, composed two distinct fea- tures, as follows : First, a public meeting, or " Memorial Service," which Avas held in Music Hall, on the evening of July 3d ; and secondly, a Procession on the morning of the following (Lay, to the several cemeteries in the city, for the purpose "OR. Lieut. Crawford. Edmund B. Cross, Sergt. Major, 27th C. V. Charles A. Davis, loth C. V. Wells R. Davis, 27th C. V. Capt. Dobson. Henry B. Dormaii, Co. B, 1st Conn. Cav. Lieut. Henry M. Dattou, Co. C, 5th C. V. Col. Farnham. Admiral Andrew H. Foote, U. S. N. Com. James F. Geary, U. S. N. Admiral H. A. Gregory, U. S. N. Sergt. Hageboom, Co. K, 5th N. Y. V. Capt. Edward Hitchcock, Co. C, 7th C. V. H. S. Hoadley, 10th C. V. Martin Hollis, Co. C, 6th C. V. William lugersoll, Paymaster, U. S. N. David Johnson, — N. Y. V. Capt. Edward C. D. Lines, Co. C, 2d Kan. Cav. Edward McNeil, Co. G, 1st H. Art'y. Col. Henry C. i\Icrwin, 27tli C. V. Edward Miller. John Mitchell. Maj. E. Walter Osboru. Capt. Fred B. Osborne, Co. K, Gth C. V. Col. Frank Peck, 12th C. V. Henry Peck. Maj. Theodore H. Rockwood, 19th U. S., C. T. Henry G. Smith, 2d C. V. Tucker. Theodore Woolsey Twining, 37th N. Y. V., and Assistant Paymaster, U. S. N. Rev. Edward A. Walker, Chaplain, 1st H. Art'y- Lieut. Stuart Webster. Leroy Wilcox. Maj. Theodore Winthrop. KOLL OV IIOXOU. ft. %mvdtVs ^mdtxYi. John Breen, Co. F, 1st Conn. Cav. Eoger Calcher, Co. C, Utli C. V. Daniel Crowley, Co. G, 20tli C. ^ . Michael Dillon, Co. E, IStli C. Y. Edmund Downey, Co. C, 0th C.^Y. Capt. James Ilennessy, 9th C. V. Daniel W. Hodson, U. S. N. James Kehoe, Co. E, 9Ui C. Y. Francis Kelly, Co. H, 1st Conn. Cav. Thomas Kennedy, Co. B, 9th C. \ . James Laugdon. Thomas Lynch, 9th C. Y. William Lynde, Co. E, 12th C. Y. Charles Malone, Co. II, 1st Conn. Cav. Michael McCarthy, Co. E, 6th C. V.^ Thomas McDonald, Co. C, 15th C. \ . Lieut. Henry McKenna, 9th C. Y. Patrick Mc:Mahan, Co. C, Uth C. Y. Jame3 Monaghan, Co. C, 21)th C. Y. ^ Capt. Daniel Mullen, Co. A, 9th C. Y. Luke Quinn, Co. B, 9th C. Y. William Riley, Co. B, 13th C. Y. James Rooney, Co. G, 20th C. Y. John Smith, Co. C, 9th C. Y. 1st Sergt. Thomas Starkey, 9th C. ^ - Charles Starrs, Co. C, 9th C. Y. AFPEISTD IX As inquiry has often been made relating to the objects of tlie G. A. R., it lias been thonglit proper to make an extract from the Rules and Regulations of the Orden, and append hereto : ARTICLE II. Tlie objects to be accomplislied by the organization are as^ follows : 1. To preserA^e and strf^ngtheu those kind and fraternal feel- ings which have bound together the soldiers,, sailors and niailucf^ who united to suppress the late rebellion. 2. To make these feelings efficient in Avorks of kindness and. material aid to those wlio fought with us by land or by sea, for the- preservatiou of the Union, and who now need our assistance for themselves or their families, by making provision where it is not already made. _ For the protection and assistance of such as have been disabled,, cither by wounds, sickness, old age, or misfortune. For the maintenance of the widows of such as have fallen, and. the support, care and education of their children. 3. To establish and secure the riglits of these defenders of their country by all moral, social and political means in our control. To inculcate U]3on the whole country a proper appreciation of their services, and a recognition of their just claims. But this association does not design to make nomination for office, or to use its inlluence as a secret organization for partizan purposes. 4. To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America^ based upon a paramount respect for, and tidelity to the national Constitution and laws, to be manifested by the discountenancing of whatever may tend to weaken loyalty, incite to insuri-ectiom. treason or rebellion, or in any manner impair the etficiency and permanenc}- of our free institutions, together with a defense of universal liberty, ecjual riglits and justice to all men> rm4 113 100 fi This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the Library of Congress. Etherington Conservation Services follows the standards set forth by the Library of Congress for preservation photocopying which includes adherence to ANSI/NISO Z39.48 concerning the permanence of paper for printed library materials. Compliance with Title 17 concerning any copyright issues with this volume is the responsibility of this volume's owner. (unvrral-.J'i Srry:«:« Etherington Conservation Services 1010 North Sycamore Street North Manchester, IN 46962 (800) 334-3628 www.heckmanbinderv.com f «>• ^^ ?^ 't V '-/^ v<> ^^'^ V^. ^1 -->.:'-°>°;r>>^ '^^o^ '^ *i- IkO IG,- |l