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Judge Murphey, Governor Swain, Doctor Hawks, Colonel Wheeler, Jo Seawell Jones, Governor Graham, Judge Battle, Mr. George Davis, Professor Hubbard, Doctor Foote, Doctor Caruthers, Purifoy, Reichel, McRee and others would have brought about a genuine historical awakening but for the Civil War. As it was, they produced Jones's "Defence" and "Memo- rials," Foote's "Sketches," Purifoy's "Sandy Creek," Reichel's "Moravians," Caruther's "Caldwell" and "Old North State in 1776" (series one and two), the "Revolutionary History of North Carolina," McRee's "Life of Iredell," the brilliant series of papers in the old University Magazine, and many addresses, pamphlets and newspaper articles. The Civil War period yielded one pamphlet, "Nathaniel Macon," bv Weldon N. Edwards. NORTH CAROLINA The later period was characterized by a body of bright and gifted writers, including Mrs. Cornelia Phillips Spencer, Major Sloan, Doctor Battle, Doctor Huffham, Doctor Kingsbury, Colonel Saunders, Judge Schenck, Major Moore, Doctor Bernheim, Colonel Waddell, Captain Ashe, Bishop Cheshire, Chief Justice Clark, Colonel Creecy, Major Graham, Doctor Vass, Doctor Taylor, Doctor Clewell and others worthy of high mention. In this enumeration the younger writers have been purposely omitted, because it is conceived that they represent a distinct class and a new departure in this field of literature. It is to be noted that none of those named were trained to historical investigation, and none of them except the venerable Doctor Battle have followed it as a profession. The seminary method did not characterize their work, and there were times when it was difficult to discover whether the statements of some rested on authority or tradition. They had liberty, and sometimes used it with much freedom. Their culture was broad and their view was large. They were frequently weak on fact, but strong on interpretation. They understood the bearing of things, and translated dry details into living pictures of real life. Near the close of the century a new school of historical writers came to the front, composed of the younger men, who were trained in the science of historical investigation, principally at Johns Hopkins University, which they adopted as a profession. The old school sought such details as were needed for the picture in hand. The new school was not picturesque. It sought to complete the record by giving all the facts and noting the authority for every statement. The one was strong in its generalization and its interpretation, the other in its investigation and complete- ness of detail. It is not intended to discredit the accuracy of the one nor the understanding of the other, but to note the existence of the two, and to show the trend and emphasis of each. Among the leaders of the new school are Stephen B. Weeks, Charles Lee Smith, J. S. Bassett, E. W. Sikes, C. L. Raper, W. E. Dodd and M. De L. Haywood. Stephen Beauregard Weeks is second of these in point of time 5, (h. (AT** STEPHEN BEAUREGARD WEEKS and first in the extent of his writing - . He was born in lower Pasquotank County, North Carolina, February 2, 1865, of English and Huguenot ancestry. The Weeks family was of Devonshire, England, extraction, and appeared in North Carolina as early as 1727, when Thomas Weekes settled in Perquimans County, where he died in 1762, leaving five sons and a daughter. He was a large landowner, and is mentioned in the old records as "gentleman" and "school- teacher." He appears to have possessed considerable education and to have occupied a position of influence and leadership.; He was sheriff of the county, representative in the Assembly and for many years one of the justices of the county. In the fourth generation from Thomas Weekes, James Elliott Weeks, . father of the subject of our sketch, was born. The same sturdy qualities that marked the career of his earliest known ancestor characterized his life. He was without political ambition, and his only office was in the militia. He was a Methodist, with the industrious habits of those excellent people, and was looked up to as a leader. He died when Stephen was eighteen months old, leaving him a fair estate for the times. Doctor Weeks's mother was Mary Louisa Mullen (formerly Moullin), and his earliest known maternal ancestor in this country, was Abraham Moullin, of Huguenot family, who came from Vir- ginia and settled in Perquimans County prior to March, 1732. Through his mother's mother, who was a McDonald, he claims descent from Bryan McDonald, who was slain at Glencoe. Upon his mother's death, when he was three years old, he was cared for by an aunt, Mrs. Robertson Jackson, of Pasquotank County, who with her husband reared him as their own .child. He was required to work on the farm, and was well grounded in habits of industry, economy and sobriety. He pays this high tribute to the faithfulness and affection of these foster parents : "I knew no other home. ... I became to them as a son. They were most surely all that parents could have been. . . . God never made a nobler man than Robertson Jackson, quiet, peace- able, unambitious, unassuming, uneducated, but withal one of NORTH CAROLINA nature's noblemen, to whom all his neighbors looked up for com- fort, advice and help of any sort that was needed — one of the gentlest of men." Young Weeks attended the rather poor country schools of his neighborhood until he reached the age of fifteen years, when he left the farm and entered the school of T. J. and W. D. Horner, at Henderson, North Carolina, where he was prepared for en- trance to the State University, at Chapel Hill. This school justly ranked as one of the best preparatory schools of the State, and was noted for the thoroughness of its work. Both principals were men of fine scholarship and studious habits, and the younger was a graduate of the University of North Carolina. The senior, Reverend T. J. Horner, was a Baptist preacher, who ministered principally to churches in Granville County. He was a younger brother of the late James H. Horner, of Oxford, with whom he was associated in teaching for many years. He was distinguished for his scholarship and fine teaching ability, and was very highly esteemed in his community. His age and failing health and the bad health of his son and associate, Mr. W. D. Horner, led to a suspension of the school about the year 1886. He has been dead several years. The son yet lives in Henderson, highly esteemed by his neighbors. Doctor Weeks writes of the father : "His influ- ence was elevating and ennobling, and inspired and encouraged me, as did that of Herbert B. Adams, of the Johns Hopkins." This association of these two names is a high but just tribute to Mr. Horner, who gave to Doctor Weeks his first real intellectual impulse. From Henderson young Weeks went to the University of North Carolina, where he took the degree of A.B. in 1886. During two years of post-graduate work there in English language and literature, German and Latin, he took A.M. in 1887 and Ph.D. in 1888. He says: "These two years were among the most valuable of my life in giving me ideals and ability to write, and acquaintance with the masters." The three following years, 1888-91, were spent as honorary Hopkins scholar at Johns Hopkins University in the study of history, English language, political science and STEPHEN BEAUREGARD WEEKS political economy. These latter studies were more emphasized at first; later, by force of what he calls "invincible attraction," he turned to history, and made that his life work. From this Uni- versity he received the Ph.D. degree in 1891. At the close of his student work at the University of North Carolina, he was on June 12, 1888, united in marriage with Miss Mary Lee Martin, daughter of Reverend Joseph Bonaparte Martin of the North Carolina Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, from 1844 until his death in 1897. Mr. Martin was a grandson of General Joseph Martin, pioneer, Indian fighter, Indian agent, early settler of Tennessee and legislator in Virginia and North Carolina ; he was a man of marvelous devotion to his work, and more pleased with its fruitage than concerned for its emoluments. Mrs. Weeks died May 19, 1891 ; two children were born of this marriage, and one, Robertson Jackson Weeks, a youth of seventeen years, survives his mother. His second marriage was with Miss Sallie Mangum Leach, at Trinity College, North Carolina, June 28, 1893. She is the daughter of Colonel Martin W. Leach of Randolph County, North Carolina, and niece of General J. Madison Leach, member of Congress, who is yet remembered as one of the most remarkable and versatile political campaigners in the State. She is grand- daughter of Honorable Willie P. Mangum, representative and senator from North Carolina in the Congress of the United States, and president of the United States Senate, 1842-45, whose career was highly distinguished and altogether honorable to the State. She is also a descendant of the Cain and Alston families. There have been four children of this marriage, of whom two are now living. The active career of Doctor Weeks began with his entrance upon the professorship of history and political science at Trinity Col- lege (old Trinity, Randolph County), in September, 1891. He continued with the college during the first year after its removal to Durham, and successfully organized its Department of History, established the Trinity College Historical Society, created an interest among the students in historical work, and or- NORTH CAROLINA ganized the college library, which has since grown into such splendid proportions under intelligent administration and the lib- eral gifts of the Messrs. Duke. He resigned in June, 1893, owing to differences between President Crowell and members of the faculty and spent the Summer lecturing in Philadelphia, and in historical investigations in Wisconsin. In the Fall he returned to Baltimore and spent the following year as a fellow by courtesy in Johns Hopkins University, giving a portion of his time to the study of Roman law and comparative jurisprudence, and the re- mainder to original investigations along historical lines. Even before this time Doctor Weeks had become interested in North Carolina history, and a collector of the historical materials of the State. His first impulse in that direction came from his appointment, 1884-87, by the Philanthropic Society of the Uni- versity of North Carolina, to edit its register of members. He writes : "By my study of the old register I became acquainted with the great men of the University; they became my familiar friends, and I knew them as perhaps no one else has known them ; from these, through Wheeler's Reminiscences, I branched out into the general history and biography of the State and the work was done." He became an untiring collector of everything pertaining to North Carolina. It has been a hobby in which he has surpassed all others. He now has more than 3300 books, pamphlets and magazines dealing in whole or in part with that State. It is prob- ably the most complete collection of books on North Carolina; certainly, outside of newspapers and State publications, it is better than any owned by the State. To a collector a most interesting feature of this collection is one in which Doctor Weeks himself takes great pride and for which he makes this claim : "I have beyond question one of the finest collections of North Caro- lina autographs in existence, including the greater part of the corre- spondence of Calvin H. Wiley, that of Daniel R. Goodloe, the extensive and varied correspondence of Willie P. Mangum and a part of that of Willie P. Mangum, Jr. Speaking roughly, I have perhaps 3000 letters and autographs from men who have been prominent in North Carolina from the Lords Proprietors to the present day." STEPHEN BEAUREGARD WEEKS During his educational period of which we have spoken, Doctor Weeks had already given to the public the first fruits of his studies in the following monographs : "History of Young Men's Christian Association Movement in North Carolina, 1857-88" (Raleigh, 1888) ; "The Press of North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century" (Brooklyn, 1891) ; "The Lost Colony of Roanoke; its Fate and Survival" (New York, 1891) ; "The Re- ligious Development in the Province of North Carolina" (Balti- more, 1892) ; "Church and State in North Carolina" (Baltimore, 1893) ; "The History of Negro Suffrage in the South" (Boston, 1894) ; "General Joseph Martin and the War of the Revolution in the West" (Washington, 1894). Of these, the two dealing with religious conditions in North Carolina touched upon controverted questions, and from the fact that they did not give entire satisfaction to any of the parties to such controversies it may be fairly inferred that he acted with independence in his study. At any rate, a student must accept these books as able, thoughtful and painstaking contributions to the subjects with which they deal, and as a distinct advance upon any previous work of like character. In July, 1894, Doctor Weeks accepted a position with the United States Bureau of Education, nominally as confidential clerk of the commissioner. In reality he became associate editor of the commissioner's reports, passing upon everything that went into them and making such editorial changes and emendations as seemed well. He was also a contributor of monographs to these reports from year to year until 1899. It was a position that gave him opportunity for indulging his taste for historical investiga- tion. Indeed, much of his official employment was along that line, and he issued the following additional contributions : "A Bibliography of the Historical Literature of North Carolina" (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1895) ; "Libraries and Literature in North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century" (Washington, 1896) ; "Address on the University of North Carolina in the Civil War" (Richmond, 1896) ; "Southern Quakers and Slavery" (Balti- more, 1896) ; "Preliminary List of American Learned and Edu- NORTH CAROLINA cational Societies" (Washington, 1896) ; "On the Promotion of Historical Studies in the South" (Washington, 1897) ; "Anti- Slavery Sentiment in the South" (Washington, 1898) ; "Begin- nings of the Common School System in the South; or, Calvin Henderson Wiley and the Organization of Common Schools in North Carolina" (Washington, 1898). This last of his publications in book form is probably the most complete and exhaustive work yet undertaken by any one upon any phase of North Carolina history. Indeed one will hardly read any of his monographs without an impression of his wonderful diligence and capacity in gathering and using materials. In April, 1896, during his connection with the Bureau of Edu- cation, he assisted in the organization of the Southern History Association, in co-operation with Doctor Colyer Meriwether, of South Carolina; Doctor Thomas M. Owen, of Alabama; Doctor K. P. Battle, of the University of North Carolina ; Doctor J. L. M. Curry, General M. C. Butler, Thomas Nelson Page and a number of other distinguished Southerners. He has been since its or- ganization a member of its Administrative Council and of its Pub- lication Committee. The Publications of the association, of which some ten volumes have been issued, are of high historical value and importance. Doctor Weeks has been a frequent contributor to these papers, and has also written for the Magazine of American History, the Yale Review, the "Papers and Reports of the Ameri- can Historical Association," the "Studies in Historical and Politi- cal Science of the Johns Hopkins University," the American His- torical Review, the "Bibliographical Contributions of Harvard University," and the "Papers of the Southern Historical Society." He is an active member of the American Historical Association, honorary life member of the Southern History Association, cor- responding member of the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Maryland Historical Society. The Fall of 1899 witnessed another turn in the tide of Doctor Weeks's affairs. His health became so seriously affected that he was compelled to change his residence and employment. He obtained a transfer to the Indian service of the National Gov- STEPHEN BEAUREGARD WEEKS ernment and was stationed at Santa Fe, New Mexico, as principal teacher in an Indian school. He was made assistant superintend- ent of the school in July, 1903, and the same month was transferred to Arizona, as superintendent of the San Carlos Agency School on the San Carlos Apache reservation, where he is surrounded by the Apaches, who a few years ago were going on the warpath and killing every man in reach. At Santa Fe he was brought in daily contact with Pueblos, Navajoes, West Shoshones, Utes, Pimas, Papagos, Uklahs, Puyallups, Wascos, Osages and other Indians of the Southwest. He finds great interest in observing the work of civilization among them, and speaks hopefully of their progress. This enforced severance from his chosen work and from asso- ciation with scholars of like tastes and interests has been extremely trying to Doctor Weeks. But it has meant life to him. His health has been restored. Friends continue to remember him in his far- away home and demand the services of his pen. Wake Forest Col- lege recognized his services by conferring upon him the degree of LL.D. in 1902, and he still has his books and his work. He yet follows the ruling passion and is engaged in the preparation of an Index to the North Carolina Census Records for 1790, an In- dex to the State and Colonial Records of North Carolina, a Bib- liography of North Carolina, a History of Education in the South- ern States during the Civil War, and a Life of Willie P. Mangum. These would be a fair life's work for many men, but no one can foresee what the active mind, the persistent curiosity and the rest- less energy of this frail student of our history may yet search out and spread before his fellows. He offers only one word to searchers after success, "work." Thomas M. Pittman. WILLIE PERSON MANGUM ORTH CAROLINA has produced three men who have attained the Presidency. Jackson, Polk and Johnson were all her sons; but the avenue of promotion lay through Tennessee. The balance of power has long since crossed the Alieghanies and is now crossing the Mississippir~It long ago proved that geographical location is the predominant factor in the making of Presidents and not inherent ability, and so confirms Mr. Bryce's thesis that we do not elect our greatest men to that office. It is to the doubtful States that parties go for candidates; to the centers of wealth and popula- tion. The rural community is no longer a factor in making nomina- tions. Then, too, during the period of Mangum's active career North Carolina was almost as solidly Whig as it is now Demo- cratic. The change came in the fifties, just as he was retiring from public life, and as a result the Whigs found their candidate for Vice-President in 1852 in William A. Graham. In that year North Carolinian was pitted against North Carolinian for the second place and again it was given to the son who had migrated to win the prize. Hence, while North Carolina produced three men who filled the Presidency and one the Vice-Presidency, none were elected to those offices as North Carolinians. But the State can claim for herself what was at that time the third, and after the death of the President or Vice-President the second, office in rank ■ ■ WILLIE PERSON MANGUM n — the Presidency of the Senate. A President pro tempore of the Senate is chosen by its members in each Congress. His duties are nominal only, but upon the death or promotion of the Vice-Presi- dent he became, before a recent law changed the order of succes- sion, the heir apparent to the Presidency. It follows then that while Willie P. Mangum was President of the Senate, 1842-45, and was next in succession after Tyler to the Presidency, he filled the highest post under this Government ever attained by a North Carolinian as such. Willie Person Mangum, lawyer, legislator, judge, Congress- man, United States Senator and President pro tempore of the United States Senate, was born in Orange, now Durham, County, North Carolina, May 10, 1792 (not December 29, 1 791, as is some- times stated). His birthplace was near but not at the site of his later home, the present Umbra post office, known to the family as Walnut Hall, and during his life as Red Mountain (not near the present town of Durham, as is also said). The Mangums were seated in Sussex and adjoining sections of Virginia early in the eighteenth century, and seem to have been caught by the last waves of the great stream of migration that swept over the southern border of that State into North Carolina for a hundred years. Tradition has it that the family is Welch in origin and that the original form of the name was Manghamis ; we know that the Irish branch still spells the name Mangham. It is believed that the subject of this sketch is descended from the Mangums, who about 1730 to 1750 were located in Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, Virginia. There were three heads of fam- ilies there at that time with this surname, William, James, John — presumably brothers. William Mangum and his wife Mary had four sons: James, born January 2, 1734; William, born May 16, 1736; Henry, born January 24, 1773 (sic, error for I737"3 8? ) J Arthur, born May 2, 1743. James Mangum, the elder, had two sons, William and James, and a daughter, Lucy; John had a daughter, Rebeckah (Va. Mag. of Hist, and Biog., July, 1894, p. 108). We are not certain as to the exact time that Arthur Mangum, 12 NORTH CAROLINA grandfather of Willie P. Mangum, and believed to be identical with the one named above, came into North Carolina ; but he seems to have come by way of Warren County, and perhaps stopped in Granville, for there was a Mangum family in that county as early as 1757. That an Arthur Mangum was in North Carolina in 1763 we learn from a manuscript note made by Thomas Person? "Bought of Arthur Mangum 1 Barrel corn @ 9/6 Cash he Dr. to 2/6 for Writeing his Deed to Orange Co. next in May, Tuesday, 6 Apr." (1763.) And again: "Paid Jos. Langston to be given to Arthur Mangum on acct. of a Barrel of Corn 10/. Cash 26 Ap." The first land entries by Arthur Mangum, the grandfather of Judge Mangum, so far as Orange County records seem to show, date from 1760. Some of the lands taken up by him during the next few years remained in the family till February, 1902. Arthur Mangum married Lucy Person. She was a niece of Colonel William Person, of Granville (1700-78) and as such a cousin of General Thomas Person. I have not found the name of her father. She was probably the daughter of that Mary Person whose will was probated in Granville County Court August 11, 1761. Arthur Mangum died between March 12 and 24, 1789; his wife remained a widow for forty years and died about 1829, aged about ninety-two. They had children as follows, order uncertain : (1) William Person Mangum, father of Willie Person Mangum; (2) Arthur, who married Dicey Carrington, daughter of John Car- rington ; he died about 1813, aged about forty, and left "a house full" of children, who migrated to Georgia, Mississippi and Miss- ouri ; (3) Willie, who was very handsome and a merchant, died young and unmarried ; (4) Sally married Sion Bobbitt and went to Tennessee; (5) Holly, who married Cozart ; one of her sons, William, was a large merchant in Columbus, Mississippi ; another, Herbert, was a merchant in Georgia ; another, James, was a planter in Granville; (6) Chaney married Mangum, and was the mother of Colonel Ellison Mangum and grandmother of Captain Addison Mangum and of Professor A. W. Mangum; (7) Clary (or Clara) married David Parker, a farmer of Granville; Colonel WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 13 Abner Parker, merchant ; Harrison Parker, planter ; and David Parker, later of Edgecombe, were their sons. She left also a daughter, who married William Horner, father of James H. and Thomas J. Horner, the distinguished teachers. William Person Mangum, who is thought to have been the old- est child of Arthur Mangum, was born about 1762. He married Catharine (Kate) Davis, who was born on the Schuylkill River in Pennsylvania. Her father migrated to Orange County, North Carolina, when she was about four years old and there he died. William Person Mangum was a farmer and merchant and spent all his life in Orange, where he died in 1837, aged seventy-five. His wife had died in March, 1825. This couple had only three sons: Willie Person, the oldest and subject of this sketch; (2) Priestley Hinton, noticed in the sketch of his son, W. P. Mangum, Jr. ; (3) Walter Alvis, born in Orange County, January 28, 1798; married Miss Eliza P. Bullock, daughter of Doctor Benjamin Bul- lock, of Granville; removed to Mississippi in 1832 and became a planter; removed to Louisiana in 1856 and in 1863 to Texas as a refugee ; after the war returned to Louisiana and died there Janu- ary 20, 1868. He left a large family, some of whom have at- tained distinction ; numerous descendants are still living in Texas. It would seem that Willie Person Mangum came to his feeling for statecraft from his grandmother's family, and that the political mantel of his distinguished relative, Thomas Person, rested on his shoulders, for his father's family were merchants and planters and had not been before his day in public life. He received his pre- liminary education in part at the hands of Thomas M. Flint, a strolling pedagogue; in part at the Fayetteville Academy under Reverend Colin Mclver, and in part in the Raleigh Academy under Reverend Doctor McPheeters. He spent some time also as a clerk in his father's store and was graduated at the University of North Carolina in 1815. He began to study law with Honorable Duncan Cameron ; acted as tutor to his son, the late Honorable Paul C. Cameron, and was licensed to practice January 10, 1817. It is evident that i 4 NORTH CAROLINA he was successful from the start. He writes to his brother April 26, 1819: "I have made a good deal of money this Spring, say upward of $1900 in actual receipts and nearly that sum in good bonds and accounts. My prospects in the practice continue to grow more flattering. "You know that I have made a considerable purchase in Haywood. I think I have made more by that than all the rest of the labors of my life. ... In one case of Mrs. Patty Taylor, I have secured a fee at six months of one thousand dollars . . . and an equal share with the first in the other business of that court which is profitable." But even then he was dreaming dreams of political preferment. "That I could go to Congress without difficulty I entertain no doubt," he writes in the same letter. "The dangerous diadem has flittered before my vision and ambition frequently lingers with delight in tracing the out- line of the delusion, but interest, and in my opinion sound judgment, for- bid the thought." But even then he was in politics. He was a member of the House of Commons in 1818 and 1819 from Orange County; served on the judiciary and education committees; strongly ad- vocated the organization of a distinct Supreme Court and favored calling a Constitutional Convention, one of the burning questions of that day. By the Legislature of 18 19 he was elected (December 22, 1819) a Judge of the Superior Court of Law and Equity to succeed Judge Toomer, resigned. There is a story that he was the candidate of his old instructor, Judge Cameron, then a member of the State Senate from Orange. John Stanly had boasted that he would give the vacant judgship to his young kins- man, George E. Badger. Cameron's first candidate was William Norwood, of Hillsboro. Finding that he could not beat Stanly with Norwood, young Mangum was brought out and elected. He rode one of the eastern circuits, but the climate did not agree with him, and after a year of work on the bench he re- signed, November, 1820, and returned to the practice of law. In 1823 he became a candidate for the 18th Congress (1823-25) from what was then the eighth district, composed of Orange, Person and Wake. His opponent was General Daniel L. WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 15 Barringer, a resident of Raleigh. The election was held in August, 1823, for until 1861 Congressional elections were held in the odd years and after the term of service had begun in March. The candidates fought it out on their legislative records and on State issues. The main questions were the proposed amendment to the Constitution making the representation of the two sections equal — ■ the old fight between the sections. Mangum favored such an amendment and Barringer avoided it; he also favored the bill which required the banks to pay specie for their notes while Bar- ringer voted on both sides. Mangum received 2523 votes ; Bar- ringer, 1729. Mangum went to Congress as a Republican, and in the Presi- dential campaign of 1824 was a strong supporter of Crawford. He writes Seth Jones, of Wake, on January 3, 1825 : "I feel it my duty to vote for Mr. Crawford as long as he has the remotest prospect of success." The North Carolina Assembly had nom- inated Crawford, but the State in 1824 cast her vote for Jackson. When the election came up in the House of Representatives Man- gum voted for Crawford and so did the State, as a whole, for Adams received but a single vote and Jackson but two. The fol- lowers of Adams called themselves national Republicans. They contended for the largest latitude in the construction of the Con- stitution, favored internal improvements and encouraged immigra- tion, advocated protection, gave fishing bounties and passed navi- gation acts. This was the "American system" and its advocates formed the nucleus of the Whig Party. On the other hand North Carolina in general favored the strict construction views of Craw- ford, Jackson and the Jefferson Party. It is believed that Man- gum's vote for Crawford instead of Jackson made him unpopular at home. I am told by Major William A. Graham, who, of course, had it from his father, that strong effort was necessary to defeat his opponent for the 19th Congress, 1825-27, in August, 1825. This opponent was Josiah Crudup, a skilful and versatile Baptist preacher. Mangum is credited with saying that Crudup was the most formidable candidate he ever met and that an op- portune rain which prevented Crudup from preaching on a certain 16 NORTH CAROLINA occasion was all that saved him. He won by a bare majority of fifty-six votes. During these two terms in Congress Mangum served on the committee on commerce, and on that on the services and sacrifices of LaFayette. He resigned March 18, 1826, and was succeeded by Daniel L. Barringer, Democrat, who took his seat December 4, 1826. Mangum was on August 18, 1826, appointed by Governor Bur- ton to fill an unexpired term as judge of the Superior Court of Law and Equity. The term for which he was appointed expired the same year and his failure of re-election by the Assembly of that year called out expressions of regret from Nat Macon and others. In 1828 he was an elector on the Jackson-Calhoun Ticket, showing that he had not as yet accepted the principles of Adams, whose re-election was advocated in North Carolina by Gaston and others. Jackson electors were chosen in North Carolina (November 13, 1828). Mangum was again chosen without op- position a judge of the Superior Court (December 10, 1828), to succeed Ruffin. He served in this capacity through 1829 and into the Spring of 1830 (later than April 3, 1830), when he re- signed, presumably to enter the race for Senator. The first intimations we have of senatorial aspirations is in a letter from his lifelong friend, Thomas J. Green, who writes him May 24, 1828 : "If you could have a desire to return to the Federal city in a higher char- acter than when you left it, go to our next Legislature a member. A word to the wise is sufficient." There was then no vacancy in the Senate, for Macon did not resign till November 14, 1828, but there is no doubt that Green's letter was in anticipation of such an event, which was probably expected. Mangum withdrew, however, in favor of Iredell, who received the appointment, as is seen from the following letter of General Edward Ward, dated Raleigh, November 30, 1830: "The friends of Judge Donnel [sic ] are very desirous to know from you whether you are to be a candidate at the present session of the Gen- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 17 eral Assembly for a seat in the Senate of the next Congress of the United States. "They are by no means disposed to jeopardize the interests of the Re- publican Party, by starting, or having two candidates of the same party to run, when in all probability the opposite party will start a candidate to defeat their object; your declining to run two years ago, when the Eastern Republicans were anxious to start you, was the cause of Judge Donnel's being brought forward at the last session, and many of his friends are anxious to run him again, but they are, however, anxious to have a friendly understanding with you upon the subject." Iredell had been elected to fill out Macon's term, which expired March 3, 183 1. In 1830 Mangum was a candidate for the full term, as were also Governor Owen, Judge Donnell, R. D. Spaight and Governor Stokes. Mangum was thought to be the most avail- able candidate against what was characterized as the "Spaight faction," composed of R. D. Spaight, Charles Fisher, R. M. Saunders and Joseph H. Bryan as leaders, followed by Stokes, Montgomery, O'Brien, Steadman, Bynum and others. It was thought that Donnell would prevail over Owen in the race for Senator and that Spaight would beat him for Governor (letter of W. M. Sneed, November 18, 1830). December 2, 1830, Charles L. Hinton writes Mangum: "There was no general concert, there was a rebellion on the part of the friends of Owen, Donnel [sic], Fisher and Jesse Spaight with a hope of bringing each on the turf. . . . Your angry feelings toward Governor Owen I know can never be allayed. I regret the occurrence. If, as you say, he has ever been your enemy he has deceived me, for during the sum- mer he frequently expressed his preference for you and unwillingness to be in your way." The fight turned more and more on the defeat of Owen. On December 3d Romulus M. Saunders gives further news of the battle : "Your letter directing the withdrawal of your name was not received until Owen's nomination and two ballots, having you tied at 89. Yesterday Owen had 97, you 86, 14 blanks. . . . The intention is if you wish to decline a further ballot and Donnel [sic] or some other person cannot succeed to postpone until the next session. . . . Both your sayings and your letters have been misrepresented. The letter you wrote to Governor 18 NORTH CAROLINA Owen has been used as a menace or challenge, and he has not thought proper to call either for General Ward's letter or Colonel Hinton's . . . Donnel and friends are prepared to co-operate in whatever shall be deemed advisable. Fisher . . . feels confident your presence and nothing else can save us from Owen's election. I view his success under existing cir- cumstances as fatal to our future prospects." It seems that Owen was finally induced to withdraw in favor of Mangum, and the latter was chosen Senator. I have not learned with exactness the reason for his anger with Owen save that it grew out of the bitterness of this campaign. But on December ist, in letters to General Ward and Charles L. Hinton, Mangum took occasion to implicate Owen's "political principles in the strongest and most unequivocal manner," and with that open frankness and chivalrous disregard of personal consequences that characterized him all his life he at once notified Owen of his letters and avowed his willingness to give him the satisfaction then usual among gen- tlemen. Owen considered this a challenge and accepted. Louis D. Henry was his second, while W. M. Sneed, State Senator from Granville, acted for Mangum ; but through the mediation of D. F. Caldwell arid an intelligence as sensible as unusual, the sec- onds appeased the wrath of the principals, and later they became political friends. It will be seen that Mangum was elected as a Republican or Democrat, or follower of Jackson. He had been a Jackson elector in 1828, and this contest for Senator seems to have been a sort of friendly squabble among the leaders of the Republican Party. Mangum had as yet developed few of those tendencies which after- ward led him into the Whig Party. His first important speech on the floor of the Senate seems to have been that on the Tariff of 1832. His sympathies were with the South on that question, and he was by no means in love with Jackson's constitutional views, as announced in his famous proc- lamation to the people of South Carolina ; but while his sympathies drew him in that direction he was not a nullifier, although often so charged by his enemies. In January, 1832, Mr. Clay proposed the removal of all duties from articles which did not come in com- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 19 petition with similar articles produced in this country. The effect, and the purpose, was to make necessary higher rates of duty upon the articles which could be or were produced by our people. Mangum said in part: "Sir, the State from which I come regards this struggle with deep solici- tude, and the most patriotic anxiety. . . . She deprecates the pres- ent system of taxation as especially sectional and selfish, and as gradu- ally undermining the fabric of our noble institutions. She has hitherto acquiesced in this policy with a dignified moderation, looking to the extinguishment of the public debt as a period favorable to the alleviation of her burdens, and as a rectification of the systems. . . . What is the effect of the resolution upon the table? It is to aggravate the evil. It is to tax the necessaries of the poor man, while the rich man may revel in luxuries as free from taxation as the air he breathes. . . . The only feature of mitigation is to be found in the reduction of revenue. This, however, is more than counterbalanced by the increased inequality in the action of the system." He controverted the claim of constitutional authority to tax imported foreign goods for purposes of protection. This right was claimed under the clause "to regulate commerce with foreign na- tions," and under this clause they assumed the right to annihilate commerce by the imposition of prohibitory duties. He also dis- sented from the position taken by Jackson in his annual message in December, 1830, in which it was claimed that as the States be- fore the Constitution was adopted had absolute control of the sub- ject, and as the whole authority to regulate commerce was trans- ferred to the general government by that instrument, Congress therefore possessed all the power over the subject which the States had formerly possessed. After pointing out the inequalities in the working of the tariff and its disastrous effects on the South in piling up money in the hands of manufacturers at the North, he concludes : "It is money — money — give me money or — sir, if I could coin my heart into gold, and it were lawful in the sight of Heaven, I would pray God to give me firmness to do it, to save this Union from the fearful — the dreadful shock which I verily believe impends." Of this speech Mangum writes to his wife (February nth) : 20 NORTH CAROLINA "I was not exactly pleased with my own effort, yet I have reason to be- lieve that the almost universal opinion of the Senate is that it was elo- quent and powerful." Mangum was now leaning away from Jackson, but he was not one of those who voted against the confirmation of Van Buren as Minister to England. He spoke on the bill, commonly called the Force Bill, or bill to collect the revenue in South Carolina, on January 22d, and writes his wife February 2, 1833: "We are deeply engaged in the Senate upon South Carolina affairs. I fear we shall make war upon her. I am opposed to all harsh measures." It was thus that Mangum's alienation from the old Jacksonian republicanism was developed: 1. He was hostile to Jackson's tariff system, and also to that of Clay. He believed in a tariff for revenue only ; and indeed Clay at that time was forced by stress of circumstances to abandon protection and come round to his position. In his anxiety to prevent impending war between the sections, Clay, after a conference with Calhoun, drew a bill which his friends first put through the House of Representatives and which he had no difficulty in putting through the Senate, which by a gradual process, running through nine years, com- pletely abandoned protection and brought the duties down to the revenue standard of 20 per cent, ad valorem. As agreed, Cal- houn voted for this bill, and it became a law March 2, 1833, and it settled the sectional troubles of that day. 2. He opposed Jack- son's policy of coercing South Carolina, while himself opposed nullification. 3. In 1834 came up the question of the United States Bank, its recharter, the removal of the deposits, the cen- sure on Jackson and Benton's Expunging resolution. He had long seen the drift in the matter of the bank and had proclaimed his hostility to Jackson as early as January 19, 1832, in a letter to William Gaston : "I think it is to be very much regretted that the United States Bank has come before Congress at this session. I regard the continuance of that in- stitution as of almost indispensable necessity. "By deferring its application to next session I have no doubt, with but slight modification (to save appearances), it would have met with the Ex- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 21 ecutive favor. It is now more than doubtful whether it will — and the whole may ultimately take the appearance of a trial of strength between General Jackson and the bank. In that case the bank will go down. For General Jackson's popularity is of a sort not to be shaken at present. I hope for the best results from the wise and patriotic counsels of Mr. McLane." 4. In the State there was also bitter warfare over the question of instruction of Senators. This principle Mangum denied, while Bedford Brown, his colleague in the Senate (who had succeeded John Branch), accepted. In fact, these two Senators came more and more to represent the two wings into which the old Republi- can Party was splitting in North Carolina as elsewhere. In 1834 they canvassed the State on the subject of instruction. They aroused great interest and some excitement. The partizans of each vied with their opponents in giving the biggest public din- ners and forming the largest processions. Brown stood for the strict construction idea, which supported Jackson and developed into the modern Democratic Party. As we have seen, Mangum was more of a latitudinarian, anti-Jackson, pro-bank, and later came to support Clay. Out of this latter class grew the Whig Party. Besides Clay and Mangum, it numbered among its adher- ents Preston and McDuffie of South Carolina ; Poindexter of Mis- sissippi, Berrien of Georgia, Bell of Tennessee and others. In North Carolina it claimed Badger, Graham, Gaston, the Galeses and others. Hugh L. White, representing the hostility to Van Buren, Jackson's political heir, was the candidate of this still unor- ganized party for President in 1836, and Mangum was freely talked of as his running mate. The tendency to party cleavage in Mangum's career was accentuated and confirmed by the bank struggle. The Whig Party, of which we may now begin to speak, with the help of Calhoun, concentrated their forces in opposition to Jackson. The United States Bank was selected as the subject over which the trial of strength should be. The bank had never been popular in North Carolina, but under the leadership of Mangum, Gaston and others it gained ground, and branch banks were established. In fact, Iredell writes Mangum February 4, 1832: "Whether right 22 NORTH CAROLINA or wrong, that bank is at this time very popular in our State; I believe, indeed I know, it has done us vast good, and as yet we have felt no evils from it." Calhoun allied himself with Benjamin Watkins Leigh in Virginia and Mangum in North Carolina, not only because they were representatives of the pro-bank idea, but also because they represented the opposition to receiving instruc- tions from the Assembly, and the party in those States which stood out against the tyranny and extra-constitutional assumptions of Jackson. Mangum voted for the resolution of censure on Jackson for removing the deposits, passed March 28, 1834, and refused to vote for Benton's resolution to expunge the censure. The North Carolina Legislature of 1834-35 was Democratic or pro- Jackson, and hence opposed to Mangum. It availed itself of the oppor- tunity offered and instructed him to vote for the Expunging reso- lution (North Carolina acts, 1834-35, p. 95). These instructions, with a bitter arraignment of the party in power, Mangum refused to obey. He said that in reference to the instructions he would avail himself of the occasion barely to say that he should not con- form to them. He should vote against the Expunging resolution. The Legislature had no right to require him to become the instru- ment of his own personal degradation. He repelled the exercise of so vindictive a power ; and when applied to himself he repelled it with scorn and indignation. The members of the Legislature were servants and representatives of the people. He was likewise one. That they were disposed to guard with jealousy the honor of the State, it was not his province to discuss or question. He, likewise, felt it his duty to guard the honor of the State, and not less to guard his own personal honor ; both, in his con- ception, imperiously required him to disregard the resolutions ; and, that point being settled in his mind, he trusted no one who knew him would entertain a doubt as to his course on this subject. His course in the Senate was applauded by his political friends in the State and denounced by his opponents (including Brown, his colleague), but the weight of opinion in the State, so far at least as it found expression in the form of memorials to Con- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 23 gress, seems to have been decidedly pro-bank and in favor of Mangum. In 1836 came up for consideration Jackson's scheme of specie payments. Mangum seems to have been rather uncertain as to the proper steps, but even then saw the growing danger from cor- porations. He said on the specie payments matter: That the measure contemplated an important change in the currency of the country, and he preferred it should be left in charge of its friends, who better understood it. He was perfectly ready to vote for it, if it came recommended by the gentlemen from the new States ; and he was willing to do so because he looked upon it to be a remedy against speculation in the public lands; and because it might possibly bring about a sounder state in the circu- lating medium. They might be chimeras, but he believed that all these wealthy corporate institutions were inimical to a spirit of liberty, which he preferred to all the wealth and splendor of the great cities. Banks, railroads, stock companies of every descrip- tion, might be useful, but he was opposed to them all, because, in his opinion, they were inconsistent with the true spirit of lib- erty. On another occasion he opposed giving pre-emption rights to squatters on the public domain in the West. The campaign of 1836 was conducted in North Carolina on the United States Bank, nullification and the instruction of Senators. The Legislature chosen was at first Whig, but Muse of Pasquotank resigned and was succeeded by a Democrat. This threw the Legis- lature into the Democratic camp, and Mangum, interpreting this as a condemnation of his course, resigned (last of November or first of December, 1836) and was succeeded by Robert Strange, a Democrat, who took his seat December 15, 1836. In 1837 the eleven electoral votes of South Carolina, which Calhoun was said to have carried "in his vest pocket," were given to Mangum for President. This, in view of the fact that Mangum had supported some of the policies of the great South Carolinian, raised a howl in the Democratic papers that there had been a cor- rupt bargain between the two. Of this there is no evidence. There is in fact little evidence that the vote of South Carolina was 24 NORTH CAROLINA due more to the action of Calhoun than of William C. Preston, his Whig colleague in the Senate, a personal friend, and for whom Mangum named his only son (cf. Dodd's Macon, 335-397). After his resignation from the Senate in 1836 Mangum retired to his plantation and returned to the law ; but politics was to him as the breath of his nostrils. He was no less in public life, though not in public office; in 1837 he declined to become a candidate for the House of Representatives, though strong pressure was brought to bear upon him; but in 1840 he was sent to the State Senate from Orange County. He was chairman of the Commit- tee on Education and assisted in drawing an act to provide public schools for the State. Although since revised and altered, the Act of 1840 is in reality the basis of the common school system of North Carolina to-day (see Weeks's "Beginning of the Common School System in the South" in Report United States Commis- sioner of Education, 1896-97, p. 1422). In the meantime the organization of the Whig Party was being perfected. It was composed of men with many different shades of political belief and with very different political antecedents, but all were drawn together by the particular hope of defeating the Locofos, as the Van Buren branch of the Democratic Party was called. The name Whig, so Clay explained, was generic and was expressly adopted to embrace men of all political opinions. In 1839 this newly formed party met in convention in Harrisburg to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President. Mangum was a member and went to the convention as a friend of Clay. It was a time when both North and South had to be propitiated in the matter of nominations ; when the nomination for President went to Harrison, Clay's chances were gone. Mangum thought that Clay had been unfairly treated and that his own acceptance of the second place would prove him untrue to his friend, espe- cially as he was also a member of the convention. This was his reply in substance to a committee which asked him to accept the second place. The committee went to him three times and urged the place upon him, but their solicitations were unheeded. This is the report that comes to me of the matter from his family, and WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 25 I have found contemporary evidence in Niles's Register which confirms this account. The family account says further that when Mangum's name was under consideration Governor Owen, who was president of the convention, remarked, "We have better things in store for Mr. Mangum." This would imply that the North Carolina delegation was not a unit in his support, which we learn also from other sources, and this no doubt had its weight in defeating any aspirations he may have cherished. On the other hand, Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, son of President Tyler, claims that his father was from the first the choice of the convention, while Henry A. Wise, in his uncritical biography of Tyler, "Seven Decades of the Union" (pp. 158, 161, 169), claims that Tyler's nomination had been settled long in advance. The question of instruction of Senators had now received a new turn in North Carolina. Mangum had been instructed in 1834 to vote for Benton's Expunging resolution and had refused to do so or to resign, and this had brought him into sharp conflict with Bedford Brown, his colleague, as we have seen. After his resignation, Brown and Strange, his successor, voted for Benton's resolution (passed January 16, 1837). The North Carolina Assembly of 1838 was Whig. It censured Brown and Strange for voting for the Expunging resolution and then instructed them to oppose Van Buren's sub-treasury system, to advocate a division of the proceeds from the sale of public lands among the States according to population, and to endeavor to secure reform in the public expenditures and a reduction of taxes (December 8, 1838). The Senators were both Democrats, and in a letter, dated Decem- ber 31, 1838, claimed not to understand the purport of the cen- sure and resolutions of the Assembly. Their resignations were finally forwarded during the Harrison- Van Buren campaign in 1840 and caused considerable excitement. In that year the State went with the Whigs. Mangum was re-elected to the Senate as a Whig to succeed Brown, and took his seat December 9, 1840; William A. Graham, also a Whig, suc- ceeded Strange and took his seat December 10. As Brown's term expired March 4, 1841, Mangum was chosen to fill the full term 26 NORTH CAROLINA beginning on that date, and so served continuously by re-elections from December 9, 1840, to March 3, 1853. During his senatorial terms he served on the committees on roads and canals, pensions, foreign relations, judiciary, militia, District of Columbia, finance and as chairman of the committee on naval affairs in 184 1. In general he advocated the policies of the Whig Party. The Whigs repealed Van Buren's Independent Treasury or sub-treasury and passed an act establishing a new Bank of the United States, which was vetoed by Tyler. They then passed an act for a fiscal corporation which was to have the functions of a bank, and the draft of which had been submitted to Tyler. This act he also vetoed ; he was then read out of the Whig Party. After these failures Mangum favored depositing the public money in State banks, regulated by law, and said that not one Whig in five thou- sand in North Carolina was opposed to a national bank. He opposed the Exchequer Board scheme, devised by the Secretary of the Treasury. This Board was to consist of three men who were to have charge of the finances. It was denounced with great severity by Mangum and others and defeated. He regarded it as placing the public purse as well as the sword in the hands of the President. On Tyler's accession to the Presidency, Samuel L. Southard of New Jersey, who had been previously chosen President of the Senate pro tempore, became its regular presiding officer and as such acting Vice-President. Southard resigned May 3, 1842, and on May 31st Mangum was chosen his successor. He continued to occupy this position till March 4, 1845 > ft was he who that day inaugurated the practice of turning back the hands of the clock in order to lengthen the official day. In 1844 the Whigs opposed the immediate annexation of Texas and rejected Tyler's treaty on that subject; in 1846 Mangum strongly opposed the attitude of the country on the Oregon Ques- tion, which threatened to involve us in a war with England ; he also opposed the war with Mexico. In 1847 he was offered the nomination for President by the executive committee of the Native American Party of Pennsylvania; in 1848 he was much talked of WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 27 as a running mate to Judge McLean of Ohio, who was being con- sidered for the Presidency; again in 1852 he could have had the Whig nomination for Vice-President, but because of the temper of the people in North Carolina declined. It will be noted that at the time of Mangum's election to the highest office in the gift of the Senate, and what was at that par- ticular time but one remove from the Presidency, he had had less than seven years of senatorial life in all and had been returned to the Senate less than two years before. He had been chairman of the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs in 1841 ; it is evident that he had rapidly forged ahead and had in a very short time taken high rank among the leaders of his day. This position of leader- ship he continued to hold. He was not a frequent speaker. He did his work outside the Senate chamber in settling disputes, shaping policies and keeping the running gear of the party in good order. He was such an astute political manager that his political enemies were even inclined to regard him as a Machia- velli. Clay was perhaps his warmest personal friend, although he was hardly less intimate with Webster. The secret of his power seems to have been in his masterful intellect, his dignity and character. He never neglected his duty ; was a thorough parlia- mentarian and was never uninformed as to anything pertaining to his station. The Senate ranked him higher than his own people. We have a contemporary estimate of him as a presiding officer. Caleb Atwater of Ohio, in his "Mysteries of Washington City" (Washington, 1844), says: "He presides in the Senate and occupies the Vice-President's room in the Capitol. He is a man above the common size, of fair complexion and commanding air, rather grave in his manners, but very agreeable and ap- pears to be kind-hearted. His voice is clear, sufficiently loud and distinct to be heard all over the Senate chamber and its gallery. On the whole, he is, taking him all in all, the best presiding officer that I ever saw in any legis- lative assembly. He is always at his ease, always dignified and always agreeable. His appearance is that of a man about forty years old. He is a Whig, unwavering and unflinching, yet, like the Kentucky Senators, not a persecuting Whig, often voting to confirm men in offices who are not 28 NORTH CAROLINA Whigs or anything else — long. He appears to look more to the interests of his country than his party." (Page 131.) Alexander H. Stephens said he had great influence in the Senate ; that he spoke with clearness, conciseness, terseness and power and dealt very little in the flowers of rhetoric or the orna- ments of oratory. Hannibal Hamlin called him one of the ablest men of his time. In fact, it has been said that he had more influence in the Senate than any other Southern man of his day. The whole of Judge Mangum's life was spent in the service of his State. For thirty-five years, 1818 to 1853, when his health had already failed, to be followed soon after by a disease of the spinal column, he was almost constantly in the public service. He was so passionately devoted to the Union and to the interests of his State that his private affairs, had it not been for the business capacity of his wife and daughter, would have been seriously impaired. As a campaigner he has seldom had an equal in the State, for he was subtile and persuasive and skilful as a dialecti- cian. His superior among North Carolina speakers has never appeared. In the day of great orators in the Senate he held his own, and I am told that traditions of his fame in oratory still linger in the Senate chamber like a sweet aroma of a long- vanished past ; the reputation of an orator, however, does not con- sist in the things that men remember but in the memory of the effects produced, and it is impossible for the historian to transfer to writing the persuasiveness of his compelling periods. He was for many years a trustee of the University of North Carolina; received the degree of A.B. in 1815, A.M. in 1818, and LL.D. in 1845. He was often in demand as a commencement orator, but seems to have carefully avoided such engagements. He was a Mason and an Odd Fellow ; in personal appearance was large, being over six feet in height and well proportioned ; full of dignity and courtesy, his stateliness was noticeable and com- manding. He was successful as a lawyer and judge, and, while a man of splendid accomplishment, was still more remarkable for the suggestiveness of his thought (see Tourgee's "A Royal WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 29 Gentleman," for a pregnant paragraph on this phase of Southern character). On the more personal and human side Mangum was the life and soul of a dinner party, and his stories were full of pith and point. The charm of his conversation was extraordinary, his sincerity, his mellifluous voice, the grace and dignity of his per- sonal carriage, his affability and kindness, his love of nature in general and birds in particular, his unbounded charity — were winning qualities which made him honored, respected and loved. Of his kindness in particular Judge Edwin G. Reade wrote in 1865 that he "was always interested in the young and in the friendless. It was characteristic of him ; whenever he could, he made them his companions and advised them and praised them, and when need was defended them." Of his powers as a popular orator, he says : "He was almost all his life in the public coun- cils, and no man of his day was esteemed wiser. But his most interesting exhibitions were before his own people as a popular orator. It was then that his commanding person, his rich, flowing language, his clarion voice, his graceful gesticulation and his genial humor, made him almost irresistible. No one ever tired of listening to him. He never let himself down, was never afraid of overshooting his audience." And in more recent years the late Daniel R. Goodloe wrote : "As presiding officer he discharged its duties with distinguished ability and courtesy, and received the unanimous thanks of the body. He be- came an ardent friend of Mr. Clay, and in 1852 took an active part in bringing out General Scott to succeed General Taylor. "Mr. Mangum was an admirable conversationalist. My friend, John B. Fry, who is a devoted admirer of Mr. Clay, whom he knew intimately, as he did Mr. Mangum, thinks the latter excelled the great Kentuckian in this accomplishment. I knew him well, and I have never met his equal in this regard, taking him all in all ; for he never forgot to listen, as well as to talk, which most superior men who are good talkers are apt to do. "Judge Mangum was my best friend, to whom I am greatly indebted for kindness. I came here in 1844 in search of employment. He found it for me as associate editor of a daily Whig paper, The Whig Standard. ... At the end of the campaign in November, I owed him nearly fifty dollars; and when I was able to repay him, two years later, he was unwilling to 30 NORTH CAROLINA admit that I owed him anything. When I told him the exact amount, and insisted on paying, he urged me to go and buy me a suit of clothes. How- ever, I persisted in forcing the money on him, and he at length received it. It is my pleasure, and my duty, to record this fact, illustrative of the generous nature of one of North Carolina's greatest men." As the war came on Judge Mangum naturally sided with the South, but he was never a secessionist ; in fact, he was a strong Union man till the war became a reality. He then went with the South and sent his only son to the front. The death of this son caused a return of the paralysis with which he had been afflicted for years, and he died at his country seat, Walnut Hall, then in Orange, now in Durham County, North Carolina, September 7, 1 86 1 (not September 14th). Judge Mangum married September 30, 1819, Charity Alston Cain (1795- 1 873). She was the daughter of William Cain and of Mrs. Sarah (Alston) Dudley. The Cains were Irish and set- tled in Maryland. William Cain was born in Baltimore ; migrated to Orange County, North Carolina ; became a prosperous merchant and planter ; founded a large and well-known family, and at the first meeting of the trustees of the University of North Carolina, December 18, 1789, made to that body a larger donation than they had up to that time received from any other source. Mrs. Man- gum's mother was the daughter of James Alston (died 1761) of Orange and granddaughter of John Alston (1673-1758), founder of the North Carolina family of that name and a justice of the colonial Supreme Court (q. v.). To Judge and Mrs. Mangum were born five children: Sallie Alston (1824-96); Martha Person (Pattie) (1828-1902) ; Catharine Davis, died in infancy; Mary Sutherland (1832-1902) ; and William Preston (1837-61). The son was educated at the University of North Carolina and began the study of law, but delayed practice to attend his father's plantation ; he volunteered as a private, became second lieutenant in Company B, Sixth North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Charles F. Fisher, C. S. A., and died July 28, 1861, from the effects of wounds received at the first battle of Manassas. Sallie Alston Mangum married in 185 1 Colonel Martin Wash- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM 31 ington Leach (1806-69), an older brother of General James Madison Leach (1815-91), and an extensive planter and capi- talist of Randolph County, North Carolina. They had three chil- dren to attain maturity and who are still living: Mrs. Julian A. Turner of Greensboro, Mrs. Stephen B. Weeks and Miss Annie Preston Leach of Randolph County, North Carolina. The third generation is represented by three boys and six girls. None of the other children of Judge Mangum ever married. Misses Martha and Mary Mangum resided at Walnut Hall till their death. During the war and for some years after its close they conducted at their home a select school for young ladies, which drew patrons from many sections of the State. This brief sketch of the very active career of Judge Mangum is based mainly on his correspondence and on family history. His public career will be found in the journals of the Assembly and of Congress, while the genealogy of his family will be found in part in the supplement to Groves's "The Alstons and Allstons of North Carolina and South Carolina." Short sketches of his career have appeared in the various biographical works dealing with the United States and North Carolina, but no suitable biography, no worthy sketch even has hitherto appeared. There are at least four oil portraits of Mangum, one in possession of Willie Mangum Person, Esq., of Louisburg, North Carolina, one in the hall of the Dialectic Society at Chapel Hill and two in possession of the family, including the one from which the accompanying engrav- ing is made. His correspondence, large in amount and varied in character, is in my hands, and I have in preparation a volume on his life and times which I hope to make definitive. Stephen B. Weeks. WILLIE PERSON MANGUM, JR. 'ILLIE PERSON MANGUM, JR., was the second child and oldest son of Priestley Hinton Mangum, brother of the distinguished judge and senator, and of Rebecca Hilliard Sutherland of Wake Forest, Wake County, North Carolina. He was born in Wake County, May 7, 1827, and was on his mother's side descended from Colonel Ransom Suther- land, one of the patriots of the Revolution. His father was born April 3, 1795, and, like his uncle, was educated at the University of North Carolina, took the whole course in two years and received the A.B. degree in 181 5 with first honor. He chose the law as a profession, settled in Wake, but in February, 1830, removed to Hillsboro, where he lived till his death, September 17, 1850. Unlike his better known brother, he stuck closely to the law, had a large practice in Wake, Granville and adjoining counties, and accumulated what was a handsome estate for his day in negroes and real estate. Besides the subject of this sketch there were other children: Catharine (Kate), born 1825, who died soon after her father ; Rebecca, who married John R. Williams of Arkansas ; Mary L., who married J. J. James, for some years editor of the Biblical Recorder; Priestley Hinton, Jr., who studied medicine but devoted himself to farming; and Leonard Henderson, who was graduated from Princeton, studied law and removed to Arkansas, saw hard service in the Confederate Army, went into politics, be- WILLIE PERSON MANGUM, Jr. 33 came a judge of one of the inferior courts in Arkansas and died in Washington City, April, 1903. In 1838 Willie P. Mangum, Jr., entered the Bingham School and remained there till 1844, when he entered Wake Forest Col- lege. He was there two years ; went to the University of North Carolina in 1846 and was graduated in 1848, delivering an oration on the character of Sir Walter Raleigh. He became a tutor in Wake Forest College and remained one year, when he began the study of law under his father; after his death he removed to Washington City and took a position in the Census Office. In 1853 he returned to North Carolina and resumed the study of law, this time in Raleigh, under Judge Badger, and later con-, tinued his studies in New York City under Honorable E. W. Stoughton, judge and later United States Minister to Russia. He was admitted to the bar in New York State, in the District of Columbia and to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States, and the next few years were devoted to his profession. Unlike the rest of his family in the civil struggle which was now coming on, he sided with the North, and on March 27, 1861, was commissioned by the State Department as United States Consul at Ningpo, China. He arrived there December 11, 1861, two days after its capture by the T'ai-p'ing rebels, under Fang. It soon be- came necessary to take measures for the safety of the foreign com- munity at Ningpo, and on January 12, 1862, proceedings were taken to this end and for the government of the 75,000 Chinese who had crowded for protection into the foreign quarter of the city. This heavy duty fell upon the consuls of the treaty powers, and as the French consul was practically incapacitated it was dis- charged by the consuls of England and the United States, Mr. Mangum and his colleague holding court on alternate weeks, from January 12, to May 10, 1862, when power was restored to the former authorities through a bombardment of the city by the English and French. These judicial services were highly appreci- ated by the people, who expressed their thanks in oriental fashion by presenting to each of the consuls a large umbrella, like that borne before mandarins of the first rank. 34 NORTH CAROLINA In the Spring of 1864 Mangum was transferred to the consulate at Chin-Kiang, on the Yang-tse, at the junction of the Grand Canal with that river, but the confinement resulting from the dis- turbances in Ningpo and the Chekiang province had undermined his health and compelled his return to America, for which he sailed April 29, 1864. The change of scene, the sea voyage, and Winter restored his health, and on March 18, 1865, he was made consul to Nagasaki, Japan ; he was reappointed by Johnson, May 29, 1865, and there he remained till 1880. He was detailed to take charge of the consulate general in Shanghai, as Vice-Consul-General, February 1, 1867, to March 19, 1868, in the absence of George F. Seward, the Consul-General, and in this connection was also United States postal agent ; he organ- ized and started the first American mail service in China, their first office being in the consulate general in Shanghai. After resuming his duties at Nagasaki he continued his postal work till arrangements were perfected by the Japanese Government for taking over their mail service. In December, 1868, along with Reverend Guido Verbeck, the apostle of Japan, he spent some days, by invitation, in visiting the Prince of Hizen in Saga, his capital. They were the first white men to be seen in Saga, and this was one way taken by the Prince to reconcile his people to the impending changes, for the clans of Satsuma, Choshiu, Tosa, and Hizen were leaders in the strug- gle then going on against the Shoguns (Tokugawa family), and out of which came the restoration of the Mikado to supreme power and the opening of Japan to the Western world. The Prince of Hizen remained the firm friend of Mangum and presented him many rare specimens of ceramics, which cannot now be duplicated. Mangum sailed for America November 10, 1872, and his last visit to North Carolina was in the spring of 1873. He reached Japan on his return July 16, 1873, and resumed his duties at Nagasaki. In the Spring of 1874 he was chosen sole arbitrator in the case of the Takashima coal mines, a matter which involved England, Holland and Japan in many intricate and opposing views and had been long in the courts. No satisfactory conclusion WILLIE PERSON MANGUM, Jr. 35 seeming possible, it was decided to submit the whole matter to three arbitrators, one to be chosen by each nationality ; but, on comparing the nominations, it was found that Mangum had been chosen by each, a singular and remarkable proof of the esteem in which he was held. His decision was rendered the following summer and was acceptable to all. Mangum's health was always more or less delicate, and with the hope that a colder climate would restore him, he was trans- ferred to Tien-Tsin, in North China, March 29, 1880. He left Japan in September of that year, but the colder climate failed to do what was hoped from it, and he died in Tien-Tsin, February 11, 1881. He was temporarily interred at that port, but was later removed to America and reinterred in the Congressional cemetery in Washington City. He was long dean of the consular corps in Nagasaki and was held in high esteem by his colleagues. He was of a pleasant, courteous disposition, dignified, but genial and charming in con- versation, and while energetic and business-like in important affairs, in unessential things was disposed to the doctrine of laissez faire. He was elected March 20, 1866, a non-resident mem- ber of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, and on June 30, 1876, for long services rendered to his consulate, was decorated by the King of Portugal with the Royal Portuguese Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was highly esteemed by resident and visiting Americans and the Japanese soon learned to consult with and trust him in many matters of im- portance outside of his consular duties. Although long a non- resident, Mr. Mangum never forgot the State of his nativity. That he considered it his home to the last is shown by the filing of his will for probate in Wake, the county of his birth. Mr. Mangum married in Washington, D. C, on October 24, 1855, Miss Fannie Vaulx Ladd, daughter of Joseph Brown Ladd and Harriet Vaulx Conway, widow of Major W. H. Nicoll, U. S. A. No children were born to this marriage. Mrs. Mangum was a woman of decided literary tastes ; she was an artist, and an authority on ceramics and conchology and to some extent on 36 NORTH CAROLINA numismatics. She gathered an extensive and costly library and made a great collection of ceramics from China and Japan, many of them being in costly patterns, gifts from distinguished person- ages, which can no longer be procured or produced. She made also a great and valuable collection of shells. Her collections were in part destroyed by fire ; the remainder, after being somewhat aug- mented by other selections from the East, were presented to the University of North Carolina. She presided over the social life of the foreign residents in Nagasaki, accompanied her husband in all his travels, brought back his body to America, and spent her last days in Washington City, where she died in 1901. This sketch is made up from a sketch printed by Mrs. Mangum in the North Carolina University Magazine in 1890, and from materials in possession of the family. Stephen B. Weeks. ........ \\\ t C^lsls<3 PRIESTLEY HINTON MANGUM RIESTLEY HINTON MANGUM, one of the most progressive agriculturalists of the State, was born on August 21, 1829, in Wake Forest Township, Wake County. The Mangums are of Welch extraction, the first of the name com- ing to America being John Mangum, who emi- grated to this country from Wales. The family early settled in Orange County, where its members were highly esteemed for their capacity and sterling worth. Mr. P. H. Mangum, Sr., graduated in the same class as his brother, Willie P. Mangum, at the Uni- versity of North Carolina in 1815, and studied law. He repre- sented Orange County in the Legislature of 1832, but he was not drawn into a public career like his more gifted brother, who became one of the most distinguished of North Carolinians. Mr. Willie Mangum was an orator of the first class and a jurist who was an ornament to the bench, and a statesman who reflected great honor on the people of North Carolina. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1831, and again in 1841 and again in 1847. In 1837 South Carolina cast all of her electoral votes for him for President. And five years later, when Vice-President Tyler had succeeded to the Presidency, Mr. Mangum, who was esteemed as one of the most distinguished of the Senators, was by the choice of his fellow-members elected President of the Senate and continued to hold that position for three years ; and it has been 38 NORTH CAROLINA well said of him that he was equal to every station he occupied. He, Governor Graham, Mr. Macon and Judge Badger were the most influential sons North Carolina has produced. Mr. Priestley Mangum married Miss Rebecca Hilliard Suther- land, whose father, Colonel Ransom Sutherland, was a Revolu- tionary officer and served with high distinction during the war for independence. The influence of such parents and of such association in his early life was not without its effect in forming the character of the sub- ject of this sketch. His father was a man of fine judgment and strong common sense, a man of high integrity, well educated and a lawyer of great influence in his community ; but he was fond of home life and preferred a residence on his farm, and as Mrs. Man- gum unhappily died when her son was very young, he fell more particularly under the directing care of his father than is usual with children. He was prepared for college by William J. Bingham, the second of that name, and entering Wake Forest College, graduated at that institution in 1851. Intending to devote himself to agriculture, he immediately began the life of a farmer and located on the farm where he was born two miles west of Wake Forest ; and there, on December 16, 1856, he brought his bride, Miss Mary Thomas Price, and six children, now surviving, blessed their union. Agriculture has always been the most important industry of the people of North Carolina, and it has employed the best talent of the State. In the days of slavery the finest minds and strongest men were engaged in this occupation, and they brought to it their best intelligence, and it was esteemed the noblest employment for a man's capabilities, as it was accompanied by a spirit of independ- ence and of self-reliance and of noble manhood that was not so thoroughly fostered by other vocations. Since the abolition of slavery it has been attended with more difficulties, and its successful practice has required even closer at- tention and more strenuous endeavors ; but still it is a field for the exercise of superior talent, and Mr. Mangum's career is a notable illustration of this fact, for it has been said that "by his farm he PRIESTLEY HINTON MANGUM 39 has reflected as much credit on the State as his uncle did by his distinguished services in the Senate of the United States." The very fields amid which he was born and reared have been the scene of his exploits as a successful and intelligent farmer. His methods have attracted wide attention, and his farm has been held up before the agriculturalists of the State as an example. Indeed, one of the foremost men of Mecklenburg County, which has always been noted for its fine farms and improved methods, has been par- ticularly pronounced in calling attention to the advantages of the new methods introduced and used by Mr. Mangum ; and residents of other parts of the State have recommended the adoption of the system practiced on this model farm. In an article entitled "A Model Farmer," a judicious and intelligent editor says: "Mr. Mangum's wheat was just about ripening and the fields of golden grain presented a most attractive scene. One field of thirty acres would yield at least thirty bushels to the acre. In the same field was clover knee high. In another large field was a good stand of cotton, which last year averaged over a bale to the acre, there were several fields of clover and other grasses, and there were stacks of last year's hay not yet used. The cattle looked fat and sleek, the milch cows with distended bags, and many of improved breeds. The hogs were kept in a clover field and literally looked like they were 'living in clover/ so fat and healthy were they. The barns and stables were commodious and conveniently arranged, and large piles of barnyard manure showed that Mr. Mangum did not depend upon bought fertilizers. We saw quite a number of the most improved labor-sav- ing machines, which nowadays are necessary for profitable farming." As eloquently as these facts speak of the successful results of Mr. Mangum's farming operations, they are also evidence of the judgment and intelligence which he brings to his aid in following his business as an agriculturalist. Another illustration of his su- perior merit is to be found in his progressiveness. He devised and introduced the modified terrace and used them in his fields, doing away entirely with hillside ditches. Under his system the land is prevented from washing and it can be cultivated more easily than under the system of ditches and without any waste. These terraces are from one to two feet high and about ten feet wide and carry off the water in a gently flowing current. In constructing 40 NORTH CAROLINA them he utilized his old hillside ditches, plowing down the upper bank several times, but allowing the low embankment to remain. In front of this, where the ditch was, is a space of ten feet on a dead level. This level drain has a fall of i| inches to 13 feet, 4 inches. The guide row is then staked off and horizontal furrows run plowing through this level drain and the embankment just as they chance to go. To run these terraces a spirit level set in a light frame 13 feet, 4 inches wide is used, and of course much judgment is needed to make them. Plowing down the hillside across the ten-foot level drain and lightly over the embankment, the water is distributed uniformly and slowly, and in the severest rain will never overflow. Whatever sediment or soil washes down is saved, the terrace gradually gaining more soil and becoming the richest part of the field. General Barringer, in his account of this fine farm, says : "We saw land which was formerly ravines and gulleys presenting a beautiful and uniform slope. The terrace system as devised by Mr. Man- gum rids the field of grass. Every foot of land is under cultivation." His system has attracted general attention and has found such favor as to have been adopted by other progressive and intelligent farmers in the hillside country with advantage. If he who has made two blades of grass to grow where one grew before is to be commended, the advantage to agriculture of the devices in- augurated by Mr. Mangum are still more beneficial, and are yet more worthy of high commendation. In his political affiliations Mr. Mangum, like his illustrious uncle and other members of his family, was a Whig before the Civil War, but because of the issues evolved since that period, he has affiliated with the Democratic Party. He is a member of the Episcopal Church and his walk in life has been consistent with his religious profession. A busy man, earnest and active in his agricultural pursuits, he has had no time for sports or amusements, and he finds sufficient exercise in horse- back riding over his farm, every part of which is constantly under his supervision. £ ^ Ash ^ 3477-277 - ' lot 12 V o ^ *;% ^ vv s /■r .k "oV o < ,0° » * * ° * ■ 1 j,0 V-, ■-' * i •> -1°, o w o ^Vj -lo* ** ,\ c -0 •M o o V • Of, ^ --^V ■** V ^o l£ * it J^*. **> r -^ o x o V c^^ "4- Ok = ' .0 ■■J <$>, •^ -A » ^ tf