r PORTRAITS i PROMINENT MEN SCRANTON AND VICINITY WILKES-BARRE AND VICINITY PITTSTON, HAZLETON -^T^ CARBONDALE, MONTROSE AND VICINITY PENNSYLVANIA By DWIGHT J. STODDARD 1906 uS' LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received .. OCT 13 1906 p Copyritrht Entry., CLA%S^ XXc,, No, COPY B. (!oPVRI(;HT, 1906 \\\ l)\\ i(;iri J. S i(Ji)i)AKi) ^his Copy is cHo, -1 FROM THE PRESS OF THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO SCRANTON . PA INTRODUCTION ROMINENT MEN of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity is i— ^ the outcome of expensive preparation, requiring nearly two years of painstaking labor to complete, and is sent forth with confidence that it will be valued by the intelligent community it represents in proportion to its manifest merits. Over twelve hundred portraits make this by far the most comprehensi\'e collection ever publishetl in the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys. So remarkable an array of portraits of the prominent and noteworthy men, present and past, was at first considered impossible by discerning citizens whose advice was sought, and neither they nor anyone who has not shared the labors involved in the making of this book can properly realize the difficulties which have been overcome. The sketches are arranged in numerical order, commencing at the ending of the portraits, and in every instance confined to facts. Often it would be easier to write a page of ordinary biography than to indicate a man's career in a few lines, but the charm of such a collection of portraits, unmarred by any undiscriminating biographies, always tiresome and some- times incorrect, makes this book a pleasant review instead of a mental task. Included in the collection are many portraits of those who ha\e passed away, which enhances its value, and the possessors of this memento will have "a kind of excellent dumb discourse" more eloquent than words, to entertain and instruct their families and friends and hand down to posterity an heirloom which must increase in xalue as the passing years recede into fainter and fainter memories. The arduous toil of making a worthy collection of Portraits of Promi- nent Men of Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties is ended, and the completed result is ready to be placed in the hands of its subscribers. We are sure that it wall be cordially welcomed and that the better it is known the better it will be appreciated. The Publisher ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IlILl'', many citizens ba\c' licartily co-operated and rendered \alual)le assistance, special acknowledgments are due to the fiillowin^ Advisory Committee: Hon. Frkdekkk C. Kirk- i;mi.\i.i.; Oscai; J. lI.\R\i:v, Esc;. ; W'II.i.iam L. Rakuer, l".s(|. ; Wii.i.iAM A. \Vii.(()X, I'^sc]. ; Mr. Gi:or(;k B. Jermyn; .Mr. Hi.NRv J. Carr; Hon. Hi:n'rv M. Edwards; Rev. C,ec)R<;e Everet Giii.d, D.D. ; Rt. Rev. Mj^r. Thomas F. Coffey, \'.G. ; Rev. John Wa(;\er, D.D. ; Rev. Robert Bonner Jack; Mr. William Jt)SEi'ii I'eck, James Striker Mott. The photographs, made expressly for the book, are mostly by the following photograi)hers: J<'iL\ H. Kemp, Frank W. Hornbaker, Scranton, Pa.; josiii'ii L. Sri:ARNS, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; J. E. Witman, J. Will Kii.mi:k, llazletoiL Pa.; Mr. Cramer, Carl)ondale, Pa.; L. A. Blrdick, Jcrm)!!, Pa., and E.G. Tiiman, Montrose, Pa.; The engrav- ings, Cresc^enf ICn(.r.\\'in(; Co.; printing. Tin-. Trii'.lne Publishing Co.; and the bindin^i, Thic Raedfr Printinc;, Plblishino and Litho- (,RAl'iiiN(; Co., and taken tugelher comprise a woncK^ful collection of high art. PUBLISHER. HON. \A/ILL1AM CONNELL PAfNTINC BY RauGHT Reproduced by Oilloi- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity REV. ROGERS ISRAEL, D. D. RT. REV. MICHAEL J. HOBAN, D. D. ity f REV. ABEL AUGUSTUS MARPLE -RT. REV. WILLIAM O'HARA, D. D. 3 4 1 Prominent Men cf Scranton and Vicinity KEV. GEORGE MYERS PECK, D. D. REV. HUGH C. McDERMOTT, D. D. - REV. GEORGE PECK, D. D. 7 REV. ISAAC SEVAN, D. D. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity REV. SAMUEL C. LOGAN, D.D., LL.D. EEV. GEORGE EVERET GUILD, D. D. 9 10 REV. JOSEPH H. ODELL EEV. LORENZO R. FOSTER, A. M. 11 12 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity RT. REV. MGR. THOS. F. COFFEY, V.G. 13 REV. PATRICK J. McMANUS 14 REV. JAMES W. MALONE, D. J). REV. JOHN J. LOUGHRAN, D. D. n> I., 4 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity REV. JOHN V. MOYLAN 17 REV. W. P. O'DONNELL IS REV. JOHN" W. HEALY 10 REV. ANTHONY B. KAUPAS 20 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity VERY REV. MICHAEL C. LENGYEL. HENRY H. HARRIS, PH. D., D. 0. 21 22 REV. ERNST J. SCHMIDT, PH.D., S.T.D. REV. JACOB SCHOETTLE 21 Prominent Men oi Scranton and Vicinity REV. DAVIS DIMOCK TvEV. FRANCIS HODUR REV. FRANCIS KOWALSKI 27 HENRY CARDEW 2S Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH H. SCRANTON 29 -GEORGE WHITFIELD SCRANTON ?.0 SELDEN T. SCRANTON 31 JOSEPH CURTIS PLATT 32. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD DOLPH THEODORE VON STORCH 34. ROBERT THOMPSON BLACK as. JOSEPH SLOCUM 36 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity *CHARLES FULLER JOHN RAYMOND ELISHA HITCHCOCK 39 'JOEL AMSDEN 40 10 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD CHARLES FULLER 41 HORATIO PIERCE. 12 EDWARD SPENCER JAMES M. EVERHART 44 11 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity -GEORGE FULLER = DAVID CLEMONS 46 COL. IRA TRIPP 47 WILLIAM W. MANNESS 48 12 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ISAAC DEAN ARNOLD CLARK SISSON JOSEPH GODFREY 51 OLIVER P. CLARK 52 13 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LEWIS PUGHE WILLIAM J. LEWIS RANDOLPH CRIPPEN ^HENRY A. KINGSBURY 14 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES YOUNG 57 RICHARD STILLWELL SIDNEY BROADBENT 59 = S. B. STILLWELL 60 15 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity COL. HENRY MARTYN BOIES 61 THOMAS DICKSON 02 ^WILLIAM TALLMAN SMITH JOHN B. SMITH 16 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM HEAD STORRS 65 ■IRVING A. FINCH 66 ^MAJOR JOHN B. FISH 67 *COL. WILLIAM NELSON MONIES 17 Prominent Men of Scrantcn and Vicinity WILLIAM CONNELL 69 J. L. CONNELL CHARLES R. CONNELL 71 ALFRED ELSWORTH CONNELL 72 18 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EZRA H. CONNELI, 73 J. S. McANULTY 74 CHARLES W. FULTON 75 * ALEXANDER CONNELL 10 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES CONNELL ALEXANDER JAMES CONNELL, M. D. ^ WILLIAM LAWRENCE CONNELL 79 HARRY A. CONNELL 80 20 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES CONNEXL SI. CLARENCE BAKER STURGES S2. ALEXANDER T. CONNELL JOHN GIBBONS 21 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity COL. EZRA H. RIPPLE 85 HENRY BELIN, JR. S6 ELI E. HENDRICK EDWARD P. KINGSBURY 22 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM HENRY RICHMOND S9 JOHN JERMYN. 00 GEORGE B. JERMYN JOHN M. ROBERTSON 92 28 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES L. CRAWFORD JAMES G. SHEPHERD 94 REESE G. BROOKS THOMAS H. DALE 9C 24 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM H. TAYLOR THOMAS HAMER WATKINS PS ARCHIBALD FALCONDER LAW 99 ■JOHN A. MEARS lOO 25 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM G. ROBERTSON 101 EDWARD STANLEY DOLPH 102 WILLIAM A. MAY 103 CHARLES C. ROSE 104 26 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity CLARENCE M. SANDERSON CHARLES DUDLEY SANDERSON 105 106 * WILLIAM W. WINTON 107 ABRAHAM H. VANDLING. lOS 27 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES SCHLAGER WALTER LINCOLN SCHLAGER 110 FREDERICK WARNKE 111 REUBEN NELSON LaBAR 112 28 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRED. S. GODFREY 113 'FRANK HITCHCOCK CLEMONS MICHAEL F. DOLPHIN 113 WILLIAM WILSON RISSINGER 20 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity COI>. U. G. SCHOONMAKER 117 SAMUEI. HAHNEMANN STEVENS 118 EDWARD LATON FULLER ll'j MORTIMER BARTINE FULLER lliO 30 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THEODORE G. WOI.F 121 SAMUEL HINES 122 JOHN D. SHERER CHARLES H. LINDSAY 124 31 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES P. JADWIN 125 JOHN J. GIBBONS 126 JAMES J. JORDAN 127 JOHN CARNEY 128 32 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES F. MATTES 129 COL. CHARLES C. MATTES 130 WILLIAM F. MATTES 131 FRANK ELBERT PLATT 33 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM McKELVY MARPLE 13:] JAMES GARDNER SANDERSON 131 ALVA D. BLACKINGTON 135 MILTON P. MITCHELL 34 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES HENRY FISHER 137 JUSTIN E. PARRISH 138 GEORGE EDWARD STEVENSON 1:59 HENRY JIFKINS J4(> 35 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH JACOB ALBRIGHT 141 JAMES ARCHBALD 142 DAVID BISHOP HAND, M. D. 1f; JAMES ARCHBALD III 36 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD W. WESTON WILLIAM E. HALLSTEAD 14G CHARLES SIDNEY WESTON H7 J. BENJAMIN DIMMICK 14S 37 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES ALEXANDER LINEN 149 GEORGE LINEN 150 JAMES J. WILLIAMS ir.i JOHN T. PORTER 152 38 Prom'nent Men of Scranton and Vlciniiy GEORGE L. DICKSON 153 ALEXANDER D. STELLE 154 ANDREW WATT 155 JOSEPH B. VAN BERGEN 156 39 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity 'JAMES BI.AIR 1~ COL. AUSTIN BARTLEY BLAIR r.? GEORGE H. CATLIN 159 WILLIAM H. PECK IGO 40 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CYRUS D. JONES 101 FENWICK L. PECK 102 CHARLES S. WOOLWORTH 163 THOMAS SPRAGUE 104 41 Prominent Men oi Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD JONES 105 -THOMAS MOORE 1G6 WILLIAM MARSHALL SILKMAN 1U7 JOSEPH H. GUNSTER. 168 42 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ISAAC POST 169 HENRY GOODRICH DUNHAM 170 REESE A. PHILLIPS 171 WILLIAM CAWLEY 172 43 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES W. GUNSTER 173 DOLPH B. ATHERTON 174 ALBERT B. EYNON JAMES BLAIR, JR. 17G 44 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GRANT L. BELL COL. FREDERICK W. STILLWELL ITS FLORENCE J. HELRIEGEL I'.'j JOHN F. WALTER ISO 45 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity RICHARD O'BRIEN ISl G. FRANK REYNOLDS 1S2 JAMES STRIKER MOTT 183 -JAMES STOTT 184 46 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LUTHER KELLER ANDREW B. WARMAN 1S6 CHRISTOPHER G. ROLAND WILLIAM P. ROLAND 47 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ERASTUS SCRANTON DOUD 189 CHARLES HAMILTON DOUD ^j 190 GEORGE AUGUSTUS FULLER IPl GEORGE L. WEAVER 192 48 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GRANT PELTON 1P3 ROY C. MEGARGEL 191 WILLIAM HENDERSON LOGAN 195 HENRY H. SMITH 49 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LORENZO G. LaBAR 197 ISAAC S. FULLER 198 M. S. JORDAN 199 HENRY L. PEABODY 50 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity AUGUSTUS F. GEBHARDT 201 ROBERT E. HURLEY 202 EDWARD F. BLEWITT 2oa PATRICK PIUS BLEWITT 204 51 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM D. ZEHNDER .EONARD M. HORTON EDWARD MARSHALL ZEHNDER 207 FRANK B. RUTTER ill IS 52 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES HARVEY POND L'llll JAMES ALBERT LANSING 210 ALEXANDER WALKER DICKSON 211 •SAMUEL G. BARKER 212 53 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM McCLAVE ALFRED HARVEY 14 WILLIAM R. McCLAVE 215 FRANK S. BARKER 216 61 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES B. SCOTT 217 EUGENE FOWLER MARSH 218 WILLIAM SMITH BOYD 219 WILLIAM STEEL BOYD 230 65 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD G. CONNER GEORGE MITCHELL MAURICE T. MILLER 223 WILLIAM H. COLLINS 56 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH KNEELAND HARVEY, JR. -JOSEPH KNEELAND HARVEY, SR. PAUI. CLEMENS 227 CHARLES CONDE GROAT L'2S 57 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS LEWIS WILLIAM H. DAVIS DAVID J. DAVIS 231 JOHN W. PINNELL 232 58 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN R. WILLIAMS 233 WILLIAM J. LEWIS JOHN J. REYNOLDS 235 JAMES E. HECKEL 236 69 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GRIFFITH T. DAVIS CHARLES PERRY WENTZ 23S BERNARD B. MEGARGEE FRANCIS 0. MEGARGEE --^ 210 60 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWAED M. STACK 2il COL. GEORGE M. HALLSTEAD WILLIAM ALLEN AVERY FREDERICK H. EMERY 2!1 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ALFRED HAND ROBERT WODROW ARCHBALD JOSEPH BREWSTER McCOLLUM WILLIAM JESSUP. L. L. D. Ml -^& 62 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity SAMUEL ERSKINE DIMMICK -FREDERICK WILLIAM GUNSTER 249 250 CHARLES HOPKINS WELLES JAMES HUMPHREY TORREY 68 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD N. WILLARD 253 EVERETT WARREN 254 HENRY A. KNAPP HARRIS FRANKLIN WARREN 64 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HENRY M. EDWARDS JOHN P. KELLY EDWARD C. NEWCOMB 2.-39 MICHAEL F. SANDO ■2&) 65 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EBENEZER KINGSBURY 2i;i ARETUS HEERMANS WINTON I2r,2 ^WALSINGHAM G. WARD 263 WILLIAM MERRIEIELD i!64 66 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity LOUIS S. WATRES •2*\: COL. LOUIS ARTHUR WATRES 2m HAROLD ARTHUR WATRES 267 LEMUEL AMERMAN 67 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES K. GEARHART 20D WILLIAM JESSUP HAND EDWIN W. GEARHART 271 WESLEY H. GEARHART 68 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity COL. FREDERICK L. HITCHCOCK EDWARD B. STURGES 274 GEORGE SANDERSON COL. GEORGE SANDERSON •-•76 69 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLOUGHBY W. WATSON CHARLES DU PONT BRECK 1'78 CHARLES EBENEZER BRADBURY 279 IRA H. BURNS 280 70 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRED CHURCHILL LEONARD 281 MAJ. THOS. FRANKLIN PENMAN FREDERICK K. TRACY 2S3 COL. HERMAN OSTHAUS 2S4 71 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM DU BOIS LUSK 2S5 EDWARD MERRIFIELD 2&6 HUGH M. HANNAH i:s7 AARON WATSON BERTHOLF 72 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES EDWARD BURR MICHAEL E. Mcdonald 290 JAMES WHEATON CARPENTER en FREDERICK W. FLEITZ 292 73 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HOMER GREENE 293 WILLIAM ALONZO WILCOX 294 ARTHUR D. DEAN 2ltj WILLIAM M. CURRY 2% 74 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN FOSTER SCRAGG 297 MILTON W. LOWRY 298 GEORGE M. WATSON 299 CORNELIUS COMEGYS •Mi) 75 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHESTER B. GARDNER 301 CLARENCE S. WOODRUFF oU2 J. ALTON DAVIS HERBERT L. TAYLOR 76 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM HUNTTING JESSUP WILLIAM HENRY JESSUP au5 306 WILLARD M. BUNNELL 307 LEWIS M. BUNNELL .'I'.lS 77 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES E. DANIELS 309 GEORGE L. PECK 310 JOHN T. DUNN :ui ARTHUR DUNN 312 78 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS P. HOBAN 313 JOHN JOSEPH TOOHEY 314 MATTHEW P. CAWLEY 315 M. J. RUDDY 316 79 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HENRY S. ALWORTH 317 WALTER LIDDELL HII>L 318 HOMER D. CAREY 31 1) B. FENTON TINKHAM 320 80 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ROBERT J. MURRAY 321 JEREMIAH WATSON BROWNING 322' BENJAMIN EDWARD WATSON ALBERT LEISENRING WATSON 323- 324 81 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK RAYMOND STOCKER 325 GEORGE C. YOCUM 326 EDWARD W. THAYER C. REYNOLDS BEDFORD 32S 82 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANCIS M. LYNCH 329 RAPHAEL L. LEVY 330 MICHAEL J. MARTIN 331 WILLIAM J. FITZGERALD 88 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM J. DOUGLAS 333 JAMES J. O'MALLEY 33-1 GEORGE C. SCHEUER GEORGE WOOD BENEDICT, JR. 84 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS P. DUFFY 337 JOSEPH FREY GILROY 33S MICHAEL J. DONAHOE 339 THOMAS A. DONAHOE 340 85 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK P. BENJAMIN o-Jl WILLIAM LUTSEY HOUCK 3-12 HENRY W. MULHOLLAND 343 JOHN H. BONNER oil 86 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ISEDORE S. PRENNER 345 WALTER LYNDON SCHANZ 34G JOHN R. OKELL 347 GEORGE M. OKELL 348 87 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES EUGENE OLVER 349 JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY 350 WILLIAM EDWIN WATT :;51 JOHN M. GUNSTER 88 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity NATHAN PENDLETON WILCOX HENRY PENDLETON WILCOX 353 354 JOHN HENRY KEMP 355 MOSES SHIELDS, JR. 356 89 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS JEFFERSON FOSTER 357 MADISON" F. LARKIN 358 ELMER H. LAWALL 309 RUFUS JAMES FOSTER 300 80 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN TORRINGTON WATKINS ■.XI EZRA E. SOUTHWORTH 3C2 ALBERT H. WELLS 363 ALFRED COLBURN ARNOLD 301 91 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN JESSE CLARK, M. E. 36a JOHN D. JONES 366 ^JAMES HARRINGTON 307 DAVID CHASE HARRINGTON 36S 92 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD LAMAZE 369 JAMES T. BEARD 370 ERNEST K. RODEN 371 CHARLES J. HAYES 03 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HENRY JAMES CARR 373 GEORGE SELWYN KIMBALL 374 GEORGE RAUGHT. 375 JOHN WILLARD RAUGHT :!7(j 94 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ALLAN K. LAWRENCE ROBERT J. BAUER 378 CHARLES HENRY DOERSAM PATRICK W. COSTELLO 95 / Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity TRACY M. SYMONDS 381 CHARLES R. H. JACKSON 382 BURT R. HALL 383 D. WALT. WAGNER 384 06 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES H. FULLER 385 TIMOTHY E. "BOLAND 386 WILLIAM L. ROGERS 3S7 PATRICK A. BARRETT 388 97 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH AUGUSTINE SCRANTON 3S9 EDWARD J. LYNETT 390 ROBERT MEYLERT SCRANTON STANISLAUS A. DANGEL 391 392 08 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ELLINGHAM TKACY SWEET 393 JAMES WILSON GOULD 394 OLIVER FRANCIS LEEDS 395 EDWIN FITZGERALD FERRIS 39f 09 LOFC. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity W. SCOTT COLLINS o97 THOMAS N. THOiiSON 295 CHARLES RUTHVEN FULLER 399 GEORGE W. SMITHING 400 lOO Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHESTER PAULTON WILSON 401 CHARLES F. CONN 402 BENJAMIN FORNEY WYLY, JR. JAMES McKINNEY 101 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ANDREW BRYDEN 405 ALEXANDER BRYDEN 406 JAMES Y. BRYDEN 407 ARCHIBALD LAW BRYDEN 408 102 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRIEND FERNANDO MERRIMAN 4oa WILLIAM H. BARRETT 410 VICTOR L. PETERSEN 411 WILLIAM WALLACE INGLIS 412 103 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN GEORGE EISELE ALFRED EMORY LISTER 414 J. RUSSELL PECK 4ir. FRANK C. PECK 410 104 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinily 'HENRY F. ATHERTON 417 JERRE L. ATHERTON 418 THOMAS SHOTTON 419 JOHN R. ATHERTON 420 105 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ROBERT F. KILPATRICK 421 ARTHUR CLARK LaMONTE 421' ALBERT S. BAKER 423 CHARLES EDWARD TOBEY 424 loa Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRED H. CRIPPEN 425 MORGAN DAVIS, JR. 42G HUBERT D. JOHNSON 427 WILLIS HENRY LOOMIS -128 107 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WALTER REESE 429 JOHN G. HAYES HENRY G. DAVIS ■i;,i FRANK A. JOHNSON 108 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EVAN JOSEPH EVANS THOMAS SAER MORGAN THOMAS J. WILLIAMS 435 DAVID T. WILLIAMS 109 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES M. EATON 437 JAMES M. THOMAS 438 HENRY ELLSWORTH HARRIS 439 DAVID LLOYD 440 no Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HARRY MUNSON WARREN 441 FRANK N. TAIT 442 FRANK HAN AWAY 4)3 W. G. HANAWAY 444 111 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ^J. WILSON PECK 445 JOHN T> PECK ■1 IG CHARLES P. WINTER 447 JAMES D. STOCKER 448 112 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ARTHUR B. WINTER 449 JOHN B. GRIFFITHS 450 GEORGE S. DUNN 451 WILLARD MORTEN FREAR 452 113 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity J. HENRY WHEELER 453 JOHN WINFIELD AITKEN 454 EDWARD EUGENE GREINER FLOYD R. GREINER 114 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN MITCHELL 457 TERENCE V. POWDERLY 458 'JOSEPH POWDERLY 459 ERANK SMITH 4r,i) 115 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity •JACOB DERAGO CLARK 401 EDWIN W. PEARCE 462 JOHN SWEENY 4f;'! JOHN B. HOBDAY 461 116 Prominent Men of Scranion and Vicinity HALSEY LATHROP HENRY H. YEAGER 46C JOHN C. BURGESS 407 ^ JACOB B. BRYANT 46S 117 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MATTHEW J. HARRINGTON JOHN C. HARRINGTON 470 LELAND B. POTTER 471 EDWARD B. DEANE 472 118 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM T. HACKETT 473 JOSEPH E. HARDING 474 HENDRICK E. PAINE 475 ERNEST I. PAINE 476 119 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS J. McGUIRE HENRY J. SCHUBERT 478 MICHAEI. J. O'MALLEY 479 MOSES W. O'MALLEY 4S0 120 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EUGENE HEELEY 481 JOHN F. BROADBENT 482 BALPH A. AMERMAN 4NJ ARTHUR HOVEY STORRS 4S4 121 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ALBERT B. CLAY 485 FREDERICK V. HARTZELL 4S6 EDWIN BROOKS FRANKLIN FREDERICK W. EMRICH 48tJ 122 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MOSES BROWN 489 ISAAC BROWN 490 GUS N. BROWN 491 HENRY SCHNELL 492 123 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES F. TIMLIN 493 GEORGE L. TIMLIN 494 D. JEREMY DAVIS 4l)j JOHN F. TAYLOR 490 124 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM C. NICHOLSON 197 JOHN F. NICHOLSON 498 JOHN D. ATHERTON 499 WILLARD ATHERTON 125 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MICHAEL G. LANGAN GEORGE FOSTER 502 HENRY JESSUP FOSTER THOMAS MOORE 126 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MORTON H. CARPENTER JOHN B. S. GALPIN BERNARD J. CUMMINGS 507 ROBERT E. PRENDERGAST 127 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity PHILIP ROBINSON, JR. 509 * PETER KRANTZ 510 ROBERT ROBINSON on *EDMUND J. ROBINSON 128 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity AUGUSTUS FROTHINGHAM 513 ARTHUR FROTHINGHAM 514 WILLIAM HENRY WHYTE 513 VICTOR KOCH jIJ 120 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MAX RICE 517 WILLIAM H. PIERCE JOHN H. SHORT 519 130 GEORGE W. HORNBAKER b30 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MAURICE M. BENNETT HERBERT R. HIGHAM 522 JOHN GROVER HUGHES 523 DANIEL S. STONE 131 524 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN McCRINDLE WALTER DAVIES 526 WILLIAM A. LYNOTT PATRICK F. LYNOTT 132 oliS Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES ARTHUR GODFREY 529 THOMAS PATRICK LOFTUS 530 D. PHILIP WILLIAMS WILLIAM CONRAD 532 133 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN D. WILLIAMS 533 EBENEZER WILLIAMS 5:11 ROBERT J. WILLIAMS WILLIAM C. WILLIAMS 53C 184 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity PATRICK JOSEPH HORAN 537 DAVID D. EVANS 538 DAN POWELL oZ>J DAVID LEVI MORGAN 135 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANCIS B. SILKMAN 541 W. C. COWLES 542 FRANK E. BRUNDAGE 54:J GEORGE M. MULLEY 544 136 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM WHITFIELD KIZER 545 JAMES RICHARD MEARS 54(5 GEORGE SCHEUER 547 GEORGE R. CLARK 54S 187 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity BERNARD P. CONNOLLY 549 HARVEY CLIFFORD WALLACE 550 JOHN G. McCONNELL 551 GEORGE W. WATKINS 138 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FREDERICK CROMWELL HAND. 553 LOUIS CONRAD 554 JOHN HENRY LADWIG JOSEPH MARKS 55G 139 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EUGENE SCHIMPFF 557 LUTHAN B. MOSHER JOSEPH A. MEARS WILLIAM H. HAGEN 560 140 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity PLINY EVES 561 ALBERT F. WESTPFAHL 562 GEORGE PHILLIPS GEORGE A. PROKOPOVITSH 141 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MATTHEW MacPHERSON 565 JOHN B. SHANNON 566 JOHN JACOB REIGULUTH 567 MARCUS FRIEDER 568 142 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity * JAMES J. LAWLEE HENRY V. LAWLER 570 JAMES JOSEPH RYAN 071 143 JAMES W. O'BRIEN Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity DOUD MENDLESON 573 'CHARLES HAG AN 574 CHARLES M. HAGAN WILLIAM EDGAR GILHOOL 57i3 144 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LEON R. CLOVER 577 JOHN C. DEAN 578 HARRY P MELLET 57!) FRED J. HUG 145 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GEORGE D. BROWN 581 WALTER LINCOLN KENWOOD B83 ALFRED L. DERRY 584 146 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM D. GOTSHALL 5S5 J. EUGENE GOTSHALL ANTON WEINSCHENK ARTHUR A. WEINSCHENK 147 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN W. HOWARTH JOHN A. PRICE 590 PATRICK MULHERIN o'Jl CONRAD SCHROEDER 592 148 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity DENISON KINGSBURY OAKLEY 5fl3 CLARENCE DENISON OAKLEY 501 JUDSON B. WOOLSEY 595 SIMON MILTON SNOOK 596 140 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity BENJAMIN F. LAUDIG 597 HENRY J. GUNSTER .'ftS BURTON EUGENE KINGSLEY 599 GEORGE A. WESCOTT 600 150 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES MADISON RHODES 601 CHAUNCEY WICKHAM RHODES G02 DUANE LEGRANGE POTTER 603 DANIEL D. JONES cm 151 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity H. A. KAUFHOLD C05 W. SPENCER DeWITT 606 GEORGE F. HOWER COT HERMAN F. STENDER COS 152 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MATHIAS STIPP 609 PETER STIPP 610 THOMAS PALMER 611 CHARLES M. MAYNARD G12 153 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK CARLUCCI G13 EDMUND A. BARTL 614 JOHN IRANCIS LANGAN 015 PATRICK HOBAN 616 154 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity PETER F. HOWLEY 617 MICHAEL T. HOWLEY 618 PETER F. REILLY 619 GEORGE HERBERT CRAVEN 155 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN KELLY i;2i JOHN SCISM DANIEL WEBSTER SCISM WILLIAM MATTHEW STURGES 624 156 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity SIDNEY S. STONE 62a DANIEL M. JONES 626 SEWARD BUTTON lii;? WILLIAM YOUNG MOFFAT C2S 167 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN L. SCHROEDER WILLIAM EVANS li30 JOSEPH W. SLOCUM G:il ADAM THOMPSON GP.2 158 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM A. HARVEY 633 WII^LIAM ALEXANDER HUTTOx>r G34 FRANK H. EISELE 635 FERDINAND MUCKLEY 159 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK J. DICKERT 637 LUDWIG A. LANGE G3S HERMAN HAGEN tlo'J GEORGE FRANKLIN KELLOW Old 160 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GEORGE WAHL 641 JOHN LENTES 642 AUGUST WAHLERS 64a FRANK FUHR 044 161 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GEORGE W. BEEMEE, 645 JAMES MOIR CHARLES JOSEPH GILLESPIE (JlT JOHN B. GILLESPIE G48 162 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MYRON KASSON G49 DAVID W. POWELL 650 MARCUS K. BISHO? JOHN T. HOWE 163 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS H. PHILI>IPS 653 PATRICK F. CALPIN 654 J. GEORGE HUFNAGEL DANIEL HOLLAND 656 164 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH A. DOLPHIN 657 SIMON P. FAUSOLD C58 HENRY T. KOEHLER PATRICK F. CONNOR 660 165 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS A. BECK fiOl GWILYM JONES 662 WILBURT C. WILLIAMS EDWARD EISELE tJO-l 166 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK B. EEESE 665 MARK K. EDGAR GG6 LONA B. DAY HENRY F. FERBER COS 167 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity H. WILLARD STORM 669 JOHN BUTTERMAN (jTO THOMAS B. JACKSON t;7i JAMES F. NOONE (,7:.' 168 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity TIMOTHY JONES 673 EDWARD FIDLER 674 HIRAM N. KELLY, M. D. 675 MANNING DeWITT KELLY 676 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDMOND J. DONNEGAN, D. D. S. 677 EDSON M. GREEN. D. D. S. 678 'JEREMIAH L. FORDHAM, D. D. S. WALTER H. FORDHAM, D. D S. 170 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ARCHIBALD D PPvEl^TON, D. D. S. GSl FRANK W. BEAVERS 682 GEORGE SANFORD PECK, D. D. S. T. EDMUND COPPINGER 171 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HORACE HOLLISTER. M. D 085 BENJAMIN THROOP, M. D. tISti HARPER B. LACKEY, M. D. (is; THOMAS B. RODHAM. M. D t.sy 172 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity A. P. GAKDNEK, M. D. 689 CHARLES AUG. STEVENS, M. D. 690 ISAIAH F. EVERHART, M. D. 6!)J ANDREW P. NILES, M. D. 692 173 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LUDWIG WEHLAU. M D. 693 DANIEL W. MEAES, M. D. G94 CHARLES E. THOMSON, M. D G'JC LEWIS FREY, M. D. GOG 174 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity SAMUEL P. LONGSTREET, M. D. CLARENCE LESLIE FREY, M. D. 697 W^ WILLIAM G. FULTON, M. D. HERBERT D. GARDNER, M. D. C09 71X1 175 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES H. FISHEK. M. D. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D. 702 P. FRANCIS GUNSTER, M. D. GILBERT D. MURRAY. M. D. 176 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES lENOX REA, M. D. LOWELL MASON GATES. M. D. JAMES B. GARVEY, M. D. ARTHUR H. BERNSTEIN, M. D. 177 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN W. COOLIDGE. M. D. JOHN LYMAN PECK, M. D. 710 FREDERICK D. BREWSTER. M. D. WILLIAM A. McDOWELL. M. D. 711 -,]■: 178 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FREDERICK W. LANGE, M. D. JACOB C. LANGE 714 JOHN P. STANTON, M. D. JAMES HARRINGTON YOUNG, M.D. Ti; TIG 179 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM K. POLAN, M. D. 717 ALBERT KOLB, M. D. Tib SAMUEL E. LYNCH, M. D. WILLIAM M. LYNCH, M. D. 180 Prominent Men o£ Scranton and Vicinity ELIAS G. EOOS, M. D. 721 EMIL DE ANTONIO, M. D. 722 ARTHUR J. WILLSON, M. D. FREDERICK P. HOLLISTER, M. D. 724 181 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN C. PRICE, M. D. 725 FREDERICK J. BISHOP, M. D. 726 GEORGE C. MERRIMAN, M. D. SAMUEL HERBERT VOORHEES. M.D. 727 728 182 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity WILLIAM LEE RICHARDSON, M. D. CALVIN COLTON HALSEY, M. D. 729 730 VAN CLIFT DECKER. M. D. 731 WILLIAM PITT KENNEDY, M. D. 732 183 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity J. J. BILHEIMER, PHLS. M. D. DAVID JOHN JENKINS, M. D. WILLIAM J. L. DAVIS, M. D. JOHN T. McGRATH, M. D. 7:« 736 184 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity LEWIS SHERMAN BARNES, M. D. WILSON S. DECKER, V. S. 737 3S EZRA YOCUM HARRISON, D. D. S. ROBT. FRANKLIN TAYLOR, D.D.S. 739 740 185 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity HENRY BROWN, PHG. 741 JOHN J. BROWN 742 FORTUNATO TISCAR 743 FRANK J. McCANN 744 186 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES J. LYNCH 745 SIMON RICE V46 WILLIAM CADWALLADER PRICE JAMES G. BRADY 748 187 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK M. MOYER 749 ADAM SPITZER 750 ANTHONY P. CONWELL 751 JACOB F. PFEIFFER 752 188 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity MORRIS R. ZEHNDER GEORGE A. BROWN 7;J4 SAMUEL MENDLESON JOHN A. KOMARA 189 Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FRANK W. HORNBAKER 757 T. EMERSON DILLON ARCHIBALD P. BENJAMIN TOO LA VERNE A. BURDICK TOO 190 MARTIN MALONEY Born in Ireland. Married Margaret Hewitson. Philanthropist. Prominently connected with manv corporations and institutions. Resides in Philadelphia, Pa.; formerly a Scrantonian. Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. HENRY L. JONES, D.D.. S.T.D. REV. WALTER DE FOREST JOHNSON 705 7G6 REV. HORACE E. HAYDEN. M. A. REV. LEVI L. SPRAGUE, D. D. 193 / Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity / REV. HENRY H. WELLES, D. D. REV. ARCH. A. HODGE, D.D., LL. D. 7G9 REV. CHARLES C. CORSS REV. LEONARD C. MUNLOCK, D.D. 194 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. CURTIS E. MOGG, D. D. REV. ALBERT E. PIPER, PH. D. 773 774 REV. MARCUS SALZMAN, D. D. REV. WILLIS H. STONE 195 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity KT. T.JLV. MGB "ptRTER C. NAGEL 777 REV. JOHN JOSEPH CUREAN 778 'ft REV. RICHARD A. McANDREW REV. MICHAEL EDW. LYNOTT 7t>a 196 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. MICHAEL H. DUNN 781 REV. JOSEPH MURGAS 782 REV. STANISLAS SZPOTANSKI 783 REV. WILLIAM GISLON 784 197 Prominent Men o£ Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity KEV. ALEX. BELL JACK 785 REV. ROBERT BONNER JACK 786 REV. JOHN WAGNER, D. D. REV. WILLIAM TOENNES 787 788 108 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. BRONISLAUS F. WALTER 789 REV. A. SZAULINSKAS 790 VERY REV. ARCHPRIEST A. G. TOTH REV. THEO. A. KLONOWSKI "91 792 10Q Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. ROBERT T. ROBERTS, D. D. 793 REV. CHARLES McKECHINE 794 REV. HUGH DAVIS 795 REV. JAMES T. MATTHEWS 7!iG 200 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HUGO V. STABLER 797 ADOLPH HANSEN 798 ALBERT SALZBRENNER 799 REV. JOSEPH DAVIDOWSKI soo 201 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. JAMES MAY, D. D. 801 REV. FRANCIS B. HODGE, D. D. 802 REV. CHARLES S. DUNNING, D.D. REV. WILLIAM J. RICHARDS, D.D. 80?. 804 'J02 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEN. ISAAC BOWMAN 805 LIEUT. MUNROE BOWMAN COL. SAMUEL BOWMAN 807 STEUBEN BUTLER 203 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CAPT. JOHN PAUL SCHOTT 809 HENRY MILLS FULLER 810 ARNOLD COLT 811 ANDREW BEAUMONT S12 204 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity COL. JOHN FRANKLIN PAYNE PETTEBONE S14 COL. CHARLES DORRANCE §15 CHARLES PARRISH §1(1 20e Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THOMAS WRIGHT WILI>IAM ROSS Sly ROBERT CHARLES SHOEMAKER ASHER MINER 206 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES ABBOTT MINER S21 COL. ASHER MINER S22 SIDNEY ROBY MINER S23 CHARLES HOWARD MINER, M. D. §24 207 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ABRAM NESBITT 825 JOHN WELLES HOLLENBACK 826 ALEXANDER H. VAN HORN WILLIAM JAMESON HARVEY 828 208 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV REUBEN NELSON, D. D. GEORGE SLOCUM BENNETT S30 CHARLES MINER ISAAC M. THOMAS b.32 209 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THEODOBE STRONG THOMAS FORD S31 WILLIAM L. WATSON &]5 CHARLES H. FOSTER 83G 210 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOSEPH L. CAKE S37 JOSEPH LANGFORD 838 M. W. O'BOYLE JOHN H. FOY 211 Prominent Men ot Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOSEPH JOHN SCHOOLEY .•S41 HARRY B. SCHOOLEY i>42 CHARLES PARRISH HUNT sr; JOHNSON R. COOLBAUGH Mi 212 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity LIDDON FI>ICK S45 \REUBEN JAY FLICK 84G R. JAY FLICK S4V *JOHN JENKS SHONK SIS 213 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity FRANCIS DOUGLAS JEROME NELSON THOMPSON 850 *ADOLPH VOIGT EUGENE W. MULLIGAN 85L' 214 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity C. C. BOWMAN 853 W. H. HOLLISTER 854 CONRAD LEE S55 GEORGE F. LEE 856 215 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM ROSS MAFFET 857 STEPHEN HILL PETTEBONE 'JOHN BARTHOLOMEW Sii!) CHARLES HUGHES 216 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOSHUA PETTEBONE 8G1 HENRY PETTEBONE SG2 JACOB SHARPS PETTEBONE *EBENEZER GAY PETTEBONE 8(13 SO 4 217 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity COL. GEORGE PALMER RANSOM 865 WILLIAM HANCOCK sea DOUGLASS SMITH 867 ^FREDERICK BENHAM MYERS 218 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity IRA M. KIRKENDALL 869 FREDERICK C. KIRKENDALL 870 JOSEPH MALLORY STARK STl EDWARD W. DAVIS 872 219 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HENRY LEES 873 CHRISTOPHER WREN 874 ASA K. DeWITT 875 AMOS T. DeWITT 876 220 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES C. RANSOM 877 JOHN R. POWELL 87S JOHN JOSEPH MOORE CHARLES ROBERT MILLER 221 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity AMBROSE WEST PHILIP ROWLAND SEVAN JOSEPH H. SCHWARTZ FREDERICK SCHWARTZ 222 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES LAW ^S5 ALEXANDER SLOAN, SR. ■JAMES FOWLER 8S7 J. I. SHOEMAKER S8S 223 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JERMIAH B. SHIFFER S8S) WILLIAM A. SHIFFER 890 FRANK E. SHIFFER 8:»i GEORGE B. ROMMEL 224 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES M. RUTTER N. B. RUTTER JACOB ROBERTS, JR. S95 -JACOB ROBERTS S9G 225 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES F. HUBER 897 ROBERT A. QUIN SOS GEN. CHARLES BOW. DOUGHERTY say JOHN ROBISON EDGAR 900 226 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEN. HENRY M. HOYT, LL. D. rioi GEORGE W. WOODWARD 'm2 WARREN JAY WOODWARD, LL- D. STANLEY WOODWARD 904 227 Prominent Men ot Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDMUND L. DANA 905 CHARLES B. DANA 906 aARRIEK M. HARDING JOHN LYNCH 228 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDWARD P. DARLING 909 THOMAS DARLING 910 JOHN BUTLER WOODWARD 911 JOHN S. HARDING 912 220 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEORGE STEELE FERRIS 9in FRANK WOODRUFF WHEATON GAIUS LEONARD HALSEY 915 ALEXANDER FARNHAM DIG 230 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THOS. HENRY ATHERTON ANDREW HUNLOCK 91S CLARENCE W. KLINE HENRY W. PALMER 231 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity STEUBEN JENKINS 921 HENDRICK BRADLEY WRIGKT 922 DAVID SCOTT ■COL. MATTHIAS HOLLENBACK 924 232 Prominent Men of WIlkes-Barre and V'c'nity JOHN McGAHREN 925 CHARLES S. FOSTER 926 GEORGE H. TROUTMAN WILLIAM LAFAYETTE RAEDER 928 233 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity 'GEN. LORD BUTLER 929 PEIRCE BUTLER 930 ^JAMES MONTGOMERY BUTLER GEORGE HOLLENBACK BUTLER 234 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity STANLEY W. DAVENPORT 9i6 JAMES M. FRITZ 9^!4 PETER A. MEIXELL 935 THADDEUS M. CONNIFF 936 235 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM IRVIN HIBBS PETER ALOYSIUS O'BOYLE 938 JOHN T. L. SAHM 939 JAMES M. NORRIS 940 286 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES WESLEY McALARNEY GEORGE W. SHONK 942 LEWIS B. LANDMESSER D. 0. COUGHLIN 944 237 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HENRY A. FULLER (14: JOHN THOMAS LENAHAN 946 ■ALLAN H. DICKSON 947 THOMAS J. CHASE. 94S 238 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity COL. ELISHA B. HARVEY 949 OSCAR JEWELL HARVEY 950 HENRY HARRISON HARVEY, B. A. BRADLEY WAKEMAN LEWIS 952 %l 230 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity QUINCY A. GATES 953 LOUIS N. HAMMERLING WILLIAM NICHOLAS REYNOLDS WILLIAM N. REYNOLDS, JR. 240 Prominent Men oi Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THOMAS WILLIAM HART 957 DANIEL LLYNG O'NEILL 95S WILLIAM A. O'NEILL 959 JOHN F. O'NEILL 241 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity SAMUEL L. FEDDER 961 GEIER BERNARD SNYDER j 962 THOMAS F. Mclaughlin 'Mo CHARLES J. KUSCHKE 964 242 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN HARRIS WILLIAMS 965 JOHN MENOVSKY 9G6 PAUL J. SCHMIDT 967 THOS. W. TEMPLETON 968 243 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity PHILIP L. DRUM 969 BURTON WILLIAM DAVIS 970 C. HAYES MARKS 971 JOHN L. POTTEIGER 9T2 244 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLARD HUBBARD GOODWIN FRANK P. SLATTERY 974 JAMES C. MURRAY WILLIAM WHYTE HALL 97G 245 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity AUGUSTINE PATRIC:: CONNIFF 977 W. ALFRED VALENTINE y7s LLEWELLYN FliOYD HESS 979 EDWARD JOSEPH MOORE ;t.s(i 246 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HON. WILLIAM H. HINES LORRIE R. HOLCOMB 9SJ MILTON E. HOLCOMB 983 WILLIAM SHARPE 984 247 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN T. HOWELL, M. D. 985 GEORGE SCHRIVER WENTZ, M. D. 98t; HENRY MARION NEALE, M. D. GEORGE W. GUTHRIE, M. D. 988 248 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity FREDERICK C. JOHNSON, M. D. 989 WALTER S. STEWART, M. D. 990 GRANVILLE T. MATLACK, M. D. OLIN FRISBIE HARVEY, A. M., M. D. 991 992 249 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOEL JACKSON KOGERS, M. D. LEWIS LEONIDAS ROGERS. M. D. CREESE DAVIS 995 WALTER DAVIS, M. D. 99(5 250 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EUGENE JUSTIN BUTLEK, M. D. JEFFERSON P. BIEHL. M. D 998 FRANK L. McKEE, M. D. DANIEL H LOCKARD, M. D. KXMJ 251 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES NELSON WARNER. D. D. S. 1001 SIDNEY HASWELL WARNER Ki02 TREDERICK CORSS. M. D. 10<).S CHARLES W. SPAYD. M. D. J 004 252 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN LEO BATTERTON, M. D. 1006 JOHN H. BATTERTON nm BENEDICT JONES WETHERBY, M. D. 1007 JAMES BROOKS, M. D. 263 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDWARD RHYS RODERICK 1009 JOHN G. SPERLING. M. D. 1010 JOHN H. SANDEL, M. D. 1011 D. S. MEBANE, M. D. 1012 254 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES P. STACKHOUSE, M. D. 1013 JOHN BENJAMIN TOBIAS. M. D. 1014 JAMES P. GILLIGAN, M. D. 1015 NATHANIEL ROSS, M. D. 1016 256 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ALBERT KAUFMAN. M. D. 1017 SAMUEL P. MENGEL. M. D. lOlS WILLIAM F. HARRISON. M. D. 1019 WM. C. STIFF. M. D. 1020 256 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity F. LEE HOLLISTER, D. D. S. 1021 DANIEL M. EVANS 1022 SAMUEL M. EVANS CHARLES A. STROH 1024 267 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEO. J. DURBIN 1025 STEPHEN C. HARTMAN 1026 ALBERT G. GROBLEWSKI 1027 BENJAMIN MAXEY 102S 258 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity BENJAMIN F. MAXEY, PH. G. 102'J KAERY H. SWAINBANK 1030 JOSEPH LANGDON STEARNS 103X J. GEORGE HUNTLEY 1032 259 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES N. TEBWTLLIGER 1033 BENJAMIN S. EMORY 1034 GEORGE W. BROWN ]0:!5 CHARLES W. MAINS 1036 260 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HARRY S. MAINS 1037 HARVEY W. BANKS 103S GEORGE H. LAWRENCE lo:» SAMUEL J. FINE 1040 261 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES H. FINE 1041 OSWALD MOORE 1IM2 THOMAS F. DOOIEY 1043 WILLIAM ROSSER 1044 262 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ALVIN L. STULL 1046 J. G. SORDONI 1046 VITO BIANCO 1047 ERNEST D. CARYL .048 263 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HENRY L. MOORE 1049 JED A. HITCHNER 1050 WIIiLIAM A. WEIS 1051 OSCAR W. SCHNELL 1051' 264 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THOMAS STONEHAM GUSTAVEL D. SPEICHEIl 1054 CHARLES A. FRISBIE WILLIAM MAY 265 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity FRED BADMAN lOfiT JOHN A. KEENEY 1058 GEORGE 0. THOMAS 1059 GILBERT S. JONES 266 Prominent Men ci Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HENRY T. McMillan 1061 WILLIAM DAVID OWENS 1062 EDWARD E. REILLY 10&; ALEXANDER THOMPSON 10C4 267 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity RICHARD T. JONES 1066 JOHN F. REYNOLDS 10G6 ALLAN ALEXANDER 10(i7 ROBERT A. REED lOGS 268 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity OSCAR MINER BRANDOW 1(IG9 GEORGE T. DICKOVER 1070 PHILIP R. RAIFE 1071 SAMUEL HENRY STURDEVANT 1072 269 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WARREN F. GOFF 1073 WILLIAM S. GOFF 1074 P. P. DOHL CHARLES JAMES COOPER 1076 270 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ARTHUR H. HARRIS 1077 FREDERICK N. RUGGLES 1078 FRANK BARRY BROWN 1079 FERDINAND LANGE 1080 271 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity HENKY F. JOHNSON 1061 GEOKGE N. McALARNEY 10S2 ADAM M. HILDEBRAND JOSEPH D. LLOYD 1084 272 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM CLOUGH ALLAN GEOKGE M. WALL ALBERT WILLIAMS, SR. lOST ROBERT BAUR 1088 2 73 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity G. ADOLPH BAUR 1089 JAMES F. MUNDY 1090 HARRY WILLARD OBERRENDER EDWARD A. McLAUGHLIN 1091 1092 274 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM P. Mclaughlin francis kane shobert 1093 1094 M. A. SULLIVAN lott", JOHN P. POLLOCK ini)0 275 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM LE GRAND HIGGS 1097 FRED HORATIO GATES 1098 JOHN CLIFFORD LYMAN H. HOWE 1100 276 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN ALCYSIUS REDINGTON 1101 JOHN W. RAEDER 1102 PHILIP LEONARD RAEDER CHAS. FRANCIS MURRAY "*>3 1104 277 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDWARD P. PHILLIPS 1105 SAMUEL H. HICKS 110(J OSCAR MOORE LANCE 1107 WILLIAM HENRY SHEPHERD iioi; 278 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES STEGMAIER 1109 FREDERICK J. STEGMAIER mo GEO. J. STEGMAIER nil STERLING R. CATLIN 1112 270 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity DANIEL L. HART 1113 THOS. F. HEFFERNAN 1114 GEO. D. LEISENRING 1115 GUY W. MOORE iJir. 280 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THEODORUS HART 1117 WILLIAM JOSEPH PECK 1118 ERNEST GRAY SMITH 11 Hi J. ANDREW BOYD 1120 281 Prominent Men of WIlkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN GRADY 1121 THOMAS M. McGOURTY 1122 JAMES A. SHOVLIN 1123 JAMES HYNDMAN 1124 282 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES D. WILCOX n25 WM. N. JENNINGS 1126 JOHN ROUSING 1127 JAMES T. WILLIAMS 1128 283 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM HENRY STURDEVANT THOMAS KIRKBRIDE STURDEVANT 1129 1130 OWEN B. McGLYNN 1131 HARRY LIVINGSTON FRENCH 1132 284 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JACOB SHARPS PETTEBONE ADOLPH MEISSEL 1134 JAY HUGH PERKINS WILLIAM CONKLIN ANDERSOIT 280 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES FARMER INGHAM 1137 WILLIAM VERNET INGHAM 1138 PERCY BOWMAN INGHAM WILLIAM VERNET INGHAM 1139 1140 286 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity H. W. SAUMS 1141 GEORGE H. HAINES 1142 PATRICK MICHAEL BOYLE HARRY EASTON RISSINGER 114:J 1144 287 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity WILLIAM B. BEKTELS 1145 CHARLES E. BERTELS uit; BALTZER HELFRICH 1117 ANTHONY C. HELFRICH IMS 288 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity B. W. WILDE 1149 JOHN WALTER WILDE 1150 FRANK J. MARGWARTH 1151 CHAS. KEHOE 11. '2 289 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JAMES E. RODEKICK JONATHAN R. DAVIS 1154 HIRAM P. KUNTZ nr,r, james donald geist, a. b., a. m. hoc: 290 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity THOMAS S. BEAGLE 1157 HENKY S. BEAGLE 1158 GEORGE WISE GEORGE W. THOMPSON llfiO 291 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN H. KNIES IKil WILLIAM REINHARDT 1162 JUSTUS ALTMILLER HARVEY D. LAMONT nui 292 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDMUND G. BUTLER 1165 JOHN B. SHIPPEY JOHN B. BROWN 11 G7 ELLIOTT A. OBERRENDER 1168 293 Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ANTHONY RUDEWICK GEORGE HENRY HARTMAN 1170 AMANDUS OSWALD 1171 BENJAMIN RUSH DAVIS 294 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify PETER R. SCHMALTZ 1173 MICHAEL J. McLaughlin 1174 SAMUEL LEWIS, JR. 1175 PATRICK F. McLaughlin, m. d. int; 295 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify HARRY W. RUGGLES 1177 J. E. WITMAN 1178 WM. D. BOYER 1179 GUSTAV HAHN 11 SO 296 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify DAVID L. JONES 1181 JOHN MORGAN HARRIS 11N2 CHARLES RICHARDSON SMITH 1183 JOHN EORSTER BARBER 1184 297 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify JOHN P. QUINNAN UN.: IRA E. HARTWELL FRED E. BEERS IIST R. LEWIS GRAMS 298 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify ALTON A VOSBURG 1189 EDWIN C. AMEKMAN 1190 WILLIAM J. TORREY ll'Jl CHARLES H. WELLES, JR. 1192 299 Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify JOSEPH 0. MAINS GEORGE J. LLEWELLYN 1104 CLARENCE BALENTINE 11 1 c, B. FRANK MYERS line 300 PROMINENT MEN OF SCRANTON WILKES-BARRE and VICINITY SK.K TCHKS An asterisk (♦) in the book indicates that the person has died REV. ROGERS ISRAEL, D. D. Born Baltimore, Md., Sept. 14, 1S54. Educated Private Schools and DicKinson college, mar- ried Sara ±i rancis Graham, of Carlisle, fa.., Sept. 22, 1SS2. Ordained to Priesthood, IsSo. Keetor Christ Church, Meadville, Pa., l»b.j- 1S9L'. Rector St. L,uke's Parish, Scranton, Pa., since 189Z. Dickinson College A. ±j. ISSI, A. M. 1S84, D. D. liKlO, and Phi Beta Kappa on "standing. ' Protestant fCpiseo- pal Church Deacon. ISSo. Priest 1886. Mem- Der of General Conventions 1892-1S98-191»4. Standing Committee Diocese of Pittsburg 1891. Examining Chaplain Diocese Central Penna. since 189ti. Organizer and Secretary Board of A.sso. Charities. Director of the Public Library, Penna. Oral School, West Mountain Consumptive Sanitarium. Mem- ber Penna. Society Sons of the Revolution. RT. REV. MICHAEL J. HOBAN, D. D. 2 Born Waterloo, New Jersey, June 6, 1853. Educated Holy Cross College, Worcester; American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained Priest May 22, 1880. Consecrated Bishop March 22, 1890. Catholic Bishop, Scranton Diocese. Dir. St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum, St. Joseph's Infant Asylum, Scranton Pub- lic Library, Penna. Oral School, West Mountain Sanitarium. REV. ABEL AUGUSTUS MARPLE Born Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1823. Educated Univ. of Penna. and Theo. Seminary, Alex- andria, Va. Married Harriet Neal McKolvy Sept. 12, 1S49. Clergyman Protestant Epis- copal Church. Ordained July 19, 1846, by Bishop Alonzo Potter. Had 4 Parishes, St. Paul's, Bloomsburg, Pa., 1846-1848; St. Pauls, Wellsboro, Pa., 1848-1863; St. Luke's, Scran- ton, Pa., 1863-1877; Christ Church, Upper Merlon, 1877-1905, when he resigned. He was a dep. to four Gen. Conventions, ld68 and 1871, from Dio. of Penna. 1874 and 1877 from Dio. of Central Penna., in which Dio he was made Pres. Standing Committee. *RT. REV. WILLIAM O'HARA, D. D. 4 Born Linarady, Ireland, April 14, 1816. *Feb. 3, 1899 Educated Philadelphia and Rome. Ordained Priest Dec. 21, 1842. Consecrated Bishop July 12, 1868. First Catholic Bishop of Scranton Diocese. ■REV. GEORGE MYERS PECK, D. D. Born Forty Fort, Luzerne Countv, Pa., April 17, 1820. *Feb. 16, 1897. Educated Caze- novia Seminary. Married Sarah Louise Butler, July 18, 1839. Clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty-two years. Presiding Elder of the Lackawanna District, 1866-1868. REV. HUGH C. McDERMOTT, D. D. 6 Born Harford Co.. Md., Sept. IS, 1852. Educated Stewart Classical Institute. Mar- ried Estella L. Gillette, April 21, 1874. Cler- g.vman Wyoming Conference of the M. E. Chuicli. Pastt)i of Simpson Church, Scran- ton, Pa. -REV. GEORGE PECK, D. D. 7 Born Middletield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 8, 1797. 'May 2(>. 1876. Married Mary Myers, June 19, 1819. Clergyman of M. E. Church Sixty Years. Pastor, Editor and Author. Pres. Cazenovia Seminary. Editor Metho- dist Quarterly Review 8 Years; N. Y. Chris- tian Advocate, 4 Years; Del. to Thirteen Gen. Conferences of the M. E. Church; Author History of Wyoming; History Methodism, etc. Member First Evangelical Alliance, London, Aug., 1846. *REV. ISAAC BEVAN, D. D. 8 Born Llanwenarth, Monmouth, Wales, Jan. 27, 1811. Died Julv 15, 1886. Self-educated. Married Mary Lewis, Jan. 13, 1836. Baptist Minister for Fifty Years. First Pastor Penn Ave Baptist Ch., Scranton. Interested in Educational Institutions, such as Hamilton, (now Colgate L'niversity), and Keystone Ac- ademy. Mem. Board of Curators Bucknell University. Held Pastorates at Cold Spring, Fishkill, Armenia, Rhinebeck and Hamil- ton. N. Y.; Reading, Scranton, and Clark's Green, Pa. REV. SAMUEL C. LOGAN, D.D., LL.D. 9 Born Logan Point. Jefferson Co., Indiana, Dec. 21, 1823. Educated Hanover College, Princeton Theological Seminary. Married Lucie Williams I.,oring, Aug. 17, 1852. Min- ister of Gospel in Presby. Church. First Secy. Presby. Board for Freedmen and Organized the Church Mission Envoy Freed- men. Missionary on Michigan Frontier from 1S.50 to 1857. Pastor First Presbvterian Church, Scranton, 1869-1893. Secretary and Superintendent of Missions to People of Foreign Speech since issii. REV. GEORGE EVERET GUILD, D. D. 10 Born Walton. Delaware County, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1850. Edu. Walton Academy, Amherst Col- lege, Union Theological Seminary. Married Mary Lyman Clark, April 17, 1879. Clergy- man. Pastor Providence Church, Scranton. Pa., since May 1st, 1879. Received Degrees Bachelor of Arts, Amherst College; Degree Doctor of Divinity, Washington College. REV. JOSEPH H. ODELL 11 Born London. England. May 20, 1871. Edu- cated England. Married Sarah Winifred Kendall, Julj- 4, 1894. Presbyterian Minister. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity REV. LORENZO R. FOSTER, A. M. 12 Iltirn Huiitsvillc. Tt'iiii., Deo. 9, 1870. Kdu- cated Maryville (."oUege, Aiilnirn Theoloyi- oal Seminary. Married Clemontine Budd, June 16, 1897. Assistant Pastor Green Ridge Presbyterian Cliurch. Pastor Suburban Presbyteiian Cliurch. RT. REV. MGR. THOS. F. COFFEY, V.G. 1.3 Born Dunmore, Pa., Au^. 23, 18.^)2. Educated Montreal. Canada. Rector of St. Rose of IJma, Church. Carhondale. Pa. REV. PATRICK J. McMANUS 14 Boi-n Jeanesville. lAizerne Countv, Pa., Dec 1, 1818. Educated St. Charles' Seminary, Oyerbrook, Pa. Rector St. Paul's R. C. Church. REV. JAMES W. MAXONE, D. D. 15 Born Carbondale, Pa., September, 1869. Edu- cated Niagara University, N. Y., and Rome, Italy. Roman Catholic Clergyman. Rector St. Peter's Cathedi-al. REV. JOHN J. LOUGHRAN, D. D. Hi Born Archbald, Pa., Sej.t. 2i). 1870. Educated Baltimore, Washington, Rome. Clergyman. Chancellor of Scranton Diocese, Scranton, Pa. REV. JOHN V. MOYLAN 17 Born Susquehanna, Pa., Dec. 15, 1858. Edu- cated St. Bonaventure's College, Allegany, N. Y. Ass't Pastor Holy Rosary R. C. Church. REV. W. P. O'DONNELL 18 Born Ireland, 1S55. Educated St. Charles' Ellicott City and St. Mary's Seminary, Bal- timore, Md. Assistant at Holy Rosary Church and Pastor of HoU- Cross Church. REV. JOHN W. HEALY 19 Rector of Sacred Heart of Mary R. C. Church, Jermyn, Pa. REV. ANTHONY B. KAUPAS 20 Born Lithuania, Russia, Feb. 1, 1870. Edu- cated Classical in Lithuania; Theological. Detroit, Mich. Rector St. Joseph's Roman Catholic C^hurch. VERY REV. MICHAEL C. LENGYEL. 21 Born Satoral.ia-Vjhely, Hungary, July, 18.58. Edu. Satoralia-Ujhely and Ungvar, Hun- gary. Married Alga Csaszin, March 7, 1882. Priest, Hungarian Greek Catholic Church St. Mary's Church. HENRY H. HARRIS, PH. D., D. 0. 22 Born Rhymncy, Mon., England, Nov. 5, l.S.5(i. Educated Univ. of Wales. Married Emily Samuel, Nov. 1, 1882. Clergyman and Law- yer. Pastoi- of Calvary Baptist Church, Taylor, Pa. Undergraduate of the Univ. of London, Eng., and Royal Univ. of Ireland, Dublin. Thiological Graduate. Graduate of the Atlantic School of Osteopathy, Buff. Post Graduate, Ph. D., of the Wcslev.in Univ.. 111. REV. ERNST J. SCHMIDT, PH.D., S.T.D. Born Gernianj-. Ai;g. 30, 1854. Educated Ger- many. Married Rosa Stengel, May 4, 1886. Pastor of the German Evangelical Church of Peace. REV. JACOB SCHOETTLE 24 Born A^len, Wurttemberg, Germany, April 17, 1865. Educated Eden College, St. Louis. Mo. Married Anna Stengel, Aug. 31. 1887. Clergyman. Pastor of the Hyde Park Ger- man Presbyterian ('hurch since Oct. 1st, 1896. Sec. of the Atlantic Dist Conference of the German Ev. Synod of North America. *REV. DAVIS DIMOCK 25 Born Rockv Hill. Hartford Co., Conn., May 27, 1776. *Sept. 17, 1858. Educated Norfolk, Conn., and Wilkes-Barre. Married Betsey Jenkins, June 5, 1797. Baptist Minister. Preached the First Gospel Sermon in Mont- rose, in March, 1807. Associate Judge of Susquehanna Co., 27 years. Having some knowledge of medicine he ministered to the physical needs of the Settlers as well as to their spiritual wants. He was the means of founding seven Churches in Susquehanna County. The Dimocks were descended from an old English Fanuly and traced their an- cestry to the tinie of Wm. the Conqueror. "Sir Henry Dymoke" was challenger for King George IV when he was crowned. REV. FRANCIS HODUR 26 Born Zarki, Galicia, Apiil 1, 1866. Educated Cracow Uni\'ersity. Bishop of the Polish National Church of United States. REV. FRANCIS KOWALSKI 27 Born Poland, Russia, Oct. 1, 1866. Educated Seminary in Plock. Rector of St. Albert's Church, Priceburg, Pa. Mem. of Soc. of I'riends of Civilization. HENRY CARDEW 28 Born Colchester, England. Feb. 24, 1862. Edu- cated Univ. of London. Married Evelyn Chandler Frear, Jan. 1, 1903. Private Tutor. Acting Pastor of Christ Presby. Church, West Scranton, which was founded largelx- by his efforts. ■JOSEPH H. SCRANTON 29 Born Madison, Conn., June 28. 1813. ♦Ger- many, June 6, 1872. Married Cornelia Walk- er. Came to Scranton in 1847. Supt. and Gen. Man. Lacka. Iron and Coal Co. from 18.58 to 1872. Res. Dir. D., L. & W. R. R. Pres. Lacka. anti Bloomsburg Road, First Nat. Bank, Scranton Gas and Water Co. Dir. Sussex R. R. of N. J., Mt. Hope Min- eral R. R. Co., Mt. Hope Mining Co., Frank- lin Iron Co., Scranton Trust Co., Scranton Savings Bank, Dickson Manf. Co., Moosic Powder Co., Oxford Iron Co., Com. Union Pacific R. R. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity * GEORGE WHITFIEXD SCRANTON 30 Born Madison, Conn., IVlay 23, ISll. "March 1'4, lS(il. Educated Di.striot Schools. Married Jane Hiles, Jan. 21, 1835. Merchant and Manufacturer. Founder of Scranton. Found- er of The Lacka. Iron & Coal Co. Projected and constructed the first (northern) division of the D., L. & W. R. R. Member of 36th and 37th Congress, 1858 and 1860, rep. the 12th Cong. Dist. *SELDEN T. SCRANTON 31 Born Madison, Conn., 1814. Educated Lee's Academy. Married Miss Henry, 1839. First Pres't. Lacka. Iron and Coal Co. Supt. Oxford Furnaces. * JOSEPH CURTIS PL ATT Born Sa>brool.. Conn., S"i't. 17, 1S16— *1S87. Married Catharine S. Scranton, 1814. Pioneer Coal Operator and Railroad Organizer. Iron ManufacUirer. Dir. Lackawanna Iron & Coal Co. Dir. & Treas. Dickson Manf. Co. One of the Organizers and Dir. of First Nat. Bank, and Vice Pres. from 1872. Dir. Peo- ple's Street Ry. Co. Dir. in various other Corporations. * EDWARD DOLPH 33 Born Blakely, Luzerne County (now Lacka.), Pa., Dec. Ifi, 1814. *Aprll 4, 1890. Self Edu- cated. Married Elizabeth Wadluims Kocher, Dec. 25, 1845. Lumberman and Coal Operator. * THEODORE VON STORCH 34. Born Scranton, Pa., May 19, 1812— *May 30, 1886. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Jo- sephine D. Barney, Oct. 21, 1863. Farmer. Coal Opr^rator and Mine Owner. * ROBERT THOMPSON BLACK 35. Born Rath Melton, Donegal Co.. Ireland, Oct. 1, 1821— *May 27, 1900. Married Caroline A. Perkins, July 15, IS.'iS. Coal Operator. One of the Founders and Directors of the Second National Bank of W.-B. Vice Pres. and Dir. Lackawanna Trust and Savings Bank. Dir. of the Vulcan Iron Works. Member First Presby. i?hurch. *JOSEPH SLOCUM 36 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 15, ISOO— *June 22, 189t». Educated Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mar- ried Edilda Bingham, Dec. 22, 18.30. Pioneer. First Burgess of Scranton Borough Col- lector of Taxes 1S;?3. L.-iter City Auditor. * CHARLES FULLER 37 Born Norwich, Conn., March 1, 1798— *Nov. 29, 1881. Educated Montrose, Pa. Married Maria Scovell, Jan. 8, 1818. He came to Scranton from Wyoming:, Pa., and enteied the employ of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, afterwards engaging in the Insurance Business, in which he continued until his death. Charter Member of the 1st Presby. Church of Scranton and its Senior Ruling Elder from Oct. 14, 1848, until Nov. 29. 1881. *JOHN RAYMOND 38 Born Walton, Delaware County, N. Y., 1799 — *. Educated Public Schools. Married Eliz- abeth Spangenbcrg. 1S19. Carpenter by Trade. Merchant. Was retired for many years. *ELISHA HITCHCOCK 39 Born Claremont, N. H., Jan. 21, 1778— *Oct. 16, 18,^,8. Married Ruth Slocuni, July 24, 1811. Building Mill Wheels. Came to Scranton (then Slocum Hollow) in 1809. Millwright. *JOEL AMSDEN 40 Born Rutland, Va.. *December. 1868. Edu- cated Norwich Military University. Married Anna Thresa Power. Pioneer. Civil En- gineer. Resident of Black River Canal and while there was Brigade Inspector of Mili- tia with the rank of Ma.ior. Came to Scran- ton in 18.5(1. Laid out Scranton proper, mapping the str( ets as they are now. * EDWARD CHARLES FULLER 41 Born Wyoming-, Pa., Feb. 13, 1827— *1904. Edu- cated Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. Married Helen Ruthven, Jan. 1, 1849. Drug- gist. President Dunrnore Cemetery Associa- tion. Treas. Lacka. Hospital. City Assessor. *H0RATIO PIERCE. 42 ■EDWARD SPENCER 43 Born Providence Township, Pa., Oct. 3, ISftj — *Aug., 1882. Educated Public Schools. Married Susan Hines, July 25, 1849. Farmer, Coal (Operator, Ijuniberman. * JAMES M. EVERHART 44 Born Berks County, Pa., June 7, 1828— *May 14. 1897. Educated New London, Pa., Semin- ary. Prop. Everhart Brass Works. Inter- ested in Coal Lands Pres. Everhart Coal Co. Dir. Traders' Nat. Bank. Stockholder Scranton Forging Co. Vestryman St. Luke's Plpi.scopal Church. * GEORGE FULLER 45 Born Conn., Nov. 7, 1802— *Nov. 24, 1888. Educated Common School. Married Mary Barnard. May 14, 1828. Printer and Pub- lisher. Member of Congress, 1844. * DAVID CLEMONS 46 Born Conn., June 20. 1820— *May 27, 1891 Educated Connecticut Schools. Married Rutli Ann Hitchcock, Oct. 9, 1849. Carriage Maker Came to Scranton. Pa., in 1840. *COL. IRA TRIPP 47 Born Providence, Lack'a. Co., Pa.. Jan 6 1814— *Aug. 3, 1891. Educated Public Schoo.s! Married Rosanna Shoemaker, Feb. 7, 1838. Coal Operator. Farmer. Aid-de-Camp in Civil War with rank of Lieutenant Colonei. •WILLIAM W. MANNESS 48 Born Perth Amboy, Hunterdon County N J., Aug. 30, LM6— *Dec. 14, 1893. Educated Perth Amboy, N. J. Married Elrira Carpen- m Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity trr, April 15, ISKi. Pioneer. Contractor and Hiiikler. Came to Scranton in ]84<). Hnilt lirst l'iirnac(> l^aclia. Iron ami Coal ("'n. Huilt tllc olii and new shops lot llic !>., L. \- \V. K. R., and a great inan\ >>\' I In- iiriminiciit liiiildinys. ■ISAAC DEAN 49 Born Abington, Pa.. June 9, 1811— *Nov. lo, 1902. Kducated Common School.'i. ^Married Polly Searle Heermans, Dec. 10, 1S4.'5. Farmer. -ARNOLD CLARK SISSON Born Hamiiti'ii, AViiulhaui Cii., Conn., Oct. S, ls2t;— *Fcb. 10, INIKI. Kducited Madison Acad- emy, Abington, I'a. Married Isaliel Capwell Green. Nov. 25, 1847. I-'arnur and Horticul- turist. Pres. Musical Alliance of Lacka. and W'yo. Counties, 18SiJ to 1892. Sec. Keystone Academy, 187a to J895. Clerk Abington Bap- tist Asso., ]S()9 to 189ti. Mem. State Board of Agriculture. JOSEPH GODFREY 51 First came to Dunmore and was Proprietor of the Old Corner Hotel for a number of years; then came to Scranton and founded the old Forest House. * OLIVER P. CLARK Born Wurtsboro, Ulster Co., N. Y., 1817— *1889. Married Sarah A. Barton. Pioneer Merchant. Postmaster of Hyde Park for several years and member of Board of Trus- tees of the Borough of Hyde Park. Retired from Bus. 1871. Mem. and Trustee Presb.v. Church. Cliarter Mem. of the Hyde Park Lodge, F. & A. M. •LEWIS PUGHE Born Wales, March 5, 1820. Kducated Public Schools. Married Mary M. Mason, Jan. 13, 1845. Merchant. Associate Judge at Carbon- dale. Member of Penna. Legislature, 18t)0-18t)2. FMrst President Board of Trade Scrant(jn. Mem. Constitutional Convention of Penna. 187o. School Dir. and Poor Dir. in Scranton for years. Pres. Pittston Stove Co. Dir. Third N:'t. Bank. .\leui. oili.ial Board M. E. Church. ■WILLIAM J. LEWIS 54 Born Caroondale, Pa., Aug. 27, 1843- *Jan. 2.5, 1902. Educated Carbondale, Pa. Mariied Adeline Wells, Dec. 31, 18t)3; Cassanda Bloss, March, 18(J7. Oeu. Mgr. N. Y., Susq. & West. Coal Co. 18iiO. One of the first Auditors of Lack'a Co. Associate Judge, Lack'a Co. Sheriff 1886-1889. Dir. Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank. Interested in many other industries. Served in War of Rebellion. En'isted in 1862. Co. B, 177th Pa. Infantrv. Mustered out Sept., ISC,'!. -RANDOLPH CRIPPEN Born Blakelv Township (Now Dickson Citv), April 10, 1838— *Dec. 3, 1905. Educated Com- mon Sciiools. Married Celesta. F. Brink, Dec, 18(11; Ruth Ella Bennett, Nov. 15, 1892. Sherifl" Lackawanna County, 188:?-1886. Coal Merchant for thirty-two years. Dalton, Pa. -HENRY A. KINGSBURY 50 l!(irii Miiulrose. Siisipielianna Co.. Pa., Dec. IM. 18:i2— *Mart'h 18, 1902. Mai'rie.l Sarah R. Hutchinson. Oct. 6, 1S.'.7. Merchant. Mgi'. of Stores and Bujer for the ].,acka. Iron & Coal Co. 20 years. Sec. of the Scranton Bd. of Trade for several years, afterwards eii- .'lvania Oral School. Trustee of the Albright Memorial Library. 'JOHN B. SMITH 64 Born Sullivan Co., N. Y.. 1S15— -Jan. 16. IS!*.',. Gen. Sujit. Penna. t^oal Co. President Ei'ie & Wyoming- Valley R. R. Co., 1SS6-1S!95. In- terested in variou.s otlier institutions. •WILLIAM READ STORRS 65 Born Westford, Conn., Dec. 28, 1824— '^Aug. 9. 190o. Married I-farriet Wheton. General Coal Agent D., L. & W. R. R. lS(;fi-19CRl. Director First National Bank. President Dunmore Cemetery Association. Director Scranton Forging- Company. * IRVING A. FINCH 66 Born Windham, N. Y., Aug. 4. ]8o6— *Jnne 28, 1904. Married Hannah S. Bump, Sept, 29, 1863. Pres. of the Finch Manufacturing- Co. Dir. of the Traders Nat. Bank of Scranton. Merii. Engineers Club, The Scranton Club, Masonic Lodge. *MAJOR JOHN B. FISH 67 Born Libert V, Sullivan Co., N. Y., March 14, 1829— *July 1.5, 190.5. Educated Liberty, N. V. Married Sarah A. Turner, Oct, 5, 185.3. Supt. Providence Gas and Water Co. for thirty- five years. Served four years in the Civil War. Ma.ior of the 13th Regiment N. G. P. His father, Daniel Fish, served in the war of 1812 and his grandfather, Edmond Fish in the Revolutionary War, three generations being represented in the -wars of this coun- try. He -was prominent in Church and Char- ity -work. One surviving- daughter. Miss Laura T. Fish. *COL. WILLIAM NELSON MONIES 68 Born New Daillv Ayrshire, Scotland, May 10, 1827— *Jan. 10. 1881. Married Mary Kirk, Baker. Elected Poor Dir. of Carbondale, 1858. Came to Scranton 1861. Milling Business at Provi- dence. Captain of Company B, 136th R"^gi- ment. Pa. Vols. Col. 30th Regt. Pa. Vols. Elected Mayor of Scranton 1869. Appointed first County Treas. of Tjacka. Co. Re- elected next tlection. WILLIAM CONNELL 69 Born Nova Scotia, Sept. iO, 1827. Self-edu- cated. Married Annie Lawrence, of Llewel- lyn, Schuylkill Co., Pa., Jan. 2. 18.52. Coal Operator. One of the Founders of the Third Nat. Bank— founded 1872— President since 1879. President Lack;Awanna Knitting Mills, Scranton Button Company. President and Director various other corporations. Mem- ber of Congress 1897-1898. J. L. CONNELL 70 Born Crystal Ridge, Schuylkill Co., Pa., April 17, 18,56. Educated Public Schools. Married Leonora Pratt, April 17, 1883. I,,um- ber, Coal, etc, Dir. Third National Bank. Dir. and Treas. Cherry River Boom & Lum- ber Co. Dir. Clark & Snover Tobacco Co. and Lacka. Cold Storage & Warehouse Co. CHARLES R. CONNEI^L 71 Born Scranton, Sept. 22, 1864. Educated Wil- liston Seminary, Mass. Married Elizabeth R. Shafer, Sept. 26, 1889. Manufacturer. Sec. and Treas. The T^ackawanna Mills, and The Scranton Button Compan>-. ALFRED ELSWORTH CONNELL 72 Born Scranton, Pa., .Tune 24. 1867. Educated Scranton. Married Jane Harris. Nov. 11, 1890. Manager Wm. Connejl Stores. EZRA H. CONNELL Born Scranton, Pa., May 9, 1873. Educated School of Lackawanna, Scranton: Yale, 1S95: T^niversity of Pennsylvania I^aw Department, 1898. Married Elizabeth Thomas. Feb. 18, 1902. Attorney at Law. Director Black Dia- mond Silk Company. J. S. McANULTY 74 Born Robinson Township, Berks Coutitv. Pa., Jan. 17, 18.57. Married Jessie Connell. P'eb. 14, 1883. Treasurer Connell Anthracite Minin,g Company: The Allcahenv Conin^nv. Member "Williams & McAnulty." School Control! "^r. CHARLES W. FULTON 75 Born Wallace, Nova Scoti-i. June 30, 1863. Married Annie A. Connell. April 4, 1894. Fire Insurance * ALEXANDER CONNELL 76 Born S'dnev. Nova Scotia, June 30. 1840— *Jan 5 1883. Educated Common Schools. Married Elizabeth Campbell. March 6. 1877. Wholesale- (4rocer. (r'oal Business, Mern. Taylorville T ode-e, T. O. O. F. and Hyde Park Lo.ige. F. 1. Educated Common Schools Scranton, Pa. Manufac- turer of Blasting Powder. Mayor of Scran- ton 1903-1900. JOHN GIBBONS 84. Coal Operator. School Commissioner and President P.e:iid of Control. COL. EZRA H. RIPPLE 85 Born Mauch Chunk, Pa., 1842.. Edu, Com. Sch. and Wyo. Sem. Mar. Sarah H. Hacketl 1874. Coal. Pres. Scranton Axle Works, State Hospital, Scranton. Bd. of Asso. Charities. Postmaster. Mayor 188t;-lS90. Pri. Co. K. 52d Regt Pa. Vols., War of Rebellion. Captain, Maj. Lieut. Col. and Col. 13th Reg't N. G. P. to 1893. Col. and A. A. G. Gov's Staff 1893 to date. HENRY BELIN, JR. 86 Born West I'nint, N. Y., Lsio. lOdii. Yale l^niv. Married Marguretta E. Lammot. 1868. Manfr. of Explosives. E. I. Du Pont de Ne- mours & Co. of I'a. Otflcer or dii-ector in the following: Scranton l^ace Curtain Co.; Third Nat. Bk. ; Lack'a T.' & S. Dep. Co.; South Side Bk.; Cherry River Boom & Bum. Co.; Klots Throwing Co.; Scranton Forging Co.; Wyo. Shovel Works; Scranton Pull. Bib.; Pa. Oral RcIkh,! for Deaf. ELI E. HENDRICK Born I'lymnulh, Mich.. May li 1S.12. Edu- cated Plymouth, Mich. Married (^aroline P. Hackett, August 24, IK,:]. Manufacturer. Pres. Bos Angeles I. & C. S. Co., Los An- geles, Cal., Hendrick Mfg. Co., Clover Leaf Mfg. Co., Anthracite I>and & Imp. Co., Sperl Heater Co., Carhondale. Vice President Miners' & Mechanics' Savings Bank, Car- bondale. Pa. EDWARD P. KINGSBURY 88 Bor!i Ilonesdale. Pa., May 19, ls:;4. Edu- cated Honesdale Academy. Mai'ried Anna L. Kressler. Feb. 13, ISlil. Auditor and Di- rector E. T. du Pont de Nemours & Co. of Pa.; Director Scranton Gas vbruarv 19, Um. Educated Conmion Schools. Mar- ried Huldali A. Wilcox, March 1, 1887. Coal Operator. Pi-esident People's Coal Co. Director Spring Brook Water Supply Co.. Seciu'ity Building & Savings Union. Scran- ton. Pa.: Elmhurst & Nay Aug Falls Eoul- e\'ard Co. JAMES G. SHEPHERD 94 Born Nanticoke, Pa., Sept. 11, 1867. Edu- cated Common Schools. Wyoming Seminary. Married Jennie Andrews, Feb. 2.3. 1899. Coal Opei'ator. Director Traders Nat. Bank, Key- stone Bank, Taylor Deposit & Dis. Bank, Penn'a Casualty Co.. Spring Brook Water & Supply Co. Pres. Sec. and Treas. Peo- ple's Coal Co. Director Y. M. C. A. Trus- tee Wyoming Seminary. Wesleyan Univer- sity and Dickinson College. VI Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity REESE G. BROOKS ys Born Scranton, Pa., Dec. 2."), 1S40. Educated Scranton Public Scliool.«. Married Maiy Ann Morgan. Ooal Operator. Vice Presi- dent Dime Banli, West Side Bank and con- nected with various other corporations. THOMAS H. DALE 96 Born Daleville, Laika Co., I'a., 1S46. Edu- cated Wyoming- Seminar>-. Married M. Grace Rounds, 1S70. Coal Operator. Elected Consrress 1904. Dir. Traders National Bank. Trustee Wyoming Seminary, President Scranton Board of Trade 1SS2-1SS3. Dir. in various corpni-ations. WILLIAM H. TAYLOR 97 Born Paterson, N. 3., 1859. Married Nellie G Barker, 1S86. Coal Opr. and Merchant. Pies. St. Clair Coal Co.; Goodwin Car Co. Dir. Coal & Iron Nat. Bank. N. Y. Mem. Chamber of Com., N. Y.; William H. Taylor & Co., Allentown, Pa.; Scranton Sup. & Mach. Co.; Hazleton :\Iach. & Supply Co. THOMAS HAMER WATKINS 9S Born Pittston, Pa., May 17, 1860. Educated Wyoming Seminary. Married Elizabeth Law, May 22, 1884. Coal Operator. Vice President and Director Penn'a Coal & Coke Co . Dir. Spring Brook Water Supply Co., Title Guaranty & Trust Co., Scranton Trust Company. Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co., Indiana Coal & Coke Co., North River Coal and Wharf Co., Scranton Lace Curtain Co., Farmers' Dairy Dispatch. ARCHIBALD FALCONDER LAW 99 Born Pittston, IS.TiG. Self-educated. Mar. Eva G. Brenton. 1878. V.-P. Temple Iron Co. Pres. N. W. Coal Co.; Edgertnn Coal Co.; Mt. Pleasant Cual Co.; Sterrick Creek Coal Co.; Babylon Coal Co.; Forty-Fort Coal Co.; Cross Eng'r Co. ; Wyorninp Elec. L. & P. Co. Chairman Lack"a Coal Co., ltd. Dir. & Treas. Mears Mining Co. Dir. Title Guar- anty erator. *ABRAHAM H. VANDLING. 108 Born Moresburg, Pa., Nov. 13, 1824— * June 12, 1901. Educated Public Schools. Married Jeanette du Bois, Feb, 10. 1858. General Supt. Delaware and Hudson Mines twenty years. Dir. in Bank at Kingston, Pa. Mem- ber of F'irst Presby. Church. Supt. Delaware and Hudson Canal. Employed with Penn'a Coal Co. imder General Green during law suit with Delaware and Hudson Co. CHARLES SCHLAGER 109 Born AVayne County "Woods," March 1, 1849. Educated, Scranton, Pa, Married Sarah M. Patterson, May 19, 187.5. Real Estate. Dir. Traders National Bank, Scranton Citizen's Bank, Olyphant; First National Bank, Peck- ville. Pres. Clear Spring Coal Co , Traders Real Estate Co. WALTER LINCOLN SCHLAGER 110 Born Scranton, Pa.. Oct. 1, 1864. Married Ruth A. Church. Coal Operator. Pres. Traders Coal Co., Reliance Coal Co., Fed- eral Granite Brick Co., Treas. Scranton Yarn ?"inishing Co. Vice President Traders Real Estate Co. FREDERICK WARNKE 111 Born Scranton, Pa.. Sept. 12. 1S66. Edu- cated at Scranton. Married Gertrude Van Yll Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity Cainpen, Dec. 01, 1801. Coal Operator. Warlike Coal Co. Snxder Coal Co.. Lorbers: Colliery. Trarl'rs Coril Co. Reliance Coal Co. REUBEN NELSON LaBAR 112 Born Wvoinii'u. I'a.. April tl. l.si;?. lOdncaled Wyominj,- Seminary. Married Sadie C. Spencer May 20. 1S9G. Sec. and Mgr. Federal Granite Bri'^k Co. Reliance Ccal Co. Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Cd. FRED. S. GODFREY 113 Proprietor of the Hotel .Termyn, Scranton, and Hotel Sterling-, "V^ ilkes-Barre, Pa. *FRANK HITCHCOCK CLEMONS 114 Born Scranton, Pa., .March 4, 1857— *Nov. 13, VM4. Educated at Scranton, Pa. Married Candace Smith. Oct. 14, 1880. Coal Operator. Sheriff of r.,ack'a County. Mem. of Scran- ton Councils twenty years. Closely asso. with the business and iiolitical interests of Scranton fur many years. MICHAEL F. DOLPHIN 115 Born Scranton. Pa. Educated at Scranton. Pa. Coal Operator. President Brnokside Coal Co., firm of Dolphin & Humbert. Sun- nyside Coal Co. Treas. Moflitt Mininc: and Milling Co. of New Mexico. WILLIAM WILSON RISSINGER 116 Born Taylorville. Pa.. May 7, ISfiO. Edu- cated Common Schools. Married Barbara J. Hutchinson, April 24, l\s9 ("oal Operator. COIi. U. G. SCHOONMAKER 117 Born Rosendale. Ulster Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1845. Educated Native Town and Kingston Academy. Married Louise J. Reed, June 28, 186i;. Re.-^l Estate. SAMUEL HAHNEMANN STEVENS 118 Born Buffalo, N. Y.. March 19, 18'I5. Edu- cated Public Schoolsr and Hud.son River In- stitute, Hudson. N. Y. Married Marv Corn- stock Pratt, May 21, 1873. Accountant. Pro- thonotai'v Superior Court. Private Co. B, 177th N. Y. Vol. Tnfantrv Civil War. Quar- tr-rmaster l.icut. Ezra S. Griffin Post, 130, G. A. R. EDWARD LATON FULLER 110 Porn Hawley. Pa., Oct. 10, 18.51. Educated Public Schools. Married Helen M. Silkman, 187fi. President of International Salt Com- pany of New Jersey. Retsof Minine: Com- pqny, Genesee, and Wyoming: Railroad (Viinpanv and variou.s other coriiorations. MORTIMER BARTINE FULLER 120 Born Scranton, Pa., 1877. Educated Prince- ton, N. J. Married Katharine Steele, Feb. 1904. Pres. International Salt Co. of New York-. Treas. Genessee and Wyoming Rail- road Co. THEODORE G. WOLF 121 Born Kaston, Pa., May 26, 1844. Educated Scranton High School. Married Elizabeth E. Foulke, Feb. 11. 1873. Supt. Rolling Mills of Lack'a Iron and Steel Co. 1874 to 1900. Executor and Trustee Estate B. H. Throop. Pres. Scranton Mining and Smelting Co., Nordmout Chemical Co.. Luzerne Cheni'cal ("o. Vice Pres. Pittston Slate Co. Dir. Woc'd Product Manf. Co.. Scranton Illum- inating Heat and Power Co., Knickerbocker Ice Co., Baltimore. SAMUEL HINES 122 Born A\'ashington. I). ('.. Julv 21. 1S43. Edu- cated Pidjlic Schools and Washington Sem- inary. Married Jan. 21, 1867. Pres. and General Manager Erie Railroad Company's Coal Companies in Pennsylvania 1873-1895. JOHN D. SHERER 123 Born Dodglestown, Pa., Nov. 21. 1841. Eilu- cated Doglestown, Pa. Married Ella Mas- ser, Oct. 19. 1S70. Secretary E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company of Pennsj'lvania. CHARLES H. LINDSAY 124 Born Bath, N. Y.. March 9. 1846. Educated Puldic Schools. Married Annie M. Tenney, Oct. 5. 1886. Treasurer of E. T. du Pont de Nemours & Comp.any of Pennsylvania. CHARLES P. JADWIN 125 Born Carbondale, Pa., Sept. 13. 1840. Edu- cated Carbondale. Pa. Married Sarah Au- gusta Hampton. Sept. 4. 1861 Real Estate. Dir. Allegheny lAtmber Co. JOHN J. GIBBONS 126 Born England. March .31. ISfiO. Educated Avoca. Pa. Coal Operator. JAMES J. JORDAN 127 ■Rorn Arcbbald. Pa., Oct. 5, 1856. Educated Public Schools. Married Nora Walsh, May 25. 1882. Fire Insurance. For twentv years Manager and half owner of The Seranton Truth, and still a stockholder in the cor- poration. JOHN CARNEY 12S Born Ireland. Great Britain. Jan. 29. 1843. Educated Dunmore. Pa. Married Mary Cavenev, Dec. 28, 188(1. Coal Operator. Re- tired. Directoi- in Fidelity Deposit and Dis- count Bank. * CHARLES F. MATTES 120 Born Easton, I'a., May 26, 1810— *Sept. 5, 1895. Educated Easton. Pa. Married Lydia M. Piatt, August 23, 1847. Martha Crosbv, June 19. 1862. General Mgr. Lack'a Iron and Coal Co. 2nd Vice Pres. I^ack'a Iron and Steel Co. Dir. Dickson Manufaeturing Co. Rulinsr Elder and Trustee First Presby. Church. Mem. of City Council of Scranton for seventeen years. COL. CHARLES C. MATTES 130 Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 5th. 1858. Edu- cated Public and Private Schools. Mar- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ried Augusta Hinchm.iu Crittentleu, Nov. 14, 1SS8. Gen. Mgr. Lack'a Iron and Coal Co. Mining- Kngineer. Mom. Am. Inst, of Min- ing: Egineei-.s. C^harter Mem. Scranton En- gineers' Club. Mem. Scranton Club. Vet- ^ eraii Comrade Soc. of Foreig-n Wars of Am. ^ Mem. Gobin Camp United Spanish War A^'etcrans. Lieut. Col. 13th Reg't Penn'a Vol. Infantry in War with Spain. Lieut. Col. (retired) N. G. P. Mem. Peter Wil- liamson Lodge, Nc. 323, Masons; Coeur De Lion Coi'imandery No. 17, K. T. ; I^ack'a Chapter No. 1n:i, Roynl Arch Masons. WILLIAM F. MATTES 131 Burn Scranton, Pa., Sept. 29, 1S49. Edu. Pub. and Private Schools and Private Instruc- tors and in an Engineers' Office. Married Margaret L. Crittenden, Nov. IS, 1S75; Mary L. Van Cleef, Dec. 16, 1887. Civil and Mech. Eng. alining- Experience. 1S86 Employed by Bor. Eng-. of Scranton. City Surveys and Arch. Drawing-. 1S67-73 Engineer and Supt. Branch R. R. in N. J., and agent at Iron Mines. 1873-77 Mgr. Blast Furnaces in Va. 1877-82 Miscellaneous Engineering Practice. 1S82SS Chief Engineer Lack'a Iron and Steel Works. 1888-93 Chief Engineer and Gen. lUgr. Iron and Steel Works. W. Superior, Wis. Dir. First Nat. Bank. Pres. Manf. Job- bers and Shippers Asso. Park Com. Chief Engineer L. & W. V. R. R. (I..aurel Line), 19(10-02. Now Consulting- Engineer. Joined Presby. Church in Dover, N. J., 1868. ■Served same as trustee. Assisted in organ- izing and maintaining a Y. M. C. A. As- ^ sisted in organizing and running three Sunday Schools in Va. Served several years as dir. and V. P., Y. M. C. A. of Scranton. Supt. First Presby Sunday School. Dir. Y. M. C. A. of W.' Superior, Wis. Mem. of several Enginopring and Scientific societies. FRANK ELBERT PLATT 132 Born Scranton, Pa., Feb. 21, 1S59. Edu- cated Rensselaer Pol.vtechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. Married Elizabeth A. Skinner. June 20, 1SS3. Civil Engineer. Assistant Treasuri-^r Elk Hill Coal and Iron Co. Sec. Pine Hill Coal Co. Pres. M. Shields Stone Co. Pur. Agent Scranton Coal Co. Mem. Am. Tn.st. Mining Engineers. V.-Pres. Lack'a Inst. History and Science. Mem. IT. S. Geographi- cal Soc. Treas. Scranton Electric Con.struc- tion Co. Dir. in various other corporations. WILLIAM McKELVY MARPLE 133 Born Wellsboro, Pa., Dec. 7, 1852. Educated Scranton High School, Private Tutor Lehigh Universit.v^. Married Mary A. Moore, Dec. 7, 1880. Civil and Plydraulic Engineer. Chief Engineer of the Scranton Gas and Water Co, Past Pres. Scranton Engieers' Club. Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engineers, Water Work.s Asso., Gas Asso.. New Eng- land "V\"ater Works Asso., Scranton Club, Country Club, Peter Williamson Lodge No. 323, F. & A. M.; Lack'a Chapter No. 185, Coeur de Lion Coni. 17. Knights Templar, Irem Temple A. A. O. N. W. S. Vestry- i-i-ian of St. Luke's Church. JAMES GARDNER SANDERSON '^^ 134 Born Towanda, Bradford Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 18-!0. Graduated The Rensselaer Polvtechnic Inst., Troy, N. Y., 1S.58. Married Eliza George Agnes McBrair July 17, 1860, Civil Engineer. Member of the Am. Society of Civil Engineers, Nat. Geographic Soc, Scranton Enpinecrs' Club. ALVA D. BLACKINGTON 135 Born Lincolnville, Me., Sept. 7, 1S55. Edu- cated University of Maine. Married Mary Elizabeth Smith. Sept. 10, 1884. Civil En- gineer. Treas. Consuniers' Ice Co. Vice Prefe'. Scranton Whetstone & Abbrasive Wheel Co. Treas. Mogollon Investment Co. MILTON P. MITCHELL 136 Bitrn Hollisterville, Wayne Co., Pa., July 4, 1847. pjducated Hollisterville, Wayne Co., Pa. Married Minerva Megargel, Sept. 21, 187S. Surveyor and Engineer. Lackawanna Co. Surveyor and Penn'a State Highway Dept. JAMES HENRY FISHER 137 Born Phila., Oct. 2. 1845. Educated Burlin.g- ton, N. J., and Princeton. Married Coralie Hammer^kjold. 1871 ; Alice Marie Falken- bury, 1899. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Sec. Lack'a Institute, New En.gland Society. Mem. Wyo. Hist. and Geological Soc, Princeton Alumni Assn. N. B. Penn'a., Westmoreland Club, Wilkes-Barre: Penn'a Soc. Sons of the Revolution; Scranton En- .ginc-ers' Club, Scranton Club. JUSTIN E. PARRISH 138 Born Louisville, Ky., Nov. 23, 1854. Edu- cated Lawrenceville, Ne-w Jersey. Married Ivizzie le Grand, Nov. 23, 1880. Mechanical and Eledrical Engineer and Supt. Mem. Scranton Board of Trade. GEORGE EDWARD STEVENSON 139 Born Dansville, Pa., March 30. 18G0. Edu- cated Cornell ITniversity. Married Emily Miller, Sept. IS, 1884. Civil and Mining En- gineer and Sui'vevor. Member of firm of Stevenson & Knight, Civil and Milling En- gineers. Ex-County Survejor. HENRY JIFKINS 140 Born London, England, Feb. 15, 1S60. Edu- cated Royal Naval Academy. Sheerness, England. Married Mary E. Wagner, Nov. 5, 1889. Civil Engineer. Chief Engineer of the City of Scranton. ^JOSEPH JACOB ALBRIGHT 141 Born Warkwick, Pa.. Sept. 23, ISll— *Jan. 12. 1888. Educated Nazareth, Pa. Married Elizabeth Sellers, Sept. 13. 1838. General Coal Agent for D., L. c^' W. and General Coal Agent for D. & H. Coal Co. Pres. Scranton Gas and Water Co.; First Na- tional Bank 1872; Director Dickson Manu- facturing Co.; AVeston Mill Co. Lack'a Iron and Coal Co. 'JAMES ARCHBALD 142 Born Little Cumbrav Isle, Buteshire, Scot- land, March 3, 1793— *August 26. 1870. Self- Educated. ]\Iarried Augrusta T. Frothing- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ham, Nov. "7, 1831.'. Civil lOimiiiccr. CtMicral Supt. D. & H. Canal Comiiaiiy's Coal :Mines at Carbondale. Pa., twciUy years. Chief Engineer D., I.. & "SV. R. R. at Scranton forty-fi\e years, in •which two capacities he stands anions the forei:;ost pioneers of the Lackawanna coal regrion. His mother was the g;"anrl(1aug:lUer of Rev. Robert Wodrow. historian of the sinferini^s of the Church of Scotland and a prominent Scottish divine, having charge of the Parish of ICastwood, now a part of Glasgow. DAVID BISHOP HAND, M. D. 143 Born Hawley, Pa., March 31, 1848. Edu- cated Public Schools and University Medi- cal College, N. Y. City. Married Sarah T. Cromwell May, 1871. Physician and Sur- geon. Proprietor Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children, Dr. Hand's Phosphated Milk. Dir. I'. S. Lumber Co., Lack'a Lumber Co., J. J. Newman Ivumber Co., Mississippi Cen- tral R. R.. Peck Lumber & Mfg. Co., Scran- ton Board of Trade, Eureka Cash Register. Vice Pres. Lignum Product Co. Dir. Fed- eral Granite Brick Co., South Lincoln Coal Co. JAMES ARCHBALD 1)4 Born Sand Lake, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1S38. Edu- cated [Jnion College. Married Hannah Maria Albright, Jan. 2'>. 1SH5. Civil Engi- neer. Chief Engineer of the D., L. & W. R. R. until October, 1899. Consulting En- gineer of the Imboden & Odell R. R. Co. 1903 Chief Engineer of the Miss. Central R. R. 1905 Dir. Third Nat. Bank, Scranton Savings Bank until 1903. *EDWAIID W. WESTON 145 Born Salem, Pa., Dec. 5, 1823— *Oct. 28, 1891. Educated Public Schools. Married Susan 3. Moore, ia'J2. Gen. Mining Supt. Later Gen. Real Estate Agt. of D. & H. Co. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Scranton, Pa.; Hud- son River Ore and Iron Co.; Weston Mill Co. Dir. Moosic Powder Co. ; Providence Gas and Water Co. Dir. , Scotland, 1816— •1889. Married Marv Helen Dickson Jan. 6, 1848. Merchiint, Carbondale, Pa. ♦JOSEPH B. VAN BERGEN 156 Born Bainbridge, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1828. Mar- ried Mary Helen Dickson August, 1890. Man- ufacturer, Carbondale. Pa. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity * JAMES BLAIR 157 Born Beaver Brook, Warren Co., N. J.. May 15, 1807— *March 17, 1897. Educated Beaver Brook. Married Phebe Elizabeth I^ocke, , Dec. 13, 1834. Merchant at Marksboro, War- '■ ren Co., N. J., for forty years. One of the organizers of the Belvedere Bank in 1831, and a director until his death. Organized Scranton Savings Bank in 1867 and elected Pres. year after year for thirty years. Was one of the original stockholders and for a time dir. in D., L. & W. R. R. Original stockholder in Lack'a Iron and Coal Co. and Lack'a Steel Co. Dir. First National Bank at the time of his death. COL. AUSTIN BARTLEY BLAIR 158 Born Marksboro, Warren Co., N. J., Sept. 23. 18SS. Educated Blaistown and Prince- ton College 186G. Married Emma Gay, June 3, 1868. Connected with the Scranton Sav- ings Bank since 1877 as Teller, Assistant Cashier and Vice President. Is at pi-esent a Director and Vice President. Mem. of Country Club. Private Original Co. D, 13th Reg't, N. G. P. 1877 served seven years. GEORGE H. CATLIN 1E9 Born Shoreham, Vermont, August 2ii. 1845. Educated Union College and Albany Law School. Banker and Capitalist. Director Third National Bank. ^ WILLIAM H. PECK ICO Born Mt. Plea.sant, Wayne Co., Pa., May 28, 1852. Married Mary A. Kyte. March 11, 1873. Cashier and Dir. Third National Bank. President Penn'a Bankers' Association 1905. Scranton Bedding Company. Trustee Syra- cuse University, Rim Park M. E. Church and Treas. Board of Trustees. CYRUS D. JONES 161 Born Stamford, Conn., 1852. Educated Busi- ness College. Married Mary S. Horn, March 2:^ 1876. Capitalist. Vice President Grand Union Tea Co. Pres. People's Bank. Dir. Traders National Bank. V. Pres. U. S. Lumber Co. Trustee Y. M. C. A., Wes- leyan University. Mom. and Trustee Elm Park M. E. Church. FENWICK L. PECK 162 Born Peckville, Pa., Sept 18, 1854. Edu- cated Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. Married Mina V. Pethick. President United States Lumber Company. Vice President Scranton Savings Bank. CHARLES S. WOOLWORTH 163 Born Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., August 1, 1856. Educated Great Bend, N. Y. Mar- ried Anna E. Ryals. June 2, 1886. Retail Housefurnishing Goods, Novelties and 5 and 10 cent Goods. Branch Houses, Auburn, Elmira, Binghamton, Gloversville, Glens '■^ Kails, N. Y., Portland, Bangor and Au- gusta. Me. Dir. Traders Nat. Bank; Peo- ples Bank; U. S. Lumber Co. V.-P. Groat Knitting Co. THOMAS SPRAGUE 1G4 Born Woonsocket, R. I., May 15, 1845. Edu- cated High School. Married Frances E Duncan 1873. Vice President Peoples Bank. Firm of Sprague and Henwood, General Conti-actors. * EDWARD JONES 165 Bom Sp.lot Farm, Glamorganshire. South Wales, April 3, 1814— *July 24, 1892. Educated Cowbridge, Wales. Married Mary E. Jones, August 4, 1846. Banker and Coal Operator. Jones, Simpson & Co., Coal Operators. Pierce Coal Co., Limited. President Mer- chants & Mechanics Bank. * THOMAS MOORE 166 Born Carlisle, England, Dec. 21, 1821.— *March 14, 1889. Educated in England. Mar- ried Mary Rogers, April 30, 1853. Merchant. Vice President Merchants and Mechanics Bank for several >ears. President Board of Trustees Keystone Academy. * WILLIAM MARSHALL SILKMAN 167 Born Westchester Co., N. Y., (Katonah), Oct. 31, 1834— 'Dec. 24, 1901. Educated Wyoming Seminary. Married Frances Eltin^je. Dec. 24, 1856. ' Vice President Scranton Savings Bank and 'I'rust Co. Hardware. JOSEPH H. GUNSTER. 168 Born Lockweiler, Germany, Aug. 21, 1S31. Educated Lockweiler, Germany. Married Lucine Luts, Feb. 21. 1857. Retired. School Director Middle Ward of the Boro. of Scran- ton. Pres. of First Common Council of Scranton. Furniture Business from 18.55- 1866. Banking Business 1871 as Sec. of M. & M. Bank: 1873 as Cashier of Scranton City Bank. 1883 Dep. Treas. of Lack'a Co. 1889 Assignee, of the Scranton City Bank. Mem. Schiller Lodge F. & A. M. Lack'a Chapter Coeur de Lion Com., Alliance Lodge, I. O. O. F., Scranton Liederkranz, Scranton Board of Trade. ISAAC POST 169 Cashier First National Bank of Scranton, Pa. HENRY GOODRICH DUNHAM 170 Born Fort Wayne, Indiana, May 25, 1862. Educated Williams College. Married Mary Louise Shindel, Oct. 16, 1895. Banking, Cashier Dime Deposit and Discount Bank of Scranton, Pa. REESE A. PHILLIPS 171 Born Scranton, Pa., Dec. 11, 1863. Educated Plvmouth, Pa., Public Schools. Married Marv Roon. May 30, 1891. Mining Engineer. President Kevstone Bank. Supt. Coal Min- ing Department D., L. & W. R. R. Co. WILLIAM CAWLEY 172 Born Dunmore, Pa., May 27, 1878. Educated Dunmore, Pa. Cashier of the North Scran- ton Bank. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity CHARLES W. GUNSTER 17J Born Scranton, V:\.. Oct. 11, IS.ill Kdiicatccl Public and Private Schools. Cashier Mer- chants and Mechanics Bank. Chairman Group 111 Penn'a Bankers Asso. Sec. Scran- ton Clearing House Asso. Mem. Peter Wil- liamson Ijodge, Lack'a Chapter, Coeur de IJon Com., Irem Temple, Scranton Club, Coimtry Club, City Club, Scranton Liedtr- kranz. DOLPH B. ATHERTON 174 Born South Montrose, Pa., .Tuly 22, IS.'S. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Malinda Griffin, Oct. 18, 1-S81. Sec. and Treas. Pcran- t<:n Trust Co. Sec. The Title Guaranty & Surety Co. Dir. Y. M. C. A., Dunmore Cemetery Ass'n, Washinston Light & Watei' Co. Pres. Board of Trade. Manager Bond Department 'I'itle Guaranty & Surety Co. ALBERT B. EYNON 175 Bf.rn Carbondaie, Pa., Sept. 4, 1847. Edu- caied Wvoming Seniinai-y. Married Anni(! B. Hughes, :March (I, 1874. Cashier West Side Bank. JAMES BLAIR, JR. 176 Born Scranton, Pa.. August 25, 1872. Edu- cated Princeton l^niversity. Assistant Cash- ier of the Scranton Savings Bank. Has been connected with the above institution since graduation from college, almost eleven years. GRANT L. BELL 177 Born Susq. County, July 12, 1879. Educated Wvoming Seminary. Married Eveh n E. M'hecler, June 20, 1900. 'I'-'cas. The Title Guaranty & Trust Co. COL. FREDERICK W. STILLWELL 178 Born Scranton, Pa., June 14, 18ti5. Edu- cated Public Schools. Teller First Na- tional Bank. Col. 13th Reg't Infantrv, N. G. P. FLORENCE J. HELRIEGEL 179 Born Ransom. Pa., April 15, 1879. Educated Diekinsun Law School. Cashier South Side Bank. Atlorney-at-Law. JOHN F. WALTER ISO Born Falls, Wstuning Co., Pa., July 4, 1878. Educated Keystone Academy. Mariied B. Grace Barbour, May 21, 190.n. Cashier Fidelity Deposit and Discount Bank, Dun- more, Pa. RICHARD O'BRIEN 181 Born Waterford Co., Ireland, Dec. 20, 1842. l<;ducatcd Philadelpliia, Pa. Married Sarah Harrison Marks, Jan. 14, 1868. Electrician Supt. W. IT. Telegraph Co. Dir. Peoples P.ank. Pioneer of the Bell Telephone in Northeastern Penn'a. Chief U. S. Military Telegraph Corps Department, Virginia and North Carolina, 1861-1865. G. FRANK REYNOLDS ls2 Born l''ell 'I'ownship, l.aek'a Co., Pa., 1S48. Educat(-d Public Schools and C. L. S. C. Mairied Catharine F. Wynkoop, 1895. Real Estate and Fire Ins. Dir. of Peoples Bank. St'c. and Preas, Keystone Land Co. Trustee of West Park. JAMES STRIKER MOTT 183 Born New York City, June 20, 1835. Educated New York City. Married Emma A. Allen, Nov. 30. 18-58. Retired Merchant Formerly ^Manager Ijackawann.a Store Association. * JAMES STOTT 184 Born Worsly.. England, Nov. :;<», 1S17— *Jan. 23, 1904. Educated Phila. and Germantown. Married Marv J. Fordham (Widow of Charles Baker), 1871. Cashier and Vice Pres- ident First Nat. Bank. 1856 bec-ame Cashier of Carbondale's first Banking House of Gillespie, Pierce & Co. 1864 he became Cashier of the First National Bank. Retired in 1S97 from Cashier and was then elected \ ice President. LUTHER KELLER 185 Born Stroud Township, near Slroudsliurg, Monroe Co., Oct. 27, 18.50. Educated Public Schools. Married Laura Frey. Jan. 21, 1886. Manufactm-er and Merchant. Builders' Supiilies. Dir. Thii'd National Bank. Groat Knitting Mill, Scranton Tribune Pub. Co., Pres. Nay Aug Lumber Co. Interested in several other Manufacturing Enterprises. Ex-President Board of Trade and Vice PresidtMit for five years. Member City Council and Pres. for two terms. Pres. Board of Trustees Keystone Academy. Mem. Penn Ave. Baptist Church and Supt. Sun- day School nearl\- a (puirter (if a centiiry. ANDREW B. WARMAN 1S6 Born Stewjirtsville. N. J., May 12, 1S63. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married 3\Iary Ida Stillwell. Sept. 23, 1884. Launderer, Pres., Treas. and Mgr. A. P.. Warman T.,ackawanna Laimdry Co. Dir. Peoples Bank and other corporations. CHRISTOPHER G. ROLAND 1S7 Born Dec. 26, 1s:A. Educated Scranton Schools. Married Mary IJ. O'Malley, Nov. 23. 1S81. Insurance. Real Estate. Bonds. President I,ackawanna National Bank, BntT- alo, N. Y. President Maiian Coal Co. WILLIAM P. BOLAND ISS Born l)-eland, Jan. 6. 1,S63. Educated Scranton Schools. Married I-ucy P. Os- mond Jan. 8, 1902. C. 'J. Poland & Co. Insurance, Real Estate. Coal. General Manager of the Manan Coal Co., and The Johns Coal Company. ERASTUS SCRANTON DOUD 189 Born Madison, Conn., July 29, 1849. Eacka wanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Dlrectur in ^■arious corporations. WILLIAM R. McCLAVE 215 Rom t^arbondale, Pa., Dec. 25, 18(;."i. lOdu- cated Scranton. Married Mar.garel K. Brooks, Jan. 25, 1887. Sec. and Treas. Mc- Clave-Brooks Co., Manufacturers uf Boiler Appliances, El--. Mtinlter of Official Board of Elm Park Chuich. FRANK S. BARKER 216 Born Carbondale, Pa., March 16, 1S('>:!. Edu- cated Public Schools of Scranton. Married Ella V. Battin Dec. 9, 1S85. Manufacturer Scales, Mining Machinery and Castings. City Treasurer 1905. CHARLES B. SCOTT 217 Born Waterbnry, Conn., June IS, 1S45.. Edu- cated Scranton, Pa. Married Clara Jane Stewart, Nov. 30. lS7i>. Merchant. EUGENE FOWLER MARSH 218 Born McLean, Tompkins Co., New York, April 25, 1856. Educated Cortland, N. Y., Normal School. Married Hattie F. Potter, June 11, 1885. Mine, Mill and Railroad Sup- plies. WILLIAM SMITH BOYD 219 Born Wrjghtsville, York Co., Pa.. Juno 7, 1854. Educated Bloomsburg Normal School. Married Lillian Zurflieh, April 15, 1896. Mer- chant. Nine years with O. S. Johnson as Manager of store. Three years with tiie Scranton Steel Co. Twerity-two years with Scranton Supply and Machinery Co., and nine years of this time in the capacity of General Manager. Yice Pres. St. Clair Coal Co. Member of Peter Williamson Lodge No. 323 Masons, Lackawanna Chapter, Coeur de Tjion Com. No. 17. Board of Trade, Green Ridge Club. ^WILLIAM STEEL BOYD 221) Born Danville, Montour Co., Pa., June 13, 1825— *Sept. 18, 1905. Educated College in Havre de Grace, Mo. Married Henrietta Fleming Smith, Sept. 26, 1850. Supt. of Coal Works for forty-one years, twenty-seven years associated with O. S. Johnson at his Green Ridge Colliery. Retired from active business about five vears previous to his death. EDWARD G. CONNER 221 Born Maryland, 1856. Married Harriet Marsh, 1879. Superintendent of the Lackawanna Mills. GEORGE MITCHELL 222 Born New York City, May 3, 1856. Edu- c;Ued New York Citv. Married Josephine H. Mott, Jan. ?6, 1881; Mav 11, 1903. Pres. Pittston Stove Co., Pittston, Pa. MAURICE T. MILLER 223 Born Jerm>-n, Pa., February 17, 1874. Edu- cated Scranton, Pa. Married Mary Harris Oct. 15, 1902. Casket Manufacturer. WILLIAM H. COLLINS 224 liorn Scranton, Pa. Educated Scranton High School. Married Sai-ah M. Gorman, Oct. 27, 19(11. Manager West..Tn Cnion Tele- graph Office. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOSEPH KNEELAND HARVEY, JR. Born Scranton, Pa., July 28, 1873. Married Jessie M. Wetherby, June 24, 1902. Silk Man- ufacturer.'s. Gen. Mgr. and Treas. Alfred i\ Harvey Silk Co., Mills, Scranton, Forest City, Olyphaiit and Mayfleld, Pa. Treas. Paul demons Silk Manufacturing Co. * JOSEPH KNEELAND HARVEY, SR. 226 Porn Gilead, Conn., Jan. 27. 1839— *Feb. 23, 1891. Married Klmily H. Phillips, Oct. 7, 1863. Pioneer Silk Manufacturer. Ageni of Scranton Silk Co. lor the first year or two of their location in Scranton, later Sauquoit Silk Manufacturing Co. PAUL CLEMENS 227 IJorn Germany, Nov. 11. 1870. Educated Philadelphia. Pa. Married Pauline Stuber. May 20, 1892. Silk Manufacturer. Paul Clemon.s Silk Manufacturing Co. CHARLES CONDE GROAT 228 Born Amsterdam, N. Y., 1877. Educated Albany. Underwear Manufacturer. THOMAS LEWIS 229 Born Scranton, Pa., Augu.st 10. 1856. Edu- cated Sci-antoa. Married Nettie Burte, March 22, 1880. Silk Manufacturer. Vice President Piovidence Silk Co. WILLIAM H. DAVIS 2'JO Born Paterson, N. J. General Manager of the Sauquoit Silk Manufacturing Company, Scranton, Pa. DAVID J. DAVIS 231 Born Plymouth, Pa., July 8, 1873. Educated Scranton, Pa. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer McClave-Brooks Co. Scranton, Pa. JOHN W. PINNELL 232 Born Booma. Delaware County, N. Y., July 11, 1852. Educated Dunmore, Pa. Married Junia F. Dilley, Sept. 21, 1876. J. W. Pinnell Iron Foundry. JOHN R. WILLIAMS Born Bryn Mawr, Breckenshire. N. Wales, Dec. 19, 1861. Educated Scranton, Pa. Mar- ried Rosalie Beemer. Sept. 24. 1891. Manager and Supt. of Williams Drop Forging Plant. Manufacturer of "Williams' Cantslip Calks" and Horse Shoes. Pres. of Williams' Calk Company. WILLIAM J. LEWIS 234 Born North End, Scranton, Pa., Aug. 27, 1869. Educated Scranton. Married Margaret A. Williams, April 24, lyOl. Sec. and Treas. The Williams Drop Forging Co. Manufac- turer of "Williams Cantslip Calks" and Horse Shoes. JOHN J. REYNOLDS 235 Superintendent of the Railway Steel Spring Company. Scranton, Pa. JAMES E. HECKEL 236 Born Elverson, Pa., July 8, 1865. Educated West Chester State Normal School. Mar- ried Edith W. Richards, July 30, 1890. Brass Manufacturer. The Everhart Brass Works. GRIFFITH T. DAVIS 237 Born Wales, March 13, 1861. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Mary A. Rogers, Aug. 31, 1882. Collector of Internal Revenue. Vice President and General Manager Con- sumers' Ice Company. CHARLES PERRY WENTZ 238 Born Jeddo, Pa., Dec. 3, 1875. Educated Princeton. I^niversity of Pennsylvania. Mar- ried Ethel Scott Graham, May 21, 1900. Cigar Jobber. C. P. Wentz Company. BERNARD B. MEGARGEE 239 Born Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1861. >:ducated Villa Nova College. Married Maxy X. Mc- Keone, Feb. 27, 1889. Megargee Bros. Whole- sale Paper. FRANCIS 0. MEGARGEE 240 Born Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 10, 1862. Edu- cated Roths Military Academy. Married Katharine Haggerty, June 29, 1899. Megargee Bros. Wholesale Paper. EDWARD M. STACK 241 Born Federalsburg, Md., Feb. 26, 1862. FJdu- cated Federalsburg Academy and Trenton, N. J. Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Consolidated Electric Light Companies of Scranton. Dir. .and Treas. of the following enterprises: Suburban Electric Light Co. Scranton II- luminatmg Heat & Power Co. Scranton Electric Light & Power Co. Dunmore Light, Heat & Power Co. Columbus Coll. Co. COL. GEORGE M. HALLSTEAD 212 Born Scranton, Pa., May 4, 1859. Educated Chester Military College. Married Stella iVTay Coleman. Jan. 11, 1888. Vice President Electric Light Co. Mem. Masons, Lodge of Elks, Republican (.'lub. Scranton Club. Country Club, Bicycle Club. Liederkranz. WILLIAM ALLEN AVERY 243 Born New York City, Dec. 4, 1867. Edu- cated New York City. Married Annie Davis, June 11, 1896. Treasurer Scranton Whet- stone and Abrasive Wheel Co. Interstate Conduit and Brick Coiapany. FREDERICK H. EMERY 244 Born Scranton, Pa., March 14. 1865. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Ida Blanche Hughes, May S, 1889. Patentee and Manager Emery Slate Picker Co. Dir. Scninion Anthracite Coal Co. South Western Anthra- cite Coal Co. ALFRED HAND 245 Born Honesdale, Pa., March 26, 1835. Edu- cated Yale College, Cla.ss of 1857. Mar- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ried Anna Jessun, Sept. 11, li,hO: llelon JOiiza- beth Sanderson, Nuv.2G,lS73. Attorney-at-Law. Judge of Common Pleas Court of l^iack'a Co. 1S79-18S8. Justice of Supreme Court of Penn'a 18S8-lbSy. Pres. Scranton Public Library (Albright Memorial). Pres. Penn'a Oral School for the Deaf. First Pres. Third National Bank lS72-lb;9. Pres. Thouron Coal Land Co. Vice Pres. Western Sugar and Land Co. Dir. Nat. lilevator and Machine Company. ROBERT WODROW ARCHBALD 24G Born Carbondale, Pa., Sept. 10, 1848. Kdu- cated Flushing- Institute, Flushing, L. I., and Yale College. Married Elizabeth B. Cannjn, Jan. 21, 1875. United States District Judge Middle District of Pennsylvania. ♦JOSEPH BREWSTER McCOLLUM 2-17 Born Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna, Co., Sept. 28, ]8o2— K)ct 3, 1903. Educated Franklin Academy, Harlord, Pa., Law School Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Married Jennie Searle, Dec. 9, l>>ti3. Lawyer Judge of C. P. Court. Chief Justice Supreme Court Penn'a. Prominent Mason. Mem. Scotch Irish So- ciety of I'hiladelphia. Montrose. WILLIAM JESSUP, L. L. D. 24S ♦SAMUEL ERSKINE DIMMICK 249 Born Bloomingburg, N. Y., 1S23— *1S75. Edu- cated at Home. Married Lucretia Benja- min, 1853. Attorney-at-Law in Honesdale, Pa. Was Attorney General of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania under General Hastings and died while holding that office. ♦FREDERICK WILLIAM GUNSTER 2:0 Born Lockweiler, Prussia, Sept. 15, 1S45— ♦Jan. 30, 190t>. Educated Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. Married Margaret Catharine Erehl, Oct. Hi. 1873. Lawyer. Judge. Elected Jud^e C. P. Court in the 45th Judicial District of Pa. 1888 and served until his death, having nin^ years yet to serve ot the term for which he had been elected. Atty. School Board 1S73-1SS8. Mem. House of Representatives 1875-1876. Dis. Atty 1S7S-18S1. Dir. Pa. Oral School for Deaf Mutes; Albright Free Library; Lack'a Hospital. CHARLES HOPKINS WELLES 251 Born Dundaff, Susq. Co., I'a., April 16, 1845. Educated I'ublic Schools, Scranton. Mar- ried Hannah B. Sherrerd, Oct. 20. 18G9. Welles &■ Torrey, Attorneys. Counsel for and Dir. First National Bank. The Lack'a Trust & Safe Deposit Co. The South Side Bank. The Armstrong Water Co. Blue Creek Coal and Land Co. The Kanawha and West Virginia 11. R. Co. The Stowers Pork Packing and Provision Co. The Scranton I;ace Curtain Co. The Scranton Bolt and Nut Co. The Wyoming Shovel Works. Dir. The United States Lumber Co. The Mississippi Central R. R. The Scran- ton Drop Forge Co. President National Water Works and Guarantee Co. JAMES HUMPHREY TORREY 1aj2 Bern Delhi, N. V., .nine Hi, 1851. Educated Amherst College, Mass. Married Ella C. Jay, Dee. 10, 1872. Welles & Torrey, Lawyers, i'orpierly City Solicitor of Scranton. For- mer President of Lack'a Law and Library Association. Dir. Albriizlit Memorial Li- brary. EDWARD N. WILLARD 253 Born Madison, New iiaven Co., Conn., April 2, ltj35. .\lairied Ellen C. llower, June, L^UiJ. Willard, Warren & Knapp, Lawyers. Judge Superior Court of Pti. July 1, 1895, resigned Sept., 1897. President County Savings Bank twentv-two veia-s. Captain in Ci\'il War 1864-18H5. EVERETT WARREN 254 Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 27, 1859. Educated Yale College. Married Elian Hower Wiilard, May 31, 18S:i. Firm of Willard, Warren & Knapp, Lawyers. Member of Standing Committee Diocese of Central Penn'a Pro- testant Episcopal Church. Mem. of \'estry bt. Lukes Episcopal Church. Mem. Scran- ton Board of Trade. Dir. County Savings Bank. Dir. and Mem. Executive Com. Titie Guaranty and Surety Co. Mem. Univ. Club, New York City. Mem. Republican County Com. Ex-Pres. Republican League i..f Penn'a. Ex-Pres. Lack'a Co. Law and Li- brary Aspo. Executor Estate of Dr. Ben- jamin H. Tliroop. Executor Estate Col. Ira Tripp. Dir. West End Colliery Co. Bango;- & Portland R. R. Co. Scranton Trust Co. HENRY A. KNAPP Born Barker, Broome County, N. Y., July 24, 1851. Educated Binghamton, N. Y. Mar- ried .Lillie Logan, March 27, 1883. Actcrney- at-Law. Member of firm of Willard, Warren & Knapp. Appointed I-aw Judge of Lack'a Co. Court by Governor Beaver 1887. County Solicitor 188S-1896. Solicitor of Scranton School District 1889-1897. Dir. Title Guaranty and Surety Co. Consumptive Hospital As- sociation. ♦HARRIS FRANKLIN WARREN 250 Born Bethany, Conn.. March 10, i824-*19U5. Educated Comn'.on Scliools at home. 'Mar- ried 2i'Iai'ion Margery Griftin, Feb. 3, 1850. Bookkeeper .and Accountant. HENRY M. EDWARDS Born ^^■a!es, Great Britain, ^•^■l>. 12, 1844. Kducated Normal College, S. Wales, and London Universitv. Mc-rried Jennie. Rich- ards, Nov. 3, 1870. President Judge l.'Sth Judicial District Penn'a. District Attorney Lack'a Co. 1885-1901. Additional Law Judge 1893-1900. President Jud.^e 1900. Term ex- pires 1913. JOHN P. KELLY Born Olvphant, Lack'a Co., I'a., Jan. 30, 18(i2. Educat(Kl Puldic Schools. Married Tersa E. Brainard, May 17, 1892. Law Judge, Assistant Di.'-'trict Attorney 1881-1885. Mem. Legislature 1889-l!S90, District Attorney ]892-'93- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity '04. Apijointed Additional Law Judge Aja-il 14, 1890. Klected Additional Law Judge 1890. Dir. County Savings Bank and Trust Co. about two years; resigned upon Election as Judge. EDWARD C. NEWCOMB 2.j9 Associate Judge Court of Common Pleas ol Lackawanna County. MICHAEL F. SANDO Born Scranton, Pa., May 8, ]S(J2. Educated High School. Married Anna L. Blair, Aug. 28, 1SS5. President Judge of the Orphans' Court, Lack"a Co. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue ISS-S-ISBS. Mem. Pennsylvania Legis- lature 1888-1889-1890-1891. Elected President Judge of the Orphans' Court of the 45th Judicial District Nov. 5, 1902, for a term of ten years. •EBENEZER KINGSBURY 261 Born Jerico, Vermont, 1S04— *April 15, 1844. Educated Harford, Pa. Studied Law with Hon. William Jessup, of Montrose, Pa. Mar- ried Elizabeth Harlow Fuller, Nov. 4, 1829. Attorney-at-Law. JVIember of the State Senate four years and Speaker of Senate. *ARETUS HEERMANS WINTON 262 Born Scranton, Pa., Nov. 17, 1838— *Feb. 2, 1896. Educated ^^'yoming .Seminary; Phil- lips Andover; Williston Seminary, East Hampton. Married Alice Mulhenburg Col- lings. May 9, 1865- Lawyer. Admitted to Luzerne County Bar Aug. 22, 1860. Helped to form Tjacka wanna County out of Luzerne through his talents and money. *WALSINGHAM G. WARD 2«i3 Born Dover. Duchess County, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1819— *Dec. 9, 1S99. Educated Mannington Academy, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Married Louisa Hulbert, 1nT4. Attornev-at-Law. Jud.Jie of the Mayor's Court 1870-1875. *WILLIAM MERRIFIELD 264 Born Pine Plains, Duchess County, N. Y., April 22, 1806— *June 4, 1877. Educated Public Schools. Married Alnnra Swetland,. 1831. Pioneer Merchant. Elected Associate Judge Luzerne Co. 1856 for tive j ears. First Pres- ident Hsue Park Bank. Member House of Representatives 1843-1844-1845. First Post- master Hyde Park 1832. *L.OUIS S. WATRES 265 Born Pheonixville, Pa., 1S08— *Aug. 1, 1882. Educated Pheonxlville, Pa. Married Steila Hollister. ^^■hen 27 years of age he came to Lackawanna Valley and located at Winton, where he purchased 4U0 acres of land and began de\ eloping his timber interests. In 1S37 he erected the lust church in the valley at Pecktown. To him also belongs the credit of opening up one of the first coal mines in the valley below Carbondale. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he recruited a Company which was mustered in at Har- risburg and assigned to the 52nd Penn'a Infantry. He served as Justice of the Peace in Blakely Township, and the following year, in 1865, removed to Scranton and was elected Alderman of the Ninth ward, which oflice he filled up to the time of his death. COL. LOUIS ARTHUR WATRES 266 Born Mt. Vernon, Lackawanna County, Pa., Ai^ril 21, 1851. Educated Common Schools. Married Eflie J. Hawley, May 20, 1871. Law- yer. President cf several corporations. Offi- cer and Director ot Scranton Savings Bank and Trust Company for 21 years. Was Pres- ident Scranton Passenger Railway Company and constructed the road. Member of State Sena,te 1882-1890. Lieut. (Jovernor of Penn'a 1690-1894 Officer and Director Spring Brook Water Co., Taylorvllle Water Co., Bioss- burg Water Co., Mansfield Water Co., Econ- omy Light, Heat and Power Co. Pres. Brooksioc Coal (jo. Part (Jwner in Olyphant Water Co. and Panther Creek Water Co. *HAROLD ARTHUR WATRES 2C7 Born Scranton, Pa., March 23, 1879— '*1905. Educated Princeton, University of i'ennsyi- vania, Columbia Liniversity. Married Dor- othy Jackson. Ijawyer. Diicctor Spring Brook Water Supply Comj^any. * LEMUEL AMERMAN 2(iS Born Danville, Pa., Oct. 29, 1847— *Oet. 7, 1N97. Educated Bucknell 1,'mversity. Mar- ried Mary C. Van Nort. Lawyer. County t^oiicitor l8'ii-1881. Kepresentative 18si-isac>. City Controller 1887-1; 89. Member of Ine 52nd Congress, 1891 to 1892, JAMES K. GEARHART 269 Born Scranton, Pa., May 20, 1876. Educated Cichool <^)f Lackawanna, Lafayette College. lUariied Grace K. Spencer, Oct. 26, 1904. At- loi ney-at-I-aw. Trea.s. Gieu Coal Company. WILLIAM JESSUP HAND 270 Born Scranton, Pa., Jidy 26, 1866. Educated 1 ale Cniversity Class ol 18h7. Married Caro- line Bailey Smith, Jan. 12, 1893. Atiorney- at-Law. President Nay Aug Coal Co., Amer- ican Chair Manufacturing Co. Dir. of '1 houron Coal Land i:!o.. Western Sugar and I^and Co. Former Pres. and now Dir. of Y. M. C. A. EDWIN W. GEARHART 271 Born Scranton, P£i., July 17, 1871. Educated Lafayette College. Married Cathryn G. Wheeler, Oct. 2ii, 1898. Ijawyer. Director Illinois Tunnel Company. Automatic Elec- 1 ric Company. Northeastern Telephone Company. Member Lackawanna County Bar. WESLEY H. GEARHART 272 Born Northumberland Co., Pa., Dec. 8, 1839. Educated Dickinson Seminary, Pa. Married Mary FJ. Kipp, May 3. 1866. Attorney-at- Law. Coal Operator. President of The En- terprise Coal Co. Sec. Clear Spring Coal Co. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity COL. FREDERICK L. HITCHCOCK r.orn W'atcrbdry. Conn., April 18. ]S37. Edu- cated Pul>lic Srhools. Mairicd Caroline N. Kingsbiiry, Jan. 24. ISO.o. l.,a\vyer. Vice I'ri's. and Acting: Prcs. Scranton Buildinp & Sav- ings Union. Second Vice Pros. Scranton Board of Trade. Colonel 2.".th Reg't, I^. S. C. T., War ISHl. llaior i:;2nd P. V., same War. Lieut. Col. latli Kos't, N. G. P., 1877-lSSS. City Treasurer 19<)i',. EDWARD B. STURGES 274 Born Fairfield, Conn., Feb. 15, 1845. Edu- cated mostly in Neu York City. Married Marion Sanderson, Sept. 2, 1873. Attorney- at-T^aw. Coal Operator. President Tax- payers' Association. Suburban Electric I.,ight Co., Suburban IClectric Railway Co., which was the first railway in the United States built for Electric Power. Trustee Y. M. C. A. P"'ounder of Municipal League of Scr.an- ton. President Pine Hill Coal Co. * GEORGE SANDERSON 275 Born Boston, Mass., 1810— *April 1, 1886. Edu- catedi Boston I.iatin School. Married Marion Wallace Kingsbury. Banker. Lawyer. President Lackawanna Valley Bank (Now r.,ackawanna Trust & Safe Deposit Co.). Represented Bradford County in State Sen- ate. District Attorney for Bradford County. COL. GEORGE SANDERSON 27fi Born Towanda. Aug. 22. 1847. Educated Har- vard University. Married Lucy Reed San- derson, Nov. 2S, 1871. I^awyer, Vice Presi- dent Lackawanna Trust & Safe Deposit Co. Pre.s. Select Council. City of Scran- ton Volunteer and Gener.al Inspector of Rifle Practice Penn'a. Memlier of Univer- sity Club of PhiladeliJhia, Scranton Club and Country Club. WILI.OUGHBY W. WATSON 277 Born New Milford, Pa., Oct. (1, 1842. Edu- cated State Nor. School. Married Annie M. Kemmerer, Nov. 2G, 1868. Attorney-at-Law. Director Traders National Bank. Treas- urer Moosic Mountain Coal Co.; Lack'a Land Co.; Mt. Jessup Coal Co., Limited. * CHARLES DU PONT BRECK 278 Born Wilmin.gton, Delaware, May 18, 1840— *190t). Educated Union College. Attorney- at-Law. Pr(>sident Dime Deposit and Dis- count Bank, of Scranton; Black Diamond Silk Comi)any. L)ir. Paragon Plaster and Supply Co.; Eureka Cash Register Co. CHARLES EBENEZER BRADBURY 279 Born Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 16, 1S49. Educated New York State Public Schools. Married Kate Reily, Feb. C. 1873. Attorney-at-Law. Expert Accountant. Coal Operator. Nay Aug Coal Co. Lack'a I-aw and Library Association. Jellico & Scott County Coal Co. (Tennessee). Special Auditor for a number of corporations in Scranton and elsewhere. IRA H. BURNS Tiawyer. FRED CHURCHILL LEONARD 281 Born Elmer, Potter Co., Penn'a, Feb. lb. 18,'(6. Educated Mansheld State Normal School; Williston Seniinary; Yale College. Married Estella G. Cook, July 10, 188t. Law- yer. U. S. Maishal of Middle District of Penn'a. Member 54th Congress from the 16th District of Penn'a. U. S. Marshal of the Western District of Penn'a until the organ- ization of the Mid'lle Judicial District. Marshal of Middle District since that time. MAJ. THOS. FRANKLIN PENMAN 282 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Nov. 25. 1857. Edu- cated Millersville Normal School. Married May Pughe, 1889. Lawyer. Collector of In- ternal Revenue 12th District of Penn'a. Dir. L. A: W. V. R. R. Co., Pittston Stove Co., Wilson I.,uniber C'o. Major in National Guard of Pennsylvania. FREDERICK K. TRACY 283 Born Rondout, N. Y.. Sept. 4. 1853. Educated Oberlin College. Married Mary R. Rich- mond, Oct. tj, 1881. Attorney-at-Law. COL. HERMAN OSTHAUS 284 Born Overton, Bradford Co., Pa., Dec. 24, 1852. Educated Allegheny College and Heid- elberg University. Married Alice Cummins, Dec. 26, 1S8S. Attorney-.it-Law. ♦WILLIAM DU BOIS LUSK 285 Born Great Bend, Feb. 1, 18.33— *May 23, 1901. Educated Homer, N. Y. Married Pauline Dayton, July, istil. Attorney-at-Law. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Montrose, Pa., 1887, and for a number of years after. Leading spirit in building of L. & M. R. R. from Alford to Montrose in 1S91. Montrose, Pa. EDWARD MERRIFIELD 286 Born Scranton, Pa., July 30, 1832. Educated Wyoming Seminary and Oxford Academy, N Y. Married A. Jennie Eldridge, Nov. 20, 18,55. Lawyer. HUGH M. HANNAH 287 Born Harford, Susquehanna County, Pa., Sept. 13, 1842. Educated New Milford, Mill- ersville, Pa. Married L. J. Ilimlman, Dec. 2. 1875. Lawyer. AARON WATSON BERTHOLF 2SS Born Warren County, N. J., Feb. 8. 184.3. Educated Academi(»s of Montrose and New Milford, .Susq. Co. Married A. Ernestine Phillips, Dec. 26, 1867. I>awyer. Member Montrose Lodge No. 151. I. O. O. F.. Mem- ber of Bar Susq. and Lack'a Co.'s, Sujireme and Superior Courts of Penn'a. and U. S. !"ircuit and District Courts. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES EDWARD BURR 2S9 Born Carbondale, Pa., July 8, 1853. Educated Princeton I^niversity. Married Matilda P. Bryan Sept. 6. 1SS2. L,awyer. MICHAEL E. McDonald 290 Born Hawley, Wayne Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1858. Kducated Wyoming- Seminary. Married Martha I.. Melien, Nov. 23, 1892. Lawyer. Member House of Rejjresentatives of Penn'a 1887-1889; State Senate. 1891-1893. Dir. in vari- ous corporations. Interested in several pub- lic enterprises. JAMES WHEATON CARPENTER 291 Born Scott Township. I.ack'a Co., May 31, 18M. Educated Man.sfield Normal School. Married Harriet P. Hills, 1882. I-awyer, Carpenter &•■ I'^leitz. Appointed Additional Law Judge in April, 19ol, to Jan., 1902. FREDERICK W. FLEITZ 292 Born Tioga Co , Pa., March 1, 1867. Edu- cated Public Schools, State Normal School.. Married Clara Audita Mitchell, Dec. 17, 1891. Attorney-at-T^aw. Deputy Attorney General of Pa. since 1898. Ex-President State League of Republican Clubs. HOMER GREENE 293 Born Lake Arid, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1853. Educated Lnjon College. Married Katherine P. Gaines, June 30, 1886. Lawyer. Dir. Honesdale Nat. Bank. Sec. and Treas. Honesdale Cemetery Co., Honesdale Ice Co. Treas. White Mills Coal Co. Dir. Scranton Trust Co. Member of Author's Club of New York. Scranton Club and Engineers' Club, Scranton, Pa., Exchange Club, Honesdale, Pa. WILLIAM ALONZO WILCOX 294 Born Olv-^an. N. Y., July 25, 1S57. Married Katherine M. Jenkins, April 22, 1885. Law- yer. Title Offlcer Title Guaranty and Surety Company, Scranton, Pa.; Trust Officer The Scranton Trust Company. Dir. Farmers' Nat. Bank, Montrose. Member Penn'a Bar Asso., Lackawanna Law and Library Asso. American Bar Asso., Democratic Club of Penn'a. ARTHUR D. DEAN 29b Born Abington, Pa., Jan. 29. 1819. Educated Brown ITniversity. Married Nettie E. Sis- son, May 11. 1882. Attorney. Treas. Scran- ton Vitrified Brick Co Treas. Scranton Board of Trade Real Estate Co. Dir. United States Lumber Co. Pres. Lignum Product Co. WILLIAM M. CURRY 296 Born Danville, Pa., Nov. 25, 1870. Educated Dickinson College. Married Louise Virg-inia Albro, Oct. 10, 1901. Attorney-at-Law. JOHN FOSTER SCRAGG 297 Born Scranton, Pa., July 13, 1859. Educated Scranton. Married Abbie Downing, Oct. 12, 1881. Attorney-at-Law. General Practition- er. Solicitor Scranton Poor District. Past Offlcer and Member of Masonic Fraternity. Trustee of Masonic Hall Asso. Identified with many Important Jury Trials. MILTON W. LOWRY 298 Born Elkdale, Susquehanna Co., Pa., March 10, 1859. Educated Keystone Academy, Fac- toryville, and Penn'a State College. Mar- ried Annie Martin Lowry, Oct. 8, 1885. At- torney-at-Law. President of the Select Council of City of Scranton. GEORGE M. WATSON 299 Born Philadelphia, Pa., May 15, 1855. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Frances Stevens, 18Sfi. Attorney-a.t-Law. Ex-City Solicitor Member F. & A. M. and K. of T. CORNELIUS COMEGYS ^00 Born Greensborough, Md., Oct. 25, 1858. Edu- cated St. John's College. Annapolis. Mar- ried Sarah B. Bevan, Feb. 21, 18&9. Lawyer. Attorney and Counsel of Dime Deposit and Discount Bank, North Scranton Bank. Vice President Board of Trade. President of Southern Society. CHESTER B. GARDNER 301 Born Scott, Lack'a County, Pa., Feb. 19, 1850. Educated State Normal School, Mans- field, Pa.; Albany Law School. Married Myra F. Simrell, Sept. 21, 1884. Lawyer. CLARENCE S. WOODRUFF 302 Born Dimock, Susijuehanna County, Pa., March 6, 18.55. Married Susie M. BullocK, Aug. 1, 1881; Agnes Musket, Aug:. 27, 189d. Attorne> -at-Law. *J. ALTON DAVIS 303 Born Scranton, Pa., March 29, 1856— *Nov. 19, 1897. Educated Hamilton College. Mar- ried Margaret Mcars, Aug. 20, 1884. Attor- n''y-at-I.,aw. HERBERT L. TAYLOR 304 Born Scott Township, Lack'a Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1865. Educated Iveystone Academy, Fac- toryville. Pa. Married Minnie Phillips, July 20, 1892. Lawyer. * WILLIAM HUNT TING JESSUP 305 Born Montrose, Pa., Feb. 7, 1830— *Jan. 16, 1902. Educated Houser Academy and Yale College. Married Sarah W. Jay. Attor- ney-at-Law. WILLIAM HENRY JESSUP 306 Born Montrose, Pa., July 2£>, 1858. Educated WiUiston Seminary and Yale, Class 1884. Married Lucy A. Stotesbury. Attorney-at- I^aw. WILLARD M. BUNNELL 307 Born Dimock, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1874. Educated Keystone Academy and Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity Ijuoknoll University. Married Margaret Irene Walls. Attorney-at-L,aw. ^Jhairman Deniocrntic City ( 'dmiiiit too for 1904-1905. LEWIS M. BUNNELL 808 Born Herriclt Tuwnsliip, Susq. Co., Pa. Edu- cated Harford and King.«ton, Pa. Married Anna M. Davis, Jan. 1, 186fi. Lawyer. Mem- ber of J^ar Asso., G. A. R. Union Veteran. Commanded the Department of Pa. two a'.id a half years, then resigned. Com- manded in the position of Major General. CHARLES E. DANIELS ;;09 Born Scranton, Pa., Jan. 4, 1872. Educated Scranton High School; Dickinson School of Law, Degree Southern Normal University. Married Lillian May Simpson, Sept. 4, 1901. Attorney-at-Law. Pres. West Side Board of Trade, West Side Republican Club. Treas. Lack'a Law and Library Association, Pansy Lumber Co. Meuiber Hyde Park Lodge 339 F. & A. M. Green Ridge Camp W. of A., Electric City Wheelmen. GEORGE L. PECK :;10 Born Susriuehanna Co., Feb. 12, 1SG9. Edu- cated Cazenovia Seminary; Wesleyan Uni- versity. Married Helen A. Mott. Lawyer. Superintendent of Simpson Sunday School. JOHN T. DUNN 311 Born Elmira. N. Y., July 10, 1S69. Educated I'rinceton University, N. J. Lawyer. Dunn it Dunn. Director Cramberry Fuel Co., Manufacturers and Consumers Coal Co. ARTHUR DUNN 312 Born Elmira, N. Y., March 7, 1S73. Edu- cated Princeton University. Married Au- gusta P. Fordham, Dec, 1S97. Lawyer. THOMAS P. HOBAN 313 Born Hawley. Wayne Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1857. Educated St. John's College. N. Y. Married Jane F. Donnelly. Lawyer. Dir. Lacka- wanna National liank, \\'est Seneca, N. Y. JOHN JOSEPH TOOHEY ,114 Born Schuvlerville, Saratoga Co., N. V., June 23, 1874. Educated Schuylerville High School. Fordham University, New York City. Married Alice G. Maloney, June 2!, 1903. Attorney-at-Law. Mem. Knights of Columbus. Elks. Chairman Demociatic County Conmiitlee. MATTHEW P. CAWLEY 315 Born Scrfmton, Pa., Sept. 29, 1871. Educated St. Michael's College, Toronto; Post tirad- uate Niagara University. Married Clara Horan, Dec. 26, 1803. Attorn«y-at-Law. Counsel for the Fidelity Bank, Dunmoro, F'a. M. J. RUDDY 316 Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 25, 1875. Educated Carlisle Law College. Married Gertrude E. Hawkes, Feb. 15, 19;)1. Alderm:in. Attornoy- at-Law. HENRY S. ALWORTH 317 Born Clifford, Sustu.i l'.;'.nna C.)unty, Pa., Jan. 31, ]S()9. Educated Tniversity of Penn- sylvania. Married Louise De Munn, I^eb. 11, 1S97. Attoriiey-at-l,:i\\. WALTER LIDDELL HILL 318 Born I.,cwi.sl)urg, Pa., Aug. 7, 1875. Edu- cated Bucknell fniversity and University ol North Carolina. Married Rebecca Stough- ton, 1S97. Lawjii'. HOMER D. CAREY 319 Born Greenfield Township, Dec. 3, 1874. Edu- cated Dickson School of Law. Married Mary K. Lins, A{)ril 24, 1901. Attorney-at- Law. Pres. and Sec. German Cut Glass Company. B. FENTON TINKHAM 320 Born W'averly, Pa., Nov. 14, 1869. Educated Mansfield State Normal School. Married Louisa Silvius, Aug. VI, 1S9S. liawyer. ROBERT J. MURRAY 321 Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 20, 1869. Educated Local Public and Private Schools. Mar- ried Elizabeth Y. Butler, Oct. 27, 1897. At- toi'uey-at-Law. JEREMIAH WATSON BROWNING Born Fleetville, I.,ack'a Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1894. Educated Keystone Academy and Uiu- versity of Mich. Married Delcie Gates, Jan. 17, 1895. Attorney-at-Law. Sec. and Treas. J. W. Browning Land Company. Sec. Scran- ton Whetstone and Abrasive Wheel Co. Trustee and Treas. Penn Ave. Baptist Church. Member Scranton Board of Trade. Pres. Sumnat Land ''o. Sec. Shawnee T^and Company. BENJAMIN EDWARD WATSON 323 Born Flemington, N. J., P\l). S. IStiS. Edu- cated Flemington and Scranton High School. Married Jessie J. Coursen, April 21, 1897. Secretai'y of the Scranton Stove Works. Member of Lackawanri.i Cn. Bar. ALBERT LEISENRING WATSON 324 Born Montrose, Pa., Dec. G, 1876. Educated Lawrenceville School and Amherst Colle.ge. Married Mabel E. Wheeler, Jan. 9, 1902. Lawyer. Member of tit7ii of \^'atson, Diehl & Kenn-uerer, Atldi'ncNs and Couii.'-'fllors. FRANK RAYMOND STOCKER 325 I'.'ii'n Jermyn, Pa., ,iui.\' 21. 1S76. Educateil School of ijackawanna; Yale 1898. Married Marion Eraser Crane. Attorney-at-Law. Admitted Jan. 29, 19()1. ..\ssistant Secretary of the Penn'a C:isu:i1In' < 'o. GEORGE C. YOCUM 326 Born Hazleton, I^a., Ai)ril 20, 1873. Educated Dickinson College, 1893. Married Bess Phelps, Nov. 22, 1899. Lawyer. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity EDWARD W. THAYER Born Pitiston, Pa., June 27, 1S72. Educated Public Schools. Married Margaret Edwards, June 15, 1900. Attorney-at-Law. C. REYNOLDS BEDFORD .328 Born Brownville, Nebraska. Nov. 22, 1872. Educated I^niversity (jf Maryland, Balti- more, Md. Attorney-at-Law. FRANCIS M. LYNCH 329 Born Olyphant, Pa., May 17, 1S74. Educated Yale CollPfre. Married Helen M. Merriman, April 2b, irmo. At(i)rney-at-Law. RAPHAEL L. LEVY 330 Born San Francisco. Cal.. Jan. 30, 1S76. Edu- cated Harvard Colleg-e. I^awxer. MICHAEL J. MARTIN 331 Born Scranton, Pa.. Dec. 29, 1871. Edu- c?ated Wyoming Son-,inary; Cornell Univer- sily. Attornoj'. WILLIAM J. FITZGERALD 332 Born Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 19, 1877. Edu- cated Georgetown T'ni^•(■r.sity (A. B). Firm of O'Brien, Martin & Fitzgerald, Attorneys- at-Law. WILLIAM J. DOUGLAS 333 Born Loui.sville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., March 9. ISfio. Educated Potsdam Normal School, N. Y., and Middlebury College, Vt. Married Mary Bradley Dimshee, Aug. 21, 1895. Attorney-at-I>aw. JAMES J. 0'MALL.EY 331 Born Olyphant, Pa., Nov. 27, 1S70. Educated Olyphant High .School; School of the Lack- awanna. Married Margar(?t T. Murphv, Nov. 27, 1901. Lawyer. GEORGE C. SCHEUER Born Scranton, Pa., April 21. 1878. Educated Public Schools. Lawyer. Director Pennsyl- vania Baking Co. GEORGE WOOD BENEDICT, JR. Born Scranton, Pa., June 22, 1875. Educated Scranton Public Schools; Dickinson School of Law (iS97). Married Ethel Kellogg, June 9, 1903. Lawyer. THOMAS P. DUFFY Born Plymouth, I'a., Dec 13. 1S68. Edu- cated Dickinson College, Carlisle. Lawyer. JOSEPH FREY GILROY 3';8 Born Williamsport, I'a., Nov. 3, 1872. Edu- cated Dickinson College and Dickinson School of Law. Married Virginia T. Mc- Intyre, Sept. 4, 1902. Attorney-at-Law. MICHAEL J. DONAHOE 339 Born Minooka, Pa.. March 27, 1864. Edu- cated Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Lawyer. Solicitor for South Scran- ton Building and Loan Asso. ; Lackawanna Township and School District. Mem. Knights of ColumVjus. Common Council 1887-1890. Chairman ISSS-IS^O. THOMAS A. DONAHOE 340 Born Scranton, Pa., Jan. 31, 1878. Edu- cated Scranton High Sc'hool and Dickinson College ol Jyaw. Att JrI^"^•-at-Law. FRANK P. BENJAMIN 041 Born Peckville. Pa.. June 17. 1876. Edu- cated Blakely Borough High School; Dick- inson College of Law. Attorney-at-Law. Sec. Republican County Committee of Lack'a ro. 19O4-190.5-19O6. Solicitor lor Bor- ough of Blakely 1905-1906. Solicitor for Peckville Nat. Bank. WILLIAM LUTSEY HOUCK 342 Born Sloeuin Township. Luzerne County, Pa., Nov. 11, 1871. Educated Dickinson School of Law. Attorney-at-Law. Member of firm of Houck & Benjamin. HENRY W. MULHOLLAND 343 Born Arehbal-er. JOHN R. OKELL 347 Porn Scranton, Pa., Feb. 22, 1848. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Isabella Muir, June 10, 1870. Consulting Eng. Amer. Coffee Co. Scranton Jobbing Co. GEORGE M. OKELL 348 Born Philadelphia, Aug. 29, 1S74. Educated Scranton. Married Blanch Shaffer, Sept. 16, 1903. Lawyer. Scranton Jobbing Comjiany. = CHARLES EUGENE OLVER 349 Born Beech Lake, Pa., Sept. 13. 1863— -July 22, 19i>5. Educated Ann Arbor, Mich. Married Nettie M. Fern, April 29, 1896. Lawyeav Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN FRANCIS MURPHY 3r>i) Born Scraiilon, I'a.. Dec. Iti, IMilt. I'MiiP.'ited Soranton Hiprh School. Married Mary A. Kelly, June 2S. 1<9S. Atlorney-at-I.aw. WILLIAM EDWIN WATT 351 Born Carbondal(>. Juiv 2li, 1871. Kdnoatod Carbondale tJigh School, AV'yoming SeiT.inary, Wesleyan I'niversity, rniversily of iMichi- §ran. Married Car>)!\ii Innis, Nov. 14, 1895. Attornej'-at-]«i\v. JOHN M. GUNSTER 351' Born Sciantnn, Pa., March (5, 1876. Educated School of the J^ackawanna, Scranton. Pa., and Canlsiii.s College, Buffalo, N. V. Mar- ried Anne Jeanette Thomai-, Sept. 2'), 1904. Lawyer. ^^NATHAN PENDLETON WILCOX 353 Born Nunda, N. Y., May 16, 1832— '=Aiiril 26, 1904. Educated Munda liiterary Institute. Married Celestine Birsre, Oct. 6, 1853. Mer- chant and Surveyor. Nicholson, Pa. *HENRY PENDLETON WILCOX 354 Born Olean. N. Y., Dec. 28, 1860— '^'Jaii. 20, 1899. Educated Key.stone Academy. Married Rosamond A. Avery, July 24, 1886. Merchant. Registered Pharmacist. Nicholson, Pa. JOHN HENRY KEMP 355 Born Jolmstown, Pa., June 22, 1867. ICdu- cated Kingston, Pa. Married Grace Shelly, 1898. Photographer. Made over five hundred photographs for "Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicmitv." MOSES SHIEI.DS, JR. 356 Born South Wales, April 24, 1853. Educated Parochial School, Wales; Tallmadge Acad- emy, Tallmadge, O. Married Sarah Amelia Smith, heb. 14, 1877. Blue Stone Dealer. Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Moses Shield.s Stone Co. Dir. Nicholson Light, Heat Sz Power Co. Pres. and Dir. Water Co. V.-Pres. and Dir. Lack'a Dairy Co. Member of State Leg- islature 19ll5-i;iOe for Wyoming County. Nicholson, Pa. THOMAS JEFFERSON FOSTER 357 Born Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1843. JJducated Pottsville, Pa. President and General Man- ager International Textbook Co. Director Traders' National Bank, Title Guarantee and Surety Co. Trustee Second Presbyterian Church. Member Scranton Club, Country Club. MADISON F. LARKIN 358 Born Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1855. Educat- ed Chickering Institute, Cincinnati. Ohio. Married Harriet 10. Harrington, Feb. 14, 1889. Controller Intern;itional Textbook (Jo. Sec. Official Board Elm Park M. 10. Church. Treas. I. C. S. Ass'n. ELMER H. LAWALL 359 Born Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. 7, 1S61. Educated Lrhigh Tniversity. Married Caroline Johns, June 14, 1S8S. Consulting Mining lOngineer. Treas. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton. Secretary Diamond I^nil &• Im- provement Co. Pres. Altica Gas, Water and ElectriG Light Co. Vice Pres. Sterling Min- ing & Milling Co. Treas. Town Topics Gold Mining Co. Consulting lOngineer American Exploration Co. RUFUS JAMES FOSTER 360 Born Minersville, Pa., Oct. lo 1S.'.6. ICducated Public and Private Schools, Ashland, Pa. Married Jennie Bennett Taylor, Sept. 9, 1884. Consulting Mining Engineer. V.-Pres. In- terational Textbook Co. Dir. Town Topics Gold Mining Co.; Amer. E.Kploitation Co. Mem. Scranton Bd. of Trade; Amer. Insti- tute Mining Engineers Ass'n; Amer. Soc. Mechl. Engineers; Engineers Club of Scran- ton; Franklin Institute of Philadoli)hia ; Scranton Chib; Country Club; New Eng- land Soc. of N. E. Pa. ; Pa. Soc. Sons of the Revolution. JOHN TORRINGTON WATKINS am Born Merth^•r Tydfil, S. Wales. 1862. Edu- cated Public Schools, Taylor, Pa.; Royal Academy of Music. London. Married l\Iar- garet Lloyd, May, 1884. Teacher of Singing. Choral Conductor. Conductor of St. Peter's Cathedral Choir; The Penn Ave. Baptist ' Church Choir: Scranton Oratorio Society, First Prize Winners at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1902 (First Prize, $5,000). Winners at St. Louis World's Fair, 1904. Conductor Catholic Chor- al Club: Elm Park M. E. Sunday School; Junger Maennerchrr. EZRA E. SOUTHWORTH 362 Born Lawsville Centre, Pa., 1849. Educated Montrose Academy, Stuttgart, and Berlin, Germany. Musician. The Southworth Stu- dios of Music. Director of Music at Key- stone Academy. Ciiarter Membc and Ex- President of Pennsylvania State Music Teachers' Association. Member of Music Teachers' National Ass'n. ALBERT H. WELLS 36:5 I'rincipal Scranton High School. ALFRED COLBURN ARNOLD 364 Born Portsm.outh, K. I., March 23. 186.!. Edu- cated Harvard College. Married Margaret Pratt, Dec. IS, 1890. Schoolmaster. Principal School of Lackawanna JOHN JESSE CLARK, M. E. 365 Born Corning, N. Y., Jan. .24. 1866. Educated Corning Public Schools, Lehigh r 'niN'eisit.v. Married Mary F. ^Vat<■r^leld, Aug. 29, 1901. Mechanical Engineer. Manager Textl)ook Department (if International Textbook Co. Dean Internaliona! CoiTcspondence Schools. Membt^r American Association for Advance- n;ent of Science. Mason, 32d degree, A. A. O. N. M. S. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN D. JONES 3ti6 Born Wales, April 6, ISGO. Educated Public Schools. Married Krma B. Bethune, Feb. fith, 1899. Assistant Manager International Correspondence Schools. *JAMES HARRINGTON 367 Born Herkimer County, N. Y , Oct. 17. 1810— *Feb. 5, 1905. Married Emeline Harriet Chase, Nov. 1, 1832. Carpenter and Builder. Furniture Business in Scranton. Retired in 1865. DAVID CHASE HARRINGTON 3RS Born Tjcxinjfton (now Jewett). Green Co., N. y., Dec. 8, 1834. Educated Common and Se- lect Schools in Jewett. Married Ann Jan- nette Kemmerer, Sept. 11. 1856. Lawyer, admitted May 7, ISGO. Counsel for Interna- tional Textbook Co , International Corres- pondence School.^, Scranton, Pa. Proprietor. EDWARD LAMAZE 309 Born Fraize (Vosgos), I'^rance, March 9, 1865. Educated University of France. Married Jeanne Allaire, Aug. 22, 1888. Dean, School of Language, International Correspondence Schools. JAMES T. BEARD 370 Born Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 19, 18.j5. Edu- cated Adelphi Academy and Columbia Uni- versity. Married Am<^lia Elizabeth Lawson, May 9, 1887. Civil and Mining- Engineer; Mining Expert; Principal School nt Mines International Correspondence Schools. Asso- ciate Editor Mines and Minerals. Member of the Institution of Mining Engineers, Eng- land; Scranton Engineers' Club. ERNEST K. RODEN 371 Born Sweden, July 11, 1866. Educated, Grad- uate Government College of Nautical Science, Sweden. Married Emma Ahlberg, Dec. 15, 1897. Naval Expert. Writer on Nautical Technique. Author of standing works on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Prin- cipal School of Navigation, International Correspondence Schools. Member U. S. Naval Institute. Astronomical Society of the Pacific. National Geographic Society. Roy- al Meterological Soc. U. S. Navy League. Scranton Engineers' Club. CHARLES J. HAYES 372 Born San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 14, 1869. Edu- cated Cooper T'nion Acad, of Design. Mar- ried Eleanor Schneider. Illustrator. Chief of the Illustrating Dept. International Text- book Co. Mem. Green Ridge Masonic I.,odge. Mem. Scranton Consistory. HENRY JAMES CARR Born Pembroke, N H., Aug. 16, 1840. Edu- cated Grammar and High Schools, Manches- ter, N. H., and Grand Rapids, Mich., and I^aw Course at ITniversitv of Mich. Married D. Edith Wallbridge, May, 1886. Librarian Scranton Public Library since 1891. Fellow of the American Library Institute. Mem. Amer. Library Ass'n; Keystone Slate Li- brary Ass'n; iSTew York State Library Ass'n; Pennsjlvania Library Club. GEORGE SELWYN KIMBALL 374 Born East Hampden, Maine, June 20, 1846. Educated Hampden Academy. Married Flora A. Humphrey, June 1, ]8(i9. Writer and Author. Author Piney Home, Jay (4ould Harmon, A Modern Joseph. "Piney Home" and ".fay Gould Harmon" out and on sale. "A Modern Joseph" in preparation. Carbon- dale. * GEORGE RAUGHT. Born Newport. Township, Ijuzeine Co., Pa., Aug. IC, 1827— *Jan. 17, 1904, at Dunmiax', Pa. JOHN WILLARD RAUGHT I>andscape Born Dunmor Painter. 376 Pa., Sept. 9, 18.-, ALLAN K. LAWRENCE 377 Born Bethany. Pa., Aug. 2.?, 1864. Educated Public Schools. Married Louise Manning, P'eb. 8, 1889. Musician. Director of Orches- tra Lyceum Theatre, Star Theatre and Ac- ademy of Music. Conductor of Lawrence's Band and Orchestra. ROBERT J. BAUER 378 Born Nazaretli. Pa., 18.57. Educat.-d New York. Married Mary Leyshore, 1879. Direc- tor of Music. CHARLES HENRY DOERSAM 379 Born Scranton, Pa., Sept. 29, 1879. Educated Scranton, Pa., and New York. Musician. Conductor Scranton Symphony Orcliestra. Organist-Director of First Presbyterian Church. PATRICK W. COSTELLO 380 Born Minooka, Pa., March 11, 1866. Educated Public Schools. Married Mary A. Mahon. Sept. 25, 1890. Engrossing- and De.signing. Countv Auditor Lackawanna County, 1897- 1902. City Controller of Scranton, 1902-1905. Registration Commissioner, ]906-]'J09. TRACY M. SYMONDS 381 Born Oxford, N. Y., June 9, 1855. Educated Oxford .\cadeniy. Married May E. Mudge, Sept. 30, 1886. Principal, Secretary, Treas- urer of the Anthracite Business College. Ex- Cashier of North Scranton Bank. CHARLES R. H. JACKSON 382 Born Baltimore, Md., P^eb. 7, 1866. Educated Baltimore, Md. Married Mary Ma.ster. Di- rector of Physical Training, Y. M. C. A. Graduate of the Baltimore Central Physical Dept. and a pupil ot Dr. Sargent's Physical Training Course at Harvard Univ.; former prop, and instructor of the Bait. Private Ath- letic Club two years; Instructor New Castle Athletic Club, New Casile, Del., one year; Physical Dir. and Athletic Coach at l<"'riends Select School, Wil., Del., two years; Physical Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity Dir. Wilmington Y. M. C. A., lluet; years; Physical Dir. Wilkos-Barre Y. M. C. A., five years; l'h\sical Dir. Soianton Y. M. C. A., four year.><, which position ho now occiupies. BURT R. HALL 2S3 Born CarbondaU', I'a., D,'c. 17, li>j;). Etlncatnl Carhondale, Pa. Married Sarah U. P>arritl. April 9. IJXX). Instructor International Coi-- rospondencc Schools. D. WALT. WAGNER 3Sl Porn Liverpool, Pa., May 7, IStiS. Educated Liverpool. Pa. Married Elizabeth liolman, Feb. 22, 189". Accountant. President Book- keepers Club. Cis'ar Business. JAMES H. FULLER :',srp Born Lenox, Sus(iuelianna County, I'a , Jan. 1, 18ti9. Educated ^Vyoming■ Seminary and W'esleyau Pnivcrsity. Man-ied Vcrtie K. Dix, June 15, 1905. Princii.al No. 3G School. TIMOTHY E. ROLAND 3X11 Born L)inin!cire, I'a., Nov. 3, 1^77. l-.;ducateil Dunmore, I'a. Teacher. WILLIAM L. ROGERS Born Harford, Susi(. Co., Pa., April S, lJ-6.3. Educated Mansfield Stats Normal and Key- stone Academy. Married Alice E. Farrar, Aug. 'Id, IKil. Princip:il PiiMic School No. 2i. PATRICK A. BARRETT 388 Bern Scranton, Pa., March 10, 18.59. Educated Parochial Schools. Married Isabella E. Mur- ray, June 13, 1833. Scranton Editor Elmira Telegram. Owner of Scranton Times from 1885 to ISItl. IMeiuhi r of Knights of Columbus. JOSEPH AUGUSTINE SCRANTON 389 Born Madison, ('onn., July 2('i. 1838. l{;ducated Phillips Academy, Mass.; Yale Colleg-e. Mar- ried Ada E. Meylert. Editor and Publisher Scranton Republican. Member 47-19-51-53-54 Congress. Was Postmaster at Scranton and County Treasurer. EDWARD J. LYNETT 390 Born Dunmore, Pa.. July^ 15, 1857. Itldueated Public School.s and Millersville State Normal School. Married Nellie A. Ruddy, 1896. Edi- tor and Publisher, Scranton Times. Dir. Dime De)iosit and Discount Bank, Paragon Plastei' Co.. American School of Art and Pholosrapbx . ROBERT MEYLERT SCRANTON .391 Born Sf-'ranton, Pa , June 11, 18(15. Ediu-ated Now England. Married Helen Sperry, of Hartford, Conn., Nov. 19, 1889. Mem. Joseph A. Scranton R-. Son. I'res. Suburban Rep. Club. Mem. Country Club; Westmorelaiul Club, Wilkes- Barre; Dobson Club, Bing- hamton; Calumet Club, N. Y. Gov. Scran- ton Press Club. Mem. Green Ridge Club. STANISLAUS A. DANGEL 392 Bern Warsaw, Poland, Nov. 13, 1872. Edu- cated Warsaw. Married Maria Kr>g:M'. July 2H. l>9ti. Jomnalist. Publisher of the Polish \\eeklv "Straz." The We -kly "Gugard." Meud^er of the lOxecutive Committee t^t 1905- Iltili Internalionnl l.oacfue of Press Clubs. ELLINGHAM TRACY SWEET 393 I'Mitor The Scranton 'I'rilmne. Born Pike Townshii', Ibadfortl county, I'a. Educated in Public Schools at Montrose. Editor and Autbiu'. ^Married Fannie Hunter Foster, of Albany. N. Y JAMES WILSON GOULD 394 Born Centermoreland. Pa., Sept. 15, 1859. Educated Susquehaima (^illegiate Institute. Married Mary Elizab.nh Dodge, July 21, 1904. Journalist. Editor Si'ranton Reiniblican. OLIVER FRANCIS LEEDS 395 Born Lancaster, Nov. 12, 1860 Educated ^Tount Jay Soldiers' Oruhans' School. Busi- ness Manager The Triliune Pnblishin^r Co. Treas. Scranton Press Cluii. Canlim Co. 1, 2nd Regiment, Dept. Penn'a, S. V. R. EDWIN FITZGERALD FERRIS 39t; Born West Pittsion. Pa., May 17. 1878. Edu- cated Harvy Hillman Academy. Princeton TTniversitv and New York Daw School. Mar- ried M. E. Cornelia Gilpin, Nov. 29. 19'M. Journalist. Lawyer. Assistant to the Presi- dent Scranton Truth Publishing Company. W. SCOTT COLLINS 397 Bern Peebles. Scotland. Jan. 13. 18,58. Edu- cated Free Church School, Peebles. Married Catherine Ann Kes, May fi, 18S6. Architect. Principal The School of Architecture. Inter- national Correspondence Schools. Record- ing-Chief Scranton Caledonian Club. THOMAS N. THOMSON 292 Prin. of School of Pliuiibing, Heating and Ventilation, Inter. Corr. Schools. Sanitary Eng. Prin. Is a scholar of Heriot-Watt Coll.. Edinburgh. He was Ass't Lecturer in Plumbing and Sanitation, and Chief Ins. in Bldg. Construction and Drawing in the Ins. of Scien<-e and Technology, Edinburgh; reg- istered as a Science Teacher by the Science and Art Dept., London, Eng. Holds the full Technological Certificate of the City of I.,on- i1on for Sanitary Plumbing; worked as .lour- neyman and Foreman for Sanitary Engi- neers in this Count I'y and Eurone. and man- aged a large shoii on I^. I. With I. C. S. since May 1, 1894. CHARLES RUTHVEN FULLER 399 B(U-n NVyoming, Pa., Oct. 2, 1849. Edm'ated Public Schools. Married Katherihe R. Scran- ton, Feb S, 1899. Chief Clerk International Salt Companv. President Scranton Bicycle Club. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity GEORGE W. SMITHING 4no Bnrn Scranton. Pa., June 7, 1867. Educated Public Schools. Superintendent Job Depart- ment, Scranton Tribune. Secretary Scranton Press CUib. CHESTEB PAULTON WILSON 401 Born Indianapolis. Ind., Feb. S, 1871. Edu- cated Cornell University. Married Alice Rose Anderson, Feb. 20. 1901. Superin- tendent Lackawanna &. Wyoming Valley R. K. Oompary. Asso. Member of American Society Mechanical Engineers. Asso. Mem- ber of American Institute Electrical Engi- neers. CHARLES F. CONN 402 Born Concord, New Uamijshire, Nov. 11. 1805. Educated Dartmouth College. Married Mabel S. Dwight, Nov. 7, 1SS9. Vice President Lackawanna and Wjoming Valley R. R. Co. BENJAMIN FORNEY WYLY, JR. 403 Born Jacksonville, Ala., .Tan. 22, 18(i2. Edu- cated University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Married Anna Ellis Peek, Jan. 26, 1887. Traliic Manager Lackawanna and Wyo- ming Valley Railroad Co. JAMES McKINNEY 404 ' Born Broome (^junty (near Deposit), N. Y. Nov. 26, ISEO. Educated Parochial School, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Married Anna Loui.sa Barrett, June 26, 1901. Attorney-at-Law with the D., L. &■ W. R R. Co. Coal Department. *ANDREW BRYDEN 405 Born A> rshire, Scotland, Jan. 10, 1827— "Aug. 29. 1901. Educated Ayrshire, Scotland. Mar- ried Ann Law, June 6, 1S45. Superintendent of Mines for Pennsylvania Coal Co. for over fifty years. ALEXANDER BRYDEN 406 Born Carbondale, Pa., July 2, 1850. Educated Lafayette College. Married Margaret Law, Oct. IS, 1872. Consulting Mining Engineer for Penna. Coal Co. and Hillside Coal and Iron Co. Second Vice Pres. Scranton Engi- neers Club. JAMES Y. BRYDEN 407 Born Pittston, Pa., May 26, 1866. Educated Wilkes-Barre Academy .and Lafayett(i Col- lege. Married Florence Roliertson, Sept. 17, 1891. Civil and Mining Engineer. ARCHIBALD LAW BRYDEN 408 Bern Carbondale, Pa., March 3, 1848. Edu- cated Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa. ^Married Anna A. Daman, Oct. 24, 1876. I.,ife and Accident Insui'ance. FRIEND FERNANDO MERRIMAN * 4(i9 Born Upsonville, Susciuehanna Co., Pa., Nov. 1, 1846. Educated. Graduate of Union Col- lege, Schenectady, N. Y. Married Helen A. Messenger. iMay It. 1871. Civil En.gineer. Real Estate in Pennsylvania and New York City. Penn'a Coal Coinpany A. A. College Fra- ternity. Staten Island Chamber of Commerce. Scranton Engineers Club. WILLIAM H. BARRETT 410 Born Plymoutli, Ind. Educated Plymouth, Ind. Raili'oad Operator. At present (1905) Superintendent Erie Railroad, Scranton, Pa. Previous to service with Erie Railroad was engaged with other Railroad Companies in the West after leaving school. VICTOR L. PETERSEN 411 Born Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. IS, 1862. Educated Copenhagen, Denmark. Married Caroline Hansen, Dec. 31, 1884. General Su- perintendent of the Hillside Coal and Iron Companv. Dir. First National Bank, Forest City, Pa. WILLIAM WALLACE INGLIS 412 Born Scranton, Pa., Jan. 19, 1871. Educated Scranttm. Pa. Married Gertrude Ja>ne Ken- nedy, Oct. 28, lOiJo. Superintendent Pennsyl- vania Coal Co. JOHN GEORGE EISELE Born New York City, July -8, 1855. Educated New York and Scranton Common Schools. Married Anna Orss, June 25, 1897. General Coal Agent Delaware & Hudson Company. ALFRED EMORY LISTER 414 Born CarI)ondale, Pa., July 8 1864. Educated Lehigh Cniversity, (Tlass of 1892. Married Bercha Louise Colvin, Sept. 19, 1894. Mechan- ical lOngineer for D. & H. Co., Coal Depart- ment. Secretary Scranton Engineers' Club. J. RUSSELL PECK 415 Born Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, Pa., Aug. 26, 1840. Educated Public Schools. Married Harriett E. Chittenden, July 12, 1871. School Teacher. Tax Agent Delaware and Hudson Co. for 21 years. FRANK C. PECK 416 Born Scranton, Pa., July 21, 1^78. Educated Public Schools. Married Louise M. Gunster, Jan. 1. 1903. Assistant Tax Agent D. & H. Co. -HENRY F. ATHERTON 417 Born Bernaidston, IMass , July 30, 1834— *April 3, 1899. Educated Public Schools. Married Abbie Foster Roc. Oct. 12, ISiM. Paymaster Delaware and Hudson T'o. for thirty-five years. Secretary and Treas. Providei'ce Gas and Water Co. JERRE L. ATHERTON 418 Born Wyoming, Luzerne County. Pa., Jan. 6, 1836. Educated Scranton. Married Clara L. Bjllard, Sept. 22, 1857; (Nellie M. Blair, Jin. 1, 1874). Ex-Assistant Superintendent of Delaware and Hudson Coal Company. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity THOMAS SHOTTON •110 Born Hazlttoti. I'a., Fob. 1. IS.V1. Kilucatod AVilkes-Harro. i'a. Married IMargari't Gil- lespie. Sept. :!(i, !S.S^; Annie R. Gillespie, Doc. 15. 1900. Supply Ag:ent Delaware and Hudson Co. Director Scranton Poor District. JOHN R. ATHERTON Born Scranton, I'a., Jan. 11, 1872. Educated Private Schools. Paymaster for Delaware and Hudson Coiup.inv. Vice President Norlli Scranton Bank. ROBERT F. KILPATRICK 421 Born Philad-'lphia, Pa., Feb. 20, I860. Edu- cated Hish School, Newark, Ohio. Married Blanche Smith, Dec. IV, ISItt;. Superintendent of MotiNO I'owei and 10(|uipment, Delaware, Lackawanna and WCsteru Kailioad Co. ARTHUR CLARK LaMONTE 422 Born East Worcester, N. Y., Oct. 31, IS.J'J. Educated Scranton High School. Married Luella J. Frace, Oct. 5, ISSiS. Chief Engineer Coal Miinng Department D., L. & W. R. R. Co. ALBERT S. BAKER 423 Born Carbondale, Pa., Sept. 5.. 1870. Educated High School. Cai-bondale, Pa. Married Ger- trude Hanlman, April 17, 1895. Auditor Coal Accounts D., L. Sr W. R. R. Treasurer R. R. Y. M. C. A. Dir. Chambersburg, Bangor, and Forty Fort Silk Companies. CHARLES EDWARD TOBEY 424 Born Morris, N. \'., March 22, 1863. Educated Morris. N. Y., and Susq., Pa. Married Aimie E. Bartram, Oct. 30, 1884 Assistant Supt. Coal Mining Department D., L. & \V. R. R. Co. Pres. Green Ridge Club. Dir. Lackawanna & Montrose Railroad. FRED H. CRIPPEN 425 Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 18, 1862. Educated Scranton. Civil Engineer with Delaware and Hudson Company. MORGAN DAVIS, JR. 426 Born Mount Carmel, Pa., Feb. 12, 1S()7. Edu- cated Lehigh University. Mining Engineer. Member American Institute of Mining Engi- neers. HUBERT D. JOHNSON 427 Born Scranton, Pa., May 31, 1874. Educated St. Michael'.s College, Toronto. Can. Married Mary II. Lagan, Oct. 2, 1891. Civil and Mining Engineei-. Mine Inspector. Engi- neer for Scranton Coal Co. Mine Inspector Lackawanna Coiuity. WILLIS HENRY LOOMIS 42S Born Paines Hollow, Herkimer Coimtv, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1871. Educated Cornell University, Class 1891. Ci\il and Mining Engineer. Draughtsman, Hall of Records, Brooklyn, 1Mi..-:m;. Chauman N. Y. Div. Erie R. R. on .Maintenauee of AVay Vork, 189(5-98. Asst. Eug. Del. & Jeff. Div., 1898-99. With the D., I>. & W. R. R. Co. since 1899, superintending con.struction. etc. Inspector of Mines. En- gineer and Foreman in charge erection New Diamond Hie.iki r. * WALTER REESE 429 Born ^V■ales, Doc. 23, 1857. Educated Common Schools. Married Lizj^io Davis, February, 1885. District Superintendent for D., L. & \V. Coal Co. Member \Vel.>-h Baptist Church, North Scranton, I'a. JOHN G. HAYES 430 Born Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1866. Educated Waverly, N. Y. Married Katharine Dawney, Aug. 26, 1891. Superintendent of Coal Mines. Director of Kevstone Bank. HENRY G. DAVIS 431 Born Wales, Sept. 4, 1861. Educated Public Schools. Married Margar«'t Davis, May 1st, 1881. Superintendent of Coal Mines. Mom. K. of P., F. & A. M., }b].tasni)hs. FRANK A. JOHNSON 432 Born Tamaqua, Pa., Dec. 13, 1865. Educated Avoca, Pa. Married Maude A. Capwell, Oct. 11, 1889. General Inspector Erie Coal Com- panies. EVAN JOSEPH EVANS '^ 403 Born Neith, Wales, Sept. 9, 1846. Educated Common Schools, Wales and United States. Married Mary Michael, Feb. 3, 1866. Coal Mining District Superintendent D., L. & W. R. R. Coal Mniing Dept., forty-one years. Republican. THOMAS SAER MORGAN 434 Born Wales, Oct. 13, 18!9. Married Il^mma Pitt, April 29, 1880. IVTining Engineer. THOMAS J. WILLIAMS 435 Born Wales, Great Britain, July 23, 1.852. Edu- cated Wales. Great Brit.ain. Married Caro- line Evans, March 26. 1870. District Mine Superintendent Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co. DAVID T. WILLIAMS 436 Born Wales, Aug. 18, 1870. Educated Scran- ton, Pa., International Correspondence Schools. Married Anna Markwick, Nov. 5, 1890. Mine Inspector l-'ourth Anthracite Dist., Scranton, Pa. Scranton Lodge, No. 123, B. P. O. Elks: Pocono Tribe, 1. O. R. M. : Green Ridge Camp, No. 8080, M. W. of A.; Keystone Lodge, No. 37, L. K. of A.; Aerie No. 314, F. O. O. Eagles. Mine Foreman at Bellevue Colliery two years, at Dodge Colliery of the D., L. & ^y. R. R. three years. JAMES M. EATON 43.7 ^ Horn Archbald. Pa.. IS.'O. Educated Public Schools. Married Alice Ohl, Oct. 12, 1871. Master Mechanic with the D., L. & W. Coal Mining Departnient of Scranton. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JAMES M. THOMAS 438 Born Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Martha Harri.?, Oct. 2, 1872; Ann Richards, May 30, 1891. Mine Foreman No. 1 Storrs, D., L. & W. Director North Seranton Bank. HENRY EI>LSWORTH HARRIS 439 Born Schuylkill Co.. March 8, 18<>.5. Educated Woods Business College Scranton. Married S. Emily Dowse, Sept. 16. 1891. Superintend- ent of Mines. Was Pres. Taylor Boro. Coun- cil seven years. Mem. Taylor Republican Club. Mem. Royal Arcanum, Heptasophs, Knights of Malta and Red Men. DAVID LLOYD 440 Born Tredeg-ar. So. Wales, March 30, 1870. Educated Scranton I. C. S. Married Liille Prestwood, Oct. 28, 1897. Ass't Mine Supt. for D., L. & W. Co., also Pres. Bellevue Coal Co. Mem. Empire Lit. Soc. of Scran- ton. Came to Scranton, June, 1884 and worked m the Lack'a Co.'s mines. In 1891-2 was elected Twp. Clerk and served for 2 years. In 1893 studied with the I. C. S. of Scranton. Was appointed Mine Foreman at Dodsre Mine, July 11, 1901, and again to Bellevue Mine, Jan. 1, 1903. Was appointed Ass't Dist. Supt., Jan. 1, 1906. Appointed Pres. of the Bellevue Coa! Co., Jan. 15, '06. HARRY MUNSON WARREN 441 Born Worcester, Mass., Nov. 22, 1875. Edu- cated Worcester, Mass. Married Flora Mor- ris, September, 1901. Electrical Engineer, D., L. & W. R. R. FRANK N. TAIT 442 Born Margaretsville, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1877. Edu- cated Common School. Married Viola M. Fuller, May 1, 1902. Agent for Delaware and Hudson Company and National Express Company of Dickson City, Pa. *FRANK HANAWAY 443 Born Armaugh, Ireland, March 16, 1842— *March 24, 1898. Educated Minuth College, Dublin, Ireland. Married Agnes O'Hara, June 27, 1874. Mining Engineer. W. G. HANAWAY 444 Born Scranton, Pa., July 16, 1880. PZducated St. Michael's Coll., Toronto, Can. Promoter. *J. WILSON PECK 443 Born Colerain, Mass., July 9, 1826— *Oct. 14, 189.5. Educated Peckville & Wyoming Semin- ary. Married Mercyetta Hall, May 26, 18.53; Hattie Wilson, Sept. 10, 1879. Lumber Mer- chant. Connected with Lackawanna Lumber Co., the Peck I^umbei- Co. and Dime Deposit and Discount Bank. JOHN D. PECK 446 Born Greenfield, Mas.s., April 26, 1831. Edu- cated Wyoming Seminary. Married Sarah Sneidecor, Aug. 26, 1852. Ivumbering and Man- ufacturing. Pres. Peck Lumber Co. Con- nected with the U. S. Lumber Co. Pres. Peckville National Bank, also other Corpora- tions. Peckville, Pa. * CHARLES D. WINTER 447 Born Binghamton, N. Y., May 23, 1851-*Aug. 8, 1902. Educated Wyoming Seminary. Mar- ried Jennie M. Wells, Sept. 15, 1872. Mer- chant. Director of First National Bank of Carbondale, Pa. Prominent Member of First M. E. Church. Was spoken several times as Delegate Gen. Conference. Peckville. JAMES D. STOCKER 418 Born in Salem Twp., Pa., March 9, 1850. Educated Com. School and Acad, at Hol- listerville. Married Miss Francis Raymond, daughter of Rev. A. R. Raymond, in 1872; Miss Gertrude Lenore Raymond, sister of Miss P^'rancis Raymond, in 1881; Miss Oc- tavia Wood Morrison, of Statesville, N. C, 1889. Has two sons, Frank R. Stocker, Att'y, now practicing- law in Scranton, and Claude P. Stocker, of Pittsburg, in editorial work, and one daughter, Eleanor Gertrude Stocker. Was in a .general merchandise business in Jermyn, where he did a large and prosperous biisiness for over twenty-five years, retiring in 1903. Was Pres of Jermyn and Rush- brook Water Co. Also promoted the pur- chase of the Honesdale Water Co., and was active in the management until it was sold. Is now Pres. of Montrose Water Co., of the Armstrong Water Co., of the Latrobe Water Co., and Treas. of Huntingdon Water Co., all of Pa.. One of the organizers and Vice- President of Nat. Water Wks. and Guar. Co. Pres. of the Wilson Lumber and Mill- ing Co., at Lenoir, N. C; also Stockholder and Dir. in a number of othei< corporations. ARTHUR B. WINTER 449 Born Jermyn, Pa., April 5. 1882. Educated Jermyn Public Schools and Wyoming Semin- ary. Merchant. Director First National Bank. Member F. "& A. M., I. O. O. F., Lodge No. S.50, Jermyn, Pa. JOHN B. GRIFFITHS 450 Born Jerinyn, Pa., April 9, 1871. Educated Eastman's Business College, Wyoming Sem- inary, and Wesleyan University. Postm,aster. Director of IJght Company. Senior Warden F. & A. M. Member of Crystal Fire Co., Jermyn, Pa. GEORGE S. DUNN 451 Born Ararat, Susquehanna County, Pa., April 6, 1870. Educated Forest City, Pa. Married Rose M. Rich, Jan. 1, 1895. Insurance. Ice Business. Organized First Nat. Bank, Jer- myn, Pa. Manager Anthracite Telephone Co. Member of Borough Council. 190.3-1906. Fire Insurance and Real Estate Business in Jer- myn, since 1595. WILLARD MORTEN FREAR 452 Born Peckville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1865. Educated Peckville High School. Married Lillian F. Grehier. Sept. 25, 1889. Merchant. Mem. Lack. Com., No. ;>51, K. of M., Peckville. Pa.; Modern Woodmen of America, Green Ridge Camp, No. S080. Peckville, Pa. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity J. HENRY WHEELER 453 Born Scott. L.u-kawaniia t'dumv. Pa.. April I). 1842. K(liioatt . M.irrii d Nettie Avery. April ,'i, IJKK'). Retired Mercliant. Soldier of the Rebellion, Co. B, .mh RcRt.. l^enna Vols. iOx-Post- master. Mem. Lod^e No. ,-,2;{. F. & A. M. Jerniyn, Pa. JOHN WINFIELD AITKEN 454 Born Carbondale, Pa., 1S50. Educated I'ar- bondale lli^h School. Married Isabella Morss, 1S77. Real Kstate. Carbondale, Pa. EDWARD EUGENE GREINER 455. Born llonesdale, Pa., Feb. 21, 1843. Edu- cated Honesdale, Pa. Married Clara R. Wilcox, May 27, 1802. Merchant. Intere.sled in Coal Business. Knickerbocker Coal Co. Councilman. Treas. Blakely Boro. Council. School Dir. Blakely Boro. Connected with the D. & II. Co., (or 21 \ ears. Peckville, Pa. FLOYD R. GREINER 456 Born Peckville, Pa., Sept. 4. 1871. Educated Peckville and Scranton, Pa. I\Iarried I>ily J. Kestell, Dec. IS. 1S93. Merchant. Inter- ested in Coal. Knickerbocker Coal Co. Banner Coal Co. V. S. Lumber Co. Missis- sippi R. R. Co. Member Oriental Star Lodge, No. 5S8, F. &■ A. M., Peckville, Pa.; Lackawanna Chai>ter, No. 188, Scranton, Pa.; Melita Com., No. 488; Irem Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., W.-Barre, Pa. Peckville, Pa. JOHN MITCHELL 457 Born Braidwood, 111., Feb. 4, 1870. Edu- cated, Ten Terms in District School. Mar- ried Catherine 0"Rourke, June 1, 1892. Pres. of IT. M. W. of A.; Second V.-Prcs. A. F. of L. .JoHil Chairnian Cum. on ^^'age Agreements, Nat. (..'ivic Federation. TERENCE V. POWDERLY 458 *JOSEPH POWDERLY 459 Born Carbondale, P'a., May 5, 1841-*May Ifi, 1903. Educated Carbondale, Pa. Married Mary Stapleton, May 11, 1864; Catherine Loftus, Feb. 10, 1880. Custom Officer at Eagle Pa.ss, Tex., 1897-1903. Merchant. Postmaster Carbondale, 1886-1890. Mem. "Special Com., V. S. Treas. Dept.", 1891. Carbondale, Pa. *FRANK SMITH 460 Born Carbondale, Pa., April .3, I8o0— *May 20, 1304. Educated Public Schools. Married Catherine A. Graves, Dec. 13, 1871. Shipping Agent O. & W. R. R. Co. 1863 started as Telegraijh I!oy. Later was made Assistant Paymaster of Telegraph Co. Later Ship- ping Agt. I). X.- 11. K R C(.. Cnil>iindaie, Pa. *JACOB DERAGO CLARK 401 Born Phillipsburg, N. J., Juu" 14, 18.35— *April I'l, I.Slis. Educated Hone.sdale, Pa. Married Lauretta A. Reed, July 26, •!870. Tobacconist. 1'v<']k and Manfr of L. D. Clark's Si)anish Cli|)pings. Manfr of the lirsl cigai's made in Scranton. Vet. Mem. of Peter Williamson l.ndj;,-. !•-. ,>t A. M. EDWIN W. PEARCE 462 Born Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 7, 1844. lOducated Wyoming Seminary. Mar- ried Etta L. Robins, Oct. 24, 1872. Carpenter and Builder. Men:. Co. A, 107th Pa. Vol. Inf. during Civil War. Capt. Co. B. Maj. of ttli Kegt. Capt. Co. H, KUh Regt., N. G. P. Ex- Prisoner of War. Mem. of T'nion Ex-Prisoners of War Ass'n. Mem. Lieut. Ezra S. GrifFin Post, 139, G. A. R. *JOHN SWEENY 4G3 Born Iieland, ls:K -*18S3. Educated Com- mon Schools. Married Sarah Fallon, 1855. l^ndertaker. Real Estate. Blacksmithing Business in 18.")5. Furniture Store in 1871. Built Sweeney's Hotel. Dir. Arclibald Water Co. Different Oflicial Positions. Receiver of Blakely To\\nship, 1SS2. JOHN B. HOBDAY 464 Born OxfJ. G. P., 1S99. Resigned 1902. Mont- rose, Pa. *LELAND B. POTTER 471 Born Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1832— *Sept. 21. 189U. r;ducated Cooperstown, N. Y. Married Helen C. Finch, Jan. 1, 18.57. ^^'holesale INIerchant. EDWARD B. DEANE 472 Born Andover, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1853. Edu- cated Andover, N. Y. Married Jennie How- ell, Feb. 27, 1891. Coal Operator and Real Estate. WILLIAM T. HACKETT 473 Born Clifton, Carbon Co., Pa.. July 26, 1851. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Mary Mayer, Oct. 25, 1881. Real Estate. JOSEPH E. HARDING 474 Nichol.<^on, Pa. HENDRICK E. PAINE 475 Born Painesville, O., March 12, 1845. Edu- cated Madis'T'n Seminary. Married Jennie L. Powers, Dec. 25, 1S66. Fire Ins. H. E. Paine & Son, Gen. Agents and Adjusters. Mem. Co. D, ICSth O. V. I., Third Div. 14th Army Corns, Army of the Cumberland, War of the Rebellion. ERNEST I. PAINE 476 Born Plainsville. O., Nov. 12, 1.8G7. Edu- cated Hiram College. Married Nettie Moore, Oct. 14, 1891. Fire Ins. H. E. Paine & Son, Gen. Agents and Adjusters. THOMAS J. McGUIRE 477 Born Glasgow, Scotland, March 9, 1852. Educated Public Schools. Married Rose E. Judge, April lli. 1S75. Gen. Agt. Equitable Life Assurance Soc. of N. Y. Dir. of C. C. C. Co. HENRY J. SCHUBERT 478 Born near Mertztown, Berks Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1851. Educated Longswamp, Berks Co., Pa. Married Maria H. Mertz, Oct. 24, 1878. Supt. Prudential Ins. Co. of America. Mem. Scranton Board of Trade. MICHAEL J. O'MALLEY 479 Bovn Ireland. Educated Public Schools. Married Bridget O'Donnell. Gen. Ins. and Real Estate. Dir. Towanda Silk Mills. Dir. Central Loan and Investment Co. MOSES W. O'MALLEY 480 Born Scranton, Pa., Feb., 1883. Educated St. Thomas College. Silk Manfr. Sec. Central Loan and Investment Co. Yica- Pres. Towanda Silk Mills. EUGENE HEELEY 481 Born Kingston, Pa., Aug. 29, 1864. Educated Scranton High School. Married Gertrude A. Shifter, Sept. 18, 1900. Gen. Fire Ins. Pan- sy I>uniber Co. Vice Pres. Federal Granite Brick Co. Mem. Scranton Bicycle Club, Country Club, Central Rep. Club. JOHN F. BROADBENT 482 Born Scranton, Pa., Dec. 27, 1863. Educated Public Schools. Married Kate Tripp, Feb. 9, 1892. Gen. Agent Liability and Boiler Dept., Penn'a. Casualty Co. Y. M. C. A. (Associate). Scranton Club. Scranton Bi- cycle Club. B. P. O. Elks, 123. RALPH A. AMERMAN 483 Born Scranton. Pa., May 19, 1884. Educated Cornell LTniversity. Married Ada May Wrightnuur, April 13, 1905. Realty Owner. ARTHUR HOVEY STORRS 484 Born Buffalo. N. Y., Oct. 12, 1862. Educated Rensselaer I'olytechnical Ins., Troy, N. Y. Married Jane Scranton Fuller, June 2, 1886. Civil Ens^ineer. ALBERT B. CLAY 485 Born Glenburn, Pa., July 8, 1866. Educated Public Schools. Married Lillian Esther Sny- der, Dec. 13. 1893. Life Ins. Mgr. Sec. and Treas. The Hutton Electrical Co. FREDERICK V. HARTZELL 486 Born Scranton, Pa., Feb. 21, 1874. Educated Wood's Bus. College. Married Alice M. Gui'St, Nov. 15, 1898. Real Estate and Fire Ins. Manager of the Auditorium. Local Agt. for Home Fire and Marine. Nat. and Securitj' T''ire Ins. Cc's. EDWIN BROOKS FRANKLIN Born New Y'ork City, Jan. 20, 186.5. Educat- ed Public Schools. Married Evelyn L. Kays, Nov. 21, 1895. Gen. Ins. Mem. Scranton Board of Trade, Green Ridge Lodge, F. & A. M., 597. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity FREDERICK W. EMRICH 48S Born Scranton. Pa., May 2"). 1S70. Kducated Scranton, Pa. Gen. In.surance. *MOSES BROWN 489 Born Westphalia. Germany. Nov. 6. 1838— *June 8, 1903. Married Pauline Harris, Nov. 20, ISTO. Department Store, and last few years, Insurance. *ISAAC BROWN 490 Born Scranton. Pa., Nov. 19, 1871— *Feb. 15, 1901. Educated School of the Lackawanna. General Insurance. GUS N. BROWN 491 Born Scranton, Pa., Aus'. 31, 18S2. Edu- cated Scranton High School. General In- surance. Brown & Son. HENRY SCHNELL 492 Born Germany, Nov. 3, 1835. Educated Eingen on Rhine, Germany. Married Eva Shlppey, Oct. 28, 1S71. Retired. JAMES F. TIMLIN 493 Born Minooka, L.ack"a Co., Pa., March 6, 186S. Educated Taylor Public Schools and Wood's Business College. Married Jennie Eoughney, June 26, 1901. George E. Timlin & Co., Undertaking and Livery, at Taylor. Furniture at Old Forge, Pa. GEORGE L. TIMLIN 494 Born Minooka, April 17, 1861. Educated Common Schools. Furniture and Under- taking. Sec. to Board of Directors Taylor Discount and Deposit Bank, Taylor, Pa. D. JEREMY DAVIS 495 Born Scranton, Pa.. Feb. 20, 187G. Educated Scranton Public Schools, Keystone Acad- emy. Finished at School of the Lacka. Cashier Taylor Discount and Deposit Bank, Taylor, Pa. JOHN F. TAYLOR ■\% Born Gibson (now East Gibson), Susq. Co., Pa., Aug. 22, 1837. Educated Common Schools. Married Rachel Icoberts, June 29, 1872. Contracting and Lumber Merchant, firm of 'J'aylor & Tubbs. Dir. Taylor De- posit and Discount Bank. WILLIAM C. NICHOLSON 497 Born Tavlor, Pa., Oct. 3, 1S61. Educated Jcrmyn. Married Martha J. Gill, Sept. 23, 1891. Lumber Merchani. Mgr. Nicholson Brothers' Planing Mill and I^umber Yard. Mem. Aurora Lodge, i'\ K- A. M.; Rush- brook Lodge and I. O. O. h\ Jcrmyn, Pa. JOHN F. NICHOLSON 4!iS Born Arihbald, Pa., cated Jermyn, Pa. March 4, isr.s. lOdu- Married Susie B. Kir- lin, Oct. 10, 1.S96. Carpenter. Aurora Lodge, F. & A. M., 523; I. O. O F., Rushbrook Lodge, 8o(». Jermyn, Pa. JOHN D. ATHERTON 499 Born Taylor, Pa., June 3, 1860. Educated Scranton Public Schools, V.'yoming Semin- ary. Married Ruth B. Ward, Oct. 10, 1894. Atherton Bros., General Store, Taylor, Pa. WILLARD ATHERTON Born Taylor. I'a., Nov. 5, 1SC4. Educated Scranton l'ul)lic Schools. Married Margaret A. Whitelord, Jan. 14, 1902. Atherton Bros., General Store. Vice-Pres. and Dir. Taylor Discoimt and Deposit Bank. MICHAEL G. LANGAN 501 Born Ireland, Sept. 15, 1855. Educated Pub- lic Schools. Married Mary A. Manley, Feb. 10, 1882. Gen. Ins. State Treas. C. R. & B. A.; Pres. Council 129, C. R. & B. A.; Treas. Branch 85, C. M. B. A. GEORGE FOSTER 502 Born Southampton, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1815— *Aug. 23, 1867. Educated Southampton, N. Y. Married Maria L. Bennett, Jan. 21, 1842. Merchant and I>umbernian. HENRY JESSUP FOSTER 503 Born Carbondale. Pa., Oct. 14, 1860. i:du- cated Scranton, Pa. Married May H. Ainey, Oct. 14, 1891. Insurance, Moore & Foster, Scranton, I*a. Rc-.^id^r-ni c, W. Pittston. THOMAS MOORE 501 Born NfW ^ ork City. General Insurance, Firm of Moore & Foster. MORTON H. CARPENTER 505 Born Fleetville, Lack'a Co., July 14, 18C7. Educated Manstield State Nor. School. Mar- ried Agnes I. Bliss. Sept. 16, 1893. Real Es- tate, West I'ark Land Co. JOHN B. S. GALPIN 50'J Born Unadilla, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1877. Educat- ed Binghaniton, N. Y. Married Agnes Lil- lian Sha.v, July 16, 1902. Rial Estate. BERNARD J. CUMMINGS 507 Born Jessup. Aug. H, 1S6.'. Educated Com. mon Schools. Married Bridget Gallagher, July 19, 1893. Merchant. Worked in breaker at age of 10 years, sold first Sunday news- ]>aper in Town of Jessup. Engineer at age of 18. School Controller for Boro. of Winton for 3 consecutive terms. Interested in Jes- sup Fire Uei>t. Dir. Peekville Nat. Bank. ROBERT E. PRENDERGAST 508 Manufac luring Stationer, Lithographing, Printing and Binding. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity *PHILIP ROBINSON, JR. 509 Born Lauterecken, Rheinpfalz, Germany, March 2S, ls41— *Sept. 20, iSTf). Educated Schools at Ijauterecken. Married Wilhel- mina Schimpff, Oct. 12. lSii2. Brewer. Mem. * Schiller Lodge, No. 345, F. & A. M. * PETER KRANTZ 510 Born Aetriein. Prussia, Aug. 17. 1S37. Edu- cated Aetriem, Prus.sia. Married Gertrude Hinseus, May 4, 1863. Brewer. Came to America at age ot 15, settled near Hones- dale, Pa. 1873 went with the Stegmaier Brewing Co., as traveling salesman. Ten jears later, with A. Hartuiig, jjurchased the Irving Cliff Brewery. In 1S97 sold out his interest to the Cent. Penn'a Brewing Co., but was retained as Manager until time of death. Carbondale. *ROBERT ROBINSON 511 Born Scranton. Pa., Dec. IS. 1S69— *Dec. 19, 1898. Educated Public Schools, Scranton. With M. Robinson, Brewing. Mem. Com- mon and Select Councils. * EDMUND J. ROBINSON 512 Born Scranton. Pa., March 17, 1S68— *June 12, 1904. Educated Public Schools, Scranton. City Controller, lS9t>-]899 and City Treas. » 1899-July, 1902. With M. Robinson, Brewing. *ATJGUSTUS FROTHINGHAM 513 Born Johnstown, N. Y., July 30, 1825— *Dec. 8, 1874. Educated Union Coll. Married Martha Hurley, at Carbondale, Oct. 3. 1849. Was a Civil Eng., an Architect and a Drug- gist. As.sisted in laying out the D. & H. Gravity R. R. from Carbondale to Hones- dale; also the Washington R. R., later known c)s the Pa. Coal Co.'s gravity road, from Pittston to Hawley. Was its iirst Pay- master and Auditor, residing at that time at Pittston. Owned and laid out W. Pitts- ton. He was a man of great energy. ARTHUR FROTHINGHAM 514 Born W. Piitston, Pa. Educated N. Y. Is a Civil Eng. and Architect. Married Laura Fitz Randolph, of Hamilton, N. Y. Is Pres. of the Rockv Glen Water Co.; the Rocky Glen Park Co.; the Reeky Glen R. R. Co.; the Rocky Glen Co.; the Pocono Mt. Water Sup. Co.; the Tunkhannak Water Sup. Co.; the N. Y., Pocono and West. R. R. Co.; the Overland R. R. C(>. ; the Penn'a Powder Co.; the Pocono Mt. Land Co. The creator of North I'ark; the Designer, Builder and Owner of the "Frothuigham," known as the handsomest theatre in this part of the state. Introduced the first typewriting machine in N. E. Penn'a. Built the first electric light plant in Pa. Introduced the telephone to this conmiunit5'. Has handled millions of dollars \\orth of coal lands and city prop- erty. A leading spirit in some of our great- " est enterprises, 'i'he conceivor and builder of Rocky Glen Park. A man of great energy and acknowledged ability, originality and creative power. WILLIAM HENRY WHYTE 515 Born South Wales, Great Britain, Feb. 15, 1850. Educated Pittston, Pa. Married Clara L. Burgess, Nov. 12, 1889. Prop. Hotel Ter- race, Scranton, Pa. VICTOR KOCH 513 Born Germany, Nov. 21, 1841. Educated Ger- many Public Schools. Married Caroline Trust, May 3. 1870. Prop. Scr.anton House since April 1, 1870. Dir. Fed. Granite Brick Co. Pres. Keyser Valley Land and Im- provement Co. Dir. Northern Pacific Brew- ing Co., in Astoria, Ore. MAX RICE 517 Born Germany, April 2, 184,'i. Married Hen- rietta Cohen. Oct. 25, 1876. Wholesale Gro- cer. Pres. Scranton Cold Storage & Ware- house Co. Pres. and Dir. different Building and Loan Associations. WILLIAM H. PIERCE 518 Born Brooklyn, N. Y., 1851. Educated Pub- lic Schools. INIarried Carrie L. Edwards. Pres. and Gen. Man. The Pierce Co. In- terested in several home enterprises. JOHN H. SHORT 519 Born Delaware, Jan. 20, 1867. Educated Delaware. Married Lida C. King, Nov. 12, 1889. Wholesale Fruits, Produce and Dairy Products. GEORGE W. HORNBAKER 520 Born Madisonville. I^ack'a Co., Pa., March 23, 18G0. Educated Common Schools. Mar- ried Lulu B. Gardner, April 19, 1892. Gen. Mgr. Scranton Cold Storage and Ware- house Co. Connected with the Scranton Cold Storage and Warehouse Co. as Man- ager Hud Dii-. for the past eight years. MAURICE M. BENNETT 521 Born Clinton Tv^-p., Wayne Co.. Pa., Oct. 12, 1857. Educated Public Schools. Married Lizzie Scott, Oct. S, 1885. Treas. of The Pierce Co., Wholsale and Retail Produce Dealers. HERBERT R. HIGHAM 522 Born Bramfield, Eng., March 9, 1S72. Edu- cated England. Married Nora L. Sherwood, Sept. 12. 1900. Sec. The Pierce Co., Whole- sale and Retail Produce Dealers. JOHN GROVER HUGHES 523 Born Scranton, Pa., March 19. 1870. Edu- cated Public School and Wyoming Semin- arj-. Married Bertha C. Longshore, May 23, 1S94. Vice-Pres. The Pierce Co. DANIEL S. STONE 524 Born A:iburn, Pa., Sept. 10, 1865. Educated Public Schools. Married Minnie Lang, Feb. 7, 1905. Manager The Pierce Co., Wholesale and Retail Produce. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity JOHN McCRINDLE Born GhiSKow, Stothind, Jan. 17, IStlO. F.iUi- cated Luzerne t'nuntv. Pa. Married Mary E. McMillan. Dec. 10, 1885. Wholesale Flour and I'rodiice IMerchant. Swift Mc- Crindle . antl Masonic Order. A Mason. LOUIS CONRAD 554 Born Poiisville, Pa., Nov. 5, 1861. Educated Public Schools. Married Elizabeth Morton, Oct. 26. 18S7. Merchant. Mem. Board oi Trade, Merchants Ass'n, Green Ridge Club, Dieiierkranz Singing Society, Masonic Fra- ternity, Elks. Cremation Society. JOHN HENRY LADWIG Born Minersville, Pa., June 21, 1868. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Louise Davis, Jan. 12, 1896. Merchant. JOSEPH MARKS 556 Born Rome, Ga., May 26, 1875. Educated Nashville, Tenn., Public Schools. Merchant, The Crane Marks Co. EUGENE SCHIMPFF Born Germany. Jeweler. Watchmaker and Expert in Precious Gems. Sec. and Treas. Moscow Sand and Gravel Co. Dir. Maple- vvooather and Find- ings. He had the first and largest establish- ment of this kind mi this section. He in- vested lai'gely in coal lands, took a prom- inent part in developing Forest City, ami has often been referred to as the Father of Forest Citv. Founder First Nat. Bank, and Dir. until time of death. Carbondale, Pa. CHARLES M. HAGAN 575 Born Carbondale. I'a., Jan. 26. IK Born Wilkes-Barre. Pa., Oct. 23, 1868. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Catherine Gerner. Mfr. of Wagons and Carriages. LEON R. CLOVER 577 Born Taberg, Oneida Co.. N. Y., May 28. 1867. Educated Taberg. N. Y. Married Ella M. Graw. Jan. 1. 1890. Clover & Dean, Gro- cei's. Mem. Retail Merchants' Protective Association. JOHN C. DEAN 578 Born Dalton, Lack'a Co., Pa., Feb. 14, 1870. Educated Keystone Academy. Clover & Dean, Grocers. HARRY P MELLET 579 Born St. Clair, Penn'a, Aug., 1861. Edu- cated Shenandoah, Pa. Meats. Treas. Wilkes-Barre Beef Co. Treas. Carbondale Coal Mining Co. FRED J. HUG 580 Born Germany, Sept. 5. 1870. Educated Germany. Married Martha Pilz, Dec. 11, 1894. Meat Business. Realty Owner. GEORGE D. BROWN 581 Born Pharsalia, Chenango Co.. N. Y. Mar- ried Lucy O. Berry. I.,umber and Mfr. Pres. Paragon Plaster and Supply Co. Eu- reka Specialty Printing Co. Real Estate. EDWIN A. CLARK 582 Born Scranton, Pa.. July 2. 1855. Educated Scranton. Married Kate A. 'l"'anner, June 13, 1877. Stone. President of the Nicholson Stone Co. WALTER LINCOLN HENWOOD 5S3 Born Plonesdale, Pa., Nov. S, ;864. Educated Scrjinton, Merrill's Acad. Married Esther I!. Pray. Jan. 8, 1905. Gen. C(,ntractor, Firm of Sprague & Hcnwood, and I^athrop, Shea & Henwood Co. Mem. Scranton Board of Trade. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ALFRED L. DERRY 584 Born Walsall. Eng., July 9, 1S56. Married Harriet M. Rogers, Oct. 14, 18S0. A. L. Derry & Co , Railway Equipment and Ma- chinery. Dir. in Globe Real Esitate Co. WILLIAM D. GOTSHALL 5S5 Born Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Oct. 13, 1847. Educated Sunbury. Married Eliza J. Willccx, Sept 5, 1869. Contractor and Builder in Masonry. Supt. for the K. & D. Turnpike Co. shortly after its construction, or about 1889, until four years ago. Mem. Osage Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 712, for thirty years. With his family has spent several winters in Florida, where he is engaged in growing and shipping Oranges. J. EUGENE GOTSHALL 5S6 Born I..iizerne, Luzerne Co., Pa., Jime 9, 18S0. Educated Luzerne High School and Wilkes-Barre Business College. Graduated 1894. Retail Mgr. People's Coal Co. 1894- 1901, with Simpson & Watkins at Forty Fort Colliery as Bookkeeper and Assistant Out- side Foreman. Mgr. People's Coal Co., the largest Retail Coal Dept. in Pa., since 1901. *ANTON WEINSCHENK 587 Born VVasseralfingen, Wurteniberg, Ger- many, July 7, lSl'9— *Sept. 18, 1905. Educated Germany. Married Maria Chrisman, 1851. For 47 years Supt. of Iron and Coal Co. Foundrj'. Retired. ARTHUR A. WEINSCHENK 588 Born Scranton, Pa., June 20, 1871. Educated Public Schools and University of Penn'a. Married He! one Barnes, June 20, 1897. Ar- chitect. JOHN W. HOWARTH 589 Born Pittston, Pu., Nov. 29, 18.53. Educated Carbondale Public Schools. Married Ina Price, .luly 9, 1882. Price & Howarth, Lumber. Director Scranton Stove Works. Mem. Board of Trade. ■JOHN A. PRICE 590 Born Irvington, N. J., Jan. 12, 1842— *Aug. 2, 1892. Educated Brown University. Married Kate E. Gaston. Oct. 23, 1867. Stove Mfr. Pres. Scranton Stove "S^'orks. Mem. Amer. Soc. Mech. Engineers, Soc. of Inventors, Inter. Geological Soc. Pres. Scranton Board of Trade. Vice-Pres. Nat. Board of Trade. PATRICK MULHERIN 591 Born Ireland, Mayo Co., Feb. 14, 1851. Edu- cated Public Schools, Ireland; High Schools at Ballia, Mayo Co. Married Mary Dugan, June, 1872; Cassie T. Judge, Feb., 1882. Mul- herin & Judge I.,umber Co.; Dunmore Lum- ber Co.; Maplewood Lumber Co.; Paupac Lvimber Co.; Scranton and N. C. Lumber Co.; Taylor Coal Co.; Taylor Silk Co.; Taylor Worsted Co. Dir. Taylor Bank and Taylor Hospital. * CONRAD SCHROEDER 592 Born Guntersblum, Germany, May 25, 1846 — *Aug. 6, 19<13. Educated Mayence, Ger- many. Married Caroline Feidler, May 4, 1869. Builder. Pres. Carlucci Stone Co. Dir. Lack'a Hospital. Scranton Lace Curtain Co. Lack'a Trust and Safe Dep. Co. Para- gon Plaster and Supply Co. *DENISON KINGSBURY OAKLEY 593 Born Oakley, Susq. Co.. Pa., June 18, 1824 — *Sept. 23, 1905. Educated Hartford I'niv. Married Belle L. Trippe, Sept. 26, 1878. Con- tractor and Builder. CLARENCE DENISON OAKLEY 594 Born Oakley, Susq. Co.. Pa., Dec. 2, 1884. Educated Nyack, N. Y. Married Mae D. Palmer, Jime 11, 1903. Contractor and Builder. JUDSON B. WOOLSEY 595 Boi-n Scranton, Pa., June 23, 1862. Educated Sctanton, Pa. Contractor and Builder. SIMON MILTON SNOOK 596 Born Sandison, Sussex Co., N. J.. Mav 29, 1869. Educated Flatbrook Valley, N. J. Married Hat tie B. Coombe, Feb. 15, 1899. liUniber and Real Estate. Vice-Pres. Pansy Ijumber Co., of Pansy. Ala. Active Mem. Board of Dir. German Building As.sociation, No. 10, of Scranton, Pa. BENJAMIN F. LAUDIG 597 Born Ringtown, Pa., May 15, 1864. Educat- ed Orangeville Seminar.v. Married Lizzie Rebecca Lessig, June 30, 1892. Mason Con- tractor. Sand and Stone Quarrying. Sec. Penn'a Lumberman's Ass'n, Inc. Editor and Publisher Penn'a Ijumberman's "Trade Journal. " Ex-Sec. Scranton Builders Ex- change. HENRY J. GUNSTER 598 • Born Scranton, Pa., .Jan. 11. 1858. Educated Scranton and Newton, N. J. Married Mar- garet Cannon, April 16, 1898. Hardware, Plumbing, Heating, Mem. Board of Trade, Buildeis' Exchange, Master Plumbers' Ass'n. BURTON EUGENE KINGSLEY 599 Born Blakely, Pa., Aug. 8, 1860. Educated Keystone Academy. Married Elizabeth Ed- wards, Oct. 19, 1884. Supt. and Contractor. GEORGE A. WESCOTT 600 Born Susq. Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1859. Educat- ed Common School. Married Bessie J. Craig, Oct. 12, 190 1. Contracting. *JAMES MADISON RHODES COl Born Cherry Valley, Monroe Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1831— *May 8, 1903. Educated Cherry Val- ley, Monroe Co. Married Mary Ann Swartz, Jan. 1, 1854, at Peter Swartz' s residence, Moscow, Pa., by Rev. J. S. David, Metho- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity (list Minister. I.unibtTinan, Fhtiikt and Brick IMatitr. Pns. Scranton and North Carolina hand and I^umhor Co., Makcly- ville, Hyde Co., N. C. Pres. Scranton Vit- rified Brick and Tile ManfR. Co. Pres. and Gon. Msr. Roarins Brook Turnpike Co. Dir. Taylor Silk NVorsted Manfs. Co., Tay- lor, Pa. Mom. Masonic Fraternity. CHAUNCEY WICKHAM RHODES 002 Born Madison Twp., I.,iizerne Co., Pa., April 19, 185S. Educated Elnihurst Schools. Mar- ried Myra Josephine Clark, Sept. 10, 1S91, at Jas. R. Clark's residence at Sci-anton. Pa., by Rev. M. D. Fuller. Methodist Minister. Brick Manfr. and Kxecutor. Vice-Pres. Scranton ^'itrif^ed Brick and Tile Manfgr Co. St'irkhulder in Knickerbocker Coal Co., ^^^ Va. stockholder in Alto Copper Co., of Arizona. Mem. Masonic Fraternity with its higher Branches. DUANE LEGRANGE POTTER 603 Born North Abing:tun, Luzerne Co., Pa., Feh. 21, IS.'l. Educated Common Schools. Married Julia M. Finn. June 20, 1872; Sadie A. Miller, daughter of Rev. Wm. A. Miller, Oct. 15, 1S94. I^umber. Worked on father's farm vmtil May 1.-., 1871, then went into the lunioer business in Pennsylvania and Ten- nessee. Stockholder in five Companies in Tennessee, which he promoted and organ- ized, the largest of which he is President. "The Potter Coal and Luniljer Co." DANIEL D. JONES 604 Born Plymouth, Pa., Sept. IS, 18-14. Edu- cated Old Notch School. Third Ward; Scranton Public Schools. Married Kathrine Struble, Julv 4. ISfiS. Funf-ral Director. Mem. Griffin Post, G. A. R., 139. H. A. KAUEHOLD 605 Born St. Eouis Co., Mo., July 4, IS.W. Edu- cated St. Louis Co., Mo. Married Mary Steinle. March 7, 1882. Contractor and Builder. Cabinet Maker. Mgr. and Treas. Nav Aug' I^vimber Co. Treas. of Trailers' Coal Co. W. SPENCER DeWITT 606 Born Brooklyn, Pa., July Ifi. ISCl. Educated Public Schools. Married Mary E. Stoniei-, Sept. 17, 1884. Lumber Dealer and Ri'al Estate. GEORGE F. HOWER G07 Born Scranton, Nov. 2G, 1SC5. Educated Scranton. IVIarried Anna M'. Earley, Dec. 28, 1902. Howei- & Stender, Gen. Contract- ors and Lumber Dealt r^. HERMAN E. STENDER COS Born Gernian\-, Api'il 17, 1872. Educated Germany. Mai'ried Minnie Schafer, Sept. 23, 1896. Hower & Stender. Gen. Contract- ors and Lumbei. Oerinan Building Asso- ciation, No. 10. MATHIAS STIPP Born Germany, Nov. 22, ISiil. Educated Pid)lic Schools. (Jermany. Married l'";ilen A. Marquart, March 10, 1887. Builder and 1 Jrick Man u f act u rer . PETER STIPP 610 Born Germany. Sept. 30, IS.VS. Educated Germany. Married Magdalene Wchrung-. Gen Contractor and Builder. THOMAS PALMER Gil Born Loftus, England. Oct. 20, 1873. Edu- cated Loftus Academy, Loftus, Eng. Mar- ried Alpha E. Hoffman, Dec. 19, 1904. Sec. M. Stipp Construction Co., Scranton, Pa. Vice-Pres. Gulf Yellow Pine Lumber Co., G(>neva, Ala. CHARLES M. MAYNARD 612 Boi-n Factoryville, Wyoming Co., Pa., Dec. 23. 18G5. Educated Keystone Academy. Married Flora M. Mathewson. March 29, ljS9s. Mason C|ontractor. Pres. Leggitt's Creek Quarry t(nd l.,and Co., Ltd. Dir. Providence Mill d.. FRANK CARLUCCI . -613 Bo'-n Italy, April 7, 1862. Educated Italy. Married I^orrisa Ci'rini. Stone Contractor. EDMUND A. BARTL 614 Born Austria, Now Iti, 1857. ^Educated Ger- many and America. Married Bertha CHto, May 9, 1889. Civil and Mining Engineer. Vice Pres. Carlucci Stone So. JOHN FRANCIS LANGAN .... 615 Born Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa., No\-. 4, 18.'>6. Educated Coramon Schools. Mairied Barbara A. Langan, Sept. 9, 1880. Stone Dealer and Contractor. -PATRICK HOB AN 616 Born Kilfian, Ireland, 181.3— *IIawley, Pa., Au.g. 26, 1S67. Educated Coininon Schools, Ireland. Married Bridget Agnes Hennigan, Jan. 2, 1852. Railroad Contractor. Built Seciion of Pi^msylvania Coal Co. R. R. near Dunmore and Hawloy. PETER F. HOWLEY 617 Born Sr-ranton, Pa. Educated Scranton Public Schools. Mem. of Firm of P. F. & M. T. Howley, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Works. Scranton Builders' Ex- change. Knights of Columbus. MICHAEL T. HOWLEY 618 Born Scranton. Pa. Educated Scranton Public Schools. Mem. of Firm of P. F. & M. T. Howley, Plumbing. Heating and Sheet Metal Works. Scranton Builders' Exchange. I.pdse of Elks. Knights of Columbun. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity PETER F. REILLY 619 Born Dunmore, Pa., Oct. 3, lS6fi. Educated Diinmore, Pa. Married Bridget E. Quinn, Sept. 17, 1S90. Treas. Dunmore Coal Co. Tax Col. Dunmore Borough. GEORGE HERBERT CRAVEN 620 Born Gla.sgow, Scotland, April ]1, 18.59. Edu- cated Massachusetts. Married Alice Spreck- ley. May 2t), 18S1. Secreta-y and General Mgr. of the Scranton Yarn Finishing Co. *JOHN KELLY 621 Born Ireland, 1824— *April 22, 1905. Educated Ireland. Married EMlen Downey, 18.51. Brick- maker. Hoto! Keeper. JOHN SCISM 622 Born Dutchess Co., N. Y., Aug. 19, 1829. Educated Dutchess Co , N. Y. Married Cordelia McFarlin, .June 5, 18.51. Diamond Drill Contractor. DANIEL WEBSTER SCISM 62:J Born Hyde Park, Aug. 28, 1861. Educated Scranton Higli School. Married Mary Louise JVlulford, Aug. 26, 1897. Prospector. Dia- mond Drilling. WILLIAM MATTHEW STURGES 624 Born Scrant'jn, Pa., July 30, 1861. Educated Harford Soldiers' Orphan School. Married Alice Chapman Wilson, March 8, 1887. Dia- mond Drills with Expert Diamond Bit Set- ting. SIDNEY S. STONE 625 Born Hawley, Pa., May 29, 1875. Educated Hawley, Pa. Married Pearl M. Sammon, Dec. 2.5, 1897. Chief Train Dispatcher, Lack'a R. R. Co. DANIEL M. JONES 626 Born Pittston, Pa., April 12, 1860. Educated International Correspundencv^ Schools. Mar- ried MargJirel E. Davis, Nov. 24, 1883. Mine Foreman. SEWARD BUTTON 627 Born England, Oct. 5, 1375. Educated Eng- land. Marri'>d Charlotte A. Johns, July 3, 1894. Foreman Hillside Coal & Iron Co. Mem. Acacia Lodge, No. 579, F. i"& A. M. ; Pittston Royal Ai-ch Chapter, No. 242, R. A- M.: TVyoming Valley Com., No. 57, K. T. ; Ircn. Tim.. W'.-f 'arre. Pa. Jt rni>n. Pa. WILLIAM YOUNG MOFFAT 62S Born Dumfriesshiie, Scotland. Feb. 2o, 1863. Educated, Dunmore, Pa. Married Grace Paimer, Sept. 14, 1887. Mgr. Scranton Machine Works. Formerly Foreman Erie R. R. Co. Machiuf Shops. JOHN L. SCHROEDER 629 Born Germany. March 13. 1844; Educated Germany. Alarried Annie Maria Chiist, Jan., 1868. Builder and Contractor. WILLIAM EVANS 630 Bora Abera^•on, South Wales, April 14, 1840. Educated Aberavon, South Wales. Mar- ried Elizabeth Key, Aug. 14, 1864. Car- penter and Builder. JOSEPH W. SLOCUM 631 Born Scranton, Pa., July 2:^. 1833. Edu- cated Public Scliools. Married Hannah M. Collins, Feb. 21, 1S56. Lumber and Fann- ing. Ex-Deputy U. S. Marshal for 12 years. Mem. City Council for two terms. ADAM THOMPSON 632 Born Newton Twp., Lack'a Co., Feb. 15. 1822. Educated Common School. Married Lydia Rosenkrans, Oct. 17, 1846. Contractor and Builder. WILLIAM A. HARVEY 633 Born Scranton, Pa., March 28. 1874. Edu- cated Pcnn'a State College. Married Ro.«a- lind E. Reilly. March 5, 1901. Elec. Kng. and Contractor. Mem. Scranton Engineers Club, Builders' Exchange, Temple Club, Irem Temple, Mystic Shrine; Keystone Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons; Union Lodge, F. & A. M., 291. WILLIAM ALEXANDER HUTTON 634 Born Glasgow. Scotland, June 12, cated Glasgow and Scranton. Edith M. Martin, June 3, 1902. Contractor. FRANK H. EISELE 635 Born Paola. Kan.. Jan. 18. 1869. Educated Univ. of Tenn. Electrician and Elef.'trical Contractor. Pres. Hutton Electrical Co. FERDINAND MUCKLEY 636 Born Verden, Planover, Germany, Nov. 22, 1^70. Educated ' Royal Seminary, Verden. Married Wilhelmina Albrecht, Aug. 12, 1897. Broker and Promoter. I'niversal Aether Telegraph Co. F. Korff & Co., Cocoa and Chocolate Manfrs. Gloor & Strubi, Em- broidery Manfrs. FRANK J. DICKERT 637 Born Germany, Nov. 27, helmina Oswald, June Vicc-Pres. New Schiller South Side Bank. Dir. Scranton Poor Disi. Tr Ass'n. 1876. irdu- Married Electrical 1858. Married Wil- 13.' 1882. Grocer. B. & L. Ass'n and Lack'a Dairy Co., ■ as. P. R. C. Ins. LUDWIG A. LANGE 63S Born Scranton, Pa., May 19, 1869. Educated Wesieyan ITniv., Scranton High School. Married Nettie Nye, Aug. .30, 1900. Sec. New Schiller B. & L Ass'n. Treas. Lack'a Dairv Ce. HERMAN HAGEN 639 Born Baden, Germany. Feb. 2, 1852. Edu- cated, Baden. Married Sophia Frey, Nov. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity 23, 1876. Gardner and Real Estate. Dir. New Schiller B. &- Tj. A?sn- Germania B. & L. Ass'n. Trea.';. Baden Sick Benevolent Soc. Politiial, Bcpuhlican. GEORGE FRANKLIN KELLOW 640 Burn H()nes«iale, Pa.. July 1(1, 1.S4K. ]<:<.lu- cated Common School. Married Elizabeth Weinschenk, Dec. 31, 1S72. Aldi rman Four- teenth AVard. GEORGE WAHL 641 Born Alier-KIoersheim, near Worms, Ger- many, April fl, 1848. Married Catherine E. Diniler, Nov. 17, 1878. Mgr. and Treas. Scranton Sonnabend Journal Printing Co. Dist. Agt. Penn Mutu;,l Life Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. JOHN LENTES 642 Born Kirn a Nah(^ Rheini)res.sen, Germ.any, Aup. 7, 18.")6. Educated Kirn a Nahe Strags- burg (Elsap). Married Caroline Hampel, June 4, 1881. Gi n. Ins. Alderman 11th Ward. AUGUST WAHLERS 643 Born Germany, Jan. 1. 1847. Educated Ger- many. Married Susanna M. Hostombe, Feb. 4, 1G'19. Gen. Ins. Agt. Treas. Borough of Dunmore. Dii-. New Schiller B. & L. Ass'n of Scranton, Dir. German Bldg. Ass'n. Organist Evan, l.uth. Church of Scranton for 25 years. FRANK FUHR 644 Porn Germanj-, Sept. 5. 1847. Educated Germany. Married Lizzie Becker. May 16, 1878; Mary Epp, April 22, 1896. Cigar Box Manfr. Elected to Dunmore Boro. Council 1S86 for three yeai\s; appointed by the Court for two months as Chief Burgess. Elected Chief Burgess of Dunmore, IWS, for term of three years. Dunmore, Pa. GEORGE W, BEEMER 645 Superinttndcnt Hillside Home. JAMES MOIR 646 Born Aberdeen, Scotland, 1840. Educated Parish Schools. Married Frances L. Flint, 186.5. Merchant Tailor. Mayor of Scranton, 1899 to l'M)l. City Councilman ten years and Chairman three years. Capt. Co. C, 13th Regt., N. G. P., ten years. Active Mason, Peter Williamson Lodge, F. & A. M., and Keystone Consistory, A. A. S. R., and Mys- tic Shrine; Active Mem. I. O. O. F. for 35 years. *CHARLES JOSEPH GILLESPIE 647 Born Seranton, I'a., July 21, 1864— *July 9, 1906. Educated School of the Lack'a, Scranton, I'a. Married Margaret Keefer. Sec. Scranton Poor District. JOHN B. GILLESPIE 648 Born Carbondale, Pa., Nov. 4, 1844. Alder- man Second Ward. Dir. Scranton Poor Dist., April, 1S74, to Nov. 25, 1883; reappoint- ed June 13, 1.S92. to March, 1893. Mem. Com- mon Council, 1S70, from Second Ward. MYRON KASSON 649 l;nrn Springville, Pa., 1848. Educat.'d Wy- oming Semmaiy, Cornell I'niv. Mariied Alice Dale, 18S.3. Farmer. Police Magis- trate First Dist., Scranton. Alderman 9th W;\rd, Scranton. Pres. Montrose Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. Prothonotary, S\isq. Co., 1880-1887. DAVID W, POWELL 650 Born Saint Clair, Pa.. Aug. 18, 184.'). Edu- cated Saint Clair, Pa. Married Martha J. Davis, Sept. 2-3, 1872. Ass't Postmaster. Sec. and Treas. Scranton and Pottsville Coal Land Co., also of the Ronaldson C'oal Co. MARCUS K. BISHOP 651 Born Hawley, Wayne Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1839. Educated Wyoming Seminary. Mar- ried Janette Thomson. Jan. 19, 1866. Post- master Dunmore, I^ack'a Co., Pa. Supt. Coal Breaker for Penn'a Coal Co. fourteen years, after which was clerk for same com- pany for sixteen ytars. Enlisted April 22, 1861, in Co. D, 13th Regt., Penn'a Inf. First Sergeant of the Company three months. Reinlisted in the Ninth Penn'a Cav. for three years, served until end of war. JOHN T. HOWE 052 Born Catawissa, Pa., Sept. 30, 1837. Edu- cated Catawissa. Alderman. Mem. of Coun- cil. Jury Com. Dir. Memorial Ass'n, and Hall and Cemetery Ass'n. THOMAS H. PHILLIPS 653 Born Scranton, Pa., June^ 23, 1853. Educated Scranton Public Schools. Married Mary A. Thomas, July 21, 1881. Supt. Bureau of Parks. PATRICK F. CALPIN 654 Horn Sci-mton. I'a., March 25, 1872. Edu- cated Public Schools and Wood's Business College. Married Jennie Clark, Jan. 22, 1902. Coi: tractor and Builder. Worked about the mines until 18!)0, when he became an ap- prentice at the carpenter trade. In 1894, he engaged in his present business, contracting and building. Was elected to the Common Council f)f Scranton in 1898, and re-elected, without opposition, in lOOO and 1902. Served as Its Pies, in 19(H»-'01. Was elected to the Senate of Pa. from Lack'a Co. in 1902, and served in the sessions of 1903-'O5-'O6. Received D-^m. nomination for Sheriff, Lack'a Co. at time this copy is handed to printers, July, 1906. J. GEORGE HUFNAGEL 655 Born New York City. Educated New York City. Married Augusta Hufnagel, Nov. 24, 1891. Dir. Citizens' Bank, Olyphant. Pa. Pre.s. Columbia Bottling Co.; Imperial Birch Beer Co. Mem. B. P. O. E., Scranton; American Telegraphers, New York City. Pres. Board of Council, 1900 to VJ05, Dick- Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity son City Boro. Started in life as messenger boy and advanced to Manager of West. L'nion Telegraph Co., at New York; Con- nected with the Market Districts. Organ- ized Dickson P-rewing Co., JS93. Sold to Cent. Penn'a Brew. Co.. 1807. Dickson City. DANIEL HOLLAND 656 Born Old Forge, Pa., Aug. 14, 1871. Edu- cated Old Forge, Pa. Married Catherine Barrett, Oct.. 189S. Justice of the Peace. Prominent in I'olitics. Klected to officti of Justice of the Peace in 1902 and has held the oiflce ever since. Mem. of Red Men's Lodge, 410. JOSEPH A. DOLPHIN 657 Eorn Archbald, I'a., March IS, 1S;.6. Edu- cated Common Schools. Married Mary A. Garvey, Feb., 19()2. Justice of the Peace. First public office in 1874 as Auditor of Old Blakely Twp. Elected Auditor of Boro. of Olyphant. 1876, and Councilman of the Boro., Sec. of Boro. and Board of Health. County Auditor, 1890-]89o. Justice of Peace, 1901, to present time. Sec. of Fraternal Or- der of Eagles, Aerie 671. At the formation of Eack'a Co., 1878. Clerk In the Commis- sioners' Office. Olyphant, Pa. SIMON P. FAUSOLD 658 Born April 30, 1840, in Rockefeller Twp., Northumberland Co. (near Sunbury), Pa. Educated in the Common Schools, with an Academic coiuse. Married Ella C. Deihm, Dec. 24, 1894. Taught in public schools, 1858- lSu5. Dep. Rec. of Deeds, Register of Wills and Clerk Orphans' Court of Northumber- land Co., 186.5-1868. Dep. Prothonotary Court or ConiPXin Pleas. Dep. Clerk Court of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer for Northumberland Co., .Jan., 1879 to 1891. Elected in Nov., 1890, to the aforesaid offices and served for the term of three years. In April, 1894, came to Scranton, Pa., as Dep. Coll. of Inter. Rev., 12th Coll. Dist. of Penn'a. Present incumbent. HENRY T. KOEHLER 659 Born Erie, I'enri'a, Dec. IS, 1861. Educated Common Schools. Married Clara Rebecca Hughes, Dec. 8, 1904. Dej). Reg. of Wills and Ass't Clerk of Orphans' Court. PATRICK F. CONNOR 660 Born Carbondale, Pa. Educated Public Schools. Married Anna Flannon, July 26, 1S99. Treas. of Lack'a Co. Treas. of Car- bondale City. 1896-1904. THOMAS A. BECK 661 Born Moscow. Lack'a Co., Pa., April 9, 1877. Educated Public Schools. Married May A. Fisher, Sept. 9, is!i9. Dep. Prothonotary of Lack'a Co. GWILYM JONES 662 Born South Wales, Jan. 11, 1869. Educated Common Schools. Married Mary J. Davis, Aug. 9, 1893 Pres. and Mgr. Anthracite Beer Co. Pres. Maplewood Lumber Co., Paupac I>umber Co. City Assessor. WILBURT C. WILLIAMS 663 Born Scranton, Pa., Sept. 9, 1872. Educated Princeton University. Married IJydia E. Turner, June 14, 1906. City Treasurer. EDWARD EISELE 664 Educated Born Scranton, Pa., July 11. 187 Scranton, Pa. City Controller. FRANK B. REESE 665 Born Scranton, Pa.. July 19, 1873. Educated Public Schools. Mayor's Secretary, 1904-1905. MARK K. EDGAR 666 Born Espey. Columbia Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1872. Educated Public Schools and Wyoming Seminary. Married Adda Bone, Nov. f^, 1901. Newspaper Man. Dir. Public Safety, 1908- 1906. Sec. to Mayor, 1900-1903. LONA B. DAY 667 Born Salem, Wayne Co.. Pa., Dec. 22, 1870. Educated Public Schools. Married Bertha Early, March 2, 1901. Supt. of Police, Scranton. Pa. Mem. Nat. Guard of Penn'a 9 years. Sergt. 13th Regt.. P. V. I.. Spanish- American War, May, 1898-Feb. 1899. Ap- pointed Patrolman Bureau of Police April 20, 1894. Served as Lieut, in Third Precinct and as Citv Detective. Promoted to Supt. of Police Dec. 28, 1901. HENRY F. FERBER 668 Born Pittston. Pa.. April 1, 1853. Educated Public Schools. Married Mary E. Jones, Aug. 7, 1877. Siipt. of Bureau of Fire. Mem. Scranton Fire Dept. since 1866. Chief of the Dept. for 12 years. Mem. Union Lodge, 291, F. & A. M. H. WILLARD STORM 669 Born Scranton, Jidy 23. 1866. Educated High School. Married Jessie M. Fisher, Aug. 1. 1891. Ass't Supt. Bureau of Fire. Appointed First Ass't Supt. Bureau of Fire, April 1. 1905. Connected with the Scranton Fire Dept. since Dec. 5, 1884. Mem. Union Lodge, 201. JOHN BUTTERMAN 670 Born Fischbach. Germany. Feb. 15. 1840. Educated Scranton. Pa. Married Eleanor O'Donnell. Aug. 4. 1861. Alderman 10th Ward. THOMAS B. JACKSON 671 Born Kennett Square, March 10, 1848. FMu- cated West Nottingham Academy. Married Mary Elizabeth Sqeuer, 1881. Alderman 13th Ward. JAMES F. NOONE 672 Born Ireland, Sept. 23, 1858. Educated Pub- lic Schools. Alderman 18th Ward. TIMOTHY JONES 673 Born Scranton, Pa., April 22. 18W. Educated Scranton, Pa. Alderman iith Ward, Scran- ton, Pa. Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity *EDWARD FIDLER 674 Eorn Kiicland, Nov. 1, ISfilB— *l!»ii:i. Kducatod Conuiion Schools of Derln-. Married Kath- erine J. Davis, Aup'. lii. ISi'd. Alderman Ist Ward. Jns. Agt. Police Mas. 3d Precinct. HIRAM N. KELLY, M. D. 675 Born Tunkhannock, Feb. l."i. 1SS1. Kdiicaled Wyoni. Scni., KIng-ston, Pa. Graduated Jeff. Med. Col., 1857. Married Lydia J. Stephens, Oct. 4, 18ii4. Physician and Sur- geon. I'rac-ticing medicine 4.^ years. Mem. Wyoming Co. Medical Soc. Served on Wy- oming Co. Pension Examining- Board. Mem. G. A. R. Ass't Surgeon 1st. Penn'a \o\. Cav. Number of terms of School Board and Board of Health. Nicholson, Pa. MANNING DeWITT KELLY 676 Born Nicholson, Aug. 10, 187:^. Educated Nicholson High School. School of Lack'a, Scranton. Married Harriet A. Boyle, Sept. 14. 1892. Station Agt. D., I.. & W. R. R. Co. Mem. of Masonic Orders— Blue Lodge, No. 438. Nicholson: Royal Arch Chapter. Fac- toryville: Melita Com; Keystone Consist- ory, Scranton: Irem Temple, Wilkes-Barre. Nicholson, Pa. EDMOND J. DONNEGAN, D. D. S. 677 Born Scranton. Pa. Educated Scranton Higii School, University of Pennsylvania. Dental Surgreon. Chartei- Mem. Duzerne and Lack'a Dental Soc. Mem. Nat. Dental Ass"n of the V. S. : Susq. Dental Ass'n of Penn'a. and the Penn'a State Dental Soc. Alumni Societies of the Univ. of Penn'a. EDSON M. GREEN, D. D. S. 678 Born F'actoryvilie, Pa., Feb. 28. 18'iS. Edu- cated Keystone Academy and Univ. of Penn'a. Married Emaline Killam, April 28, 1898. Dentist. Susq. Dental Ass'n. Luzerne and Lack'a Dental Associations. *JEREMIAH L. EORDHAM, D. D. S. 679 Born South Hampton, L. I., N. Y., Jan 1 18.S1— *Junc 28, 1901. Educated Amherst Col- lege and Phil'a Dental Colleg-e. Married Sarah Culver Isaacs. Nov. 24, 1867; Ade- laide Pratt, Jime 5, 1875. Dentist. Penn'a State Dental Soc. Susq. Dental Soc. Lack'a and Luzerne Co. Dental Soc. WALTER H. EORDHAM, D. D. S. 6S0 Born Scranton, Nov. 16. 1877. Educated Wyoming Seminary and ['niv. of Penn'a. Dentist. Inter. Dental Soc. Penn'a State Dental Sec. Susc]. Dental Soc. Lack'a and Luzerne Co. Dental Soc. The Scranton Club. ARCHIBALD D. PRESTON, D. D. S. 681 Born South Hadley, Mass., Jan. 30, 187:5. P^lucated Phil'a Dental College. Married Matvio B. Hards, Sept. 28, 1898. Dentist. Penn'a State i:)ent-il Ass'n. Susq. Dental Ass'n. Luzerne and Lack'a Dental Soc. FRANK W. BEAVERS 682 Born Scranton, Pa.. April 27, 1870. ISdu- c.ated Scranton Public Schools. Married Gertrude C. Williams, Feb 26, 1902. Drug- gist. GEORGE SANFORD PECK, D. D. S. 6s:i Born i;in<;li;untnn, N. Y., N^iv. K, ISSl. Edu- cated Buffal,., N. v., and Phil'a, Pa. M.ar- ried Marguerite H. Sollers. Feb. S, 1905. Dentist. Xi Phi Phi Fraternity. Ahimni Soc. of Phil'a Dental Coll. Olyphant, Pa. T. EDMUND COPPINGER 681 Born Nevv York City, July 21, l.'>72. Educat- ed Nev*- Ycrk Public Schools. Married Elizabeth Reddington, Oct. 12, 1904. Gradu- ate Nurse ot New York City Hospital. I^rop. of Cop^iingrer Private Sanitarium and Trained Nurses' Registry. •HORACE HOLLISTER, M. D. 685 Born Salem, W^ayne Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1822— *Scranton, Pa., Dec.' 29, 1893. Graduated Med. Dept. Univ. of N. Y. 1846. Married Mary E. Goff, Nov. 2, 1817. Physician and Surgeon. A.uthor, Writer, Historian. Col- lector of Indian Reli'-s. Author History of Lack'a Co. and Revised Editions. *BENJAMIN THROOP, M. D. Born Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., Now 9, 181]-*June 26, 1897. Educated Oxford Acad- em.v. Married Harriett Fuller McKinne.v, 1842. Pioneer. Physician and Svirgeon. Graduated Fairfield Med. Col., 1852. Came to Scranton, 1840. Built the lirst house in Scranton. Largely interested in coal lands. Surgeon 8th Regiment, War of Rebellion, 1861-1865. Sur.geon D., L. & W. R. R. for many years. Interested and owner of 'coal lands. * HARPER B. LACKEY, M. D. 687 Born Providence, Pa., 1S43— *Sept. 30, 191^. Educated Eellevue Med. Col., N. Y. Mar- ried Gertrude Hollister, 1872. Physician. Visiting Physician to Hillside Home and Insane Asylum for eight years. THOMAS B. RODHAM, M. D. 688 Born Durham, Eng., April 23, 1868. Edu- cated Keystone Academy, Medico-Chir. Col- lege, Phil'a, Pa. Married Georgie Lackey, July 19, 1897. Physician. *A. P. GARDNER, M. D. 689 Born Warren, Orange Co., N. Y., May 12, 1816— *Dec. 1, 1899. Educated N. Y. Schools, Crosby Street Med. Col.. N. Y. City. Mar- ried Elizabeth Good. 1841; Mary Augusta Tr( inper, 18-55. Ph.vsician and Surgeon. I'ioneer. Jan. 1, 1811, commenced practice as a regular physician in Carbondale, where he remLained for 14 years. In 18.55 he optned an office in Scranton, where he had a large practice. Dec. 27, 1855 he organized the Homeopathic Med. Soc. xl Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity ^CHARLES AUG. STEVENS, M. D. 690 Born Harpersfleld, N. Y., Jan. If), 181S-*Jan. 17. ISSl. Educated Homer Acad.. Geneo.i Med. roll. Married Emilv Matilda Dunning-. June 22. 1842. Homeopathic Physician. First Pres. ^ S. P. C. A., of Scranton. Taxpayers' Ass'n of Scranton. ISAIAH F. EVERHART, M. D. 691 Born Berks Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1840. Edu- cated Franklin and Marshall Col. and Univ. of Pa. Married Annie V. Ubil, Jan. 2, 1871. Phj'sician and Surgeon. Surgeon of the 8th Pa. Cav. Vols., War of the Rebellion. Sur- geon 9th P. N. G., during the coal strike, 1871-1872. _ Traveled extensively over the world. Mem. Scranton first Board of Health. Pres. Everhart Coal Co., Everhart Brass Work.s. Dir. Scranton Forging Co. For 40 years Collector of Specimens of Nat- ural History, specially confined within the State, and has endowed and building in course of construction a general museum to which he will givt? his entire collection. ANDREW P. NILES, M. D. 692 Born White Creek, ^^'ashington Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 18.32. Educated Phil'a Col. of Med. Married Margaret A. Uorr. Aug. 30, 1852. Physician and Surgeon. Carbondale, Pa. LUDWIG WEHLAU, M. D. 693 ^ Physician and Surgeon. DANIEL W, MEARS, M. D. 694 Born Numindia, Colunil>ia Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 18.58- Educated Bloomsburg Normal School, Jefferson Med. Col. and I'niv. V'tenna. Physician. Mem. Staff State Hospital, West Side Hospital, Taylor Hospital. Mem. Amer. Med. Ass'n, Inter. Med. Cong., State Med. Soc, County Med. Soc, Scranton Club, Country Club, Bicycle CUib, I'niv. Club, N. Y. C. ; Phila Club. Dir. Diamond Water Co., Hazleton, Pa. CHARLES E. THOMSON, M. D 695 Born Zephur, Ont., Oct., 18.59. Educated Toronto, Ontario and Bel'.evue Med. Col. Married S. A. Donnelly, Sept. 12, 1895. Supt. Scranton Private Hospital. Supt. and Prop. Bingham.ton Private Hospital. Sec. Scranton Clinical and Pathological Soc. Mem. Coun- ty, State and National Medical Societies. LEWIS FREY, M. D. 696 Physician and Surgeon. SAMUEL P. LONGSTREET, M. D. 697 Born Hamlinton, Wayne Co., Pa., March 2, 1862. Educated New York Fniv. Married Christina E. Evans. June 25, 1891. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Ex-Coroner Lack'a Co., Pa. l.ack'a Co. Med. Soc. Ex-Pres. and Founder of Anatomical Soc. CLARENCE LESLIE FREY, M. D. 'Sft' 698 Borh Glen Rock, York Co.. Pa., N«v. 7, 1851. Educated Jefferson Med. Col., Phil'a, and Vienna. Physician. Mem. Lack'a Co. Med. A.ss'n. Oculist and Aurist to State Hospital and Penn'a Oral School. WILLIAM G. FULTON, M. D. 699 Physician and Surgeon. HERBERT D. GARDNER, M. D. 700 Physician and Sur£;eon. CHARLES H. FISHER, M. D. 701 Born Ovvego, N. Y., June 12, 1837. Educated Univ. of Nashville, Tenn.: Bellevue Med. Col., N. Y. : Geneva Med. Col., N. Y. Mar- ried Maiv J. Miner, May 12, 1869. Physician and Surgeon, Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Ex-Sargeon 9(ith Regt., U. S. C. T. Mem. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc. Mem. Staff West Side Hospital. Pres. Animal Rescue League of Lack'a Co. Oldest practicing phj sician in City of Scranton. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D. 702 Born Acklev, Luzerne Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 18.58. Educated Amherst Col. and Univ. of Pa. Married Ada Stecker, Jan., 1892. Physician and Surgeon. Mem. State and Co. Med. Societies. Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Lindsey, Punxsutawney, Pomeroy and Middleport Water Cos. Treas. and Gen. Mgr. United Gas, Electric Light and Fuel Co. Vice- Pres. Tuilerie Water Co. Pres. American and Euroiiean Insurance Co. P. FRANCIS GUNSTER, M. D. 703 Born Lockweiler, Germany, Feb. 1, 1848. Educated Public Schools, Scranton. Fa., Sheffield Scientific School, Yale College, New Haven: I^niv. Berlin, Prussia; Belle- vue Hospital Med. Col., N. Y.; Post Gradu- ate of School and Hospital. Married Mar- garet S. Landmesser, Sept. 25, 1878. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Ex-Pres. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc; Pres. Physicians' Club, Scranton; Sec. and Treas. Scranton Anatomical Soc. Mem. Pa. Med. Soc: Clinical and Pathological Soc, Scranton, Pa. GILBERT D. MURRAY, M. D. 704 Born Woodstock, Ont., Dec. 24. 1865. Edu- cated Collegiate Institute, High School. Married Katharine Winton, Sept. 2, 1897. Physician. Oculist and Aurist, D., L. & W. R. R. Opthalmologist Moses Taylor Hos- pital. Fellow of American Larynogolical, Rhinological and Otological Soc. Mem. Lack'a Co., Penn'a State Med. Soc's. JAMES LENOX REA, M. D. 705 Born Lovsville, Perry Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1855. ?:ducated Jefferson Med. Col. Married Ora Mary Deatrick, May 16, 1893. Physician. State Hospital. Oral School. Surgeon for D. & H. R. R. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc. Penn'a State and America Medical Ass'n. LOWELL MASON GATES, M. D. 706 Born Scott, Wavne Co., Pa., March 26, 1852. Educated Hillsdale Col. & Univ. of Mich. Married Helen Dunn, Nov. 30, 1880. Phyei- xli Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity cian anil Surii'Oii. Moni. Soiantcm IMtdii-al Club, Cliiiii'al falholoRiial Snrioty, Laok'a Co., Peiin'a State and AnuT. Med. As's'n. Surpeon I.aok'a Hospital, 1S80-19W. Ex-Pres. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc. JAMES B. GARVEY, M. D. Born Carhondalc, I'a., Nov. 5, 1S43. Kducat- ed St. Mar>'.«, N. Y. Married Mary A. Col- lins, Aim. '■'.]. ISSl. Physioiaii. ARTHUR H. BERNSTEIN, M. D. 708 I'orn llawley. Pa., Feb. 22, 1863. Educated IliKh Sehool, Corning; Jeff. Mod. Col., Phil'a, Pa. Married Luciel Robinson, Oct. '.', 1S9,5. Physician and Surgeon. Surgeon for tho Erie R. R. Dir. Fidelity Dep. and Dis. Bank, Dunmore, Pa. JOHN W. COOLIDGE, M. D. 709 Born Wellsborough, Pa. Educated Univ. of Mich. Physician and Surgeon. Mem. Amer. Ins. of Homeopathy, State Honieo. Med. Soc, Surgeon-in-Chief Hahnemann Hospital for many years. JOHN LYMAN PECK, M. D. 710 Born Felton, Del.. Oct. 5, 1869. Educated Lafayette College, 1893. Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia, 1897. Married Helen San- derson Hand. Feb. 5, 1903. Physician and Surgeon, Surgeon Hahnemann Hospital. Pres. Interstate Hom. Med. Soc. Mem. Amer. Ins. of Homeopathy, Pa.; State Homeopathy Medical Society. FREDERICK D. BREWSTER, M. D. 711 liorn Montrose, Pa., Oct. 8, 18,50. Educated Public Schools, Mansfield S. N. S., N. Y. Homeo. Med. Col. Married M. Emma Wil- son, June 8, 1S81. Physician and Surgeon. Mem. Medical Staff Hahnemann Hospital. WILLIAM A. Mcdowell, m. d. 712 Born Glen Riddle, Delaware Co., Pa., April 22, 1873. Educated Media Academy and Hahnemann Col., Philadelphia. Married Florence May Doud, April 28, 1900. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Mem. Staff of Hahne- mann Ilosiiital. FREDERICK W. LANGE, M. D. 713 Born Scranton, Pa., Oct. 14, 1861. Educated Scranton Schools and Wesleyan ITniv. Mar- ried Jennie McDowell Dange, Dec. 31, 1891. Phy.'^ician and Surgeon. Mem. Hahnemann Hospital Staff. Co., State and Nat. Med. Societies. Pres. Lack'a Dairy Co. Sec. Black Diamond Silk Co. *JAC0B C. LANGE 714 Born Scrant'in, Pa., Jan. 2, 1864— *Aug., 1898. Educated Scranton Schools and Wesleyan Univ. Married Nettie Short, June 23, ISOl. Prin. Scranton High School ten years, .•^tfy at Law. Sec. New Schiller Building and Loan As.s'n. JOHN P. STANTON. M. D. 715 Borii Scnmton, Pa., April 2."), 187S. Edu- cated Scranton High School, Univ., Reel Hospital Med. Coll. Mairied Anna Hell, June i), 1902. Physician and Surgeon. At- tending Ph\-sician House of Good Shei>- f hei'd. M'ln. Co., Slate and Amer. Med. As- soci.i I imi'--. JAMES HARRINGTON YOUNG, M.D. 716 Born Dunmore, Pa., Nov. 20, 1876. Educated Scranton. Pa.; Lafayette Col.; Univ. of Penn'a, Med. D<>i)t. Physician. WILLIAM K. DOLAN, M. D. 717 Born Sullivan Co., N. Y. Slate, Jan 25, 1855. Educated Montiose Academy and I'ni. of Pa. Married Hannah Belle McCann, May 20, 1891. Physician and Surgeon. Mem. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc; Pa. Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Ass'n. AXBERT KOLB, M. D. 718 Born Lancaster, N. Y., May 8, 1860. Edur cated Medico-Chirurgical, Phil'a, 1884. Mar- ried Delia M. Weinschenk, Oct. 29, 18S. Physician. Suiit. of Bureau of Health, Scranton. Pa,, ]lio."i. SAMUEL E. LYNCH, M. D. 719 Born Waverly, Pa., Oct. 25. 1861. Educated Jefferson Med. Col. Married Eflie M. Weth- erby, Airil 4, 1889. Physician and Surgeon. ^ Clark's Sunnnit, Pa. WILLIAM M. LYNCH. M. D. 720 ELIAS G. ROOS. M. D. 721 B(irn Baden Germany, Feb. 7, 1860. Educat- ed Freiliurg Konig.sberg, Berlin. Married Frances Wcitheiuier, Sept. 1, 1901; Edith Hirschnian, Jiuie 14, 19(Ci. Surgeon. EMIL DE ANTONIO, M. D. 722 Born Alessandria, It.ily, Oct. 4, 1872. I<;ducat- ed Turin and Pavla Uni., Italy, and recog- nized from State Med. Board of Phlla. Physicicin and Siu-geon. Physician of the Victor Emanuel, Mazzini Soc, North Italy. S. Rocco. Sicilvan Soc. of Scranton. ARTHUR J. WILLSON, M. D. 723 Born Warrensville, Pa., July 31, 1876. Edu- cated Uni. ot Pa. Physician and Surgeon. City Bacteriologist. Mem. Staff State Hos- pital, Scrantcm, I';i. FREDERICK P. HOLLISTER, M. D. 724 Born Montrose, Susq. Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1872. Educated I'ni. of Pa. Married Elizabeth Henwood, June 24, 1903. Physician and Sur- geon. Mtm. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc; Peiui'a State Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Soc; Scranton Clinical ;'.nd Pathological Soc; West Side Hospital. JOHN C. PRICE, M. D. *. 725 Born Doniphan Co., Kan., Aug. 25, 1871. Ed- ucated Penna State Col., Uni. of Pa. and xlii Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity John's Hopkin's riiiv. of Berlin. Married Mabel T. Clark, June S, 1898. Physician. Prof, of Electrotherapeutics and Roentgen Rav of Inter. Cor. Schools. Roentgen Ray Specialist to the State Hospital of the Northern Anthracite Region and Moses Tay- lor Hospital. FREDEBICK J. BISHOP, M. D. V26 B,irn Archbald, I'a. Married Stella V. Hunter, Sept. 11, 1901. Physician and Sur- geon. GEORGE C. MERRIMAN, M. D. 727 Born Dunmore, Pa., Feb. 28, 1871. Educated Scranton, Pa.; Union ITni. Albany and Schenectady, N. Y. Married Susan Rodman Bacon, June 21, lSf!9. Physician and Sur- geon. Mem. Physicians' Club. Captain Co. F , 13th Infantry, N. G. P SAMUEL HERBERT VOORHEES, M.D. 728 Born North Bi-anch Depot, N. J., May 7, 1865. Son of Rev. Henry Van Deveer Vor- hees and Jane E. (Talmage) Vorhees. Ed- ucated Somerville Gram. School, Rutgers, I.ehigh Uni., i;'ni. of Maryland, Post Gi-ad- uate School of N. Y. Married Eugenia I'eale Brodhead. Children, Eayre Bartlett Voorhees, Edith Talmage Voorhets. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Inventor "Cool Room Neve'r Drip"' Ventilating Awning Hoods. ^ Pres. Dr. Voorhees Awning Hood Co. Mem. Penn'a State Med. Ass'n. Lack'a Co. Med. Soc. Editor Health Dep't Scranton Board of Trade Journal. Med. Ex. K. T. and Mason- ic Mutual Aid Ass'n. Late Med. Officer Board of Health Joplin, Mo. and East Stroudsburg, Pa. Date Ex. for Travelers' Mutual Life of N. Y. Ins. Go's. Late Dep. Gt. Sachem I. O. R. M. Gr. li. P. Dep. Grand Master A. A. Scottish Rites. WILLIAM LEE RICHARDSON, M. D. 729 Born Harford, Susq. Co., Pa., June 7, 181.J. Educated Common School. Married Mary Fish, Jan. 7, 1849. General I'ractitioner. Was Pension Examiner. Mem. Amer. Med. Ass'n, Penn'a State Med. Ass'n, Susq. Co. Med. Ass'n, Warren Dodge No. 210, Warren Chap- ter, No. 180. Montrose, Pa. CALVIN COLTON HALSEY, M. D. 730 Born Bergen, Genesee Co., N. Y., March 31, 182.3. Educated Williams Col., Mass. Mar- ried Marv Etheridge, Sept. 27, 18fi6. Physi- cian. Susq. Co. Med. Soc, Pa. State Med. Soc, Amer. Acad, of Med. Four Brothers Post, No. 4.i3, G. A. R., Dept. of Pa. Mont- rose, Pa. VAN CLIFT DECKER, M, D. 731 Born Bald Mount, Pa., Aug 11, 1869. Educat- ed Keystone Academ.v, Factoryvllle, Pa. and Jefferson Med. Col. Married Clara Zimmer- man, April 12, 1S98. Phy.sician and Surgeon. fr* Pres. Wyoming Co. Med. Soc. Pres. Nichol- son Board of Health and Nicholson School Board. Past Noble Guard of I. O. O. P., No. 857. Mem. of Masonic Dodge, No. 438. Nich- olson, Pa. WILLIAM PITT KENNEDY, M. D. 732 Born Dunmore, Pa., Aug. 9, 1857. Educated Starling Med. Col., Columbus. O. Married Mattie Denison, Dec. 1883. Druggist and Physician and Surgeon. Health OlRcer Board of Health. Dickson City. J. J. BILHEIMER, PHLS. M. D. 733 Born Bath, Pa., Oct. 29, 1867. Educated Phil'a Coi. of Pharmacy and Jefferson Med. Col. Married Mary A. Pearson, June 29, 1887. Physician. Dickson City. DAVID JOHN JENKINS, M. D. 734 Born Monmothshire, England, March 9, 1871. Educated Albany Med. Col. Married Anna G. Probert, Jan. 25, 1902. Physician and Sur- geon. WILLIAM J. L. DAVIS, M. D. 735 Born Paterson, N. J., Feb. 3. 1876. Educated Manhattan Col. and Columbia T"ni., N. Y. City. Married Margaret Magee, Oct. 15, 1896. Physician and Sur.geon. JOHN T. McGRATH, M. D. 736 Born Scranton. Pa., Feb. 17, 1873. Educated I'ni. of Pa. Married Anna U. Burke, Feb. 22, 190". Physician. *LEWIS SHERMAN BARNES, M. D. 737 Born Dewisville. Pa.. Jan. 24, 1863-*June 19, 1,>02. Educated Phil'a Pa. Married Eva Jes- sie Clemons, June 6, 1893. Physician. WILSON S. DECKER, V. S. 738 Born New Bethlehem, Clarion Co., Pa., Aug. 27, 1860. Grau. Ontario Veterinary Col., Tor- onto, Can. Married Anna Mahon. June 26, 1900 Vetprinarv Surgeon. M^m. Penn'a State Veterinary Soc. Dir. Williams Drop Forging Co. for manuf'g Horse Shoes and Removable Calks. Mem. T'nion Lodge No. 291 F & A. M.; Kevstone Consistory S. P. R. S ; 32d Deg A. A. S. R. Lack'a Chap. No. 185. Coeur De I>ion Com. No. 17. Irem Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. Scranton Coun- cil No. 44, R. & S. M. EZRA YOCUM HARRISON, D. D. S. 739 Born Town Line. I^uzerne Co. Pa., Oct. 12, 1870. Educated Public School. Huntington Mills Academy. Phil'a Dental Col. Married Minnie Rinker. Jan. 25, 1899. Dentist. ROBT. FRANKLIN TAYLOR, D.D.S. 740 Born Co. Grev, Ontario, Can., July 7, 1865. Educated High School of Ontario. Dental School. Baltimore. Md. Married Florence Bowles, July 4, 1888. Dentist. HENRY BROWN, PHG. 741 Born Scranton, Pa., Dec. 26, 1875. Educated Columbia I^ni., Pharmacy Dept. Married Rose C. M. Blatter, June 16, 1903. Pharma- cist. Have Three Pharmacies. Mem. Alum- ni Ass'n of Columbia Uni. South Scrant^on Board of Trade. Lack'a Pharmaceutical Sec. xliii Prominent Men of Scranton and Vicinity Druggist. JOHN J. BROWN 742 FORTUNATO TISCAR 743 Horn Catiuiin. Italy, Oct. 30. M^'A. Educated Italy. Mariiod l>iii.«a Po Antonio, Nov. 11, lS9f>. Roy.il Consular AKint ol" Italy. FRANK J. McCANN 744 Born Scranton, Pa., Aur. 2, 1S71. Kdncatcd GcoiKctovvn Tni. W'linle.sale Dealer Plunib- inp: and Steam Supplies. Pres. Wyoming \alley Supply and Manufc Co. * JAMES J. LYNCH 745 Bora County Mayo, Ireland, ]S4(.'— *Jan. 8, l^'PS. Educated Public Schools Dunmore, Pa. Married Mary E. Mooney, Feb. 22, 1870. Pres. Olyphant Water" Co.; Dickson Water Co.; Winton Water Co. Treas. and Dir. Blakely Poor Board. Mem. Branch 89 C. M. B. A., Olyphant. ^Vas one of the most prosperous Merchants in Olyphant. *SIMON RICE 746 Born Germany. April 22, 1842. Educated in Gf>rmany. Married Fannie I.,ovy in 18G3. Wholesale (Grocery. *Aug-, 4. IPO]. WILLIAM CADWALLADER PRICE 747 Born Scranton, Pa., April 13, 1S69. Educated Scranton, Pa. Married Rachel Evans, June 10, 18P1. Funeral Dir. JAMES G. BRADY 748 Born Scranton, Pa., Feb. 21, 1876. Educated Wood's Bus. Col. Alderman 20th Ward. FRANK M. MOYER 749 Born Fasten, Pa., March 31, 1838. Educated Wyomins? Co., Pa. Married Isabella A. For- old, June 4, ISPd. Contractor and Builder. ADAM SPITZER Bottler. 750 ANTHONY P. CONWELL 751 JACOB F, PFEIFFER 752 Born Scranton, Pa. lOducated Public Schools. Married Emma Sclantz, Oct. 17, 190i). Barber and Cigars. MORRIS R. ZEHNDER 753 Born Fairvicw, Pa., Jan. 9, 1S69. Educated Wilkcs-Bnrre, Pa. Married Mamie Eloyd, July 4, 1894. Inventor and Patentee of the Zehnder Compression Valves and Steam Brake. Vico Pres. Zehnder Valve & Brake Manufg Co. GEORGE A. BROWN 754 Drufi'sist. SAMUEL MENDLESON Born N. Y. City, Sept. 2S. ISTT. Kducated Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Justic of Peace. Mer- chant. Pres. and Foreman of Wm. Walker Hose Co., No. 1. Dir. H. H. B. D. Co., of Jermvn. Rep. Executive Committeeman. Interested in Coal Co. N. E. In H. H. E. L. Co., Jermyn. Mem. Elks, Eagles and For- esters. Mayfield, Pa. JOHN A. KOMARA Born Eeitshen, Austria-Hungary, April 25, 1880.. Educated Europe and T". S. Married Miss K. L. Drabant, June fi. 1905. Fire Ins. Real Estate and Loa ns. Mem. Sup. Court I Cath. Slovak Union. Ex-Dir. Public Schools. Intei-ested in Geneva Mining Co. of Mexico. Offices Scrantcn and Olyphant. FRANK W. HORNBAKER 757 Born Scranton, Pa., May 4, ISTl. Educated Public Schools. Married H. E. Griffin, Nov. 23, 1897. Photo. Supplies. Photographer. T. EMERSON DILLON 758 Born Bloumsliurg, Pa., June V.i, 1859. Educat- ed State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa. Married Elizabeth Fell Hughes, Dec. 27, 1900. Photo. Specialist. ARCHIBALD P. BENJAMIN 759 Born I^ack'a Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1870. lOducat- ed Nicholson High School and Scranton Business Col. Married Delnhene M. McKin- ney, June 5, 1895. With N. B. Levy ,fc Bros., Wholesale Jcwelt rs. Accn\mtant. LA VERNE A. BURDICK 760 Born Susq. Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1864. Educated I'niondale, Pa. Married Alice M. Carpenter, March Jl, 1SS7. Photographer, Jermyn, Pa. WILKES-BARRE AND VICINITY REV. HENRY L. JONES, D.D., S.T.D. 765 Born N. Y, City, May 30, 1839. Educated Columbia I ni., N. Y. ; "Divinity School, Va. Married Oct. 6, 1869, Sarah Eastman Coffin, Concord, N. H. Rec. St. Sl('i)hen's Church. Ass'l MIn. N. Y. Kphiphany, N. Y. City, 1861-("1 Rec. Christ <'hurch, Fitchburg, Mass., 18ii.3-187t. Rec. St. Stephen's, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. since 1874. Mem. (."ourt of Re- view, P. E. Church, .'^d Dept. Dep. to Gen. Convention for 30 years. Mem. of Stand- ing Com. Diocese of Central Pa. for ;?0 years. Life Mem. N. Y. Hist. Soc. Vice Pres. Wyoming Hist, and Geological Soc. Pics. Osterhout Free Library. Ordained by Bp. of N. Y., May, ISdl. Degree of S. T. D. Col- umbia lini., 1892. xliv Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. WALTER DE FOREST JOHNSON REV. ALBERT E. PIPER, PH. D. 766 Horn Bennington, Vt., Aug' 3, 18G9. Ediicat- fid Uni. of Yn. ; Theo. Sem. of Va. Married Grace Derr, June 23, 1897. Clergyman of the C^ P. E. Church. Vicar of Calvary Church. Sec. of Wilkes-Barre Cleric. Pres. Wilkes- Barre Playgrounds A.ss'n. Sec. Ijuzerne Co. Com. of Visitation of Reformatories, etc. Chairnian finance Com. of B. I. A. Pres. of Calvary House. Asst. Sec. of the Diocese of Central P.-^. Mem. Wyoming Valley Co. Club. Chairman Professional Branch of Fin. Com. of Wilkes-Barre Centennial. REV. HORACE E. HAYDEN, M. A. 767 Born Catonsville, Md., Feb. 18, 1837. Educat- ed St. Timothy's Military Academy, Md.; Kenyon Col., Va.; Virg-inia Theo. Sem., Va. Married Kate Elizabeth Byers, Nov. 30, 1&68. (lergyman P. E. Church. Asst. Min. St. Stephen's Chureli, Wilke.s-Barre, since 1879. Private 1st Vir. and 1st Md Cav. C. S. A. lSfil-lS65. Cor. Sec. and Librarian Wyoming Historical and Geological Soc, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., since 1S95. Mem. Historical Soc. cf Pa., Md., Va., Ga.. Kan., Buffalo, Amer. Historical and Southern Historical Ass'n. Soc. of the Cincinnati, Colonial Mass, Mili- tary Order, Sons of the Rev., Naval Order, \\ ar of 1812, Ignited Con. Veterans, Army and Navy, C. S. A. JOxam. Chaplain Diocese Central Pa., since 188.5. Author and Editor of a Number of Works, Historical, etc. Mem. Lodge 60 F and A. M, ^ REV. LEVI L. SPRAGUE, D. D. 768 Born Beekman, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1.S14. Educated Wyoming Sem. Married Jennie E. Russell, Dec. 22, 1869. Pres. Wyoming Sem. Mem. Bd. of Trustees of \\ yomin.g- Sem Mem. Bd. of Trustees t^yracuse I^ni. Pres. of Bd. of Trustee.s, Wyoming' Annual Con. Kingston, Pa. *REV. HENRY H. WELLES, D. D. 769 Born \\'yalusing, Pa , Sept. 15, 1824— *Sept. L'.i, 1902. Educated Princeton Col. and Sem. Married Elkn S. Ladd. Presby. Clergyman. *REV. ARCH. A. HODGE, D.D., LL. D. 770 r.orn Princeton. N. J., July IS, 1823— *Nov. 11, 1886. Educated Col. of N. J., Class of 1841. Presby. Min. Fir.st Presby. Church of Wilkes-Barre. Prof. Theo. Sem. of Prince- tun 1877 \mtil his death. Prof. Theo. in the Pre.«by. Sem. at Allegheny City, 1864. *REV. CHARLES C. CORSS 771 Born Groenlield, Mass., May 23, 1803— *May •JO, 1896. Educated Amherst Col. and Prince- ton Theo. Sem. Married Ann Hoyt. Presby. Clergj'man in East Smithfield, Pa. REV. LEONARD C. MUNLOCK, D.D. 772 Educated Cooperstown High School, Caze- novia Sem. and Weslyan Uni. Married Lucy E. Peet. .Min. in the M. E. Church. ^ REV. CURTIS E. MOGG, D. D. 773 Born Euclid, N. Y. Educated Cazenovia Sem. and Syracuse Uni. Pastor Central Church, Wilkes-Barre, since 1895. 774 Pastor First M. E. Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. REV. MARCUS SALZMAN, D. D. 775 Born Baltimore, Md., Dec. 11, 1871. Educat- ed Public Schools of Baltimore, Uni. of Cin- cinnati and Hebrew Union Col., Cin., O. Married Hannah Block, March 1, 1904. Rabbi. B'nai Brith Washington Street Temple (Reformed Hebrew). REV. WILLIS H. STONE 776 Born Keene, N. H., April 22, 1856. Educated Episcopal Academy of Con. Married Ellen Louise Sawyer, Jan. 25. 1881. Episcopal Clergyman. Rector St. Clements' Episcopal Church. Asst. Grace Chapel, Hartford, Conn., 1889-1S93. Asst. Church of the Nativ- ity, S. Bethlehem, Pa., 1S9R-1896. Rector St. Clements, Wilkes-Barre, since 1896. RT. REV. MGR. PETER C. NAGEL 777 Born Greoenstein, Westfalen, Mav 25, 1825. Educated Uni. Munster, Westfalen. Rector St. Nicholas Church. Mgr. of the Rom. Cath. Church. REV. JOHN JOSEPH CURRAN 778 Born Hawley. Pa., June 19. 1S,"9. Educated Wyomin.g Sem.. and St. Vincent's, Pitts.; Grand Sem., Montreal. Ordained Priest at Scranton, Aug. 22, 1887. Pastor Holy Saviour Church, Wilkes-Barre. Formerly A.sst. Priest at Carbondalc, 18.S7-1895. REV. RICHARD A. McANDREW 779 Born N. Y. City, Dec. 11. 1851. Educated Holy Cross Col. Worcester, Mass., and St. Charles Sem., 0\ erbrook, Pa. Rector St. Mary's Church. REV. MICHAEL EDW. LYNOTT 7S0 Born Scranton, Pa., July 17, 18-52. Edu- cated St. Bonaventure Coll., Albanv, N. Y.; St. Vinjent's Coll., Beatty's, Pa.', and Gand Sem., Montreal, Can. Rector St. Ignatius Rom. Cath. Church, Kingston, Pa. Since 1901. Was ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter's Cathe., Scranton, Sept. 29, 1S75, by Rt. Rev. Win. O'Hara, Bp. of Scran- ton. Ha.s spent all his life as a priest in the Diocese of Scranton, having had charge of parishes at Wellsboro, Tioga Co., and Jermyn, Lack'a Co.. in both of which places he has left evidences of his arduous labors in the Churches and Parochial residences. He is a facile writer, of originality anu p.jwer, having contributed essays on various subjects and carried on some noteworthy cjntrover.sies of a political character through the newspaers. Kingston, Pa. REV. MICHAEL H. DUNN 781 Born Ireland, Sept. 29, 1845. Educated St. Bonaventure Col., Allegany, N. Y. Clergy- man of Catho. Church. Chaplain of Mercy Hospital. xlv Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity REV. JOSEPH MURGAS 7S2 Born Tajo, Huni?;iry, Feb. 17. LS()4. Kdufatcd Pres.sburg, G)-aii and NfLisnhl, Munich (Ba- varis). Pastor Roni. Catho. Slavish Churfli. Inventor Wirelcs.s Telegrapli System. REV. STANISLAS SZPOTANSKI 7S3 Born J3Iossl)iirs'. I'a., 'I'ioKa Co., Nov. 1, isT.i. Ediuateil Holy Ghost Col., Pittsburg, Pa. and St. Vinoent's Coll., Beatty, Pa. Pastor ot St. Jost-ph's Chuii'h. Jludsou, Pa. REV. WILLIAM GISLON Born Italy, June 21, 1871. Educated Venice and Baltimore. Md. Rom. Catho. Clergy- man, Rom. Catho. Italian Church. Pittston, Pa. *REV. ALEX. BELL JACK 785 Born Dunbar, Scotland, June 13. 183G— *21, 13S6. Educated Univ's of Glasglow and Edin- burgh, also at the Sem. of the Associate Ref. Church at Newburgh, N. Y. Married Sophia Celestia Sayles, of Pascoag, R. I., Sei't. 4, 18H7. Minister of the Gospel. Or- dained by the Presby. of N. Y., June 25, 1S57. Served as Pas. of the Union Presby. Church of Newburgh, N. Y., from 1857 to 1S68; of the Mahoning- Presbv. Church, Dlmvllle. Pa., from 1869 to 1S74; of the Presby. Church. Hazleton, Pa., 1S74 to 1886. REV. ROBERT BONNER JACK 786 Born Danville, Montour Co., Pa., Sept. 27. 1872. Educated llazleton Semi.; Princeton Univ.; Princeton Theo. Semi. Married Mar- garet Louise Van llorsen. Aug. 20, 1901. Min. of the Gospel of Presby Church. Pas- tor of First Presby. Church of Hazlelon since Sept. 2-3, 1S97. Hazleton. REV. JOHN WAGNER, D. D. 787 Born Stone Church. Northampton Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1852. Educated Penn'a Col. and Theo. Semi., Gettysburg, Pa. Married Mary E. Schleppy, Sept. 9, 1880. Minister of the Gospel. Tru.stee of Penn'a Col., Gettysburg, Pa. Dir. Lutheran Theo. Semi, Gettysburg, Pa. Trus. Irving Coll., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Dir. ol United Charities, Hazleton, Pa. REV. WILLIAM TOENNES 788 Born Rhine Province, Germany, April 16, 1870. Educated Calvin Col., Ursinus Semi, and Princeton Semi. Married Johanna Kickschlag, Aug. 23, ISPS. Pastor Grace Ref. Church, Hazleton. REV. BRONISLAUS F. WALTER 789 Born Nanticoke, Lnz. Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1870. Educated St. Vmcent's Coll. and Bona- venture's Semi.. Allegany, N. Y. Rector St. Casimer's Church, (R. C, Polish) Freeland, Pa. Formerly Pastor at Morri.s Tioga t:o.. Pa., Sacred Heart (Polish) R. C. Church. Freeland, Pa. REV. A. SZAULINSKAS 790 Born Luthuania, 1872. Educated St. Mary's Semi., Baltimore. Md. Rector of Holy Trin. - R. C. Luthuanian Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. VERY REV. ARCHPRIEST A. G. TOTH 791 Tiorn Hungary, (Europe) March 18, 1854. I'Mucated Himgary Univ. Archpriest and Rector ot Russian Orth. Greek Cath. ("lunch of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. REV. THEO. A. KLONOWSKI 792 Born Poland, Feb. 28, 1859. Educated Euro- pean, Col. and St. Vincent Semi., Amer. Ordained Dec. 23, 1884, by Rt. Rev. Bp. O'Hara, of Scranton. Pastor of St. Marys Polish Cath. Church. Appointed in June, 1893. REV. ROBERT T. ROBERTS, D. D. 793 Born Cambria, Wis., Oct. 29, 1851. Educated Ripon Col., Wis., and Lane Semi., Cin., O. Married Margaret Ann Hughes, May 11, ISSl. Pastor First Presby. Welsh Church. *REV. CHARLES McKECHINE 794 Born Johnston, near Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 1, 1818— *Sept. 7, 1905. Married Susan MacMullen, July 16, 1836. Min. of P. M. Church. REV. HUGH DAVIS ■^95 Pastor Second Welsh Presl)y. Church. REV. JAMES T. MATTHEWS 796 Born Cannonstown, Ludgvan, Cornwall, ICngland, Aug. 29. 1S55. Educated Wyoming Semi. Married Sarah Annabel Yarrow. Apr. 11, 1881. Became Pastor of the First P. M. Church, Wilkes-Barre, April, 1879. Was ap- pointed to take charge of Missions in Scran- ton the same Year. Ser\ed Churches in Jedo, Parsons, Plains and Hudson, and a Second time at \"\'ilkes-Barre up to 1888, when he accepted a call to the Sec. Con. Church, Blossburg, Tioga Co., Pa., where he ri'mained until 1898. Accepted a call to Elm Cong'l Chin-ch, Plymouth, Pa., in 1899, con- tinued pastor until lIXx;. HUGO V. STABLER 797 Born April 28. 1847. Birthplace Constance, Germany. Educated B(^rlin. Married July 11, 1872 to Minnie F. Kuschke. Dir. ot Music \\'yo. Sem.. since ISVl. Kingston, Pa. ADOLPH HANSEN 798 Born Tessin, Mecklenburg, Germany, Dec. 10, 1859. Educated Frederic Franz Academy, Schv.'erin. Married Sept. 4, 1895 to Mary L. Turner. Musical Dir. and Organist. Con- ductor of Concordia Singing Society. Con- ductor of St. Conrad's Glee Club. Organist at Temple B'nai Britii. Organist at Calvary Episcopal Church. Mem. of Westmoreland Ciub. xlvi Prominent Men o£ Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity ALBERT SALZBRENNER ■ 799 Born Aug-. 8. 1SC5. Dresden, Saxony. Oer- "niany. Educated Dresden Academy of Art, also at Paris and Rome, Italy. Married It Eiiza Gruschritz. Portrait Artist. REV. JOSEPH DAVIDOWSKI 800 Porn Germany. Educated Italy. Clergyman. Rector of the Polish Nat. Church, Plym- outh, Pa. *REV. JAMES MAY, D. D. 801 Died 186.'. Married Jan. S, 1829 to Ellen Pow- nian. *REV. ERANCIS B. HODGE, D. D. 802 Born Oct. 24, lS3S--*May 13, 1905, Princeton, N. J. Educated Princeton Col. and Semi. Married June. Is64, to Mary E. Alexander. Pastor First Presby. Church, Wilkes-Barre, Trus. ol Princeton Col., Dir. of Princeton Si^mi. ; Tius. of Lincoln Pa.; Trus. of Os- terhout Library, etc. *REV. CHARLES S. DUNNING, D.D. 803 Porn Jan. 31. 1S28, Wallkell, Orange Co.. N. Y.— *June 1, 1885. Educated Williams Col., Crad. 1845; Union Teho. Som., N. Y., Grad. 1852. Married Maria H. ^Vhite, Daughter . Rev. Henry White, D. D. Min. Presby. ► Prof, of Hebrew ITnion Theo. Semi., N. Y. Pastor First Presby. Church, Binghamton, N. Y.; Ftanklyn, N. Y., and Honesdale. Pa. REV. WILLIAM J. RICHARDS, D.D. 804 Born 184.5. Mesthyr Tydfol, S. Wales, Eng. Ldncated Bala, Cong'l Col., N. Wales. Mar. April 5, 1870, to Elizabeth Davies. Cong'l Min. *GEN. ISAAC BOWMAN 805 Born Dtc. 27, 1773, New Braintree, Mass.— *.Vug. 1, 18-jl. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Educated New Brnintree. Married April 9, 1806, to Mary Blinn Smith. Came to Wilkes-Barre, Pa., in 1795. 1798 was appointed a non- commissioned officer in "Wyo. Blues," of W.-B. Served as Sec. Lieut. In 1806 elected First Lieut, of same, afterwards Captain. Elected Col of the 4th Regiment Penn"a Militia Sept. 5, 1814, which position he held till 1828. That year elected Brigade Inspec. o;' the same Brigade for seven years. May, 1810 was elected a mem. of the W.-B. Bor. Council, and dir. of the first W.-B. Bank— a branch of the Philadelphia Bank. Nov. 14; 1810 was comm-issioned by Gov. Snyder. Coroner Luz. Co. for term of three years. Tax Col. 1814. Com. by Gov. Findley, Sher- iff Luz. Co., 1819-1822. Recorder of Deeds and Reg. of Wills. Reappointed 1832 and by Cov. Porter third term, 18:39. Mem. Lodge 61, F & A. M. *LIEUT. MUNROE BOWMAN 806 :-■ Born 1807, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.— *July, 1839. Educated Wilkes-Barre and West Point Military Academy. U. S. Dragoons. 1st Lieut. U. S. A. Graduated West Point Mil. Academy July 1, 1832. Promoted Third Lieut. Mounted Rangers July 1, 1832. Served on the Black Hawk Expedition 1832, but not at the seat of war; and on frontier duty at Jefferson Barracks, 1833. Was made Second Lieut. 1st Dragoons, Aug. 14, 1833. First Lieut. 1st Dragoons, June 30. 1835. Served on the Canadian River Expedition, 1836. *COL. SAMUEL BOWMAN 807 Born Oct. 31, ISIS. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.— *April 19, 1889, Wilkes-Barre. Educated Wilkes- Barre. Married May 19, 1845 to Sai'ah Titus. Captain of "Wyoming Artillerists." Lieut. - Col. of 8th Pa. Volunteers. Captured a Pris. of War, 19 June, 1861. DLscharged at Wash., Aug. 1862. -STEUBEN BUTLER 808 Born March 7, 1789, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.— *Aug. 12, 1881. Educated Wilkes-Barre Academy. Married June 3, 1810, to July Buckley. Ed. and Pub. "The Gleaner," "Wyoming Herald" and "The Literary Visitor." Ex-Postmaster ot Wilkes-Barre, and Co. Commissioner. *CAPT. JOHN PAUL SCHOTT 809 B(5rn Oct. 15, 1744. Berlin, Prussia. Educated Berlin Military Academy. Married Oct. 18, 1>;70, Naomi Sill. Came to Amer. 1775. First Rep. from Luz. Co. to sit in Penn'a Assem- bly, 1787. Commissioned Cap. in Continental Army Sept., 1776. Came to W.-B., 1779, a.g officer in Sullivan's Expedition. Stationed at Wyoming 1779-1781, part of the time com- mandant of Post, resigned 1882; afterwards inn keeper, merchant, malitia officer and various public offices— removed to Phila. 1804, where he was at the Custom House. *HENRY MILLS FULLER 810 Porn Bethany, Wayne Co., June 3, 1820— *Dec. 26, 1860. Educated Princeton Col., of N. J. Admitted to Luz. Co. Bar, 1872. Mar. Harriet Irwin Thorp. J^awyer. Elected to State Legislature, 1849. Elected Conal Com., 1849. Elected to Congress^. 18,50-18.57. *ARNOLD COLT 811 Born Lyme, Con.. Sept. 10. 1760— *Sept. 21, 1S?2. Married 1787, to Lucinda Yarington. Settled in Wilkes-Barre, 1786. Town Clerk, 1790-91. Sheriff Luz. Co., 1798-1801. President Town Council, 1826-27 and 1828-29; and other local offices. * ANDREW BEAUMONT 812 Born 1791, Lebanon, Conn.— *Sept. 30. 1853. Educated the Old Academy, W.-B. Married 1813 to Julia A. Colt. Collector of Revenue, Taxes and Internal Duties, 1814-1816. Pro- thonotarv and Clork of Courts, 1816-19. In State Legislature, 1821-1822; also in 1849. Postmaster W.-B., 1826 to 1832. Elected to Congress, 1832: re-elected 1834. A Political Writer and Writer on Economical Subjects. *COL. JOHN FRANKLIN 813 Born Caanan, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1768.— *Sept. 26. 1849. Farmer and Patriotic Leg- islator. First white man to settle in present Township of Huntington, Luz. Co. Elected xlvii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Sheriff I.uz. Co, 17y2 and ll%-6. Mem. Pa. Assembly, 1799-1803. Jn eommand of Malitia in serviec of I'. S., l7sO-17Sl, and following- was Justice of I'eacc for ytviral ytais. *PAYNE PETTEBONE S14 Born Dee. 2:', 1&13, Kingston, Pa. Married Oct. 3. 1S37 to Caroline M. Swelland. Mer- chant. Treas. L,ack"a & Ploomsburg H. K. Co., lS54-lS(io. Prop. Wyo. Shovel Works. Dir. Washintrloii iA]\' Ins. Co., N. Y. Uir. l<"irst Nat. Bank, Pittston. Sec. Nat. Bank; Miners' Savings l;ank, W.-B. Pres. W.-B. Saving Hank. Trus. Wyoniing Sem.; Drew Theo. Sem.; Wesleyan I'niv. *COI>. CHARLES DORKANCE S15 Born Jan. 4, ISOo, Kingston, I.,uz. Co.— *Jan. 18, 1892. Educated Kingston. Married, 1S45, Susan E. Ford. Farmer. Col. Wyoming Vols. Pres. Wyoming Nat. Bank, W.-B. Pres. Board Co. Commissioners, Buz. Co. Pres. Buz. Agricuiiurai Soc. Pres. W.-B. Bridge Co. Mem. Wyoming Hist, and Geo. Society. * CHARLES PARRISH 816 Born Aug. 27, 1826, Dundaff, Susq. Co., Pa.— *Dec. 27, 1896. Educated W.-B. Grammar School. Married June 31, 1864 to Mary Con- yngham. Firm of Bennett, Parrlsh & Co., and Coal Operator. Organizer and Pres. 1st Nat. Bank. Pres. hazard Wire Rope Manufg Co. Formed l^ehigh & W.-B. Coal Co., and Pres. 2U years. Dir. New Jersey Central K. R. Co. Organized and was Pres. of Parrish Coal Co. Dir. Penn'a R. R. Co. Pres. Borough and City Council from 1866 to 1S74. *THGMAS WRIGHT 817 Born 1747, Ireland- *2o March, 1S20. Married Mary Dyer. Founder of Miner's Mill at Wrightville, (now Miners Mills) Pa., where he built the original niill and ran it many ;-ears. WILLIAM ROSS SIS Born 29 March, 1716, Kiotland, Parish, Conn. — *Aug. 9, 1842. Married Oct. 10, 1790, to Eliz- abeth Sterling. A Soldier of the Rev., a Brigadier Gen. in the Militia, and State Senator. * ROBERT CHARLES SHOEMAKER 819 Born Forty Fort, Pa., April 4. 1836-*Feb. 16. 1902. Educated Wyoming Semi., Yale, A. B. 1855. Married Nov. 22, 1876, to Helen Lea, (Daughter of Hon. J. N. I-ea, of New Or- leans, and Widow of Henry Halloway Louis- dale). Lawver. Penn'a Bar. Ass'n; West- moreland Club; Wyoming Valley Country Club; W.voming Hist, and Geo. Soc; Wyo. Commemorative Ass'n; Trus. of Wyoming Cemetery Ass'n., etc. *ASHER MINER 820 Born Norwich, Conn., March ?,. 177S— *March 13, 1841. Married May 19, 1»)(), to Mary Wright. School Teacher; Founder and Ed. 01 the Luz. Co. Federalist, the Penn'a Cor- respondent, and Bucks Co. Intelligence. Ed. of the Village Record, West Chester. Lib., T5ooksellcr and I'nstmaster at Doyb-stown. ■CHARLES ABBOTT MINER 821 * Born Aug:. 30, 1830-*July 25, 1903. Educated '^ W.-B. Acad, and W. Chester. Married Jan. 19, lSo3, to Eliza Ross Atherton. Pres. of the Miner-Hillard Milling Co. COL. ASHER MINER 822 r.nrn Wi!kes-i:arre, I'a., Nov. 14, 1860. Edu. \\ likes- Barre Academy and Milliston Semi. Married Hetty McNair I..onsdale. Pres. Miner- llillard Milling Co. l<'ornuTly (U-n. In.^pector ol Ritle Practice on the Stall" of the Gov. of Pa.; Later Col. of the 7th Beg't, N. G. P. Pres. of Penn'a Millers' State Association, etc. SIDNEY ROBY MINER Born Wilkes-i;arre, Pa., July 2n, 1S61. Edu. Harvard, A. B. in 1888. I^awyer. CHARLES HOWARD MINER, M. D. 824 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 5, 1868. Edu. Hariy Hillman Academy, Princeton B. S. ; L'niv. of Vienna; Univ. of Penn'a M. D. Married June 1, 1904, to (jrace Lea Shoe- maker. Physician. Mem. of Luz. Co. Med. Soc; Penn'a Slate Med. Soc; Amer. Med. Ass'n; Natl Ass'n for the Study and Pie- vention of Tuberculosis; Sec. of the Wyo. \alley Soc. for the Prevention and Treat- ment of Tuberculosi.s; Attending- Physician to City Hospital; Pathologist to Mercy Hosjiital; Mem. ^Vestmoreland Club; Wyo. Valley Country Club: the Military Order" of Foreign Wars: Naval and Military Order of Spanish-Anier. War; Dir. o,'- Osteihout I''ree Librari'. ABRAM NESBITT 826 Born Plymouth Twp., Luz. Co., Pa.. Dec. 29, 1831. Educated Dana's Acad., Wilkes-Barre, Wyoming Semi. Married Sara M. Goodwin, Sept 2, 1862. Banker and Cap. Pres. Second Nat. Bank, W.-B.; Dir. L. V. R. R. Co.; Spring- Brook Water Supply Co.; Scranton Title Guaranty and Trust Co. Vice Pres. Board of Trus. of Wyoming Semi. Pres. Board of Directois Central Poor District of Luz. Co. I'res. W.-l!. Theatre Co. JOHN WELLES HOLLENBACK 826 Born Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Pa., ;Mai-ch 15, 1827. Educated Athens Academ.\-, Pa. Married, Oct. 25, 18.54, Annie E. Beard; Dec. IS, 1886, Josephine Woodward; June 18, 1874, Amelia Beard. Pres. People's Bank of W.-B. Realty Owner. Pres. W.-B, Lace Mfg. Co. V.-Pres. Spring- Bro(jk Water Sup. Co. Dir. Met. Life Ins. Co. of N. Y. Pres. Bd. Trus- tees Lafayette College, and Trustee since 1865. ALEXANDER H. VAN HORN 827 Born ITnion Twp., Luz. Co., Feb. 22, 1833. Educated Public Schools and Kingston. Mar- ried Dora L. Heading, April 23, 1SS5. Pres. W.-B. Dep. m. Krokor. HARRY B. SCHOOLEY ii-12 Born Wyoming, Pa., Oct. 5, 1869. Educated West Pitt.ston High School. Wyom. Sein., Kini»ston, Pa. Bond Broker. l)ir. 2d Nat. Bank. CHARLES PARRISH HUNT Born Mc.sh()T>pen. Fa., July M. 18io. Educated W.-B. Conunon Schools and Wyom. Seni. Married Grace Staunton Lea, April 6, 1S7i>. Treas. Parrish Coal Co. Ex-Hardware Mer- chant. Ex-Treas. and Mgr. Hillman Vein Coal Co. Ex-Treas. and Organizer The Langclifl'e Coal Co. at Avoca. Pres. W.-B. Iron Mlg. Co. Dir. 1st Nat. Bank, Parrish Coal Co., \ ukan Iron Works, Hazard Mfg. Co., \\'.-K. City Hospital. JOHNSON R. COOLBAUGH 844 Born near Towanda, Pa., Aug. 25, 1835. Edu- cated Monrooton Acad, and Com. Schools. Married Su?tan Huntington Dana, March 5, 1857. Merchant and Real Estate. Retired. Ex-Councilman at Large. Continuance Resi- dent since 1860 in Wilkes-Barre. *LIDDON FLICK 845 Born AVilkes-Barre, Pa., Oct. 2i), 1858— *July 2, 19<)5. Educated Princeton Univ., Columbia Law School. Married Henrietta M. Ridgely, June 2, 1903. Banker and Journalist. V.-Pre"s. \\'yom. Val. Trust Co., W.-B. Pres. Peo- ple's Light Co., Pittston; A'. -Pres. Muskegon Trac. and Lightin,g Co. Pres. Vineland Lr. and Power Co. Pres. Bethlehem Cons. Gas Co. *REUBEN JAY FLICK 846 Born Flicks\'ille, Noi-thampton Co., Pa., July 10, 181t)-*Dec. IS, 1890. Educated Public School, near Flicksville. Married Margaret Jane Arnold, Jan. 9, lS."iS. Banker. Pres. Peoples Bank, W.-B. Pres. W.-B. Lace Mfg. Co. Treas. Vulcan Iron Works, W.-B. Dir. W.-B. and Kingston St. Rv. ; Wyom. Val. Ice Co.: W.-B. City HospUal. R. JAY FLICK 847 Born Wilkes-Barre. June 24, 1871. Educated Public Schools, Harry Hillman Acad, and Princeton Univ. Pres. and Ed. W.-B. Times. Pres. Bethlehem Cons. Gas Co.; People's Lt. Co., Pittston: Vineland Lt. and Power Co., N. J. Dir. Wyom. Val. Trust Co.; W.-B. Lace Mfg. Co.; Cleveland-Scranton Oil Co.; Wyandot Pro. and Relining Co.; Dauphin Co. Gas Co.: Mahanoy City Gas Co.; Ches- ter Co. Gas Co. and others. *JOHN JENKS SHONK 818 Born Hope, N. J., .March 21, 181.'')— *Mav 1, 1904. Educated Plymouth. Married Amanda Davenport, Jan., 1S17 Coal Operator. Plvm- outh. Pa. FRANCIS DOUGLAS S49 Born West Point. N. Y., I) c. 2, 1860. Edu- cated DeVeaux College. Married Annie M. Eilicott, S.'pt. .",, 18SS. Banking. Cashier Urst Nat. Bank. JEROME NELSON THOMPSON 850 Horn Mexico. Juniata Co., Pa., .\pril l.'i. 1869. Married Gertrude Mann, Jan. IS, 19()«. Cash- ier of Bank. Dir. Wyom. Val. Trust Co., of Wilkcs-Barro; Plymouth Nat. Bank; Tnion Savings and Trust Co., Pittston; First Nat. Bank of Middleburgh; Belleville Nat. Bank, Belleville, Pa.; W.-B. Gas and Elect. Co. *ADOLPH VOIGT 851 Born Hanover, Germany, Oct., 1838— *Dec. 26, 1S87. Married Apol Ionia ^\"e^ner, Dec. 27, 1S65. Cashier W.-B. Dep. and Sav. Bank. EUGENE W. MULLIGAN 852 Born Reading, Pa., Oct. 28, 1852. PJducated Reading High School. Married Alice H. Mor- ris, June 5, 18S8. Banker. Cashier Second Nat. Bank. C. C. BOWMAN 853 Born Troy, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1852. Educated Union College, Graduate. Married Elizabeth Law, July 20, ISSO. Coal Operator. W. H. HOLLISTER 854 Born Dimock, Susq. Co., Pa., Sept. 29, 1850. I'Jducated Brooklyn, Susq. Co., Pa. Married b\ Ella Beemer, Sept. 29, 1S75. Manfr. and Coal Operator. Managing Partner Avoca Coal Co. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Standard L^icc. Lt., Heat and Power Co., Avoca. Pres. of Indicator Instructors Co., Seranton, Pa. Bres. Leippencot Seams Spec, and Sup. Co., Newark, N. J. Several other mining enter- prises. Avoca. CONRAD LEE 855 Born Nov. 3, IM.!. Man-ied Agness Weir, July 20, 1S6S. Formerly Supt. Avondaie Mmi'S, I'lymouth for 21 years. Coal Operator. Manfr of Building Materials. Lumber and keal Estate. GEORGE F. LEE 856 Horn Plymouth Twp., Sept. 23, 1S70. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Phebe Eng- lish, Oct. 10, 1893. Coal Operator. Lumber l)usiness of Scouton, Lee & Co. at Parsons and Rhone, Pa. * WILLIAM ROSS MAFFET 857 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 29, 1S17— *June 14, 1S9<). Educated Cazenovia Sem., N. Y. Coal Operator. Civil Engineei-. ■STEPHEN HILL PETTEBONE 858 Born Kingston Twp. (now Dorranceton), Pa., Aug. 11, 1829- *Oct. 4, 1905. Married Lu- cinda C. Pettebone, Jan. 24, 1854. Farmer. Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity *JOHN BABTHOLOMEW 859 Born July l(j. 1813— *April 4, 1SS7. Married Mary Pettebone, May 28, 1843. Miller. Mill- wright. CHARLES HUGHES 860 Born Oct. 2S, 1S21. Married Ksther M. Pette- bone, March 1. 184!). Farmer. Now living Catawis.sa, Pa. *JOSHUA PETTEBONE 861 Born Kingston Twp. (now Dorranceton), Pa., Aug. 31, 1788— *March 29. 1877. Married Eleanor Gay, July 27, 1809. Farmer. *HENRY PETTEBONE 862 Born Kingston Twp. (now Dorranceton), Pa., Oct. '\ 1802— *May .5, 1861. Educated W.-Barre Acad. Married Elizabeth Sharps, 182.5. Lawyer. Ed. "'The Republican Farm- er," 1828-1831. Prothonotary Luz. Co., Feb. 17, 1830-.Jan. 1, 1836. Mgr. W.-Barre Bridge Co., 1836-1838. Professional and Mercantile Business, 18:^8-1848. Associate Judge Luz. Co., 1845-1849. Clerk Penn'a State Senate, 1849. Contractor— Ponn'a, Gravity, and B. & O. Railroads, 1S50-1857. Gen. Ticket Agt. L. & B. R. R., 18.57-May 5, 1861. * JACOB SHARPS PETTEBONE 863 Born Kingston Twp. (now Dorranceton), Pa., Sept. 7, 1821— *Dec. 26, 1895. Married Sarah Williamson, March 2, 1851. Farmer. *EBENEZER GAY PETTEBONE. 864 Born Kingston Twp. (now Swayesville), Pa., Nov. 1, 1818- *Feb. 17, 1887. Married Margaret Seagraves. Farmer. *COL. GEORGE PALMER RANSOM 865 Born Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., Jan. 3, 1762— *SepL. 5, 18.50. Married Olive Utley, Aug. 14, 1783; ElizalKth l.,amoreaux, Jan. 9, 1794. Col. in the Militia Regiment in the Revolu- tionary War. *WILLIAM HANCOCK 866 Born Plains, Pa., Aug. 2, 1831— *Feb. 8, 1906. Educated W.-Barre Acad., Wyo. Sem. Mar- ried Isabella Brown Barker, Sept. 25, 1873. Merchant. Before retiring from business, was a lumber and plow manfr; prop, of gen. supply stores, and one of the founders of the Wyoming Terra Cotta Works and the Wyo. Shovel Works. He was the first bur- gess of Wyo. Boro., later Mem. of Boro. Council. For many years, Pres. of the Bd. of Trus. of the Wyo. Presby. Church. Was one of the pioneer supporters of the tax system, which the present prime minister proposes to establish in England. *DOUGLASS SMITH 867 Born Phil'a, June 9, 1840— *Dec. 12, 1903. Edu- cated Philadelphia Schools. Married Mary E. Faser, May 16, 1865. Merchant. Post- master at W.-Barre from 1878 to 1882. Supt. of Westminster Sunday Scliool for 43 years. Elder First Presby. Church. FREDERICK BENHAM MYERS 868 Pa., June 10, 1845— * Jan. 16, Wyo. Sem., Kingston. Pa.; , Cazenovia, N. Y. Married Naomi A. Mott. Feb. 16, 1869. Coal and Real Estate. Market Gardener. Dir. in Com. Tel. Co. of Penn"a. Born Kingston, 1906. Educated Cazenovia Sem. IRA M. KIRKENDALL 869 Born Dallas, Luz. Co., Pa.. Nov. 3, 1835. Educated Public Schools, Dallas. Married Hannah Driesbach, Nov. 3, 1868. Whole- sale Grocer, Firm of Kirkendall & Son. Burgess of W.-Barro, 1870. 1st Mayor W.-B., 1871-4. FREDERICK C. KIRKENDALL 870 Born W.-Barre. 1S7J. Educated Lafayette Coll. Married Eleanor C. Gearhart, Jan. 12, 1897. Mayor W.-Barre, 1905-1908. Whol. Gro. Ed. "Leader." Dir. Second Nat. Bk. ; Lead- er Pub. Co. ; Penn Tobacco Co. ; Boys' In- dust. Assn. Mem. Firm Kirkendall & Son; No. 61, F. & A. M.; Shekinah Chapter; Dieu Le Vieut Com.; Mystic Shrine. JOSEPH MALLORY STARK 871 Born Plains, Pa., Aug. 28, 1868. Educated Public School, Wyo. Sem. Married Eliza- beth A. Stewart, June 25, 1891. Coal Oper- ator. Ex-Merchant and P. M. of Hudson, Pa. EDWARD W. DAVIS 872 Born Ebensburg. Pa.. Dec. 18, 1864. Married Emma Miller, Feb. 9. 1886. Merchant and Real Estate. Dir. Wvo. Val. Trust Co.; Plymouth Nat. Bk. Treas. W.-Barre Grand Opera House Co. Mem. Westmoreland and ii'i-anklin Clubs; Landmark Lodge, 442, F. & A. M. ; Dhekenah Chap. ; Dieu Le Vieut Cum.; Mystic Shrine. HENRY LEES 873 Born England, 1842. Educated Common Schools, England. Married Lorinda D. Da- venport, 1872. Retired. Formerly Clothing Merchant Tailoring. V. Pres. 1st Nat. Bk. oi Plymouth. Pres. Wilmington L. & W. Co., Ohio. Dir. Winchester, Kv., L. & I. Co. Mem. M. E. Church of Ply. Plymouth, Pa. CHRISTOPHER WREN 874 Born Pottsville, Aug. 16. 18.53. Educated in Public Schools. Insurance and Real Estate. Sec. Ply. Bd. of Trade. Pro. of Luz. Co., from to . Wyo. Hist. & Geo. Soc. ; Wyo. Com. Ass'n; Amer. Antheopological Ass'n; Amer. Ass'n for Adv. of Science M< m. Masonic Fraternity. ASA K. DeWITT 875 Cashier First Nat. Bank of Plymouth, Pa. Plymouth, I^a. *AMOS T. DeWITT 876 Born May 1. 1825-' Oct. 17, 1SS4. Married Elizabeth C. Keller, Oct. 23, 1850. Farmer. Fulls, Pa., Wyo. Co. Prominent Men of Wllkes-Barre and Vicinity CHARLES C. RANSOM S77 Boin Jackson, I'a., Jan. 1. 1845. lOducuted Jackson Com. School. Manit'd Mar.v Klston, Aprii L'l, 18(17. ("'Mitractdi- :iii(l Builder. Plvin- oulh. Pa. JOHN R. POWELL 878 Jioi-n I'enjdarvcn, (Glamorganshire, South Waks, Great Britain, May 6, 1847. Kdu- caled Common Schools, Wales. Mar- ried Ann Jenkins, Aug-. 1, 1872. Manfr. of Miners Squibs. Pres. Ply. Nat. Bk. Dir. Union Soap Works; Jualpa Co.; Juneau, Alaska and Cal. Cold Min. Co.; Bishop Creek Gold Min.; Jualpa Co., Cal.; l^uz. Graphite Co., Canada. Plymouth, Pa. JOHN JOSEPH MOORE 871» Born Plymouth. Pa., May 26, 1871. Married Sarah Mackin," Sept. 2, 1.n97. Moore Bros. & Co., Fiet & Weed. V.-Pres. Ply. Nat. Bank. Plymoutli, I'a. CHARLES ROBERT MILLER S80 Born Espy, Columbia Co., Pa., Aug. 26, 1864. Educated Espy. Married Almedla Trump, Nov. 21, 1889. Furniture Dealer. Dir. Ply. Nat. Bk. Treas. Ply. Boro., Luz. Co., 1904„ AMBROSE WEST S81 Born Leicestershire, Eng., Nov. 28, 1856. Edu- cated Germantown, Pa. Married Elizabeth Boyes, April, 1879. Manfr. P'io. Knit. Mills; Shawnee Paper Box Mills; West Lumber & Mfg-. Co.; Prop. Dir. 1st Nat. Bk., Plymouth; 2d Nat. Bk., W.-Barre. Pres. Doran Lace Mfg-. Co., W.-Barre. Sec. W.-Barre News Co. Plymouth, Pa. PHILIP ROWLAND BEVAN 8S2 Born Piitston, Pa.. Oct. 30, 186;]. Educated Pittston and Kingston, Pa. Married Grt*ce Clark Sharpe, Oct. 19. 1899. Mgr. Banking House of J. i;. Bu-^sell & Co. JOSEPH H. SCHWARTZ 883 Born Nevv York City, July 20, 1860. Grad. N. Y. City Schools. Married Stella Janet Keller. 1.887; Anna M. Yerrick, 1S98. Surviv- ing Mem. of the Firm of Fred Schwartz & Bro., Pl.\moiilh Pa., lOst. ISTi). I'lymouth, Pa. *FREDERICK SCHWARTZ 88i Born New York Cily, Jan. 18, 1819— *Feb. .'5, 1903. Educated New York Cily Schools. Established Fiim of Fred Schwartz & Bro., 1870. Plvmouth. Pa. CHARLES LAW SS5 Born Carbondale, Pa., Oct. 30, 1&33. Self- Educated. Married Ellen A. Atwater, Nov. 25, 1S.-4. Retired. ALEXANDER SLOAN, SR. 880 Boi'n Gii\an. A>rshire, Scotland, June 17. 1810. Educated Great Britain. Mairied Ara- bella Sleeman Widger, Sept. 4, 3879. Me- chanical Ens-, and Draughtsman Supt. and Treas. Pittston Stove Co. Dir. Pittston Cily Scnools. Pre.''. Pittston "V. M. C. A. Pres. Piitston Bldg. & Eoan Ass'n. Vestryman St. James Epis. Church. I'ittsti/n, and Supt. of Sunday School. 'JAMES FOWLER 887 Boin England, Marcli 29, l.S10-*Feb. 9, 19ltl. lOducaled ^\'ayne Co. Schools. Married Cor- delia Bales, 18(;>. Meiehant Miller. Pittston. J. I. SHOEMAKER 888 Born Wyo., I.uz. Co., Pa., April 7, 1839. Edu- cated \\.\o. Sem. Married M. M. Sliarps, Dec. 2.;, isr,:;. Justice of the Peace. Wyo. *JERMIAH B. SHIFFER 889 Born Marcy Twp., Imz. Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1825— *April 8, 1899. Married Almeda B. Lance, Feb. 21, 1856. Pittston. WILLIAM A. SHIFFER 890 Born Pittston. Pa., Aug. 15. ISim. Educated West Pittston, Pa. Married Olive A. Row- ley, June 8, 1893. lr;surance Agt. Pittston. FRANK E. SHIFFER ■ 891 Born Pittston, Pa., Nov. 29, 1857. Educated West Pittston, Pa. Mairled Esther Brvden, Sept. 10, 1901. Fire fns. Agt. Pittston. GEORGE B. ROMMEL 892 Born Jer.'-ey City. N. J., Jime 4, 1835. Edu- cated N. J. Married Celia Ford. Paper Manfr. Dir. Heat Lt. and Wat. Co., of Bur- lington, W. Va.; Tagerts Val. Min. and Oil Co. Pittston. JAMES M. RUTTER 893 Born W.-Barre, Pa., March 13, 1841. Married Martha C. Burdett, Oct. 15, 1866; Alvaretta Wiidoner, April 24. 1886. Real Estate. Mem. of the City School Bd. Served 3 years in War of Rebellion. 1862 to 1865. Received a Congres. Medal of Honor for gallantry at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Charter Mem. Conyngham Post, G. A. K. Mem. and Past Col. U. V. li. Mem. Landmark Lodge, F. & A. M. N. B. RUTTER S94 Born W.-Barre, Aug. 17, 1871. Educated Pub- lic Schools and Hillman Acad. Married Stella Gertrude Hann, April 25, jS99. Civil and Min. Eng. Co. Surveyor. Supt. and Eng. of the Hollenback Coal Co. Civil and Con- sulting Eng. Co. Commissioners. Estimating Eng. for Eng. and Con. Co., of W.-Barre. Have acted as Consulting Eng. for Penn'a R. R. Co. Mem. Westmoreland Club. Char- t'i- Mem. of Wvo. Val. Country Club. Mom. 01 Shrine; Knight Templars; Chapter and Blue Lodge. Dir. of r.uj-. Co. Sportsmen Association. JACOB ROBERTS, JR. 895 Burn FJngland, Dec. I'l, 1840. Educated Uni- ted States. Married i-^mma A. Simpson. Coal Operator. Dir. W.-Barre Dep. & Sav. Hi Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Bk. Metn. Stale Legis. in 1897-8, from the 1st Leg-is. Dist. Mem 12!lth Regt., P. V. Maj. 9th Kogt.. N. G. P. Col. G. A. R. Mt-ni. City Council. * JACOB ROBERTS 896 Born England, Dec. 27, 1819— *March 7, 19<):^. Married Amelia Allen Roberts. Coal Oper- CHARLES F. HTJBER 897 Born Pottsville. Pa. Married Nellie An- drews Daughertv, Sept. 12, 1894. Mining Engineer. Gen. Supt. I-. & W.-B. Coal Co. ROBERT A. QUIN S98 Born Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 17, 18fil. Educated Pottsville. Pa. Married Minnie E. Thickins. Mgr. of Coal Cos. Dir. W.-Barre City Hos- pital: Guar. & Trust Bk., Shamokin. Pa. Mgr. Susq. Coal Co.; Mineral R. R. & Min. Co.; Summit Branch Min. Co.; Lykens Val. Coal Co.: Nanticoke Water Co.; Lykens Water Co.; l^ytle Coal Co. GEN. CHARLES BOW. DOUGHERTY 899 Born Wilkes-Barre. Pa., Sept. S, 1860. Edu- cated Public Schools, Wilkes-Barre, and Emerson In.s., Washington, D. C. Married Anna Posten, Feb. 6. 1883. Chief Clerk Coal Cos. Penn'a R. R. Priv. 9th Regt. Inf., 1881. Sergt., 1st Lieut., Maj., Lieut. Col. and Col. and Brig. Gen. of 9th Regt. Inf., N. G. P., July 14, 1897. Mem. State Armory Bd. ; Sons of Revolution: Military Order Foreign Wars, Naval and Militia Order Spanish- American W-ir; Ex-Co)u. Board of Trade. JOHN ROBISON EDGAR 900 Born Espe>'. Columbia Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1851. Educated State Nor. School, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Wyo. Sem., Kingston, Pa. Married Josephine Elizabeth Moore. Feb. 10, 1876. Paymaster Susq. Coal Co., W.-Barre, Pa. Soc. and Treas. Westmoreland Club, W.-B. *GEN. HENRY M. HOYT, LL. D. 901 Born Kingston, Pa., June 8, 18:30— *Dec. 1, 1892, at W.-Barre. Educated Wyo. Sem., Laf. and Wm. Colleges. Married Mary E. Loveland, Sept. 25, 1855. Lawyer. Add. Law Judge, Luz. Co. Courts in 1867. Gov. State of Penn'a, 1879-188". Col. 52d Penn'a Vols, and was brevetted Brig. -Gen. U. S. Col. Int. Rev., 12th Dist. of Pa., 1869 to 1S7:1 Author of "Protection versus Free Trade" (1886), 435 pp., 8vo., and various published addresses and essays on historical and other subjects. *GEORGE W. WOODWARD 902 Born Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa., March 26, l-^Og- *Mav iO. 187-3. Educated Hobart Col., Gpneva, N. Y. : Old W.-Barre Acad. Mar- ried Sarah Elizabeth Trott. Sept. 10. 1832; Mrs. Edward Macalester, 1871. Judge Sup. Court of Pa. Lawyer. Mem. of Cong., 1867. Pres. Judge 26th Judicial Dist. of Pa., 1856. Hon. Mem. F. & A. M., Lodge 61. W.-Barre. -WARREN JAY WOODWARD, LL. D. 903 Born Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa., Sept. 24, 18-y_*Sept. 2.3, 1879. Educated Acad., W.- Barre. Married Catherine Scott, May 23, 1847. Justice of the Sup. Court. Lawyer. Pres. Judge Berks Co., 1861-1871. * STANLEY WOODWARD 904 Born AV.-Barre, Pa., Aug. 29, lS33-n906. Educated Yale Coll. Married Sarah R. But- ler, June 3, 1857. Lawyer. Pres. Wyo. Hist. Soc. Judge of Com. Pleas Court, Eleventh Jud. Dist. of Pa. for 21 years, beginning 1879. * EDMUND L. DANA 905 Born Eatonville, Wyo. Co., Pa., Jan. 29, lS17_*April, 1S89. Married Sarah Peters. Lawyer. Judge Com. Pleas Court, Luz. Co. Capt. Mexican War. Col. 143d Pa. Vols. CHARLES B. DANA 906 Born Circleville, O., Aug. 12, 1833. Educated W.-Barre, P.'^. Married Ellen Wright Learn, March 26, lS,"t;. Alderman 12th Wd. Mem. 1st Council of the City of W.-Barre. *GARRIEK M. HARDING 907 Born Exeter. Luz. Co.. Pa , July 12, 1827— *Mav 19, 1901. Educated Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. Married i\laria Mills Slossore, Oct., 1852. Att'y-at-Law\ Pres. Judge of Luz. Co., 1870-1880. JOHN LYNCH 90S Born Providence, R. I., Nov. 1, 1843. Edu- cated VVvo. Sem. Married Mary C. Lenahan, Jan. 24, 1877. Admitted to Bar, 1865. Pres. Judge Luz. Co. Was City Atfy, 1873-1874; Reg. of Wills, 1860; I-.aw Judge, 1890 to 1901. * EDWARD P. DARLING 909 Born Berks Co., Pa., Nov. 10, lS31-*Oct. 19, 1889. Edu. New London Corn Roads Acad, and Amho'se Coll. Married Emily H. Rut- ter, Sept. 29. 1859. Lawyer. Pres. Osterhout Free Library; V.-Pres. Wyo. Nat. Bk. ; Miners' Sav Bk. Trus. W.-Barre Acad.; W.-Barre Female Ins. THOMAS DARLING 910 Born W.-Barre. Educated W.-Barre Pub- lic Schools, W.-Barre Acad.. Yale Coll. Mar- ried Emma Shields McClintock, June 2, 1902. Lawver. Mem. Select Council, W.-Barre, 1900-i9(>l. JOHN BUTLER WOODWARD 911 Born W.-Barre. Pa., April 3, 1861. Educated Yale Coll. Married Marion Hillard. June 6, ISSS. Lawyer. Mem. of Firm of Woodward, Darling & Woodward. JOHN S. HARDING 912 Born W.-Barre. Pa., Aug. 29. 18.j9. Educated Yale Coll. Married Mary B. Brown, Jan. 2ri, 1899. Att'v-at-Law. liii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEORGE STEELE FERRIS 913 Horn Piltstoii. Pa.. April 2S, lS4!t. Edufati-d AlloB:lid Elizabeth M. Worrall, Feb. 17, 1885. Lawver. Pres. W.-Barre Bd. of Trade; Gesang Verein Con- cordia; Dorranceton Realty Co.; Ph. -Cat. Gold Min. Co. Mem. Pa. Bar Ass'n. W.-B. Law & Library Ass'n. Press Club; Pen & Pencil Club; Clover Club; Lawyers' Club, Phil'a, and Wyo. Hist. & Geo. Soc. Dir. Boys' Pa. Ind. Ass'n. *GEN. LORD BUTLER 929 Born Lyim, Conn., Dec. 11, 1761— *W.-Barre, March 3, 1824. Educated Public Schools. liv Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Married Mary Peircc, May 30, 1786. Land Owner. Dep. A. D. Q. G., 1778-17&3, Wyo. Post. First Sheriff Luz. Co., 1787-1789. Bris. Gen. Pa. Militia, 1799. Mem. Supreme Ex. Council of Pa., 17S9-179afavette Coll. T^aw^ver. Maj. 7th Regt., N. G. P. THOMAS WILLIAM HART 957 Born llazle Two.. Luz. Co., Pa.. 1857. Edu- cated Public Schools and St. Gabriel's Acad. Married Eliza.belh A. McCarty, May 21, 1889. Att'y-at-T>a\\ . DANIEL LLYNG O'NEILL 958 Born Port Deposit. Md.. Dec. 10. 18:^5. Edu- cated Private and Com. Schools. Married Annie McDonald, May 16, 1864. Att'y-at- Law. W^'^s Mem. Pa. Stale Legis., Session 7, 1869. WILLIAM A. O'NEILL 959 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., May 5, 1868. Edu- cated Public and Private Schools. Att'y-at- Law. JOHN F. O'NEILL 960 Born W'ilkes-Barre. Pa., Dec. 2, 1872. Edu- cated Pulilic Schools. Att'y-at-I.,aw. SAMUEL L. FEDDER 9lil Born Berwick, Pa.. May 31. 1871. Educated I'niversitv and Serninarv. Married Ij^ucia L. Paulger, 1903. Att'y-at-Law. Pres. of Fed- der Concrete Block jNtfg. Co. W.-Barre. GRIER BERNARD SNYDER 962 Born Sbickshinny, Luz. Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1871. Educated Lafayette Coll. and Dickin- son Law School. Att'y-at-T^aw. THOMAS F. Mclaughlin 96^ Born Hawley, Pa., July 2, 1871. Educated Public Schools and Wyo. Sem. Att'y-at- Law. Admitted to practice law in courts of Luz. Co., Sept 21. 1896. Appointed Alder- man of the 14th Wd. of W.-Barre, Pa., Sept. 14. 1898; Elected at Feb. Election, 1899, for term of five years, Admitted to Sup. Court, Jan. 5, 1903. Adniitted to Superior (/"ourt. May 4, l;to:.. CHARLES J. KUSCHKE 964 Horn I'lymoutb. Pa.. Oct. 24, 1875. Educated Pivmouth High School. Wyo. Sem.. I'niv. of Penn'a. Atfv-at-l-aw. Dir. Plymouth Nat. Bk. Sec. Dem. Co. Com. for past thi're years. Chaii-man Third Dist. I.,egis. Dem. Com. Chairman Pbniouth Boro. Dem. Com. Att'y for Plymouth Boro. past two years. Graduated l-aw DeiH. l^niv. of Pa., June, 1S99. Admitted to practice in Superioi- Court, May 4, 1903. Admitted to practice in .Supreme Court, Jan. 5, 1903. Ivi Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity JOHN HARRIS WILLIAMS JAMES C. MURRAY '» Born ^V'.-Barre, Pa., April 14. 1876. Educated Plymouth Hi^h School, Dickinson Law School, Carlisle, Pa. :Married Esther Pow- ell, June 27, ITOl. Atfy-at-Law. JOHN MENOVSKY 966 Born Eperjes, Hungary, Dec. Z\, 1S73. Edu- cated in Gymnasium (Eperjes, Hungary); Wyo. Sem , Kingston. Pa.; Dickinson Law School, Carlisle, Pa. Lawyer. PAUL J. SCHMIDT 967 Born Germany, Jan. 14, 1869. Educated Pub- lic School, Germany; Wyo. Sem., King;ston, Pa.; Grad. nf Dickinson School of Law. Married Maude Holwig-, Sept. 18. 1897. Atfy- at-Law. Besides English, speaks German, Polish, Slavish and Italian Languages. Law- yer; Owner of Polish Weekly Newspaper, the "Gornik," of AVilkes-Barre, Pa.; Mem. of the W.-Earre Bar Ass'n; Mem. of the W.-Barre Press Club. THOS. W. TEMPLETON 968 Born Plymouth, Oct. 26, 1866. Att'y-at-Law. Prothonotary of Luz. Co. PHILIP L. DRUM 969 Born Drums. Pa., Jan. 31, 1871. Educated Lafayette Coll., Univ. of Pa. Law School. Married Vida Bowman, Dec. 29, 190O. Law- yer. Ex-Mem. Pa. State Legislature. BURTON WILLIAM DAVIS 970 Born Stratford, Fulton Co., N. Y., Nov. 7, 1867. Educated Cornell tTniv. Married Rose L. Cross, June 16, 1892. Lawyer. C. HAYES MARKS 971 Born Locust Twp., Columbia Co., Pa., May 7, 1876. Educated Wyo. Sem., and Blooms- burg Normal. Married Jennie S. Carl, Feb., 1899. Atfy-at-Law. Mem. of Good Will Lodge, No, 310, I. O. O. F. ; Plymouth Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 546. Sec. 3d Legis. Dist. Rei>. Organization. Plym- outh. Pa. JOHN L. POTTEIGER 972 Born North Heidelberg, Berks Co., Pa., Feb. 8, 1859. Educated Palatinate Coll , Shippens- burg Nor. School. Married Annie L. Sher- man, Sept. 30, 1875. Atfy-at-Law. Insur- ance. Dir. and Sol. P'irst Nat. Bank, AVeath- erby. Pa. Mem. Westmoreland Club; Hazle Lodge, 327. F. & A. M. : Hazleton Chap., R. A. M.; Mt. Vernon Com., No. 73, at Hazle- ton; Iron Temple, Mystic Shrine, W.-Barre. WILLARD HUBBARD GOODWIN Born Kingston, Pa., Nov. 8, 1S72. Educated Univ. of Rochester, 1895; Brown, 1898; Col- umbia Law: Penn'a Law. Married Sophia Stevens, Nov. s, 1S9S. I^awyer. FRANK P. SLATTERY 974 Born Hazleton, Pa., June 3, 1873. Educated St. Vincent's Coll., Latrobe, Pa. Married Mary S. Rutledge, Nov. 21, 1900. Lawyer. Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 22. 1875. Educated l^niv. of Pa. Atfy-at-Law. WILLIAM WHYTE HALL 976 Born Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1S78. Edu- cated Wyo. Sem.; Columbia, N. Y. Married Isabelle L. Miller. July 6. 1899. Lawyer. V.-Pres. and Dir. Pittston Opera House Co. Sol. West Pittston Boro. AUGUSTINE PATRICK CONNIFF 977 Born Plains, Pa., Jan. 12. 1879. Educated Holv Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Lawyer. Firm T. M. Conniff & Son. Tns. and Real Estate. Knights of Columbus, Eagles. Residince. Plains, Pa. W. ALFRED VALENTINE 978 Born Cain. Chester, Co., Pa., Dec. 23, 1879. Educated Dickinson '"'oil. Law School. Mar- ried Mary Irene Shoemaker, Oct. 22, 1902. Lawyer. LLEWELLYN FLOYD HESS 979 Born Register. Luz. Co.. Pa., April .".. 1876. Educated Huntington Mills Acad.; Blooms- burg Nor. School: Dickinson Coll. Married Mabel Marie W<-idner. June 20, 1904. Atfy. EDWARD JOSEPH MOORE 980 Born Near Pottsville, Pa., Anril 29. 1873. Educated Public School and Hillman Acad. Married Nettie E. Cannon. Ainil 28, 1903. Atfy-at-Law. HON. WILLIAM H. HINES 981 Born Brooklyn N. Y., March 15, 18.57. Edu- cated Public Schools and Wyo. Sem. Mar- ried Ida M. Wortman. Nov.. 1884. Lawyer. Pres. Pocono "Water Co. Dir. Com. Club. Mem. Assemblv 1879-1884. Mem. State Senate, 1888-1892. Mem. .53d Congress, 1893-1895. LORRIE R. HOLCOMB 982 Born Aakam. Pa., Oct. 3, 1870. Educated Dickinson Coll. Married Dana G. Pace, Oct. 25, 1905. Lawyer. W.-B^^rre Hardware Co.; Luz. Co. Fair As.-=;'n: W.-Barre Base Ball Club; Lopz Sand, St(ine and Cement Co. MILTON E. HOLCOMB Born Askam, Luz. Co., P.i.. Nov. 9, l.«fi2. Educated Wvo. S'^^ni. Married Ella E. Wil- liams, Oct. 22. 1889. Mem. and Mgr. of W.-Barre Hardware Co. WILLIAM SHARPE 984 Born Summit Hill. Pa. Educated Univ. of Pa. Real Estate. Maj. 9th Regt., N. G. P. Sec. of Board of Trade. JOHN T. HOWELL, M. D. 985 Born Seigfrieds, Pa., Oct. 10, 18.50. Educated Weavenville Acad. Married Minnie L. Bran- dow. June 4, 1890. Plivsician and Surg. Surg. W.-Barre City Hospital. Mem. Nat., State and Co. Med. Soc. ; Lehigh Val. Med Ass"n, Masonic Order. Westmoreland Club. Y. !*!. C. A., St. Stephens' Church, Historical Soc. Ivii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity '•GEORGE SCHRIVER WENTZ, M. D. Porn AVI it. ■ Marsh. Pa.. JMaivh ',. KS2!> -*Aufj. 20, IW:?. KdDcatfd I niv. of PeniVa. Married Amiit' t,(is(M:rinj;. Dec. 17. 1N.')7. I'hysician and SLTjjeon. HENRY MARION NEALE, M. D. 987 Born New Ha\'en, Conn.. July 27. ls.")i). Kdu- cated Lewis Aead.; Jeff. Med. Coll., Phil'a, 1880. Married Ada I.. Lcisinrins:, March ."., IS'85. Physieian. Ex-Pres. l.iiz. Co. Med. Soe. Mem. and Trea.s. Bord of Trii.s. .Slate Hos- pital, Hazleton. Pa. Sr. Att<'ndins Pliysi- cian, Wliite Haven Sanitarium for Poor Con- sumptives. Mem. Clover Club, Phil'a. Now Resident Mem. Liverpool Med. Ins., IJver- pool, Kng. I'pjier Lehiph. GEORGE W. GUTHRIE, M. D. liSN Born Gulhrieville, Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1815. Kdneated Millersville State Nor. School: Believue Hospital Med. Coll., N. Y. ; and Univ. of Penn"a. Physician. Mem. Luz. Co. Med. Soc. ; Med. Soc. State of Pa. At- tending- Physician W.-Barre City Hosi)ital. Mem. School Board, etc. FREDERICK C. JOHNSON, M. D. 989 Born Marquette, Wis., March 2, 1853. FAu- cated University of Pa. Mariied Georgia Post, June 25. 1885. Newspaper Ed. (Wilkes- Barre Record). Mem. Amer., Penn'a, Luz. Co. and I.,ehigh Valley Medical Socs. ; Wj'O. Hist. Soc. (its Treas.), Moravian Hist. Soc, Minisink Val. Hist. Soc, Wyo. Com. Ass'n (its Sec), New Eng-land Soc, Pa. Soc. Bd. of Trade, Westmoreland Club, Y. M. C. A., Brotherhood of St. Andrew, St. Stephen's Epis. Ch., Masonic Order, State and Nat. Ed. Ass'n. WALTER S. STEWART, M. D. Born (^"enter Co., Pa., 1855. Educated State Nor. School, Med. Dept. T'niv. of Pa. Physi- cian. Mem. Iaiz. Co. and State Med. Socs., Lehigh \a\. Med. Soc. GRANVILLE T. MATLACK, M. D, 991 Born Downingtown, Pa.. Feb. 5, 1862. Edu- cated Jefferson Med. Coll. Married Clara R. Courtright, April 5, 1888. Physician. At- tending Physician W.-Barre City Hospital. Mem. Atner. Med. Ass'n, State Med. Soc. and Jiuz. Co. Med. Soc. OLIN FRISBIE HARVEY, A. M., M. D. 992 Born Kingston, I'a., Sept. 28. 184(). Educated Public^ Schools of W.-Barre: W.vo. Sem., Kingston, Pa.; New Haven (Conn.) Coll. of Business, and [..af. Coll., Easton, Pa. Grad- uate 187:^, Med. De|)t. Univ. of Pa. Married Sophia J. Smitli, March 20, 1873. Physician and Surgeon. Since 1874 a member of the staff of the W.-Barre City Hospital; for six years a Mem. of the School Bd. of the 3d Dist. of W.-Barre; for ten .\ ears a Trus- tee of State Asylum for Insane at Danville: for ten years Surg. 9th Regt., N. G. P. *JOEL JACKSON ROGERS. M. D. 99;; Born N. Main St., W.-Barre, March 1, 1818— ♦March 23, 1902. p:ducated Franklin Acad. and Univ., N. Y. C\{y. Married Sarah Car- oline Rice, April 15. 1852. Physician and Surgeon. LEWIS LEONIDAS ROGERS. M. D. 994 Born Huntsville, Luz. Co., Pa., July 29, 18.52. Educated Wyo. Sem. and Jeff. Med. Coll. Married Alary Flizabeth Cushing, Ai>iil 16, 18S4. F'hysiciaii and Surge. m. ■REESE DAVIS 993 Born Bradford Co., Pa., July 2, ]s:<7— *Sept., 1895. Educated Hamilton Coll. and B'^^Uevue Hospital Med. Coll. Married Margaret E. Williams, 18(J7. Physician. Ex-Pres. Luz. Co. and State Med. Socs. Mem. W.-Barre City Hospital Staff from its beginning. WALTER DAVIS, M. D. 996 Born W.-Barre. 1872. Educated Princeton and Univ. of Pa. IVIarried Emilie K. Phil- lips, July 6, 1898. Phvsician. ]\Iem. W.-Barre City Hospital Staff. Exam. White Haven Sanatarium. Mem. liUZ. Co. and Am. Med. Ass'n. EUGENE JUSTIN BUTLER. M. D. 997 Born Pottsville. Pa.. July 10. ISC.O. Educated Coll. of Phvs. and Surg., Rait., Md. Mar- ried Helene C. St'jeckel, Oct. IS, 1894. Sur- geon. Ex-Prin. of Hillard Grove Grammar School, W.-Barre. for many years. Pliysi- cian to the Cent. Poor Dist. and Poor House. Mem. of the Staff of Mercy Hos- , pital. Ex-Mem. Bd. of School Control. W.-Barre. His father was a prominent edu- cator of the Public Schools of this State, and taught over one-half a century. JEFFERSON P. BIEHL, M. D. 998 Born Lewisburg'. Union Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1857. Educated Jeff. Med. Coll., Phil'a. Married Dec. 12. ISNI. Physician and Sur- geon. Plymouth, Pa. FRANK L. McKEE, M. D. 999 Born Warren Centre, Bradford Co., Pa., Mav 20, 1860. Educated Believue Hospital Med. Coll., N. Y. Married Mattie M. Miess. Phvsician and Surgeon. Coroner Luz. Co., from 189." to 19;)2. Lt. Col. 9th Regt.. N. G. P., since 1901. Mem. N. G. P. since Dec. 12. 1888. Suigeon-in-Chief L. & W.-B. Coal Co. Sup. Med. Dir. U. S. and Can. for the Heralds ol Libert>-. Men-.. Luz. Co. Med. Soc. and Amer. Med. Ass'n. Plymouth, Pa. DANIEL H. LOCKARD. M. D. looo Born Cambra, lyuz. Co., Pa., March 2. 1852. Educated Jeff. M^d. Coll. Married Eliza- beth Pierce. 1SS5. Physician and Surgeon. Plymouth., Pa *JAMES NELSON WARNER, D. D. S. 1(KI1 Born Huntington. Luz. Co.. Pa.. Dec 5. 1S4.5— *Ai.)il 2«. 19<15. Educated Pa. Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1873. Married Jennie Edith Stark, daughter of John M. Stark, of Wyo.. Nov. 7, 1883. Dentist. Prjicticed 33 years in>. W.-Barre. Mem. State Dental Soc anu Susq. Dental Soc, AN'estnioreland Club, St. Su'iihen's Epis. Ch., Landmark Lodge, 442, F. & A. M.; Knight Temp'^n'. Mystic Shi-ine. Iviii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity *SIDNEY HASWELL WARNER 11)02 Born Savluook, Conn., Jan. 20, ISOiJ— *,Tan. 19, 1S81. Educated Lenox, Mass. (Graduated 1810). Married Hannah Loomis, April 13, 1S44; Cor.ielia M. Machette, of Phil'a, Jan. 3, 18t5. Phy.sician. FREDERICK CORSS, M. D. 1003 Born Athens, Pa., Jan. 16. 1842. Educated Wvo. Sem., Lai. Coll., Univ. of Pa. Mar- ried Martha S. Hoyt. June 19, 1872. Physi- cian. Pres. Bd. of Health, Kingston, Pa. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Med., L. V. Med. Ass'n, and Dir. Dep. & Sav. Bk. Kingston, Pa. CHARLES W. SPAYD, M. D. 10C>4 Born Phil'a, March 3. 1S40. Educated Public Schools, Phil'a, from Primary to High School. Married Barbara J. Hay, March 3, 1S68. Physician and Surgeon. Coroner of Luz. Co.; Co. Physician; Ass't Surg-, and Surg, of 5.3d Pa. Vols, in Civil War. JOHN LEO BATTERTON, M. D. iWu Born W.-Barre. Pa., Dec. 5, 18fi9. Educated Wyo. Sem. and Bait. Med. Coll. Married Katherine L. Cassidy, Oct. 23, 1.S93. Physi- cian. •JOHN H. BATTERTON 1006 Born Bannow Co., Wexford, Ireland, 1837 — *ATjril 13, 1006. Educated, Ireland. Married Elizabeth McDonald, Feb. 25, 1868. Gen'l Merchandise. BENEDICT JONES WETHERBY, M. D. 1< K)7 Born Exeter, Pa., Aug. 2, 1859. Educated Lniv. of N. y.. Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 111. Married Delia Patterson, April C, 1SS6. Physician. JAMES BROOKS, M. D. 1008 Born Great Bend, Pa., July 5, 1859. Edu- cated Chicago Med. Coll., Married Ellen Evans, Sept. 17, 1898. Physician and Sur- geon. Men), of Inter. Med. Congress, State and Luz. Co. Med. Socs. EDWARD RHYS RODERICK vm Born Warrior Run, Pa., April 20, 1872. Edu- cated Public School, Princeton I'niv. of Pa. Married Kathleen L. Reichard, June 1, 1898. Physician. Oculist to Mercy Hospital, Pitts- ton Hospital and L. V. R. R Mem. Co., State and Am. :Med. Ass'n. Mem. We.st- inoreland Club. JOHN G. SPERLING, M. D. 1010 Born Runzen R. B., Breslau, Germany, Oct. 9, 1832. Educated Univ. of Breslau, Ger- many. Married Margaret Schwartz, 1876. Homeo. Physician. Gen'l Practice. In Practice Pittston, Scranton and W.-Barre, 52 years. JOHN H. SANDEL, M. D. loll Borr near Danville, Pa., April 11, 1834. Edu- cated Hahnemann Med. Coll., Phil'a, Pa. Married Margaret Vickery, June, 1883. Physician. Mem. Am. Ins. of Homeo., State Hon'po. Med. Soc, and the Luz. Branch of the Homeo. Med. Soc. of Northeastern Pa. Clerk of Session; First Presby. Church. Plymouth, Pa. D. S. MEBANE, M. D. 1012 Born Greensboro, Guilford Co., N. C, April 3, 1856. Educated Davidson Coll., N. C, and Univ., City N. Y. Married Jessie Sperring, Sept. 21, 1887. Physician and Pharmacist. Prop. City Pharmacy. CHARLES P. STACKHOUSE, M. D. 1013 Born Shickshinny, Pa., April 19. 1871. Edu- cated Public Schools and Eastman's Bus. Coll., Poughkeepsie. N. Y. Graduated 1893, liphigh Univ. Married I^aura Woodworth, April 1, 1893: Mary B. Sorber, March 26, 1902— *June 22, 1904. Physician. Consulting Phys. at Mercy Hospital. Mem. Am., Pa., L. v. and Luz. Co. Med. Socs. JOHN BENJAMIN TOBIAS, M. D. 1(114 Born South Gibson, Siisc). Co., Pa.. Oct. 20, 1SV2. Educated Wyo. Sem., Keystone Acad, and I^niv. of Pa., Phil'a. Married Gwennie Thomas, Sent. 2, 1N97. Physician. Pres. of W.-Barre Stationery & Paper Co. Mem. Luz. Co. and Pa. State Med Socs.; Am. Med. Ass'n. Registrar of Vital Statistics. JAMES P. GILLIGAN, M. D. 1015 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Feb. 11, 1871. Edu- cated P. & S., N. Y. Married Agnes M. Bi-ennan, Aug. 25, 1897. Physician and Sur- geon. Staff Mercv Hospital. Mem. Luz. Co. Med. Soc. NATHANIEL ROSS, M. D. 1016 Born Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 7, 1867. Edu- cated Jeff. Med. Coll. Married M. Adella Ritter, Nov. 29, 1893. Physician and Sur- geon. Am. Med. Ass'n, Pa. State, Luz. Co. and L. V. Med. Socs. ALBERT KAUFMAN, M. D. 1017 Born Russia, Sept. 25, 1875. Educated Rus- sia, Germany and U. S. Married Esther Blumenzweig. May 28, 1900. Physician and Surireon. SAMUEL P. MENGEL, M. D. 1018 Born Barnesville, Pa., June 18. 1870. Edu- cated Univ. of Pa. Married Sara A. Slater, Aug. 28. 1S95. Ph>-siciaii and Surgeon. WILLIAM F. HARRISON, M. D. 1019 Born Himtington Mills, Pa., Feb. 17, 1873. Educated I'niv. of Bait., Huntington Mills High School, Pa. Married Sara B. Ballamy, Feb. 5, 19ir2. Physician and Sur.g. Plains, Pa. WM. C. STIFF, M. D. 1020 Born Bloomsburg. Col. Co., Pa.. May 15, 1879. Educated Md. Med. Coll., Bait. Mar- ried Carolyn Gwilliam, Jan. 14, 1903. Physi- cian and Surg:. Luz. Co. Med. Soc. F. LEE HOLLISTER, D. D. S. 1021 Born Forest Lake, Susq. Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1846. Educated Pa. Coll. of Dental Surgery. lix Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Married Lillic A. l!;ikoi'. Dentist, l.uz. and Lack'a Co. Dt-iital Snc, Siisq. Dental AKs'n, State Dental Soe. V.-Pres. The Keystone Bids, and I.ioan Ass'n. Mem. Wyo. Hist, and Geolos. Soc. DANIEL M. EVANS Born South Wales, Oct. 1.". is,-,:i. Kduoated CoiDmon Seh(-()Ks. Married Margaret Mor- gan, Oet. 1,"), 1882. Merchant. Mem. West Pittstoii Council. Pittston. SAMUEL M. EVANS J. GEORGE HUNTLEY Born Coll. Hvde Park, of Phar., N. 1023 Oct. Y. 21, 1SS5. Educated Drussist. Pittston. CHARLES A. STROH Jan. 25, IS?.";. Edu- Allie M. SaTiipson, and Retail Druses. 1024 Born Pittston, Jan. 1. 1S78. Educated Pub- lic Schools. Married Clara G. Andrews, Jan. 9, l.Wl. Druggist. I. O. O. F. ; F. O. E. Pittston. GEO. J. DURBIN 102ij Born Plymouth, Pa., Nov. 3, 1872. Educated Plymouth Ptiblic Schools, Wyo. Sem., Phil'a Coll. of Phar. Married Clara M. Nesbitt, Sept. 21, 18;t8. Druggist. Mem. K. of P., P. O. S. of A., I. O. O. F., F of A. Graduate of Phil'a Coll. of Phar., Class of April 15, 1895. Plymouth, Pa. STEPHEN C. HARTMAN 1026 Born Shickshinny, Pa., cated N. Y. Married Jan. 10. ]8!iS. Whol. Plymouth, Pa. ALBERT G. GROBLEWSKI 1027 Born Poland, Gern'.any, April 19, 1860. Edu- cated Nanticoke, Pa, Married Helena. Switalska, March 16, IS.io. Mfg. Druggist. I'iymouth, Pa. BENJAMIN MAXEY 1028 Born Beaver Meadow, Carbon Co., Pa., 1849. Educated Public Schools. Married Margaret Evans, 1874. Mine Supt. Hillside C. & I. Co. Forest City, Pa. BENJAMIN F. MAXEY, PH. G. 1029 Born Olyphant, Pa., Feb. 24, 1875. Educated Mansfield State Nor. School, Class '9.3; N. Y. Coll. of Phar.: Col. Univ., Class '98. Pharmacist and Chemist. Pres. W.-Barre Aerie, 353, F. O. E., 1!K)6. Mem. B. P. O. E., 109; Pa. State Phar. Ass'n; Alumni Ass'n, Col, I'niv. HARRY H. SWAINBANK Born 'runkh-inno( k, cated l'ubli<' RcIkk 1030 Pa., Dec. 23 Is, W.-I!,-nT. 1870. Edu- Druggist. JOSEPH LANGDON STEARNS 1031 Born Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 4, 1872. Edu- cated W.-B.irre, Pa. Married Jeannette Eldred Myers, Jan. 17, 1906. Photographer. 1032 Born I'iltslun, Pa., Oet 1, Pittston, Pa. :Married I-illie 2. JN'anfr. Pittston. 1861, 1 M. Dr( ducated w, Jiuie JAMES N. TERWILLIGER lo:;3 Born Orange Co., N. Y., April 23, 1865. Edu- cated Susq. Co., Pa. Married Amy C. Houghton, July 22, 1887. Merchant. Dir. Union Sav. and Trust Co. Pittston. BENJAMIN In: S. EMORY Edu- Sem. 1891. 9lli Born Washington, D. C., L'ec. 17, 1867. cated VV. Pittston School and ^^'yo. Man-ied Elloma R. Jackson, Sept. 8, Prop. Steam I^aundrv. Cai)t. Cu. M, Regt. Inf., N. G. P. I'ittston. GEORGE W. BROWN 1035 Born England, Dec. 28, 1S56. Married Ella Ringler, Sept., 1904. Manfr. of Iron Fences. Duryea. CHARLES W. MAINS 103(i Born Halifax, Dauphin Co., Pa., iJec. 8, 1815. Educated Com. School. Married Emma Frances Herthberger, March 10, 1868. Merchant, Mains, Danks & Mains. Plymouth, Pa. HARRY S. MAINS 1037 Born Plymouth, Luz. Co., Oct. 10, 1870. Edu- cated Plymouth and Wyo. Son. Married Ella K. Vastine and Jennie B. Clapsaddle. Mains, Danks & Mains, Gen'l Store. Plym- outh, Pa. HARVEY W. DANKS l, 1858. Educated Pub- lic Schools. Married Nettie M. Boone, April 21, 1891. Mine Foreman. Pittston. ALLAN ALEXANDER 1007 Born Paislev. Scotland, June 15. 1861. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Grace B. Martin, Nov. 3, ISss. Mine Foreman. Pitts- ton. ROBERT A. REED iMi;.s Born Seranton. Jan. IS, 1SG7. Educated Scranton Schools. Married Lizzie Ripple, Dec, 1893. Foreman L. & W.-B. Coal Co. Coalville, 474, Ashley, Mason Lodge; Nanti- coke Eag-les Lodge; Wanamie, 867, I. O. O. F. Lods*^. OSCAR MINER BRANDOW 1069 Born Conesville, Schoharie Co., N. Y., July 2, 1836. Educated Public Schools. Married Margaret S. Blair, Oct. 27, 1859; Emma F. Yorks, Julv 29, 1896. Lumber Merchant. V.-Pres. W.-Barre Heat, Lt. & Motor Co. Treas. Pa. l^umbermen's Ass'n. GEORGE T. DICKSON 1070 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 28, 1849. Edu- cated Wilkes-Barre and Wyo. Sem. Mar- ried Sarah F. Stockton, April 25, 1883. Brick Manfr and Contractor. PHILIP R. RAIFE 1071 Born Ransom. Pa., April 27, 1852. Educated Ransom, Pa. Married Louisa Bauman, Dec. 7, 1876. Contractor and Builder. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Lake Transit Co. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Ganoga Ice Co. Pres. Harvey's Lake Heal, Lt. and Power Co. -SAMUEL HENRY STURDEVANT 1072 Born Harvey's Lake. Pa., May 14, lS61-*July 5. 1903. Educated W.-Barre Public Schools, llillman Acad, and Wyo. Sem. Married Sarah Carrie Rogers, Dee. 19, 1888. Lumlu'r. Firm of S. H. Sturdevant it Sons. WARREN F. GOFF 1073 The Goff Lumber Co., 212 to 2:!6 S. Penn Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Ptt. WILLIAM S. GOFF b»74 The Goff Lumber Co., 212 ti) 236 S. Penn Ave., Wilkes-Barre, P.i. P. P. DOHL 1075 Born Luz. Co.. Pa. Married Ar.-ta Pliillips, 1895. Lumber, Wholesale. Pittston and W.- Barre. CHARLES JAMES COOPER 1076 Born Waymart, Wayne Co., Pa., Jan. 5, 1847. Educated Public Schools. Married Emma J. Kiple, Sept. 24. 1885. Since July 1, 1901. Sec. and Supt. of the W.-l'-arre Heat, Lt. and Motor Co. Prior to 19(il was engaged in the Gen. Bldg. Business. No. 249, F. & A. M. Eureka Chap., Palestine Com., No. 11. ARTHUR H. HARRIS KI77 Born England, Feb. 7. 1.S60. Educated Com. Schools. Married Aimanda Stone, Feb. 11. 1885. Lumber Merchant. Mem. K. of P. Tunkhannock, Pa. FREDERICK N. RUGGLES 1078 Born Pittston, Pa., Dec. 18, 1845. Educated Kingston, Wyo. Sem. Married ISlizabeth E. Brown, Dec. 22, 1870. Lumber Merchant. F. N. Rugfrles & Son, Kingston. FRANK BARRY BROWN 107! I Born Plymouth, Pa., Aug:. 23, 1870. Educated Plymouth, Pa. Att'y-at-Law. Alderman and Justice of the Peace, Sth Ward. FERDINAND LANGE lOSO Born Germany. Dec. 29, 18.50. Educated Ger- many. Married Anna Battenberg', Dec. 29, 1870. Mason Contractor. Treas. W.-Barre Publishing Co. HENRY F. JOHNSON 1081 Born Parsons, Pa., Sept. IS, 1846. Educated Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Married Elizabeth Eley, Feb. 20, 1868. Plumbing and Heating. Kingston, l"'a. GEORGE N. McALARNEY 1082 Born Pl.smouth, Pa., Sept. 14, 1860. Educated Public Schools. Married Carrie Creasy, June, 1903. Contracting Jobber. Cement and Sewer Pii)e. etc. ADAM M. HILDEBRAND Kis:: liorn Wilke.-4-Barre, May 13, 1872. Educated Wilkes-Barre. Married Lneietia Maude Goulden, June 27, 190'). Contractor and Builder. JOSEPH D. LLOYD 1084 P.orn Stockt.m. l.uz. Co.. Pa., April 24. 1867. Educated I'liblic Schools, Wyo. Sem., Kings- ton, Pa.; State Nor. School, Bloomsburg, Pa. Married Margaret Gray, Oct. 4, 1893. A.^t. for E. I. Du Pont, de Nemours & Co. of Penn'a. Also Promoter. Fort Worth Tel. Ixii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Co. The I^loyd-Walsh Amusement Co. "Was the first Controller ol" Luz. Co., having- been aiipointed in Aug., 1895, under the law enacted that year, by Gov. D. H. Hast- ings. Was then elected in Nov., 189.o. for a 3-year term and re-elected in Nov., 1898, for another 3-year term, having served 6 years and 5 months. This law was supposed to be * unconstitutional, which caused litigation, lasting one year, therefore he was prevented from serving until July, 1896. Pastmaster of Kingston Lodge, 39o, F. & A. M. ; V.-Pres. ot Aerie 353, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Fraternal Order of Kagles. Jr. O. U. A. M., Troy Council, 70; P. O. S. of A., Washington Camp, 408; P.. P. O. K., W.-Barre, 109; Sons of St. George; W.-Barre Press Club; Eagles' Social Club; Burgess of Wyoming Boro. in 1S94. WILLIAM CLOUGH ALLAN 10^ Born Brotton, Yorkshire, Eng.. May G, 1866. Kdurated Com. Schools. Married Karoline Louise Kuhner, Aug. 5, 1896. Sec. and Treas. Americus Electro-Hermetic Co. Dir. Dion Mfg. Co. Mem. of Lodge No. 61, F. & A. M. Shekinah Chap., Dieu Le Vieut Com., Knights Templar, 3'_'d degree, Scottish Rite, Ireni Temple, Mystic Shrine. GEORGE M. WALL 1086 Born Plains, Pa., July 31, 1870. Educated Public Schools of Plains. Married Kate R. RO.SS, Se))t. 29, 1897. Bookkeeper. With Shel- don Axle Co. Supt. of M. E. S. S. at Plains. ALBERT WILLIAMS, SR. 1087 Born Cornwall, Eng., June 9, 1861. Educated Vv ilkes-Barre. Mai'ried Anna Clarke. Dee. 26, 1895. Axle Worker. Foreman. Sheldon Axle Co., W.-l^,arre, Luz. Co., Pa. •ROBERT BAUR 1088 Born Vungdom, Wurtemberg, Dec. 25, 1825— *190« Educated L'niv. Ettlenshies Vungdom, Wurten\berg. Married Pauline Hassold, Oct., 1856. Printer and Bookbinder. Mem. Wyo. Hist. Soc. Ed. of the Dem. Watcher for 46 years. G. ADOLPH BAUR 1089 Born Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. 1, 1860. Mar- ried Kate Davis, Sept. 22, 1901. Publisher. Firm of Rolieit Baur & Son. JAMES F. MUNDY 1090 Born Stockton, Luz. Co., Pa., Aug. 12, 1S61. Educated Hazle Twp., Phil'a Schools. Mar- ried Catherine A. Freely, Jan. 1, 1883. Dist. Agt. Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co. Prom- inent Mem. of the F. O. E. Pres. Eagles Social Clul'. HARRY WILLARD OBERRENDER 1091 Born White Haven, Pa., April 20, 1864. Edu- cated Public Schools. P'oundcr H. W. OV)er- render's Printing and Paper House. EDWARD A. Mclaughlin 1092 * Born Wilkes-Barre. Pa., May 7, 1S66. Edu- cated Public Schools. Married Marie Flah- erty, Oct. 16, 1888. Merchant and Livery. Prominently connected with Irish Socs. *wiLLiAM P. Mclaughlin 1093 Born W.-Barre, Pa., Jan. 27, 1868— *Dec. 3, 1!>05. Educated Public' Schools. Married Nellie Sheehan, April 27, 1890. Merchant and Livery. Captain of Co. M, C. T. A. U. Prominently connected in Temperance Socs. FRANCIS KANE SHOBERT 1094 Born Nescopeck Twp., Sept. 2, 1857. Edu- cated Kingston Sem. Married Marie A. Woodring, Jan. 12, 1898. Dep. Rec, Luz. Co. Alderman. M. A. SULLIVAN 1095 Born W.-Barre, Pa., Aug. 27, 1874. Educated Wilkes-Barre. Alderman. JOHN P. POLLOCK 1096 Born Corning, N. Y., Feb. 6, 18,51. Edu- cated Phil'a, Pa. Married Jessie Coolbaugh, Oct. 28, 1899. Alderman 4th Wd., W.-Barre. Sec. Plymouth Coal Co., Kanawha Ry. Co., Cabin Creek Kanawha Coal Co., Williams Coal Co. of Kanawha. WILLIAM LE GRAND HIGGS 1097 Born W.-Barre, Dec. 5, 1866. Educated Pub- lic Schools. Married Susie R. Laurlsh, Sept. 15, 1888. City Assessor. Have 3 Chil- dren, son and 2 daughters, Charles, Hazle and Margarette. Was elected Co. Auditor Nov. Election, 1894. Was elected City Asses- sor Feb. election, 1904, for 3 years. Am Pastmaster of Camp 161, S. of V.; Past Councillor of Col. Council, No. 43, Jr. O. U. A. M.; Past Pres. Lodge 27, M. P. A.; Served as Sec. of City Rep. Com. 2 years, 1903-4; Past Pres. of Cent. Rep. League of W.-Barre^ Pa. FRED HORATIO GATES 1098 Born W.-Barre, Pa.. Sept. 20, 1S66. Edu- cated W.-Barre Public Schools. Married Lillian M. Rinchimer, June 12, 1889. City Clerk of the Citv of W.-Barre, Pa. Lodge 61, F. & A. M., W.-Barre; Shekinah Royal Arch Chap., No. 182: Dieu Le Vieut Com., No. 45; Irem '^('emple, A. A. O. N. M. S. JOHN CLIFFORD 1099 Born Ireland, April 3, ]8''2. Educated Wya- 1 using, Bradford Co., Pa. Married Maggie O' Brian, Sept. 25, 1889. Chief-of-Police. Ex- Supt. Traction Barn, W.-Barre- Wyo. VaL LYMAN H. HOWE lion Born W.-Barre, Pa., June 9, 1856. Educated Public Schools and Kingston Sem. Married M. Alice Koehler, Sept. 2G, 1S8S. Originator ol Moving Pictures as an exhibition, and he covers the entire IJ. S. with his several companions. JOHN ALOYSIUS REDINGTON 1101 Born Drymills, Co. Mayo, Ireland, June 14, 1862. Educated Nat. School, Drymills, and in Public School, White Haven, Pa. Mar- ried Winifred McAndrew, Feb. 28, 1884; Eliz- abeth G. Lynch, Oct. 18, 1904. Prop. Hotel Ixiii Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Oneonta. Hnrvcy's Trn Gmund Wurtemlun-f, Geimanv, Oct. 7, 1S21— *.A.ug. 11, lliOii. Mari'ied Kathrine Baer, Jan. 4, 1S.52. P.rewer. Dir. of 1st Nat. Bank. Pres. Sti-gmaier l^.rev. ing Co. is; 12. Educated of Mai'liinerv. v/ FREDERICK J. STEGMAIER 1110 I'.ipin \V.-l!a>i-r. Jul\- ;!7. isi 1. .Mai'ricd .Amelia K. Schappert, Jan. 3, l!^90. Brewer. V.-Pres. Ste,gmaier Bi(>w. Co. V.-Pres. Adder Ma- chine Co., Kingston. Pres. Snuth Hide Bank. Pres. Susq. J^rew. Co., Nanticoki-. GEO. J. STEGMAIER 1111 Born W.-Barre, April 4, 18.'.^:. I-:ducaled St. Vincent's Coll., Parochial SchO(.l and Public Schools. Married Mary G. Costello, Dec. 31, 1889. Sec. Ste.gmaier Brew. Co. Democrat. Pres. W.-Barre News. Treas. Doi-an Lace Mfg. Co. Sec. Stegmaier Brew. Co. City Ti'eas. 1 yr. for Jas. Mack, deceased. Con- nected with numei'oas manufactories. STERLING R. CATLIN 1112 Born W.-Barre, Pa., Jan. : W.-Barre, Phil'a. Sunt. Mem. State Senate of Pa. DANIEL L. HART 1113 Born W.-Barre, Pa., Dec. 28, 18C8. Educated U'.vo. Sem. Playwrite. Cit>- 'I'reas. THOS. F. HEFFERNAN 1114 Born Plymouth Twp., March 10. 1871. Edu- cated Wvo. Sem. Married Loui'--e Easen, June 20, 1900. Mem. of icecord Staff. Chair- man Lu55. Co. Rep. Com. during camjjaigns of 1903-'01-'05. Pres. Press Club (if W.-Barre. GEO. D. LEISENRING 1115 Born Lehigh Co., Nov, 2G, 1851. Educated Public Schools. Married Ma in- H. Stevens, May 21, 1871. Bus. Mgr. I'ittstun Gazette. GUY W. MOORE 1116 Born Shamokin, Pa., March 30, 18iiS. Edu- cated Kingston, Pa., Public Schools. Mar- ried Esther Parry, July 28, 1897. Mgr. W.-Barre Record. Kingston Lodge, 395, F. & A. M.; Shekinah Chap., 182, R. A. M.; Dieu Le Vieut Com., 45, K. T. *THEODORUS HART 1117 Born Athens. Bradford Co., Pa., Sept. 10, lN18-*April IS, 1901. Educated Tunkhannock I'ublic Schools. Married Rebecca Dy- mor.d, July 1, 1874: Mrs. E. H. Davis, March 2, 3887. Ed. and Pub. Pittston Gazette; P. M. and Pub. Pittston Gazette: Postmaster Pittston; Trus. Keystone Acad., Factory- ville; Luz. Ave. Bap. Chiu'ch, Pittston. 32d Degree Mason. Mem. St. John's Lodge, No. 2;]3, F. & A. M.; Pittston Chap., R. A. M.; Wyo. Val. Com., K. T. ; Caldwell Consist- ory, Bloomsburg, Pa.: Lulu Temple, A. A. O. : Noble of Mystic Shrine, Phil'a: Pittston Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; Prominent in Rep. Party as Co. Chairman, etc. Mem. Pa. State Leg., INsr.-lNNC; Nat. Kililorial Ass'n. Pittston. WILLIAM JOSEPH PECK 1118 liiini Scranlon. I'a.. Jan. 24, 1874. Eilucatid S\racuse UniN'. Married M. l..awson Dvmond Hart, Oct. 6, 1898. Ed. and Prop. Pittston Dail.v Gazette; Postmaster Pittston. April 13, 1"(>1- ; Mem. Pa. Edit. Ass'n; St. John's Ixiv Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinitv Lodge, No. 233, F. & A. M., Pittston, Pa.: New Kiis-. See. of N. E. Pa.; Delta Up- silon Fraternity; M. E. Church. Dir. Scranton Bedding- Co. Pittston. ERNEST GRAY SMITH 1119 Born Martins Ferrv, O., Oct. 26, 1872. Edu- cated Lai. Coll., Ph. B. M. S. Yale Law- School, L. L. B. Edit, and Gen. Mgv. W.- Barre Leader. Dir. Riverside Bridge Co., Commercial Bank Co., Stanton Heater Co., Belmont. Tel. Co., Wheeling, W.Va. ; McGee- Deiters Glass Co., Brilliant, O. ; Leader I'ub. Co., VV'lkes-Barre. J. ANDREW BOYD 1120 Born Buck Mountain, Pa., 1855. Educated Public Schools. Married Helen M. Joslin, 1878. Managing Ed. W.-Barre Record. Pres. Luz. Co. Simday School Ass'n. JOHN GRADY 1121 Born Lo^;kport, N. i'., Aug. 2.5. 1812. Edu- cated Public Schools, Married Sarah J. Gib- bons, Jan. 15, 1S68. Life Ins. Supt. Pruden- tial Life Ins. Co., W.-Barre Dist. Served in 31st Regt., N. Y. V^ol., during Civil War. THOMAS M. McGOURTY 1122 Born County of Teitrim, Ireland, June 1, 1852. Educated Nat. Schools, Ireland. Mar- ried Julia O" Toole, May 11, 1879. Real Es- tate and Fire Ins. Served two terms in Council from 5th Wd., under old charter. Served in Select Council from 8th Wd., 1903 to 1907. Chairman Board of Rev. and App. Mem. of Firm McCxOurty & Shovlin. JAMES A. SHOVLIN 1123 Born W.-Bfirie. Pa. Educated St. Mary's Parochial and Public School. Married The- resa M. Dillon, Dec. 18, 1898. Real Estate and Fire Ins. Mem. of Firm McGovuty & Shovlin, Comordia Singing Soc, St. Aloysius Soc, Grand Fraternity. Dir. St. Mary's Polish Choir. JAMES HYNDMAN 1124 Born Hamilton, Onl., July 9, 1SC5. Educated Kingston Public Schools and AVyo. Sem. Married Ruth Harvey, April 21, 1897. Dist. Mgr. Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada. Formerly Merchant in Jvingston. *JAMES D. WILCOX 1125 Bora Plainsville, Pa., Aug. 10. 1819— *Nov. 8. 1893. ErtLicated Plainsville, Pa. Married Sarah M. Davenport, 1845. Blacksmith. Re- tired Vol. from the Seminole War. WM. N. JENNINGS 112G Born Kingston, Pa., March 3. 1829. Educated Wyo. Sem. Married Sarah Ann Hicks, Sept. 13, 1852. Lumberman. Retired. JOHN ROUSING 1127 Burn Denmark, Nov. IS, 1869. Educated Denmark. Married Emma E. Wilcox, Sept. 26, 1S97. Foreman with lu. & W.-B. Coal Co. JAMES T. WILLIAMS 1128 Born Newport, Luz. Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 18.55. Educated Plains, Pa. Married Lillie Bell, Aug. 28, 1885. P'armer. WILLIAM HENRY STURDEVANT 1129 Born Skinner's Eddy, Pa., Sept. 4, 1838. :Married Mary Letitia Thomas, Oct. 8, 1874. Civil Engineer. THOMAS KIRKBRIDE STURDEVANT 1130 Born W.-Barre, Pa., Aug. 27, 1876. Educated Princeton TTniv., Col. Univ. Architect. OWEN B. McGLYNN 1131 Born Stockton. Luz. Co., March 28, 1878. Educated St. Mar\'s School, W.-Barre. Mar- ried Elizabeth MacDermott, Oct. 17, 1900. Arcliitect. HARRY LIVINGSTON FRENCH 1132 Born Plymouth, Pa.. Nov. 21, 1871. Educated Cornell Univ. Architect. Arch. League of N. Y. W.-Barre. JACOB SHARPS PETTEBONE 1133 Born Orangeville, Col. Co., Pa., June 20, 1806. Educated Wyo. Sem. and Cornell Univ. B. S. in Architecture. Married Minnie S. Lutz, Aug. 9, 1894; laicy B. Hershberger, Sept. 25, 1901. Architect, Pettebone & Ireland. ADOLPH MEISSEL 1134 Born N. Y. City, March 28, 1858. Educated Public Schools. Treas. and Gen. Mgr. of the Pocono Spring Water Co. Formerly Mem. of Firm of Lazarus Bros., Dry Goods Mer- chants. Traveled in the Commercial Line for 23 years before entering the firm of Lazarus Bros. Mem. of Merchants Club. JAY HUGH PERKINS 1135 Born Waupaca, Wis , Oct., 1873. Educated Waupaca Public Schools; Univ. of Wis. Married Bertha F. Holmes, Feb., 1898. Mgr. A\'.-Barre Gis and Elec. Co. Mem. of Am. Ins. of Elee. Eng., Am. Gas Ijt. Ass'n. WILLIAM CONKLIN ANDERSON 1136 Born N. Y. City, Sept. 25, 1872. Educated Lehigh Univ. Married Carrie R. Cooper, :\[ay 18, 1898. Gas nnd Elec. Eng. Gen. Mgr. Wyo. Val. Gas and Elec. Co. Am. Gas Lt. Ass'n; Nat. Com. Gas Ass'n; Scranton En- gineers' Club; F. & A. M., Mamaro Lodge, (,53, Port Chester, N. Y. *CHARLES FARMER INGHAM 1137 Born Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 12, 1810— * Jan. 18, l;90. Eng. parentage. Educated Univ. of Pa., M. D. Married Lucy Vernet, Oct. 6, I8;i9. Physician, Civil Eng. Civil Eng. C. R. R. of N. J. W.-B. Hist. & Geolog. Soc. * WILLIAM VERNET INGHAM 11,38 Born W.-Barre, Pa., July 21, 1840— *April 26, 1906. Educated Wyo. Sem. Married Kate Bowman, Oct. 28, 1873. Civil Eng. Was City Eng. of W.-Barre 25 years. Ixv Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity PERCY BOWMAN INGHAM ii:;o Born W.-Barre. Pa., June .',, ISSS. Kdiuated Andover Coll. and Cornell Univ. Ar<^hiteft. ^Vas employed in the olfloc of the late Mr. Albert H. Kiiip, Aichitect. WrLLIAM VERNET INGHAM 1140 Born "W.-Barre. Pa.. Aug-. L', ISTC. Kdiicated Public SehooLs and Harry Hillman Acad. Married Maitha Hutchin.«. April 30, VMi. Civil Kng. Kniploynd as ass't to late Wm. A'ernet Ing'him for 1L' years. H. W. SAUMS 1141 Born Nantieoke, Pa.. Deo. 20, 18."'>4. Educated Public Schools. Married Marv J. Thoma.s, Nov. 2S, 187.5. Sui)t. for North Am. Coal Co. GEORGE H. HAINES 1142 Payma.'^ter Lehigh Valley Coal Company. PATRICK MICHAEL BOYLE 1143 Born County Donegal, Ireland, Feb. IS, 1S49. Eilucated Min. and Meeh. School, Drifton, Pa. Married Bridget Moore, Jan. 2, 1872. Mine Inspector 8th Anthracite Dist. Kings- ton, Pa. HARRY EASTON RISSINGER 1144 Born Minersville, Pa., Feb. IS, 1S6G. Edu- cated Scranton. Pa. Married Chlora Lee, Nov. 17, 1898. Independent Coal Producer. Pres. and M^r. "Ohl Plymouth Coal Co." WILLIAM B. BERTELS 1145 Born Quakertown, Pa., March IG. IS-^l. Edu- cated Wyo. Sem. Married Susan A. Ed- wards, Dec. 24, 18.57. Stoves and Hardware. Tinware Mfs'. Pres. W. B. Bertels & Son Co. Elder in Free Meth. Chuich. CHARLES E. BERTELS 1146 Born White Haven, Iaiz. Co., Pa., July 2, ISGi;. Educated W.-Barre Pub. School. Married Alice Sisty, May 10, 1888. Tinware Mfg-. Oen. Mgr., Sec. and Treas. of W. B. Bertels & Son Co. BALTZER HELFRICH 1147 Born Leiman, Germany, Oct., 1S26. Married Dorothy Miller, p-eb. 8. IS.'v!. Retired Mer- chant. \\'.-Hari'e, Pa. ANTHONY C. HELFRICH 1148 Born German^-, June 24, ISHO. Educated Ger- many. Mariied l''redrica Deisen, April 5, 1859. Merchant. Retired. Councilman 1870 to 1874. B. W. WILDE 1149 Born Nepr Pottsville. Pa., Dec. 22, 1854. Edu- cated I'ublic Sc'hool.«. Married Isabel Mac- Donald, Sept. 2(1, 1882. Store Mgr. Sr. Mem. of Firm of Wilde & Co., Knitting Mill. Mgr. A. Pardee n, Pa., Feb. 11, 188(5. Educated West Point Military Acad. Appointed Cadet West Point Military Acad, from 11th Cong. Dist. 19(>:; and entered Jiuie 15. ITazU-tnn. FRANK J. MARGWARTH 1151 Born Port Carbon. Pa., March 11, 18G4. Edu- cated Port Carbon Public Schools. Married Florence Dale Walters, Sept. 6, 1902. Mer- chant. (Margwartt Bros.) CHAS. KEHOE 1152 Born Red Bank, Pa., May 14, 18G0. Edu- cated Pottsville. Married Alice Grow, Nov. 24, 1881. Contractor. Hazleton, Pa. JAMES E. RODERICK 1153 Born Wales. Jan. 20, 1S42. Educated British Schools. Chief Dept. of Mines, State of Pa. Pres. and Trus. Hazleton State Hospital. Dir. Hazleton Nat. Bank. Hazleton, Pa. JONATHAN R. DAVIS 1154 Born Danville, Pa., July 22, 1864. Educated Wvo. Sem. Married Marv Armenia Cogs- well, Oct. 10, 1894. Wholesale Grocer. Sheriff huz. Co., 19(J5-'06-"0'i. HIRAM P. KUNTZ 1155 Born Kunt's Ford, Northampton Co., Pa., March 2, 1858. Educated Muhlenberg Coll., Allentown, Pa. Mairied Ida L,awall, Nov. 25, li85. Rec. of Luz. Co., 1905-'U6- 07. Book- keeper and Paymaster for Pardee Sons Co., Harwood Mines, Buz. Co., Pa., to 1896. In if>96 elected Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans' Ct., 1897-'98- 99, Buz. Co. Hazleton. JAMES DONALD GEIST, A. B., A. M. 115G Born Pitman, Schuylkill Co., Pa., .Ian. 21, 18('0. Educated Baf. Coll. Married Mary Caskey, July G, 18:i9. I'rin. Hazleton High School. Hazleton, la. * THOMAS S. BEAGLE 1157 Born Phil'a. Pa., Sept. 2,5, 1S25— *July 9, 1903. Educated Phil'a Public Schools. Married Hannah A. Shafer, Feb. 4, 1847. Hame Mfr. Freeland. HENRY S. BEAGLE 1158 Born Phil'a. Pa., Sept. 17, 1851. Educated Phil'a Public School. Married Ella E. Schock, Aug. 22, 1880. Hame Mfr. Henry S. Beagle and George Wise, Mfr. of "The Celebrated Boagle Mine Hames." Freeland. GEORGE WISE 1159 Born N. Y. City, Feb. 23. 1817. Educated Newark, N. J., Public Schools. Married Mary Eberts, June 1, 1870. Harness Mfr. Menry S. Beagle and George AA'ise, Mfr. of "The Celebrated Beagle Mine Hames." Jeddo. Ixvi Prominent Men of Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity GEORGE W. THOMPSON 1160 Born .feddo, Pa.. July 9. 1S67. Educated Swarthmore. Pa. We.stinshouse 13160. Mfg. Co. Representati^•e. Hazleton, Pa. JOHN H. KNIES 1161 Born Plazleton, Pn., April 14. 1868. Edu- cated Com. Schools. Married Elizabeth Altniiller, <)rt. 21. isso. Merchant. Mayor of tlazleton, inoi tn VMu. Hiizleton. WILLIAM REINHARDT 1162 Born Germany, Feb. 7, 1851. Educated Ger- many. Married Catherine Elizabeth Bick- ins, Dec. 22. 1871. Carriage Builder. Elected Mayor of Hazleton on Feb. 19. 1901, and served as Mavor from April 1, 1901, to April 1, 1904. Hazleton. JUSTUS ALTMILLER 1163 Born Germany. July 14, 1840. Educated Ger- many. Married Annie Elizabeth Rheinhardt, Dec. 25, 1860. Retired. Mayor of Hazleton, 1895-1898. Hazleton, Pa. HARVEY D. LAMONT 1164 Born Minersville, Pa., Jan. 1, 1862. Educated Hazleton, Pa. Married Alice Floyd, July 7, 1892. Job Printer. City Controller. Connect- ed with several local Indvistries. Hazleton. EDMUND G. BUTLER 1165 Born W.-Barre, Pa., June 11. 1845. Educated Wesleyan Univ., ]\]ielulctown. Conn. Married Clara T. Cox, Dec. 22, ]S(;9. Att'y-at-L,aw. W.-Barro, Pa. JOHN B. SHIPPEY 1166 Born Tunkhannock. Pa., Oct. 1, 1860. Edu- cated Keystone Acad., Factoryville. Pa. Married Ethel J. Quick, June 15, 1892. Lum- ber and Hard Wall Pla.'iter. Pres. and Mg-r. YouuKStown Wall Plaster Co. Mem. Masonic Lodge, No. 301, Clark's Summit; I-i'actoryville Chap., No. 205; Coeur De Lion Com., No. 17; Irem Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., W.-Barre. Business. Scranton. Resi- dence, Clark's Summit. JOHN B. BROWN 1167 Born Phil'a. Sept. 2S, ls4.j. Educated Tama- qua. Married Margaret Graham, Dec. 23, 1869. Merchant. Pres. Board of Health. Pres. Middl.- Coal Field B. & L. A.S!!'n. Hazleton. ELLIOTT A. OBERRENDER 1168 Born Drums, Luz. Co., Pa., June 29, 18.56. Educated Wyo. Sem. Married Fannie Sell- man Jenkins, Dec. 5, 1880. Accountant and Manfr. Agt. for Coxe Bros. & Co., 1874-1905. Accountant Coxe Estates since 1874. Private Sec to Hon. Eckley B. Coxe, 1874 to 1895. Supt. Coxe Bros. & Co.'s stores. 1886-1897. Notary Public since 1883. Mem. Freeland Overall Mfg. Co. Drifton. ANTHONY RUDEWICK 11G9 Born Russia Poland, Feb. 13, 1854. Educated Poland. Married Wanda Czewska, Jan. 10, 1882. Gen. Merchant. Ins. and Steamship Agt. Dir Citizens' Bank of Freeland. Held Office in Council for three years. 1898-1901. Elected Tax Coll., 1903, for three years in Freeland Boro. Pres. Anthracite Lumber Co. Freeland. GEORGE HENRY HARTMAN 1170 Born 1^'reeland, Luz. Co.. Pa.. May 22, 1873. Educated Public Schools, Freeland. Mar- ried Kathr\n May Knickerbacker, March 31, 1902. Butcher. Burgess of Freeland, 1906- 19U9. Freeland. AMANDUS OSWALD 1171 Born Lynnport, Lehigh Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1857. Educated Palatinate Coll., Myerstov^n, Pa. Married Lucv A. Kerschuer, June 21, 1874. Merchant. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Bd. of Trade, Town Council. Dir. Min. and Mech. Ins., Y. M. C. A. V.-Pres. Hazleton Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Mem. and Elder of St. John's Uefiirmed Church. Freeland. BENJAMIN RUSH DAVIS 1172 Born Berwick, Columbia Co.. Pa.. Nov. 27, 1840. Married Jennie Bird, Aug. 14, 1872. Cashier Citizens' Bank of Freeland, Pa. Dir. Freeland Water Co.; W.-Barre Heat, Lt. and Motor Co. Resides in Hazleton, Pa. PROMINENT MEN-TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PETER R. SCHMALTZ 1173 Born Hughestown, Pa., Aug. 8, 1871. Edu- cated Public Schools. Gen. fetore. Mgr. Brothers' B. B. Club. Mem. P. O. S. of A.; Jr. O. U. A,. M.; Merchants' Pro. Ass'n. Pittston (Hughe'Stown.) MICHAEL J. McLaughlin 1174 Born W.-Barre, Pa., May 14, 1872. Educated W.-Barre, Public Schools. Married Alice M. O'Neill, Oct. 3, 190f). Undertaker and Liverv. Mem. K. of C. ; Aerie. No. 353, F. O. of E. ; Knights of Equity; St. Alov. Soc. Capt. Co. M, C. T. A. U. Regt.; Irish Amer. Club. W.-Barre, Pa. SAMUEL LEWIS, JR. 1175 Cigars. PATRICK F. McLaughlin, m. d. 1176 Born W.-Barre. Educated Medico Chirur. Coll. of Phil'a. Married Teresa Brennan, June 19, 1901. Ph.ssieian and Surgeon. HARRY W. RUGGLES 1177 Born Plymouth, Pa., March 13, 1879. Edu- cated ^\'yo. Sem., Ivinerston, Pa. Married Einma G. Rickard, Oct. 14, 1904. Lumber Merchant, F. N. Ruegles & Son. Luz., Pa. Ixvii Prominent Men — Too Late to Classify J. E. WITMAN 117S Photogr.ipln'r. ] lazlclmi. J':i. WM. D. BOYER 1179 Lawyer. GUSTAV HAHN 11 SO DAVID L. JONES llSl Born Soranton. Pa.. Nov. 27. 1S70. Kdiicaled Old No. 2.^ at Providence. Married P>essie K. Coston, Nov. 2.'.. 1891. Funf-ral i:»ir. Scran- ton Bd. ol" Trade. Medioa-Law As.s'n of New YorK. Knisiits ol" Malta. Elks. JOHN MORGAN HARRIS 1162 Born (llamorgansliiie, Wales, Aug. 14, 1862. Educated Scranlon HIkIi School and Prince- ton I'liiv. Att'v-at-l,aw. Mem. F. & A. M. and B. 1'. (). E I'a. State Bd Law Exam. CHARLES RICHARDSON SMITH 11 S3 Born Voiney, Oswego Co., N. Y., July 11, 1847. Educated Public Schools. Married Nellie Fuller, Nov. 17. 1887. Ins. ARt. Co. A, lS4lh U<,-;t. N. Y. Iiit" Civil War. Mem. Peiin'a Soe. Sun.- n( i\\,- liiNMliilinn, JOHN FORSTER BARBER 1184 Born New Beiliii. I'raon Co., Pa., Dec. 3, ISi;;. Eilucated Mlllliiiburi;: Acad., New Ber- lin Seni.. Liiion Co., Pa. and Eastman'.s Com. Cull. Married Minei-va S. Sclivvenck, Julv ir.. lc>7.5— *May IC, ls7ii: S. Afc'nu.s Sehultz, Nov. 12, 1890. Alercliani Barber & Co., Hazieton Barber Co.. Philipsliurf;, & Sand Co., Hazieton. Ciiureh and Dir. Y. -M. t [\xu\ Maiil'r. J. h\ J^a. ; Sanderbaeh- Pa. ; Lehigh Coal I'Uder of Piesby. A. Hazieton, Pa. IRA E. HARTWELL IISG Born Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Nov. 27, 1849. Educated Public School?, East Cleveland Sem. Married Margaret Jenkins, J;U.\- 2.^. ]87.">. Surveyor. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE PORTRAITS DO NOT APPEAR -JOHN EDWIN WATT Born South Car.aan. Pa., 1S3.5— *June 5, 1901. Educated I'ublic Schools. Married Martha B. Wells. Merchant. Banker. Pres. First Nat. Bank of Carbondale. MARTIN B. CASEY Born Louisville, Ky., Dec. 29, 1859. Educated Louisville, Ky. Married Katharine L. Schardem, Julv 4, 189«. Supt. Car Service of D., L. & VV. R. R. Co. Dir. Keystone Bank, Scranton. Pres. Archbald Silk Mfg. Co., Archbald, Pa.. Cortland Silk Mfg. Co., Cortland, N. Y. JOHN W. ZIMMERMAN Born Hickory Run, Pa,, M.i.\ 2!. 1S55. Edu- cated Shickshinny, Pa. Married Alice S. Meixell, Aug. 23, 1880. Master Carpenter and Architect. Supt. of Carpentr\- for D., L. & W. n. R. WILLIAM BUTLER HIXSON Born Hanover, Harrison Co., O.., July 24, 1S.:)0. Educated Harrison County, O. Mar- ried Emma Williaiu.'Jon, Oct. 21, 1879. Supt. bldg. and Jiiidges for D., I.. & W. R. R. Co. Forinerlv Supt. B. aw. SEARLE McCOLLUM Born Montrose April 30, 1867. Educated Media Acad., Media, Pa. Married Pauline Lusk, March 12, 189.5. Atfy-at-Law. Mem. Susq. Co. Bar; Odd Fellows, Lodge No. 1.51; Knights of Pythias. No. 473; Canton, W.-Barre, No. 31. Montrose, Pa. ROBERT PECK Born Feltor, Del., April 16. 1871. Graduate Lafayette Coll. Married Eliencra Murray. Atfy-at-Law. WILLIAM DeWALD BOYER Born Port Clinton. Pa., May 28, 1867. Edu- cated Dickinson Coll. and Dickinson School of Law. Married Louise Alton. Jan. 1, 1898. Pres. Point Creek Collieries Co. Sec. and Dir. Blue Creek Coal and Land Co. Dir. and Treas. Piney Coal and Coke Co. Dir Hamburg Sa". Bank. Sec. and Dir. Kan- awha and West Va. R. R. Co. Pres. Le- iiighton Lace Co., Board ojr Trade, Scian- ton Club, Country Club. Trus. Dickinson Coll. Trus. Dickinson School of I^aw. JOHN F. GALLAGHER District Superintendent Hillside Coal and Iron Co. May field, Pa. Ixix Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity AUSTIN LYNCH Born Olyplianl, Pa., April 2, 18S:!. I-^dufa d <1 Ho!.\- Cross Coil. Merchant. Tlie Lynch D(-!)t. Store. Mem. of Scranton Conncil, K. of C, No. 280. Olyphant, Pa. BARTHOLOMEW J. LYNCH ., March 2. IsTti. Married •, Jnne IS, 1902. Merchant. Bank. Olyphant, Pa. Born ()l\i)hant. P; Gertrude H. Millc V.-Pres. Citizen.s JOHN C. ZUEFLEIH Real Estate. HARRY W. WILLIAMS Born Nicholson, Noy. S, INT'J. Eikill Co.. Pa., Oct. 11, 1869. Edu- cated Donaldson, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Mgr. Amer. Tel. and Telegraph Co. RICHARD GILLIGAN Born Dunmore, Pa., Feb 19, 1863. Edu- cated Dunmore, Pa.. Public Schools. Mar- ried Hannah Scanlon, Sept. 17, 1884; Carrie M. Gilligan. Oct. 7, 1S9:!. Tel. Des. D., L. & W. R. R. Co. FRANK E. McCOMB Born Carbondale, Pa., Jan. 28, 1866. Educated Hi£;h School, Carbondale, Pa. Married Ger- trude L. Harri.son. April 18, 1888. Wholesale Shoe Business. Pro|i. of the F. E. McComb Shoe Co., established in ]8!i2. WILLIAM J. COSTELLO P.orn Dunmore, Pa., Aug. Ml, 1S.-16. Educatf Dunmore, Pa. Married Margaret A. Duff July 27, INNii. INIerchant. FREDERICK J. PECK Born Benton Twp., Pa., April 2:^, 1864. Edu cated West Pittston High School. Marri<.i Hattie Alay Rhodes, May 19, INSS. Sui)t. Dun Lumber Co. REV. JAMES LEWIS Born Carmarthenshire, S. Wales, Nov. 25, 1877. Educated Wales. Married Margaret Llewellyn, Nov. 2, 1904. Minister of the Gos- pel. N. East. Ass'n. Olyphant, Pa. H. SCHINDEL SAUNDERS, D. D. S. Boi n llazl(l(.n. Pa.. Aug. Pa. Coll. Dental Surgery l.-i, iS72. Educated Dentist. JACOB DEATRICK Born Heidlersburg, July 19, 1863. Educated East Berlin Nor. School. Married Nettie Brundage, Oct. 25, 1892. Real Estate. JOHN P. CONWAY Born Scranton, Pa., May 22, 1906. Educated Public Schools. Foimerly Mgr. Pa. Tel. Co., Scranton, Pa. K. of C. B. P. O. I':iks. WILLIAM D. DONNE, M. D. Born Swansea, S. Wales, Gt. Britain, March 13, 1863. Educated Swansea Schools. :Mar- ried Elizabeth Donne, Jan. 29, 1894. Physi- cian and Surgeon. Med. Education at Balti- more. Md.; also a Graduate of Pa. Phar. Soc. and West Pa. Med. School. BERTALAN M. ds MICHNAY, PH. G. Born Szikszo. Hungary. April 25, 1875. Edu- cated Budapest. Himgaiy. Married Ethel Brany, May 28, 1903. Druggist and Chemist Pres. of tlie 1st Hungarian Sick Ben. Soc Sec. of the 1st Htingarian Lider Soc. Pres Hungarian Reii. Club.. PATRICK H. HAGGERTY Born Dunni.in Dunmore. Pa. June 3, 1902. P.I., Fell. 2N, 1871. Educated Married Mary A. O'Maliey, HARRY EIRBECK Born lOngland, March 2t;, 1859. Educated Public Schools. Married Hannah Fidiam. May 10, 1888. Mine Foreman D. & H. Co. MICHAEL J. BUTTERMAN Hoi-n Scranton, Pa., No\'. I'T. 1878. lOducated Scranl(jn. I'a Loeksmith and Sporting Goods. EVAN THOMAS Bori< South Wales, May 26, 1862. Educated Monmouth Gram. School, Eng. Married Mary Lewis. Dccembei-, 18SS. Tjawyei . JOHN K. BERKHEISER Born l>lewellyn, Schnylkill Co., Pa., .June 7. 1849. Educated Commoii Schools Married Margaret A. Patten, June 19. 1872. Mine Supt. At present connected with Scranton Coal Co. Olyphant, Pa. PATRICK LOUGHNEY Born ('ount\- Ma>o. Ireland. lOducated Arch- bald. Married Maria McAndrew, July 26, ISiiS. Coal Miner. Mem. C. M. B. A. Jermyn, Pa. Ixx /" Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity EDWARD F. ALTEMOSE Born Monroe Co.. Pa . Jan. 2, 1S.5S. Carriage and Wag'on Builder. JOHN OLLDORF Born Honesdale. Pa.. May >. ISGO. Educated llonesdale, Pa. Silk Tlirowster. WILLIAM H. LANGDON Born Lancaster, Pa., July 12. ISfclS. Educated I^anca-ster, Pa. Married Louisa Arnold, April 9, 1883. Iron and Steel Roller, Scran- ton Bolt and JSut Co. PATRICK J. HEALEY Born Ireland, March 11, 1858. Educated Dun- more, Pa. Chief of Police, Dunmore, Pa. DAVID J. KENNEDY Born Jernl^n, Pa., Sejit. :!ti, ISTd. Educated Com School, Ji'rmyn, Pa. Chief of Police. Jermyn, Pa. GEORGE W. BROWN Born Charles Co.. Md.. Stpt. 7, 185.5. Mar- ried Amy Lee, April, 1875. Drayman. Prop. Brown Storage and Heavy Carting; also Furniture Vans. *ARIO PARDEE Born Stephentown, N. Y.. Nov. 1!». 1811)-- *March 2(1, 18!i2. Educated Stephentown, N. Y. Coal Operator. R. R. Banker. Iron Manfr. Dir. in numerous corporations. Gave over one-half a million dollars to Laf. Coll. Chairman State Bd. of Geo. Sur. Hazleton. ALVAN MARKLE Born Hazleton. Pa. Educated Laf. Coll., PCaston. Pa. Married Sept. 7, 1887 Coal Oper- ator. Capitalist. Pres. Markle Banking and Trust Co. Pres. Elec. Rys. Dir. in various other instit\itious. Hazleton. MAURICE GAERTNER GEORGE HOLDEN SMITH Born Lawrence, Ma.s.s., Aug. 10, 1867. Edu- cated Lawrence, Mass. Married Rachel Law McGown, r"eh. 16. 1889. Mgr. of W.-Barre Lace Mfg. Co. ^^^-Barre. CHARLES E. FOWLER Born Aldenville, ^^'ayne Co , Pa., Nov. 23, 1865. Married Alice M. Barnes. Merchant Miller. Pittston, Pa. S. WARREN REICHARD, M. D. Born Mauch Chunk, Pa., June 8, 1878. Edu- cated Medico-Chir. Coll. Married Marie Anna Bosficrt, 19W1. Physician and Surgeon. Luv:. Co. Med. Soc. Surg, to Fireman's Relief. City Physician to Cent. Poor Board. PARKE CUSTIS SICKLER, M. D. Born Falls, W\ o. Co., Pa.. March tj, 1873. Educated Bait. Med. Coll., Bait.. Md. Marie E. Turn, Jan. .'id, 1901. Physician. WILLIAM F. STEINHAUER Born W.-Barre. Pa., F< b. 19. 1875. Educated Public Schools and W.-Barre Bus. Coll. Mar- ried Lottie l/ouise Searfoss, Feb. 6, 1901. Gen. Ins. W. C. CLARK Planing Mill. Plymouth, Pa. CHARLES W. BARBER Born MilHinburg, Union Co., Pa., March 5, 18.52. Educated Com. Schools, Pa. Married Emma W. Turnbach, March 6, 1879. Mer- chant. Mem. of Firms of J. F. Barber & Co.; Lauderbach, Barber Co. Pres. Lehigh Coal and Land Co. Dir. Mutual Ins. Co., of Hazleton, Pa. Mem. Presby. Church. Hazle- ton. ROBERT RAY VAN HORN Born Shiekshinny, Pa., Aug. 29, 1870. Edu- cated Plymouth and Wyo. Sem., Kingston, Pa. Married Emily Durkin, Jan. 25. 1899. Attv-at-Law. C. H. Geist Co., Owners and Operators of Gas and Electric Plants. Plym- outh, Pa. JOHN H. DANDO Born Sugar Notch, Luz. Co.. Pa., July 7, 1872. Educated Public Schools. Married Wilhel- mina Firstenfeld, Aug. 22, 1899. Lawyer. DAVID OPPENHEIMER Born W.-Barre, Pa., Feb. 22, 187S. Educated W.-Barre High School. Lawyer. LEVI A. DYMOND Born Lock\ille, Wyo. Co., March 6, 1878. Married Francis I>. Williams, May 10, 1899. Lawyer Sec. and Treas. of the Luz. and Col. Tel. Co. Burgess of Dorranceton Boro. ANDREW F. HARGER Born Beaver Val.. Col. Co.. Pa., Dec. 22, lSfi7. Educated Com. Schools. Supt. of Transpor- tation, W.-Barre and Hazleton Ry. and Le- high Val. Traction Co. Hazleton, Pa. REV. RICHARD C. AUST Bo)-n Leobshitz, ITpper Silesia, Germany, May 11 1865. Educated Pelplin, Germany; Lat-obe, Pa. Rom. Cath. Clergyman. St. Stanislaus (Polish) Church. Hazleton, Pa. REV. MATTHEW JANKOLA Born Budapest, Hungary, July 2. 1872. Edu- cated Europe and America. Clergyman. Pastor St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Hazleton. Pa. CHARLES E. HOWELL Born Pittston. Pa.. Oct. 10. 1S(.8. Educated Kingston Sem. Furniture and Undertaker. Pittston, Pa. GEORGE W. BARAGER Born Hazleton, Pa., July 6, 1873. Educated Lehigh Univ. Married Elizabeth C. Fmk. Dec 12, 1901. Master Mechanic for Coxc Bros. & Co., Inc. Mem. Lehigh Club of N. E. Pa. Drifton, Pa. JOHN M. WARD Born Ireland. 1834. Educated Ireland Mar- ried Alice Neison, 18(;8. Merchant. P. J. O'MALLEY Born Scranton, Pa., Aug. 9, 1865. Educated Scranton Public Schools. Married Genevieve McCann, Oct. 12, 1898. Treas. The Wyo. Val. Sup. & Mfg. Co. W.-Barre and fecranton, Pa. Ixxi Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity PIERCE R. ROBINSON Born li.w.i. .luiic 11. lM-"i. lOd'nalnl Wyoin- inp. Pa. IMnrricd 101iza'i)(Hli .Smallciunh, Jimo 1S8S. Prop, of r.o «",rati(l Mm.' Drill ^^■ol•k.s. H. J. CLARK I'laning Mill. Pl>nioiilli. Pa. JOSEPH F. EVANS Born Scranl'm, I'a.. K( I). H. is,":!. Kducatod Scranton. Pa. Marrieil Kathrvn I^. Flvnn, Dec. :n. 1!X>2. A".-Prc.«. and Msr. of The Wyo. Val. Snp. & Mrs-. Co. \V.-P.an\ and Scran- ton, Pa. MOSES GRIFFITH Born Plains Twp.. Dec. S. l.STi;. Kdncated Plains Twp. School and AVnnd'.s Bus. Coll., W.-Barre. Married Elizafieth H. GrifTith, Oct. 30, liWX) Real Est.ite Plains, Pa. FRANK P. EYER Born Ashit ^•, I'a.. .May 2i>. IMifi. Educated I'ublic School. Mani( d Jennie Matthews, April 17, 1!H)(;. Merr. W.-FJ.iri-i- Branch of John T. Porter Co. Supt. Cent. M. E. Sun. School. CHARLES HAYES CASPAR Born Plamli'dd. N. J.. March 1. LSTt;. Con- .sultingr Bnu'. Alem. Schiller Lodge, No. ?A5, F. &; A. M. H. R. WHITCRAFT and .MauMKi'r of the Wilkes- Formerlv Edito Barre News. GEORGE STEELE Born Brnnchdale, Pa., July 2.3, 1858. Educ-ited Shamokin, Pa. Married Marv E. Bador, Sei^t. IC. l.Sivn. Di\'. Sunt. Temple Iron Co. West I'ittston. HARRY H. McKEEHAN Born Perry Co., Pa.. June ]R, ^K',^]. Educated Port Ro>al and New Bloomfield, Pa. Mar- ried Addie Beaver, 1876. Ass't Mgr. Wyo. Shovel Works. Wyoming, Pa. CHARLES R. DAVIS Born JameH\ille. Mi.ss.. .April .">. ^8.^S. Edu- cated Public School. Married Nellie Hoffman, Feb 2.5, 1880. Lumber Dealer and Contractor. Pittston, Pa. SAMUEL C. JONES West Pitt.ston, Pa. WILLIAM MORRIS FAY Born I'itlslon, Pa.. Jan. l.'>. isTo. Educated '"itv Schools. Married Canilyn Runner, Oct. 1st." ini«. Men's Outtitter. Pittston, i'a. JONAH ROBERTS Born Wales. Nov. ](i, ]\t\2. I'Mucatcd Ameri- ca Public Schools. Marrieuz. Hi.^h School, Wyo. Sem. Married Maude Lillian Hunt, Sept. 4, 1894. Deal'^r in Mason's and Plasterer's Sup., Luz. Pa. JOHN SMITH Ho'-n Pittsl.,n. I'a., July 11, 1876. Educated Public Schools. Married Mary McDade, March \2. INML'. Outside Foreman Boston Mine. n. t^- 11. Co. F. O. E., No. .i:.;i. Plym- outh, I'a. WILLIAM A. JONES Born Blossburg, Pa.. Feb 11. is.'.s. Educatcl Public Schools. Married lOlleu Wallace. Inside F<)reman. Boston luines, D. & H. Co. Plymouth, Pa. Home, Parsons. JAMES M. DAVENPORT Born Plymouth, Pa.. Dec. s. isT:!. Educated Pljmouth, Pa. Married Sarah M. Picton, Aug. 25. 1891. Outside Supt. Raub Coal Co. Luzerne, P'a. W. D. McCLAIN Aulcmobiies ami Hciiairs. EDWIN NEWTON SHIRER Banker. ()lvj)liant. JOHN S. NILES, M. D. Educated Jeff. Med. Coll. Physician and Surgeon. Genealogist to Enu". Ho.siiital. Car- bondale. Pa. C. M. HATHAWAY Born Cannons\ille, Del. Co., N. Y.. Sei)t. 18, INKI. Educated Cannonsville. Married FAiza Grant, June 20. 1866. Fire Ins. and Real Est. Mem. Lieut. Ezra Griffln Post, 139, Scranton, Pa. Served llUh Regt. N. Y. S. Vols., from Aug. 22. 1862 to June 25, 1S65. Ixxii INDEX An asterisk (*) in the book indicates that the person has died. Page. Aitken, John WiiiHcld 114 Albrig-ht, *Joseph Jacob 3G Alexander, Allan 268 Allan. William Cloiigh 273 Altniiller, Justus 292 Alwortn, Henry S S) Amtrnian, Edwin C 299 Amerman. *Lenuiel 67 AmeriTian, Ralph A 121 Amsden, *Joel 10 Anderson, William Conklin 2So Archbald, James 3tj Archbald, *James 36 Archbald, Robert AVodrow 62 Arnold, Alfred Colburn 91 Atherton, Dolph B 44 Atherton, *Henry F 105 Atherton, Jerre 1/ 105 Atherton, John D 125 Atherton, John R 105 Atherton, Thos. Henrv 231 Atherton, Willard 125 Avery, William Allen 61 Eadman, Fred 266 Baker. Albert S 106 Balentine. Clarence 300 Barber, J. Foster 297 Barker, Frank S 54 Barker, *Samnel G 53 Barnes, M. D., *Levvi.s Sherman 185 Barrett, Patrick A 97 Barrett, William H 103 Bartholomew, *John 216 Eartl, Edmund A 154 Batterton, *John H 253 Batterton, M. D., John Leo 253 Bauer, Robert J 95 Baur, G. Adolph 274 Eaur, *Robert 273 Beagrle, Henry S 291 Beagle, *Thomas S 291 Beard, .Tames T 93 Beaumont. *Andrew 204 Beavers, Frank W 171 Beck, Thomas A 166 Bedford, C. Reynolds 82 Beemer, George W 162 Beers, Fred E 298 Belin, Jr., Henry 22 Bell, Grant L 45 Benedict, Jr., George Wood 84 Benjamin, Archibald P 190 Beniamin, Frank P 86 Bennett, George Slocum L'09 Bennett, Maurice JM 131 Bernstein, M. D., Arthur H 177 Bertels, Charles E 288 Bercels, William B 288 Bertholf, Aaron Watson 72 Bevan, D. D., *Rev. Isaac 2 Bevan, Philip Rowland 222 Bianco, Vito 263 Biehl, M. D., Jefferson P 251 Bilheimer, M. D., J. J 184 Bishop, M. D., P'rederick J 182 Bishop, Marcus K 163 Black. *Robert Thomp.^on 9 Blackington, Alva D 34 Blair, Col. Austin Bartlt-y 40 Blair, *James 40 Blair, Jr., James 44 Page. Blewitt, Edward F 51 Blewitt, Patrick Pius 51 Boies, *Col. Henry Martyn 16 Boland, Christopher G 47 Boland, Timothy E 97 Boland, William P 47 Bonner, .John H 86 Bowman, C. C 215 Bowman, *Gen. Isaac 203 Bowman, *Lieut. Munroe 203 Bowman, *Col. Samuel 203 Boyd, J. Andrew 281 Boyd, nVilliam Smith 55 Bovd, *William Steel 55 Boyer, Wm. D 296 Boyle, Patrick Michael 287 Br^idbury, Charles Ebenezer 70 Brady, James G 187 Brandow, Oscar Miner 269 Breck, *Charles Du Pont 70 Brewster, M. D., Frederick D 178 Broadbent, John F 121 Broadbent, *Sidney 15 Brooks, M. D., James 2.53 Brooks, Reese G 24 Brown, Frank Barry 271 Brown, George A 189 Brown, George D 146 Brown, George W 260 Brown, Gus N 123 Brown. Phg., Henry 186 Brown, *rsaac 123 Brown, John B 293 Brown, John J 186 Brown, '■'"Moses 123 Browning, Jeremiah Watson 81 Brundage, Frank E 136 Bryant, *Jacob B 117 Bryden, Alexander 102 Bryden, *Andrew I'K Bryden, Archibald Law 102 Bryden, James Y 102 Bunnell, Lewis M 77 Bunnell, Willard M ^^ Burdick La Verne A 190 Burgess, *John C 117 Burns, Ira H 70 Burr, James Edward 73 Butler, Edmund G 293 Butler. jNI. D., Eugene Justin 251 Butler, George Hollenback 234 Butler, *James Montgomery 2.34 Butler, *Gen. Lord 234 Butler, *Peirce 234 Butler, *Steuben 203 Butterman, John 168 Button, Seward 157 Cake, Joseph L 211 Calpin, Patrick F 164 Cardew, Henry 7 Carey, Homer D 80 Carlucci, Frank 154 Carney, John 32 Carpenter, James Wheaton 73 Carpenter, Morton H 127 Carr , Henry Ja mes 94 Carvl, Ernest D 263 Catlin, George H 40 Catlin, Sterling R 279 Cawley, Matthew P 79 Cawley, William 43 Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Page. Chase, Thomas J 238 Clark, K.lwin A H6 dark, CroiKC R 137 Clark, Marob D.-rapo 116 Clark. M. E.. John J., Alexander James .. 20 Connell, Ah'xander T 21 Connell, Alfred Ellsworth 18 Connell, Charles 21 ConiiPll. Charles K IS Connell, Ezra 11 19 Connell, Harrv A 20 Connell, *James 20 Connell, J. 1 18 Connell, \\illiam 18 Connell. \\'illiam T^awrenre 2f) Conner, Edward G 56 Conniff, Auenstine Patrick 246 Connift, Thaddeus M 235 Connolly, Bern.-ird P ]3S Connor, Patrick F 165 Conrad, T^ouis 139 Conrad, William 133 Conwell, Anthonv P 188 Coolbaugh. Johnson R 212 Coolidge, M. D.. John W 178 Cooper. Charles James 270 Coppinger, T. EdiiMmd 171 Corss;, *Rev. Charles C 194 Corss. M. D , Frederick 252 Costello. Patrick W S5 Coughlln, D. 237 Cowles. W. C 136 Craven, George Herbert liio Crawford, *James L 24 ("rippen, Frerl 11 107 Crij)pen, *Randolpli 14 Cunimings, Bernard J 127 Ciirran, Rev. John Joseph 196 Curry, William M 74 Dale, Thomas H 24 Dana, Charles B 228 Dana, *E^lniund I., 228 Dangel, Stanislaus A 98 Daniels, Charles E 78 Danks, Harvey W 261 Darling, *Edward P 229 Darling, Thomas 229 Davenport. Stanley W 235 Davidowski, Rev. Joseph 201 Davies. Waller 132 Davis, Benjamin Rush 294 Davis, Burton William 244 Davis, David J 58 Davis, D. Jerenn 124 Davis, Edward W 219 Davis, Griffith T 60 Davis, Henry G 108 Davis, Rev. Hugh 200 Davis, *J. Alton 76 Davis, Jonathan R 290 Davis, Jr., Morgan 107 Davis, *Reese 250 Davis, M. D., Walter 2.".0 Davis, William H 58 Davis, M. D.. William J. L i84 Day, Lona B 167 Page Dean, Arthur D 74 Dean, *lsaac 13 Dean. John C M5 Deane. Fdward B IIS De Antonio, M. D., Emil 181 Di'cker, .VI. D., V;in Clift 1S3 Decker, V. S., M'ilson S 185 Derrv. Alfred L 146 DoWitt, *Arnos T 220 DcM'itt, .^sa K 22(J DeWitt, W. Spencer 152 Dickeri, Frank J 160 Dickover, Geo. T 269 Dickson, Alexander Walker 53 Dickson, *Allan H 238 Dickson, George L 39 Dickson, *Thomas 16 Dillon, T. Emerson 190 Dimmick, J. Benjamin 37 Dimn)ick, *Samue! Frskine 63 Dimock, *Rev. Davis 7 Doersam, Charles Henry 95 Dohl. P. P 270 Dolan, M. D., William K 180 Dolph. 'Edward 9 Dolph. Edward Stanley 26 Dolphin, Joseph A 16^ Dolphin, Michael F '■ 29 Donahoe, Michael J p Dona hoc, Thomas A 85 Donnegan, D. D. S., Edmund J 170 Dooley, Thomas F 262 Dorrance, *Col. Charles 20^ Doud, *Charles Hamilton 4S Doud. F.rastus Scranton 48 Dougherty, Gen. Charles Bow 226 Douglas, Francis ^l\ Douglas. William J »* Drum, Philip E ^l^ Duffy, Thomas P «^ Dunham, Henry Goodrich 4.i Dunn, Arthur '° Dunn, George S 11-^ Dunn, J(-hn T ^ Dunn, Rev. Michael H 19' Dunning. D. D., *Rev. Charles S 20L Durbin, Geo. J 2.'8 Eaton. James M Jl" Edt^ar. John Robison ^^^ Edpar. Mark K l^f Edwards. Henry » •;» Eisele. Edward 1™ Eisele. Frank H 1^9 Eisele, John George 104 Enierv, Frederick H •,'! Emory. Benjamin S ^60 Fmrich, Frederick W If^ Evans. Daniel M 2n7 Evans, David P 1;|^ Evans, Evan Joseph }*}]> Evans, Samuel M 2.)7 Evans, William 1^^ Everharf, M. P.. Isaiah F l'|5 Everhart. *James M y Eves. Pliny 1^1 Evnon. Albert B 44 Farnbam. Alexander -50 Fausold, Simon P !•;:> Fedder, Samuel E 242 Ferber, Henry F IJj' Ferris, Edwin Fitz.gerald •'•' Ferris, George Steele 230 Fidler, *Edward 1^9 ?"'inch, -'Irving A ^\' Fine, James II ^'2 Fine, Samuel J 261 Fish. -^Major John B 1' Fisher. M. D., Charles H 1'6 Fisher. James Henry 35 Fitzgerald. William J S3 Fleitz, Frederick W '3 Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Page. Flirk, *Lkl(loii 213 Flick, R. Jay 213 Flick, *R('uben Jay 213 FoTfl, *1'hoinas 210 Foidham, 1). D. S., *Jeremiah I., 170 Fordham, D. D. S.. Walter H 170 Foster. Charles H 210 Foster, Charles S 233 Foster, *GeorR'e 12() Foster, Henry Je.ssup 126 Foster, A. M., Rev. Lorenzo R 3 Foster. Rufus James 90 Foster, Thomas Jefferson 90 Fowler, *James 223 Foy. John H 211 Franklin, I<:dwin Brooks 122 Franklin. "Col. John 205 Frear, Willard Morten 113 French, Harry Livingston 284 Frev, M. D., Clarence Leslie 175 Frev, M. D., Lv?wis 174 Fricder, Marcus 142 Frisbie, Charles A 265 Fritz, James M 235 Frothinprham, Arthur 129 Frothinghani, *AiigusluK 129 Fiihr, Franlc 161 Fuller, *Charles 10 Fuller, Charles Rulhven 100 Fuller, -^Edward Charles 11 Fuller, Fdward I,aton 30 Fuller, *aeorge 12 Fuller, Georjre Augustus 48 Fuller. Heniy A 238 Fuller, *Henry Mills 204 Fuller, Isaac S 50 Fuller, James H 97 Fuller, Mortimer Barline ,30 Fulton, Charles W 19 Fulton, M. D.. William G 175 Galpin. John B. S 127 Gardner. M. D., *A. P 173 Gardner, Chester B 76 Gardner, M. D.. Herbert D 175 Garvey, M. D., James 1! 177 Gates, Fred Horatio 270 Gatos, M. D., Lowell Mason 177 Gates, Quincv A 210 Gearhart, Edwin \V 68 Gearhart, James K 68 Gearhart, Wesley H 68 Gebluirdt, Augustu.s' l-" 51 Geist, A. B., A. M., Jam.s Donald 290 (Jibbons, John 21 Gibbons, John J 32 Giliiool, William Edgar 14} Gillespie, *Charles Josi'ph 162 Gillespie. John B 162 Gilligan. M. D.. James P 2.>') Gilroy, Joseph Fiey 85 Gislon, Rev. William 197 Godlrev, Charles Arthur 133 Godfrey, Fred S - 29 Godfrey, *Joseph 13 Goff, Warren F 270 Goff, William S 270 Goodwin, Willard Hubbard i45 Gotshall, J. P^ugene 147 Gotshall, William D 147 Gould, J.imes Wilson 99 Gradv, , John 282 Grams, R. Lewis 298 Green, D. D. S., Edson M 170 Greene, Homer 74 Gi'einer, Edward Eugene 114 Greiner, Floyd R 114 Griffiths, John B 113 Groat, Charles Conde 57 Gioblewski, Albert G 258 Guild, D. D., R.'V. George Everet 3 Gunster, Charles '.V 44 Gunster, *Frederick Williani Gunster, Henry J Gunster, Joseph H Gunster, Joseph H Gimster, M. D., P. Francis Gutlirie, M. D, George W Hackett, William T Hagan, *Charles Hagan, Charles M Hagen, Herman Hagen, Willi.am H Hahn, Gustav Haines, George H Hal!, Burt R Hall, William Whyte Hallstead, Col. George M Hallstead, William K Halsey, M. D., Calvm Cullon, Ilalsey, Gaiu? l>eonard Hammerling. Louis N Hanaway, *Fraiik H;i naway, W . <,4 Harcock, *Wiliiani Hand, Alfred Hand, M. D., David Bishoj) Hand, Frederick Cromwell Hand, William Jcssup Hannah, Hugh M Hansen, Adolpli Harding, *Garrick M Harding, John S Harding. Joseph 10 Harrington, David ( base Harrington, *James Harrington, Jolin C Hnvrington, *Mattbew J Harris, Arthur H Harris, Henry I-]llsworth Harris, Jfihn Morgan Harris, Ph. D., D. O., Henry II Harrison, D. D. S.. lOzia Yocum Harrison. M. D., William F Hart, Daniel L Hart, *Theodorus Hart, Thomas William Hartman, George Henry Hartman, Stephen C Hartwell, Ira ]•: Hartzell, Frederick V Harvey, Alfred Harvey, *Col. Elislia B Haivey, B. A., Henry Harrison Harvey, Sr.. *Joseph Knecland Harvey, Jr., Joseph Knecland Harvey, A. M., M. D., (din Frisbie. Harvey, Oscar Jewell HarA'ey, William A Harvey, William Jameson Hayden, M. A., Rev. Horace E. ... Hayes, Charles J Hayes, John G Healy, Rev. John W Heckel, James E Heeley, Eugene Herfernan, Thos. F Helfrich, Anthon^ C Helfrich, Baltzer Heliiegel, Florence J Hendrick, Eli E Henwood, Walter Iiiiicoln Hess, I.rlewellyn Floj'd Hitjbs, William Ir\in Hicks, Samuel H Higgs, William LeGiand lligham, Herltert R Hildebrand, Adam 1\1 Hill. Walter Liddeil Hines, Samuel Mines, Hon. William 11 Hitchcock, "Elisha Hitchcock, Col. Frederick L 'age. 63 150 42 42 176 248 119 144 144 160 140 296 287 96 245 61 37 183 230 240 111 111 218 62 36 139 68 72 201 , 228 , 229 , 119 92 . 92 . 118 . 118 . 271 . 110 . 297 6 . 185 . 256 . 280 . 281 . 241 . 294 . 258 . 2"8 . 122 . 54 . 239 . 239 . 57 . 57 . 249 . 239 . 159 . 208 . 193 . 93 . 108 5 . 59 . 121 . 280 . 288 . 288 . 45 . 22 . 146 . 246 . 236 . 278 . 276 . 131 . 272 . 80 . 31 . 247 . 10 . bd Prominent Men of Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and Vicinity Hitchnci-. Jid A 204 Hoban, D. D.. Rt. Uev. IMiLh.iol J 1 Hoban. 'Patrick ]")4 Hoban. Thonias P 79 Hobday. John B 116 Hoiipe, D I)., T.L. D.. 'Rev. Arch A 194 Hodse, D. D.. *Rev. Fn-nois B 202 Hodur, Rev. Francis 7 Holconib, I^nnie R 247 Holronib, Milton K -'47 Holland. Daniel 1«4 HoU^nback, Jolin Welles 208 Hollenbaok, 'Col. Matthias 232 Holl'ster, D. D. S.. F. Lee 2r)7 Hollister, M. D., FrefU-riok P ISl HoHistcr. M. D., *Horace 172 Hollister, \\ . H 215 Horan, Patrick Joseph 135 Hornbaker. Frank W 190 Hornbaker, George W ISO Horton, Leonard M 52 Houck. William Lutsey 86 Howartb. John \V 148 Ho^xe. John- T 163 Howe, Ijvnian H 276 Howell. M. D.. John T 248 Howoi-, George F 152 Howle>, Michael T 155 Howley. Peter F 155 Hovt, LL. D., *Gen. Henry M 227 Huber. Charles F 226 Hufnag-el, J. George 164 Hug. Fred J 145 Hughes, Charles 216 Hughes, John Grover 131 Hunlook. Andrew 231 Hunt, Ciiailes Parrish 212 Huntley, J. George 259 Hurlej', Robert E 51 Hutton, William Alexander 159 Hyndnian. James 282 Ingham, *Charles Farmer 286 Ingham. Percy Bowman 286 Ingham, *\Viliiam Vernet 286 Ingham, ^Yilliam Vernet 286 Inglls, William Wallace 103 Israel, D. D., Rev. Rogers 1 Ji'ck, ♦Kev. Alex. Bell 198 Jack, Rev. Robert Bonner 198 Jackson, Charles R. H 96 Jackson, Thomas B 168 Jadwin, Charles P 32 Jenkins, M. D., David John 184 Jenkins. *Steuben 2;« Jennings, Wm. N 2S3 Jermyn, George B 23 Jermyn, *John 23 Jessup, LL. D., William 62 Jossup, William Henry 77 Jessup, -^William Huntting 77 Jifkins. Henry 35 Johnson, F'rank A 108 Johnson, M. D., Frederick C 249 Johnson, Henry F 272 Johnson, Hubert D 107 Johns'on, Rev. Walter De Forest 193 Jones, Cyrus I") 41 Jones, Daniel D 151 Jones, Daniel M 157 Jones, David 1 297 Jones, ♦Edward 42 Jones, Gilbert S 266 Jones, Gwilym 166 Jones, D. D., S. T. D.. Rev. Henry L 191 Jones, John D 92 Jones, Richard T 268 Joneb, Timothy 169 Jordan, James J 32 Jorc^an, M. S 50 Kassoii, Mvron lo3 Kaufhold, H. A 152 Page. Kaufman, M. D., Albert 256 K a upas. Rev. Anthony B 5 l\fine\ , John A 266 K'.-hoe, Charles 289 Keller, Luther 47 Kellow, George l-'ianklin 160 Kelly, M. D., Hiram N 169 Kelly, *John 156 K.-lly, John P 65 Kelly. M.mning DeWitt 169 Kemp, John Henr\- 89 Kennedy, M. 1).. William I'itt 183 Kilpatiieii, Robert F 106 Kimball. George Selwyn 94 Kingsbury, *fjiiemzer 06 Kingsbury, Edward P 22 Kingsbui'y, *Henry A 14 Kingsley, Burton Eugene 150 Kirkendall, Frederick C 219 Kirkendfll, Ira M 219 Kizer, William Whitfield lo7 Kline, C'larence W 231 KIcinow.ski, Rev. Theo. A 199 Knapp, Henrv A 64 Knies, John H 292 Koch, Victor 129 Koehler, Henrv T 165 Kolb, M. D.. Albert 180 Komara, John A 189 Kowalski, Rev. Francis 7 Krantz, *Peter 128 Kuiitz, Hiram P 290 Kuschke, Charles J 242 La Bar. Lorenzo G 50 LaBar, Reuben Nelson 28 Lackey, M. D., *Harper B 172 Laclwig, John Henry 139 Lamaze, Edward 93 LaMonte, Arthur Clark 106 Lamont, Harvey D 292 Lance, Oscar Moore 278 Landmesser, Lc'wis B 237 Langan, John Francis 154 Langan, Michael G 126 Lange, Ferdinand 271 Lange, M. D., Frederick W 1?9 Lange, *Jacob C 1/9 Lange, Ludwig A 160 Langford, Joseph 2U I^ansing, James Albert 53 Larkin, Madison F 91) Lathrop, Halsey 117 Laudig, Benjamin F 150 Law, Archibald Falconder 25 Law. Charles 223 La wall, Elmer H 9D Lawler, Henry V 143 Lawler, "Jarc.es J 143 Lawrence, Allan K 95 Lawrence, George H I. 261 Lee, Conrad 215 Lee, George F 215 Leeds, Oliver Francis 99 Lees, Henry 220 Leisenring, Geo. D 280 Lenahan, John Thomas 238 Lengyel, Very Hev. Michael C 6 Lentes. John 161 Leonard, Fred Churv. George IMycrs 2 Peck, D. D. P., George Sanford 171 Peck. John D 112 Peck, M. D., John L\inan 178 Peck, J. Russell 104 Peck, *J. Wilson 112 Peck, William H 4i) Peck, William Josiph iSl Pelton, Grant 49 Penman, Ma.ior Thos. l*'raiiklii. 71 Perkins, Jay Hugh 2N5 Peterson, Victor 1 103 Pettebone, *Rben(zor Gay 217 Petteboue, *Henry 217 Pettebone, *Jacob Sharps 285 Pettebone, Jacob Sharps 285 Pettebone, *Joshua 217 Pettebone, *Paviie 205 Pettebone, *Stephen Hill 216 Pfeiffer, Jacob F IxS Phillips. Edward P 278 Phillips, George 141 Phillips, Reese A 43 Phillips, Thomas II 101 Pierce, *Horatio 11 Pierce, William H 130 Pinnell, John AV 5S Piper, Ph. D., Rev. Albert E 195 Piatt, Frank ElUert 3S Piatt, *Joseph Curtis 8 Pollock, John P 275 Pond, Charles Har\-ev 53 Porter, John T 38 Post, Isaac 43 Potteiger, John 1 244 Potter, Duane Legrange 151 Potter, *Leland B 118 Powderly, *Joseph 115 Powderly, Terence V 115 Powell, Dan 135 Powell, David W 1G3 Powell, John R 221 Prendergast, Robert E 127 Prenner, Iscdore S 87 Preston, D. D. S., ArchilMhi D 171 Price, *John A 148 Price, M. D., John 182 Price, Willifim Cadwa.llader 187 Prokop7 ANatres, *Louis S 67 Watson, Albert Leist-nrinp: 81 Watson, Benjamin Kdwanl 81 Watson, George M 75 Watson, William 1 210 Watson, Willoiighby W "0 Watt, *Anrlrew :19 Watt, William E;flwin 88 Wea ver, George L, 48 Wohlau. M. I)., Liidw \'i\ Weinschenk, *Anton ..: 147 W'einschenk, Arthur A 147 Weis, William A 2i;-l W'elles, Charles Hopkins G3 Welles, Charles II,, .Tr 299 Welle.-, D. D,, *Sev. Henrv 11 194 Wells, Albert Wr- '•... '. 91 AN'entz, Charles Perry (JO Wentz, AI. D., *GeorKC Sohri\er 248 Wentn, M. D., John 1> 176 Wescott, Georse A 150 West, Ambrose 222 Weston, Charles Sidney 37 Weston, *Edward W. '. 37 Westpfahl, Albert F 141 Wetherby M. D.. Benedict Jones 2,")3 Wheaton, Frank Woodruff 230 Wheeler. J. Henry 114 Whvte, William Henrv 129 Wlkox. *James D 283 Wilcox, *Henrv Pendleton 89 Wilcox, *Nathan Pendleton 89 Wilcox, "William Alonzo 74 Wilde, B. W 289 Wilde, John Walter 289 Page. Wilkes-Barre Title Page Opp. Pp. 190 ■VVillard. Edward N 64 Williams, Sr., Albert 273 William!?. D. Philip 133 Williams, David 'I' 109 Williams, Kbenezer 134 AV'illiams, *James J 3S Williams. James 'I' 283 Williams, *John D 1.34 Williams, John Han is 243 Williams, John R 69 Williams, Robert J 134 Williams. Thomas J Ifi9 Williams, Wilburt C 166 Williams, William C 134 Willson. M. D., Arthur J 181 Winter, *Charles D.... 112 Wiisnn. Chester Paulton 101 Winter, Arthur B 11.1 Winton, *ArPtu? Heermans 66 Winton. *Wllliam W 27 Wise, George 291 Witman, J. E 296 Wolf. Theodore G 31 Woodruff, Clarence S 76 Woodward, *Geor?e W 227 Woodward, John Butler 229 Woodward, •'Stanley 227 Woodward, T.L. D.. *Warren Jay 227 Woo'sey, Judson B IIH Woolworlh, Charb's S ^1 Wren, Christopher 220 Wright, *Hendrick Bradlev 232 Wright. •'■Thomas 206 Wyly, Jr., Benjamin Forne\ 101 Yeager, *Henry H 117 Yocum, George C 82 Young, *James 15 Young, M. D., James Harrington 179 Zehnder, Edward Marshall 52 Zehnder, Morris R 189 Zehnder, *Williain D 52 fljfs LBJalb J 928