F ATLANTA. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 18S8. Class "F a3^ Book A&O-^ ATLANTA. y 1^ thiladelphia: J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY. 1888. Copyright, 1888, by J. B. Lippincott Company. ATLANTA. Atlanta, a flourishing city of the United States, capi- tal of Georgia, and seat of justice of Fulton County, is situated 1100 feet above sea-level, on an elevated ridge dividing the waters of the Chattahoochee River from the rivers that flow into the Atlantic, 294 miles NW. of Savannah. It has a remarkably healthy and equa- ble climate, the mean annual temperature being about 60° F. It is 7 miles SE. of the Chattahoochee River. Seven railroads centre at Atlanta, the most of which are trunk-lines with numerous connections. Atlanta has an extensive and rapidly increasing trade in cotton, dry goods, and horses and mules; and in tobacco the trade is larger than that of any place south of Richmond, Virginia. Atlanta possesses iron-foundries and large flouring- mills, a rolling-mill, a manufactory of agricultural im- plements, paper-mills, three well-equipped cotton-mills, &c. The chief public buildings are the custom-house, State-house, and opera-house. An excellent system of public schools was organised in 1872, and comprises primary, grammar, and high schools for white and col- oured. Other institutions are the Atlanta University for the education of coloured young men and women, Clark Theological School (coloured Methodist), and two medical colleges. The city limits comprise a perfect 4 ATLANTA. circle, with a diameter of 3 miles, and with its centre at the Union Passenger Depot. In the civil war, the city was captured by the Union troops under General Sherman (September 2, 1864), and the entire business portion was destroyed by them on leaving it about a month later. Since the restoration of peace, however, its prosperity has been uninterrupted and its growth rapid. Atlanta was settled in 1840; was incorporated as the village of Marthasville in 1842; as Atlanta in 1847. Pop. (1850) 2572; (1860) 9554; (1870)21,879; (1880) 37,409 ; (1888) about 60,000. A great cotton ' Expo- sition' was held here in 1881.