^^^°- ,^^9. .s^-^ * ■ I.- ^■■- %.^ " * -^ , \V CV^ U * ». ?:^ °<. %,:'" / I HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI A Narrative Account of its Historical Progress, Its People and its Principal Interests. By Robert Sidney Douglass, A. B., LL. B. Professor of History, State Normal School, Cape Girardeau, Mo. VOLUME ILLUSTRATED Publishers : THE LEWIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Chicago and New York 1912 Ha 3)^ ^14- ^ L( ^ O s-f h? PREFACE This territory of Soutlieast ilissouri was first visited by De Soto about the year 1540. The next Avhite men who saw it were the adventurous voj-agers from Canada who reached the Mississippi from the north and passed down toward its mouth. ^Marquette and Joliet and La Salle all visited this sec- tion, or at least saw it as their canoes floated down the great stream. No attention how- ever was paid to the district until Renault, the agent of the Company of the West came with his miners and four hundred slaves to Fort Chartres witli instructions to explore the country for the precious metals. This was about 1720. In his search for gold and silver he penetrated to what is now the county of Ste. Genevieve, finding no traces of gold or silver, but finding abundant de- posits of lead ore. These desposits he began to work. ^line a Breton was opened. Old Mine located. La Motte was discovered, and in other places attempts were made to work tlie rich deposits of lead ore, destined long afterward to be famous as among the great- est and richest deposits of lead in the world. These settlements for the purpose of mining naturally attracted other people, and about the year 1732 there was formed, in the great common field three miles south of the present site of Ste. Genevieve, the first permanent settlement within the limits of the state and one of the half dozen oldest towns in the Mississippi valley. This settlement known ns "le vieux village de Ste. Genevieve," was also called "Misere" because of the troubles its inhabitants experienced with floods of the river. Ste. Genevieve proved to be only the first of a number of settlements within this ter- ritory of Missouri. The magnificent plans of La Salle, long neglected by the French, at last began to be appreciated. France was arming herself for the great struggle impend- ing with the English and preparing to shut them up in the territory occupied by them along the Atlantic coast. And so not alone along the Ohio and near the Alleghany moun- tains, but also along the course of the great river itself, settlements were planned, forts Iniilt, the favor of the Indians courted, in or- der to bold the country, if possible, against the inevitable attempt at expansion on the part of the Englisli. Besides this organized attempt to settle and hold the country for political reasons, tlie country itself invited settlers. Missouri, at that time as always, was among the most attractive j^arts of the great continent. Here were all the things to attract settlers, and accordingly, at St. Charles, St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, and New Madrid settlements were planted, and the wilderness began to be brought under the dominion of the white man. Forests were cleared away, mines were opened, towns laid out, commerce began to stir, grain was grown, mills built, religion was not forgotten and the cross was IV PREFACE lifted from many an humble church spire. The territory of New France was fondly be- lieved to be destined to great things. In 1762, however, by the secret treaty of Fontainebleau ceded all her territory west of the river to Spain, and the Spanish soon en- tered into possession. The transfer was very distasteful to the French settlers here, but in reality the rule of the Spanish was better than that of the French. The Spanish gov- ernment undoubtedly- dreamed of a great Spanish colonial empire west of the river, and gave much consideration to the task of building it up. Her governors here were in- structed to do all in their power to secure settlers, especially those from east of the ]Mis- sissippi who had had some experience in the life of the pioneer. The Ordinance of 1787 which prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory of the United States, turned a part of the tide of imigration across the river, to the Spanish territory where no sueli restric- tion was in force. Spain sent to this country some of the ablest of her colonial adminis- trators who gave much thought and effort to the task set them of building up her western possessions. In 1800, the territory passed again into the control of France, and there were again dreamed the dreams of a new and glorious France in the New World. However it was a time of great stress and storm in France. Napoleon was engaged in his herculean strug- gle with the English. He needed all the re- sources of his vast empire to support him iu that struggle. The command of the sea was denied to France. Nelson and his fleets cut France off from her oversea dominions. Na- poleon saw the inevitable consequence of try- ing to hold the great territory in America, known as Louisiana. It must fall into the hands of the English. To prevent this, to help build up a rival for England, and to gain mouej' which he needed, he sold the im- mense territory of Louisiana to the United States for the sum of $15,000,000. And so on a day in 1804 the flag of France was once more hauled down from her American pos- sessions and the banner of the republic took its place. That transaction iiiarkis an epoch not alone in the history of the western territory, but also in the history of the United States. The territory thus acquired from France, con- tains some of the best and fairest parts of the vast domains of our country. Of course the transfer meant much to Louisiana. The re- strictions on trade, on religious freedom, on local self government which France and Spain had imposed on settlers within the ter- ritory, were at once removed and there poured into the new possessions a constantly increasing stream of immigration from the older sections of the union. State after state was carved from the new territory. ]Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1820, taking her place at once among the great states. The subsequent histor,y of the state is a story of marvellous growth. Its vast re- sources have been developed, roads and rail- roads built, cities and towns have everywhere sprung up, the population has multiplied un- til now there are more than 3,000,000 people within the borders of ^Missouri alone. He who can close his eye to the present, sweep away all that civilization has brought, and with the imagination call again into existence the country as it appeared to De Soto or La Salle, awake from the grave the savage In- dians who were once its sole population, then reclothe the land with its boundless forests and repeople them with the wild animals that once swarmed in countless numbers through- out all this region, fill the air again with the J PREFACE eoimtless wild fowl that amazed the trav- elei', and then having restored the past as it was, can trace again the stejjs b.y which civi- lization came, sees before him one of the most stirring pages of history. It is the ever in- teresting storj' of man's conflict with the sav- age forces of nature, with savage man him- self, of his conquest of mighty forests, his mastery of the streams, of the expansion of little settlements and frontier towns to great cities, the change of the rude and hard con- ditions of frontier life for the comforts and luxuries of civilization, the building of gov- ernments of systems of education, the spread of religion — in a word, he lives again the ex- perience of the race in its struggle up from tlie savage conditions of the wilderness to the height of civilization. To recount this wonderful story in part is the purpose of this work. No one can appre- ciate more than the author how imperfectly the task has been performed. The tield is vast, the difficulty of sorting and selecting historical material great, and the time which might be devoted to the task, limited. He is conscious of many faults of omission, and doubts not that many of connnission are present. The sources of material are varied. For the early period the monumental work of Ilouck, The History of JVIissouri, must for many years be indispensable to the historian of .Missouri. It is a rich mine of information. Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri is also valuable. The period of the Civil war is adequately covered as yet only by the of- ficial reports in War of the Eebellion Records published by the government. Conard's En- cyclopaedia of the History of Missouri has been freely used. Where possible actual re- / search work has been relied upon. The author's thanks are due and are hereby tendered to Hon. Louis Houck of Cape Gir- ardeau, for encouragement and assistance ; to Rev. J. C. Maple, D. D., whose long acquaint- ance with Southeast Missouri and scholarly attainments render him peculiarly fitted for a.ssistauce in preparing its history; to Rev. Geo. W. Harlan of Farmington, for permis- sion to use his unpublished History of the Presbytery of Potosi ; to Dr. J. S. Dalton of New ]\Iadrid; to H. W. Watson of Memphis, for permission to print the account prepared by his grandfather, Judge Goah Watson. It remains to be said that none of these, here named, are in anyway responsible for the errors in the work. For them the author is .solely responsible and toward them he begs the kindly indulgence of the reader. INTRODUCTION The term, Southeast Missouri, like most terms made up from geographical expres- sions, is of indetinite application, being used in quite ditt'erent ways by dift'erent people and at different times. In its widest signifi- cance it designates the east half of that part of the state south of the Missouri river, which contains somewhat more than a quarter of the entire area of the state. Sometimes its use is restricted to the counties lying in the alluvial plains of the Mississippi river, frecj[uently called the swamps. Other mean- ings are given to the term also, but all of them have a vagueness of application which can be avoided only by arbitrary definition. As here used the term includes the counties of Jefferson, Washington, Iron, St. Francois, Madison, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Reynolds, Wayne, Bollinger, Stoddard, Scott, Cape Girardeau, Carter, Ripley, Butler, Missis- sippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, and Dunklin. These counties have an area of twelve thou- sand square miles and in 1910 their popula- tion was 362,453. As the term is here used it is of course an arbitrary one, but definiteness in its use may not be secured without arbitrarj' limits being set. There are, however, certain con- siderations which led to the restriction of the term in the manner here proposed. In the first place the area chosen is practically that included within the three districts of Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, and New Ma- drid as laid out by the French and Spanish; with but few exceptions all the counties men- tioned were settled before the transfer of the territory to the United States ; and the larger numljer of the early settlements within the state are contained within Southeast Mis- souri as the term is here defined. Another consideration which led to the se- lection of these limits is the fact that not- withstanding many striking differences in topography the section of the state here chosen for discussion has had a fairly uni- form development. The causes which led to the settlements in one part of the section are substantially the same which led to set- tlements in other parts, and the general char- acter 'of the settlements and the life of the people do not exhibit any great diversities. Southeast Missouri, as here defined, con- sists of two sections differing widely in phy- sical features. The line dividing the two sec- tions runs from the Mississippi river at Cape Girardeau, southwest through Cape Girar- deau, Stoddard, Butler, and Ripley counties dividing the latter two into almost equal parts; and reaches the state line about half way between the east and west lines of Rip- ley county. This line is marked throughout most of its course by bluffs averaging from seventy to one hundred feet in height and known as the Mississippi escarpment. East and south of this line of bluffs are the allu- vial bottoms of the Mississippi, the St. Fran- INTRODUCTION eois, and Little rivers; west and north of the line is the Ozark plateau. In the alluvial bottoms are the counties of Scott, Mississippi, New Madrid, P.emiscot, and Dunklin to- gether with parts of Cape Girardeau, Stod- dard, Butler, and Ripley. In the Ozark up- lift are Washington, Jefferson, Iron, jMadi- son, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Carter, Wayne. Bollinger, Reynolds and St. Francois coun- ties and the remaining parts of Cape Girar- deau, Stoddard, Butler, and Ripley. The a part of the plateau in southern Missouii and Arkansas and to apply different names to other parts. In this discussion the term Ozark plateau is most frequently used as being the most appropriate name by which to designate such an elevated region as that we are here considering. This plateau extends from the Mississippi river at St. Louis to the southwest and reaches into Arkansas, its eastern and south- ern boundary in Missouri is marked by a dis- Capaha Bluffs, Rock Levee Drive, Cape Girardeau former section includes about 3,800 square miles, the latter about 8,200 square miles. The latter of these two sections, which has more than twice the area of the former, is a high land region being a part of an elevated plateau extending through Missouri and Ar- kansas and sending off ridges into other states. This plateau has been variously des- ignated as the Ozark mountains, the Ozark upland, the Ozark uplift, and the Ozark pla- teau. Of late years there has been a tend- ency to restrict the term Ozark mountains to tinct escarpment or line of elevated, often precipitous bluff's. From St. Louis to Cape Girardeau, this escarpment is found on or near the bank of the Mississippi river, but south of Cape Girardeau the escarpment turns to the southwest and leaves the river. This elevated plateau or plain resembles in its gen- eral outline, an elevated dome; by some it has been compared to an upturned canoe, its central axis stretching from the northeast to the southwest. The plain is about five hun- dred miles in length and two hundred miles in INTRODUCTION width, aud has a total area of about seventy- five thousand square miles. The central part of this plain does not re- semble a mountainous country, most of it be- ing free from any great differences of elc vation. It is simply an elevated plateau. At its edges, however, the plain bears consider- able resemblance to mountains, due to the ac- tion of the streams which have worn down their valleys at the edge of the plateau, leaving the land between the valleys to stand up as elevated and distinct hills or moun- tains. Through the central part of the plateau the fall of the streams is not very great, and consequently their action of wear- ing down their valleys has been slow. At the edge of the plateau, however, the slope is great, the average descent from the plateaTi to the Mississippi plain being about one hun- dred feet at the present time. Formerly it was more than this, and the streams of the plateau have carved their valley.s rapidly thus making great differences of level between theii' beds and the untouched soil between them. The average elevation of the Ozark plateau is about one thousand feet though there are places where the elevation is greater than this. From this central elevated part the slope extends to the northeast to the south- east and to the west. Breaking away from this elevated dome- like region are a number of ridges extending in several directions. One of these ridges ex- tends across the IMississippi river at Grand Tower and another at Thebes. Some other of the ridges extend to the south and cross into Arkansas, while others strike off to the south- west into Kansas and Oklahoma. The ridge which is broken by the river at Grand Tower is called the Shawnee hills. It extends through Illinois and crosses the Ohio river into Kentucky where it gradually fades away into the other physical features of the state. It received the name Shawnee hills from the early explorers in Missouri and Illi- nois, who found the Shawnee Indians living along the hills. The Indians at that time were called Oshawando and this name was given at first to the hills. The point where the jMississippi river breaks through this ridge, now known as Grand Tower, is one of the most interesting places within the Mis- sissippi valley. p]ven a casual examination of the spot discloses the fact that within com- paratively recent times the Mississippi river flowed considerably east of its present chan- nel. On the Illinois side above the town of Grand Tower is a great isolated rocky hill known as Fountain Bluff, which rises to a height of 635 feet above the ordinary level of the river. The channel of the river was evidently at one time to the north and east of this great bluff. One of the remarkable things connected with the formation at this place is the fact that the strata in Fountain Bluff dip are in an opposite direction from those found in the rock known as Grand Tower and the other rocks on the west side of the river. The strata are the same in general cluiracter indicating, that the formation was once continuous from Fountain Bluff to the hills on the we.st side, but the fact of the changed direction of the dip of the strata to- gether with the narrowness of the channel and its precipitous sides, indicate that the break in the hills was formed by some violent up- heaval. Another of these ridges extends across the ^Mississippi river at Commerce, evidently having been broken here within compara- tively recent times as the bed of the river is still formed of rocks and boulders, not hav- ing been worn away by the action of the LNTiiOULCTlOX stream nor covered with sediment as would have been the case if this part of tlie stream bed were as old as most of it. A part of this ridge extends into the alluvial section and is known as the Scott count}' hills. Other ridges make off from the central dome of the upland to the southwest extending into Ar- kansas and Oklahoma. Within recent years the name St. Fran- cois mountains has been ajiplied to the hills in St. Francois, Iron, Wayne, and AVasliiir^- was built, have been thrust up in the forma- tion of these mountains until they are now at the surface : Iron Mountain, Shepherd ilountain. Pilot Knob, and others in their vicinity are some of the best known of these St. Francois mountains. The hill just west of Knob Lick in St. Francois county in the vicin- ity of the granite quarries known as Syenite, is a good example of these mountains formed by uplift. The name St. Francois mountains is peculiarly appropriate to them since most of Elephant Rocks, Gr.^niteville ton counties. These hills are not only among the highest in the Ozark region of Missouri, but they are perhaps the only true moun- tains found within the state. They seem to have been formed not by the wearing down of the plain as is the ease with most of the Ozark hills, but to have been thrust up from beneath by forces within the earth and thus are true mountains in their origin. In these mountains are exposed the only Azoic rocks in Missouri. The granites which form the primordial base on which this Ozark region them are found in St. Francois county and since also they form the source of the St. Fran- cois river. The name because it is appropriate and describes a distinct formation will prob- ably come into general acceptation and use. The upthrust which created these mountains brought the hard granite and basalt to the surface or near it in many places, and in places dikes of these rocks were formed cross- wise of the ridges previously existing. The streams of tlie section occur for the most part in the folds in the ridges formed within the INTRODUCTION material lying aliove the Azoic rorinatioii ; the action of these streiiins has worn down their bed nntil in some eases they have eoine to the dikes of luii-d i-ork lying transversely across the stream hed. The hardness of the granite has prevented its wearing away as rapidl.y as the other portions of the valley and this fact has given rise to rather pecn- liar formations. The stream has ordinarily carved this wall of rock thrust across its course, but car'\'ed it much moi-e slowly than Southeast Missouri are Shepherd ilountain having an elevation of twelve hundred feet. Pilot Knob with an elevation of 1,118 feet covering an area of three hundred and sixty acres and Iron iMountain which rises 228 feet above the plain and covering an average of five hundred acres. This Ozark region contains one of the greatest mineral regions in all the world. Judged by the variety of minerals as well as l)y the innuense quantities of some of them. Scene at the Shut-In Near Arcadia the remaining jiarts of its stream bed so that it is hemmed inio close (luarters at these places. They are locally called "shut-ins." One of them is to be seen on Stout's creek in the vicinity of Arcadia and there are many others in the same region. The Ozark region of Missouri has its high- est elevation along the line extending from Jefferson county to the southwest through Iron and into Barry and White counties; east and west of this line the elevation grad- ually becomes less. The highest points in the area deserves to take first place among mineral sections. The precious metals are not found in paying quantities, but a large number of other minerals are so found. The mineral which exists in this region in great- est abundance is lead which has attracted the attention of miners from the very earliest times; perhaps the greatest deposits of lead ore to be found in the entire world are in this section. Lead, however, is not the only mineral which is produced in paying quanti- ties, iron is found in a number of these coun- INTRODUCTION ties, uotablj' Irou, St. Francois and Wayne. Copper and zinc are also taken in connection with lead and other minerals are mined on a smaller scale. There exist great quantities of tine clays and some of the largest deposits of sand fit for glass making in the United States. Be- sides these there are immense quantities of valuable building stone both lime stone and granite and also considerable quantities of a good qualit.y of sand stone. The north part of this district is drained largely by the IMaramec river which has its source in Maramec springs in Dent county and flows north and east emptying into the Mississippi on the line dividing Jefferson county from St. Louis county. It is a pic- turesque and beautiful stream and with it are connected some of the earliest events in the history of the state. It receives a number of small tributaries from both north and south. The principal tributarj^ of the Maramec on the south is Big river which rises in Wash- ington eouut.y, flows north through Washing- ton and Jefferson counties and empties into the Maramec in Jefferson county. It is not navigable but is a very beautiful stream and has considerable water-power yet undevel- oped. All the eastern part of the district is drained by streams whicli flow to the east and empty into the IMississippi. South of the ilaramec are Saline creek. Aux Vases, Cin- quehomme, Apple Creek and Cape LaCroix creek; these streams with other smaller ones have their source within the Ozark upland and flow down its eastern border into the ^Mississippi. The rest of this district is drained princi- pally by streams flowing to the south, the easternmost of these are Castor and White- water both of which have their origin in St. Francois count.y flowing toward the south and uniting to form Little river in New Madrid county. The St. Francois river also rises in St. Francois county and flows in a general southerly direction receiving the waters of Little river in Arkansas and finally flowing into the IMississippi. West of the St. Fran- cois river are Black river and Little Black j these streams rise in Reynolds and Iron coun- ties, flowing to the south into Arkansas and finall}' uniting with White river. The most westerly of the streams of the district is Cur- rent river, perhaps the most beautiful stream in the entire state, its general direction is south and east, it is a tributary of Black river. South and east of the line which we have indicated, from Cape Girardeau to the Ar- kansas line, is found the alluvial bottoms of the Mississippi, Little River, the St. Francois, and Black River. With the exception of two areas, this section is practically level and all alluvial soil. These two areas are the Scott county hills and Crowley's ridge. The Scott county hills lie just south of what is called the Big swamp south of Cape Girardeau and extend a distance of about 15 miles from the neighborhood of Gray's Point to near ]Morley in Scott county. These hills are a part of the Paleozoic uplift and were doubtless connected with the ridge in Illinois at the time when the ^lississippi river flowed to the southwest from Cape Girardeau. They are essentially the same in structure and geologic origin with the Ozark plateau. The other elevated land in tliis part of Southeast Missouri is Crowle\''s ridge, ex- tending from a point in Seott county not far from Bell City in a southwesterly direction, crossing the state line near Campbell, and ending at the Mississippi river near the mouth INTRODUCTION of the St. Francois. This ridge varies in width, being about ten miles wide in the cen- tral part of Stoddard county and becoming very narrow between Dexter and Maiden. It is broken in two places, in the north by Castor and further south by the St. Francois river which crosses it just west of Campbell in Dunklin county. This ridge is geologically unlike the Ozai'k upland and most .certainly had a different origin. It is composed prin- cipally of clay and seems the remains of allu- vial soil which had been thrust up from below and sculptured down again by the action of the rivers, leaving this ridge. The ridge it- self slopes from east to west having its great- est height on the eastern edge, where it is about one hundred feet in elevation. The remainder of the land in Southeast Missouri is practically level but falls into a number of divisions. The firet of these from east to west is the low country bordering along- the ^Mississippi river. There is extend- ing south from below the Scott county hills a sand ridge called the Sikeston ridge which reaches the river at New Madrid and extends almost to the south line of New Madrid county. This ridge is elevated some 10 or 15 feet above the level of the bottom lands and its soil is principally sandy loam. East of it in the neighborhood of Charleston, there are two other similar ridges of sandy loam. West of the Sikeston ridge extending to Crowley's ridge in the north part and to the sandy ridge of Stoddard and Dunklin coun- ties in the southern part, is the low bottom of Little River, which lies from 15 to twenty feet below the level of the sand ridges and is a heavily timbered section with a great deal of humus and exceedingly productive. West of this bottom of Little River is an- other sand ridge which extends from just south of Dexter to the state line near Hor- nersville in Dunklin county. On this ridge are situated the towns of Bernie. Maiden. Clarkton, and Kennett. The ridge is from 5 to 10 miles in width, is from 10 to 15 feet higher than the bottoms of Little river, and lias a very rich and productive sandy loam soil. West of this ridge lying between it and Crowley's ridge in the north part is what is known as West swamp, while in the south in Dunklin county the St. Francois river is between the sand ridge and Crowley's ridge. The bottom of St. Francois river is not un- like that of Little river. West of Crowley's ridge in Stoddard county is the valley of the St. Francois river and Black river. These are heavily timbered regions with a soil considerably heavier than the sand ridges above mentioned. The drainage in this alluvial section of Southeast Missouri is principally from north to south. Of course on its eastern edge it is drained by the Mississippi which forms its eastern boundary. The Scott county hills are the source of two creeks, Ramsey creek which flows north emptying into the Mississippi, and Cane.y creek which flows to the north and then west and is a tributary of Little river. Mississippi county and the eastern part of New Madrid county are drained in part by St. James and St. John's bayous. The other streams of the alluvial section are prin- cipally those which have their origin in the Ozark upland and enter the alluvial district at its northern limit. In the neighborhood of Allenville, Crooked creek and Whitewater river combine and the stream thus formed is called Whitewater until it receives the waters of Caney creek and the East Fork after which it takes the name of Little river. This .stream flows to the southeast and then to the south- XIV INTROUUCTIOX west and crosses the state Hue into Arkansas tinally pouring its watera into the St. Fran- cois. West of Crooked creek a number of other smaller streams tiow into the alluvial di.striet. The first of these of importance is Castor river which enters the alluvial district near Zalma in Bollinger county. Castor tiows south and southeast through parts of Stoddard and New :\Iadrid counties and finally empties into Lit- tle river. Two other streams of importance having their source in the Ozarks make their way through the alluvial district. The eastern- most of these, the St. Francois river, leaves the hills in the edge of Wayne county and tiows directly through Stoddard and forms the state line between Dunklin county and Arkansas. West of St. Francois river, Black river enters the alluvial district at Poplar Bluff. It, together with a number of smaller ti'ibutary streams, most of them rising in the hills, cross the state' line into Arkansas from Bollinger county. Besides these more important streams there are several other smaller ones such as Varner river, Buffalo creek, Taylor slough, and Chil- letecaux in Dunklin county, Pemiscot bayou in Pemiscot county and Portage bay and Open bay in New Madrid and Pemiscot counties. With the exception of part of the sand ridges in Scott, New Madrid, and Dunklin counties this entire alluvial section was for- merly heavily timbered, the entire country being covered with a heavy growth of oak, gum, Cottonwood, hickoiy, ash and other varieties of trees in the higher portions, and with cypress in those parts of the bottoms where water stood. There are still vast quan- tities of timber in this section, but it is fast being denuded of its timber. This alluvial region presents an interesting geological problem. Those who have studied the region are not in agreement as to how the vast Mississippi embaymeut was formed. It has been suggested by some students that this great plain stretching from the mouth of the ]\Iississippi to Cape Girardeau and varying in width from five to forty miles, is a coastal plain formed by the action of the waves against tlie land surface. No doubt a plain so formed would bear some resemblance to the alluvial plain of the jMississippi valley, but it is difficult to believe that such a plain as this could have been formed by wave action ; the resulting debris from the destruction of the land surface nuist have retarded the action of the waves long before they sculptured a plain extending so far into the laud. Without attempting to go into minute de- tails the ijrobabilities are that the alluvial sec- tion as it now exists is a river valley. Early in geologic times the head of the Gulf of ^Mexico was near the site of Cape Girardeau and there was thus thrust into the heart of the North American continent a great trian- gular gulf. This gulf has been filled with al- luvial soil from Cape Girardeau to the pres- ent southern limit of the delta. It is not pos- sible to determine how deep the alluvial de- posits are since there have been made no bor- ings deep enough to find the bed of rock. Certain borings made for artesian wells and at New Madrid for the purpose of finding support for a bridge, indicate that the allu- vial soil is more than two hundred feet in depth though there is very good reason to be- lieve that it is very much deeper than this. A boring made at Cairo, Illinois, extended to a depth of 1,200 feet without striking bed rock. It is plainly evident that the amount of al- luvial material deposited in this gulf is en- INTRODUCTION XV oruious. It was brought dowu doubtless in large part by the great rivers which occupied the present position of the Mississippi and Ohio, perhaps at one time much larger than the present streams. The soil now found in the alluvial section is not, however, the original deposits. There seems good reason for believing that the clay ridge known as Crowley's ridge is a remnant of the original deposit in the valley. This first deposit was raised up b.y the action of the forces beneath the surface and was then sculptured down by the action of the stream. This action has been going on for many thou- sands of years doubtless and the original de- posits have been removed in large part exeejii Crowley's ridge. Not only has the river sculptured the original deposits, it seems to have meandered back and forth across this great valley now washing tiie bluffs along the eastern side and now those along the western side, alternately sculpturing away deposits of alluvium and reforming them in other places. The alluvial plains as they now exist then represent two separate cycles of stream ac- tion. The first consisted in filling in the arm of the Gulf of I\Iexico with alluvial deposits. This was separated from the second cycle of the stream action liy the uplift of the deposited material al)ove their former level; in tlic second cycle they are wearing down and redistributing this uplifted material into its present position. There seems no reason to doubt that within a comparatively short geologic time Crowley's ridge will en- tirely disappear under the action of the forces now at work upon it. It is evident that there exists a complete contrast in physical characteristics between these two sections of Southeast Missouri. The most obvious of these differences is the fact that there are no hills in the alluvial section, while the whole Ozark uplift is dotted with them. There is also a marked difference in the streams ; those of the plateau having their origin in springs of clear limpid water, fiow between banks which are sometimes steep and even rugged in appearance. They have a swift current, are narrow and deep, but such of them like Castor, Whitewater, and the St. Francois which pass from the uplift to the alluvial plains undergo a complete change of character. They are no longer deep, narrow, and swift of current, with well marked banks, Init they become wide and shallow and spread out over many miles. The soils, too, are different. In the upland are the clays. They follow the outline of the hills on which they were deposited. The characteristic soil of the plains is a sandy loam, while gravels, clays and marl are to be found in places. The distinct characteristic soil is that which makes the great ridges on which are situated the flourishing towns of the district. In minerals, also, the contrast between the sections is striking. No other section of equal size in the world contains a greatei' variety and wealth of minerals than the Ozark plateau. Here are to be found the great deposits of copper, zinc, lead, iron, and others. The alluvial plains on the other hand have no minerals except bog ore. The materials of which the plains are formed are the loose elastics. While the plains are lacking in min- eral wealth, they possess great supplies of timber. The hills are covered in man.y places with timlier. but the valuable trees in great- est numbers are to be found in the rich soil of the low lands. Here flourish the cotton wood, oak, gum, cypress, and hickory in great XVI INTRODUCTION abundance. No other part of the United States possesses more valuable timbers than the low lands in Southeast Missouri. This contrast between sections is also to be seen in their climate. Spring visits the low- lands at least two weeks earlier than it does the uplands. The winters, too. ai-e not so cold on the plains, and the rain-fall is considerably greater. In fact the line marking forty inches of annutil precipitation coincides quite closely with the escarpment which separates the pla- teau from the plain. These differences of cli- mate and soil have resulted in certain differ- ences in the crops cultivated in the two sec- tions. The great staple crops, wheat and corn, are extensivel.y grown in both sections, but in addition to these the alluvial soil produces large crops of cotton and melons which cannot be grown successfully in the hills. CONTENTS SECTION I CHAPTER I ARCHAEOLOGY Mounds in Southeast Missouri — Great Numbers Known to Exist — Distribution op Mounds — Size op Mounds — Shape — Arrangement — Various ]\Iounds Described — An Ancient Wharf — Contents op Mounds — Who Built the Mounds — The Mound Builder Theory — The Work op the Indians — Probable Origin — Collections of Relics — Beck- with's Great Collection — Plates Found Near Malden — Other Remarkable Pieces. 3 CHAPTER II ADVENTURES OP DE SOTO Is Made Governor op Florida — Lands in Florida — Discovers the Mississippi — Place of Crossing — Direction op March — The Casquins — Religious Service — Attack on Cap- AHAS — Search for Salt — Probable Situation op Capaha Camp — Return to the South — Quigate — Location of Caligoa — Further Travels and Death — Interest Concerning Exact Route. 13 CHAPTER III FRENCH EXPLORERS Why Spaniards Did not Take and Hold the Country — Vague Ideas of the West — News OF the Mississippi — Radisson and Groseilliers — Joliet and Marquette — Discovery op the Mississippi — Extent op Their Voyage — The Return — Illness of Marquette — Why Joliet Was Not Given Credit for Expedition — Early Voyage of La Salle — French Ideas of the New World — Views of the English — La Salle's Purpose — Friendship With Frontenac — Visit to France — Start of the Expedition — Loss op the Griffon — Creve Coeur — He Reaches the Mississippi — Passes to its Mouth — The Colony at Starved Rock — Goes to France— Colony on the Gulp — Death of Lasalle — Estimate of His Character. 22 xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV INDIAN HISTORY Importance of Indians in Our History — Indian Trade — Indians in Southeast Missouri When DeSoto Came — The Capahas — The Siouan Family and its Branches — The OsAGES — Their Homes — Their Farms — Osage Houses — Furniture and Clothing — Polygamy — Weapons — Peculiar Customs op the Osages — Painting op -the Body — Their Government — ^Wars With Other Indians — Defeated by Sacs and Foxes — Their Removal From the State — Delawares and Shawnees — Their History Outside Mis- souri — Why the Spaniards Brought Them to Missouri — Character — Their Villages — Tecumseh's Sister — Chilletecaux — Witchcraft Delusion — The Mashcoux Tribe — Treaties With the Indians — Indian Education. 33 SECTION II CHAPTER V STE. GENEVIEVE DISTRICT The Name Louisiana — The Illinois — The French and Spanish Districts With Their Limits — The Appearance and Character of the Country — Ste. Genevieve — Probable Date op First Settlement — "The Old Village of Ste. Genevieve" — Original Set- tlers — Officials and Legal Proceedings — Occupations — The "Big Field" — Indian Troubles — Life of the French Pioneers — Population — Pittman's Account — • Visit op Paul Allioy — As Peck saw the Town — Impressions of Flag — Ferdinand Rozier — John James Audubon — John Smith T.— Henry Dodge — John Rice Jones — New Bour- bon — New Tennessee — Table of Settlements — First Settlers in Iron County — The Cook and Murphy Settlements — St. Michael's — Old Mines — First Settlers in Jef- ferson County — Perry County Settlements — Long's Account. 49 CHAPTER VI CAPE GIRARDEAU DISTRICT Its Limits— Life of Lorimier — First Settlement at Cape Girardeau — Influence With the Indians — Grants of Authority and Land — Lorimier's Tomb — Name op Cape Gir- ardeau — Cousin. — Early Settlers — The Town Laid off — Some of the Early Build- ings — First Incorporation, 1808 — Early Settlers Within the District — The Ramsays - — The Giboneys — Other Early Families — Settlements in Various Parts of the District. 67 CHAPTER VII DISTRICT OF NEW MADRID Its Boundaries — "L'Anse a la Graise" — The LeSieurs — Situation of New Madrid- Colonel George Morgan — Grant to Morgan — His Expectation of Profit — His De- scription op the Site — The Survey of the Town — Opposition op Wilkinson and Miro — New Madrid Falls into Hands of Miro — Letter of La Forge — The Commandants CONTENTS xix OP THE Post — Emigrants Who Came With Morgan — The LeSieur Family — The La Forges — Joseph Michel — Robert McCor — Richard Jones Waters — Tardiveau — Other Settlers — Robert Goah Watson — Military Companies — Other Settlements in New Madrid County — Little Prairie — Settlements in Scott County — Town Near Sikeston — Benton — Joseph Hunter — Tywappity Bottoms — Mississippi County Settlements — Spanish Land Grants — The King's Highway. 81 CHAPTER VIII GOVERNMENT UNDER FRANCE AND SPAIN Louisiana Under La Salle — The Province op Louisiana — Capitals and Governors — Ces- sion to Spain — Providence op Upper Louisiana -^ Lieutenant Governors op Upper Louisiana — Districts and Commandants — Syndics — Authority op Oppicials — French Law Retained — Character op Government — The Cabildo at New Orleans — Organiza- tion op ]\Iilitia — "L' Annee du Coup" Attack on St. Louis — Treachery op Governor Leyba — Action op the Ste. Genevieve Company — Expedition to New Madrid — Punish- ment op Indians — Orders Concerning Taverns and Sale op Liquor to Indians. Ill CHAPTER IX SOCIAL LIFE Population in 1804 — Settlements — Occupations — Differences Between French and America Settlements — Houses op the French — Stockades — Food and Cooking — Dif- ferences in the French Produced by Residence in This Country— Social Life — Dress — Amusements — La Guignolee — Contented Character of the French — Trade — Amer- ican Settlers — Characteristic Life — Houses — Clothing — Food — Law-Abiding Char- acters — German Settlers — Absence of Spanispi Settlers — Merchants — Prices — Prod- ucts — Travel — Roads — River Travel — Kdkl-Boats — Religious Conditions — First Ser- vices — Restrictive Laws of Spain — Records of the Catholic Church in Ste. Gene- vieve — Father Meurin — Father Gibault — James Maxv^ll — First Church Buildings — Support of Priests — Bishop Dubourg — De Andreis — Founding of St. Mary's Sem- inary — Danger op Misunderstanding the Character op the People. 117 CHAPTER X TRANSFER TO THE UNITED STATES Feeling of the French Settlers — Settlements Founded Under the Rule of France — Emigration from the Western States — Why Spain Fostered the Movement of Ameri- cans Across the River — Question Over the Navigation op the Mississippi — Restric- tions on Commerce — Treaty of Ildefonso — Negotiations for Purchase op New Or- leans — Offer op all Louisiana — Motives op Napoleon in Selling Louisiana — Cere- monies Attending the Actual Transfer — Captain Amos Stoddard and His Authority — Significance of the Transfer. 139 XX CONTENTS SECTION III CHAPTER XI AMERICAN TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT Government of the Louisiana Territory — The Territory of Orleans — The District of Louisiana — First Governor — Courts of Common Pleas — Officers at the Various Posts — Causes of Dissatisfaction With the Gon'ernment of the United States — Me- morial OF Grievances — The Territory of Louisiana — Confirmation of Land Grants — Courts — Wilkinson as Governor — Lewis — Clark — The Territory of Missouri — Pow- ers of the Governor — Meetings of the Territorial Legislature — Various Laws — Rich- ard S. Thomas — John Scott — Johnson Ranney — General Watkins — Greer W. Davis — Alexander Buckner — Other Prominent ]Men — The Byrd Family — Circuit Courts — Officers in Ste. Genevieve — Cape Girardeau District and County — New Madrid Dis- trict and County — Creation of New Counties — Lawrence — Wayne — Madison ■ — Jefferson — Washington — Perry — ^Military History. 147 CHAPTER XII PERIOD FROJI 180-4 TO 1821 Population — Character of Immigrants — Settlements in Various Parts op the Section — Early Settlers — • Industries — Fabminc — Mining — Merchandising — Prevailing High Prices — Manufacturing — Hunting — Transportation — Steamboats — Social Life — Lawlessness — Gambling — Dueling — Some Famous Duels — Hospitality — POSTOFFICES AND RaTES OF POSTAGE NEWSPAPERS SCHOOLS — LIBRARIES — DrESS. 175 CHAPTER XIII PROTESTANT IMMIGRATION Visits of Protestant Ministers — John Clark — Josiah Dodge — Thomas Johnson — An- drew Wilson — Religious Condition of the Settlers — Motives Which Brought Them to Louisiana — The Work of the Baptists — David Greene — Bethel Church Near Jackson — Its Early IMembers — The First IMeeting House — Relics of old Bethel Church — Memorial Services in 1906 — Growth op the Church — Other Churches Or- ganized BY Members of Bethel — Early Ministers of the Church — Wilson Thompson — Thomas Stephens — Thomas P. Greene — The First ^Missionary Collection — The For- mation op an Association op Churches in Missouri — John M. Peck — The Work of the Methodist Church — First Preachers — John Travis — Organization of McKendree — Early Members — First Meeting House — Jesse Walker — The First Circuits — First Sermon in Cape Girardeau — Campmeeting at McKendree in 1810 — Harbison — New Circuits Formed — Organization of the Missouri Conference — Rucker Tanner — The First Conference Held in Missouri — The Work of the Presbyterians — Hempstead's Letter — A Church Organized in Washington County, 1816 — Organization of the Presbytery of Missouri — Early Ministers — Timothy Flint — The Columbian Bible Society — Flint's Writings — Disciples of Christ — William McMurtry — First Organ- ization IN Missouri, 1822 — Difficulties Under Which Early Ministers Labored — Progress Made — Peck's Description — Debt Owed to Pioneer Ministers. 196 CONTENTS xxi CHAPTER XIV NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE Time and Area — Unique Among Earthquakes — Contemporary Accounts Mentioned — The Scene Described — Direction of the Shocks — Size of Affected Area — Character OF Disturbances — Small Loss of Life Explained — A Death from Fright — Persons Drowned — Appearance of the Air — Vapors — Lights and Glows — Earth Changes Fissures — Lignite — Areas of Surface Raised — Sunk-Lands — Observations Made by Lyell — Distribution of Sunk-Lands^Epfect on Timber — Expulsion of Material from the Earth — Water-Sand — Sand Blows — Sand-Sloughs — Sinks • — Suggested Causes — Contemporary Accounts — Mrs. Eliza Bryan — Long^Bradbury — Flint — Faux — LeSieur — Col. John Shaw- — Letter op an Unknown Writer — Long — Nuttall — Flagg — Former Drainage as Described by LeSieur — Government Assistance to Suf- ferers — The New Madrid Claims — DeLisle vs. State of Missouri — Loss of Popula- tion. 212 CHAPTER XV STATEHOOD ATTAINED Petition for Organization as a State — Bill to Organize a State Government — The Slavery Controversy — The Tallmadge Amendment — Debate Over the Amendment — Deadlock op the Two Houses — The Missouri Compromise — Feeling in the State — The Constitutional Convention — Members from the Southeast — The Constitution in Congress — Further Opposition to Admission — The Debate — Clay's Compromise — The Solemn Public Act — The President's Proclamation Admitting the State — Pe- culiarities op the Transaction — State Boundaries — Missouri — Arkansas — Wolf Island. 234 SECTION IV CHAPTER XVI GENERAL DEVELOPMENT Analysis op Population, 1820-1830 — Comparative Census Table, 1820-1860 — French and German Elements — Period op Town Growth. 247 CHAPTER XVII STE. GENEVIEVE AND ST. MARYS. Shipping Center of Mineral Region — Ste. Genevieve-Iron Mountain Plank Road— 150th Anniversary Celebrated — -U. S. Senators from Ste. Genevieve — Ste. Gene- vieve of Today — St. Marys. 251 CHAPTER XVIII CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY TOWNS Cape Girardeau a Steamboat Town — Incorporated as a City — Prosperity After the War — State Normal School Located — Stage of Stagnation — Really Remarkable Progress — Founding of Jackson — First Institutions and Persons — Civil Government — Pres- ent County Seat — Burpordville — Appleton — Pocahontas and Oak Ridge. 2.')6 xxii CONTENTS CHAPTER XIX NEW MADRID AND MADISON COUNTIES Blows to New Madrid — Incorporated as a City — Long the County Seat — Point Pleasant — PORTAGEVILLE FreDERICKTOWN. 265 CHAPTER XX WASHINGTON AND PERRY COUNTIES PoTOsi Laid Out and Incorporated— Old Mines — Caledonia — Perryville — Longtown Altenburg. 269 CHAPTER XXI WAYNE AND JEFFERSON COUNTIES Greenville, Early and Late — Piedmont — Patterson — DeSoto — Crystal City — Her- cuLANEUM — Hillsboro — KiMMSwicK — Hematite. 272 CHAPTER XXII ST. FRANCOIS, BOLLINGER AND PEMISCOT COUNTIES Present-Day Bismarck — Libertyville — Farmington — Marble Hill — Lutesville — Gay- oso — Caruthersville. 277 CHAPTER XXIII DUNKLIN AND MISSISSIPPI Old-Time Kennett — Modern Town Dates from Railroad — Clarkton — Hornersville — Mississippi County Seat — Charleston of the Present — Belmont. 284 CHAPTER XXIV TOWNS OF SIX COUNTIES Commerce Incorporated — Benton, Scott County Seat — Sikeston — Doniphan, County Seat of Ripley — Poplar Bluff, Butler County's Seat of Justice — Bloomfield, Stod- dard County — Ironton, County Seat of Ironton — Arcadia — Lesterville — Smaller Settlements. 290 CHAPTER XXV POLITICAL, CIVIL AND MILITARY The First State Election — Contest for the Senatorship — The Eight Counties-^Courts IN Each County — Organization of New Counties — Southeast Missouri in the Mex- ican War. 299 CONTENTS xxiii CHAPTER XXVI CREATION OF NEW COUNTIES St. Francois County — Scott County — Organization and Settlement of Stoddard County — Ripley County — Pioneers of Dunklin County — Reynolds, Butler and Bol- linger Counties — Pemiscot County — St. Francois Levee District — Courts of the County and Prominent Citizens — Iron and Carter Counties — Founders of the Eight Old Counties. 302 SECTION V CHAPTER XXVII GENERAL MOVEMENTS Position op the State — Number op Soldiers Furnished — Appointment op a Major-Gen- ERAL OF THE StaTE GuARDS — GENERAL S. WaTKINS — GENERAL THOMPSON — SKIRMISHES IN August, 1861 — General Grant — Fortifications at Cape Girardeau^Martial Law — Thompson's Raid into Jefferson County — Situation in November, 1861 — Battle of Bel- mont — Early Months of 1862 — Capture of New Madrid and Island Ten — Skirmishes and Raids op 1863 — Marmaduke's Invasion — Capture op General Jeff Thompson — Price's Raid Conditions After the "War. 327 CHAPTER XXVIII REGIMENTAL HISTORIES Union Troops Organized— Home Guards and State Militia— Third, Fifth, Sixty-Fourth, Sixty-eighth, Seventy-eighth, Seventy-ninth, Second, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Forty-seventh Infantry — Sixth and Tenth Missouri Cavalry — Engineer Regiment, West Missouri Volunteers — Twenty-third and Twenty-ninth Regiments of Enrolled Militia — Other Commands of State Guards — Ninth and Second Infantry — Noted Confederate Organizations. 341 SECTION VI CHAPTER XXIX MOVEMENTS SINCE THE CIVIL WAR Railiwad Building— Drainage— Wealth — Manufacturing — Mining — Transportation- Resources— School* and Churches — Local Option — Population — Organizations — Spanish-American War. 357 i\ xxiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXX TOWNS FOUNDED SINCE CIVIL WAR Marquand — Glenallen — Zalma — Bessville — Neeleyville — FisK — Habviel — Van Buren — Ellsinobe — Grandin — Hunter — Pocahontas — Allenville — White- water BURFORDVILLE — MiLLERVILLE — OaKRIDGE — GOBDONVILLE MaLDEN — CAMP- BELL — Gibson — Holcomb — Senath — -Whiteoak — Glennonville — Cardwell — Caruth — Cottonplant — Des Arc — Sabula — Belleview — Annapolis — Pestus — House's Spring • — Morse Mill ■ — Peveley — Victoria — Mine LaMotte — Corn- wall DlEHLSTADT EasT PrAIRIE BeRTRAND — MaRSTON — GiDEON — • PaRMA LiLBOURN COMO MOREHOUSE • — HaYTI — HOLLAND COTTONWOOD PoiNT — STEELE — Calryville — ■ Lithium — Wittenberg — Longtown — Schumer Springs — Bunker — Ellington — Naylor — Flat River — Desloge — Leadwood — Elvins — Bonne Terre — BisMAROK — DeLassus — Knob Lick — Libertyville — Doe Run — Oran — Fornfelt — Illmo — Crowder — Kelso — Blodgett — Mobley- — Chaffee — Vandu- SER — Dexter — Advance — Bernib — Puxico — Irondale — Mineral Point — Rich- woods — Chaonia — Leeper — Mills Ring — Williamsville. 371 SECTION VII CHAPTER XXXI EARLY SCHOOLS Work of the Subscription Schools • — Academies at Ste. Genevieve, Jackson, Potosi, New Madrid, Perryville, Point Pleasant, Cape Girardeau, Bloomfield, Poplar Bluff AND Charleston. 397 CHAPTER XXXII PUBLIC SCHOOLS Foundation op Public System — The State Commission — Sale of Lands — Laws of 1853 — Provisions of 1874 — Growth of the System — Southeast Missouri Teachers' Associa- tion — First Schools in Various Counties. 404 CHAPTER XXXIII INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING St. Mary's Seminary — St. Vincent's College — Will Mayfield College — Elmwood Sem- inary — Farmington College — Marvin Collegiate Institute — Carleton College — Ar- cadia College — The State Normal School at Cape Girardeau. 412 CONTENTS XXV SECTION VIII CHAPTER XXXIV SOCIAL LIFE AND INDUSTRIES Isolation of Many Communities — Deprivations Suffered — Houses — Food — Dress — Household Implements — Schools and Churches — Amusements — Unity of Feeling Treatment op Disease — Versatility of the Pioneer — Development of Character Farming — Mining — Manufacturing. 439 CHAPTER XXXV RELIGIOUS HISTORY— Continued Catholics — Methodists : Quarterly Meetings, Circuits and Districts — Baptists : As- sociations — Evangelical Lutherans — Protestant Episcopal Churches — Congregation- ALisTs — German Evangelical and German Methodist Churches— New School Presby- terians — Cumberland Presbyterian Churches — Christians (Disciples of Christ) — Southeast Missouri Presbyterian Churches — Presbyterlinism in 1854-64 — 1864-1874 — Division in Presbytery — Decade from 1884 to 1894 — History Since 1894. 448 CHAPTER XXXVI RAILROADS Beginning of Railroad Agitation — Companies Formed — The First Railroad — St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern — Cairo & Fulton — Present Condition of the Iron Moun- tain — The Cape Girardeau, Pilot Knob & Belmont — The Houck Lines — The 'Frisco System — the St. Louis Southwestern — The Illinois & Missouri Bridge Company — Mis- sissippi River & Bonne Terre Railroad Company — The Williamsville, Greenville & ' St. Louis Railroad Company — St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern — The St. Louis & Missouri Southern — The Paragould Southeastern — • The Illinois Southern — The Missouri Southern — The Paragould & Memphis — The Butler County Railroad — The St. Francois County Interurban. 496 CHAPTER XXXVII GENERAL STATUS Location — Area — Topography — Timber — Industries — Transportation — Towns — Population — Schools — Wealth — Bollinger — Butler — Cape Girardeau — Car- ter — Dunklin — Iron — Jefferson — Madison — Mississippi — New Madrid — Pemi- scot — Perry — Reynolds — Ripley — St. Francois — Ste. Genevieve — Scott — Stoddard — Washington — Wayne. 510 i\ xxvi CONTENTS CHAPTER XXXVIII THE NEWSPAPERS Cape Girardeau — The First Paper — Bollinger — Butler — Carter — Dunklin — Iron — Jefferson — Madison — jMississippi — New Madrid — Pemiscot — • Perry — Reynolds — Ripley . — St. Francois — Ste. Genevieve — Scott — Stoddard — Wash- ington — Wayne — The Great Work op Newspapers. 529 CHAPTER XXXIX SOME BIOGRAPHIES Louis Houck — Lownes H. Davis — Robert H. Whitelaw — William B. Wilson — Judge John W. Emerson — Samuel S. Hildebrand — Samuel Byrns — B. B. Cahoon — James D. Fox — J. J. Russell — H. J. Deal — Absalom McElmurry — William Dawson — Joseph Hunter — John A. Mott — Robert A. Hatcher — Eliza A. Carleton — William Carter — Placide DeLassus — James R. McCormack — Milton P. Cayce — Gustavus St. Gem — Charles S. Hertich — M. L. Clardy — Marshall Arnold — James P. W^vlker — N. B. Henry — F. P. Graves — Firmin Desloge. 548 /, INDEX Abbey, Daniel, 291, 342 Abel," Ezekiel, 74, 75, 257 Abel, Wilson, 290 Abernathy, Albert G., 402 Abernathv, Clayton D., 270 Able. Wilson, 171 Abshier,' Claude E., 821 Academies, 400 Adams, Benjamin H., 530 Adams, J. W., 912 Adams, James T., 293 Adams, Jefferson D., 1279 Adams, Joel, 1094 Adelphi Literary Soeiety, 430 Advance, 391 "Advance Guard," 544 ' ' Advertiser, ' ' 532 Ake, Eli D., 534 Akers, Alfred H., 618 Albert, H. L., 431 Albert, J., 256 Albert, John, 262 Albert, Leon J., 433, 588 Albert, E., 267 Albert, S., 256 Albright, George W., 753 Alderson, James, 410 Alexander, Harry E., 695 Alexander, John H., 282 Alexander, William, 302 Alford, George G., 265 Algonqnins, 34 Allen, Albert 0.. 537, 1052 Allen, B. B., 411 Allen, Benjamin F., 976 Allen, Edward, 913 Allen, Eussell L., 1163 Allen, Samuel, 265 Allen, Thomas, 497 Allen, Thomas C, 1149 Allen, William E., Jr., 821 Allenville, 373, 374 Alleys Mines. 177 Allstun, Hiram B., 1117 Ally, John, 63 Altenburg, 271 Altenberg Evangelical Lutheran Church, 479 Alvey, William T., 923 Amoreaux, Michael, 164 Amusements, 122 Anderson, Benjamin F., 1224 Anderson, Ed, 901 Anderson, Henry, 949 Anderson, I. E., 478 Anderson, M. S., 1251 Andrew, Lyman B., 402 Andrews, John, 302 Andrews, L. H., 402 Annapolis, 378 Anthony, Benjamin, 171 Anthony, Edward D., 576 Anthony, John, 249 Anthony, Robert A., 650 Antioch Christian Church, 494 Appleberry, Daly, 780 Appleberry, Reuben, 780 Apple Creek, xii Apple Creek, 66 Apple Creek First Presbyterian Church, 489 Apple Creek German M. E. Church, 483 Applegate, H. A., 308 Appleton, 264 Arcadia, 297 Arcadia College, 420 Arcadia College and TJrsuIine Seminary, 842 Arcadia Congregational Church, 482 ' ' Arcadia Prospect, ' ' 534 "Arcadia Valley Enterprise," 534 Arent, Cornelius, 79 Arenz, Oscar, 1283 "Argus," 530 Arion Literary Society, 430 Arkansas River, 26 Armour, David, 194, 262 Armstrong, John, 262 Arnold, J. L.. 1050 Arnold, Marshall, 556 Arthur, William C, 960 Asa, A. Frank, 1186 Ashabranner, 183 Asherbramer, t)aniel, 80 Ashley, John, 1078 Ashley, John L., 1090 Ashley, W. H., 257 Ashley, William H.. 162, 261, 402 Audubon, John James, 60, 213 Austin, 181 Austin, A. C, 308 XXVll xxviu INDEX ■ Austin, .lames, lliO. 3UL', 40^ Austin, .Moses, (54, 1.59, 1(59, 183, 269, 402 Austin, Stephen F., 154, 155 Aiix Vases, xii Averill, Harvey E., 538 Azar (Breton), Francois, 182 Azoic- Bocks, x Bagby, Robert J., 756 Bage, Samuel K., 985 Bailey, .J. A., 113(5 Bailey, Ealph E., 1-J4U Baini, Ely D., 9S5 Hairil, Kraiieis M., lUTli Baird, James M., 893 Haird, Martin V., 473, 1067 Baker. E., 678 Maker, Elisha, 62 Baker. Henry, 178 Baker, .James, 307 Baker, iloses, 290 Baker, J'eter, 178 tiakcr, Kebecca, 63 Baker, W. L., 957 Baldwin, Hartwell, 291 Baldwin, Joseph, 421 Baldwin, J. W., 403 Baldwin, Paul, 560 Baldwin, T. E., 285 Baldwin, Thomas E., 559 Ball, J. Morgan, 1192 Ballard, James M., 929 Ballew, James, 161 Ballon, (Mrs.) Agnes, 197 Bancroft, (_'. B.. 307 Bancroft, Thonujs S., 402 Baptists, 198. 207, 463 "Bajitist Headlight," 530 "Bajitist Journal," 534 Barber, Moses B., 703 Barham, William H.. 1068 Barkley, Eichard, 402 Barley, Absolom. 295 Barnard, .Tames Underwood, 426 Barnard, W. P., 287 Barnes. C. M., 1035 Barnes, Goah S.. 1046 Barnes, John X., 1033 Barnes, William A., 1270 Barnett, Silas Y., 1108 Barnhart, Adam, 307 Barren ('hurch, 201 "Barrens, The," 6li. 177 Barrett, A. M., 742 Barrett, William L., •■)(i6 Barrow, Aimer, 674 Barsaloux, .lean Ba|)tistc, 107 Barsaloux, John B.. 11.") Barsaloux, .lohn Bajiti^le. 66 Barth, Phillip II., 1017 Bartlett, G. T., 403, 531 Bartlett, Orson, 295, 296, 103 Bartlett, Thomas. 29] Barton. David, 63, 169, 238, 299 Bateaus (pirogues), 131 Bates, Elijali, 169 Bates, Moses. 402 Battery F, Second Illinois Light Artillerv, 347 Battle' of Belmont, 332 Bannddatt, C. F., 894 Baxter, Francois, 282 Bayou Portage, 230 Ba.you, St. John, 6 Beattie, George .\I.. 262 Beauvais, Jean, 52 Beauvais, J. S. J., 150 Beauvais. St. Gem, 52 Beck, Arnold, 341 Beckwith, Xewman, 303 Bedford, A. Jl., 288, 295, 498 Bedford, H. H., 350 Bedford, Henry Hale, 305 Belchamber, James, 794 Bell City, 391 Bell, Huey F., 7.S9 Bell Telephone Go.. 261 Belleview, 378 Bellevue Collegiate Institute, 461 Bellevue Presbyterian (Jhurch, 488 Bellevue Settlement. 207 Bellevue Valley. 64, 178 Bellon, Tolhert E., 1(158 Belmont, 289 Belmont Branch, The, 497 Belt. Harry B.. 1029 Beverly. Nathaniel, 168 Benedict, Horace D.. 613 Bennett. Carroll P.. 676 Bennett. Joseph. 267 Bennett, L. D., 476 Benton, 290, 449 ' ' Benton Express, ' ' 542 "Benton Express Record," 542 Benton-Lucas Duels. 190 Benton Presbyterian Church, 484 "Benton Record." 542 Benton, Thomas H.. 190. 299 Bequette. Joseph. 52 Bergmann. William C., 6(i0 Bcrgmann, William F., Ii37 Bernie, 391 "Bernie Star," 544 Berry. J. A., 371, 784 Berryman, Jerome C, 461, 725 Berthaume, Marie, 73 Bertling, Daniel, 480 B?rtran(l. 379 Bessville, 372 Bethel Association of the Baptist Church, 46: Bethel Baptist Association, 475 Bethel Bajitist Church, 162 Bethel I hurch, 198 Bethel Church Monument, 200 Bethlehem Baptist Church, 476 Bettis, Elijah. 238 Bettis, Overton, 167 Bidewell, Charles F., 643 Bidewell, George, 662 Biffle, A. L.. 1193 Big (?reek Baptist Chunh, 477 "Big Field." 7, 119 Bigham, William. 282 Big River, xii Big River. 331 Big River Mills. 63 Big Swamp. 76 Bird. Abraham. 109, 179 Bird's Point, 109, 179, 379 INDEX Bird, Thompson. 2S8 Bishop, Pleasant, 267 Bismark, 277, 3S(i "Bismark Gazette," 541 Bismark Presbyterian Church, 491 BisplinffhntT, (ieorge H., 694 Black. John, 314 Black River, xii, .\iv Black River Baptist Association, 469 Black River Baptist Church, 469 "Black River Country," 531 "Black River News," 531 Blackweli, 3.^1 Blake, Ross, 871 Blakemore, A. F., 1076 Blakemore, .7. B., 285, 507 Blaine, Albert, 733 Blair, Governor. 243 Blair, Robert, 74 Blair, Thomas, 204 Blanton, .1. Thompson, 605 Blanton Plank-Road, 265 Blanton, William H., 724 Blavlock, Richard D., 848 Blavlock, \V. ir., S65 Bledsoe, John H., 966 Bledsoe, J. S., 288 Bledsoe. Bichard, 254 Bledsoe, William B., 953 Block, Hiram, 402 Block, Levi, 270 Blodgett, 3SS Bloom, Peter, 62 Bloohifield. 295, 3.35, 337, 453, 454, 462 "Bloomfield Argus," 543 Bloomtield Baptist Church, 473 Bloomfield Educational Society, 403 "Bloomfield Herald," 295, .543 Bloomfield Mission, 454 "Bloomfield Vindicator," 296, 545 Blount. .Jacob C., 293, 311 Boaz, Herbert L., 1210 Bocarie, Phyllis, 65 Bogliolo, Etienne, 97 Bogliolo. Matteo, 265 Bogy, Joseph, 154 Bogy, Leon, 344 Bogy, Lewis V., 253 Boise Brulo Bottom, 66 Bolduc, Louis, 56 Boli, E. :\r., 273 Boli. .lohn, 65 Boli, William, 125 Boli, Williams, 65 Bollinger County, 79, 313, 510, 531 Bollinger. Charles F.. 770 Bollinger. Frederick, 150 Bollinger, George Frederii'k, 313 Bollinger, H. A., 1220 Bollinger, Henry E.. 827 Bollinger. Henfv F., 1005 Bollinger. Ma.io'r. 128 Bollinger, Phillip, 80 Bollinger, Solomon, 167 Bollinger, Walter A., 1183 Bollinger, William, SO, 1183 Bond, George, 344 Bond, George H., 741 526 153, 154, 1.55, 177. Bone, William M,, 965 Bonne Terre, 385, 450 Bonne Terre Congregational Church, 482 ' ' Bonne Terre Register,.' ' 541 "Bonne Terre Star," 541 Booker. Charles O., 1273 Boon, Pinkney E., 1288 Booth, James, 1133 Boutin, Samuel, 671 Bowen, John S., 351 Bowers. James M.. 997 Bowman. Arthur C., 564 Bowman, B. L., 477 Boyce, William, 66 Boyden, Charles, 1179 Boyden, John R., 1179 Boyer. Barton H., 857 Boyer, Jaques, 52 Brackenridge, William T., 913 Bradbury. .John, 213 Bradley, James, 307 Bradley, .lames A., 1092 Bradley, .lohn H., 655 Bragg,' W. G., 285 Bragg, William G., 813 Bramblet, Clarence R., 794 Brand, Eli T.. 841 Brandon, .lames P.. 915 Brandt. John, 413 Branham, Adolphus, 1041 Branum, Lizzie, 306 Branum, Tecumseh, 306 Branum, Victorine, 306 Brasher, J. M., 314 Brasher, .Joseph M.. 641 Bray, .William, 715 Bray, William G., 907 Brayton, Rev.. 468 Brazeau Presbyterian Church, 488 Breckenkamp, August H.. 747 Bredensteiner. William. 917 Breid, David W., 661 Breton. Francois, 269 Brevard. A. H., 262 Brevard, A. J., 263 Brewer, Robert M.. 343 Briekev, Franklin W.. 730 Briekey, John S., 169 Bridgeman. John. 270 Bridges, A. B., 307 Bridges, Ambrose D.. 918 Bridges. J. H.. 288 Bridges, L. L.. 761 Bridges, William, 977 Bringier, L.. 213 Brissenden, Ralph. 1271 Brooks, Elmer O.. 895 Brooks, Harry T., 1026 Brooks, James A., 410 Brooks, Thomas L, 964 Brown, Allen C. 969 Brown, B. Gratz, 329 Brown, James, 317 Brown, John, 290 Brown, John L., 1077 Brown, John W., 473 Brown, Robert T., 170. 270 Brown, R. T.. 238 Brown. Tli.nnas J.. 1046 XXX INDEX Browne, David S., 782 Browne. Joseph, 151 Browne, Lionel, 154, IHil, 4(12 Browne, Wilson. 78 Brow-nell, Jolin W., 2()6 Brownwood, 391 Brunlce, Abraham, 40l' Bryau. (Mrs.) Eliza, i;i.3 Bryant, Bert P., 841 Bryant, P. P., 877 Brydon, Doc, 1126 Buck, Charles. 1093 Buck, James B., 1141 Buck. John L., 295, 1141 Buckner. Alexander, 137, 238, 242 Biickner, Eobert, 171 Biiehrman, Otto, 249 Buenger, E. E., 271 Buerkle, John C., 727 Buffalo Creek, xiv Buford. .John, 317 Bull, Thomas, 162, 19.S, 199 Bullett, George, 153 Bullock, James E., 1048 Bunker, 383 Buute, Theodore L., Jr., 674 Bunyard, E. J., 476 Burchitt, J. G., 863 Burdette. .Tohn, 267 Burford, D. W., 1032 Burfordville, 264, 374 Burger, iloritz, 479 Burgess, William J., 990 Burke. Edward, 291 Burlison, Ed., 839 Burnham. B. P.. 587 Burns, Robert F., 1056 Burnside, DeWitt L., 1232 Burris, Levi, 1252 Burrough, Jacob H., 422 Burrow, John W., 1195 Burrow, William A., 1088 Burton, C. E., 561 Butler County, 179, 248, 311, 511, 531 Butler County Educational Society, 403 Butler County Railroad Company, 508 Butler, Elisha C. 682 Butler, Frederick C, 402 Butler, John, 816 Butler, Mann, 193 Butler, W. A., 312 "Buzz-Saw." 546 Byrd. Abraham, 78, 162 Byrd, Amos, 78 Byrd, A. R., 410 Byrd Family, 78. 158 Byrd, .John,' 78, 161, 498 Byrd Settlement, 77 Byrd, Spencer, 153 Byrd. Stephen, 78. 150, 154, 238 Byrd's Creek, 78, 178 Byrns, Sam, 759 Byrns, Samuel, 551 Cabildo (Council), 114 Cahoon, Benjamin Benson, 551 Cain, .Jesse, 161 Cairo & Fulton Railroad, 287, 498 Caldwell, Isaac W., 991 Caldwell, Jame.s, SO, 154, 299 Caldwell, Thomas, 154 Caldwell, William C, 1109 ( 'aledouia. 64, 270 l.'aledonia Presbyterian Church, 270 Callaway, John, 63 Calvin, Lula, 1191 Calvin, Robert L., 1190 Cameron, Donald H., 635 Campbell, 375 "Campbell Citizen," 533 Campbell, Alexander, 310 Campbell, C. C, 31] Campbell, J. P.. 539 Campbell, John Jl., 1017 Camp Rowdy. 254 I'amren. James T., 1215 Canaan Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 494 Canada, 27, 28 Canada, Mark, 56 Canalou, 381 Cane Creek, 179, .'n2 Cane Creek Baptist Association, 470, 477 Caneer, W. T.. Jr., 667 Caney Creek, xiii ' ' Capaha Arrow, ' ' 431 (-'apaha Blutt's. Rock Levee Drive, <'app Girardeau (view), viii Capahas, 16, 34, 35 Cape Girardeau, 21, 34, 51, 71, 73. 74. 1.39, 140, 152, 161. 162, 164, 176, 177. 178, 186, 192. 249. 261, 318. 329, 409, 420, 453. 455. 460. .504 Cape Girardeau — A steamboat town, 256 ; incorpo- rated as a city, 257; prosperity after the war, 258; State Normal School located, 259; remark- able progress, 260 Cape Girardeau Association of Baptists. 464 "Cape Girardeau Censor." 330 Cape Girardeau Circuit, 455 Cape Girardeau County, 178, 511 "Cape Girardeau Courier," 530 "Cape Girardeau Democrat." 530 Cape Girardeau District, 49, 117, 125, 197, 207— First settlement within, 67; water mills on Cape La Croix and Hubble creeks, 72; origin of naure, 73; limits of the town, 75 Cape Girardeau German M. E. Church, 483 "Cape Girardeau Herald," 531 "Cape Girarileau Xews. " 531 "Cape Girardeau Patriot," 530 Cape Girardeau Presbyterian Church, 489. 4S4 "Cape Girardeau Progress," 531 Cape Girardeau, Pilot ICnoh & Belmont Railroad Company, 501 Cape Girardeau & Jackson Jnterurban Company. 509 Cape Girardeau & Thebes Bridge Terminal Raihvay Company, 303 Cape Girardeau & State Line Railroad Company, 501 Cape Le-Croix Creek, xii Cape La Crux Creek, 77 "Capote," 122 Capuchin, 133 Cardwell, 376 Carleton College, 420 Carleton, Eliza A.. 553 Carleton. (Miss) E. A.. 420 Carleton. George W., 282, 315 Carleton, G. W., 314 INDEX XXXI Carleton, Major, 315 Carondelet, Baron, 62 Can-. William C, 159 Carrington, W. T., 410 Carroll. William L., 1287 Carter County, 24S, 306, 317, 41)9, 512 Carter Family, 554 Carter, Francis M., 827 Carter, William, 554, 886 Carter, Zimri, 180 Carter, Zimri A., 317 Cartobona, Don Francisco, 114 Carty, Moses, 311 Canith, 377 Canithers, Edgar P., 625 Carnthers, E. P., 533, 535 Caruthers, Sam, 282 Caruthers. Samuel, 322 Caruthersville, 282 " Caruthersville Eepublican, " 538 Case, Theodore, 313 Cashion, Arthur V., 583 Cashion, Charles E., 760 Casquins, 14 Cassilly, E. V., 257 Castor Creek, xii Castor River, xiv Gates, William il., 773 Cato, Sanford. 1199 Caulk, Richard, 150 Cavender. John S., 344 Cavinor, Joseph, 153 Cavce, Milton P., 555 Cedar Hill Baptist Churcli, 476 Cellini, Francois, 449 Centerville, 311, 329 Cerre, Gabriel, 65, 72 Central Missouri Baptist Association, 475 Chaflfee, 389 " Chaifee Signal," 542 Chalk Bluff, 335 Chambers, J. O., 1169 Chandler, Lewis, 307 Chaonia, 392 Chapman, Alvin, 1012 Chapman, Reuben, 314 Chapman, Reuben S., 1011 Chapman, Samuel, 291, 295 Chaponga, 52 Chapoosa Creek, 82 Charless, Joseph, 192 Charleston, 287, 516 Charleston Baptist Association, 478 "Charleston Call," 537 Charleston Classical Academy. 403 "Charleston Courier," 5.36 "Charleston Gazette," 536 Charleston M. E. Church. 460 Charleston Presbyterian Churcli. 4S5 "Charleston Republican." 536 "Charleston Sentinel," 536 ' ' Charleston Star, ' ' 537 Charpentier, John, 65, 115 Chasteen, John B., 1129 Chatham, Alfred T., 1009 Cheney, L. H., 422, 423 Cheney, (Mrs.), 423 Cheroisees, 35, 40, 41 Chevalier, Peter, 64 Chickasaw Bluflfs, 14 Chilletecaux, xiv Chilletecaux, 42, 44, 284, 306, 307 Chilletecaux River, 42 Chilton. Joseph F., 590 Chookalee (corn meal), 43 Chouteau, August. 150 Chouteau. Pierre, 39 Christians, 208, 494 Christian Indians, 41 "Chronicle," 537 Cinquehomme, xii Cinque Homme, 42, 66, 81 Circuit Court. 159, 304 Cissell, Bernard, 270 "Citizen-Democrat," 532 Civil War, 327 Claiborne, William, 142 Glamorgan. Jacques, 65 Glardv, Martin L., 556 "Clarion," 535 Clark, B., 470 Clark. Francis, SO Clark, George B., 374 Clark. Henry E., 286 Clark, H. C'.. 370 Clark, John, 65, 197 Clark. W. C, 1193 Clarke, C. B., 423 Clarkson, Riley. 307, 308 Clarkton. 164,' 286 Clarkton Presbvterian Church, 491 Clarv. Claude L., 1250 Claryville, 382 Clay, Henrv. 239 Clements, Charles B., 11 IS Clevenger, E. L.. 696 Clifton, .Tames D., 12S7 Clifton & Jlothershead. 262 Climate, xvi Cline, Benianiin J.. 1137 Clippard, F. G.. 633 Clowd. Robert E., 282 Cluley. John M., 341 Clulev, J. M.. 409 Coats, O. B., 10.30 Coburn, John. 151 Cohen, D., 273 Coker, A. S., 410 Cole, Charles A., 672 ■ Cole. Oscar R., 935 • Cole. Phillip, 169 ■ Cole. Rolla A., 1003 . Cole, William L., 626 • Cole, W. N., 820 ■ Coleman, Francois, 52 Coleman, F. M., 317 Collins. Cicero, 898 Columbian Bible Society, 208 "Columbian Reciprocity," 534 "Comet," 530 Commerce, 290. 303 "Commerce Dispatch." 542 Commercial Clubs, 370 Common Fields, 118 Common Pleas Court, 159, 164 Como, 381 Concord Baptist Association, 474 Concordia Seminary, Altenberg, 480 XXX II INDEX Confederate Organizations (Civil War), 348 Confederate A'^eterans, 369 Congregational f'hurohes, 482 Conrad, Arthur O., 818 Conrad, David R., 618 Conrad, Daniel E., 618 Conrad, D. J., 682 Conrad, Oeorge E., 743 Conrad, J. J., 313 Conrad, Peter E., 668 Conran, James V., 1231 Conran, Matt J., 1050 "Conservative," .535 ' ' Constitution, ' ' 188 Cook Settlement. 177 Cook, Allen, 342 Cook. .John D., 155. 158. 238, 299, 304, 310, 311 Cook, L. C, 1153 Cook, Mrs. M. K., 1291 Cook, Nathaniel. 63, 1.54, 23S, 267, 299 Cook, Eifbard, 307 Cooke, Mrs. L. A.. 1021 Cook's Settlement, 63 Cooksev, Guv E., 537 Cooley,' W. G., 288 Cooper, Samuel, 164 Cooper, T. S., 968 Cooper, Thomas W., 717 Cooper, William A., 575 Coppage, Robert F.. 9.32 Coppedge, George S., 1062 Corbin, Abel R., 405 Corbin, Daniel B., 1187 Cordrey, Henry L., 1225 Cordrie. Charles, 342 Corn Measured bv Horses (view), 517 Cornwall, 379 Coruyn, F. M., 346 "Correspondent and Record," 541 "Cosmos." 543 Cottard, Francis, 150 Cottle, "Warren, 150 Cottonplant, 7, 377 Cotton Plant Baptist Church, 473 Cottonwood Point, 382 Couch. Lewis .1., 890 Cousin, Barthelimi. 74 Cox. Caleb, 267 Cox, .Tohn .7., 267 Cox. Moses, 267 Cox, William, 171 Cowdon, Emma E., 425 Craig, Peter. 171 Craig. William L.. 941 Craighead. E. B., 428 Crain. George A.. 1090 Grain. Nancy, 934 Cramer, George H.. 250. 341, 409 Cramer, William, 249 Cramer, Wilson, 250 Cravens, George L.. 311 Cravens, L. B., 1078 Creek Indians. 43 Creeks, 41 Creighton, .Tames A., 419 "Creole." 541 ('riddle, Edward. 163, 262 Criddle. (Mrs.) Edward, 402 Crites, Charles M., 673 Crites, Peter. 80 Crittenden, .John .T., 243 Crittenden, Thomas T., 190 Crockett. Robert L., 1039 Croke, James J., 830 Crooked Creek, xiii Crooked Creek. 334 Crow, William E., 768 Crowder, 388 Crowe, Bennette D., 941 Crowley's Ridge, xii, xv Crowle.v's Ridge, 14 Crumb, George H., 543 Crutcher, William J., 1095 Crutchfield, William H., 1134 Crystal City, 274^ Cude, .James, 284 Calmer, Frederick A.," 575 Cumberland Presbyterians. 493 Ciimmings. Henry G., 2S7, 311 Cummins, .Tohn. (i~) Cunningham, ,T. A., 314 Cupples, Samuel, 262 Current River, 292, 31S, 513 "Current Local," 532 Cushion Lake, 231 Daffrnn, Isaac X.. 656 Daffmn, William H., 722 Dale, John C, 696 Dalcv, John. 450 Dallas. 313 Dalton, George, 972 Dalton^ .Tesse S., 1040 Dalton. Robert P., 620 Danbv, Edward L., 1089 Dan forth, L. W., 1256 Daniels, .Tames, 342 Daniels. Rev., 468 Darlington, Thomas P., 1017 Davault, W. A.. 687 David, Nathan. 312 Davidson. Alexander. 1116 Davidson, Hugh C, 1115 Davidson. Isaac M.. 1117 Davidson. .Tohn, 1.54, 155 Davidson, J. T., 532 Davis. Albert S., 1020 Davis. A. M.. 284 Davis. Charles. 267 Davis, Edward L., 958 Davis, Garret, 243 Davis, Greer W., 157 Davis, John, 162 Davis. Lowdes H., .549 Davis. Orren L., 1086 Davis, Timothy, 157 Davis, W. J., '1192 Davis. Will E., 1297 Davis, William L., 1169 Daughertv, Abraham, 171 Daughertv, Colonel, 329 Daugherty, G. R.. 1272 Daugherty, Ra!])h. 79 Daughertv Settlement, 77 Daughertv. William. 77, 161, 261 Dawson Family. 533, 1065 Dawson, George W., 96, 1066 Dawson, Robert A., 1066 INDEX XXXIU Dawsou, Kobert I>., 96, 105, 154, 155, 23S, 265, 315, 402 Dawson, William, 96, 1066 Dav, .Jacob, S58 Deal, Henry J., 344, 552 Dean, William D., 1285 De Andreis. Father, 137, 448 Dearmont, W. S., 427, 428 Dearmnnt, Washington S., 563 Deck, Jacob il., 692 Deck, John, 178 Deckuith, Thomas. 11 Decyperi, 89 Deem, David B., 1128 DeFieJd, C. S., 1280 De Guire, Andrew, 64 De Guire, Baptiste, 64 De Guire, Paul, 64, 183 De Guire, Michael, 669 Delaroderie. Alphonse, 265, 266 De 'Lashmutt, Lindsay, 78 De Lashmutt, Van B.', 194 De Lassus, Camille, 115 De Lassus, Charles DeHault, 89, 95, 110 Delassus, Governor, 64, 72, 386 DeLassus, Leon, 270 DeLassus, Placide, 554 Delawares, 40, 41, 170 DeLisle Familv, 232 DeLisle, Alfonse, 1031 DeLisle, Alfred, 1286 DeLisle, Alphonso, 314 DeLisle, Charles A., 1161 DeLisle, Edward, 267 DeLisle, George, 1054 DeLisle, .James E., 1175 DeLisle, Jesse J., 1202 DeLisle, .lonah, 1162 Delorederi, Alphonso, 402 De Luziere, Pierre De Hault De Lassus, 62 "Democrat," 532, 539 ' ' Demoerat-Xews, ' ' 536 ' ' Democracy, ' ' 530 De Mun, Augustine, 154 Denman, Clint, 540 Denman, Harry, 540 Denman, Harry E., 1177 Denny, William, 79 De Reign, Albert, 1266 Des Arc, 298, 377 DesLoge, 384 DesLoge, Firmin, 557 ' ' DesLoge Sun, ' ' 541 De Soto, 1, 82, 133, 273, 514 De Soto's Adventures — Route, 14; timber, 15; first religious service, 16; the Capahas, 16; Quigate, 20 ; death, 21 ; exact route, 21 De Soto Congregational Church, 482 De Soto Episcopal Church, 482 "DeSoto Facts," 535 De Soto German M. E. Church, 483 DeSoto Home Guards, 342 "DeSoto Press," 535 Detchemcndy House, 401 Detchmendy, P., 150 "Deutscher Volks Freund, " 530 Dexter, 389, 526 Dexter Christian Church, 495 "Dexter Enterprise," 543 ' ' Dexter Messenger, ' ' 544 ' ' Dexter Statesman, ' ' 544 Dick, F. A., 243 Dickinson, J. J., 370 Dickinson, Lewis, 478 Diehlstadt, 379 Digges, T. H., 266 Digges, William L., 1038 Dill, A. R., 343 Dinkins, John T., 853 Dinning, Louis F., 1244 District of St. Louis, 49 Dittlinger, Michael, 341, 347, 409 D'Lashuutt, E., 262 Dodge, Augustus C, 253, 399 Dodge, Henry, 61, 171, 238, 399 Dodge, Israel, 66, 124, 197 Dodge, John, 124 Dodge, Josiah, 197 Dodge, Thomas. 66 Dodson, N. C., 349 Doerner, H. E., 95."j Doe Run, 387 Doe Run Presbyterian Church, 491 Doesselman, Charles, 480 Dohogne, Leo, 1253 Donaldson, Humphrey, 308 Donaldson, I. F., 882 Donaldson, Thomas F., 882 Doniphan, 292, 522 Doniphan, Alexander William, 292 ' ' Doniphan News, ' ' 539 "Doniphan Prospect," 539 "Doniphan Prospect-News," 539 "Doniphan Republican," 539 Doniphan 's Expedition, 300 Donnell, Thomas, 207 Donohoe, Thomas, 201 Dooley, A. J., 349 Doris, James H., 722 Dorris, Timothy, 1142 Dorsay, Samuel, 105 Dorsey, Richard, 270 Dougherty, .John, 307 Douglas, A. E., 426 Douglas, R. E., 536 Douglass, A. B., 308 Douglass, Alexander T., 570 Douglass, A. T., 307 Douglass. A. W., 996 Douglass, .lames M., 571 Douglass, R. H., 473, 474 Douglass, R. S. (Frontispiece) Douglass, Thomas J., 1015 Douthitt. Thomas. 495 Dowd. Thomas, 265 Dowdy, Robert A.. 1139 Downing, Ben R., 826 Downing, .Tames L., 927 Downing, John M., 1286 Downs, Thomas J., 735 Drainage, 360 Drainage Movements, 357 Drerup, John B., 1007 Dress, 195 Drum, T. B., 837 Drury, Amos L., 1267 Dubourg, 448 Dubourg, W. F.. 137 INDEX Duckworth, Buien, 783 Dudley, William, 306 Dueling, 189 Dufour, Parfalt, 5i Duncan, Burwell A., 1209 Duncan, J., 476 Duncan, John E., 1058 Dunham Hall, 269 Dunklin County, 284. 306, 310, 513 ' ' Dunklin County Advocate, ' ' 532 "Dunklin County Herald," 532 "Dunklin County Mail," 533 ' ' Dunklin County News, ' ' 533 Dunklin County Publishing Company, 533 Dunklin, Daniel, 169, 322, 405 "Dunklin Democrat," 533 Dunmire, George T., 615 Dunn, John, 154 Dunn, S. G., 162 Dunscomb, Daniel E., 925 Dunscombe, James K., 952 Durham Hall, 169 Dutcher, C. H., 426. 428, 434 Duval, John, 66 Duvall, Rev., 468 Dye, Dave, 1055 Eagle's Nest. 257 Ease's. Jim, Camp, 42 East Prairie, 379 "East Prairie Eagle," 537 Easton. Rufus. 151 Eastwood, James, 313 Eating Up the Flax (illustration), 129 Eaton, R. S., 476 Ebert, A. A.. 1281 "Echo," 536 Echols. Joseph W.. 290 Eckhardt. 262 Eckhardt. Otto, 426 Edgar, William R., 599 Edmonds, iloses, 316 Education — Work of the subscription schools, 398 ; parochial schools, 400; academies, 400. (See also Public Schools and Higher Learning.) Edwards, Casper M., 533 Edwards. James, 262 Edwards, James P., 203 Edwards, John F. T., 297, 316 Edwards, ilike. 1285 Ehrichs, Theodore. 896 Eighty-third Battalion, 348 "El Camino Real" (King's Highway). 110 Eldridge, L. P., 349 Elephant Rocks. Graniteville (view), x Ellington, 383 "Ellington Press." 340 Elliott, Benjamin. 402 Elliott, Henry, 299 Ellis, Alfred" P., 256 Ellis, Erastus. 74, 155 Ellis, Solomon, 74 Ellis, William H., 1285 Ellis, W. W.. 1258 EDrodt. Christian. 342 Ellsinore. 373 Elmer. J. B.. 342 Elmwood, 78 Elmwood Seminary, 419 550 Missouri Volunteer? 293 544 Elvins. 3S4 Elvins. Jesse M.. 644 Elvins. Politte. 645 Ely. T. R. R.. 607 "Enibarras. " 132 Emerson. John W., 297, Emory, Artluir R.. 1124 Engineer Regiment. West England, R. E., 846 English, 27 English. James H., 7.54 English, Robert, 154, 155 English. Thomas, 199 English. Thomas B.. 158. Enler, George W., 270 "Enterprise," 532, 536 ' ' Enterprise-Messenger. ' Episcopal Churches, 481 Epps. Daniel, 179 Ernst. Joseph A., 542, 741 "Espial." 535 Essarv, Calvin L.. 11.56 ' ' Essex Leader. ' ' 544 Establishment Creek, 66 Eiibanks, J. Oliver, 706 Eudaly, .Tames, 312 Eudal'v, John, 312 Evangelical Lutheran Chun-hes. 479 Evans, Enoch. 303 Evans. Evan. 307 Evans. E. P., 257 Evans. Horace D., 601 Evans, James, 74, 238 Evans, John James. 242 Evans, W. H., 277 "Evening Shade." 533 Ewing, H. C, 422 Ewing, Thomas, Jr., 337 "Fairplay, " 541 Fallenwi(ier, Caleb B.. 262 Faris. Charles B., 1174 ' ' Farmer & Miner, ' ' 535 ' ' Farmers ' Union Advocate, ' ' 534 Farming, .364 Farming Machinery and ]ni|jlements, 445 Farmington, 277, 337, 450 Farmington Circuit, 453, 455, 463 Farmington College, 419 "Farmington District Messenger," 545 "Farmington Eagle," 540 ' ' Farmington Herald, ' ' 540 ' ' Farmington News, ' ' 540 Farmington Presbyterian Church, 489 ' ' Farmington Progress, ' ' 540 "Farmington Times," 540 "Farmington Times-Herald.'' 540 Farnham, A. C. 317 Farnsworth, Albert A.. 677 Farquhar, J. S. N., 918 Farr. S.. 476 Farrar, B. J., 345 Farrar. John, 203 Farrar. George W., 422 Farrar. Jloses, 308. 310 Farris, Absolom, 307 Path. Leonard. 270 Faughn, James, 307 Felts, John W., 1180 347 INDEX Felts, Robert Ci., 1180 Feltz, Lawrence L., 778 Fenwiek-Crittemlen Duel, 190 Fenwick, Ezekiel, 78 F'enwiek Settlement, 66 Fenwick, Walter, 190 Ferguson, James S., 293 Ferguson, J. S., 403 Ferguson, N. G., 470 Ferguson, Patrick, 1223 Ferrell, J. F., 729 Ferries, 161 Festus, 378^ ' ' Festus News, ' ' 535 -^ Fields, William E., 1296 Fifteenth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled ililitia, 347 Fifth Missouri Regiment, 343 Fiftieth .Missouri Infantry, 346 Fifty-sixth Missouri Regiment, 343 Figari, H., 413 Finch, James A., 1272 Finger, B. F., 371 Finley, David, 307, 308 Finney, James G.. 531 Finney, John M., 623 Finney, Revnolils M., 776 Kinney, T.'.M., 461 Finney, William B.. 770 Finney, W. E., 1240 First Association of Baptist Churches, 203 First Bank in Cape Girardeau, 256 First Bank in Jackson, 262 First Baptism, 56 First Baptist Church in Louisiana, 198 First Brick House Built West of the Mississippi (view), 50 First Circuit Court in Butler County, 312 First Conference West of the Mississippi, 206 First Congregational Church in Southeast ilissouri, 482 First County (state) Court, 160 First English School West of tlie ilississippi River, 77 First Grist Jlill, 52 h'irst Masiuiic Lodge, 157 First ^Methodist Society West of the Mississippi, 204 First Presbyterian Church, 207 First Protestant Baptism, 197 First Religious Service, 16 First School in Southeast Missouri, 193 First Schools in Bloomfield, 402 First Schools in Various Counties, 409 First Steamboat up the ilississippi, 188 /^^Fisher, Alvin B., 1155 Fisher, T. D., 540 Fisk, 372 Flanarv. Hugh M., 11193 I'^lat Ri\er, 3S4 Flecge, William B., 872 Flentge, Edward W., 606 Flentge, William, .343 Fletcher, Governor, 501 Fletcher, C. E., 273 Fletcher, James W., 345 Fletcher, .lohn W.. 273 Fletcher, Thomas C, 273, 345 Flint, Timothy, 207, 208, 261 Florence, Oscar S., 810 Floyd, .T. H., 473 Fly, Christopher C., 1219 Flynn, Ebenezer, 163 Flynn, Joseph, 530, 542 Fonville, William T., 1217 Forcher, Pierre, 89 Fordyce, S. W., 505 Forn'felt, 387 Fort, James L., 567 Fort A, 329 Fort B, 329 Fort Celeste. 89 Fort Creve, 30 Fort Davidson, 338 Fort Joachim, 52 Fort Osage, 44 Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry, 345 Forty-seventh Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, 347 "Forum," 539 Foster, F. P., 1277 Fourche a Renault Church, 478 Four Jlile Baptist Church, 473 Fou.st, A. L.. 1177 Fowlkes, R. W., 1176 Fo.\, Burwell, 616 Fox, James D., 551 Foxes, 35, 40, 70, 150, 170 Frank, Jacob J„ 1150 Franklin Bajitist Association, 469 I'>anklin, J. R., 293 Franklin, Robert G., 267 Frazer, Theodore F., 1263 Frederiektown, 64, 177, 186, 267, 268, 349, 420, 453, 454, 455 Frederiektown Baptist Church, 477 "Frederiektown Conservative," 538 "Frederiektown Democrat," 535 "Frederiektown Journal," 535 Frederiektown Xorthern Presbyterian Church, 493 ' ' Frederiektown Standard, ' ' 535 Fremont 's Rangers, 342 French, 50 French, Bristol, 705 French Explorers — From the great lakes, 22; Pi'eueh in Canada, 23; Joliet and Marquette, 24; La Salle, 27; Indian trade, 28; Tonti and Hennepin, 29; La Salle 's death, 31 French, George R., 342 French Settlers, 248- Fric, Philii) A., 885 Friend, Charles, 108, 179 Frissell, Elizabeth Bollinger, 318 Frizzell, Joseph, 194, 262 Frohna Evangelical Lutheran Church, 479 Fromentin, Eligius, 150 Frontenac, 23, 27, 28 Fry, Henry, 63. 179 Fulkerson, .James P., 256 Fur Trade. 124 Gabouri, Laurent, 51, 52 Gaither, Benjamin B., 290 Gaither, J. W., 987 Gale, C. F., 256 Gallivan, Thomas, 1062 Gambling, 189 Game, 50 Garaghtv, Eugene, 256 Gardiner, J. J., 402 Gardner, Demjisey, 11 SO XXXVl INDEX Gardner, Samuel, 1155 Gardoqui, Diego, 83 Gargas, James W., 795 Garner, Levi, 1205 Garner, William J., 1184 Garrett, H. Clav, 1061 Garrett, Peter E., 262 Gary, Walter, 1269 Gaskin, John W., 1130 Gay, W. T., 799 Gayle, John W., 262 Gayoso, 108, 179, 282 ' ' Gayoso Democrat, ' ' 538 Geaslin, Hiram P., 582 Gee, John T., 1260 Geneauz, 52 George, Solomon, 62 "General Pike," 188 Gerhard, Ernst, 479 German Evangelical Churches, 482 German Methodists, 483 German Settlers, 249 Germans in Upper Louisiana, 128 Gibault, Father, 135 Gibler, Frederick, 74 Giboney Family, 77 Giboney, Alexander, 77 Giboney, Andrew, 256, 319 Giboney, Eebecca (Ramsay), 77 Gibson, 376 Gibson, Dean, 536 Giddings, N, J., 463 Giddings, Solomon, 207 Gideon, 379 Gideon Anderson Lumber & Manufacturing Companv, 1251 Gilbert, Charles E., 713 Gilbert, Miles A., 254 Gilbow, William N., 1285 Giles, John, 171 Gill, Ealph, 262 Gillen, Edward D., 951 Gilley, Jesse A., 293 Gillispie, Grant, 370 Girardot, 73 Girvin, J. T,, 314 Gissel and Companv, 270 Glascock, Charuel, 204 Glascock, John, 262 Glascock, Eobert L., 307 Glasscock, Sarah A., 308 Glassev, James A., 1198 Glen Allen, 17S_, 371 Glennonville, 377 Goad, Henry S., 1013 Godt, William J., 1142 Goff, David P., 721 Goflf, James L., 830 Gorg, Albert J., 1293 Golden, John, 291 Golder, Solomon D., 288, 344 Gomache, August, 65 Gomache, Jean Baptiste, 65 Goodale, C. T., 410 Goodman, Laurin C, 1192 Gordon, Joseph F., 1042 Gordon, Nellie, 426 Gordonville, 77, 79, 178, 374 Gordonville German M, E. Church, 483 Gorman, Kuran, 287, 288 Gossage, William F., 1008 Governor, 152 Government Under France — Province of Upper Louisi- ana, 112; question of language, 113; procedure, 113; intoxicants to Inilians, 116; excise tax, 116 Govreau, Joseph, 52 Grace Episcopal Church, Crystal City, 4S2 Graham, C. T., 476, 477 Graham, Clara E., 1261 Graham, Margaret A,, 1173 Graham, Napoleon B., 1173 Graham, Pinkney, 477 Graham, William, 1278 Graham, William F., 262 Grand Army of the Eepublic, 369 Grand Tower, ix Grand Tower, 24 Grandin, 373 Grandin Congregational Church, 482 Grant, John F., 1001 Grant, U. S., 329 Grasey. William, 290 Gratiot, Charles, 150 Graves, Fayette P,, 819 Graves, F. P., 557 Gray, Alexander, 320 Gray, David, 105 Gray, Drakeford. 171 Gray, John, 171 Great Osages, 39 Green, B. W., 1113 Green, Ernest A., 11.54 Green, Samuel JI., 319 Green, Thomas P., 193, 465 Greene, David, 199, 201 Greene, Eobert, 161 Greene, Samuel it., 203 Greene, Thomas Parish, 202 Greenville, 272, 333 Greenville Circuit, 454 "Greenville Democrat," 545 "Greenville Eeporter," 545 "Greenville Sun," 545 Greenwell, Leo A., 1060 Greer, Alfred W., 1172 Gregory, James, 374 Gregory, William, 349 Gregory, William N., 297 Gresham, Milo, 1276 Griffin. Edward. 656 Grimsly, William C, 313 Grishaiu, Lin, 628 Grojean, Constantine, 342 Groseilliers. 23 Grove. F. M.. 409 Gruelle. William. 530 Gudgpr. William M., 707 Guerthing. .Tohn, 164 Guess. Harrv A., 709 Guffy, B. l;, 982 Guib'eault, Charles, 107 Guibord, Eugene, 411 Guibord, Jacques, 159 "Cniignolee, La," 123 Guignon, S. A., 267 Guild, Ealph, 163, 318 Gulf Railroad Svstem, 259 Gulf System, 260 INDEX xxxvu flunnells, John, 307 Gutlirie. Orlaiulo F., 370 Guy, E. L., 1188 Gwyu, Oliver B., 622 Haden, Aiithouv. 162 Hafner, Phil A., 542 Haines, Bert, 1077 Haines, Eilward C, 1036 Haines, Frank, 1059 Haley, Oba, 630 Hall," Joseph, 206 Hall, Robert, 162 Ham, Thomas H., 732 Hamburg, 328 Hamilton, A. V., 410 Hamilton, George A., 66 Hammersley, George O., 786 Hammond, Daniel, 238 Hammond, Samuel, 148, 275 Hand, William, 262 Handy, Noah, 288 Hanesworth, Henry. 461 Hanover Evangelic-al Lutheran Church, 480 Happy Missouri Corn Grower (view), 181 Harbin, James A., 1191 Harbin, John W., 1148 Harbison & Christie, 282 Harbison, George C, 158 Harbison, John, 291 Harbison, John C, 74. 205, 206 Hardemann, Letcher, 370 Harden, Joseph, 155 Harkey, Daniel, 308 Harkey, Daniel D., 308 HarkeV, J. H., 308 HarkeV, W. M., 308 Harkey, Wells E., 823 Harkey. Wilbur D., 308 Harlan. George W., 485 Harlow. Alonzo T., 857 Harms, Ernst. 480 Harper & Christy, 295 Harper, Eobert, 80 Harper, W. B., 265 Harrington, George W., 531 Harris & Chinn, 297 Harris, Charles, 1267 Harris, James, 307 Harris, John W., 1030 Harris, O. B., 740 Harris, Samuel Stanhope, 319, 349 Harris, Van Leslie, 1268 Harrison, Allan J., 1260 Harrison, Arthur S., 888 Harrison, N. C, 409 Harrison, Van H., 286, 877 Hart, George W., 154 Hart, John, 115 Hartshorn. Carr, 664 Hartv, Alfred L., 1200 Hart'y, William C, 1199 Harv'iel, 372 Hase, Frederick, 270 Hatcher, Eobert A., 553 Hatcher (R. A.) & Co., 265 Hatcher, William H.. 749 Hatley, Thomas, 307 Haw,'j. T>., 28S Haw, Marvin T., 461 Haw, U. L., 461 Haw, Uriel, 452 Hawkins, H. P., 346 Hawkins, Jesse M., 854 Hawkins, John, 159, 402 Hawkins, Milton, 835 Hawn, Daniel, 776 Hawks, Edward L., 1185 Hawthorn, Edward, 80 Hayden, Anthony, 158 ' Hayden, Blevins, 77 Hayes & Bartlett, 288 Hayes, Hartford. 288, 410 Haynes, Daniel, 374, 905 Haynes, Henry, 747 Hays, Christopher, 79, S4, 150, 161, 162, Hays, George. 78 Hays, John, 161 Hayti, 381 •'Hayti Signal," 538 Hazel Eun Lead District, 183 Head, James, 65 "Headlight," 531, 539, 540 Heeb, John W., 1186 Heeb, Eosa L., 1186 Hematite, 65, 276 Hembree. J. C, 477 Hemme, Charles A. F., 804 Hempstead. Benjamin E.. 855 Hempstead, Stephen, 207 Henderson & Lawson, 293 Henderson, A. S., 291 Henderson, George, 74, 257 Henderson, Harry, 1045 Henderson, J. M., 403 Hendricks, A. F., 573 Hendrickson, William, 342 Henn, Susan, 56 Hennepin, 29 Henry, Nelson B., 426, 557 Henry, S., 539 Hensiey, Oliver E., 1147 Henson, Elbert H., 979 Henson, James A., 597 Henson, Samuel D., 305 Hepzibah Church, 201 "Herald," 531 Herculaneum, 168, 177, 19.3, 275 Herkstroeter, Henry A., 598 Herrman, James, 307 Hertich, Charles S., 556 Hertich. Joseph, 193, 405 Heuchan, Eobert B., 1234 Hickman, E. A., 370 Hickman, J., 468 Hickman. John A.. 1159 Hicks, Z. T., 748 Higdon, William PL, 773 High School, Farmington (view), 279 Higher Learning— St. Mary's seminary, 412; St. Vin- cent's college. 413; Will Maytield college. 41h; Elmwood seminary, 419; Farmington college, 419; Marvin Collegiate institute, 419; Carleton college, 420 ; Arcadia college. 420 Highest Point on Pilot Knob (view), 298 Higginbot.ham, James L., 1102 Higginbotham, Thomas, 825 Highlill. B. F., 781 INDEX HighfiU. Charles W., 998 Higlifill, Sailie E., 998 HU'lebraml, .Tolui, 64, 124 Hildebrand, Samuel S., 550 Hilgert, John J. A., 899 Hill, Alonzo D., 1255 Hillsboro, 275 Himmelberger, .Tohn H.. (i4(i Hiinlnian, Emma P., H79 HiiKlman, James JI., 879 •Hinriehs, Belle C, 1163 Hinrichs, Charles F., 1162 Hitfhcoi-k. Ethan Allen, 274 Hitt. Benjamin, 199 Hitt, Wiliiam, 199 Hodges, Thomas L., 859 Hoilgmeiller, .Tames, ,S44 Hoft'mann, August W., 1145 Hogan, Edmund, 162 Hogan, Peter, .S4.3 Hogue, John A,, 982 Hdlijert. James, 302 Holbrook, F. M., 477 Holeomb, 376 Holcomb, Lewis, ,S07, 310 Holden, Edwanl M., 402 Holland, 382 Holland, James H., 1114 Holley, Ulysses G., 1257 Holliday-Klotz Land and HoUidav Land & Lumber Hollidav, Sailie H., 419 Holliman, A. W„ 317 Hollisler, Edward. 208 Holly, W. X., 960 Home of Our Fathers (view). Honey, .Tohn, 65 Hoos.' Thomas, 343 Hopewell Baptist Churcli, Hopkins, Joseph A., 303 Hopper, Gillum M., 950 Horine, Thomas iL, 300 Horner, John J., 948 Horner, Russell, 307 Horner, William B., 889 Horner, William H„ 287, Hornersville, 287 ' ' Hornersville Courier, ' Hornsbv, .T, C, 477 Horrell^ B. M„ 2.56, 319 . Horrell, Thomas, 481 Hoskins, .Tohn, 290 Hoskins, Thomas L„ 1204 Hostetler, Henrv S., 986 Houek, Louis, 78, 259, 422. 428, 434, 5i]l, 503 Houck's Missouri & Arkansas Eailroad, 502 Hough, Harrison, 312, 315, 498 House, Adam, 65 Houses of Louis ' Boulduf and Louis (iiiilinurd, Ste. Genevieve (views), 57 House 's Spring, 65, 378 Houston, Hiram J., 891 Houston, John S., 284 Houston, Joseph S., 310 Houston, W. H., 981 Houts, Christopher G., 238, Houts, James, 303 Houts, John, 290 Howard, William N., 685 Lumber Comjiany, 507 Company, 272 126 476 307 287 548 262. 291 Hulibard, Charles T., 911 Hubbard, Jliehael, 286 Hubbard, Robert G., 940 Hubbard, Walter M.. 922 Hubbard. William W., 697 Hubbell Creek, 79 Hubbell, Ithamar, 79 Hubble 's Mill, 161 Hudspeth, Ayers, 311 Huebner, John H., 1188 Huff, Henderson, 293 Huffman, .Tesse D., 892 Huffman, Samuel, 462 Hug, Stejdien, 909 Hughes, A., 476 Hughes, Benjamin H., 666 Hulser, H. M., 342 Humboldt Literary Society, 430 Hummel, John A., 1054 Humphreys, Joshua, 164 Hunot, Joseph, 115 Hunter, 373 Hunter, Abraham. lOS. 303 Hunter, Albert B., 1079 Hunter & Mathewson, 266 Hunter & Watson, 265 Hunter. Eva P., 1249 Hunter, Ben. F., 292 Hunter, David, 291 Hunter, E. ('., 895 Hunter, J. H., 349 Hunter, Joseph, 108, 153. 154, 179, 290, 553 Hunter, Lewis F., 1249 Hunter, Mary, 78 Hunter, Shapley R., Jr.. 1055 Hunting, 1S7 Hurley, Muses, 108. 165 Huskev. Ti.omas, 732 ' ' Hustler, ' ' 537, 539 Hutehings, John, 238 Hux. William J., 1121 Illinois, 24 Illinois, Missouri & Texas Railway Company, 501 Illinois Southern Railroad, 508 Illmo, 388 "Illmo Headlight," 543 Impeaehment Proceeding, 155 ' ' Independent, ' ' 534. .541 "Independent Patriot," 192, 529 Indian Grove Sediool, 288, 410 Indian Agriculture, 36 Indian Moccasin. 38 Indian Mound (view), 4 Indian Plates, 11 Indian Relics, 11 Indian Roads, 82 Indian Trade, 27, 33 In8 ; government of the Osages, 38; witchcraft, 43 Industries, 180 Industries — Farming, 444; trade, 445; mining inter- ests, 446 fn the Bonne Terre Lead Mining District (view), 385 INDEX XXXIX In the Tliick Timber (vieiv), 511 lowas, 70, 170 Iron, 183 Iron County. 178, 316, i513 ' ' Iron County Register, ' ' 534 Irondale, 392 Irondale Presbyterian Church, 491 Iron Mountain Evangelical Lutheran Church, 481 Ironton, L'96 "Ironton Forge," 534 "Ironton Furnace, "534 Iroquois, 30, 31, 40 Island Xo. 10, 333 Ivers, John, 257 Jaekson, 162, 178, 186, 193, 261, 401 Jackson — Founding of, 261 ; first institutions and per- sons, 262; civil government, 263; present eountv seat, 263 Jackson Academy, 194, 402 Jackson Baptist Church, 465 Jackson Branch Railroad Company, 500 "Jackson Courier," 530 "Jackson Eagle," 529 Jackson German Evangelical Church, 482 Jackson il. E. Church, 455, 460 ' ' Jackson Review, ' ' 529 Jackson, Albert, 315, 343 Jackson, John W., 1173 Jackson, Lyman F., 533 Jackson, Sanford, 282, 315 Jackson, Thomas M., 686 Jackson, Wingate, 201?, 463 Jacobs, John, 78 James, Henry, 308 .Tames. Jl. T., 1239 Janis, B. X., 52 Jan is, Henry J., .542 Janis, Xicholas. 53 •Tarvis, Daniel O.. 1127 .lasper. Henry, 266 ".leans." 127 Jecko. I<\ J., 288 Jeffers. W. L., 334, 349, 350 Jefferson, 141 Jefferson County, 168, 176, 179. 514— First settler in, 64; first mill in .lett'erson county. 65; first Protes- tant services within .Tefferson county. 65 .TefTerson County Baptist Association, 475 ".Jefferson County Crystal Mirror." 533 ".Tefl'erson County Democrat," 535 ".Tefferson County Record," 535 ".Tefferson County Republican," 535 ".Teffersonian, " 529. 535 Jennings, Daniel I^., 349 Jennings, .Tames M.. 349 Jennings. E. E., 688 .Tesuits. 13.'; .loachim, 177 .Toachim Creek. 273 Johns. William L., 595 Johnson, Albert L., 610 Johnson. Benjamin. 193 Johnson. .Tohn, 179. 751 Johnson, .Tohn M.. 295 Johnson. .Toseph. 109 Johnson. Thomas. 197. 198 Johnson. T.. 256 • .Tiilinson, William It.. 1157 Johnson, Winifred, 426, 1242 Johnson, W. H., 1211 Johnson, W., 256 .Tohnston, Frank A., 749 Jokerst, Leon, 51 Joliet, 14 .Toliet, Louis, 24 .Tones, Andrew. 349 .Tones. Augustus. 253 Jones, Benjaniin C. 1165 Jones, Charles, 65 Jones, Charles L.. 906 Jones, E. E., 1032 Jones, E. M., 1041 Jones, F. JI., 807 .Tones, Cieorge H., 1103 .Tones. George W., 252 Jones, Isaiah, 307, 308 Jones. John Rice. 61, 154, 169, 238, 252, 269. 299, 322, 402 Jones, Joseph L., 1203 Jones, Langdon, 787 Jones, N. G. H., 295 -- Jones. 0. C. 543 .Tones, Robert H.. 787 Jones. R. H.. 285. 507 Jones, Thomas D., 864 Jones. William T., 1297 Jones, W. P.. 349 Jordan, G. W.. 493 Jordan, ,T. S., 468 .Foslyn, Clarence L., 1073 "Journal," 545 Joyce, J. R., 1279 Joyce, T. E., 410 Juden, John' Sr., 199 Juden, John, Jr., 155, 199 Juden, John, 262 Kahmann, Guy F.. 70(1 Kalfus, C. C, 288 Kansas, 34 Karnes, .Tohn JI., 1002 Kaskaskia, 51 Kaskaskias, 14, 26 Kaths. Frederick. 814 Kayser, George M.. 344 Keaton. Cornelius L.. 1212 Kelch, L. E.. 1184 Keel-boat. 132 Keep, Frederick, 171 Keith. Abram W., 755 Keith, Frank L., 755 Keller, Daniel J.. 533. 994 Kellev. John R., 1005 Kelley & Taylor. 293 Kelly. Jacob. SO Kelly, X. F., 711 Kelly, William V., 711 Kelso, 388, 450 Kelso, I. R., 1232 Kendree Chapel. 453 . Kennedy, .Tohn E., 1156 Kennedy, Matthew, 54. 124 Kennett, 284 Kennett Baptist Church, 473 "Kennett Clipper," 533 Kennett Presbyterian Church, 491 Kent & Sparrow. 254 xl INDEX Kent, Thomas B., 923 Key], Wilhelm, 479 Keyte, William A., 270 Kibby, Timothy, 150 Kiefner, Charles E., 692 Kiefner, Samuel B., 619 Killian, George, 270 Killian, Joseph C, 343 Killion, William M., 1057 Killougli, W. W., 488 Kimball, Charles A., 282 Kimbrow, James H., 1068 Kimm, Theodore, 275 Kimmell, G. G., 409 Kimmell, J. Q. A., 410 Kimmswick, 275 Kinder, Emanuel, 1164 King's Highway, 65, 108, 110, 291 Kinsolving, Hersehel P., 946 Kinsolving, Thomas B., 763 Kinsolving, Timothy F., 871 Kirkman, Albert, 1120 Kirkman, Thomas P., 768 Kitchen, Solomon G., 78, 293, 296, 304, 312, 349, 350, 403. 499 Kittrell, Lemuel, 305 Kittrell, Solomon, 179, 311 Kittredge, W. Herbert, 1196 Klepman, Frank, 342 Kneibert, Jacob, 262 Knob Lick, 386 Knowd, James, 415 Knowles, John A., 764 Kochtitzky, John S., 736 Koehtitzky, Otto, 560 Kohl, John H., 1271 Koons, M. B., 295 Kopp. F., 266 Koppitz, Albert, 76(5 Kreps, W. P., 292 Krone, George, 585 Krueger, Louis, 631 Krucger, Martin C, 640 Kuennel, John, 271 Kurreville EvangeUcal Lutheran Church, 480 "Labor Herald," 541 Labriere, .Julien, 51 Lacy, George A., 759 Laeey, Jordan, 307 LaceV, W. R., 538 Ladci, Pierre D., 370 La Fleur, Lambert, 55 Lafont, Lafayette F,, 1208 La Forge, Alexander, 96 La Forge, Antoine, 148 La Forge, A. C, 96 La Forge, Pierre, 115 La Forge, Pierre Antoine, S9, 96 Laidlaw, John, 410 Lakeville Presbyterian Church, 485 Lalond, Jeanette, 53 Lambert, Felix G., 654 Lambert, Warren C, 1264 La Jlotte Mine, 59 Land, A., 476 Land Grants, 148 Landry, T. & L., 270 Lane, Albert, 811 Lane, Adam, 317 Lane, Hardage, 154 Lane, Isaac, 474, 475 Lane, M. M., 539 Lane, Thomas F., 726 Langdon, Edwin J., 307, 308 Langdon, Hiram. 307 Langley, DeWitt C, 1131 Langley, L., 476 Langlois, Francis, 107 L'Annee des Grandes Eaux, 59 "L'Annee du Coup," 114 Lanpher, George W., Sr., 688 Laque Terrible, 231 Laramie Station, 67 Larsen, Martin, 1098 Larsen, William H., 1099 Larson, Louis, 1275 LaRue, John P,, 1111 La Salle, 27 Lasieur, Francois, 43 Lasley, C, N,, 308 Lasswell, W. D,, 507, 897 Latham, H. C, 266 Latimer, R. T., 1259 Latimer, William H., 1259 La Valle, E. P., 290 Lavalle, .John, 95, 115 Lawlessness, 189 Lawrence County, 1.54, 166 Lawson, A. W,, 410 Lawson, Moses, 275 Lawson, William, 317 Layton, Bernard, 270 Layton, John, 402 Layton, John E., 1 70 Lazear, Benjamin K., 343 Leach, John, 295 Lead Belt, 363 "Lead Belt Banner," .541 "Lead Belt News." .541 Lead Mines (1S04-1S21), 183 Leadwood. 384 Leavenworth, !■"., 344 Lebanon Baptist Church, 476 Lebermuth, Adolph, 919 LeCompte, Elroy S., 410 Lee, Frank, 307 Lee, George, 306 Lee, Isaac H„ 1070 Lee, Robert E.. 370 Leech, A. D., 2.56, 422 Leedy, D. H., 291 Lefler, Leonard L., 1035 Leeper, 392 Leeper, William T., 342 Legislative Council, 152 Legrand, .Toseph A., 1224 Lehman, A., 480 Lemmon, G. T.. 423 Leopold, 449 LeRoy, Lewis B.. 1146 LeSieur, Francois, SI, 107, 266 LeSieur, F. V., 265 LeSieur, Godfrey, 213, 402 LeSieur, G. V., 266 LeS'eur, Joseph, 81 Lesieur, Lewis F., 1284 , Lef ienr. Napoleon, 265 INDEX xli Lesieur, Pliilo, 1284 Lesterville, l-'98, 311 Levees, 313 Leveque, J. A., 415 Levi Jlercautile Company, 919 Lewis, Lilburn, 266 Lewis, William H., 742 Leyba, Ferdinand, 114 "Liberal," 534 Libertyville, 277, 387 Liberty Baptist Church, 473 Libraries, 195 Light, Peter, 84 Lilbourn, 380 Liles, William J., 1230 Limbaugb, Frederick, 80, 161 Lindsay, 335 Lindsav, James, 348, 530 Linn, Lewis F., 213, 321, 399 Literary Societies, 430 Lithium, 383 Little Black Kiver, xii Little, Kos, 694 Little Osages, 39 Little Prairie, 95, 107, 178, 233, 282, 315 Little Kiver, xii Little Eiver, 230 Little, William, 306, 470 Lis, Louis W., 870 Local Option Movement, 367 Loeber, Gotthold H., 479 Logan, Charles, 80 Logan, David, 80 Logan, James, 167 Logan, James 11., 839 Logan, John, 270 Logan, J. v., 316 Logan, Mary L., 1171 Logan, Oliver, 1171 Logan, Robert A., 80 Loggrear, Del, 538 Loignon, Charles, 107 Loisel, Joseph, 52 London, William, 477 London, William, 895 Long, Mayor, 213 Long, Frank L., 712 Long, Jesse, 307 Longtown, 271 Longtown, 383 Lorance, John, 178 Lorimer, Charlotte P. B., 73 Lorimer, Louis, 34, 41, 67, 74, 115 Lorimier, Louis, 161, 164 Louisiana, 49 Louisiana Purchase, 139 Lower Louisiana, 49 Lowery, John, 307 Lowery, John J., 405 Lowry, William, 66 Lucas, Charles, 169, 190 Lucas, James B. C. 151 Lucas, John B. C, 299 Luekey, Frank S., 891 Lutes, Eli, 280 Lutes, Jacob, 371 Lutesville, 280 "Lutesville Banner," 531 Lutherans, 479 Lyell, Charles, 213 Lynch, Orton C, 609 Lynn, James W., 1028 Lynn, W. A., 288 Mabrey, Thomas, 1292 MeAlister, Alexander, 206 McAnally, Edward D., 738 McArthur, John, 154 McBride, Albert, 1053 McCarthy, E. S., 285, 507 McCarty, Sterling H., 574 MacChe"sney, F. L., 410 McCleary, H. S., 410 McClendon, H. B., 710 McColgan, John W., 1241 McCollum, Jesse W., 1105 McCombs, John, 295 MeCombs, William, 402 MeConachie, L. G., 426 McCormack, James E., 555 ilcCormack, Peter, 65 ileCormick, Emmett C, 847 McCormick, James K., 846 McCourtuey, Joseph, 105 MeCown, Thomas D., 1290 McCoy, Ananias, 64 McCoy, Eobert, 96, 11.5, 265 McCoy, Mollie. 1182 McCulloch, Colonel, 328 McCulloch, Eobert, 350 MeCullough, E. E., 410 McCullough, J. R., 284 McCutchen, Louis, 1216 McDaniel, C. P., 650 McDaniel, J., 307 McDaniel, W. I., 649 MacDonald, John, 329 McElmurry, Absalom, 311, 552 McElmurry, Henry, 469 McElvain, Jerry M., 914 McFarland. James A., 282 McFarland, Thomas, 980 McFerron, Joseph, 74, 157, 161, 190, 238, 401 McFerronOgle Duel, 157, 190 McGready, Israel, 153, 169 McGee, Charles. 1288 McGee, John S., 426, 435 McGee, Samuel T., 701 McGehan, George. 302 McGerry, J. F.. 413 McGerrv, John F., 415 McGhee, J. S., 427 IFcGinthv, Fleety, 988 MoGlothlin, .lesse A., 648 McGrew, Elias V.. 1113 McGuire, F. A., 530 McGuire, J. S., 262 McGuire. William. 262 McHaney, T. C, 659 McHaney, T. N., 8'!4 Machen, Harrv L., 580 McTlvaine, John, 402 \[cKav. Benjamin A., 888 McKay, Johii T., 663 McKay, Virgil, 507, 1298 McKendree, 204 McKendree Chapel, 463 :\rcKendree, William, 204 xlu INDEX McKenzie, David H., 807 Mackley, Andrew P., 863 McLane, William, 270 McLaiie, W. H., 343 McLaughlin, Michael, 290 Maclird, Thomas H., 343 McMasters, John, 307 McMillan, Albert C, 1016 McMillan, William J., 1056 McMinn, Sam J., 658 McMullin, Frank M., 1104 McMullin, R. W., 535, 796 McMurtry, William, 208 McNails, Joseph, 311 McNelly, Eugene T., 425 McNeil, John, 335 McNiel, Oscar, 1082 Macom, William, 469 Madden, Thomas, 62 Madison County, 167, 177, 514 Magness, Perry G., 155 Mails, 192 Maisonville, 42 Malcolm, Pleasant il., 1264 Maiden, 374 Maiden Christian (.'hureh, 495 "Maiden Clipper," 533 Maiden Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 493 Malone, Elias J., 1194 Maltus, C. F.. 482 Malugen, John H., 771 Manitous, 24 Mann Brothers, 266 Mann, David H., 1076 Mantler, S. C, 277 Mantz, Ernst, 480 Manufactures, 362 Manufacturing, 446 Maple, J. C, 199, 465 Maramec Baptist Association, 478 Maramec River, xii Marble City Guards, 348 Marble Citv Mill, 256 ' ' Marble City News, ' ' 530 Marble Hill,' 280, 313 Marble Hill Northern Presbyterian Cluircli. 492 Marburv, Benjamin H., 584 Marbury, H. L., 885 Marks, David F., 155 Marlow, Roy S., 596 Marmaduke, John S.. 337 Marmaduke's Raid, 335 Marquand, 371 "Marquanil Leader," 536 Marquette. 14, 24, 133 Marquette Among the Mississippi Vnlley Indians (view), 25 Marsh, John. 307 Marsh, John H., 284, 310 Marshall, Brannon, 308 Marshall, .John I., 822 Marston. 372 Martin, George, 536 Martin, John," 315. 402 Martin, Tom, 1072 Marvin Collegiate Institute. 419. 461 Massey, Drury, 313 Mason, Charles H.. 1002 Mason, Charles J.. 1289 Mason, £., 257 Mason, Nellie J., 1003 Mason Gang of Robbers, 96 Mason's and Murrell's Men, 102 Master, Henry, 164 Mathews, Richard, 303 Mathews Prairie, 109, 179, 452 Matkin. William M., 874 Matthews, Ezekiel, 297 Matthews, John, 207 Matthews. William. 371 Mattox. W.' H.. 476 Maulsby, H. D., 402 Maulsby, H. T., 265 Maurice, Francois, 52 Maurice, Henri, 52 Maurice. Jean Baptiste, 52 Mauthe. John J.. 617 May, Henry A., 691 Mayes, F. A., 1027 Ma'vfield College. Will, 572 Mayfield. John J., 1073 Mayfield, Pinkney M., 1073 Maxwell, James, 136, 153, 154 Maxwell, I. Newton, 1070 Mead. Robert L., 992 Meador, A. R. L., 476 Meador, J. Frank, 637 Meigs. Return .!., 148 Menard, ilrs.. 51 Menard, Pierre, 56 Menard & Valle, 56 "Mercury." 529 Merrill, William, 306 "Messenger," .543, 545 Metcalfe. Richard L., 532 "Methodist Advocate," 542 Methodists, 452 Meurin Father, 134 Meurin. J. L., 56 Mexican War. 300 Meyers. Benjamin. 107 Meyers, Jacob. 105 Meyers, William, 108, 290 Michel, .loseph. 90 Miehie. Ive. 962 Michie, L. S., 1069 Middle Brook. 298 Milem. Jacob A., 1235 Miller. Daniel. 295 Miller, D. B., 293, 312, 413 Miller, Elijah, 295 Miller. Harry A.. 655 Miller, Henr'v. 296, 403 Miller. Isadore W.. 900 :\Iiller. .lames S.. 1249 Miller. John, 311 Miller, .lohn A.. 1099 Miller. John N.. 1123 Miller, John W., 316 Miller. Otis W.. 1280 Miller. Robert J.. 1279 Miller. Trentis Y.. 1254 Miller. William H.. .569 Millerville. 374 Mills. J. N., 1262 Mill Spring, 393 Milsepen, Henry. 450 Milster, A. W..' 410 INDEX xliii Mine a Breton, G4, 169, ISL' Mine a Gerboree, 183 , ,00 Mine a Platte (Doggett mine), 183 Mine LaMotte, 178, 182, 378 ^_ "Mine LaMotte Advertiser, 000 Mineral District of Louisiana, 181 Mineral Point, 292, 337 Jiinerals, xv "Miners' Prospect," 544 Mineral Eegions, xi Mining, 181 Milling Industry, 362 Minter, Martin B., 758 Mintrup, Joseph A., 604 Miro, (Governor,) 88 Mississippi, 24 Mississippi Bottoms, 26 _ Mississippi c:ounty, 109, 1/9, oil, olb Mississippi embayment. xiv Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railway, 506 "Mississippi Valley Globe," 530 "Missouri Cash Book," 530 Missouri Compromise, 237, 240 "Missouri Democrat, " ^541 "Missouri Democracy," 532 "Missouri Gazette," 153, 192. o41 "Missouri Herald," 192. 529 _ Missouri SI. E. Conference, 20b Missouri Orchards in Bearing (views), 519 Missouri Presbytery, 207 Missouris, 34, 35 Missouri State Guards. 318 , .„„,i„nf's Resi- Missouri State Hospital from Su,.enntendent s Resi dence (view). 279 Missouri State Militia. 342 Mitchell. .Tolm N., 295 Mitchell, Samuel, 262 Mitchell, Samuel "E., 911 Mitchim, C. C, 777 Mobley, A. B., 285 Mohrstadt, E. C, 1126 Molder, H. M., 498 Monroe, 141 Monteith, John, 422 _^ Montgomery, (Mrs.) Floyd ..o. . Montgomery, Grover C, l'-.>3 Montgomery, Maude, 419^ Montgomery, Samuel, 346 Monticello, 275 Moonshine, Captain, 43 Moore, B. J., 288 Moore, Curtis, 999 Moore, David H., 306, MS Moore, George, 482 _ Moore, Howard, 306 Moore, Isadore, 66 Moore, Isidore, 154, 155 Moore, James L., 288 Moore, J. L-, 288 Moore. Joseph, 287 Moore. Joseph C, 288 Moore, Joseph H., 1213 Moore, Joseph L., 1214 Moore, Joseph R., 793 Moore, P. B., 536 Moore, Sam C, 288 Moothart, George W., 806 Morean & Burgess, 290 Morehouse, 381, 537 "Morehouse Sun," 537 Morgan, Fred, 984 Morgan, George, 82 Morley, 389 Morrill, Joseph AV., 1114 Morris, Ira M., 967 Morris, John W.. 983 Morrison, D. L.. 410 Morrison, E., 1249 Morrison, James, 171 Morrison, Robert, 262 Morrison, T. J. O., 265, 315, 422 Morrow, James R., 994 Moseley, Clay A., 1087 Moseley. William S., 314 Moser.' John R.. 481 Mott, John A., 553 Mound Builders, 8 Mounds— De Soto 's discovery of, 1; distribution ot 2; material of, 3; pottery, 7; burial, 8; mound builders, 8; age of, 9. Mt. Tabor, 76 Mt. Zion Chapel, 452 Mozley, Charles N.. 126.) Mueller, George, 271 Mueller, Jacob, 483 Murdock, Lindsay, 342, 531 Murphy, D., 302 Murphy, David, 277 Murphv, Jesse, 302 MurphV, Richard, 154 Murphy, (Mrs.) Sarah, 63, 410 Murphy Settlement, 177, 206, 410 Murphy, William, 63 Muse, William, 2S6 Musgrave, Elzie H.. 953 Musick, David. 150 Myers, William, 1051 Myrick, Frank, 288 Naeter Brothers. 531 N:!!;y''Hunter'chaoter, D. A. R.. Cape Girardeau. 369 Nanson, H. Clem, 939 Napper, William H.. 1043 Nations. Gilbert 0.. _571 Navarro. Angelo, 415 Navlor, 384 "Naylor Nail," -539 Neal,' George F., 274 Neal, James P., 307 Neal, Thomas, 194, 262 Neale, Thomas. 262. 295, 401 Neel, Thomas, 307 Neel, Thomas, Jr.. 306 _ Neeley. William. 153. 1;)4 Neely. William. 261 Neeleyville. 372 Neiswanger. Joseph. SO Netherton. George. 291 Newberry, Frank, 791 Newberry, William, 791 Newberry, William M.. 791 New Bourbon, 66, 124, 177 New Bourbon (Novelle Bourbon), 62 "New Era," 530. 531. 5.35. .540 New France. 28 New Hamburg. 449 xliv INDEX New Hartford. 65 New Madrid, 16, 21, 34, 51, 82, 106, 114, 125, 139, 152, 165, 176, 177. 178, 186, 192, 232, 333, 334— Early history, 265; blows to New Madrid, 265; incorporated as a city, 266; long the county seat, 266 New Madrid Academy, 402 New Madrid Baptist Association, 478 New Madrid Circuit, 455 New Madrid Count.y, 164, 165, 178, 517 New Madrid District, 49, 117, 12.5, 176 — Its bound- aries, 81; "L'Anse a la Graise," 82; Indian transfer, 83; Pemiscot county, 107; Scott county, 108; Mississippi county, 1U9 New Madrid Earthquake — Area of, 214; Assures, 218; sand blows, 222; sinks, 222; cause, 223 "New Madrid Gazette," 537 New Madrid Presbyterian Church, 490 ' ' New Madrid Eecord, ' ' 537 "New Madrid Times," 537 Newman, Arthur R., 287 Newspapers, 192. 529, 547 New River. 231 "New Southeast," 544 New Tennessee, 62, 454 New Tennessee Christian Church, 494 Neyboxir, Joseph, 65 Nichols, .Tames A., 1226 Nickey, Emmett C, 1161 Ninth Missouri Infantry, 351 Nipper, Simon G., 876 Nixon, Burton 8., 1175 Nixon, Frank B.. 1175 Noblesse, Peter, 107 Noel, Thomas E., 323 Noell, .lohn W., 322 Normal Dormitory Company. 428 Norman, Moses, 307 Northern Judicial Circuit, 300 Northern Judicial (territorial) Circuit, 154 Northern Presbyterians, 491 Northwest Ordinance, 139 Norton, Eichard C. 426, 435 Null, William, 65 Oakes, Clyde, 760 Oak Grove Baptist ('luirdi. 473 Oakridge, 264, 374 "Oakridge Indicator," 531 Oak Ridge Presbvterian Church, 491 O'Bannon, Welto'n, 96 O'Connor, John N., 734 Odin, John, 413 Odin, J. M., 448 Oertel, Maximilian, 249 Oglesby, Joseph, 206 Ohio River, 24, 27 O'Kelley, H. T., 797 Oldest House in Cape Girardeau (view), 258 Old-Fashioned Ore Holsters in Action (views), 120 Ogle, William, 74, 157. 190 Old Mines, 64, 270, 449 Old-Time Windlass (view), 119 Olive. John Baptiste, 96, 116, 164 Oliver, Arthur L., 887 Omahas, 35 Onen Bav, xiv Oran, 387 "Oran Leader," 542 O'Reilly, 53 O'Reilly, Count, 139 Orr, D., 463 Orth, John, 342 Osage Indians, 54, 63, 183 — Agriculture, 36; furni- ture and implements, 36; polygamy, 37; ste::iing horses, 37; religion. 37; pipe, 38; clothing, 38; Crreat and Little Osages, 39; treaty, 44 Osages, 23, 34, 35, 40, 70 Osborn, Stephen, 276 Otter Bayou, 230 Otto, George H., 737 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, 451 Outngamies, 37, 40 Overall. Asa, 206 Overall. B. W., 533 Overton, James M., 311 Owen, David W., 662 Owen, Given, 307, 309 Owen, Reuben, 309 Owen, R. P.. 295 Oxley, James, 308 Ozark Plateau, Elevation of, ix Pacahas, 35 Page. Thomas J. E., 944 Painter, Louis, 262 Painter, (Mrs.) Louis, 78 ' ' Palladium, ' ' 531 Palmer. Aaron. 636 Panker. D. B., 507 Pankev, David Young, 309 Pankey, D. B., 836 Pankey, D. Y.. 285, 349 Paquin, Joseph, 413 Paragould & Memphis Railroad, 508 Paragould Southeastern Railroad, 508 Paramore & McDaniel, 295 Parish, Joseph. SO Parker. A. F., 1283 Parker, Henry B., 851 Parkin. Felix J., 659 Parks & Akin, 266 Parks, F. C, 995 Parma, 380 ' ' Parma Victor, ' ' 537 Parrott, .Tames, 291 Parochial Schools, 400 Parsons, Charles B., 591 Parsons, Roscoe R. S.. 595 Pascola, 381 Patterson, 178, 273 "Patterson Times," .545 Patterson, Andrew. 171 Patterson, .Tohn, 74 Pawnees, 41 Payne, .loseph, 107 Pease & Hill, 297 Peck, 58 Peck. Elmer H., 962 Peck, George W.. 374, 961 Peck, John Mason, 203 Ppckham, .Tames, 344 Peers, .Tohn D., 302 Pelts, Charles L., 601 Pelts, .lohn A., 600 Pelts, Joseph, 307, 600 ' ' Pemiscot Argus, ' ' 538 Pemiscot Bajou, xiv INDEX xlv Pemiscot Bayou, 231 Pemiscot County, 107, 178, 1'4l', i'S2, 313, 518, .338 Penny, Gilbert T., !l7o Peorias, 40, 41 Perkins, Amos B., 1181 Perkins, William P., 10(39 Perry County, 66, 169, 177, 249, 518 "Perry County Kepubliean," 536, 539 "Perry County Sun," 539 Perry, Samuel, 154, 155, 169, 238 Perry, William, 402 Ferryman, David E., 169 Perryville, 138, 270, 451, 520 ' ' Perryville Chronicle, ' ' 539 "Perryville Democrat," 539 "Perryville Union," 538 Peter, Sherwood T., 802 Peterson, B. H., 344 Pettis, William G., 238 Petty, Harry V., 890 Petty, William G., 883 Pettv, William H., 1101 Petty, W. G., 314 Pevely, 378 Peyroux, Henri, 95, 96 Pfeflferkorn, William, 1235 Pharr, X. H., 314 Phelan, William G., 305, 349 Phelps, C. P., 293 Phelps, John D., 904 Phillips, Henrv N., 1168 Phillips, Levi B., 931 Phillips, Murray, 1063 Phillips, Samuel, 153, 1G4 Phillipson, Joseph, 256 Philomathean Literary Society, 430 Physicians, 442 Pickard, Taylor, 349 Pickawilly, 67 Picker. Frederick, 249 Piedmont, 272, 527 "Piedmont Banner," .545 ' ' Piedmont Leader, ' ' 545 ' ' Piedmont Eambler, ' ' 545 "Piedmont Weekly Banner," 545 Pieruas, 53 Pierreponf, William, 265 Pigg, P. T., 531 Pigg, T. P., 540 Pikey, Ben, 1051 Pikey, Grace, 1052 Pilgrim's Best Baptist Church, 476 Pillow, General, 328 Pilot Knob, xi Pilot Knob, 178, 338 Pilot Knob Evangelical Lutheran Church, 481 "Pioneer, ' ' 541 Pioneer Spinning Wheel (illustration), 129 Pipe, 38 Pirtle, Isaac J., 860 Pitman, W. A., 1028 Pittman, 56 "Plaindealer." 535 "Pleasant Dealer," 541 Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Clnircli. 490 Plumb, William, 342 Pocahontas, 264, 373 Poe. Elton W., 744 Poe, Isaiah. 204 Poe, Simon, 204 Point Pleasant, 178, 230, 266, 334 Polack, Theodore H., 425 Polk, Charles K., 843 Pollock, L. X., 942 Ponder, Abuer, 306 Ponder, William S., 351 Bonder's Mill, 337 Pontiac, 38 Pope, Nathaniel, 158 Poplar Bluff, 292, 312, 511 "Poplar Bluft' Citizen," 531 Poplar Blutf Christian Church, 495 Poplar Bluff High School (view), 294 Poplin, (Jreen L., 403 Poplin, G. L., 531 "Poplin's Black River News," 531 Population, 53, 56 Population (1804-1821), 175 Population (1820-1830), 247 Poor, T. C, 28 Poitage Bay, xiv Portage Bay, 107 Portageville, 178, 267 ' ' Portageville Critic, ' ' 537 ' ' Portageville Push, ' ' 537 Portell, Thomas E., 89 Porter, Charles E., 786 Porterfield, .lohn D., 675 Porterfield, J. M., 680 Postage, 192 Postoffices, 192 Poston, Charles P., 578 Poston, Harry P., 998 Poston, Henry, 302 Potosi, 169, 193, 269, 329. 337, 401, 527 Potosi Academy, 402 "Potosi Eagle," 544 ' ' Potosi Free Press, ' ' 544 Potosi Home Guards, 342 "Potosi Independent." 544 Potosi Presbytery. 489 "Potosi Eepubliean," 544 Powell, B., 265 Powell, .Tohn E., 266 Powell, .Tohn W., 347 Powell, Isaac W . 104(1 Powell, William H., 930 Powers. William A., 1024 Pratt, Charles E., 782 Pratte, Bernard, 171 Pratte, J. B. T., 52 Pratte, James W., 160 Pratte, Joseph, 115, 413 Pratte, John B., 53. 183 Pratte, S. B., 267 Prentiss, 330 Presbyterians — Presbytery of Missouri formed, 483 Southeast ilissouri Presbyterian churches, 484 Presbyterianism in 1854-94, 484; 1864-74, 485 division in Presbytery, 486; decades from 1884 to 1904, 487; general review, 488; Northern Presby- terians, 491 ; Cumberland Presbyterians, 493. Preslar. J. P., 1014 Press (see newspapers). "Press," 531, 538 Price. Charles B.. 349 Priest, J. v., 318 Priest, Zenas, 262, 401 xlvi INDEX Pritiluucl, Charles M., 104-1 Pritehard, Columbus K., 989 Priteliard, Thomas E., 989 Protesiants, 196 Proveiicheie, P., 150 Providence Church, 201 Proviues, William C, 410 Pruente, E., 450 Pryor, Herbert, 598 Public Schools — Foundation of public system, 404; the State Commission, 405; sale of lands, 406; curriculum, 406; laws of 1853, 406; provisions of 1874, 407 ; growth of the system, 407 ; Southeast Missouri Teachers' Association, 409; tirst schools in various counties, 409. Piilliani, Thomas, 306 Punch, Jasper X.. 1085 Purtcls, James, 290 Puxico, 392 " Puxico Index," 544 Quapas, 35 Quigate, 20 Quinby, X. E., 288 Badisson, 23 Eailroads — Railroad building since the war, 357; St. Louis & Iron ilountain Eailway Company, 496; the Belmont branch, 497; Cairo & Fulton, 498; Jackson Branch Railroad Company, 500; Cape Girardeau, Pilot Knob & Belmont Railroad Com- pany, 501; Cape Girardeau & State Line Railroad Company, 501 ; Illinois, Missouri & Texas Railway Company, 501; Houck's Missouri & Arkansas Rail- road, 502; St. Louis & Gulf Railroad, 502; St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company, 502; Cape Girardeau & Thebes Bridge Terminal Rail- way Company, 503; St. Louis & San Francisco sys- tem, 503 ; St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern Rail- road, 504; St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Com- pany, 505; Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Rail- way, 506; HoUiday-Knotz Land and Lumber Com- pany, 507 ; St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern Rail- road, 507 ; St. Louis & Missouri Southern Railroad, 507 ; Paragould Southeastern Railroad. 508 ; Illi- nois Southern Railroad, 508; Paragould & Mem- phis Railroad, 508; Butler County Railroad Com- pany, 508 ; Cape Girardeau & Jackson Interurban Comjiany, 509. Rainbolt, W. K., 478 Ramsay, Andrew, 77, 150, 171 Ramsay, Andrew, Jr., 171 Ramsay, Andrew M., 303 Ramsay, James, 171 Ramsay, John, 78 Ramsay Settlement, 76 Ramsay, W. C, 78 Ramsay, William. 171 Ramsey Creek, xiii Ramsey, Robert G., 802 Ramsey, Samuel L., 1248 Randoff. S. M.. 476 Randol, Enos, 79 Randol, John, 74, 214 Randol, Medad, 79, 171 Randol, Samuel, 79 Randol Settlement, 77 Randol, Thankful, 287 Randolph, George E.. 1288 Raniller, Baptiste, 65 Rankin, Lewis J., 273 Ranney, Johnson, 155 Ranney, Ehoda, 402 Ranney, Robert G., 611 Ranney, W. C, 257, 295, 501 Rau, Gustav C, 775 Rauls, John H., 1135 Raveuscroft, James, 155 Rawls, Hardy, 107 Ray, David M., 1122 Rayburn, M. B., 310, 995 Ravburn, \V. C, 310 Read, T. W., 803 Reagan, (ieorge K., 115 Reagan, JIathias il., 803 Reaves, George A., 1268 Reavis, G. H., 410 Reck, Edward B., 586 Redden, George W., 627 Reddick, John R., 1107 Red House, 71, 74 Redman. S. E.. 973 Reed, Charles W., 1047 Reed, I). C, 317 Reed, Harmon, 295 Reed, Jacob, 188 Reed, ilary E., 1154 Reed, Simpson, 1153 Reed, William, 62 Reeves, Everett, 881 "Reflector," 531 "Reformer," 540 Regimental Histories (Civil War) — Home Guards, 341 Missouri State Militia, 342; Third Missouri Regi- ment, 343; Fifth Missouri Regiment, 343; Fifty- sixth Missouri Regiment, 343; Sixty-fourth Mis- souri Regiment, 343; Sixty-eighth Missouri Regi- ment. 344; Seventy-ninth Missouri Regiment, 344; Second Missouri Infantry. 344; Twenty-ninth Mis- souri Infantry, 344; Thirteenth Missouri Infan- try, 345; Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry. 345; Fiftieth Missouri Infantry, 346; Sixth Missouri Cavalry, 346 ; Tenth Missouri Cavalry, 346 ; Engi- neer Regiment, West Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Second Regiment Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Forty- seventh Regiment Missouri Volunteers, 347 ; Fif- teenth Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia, 347; Twenty-third Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia. 348; Thirty-ninth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia. 34S'; Eighty-third Battalion, 348; Confed- erate organizations. 348 ; Xinth Missouri Infantry. 351; Second Missouri Infantry, 351; Second Jlis- souri Cavalry, 352. Reid, .Tames, 410 Reinecke, Frederick, 74, 97 Relfe, James H., 322 Religious History (see also churches) — Catholics, 448: Methodists. 452; Baptists, 463; Lutherans. 479; Episcopal. 481; Congregational. 482; German Evangelical Church, 482; German Methodists, 483; Presbyterians, 483; Presbyterianism in 1854-64, 484; Presbyterians, 1864-74", 485; division in Pres- bytery, 486; decades from 1884 to 1904.487; gen- eral review, 488 ; Northern Presbyterians, 491 ; Cumberland Presbyterians, 493; Christians, 494. Renault. 270 Renault. Philip Francois, 182 Rench, Daniel R., 716 JNDEX xlvii Eeuiok, Joseph A., 1010 "Renovator," 532 Eeppy, John H., 535 Reppy, Samuel A., 785 ' ' Representative, ' ' 541 "Republic," 532 "Republican," 2(31. 532, 534 Resources, 366 Revelle, John W., 370, 1004 Revelle, L. W., 477 "Review," 534 Reyburn, Joseph A., 832 Reynol, A., 150 Reynolds County, 179, 311, 520 "Reynolds County Outlook," 539 Reynolds, James, 256 Reynolds, Thomas, 311 Rhodes, Horatio S., 1198 Rice, David, 308, 310 Rice, James, 402 Rice, Jimer K., 606 Rice, John F., 1120 Rice, .John T., 1021 Rice. Pascal, 306 Richards, Cap B., 1072 Richardson, J. N., 473 Richardson, Mack, 370 Richardson, W. B., 478 Riehwoods, 392 Riddle. J. F., 1274 Rider, E. P., 423 Rigby, J., 257 Rigd'on, D. JI., 748 Rigdon, Thomas J., 800 Riney, Thomas, 270 , Ring, Thomas, 80 Ringer, Louis, 295 Ringo. Mann. 619 Ripfey County. ISO, 248, 305, 521 Ripley, Eleazer W., 306 Ripley Mission. 453 Eishe, John, 74 Eisher, John. 74 Ritton, J., 257 Rivard. Francois-. 51 "River of the Conception," 133 River St. Louis, 49 River Transportation, 364 Rivers, D. L., 1018 Riverside, 65 Riviere, Baptiste, 65 Riviere Petite (Little River), 230 Riviere Zenon, 79 Roberson. C. A., 1160 Roberts. DeWitt. 426 Roberts, Frank D.. 920 Roberts. Thomas, 290. 303 Robertson, Edward. 108 Robertson, J. R., 1132' Robidaux. Joseph. 153 Robins, M.. 477 Robinson, C. S., 207 Robinson, William P.. 1288 Roeheblave. Phillip. 53 Rodney family, 79 Rodney, Michael. 171. 295 Rodney settlement. 77 Rodney. Thomas J.. 256. 257 Rogers, Edmond, 290 Rogers, James A., 702 Rogers, John J., 896 Roland, Dan W., 724 Remain, John, 65 Romine, Abraham, 298 Romines. .James R., 697 Rood, Lee W., 899 Roper. G. L., 1167 Rosati. Father, 412, 448 Rosati, Joseph, 137 Rosecrans, General, 337 Rosenberg, L.. 288 Rosenthal. Moses, 707 Ross, Alexander. 1170 Eoss, A. M.. 468 Ross, Steel, 165 Ross, Stephen, 155 Roth, Caspar, 480 Roth, Louis, 480 Rotrock, C. P.. 545 Rowe, C. E., 280 Roy, Barbeau A., 652 Roy, Joachim. 65 Roy, Pierre. 53 Rozier, Charles, 415 Rozier. Charles C, 321, 422, 433 Rozier, Edward A., 817 Rozier, Ferdinand, 56, 60, 270, 402 Cozier, Firmin A.. 115, 301, 320 Rozier, Francois C, 410 Rozier, Frederick, 413 Ruddell, George, 43. 107 Ruddell, John. 107 Rudy, J. F., 477 Eueijottom, Ezekiel, 167 Ruether, Fred J., 728 Ruggles, Martin, 169 Rui, 53 Runels, Will M., 1013 Rush's Ridge, 179 Russell, James, 78, 79 Russell, Joseph, 318 Russell, J. J., 288, 551 Eussell, William, 78, 79 Ruth. Andrew F., 781 Eutledge. James A., 402 Rutter, John B.. 290 Eutter. John P.. 303 Evan, Abram .J.. 417 Ryan, Dawscy. 1115 Sabula, 378 Sacs. 35. 40, 70. 150. 170 Sadd, Joseph M., 492 Sadler, Stephen H., 973 St. Aubin, Lewis, 107 .St. Charles, 51, 140, 152 St. Charles District, 49 St. Francis Levee District, 314 St. Franeisville, 333 _ St. Francois County. 177. 277, 302, o22 "St. Francois County Democrat." .54_0 "St. Francois Countv Republican." 541 St. Francois Mountains, x St. Francois River, xii. xiv St. Francois River, 42 St. Gem, Gustavus, 555 St. Gem, Jean Baptiste, 51, 52 St. Gem. .L B., 171 xhiii INDEX St. Gem, Vital, 53 Ste. Genevieve, 21, 30, o6, 114, 137, 139, 140, 152, 176, 177, 182, 186, 190, 192, 193, 197, 254; shipping center of mineral region, 251; Ste. Genevieve- Iron Mountain Plank Road, 251 ; 150tli anniversary celebrated, 252; U. S. Senators from Ste. Gene- vieve, 252; Ste. Genevieve of today, 254. Ste. Genevieve Academy, 193, 194, 257, 320, 401 Ste. Genevieve Asylum, 399 Ste. Genevieve Circuit, 454, 455 ' ' Ste. Genevieve Correspondent and Record, ' ' 192 Ste. Genevieve County, 177, 523 Ste. Genevieve District, 49, 66, 125, 159; population, 53, 56 ; trade of, 54 ; military expedition, 55 ; so- cial life and amusement, 55; common field, 56; dates of settlement, 62 ; houses of French settlers, 119; food and cooking, 121; French Canadians, 121 ; houses of American settlers, 125 ; food of the Americans, 127. Ste. Genevieve Evangelical Lutheran Church, 481 ' ' Ste. Gene\'ieve Herald, ' ' 542 St. John 's Bavou, sdii St. John's Bayou, 82, 229 St. James Bayou, xiii St. James Bayou, 229 St. Joseph Lead Companv, Bonne Terre. 506 St. Louis, 57, 114, 140. 152 St. Louis & Gulf Railroad, 502 St. Lonis & Iron Mountain Eailvray Company, 496 St. Lonis & Iron Mountain Railroad, 259, 506 St. Louis & Missouri Southern Railroad, 507 St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Company, 502 St. Louis & San Francisco System, 503 St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern Railroad, 507 St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern Railroad, 504 St. Louis Southwestern Railroad Company, 505 St. Marv, Augustus S., Jr., 878 St. Marys, 254 St. Mary's Academy. 193 ' ' St. Mary 's Progress, ' ' 542 ' ' St. JIary 's Review, ' ' 542 St. Marv 's Seminarv, 412, 448 "St. Marv's Times,"" 542 St. ilichael's, 64, 126, 139. 201, 449 St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Irontou. 482 St. Philip River, 49 St. Vincent 's Church, 448 St. Vincent's College, 413 St. Vincent's College (views), 414 Saline Creek, xii Saline Ci-eek, 18, 65, 177 Sand Blows, 222 Sandlin, .lonathan R., 311 Sandlin, Martin, 179 Sandy Creek, 193 Sanford, Daniel, 295 Sans Oreille, 39 Satterfield. W. M., 308 Saucier, F., 150 Saukees, 40 Sayres, William, 311 Scene at the Shut-in near Arcadia (view), xi Scene on Black River near Poplar Bluff (view). 294 Schaaf, John F., 254 Schadt, Otto, 345 Schaper, Jesse H., 903 Schell, Casper, 178 Schiller Verein, 431 Sehleich, L. C, 423 Schmitz, Ferdinand, 342 Schneider, Charles W., 829 Si-honhotf, C. A., 1229 Schouhoff, J. H., 1247 Schools (see Education) Schrader, Anthony, 480 Schramm, Emil C., 684 Schrum, Eugene G., 1189 Schult, Hiua C, 314 Schult, H. C, 956 Schult, W. D.. 314 Schulte, Frank, 678 Sehultz, Thomas W., 634 Schultze, Andrew T., 578 Sehuiz, Gustav B., 665 Schwartz, John, 342 Scoggin, George W., 809 Scott, Andrew, 154, 402 Scott, Jonathan, 315 Scott. John, 153, 155, 237, 238, 242, 307, 313 Scott, J. B., 410 Scott, John G., 323 Scott, Thomas, 311 Scott, Thomas B., 148 Scott County, 108, 156, 179, 290, 303, 342, 524 Scott County Hills, xii ' ' Scott Countv Agricultural Wheel, ' ' 542 ' ' Scott County Banner, ' ' 543 "Scott County Democrat," 543 "Scott County Kicker," 542 ' ' Scott County Newsboy, ' ' 543 Scripps, George H., 262 Scripps, John, 205 Scrips, (Mrs.) John, 402 Seabaugh, A. Frank, 1254 Seabaugh, Oda L., 779 Seavers, David, 74 Seavers, Nicholas, 77 Seawell, Joseph. 261, 401 Second Missouri Cavalry, 352 Second Missouri Infantry. 344, 351 Second Regiment, Missouri Volunteers, 347 Seelitz Evangelical Lutheran Church, 479 Segal, Louis, 1064 Seindre, John, 65 Sellers, Benjamin, 282 ''Selma, 275 Senath. 376 "Senath Leader," 534 "Senath Star," 534 Seneca Slough, 42 Sergeant. Ichabod, 411 Settle, V. T., 477 Settle, W. W., 476. 477 Seventy-ninth Jlissouri Regiment, 344 Sewell, Joseph, 154, 155 Sexton, J. W., 643 Sexton. Lafayette, 307 Shady Gro%-e' Baptist Church, 473 Shafer, Sophia, 65 Shaner, Henry, 295 Shannon, William. 155 Sharp. E. F., 1278 Sharp, .Tames J.. 946 Sharp, Thomas B., 699 Shaw, John, 172, 228 Shaw, -Thomas M., 290 Shawnee Hills, ix Shawnees, 40, 41, 170 INDEX xlix Shearer, J. G.. 478 Sheehv, John T., 1060 Shelby, Jo, 335, 337 Shelby, Eeubeu, 270, 402 Shell, Benjamin, 162 Shelton, Enoch, 308 Shelton, Lee. 562 Shelton, William H., 308 Shelton, W. V.. 823 Shelton, W, F., Jr., 824 Shepherd Monntain, xi Sheppard, Isaac, 199 Sheppard, Jesse C, 1282 Sheppard, John, 162 Sheppard, ■William, 262 Sherrill, L., 277 Shields, Charles W,, 926 Shields, S. A,, 808 Shipley, Husfh, 307 Sliivers, J. A„ 965 Short, John, 178 -Shot Tower, 65 Shrader, John, 153 Shreve, Israel, 84 Shultz, Thomas J.. 853 Shurlds, Henry, 169 Siege of New Madrid (1862), 265 Sigler, Charles L,, 1220 Sikes, John, 291 Sikeston, 108, 291, 525 "Sikestou Herald," 542 Sikeston M, E, Church, 460 Sikeston Presbyterian Church, 491 Sikeston Eidge, xiii "Sikeston Standard," 542 "Sikeston Star," .542 Simply a Big Oil Tank (view), 518 Simpson, A. E,, 288 Sjmpson, A. P., 1052 Simpson, Doda B., 1052 Simpson, .Teremiah, 77 Simpson. Samuel P., 343 Sink Hole. 172 Sinks, 222 Siouan, 34 Sioux, 170 Sixth Missouri Cavalry, 346 Sixty-fourth Missouri Regiment, 343 Sixty-eighth Missouri Eegiment, 344 Sixth Eegiment (Spanish-American War), 370 Skaggs, Dick, 307 Skaggs, Dr., 286 Skaats, Lillie E., 426 Slinkard, Frederick, 80 Slinkard, J. V., 873 Sloan, Albert D., 370 Sloan, H. L., 256, 262 Sloan, William, 169 Smart, John C„ 349 Smelting of Lead, 363 Smith & Love, 297 Smith, Asliael. 265 Smith, Harry A„ 539 Smith, Henry H., 154 Smith, H. M., 478 Smith, James, 288 Smith, James W., 160, 302 Smith, John, 350 Smith, John T., 169 Smith, Joseph, 290, 303 Smith, J. S., 290 Smith, Melbourne, 746 Smith, Owen A„ 835 Smith, Eeuben, 313 Smith, S. Henry, 535 Smith, Tilman, 80 Smith, T. John, 60, 190 Smith T.-Browne duel, 190 Smith, William, 199 Smyth, James A„ 308 Smyth, E. Lee, 1096 Snider, Frank M., 954 Snider, G. B., 667 Snider, .Jacob, 307 Snider, .John A., 1143 Snider, Oliver E., 313 Snoddy, John, 293 Social Life — Population of Louisiana in 1804, 117; Ste. Genevieve district, 118, 119, 121; American settlers, 119; houses of French settlers, 119; In- dians, 119; food and cooking, 121; French Cana- dians, 121 ; dress of the French, 122 ; amusements, 122; personal property, 124; wealth (personal property), 124; trade, 124; fur trade of Upper Louisiana, 124; American immigration, 125; houses of American settlers, 125; clothing, 127; food of the Americans, 127; general conditions, 439; houses, 440; food, 440; dress, 440; house- hold implements, 441; amusements, 441; physi- cians, 442. Son, Thomas A,, 752 Sorosis Society, 430 Soulard, Antonio, 65 Southeast District Agricultural Society, 257 "Southeast Gazette," 530 "Southeast Missourian, " 532, 537 "Southeast Missouri Enterprise," 534 Southeast Missouri Teachers' Association, 409 "Southeast Missouri Statesman," 538 "South Missouri," 530 South Missouri Guards, 301 "Southern Advocate and State Journal," 529 "Southern Democrat," 529 Southern Judicial (territorial) Circuit, 1.5_4 Southern Mississippi Steamer (view), 365 "Southern Missouri Argus," 540 "Southern Pemiscot News," 538 "Southern Scimetar, " 538 Southern, William A„ 720^ Spanish-American War, 370 Spanish Government over Louisiana — Merchants, 13U; prices, 130; products, 130; travel, 131; religion, 133. Sparks, Daniel. 164 Spear, Edward, 171, 199 Speer, Asier J., 1189 Spence, James M., 293 Spenee, J. M., 403 Spence, William A., 1152 Spence, W. W,, 493 Spencer, Edward, 307, 310 Spencer, H.. 307 Spencer, Urban C, 402 Spencer, Wade H., 282 Spiggott, Joseph. 206 Spiller, Elbert C, 284 Spiller, S. W., 374 Sprigg Street, 329 1 INDEX Stacy, William L., 1047 Stady, William C, 568 Stalleup, James A., 1208 Stalleup, Lynu JI., 1207 Stalleup, Mark H., 291, 1206 Stanberry, Henry, 243 Stancil, Martin L., 313 "Standard," 531 Stanfill, J. H., 371 Stanley, Eufns H., 937 Stanton, John, 169 Starett. William S., 957 Starved Boek, 30, 31 Statehood — Memorial for, 234; Missouri Compromise, 237, 240; solemn public act, 239; state bounda- ries, 242. State Normal School. Cape Girardeau, "259, 367, 409; established, 420; courses of study, 428; lit- erary societies. 4oO; the Young Men's Christian Association, 431; library, 431; enrollment, 432; faculty, 432; board of regents, 433; former presi- dents, 434 ; place of the normal school, 436. State Normal School, Cape Girardeau (view). 4'^1 Statler, Conrad, 79 . ' Statler, Peter, 79 Stear, Jacob, 290 Steck, Emil, 1236 Steele, 382 Stein, Louis, 652 Steinback, B., 74, 97 Steinback, F., 74, 97 Stephens, John W., 932 Stephens, L. L., 473 Stephens, Thomas. 202 Stevens, John, 313 Stevenson. .Tohn, 311 Stevenson, J. Henry, 763 Stevenson, William J., 341 Stevenson, William T., 879 Steward, Ambrose S., 1292 Steward, .Tames, 65 Stewart, Robert, 313 Stewart, Thomas, 262, 401 Stierberger, Edward A., 642 Stiver, Christian E., 629 Stoddard, Amos, 142, 143, 304 Stoddard County, 180, 295, 304, 525 Stoddard County Baptist Association, 478 "Stoddard County Eepublican, " 543 Stokes, Amzi L„ 'l023 Stokes, Charles E., 543 Stokes, John E., 963 Stokes. Robert W., 992 Stokes, R. W., 286, 308 Stokes, T. C, 286 Stokes, William C. 881 Stone, John H., 317 Storey. O. H., 639 Story. Joseph, 105, 107, 165 Stout. Ephraim, 80, 178 Stout, Thankful, 79 Strange, Tubal E., 192 Strange, T. E., 262, 529 Street, William, 167, 203 Stricklin, John W., 1210 Strother. Benjamin, 159 Stumpe, Frederick W., 681 Sturdivant; Robert, 256, 318 Subscription Schools. 398 Sugg, H. A., 856 Summers. Andrew, 79 Summers, John, 105 Summers, John C, 948 Sumpter, Bert, 818 ' ' Sunnyside, ' ' 541 Surroll," William, 195, 262 Sutherhind, George W., 1049 Swan, Clarence M., 729 Swashing Baptist Church, 476 Swearingen, William A., 963 Sweazea, Thomas J., 685 Swinger, Jacob M., 1178 Syenite Granite Company, 820 Syenite Presbyterian Church, 491 Tarkington, William W., 974 Tallniadge Amendment, 237 Tanner, Rueker, 206 Tanot, Pierre, 65 Tarlton, George W., 699 Tate, C. J., 468 Tatum Brothers, 285 Tatuni, James P.. 657 Tatum, Luther p., 933 Tatum. Luther P., 562 Tatum, Ira B., 934 Tatum, Richard M., 658 Taverns, 191 Tawney, John, 1101 Taylor, (Captain), 349 Taylor, Edward O., 1032 Taylor, John P., 308 Taylor, Lee, 349 Taylor, Lee J., 1000 Taylor, Luther, 270 Taylor, M. W., 476 Taylor Slough, xiv TaVlor Slough. 231, 307 Taylor, T., 400 Taylor, William R., 1097 Taylor, William T., 980 Tecumseh, 42 Templcton, James D.. 938 Templeton, William A., 943 Tennille, Benjamin, 162 Tenney, David, 208 Tenth ilissouri Cavalry, 346 Territorial Government of Louisiana — Governor and general assembly, 152; courts, 158 Territorial House, 152 Terrv, Philip S., 1025 Test Oath, 417 Tetweiler, S. G., 536 Thebes, 260 Theel, Levi, 65 Theilmann, Louis, 915 Thiele, Frederick, 858 Thilenius, Edward, 797 Thilenius, E. M., 902 Thilenius. G. C, 343, 501 Third Missouri Regiment, 343 Thirtieth Missouri Infantry, 345 Thirty-ninth Regiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia, 348 Thomas, Jesse B., 237 Thomas, John C, 288, 498 Thomas, John L., 867 Thomas, Judge, 170 Thomas, Richard S., 153, 154, 155, 238, 242, 300 INDEX li Thoniassoii, Kcttie G., 1073 Thomasson, J. W., 107-1: Thompson, A., 307 Thompson, Benjamin, 410 Thompson, Benjamin F., 792 Thompson, Ocueral, 330, 331 Thompson, James, 171 Thompson, John, 171 Thompson, Samnel II., 206 Thompson, Samuel T., 1152 Thompson 's Fort, 335 Thompson, Sullivan S., 1039 Thompson, Wilson, 202 Thomure, Jean Baptiste, 52 Thornberry, Ephiaim, 307 Thorne, Solomon, 7-1 Thrower, A. C, 1222 Tidwell, A., 477 Tidwell, A. G., 476 Tiedeman, D. F., 410 Timber, xv Timber, 360 Timberman, J. W., 673 Timbennan, John, 286 Timberman, John H., 1273 "Times," 540 Timon, John, 413, 448 Tindle, Albert, 1037 Tinnin, Edwin L., 828 Tinnin, Kobert H., 790 Tipton, Samuel, 77 Tolds, James, 403 Tolle, B. A., 1065 ToUesnn, Thomas K., 850 Toole, Thomas J., 1093 Toney, Henry, 402 Tong & Carson, 297 Tong, H. F., 477 Tong, Theodore F., 267, 316 Tonti, 29 'l\>|il>ing, Moses H., 614 Tori man, 35 Totty, Ulysses G., 1291 Tower, Bush, 275 Towl, Benjamin F.. 838 Townships, 159, 163, 304 Trade, 27, 33, 124, 130, 140, 1S6, 445 Transifer to the United States-Louisiana Purchase, 139; trade, 140; land grants, 148 Transportation, 187, 364 Travis, John, 204 Traylor, George H., 1033 Treece, George \V., 958 Tresenwriter, C. D., 531 Tribble, Pearl D., 1085 Tribble, Thomas E., 1083 ' ' Tribune, ' ' 536 " Tri-Citv Independent," 535 Trogdon,' J. E., 1204 Tromlev, L. F., 532 Trotter, David, 44, 115 Trudeau, Zenon, 79 Tual, Charles J., 861 Tucker, Father, 451 Tucker, John, 164 Tucker, Joseph, 170, 270 — Tucker, Marion F., 832 Tucker, Nathaniel B., 302 Tucker, Rufus C, 774 Tucker, William L., 566 Turley, John G., 1025 Turley, Lee, 762 Turnbaugh, J. J., 262 Turnbaugh, T. Ben, 1081 Turnbaugh, Thomas B., lOSO Turner, B. F.. 403 Turner, Samuel E., 342 Tuttel. Joseph, 1151 Twenty-third Begiment, Missouri Enrolled Militia, 348 Twenty-ninth Missouri Infantry, 344 Tyler,' Thomas, 65 Typical Stone Quarries (views), 515 Tywappity Bottoms, 81, 179 Uhl, Casper, 343 Union American Lead Company, 268 Union Literary Society, 430 United Daughters of the Confederacy, 369 Unity Masonic Lodge, 157 ' Upper Louisiana, 49 Ursuline Sisters, 420 Vail, John W., 1137 Vallc Family, 269 N'alle, Charles, 114 Valle, Felix, 410 Valle, Francisco, 52, 115, 159 Valle, Francisco, Jr., 115 Valle, Jean Baptiste, 52 Van Amburg, .Tames H., 410 Van Buren, 180, 372 Vance, Robert L., 723 Vandenbenden, .loseph, 105 Vandenbenden, Louis, 97, 105 Van Denbenden, Lewis, 107 Vandivcr, Willard D., 426, 427, 435 Vandover, William, 293 Vanduser, 389 VanFrank, P. R., 342 VanGilder. J. W., 1133 Van Guard Literary Society, 430 Vanhorn, Nathan, 163, 262 Van Lluvtelaar, John, 449 Vardell, B. N., 822 Vardell, Drew. 875 Vasquez, Benito, 65 Vessells, Francis il., 805 Victoria, 378 A'iews — Capaha Bluffs, Rock Levee Drive, Cape Gi- rardeau, viii; elephant rocks, Graniteville, x; scene at the Shut-in near Arcadia, xi; In- dian mound, 4; Marquette among the Mis- sissippi Valley Indians, 25; first brick house built west of the Mississippi, 50 ; old-time windlass, 119; home of our fathers, 126; happy Missouri corn grower, 181 ; oldest house in Cape Girardeau, 258 ; Missouri State Hospital from superintend- ent 's resilience, 279; high school, rarmingtou, 279; Will Mayfield College, Marble Hill, 281; Poplar Bluff High School and scene on Black River near Poplar Bluff, 294; highest point lU Pilot Knob, Arcadia Heights. 298; south- ern Mississippi river steamer, 365 ; State Normal School, Cape Girardeau. 421 ; in the thick timber, 511; typical stone quarries, 515; corn measured by horses, 517; simply a big oil tank, 518; Mis- souri orchards in bea" ' , 519. lii INDEX Vineennes, 51 "Vindicator," 543, 545 Vire, F. A., 539 Vitt, Alfred A., 632 Vossbrink, Henry C, 653 Voyageur, 24 AVabash Eiver, 49 Wade, David, 74 Wade, Robert C, 971 Wade, Robert L., 90S Wagner, Jolin F., 64S Wagner, L. JI., 481 Wagster, Xofflit .!., Sr., S15 Wahl, James S., 90S Waide, Robert, 288 Walker, Alexander S., 154 Walker, C. A., 705 Walker, Charles N., 537 Walker, Cyrus, 263 Walker. George W., 679 Walker, Irwin K., 342 Walker, James A., 349 Walker, James P., 556 Walker, Jesse, 204, 205, 461 Walker, J. H., 233, 282 Walker, John B., 307 Walker, John Hardeman, lii7, 178, 242, 315 Walker, Thomas B., 343 Walker, Thomas M., 928 Walker, William S. C, 629 Wallace, John W.. 968 Wallace. Newton, 312 Waller's Ferrv, 163 Wallis, J. P., 476 Walls, Robert D., 714 Walser, David F., 1202 Walsh. M. C., 450 Walters, Jacob, 155 Walther, C. F.. 271 Walther, Carl F. W., 480 Waltrip, I. A., 308 Waltrip, J. M., 308 Ward, E. D., 274 Ward, H. M., 498 Ward. M.. 288 Ward, Robert L., 945 Ward, Samuel J., 348 Ward, W. J., 844 Ware, Hardy, 65 Warren, Humphrev, 287 Warren, Martin S., 892 Warrington & Pennell, 265, 282 Warner, Charles G., 505 Warner, John E., 1262 Warren, Robert L., 1015 Washington County, 153, 168, 176, 179, 269, ."26 Washington County Baptist Association, 478 Washington County Battalion, 342 Washington County, first settlement in, 64 "Washington County Gazette," 545 "Washington County Journal," 544 ' ' Washington County Miner, ' ' 544 Washington Female Seminary, 402 Waters, Richard Jones, 97, 115, 150, 164, 265, 402 Waters, Thomas W., 179 Waters, W. W., 537 Watervalley Presbyterian Church, 491 Watkins, Griffin, 717 Watkins, James H., 987 Watkins, Joseph, 80 Watkins, Martha E., 988 Watkins, Nathaniel W., 156 Watkins, N. M., 263 Watkins, N. W., 257, 316, 328 Watkins, W.. 349 Wathen, I. E., 256 Wathen, Ignatius E., 290 Watrin, P. M., 56 Watson, Jason, 263 Watson, Robert Goah. 97, 265, 402 Watson, W. S., 257 Watts, H. S., 461 Watts. Napoleon B.. 639 Wayne County, 80, 167, 176, 178, 203. 272, 527 Wavne County Baptist Association, 479 Weber, Carl, 1221 Weber, Charles A., 343 Weber, Emil M,, 1220 Webb, George B., 986 Webb, W. J., 1222 Webster Literary Society, 430 ' ' Weekly .Journal, ' ' 545 Weiberg (Whvbark), Samuel, 80 Weigel." E. F.] 422 Weirick, Upton L., 709 Weiss, Henry F,, 769 Welker, Leonard, 80 Welker, Wilbur M., 587 Wellborn, James, 290 Welling, Charles, 262, 263, 318 , Wells, Francis M., 624 Wenom, Gnstavus A.. 866 Wernert, L. C. 842 West, Henry T., 581 West. .John, 287 "Western Eagle, 530 "Westliche Post." .530 Whalev. Nathaniel C, 999 Wheeler. Doctor, 402 Wheeler, David. 402 Whitcomb. Georae. 287, 498 Whitcomb. G. W., 288 White, Cornelius C, 1074 White. Edmund. 295 White, Elbert C, 532 White, E. C, 308 White, G. M., 308 White, James B., 351 White, Josiah M., 745 White, J. W., 884 White, William, 74 Whiteaker, Robert A., 924 Whiteaker. William C, 1071 Whitehead. Samuel W., 1196 Whitehead, Thomas L., 1119 Whitelaw, James M., 319 Whitelaw, Robert H., 549, 704 Whitener, David A.. 739 Whiteiier. Henry, 267, 371 Whitener, J. Q.' A.. 371 Whiteoak, 377 White Oak Grove Baptist Church, 478 Whiteside, Jacob, 206 Whitewater, 373, 492 Whitewater Creek, xii Whitewater Eiver, xiii "Whitewater Times," 531 INDEX liii Whittaker, M. J., 473, '1 74 Whitteii, William H., 10S3 Whitttorth, Isaac G., 851 Wbybark, Levi C, 343 Whybark, Levi E., 493 Whybark, John C, 313 Whybark, Samuel, 492 Wiehterioh, Robert F., 689 Wiggins, Levy, 66 Wiggs, Franklin A., 638 Wilcox, Kdward, 204 Wilkinson, James, 142, 143 Wilkerson, Joel, 349 Wilkes, William C, 349, S72 Wilkins, Fabium M., 962 Wilkinson, James, 88 Wilkson, Charles P., 765 Willett, J. 0.. 468 Williams, A. B., 307 Williams, C. S., 799 Williams, Elisha G., 1125 Williams, George, 291 Williams, George B., 849 Williams. George K., 647 Williams, George W., 849 Williams, James, 469, 475 Williams, Justin, 403 Williams, J. J., 314 Williams, Lee, 1227 Williams, Lewis, 45 Williams, Luther H., 703 Williams, Matthew J., 1225 Williams, Philbert R., 731 Williams, Thomas, 291 Williams, William, 204 Williamson, James, 307 Williamsville, 393 " Williamsville Iron News," 546 Williford, Charles, 349 Willis, Kilev, 1229 Will Mayfield College, 418 Will Mayfield College, Marble Hill, 479, 572 Will Mayfield College, Marble Hill (view), 281 Wills, Ernest S., 1138 Wilson, Andrew, 105 Wilson, A. W., 419 Wilson, Ben, 1111 Wilson, Charles D., 1092 Wilson, Eli. 1237 Wilson, Ellen, 425 Wilson, George, 164 Wilson. H. G., 409 Wilson, John O., 1289 Wilson, Michael A., 296, 403 Wfilson, Mattie G., 1239 , Wilson, Nicholas, 154 Wilson, Parrish 6., 1110 Wilson, Thomas G., 753 Wilson, T. M., 410 Wilson, Ward, 370 Wilson, William B., 550 Winchester, 291 Winchester, Abraham, 291 Winchester, Henderson, 291 Windsor, Elisha, 164 Windsor, Thomas, 164 Winn, Lulu May, 419 Winningham, S., 469 Winston, P. S., 988 Winter, H. F., 480 Wiseearver, John, 312 Wisecarver, Nathan, 312 Witchcraft, 43 Witt, Christian, 65 Wittenberg, 383 Wittenberg Evangelical Lutheran Chun-li, 479 Wofiford, Moses, 921 Wolf Island, 243 Wolff, Joseph S., 621 Wolverton, Levy, 74 Wood, Fred C, 714 Wood, S. N., 346 Wood 's Battalions, State Guards, 349 Woodward, John, 266, 267, 402 Workman, Elmer S., 1086 Workman, Henry A., 1270 Worsham, J. V., 487 Worth, Charles, 1296 Worthington, Robert, 74 Wright, Campbell, 2S4 Wright, C, 346 W'right, Edward A., 1043 Wright, E. A., 537 W'right, (Mrs.) Ellen, 257 Wright, John, 308 Wright, J. L., 975 Wright, Thomas, 204, 205, 206, 207 Wright, Will D., 545 Wulfert, Albert, 869 Yankeetown, 254 Yarber, John N., 293 Yesberg. John H., 1081 Yorke Chapel, 452 Young, Charles A., 882 Young, David. 205 Young, David B., 1258 Young, John A., 1227 Young, J. E., 1236 Young, L. Willis, 1048 Young, Robert C, 936 Zalma. 371 Zenonian Literary Society, 430 Zimmerman, Aaron R., 927 Zimmerman, Daniel C, 767 Zimmerman, .Tohn H., 1027 Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oravelton, 481 Zoellner Brothers, The, 1022 Zoellner, Adolph H., 1022 Zoellner. August B., 1023 Zoellner, Frank H., 1023 Zoellner & Zoellner, 539 SECTION I Ai'chjieology— De 8oto— French Explorers— Indians HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI CHAPTER I ARCHAEOLOGY Mounds in Southeast Missouri — Great Numbers Known to Exist — Distribution of Mounds — Size op Mounds — Shape — Arrangement — • Various Mounds Described — An Ancient Wharf — Contents op Mounds — Who Built the Mounds — The Mound Builder Theory — The Work op the Indians — Probable Origin — Collections op Relics — Beck- with's Great Collection — Plates Found Near Malden — Other R.emarkable Pieces. . In every part of the world are found evi- dences of the early existence of man. The dwellers in Europe find constant evidence that many centuries ago, long before the begin- ning of recorded history, there were men liv- ing who left behind them traces of their ex- istence in the form of tools and implements of stone, of heaps of shells, of earthen mounds and stone burial places. This is true also of the other continents, even of Asia and Africa, whose recorded history goes so far back into the past. It is also true of America. Here are to be found numerous remains, some of them centuries old, unmistakable evidence of man's residence here in ages long since past. These remains, or at least the most conspicu- ous of them, are great mounds of earth. They are to be found in most parts of the United States, though not in all places. Many of them are in Southeast Missouri. Here the remains are mostly earthen mounds and their contents. Some of these mounds are large, many of them are small. They exist in great numbers. In fact we now know that there are a great many more of them than was suspected a few years ago. They have been here many years. They were here when the earliest explorers visited the country. DeSoto found a large hill, perhaps in the immediate neighborhood of New Mad- rid. At any rate it was within the alluvial region of the southeast where no natural hills are to be found. It was doubtless one of the ancient mounds. All the early explorers noted them. They were old at that distant date. Some of them give evidence of great age. Large trees are growing upon them which could not, in the nature of things, have developed short of centuries. They are to a close observer one of the most striking fea- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tures of the topography of this section for they exist by thousands. Few people have any idea as to the vast numbers of mounds. There are single counties which have within their borders more than three thousand mounds. This is true of Bollinger county and of Scott county. Our knowledge of the vast numbers of mounds has been rendered exact in recent years by the work of Hon. Louis Houck. In the preparation of his ' ' History of Missouri" he had the mounds of the state counted. Even this enumeration, carefully formed the basis of more widely divergent views. An entire theory of the early history of this country has been built up around them. They have been regarded, at times, as the evidence of the existence of a mightj' and civilized race of people who existed here be- fore the coming of the Indians; and who, for some unknown reason, perished completely from the land before the discovery by Colum- bus. A great empire with organized govern- ment, with a mighty capital, with .swarming millions of population, has been pictured as Indian Mound made as it was, does not give all the mounds. He found, however, within the bounds of Southeast Missouri, as defined in this book, more than eighteen thousand mounds, and it is doubtless safe to say that were all of them known we should find the number to exceed twenty thousand. Such vast figures are over- whelming when we consider what an enormous amount of work is represented by them. These mounds have formed a fruitful sub- ject of controversy. Few subjects connected with history have evoked more discussions or the condition of the people who built them. On the other hand other views have been ad- vanced concerning them. An examination of some of the principal facts and theories con- cerning these prehistoric remains cannot fail to be of interest to all those who have a re- gard for the past. In the first place, it is to be said, that these mounds are to be found in every county in this district. There seems to have been no part of Southeast Missouri where the people who constructed mounds did not live and work. It is true that they are more abundant K. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI in some parts of the section than iu others. It is pointed out by Houek, that the.y are most abundant on a line extending southwest along the border of the lowlands from Cape Girar- deau to Arkansas. Along this line they exist in great numbers. They are found also in large numbers in all the lowland region bor- dering the Mississippi. Another fact that concerns their distribution is that they were often constructed on the bank of creek or river. INIany of them are found, it is true, away from bodies of water, and yet so many of them are found in relation to water that we are justified in concluding that proximity to some body of water helped often to determine the location of the mounds. Another fact of interest in connection with them is that they vary greatly in size. Some of them are very large. One which stands about two miles south of the present site of New Madrid is nearly circular in form, hav- ing a diameter of about two hundred feet and is probably thirty feet high. It is surrounded by many smaller mounds. The largest mound in the section, if not in the state, is in Pemi- scot county. It is four hundred feet long, two hundred and fifty feet wide and thirty- five feet high. It has an approach from the south leading up to the top. It is higher at the north end than at the south by fifteen feet. There are many other large mounds in the same vicinity, some of them being more than two hundred feet in length. One of them is six hundred feet long and two hun- dred feet wide but only eight feet high. From these large mounds they vary in size to the very small ones only a few feet in length and in some cases only a few inches high. The mounds vary in shape as well as in size. Some of them are rudely conical. This is per- haps the most common form. Others are somewhat elliptical in form having one axis much longer Ihan the other. This is the case of the great mound in Pemiscot county. Others, still, are almost square at the base with tapering sides iu the form of a pyramid. The.se mounds however are very much less numerous than the conical ones. It is rather remarkable that few if any of the countless mounds here show any resemblance to bird or beast. In other parts of the country, where mounds exist in such numbers as here, some are usually found bearing unmistakable re- semblance to the form of some animal. This is true of the great serpent mound of Ohio. One mound in Pemiscot bears some resem- blance to the handle of a gourd. A few others in this part of the state bear some real oi* fancied resemblance, to some natural object! Most of them, however, have no such resem- blance. Another fact that is true of a very large number of these mounds is that they are earth mounds. In many parts of the country there are mounds w^hich have rude structures of stones at their base. There are some of this character in Southeast ^lissouri, but the great numlier are built entirely of earth. It is plainly evident, in many cases, just where! the earth which entered into the construc- tion of the mound was secured, for the de- pression or excavation made in taking up the earth is still to be seen in the immediate neighborhood of the earthwork itself. No matter who built them, nor for what purpose, it is still true that they were built of earth taken in most if not ail eases from near thei site of the mound itself. These mounds are often grouped in rather significant ways. They are as we have said often situated on the bank of a stream or pond. They are nearly always grouped to- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI gether iu numbers. Not many are solitary. Often one large mound is surrounded by many smaller ones. Sometimes a number of larger ones are found near together. It is the all but universal rule that they are not found singly. In some eases the group of mounds is surrounded by a wall. Mention is made elsewhere of a group in New filadrid county around which a wall of some height was con- structed. Beckwith, in his history of the In- dians of Missouri, mentions another similar group in Mississippi county \vhich is also in- closed within a wall. On Bayou St. John, about eighteen miles from New Madrid, is a group of interesting mounds. They lie on the west side of the baj'ou and are situated on the sloping ground that rises from the bayou to the prairie laud above. It seems that iu early times an area of about fifty acres was here inclosed by a wall. This wall may be traced in part yet, though much of it has disappeared. It is from three to five feet in height and about fifteen thick at the base. It is built of earth. Inside the inclosure made by this wall and near its western side is an oblong mound about three hundred feet long by one hundred in width and twenty feet high. Near this movind is a depression in the earth about ten feet in depth. "Within the memory of men now living this depression had very steep sides so that a ladder was necessary to reach its bottom. In the center of the inclosure is another mound, circular iu shape, seventy-five feet iu diameter and twent.y feet in height. Directly in line with these two is another circular mound, one hundred feet in diameter and twelve feet high. Sur- rounding this one are a number of smaller mounds, while still within the inclosure are a large number of shallow depressions about three feet in average depth. In connection with these uiounds there «as to be seen at one time a curious formation of the banks of the bayou. Conant, from whom this description is taken , says that small tongues of the land had been carried out into the water, from fifteen to thirty feet in length and ten to fifteen in width, with open spaces between. These are quite similar, says Con- ant, to the wharves of a seaport town. It is Conant 's theory that this bayou was once the channel of the Mississippi river, which no doubt it was, that with the recession of the waters of the river, a lake was formed and that upon the shores of this lake the builders of the mounds and the inclosing wall built these miniature walls for the convenience of handling their fishing boats. Conant fui'ther describes an excavation ly- ing about one mile from the mounds here de- scribed. This excavation is in the form of an oval, one hundred and fifty feet by seventy- five feet and six feet deep. It has an em- bankment around it. On the northern side this embankment is eight feet high while at the south it is only five. On the southern side there is a narrow opening in the wall and from this opening a curved dump or fill, such as are erected by railroads, leads to the swamp. At the end of this fill and within the swamp the dirt taken from the excavation was deposited, until a circular mound or wharf was raised about twenty feet in diameter and five feet high. The same opening and elevated way extends from the northern end of the excava- tion to the water. (Switzler's "History of Missouri.") In addition to the mounds which we have described there are a large number of other striking ones to be seen in several of the coun- ties. One of these is a group of mounds south of the present site of Ste. Genevieve. They HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI are found within the "Big Field" and are very evidently of artificial origin. Imme- diately around them the ground is perfectly level being alluvial soil. The mounds vary in size, the largest being about thirty feet in height and probably one hundred and fifty feet by one hundred feet. There are a num- ber of other smaller mounds some of these too being of considerable size. Most of these mounds have been partly explored and have yielded some material to the work of the ex plorers. In Dunklin county, just south of the town of Cottouplant on the main county road, there is a large mound probably thirty feet in height and one hundred feet in diameter at the base. This mound has been dug into at various times and considerable quantities of Indian relics taken from it. It was evidently a burial ground for there have been found vessels containing bones in the mound. This mound is the site of the substantial dwelling of C. V. Langdon. Still another group of mounds is on the main road between Bernie and Dexter not far from the line of the Cotton Belt Railway. Just as is true of all the others we have de- scribed, this group of mounds is found on per- fectly level ground. There are four of them varying in size from a small heap of earth to the largest which is perhaps twenty-five feet in height. Diiiferent persons have dug in this group of mounds at various times and in li)Ot) some persons living in Maiden opened the largest of these mounds and took from it a quantity of Indian relics. Among these relics are some specimens of Indian pottery that are unusually good. Tliere were found water bottles, pots and urns of a very high class of vForkmanship. Some of these pieces are in the possession of the IMalden High school. It is evident that these mounds present to the student of history and archasology a most fascinating problem. Here are thousands of mounds of earth, scattered throughout every county of this section, varying in size from the tiny one of a few feet in diameter and a few inches in height, to the giant earthwork hundreds of feet in dimensions large enough to be mistaken for natural hills, and yet bear- ing unmistakable evidence of artificial origin. These structures are grouped in some order, follow the water-courses, are inclosed some- times by walls of earth, are of such age in many cases as to bear upon their summits or sides great trees hundreds of years old. Who built these mounds? For what purpose were they built? These questions presented them- selves at once to those who first recognized their artificial character. An answer to these questions was sought in the mounds themselves. Many of them were excavated. They returned to the researches of those who dug in them very different re- wards. Some of them contained absolutely nothing at all. In many of them nothing was found except the evidences of fire. Burned pieces of wood and ashes constituted the en- tire contents of many of the mounds. But some of the mounds contained other and very interesting remains. Pottery of every char- acter and size, bones of persons and of beasts, implements and tools, and weapons of war, all these have been found in mounds. Most numerous of all are the mounds which con- tain bones and pottery. In some cases the bones are found in the earth itself, in others they are in vessels of pottery. Many people have engaged in the exploration of these mounds and many mounds have been opened. There are still others in this section which have not been touched as vet. These are for 8 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the most part owned by persons who do not wish them disturbed. It is quite probable that there exist large numbers of mounds, some of them not yet known, which contain many in- teresting remains such as those mentioned. So many bones are found in some of the mounds that they are classified as burial mounds. In some of them there are evidences of two or more distinct burials, leading us to believe that after the first bodies were placed in the mound and covered, other bodies were then placed above and the mound carried on to its completed form. The condition of the bones leads to the belief that most of the bodies were denuded of flesh before being placed in the mounds, and that frequently only a part of the bones were buried at all. Often only the skull and some of the large bones of the legs are found. In some cases a large number of bones are found together, comprising parts of a number of skeletons. The probability is that in such cases a large number of bones were gathered together and then put into the mound without separation. The tools and implements sometimes found in the mounds are often associated with bones, showing them to have been buried together, and suggesting some connection between their presence and the rites of burial. The pottery found in these mounds is of various shapes and sizes. A few large urns containing bones have been found, other and smaller vessels seem to have been made to hold food or water. As has been said, these mounds and their contents have given rise to a great deal of dis- cussion and many theories have been ad- vanced to explain their origin. Archaeologists believed for a long time that they were the work of a vanished race whom they called the "Mound Builders." These people w-ere re- garded as having lived in this country prior to the coming of the Indians and to have been a much superior race. The grouping of the mounds has suggested to some the arrange- ment of cities and villages about a center which was a great capital. It was insisted that the Indians could not have built the mounds for a number of rea.sons. One reason was that their arrangement indicated an or- ganization, a nation with a capital. This or- ganized national life the Indians did not have; conseciuently they did not build the mounds. Another reason was that the In- dians could not have built mounds of such great size as some of the works. Still another advanced was that the age of the mounds pre- cludes the idea that they were the work of the Indians. The balance of opinion inclines however, at this time, to the idea that the mounds are the work of Indians. It is difficult to accept the hypothesis of the Mound Builders, with their high state of civilization, their organized gov- ernment and their great capital. There is not sufficient evidence of .such a state of civiliza- tion. The excavation of the mounds did not disclose any evidence at all of a high state of civilization supposed by those who believe the Mound Builders to have existed. There has been little or nothing found in the mounds which was not entirely familiar to the Indian of this country. No such finds were made in these mounds as in the somewhat similar ap- pearing mounds of the Tigris-Euphrates val- ley. There the spade of the archaeologist turned up all the external evidences of a great civilization. Mighty palaces and temples ; the walls and streets of great cities, libraries, in- scriptions: the record of long years of exist- ence and civilization, were all uncovered, bear- ing silent but unmistakable evidence to the ex- istence of mighty and wealthy nations. Con- trast this with the meager contents, the im- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 9 plements of stone, the vessels of pottery, and the masses of bones found in the mounds of this country, and we see at once how strong is the negative argument against the existence of a great civilized race of people antedating the Indians. It is true that in Central Amer- ica some ruins are found approaching the con- structions unearthed in the East, but such is not the case in North America. We may wonder at the industry that reared the mounds of such great size, we find some things difficult to explain in any way about tliem. but we cannot believe them to have been the work of civilized people. On the other hand there are reasons for be- lieving that they are the work of the Indians. One of these is the fact of their arrangement. The Indian, for many reasons, selected most frequently as a site for his habitation or vil- lage, the bank of a stream or lake. This is the situation of many of the mounds. Another evidence of the Indian origin of the mounds is the fact that the utensils and implements found in some of them are similar to those used by the Indians. Yet another is the fact that the Indians of this country were ac- customed to practice mound burial. They placed the dead body on a scaffold or in a tree until it was denuded of flesh, then gathered up the bones and placed them in a mound. That is evidently what the builders of the mounds did. The age of some of the mounds also indicates their Indian origin. Many of the mounds, it is true, are very old. On the other hand many of them bear unmistakable evidence of having been built in recent times. The mound described by Conant near Bayou St. John in New Madrid county, cannot be very old for within very recent times the pit, from which the earth was taken for the mound, had very steep sides: so steep, in fact. that a ladder was needed to descend into it. This would not have been the case if the mound had not been of recent origin. The natural action of the elements would have I^artly filled it up and reduced the steepness of its sides. In fact this has happened within the memory of those living when Conant wrote. These facts, while not conclusive, point to the Indians as the builders of the mounds. There are other facts pointing in the same direction. Jlany of the mounds contain traces of what seems to be the mud plastering from a wall constructed of canes or sticks. Such w'alls were built by the Indians of the Mississippi valley having been copied, doubt- less, from the Indians of the southwest. It has been objected to this theory that some of the mounds are too old. It is pointed out that man}' of them nuist have been in ex- istence for centuries before the coming of the white men, for at the time when DeSoto was here these mounds had trees growing on them. This objection assumes the Indians to have lived here but a short time. That is not known to be true. On the contrary we have strong reason for believing that they must have lived in North America for many hun- dreds of years. If they have not been here for a long time, it is difficult or even impos- sible to explain how they became scattered over the great continent. They were found to be living in practically every part of this country. No matter how they first reached the continent it required a long period of years for them to people such a vast expanse of territory. It is objected too that the Indians had no reason for building the mounds. We may not understand just why they were built by In- dians, but neither do we know why they were built by ;Mound Builders or anyone else. It 10 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI is just as difficult to explain the motive of their construction, if we assume them to have been reared by the Mound Builders, as it is if' we ascribe them to the Indians. To imagine another race of people does not lessen the dif- ficulty of explaining the reason for their con- struction. It is not, however, imijossible to give a rea- sonable explanation of the existence of these mound.s on the theorj' that they were the work of the Indians. When the ancient Assyrians began to rear buildings, they put them on mounds of earth and constructed them of sun- dried brick, and tliis, in spite of the fact that their country contained many hills suitable for building purposes and plenty of wood and stone whicli might have been utilized for building. The explanation of these remark- able facts is found when we remember that they were imitating the work of an older civilized people, the Babylonians. These Babylonians had neither hills as sites, nor wood or stone as building materials. They found substitutes for them. The Assyrians, who began later, simply copied what they had seen others do. It is higlilj' probable that the Indians who build mounds were simply imitat- ing a form of village arrangement with which they had become familiar elsewhere. Per- haps in the southwest, where the Pueblo In- dians idaced their dwellings on the top of cliffs and utilized the tall rocks for lookout stations, there was formed the notion that the suitable place for a dwelling was on an eleva- tion. The Indians who went out from there carried this idea into places where no natural elevation was to be found. In lieu of this they reared artificial mounds. In time it came to be accepted that a mound of earth was the proper place for the location of the house or temple. This idea, in turn, was car- ried from the alluvial plains where it was formed into the hills where again mounds were reared. In considering this, which is advanced simply as a theory which may explain the building of mounds, it should be remembered that mounds are not found in all parts of the country. A careful investigation may dis- close the fact that they are found in those parts of the country where the inhabitants had some connections with the south and southwest. What seems the best and most reasonable explanation of the existence of the mounds is this. The Indians selected as a site for their village the vicinity of some stream or lake. They then erected mounds. One was for the house of the chief; another, sometimes pyr- amidal in shape for the temple ; another was for the burial of the dead ; still another formed a station for the priests and orators of the tribe, and one was for the purpose of a lookout from which to observe the approach of enemies. The size of the mounds depended in part upon the number of Indians in the village and in part upon their inclination and indiTstry. In the course of years the dwel- lings and temples, of frail constriiction as they were, disappeared, leaving only a heap of earth to puzzle those who found them. The contents of these mounds, as we have said, are interesting as being the record of the degree of civilization of the people who built them. Many of the mounds have yielded interesting and curious returns to the spade of the investigator. Hundreds of mounds have been explored more or less completely. The relics taken from them have been carried to museums and the collections of private indi- viduals in many parts of the country. There HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 11 are a great many of these relics owned in Southeast IMissouri. Most of them are scat- tered, but there are several good collections. Perhaps the largest collection of Indian relics in Southeast Missouri, if not in the en- tire state, is that owned by Thomas Beckwith, of Charleston. This collection has been gath- ered by Jlr. Beckwith through a period of more than thirty years, and now comprises about ten thousand different pieces ; some of them of the every finest workmanship and of the greatest value. Practically all of these were found in Mississippi county and by far the larger number on Mr. Beckwith 's own farm. This collection is described and pic- tured in his book, "Indians of North Amer- ica. ' ' There are a number of other collections, most of fliem smaller, owned by residents of this section. Louis Houck in his book, "His- tory of Missouri," described some unique pieces which he has seen, one of which, a pipe bearing a carved head, has disappeared. An- other of these was a statuette, the figure of a woman carved in sandstone, about eight inches in height and bearing considerable re- semblance to the Venus de Melos. Unfortu- nately this remarkable piece of sculpture has been lost. Another of these unique pieces is a figure in the collection of Mr. Beckwith. It represents some animal and is also carved from sandstone and evidences considerable skill on the part of the artist. There are other collections not so large as this, but containing many things of interest. Some collections which formerly existed have been broken iip and the pieces dispersed. It seems unfortunate that at some central point in this part of the state, there might not be gathered a great and complete collection of Indian relies of this section to be perma- nently retained as a memorial for all time of the presence of the aborigines. Besides these collections having a general interest, there have been found occasionally certain pieces which have been deemed of great importance owing to the fact that they were diit'erent from the usual character of Indian relics. In there was found on a farm just south of ]\Ialden a very remarkable series of Indian plates. Ray Groomes while plowing on the farm of Mrs. Baldwin, turned up a piece of metal which attracted his atten- tion by being caught on the point of his plow. On examination he found that there had been thrown out of the furrow some metal plates. He searched about and picked up eight of these plates which had been buried to a depth of about sixteen inches. There was nothing to mark the spot and he is confident that there was nothing else buried in connection with the plates. He dug about hoping to find some other relics, but the only thing that he dis- covered was a kind of white powder in the place where the plates had been lying. This powder he did not preserve as he could make nothing of it at all. The plates were taken by him to the town of Maiden and offered for sale. They were finally bought by A. S. Davis and kept by him for a time, and then dis- posed of to J. M. Wulfing, of St. Louis, who now owns them. These plates ai'e the most remarkable of the Indian relics foimd in Southeast Missouri. They are of thin copper and represent what seemed to be eagles hav- ing faces of men. One of them seems to be a double eagle. They at once suggest, from their appearance and workmanship, the work of the Indians of Mexico. There is nothing else like them to be found in the Mississippi valley. How or why they were put into the place where they were discovered are ques- tions which cannot now be answered. No one who has examined them has been able to solve 12 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the mystery of their presence in this part of America. There existed in Southeast Missouri two or three other unusually good collections of In- dian relies. Dr. G. W. Travis, of Cape Girar- deau, at one time owned one of these large collections. Ou his removal from Cape Girar- deau the collection was broken up and sold, part of it coming into the possession of the State Normal School. Another large collec- tion was owned by Dr. L. P. Ruff. This col- lection has been removed from this part of the state. CHAPTER II ADVENTURES OF DE SOTO Is Made Governor of Florida — Lands in Florida — Discovers the Mississippi — Place of Crossing — Direction of March — The Casquins — Religious Service — Attack on Cap- AHAS — Search for Salt — Probable Situation of Capaha Camp — Return to the South — Quigate — Location of Caligoa — Further Travels and Death — Interest Concerning Exact Route. It seems probable that De Soto was the first white man to set foot on the soil of Missouri. Certain difficulties are in the way of an exact determination of the question of his visit to this state. One of these is the somewhat ro- mantic style of the Spanish chroniclers who wrote the earliest accounts of his journey ; an- other is the difficulty of telling, from their ac- counts, just what places are referred to. It is no easy matter to identify with certainty, from the description given of places visited, where these places are. Yet, while we may not be sure, it seems highlj' probable that the travels of De Soto and his companions brought them into the Southeast Missouri. Ferdinand De Soto was one of the most daring and able of the Spanish soldiers of for- tune who explored the continent of America. He was with Avila on the isthmus of Darien, with Cordoba in Nicaragua; explored, inde- pendently, the coasts of Guatemala and Yuca- tan, seeking doubtless for a waterway to the west. In 1532, he accompanied Pizarro to Peru and was one of the boldest members of the remarkable band of men that overturned the empire of the Incas. From these expedi- tions De Soto returned to Spain with a large fortune, apparently willing to settle down to a life of ease. In 1537, however, he was ap- pointed by Charles V, governor of Florida and Cuba and in May, 1539, he landed at Tampa bay, Florida, with an expedition for the exploration of that country. He had with him a well-equipped army of six hundred men, the largest and most complete expedi- tion that Spain had sent to the New World. His purpose was to explore and conquer the country. Especially was he desirous of find- ing the great and populous cities which the imagination of the Spaniards, stimulated by their experiences in Mexico and Peru, pic- tured as existing in the great and unknown continent to the north. Strange stories were told by the Indians of these cities and return- ing wanderers of the Spanish had heard of Quivira, a great and rich city where there was gold enough to satisfy even the Spaniards. De Soto plunged into the wilderness with his little armj' and for nearly three years pur- sued his journey through the unexplored wil- derness of North America. For a time \\r was in the Carolinas; then he explored the 13 14 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Alabama river; then he came to the great river, the Mississippi, and crossed it. From this time on his wanderings have an interest for the student of Missouri history, for, from a careful study of the narrative of his further wandei'ings, we are led to the couclusiou that he penetrated the territory of the present state of Missouri. It is not possible to deter- mine with absolute accuracy the precise point where he crossed the Mississippi. Some stu- dents of journey, among them Bancroft, Nut- tall and Schoolcraft, think he must have crossed at the Chickasaw Bluffs, near the present site of Memphis. Othei's, however, in- cluding Elliot, Winsor and Martin, consider it more probable that he crossed lower down. Houck, reasoning from the fact stated by Garcillasso that heavy timber existed where they crossed the river, concludes that the crossing must have been at a place of alluvial soil and consequently not at Chickasaw Bluffs, which were not then timbered. He thinks the crossing was at some point between the mouth of the St. Francois and the mouth of the Ar- kansas, and in view of all the facts this seems the most reasonable supposition. Having crossed the river the expedition wandered for four days through a flat coun- try intersected with swamps. On the fifth day from their crossing they reached a high ridge from whose summit they saw a river. Upon its banks was an Indian town sur- rounded by fields of maize. To this place the march of the party had been to the north. Garcillasso says they kept "northward" or "marched directly to the north." This prob- ably means that after crossing the Mississippi they did not strike into the forest away from it, but continued their journey in a general direction parallel to the course of the river itself. It was quite natural for them to do this, because we know that the trails or traces of the Indians were accustomed to follow the general course of the river. If, then, De Soto after the crossing, continued to the north near or along the bank of the Mississippi, we may inquire as to the location of the ridge which the expedition climbed and from which was seen another river with a village encircled with fields of maize. It seems highly probable that this ridge was what is now called Crowley's ridge, one of the offshoots of the Ozark range which con- tinues into Arkansas, forming a divide be- tween the alluvial bottom of the St. Francois and that of the White and the Cache. This ridge terminates at the Mississippi river not far from Helena, Arkansas, and along its eastern border flows the St. Francois. Crow- ley's ridge is the only ridge on the west side of the river between the Ohio and the Arkan- sas. If the expedition then proceeded north from their point of crossing, and that point was south of the mouth of the Ai-kansas as we believe it to have been, then it was to this ridge they came. From its summit the course of the St. Francois could be seen, and in the alluvial soil at its base would likely be found the fields of maize mentioned by the chron- iclers of the expedition. De Soto and his men spent some time in the village which they had seen form the summit of the ridge resting and recovering from the effects of their long march through the wil- derness. These Indians are called Casquins by the members of the expedition. They were probably a part of the tribe of the Kaskas- kias. They later made their home on the Illi- nois where they were found by Joliet and Marquette. It was not an unusual thing for the Indian tribes to change their place of residence, however. In fact, this was a habit that marked them, so that we may believe that HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 15 the Indians found by De Soto dwelling on the St. Francois, later moved to the country of the Illinois. These Indians received De Soto and his men with great hospitality showing the utmost friendliness and desire to please. They opened their houses, such as they were, for the use of De Soto's men, and provided pro- visions for men antl beasts. The Indians of this village told De Soto that their great chief, or cacique, resided some distance to the north. Indeed two mes- sengers from this chief came to the village during the stay of the expedition and invited De Soto to visit the cacique. This he deter- mined to do. He marched north along the banks of the Mississippi river, finding higher ground than formerly and the richest alluvial soil they had yet seen. This soil was a sandy loam, black in color and very rich. It was covered with forests of timber in places, di- versified with prairies and broken in places by swamps. The pecan tree, the wild plum and the mulberry were everywhere abundant, while the fields abounded in maize. After two days of marching they came to the chief town of the country where the cacique of the Casquins resided. It seems evident that this ridge up which they marched was the sandy ridge that runs parallel to the river from near the mouth of the St. Francois to the hills of the Ozark region near Cape Girardeau. It has the same soil as that described by De Soto's men, the trees are the same, and it runs in the direction of the course taken by them. On this ridge are situated many flour- ishing towns in southeast Missouri, to-day. Among them are Caruthersville, New^ Madrid and Charleston. Then, of course, it was a wilderness broken by the small clearings of the Indians and traversed bv the celebrated trace that led to the great crossing of the river near Commerce. The expedition was received by the In- dians with great kindness. The chief invited De Soto to lodge in his house. This dwelling stood on a high artificial mound and con- sisted of a number of houses for the accommo- dation of his numerous wives and their chil- dren. This invitation was declined by De Soto and he and most of his men were lodged by the natives in arbors or booths of brush. Presents were exchanged and the utmost good feeling prevailed. On the fourth day of their stay occurred an incident which attested the impression made by the expedition upon the savages. On the morning of that day there appeared be- fore De Soto the cacique, accompanied by his principal followers, who addressed the leader of the Spaniards in these words: "Senor, as you are superior to us in prowess and surpass us in arms, we likewise believe that your God is better than our god. We supplicate you to pray to your God that our fields, which are now parched may receive rain and our crops be saved." In response to this request, De Soto caused a large pine tree to be procured, and from it the carpenter of the expedition constructed a large cross. This cross was erected, and, there in the midst of the forest, a solemn pro- cession was formed which marched to the cross, and while the wondering Indians looked on in astonishment the services of the church were performed and a supplication sent up to God for the needed rain. The Indians seemed profoundly impressed by the solemnity of the occasion. Many of them knelt upon the ground, some were moved to tears by the serv- ice, and others still inquired for an expla- 16 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI nation of the im'steries which they beheld for the tirst time. The solemn service was closed with the singing of a Te Deum and the forest aisles echoed for the tirst time with the sound of men's voices lifted up in the service of song to God. In the middle of the night the long drought was broken and a copious rain fell upon the earth. Such was the first religious service of the Christian church held in Missouri. Speaking of it Irving says:* "More than three cen- turies ago the cross, the type of our beautiful religion, was planted on the banks of the Mis- sissippi, and its silent forests wakened bj- the Christian's hymn of gratitude and praise. The effect was vivid but transitory. The voice cried in the wilderness and reached and was answered by every heart, but it died away and was forgotten; and was not to be heard in that savage region again for many gener- ations. It was as if a lightning's gleam had broken for a moment upon a benighted world, startling it with sudden effulgence, only to leave it in ten-fold more gloom. The real dawning was yet afar off from the benighted valley of the Mississippi." That the place of this first service was witli- in the limits of Missouri we may not doubt. It is impossible to fix the precise spot. The high hill, doubtless an artificial mound, has probably disappeared. The pine tree, which was made into a cross, was probably a ej'press which resembles the pine in some respects, and might have been found anywhere in a vast extent of territory. From these things, then, it is impossible to determine the place of this Indian village, but, judging from the direction of their travel, from the distance probably covered in the two days of their march, they were within the limits of Mis- souri, perhaps according to the opinion of *" Conquest of Florida," p. 114. Xuttall near the present site of New Madrid. At an early day a mound stood near the town. This mound has been swept away by the river, but it may well have been the scene of this service. On the next morning after the service and the rain, De Soto made ready to continue his journey to the north. He was still led on- ward by the hopes which had brought him into the wilderness. Great cities were yet to be found, gold was to be discovered. These things lay in the distance before him, as he fondly thought. From time to time, during their journey, they had found in the posses- sion of the Indians various trinkets and other things made of gold ; and these served to con- firm them in their belief that somewhere in the mighty and unconquered wilderness there was much of the yellow metal waiting for the fortunate men who might be led to find it. And so to seek gold and adventure, after the days of rest and pleasure with their new friends of the Casquin Indians, they made ready to depart. The cacique, however, a wily savage of about fifty years of age, had no idea of al- lowing his good and great friends to depart without conferring on him other tokens of their friendship and power. He had been greatly impressed with the evident power of the Spaniards and meditated on turning it to his own account. For many .years enmity had existed between the Casquins or Kaskaskias and the Capa- has, a tribe living further to the north. Lately the fortunes of war had inclined to the side of the Capahas, and the cacique of the Casquins and his people had been com- pelled to accept the yoke of their enemies and to pay tribute and render service to them. In the undoubted prowess and power of his HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 17 new-found friends, the Spaniards, the eaciiine saw a means by which he and his people might be liberated from the power of the Capahas. Accordingly when De Soto was ready to depart toward the north the ca- cique begged leave to accompany him with two bodies of his people. ' ' For, ' ' he said, ' ' the way is long and arduous. Roads are to be cut. the swamps are to be crossed, and the baggage of the army to be carried through the rough woods of the way." Accordingly, De Soto was accompanied by three thousand In- dians, w'ho carried the luggage of the expe- dition, and by a body of five thousand war- riors, gay with plumes and war-paint and armed with all the weapons of savage war- fare. Of course we are to understand that these numbers have been greatly exaggerated in the telling by the chroniclers of the expe- dition. No such numbers of savages could have been gathered together in that region. Still we are to suppose that many accom- panied the expedition, perhaps the whole force which the cacique could muster, for he meant, now to avenge himself on his hated enemies, the Capahas. On taking up the march, the cacique took the lead with his men, dividing them into squadrons and marching in what the Spanish called good military array. The reason given for the arrangement of men was that the Indians were to clear the roads and prepare the camps in advance of the expedition. On the third day of the march they came to a miry swamp which contained within its cen- ter a lake or gulf which was probably a part of the old channel of the Mississippi. This swamp discharged itself into the river and was about half a bowshot across and was deep and .sluggish. Over this the Indians con- structed a bridge of logs, over which the men passed while the horses of the expedition swam. This lake with a miry swamp about its edge was ciuite probably one of the slug- gish streams which break the sandy ridge up which De Soto was pursuing his march. This ridge extends through the counties of New Madrid, Mississippi, and Scott. It is broken at a number of places by streams which carry part of the drainage from the basin of Little river to the IMississippi. It is impossible to know which one of these is meant from the early accounts, but it is evident that one of them is referred to, if we accept the general course of his march as here outlined. That march must have carried him from near the site of New Madrid across lakes, bayous, swamps, along the sandy ridge through the edge of ]\Iississippi county, east of tlie hills in Scott county, to the swamp lying south- west of Cape Girardeau. Having crossed on the improvised bridge of of logs, De Soto and his men found them- selves on what is described as meadows. Here they encamped, charmed by the beauty of the landscape, the luxuriance of the foli- age and the abundance of the flowers. From . this place he continued his .journey north foi' two days. On the third day he came to some elevated ridges from which he saw the forti- fied camp of the chief of the Capahas. This town was itself on a high hill or mound. "It was nearly encircled b.v a deep moat fifty paces in breadth ; and where the moat did not extend, was defended by a strong wall of plaster and timber such as has already been described. The moat was filled with water by a canal cut from the Mississippi river, which was three leagues distant. The canal was deep and sufficiently wide for two canoes to pass abreast without touching one another's paddles. The canal and moat were filled with fish, so as to supply all the wants of the army 18 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST :\nSSOURI and village, without any apparent diininntion of the number. ' ' * It is evident that, in thus describing the situation and character of the Indian camp, the Spaniards were transferring to America, as they often did, the scenes and customs of Europe. The moat and canal to supply it were doubtless nothing more than natural channels, perhaps a bayou or former channel of the river. The Indians of America seem never to have constructed castles defended by moats, and while the situation of the Ca- paha village may have resembled the artificial moats with which the Spaniards were fa- miliar, they were not constructed by the hand of man. It would be interesting to know the exact site of this camp of Capaha Indians for these were among the most interesting of all the Indians encountered by De Soto and his party ; but it is not possible to determine from the description given what the site of the camp was. If we have been correct in our conjectures as to the general route fol- lowed thus far in the wanderings, then the camp thus reached must have been not far . from the neighborhood of Cape Girardeau. Of course many places in the foothills of the Ozarks might fit in a general way the de- scription here given, but two eircumstanees in addition to the course pursued in reaching this place lead us to believe that it was in the vicinity mentioned. One of these is a jour- ney, hereafter described, of a part of the ex- pedition to a stream, which from the pres- ence of salt we suspect to have been Saline creek in Ste. Genevieve county. The other is the fact that one of the varieties of fish de- scribed as having been present in the moat and canal was the spadefish or Platyrostra edentula, sometimes known as the shovel-bill cat. The latter fish is characteristic of the * Irving, "Conquest of Florida," p. 117. regions we have mentioned and its presence lends weight to the theory that the place of the Capahas was at least within the limits of Southeast IMissouri. This town of the Capahas contained, according to the account of the Spaniards, about five hundred houses, and was situated nearly three leagues from the IMississippi river. The chief of the Capahas had received no- tice through his scouts of the coming of the Casquins with their new allies, and on their near approach to the town, being unable, be- cause of the absence of his warriors, to de- fend it, he escaped in a canoe, making his way down the canal to the river and taking refuge on an island in the vicinity. All who could, followed him to this retreat, others fled into the woods, while many remained in the village and waited with alarm the ap- proach of the Casquins. The cacique of tlic Casquins, marching with his men in advance of the expedition, entered the Capaha villauo and proceeded to take vengeance for former defeats. All the men who were found were immediately killed and scalped, the women and children were taken as prisoners, among them Ijeing two wives of the cacique who had failed to flee with him, owing to the confu- sion and alarm into which the village was thrown by the approach of their enemies. These women are described by the Spaniards as being young and beautiful — a description which we may be pardoned for doubting, for it was their invariable custom to find beau- tiful women among the Indians, just as they found among them almost all the manners and customs with which they were acquainted at home. The houses of the Capahas were plundered, and even the dead were not safe from insult and disturbance. Within the public square there was situated a mausoleum HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 19 or burial place in which had been deposited the remains of the ancestors of the cliief, tlie great men of the tribe and the tro])hies won by them in war. The Casquins broke open this sacred place, stripped arms and trophies from the walls, heaped insult and abuse on the dead bodies contained within it, trampled upon the bones and scattered them upon the ground. They replaced the heads of .slain enemies, some of them C'asciuins, witli these of freshly slain Capahas. There was no in- sult or indignity which tlie minds of savages could devise which was not put upon all that the Capahas held sacred. Now these outrages were committed, we are told, before the arrival of De Soto and his men. They were in the rear and came to the village only in time to save it from utter destruction as the maddened Casquins were proceeding to fire the houses. De Soto re- sented these actions, for he was impressed with the evidences of the power of the Capa- has and learning of the presence of the chief on the island to which he had fled, he sent envoys there to disavow the actions of his savage allies, and to beg for a friendly alli- ance with him. These envoys were not re- ceived by the Capaha chief, and De Soto learned that he was making every eit'ort to gather warriors that he miglit take vengeance for the outrages inflicted upon his village. Accordingly De Soto prepared to attack tlie Capahas on their island. He caused to be gathered all the available canoes and, filling these with his own men and the warriors of the Casquins, he made an attack on the island. He found that the Capahas had for- tified themselves strongly, and it was only with great difficulty that he was able to effect a landing at all. The Casquins were unwill- ing to fight and, after a brief engagement, retreated to their canoes leaving the brunt of tlie battle to fall upon tlie Spaniards. It was only after a desperate struggle that De Soto and his men were able to retreat from the island and make their way back to the village. In fact, it seems they would not have been able to embark in their canoes at all had not the Capaha chief ordered his men not to press their attack upon the Spaniards and allowed them to depart. De Soto was very )iuieh displeased because of the cowardly desertion of the Casquins and when on the following day envoys arrived from the Capahas, asking for peace and sig- nifying the desire of their cacique to visit liira. he determined to accept the otfered friendsliip and agree to an amnesty despite the objections of the Casquins. The cacique of the Cascpiins feeling the displeasure of De Soto and fearing to lose the lielp of such powerful allies as the Spaniards had proved themselves to be, attempted to appease the Adelantado (as De Soto is called by the chroniclers) by gifts of skins and even of his daughter as handmaid. In spite of these evidences of friendship, De Soto was distrustful of the cacique and contrasted his conduct most unfavorably with that of the Capaha, and he caused the cacique to send most of his warriors home. On the day appointed the Capaha chief, ac- companied by a hundred of his warriors, dressed in liandsome skins and beautiful plumes came to pay his court to De Soto. He proved to be a young man of noble and splen- did hearing with handsome face and physique. He was vastly moved by the indignities which had been otfered to his dead, and his first care was to gather the scattered bones, and return them reverently to their resting place. He then sought De Soto who came forth to meet him accompanied by the Casquin. He brought presents for the Adelantado, 20 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI and offered himself as a vassal, but refused to have anything to do with Casquin, except to threaten him with a day of retribution, until upon the interposition of De Soto he finally agreed to settle his quarrel with him. In this village the expedition remained for several days as the situation was pleasant, the Indians friendly, and the supi)lies of food and of skins for elothing were very grateful to the members of the expedition who were worn and ragged from their long wanderings. It was De Soto's wish to find out about the country he liad not visited. To this end he made many inquiries of the Indians concern- ing the country to the north and its inhabit- ants. He was told that much of the country was' barren, but hearing that salt was to be obtained in that direction, he sent de Silvera and Morena in search of it. The Spaniards had suffered much on the expedition from lack of salt. Many of those who had died on the way declared that they thought the.y would recover if only they could have meat with plenty of salt on it. At the end of eleven days, the men who had been detached re- turned, almost starved, having passed through a thinly settled and sterile country where they found little to eat except roots and wild plums. The.v brought with them, however, supplies of salt and some copper. It is ciuite probable that these men had reached Saline creek for the Indians of later, and doubtless of that time also, were accustomed to secure salt from the banks of that stream. From this place the expedition returned to the village of the Casquins where they re- mained for four or five days, and then De Soto determined to travel to the westward. He was led to this decision by the reports of a country called Quigate. On leaving the vil- lage of the Casquins he travelled one da.v's march and then rested at another village of the Casquins near a river, which in all prob- ability was Little river. Crossing this river, he found himself upon another ridge, that which extends through Dunklin county, and after travelling for about four days he reached Quigate. His march carried him through a fruitful country where large fields of maize were to be seen and all the evidences of a large Indian population. Quigate, the largest town visited by the Spaniards since leaving Florida, was perhaps at the lower end of the ridge over which they had been travel- ing, near the line which separates Dunklin county from Arkansas. From here De Soto turned to the northwest to reach a town called Caligoa, where he expected, frorii what he had been told, he would find stores of gold and other precious metals. One difference is noted by the chroniclers in the march that was made to Caligoa and tliat is that no paths were found, but that the expedition made its way through the unljroken wilderness. We may infer from this, what we should conclude otherwise, that the former marchings had fol- lowed the trails or traces made by the In- dians. The country from Quiquate to Cali- goa is described as marshy and swampy with morasses and lagoons, and then as hilly and mountainous. Garcilla-sso says tliey marched forty leagues before reaching Caligoa. They found this town to be on a small river. Here the.v remained for some days. They were told that to north a distance of six days' journey the country was level, devoid of trees, and covered with ])uffalo. We ma.v only .speculate as to the location of Caligoa. If we are cor- rect in conjecturing Quiguate to have been on lower end of the ridge running through Dunk- lin county, and the march of De Soto was toward the north and west, he probably fol- lowed the ridge to the low hills in the neigh- borhood of Campbell, crossed these into the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 21 lowlands oT Stoddard and Butler county, then reached the foothills of the Ozarks and fol- lowed them to near the headwaters of the St. Francois or the Black, in the granite hills of St. Francois county. This is the conclusion of most of the men who have made a study of the probable course of De Soto's wanderings, among them Nuttall, Schoolcraft, and Houck. Some others, however, conclude that he was farther west, perhaps in Southwest Missouri. From Caligoa the expedition turned to the south and west seeking now for the Cayas or Kansas Indians, and with this part of his journey he is carried from out the territory of Southeast Missouri. With his subsequent wanderings, the sufferings and hardships he encountered, and his tragic fate we are not directly concerned. Suffice it to say that after long wanderings he reached the Missis- sippi near the mouth of the Red river, sick, broken in mind and body. Here, to his con- sternation, he was told that the lower reaches of the river instead of being populated with towns and settlements where he coiild find for his men food and shelter, were practically uninhabited and impassable, that he might hope for little help or guidance there and less of food and other supplies. And, so, at last, after three years of wanderings, after untold hardships, after having surmounted countless obstacles, and traversed enormous reaches of the great continent where the foot of white men had never before trod, after hav- ing inflicted untold suffering and cruelty on the helpless Indians, his dreams of wealth and conquest all dissipated, having conquered no great cities and found no El Dorado, the spirit of the great Conquistador, the com- panion of Avila and Cortez was at last broken. In the midst of the savage forest, surrounded by hostile Indians, far from his home, dis- appointed, and despairing, he lay down to die. At night, by the dim light of torches, clad in full armor, his broken and wasted body was lowered into the great river which he discovered, and the long wanderings, the brilliant hopes, the troubled, cruel life of De Soto were at an end. It will always be a matter of regret to those who are interested in the history of their country, that the exact route of De Soto can- not be traced with certainty. Surely we should be glad if we might but know what his exact course through Southeast Missouri was. It would be interesting to retrace the route over which he wandered, to compare the places now, with the description given of them by the Spaniards who followed him. But such certainty is no longer possible. Time has swept away the last traces of his expedition. The very surface of the earth has changed in the nearly four hundred years that have elapsed. The great river has changed its course from side to side of the wide allu- vial bottom since then, sweeping away the very ground, a mighty earthquake has changed some of the topography of the coun- try through which he passed, mighty forests have sprung up, all the forces of nature have combined through the years to change the character of the surface of the earth. And so it is that we may never be sure of the way over which he passed. Time was wlien it might have been ascertained. Doubtless when the first Missouri settlements were formed at Ste. Genevieve, New Madrid, St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, traces of that first historic march through Missouri might have been found. But our fathers w'ere too much occupied with the struggle for existence to give their time to hunting for traces of long vanished men. CHAPTER 111 FRENCH EXPLORERS Why Spainards Did not Take and Hold the Country — Vague Ideas of the West — News OP THE Mississippi — Radisson and Groseilliers — Joliet and Marquette — Discovery op THE Mississippi — Extent op Their Voyage — The Return — Illness op Marquette — Why Joliet Was Not Given Credit for Expedition — Early Voyage of La Salle — French Ideas op the New World — Views of the English — La Salle's Purpose — Friendship With Frontenac — Visit to France — Start of the Expedition — Loss of THE Griffon — Creve Coeue — He Reaches the Mississippi — Passes to its Mouth — The Colony at Starved Rock — Goes to France — Colony on the Gulf — Death of Lasalle — Estimate of His Character. It was ill 1540 that De Soto and his band were in Southeast ilissouri. They came as we have seen from the south, having landed in Florida and penetrated the country in a vain search for gold. The next white men who came to Missouri were French explorers from the great lakes. These came from the north and entered the country to find the great river whose existence was made known to them by the Indians, to search out places for trade, and to secure the country for France. Some of them were priests who were moved by the desire to carry the Gospel to the sav- ages — by whatever motives moved they came, pushing their adventurous way into the wil- derness and blazing the trail over which civil- ization and settlement were destined to enter the bounds of the state. It is somewhat sur- prising that the Spanish did not take posses- sion of the valley of the Mississippi since De Soto had discovered the river and explored a part of its valley, and since the Spanish claimed the Gulf of Mexico as a sea belonging to them. They did little or nothing to make good their claims, however, as it was the great misfortune of the Spanish to be occupied in this country, at the first, with a .search for gold and for cities to conquer, rather than with attempts to settle the country and to develop those resources which were destined to produce wealth far greater than the mines and cities of which they dreamed. It was thus left to France to begin the set- tlement and development of the valley of the great river. One characteristic of all grants made in this country was their indefinite ex- tension toward the west. Little idea was had as to the extent of the continent in that di- rection, and, accordingly, kings and trading companies calmly made grants whose western limits were undefined and undetermined, and whose extent, if carried to the western .sea, was vast beyond the very conception of those making them. Thus the French in Canada, having little idea of the extent of the country to the west of them, came to regard it as 22 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 23 ouly an extension of Canada. Wlieu reports uaiue to them of the great river that very probably emptied into the western sea or the Sea of Japan, they were moved to accept it as part of New France and laid claim to it ac- cordingly. No more adventurous or hardy men were concerned with the early settlement and ex- ploration of the new world than these same French in Canada. Better than any one else they understood and sympathized with the Indian ; for better than any one else they en- tei'ed into and shared his life. The mighty forests, the unexplored regions, the wild life had no terrors but rather attractions for them. Thus it was that the hardy woodsmen, traders, trappers, and canoe men of Canada explored and hunted throughout a wide ex- panse of territory. They set their traps and hunted in all the woods, they pushed the prows of the adventurous canoes into all the waters about them, they found the secret trails of the Indians and followed them into the west. They took part in the long hunts of the Indian, lived his life, traded to him the beads, the calico, the hatchets, and some- times the arms of the white men, and re- ceived in turn the choicest furs caught in the wide domain that stretched from the lakes far to west and south and north. To these men, fitted by nature and experi- ence for daring adventure and exploration in distant territories, the news of the mighty river of the west, so great that it dwarfed all the other rivers of the continent and poured a mighty flood of waters to an unknown sea, came like a challenge, and, in response to that challenge, we find them making their way farther and farther into the west. It is probable that some of these men made their way into Missouri and perhaps pene- trated to the southeast coi-ner of the state. It seems certain from the narrative of Radis- son, one of the most famous of these hardy and daring explorers, that he and Groseilliers made their way once, if not oftener, to Mis- souri, coming at least as far as the mouth of the ilissouri. He speaks of the 'forked river' — perhaps, if not certainly, the Mississippi; of the ti-ibe of Indians living ujjon one branch of it, ' • of extraordinary height and biggnesse, ' ' referring no doubt to the Osages who were celebrated for their height and size. Others probably came, also, lured by the hope of riches, and the desire of adventure, but little is known of them and their wanderings. They established no trading posts or settlements within the state and left, with the exception of Radisson, no accounts of their wanderings to enable us to judge with any certainty con- cerning the course of their travels. But these obscure and almost unknown voy- ages and explorations, barren of any tangible result in one way, produced a great effect in another way, and were, therefore, of impor- tance. The reports which they brought back of the country through which they travelled, of its soil, its rivers, the Indians and the rich trade which might be secured with them, of the mighty river that poured its flood south- ward and perhaps westward, of an empire that might be won for France and for New France, induced the French authorities of Canada to arrange for the exploration of the wilderness and of the great river. In 1672, Frontenac, the newly appointed and energetic governor of Canada, determined to send an expedition to explore the course of the great river and to take possession of the country it traversed, for Prance. No man seemed better suited for such an expedition 24 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI than Louis Joliet. He was a Canadiau by birth, was educated at the Jesuit school at Quebec and intended for the life of a priest ; but was so attracted by the wild country about him that he abandoned the idea of the church and began the adventurous life of a voyageur. Previous to 1672 he had made several expe- ditions to the west, having explored a part of the western shores of Quebec and been pres- ent when that country was taken possession of in the name of France. He had also explored a part of the Hudson Bay territory, and was looked upon by those who knew him well, as a hardy, daring, and reliable man. To him Froutenac intrusted the command of the ex- pedition to the great river. He had instruc- tion to take Father Marquette with him. i\Iarquette was a Jesuit priest who had long contemplated a visit to the Indians of the Mississippi, and was assigned to accompany Joliet in accordance with the usual policy of the French in sending priests to accompany expeditions into the wilds. Joliet was com- missioned to proceed to the river, to make a voyage down its course, at least far enough to determine into what body of water it emptied, and to its mouth if possible. Joliet began his voyage from Point St. Ig- nace on May 17, 1673. The expedition con- sisted of Joliet himself. Father Alarquette, and Ave other Frenchmen. They had two canoes and a somewhat scanty stock of provisions. They made their way along the shores of Lake Michigan to Green Bay, passed up the Fox river to Lake Winnebago then the limit of French explorations, secured here Indian guides, made their way through lakes and streams to the height of land separating streams flowing into the lakes from those which empty into the Mississippi. Here they carried their canoes across the divide, which is narrow at this point, and launched them again on the Wisconsin, and on the 17th day of June they entered the Mississippi. After proceeding down its current for some distance they came to a settlement of Indians where they lauded and were kindly received. Then they came to the mouth of the Illinois and saw on the face of the great rocks which line the stream on the eastern side, painted mon- sters, described by Marquette as dreadful in appearance and suggestive of the devil. These were two specimens of the art of the Indians and represented manitous or gods. While they meditated on these they came to the mouth of the IMissouri. They seem to have reached it during flood time and were amazed and frightened at the tremendous flood of water, bearing on its tide trees and logs and all the debris common to high water in the great and turbulent Missouri. With difficulty they passed safely through. They next observed a place where the river was nar- rowed by rocks, part of it pouring into a nar- row gorge and then returning with fury on it- self. Doubtless this is the first description of the narrows at Grand Tower. The descrip- tion is not quite accurate for the present con- dition there, but the place has doubtless changed in appearance in the years that have passed. Day after day' the voyagers pursued their way, floating tranquilly down the tide of the great river. They passed the mouth of the Ohio, which they called Ouabouskiaou, or the Beautiful river. Sometimes they cgme to the camps of Indians, and, on displaying the calu- met wliich one of their Indian friends liad given them, they were kindly received. What a scene was presented to their eyes — the wide expanse of the majestic river, the boundless forests that lined its course unbroken by the dwellings of men, and peopled only by the wild and savage life of the woods. The nights HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST :\riSSOTIRI 25 Marquette Among the Mississippi Valley Indians 26 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI they passed iu their boats or lying ou the shore by the river, beneath the stars, listen- ing to the sounds of the mighty current sweep- ing its way to an unknown sea. The scenes changed as they made their way farther and farther south. The high and rocky blutifs which had lined one or both sides of the river, from the top of which the coun- try stretched in rolling verdure for miles on either side, gave way to the low and marshy land of the Mississippi bottoms. Cane brakes were seen and mosquitos appeared in great clouds and made life miserable for them. They came at last to the mouth of the Arkan- sas. Here they met with Indians who dis- played the greatest hostility for a long time, but were finally induced to receive them with something like civility. One member of the tribe spoke the language of the Illinois and through him Marquette preached the Chris- tian faith to the assembled savages. They told him, in return for presents given them, what they knew concerning the lower reaches of the river. According to their account, the lower Mississippi was infested by tribes of fierce Indians, so formidable that they them- selves dared not hunt the buft'alo but con- tented themselves with fish and corn. Joliet and Marquette determined to turn back from this place. They had performed a part of their tasks. They had seen the great river, had voyaged for hundreds of miles upon its bosom, and had approached near its mouth as they believed, though in reality they were seven hundred miles from the Oulf. They had gone at least far enough to make sure that it did not empty into the sea of Vir- ginia, the Vermillion or California sea, but into the Gulf of Mexico. Further progress was doubtful. Their supplies were limited. the hot weather was coming on, the Indians farther down were reported as hostile, — all these considerations induced them to relin- quish their hope of continuing to the mouth of the river. They began the return trip on the seventeenth of July. The return voyage was far from pleasant. It was midsummer and the heat was great. They might no longer drift, but must urge their canoes against all the force of the river. Father Marquette fell ill and was like to die before the voyage could be completed. At last they reached the Illi- nois, entered its mouth, and made their way up its beautiful course. They were enter- tained by a tribe of the Illinois Indians, called Kaskaskias, perhaps the Casquins of De Soto's time. One of the members of the tribe guided them to Lake Michigan which they reached in September, having voyaged more than two thousand miles in the four months since their departure. Joliet and Marquette separated at Green Bay, Marquette remaining to recruit his health while Joliet hastened homeward. The good fortune which had been his for so many months deserted him at the last and he was almost drowned near Montreal by the upset- ting of his canoe. All his papers were lost by this accident, and he made only an oral report to Governor Frontenac concerning his trip. It is partly due to this circumstance that he has received so little of the credit justly due him for his exploit, since ]\Iar- quette afterward published an account of the voyage and it is bis name that is most closely a.s.sociated with the enterprise. In reality he had no official connection with it, but was present as a volunteer under the direction of Joliet. Frontenac was much gratified at the suc- cess of the voyage and reported to the gov- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 27 ernment of France the results with a recoin- mendatiou that it be followed up and the country held. We have now to consider the work of the greatest of the French explorers whose trav- els and voyages brought them to Southeast Missouri. Robert Cavelier de La Salle was a man who would have made his mark in any place or situation of life, for he was rarely gifted in manj' ways. He was born in France in 1643, received a good education and emigrated to Canada at the age of twenty- three. Here he heard the reports current among the French and Indians of a great river that flowed to- the south and west and perhaps entered into the western sea, called the Vermillion sea, or Sea of California. La Salle was fired by the desire to discover and explore this river and thus open the long sought and eagerly desired way to China and the East. He accordingly interested Cour- celles, the governor, and Talon, the intendant of Canada, in his schemes. He spent several years in exploring the lakes .and rivers, dis- covering in the course of his travels the Ohio river and descending it as far as the present site of Louisville and perhaps to its junc- ture with the Mississippi. At any rate he be- came convinced that the Mississippi did not flow to the west nor to the east but toward the south and emptied into the Gulf of Mexico. La Salle had become a friend of the new governor of Canada, Frontenac, and was able to interest him in his schemes of exploration and settlement. Frontenac was a man of en- ergy and resource and gave great assistance to La Salle. Through his help and encourage- ment La Salle secured from the government of France certain grants of land in Canada, the income of which enabled him to carry on the w-ork which he had undertaken. In the course of his negotiations he made a trip to France and w-as able to interest many of his friends in the w^ork he was attempting to per- form. That work w-as a great and noble one. La Salle seems to have been one of the few men at that time connected with the colonies in this country, either French or English, who had a clear grasp of the situation and saw the possibilities of the country. At the time the colonies of France were confined to Canada. The French were devoting their en- ergy to the exploration and settlement of the country around the Great Lakes, to tlie fur trade with the Indians, and to the en.ioyment of the wild and adventurous life of the woods. The country to which the French were de- voting their time and energies was a great and wonderful country in many respects. It contained the Great Lakes, and a wonderful system of rivers and water-wa.ys, the soil was fertile in places, and the Indian trade was most profitable and destined to grow for many years. But there was one great obstacle to the development of the French country and that was the severe climate. The winters were long and very cold. Snow was plentifid and deep, for weeks the lakes and rivers wi • coated with ice, and the shortness of the sum- mer precluded the possibilit.v of growing many of the desirable food plants. It was not a country to develop rapidl.y, nor to support a large population. When La Salle came to Canada, the French had been in possession for nearly tw^o generations, but had done lit- tle or nothing looking to securing land to tlie south of them. While the French were thus confining themselves to the region of the Lakes and ig- noring the other parts of the continent, the English were planted along the Atlantic coast. Tliey. too. for many generations, were con- 28 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST :\nssorRi tent with the narrow strip which they held and made no efforts to secure the territory to the west. It was a case of short-sightedness in both the colonizing nations, and yet not a surprising ease by any means. The continent was so vast, the distances so great, the forest so unconquerable, the dangers from Indians so real that it was natural for both French and English to hesitate before attempting the conquest of the interior of the continent. To them the attempt seemed almost useless as well. The colonies grew slowly. New France seemed large enough for all the French who would ever live there. The problem as the men of that time saw it. was. not to secure and hold new lands, but to people and sub- due those they already held. The English were similarly situated. The Atlantic sea- board seemed ample for all the English there, or that were likely to come. Such were the generally accepted opinions of the times. It was, of course, the policy of short-sighedness, but then most men are short-sighted. Now, however, there had come to America and interested himself its future, a man who was not short-sighted, but on the contrary gifted with remarkable powers to see into the future. La Salle rejected the idea that Canada was large enough for the French. He saw clearly the expansion that must come, and he believed that the Ohio valley which he had discovered and explored, offered, by far. the best field for that inevitable expansion. The soil in that valley was rich, the climate very favorable for agriculture, the opportu- nities for trade with the Indians were tempt- ing. It must be remembered that at that time trade with the Indians was almost indispens- able in the opening up of a new section of the country. It was largely to this trade that settlers looked for support while thej^ cleared away the forests and made the coun- trj' ready for the practice of agriculture. Xo part of the country offered any better oppor- tunities for trade than the Ohio valley, and no part of the country was more fertile or bet- ter adapted to agrieultui'e. Here, then La Salle believed he saw the seat of a New France more glorious than would ever be possible in Canada. He believed, too, that soon the Eng- lish would be forced to expand ; that the At- lantic seaboard must soon be too contracted for them. Their natural expansion would be to the westward. This movement, when it came, would bring the English across the Al- leghanies and into the valley of the Ohio. To forestall this movement, to explore the country, to claim it for the king of France, to open it for settlers, plant chains of forts and fortified posts, secure the friendship of the Indians and develop trade with them, to make the power of France supreme in the new lands which he had discovered and render them forever outside the power of the English to possess — this was the dream of La Salle. It was not the dream of a visionary. La Salle could dream the most splendid visions, but he was no mere dreamer. On the con- trary he was one of the most active, tireless, and practical of men. His plan once formed he proceeded to put it into execution. He determined to organize an expedition, explore the great river to its mouth, found on its banks trading posts, and with the proceeds of this trade to open the country for settlement. He had a wonderful power of persuasion, and was able to make Frontenac see the greatness of his plans and secure his help in his under- takings. This help of the governor was al- most indispensable to him, for Frontenac was a powerful and energetic man, fond of bold and daring schemes and desirous himself of achieving riches and distinction in the work HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST iMISSOURI 29 of trading and colonizing. But useful as was the aid of Fronteuac to La Salle, friendship with the governor brought one drawback with it. It made Fronteuac 's enemies, La Salle's enemies. These enemies of the governor were by no means few nor powerless. In the first place he had offended the traders of Canada, by embarking in trade on his own account and estalilishing posts for this purpose on the western lakes. He had been unfortunate enough, also, to incur the displeasure of the Jesuits b}^ some opposition to their plans. The Jesuits were both numerous and power- ful and their opposition to the scheme of La Salle, induced in part by their dislike of the governor, was destined to cost La Salle very dear. The Jesuits had long had attention di- rected to the valley of the great river. Here they had planned to evangelize the Indians and to found a province like that of Paraguay in South America where they should be su- preme. La Salle's dream of colonization and settlement ran counter to this plan of the Jesuits and they were accordingly opposed to him and all tliat he attempted to do. In spite of all opposition, however. La Salle persisted in his work. In lfi73 he received from Fronteuac the grant of a new .seignory in the west. This was called Fort Fronteuac and was situated near the present site of Kingston. This grant carried with it a prac- tical monopoly of the fur trade in that pai't of Canada. In 1674 and again in 1677 be visited France. Here his enthusiasm, his knowledge of the country of America, and above all persistence and determination won approval for his schemes. He received from the King of France a patent of authority, giv- ing him the right to explore the country at his own expense, to build and equip forts, and to exercise a monopoly of the trade in bufit'alo skins for a period of five years. Armed with this concession. La Salle made the greatest exertion to raise enough funds to equip his expeditions. In this he was successful, and returned to Canada after having organized his expedition. He arrived in Quebec in August, 1678, and secured men and supplies for his projected expedition to the Mississippi. One man who accompanied him, and who was dest- ined to be closely associated with all his en- terprises, was Tonti. He also secured the friendship and help of Father Hennepin. On landing at Quebec, La Salle immediately set to making arrangements for the expedition and sent Father Hennepin and Tonti with men and supplies, as an advance guard. Starting on November 18th, from Fort Front- euac, they landed at Lewiston and continued up the Niagara river to the Falls. Here they concluded to wait, and arrange for the further course of the expedition. They were joined by La Salle in January, 1679. La Salle had come to Lewiston, in the vessel which he de- signed to use for the purpose of the expediton, but this vessel was wrecked in the attempt. The early part of 1679 was spent by the party in building a boat for use on the upper lakes. This boat was launched in the spring, above the Falls of Niagara. The party suffered very greatly from the hostility of the Iroquois In- dians. In fact it was almost impossible to prevent the destruction of the vessel which they were building. La Salle left the party in the spring, and re- turned to Fort Fronteuac to secure further supplies and funds. He found that all of his property had been attached by his creditors, at the instigation of his enemies, for the pay- ment of his debts. Nevertheless, La Salle re- turned to Lake Erie to continue the expedi- tion, and on August the seventh, embarked on the new vessel which he had named the "Grif- 30 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI foil." They sailed through Lake Huron and down Lake Michigan to Green Bay. Here La Salle collected a cargo of valuable furs, with which he loaded the "Griffon," and then sent the vessel back to Niagara, instructing the pilot to dispose of the furs, procure addi- tional supplies, and then return. La Salle, with the remainder of the expedi- tion, left Green Bay in canoes, and made their way to the mouth of the St. Joseph. Here they proceeded to build a boat and awaited the return of the "Griffon." Not having heard any news of this vessel by the beginning of December, La Salle was filled with appre- hension concerning her fate. The cargo of furs was necessary for a part of the expense of his .iourney. Notwithstanding this, he determined to continue, and on the 3rd of December the canoes made their way up the St. Joseph, and were carried over the five mile portage which separates the headwaters of the St. Joseph from those of the Illinois. They found the country of the Illinois practically deserted ; and, while there was abundant sign of deer and buffalo, they nearly starved owing to their failure to find food. Finally they found an Indian village at the great rock on the Illinois river, known as Starved Rock. Here La Salle held a council with represent- atives of many of the tribes of the Illinois country. He outlined to them his plans, one of which wa.s an alliance with the Indians for the purpose of trade. The Indians discouraged his attempt, tell- ing him that it would be impossible to reach the mouth of the Mississippi, owing to the hostility of the tribes on its lower course, and warning him of the dangers of such an under- taking. This opposition of the Indians, as La Salle afterward found, was caused by a rumor which his enemies had started, that he was the secret agent of tlie Iroquois. How- ever, La Salle finally overcame their opposi- tion with the threat that if they did not con- sent to accompany and help him in his schemes, he would "go to the Osages who were men and not women. ' ' This ott'er inter- ested the Illinois and gained their consent, for they were bitterly liostile to the Osages. Having secured supplies from these In- dians, La Salle started down the river, reach- ing the place which he named Fort Creve Coeur in January, 1680. Here he was de- serted by a number of his men and received the message which told of the loss of the "Griffon" with all its cargo. He then began the construction of a vessel in which to navi- gate the Mississippi. He found it necessary to return to Canada for certain supplies for the building of this vessel, and on IMarch 1st set out alone for Canada. His return journey was one of the most terrible ever made; but he reached Fort Frontenac in safety, and, having made provision for the necessary sup- plies, started on the return trip in August. He had left the expedition at Fort Creve Coeur under the command of Tonti, but when he reached that point he found the camp en- tirely deserted. There were abundant signs that the Indians had made an attack upon the camp, and destroyed it. Only a part of the vessel which had been biiilt was left, and since it was impossible to proceed, La Salle returned to the St. Joseph. Here he held a great council with the ]\Iiamis and the Shaw- nees, and with them he formed a league for the furtherance of his purpose in regard to the Illinois Indians. He returned to Canada, meeting on the way with Tonti, who, after most remarkable dangers and struggles, had succeeded in escaping from the Indians and returning by way of the upper lakes. This experience, which would have shaken the resolution of a less resolute man, but con- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST mSSOURI 31 firmed La Salle in his intention to explore the great river. In October, 1681, he returned to Lake Michigan, entered the Chicago river and reached the Mississippi, February 6, 1682. This time he did not attempt the construction of a large vessel, but made his way down the river in canoes. He reached the mouth ol' the river, October 6th and took possession of the entire country in the name of the king of France. Having returned from this voyage of dis- covery. La Salle set out upon the execution of the remainder of his great scheme. This in- cluded the project of fur trade among the Illinois Indians. lie had become convinced that this was possible only after organizing tlie Indians, and offering them protection against the raids of the Iroquois. He had selected as the site for his trading post, the great ruck known as Starved Rock. Here he planted a colony, and the Indians having fallen in with his schem.e, he won their friendship and estab- lished a flourishing trade in that territory. Leaving his little colony, he made his way back to Canada to secure still further sup- plies, but here he found things changed. His friend, Frontenac had been superseded as gov- ernor of Canada, and the new governor was under the influence of La Salle's enemies. He did all he could to hinder and discourage La Salle who found it necessary once more to go to France. Here, in spite of the misrepresent- ations of the governor, he once more won the confidence of the kihg and his ministers and received still more valuable patents and grants in the new territory. He organized a new expedition. It was planned to sail to the Gulf of Mexico, locate the mouth of the river, and then proceed up its course to some suitable place where a colony would be founded. In this way he intended to take and hold all the valley of the jMississippi. The officer in command of the ships was both incompetent, and hostile to La Salle. He failed to find the mouth of the river, and after cruising back and forth for a time, he insisted on landing the expedition on the coast of the gulf some four hundred miles west of the mouth of the river. The ships then sailed away to France leaving La Salle and the members of the expedition helpless in an unknown and entirely unpromising re- gion. La Salle made the best of the situation. A colony was formed, houses and shelters erected and the beginnings of a settlement formed. It was La Salle's intention to search for and find the river from this place. After numerous attempts he became convinced that he was so far from the river and so ignorant of its po-sition and direction that he could not any longer hope to be successful in his search. The colony in the meantime was in a deplor- able condition. Food supplies were limited; the region in which they were was barren and inhospitable. Many members of the expedi- tions were dissatisfied and hostile to their leader. At last La Salle formed a desperate resolu- tion. He despaired of finding the river. He saw that the colony could not long survive. No help could be expected from France direct. He determined to go overland to Canada and there secure ships and provisions for saving his men. On foot, then, accompanied by a few members of the expedition to set ovit a walk a tliousand miles through an unknown country, to cross rivers and lakes, to meet the Indians and to confront all the dangers of the wilderness. Nothing shows better the uncon- querable determination of the man than this la.st projected journey. He had gone but a little way until he was shot and killed by one 32 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ]\IISSOURI of those accompanying him. This man had cherished a secret grudge against La Salle and had foiind an opportunity for satisfying his hatred. So there died, in the prime of his life and in the midst of the execution of great plans, the greatest of the French explorei-s. Had he lived to carry out his plans and had the French government caiight something of his idea and his entluisiasm, it is quite probable that the history of the Mississippi valley would have been quite diflEerent. It was long, how- ever, before the government of France came to have much appreciation of the great terri- tory of Louisiana. She regarded it with little care or concern ; left it without attention, or granted it with careless indifference to vari- ous applicants. CHAPTER IV INDIAN HISTORY Importance of Indians in Oue Histoky — Indian Trade — Indians in Southeast Missouri When DeSoto Came — The Capahas — The Siouan Family and its Branches — The OsAGES — Their Homes — Their Farms — Osage Houses — Furniture and Clothing — Polygamy — Weapons — Peculiar Customs op the Osages — Painting op the Body — Their Government — Wars With Other Indians — Defeated by Sacs and Foxes — Their Removal From the State — Delawares and Shawnees — Their History Outside Mis- ouRi — Why the Spaniards Brought Them to Missouri — Character — Their Villages — Tecumseh's Sister — Chilletecaux — Witchcraft Delusion — The Mashcoux Tribe — Treaties With the Indians — Indian Education. Constaut reference has been made in earlier chapters to the Indians, as the aboriginal in- habitants of America were incorrectly named by Columbus, and other early explorers, be- cause they believed America to be the In- dies. These Indians are intei'esting as be- ing the earliest inhabitants of the country and also because they played a considerable part in its history after the white man came here. They were always to be taken into consideration. Whether friendly or hostile, whether disposed to help or hinder those who came, they were always to be reckoned with. It is difficult, perhaps impossible, for us who live in the security of the present, even to imagine the time when the savage warwhoop of the Indians was a sound of terror, often heard and always to be dreaded. AVe cannot reconstruct, except imperfectl.y, the condi- tions of life, here, when trade with the In- dians was one of the prime motives for the coming of white people to this part of the world. Vol. 1—3 And yet, difficult as it is to realize these things, both of these conditions once existed There was a time in Southeast Missouri when every home was in some ways a fortress, when the inhabitants listened for the war- whoop, and when life and property were not safe from the savage attacks of the red men. It is true that the depredations committed here were not so extensive as those suifered by the people of the eastern part of this couutr.y, but they were sufficient in number to form a bloody chapter in our history. There was time, also, when trade with the Indians was very profitable. The western country was once the home of many fur- bearing animals. Perhaps nowhere else in the world did there ever exist such a great number of animals valuable for their fur or for their flesh as in the western part of North America. Until the coming of the white people the Indians had done little to destroy these animals. It is true thej^ lived 33 34 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI largely by hunting, but they hunted only to supply the immediate needs for food, and so vast was the animal life of the country that its natural increase more than compensated for all the Indians killed for food and skins. But when the Indians found it possible to trade furs to the whites for those things which they desired, they became the agents for the destruction of the game of the coun- try. It was relentlessly pursued and vast quantities of furs were every year bartered away to the traders. The fur trade was ex- ceedingly profitable to the white men engaged in it, for it was possible to buy with a hatchet, a string of beads, some calico, or other inexpensive articles, valuable furs. To secure this trade and hold it became a prize, contended for, not alone by individuals and companies, but by nations themselves. A part of the colonial policy of France, of Eng- land, and of Spain was directed by a desire fo secure or hold the trade in furs. In order to accomplish these objects set- tlements were made, expeditions and wars carried on. Some of the early settlements in the state were made as trading points. This is true of Cape Girardeau. Here Louis Lori- mier early established himself to carry on trade with the Indians. New Madrid was originally a trading post of the La Sieurs. It is clear that much of the early history of this part of the state was determined and given course by the presence of the Indians. It is the purpose of this chapter to give an account of the various tribes that lived here, their character, habits, manner of life, rela- tion to the settlers, and the final disposition made of them. When DeSoto came to Southeast Missouri he found living within its borders at least three tribes of Indians. Those whose princi- pal place of dwelling was in the neighbor- hood of New Madrid he called Casquins. These we believe to have been identical with the Kaskaskias later found on the other side of the river in what is now the state of Illi- nois. If this is correct the Casquins were a part of the great Algonquin group of Indians who were formerly to be found scattered over a considerable part of the eastern portion of the United States. Their removal from New ]\Iadrid county to Illinois is not a matter of surprise, for such removals were not at all uncommon among the Indians. In fact it was a custom with most of them to change their place from time to time. This was due, in part, to their roving disposition and con- stant love of change; in part, to the neces- sity of finding new hunting grounds where proper supplies of food might be had ; and, in part, to the constant and bitter warfare ^^aged between Indians of different tribes. It was probably some such war which caused the Casquins to abandon their seat in Southeast Missouri and migrate to the other side of the great river. In fact we know that between them as Algonquins and the Siouan family (represented by the Osages, the Kan- sas, the Missouris and others) there was bit- ter hatred and constant warfare. It was the interference of DeSoto in the quarrel of the Casquins that bought him into contact with the Capahas. These Capahas were doubtless living in the neighborhood of Cape Girardeau. They be- longed, it seems, to the great Siouan family. It was a tradition among the Siouan Indians Avest of the river that their original seat was in the valley of the Ohio ; that owing to trouble with other Indians they migrated down the Ohio to its mouth. Here they divided part of them turning to the south and others to the north. Those who HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 35 went to the South were called Quapas, Ca- pahas, Pacahas, and other similar names; all meaning "downstream Indians" and having reference to their going down the river from the time of their separation. Those who turned to the north were called Omahas, meaning "upstream Indians." These Omahas made their way to the Missouri river, where some of them settled and long remained. These were called Missouris. Others of them passed up this river toward the west. Some of them settled on that branch of the Missouri aftei'- ward called for them the Osage. These were the famous Osage Indians whose doings fill such a large part of the aboi'iginal history of Missouri. Still others of these Indians pressed their way further west to become known as the Kansas and Omahas. If this legendary account as preserved bj' the Indians themselves is correct, there ex- isted a close relation between all the Indians named. That this relation did exist is shown by the similarity of their language. They spoke, it is true, different dialects, but these were not so dissimilar as to preclude all com- munication. Indeed it was possible for one speaking either of these various dialects to learn the others in a very short space of time. The third tribe of Indians found by DeSoto were these Osages, who at this time lived in the great bend of the Missouri, but whose hunting ground extended east to the Missis- sippi and south to the Arkansas. Wlien the French came, the Casquins had migrated to a new seat on the Illinois river, if indeed the Kaskaskias of Illinois were identical with the Casqiiins described by De- Soto. The Capahas had moved down the ^lississippi to the Arkansas where they con- tinued to reside. Others think, however, that their principal seat was on the St. Francois and that one of their villages, called Tori- man, was in Dunklin county. This is the con- clusion of Houck who has given the matter very careful study. ( Houck 's "History of Missouri, " Vol. I, p. 173). Of all these early aboriginal inhabitants of Southeast Missouri none are more interesting than the Osages. A part as we have seen of that great Siouan family which at an early date migrated from their original home in the valley of the Ohio to its mouth where they divided; the Osages, at the time of the French, were living on the Missouri and the Osage. From here their hunting parties went out to cover that great stretch of terri- tory extending east to the Mississippi and south to the Arkansas. They continued to reside on the Osage until, with the Missouris, the tribe which for a time lived near the mouth of the Missouri but which afterward moved up the stream and united with the Osages, they came into conflict with Sacs and Foxes. A deadly strife ensued between these Indians, and later, between the Osages and the Cherokees when the latter were moved to this side of the river by the govern- ment. The Osages resented the coming of the Cherokees to their hunting grounds and tried to drive them out. They gradually degenerated, however, and finally disap- peared from the Missouri country. During the time of their prosperity they had been induced by the Indian traders to found some settlements on the Arkansas, and, when the pressure of other tribes and the whites became too strong for them, the rem- nant made their way to the south. Some of their descendants reside yet in Oklahoma. These Indians lived principally by hunt- ing, but they also cultivated little patches of soil. Usually each band of them had two or more places of residence. Near one of them 36 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI they had some cleared land. Here, usually in April, they planted maize and squashes, or pumpkins and beans. When this planting- was made, they then set out on a hunting ex- pedition which lasted for two or three months. Returning usually in August they harvested their crops which, during their absence, had been uncultivated. The corn was usually shelled and stored in pots or hol- low trunks of trees, the squashes and pump- kins were dried, the latter being cut into long strips and hung in the upper part of their houses. Beans were also kept by being shelled and stored. The crop harvested and stored for winter, the Indians were accust- omed to depart again for another hunting ex- pedition. The meat procured on these expe- ditions, such as was not immediately used, was dried or jerked, or else was partly cooked and covered with grease from the fat of some animal, usually the bear or deer. Tlie skins which they secured were prepared for trading at the nearest post, for beads, hatchets, calico, powder, guns, or whiskey. This hunt lasted until about January when the Indians returned to their villages to re- main during the colder wealther of winter, living principally upon the stores of food laid up during the summer. With the return of spring they engaged in still another hunt, coming back to the practice of their rude agriculture. The houses of the Osages were rude cabins, not unlike a tent in shape and appearance but constructed of poles and matting. Two forks each about twenty feet high were stuck into the ground, a ridge pole laid across these, smaller forks put up on each side, and a framework of poles arranged to these, furnishing a support for the mats. These mats were often woven of rushes or reeds, sometimes skins or bark took the place of the matting, or even sod was sometimes used. Of course not all the houses were alike. Some of them were conical in shape. All were, without exception, rude in appearance, and greatly lacking in comfort. None pos- sessed a chimney, the fire being kindled on the earth floor in the center of the house, or upon a hearth of stones, and the smoke was allowed to escape through a hole in the cen- ter of the roof. The furniture was exceedingly limited, con- sisting principally of beds. These were made of skins or mats placed upon a shelf built along the walls. The beds served as seats in the day time, though the Indians, frequently, or most often, sat on the ground or on mats placed as a sort of carpet. Their household implements were those common to most American Indians and consisted of pottery vessels, stone knives, stones for grinding or pounding corn, and similar utensils, most if not all of them the product of the skill and industry of the Indian women. The men felt it to be beneath their dignity as war- riors and hunters to engage in manual labor of any kind and deputed practically all of it, including the building and care of the house, the construction of the necessary im- plements and the cultivation of the fields, to the women. These women were not uncomely in youth, but their life of toil and hardship brought upon them a premature old age. One custom concerning the women of the Osages is noted by many travellers among them and that is the way in which the married woman was distinguished from the unmarried. The In- dian maiden was accustomed to bestow great attention upon the arrangement and adorn- ment of her hair. It was arranged in two braids and ornamented with strings of wam- pum and such other beautiful objects as HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 37 might be possessed. Upon marriage, how- ever, the ornaments were laid aside to be kept for a daughter, and the liair was confioed in one braid. A curious form of polygamy was practiced among them. When a man took a wife he ac- quired rights over the persons of her sisters, and might bestow them in marriage as he wished or else add them to his own household. In spite of this privilege, monogamy was not uncommon among them and there frequently existed between husband and wife a strong and lasting tie of affection. The Osages possessed the ordinary weapons of the Indians, the bow and arrow, the war- club, the tomahawk, and the scalping knife. They soon learned the superior power of the gun, and after coming into contact with the traders they equipped themselves, where pos- sible, with guns. In common with most of the Indians of the continent they looked upon bravery in war as the chief virtue. Scalping was the one act that conferred the greatest distinction on a brave, and next to this steal- ing the enemy's horses. The young braves often spent their leisure time in boasting of their skill and prowess in handling the scalp- ing knife and in carrying away horses. This latter accomplishment was held in high re- pute among them, for the Osages were dis- tinguished among Indians for their knowl- edge of and regard for the horse. They pos- sessed large numbers of them and held them as their chief riches. Nuttall ("Journal," p. 247) records the fact that once they pur- chased the temporary friendship of their bit- ter enemies, the Outagamies, liy the present of a hundred head of horses. "A present," Nuttall remarks, "which though valuable was not costly to the givers, for in a raid under- taken immediately afterward they brought back three hundred horses either stolen from the Pawnees or else caught wild upon the prairies. ' ' According to Nuttall ("Journal," p. 238), who spent sometime with them, they pos- sessed some knowledge of the stars. They recognized the pole star and had observed that it was stationary in the heavens, they called Venus the harbinger of day, they knew the Pleiades and the three stars in Orion's belt, and they spoke of the Galaxy as the heavenly road or way. The religion of the Osages was not unlike that of many other of the American Indians. They believed in a Great Spirit, and looked forward to a Happy Hunting Ground after death. In accordance with this belief they frequently buried with the deceased warrior his hunting implements and his weapons of war, tliat he might enjoy his favorite pastime in the land of the dead. Coupled with this religion was a gross form of superstition which manifested itself in an observance of omens, a belief in the efficacy of charms and amulets, and a constant effort to propitiate evil spirits. Before going on the war-path they were accustomed to spend a night in la- mentation and in penitential exercises, in the course of which they inflicted upon them- selves sundry forms of punishments in an en- deavor to ward off misfortune in the time of war. One of their peculiar customs, seemingly unique, was a morning lamentation indulged in by some or all of the members of the tribe, each morning about sun rise. This custom prevailed to the very great annoj'ance of their white visitors. Long speaks also of "a vesper hymn of doleful sound," chanted at sun-down during one his visits. (Long's "Expedition," Vol. 4, p. 266). In common with other Indians they were exceedingly fond of tobacco and attached 38 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI great importance to the pipe. It formed a part of all their great meetings, and no treaty was concluded and no formal act re- lating to the tribe ever performed without recourse to the pipe which was passed from hand to hand and smoked by each in turn. Their clothing was made from skins, prin- cipally deer-skins, which were tanned by the women and made into garments for both men and women. They also possessed the art of weaving, and utilized for this purpose lint from the bark of the mulberry, the elm, or the paw-paw. Sometimes they wove a sort of cloth from feathers, and after they began to secure cloth from the white people they would frequently unravel an old piece of cloth and use the thread again. The men usually wore the breech clout made of skins, leggings, and moccasins. The women wore a short skirt, leggings, and moccasins, and sometimes a covering for the upper part of the body, either a shirt made of their cloth or a blanket. They adorned themselves with feathers, worked various patterns into their cloth, wore shells and beads, and, as far as their conditions allowed, exhibited all the signs of vanity of dress found among civilized people. The men of the tribe were fond of paint. They sometimes painted the entire body, staining it with colors derived from clay. The face was especially treated and was sometimes streaked and painted in a dreadful and hideous manner. This was true of all who went upon the warpath. Indeed the hideous painting of the face was usually a sign of war, though some- times indulged in during their celebrations of various kinds. The Indian moccasin deserves a more ex- tended notice than any other part of their wearing apparel. Perhaps no other footgear ever devised, by either savage or civilized man, was quite so well adapted to the pecu- liar purposes for which it was intended, as this moccasin. Made of tanned deer-skin, it was soft and pliable, enabling its wearer to pass with wonderful celerity and absence of noise through the woods and over the rude trails, and yet it was durable and lasting. Its superiority is shown in the fact that all white men who have passed much time among the Indians have adopted it in preference to the shoe or boot of civilization. The government of the Osages was a patriarchal despotism. The leader was fre- quently, though not always, succeeded by his son. This right of heredity was often dis- regarded and never was vested exclusively in the eldest son. In fact they refused to re- gard the right of primogeniture. The chief was. first of all, the leader in war. He was usually the most daring and ruthless of the warriors of the tribe. His retention of the leadership depended upon his hold upon the respect and confidence of his fellows. This could not long be retained, in such a state of society as existed among the Indians, by any one not recognized as brave and skilful in war. The chief was supposed to exercise authority over his warriors in time of peace, also, but this authority was mainly shadowy and vague. The real fact of the matter was that the character of the Indians of almost every tribe prevented anything like a firm government. They could not submit them- selves to the rule of anyone else, even thougli he was chosen by themselves for that pur- pose. It was this fatal defect, coupled with their unreasonable delight in war that ren- dered all the resistance of the Indians to the encroachment of the white men so futile. Even the great chiefs, such as Pontiac and Tecumseh, found their influence often set at naught and their plans wrecked by the per- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 39 verse and unstable character of their fellows. Many of their chiefs retained their hold upon their men bj' cunning and a practice of all the arts of the political demagogue. Brack- enridge, says of Sans Oreille, chief of the Little Osages, that he was, "as usual with the ambitious among these people, the poor- est man in the nation ; for to set the heart upon goods and chattels was thought to in- dicate a mean and narrow soul. He, there- fore, gave away everything he could get, even though he should beg and rob to procure it : and this to purchase popularity. Such is ambition. Little they knew of this state of society, who believe that it is free from jeal- ousies, from envy, detraction, or guilty am- bition. No demagogue, no Cataline, ever used more art and finesse, ever displayed more policy than this cunning savage. The arts of flattery and bribery by which the un- thinking multitude is seduced, are nearly the same everywhere, and passion for power and distinction seems inherent in human nature." (Brackenridge "Journal," p. 58), In person the Osages were perhaps the most finely developed of any of the Indians of North America. They were tall, above the average height of both whites and Indians. Few of the men were under six feet and the\- were large and strong in proportion to their great height. They were comely in appear- ance for Indians, and evoked the admiration of most travellers among them. They pos- sessed great powers of endurance. Nuttall ("Journal," p. 246) speaks of their hunting and foraging expeditions extending for three hundred miles or more, and says that it was not uncommon for them to walk from their camp on the Verdigris river in Arkansas to the trading post on the Arkansas in a single da.v. This is a distance of sixty miles. As we have said, these Indians established themselves on the Osage river in Missouri. They early separated into three bands tin- Great Osages living on the Osage and num- bering at time about one thousand warriors; the Little Osages who dwelt further west, numbering from two hundred and fifty to four hundred ; and the Arkansas band, which settled on the Verdigris, a tributary of the Arkansas river. These last were induced to make settlement there by Pierre Chouteau of St. Louis. One DeLisa had secured from the government of Spain a monopoly of the In- dian trade in Missouri, and Chouteau induced a part of the Osages to emigrate to Arkansas that he might trade with them. While thus the main camps of these Indians were out side the territory of Southeast Missouri as here defined, they had much to do with the historj' of this section of the state, for they roamed over all this territory and were for many years the dread of all the inhabitants. The French were accustomed to deal with the utmost leniency with the Indians, and this policy was inherited by the Spanish when they came into possession here. As a consequence the Indians were not forced to submit to the authority of either government and for years committed many depredations upon the inhabitants. They were especially troublesome in the matter of horse-stealing. Their fondness for horses, as noted else- where, caused them to take possession of good horses without regard to the ownership of them. They had a custom, too, of resenting any intrusion on their chosen hunting grounds, and many a white hunter and trap- per was beaten, his property seized, or de- stroyed, because he was found by the Osages within territory which they claimed as their own. Often, too, these outrages did not stop short of the murder of the luckless hunter or trapper. This was almost certainly the fate 40 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of the man caught on their warpaths. These they held with tenacity and resented any in- trusion upon them. Constant struggle was carried on by the Osages ^\^th other Indians seeking to come into this territory. There was a general movement of the Indians from east to west. We have seen that the Osages themselves were the descendants of Siouan Indians who for- merly lived in the valley of the Ohio. Many causes impelled this migi'ation toward the west. Chief of these was terrible ferocity and power of Iroquois or Five Nations of New York. These fierce Indians, the strong- est and most powerful of all the natives on the continent, carried on ruthless war against most of the tribes of the north and east. IMany of these sought to escape this warfare by moving to the west. Those who came afto the settlement of white men in Missouri found their way barred by the Osages, but little in- ferior in prowess and ferocity to the dreaded Iroquois themselves. Against these new com- ers the Osages waged bitter war. The Peo- rias, a little remnant flying across the river to find homes, were compelled to live in con- stant fear. A little band of thirty of these took up their abode under the protection of the white men at Ste. Genevieve, but they hunted but little we are told, owing to their fear of the Osages. The Saukees and Out- gamies, or Sacs and Foxes, who settled in Iowa and north Missouri, attempted to ex- tend their territory south of the ilissouri and became involved in a bitter and relentless struggle with the Osages. Coming from an- other direction were the Cherokees, a part of that great nation of the southern Alleghenies. With all of these, as well as with the Dela- wares and Shawnees, the Osages contended with varying fortunes. None of the invad- ers surpassed them in braver}', ferocity, or skill in warfare, but the Sacs and Foxes brought with them the arms of the white men, and in the end this superiority of arms pre- vailed, and the lessened remnant of the great and haughty tribe of Osages made their way to the west. A remnant of them still live in Oklahoma. A melancholy interest attaches to these few and feeble descendants of a once power- ful and numerous race. The defects of In- dian character were many and grave. Their society and government was most primitive, they inflicted upon the settlers untold suf- fering and most barbaric cruelties. Their going made way for the civilization and prog- ress of the white race. No one would call back the Indians even if that were possible, but the chapter of history which records the dealings of our government with the Indians is a most painful one. We cannot forget that the Indian was fighting for his home, for his hunting grounds, for that state of life and society which seemed to him best and most desirable, and we cannot close our eyes to the fact that the treatment he received from those who took his land was often marked by the extreme of cruelty and treachery. Perhaps it was inevitable that he should disappear be- fore the superior gifts of the white man, but surely it was not necessary that bad faith and cruelty and even treachery should mark our treatment of him. The Osages were perhaps the most formid- able and troublesome of all the savage neigh- bors of the people of this section of the state, but they were by no means the only Indians who were here. The constant drift of the aborigines westward across the river brought man.y of them through Missouri or near its borders, and of these passing through, some HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 41 remained. Thus we find constant reference in the annals of the time to Creeks and Che- rokees, Pawnees, Peorias and others of the many tribes of the western Indians. Some of these made their residence within the borders of the section, others were only occasional visitors, whose hunting or trading parties came and went as the whim seized them. These, as they traded or hunted or pursued other and less legitimate occupation, entered little into the real life of the people and had but little influence on the development of the country, further than the inducement of set- tlers for their trade. Two other tribes than those mentioned, however, settled within the limits of South- east Missouri in considerable numbers, and they came into closer relations with the peo- ple of this part of the state and probably were more important in its early history than any others of the savages. These two tribes were the Delawares and the Shawnees. Both nees. Both of these are Algonquin Indians and closely related to each other. The Delawares were originally found on both sides of the Delaware river in Pennsyl- vania and Delaware. They were the Indians who were dealt with by "William Penn and others of the early settlers in Pennsylvania. They early came into conflict with the Iro- quois, and were subjugated by them. Dur- ing the period of their subjugation they lost much of their former spirit and courage, and lived in a state of abject fear of their red masters. They finally moved further west into the present state of Ohio. Here they recovered their spirit and their love for war and became among the most formidable of the tribes. Part of them were converted to Christianitv through the efforts of Moravian missionaries and became known as the Chris- tian Indians. Those who refused Christian- ity joined with the French in the French and Indian wars, and with the British during the Revolution. They committed great depreda- tions during the war all along the western borders, until an expedition under ' ' Mad An- thony" Wayne laid waste their country and destroyed their power. They gradually drifted further west into Indiana and Iowa. During the Spanish regime in Missouri they were invited to settle in Missouri, or in Up- per Louisiana as the country west of the river was then called. This invitation to settle under the power of Spain was prompted by two motives. The Spanish wished them to be a bulwark against the constant encroachments of the Osages whose thieving and plundering expeditions harried all of Upper Louisiana and kept its inhabitants in a state of constant alarm. Spain greatly feared for her colonies, too, be- cause of the American desire for the posses- sion of the Mississippi. There was a feeling along our western border at that time that the United States should seize the river, and perhaps some of the territory of the western side, and hold it. To have the help of the savage allies whom she had brought to her colonies was one of the motives which prompted Spain to bring the Delawares to this side. Louis Lorimier. the founder of Cape Girardeau, was one of the principal agents in the Spanish dealing with the In- dians. The Shawnees who came to Missouri at the same time with the Delawares were quite probably an offshoot of the Delawares, who had been for some time separated from them but who again united with them just before their emigration to the west. They resem- 42 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI bled the Delawares in language and tribal habits and acted with them in many of their dealings with the white men. When these Indians came across the Mis- sissippi they settled prineipallj' in the terii- tory between the Cinque Honnne and Flora creek. Their settlement extends west to Whitewater river. Two large villages were located on Apple creek, on the north line of what is now Cape Girardeau county. There were also villages of these Indians along Cas- tor river, near the present site of Bloomfiekl in Stoddard county, and at Chilletecaux in Dunklin county. The.y settled at other places in various counties of the district, and most of the Indians known to the later settlers in this territory belonged to these two tribes, or else to the Cherokees concerning whose history some facts are given later. These Delawares and Shawnees were nearl.y always peaceful and inoffensive in their relations with the white people. Many of them culti- vated little patches of corn or pumpkins, the work as was usual with Indians being virtu- ally done by the women. They hunted and trapped, selling their furs to the various traders, using the flesh of animals for their food. Many places through the lower counties of the district have names which perpetuate the memory of these Indians. Chilletecaux river in Dunklin county, Jim Ease's camp in New Madrid, and Seneca slough are a few of them. Along Apple creek, where were located the principal villages of the Indians, are many traces of their residence. The lai'gest of the villages on this creek contained about four hundred inhabitants. The houses were built of logs and the open- ings were filled with mud. They were supe- rior in some wavs to manv of the tribes of the west. Most of them were fine looking well- made men, fond of war and the chase. They possessed considerable skill in war, and made even the fierce Osages respect the prowess of their arms. For a long time the Shawnees cherished a bitter hatred for Americans. This village called Chilleeathee, was situ- ated on Apple creek in Cape Girardeau county. It was the largest village in the en- tire section. More than five hundred Indians made their homes here for many years. They were prineipallj' Shawnees and Delawares. Among these Indians was the sister of the celebrated Chief Tecumseh. This Indian wo- man, who is said to have been very beautiful and possessed of a great fluency of speech and considerable eloquence, during a visit to an Indian camp at New Madrid, formed the acquaintance of a Creole named Francois ]\Iaisouville. They became attached to one another and were married after the Indian marriage customs. When Tecumseh heard of this he came to New Madrid and forced his sister to leave ilaisonville and return to the village of Apple creek. However, within a few months, while Tecumseh was absent in the south attempting to form his great al- liance of the southern Indians, his sister re- turned to New Madrid and to her husband. There are living today, in New Madrid county, some of the descendants of Maison- ville and his Indian wife. She outlived her husband and seemed never to recover from her grief for the death of her brother, who was killed by Colonel Johnson in Indiana. Another one of these Indian villages was called Chilletecaux. It was situated on a branch of the St. Francois river not far from the present site of Kennett, and a third vil- lage was located near the present site of Point Pleasant in New Madrid county. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 43 The usual relation of the Indians and the white people was one of friendship and good feeling, but some times circumstances arose which led to trouble. Just before the earth- quake of 1811 a war party of Creek Indians, under the leadership of a chief named Cap- tain George, crossed the Mississippi river four miles below Little Prairie. They were on the warpath and showed great hostility toward the whites. They planned the capture of Little Prairie and subsequently New Madrid. They were foiled in their efforts by the ac- tions of a Delaware Indian. He was a friend of the whites, and having discovered the in- tention of the Creeks reported their purpose to Francois Lasieur and Captain George Ruddell. each of whom commanded a com- pany of militia. The militia were ordered out and all preparations made to repel the attack of the Indians. It was just at this time, when the whites and Indians were con- fronting one another, that the first shock of the earthquake was felt. The Indians were so alarmed by this that they fled across the river, and were doubtless among those who were chastised by General Jackson. Lasieur in his writing on the early his- tory of New Madrid [New Madrid Record, 1893) calls attention to the fact that the In- dians were armed with good rifles which they had secured at Kaskaskia, and that they never bought any lead. In fact all Indians of this district were accustomed to secure their supplies of lead from some place in the im- mediate vicinity. The Indians remaining in the town of Chilleteeaux would depart in the morning and return in the evening with bas- kets full of lead ore. They went in the direc- tion of the St. Francois river. The source of their supplies of lead in this part of the district has never been discovered. One of these Indians named Chookalee, or Corn Meal, returned from the reservation to wliidi the Indians had been removed, and in 1837 came to Point Pleasant. He had been in- duced to return by the La Sieurs and had promised to show them the site of the lead mine. Unfortunately he died on the very day of his arrival at Point Pleasant and the se- cret of his mine died with him. One of the famous chiefs of these Indians was Captain ]\Ioonshine whose son, Billy Moonshine, ap- peared in the battle of Big River during the Civil war. The Indians of this district were seized during the close of the eighteenth century by a belief in witchcraft. This belief, which was widely distributed among them, led to the same results as the belief in witchcraft among the white people in Salem, Massachu- setts. Many persons among the Indians suf- fered arrest, persecution and even death, be- cause they were accused of being witches. The most trivial circumstance was liable to draw suspicion upon a person, and, once be- ing suspected, he was almost certain to be convicted and put to death. It is difficult to say how far this delusion would have carried the Indians and how many victims it would have required had it not been for the fortu- nate visit of Tecumseh who was at this time organizing the Indians for an assault upofi the whites, and in the course of his journeys for this purpose came to Southeast Missouri. Tecumseh had no belief in wutches, and he was unwilling to see the lives of his people sacrificed to this delusion. He needed the energies of the Indians to assist hira in his purpose. Such was his influence and power that he brought about the cessation of the punishment of those accused of witchcraft. Outside of the Osages, the most trouble- some Indians to the people of Southeast 44 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Missouri were, very probably, the members of a band of Creeks. De Lassus, in a let- ter to Major Stoddard at the time of the transfer of Upper Louisiana to the United States, says that these Creek Indians had been expelled from their tribes on account of crimes and that they had spent about ten years wandering up and down on both sides of the Mississippi river, covering the terri- tory from New Madrid to the Llaramec and constantly slaying, killing, and burning houses. De Lassus calls them the Mashcoux Indians. It was some of this band that killed David Trotter and burned his house. After the punishment of the Indians for the killing of Trotter, and some representa- tions made by De Lassus to their chief, the band seems to have given up the larger part of their depredations and no longer to have troubled the inhabitants. In 1808 the government made a treaty with the Osages, by which it was agreed that the boundary between them and the United States should begin at Port Osage on the Mississippi river, run due south to the Ar- kansas river and down the Arkansas to the Mississippi. All the land east of this line was to pass from the Indians to the govern- ment of the United States. They also ceded to the government their lands north of the Mississippi river and two square leagues west of this line, to contain Fort Osage. This treaty left to the Osages only the western part of the territory now embraced in Mis- souri. In 1825 the Osages made another treaty by which they gave up their rights to all the lands in Missouri. In 1793 Spain, by action of Baron Ca- rondelet, granted to the Shawnees and Dela- wares a tract of land situated between the Cinque Homme and Cape Girardeau. This tract extended as far -ft est as White river. This territorj' was claimed by the Osage In- dians and was relinquished by them in their treaty of 1808. The government of the United States, however, did not press this claim to this particular tract, for one of the clauses in the treaty by which Louisiana was ceded to the United States bound this coun- try to the fulfilment of all treaties and agree- ments between Spain or France and the In- dian tribes. In 1815 there began a move- ment of the Shawnees and Delawares to the west. The}' seemed to have been promised other lands in consideration of their removal. Some of them went' to Castor and St. Fran- cois rivers; some of them settled on White river not far from Springfield. In 1825 a treaty was made with the Shawnees by which they exchanged their Spanish grants in the Cape Girardeau district for a tract of fifty square miles west of Missouri. They removed to these lands in what is now the Indian ter- ritory. In 1829 the Delawares gave up their title to the Cape Girardeau lands and moved further west. In 1832 the allied Delawares and Shawnees made a treaty bj' which they relinquished the very last of their lands and improvements in Southeast Missouri. This act extinguished the last title held by the Indians to the territory of Missouri. While the Indians', lands were all trans- ferred by this date (1832), not all the In- dians themselves disappeared from this sec- tion of the state at that time. There are many persons now living who well remember when there were scattered bands of the In- dians in Southeast ]\'Iisso\iri. One of the last of these bands was that at the village of Chil- letecaux, near Kennett. They remained here until game practically disappeared and it became impo.ssible for them longer to live by hunting. Some of them died, and the sur- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 45 vivors moved away, a few at a time, to the west. Jlost of them went to the Indian ter- ritor}'. Some effort was made to educate the In- dians, even in the early time. Rev. John Ficklin, a Baptist preacher of Kentucky, was sent by the Kentucky Mission Society to Mis- souri to secure some of the chiklren in order to establish an Indian school in Scott county, Kentucky. He had an interview with the chief of a band of Shawnees and Delawares on the Maramec river. This chief was named Rogers. He was a white man, but had been taken prisoner by the Indians in boyhood and had been so trained by them that he Avas practically an Indian himself. He had mar- ried a young woman, a daughter of the chief, and because of his influence and talents had succeeded to the office. The Indians, under instructions of Captain Rogers, cultivated farms and opened a school in the village, which was attended by the children of the American settlers and of the Indians. These children studied their books in school hours and then engaged in shooting with a bow and arrow and other Indian pastimes, at inter- mission. One of the white children who be- gan his early education in this mixed school was Rev. Louis Williams, who afterwards be- came a distinguished minister. About the time of the cession Captain Rogers and his band had removed to Big Spring, at the head of the Maramec river. They intended to reside in this place, but the country was not suited to them and many of them died. Thej^ attributed these deaths to the influence of the evil spirit and moved away, settling in Franklin county, not far south of Union. The sons of Captain Rogers and Captain Fish, who succeeded him as chief, discussed with Reverend Ficklin the question of sending some of their children to Kentucky. Louis Rogers, a son of Captain Rogers, who could already read and write, offered to go to Kentucky, provided he were permitted to take his family with him. This was assented to, and some of the Indians went to Kentucky to this school. Peck ("Life of Peck," p. Ill) says that this band of In- dians were very thrifty farmers and brought the best cattle to the St. Louis market that the butchers received. The Indian has now disappeared from Southeast Missouri. He no longer pursues the hunt through the forests, or causes the settler to tremble at the sound of the war- hoop. His wigwam, his lodge of poles and mats, his implements of warfare, his tools and utensils no longer exist, or are found only in museums and collections of relics. The very mounds he reared as places for the burial of his dead, as sites for home or tem- ple, are no longer sacred to the purposes for which he dedicated them, but are desecrated by the spade of the explorer and relic hunter, and his very erection of them is denied. Most of those now living within the bor- ders of the state never saw an Indian in his native haunts, and cannot reconstruct the life of the time when he formed an impor- tant part in the making of the history of the country. And yet we cannot give more than mere casual attention to the story of the de- velopment of Southea.st Missouri, without discovering that the Indian once played a great part here. He has left ineffaceable traces of his life, and no one can ever hope to come to a complete understanding of our his- tory without a study of Indian life and char- acter. SECTION II Under France and Spain CHAPTER V STE. GENEVIEVE DISTRICT The Name Louisiana — The Illinois — The French and Spanish Districts With Their Limits — The Appearance and Character op the Country — Ste. Genevieve — Probable Date of First Settlement — "The Old Village op Ste. Genevieve" — Original Set- tlers — OppiCLiis AND Legal Proceedings — Occupations — The "Big Field" — Indian Troubles — Life op the French Pioneers — Population — Pittman's Account — Visit op Paul Allioy — As Peck saw the Tovfn — Impressions op Flag — Ferdinand Rozier — John James Audubon — John Smith T. — -Henry Dodge — John Rice Jones — New Bour- bon — New Tennessee — Table op Settlements — First Settlers in Iron County — The Cook and Murphy Settlements — St. Michael's — Old Mines — First Settlers in Jef- ferson County — Perry County Settlements — Long's Account. La Salle applied to the territory along' the Mississippi the name Louisiana. It was early divided by the French into two parts, Upper Louisiana which was north of the Arkansas river and Lower Louisiana which was south of the Arkansas. It should be said here that the whole territory on both sides of the river north of the Ohio was frequently called the country of the Illinois, and so va- rious settlements and rivers were spoken of as being in the Illinois. They applied differ- ent names, also, to the rivers of the district. Thej^ called the Mississippi the river St. Louis, the Missouri they named the St. Philip, and the Wabash was called the St. James. Upper Louisiana was divided into five dis- tricts: first, the district of St. Louis between the Missouri and the Maramec ; second the district of Ste. Genevieve between the Mara- mec and Apple Creek; third the district of Cape Girardeau extending from Apple Creek Vol. 1—4 to Tywappity bottom ; fourth the disti'ict of New Madrid which reached south to the Ar- kansas river; and fifth the district of St. Charles which lay north of the Missouri river. All of these districts fronted on the Mississippi and extended an unknown dis- tance to the west. This country of Upper Louisiana, at the time the French began their settlements, was one of wonderful beauty and attractive- ness. All explorers and travelers who visited it were enraptured with the country and the prospects of its development. Its hills and forests, its streams and springs were all of unusual beauty. The openness of the woods, the comparative absence of undergrowth made the woods both attractive and easy to travel through. The alluvial plains not yet changed by the earthquakes with their wide stretches of level woodland, with their great trees, were esteemed by many of the early travelers as the choicest part of all Upper 49 50 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Louisiana. The country possessed many at- tractions for the French and especially for the French Canadians. The climate was milder than that of Canada, the rivers were open during the most of the .year, and the forests abounded with game. Buffalo, deer, and turkeys were the most important of these. The streams were full of fish and the tracted by all of these opportunities for ac- quiring wealth, planted settlements. The earliest of these were grouped about the mines. They were transient in nature. The first permanent settlement was made at Ste. Genevieve. It is not possible to fix the exact date of the first settlement of Ste. Genevieve. Our First Brick House Built West op the Mississippi (Used as a Court House in 1785) whole country swarmed in season with almost incredible flocks of geese, ducks, swans, and wild pigeons. It was a hunter's paradise, and to it were attracted many men because of the abundance of wild game. But there were other more solid attractions for the settlers. The district of Ste. Genevieve was exceed- ingly rich in minerals; that of New Madrid in fine soil and timber. Within Upper Louisiana the French, at- records are not sufficient for us to determine the precise year in which it was founded. But while this is impossible we are able to carry the history of the town back to a date previous to that of any other settlement in the state, so that it is evident that here was made the first settlement of white men within the limits of Missouri. Not only is this true, but it was, in fact, the first French settle- ment west of the river and one of the first in HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 51 the valley of the Mississippi. Kaskaskia, Viueennes, and a few others are older, but only a few of them. Before there was a set- tlement at St. Louis, or St. Charles, or Cape Girardeau, or New Madrid, Ste. Genevieve was a thriving and prosperous village. The original town was not located on the present site of Ste. Genevieve, hut in the great common field about three miles south of the present town. This old town was called "le vieux village de Ste. Genevieve" — the old village of Ste. Genevieve. The site on which it stood has been swept away by the river. This old site was -abandoned in 1785 owing to an unprecedented rise in the river which overflowed the entire town. So great was the flood and so vivid the impression it made on the people that this year was ever afterward known as the year of the great flood. By 1791 the removal to the new site was completed and the place where the old village had stood was gradually washed away by the river. It is a matter of regret that we cannot fix the precise time when the first settlement here was begun. This, as has been stated, is not possible. Several considerations, how- ever, enable us to fix the approximate date. In the year 1881 there was discovered an old well on the bank of the river in the Big Field of Ste. Genevieve. The river had eaten away the earth from about the well until it stood up like a stone chimney. On a stone in the top of this well was the date 1732. A part of the stone containing the date was chipped off by Leon Jokerst, who discovered the old well, and preserved by him. The re- mainder of the old well was swept away by the currents of the river. This old well evi- dently belonged to some house in the out- skirts of the old town, and the date is very probably the year in which the well was con- structed. If this is the case then the first settlement was made sometime prior to 1732.* There is still to be seen in the office of the recorder of deeds an affidavit made in 1825, by Julien Labriere, in which he deposes that he is fiftj^-six years of age, that he was born in the old village of Ste. Genevieve, that he remembered to have seen as a small child the first settler in the village, one Baptiste La Rose, then very old. The affidavit sets out also the recollections of Labriere concern- ing the removal to the new site. Pittman who visited Ste. Genevieve in 1765 says that the first settlers came to Ste. Genevieve about twenty-eight years ago from Cascasquias attracted by the goodness of the soil and the plentiful harvests, t Mrs. Menard of Ste. Genevieve as late as 1881 had in her possession what was perhaps the oldest legal document relating to the town. It was an account of the sale of a house and lot belonging to the estate of Lau- rent Gabouri. Jean Baptiste St. Gem was the purchaser. The property is described as lo- cated in the village of Ste. Genevieve which must have been an established village at the time of the transfer. The bill of sale is dated in December, 1754. The terms used in describing the property leave no doubt that the settlement was an old and well estab- lished one at that remote date and had been in existence for many yeai-s.J In the collection known as the Guibour Papers now in the Missouri Historical So- ciety files are to be seen copies of petitions to the commandants of the district for land. In one of these Francois Rivard asks for a grant of land, which from the terms of the petition, must have been located near the vil- * "History of Southeast Missouri," p. 241. + "Mississippi Settlements," p. 95. i Houck, ' ' History of Missouri, ' ' Vol. I, p. ?39. 52 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI lage for the petitioner promises to set aside a certain part of it for a chui-ch. The grant was made as requested and is dated 1752. It appears that at this time one Chaponga cultivated a part of what is now the Big Field of Ste. Genevieve. In the same year one Geneaux prays for a grant of land along the Saline Creek adjoining the land of one Dor- lac who must have been in the Big Field also. ' A fort named Fort Joachim was located in the old village during the year 1759. A ref- erence to this old fort is to be found in the register of the Catholic church of Ste. Gene- vieve. V Numerous other references to old events are found scattered through church records, in court proceedings and the letters and books of private persons. None of them give an exact date for the founding of the town, but all of them indicate that it was settled early in the eighteenth century. The original settlers of the old village of Ste. Genevieve were Francisco Valle, Jean Baptiste Valle, Joseph Loisel, Jean Baptiste Maurice, Francois Maurice, Francois Cole- man, Jaques Boyer, Henri Maurice, Parfait Dufour, Joseph Bequette, Jean Baptiste Tho- mure, Joseph Govreau, Louis Boldue, Jean Baptiste St. Gem, Laurent Gabouri, Jean Beauvais, B. N. Janis and J. B. T. Pratte. Of these settlers the Valle family were very prominent, Francois Valle, Sr., and his sons Francois, Jr., and Jean Baptiste were all commandants of the post at various times. Francois, Jr., lived for many years in a large one story frame building on South Gabouri Creek. This house is still standing and is a typical French residence of that time. It is low but has large porches making it comfort- able. The wife of Francois Valle was Louise Carpentier whom he married in 1777. They reared a number of children. One of the daughters of the family married Robert T. Brown of Perry county, another married Dr. Walter Fenwick who was afterward killed in a duel, a third daughter became the wife of Joseph Pratte, and the fourth married Captain Wilkinson. Francois Valle, Jr., died March 6, 1804, and was buried under his pew in the old Catholic church. Jean Baptiste Valle, the brother of Fran- cois, Jr., married Jane Barbau. He was a prosperous merchant and lived in Ste. Ge- nevieve for a number of years. Another of the sons of Francois Valle, Sr., was named Charles. He married Pelagic Carpentier in 1769, and Marie Louise Valle the only daugh- ter of Francois Valle, Sr., was married to Francois LeClere in 1776. Another of the influential families of the old village was the St. Gems, or as they are frequently known St. Gem Beauvais a short- ening of St. Gem de Beauvais. Some mem- bers of the family finally discontinued the use of St. Gem in their name and became known as Beauvais. The founder of the fam- ily in this counti-y was Jean Baptiste, who came to Ka-skaskia about 1720 and was mar- ried in 1725 to Louise LaCi'ois at Fort Chartres. Their family consisted of five sons and two daughters. Two of the sons, Jean Baptiste, Jr., and Vital St. Gem, or as he was often called. Vital Beauvais, removed from Kaskaskia when that place was cap- tured by Clark, to Ste. Genevieve. The former of the two brothers built what was perhaps the first grist mill west of the Missis- sippi. The house in which he lived for many years is still standing in Ste. Genevieve. He was an office holder for a number of years be- ing one of the first judges of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions remain- HISTORY OF SOUTHExVST MISSOURI 53 ing in office until his death. He was the father of six sons, Raphael, Joseph M. D., Bartholomew, Vital, John B. and August. Vital St. Gem, the brother of Jean Bap- tiste, lived for a time at the Saline but came to Ste. Genevieve in 1791, the house in which he lived until his death was afterward oc- cupied by Mrs. Menard and is still standing. He died in 1816. John B. Pratte, who came to Ste. Ge- nevieve about 1754, was one of the most suc- cessful merchants in the early history of the town. He held a number of local offices among them the chairmanship of the Board of Trustees of the town. His sons were Ber- nard, Joseph, Antoine, Bileron and Henry. The Pratte family now prominent in Ste. Genevieve county are descendents of John B. Pratte. The Janis family, many of whose descend- ants are still to be found in Ste. Genevieve, came to the district very early in its history. The founder of the family was Nicholas Janis, who lived for a time in Kaskaskia. His sons were Francois, Antoine and Bap- tiste, his daughters were Felicite, who mar- ried Vital St. Gem; Catherine, who married Stephen Bolduc, and Francoise who became Madam Durocher. The population of Ste. Genevieve in- creased very rapidly after the delivery of the territory east of the river from France to England. The . French of Kaskaskia, Fort Chartres, Prairie du Rocher and Cahokia, unwilling to live under the government of England removed in large numbers across the river to St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve. This was from the years 1765 to 1769. Of course at this time the territory of Upper Louisiana had been transferred to Spain, but this change was not known to the French in this country, and accordingly they be- lieved they were moving back under the flag of France. The first legal proceedings at Ste. Genevieve were had on the 19th day of :\Iay, 1766. In that year Rocheblave was Commandant, and M. Robinet was the notary and greffier. They were both officers of France and held office until November 22, 1769, when they gave way to the officers of Spain. This first legal proceeding was the drawing up of a marriage contract between Pierre Roy and Jeanette Lalond. The court records and the official corre- spondence of the French and Spanish officials both at St. Louis and at New Orleans contain abundant evidence that Ste. Genevieve was a prosperous and flourishing village during the latter half of the eighteenth century. In 1769 Rui in a report to Governor O'Rielly says that the town contains fifty-five or sixty citizens, and Piemas in the same year says the population is about 600. Other state- ments made from time to time to the various Spanish Governors indicate that the town grew steadily, especially after its removal to its present site. Among early officials was Phillip Roche- blave, who had been commandant at Kaskas- kia at the time that post was taken by the Americans under George Rogers Clark, and after a somewhat adventurous life had made his way to St. Louis ; he was there appointed commandant both civil and military of the post of Ste. Genevieve. He was succeeded by Francois Valle a member of one of the oldest and most influential families of Ste. Genevieve. Valle was succeeded by Fran- cisco Cartabona de Oro, and he by Henri Peyroux De La Coudeniere. In 1796 Fran- cois Valle, Jr., became commandant with both civil and military authority. He was succeeded by his brother Jean Baptiste who held the post until the transfer to the United 54 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI States and was continued in olBce by Gover- nor William Henry Harrison. This Jean Baptiste was one of the most interesting char- acters in the early history of the town. He lived to a very great age and his descendants still occupy the old homestead in Ste. Gene- vieve. The early settlers in Ste. Genevieve, while the town occupied the old site in the big field and which has long since been swept away by the river, were engaged principally in the cultivation of the soil of that big field. They had been attracted there largely by the rich- ness of that soil, and in part by the oppor- tunities for trade with the Indians, and in part also because of the nearness to the new mines then being opened up by Renault and his agents. These mines were situ- ated on the Maramec river in what is now Washington county and at Mine La Motte. The lead produced by these mines was car- ried on horseback to Ste. Genevieve for transportation either down the river to New Orleans or else up the river to the Spanish post at St. Louis, which was then called Pain- court. Owing to the peculiar manner by which the pigs of lead were carried to Ste. Genevieve they were not cast in the usual shape but were moulded into a form resem- bling the collar of a horse and were then hung on the neck of the horse for transport. One of these peculiar pigs of lead was found some years ago by the side of the old road leading from the mines on the Maramec to Ste. Genevieve. It seems that some of the in- habitants of the town were engaged in min- ing and in the transportation of the lead. Others of them were early engaged in mill- ing. They shipped flour and meal by way of the river to all the posts about them and as far south as New Orleans. In 1771 Matthew Kenuedj', a merchant at Ste. Genevieve, shipped 1200 pounds of flour to a post on the Arkansas River. This shows that the trade of Ste. Genevieve, even at that early date, was extensive. It is a remarkable fact that the merchants and traders at St. Louis were accustomed to purchase a considerable part of their supplies in Ste. Genevieve. In common with other settlers in Southeast Missouri, the people of Ste. Genevieve were much troubled by the Osage Indians. These Indians, whose principal camp was on the Osage river, extended their hunting and plundering operations over all the section, and were exceedingly troublesome. They were great thieves, being especially fond of horse stealing. They were accustomed to make raids upon the exposed farms and even upon houses in the outskirts of the village, to seize the horses and other property which at- tracted their attention and to carry it away. If resisted they frequently murdered the owner and burned his house. To assist in protecting themselves against these unpleas- ant raids the people of Ste. Genevieve pro- cured the settlement of the old band of Pe- orias. These Indians from Illinois lived for many years in the vicinity of the town and took part in the resistance to the raids of the Osage Indians. They of course incurred the deadly hatred of the fierce and savage Osages and lived themselves in constant fear of them. They were afraid to venture on hunting ex- peditions which took them away from the immediate vicinity of the town and bewailed the fact that they were compelled to live like women on fish and the produce of the soil instead of living the life of men and warriors. The French, so long as they remained in con- trol of the territory treated the outbreaks and outrages of the Osages with a great deal of leniency, but the Spanish on taking over HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 55 the territory dealt with a firm hand witli these matters and so we find that Barou Carondelet while in command in St. Louis organized the inhabitants of the various posts throughout his territory into companies of militia for the purpose of resisting and chas- tising the Indians. One of these companies was organized at Ste. Genevieve and we find records of its actual participation in the In- dian troubles. On one occasion induced by a particularly flagrant outrage committed near New Madrid, all the companies of Southeast Missouri assembled for the pur- pose of inflicting punishment on the authors of the outrage and we find the little army composed of companies from St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid assembling at Cape Girardeau and making its way to the south where the nuirderers were apprehended and summarily dealt with. Life in Ste. Genevieve in these early years was not very diflierent from pioneer life in other parts of the country. It was at first a typical French village. Some of the inhabit- ants were members of the old French fam- ilies, but the greater part of them were of the peasant class. They were so shut off from the world, in the midst of a vast continent their nearest neighbors being sixty-five miles away at the little village of St. Louis, that they were dependent, almost entirely, upon themselves. News reached them from Europe only after the long voyage across the Atlan- tic and the almost equally as long and tedi- ous voyage up the Mississippi, and so cut off from the world in an isolation difficult for us to comprehend, there developed the characteristic life of the frontier. The people were happy and industrious. They were re- ligious by nature and provided liberally for the church. Their priests were held in hi"l' esteem and religion entered into all the af- fairs of their daily lives. They lived the free open life of a new country. They tilled the soil or voyaged on the river, they hunted or trapped in the great woods, or traded with the Indians, and somehow from it all they managed not only to live in considerable comfort, but to accumulate property. We find that Lambert La Fleur, who died in 1771, left an estate of about $14,000.00, all of which had been accumulated while a resi- dent in Ste. Genevieve. But their industries and even their religion did not form all, or perhaps even the greatest part, of the life of the people of Ste. Genevieve. Being French they were fond of pleasure and amusement and they found both, even in the midst of the life in a frontier town. Their games, their social meetings, their dancing, their jests amused some of the courtly travelers who visited them direct from the King's court at Paris. They, no doubt, found all these things crude and even disagreeable to cultivated aiid refined tastes. Some of these travelers who were received by Ste. Genevieve with open- hearted hospitality were rude enough to for- get the duties of a guest and to write of their entertainment in a most sarcastic and cutting way. In spite of this, however, the people of the town found in their simple amusement and pleasure that relaxation from toil and care which is necessary to a healthy and sane life. The first legal proceedings under Com- mandant Rocheblave were had on the 19th of May, 1766, it was the drawing up of a marriage contract between Pierre Roy and Jeanette Lalond. After that there was a rec- ord of the sale of land, the first sale of land was made by Pierre Aritfone to Henri Car- pentier. another land sale was by Joseph Le- Don to Le Febre du Couquette. In the same vear there is a record of tlie sale of salt 56 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI works on the Saline river with ten negroes and a lot of cattle by John LaGrange to one Blowin. In the year 1767 an appeal was prosecuted from the decision of the Comman- dant to the Cabildo at New Orleans. One of the peculiar customs of old Ste. Genevieve was that of bringing all persons charged with crime to church on Sunday and exhibiting them before the congregation after the service in order that they might be known and recognized by the whole com- munity. The first baptism in the old village of Ste. Genevieve was performed by a Jesuit Mis- sionary named P. M. Watrin, February 24, 1760; the first religious marriage was cele- brated on October 30, 1764, by Father J. L. Meurin the parties were Mark Canada and Susan Henn, both of these persons had lived among the Indians, the woman for five years as a prisoner. This marriage was witnessed by Jean Ganion and T. Tebriege. The great common field south of Ste. Gene- vieve was the most valuable possession of tlir inhabitants, this land was fenced at the ex- pense of the entire town and at the beginning of each year a portion of the field was as- signed to each resident who was expected to cultivate this and keep the fence in repair near his part of the field. If any one aban- doned his land it was sold at a public sale at the church door. Plowing was done with a wooden plow and horses were seldom used but generally oxen were attached to the plow. Horses were used for pulling the eharrette or cart ; this cart had no iron fastenings or iron tires, the wheels were usually made of sea- soned white oak with the hub of gum. From one to three horses were driven to the cart; when more than one horse was used they were driven tandem, the traces being of twisted rawhide. This cart was used for all kinds of work as well as for family use ; when women traveled in them they were seated in chairs that were tied to the rail of the cart.* Ste. Genevieve had a population of 945 in the year 1799 and 1,300 in 1804, one-third of the population were slaves. The trade was fairly large in early times, principal things bought and sold were lead and furs. The commercial men of Ste. Genevieve during the period from 1804 to 1820 were remarkably ac- tive and successful in their business pursuits. Ferdinand Rozier was one of the early mer- chants and was very successful in business; Louis Bolduc was another merchant who be- came very wealthy. It is said that at one time an American named ]\Iadden, who was also rich, offered to wager that he had more money than Bolduc ; the latter, however, re- torted by asking IMadden to bring a half bushel measure in order to measure the sil- ver money in Bolduc 's cellar. Another wealthy trading firm was Menard & Valle. This firm was established in 1817, the year that the first steamboat made its way up the Mississippi river. Pierre Menard, one of the partners of this firm, was the Indian agent and controlled a great amount of trade throughout the west. Pittman, who visited Ste. Genevieve in 1769 says that the town was settled 28 years previousl.y by persons from Kaskaskia at- tracted by the goodness of the soil and the plentiful harvest and describes the situation of the village as very convenient, being within one league of the salt spring, which was for the general use of the French subjects. There were a number of works at the spring and lai'ge ciuantities of salt were made for the Indian hunters and other settlers. He says also that a lead mine which supplied the * Eozier, ' ' History of Mississippi Valley, ' ' p. 123. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI 57 Louis Boulduc's House, Ste. Genevieve Louis Guibourd's House, Ste. Genevieve 58 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI whole country with shot was about 15 leagues distant. He further saj's: "The village of St. Louis is supplied with salt and other pro- visions from here. An ofScer appointed by the French Commandant as the entire regu- lation of the police here, is a company of militia commanded by a Mons. Vallet, who resides at this place and is the richest in- habitant of the country of the Illinois; he raises great quantities of corn and provisions of every kind, he has a hundred negroes be- sides hired white people constantly employed. The village is about one mile in length and contains about seventy families. Here is a very fine water mill for corn and plants be- longing to Mons. Vallet."* It is possible that the Vallet mentioned was a member of the family afterwards known as Valle. In 1803 Paul Alliot visited Ste. Genevieve and says of it : "It is inhabited by twelve hundred people who are especially engaged in the cultivation of wheat and in the chase ; they own lead mines from which they derive great profits. In their forests they find bears prodigiously fat and large, the oil from whicli is much sought after by the inhabi- tants, even by those of New Orleans. They raise good vegetables and make excellent but- ter and cheese. That city is large enough and rich enough to support a priest, yet it does not have any and the people are dying. They are governed by a Commandant who always terminates in a friendly manner the quarrels which arise among them.t Peck, who visited the place in 1819, gives the following account of the place. Ste. Genevieve is the oldest French Villasre in Missouri. When Laclede and the Chouteaus * Pittman, "Jfississippi Settlements," p. 96. t Eobertson, "Louisiana," Vol. I, p. 103. came from New Orleans to establish a trad- ing-post at St. Louis, in 1763, they stopped at Ste. Genevieve, which contained about twelve or fifteen families, in as manj^ small cabins, but finding no warehouse or other building in which they could store their goods, they went on to Port Chartres and wintered. We date the commencement of Ste. Genevieve as a village from the period of the erection of Port Chartres, the second, about 1756. Very probably there were pre- vious to this, as there were in the lead- mining districts, what are called in patois French, cabanes, a term expressing the idea of "shanties," a cluster of shelters for tem- porary purposes. Such cabanes were in the lead-mining district when Philip Francis Renault had his exploring parties out at va- rious points in the upper valley of the Mis- sissippi. And, by the way, I find no evidence that lead-mining was followed in the mining country after Renault, disappointed, and a "broken merchant," quit the business about 17-40, until the possession of Illinois by the British about twenty-five years thereafter. Many of the French inhabitants who held slaves left the Illinois countrj' ; some went to the newly established town of St. Louis; others to Lower Louisiana. ]\Iany families also went to the lead mines in Missouri, while others stopped at Ste. Genevieve and New Bourbon with their servants. This gave an impulse to the former town, which before 1770 became the depot and shipping-port for the lead business. The French at St. Louis, as a nom-de-nique, called Ste. Genevieve Misere, as they did Cardondelet, Vide Poche ; and in their turn received the nick-name of Pain Coui't, to indicate they were short of bread. The old town of which I am writing was near the Mississippi, and about one mile be- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 59 low the ferry and landing. From this point, where the rock forms a landing, for seven miles down the river, was an extensive tract of alluvial bottom about three miles in width. On this rich alluvial the French of Ste. Genevieve and New Bourbon made one of the largest "common fields" to be found along the Upper Mississippi. It contained within tlie common enclosure from three thousand to four thousand acres. The re- peated inundations of high water, and es- pecially the great flood of 1784, drove the in- habitants to the high ground in the rear, where they built the old residences of the new town, or the existing Ste. Genevieve. Each successive flood tore away the rich bottom along the river, until that of 1844 about "used up" the great common field of the vil- lage. No passenger in passing up or down the great expansive bend of the river would hardly realize that the largest steamers now float in a channel that is more than two miles from the Mississippi river as it ran in 1780.* When Flagg visited the Ste. Genevieve dis- trict in 1836, he says that the town then con- tained about eight hundred inhabitants though its population was once said to have exceeded two thousand. Among the persons whom he met at that time was Jean Baptiste Valle who was one of the chief proprietors of jMine La Motte, and though at that time more than ninety years of age, was almost as active as when he was fifty. Flagg gave this description of Ste. Genevieve at that time : ' ' Ste. Genevieve is situated about one mile from the Mississippi, upon a broad allu- vial plain lying between branches of a small stream called the Gabourie; beyond the first botton rises a second stepped and behind this is a third attaining an elevation of more than one hundred feet from the water edge. Upon *"Life of Peck," p. 78. this elevation was erected some twenty years since a handsome structure of stone com- manding a noble prospect of the river, the broad American bottom on the opposite side and the bluffs beyond Kaskaskia. It was in- tended for a literary structure but owing to unfavorable reports with regard to the health of its situation, the design was abandoned and the structure was never completed, is now in a state of ruins and enjoys the reputation, however, of being haunted, in very sooth its aspect viewed from the river at twilight, with its broken windows out- lined against the western sky is wild enough to wai'rant such an idea or any other. The court house and Catholic chapel constitute the public buildings. To the south of the village and looking upon the river is situated the common field originally comprising two thousand arpents, but it is now much less in extent and is yearly diminishing from the action of the current upon the alluvial banks. These common fields were granted by the Spanish government as well as the French to every village started under their domination. A single enclosure at the expense of the villagers, was erected and kept in re- pair; the lot of every individual was separ- ated from his neighbors by double furrow. Near this field the village was formerly lo- cated but in the inundation of 1785, called by the habitants, L'annee des grandes eaux, when so much of the bank was washed away that the settlers were forced to secure a more elevated site. The Mississippi was at this time swelled thirty feet above the highest water mark before known and the town of Kaskaskia and the whole American bottom was inundated."! Flagg says that at the time he visited, in 1836, the immense eaves of pure white sand, t Flagg 's ' ' Far West, ' ' p. 95. 60 . HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI at not a great distance from Ste. Genevieve, were being opened and quantities of sand sent to Pittsburg for the manufacture of flint glass. He speaks also of a number of beautiful fountains in the neighborhood, one of them of surpassing loveliness. Flagg also comments on the shot factories at Herculaneum and speaks with very great delight of the great rocks above Herculaneum called "Cornice" rocks. One of the prominent citizens of Ste. Gene- vieve was Ferdinand Rozier. He was born in the city of Nantes, France. He had been in the French navy and came to America, set- tling first in Philadelphia, afterward in Ken- tucky, and finally removing to Ste. Gene- vieve in 1812. Rozier engaged in trade im- mediately upon his arrival, and continued in business to the end of his life. He was a man of enterprise and ability and had branch stores at Perryville and Potosi. Many of the goods bought and sold in those days came from the East and in the course of his trade Rozier made six trips between Ste. Genevieve and Philadelphia on horseback. A single trip of this kind at the present date would be considered a very great undertaking, to say nothing of six of them. Rozier left a large family, many of whose members have been, and are still, prominent in Missouri. Associated with Rozier, for a number of years, was the famous naturalist, John James Audubon. Like the family of Rozier, his family lived in Nantes; the naturalist was born, however, in Louisiana, where the fam- ily resided for a short time. When John James Audubon was but a child, the family returned to France, and he was educated in the French schools. One of his teachers was the famous painter, David. Audubon and Rozier entered the navy together during the French Revolution. They served in the navy for only a short time and finally decided to emigrate to America. They first lived in Pennsylvania, then in Kentucky, visiting in Springfield and Louisville, and spending in this state the time from 1807 to 1810. In 1810 they purchased a keel-boat, loaded it with provisions and whiskey and voyaged in it to Ste. Genevieve. Audubon's account of this voyage up the Mississippi river is a vei-y interesting one. He pictures the scenes on the river and the slow progress of the keel- boat in a very remarkable manner. The two men embarked in business in Ste. Genevieve, together, and were very successful. The suc- cess of the business, however, depended en- tirel.v upon Rozier, for Audubon had no taste for business at all, but spent his time in the woods hunting and painting birds. In 1811 he sold his interest in the business and re- turned to Kentucky. Here he devoted him- self for a time to business, but finally gave up entirely to the study of nature, becoming one of the greatest ornitliologists of the world. One of the famous men of this period in Missouri was the celebrated John Smith T. He was a native of Georgia, but had lived in Tennessee before coming to Missouri. He removed to Ste. Genevieve about the year 1800 and afterwards lived at a little town called Shibboleth, in Washington county. Smith was a tall, slender man, of the mildest appearance and the most courteous manners, the very last man, .judging b.y his appearance only, to be considered at all dangerous. He was, however, a man of terrible passions and when aroused he was one of the most danger- ous men in the history of the state. He was famous for his skill with the pistol and the rifle, and he bad many encounters of a most serious and bloody character. His house re- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 61 sembled an arsenal, for it was filled with arms and weapons of every kind. He, him- self, was a skilled mechanic, and kept slaves who were expert in the making of weapons. Smith's principal business was that of min- ing. He had at first entered into Burr's schemes for invading Mexico, but withdrew from that when they were warned by the proclamation of President Jefferson. Col. Smith was selected at one time to visit Wash- ington, and represent the people of the ter- ritory before Congress. In 1806 he was ajj- pointed one of the Territorial Judges of the court of General Quarter Sessions. In spite of his. numerous difficulties and duels, and in spite of the enemies which he had. Smith finally died a natural death, and was buried in St. Louis. Henry Dodge was born at Vincennes, Oc- tober 12, 1782. He was the son of Israel Dodge and his wife, Nancy Hunter. Israel Dodge, it will be remembered, was one of the first American settlers in Upper Louisiana, having come to the Ste. Genevieve district prior to 1800. The family engaged in the manufacture of salt on Saline creek. Henry Dodge was a very prominent and influential man. He served for a time as sheriff of Ste. Genevieve county; his greatest service, how- ever, was rendered in a military way. On the breaking out of the Indian troubles, about the time of the war of 1812, Dodge was appointed as a general in the territory of militia. During that time he was exceedingly active in protecting the frontiers from the Indians. He lived in Ste. Genevieve until the year 1827, when he removed to "Wiscon- sin. During the Black Hawk war, he was in command of some of the American troops, and defeated Black Hawk and the Indians. He also served in the army during the cam- paign against the Indians in the south and in 1835 was in charge of the expedition of the west. He was appointed Governor of Wis- consin territory for two terms and afterward was elected to the senate from Wisconsin. During his residence in Missouri he served as a member of the constitutional convention, and was prominent among those who helped to frame the constitution. The first resident of Washington county, during this period, was a native of Wales. This was John Rice Jones, who was born in Wales in 1759. He was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary army, and assisted George Rogers Clark in the capture of Vincennes. Before coming to Missouri, he lived for a time in Vincennes and also in Kaskaskia. In 1804 he removed to Ste. Genevieve where he con- tinued in the practice of law. He afterward fixed his residence at Potosi. He acquired a large practice, for he was a good lawyer, and full of energy and devotion to his clients. He was one of the prominent members of the con- stitutional convention, representing Wash- ington county. He lived to the age of sixty- five, and two of his sons, John Augustus Jones and Hon. George W. Jones, were very prominent in public life, the latter being, at one time. United States senator from Iowa. As we have seen Ste. Genevieve was the ad- ministrative center of a district and the resi- dence of a commandant. This district in- eluded a large territory. Within it were the present counties of Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, and Iron. During the period with which we are now en- gaged, extending from the visit of DeSoto to 1804, settlements were made in all these coun- ties. All these settlements were under the authority of the commandant of Ste. Gene- vieve. Within the present county of Ste. Genevieve only two settlements besides Ste. Genevieve itself were made at this time. 62 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI They were "Novelle Bourbon' bon and New Tennessee. or New Boui' odist cbureli. This about the year 1800. settlement was made New Bourbon was situated about two and one-half miles from the old village of Ste. Genevieve. Its site was on a hill which over- looked a strip of plain about one league in width, lying between it and the river. The settlement here was made in 1793 by order of Baron Cardondelet. Cardondelet was at this time lieutenant governor of Upper Louisiana with headquarters at St. Louis. He founded this colony and made it a separate adminis- trative division in order to give a place to Pierre De Hault De Lassus De Luziere who was made the commandant of New Bourbon. It was the intention to bring to this new set- tlement the colony of French nobles who had emigrated from France during the Revolution and had formed a settlement in Ohio called Gallipolis. The scheme for bringing these French nobles was never carried into effect fully, bi;t some of them came and made their home here near Ste. Genevieve. The author- ity of the commandant at this place extended west to Mine La JMotte. At New Bourbon there was a small mill erected in 1793 on the creek now called Dodge's creek. The mill was built by Francois Valle and afterward sold to Israel Dodge. It was the first mill west of the Mississippi river. The settlement called New Tennessee was made in what is now Saline township. The first settlers here were Peter Bloom and Thomas Madden. Both of them had formerly lived at Ste. Genevieve. Others who lived in the vicinity were Nicholas Counts, Joseph Hughes, Jesse Bryant, William Painter, John and Edward "Walsh, Elder Wingate Jackson, who was a Bapitst preacher, and John Mc- Farland, who was a minister of the Meth- The following table gives the larger num- ber of the settlements in the Ste. Genevieve district made before the transfer to the United States in 1804. The dates are as accurate as can now be given : Ste. Genevieve 1735 Old J\Iines in Washington county 1748 ]\liue a Breton near Potosi 1775 In Bois Brule Bottom 1787 On the Cinque Homme in Perry county. 1788 New Bourbon near Ste. Genevieve 1793 Ally's Mines on Big River in St. Fran- cois county 1797 On the Aux Vases in Perry county 1797 On the Brazeau in Perry county 1797 On Establishment creek in Perry county. 1797 The Fenwick Settlement on Apple creek.1797 In Belle\'ne Valley 1798 Murphy Settlement now Farmington. . .1798 Herculaneum 1798 Cook's Settlement southwest of Farm- ington 1799 On Joachim creek in Jefferson county. .1799 St. jMichael now Fredericktown 1800 On the Saline in Perry county 1800 Between Joachim and the Plattin 1801 William Reed was the first settler in the Bellevue Valley in Iron county. He came in 1798, having received permission of De Lu- ziere the Spanish official in charge at New Bourbon. Solomon George came about the same time and made his home on the Little St. Francois. Elisha Baker came to the same settlement from the Bois Brule Bottom in 1798, being accompanied by his son Elijah. Joseph Reed, a nephew of William, was an- other of the early settlers. Near the vicin- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 63 ity of Big River Mills in St. Francois county, a settlement, was begun in the year 1796. The men who located there at that time were John Ally, Andrew Baker, Francis Starnater and John Andrews. They had marked out their claims two years earlier than this. At fii-st they did not erect houses, but lived for a time in camps. This settlement grew rapidly and soon became one of great importance. On the first day of March, 1707, Henry Fry and Rebecca Baker, two inhabi- tants of this settlement, accompanied bj' a number of their friends, set out for Ste. Genevieve; they intended to be married at that place. There was no one nearer than Ste. Genevieve who was authorized to per- form a marriage ceremony. While on their way in the vicinity of Terre Blue, they were met by a party of Osage Indians who stopped them and robbed them of everything they possessed. These circumstances compelled them to return to the settlement and post- pone the intended marriage for one year. In 1798, Reverend William Murphy, said to have been a Baptist minister, living in Tennessee, together with his son William and a friend named Cyrus George, came to Upper Louisiana and received permission from the authorities to form a settlement in St. Fran- cois county. The site chosen by them is that of the present town of Farmington: William Murphy returned to Tennessee and died while there. In 1801 other sons of William Mur- phy came to the settlement and began to open farms on the land granted to them. Sarah Murphy, the widow of the minister, deter- mined to make the trip from Tennessee to Louisiana and to take possession of the land which had been granted to her husband; this she did in 1803. The party with whom she came consisted of three sons, Isaac, Jesse and Dubart, a daughter, a grand-son, and a negro woman. The journey was made in a keel-boat down the Tennessee river and then up the Mississippi to Ste. Genevieve. It was a most arduous undertaking and it was only after very great difficulty and dangers that the party arrived at the settlement which came to be called Murphy's. Mrs. Murphy was a sister of David Barton, afterward United States senator from Missouri, and was a woman of great intelligence and force of character. She organized and taught the first Sunday school west of the Mississippi river. This was probably in the year 1807. Some others who early settled in the vi- cinity were Michael Hart and his son Charles, his son-in-law Davis F. Marks, Isaac Mitchell, Isaac Burnham, James Cunningham and John Robinson. The settlement which came to be called Cook's in the southeast part of St. Francois county, still bears the same name. The first settler here was Nathaniel Cook who came in the year 1800. Cook was a prominent and influential man, having been one of the first judges of the court of Quarter Sessions held at Ste. Genevieve and was also elected Lieu- tenant Governor of the state at the first elec- tion for state officers. He afterward resided in Madison county near Fredericktown. Others of the early settlers here were James Caldwell, William Holmes, Jesse Blackwell, Elliott Jackson, and James Davis. The first people who came to Madison county were miners and their stay was ordi- narily transitory; the first men who came to settle on a farm within the county was John Callaway, who came from Kentucky in 1799, and obtained a grant on Saline creek near the head of the Little St. Francois about the same time the sons of Nicholas Lachance set- tled on Castor creek. Their father lived at 64 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI New Bourbon in Ste. Genevieve county. Other early settlers were William Easum and James and Samuel Campbell, who at some time before 1803, built cabins near the St. Francois and cultivated the land. John Wal- ther came to the county in 1882 as did Chris- topher Anthony, John L. Pettit, Daniel Phil- lips and William and Thomas Crawford. In 1800 the Spanish authorities granted four hundred arpents of land to thirteen in- dividuals, the land lying between Saline creek and the Little St. Francois. On the land so granted a settlement was soon made which was called St. Michael; it is now the town of Frederiektown. The early residents were Peter Chevalier, Paul, Andrew and Baptiste De Guire, four brothers, Avhose name was Caillot, called also Lachance, Ga- briel Nicollo, Pierre Variat and three others whose names are not known. These settlers all came from other settlements in this dis- trict. They engaged in farming and also in lead mining at iline LaMotte which is only a few miles distant. The first settlement in Washington countj' was made at Mine a Breton about 1763. Those who made this settlement were miners interested in working the mine discovered by Breton. Near the same time work M'as be- gun in the mines known as Old Mines and a little settlement of miners sprung up there. Jlost of the settlers at both these places came from Ste. Genevieve, New Bourbon and Kas- kaskia. In 1799 the Spanish government made a grant of a large tract of land to Moses Aus- tin covering a part of Mine a Breton. On his part he was to erect a smelter for the re- duction of lead ores. By 1804 there were about twenty families living in the village on his grant. They mined and farmed but had no grants from the government. They seemed to have been either squatters on gov- ernment land or else tenants of Austin. Aus- tin brought his family to Mine a Breton in June, 1799, and says of the country at that time that the whole number of inhabitants on Renault's fork of Grand river did not ex- ceed sixty-three or sixty-four persons. In 1802 fifteen French families settled at Old Mines and reopened the work there which had been suspended. One year later thirty- one residents of this place received from Gov. Delassus a grant of 400 ai"pents of land each. Other mines were opened in the county about the same time and a shifting and unstable population grew up around each of them. Perhaps the first permanent settlement of persons intending to make the country their home and to engage in agriculture was made near the present town of Caledonia in 1798. In that year Ananias McCoy, Benjamin Crow, and Robert Reed, all from Tennessee, settled in the Bellevue valley about twelve miles south of Potosi. Others followed them and the settlement prospered. These men were farmers and the products of their soil were carried to Ste. Genevieve on horses or in carts. They soon built mills for themselves and became unusually prosperous. Their situation was very good and they enjoyed the advantages of fertile soil, plenty of water poM'er and proximity to the mining region. By 1822 the county had a population of 2,769. The first settler in Jefi'erson county was John Hildebrand, who was of French de- scent and who made a settlement on the Maramec near the farm of Isaac Sul- lens, in 1774. Hildebrand received a grant of a considerable tract of land from the Spanish government which was afterward confirmed bv the United States. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 65 In 1778 this grant passed into the pos- session of Thomas Tyler, another of the early settlers of the county. In 1776 the King of Spain began the opening of a road to ex- tend from St. Louis to Ste. Genevieve and afterward to New Madrid ; this road, which came to be called the King's highway, crossed the Maramec river not far from its mouth, passed near Kimswiek, Sulphur Springs, Pevely, Horine, Rockfort Hill and on to Ste. Genevieve. In order to provide a ferry across the Maremee river a grant was made by the government to Jean Baptiste Gomache. In 1776 Gomache located 1,050 ar- pents of land at the mouth of the Maramec river and established a ferry about one mile above the mouth, which he operated for a number of years. In 1779 a settlement was made near Kimswiek and in the same year one near ]Montesano Springs, the latter one was made for the purpose of obtaining salt. In 1786 Benito Vasquez located at the mouth of Saline creek. By the close of the 18th century there were a number of settlers living along the Maramec river; west of the river near the settlement made by Hildebrand were John Boli, Benito Vasquez, John Cummins, Jac- ques Glamorgan, Antonio Soulard. John Charpenter, Levi Theel, John Seindre, John Remain, James Steward, Baptiste Raniller, August Gomache, Jean Baptiste Gomache and Hardy Ware ; east of the river were William Boli, Gabriel Cerre, Joachim Roy, Pierre Tanot, Charles Jones. Joseph Ney- bour, Baptiste Riviere, Sophia Shafer and Phyllis Bocarie. The first mill in Jefferson county was built in 1802 on Big river about three-quarters of a mile above Morse's mill, by Francis Wide- ner. Some of the logs in the old dam are still to be seen. Vol. 1—5 The first town laid out in the county was New Hartford, which was situated not far from Riverside on the Mississippi river, the settlers were Christian Witt and John Honey, who in 1806 opened a store and built a shot tower on the site of their proposed town. Other early settlers in the county besides tliose mentioned, were Peter McCormack who settled on the Plattin in 1802, James Head, who built a cabin near House's spring in 1805. A year later Head sold his cabin and claim to Adam House for whom the spring was afterward named; House was later bru- tally killed by some Indians during their raid. William Null settled Hematite in 1800 and John Boli on Romin's creek in 1788. The first Protestant services within Jeffer- son county were held at Bates Rock on the Mississippi river in 1798 by John Clark, Clark was at that time an Independent Meth- odist preacher who lived in Illinois, he after- ward became a Baptist and preached for many years in Missouri and Illinois. The first church house was a log cabin erected by the Baptists on the land of John Boli at the headwaters of Saline creek; in what is now known as Maramec settlement, this was not far from the place located by John Hilde- brand. The date of the building of the first meeting house cannot now be determined bni it was probably about 1825. In 1836 the- Baptists built another log meeting house in Upper Sandy settlement and used it until 1840. The oldest Catholic church in the county is the church of the Immaculate Conception at i\Iaxville, and it was established in 1845. A Lutheran church known as St. Johns was organized in Rock township in 1843; both these churches are still in existence. 66 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST jNOSSOURI The settlements in Perry county were made in the Bois Brule Bottom opposite Kaskas- kia, along the Cinque Homme, the Saline, the Brazeau, the Aux Vases, on Establishment creek, and on Apple creek. The Bois Brule Bottom is one of the most fertile pieces of territory in the district of Ste. Genevieve. It was the fertility of this soil which at- tracted the early settlers. Some of these were John Baptist Barsaloux, who came in the year 1787, William Lowry, and on the Cinque Homme, Levy Wiggins, John Duval, William Boyce, Isadore Moore. Over on the Saline were a number of settlers from Ken- tucky. In memory of their Kentucky home they called the open territory on which they settled "The Barrens." Some of these set- tlers were Tuckers, Laytons, Moores, Hay- dens. Israel Dodge and his son who have been mentioned in connection with New Bourbon were operating a salt works at the mouth of the Saline in 1804. These salt works had been in operation more or less continuously for a long time, even at that early date ; they probably were begun before the first permanent settlement in Upper Louis- iana. Others on this stream were Thomas Madden, Job Westover and John Hawkins. Thomas Dodge was, perhaps, the first man who lived on the Aux Vases. Other claims have been located on this stream before his time, but he seems to have been the first actual settler. He bought his claim from De Guire. The Fenwick settlement was made on Brazeau creek ; this is not far from the pres- ent town of Wittenberg; the grant was made to Joseph Manning, but the first settler was George A. Hamilton. General Harrison, who moved here from New Madrid, also had a grant on which is now located the town of Altenberg. A little below the mouth of the Kaskaskia is a creek called the Saline entering on the west side a grant of a tract of land one league square made by the Spanish govern- ment in favor of a Frenchman named Pe- greau, the founder of the deserted town called New Bourbon. The tract included a valu- able brine spring near the mouth of the creek. The proprietor built a house near the bank of the Mississippi where he resided a long time and where he carried on the manu- facture of salt, but having occasion to go to France he rented his works to a man who for want of funds or for some other reason, failed to keep them in operation.* Long saysf that when he visited ]\Iissouri, which was in 1819, that the important pop- ulous part of the section was the country immediately below the mouth of the Mis- souri including the town of St. Louis and the villages of Florissant, Carondelet, Hereula- neum, Ste. Genevieve, Bainbridge, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, St. Michaels and the country in their immediate vicinity. The lead mine tract, including Mima, Berton, Potosi and Bellevue were also populous; be- sides these he says there were a number of other settlements and small villages in this part of the territory. This visit to New Mad- rid was made in 1811 just before the earth- quake. . * ' ' Long 's Expedition, ' ' p. 99. t "Long's Expedition," p. 126. CHAPTER VI CAPE GIRARDEAU DISTRICT Its Limits — Life of Lorimier — First Settlement at Cape Girardeau — Influence With THE Induns — Grants of Authority and Land — Lorimier's Tomb — Name of Cape Gir- ardeau — Cousin — Early Settlers — The Town Laid off — Some of the Early Build- ings — First Incorporation, 1808 — Early^ Settlers Within the District — The Ramsays — The Giboneys — Other Early Families — Settlements in ViVRious Parts of the District. The district of Cape Girardeau was estab- lished about the year 1793, but its bound- aries were not clearly defined. It was sup- posed to extend from Apple creek to Tywap- pitj' Bottoms. Its western boundary was not fixed. Considerable difficulty arose between commandants at Cape Girardeau and those at New Madrid concerning the boundary be- tween their respective districts. The com- mandant at New Madrid insisted that the Cape Girardeau district extended west only to the St. Francois river, and that his author- ity extended west of that stream. The south- ern boundary of the Cape Girardeau district was also in dispute for a number of years. The Governor General of Louisiana finally fixed this boundary at a point five miles he- low the present town of Commerce. This line was afterward surveyed by Anthony Soulard the Surveyor-General of Louisiana. The first settlement witliin the district as thus marked out was made early in the year 1793, by Louis Lorimier. Little is known of the early life of Lor- imier. For a long time it was not known where he was born. We now know that he was born near the city of Montreal, Canada. Just before the breaking out of the Revolu- tionary war, a man whose name was spelt "Loromie" and also "Laramie" came from Canada to Shelby county, Ohio, and estab- lished a trading station between the Miami and the Maumee. This station was called Pickawilly. It was also called from its founder, Laramie Station. Here was carried on an extensive trade with the Indians. Furs were bought from them, and fire-arms, food, ammunition, and whiskey sold to them. The man, Loromie, was a Tory and his place in Ohio became the headquarters for plots against the Americans. The Indians were incited here to make raids against the Americans. Loromie had great influence with them, having married an Indian woman and being possessed of great in- sight into Indian character. So well known was the place as the headquarters for plots and raids that, in 1782, General Clark of the American ai'my came up from Kentucky with a force and destro.yed the place. The follow- ing account is taken from the history of Ohio : 67 68 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI "At the time of the first settlement of Ken- tucky, a Canadian Frenchman, named Lo- ramie, established a store or trading station among the Indians. This man was a bitter enemy of the Americans, and it was for a long time the headquarters of mischief to- ward the settlers. "The French had the faculty of endear- ing themselves to the Indians, and no doubt Loramie was in this respect fully equal to any of his countrymen, and gained great in- fluence over them. So much influence had Loramie with the Indians that, when Gen. Clark, from Kentucky, invaded the Miami valley in the autumn of 1782, his attention was attracted to the spot. He came on, burnt the Indian settlement there, and plundered and burnt the store of the Frenchman. Soon after this Loramie with a colony of the Shaw- nees immigrated to the Spanish Territory west of the Mississippi and settled in the spot assigned them, at the junction of the Kansas and Missouri rivers, where the remaining part of the natives from Ohio have at dif- ferent times joined them." This account agrees with the following from "Knapp's History of the Miami Valley:" "In 1769 a Canadian French trader, named Peter Loramie, established a store at Picka- willany, situated on the west side of the Great Miami river, at the mouth of Loramie 's creek. He was a man of energy and a good hater of the Americans. For many years he esercitied great influence among the Indians. After his arrival the place was called ' Loramie 's Station.' During the Revolution Loramie was in full fellowship with the British. Many a savage incursion to the border was fitted out from his supply of war material. So noted had his place become as the headquai- ters of spies, emissaries, and savages, that Gen. Clark, of Kentucky', resolved to pay it a visit, which he did with a large party of Kentuckians in the fall of 1782. The post was taken by surprise, and Loramie barely escaped being made a prisoner. His store was rifled of its contents, and burned to the ground, as were all the other habitations in the vicinity. Poor Loramie shortly after- ward removed with a party of Shawnese to a spot near the junction of the Kansas and Missouri rivers where he closed his days." It will be seen that these two accounts agree in saying that this man, whose name is given as Peter Loramie, after the loss of his property in Ohio removed to Louisiana and settled on the Kansas and the Missouri. We find, however, that no Peter Loramie was known in Louisiana, and no man of that name lived at the junction of these two rivers. Doubtless these statements are erroneous, but they seem to refer to Louis Lorimier. The identitj' of Louis Lorimier with the man who had a trading post at Loramie 's Station seems to be conclusively established by the following letter on file in Ste. Genevieve, in connection with the suit brought by Lorimier against a certain trading company : "MiAMis, 4th May, 1787.— Dear Sir: We learn from common report that you had left Port St. Vincents, with an intention to seize Mr. Louis Lorimier 's goods. We have re- ceived from him about eight packs, and on our arrival here Mr. Sharp went to see him, on purpose to know his reasons for leaving this country. His reasons appeared to him pretty good, and as he had no property along with him, on purpose to get his peltry and gain his good will, we were induced to ad- vance a few things, as he sa.vs, to assist him. A few days after Mr. Sharp left him, he got HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 69 intelligence of your going to seize his goods, and he wrote a letter expressing his surprise at our duplicity. "What we have to say on the subject is neither more nor less than this, that the Spaniards have invited the Delawares and Shawnese to their side of the Mississippi. With a tribe of the latter Mr. Lorimier goes, and expects the Spaniards will allow him to follow them. If this is the case and he well inclined, we think he may do better than was expected, and as the company means to have somebody there to do this business, it might in some measure atone for the loss of the Port Vincent's (Vincennes) trade, which will never be renewed. "We wrote you yesterday at some length. You will be the best judge how to act in re- gard to Lorimier, but we think his intentions are honest. "Sir, your very humble servants, George Sharp. Thomas Shepherd. "To Hugh Reward, Mouth Illinois." We are unable to give many of the details of Lorimier 's life previous to his coming to Missouri, but after that time we have reason- able grounds for believing that we know most of events in his life. In 1787 he settled on the Saline in Ste. Genevieve county where he made his home for six years. The Spanish authorities soon recognized him as a man having great influence with the Indians, resulting in part from his long life of trading with them, in part from the real power and energy which he possessed. They saw in him a fit agent for carrying out their plans, which were to induce the Indians to settle west of the river. They wanted these Indians here because Spain and France were engaged in war, and Spain feared very greatly that the United States would take part in this war on the side of France. The Spanish ofScials hoped by securing the help of the Indians that they could use them to ' harass the Americans in such a way as to prevent their giving any assistance to the ■ French and they further expected that their Indian allies would be very useful to them ■ in securing information of hostile movements. ' In 1792, the Spanish were in great fear of ' an invasion from across the river and Lori- ' mier was employed to concert with the Span- ish ofScials plans for defense. He was or- dered to New Jladrid in that year to confer with Portelle the commandant of the post of ■ New Madrid. Lorimier had had some un- pleasant experiences with Portelle arising over some of Lorimier 's trading operations.- He was reluctant to trust himself within Por- telle 's power at New Madrid and it was dif- ficult to persuade him to do so. Finally he consented, however, and went to New Madrid where steps were taken to protect Spanish territory. He spent the fall and winter of that year engaged in these matters. He crossed the Mississippi, visited Indian chiefs,' and induced many of them to come to this' side. In all of this work he displayed gi-eat adaptability, energy, and loyalty. He was successful in his efforts with the Indians and large numbers of his friends, the Shawnees and Delawares came to Upper Louisiana. In recognition of this service the following grant of authority was made to him, the text , being a translation: "Baron of Carondelet, ; follower of the religion of St. John, Colonel of the royal armies. Governor, Intendant General, Vice-Regent of the Province of Louisiana and Western Florida, Inspector of the Army, etc. "Know all men by these presents, that in consideration of the true and faithful serv- 70 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ices which Louis Lorimier has rendered to the state since he became a subject of her Catholic Majesty, we permit him to establish himself with the Delawares and Shawnese who are under his care, in such places as he may think proper in the province of Louisiana on the west bank of the Mississippi, from the Missouri to the River Arkansas, which may be unoccupied, with the right to hunt, and cultivate for the maintenance of their fam- ilies, nor shall any commandant, officer or other subject of the king hinder them, nor oc- cupy of the land for him and the said In- dians, sown, planted or laid out, so much as is judged necessary for their maintenance : and be it further understood that in case they should remove elsewhere, the said lands shall become vacant and as for the house, which the said Sir Louis Lorimier has built at Girardeau, it will remain in his posses- sion, nor can he be removed for any causes, except those of illicit trade or correspond- ence with the enemies of the State. "In testimony of which we have given these presents, signed with our hand an'' the countersign of the secretary of the Gov- ernment, and caused to be affixed our official seal at New Orleans, the 4th of January, 1793. "The Baron of Carondelet. "By order of the Governor, Andres Lopez Armesto. ' ' This grant of authority was accompanied by the following letter from Zeuon Trudeau the Lieutenant-Governor : "St. Louis, Mo., May 1, 1793.— The within is a permit which the Governor-General gives you to make your trade with the Delawares and the Shawnese. so exteuded that there may be nothing more to desire, without fear that you will be troubled by any officer of the king as long as you do as you have heretofore done. He recommends you to maintain or- der among the savages, and to concentrate them, so that he may he sure that they will take position more on the frontier of our set- tlements in order to lend lis help in case of a war with the whites, and they will thus also be opposite the Osages, against whom I shall declare war forthwith, a thing I have not yet done, because! have to take some precautions before that shall reach them. In- form the Delawares, Shawnese, Peorias, Potawattomies and the other nations which presented a memorial, last September, that it is on account of the bad treatment that they have suffered, that the Governor-General has determined upon the war, in order to procure quiet for our land ; the Osages are at present deprived of aid and harassed by us and by them, they will surely be open to reason; that consequentl.v all the red na- tions must agree to lend a hand; it is their good which the Government seeks; and it is of that tliat you must convince them, so that the offended nations will take some steps toward the others to se- cure tlieir aid. and particularly that the lowas. Sacs and Foxes shall not consent to let the Osages come so far as to trade on the river Des Moines, and that still less shall they allow the English to introduce themselves by that river, which is a possibility. "Protected bv the Government, you owe it your services in closely watching over all that tends to its prosperity, and averting every- thing which is to its detriment. At this mo- ment we fear nothing from Congress, but from the ill-disposed which depend upon it, posted in advantageous places, to give ad\iee of the least assemblage. I am confident that as soon as you are cognizant of it you will make it known to the commandants with HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 71 whom you are connected, as much for our safety as for our defense. "The Governor has approved of the dis- tribution of the twenty thousand beads which I have given the Delawares, and to which you have contributed. It has been my in- tention to reimburse you, and to-day I can do it with greater facility, because they have offered me the means without looking for them elsewhere, so you may draw on me at the rate of six per thousand, which the king has agreed for me to pay. "I am told that you are coming to St. Louis with your savages. Because I am de- prived of all merchandise, their visit will be a little embarrassing. Therefore I ask you to come by yourself (when your presence here is necessary) and attend to it, that when the boats arrive you are here to make a suit- able present to the savages. "May God take you in His holy keeping. "Zenon Trudeau. "P. s.— I keep your permit for an occasion to which I can intrust it. It states that you shall not be troubled from the ^lissouri to the Arkansas in your trade, also in the set- tlements or encampments which you have formed with the savages, the Shawnese and Delawares. etc. and that you shall be pro- tected at Cape Girardeau." It will be seen that this grant conferred great privileges upon Lorimier. In the spring of 1793, in anticipation of this grant, he had removed from the Saline to Cape Girardeau. Here he built a house and estab- lished himself with his Indian friends and allies. They settled on unoccupied lands and engaged in "hunting over a large part of Mis- souri aud Arkansas. In 1796, Lorimier made another trip east of the river gathering more Indians who were brought to this side of the river. He was an active and energetic man, and was moved not only by devotion to Spain, but also by hatred to the Americans. He had never forgotten nor forgiven the destruction of his property in Ohio, and he seemed to take great pleasure in doing everything he could to injure the people of the United States. In recognition of this aud other services he received from time to time grants of land which, by the year 1797, aggregated 8,000 arpents. This land included the site of the city of Cape Girardeau. It will be seen that the Spanish had been liberal in their dealings with him. He was the owner of large bodies of produc- tive land, and he had exclusive right to con- trol of the Indians. This meant, of course, a monopoly of Indian trade. The only condi- tions annexed to the grants of land were that the land should be settled within a reasonable time and that roads and other public im- provements should be made. In 1799 he was engaged in building a new house called The Red House on the present site of St. Vincent's church. Near his house, at the corner of the present William and Lorimier streets, was a large spring. The hills were covered with trees, and on these wooded hills in the vicin- ity of this spring, the Indians were accustomed to camp when they came for conferences with Lorimier. He was appointed comman- dant of the post of Cape Girardeau, holding this place until the transfer to the United States in 1804. He was held in high esteem by the Spanish officials, as is shown in the^ fol- lowing letter written by De Lassus : "M. Louis Lorimier, the commandant at Cape Girardeau can neither read nor write, but he has a natural genius, since he has always had the .iudgment to have some one near him able to assist him in regard to his correspond- ence. He signs nothing without having it 72 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI read to him two or three times, until he comprehends it, or it must be read again. He has maintained order in his post with in- credible firmness against some inhabitants who designed to mutiny against him without cause. He is extremely zealous when em- ployed. Although supposed to be interested, I have known him to neglect all his business to execute a commission which would cause him rather expense than profit. He is much experienced in Indian matters, particularly with the Shawnese and Delawares. It was through his influence with the latter tribe that the Delaware Indian, who had killed a citizen of the United States on the road to the Post Vincennes, was taken by his nation to Ka.skaskia. I had an incontestible proof of his talent with the Indians at New ]\Iadrid, where, without his mediation, I would have been obliged to employ force to execute the Mascoux Indian. He is brave, and extremely well posted in the Indian method of war- fare, feared and respected by the savages." In 1799 he presented a petition to De Lassus, setting out the service he had rendered to Spain, the expense and worry he had suf- fered, and the hardships and dangers he had been forced to undergo. He declared that for fifteen years he had faithfully served the Spanish government in every possible way, and that his services had been practically un- rewarded. He called to mind the fact that it was owing to his efforts and his in- fluence with the Indians that Upper Louis- iana had received a large influx of Indian population. He asked that the governor should gi-ant him 30,000 arpents of land, to be surveyed when he chose, and to be se- lected in any place whatsoever, so long as the selection did not interfere with persons hav- ing grants already established. This peti- tion was granted bj' De Lassus and the land prayed for was given to him. In 1798, Lorimier had a law suit concern- ing this land with Gabriel Cerre. Cerre was the ti'ader who had sent the La Sieurs to New Madrid. He had extensive dealings with the Indians and considerable influence with them. The Spanish government recog- nized his service and was willing to reward him; however, his claim to the land of Lori- mier was denied. In the decision, which was in Lorimier 's favor, the Governor-General said that he was uuAvilling to deprive Lori- mier of his land for the reason that his serv- ices had been so valuable. He ordered, how- ever, that Cerre should be given an equal amount of land in another place. Lorimier continued to trade with the In- dians up to the time of his death. He bought the goods, which he sold them, in Kaskaskia. Besides trading, he engaged in farming and also in the operation of mills. He built a water mill on Cape La Croix creek, not far from where the Scott county road crosses this stream ; later he built another mill on Hubble creek. Lorimier claimed as his right all the ponies and horses found in the woods on his extensive grants. After the cession of Louis- iana to the United States an attempt was made to deprive him of his land. This grant, was afterward confirmed to Lorimier 's heirs by the United States by an act dated July 4, 1826. Lorimier was not an educated man ; he could not read though he could write his name. His signature, which has been pre- served on a large number of documents, is bold ajid firm, evidently the writing of a man of determination and character. All of his dealings were characterized by energy and perseverance, and he evinced a high degree HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST IMISSOURI 73 of executive ability. He so conducted af- fairs in his district that it became rich and populous; he governed the Indians well and displayed at various times a great deal of military ability. Lorimier was buried in the old cemetery, called after him, in the city of Cape Girardeau. The graves of him and his wife are side by side. They are covered with flat slabs of stone and are most interesting relics of the old times. The slab above Lori- mier 's tomb has this inscription: To the Memory of Major Louis Lorimier, A native of Canada and first settler and commandant of the post of Cape Girardeau under the government of Spain. He departed this life the 26th da.y of June, 1812, aged 64 years three months. Ossa Habeant pacem tumulo cineresque sepulti: Immortali animae luceat alma dies. These words may be translated: "Peace to his bones and his ashes interred in this grave; may the eternal day illumine his im- mortal soul." The tomb of his wife bears this inscription: ' ' To the Memory of Charlotte P. B. Lorimier, Consort of Major Louis Lorimier, who de- parted this life on the 23rd day of March, 1808, aged .50 years and 2 months, leaving 4 sons and 2 daughters. Vixit, Chaoniae praeses dignissima gentis ; Et decus indlgenum quam lapis iste tegit ; Ilia bonum dedicit natura — magistra. Et, duce natura, sponte secuta bonum est, Talis honos memorium. nullo eultore, quotannis Ma- turat frustus mitis oliva sues." These words ma.y be translated : ' ' She lived the noblest matron of the Shawnese race, a native dignity covered her as does this slab. She chose nature as her guide and vir- tue, and with nature as her leader spontane- ousl.v followed good, as the olive, the pride of tlie grove without the planter's care, nat- urally brings its fruit to perfection. ' ' This was Lorimier 's iirst wife, if, indeed, he was married to her at all. He spoke of her in his will as the Indian woman with whom he had lived and whom he regarded with atfection. They were probabl.y married after the Indian custom. After her death he married Marie Berthaume. She was an In- dian, or at an.y rate a half breed. After Lori- mier 's death his widow was married the sec- ond time to John Logan, the father of Gen- eral John A. Logan. General Logan, how- ever, was the son of another woman, his father's second wife. Cape Girardeau was possibly named for one (iirardot who was an ensign in the com- pany of French soldiers stationed at Kas- ka.skia in 1704. He was a trader with the In- dians and it seems probable that he came to the site of Cape Girardeau and traded at that place, from which circumstance it was called after him. Houck says that the church records at Ste. Genevieve show that one Girardeau was at Fort Chartres in 1765. It should be noted that the name of the place in early years wa.s various wa.vs spelled, sometimes it was written Girardot, sometimes Girardo, and again Girardeau. "We may not be certain, but it seems quite probable, that it received its name from one of these two men. It had been named, it seems, before Lorimier settled here in 1793. The site for the settlement was well chosen. The cit.v is located on the foot-hills of the Ozarks and lies also on the border of the al- luvial plain. The country about it possessed wonderful resources ; there was an abundance of the finest timber ; there were a great many fur bearing animals and many varieties of game ; and more than ffll there was a great 74 HISTOKY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI deal of the finest aud most fertile soil; the district was well watered, having an abun- dance of creeks aud springs aud bordered on the Mississippi river. No other site along the river surpassed this as the place for a town. Nature seems to have destined it as the site of a considerable city. It is a remarkable thing that the settlers of Cape Girardeau district were nearly all of them Americans. It is said that in 1804 there were only five French families in the dis- trict. One of the most remarkable of the French settlers was Barthelimi Cousin. He was the secretary for Lorimier and the offi- cial interpreter and surveyor. He was, per- haps, one of the most remarkable men ever in the district. He was a native of France and probably came directly to Cape Girar- deau when he emigrated to this country. He was a highly educated man, spoke a number of languages fluently, was polished, culti- vated, and knew the world. He had ability to meet people and to make friends with them. All the new settlers applied to Cousin for assistance. He drew up their petitions and their permits and was the means of in- diicing many of the early settlers to come to the district. He lived near the corner of the present Main and Themis streets. He was granted a large tract of land on White AVater and Byrd's creek. It was said of him that he was a careful student of mathematics and physics; that he continued his mathe- matical studies during his entire life. One evidence of his knowledge of physical laws was the fact that he built a water mill on two flat boats which were anchored in the Missis- sippi, the action of the current generated the power to drive the mill. He died in 1824. Some of the other settlers were Steinback and Reinecke who formed a partnership in trade. Their house was north of Cousin's, standing near the site of the Union Mills. Solomon Thorne was a gun-smith, he also lived in the town: the town's blacksmith was John Rishe; David Wade was the carpenter and John Patterson and David Seavers were some of the other settlers in town. Cape Girardeau was laid off as a town in February or March, 1806, by Barthelimi Cousin. At this time the entire town was owned by Louis Lorimier. As surveyed then, and its limits fixed, it extended from North street on the North to William street on the South, and from the river west to Middle street. The streets within its area were the same number and width as they are at the present time. The first lots were sold at .$100 each. Among the early purchasers were John Risher, John Randol. Solomon Ellis. William Ogle, Ezekiel Abel, John C. Harbi- son. William White. Some of the other early residents were: B. & F. Steinback. Robert Blair, Dr. Erastus Ellis, James Evans, Fred- erick Gibler, Levy Wolverton, Robert Worth- ington. Frederick Reinecke, Joseph McFer- ron and George Henderson. Louis Lorimier lived in a long, low frame house which had been constructed before the laying out of the town, on the lot now occu- pied by St. Vincent's academy. This house was called "The Red House" and was re- ported to be haunted. There were four or five brothers of the Ellis family who came to the district from Georgia. Charles G. Ellis built a large, two-story, log house on the corner where the Opera House now stands. This was for a good many years the leading hotel in the town. Ellis was also a merchant and carried a general stock of goods. He was also instrumental in organizing the Cape Girardeau ililling Company. This company HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 75 built a small mill in the north part of the town. It followed the plan first used by Cousin in being built out over the water, and was propelled by a screw turned by the ac- tion of\ the current. Dr. Erasmus Ellis, an- other one of the brothers occupied a log house which stood at the side of the Baptist Church on Lorimier street. Solomon Ellis built a brick residence at the corner of Lori- mier and Bellevue. D. P. Steinback, who was a son-in-law of Louis Lorimier, lived on the corner where the Sturdivant Bank now stands. He and Frederick Reinecke opened one of the first stores in the town. Robert Blair was another one of the prominent cit- izens. He was Judge of the Covirt of Quarter Sessions. He was a native of Ohio, and came to Cape Girardeau about the time of the establishment of the town. After his death, in December, 1810, his widow married George Henderson. Henderson, afterward, became Judge of the Probate Court, Recorder, Au- ditor, Treasurer, and was for a time the Judge of the County Court. Ezekiel Abel was another one of the prom- inent citizens of the old town. By trade he was a blacksmith, but his principal busi- ness during the years he lived in Cape Girar- deau was trading in land and land grants. He erected the first public buildings in this dis- trict. He had some financial difficulties, but finally became wealthy. In 1811 he con- structed the first brick house in the town. It was finished .just in time to be badly dam- aged by the earthquakes of that year. He left a large family, consisting of four sons and two daughters. His eldest daughter, Mary, became the wife of Gen. W. H. Ashley. The younger daughter, Elizabeth, married W. J. Stevenson. The town was incorporated in 1808. The petition which was presented to the Court of Common Pleas, is as follows : "Limits of the town of Cape Girardeau: The town of Cape Girardeau extends in front, 3,058 feet and 9 inches from Botany Street (North Street), the northern boundary, to the Street of Fortune (William Street), the southern limit, inclusively; and its depth is 1,773 feet 2 inches exclusive of Water Street, i. e. from the front of Water Street to the Street of Honor (Middle Street), inclusively, containing 126 acres and %, nearly, the divers parts and divisions of the town to be more particularly designated in the plan of the same. "July 23rd, 1808. (Signed) "Louis Lorimier." "To the Honorable Court of Common Pleas, For the District of Cape Girardeau: Your Petitioners pray that the court will ap- point commissioners agreeable to a law, passed by the Legislature of the Territory of Louisiana, for the incorporating of towns and villages within the state. Territory agreeable to the above metes and hounds. ( Signed ) John Randol, John C. Harbison. James Evans, William White, A. Haden, Isaac ]M. Bledsoe, Rob't Worthington, Joseph White, Charles G. Ellis, J. Morrison, Jr.. D. F. Steinback, Ezekiel Abel. Levy Wolverton, Frederick Gibler. John Tan Gilder." The court granted the petition, and or- dered that an election be held for the selec- tion of five trustees for the town. This elec- tion was held August 13tli. 1808. at wliich 76 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI time Joseph McPerron, Anthony Haden, Robert Blair, Daniel F. Steinback and Isaac M. Bledsoe were elected. These trustees im- mediately entered upon their duties, and under their direction the town continued to grow and prosper for a number of years. It received its first blow in the establishment of the county seat at Jackson. This took away from the town a great deal of its importance and built up a rival near it. It did not re- cover from this disaster until the develop- mint of the steamboat trade at a later time. In LSIS it had only two stores and about fifty houses. Flagg visited Cape Girardeau in 1836 and describes the mills put in motion by a spiral water-wheel acted on by a cixrrent of the river ; these are doubtless the wheels of which it is said that Barthelimi Cousin was the inventor. These wheels floated upon the sur- face of the water parallel to the shore rising and falling with the water and were con- nected with the gearing in the mill house by a long shaft. At the time of Flagg 's visit there was a pottery in operation in Cape C4irar- deau using the clay from Tywappaty bottom. Long, who visited Cape Girardeau in 1819. gives this description of the town and its site :* ' ' The town comprises at this time about twenty log cabins, several of them in ruins, a log jail no longer occupied, a large unfinished brick dwelling falling rapidly into decay and a small one finished and occupied, it stands on the slope and part of the summit of a broad hill elevated about 150 feet above the Mississippi and having a deep primary soil resting on a strata of compact and sparry limestone. Near the place where boats usually land is a point of white rock jutting into the river and at very low stage of water '"Long's Expedition," p. 87. producing a pereeptilile rapid, these are of white liuiestone abounding in the remains of marine animals ; if you travel some distance they will be found to alternate with the com- mon blue limestone so frequently seen in sec- ondary districts. Through the substrata of this sparry lime-stone the rock is literally di- vided by seams and furrows and would un- doubtedly effect a valuable marble not unlike the Daring marble qarry on the Hudson. "The streets of Cape Girardeau are marked out with form of regularity intersecting each other at right angles but they are in some parts so gullied and torn by the rains as to be impassable ; others overgrown with such thickets of gigantic vernonias and urticlas as to resemble small forests. The country back of the town is hilly covered with heavy for- ests of oak, tulip tree and nyssa intermixed in the valleys with the sugar tree and the syl- vatica and on the hills with an undergrowth of American hazel and the shot bush. Settle- ments are considerably advanced and many well cultivated farms occur in various direc- tions." The principal population of the district however was outside the town itself. The dis- trict was large, embracing the present coun- ties of Cape Girardeau, Bollinger. AVayne, and parts of others. The land, too, on which the town of Cape Girardeau was situated be- longed to Lorimier who refused to dispose of it for a long time and thus kept away some settlers who might otherwise have come. Besides Cape Girardeau the principal set- tlements within the -limits of the present county of Cape Girardeau before the transfer to the United States in 1804 were the Ram- say settlement near ]\It. Tabor, a chain of settlements extending from the Big Swamp south of Cape Girardeau around to the Jack- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 77 son road, the Byrd settlement on Byrd's creek, the Rodney settlement near Gordon- ville, the Randol settlement on Randol creek, Gordonville on Hubble creek, a settlement near the headwaters of Cape La Crux creek, one on the river north of Cape Girardeau, the Daugherty settlement south of Jackson, and the settlement on Whitewater, now called Burt'ordville, but long known as Bollinger's Mill. An account of these various settlements is here given. One of the earliest settlers outside the town was Andrew Ramsay who in 1795 settled land near Mt. Tabor and immediately ad.ioin- ing Lorimier's grant. Ramsay was a Vir- ginian, coming to Cape Girardeau from the neighborhood of Harper's Ferry. He was re- lated by marriage to Daniel Morgan of Vir- ginia. He had been a soldier, was among the Virginia troops at the time of Braddock's defeat, and it is quite probable that he was a soldier in the Revolution. He was induced to settle in the Cape Girardeau district by his acquaintance with Cousin whose scholarly ability and friendliness attracted him. Ram- say was followed by members of his family and friends. William Daugherty and Samuel Tipton were sons-in-law of Ramsay. They came to the district soon after him. Daugherty set- tled near his father-in-law and Tipton near Jackson. Among the fi-iends of Ramsay who settled near him were Nicholas Seavers, Jeremiah Simpson, Alexander Giboney and Dr. Blevins Haydeu. These settlers were very naturally followed by their friends and by the year 1804 their settlements reached from the Big Swamp south of the town around to the Jack- son road. Stoddard, who visited the district in that year said that it was the richest set- tlement in Upper Louisiana. Ramsay was a leader among these settlers and his place became the headquarters for all persons who came to the district. They made their way first of all to Ramsay's farm. He assisted many of them to secure good loea-- tions in the near-by country. In fact, it seems to have been a custom for the American settlers to gather at Ramsay's place, espe- cially "on Sunday, where the day was spent in the amusements that the country afforded. Ramsay became rich, owning the largest tract of land in the settlement and having also many slaves. He was interested in education and was influential in establishing the first English sciiool west of the Mississippi river. This school was founded in 1799 at Mt. Tabor. Ramsay's family was a large one. Besides the two married daughters who came with their families soon after his location, he had three other daughters and five sons. Mar- garet Ramsay married Stephen Jones and moved to Arkansas; Mary became the wife of Peter Craig who was afterward killed at the battle of the Sink Hole ; Rachael married John Rodney. Ramsay's sons were John, who married Hannah Lorimier; Andrew and James, who married two sisters, Pattie and Rebecca Worthington ; AVilliam, who married Eliza- beth Dunn and Ellen. The first three sons here mentioned subsequently removed to Mis- sissippi county. Among the settlers the Giboney famil.y was prominent and numerous. They came to the district prior to 1797. The head of the fam- ily Avas Alexander Giboney. He was a Vir- ginian and a man of great ability and influ- ence. He died, however, shortly after his removal to the district, and the care of the famil.y fell upon his widow Rebecca (Ramsay') Giboney. Mrs. Giboney was a remarkable woman, possessing a high degree of intelli- 78 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI gence, great energy and enthusiasm, and no small amount of executive ability. She con- tinued to reside upon her plantation which was granted by the Spanish in 1797 until her death in 1840. This plantation is now called Elmwood, and is the home of Honorable Louis Houek. Mrs. Houek is a grand-daughter of Rebecca Gibo- ney. Alexander Giboney left seven children, four sons and three daughters. One of the sons, Robert, lived on an adjoining grant, which is still occupied by his descendants. Of his daughters, one married Judge W. C. Ram- say, and another Dr. Wilson Browne, who was prominent in ilissoui-i politics, having been at one time state auditor, and at the time of his death was Lieutenant Governor of the state. Another son, Alexander, was killed at the battle of the Sink Hole; a third son, whose name was Jolm, lived a mile west of the grant to his father. His descendants are very nu- merous and still live in Cape Girardeau and adjoining counties. One of the daughters of John Giboney married Doctor Henderson of Scott county and another married Colonel Solomon G. Kitchen of Stoddard county. The youngest son of Alexander Giboney was named Andrew, he lived to the age of 82, dy- ing in 1874. He was married in 1832 to Jlary Hunter ; Mrs. Louis Houek is a daugh- ter of these two. Of the daughters of Alexander Giboney, Arabella married John Jacobs; their descend- ants lived in Pemiscot county. Isabella be- came the wife of Doctor Ezekiel Fenwick and lived in the north part of Cape Girardeau county. Margaret Giboney married Lindsay De 'Lashmutt. Mrs. Louis Painter, who lived for many years in Jackson, was a niece of Andrew Ramsay. Her father, John Ramsay, came to Cape Girardeau accompanied by a large num- ber of relatives and friends, but later removed to Scott county. She was an intelligent and interesting woman. Another family that came in early times to the district was the Byrd family. Amos Byrd, the head of the family, was a native of North Carolina. He was born in 1737 and lived for a time in Virginia and iu Tennessee. In the latter state he located Byrd's Station on a fort on the frontier of Knox county. One of the neighboring families in Tennessee was that of the Gillespies. The acquaint- ance between these two families grew until no fewer than three sons of Amos Byrd had married into the Gillespie family. In 1799 Amos Byrd accompanied by his family came to Upper Louisiana and settled on Bryd's creek. He was, doubtless, attracted by the easy terms on which land could be secured from Spain. The spot chosen by him for the settlement was an exceedingly attractive one. The sons of the family were Abraham, Stephen, John, and Amos, Jr. With them came the daughters, Pollie, who had married William Russell, Clarissa who afterward married James Russell, and Sallie, who after- ward became the wife of George Hays. All of these settled on, or near, Byrd's creek. John Byrd conducted a mill, cotton gin, a still, and a blacksmith shop. Abraham and Stephen became prominent in political life after the transfer to the United States, both of them holding at various times important offices under the government. They both left large families and inter-married with the Birds of the New Madrid district and with the Horrels, Aliens, Martins and Mintons. William Russell, who became the husband of Pollie Byrd was a native of Scotland. Be- fore coming to Cape Girardeau he had lived HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 79 for a time in Virginia and in Tennessee. It was in Tennessee that he became acquainted with the Byrd family. He was the father of Plouorable James Russell at one time sherifi! of Cape Girardeau county, and member of the state legislature. William Russell was a man of education, a teacher, and conducted the first school in the Byrd settlement. The Rodney family was another prominent and influential one. They settled about two miles southwest of Gordonville. They were Germans, the original form of the name seems to have been Rodner. The head of the family iu this country was Martin Rodney, who came about 1801 or 1802. One of his sons mar- ried a daughter of Louis Lorimier. The first settlement of Randol creek was made in 1797 by Enos Randol. His family consisted of himself and ten children, seven sons and three davighters. Mrs. C. B. Houts who lived for a long time in Cape Girardeau was a daughter of Anthony Randol the eld- est son of Enos. Samuel Randol married PoUie Pierrpont. He was an influential man, one of the syndics under Louis Lori- mier. He built one of the first mills in the county. ]\Iedad was the second son, and for his second wife he married Thankful Stout, in Scott county. After his death she pur- chased a farm on Matthews Prairie, and be- came a part owner of the city of Charleston ; other members of the family continued to re- side in the county. In 1797 the first settlement was made on Hubbell Creek. The creek was then known as Riviere Zenon, having been so named in honor of Zenon Trudeau, lieutenant governor of Upper Louisiana. This settlement was made by Ithamar Hubbell. where the town of Gordonville is now located. Hubbell had been a soldier in the Revolutionary army from New York. Andrew Sumners located near the head waters of Hubbell creek and in 1800 Christopher Hays settled on a gi-ant about eight miles north of Gordonville. Cornelius Arent made an early settlement at the mouth of Indian creek. Joseph Chev- alier from Kaskaskia settled on the river north of Cape Girardeau in 1799, and south of Chevalier George Hender.son settled in 1808. William Denny, a native of Wales, came to Cape Girardeau from Tennessee in 1808. He settled near Gordonville. He was a gun- smith and a very fine workman. There were seven children in the family; these settled in Cape Girardeau, in Stoddard, Scott and New JIadrid counties. South of Jackson in 1798, there came the family of Daughertys. There were four brothers of them and they located on adjoin- ing farms. William Daugherty was the hus- band of Elizabeth Ramsay. He was an orig- inal abolutionist and would own no slaves of his own and controlled only those inherited by his wife. His son, Ralph Daugherty, was a son-in-law of George F. Bollinger. The first settlement in Bollinger county was made by George Frederick Bollinger, a native of North Carolina, of Swiss descent. He came from North Carolina about 1796 or 97 and selected a location on Whitewater. Lorimier promised him a large tract of land on condition that he would bring a certain number of settlers to the district. In fulfil- ment of this agreement he made a trip back to North Carolina and on his return he was accompanied by twenty families. They crossed the Mississippi river at Ste. Gene-. vieve on the first day of January, 1800, and later settled along Wliitewater. Some of the men who came with him were IMatthias. Jolm, Henry, William, Daniel, and Phillip Bol- linger, Peter and Conrad Statler, Joseph 80 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Neiswauger, Peter Crites, Frederick Lim- baugh, Leonard Welker and Frederick Slink- ard. They were all Protestants, being mem- bers of the German Reformed church. In 1804 Colonel Bollinger induced Reverend Samuel Weiberg or Whybark, to come to the settlement and to become the minister of the colonists. Reverend Whybark remained un- til his death in 1833. He preached over very extensive districts in Illinois and IMissouri. Among these settlers Colonel Bollinger was a leader, and was appointed by Don Louis Lorimier as captain of the militia. He or- ganized a very efifective company, which was said by Lorimier to be a model company. Bollinger erected a mill after his arrival, which was the only one in the section, and it served farmers for a long distance aroiind. Bollinger was a large and powerful man, of generous disposition and very popular. He was a member of the Territorial assembly, and after the admission of Missouri to the Union he became a member of the state senate in 1828, and was president of the state sen- ate, and a presidential elector in 1836. As was elsewhere stated, his only daughter, Sarah, became the wife of Ralph Daugherty. It is said that she was educated in North Carolina and that she was a musician and the owner of the first piano brought to Cape Girardeau county. The next settlement in Bollinger county seems to have been made in 1800 on Castor river near where Zalma now stands. Irvin Asherbramer was probably the first settler and he erected a w^ater-mill at this place which is still in operation. Other early settlers in the same neighborhood were : Daniel Asher- bramer, Phillip and William Bollinger, Jo- seph Watkins, Robert Harper and Edward Hawthorn. The first settlement in Wayne county was made in 1802 ; this was where the village of Patterson now stands and the settlers were: Joseph Parish, Thomas Ring, David, Charles and Robert A. Logan. Ephraim Stout receiv- ing a grant on the St. Francois, below the set- tlement made by the Logans, but removed in a few years to Iron county and was the first settler in Arcadia valley. Jacob Kelly was one of the wealthy and influential settlers and was the first justice of the peace. Others who are mentioned as having lived here in early times were : Tilman Smith, James Caldwell and Francis Clark. \ CHAPTER VII DISTRICT OF NEW MADRID Its Boundaries — "L'Anse a la Graise" — The LeSieurs — Situation of New MjVdrid — Colonel George Morgan — Grant to Morgan — His Expectation of Profit — His De- scription OP the Site — The Survey op the Town — Opposition of Wilkinson and Miro — New Madrid Falls into Hands op Miro — Letter of La Forge — The Commandants OP the Post — Emigrants Who Came With Morgan — The LeSieur Family — The La Forges — Joseph Michel — Robert McCov — Richard Jones Waters — Tardiveau — Other Settlers — Robert Goah Watson — Military Companies — Other Settlements in New Madrid County — Little Prairie — Settlements in Scott County — Town Near Sikeston — Benton — Joseph Hunter — Tywappity Bottoms — Mississippi County Settlements- Spanish Land Grants — The King's Highway. As originally defined by the Spanish in the grant to Morgan, the District of New Madrid extended from the Cinque Homme, south to the mouth of the St. Francois, and west a distance of ten or fifteen miles, though the western lioundary was not exactly located. Out of the north part of this district was carved the District of Cape Girardeau and after this was done New ^Madrid District was bounded on the north by Tywappity Bot- toms. The exact line between Cape Girar- deau district and New Madrid district was, however, for a long time a matter of dispute. It was finally settled by the governor-general and located at a point about five miles south of the present town of Commerce. The west- ern boundary was left unsettled ; however, the district was generally understood to ex- tend as far west as there were settlements. As we have seen in discussing the boundary of the District of Cape Girardeau, there was an attempt made by the commandants of New Madrid to extend their authority over all the territory west of the St. Francois river and to confine Cape Girardeau district be- tween the St. Francois and the Mississippi. The southern boundary of the District of New Madrid was generally understood as about the present southern boundary of the state. It was fixed not liy any order or en- actment but by the fact that settlements ex- tended only about that far to the south. The first settlement in this district was made in 1783 by Francois and Joseph Le- Sieur, two Canadian trappers and traders who had been accustomed to come to the ter- ritory about the present site of New Madrid for the purposes of hunting and trading with the Indians. Other hunters and traders also visited this place which is situated in a great bend of the river. Before any settle- 81 82 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI meut existed there, while it was only a tem- porary trading post, it was called "L'Anse a la Graise." This name, which means the "cove of grease," was given it by those who came there to trade. Just what reason there was for the name is a question. Some have said that it came from the fact that stores of bear meat were kept there for sale to the passing boats; others said that it was named because of the fact that the hunters there killed an abundance of game, among which were many bears. A third suggestion is that the name was applied because of the richness of the soil. Whatever the reason for the early name, the settlement was made by the LeSieurs. It was situated on the east bank of the Cha- poosa creek: this was the early name of St. John's Bayou. The situation was a splendid one for the town; the great ridge which ex- tends from the foot of the Scott county hills to the mouth of the St. Francois river is one of the most fertile and desirable parts of all of Southeast Missouri. This ridge touches the river at several places, among them New Madrid and Caruthersville. In early times it formed a most attractive place for settlers. It had immense quantities of timber of the finest sorts; within a short distance of New Madrid there was a lake of clear, limpid wa- ter ; the woods swarmed with game ; the cli- mate was mild ; the soil was exceedinglj' rich and productive. Those who visited the place believed it to be the most attractive site along the whole course of the river. These advantages had not been overlooked in the early times. The whole country about New Madrid is dotted over with Indian mounds. There are .so many of these that it has been conceived by those who believed the mounds to have been built by a race preceding the In- dians, that New ^Madrid was perhaps the seat of government for the extensive empire which they believed to have been organized at that time. Whatever the truth may be about this, there can be no doubt that great numbers of people lived here at the time the mounds were being built. It was near this place, perhaps, that De Soto camped on his expedition. An Indian village was situated here at that time and even when the French began to come here to trade there seems to have been an In- dian village still in existence. Along this ridge was one of the great Indian roads which led from the crossing at Commerce to the south as far, perhaps, as the mouth of the St. Francois. The LeSieurs lived and traded here for several years and other hunters and traders came, attracted by the advantages of the place, until there was quite a settlement. The most remarkable thing connected with its early histoi-y was the attempt of Colonel George Morgan to found a great city which should be the capital of a principality. JMorgan was an American ; he was fond of the life of the woods ; had an adventurous spirit ; was bold and daring and far-sighted. He visited the West about the time of the transfer from France to Spain, paddled up and down its rivers, selected promising sites for settlements, and doubtless dreamed of an empire which might be established in Upper Louisiana. He took part in the Revolution- ary war and was a man of considerable in- tluence and high position in the L^ited States. However, he became indignant at tlie treatment accorded him by the government of the United States. He had acquired from the Indians a large tract of land, enough to make him independently wealthy, but tlie policy of the LTnited States government was HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 83 never to recognize the validity of an Indian transfer. In the view of the government, the Indians had no power or authority to alienate any lands. This invalidated Morgan's claims and he became practically penniless. He ap- plied to the congress of the United States for redress, but this was denied him. He then conceived the plan of founding a settlement within Si^anish territory. He seems to have been moved by a desire for wealth, and partly by a desire to revenge himself on the United States by helping to build up the power of Spain. He came into correspond- ence with Don Diego Gardoqui the Spanish minister at Washington. He pointed out to the minister the immense importance to Spain of colonizing her territory west of the IMissis- sippi river and of inducing settlers from America to emigrate there. His familiarity with the West and his real ability caught the fancy of Gardoqui who entered into his scheme. Under the arrangement entered into between these persons, iforgan was to receive a grant of land reaching from the Cincjue Homme to the mouth of the St. Francois river, a distance of about three hundred miles. The grant was to extend some twelve or fifteen miles westward from the river and thus to include between twelve and fifteen million acres of land. Jlorgan pointed out to the minister that if Americans were to be induced to settle on these lands certain things must be granted to them. It was accordingly agreed that Americans should be exempt from taxation and that they should have the right to self-government. In addition to these in- ducements Mr. Morgan held out to prospec- tive colonists cheap land for he expected to sell parts of his enormous holdings for ver.y small sums. It was a part of Morgan 's scheme to induce Indians from east of the river to settle in Spanish territory. This was to be done, iu part, on account of trading with the Indians, and, in part, so that they might serve as a protection for the Spanish territory, espe- cially against the Osage Indians who lived on the Alissouri river. He promised Gar- doqui that if the grant should be made on the terms agreed upon between them that within a very few years the population of the dis- trict should be at least one thousand pei-sons. Morgan seems to have been deceived as to the authority of the minister to make the graait; he undoubtedly believed that he had secured from the Spanish government the grant of the lands mentioned. In the winter of 1789, he descended the Ohio river with a numerous party consisting of Americans and of Indians and selected for the site of his town the place now known as New Madrid. He was led to do this by the beauty of the situation and the probabilities that it would be a most desirable place for a prosperous trading village. Here he left a large part of the expedition while he, himself, in company with some other members of the party, made his way up the river to St. Louis to meet the lieutenant-governor of the district who resided there. The lieutenant-governor re- ceived him with great favor and entered into all of his schemes. He then returned and proceeded to carry out his plans for the set- tlement of the country. IMorgan's hope of wealth was founded on the expectation that a considerable trade would soon be developed at his post, which he named New IMadrid, and that he would be able to dispose of large bodies of land. He evidently expected, also, to engage in the cul- tivation of the soil and in addition to this he had received a promise that if his scheme turned out siiccessfully the Spanish govern- ment would grant him a pension in reward 84 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI for his services. He proceeded to lay out the site of his village and to have the surround- ing lands surveyed. The surveyors who did this work were Col. Israel Shreve, Peter Light, and Col. Christopher Hays. It seems that his instructions to these surveyors was really the beginning of the present system of land survey, and that the United States gov- ernment adopted the method devised by Mr. Morgan, in a subsequent survey of the public lands. * Morgan thus describes the site which he had chosen for his town of New Madrid: "We have unanimously resolved to establish our new city above-mentioned with the date (of this letter) some twelve leagues below the above-mentioned Ohio, at the place formerly called L'Ance la Graisse, below the mouth of the river called Chepousea or Sound river in Captain Hutchins's map. Here the banks of the Mississippi, for a considerable distance, are high, dry, and delicious, and the terri- tory west of the San Francisco river is of the most desirable quality for corn, tobacco, hemp, cotton, flax, and indigo, although ac- cording to the opinion of some, too rich for wheat, in such manner, that we truly believe that there is not a single arpent of uncultiv- able land, nor does it show any difference throughout the space of one thousand square miles. The country rises gradually from the Mississippi and is a fine, dry, agreeable, and healthful land, superior, we believe, in beauty and quality to those of any part of America. "The limits of our new city of Madrid will extend about four miles south on the bank of the river, and two to the west of it, so that it is divided by a deep lake of the purest fresh water, 80 varas wide and many * Houck, "History of Missouri," Vol. II. p. 64. leagues long, running north and south and empting by a constant and small current into the Mississippi after flowing through the center of the city. The banks of this lake, which is called Santa Anna, are high, beau- tiful and pleasant; its watei-s are deep, clear, and fresh ; its bottom is of clean sand, with- out logs, grass, or other vegetables; and it abounds in fish. ' ' On each side of this fine lake, streets, one hundred feet broad, have been marked out, and a road of equal width about the same. Trees have been marked, which must be pre- served for the health and recreation of the citizens. "Another street, one hundred and twenty feet wide, has been marked out on the bank of the ^Mississippi, and also the trees noted which must be kept for the above-mentioned objects. ' ' Twelve acres have been kept in the center of the city for the purpose of a public park, whose plan and adornment the magistrates of the city will look after; and forty lots of one and one-half acres apiece, have been consid- ered for those public works or uses whicli the citizens may request or the magistrate or chief order, and another twelve acres reserved for the disposition of the King. A ground- plot of one and one-half acres, and a lot of five acres, outside the city will be given to each one of the first six hundred settlers. "Our surveyors are now working on tlie extensive plan and proving up the grotmd plots of the city and the outside lots, and measuring the lands into sections of 320 acres apiece, in addition to those which they choose for the settlement of the people who may come (here). These portions and the con- ditions of the settlements are also in accord- ance with a plan universally satisfactory. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 85 which will avoid the interminable lawsuits which a different method has caused in other countries to the posterity of the first settlers. "We have constructed cabins and a store- house for provisions, etc., and we are making gardens and clearing one hundred acres of land in the most beautiful meadow in the world, in order to sow corn, hemp, flax, cot- ton, tobacco, and potatoes. "The timber here is different in some kinds of trees from those in the central states of America. However, we have found white oak, high and straight, of extraordinary size, as well as black oak, mulberry, ash, white poplar, persimmon, and apples in abundance, and larger than those which we have hitherto seen. Also hickory, walnut, etc. The sassa- fras, very straight and of extraordinary size, is commonly 24: inches in diameter. The shrubs are principally cane and spice-wood. "The timbers unknown to you gentlemen, are the cypress, pecan, coffee (sic), cucum- ber, and some others. The cypress grows on the lowlands at the edge of the river; its quality is equal to that of white cedar. We have a fine grove of these trees in our neigh- borhood which Colonel Morgan has had di- vided into shares of a suitable size, in order to assign them to each farm. "We are satisfied with the climate, and we have reason to congratulate ourselves that we have at last found a country which conforms to our most ardent desires." * Slorgan gives this account of the way the town is laid out and the manner in which lots are to be disposed of: "The first six hun- dred persons appl.ying for city and out lots, who shall build and reside thereon one whole year, or place a family who shall so reside, shall have one city lot of half an acre, and *Houck, "Spanish Regime," Vol. I, p. 137. one out lot of five acres, gratis; paying only one dollar for each patent. All other city and out lots shall be reserved for sale, to fu- ture applicants according to their value. In the choice of the city and out lots the first applicant shall have the first choice of each; the second applicant shall have the second, and so on. Forty lots of half an acre each shall be reserved for public uses, and shall be applied to such purposes as the citizens shall from time to time recommend, or the chief magistrate appoint ; taking eare that the same be so distributed in the different parts of the city that their uses may be general, and as equal as possible. There shall be two lots of twelve acres each laid out and reserved for- ever ; viz. : one for the King, and one for pub- lic walks, to be ornamented, improved and regulated by or under the direction of the chief magistrate of the city, for the time be- ing, for the use and amusement of the citizens and strangers. So soon as these lots shall be laid off, the timber, trees and shrubs, now growing thereon, shall be religiously pre- served as sacred ; and no part thereof shall be violated or cut down, but by the pei-sonal direction and inspection of the chief magis- trate for the time being, whose reputation must be answerable for an honorable and generous discharge of this trust, meant to promote the health and pleasure of the citi- zens. There shall be a reserve of one acre at each angle of every intersection of public roads or highways, throughout the whole ter- ritory, according to the plan laid down for settlement of the country ; by which means, no farm house can be more than two miles and a half from one of these reserves, w^hich are made forever for the following uses, viz. : one acre on the northeast angle or the use of a school ; one acre in the northwest angle for a church; one acre on the southwest angle 86 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI for the use of the poor of the district, and the remaiaing angle in the southeast angle for the use of the King. •'In laying out the city, all streets shall be at right angles and four rods wide, includ- ing the foot-paths on each side, which shall be fifteen feet wide, and shall be raised twelve or fifteen inches above the wagon road. No person shall be allowed to encroach on the foot-paths, with either porch, cellar door, or other obstruction to passengers. "All the oblongs, or squares of the city, shall be of the same dimensions, if possible; viz. : extending from east to west eighty rods or perches, and from north to south twelve perches, so that each oblong or square will contain six acres, which shall be subdivided by meridian lines, into twelve lots of half an acre each ; by this means every lot will have at least two fronts, and the end lots will have three fronts. The lots shall be num- bered from No. 1 upward, on each side of every street; extending from east to west; commencing at the east end. "The streets shall be distinguished by names in the following manner: the middle street shall be a continuation of the middle range or road, extending from the first me- ridional line to the Mississippi river, and shall be called King street; and the streets north of this, extending from east to west, shall be called first North street, second North street, and so on, reckoning from King's street or Middle street. In like man- ner all the streets south of Kings street or Middle street, extending from east to west, shall be called first South street, second South street, and so on, reckoning from King street ; so also, all the streets extending North and South shall be distinguished by the names of first River street, second River street, and so on; i-eckoniug the space be- tween the eastmost squares and the river, as first or front River street. "The space between the eastmost squares and the river, shall not be less than one hundred feet at any place, from the present margin or bank of the river, to be kept open forever for the security, pleasure and health of the city, and its inhabitants ; wherefore re- ligious care shall be taken to preserve all the timber growing thereon. "The lots of each square shall be num- bered from the above space fronting the river. The eastmost lot of each square being No. 1, and so on, to the westmost lot of the whole city ; by which means every lot in the city may be easily known and pointed out by any person. "The two lots No. 1 on each side of King street are hereby given forever to the citi- zens for market places. The two lots No. 13 on each side of King street are hereby given forever to the citizens ; viz. : that on the south side for a Roman Catholic school, and that on the north side for a Roman Catholic church. "The two lots No. 13 in the fifth North street are hereby given forever to the citi- zens, viz: that on the south side for an Epis- copal school, and that on the north side for an Episcopal church. "The two lots No. 13 in the fifth South street are hereby given forever to the citi- zens, viz. : that on the south side for a Pres- byterian school, and that on the north side for a Presbyterian church. "The two lots No. 13 in the tenth North street are hereby given forever to the citizens, viz. : that on the south side for a Geraian Lutheran school, and that on the north side for a German Lutheran church. "The two lots No. 13 on the fifteenth North street are herebj^ given forever to the citizens HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 87 — that on the south side for a German Cal- vanistie school, and that on the north side for a German Calvanistic chui-ch. "In like manner the two lots No. 13 in every fifth North street, and in every fifth South street throughout the city, shall be re- served and given for churches and schools, to be governed by such religious denominations as shall settle in New Madrid, on their re- spective plans. "All these lots, thus given, or reserved to be given are to be esteemed so many of these forty promised as before mentioned. "Every landing on the river opposite the city shall be equally free for all persons ; un- der regulation, however, of the magistrates of the police. "No trees in any street of the city, nor in any road throughout the country, shall be injured or be cut down, but under the direc- tion of the magistrates of the police, or an of- ficer of their appointment, who shall be ac- countable in the premises; and no timber in- jured or cut down in any street or road, shall be applied to private uses under any plea Avhatsoever. "The banks of the Mississippi, throughout the territory, including a space of four rods in breadth, shall be a highway and kept open forever as such ; and the trees growing there- in shall not be injured, nor be cut down, but by the magistrates of the police or their or- der, for the reasons given above in relation to other roads. "No white person shall be admitted to re- side in this territory who shall declare him- self to be a hunter by profession, or who shall make a practice of killing buffaloes or deer without bringing all the flesh of every carcass to bis own family, or to New ]\Iadrid, or carrying it to some other market. This regu- lation is intended for the preservation of those animals, and for the benefit of neigh- boring Indians, whose dependence is on hunt- ing principally — this settlement being wholly agricultural and commercial, no encourage- ment shall be given to white men hunters. "No person shall be concerned in contra- band trade on any account. Care will be taken to instruct the inhabitants what is con- traband, that they may not oft'end innocently. "Every person having permission to settle in this territory shall be allowed to bring with him his familj', servants, slaves and ef- fects of every kind, but not to export any part thereof, deemed contraband to any other part of his Majesty's dominions. "Every navigable river throughout the territory shall be esteemed a highway ; and no obstruction to the navigation shall be made therein for the emolument of any person whatsoever. "No transfer of lands within this territory shall be valid unless acknowledged, and a I'ec- ord thereof be made in an office to be erected for that purpose in the district. This is meant to prevent fraudulent sales, and not to obstruct those made bonafide to any per- son whatsoever, being a Spanish subject. "All mortgages must in like manner be recorded at the same office for the same pur- pose ; the fees of the office shall be reasonable, and the books, with alphabetical tables kept of the buyer and seller, and of the mortgagor and mortgagee, shall be open for examin- ation. "The foregoing regulations and directions are meant as fundamental stipulations for the government and happiness of all who shall become subjects of Spain, and shall re- side in this Territoiy. Given under my hand at New Madrid this sixth day of April, 1789. George Morgan." 88 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI A number of settlers were attracted by the generous conditions on wliich land was granted and bj' the real desirability of the site of New Madrid, and ilorgan steered well on the way to the accomplishment of his de- sire. He came in conflict however with plans that had been formed by Governor Miro the Spanish governor of Louisiana whose head- quarters were at New Orleans and who was engaged in intrigue with General Jauies Wil- kinson. Wilkinson was an officer in the army of the United States in command of the dis- trict along the Mississippi river. He had planned with iliro to incite a rebellion among the people of the United States west of the Alleghanies, with the intention of separating this territory from the United States and of joining it to the Spanish territory. Wilkin- son was drawing a pension from the Spanish government and had hopes that his efforts in securing a part of the territory of the United States for Spain would result in his receiving some very great reward. Of course Morgan's plan of drawing settlers to New Madrid and making that a prosperous and flourishing center of trade for Upper Louisiana was in direct opposition to the hopes of Wilkinson. He saw in Colonel ^Morgan a rival and set to work to thwart his plans. He wrote Governor Miro that he had applied for a grant in the Yazoo country in order to destroy the place of a certain Colonel jMorgan. He told Miro that Morgan was a man of education and in- telligence, but a thorough speculator. He also said of Morgan that he had been twice in bankruptcy, and that he was very poor, but also very ambitious. He also said that he had had a spy searching out information concerning Morgan and his agreement with Don Diego Gardoqui and that he was con- vinced that Morgan's scheme would be suc- cessful unless steps were taken to counter- act it. He assured Miro that their plans would be greatly hindered if Morgan would be allowed to carry on his settlement. Acting on this information Governor Miro proceeded at once to try and put an end to the operations conducted by Morgan. On the 20th of ilay, 1789, he wrote to the Span- ish government protesting against the grant that had been made to Morgan. He said that it formed a state within a state and asked the government to cancel this grant ; at the same time he wrote to Morgan himself and charged him with having exceeded his powers and with having acted toward the government of Spain in bad faith. He said that ilorgan had no authority to lay out a town and provide for a government. He informed Morgan that it was his intention to construct a fort at New jMadrid and to place a detachment of soldiers there to control the situation. Mor- gan saw that this interference would very likely work the ruin of all of his hopes. He replied to the letter in a most apologetic man- ner, saying that if he had, indeed, exceeded his authority he had done so because of his zeal in the service of the King of Spain. He was unable to conceal the fact, however, from those colonists who had come and were com- ing to New Madrid, that he had fallen into disfavor with the government and they im- mediately began to fear that he would be unable to carry out his promise. It seems too that an emissary of Miro visited New Ma- drid and succeeded in stirring up some ill feeling against Morgan and his rule. The col- onists complained about some of the regula- tions and finally sent an agent, one John Ward, to present a petition to Governor Miro. Acting on this petition Miro carried out his threat and sent a company of soldiers with orders to construct a fort at New Madrid and HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 89 to take entire charge of the government of the post. This practically destro.yed ilor- gan's influence, and with its loss went all his hope of making a settlement at New Madrid. The post was continued under the govern- ment of Spanish officials. The officer whom ]\Iiro sent with the com- pany of thirty soldiers to take charge of the post was Lieutenant Pierre Forcher who laid off a town between Bayou St. John and the Decyperi. The fort which he built on the bank of the river he named Fort Celeste, in honor of the wife of Governor Miro. Com- mandant Forcher was a man of energj' and administrative ability and under his rule or- der and prosperity reigned in the community. He was succeeded after about eighteen months by Thomas Portell. Portell was a man well suited to the place, governed with justice, and was able to satisfy most of the people. A letter is here inserted which was written in 1796 by Pierre Antoine La Forge to Charles DeHault De La.ssus. De Lassus had been appointed military and civil command- ment of the post and district of New Madrid. Li. Forge was a resident of the post and thor- ougiiy acquainted with the entire situation. .His i-tter cannot fail to be of interest as it PQ^'ers i^g conditions at New Madrid at that timt'- New r.iAD^ip, Dec. 31, 1796.— To Mr. Chas. Dehault DeLassus, Lieutenant-Colonel ad- mitted into the Stationary Regiment of Lou- isiana and Military and Civil Commandant of the Posts and Districts of New IMadrid — Sir, the Commandant: — Before handing you the first census of New Madrid under your commandment, I have ventured upon a sketch of the origin of the settlement of this post, and the courses which have retarded its growth and chiefly its cultivation. If former defects have kept it until this time in a spe: cies of stupefaction, your sagacious views and the zeal you exhibit to second the good will of Mr., the Governor General of this Province, towards this settlement, can in a little while efface the trouble it experienced in its birth. I was present, Mr. Commandant, when you pronounced with effusion these words, which I wish that all of the inhabitants might have heard ; words which depicted so frankly your kind intention, and the interest which Mr., the Governor, takes in us. "The Governor," said you, "is surprised at the langour exhibited by this settlement and its little advance; he desires its pros- perity. I will reflect upon its failure, ' ' added you, "and will endeavor to remedy it; I ask your a.ssistance. If the inhabitants need en- couragement, if they stand in need of help, let them inform me of their wants, and I will convey them to the Governor General. ' ' This offer was appreciated by those near you; lit- tle accustomed to hear the like, they won- dered at you, and appeared to rest content. Nevertheless different statements were .spread among those who heard you. Why so long a silence since your generous offer? Is it distrust on their part? Is it mistrust of their own misunderstanding? Is it profound reflection to better further your views? or may it be self interest that induces some to remain silent? I am ignorant of their mo- tives, and limit myself to the hope that they will eventually break their silence and make known to you their solitary reflections. If my knowledge equalled my desires, I would hasten with all my power, sir, the commandant, to tender you the homage of my services, but they fall too far short to allow me to hope that they could be of any utility to you. I will confine myself solely to com- municate to you such knowledge as I have 90 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI acquired, and my reflections thereon since I have been at this post, and may a series of these reflections assist in your benevolent heart some happj' idea that may tend to the advantage and i^rosperity of this colony. Some traders in pursuit of gain, came to I'anse a la graissse (cove of fat or grease), a rendezvous or gathering place of several In- dian nations, and where, as we are told by tradition, they found abundance of game, and esj^ecially bears and buffaloes, hence the name of Tanse a la graissse. A first year of success induced them to try a second, and to this others. Some of them, determined to es- tablish their homes where they found a sure trade and unlimited advantages, divided there among themselves tlie land. The bayou, named since St. John, was the rallying point, and the land the nearest to this then became settled, therefore we find that Messrs. Fran- cis and Joseph Lasieuer, Ambrose Dumay, Chattoillier, and others, divided among them- selves this neighborhood ; property which Mr. Foucher, the fii-st commandant, considered as sacred, and which he did not disturb. The profits of the trade of I'anse a la graissse hav- ing been heard of as far as the Post Vincen- nes, the St. Maries, the Hunots, the Racines, the Barsaloux, etc., of that place accom- plished for some years very advantageous trips. They congratulated themselves, more- over, that the Indians of I'anse a la graissse traded with them amicably, whilst those of the United States were treacherous towards them, and made them averse to inhabit a post where their lives were in constant danger. Nevertheless an unfortunate anarchy, a singular disorder, prevailed, at I'anse a la graissse: all were masters, and would obey none of those who set themselves up a heads or commandants of this new colony. A mur- der was committed by an inhabitant on an- other — then their eyes were opened, they be- gan to feel the necessity of laws, and some one at their head to comjjel their observance. They bound the culprit and sent him to New Orleans. Everything tends to the belief that the commandants of the posts of Ste. Gene- vieve and of St. Louis had, during these transactions, apprised the Governor-General of what was occuring at I'anse a la graissse; but a new scene was in preparation. One i\Iorgan, having descended the Ohio the first year that traders settled at I'anse a la graissse, examined, in passing, the land, and found it suitable to fix here a settlement Returning to America (U. S.), he removed and succeeded in bringing down to this post several families. He selected for the village the elevated ground, where at present are the habitations of Jackson and of Waters, near the Mississippi. They built some houses on the land, and, full of his enterprise and the success he expected from it, ilorgan de- scended to New Orleans to olitain, not encour- agement simply in his plans, but proprietary and honorary concessions beyond measure. He was baffled in his pretensions, and did no< again set his foot in the colony. These various occurrances determined '^'^'e Governor General to send a command'^*- to this post, and M. Forcher was selectee Men are not gods, they all possess in some ? sheets the weaknesses of human nature ; the pre- dominant one of the first commandant was self-interest; and who in his place would not have been so sent to a desert in the midst of savages, to bring the laws of a regulated gov- ernment to new settlers as barbaroiis as the Indians themselves? "What recomponse would he have received for neglecting his personal interests? Wliat obligation would the new colony have been under to him ? None. Mr. Forcher was the man that was wanted HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 91 for the c-reatiou of this new colony. Busy- ing himself at the same time with his own in- terests as of those of the inhabitants ; with his own amusements as well as theirs, but al- ways after having attended first to his busi- ness; and by a singular address, if he some- times plucked the fowl, he not only did it without making it squall, but set it dancing and laughing. JI. Foreher remained but a very short time at this post, and did a great deal. In eighteen months he divided out the country, regulated the land necessary for the village and that of the inhabitants. He built an imposing fort, promulgated the laws of the King and made them respected. He was the father and friend of all, lamented, regretted and demanded again, from the Governor Gen- eral down, by the unanimous voice of all the inhabitants. In all his laboi-s was Mr. Foreher assisted by anyone .' Had he overseers at the head of the works he presented ? Not at all ; he alone directed everything; he laid out the work, penetrated the cypress swamps to select the useful trees; he walked with the comx^ass in hand to align the streets and limit of lots; he demonstrated by his example to the perplexed workmen h.ow much men with but little main strength, but with intelligence and dexterity, can multiply the extent of the same, and sur- mount obstacles. His administration was too brief to ascertain the good he might have done, had it continued the ordinary period. What ic certain is that, during the eighteen months that he was in command, there came to New Madrid the largest portion of families that are still there, and it was he that at- tracted them there. M. Portell, siiccessor to M. Foreher, com- manded this post during five years; the popu- lation did not increase under his administra- tion, and the growth of agricultural labors was but slightly pei-ceptible. M. Portell did not value the inhabitants sufficiently to do them a substantial favor, nor did he use the proper means to improve the condition of the colony. He was not a man of the people, and when by chance his interest required him to assume the charac- ter, he was extremely awkward in it; they perceived that he could not play his. part, and that a residence in coui't would have infinitely better suited him than one in a new settlement mostly ill composed. M. Por- tell had a good heart, he was by nature noble and generous, but his mind was somewhat mistrustful and suspicious, and his age placed him in a position to be influenced by his surroundings. I am convinced that if M. Portell had come alone to this colony, he would have exhibited much less weakness and that his time would have been much more to him for the public good than it had been. The little progress made by the colony must not. however, be attributed to the ap- parent indifference which seemed to form the base of M. Portell 's character; physical and moral courses retarded its advancement. At the period when M. Portell assumed command he found the inhabitants of this post made up of traders, hunters and boat- men. Trade was still pretty fair for the first two years of his residence here, so that nearly everyone, high or low, would meddle with the trade and not a soul cultivated the soil. It was so convenient, with a little powder and lead, some cloth and a few blankets, which they obtained on credit at the stores. to procure themselves the meat, grease and suet neces.sary for their sustenance, and pay off a part of their indebtedness with some pel- tries. Some of them, but a verv few, seeded. 92 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI equally as well as badly, about an acre of corn, and they all found time to smoke their pipes and give balls and entertainments. How often have I heard them regretting those happy days, when they swam in grease, and when abundance of every description was the cause of waste and extravagance, and the stores of fish from their dragnets gave them whiskey at four or five reaux (bit of 121,2) a gallon, and flour at four or five dollars a barrel, maintained and kept up these fes- tivals and pleasures, which only came to an end when their purses were exhausted. ilr. Forcher, a young man who. during his command of the post, never neglected his work or business for amusements, yet found time to be at them all, and often was the first to start them, but M. Portell was not so soci- able in this respect. He found fault with this giddiness and folly, and judged that a col- ony, peopled by such individuals, could not attain a very brilliant success. At last, game in these parts becoming scarcer, the Indians removed themselves fur- ther off. and were seldom here; the traders knew very well where to find them, but the inhabitants waited for them in vain; then grease, suet, meat and peltries being no longer brought by the Indians, it was only a few resident hunters and the traders them- selves who provisioned the village : the un- fortunate habit of not working had gained the day, it was too difficult to overcome it, so great distress was often seen in the coun- try before they could snatch a few green ears of corn from a badl.v cultivated field. Three or four Americans, at most, as far back as 1793. bad risqued the settlement of farms on large tracts of land. The Creoles under- valued them, did not eat their fill of dry corn bread, and smoked their pipes quietly. Tliey were, however, surprised to see that, with sev- eral cows, they often had not a drop of milk, while these three or four Americans gorged themselves with it, and sold them butter, cheese, eggs, chickens, etc. By dint of looking into the matter, and waiting in vain for the Indians to supply them with provisions, it struck them that the most prudent thing they could do would be to become farmers. It became, then, a species of epidemic, and the malady spreading from one to another, there was not a single one of them but who. without energy, spirit, animals or ploughs, and furnished only with his pipe and steel, must needs possess a farm. It was towards the close of the year 1793 that this disease spread itself, and towards the spring of 179-1 all the lands in the vicin- ity of New Madrid wei'e to be broken up and torn into rags, to be seeded and watered by the sweat of these new farmers. Who can tell how far this newly awakened entliusiasm might have been carried? It might have pro- duced a salutary crisis, and self-love and ne- cessity combined, we should be supplied with farmers at all hazards, and whose apprentice- ship might, perhaps, have resulted in some success. An unlooked for occurrence calmed this etfervescence ; all were enrolled into a militia to be paid from January 1. 1794, and they found it uuich ]ileasanter to eat tlie King's bread, receive his pay, and smoke his pipes, than to laboriously grub some patches of land to make it produce some corn and po- tatoes. These militiamen were disbanded about the middle of 1794; their pay was al- ready wasted. They found it a great hard- ship to be no longer furnished with bread by the King, the largest portion of them had neglected their planting, they found them- selves at the year's end in want, and clam- ored as thieves against the King, saying it HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 93 was all his fault. M. Portell knew his people and disregarded these outcries. In the meautiiue five gallies iiad come up in the course of this year, and had passed all the summer at New Madrid, and they had caused a great consumption of food. M. Por- tell found nothing in the village for their sub- sistence, and drew his supplies for them in part from Illinois and from Kentucky. He did not let pass the opportunity of making it felt b}- those of the inhabitants of long resi- dence, that should have been in a condition to have furnished a part of these supplies, but the blows he struck came too late, and made but little impression — the hot fever which had occasioned the delirium, where every one saw himself a farmer, had now subsided; no one thought any more of it, some of them who had made a trial of their experience at Lake St. Isidor, had so poorly succeeded, that the laugh was not on their side, and it needed but little for hunting, rowing, and smoking the pipe, to resume their ancient authority over nearly all the colony. In 1795 a new fit of the fever struck the inhabitants. The settlement of Ft. St. Fer- nando occasioned a hasty cleaning out of the little corn there was in the colony. Ken- tucky furnished a little, and Ste. Genevieve supplied a great deal, even to New jMadrid, that fell short after having consumed her own supply. This example struck the in- habitants; the.y saw that if they had harvested extensivel.v, they could now well have dis- posed of their surplus — new desires to go on farms to raise stock and to make crops. During these oeeurrances several Ameri- can families came to New Madrid; some of them placed themselves at once on farms, ami like children our Creoles, from a state of jealousy, clamored against the Americans, whom thej- thought too wonderful. Jealousy stimulated them, and they would also place themselves on farms. It is in reality, then, only since the year 1796 that we may regard the inhabitants of this post as having engaged in cultivation, and that it is but yet absolutely in its in- fancy ; a new scarcity they have just experi- enced before the last crops has convinced them of the importance of raising them, not only to provide against such affliction, to en- able them also, with the surplus above their own consumption, they ma.y procure their other indispensable necessaries. The population of the years 1794, 1795 and 1796 is nearly about the same, but the crops have increased from year to year, and all tends to the belief that this increase will be infinitely more perceptible in future years. In the year 1794 the com crop was 6,000 bushels; in 1795, 10,000, and in 1796, 17,000. It was in this condition of things that M. Portell left his command. It was, perhaps, impossible, from the fore- going facts, that the settlement at New Ma- drid could have made greater progress than it has up to this time. It was not husband- men who came and laid the foundation, it was tradesmen, cooks, and others, who would live there with but little expense and la- bor, who, being once fixed there, having their lands and their cattle, the Indians having re- moved tliemselves to a distance, and trade no longer within the reach of all the world, ne- cessity taught them that to procure the means necessary to live, they must resort to tilling the soil. The first attempts were difficult, but the inducement of disposing with ease of their crops determined them to labor. The first steps have been taken ; nothing remains for a wise commandant, but to man- age everything with prudence, according to the views of the government, to firmly repel 94 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI idleness and laziness, to welcome and encour- age activity, and exhibit to the industrious men that he is distinguished above others and has earned the protection of the government, in giving him tangible proof, either by pref- erence in purchasing from him or some other manner of recompense. The honest man, the active and industrious man, is sen- sible of the slightest proceeding on the part of his superior, and it is to him a great ex- pansion to reflect that his labors and fatigues have not been ignored, and that they have given him a claim on the good will and be- nevolence of the heads of a Providence. What a vast field is open to a commandant who would reap advantage by these means, and gain the benediction of all the worthy in- habitants of a colony. I stop here, Mr. Commandant ; what I might say further would add but little to the good purposes you design for the progress and success of the place. I have made a con- cise narrative of the origin of the post of New Madrid, and the reasons of its slow growtli in agriculture. The census which follows, will give you a correct view of its present situation. It will prove to you that courage and emulation need but a slight sup- port to emerge from the giddiness where they have so long remained. But for certain the Creoles will never make this a flourishing set- tlement, it will be the Americans, Germans and other active people who will reap the glory of it. Observe, if it please you, sir, that amongst the habitations granted long since, those given by Francis Racine, by Hunot. Sr., the Hunot sons. Paquin, Laderoute, deceased, Gamelin. Lalotte. etc., have not yet had a single tree cut on them ; that those of the three brothers. Saint Marie, Meloche and other Creoles are barely commenced. You will see, on the eonta'ary, that the Americans who obtain grants of land have nothing more at heart but to settle on them at once and improve them to the extent of their ability, and from this it is easy to draw conclusions. Another observation which will surely not escape you, sir, is that the total head of fam- ilies amount, according to the census I ex- hibit to you, to 159, and that in this number there are fifty-three who have no property. This, I think, is an evil to which it would be easy for you to apply a remedy. In a county destined to agricultural pursuits, and to the breeding of domestic animals, it is too much that one-third of the inhabitants should stand isolated from the general interest, and that the other two-thirds should be exposed to be the victim of a set of idle and lazy peo- ple, always at hand at their slightest neces- sities to satiate their hunger liy preying on the industrious. I think, Mr. Commandant, that several habitations left by persons who have ab- sented themselves from this post for a long time should be reunited to the domain. The following are of this class: One Enic Bolduc, absent for over two years, had a place at Lake St. Francis No. 2. One John Easton, absent for over three years, had a place at Lake St. Eulalie: it is now abandoned. One Mr. Waters says he has claims on it. What are they? One Tourney had a place at Lake St. Isi- dor; he associated with to cultivate it one Gamard. Tourney returned to France, and Gamard had worked for two years at Fort St. Fernando. One M. Desroclier. why has he not worked his place in the Mill Prairie, which he holds for over four years? Has he not enough with the one he holds at St. Isidor? HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 95 One M. Chisholm holds tlu-ee places; he lives on one he has just commenced' to clear ; a second is in litigation, and for over four years he has done nothing on a third near the village — has he not enough with two? Why hold land uselessly, and above all near the village? The examination you will give the census, and the information concerning the property of each head of a family w'ill lead you pi-ob- ably to other reflections. I append to the whole a new maj) of the village and its en- virons, as taken after the last abrasion of land by the Mississippi; this work claims your indulgence ; it is not that of an artist, but one of the most zealous subjects of his majesty ; and the only merit it may possess is to demonstrate to you with correctness the number of places that have been conceded in tlie village, the houses that are built thereon, and the names of the proprietors on the gen- eral list which correspond with the same numbers as those placed on each conceded place. I pray you to believe me, with profound respect, sir, the commandant, Your very affectionate and devoted ser- vant,* New Madrid, December 31, 1796. Pierre Antoine LaForge. De Lassus remained as commandant at New Madrid until the spring of 1799 when he was transferred to St. Louis and became the lieutenant governor of Upper Louisiana. De Lassus was, perhaps, the most popular official ever in command at New Madrid, as he was, indeed, one of the most popular in all Louisiana. He was succeeded by Don Henri Peyroux who was transferred to the post from Ste. Genevieve. Peyroux landed * ' ' History of Southeast Missouri, ' ' p. 140. in New Madrid in August, 1799, and was in command four years. He then resigned and returned to France. John Lavalle succeeded Peyroux as com- mandant of the post and held the place un- til the transfer to the United States in March, 1804. The emigrants who came to New ^Madrid with Colonel ilorgan were mainly from Maryland and Pennsylvania. Among them were David Gray, Alex Samson, Joseph Story, Richard Jones Waters, John Hemp- hill, Elisha Windsor, Andrew Wilson. Sam- uel Dorsay, Benjamin HarrLson, Jacob and Benjamin Meyers, William Chambers, Elisha Jackson, Ephraim Conner, John Hart, James Dunn, Lawi-ence Harrison, John Gregg, Nicholas and James Gerry, John Wal- lace, John Becket, John Summers, Louis and Joseph Vandenbeuden, Joseph McCourtney, John Pritchett and David Shelby. As we have seen the earliest French set- tlers were the two LeSieurs, Francois and Joseph. They were not only the fir.st, but perhaps the most influential of all. Many of their descendants are still to be found in New Madrid county. These two were the sons of Charles LeSieur a native of the south of France who had emigrated to Three Rivers in Canada. Francois and Joseph came to St. Louis in 1785 and entered the employ of Gabriel Cerre who was a fur trader. It was in his interest that they visited the place where the town of New Madrid was after- ward located. Joseph died in 1796 and left no children. Francois married on ilay IM, 1791, Cecile Guilbequet, a native of Vincen- nes. In 1794 they removed to Little Prairie, remaining there until the earthquakes of 1811 and '12 when they returned to New Ma- drid county and made their home at Point 96 lllSTOKY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Pleasant. Francois LeSieur died in- 1826; lie had been married three times. The chil- dren of the first marriage were Francois, Jr., whose wife was a LeGrand; Colestiqne, who became the wife of Noah Gambol ; Mar- guerite, who married Hypolite Thiriat ; God- frey, who mari-ied Mary E. Loignon and reared a family of eleven children ; Matilda who became Mrs. W. B. Nicholas; and Chris- tine, who was married to George G. Alford. His second wife was a Miss Bowman, and their son was named Napoleon. In 1820 he was married for a third time to the widow of Charles Loignon. Another member of this family was Raphael LeSieur who was a nephew of the two brothers and came to Ala- drid in 1798. Another of the other French settlers was Pierre Antoine La Forge who came from France. La Forge was an aristocrat by birth, had been educated to be a priest, but fell in love with his coi;sin Margaret Champagne. He resided in Paris, but was compelled to leave at the time of the Revolution. He came to America then. At first he lived in Gallipolis, Ohio ; he then removed to New Madrid where he was appointed a public writer and interpreter. He was also an ad- jutant of militia and justice of the peace and a notary public. De Lassus thought very highly of La Forge and accounted him one of the best officers in the service of the Spanish. His descendants still live in New Madrid county and have always been influ- ential citizens. Among them we mention Alexander La Forge, A. C. La Forge, Hon. William Dawson, Robert D. Dawson, Dr. Geo. W. Dawson, and Dr. Walton O'Bannon. Others also have attained prominence and wealth. As we have seen, Francis and Joseph Le- Sieur are the first settlers in New Madrid. The third was Joseph Michel. Michel's son, also named Joseph, who was born in 1800, lived to be a very old man, dying in 1895. He lived in New ^ladrid until 1829, when he moved to Hales Point, Tennessee. He was a nephew by marriage of Captain Robert McCoy who was also his guardian. He mar- ried a daughter of John Baptiste Olive one of the early settlers in New Madrid. Captain McCoy was one of the most promi- nent men in New Madrid, he came to the set- tlement with Morgan, and became an officer under the Spanisli authorities, being in com- mand of a Spanish galley, or revenue boat. There were several of these galleys stationed at New Madrid and they were charged with the execution of the Spanish commercial laws. All boats passing New Madrid were required to stop and to give an account of themselves, and to pay the required tax to the government. It was while in command of one of these boats that McCoy captured the celebrated Mason gang of robbers and river pirates who for a number of years com- mitted depredations on the river commerce. Jo.seph Michel who visited New Madrid in 1887 had a vivid recollection of the encounter between McCoy and the Mason gang. The Spanish governor at that time was Peyroux. He ordered McCoy to Little Prairie where he found and captured IMason and his men. They were then brought to New Madrid, sent from there to New Orleans and were then ordered Tip the river again, and on the return while their boat was tied at the river bank with most of the crew on the bank. Mason and his men seized the boat, shot and wounded Captain McCoy and made their es- cape. McCoy was commandant at post of New Madrid in 1799, then he was command- ant at Tywappaty Bottom. He died in New Madrid in 1840. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI' 9T Another of the early French settlers was Etienne Bogliolo who had been a resident of St. Louis, but early moved to New Madrid and engaged in trading. He secured some large grants of laud from the Spanish au- thorities, but lost his property and died poor. Another of the French settlers was John B. Olive. He left numerous descendants who still live in New Madrid county. Still an- other was John LaValle. He came to New Madrid direct from France and w^as a man of education and of superior intellect. Of his descendants, many still live in the eouuty. Of the men who came with Morgan, one of the most prominent was Doctor Richard Jones Waters. Waters was a native of Mary- land, he came to New Madrid about 1790 and began the practice of his profession. Besides being a physician he was also a trader, mill owner, and land speculator. He married the widow of Louis Vaudenbenden. The Waters family of New Madrid are de- scendants of Richard Jones Waters. He left a large estate and was an energetic, enterpris- ing man. De Lassus rated him as a good officer, but referred to his somewhat extrava- gant disposition. Barthelemi Tardiveau was a Frenchman .who came to New Madrid with Morgan. He was a native of France and lived in Holland and had been a merchant in Louisville. He was a very able, energetic man, and was probably the most cultured man in the early settlement. He was a master of several dif- ferent languages including French, Eng- lish, and Spanish, as well as a number of Indian tongues. The company with which he was associated was, perhaps, the most ex- tensive trading company in New Madrid district. He came to New Madrid after some experience east of the river which satisfied him that if the French in America were to prosper they must remove to the west side of the Mississippi. While living in the east he had interested himself in securing large grants of land from Congress for the benefit of French settlers and in satisfaction of their claims which had originated from Indian grants. He was fairly successful in this matter, but he soon saw that the very land he had been granted slipped out of the hands of the French and into the possession of the Americans. This convinced him that the French people would not prosper unless they got further away from the Americans. This conviction led him to give his assistance and influence to the .support of Morgan's scheme. He not only followed Morgan to New Madrid, but he induced others of his friends and ac- quaintances to do the same. Steinbeck and Reinecke, the traders whom we have noted as being established in Cape (jrirardeau, had a trading post at New Ma- drid also, they were further interested at Little Prairie. Bogliolo was also a trader as was the firm of Derbigny, La Forge & Com- pany. About 1804 Robert Goah Watson, a Scotch- man by birth, but who had resided in Vin- cennes, Indiana, and also in Nova Scotia moved to New- Madrid. He engaged in trade and acquired a large fortune. He was a man of great energy and ability and had the re- spect and confidence of all the people of the community. He was noted for his kind and charitable disposition and rendered such ser- vice to the community that he was aifection- ately referred to as the Father of the Coun- try. Watson Avas killed on his farm near Point Pleasant. He left a large family of children, consisting of four sons and five daughters. One of his daughters married John Nathaniel Watson, another Doctor Ed- 98 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI iiiund La Valle, a third married Thomas L. F'ontaine, a fourth married W. W. Hunter aud the fifth daughter married Doctor Thomas A. Dow. Many of the Watsous, Fontaines, La Valles aud Hunters of New Madrid county are descendants of Robert G. Watson. Shortly, before liis death Judge Watson wrote a sketch of his life. It is insei-ted here because of the information it contains as to conditions existing in this part of the state, and especially for its presentation of the great difficulty attendant upon travel in tliat early day. I am a Scotchman by birth. I left Aul- dearn, Scotland, a small town east of Iver- ness, in March, 1802. I came to this country when a lad with an elder brother of mine. Wm. G. Watson, under the guardianship of an uncle of ours, who had been in this coun- try a number of years previous to our ar- rival, and was doing business as a merchant in Detroit, Michigan, then a small town. We took shipping at Greenoch, Scotland, and landed at ilontreal, lower Canada, the latter part of May. From there we took passage on a batteau at a place called Saechine, six or eight miles from Jlontreal. We ero.ssed the small lake some six or eight miles wide, which bi'ought us to the mouth of the river JIagon. We proceeded on this batteau, which was loaded with merchandise, for Upper Canada, there being no other mode of conveyance at that period. After being fifteen days on the river, contending against a strong current and numerous falls, shoals, and other obstruc- tions, we arrived at Queenstown on Lake On- tario, a small town settled by British subjects, with a garrison containing two or three com- panies. After remaining there four days we took a small vessel for passage to Niagara, a small town at the head of Lake Ontario, after being out six days. From there we walked to Queenstown Heights, a distance of ten miles. From Queenstown we took a wagon to Fort Erie. When we arrived we found a vessel waiting for freight for Detroit and Upper Canada. We remained some ten days before the vessel got in freight and was ready to sail. While waiting we had nothing to do only amuse ourselves by hunting and fishing. We crossed from Fort Erie to the mouth of Buffalo Creek on the American side and found there a tribe of Indians encamped on a hunt- ing expedition. The city of Buffalo was not then spoken of, or had any connection with the state of New York, either by railroad, canal, turnpike or any other kind of road. The whole Lake country was claimed and owned by Indians, the only white settlement at that period on Lake Erie, was at a place then called Presque Isle, near the line di- viding the state of New York from Pennsyl- vania. It was then the only good harbor on the Lake. After leaving Fort Erie we ar- rived at Detroit, eight days out in the latter part of August. I remained with my uncle. Robert Gouie Watson, in Detroit, one year. He sent my brother and myself to school dur- ing that time, which was prett.v much all the school-going we ever received, ily uncle had a small trading establishment on the British side opposite Detroit, and he sent me over there to take charge of it. I remained there about a year, he being connected with the Indian trade on the American side at San- du.sky and Huron river along Lake Erie, then a considerable trading country owned and claimed by the Indians. I visited that coun- try on business for my uncle in the ,vear 1803. Where Cleveland and Sandusky are now located there were no white settlements or settlers, with the exception of a few In- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 99 dian traders. My uncle also had an Indian trading establishment at New Madrid, Mo., under the management and control of a Frenchman by the name of Gabriel Hunot, who had numerous connections of that name in that place (New Madrid) and Fort Viu- cennes, Ind. From some cause my uncle was obliged to take charge of the trading estab- lishment, and sent me out with an outfit of goods imported from London, expressly for the Indian trade, to take charge at New Ma- drid of the establishment. We left Detroit, 1 think, in July, 1805, with two pirogues loaded with Indian goods, myself, and four French Canadians for New Madrid. We found the river Maumee very low, making a long trip to Fort Wayne. No white inhabi- tants were on the banks from the time we left the foot of the rapids, with the exception of one Frenchman — a baker — at the mouth of the river Glase, called Fort Defiance, who furnished the Indians and traders who trav- eled up and down the river with liread. The length of time out in getting to Fort Wayne, I do not recollect. We found some Indian traders and a company of U. S. troops sta- tioned there. We were then obliged to liavil our goods and pirogues a distance of ten miles to the head waters of Little river, which empties into the Waba.sh. Those In- dian traders at Fort Wayne were prepared witli oxen and wagons to haul our goods and boats across, for which we had to pay them considerable and sometimes when the waters of Little river were very low, we had to haul our goods and boats a distance of forty miles, to where Little river empties into the Wabash. On one occasion I had to haul my goods and boats a distance of sixty miles to near the Missionary town, an Indian village on the Wabash where a Frenchman by the name of Godfrey from Detroit had located as a trader. The chief of this village was The- eomery, brother to the Prophet who held a power and sway over the different tribes, un- paralleled in the history of Indian nations. I got to Vinceunes after encountering ex- treme low water, having to carry our goods which were made up in small packages ex- pressly to be carried from shoal to shoal by the hands, distance of one-quarter to one- half a mile, sometimes longer, and rolling our pirogues on rollers over every rapid until we got them in deep water. This was our daily occupation. We arrived at Vincennes after being out about two months. During our trip we were very much exposed, the weather be- ing excessively warm and not having any- thing to protect us from the hot sun and bad weather; not even a tent, which latter was not used or hardly known at that early period, and being short of provisions, a little salt pork and a few hard biscuit and some lye hominy composed our diet, no tea, no cof- fee, no sugar ; the latter article in those times was in but little use and scarcely known. From extreme exposure and hard living I was taken down violently with chills and fever. My hands knew that Gabriel Hunot, who was trading for my uncle at New Ma- drid, had a sister in Vincennes by the name of Pagey. I sent for one of her sons to come and see me. He did so, and seeing my criti- cal situation invited me to his mother's house, and by his request I went there, and fortun- ate it was for me I did so. If I had remained where I was I must have died. Every care and attention and good nursing was given me night and day, by Mrs. Pagey and her kind sons. I owe my existence now to that kind lady's attention to me, which I shall forever remember with gratitude and esteem. I re- mained at Vincennes for some time to regain mv strength. While there I became ae- 100 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI quainted with a good many of the French set- tlers and Indian traders, Rupert Debois, Francois Langois, the Lazells, Bamon — In- dian interpreter for Gen. Harrison — and a number of names not recollected. Not a white inhabitant except Indian traders, from the time we left Port Wayne till we arrived at Vineennes, and from there to the mouth of the Wabash — with the exception of Cofifee island, some French families lived there of the name of Leviletts. We arrived at New Madrid in October and found the place set- tled principally by the French, and the town or village beautifully laid off in lots of two and four arpens, each, well improved and the streets wide and running parallel with the river. The banks of the river then as now were encroaching upon the town. The first town laid off by the Spanish had all fallen in. and at the present writing we are living in the third town carefully laid off' back of the second, which has also gone. When the en- croachments of the river will stop is hard to conjecture. After a residence of 50 years in the place I find little or no change in the caving of the river banks. I have moved my possessions back three times and my first residence is now in Kentucky. When I ar- rived in New Madrid I took possession of my uncle's trading establishment and commenced trading with the Indians, French, and Ameri- cans, the place being a considerable trading point principally with the Indians. I con- tinued buying peltries and furs during the winter until March. I then baled all my peltries and furs and shipped them in two pi- rogues containing 24 packs each. I started them in charge of some Frenchmen up the Ohio river, then up the Wabash, some 350 miles from its mouth to Little river, then up that river to its source, where we hauled again our pirogues and furs across to Ft. Wayne on the Maumee or the lake, and from there we proceeded to Detroit where everything was delivered up to my uncle. I followed my shipment by land by myself some three weeks after they started. I went by the way of Kaskaskia, 111. After leaving that village, settled by French not a sign of a white in- habitant did I see until I got to Fort Vin- eennes out three nights. I expected at Vin- eennes to have found several traders ready to leave by land for Detroit. They, like myself, generally followed their shipments of skins by land. They had left some five days be- fore I got there and I was obliged to continue the journey by myself. When I left Vineennes I took tlie Terre Haute roiite. At that place I found an In- dian village and two French traders. I spent the night with them and the next morning proceeded on my journey. I crossed a stream not far from Terre Haute, called Vermillion and the next place I came to was an Indian village where I found a Frenchman, a trader by the name of Langlois. The next place of note was the Missionary town where I found ray old friend Godfrey, spoken of on my trip out from there. My next point was Fort Wayne. I had then been out six nights from Vineennes and four of these nights I lay out by myself and from Fort Waj^ne to the foot of the rapids, two nights. This was a hazard- ous undertaking for a youth of only aboiit 16 years. From the foot of the rapids to De- troit, the country was more or less settled by the French. I remained at Detroit some two weeks and started back by land the same route I went out. I made three trips by wa- ter and three by land and worked and steered my own pirogues and continued in the trade until the war broke out between this country and Great Britain in 1812. The war stopped all communication between this HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 101 country and Detroit, and I was then com- pelled to seek another channel of trade for my peltries and furs. In 18 — I made a large shipment of peltries and furs in a keel boat, the largest shipment I ever made from this country, by the way of Chicago. The keel boat left New Madrid in March with a freight valued at .$14,000. They went up the Mississippi, then up the Illinois, then up a stream I think they call Fox river, up that to within six miles of Chicago ; my object in sending m.y skins that route was to meet a government vessel which the government gen- erally sent out at the opening of navigation in the spring, with provisions and stores for the troops stationed there, but, unfortun- ately, when my fui-s and peltries got there the government boat had been there and left some five or six days before for Detroit. The hope of getting them to Detroit that season was hopeless. No vessels running the lake with the exception of one government ves- sel, spring and fall. My skins remained there all summer expecting to ship them in the fall. "When we examined and commenced preparing them for shipment we found them all destroyed by moths or bugs. I did not realize one cent from the amount stored there. While at New Madrid trading with the Indians and shipping my skins to Detroit until 1812, I purchased stock and produce from 1808 up to 1825 and shipped it to New Orleans in flat boats. M.v first visit to New Orleans was in the year 1809 having con- signed my first shipment in 1808. I loaded two flat boats with assorted ai'ticles of pro- duce and steered one of them myself, but un- der the control and management of a pilot of Pierre Depron. I got to the city on my flat boats, but how to get back was the next question. No steam boats running at that time and but few barges and keel boats on the river. I bought a horse and started back by land; crossed Lake Ponchartrain in an open boat with my horse and took the road from Maisonville to Nashville, Tenn., pass- ing through the Cherokee and Choctaw In- dian country (owned and claimed by them) to the Tennessee river. In getting to New IMadrid I was out six weeks, suffering much for the want of provisions for myself and feed for my horse, having to pay $1 per meal for myself and $1 per gallon for corn. My men had to wait some time at New Orleans before an opportunity offered to get back, and then the.y had to work their way home on a barge. From that period up to the present time I have continued visiting New Orleans every year and am of course well posted in being an eye witness to all improvements made in the city and coast since my first visit there. In 1810-11 I came up the Mississippi river in a pirogue with my hands that I had taken down on a flat boat. We left New Orleans the latter part of July with scant provisions or allowances of any kind for our trip having to rely on our guns and fishing tackle for a supply, not being particular as to what we killed or ate — Hobson's choice, that or none. Cranes, pelicans and cat fish, we considered a delicacy. We had not a tent or umbrella to protect us from the in- clemency of the weather; when it rained so hard that we could not travel we put ashore and peeled the bark off the trees to make shelter from the rain. We were out 45 days. From 1808 to 1812 but few inhabitants were on the river. At Point Chicot we found two Frenchmen at White river and one at the mouth of St. Francois, Phillips and i\Ir. Joy, and a Spaniard on the side opposite Mem- phis. (Then Memphis was not known or spoken of.) One or two Indian traders were there at that time. At that early period the 102 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI banks of the Mississippi were settled by rob- ])ers and eoimterfeiters. Flat boats descend- ing the river then had to go in eouvo.ys well armed and under the lead of some experi- enced commander; if thej' did not they were sure to be attacked, killed, or robbed of their effects by these robbers who were settled at different points on the river. In returning in a dug out with my hands, in 1810, we were followed by one of ^Mason's and Murrell's men from a little below Lake Providence un- til a few miles below Point Chicot. He came up within half a mile of us and no nearer; he continued his pursuit by following us two days. He was going as we thought to apprize some of his colleagues of our approach near Point Chicot, and that we were no doubt in possession of considerable money, proceeds of produce shipped to New Orleans. This rob- ber was one of ilason's surviving confeder- ates in crime, etc. He was a French Cana- dian by the name of Revard, and his location was on the island below Lake Providence ; there he watched and saw everything that passed up and down. We tried to pass in the night hoping not to be discovered but we could not. He was too watchful of us to evade his notice. We had some confidential advisers who instructed lis how to act in the neighborhood of Lake Providence, where 3Ia- son had his general rendezvous, on or near Bayou Mason, back of Lake Providence, a re- mote and secluded place where he kept his headquarters. Nothing saved us that trip from being killed by the French robber only my crew being French and he. Rivard. being a Canadian, disliked attacking, robbing and killing us. being French, he having heard my French crew singing French songs which was a custom among the French boatmen. After following us two days he abandoned the chase. My long residence at New ^Madrid gave me an opportunity of becoming ac- quainted with a great many people and their acts whether good or bad. Not a daj- from 1809 to 1815 but some innocent man, the owner of some flat boat loaded with produce, had been imposed on by some of this class by pui'- chasing of them for money, which they called good, and on good solvent banks, when in fact it was nothing but the basest kind of counter- feit money. There was scarcely a day but what there was large amounts presented to me for examination and inspection. Our whole country from Evansville, Indiana, to Natchez was full of such people. In fact they ruled and controlled the country at that period. They had the sway. We were from the necessity in the minority the\' being the strongest party and to express our opinion against them and their actions placed our lives and property in a dangerous situation. After an elapse of a certain time a better population commenced coming in. We saw after counting these we considered honest and would take an interest in securing and driving out of the country the despised class, we had from necessity to consult with the citi- zens of the country and ascertain from them what course we ought to adopt in order to get rid of this description of population. They put at defiance all laws proving themselves innocent of every crime and charge brought against them. A general meeting of the citizens of the country was called and the matter laid before tliem. They came to a conclusion and that conclu- sion by a unanimous vote of the peojile then in public council. "That these people must leave the country" and a committee was ap- pointed by the meeting to carry the resolu- tions into effect, which was done and the country cleared of thieves and counterfeit- ers. The last difficultv we had with them they HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 103 had their rendezvous at different places in the country, in the interior and on the river ; they kept up a constant correspondence night and day with their leaders and strikers. They were numerous and their acquaintances on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers intimately connected with them in extending their dis- honest operations was unprecedented in the history of this or any other country. We owe in a measure our complete success of clearing the countrj^ of this description of population to the energy and perseverance and determined action of a few honest and resolute men, one of them I will refer to with feelings of respect and pride as being one of the principal actors in accomplishing our ob- ject, that person was the deceased Capt. Dunklin, whose virtues and standing as a man and citizen is yet recollected and appre- ciated by a number of persons, yet in exist- ence who were witnesses to his valuable ser- vice. In the years 1812-18-14 being at New Or- leans each of those years, I returned home as a passenger on board of a barge or keel boat, 50 and 60 days out. I preferred this mode of getting back to the laud route. In the year 1815 I vLsited Cincinnati, Ohio, on my way to Detroit, Jlichigan. I bought a horse and outfit at Cincinnati for my trip. Cincinnati was then a small place ; the Court House was upwards of a quarter of a mile out of the city. I visited the Court House to see what was to be done having seen in the morning posted up at the different corners of the street hand bills that a certain gentleman, a lawyer of some distinction, a resident of the city, by the name of Binhem, would address the citizens at the Court House at a certain hour of that day on the subject of charges brought against him and published while he was absent from the city on professional busi- ness. It appears that during the progress of the war with Great Britain he was drafted as a soldier to join the U. S. Army but from some cause he failed to comply with the request of the draft and the charges I think made against him were cowardice and not willing to expose his life in defense of his country. In addressing the citizens he proved to them conclusively that he had used every exertion to raise means to equip himself and proved that he was a minor and under the guardian- ship of a near relative of his and who had control of his person and his means, although he had made frequent applications to him for means, but in all cases refused to furnish him with any and was opposed to his joining the army. His appeal to the people was a very feeling one and being an able speaker his appeal was listened to with every attention. His excuse was approved of. The same trip I became acquainted with the agent of the United States Bank at Cincinnati. The bank owned and claimed considerable town property, vacant lots on which they built family residences and offei-ed them for sale through their agent. I was offered one or two lots with their improvements on them on Second and Third streets for from .'}!l,000 to $1,200, each lot. The improvements must have cost the money. The same property cannot now be bought for .$60,000. I had means at the time and if I had bought this property at the time and let it re- main it would have proved a source of con- siderable revenue to me now. My object was to take General Harrison's road through the black swamp to Detroit. Urbana was then a frontier town, there was a new county laid off and a county seat located at a place called Bellefontaine. Some few log cabins were put up in place, but there vras no public house in tiie place at that time. Next morn- 104 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ing 1 took the road cut by General Har- rison through the black swamp and traveled by the Northwestern army, and where he en- countered so many difficulties in getting along as commander of the Northwestern army. His object was to attack and beat back the British arm.y that had crossed over and at- tacked the American army at the river Rai- sin, under General Winchester. I had to travel one hundred miles through this swamp until I got to Fort Meigs, on the ilaumee river, foot of the rapids. I found three houses in crossing the swamp, where a trav- eller could stay all night about 35 miles apart. My ob.ject is to show you the great changes in the country now to what it was then — comparatively not known. In 1806 I visited St. Louis, a small French village. Little or no business was done, the principal men in the place were two Chouteaus. Their descendants are still there, all respectable and influential men. Fred Bates filled an of- fice about that time under the territorial gov- ernment, a recorder of land titles or secre- tary of state, under the acting governor. I knew him at Detroit, ^Michigan, in 1803 or 1804, one of those years Detroit was destroyed by fire, and I assisted Mr. Bates in saving from the devouring elements a few of his small effects. He was then a citizen of that place. I was intimately acquainted with him at St. Louis from his arrival up to his death. He was an intelligent business man and a gentleman in every sense of the word. The earthquakes visited New Madrid county in December, 1811. Their effect was felt all over the U. S. and more particiilarly in this and adjoining counties, and the injury pro- duced from the effects was more combined to this county than any other, producing alarm and distress, depopulating generally the whole country. Plantations, stock of all kinds, cribs of corn, smoke houses full of meat, were offered for horses to live on. At that time 1 was carrying on the Indian trade pretty extensively. The whole white population, or all that could leave as well as the Indians, left largely in my debt, leaving me considerably indebted to persons here and in other places and little or no means to pay with. What little was left me I had to subsist on and divide w-ith those that re- mained and could not get away. We had a trying time, our population having all left, no business doing and no capital to do busi- ness with. Heavy losses at different times at Chicago and on the Mississippi river in prod- uce sent to New Orleans in flat boats and by the earthquakes upwards to $30,000, leaving me destitute and without any capi- tal to operate on ; and on liaving a small fam- ily to support. 1 came to the conclusion, after consulting with my wife, to remain in the country and await the result of circum- stances. To leave without means and move to a new country, among strangers and be de- pendent on them for support. I could not rec- oncile it to myself. I proposed remaining and awaiting with patience the result of what was to take place, which I have done. I never left but stood up and persevered, in prosperity and adversity, contending against the misfortunes and privations of a new coun- try, the Mason and ilurrell counterfeitei's and horse thieves, earthquakes, and with all these reverses and misfortunes staring me in the face, it never produced the least change in my general course of conduct, but stimu- lated me to additional exertions. The mis- fortunes and privations I endured at an early period would have driven hundreds to acts of desperation. With me they never pro- duced the least change. I am what I was forty years ago. Nothing ever induced me HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 105 to resort to dissipation, to take a glass of grog or smoke a cigar more than I did then. My general habits, if good or bad, are the same now, to which a long residence in the country and a general acquaintance with those now settled in the country, can testify. My friends who knew me, and I never deceived them, came forward to my assistance and re- lief ; to them 1 owe the means I am in jjosses- sion of. The staple of this country from 180") to 1812 was cotton. The average yield of an acre was from 1000 to 1200 pounds of seed cotton. Since 1812 there has been a great change in our climate : tlie winters have grown colder and the other seasons more changeable. The raising of cotton has been entirely abandoned for the last thirty-five years; our staple, now, has been principally corn. Prejudices to some extent exist now in some of the states against this country. At an early period they had some grounds to speak rather lightly of this country, it being sickly and visited by earthquakes : inhabited by counterfeiters and horse thieves and l)ut few inhabitants in the country. To a cer- tain extent our country has been overlooked and misrepresented. Things have changed since then. The country has become healthy, our soil the best in the United States. It cannot be surpassed. Doctor Samuel Dorsay, a native of Mary- land, was appointed .surgeon of the military post at New Madrid, a position which he held until the transfer to the ITnitcd States. The position had attached to it a salary of $30.00 a month. On January 17, 1795, Dr. Dorsay was married to Marie J. Bonneau, a native of Indiana. He was afterward married to a daughter of Jeremiah Thompson of Cape Girardeau district. Joseph Story, of ^[assachusetts, was one of the surveyors brought by Morgan to New Madrid, he assisted Morgan in laying off the city. He married a daughter of Jacob Beck in 1794. Andrew Wilson, a native of Scotland, and a minister in the Presbyterian church, was also one of the early settlers. He seems to liave given up his ministerial work before coming to New Madrid. His son, George W., was the first sheriff of the district. Some of the other early settlers were John Summers, Joseph and Louis Vandenbenden. These brothers were merchants, and the widow of Louis afterward married Richard Jones Waters. Jacob Meyers, Joseph McCourtney, David Gray and John La Valle were other of the early settlers. La Valle was the last com- mandant under the Spanish government ; his descendants still live in New Madrid county. Doctor Robert D. Dawson, who was a na- tive of Maryland, came to New Madrid at an early date and engaged in the practice of medicine. He was, for a number of years, the leading physician of the town, and was a very popular nmn. His activities were not confined to the practice of his profession, but he had a great interest in politics. For a number of years he represented New ]\ladrid county in the general assembly of the terri- tory, and was elected a member of the Con- stitutional convention. During the Spanish regime there were three military organizations in New Madrid. Two of these were companies of militia and the other was a dragoon company. One of the militia companies liad for its officers La Valle as captain. La Forge as lieutenant, and Charpentier as ensign. The other militia company was officered by Captain ^McCoy, Lieutenant Joseph Hunot, and Ensign John Hart. Ricliard Jones Waters was captain of 106 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST IMISSOURI the eompanj' of dragoons, George N. Reagan was lieutenant, and John Baptiste Barsaloiix was ensign. Cuming, who visited New Madrid in 1808 gives the following description of the town at that time : ' ' New Madrid contains about a hundred houses scattered on a fine plain two miles square on which, however, the river has so encroached during the twenty-two years since it was first settled, that the bank is now half a mile behind its old bounds and the inhabitants have had to move rapidly back. They are a mixture of French Creoles from Illinois. United States Americans and Germans. They have plenty of cattle biit seem in other respects to be very poor. There is some trade with the Indian hunters of furs and peltry but of little consequence. Dry goods and groceries are enormously high and the inhabitants charge travelers immense prices for any common necessaries such as milk, butter, fowls, eggs. etc. There is a militia the officers of which wear cockades as a mark of distinctiion although the rest of their dress should be only a dirty ragged shirt and trousers. There is a church going to decay and no preacher and there are coiirts of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions from which an appeal lies to the Supreme Court at St. Louis, the capital of the territory of Up- per Louisiana, which is two hundred and forty miles to the northward by wagon road which passes through Ste. Genevieve which is 180 miles distant. On account of this distance from the capital New Madrid has obtained a right to have all trials for felony held and ad- judged here without appeal. The inhabitants regret much the change of government from Spanish to American but this I am not sur- prised at as it is the nature of mankind to never be satisfied. ' ' * AUiot who visited Louisiana in 1803 says: "A hundred leagues farther up the river the traveler comes to that charming river known by the name of Belle Riviere (the Ohio) which, like so many others, pays its tribute of respect to the mortal Mississippi by giving its limpid waters to it ; at that place is built the fort 1' Ance a la Graice where a command- ant and 150 soldiers are stationed, there is a hamlet there inhabited by three score per- sons. That place is so much more remarkable in as much as its inhabitants were the first along the river to engage in the cultivation of wlieat. Excellent meadows are seen there on which cows and steers feed, its inhabitants rear many hogs and fowls, the forests are full of all sorts of game and fallow-deer, "t Nuttall who visited New Madrid in 1820 has this account of the town: "We arrived before noon at New Madrid, we found both sides of the river lined with logs, some sta- tionary and others in motion and we nai"- rowly avoided several of considerable mag- nitude. New Madrid is an insignificant French hamlet containing little more than about twenty log houses and stores miserably supplied, the goods of which are retailed at exorbitant prices, for example, 18 cents per pound for lead which costs 7 cents at Her- culaneum, salt .$5.00 per bushel, sugar 3114' cents per pound, whiskey $1.25 per gallon, apples 25 cents per dozen, corn 50 cents per bushel, fresh butter 371/2 cents per pound and eggs the same price per dozen, pork $6.00 per hundred, beef $5.00. Still the labor of the land seems to be of a good quality but * Cuming's "Tour to the West." p. 2S1. t Robertson, "Louisians, " Vol. I, p. 133. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 107 the people have been diseoiu-aged l)y the earthquakes which, besides the memorable one of 1811, are very frequent experiences, two or three oscillations being sometimes felt in a da.y. The United States in order to com- jiensate those who suffered in their property by the catastrophe granted to the settlers an equivalent of land in other parts of the ter- ritory."* Besides those whom we have seen lived in the town of New Madrid itself and immedi- ately about it, there were other settlements within the present territory of New Madrid county ; some of these were made on Lake St. Ann, along the St. Johns Bayou, at Lake St. ]Mary and on Bayou St. Thomas. Some of the early settlers at these places were : Benja- min Meyers, Hardy Rawls, Lewis Van Den- benden and Joseph Story. These men opened up farms at the places mentioned and some of them erected mills and others were engaged principally in hunting and trapping. The district of New Madrid, as we have seen, included not only New Madrid county. as it now exists, but also Pemiscot county, IMississippi county, Scott county and even the counties lying further west. During this period which we are studying settlements were made within the district in all the coun- ties mentioned except those l.ying west of St. Francois river. The first settlement in Pemiscot county was made at Little Prairie, a short distance be- low the pi-esent town of Caruthersville. The settlement was made in 1794 by Francois Le Sieur, who came to Little Prairie from New Madrid where he had formerly lived and on receiving the grant of land laid out about * "Niittall Journal." p. 77. two liundred arpents into a town divided into lots each containing an arpent. Here a fort was also constructed called Fort St. Fer- nando. Among tlic early residents of the town and country in the immediate vicinity were : Francois Le Sieur, Jean Baptiste Bar- saloux, George and John Ruddell, Joseph Payne, Lewis St. Aubin, Charles Guibeanlt, / Charles Loignon, Francis Langlois and Peter Noblesse. The site of Little Prairie was well chosen it being situated at a place where the great ridge, of which w'e have previously spoken, touches the river, and the surround- ing country W'as rich in soil, timber and game. Tiiere was considerable trade w'ith the In- dians; and the town, because of these ad- vantages, prospered. The population was seventy-eight in 1799 and in 1803 it num- bered one hundred and three. It continued to grow until the earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 by which it was almost destroyed. This earthquake seems to have had its center about Little Prairie and the shocks were probably more violent here than anywhere else. The greater part of the population moved away at the time of the earthquake so that the vil- lage was practically deserted, the only con- spicuous settler who remained in the vicinity was ('olonel John Hardeman Walker. In 1808 Cuming visited Little Prairie of which he gives the following account: "^Ye landed at the tow'n of Little Prairie on the right containing twenty-foiir little log cabins scattered on a fine pleasant plain. Inhabi- tants chiefly being French Creoles from Can- ada and Illinois, we were informed that there were several Anglo-American farmers all around in a circle of ten miles. We stopped at a tavern and stoi'e kept by European- Frenchmen, where we got some necessaries, everything is excessively dear here as in New Madrid, butter a quarter of a dollar per 108 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI pound, milk half dollar per gallon, eggs a quarter of a dollar a dozen and fowls half to three-quarters of a dollar each. ' ' * Cuming says that at this time there was a camp of Delaware Indians about one mile be- low Little Prairie. Besides this settlement at Little Prairie there were some three or four other settle- ments within Pemiscot county. One of them was in the vicinity of the town of Gayoso, afterward the county seat; another in the western part of the county on Little river; the third was just north of the lake called Big Lake and the fourth was located on Port- age Bay. All of these settlements suffered greatly from the earthquake and most of them were practically depopulated by its ef- fects. With the opening of the King's Highway from Ste. Genevieve to New Madrid in 1789 there sprung up a number of settlements along the line of this road, some of them be- ing in Scott county. One of the first of these was made in the vicinity of Sikeston by Ed- ward Robei-tson and a son-in-law, Moses Hur- ley. Robertson was a shrewd and capable man. He traded with the Indians and also kept a stock of goods which he sold to other settlers, but he accumulated the greater part of his wealth by land speculation. At his death he left a considerable amount of property. Another one of these early settlements was made in Scott county in 1796 near the pres- ent town of Benton by Captain Charles Friend, who was a native of Virginia. He received a grant from the Spanish govern- ment near Benton and located there with his family. There were nine sons and two daugh- * Cuming's "Tour to the West," p. 283. ters in his family and most of them remained in the vicinity of the Spanish grant. Another settler in this neighborhood who came in 1811 was John Ramsay of Cape Girardeau. Perhaps the most distinguished and influ- ential family in Scott county in this period was the family of Joseph Hunter. He came to New Madrid in 1805 and located on a grant near New Madrid, but soon afterwards re- moved to Big Prairie not far from Sikeston and continued to reside in Scott county until the time of his death. The family of Joseph Hunter was a large one and was always wealthy and prominent in this part of the state ; he, himself, was a member of the terri- torial council after the transfer to the United States and his son, Abraham, was one of the best known politicians in Southeast Missouri, holding ofSce in the state legislature for about twenty years. He wa.s the second son an-d married Sally Ogden. Their family con- sisted of three sons and three daughters; the sons were Isaac of Scott county, Joseph of New Madrid county, who has recently died, and Benjamin F., who lives near Sikeston. One of the daughters, Catherine, married Marmaduke Beckwith, Mary married Archi- bald Price. Another son of Joseph Hunter was named James; he married Lucy Beck- with. The youngest son of Joseph Hunter was Thomas ; he married Eliza Meyers and to them were born two children, a daughter wlio became the wife of Colonel Thomas Brown, and Senator William Hunter of Benton. Of the daughters of Joseph Hunter, Mary mai-- ried Andrew Giboney of Cape Girardeau, their daughter is the wife of Hon. Louis Houck, and Hannah married Mark H. Stall- eup of New Madrid. Another of the early settlers of Scott county was Captain William Meyers, who HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 109 came to Missouri from Tennessee and made his home at what is now Benton. Settlers began to locate in Tywappity Bot- toms as early as 1798 ; among them were James Brady, James Curran, Charles Fiud- ley, Edmund Hogan, Thomas, John and James Wellborn and the Quimbys. Thomas W. Waters was the first settler on the site of Commerce, arriving there in 1802, here he began the sale of goods in partnership with Robert Hall and also operated a ferry across the Mississippi. The first settlement in Mississippi county seems to have been made in 1800 by Joseph Johnson near Bird's Point. Other early se1> tlements were made on Mathews Prairie called in the early times St. Charles Prairie. Those who lived there were : Edward Math- ews and his sons Edward, Charles, Joseph, James and Allen, Charles Gray, Joseph Smith. John Weaver, George Hector and Ab- salom McElmuriy. Johnson sold his land in 1805 to Abraham Bird whose name was given afterwards to the settlement known as Bird's Point. All of these settlers whom we have named and man}' others whose names we cannot give were farmers and traders. Most of them were engaged in the actual cultivation of the soil. Even those who lived in towns and carried on trade with Indians and with other settle- ments in Louisiana owned and cultivated farms. With the well known liberality of the Spanish government, grants of land were very easy to secure. Anyone who had per- formed a service for the government or who promised to perform such a service in the fu- ture could obtain a grant of land. These grants were also given for the purpose of en- couraging the development of industries. It is recorded in some cases, in connection with these grants, that they were made because the grantee expected to cut down timber on the land or because he expected to use the wood for smelting lead or other ores. These Span- ish land grants varied in size. It was a cus- tom in the mineral district to give every dis- coverer of a mine at least four arpents of land. Outside the mineral district large grants were frequently made. Twenty thou- sand and even thirty thousand arpents was not an unusual grant. These grants were made without any reference to the French sur- veys or to any particular system of lands sur- veyed. Generally they followed a line of a creek, or the meanderings of a swamp, or they included the tillable land in a certain valley, or they stretched from hill-top to hill- top in a most irregular way. It is a rather curious thing that practically the only trace of Spanish occupancy in Missouri consists in these old land grants. The name of New Ma- drid, of course, perpetuates the attempt of Morgan to found a great Spanish town and a few other settlements bear Spanish names. Outside of these, however, few memorials of Spain exist. No great public works were un- dertaken or carried through, no codes of laws were made, no great industries developed, only the grants testify to the presence of the Spaniard. These Spanish grants, owing to the irregularity of their boundaries and the apparently careless way in which they were recorded have been one of the most fruitful sources of legal controversy within the state. It has required a great deal of litigation to determine the ownei"ship of much of tlie land covered by these grants. About 1789 the Spanish government laid out a road running from New Madrid to St. Louis. This road crossed Big Prairie, passed 110 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI through the "Rieh Woods" across Scott county to Cape Girardeau and thence to St. Louis by way of Ste. Genevieve. Through the greater part of its course it followed the old Indian trace along which De Soto very probably travelled. The route was deter- mined by the Spanish as it had been for the Indians by the great sandy ridge which stretches from south the "Big Swamp" south of Cape Girardeau to Caruthersville in Pem- iscot county touching the river at New Ma- drid. This road was called by the Spanish "el camino real" the King's Highway. In 1803 the expedition which De Lassus led to New Madrid passed along this road, cutting it out wider as they went. In 1808 the Terri- torial assembly of the District of Louisiana which was the name by which Missouri was then known, ordered that a road be opened between St. Louis and New Madrid. This road, doubtless, followed the old Spanish road, the King's Highway. Between Cape Girardeau and New Madrid the road is still in use for a great part of the way. Between Cape Girardeau and Perry- ville there is a part of the road still in use; that part between the IMaramec river and the City of St. Louis is also used now. Its name is perpetuated in a Iwulevard in St. Louis, called King's Highway. This is, perhaps, the oldest road in the state. CHAPTER VIII GOVERNMENT UNDER FRANCE AND SPAIN Louisiana Under La Salle — The Province op Louislvna — Capitals and Governors — Ces- sion TO Spain — Providence op Upper Louisiana — Lieutenant Governors op Upper Louisiana — Districts and Commandants — Syndics — Authority op Ofpicials — French Law Retained — Ch^vkactee op Government — The Cabildo at New Orleans^Organiza- tion of Militia — "L'Annee du Coup" Attack on St. Louis — Treachery op Governor Leyba — Action op the Ste. Genevieve Company — Expedition to New Madrid — Punish- ment of Indians — Orders Concerning Taverns and Sale op Liquor to Indians. We have seen somethiiig of tlie roi'iuatiuu of the various settlements of Upper Louisi- ana, of the character and, life of its people, and it is desired in this chapter to give a brief account of the government exercised by both France and Spain over the territory be- fore its transfer to the United States. In 1682, when La Salle reached the mouth of the JMississippi river, he took possession of all the territory drained by it and its tribu- taries in the name of the liing of France. He bestowed upon tliis vast region, whieli was as extensive as the valley of the Mississippi, the name of Louisiana, and claimed to exer- cise over it authority as commandant of Louisiana. In 1698 the French organized the province of Louisiana with the seat of government at Port Biloxi, near New Orleans. The capital of the province was kept hei-e until 1701 when it was moved to ^lobile, Alabama. There it remained until 172;), when it was returned to New Orleans. The governors of this prov- ince of Louisiana were as follows : SauvoUe. 16;(8 to 1701 ; Bienville, July 22, 1701, to May 17, 1713; LaMothe Cadillac, May 17, 1713, to 1717; De I'Epinay, March 9, 1717, to 1718; Bienville, March 9, 1718, to January 16, 1724 ; Boisbriant, January 16, 1721, to 1726; Pe- rier, 1726 to 1733 ; Bienville, 1733 to May 10, 1743 ; De Vaudreuil, May 10, 1743, to Febru- ary 9, 1753; Kerleree, February 9, 1753, to June 29, 1763; D'Abbadie, June 29, 1763, to February 4, 1765 ; Aubry, February, 1765, acting governor. In 1763, France ceded to England all of that part of Louisiana east of the Mississippi river. She had promised by the secret treaty of Udefonso to give to Spain the western part of Louisiana, but the fact of this treaty was not generally known for many years and France continued to exercise authority over Louisiana west of the Mississippi river. Just before the transfer of the territory to Spain the province of Upper Louisiana was organ- ized, including all that part of Louisiana north of the Arkansas river. It was some- times called the countrv o' tlie Illinois. The 111 112 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI capital of Upper Louisiana was St. Louis. The government was administered by a com- mandant. Only one served; lie was Louis St. Ange de Bellerive, from July 17, 1765, to May 20, 1770 (de facto j. On May 20, 1770, the Spanish officials act- ing under the treaty of November 3, 1762, took possession of Upper Louisiana. They styled the commandant of Upper Louisiana, the lieutenant governor of the province of Upper Louisiana, with capital at St. Louis. The following were the lieutenant governors of this province: Pedro Piernas, May 20, 1770, to May 19, 1775; Francisco Cnizat, May 19, 1775, to June 17, 1778; Fernando De Leyba, June 17, 1778, to June 8, 1780: Francisco de Cartabona, June 8, 1780, to September 24, 1789 (acting") ; Francisco Cru- zat, September 24, 1780, to November 27, 1787; Manuel Perez, November 27, 1787, to July 21, 1792; Zenon Trudeau, July 21, 1792, to August 29, 1799 ; Carlos Dehault de Delas- sus, August 29, 1799, to March 9, 1804. These lieutenant governors of Upper Lou- isiana were sometimes called in the Spanish official documents, lieutenant governors at St. Louis for "San Luis, San Genoveva and the District of the Ylinneses, " The lieutenant governor of Upper Louisiana was regarded as subordinate to the governor and captain gen- eral of Louisiana w'ho had his seat at New Orleans, This province of Upper Louisiana under the authority of the lieutenant governor was, as we have seen, divided into districts. Over each one of these districts was stationed a commandant who had both civil and military authority. He was regarded as the subordi- nate of the lieutenant governor at St. Louis. An exception, however, was made in case of the commandant at New Madrid. He was a sub-delegate, was the direct subordinate of the governor general at New Orleans and was thus independent of the authority of the lieu- tenant governor at St. Louis. Each of these commandants had under him one or more subordinate officers known as .syndics. In each one of the various settlements within the district there was appointed a syndic, usually the most prominent and influential citizen in the settlement, who became a personal rep- resentative of the commandant exercising a part of his authority. Each commandant was charged witli the administration of the law in his district. He had authoritj- to try minor cases, both civil and criminal. His jurisdiction, however, was limited by the amount of jsroperty involved, All cases which involved a considerable amount fell under the direct jurisdiction of the lieutenant governor. The commandant was also charged with the care of all govern- ment papers relating to his district and was required to take possession of the estates of deceased persons and to make an inventory thereof. The commandant was, also, com- mander of the military force consisting, usu- ally, of one or two companies of militia. The law administered by all of these vari- ous officials, governors, lieutenant governors, commandants and syndics was verj' largely French law. When the province of Louisiana was granted to Cruzat it was with the express understanding that the law of Paris, called by the French "coutume de Paris," was to extend over Louisiana. It was clearly with- in the province of the Spanish authority to have entirely changed its law and to have substituted for it the Spanish system of law ; this, however, they did not do. They made certain changes in the law, e.speaially with HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 113 regard to the granting of land and to the col- lection of revenue, but so far as those great- provinces of the law which define the rights and duties of individuals and the holding and transfer of property were concerned, the Spanish retained almost unchanged, the French law. They did this because the set- tlers were, many of them, French ; they were acquainted with the law of France ; they had acquired and held property under it, and it was really less difficult for Spanish officials to continue the administration of this law than it would have been to make a change. They were the more inclined to this course because of the fact that the Spanish law and French law are quite similar. They were both derived from the old Roman civil law and in their fundamental principles were the same. This law derived from the civil law is still in force in Louisiana, which is the only one of the states in the union where the English common law is not in force. The civil law differs from the common law in many vital respects, and it was this law, whether French or Spanish in its form, that was administered by the Spanish officials in the province of Louisiana. The question of language gave considerable trouble. There were three principal languages spoken in Upper Louisi- ana—Spanish, which was the language of the officials, and French, and English, the lan- guage of the settlers. Spanish was the official language, and trials and other official pro- ceedings were supposed to be conducted in Spanish, but very frequently, owing to the prevalence of the French language, it was used even in the official proceedings. In each one of the districts there was an official in- terpreter who assisted the commandant in the hearing of cases by translating from one lan- guage to the other as necessity required. Cousin, it will be recalled, acted in this ca- pacity in Cape Girardeau; he drew up pe- titions and other official papers for settlers, both French and American; these petitions were presented to the commandant, and were in French or Spanish, either being acceptable. The government exercised by all of these various officials was in theory a practically absolute despotism; the power being in the hands of the officers. In fact, however, the rigor of the law was tempered to suit the times and occasions and the government was often paternal in character. The thing which bore most heavily on the American settlers and which made them most impatient of Spanish control was the dilatory character of some proceedings. This statement does not, however, apply to the proceedings before the various commandants. They were usually transacted with commendable despatch. In fact, most of the trials and other proceedings before the commandants are rather remark- able for the speed with which they were con- ducted. It was not unusual for the issues to be joined and a decision to be rendered within a very short time. Execution of the sentence was usually summary, but the authority of the commandant was sometimes exercised in order to postpone proceedings and to prevent unnecessary hardship. An instance of this is recorded in the life of Lorimier: One, Jo- siah Lee, had abandoned his wife and was ordered by Lorimier to leave the country. All persons were forbidden, under penalty, to harbor or help him in any way. Lee, how- ever, presented a very humble petition in which he confessed his fault and prayed that he might be permitted to remain, on condition that he should not again offend. This pe- tition seems to have been granted, for the name of Lee is found on the tax records for several years after this incident. It required 114 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI but little time and no further formalities than an expression of the commandant 's pleasure to dispose of this infraction of the law of the province. It was quite otherwise, however, with re- gard to those matters which were within the jurisdiction of the officials at New Orleans. There the governor and captain general of Louisiana was assisted in his labors by a cab- ildo. This cabildo, or council, was composed of eleven persons, including an attorney gen- eral, a syndic and other officers. There was .also an officer charged with the royal rev- enue, who was called the intendant. There were many other officers besides the cabildo and they enforced the cumbersome restric- tions of trade with rigor. The Spanish were not a commercial people, and their regula- tions with regard to trade were the regula- tions of the middle ages. To carry a load of merchandise to New Orleans and turn it over for shipment to other parts of the world was a long and tedious process, so far as comply- ing with the regulations of the port was con- cerned. These restricting and hampering regulations much retarded commerce — in fact, more than any other cause, perhaps, made the Americans impatient and intolerant of Spanish control of the Mississippi river. The Spanish government required the commandant at each post in Upper Louisiana to organize all of the able-bodied citizens into military companies. All persons between the ages of fourteen and fifty were liable to this service and the companies were required to be ready for service at any time they were called upon. There were small bodies of reg- ular Spanish troops maintained at St. Louis and New Madrid ; the other posts were de- fended entirely by the military companies. These companies found employment in de- fending the posts from attack by Indians, and one purpose of their organization and maintenance was to be prepared in case of an attack by the Americans. The year 1780 was known by the French in- haliitauts as "L'Anuee du Coup," (the year of the attack). This was during the war of the Revolution and the English were stirring up the Indians throughout all the west to at- tack Americans, and it was rumored in the early part of this year that these British and Indians were contemplating an attack on St. Louis. The connnandant at St. Louis was Lieutenant Governor Ferdinand Leyba. He was instructed by the Spanish authorities to prepare the post against the threatened at- tack. He accordingly ordered the military comijany at Ste. Genevieve, which at that time was the only company outside of St. Louis, to be sent to St. Louis. For the piir- pose of executing this order, Don Francisco Cartobona was sent to Ste. Genevieve. He gathered a company together consisting of sixty men under the command of Charles Valle, and embarked them on a keel-boat for St. Louis. The attack upon the town was made May 26, 1780. The attacking force numbered about fifteen hundred Indians, un- der command of a British officer. Governor Leyba acted in a very peculiar manner. Either he was cowardly and afraid to take part in the defense of the town, or else he was a traitor. It appears that on the very day the attack was made he was intoxicated, and instead of making am* effort at defense, he merely did all in liis power to pi-evcnt such defense. The citizens of the town, however, did all in their power to protect themselves. There has been a question i-aised regarding the conduct of the Ste. Genevieve company on this occasion. They have been charged with cowardice, but this was untrue. The HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 115 facts in the case as presented by Gen- eral Pirmiu A. Rozier, are these: Just before the attack was made, Governor Leyba refused to allow the Ste. Genevieve company to be supplied with ammunition. Captain Valle attempted to supply this lack by seizing three kegs of powder in the possession of a lady who resided in the town. She very reluctantly allowed the powder to be taken and conveyed to the company head- quarters. While Captain Valle was tem- porarily absent, Governor Leyba ordered the company to spike their guns and to march up into a garret and remain. Captain Valle, however, returned and refused to allow the order to be obeyed. He and his company, then, did all they could to aid the citizens of St. Louis in the defense of the town ; their ef- forts were successful, and the attack of the Indians failed. In 1802 there occurred an incident which cast a light on the military arrangements of the Spanish. That year David Trotter, who lived in the New Madrid ,district, was killed by some Indians; they were members of a band of Creeks who had come from the east- ern states and were engaged in thieving and plundering on both sides of the Mississippi. Through the efforts of Louis Lorimier, five of the Indians were captured and one of them was condemned to be executed. Lieu- tenant Governor De Lassus, who resided in St. Louis, determined to be present at the execution and to take personal charge of the affair. About two weeks before the date, he set out from St. Louis for New Madrid. On reaching Ste. Genevieve, he ordered the three companies of militia at that point to be assembled and to accompany him under arms to New Madrid. He did the same at Cape Girardeau and further increased his army by the addition of the three companies at New Madrid. He thus had almost a full regiment of soldiers for the occasion. The order book used by Colonel De Lassus on this expedition is still in existence and it oontains a great nundjer and variety of orders. De Lassus was an officer, trained in the Spanish array, and he conducted his ex- pedition after the most approved manner of Spanish warfare. The most rigid etiquette prevailed, and everything was performed with the utmost care. The second in com- mand of the expedition was Don Francisco Valle. Don Joseph Pratte and Don Franr Cisco Valle, Jr., and Don Camille De Lassus were commanders of companies and the- last named was also an adjutant. There was ^ bodyguard for the lieutenant governor con- sisting of a mounted orderly from each com- pany. On arriving at New Madrid De Lassus apr pointed officers for the thi-ee companies at that place. One of these was a company of cavalry of which Richard Jones Waters was captain; George K. Reagan, lieutenant; and John B. Barsaloux, ensign. John La Valle was captain; Pierre La Forge, lieutenant, and John Charpentier, ensign of the first company of infantry. The officers of the sec- ond company were Robert McCoy, captain; Joseph Ilunot, lieutenant; and John Hart, ensign. The prisoner then under sentence of exe- cution was brought forth and the detail of soldiers was ordered out, who proceeded to execute the sentence by shooting the pris- oner. The corpse was then buried by the soldiers and the other four prisoners were turned over to the chief of the band under his promise that they should not again trou- ble the inhabitants of New Madrid district. The expedition then returned with the same 116 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI care for etiquette with wliich it had been assembled. While on this expedition Governor De Las- sus issued some very strict orders regarding the sale of intoxicants to Indians. He pointed out that the Indians were usually peaceful and law-abiding, except when they had been inflamed by liquor. Trotter, him- self, had been killed by the Indians to whom he had unlawfully sold liquor. In view of these circumstances the governor ordered that there should be only a limited number of tavern and dram-shop keepers ; that they must have an appointment from the gov- ernor, himself, and must be persons of good conduct; that under no pretext whatever, were they to give or sell liquor to the In- dians or slaves. They were ordered to give immediate no- tice of any disorder in their houses to the commandant or nearest syndic. Any person found keeping an unauthorized tavern or dram-shop, or who should have sold liquor unlawfully, was to be both imprisoned and fined, and any person who, whether a keeper of a tavern or dram-shop or any other, should sell or give liquor to Indians was bound to be arrested and sent in irons, at his own ex- pense, to New Orleans ; all his property was to be seized until the matter was decided by the governor-general. The commanders of posts were held responsible for the enforce- ment of these orders. At New Madrid the governor licensed John Baptiste Olive to keep a tavern, in the same district, on the road to Illinois, Mr. Edward Robertson, and at Little Prairie, Mr. Charles Guilbault. The license tax for these persons was to be such a sum as the governor general might fix and this tax was very appropri- ately to be used in the construction of a prison at New Madrid. CHAPTER IX SOCIAL LIFE Population in 1804 — Settlements — Occupations — Differences Between French and America Settlements — Houses op the French — Stockades — Food and Cooking — Dif- ferences IN the French Produced by Residence in This Country — Social Life — Dress —Amusements — La Guignolee — Contented Character of the French — Trade — Amer- ican Settlers — Characteristic Life — Houses — Clothing — Food — Law-Abiding Char- acters — German Settlers — Absence op Spanish Settlers — Merchants — Prices — Prod- ucts — Travel — Roads — River Travejl — ^Kbel-Boats — Religious Conditions — First Ser- vices — Restrictive Lava's op Spain — Records of the Catholic Church in Ste. Gene- vieve — Fatpier Meurin — Father Gibault — James Maxwell — First Church Buildings — Support op Priests — Bishop Dubourg — De Andreis — Founding op St. Mary's Sem- inary — Danger op Misunderstanding the Character op the People. By the time of the transfer to the United States, in 1804, there were living in the terri- tory of Louisiana about 10,120 people. Of these, the greater number were in Southeast Missouri. Each of the five districts into wliicli the Spanish had divided the country for pur- poses of administration was in a flourishing condition. There had been a considerable im- migration into the district from the territory of the United States across the river, and, as we have seen, in a few places there were large numbers of French settlers. The following table gives as correctly as can be determined the population of the principal settlements at the time of the Louisiana Purchase : Cape Girardeau district, 1,470; Ste. Genevieve dis- trict, 2,350 whites and 520 slaves; New Ma- drid district, 1,350 whites and 120 slaves. By this date settlements had been made in most of the present counties of this section. There were probably no settlements in Dunk- lin, Butler, Ripley, Carter, Stoddard, and Rey- nolds counties, but in all the other counties there were at least some attempts at settle- ment made. There were flourishing towns at New Madrid, Cape Girardeau and Ste. Gene- vieve. Ste. Genevieve was a distinctly French settlement; Cape Girardeau was just as dis- tinctly an Amei-ican settlement, while New Madrid was in part French and in part American. As we have seen, these people were attracted here by a number of things. It is, perhaps, true that the greater number of them came on account of the richness of the soil and the pos- sibility of obtaining land on easy terms from the Spanish government. The settlers were largely farmers. This is true of the districts of Cape Girardeau and New Madrid ; in fact, outside of trading and the running of an oc- casional mill, there were no other settled in- 117 118 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI dustries besides agriculture. Some of the in- habitants depended in part upon hunting and trapping, but the greater number of them were almost entirely dependent upon agricul- ture. It was this fact that led the American settlers to open up farms and to scatter out over the country iipon these farms, rather than to gather together in larger towns and villages. We find that in the Cape Girardeau district there were settlements in a large num- ber of places extending over quite a part of the territory of the district. Nearly all the pojiulation of the district was to be found on scattered farms. This was, in part, due to that intense spirit of independence which rendered the American impatient of restraint and unwilling to be hampei'ed or hindered in his activities within the towns. The inhabitants of the district of Ste. Gene- vieve were, by no means, so entirely depend- ent upon agriculture. This was the district that contained the mineral region. ^lany of the settlers were engaged in mining; in fact, it seems true that more than half the people of the district were supported in part, at least, by the mines. It should be remembered that mining was carried on in a most primi- tive way. Thej' were all surface mines, there having been no deep shafts sunk in the district. There was little use of machinery, so that the production of even relatively small quantities of lead required the work of a large number of persons. We find around each one of the larger mines a group of houses, a little settlement, where there were trading posts for the exchange of goods. We find, too, that considerable numbers of the inhabitants were engaged in transporting the lead from the mines to the river and on 'the river to the various places to which it was .shipped. There were a number, too, who were engaged in trading. Commercial en- terprises were developed more extensively in the district of Ste. Genevieve than any other part of the territory. Another striking difference between the Ste. Genevieve disti'ict and the others, lay in the greater concentration of the population in the towns and villages. Travelers were struck by the contrast in this respect. This grouping of the inhabitants was a result of the French character. The Fi-ench emi- grants to America were in a great majority of cases industrious, hard working people. They were perfectly willing to undergo hard- ships and dangers in their attempts to gain wealth, but the French are a distinctly social people, and, while these settlers here were willing to endui-e privation and to face the dangers of the wilderness and to toil unceas- ingly for the accomplishment of their pur- poses, they were not willing to give up that social life which they loved. It was this so- cial part of their nature which prevented them from scattering over the country and developing farms as did the Americans. The American family was satisfied to live upon a farm a long distance removed from others. Not so with the French family. There must be society and intermingling of the people. While the French developed agriculture and carried on farms in a considerable way, we find them living not on their farms but grouped together in towns. It was this fact that accounts for the common fields attached to the Freijch towns. The people who lived in the town of Ste. Genevieve, many of them, were farmers. They were perfectly willing to cultivate the soil, provided it could be done without causing them to endure the isolation of farming life. A great tract of fertile land which lies just south of the town of Ste. Genevieve, which is now known as the Big HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST iHSSOURI 119 Field, was owned in common by the inhabit- ants of the town. It was divided up for the purposes of cultivation at the beginning of the year. It provided an opportunity for the pursuit of farming without demanding the sacrifiee of social life. These differences in the spirit and attitude of the French and the Americans was the cause of a great dii¥erenee in development of tlic two sections of the countrv. It is evi- ordinarily a considerable enclosure, in which were to be found the family orchard, the gar- den in which was grown a variety of vege- tables, the cabins for servants or slaves, and other buildings for the use and convenience of the inhabitants. The amount of ground depended, of course, upon the wealth of the owner. The well-to-do among the French usually enclosed a considerable space for these purposes. The house and grounds were Old-Time Windlass dent, of course, that no new country can be thoroughly settled and reduced to the pur- poses of agriculture, except by people who are willing to settle upon the land itself. Here the American settlers possessed a very great advantage over the French. AVc have referred to the fact that the French settlers lived in towns. Most of them of the well-to-do class built for themselves comfortable houses. These houses usually stood near the street or road, the front yard being small, Init back of the house there was usually surrounded by a stout fence. This fence was in reality something of a stockade and was strongly built of pickets driven into the ground and sometimes reinforced with earth and stone. It reall.v served as a means of protection against the Indians, for all of the people were exposed more or less to the danger of Indian assault. The various tribes of Indians living in the vicinity of Ste. Gene- vieve were accustomed, at times, when they came into possession of whiske.y, to take the town. On these occasions the inhabitants usuallv retired within their houses, closed 120 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ]\nsS0URI Old-Fashioned Gee Hoisters in Action HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 121 the gates of their yards, barricaded the doors and windows and waited until the Indians tired of their pranks. The houses themselves were usually one story in height. They were long and low, with a poreh in front and rear and some- times entirely around the house. They were built of wood, sometimes of logs and more often, perhaps, framed together and covered with Ijoards running up and down on the framing. Plastering was used on the out- side of some of these houses, and sometimes tliey were weather-boarded, though this was unusual. The houses were substantial and warmly built. Each room was lighted by one window with small panes of glass. There was generally no attic, or else if there was an attic provided for. it was rarely lighted by a window or reached by any per- manent steps. The houses were ordinarily heated by open tires built in the fire places of great chimneys. These chimneys were usu- ally made of sticks and earth. Four great poles were driven into the earth and drawn nearly together at the top and then the struc- ture of sticks and earth built up between these poles. Sometimes, though, there was a stone chimney and fire place connected with the house. That the houses were substantial is shown by the fact that a number of them are still in use in Ste. Genevieve though more than a century old. One of the differences between the French settlers and the American was in the char- acter of the food and in cooking. The French people are noted for their skill as cooks, and the early French settlers in Missouri were no exception to the rule. American travelers among these French settlers were struck by the variety of food that there was prepared. Instead of the usual dishes of meat variously cooked and corn bread, such as was found on the tables of the Americans, the Fi-ench had many salads, vegetables and soups. They cooked meat, it is true, but it by no means oc- cupied so large a place on the bill of fare as it did among the Americans. It should be said that most of the French settlers were French Canadians. Some of the families came direct from France. Some of these were of tlie nolulity and left Prance during the turbulent times of the French Revolution. These settled at New Bourbon, near Ste. Genevieve, but the greater major- ity of the people were descendants of the French settlers in Canada. They retained many of the characteristics of the French ; but long residence in America, in an en- tirely different environment, had produced some changes in them. This was noted by early travelers, especially in their language and in their bearing and habits of speech. The natural vivacity and liveliness of the French, especially those of the higher class, was modified among the settlers in ilissouri. Tliey were more vivacious than the Ameri- cans, it is true, but there was a suppression and restraint that was not observable among the original French settlers. The language, too, had lost something of its sharpness and had acquired a softness and nuisicalness in this country. Contradictory accounts are given by early travelers concerning the habits and character of these French settlers. They impressed some of the early writers by theii- courtesy, their careful training of their children, their restraint and dignit.y, their openhanded hos- pitality and real culture and grace of man- ner. Some of these writers declared that nowhere else was to be found greater perfec- tion of manners or of character than among these French. They were said to be very 122 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI moderate in their use of wine ; most genial and kind toward all who eame in contact with them; crime was practically unknown among them, and the courts had little, even, of civil business to transact. Those who saw them in this favorable light were impressed by the dignity of the people which arose, in part, from the feeling of security in which they lived. Tliey were in the midst of plenty, land was cheap, and the soil produc- tive. The woods were full of game, and trade with the Indians was profitable. There was no reason for any to worry concerning a livelihood. From these conditions there seems to have developed among them an ease of manner and a dignity born of assured po- sition that left its impress upon all that they did. The women were said to possess un- usual refinement, to be devoted to their fam- lies and to have uniisual ability as housekeep- ers. On the other hand, some of the early trav- elers saw the French settlers with different eyes. They said that they were inclined to be slothful ; that they were content with a bare living taken from the soil ; that they were given to indulgence in strong drink ; and that the children were not properly in- structed, but allowed a great deal of freedom and liberty in their lives. The dress of all the French, whether rich or poor, was distinguished by its simplicity. The men wore a long coat and cape, so de- signed that it could be thrown up over the head. From these circumstances it was called the "capote." They wore shirts of various kinds of cloth, usually linen trousers and Indian moccasins. The women, too, dressed with great simplicity, but tried to impress visitors that they were not altogether out of the fashion. The centers of fashion were many hundreds of miles away ; yet, in spite of these conditions, the women of the French communities generally managed to know something of the styles. They, too, wore the Indian moccasins, and it was the custom of both men and women to cover the head with a handkerchief, usually blue in color. It should be said, too, that most of them were able to possess, even when they were comparatively poor, clothes which were set apart for Sunday wear and for holiday occasions. The inventory which has been preserved of the estate of some of the French settlers, discloses that the love of dress was present among them. All accounts agree that the great majority of the French settlers were noted for their devotion to truth and for strict honesty in their dealings with one another, and even with outsiders. It is not to be supposed that, even in these remote places, amusement w^as not sought after with the same eagerness that it is pur- sued elsewhere. The French settlements al- most universally observed a sort of carnival season, when a large part of the time was given up to celebrations, and to the pursuit of various amusements. Of these amiisements, the one most pas- sionately followed was dancing. Sunday af- ternoon in these settlements was, usually, de- voted to dancing. The children and young people came together under the supervision of their elders, and all of them engaged in that pastime which they most thoi'oughly loved. Some of the travelers say that these Sunday afternoon assemblies were really schools for the instruction of the children in good manners. Be that as it may, they were held, and it was a well known custom in Ste. Genevieve and other of the French towns. The season of the vear when amusement HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 123 ■was most sought was the beginning of tlie year. On New Year's Eve there was a cus- tom, among the young men, to gather in a numerous group, arrayed in fantastic dress, some appearing as clowns, some as negroes, and others as Indians, but eaeli carrying a bucket, box, basket or other receptacle. Thus dressed, the young men made their way from house to house, and at each place they sang what was called "La Guignolee." This was a jocular song in which there was de- manded from the master and mistress of the house their eldest daughter, and also a con- tribution of some sort of food which was called "La Guignolee." After the donation had been given the young men danced before the house and then went on to the next liouse. At some central point, before day, the whole population of the settlement assembled and heard mass. After mass all the children and grandchildren made their way to their parents where the.y placed themselves upon their knees and implored a parental blessing. This pleasing custom of submitting them- selves to the authority of their parents and of imploring a blessing upon them was one of the peculiar customs of the French settle- ments. On Januar.v 6th, of each year, there was given at some selected house a supper and a dance. A cake was baked for this occasion which contained four beans. At some time during the festivity the cake was cut into small pieces and a piece given to each girl present. The girls who were fortunate enough to obtain a slice containing one of the beans were hailed as queens. Each cjueen then selected some young man as king. The selection was made known by the presenta- tion to him of a bouquet. The four young men thus selected were charged with the preparation of the next ball. They made ar- rangements for it and bore the expenses of giving it. The.se balls were called Bals du Koi. At each one of them, arrangements were made for the holding of the next.* One thing concerning the condition of these French people, which struck all observ- ers, was the absence of anything like a caste, or even a class system among them. The people were almost all related by blood or by marriage, and this fact tended to produce a feeling of unity among them which very largely prevented the development of the class spirit. It was true, of course, that men of intelligence and wealth were more highly regarded than others, but this regard was largely a personal matter and was paid to the individual showing great attainments, and not to the class itself. Innovations were not regarded with favor. There was something of a clannish spirit among them. Th(\v were satisfied «nth their conditions of life and they did not wish for changes. Their wants were easily sup- plied from the produce of the soil, and from the wealth obtained by traffic and from the mines. It is true everywhere, that among a population no larger than that of the French settlement, bound together by ties of blood and language in a country where plenty abounds for everyone, there is an absence of a stinnilus to great progress. This feeling that they had no need to display very great activity, a feeling of security and well being, led some who visited the settlements to re- gard the people as lazy. The.v were not lazy — the.v were industrious and frugal — but they found that they had time for leisure, and need not devote all of their energies to the acquisition of wealth. They were simple ' Jlissoiiri Ilistoi-ical Sofietv Collections, Vol. II, ■So. I, p. 12. 124 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI people and had little desire for greater things than they found about them. That progress among them was slow is evidenced by the statement of Breekenridge. He was a native of Pennsylvania ; and was sent at an early age by his father to live for three years in Ste. Genevieve, in order to study French. His record, in the form of a diary, of those years, is very valuable on account of the light it casts on the conditions there. He says that for many years there was no public bakery in all the French settlements ; there was no loom or even a spinning wheel ; there was not even a churn for butter making. Butter, when it was made at all. was made by shak- ing cream within a bottle, or a bag. There was very little mone.v. These conditions re- sulted in all material for clothing being im- ported. The French of Loiusiana bought the material for their clothing and blankets, their flax, their calimanco, in Philadelphia or in 'Baltimore. Among them was to be seen no home-spun cloth, .such as distinguished the American settlement. Their principal trade, in the absence of money, was carried on by means of liarter and exchange. As a substi- tute for money lead was sometimes used and more often peltry, or deer skins, supplied the place. Among these people wealth was almost en- tirely in the form of personal property. Land was not regarded very highly as a form of wealth. This arose from the fact that land was aliundant. that it might be had on very easy terms and was, consequently, very cheap. The principal form of this wealth was household furniture, clothing, and slaves. Some effort has been made to estimate the trade of these settlements. It is difficult to determine how extensive that trade was. It has been said that from 1789 to 1804 the fur trade of Upper Louisiana amounted to $200,- 000. This amount, however, does not repre- sent all of the trade, but only that part of it which passed through the hands of the Span- ish officials. That large part of the Indian trade which went to the English is not in- cluded in this sum. Besides the fur trade, the settlers exported lead and provisions dow^n the river, principally to New Orleans; they sent lead to Canada, and lead and salt to Philadelphia and Baltimore. It was in return for these exports that the settlers re- ceived their supplies of clothing and materials from the cities. Communities situated as these French set- tlements were, develojjed a life of their own. They were cut off, as we have seen, from the centers of French influence by hundreds and even thousands of miles. Thej' were divided by the river from the American settlements, and divided even more distinctly by differ- ences in race and language. It is impossible to tell how far a civilization distinct in itself with social and political institutions might have developed in Upper Louisiana, had time been given for its development. We cannot now say that the French might not have cul- tivated institutions similar to those of the American colonies. Doubt, however, is cast on the probability of this, by the fact that they were careless with regard to matters of education. There were some private schools but they were limited in term and seemed to have produced no great results. Instruction in these schools was confined to reading, writing and a little arithmetic. Matthew Kennedy, an American, was in Ste. Genevieve in 1771 : John and Israel Dodge were in New Bourbon shortly after the founding of this settlement about 1794, and in 1774 John Hildebrand was on the Maramec river. In that same neighborhood. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 125 a little later, was William Boli. These seem to have been the first Amerieaii settlers in Upper Louisiana. The great tide of American immigration did not hegin until about 1790. When Morgan had outlined bis scheme for the forming of a great state, with its capital at New Madrid, he advertised very extensively the attractions of his new settle- ment, and induced a number of Americans to become interested in Louisiana. The sur- veyors whom he brought with him. among whom was Christopher Hays, induced many of their friends and acquaintances to settle in Louisiana. It happened that this scheme of Morgan's coincided in time with the great western movement into Kentucky. Some of the Spanish officials, even before the time of Morgan, saw that the probabilities were that the Americans would come in large numbers to Upper Louisiana, and that they would probably be unwilling to live long under the rule of Spain. When Americans became ac- quainted with the territory and all the ad- vantages of life here, they came in large numbers. By 1804 half the population of the Ste. Genevieve district was American, two-thirds of the population of the New Mad- rid district was American, and of the popu- lation of the Cape Girardeau district, all were American with the exception of a few families. The life of these Americans was quite dif- ferent from that of their French neighbors. Most of the Americans were men who had had experience in a new country. They had been pioneers in Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee ; they were accustomed to the life of the wilderness ; and they had that bold, independent attitude which made them im- patient of restraint. They did not possess the social nature of the French. They were entirely willing to do without ncigliliors and to forego the delights of social intercourse. We find them scattered about on farms, rather than croweded together into the towns. They took possession of the country and began at once to open up the soil for cul- tivation. They were men of energy and vi- tality. They seemed to have seen something of the future of the country and to have appreciated the importance of subduing the wilderness. They were not so much in sympathy with the Indians, nor with the life of the Indians as were the French. They did not have such a romantic at- tachment for the forest and for the life of nature. They liked the wilds of the new country, but they liked them on account of the possibilities they possessed. Accord- ingly, they set themselves to the task of clear- ing the land and putting it into cultivation. Their settlements lacked the charm that was present among the French, but they gave evi- dence of prosperity and an energy superior to that of the others. Many of the French officials who visited the American settlements about Cape Girardeau were struck by the evidence of thrift and energy. They wished the French settlers might exhibit something of this enterprising spirit. The houses of these American settlers were the houses which have been characteristic of new settlements all over America. They consisted, usually, of two square pens built of logs. Between them was an open space usually about as large as one of the pens. Over all was a single roof usually extending far enough in both front and rear to form porches. Sometimes the porch at the rear of the house was boarded up forming another room. The cracks between the logs forming the house were filled with mud. There was usually one, and sometimes two, doors in each of these rooms, besides one or two open- 126 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI iugs for light. These openings were some- times closed with board shutters, and occa- sionally were filled with glass. The rooms liad puncheon floors. The space between the two rooms was left open for the circulation of light and air. It was not infrequently left without a floor. In each of the rooms there was a large fire place. The chimney was usually built of mud and sticks, some- times of stone. One of these large rooms were not nuich concerned about religion, else they would not have said themselves to be good Catholics. They were most of them will- ing to set aside whatever convictions they had on religious subjects, in order to be admitted to the Spanish territory. The testimony of missionaries who traveled among them is that they were in a deplorable condition, relig- iously. They had no services of their own to attend, many of them were unwilling to at- HoME OF Our 1i\\thers was used for the kitclieii. tlie other was tlie family living room. Tlie slaves owned by the familj' lived in small cabins in tlie rear of tlie house. The American family 's wealth and importance was estimated by tlie size of the barns and the numl)er of slave caliins on tlie place. These American settlers were part of tliem Catholics, such as the settlers at St. ]\Iichaels and many of those who settled in Perry comity ; many of the others were Protestants. and some of them professed no religion at all. It is evident that many of the Protestants tend tlie services of the Catholic church, so tliey were witliout religious instruction. Sunday among them was too often a holiday given up to the pursuit of pleasure of one kind and another. Unlike the French settlers, the Americans were people who depended largely upon their own resources. Instead of importing goods for their clothing from New Orleans. Pliiladelpliia or Baltimore, each house of the American settler became a factory where thread was spun and clotli woven to supply the wants of the household. Nearly all of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 127 the settlers were accustomed to dress in the home-spun cloth called "jeans." This was woven from thread, spun at the house itself, and the garments were made from the cloth by the women of the household. This famous "jeans" was dyed various colors, perhaps the one most favored was known as "butter-nut." This cloth was al- most indestructible. It was all wool ; there was no mixture of cotton and wool such as is moccasin was so well suited to the life of the woods that it was adopted by practically all the people who lived among the Indians. The food of the Americans was by no means so varied nor so daintily prepared and cooked as the food of the French. There was an abundance of it and most of it was wholesome, but there was not that attention to the minor and lighter items of diet that the French gave. Instead of soups, salads. Home-Made Loom and Operator found in Mlmost all the cloth of the present time. There was among these people no such careful attention to dress as distin- guished the French. They were content if the.y had a sufficient amount of comfortable and presentable clothing. There was but lit- tle effort to follow the fashions, and no great pride was taken in a large collection of gar- ments of one sort or other. The women wore the sun-bonnet and the men frequently cov- ired the head with a cap made from coon skin or bear skin. Moccasins were fre- (juently worn by both sexes. The Indian vegetables and desserts, the staple items on the table of the American settlers were meat and corn bread. This meat was the meat of wild game, deer, turkey and other varieties, or it was the meat of the hog. Bacon was one of the favored dishes to be found on al- most all tables. American settlers were usually strong and robust. The men were distingui.shed for their strength of body, their vigor and their hardiness. These qualities were to be ex- pected in a race of men who went out to subdue the wilderness. Many stories are 128 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI told of the feats of strength performed by them. They gloried in their strength. They were usually content in their hrawls and quarrels with the weapons with which nature had provided them, and whatever dis- turbances took place among them, were usu- ally settled by an appeal to personal prowess. The American settlers were usually law- abiding people. They had something of a dread of the Spanish criminal law. There were stories told concerning the horrible suf- ferings endured by prisoners in Spanish dungeons and in Spanish mines where crimi- nals were frequently sent. This account of Spanish authority had, perhaps, its whole- some effect in keeping the population quiet; but the thing that more than anything else operated to produce quiet and orderly set- tlements among the Americans was the law- abiding and independent character of the people themselves. Experience had shown them that people could not expect to be free unless they exercised the virtues of self con- trol. Accordingly, we find the communities of American settlers were very largely self governing. They settled their disputes among themselves, where that was possible, without any appeal to the Spanish authorities or to Spanish law. Strange as it may seem, nearly all of the American settlers were well affected toward the authority of the Spanish government, and it does not appear that they greeted the change from the authority of Spain to that of the United States with any great rejoic- ing. Spain had dealt liberally with them in respect to grants of land, and, so far as those of the settlers who were engaged in agricul- ture were concerned, the Spanish regulations did not hamper them very greatly. Opposi- tion to Spain's control of the Mississippi did not come in any very large measure from west of the river. The opposition which made Spain's continued control of the river im- possible arose in the states bordering along the river to the east. We find even expres- sions of dissatisfaction when the flag of Spain was replaced by that of the United States. Beside the French and American settlers, of whom we have spoken, there were a few settlements of Germans in Upper Louisiana. We have mentioned some of them, especially those who came to the district of Cape Gir- ardeau. Major Bollinger and the company of men who with him settled on Whitewater were among the earliest of these German set- tlers. They, too, were hardy and industrious people. They were distinguished for their thrift, for their ability to wring a living from the soil, and to accumulate property. It is rather curious that in all the years from 1762 to 1802, while Spain was in con- trol of the Louisiana territory, there were very few Spanish people who came to the ter- ritory. It seems that the Spanish would have seized the opportunity to settle Louisiana while it was owned and controlled by Spain ; such, however, was not the case. There are to be found the names of only two or three families in all of Upper Louisiana who seem to have been of Spanish origin. There were a Jiumber of reasons why the Spanish did not settle here. The chief of these was the idea that the Spanish held that the new world was not a place so much for settlement and coloni- zation as it was a place for searching for the precious metals. Long before the acquisition of the territory by Spain, it had become ap- parent that Upper Louisiana, wliile rich in lead, contained very little 6f tlie precious metals. It was for this reason principally HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 129 W^ 4wm .^ r R ^h^^^Sb K ^N^Hi ^^p^","ip p^ ^^^^-^^^H ^^^^Br ^B^ - . ..^^-om^^^H Pioneer Spinning Wheel Eating up the Flax 130 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI that Spain neglected to colonize the teri-itory. Of course there were other causes which joined with this to produce the same result. One of these was the greater interest which the southern part of the United States and even South America, had for the Spanish. They came from a diiferent climate, and they found the warmer parts of the country more congenial to them. The merchants who traded in these set- tlements were very different from the mer- chants of to-day. Some of them had very small warehouses, but most frequently, the goods of every kind were placed in a large box. They were brought out for inspection only on the demand of the customer. Within this box all kinds of things were kept — sugar, salt, dry goods, paints, tobacco, gunpowder, guns, hatchets ; in fact, the whole store of the merchant was usually contained within a single receptacle. The merchant was usually not very enterprising, and was content to wait for the coming of customers and made no great effort to extend his trade. One re- sult of this system of trading was the pre- vailing high prices of everything that was bought and sold. This was especially true of groceries which were imported from New Or- leans, Canada, or the eastern part of the United States. Sugar sold at two dollars a pound, and tea at the same price ; coffee was equally as dear. These high prices extended even to the products of the country : butter sold for from thirty to fifty cents a pound ; eggs, twenty-five cents a dozen : chickens, forty to fifty cents a piece. All of the trav- elers of the time speak of these high prices. Cumings, who visited New Madrid in 1809, says that milk, butter, eggs and chickens were outrageously high and Bradbury, who a few years later made a voyage from St. Louis to New Orleans, found similar prices prevail- ing. It is probably true that these high prices were in part the result of the system of bar- ter that prevailed in most parts of the coun- try. During the Spanish regime the Spanish officials were accustomed to pay for goods, which they bought, in currency ; and this at- tracted to the west side of the river a con- siderable amount of the produce from Illinois. These circumstances all combined to render the price of articles higher than would other- wise have been maintained. Nearly all the settlers- of the country were engaged in farming, as we have seen, and their principal products were cattle, wheat, corn, and horses. Other things were grown to a limited extent, but these were the staple products. "We may well suppose that agricul- ture was in the primitive state. It is said that in 1804 the entire crop of corn grown by the settlers of New Madrid amounted to only 6,000 bushels. Crops in other settlements were proportionately small. The amount pro- duced barely provided for the necessities of the settlers themselves and left only a small amount for export. Whatever surplus there was was sent east to New Orleans or to Can- ada. Cattle, of course, could be grown with little expense, owing to the vast range where they lived practically without being fed. This was true to some degree of horses also. It was noted, however, that both cattle and horses deteriorated in Louisiana. No atten- tion was given to the breeding of stock and they decreased in size and quality. Horses were especially valuable on account of the fact that almost all travel on land was done either on foot or on horseback. One of the great hardships endured by set- tlers in the new country is the isolation which ITTSTORY OF SOUTHEAST iMISSOURI 131 is unavoidable. It is difficult for us to im- agine the situation of the settlers in New Ma- drid, Cape Girardeau and Ste. Genevieve. They were separated from one another by many miles and they were cut off from the centers of wealth and power by hundreds and thousands of miles. To reach New Orleans or Canada required a journey whose difficul- ties cannot be measured by us. There were no roads. One who traveled by land must fol- low the trails or traces as laid ovit by the In- dians and adopted for use by the settlers. These trails were simply paths which led through the woods. Often it was difficult to follow them, owing to their indistinctness; sometimes the trees along them were blazed to prevent them being entirely lost. There were no bridges over the streams ; the trav- eler must make his way across these as best he might. There were no inns, or otlier pro- vision for one who made his way along these trails. He must carry with him the supplies necessar.y for his subsistence. Travel along these trails was necessarily limited either to horseback or else on foot. It must have been a great undertaking to go fi'om the settle- ments in Missouri to Quebec or ilontreal in Canada. No matter at what time of year one traveled, he met with great hardships and dangers. The streams were frequently swol- len and dangerous to cross ; there were long stretches of country consisting of swamps ; wild animals were abundant, and savages were still more to be dreaded. There was great suffering from cold in winter, and from heat and mo.squitoes in summer; and yet. as difficult as such a journe.v over land must have been, it was frequently made. Tradci's found it necessarj' to go from Missouri to Canada. Some of them made annual trips covering 1,600 to 2,000 miles on land. The traveler set out witli his horse. On either side of his saddle he placed such things as were necessary for his comfort. He pro- cured his provisions, in part, by hunting; he camped at night under the sky, in the forests or on the prairie. In winter time it was fre- quently necessary to shovel away the snow to find a little dry wood with which to kindle a fire. It was always necessary to be on con- stant guard against the dangers of the way. Strange as it may seem, however, this life of travel came to' have the very greatest at- tractions for some men. There was a fasci- nation about the life of the woods, its hard- ships and even its dangers, which drew men irresistibly to it. This was true not only of men who were reared amid such surround- ings ; it was true of Europeans who came from the midst of a high state of civilization. They found something in the life of the woods which made their every-day existence at home seem tame and uninspiring by comparison. Scarcely a traveler of all of those who left a record of their wanderings in the west but reveals the influence of this peculiar charm of savage life. Some seemed to revel in it ; to feel that for the first time they had come in contact with nature, and were living the life for which men were destined. If we turn from travel on land, with its lack of roads and its inconveniences, to travel on the river, we find conditions improved in- deed and yet arduous, still. In the early times travel on the river was in the large dug-outs called bateaus or pirogues. Nearly all of the early vo.vages up and down the I'iver were made in these boats. They were copied fi'om the Indian boats and were the lu)llowed out trunks of large trees. In such a boat it required from twenty-five to thirty da.vs to make the trip from Ste. Genevieve to New Orleans, and it required from three 132 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI to four mouths to make the trip from New Orleans to Ste. Genevieve. One of the Span- ish commandants boasted that he had just come from New Orleans to St. Louis in one of the king's bateaus'in the very short time of ninety-three days. It was in boats like these that the produce, the lead and food was exported from Ste. Genevieve to New Orleans. It was not a great while, however, until the pirogue gave way, as a carrier of freight, to the keel-boat. The keel-boat was a large, flat bottomed boat, somewhat resembling a canal-boat. It was strongly built, equipped with a mast and sail, had space for carrying considerable cargo, and sometimes accommodation for a passenger or two. The bulwarks of the keel- boat were flat and usually from fourteen to eighteen inches in width, forming a walk en- tirely around the boat. It was fitted with a large oar, mounted in the rear, by which it was steered. It was propelled in a number of different ways. Sometimes it was rowed by means of oars; occasionally, when the wind was favorable, the sail was set and the boat propelled by the wind; sometimes it was towed as the canal boat was towed. A rope was fastened at the top of the mast, then brought down through a ring in the bow of the boat, and extended to the bank of the river where it was grasped by a number of men. They walked along the tow path and pulled the boat. Perhaps the most charac- teristic method of propelling the keel-boat, however, was the use of setting poles. These were long poles which were used in the fol- lowing manner : If the water was of the right depth, the men engaged in propelling the boat, took their places along the bulwarks forming a line on either side as near as pos- sible to the bow, with their faces toward the stem. Each man grasped in his hand one of the setting poles, planted one end against the bottom of the river, put the other to his shoulder and then the line of men pressing against these poles walked toward the rear of the boat. The leading man in each line, upon reaching the rear, dropped out of line, made his way quickly through the boat to the bow, took his place at the rear of the line of men and again walked toward the stern of the boat, pushing as he went. This method of procedure gave a continuous impulse to the boat and was the method most favored by the keel-boat men. Whatever method was used for the propul- sion of these boats, their progress was slow. Twelve to fourteen miles a day was consid- ered a fair rate of travel and eighteen miles a day, remarkable. If the boats were towed by a cordelle or little rope, there was constant trouble, owing to the entangling of this rope in the ti'ee limbs that lined the bank of the river. Constant stops must be made for the purpose of untangling these lines, and there were many other ob- structions to be overcome, too. Very fre- quently at short intervals there were great rafts extending from the bank out into the river, sometimes for a distance of fifty or sixty feet formed of drift wood which had been caught by some obstruction. Such a raft was called bj' the French an emharras. Some- times, too, great trees that had been washed down by the streams extended out for a dis- tance of a hundred feet into the river. The keel-boat must make its way around all of these obstructions, and there was always found a swift and violent current around each of these. In spite of all of these difficulties, however, the keel boat continued for years to be the principal means of travel on the river. Large quantities of lead, corn, and wheat, and occasionally passengers were car- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 133 ried from St. Louis to Ste. Genevieve and New Orlenns. The social life and condition of these peo- ple must always be a matter of the very great- est interest. It is unfortunate that we do not have more complete records of their real con- dition. Enough, however, remains for us to form some idea of their surroundings, and the things in which they took the deepest and most vital interest. It is quite evident that one of these things was religion. We have seen before this time that the first service ever held within the limits of the state was that celelirated by De Soto and his com- panions at the request of the Indians. That religious service was held in 1541. It was destined to be man.y years before another was celebrated. We cannot be certain as to the date when the next religious celebration was held within the limits of the state. We have no accurate account as to the coming of any missionaries until, at least, the time of ]\Iar- quette. We cannot, indeed, be certain that Marquette landed and held services on the soil of the state. We know, however, that he passed along its border upon the bosom of the great river, and we know that he was a most devout Christian and sincerely interested in spreading the Gospel among the Indians. In fact, he had vowed that should he discover tlie river, he intended to name it The Immacu- late Conception, and to name the first post planted within the territory in the same way. He fulfilled this vow, and the Mississippi was known for a number of years, as the "River of the Conception." We may rightfully in- fer, from these circumstances, that he did land in Missouri and hold religious services; but even if such was the case, it was like the service held so long before by De Soto, only an incident, long separated in time, from any regular series of religious services. We are unable to fix the date when regular religious services were firet held here. We may suppose that, as soon as settlers began to live about the mines and at Ste. Genevieve, the priests at Kaskaskia and Fort Chartres came to Mis-souri to hold services. There is one reference in the Jesuit Relations which seems to confirm this supposition. We do not, however, reach a certain period until the be- ginning of the church records of Ste. Gene- vieve. This was in the year 1759. It should be said, of course, that all the early religious services held in the section were Catholic. The French dominated the territory until its transfer to Spain, and so long as the PVeneh were here, religious con- trol was vested in the priests of the Jesuit order. After tlie transfer to Spain an order was issued banisliing the Jesuits from Louisi- ana and the religious control of the territory was claimed by the Capuchin fathers whose estal)lishment in this country was in New Or- leans. The laws of Spain were very strict witli regard to the settlement of Protestants in the territory and, of course, forbade under penalty the immigration of Protestant clergy- men and the holding of Protestant services. It must be said, however, that the Spanish of- ficials, who were charged with the execution of these laws, were very rarely bigoted, and they seem to have had little desire to enforce the laws in a harsh manner. What these laws were, may be ascertained from the fol- lowing instructions issued by Manuel Gayoso, the governor of Louisiana, to the command- ants of the various posts : "6. The privilege of enjoying liberty of conscience is not to extend be.yond the first 134 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI generation. The children of those who en- joy it must positively be Catholic. Those who will not conform to this rule are not to be admitted, but are to be sent back out of the Province immediately, even though they possess much property." "7. In the Illinois, none shall be admitted but Catholics of the class of farmers and ar- tisans. They must, also, possess some prop- erty, and must not have served in any public character in the country from whence they came. The provisions of the preceding ar- ticle shall be explained to the emigrants al- ready established in the Province who are not Catholics, and shall be observed by them." "8. The commandants will take particu- lar care that no Protestant Preacher, or one of any sect other than Catholics, shall intro- duce himself into the Province. The least neglect in this respect will be a great repre- hension. ' '* It must be kept in mind, however, that these rigid instructions were not rigidly en- forced. The commandants of the various posts understood the very great desire of Spain for settlers in the new territory. That desire for settlers extended to the Americans, and it was the understanding that Americans should be admitted without any too rigid in- quiry into their religion. Some questions were asked, but those questions could be an- swered in the affirmative by almost any be- liever in the Christian religion. Any person who answered these questions satisfactorily was pronounced a good Catholic and per- mitted to enter the settlement. This took the place, it seems, of a declaration in form that the settler was a Catholic. It was explained to all of these settlers that their children must be brought up in the Catholic faith. Of * History of Southeast Missouri, p. 521. course the open practice of the Protestant re- ligion — the holding of public services — was forbidden. It seems, however, that no great diligence was exercised to prevent the hold- ing of prayer meetings, and other assemblies within private houses. Occasionally a minis- ter from the settlements of Illinois crossed the river and conducted these private services. It is said that more than one of these men was more than once warned, but the warnings usually came at the close of the visit, and no great effort was made to arrest or punish for the violation of the law. Of course, under these circumstances, no Protestant church house could be erected and no formal organ- ization made. For this reason the early re- ligious history of the state is a history of the Catholic church. That history began, as we have seen, in 1759, when there began to be kept in the village of Ste. Genevieve a record of church affairs. The records mentioned show the fol- lowing persons to have had charge of the church in Ste. Genevieve at the dates given : Fathers P. F. Watrin, J. B. Salveneuve and John La Morinie, from 1760 to 1764 ; Father J. L. Meurin, from 1764 to 1768 : Father Gi- bault, from 1768 to 1773; Father Hiliarie, from 1773 to 1777 ; Father Gibault, from 1778 to 1784; Father Loiiis Guiques, from 1786 to 1789 ; Father St. Pierre, from 1789 to 1797 : and Father James Maxwell, from 1797 to 1814. Father Meurin was a Jesuit, and was the only priest exempt in the order of 1763 which expelled the Jesuits from Louisiana. He re- mained in charge, and continued missionary work among the settlers and Indians for a number of years. He labored under exceed- ingly great difficulties. The propert.v of the order to which he belonged had been confis- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 135 eated and tliere were many persons within the district who were hostile to him, on account of the fact that he was a Jesuit. He was not in very good standing with the Spanish of- ficials, though, the fact that an exception had been made in his favor shows him to have been appreciated at least to a degree by them. Meurin did not confine his labors to Ste. Gene- vieve, but ministered to the settlers on the east side of the river, also. He visited Kaskaskia, Fort Chartres. Fort St. Phillip and the settle- ments in the mining regions in Missouri. He was not only a missionary priest, he had been commissioned as vicar general of Louisiana, and this commission, which he attempted to exercise, resulted in a discussion concerning the authority under which he was commis- sioned. At the time of the transfer of Lou- isiana to Spain, the territory was under the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishop of Que- bec, and it was from him that Meurin had re- ceived his commission. While the question of sjjiritual jurisdiction seems to have been a religious one, it was not so regarded at that time. The Spanish authorities considered it to be a political question, and they refused to concede that an appointee of the bishop of Quebec could exercise any spiritual authority in the territory of Spain. They no longer re- garded the bishop of Quebec as the spiritual ruler of the territory, but conceived that place to be held by the bishop of San Domingo. In 1776 they asked for and obtained a formal transfer of the territory from the authority of the bishop of Quebec to the bishop of San- tiago de Cuba. Later this was transferred to the bishop of New Orleans, Cardenas. This dispute over jurisdiction and the existing hos- tility to the order to which he belonged, made the work of Father Meurin a difficult and la- borious one indeed. Of the men mentioned as having been in charge at Ste. Genevieve, two, at least, deserve a more extended account. Father Gibault was a missionary who came to the Illinois country from Canada, about the year 1768. He bore with him a passport issued by Guy Carleton, lieutenant governor and comman- der-in-chief of the i^rovince of Quebec. Fa- ther Gibault lived in Kaskaskia, but he served as the priest of the church in Ste. Genevieve from 1768 until 1776, and again from 1778 until 1784. He did not confine his work to Ste. Genevieve, but seems to have visited Old Mines, La Salinas and, in fact, all the settle- ments on both sides of the river. Gibault de- serves a place in history because of the service which he rendered to George Rogers Clark, on the occasion of Clark's cajjture of Vin- cennes. The priest went with Clark from Kaskaskia to Vincennes, and used his influ- ence among the French people at that place to secure their submission to the authority of the United States and their adherence to its gov- ernment. That this influence was very great, we may well suppose, Clark specially ac- knowledged the obligation he was under for the service rendered. In 1792 Father Gibault removed from Kaskaskia to New Madrid where he seems to have served as priest un- til his death in 1802. He was a man of con- siderable ability and energy. He was indus- trious and devoted to the work of preaching among all of the people of the territory. lie was most probably a man of very tender heart and great sympathy, for we find that he was reproved at times by his superior. Father IMaxwell, the vicar general of Upper Louisi- ana, for his failure to collect funds for mar- riages and other services. This reprimand came from Maxwell because he was entitled to a part of these fees. 136 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Soon after Father Gibault's appointment to New Madrid and his removal there, he be- gan and completed the erection of a build- ing for church purposes, and a house for the residence of the priest. He has left a de- scription of this early church building. It was constructed of wood and was ample and commodious in size and perfect in its ap- pointments for all of the services of the church. Of course this building has long since disappeared, together with the very site on which it was erected. The second man noted as among the priests of Ste. Genevieve deserving of a further men- tion was Father James Maxwell. He was a native of Ireland, an educated man and one of superior ability. He resided in New Bour- bon a short distance from Ste. Genevieve, and rode to his services at that place. Hi' was appointed vicar general of Upper Louisiana in 1792, and held this post for about seven- teen years. He was held in the highest es- teem and regard by the people among whom he labored, and he accomplished a great work for the church. He was killed by being thrown from the horse while riding home from the service at the church in Ste. Gene- vieve. Maxwell was very diligent in looking after the matter of land grants from the Spanish government. It is said that at one time he had received grants amounting to more than 120,000 arpents of land. The land thus claimed by him was scattered over a con- siderable part of the district of Ste. Gene vieve, but his claim to the greater number of these tracts was finally denied and he w:is left in possession of only aliout three hundred and twenty arpents. The first church building in Southeast Missouri was erected in the old village of Ste. Genevieve at a date which we are iinable to fix. It was previous to the great flood, be- cause after the year of that flood the village was moved to its present site. The church which had been erected was moved to the new site in 1794. It was a wooden structure, but large and well suited to the purposes for which it was dedicated. It was used by the inhabitants of Ste. Genevieve vintil the year 1835. It was then so old and dilapidated that it was torn down to make way for the erec- tion of a larger and more siaitable structure. Until the transfer of Louisiana to the United States, the priests were supported by the government of Spain. The salaries were paid in this way and the government also looked after the erection and care of the dif- ferent buildings. It is said that the ordi- nary pay of the priests was about six hundred dollars a year. Besides this there was usually furnished a priests' house, and there were some other minor compensations. This was a very small salarj', of course, but considering the time and circumstances under which they were placed, it was sufScient for the sup- port of priests. Of coui"se this government support was discontinued with the transfer to the L'nited States. From tliat time tlie money for buildings and for the pay of church officials liad to be secured from the congregation itself. As was right, the prop- erty of the church was transferred or con- firmed to the church. The buildings in Ste. Genevieve and New Madrid were in this way transferred to the proper officers of the church. There was also a tract of land in Little Prairie belonging to the church and the title to this was confirmed by the government. The work of these missionaries and priests was. of course, rendered more difificult by rea- son of the cutting off of the support of the government. They could no longer be as- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 137 sured that their salaries would be paid regu- larly and without any question, they must look to the congregation which they served, and the only revenues were voluntary gifts to the church. Just as the matter worked out everywhere, however, the change was made and the work of the church carried on in spite of this change. We cannot fail to perceive that the work of the missionaries in Missouri at this early time was both arduous and dangerous. There were few roads. Those in existence were sim- ply paths through the wilderness. The de- voted priests often rode for hundreds of miles in the course of the year, traveling from one settlement to another along these paths through the woods and across the streams ; they were exposed to all the dangers of the wilderness. They were sometimes attacked by the Indians, and sometimes in peril from the wild beasts. They must have suffered great hardships from exposure to the Aveather, and from their distance from civilization. There has never been a lack, however, of men willing to endure hardships and to face dan- gers in the work of spreading the gospel. The services that these men rendered cannot be fully estimated. They helped to redeem the wilderness and to plant standards of religion and morality in communities that must other- wise have been entirely unreclaimed. Religious enterprise li.y no means ceased with the transfer of Louisiana in 1804. In the year 1815 the Reverend W. F. Dubourg, who had been an ofificer of the church at New Orleans, undertook a journey to Rome and while there was consecrated bishop of the dio- cese of New Orleans. The territory over which he was to exercise spiritual authority and .iurisdiction included all of Loiiisiana, both Upper and Lower, and stretched from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. It was an enormous task to be undertaken by any man, but the new bishop was fitted for the work. He possessed industry, learning and devotion to the work. He had also, what was indispensable to him in the work of his position, an insight into human character and the ability to select those assistants who would be useful to him in his work. While he was in Rome he chose a number of men and persuaded them to return with him to Louisi- ana. He had been greatly impressed at Rome by the preaching of Father De Andreis. This priest was a most remarkable man. He was highly educated, distinguished for his abil- ity as an orator and as a teacher, and he oc- cupied a high position at Rome. Neverthe- less, he yielded to the persuasion of Bishop Dubourg and, accompanied by some others, among them Father Joseph Rosati, departed for the new scene of his labours. The bishop, himself, was detained, but Fa- ther De Andreis, with the re.st of the party, arrived in St. Louis in 1817. They had come Ijy way of Bardstown, Kentucky, the resid- ence of Bishop Flaget, who accompanied them on their trip to St. Louis. After remaining some days in St. Louis and making prepar- ation for the coming of Bishop Dubourg, the party started back down the river. They met the bishop at Ste. Genevieve. Here in 1818, the Bishop celebrated the first pontifical high mass ever celebrated in Upper Louisiana. Dubourg fixed his seat at St. Louis and en- tered on the work of his great diocese with tremenduous energy and zeal. He had from at first seen the necessity of the establishment of a school for the training of priests. One of the purposes he had in mind in persuading Father De Andreis to come with him to this country was to make use of his great learning and abilitv as a teacher in the foundation of 138 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the seminary which he had iu mind. Accord- ingly, six hundred and forty acres of land in Perry county near the site of Perryville was bought for the suin of eight hundred dollars. This was to be the site of the new seminary. The first structures located upon it were sim- ply log cabins. In 1819 the first students were received for instruction. Father De Andreis was the first president of the seminary and conducted the work of organizing and equip- ping it. He served in this position until his death, when he was succeeded by Father Jo- seph Rosati. It is somewhat difficult to avoid getting an incorrect notion of these people. It must not be supposed that all of them were rude or rough and turbulent. There were among them many excellent people. Sparks, on his biography of Daniel Boone, says that to avoid falling into this error people should remember that the west received emigrants of various sorts. ' ' Small numbers of them had fled from the scene of crime," he continues, "but a large majority were peaceable, industrious, moral and well disposed, who, for various mo- tives, had crossed the great river, some from love of adventure, some from that spirit of restlessness which belongs to a class of people, but a much larger number with the expecta- tion of obtaining large tracts of land which the government gave to each settler for the trifling expense of surveying and recording. "Under the Spanish government the Ro- man Catholic faith was the established re- ligion of the province and no other christian sect was tolerated by the laws of Spain. Each emigrant was required to be wn ho7i Catho- lique, as the French express it, yet bj' the con- nivance of the commandants of Upper Lou- isiana and by the use of a legal fiction in the examination of Americans who applied for land, toleration in fact existed. Many Protestant families, communicants in Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and other churches, settled in the province and remained undisturbed in their religious prin- ciples. Protestant itinerant clergymen passed over from Illinois and preached in the log cabins of the settlers unmolested, though they were occasionally threatened with im- prisonment ; these threats were never exe- cuted. (Spark's Biography, Vol. 23, p. 166.) CHAPTER X TRANSFER TO THE UNITED STATES Feeling op the French Settlers — Settlements Founded Under the Rule of France — • Emigration from the Western States — Why Spain Fostered the Movement op Ameri- cans Across the River — Question Over the Navigation op the Mississippi — Restric- tions ON Commerce — Treaty of Ildefonso — Negotiations for Purchase op New Or- leans — Offer op all Louisiana — Motives op Napoleon in Selling Louisiana — Cere- monies Attending the Actual Transfer — Captain Amos Stoddard and His Authority — Significance op the Transfer. AVe have thus seen that Spain neglected Louisiana territory, giving to it practically no consideration after the time of De Soto. France seized the oi^portunity which was hers and took possession of the country, but in 1759 France lost Canada to England, and having lost Canada she lost the key to Lou- isiana, lu 1762, by the secret treaty of Fon- tainbleau, she ceded to Spain all her posses- sions in America ; Spain, however, did not take full possession of the territory until in 1768. This delay was caused by the opposi- tion of the French settlers of Louisiana. These settlers were unwilling to believe for a long time that France had sold them. The Spanish officers who came to take over the government at St. Louis met with resistance and returned to New Orleans without having received the countiy from France. Finally, however, Spain sent a governor in the person of Count O'Reilly, who came equipped with sufficient power to compel the acknowledg- ment of the authority of Spain. It will be .seen tliat French settlements in Upper Louisiana were confined to Ste. Gene- vieve and a few small settlements around the lead mines. St. Louis was founded by the French, it is true, but this was not until the year 1764, two years after the signing of the treaty that transferred the country to Spain. Cape Girardeau, New Madrid, St. ilicliaels. Cook's Settlement, Murphy's Settlement at Farraington, and Herculaneum, were all set- tled during the rule of Spain, some of them by the French, however, and .some by Americans. The town of New IMadrid was laid out by Colonel Morgan, an American in the service of the Spanish government. He bi-ought to his new town a number of Frencli settlers. These French who came to Louisiana after the transfer to Spain came for the most part from east of the Mississippi river. They did not wish to live under the power of Great Britain or of the United States; they pre- ferred to emigrate to Louisiana wjiich had once been a possession of France, thougli now belonging to Spain. One of the motives, as we have seen, was to escape the Northwest ordinance of 1787. Many people who lived in the Northwest 139 140 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI territory were slave owners aud wheu slav- ery was prohibited by tlie ordiuauce they decided, instead of losing their slaves to emi- grate across the river and live under the rule of Spain. Many of them doubtless came without thinking that in making the change they were in reality giving up their allegi- ance to the government of the United States and falling under the government of Spain. There seems to have been a feeling existing in the American people that the territory west of the river was not destined long to remain under Spanish control but that it would event- ually become a part of the territory of the United States, and so these people, unwilling to lose their property and feeling that they would probably aid in a movement to secure for their country more territory, crossed the river and took up their life in Upper Louisiana. The Spanish government fostered the move- ment of both French aud Americans to their new territory. They developed the lead in- dustry and were diligent in planning new settlements and in improving the resources aud conditions of the country. It was for- tunate for the United States, however, that the Spanish did not possess a taleut for col- onizing. They held to the "bullion theory" that is, that wealth consists in gold and silver only ; and they believed that a colony existed for the benefit of the mother country. They looked to the colonists in Louisiana to produce supplies of gold aud silver and other metals for the enrichment of Spaniards at home. In spite, however, of this false attitude, the government of Spain was, perhaps, as well adapted to the development of the country as was the government of France. Neither of these great nations possessed the real coloniz- ing ability that distinguished the English. The Spanish governed Louisiana from New Orleans. Here resided the governor; a lieu- enant governor resided at St. Louis ; and Ste. Genevieve, St. Charles, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid were the centers of districts and the places of residence for commandants. Very strict enforcement of law was insisted upon. We find the settlers at Ste. Genevieve afraid to chastise the Indians even when they had committed outrages, without at first re- ceiving permission from the Spanish officials. The period of Spanish rule in Louisiana was coincident with the growth of western United States. American settlers were pour- ing by the thousands into Kentucky and the Northwest territory. These settlers soon de- veloped the resources of the country and came to have many things for export. The surplus products of the American settlers in the states just east of the ]\Iississippi river were considerable in quantity and in value, but the w-ay to the east was long; the roads led across the mountains; they were rough; travel was exceedingly difficult ; the only possible method of shipment in large quan- tities was upon the river. The surplus prod- ucts of the states on the river were loaded on flat boats and keel-boats and dispatched down the river to New Orleans ; but the Span- ish officials at New Orleans greatly hampered and restricted this trade. They were jealous of the growing power of the United States. They were afraid that the Americans on the east side would attempt to take possession of the territory on the west ; and, too, the Span- ish people were not a trading people. They had little or no sympathy with the quick and efficient American spirit; they were mediae- val in their mannera and customs; everything that was done must be done according to form and ceremony; taxes were imposed: the HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 141 method of procedure was slow ; all these things greatly irritated the Americans who traded through New Orleans. They were pushing and energetic, impatient of delay, placing a small value on forms and not inclined to sub- mit to the exactions of the Spanish. It was not possible to carry on this trade without de- positing goods which came down the river at New Orleans and awaiting the arrival of trad- ing ships, but the jealousy of the Spanish led them to forbid the deposit of goods. Thus for a long time trade down the river was virtually denied to the Americans. Such a situation could have but one result. Through the later part of the eighteenth cen- tury there arose a strong demand on the part of the people of the west that the United States should acquire from Spain the free navigation of the Mississippi river and the control of the port of New Orleans. These things were to be secured either by purchase or by war. In 1800 Napoleon, then at the head of the government of Prance, began negotiations with the Spanish government for the trans- fer of the Spanish possessions in America to France, and on October 25th, of that year, there was signed a secret agreement between Prance and Spain by which Spain agreed to transfer Louisiana to Prance in exchange for certain territory in Italy. This agreement was kept secret, because Napoleon did not wish it to become known until he was ready to land a large army in New Orleans and thus take possession of the country. Some hint of this agreement, however, escaped and came to England. England, at that time engaged in a contest with Napoleon, objected seriously to the transfer and made such representations to the Spanish government as to prevent the consummation of the transfer for nearly two years. It was not until in 1802 that the for- mal treaty which transferred Louisiana to Prance was signed. Even at this date Na- poleon was not ready to take possession of his new territory. He had decided that the island of San Domingo offered the best base for the operation of his fleet and army, and had, therefore, attempted to take possession of this island. His effort to do so was resisted by Toussaint L'Ouverture. He had found great difficulty in subduing this uprising in San Domingo, and was not prepared to enter New Orleans in force at the time of the signing of the treaty. By this time the demand on the part of the West that the United States government should get possession of New Orleans had grown so greatly that it could not any longer be resisted. On January 11, 1803, Jeffei-son, then President, appointed James Monroe as minister extraordinary to Prance. Monroe was instructed bj' Jefferson to purchase New Orleans and the Ploridas. He was expected to pay for this territoi-y the sum of two mil- lion dollars. In fact, negotiations had been carried on for some time by Livingston, the minister to Prance. After Monroe's arrival negotiations proQceded, but on April 11, 1803, Talleyrand, the French minister of for- eign affairs, said that he was ordered by Na- poleon to offer to the American officials, not New Orleans alone, but the whole of Louisi- ana. This offer came as a very great surprise. It had not been the intention of the Ameri- cans to purchase all of Louisiana. The im- portance, however, of securing this territory for the United States was so felt by Living- ston and Monroe that they agreed to the pur- chase of the entire territory for the sum of fifteen million dollars. The motives which induced Napoleon to make this offer to the United States were vari- 142 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST mSSOURI ous. He was terribly disgusted with his fail- ure in San Domingo ; he needed the funds for the prosecution of the Continental system which he was carrying on, and he did not like to see an alliance formed between England and the United States. Such an alliance had been threatened, for both countries were opposed to the holding of Louisiana by France. Perhaps, however, the principal rea- son why Napoleon consented to the sale of the territory was the fear that it might fall into the hands of Great Britain. He was then en- gaged in a war with Great Britain and he did not possess suffieient naval power to en- able him to contest the control of territory on the other side of the sea. He is said to have remarked, after he signed the treaty which transferred Louisiana to the United States, that he had given Great Britain a rival. On receipt in AVashingtou of news that ar- rangements had been made for the purchase of Louisiana from Prance, President Jeffer- son called an extra session of congress to con- sider this question and to ratify the treaty. Congress assembled on the 17th of October, 1803, and proceeded to the ratification of the treaty. President Jefferson appointed Gover- nor William Claiborne, of Mississippi, and Major General James Wilkinson, as commis- sioners of the United States to receive the transfer of the territory from France. The representative of the French government who was to receive the territory from Spain was ^1. Laussat. M. Laussat arrived in New Orleans in November and received from Governor de Casa Calvo the transfer of the territory from Spain. A considerable delay occurred, how- ever, in taking over the territory in St. Louis. France did not wish to send a representative from New Orleans to St. Louis to receive the transfer from Governor De Lassus because of tiie time that would be required and the ex- pense of the journey. Accordingly it was agreed among all the parties that the commis- sioners of the United States should designate a person with authority to receive the trans- fer from France. Governor Claiborne selected Captain Amos Stoddard, of the United States army. Upon his notification of the selection M. Laussat then designated Captain Stod- dard as commissioner and agent of France to receive the transfer of LTpper Louisiana. He then sent to Stoddard, a letter to Lieutenant Governor De Lassus containing the demand of France for the transfer of that territory. This letter also was a credential for Captain Stoddard. Stoddard also received instruc- tions from Governor Claiborne to proceed to St. Louis and to carry out the orders issued to him, first as commissioner and agent of France to demand and receive possession of the country from Spain, and secondly as agent of the United States to occupy and hold the posts, territories and dependencies which had been transferred by France to the United States. Stoddard was further instructed by Governor Claiborne that until some perma- nent regulations could be made by congress for the government of the new province, all the functions, both civil and military, which liad been previously exercised by the Spanish commandants of posts and districts would de- volve upon him and his subordinates. It was" cai-efully explained, however, that there was to be no further blending of civil and military functions, but that on the other hand they were to be kept entirely separate and distinct. That this fact might be made clear, Stoddard received two commissions, one from Governor Claiborne constituting him civil eonnnandant of St. Louis and conveying instructions for his actions in such place, and also a commis- sion from the commanding general of the HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 143 American army conveying instructions as to his actions in military affairs. He was fur- ther instructed that in the absence of precise definition of powers, he was to consider him- self in possession of all authority accustomed to be exercised by his predecessors, the Span- ish commandants, and was to govern himself by the circumstances under which he was placed and was given a wide discretion in his actions. In accordance with these grants of authority, Stoddard, who was at Kaskaskia, wrote to De Lassus informing him of his se- lection as an agent of France, and notifying him of his early arrival in St. Louis. On receipt of the reply from Governor De Lassus, Stoddard proceeded to St. Louis, and on the 9th day of March, 1804, received from De Lassus the transfer from Spain to France. The occasion was made as dignified and for- mal as it was possible to be made under the circumstances. The Spanish soldiers were drawn up in line, the inhabitants of the town assembled in the street in front of the build- ing, and Governor De Lassus then issued a brief proclamation. In it he set out the fact that the flag under which thej' had lived for a period of thirty-six years was to be with- drawn. He released them from their oath of allegiance to Spain and wished them prosper- ity. There was then executed a document in the nature of a memorial of the transactions which had taken place. After this had been signed, Governor De Lassus addressed Cap- tain Stoddard as agent of the French repub- lic, saluted him as such commissioner and for- mall,v transferred to him authorit.v over the province. After Captain Stoddard's very brief response to this address, the flag of Spain which was floating from the staff was lowered and replaced by the flag of France. The Spanish soldiers then fired a salute and retired after having received the American troops who were in chai'ge of an adjutant of Stoddard. When this was done, the flag of France was lowered and that of the United States was put in its place. De Lassus then addreissed a communica- tion to the commandants at Ste. Genevieve, New Madrid, Cape Girardeau, and the other posts in Upper Louisiana informing them of the actions whie-h had taken place on that (lay. It seems that tlie transfer of the other posts were made without any formality, ex- cept in the case of New iladrid. Here the flag was lowered and a salute was fired, but these were the only ceremonies observed, even there. Captain Stoddard, having come into pos- session of the territory, informed his superi- ors. Governor Claiborne and General Wilkin- son, of the fact and issued a i-ather lengthy address to the people of Upper Louisiana. This address is found in the archives of ;\Iadrid and is an interesting document. In it Stoddard congratulated the people of Lou- isiana on account of the change of govern- ment which they had undergone. He in- formed the people as to the probable pro- visions that would be made for their govern- ment, and he pointed out to them some of the tlifferences which they would observe in the government under the United States. He de- scribed the change as a change from subjects to citizens and he assured them of his very great interest in their welfare and his very great desire to conduct affairs, so long as he was in charge, to the best interests of the i^eo- ple of the province. By these acts the territoi\v of Louisiana passed forever from the control of Spain. The hopes which had been built, first, upon the marvellous explorations of De Soto, and la- ter upon the treaty of Fontainbleau, were 144 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI finally dissipated. The dream of a great Spanish empire with its capital at New Or- leans was dispelled. War between the United States and Spain for the possession of the Mississippi river was avoided. It is quite clear that this transaction was one of the most momentous incidents in all history. The territory is a vast one embrac- ing a million square miles and stretching from the Mississippi to the Rockies. The territory of Louisiana contained within its borders some of the richest mineral districts, some of the richest soil, and some of the greatest forests in the world and was, even at that date, exceed- ingly valuable. Fifteen million dollars was a large amount of money for the United States, in 1803, but fifteen million is the merest frac- tion of the value of Louisiana territory. Its value to the United States was not solely to be measured by the soil, or its forests, or the mineral wealth of the territory. It is difficult to say how our country would have become a great nation without the possession of Louisi- ana. Its possession carried with it the free and unobstructed use of the Mississippi river; it rounded out our territory; it gave us posses- sion of the greatest tract of food producing soil in all the world. The Mississippi valley is the heart of our country and had the Lou- isiana purchase not been made the Mississippi valley would have been owned by the United States only in part. The purchase meant much for the people who lived in Louisiana at that time, but it meant a great deal more to the United States and to the people of our country at the present day. We can hardly imagine what our country would be now if the Louisiana territory had remained in the pos- session of Spain, or in the possession of France; instead of being one of the great powers of the world, the United States would have been one of the smaller nations and its wealth would be but a fraction of what it now is. This purchase deserves and holds a great space in history. The restrictive laws of Spain, her unjust restrictions upon commerce, her censorship of religion, her oppression of free speech and the press, her antiquated ma- chinery of government, her ideals, which were those of the middle ages, were all swept away with the coming of the United States govern- ment and a new era set in then for Louisiana. We may not say, of course, that all the results that immediately followed were good. As has been the case everywhere, new-found liberty was made an occasion for license, and the free- dom with which the people of the territory of Louisiana found themselves clothed upon their transfer to the United States, was in some \ cases an excuse for lawlessness and violence. These disorders, however, were temporary in their character and when the ideas of Anglo- Saxon liberty, liberty restrained by law, of self-government, were realized, then followed good order throughout Louisiana. Not only did the change of ownership bring a greater degree of liberty, not only did it enable the people who lived in Louisiana to govern them- selves and to carry on the concerns of their lives without interference and fear from the hampering regulations of Spain, the change of ownership brought a great flood of immigration. The river had acted as a bar- rier to the westward movement of our popu- lation, it had dammed that movement up and lield it in the states on the east side of the river, and when the barrier was removed and Louisiana passed out from the control of Spain and into that of the United States im- migration flowed into the district in streams, new towns sprung up, industries were re- vived and within a few years the population of Louisiana was doubled many times over. SECTION As a United States Territory Vol. t— 10 CHAPTER XI AMERICAN TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT Government of the Louisiana Territory — The Territory op Orleans — The District of Louisiana — First Governor — Courts op Common Pleas — Officers at the Various Posts — Causes op Dissatisfaction With the Government of the United States — Me- morial of Grievances — The Territory op Louisiana — Confirmation of Land Grants — Courts — Wilkinson as Governor — Lewis — Clark — The Territory op Missouri — Povr- ERS OP the Governor — Meetings of the Territorial Legislature — Various Laws — Rich- ard S. Thomas — John Scott — Johnson Ranney — General Watkins — Greer W. Davis — Alexander Buckner — Other Prominent Men — The Byrd Family — Circuit Courts — Officers in Ste. Genevieve — Cape Girardeau District and County — New Madrid Dis- trict and County — Creation op New Counties — Lawrence — Wayne — Madison — Jefferson — Washington — Perry — Military History. As soon as it was known that the transfer of Louisiana to the United States had been completed and all formalities complied with, Congress at once passed an act providing for the government of the newly acquired territory. It was arranged tluit the law of Spain and France which had previously been in force in the territory should be superseded by the law of the United States. It divided the en- tire territory acquired into two parts. All that part of Louisiana south of the 33rd parallel of north latitude was made into a territory under the style of the Territory of Orleans. The remainder of the territory was denominated the District of Louisiana, and was attached for the purposes of government to the territory of Indiana. The authority of the governor of the territory of Indiana was caused to extend over the new district. A legislative body was provided for the district of Louisiana which was to consist of the three judges of the territory of Indiana. They were clothed with authority to make all needful laws for the government of the people within the district. They were also empowered to hold two terms of court each year within Louisiana. The governor of Indiana, who was thus made governor of the new district, was Wil- liam Henry Harrison. The three .judges in whose hands was placed the legislative power were Thomas Davis, Henry Vandenburg and John Griffin, who proceeded to make laws for the district. They accepted substantially the division of territory which had been in use by the Spanish. There was a lieutenant gov- ernor at the posts of St. Louis, New IMadrid, St. Charles, Ste. Genevieve, and Cape Girai-- 147 148 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 4 cents, each slave 50 cents, and each one hundred dollars' worth of property 25 cents. Besides these a poll tax of 50 cents was levied on each able bodied single man Vol. I— 11 who shall not have taxable property to the amoimt of four hundred dollars. This is probably one of the first instances in the state of a tax on bachelors. The courts convened in Cape Girardeau. This was in obedience to a proclamation made bj' Governor Harrison on January 1, 1805. In that proclamation Governor Harrison sayg that he was not in possession of sufScient in- formation to determine the proper site for a permanent seat of justice but foimd it neces- sary to determine a temporary site. Accord- ingly, he directed that the courts of common pleas and general quarter sessions of the peace and the orphans' court be held at Cape Girar- deau upon the lands of Louis Lorimier. The proclamation further appointed the ju.stiees of the court of quarter sessions as commis- sioners to receive proposals and to make recommendation concerning the selection of a p>ermanent site. The commissioners thus appointed for this^ selection of the seat of justice received pro- posals from Louis Lorimier, William Daugh- erty and Jesse Cain. Daugherty wanted the site to be placed on the Ru.ssell farm, which he then owned, near the site of Jackson ; Cain wanted it established on the farm afterward owned by August Henecke; Lorimier pro- posed to give to the district four acres of land to be selected on any part of his grant north of his dwelling house, to furnish all neces- sary timber for the public buildings, and filially to give two hundred dollars and thirty days' labor of a man toward the erection of the buildings. As a further inducement he declared his purpose to reserve for the use of the inhabitants of the town, which he meant to lay off at Cape Girardeau, all the timber on a certain part of his land. The rather peculiar method of land description is seen in the manner in which Lorimier de- 16S HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI scribes his land. In the proposition to fur- nish the timber for the public buildings, he says that it is to be taken otf his land any- where "between Thome's creek and the Shawnee Path." The land on which timber was to be reserved for the people of Cape Girardeau is described as bounded on one side by a line from the mouth of Thome's creek and the intersection of his boiuidary line to the Sha^mee Path, and on the other side by the town and the river. This proposition of Lorimier was accepted by the commissioners and the governor issued a proclamation fixing the permanent seat of justice at Cape Girar- deau. In January, 1806, the court of quarter sessions appointed the following commission- ers to lay off the town and locate the site of the public buildings: Anthony Hadeu, Ed- mund Hogan, Christopher Hays, Robert Hall and Benjamin Tennille. Other commission- ers were appointed to let the contract for the erection of a jail and court house. At the next session of court Commissioner Haden presented a plan of the town as laid off ; three acres of the pviblic square was divided into lots and sold. Ezekiel Abel bought lot No. 1 for $62.00, John Scott bought lots 2 and 4 for $77.00 and $89.00, Joseph Meterron lot No. 5 for $62.00, and John Risher lot No. 6 for $69.00. The public square thus left con- sisted of one acre which was cleared by order of the court. The jail was completed in De- cember, 1806. It was built of oak timber and was 12x25 feet. It was never satisfactory as a jail, having been very poorly built. The grand jury reported in 1812 that prisoners did not stay in jail, but simply passed through it. The courts of common pleas and general quarter sessions of the peace were super- seded in 1813 by a court of common pleas with a jurisdiction equal to both the former courts. At the same time Cape Girardeau coimty was formed in the place of the Dis- trict of Cape Girardeau, and it was deter- mined to establish a new seat of justice. For a short period of time, in 1814, the court* were held in Bethel Baptist church on Hubble creek, about one and one-half miles south of Jackson. It was on the plantation of Thomas Bull. In 1815 the circuit courts were organ- ized and the court of common pleas abolished. The circuit court, as then con.stituted, had jurisdiction over both civil and criminal mat- ters, over all probate business, and was also vested with the oversight of county affairs. Its jurisdiction was thus about as extensive as that of the present circuit courts, the probate courts and the county courts combined. This court held its first session in the house which is now the residence of Mrs. Schmuke. This was in May, 1815, and Hon. Richard S. Thomas, judge of the southern circuit, was on the bench. The general assembly had appointed as commissioners, to establish the new seat of justice, John Davis, John Sheppard, S. G. Dunn, Abraham Byrd and Benjamin Shell. These commissioners selected as a site, a piece of ground then belonging to William H. Ash- ley on Hubble creek. They purchased fifty acres of this land, and the house then stand- ing on it was used as a court house. In 1818 another building was erected for the purposes of the court. It was a frame building, large and rough, and cost $2,250, and was built by John Davis. The jail cost $1,400, and was destroyed by fire in 1819 ; it was immediately replaced by another which was erected by William L. Byrd. The to^\^l of Jackson itself was located in 1815. This was just after the battle at New Orleans, and the town was HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 163 named in honor of Andrew Jackson. There was a sale of lots in the town, the sum of $900 being derived from this source. The divisious of Cape Girardeau county were first made in 1806. At that time two dis- tricts, the northern and the southern, were formed and two assessors appointed for each. Charles G. Ellis and Abraham Byrd were assessors in the northern district and John Abernathy and Frederick Bollinger on the southern. In 1807 the entire district was divided into five townships: Tywappity, German, Byrd, Cape Girardeau and St. Fran- cois. Tywappity was bounded on the north and west by the middle of the Big Swamp, on the south by the district line separating Cape Girardeau from New Madrid and on the east by the river. Cape Girardeau township was bounded on the east by the Mississippi river and on the south by the middle of the Big Swamp, and on the north and west by a line beginning at Joseph Waller's ferry on the Mississippi and running we.st and south to Hubble creek and dovai Hubble creek to the middle of the Big Swamp. Byrd township was boiuided on the east by Cape Girardeau township on the north of the district line, on the south by the Big Swamp, on the west by "Whitewater. German township extended from the district line on the north to the Big Swamp on the south and from Whitewater to Turkey creek. St. Francois township was west of Turkey creek, and included all the territory between the district line to the north and the middle of the Big Swamp on the south, extending as far west as there were any settlements. Tywappity township was thus practically the same as Scott county. German township included Bollinger and a part of Madison counties. St. Francois township in- cluded Wayne county, while Cape Girardeau and Byrd townships included the present county of Cape Girardeau. Two of these townships, Tywappity and St. Francois, were later cut off to form Scott and Wayne counties. In 1872 a new to\Tnship called Randol was formed from portions of Byrd and Cape Girardeau; Apple Creek was erected from a part of Byrd township two years later and at the same time Lorance was formed from the southern part of German township. No other changes were made in the township line until 1840, when Union was created from portions of Apple Creek and German; four years later a part of Lorance was taken to form a new township called Liberty. The whole system of townships was revised in 1848. At this time eleven town- ships were marked out; they were Lorance, Clubb, Union, German, Liberty, Hubbell, Cape Girardeau, Randol, Shawnee, Byrd and Apple Creek. Bollinger county was organized three years later and Lorance, Clubb, Union, Ger- man and part of Liberty townships becom- ing a part of Bollinger coimty. In 1852 Whitewater township was organized, in 1856 Welsh, and in 1872 Kinder. The court house had become unfit for its purposes by 1837 and the court in that year appointed Edward Criddle, Nathan Vanhorn, Ralph Guild and Ebenezer Flynn as the commissioners to superintend the erection of a new building; it was built of brick and stone and was two stories in height. In 1870 tliis building was destroyed by fire, and in November of that year the court set aside $25,000 for the erection of a new building. It was a brick structure, standing on the pub- lic square in Jackson and was erected by Jos- eph Lansmann of Cape Girardeau. In 1905 it was determined to erect a larger building more suited to the use of the court ; this build- ing was completed in 1908 and is still in use. 164 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI The first jail, built in 1819, was used for thirty years, when a stone building two stories in height was erected on the public square west of the court house; it was in use only ten years and was superseded by the present brick jail. At one time in Missouri the legislature cre- ated several courts called courts of common pleas; these were given limited jurisdiction coordinate in part with the circuit courts in civil matters. One of these courts was organ- ized at Clarkton in Dunklin county and an- other in Cape Girardeau, and others at differ- ent places in this section of the state. Of all of them, however, created throughout the en- tire state, only two of them continue to exist, one of them being the court of common pleas at Cape Girardeau. Its sittings are held in the common pleas court house situated on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi river, one of the most beautiful situations in the entire state. This building has recently been the cause of a rather imusual controversy. It is built on land once owned by Louis Lorimier and given by him to Cape Girardeau for court purposes. Whether it is the property of the nnmicipality of Cape Girardeau or the county is the question which has not yet been de- termined; neither coimty nor city desire to be vested with the o^vne^ship, for that carries with it the financial burden of repairs and maintenance. For a number of years the ex- pense was divided but recently there is an agitation to determine who is the owner of the property. Not only was Lorimier farsighted enough End patriotic enough to devote land in his new town for the purpose of building a court house, the terms of his will set aside certain tracts of land, also, to be used for school and also for recreation purposes, and the city of Cape Girardeau is fortunate in holding some very desirable park and school sites within its bounds, owing to the generosity of its founder. The courts of common pleas and general quarter sessions of the peace in New Madrid district were organized in March, 1805 ; the judges were Richard Jones "Waters, Elisha "Windsor, Henry Master, John Baptiste Olive, and JMichael Amoreaux; Joshua Humphreys was the clerk and George "Wilson was sheriff. The records of this court have been destroyed and there is practically no information avail- able concerning the work of this court. In 1813 New Madrid district was changed into New Madrid county. It then had the follow- ing boundaries : On the north it was bounded by the south line of Cape Girardeau coimty ; this line was described as "commencing on the Mississippi river at the head of Tywappaty bottom at the upper end of the tract of land where James Brady now lives (near .Com- merce), thence west to the south side of the Big Swamp, thence on a direct line to the Shawnee village on Castor river, thence due west to the western boundary line of the Osage purchase." On the east it was bounded by the main channel of the Mississippi river; on the south by a line commencing in the river at Island No. 19, running thence in a direct line to "White river at the mouth of Little Red river; thence up Red river to the western boundary of the Osage purchase. In the organization of the county, Samuel Cooper, Thomas "Windsor, Daniel Sparks, John Guerthing and John Tucker were named as a commission to locate a permanent seat of justice. Prior to this time the courts had met at New Madrid and also at the house of Samuel Phillips in Big Prairie. The eoin-t of com- mon pleas as reorganized by the act changing the district into a coimty, was composed of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 165 Thomas Neal, John LaValle, "William Win- chester, and William Gray. This court di- vided New ]\Iadrid county into townships. The territory about New Madrid and Little Prairie was named New Madrid township; Big Prairie township was established to in- clude the settlements about Sikeston; Tywap- pity township included the territory lying east of St. John's Bayou and extending as far north as the Lucas place ; Moreland town- ship embraced the territory between the north part of the Big Prairie and Cape Girardeau county. All the western part of the county of New Madrid was organized into a township called White River. The court also appointed judges of election in each of the townships. For New Madrid township John E. Hart, George Tennille and Robert McCoy were made judges and the house of Samuel Cooper was appointed as the polling place. For Big Prairie township the judges selected were Enoch Liggett, Samuel Phillips and Thomas Bartlett. The election was to be held at the house of Samuel Phillips. John Tucker, Drakeford Gray and John Brooks were the judges of the election of Tywappaty township ; the polling place was the house of Edward N. Matthews. For Moreland township the polling place was at the house of Charles Friend and the judges of election were John Ramsay, Hugh Johnson and Timothy Harris. The house of Captain Harris on Spring river was the polling place in White River town- ship and the judges were George Ruddell, Amos IMusick and Captain Hines. In March, 1814, the court, as reorganized, met at the house of Samuel Phillips in Big Prairie, and the June term was held at the house of Jesse Bartlett: In November, 1814, the commissioners for the seat of government selected fifty acres of land in Big Prairie Vv'hich was donated by Steel Ross and Moses Hurley. This land lay about one-fourth mile south of the present town of Sikeston. Joseph Story was the county surveyor, and he was ordered by the court to lay the fifty acres ofi: into lots. These lots were sold at puljlic auction in November and December of that year. The money thus derived was used for the erection of a jail which was built in 1817. This place continued to be the county seat of New Madrid county until the organi- zation of Scott county, when the county seat was removed to New Madrid. On the removal to New Madrid a new court house and jail became necessary ; the old jail was sold on the orders of the court and the new commission, consisting of Mark H. Stallcup, John Shanks, Thomas Bartlett, Francois Le Sieur, and John Ruddell, were appointed. They proceeded to erect a court house and jail. This was the first court house in the county ; they were both frame structures. The court hoase was used until 1854 and the jail mitil 1845. This organization of New Madrid coimty into townships was maintained until 1822. In that year the area of the county having been very greatly reduced by the erection of new counties, townships were formed as fol- lows : Big Prairie was all that part of the county north of a line running in a westerly direction north of Rawl's old mill to the western boundary of the county. New Madrid towTiship was to consist of all of part of the county lying south of Big Prairie township and north of a line beginning on the Missis- sippi river and running west so as to divide the surveys of Roljert McCoy and Joseph Vandenbenden ; thence to tlie west just south of the plantations of Robert G. Watson and Aaron T. Spear on Lake St. Ann to the west- 166 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ern boundary of the county. Le Sieur town- ship was to include all the remainder of the county. New Madrid coimty was made a part of the southern circuit at the time the territory was divided into judicial circuits, the presid- ing judge being Hon. Richard S. Thomas, of Jackson. The first session of court in New Madrid county was held in December, 1815, in the house of William Montgomery in Big Prairie. Colonel John D. Walker was sheriff and Greer W. Davis was circuit attorney. The most important case was that of the United States vs. William Gordon, for mur- der. Gordon was convicted and, afterwards, hanged. In 1831 St. Johns township was formed in the eastern part of the county to include the territory along St. Johns Bayou. In 1834 Little Prairie to\'S'nship was organized and in 1839 Pemiscot township ; in 1842 Woodland was erected from the south part of Big Prairie township and at the same time Big Lake township was formed from parts of Le Sieur and Little Prairie; Woodland towTiship was divided in 1845, a part of it being attached to Big Prairie and the other part to New Ma- drid. When Pemiscot county was organized in 1851 the size of New Madrid comity was considerably reduced and no more townships were organized until 1874, when Portage township was formed. The court house was destroyed by fire in 1895 and since that time no special building for the use of the courts has been provided by the county. An effort has been made on sev- eral occasions to vote bonds for the erection of a court house and the measure has always been defeated. The last attempt was made in 1911; it failed, however, through the oppo- sition of Lilbourn, Marston and some of the ether towns of the coimtv which desire a change of the coimty seat from New Madrid. At the present time the court offices are dis- tributed in various buildings in the city of New Madrid. We have seen that in 1815 the territorial legislature divided the county of New Madrid and established, out of the western part of that coimty, a new county to be known as Lawrence. Its boundaries were described as follows: "Beginning at the mouth of Little Red river on the line dividing said county from the county of Arkansas ; thence with said line to the river St. Francois; thence up the river St. Francois to the division line between the coimties of Cape Girardeau and New Ma- dried ; thence with said last mentioned line to the western boundary of the Osage pur- chase ; thence with the last mentioned line to the northern boimdary of the county of Ar- kansas ; thence with the last mentioned line to the place of beginning." A commission was appointed to fiix the seat of justice, but in December, 1818, an act was passed which abol- ished this county and created another one. The new county was to include the eastern part of Lawrence county and the southwest part of the county of Cape Girardeau. Its boimdaries were described as follows: "Be- ginning at the southeast corner of the county of Madison running southwesterly on the road which divides the waters of Crooked creek and Castor imtil it strikes the edge of the Big Swamp between Jenkin's creek and Castor; thence west to the river Castor; thence down the main channel of the said river Castor until it strikes New Madrid county line ; thence south so far that a due west line will leave the plantation of Edward N. ]\Iathews on the north ; thence west to the Osage boundary line ; thence north with the said line .so far that a due east line would in- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 167 terseet the place of beginning." This county so bounded was called Wayne county and on account of its great size was often spoken of as the "State of WajTie. " The commission- ers to fix the seat of government were Over- ton Bettis, James Logan, Solomon Bollinger, "William Street and Ezekiel Ruebottom. The courts were held at first in the house of Ran- som Bettis. When W^ayne count^^ was organized, in 1818, the commissioners selected as a site for the county seat the place where Greenville now is. The town was laid out in that year and has been the county seat ever since. For a number of years the courts were held in rooms rented for the purpose. The first court house was a two-story log building which was replaced in 1849 by a brick structure; this was burned in 1853 and the county appropriated $2,500 to rebuild it. Jeremiah Spencer and L. H. Flinn were ap- pointed to supervise its construction ; they completed its erection in 1856. The first jail in the county was built of logs and stood on the south corner of the public square. It was moved away and a brick building erected in 1849 ; this was used until 1873, when a new jail costing $9,000 was built. The present court house was erected in 1894 at a cost of $7,000. The first clerk of the courts in Wayne county was Solomon R. Bowlin. Another clerk in the early period of the county was Thomas Catron, who resigned the office in 1849 ; among his successors were Nixon Pal- mer and George W. Creath. One of the first sheriffs was Wiley Wallis. ^Madison county was created by the territo- rial legislature by an act passed December 14, 1818. At that time, as in other counties, the principal court was the circuit court, which transacted much of the business of the county. The first meeting of the court was held in the house of Theodore F. Tong on July 12, 1819. Judge Thomas was on the bench ; Charles Hutchings was clerk, but was afterwards succeeded by Nathaniel Cook ; Jos- eph Montgomery was the sheriff. A grand jurj' was summoned and it returned indict- ments against a number of persons for larceny. The courts for a number of years were held in private houses. The county court of Mad- ison county was organized in 1821 ; it met at the house of J. G. W. McCabe ; William Dillon and Henry Whitener were the judges of the court, and Nathaniel Cook was clerk. The county boundary on the west was Black River, and up to the meeting of the county court in this year it had been divided into three town- ships: St. Michaels, on the west. Liberty, on the north, and Castor, on the east. In this year two new townships. Twelve Mile and German, were erected. In 1822 a court house was ordered to be erected and was built in the same year. It was built of brick and is still standing. The jail was built in 1820, and it was built of logs on the present jail lot. From the organization of the county imtil the year 1822 the courts were held at private residences. In that year, however, the present brick court house was completed ; it is the old- est structure of its kind now in use west of the Mississippi river. It was well built and is still in a good state of preservation. A jail had been built before the erection of the court house. It stood on what is still kno\\'n as the jail lot. It was burned by an escaping pris- oner and a new building of brick was erected; it was also destroyed by fire and since that time the county has never erected a jail. In 1845 the township of St. Francois was erected; Arcadia townsliip in 1848 and Union township in 1850. On the organization of 168 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Iron county in 1857, Arcadia township, Union and Liberty were cut off to form a part of Iron county. Another township, known as Liberty, was later erected in Madison county and a new one created called Hope to^\'nship. The county early incurred a debt of more than $12,000 for the erection of the Frederick- town aud Pilot Knob gravel road; the total indebtedness of the county in 1859 was $14,- 946. In the same year its receipts were $4,542, and expenditures $5,931. This shows a gain over the year of 1822, at which time the total receipts were $249.42 and the ex- penditures were $343.72. Jefferson county was created December 8, 1818. Parts of Ste. Genevieve and St. Louis counties were cut off to form the new county. It was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson. William Bates, Peter McCormack, Thomas Evans, Henry Metz, Jacob "Wise and William Noll were commissioners to select the perma- nent seat of justice for the coimty. They decided upon Herculaneum. This decision was made because Herculaneum was the prin- cipal town in the county, though at this time, as Ave have seen, it consisted of only a very few houses. The first court room was in the log cabin owned bj^ a negro named Abe. After a time court was held in the back room of a store occupied by Mr. Glasgow. The officers of the court rented offices in various parts of the town, sometimes holding their delibera- tion, as we are told, in the shade of the trees. The first coimty court met March 22, 1819. The members of the court were H. B. Boyd, Elias Bates and Samuel Hammond. A lot in Herculaneum was donated by James Brj^ant as a building site for the county buildings, and upon this lot a log jail was erected; no effort was made, however, to build a court house. After considerable agitation a vote was taken in August, 1832, on the proposition to establish the county seat at Montieello. When the returns of this election were finally canvassed in 1833 it was declared that the proposition had been defeated, but in Septem- ber, 1834, the returns were again gone over and the court declared that the proposition had carried. Commissioners were appointed to look after the erection of a log court house. Delaj-s, however, occurred and it was not imtil April 7, 1838, that a building site was ob- tained in Montieello. Hugh O'Neil and Sam- uel Merry donated fifty acres of land for this purpose. On February 8, 1839, the general assembly passed an act establishing the seat of justice at Hillsboro, the name IMonticello being changed because it was the name of the county seat of Lewis county. The court ap- pointed John J. Buren as commissioner to erect a court house. The building was of brick and stood near the present public school building and cost $4,600. The first meeting of the court was held in this building in April, 1840. A jail was built in 1841, and in 1865 the present court house and jail were erected at a cost of $16,000. The first circuit court in Jefferson county was held in 1819 by Judge Nathaniel Beverly Tucker, who was judge of northern circuit. The territory now composing Washington county was a part of the Ste. Genevieve dis- trict and so remained imtil August 21, 1813, when Washington county was organized by an act of the territorial legislature. As it was organized it included a great amount of territory, being several times as large as the present county ; its limits were gradually re- duced as new counties were formed and in 1868 its boundaries were finally fixed as they are now. The act creating the county ap- pointed Lemuel Brown, Samuel Perry, John HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 169 Hawkins, Martin Ruggles and John Andrews to select the permanent seat of justice. They held a meeting in the fall of 1813 and selected Jline a Breton as a temporary meeting place for the court. The first judges of the court of common pleas were Martin Ruggles, William Sloan and John Stanton, who met on the first Monday in January, 1814, in the house of Benjamin Elliott, with John Brickey as clerk. The first sheriff was Lemuel Brown. Brown was a nephew of Colonel Burr and was after- ward killed in a duel by John Smith T. The first business transacted by this court was the appointment of an administrator for the estate of William Blanford ; John Perry was appointed. At a meeting on the 13th of Jan- uary, 1814, Charles Lucas was granted per- mission to practice law before the courts of the county; he" was the first lawyer admitted to the bar. For two years there was no court except the court of common pleas, but in 181.5 the county court was organized and also- the circuit court. At the time of the organiza- tion of these new courts a log jail was erected on the public sc^uare in the original town of Potosi. This town was laid out on a tract of land northeast of the old town of Mine a Breton and donated by Moses Austin and John Rice Jones. Lots were sold in this new town and the money from their sale was used for the building of a court house, the total cost of whicli was $5,595. The citizens of Potosi at this time wished to make the town the capital of the state and the court hoiLse was designed to be used as a capitol building. The contractor for the court house was unable to finish the work and the upper story was never completed. In 1849 a contract was let for the building of the present structure at a cost of $10,000. The first term of the court was held at Mine a Breton in April, 1815, by David Bar- ton, judge of the northern circuit, and Rich- ard S. Thomas of the southern circuit. The lawyers who practiced before the courts of Washington county were, many of them, very able men ; among them were Israel McGready, Daniel Dunklin, David E. Perryman, John S. Brickey, Phillip Cole and Henry Shurlds. The county was divided into eleven to\\'n- ships: Belgrade, Bellevue, Breton, Concord, Harmony, Johnson, Kingston, Liberty, Rich- woods, Union and Walton. Potosi was made the coimty seat. It was originally a mining camp near Mine a Breton. Potosi was separated from the old village of Mine a Breton by a fork of Breton creek. It was a typical mining village in the early days and contained several rather pretentious dwellings and was rather better built and a more pleasant town than otlier towns of the district. There were three stores, two distilleries, a flour mill, some lead furnaces, one saw mill and post office. The mail was brought from St. Louis and also from Ste. Genevieve once each week. There was also a monthly mail from Arkansas. The most pretentious and commodious residence in town was Durham Hall, whicli we have previously described as the home of Moses Austin. Austin and his son, Samuel Perry, John Rice Jones, Elijah Bates, and Brickey, were among the principal residents of the town in the early times. The town grew slowly and was supported almost entirely by the lead mines. These mines in the immediate vicin- ity of Potosi produced in the period from 1798 to 1818 nearly ten million pounds of lead. Perry coimty was created by the legislature by a law passed November 16, 1820, but the coimty court was not organized luitil May 21, 1821. The meeting was held at the house of Bede Moore, who lived about two and one- 170 HISTOKY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI half miles north of the present site of Perry- ville. The judges of the court were: Louis Cissell, D. L. Caldwell and Samuel Anderson. The first elerk of the court was Cornelius N. Slattery. The county was divided into tliree townships: Brazeau, including the territory between the Cinque Homme and Apple Creek ; Bnis Brule, in the northeast part of the comity, and Cinciue Homme, which included the remainder of the coiuity. Robert T. Brown was the first sheriff, and Joseph Tucker was the first assessor. Commissioners were appointed to locate the seat of justice, and they selected the present site of Perryville. Provision for the building of a court house was not made until 1825. Up to this time the courts met in rooms which were rented for the purpose, though a log jail had previously been erected. The second court house was erected in 185!). The court appropriated $8,000 for the build- ing and John E. Lay ton was appointed as superintendent of construction. This court house still stands and is in a fair state of preservation. A jail was erected about 1825 ; it was built of logs. This jail was used imtil 1839, when it was superseded by a brick build- ing 32 feet long and 22 feet wide, which was put upon the public square near the court house. Judge Thomas organized the circuit court of Perry coimty June 4, 1821. There seems to have been but little business transacted by this court for a number of years. The first ease of importance was the trial of Ezekiel Fenwiek for the killing of William R. Bel- lamy; this was March 29, 1824. The circum- stances imder which Bellamy was killed are said to have been about these : Bellamy, who was a constable, had attempted to attach goods belonging to Penwick^ but found the goods on a boat about to be removed across the Mississippi river. Fenwiek resisted the constable's efforts to tie the boat up. A strug- gle ensued between the two men and during an exchange of shots Bellamy was woimded in the arm ; the wound finally resulted in his death. P^'enwick escaped to Cape Girardeau eoiuity, but afterwards surrendered himself on a promise made by Judge Thomas that he would be admitted to bail. It was this prom- ise of Judge Thomas that formed one of the charges in the impeachment case against him. Fenwiek was afterward tried and acquitted. This was the last of the counties organized before the admission of the state into the Union. The coimty was formed after the organization of the state government, but before the proclamation of the President ad- mitting the state into the Union. After the transfer to the United States in 1804 there was very little trouble with the Indians until just before the breaking out of the war of 1812 with Great Britain. About 1811 the British agents in the north and west began to stir up the Indians and induce them to commit depredations on the western and northern frontier. This brought the Indians upon the inhabitants of Missouri in the dis- trict of St. Charles. Every effort was made to induce the Indians to give up their raids and in May, 1812, an assembly of the chiefs of a large number of tribes was held at St. Louis. Later these chiefs visited "Washington and endeavors were made to pacify them. Tecumseh's intiuenee was too strong over them and many of the Indians, including the Sacs, Foxes, lowas, Sioux and some of the Shawnees, decided to go on the warpath. Most of the Shawnees and the Delawares were either neutral or assisted the settlers in Mis- souri. This determination of the Indians caused a very great increase in outrages and HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 171 disturbances in the north part of the state. The militia of the St. Charles district did all that it could to protect that part of the terri- tory and a large number of forts were built there and troops stationed to garrison them. These troops were, however, entirely inade- quate to protect all the settlers, and accord- ingly a call was made on the districts south of the river for assistance. In response to this call for help, companies were organized to take part in the Indian wars. One of the first of these companies was recruited in Cape Girardeau district by An- drew Ramsaj% Jr. ; this was in the spring of 181.3. The officers were Andrew Ramsay, cap- tain ; James Morrison, first lieutenant; Peter Craig, second lieutenant ; Drakeford Gray, third lieutenant; "William Ramsay, ensign; Wilson Able, Edward Spear, John Giles, John Gray and James Ramsay, sergeants ; Daniel Harklerood, George Simpson, Willis Flanna- gan, Michael Ault, Alexander Scott and Ed- ward Tanner, corporals, and Solomon Fossett, trumpeter. This company took part in some of the Indian troubles, but soon was dis- banded. In the summer of 181-1 General Henry Dodge of Ste. Genevieve, collected a force of about three hundred, including some forty or fifty Shawnee Indians. The force consisted of a company from St. Louis imder Captain John Thompson ; one from Cape Girardeau under Captain Abraham Dauglierty ; one from the Boone's Lick settlement under Cap- tain Cooper ; one from Ste. Genevieve under Captain Bernard Pratte, and the Indians who were under command of Captain J. B. St. Gem. This body of troops marched into the St. Charles district, were joined by another company under Captain Edward Hempstead, and attacked the camp of Miamis on the south side of the Missouri river. The camp was captured and the Indians, who had scattered in the woods, were taken prisoners ; there were 152 of them. These were fir.st sent to St. Louis and then to the site of every nation on the Wabash river. The company from Cape Girardeau and those from St. Louis then marched to Cape au Gris; they were then returned home. The officers of this Cape Girardeau company were: Abraham Daug- lierty, captain ; Medad Randol, first lieuten- ant ; Andrew Patterson, second lieutenant ; Robert Buckner, third lieutenant; Frederick Keep, ensign ; Michael Rodney, William Cox, James Thompson-, Benjamin Anthony, ser- geants; Jacob Yount, Henry Shaner, Hall Hudson, John Davis, Nero Thompson and John Ezell, corporals. The most famous of these expeditions was that made in 1814 by a company of mounted rangers raised by Peter Craig of Cape Girar- deau county, ilany of the members of the company had served luider Captain Ramsay in 181.3 ; they were now enlisted for a period of one year to serve on the frontiers of ilis- souri and Illinois, and they became a part of a regiment commanded by Colonel William Ru.ssell. This company did very much service during these Indian troubles, and fought the famous battle of the Sink Hole. The officers of this company were : Peter Craig, captain ; Drakeford Gray, first lieutenant; Wilson Able, second lieutenant; Edward Spear, third lieutenant; John Giles, ensign; John Rodney, Enos Randol, Daniel Harklerood, William Pugate, William Blakeney, sergeants; Abra- ham Letts, Perry W. Wheat, Jeremiah Able, WiUiam McCarty, Charles Sexton and Thomas S. Rodney, corporals. The privates of the company were : James Atkinson, John Able, Stephen Byrd, Jona- than Brickey, John Brown, Tessant Barkume, James Brown, William B. Bush, George P. 172 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Bash, Peter Barrado, Francois Barraboe, Thomas Boyee, Burrel Castly, John Cameron, Charles Cardinal, William Crump, John Cooper, Jesse Cochran, Baptiste Cotie, Alex- ander Cotie, James Cowan, Hugh Dowlin, Ellas Davis, Ludwell Davis, John Dotson, Samuel Foster, Able Galland, Alexander Giboney, Louis Guliah, Charles Hamilton, Louis Heneaux, Abijah Highsmith, John Houk, Benjamin Hall, John Holcomb, James Hamilton, Frederick Hector, Thomas Hail, John Hodge, Stephen Jarboe, Jehoida Jeffrey, Andrew Johnson, Baptiste Janneaux, Jr., Baptiste Janneaux, Sr., William King, Charles Lloyd, Francis Lemmey, Joseph Lem- mej', John Langston. Baptiste La Croy. Bap- tiste Labeaux, Stephen McKenzie, James Mas- sey, Nathan McCarty, James Masterson, Mark Murphy, William JMartin, Benjamin Ogle, Samuel Parker, James Putney, Samuel Philip, John Patterson, Antoine Pelkey, John Roach, Tessant Reeves, Robert Robertson, Joshua Simpson, John Sorrells, John Shepherd, Alex- ander St. Scott, Joseph Sivwaris. Edward Stephenson, Solomou Thoi-n, Hubbard Tayon, John D. Upham, John Vance, Louis Vanure, Pascal Valle, George Wilt, John Watkins, Isaac Williams, John Wiggs, David Wilt, William Wathen, Jenkin Williams, William Wells, Levi W^olverton, Michael Wigo, Fred- erick Webber, Isaac Gregory, George Vanleer. After the company was organized and mus- tered into service it was sent to North I\Iis- souri and while there fought the battle of the Sink Hole. This was in Lincobi coimty, not far from Cape au Gris. The account here given of this battle was written by Colonel John Shaw of the Wisconsin Historical Soci- ety: "Captain Peter Craig commanded at Fort Howard. About noon five of the men went out of the fort to Byrne 's deserted house en the bluff, about one-fourth of a mile below the fort, to bring in a grindstone. In conse- quence of back water from the Mississippi they went in a canoe, and on their return were fired on by a party supposed to be fifty In- dians, who were under shelter of some brush that grew along at the foot of the bluff near Byrne's house, and about fifteen rods distant from the canoe at that time. Three of the whites were killed and one mortall.v woimded, and as the water was shallow the Indians ran out and tomahawked their victims. The peo- ple of the fort ran out and fired on the In- dians across the back water, a few inches deep, while another party of about twenty-five ran to the right of the water with a view of inter- cepting the Indians, who seemed to be making toward the bluff or high plain west and north- west of the fort. The party of twenty-five and Captain Craig's soon united. On the bluff was the cultivated field and deserted residence of Benjamin Allen. The field was about forty rods across, beyond which was pretty thick timber. Here the Indians made a stand and here the fight began. Both parties fired, and as the fight waxed warm the In- dians slowly retired as the whites advanced. After the fight had been going on perhaps some ten minutes the whites were reinforced by Captain David Musick, of Cape au Gris, with about twenty men. He had been on a scout toward the head of Cuiver river and had returned to within about one-half a mile of the fort and about one and a half miles of the scene of the conflict, and had .stopped with his men to graze their horses when, hearing the firing, they instantly remounted and clashed toward the place of battle. Dismoimting in the edge of the timber on the bluff, and hitch- ing their horses, they rushed through a part of the Indian line, and shortly after the enemy fled, a part bearing to the right of the sink hole toward Bob's creek, but the most of them HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 173 taking refuge in the sink hole, which was close by where the main fighting had taken place. About the time the Indians were re- treating, Captain Craig exposed himself about four feet beyond his tree and was shot through the body and fell dead. James Putney was killed before Captain Craig, and perhaps one or two others. Before the Indians retired to the sink hole the fighting had become ani- mated ; the loading was done quickly and shots rapidly exchanged, and when one of our party was killed or wounded it was announced aloud. The sink hole was about sixty feet in length, and from twelve to fifteen feet in width, and ten or twelve feet deep. Near the bottom, on the southeast side, was a shelving rock under which perhaps some fifty or sixty persons might have sheltered themselves. At the northeast end of the sink hole the descent was quite gradual, the other end much more abrupt, and the southeast side almost per- pendicular, and the other side about like the steep roof of a house. "On the southeast side the Indians, as a farther protection in case the whites should rush up, dug under the shelving rock with their knives. On the sides and in the bottom of the sink hole were some bushes, which also served as something of a screen for the In- dians. Captain JMusick and his men took pavt on the northeast side of the sink hole, and others occupied other positions surroimding the enemy. As the trees approached close to tlie sink hole, these served in part to protect our party. Finding we could not get a good opportimity to dislodge the enemy, as they were best protected, those of our men who had families at the fort gradually went there, not knowing but a large body of Indians might seize the favorable occasion to attack the fort while the men were mostly away engaged in the exciting contest. The Indians in the sink hole had a drum made of a skin stretched over the section of a hollow tree, on which they beat quite constantly, and some Indian would shake a rattle called She-shuqui, probably a dried bladder with pebbles within, and even for a moment would venture to thrust his head in view, with his hand elevated, shaking his rattle and calling out "peash! peash!" which was imderstood to be a sort of defiance, or as Blackhawk, who was one of the party says in his account of that affair, a kind of bravado to come and fight them in the sink hole. When the Indians would creep up and shoot over the rim of the sink hole they would instantly disappear, and while they sometimes fired effectual shots they in turn became occa- sionally the victims. Prom about 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. the firmg was incessant, our men generally reserving their fire till an Indian would show his head, and all of us were study- ing how we could more effectually attack and dislodge the enemy. At length Lieutenant Spears suggested that a pair of cart wheels, axle and tongue, which were seen at Allen's place, be obtained, and a moving battery con- structed. The idea was entertained favorably and an hour or more was consumed in its construction. Some oak floor puncheons from seven to eight feet in length were made fast to an axle in an upright position and port holes made through them. Finally the battery was ready for trial and was sufficiently large to protect some half a dozen or more men. It was moved forward slowly and seemed to attract the particular attention of the In- dians, who had evidently heard the knocking and pounding connected with its manufac- ture, and who now frequently popped up their lieads to make momentary discoveries, and it was at length moved up to within less than ten paces of the brink of the sink hole on the southeast side. The upright plank did not 174 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI reach to the ground within some eighteen inches, the men calculating to shoot beneath the lower end at the Indians, but the latter from their position had decided advantage of this neglected aperture, for the Indians, shoot- ing beneath the battery at an upward angle, would get shots at the whites before the latter could see them. The Indians also watched the port holes and directed some of their shots at them. Lieutenant Spear was shot dead through the head, and his death was much lamented, as he had proved himself an in- trepid officer. John Patterson was wounded in tlie thi<,'li. and some others were also wounded behind the battery. Having failed in its design, the battery was abandoned after sun-down. Our hope all along had been that the Indians would emerge from their covert and attempt to retreat to where we supposed their canoes were left, some three or four miles distant, in which case we were firmly deter- mined to rush upon them and endeavor to cut them off totally. The men generally evinced the greatest bravery during the whole engage- ment. ' ' Night was now coming on and the reports of a half a dozen guns in the direction of the fort by a few Indians, who rushed out of the woods skirting Bob's creek not more than forty rods from the north end of the fort, was heard. This movement on the part of the few Indians who had escaped when the others took refuge in the sink hole was evidently designed to divert the attention of the whites and alarm them for the safety of the fort, and thus effectually relieve the Indians in the sink hole. This was the result, for Captain IMusick and men retired to the fort, carrying the dead and wounded, and made every preparation to re- pel a night attack. "The men at the fort were mostly up all night, ready for resistance if necessary. There was no physician at the fort and much effort was made to set some broken bones. There was a well in the fort, and provisions and ammunition to sustain a pretty formidable attack. The women were greatly alarmed, pressing their infants to their breasts, fearing they might not be permitted to behold another morning's light, but the night passed away without seeing or hearing an Indian. The next morning a party went to the sink hole and found the Indians gone. They had car- ried off all their dead and wounded except five dead bodies left on the northwest side. From all signs it appeared some thirty of them -were killed or woimded. Lieutenant Gray reported eight of our party killed, one missing and five wounded. The dead were buried near the fort, and a man sent to St. Charles for medical assistance. Lieutenant Gray assumed command." Those who were killed in this battle were: Captain Craig, Lieutenant Spear, Alexander Giboney, James Putney, Antoine Pelkej', Hubbard Tayon and Francois Lemmey. John Patterson, Benjamin Hale and Abraham Letts were woimded. The company was soon mus- tered out and the men returned to their homes. In 1816 a regiment was formed in Cape Girardeau, Ste. Genevieve, St. Charles and St. Louis. John Shaw was the colonel and Levi Roberts was the major. They took no part in the hostilities as the war ended be- fore thev reached their destination in Illinois. CHAPTER XII PERIOD PROM 1804 TO 1821 Population — Character of Immigrants — Settlements in Various Parts of the Section — Early Settlers — Industries — Farming — Mining — MerchaJtoising — Prevailing High Prices — Manufacturing — Hunting — Transportation — Steamboats — Social Life — Lawlessness — Gambling — Dueling — Some Famous Dtoels — Hospitality — POSTOPPICES AND RaTES OF POSTAGE NEWSPAPERS SCHOOLS LIBRARIES — DrESS. We have followed the changes in the gov- ernment of Missouri under the United States, from the purchase in 1803 to the time when the territorial assembly petitioned Congress for the organization of a state government. We have seen that Louisiana was first made a district and attached to the territory of Indiana; that later it was organized as a territory of the first class, and kno-wn as the Territory of Louisiana ; that in 1812 it was organized as a territory of the second class under the title of the Territory of IMissouri ; that in 1816 it became a territory of the third or highest class. We have further seen the organization of a government, the various gov- ernors who held executive authority in the ter- ritoiy; we have seen the formation of the gen- eral assembly and the gradual growth of self government among the people of the territory. We have now to recount the growth in popula- tion of the territory after its transfer to the United States. At that time the total population of Upper Louisiana, including the settlements in Arkansas, was not more than 10,000 ; at the time we have now reached, 1818. it is prob- able that there were, in Missouri alone, nearly 40.000 people. This was a remarkable growth. It is not strange, however, that the population increased very rapidly. There was a great movement of population from east to west and Missouri was situated on the line of the principal part of this early movement. We maj' not forget the great part played in west- ern immigration by the Ohio river. It offefed a safe and easy road from east to west, and those who used this highway almost invariably came to Missouri. Not all of them remained within the borders of the state, but many of them did so. for not only was Missouri in the main highway of east-to-west travel, but it offered imusual attractions to settlers. Its soil, its climate, its timber, its minerals all combined to draw inhabitants. The fact that it had become a part of the United States, that restrictions on religion and on trade had been removed, were powerful inducements to immigrants. These Americans who came to Missouri in this period were, for the most part, farmers. They came to cultivate the soil. Accordingly, we find them scattered over the state and 175 176 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI opening up lauds. The first settler in an.y community set himself down in tlie midst of the woods, cleared away a little space for his farm, and erected a rude log house. He was most probably miles and miles away from the nearest neighbor. This isolation, however, did not affect him very much. Tlie very fact that he had made his way into a new country and faced the conditions of pioneer life was sufficient evidence that he was not to be daunted by the fact that neighbors were few. He was not long allowed, however, to dwell alone. Other people came, more of the forest was cleared away, and other log houses were erected. In a little while there w'as a settle- ment. The settlers, however, were not crowded into to^\'ns. they were scattered on their farms. There was something, however, of a com- miuiit.y life. There were some attempts made to hold schools in the settlements, in some of them church houses were erected. Many of the settlements were made by persons previously aeq-uainted ; in some eases families came and opened up new lands. "Where this was not true, it was not long until acquaintance was formed. The families thus living in the same communities intermarried and there came to be something of a solidarity and unity about the life of the community. The trans- formation was little less than marvelous: where all had been forest, and wild life had reigned supreme, there came to be cultivated fields and houses and even villages. This process went on all over Southeast jMissouri. These immigrants were almost all of them Americans. They came from Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee. Virginia, and other states. They were moved by various motives. Some of them were attracted by the cheapness of the lands, others felt that the states in which they lived were becoming overcrowded, many of them had that spirit that moves people out on the frontier. They did not like to live in commimities where neighbors were near to them. Whatever it was that brought them, they came, and in large and increasing num- bers. At the time of the transfer to the United States there were only a few settlements out- side of the to^^•ns of Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid. There were a few settlers in Jefferson, Perry, "Wayne, Bol- linger, Scott, ]\Iississippi and Pemiscot coun- ties, but the great numbers of population were in the towns or immediately adjoining them. The growth of population under the United States was not confined to the country ; the towns grew rapidly in population. Those that were already established had, of course, the advantage ; but other towns sprung up also. In 1803 New Madrid district, including Little Prairie and Arkansas, contained 1,350 people, two-thirds of whom were Americans and one-third were French. Cape Girardeaw had 1,470 white population, besides a few slaves. All of the white population, except a few French families, were Americans. In Ste. Genevieve there were 2,350 whites, 520 slaves, and more than one-half the population was American. In 1814 a census was taken of the white male population and the figures here given are those of this census: New T\Iadrid had 1,548, Cape Girardeau 2,062, Ste. Genevieve 1.701, and "Washington county had 1,010. It is probable that the entire adult population in each ease was about twice the figures here given. By the year 1820 one or more settlements had been made within the limits of most of the counties in southeast IMissouri. Several of these counties, however, had not yet been created. There were in existence only Ste. Genevieve, "Washington, "Wayne, Jefferson, HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 177 Cape Girardeau, New Madrid, and Madison. The territory now in the limits of the other counties in the southeast, at that time, formed a part of one or the other of these counties. When the counties were created, during the organization of the government of the terri- tory of Louisiana, they extended an unlmown distance to the west. The western boimdary was not determined and so the counties that bordered on the river — Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid — included vast stretches of territory to the west. It was out of this western territory that most of the new counties were created. After the treaty with the Osage Indians, however, which established them at first in western ilissouri, counties ex- tended to the western boundary of the Osage purchase. The principal settlements at this time in the various counties were these : In Ste. Genevieve county there were settle- ments at Ste. Genevieve and New Bourbon, and there was also a settlement on the Saline creek, which was called for a long time New Tennessee. In St. Francois county the principal settle- ments were Alleys Mines, the Murphy settle- ment, and the Cook settlement. In Jefferson county there were a number of settlements. Among these were settlements on the Joachim, on Big river, and Hercula- neum on the ^Missississippi river. This settle- ment at liereulaneum was noted on account of its manufacture of shot. Very early in the period of Missouri's territorial history the manufacture of shot was begim at this place. The high bluffs just north of the town were used for this purpose. The melted lead was dropped from the tops of the bluffs thus doing away with the necessity of a shot tower. The manufacture was so profitable that there were three different establishments for making shot. In 1818 Peek visited Herculaneum, which he described as "a river town, a landing and a place of some importance." It was situated on the alluvial flat of the Joachim. This flat was very narrow, and was bounded on each end by perpendicular cliff's, rising two him- dred feet high. It was these cliffs which were used in the manufacture of shot, in place of a shot tower. At that date there were four stores and about thirty dwelling houses in the town. On the Plattin, a short distance below the Joachim, there were water mills and dis- tilleries. Herculaneum was, even then, the depot for the lead trade of the interior. In Perry county there were a number of settlements, the chief of these were in the Bois Brule bottom, on the Barrens near Perryville, and on Apple creek near the line between Cape Girardeau and Perry comities. The most flourishing of these settlements were those found in the bottoms. The soil was very rich there and attracted many settlers. The Barrens, as the laud about the present site of Perryville was then called, was the place where Bishop DuBourg had founded the first Catholic seminary in Louisiana. This semi- naty began its operations just before the close of this territorial period. The settlements in Madison county were those on Saline creek, and in the south part of the county ; the first being St. Michaels. Owing to great damage caused by flood the settlers on the original site of St. Michaels re- moved the town about one and a half miles west and re-established it there. After the removal the town was renamed Frederick- town, being so called in honor of Colonel George Frederick Bollinger, one of the pio- neers in Bollinger county. This town of Fredericlvtown grew very rapidly during this period, owing to activity in the operations of 178 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Mine LaMotte, which is situated not far from FrederiektowTi. In Iron county there were settlements made in Bellevue valley, and in 1805 Ephraim Stomt settled near the present site of Arcadia. A little later John Short took up his residence close to where the town of Pilot Ivnob now stands. There were other settlements within the hmits of the county, but these were the prin- cipal ones. In Cape Girardeau county the principal settlements were at Cape Girardeau and in the immediate vicinity ; near Jackson on Byrd's creek; at Gordonville ; on Randol's creek, and on Indian creek. The town of Jackson was founded during this period and so named in honor of President Andrew Jack- son. In 1815 Jackson was made the county seat of Cape Girardeau county. The settlements in Bollinger county were jjrincipally along the "Whitewater river, on Crooked creek, and near the present towTis of Lutesville and Glen Allen. The settlements along "Whitewater river were those made by Colonel Bollinger and his friends. Jolm Lorance began a settlement on Crooked creek in 1805; about that same date Daniel Hahn settled on the creek afterward called Halm's creek, named for him, about one-half mile west of Lutesville. Casper Schell and Peter Baker lived in the same neighborhood. Henry Baker and John Deck were others who lived in this part of the county. The settlement at Glen Allen was made by families from North Carolina; some of these were George and Jacob Nifong, Jacob Hinkle and Jacob Clod- felter. In Wayne county the first settlement seems to have been made about 1802, by settlers from Virginia. Among them were Joseph Parrish, Thomas Ring-, David, Charles and Robert A. Logan. The latter had lived in Kentucky. Some of these settled in the neighborhood of the village of Patterson and others on the St. Francois river. Some of the other early settlers were Isaac E. Kelly, Till- man Smith, James Caldwell and Francois Clark. Besides these there were Elijah Mat- thews, a man named Alston from North Caro- lina ; they lived on Otter creek. They became involved in a difficulty and Alston was killed. Elijah Ranson and Overton Beltis were others who settled in the same neighborhood. This was near Greenville. The principal settlements in New Madrid county were those at New Madrid and Point Pleasant. Besides these two settlements there was a small settlement at Portageville. and, as we have previously said, a number of per- sons lived along St. John's bayou and in other parts of the coimty. In Pemiscot coimty the principal settlement was at Little Prairie, though there were others scattered over the comity. The settlement at Little Prairie was made in 1794 by Francois Le Sieur. Some of the early settlers were Jean Bap- tiste Barsaloux, George and Jolm Ruddell, Joseph Payne, Louis Auvin, Charles Guibault pud Peter Noblesse. In 1799 there were 78 people in the settlement and 103 in 1803. I^ was a prosperous village up to the time of the earthquake in 1812, when it was almost en- tirely destroyed. About 1810 Colonel John Hardeman "Walker came to Little Prairie and was one of the few settlers who remained after the time of the earthquake. He was sheriff of the county and later one of the judges of the coimty court. He was the most prominent and influential citizen of the county for many years. The other settlements of which we have spoken as being in existence in the county were merely collections of two HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 179 or three families. One of these was at Gayoso and another on Little river, and one not a great way from Big lake. In Scott county the first settlement seems to have been made near Sikeston by Edward Robertson and his son-in-law, Moses Hurley. Robertson was a merchant and land speculator and became wealthy through his various oper- ations. He probably came to the coimty about 1790. In 1796 Captain Charles Friend from Virginia settled near Benton. He brought with him a large family of sons. In 1811 John Ramsay came from Cape Girardeau and settled on what is now the county poor farm. Joseph Hunter, who in 1805 located in New Madrid, removed about a year later to Big f rairie and located near Sikeston. Hunter was a Scotchman and was a very influential man in the territory. He acquired consider- able wealth by trading and land speculation, and was appointed by President Madison as a member of the council of the territory. Thomas W. Waters from South Carolina was the first settler on the site of Commerce. About 1803 he established a trading post and store there in partnership with Robert Hall ; the firm also operated a ferry across the Miss- issippi. Tiwappity bottom, between Com- merce and Bird's Point, was early settled. Some of the men who came were James Brady, James Curran, Charles Findlay, Edmund Hogan, Thomas, John and James Welbourn. The first settlement in Mississippi county was made in 1800 by one John Johnson, who secured a grant of land and located on it near Bird's Point. In 1801 a settlement on what is now called ilatthews' Pi-airie was made. This prairie was first called St. Charles but was changed in name in honor of Edward jNIatthews, who made the first settlement there. Others who came here within a few years were Charles Gray, Joseph Smith. John Wea- ver, George Becker and Absalom McElmurry. Abraham Bird bought the land which was first granted to Johnson, about 1805; Bird's Point was named for him. He remained there until 1815, when he sold the homestead to his son, John, and moved to Louisiana. A settlement was made between Norfolk and Wolf Island in 1812 by Newman Beckwith of Virginia. In 1813 William Rash settled on Rush's Ridge. In 1802 James Lucas settled at the place afterwards called Lucas' Bend. The settlement at Norfolk was made in 1800 by John, Andrew and James Ramsay from Cape Girardeau. The first settlers on Wolf Island were John Gray, Drakeford Gray and Thomas Phillips, while William D. Bush was a pioneer in Long Prairie. In 1819 the first settlement was made in Butler coimty. This was on Cane creek. The settlement was located by Solomon Kittrel, who was a Kentuckian, and took up a large tract of land and also operated a store, a dis- tillery and a tan yard. Kittrel lived to be very old, dying in 1872. Other settlers on Cane creek were Thomas Scott and JIalachi Hudspeth. Some of the other pioneers in the county were Daniel Epps, Martin Sandlin, Samuel Hillis, the Whittingtons, Samuel Poke, James Bramum and the Applebys and Vandovers. The first .settlement in Washington coimty was made at Potosi. This was near Mine a Breton. The settlers were attracted on ac- count of the mines and the mine itself was opened in 1787. There were other settlements in the county but nearly all of them were grouped around the mines. When Wa.shington county was separated from Ste. Genevieve in 1816. Potosi was made the seat of government for the county. The fir.st settlement in Reynolds coimty was made in 1812 by Henry Fry, who came from 180 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Kentuckj' and settled on the middle fork of Black river. Some of the other early set- tlers were the families of Henrj', Logan and Hyatt. The territory embraced in the coimty was first a part of Ripley coimty, but was later attached to Washington. Zimri Carter made a settlement on Current river in 1820 ; this was not far from the pres- ent town of Van Buren. Other families, the Chiltons, Colemans and others, settled in the same vicinity at a somewhat later date. These were the beginnings of settlements in Carter coimty, which was named for Zimri Carter. The first settlement in Ripley comity was made about 1819 on Current river. The set- tlers of that date were George Lee, William Merrill, Joseph Hall, Willis Dudley and Ab- ner Ponder. William Little and James Pul- liam settled about the same date on La Fourche de Main. According to this account we find that set- tlements had been made before the admission of the state, in all the counties in Southeast Missouri, except Stoddard and Dimklin. Stoddard coimty was settled in 1823, but no settlement was made in Dunklin coimty until about 1835. Owing to its location this latter county was very difficult of access. It was. therefore, not settled as soon as the other counties in the section. Of course it will be remembered that not all of these coimties were in existence M^hen the state was admitted. Most of them were organized after that time. The territory formed a part of some one or other of the existing counties. The principal industry in this period, as in the one preceding it, was agriculture. A large part of the population was engaged in farm- ing. It is quite evident that the methods used were very primitive and the crops corre- spondingly small. The timber that grew upon the land selected was cut down, burned or otherwise disposed of in the easiest way pos- sible, and the land thus cleared was farmed in a rude, inefficient way. In spite of these handicaps, however, the crops obtained were better than we might expect, owing to the fact the the land M^as exceedingly rich. Corn, wheat, oats, formed perhaps the principal grain crops that were grown. Nearly all farm- ers were also stock raisers on a limited scale. They were induced to grow cattle and horses partly on account of the necessity of their use and partly because it was possible to raise stock at comparatively little expense. It was easy to raise both cattle and hogs and prepare them in a way for market, with but very little food other than they obtained in the woods. The vast forests offered the very best range for stock, and it was not unusual for cattle to stay out through the .entire year. Some of them became almost wild. Such a circum- stance, of course, made it easy for persons so disposed to kill stock which did not belong to them. So great was this abuse that the terri- torial assembly passed a law providing that any person who should kill any domestic ani- mal in the woods should report the matter to the justice of the peace within three days, and should bring to the justice the head of the animal slain. This was done in order to identify the animal by any marks which might be upon the head. The produce of the soil was very largeh' used by those who grew it. Some part of it was available for export and the towns in the territory derived their food supplies from the surrounding coimtry, but the greater part of all that was grown was used on the farms where it was produced. A number of small mills were erected and operated at convenient HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 181 places, and to these the farmers carried their grain and received from the mill the flour or meal ground from their owti grain. If farming was the most important of the industries in Southeast Missouri during this period of its history, mining was second in importance. Large numbers of families de- pended in whole or in part lipon mining for support. Austin, who was given a great tract •5) famous. They were worked by the French and were one of the prime motives for French exploration and settlement. The region to which the early French seek- ers after mineral wealth gave most attention lies between the head waters of the St. Fran- cois and the Missississippi and between the Maramec on the north and Apple creek. So full of mineral wealth was this district that it was early called the mineral district of Louis- Happy Missouri Corn Grower of land by the Spanish for the erection of the first reverbatory furnace, saj's that it was the custom for the poor to resort to the mines after harvest, and to spend several months engaged in labor in these mines. The rich families sent their slaves about the same time, so that the greater part of the mining was done from August to December. This offered to those who farmed an opportunity, which they were not slow to use, to spend the months not needed upon the farms in labor at the mines. The mines of the southeast had long been iana. Within its 3,000 square miles are found many minerals. Lead, iron and zinc are those of most importance, but besides these are cop- per, manganese, salt, antimony, cobalt, plinn- bago and some others. All the early French explorers mention the richness of the lead mines. These deposits of lead were known and worked even by the Indians. The French began to take out lead in this district proba- bly before the year 1700. It is impossible to fix, with certainty, either the date when lead was first mined or the men who opened this first mine. Schoolcraft, 182 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI copied by Rozier, is of the opinion that Mine LaMotte was the earliest mine and was dis- covered by one LaMotte, a gentleman in the company of Renault. This was probably in the year 1720 or 21. Houck, however, believes that this mine was probably opened much earlier than this and that it was named for Cadillac De La Mothe, governor of Louisiana, who seems to have visited the mine in 1714. We may be sure of this, that early in the eighteenth century — perhaps before its begin- ning — the French overran this country in searoli for gold and silver. They failed to find the precious metals in any large quantities, but did find great quantities of lead in all the region about the ]\Iaramec and the St. Fran- cois. The first mining in the district was probably done on the Maramec under the direction of Governor Loehan ; and Mine La Motte near the present site of Fredericktown, if not the first was one of the first and most important of these mines. In 1719, Philip Francois Renault left France with a well organized expedition for the mineral district of Louisiana. He brought with him supplies and material and 200 skilled miners. The expedition stopped on the way at San Domingo, where 500 slaves were pur- chased for work in the mines. These slaves were the first brought to Missouri. Renault came with his expedition to Kaskaskia and in 1720 built a village called St. Phillip, near Fort Chartres in Illinois. He proceeded with his search for mines, and discovered and opened a lead mine near Potosi in Washington county. This mine was called, after him. Mine a Renault. Renault had been commissioned by the Royal Company of the Indies, which at this time held control of Louisiana. In 1723 the authorities at Kaskaskia granted him a terri- tory six leagues by one and one-half leagues on the Maramec river, and two leagues at JMine LaMotte. From this time lantil his re- turn to France in 1742 Renault was actively engaged in working these mines. The lead from them was carried first to Fort Chartres and later to Ste. Genevieve and then shipped by boat to New Orleans and to France. Large quantities of ore were taken out of all these mines during this period. They were very profitable. A road was constructed from the river to the mines and it was in connection with the carrying of this lead and trade with miners that the towTi of Ste. Genevieve was foimded. It was located at the river end of this road. This was the first road opened, not only in Southeast Missouri, but in the entire state, and is still in use. When Renault returned to France in 1742 he seems to have abandoned his interest in the mines to others, and if his family or heirs ever received any part of his interests in the two great tracts of valuable mining property which were granted him, the fact is not of record. A great many lawj'ers have investi- gated the question of the ownership of the Renault claims, but the claims have never been successfully prosecuted by any member of Renault's family. In 1773 Francois Azar or Breton, while engaged in hunting, foimd lead ore lying on the ground near Potosi. He opened a mine at this place, which was caUed after him Mine a Breton. It became a celebrated mining field and attracted miners from all parts of the state. Breton, who was a native of France, had been a soldier in his youth and had served luider IMarshal Saxe. He was present, also, with the Indians who defeated Braddock in Virginia. He came to Louisiana as a miner and hiuiter and discovered this mine quite by accident. He lived to be 111 years old and for many years before his death resided two HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 183 miles above Ste. Genevieve. He died in 1821. At the time of his discovery he received a grant of four arpens. This was a very small recompense for the service he had rendered in the discovery of the mine. In 1779 Moses Austin, an American miner, agreed to erect a smelter near this mine of Breton, and on consideration of doing so he was granted a tract to contain 7,000 arpens, including one-third of the original mine. In performance of his agreement he erected here the first reverberatory furnace west of the river. This furnace, on account of its superior qualities, soon superseded all others. In 1797, when it was erected, there were twenty French furnaces in the district. In 1802 the Austin furnace was the only one in operation. In 1804 Austin made to the United States government the first report of the lead min- ing industry in Missouri. It seems certain, then, that Mine LaMotte, Mine a Renault and Mine a Breton were the great centers of the lead industry in early days, but there were other mines also in oper- ation ; many small ones were opened ; settle- ments sprung up aroimd them. Some of these mines are still in successful operation. Some of the settlements have become flourishing towns, others have entirely disappeared. The whole lead region of southeast Missouri has many traces of the activity of the early French miners. Some of the famous lead mines which were operated during this period in addition to those already described are here mentioned : ]\line a Platte or Doggett mine was discov- ered in 1799, and was granted to DeLassus at one time. It was on Plattin creek in what is now St. Francois county. Mine a Gerboree, situated on the St. Francois river near De Lassus, is said to have been operated by Renault in 1745. The Hazel Run lead dis- trict was discovered about 1810; this district is in the northern part of St. Francois county. The mines now owned and operated by the St. Joe Lead company of Bonne Terre were also worked during this period. They seem to have been granted in 1800, together with 800 arpens of land, to John B. Pratte. This land was surveyed in the same year by Antoine Soulard, the surveyor general of Upper Louisiana. These lead mines, together with some others, were all in operation in the period which we are now considering. Their output was con- siderable, when we remember the conditions under which they were worked. It was all surface mining and the greater part of the labor was performed by hand. While the output was small, measured by the standards of the present, it still meant a great deal to the people of Missouri. "While the greatest mining activity was, of course, in the lead regions, there began to be iron smeltered be- fore the year 1820. Some time prior to this date Paul De Guire and his partner, Asha- branner, built a furnace on the Frederick- town road near the Shut-In, in Iron county. On the creek near this smelter they set up a forge, and being thus equipped they pro- ceeded to work the iron ore. This ore was taken from mines in the vicinity, there being considerable deposit of iron in this county, and it was treated at this smelter. Their method of reducing the ore was first to roast it ; it was then beaten by hammers into a powder, which was then heated in the forge. This forge, situated as it was on the bank of the creek, had a blower attached, which was worked by water power. When the powdered ore had been fused in the forge, the mass was then placed under a heavy hammer, also 184 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI operated bj- water po^\-er, aud worked. This treatment secured iron of a fair grade in small quantities. The great handicap to mining, both lead and iron, was the absence of sufficient capital to provide proper equipment. It is quite cer- tain that even vast sums of capital could not have provided equipment such as in use today in mines, but it could have made a very great improvement in the methods of those days. It was, however, impossible to secure capital sufficient for the purpose. It was a new coun- try and like all new countries, suffered from a scarcity of money. It was only by the slow process of growth and development that capi- tal could be produced in sufficient quantities to operate the mines in any adequate or effi- cient way. We are inclined to smile at the modest efforts and poor facilities of the early miners, but we should not forget that their limited product was contributing to the for- mation of that store of wealth which makes possible the improved methods and splendid machiner3' of todaj'. The early French mining was even more wasteful and less carefully organized than that of which we have spoken. There were a great many shallow diggings in many parts of the mineral district in which ore was taken out, but the only furnace used in the early times was an "Ash" furnace, that could not have saved more than sixty per cent of the lead, the rest being lost in the slack. When Louisiana was ceded to the United States, in 1803, the government reserved to it- self all mines and salt springs in the entire territory. This was in accordance with the usual policy in such cases. It was the pur- pose to lease these mines and springs and to collect a rental charge upon them. It was dis- covered, however, that the cost of clearing the land was greater than the revenue obtained, and the fact that the rental was not carefully collected explains the non-existence of accu- rate statistics concerning the reduction. It is said that in the year 1811 five million pounds of ore were delivered at Shiboleth, but in 1819 it was reported that only one million pounds were yielded. Mine a Breton at one time yielded three million pounds a year, but in 1819 the yield was not more than five hun- dred thousand pounds, and there were not more than thirty miners at work throughout the year. It was in 1819 that the government of the United States sent Schoolcraft to the mineral region to study and make a report on the condition of these mines. He found IM. Bre- ton, the discoverer of the mine which bears his name, still living near Ste. Genevieve. He was at that time one hundred and nine years old. This report which Schoolcraft prepared and submitted to the government is the most accurate and authentic source of information concerning the mining industry which there is in existence. Its author, Henry R. Schoolcraft, who was born in Albany, New York, in 1793, and re- ceived rudimentary education, moved in 1817 to Pittsburg. From his earliest years he w^as very much interested in mining and geology. At his own expense he traveled over portions of the country west of the Mississippi and the South, then came to St. Louis. He was ap- pointed an agent of the government and made his headquarters for a time at Potosi. Here he studied the conditions of the mines in all the di.stricts, especially in Washington county, and drew up a formal and elaborate report concerning the entire mining region. Alost of the shafts were from ten to thirty feet deep and were sunk in stiff, red clay into the lead here found imbedded. This ore was HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 185, also mixed with fragments — quartz, flint and other minerals. The shaft which had been sunk by Moses Austin was eighty feet deep and one other, that of John Rice Jones, with that of Austin, were the only ones in the neighborhood of Potosi extending into the rock itself. In both cases it was found that there were large quantities of ore in the cavi- ties of the rock, and from appearances School- craft concluded that the lower strata perhaps also contained lead. The average yield of all the mines in that district about Potosi, from 1803 to 1819, was about three million pounds a year. It was estimated that its value was equal to one- fourth of the cost of all of the Louisiana ter- ritory. His list of mines, together with the number of persons employed and the pounds of ore raised during the year 1819, is as fol- lows: "]\Iine a Breton, 1,500,000 poimds, 160 miners; Shiboleth, 2,700,000 pounds, 240 miners; LaMotte, 2,400,000 pounds, 210 miners; Richwoods, 1,300,000 pounds, 140 miners; Bryan and Daggat's, 910,000 poimds, SO miners; Rock diggings. Citadel, Lamberts, Austin's and Jones' mines, 1,160,000 pounds, 180 miners; all others, 550,000 pounds, 90 miners. ' ' At that time there was only one regular hearth furnace and that not of the best char- acter. There were but four or five regular shafts in the more than forty diggings then worked and there was not an engine of any kind in use for pumping from the mines. It was suggested by Schoolcraft that in all probability, judging from the European ex- perience, that beneath the lead ores, copper ores would be found. This prediction has been, in part, verified. He advised the govern- ment to sell the mineral lands, or at least to extend the leases upon them for a number of years. At the time that Schoolcraft observed these mines the principal minerals taken out, be- sides lead, were zinc, tiflt', spar, pyrites, quartz, cobalt, sulphur, and clay. Schoolcraft gives a very interesting account of how the ore was mined and smelted in this early day. The only tools and implements used at that time were the pick ax, shovel, drill, rammer and priming rod; after having determined on the site for the mine the miners were accustomed to lay off a square of eight feet and then throw out the dirt by the use of a hand shovel to a depth of from 8 to 15 feet; after that depth the windlass and bucket became necessary for further digging. When ore was struck it was broken up by the use of pick and sometimes by blasting, black powder being used for the purpose ; this ore as taken to the top by means of the windlass and bucket. It was then cleaned and broken up into small particles and heated in a wood fire for from 24 to 36 hours ; about 50 per cent of the lead was extracted by this first method of smelting. A considerable part of the lead was lost in the ashes of the fire. It was the custom after considerable quantities of ashes had accumu- lated to wash them very carefully after they had been run through a sieve and then the ashes were mixed with sand, flinted gravel and lime, and the whole mass put into a fur- nace ; first a layer of ashes and then of the sand, gravel and lime and fired for about eight hours. This resulted in the saving of about 15 per cent more of the lead. In 1819 lead sold at $4.00 per cwt. at the mines ; it was worth $4.50 per cwt. at St. Louis or Herculaneum on the river. At the same time the market price of lead at New Orleans was $5.50 per cwt. and at Phila- delphia, $6.00. He estimated there were received at Her- culaneum during the vear 1817 somewhat 186 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI more than three million pounds of ore, which was probably about one-half of the entire product of the region during the year. At this time there were about 1,100 men engaged in mining, this being a considerably smaller number than had formerly worked in the mines. Schoolcraft's explanation of this de- crease in the number of miners is that more men than formerly were engaged in manu- facturing and in farming. Besides farming and mining, perhaps the industries most important were trading and transportation. The stores of this period, while still small, with limited stock, were a great improvement over those of the earlier day, M'hieh we have described. There were to be found at Ste. Genevieve, Frederick- town, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, and New Madrid stores having considerable quantities of varied merchandise. A number of men were engaged in the business of buying and selling, and they were necessary to the growth of the country. They still continued to buy their goods in the east. We have noted the experience of the Jackson merchant who sent a team and wagon from Jackson to Baltimore, requiring three months to make the trip. These merchants acted as distributers of goods for other eommimities. Their profits were not large in the aggregate, because their total voliune of sales was small. They usually realized a sufficient profit on each particular sale as it was made. The conditions of trade in the territory are ,sho\\Ti. in part, by the following advertise- ment, which appeared in the Missouri Gazette in 1811: "Cheap Goods. The subscriber has ,iust opened a quantity of bleached coun- try linen, cotton cloth, cotton and wool cards, German steel, smoothing irons, ladies' silk bonnets, artificial flowers, linen check mus- lins, white thread, wool and cotton, a hand- some new gig with plated harness, cable and cordeUe ropes, with a number of articles which suit the country, and which he will sell on very low terms. "He will take in pay, furs, hides, whiskey, country made sugar and bees wax. (Signed) John Arthur. "P. S. A negro girl, eighteen years of age is also for sale. She is a good house servant. ' ' In 1806, the following prices were obtained for articles in Cape Girardeau: Calico, $1.00 a yard, linen 75 cents a yard, pins 31 J4 cents a paper, sugar 25 cents a pound, note paper 50 cents a quire, and other articles proportionately high. In 1818, when John M. Peck moved to St. Louis he foiuid high prices still prevailing there. The houses, shops and stores were all small, most of them only one story and con- sisting of two or three rooms. For a single room, occupied by the family, he paid $12.00 a month. The school room, which was four- teen by sixteen feet, cost them $14.00 a month. It was at that time very difficult to procure food at all. Butter sold from 37 to 50 cents a pound, sugar from 30 to 40 cents, coffee from 62 to 75 cents, flour, of an in- ferior grade, cost about $12.00 a barrel, corn in the ear was from $1.00 to $1.25 a bushel, pork raised on the range was regarded as cheap at $6.00 or $8.00 a hundred pounds. There was a ready market for chickens at 37 cents each, and eggs from 37 to 50 cents a dozen. These high prices were, in part, due to the system of currency. The currency in use was what was afterward denominated "shin plaster." These bills were issued by banks which had been instituted without any pdequate capital. The fact that the bills were not secure made people reluctant to take them HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 187 and helped to produce the prevailing high prices.* Nuttall in speaking of the country about Point Pleasant says the land "is of a supe- rior quality but flat and no high grades have made their appearance since we passed the Iron banks; no rock is anywhere to be seen. The Banks are deep and friable, islands and sand bars, at this stage of the river, con- nected with the land are almost innumerable. In the midst of so much plenty provided by nature the Canadian squatters are here, as elsewhere, in miserable circumstances; they raise no wheat and scarcely enough maize for their support; superfine flour sold here at $11.00 per barrel. The dresses of the men consist of blanket capeaus, buckskin pan- taloons and moccasins. "t Besides these occupations, some men still made their living by hunting and trapping. As more and more the forests disappeared and lands were cleared and settled, hunting became less and less profitable. There were always some men left to engage hunting as a business. They did not contribute greatly to the wealth of the state, but they, undoubtedly, added something to it. The day of the Indian was practically closed by the time of the admission of the state into the Union. During part of the period, how- ever, there was still money to be made by trading and trapping with the Indians. Furs were still brought and offered to the trader at very low prices, and so there were few men who were engaged very largely in this busi- ness of trading with the Indians. A number of men were engaged in the very important and necessary business of transpor- tation. It required great labor and expense to move the products of the country to market. * Life of Peck, p. 84. + Nuttall Journal, p. 78. This was especially true of the lead and iron produced at the mines. It was true also of the goods sold by the merchant. These usually had to be transported for long dis- tances before reaching him. The river con- tinued to be the favorite route over which goods were carried when it was possible to use the river at all. This period of history saw the beginning of steamboat navigation. Its principal dependence was upon the keel- boat, but the keel-boat was destined to dis- appear before a better method of transpor- tation. In a former chapter we have examined the use of the river for transporting goods. Traf- fic on the river increased very i-apidly after the cession to the United States. The Amer- ican settlers very soon added largely to the exports. These exports, consisting of the various products of tlie country were sent usually by river to New Orleans and some- times to Pittsburgh on the Ohio river. The river was covered with fleets of keel-boats and travel was brisk; however, the long time re- quired for a trip from Ste. Genevieve to New Orleans and return was a very great handi- cap to trade. It is one of the remai'kable things in history that at this time, when there arose a very great necessity for improved methods of transportation, there should liave come into use the steamboat, which changed so greatly the traffic on the river. In 1807 Fulton had put in operation the first steam- boat the world had ever seen, the Clermont. Immediately upon the beginning of steam navigation, a suggestion was made to Fulton and his associates that the Clermont should be put in the Mississippi river trade. It was already known in the East that this trade was very extensive, and it seems that Fulton con- sidered the question of bringing the Clermont to the Mississippi. It is not knowTi how he 188 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI expected to do this, and if be ever really in- tended it. He soon gave up the idea because the Clermont was put into use on the Hudson river, where it fovmd waiting for it the great- est river traffic in the world. But, if the Mississippi river was not to have the Cler- mont for its trade, it was not long to be de- prived of steamboats. In 1811 a company of men built in Pittsburgh a boat which they called the New Orleans. This boat made the trip from Pittsburgh to New Orleans and was for some time concerned in the traffic on the Mississippi river. In a very short time other boats were built and in 1816 the first steamboat passed up the Mississippi above the mouth of the Ohio. This was the General Pike and was com- manded by Captain Jacob Reed. This steam- boat was looked upon by all of the inhabitants as a very remarkable and wonderful thing indeed, but it was onlj- a little while imtil there were a great number of steamboats in operation. They possessed such' remarkable advantages over the keel-boat that they were adopted for traffic as fast as possible. The second boat to come up the river above the mouth of the Ohio was the Constitution ; it reached St. Louis in 1817. The change produced by these steamboats was remarkable. They lowered not only the time necessary for the journey, but thej' low- ered in a remarkable way the expense of transportation. The rates on the steamboats, even, were enormous, but they were lower than the rates on the keel-boats. In 1819 a contract was entered into between the owners of two steamboats and the United States gov- ernment to carry freight from St. Louis to Council Bluffs and the rate charged was $8.00 a hundred pounds. This is enormous com- pared to our present rates, but seemed reason- able in those days when compared to the rates necessarily charged by other means of trans- portation. Flint, who was a minister and traveled up and down the river very many times, has recorded the feeling of pleasure with which he took his first voyage on a steamboat. In speaking of his experience, he says: "It is now refreshing and imparts a feeling of energy and power to the beholder, to see the large and beautiful steamboats scudding up the eddies, as though on the wing; and when they have run out the eddy, strike the cur- rent. The foam bursts in a sheet quite over the deck. She quivers for a moment with the concussion, and then, as though she had collected all her energy and vanquished her enemy, she resumes her stately march and mounts against the current five or six miles an hour." And lo.st in admiration at the won- derful advance from the slow upward move- ment of the keel-boat, at the rate of six miles a day, he says. "A stranger to this mode of traveling would find it difficult to describe his impressions upon first descending the !Mi.ssissippi in one of the better steamboats. He contemplates the prodigious establish- ment, with all its fitting of deck, common, and ladies' cabin apartments. Overhead, about him and below him all is life and movement." Then, speaking of the time when he first trav- eled on these western waters, and before the era of the steamboat, he says, "This stream, instead of being plowed by a hundred steain- boats, had seen but one. The astonishing fa- cilities for traveling, by which it is almost changed to flying, had not been invented. The thousand travelers for mere amusement that we now see on the roads, canals and rivers, were then traveling only in books. The stillness of the forest had not been broken by the shouting of the turnpike makers. The IMississippi forest had seldom resounded ex- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 189 cept with tlie cry of wild beasts, the echo of thunder, or the crash of undermined trees, falling into the flood. Our admiration, our unsated curiosity at that time, would be a matter of surprise at the present to the thous- ands of haclvueyed travelers on this stream, to whom this route and all its circumstances are as familiar as the path from the bed to the fire."* It has been said that among all the settlers of Upper Louisiana there existed comparative quiet and freedom from disturbance, under Spanish rule. The French were by nature and by the circumstances of their relation- ship and close connection in the towns, peace- able and law abiding people, and little effort was required to keep peace among them. The Americans were scattered over the country, and while thej' were bolder in some respects and a more difficult population to govern, the troubles that arose among them were usuallj^ settled by an appeal to physical strength, with the use of nature 's weapons, so that there was little crime which needed the attention of the officers of the law. They stood, too, as we have said, in wholesome respect of the Span- ish authorities and had a dread of Spanish dungeons and mines. "When the territory passed imder the dominion of the United States, however, and when large numbers of immigrants from the states further to the east had filled up the country, there ensued a period of considerable lawlessness. It was, perhaps, the natural feeling of reaction after the repression of the Spanish government. Quarreling, fighting, and occasional crimes were present in all the settlements in the ter- ritory. The officers of the law had much to do in some of the settlements and the popula- *Houek, Vol. Ill, p. 199. tion was far from being as quiet and free from disturbance as it had been under the government of Spain. We have seen that one of the subjects which early occupied the attention of the territorial assembly was that of the suppression of vice and immorality on the Sabbath, owing to the lack of religious teaching, and to that free- dom of restraint of public opinion found in new communities. There was not a great deal of attention paid to the observance of the day of rest, so that the legislature endeavored to correct this evil. One of the prevalent vices of the popula- tion was gambling. There .seems to be some connection between the life of a new eoimtry and the existence of the gambling spirit. Something of the exhilaration of tlie free life and of the spirit of taking chances which is cultivated by the daily circumstances imder which the people live seem to incline large numbers of them to the gaming table. Gam- bling was exceedingly popular; it was, per- haps, the most prevalent form of amusement. The territory itself authorized a lottery, so that gambling was regulated and authorized by the law. But, perhaps, the thing that most impressed itself upon travelers from other coimtries with regard to the lawless condition of the terri- tory was the habit of dueling. Men were accustomed to settle differences between them by an appeal to arms. Some one has pointed out that this method was not in use among all classes of peoj^le in the territory, the laboring class not being accustomed to resort to the duel, but professional men, especially law- .yers and all those who regarded themselves as higher up in the scale of society were ac- customed to look with contempt upon the man who appealed to the law for the settlement of 190 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI difficulties. Gentlemen were supposed to settle their own troubles. The slightest ground for quarrel was sufficient to bring the parties face to face in a duel. These duels were not such as are said to exist in France today ; they were not arranged for show, and there was nothing of the spectacular in them ; the meeting was almost certain to result in the death of one or the other of the par- ticipants. The weapons most commonlj' used were pistols. The meeting between two per- sons was arranged by seconds and at the ap- pointed time they met and proceeded to shoot at one another. Ordinarily the exchange of one or more shots or the wounding or killing of one or the other of the antagonists was looked upon as satisfying the code of honor which governed the duel. Not infrequently after an exchange of shots the parties shook hands and the quarrel between them was at an end ; very many duels, however, resulted fatall.y. It was a time when men were ac- customed to firearms. Most of those who en- gaged in duels were expert shots with the pistol and there were very many chances of being at least woimded in one of these duels. Some of them are famous. There came to be recognized dueling places that were resorted to frequently. One of the.se places, not, how- ever, in Southeast Missouri, but one to which persons from this part of the state sometimes resorted for the purpose of dueling was Bloody Island, in the Mississippi river near St. Louis. In 1811 a duel was fought in Ste. Genevieve between Dr. Walter Fenwick and Thomas T. Crittenden. Crittenden was a lawyer and had. in the course of a trial, denounced Ezekiel Fenwiek, who was a brother of Dr. Walter Fenwick. Ezekiel Fenwiek thereupon chal- lenged Crittenden, who, however, refused a meeting on the ground that Ezekiel was not a gentleman. The challenge had been carried to Crittenden by Dr. Walter Fenwick and this reply affronted Dr, Fenwick, who, there- upon, issued a challenge on his own behalf. The duel was fought on Moreau Island just below Ste. Genevieve. Dr. Fenwick was killed at the first fire. This duel was fought with pistols. In 1807 Jo.seph McFerron and William Ogle fought a duel on Cj'press Island oppo- site Cape Girardeau. McFerron was an Irish- man, possessed good education and was clerk of the court in the Cape Girardeau district. He had been a teacher, but before accepting the position with the court he was a merchant in Cape Girardeau, For some reason there arose difficulty between these men and Ogle challenged McFerron to duel. It seems that AIcFerrou had never even fired a pistol, but accepted the challenge. Ogle was killed, while McFerron was luihurt. The most famous duel, perhaps, fought in this period was not between citizens of Southeast Missouri, Imt took place between Thomas H. Benton and Charles Lucas. The first duel between them wa.s fought in August. 1817. At this meeting Benton was wounded in the knee and Lucas in th6 neck. According to the usual ciistom of duels this exchange of shots would have ended the matter, but when Benton was asked if he were satisfied he declared that he was not and demanded a second meeting. Efforts were made to bring about a reconciliation be- tween the two men but all of them were futile. Benton seems to have been determined to fight another duel with Lucas. The second meet- ing was held on Bloody Island on the 27th day of September, 1817, and resulted in the death of Charles Lucas. In 1819 John Smith T. and Lionel Bro\rae, the latter a nephew of Aaron Burr and a lawyer of Potosi, fought a diiel on an island HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 191 opposite Herculaneum. Browne was instantly killed, while Smith escaped. There are but a few instances of the use of these barbarous methods of settling disputes. They came from false ideas of honor; there had grown up in the minds of men a notion that a man was in some way sullied if he did not resent an in- sult of any kind, even to the point of killing his antagonist. It required long years of con- stant agitation to displace this false notion that caused so many deaths. One of the virtues which distinguished the early settlers was hospitality. Any traveler was sure to be received with kindness in any part of the countr.y. The reason for this is to be foimd, in part, in the character of the people themselves and. in part, in the fact that there were no other provisions for trav- elers. It was not until after the transfer to the United States that public taverns, as the places of entertainment were called, were to be found except in a very few of the towns. The traveler, even up to the admission of the state to the Union, must depend either upon his own resources and sleep in the open and prepare his own food, or else be received into the homes of the people ; it was usually the latter that happened. It was regarded as a duty and also a pleasure to care for the traveler, a duty because they were unwilling to turn those away in need of shelter and food, and a pleasure largel.y because of the fact that the inhabitants depended for news upon the traveler. Newspapers were very scarce and, as we have seen, postage was so high and mail so irregular as practically to forbid any but the most necessary correspond- ence and for these reasons such news as was received was brought by persons traveling. It has been said that a traveler was rarely ever turned away from any door. His reception was not the most cordial in manner, the usual response to a request for accommodation be- ing the laconic reply: "Well, I guess we could keep you ; ' ' but though the welcome was not as cordial as might have been expected it was, nevertheless, a welcome and ample pro- vision was made for the unexpected guest. The best the house afforded was his. The mis- tress of the house, dressed in the garb which was made in the house itself, quiet and re- pressed in manner, without many of the graces of refined society, was yet kindly atten- tive to all the wants of the traveler. Any at- tempt at pay for these accommodations was repulsed and often looked iipon as something in the nature of an insult. The head of the house disclaimed any idea of keeping tavern. Flint and Peck, both of them famous min- isters in the early days, recount their ex- periences as travelers and the almost uniform kindness and hospitality with which they were treated. Flmt records as the most remark- able and unusual circumstance that at one place he was refused accommodation. The people, while not religious for the most part and in many settlements rude and bois- terous in their behavior, had a respect for re- ligion that prompted them to treat with con- sideration the ministers who came to hold services; this was true even of the roughest classes. The tavern-keepers, themselves, were frequently kindly disposed toward preachers. Both Flint and Peck were received in taverns and eared for. These taverns, or places of public enter- tainment, combined a hovise for the care of travelers with a place for the sale of liquor. A place where liquor was sold apart from the inn was called a grocery. Taverns were not numerous in the early days. They were licensed by the Spanish officials and careful instructions were given as to the number of 192 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI taverns permitted in any commimity. Effort seems to have been made to reduce the num- ber as low as possible. In a number of in- stances licenses for keeping tavern were re- fused on the ground that the community was already sufficiently supplied. After the or- ganization of the territorial government, ac- companying the growth of population, there was an increase in the number of taverns. By 1805 the United States government had established postoffices at Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid. Provision was made for the carrying of mails between these points and for connecting these mail routes with those east of the river. The weekly mail which reached these and other points in the territory was, necessarily, irregular ; the roads were very poor, and many of those engaged in carrying the mails had very long journeys to make. It is rather curious to observe the constant complaint of the inhabitants of the territorj' concerning the mails, they were too irregular and at too infrequent intervals. Even settlers at the oldest of the to^vns, who had seemed to be content under Spanish gov- ernment wdtliout any mails at all, were unable to be satisfied with one mail a week after the transfer to the United States. Doubtless the establishment of these postoffices and the reg- ular delivery of the mail into even remote communities was one of the powerful agencies by which the government fostered the growth of population in the new territor.y. Men who have enjoyed the advantages of the regular postal system are often tuiwilling to settle in a community where no postal facilities are provided. The government could have done nothing that would have offered greater in- ducement to man}' prospective settlers than to arrange to keep them in contact with civili- zation by providing for the delivery of mail. The rate for carrying letters and parcels v«-as, of course, very high compared to the present rates. The roads over which the mails were carried were very bad, and in many cases hardly existed at all. As a consequence, all mails were transported for a time on horse- back and this was for many years the prin- cipal method of carrying them. There was no fixed rate of postage for a letter at that time. The price was not fixed then as now by weight. The distance it must be carried de- termined the cost and not its weight. In no case was the amount charged by the govern- ment small. The ordinary^rate on letters was from twenty-five to seventy-five cents. The first newspaper published in Southeast Missouri was the Missouri Herald. It was established at Jackson in 1818 by Tubal E. Strange. It was a weekly newspaper, but its publication was discontinued in 1819 ; it was revived in 1820 under the name of the Inde- pendent Patriot, published by Stephen Rem- ington & Company. In 1825 a paper under the title the Ste. Genevieve Correspondent and Record was established at Ste. Genevieve. "While these were the first papers actually published in Southeast Missouri, the first Missouri paper was established in St. Louis in 1808 by Joseph Charless; this was the Mis- souri Gazette. It is still published imder the title. The St. Louis Bepiihlic. This paper had some circulation in Southeast Missouri, even at this early date. The publication of news- papers in a new territory such as this was at- tended with very great difficulty ; it was al- most impossible to secure sufficient subscrib- ers to pay the expense of publication. For this reason we find a constant change of proprietors taking place in almost all the early papers. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 193 It is uot now possible to fix the exact date of the tirst school taught m Southeast Mis- souri. There is some evidence that members of the Russell family conducted private schools iu Cape Girardeau county about the year 1800 ; however, this date is not definitely determined. In 1806 Benjamin Johnson opened a private school on Sandy Creek in Jefferson coimty. In 1808 a number of citi- zens of Ste. Genevieve established the Ste. Genevieve Academy, and employed as teacher Mann Butler, afterward a distinguished teach- er and writer of history. In 1815 Joseph Her- tich opened a school in Ste. Genevieve. Her- tich was the first to introduce the new prin- ciples of education and methods of teaching which had been worked out by Pestalozzi. Ac- cording to Houck, Hei'tich was a very able man and his school in Ste. Genevieve exer- cised a remarkable influence for several years. A number of his students achieved consid- erable reputation, three of them having be- come, afterwards, members of the United States senate.* There was a school conducted in Hercu- laneum in 1815 and one at Potosi in 1817. i\ number of persons conducted private schools in Jackson in the years 1817 to 1820. Flint, the minister who has been referred to often, was one of these. In 1820 Thomas P. Green, a Baptist minister, opened a school in Jackson which he conducted for a number of J ears. It was in 1818, as we have seen, that St. Mary's Academy was established near Perryville. We may be sure that all these early efforts at conducting schools were lim- ited in scope. Equipment was exceedingly meagre or altogether absent. The number of students was small, and the compensation of the teachers correspondingly small. Some of those who undertook to teach were very poorly qualified for the work. The subjects of in- * Houck, Vol. Ill, p. 68. Vol. 1—13 struction in most cases were simply the merest rudiments of education. The terms of school were short, and perhaps the greatest handicap of all was the lack of continuous instruction. Perhaps a settlement had school for a few months in one year and then would have no school for two or three years. Under these conditions it was impossible for any systematic education to be secured. There were excep- tions, of course, to this. Some of the men, notably Hertich and some of the ministers, were highly educated men and quite capable of conducting schools. This lack of proper means for education was one of the great drawbacks to the covmtry. Part of these conditions which were so un- favorable were inseparably connected with life in a new country ; they could not be removed. One of the great difSculties, however, was in the failure of many people to appreciate the necessity for education. The life of the fron- tier has little in it to inspire children with desire for learning; it also fails to disclose the necessity for an education. A living was \'ery easily made by manual labor, and there seemed to be little demand for educated men. Physical strength and skill and native shrewd- ness were sufficient to enable a man not alone to live, but to accumulate property. Some of tlie wealthy men in the time which we are considering were unable to read or write and others had the most meagre and limited educa- tion. It was possible for a boy, if taught in the ordinary things of life, to care for him- self and family and yet have no knowledge of books at all. Flint, who was from the East, and perhaps not altogether free from preju- dice in the matter, says that many of the people living in the more remote districts made no effort to teach their children; that boys at fourteen or fifteen had learned to use the axe and the rifle, to perform the simple 194 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST iMISSOURI operations of fanning as it was then prac- ticed, and that thus equipped they were inde- pendent and scorned any notion that they needed to know more than these things. Peck says that ' ' after having gained correct knowledge, by personal inspection in most of the settlements, or by the testimony of reliable persons * * * the conclusion was that at least one-third of the schools were really a public nuisance, and did the people more harm than good. Another third about balanced the ac- count by doing about as much harm as good, and, perhaps, one-third were advantageous to the community in various degrees. Not a few drunken, profane, worthless Irishmen were perambulating the country and getting up schools, and yet they could neither speak, read, pronounce, spell or write the p]iiglish language."* Peck further says that there existed a cus- tom of turning the schoolmaster out of the house at Christmas and Easter. He records one instance of a schoolmaster who provided a treat for the children, in order to be per- mitted to re-enter the house. The treat con- sisted of a drink known as ' ' Cherry Bounce. ' ' Both teacher and pupils were partly intoxi- cated by their treat and the teacher was dis- missed. Peck gives this picture of the life of some of the people in the frontier settle- ments. He is careful to discriminate and point out that not all the people, by any means, were like those described. After la- menting their deplorable condition, religious- ly, and their ignorance of the Bible, and their indifference to the calls made upon them, and saying of them that few could read and fewer had Bibles or other books to read, he says that they were almost equally as poorly off con- cerning other matters. A small corn field, he says, and a truck patch was the height of their ambition. Venison, bear meat, and hog meat *Life of Peek, p. 123. dressed, cooked in a most slovenly and filthy manner, with corn bread baked in the form of a pone, and when cold as hard as a brick bat, constituted their provisions. Coffee and tea, he says, were prohibited articles amongst this cla.ss, for had they possessed the articles, not one woman in ten knew how to cook them. He adds, however, "doubtless in a few years, when the land came into market, this class of squatters cleared out." In June, 1808, the territorial assembly char- tered the Ste. Genevieve Academy with the following as trustees: James Maxwell, John Baptiste Valle, Jacques Guibord, St. James Beauvais, Francois Janis, John Baptiste Pratte, Joseph Pratte, Walter Fenwick, An- drew Henry, Timothy Phelps, Aaron Elliott, Nathaniel Pope, Joseph Spencer, Jr., "William James, Frank Oliver, Joshua Penniman, Wil- liam Shannon, George Bullett, Henry Dodge and Harry Diel. The trustees were authorized to receive and expend money for the use of the academy, and they were bound to have instruction given in both French and English. One clause of the act of incorporation forbade their making any distinction in the employment of teachers, or in filling vacancies in the board of trustees, regarding religious beliefs. The academy was a necessity for all people and no religious dis- tinction was to be made. The trustees were farther commanded to admit poor children and children of Indians to the academy free of any charge for instruction. Power was conferred on them, also, to arrange, when- ever it seemed best to them, to open an insti- tution for the instruction of girls. On October 14th, 1820, the territorial as- sembly chartered the academy in Jackson with the following trustees: David Armour, Joseph Frizzell, Thomas Neal, Van B. De HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 195 Lashmutt and William Surrell. The same restriction was placed on them with regard to religious privileges and discrimination as in the case of the Ste. Genevieve academy. In spite of these things, there was a feeling among the leading men in the territory that provision must be made for a system of public education. Congress was early asked to set aside lands for the support of schools. We have seen that one of the early assem- blies chartered an academy at Potosi and also organized a public school board for St. Louis. Ste. Genevieve and Little Prairie, along with one or two other towns, received grants of the land which was held in common, the in- come from the property to be used for school purposes. Out of these feeble beginnings and most unpromising circumstances there grew up a great system of public schools. We may suppose that under the conditions we have described there were few libraries in the southeast part of the state. In fact, there was not a public library of any kind in all this section until 1820. There were only a few private libraries deserving of the name. In many homes there were no books of any kind whatever, in others there were copies of the Bible and very few other books. A few men who lived in the district, however, had good libraries; these were usually the minis- ters. The dress of the people did not differ much from the dress as described in a former chap- ter ; everybody wore home-spun. Every house was a factory, the women spun the thread and wove the cloth and made the garments for the entire family. By the close of the terri- torial period thei"e had grown up in the larger towns something of the society that gave at- tention to dress. Some people began to bring clothing from the eastern states and to devote time and money to these matters. The great majority of people, however, were dressed as we have seen. To them dress was not an adornment nor a luxury, but a necessity. John Clark, the famous pioneer minister, who spent many years in traveling throughout Southeast Missouri, preaching, was always dressed in home-spun. He was a bachelor and his clothing was made for him by members of his congregations. CHAPTEK XIII PROTESTANT IMMIGRATION Visits op Protestant Ministers — John Clark — Josiah Dodge — Thomas Johnson — An- drew Wilson — Religious Condition of the Settlers — Motives Which Brought Them to Louisiana — The Work op the Baptists — David Greene — Bethel Church Near Jackson — Its Early Members — The First Meeting House — Relics op old Bethel Church — Memorial Services in 1906 — Growth op the Church — Other Churches Or- ganized BY Members op Bethel — Early Ministers op the Church — Wilson Thompson — Thomas Stephens — Thomas P. Greene — -The First Missionary Collection — The For- mation OP AN Association op Churches in Missouri — John M. Peck — The Work op the Methodist Church — First Preachers — John Travis — Organization op ]McKendree — Early Members — First ]\Ieeting House — Jesse Walker — The First Circuits — First Sermon in Cape Girardeau — Campmeeting at McKendree in 1810 — Harbison — New Circuits Formed — Organization op the Missouri Conperence — Rucker Tanner — The First Conperence Held in Missouri— The Work op the Presbyterians — Hempstead's Letter — A Church Organized in Washington County, 1816 — Organization op the Presbytery op Missouri — Early Ministers — Timothy Flint — The Columbian Bible Society — Flint's Writings — Disciples op Christ — William McMurtry — First Organ- ization IN Missouri, 1822 • — Dippiculties Under Which Early Ministers Labored — Progress JIade — Peck's Description — Debt Owed to Pioneer Ministers. We have seen something of the work of the eases of families moving to Upper Louisiana missionaries who came to the state in the early then, on finding what they were required to years, and have traced and outlined the subscribe to, declining to stay and returning growth of the Catholic church up to the time to the east side of the river. Of course, these of the transfer in 1804. Of course, unto this restrictions were swept away with the trans- time there was no religions history of the fer to the United States. The principle rec- state, except of the activity of the Catholic oguized by the American people of absolute church. While, as we have seen, there were toleration in religious matters was extended other persons living in the state, they were to Louisiana. It was not long before the required to conform to the Catholic religion, activity of the Protestant ministers brought to rear their children in the Catholic faith, them to the new territory, and they were forbidden to hold public serv- ices of any kind. These restrictions, while We have seen, in fact, that even before the they did not prevent Protestant immigration, transfer some ministers had, in violation of hindered it greatly. There are a number of the j^rovisions of the Spanish law, come to 196 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 197 Louisiana and lield services. John Clark, a minister of the Methodist church, was one of these who as early as 1796 came to Louisiana and visited a number of the settlements. Clark is described as a man simple, unaffected, and wholly disinterested. He violated the Spanish law in holding these services, but the lieutenant governor, then at St. Louis, Zenon Trudeau, was very much in favor of the com- ing of American settlers and, in order not to discourage tliem, he was disposed to allow these visits. He seemed to have warned Clark on a number of occasions, but he never really molested him, though he threatened him with imprisonment. Clark at the time resided in Illinois; he died in 1813; he became a Baptist at some time subsequent to his visits to Louis- iana. Doubtless the earliest of these ministers was Josiah Dodge. Dodge lived in Kentucky and was a Baptist. He was a brother of Israel Dodge, who lived near Ste. Genevieve. Dur- ing his visits to his brother. Rev. Josiah Dodge was accustomed to preach to the American settlers in the vicinity. It is possible that these sermons were the first non-Catholic ser- mons delivered west of the Mississippi river. This was in 1794. In the same year, it is recorded that he crossed the river to Illinois and baptized four persons in Fountain creek. Perhaps these were residents of Upper Louis- iana who were thus baptized in the Illinois to avoid violating the law regarding baptisms in Upper Louisiana. In 1799 Rev. Thomas John- son, another Baptist minister, came to Cape Girardeau district ; he was a native of Georgia. In that year he baptized Mrs. Agnes Ballou in Randol creek. This was, doubtless, the first baptism, not performed by a Catholic priest, west of the river. One of the men who came with Morgan to New Madrid was Andrew Wilson. He was a Scotchman and had been a Presbyterian min- ister. He never preached in New Madrid and it is probable that he had previously given up the ministry. The testimony of almost all observers as to some of the American settlers prior to the transfer to the United States is that their con- dition, religiously considei'ed,was deplorable. We cannot believe it to have been otherwise. In the first place, the fact that though they were Protestants they were willing to con- form to the nominal requirements of the Spanish law with regard to the rearing of their children as Catholics, and the further fact that they were compelled to forego any public religious services, are sufficient to show that they were not distinctly or deeply re- ligious. Cut off, as they were, from all re- ligious teaching by their situation and the reciuirements of tlie laws under which they lived, they must have fallen into a deplorable condition. It was reported by some observers that in some cases they had even forgotten the days of the week and that they made no attempt whatever to observe the Sabbath in any way, and where it was observed, too often it was a day given iip to amusements such aa the country offered. Andrew Ramsay's place in Cape Girardeau was used as an assembly place for all the people of the neighborhood. They came together, not for worship, but for the purpose of whatever amusement could be found. The condition of the early settlers, as here set out, unfavorable as it was with regard to religion, must not be taken to represent the feelings and convictions of all the people of Upper Louisiana. While those who were Pi'ot- estants in belief had to give up, as we have seen, the open practice of their religion, it should not be forgotten that the motives that impelled men to settle in the Louisiana terri- 198 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOUEI tory were very strong. American settlers who lived in the Northwest territory and who owned slaves found that in order to continue holding them they must give up their home- steads and seek another territory after the passage of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Many of these men crossed the ilississippi river to Upper Louisiana ; others came because they were attracted by the ease with which land might be secured from the Spanish gov- ernment, and still others were moved by the love of adventure and of a free life in the open which characterized so many Americans in the early period of history. These motives were very strong and they induced many respect- able, honest and upright people to give up their homes and to take up their residence in what is now IMissouri. These people no doubt felt the deprivation of religious service and experience. That they still meditated on religion and wished for an opportunity to exercise it openly is made evident by the cordial reception which was given to the few Protestant ministers who, in spite of the proclamation of Spain, made their way into the territory. In the life of John Clark, which was no doubt written by John Mason Peck, it is clearly set out that the American families were very glad indeed to receive Clark into their homes and to listen to him as he read and preached, and were re- joiced at an opportunity to hear the Gospel in their new territory and according to their own beliefs again. It seems that the first Baptists in Missoiiri were Thomas Bull, his wife and mother-in- law, Mrs. Lee. They moved to the Cape Gir- ardeau district from Kentucky in 1796. They were followed, in 1797, by Enos Randol and wife, and the wife of John Abernathy. For a number of years they lived without any re- ligious services, except such as they held at private houses. At one time they were in fear of being required to leave the province on account of their religious belief, but Lori- mier was favorable to them and they con- tinued to reside here. Elder Thomas John- son, of Georgia, was perhaps the first Baptist minister who preached in Upper Louisiana. He was a resident of Georgia. He came to the Cape Girardeau district on a visit in 1799, and while there he preached. He per- formed the first non-Catholic baptism west of the river. He baptized Mrs. Ballou in Ran- dol 's creek. In 1805, Elder David Greene, a native of Virginia, but at that time a resi- dent of Kentucky, came to the district. Greene preached, first, about the settlements near Commerce. He organized a church in Tywappity bottom in 1805. This was the first Baptist church in Louisiana. It had only some six or seven members and soon dis- banded. Elder Greene, after a visit of some months, returned to Kentucky. He was im- pressed, however, by the importance of the field in Upper Louisiana and came back to the Cape Girardeau district in 1806. He resided in the district with his family until the time of his death in 1809. On July 19, 1806, Elder Greene gathered together the Baptists near Jackson and or- ganized a church which was called Bethel. It is not definitel.y known just where the organi- zation took place, but it is believed to have been made in the house of Thomas Bull. This church so organized was the center from which sprang the large number of early Bap- tist churches in Missouri. The members who took part in the organization of the church were David Greene, Thomas English, Leanna Greene, Jane English, Agnes Ballou, Thomas Bull, Edward Spear. Anderson Rogers, John Hitt, Clara Abernathv, Katherine Anderson, HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 199 Rebecca Randol, Frances Hitt and William Matthews. The board which took part in the organiza- tion of the church was composed of Elder David Greene and Deacons George Laurence and Henry Coekerham. The officers of the church as organized were : David Greene, pastor; Thomas English, deacon. In August, after the organization, Thomas Bull was elected writing clerk, and in the following April, William IMatthews was elected singing clerk. Thomas English, who was thus one of the charter members of the church, was a native of Georgia. He came to Missouri about 1804, and lived in the Ramsay settlement. He re- mained a member of the church and a deacon until his death, May 16, 1829. He left a large family of sons and daughtere, and his descendants still live in Cape Girardeau county. His wife, Jane, was also a member. He died in 1842. William Hitt, who became a member of Bethel church in 1812, and who afterward served as its clerk for a number of years, was one of the prominent members. He was the grandfather of the late Deacon Smith Hitt of the Cape Girardeau Baptist church. Ben- jamin Hitt, who also united with Bethel church in 1812, was the father of the late Judge Samuel Hitt, of Cape Girardeau. The Randol family was one of the early Baptist families in the district. Enos Randol united with Bethel church in 1808. His son, Enos, was a sergeant in Peter Craig's com- pany of mounted rangers that fought the battle of the Sink Hole. The Randol family still live in Cape Girardeau county. Edward Spear, who was one of the charter members of the church, was afterward a lieu- tenant in Craig's company, and was killed at the Sink Hole. Some of the other members of the church in the early time were William Smith, John Sheppard and his wife, Nancy; Isaac Shep- pard, who united with Bethel church in 1809. Isaac Sheppard was elected deacon and treas- urer, and was also one of the judges both of the common pleas court at Cape Girardeau and the county court. Ezekiel Hill, Rachel Hill, William Hill, the Thompson family, John Daugherty and Hiram C. Davis were also among the early members, having imited with the church prior to the year 1820. John Juden, Sr., was a native of England, and came from Baltimore in 1805 to Missouri. In 1820 he and John Juden, Jr., joined Bethel cliurch. This family and its descendants were very prominent in Cape Girardeau coimty for many years. On October 11, 1806, the congregation voted to erect a meeting house. In pursuance of this resolution, a small log house was built on the farm of Thomas Bull. It proved, however, to be too small and in 1812 was replaced by a hewn log building. This second house was well and strongly constructed of poplar logs. It was thirty feet by twenty-four feet in size. This house was used by the church until about 1861. The church then transferred its ses- sions to a house northwest of Jackson on Byrd 's creek. Sometime, about the same date, tlie old house was sold to a resident in the neighborhood who moved it away, about the distance of a mile, and rebuilt it into a barn. Some of the logs of the old house were saved at the time of the sale, and from them were constructed a number of walking canes and two gavels. One of these gavels was pre- sented to the Baptist General Association of the state at its meeting in St. Joseph in the year 1875 by the Rev. Dr. J. C. Maple. It was handsomely inscribed and is still in 200 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI use by the moderator of the general associa- tion. The other of the two gavels made at the time remained in tlie possession of Dr. Maple until the year 1910, when it was pre- sented by him to the moderator of the Cape Girardeau Baptist Association at its meeting in Crosstown, Perry county, in September of that year. The old house as rebuilt still stands. The site on which it was erected has been purchased and is now owned by the Bap- tist General Association of IMissouri; In 1906 this association held its annual nieetiug in Cape Girardeau. This was the one hundredth anniversary^ of the founding of Bethel church. One reason for the selection of Cape Girardeau as the place of meeting was to hold appropriate exercises in commemoration of the foimding at the site of the old church, and to unveil a monument which had been erected on the spot. One day during the meeting of the body was set aside for a visit to the site. After a session held in the Baptist church in Jackson on the morning of October 24th, the Associa- tion adjourned to meet in the grove of trees on the spot where the old church stood. This is about two miles from the town of Jackson and was reached after some difficulties. The meeting was called to order by E. W. Steph- ens of Columbia, the moderator of the Gen- eral Association. After prayer and singing, E. W. Stephens delivered an address on the subject, "The Reason for Baptist Existence and Baptist Work One Hundred Years Ago and Now." The monument was then un- veiled by ]\Irs. E. W. Stephens and ]Miss Mae Brown of Jackson. The monument which was erected by the association is four feet high of granite and bears this inscription: "Here stood Bethel Baptist church, the first permanent non- Catholic church west of the Mississippi river. Constituted July 19, 1806, with these mem- bers: David Green, Thomas English, Will- iam ]\Iatthews, Leanna Green, William Smith, Jane English, Agnes Ballou, Thomas Bull, Clara Abernath.y, Catherine Anderson, An- derson Rogers, Edward Spear, Rebecca Ran- dol, John Hitt, and Frances Hitt. What Hath God Wrought ? ' ' The membership of the church had grown to eighty by the year 1812 and in 1813 it was one hundred eighty-six. In June. 1814, forty- five of its membei-s were dismissed to organize a church in what is now St. Francois county, but even after this dismissal there remained one hundred seventy-three members. In 1809 Bethel church became a member of the Red River Association, which held its meeting that year at Red River church, near Clarksville, Tennessee. It remained a member of this association luitil 1816, when it was decided to form a new association of the churches in Missouri. One thing which distinguished the members of Bethel church from the very day of the or- ganization was their fervent missionary spirit. They were untiring in their efforts to have the gospel preached in every possible place within the bounds of Upper Louisiana. To this end thej' contributed money and encouraged their ministers to visit the different parts of the dis- trict. We find them organizing congregations wherever that was possible. The.se congrega- tions remained for a time as members of Bethel church, and were looked after, as much as possible, by the pastor of that church. As soon as these congregations became large enough they were organized into regular churches and their direct connection with Bethel church ceased. The first of these in point of time was or- ganized in the Bois Brule Bottom in what was then Ste. Genevieve coimty, but what is now HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 201 Perry county. Members were received there in 1807. Among them was Thomas Donohoe, who afterward became a preacher. This con- gregation of members seems to have disap- peared after the year 1815. Donohoe and, perhaps some of the other members, then joined a church called Barren church in the same vicinity. This church was constituted in 1816 at the house of Jesse Evans. It soon disappeared, also, and was succeeded by an- other church known as Hepzibah. The second organization constituted by Bethel was that at St. Michaels. This was in October, 1812. On the same day John Parrar was obtained as a minister. He was a mem- ber of this congregation. In 1814 this con- gregation was organized into a church known as Providence church, and Farrar became its pastor. In January, 1813, a committee was sent from Bethel to organize a congregation on Saline creek. This soon became a church and seems to have been united, later, with Barren church and .still later with Hepzibah. In 1813 there were twenty-three members of Bethel church who lived about twenty-five miles south of Fredericktown. In 1814 they were organized into a church called St. Fran- cois. A church was organized on Turkey creek in 1815. There had previously been a num- ber of members of Bethel church living in that vicinity. In June, 1820, an organization was estab- lished on Apple creek, near Oak Ridge, and it was formed into a church in September of that year. The committee which had charge of the organization of the church was com- posed of Elders T. P. Greene. James Williams, and J. K. Gile, and Isaac Sheppard, Benjamin Thompson, Abraham Randol, Thomas Eng- lish and Benjamin Hitt. In June, 1821, it was resolved to constitute a church in the Big Bend. The church so organized was called Ebenezer and was sit- uated near the site of Egypt Mills. On May 11, 1822, fourteen members of Bethel church were dismissed for the purpose of organizing Hebron church, five miles south- east of Jackson. These members so dis- missed, were, most of them, of the Randol, Poe and Hitt families. Seven members of Bethel were dismissed in April, 1824, and they constituted a church at Jackson. In the period from the organization of the church in 1806 to 1824, nine church were con- stituted thi'ough the efforts of Bethel church. Of these nine churches, only two seem to have survived to the present date. They are Prov- idence church at Fredericktown and the Jack- son church. The ministers of Bethel church from its foundation were David Greene, 1806 to 1809 ; Wilson Thompson, 1812 to 1814; Thomas Stephens, 1817; Thomas P. Greene, 1818 to 1826; Benjamin Thompson, 1826 to 1853; Jolm Canterbury, 1853 to 1861, and Joel Foster, 1866. David Greene, who organized the church, had spent some years as a minister in the Carolinas. Pie loved the life of the frontier, and moved from Carolina to Kentucky, where he preached among the frontier settlers of that date. In 1805. as we have said, he visited Missouri and stopped for a time in the Ty- wappity Bottom. There were some Baptists living in the neighborhood, and he preached to them and organized a church. The mem- bers of this church were Henry Cockerham, Jolm Baldwin, William Ross and a few others. After residing in this settlement for a few months. Elder Greene paid a visit to the vi- cinity of Jackson, but after preaching for a 202 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI time he returned to Kentuekj'. The eondi- tion of the Baptists in Missouri, however, rested heavily on his mind, and, though he was old and had spent a long life in the min- istry, he resolved to visit the Cape Girardeau district again. This time he moved and lo- cated with his family near Bethel chm-ch. He was the pastor of the church imtil his death in 1S09. The second pastor of Bethel church was Wilson Thompson. It was the work of Thomp- son that made the church a power in ilissouri. Like so many other famous preachers, he was of Welsh descent. He was born in Woodford county. Kentucky, August 17, 1788. In 1810 he was married to Miss Mary Gregg, and in January, 1811, they moved to the Cape Girar- deau district, settling near Jackson. They were accompanied by his father and mother, and the entire family united with Bethel church. Ho had begun preaching at the age of twenty, before his removal from Ken- tuclr\', and his preaching was attended with marvelous results. Shortly after he united with Bethel church there occurred the great earthtiuake at New Madrid, and the shocks were felt over a large part of Upper Louisi- ana. In the following February Thompson began a revival service in Bethel church. It was one of the most remarkable religious manifestations in Missouri. It covered a period of two years, and spread to almost" all the congregations which had been organized by the church. There was evidence of the power of the revival at Bois Brule, Saline, Providence and St. Francois, and during its progress Thompson baptized about five hun- dred persons. Up to this time he had not been an ordained minister, but on April 11, 1825, a council composed of John Farrar and Stephen Stilly ordained him. The following Jul.\- he was chosen pastor of the church and served until September, 1814. At that time he resigned, and with his family moved to Ohio. He died in Indiana in 1865. He was, doubt- less, the most powerful of the preachers ever connected with the church. For some years the church seems to have been without a regular pastor, but in Febru- aiy, 1817, it called Thomas Stephens, who was a resident of Louisville, Kentucky. He served the church imtil December of that year. In the following year Thomas Parish Greene, a native of North Carolina, who had lived for some time in Tennessee, was chosen as the fourth of the church's pastors. This was in jMarch. 1818. Elder Greene had moved to Missouri in 1817. He served as pastor of the church for eight years, and it was under his leadership that an interest was arou.sed in missions and Sunday schools. Elder Greene was an ardent advocate of the church's duty to assist in preaching the gospel to the entire world. While he was pastor of the church it was voted that the association should cor- respond with the board of foreign missions. Under his leadership the church welcomed the visit of John Mason Peek, who had come from the east imder the direction of the board of missions to evangelize Missouri. During Peck's visit to Bethel church he organized a missionary society, and on November 8, 1818, after a missionary sermon, he took up a col- lection for missions, amounting to $31.37. The entire work of the church prospered, so long as Greene was its pastor. He closed his pastorate of the church in 1826, when he was called to the care of Hebron church. In 1828 he removed to Rock Springs, Illinois, where he was associated with Peek in publishing the ^Ycstenl Pioneer. He was also at the time agent of the American Sunday School Union, and assisted in establishing Sunday schools and libraries in New Madrid, Seott, Cape Gir- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 203 ai'deaii. Perry, Madison, St. Francois, Wayne ;nid Stoddard counties. He later became a missionary for the American Baptist Home iMission Society. In 1834 he organized a Bap- tist church at Cape Girardeau. There were nine members at that time and Elder Greene became the first pastor. After two years he removed to St. Louis, where he was pastor of the Second Baptist church. Elder Greene had been educated as a printer, and had at one time conducted a little weekly paper him- self. This was a combination paper, being part a religious weekly and in part a news- paper. It was this training and experience which led to Greene's selection as an associate of John ilason Peek in the attempt to publish a paper at Rock Spring, Illinois. He was to look after the actual details of printing and publication. Thomas P. Greene was a man of great abil- ity. He is said to have resembled Senator Benton, and to have possessed something of Benton's oratorical capability. He had only limited opportunities for education, but con- tinued his studies all through his life and became quite a scholar. Hon. Samuel M Greene, of Cape Girardeau, is his son. Some of the other ministers who were con- nected with Bethel church, or with the asso- ciation during this period, were John Farrar, William Street, James P. Edwards and Win- gate Jackson. William Street was one of the early settlers in Wayne county, and was held in high esteem both as a citizen and a minis- ter. He died in 1843. John Farrar was a resident of Madison county until 1825, when he was removed to Washington county. He died there in 1829. In 1811 James P. Ed- wards moved to Cape Girardeau from Ken- tucky. He was a lawyer, but was ordained as a minister in 1812, and afterward removed to Illinois. Wingate Jackson was a Virginian. He was born in 1776 and resided for a num- ber of years in Kentucky. About 1804 he located at New Tennessee, Ste. Genevieve county, where he died in 1835. It was under his ministry that Hepzibah church was estab- lished in 1820. The constituent members were Wingate Jackson, Obadiah Scott, Noah Hunt, and Joel and Enos Hamers. In 1814 a committee of Bethel church was appointed to draw up a plan for the organi- zation of an association of the Missouri churches. Invitations were sent to the va- rious churches to meet the committee from Bethel church and for the consideration of this matter the representatives of the various churches met in Bethel in June, 1816. Bethel chvirch was represented by Thomas Bull, John Sheppard, Benjamin Thompson and Robert English. Tywappity church was represented by Henry Cockerham, John Baldwin, and William Ross. Providence church was rep- resented by William Savage; Saline church, by Elder Thomas Donohoe and John Duvall ; St. Francois church, by Elder William Street and Jonathan Hubble ; Turkey Creek church, by William Johnson, Daniel Johnson, E. Re- velle and S. Baker. The organization thus effected was in the nature of a preliminary organization and it was decided to hold another meeting in Sep- tember, 1816, at Bethel church. At this meet- ing, which was participated in by Bethel, Tywappity, Providence, Barren, Bellevue, St. Francois and Dry Creek churches, an associa- tion was constituted which was named Bethel association. These seven churches had an aggregate membership of 230, and there were five ministers included in the association. One of the famous and most active Baptist ministers of this time was John Mason Peck. 204 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI lie did not live in Southeast Missouri, but spent most of the years of his residence within the state, in St. Louis. On various occasions he visited the churches in Southeast Missouri and exercised a great influence on the devel- opment of religious work in this section. He resided for a time in New York and began his ministerial work there. He was appointed by the Home Missionary Society to prosecute the work of the church in Missouri. Accompanied by his family and by another minister named James E. Welch, he came to the state in 1817. The next twenty years of lis life were spent in teaching, preaching and organizing all over the section. He was a student and collected most copious notes on social, religious and po- litical conditions of ]\Iissouri. He was an in- defatigable writer. His influence was very great over the course of Baptist development, and he, more than any other man, was respon- sible for the missionary spirit that prevailed among the churches of the early day. The itinerant preachers of the Methodist church have always been found among the first in every new country. As soon as the restrictions on religious worship were removed from the people of Louisiana by the transfer to the United States, arrangements began to be made for sending a Methodist preacher to the territory. The "Western Conference, which included all the territory west of the Alle- ghany mountains, at its meeting in Greenville, Tennessee, in 1806, appointed John Travis to the Missouri circuit. He entered upon his work here and established two districts, the Missouri district and the Maramec district, the latter being south of the jMissouri river. In 1807 Edward Wilcox was appointed to the Maramec circuit, and in 1808 Joseph Oglesby was appointed ; he, however, did not take up the work and his place was supplied by Thomas Wright, and Z. !iMaddox v.-as ap- pointed as local preacher to look after the Cape Girardeau district. The first Methodist society west of the Mis- sissippi river was organized about 1806 at JIcKendree, three miles west of Jackson in Cape Girardeau county. Among the members of this church were William Williams and wife, John Randol and wife, Thomas Blair, Simon and Isaiah Poe, Charnel Glascock and the Seeleys. Within a short time after the organization of this church a meeting house was erected of large, hewn poplar logs. The house was in a beautiful situation near a spring and shaded by large oak trees. It soon became famous as a camp ground and was the site of many camp meetings. The house, with some alterations and repairs, is still in exist- ence. It is, perhaps, the oldest Protestant meeting house west of the Mississippi river. It is a question as to what minister organ- ized this early Methodist society. When John Travis came to Missouri he found this church already in existence, and it seems probable that it had been organized by Rev. Jesse Walker, who, in 1801, was stationed near the mouth of the Cumberland river, and who afterward came to Missouri. In 1806, while the Western Conference sent Travis to Mis- souri, it also sent Walker to Illinois. It seems, however, to be fairly certain that he did not confine his labors to Illinois, but crossed over, preached, and organized churches in what is now Missouri. When the confer- ence met in 1807, at Chillicothe, Ohio, Travis reported that the two circuits. Cape Girar- deau and the Maramec, had one hundred and six memliers. At this time Walker was as- signed to the Cape Girardeau circuit. He came to Missouri in the summer of that year and was accompanied on his trip by William McKendree, who was then presiding elder of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST IMISSOURI 205 the Illinois district. He held the first quar- terly meeting with Travis in that year on the Maramec river, it seems, at the place where Lewis chapel is now located. In 1808 the Western Conference appointed the Rev. Jesse Walker for the Cape Girar- deau circuit and Rev. David Young and Rev. Thomas Wright for the Maramec circuit. This territory was then part of the Indiana district, over which Samuel Parker was pre- siding elder. Rev. Parker visited the Cape Girardeau circuit in that year, and came to the town of Cape Girardeau, where he preached the first sermon ever heard in the town. This was at the house of William Scripps, who was an Englishman, having come to America in 1791 and to Cape Girardeau in 1808. Scripps was a tanner by trade and he and Rev. Parker had been acquainted in Virginia. One of the sons of William Scripps, whose name was John, was admitted, at the conference in 1814, as a preacher on trial. Later, he was taken into full connection with the church and was active as a minister until his removal to Illinois in 1820. In 1810 Jesse Walker and John Scripps crossed the big swamp to the New Madrid dis- trict and organized the New Madrid circuit. They traveled this circuit in connection with the Cape Girardeau circuit. There were thirty members in this circuit the first year. In this year, 1810, the first camp meeting in Cape Girardeau county was held on the camp ground in connection with McKendree chapel. Walker, Wright, and Presiding Elder Parker were present and conducted the camp meeting. The conference of 1810 assigned John Mc- Parland to the Maramec circuit and reap- pointed Walker to the Cape Girardeau circuit. Walker did not remain and McFarland min- istered to both the circuits. In 1811 McFar- land was placed in charge of both Cape Gir- ardeau and New Madrid circuits and Thomas Wright was sent to the Maramec. In 1812 Cape Girardeau and the New Madrid circuits were divided. Benjamin Edge was appointed to the work at Cape Girardeau and William Hart to that at New IMadrid. In 1813 Thomas Wright was assigned to Cape Girardeau and Thomas Nixon to New Madrid. In 1812 a camp meeting was held in what is now Madison county, though it was then a part of Ste. Genevieve county. The meet- ing was conducted by Thomas Wright and it was the first camp meeting held in Ste. Gene- vieve county. Like the great revival meeting by Wilson Thompson, in Bethel Baptist church, it followed very closely after the earthquake at New Madrid. In 1814 the conference received John C. Harbison on trial. Harbison had been a resi- dent of the district since 1798, but up to this time had been employed as a teacher at Mt. Tabor, and had also practiced law for a short period. He was of Scotch-Irish descent and had lived in other states before coming to Missouri. His descendants still live in Scott county. It is said that Harbison had been, for a long time, addicted to gambling and drunkenness before he became a member of the church, and that after he was converted and living an exemplary life as a minister, he met some of his former companions who chal- lenged him to play a game of poker. He agreed to do this, provided that after the game was over they would listen to the ser- mon which he was to preach at the church. They agreed to this, and he preached such a powerful and convincing sermon that those who heard abandoned their wicked courses of life.* In the same year Thomas Wright was ap- ' Houek, Vol. Ill, p. 238. 206 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI pointed to the Cape Girardeau circuit, and Asa Overall began work in the New Madrid circuit. There was also formed this year a new circuit to include the territory between the Maramec and Apple creek. This was given the name of Saline circuit. Preaching was held at several points within this circuit, principally at the Murphy settlement, Cook settlement, Callaway settlement and new Ten- nessee. The Murphy settlement was the oldest Methodist comnniuity west of the Mississippi river, and probably contained more Method- ists than any other. The first Methodist ser- mon west of the river was preached in the Murphy settlement in 1804, by Joseph Ogles- by. This was at the house of Mrs. Sarah Murphy. One of the early IMethodist preach- ers in the Saline circuit was Jacob White- side. This circuit had, at the close of the year 1815, one hundred and fifteen members. The conference in 1815 appointed Philip Davis to the New Madrid circuit, Jesse Haile for the Cape Girardeau circuit and Thomas Wright for the Saline circuit. In 1816 a new conference w'as organized at Shiloh meeting house near Belleville, Illi- nois. It comprised Saline, Cape Girardeau, New Madrid and the St. Francois circuits and w-as called the Missouri Conference. Samuel H. Thompson was made presiding elder of the conference, and Bishop Roberts presided at the meeting. The conference appointed Thomas Wright and Alexander ]\IcAlister to the Cape Girardeau and New Madrid circuits, and John C. Harbison to Saline circuit. In 1817 Thomas Wright was sent to Saline cir- cuit, Joseph Spiggott to New Madrid circuit and Rucker Tanner to St. Francois circuit, while the Cape Girardeau circuit was left to be supplied. Tanner was a rather remarkable man. He had been a very reckless youth and had spent his early life in the New Madrid district. It is related of him that on one occasion he and an elder brother made a trip to New Orleans, and while there ran short of funds. After all their money was exhausted, it was ar- ranged between them that R. Tanner, whose complexion was very dark, should be sold by his brother as a slave. This arrangement was carried out and the elder brother departed with the money. After a considerable diffi- culty, R. Tanner succeeded in regaining his freedom and escaped from the country. He started to walk home but on the way hired himself out to a local Methodist preacher. He lived with this preacher for some time, becoming converted and professing a desire to preach. It may be imagined that his re- turn home was a great surprise to his friends, who had thouglit him long since dead. Almost immediatel}' upon his return he announced an appointment to preach. It was such a sur- prising thing that this reckless youth should be preparing for the ministry, that a very large congregation assembled to hear his first attempt. He was very soon admitted to the conference and appointed, as we have said, to the St. Francois circuit. For the years 1818 and '19 Saline circuit was served by Thomas Wright, Cape Girardeau circuit by John Scripps and the St. Francois circuit by John McParland. There is a question as to when the first con- ference west of the river was held. Septem- ber 14, 1819, is sometimes given as the date of the beginning of the first conference. This conference was held at McKendree chapel. There is some authority, however, for believ- ing that there had been a conference held in 1818 at Mt. Zion church in the IMurphy set- tlement, at which conference Bishop JIcKen- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 207 dree presided. The appointments made in 1819 were John McFarland to the Saline cir- cuit; Joseph Spiggott to the Bellevue circuit (which had, in the meantime, been organ- ized) ; Philip Davis to the St. Francois cir- cuit; Samuel Glaize to the Cape Girardeau circuit, and William Townsend to the New Aladrid circuit. When the conference met in 1820 it was decided to create a new district. Tiiis was called the Cape Girardeau district and Thomas Wright was appointed as presiding elder. The preachers for the year were : Bellevue circuit, John Harris ; Saline and St. Francois circuits, Samuel Bassett ; Spring River, which was a new circuit, Isaac Brook- field ; White River, another new circuit, W. W. Redman ; Cape Girardeau circuit, Philip Davis ; and New Madrid circuit, Jesse Haile. When Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1821, Thomas Wright was continued as presiding elder, Thomas Davis was sent to the Cape Girardeau circuit, Philip Davis to the Saline circuit, John Cord to the St. Francois circuit, Abram Epler to Spring River, and Washington Orr to the New Mad- rid circuit. The Presbyterians did not begin their work in Southeast Missouri quite so early as the Baptists and IMethodists. The beginning of their interest in Missouri probably dates from the year 1812. In that year the Missionary Society of New England appointed two men, the Rev. John T. Schermerhorn and the Rev. Samuel J. Mills, as agents to ascertain the religious conditions of the western country and the places most in need of religious in- struction, and to formulate some plan for the preaching of the gospel in the destitute places. These two men seem to have intended to visit St. Louis, and perhaps other parts of the territory, but, for some reason, they abandoned their visit and contented them- selves with writing a letter of inquiry to Stephen Hempstead, of St. Louis. In the letter they asked concerning the condition of religion in Upper Louisiana, the number of clergymen and the places where they were settled, whether there was much infidelity ex- isting, whether the Sabbath was observed, and whether it was thought best to attempt to foimd a Bible society. They offered to send two or tliree hundred Biljles and some tracts for distribution among the poor, provided it was thought best to do so. Mr. Hempstead replied to these inquiries, and gave a picture of the religious conditions existing in the ter- ritory. He says that "the Catholic church has services; that there are some Methodists in the territory; that .some of the Presby- terians, in the absence of their own preachers, have joined the Methodists, and that the Bap- tists have ten churches and two himdred and seventy-six members." And finally .says that he "knows of no place in the United States that needs a Presbyterian missionary more than Missouri." He further requests that the Bibles and ti-acts be sent, which was done. The first church in Southeast Missouri of the Presbyterian faith was organized in the Bellevue settlement in Washington county August 2, 1816. The Presbytery of Missouri was formed by the Sj'nod of Tennessee and held its first meeting in St. Louis, December ]8, 1817. Its territory was all of the United States west of the Cumberland river. The Presbytery of Missouri had, as its ministers, Solomon Giddings, Timothy Flint, Thomas Donnell and John Matthews. The only churches represented were those at Bellevue, Bonhomme, in St. Louis coimty, and St. Louis. In 1819 he number of ministers was increased by the addition of Rev. C. S. Robinson and 208 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the Rev. David Tenney. Jlr. Tenney died in the same year. The Rev. Edward Hollister was connected with the Presbytery for a short time in 1821. The Rev. Timothy Flint was one of the most active of the Presbyterian ministers in Southeast Missouri in the early times. He seems to have organized a Bible society in Jackson about 1820 and also a Sunday school at the same place. This so- ciety was called the Columbian Bible Society. Its officers were Jason Chamberlain, president ; Christopher G. Houts, treasurer; and A. Hayue, secretary. Rev. Timothy Flint seems to have traveled all through Upper Louisiana. He preached at Jackson, New Madrid, St. Charles and in Arkansas. He was a very vig- orous, energetic and earnest man, had been thoroughly educated at Harvard college, and wrote a number of books bearing on Missouri history. He spent the winter of 1819 at New Madrid. He was a man who had consideTable influence but, also, considerable trouble, as he was not always able to adapt himself to the conditions under which he found himself placed. Among the publications written by Flint were the "Life of Daniel Boone," a "History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley," and "Recollections of the Last Ten Years in the Mississippi Valley." In 1818 a presbytery was held at Potosi and a yoimg man, who had been a ministerial student was ordained by Rev. Timothy Flint and Rev. INIatthews. They rode from St. Louis to Potosi on horseback to perform this That one of the Christian denominations knovsTi as Disciples, or simply Christians, seems to have begun its labors in Southeast Missouri in 1819. The teachings of this de- nomination had spread from Kentucky and Pennsj-lvauia to the west, and in the year mentioned the Rev. William Mcilurtry came from Virginia and located in Madison coimty. He was a carpenter by trade, but preached also. He began to teach the doctrines of the church as soon as he was located within the state, and in 1822 organized a church in what is now the town of Libertyville. There were only three members of the church at that time, and they held their meetings in the log school house. The increase was slow at first, for in 1826 there were only nine members of the church. "We have thus recounted something of the beginning of effort by the Christian denom- inations in the early years in Missouri. We find that the only formal organization before 1804 was the organization of the Catholic church ; that its teachings had spread in prac- tically every commimity in Upper Louisiana; that its work had been organized and at least two houses of worship constructed. There were members of other denominations in Up- per Louisiana before the transfer; that they held their regular services in private fam- ilies, but were not allowed to build meeting houses or to perfect any kind of organiza- tions. Upon the transfer to the United States, the Baptists and Methodists, and a little later the Presbyterians and Christians, or Disciples, began to prosecute the work of evangelism in a systematic way. There seem to have been two distinct methods of carrying on the work. The first Baptist church withiu the state was organized through the efforts of a visiting minister, and this church became the center for the sending out of the gospel to other parts and for the organization of other churches. In the same way the organi- zation of the Disciples was begun. The first work performed by the Presbyterians within HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 209 the state, as we have seeu, was the result of the sending of missionaries from the East. A similar movement assisted and encouraged the work of the Baptists, when Peck and his companion, Welch, were sent into the terri- tory. The work of the Methodists began in an organized form by the erection of part of the territory into a circuit, and the ap- pointment of a minister to supply the needs in the vast territory included within his cir- cuit. By the time of the transfer to the United States these denominations were flourishing, their work was progressing and they were building houses of worship, establishing Sun- day schools and schools in many parts of the territory. It is plain to be seen that they labored imder very great difficulties. The ter- ritory over which the ministers were called to travel was very extensive, the means of trans- portation very poor, the roads were simply paths and there were but few accommodations provided, in most places, for visitors. Many of the ministers were accustomed to travel on foot for distances that seem almost impossible. It is said of Clark, who was an early min- ister of the Baptist church, that he would never ride to his appointments. Some of his friends presented him with a horse, but he was dissatisfied with it and returned it, pre- ferring to walk from one place to another. Some of the Methodist circuit riders traveled over immense distances to reach their various appointments. Those who lived east of the river, not infrequently walked for miles to reach a place where the river might be crossed and, having crossed, walked a long distance on this side to the place where they were to preach. Another thing which very greatly retarded and made more difficult the work of the early ministers, was a feeling among the people that these ministers should labor without pay. Not all of them were of this belief, but it was sufficiently prevalent to render the sup- port of the ministers very meagre and very uncertain. Perhaps all of the preachers in the early time were compelled to recoup their salary by work of one kind or another, that they might support their families. We have seen that Elder ]\IcMurtry, an early minister of the Christian church, was a carpenter, and we find that Peck supported himself, in part, by teaching, as did Flint and many others. Another thing which made their work diffi- cult and their lives hard was the condition of many people among whom they must labor. Many of them were illiterate and could not appreciate the eiforts which were being made for them. Some of these people lived imder the most severe conditions of life, and some of them had no hope or ambition for better things. It was a work of the very greatest difficulty to arouse the people to action and to get them to accept the things which the min- isters brought to them. Peck and Flint both relate amusing but unpleasant experiences concerning their visits in different parts of this section. They frequently were received into homes, if a single roomed log cabin may be so described, in which only the barest necessities were to be found. These hardships are set out fully in the ac- count which Peck gives in describing one of his trips from St. Louis, on horse back, to Bethel association in Cape Girardeau county. He made this trip in September, 1818, and the experience through which he passed in- duced him to moralize a little on the hard- ships which attended the life of the traveler. He says: "The route was the same one I last traveled until I got below Herculaneum, and then gradually bearing to the left and down 210 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the direetiou of the Mississippi, through an extensive tract of barrens very thinly set- tled. It was in passing through these barrens that Joseph Piggott, a ilethodist circuit preacher, in the year 1820, came near freez- ing to death, on an extremely cold night, and without food for himself or his horse. He gave the writer a narrative of his sufferings that night, four years after, at his residence on the Macoupin, Illinois, and yet we were so hard hearted as not to express a word of sym- pathy. A few stunted and gnarled trees, and a sprinkling of brushwood, with now and then a decayed log, appeared above the snow. He was nearly chilled, after wandering about a long time in search of a path, and with great difficulty with his tinder-box, flint and steel, could he get a fire. He then scraped away what snow he could, and with his blanket lay down, broadside to the fire ; but before he secured much warmth the other side was nearly frozen. Then he would turn over, but finding no relief would get up and stamp his feet, while the wind seemed to pass through him. When daylight appeared he was too cold to mount his horse, but led him while he attempted to find his way on to some lonel.v cabin, which proved to be not many miles distant. There he spent the day and enjoyed the hospitality of the squatter fam- ily. We listened to the distressing tale with amazement ! This man was born and raised in Illinois and accustomed all his life to the frontiers, and yet had never learned one of the indispensable lessons of a back- woodsman — how to camp out, make a fire and keep warm. Eating was not so very impor- tant, for any man in the vigor of life in those days in this frontier country who could not go without food for twenty-four hours, and more especially a preacher of the Gospel, ought to be sent back where he came from, to the kind care of his friends. "The writer had not been in the country one year before he had learned half a dozen lessons in frontier Imowledge of great value in practical life. One branch was how In- dians, hunters, surveyors, and all others who had to travel over uninhabited deserts, made their camping-place and kept themselves com- fortable. The first thing is to select the right place — in some hollow or ravine, protected from the wind, and if possible behind some (lid forest giant which the storms of winter have prostrated. And then, reader, don't build .vour fire against the tree, for that is the place for your head and shoulders to lie, and around which the smoke and heated air may curl. Then don't be so childish as to lie on the wet, or cold frozen earth, without a bed. Gather a quantity of grass, leaves and small brush, and after you have cleared away the snow and provided for protection from the wet or cold earth, you may sleep comfort- abl.y. If you have a piece of jerked venison, and a bit of pone with a cup of water, you may make out a splendid supper — provided you think so — ' for as a man thinketh so is he. ' And if you have a traveling companion you may have a social time of it. So now offer your prayers like a Christian, ask the Lord to protect you, wrap around you your blankets with your saddles for pillows, and lie down to sleep under the care of a watchful Providence. If it rains, a very little labor with barks or even brush, with the tops sloping downward, will be no mean shelter. Keep your feet straight to the fire, but not near enough to bum your moccasins or boots, and your legs and wliole body will be warm. The aphorism of the Italian physician, which he left in a sealed letter as a guide to all his former pa- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 211 tients, contaius excellent advice to all frontier people: 'Keep your feet warm, your back straight, and your head cool, and bid defiance to the doctors.' "—("Life of Peck," pp. 103 to 105.) In .spite of these and many other difficulties, of which we can have no proper appreciation at this time, the work progressed. There were men in the early days whose hearts were filled with enthusiasm for the work. They were not daunted by difficulties nor stopped by hard- ships. They labored unceasingly in season and out of season. The journals and diaries of these early men reveal to us a remarkable story of energy and of self-sacrificing devo- tion to the work which they had in hand; that their labors were abimdantly blessed and that they exercised a great influence over the course of early history is amply evidenced. Under their ministrations hundreds, and even thousands, of men and women were changed in their lives ; received something of inspira- tion and uplift; schools were fomided by them and the beginning of culture, as well as of religion, were made imder their direction. Many of these early ministers were educated men. They brought with them a knowledge of the world and they brought, also, the first libraries within the state. The example of their devotion and earnestness of purpose was contagions. The great religious denomina- tions now within the state owe to the memory of these early pioneer preachers a debt which it is impossible for them to pay. It should not be forgotten, either, that not only do the churches owe to them a debt ; the state as a state is equally under obligations to them. If intelligence and morality are the twin pillars on which popular government rests, then these men who so largely contrib- uted, not only to morality but also to the spread of education and the increase of intel- ligence, certainly deserve well at the hands of all the people in the state. CHAPTER XIV NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE Time and Area — Unique Among Earthquakes — Contemporary Accounts Mentioned — The Scene Described — Direction of the Shocks — Size op Affected Area — Character OP Disturbances — Small Loss op Life Explained — A Death from Fright — Persons Drowned — Appearance op the Air — Vapors — Lights and Glows — Earth Changes — Fissures — Lignite — Areas op Surface Raised — Sunk-Lands — Observations Made by Lyell — Distribution op Sunk-Lands — Effect on Timber — Expulsion of Material prom the Earth — Water-Sand — Sand Blows — Sand-Sloughs — Sinks — Suggested Causes — Contemporary Accounts — Mrs. Eliza Bryan — Long — Bradbury — Flint — Faux — LeSieur — Col. John Shaw — Letter of an Unknown Writer — Long — Nuttall — Flagg — Former Drainage as Described by LeSieur — -Government Assistance to Suf- ferers — The New Madrid Claims — DeLisle vs. State of Missouri — Loss of Popula- tion. On the night of December 15, 1811, there occurred the first of a series of severe earth- quake shocks in the region about New Bladrid, which caused great suffering and distress among the inhabitants, changed the surface of the earth in places, and resulted in the de- population of parts of the region affected. This earthquake has been the subject of much contention among historians and scientists. and has recently been made the subject of much careful study. Myron L. Fuller, a member of the United States Geological Survey, has given as much time and study to the phenomena of the New Madrid earthquake as any other person. In 1912 the Geological Survey issued a bulletin by Mr. Fuller, entitled "The New Madrid Earthquake." His introductory statement is as follows : ' ' The succession of shocks desig- nated collectively the New Madrid earthquake occurred in an area of the central Mississippi valley, including southeastern Missouri, north- eastern Arkansas, and we.stern Kentucky and Tennessee. Beginning December 16, 1811, and lasting more than a year, these shocks have not been surpassed or even equaled for number, continuance of disturbance, area affected, and severity by the more recent and better-known shocks at Charleston and San Francisco. As the region was almost unsettled at that time relatively little attention was paid to the phenomenon, the published ac- counts being few in number and incomplete in details. For these reasons, although scientific literature in this country and in Europe has given it a place among the great earthquakes of the world, the memory of it has lapsed from the public mind." Shaler, writing of the earthquake in 1869, said: "The occurrence of such a shock in a 212 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 213 region like the Mississippi valley, on the bor- ders of a great river, is probably laiiprece- dented in the history of earthquakes. * * * Many of the events of that convulsion were without a parallel. Scientifically this earth- quake may be regarded as a type, exhibiting in unusual detail the geologic effects of great disturbances upon imconsolidated deposits. For this reason its phenomena have an im- portance which, in the absence of any previous systematic discussion, warrants detailed con- sideration." It is the intention here to give as full an account of the earthquake itself as collected from contemporary accoimts as is possible, and a description of the condition of the lands affected by the shocks. It is fortunate that there are in existence a number of accounts written by eye wit- nesses, some of them being scientific men and some others, men of education and train- ing. Perhaps the best known scientist who felt the shocks and described them, was the great naturalist, John James Audubon, who at the time was in Kentucky. John Brad- bury, an English botanist, was on a keel boat on the Mississippi river a few miles below New Madrid; the expedition of Major Long was passing through the region on its way from Pittsburgh to the Rocky moimtains; L. Bringier, an engineer and surveyor, was on the scene of the shocks; and Captain Roose- velt was on board a steamer going down the river. Besides these men of scientific train- ing who were on the scene, there were others at a somewhat greater distance who made a record of the shocks, among them being Dan- iel Drake at Cincinnati and Jared Brooks at Louisville ; while S. L. Mitchill, a well known geologist and member of congress, collected all the available information about the earth- quakes. It was fortunate, too, that the scene was visited by Timothy Flint, a Presbyterian minister and a writer on geography, and by Sir Charles Lyell the great English geologist. In addition to these there were accounts writ- ten by a number of other persons ; one of these accounts, that of Mrs. Eliza Bryan, is given in this chapter. Godfrey LeSieur, the former well-known citizen of New Madrid and a mem- ber of the famous French family that founded the town, was at the time at Little Prairie and has given a vivid and interesting account of his experiences ; this account is abbreviated in this chapter, also. Senator Lewis F. Linn was interested in the catastrophe and collected information concerning it which he made public in a letter containing a full account of the shocks. Besides all these there exist fragmentary statements from a number of other persons, so that contemporaiy accounts of events are reasonably full. A comparison of all these accounts discloses the fact that they are in reasonable accord in their description and the main facts con- cerning the earthquake shocks seem to rest on the concurring testimony of these wit- nesses. The night of December 15, 1811, was as quiet and iindisturbed during its early hours as any other of the hundreds of nights that had passed. There seems to have been nothing to give warning of any change im- pending. Some who wrote afterwards speak as if there was a peculiar condition of the air, but these accounts indicate only that it was probably damp and foggy weather. About 2 o'clock in the morning of December 16, the earth suddenly shook and vibrated with ter- rific force ; the houses, most of them built of logs, were greatly shaken, some of them being thrown into instant ruin. The inhabitants made their way as best they could out of 214 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOUEI their houses into the open. The shocks con- tinued; they were accompanied by low rum- bling sound ; the earth was thrown into waves like the waves of the sea ; this waving motion was so violent that it was impossible to stand or to walk. One man gives it that he at- tempted to return to the house for a member of the family who was sick; he was thrown down five or six times in attempting to walk a short distance owing to these waves. The crest of the waves was elevated some three or four feet above the usual level of the earth, forming long lines running from the south- west to tlie northeast, and having depressions between tliem ; some of these waves or swells burst, forming fissures in the earth some three to seven feet in width and extending to an unknown depth. These fissures were in some cases short, but others of them extended for miles. Out of the fissures thus formed there spouted great quantities of water, sand, and a kind of charcoal or lignite. In many cases there seems to have been a sort of gas having a sulphurous smell. The banks of the rivers fell into the stream owing to their being split off by these fissures. The quantities of earth carried into the river were very great, hun- dreds of trees being swept down into the stream. The shaking of the earth and the rising and falling of these swells or waves threw down whole forests and inclined many of the trees left standing at an angle. Some of the timber was split and much of it snapped off, as told by Mrs. Bryan. In places on the side of the high bluffs faalts were formed in the earth, resulting in occasional land slides; the surface of some areas seem to have been raised, while other areas were sunk several feet below their former level. In other places small craters were opened in the earth' from which spouted quantities of sand and water, the sand being deposited on top of the alluvium forming sand blows. The river itself was greatly agitated. In many places there were falls formed in it, due to the faulting of the surface ; these falls were in places six to eight feet in height and the pour- ing of the water of the streams over them produced tremendous and unusual soiuids. In other places the bottom of the river seems to have been raised, ponding water before these places so that the level of the river was raised several feet in a very short time. The waters receded from either .shore to the center of the river and were piled up there for a time, leaving boats stranded on the bare sands. In a moment the waves returned and washed up on the shore and out into the timber, carry- ing the boats with them. Through the de- pressions formed in the banks of the river great volumes of water made their way, cov- ering parts of the country to a depth of sev- eral feet. The falUng of trees into the river and the shaking loose from the bottom of thousands of logs previously accumulated, covered its whole surface with floating tim- bers ; the waters were agitated and churned into a foam so that it was almost impossible for a boat to live upon its surface. The in- habitants of the country were of course ex- ceedingly terrified by these things and even the wild animals and fowls were thrown into confusion and uttered cries of alarm. This shaking of the earth continued at intervals for more than a year, though the last severe shock of the series was felt on the 7th of February, 1812. The shaking was felt over great re- gions, extending to the lakes on the north and to the Atlantic seaboard on the ea.st, being observed in such widely separated places as Charleston, N. C. ; Cincinnati, Ohio; Savan- nah, Ga. ; St. Louis, Mo. ; Washington, D. C, and Pittsburgh, Pa. In all these places the shocks were violent and all of them were HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 215 noted as occurring about the same time as the shocks at New iladrid. The shocks seemed to travel from the south- west to the northeast, and a study of all the recorded evidence indicates that the center of the disturbance was within the alluvial re- gion. It is the opinion of Mr. Puller, who has made a careful study of the situation, that the line marking the center of disturbance extended from a point in New Madrid county just east of Parma, in a southwesterly direc- tion, crossing the sand ridge just east of Ken- nett, and ending south of St. Prancis lake in Arkansas.* The area affected, as we have said, was very large, including perhaps the east half of the United States. The smaller area in which there was an unusual earth disturbance char- acterized by sunken lands, fissures, sinks, sand-blows, etc., includes the New Mad- rid region as it is called, which extends from a point west of Cairo on the north to the lati- tude of Memphis on the south, a distance of more than 100 miles, and from Crowley's ridge on the west to the Chickasaw bluffs on the east, a distance of over 50 miles, the total area affected in this striking way being from 30,000 to 50,000 square miles. ~ It is not possible to give the number of shocks that were felt, bwt there were probably at least a hundred that could be detected without the use of instruments, a number of them being severe. Attempts have been made to determine the exact character of the disturbances that took place in the surface of the earth. Here de- pendence must be put upon the observations within the area of the great disturbances. It is difficult to reconcile the opinions of the different observers on this particular point differences arising, doubtless, from the diffi- *U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 494. Plate 1. culty experienced during the earthquake in observing and recording the facts as they actually existed; the feeling of terror was so great that it was almost a matter of impossi- bility to make accurate and exact observa- tions. The disturbances of the crust is .said by Bringier to have been like the blowing up of the earth accompanied by loud explosions.** Casseday says : "It seems as if the .surface of the earth was afloat and set in motion by a slight application of immense power and when this regular motion is moved by a sudden cross .shove all order is destroyed and a boiling action is produced, during the continuance of which the degree of violence is greatest and the scene most dreadful.*** Plint was told by other witnesses that the movement was an undulation of the earth resembling waves, increasing in elevation as they advanced, and when they had attained a certain fearful height the earth would burst, t This agrees with LeSieur's account also, and Haywood writes that the motions were undulating, the agitating surface quivering like the flesh of beef just killed, and the mo- tion progressed from west to east and was sometimes perpendicular, resembling a house rising and suddenly let fall to the ground.J Audubon, describing his experiences in Kentucky, says that the ground rose and fell in successive furrows like the ruffled waters of a lake ; the earth moved like a field of corn before the breeze. Tj This wave motion of the crust seems to have ** Bringier, American Jour, of Science, 1st se- ries. Vol. Ill (1821), p. 1546. *** Casseday, History of Louisville, p. 122. + Timothy Flint, Recollections of the Last Ten Years, p. 223. X Haywood, Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, p. 124. H Audubon, J. J., .Journal, Vol. II, p. 234. 216 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI been the most common form of disturbance though there were also certain vertical mo- tions which seem, however, not to have been so destructive as the wave motion. It is plainly evident that if these accounts of the waving of the earth are accurate the shocks must have been very severe and de- structive. That such was the case is amply evidenced by the testimony of men who visited the scene shortly afterward, Flint, who saw the country within a short time after the shocks, says: "The country exhibited a melancholy aspect of chasms, of sand covering the earth, of trees thrown down, or lying at an angle of 45 degrees, or split in the middle. The earthquakes still recurred at short inter- vals, so that the people had no confidence to rebuild good houses, or chimneys of brick."* One of the remarkable things connected with the earthquakees is that notwithstanding their very great violence, few people were killed. The inhabitants were very naturally greatly alarmed and for a time refused to live within their hovises, but they finally came to pay little or no attention to them. It seems that the earthquakes killed only one person by means of falling walls. This remarkable fact, when we compare the record of this earthquake with the record of other shocks which were possibly no more severe, is due to a number of circumstances. In the first place the country was very thinly settled. Within the whole New Madrid region as we have de- fined it, there were only a few hundred per- sons living. The character of the buildings also contributed to this escape from death. There were no brick or stone buildings; most of the houses were built of logs and were only one story in height. These log houses were strongly built and at the same time were elastic and fitted to give before the shook of • Flint, Eeeolleetions of the Last Ten Years. the earthquake. Then, too, the most severe shocks came after the people had gotten out of their hoiLses. Besides the person killed by the falling of a house, one woman died from the effects of fright. She was so terrified that .she ran until she was entirely exhausted and died.! A number of men seem to have been drowned, some of whom were in boats that were overthrowTi and sunk by the violence of the waves. And there were others who were drowned, it seems, by falling into the river from caving banks. Some men were drowned by the disappearance of Island No. 94 near Vicksburg. Broadhead saj-s: "They tied up at this island on the evening of the 15th of December, 1811. In looking around they found that a party of river pirates occupied part of the island and were expecting Sarpy with the intention of robbing him. As soon as Sarpy foimd that out he quietly dropped lower down the river. In the night the earth- quake came and next morning when the ac- companying haziness disappeared, the i.sland could no longer be seen. It had been quietly destroyed, as well as its pirate inhabitants." Having given some of the general features of the earthquake, of the effect upon the peo- ple living within the district, it is now intended to give a more particular account of some of the phenomena that accompanied the .shocks. Many of the okservers speak of the darlmess that accompanied the most severe disturbances. In the account of Eliza Bryan, given herewith, she speaks of the awful dark- ness of the atmosphere ; Godfrey LeSieur says a dense black cloud of vapor overshadowed the land. At Herculaneum it is said that the "air was filled with smoke or fog so that a boat could not be seen twenty paces, nor a house fifty feet away ; the air did not clear t Flint, Recollections of the Last Ten Years, p. 223. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 217 until the middle of the day after the shocks. ' '* At New Madrid it is said that at the time of the shock the air was clear but iii five min- utes it become very black and this darkness returned at each successive shock, t r Geologists have sought an explanation of this darkness and some have ascribed it to dust projected into the air by the agitation of the surface, the opening and closing of fis- sures in dry earth, land slides, and falling chimneys and buildings. Besides the dust it is probable that the water vapors coming from the warm water sent up from the cracks and small craters was condensed and helped to make the air foggy. The darkness observed in places outside of the earthquake area may very probably be ascribed to other causes than the earthquakes themselves ; perhaps to storms and clouds. Besides the darkness the shocks seem to have been accompanied by sulphurous or other ob- noxious odors and vapors. Mrs. Bryan speaks of the saturation of the atmosphere with sul- phurous vapors; other observers tell of sul- phur gas escaping through the cracks and tainting the air and even the water so that it was not fit for use. These vapors or odors were probably due to buried organic matter which had been covered by the alluviiim. Gas from this matter was released through the fissures and small craters formed by the earth- quake. Some accounts speak of the light flashes and glows in connection with the shocks. D — says that there issued no burning flames but flashes such as would result from an explosion of gas or of the passing of electricity from cloud to cloud, and Senator Linn says the * Mitchill, Trans. Lit. and Philos. Soc, New York. Vol. I. p. 291. t Mitchill, p. 297. shock was accompanied by flashes of electric- ity. Another observer says sparks of fire were emitted from the earth. Over all the affected area, indeed, there were reports of lights and flashes like lightning about the time of the earthquake shocks. It is not possible to accoimt for these lights and glows in any satisfactory way. Some have doubted their presence at all, but they are mentioned by so many observers as to make it difficult to deny their existence alto- gether. They might possibly have been light- ning accompanying storms. There .seems to be no good reason for ascribing them to burn- ing gas. The suggestion has been made by some that the light was due to magnetic dis- turbances and was perhaps of electrical char- acter. One of the phenomena accompanying the earthquakes and one of the mosst noticeable of all, was the noise. This noise was remarked by many persons. Among the quotations given from contemporary accounts, a number speak of the tremendous sounds terrifying in their nature, Haywood says : "A murmuring noise, like that of fire disturbed by the blow- ing of a bellows, issued from the pores of the earth ; a distant rumbling was heard almost without intermission and sometimes seemed to be in the air." (Haywood, Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee.) Senator Linn compares the sounds to those produced by a discharge of one thousand pieces of artil- lery and says also that hi.ssing sounds accom- panied the throwing out of the water from the crevices. Flint says the sounds of the ordi- nary shocks were like distant tlumder, but that the vertical shocks were accompanied by explosions and terrible mixture of noises. Mrs. Bryan speaks of the "awful noises re- sembling loud and distant thunder but more hoarse and vibrating." The noise of the escap- 218 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI I. ing water is compared to the escape of steam from a boiler by some of the observers. Au- dubon speaks of the sound as if it were "the distant rumbling of a violent tornado," while Bradbury mentions the fact that he "was awakened by a tremendous noise" and noticed the fact that the sound which was heard at the time of every shock always preceding it at least a second and uniformly came from the same point and went off in the opposite direc- tion. Other observers describe the sound in dif- ferent ways. One said "'when the shocks came on the stones on the surface. of the earth were agitated by a tremulous motion, like eggs in a frying pan, and made a noise similar to that of the wheels of a wagon in a pebbly road." Others speak of the sound as resem- bling a blaze of fire acted upon by the wind, or the wind rushing through the trees, or a carriage passing along the street, or distant thmider. P Tlie effects of the earthquake on the surface of the earth itself may be summed up as con- sisting of fissures, sand-blows, a rising of parts of the earth and sinking of other portions, faulting of the crust and in some cases land slides. One of the most common of these phenomena was fissuring; the earth waves which we have described as accompanying the shocks burst in many cases, leaving a fissure, some of these as long as five miles. This was an estimate made by LeSieur ; others mention fissures 600 or 700 feet long and 20 to 30 feet wide.* Flint says that some of the fi.ssures were wide enough to swallow horses or cattle, t He also says that people fell into these fissures and were gotten out with great diffi- * Foster, The Mississippi Valley, p. 19. t Flint, Eeeollections of the Last Ten Years, p. 226. culty. In some instances the inhabitants felled trees crosswise of the fissures and took refuge on their trunks to prevent being swal- lowed up. Out of these fissures there were ejected quantities of water and sand; mixed with the sand in many cases were particles of coal or lignite. This lignite seems to have been a feature of the sand which was thrown out from the fissures, and much of it is still to be found in many places throughout the district. ]\Iost of the contemporary accounts speak of it as "carbonized wood" or lignite. The material seen by Lyell near New IMadrid is described in one place as bituminous coaly shale (clay), such as outcrops in the river bank and is found in shallow wells 35 feet or so below the surface and in another as lignite. The best description of its behavior on combustion is given by Mitchill, who ex- amined samples submitted by a correspondent. I found it very inflammable ; it consumed with a bright and vivid blaze. A copious smoke was emitted from it, whose smell was not at all sulphurous, but bituminous in a high de- gree. Taken out of the fire in its ignited and burning state, it did not immediately become extinct, but continued to burn until it was consi;med. "While blowed upon, instead of being deadened it became brighter by the blast. The ashes formed during the combus- tion were of a whitish color and when put into water imparted to it the quality of turn- ing to a green the blue corolla of a phlox whose juice was subjected to its action Some specimens of the lignite matter were coated with a whitish or yellowish substance, suggesting sulphur, but it was probably the sulphate of iron common in lignite and cer- tain coals. Wood not lignitized was also re- ported by some observers.^ Another form of fissure seems to have been formed only near banks of streams ; the por- t IT. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 46. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 219 tioii of the alluvial soil between the fissure and the stream bank moved in the direction of the stream and left a considerably larger fis- sure than would otherwise have been formed. All these fissures of both characters extend in the general direction of the earthciuake shocks. To understand their formation and also to account for the depth to which they extended, it must be remembered that practically all of the country affected by the earthquake is underlain at a depth of 10 to 20 feet by quick- sand and that over this quicksand is a coating of alluvial soil consisting at the top of loam and then of layers of sand and clay alternat- ing. The fissures opened out usually to the layers of quicksand, a depth of 10 to 20 feet. There are numbers of these fissures still to be seen. They have been partly filled by the action of the weather and by blowing in of leaves. When Lyell visited the New Madrid region in 1849 he saw a number of fissures still open, some of which he followed continuously for over a mile. They ranged in depth from five to six feet and from two to four feet in width. Lyell also saw' a fault produced by the earth- quake near Bayou St. John east of New Mad- rid, where the descent was eight to ten feet. Puller says that at Beechwell, northeast of Campbell in Dunklin county, is a fine fissure filled with sand. Pieces of lignite and shaly clay were seen in the trench, which appears to have been pvishecl diagonall.y upward into the clay alluvium, but not with sufficient force at least on one side, to break through.* He also gives an account of various fissures seen by him near Caruthersville, near Blythes- ville, and many of them across the Arkansas line. They are also to be seen east of the Mississippi river. These fissures in many cases were partly, if * U. S. Oeolosrical Survey, Bulletin 404. p. .54. not entirely, filled. This was caused by the caving in of banks or walls and also by the pushing up of material from below. As the walls of the fissure opened, sand and water below the alluvium were pushed up, in some eases overflowed the walls of the fissure. It seems evident, too, that many of these cracks or fissures did not extend entirely to the sur- face of the earth but were stopped before reaching it. Into these cracks sand was forced up from below, filling the cracks and forming what geologists term a dike. These dikes are sometimes seen in the digging of wells or cellars and take the form of a narrow streak of sand pressed in between the other mate- rials. Thomas Beckwith of Charleston photo- graphed a remarkable dike of this character in Mississippi county, f Besides these fissures there were also formed what geologists term "faults" in the surface, though these were nothing like so common as the fissures. It was probably due to these that falls were formed in the Mississippi river, the faults running crosswise of the channel. Sev- eral accounts speak of these falls, some of them being as much as six feet in height and extending entirely across the river. No other effect of the earthquake has caused so much discussion or so wide a difference of opinion as that effect which geologists call ' ' warping, ' ' a term used to include the rising of part of the crust and the depression of other parts. The accounts given by several of those who witnessed the shocks speak of the uplifting of parts of the surface of the earth. In the accoimt of Mrs. Bryan it is said that the beds of some ponds were lifted up so that the ponds were drained and their former beds raised several feet. A. N. Dillard says : ' ' Previous to the earthquake keel boats would come up the St. Francois river and t U. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 494, plate 3. 220 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI pass into the Mississippi river three miles be- low New Madrid; the bayou is now dry laud."*' Others mention the terrible depression in the river, which was probably due to the up- lift of part of its bed. "" j\Iore general and much more important, probably so far as Southeast Missouri is con- cerned, were the effects of the earthquake in producing a depression of the surface. Fuller divides the lands which were depressed and which are characterized as sunk lands, into three divisions — the first, those marked by sand-sloughs ; second, those characterized by river swamps, and third, those covered by lakes of standing water. The sand-sloughs are broad, shallow sloughs generally of considerable length, several feet in depth and marked by well defined ridges covered by extruded sand and interspersed with depressions, in which the timber has been killed by standing water. The river swamps include the depressed areas along certain of the streams, the level of which is such that water stands over them for considerable periods but does not cover them so deep as to prevent the growth of timber. They are, therefore, characterized by wet-land timber, most of which is young growth. Often the stumps of characteristic upland varieties of trees killed by the sub- sidence may be seen. The sunk-land lakes are broad, shallow and essentiallj' permanent bodies of water occiu*- ring in depressions of the bottom lands near the ]\Iississippi and other streams or along the depressed channels of streams like the St. Francois, t The amoimt of depression caused by the earthquakes varied in different localities from * Foster, The Mississippi Valley, p. 9. t IT. S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 494, p. 65. two to probably twenty feet. According to Fuller the sunk lands are limited to the flat bottom lands in Mississippi, Little and St. Francois rivers. The testimony of those who were present is that the land where New i\Iadrid now stands subsided fifteen feet. Lyell, who visited the region in 1846, when the evidences were much clearer than at pres- ent, says: "The largest area affected by the convulsions lies eight or ten miles westward of the Mississippi and inland from the town of New Madrid, in ]\Iissouri. It is called the 'sunk country' and is said to extend along the course of the White Water (Little river?) and its tributaries for a distance of between 70 and 80 miles north and south and 30 miles or more east and west. Throughout this area innumerable submerged trees — some standing leafless, others prostrate — are seen, and so great is the extent of the lake and marsh that an active trade in the .skins of muskrats, minks, otters and other wild animals is now carried on there. In March, 1846, I skirted the borders of the simk country nearest to New ]\Iadrid, passing along the Bayou St. John and Little Prairie, where dead trees of various kinds — some erect in the water, others fallen and strewed in dense masses over the bottom, in the shallows and near the shore — were conspicuous." (Lyell.) Farther south similar conditions existed. Dillard says: "I have trapped there (in the region of the St. Francois) for thirty years. There is a great deal of siuiken land caused by the earthquake of 1811. There are large trees of walnut, white oak and mulberry, such as grow on high land, which are now seen submerged ten and twenty feet beneath the water. In some of the lakes I have seen cypresses so far beneath the surface that with a canoe I have paddled among the branches." HISTOKY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 221 According to the map published by the United States geological survey in 1912, the principal areas of depression due to the earth- quake which are to be found in Southeast Missouri are as follows: The low land lying south of Morley and on both sides of the Sikeston ridge, two narrow strips between Sikeston and Charleston, a part of the valley of Little river lying west of Lilbourn, a small area northwest of Hayti and another similar area lying south of Hayti, the bed of Little river south of the crossing on the Frisco be- tween Hayti and Kennett, the section called Lake Nicormy and extending south of Big lake, a large section lying east and south of Maiden, the section west of Maiden known as "West Slough and extending as far as Chillete- caux Slough, a large part of the valley of Buffalo creek, the sloughs lying between Buf- falo creek and the St. Francois river includ- ing Seneca and Kinnamore, the bed of Varner river, and a part of the valley of the St. Francois west and south of Kennett. These are the principal areas of land submerged at the time of the earthquake in Southeast Mis- souri. Other large areas are to be found in Craighead and Green counties in Arkansas and include the territory about Lake City and the St. Francis lake. In some places the sinking was enough to cause the land to be covered with water dur- ing the entire year. This resulted in the death of the timber. Some of this was timber found only on high land. The stumps are still to be seen. In many places the remains of these old trees are still to be seen, sometimes stand- ing up above the water and in other cases entirely submerged. The writer remembers to have seen the bed of Little river, east of Hornersville, at a time of low water, when the stumps of hundreds of trees were visible, showing conclusivelv that this channel of the river was at one time much higher land. Its level was in all probability changed by the earthquake and the timbers killed by the incoming of the water. At other places throughout the submerged region old cypress trees are to be found grow- ing in the water, having still a feeble, linger- ing life in them, although the large bole at the root of the tree which is characteristic of the cypress, is entirely submerged. Some of these old trees were at Coker Landing on Little river and at many other places along that stream. The sinking of the land is evidenced not alone by the existence of the stumps and trunks of trees killed by the water, but also by the existence of parts of the old banks of Little river. It was said by the inhabitants of the section before the earthquake, that the territory now known as Little river swamps, extending from within New Madrid coimty to within Dunklin county, was formerly a level plain covered with timber, but not a swamp ; and that through this level plain Little river made its way, a stream with high banks and a well defined channel. That this was the case seems to be showTi by the fact that at a num- ber of places along the course of Little river there are still to be seen parts of these high banks. Throughout the greater part and course of the river it spreads out over im- mense territory, with scarcely anything to define its banks ; but at places there are seen what are believed to be the remains of its former banks. One other effect of the earthquake on the land is still to be described, and that is the forcing out upon tlie surface of water, sand, mud and gas. Bringier says the water forced its way by blowing up the earth with loud explosions. "It rushed out in all quar- ters bringing with it enormous quantities of 222 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI carbonized wood reduced mostly into dust, which was ejected to the height of 10 and 15 feet and fell in a black shower mixed with the sand which its rapid motion had forced along. At the same time the roar and whis- tling produced by the impetuosity of the air escaping from its confinement seemed to in- crease the horrible disorder. * * * i^ the meantime the surface was sinking and a black liquid was rising to the saddle-girths of my horse."* Great quantities of this water were thrown out. Flint says that the amount ejected in the neighborhood of Little Prairie was suffi- cient to cover a tract many miles in extent from three to four feet deep. Some districts were still covered when he saw them seven years after the earthquake.! Out of the fissures and small craters there was blown, along with other material of vari- ous kinds, great quantities of sand, which eame from below the strata of clay which underlies the alluvial top soil of the district. It was in this sand that the lignite was prin- cipally contained. The sand thus ejected formed the sand blows characteristic of part of the New Madrid area. The name seems to have been given them from the fact that the sand was blown out of the craters or fissures. The ordinary sand blow is a patch of sand nearly circular in shape, from 8 to 15 feet across, and a few inches higher than the .surroimding soil. Some of them are much larger and many of them are not circular. The material contained in the sand blows is a white quartz sand, mixed in some cases with clay, and in nearly all cases with lignite. These sand blows at the present time are * Bringier, Amer. Jour, of Science, 1st Series, Vol. Ill, p. 15. + Flint, Eeeollections of the Last Ten Years, p. 222. found scattered over a considerable part of the area covered by the- earthquake. They da not occur, however, in all parts of it. They are not found immediately along the river nor seldom upon the domes or wplifts previ- ously described. ]\Iany of them are to be found in the neighborhood of New Madrid, along the railroad leading to Campbell, about Campbell, in the neighborhood of Lilbourn and Portageville. There are also many be- tween Hayti and Caruthersville, and about Pascola. and some are found on the ridge extending south from Dexter, especially in the southern part of Dunklin county. The origin of these sand blows, as we have said, seems fairly evident. Out of the cracks opened in the alluvial top soil was forced sand and water in the form of a fountain and the sand was distributed over a .small area about this crack. Besides the sand blows there are certain depressions three to five feet in depth bor- dered on either side by ridges of sand parallel with one another, which are called sand sloughs. Some of these sloughs are wide and they are found only in the lower lands of the district. It has been considered by some stu- dents that they were formed at the time of the earthquake. The fissures which were opened were in many cases large, and out of them were forced enormous quantities of sand, which was piled in ridges coinciding in part with the sides of the fissures and spread over the area between them, helping to form the channel now Imown as a sand slough. Of the phenomena of the earthquake among the most interesting are the sinks still to be seen in some places of the earthquake area. They are perhaps the most conspicuous of all the evidences of the shocks and perhaps the rarest. They are circular depressions in the alluvium originally from a few feet up to fifteen yards or more in diameter, and from HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 223 5 to 30 feet in depth. Lyell gives this account oi the cavities which he saw at Xew Madrid : "Hearing that some of these cavities still existed near the town, I went to see one of them, three-quarters of a mile to the west- ward. There I found a nearly circular hol- low, 10 yards wide and 5 feet deep, with a smaller one near it, and I observed, scattered about over the surrounding level ground, fragments of black bitiuninous shale, with much white sand. Within a distance of a few hundred yards were five more of these sand- bursts, or sand blows, as they are sometimes termed here, and rather more than a mile farther west, near the house of Mr. Savors, my guide pointed out to me what he called 'the sink hole where the negi'o was drowned.' It is a striking object, interrupting the regu- larity of a flat plain, the sides very steep and 28 feet deep from the top to the water's edge. The water now standing in the bottom is said to have been originally verj^ deep, but has grown shallow by the washing in of sand and the crumbling of the bank caused by the feet of cattle coming to drink. I was assured that many wagon loads of matter were cast up out of this hollow, and the cjuantity must have been considerable to account for the void; yet the pieces of lignite and the quantity of sand now heaped on the level plain near its borders would not suffice to fill one-tenth part of the cavity. Perhaps a part of the ejected substance may have been swallowed up again and the rest may have been so mixed with water as to have spread like a fluid over the soil." Bringier says: "The whole surface of the country remained covered with holes which, to compare small things with gi'eat, resembled so many craters of volcanoes surrounded with a ring of carbonized wood and sand, which rose to the height of about seven feet. I had occasion a few months after to sound the depth of several of these holes and found them not to exceed 20 feet ; but I must remark the quicksand had washed into them." Perhaps the most noticeable of these sinks still to be found in the earthquake region are along the west side of the Little river bottoms. Just east of the town of Caruth in Diuiklin eoimty there are a number of these sinks well defiaied in portions and still known to the inhabitants as having been caused by the earthquake shocks. They exist, of course, in other parts of the section, but are not numer- ous. It is difficult to determine exactly how they were cavised, but in all probability were the result of the forcing out of large quanti- ties of sand through the cracks in the allu- vium, or through the sinking away of the sand at the bottom into the nearby bed of some stream. It must be remembered that the sand was in a semi-fluid condition and would easily flow away through a crack opened in the bank of a stream. Various conjectures as to the cause of these shocks have been suggested. A few persons at the time advanced the idea that they were caused by volcanic action. This idea was rejected, however, by those acquainted with the country, owing to the absence of any indi- cation of volcanic action. Another opinion was that they were due to disturbances in the moiuitains to the west. Some have thought the earthquakes were caused by some change taking place in the alluvial soil itself; they have suggested the caving of the banks of the river, the filling in of imderground caverns, the explosion of masses of gas and oil. The quotation of Nut- tall in another place refers to the earthquake 224 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI as caused bj' the decomposition of beds of lignite near the level of the river and filled with pyrites. It is sufficient to point out in an analj'sis of these suggested causes that they are entirely inadequate to accoiuit for the violence of the shocks and especially for the wide area over which they were felt. The caving of the banks of the river, no matter how extensive, could have affected the soil for only a few feet, and no explosion of gas could have shaken the western half of the United States. In fact, no disturbance of any character what- ever, taking place within the alluvial soil, could have been eommimicated through the Appalachian mountains to the east coast. There seems to be but one alternative and that is to suppose the earthquakes to have been caused by a movement not in the alluvial soil but in the underlying rocks, which extend not only imder the alluvium but also throughout the eastern half of the coiuitrj'. Faulting or other disturbances in these underlying rocks, no matter where originating, might have been communicated to any part of the country. Such movement seems on tlie w'hole to be the most probable origin of these tremendous dis- turbances. There follow the accounts of a number of persons who witnessed the scenes of the earth- quakes or studied them shortly afterward. They are given in order to preserve as many as possible of the facts of that time. The first of these is a letter written in 1816 by Mrs. Eliza Bryan, who at the time of the shock was at New Madrid. New Madrid, Territory of Missouri, March 22, 1816. On the 16th of December, 1811. about 2 o'clock a. m., we were visited bv a violent shock of an earthciuake, accompanied by a very awful noise resembling loud, distant thunder, but more hoarse and vibrating, which was followed in a few minutes by a complete saturation of the atmosphere with sulphurous vapor, causing total darkness. The screams of the affrighted inhabitants running to and fro, not knowing where to go or what to do ; the cries of the fowls and beasts of every species; the cracking of trees falling, and the roaring of the Mississippi, the current of which retrograded for a few min- utes, owing as is supposed to an eruption in its bed, all formed a scene truly horrible. From that time until nearly simrise a number of lighter shocks occurred, at which time one still more violent than the first took place, with the same accompaniments as the first, and the terror which had been excited in everyone, and indeed in all animal nature, was now, if possible, doubled. The inhabitants tied in every direction to the country, suppos- ing that there was less danger at a distance from than near the river. There were several shocks of a day, but lighter than those mentioned, until the 23d of Januaiy, 1812, when one occurred as vio- lent as the severest one of the former ones, accompanied by the same phenomena as the former. From this time until the 4th of February the earth was in continual agitation, visibly waving as a gentle sea. On that day there was another shock nearly as hard as the preceding ones. Next day four shocks, and on the 7th about 4 o'clock a. m., a concussion took place so much more violent than those which had preceded it that it was denominated the hard .shock. The awful darkness of the atmosphere, which was as formerly saturated with sulphurous vapor, and the violence of the tempestuous thundering noise that accom- panied it. together with all the otlier phenom- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 225 ena mentioned, formed a scene the description of which required the most sublimely fanciful imagination. At first the Mississippi seemed to recede from its banks and its waters gath- ered up like a moimtaiu, leaving for a moment many boats on the bai-e sand, in which time the poor sailors made their escape from them. It was then .seen rising fifteen or twenty feet perpendicularly and expanding, as it were, at the same moment, the banks were overflowed with a retrograde current rapid as a torrent. The boats which before had been left on the sand were now torn from their moorings and suddenly driven up a creek at the mouth of which they laid, to the distance in some in- stances of nearly a quarter of a mile. The river falling as rapidly as it had risen, receded within its banks again with such violence that it took with it whole groves of young cotton- wood trees which hedged its borders. They were broken off with such regularity in some instances that persons who had not witnessed the fact would be with difficulty persuaded that it had not been the work of art. A great many fish were left on the banks, being unable to keep pace with the water; the river was covered with the wrecks of boats. In all the hard shocks mentioned the earth was horribly torn to pieces; the surface of hundreds of acres was from time to time cov- ered over, of various depths, by sand which issued from the fissures which were made in great numbers all over this country, some of which closed up immediately after they had vomited forth their sands and water; in some places, however, there was a substance some- what resembling coal or impure stone coal thrown up with the sands. It is impossible to .say what the depth of the fissures or irregular breaks were; we have reason to believe that some of them are very deep. The site of this town was evidently settled down fifteen feet. Vol. I— 1 5 and not more than half a mile below the town there does not appear to be any alteration on the bank of the river, but back from the river a short distance the numerous large ponds, or lakes, as they were called, were nearly all dried up. The beds of some of them are ele- vated above their former banks several feet, and lately it has been discovered that a lake was formed on the opposite side of the Missis- sippi river in the Indian coimtry upwards of one hundred miles in length and from one to six miles in width, of the depth of from ten to fifty feet. It has connection with the river at both ends and it is conjectured the princi- pal part of the Mississippi river will pass that way. "We were constrained by the fear of our houses falling to live twelve or eighteen months after the first shocks in little light camps made of boards; but we gradually be- came callous and returned to our houses again. Most of them who fled from the country in time of the hard shocks have returned home. We have slight shocks occasionallj^. It is seldom we are more than a week without feel- ing one and sometimes three or four in a day. There were two this winter past much harder than we have felt them for two years before. Since, they appear to be lighter, and v>'e begin to hope that ere long they will entirely cease. There is one circumstance worthy of re- mark; this country was subject to very hard thunder, but for twelve months before the earthquake there was none at all, and but very little since. Your humble servant, Eliza Bryan.* Long says that the Missouri Indians be- lieved earthquakes to be the effort of a supe- rior agency connected with the immediate operations of the Master of Life. The earth- *Le Sieur, in New Madrid Eeeord. October 4, 1892. 226 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI quakes which in the year 1811 almost de- stroyed the town of New Madrid on the Missis- sippi, were very sensibly felt on the upper portion of the Missouri country and occa- sioned much superstitious dread among the Indians.* Bradbury, who at the time of the earth- cjuake was on a keel boat not far south of the Chickasaw bluffs, says that on the night of the first shock they had tied their boat to a small island about 500 yards above the en- trance to the channel known as the Devil's channel. He was awakened about 10 o'clock in the uight by a nmst tremejidous noise ac- companied by so violent an agitation of the boat that it appeared in danger of upsetting. He found the other four men on the boat in verj' great alarm and almost luiconscious from terror. "When he reached the deck of the boat and could see the river he foimd it agitated as if by storm and although the noise was inconceivably loud and terrific, he could dis- tinctly hear the fall of trees and the scream- ing of the wild fowl of the river. After some moments, during which all on the boat thought they would be destroyed, they made their way to the stern of the boat in order to put out a fire which had been kindled on the flat surface of a large rock. By this time the shock had ceased, but they were further frightened by the fact that the perpendicular banks, both above and below the boat, began to fall into the river in such vast masses as to nearly sink the boat by the large swells which it occasioned. After some difficulty he managed to send two men up the bank of the island to which they were moored to see if the island itself had not been cut in two by the shock; they had suspected this was the fact, owing to the noise which they had heard. Bradburj^ him- self went on shore at about half past two in * Long Journal, p. 57. the morning; just as he was making his way to the shore another shock came, terrible in- deed, but not equal to the first. On reaching the shore he found that the bank to which his boat was tied was divided from the rest of the island by a chasm four feet in width and that the bank itself had sunk at least two feet ; the chasm which had opened seemed to be about 80 yards in length. A number of other shocks were felt during the uight but they were not so violent as the first two. It was noticed that the soiuid which was heard at the time of eveiw shock always preceded it at least a sec- ond ■•nul that the sound came every time from the same point and went off in an opposite direction ; the shocks seemed to travel from a little north of east to the westward. By day- light they had eomited twenty-seven shocks but on lauding they were unable to cross the channel, the river at that time was covered with foam and drift timber and had risen con- siderably, but the boat was still safe. They observed two canoes floating down the river, in one of which there was some Indian corn and some clothes. They found later that the men who had been in these canoes, as well as some others, had been drowned at the time of the shock. Just as they loosened the boat, preparing to depart, there came another shock almost equal to the first. At intervals during the day there were other shocks, among them a very strong one occurred, and the river was very greatly agi- tated. Mr. Bridge, one of Bradbury's com- panions, was standing on the bank during one of these and the shock was so violent that he was almost thrown into the river. At 11 o'clock that morning there came an- other violent shock that seemed to affect the men in the boat as seriously as if tliey had been on the land ; the trees on both sides of the river were violently agitated and the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 227 banks iu sevxTal places fell into the river, carrying with them innumerable trees. The soimds were very terrifying ; the crash of fall- ing timber, the sound of the shock itself, and the screaming of the wild fowl produced an idea that all nature was in a state of dissolu- tion. The river was greatly agitated, so much so, in fact, that Bradbury's companions re- fused to remain in the boat though he himself was of the opinion that it was much safer there than on the land. The shocks continued from day to daj^ until the 17th. They found the people on the river to be very much alarmed, many of them having fled away, and those that remained were very anxious to do so. Bradbury was told by some of them that a chasm had opened on the sand bar and on closing had thrown water to the height of a tall tree and that chasms had opened in the earth in several places back from the river.* Flint, on visiting America in 1818, wrote an account of the New Madrid earthquake as reported to him at that time: "During the year 1812 two considerable shocks and many lesser vibrations were observed. It appeared that the center from which the convulsions proceeded were in the vicinity of New IMadrid. At that place a dreadful commotion prevailed in December, 1812 ; the trees beat upon one another and were either twisted or broken, the site of the town subsided about eight feet, many acres of land sunk and were overflowed by the river and the water rushed in torrents from crevices opened in the land, boats were sunk and simk logs of timber were raised from the bottom in such quantities that almost cov- ered the surface of the river, and that at slight intervals of a few days slight vibrations were felt to the present time. Many of the people deserted their possessions and retreated to * Bradbury's Travels, p. 204. the ilissouri where lands were granted them by congress.** Faux quotes a man who lived in Ohio and whom he visited in 1818, as follows: "It shook people out of their beds, knocked down brick chimneys and made old log houses crack and rattle. On the ]\Iississippi, too, the con- vulsive motion of the water was truly awful, running and rising mountains high and the solid land on the high banks was seen in an imdulated agitation like the waters of the sea. New IMadrid siuik down several feet, the land, however, in many parts aroimd this town, is covered with w-ater.f From the proceeds of the land granted to him on account of the New Madrid earth- quake, August Chouteau established the first distillery in St. Louis.$ LeSieur says that at the time of the earth- quake there was living on a bayou called Terre Rouge, one of the tributaries of Pemis- cot bayou, a man by the name of Culberson. The bayou at that point formed a short curve or elbow and on the point was Culberson's house; between the house and the extreme point was his well and smoke house. On the morning of the 16th of December, 1811, just after a hard shock had subsided, Mrs. Culber- son started to the well for water and to the smoke house for meat, and discovered that they were on the opposite side of the river; the shock had opened a new channel across the point between the house and the welL^I In 1871 Professor Hager asked Mr. LeSieur certain questions concerning this earthquake and these answers, which shed some light on the situation, are reproduced here: "First — - ** Flint, Letters from America, p. 246. t Faux, Journal, p. :i80. t Early Western Travel, Vol. IV, p. 138. 11 LeSieur in Weekly Record, Oct. 4, 1893. 228 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI That earthquakes in this region of country mentioned in my former communications were never known, nor are there any signs left on the surface of the earth as in that of 1811 and 1812, to indicate that there had ever been any. And in many conversations had with the old men of several tribes — Shawnees, Delawares and Cherokees — all said they had no tradi- tionary account that earthquakes had ever visited the country before. ' ' Second — With regard to the charcoal men- tioned, it may be the kind you mention (alber- tine, or solidified asphaltum). The peculiar odor of the coal induced the belief that it was impregnated with sulphur, yet it may have been the odor of petroleum. Its smell was unlmown to us at that period. "Third — The water thrown up during the eruption of the ' land waves ' was luke warm ; so warm, indeed, as to produce no chilly sen- sation while wading and swimming through it. Since the year 1812 the shakes have been of frequent occurrence, appearing at intervals and not periodical, and seemingly growing less every j'ear. "Fourth — It would be difficult to say with any degree of certainty how high the water, coal and sand were thrown up. The numer- ous fissures opened were of different sizes, some twelve to fifteen feet wide, while others were not over four or five feet ; by guess I would say the waters, etc., thrown up were from six to ten feet high. Besides these long and narrow fissures the water, sand and coal were thrown out to a considerable height in a circular form, leaving large and deep basins, some of them one hundred yards across and sufficiently deep to retain water during the driest seasons." (LeSieur, M'eekly Tlccord.) In order to arrive- at some conclusion as to the general and permanent effects of the shocks on the level and the drainag^i of the country, a description is here inserted of the drainage of the section before the earthquakes. The account as given is condensed from tlie articles written in 1893 by Mr. Godfrey Le- Sieur and published in the Weekly Record of New Madrid. ]Mr. LeSieur was familiar with the country and understood the system of drainage. It should be borne in mind that he is describing the streams and lakes as they were before the shocks. St. James Bayou had its source zn Scott count}' near the southern limit of the Scott County hills and flowed south through Scott, Mississippi and a part of New Madrid coun- ties. It received its waters from cypress ponds and lakes, principally those in Missis- sippi county. It emptied into the Mississippi river about ten miles northeast of New Madrid. St. John's bayou, which was from ten to fifteen miles west of St. James, flowed parallel to it. It received its waters from lakes and also from connection with Little river just south of the present town of Benton. This bayou was about forty miles long and emptied into the river at the east side of the town of New Madrid. Eight miles above its mouth it received East bayou. At the point where these two join, the Spaniards, during their occupation of the country, built a water mill, and on a branch of St. John's called Little bayou, which connected with the river, the French built a mill in about 1790. This mill site and, indeed, the entire bayou has dis- The "Personal Narrative of Col. John Shaw the year 1855, gives an accoimt of the New of Marquette County, Wisconsin," contained Madrid earthquake of 1811 and 1812: "While in the second annual report and collections of lodging about thirty miles north of New the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, for Madrid, on the 14th of December, 1811, about HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 229 appeared, having been carried away by the river. Both of these bayous, St. James and St. John's, were named by Francois and Jo- seph LeSieur. The next stream east of St. John's bayou was Little river, called by the French Eiviere Petite. It was about seven miles west of New Madrid. About eight miles above New Mad- rid it flowed for a distance of a mile from a ledge strewn with boulders of bog ore. It received the following tributaries from the east: Otter bayou, which drained the lakes in the north part of the district ; the Decypri, a cypress swamp which leaves the Mississippi river at New Madrid and flows into cypress lakes and then into Little river. Two miles South of New Madrid, Bayou Fourche left the Mississippi river, entered Lakes St. Marie and St. Ann, then flowed past La Grande Cote or the Big Mound, and entered Little river. In the early days a ferry across this stream w-as maintained near this mound. Four miles further south. Bayou Portage flowed out from the Mississippi river, running to the south- west and entering Little river one mile south of Weaverville. This bayou was fi-equently used for the purposes of transportation. 2 o'clock in the morning, occurred a heavy shock of an earthquake. The house where I was stopping was partl.y of wood and partly of brick structure; the brick portion all fell, but I and the family all fortunately escaped luihurt. At the still greater shock, about 2 o'clock in the morning of the 7th of February, 1812, I was in New Madrid, when nearly two thousand people of all ages, fled in terror from their falling dwellings in that place and the surroiuiding country, and directed their course north about thirty miles to Tywappity Hill, on the western bank of the Mississippi, and about seven miles back from the river. Barges and keel-boats were accustomed to come up the St. Francois and Little rivers to Weaverville and then pass up through Bayou Portage to the Mississippi. In time of low water it was necessary to make a carry across the ridge which separated a part of the bayou from the Mississippi. This carry was usually made to a point on the river where there was an Indian village; this place was afterward called Point Pleasant. This strip of high ground over which the carry was made came to be called the Poi-tage also. Four miles south of Point Pleasant a low place in the banks of the river allowed the water to flow into a lake which, from its grassy banks, was called Cushion lake. The outlet from Cush- ion lake to Bayou Portage was called Portage bay. It is upon the bank of this bay that the present town of Portageville is situated. Between Cushion lake and the next large bayou there were a number of small tribu- taries which flowed from cypress lakes into Little river. Pemiscot bayou drained the lakes and swamps of Pemiscot county and also received water in three difl^ereut places from the Mississippi river, and finally flowed into Little river. This was the first high groimd above New Madrid and here the fugitives formed an en- campment. It was proposed that all should kneel and engage in supplicating God 's mercy and all simultaneously — Catholic and Protes- tant — Imelt and offered solemn prayer to their Creator. "About twelve miles back towards New IMadrid a young woman about seventeen years of age, named Betsy Masters, had been left by her parents and family, her leg having been broken below the knee by the falling of one of the weight poles of the roof of the cabin, and although a total stranger I was the 230 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI The tributaries of Little river on the west were principally those that it received from the St. Francois river and will be mentioned in connection with the St. Francois. The St. Francois, for the most of its course within the low lands, made its way east of Crowley's ridge ; it entered the low lands from the hills of Upper Louisiana, coming into this section further west and south than Little river. It received many tributaries from the west, but sent out many outlets from its western side to Little river. The fii'st of these western out- lets was ill the early times called Laque Ter- ouly person who would consent to return and see whether she still survived. Receiving a description of the locality of the place I started, and foiuid the poor girl upon a bed, as she had been left, with some water and corn bread within her reach. I cooked up some food for her and made her condition as com- fortable as circum.stauees would allow, and returned the same day to the grand encamp- ment. Miss blasters eventually recovered. "In abandoning their homes on this emer- gency the people only stopped long enough to get their teams and hurry in their families and some provisions. It was a matter of doubt among them whether water or fire would be most likely to burst forth and cover all the country. The timber land aroimd New Mad- rid sunk five or six feet, so that the lakes and lagoons, which seemed to have their beds pushed up, discharged their waters over the sunken lands. Through the fissures caused by the earthquake were forced up vast quanti- ties of a hard, jet black substance which ap- peared very smooth, as though worn by fric- tion. It seemed a verj^ different substance from either anthracite or bituminous coal. ' ' This hegira, with all its attendant appall- ing circumstances, was a most heartrending rible; it is now called Taylor's slough. It left the St. Francois. river four miles south of Chalk bluff, then continued southeast and con- nected with Little river near the mouth of New river. From Taylor's slough, or Laque Terrible, as it was formerly called, two branches made out on the west side ; the first of these was called New river, and the second Old river. Varner's river, which was for- merly called Chillitecaux, makes out from the St. Francois, runs to the east, then south and then west, and joins with the St. Francois again. The island thus formed was the last scene and had the effect to constrain the most wicked and profane earnestly to plead to God in prayer for mercy. In less than three months most of these people returned to their homes and though the earthquakes continued occasionally with less destructive effects, they became so accustomed to the recurring vibra- tions tliat they paid little or no regard to them, not even interrupting or checking their dances, frolics and vices." A correspondent of the Louisiana Gazette, whose name is not known, wrote from Cape Girardeau on February 15, 1812, the follow- ing letter : ' ' The concussions of the earth- quake still continue, the shock on the 23rd ult. was more severe and longer than that of December 16th, and the shock of the 7th inst. was still more violent than any preceding and lasted longer perhaps than any on record (from 10 to 15 minutes) — the earth was not at rest for an hour ; the ravages of this ter- rible convulsion having nearly depopulated the district of new ^Madrid, but few remain to tell the sad tale. The inhabitants have fled in every direction. It has done consid- erable damage in this place by demolishing chimneys and cracking cellar walls : some have been driven from their houses and a HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 231 refuge of the buffalo in this section of the country. This island was divided b.y a small stream which connected the St. Francois with Varner's river. It was on this stream that there was located the Indian village of Chil- litecaux. Five miles south of this village there was another permanent bayou known as Buffalo creek, which finally emptied into Little river. On the 17th of Februaiy, 1815, Congress passed an act for the relief of persons who had sustained losses of real property. This number are yet in tents. No doubt volcanoes in the mountains of the west which have been extinguished for ages are now reopened. ' ' (Goodspeed, History of Southeast Missouri.) While Long was at Cape Girardeau in 1819 he says: "On the 9th at 4 p. m. a shock of earthquake was felt; the agitation was such as to cause considerable motion of furniture and other loose articles in the room where we were sitting. Several others occurred dur- ing our stay at the Cape, but they all hap- pened at night and were all of short duration. Shakes, as these concussions are called by the inhabitants, are in this part of the country extremely frequent and are spoken of as mat- ters of every day occurrence. It is said of some passengers on a steamboat who went on shore at New Madrid and were in one of the houses of the town looking at a collection of books, they felt the house so violently shaken that they were scarce able to stand upon their feet. Some consternation was of course felt, and as several of the persons were ladies, much terror was expressed. ' Don 't be alarmed, ' said the lady of the house, 'it is nothing but an earthquake.' Several houses in and about Cape Girardeau have frequently been shaken down, forests have been overthrown and other act provided that any person owning lauds in New Madi'id county on 10th day of Novem- ber, 1812, and whose lands were materially in- jured by the earthquake, might locate a like ciuantity on any public lands of the territory, no location, however, to embrace more than 640 acres. The provisions of this act led to the cele- brated New jNIadrid claims. Locations were made on some of the most fertile lands in the state in Boone, Howard, Saline and other counties. Many of the claims were filed by persons who had no right to them and who considerable changes produced by their agency. These concussions are felt through a great extent of country, from the settlements on Red river to the fall of the Ohio and from the mouth of the Missouri to New Orleans. Their extent and very considerable degree of violence with which they affect not only large portions of the valley of the Mississippi, but the adjacent hilly country, appear to us to be caused by causes far more efficient and deep seated than the decomposition of beds of lig- nite or wood coal situated near the bed of the river and filled with pyrites, according to the suggestion of Mr. Nuttall." (Long, Expedition, p. 88.) In speaking of Point Pleasant, Nuttall sa3-s : ' ' This place and several islands below were greatly convulsed by the earthquake and have in consequence been abandoned. I was shown a considerable chasm still far from being filled up, from whence the water of the river, as they say, rushed in an elevated column." He says, also: "In the evening we arrived at the remains of the settlement called Little Prairie, where there is now only a single house, all the rest, together with their founda- tions, having been swept away by the river soon after the convulsions of the earthquake, 232 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI sustained their claims by perjury. This is evidenced by the fact that the claims located under this act, presumably by people owning land in New Madrid county, covered more than the entire area of the county. Out of these grants there arose a very fa- mous lawsuit. It is known in legal history as De Lisle vs. State of Missouri. The De Lisle family was one of the earliest in New ]\Iadrid. Eustache De Lisle and John Baptiste De Lisle came to New Madrid in 1795 from Detroit. They were brothers of the third wife of Francois LeSieur. It should be said that the family continued to reside in New Madrid and that many of its descend- ants are among the prominent and influential citizens of the county now. In 1808 John Baptiste De Lisle left New Madrid for a visit to his sister, JMrs. Gremar, who then lived in Vincennes, Indiana. This was about the be- ginning of the war with Great Britain, and De Lisle enlisted in the United States army and served through the war. He then settled in New York, where he married, but was de- prived of all of his family during the great epidemic of cholera in 1839. He returned to Vincennes in 1841 and found his sister yet living. Up to this time he had supposed that his brother, Eustache, and his sister, the wife of Francois LeSieur, had been killed in the earth- quakes; he was informed by his sister, how- ever, that his relatives in New Madrid were still living. He at once communicated with them, to their very great astonishment, for in consequence, as the inhabitants say and as was also affirmed in New JIadrid, of the land having sunk 10 feet or more below its former level." (Nuttall Journal, pp. 78-79. '( The force of the shocks was felt over a very wide area and extended as far north as the Missouri river. Flagg, who visited Cape Gir- they had considered him to be dead; in fact, after his leaving New Madrid in 1808, a re- port had come back to the post of his death, and they had sold the land that had been granted to him, consisting of 160 arpens of land, for a veiy small sum. This land had then passed into the hands of the persons who speculated in the land grants after the time of the earthquake. The state of Missouri had given to the purchasers of the Delisle land the right to locate an equal amount of land at some other place in the state and they had located this claim on the Missouri river where the city of Jeiferson City now is. This grant from the state included within it the capitol grounds. Now, when John Baptiste De Lisle received this information that the land which he had possessed had passed away from him in this manner and that the state had given to the purchasers of his land a valuable grant, he brought suit against the state of iVIissouri to have the title to the lands thus granted declared to be in him. After various trials, the case was finally appealed to the Supreme court of the United States. It continued in that court from 1844 to 1862. In that year the court rendered a decision denying the claim of De Lisle to the land. The earthquakes resulted in an immediate loss of population throughout all the region affected. Most people who could do so moved away at once. Those who remained were either the more determined and daring of the population or they were the poorest who could not afford to leave. The flourishing village ardeau in 1836, says that the great earthquake of 1811 agitated the site of Cape Girardeau very severely, many brick houses were shat- tered, chimneys thrown down and other dam- age effected, traces of the repairs of which are yet to be viewed. (Flagg, Far West, p. 87.) HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 233 of Little Prairie which, in 1803, had a popu- in the same way, the population showing a lation of 103, almost entirely disappeared, great falling off shortly after the shocks. The Only a few families remained. Among them same thing was true of the settlements and was Col. J. H. Walker, who was not frightened small villages all over the district, enough to leave. New Madrid suffered greatly CHAPTER XV STATEHOOD ATTAINED Petition for Organization as a State — Bill to Organize a State Government — The Slavery Controversy — The Tallmadge Amendment — Debate Over the Amendment — Deadlock of the Two Houses — The Missouri Compromise — Feeling in the State — The Constitutional Convention — Members from the Southeast — The Constitution in Congress — Further Opposition to Admission — The Debate — Clay's Compromise — The Solemn Public Act — The President's Proclamation Admitting the State — Pe- culiarities op the Transaction^State Boundaries — Missouri — Arkansas — "Wolf Island. The territory of Missouri grew, as we have seen, verj^ rapidly in wealth and population. The people, though living since 1816 under the third or highest form of territorial gov- ei"nment, desired to be organized as a state and to be admitted to the Union. Accord- ingly, we find that in 1817 a number of peti- tions were drawn up and circulated among the people of the territory asking Congress to authorize the organization of a state govern- ment. Most of these petitions were lost, but recently Mr. Bartholdt, a member of Congress from St. Louis, found one of the copies and had it framed and preserved. It is set out below : ' ' ]\Iemorial of the Citizens of Missouri Ter- ritory — To the Honorable, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled : — The pe- tition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Territory of Missouri respectfully showeth: That your petitioners live within that part of the Territory- of Missouri which lies between the latitudes of 36 degrees and 30 minutes and 40 degrees north, and between the Missis- sippi river to the east and the Osage boundary to the west. They pray that they may be admitted into the Union of the states with these limits. "They conceive that their numbers entitle them to the benefits and to the rank of a stafe government. Taking the progressive increase during former years as the basis of the calcu- lation they estimate their present numbers at 40,000 souls. Tennessee, Ohio and the Missis- sippi state were admitted with smaller num- bers, and the treaty of cession guarantees this great privilege to your petitioners as soon as it can be granted under the principles of the Federal Constitution. They have passed eight years in the first grade of territorial govern- ment, five in the second ; they have evinced their attachment to the honor and integrity of the Union during the late war and they with deference urge their right to become a 234 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 235 member of the great republic. They forbear to dilate upon the evils of the territorial gov- ernment but will barely name among the grievances of this condition: " ] . That the.y have no vote in your honor- able body and yet are subject to the indirect taxation imposed by you. "2. That the veto of the territorial execu- tive is ab.solute upon the acts of the territorial legislature. ' ' 3. That the Superior Court is constructed on principles unheard of in any other system of jui'isprudenee, having primary cognizance of almost every controversy, civil and crim- inal, and subject to correction by no other tribunal. "4. That the powers of the territorial leg- islature are limited to the passage of laws of a local nature owing to the paramount au- thority of Congress to legislate upon the same subject. ' ' And after describing the boundaries of the proposed new state the memorialists say that the boundaries, as solicited, will include the country to the north and west to which the Indian title has been extinguished, also the body of the population ; that the Missouri river will rim through the center of the state; that the boundaries are adapted to the coim- try ; that ' ' the woodland districts are f oimd towards the great rivers ; the interior is com- posed of vast ridges and naked and sterile plains stretching to the Shining mountains;" and that the country north and south of the Missouri is necessary to each other, the former possessing a rich soil destitute of minerals, the latter abounding in mines of lead and iron and thinly sprinkled with spots of ground fit for cultivation. In conclusion the memorial- ists say that they "hope that their voice may have some weight in the division of their eountrv and in the formation of their state boundaries; and that statesmen ignorant of its localities may not undertake to cut out their territory with fanciful divisions which may look handsome on paper, but must be ruinous in effect." This petition was signed by Jacob Petit, Isaac W. Jameson, Sam S. Williams and others, nearly all of whom were at the time citizens of Washington coimty. The memorial was presented to Congress in January, 1818, but no action seems to have been taken upon it, nor upon other similar or perhaps identical petitions presented at the same time. In December of the same year, however, the terri- torial assembly of Missouri drew up a memo- rial on the same subject, which was presented to Congress by John Scott of Ste. Genevieve, the territorial delegate. This memorial was thereupon presented to a committee for con- sideration and report. This committee re- ported in favor of the organization of a state government in Missouri, and a bill was dra'mi and presented to the house for that purpose. The consideration of this bill precipitated a great discussion and brought to the front for the first time, in an acute way, the slavery question. To imderstand the history of this bill and the great controversy that raged over the ad- mission of the state, we must recall the situa- tion that existed in the Union. The slavery question was alread.y exciting jjeople. It had not yet come to be regarded with such pas- sionate earnestness as a moral question as it was later destined to be considered, but as a political question it was already before the people. A fierce contest raged between the north and south for the control of Congress. Power in political affairs had for some years vacillated between slave and free .states. A few years prior to the introduction of this 236 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI bill the north had a preponderance in both houses of Congress. That preponderance still maintained so far as the house was concerned. The organization of Alabama and its pending admission, however, threatened to increase the already superior power of the south in the senate. It was this political situation, the de- sire to control Congress, rather than opposi- tion to slaverj' as an institution, that caused the opposition to the organization of Mis- souri. If ]\Iissouri and Alabama should both come into the Union as slave states, as was very probable, then the balance of power would be destroyed and the south would have a very great preponderance in the senate. It was determined to prevent this if possible. It was considered almost certain that if the people of Missouri were left free to determine the question of slavery in the state for them- selves that the constitution of the state would permit the existence of the institution. Some way must be accordingly found by which the matter of determining the question could be taken out of the hands of the people and trans- ferred to Congress. It had been suggested, in the case of Alabama, that a provision in the act permitting the organization of the state, require the prohibition of slavery as a condi- tion precedent to its admission. It was ob- jected to this course, however, that when Georgia ceded the territory out of which Ala- bama was subsequently organized it was stip- ulated that no restriction should be placed upon slavery. This was regarded as standing in the way of any attempt to dictate to the people of the state their attitude toward it. Accordingly nothing was said concerning slavery in the act authorizing the admission of Alabama. It was felt, however, that some provision must be made concerning slavery in Missouri. Accordingly, Mr. Tallmadge of New York, moved to amend the bill by inserting the fol- lowing provision: "And provided that the further introduction of slavery or involuntarj' servitude be prohibited, except for pimish- ment of crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, and that all <;'hildren born within the said state after the admission thereof into the Union shall be free at the age of twenty-five years. ' ' The debate over this amendment was long and bitter. The opponents of the amendment contended that such action was contrary to the action of Congress in the admission of Kentuekj', Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, all of which had been admitted as slave states without such provision; that it violated the treaty entered into with France at the time of the cession of Louisiana, one clause of which guaranteed to the people of that territory, including Missouri, the posses- sion of their property. It was urged that if Congress had respected the provision made by Georgia in ceding Alabama, then it should re- spect the treaty obligations of the government of the United States. It was further urged that such a clause, hampering the free action of the people of a state, was beyond the power of Congress to make, and therefore unconsti- tutional ; that it put a stigma upon the people of Missouri, in that it did not admit them upon equal terms with the other states ; and finall.v, that if the clause were inserted in the state constitution it could be repealed or amended at anj- time by action of the people of Mis- souri. The friends of the amendment contended that the very fact that Congress could admit or reject a state was sufficient evidence that it possessed the power to prescribe the terms of admission ; that the fact that slavery was morally wrong ; that it was a political and economic evil existing only by virtue of local laws, conferred on Congress the right and HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 237 power to supersede, if necessary, treaty obli- gations, and tal^e those measures needed for the best interests of the country. After long debate the amendment passed the house, but the amended bill was rejected by the senate, and the fifteenth Congress ad- journed with a deadlock between the houses. The question was presented to the sixteenth Congress in December, 1819. Neither house seemed ready to recede from its position, but a new element entered into the discussion. Maine had applied for admission to the Union. It would come in, if admitted, as a free state. Its admission was desired by those who wished to place a i-estriction on the admission of Mis- souri. The senate, therefore, at the sugges- tion of Senator Jesse B. Thomas, of Illinois, united the measures for the two states into one bill. It was declared by those opposed to the restriction on Missouri that, unless that restriction was abandoned and Missouri ad- mitted on terms of equality with other states, Maine should not be admitted at all. The debate over this matter continued for several weeks. A deadlock again occurred between the two houses. Out of that disagreement came the measures which are collectively known as the Missouri Compromise. Maine was admitted as a free state; the people of Missouri were authorized to form a government without anj-^ clause in the act re- ferring to slavery, and it was stipulated that slavery should be excluded from "all the ter- ritory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana, north of thirty- six degrees and thirty minutes north lati- tude," except, of course, Missouri. This series of measures known as the Mis- souri Compromise was approved on March 6. 1820. As we have said, this authorized the formation of a state government in Missouri ; but, contrary to the usual practice, did not provide for the admission of the state into the Union. The people had no sort of guarantee that they would be admitted, even after the formation of their government. In pursu- ance of the terms of the act, an election was held in the territory in May, 1820, to select members of a constitutional convention. This convention was empowered, by the terms un- der which its members were elected, to de- termine by majority whether it was expedient for them to frame a constitution, and, if con- sidered expedient, to proceed to the work of making the constitution. If, on the other hand, they felt that it was not the time for this work, they were authorized to provide for the election of another convention. It is quite probable that a constitution favoring slavery would have been adopted in the state, no matter at what time the mem- bers of the convention had been elected. What v;as a mere probability, however, became a certainty, owing to the feeling of irritation over the attempted restriction on what was felt to be the right of the people of the state to decide the slavery question for themselves free from the dictation of Congress. John Scott had declared during the discussion of the Tallmadge amendment that the proposed limitation of the power of the people was an insult to them, and this was the prevailing sentiment in the state. Under such conditions the members of the constitutional convention were chosen and they were for a slavery con- stitution by a large majority. This convention met in St. Louis, June 12, 1820. Its sessions were held in the hotel at the corner of Third and Vine streets, laiown as the "INIansion House." There were forty- one members of the convention. The South- east Missouri members were as follows : From 238 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Cape Girardeau couuty, Stephen Byrd, James Evans, Richard S. Thomas, Alexander Buck- ner and Joseph MeFerron; Jefferson county, Daniel Hammond ; jMadison county, Nathaniel Coolc ; New ]\Iadrid county, Robert D. Dawson and Christopher G. Houts; Ste. Genevieve coimty, John D. Cook, Henry Dodge, Jolm Scott and R. T. BrowTi ; Washington covmty, Jolm Rice Jones, Samuel Perry and John Ilutchings; Wayne county, Elijah Bettis. David Barton, of St. Louis, was made presi- dent of the convention and William G. Pettis, secretary. The convention was in session for a little more than a month, adjourning July 19, 1S20. It was at once agreed that a constitu- tion should be framed and the month the con- vention was in session was devoted to this work. The constitution thus made was in force in this state until superseded by the Drake constitution in 1865. It was compar- atively short, concise in statement, and was evidently the work of a statesman and thinker. It sanctioned slavery, as was almost certain in any case, but doubly so after the attempted restriction by Congi-ess. This constitution, imder the terms of the election of the mem- bers of the convention, did not require to be submitted to the people of the state for their approval; it became effective at once, upon the close of the convention. The second session of the sixteenth Congress met November 13, 1820, and on the 16th of November Mr. Scott, the delegate from ]Mis- souri, presented to the house a copy of the constitution of the state. This constitution was referred to the committee which reported on the 23rd, reciting the fact that Congress had previously authorized the formation of the state government ; that the people of the state had held the convention and formed the con- stitution ; and that said constitution "is Re- publican and in conformity with the provi- sions of said act." Accompanying this pre- amble was a resolution to admit the state into the Union on equal terms with the other states. Doubtless it was supposed by the people of the state that there would be no further dif- ficulty over its admission. They had com- plied with the terms of the act authorizing the formation of a government. That act con- tained no prohibition on .slaverj' and it would seem that there was no possible ground on which the state might be refused admission. In spite of these facts, the resolution to admit the state was very bitterly fought. The os- tensible groimd of objection was the follow- ing clause in the constitution itself: "It shall be their duty, as soon as may be. to pass such laws as may be necessary to prevent free negroes and mulattos from coming to and settling in this state under any pretext what- soever. ' ' The opponents of the admission of IMissouri argued that this clause in the constitution of the state was in direct violation of that clause in the eon.stitution of the United States which guarantees equal privileges in all the states to the citizens of each state, of which priv- ileges the right of emigration is one. On the other hand, it was pointed out that similar clauses controlling emigration existed m the constitutions of a number of states and that no objection had ever been raised to them ; and it was further pointed out that if this clause was in reality in opposition to the con- stitution of the United States, it would be de- clared null and void by the supreme court of the United States. It is clear, of course, that the real ground of objection to the admission of Missouri was not this paragraph. The motive of the men who opposed Missouri was not to protect the rights HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 239 of a few negroes who might possibly wish to move to Missouri. In spite of the fact that the Missouri Compromise had been agreed to, there were a large number of the members of the house who had determined that the state should never be admitted as a slave state, and their real motive was the desire to keep the state from being admitted imtil a constitu- tion prohibiting slavery should be adopted. The debate on this resolution was one of the fiercest that ever took place in Congress. The whole country was stirred to fever heat by the charges and counter charges, by the threats of cession and the breaking up of the Union that were made on both sides. The whole institution of slavery was attacked with utmost vehemence and the right of the people of the states to decide this question for them- selves was defended with equal fervor. After several weeks of debate, and at a time when it seemed the very foundations of the govern- ment itself would crumble ; when fear was present everywhere that the Union could not long survive, Henry Clay, of Kentucky, in- troduced a resolution, which was adopted, pro- viding that a committee of twenty-three mem- bers should be appointed by the senate and the house, who should take the whole matter under consideration and make a report to Congress. After long discussion, this commit- tee reported to each house of Congress, Febru- ary 26, 1821, a resolution which provided that Missouri should be admitted to the Union on an equal footing with the original states upon the fvmdamental condition that the 4th clause of the 26th section of the 3rd article of the constitution — the clause which forbade im- migration of negroes — should never be con- strued to authorize the passage of any law by which any citizen of either of the states should be excluded from the enjoyment of any of the privileges to which he is entitled under the constitution of the United States. The resolu- tion further provided that the legislature of Missouri by a solemn public act should de- clare the assent of the state to this funda- mental condition, and should transmit to the president of the United States a copy of their actions. The president was thereupon author- ized to issue a proclamation reciting the fact that the legislature had passed such an act and that upon the making of this proclama- tion the admission to Missouri should be con- sidered as complete. The resolution so reported was adopted on February 28th. The reason for referring the matter to the president and making his proc- lamation the basis for the final admission of the state, rather than an act of Congress, was to avoid any further discussion or agitation of a question which was felt to be dangerous to the safety of the country. All that remained to be done, under the terms of this resolution was for the legislature of the state to publish the solemn public act required of it. In order to do this, Governor Clark convened the legis- lature in special session June 24, 1821, and on June 26th the legislature adopted the fol- lowing act: "Forasmuch as the good people of this state have, by the most solemn and public act in their power, virtually assented to the said fundamental condition, when, by their representatives in full and free conven- tion assembled, they adopted the constitution of this state, and consented to be incorporated into the federal Union, and governed by the con.stitution of the United States, which, among other things, provides that the said constitution and laws of the United States, made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything 240 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI in the constitutiou or law of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. And although this general assembly do most solemnly declare that the Congress of the United States have no constittuional power to annex any condi- tion to the admission of this state into the fed- eral Union, and that this general assembly have no power to change the operation of the constitution of this state, except in the mode prescribed in the constitution itself, neverthe- less, as the Congress of the United States has desired this general assembly to declare the assent of this state to said fundamental condi- tion, and forasmuch as such declaration will neither restrain nor enlarge, limit nor extend, the operation of the constitution of the United States or of this state; but the said constitu- tiou will remain in all respects as if the said resolution had never passed, and the desired declaration was never made ; and because such declaration will not divest any power or change the duties of any of the constitutional authorities of this state or of the United States, nor impair the rights of the people of this state, or impose any additional obligation upon them, but may promote an earlier en- joyment of their vested federal rights, and this state being, moreover, determined to give to her sister states and to the world the most unequivocal proof of her desire to promote the peace and harmony of the Union, there- fore "Be it enacted and declared by the general assembty of the state of IMissouri, and it is hereby solemnly and publicly enacted and de- clared. That this state has assented and does assent that the fourth clause of the twenty- sixth section of the third article of the consti- tution of this state shall never be construed to authorize the passage of anj^ law-, and that no law shall be passed in conformity thereto, by which any citizen, of either of the United States, shall be excluded from the enjoyment of any of the privileges and immunities to which such citizens are entitled under the constitution of the United States." This act was transmitted to the president who, on August 10, 1821, made a proclama- tion announcing the admission of Missouri into the Union. It is evident that this is one of the most remarkable transactions ever made by a leg- islative body. The whole matter of the con- troversy over the admission of Missouri is a striking evidence of the terrible passion that stirred the minds of men over the question of slavery. Prejudices were so strong they seemed to have blinded men's eyes to some very obvious things. The first of these compromises which is dis- tinctly known as the Missouri Compromise, whose author was Honorable Jesse B. Thomas, provided that the people of the state should be left free to organize a state government, without any restriction as to their action con- cerning slaver_y. It was well known at the time that, in all human probability, the con- stitution so formed would permit the holding of slaves and in return for this permission, if it may be so considered, the friends of slavery agreed to the exclusion of it from all the vast domain of the Louisiana Purchase north of the parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes. It can hardly be called a compromise, for the friends of slavery conceded practically every- thing and gained nothing. Under the terms of this act the people of the state framed a constitution which allowed slavery, and presented it to Congress, in the full expectation that the state would be ad- mitted. Thej' found themselves opposed by a large number of their original opponents ; this time on the ground that one article in their HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 241 proposed constitution was in opposition to the constitution of the United States. This oppo- sition to the admission of Missouri was strong enough to prevent all action upon the bill for a number of weeks. Quite probably, it w as strong enough to keep the state out of the Union for an indefinite period. The matter was settled by another compromise. It, too, can hardly be termed a compromise, for it was also one-sided. At this time, however, the opi)osition conceded practically every- thing. They agreed that the offending clause in the fundamental law of Missouri should remain as it was. This concession they made, provided the legislature of the state should pass a solemn public act setting aside a clause in the constitution of the state. The legisla- ture evidently had no authority or power to amend or in any way change the constitution and any solemn public act of theirs which at- tempted to do so was a mere farce. The word solemn, indeed, would hardly be applied to an act having the preamble that this act carries with it, for the legislature of the state quite evidently regarded the thing they were at- tempting to do as entirely beyond tlieir power and authority. Out of all the contention and bitterness, out of the conflicting claims and so-called com- promises, one fact emerges with clearness and distinctness, and that is that Missouri was ad- mitted to the Union and became the twenty- fourth state. The eonstitiitional convention which closed its labors July 19, 1820, in accordance with Ihe terms of the act of Congress providing for the organization of the state government in ^Missouri, framed and adopted an ordinance which was expressly declared by its terms to be forever irrevocable and binding on the people of the state. This ordinance had in it five sections, which were designed to carry into effect five different demands made on the l^eople by Congress. The first of these sec- tions set aside the 16th section of every town- .ship in the state for school purposes. The second section of the ordinance dedicated the i-alt springs of the state, not to exceed twelve in number with six sections of land adjoining each of these springs, to the state. The third section set aside five per cent of the net pro- ceeds of the state land for the purpose of building roads and canals. The fourth section provided that four sections of land should be set aside at the point afterward to be selected for the state capitol. The fifth section pro- vided that one entire township should be re- served and forever dedicated to the purpose of a seminary of learning. The convention inserted in the ordinance, however, a request that Congress should so modify its demand that five per cent of the net proceeds of the land should be set aside for roads and canals, so as to permit the fimd bonus arising to be used not only for roads and canals, but also for school purposes. The southern boundary of the state, as sug- gested in the memorial presented to Congress asking for the organization of a state govern- ment, was fixed at the parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes noi-th latitude. It was so fixed on the theory that this left 3i{> degrees south of the state for the territory of Ar- kansas. This boimdary was not at all satisfactory to people who lived ia Little Prairie, now called Caruthersville. The settlements along Black river and "White river were also dissatis- fied with the suggested boiuidary. They did not wish to be attached to the territory of Ar- kansas. Another petition was presented to Congress in March, 1818, asking that the ter- 242 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ritory south of Missouri river be formed iuto a separate state. It was to be extended further to the west than the proposed western boun- dary' of Missouri which, at that time, was fixed at the western limit of the Osage Purchase. In 1818, on November 22nd, the territorial legislature adopted a memorial to Congress for the admission of Missouri as a state, and proposed new boundaries for the state. It is probable that the agitation over the southern boundary was carried on in the legislature bj' Stephen Ross of New Madrid coimty, in the house of Dr. Robert D. Dawson, also of New Madrid county, in the legislative council, and by the members from Laurence county, as it was then constituted, which were : Perry Magness, Joseph Harden and John Davidson. It was their desire that the boundary should be moved far enowgh south to include the prin- cipal settlements on the Mississippi and also on White river. Owing, doubtless, to their influence, this memorial fixed the southern boimdary as foUows: "Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Mis- sissippi river at the 36th degree of north lati- tude and running in a direct line to the mouth of Black river, a branch of "White river; thence in the middle of the main channel of White river to where the parallel of 36 de- grees and 30 minutes north latitude crosses the same; thence with that parallel of lati- tude due west." This memorial, with its proposed boun- daries, was the subject of considerable debate in Congress, and after this discussion, the southern boundary was fixed as it now stands, that is to say, rvmning west from the Missis- sippi on the parallel of 36 degrees to the St. Francois river; thence up and in the middle of the main channel thereof to a parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes, and thence west. There can be no doubt that the man most in- fluential in securing the joining of the terri- tory now included in Dimljlin and Pemiscot coimties to Missouri, was J. Hardeman Walker. He was at that time a most influen- tial, energetic resident of Little Prairie and he carried on a vigorous agitation to secure the extension of the southern boundary to in- clude this territory. It is quite probable that he had the assistance of other representatives from Southeast Missouri, including John Scott, the territorial delegate, Alexander Buckner, John James Evans, Judge Richard S. Thomas and Dr. Dawson. Those who were interested in this extension of the boimdary and the inclusion of the ter- ritory in Missouri were actuated b.y a number of motives : one was the feeling that Little Prairie and the other settlements in what is now Pemiscot coimty were really a part of Missouri. They had been made about the same time of the Missouri settlements, they had practically the same population, and were engaged in the same general industries. Their trade and association had been very largely with Missouri, and for this reason they re- garded themselves as a part of the territory of Missouri. It was natural, too, for them to wish to be a part of a territory which was about to be admitted into the LTnion as a state. The advantages of state government over territorial government are obvious, and it was felt that it might be some years before the territory of Arkansas would be admitted as a state. These reasons, along with others of a similar nature, moved the men mentioned to vigorous effort to fix the boundary of the state as it now stands. The only other boundary dispute directly concerning Southeast Missouri occurred at a HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 243 later date, bvit is here given as it rounds out the story of the state's boundaries in this section. One of the longest boundary disputes in the history of the United States was carried on between Kentucky and Missouri pver the possession of Wolf Island, which lies just be- low Belmont and is the largest in the Missis- sippi river, having an area of 15,000 acres. The main channel of the river lies east of the island and it is separated from the west bank by a narrow channel so that it seems to belong to Missouri. When the state boundaries were defined in 1820 Wolf Island was left as a part of Kentucky because at that time the channel of the river was west of the island. After a time, however, the channel shifted to the east and the i.sland came to be claimed as a part of Missouri. Most people regard it as belonging to New Madrid county and at one time a man living on the island was elected sheriff of New Madrid county. Kentucky, however, claimed jurisdiction over the island and finally the state of Missouri, by its attor- ney general, brought suit in the supreme court of the United States for possession of the island. The ca.se was tried by a number of distinguished lawj'ers on each side and was before the court for eleven years. Kentucky was represented by John J. Crittenden, Gar- ret Davis and Henry Stanberry. Missouri was represented by Governor Blair and F. A. Dick. During the course of the trial a great many persons were examined and a great many old books and maps produced in evi- dence in order to determine the location of the channel of the river in the early days. It was shown by most of the maps that the main channel was east of the island and witnesses said that from 1850 back to 1830 the main channel was east of the island and that from 1830 to 1794 both channels were navigable. It was shown also that the land was surveyed by United States surveyor in 1821 as part of Missouri ; other witnesses, however, introduced by Kentucky, testified that the channel of the river was west of the island during most of this period and that about the year 1830 there was enough water for boats between the island and Kentucky ; it was also shown that Ken- tucky had exercised continuous authority over the island since 1792 when it came into the possession of the title formerly held by Virginia. The court also heard evidence to show that the soil and the plant life of the island were similar in character to those of the Kentucky side and dissimilar to those on the Missouri side. It was also showTi that the level of the island was the same as that of the second bottom of the Kentucky side and four or five feet higher than the western bank. These considerations, together with the fact that Kentucky had had jurisdiction over the island for a great number of years, decided the question in favor of Kentucky. SECTION IV Period 1 820-1 S 60— Town Histories CHAPTER XVI GENERAL DEVELOPMENT Analysis op Population, 1820-1830 — Comparative Census Table, 1820-1860 — French AND German Elements — Period op Town Growth. In 1820, when the state was organized, just before its admission to the Union, the. popu- lation of Southeast Missouri was as follows: Cape Girardeau county 5,968 Jefferson county 1,835 Madison county 2,047 New Madrid county 2,296 Ste. Genevieve county 4,962 Washington county 2,769 Wayne county 1,443 Of this population, the greater part were white people, but there were a few free negroes and several hundred slaves. The pop- ulation grew very rapidly for a number of years after the admission of the state into the Union. Southeast Missouri still had all the advantages which had attracted men to it in the earlier days and, added to this now, was the fact that it was part of a regularly organ- ized state which had been admitted into the Union. The people were, as far as possible, under our republican form of government, self-governing, and from every part of the Union there was a movement toward the new state. In 1830 the population of the counties in the southeast was as follows : Cape Girardeau county 7, 445 Jefferson county 2,592 Madison county 2,371 New Madrid county 2,350 Perry county 3,349 St. Francois county 2,366 Scott county 2,136 Washington county 6,784 Wayne county 3,264 Ste. Genevieve county 2,186 Analysis op Population, 1820-1830 It will be observed that in this decade the principal growth of population was in Wash- ington county. This was due, largely, to the development of the mining industry in this county. Some of the counties, notably Ste. Genevieve, decreased in population, but this was owing to a cutting off of some of the territory in order to form new counties and not to an actual loss of population in the county itself. The population of Southeast Missouri in- creased steadily during this period of its his- tory. This is especially true of the counties along the Mississippi river and the settlements in adjoining counties. Those which lay fur- 247 248 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ther back and were, consequently, more difB- cult of access, as was the case in Carter, Rip- ley, Butler and Dunklin counties, grew in population much more slowly. They were separated too far from river transportation, and they were unprovided with either rail- roads or ordinary roads over which traveling could be easily made and were, therefore, al- most cut oft' from any easy or reg:ular com- munication with the different parts of the country. It is true that even in these coun- ties settlements were made during this period and that by the close of it there were consid- erable numbers of people to be found in their limits, but their growth was nothing like the rapid growth of the counties along the river. The same causes which operated to increase rapidly the population of the section after the purchase of Louisiana operated with even more force to increase the population after the admission of the state into the Union. I\Iore and more people were attracted by the richness of the soil, the advantages of the cli- mate and the possibility of earning a living and a competence which was offered to rich and poor alike. Most of the settlers who came were farmers who scattered themselves over the territory, opening up new farms and clearing away the wilderness. The section was distinctly agricultural in its life, with the exception of the mining region, and even there, as we have noted, most of the people depended in part at least upon farmuig for a living. A table is here inserted showing the population of each of the counties in the southeast at each of the census periods from 1820 to 1860, and also the total popuhition at each date : Comparative Census Table, 18201860 Counties. Population 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 Bollinger . . .... .... 7,371 Butler .... 1.616 2,891 Cape Girar- deau ....5,968 7,445 9,359 13,912 15,547 Carter .... 1,235 Dunklin 1,229 5,026 Iron .... 5,842 Jeft'erson . . . 1,835 2,592 4,296 6,928 10,344 Madison . . . 2,047 2,371 3,395 6,003 5,664 Mississippi .... 3,123 4,859 New Madrid 2,296 2,350 4,554 5,541 5,654 Pemiscot 2,962 Perry 3,349 5,760 7,215 9,128 Reynolds 1,849 3,173 Ripley 2,856 2,830 3,747 St. Francois .... 2,366 3,211 4,964 7,249 Ste. G en e - vieve ....4,962 2,186 3,148 5,313 8,029 Scott 2,136 5,974 3,182 5,247 Stoddard 3,153 4,277 7,877 Washington.2,769 6,784 7,213 8,811 9,023 Wayne ....1,443 3,264 3,403 4,518 5,629 Total. . .21,320 34,843 56,322 81,311 130,497 French and German Elements. These figures show that increase in popula- tion had been both steady and rapid. The greater numbers of those who came to the ter- ritory came from other states, so that the pop- ulation of Southeast Missouri, outside of the older settlements, was largely American. In a few coimties there was a considerable sprinkling of other settlers. The greater number of French were to be found in Ste. Genevieve county, though there were consid- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 249 erable numbers of them in New Madrid county. German settlers were found in Cape Girar- deau county in large numbers, and in some- what smaller numbers in Scott, Bollinger and Perry coimties. Of coui'se, there was a sprink- ling of foreigners in other counties, but the population, with the exception of the counties noted, was very largely American in claar- acter. It is to be noted that the presence of large numbers of Germans and other foreign settlers in Cape Girardeau and surroundmg counties was one of the things which deter- mined the action of ]\Iissouri at the outbrealv of the Civil War. If it had not been for the presence of these people who were loyal to the Union, it is highly probable that the movement for secession in the state would have been suc- cessful, and Missouri would have aligned herself with the Confederate States govern- ment. The German element in the population of Southeast IMissouri is foimd largely in Perry and Cape Girardeau counties. There were a few German families in Ste. Genevieve in its early years ; the most prominent German fam- ily in Ste. Genevieve county was a family named Ziegler; there were three brothers of this name, Martin, Francis and Sebastian, who settled in the vicinity of Ste. Genevieve quite early in its history. About 1840 the German settlers came to New Offenburg and Zell ; these German families were mostly Catholics. In 1839 a colony of Germans made their home in Perry coimty. These were Luther- ans and came to America largely on account of dissatisfaction with religious teachings at home. Their leader was Martin Stephan. They came from a number of places in Ger- many and numbered more than seven himdred at the time of their sailing from Bremen. One of the five ships on which the party sailed was lost, at sea. The others arrived at New Orleans in January, 1839, and continued their travels until they reached St. Louis on February 19th of the same year and remained there until the following June. Before sail- ing from Germany the colonists liad collected a common fund of more than $100,000, and after reaching St. Louis they purchased lands in the soutlieastern part of Perry coimty out of this fimd ; they secured 4,400 acres for the sum of $10,000, and most of the colonists removed to this place from St. Louis. They suffered very great hardships for a num- ber of years, as the land had to be cleared and some of it was of very little value. Be- fore they succeeded in building houses they lived in tents and log cabins and the exposure resulted in sickness and death. Stephan, who as their leader, had control of affairs, proved to be incapable and had to be depo.sed. Some- what later the land which had been held in common was distributed among the colonists and this lead to very great improvements in their condition. About 1840 another lot of colonists to the number of 75, imder the leadership of Rev. Maximilian Oertel, established themselves at Wittenberg. They were Lutherans, also, but their leader, Oertel, soon afterward retmmed to New York and there became a Catholic priest. The German settlers of Cape Girardeau county began to come to the county in 1834; the first of these were Otto Buehrman, Will,- iam Cramer and Rev. Frederick Picker. Thej' located on farms in the Big Bend. The Cramers and Picker came from Hanover and Buehrman from Brunswick. Shortly after liis arrival. Rev. Mr. Picker removed to the settlement on Whitewater and Cramer and John Anthony removed to Cape Girardeau and engaged in the manufacture of cigars. 250 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI George H. Cramer, who was the son of Will- iam Cramer, lived in Cape Girardeau for a number of j^ears and was a very highly re- spected citizen, holding the office of mayor on several occasions. Hon. Wilson Cramer of Jackson, is a son of George H. Cramer. Of the family of Otto Buehrman there are still descendants living within the county and until within a few years one of his grandsons M'as a merchant in Cape GirardeaM. In 1835 William Bierwirth, with his family, Daniel Bertling, Henry Friese and Chris Schatte came to Cape Girardeau eotmty from Ger- many and since that time there has been a stream of German immigration. The settle- ment in the neighborhood of Dutchtown was made about 1835-36 by families from Switz- erland. It was among these families that the German Evangelical church was organized in 1838. Growth of Towns We have said that the period was prin- cipally one in which the population of the coimtry increased and farms were opened, but there was also a growth of the towns. With the coming of larger numbers of people, trade increased and therefore the trading centers grew rapidly in population. More and more men became interested in buying and selling goods, in the establishment of banks, and in a few eases, the establishment of factories of various kinds. These things were concen- trated in the towns of the section and, accord- ingly, we find all of these towns having a prosperous histor,y, and the new towns con- stantly springing up in every part of the dis- trict. We have previously referred to the his- tory of more important towns in the section, and it will be the purpose in this to continue the stor3' of these towns, and to trace the founding, and history of those whose story begins within the period we are now dis- cussing. CHAPTER XVII yTE. GENEVIEVE AND ST. MARYS. Shipping Center of Mineral Region — Ste. Genevieve-Iron Mountain Plank Road — 150th Anniversary Celebrated — U. S. Senators prom Ste. Genevieve — Ste. Gene- viEVE op Todat — St. Marys. Ste. Genevieve, the oldest town in the state, continued its period of prosperity during the greater part of these yeai-s — 1820 to 1860. The succe.ssful application of steam to the propulsion of boats on the Mississippi river added very greatly to the river commerce and all the to^^^as situated on the river reaped the benefit of this increase. Ste. Genevieve in particular was fortunate in this matter. Shipping Center op Miner.-vl Region. Until the construction of the Iron Mountain railroad, Ste. Genevieve was the shipping point for almost all the mineral region. The lead from Washington and Jefferson coun- ties, and the iron from Iron county was all brought to Ste. Genevieve to be reshipped upon boats. Prom 1846, when the iron indus- try became very important, until the year 18.58, when the Iron Mountain Railroad reached that region the quantities of iron which went by Ste. Genevieve were very large, indeed. The town became one of the greatest commercial centers of the state. The lead and iron traffic was like a living stream cf prosperity that poured by the town. The building of the railroad, however, and the consequent change in the shipping point from St. Genevieve to St. Louis marked the begin- ning of the town's decline. It is hardly too much to say that had the railroad been built from Ste. Genevieve to the mining region, rather than from St. Louis, the probabilities are that Ste. Genevieve, rather than the latter town, might have become the great commer- cial city of the state. As is set out in the chapter on schools and education, one of the principal things which marks the history of the towTi diu-ing these years was the establishment and conduct of .schools. The Ste. Genevieve academy, which was established by a corporation in 1808, was for many years a flourishing institution. The public schools were not neglected either, the first board of directors being chosen in 1846 and a public school conducted from that time until the present. The first telegraph line in Missouri was the line which connected Nashville with St. Louis. It passed through Ste. Genevieve and was con- structed in the year 1820. Its use, however, was abandoned after a short time. Ste. Genevieve-Iron Mountain Plank Road. One of the most important improvements of the early period was the plank road built in 1851 between Ste. Genevieve and Iron 251 '101 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Mountain. This road was 42 miles in length ; it was considered a very great enterprise and a number of good engineers were emploj^ed in its building, among them being James P. Kirkwood, chief engineer of the Missouri Pa- cific Railroad, William R. Singleton, one Sul- livan and Joseph A. Miller. The road was for many years the scene of a great traffic, as most of the ore from the lead country was car- ried over it to Ste. Genevieve. 150th Anniversary Celebrated. In 1885, on the 21st of July, there was held in the city of Ste. Genevieve the 150th anni- versary of the founding of the old to-\Mi and the 100th anniversary of the settlement of the new town of Ste. Genevieve. It was made a very great occasion. Maxwell Hill was se- lected as the site for the exercises of the day, which consisted of drills by soldiers that were jiresent and a sermon, a long procession con- sisting of bauds, city officers and most of the inhabitants of the town, and addresses. There were more than 5,000 persons present at the celebration, which was a most delightful event, except for the coming up of a great storm near the close of the day which scattered the people to their homes. The addresses were delivered by Fii-min A. Rozier, Hon. Alex- ander J. P. Garesche, Col. F. T. Laderberger, ilajor William Cozzens and Lyndon A. Smith. Tills town more than any other in South- east ^Missouri retains something of its original aspect ; this is due to several facts, one of which is that it is the oldest town in the state and the buildings which were erected here in the early da.vs were of a somewhat better class of architecture than the usual ones. They have been preserved, many of them, up to this time ; the oldest of these is the house of Louis Bolduc which was erected in 1785 and is still standing in a good state of preservation ; there are other houses which were built about the beginning of the nineteenth century. The town is strictly French in appearance, the streets are clean and well kept, and there are beautiful lawns about the houses. The old houses give an air of distinction to the town, as many of them are in a good state of pres- ervation. Many descendants of the old famil- ies still reside here. There is much to remind a visitor of the past. Y . S. Senators From Ste. Genevieve It is the peculiar good fortune of Ste. Genevieve to have reared four men who after- wards became members of the United States senate. Besides these men one other citizen of the southeast became a senator. This was George W. Jones, the son of John Rice Jones, for many years famous as a lawyer in this part of the state. John Rice Jones came to Missouri in 1810, and immediately became prominent in political circles. He was a member of the territorial legislature and also the constitutional convention, and later a member of the supreme court of the state. His son, George W. Jones, was born in Indi- ana, but came to Ste. Genevieve in 1809. He married a daughter of one of the early French families, received a good education, graduat- ing in law at Transylvania University in Kentucky. On returning to Missouri he be- gan the practice of his profession at Ste. Genevieve, and while living there was ap- pointed clerk of the United States district court. From Ste. Genevieve he removed to Iowa, and here he once more entered political life, becoming first postmaster, then delegate to Congress, and was then appointed surveyor- eeneral of Wisconsin and Iowa. In 1841 he HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 253 became clerk of the supreme court of the United States and was later reappointed sur- veyor-general in 1845. On the admission of Iowa to the Union in 1848, he was selected to represent the state in the senate, and was later re-elected, serving out two terms. After the close of his second term he was appointed minister to Bogota, serving until the outbreak of the Civil war. Senator Jones was one of the most respected and influential citizens of the city of Du- buque, where he made his home during the latter part of his life. His brother, Augustus Jones, himself be- came a famous man. He took part in the In- dian wars and later removed to Texas, where he soon became famous and influential. He was made a general in the army of the United States and served with distinction. The third one of the men who became sen- ators from St(^ Genevieve was Augustus C. Dodge, the son of Henry Dodge. He was born in Ste. Genevieve January 12, 1812, and when twenty-seven years old. after consider- able experience in both peace and war, I'e- moved to the territory of Wisconsin. Before his removal he married Miss Clara Hertich. the daughter of the famous teacher, Joseph Hertich. After removing to Wisconsin ]\Ir. Dodge then made his home in Iowa. He en- listed in the army and served in the Black Hawk war under his father. Governor Heniy Dodge, of Iowa. In 1838 he was appointed registrar of th<^ land office at Burlington, Iowa. In 1841 he became delegate to Congress, and in 1847 was elected United Senator, serving to 1855. Both he and his father were influential men and voted and worked for every measure having to do with the upbuilding of the west. Gen- eral Dodge was a particularly strong advo- cate of the homestead bill, of the bills for the establishment of military forts in the west, and worked for the admission of California as a state, and the establishment of territorial governments in New Mexico and Utah. It was rather an unusual scene in the sen- ate at this time when a father and son rep- resented two states, Wisconsin and Iowa. It is one of the few instances in the history of our country. After the close of his term in the senate, Senator Dodge was appointed as minister to Spain, and he discharged the duties of this position with great credit to himself. He died at Burlington, Iowa, November 20, 1883, but until the time of his death was an influ- ential man, well known throughout this part of the country. The fifth native of Ste. Genevieve who be- came a senator of the United States was Lewis V. Bogy. His father, Joseph Bogy, ^^as a native of Kaskaskia. He became a citi- zen of Ste. Genevieve in the earlj* history of the state, and himself filled several places of trust under the Spanish and American gov- ernments. He was private secretary of Gov- ernor Morales, then a member of the terri- torial legislature, and afterwards a state sen- ator of Missouri. His wife was a member of the family of Beauvais, one of the pioneer families of the state. Lewis V. Bogy was born in Ste. Genevieve in 1813. He received a good education, stud- ied law in Kentucky, and taught for a .short time in Wayne county, Kentuckj'. He was a volunteer in the Black Hawk war of 1832, and established himself as a lawyer in Ste. Genevieve in 1835. He became a member of the legislature from St. Louis, to whieh place he removed in 1840. He was a Whig and a very strong supporter of Mr. Clay. In 1849 he returned to Ste. Genevieve, taking part m all the political disputes of that time, and 254 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI was very strongly opposed to Senator Benton. He opposed Benton as a candidate for Con- gress in 1852, bnt was defeated. Later he was a candidate for the legislature from Ste. Genevieve county, but was defeated. A little later he announced himself as a candidate for the legislature on an anti-Bentou ticket. His opponent was another of the famous citizens of Ste. Genevieve, Hon. Firman A. Rozier. The contest between these two men, both rep- resentatives of old French families, was a very bitter one. Bogy was successful and served a term in the legislature. At the conclusion of his term he again re- moved to St. Louis, and ran for Congress in 1863 against Frank P. Blair. Blair defeated him. He was appointed commissioner of In- dian affairs in 1867 by President Johnson, but retired from the position after six months of service, because the senate refused to con- firm his appointment. Soon after his retirement he became a can- didate for the United States senate, and was elected in 1873, serving one term with great credit to himself and his constituents. He had become a Democrat by this time and was chosen as the representative of his party. He died in the city of St. Louis. Ste. Genevieve of Today The present town is a prosperous and flour- ishing community of 2,000 inhabitants. It is supported chiefly by the farming coimtry about it, though there are some manufactur- ing plants, among them two large flouring mills, an ice plant, electric light plant, cigar factories, and a lime kiln. There are about fifty other business establishments. The transportation facilities are good. ^luch freight is handled by the river, which is only half a mile from the towTi, and two railroads afford ample facilities for travel by rail. The main line of the Frisco passes through Ste. Genevieve, and it is on the Illinois Southern which crosses the Slississippi at this place and extends to Bismarck in St. Francois county to the west. The banking interests are cared for by the Bank of Ste. Genevieve, organized in 1902, with a capital of $10,000, and Henry L. Rozier, organized in 1891, with a capital of $10,000. The Catholic church building is one of the largest structures of its kind in this part of the state. Elsewhere an account of the schools has been given. There is a well-conducted public school employing six teachers, and the Cath- olic church maintains a large parochial school with an enrollment of more than 300. There are two weekly papers published in the town : The Fail- Play is owned and edited by Jules J. Janis, himself a descendant of one of the pioneer families, and is Democratic in politics ; and the Herald, published bv Joseph A. Ernst, is Republican. St. Mabys St. Marj'S, on the Mississippi river not far from the mouth of Saline creek, has been a town for a number of years. It was first known as Camp Rowdy. Its most prominent citizen in the early days was General Henry Dodge. For some years it was important as the shipping place for Perryville and Mine La Alotte. The first store in the town was opened by two men from the east under the firm name of Kent & Sparrow. Owing to the fact of their eastern origin, the settlement came to be known as Yankeetown. They were succeeded by Miles A. Gilbert. Another one of the merchants in the early history of the town was Richard Bledsoe. John F. Schaaf built a flouring mill about 1857 or '58. This HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 255 mill was rebuilt after its destruction by fire and is still in operation. The town has grown recently since the building of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad. It is the shipping point for a con- siderable area of farming country and the town is supported principally by the farming interests. There is a large flouring mill and other business interests of the usual charac- ter; the town supports several church organi- zations, the largest and most flourishing being the Catholic church, and a public school. The population at present is 702. CHAPTER XVIII CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY TOWNS Cape Girardeau a Steamboat Town — Incorporated as a City — Prosperity After the Wab — State Normal School Located — Stage of Stagnation — Really Remarkable Progress — Founding of Jackson — First Institutions and Persons — Civil Government — Pres- ent County Seat — Burfordville — Appleton — Pocahontas and Oak Ridge. Cape Girardeau is described iu 1817 as a village containing two stores and about fifty houses. Within a short time a tan yard was established by Moses ilcLain, near the cor- ner of Spanish and Independence streets. Another tan yard on the Painter place was established by William Scripps and his son, John. This tan yard was afterward pur- chased by the Painter brothers, who conducted it and also a saddler shop. A still was oper- ated just north of the town bj' Levy L. Lightner. In 1818 the estate of Louis Loritnier was divided and the commissioners made an addi- tion to the town. These lots were sold at public auction, November 22, 1818. The prices paid for the lots were very high. Ninety-three lots brought $34,733.00 and twenty-one out lots brought $26,523.00. These prices indicate the fact that Cape Girardeau was coming to occupy a more important po- sition and that its advantages were coming to be known. A Steamboat Tovfn Just as in the case of Ste. Genevieve, how- ever, it was the steamboat which made Cape Girardeau prosperous. The steamboat traffic assumed large proportion in the decade lying between 1830 and 1840, and dui-ing these j'ears Cape Girardeau experienced a remark- able expansion in its business. Some of the men who were in business here during these years were : Andrew Giboney, James P. Ful- kerson, Alfred P. Ellis, I. R. Wathen, H. L. Sloan, Robert Sturdivant, Thomas J. Rodney, A. D. Leech, T. and W. Johnson, Joseph Phil- lipson, J. and S. Albert, Eugene Garaghty and C. F. Gale. The first bank in the town was established in 1853. This was a branch of the state bank, and had formerly been in operation at Jackson. The fir.st president here was I. R. Wathen, with A. F. Lacy as cashier. Lacy being succeeded in 1857 by Rob- ert Sturdivant. A steam fiouring mill, the first of the town's manufacturing establish- ments of much importance, was built by James Reynolds and B. il. Horrell. The IMarble City mill was erected a few years later by I. R. Wathen. Attention was paid during these years in the town to education, the first schools being taught in the log house not far from the site of the St. Charles hotel. The schools were of a purely elementary char- 256 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 257 aeter, aud there seems reason to believe that the instruction was not always the best at the time, for children were sometimes sent to Mt. Tabor school. Cape Girardeau Academy was established in 1843, and in 1849 the "Washing- ton Female Seminary was incorporated. Both of these institutions were conducted until the time of the war. In 1843, too, St. Vincent's College was established and is still in oper- ation. The Southeast District Agricultural Society was organized and incorporated in 1855; it was to include all the counties in the con- gressional district. General N. W. Watkins was the president and the first meeting was held at Cape Girardeau and a fair was held during the first year, which was on a small scale but fairly successful. The next presi- dent of the society was Judge W. C. Ranney, who was elected in 1856 and served until 1860. The society secured grounds and erected buildings and held fairs each year until the beginning of the war. During the war the society was disbanded and the grounds taken possession of by troops. It was later reorganized and is still in existence. Incorporated as a City We have seen that the first incorporation of the village of Cape Girardeau was in the year 1808. In 1843 the legislature of the state incorporated Cape Girardeau as a city with a special charter. It was provided in the charter that a mayor and seven council- men should have charge of the affairs of the city. E. Mason was the first mayor and the members of the first council were: W. S. Watson, Thomas J. Rodney, J. Rigby, John Ivers, J. Ritton, E. P. Evans and E. V. Cassilly. The mayors of the city since the administration of Mason have been as fol- lows: G. W. Juden, 1844 to 1845; E. Alason 1845 to 1846 ; Thomas Johnson, 1846 to 1849 ; P. H. Davis, 1849 to 1851; Alfred T. Lacy, 1851 to 1852 ; Thomas Baldwin, 1852 to 1853 ; John C. Watson, 1853 to 1854 ; Amasa Alton, 1854 to 1855 ; C. T. Gale, 1855 to 1857 ; John Ivers, Jr., 1857 to 1860. The first brick house in Cape Girardeau was built by Ezekiel Abel, who was the con- tractor for the building of the court house and jail; he completed the jail, but became insolvent and could not finish the work on the court house. After his financial troubles, however, he became successful in business and left a considerable fortune. He left four sons, William, John, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and two daughters, Mary, who became the wife of General W. H. Ashley, and Elizabeth, who married W. J. Stepheson. This brick house built by Abel was at the corner of Lori- mier and Bellevue and was known for many years as Eagle's Nest, owing to the fact that it was the residence of the editor of the Western Eagle. This house was damaged by the earthquake in 1811, and cracks in the walls caused by the shocks were still visible when the house was torn down about 1896. The oldest house now standing in Cape Girardeau is at the corner of Themis and Middle streets and is owned by Mrs, Ellen Wright. The lot on which it stands was bought in 1807 by Judge George Henderson, the father of Mrs. Wright's first husband, and the present house, a frame structure, was erected in 1811. The large brick chimney which still stands was damaged by the earth- quake on the night of December 25, 1811, the top of the chimney beink .shaken off. At the same time the large stones in the cellar of tlie house were cracked entirely through by the shocks. This house was used for a time as the meeting place for the courts. They assembled on the large open porch, a part of 258 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI which has since been boarded np. j\Irs. Wright, who is now ationt 85 years old, has resided in this liouse since 1855. She has a fund of recollections concerning the early his- tory of the town. Abel's failure to build the court house for which he had contracted resulted in the re- moval of the seat of justice, and as we have seen, checked the growtli of Cape Girardeau very greatly. In 1867 there were in the town 27 dry goods stores, 'i hardware stores, and around the town, an account of which appears in the chapter on the Civil war. Prosperity After the War For a time after the war closed the town enjoyed a great degree of prosperity. It had a number of enterprising men who pushed its advantages in every possible way. Those advantages were numerous and very powerful in the upbuilding of the town. In the first place, it enjoyed the immense advantage of Olde.st House in Cape Girardeau 12 grocery stores, 5 drug stores, 5 furniture stores, 12 shoe shops, 7 wagon shops, 11 black- smith shops, 3 tlouring mills, 5 breweries, a distillery, 2 tanneries, 2 cigar shops and one bank, the Sturdivant, organized by Mr. Rob- ert Sturdivant in 1857. During the war Cape Girardeau w.is head- quarters for a considerable Union force. A military prison was established here tu which numbers of southern prisoners were brought. Several important skirmishes were fought in river transportation, which at that time was of the highest importance. Steamboats car- ried the greater part of the commerce of the country, iluch of it for tliis section centered here. It was before the day of railroads. Towns and comnumities away from the river received their supplies from abroad by boat, hauling them in wagons from the nearest and most accessible point. The second great ad- vantage possessed by Cape Girardeau was its relation to much of the other country in HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 259 Southeast Missouri. To the west there is a great section of the country that did its trad- ing here because tliis was the nearest river point. The merchants in Wayne, Bollinger, and counties further west were naturally sup- plied from the markets of this city. To the southeast the counties of Stoddard and Dunklin, while at a great distance from town, found it almost impossible to reach the river points in counties to the east of them. The great swamp of Little river shut them off from the Mississippi. Their only chance to get river transportation was by coming to the Cape. Now these counties were rapidly set- tling up and their growing inhabitants de- manded large supplies of goods. All this trade contributed to the wealth and prosper- ity of Cape Girardeau. It was no unusual sight to the people of Cape Girardeau of that day to see upon their streets long trains of wagons loaded with cotton or other products of the lower counties. The only flouring mills were in this section of the state. This led to the purchase of flour made in Cape Girardeau or Jackson mills. So important was the trade of some of these counties considered tliat some of the larger stores and mills sent men into these counties to become acquainted with con- ditions and bring trade here. State Normal School Located In 1873, through the liberality and energy of some of its citizens, the Cape secured the establishment of the State Normal school. The state expended considerable sums of money in the erection of buildings and the support of the school and the students of this institution and St. Vincent's College brought other large sums to the town. By this time, however, a falling off in the town's business was already to be seen. The day of the railroad had come. The construc- tion of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain, with its branches, cut off the trade of the west and southeast. Towns sprung up at various points and cut off some of the trade that i'ormerly came this way. Dexter, in Stoddard county,, secured the trade of Stoddard and Dunklin counties and became a flourishing town. At- tempts were made to reconstruct the Blanton plank road between New jMadrid and Clark- ton in Dunklin county. It had been destroyed during the war. The attempt did not suc- ceed, but resulted in construction of a rail- road between New Madrid and ilalden. This was the beginning of the Southwestern sys- tem and still further tended to make the lower counties independent of Cape Girardeau. The people of the town did not tamely sit by and see the great empire of trade which had been theirs slip from their grasp. Efforts were made to hold it. Railroads were pro- jected. Finally, through the tireless en- deavors of Louis Ilouck, a line was built run- ning to the southwest. It did much for the town, but it could not stay the tide which was turning more and more away from it. The Iron jMountain had made the territory tributary to St. Louis and the possibility once seen of making Cape Girardeau the trade center of all Southeast Missoui-i was gone, if not for all time, at least for many years. Stage op Stagnation Deprived of this great and lucrative for- eign trade, the town entered upon a stage of stagnation. It was always a good town, but it ceased for many years to grow. It was at a standstill. The schools, the splendid farm- ing country about it, and its manufacturing interests were a guarantee that it would al- ways be a good town. Satisfied with this as- surance, the most of the population contented themselves with conditions as they were. The 260 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI town dropped behind some of its rivals, so far as public improvements were concerned. A few of the more enterprising men were never satisfied with this condition. They still worked and planned for the control of the rich trade regions once tributary to the town. Foremost of these men was Mr. Houek. In 1902 he projected and built the Gulf System of railroads through Scott, New Madrid, Dunklin and Pemiscot counties. This was a long step in the right direction. A little later these roads were sold to the St. Louis & San Francisco, which immediately began Ihe con- struction of a through line from St. Louis to Memphis. These enterprises awoke again the energies of the people of the town. Public improvements were planned, sidewalks, sew- ers, paved streets became possibilities and then realities; new factories were erected, ihe state •spent great sums in the construction of a new Normal School plant, the same man who had already done so much for the town pro- jected and built the Cape Girardeau and Chester and the Thebes Terminal roads. A federal court was established and a federal building erected. The destruction of the mo- nopoly of roads by toll companies did much for the to\\Ti which had formerly been hemmed in by toU-gates. All these things contributed much to the growth and prosperity of the town, the pop- ulation increased rapidly and real estate values doubled. Not all things were fortunate for the town, however, even during this period. A failure to secure the entrance of the St. Loui-i South- western Railway was destined to cost the town very dear, for it was one of the factors which determined the building of the great railroad bridge at Thebes rather than at Cape Girar- deau. The Frisco, in spite of a contract to the contrary, removed its shops and division point to Chaffee in Scott county and thus took many families from the town. Remarkable Progress Notwithstanding these things, the town made really remarkable progress. Its popula- tion was nearly doubled from 1900 to 1910, now being 8,545. Its business interests were more than doubled. At the present time the town has more than 150 business institutions of one sort or another. There are a number of large general and department stores, and every form of mercantile establishment is rep- resented. It has a number of woodworking establishments, manufacturing lumber^ staves, boxes, sash and doors. There are factories for making shoes, lime, brick, cement, flour, cigars, ice cream and candy. There is a large rock-crushing plant, stone quarries, cigar and tobacco plants, foundries, machine shops, and other smaller manufacturing establishments. It is famous for its educational institutions, which include a good system of public schools, parochial schools of two or three churches, St. Vincent's Academy for Young Ladies, St. Vincent's College, Moothhardt's Business Col- lege, and the State Normal school. About three thousand students are enrolled in its schools every year. There are church organizations of the fol- lowing denominations: Baptist, Catholic, Christian, Christian Science, Evangelical, Lutheran, IMethodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, besides negro churches. Nearly all of these possess a house of worship and the Catholics have two and the Methodists three. There are four banks in the town. The Sturdivant, which is the oldest bank in South- east Missouri, was organized in 1866 and now has a capital .stock of $100,000. The First National was organized in 1892 and has a cap- ital of $100,000. The Farmers and Merchants HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 261 Bank was organized in 1904 and has a capital stock of $15,000. The Southeast Missouri Trust Company was organized in 1906, and its capital is $500,000. All these banks are housed in commodious and beautiful struc- tures erected for them. Another institution which contributes much to the to's\Ti is the St. Francis Hospital eon- ducted by the Catholic Sisters of St. Francis. In 1905 was begun the construction of the Cape Girardeau and Jackson Inteiairban Railway. At present it operates electric street cars in Cape Girardeau alone, though it will ultimately be extended to connect other towng in this section. At present there are three miles of paved streets and others are projected. Some notable buildings beside those men- tioned are the Elks Club, the Himmelberger- Harrison office building, the Federal building, the courthouse of the court of common pleas. This latter, which occupies a commanding site on the bluff above the river, has been a land- mark of Cape Girardeau for many years. The town is on the main line of the Frisco from St. Louis to Memphis, and is the terminal point for the Hoxie branch of the Frisco, the St. Louis & Gulf, also owned by the Frisco, the Chicago and Eastern Illinois, the Cape Girardeau-Chester, and the Thebes Terminal. Good roads radiate in every direction from the town and add much to its trade. There are two papers published in the town, The Cape County Herald, a weekly, and The Republican, both daily and weekly. The Herald is published in a well-equipped and The Bepublican owns one of the most complete printing plants in the state. Another business institution is the Cape Girardeau Bell Telephone Co.. operating exchanges at Cape Girardeau and Jackson, and toll lines through a considerable part of this section. The toAvn has a good system of waterworks, electric lights and gas, all operated by the same company. Founding op Jackson Jackson was founded, as we have said, in 1815. It was put upon an improved farm which was purchased from William H. Ash- ley. Surrounding the town there were a num- ber of settlements. On the west was the farm of Col. William Neely, on the north that of Joseph Seawell and on the south that of William Daugherty. The town grew rapidly after the sale of lots and in 1818 its popula- tion was three himdred or more. Some one described it as a "considerable village on the hill with the Kentucky outline of dead trees and huge logs lying on all sides of the fields." The population of the town consisted largely of yoimg people who had been gathered from every quarter. There were only a few stores, three or four in number, some blacksmith shops, several taverns and boarding houses, a tan yard, a printing office, a court house and jail, and there was also erected in the early times a little building constructed of logs which was used as a school house. Rev. Tim- othy Flint, who came to the town in 1819, was very unfavorably impressed and spoke in a very derogatory manner of the town and its inhabitants. He said of them that they were entirely without interest; that they were ex- tremely rough, most of them ignorant and bigoted, and inclined to think that sectarian- ism should atone for the want of morals and decency. Flint, however, seems to have had some prejudice in the matter. Long, who visited the town in 1819, says (Long's Expedition, p. 85): "On oui April expedition we came to Jackson, the seat of justice for the county of Cape Gir- ardeau, and after St. Louis and St. Charles 262 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI one of the best towns of Missouri. It lies about eleven or twelve miles northwest of the old town of Cape Girardeau on the Missis- sippi, and is surroiuided by hilly and fertile tracts of country, at this time rapidly increas- ing in wealth and population. Jackson is what is called a thriving village and contains at present more than fifty houses which, though built of logs, seem to a.spire to a de- gree of importance unknown to the humble dwellings of the scattered and solitary settlers assumed an appearance of superiority similar to that we immediately distinguished in the appearance and manners of the people." First Institutions and Persons The ^rst store was that of Eckhardt, who came to Jackson from Virginia. He sold his store later to Clifton and Mothershead. An- other of the earl,y merchants was Samuel Cupples. a son-in-law of Judge Thomas. Jos- eph Frizzell was another of these merchants. He was a son-in-law of Col. George F. Bol- linger and opened his store about 1817. David Armour and John Juden were partners in a business conducted on the opposite corner from Frizzell. It is related of them that they sent Robert Jlorrison with a wagon and team to Baltimore and that he returned with a load of goods in abovit three months. Other mer- chants were George H. Scripps, Nathan Van- horn, and Doctor Thomas Neal. Neal's store was at the corner of Main street and the pub- lic square. Col. William McGuire, who was one of the prominent citizens in the town, and afterward a member of the state legislature, came to Jackson in 1818. He operated a tan yard. A still house was conducted by Caleb B. Fullenwider; he was also a prominent citi- zen, being elected judge of the county court and afterward clerk of the court. A mechanic «hop was conducted by John Delap. Taverns and houses of entertainment were kept by James Edwards, Thomas Stewart, "William Sheppard, and John Armstrong. Some other residents of the town at this early date were Louis Painter, who was a saddler, two black- smiths named John Glascock and Samuel Jlitchell ; Edward Criddle, "William Surrell, "William Hand, C. G. Houts and E. D'Lash- nutt ; the last named were merchants. Peter R. Garrett was clerk of the court and after- ward clerk of the county court. "We have already mentioned some of the prominent lawyers, and T. E. Strange who published the first paper, the Missouri Herald. The first physicians in the town were Dr. Zenas Priest and Dr. Thomas Neale. The former came from New York and was for years one of the leading pliysieians of the county. Dr. Neale was from Virginia, but had formerly lived in New Madrid. Dr. Can- non was another early physician. He was a native of North Carolina and nuxrried a daughter of Governor Dunklin. He took great interest in politics and was elected lieutenant governor of the .state in 1836. During this period (1820-1860), Jackson, which had been made the county seat of Cape Girardeau coimty, continued to grow quite rapidly. Among the merchants prominent in the town during this period were : "William F. Graham, who began business about 1822 and sold his stock to Ralph Gill about 1826; Charles "Welling, H. L. Sloan, John W. Gayle, A. H. Brevard, Jacob Kneibert, George M. Beattie, John Albert and brother, J. J. Turn- baugh and J. S. McGuire. Charles "Welling began business in Jackson in 18.31, and for a period of fifty-seven years carried it on at practicality the same site on Main street. The first bank in Jackson was opened in 1841. It was a branch of the state bank. Its HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 263 president was A. H. Brevard, and Thomas P. English was cashier. The bank was very prosperous and did a very large business imtil its removal to Cape Girardeau in 1853. In 1852 it was examined by a committee from the legislature which reported that its assets then amoiuited to $340,850 and its circulation was $199,050. During the fifteen years of its existence its net profits were $79,628. This branch was disposed of in 1 857 when its assets were purchased by Robert Sturdivant, who removed it to Cape Girardeau. As we have said in another place, the first newspaper in Southeast IMissouri was pub- lished at Jackson, and during this period there was published, almost constantly, a newspaper under some name or other. A list of these is given in the chapter on newspapers. The town suffered very greatly from chol- era. The first epidemic was in 1833. Among those who died were Col. Alexander Buclcner and wife. The total deaths at this time were 128, and the cholera reappeared in 1849, but there was only one death at that time. It was again in town in 1852, and this time it swept away a large number of the inhabitants. During this period before the war. the schools were private schools. They were taught either by some person who acted en- tirely on his own account, or else were con- ducted by chartered associations, as was true in the ease of the Jackson Academy. This association was incorporated in 1820 and erected its first building, a two-story brick, in 1838. Civil Government Jackson was incorporated in 1819, but there seems to have been no organization of the government of the town until 1828. In that year Nathaniel Vanhorn, Franklin Cannon, G. W. Davis and Edward Criddle seem to have been the trustees or members of the council. They were chosen at an election held by William G. Kennett and Joel Blunt, commissioners appointed by the county court. They passed ordinances and rules for the gov- ernment of the board. In 1831 George W. Juden was clerk, and Welton O'Bannon was town constable. The organization seems then to have lapsed and there is no record of any business transacted by it until 1847. At that time incorporation was revived, and an elec- tion held which resulted in the choice of N. ;M. Watkins, Charles Welling, A. J. Brevard, Jason Watson and Cyrus Walker as trustees. In 1859, the town secured a special charter from the legislature and the first trustees under the new organization were: Thomas B. English, John W. McGuire, Jacob Neidert and Chas. Litterer. Present County Seat Just as was the fate of all other towns of this section, Jackson suffered greatly during the war, though not to the extent of some others. It began to improve, however. The coming of the railroad, a branch of the Iron Mountain which was built from Allenville in 1884. added greatly to the town's prosperity. Its population is now 2,105, and is rapidly increasing. There are about fifty business establishments of various kinds, most of which are doing a fiourishing Imsiness. There are a luimher of good general stores carrying large ;ind varied stocks of goods. There are two large flouring mills, a creamery, packing house, heading factory, brick kiln, and other smaller factories. There are two banks in the town. The Cape County Savings Bank was organized in the 80 's. It has a capital of $50,000. The Jackson Exchange Bank was organized in 1894. Its capital is $20,000. The possession of the county seat adds much 264 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOUKI to the importance of the town. The court bouse occupies a commanding site in the center of the public square. It was erected in 1908, and is a well-constructed and commodious building. The usual church organizations are foimd, most of which have good buildings. The largest and most costly church edifice is that of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, recently erected at a cost of $40,000. Jackson has a good system of public schools with a well-organized high school. There are two weekly newspapers. The Missouri Cash- book and The Volkesfreund, which is a Ger- man paper. Besides the branch of the Iron Moimtain the town is situated on the Cape Girardeau and Chester Railroad, which was constructed in 1904, from Cape Girardeau to Chester. There is a "fine rock road from Jack- son to Cape Girardeau. BuRFOBDVILLE Burfordville, in Cape Girardeau coimty, was known for a good many years as Bol- linger's Mill. It is situated on Whitewater river at the place where Major George Fred- erick Bollinger made a settlement about the year 1800 and where he for many years oper- ated a mill. Other families besides the Bol- linger family, who lived in the vicinity in the early times, were the Daughertys and Frisselles. It was incorporated as a town in ' the year 1900 and the first mayor was F. B. Meyer. The town now has four general stores and a furniture making establishment and a large flour mill. Its population is 114. Appleton Appleton, a village on Apple Creek, in Cape Girardeau county was founded in 1824. The first residents seem to have been Jolm McClain and John Schlotz. Among the early merchants were Kimmel and Taylor, George Clodfelter and W. H. McClain. The first mill was built by Alfred McClain. Pocahontas and Oak Ridge Pocahontas was first settled in ISoG and organized as a village in 1861. Oak Ridge, in Apple Creek township, ten miles northwest of Jackson, was settled about 1852. It is now a flourishing town with a population of 256. It is surrounded by a good farming community, and has a large flouring mill. It supports a good public school and there are several stores and other business establishments. The Bank of Oak Ridge was organized in 1904, and has a cap- ital stock of $10,000. CHAPTER XIX NEW MADRID AND MADISON COUNTIES Blows to New Madrid- -Incorporated as a City — Long the County Seat — Point Pleasant — Portageville — Predericktown. We have set out that New ]\Iadrid was in- corporated in 1808. It grew slowly, however, and in 1811 contained only two stores and a few houses. Many of the inhabitants of the town moved away after the earthquake, and for several years affairs were at a standstill. The town was greatly benefited, however, by being selected as the seat of justice for the county. This was in 1822. In 1834 the town was reincorporated by the county court, and again in 1868. The trustees in 1834 were : William Pierrepont, Geo. G. Alford, Dr. Rob- ert D. Dawson, Ashael Smith and Alphonse Delaroderie. The early merchants were : Robert G. Watson, Robert McCoy, Matteo Bogliolo and Geo. G. Alford. In the decade from 1840 to 1850 business was transacted by H. T. ;\Iaulsby, Napoleon LeSieur, B. Powell, Rich- ard J. Waters, Samuel Allen, W. B. Harper and Thomas Dowd. In 1856 the merchants were: Allen, Waters, R. A. Hatcher & Co., Hunter & Watson, F. V. LeSieur, T. J. 0. Morrison, and Warrington & Pennell. Blows to New Madrid The town suffered greatly during the war, as did most southeast towns. It was the scene of several skirmishes and battles. During 1862 General Pope laid regular siege to it. The Confederate forces defending the town were numerous and well-armed and several Confederate gunboats were in the river. Pope landed near the town with a large force, but doubted his ability to carry it by assault o? to hold it in face of the fire from the gun- boats. He accordingly contented himself at first with surrounding it as far as possible and ordered heavy guns from Cairo for a siege. The attack on New ]\Iadrid was a part of the movement for opening the river, and had for its immediate object the capture of the strong- ly fortified post of Island Ten. Finally, not being able to dislodge the Confederates from New Madrid, he took possession of Point Pleasant and New Madrid was evacuated. It had been repeatedly fired upon and suffered from this and other attacks. Many houses were burned and much property destroyed. One thing which dealt a blow to the pros- perity of New Madrid during and after the war was the destruction of the Blanton plank road. This road led across the Little River swamp to West Prairie, near Clarkton. It offered the people of Dunklin and Stoddard counties access to river transportation at New Madrid and drew a considerable trade to that town. Its destruction cut off this trade and caused it to seek other oiitlets. In spite of these various misfortunes, the 265 266 TTISTORY OP SOUTHEAST :\IISSOURI citizens did not lose faith in the iinal prosper- ity of their town and they did not abiuidon it. It grew slowly during the years, its prosperity keeping pace with the opening and improving of the land about it. Incorporated as a City In 1878 the town was incorporated as a city of the second class. John W. Brownell was mayor and the aldermen were H. C. Latham, T. II. Digges, John E. Powell, and F. Kopp. Since that time the city government has been maintained and the town has had a prosper- ous history. Some of the merchants, following the in- corporation, have been ]\Iann Bros., G. V. LeSieur. II. C. Latham, Hunter & Mathew- son, Lilburn Lewis, Henry Jasper, T. H. Digges, and Parks & Akin. At the present time there are some forty business establish- ments, including general stores, special mer- cantile establishments of various kinds, and some manufacturing plants. The latter in- clude some woodworking plants, cotton gins, electric light and water works plant, and grist mills. The town is situated on a branch of the St. Louis Southwestern, which runs from Lil- bourii to New Madrid. There has just been constructed a new railroad from ilarston on the Frisco to New Madrid. This was built by home capital, having been promoted by E. S. AlcCarty, who has built a number of lines in this part of the state and northeast Arkansas. This is an unusually well-con- structed and equipped line and will probably be extended to connect with other systems. Long the County Seat New Jladrid has been the county seat for many years, but has been unfortunate in having the court house destroyed by fire. Other towns have desired the removal of the county seat, and while they have not so far been able to secure its removal, they have been able to prevent the rebuilding of the court house at New Madrid. There has recently been erected a new and commodious Catholic church, which is an or- nament to the town. There are two other churches, the Methodists having recently built a well-arranged brick building for tlieir use. Tlie town maintains a good public school, hav- ing a large brick school building. There are two weekly papers, the Weekly Record and the Southeast Missouriaii. They are both well-edited and influential papers. The present population is 1,882. New Mad- rid is well situated. It is at the lower end of the great sand ridge known as the Sikeston ridge. Its soil is fertile, there are some fine shade trees, and the town presents v. pleas- ing appearance. Just south of the town is a great Indian mound, which local tradition says is the site of De Soto's camp. The site is not that of the original town, as that has long since been swept away by the river. Point Pleasant Point Pleasant, in New Madrid county, was settled in 1815 by Francois LeSieur. He conducted a store until his death in 1826. John Woodward operated a combined hotel and store at the same place. Steamboats, however, were prevented from landing at the town because of the formation of a sand bar in the river, and for this reason the business of the town was transferred to a new site about one mile further south. On this new site there had been a wood-yard in operation since 1817. It was conducted by Alphonse Delaroderie. It was in 1846 that the new town was laid off and building begun. The first houses erected for business were ware- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 267 houses. They were built by Johu Woodward and Pleasant Bishop. The first merchant of the town was John J. Cox. For years the town was an important and flourishing one. Large stores were erected. The population grew. An academy was char- tered in the early days and all indications pointed to the place as designed for the site of a thriving city. Unfortunately for its in- habitants, the river began to encroach upon the town. At first the caving was just south of the main part of the town. Gradually it extended up the river, until many of the houses had to be moved back. So rapidly did the bank cave in at times that it was almost impossible to remove the houses fast enough to save them. After several successive re- movals, the site was abandoned by many of the residents, who were attracted by the growth of Portageville, which began to ac- quire importance through the construction of the Frisco Railroad through it. These causes greatly reduce the population of Point Pleas- ant and the historic name is preserved by only a handful of houses. Portageville . Portageville, in the south part of New Mad- rid county, now a flourishing town, had its beginning in 1848, when Edward Meatte aud Charles Davis established a store there. In 1851 Robert G. Franklin succeeded them. Later Edward DeLisle became interested in the place and carried on a mercantile es- tablishment for many years. Others came and the town grew slowly. Two causes at last made it an important and flourishing town: the ruin of Point Pleasant and sub- sequent re.moval of many of its inhabitants further from the river, and the building of tlie Frisco Railroad. The land about Portage- ville is fertile and when it was cleared up and drained, the farming interests thus made possible gave an impetus to the town. Its present population is 987 and is rapidly in- creasing. It has wood-working plants aud cotton gins, besides general and other stores. The Farmers Bank wa.s organized in 1905 and has a capital of $20,000. The Portage- ville Bank was chartered in 190,3. Its capital is $20,000. There is a good system of public schools and the usual church organizations. Fredericktown This town, which was the successor of St. Michaels, was laid off in 1819. The land was owned by Nathaniel Cook and the commis- sioners appointed to set out the limils of the town were Theodore F. Toug, John Burdette, Joseph Bennett and Henry Whitener. The first stores in the town were owned by S. A. Guignou, S. B. Pratte and Moses and Caleb Cox. Not much growth was made by Frederick- town luitil after the building of the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad. There was always some business transacted, and the list of merchants includes six or eight names at any particular time, but the growth was, on the whole, slow for many .years. The first paper published in Fredericktown was a Free Soil paper, called The Espial. It was estab- lished in 1847 by James Lindsay. An ac- count of the other newspaper enterprises of the town is given in the chapter on news- papers. The first lodge was organized No- vember 25, 1848. This was Marcus Lodge, A. F. «& A. M. The meetings were held in the court house for a time, and F. L. Sullivan was the first temporary master. The town was incorporated for the first time in May, 1868, and on November 28, 1903, it was incorporated as a city of the third class, The first mayor was R. Albert. There are now 268 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ionr general stores iu the tovm and about fifty other business institutions, but no factories of any considerable importance. There are three banks and the town is supplied with electric lights. The Union American Lead Company owns and has operated mines in the vicinity of the town, but the company has suspended operations for some time. Among the impor- tant interests of Frederickto\vn are Marvin college, and its good system of public schools. In another place we gave an account of the founding and some of the history of the col- lege, which attracts to the town a number of students and families who come for tlie pur- pose of educating their children. Di\ring the last four or five years Frederick- town has suffered in an unusual way from calamities, a number of destructive fires have swept away some of the best and most impor- tant buildings and, too, the town has been damaged by serious floods ; it is situated on the Little St. Francois river and some of the town is on ground subject to inundation. Its situa- tion is a delightful one and few places offer a more pleasant site for residence than Fred- ericktown. Its population is 2,632. It is situated on the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad and is now and has been for many years the county seat of Madison county. There are two weekly newspapers published in the town. The Democrat-News is Demo- cratic in polities and The Tribune is Repub- lican. CHAPTER XX WASHINGTON AND PERRY COUNTIES PoTosi Laid Out and Incoepokated- -Old Mines — Caledonia — Perryville — Longtown Altenburg. Potosi, the county seat of Washington county situated in Breton township at the end of the branch line of the Iron Moimtain Railroad, is one of the oldest towns in this part of the state, the first settlement having been made in that town in 1763. At first it was called Mine a Breton, but the name was changed to Potosi when the town was incor- porated in 1826. It is impossible to tell who erected the first house in Potosi, though it is supposed that it was a member of the Valle family of Ste. Genevieve. The first settlers at the place came because of the lead mine which was discovered by Francois Breton ; the permanent settlement of the place dates from about 1790 and its principal growth began with the coming of Moses Austin, who secured a large grant of land from the Spanish gov- ernment. Austin made his home at Potosi or Mine a Breton, as it was then called, and built for himself a stone house known as Durham Hall. It was the finest residence west of the Mississippi river for a great many years and was burned in 1872. Austin also erected a large smelting plant, being the first reverberatory furnace in Missouri. He was also interested in other enterprises and did much for the building up of the town. When Louis- iana was transferred to the United States in 1808 there were twenty families at Mine a Breton and the town contained two grist mills, a saw mill, Austin's smelter and shot tower and a sheet lead factory operated by Elias Bates. Potosi L.ud Out and Incorporated When Washington county was organized in 1813, Austin donated forty acres and John Rice Jones ten acres for a county seat; the town was laid out and called Potosi. For a time there were two villages adjoining, one known as Potosi, the other Mine a Breton ; they were consolidated and incorporated in 1826 under the name of Potosi. At the time of the incorporation the town had a population of about 400. Among the buildings were a court house, a jail, a school, two churches. Catholic and Methodist Episcopal, besides a number of business buildings of various kinds. At the present time there are six churches, good public school building, the Bank of Po- tosi, with a capital of $15,000, Washmgtou County Bank, with a capital of $10,000, a flouring mill and a number of business estab- lishments of various kinds. The streets are graded and lighted. The present population is 772. There are two weekly papers. The In- dependent, a Democratic paper, and The Journal, which is Republican. 269 270 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Old jMines west of the ilississippi river on the Cape Gir- Old Mines was founded in 1802 by French ^rdeau & Chester Railway. The town was settlers from Ste. Genevieve, though there l^id out m 1S22 by Robert T. Brown, Joseph had been people living in the vit-inity at var- /Tucker and Thomas Rmey, commissioners ap- ious times fri)m the discovery of the mines by Renault about 1726. There were thirty-one families of the old French settlers and the greater part of the population was engaged in mining. The first Catholic church in Wash- ington county was erected by the people at this village. At the present time there are two churches, Catholic and Baptist, a public school, a Catholic school, a hotel, several stores, a lead smelter, and a niiU. It has a population of about 250 and is situated in Washington county six miles north of Potosi. Caledonia Caledonia, a village in Washington coimty about 12 miles south of Potosi, was founded in 1819 and is in the center of the famous Bellevue valley, the coimtry around it being remarkable for its fertility. In 1899 it had three general stores, a wagon factory, a saw mill, a grist mill, a Methodist church and a Presbyterian church and a public school. At that time its population was 250, its present population is 128. The Presbyterian church is one of the oldest in Missouri, having been organized in 1825. The town was formerly the seat of Bellevue Collegiate Institute be- fore its removal to Fredericktown. There is one bank, the Bank of Caledonia, with a cap- ital of .$10,000. It is the terminus of the Caledonia branch of the Iron Mountain Rail- way which runs from Mineral Point. Perrtville Perryville is the county .seat of Perry county ; it is in Center township fourteen miles pointed to select the seat of justice of Perry county. The land was owned by Bernard Layton, who donated fifty-one acres to the county as a site for the county seat. This land was surveyed and the to^^^l platted by William McLane. The lots were sold at pub- lic auction, fifty-three lots bringing a total of $1,468.25. The first merchant in the town was Ferdinand Rozier, of Ste. Genevieve, who opened a store on the north side of the public square in a wooden building ; after a time he built a large brick building, which is still standing. The second merchant was Levi Block, and about 18-10 Gissel and Company and T. & L. Landry began business. Among the early settlers were John Logan, who con- ducted a tan yard, Leonard Fath, a black- smith. Dr. Richard Dorsey, Dr. Reuben Shel- by, Luther Taylor and Frederick Hase, who was clerk of the court. The first incorpora- tion of the town was made in 1831, the trustees being Clayton D. Abernathy, George Killian. Luther Taylor, Dr. Richard Dorsey and William A. Keyte. This organization was allowed to lapse after a short time and the to«Ti was not reincorporated imtil 1856; at that time the trustees were Leon DeLassus, John Bridgeman, George W. Enler, Bernard Cissell and Leonard Fath. At the breaking out of the Civil war the population was about 300; the town suffered some during the war, but not so greatly as many other towns in this part of the state. At this time there were about 60 business houses, including bank, flouring mill, brick and ice plants, hotels, general stores, etc. There are four churches and a good system of public schools. St. Marj's Seminary, which was established in HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 271 1S18. is a large and flourishing Catholic sfhool, situated just outside of the city limits ; the school owns valuable land and has several large buildings. The population of the town is 1.708. There are two banks in the town with a combined capital of $35,000. The I'crry County Sun is a Democratic weekly, and The Republican is Republican in politics. LONGTOWN Longtown, a village in Perry county, was settled in 1860. The first residents were John Long, Emil Urban, Herman Punke, Valentine Bergmann, Frederick Schade and Oliver Abernathy. The place was incorporated in April, 1874, the first time and Valentine Bergmann was the first mayor. Emil Urban and Oliver Abernathy were the first merchants in the town. At the present time there are three general stores and one flouring mill. The to\\Ti is situated on the Cape Girardeau & Chester Railroad and has a population of 158. Altenburg The town of Altenburg in Perry county, was founded in 1847, one of the first settlers being C. F. Walther. Shortly after the foiuid- ing of the town stores were opened by Zaeh- ariah Mueller, George Mueller and John Kuennell. The town was settled by Germans who were Lutherans, and shortly after the settlement was made they founded the college, whose history we have given in another place. A building was erected and this building is still in existence and steps have been taken to preserve it on account of its historic interest. The town was incorporated July 5, 1870, and Dr. E. E. Buenger was its first mayor. At the present time there are three general stores, a swing factory and a creamery. The financial interests are cared for by the Bank of Altenburg with a capital of .$10,000. The more im- portant buildings of the town are the high school and Lutheran church building. The present population is 279. CHAPTER XXI WAYNE AND JEFFERSON COUNTIES Greenville, Early and Late — Piedmont — P atterson — DeSoto — Crystal City — Her- CULANEUM HiLLSBORO — KiMMSWICK — H EMATITE. In 1819 Greenville was platted on the St. Francois river by the commissioners for establishing the seat of justice in Wayne county. The early merchants were Van Horn & Wheeler, William Creath, Lysander Flinn and Zenas Smith. The hotels of the early times were kept by Moses Timmons and Jo- seph Bennett. The first physicians were: E. W. Bennett, Drs. Paj'ne, Capp and Dickey. The town grew very slowly. It was at a dis- tance from any great number of people, and all the goods that were bought and sold there must be hauled from the Mississippi river, usually from Cape Girardeau. In 1826 it was damaged by an overflow of the St. Fran- cois river, which covered the town to a depth of several feet. The town was built on level ground, and it is difficult to protect it from a rise in the river. For a great many years Greenville was without any railroad facilities, being situated at a distance of twenty miles from the nearest point on the Iron Mountain Railroad. About 1894 the Holliday Land & Lumber Company, a corporation interested in timber lands, saw mills and mining, began the construction of a railroad from Williamsville to Greenville, and at Gi-eenville erected the shops for the railroad and also a very large mill for the man- ufacture of lumber. This railroad was after- wards extended to the northwest a distance of twenty miles from Greenville. The build- ing of the railroad, together with the estab- lishment of the mill, brought about .i consid- erable growth in the town. It became a pros- perous mercantile community. The mills, however, are now no longer in operation and the town depends for its support almost en- tirely upon the farming community nbout it and upon its importance as the county seat. There are now two general stores in the to\vn, but no factories. Greenville has two banks: the Citizens, with a capital of $10,000, and the Wayne County, with a capital of $25,000. Among the more important buildings are the court house, a two-story brick structure and a good public school building, which gives accommodation to about 600 pupils. In 1899 it contained about 125 business houses, including two banks, opera house, two tiouring mills, five carriage and wagon shops, machine shop, electric light and ice plants, three hotels, a number of general stores, and miscellaneous establishments. The town is situated on the St. Francois river and a part of it is subject to overflow at the time of unusually high water. It has had one or two disastrous experiences with floods. It is laid out in a very irregular manner, it being a coiumon tradition in the town that the streets were originally deter- mined bj' corn rows. Its present population is 914. The papers in the town are the Wayne County Jovrnal, which is Democratic 272 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 273 in politics, and the Greenville Siui, Republi- can. Piedmont Piedmont is a city of the fourth class sit- uated in Benton township, Wayne county, on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway. It was laid out at the completion of the Iron Mountain road to that point about 1860. It was made the division point of the railroad, the repair shops were erected and the town prospered very greatly. In 1888 Patterson Patterson, a town in Logan township, Wayne county, dates its beginning back to the year 1854. It was then known as Isbell's store, owing to the fact that Isbell was the first, and for a number of years the only merchant in the town. DeSoto DeSoto, the largest town in Jefferson county, is situated on the St. Louis, Iron High School, DeSoto about one-half of the business part of the town was destroyed by fire, and it has had other destructive fires since that time. It has revived from these damages, however, and is now a prosperous and growing community. It has good streets and sidewalks, electric lights, four churches, a good publii; school, which is housed in a modern school building, two banks, a flouring mill and about twenty other business enterprises of various kinds. The Piedmont Banner is a weekly paper pub- lished by Bristol French. There are three banks in the town with a combined capital of .$55,000. The present population is 1,154. Vol. 1—18 Mountain & Southern Railway forty-seven miles south of St. Louis. It is built partly in the valley of Joachim creek and partly on the hills overlooking the valley. The first resident on the site of the town was Van Home, who opened a farm here in 1808. In 1855 Colonel John W. Fletcher built a residence and saw mill on the site ; the town was not laid out until 1857, when Thomas C. Fletcher, afterward governor of Missouri, and Lewis J. Rankin had the site surveyed and liegan the sale of lots. A postoffice was estab- lished with C. E. Fletcher as the first post- master; E. M. Boli in the same year opened the first store, and the first brick house in the 274 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI town was built by D. Cohen. The population grew slowly at first and did not exceed 200 by 1861, but at the close of the war it began to increase rapidly and the town was incorpo- rated in 1869. The ear works and machine shops of the Iron Mountain Railway Company were located in DeSoto in 1872 on condition that necessary grounds .should be donated by the citizens and that the property of the com- pany should be forever exempt from taxation. Owing to certain irregularities the city was incorporated two or three times before 1883. Soon after the establishment of the town an educational institution known as DeSoto Academy was organized by Professor Trum- ble for which a large building was erected. He gave up the work in 1868 and the school was closed for a time and the building used for private school purposes until 1886 when it was burned. In 1882 a stone and brick public school building was erected on the hill above the town at a cost of $15,000, and in 1905 a high school building adjoining the older build- ing was erected ; the public school at present employs about twenty-five teachers and is well and thoroughly organized; there are also two other ward school buildings and a school for negroes. There are many churches in the town — the Baptist, Methodist, Southern Meth- odist, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Episco- pal, Roman Catholic, German Methodist and Evangelical — each having church buildings and organizations. There is also a fine build- ing for the Toung Men's Christian Associa- tion, the funds for which were provided in large part by Miss Helen Gould. The lead- ing industry of the town is the car works of the railroad ; other industries are flouring mills, ice plant, planing mill, machine factory, wagon factory and marble and bottling works. The Jefferson Coimty bank and the Peoples' Bank ox Desoto were organized in 1885 and the German-American bank was organized in 1898; they are all prosperous and enterprising institutions with ample capital. The news- liapers of the town are The Press and The licpuMicait. The town has a good system of electric lights and water works, being sup- l)lied from artesian wells. There are many beautiful residences and the population of the town is 4,721. Cry.st.\l City Crystal Citj' is situated in Jefferson comity on Plattin creek, thirty miles south of St. Louis. The land on which the town now stands was entered in 1834 by an eastern com- jiany with the expectation of fuiding mineral on it ; the site, however, was not occupied nor were minerals found at that time. In 1868 the place was visited by three English expert glass makers, who shipped two barrels of sand to England, which when tested proved to be of a very superior quality. The first success- ful attempt to make use of this sand was made in 1871. At that time the American Plate Glass Company of Detroit, Michigan, with a capital of $150,000 was organized by Captain E. D. Ward. Theodore Luce was appointed as superintendent and a plant for the manu- facture of glass was constructed and put in operation in 1872. Because of the fact that the owners were JMichigan people the village which grew up around the plant was called New Detroit, but the workmen persisted in giving it the name of Crystal City, which was afterwards adopted. The financial panic of 1873 and the death of Captain Ward caused the plant to be sold ; it was purchased by a St. Louis corporation — the Crystal Plate Glass Company, of which Ethan Allen Hitchcock was president — for $25,000. This company increased the capital stock to $1,500,000 and appointed George F. Neal superintendent, and purchased additional land. It is said that the company owns about 250 acres of almost pure sand besides other property. This company built the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 275 Crystal City Railroad, extending from the works to Silica on the Iron Mountain, a distance of three and a half miles. The railroad was operated until the building of the Frisco south from St. Louis to ^Memphis. The plant later came imder the control of the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, who now own and operate it. About 2,000 people are em- ployed hy the company and the product of the plant amounts to a large sum each year. The present town is supported almoist exclu- sively by the Company. There is a good public school and several business establish- ments, and one church building. This church building was erected by the Company and stands in the midst of about three acres of very lieai^tiful. well kept grounds. It was first turned over to the Episcopalians but is now free for the services of all denominations. The population of Crystal City is about 1,200. Herculaneum A town in Jefferson county tliirty miles south of St. Louis. It was at one time one of the most important settlements in the west. The land on which the town stands was pur- chased in 1808 by Samuel Hammond and Moses Lawson, who laid it out in town lots and began the sale of the lots. The advantage of the situation of the town was twofold. In the first place it was near the lead region and in the second place it was situated on bluffs over- looking the Jlississippi river, on which it was possible to erect shot towers for the manu- facture of shot at a very little cost; in fact, no tower was really necessary, as the melted lead could be dropped from the top of the bluff into the water below. The first estab- lishment for making shot was erected at the mouth of Joachim creek by John INI. ^Macklot of St. Louis. Other shot towers were erected within a short time and considerable quanti- ties of lead and shot were manufactured. Long says (p. 104) that there were three shot factories at Herculaneum in 1819, all of them built on the summits of perpendicular precipices, by which means the erecting of high towers has been avoided. Flagg ("Far West," p. 93) gives this bit of description : " In a few moments the forest opened unexpectedly before me and at my feet rolled on the turbid floods of the Missis- sippi, beyond which went up the towering cliff's of limestone to the height of more than a hundred feet fi'om the water's edge, were the cliff's of Herculaneum ivitli their shot towers." When Jeff'erson covmty was organized in 1818 Herculaneum was made the countj^ seat and continued to grow and prosper imtil the lead \\hich had Ijeeu transported to Hercula- neum for shipments on the river began to be sent from two other shipping points known as Sehna and Rush Tojwer. They aff'orded some- what better facilities for shipping than Her- culaneum and the town began to decline. The county scat was taken away in 1836 and re- moved to ^louticello, afterward called Hills- boro. The town lo.st a great deal of its im- portance until the establishment of plants for the smelting of lead. When the Missis- sippi River & Bonne Terre Railway was con- structed a large smelting plant was built on the river at Herculaneum and great quanti- ties of lead ore were brought from the mines to be smelted in this plant. It is still one of the important lead manufacturing towns in the state. The town is supported almost en- tirely by the lead company. It has a bank called the Bank of Herculaneum, with a capi- tal of ^10,000; a small public school, two churches, and half a dozen business estab- lishments, and its population is about 800. The Eerculatieinit Hustler is a weekly news- paper and is Republican in politics. There is still standing the chimn*e} -of the old house where Governor Thomas C. Fletcher was born, and also the remains of one of the fir.st shot towers f about 1808). 276 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI HlLLSBORO The first settler on the site of Hillsboro was a man named Hanson, who moved there in 1832 and laid out the town. The place was first called Monticello, bvit on the removal of the seat of justice from Herculaneum to this place the name was changed to Hillsboro. It is a typical country town, being without rail- road facilities, the nearest shipping points be- of the ore from Pilot Knob was brought here for smelting; this was in 1873, and the plant was operated imtil 1883. At the present time the town is supported by the agricultural country about it. There are Presbyterian and Catholic churches and a public school. The town is on the St. Louis, Iron ^Mountain & Southern Railway and also on the St. Louis & San Francisco. Just north of the town is Montesano Springs, a summer resort. Main Street, Hillsboro ing Desoto and Victoria on the Iron Moiuitain Railway. It has a church, a public school, a hotel, two weekly newspapers — the Jefferson Democrat and the Jefferson County Record — a bank with a capital stock of $10,000, and its population is 261. KiMHSWICK Kimmswick is situated on the Mississippi river, twenty-one miles south of St. Louis. It was laid out as a town by Theodore Kimm in 1859. At one time the town bid fair to be- come one of considerable importance ; this was during the operation of iron mines at Pilot Kiiob and Iron Mountain. A large smelting plant was erected in Kimmswick and much The Bank of Kimmswick has a capital stock of $10,000. The population of Kimmswick is 235. Hematite A town in Jeffer.son county on the St. Louis, Iron ilountain & Southern Railway, thirty- five miles southwest of St. Louis, was laid out in 1861 by Stephen Osborn of St. Louis. It contains Christian, Congregational and Meth- odist churches, a public school, a flour mill and some other business establishments. It i.« the shipping point for a large amoimt of building stone quarried in the vicinity of the town. Its pop^llation is about 200. CHAPTER XXII ST. FRANCOIS, BOLLINGER AND PEMISCOT COUNTIES Present-Day Bismarck — Libertyville — Farmington — Marble Hill — Lutesville Gay- oso — Caruthersville. Birmarek, in St. Francois coimty, was set- tled iu 1860 and incorporated twenty years later. Among its early settlers ■\vere S. C. Mantler, W. H. Evans, L. Sherrill, the Dent family, the Cooleys and the Matkins. The first merchants in the town were Columbus Grider, Sims and Boss. The early importance of the town was due almost entirely to the construction of the Iron Mountain Railroad and its growth has depended principally upon the farming community in which it is situated and its railroad interests. Present-Day Bismarck Bismarck has now five general stores, but the only manufacturing establishment is a flouring mill. The more important buildings in the town are the hotel nud the I. 0. 0. F. hall ; it is the division point of the Ii"on Moim- tain Railroad and the western terminus of the Illinois Southern, and is also the connection point of the Belmont branch with the main line of the Iron Mountain. The town has a good public school and the usual church or- ganizations. Its financial interests are cared for by the Bank of Bismarck, which has a capital stock of $25,000. The population of Bismarck is 848. The Bismarck Gazette is a weekly newspaper and is independent in poli- tics. It is published by George Bisplinghoff. Libertyville This village in St. Fi-ancois coimty is situ- ated in the Cook settlement, one of the oldest communities in Southeast Missouri. It is six miles from Knoblick on the railroad and has a large flouring mill, a brick school building and a church. Farmington The county seat of St. Francois county was located and surveyed as a town in February, 1822. It was located on land belonging to David Murphy, the site of the old Murphy settlement which was made about the year 1800. Murphy donated to St. Francois county fifty-two acres of land and the county ap- pointed Henry Postom, John Andrews, Wil- liam Shaw, Mark Dent and William Alexan- der as commissioners to locate the seat of justice. The survey' of the town was made by Henry Poston. The first store was opened in 1823 in a small log building on the west side of the public square, by John D. Peers; later he removed to the east side of the square and in 1833 formed a partnership with M. P. Cayce. Among the other merchants at that time were Henry W. Crowell and J. J. Brady; a saddlery shop was owned and managed by a Mr. Day. and the hotel was conducted by 278 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI John Boaz. The town was incorporated as a village by order of the county court in 1856, with John Cobb and George "W. Williams as trustees; William R. Taylor was city clerk. It was incorporated as a city of the fourth class in 1878, the first mayor being Alvin Rucker. The town grew slowly and depended upon the farming commimity about it and also upon its possession of the county seat. At the breaking out of the war it had a popu- lation of about 500. At this time the princi- pal merchants were M. P. Cayce, S. A. Dout- hitt & Son, Peers & Company, and Ai-nold & Rucker. The first grist mill was built in 1856 by M. P. Cayce and S. A. Doi;thitt ; this mill, afterward enlarged and remodeled, was kno^\^a as the Parmington roller mills. The town suffered considerable injury by the fact that the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Mas built at a distance of two and a half miles to the west, owing to the fact that the town refused to subscribe to the stock of the rail- road. However, the injury to the toMTi was neither serious nor permanent, and contrary to general expectation the business was not moved to the new town of DeLassus. The jjrincipal merchants in the period from 1880 to 1890 were Dalton & Marks. J. Krieger, S. S. Smith, Cole & Hackada,^% M. Rosenthal, Simon J. Copson, Thomas Williams; general mer- chants, Orten & Davis, F. E. Klein & Com- pany, S. C. Gosson and J. H. Waide ; grocers, J. R. ]\IcCormick, Brad Robinson, A. Rucker and A. Parkhurst ; druggist, Robert Tetlay ; jeweler, C. E. Barrel! ; stationer, Lang & Brother; lumber dealers, Giessing Brothers, proprietors of the Farmington Roller mills. In 1887 the Bank of Farmington was or- ganized, with A. Parkhurst as president and L. P. Cayce as cashier, with a capi- tal stock of $15,000; it now has a capital of $50,000. The Farmers' Bank of Farming- ton was organized in April. 1904, and has a capital stock of $35,000. The St. Francois County bank was organized in April, 1907, and has a capital of $30,000. At the present time there are twelve general stores, two drug stores, two confectionery stores, three restau- rants, one five- and ten-cent store, two express oflices, one jewelry store, four barber shops, one book store and three newspapers. The present manufacturing establishments are three wagon and buggy shops, three black- smith shops, foi;r lumber yards and one con- struction company. The town has a good sys- tem of electric lights and water works. The principal buildings are the court house, St. Francois hotel, the Realty building, the opera house and a high school building. The tOMTi now covers two and a half square miles and has a population of 2,800. Its assessed valu- ation is more than a million dollars. It is divided into four wards ; there are eight alder- men. Hon. George M. Wilson is mayor of the town. There are eight churches in Parmington — ]\Iethodist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal South, negro Methodist, Christian, Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Catholic. The fii-st newspaper published was the Southern M'issouri Argus, which was established by Nichol. Crowell & Shuck in 1880. In 1889 its name was changed to The Herald, and in 1892 it was removed to Desoto. The Xeiv Era, a paper which began a publication at Libertj'- ville. was removed to Parmington in 1871 and to Marble Hill in 1876. In 1872 The Times was started by C. E. Ware and J. H. Rodehaver; it is now published by Theodore D. Fisher. The Neivs was established in 1884 by P. T. Pigg and The Herald in 1886 by Isaac Rodehaver. Farmington has been famous for many years as a center of educational interest. Its .system of public schools is not surpassed in Southeast Missouri. It has three good school HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 279 Missouri State Hospital prom Superintendent's Residence High School, Parmington 280 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI buildings, one of them — the high school build- ing — having been recently completed at a cost of $50,000. Besides its system of public schools the town is the seat of Carleton Col- lege and of Elmwood Seminary, accounts of both of which appear in the chapter on edu- cation. The town is also the seat of the state hospital No. 4 for the insane. This institution is one of the best equipped in the state. It is situated on beautiful and commodious grounds and the buildings are costly and convenient. The town is not on any line of railroad but is connected with the St. Louis & Iron Moiui- tain, and also with the Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railroad by the St. Francois County Interurban line, which was con- .striicted in 1905. The present population is 2,613. Marble Hill Marble Hill, which was selected as tho county seat of Bollinger county, was first named New California. It was laid off as a town in 1851 by Thomas Hamilton. The commissioners to choose the site of the county seat, who were David Ramsay, Isaac Shep- herd and J. J. Daugherty, selected this place and laid off a to\\ii, including New California, which they named ' ' Dallas. ' ' They proceeded to mark out a place for the public square, and title to the town site was obtained from the owners of the land, who were Joseph Baker, Jacob Lutes, Daniel Grader and Thomas Ham- ilton. The first store in the town was eon- ducted by John C. Whybark. Some of the other early merchants were William Grimsey, Edward Wilson and George Clippard The first hotel was opened by Calvin Cook. The town was not incorporated imtil during the Civil war. Its name was then changed to ]\Iarble Hill and Levy E. Whybark, F. J. Williams, J. J. Conrad, Lindsay Murdoch and J. J. Duffy were appointed as trustees for the town. The town has not grown very rapidly in recent years, but still has experienced a steady increase. Its present population is 313 ; it is supported by the farming community about it. The principal importance of the town lies in the fact that it is the county seat of the county and that it is the seat of the Will Mayfield College. The Bank of Marble Hill was chartered in 1905 and has a capital stock of $5,000. The town is situated on the top of a hill and is separated from Lutesville by Crooked creek. It is a pleasant place of residence and has a public schools system and churches of the Baptist, Methodist and Catho- lic denominations. The Marble Hill Press is a weekly newspaper published by Hill & Chandler. Lutesville The town of Lutesville is situated on the west side of Crooked creek, about a half mile from Marble Hill. It was laid out as a town in 1860 by Eli Lutes, in whose honor the town was named. In order to secure a station on the Belmont branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, JMr. Lutes gave to the railroad company ten acres of ground for station purposes, the right-of-way through the town, and one-third of the lots. The first merchant in town was C. E. Rowe, who began business in a small box house and continued until the time of his death. Eli Lutes was also one of the early merchants. The first mayor of the town was F. S. Traut- wein. There are now five general stores and the usual number of smaller business estab- lishments. There is one stave factory, which has been in operation for a number of years, and also a mill. The Bollinger County bank, with a capital of $25,000, was incorporated in 1891, and the Peoples' Bank of Lutesville, with a capital of $12,000 was iucoqiorated in 1903. Among the principal buildings are HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 281 r M r c O o r r K r r 282 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the Odd Fellows' hall and the business blocks of W. W. Sample and Robert Drum. The pop- ulation of Lutesville is 551. The Lutesville Baniur is a weekly paper and is Republican in politics. Gayoso This town received its name in honor of the Spanish governor of Louisiana, Don Manuel Gayoso. When the site was selected for the county seat of Pemiscot county in April, 1851, there was not a house standing on the fifty acres of land purchased by the commissioners. This land was bought from James A. McFar- land and the town was surveyed by William Bigham. No house was erected until 1854, when Sanford Jackson built a small residence. The next house was built by Charles A. Kim- ball. W^arriugton & Pennell of New Madrid were the first merchants. They began busi- ness in 1854 and were succeeded by Benjamin Sellers. John H. Kelly was another early merchant. The first hotel was built in 1856 by Wade H. Spencer. Francois Baxter, who was an Englishman, taught the first school in the school house, which was erected in 1859. Other schools had been taught prior to this time, but they were conducted in the court house. This court house was erected in 1854 and was a small frame building on the public square. This building was used until 1873, when it was moved away and used as a stable by George W. Carleton. James A. McFarland, who owTied the land on which the town was laid out, was one of the first physicians in Gayoso, as was Robert E. Clowd. In 1858 Dr. John H. Alexander came from Point Pleasant to Gayoso. He seems to have been the first graduate of a regular medical college in the county. The principal resident of the town during many years of its history was Major George W. Carleton. whose life is recorded in another chapter. To his enterprise and business abil- ity was due in large measure the prosperity which the place enjoyed. Gayoso met the fate of many other river towns. The Mississippi gradually encroached upon it until little was left. The county seat was removed to Caruther.sville and the place ceased to exist. C.VRUTHEESVILLE Caruthersville, the present comity seat of Pemiscot comity, is situated not far from the old village of Little Prairie. It was named in honor of Hon. Sam Caruthers of Madison count.v, and was laid out in 1857. G. W^. Bushlej- and Col. J. H. Walker were the men instrumental in locating the new town. It grew very slowly and attained no real impor- tance until after - the war. Among the first merchants were Harbison & Christie, and Davidson & Edwards. At present Caruthersville has a population of 3,655. The three banks in the town have a capital stock of $175,000, with large deposits. Among the business interests are an ice plant, four cotton gins, a cottonseed oil mill, a large egg case factory, heading factory, a handle mill, bottling works and about thirty general stores. Besides these there are a number of other business interests of minor importance. The town is lighted with electric lights and has a modern system of water works. The public schools of Caruthersville are in a good condition, there being one large brick building for the grades, and a new high school building. Seventeen teachers are employed. Besides the public schools there is a Catholic parochial school, which has a large attendance. There are church organizations of most of the denom- inations and several of them have church buildings. There are published in the town the follow- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 283 ing papers: The Democrat, edited by W. R. rich farming coimtry about malces the future Lacey ; The Argus, edited by H. B. Averill. of the place secure. It enjoys the advantage and The Bcpublican, edited by Frank Aber- of river traffic and is the southern terminus nathy. of the St. Louis & Gulf, a branch of the Large lumber interests center here and the Frisco. CHAPTER XXIII DUNKLIN AND MISSISSIPPI Old-Time Kennett — Modern Town Dates from Railroad — Clarkton — Horneesville — Mississippi County Seat — Charleston op the Present — Belmont. Kennett, the coimty seat of Dunklin county, was laid out as a town in 1840. It was first called CHilletecaux, after the Indian village which was near. In 1849 the legislature of the state changed its name to Butler. A few years after that time it received its present name, in honor of Luther M. Kennett. Old-Time Kennett The first merchant in the town of Kennett was Elbert C. Spiller. Some of the other early merchants were James Cude, A. M. Davis, J. R. McCuUough, John S. Houston, John li. Marsh and Campbell Wright. The town grew slowly for a good many years and was supported in part by the business of the county seat. It is surrounded by very fertile land, but this land for many years was unde- veloped and the population of the county was small. In 1847 a small log building was erected as a court hou.se. It was placed in the center of the public square, about where the present court house stands. It was used until during the war, when it was destroyed. The first jail was built at the same time of the court house building. It, too, was of logs. and was used until after the war. The town suffered greatly during the war, •as it was in territory traversed by botli armies and was sometimes in the hands of lawless men. After the war there was not much left except a small village. Progress was very slow for many years. The town was so far from river and rail transportation that it seemed practically impossible for it to develop. The population of the county grew but the great bulk of its trade went to Cape Girar- deau. That was the nearest accessible point on the river. The cotton and other products of Dunklin coimty soil were hauled to that place, and the diy goods and supplies used by the people brought back in return. With the building of the Cairo & Texas Raih-oad from Cairo to Poplar Bluff, Dexter became the great trading point for Dimklin county. A little later I\Ialden, the western terminus of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railway (later the St. Louis Southwestern) was the most important trading center. There were alwaj's a few stores at Kennett during this period, but they carried small stocks of goods and made little effort to pro- vide a market for the county's products. This failure to provide for handling the crops was due to a number of things. The distance from adequate means of transportation, the lack of sufficient capital, and the method then in vogue of handling cotton, which was the most important staple crop. At that time cotton was ginned before being sold by the farmer. 284 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 285 and was then usually consigned by him to some commission merchant in St. Louis to be sold on accoimt. Furs were for many years an important item in the county's wealth and these were often bought by traveling agents for fur houses in the cities. All these condi- tions prevented the town from acquiring any considerable importance. A few men, however, saw the possibilities of the development of trade and the building wp of a town, and kept working and planning for their own and the town's prosperity. The foremost of these men was W. F. Shelton. whose early struggles and final success form a most interesting chapter in the town's his- tory. Other men who held on and kept faith in the town's eventual success were Tatum Bros., T. E. Baldwin, W. G. Bragg, R. H. Jones, D. Y. Pankey, Dr. A. B. Mobley and J. B. Blakemore. Modern Town Dates prom Railroad Many plans were made for ending the town's isolation by the building of a railroad, but nothing was actually done imtil 1891. In that year E. S. McCarthy and associates built a line from Campbell on the St. Louis South- westei'n, to Keimett. The first train reached the town January 1, 1892. The road soon came into possession of Louis Houck. It was eventually extended to Caruthersville, giving an oiatlet to the river ; later it was built to the south. Coupled with the coming of the rail- roads were other changes which added to the prosperity of the town. Population of the county grew rapidly, the products of the farms became more varied, new business methods were introduced, capital for opening up new enterprises became abundant. The timber, which was very abundant, became valuable, and its development brought large sums of money. The countv became one of the most prosperous in this part of the state, and Kennett shared in this prosperity. Frame buildings were supplanted by brick, sidewalks were built, and other public improvements made, so that in the short time since the rail- road reached the town it has been transformed from a country village with a population of 500 or 600 to a thriving and prosperous town with modern improvements, good schools, churches, handsome residences, good bu-siness establishments, and a population of more than 3,000. It is now one of the fastest growing towns in Southeast Missouri, is situated in the midst of a most fertile farming country, and it has also the advantage of nearness to large bodies of timber. Its railroad facilities are good. It is on the St. Louis and Gulf line of the Frisco, which gives it connection with th3 Cotton Belt at Campbell, with the main line of the Frisco at Cape Girardeau and Hayti, and also connects it with the Paragould & Southeastern Railroad to the south. Besides the Frisco, the town is the terminus of the St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern, which ex- tends from Piggott, Arkansas, to Kennett. This line is owned by home capital and is important to the town because it opens up great bodies of timber and much valuable farming land. There are about fifty business establishments of various kinds, including some large general stores, office buildings, drug stores and furniture and hardware estab- lishments. Besides these there are some large wood working plants engaged in the manu- facture of staves,' heading and lumber, and the town has one of the few cotton oil mills in Missouri. It possesses the usual church or- ganizations, all of which have good buildings, and there are two banks in the town — the Bank of Kennett, which was organized in 1891 and has a capital stock of $25,000. and the 286 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Cotton Exchange Bank, organized in 1900, which has a capital stock of $30,000. The town is the county seat of Dunklin county and one of the principal buildings is the court house, which occupies a commanding site in the center of the square. The business con- nected with the courts is one of the features of life in the town. The Dunklin Democrat, a Democratic newspaper edited by E. P. Caruthers, is one of the best county papers in the section. It has a large circulation and in New Madrid county to Dunklin countj% its terminus being Clarkton. The first settler in the town was Dr. Skaggs. Other early settlers were John Timberman and his partner, Wil- liam Muse; they operated the first store in the town. Dr. Van H. Harrison was one of the first physicians and R. W. and T. C. Stokes were merchants. The town grew rap- idly for a time as it was surrounded by a fine farming coimtry and its population soon grew tc three hundred. It built the first good school Court House, Kennett considerable influence. The town has a good system of public schools, there being at pres- ent two buildings — the Central school and the Shelton school. There is a fully accredited high school and this institiition is one of the most popular in the town. Clarkton Clarkton, in Dunklin county, was founded in 1860 and was named in honor of Henry E. Clark, who was one of the contractors of the building of the Plank road from Weaverville building in the county. Its prosperity was very greatly checked, however, by the build- ing of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas rail- road from New Madrid to JIalden. Most of the business of Clarkton was moved either to Maiden or Kennett, and for many years the town was at a standstill. Only one or two stores were conducted during this period, the principal one being that owned by Michael Hubbard. About 1895 a railroad was built from Gibson to Cape Girardeau; this was a branch of the Frisco system and it passed HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 287 through tlie old village of Clarkton. It, im- mediately revived and took on new life, and is now a prosperous and tlourishing town, having several good general stores, two banks, and boasts a population of 682. The people of Clarkton have recently con- structed a new school building, which is justly the pride of the citizens of the town. At one time Clarkton was the largest town in Dunk- lin county and constructed the first building for school purposes of any pretentions what- ever. This frame building was used for many years, but has recently been superseded by a new and better building. A well was bored near the town in 1910 in an effort to find oil or gas. This effort was unsuccessful, but at a depth of about 1,000 feet a strong flow of artesian water was found. IIORNERSVILLE Hornersville, in the south part of Dunklin county, was established in 1840 by William H. Horner, llr. Horner was the first mer- chant of the town and its most prominent citizen. The town received its name from him. It had a very limited growth prior to the war, there being only a few stores up to this time. It is now on the line of the Paragould Southeastern Railroad and is a flourishing business community. It has a number of good stores, several cotton gins and its financial interests are cared for by the Bank of Hor- nersville, chartered in 1909 ; it has a capital stock of $10,000. Its present population is 390. There are cotton gins and sawmills which contribute to the town's prosperity. Its s.ys- tem of schools is well organized. It is in the finest farming country in Southeast Missouri and will always be a prosperoixs community. There are two churches — Methodist and Bap- tist. Mississippi County Seat ' Charleston, the coimty seat of Mississippi county, was laid off as a town in 1837, sixteen acres being surveyed in twelve blocks. The land on which it was laid off belonged to Thankful Randol, Joseph Moore and W. P. Barnard. The first person to reside on the town site seems to have been Humphrey War- ren, who built a small log house there about 1830. His house and land was bought by Thankful Randol, who resided at the place until her death. After the town of Charleston was established she kept a hotel. The first store in the town was opened by John West and his partner, whose name was Neil. Other merchants were Arthur R. Newman, Henry G. Cuiumings, and Kuran Gorman. Gorman was one of the largest and most successful merchants in Charleston prior to the war, and is said to have become wealthy tlirough his trading operations. One of the men who did much to build the town up and make it prosperous was George Whitcomb. He moved to Charleston shortly after the town was founded and built a large, double log house on the lot where Hon. J. J. Russell now lives. He was a public spirited man and accom- plished a great deal for the town. It was largely due to his work and influence that the Cairo & Fulton Railroad was secured for Charleston. He was clerk of the courts for al)out twenty years and during most of that time was also a dealer in real estate. The first newspaper in Charleston was estab- lished in 1857. It was known as The Courier, and its editor was George Whitcomb. T]ic Courier was one of the few papers in South- oast Missouri that was published during the war. From 1858 to 1S72 the manager, and for a part of the time the editor, was W. F. 288 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Martin ; though the paper continued to be tlie property of Mr. Whitcomb. It is said that there was a school conducted in a log cabin near the site of Charleston prior to the laj'ing off of the town. It was Imown as the Indian Grove school. Some of the first teachers were Hartford Hayes, James L. Moore and John C. Thomas. There were fifteen business establishments in the town in 1859, including general and special stores. Among the merchants were K. Gorman, L. Kosenberg, Hayes & Bartlett, Frank Myrick, J. H. Bridges, W. G. Cooley, W. A. Lynn and F. J. Jecko. At this time the town's physicians were B. J. Moore, S. D. Golder, T. C. Poor, J. L. Haw and A. E. Simp- son. There was a strong bar, and a number of attorneys made their homes here. Among them were Robert Waide, A. M. Bedford. N. E. Quinby, Sam C. Moore, Joseph C. Moore and M. Ward. The first bank in tlie town was a branch of the old Union Bank organized in 1860. John Bird was made president and J. C. Moore cashier. The directors were among the mo.st influential citizens of the town at that time. They were G. W. Whitcomb, C. C. Kalfus, Thompson Bird, J. S. Bledsoe, Noah Handy, James Smith, J. L. Moore and K. Gorman. The bank was taken possession of by Con- federate soldiers under General Jeff. Thomp- son in 1862 and $58,000 in gold and .silver was carried away and afterward turned over to the depositors. This action was taken to pre- vent the funds falling into the hands of the Federal forces. The next bank was the Bank of Charleston, chartered in October, 1887, with a capital stock of $15,000. A. H. Dan- forth was its first president and Scott Alex- ander cashier. This bank now has a capital of $100,000 and J. J. Russell is president: Scott Alexander is still cashier. The Missis- sippi County Bank was chartered in 1891 and has a capital of $40,000. In 1902 the Peoples' Bank was organized and its capital is $35,000. Ch.vrleston op the Present The town is one of the most pleasantly situ- ated in Southeast ilissouri ; it is on a sandy ridge and in the midst of the most fertile and easily worked soil in the entire section. It is distinetl.y a city of homes and has developed the characteristic life of the older settled communities of this part of the state. It is at the crossing of the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain and of the Cairo & Texas be- tween Poplar Bluff and Cairo ; it has ample railroad facilities and is not a great distance from the river. The general business interests are well represented and there is a large flour- ing mill and other smaller manufacturing plants. The town is distinguished on account of its interest in churches and school system ; all the usual church organizations exist and the ^lethodists and Baptists have recently completed the erection of two unusually well constructed church buildings. The public school system is of the highest grade, there being two buildings, both of them new and well adapted to the work of the schools; a four years' high school course is fully ac- credited and takes high rank among the schools of the section. The population is 3,141. The town is the county seat of ]\Iis- sissippi countj-. The newspapers are The Eiiterprisc, a Democratic weekly, and The It'cpiiblican. which is Republican in politics. Charleston is the headquarters of the South- east IMissouri Telephone Company, which op- crates exchanges in many of the principal towns of the southeast. . HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 289 Belmont surveyed a year before Charleston was, in Belmont, which is the terminus of the Bel- 1836. It was established by James Ramsay mout branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad, and William Lester, and is situated on the is a little town in Mississippi county ; it was Mississippi river about six miles below Bird 's laid out in 1853. The oldest town in Missis- Point. It is famous as the scene of a fiercely sippi county, however, is Norfolk, which was fought battle during the Civil war. Vol. I— 1 9 / CHAPTER XXIV TOWNS OF SIX COUNTIES Commerce Incorporated — Benton, Scott County Seat — Sikeston — Doniphan, County Seat of Ripley — Poplar Bluff, Butler County's Seat of Justice — Bloomfield, Stod- dard County — Ironton, County Seat of Ironton — Arcadia — Lesterville — Smaller Settlements. The town of Commerce, in Scott county, was laid out in 1823. The conimissionei's were Wilson Abel, James Purtels, Thomas Roberts, Joseph Smith and James WeUborn. It had been a trading post for about twenty years before it was regularly laid off as a town. The land on which it was built was the property of the heirs of Thomas W. Waters. The early merchants were Archibald Price, Weaver & Echols, Shaw & Pettit, and Ignatius Wathen. John Brown was hotel keeper, Lyon & Apple- gate were carpenters, and William and Sam- uel Graysey operated a pottery making estab- lishment. In 184:4 Benjamin B. Gaither be- gan the operation of a tan yard. In 1856 a large mill was built by Ignatius R. Wathen, who was at that time a resident of Cape Girardeau. Other men who bought and sold goods during this period were Thomas M. Shaw, John Hoskins, Moses Baker, and IMo- rean & Burgess. Commerce Incorporated The town was incorporated in July, 1834, with William Grasey, Jacob Stear, J. S. Smith, John Brown and Joseph W. Echols as trustees. The legislature of the state granted a charter to the town in 1857 and the govern- ment was organized in accordance with the provisions of this charter. It, however, fell into disuse during the war period. This town is at that point on the ridge known as the Scott county hills and is also on the Mississippi river. It has river transpor- tation and is also on the Gulf division of the Frisco railroad. It has several business estab- lishments, the principal one being a flouring mill and a plant for the manufacture of tile. There are the usual church organizations in the to^vn and a public school. The Farmers' Bank was chartered in 1892 and has a capital stock of $50,000. The population of Com- merce is 544. Benton, Scott County Seat Benton, the county seat of Scott county, was laid out in 1822 on land owned by Colonel William Meyers. Among the early residents were Colonel Meyers, Edmond Rogers, John Houts, Michael McLaughlin and John B. Rut- ter. Rogers was a tavern owner, Houts ran !i tan yard, McLaughlin was a merchant, and Rutter was a clerk of the court. The early houses were, most of them, log houses. The first frame house in the town was a store build- ing erected about 1830 by Joseph Hunter. Some of the other merchants in the early his- tory of the town were Dr. E. P. LaValle, John 290 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 291 Harbison, George Netherton, Abraham Win- chester, Crow, McCrary, George and Thomas Williams. The first physicians were John (rolden, Samuel Chapman and Dr. A. S. Hen- derson, who came to the town in 1842. The town was incorporated in 1860 by the county court, with James Parrott, A. S. Henderson, D. H. Leedy, Daniel Abbey and Edward Burke as trustees. The principal thing about Benton is that it is the county seat of the county, and the court house is situated in the midst of the public square. It is a two-story brick building and was erected in 1883. There are about a half dozen business establishments, including a large flouring mill. On the court house square there is a large well, from which the town is supplied with water, and there is a good sys- tem of electric lights. There are three churches in the town and a public school building. The Benton Bank was organized in 1903 and has a capital stock of $15,000. The population is about 320. SiKESTON The first town in the neighborhood of Sikes- ton was called Winchester, and was named in honor of Colonel Henderson Winchester, who lived in the vicinity. This town was laid out in 1814 about a half mile south of the present site of Sikeston. The first store in Winchester was opened by Thomas Bartlett, and Hartwell Baldwin kept the tavern at that time. Other stores were opened by David Hunter, Mark H. Stallcup, and Christopher Houts. The town grew rather rapidly for a time and was the seat of justice for New Madrid county. When tlie county seat was removed to New Madrid. however, the town practically ceased to exist. This was in 1822. Its successor as a town was laid out in Sikeston in 1860 by John Sikes. The site selected was the place where the Cairo & Fulton Railroad crosses the road called the King's Highway from Cape Girar- deau to New Madrid. In the year that Sikes- ton was founded the Cairo & Pulton Railroad was completed to that place. Sikeston has experienced the most rapid growth of any town in Southeast Missouri in the last ten years. In 1899 its population was about 500; its present population is 3,327. This rapid growth is due in part to its situa- tion with regard to railroad transportation, it being on the main line of the Frisco and also on the Cairo & Texas branch of the Iron Moimtain. It has prospei-ed also because of the fact that the farming country about it has developed wonderfully in the last few years. There is no better soil than that on the Sikes- ton ridge ; it produces large quantities of wheat, corn and melons. Sikeston has also been fortunate in having an unusual and ex- ceptional group of business men, who have pushed the interests of the town very rapidly. At the present time there are about fifty busi- ness establishments, including several large general stores; there are two flouring mills, one of them being the largest in Southeast IMissouri. The usual church organizations are to be foimd here and tlie Methodist church South has recently completed a very large, handsome building, perhaps the most costly in this part of the state. The Bank of Sikes- ton was organized in 1800 and has a capital stock of .$250,000. The Citizens' Bank was organized in 1895 and has a capital stock of $150,000, and the People's Bank was organ- ized in 1909 and has a capital of $50,000. The public school system of Sikeston is a good one and there are two new and commodious buildings and a four years' high school course fully accredited is maintained. The Herald is a Democratic paper and The Standard is an independent paper. Just south of the town 292 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI is a very beautiful plot of ground laid out as a cemetery, and here are buried some of the pioneers of Southeast Missouri. The most prominent of these is Ben P. Hunter, a man well known in the early history of the state, and whose descendants are prominent in this section still. Doniphan, County Seat op Ripley The county seat of Ripley county was set- tled about the year 1847 aud was named for General Alexander William Doniphan, the hero of the Mexican war. Among the families who lived in Doniphan in its early days were Ponders, Dudleys, Daltons, Pulliams, O'Neals, Stringers, Kents, Lawsons, Wheelers and MulhoUauds ; most of these early families were from Tennessee. The census of 1850 shows that there were more native Tennesseeans in Ripley county than natives of all other states combined. In 1856-57 a number of Irish fam- ilies were located in a colony in this county by Father Hogan, a pastor from St. Louis. The earliest merchants in the town were Kitrell & Thaunish and W. P. Kreps. The town grew slowly at first and was not incorporated until after the close of the war. It was made the coimty seat of Ripley county when Carter county was organized in 1859. Previous to this time Van Buren had been the county seat and was then made the eoimty seat of Carter county. For many years the town was with- out railroad connections and it was so until 1883, when the Doniphan branch of the Iron Mountain was built from Naylor to Doniphan. This gave the town an impetus and it has had a steady growth since that time. There are now ten general stores, with other business interests of minor importance, an ice factory and a canning factory. The financial inter- ests of the town are cared for by the Ripley County Bank with a capital of $15,000, and the Doniphan State Bank whose capital is $15,000. The more important buildings in the town are the two bank buildings and ten brick business blocks. There are the usual church organizations, most of them having houses of worship, and a good system of public schools. The town has a modern system of water works and boasts that it has more concrete sidewalks than any other town of its size in the state. Doniphan is beautifully situated on the hills overlooking Current river, perhaps the most beautiful stream in the state. It is connected with the territory on the other side of Current river by a modern steel bridge, which was recently erected. Its population is now about 1,800 and it is one of the most pleasant resi- dence to^vns in this part of the state. It has two good weekly papers — The Prospect-Neirs, published by J. P. Campbell, and The Demo- crat, published by D. G. Cunningham. Both are Democratic in polities. PoPLAE Bluff, Butler County's Seat of Justice The following order appears on the record of the county court of Butler county, of the date August 13, 1850: "It is ordered that hereafter the courts of Butler county be held at a place known and designated as Poplar Bluff, and the sheriff give notice by putting up three hand bills." This record gives the selection of Poplar Bluff as the comity seat of Butler county. Prior to this time the courts had met at different places ; sometimes in Cane Creek to-i\Tiship. at the house of Solomon Kit- trell, and sometimes in Epps township, at the house of Daniel Epps. The county judges at this time were Jonathan Sandlin and S^olomon Kittrell. Jacob C. Bloimt was the clerk and Newton Wallace was the sheriff. On the 11th day of November, 1850, the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 293 court assembled for its first meeting in Poplar Bluff. This meeting was held in a rail pen, or shed, on the bank of Black river, near the foot of what is now Vine street. The judges at this time were Abraham Romine, John N. Yarber and William Yandover. The place selected was in the woods, and is named be- cause of the presence of large poplar trees. A postoffice was established February 27, 1850, and the first postmaster was Jesse A. Gilley, who was succeeded in September of the same year by Jacob C. Blount. The post- office was kept at the east end of the old county bridge, in a small one-room cabin. The mail was brought to this place on horseback but was so uncertain that the postoffice was dis- continued in December, 1851. The only mer- cantile establishment in Poplar Bluff was a small cabin built of hickory logs at the corner of Second and Vine streets. Charles S. Hen- derson was the proprietor, and he sold whisky and tobacco and dealt in furs. Other mer- chants who conducted stores in Poplar Bluff during the early j'ears wei'e C. P. Phelps, who operated a general store, Kelley & Taylor, and Henderson & Lawson. The town grew slowly of course during the period before the war, and was almost depopulated during the war. The first circuit courts in Poplar Blull were presided over by the Hon. Henderson Huff. The sittings of the court were held in the house opposite the present court house square. General "Watkins, Thomas B. English and a ]\Ir. Hill were the lawyers who con- ducted most of the cases before the court. They were all from Cape Girardeau coiuity. In 1859 a contract was let to S. G. Kitchen and D. B. ]Miller to build a brick court house. The work was supervised by William Ringer of Stoddard county. The building, which cost $6,000, was paid partly in cash and partly in lands. The first frame house was built in 1859 by James S. Ferguson. By the year 1860 there were twelve houses and ten families in the town. Among the early settlers one of the most prominent was John N. Yarber. He was a native of North Carolina and came to the vicinity of Poplar Bluff in 1844. He took part in all the activities of his time and held numerous offices in the county. He lived for many years after the war and was held in great esteem by those who knew him. An- other man prominent in the early times was James S. Ferguson, who built the first frame house in the town. He also held a number of offices, being clerk of the courts and county judge. Other citizens were James M. Spence, Dr. J. R. Franklin, Dr. James T. Adams, John Snoddy and Jesse A. Gilley. They were all prominent in the life of the town in its early years. We may well suppose that life in a com- munity like this was hampered in many ways and that the growth of the count.y, and neces- sarily the towns, was slow. Possibly one of the most remarkable records ever entered by a court was made by one of the courts in Poplar Bluff, as follows: "It is ordered by the court that the slieriff borrow $20 from anybody who would loan it to him for the purpose of buying two seals, one for the cir- cuit clerk and one for the county clerk. ' ' We are left in doubt as to whether anyone was good enough to lend this money, but as seals were used by the courts within a short time after this we ma.y reasonably conclude that the loan was made. At the present time there are in Poplar Bhiff about seventy-five mercantile establish- ments of every kind; this large number indi- cates the amount of mercantile business trans- acted in the town. In addition to these there 294 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Poplar Bluff High School Scene on Black River near Poplar Bluff HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 295 are about thirty factories of one sort or an- other. Many of these are wood working estab- lishments, consisting of stave mills, spoke fac- tories, handle factories, furniture making establishments, wagon factories, machine shops, planing mills, bottle and ice plant, brick and tile factory and a factory for the manufacture of adding machines. There are four banks in the towu, indicating the finan- cial situation and needs. The town is lighted with electric lights and has a good system of waterworks. Up to the present time the streets have never been paved, but there is now a movement on foot which will probably lead to the beginning of this work in the summer of 1912. Among the important build- ings are the city hall, court house, high school building and the Dalton Adding Machine Company's fireproof factory building. One fact of interest which connects Poplar Bluff of today with the old town is the exist- ence of a farm in the suburbs which was trans- ferred from the government of the United States directly to Judge Tarber in the early days of the town and which has never been re- transferred. The original patent from the government was signed by President Bu- chanan and is still in existence. The town was incorporated in 1861 and its first mayor was Daniel Kitchen. Its popula- tion is now 6,916, and it is growing rapidly. Its two papers. The Republican and The Citi- zen — Democrat — are published both daily and weekly and are both enterprising papers. Bloomfield, Stoddard County John McCombs, Michael Rodney and Henry Shaner, three citizens of Stoddard county were appointed as commissioners to locate the site for the county seat. A number of offers of land were made to them, and many persons were interested in securing the selec- tion of their property for this purpose. After a considerable consultation, the commissioners decided to select fifty acres of land donated to the county by Absolom Barley. This they did, and proceeded to lay out a town, which they named Bloomfield, it is said, because of the fact that the field was then covered with flowers. After the selection of the site, the county court appointed William C. Ranney as special commissioner for the sale of lots. It is probable that Absolom Barley, who had pre- viously owned the land, was the first resident of the town. He lived in a small log house on the southwest corner of the place, but after- ward built a brick house on another site. Or- son Bartlett was, perhaps, the first merchant, and Rev. John N. Mitchell, a Methodist preacher, and Thomas Neale, who operated a tan yard, were very early residents. The hotel was kept by Harmon Reed, and the early physicians \^ere M. B. Koons, Daniel Sanford, and Samuel Chapman. Edmund White open- ed a store on the south side of the public square in 1844 and Daniel Miller about the same time, together with his brother Henry, also began the sale of goods. In 1854, John M. Johnson, R. P. Owen and N. G. H. Jones, began to operate stores. The other merchants prior to the war were : Elijah jMiller, John L. Buck, Paramore & McDaniel, Louis Ringer, John Leach and Harper & Christy. The Herald, the first newspaper in Bloom- field, was established in 1858 by A. M. Bed- ford, of Charleston. The purpose of the publi- cation of this paper was to advocate the build- ing of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. The Methodist church was used for several years for the conduct of the schools. These were elementary in character, and the terms were short. In 1853 a number of gentlemen or- ganized the Bloomfield Educational Society for the purpose of conducting a seminary for 296 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI \^ learning. Its trustees were S. G. Kitchen, Orson Bartlett, Henry Miller, D. B. Miller and Michael A. Wilson. The societ}' built a two-story frame structure and carried on the school in it until the breaking out of the war. The town was one of the most prosperous in the district. Perhaps no other town away from the river grew quite as rapidly and sub- stantially during these years as did Bloom- field. It was surpassed in size, perhaps, only by Cape Girardeau. The war, however, put an end to the prosperity of the town, and in fact, resulted in its almost complete destruc- tion. Practically every building was either torn down or burned. The site was taken possession of by Fed- eral forces who erected a fort soon after the fire. On the close of the war the town had practically ceased to exist but was reincov- porated in 1869 and in 1870 a new court house was built at a cost of $25,000. The first news- paper published in the town was the Herald, established in 1858 by A. M. Bedford and J. 0. Hall, it w-as discontinued in 1861 ; in 1866 the Argus was started by James Hamilton and published until 1873 ; in 1878 the Cosmos began to be published but was later discon- tinued ; the Bloomfield Vindicator, the present paper, has been published since 1878. In 1899 the town had a population of 2.200, and there were about 40 bvisiness establishments at that time, there were also churches, IMetho- dist Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal South and the Catholic. Up to 1896 the tovm was without railroad facilities of any kind. In that year a line was built from Bloomfield to Zeta on the St. Louis Southwestern. In 1898 Mr. Houck built a line from Broomwood to Bloomfield and rebuilt the line to Zeta. The improved methods of transportation and the erection of large woodworking plants, chiefiy stave mills, increased the town's prosperity very greatly and it grew rapidly for a number of years. It was well-built with substantial brick build- ings, many public improvements were made, and it became one of the most rapidly advanc- ing towns of the section. The practical ex- haustion of the timber, however, led to the logs of the mills and this dealt the prosperity of the place a heavy blow. For a time its population began to decline. In 1910 there were only 1,147 people there. This condition is changing now and population is once more increasing. There are about forty business establish- ments of various kinds. One of these is a pottery factory and kiln. There is a good system of public schools, and several church organizations. The farming country about the town will always support it and it has too the interests which gather about the county seat and add to its prosperity One of the old papers of the southeast is the Bloomfield Vindicator an ably edited weekly. Democratic in politics. Bloomfield Bank was chartered in 1895 and has a capital stock of $50,000. The City Bank was organ- ized in 1900. Its capital is $15,000. Ironton, County Seat of Iron The present county seat of Iron county, Ironton, was laid off as a town immediately after the organization of Iron county. At that time there were in the county only three villages: Arcadia, Middle Brook and Pilot Knob. Pilot Knob was a settlement of miners at the base of the mountain of the same name. Two men who were interested in the site of Ironton determined to lay off the town there, and if possible to secure the county seat. The election was held September 7th, 1857. and there were three places asking for the county seat : Arcadia, Middle Brook and the pro- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 297 posed town of Ironton. Ironton was selected, and Tong and Carson, who owned the site, and whose influence had caused its selection, laid off the town and donated alternate lots to the county. These lots were sold at auction and brought the sum of $10,600.00. The new town, tliough handicapped by its nearness to Arcadia and Pilot Knob, experienced a fair growth owing in part to the mining industry, and in part to the presence of the county seat. In 1859 the population was about three hun- dred. The first paper in the town was the Furnace, a Free Soil paper, established in 1858 by James Lindsay. Ironton has not experienced anything in the nature of a boom, it has grown slowly and steadily being supported by the fact of its being the county seat and by the further fact that it is a delightful summer resort. The valley in which the town is situated is one of the most pleasant places in the state and it is perhaps the only town in Southeast Mis- souri that is used as a place of summer resi- dence by a large number of people. It is on the main line of the St. Louis Iron ]\Iountain and Southern railway and is sufSciently near St. Louis to render it easy of access. It has a system of public schools and three churches. The Bank of Ironton was chartered in 1905 and has a capital stock of $15,000, the Iron County Bank was chartered in 1896 and has a capital stock of $10,000. The Iron County Register, one of the oldest newspapers in Southeast Missouri, is published here by Eli D. Ake. It is Democratic in polities and J\Ir. Ake is the dean of newspaper profession in this part of the state. The population of the town is 721. Arcadia 1 Arcadia was surveyed as a town in 1849 The first merchants were: Ezekiel Matthews, Smith & Love, John F. T. Edwards, William N. Gregory, G. B. Nail, Pease & Hill and Harris and Chinn. The first mill was erected in 1847 by Josiah and J. C. Berryman. It was a steam mill for grinding grain and saw- ing timber. The first newspaper in the town was the Arcadia Prospect established in 1859 by A. Coulter and W. L. Faber. The town was not incorporated until after this period. It is quite probable that Arcadia owes its existence as a town to tlie Arcadia high school. It was an institution founded by Eev. J. C. Berryman, and conducted under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. The town grew up in part around this school. This school was transferred to the Ursuline Sisters and since operated by them. Ironton was laid off just a short distance north of Arcadia, became the county seat, and out- stripped the older town. It soon took on its distinguishing character as a residence town. No more beautiful situation exists in ^Missouri than Arcadia valley. IMany people came at- tracted l)y the many desirable residence fea- tures. The town suffered some during the war, but not greatly. On the lawn of Judge John W. Emerson, then the Union headquarters, Ulj'sses S. Grant received the commission pro- moting him from the rank of colonel to that of brigadier-general and putting him into command of Southeast Missouri. It was occu- pied at times by forces from both sides. After the war it resumed its normal course of development. Families of wealth from other parts of the state established summer homes for themselves amid the quiet and pleas- ant surroundings here. Finally the town at- tracted the attention of church people and there was established quarters for summer meetings and encampments of church people especially of the young peoples organizations 298 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI in the church. The Epworth League of the Methodist church o\\ns fine grounds and has a yearly encampment as does also the Bap- tist Young Peoples' Union. Doubtless this Highest Point on Pilot Knob, Arcadia Heights special feature of life will continue to develop until the town is a famous resort for conven- tions and societies holding their meetings in the summer time. The course so far taken has been to avoid the development of the usual forms of resort life with large and expensive hotels, but to encourage simpler living. Tents and small cottages are in most demand for these gatherings. The present population is 289. The Ar- cadia Valley Enterprise is an influential week- ly paper edited by Fuller Swaift and is Re- publican in politics. The town is situated on the main line of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway. Lesteeville The town of Lesterville in Reynolds county was settled about 1860, but has never been incorporated as a town and it is now im- possible to give the names of the first settlers. The first merchant in the town was William Bowen, there are now four general stores and a hub factory. The financial interests of the town are eared for by the Bank of Lesterville. The more important buildings are the school house and Masonic hall. The town is not situated on a railroad and is rather difficult of access. Its population is about 300. Sm^uller Settlements Des Arc, an incorporated village in Union township in Iron county, is twenty -nine miles south of Ironton on the Iron Mountain Rail- road; it has a hotel, floui'ing mill and two general stores. Its population is about 200. The little town of Middle Brook, a short distance north of Ironton and on the line between Iron county and St. Francois county, was laid out as a town in 1856. CHAPTER XXV POLITICAL, CIVIL AND MILITARY The First State Election — Contest fob the Senatorship — The Eight Counties — Courts IN Each County — Organization op New Counties — Southeast Missouri in the Mex- ican War. The people of Missoui-i, after the adoption of the first of the two compromises, supposing that they would be admitted to the Union, proceeded to the formation of a government. The constitution was framed in July, 1820, and it called for a meeting of the general assembly in September of that year. The election was ordered to be held August 28th. The people were tlien to elect a governor, lieu- tenant governor, a representative in Congress for the sixteenth Congress, one for the seven- teenth, members of the general assembly, and sheriffs and coroners in the' various counties. The constitution fixed the number of senators in the state at fourteen and representatives at forty-three. First State Election The election was lield on the date announced and the entire state government selected. This was nearly a year before the admission of the state into the Union, .so that Missouri pre- sented the unusual spectacle of a sovereign state with a duly authorized government under a constitution, but outside of the Union and still not independent. The election resulted in the choice of Alex- ander McNair for governor, William H. Ash- ley for lieutenant governor, and John Scott as representative in Congress for both its ses- sions. Scott lived in Ste. Genevieve. Contest for the Senatorship The general assembly met in St. Louis in September, 1820. James Caldwell of Ste. Genevieve was the speaker of the house. Among the duties of the legislature were the election of two United States senators and the appointment of three supreme and four cir- cuit judges. One of the judges of the supreme court was John D. Cook of Cape Girardeau. The contest for United States senator was a very interesting one. There were two senators to be selected. David Barton of St. Louis was elected on the first ballot by an unanimous vote, but a fierce contest was waged for the remaining place. The candidates were Thomas H. Benton, John B. C. Lucas, Henry Elliott, John Rice Jones and Nathaniel Cook. Of these candidates. Judges Lucas and Benton were the most prominent. After a long at- tempt to select a senator Benton was finally chosen. The Eight Counties When Missouri was admitted to the Union in 1821 there were only eight counties organ- ized in Southeast Missouri. These were: 299 300 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Washington, Perry, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, "Wayne, New Madrid, Jefferson and Madison counties. All the other territory of this section of the state was embraced in one or more of these counties. It is plainly evident that some of them were vastly larger in area than they are at present. This was true especially of "Wayne county ; out of it there were afterward created several large counties. Courts in Each County In each one of these counties, as in other counties of the state, there was a county court composed of justices of the peace, and having very limited jurisdiction. These county courts were not thoroughly organized, and the prin- cipal business of the court was conducted not by the county courts but by the circuit courts. The counties of Ste. Genevieve, Madison, "Wayne, New Madrid, Cape Girardeau and Perry were organized into the southern judi- cial circuit. One judge presided over the sittings of the court in each of these coimties. Terms of the court were held at specified times, and these terms were so arranged as not to conflict with one another, and thus make it possible for one judge to hold court in all the counties of the circuit. "Washington and Jefferson counties belonged to the north- ern circuit, which included besides these southeastern coimties St. Louis, St. Charles and Franklin coimties. The circuit courts, as organized in each one of these counties, was a body having wide jurisdiction and great power. In addition to the jurisdiction now exercised by circuit courts the early courts had a large part of the jurisdiction which now belongs to either the county court or the pro- bate court. We have seen that the first judge of the southern circuit was Hon. Richard S. Thomas, wiio during his term of office was a resident of Jackson. At the time of the organization of the state government each countj* was represented by one or more members in the legislative council. Upon the organization of the state govern- ment each coimty was then represented by one member of the house of representatives, and there were organized senatorial districts for the election of members of the upper house. There was at the time of admission only one member of the national house of representatives. The population of Missouri was not sufficient to entitle the state to more than one representative, and this condition lasted until about 1840. Southeast Missouri in the Mexican Wak From the close of the Indian troubles, which were connected with the war of 1812, until the breaking out of the Civil war, the people of Southeast Missouri had little opportunity to make military history. The only time in which they were called upon to become sol- diers was during the I\Iexican war and not many from this section of the state took part in that struggle. Onlj- a few companies were organized and not a very large number of the individuals joined commands in other parts of Missouri and in other states. In the sum- mer of 1846 Captain Thomas M. Horine or- ganized a company at Ste. Genevieve and marched with it to Fort Leavenwo'rth. At Fort Leavenworth the company became part of the Second Missouri Regiment which was commanded by Colonel, afterward General Sterling Price. It took part in the remark- able expedition known as Doniphan's expedi- tion. In company with the other regiment forming Doniphan's command these troops marched west from Fort Leavenworth and finally reached Santa Fe. It took part in the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST BIISSOURI 301 engagement in New Mexico and when General Price was left by Doniphan in command of the territory of i\lexico the Missouri soldiers remained with him. They fought a number of skirmishes with the Mexicans and Indians. One of them was the Battle of Taos, lasting all day and resulting in the surrender of the entire force of the enemy. On August 23, 184:6, Captain Firmiu A. Rozier organized a company of one hundred and fifteen men in Ste. Genevieve and Perry coimties. The organization was known as the South Missouri Guards. They were re- cruited for service in California under Gen- eral Kearney and made their way to Port Leavenworth on the Kansas border. They there became part of a regiment which, by the time the organization was completed, was too late in the season, and no effort was made to cross the plains and the company remained at Fort Leavenworth. In 1847 Captain Robert H. Lane recruited a company at Prederick- to\\Ti, and the company was mustered into service at Jefferson barracks as Company I of the Third Missouri Mounted Volimteers. John Ralls was colonel of this company and Captain Lane was elected lieutenant colonel. This left his position as captain of Company 1 vacant, and John Head was chosen to suc- ceed him as captain. Prom Jefferson barracks the regiment was sent to Port Leavenworth and from Port Leavenworth was ordered to Mexico to reinforce the command of Colonel Doniphan. They went by way of Santa Pe and El Paso and joined Colonel Doniphan at the city of Chihuahua, which was then his headquarters. On March 16, 1848, this Third ]\Iissouri Regiment, with three other com- panies, fought a battle with the Mexicans at Santa Cruz. It was a hard fight and lasted all da}', for the Mexicans were entrenched within the town and their possession was de- fended by artillery. In spite of this they were defeated with the loss of three hundred and thirty killed, and the rest of the Mexican force surrendered. The greater part of this regiment, including Company I, was then stationed at Santa Cruz until July, 1848, when they were ordered to return to Inde- pendence, Missouri, and were then mustered out in the following October. CHAPTER XXVI CREATION OF NEW COUNTIES St. Francois County — Scott County — Organization and Settlement of Stoddard County — Ripley County — Pioneers op Dunklin County — Reynolds, Butler and Bol- linger Counties — Pemiscot County — St. Francois Levee District — Courts of the County and Prominent Citizens — Iron and Carter Counties — Founders of the Eight Old Counties. The state had hardly been admitted into the Union until new counties were formed. On December 19, 1821, a bill became law for the creation of part of the counties of Ste. Gene- vieve, Washington and Jefferson into a new county, to be known as St. Francois county. St. Francois County The new county was named from the St. Francois river, which runs almost entirely through it. The governor of the state ap- pointed James Austin, George McGehan and James W. Smith as the county court. They held the first meeting of the court February 25, 1822, at the house of Jesse Murphy, in the neighborhood of Farmington, and ap- pointed John D. Peers as county clerk. St. Francois county was attached to the northern circuit and the circuit coui't was organized April 1, 1822, by Judge Nathaniel B. Tucker of St. Charles county. There was no particular business before the court at this first meeting, nor at any early subsequent meetings. The commissioners for the selec- tion of the seat of justice were Henry Poston, John Andrews, William Alexander and James Holbert. On September 22, 1822, fifty-three acres of land were donated by D. Murphy for the purpose of laying out a county seat. They thereupon laid out the present town of Farm- ington, which has continued to be the seat of justice since that time. The county was divided into four town- ships: Perry, Pendleton, Liberty and St. Francois. The officers in these townships were : Perrj' — William Hale, constable ; John Andrews Jr., assessor; Thomas Hale, Archi- bald McHenry and John Baker, judges of election. Pendleton — Wesley Garret, con- stable and assessor; James Milburn, Absalom Dent and John Sherrill, judges of election. Liberty — Robert Haj's, constable ; James Dun- lap, assessor; Reuben McFarland, James Dun- lap and Samuel Kincaid, judges of election. St. Francois — Benjamin Burnham, constable ; Laken Walker, assessor; Richard Murphy, John IMurphy and D. F. Marks, judges of election. Until 1824 the courts were held in the Meth- odist church, which at that time stood on the hill south of town where the cemetery now is. In that year a brick court house wa,s built on the public square and at the same time a log jail was erected on the site of the present jail. 302 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 303 This jail building was two stories in height and had a dungeon below, which was entered through a trap door. The jail was burned about 1850 by a prisoner. In 1856 it was re- placed by a new structure at a cost of $4,400 ; the present jail was erected in 1870 under the supervision of William Carter and L. D. Walker. The first court house was used until 1850, when it was replaced by another build- ing at a cost of $8,000, and was erected by H. H. Wright. In July, 1885, the contract was let for the construction of the present court house. James P. Killiek was the con- tractor and he turned over the completed building on October 7, 1886, the total cost being $15,560. The court created a new township in St. Francois coimty in August, 1836. This was called Marion township and was cut off from the north part of Perry township. In 1840 a township called Black River was created in that part of the county out of which Iron county was later formed. Of the other town- ships in the county Iron was formed in 1850, Randolph in 1858, and Big River in 1863. Scott County Scott county was created by an act of the legislature, December 28, 1821. It was or- ganized from a part of New Madrid county and was named in honor of Hon. John Scott, the first congressman from Missouri. At that time it included the present county of Mis- sissippi. The governor of the state appointed Richard Mathews, Andrew M. Ramsay, and James Houts as the county court, and John P. Rutter as clerk of the circuit court ; Joseph A. Hopkins as sheriff; and the count.y court appointed John P. Rutter as its clerk, also. Enoch Evans, Abraham Hunter, Thomas Roberts, Joseph Smith and Newman Beck- with were the commissioners to locate the county seat. They selected the site of the town of Benton, and here in a little log house were held the first meetings of the courts. At the time of the organization of the county there were but two townships: Tywappity, which included ^Mississippi county, and Moreland. The county court, however, soon created four new townships : Richland, Kelso, Mississippi and Wolf Island. In 1836 Ty- wappity township was divided and the south- ern part was called St. James township, and in 1839 a township known as St. Jame.s Bayou was created. Scott county was made part of the southern judicial circuit and the circuit court was ganized February 11, 1822, by Judge Thomas; Joseph A. Hopkins was the first sheriff. He gave bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, and his sureties were John Hall and William Meyers. At the next term of the court, which was held in June, 1822, a grand jury was impaneled, and it returned indictments against Samuel Glove and James Ramsay for assault and battery, against Newman Beckwith for selling liquor to the Indians and against Anthony Wills for va- grancy. The first court house in Scott county was a small log building erected on the public square at Benton. Shortly after the town was laid out a jail costing $500 was erected in 1837. Before that time prisoners had been kept in the jail at Jackson. The first court house was torn down in 1844 and a brick building erected. It .was so poorly constructed, how- ever, that it soon became unsafe and was re- placed by a frame building. The legislature moved the county seat away from Benton in 1864, to Commerce. The old court house was then sold and a brick court building erected at Commerce. In 1866 a jail was coUvStructed, costing nearly $4,000. However, the people 304 PIISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of Scott county were not satisfied with Com- merce as the county seat, since it was on one side of the county, in fact, almost in the northeast corner, and in 1878 the seat of jus- tice was returned to Beuton, where the pres- ent court house, costing $11,000, was erected in 1883. The present townships are Sandy- land, Kelso, Sylvania, Tywappity, Commerce, ilorley, IMoreland and Richland. Organization and Settlement of Stoddard County The general assembly passed an act in the year 1829 which defined the boundaries of a new county to be erected out of a part of Wayne county. It was to be named Stoddard, in honor of Captain Amos Stoddard, the agent of the United States government who received the transfer of the Louisiana territor}^ At this time, however, the county was attached to Cape Girardeau county and the court of that county divided the territory into two townships. That part of Stoddard county east of Castor river was called Pipe township and the part to the north and west Castor township. The first justices of the peace were Joseph Chapman and Thomas Wylie in Pike township, and Thomas Neale and John Eaker in Castor. Joel Ramsay and William Hardin were appointed constables in Pike and Castor townships, respectively. Stoddard countj- remained under the juris- diction of Cape Girardeau officials until Jan- uary 2nd, 1835. At that time the legislature passed an act to organize a county govern- ment. The territory of the new county lay between St. Francois and Little rivers and to the south of ilingo, the Big Swamp. The commissioners for fixing the seat of government selected the site of the present town of Bloomfield and the first meeting of the countv court was held at the house of A. B. Bailey in the southwest part of the town. This was February 9, 1835. The court was composed of Jacob Taylor, Field Bradshaw and John Eaker, and Jonas Eaker was the clerk of the court. Within a short time the court arranged for the erection of a small brick building to be used as a court house. This was placed on the public square and a log jail was built southeast of the square ; both of these buildings were used un- til 1856. At that time $10,000.00 was set aside for the erection of a new court house. It was constructed under the .supervision of Solomon G. Kitchen. The county court, at one of its earliest meetings, divided the county into four town- ships: Castor, Pike, St. Francois and Lib- erty. In 1850 Duck Creek township was cre- ated, and shortly afterward four more town- ships were laid out. The.y were named Prai- rie, Clay, Benton and Filmore. In 1853 the county was re-divided, owing to the fact that it had been considerabh' reduced in size. Only five townships were made, under these names : Liberty, Richland, Duck Creek, Castor and Pike. A little later New Lisbon was created. The circuit court in Stoddard county was organized at the house of A. B. Bailey by John D. Cook, on March 21st, 1836. At this sitting of the court a grand jury was im- paneled and consisted of the following men: Samuel Lesley, Andrew Neale, Benjamin Tay- lor, Frederick Varner, Ephraim Snider, Jacob Crites, "William V. Carlock, George Slinkard, Frederick Slinkard, Peter Proffer, Levy Baker, Henry Miller, Henry Asherbranner, W. AV. Hicks, Daniel Bollinger, Samuel Jloore, Thomas Neale and Horatio Laurence. This court house was burned during Price 'a raid in 1864. It was one of a number of court houses destroyed about the time of the Civil war, but unlike most of the other cases. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 305 the records of the county were not destroyed. They had been removed by Major 11. H. Bed- ford, who took them to Arkansas and con- cealed them; they were returned after the war was over without the loss of a single liook. The rebuilding of the court house was undertaken in 1867, when the court appointed William G. Phelan as superintendent. The contractors, George F. Miller and Samuel D. Henson, completed the building in 1870. In that same year the contract was let for the building of the jail at a cost of $8,000. There has long been a strong rivalry be- tween Dexter and Bloomfield and for a num- ber of years an effort was made to move the county seat from Bloomfield to Dexter. Fail- ing in this, the people of Dexter secured in 1895 the enactment of a law declaring that four terms of the circuit court should be held in Stoddard county, two of them at Bloom- field and two in Dexter, making Dexter prac- tically one of two different county seats. The citizens of Dexter erected a handsome two- story brick building to be used as a court house. The arrangement, however, was found to be unsatisfactory and within a few years the law was repealed and Bloomfield became once more the sole county seat. This left the people of Dexter with a court house on their hands for which they had no particular use. It was finally transferred to the Chris- tian church to be used for college purposes. For a short time an academy was conducted in the building, but in 1911 the building be- came the property of the school district of Dexter and is now in use as a high school building. The present townships are Pike, Elk, Liberty, New Lisbon, Richland, Castor and Duck Creek. Henry Hale Bedford, who was for a num- ber of years the leading lawyer in Stoddard county, was a native of Tennessee, where he was born November 27, 1821. He received a common school education in Tennessee and was employed for three years as a teacher. With the money which he saved from teach- ing he purchased a farm in Scott county, Mis- souri, at the foot of Wolf Island. While en- gaged in farming, he began the study of law under Judge Hough. The great flood of 1844 compelled him to leave his farm and he re- moved to Bloomfield in Stoddard county. Bloomfield then had a population of about 150 and Mr. Bedford combined the practice of his profession with school teaching for several years. Later he devoted himself ex- clusively to the law and soon built up a very extensive practice, as he was an able lawyer and one of the very first in that part of the state. At the beginning of the Civil war he enlisted in the Confederate army in the brig- ade commanded by General Jeff Thompson. He was promoted to be a major at the battle of Belmont and served until the close of the war. Major Bedford had considerable polit- ical experience, also. He was a member of the legislature for two terms before the war and served for twelve years as prosecuting attorney. He was a Democrat in politics and was for many years one of the most influen- tial citizens of his count.y, taking a great in- terest in all matters looking to the upbuilding of the community and to public improve- ments. Ripley County As we have seen, the first permanent settler in Ripley county was probably Lemuel Kit- trell, who settled near Current river about 1819. Shortly after he made this settlement, a road was laid out from Potosi in Washing- ton county to Little Rock, Arkansas, and the first settlements in Ripley county were made along this road. Other earlv settlers besides 306 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Kittrell were William Little and Thomas Pul- liam, who located on a small creek which flows into Current river. Near the present town of Doniphan the early settlers were George Lee, Joseph Hall, William Dudley, William Merrill and Abner Ponder ; the de- scendants of these families are still living in the count}'. The general assembly of the state organized Ripley county by an act passed January 5, 1833. It was named in honor of General Eleazer W. Ripley; pre- vious to its organization the territory had been part of Wayne county. As first organ- ized, the county was vastly larger than it is at the preseut time. It was reduced to its present size, finally, by the organization of Carter county in 1859. For many years the county seat of Ripley county was Van Buren in what is now Carter county and the princi- pal population of that section was in Carter county. The whole country was slowly set- tled. In 1840 there were in all Ripley county, then much larger than it is now, only 2,856 people ; and Van Buren, the county seat, had one store in 1837 and a log building for the courts. When Carter county was created in 1859 Doniphan was selected as the seat of justice for Ripley county and has remained the county seat until this time. A court house was erected shortly after the selection of the county seat, but it was burned during the war, as was practically all of the town of Doniphan. The new court house was erected shortly after the close of the war and is still in use. There are now thirteen town.ships in the county, as follows : Current River, Doni- phan, Gatewood, Harris, Johnson, Jordan, Kelley, Pine, Sherley, Thomas, LTnion, Varner and Washington. Pioneers of Dunklin County The first settlers in Dunklin county were Howard Moore and family, who were natives of Virginia. They came to the county in 1829, settling aboiit four miles south of Mai- den. They lived here for a short time and later bought the cabin which had been erected by the Indian chief, Chilletecaux, near Ken- nett. Here Mr. Moore made his home until the time of his death. He left a large family and many of his descendants still live in the county. His son, David H. Moore, ivho was born July 10, 1832, was the second child bom in the county. Another of the pioneer citizens of the county was Pascal Rice, who moved to the county in 1830. He was at the time about 12 years of age and spent the rest of his life in the community to which he first moved, near Hornersville. At the time he came to the county it was the home of many Indians and he became well acquainted with these Indian chiefs and attended many of their war dances. The first child born of white parents within the limits of Dunklin county was Thomas Neel, Jr., who was born in I\Iay, 1832, his father, Thomas Neel, having moved to the county in February preceding and settled in the south part of the county near the little town of Lulu. He grew up under the pioneer conditions of life and became acquainted with the Indians and knew all the customs which distinguished them. One of the earliest settlers was Michael Branum, who moved to Dunklin county from New Madrid, having been in New Madrid during the time of the great earthquake. His family, including Tecumseh, named for the great Indian chief, and daughters, Lizzie and Victorine, who became Mrs. Horner, lived in HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 307 Dunklin county for many years. Mrs. Horner was for a number of years preceding her deatli the oldest citizen in the county. Besides these whom we have mentioned, there came to the county in the early times Jacob Taylor and his family. He located close to the stream which is known is Taylor slough, named for Jacob Taylor. Branum, Taylor and Rice came in the same year and were assisted over the country and in the selection of places of settlement bj^ the Indian chief, Chilletecaux. In 1831 Moses Norman settled on West Prairie and in 1832 Thomas Neel, Sr., and his father-in-law, Ray, came to the county and located near Hornersville. While moving to their destination, Mr. Ray was killed by being thrown from his cart and was buried at the old Hornersville burying ground near Hornersville and is said to have been the first white person buried in the county. In 1833 James Baker and Riley Clarkson settled on Buffalo island and in the same year Russell and William H. Horner made a set- tlement at the place afterwards called Hor- nersville. The home of Evan Evans was just in front of a row of cottonwood trees on the public road four miles south of Kennett. MeCul- lough and Lafayette Sexton came to the county in early times, also. Adam Bamhart settled on the old Baker place. Among his neighbors were Hugh Shipley, the families of Suter, Shultz and Jackson. Frank Lee lived three miles north of Hornersville. In the north end of the county Dr. Given Owen located a claim on Rush creek in 1841 ; in 1844 A. D. Bridges settled on a creek near Four Mile; Jordan Lacey. John Holtzhouser, James Faughn and William Greer were other early settlers in the north part of the county. Somewhat later, Dr. Allen and Thomas Hat- ley located near Maiden. In the vicinity of Clarkton, about the same time, were John Gunnells, Jesse Long, Mrs. Floyd Montgom- ery, John Mcilasters and Dick Skaggs. Among the settlers on West Prairie were Ephraim Thornberry and James Harris. Some settlers also came to Holcomb Island about the same time, among them families named Barnes, HoUoways, Lewis Holcomb, Millers, Dr. Bozark, John Lowery, H. D. Flowers, Hiram Langdon, John Scott and Price. Johnson's Island, south of Kennett, was named for William Johnson, who was one of the early settlers there. In the neigh- borhood of Caruth the families were those of A. Thompson, Mrs. Welch, C. B. Bancroft, H. Spencer, Whitney, Joseph Pelts and Rob- ert L. Glascock. Besides these, Riley Clark- son, James McGrew, Joseph Langdon and David Harkey had begun to open farms in the neighborhood of Cotton Plant. Just west of Hornersville the settlers were James P. Neal, J. McDaniel, John B. Walker and James Williamson. All these that we have mentioned came to the county before 1850. Within the next decade a large number of families, later prominent in the history of the county, moved within its bounds. It is not possible to give a complete list of these fam- ilies, but the names of some of them as its pioneer settlers will be of interest. On the hills west of Maiden, Dr. Jacob Snider set- tled in 1850 ; with him were Charles Vincent, William Cross and Mrs. Skaggs. About the same time in Clay township there were the families of A. T. Douglass, E. J. Langdon, Edward Spencer, Lewis Chan- dler, Isaiah Jones, John Marsh, James Brad- ley, John Dougherty, Richard Cook, James Herrman, Absolom Farris, A. B. Williams and David Finley. In the north end of the county there were such well known families 308 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI as that of John P. Taylor, Judge Hodges, Henry James, J. M. Waltrip, A. B. Douglass, James Oxley, H. A. Applegate, William H. Shelton, R. W. Stokes, John Wright, I. A. Waltrip, G. M. White and E. C. White. Among the early settlers were also Daniel Harkey, Brannon Marshall, Enoch Shelton, Humphrey Donaldson, A. C. Austin, W. M. Satterfield, Moses Farrar, C. N. Lasley, David Rice and James A. Smyth. All these men who came to the coimty in its early years have passed through the usual ex- periences of the pioneer days. The country was very different then from what it now is. ]\Ian}^ of the pioneers made their living largely from hunting. Two of these men were Nathan- iel Baker and Joseph Pelts. Baker was the son of James Baker, who settled on Buffalo Island in 1833 and later removed to Cotton Plant. Pelts came to the county about 1,840 and there made his home the rest of his life. Both of these men were typical pioneers ; they farmed but were also fond of hunting. Riley Clarkson. who came with his father to the covuity in 1834, lived on Horse Island. He was a famous himter and helped to kill some of the last buffalo in the eoimty. Buf- falo Island was named from the fact that it was the home of a great many buffalo. Mr. Clarkson was also a great bear himter, hav- ing killed as many as fifty bear in a single season. He and his familj' passed through all the experiences of pioneer life, at the time of their coming there being not a single physi- cian, church or school or postofSce in the en- tire county. One of the prominent and influential men in the early history of the county was Judge Donaldson, who came to the county in 1855. He was a man of education and became a well knowTi and highly respected citizen of the county. He was a Tennesseean by birth, hut thoroughly identified himself with all the interests of his adopted home and was elected to public office, being for a time a member of the countj' court of Dunklin co\mty. His family are still prominent in county offices, his son was a well known citizen and one of his grandsons is now a practicing lawyer at Kennett. In 1854 David Finley came with his family to Dunklin county, opening a farm not far from the present site of Cotton Plant. He was a typical pioneer, having interests in farming and in himting and in all the affairs of the county. One of the large and iuHuential families in the south pai-t of Dunklin county was the Harkey family, who were descendants of Dan- iel D. Harkey a native of North Carolina, who came to Dimklin county in 1853, settling on the land near Nesbit, where the family continues to reside. Among the members of this family were Judge J. H. Harkey, Wilbur D. Harkey and W. M. Harkey. They were sons of the founder of the family and their descendants are both numerous and influen- tial at this time. Perhaps the man who made the greatest impression on the life of his day in the county was Edwin J. Langdon, who was born August 7, 1819, at Middlebury, Vermont. The family was of Scotch descent and this son seems to have inherited the great qualities which dis- tinguish the Scotch. Before coming to Dunk- lin county, E. J. Langdon received a good common school education and for a time taught school. In 1839 he made his home in Dimklin county near Cotton Plant; he soon formed a partnership with Isaiah Jones and together they conducted a carriage and black- smith shop. In 1847 he was married to Sarah A. Gla.sscock, the daughter of Robert L. Glass- cock, also one of the pioneers of the county. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 309 From his business as a carriage builder young Langdon turned his attention to con- tracting and together with his father they built the first court house in the county, in 1846. One year later he secured the contract for building the levee across Buffalo creek on the main road south of Kennett. With the proceeds of this contract he opened a store at Cotton Plant and from this time until his death he conducted this business. "While he was always interested in mercantile pursuits. Judge Langdon did not confine his attention to this form of business. He tried to develop water transportation and built one of the first flat boats on Little river at Hornersville. It was his intention also to encourage the raising of cotton and to do this he erected one of the first cotton gins in the county. He also be- came convinced of the value of land about Cotton Plant and invested largely in these lands. The town in which he lived was built entirely on his proj^erty. He refused to dis- pose of any of it largely because he wished to be able to prevent the sale of whiskey in the town. For many years he was the postmaster at Cotton Plant and at one time was presid- ing judge of the county court for a period of six j'ears. Judge Langdon was interested in all matters looking to the improvement of the commimity and the county, building roads, establishing the cause of churches and other public matters received encouragement from him. At the time of his death he was the owner of large tracts of valuable land. The children of this family were William H. Lang- don, who lives in Texas, C. V. Langdon of Cotton Plant, and A. J. Langdon of Horners- ville, and one daughter, Hettie D. In 1838 Judge Given Owen, then twenty years of age, came to Bloomfield from Hick- man, Kentucky, and began the practice of medicine. A few j'ears later he made his h.ome on a farm in what was then the south part of Stoddard county. He was elected a member of the county court in Stoddard comity, but in a short time that part of Stod- dard county in which he lived was transferred to Dunklin county. After becoming a citizen of Dunklin county he was elected to various offices, being judge of the common pleas court at Clarkton and of the county probate court and also of the county court. During all his life in the county he continued the practice of medicine and was regarded as an able physi- cian and a most highly respected and intel- ligent citizen of the county. He was the son of Ruben Owen, a native of Georgia. His second wife was Louisiana Bozark, who sur- vived her husband a number of years and was perhaps as well acquainted with the early his- tory of the county as any person living in it. In 1859 David Young Pankey, a native of Virginia, came to Dunklin county and made liis home near Clarkton. He had formerly lived for a short time in Tennessee, just across from New Madrid. He engaged in farming in Diniklin county and was successful and was popular with his friends and neighbors. On the breaking out of the war he became first lieutenant in a company organized by Captain Piekard ; this company was made part of a regiment of which Mr. Pankey was made lieu- tenant colonel, seeing service with a regiment which was a part of the IMissouri state guards. On the expiration of the term of the state guards. Colonel Pankey enlisted in the con- federate service and took part in the engage- ment at Fort Pillow and was with General Price in several skirmishes and battles, win- ning credit and distinction for himself in all of them. At one time Colonel Pankey was collector of Dunklin comity and during all his life was a respected and influential citizen. His son David Ballard Pankey is cashier of 310 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the Bank of Kennett and one of the most prominent citizens of the county. No account of the pioneers of Dunklin county would be complete without a mention of Hon. David Rice, who was a native of Tennessee, and came to the county in 1853. At first he lived northwest of Campbell, where he married, but within a short time he re- moved to a farm east of Senath, where he lived until his death. He devoted himself principally to farming but was also interested and active in all affairs of public concern. Just before the war he was assessor of the county and from 1872 to 1876 was public ad- ministrator and later served a term in the general assembly. Major W. C. Rayburn, a native of Ala- bama, came to Dunklin county in 1865, locat- ing near Clarkton. He was immediately rec- ognized as a man of ability and character and soon came to occupy a prominent place in the affairs of the county. He was always in- terested in schools and churches and served as a county surveyor for a number of years. His son, Moore M. Rayburn, served throughout the war in a regiment of Arkansas infantry and at its close came home to devote himself to farming and stock raising. He was for four years sheriff and constable of the county and carried on the activities which had for many years interested his father. One of his sons, M. B. Rayburn, is cashier of the Bank of Maiden and a highly respected citizen of that town. Dimklin county was created February 14, 1845. Stoddard county was divided by a line running on the parallel of 36 degrees and 30 minutes. All that part of Stoddard coimty south of this line of division was called Dunk- lin county. In 1853 the north line of the new county was moved to the north nine miles. The territory included within the limits of the county, with the exception of this nine mile strip, was a part of the territory which was originally left in Arkansas, but was added to Missouri through the efforts of John Harde- man Walker and others. The town of Kennett was selected as the ccimty seat of the new coxmty. The town was named for Hon. Luther M. Kennett, though when it was laid out in 1846 it was called Chillitecaux. It was later known for a year or two as Butler and then received its present name, Kennett. The county was named for Hon. Daniel Dimklin, who was at one time governor of the state. The circuit court was probably organized in 1845 by John D. Cook, who was the judge of the circuit which included this eoimty. The first county court in Dunklin coimty is said to have been composed of Moses Farrar, Edward Spencer and Alexander Campbell; Joseph S. Houston was the first clerk and Lewis Holcomb the first sheriff; Houston was soon succeeded by Jolm H. Marsh, who held office until 1861. The fir.st court house in the coimty was a log building erected in 1847 in the middle of the public square where the present court house stands. This building v.-as destroyed during the war ; it was not until 1870 that another was erected, which was a large frame building, and was burned in 1872. For a number of years this county had no court house and the courts were held in an old frame store building on the corner of the square now occupied by the Tatum building. In 1895 the present two-story brick court house building was erected. About the time of the building of the first court house a log jail was erected ; it was destroyed by fire and another of the same character was built. In 1882 a frame building was erected on the cor- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 311 ner now occupied by the Shelion office build- ing. It was used as a jail until 1910, when the present structure was erected. The present townships are Independence, Cotton Hill, Union, Freeborn, Holcomb, Sa- lem, Buffalo, and Clay. The legislature created Mississippi county on February 14, 1845 ; the territory being cut off from the south part of Scott county. The commissioner selected Charleston as the coiuity seat, and the coiuity court was organized there April 21, 1845. The judges of the court were : William Sayres, Absolom McElmurry and James M. Overton; George L. Cravens was the clerk of the court. The meetings of this court were, for a number of years, held in the store house of Henry G. Cummings. A court house was not erected imtil 1852. At the time the present building was erected by James T. Russell. At the time of the organization, the county was divided into five towTiships. These were : Tywappity, Mississippi, St. James, St. James Bayou, and Wolf Island. In 1847 Mississippi township was divided and a new to\\TQship created which was named Ohio. In 1858 Long Prairie to\^Tiship was formed from parts of Tywappity and St. James. The circuit court was organized September 29, 1845, by Jolui D. Cook. The meetings of the court were usaaUy held in the Methodist church, until the erection of the court house. Reynolds County Until 1830 the territory now embraced in Reynolds county was a part of Ripley county. At that time it was attached to Washington coimty and later to Shannon. The legislative act organizing Reynolds coimty was approved February 25, 1845, and the county was named in honor of Governor Thomas Reynolds of Missouri. It then included a part of what is now Iron coimty which was afterwards cut off when that coimty was formed. The com- missioners appointed to select the county seat were Ayers Hudspeth of Washington county, John Miller of Madison county, and Moses Carty of St. Francois county. It was pro- vided also that imtil a county seat was lo- cated the court should be held in the house of Joseph McNails at Lesterville. The first term of the county court was held in this hou.se in November, 1845, with H. Allen as the presiding judge; Marion Miuiger was sheriff and C. C. Campbell clerk. The com- missioners selected Lesterville as the county seat and a small court house was erected. This building was burned during the war and the county seat was changed to Centerville, where another small building for court pur- poses was erected. This, too, was burned in 1872, and another building, now standing, was erected at a cost of $8,000. There are six to\^'nships in the county. Black River, Carroll, Jackson, Lesterville, Logan and Webb. BuTLEB County Butler county was created by an act passed Pebruarj' 27, 1849. It had previously been a part of Wayne county, and at the time of the organization the larger part of the land in the coimty belonged to the government. The first session of the county court was held at the house of Thomas Scott, June 18, 1849. The judges were: John Stevenson, Solomon Kittrell, and Jonathan R. Sandlin ; the clerk of the court was Jacob C. Blount. The com- missioners selected the site of Poplar Bltoff for the coimty seat and the court met there in November, 1850. Until 1852 the sessions of the court were held in various private houses and in that year a small frame court hoiLse was erected on the southeast corner of 312 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the public square. This building served the purposes of the courts until 1859, when D. B. Miller and Solomon G. Kitchen entered into a contract with the county for the erection of a new building. As at first organized, there were only two townships, Black River and Otter Creek. In 1850 the county court created four townships, Beaverdam, Epps. Butler and Mud Creek. Later, the name of Mud Creek was changed to Black River, and a new township, called Polk, was formed in the southeast corner of the county. In 1856 the township of Ash Hills was established, and in 1860, Thomas township. In 1866 the townships were relocated and established as follows: St. Francois, Black River, Cane Creek, Epps, Beaverdam, Thomas, Gillis Bluff, Ash Hills and Poplar Bluff. Thomas township was divided in 1871 and Neeley township formed from part of it ; in 1886 Beaverdam township was divided, a part of it being erected into Harviell township. In 1850 the records show that the collector had reported the entire amount of county revenue as $156.02. In the same year he had collected a total state tax of $122.28. The first circuit court in Butler county was held September 15, 1849, at the house of Thomas Scott. Judge Harrison Hough pre- sided over the court. The sheriff was New- ton Wallace. A grand jury was impaneled at the next meeting of the court, which re- turned indictments against a number of per- sons for selling liquor without license. Butler county was named in honor of W. A. Butler of Kentucky, and the coimty seat. Poplar Bluff, received its name from the fact that it was situated on the bluffs above Black River, which at that time were covered with a dense growth of the famous tulip tree, com- monly called the poplar. One of the earliest settlements in Butler county was made at the head waters of Cane creek, where there is fine farming land, by John Eudaly, who came to the neighborhood about 1841 from Tennessee. The land, at the time he came, was government land and he took up a homestead. He was accompanied by a number of his neighbors and friends and others came later. Among them were John and Nathan Wisecarver, Nathan Davis, Mr. Walton, Mr. Franklin and James Eudaly. At the time these settlements were made the territory was a part of Wayne county, the present Stoddard county not having been created. The immediate vicinity near which the settlements were made was one of the few sections of Southeast Mis.souri which were not timbered, making the cultivation of the soil easy. The people lived the life of pioneers. There were no railroads in the vicinity. All their goods were hauled from Cape Girardeau. The houses that were constructed were of logs, as there was no saw mill within fifty miles. The produce of the county was used almost entirely by the settlers themselves, as there was no opportunity for shipping them away. After the organization of Stoddard county John Eudaly was made assessor and made the first assessment in 1850. At that time the fees for making the assessment amounted to $34. There was not a village or community in the entire county. When Poplar Bluff was located and the land selected for a site of the county eoui't, a commissioner was ap- pointed to make a public sale of the lots and John Eudaly was the man that was ap- pointed. A number of lots were sold within the present town of Poplar Bluff. The high- est price obtained for a lot was for one at the corner of Vine and Second streets, which sold for $30. The two lots on the corner of Vine and Main streets were sold at $5 each HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 313 and were afterwards resold for $2.50 each, while some lots located in what is the best business part of the town could not be sold at all. Mr. Eudaly lived until his death in the neighborhood in which he settled, and was for many years postmaster, having been ap- pointed on the establishment of the office in 1872. Bollinger County Bollinger county w'as organized in March, 1851, and was formed from parts of Wayne, Cape Girardeau and Stoddard counties. The commissioners appointed to select the seat of justice decided on Marble Hill, and a county court for the county was organized in the store of John C. Whybark, March 24, 1851. The members of the court were Reuben Smith, John Stevens, Drury Massey; Oliver E. Sni- der was clerk and William C. Grimsly the sherifl:. Shortly after the organization of the county a brick court house two stories in height was erected. It was used only a very short time and was burned. Another building similar to it in size and appearance was erected in the same year, the money having been raised by private subscription in part and in part an appropriation from the county. It, too, was destroyed by fire in ilarch, 1884, though at the time it was practically abandoned, having been condemned as unsafe. For sev- eral mouths the county was without any court house building ; an effort was made to re- move the county seat from Marble Hill to the neighboring town, Lutesville. To prevent this, the citizens of Marble Hill raised a sub- scription amounting to irl,620, and the town itself contributed $1,000 for the rebuilding of the court house in that town. The propo- sition for removal was defeated and the county court appropriated $7,000 in addition to that raised, for the construction of the present building. It was erected under the supervision of J. J. Conrad. At present there are eight townships in the county, as follows : Crooked Creek, Fillmore, German, Liberty. Lorance, Union, Wayne and Whitewater. The county was named in honor of Col. Geo. Frederick Bollinger, one of the early settlers in Cape Girardeau district and a most prominent and influential citizen. The county seat, which was long called Dallas, was named Marble Hill from the belief that the hill on which the town was built was composed of marble. Pemsicot County On February 19th, 1851, the governor ap- proved an act of the legislature for the estab- lishment of Pemsicot county. It was erected from territory cut off from the south part of New Madrid county. The line between it and New Madrid county was to begin in the Mississippi river opposite IMajors mill race, then through Cushion Lake bayou to Cushion lake to the head of Portage bay and through the bay to Little river and due west to the eastern boundary of Dunklin county. A county court was organized at the house of James Eastwood, who was its presiding jus- tice, with Martin L. Stancil and John Scott as associate justices. Robert Stewart was the first sheriff and Theodore Case was the clerk of the court. When the ciuestion of the county levees came up. Judges Scott and Stancil resigned in 1855 and were succeeded by Ebenezer Oldham and Thomas Bartlett. This question of levees was agitated by the people of Pemsicot county for a good many years. A large pai't of the county was sub- ject to overflow from the Mississippi river. In fact, the name of the county is said to be 314 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI an Indian word which signifies ' ' liquid mud. ' ' An act of Congress was passed in 1850 which donated lands to the state for the purpose of reclaiming swamp lauds within their limits. Large tracts of these lands were then given by the state to the counties for this purpose. The question of the reclamation of these swamp lands was early agitated in Pemsicot county. It was the desire of many of the people of the county to build a levee along the bank of the Mississippi river to protect it from the overflows. It was proposed by some that the levee should be built and paid for in lands at the price of !)il.25 per acre. Stancil, who had been a judge of the county court, and who had resigned, opposed this plan of levee construction. He advocated the sale of the lands at a public auction, at a minimum price of .$1.25, and that the money realized from this sale should be appropriated to tlip work of leveeing and draining thei lands. He circulated a petition, which was afterward presented to the court, asking that this plan of disposing of the lands should be adopted. He was opposed by William S. Moseley, then a member of the legislature from New Madrid and Pemsicot counties, and the plan proposed was defeated. The court decided to build the levee, and to issue in payment for the work county scrip, which could be used in locating the land, at $1.25 per acre. After the plan was determined, there arose a contest over the location of the levee. Stancil believed that it should be placed on the west side of Cypress bayou and Big lake, biit it was finally built along the bank of the river and extended, with two small breaks, along the entire length of the county. It was not long after its construc- tion until it became evident that it was lo- cated too near the river, and it soon was washed away. This contest left some bitter feeling among the people of the county. St. Fr.vncois Levee District This state levee was completely destroyed by the caving of the banks of the river in 1893. The legislature created the St. Francis levee district of Missouri, embracing all that part of the state in the St. Francis valley lying in the counties of New Madrid, Pemis- cot and Dunklin. A board of directors was appointed to manage the affairs of the dis- trict and to build a levee, consisting W. G. Petty, Reuben Chapman and John Black, of Dunklin county; Dr. J. J. Williams, J. T. Girvin and Alphouso DeLisle, of New JMa- drid coimty; and J. A. Cvmningham, J. M. Brasher and G. W. Carleton, of Pemsicot county. The first meeting of the board was held in New Madrid March 29, 1893. Dr. J. J. Williams was made president, W. D. Schult, secretary; J. A. Cunningham, treas- urer, and Captain N. H. Pharr, chief engi- neer. G. W. Carleton, of Pemsicot county, died March 30, 1893, and Hina C. Schult was appointed as his successor. In August of that year the building of the levee was com- menced. It was raised to an average height of 7 feet in 1896 and 1897. Since that time there has been constant work done on the levee until it has been raised to an average of 11 feet. It extends from just south of the town of New Madrid to the state line and cost about $650,000. The United States gov- ernment paid $120,000 of this, the state of Missouri $20,000, and the district, by taxa- tion, $510,000. Courts op the County The circuit court in Pemsicot county was organized October 25, 1852, by Judge Har- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 315 rison Hough. The court met at the house of Jonathan Scott. There was no court house erected for some years, the first being a small frame building which was put up in 1854. Sanford Jackson was the second clerk of the court, and he built, in the yard near his house, a clerk's office. It was a rail pen, sealed inside and out with cypress bark, and was covered witli elm boards. It was used as an office until the court house was erected. The first court house, ei-ected in 1854, was a small frame building and was vised until 1873. By that time it became inadequate for the purpose and was moved away and plans made for the erection of a new court building. This was destroyed by fire in 1882 and the legislature of the state appropriated the sum of $4,000 for the construction of another court house in Gayoso. This was used until the county seat was removed from Gayoso to Caruthersvile. The present building was then erected under the supervision of Charles B. Paris. Two jails were built in Gayoso and the present jail was constructed about the same time of the court house at Caruthersville. Prom 1862 to 1865 there were no meetings of the county court, and in April of the for- mer year the records of the county were removed to Memphis by Major Carleton, who was clerk of the court, and held there for safe keeping; they were returned to the county in August, 1865. Owing to the fact that it was not possible to hold meetings of the county court in Pem- sicot county during the war, a bill was passed by the legislature, through the efforts of T. J. 0. Morrison, extending the jurisdiction of the courts of New Madrid county over Pemsicot county. This arrangement was continued un- til the close of the war. The circuit courts were discontinued for an even longer period, no meetings of the court being held from 1860 to 1868. An attempt was made to hold circuit court in 1866 by Judge Albert Jackson, but Judge Jackson was not at all in sympathy with the people in Pemsicot county and very evidently hunted for some excuse to adjourn the court. He found that the seal used by the county had been broken and a new one put in its place. He declared that all instruments executed and attested by the use of the new seal were void and then adjourned court. The present townships are Little Prairie, Pemsicot, Cooter, Virginia, Hayti, Bragga- docio, Little River, Gayoso, Godair, Holland, Pascola and Butler. Prominent Citizens One of the earlier settlers and most promi- nent men in Pemiscot county was John Harde- man Walker. He came to the county about 1810 and made his home on Little Prairie. He was one of the few men who did not leave the section after the New Madrid earthquake. Colonel Walker remained and carried on his farming enterprises during all this period until the time of his death. He was sheriff of New Madrid county in 1821 and 1822 and was afterward a judge of the county court. One of his sistei's married Dr. Robert D. Daw- son of New Madrid, and another, John Martin of Point Pleasant. One of the conspicuous settlers of Pemiscot county was Major George W. Carleton. He was born in Saratoga county, New York, April 19, 1830. He was educated in the public schools and high school and fitted himself for the position of civil engineer. He came to New Madrid October 10, 1852, and was at the time almost penniless. In the following spring he taught school for a time in New Madrid and was shortly afterward married to 316 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Miss Summerville Tomlin and moved to Gayoso, Pemiscot county, in January, 1855. Here he rented a farm and began to cultivate it. However, in the same year he was aj)- pointed clerlv of the eoimty court of Pemiscot county and later ia the same year was elected county surveyor. Again in 1860 he was made clerk of the county court and served for six years. He was a Union man at the breaking out of the war but was not in favor of aboli- tion and when Captain Lyon seized Camp Jackson, Mr. Carleton decided to east in his lot with the south. When the Federal forces took possession of New Madrid and Pemiscot counties Mr. Carleton put the records of the county in a dug-out and carried them across the Mississippi river and turned them over to the commander of the Confederate gun- boats. The records were afterwai-ds carried to Memphis, Tennessee, where they remained until the close of the war in 1865. He was appointed to a position in the Confed- erate States navy and entered upon active service. During the war he was at Yazoo, ilississippi and Charleston, South Carolina; in 1864 he was transferred to the engineering department with the rank and pay of major. AVhen Macon, Georgia, was surrendered to the Federal forces lie was made a prisoner and paroled April 26th. He returned home July 1, 1865, and at once took part in the reorgani- zation of the government in Pemiscot county. During this time he acquired a knowledge of law but could not be admitted to the bar owing to his inability to take the test oath. In spite of this fact he was allowed to prac- tice law before the courts of Pemiscot coimty and when the test oath was striken from the constitution of the state he was admitted to the bar and regularly enrolled as a practi- tioner. In 1875 he was a member of the constitu- tional convention from the 23rd senatorial district in connection with General N. W. Watkins. He was a representative from Pem- iscot coimty in four of the general assemblies of tlie state and was the author of several important bills, especially one creating drain- age districts in the state. He was also in charge of the Hunter bill to indemnify the counties of Southeast Missouri for dam- ages caused by the overflow of the Mississippi river, In 1870 Major Carleton began the making of ab.stract of land titles in Pemiscot county. This abstract, which was brought up to date, proved to be of very great value owing to the destruction of the court house. The general assembly passed an act in 1885 making the Carleton abstracts legal evidence in all courts of record. In addition to his other activities Major Carleton at times controlled the publi- cation of the Gayoso Democrat, and during all his life was interested in farming. Iron County The organization of Iron county dates from an act of the legislature approved February 17, 1857. It was created from parts of the counties of St. Francois, Madison, Washing- ton, Dent, Reynolds and W^ayne. It owes its peculiar shape to the fact that it was made up of parts of so many counties. This was necessary in order to avoid reducing any county below its constitutional limits. The first county court was composed of J. V. Logan. Jolm W. IMiller and Moses Edmonds. John F. T. Edwards was the clerk, and Jolm Cole was sheriff. The first meeting of the court was on August 4, 1857. At that time the county was divided into seven townships : Dent, Kaolin, Iron, Pilot Knob, Arcadia, Lib- erty and Union. At this meeting of the court Theodore F. Tong was made school commis- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST .AIISSOrjRI Sli sioner, A. C. Farnham county treasurer, and A. W. Holliman was county surveyor. Arcadia was made the first county seat, but in August, 1857, tlie people voted to change the county seat to Ironton. The first meeting of the circuit court was held May 17, 1858, and was presided over by Judge John H. Stone. A grand jury was summoned which returned indictments against two persons for grand larceny. Iron county received its name from the fact that iron was being mined within its limits and was believed to exist in very large quan- tities. The first county seat, Arcadia, was named by a lady who came from New England, and being struck by the beauty and simplicity of the .surrounding country, and the delightful people, suggested that it be called Arcadia. The derivation of Ironton, the name of the present county seat, is apparent. It i.s sit- uated quite near to what were then believed to be immense deposits of iron ore. The county was made liable at its organiza- tion for a part of the stock subscribed for the building of the Fredericktown & Pilot Knob Gravel Road Company. This obligation was met bj' the issuance of bonds to the amount of $6,666. In January, 1858, an order of the county court was made for the erection of a court house. The contract was let to George S. Evans and William F. Mitchell in the sum of $14,000; John V. Logan was appointed as superintendent. The building was completed in 1860; six years later the present .jail was built at a cost of $10,000. The present townships are Iron. Kaolin, Liberty, Union, Dent, and Arcadia. Carter County The first settlement made in Carter county was made in 1812 by Zimri A. Carter, who settled a few miles south of the present to^^^l of Van Buren. The county at this time was still a part of Wayne countj' and the country was wild and much of it rough. Zimri Carter was a man of ability and power and when he began to open up the country other settlers were attracted, among them the Chilton, Ken- nard, Snider and Kelley families. These all settled in the neighborhood of Carter and opened up considerable land. The population of the county grew slowly for a number of years, and it was not organized until March 10, 1859. The territory used in creating the comity was cut off from the west part of Rip- ley and the eastern part of Shannon county and the legislature named the county in honor of its fir.st settler. On the erection of the county Adam Lane of Ripley, John Buford of Reynolds, and D. C. Reed of Shannon county, were appointed as commissioners to locate the seat of justice. They met in April, 1859, at the house of James Brown near Van Buren, and located the county seat at Van Buren. This had formerly been the county seat of Ripley county and the old log court house, which had been erected in 1853, was the rrieeting place for the "courts until 1867. At that time a frame court house was built which is still in use. At first the county was attached to Ripley county for the purpose of representation in the general assembly and the first member sent to the legislature from Carter county was William Lawson, who was elected in 1864 and served until 1870. He was succeeded at the latter date by F. ]\I. Coleman. Carter county has an area of about 321,000 acres, much of which is hilly and broken land and much of it is a low grade of fertility. It is drained by Current river, which tlows thi'ough the central part of the county in a 318 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI generally southern direction. On the west of Current river two creeks, Davis and Rogers, drain that part of the county. The northeast part of the county is drained by Brushy creek, which is a tributary of Current, and the south- eastern part is drained by Little Black river and Cane creek. These streams or most of them are very beautiful. This is true, espe- cially of Current river, which is famous for its clear sparkling waters. The streams afford great water power which is yet largely unde- veloped, though some of it is used for run- ning mills. The chief resource of the coimty is timber, of which there are a number of varieties, the most abundant being pine and oak. The county is divided into five to-wTiships: Carter, Jackson, Johnson, Kell.y, and Pike. Biographies In a former chapter we have given the his- tory of the settlement and organization of the eight comities organized before the ad- mission of Jlissouri to the Union. It is de- sired to recall the names of some of the citi- zens of these counties who were especially active in building up this part of the state and whose names are connected with much of the progress which has been made. It is not possible to recite the lives of all of them ; some are mentioned in connection with other matters, but some whose lives are of especial interest are referred to here. Charles Welling was for many years one of the leading citizens of Cape Girardeau county. He was born in 1812 in New Jersey, was edu- cated in the common schools and came to St. Louis coimty in 1830. One j'car later he re- moved to Jackson and became a clerk in the general store of Ralph Guild, and afterwards became a partner in this concern. He dis- solved this partnership in 1848 and became associated with Joseph Russell and still later with J. V. Priest. Mr. Welling continued in the mercantile business until 1888, when he was appointed postmaster by President Cleve- land. For a number of years he was cashier of the Cape Girardeau Savings Bank and was for twelve years treasurer of Cape Girardeau county. He was one of the best known citi- zens in the county and a man universally held in highest respect and esteem. He was of a most upright character and was known for his strict devotion to whatever duty he imder- took. He was one of the first members and organizers of the First Presbyterian church at Jackson in 1856. He served the church as a, leader and as superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Welling married Elizabeth Bol- linger Frissell, a granddaughter of Colonel George Frederick Bollinger. Their descend- ants are prominent in Cape Girardeau county. He died at Jackson, June 20, 1900. Few men have exercised a greater or better influence over affairs in Southeast Missouri than Robert Sturdivant. He was born March 31, 1817, in Lunnenberg county, Virginia, and died at Tallapoosa, Georgia, Oc- tober 12, 1905. He came to Cape Girardeau in 1835. He received in his native state a good education for the time, having attended an academy, as the organized schools of the south were known. On coming to Cape Girardeau he entered into a business partner.ship with Edmund White, who was his brother-in-law. Within a few years, however, he was forced into bank- ruptcy during a great panic which caused the financial wreck of hundreds of men. He was left penniless and made his way to IMissis- sippi, where for a time he taught school and then worked with a construction gang on a railroad. Through the kindness of Andrew Giboney, HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 319 who was his close friend, his affairs were ar- ranged in Cape Girardeau and he returned. Pie taught school and for a time was associated in the publication of a newspaper. It is said that among his students were James M. White- law and Samuel il. Green. From 1843 to 1846 he was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness with Andrew Giboney, under the firm name of Robert Sturdivant & Company. In the latter year he dissolved this partnership and began in connection with Ben M. Hor- rell, the operation of a mill. This was the "White mill, as it was called, located on the river in the north part of town and was the first steam mill in Southeast Missouri. Later, Mr. Sturdivant established a commission and wholesale grocery house at the corner of Water and Themis streets. This business was exceedingly prosperous. In connection with it Mr. Sturdivant visited all the coimties of Southeast Missouri, becoming accjuainted with the leading men of every community and gain- ing a thorough knowledge of business condi- tions in this part of the state. It is an evi- dence of the sturdy honesty, which always characterized him, that during this period of his life he settled in full all the obligations of the firm of White & Sturdivant, though he was not legally boimd to do so. In 1857 he was elected cashier of the branch bank of the state of Missouri, which was at that time removed from Jackson to Cape Gir- ardeau. He continued with the bank until it was closed up in 1867. Then he bought the assets of the branch bank and continued its operation as a private bank until 1882. In that year he organized a corporation known as the Sturdivant Bank. He was made its president and continued in ofSce until some five years before his death. During the sixty-five years of active busi- ness life, Mr. Sturdivant acquired a comfort- able fortune, but while devoted to his business he never allowed it to interfere with the culti- vation of friendshii) and that kindly spirit of helpfulness which distinguished him. He was always interessted in the public welfare and no man did more to pi'omote the enterprises of his town and community than he. For many years he served as the ti'easui-er of the Southeast State Normal School and on many occasions advanced out of his own private fortune, as a loan, the funds with which to pay the teachers and expenses of that institu- tion. He was very closely associated with Hon. Louis Houek in his railroad enterprises and it is quite probable that but for his assist- ance the railroads of Southeast Missouri could not have been built at that time. I\Ir. Sturdivant, in spite of the esteem in which he was universally held and the influ- ence which came in part from his real char- acter and in part from his wealth, was a man who avoided all ostentation and display and was of a retiring and modest disposition. He lived simply and plainly and took a great in- terest in the simple pleasures of the time. His name is perpetuated in the great banking in- stitution whicli he founded. Samuel Stanhope Harris was born in Jack- son December 26, 1836, and died in St. Louis December 6, 1891. His parents. Dr. E. W. and Mary Harris, were natives of North Caro- lina. He came to Missouri in 1821, first lo- cating at Farmingtou and afterwards at Jack- son. Samuel S. Harris was educated in the private academ^^ at Pleasant Hill and later in Lexington college and then studied medicine at Bellevue Medical college in New York, being graduated at the age of twenty-one. He began the practice of medicine at Jackson in 1860 and was successful from the first. When the war broke out, Dr. Harris took the side of the south, organizing a company of cavalry fa- 320 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI nious as the Swamp Rangers, and afterward recruited a company of artillery with whom he took part in the battle of Fredericktown ; later the company was sent to the south and par- ticipated in the engagements at Fort Pillow. Dr. Hai-ris then became one of the crew of the iron clad ram Arkansas and served on board this vessel throughout the war. He distin- guished himself for gallantry and ability as an officer. On the conclusion of the war he made his home for a short time at AVaterval- le.y. ilississippi, where he practiced medicine but later came to Cape Girardeau. Dr. Harris was not only a physician of great skill and energy, but was interested in all public matters. He contributed to medical .jour- nals and other publications and was an active member of the Democratic party. He was for a time postmaster at Cape Girardeau, but was never a candidate for any elective office. His first wife was Amanda Brown, daughter of Lieutenant Governor Brown : his second wife was Julia E. Russell of Jackson, a member of the old pioneer family of Cape Girardeau county ; she was a great grand- daughter of George Frederick Bollinger. Alexander Gray, a native of Kentucljj', served a-s a captain during the war of 1812 and came to IMissouri at its close, making his home for a time at Cape Girardeau. From Cape Girardeau he went to St. Louis and was appointed by Governor Bates as jiidge of the St. Louis circuit court, holding two terms of the court under the territorial government and after the organization of the state gov- ernment was appointed .iudge of the circuit court in Northern Missouri. Judge Gray was a highly educated man and a fine lawyer, es- pecially able in criminal law. General Pirmin A. Rozier was born in Ste. Genevieve July 31. 1820. He was the son of Ferdinand Rozier, whose life we have given in another place. General Rozier was educated at St. ilary 's College at Perry ville and Bards- town. Kentucky. In 1846 he began to .study law at the Transylvania Law School at Lex- ington. Kentucky. He gave up his studies, h.owever, Avhen the Mexican war broke out and raised a company of soldiers. He was elected captain of the company and stationed at Leavenworth. Kansas. After a time he was appointed major general of militia in South- east Missouri. At the close of the war he returned to the law school and was graduated. In 1847 he began the practice of the law at Ste. Genevieve. General Rozier had some ex- periences in politics. In 1850 he was a can- didate for Congress, but was defeated by a small majority. In 1856 he was a member of the state legislature and served two sessions. He was a delegate to the national Democratic convention at Chicago in 1860 and became a member of the state senate of Missouri in 1872, where he served four years, and was chairman of the committee on mines and min- ing. Besides this he held other minor offices, having been mayor of Ste. Genevieve and having held other positions of trust and honor. General Rozier was devoted to the public wel- fare of his town and community. He had a great interest in all matters pertaining to the public good. While very young he was a delegate to a convention which- met at Mem- phis, Tenne.ssee, in 1845, for the formation of plans regarding improvement of the ilissis- sippi river. At this convention he read a re- port on the submerged lands of the Missis- sippi valley. Perhaps one of the things of which he was most justly proud was his in- terest in the establishment of the Ste. Gene- vieve Academy. He gave much of his time and money to this institution which prospered luitil the breaking out of the Civil war. Gen- eral Rozier married Miss Mary M. VaUe of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 321 Ste. Genevieve in 1850, and to them six chil- dren were born. Another of the activities of General Rozier was the writing and publishing of the History of the Mississippi Valley. This book is devoted largely to the early times of Missouri and Illinois and especially in Ste. Genevieve. It is a valuable reference book on this early history. Cliarles C. Rozier was the sou of Ferdinand Rozier and was born September 1, 1830. He studied law, after his graduation from St. Vincents College in 1849, in the office of his brother, General Pirmin A. Rozier. He pur- chased TIic Democrat, a weekly newspaper published at Ste. Genevieve in 1850, and con- tinued its publication for a year. Then he went to St. Louis and edited a Feneh paper, but discontinued its publication within a short time. In 1851 Mr. Rozier established The Independent at Ste. Genevieve and published it for three or four years. He then entered political life, holding the offices of circuit clerk, recorder and county clerk. He was appointed a member of the first board of regents of the State Normal school at Cape Girardeau and assisted in the location and establishment of that school. He was also administrator of Ste. Genevieve county and mayor of the town of Ste. Genevieve. One of the most famous men ever connected with Southeast Missouri was Lewis F. Linn, who was born in 1796 near Louisville, Ken- tucky, He received a common school educa- tion and afterward studied medicine. At the breaking out of the war of 1812, he enlisted and served until its close. At that time he removed to Ste. Genevieve and began the practice of medicine. He was very successful in his practice, being gifted by nature with the power to make friends and acquaintances and to draw men to him. After devoting him- self to his practice for a number of years and Vol. 1—2 1 accumulating property, he became interested in politics and in 1827 was elected to the state senate, where he made a distinct impression for his ability and his devotion to the work given to him to do. In 1833 he was appointed by the governor of the state to fill a vacancy in the United States senate and was three times elected to the same position, holding it until his death in 1843. Mr. Linn was an unusual man in many respects. He gave the impression of honesty of purpose, of ability and of devotion to duty unequaled by many men. While in the senate he had to do with many matters of the latmost importance. Leg- islation affecting the west was constantly be- fore Congress during this period and to all matters of this kind Senator Linn gave the closest study and the most careful attention. It was his conviction that the government of the United States owed it to itself as well as to the west to foster western territory and to encourage the building up of its population and to form and admit states into the Union. He was especially interested for a number of years in the Oregon territory and he was rec- ognized as the champion of Oregon in the United States senate and was bitterlj' opposed to any suggestion that this territory should be abandoned to the English. On account of this fact the people of Oregon felt that they owed to Senator Linn a great debt of grati- tude. Linn City in Oregon was named for him and in many other ways they have testi- fied the debt which the people of the west felt was due to him. It was due to his efforts more than to the work of any one else that the Platte purchase was made for Mis- souri. In all his work he looked to the build- ing up of the great west and especially to the interests of his own state. He died in 1843 and was buried at Ste. Genevieve, his home. Over his remains was erected the only monu- 322 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ment provided for by the general assemblj- of Missouri out of the public funds. It is in- scribed, "Here lies Lewis F. Linn, the model senator of Missouri." John Rice Jones was born in Virginia in 1776. From 1781 to 1808 he practiced law in Vineennes. He became a resident of Potosi in 1808 and entered into the practice of law in partnership with Moses Austin. Mr. Jones was appointed a member and president of the legislative council of the territory and was also a member of the first constitutional conven- tion. He was appointed bj' Governor McNair as one of the three judges of the supreme court, the other two being Matthias McGirk and John D. Cook. He held this position until his death in 1821. Mr. Jones was regarded as one of the ablest men in the territory. He was a man of upright character and had given a great deal of time to the study of the law. Daniel Dunklin was born in South Carolina near Greenville in 1790, died August 25, 184-4. in Jefferson county, and was buried on the bluff near Pevely. He removed to Kentucky when he was seventeen years old and at the age of twenty came to Missouri and established himself at Potosi. He was elected a member of the first constitutional convention in 1820 and in 1828 was elected lieutenant governor. At the close of his term he was elected governor and served until Sep- tember, 1836, when he resigned three months before the close of the term in order to accept the position of surveyor general of ]\Iissouri, Illinois and Arkansas, which was offered to him by President Jackson. In this position he traced the boundary line between Missouri and Arkansas. Governor Dunklin is remem- bered chiefly on account of his very great in- terest in important work for the public school system of the state. It was largely due to him that the system exists in its present form. Dunklin coimty was named in his honor. James II. Relfe who represented Missouri as one of its members of Congress in 1843 and 1845, was a native of Virginia. He came to jMissouri at an eai-ly age and made his home at Caledonia in Washington county. His education was limited, owing to the character of the schools, but after becoming a man he studied medicine and engaged in the practice in Caledonia. He was a man of ability and won a place among his neighbors and ae- qiuiintances and received from them two elec- tions to Congress. ]Mr. Relfe was a Democrat and supported the principles of that party. Samuel Caruthers was born in ]Madison coimt.y, IMissouri, October 13, 1820. He was educated in the common schools of the county uilt in 1882, and the priest's residence in 1885. The school has been conducted by Sisters of the Order of St. Francis. The pastors of this parish have been Rev. J. Herde, Rev. Gells, Rev. W. Hins- sen, Rev. J. Schmidt, Rev. S. Kleiser, Rev. W. Sonnonschein, Rev. Francis Willmer, and Rev. E. Pruente. Father Pruente has been in charge of the parish since December 30, 1881, and his labors have been unusually suc- cessful. The church now has a large member- ship. The church of St. Augustine was organ- ized at Kelso in 1878. The members of the organization had formerly belonged to the church at New Hamburg. Immediately after the organization, a frame building was erected and used for a number of years, then super- seded by the present brick structure. The St. John's church at Leopold has more than 600 communicants, and has maintained a school since 1872. In 1870 a church was built at Farmington and a congregation of about twenty families organized by Henry Milsepen, who was the German vicar-general. For a time there was no resident priest, the first one being Rev. John Daley. He had charge of the church at French Village also. For a period of about ten years Farmington and Iron Jloun- tain parishes were united under the care of the same priest. About 1885 the church at Farmington had grown so as to require the services of a priest for all the time. The church has a good brick building and a school building also. The first Catholic church at Bonne Terre was built by Father Daley, the land having been given by members of the Whilebon fam- ily. The church was not conveniently lo- cated, however, being at a distance from the town. In 1881 the Desloge Lead Company gave a lot, upon which a brick building was erected, at a cost of $3,000. Rev. E. J. Demp- sey was the first resident priest, and the prin- cipal work of establishing the churcli was performed by Father M. C. Walsh. Through his exertions a fine school building was erected in 1885, and a priest's residence a few years later. Father Walsh was a native of Ireland, but came with his parents to America in in- fancy. His parents determined to fit him for HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 451 the priesthood, and he was educated in St. Patrick's school, in St. Louis, and was later sent to St. ilary's Seminary, at Perryville. He was graduated from St. Vincent's Col- lege at Cape Girardeau in July, 1862, and was ordained to the priesthood. He spent the first years of his ministry in north Mis- souri, but from about 1881 he was active in a number of counties in Southeast Missouri. The great growth of Catholicism during this period is due in part to the' earnest efforts of Father Walsh. The German Catholic church of Perryville, known as St. Boniface, was established in 1870, and the present In-ick building was erected shortly after that time. The church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, at Pilot Knob, was established about the be- ginning of the war. There had been a settle- ment at Pilot Knob since the transfer to the United States, and beginning in 1846, Fa- ther Tucker, the parish priest at Frederick- town, had held occasional services in the homes of members at Pilot Knob. In 1861 Mrs. Catherine Immer began the work of raising funds for a church building. The first contributor to this fund was Archbishop Kenrick, of St. Louis. The church was com- pleted early in the year 1864, and in that same year was injured by an explosion dur- ing the battle of Pilot Knob. Some of the early priests were Father Hennessey, after- wards Bishop of Wichita, Kansas, and L. C. Weinert. Father Weinert remained with the church for many years and was esteemed one of the ablest and most devoted pastors the church had. In 1881 a parochial school was established in connection with the church, and at this time a great-granddaughter of Joseph Pratte is a teacher in this school. It was to Joseph Pratte that the land on which the town now stands was originally granted by the Spanish government, which grant was afterwards confirmed by the United States in 1834. In 1882 the church purchased land and established a cemetery. It celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the church June 5, 1912. A number of for- mer priests took part in this celebration. Besides the churches already mentioned, there are the following Catholic churches in Southeast Missouri: St. Joseph's, at Union- town; St. Joseph's Chapel, at Arcadia; St. Philomena's, at Bloomsdale, in Ste. Gene- vieve county; the Church of the Nativity, in Bois Brule Bottom ; the Church of Our Lady, in Claryville; the Church of St. Lawrence, in Ste. Genevieve county; Ste. Anne's, at French Village, in St. Francois county; St. Joseph's, at Zell, in Ste. Genevieve county; St. Mary's, in Ste. Genevieve county; Sacred Heart, at Poplar Bluff ; the Immaculate Con- ception, Jackson; St. Mary's at Charleston; St. Francois de Sales, in Mississippi county; the Immaculate Conception, at New Madrid. Besides these there are organizations at Doni- phan, JIalden, Caruthersville, Glennonville, Bismarck, Bloomfield, De Soto, Dexter, East Prairie, Festus, Caruthersville, Greenville, Irondale, Iron Mountain, Maxville, the oldest church in Jefferson countj% organized in 1850; Kimmswick, Old Mines, the oldest church in Washington county, Potosi, and Richwoods. Not only was the Catholic church the first in the territory of Southeast Missouri, it has always been one of the most powerful. Its compact organization, its wealth, and the zeal and devotion of its priesthood have given it a place among the people of this part of the state. This is especially true in the French settlements like Ste. Genevieve, New Madrid, and Cape Girardeau. Some of the German settlements as well are strongly Catholic. 452 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Other German communities were settled by Lutherans and their intiuenee has continued paramount in these places. The Catholic church has given great at- tention to the matter of education. In this field it was the pioneer. St. Mary's Semi- nary at Perryville, is the oldest institution of learning in the entire state, and St. Vincent's College at Cape Girardeau the oldest college. Besides these the church has supported pa- rochial schools in all communities where the number of Catholics warrants it. A large and growing membership, virtual control of the religious situation in certain parts of the section, valuable property, and numbers of schools attest the position won for this church during the years of its history. Up to 1821 the Methodists had established one district called Cape Girardeau District, and the following circuits: Bellevue, Saline, St. Francois, Spring River, White River, Cape Girardeau and New Madrid. At that date Thomas Wright was the presiding elder of the district. The church grew slowly dur- ing the years. Some of the congregations were prosjDerous and sent out new organiza- tions, but some of them were almost at a stand for a number of years. No great advance was made until about the year 1835. By that year some new circuits had been added, among them : Farmington, Greenville and West Prairie. At that time Uriel Haw was Pre- siding Elder. A mission was established at Bloomfield in 1837, which in another year be- came a circuit of the church. In 1839 Jacob Lanius was the Presiding Elder. Cape Gi- rardeau circuit was supplied by Nelson Henry and Edward Allen, New Madrid by Uriel Haw and James G. T. Dunleavy, Bloomfield by N. B. Evans, Greenville by Ly- sander Wiley, Farmington by Slelville Will, and Ste. Genevieve by Samuel S. Colburn. About the year 1835 there began a move- ment for the building of church houses. At that time there were, perhaps, fewer than one-half dozen church buildings belonging to the Methodists in all of Southeast Missouri. One of the early buildings was Yorke Chapel ; this was in Perry county, about five miles from Perryville and was erected in 1825. It was afterward replaced by a stone building which is still standing. In 1835 a chapel, which was known as Mt. Zion, was built in the Virginia settlement four miles from Freder- ioktown. About the year 1830 a church was organized in Matthew's Prairie, in Mississippi county and a small log house was erected on the land of Elizabeth Smith. The names of the members of this church have been pre- served. Some of them were : Absolum Mc- Elmurry and wife, Elizabeth Smith, Elijah Bruce, Samuel Duncan and family, William Bush, Joseph ]\Ioore and wife, James Moore and wife, Charles Moore and wife, Richard and j\Iary Crenshaw, Uriel Haw and wife, and Isaac Vernon and wife. It will be seen that some of these were members of families still prominent in Mississippi county. Uriel Haw afterward became one of the prominent ministers of the church and served at various times as Presiding Elder of the Cape Girar- deau District. His grandson, Marvin T. Haw, is a minister of the Methodist church aud has been stationed at various places in Southeast Missouri. In 1838 this house was burned and two or three years later a church building was erected at Charleston. This was occupied un- til 1856, when it was torn down and a brick building put in its place. This, too, was burned in 1870 and was immediatelv rebuilt. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 453 Some of the other early churches in Missis- sippi county were Kay's Chapel, Haw's Chapel and Rush Ridge Chapel. A church building was erected at Jackson about 18-11. The trustees of this church were: Greer W. Davis, David II. Davis, Ca- leb Green, Welton O'Bannou, John D. Cook, Hiram Gilliland and William T. Randol. The lot for the church was given by Greer W. Davis. The first Methodist church house in Cape Girai'deau was erected about 1842. It was blown down by a storm in 1851 and the next building was a small frame house on the corner opposite where the Episcopal church now stands. This house was destroyed by a snow storm in 1856, the weight of the snow crushing the structure. The first church building in Bloomfield erected by the Methodists was a small house put on a lot donated by the county, this was in 1842. Edmund Wood, Thomas Neale, Samuel Sifford, Thompson Couch and John Eaker were trustees of the church. In 1838 a church was built at Frederick- town, and occupied the site of the present church building. Some of the early members were: T. F. Tong, P. T. Overfield, Thomas Cooper, Wm. M. Newbei*ry and Andrew Rus- sell with tlieir families. Our information concerning the condition of the church at this period is derived in large part from a copious diary which was kept by Jacob Lanius, the Presiding Elder of the Cape Girardeau District in 1839 and '40. A perusal of this old diary indicates more plainly than anything else the difficulty under which the ministers of that early day labored. Some extracts from it are given ("History of Southeast Missouri," Page 536). "Thursday, November 14 — Started from my New Madrid quarterly meeting, and after a ride of thirty miles through steady rain reached Brother Caleb Grain's near Jackson. Here is a society of about twenty members in a tolerable state of prosperity only. The next day passed through Jackson, a little old vil- lage, and took breakfast at the house of Greer Davis, a member of the bar, and a re- spectable member of our church. Traveled thirty miles today and lodged at the house of old Mother Houts, near Benton, the county \seat of Scott county. Here the church once prospered but is now in moi-al rains. "16th and 17th — Held the first quarterly meeting for New Madrid circuit at Pleasant Plains meeting-house in Sandy Prairie. Brothers Haw and Dunleavy, the pastors of the circuit, and Henry and Owens attended as ministers in holy things. Two professed faith in Christ. This circuit has nearly 400 members, but religion is at very low ebb. This is a land of swamps and earthquakes, so that you have no access to the circuit save by crossing a swamp. I crossed on a levee three miles long. The land is very fertile, but the country sickly. "23d and 24th— Pleld the fii-st quarterly meeting for Cape Girardeau Circuit at Mc- Kendree Chapel, three miles from Jackson. Some good omens. "30th — Held quarterly meeting for Farm- ington Circuit, which embraces my residence, in the town of Farmington. Here Methodism once flourished, but now lies in ruins. A class of only about twenty, no meeting-house, and under the necessity of occupying the Presbyterian church. Some deep feeling on Sabbath, but all the seed fell on 'stony ground. ' "December 14th — Held quarterly meeting for Ripley Mission at Brother Sharp's on Current River. Congregation small, only 454 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI four families in two miles. Coiiutry as sparsely settled, prospect dark. "21st — Held quarterly meeting for Green- ville Circuit at old Father Dee's cabin, seven miles south of Greenville. On Sabbath we occupied Bowman's Chapel, near the dwell- ing, but the cold weather and smoke operated very niueli against us. However, when I called for mourners at night about one dozen came forward. "28th — Held quarterly meeting for Bloom- field mission in the town of Bloomfield. Here we occupied the courthouse, an unfinished edifice that does honor to the county. The meeting was pretty good, the love feast most excellent. The church numbers about twenty members and is doing pretty well. This mis- sion is also surrounded by swamps. In going to it I crossed a dismal swamp about three miles wide. "January 4, 1840 — Held quarterly meet- ing for Ste. Genevieve Circuit in the New Tennessee settlement in Ste. Genevieve county, at the house of John McFarland's family, an itinerant now a local of our church, one of the best of human kind. This meeting was a blessing to many in the church, but the wicked seemed little affected. I never preached much harder in my life, but all to no purpose, seemingl.v. This meeting closed my first round in the district. The dis- trict numbers about 1,200 members, the great mass of whom are measurably destitute of the power of godliness, though the most of them have the form, or a part of it at least, and are strictly moral. There is a want of vital relig- ion. The preachers have pruned the church since conference, and I hope God will follow this wholesome course with His blessing. "11th and 12th — Held a two days' meeting at Predericktown at which time the district stewards were expected to meet. . . . Second quarterlj' meeting for Cape Girardeau Circuit appointed for February 1, in the town of Cape Girardeau, but, the creeks being up, and the whole face of the country being covered with a sheet of ice, I was compelled to turn back, after having started, and so failed to reach the meeting, but I have since learned that the Lord was with them, and some good was done. A little revival of re- ligion began in Farmington during the holi- days, and as a result of it eight persons joined the church and three the Baptist church. Left home on Wednesday morning, and after traveling through mud and water almost im- passable succeeded in reaching the seat of New Madrid quarterly conference. The meeting was held in Lewis' Prairie, two and one-half miles from the old town of that name ; Brothers Haw and Dunleavy attended and assisted in the work. Thirteen were at the altar of prayer on Sabbath night, and eight united M'ith the church. This was the best meeting of the year, and we left the Ijest prospect that has appeared in the di.strict. "February 15th — This was the time for the Bloomfield quarterly meeting, but I failed to attend owing to ill health. I learn that the meeting was very good. Pour were admitted on trial, and the church was refreshed by the Spirit. "March 14th and 15th — Held the second quarterly meeting for Greenville Circuit at Brother Robert IMcCullough 's in Wayne county. Here I found a society of about twenty members and a little congregation. The class is in a pretty good condition at present, seem all alive and full of some kind of fire. I trust it is the right kind. Several came forward as mouniei's, and one old lady joined the class. Brothei-s M. Wiley and Christian Eaker afforded ministerial aid on the occasion. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 455 "JIarch 21st and 22d— Held quarterly meeting for Ste. Genevieve Circuit at Yorke Chapel in the Abernathy settlement in Perry county, five miles from Perryville, the county seat. Here we have a society of seventy-three whites and more than thirty blacks, but alas, how cold and fonnal! Very few appeared to enjoy the life and power of religion. Only two additions to the church. The brethren here dwell in ceiled houses, while the house of God lies in i-uius, the foundation only having been laid. I hope before the close of the j^ear the church will be completed. "March 2Sth — Held the second quarterly meeting for Farmington Circuit at Freder- iektown, Brothers H. Baird and L. Wiley as- sisting as ministers; congregation respectable and attendance good in spite of unfavorable weather; six mourners one night, and three accessions to our ranks. This completes my second round. It was more interesting than the first. Have missed three quarterly meet- ings on account of the difficulty of traveling. "April 4th and 5th — Assisted Brother Wiley of Farmington Circuit with a two days' meeting at John White's among the Dutch (my countrymen) on Ca.stor. This meeting was the best this year, about twenty mourn- ers on Sabbath night, some of whom were con- verted and quite a number received into the church. "11th — Commenced the quarterly meeting for New Madrid Circuit in Benton, the county seat of Scott; the congregation small and careless, and the professors cold. This was once a numerous society, but removals and deaths have reduced almost to a unit. Satan seems to have his seat here and intemperance reigns. "18th and 19th — Held a two days' meeting in the town of Cape Girardeau, assisted by Brothers Henry, Dunleavy and Owens. Here we are much opposed by Catholics, and Prot- estants are struggling for existence; have no meeting house but are trying to build one. "25th and 26th — Held a two days' meeting in the town of Jackson. Here we are com- pelled to worship in the courthouse, but are erecting a convenient church. Large con- gregation on Sabbath. This is another hard place. But few Christians and many specu- lators in religious principles. ' ' i\Iay 30th and 31st— Held the third quar- terly meeting for Cape Girardeau Circuit in Baker's settlement on Crooked Creek amongst my countrymen, the Dutch. Here we have a large society, but many members are in a lukewarm state. This region was once the kingdom of Bacchus. One passes an old still- house, and sometimes a new one every two miles. "June 20th and 21st— Held the third quarterly meeting for Ste. Genevieve Circuit in New Tennessee. One was received on trial. Arrangements are being made to build a stone chapel. It is much needed, for we worship in a dwelling-house or under a grove at present. "July 3d and 5th — Held the last quarterly meeting for the New ]\Iadrid Circuit, in Math- ews Prairie, Scott county. It was a camp- meeting. Owing to the premature coming of the sickly season only four families camped out of a class of sixty whites and forty blacks. On Sabbath the congregation was the largest I have addressed for two years, say 1,000 per- sons. A few professed faith. "11th and 13th — Held quarterly meeting for the Farmington Circuit at a new chapel called Mt. Zion, in the New Virginia settle- ment, four miles from Fredericktown. "September 30th — Have closed the last round of the district — the camp-meeting round. ]\Iuch good was done at some of these 456 IlISTOKY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI meetings, especially at that at Yorke Chapel, in Perry County. More than twenty united with the church there, axid quite a number were savingly converted." Work of the church moved on with wliat must have seemed to those engaged in it very great slowness, but there was a con- stant and steady growth in every part of this section of the state. New societies were organized, new circuits were established, and supplied with preachers and here and there over the district new houses of worship were built. At first these houses were small, sometimes of logs, ofteuer there were frame buildings, but we are able to see a constant im- provement in the character of the buildings themselves. More and more the people were impressed with the idea that the church house ought to be in keeping with the character of the community and was inevitably a reflec- tion of the conditions existing. One thing that halted to an extent the work of the Methodist church in Missouri was the controversy over slavery. This tierce and bit- ter stmiggle concerning the ownership of slaves was not confined to the political arena, it extended to the homes of the people and even into the church organizations. Perhaps no other church suffered more severely on ac- count of this contention than did the ]Meth- odists. When the General Conference met in New York in 1844 it passed a resolution known as the Pinley Resolution which sus- pended Bishop Andrew of Georgia from the exercise of his ofSce on the ground that he was an owner of slaves. He was not to be reinstated as a bishop of the church until he had disposed of these slaves. This resolution was adopted on the first day of June, and, on the 5th. the southern members of the General Conference presented a declaration in which it was said that they believed the continual agitation of slavery and abolition in the con- ferences of the church and especially the sus- pension of Bishop Andrew from his office would result in a state of things which would render the continuance of the jurisdiction of the General Conference over the conferences of the South inconsistent with the success of the ministrj- in the slave-holding states. This declaration, which was signed by all the members of the Southern, Conference and * by one member from the Illinois Conference, was referred to a committee with instructions to provide a plan for adjusting difficulties which had arisen over the subject of slavery, or, if that were found to be impossible, a plan for a friendly division of the church. After some deliberation this committee reported that it was impossible to settle the difficulties of the situation and recommended that the church should be divided. A conference of delegates from the organizations of the church in those states where slavery existed was held in Louisville, Ivy., May 1st, 1845. It was pre- sided over by Bishops Soule and Andrew and the final result of its work was a declaration that the Southern Conference should become a separate church under the name of the ]Methodist Episcopal Church. South. The next meeting of the ^Missouri Confer- ence following the action at Louisville was held in Cohuubia. ilissouri. September 24, 1845. Bishop Soule presided and he deliv- ered an address asking the Missouri Confer- ence to unite with the Southern Church. Af- ter a discussion and delay it was finally voted that the Missouri Conference should become a part of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. At this conference John K. Lacey was appointed Presiding Elder for the Cape Girardeau District. The appointment for the circuits were: Cape Girardeau, A. Peace; Crooked Creek, J. 0. Wood ; New ]\Iadrid, HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST illSSOUKI 457 J. H. Ileadlee; Charleston, L. P. Rowland; Bloomfield, E. E. Deddge; Greenville, H. N. Watts; Predericktown, N. B. Peterson; Ste. Genevieve, P. B. ilarkle ; Ripley, J. Eaker ; Black River, R. M. Stevenson. The enumeration of the circuits contained in the Cape Girardeau District at this time indicates the growth experienced bj' the church. In 1847 a new conference was or- ganized called the "St. Louis Conference," and a new district, Greenville District, was formed from the western part of the Cape Girardeau District. Prom this time until the breaking out of the Civil war, in 1S61, the church experi- enced a steady growth. It is hardly possible to give an entire list of the preachers who supplied the various circuits at that time. The Presiding Elders for Cape Girardeau ' District from 1852 to 1861 were : J. M. Kelly, J. H. Ileadlee, J. C. Berryman, Wesley Browning, H. S. Watts, J. McCarry. M. R. Anthony. The Presiding Elders of the Greenville District from 1852 to 1857 were : N. B. Peterson, J. R. Burk, J. L. Burchard. In 1857 there was a reorganization of the dis- tricts and the western district was called "Potosi." Its Presiding Elders were H. N. Watts and J. C. Thompson. The work of the church was very greatly interrupted by the Civil war. There were no regular appointments made in 1861, and there were no meetings of the St. Louis Con- ference during the war. Services continued to be held at Charleston. Bertrand, Big Lake and Rush Ridge. Many of the churches were destroyed and the organi/atidiis disliandcd under the stress of the war. In 1S65 Southeast ^Missouri was organized into the Iron Mountain District, and W. S. Woodward was appointed as the Presiding Elder. The appointments on the circuits for that year were as follows: Richwoods, G. C. Knowles; Predericktown, J. S. Prazier; Perryville, J. M. Proctor ; Jackson, not tilled ; Charleston, II. N. Watts ; New Madrid, L. W. Powell ; Greenville, S. A. Blakey ; Grand , Prairie, James Copeland ; Bloomfield, J. C. Thompson. In 1866 the old districts of Cape Girardeau and Greenville were restored, but in 1868 the name of the latter was changed to Potosi. In 1871 the districts were named Iron Mountain and Charleston, and in 1873 a new district called Poplar Bluff was established. In 1887 Charleston District contained the following stations : Charleston, established in 1872; membership, 253; value of church, $6,- 000 ; C. M. Hensley, pastor. Cape Girardeau, membership, 132; value of church, $1,200; W. Mooney, pastor. Parmington, member- ship, 185; value of church. .$3,200: W. P. Wilson, pastor. New Madrid, membership, 153; value of churches, $2,800; E. P. Seuter, pastor. Predericktown, membership, 216 ; value of churches, $3,400; J. AV. Robinson, pastor. Sikeston and Bertrand were for sev- eral years prior to 1887 under one charge. They had a membership of 348, and churches to the value of $3,300. Sikeston was a station under the care of V. J. Millis. The circuits within the Charleston District were as follows : Commerce, including Conniieree. ilacedonia. Head's schoolhouse. Campbell's schoolhouse and Lusk's chapel, S. A. ]\Iason, pastor; Jlor- ley, including Jlorley, Oran, Blodgett, Sandy Prairie and Cross Plains. S. H. Renfro, pas- tor; Point Plea.sant, including Point Pleas- ant, New Hope, Union, Ruddell's Point, ^ilound and Beech Grove, supplied liy A. G. Horton ; Bertrand, .including Bertrand or- ganized in 1844 : East Prairie, organized in 1865; Thrower's Chapel, organized in 1880, and Diehlstadt. orsanized in 1886, W. H. 458 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI Blaloek, pastor; Belmont, including Haws chapel, Rush's Ridge, Concord and Locust Grove schoolhouse, supplied by R. G. Parks ; Caruthersville, S. Richmond, pastor ; Lutes- ville, including Lutesville, Glen Allen, Union, Eltenezer, Bethel, Point Pleasant, Eaker's chapel, Gravel Hill, Hickory Grove, Killian schoolhoiise, Sedgewickville and Trin- ity, S. C. Biffle, pastor; Jackson, including Jackson, Arlington, Rock Hill and McKen- dree, H. A. Smith, pastor; Oak Ridge, in- cluding Oak Ridge, Shiloh, New Salem, Sa- lem, IMillersville, Goshen, Shawneetown, Oak Hill, Neely's Landing and McLain's, J. K. ILathews, pastor; also three or four churches in Cape Girardeau county, supplied by local preachers; Yorke chapel, T. Lord, pastor: Farniington, J. A. Russell, pastor; Mar- quand, T. W. Glass, pastor, and New Pros- pect, supplied by ]\L M. Blaese. The total membership of Charleston district in 1887 was 6,004. In 1880 it was 2,954. In the Poplar Bluff district there was but one station. Poplar Bluff, which for some time was united with the church at Dexter under the care of one pastor. It had been a station since 1884. W. E. Boggs was pastor. Among the circuits in the Poplar Bluff dis- trict were : Grand Prairie, including Bran- num, Liberty. Harkey's chapel and Cotton Plant. R. A. McClintock, pastor; Williams- ville. including Shiloh, organized about 1830 ; Walton's chapel, a branch of Shiloh, organ- ized in 1887; Preeland (in Carter county). Chapel Hill, organized about 187.3 ; Prospect, organized in 1885; Dee's chapel, organized in the "thirties;" Williamsville, organized about 1884, and Cool Springs, organized in 1888, Geo. H. Adams, pastor; Piedmont, in- cluding Piedmont, organized about 1876; Des Arc. organized in 1882, and IMill Springs, Webster Full, pastor; Clarkton, including Maiden, organized in 1881 ; Clarkton, Knight's schoolhouse, Salem, Zion and Gravel Hill, J. A. Jenkins, pastor ; Arcadia, including the churches in Iron county, H. C. Fleenor, pastor ; Bloomfield, R. Walton, pas- tor, and Piketon, L. W. Pickens, pastor. The total membership in 1887 was 5,260. Since 1887 the growth of the church has been steady and rapid. It has kept pace with the growth of population. It is not possible to give in detail the changes in pastoral rela- tions during these years. The information is readily available in the published reports of the church. A summary of the present con- dition of the church, together with the names of the various organizations, the pastors and membership of each is given in the form of tables. From these it appears that in the territory of Southeast Missouri in 1911 there were forty-six stations and forty circuits, with a total membership of 21,307. These figures testify to a wonderful growth since McKendree chapel was established and even since the war. Under the present organization of the church most of the churches in Southeast Missouri are members of three districts of the St. Louis conference. These districts are Poplar Bluff. Farmington and Charleston. A few of the churches are in West Plains dis- trict of the same conference and some others in West Plains district. The tables given below show the location of church organization together with the minis- ter in charge and the meniliership of tlie church. The Presiding Elder of Charleston District is Rev. Robert L. Russell and the organiza- tions, pastors and membership in his territory are as follows : HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 459 S. M. Clack, Anniston Ct., 4:^. J. C. Dentou, Benton, 117. H. W. King, Bertraud, 349. J. C. Thogmorton, Blodgett, 161. A. S. J. Baldridge. Caruthersville, 439. Del. Louggrear, Caruthersville Ct., 88. P. G. Thogmorton & J. F. Holland, J. P., Charleston, 604. Lenord Gray, Charleston Ct., 315. I. L. Holt, Cape Girardeau, 517. A. C. Stovmont, Chaffee, 264. 0. S. Tallent, Commerce & IMacedouia, 215. T. G. Fallin, Cottonwood & Cooter, 418. R. D. Kennedy, Cairo, 153. S. A. Bennett, Deering. E. F. McDaniel, East Prairie, 262. H. H.I S. DuBois, Edna & Ulmo, 99. 1. Q. llcCorkle, Hayti, 111. Clarence Burton, Jackson, 480. A. AV. Darter, Lilbourn Ct., 124. S. M. Roberts, Morley & Richwoods, 403. W. H. Jordan, New Madrid, 135. C. E. Harris, New Madrid Ct. Elmer T. Clark, Oran, 165. T. E. Smith, Parma, 103. J. T. Evitts, Portageville Ct., 125. 0. J. Furguson, South Cape Girardeau, 41. A. U. Burris, Steel Ct., 221 J. M. Bradley, Sikeston, 170. J. C. Montgomery, Vanduser Ct., 181. J. L. Wolvarton, Mathews, 267. Total, 7,258. Farmington district is presided over by Rev. Henry P. Crowe and there are twenty- five stations in this territory of the church as follows: "Wm. Court, Farmington, 371. C. N. Clark, Fredericktown, 530. J. R. BuUington, Potosi, 134. N. B. Henry, Bonne Terre, 353. J. P. Stubblefield, Flat River, 319. Elmer Peal, Lavins, 305. Arthur Ti'otter, Des Loge. 137. A. S. Coker, Arcadia, 112. L. D. Nichol, Esther, 199. Wm. Stewart, Bisniark & Hickory Grove, 277. R. Walton, Caledonia & Irondale, 170. J. N. Sitton, Leadwood & Frank Clay, 137. H. C. Hoy, Lutesville & Glen Allen, 260. D. il. Margrave, Oak Ridge Ct., 306. 0. A. Bowers, ilarquand Circuit, 313. A. N. Walker, Whitewater Circuit, 226. H. A. Sliowmaker, Libertyville Circuit, 193. E. G. Brent, Mineral Point Circuit, 129. B. L. AVright, York Chapel Circuit, 113. F. A. Hearn, Neely's Landing Circuit, 232. R. S. Warren, Sedgewickville Ct., 259. S. C. Bockman, Fredericktown Ct., 193. B. W. Bynum, Belleview Ct., 205. M. M. Blaese, Marble Hill Ct., 284. J. A. Wood, Farmington Ct., 360. Total, 6,117. There are twenty-six stations in the Pop- lar Bluff district and the present presiding elder is Rev. J. R. II. Vaughan. J. T. Ricketts, Advance Ct., 101. F. M. Mayfleld, Bernie Ct., 181. R. M. Ownby, Bell City Ct., 367. Linus Eaker, Bloomfield Ct., 194. Thomas Lord, Campbell, 172. J. B. Wilburn, Clark-ton Ct., 261. J. D. Doherty, Cardwell Ct., 141. W. J. Heys, Dexter, 245. R. E. Foard, Doniphan, 233. L. L. Johnston, Doniphan Ct., 235. C. L. Fry, Essex & Sadler's Chapel, 131. S. C. Biffle, Greenville Ct., 309. J. W. Ham, Harkey's Chapel & Senath, 350. J. S. Newson, Holcomb Ct., 405. F. Eaker, Hornersville Ct., 320. W. J. Velvick, Kennett, 303. W. L. King, Lowndes & Coldwater, 366. E. T. Reid, Morehouse, 179. J. T. Self. Maiden, 394. J. L. Batton, Naylor Ct., 381. 460 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI W. A. Tetley, Poplar Bluff, 307. C. L. Kirkendall. Poplar Bluff Ct., 198. A. R. Sander.s, Pine Ct., 272. E. Jones, Sherry Ct., 162. T. W. Glass, Williamsville Ct., 302. J. C. Reid, C. Francis, Zalma Ct., 220. Total, 6,822. De Soto district has for its Presiding Elder Rev. J. W. Worsnop. Of the organization in this district the following are within the ter- ritory covered in this history. E. J. Rinkel, De Soto, 208. J. P. McDonald, De Soto Circuit, 228. Geo. J. Evans, Festus, 317. D. R. Davis, Hematite Circuit, 101. J. R. Kincaid, Plattin Circuit, 256. West Plains district has for its Presiding Elder William A. Humphrey. The following organizations are considered here. H. L. Taylor, Ellington Circuit, 341. Geo. Jaycox, Lesterville Circuit, 90. The church has entered upon an era of great expansion in this part of the state. This is evidenced not only by the large in- crease in numbers, the greater influence pos- sessed by the church in all social and moral questions, but also by the remarkable im- provement in church buildings. In the last ten years the church has erected a number of buildings of great cost, well-planned and con- structed and adapted to the work of the church as it is now carried on. Cape Girar- deau, Jackson, Charleston and Sikeston, have recently erected churches each costing more than $40,000, and each of permanent and en- during materials. The church at Cape Girar- deau is built of native stone. It is of Gothic architecture, handsomely finished and fur- nished, has a large auditorium, Sunday school rooms, a kitchen and dining rooms, offices and all the equipment necessary to the work of a modern church. The church at Jackson is of brick and equally as well adapted for its purpose. The Charleston chui'ch is of stone, and is one of the best in this section. Perhaps the best building owned by the church in this part of the state is that at Sikeston finished and occupied in 1912. It is built of brick of the modified Romanesciue style, has a handsome auditorium with domed roof, is finished in handsome woods, and beautifully lighted and seated. The audito- rium contains one of the largest pipe-organs in the state. There are many rooms for Sun- day school purpose so arranged as to be thrown into the main portion of the church as occasion demands. Other churches of the St. Louis Conference, outside of St. Louis are almost equal to these. That at Dexter is of recent erection and is a handsome and dignified structure. In another chapter an account has been given of the educational work of the church in supporting Marvin Collegiate Institute at Fredericktown. In all that pertains to the welfare of society at large the church in Southeast Missouri takes an active and ef- ficient part. To the heroic pioneer jirtachers of the IMethodist church is due a large debt of grat- itude for the work which they accomplished in this part of the state. At a time when frontier conditions prevailed over the entire section these men faced the perils and hard- ship of the wilderness in discharge of the dut.v which rested upon them. Through the period of growth that preceded the Civil war, while the wilderness was being subdued, towns built, farms cleared, and the state en- tering on its marvellous career of prosperity HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 461 and civilization, one of the strong forces that wrought for progress and advancement was the influence of these men. They preached and taught in every community, planted, not alone the seeds of Christianity, but also higher ideals of social service, of education and organization. During the trying period of the war and the years of bitterness and strife that succeeded it, when industry was paralyzed, organizations ended, when law- lessness prevailed, they still labored, and up- held the principles which had been planted by the fathers. They fostered education, and at early day when schools were few, money scarce and the difficulties great they established Bellevue Collegiate Institute, and in spite of every difficulty and discourage- ment, kept it alive and growing, and so shaped its course and work that it has devel- oped into the Marvin Collegiate Institute of our own day, a sj^lendid and vigorous school destined to become a powerful influence in the life of the church. To every other great movement the.v have lent aid and influence, so that their work is indelibly woven into the life of the state, and its power seen on every page of its history. In spite of all other activities their chief interest has been the work of the great church which they have built up here. The numbers, the power, the wealth of that in- stitution testifies to the success which they achieved. It is not possible to preserve the names of all these men nor to accord to them the credit they deserve for their great achievements. To Jesse Walker, perhaps, belongs the honor of first place among the preachers of the church, at least in point of time. He it was who first planted the seed of Methodism in this great territorj- and the story of his work, the long and dangerous miles he travelled, his devotion, the success of his labors will al- ways be a stirring chapter in the history of the church. H. S. Watts, famous as Rough and Ready, with his blunt honesty, his un- ^failing courage, his ready wit, his unflinching devotion to his work, who wrought as circuit rider and presiding elder, will always be re- membered with pride by his church. U. L. Haw, whose long life of labor as minister and presiding elder did much for the church, contributed not alone his own life of active service but a family to continue his work. His son. Dr. James L. Haw, was one of the most- prominent laymen of tiie church inter- ested and devoted to its work. His son, Mar- vin T. Haw, the secretary of the St. Louis Conference continues the traditions of the family and his years of successful ministry recall the best days of his grandfather. The Henrys, father and son, gifted men, able to lead, eloquent of speech, scholarly, have had a powerful influence upon the de- velopment of the church and its work. J. C. Berryman, a prince of preachers, and a master organizer, will always be honored. T. M. Finney, Henry Hanesworth, were among a multitude of honored names. Methodist Episcopal Church Although the Missouri Conference at its meeting in 1845, voted by a large majority to unite with the Southern Church, some mem- bers of the Conference were opposed to this change aiid determined to abide in their re- lation to the older organization. Two of the men who made this decision were: Rev. An- thony Bewley and Rev. Nelson Henry. Some of the men who did not wish to unite with the Southern Church left the state and took up work in other places. Some, however, re- mained and these held a convention on Spring River, December 25, 1845. They 462 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tried to arrauge plans for carrying on the work in Missouri and Arkansas. The only ministers left at that time were : George Sly, David Thompson, Joseph Doughty, Mark Robertson, Anthony Bewley and Nelson Henry. They were unable to accomplish very much, but in 1848 the Missouri Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church was re- organized. It was divided into three dis- tricts, one of which included the most of Southeast Missouri and a large part of Ar- kansas. Nelson Henry was Presiding Elder of this district and under his direction a mis- sion was organized at Bloomfield. The first quarterly meeting in the district was held at the house of W. W. Norman, October 14, 1848. Nelson Henry was the Pre- siding Elder and John W. McKnight was the pastor of the church. Another quarterly meeting was held later at the house of Jonas Eaker in 1S"49. J. J. Buren was presiding elder and W. W. Norman was pastor of the church. This arrangement was kept up dur- ing the next few years. The circuit with Norman as its pastor, included practically all of Southeast ilissouri. In 1852 D. j\I. Smith was Presiding Elder and E. N. Lowe was the pastor. It is probable that the first church erected by the IMethodist Episcopal church after the division was the one at Bloomfield. It was built under the supervision of a committee consisting of W. W. Norman, H. C. Rich and J. C. Bottom : this was in 1853. The church carried on services not only at Bloomfield. but at Grand Prairie, Big Lake, Gravel Hill, Spring Creek, Dick's Creek, Poplar Creek and Mt. Zion. Some of the ministers who served the church during this period were: John :MeKnight. Richard Thornton, J. S. Gooch, Thomas Gdlding, Asa D. West, Hiram Lipe and Francis Beggs. It was unfortunate for the cause of relig- ion that this division occurred in the Meth- odist church. The activity of the old church in Southeast ^Missouri was productive of bit- ter feeling, and serious obstacles were placed in the way of those having the work in charge. On more than one occasion ministers were denounced and even attacked by the persons opposed to the abolition sentiment expressed by the ministers. Southeast Mis- souri, at this time, was very largely pro- slavery in sentiment, — in fact this was true of the greater part of the state, and the well known fact that the Methodist Episcopal church was opposed to the institution of slavery, operated to bring strong opposi- tion to the work of its ministers. This is shown very conclusively in the failure of the legislature to issue a charter to the school which the church purposed to estab- lish in Jackson. In 1854 a society in Jack- son, which was in charge of a school there, oft'ered BuilJiugs and grounds to the ^Missouri conference, provided the conference would guarantee the establishment of a good school. This offer was accepted by the church and the school was begun. In order that the school might be on a permanent basis, application was made to the legislature for a charter of incorporation, but the bill was defeated by a vote of sixty to thirty-six on the express ground, that the church was opposed to slavery. All the circuits in Southeast Missouri were attached to the St. Louis District, and Rev. Samuel Huffman was the Presiding Elder of this district from 1858 until the beginning of the war. There were regular circuits at that time at De Soto, where F. S. Beggs was the pastor in charge, at Jackson, where J. Linan was pastor, at Fredericktown. where J. E. Baker was pastor, and Bloomfield, which was HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 463 under the charge of F. S. Beggs. The society at McKendree chapel, in Cape Girar- deau county, which was the oldest Methodist church in the state, remained faithful to the old organization and within this county there have been a considerable number of its ad- herents. In 1864 the Farmington circuit, embracing the counties of St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, and parts of Iron, Madison, Washington and Jefferaon, was reorganized, with Rev. N. J. Giddings as the Presiding Elder. This circuit was divided in 1866. One year later the church purchased a building at Farmington. formerly occupied by the Christians, and used it as a place of worship. In 1887 there were churches at Perryville, Cedar Fork, Cross Roads, St. Mary's and Independence. At the present time there are in Southeast Missouri the following church organizations, all of which are contained in the Farmington district which is a part of the St. Louis Con- ference, besides the names of the organiza- tions there are given the pastors of the dif- ferent places at the present time : Belgrade, C. W. Jennings; Bloomfield, 0. R. Sides; Bloomfield circuit, D. W. Fields; Bonne Terre, A. Tremayne; Chapin, V. L. ]\Iiller; Cornwall, M. W. Krieger; Courtois, J. H. Hicks; De Soto, Arthur A. Halter; De Soto circuit, Albert Maynard ; Doe Run, Jesse J. Pruitt ; Farmington, J. W. Borah ; Plat River, D. B. Barrett; Fruitland, A. H. Barnes; Irondale & Graniteville, Robert Tre- ganza ; Ironton, W. T. Street ; Lutesville, D. R. Cole; Mountain View, C. V. Bryan; Patten, ; Perryville, M. 0. Morris; Poplar Bluff, F. E. Duboys; Poplar Bluff eircuif, G. W. Davis ; Puxico, J. A. Kirkman. Baptists In 1821 the Bethel Association of the Bap- tist church had fourteen churches and a mem- bership of 417. Some of these churches were in Arkansas and they were later dismissed to form a new association in that territory. In 1825 Pendleton church was organized in a settlement six miles west of Farmington. The settlement was made up of immigrants from Pendleton district, South Carolina, and the church became a member of Bethel Association in 1826. At that time James Hol- bert was pastor, remaining as such until 1838 when he was succeeded by Elder William Polk. Bethel Association held its meeting in 1827 at Providence church in Fredericktown, Sep- tember 22 to 24th. The sermon was preached by Elder D. Orr; Wingate Jackson was the moderator and Simeon Frost, clerk. There were present messengers from nine churches: Providence, Bellevue, St. Francois, Hepzi- bah. New Hope, Pendleton, Crooked Creek, Little Flock and Liberty. The minutej of this association show that there had been 17 baptisms during the year and tliat there was a total membership of 227. The meeting of the association in 1837 was with the Pendleton church in St. Francois county and in 1838 at Ilepzibah church in Ste. Genevieve county. In 1840 the meeting was held with Bethel church, in 1841 the as- sociation met with New Hope church in St. Francois county. At that time a church known as the Colony church in a settlement five miles east of Farmington was received as a member of the association. In 1859 the as- sociation met in New Hope church in St. Francois county. The sermon was preached by Elder William Polk who was also modera- 464 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tor. There were three new churches re- ceived — Mount Zion, Locust Grove and White Oak Grove. At this time there were 19 churches in the association with a total membership of 834. Bethel Association did a great work in or- ganizing new associations. In 1824 nine churches were dismissed to form the Cape Girardeau Association. In 1829 it dismissed four to form an association in Arkansas. Two were dismissed in 1831 for the Franklin Association and nine in 1859 to form the Cen- tral ]\Iissouri Association. Finally many of the churches in the association joined others, some churclies were led off to other doctrines and the association ceased to exist as an or- ganized body of Baptists. The Cape Girardeau Association of Bap- tists was organized at Hebron, Cape Girar- deau county, June 12th to 14th, 1824. The following churches took part in the forming of the association : Bethel with 41 members. Dry Creek with 28 members, Tywappity with 11, Clear Creek in Illinois 66, Apple Creek 15, Ebenezer 17, Big Prairie 19, Hebron 26, Shiloh in Illinois 28, Jackson 8, making a total membership in the association of 248. From 1824 to 1832 the meetings were held regularlj', a good spirit was manifest and much work accomplished. The association was a missionary association and was con- stantly raising funds and providing ways for missionary work. From 1832 to 1860 the as- sociation changed in character. In 1832 there were twenty chi;rches located in Cape Girar- deau, Scott, Mississippi and Perry counties. At the meeting in 1840, eight of the twenty churches comprising the association with- drew and formed what was called the New Cape Girardeau Association. It was com- posed of churches at Cape Girardeau, Mount Zion, Harmony, Mount Moriah, Pleasant Grove, Cypress, Pleasant Hill and Little River. The division in the association had arisen over the question of missions; twelve churches had adopted anti-mission principles, while the eiglit which formed the new asso- ciation, held to the former ideas of the im- portance of missionary work. This New Cape Girardeau Association, as it was called, had a prosperous history from 1840 to 1860. As in the case of all other denominations in this part of the state, the war brought to the Bap- tists very great difficulties and discourage- ments. Many of the ministers were driven away from home or else were compelled to give up preaching for a time. From 1864 to 1867 there was only one minister in the terri- tory of the Cape Girardeau Association en- gaged in preaching. • This was the Rev. John H. Clark, who had been licensed to preach by the Cape Girardeau church in 1842 and con- tinued his active labors as a minister until his death in 1869. The Cape Girardeau Association met in 1864 at Hubble Creek church. Only nine churches were represented. They reported 58 members having been baptized during the previous year, but 48 of these were from one church. Pleasant Grove. The meeting of 1865 was held under very great difficulties. The test oath was enforced and none of the ministers were willing to take it. Accord- ingly they had to preach in violation of the constitution of the state. There were nine- teen churches at this time on the list of the association, but only si.\ of the number sent messengers to the meeting. New ministers were added to the association from 1867 to 1870. Among them were G. F. Brayton, J. G. Shearer, James Reed, J. S. Jordon, Jonas Hoffman, B. L. Bowman and J. T. Ford. In 1876 there were twenty churches in the HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 465 association, but they dismissed some of these to form a uew association in Scott county. In 1878 the association was composed of twenty churches in the counties of Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, Perry and New Madrid. The total membership was 557. The ministers at that time were T. A. Bowman, John T. Ford, C. B. Ford, J. F. Godwin, Z. A. Hoppas, J. M. Warren and W. H. Welker. In 1881 the meeting, was lield at Gape Girardeau. Elder J. Hickman was modera- tor and T. A. Bowmau, clerk. There were at that time fourteen churches with a member- ship of -426. By successive divisions the Cape Girardeau Association has come to include only the terri- tory of Cape Girardeau and Perry counties. The meeting in 1911 was held at Crosstown in Perry county. In 1911 the Cape Girardeau Association re- ported sixteen churches having a, membership of 1,560. They were: Allenville, 24; Bur- fordville, 37; Cheney Fork, 48; Cape Girar- deau, 329 ; Leroy, 53 ; Gravel Hill, 62 ; Round Pond, 49; lona, 77; Jackson, 296; Lithium, 82; New Bethel, 116; Niswonger, 28; Oak Ridge, 158; Pleasant Grove, 123; Bethlehem, 74; Whitewater, 42. Of the churches of this association Jackson is the oldest. It was organized April 30, 1824, largely from members of Bethel church and it finally absorbed the best and most progressive element of that church. Cape Girardeau church was organized in 1834 by Elder Thomas P. Green with nine members. The pastors of the church before the war were T. P. Green, J. H. Clark, Sam- uel Baker, S. H. Ford, W. F. Wilson. James S. Green, A. Sherwood and J. C. Maple. This church at Cape Girardeau, which is the most important owing to its situation of the church in the association, has had a most interesting history. Owing to the unfortu- nate circumstances most of the old records of the church were destroyed, but Mrs. J. C. Maple, who was for many years a member of the church in the early period, wrote a sketch of the early histoiy which is reproduced here through the kindness of Dr. J. C. Maple. It contains much of interest and importance concerning these early years. "This sketch of the early history of the church," says Mrs. Maple, "must be largely reminiscent; made up from the recollections of a child, and of what was told her, and of occurrences that I remember. The church records having been lost, I may be able to re- view some things that will prove of interest to the present membership. "Rev. R. S. Duncan, in his history of Mis- souri Baptists gives the date of the organiza-* tiou August 13, 1834, with nine members. The church was instituted in the little brick schoolhouse that stood almost directly west of the present residence of L. J. Albert, Sr. The track of the Cape Girardeau and Chester railroad runs near the location of the build- ing. There is now no means of knowing the names of the original nine, but I feel confi- dent that John Juden, Sr., John Juden, Jr., Abbie Block Juden, liis wife, and Captain William Surrell and his wife, Ann Surrell (nee Juden), were among the number. Rev. Thomas P. Green was instrumental in bring- ing about the organization and was its first pastor. John Juden, Jr., was the first clerk and senior deacon and continued to fill both offices until his removal to New Orleans, La., a few years latei-. "The church must have taken steps very promptly to secure a house of worship, and the brick building on Lorimier street was 466 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST :\IISSOURI erected. It was the first and for a long time the only Protestant house of worship in the city. "An occurence, connected with the first services held in this house, served for a long time to fix dates of events, by the habitual saying 'these things occurred before or after the floor of the church gave way.' The late Mrs. Louisa Rodney, who had a remarkable memory for dates, told me it was in 183!). Mrs. Mary La Pierre connecting the time with some items of family hi.story corroborates that date. If they are correct, I was only two and a half years old, yet some of the events were indelibly fixed in my mind. "The Cape Giarardeau Association was to hold its annual session with the church, and the workmen were very much hurried to get the house in condition to be used. Situated on a hill that sloped to the south, it was very easy, and inexpensive to arrange for a base- ment room half way under the building. The floor above was to be supported by substan- tial pillars but there was not time to finish the basement and temporary supports were arranged. A stump, that had not been re- moved served as a base for one of these im- provised pillai-s. My impression of the day is that it was very bright and beautiful and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. The people were also dressed in their very best attire. The pews were not in, but tem- porary seats had been made of planks. "I remember very distinctly sitting by my mother, and looking at Rev. ]\Ir. Edwards who was preaching the introductory sermon, when suddenly the floor seemed to sway under me, and when I looked up I saw the red-top-boots of my brother — the late C. G. Juden — go out of the window south of the pulpit. Then my father said to my mother, ' Sit here until I come back,' and took me in his arms and placed me upon the \np of Uncle Thomas Juden who was sitting on the pulj^it stejis. From this safe haven 1 looked with bewilder- ment upon a panic, such as is seldom wit- nessed. "The first law of nature seemed to have as- serted itself, for every one was tr.ying to es- cape from the building regardless of every- thing and everybody else. Clothing was torn, slippers lost, bonnets crushed, jewelry torn away and broken, while many bruises and hurts were inflicted by the merciless crowd. It is strange, but true, that no one was seriously injured. "After almost every one had left the build- ing, my father, after getting my mother out unhurt, came for me. Uncle Thomas told him that I had been a good girl and did not cry. This praise was very pleasant to me, but I think it was not goodness, but the sight of that screaming, struggling mass of humanity so bewildered me that I forgot I could cry. ' ' Investigation showed that the prop placed on the stump had acted as a wedge, and so split it that the floor had sagged only a little way, but enough to produce the fright of the entire audience. The damage to the floor was easily repaired, and the length of time the build has stood, and the many, many times it has been filled by attentive worship- ers prove how substantially it was built. "The membership of the church must have increased rapidly between the time of its or- ganization and the opening of the house of worship. Besides those I have already men- tioned I recall the names of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, his mother, ]\Irs. Johnson, Cynthia John.son, wife of Thomas Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Campster, whose stone residence still stands near the Campster schoolhouse, Mr. and ]Mrs. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 467 Thomas Joyce, Mr. and Airs. Thomas Ander- son — (Mr. A. was a half-brother of the late Dr. W. B. Wilson), Mr. and Mrs. Baker Gorden, ]\Irs. Clark, a sister of Mrs. Gorden. This Mrs. Clark's son, John Henry Clark, Mr. Clark's sister, Mrs. Samuel Gorden, JMrs. Smarr, another sister of J. H. Clark, Mrs. Al- fred Ellis, Jlr. and Jlrs. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Juden, ilr. and jMrs. G. W. Juden (the father and mother of Mrs. J. C. Maple, who wrote this sketch), Mrs. Wathen who was one of the early teach- ers in this community, and her daughter, Mrs. Wheeler, Sirs. Captain Watson, ilr. Porter, who came from Hickman, Kentucky, and after a few years residence here returned to Hickman. Joseph Gorden and wife, William SIcKnight and wife, parents of Mrs. Emma Kimmel. and others whose names I do not now recall. "There were some things in connection with the building of the house of worship, which I remember to have heard discussed that make me quite certain that Mr. Ander- son and Mrs. Ellis came into the church at an early date, if they were not constituent mem- bers. "Captain Ellis, though not a member of the church, was a staunch Baptist in principle and a man of large means. He made a liberal contribution to the building fund and offered in addition a lot on the east side of Lorimier street north of Broadwa.v for the use of the church if they would build thereon. Mr. An- derson was a man of limited means, but of- fered the lot on which the house was built, stating that this was all he was able to give. The church accepted this offer, hoping that Captain Ellis would increase his contribu- tion, at least, to the value of the lot. Per- haps he was a little sensitive over the matter; at any rate, he did not increase his contribu- tion. The choice proved to be an vuifortu- nate one, for after some years it cost the church large sums of money to prevent the house from being undermined by the con- stant washing away of the earth forming a deep ditch. That ravine offers a lesson of the importance of taking things in time. A lit- tle ditch was formed by the rains in the gar- den of Mr. Ollar which joined the church lot on the west and ran towards the east. The people were used to hills and hollows, and were unconcerned about the small ravine thus formed. "The church had preaching every Sunday. Each family had its own pew, and it was the custom for parents and children to sit to- gether. The pews were also supplied with Bibles and hymn books. Another custom, which we would do well to follow today, was when the pastor read the scripture lesson, the congregation was reading it too ; thereby im- pressing it upon their minds, through two channels, the eye and the ear. "A Sunda.y school was established at an early day. I have no recollection of the time when I first went to Sunday school, but I re- niember my father going with me every Sun- day. He took his children to the Lord's house, and after school closed, he usually took us for a little walk, but returned and we were all seated in the family pew before the preaching service began. In those daj's it was not optional, with the children, whether they attended church services or not, at least I never learned it. I do not remember the name of the superintendent. "As has been said Thomas P. Green was the first pastor. I think it must have been shortly after his death that Dr. Russell Hol- mon of Alabama visited the church and preached for a few weeks, to the delight and edification of the membership. He received 468 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI a hearty call to the pastorate, but did not ac- cept. The facts in regard to Dr. Holmon I obtained from letters of my father written to my mother, in August, 1843, while she was absent from home '&t a health resort. "I think the church must have been with- out a pastor for some time, for my father died in August, 1844, and Rev. Edward Hempstead was sent for to preach the funeral sermon. "John Henry Clark was ordained in De- cember, 1844, and following his ordination supplied the pulpit for a few months. I re- member his ordination. He preached a ser. mon previous to the laying on of hands from the text, 'Mary Hath Chosen that Good Part which shall not be taken away from her' — Luke 10-42. "Rev. Samuel Baker a native of England, then a young man, became pastor. He in after years attained high eminence as a man of great learning. "Was pastor of churches in New York City, in Chicago and other cities. His last years were spent at Russellville, Kentucky. "S. H. Ford became pastor in 1845. He en- tered the editorial field at Louisville, Ken- tuekj% a few years later; was editor and pro- prietor of the 'Christian Repository,' a monthly magazine, for more than fifty years. His wife, Sallie Rochester Ford, attained equal eminence with her distinguished hus- band as an author. "Rev. "W. F. Nelson was for a time profes- sor in a theological seminary, while Dr. Adiel Sherwood was an author and college president of several institutions of learning. Thus we see, in that day the church had the best talent in its pulpit. "On October 4, 1857, J. C. Maple was or- dained at the call of this church. He had been stated supply from the first of July preceding this date. ' ' Dr. Maple served as pastor in 1860. Dur- ing his term there were about 100 members of the church and Thomas Juden and Thomas Baldwin were deacons and the latter was church clerk. Dr. Maple gave up the care of the church in 1860 and removed to Jackson. Here he engaged in teaching school until the outbreak of the war. The school was closed at that time and he then preached part of the time at Jackson and part of the time at Cape Girardeau until 1864. On his removal to Kentucky in that year, he severed his con- nection with the church for a time. Between 1864 and 1874 thei"e were a num- ber of pastors, among them Rev. Mr. Bray and J. S. Jordan. In the latter year Dr. Maple returned to the church and served as pastor for three years. Among the pastors since that date have been Rev. J. Hickman, Rev. Mr. Daniels, C. J. Tate, Rev. Mr. Duvall, J. 0. Willett, and A. M. Ross. The present pastor is F. Y. Campbell. The church worshipped in the old house on Fountain street until 1894, when a new house was constructed at the corner of Broadway and Spanish. This was during the pastorate of Mr. Daniels. Later an addition was made to the house under the pastoral direction of C. F. J. Tate. This house is still in use though the congregation has purchased a new lot and plans the erection of a more suitable building. Among the other organizations in the as- sociation were Union church organized in 1832, Pleasant Hill in Scott county, organized in 1828 ; Pleasant Grove in Perry county in 1839, Mount Moriah in Scott county in 1830, Ap- ple Creek in 1820, Ebenezer in the big bend HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 469 of the Mississippi, Cape Girardeau county in 1821, Cypress in Scott county in 1821, Hub- ble Creek in 1861, Harmony in Mississippi county in 1830, reorganized in 1855, Little River, later called Sylvania, in 1845 in Scott county, and Goshen near Oak Ridge in 1841. Franklin Association was organized at the house of J. C. Duckworth in the year 1832 At that time there were ten churches repre- sented, ten ministers and a total membership of 374. The territory embraced in the asso- ciation consisted of the counties of Franklin, Washington, and parts of Jefferson, St. Fran- cois, Gasconade, and Crawford. The second annual meeting was held at Potosi in Washington county in 1833. There were at that time 13 churches and a member- ship of 544. In 1835 the association met at the Provi- dence church in St. Francois county, there were then 20 churches, 15 ministers and a membership of 797. By 1839 there were 26 churches, and among the prominent minis- ters were John Hutchings, Uriah and Josiah Johnson, Isaac Penning, Z. Jennings, Simeon Frost, J. C. and P. P. Brickey, J. H. Banbo, and James Glenn. In 1844 the session was held at Union church in Ste. Genevieve county. After cut- ting off a large number of churches, thirteen remained with a total membership of 1,482. Among the prominent churches of tliis body were Black River situated on the middle fork of Black river, organized in 1833 by Elder H. Lassiter. Among its preachers have been R. S. V. Caldwell, H. M. Smith, J. N. Russell and J. R. Pratt. Another of the old churches was Liberty, called Bellevue, organized June 9, 1816, by Elder Felix Redding, who was its first pas- tor. This church was anti-missionary but was organized as a missionary church in 1829 being called Liberty. Old Mines was organ- ized in 1834 in Washington county by James Williams with a membership of 16. Union church in Ste. Genevieve county was organ- ized May 7, 1832, by Elder James Williams, T. B. Green and James Cundill. The most prominent minister of the period of this association was James Williams, who was a native of Kentucky and came to St. Louis and later to New Madrid, where he suffered the loss of property in the earth- quake of 1811. After the earthquake he re- moved to Cape Girardeau county and began the work of preaching about 1816. He then moved to Madison county and in 1832 to Washington county. Through his work a number of churches were organized in these various counties and he was a very active and able man. He died in Jefferson county in 1861. Franklin Association in 1910 had 25 churches with a membership of 2,911. The churches were: Bismark, 126 members; Bonne Terre, 176 ; Belleview, 33 ; Big Creek, 34; Cove, 42; Cantwell, 56; Chestnut R'ge, 91 ; Doe Run, 141 ; Desloge, 164 ; Elvins, 224 ; Flat River, 459 ; Farmington, 184 ; Genevieve, 40; Hopewell, 105; Ironton, 168; Irondale, 41 ; Knob Lick, 20 ; Leadwood, 289 ; Liberty, 55; Little Vine, 73; Providence, 47; Hercu- laneum, 90 ; St. Francis, 87 ; Union, 153 ; Mt. Zion — Black River Association was organized with churches dismissed from Cape Girardeau As- sociation, in 1835 at Greenville, in Wayne county. The churches entering into the or- ganization were Black River, Cherokee Bay, Columbia, Big Creek, Bear Creek, and Green- ville. There was an aggregate membership of 188. The ministers were Henry McEl- murry, William Maeom, and S. Winningham, 470 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Elder ]\IcElmurry was moderator and S. J. McKnight, clerk. Within a few years Elder William Little, B. Clark, and N. G. Ferguson were added to the list of ministers. This association was an aggressive and ac- tive one and grew rapidly. Its territory in- cluded the counties of Wayne, Stoddard, Dunklin, and Madison with parts of other counties. In 1850 the association dismissed twelve churches principally in Wayne county to form a uew association and in 1857 five churches were dismissed to form Cane Creek Association in Butler county. This left 18 churches in Black River Association and its territory was reduced to Stoddard and Dunk- lin counties. At the meeting of 1860, which was held at Bloomfield in Stoddard county, there were messengers present from the following churches : Providence, Bloomfield, Gravel Ilill, Bethany, Mount Pleasant, Grand Prairie, Kennett, Bethlehem, Pleasant Valley, Pales- tine, Shiloh, Oak Grove, ]\Iount Union, White Oak Grove, New Hope, Duck Creek, Pleasant Grove, Ebenezer, Point Pleasant, Friendship, Union, Concord and Casterville. There were 125 baptisms reported for the previous year and a total membership of 962. The ministers belonging to the association were R. P. Paramore, Samuel Walker, Ed- ward Allen, F. W. Miller, W. B. Howell, A. E. Watson, W. W. Whayne, William Macom, James H. Floyd, Lewis L. Stevens, John Mil- ler, and Jonathan Snider. In 1881 a meeting was held at Bloomfield at which time R. P. Owen was moderator and C. B. Crumb was clerk. At that time the ministers of the association were David Lewis, B. F. Bibb, W. H. Dial, T. B. Tunibaugh, R. S H. Douglass, T. Hoben, M. B. Baird, L. D. Cagle, J. J. Wester, J. H. D. Carlin, and M. J. Whitaker. The following s.ynopsis of the first forty- four meetings is taken from the minutes of 1880: 1st. Anniversary held at Greenville Sept. 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1836. First sermon by Bro. Mcp]lmurry. Wm. Street, moderator, and Wm. W. Settle, clerk. 8 churches and 228 members. 2nd. Anniversary held with Columbia church Randolph county, Ark., Sept. 30th, 1837. First sermon by Bro. McElmurry. Wm. Street, moderator, Wm. W. Settle, clerk. 9 churches, 252 members. 3rd. Anniversary held at Providence church, Stoddard county, ]\Io., Oct. 27th, 28th and 29th, 1838. Wm. Street, moderator, and Wm. W. Settle, clerk. Churches 10, members 287. 4th. Anniversary held at Mt. Pleasant church, Wayne county. Mo., Sept. 7th, 8th and 9th, 1839. First sermon by Bro. McElnuirry. II. McElmurry, moderator, Elisha Landers, clerk. Churches 11, members 312. 5th. Anniversary held with Black River church, Wayne county. Mo., Sept. 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1840. First sermon by Bro. McEl- murry, E. Rhewbottom, moderator, and E. Landers, clerk. Churches 12, members 320. 6th. Anniversary held with Black River church, Wayne county. Mo., Sept. 11th, 12th and 13th, 1841. First sermon by Bro. W. W. Settle, W. W. Settle, moderator, Elisha Land- ers, clerk. Churches 13, memliers 357. 7th. Anniversary held M'ith Black River church, Sept. 10th, 1842. First sermon by Wm. Jlaeom. Elisha Spiva, moderator and Elisha Landers, clerk. Churches 12, and 322 members. 8th. Annivei-sary held with Black River church Sept. 9th, 10th and 11th, 1843. First sermon by Bro. B. Clark, M. A. Short, moder- ator, Elisha Landers, clerk. Churches 11, members 625. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 471 9th. Anniversary held with Black River church, Sept. 7th, 8th and 9th, 1844. First sermon by Bro. Wm. B. Kere, Wm. B. Gra- liam, moderator, Pinckuey Graham, clerk. Churches 15, members 694. 10th. Anniversary held with Black River church, Sept. 12th, 13th and 14th, 1845. First sermon by Bro. N. G. Ferguson. A. A. Shorter, moderator, Pinekney Graham, clerk. Churches 21, members 345. 11th. Anniversary held with Black River church, Sept. 11th, 12th and 13th, 1846. First sermon by N. G. Ferguson. David Pruit, mod- erator, Solomon Kitrell, clerk. Churches 23, members 798. 12th. Anniversary held with Mars Hill church, Wayne county, Mo., Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1847. First sermon by Bro. N. G. Fergu- son, Carter J. Graham, moderator, E. Landers, clerk. Churches 21, members 957. 13th. Anniversary held with JIars Hill church, Sept. 29th and 30th, 1848. First ser- mon by E. Landers. Carter T. Graham, mod- erator, and Elisha Landers, clerk. Churches 20, members 1,162. 14th. Anniversary held with Mars Hill church Oct. 6th, 7th and Sth, 1849. First ser- mon by R. P. Paramore. R. P. Paramore, moderator, and Pinekney Graham, clerk. Churches 22, members 1,227. 15th. Anniversary held with Cedar Creek church Wayne county. Mo., Aug. 31st and Sept. 1st, and 2nd, 1850. First sermon by Wm. W. Settle. R. P. Paramore, moderator. Pinekney Graham, clerk. Churches 24, mem- bers 1.079. At this session twelve churches were dismissed to form St. Francis Associa- tion, which they did October, 1850. 16th. Anniversaiy held with Stoddard (now Bloomfield) church Sept. Sth, 6th, 7th and Sth, 1851. First sermon by Martin Epps. R. P. Paramore, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 11, members 634. 17th. Anniversary held with Cane Creek church September 3rd, 4th, Sth and 6th, 1852. First sermon by Sanders Walker, Sandei-s Walker, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerfc. Churches 12, members 595. 18th. Anniversary held with Union church Randolph county, Arkansas, Sept. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Sth, 1853, on the plantation of Deacon Duckworth who died a few weeks before the meeting, but left ample arrangements for the attendants. First sermon by R. P. Paramore. R. P. Paramore, moderator, R. P. Owen, clei'k. Churches 12, members 592. 19th. Anniversary held with Antioch church, Butler county. Mo., Sept. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1854. First sermon by Martin Epps, R. P. Paramore, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 16, members 793. 20th. Anniversary held with Bloomfield church Aug. 31st and Sept. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1855. First sermon by Martin Epps, Martin Epps, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 15, members 922. 21st. Anniversary held with Kennett church Dunklin county. Mo., Sept. Sth, 6th, 7th and 8th, 1856. First sermon by Mathew J. Reed, S. Walker, moderator, Given Owen, clerk. Churches 16, members 938. 22nd. Anniversary held with Bloomfield church Sept. 4th, Sth, 6th and 7th, 1857. First sermon by R. P. Paramore, R. P. Paramore, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 18, members 1,095. Cane Creek, Black River, Antioch, Mars Hill and New Hope churches were dismissed to form Cane Creek Association. 23rd. Anniversary held with New Liberty church, New Madrid county. Mo., Sept. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th, 1858. First preacher, S. Walker, S. Walker, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 16, members 797. 24th. Anniversarv held with Oak Grove 472 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI cliurelies, Sept, 2iid, 1859. Introductory ser- mon by R. P. Paramore, S. "Walker, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 20, members 825. 25th. Anniversary held with Bloomfield church August 31st, 1860. Introductory ser- mon by S. Walker, S. Walker, moderator, R. P. Owen, clerk. Churches 23, members 963. 26tl'. Anniversary was held with Palestine church but on account of the war only two or three churches were represented. No minutes of session obtained. 27th. For 1862, and 28th for 1863, and 29th for 1864, and 30th for 1865 prevented by war. 31st. Anniversary held with Palestine church Sept. 14th, 1866. Introductory sermon by L. L. Stevens, L. L. Stevens, moderator, J. B. Rese, clerk; only 4 churches represented. 32nd. Anniversary held with Oak Grove church Sept. 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th, 1867. Introductory sermon by James E. Floyd, L. L. Stevens moderator, Given Owen, clerk. Churches 18, members 946. 33rd. Anniversary held with Liberty church Sept. 18th, 19th and 20th, 1868. In- troductory sermon by L. L. Stevens, L. L. Stevens, moderator, M. V. Baird, clerk. Churches 27, members 1,313. 34th. Anniversary held with Bethany churcE Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th, 1869. In- troductory sermon by L. L. Stevens, L. L. Stevens, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 27, members 1,360. 35th. Anniversary held with Oak Grove church Sept. 16th, 17th and 18th, 1870. In- troductory sermon by L. L. Stevens, L. L. Stevens, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk Churches 30, members 1,726. 36th. Anniversary held with Shady Grove church Sept. 15th, 16th and 17th, 1871. In- troductory sermon by L. L. Stevens, L. L. Stevens, moderator, M. V. Baird, clerk. Churches 30, members 1,628. 37th. Anniversary held with Land Mark church. Minutes lost. 38th. Anniversary held with Oak Grove church Sept. 12th, 14th, and 15th, 1873. In- troductory sermon by Tilford Hogan, David Lewis, moderator, M. V. Baird, clerk. Churches 25, members 1,434. 39th. Anniversary held with Palestine church Oct. 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1874. Introduc- tory sermon by M. V. Baird, David Lewis, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 26, members 1,354. 40th. Anniversary held with Little Vine church Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th, 1875. In- troductory sermon by David Lewis, David Lewis, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 27, members 1,252. 41st. Anniversary held with Bloomfield church Sept. 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1876. In- troductory sermon by J. H. D. Carlin, R. P. Owen, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 24, members 1,294. 42nd. Anniversary held with Oak Grove church July 20th, 21st and 22nd, 1877. Intro- ductory sermon by J. H. D. Carlin, M. V. Baird, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 24, members 1,257. 43rd. Anniversary held with Shady Grove church July 27th, 28th and 29th, 1878. In- troductory sermon by David Lewis, David Lewis, moderator, C. B. Crmnb, clerk. Churches 18, members 959. 44th. Anniversary held with Antioch church July 26th, 27th and 28th, 1879. In- troductory sermon by J. H. D. Carlin ; David Lewis, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 18, members 649. 45th. Anniversary held with Four Mile church July 23rd, 24th and 25th, 1880. In- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 473 troductory sermon by M. J. Whitaker, M. V. Baird, moderator, C. B. Crumb, clerk. Churches 22, members 923. The meeting in 1SS5 was held at Oak Grove church iu Dunklin county. Eld. R. H. Doug- lass was moderator and C. B. Crumb, clerk. There were 25 churches represented and the total membership was 1,018. The introduc- tory sermon was preached by Rev. S. M. Brown. The fifty-fii*st annual meeting was held at Philadelphia church in Stoddard county in 1886. Eld. R. H. Douglass was moderator, and R. P. Owen, clerk. The introductory ser- mon was preached by the moderator. Eighteen churches reported 978 members. About 1890 the association was divided, the churches in Stoddard county organizing the Stoddard county association and those in Dunklin county retaining the original organ- ization and name. Among the older churches of this associa- tion are Bloomfield, organized in 1846; Oak Grove, in 1858; Liberty, 1866; Shady Grove, 1866 ; Four Mile, 1866 ; Kennett and Cotton Plant. This association is now confined to Dunklin county. In 1910 there were 24 churches in organization with a total membership of 2,449. The churches were : Bible Grove, 76 ; Caruth, 75; Cardwell, 202; Campbell, 144; Clarkton, 208 ; Friendship, — ; Gideon, 17 ; Holly Grove, 66; Holly, 36; Holcomb, 90; Hornersville, 276; Kennett, 289; Little Vine,— ; Lulu, 98; Maiden, 119 ; New Prospect, 74 ; Oak Grove — ; Octa, 97 ; Palestine, 115 ; Parma, 80 ; Senath, 148 ; Shady Grove, 82 ; Stanfield, 73 ; Varner River, 91. The man, who more than any other per- haps, contributed to the prosperity of the Baptist church in this association was Elder J. H. Floyd, who was a native of Clark county, Missouri, born in 1832. Together with his fa- ther 's family he came to Dunklin county about 1850 and" began the work of preach- ing in 1858 continuing in the ministry there, with the exception of one year, until his death in 1874. He was a man of veiy great energy and not only preached continually, having charge usually of three or four churches, but also sujiported himself by farming. Doubt- less to his labors is due more than to that of any other man the growth which the churcli exijerienced in those years. Another of the early ministry was John W. Brown, who died in August, 1868, after hav- ing spent a number of years in the work of the church. Still another one was L. L. Stephens, who served for a number of times as moderator of the association and also as missionary. He died in 1874. ^Vmong the ministers who contributed very greatly to the success of the churches in this association were M. V. Baird, M. J. Whittaker, R. H. Douglass, and J. N. Richardson. Eld. Richardson came to the association from Ar- kansas though a Tennessean by birth. He was a careful student, an original thinker, and a powerful and pleasing speaker. One of the influential citizens of Dunklin county is and has been for a number of years Rev. Martin V. Baird, who was born in Wil- son county, Tennessee, June 7, 1837. He came with his father's family to Missouri in I860; he had received a good education before com- ing to Missouri and after living for a time in Dunklin coTinty he was licensed as a minister of the Baptist church and began his active work in 1870 ; from that time until the pres- ent he has been one of the foremost ministers of that denomination in that county. At one time or another he has been pastor of prac- tically every Baptist church in the countj', 474 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI aud his iufluence for good has beeu strong in every community. In addition to his work as a minister, whieii lias given liim a wide ac- quaintance, he has been a successful farmer and owns a large and well improved farm. In 1860 he was married to Ollie B. Hopper; to them were born two sons, Walter B. and Thomas J. Both these young men. were edu- cated at the Normal School at Cape Girar- deau ; both became influential teachers in their county and both met early an untimely death. Rev. Mr. Whittaker was a self-made man, an earnest, devoted minister, possessing a most commendable influence in his community. He was a native of Kentucky, born in 1832. He was for a time a teacher before coming to Mis- souri. In 1854 he removed to Dunklin county and in 1874 was ordained as minister of the Baptist church. He served as pastor of a number of churches in his home county. He was also a farmer and nurseryman. He served in the Confederate army for a time and was present at one of the skirmishes at Bloom- field. Rev. R. H. Douglass was a member of one of the pioneer families of Dunklin county. He was a native of Kentucky, born in 1839. He came with his parents to Dunklin county in 1850. He received the school training com- mon to pioneer countries .such as Dunklin county then was. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted and served until itsi close. He was a member of the famous cavalry regiment, the Second ilissouri, and participated in all its great battles and marches. After the war he retiirned to the farm and won for himself a competence. He was always an active and devoted member of the church and was finally ordained as a minister. On taking up this work he felt the handicap of the lack of sufficient education and set him- self to the work of self-cultivation. Gifted with a good mind, great physical and mental endurance, and a determined will, he acquired a good education through his own endeavors. He was an eloc^uent and forceful speaker being gifted with a high degree of magnetism and a power of clear exposition. He labored as pastor and evangelist with great success, but it was as an exponent and teacher of the great doctrines of his church that he excelled. Here few men surpassed him in the power and clearness with which he presented his con- victions of truth. Due as much to his uncom- promising stand and able exposition as to any other cause is the prosperous condition of the Baptist church in the Black River Associa- tion. Personally he was a man of the highest ideals and the firmest convictions of right. No man who knew him doubted his absolute and unqiialified sincerity. He was twice married. The first time to Rebecca J. Wagster. One child of this union survives, T. J. Douglass, of Kennett. The second marriage was to Mrs. Mary E. (Lamb) Richardson, who survives him. Mr. Douglass died in 1904 at his home in Caruth. The Concord Association is the second as- sociation of the name to be organized in the state; the first, was in Cooper county. The one in Southeast Missouri was composed of churches in Iron and Reynolds counties and was organized in December, 1867, at Big Creek church. The other churches taking part in the organization were Bethlehem, Mount Zion, and Pilgrims Rest ; these churches had a mem- bership of 298. The moderator of the asso- ciation was Isaac Lane and the clerk was E. C. Smith. In 1858 this association met at Pilgrims Rest church in Iron county and received the following new churches ; New Prospect, Pleas- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 475 ant Exchange, Mount Gilead and Sugar Tree Grove. The ministers at this meeting were Isaac Lane, R. Seal and D. Warren ; Isaac Lane was moderator again and Thomas Dick- son was chosen clerk. The next year's meet- ing met at Big Creek church in Iron county, one other organization was added, this being Highland church. The third annual meeting was with Bethlehem church in Reynolds county in 1870. At this time there were only 6 churches in the association, l)ut the next year, 1871, Denning Chapel, Pleasant Valley, Locust Grove, White Oak Grove, Black Oak Grove and Friendship churches were received. The meeting was held at Pleasant Exchange in Reynolds county ; Samuel S. Beard was mod- erator. In 1874 the association consisted of 16 churches with a membership of 584 and 6 ordained ministers. The territory of this association is now in Franklin and Reynolds counties. The asso- ciation had 21 churches in 1910 with a mem- bership of 1,468. The churches were: Centre- ville, 95; Dickens Valley, 90; Lesterville, 136; Pine Dale — ; Bethany, 34 ; Bethlehem, 85 ; New Hope, 20; Dry Valley, 47; Oak Grove, 71 ; Redford, 122 ; Ellington, 149 ; Lone Cedar, 50 ; Logan Creek, 54 ; Roland Hill, 83 ; Corri- don, 12 ; Van Buren, 68 ; Cedar Grove, 196 ; Sinking Creek, 28 ; Hopewell, 41 ; West Fork, 47 and Black River — . Bethel Association was continually sending off groups of churches for the establishment of other associations. In 1860 a group of churches in Iron count.v consisting of ]\Iount Pleasiint, Big Creek, Pilgrims Rest, White Oak Grove, Sugar Tree Grove, Mount Gilead, Mount Zion and Locust Grove organized an association called the Central ilissouri Asso- ciation. The ministers concerned in this or- ganization were William Polk, Harry Young and James Ritter. All of these churches had been members of Bethel Association and were dismissed from that organization in 1859. This association met in 1860 at Mount Zion in Washington county ; at that time Isaac Lane was moderator and David Adams was clerk. There were 13 churches in the association at this time, 8 of which were represented at the meeting reporting a total membership of 367. The ministers were N. Adams, Isaac Lane, G. W. Bay and P. McCracken. The next year Central Missouri Association met at Pleasant Grove in Iron county; there wei'e 13 churches represented reporting a total membership of 528. Seven of these churches were then dismissed to form a new association called Concord. In 1874 the Central ^lissouri Association had 9 churches with a total membership of 283, and there were 5 ordained ministers. The churches constituting the association were no longer confined to Iron and Washington counties, but were scattered over Dent, Rey- nolds and I\Iadison counties as well. This asso- ciation is now disbanded and the churches are in other organizations. Jefferson County Association was organized at Bethlehem church, October 8, 1853; there were representatives present from Bethlehem, Swashing, Mount Zion, Calvary, Sandy and Little Maramec, all of them being in Jeffer- .son county. The ministers of the association were James Williams, Washington Stevens, William McKay, J. C. Hudspeth, Sullivan Frazier and John H. Hensley; James Wil- liams was the moderator of this first meeting. The meeting of 1856 was held with Swashing church ; three new churches were added to the association. The meeting of 1869 was held at ]\lount Zion church, tlie moderator being W. Stevens, who also preached the opening ser- 476 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI mon. There were at this time 17 churches con- nected with the association, only 13, however, sent any report whicli showed a total member- ship of 791. The meeting for 1870 was at Sandy church where three more churches were admitted. lu 1871 Mount Zion and Valle Mines churches were admitted to the associa- tion ; at the meeting with Swashing church at this time the total membership was 1,390 and there were 22 churches on the roll of the as- sociation. In 1881 the meeting was with Lit- tle Maramec church and the reports showed that there were 20 churches. The oldest church in Jeffei-son county is Bethlehem church which was organized in 1829, about 8 miles northwest of Hillsboro. Two ministers, Lewis and James Williams, were the oldest preachere and assisted in the organization of this church; in 1840 there were 60 members. The first house of worship was built in 1843 ; it was a log house and was 20 X 24 feet. Another of the old churches was Lebanon which was organized with 7 members in 1833 by James Cundiff and Walter W. Tucker. While a member of the Jeft'erson County As- sociation the church w'as situated in Ste. Gene- vieve county ; the first minister was J. C. Ren- fro, who continued as pastor for many years. The first building erected by this church was a log building which dated from about 1835. Swashing church was organized in July, 1843, with 6 members; W. Stevens was the first pastor. This church is about 10 miles southeast of Hillsboro and 2 miles from De- Soto. Pilgrims Rest church was organized in No- vember, 1854, with 7 members, by John Huds- peth. It was on Dry Creek in Jefferson county. Hopewell in AVashington county was or- ganized by Elder W. Stevens, September 24, 1855, with 7 members, the first pastor being William McKay. Cedac Hill church was organized by W. Stevens, April, 1856, with 7 members ; it is in Jefferson county northwest of Hillsboro. In 1910 Jefferson County Association re- ported the following churches having a com- bined membership of 1,169 : Bethlehem, 64 Blackwell, 31 ; Cedar Hill, 14 ; Cantwell, 62 Festus, 139; Grubville, 30; Highland, 81 House Spgs. — ; Hillsboro, 27 ; Lebanon, 64 Moontown — • ; Mt Hermon, 76 ; New Har- mony, 19 ; Oakland, 30 ; Oak Grove — ; Pleas- ant Ridge, 78 ; Plattin — ; Pilgrims Rest, 159 ; Providence, 40 ; Swashen, 106 ; Temperance Rest, 143. In 1850 representatives of 12 churches, for- merly members of the Black River Associa- tion, met at Castor church in Madison county and oi'ganized the St. Francois Association. The churches were situated in Wayne and Madison counties and perhaps one or two in Bollinger county. The first meeting of the as- sociation after its organization was held at Little Vine church in iladison county in 1851. At this meeting Zion church in Wayne county and Salem church in Bollinger county were admitted to membership. The ministers of the association were C. T. Graham, W. W. Set- tle, J. Duncan, J. P. Wallis, A. Hughes, R. S. Eaton and S. M. Randoff. Other ministers who later worked in this association were L. D. Bennett, A. G. Tidwell, A. R. L. Meador, A. Land, L. Langley, S. Farr, W. H. Mattox, :M. W. Taylor and E. J. Bunyard. The association grew steadily up to the breaking out of the war when there were 29 churches, in 1863 there were only 10 churches reported at the meeting in Big Creek church in Madison county, with only 326 members in the association. In 1874 there were 37 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 477 churches in the association with 1,400 mem- bers. In 1876, 10 churches were dismissed to form the Wayne County Association. At the meeting in 1878 there were representatives present from 24 churches chiefly in Madison and Bollinger counties with a membership of 1,200. At this time the ministers of the as- sociation were J. C. Hornsby, AVilliam Loudon, H. F. Toug, L. W. Revelle, A. Tidwell, F. M. Holbrook, M. Robins, V. T. Settle, B. L. Bow- man, J. F. Rudy, and J. C. Hembree. The oldest church in the association was Big Creek church organized in iMa3', 1835, about 18 miles south of Fredericktown. The first church house was built in 1854 ; the first pastor of the church was Henry McElmurry ; he was succeeded by C. T. Graham, who served as pastor for 22 years. Castor church was oi'ganized in 1845 by Elders Graham, Settle and Eaton. Little Vine church was organized in 1846 with 21 mem- bers. Marble Hill church was organized in 1848. The first church of Fredericktown seems to have been organized in 1870 by Elder W. W. Settle and Silas Livermore; there were 31 members at the time of the reorganization in 1872. Among the prominent ministers of this as- sociation were the following: Carter T. Gra- ham, who was a native of North Carolina and who came to Madison county in 1822, was a well educated man and while he preached for a great many years, supported himself principally by farming. He died in Septem- ber, 1861 ; Anderson Hughes was a native of Tennessee but settled in Wayne county while very young; he preached for a number of years and died in 1863. One of the most influential of the men of this association was W. W. Settle, who came to Missouri from Tennessee in 1833. He first lived in Bollinger county and later in Madi- son county ; he became a preacher in 1839 and up to the time of his death in 1870, was a very active, energetic woi'ker as a minister. One of the early preachers of this a.ssocia- tion was Pinkney Graham, who was a native of Kentucky and came to Southeast Missouri in 1826 and was for many years an influential minister. Twenty-four churches reported to the asso- ciation in 1910. They had a combined mem- bersliip of 2,009. They were : Big Creek, 82 ; Brush Creek, 87; Castor, 22; Ebenezer, 71; Fredericktown, 444; Friendship, 107; Gran- ite View, 19 ; Glen Allen, 102 ; Little White- water, 136 ; Marble Hill, 156 ; Marquand, 113 ; Miller's Chapel, 41; Moore's Chapel, 46; Mt. Carmel, 43 ; Mt. Pisgah, 116 ; Mt. Pleasant, 47 ; New Salem, 73; Shetley's Creek, 93; Trace Creek, 93 ; Twelve Mile, 116 ; Union Light, 19. The association known as Cane Creek Asso- ciation was formed in 1857 by 5 churches formerly members of Black River Association ; for a considerable time the association had churches in Butler, Carter and Ripley coun- ties in ]\Iissouri as well as some churches in Arkansas. In 1867 there were 14 churches reported, in 1874 there were 24 churches with a total membership of 632, in 1875 there were 22 churches. There were 29 churches in the association in 1910 with a combined membership of 2,115. They were: Amity, 46; Antioch, 73; Black Creek, 71 ; Bethel, 75 ; Belleview, 31 ; Bethle- hem, 33; Bay Springs, 94; Concord-Elsinore, 26 ; Cane Creek, 30 ; Doniphan, 353 ; Friend- ship, 44; Grandin, 125; Harmony, 25; Lone Star, 41; Lone Hill, 90; Mt. Carmel, 53; Mel- ville, 7 ; New Prospect, 49 ; Naylor, 91 ; New 478 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Hope, 106; Providence, 23; Poplar Bluff, (1st) 211 ; Poplar Bluff (2nd), 266 ; Paradise Ridge, 20 ; Rocky Point, 57 ; Sylvan, 53 ; Spring Hill, 62 ; Center Hill — ; Fairdealing — . The Mararaec Association was organized November 11, 1870, by 6 churches in Washing- ton county ; these churches were Oak Hill, White Oak Grove, Crossroads, Little Spring, ilount Vernon and Fourehe a Renault. The moderator of this association was J. R. Ham- lin and M. T. Walker was clerk. There were l-tS members. The ministers of the associa- tion were M. 0. Gibson, J. R. Hamlin and H. :\[. Smith. Tlie second meeting was held at Oak Hill in 1871 ; there were 11 churches and 302 members. In 1879 there were 10 churches and 319 members. The early ministers, be- sides those mentioned, were H. M. Smith and Gideon Seyniore. The oldest church of this association was Fourehe a Renault which was organized in January, 1829, under the name of Mount Zion ; its first pastor was James Williams and there were 6 members at the time of the organ- ization. Like most other of the early churches, its first meeting house was a log structure built in 1844. White Oak Grove church in Washington county was organized April 9, 1842. Maramec Association was composed of 14 churches in 1910, whose membership was 821, divided as follows : W. Oak Grove, 83 ; Steel- ville,. 136; Shoal Creek, 131; Liberty — Courtois, 56 ; Mt. Olive, 50 ; Cross Roads, 76 Bourbon, 45; Huzzah. 61; :\Iis. Ridge, 17 St. Joseph, 36 ; Fourehe a Renault, 29 ; Em- maus, 62 ; Bethel, 86. Charleston Association was organized in 1876 with 4 churches; Morley, New Hope, Richwoods and Sylvania. These churches were all in Scott county and they had a mem- bership of 146. In 1879 there were 9 churches with a total membership of 239. The minis- ters at this time were I. E. Anderson, Lewis Dickinson, W. K. Rainbolt, W. B. Richardson and J. G. Shearer ; the latter was moderator. In 1880 the session had held at Blodgett in Scott county; tliere were then 10 churches with 313 members ; the churches were in Scott, IMississippi and New Madrid counties. There were 20 churches in the association in 1910 with a combined membership of 1,693. They were: Bethel, 26; Bethany, 130; Blod- gett', 41 ; Charleston, 282 ; Chaffee. — ; Diehl- stadt, 63; East Prairie, 108; Fornfelt. 21; Harmony, 76; Hickory Grove, 63; Hopewell, 41; Morley, 165; New Bethel, 128; Oran, 237 ; Pleasant Hill, 41 ; Rock View, 57 ; Savan- nah, 81; Sikeston, 32; Unity, 53; Van- duser — . In 1910 there were 14 churches in Wash- ington County Association with a total mem- 1)ership of 716. They were: ]\It. Zion, 47; Breton Creek, 25; Lost Creek, 52; Pleasant Grove, 74; Missionary Ridge, 34; Fourehe a Renault, 39 ; Shoal Creek, 36 ; Bunker Hill, 128; Hickory Grove, 39; Liberty, 51; Em- maus, 16 ; W.- Oak Grove, 59 ; Potosi, 30 ; Hazel Creek, 17 ; Macedonia, 30. The Stoddard County Association bad 21 churches in 1910 whose total membership was 971: Advance, 79; Bloomfield, 101; Dexter, 158 ; Duck Creek, 133 ; Idalia, 43 ; Liberty, 57 ; Little Vine, 50; New Hope. 34; Philadelphia, 140; Providence, 306; Puxico, 58; Little Flock, 12. In New :\Iadrid Association there were 19 churches in 1910. having a membership of 1,403. Tliey were: Caruthersville, 258; Cot- ton Wotjd Point, — ; Como, — ; Dry Bayou, — Evergreen, 45 ; Holly Grove, 50 ; Holland, 65 ; HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 479 Hayti, 100; Macedonia, — ; Mieola, 70; Oak Grove, 80 ; Portageville, 90 ; Steele — ; Shiloh, — ; Tyler, — ; Little River, 39 ; New Zion, 50 ; Pierce's Chapel, 36; Crockett Chapel, 40. In 1875 it was determined to divide St. Francois Association, and 10 churches in Wayne county were dismissed to form a new association, in October of that j'ear known as Wayne County Association. The ten churches had a mendjersliip of 1,444. and the ministers were Isaac Lane, A. R. L. ileador, J. W. Wil- son, J. B. Mattox, jM. A. Taylor and David Cheats. Five more churches were added in 1875 and in 1878 the total membership was 678. There were 30 churches in the association in 1910 with a membership of 1,754. They were: Bear Creek, 47; Bethel, 24; Beulah, 64; Big Brushy, 33 ; Big Lake, 103 ; Black River, 105 ; Cedar Creek, 107; Chaonia, 49; Cullen's Sw. — ; Des Arc, 8; Greenville, 155; Hodge's Fer., — ; Lebanon, 180; Little Lake, 75; Liberty Hill, 22 ; Leeper, 34 ; Mt. Olive, 51 ; Mt. Pleas- ant, 70; Mt. Zion, 77; New Life. 37; New Prospect, 78; Philippi, 34; Piedmont, 193; Trace Creek, 72 ; Virginia, 21 ; Oak Grove, — ; Patterson, 57; Williamsville, 91 ; Rocky Grove, 23; Low Valley, 14. The Methodists and Baptists have been pe- culiarly fortunate in being able to do pioneer work in this section. More than the ministers of other denominations they have been able to get out into the country and organize and develop churches away from the towns and centers of population. No other denomina- tions have quite equalled them in this respect. Accordingly we find the country districts of Southeast Missouri dotted over with ^Methodist and Baptist churches. The Baptists were first in the field. Tywap- pity church was the first non-Catholic relig- ious organization in this part of the .state, and Bethel the second. Both were Baptist organ- izations. From the organization of these early churches until now, the denomination has prospered. There are now in Southeast Missouri, 281 churches with an aggregate membership of about 25,000. The ministers of the church have been in the forefi'ont of every good and worthy movement, education has been fostered by them, they have cre- ated and supported Will Mayfield College at Marlile Ilill liesides lending support to other educational institutions. The denom- inations seem entering on an era of increased prosperity as is attested by the erection of better buildings, the liberal support accorded tlie church, and the widening of its plan of work. The church in this section has en.ioyed the service of a long line of eai'ncst and able men. To their al)ility and industry is due much of the place the denomination now occupies in the religious affairs of Southeast Missouri. Lutherans When the German colony was formed in Perry county in 1838, there was organized the first society of the Evangelical Lutheran church in this part of the state. A numlier of small communities made up this colony, and at first a number of pastors ministered to the wants of the communities. Wittenljerg and Frohna had for their ministers Rev. Ernst Gerhard, Wilhelm Keyl; Altenberg's minis- ter was Gotthold Heinricli Loeber. The min- ister of Seelitz community was Rev. Moritz Burger, while Rev. Carl Frederick Wilhelm Walther ministered to Dresden and Johannes- burg. At a later period, however, it was found impossible to support so many pastors and the communities were combined. In 1839 there was established another community called Putzdorf. This was about eight miles from 480 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST IMISSOURI Altenberg, and the pastor here was Carl Frederick Gruber. Most of the settlers of this colony were poor, and were subjected to very great hard- ships in a new country, hardships which they were not fitted to undergo. It is, how- ever, a striking commendatary upon their earnestness and piety, that in spite of the difficulties which surrounded them, from the very first, they began and carried on the work of preaching, building church houses, and even the formation of a Christian school. It was under the leadership of Rev. Carl Frederick Wilhelm Walther that the foundations for a college were laid at Altenberg. This college had only a one-story log building at first, but the school was opened and conducted within it and continued until the year 1849. Up to this time it was the sole property of the col- ouists of Perry county and was conducted by them and supported by their gifts. In this year it was transferred to the synod of the church and removed to St. Louis; it is now known as Concordia Seminary. In 1839 the college erected a parsonage and in 1841 a school house, in addition to the college. This school employed one teacher, H. F. "Winter for more than twenty-five years. In 1844 the col- ony erected a stone church, building which is still standing. Two incidents which occurred in the history of this colony disturbed the work of the church. One of these was the great attack of cholera in 1849. The pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. Loeber, remained and cared for those who were sick and those who died, until he, too. fell a victim on August 19, 1844. The other disturliing incident was a discussion over doctrinal matters which took place in 1856. The pastor of the church G. A. Sehief- erdecker, was dismissed from his post and on his refusal to vacate the parsonage, was sued by the church and compelled, by law, to give to give up the place. The Evangelical Lutheran church in Cape Girardeau dates its origin to the year 1854. In that year the church was constituted with eight members, among them being: Caspar and Louis Roth, Ernst Mantz, Charles Does- selman and Anthony Schrader. They adopted the constitution of the church on June 1, 1854, and in 1855 began the erection of the first building. It was of brick and very small. The man who was instrumental in found- ing this church, and who was its first pastor, was the Rev. A. Lehman, who was succeeded in 1856 by Ernst Harms. He was pastor of the church until August, 1859, and for the next nine years, the Rev. Mr. Riedel was in charge. During this period other churches of this denomination were organized at various places in Southeast Missouri, most of them, however, in or near Cape Girardeau. One of these was Trinity church at Dissen, in Apple Creek township. Its organization was made in the year 1848 with these members: Fred Leeving, Louis Kaiser, Edward Engel- man, Gottlieb Krause, Henry Grossheider, John Beck, Caspar Klaus and Henry Wehn- miller. The pastor of the church was F. J. Blitz. The congregation erected a log build- ing for church purposes and used it until during the Civil war. The successors of Rev. Blitz as pastor were: F. Reidel, G. Gniber. F. AV. and John H. Harmening. There was also a church organized about 1860 at Kurreville. In Randol township, Cape Girardeau county, a church was organ- ized at Hanover in 1852. They immediately erected a frame building which was used by the church for many years. The first pastor of this church was Daniel Bertling. In 1857 \ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 481 a church was organized at New Wells, by A. Schieferdecker. The principal members of the church at that time were : Joseph Meyer, 6. Starzinger and M. Koessel. Zion Luth- eran church was organized in 1857 at Gravel- ton. The first pastor of the church was Rev. John R. Moser, who served until 1870. There were about twenty-five members of the church at the time of its organization, and it became one of the largest and most pros- perous churches of its denomination in this part of the state. In 1850 a church was or- ganized in Kelso township, Scott county, and named Eisleben church. The men instru- mental in this organization were : David Roth and Daniel Raubel. In 1887 Rev. J. F. Kostering became the pastor at Altenburg, and was succeeded by Rev. A. G. Grimm. There was also organ- ized a congregation at Frohna and at Union- town and Perryville. The latter was organ- ized in 1867 by Rev. Mr. Besel. This church erected a school building and also a church. The first regular pastor was Rev. C. H. Demetrio, who was called in 1869. He was succeeded by Rev. Wm. Matthes. This church has a good brick building and a brick schoolhouse. The Lutheran church of Ste. Genevieve was incorporated by the circuit court on i\Iay 11. 1867. The petitionei-s were Christian Lueke. Henry Wilder, Phillip Medast, Charles Weiss, F. C. Fertner, August Wilder, Wiliam Mavoss and F. A. Klein. In 1875 a brick building was erected and a school since that time. The church at Farmington, known as St. Paul's, was organized in 1874 by Rev. C. F. Oberraeyer. The first house of worship was a small frame structure, erected the same year. About 1859 the church was organized at Iron ilountain, and at a somewhat later date the congregation at Pilot Knob. Trinity church at Egypt Mills was dedi- cated in 1881 by H. Guemmer. A church was organized at Tilsit in 1866 and called Emmanuel. Rev. G. A. Muller was the first pastor. There were about 15 members. Zion Evangelical Lutheran church was or- ganized at Gravelton in 1857 by Rev. John R. Moser, with a membership of 25. Two of the prominent members of the church at this time were Judge Law Cloninger and Maj. M. N. Abernathy. The second pastor of the church was Rev. P. C. Henkel. He was suc- ceeded by L. M. Wagner. A fine church edi- fice was erected in 1878, and a parsonage, near the church, in 1885. Under the leader- ship of Pastor Wagner a school, known as Concordia, was established and is still con- ducted. At the present time there are church or- ganizations at Festus. Ste. Genevieve, Pop- lar Bluff, Bismarck, Pilot Knob, Pocahontas, Jackson, Cape Girardeau, Gordonville, Farmington, Altenburg, Perryville and Kimmswick. Jlost of these organizations are in a fiourishing condition and this de- nomination is making progress in Southeast Missouri. Episcopal In 1887 there were only three Protestant Episcopal churches in Southeast Missouri — at Cape Girardeau, Ironton and De Soto. The first Episcopal minister who came to the southeast was Rev. Thos. Horrell, who came from Maryland to Cape Girardeau county in 1818. There was no church organization at that time, but he held services at different houses and baptized a number of people. He resided in Cape Girardeau county for only 482 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI a short time and then went to St. Louis. In 1876, George Moore, a native of New York, located at Cape Girardeau, and through his influence a house of worship was built at the corner of Fountain and Themis streets. It was a brick structure and cost about $3,000. He became the first rector of the church and was succeeded by Rev. T. F. C. James, who was installed in 1882. The present rector is the Rev. C. F. Maltus. The church at De Soto was organized in 1865. St. Paul's church was organized at Ironton as a mission in 1869, when Judge John W. Emei-son was warden, and there were only two communicants, Mrs. IMark- ham and her daughter. In 1887 the mem- bei-ship of the church had grown to 39, and a neat frame building was erected, costing about $600. In 1890 Grace Episcopal church was or- ganized in Crystal City. The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company donated about three acres of ground to the church and upon this site was erected a handsome brick structure. It is open for use by all denominations. It is maintained principally by the Plate Glass Company, and is one of the most beautiful spots in Southeast Missouri. At the present time there are organiza- tions at De Soto, Cape Girardeau, Crystal City and Ironton. Congregational The first Congregational church in South- east Missouri was organized at Arcadia about 1840. After an existence of a few years, however, the members adopted the Presbyterian confession of faith and became connected mth the Potosi Presbytery of that church. The next organization was that at De Soto. Later churches were formed at Bonne Terre and Grandin. These are the only organization within this territory. The church at Bonne Terre has recently erected a beautiful and commodious building. It stands in the center of a large plot of ground, very attractively laid out in trees and flow- ers. The building itself is of brick and fol- lows the English style of architecture. It presents a pleasing contrast to the usual fonns of church buildings. German Evangelical The history of the German Evangelical church in Southeast Missouri began in 1836. At that date a number of families from Switzerland made their homes near Rod- ney's Mill, in Cape Girardeau county. Two members of this Swiss colony, Benedict Mul- lett and Benedict Schneider, bought a mill, while the others were engaged, principally in farming. They were devout people and kept up religious services in the absence of any regularly organized church or of a pas- toi". For a number of years they were accus- tomed to meet at private residences to hold these informal services. The first pastor was called, and the church organized about 1847. The pastor was the Rev. J. Koebler. In 1851 they built and dedicated a small log house for church purposes. This was the only or- ganization of the Evangelical church in this part of the state before the war. The church at Jackson was organized in May, 1867, with 28 members and the follow- ing trustees: Charles Hohrenberg, Jacob Frederick, Adam Hoffman and Hermann Geyerd. F. Kies was the first pastor. The church fell into difSculties owing to a debt on the building and certain internal dissen- sions, and no regular pastor was employed for about fifteen years. In 1886 a reorgani- zation was made and since that time the church has continued its work. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 483 At present there are organizations at Cape Girardeau, De Soto, Allenville, Al- theim. Dexter, Dutchtown, Jackson and Til- sit. German Methodists The first organization of German IMeth- odists in Southeast Missouri was probably the church at Gordonville, which was organ- ized in 1848. In the same year Apple Creek chapel was made a mission and was attached to the congregation which was formed about six miles southwest of Jackson. The original officers of the church at Gordonville were : Phillip Ruhl, presiding elder; Christian Bar- tels, Frederick Schleuter, August Gunther, Conrad Boettler and Henry Doris, stewards; and John Antonsen, Dietrich Erase and Henry Doris, trustees. The officers of the church in the early times were Charles Holl- man, Frank Horstraan, Jacob Mueller, Thomas Hoyer, Christopher Hoech and Henry Schultze. The first building for this congregation was a simple frame house erected in 1849. It served the purposes of the church until it was replaced by a brick l)uilding in 1875. The original members of Apple Creek church were : AA^'illiam Schultze and wife, Heinrich Tuschoff and wife and Ileinrich Westmeir and wife. William Schultze was the local minister, and Tus- ehoff was the steward and superintendent of Sunday school. The i^astors of this church were : Charles Hollman, 1849 ; Frank Horts- man, 1851; Jacob Mueller, 1853; Theodore Heyer, 1854; C. Hoech. 1856; Henry Schulze, 1860. The first house of worship erected by the congregation was a small frame building which is still standing. It was dedicated by Rev. Jacob ^lueller. This church was continued as a mission until 1863, when a parsonage was erected and the mission became a circuit. Later a church was organized at White- water. The church at Cape Girardeau is perhaps the largest of these organizations in Southeast Missouri. It has a good brick build- ing and is a flourishing and influential body. It was organized as a mission in 1867 and connected with Apple Creek until it was made a station in 1884. The German Methodist church at De Soto was organized in 1851 by Rev. John G. Kost. Pkesbyteruns The Presbytery of Missouri was formed by the Synod of Tennessee and held its first meeting at St. Louis on December 18, 1817. It then included all the territory in the United States west of the meridian passing through the mouth of the Cumberland river, the only ministers in the Presbytery being Solomon Giddings, Timothy Flint, Thomas Donnell and J. W. Mathews. In 1831 the Synod of Illinois was formed and the Pres- bytery of Slissouri was divided into three Presbyteries, St. Louis, Missouri and St. Charles. The next year the Synod of Mis- souri was formed and held its first meeting at St. Louis on the second Thursday in Oc- tober, 1832 ; there were forty churches in the organization and eighteen ministers. In 1837 the general assembly of the Presbyterian church passed what was Icnown as the Exci- sion Act, severing all ecclesiastic relations with several sj'nods and causing the organization, in 1838, of what was popularly known as the New School General Assembly. This act led to a division of s\Tiods and Presbyterian churches throughout the United States. In 1839 the Presbytery in Missouri divided also; on flie division of the St. Louis Presbytery 484 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI each faction should retain the original name. At its meeting in 1843 the Synod of Missouri (Old School) passed a resolution allowing the organization of the Presbytery of Potosi. Southeast Missouri Presbyterian Churches At a meeting of the Synod of Missouri in St. Louis, October 23, 1843, it was ordered that the churches in Southeast Missouri should be organized into a Presbytery called the Presbytery of Potosi. The meeting for the purpose of effecting this organization was held in the Presbyterian church in Farming- ton April 2, 1844. The assembly was called to order in the old brick church building which afterward became the property of the Disciples or Christians. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. John T. Cowan and after the sermon the organization was per- fected. There were three ministers present, John F. Cowan, D. E. Y. Rice, and James M. Covington. There was only one other minister within the bounds of the Presbytery, Jolin McLean. The elders present were John Mc- Neely, of the 1st Apple Creek church, Peter Statler of Whitewater church, Seth Hall of the 2nd Apple Creek church, Robert Sloan of Bellevue and Potosi, John D. Peers of Farm- ington, William Patterson of Clark's Creek, and Peter Whittenberg of Steelville. The churches not represented were Brazeau, Pleasant HiU, Jackson and Castor, making a total within the bounds of the Presbytery of five ministers and twelve churches. It will be noticed that the Presbytery was somewhat larger than the territory of Southeast Mis- souri, as we have defined it, for it included thirty-three counties in this part of the state. During the first ten years following the or- ganization of the Presbytery the ministers received were as follows: In 1845, Amos H. Rogers, who had charge of the Farmiugton church; Asael Muuson, who was received in June, 1845, and for 23 years was in charge of the 1st Apple Creek church, afterward becoming a member of the St. Louis Presby- teiy, but returning to Potosi Presbytery in April, 1870, where he supplied the Potosi and Irondale churches until his death in 1876; J. T. Paxton, who was received into the Pres- bytery in April, 1853, and supplied the church of Farmiugton ; A. A. Mathis, on the same date, and was supply at Bellevue and after- ward pastor at Brazeau ; John McLean, one of the ministers of the Presbytery was a member for five years, but during that time was not in charge of any church. During these ten years two new churches were organized, one at Cape Girardeau and one at Benton in 1852. During the same period Jackson, Castor and the 2nd Apple Creek churches were dissolved, so that at the close of the first decade there were five min- isters and eleven churches. Presbyterianism in 1854-64 During the second decade, extending from 1854 to 1864, there were a number of changes in the ministry of the church. The Rev. D. E. Y. Rice died in 1854; he had been a mem- ber of the Presbytery for more than ten years and served as a stated clerk, was pastor at Pleasant Hill and Cape Girardeau and, as we have seen, was president of the Wash- ington Female Academy. In 1854, Rev. John F. Cowan was dismissed from the Presbytery after a service of more than 20 years. In 1855 J. H. Moore was ordained as a minister and supplied Brazeau for a number of years. At the same time J. G. Wells was ordained and was made principal of Pleasant Hill Academy. W. F. P. Noble was also made a minister, but seems to have had no charge ; HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 485 Julius Spencer was ordained in 1863 and re- mained in the Presbytery until 1869, supply- ing Bellevue and Potosi churches, and later establishing an academy at Irondale. From other Presbyteries, there were received Thomas C. Smith for the Farmington church, L. P. Rowland for Clark's Creek church, and also as a missionary, Francis Patton for Cape Girardeau church; H. F. L. Laird for Potosi church, G. C. Cannon for Bellevue and Po- tosi churches; John Donaldson for the 1st church at Ironton; David E. Curtis for Farm- ington and New Jladrid, and D. A. Wilson for Potosi and Ironton. During this period there were a number of changes in church organizations. The Ar- cadia Congregational church having adopted the Presbyterian Confession of Faith, was received in April, 1856, and the name was changed to the First Presbyterian church of Ironton. In 1857 the churches at New Madrid and Bloomfield, which had been organized by Rev. L. P. Rowland, were enrolled. One of the strong and influential advan- tages of the work of the church during this period was its educational interests. The academy at Pleasant Hill under the direc- tion of Rev. M. M. Fisher and later of Rev. J. G. "Wells, seems to have exerted a consid- erable influence on the course of church mat- ters and to have developed a number of min- isters for the church. At the close of this decade within the Presbytery there were seven ministers and sixteen churches, which shows a growth, though but a slow growth during the period. 1864-74 The third decade, from 1864 to 1874. also saw a number of changes in the churches. Foi;r men were ordained as evangelists, C. W. Alexander in October, 1867, who served as supply of the First Apple Creek church and Brazeau church for 13 years; W. B. Y. Wilkie, who was ordained in April, 1876, and for three years was supply to New Madrid and Sikeston churches; O. W. Gause was or- dained July 9, 1871, and was at first the supply at Jackson and Pleasant Hill cliurches and later the pastor of Cape Girar- deau church, and William McCarty was or- dained the same day, July 9, 1871, and served first as an evangelist and preached also at Jackson, New Madrid, and Sikeston, and also supplied for the churches at Lakeville and Clarkton. Later he supplied at the First Apple Creek church and Brazeau and still later of Potosi, Irondale and South Bellevue. Besides ministers ordained there were re- reived from other Presbyteries George W. Harlan, who was received in October, 1865, and served as supply at Farmington, Clark's Creek and Syenite ; Thomas C. Barret, who was received in October, 1866, and was sup- ply of Bellevue and South Bellevue churches and later of Cape Girardeau ; John Branch was received in January. 1868, but had no regular assignment; W. W. Faris, received in 1870, served one year as pastor of the Cape Girardeau church. During this period the following changes in church organization were made: In May, 1864, the church at Jackson was reorganized by Rev. A. Munson with 18 members; the church at Irondale was organized in August, 1868, by a committee consisting of Rev. George W. Harlan and Rev. T. C. Barrett and Elder John Adams: there were 10 raem- liers in this church in 1867, Robert Sloam and John A. McCormiek being elders; the South Bellevue church was organized in December, 1 869 ; the Sikeston in July, 1870 ; the Charles- ton in 1871 ; the Clarkton church in 1872, and the Lakeville church in 1873. During the 486 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI same period the Benton and Bloomfield elmrehes were dissolved because they were in a disorganized state; the Whitewater church was dropped from the roll because it was withdrawn from connection with the church organizations and had become affiliated with the Northern Presbyterian church. Jast as is true in the history of every other church organization in the state, the Civil war period was an exceedingly trying one. Not only were buildings burned and many mem- bers of the congregation killed and their property destroyed so that the organizations were themselves almost destroyed, the bitter feelings engendered by the war and the con- test from slavery made themselves felt in the conference, synod and associations of various church bodies. The troubles in the Presbyterian church be- cam'i acute at the meeting of the general as- sembly in 1861 and were intensified by tht adoption of a resolution known as the Ipso Facto Order, in 1866. This Ipso Facto Order summoned the signers of a certain declaration and testimony which had been presented to the general assembly as a protest against certain of its members to appear before the assembly of 1867 and answer for their con- duct in signing this declaration. It was also part of this order that such persons were for- bidden to sit in any court higher than the session and enjoined all Presbyterians to look out for this order and not to enroll any such persons as members of their respective courts under penalty of immediate dissolution. When the Potosi Presbytery met in 1868, Rev. John Branch introduced a resolution that only such delegates as avow their adher- ence to the general assembly be permitted to take seats as members of the Potosi Presby- tery. This resolution was promptly rejected. whereupon Rev. John Branch and Rev. Julius Spencer gave notice that the^ withdrew from the jurisdiction of the Presbytery. Prior to this meeting of the Potosi Pres- bytery the Synod of Missouri had divided, owing to an attempt to carry out this Ipso Facto order, the division having been made in October, 1866. The niinority of the Potosi Presbytery, after the withdrawal of Branch and Spencer, sent a memorial to the synod in which they expressed their adherence to the assembly of the church and they secured from the synod an order for the meeting of the Potosi Presbytery in Ironton April, 1869. This order of the synod was in violation of the arrangements made by the Presbytery itself at a stated meeting appointed by the Presbytery in Farmington September, 1868, and was to be held in the First Apple Creek church in April, 1869. Division in Presbytery This, then, affected a division of the Pres- bytery ; the majority of the members retained the records and met in the First Apple Creek church on the 22nd of April; the meeting was composed of three members and represen- tatives of thirteen churches; the minority met in the First church at Ironton on the same date and there were present five min- isters and representatives of four churches. There were thus two bodies, each claiming to be the Potosi Presbytery. One of them, which we have called the majority, was inde- pendent for three years, not being represented in any of the synods of the church. In 1872, however, when it seemed that the division could not be cured, the majority connected itself with the Independent Old School Synod of Missouri. This synod, as its name indi- cates, was at the time occupying a neutral position, not being attached either to the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 487 Presbyterian church of the North or of the South, and it was the hope of this association who were guilding the destinies of the synod, that a connection between the two divisions of the church might be effected. Abandoning this hope, however, at a meeting of the Potosi Presbytery in Jackson in April, 1874, it was determined to send commissioners to the gen- eral assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States, commonly known as the Southern Presbyterian church. The commis- sioners chosen at the meeting were Rev. T. C. Barret and Elder E. Virgil Conway. The meeting of the assembly was held at Colum- bus, Mississippi, and the commissioners from Potosi Presbytery were received and the con- nection established between the bodies. At the beginning of the fourth decade of the history of the Potosi Presbytery in April, 1874, there were on its roll six merabei's and seventeen churches. The ministers were: A. Munson, George W. Harlan, T. C. Barret, C. W. Alexander, William McCarty and An- drew W. Gause. The churches were: Belle- vue, Potosi, Farmington, Brazeau, First Apple Creek, Clark's Creek, Pleasant Hill, First Ironton, Cape Girardeau, New Madrid, First Jackson, Iroudale, South Bellevue, Charleston, Sikeston, Lakeville and Clarkton. Two of these churches, however, those of Ironton and Pleasant Hill, though they were on the roll, were no longer regarded as a part of the Presbytery since they had attached them- selves to the Northern Assembly and were dropped from the roll in October, 1874. During this period of the church the min- isters received and ordained were these: J. V. Worsham, ordained November 12, 1874. He preached at Clarkton and New Madrid and was siipply at Apple Creek and Brazeaii and was later the general evangelist of the Presbytery. A. W. Milster, who became con- nected with the Presbytery in Jime, 1876, and served as supply at Bellevue and South Belle- vue churches, was later pastor at Bellevue; John M. Rhea, also received in June, 1876, was for a time supply at New Madrid church ; Robert Morrison, preached at Potosi and Irondale, was received in April, 1877; Uncas McCluer, who was received in September, 1877, preached at New Madrid, Clark's Creek, Clarkton and other points; John B. Rubey received April, 1878, and supplied a number of churches; William M. Stratton, received in 1881, and served as supply at Potosi and Irondale ; Jcseph A. Graves, received in April, 1881, and preached as supply at Cape Gir- ardeau, New Madrid and Clarkton ; Weisel Beale ordained in September, 1881, was pas- tor at Apple Creek and supply at Brazeau, New Madrid, Clarkton, Kennett, Jackson and Oak Ridge ; James H. Creighton, received m September, 1882, preached at Farmington for six years ; J. W. Roseborough, received in September, 1882, and supplied at Cape Gir- ardeau and Pleasant Hill ; John Brown, re- ceived in April, 1883, but had no regular work ; Horace B. Barks, received in April, 1884, and preached as supply at Bellevue and South Bellevue. Only one church was organized during this period, that of Watervalley in August, 1879. In April, 1878, the churches at Lakeville and Sikeston were disbanded and Charleston church was disbanded in March, 1882, leav- ing on the roll seven ministers and thirteen churches. Decade from 1884 to 1894 During the decade which extended from 1884 to 1894, the changes in the ministers of the church were as follows : James V. Wor- sham was received in September, 1884, and supplied at Brazeau and Apple Creek for 488 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI three years and was also evangelist for a time; Henry C. Brown, received in Septem- ber, 1885, was supply at Bellevue and South Bellevue churches for one j'ear; Samuel W. Mitchell, received in September, 1885, and served as supply at Jackson, Apple Creek, Potosi, Irondale; Eber G. Mathews was sup- ply at Cape Girardeau for one year ; A. W. Wlison, received October, 1886, was presi- dent of Elmwood seminary six years and was supply of Doe Rim church for two years ; J. L. Leonard, received May, 1887, and supplied Bellevue and South Bellevue churches ; Josiah F. Curtis, received April, 1888, was supply at New Madrid church four years ; Samuel T. Ruffner, received in August, 1888. supplied at Farmington church, and "W. T. Howison. re- ceived April. 1889. was pastor of Potosi and Irondale and supply of Bismarck and South Bellevue ; William Flynn, D. D., received April, 1889, and was for a time suppl.y of Cape Girardeau church; John W. Primrose, D. D., received in January, 1891, and served as evangelist for nearly three years ; W. W. Killough, i-eeeived in April, 1891, and served as supply at Apple Creek. Pleasant Hill and Brazeau church for a number of years ; S. Ad- dison MeElroy, received in September, 1891, was pastor of the church at Cape Girardeau until 1898 ; Weisel Beale, received in April, 1891, and for five years supplied Apple Creek and Jackson churches; John E. L. Winecoff received September, 1891. and was .supply for churches at Clarkton and Kennett; M. D. W. Granger, received October 13, 1892, was for several years supply at Bellevue and South Bellevue churches; J. D. Fleming, ordained in November, 1893, and made pastor of New Madrid church. History Since 1894 In 1904 the reports made to the Presbytery show that there were then twelve ministers and twenty-four churches in its territory. In 1912 the ministers within the Presbytery were George W. Harlan, stated clerk of the Pres- bytery, Josiah F. Curtis, M. H. Kerr, pastor of Potosi, F. L. Delaney, stated supply at Maiden and at Clarkton, F. E. Flow, pastor at Kennett, J. D. Harley, pastor at Charles- ton, William C. Beattie, stated supply at Brazeau and First Apple Creek, J. R. C. Brown, J. F. Curtis, C. E. Hicock, pastors at Farmington, W. W. Killough, pastor at Pleas- ant Hill and Perryville and stated supply at Oak Ridge, J. F. Lawson, pastor at Cape Gir- ardeau, Lynn F. Ross, pastor at Jackson, New- ton Smith, pastor at Caledonia, Bellevue and Ironton and stated supply at Bellgrade, Thomas H. Watkins, pastor at Caruthers- ville, and James V. Wor.sham, stated supply at Ste. Genevieve. The first Presbyterian church which was organized in Missouri was at Bellevue, in what is now Iron county. The church was constituted by Rev. Salmon Giddings on August 3rd, 1816. It was called at that time, Concord church. There were thirty members in the organization and the elders were Will- iam Sloan, Robert M. Stephenson and Jo.seph McCormick. It is not only the oldest church in the state, but was for a number of years a most pi'osperous one. In 1844 it had a total of 175 members ; fifty years later, in 1894, it had ninety members. Brazeau church was organized in what is now Perry county, September 12, 1819, by Rev. David Tenney with 20 members. It was reorganized in July, 1890, with 62 members, and in 1894 it had 100 members. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 489 The First church of Apple Creek was or- ganized by Rev. Sahnon Giddings, May 20th, 1821, with 41 members. The ruling elders were Mitchel Fleming, John Gilliland and Oliver Harris. Its membership had grown to 92 in April, 1844 ; in 1894 it had 85 members. Farmington church was organized May IS, 1832, by Rev. Joseph Sadd and Rev. Thomas Donnell with seven members; Alexander Boyd was the elder of the church. In April, 1844, this church had 89 members and its elders were John D. Peers, IMilton P. Ca3'ee and Newton F. Cayee. In 1844 this church had 160 members. Rev. Mr. Sadd continued as minister of the church imtil April. 1835, when he removed to Scott county. His successors were Thomas Donnell, Luther Vandoren, James M. Coving- ton, who filled the pulpit of the church imtil 1844; among the other men who have been pastors were Rev. Amos H. Rogers, Rev. James T. Paxton, Rev. David E. Curtis, Rev. George W. Harlan, Rev. James A. Creighton and Rev. Mr. Ruffner. The first house of wor.ship built by the Farmington church was dedicated in 1836 and was rebuilt and reded- icated in 1868 ; this house was sold to the Christian congregation and a new house built, which is .still occupied. The Presbyterian church at Cape Girar- deau is dated by some of the church author- ities, in 185], but it seems that there was an organization formed at a much earlier date. In 1835 the Rev. J. F. Cowan, who was the pastor at Apple Creek church, visited Cape Girardeau and gathered together eight mem- bers whom he constituted into a church. It was made a part of the Presbytery of St. Louis. It is not possible to give the names of the members, except that it is known that Charles Welling, afterward a member of the church at Jackson, was one of the early mem- bers and a Captain Dutch and familj' were also members. It is doubtful whether the organization ever succeeded in accomplishing an.ything, for there was preaching only at in- tervals by pastors of other churches and at a meeting of the Presbytery at Brazeau in Perry county in May, 1839, the Cape Girar- deau church was struck from the list, its offi- cers and members having moved away. In August, 1842, Rev. Robert G. Barret, then pastor at Apple Creek, visited Cape Girar- deau and preached to a good congregation. He says that at that time the population of the town was about 400; that there were only two church houses in existence, one of them owned by the Baptists and the other by the Catholics. The Methodists had an organiza- tion in the to\\'n, but no church building. Rev. Mr. Barret reported that he found only one Presbyterian in the town, a woman. The Potosi Presbytery met at "Whitewater in April of 1850 and appointed a committee composed of D. E. Y. Rice, A. Munson and Elder A. Caldwell to organize the Cape Gir- ardeau church. This organization was per- fected and the church was received into the Presbytery August 31, 1850. The first pas- tor of the charge was Rev. D. E. Y. Rice, who served from 1850 to 1854. During his term as pastor of the church he was also president of the Washington Female acad- emy, which he established and conducted in Cape Girardeau. The church went through the usual vicissitudes, being reorganized in 1855, at which time there were 18 members, the elder of the church being A. Flynn. For a time it was without a pastor, but from 1857 to 1859 it was served by the Rev. F. Patton. After his resignation two or three different ministers spent a few months in the service of the church, biit on the break- ing out of the war the organized work prac- 490 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tically ceased for a time. Some of the ser- mons during that period were preached by the Rev. A. Miuison, of Apple Creek church. In 1868, the church was visited by Evange- list W. H. Parks, who served them as a sup- ply for several months. In 18C9 Rev. ]\Ir. Drake became the pastor, but remained for only six months ; during his pastorate, how- ever, the church had a constant growth. In 1870 W. W. Faris was chosen as pastor ; from 1873 to 1875 the pastor was 0. W. Gause; from 1875 to 1880 T. C. Barret, one of the most active and energetic men ever connected with the church, was pastor; from 1881 to 1885 the pastor was J. "W. Roseberge ; from 1886 to 1888, Rev. E. G. Mathene; from 1899 to 1891, Lellwyn Hixmphreys: 1901-02, J. L. Allsworth. The church was without a pastor for some time and then called Rev. Robert S. Brown, who remained, however, for only a short pastorate; from 1905 to 1910, Rev. Adolphus Kistler was pastor; he was succeeded by Rev. E. P. Ab- bott, who resigned in 1911. The fifth church organized in the boiuids of Southeast Missouri was Potosi church, which was formed July 21, 1832, by Rev. Thomas Donnell. There were six members in the organization, and Henry Pease was the elder. In 1844 it had 49 members and in 1894, 85 members. Pleasant Hill church was formed by a group of members from the First Apple Creek church and was organized in April, 1841. It was first called South Apple Creek church, but the name was changed in September of the same year. In 1845 it afforded 75 mem- bers and in 1894 there were 90 members. Clark's Creek church was organized in 1842 by Rev. James M. Covington. In 1844 i^ had 15 members, in 1894, 52 members. The eighth church in Southeast JMissonri was organized at Jackson, February 7, 1843, by Rev. Robert G. Barret with seven mem- bers ; Dr. Franklin Cannon and James J. Gardiner were the elders of the church. In April, 1844, there were 11 members. During the war this church was disorganized, but was reconstituted May 15, 1864, by Rev. A. Mtmson. There were at this time eight mem- bers, and Charles Welling was the elder. In 1894 there were 95 members. Pleasant Hill church was formed by a col- ony from the First Apple Creek church and organized in April, 1841; it was at that time called the Soiith Apple Creek church, the name being afterward changed. The elders of the church were Ebenezer Flynn, E. W. Harris, E. L. Adams and Elam Harris. For a number of years after the Civil war this church was connected with the St. Louis Pres- bytery from which it was received into Po- losi Presbytery in April, 1893. In April, 1894, it had ninety members and four elders. During the period from 1850 to 1860 a very flourishing school was taught at Pleasant Hill. It was established by the Rev. Mr. Bid- ler, with Robert Caldwell as assistant. After one year. Professor Andrews assumed the management of the institution. He was suc- ceeded by J. G. Wells, who remained until the beginning of the war. It was through liis work that the school grew, as he was a very able and successful teacher. The pastors of South Apple Creek, or Pleasant Hill church, as it is known, were J. L. Frary, 1841 to 1843; D. E. Y. Rice, 1843 to 1851 ; A. Mimson, 1851 to 1865 ; James Stafford, 1865 to 1872 ; 0. W. Gauss, 1872-73 ; John Branch, ,1873-74; C. W. Alexander, 1874 to 1878; J. B. Rubey, 1878-79; P. B. Keach, 1879 to 1883; J. W. Roseborough, 1883. The New Madrid Presbyterian church was HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 491 organized September 20, 1856, by Rev. L. P. Rowland. The members of the organization at that time were Thomas L. Fontaine, Cath- erine Davis, David Welschance, Elizabeth Welschance, Elizabeth Hatcher, Harriet Hatcher and Susan Duncan. At first the services were held in the Baptist church, but in 1875 a frame church building was erected. Among the pastors of the church were W. B. T. Wilkie, "William McCarty, Uncas McCluer, J. A. Graves, J. H. Rhea, Weisel Beale and J. L. Curtis. The Presbyterian church at Clarkton wa.s organized December 1, 1872, though there had been preaching there for many years be- fore that time. The church was formed by Rev. W. B. T. Wilkie and Rev. William Mc- Carty and Elder W. A. Ponder ; the members were Z. B. Penney, V. H. Harrison, elders; John II. Stokes, Chaiies E. Stokes, Clement McDaniel, Mrs. B. D. Austin and ilrs. Lucre- tia Stokes; the pastors of the church have been J. V. Wor.sham, Uncas McCluer, J. A. Graves, J. C. Buchanan and Weisel Beale. A church house was constructed in 1875 and dedicated April 3, 1882. The church at Kennett was organized in June, 1887, by Rev. J. W. Roseborough and Rev. W. Beale. There were 41 members of the original organization, the elders of the church being Thomas E. Baldwin, and D. Y. Pankey. In 1894 the church had 60 members. The Presbyterian church at Oak Ridge was organized October 31, 1884, by Rev. W. Beale and Rev. J. W. Roseborough. The mem- bers of the church were Oliver S. Harris and wife, Martha A. McNeely, Julia Hatcher, J. M. Bollinger, Elizabeth Bollinger, James C. and Mary A. Henderson; J. C. Henderson was also the elder of the church. In 1894 this church had 29 members. Watervalley church in WajTie county was organized in May, 1879, by Rev. George W. Ilarlan and Rev. John B. Rubey and Elder Samuel Black. There were 13 members orig- inally; John F. Miller was the elder. Syenite church was organized in Jime, 1885, by Rev. George W. Harlan and Rev. James A. Creighton and Elder George W. Williams with 36 members and four elders. Doe Run church was organized April 26, 1891, by Rev. A. W. Wilson and Rev. S. T. Ruffuer and Elder James McCormick, with ] 1 members ; Dr. F. L. Keith and S. G. Tem- pleton were elders. In 1894 the church had 15 members. The church at Bismarck was organized April 29, 1891, by Rev. J. W. Primrose with 13 members; Charles T. Martin and W. Scott Dent were the elders. In 1894 this church had 15 members. Irondale church was organized in August, 1869, by Rev. George W. Harlan and Rev. T. C. Barrett. There were 11 members in the organization and Robert Sloan and John A. McCormick were the elders. Sikeston church was organized in February, 1894, by Rev. Frank Mitchell, with 11 mem- bers, and B. L. Barnes and Thomas R. Bro\vn as elders. The church at Point Pleasant was organ- ized March 18, 1894, by Rev. J. D. Fleming, with 11 members; the elders of the organiza- tion were James S. Law and Henry Bishop. Northern Presbyterians When the synod of ilissouri divided in 1840 a call was issued for a gathei'ing of those members of the synod who afterwards came to be known as New School Presby- terians, this meeting was held in Hannibal, October 7, 1841, and arranged for a meeting of the synod in St. Louis on April 8, 1842. 492 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI At this meeting there were present thirteen ministers and three elders who represented the New School element in the presbytery of St. Louis and that of St. Charles. After a short time matters were so arranged that there were four presbyteries in llissouri, by 18-45 they were in a flourishing condition. This branch of the church, however, was hampered very greatlj* in Missouri by the opposition of the General Assembly to slav- ery. After the resolution passed by the Gen- eral Assembly in May, 1857, at its session in Cleveland all the churches of the New School throughout the South, except those in Mis- souri, were separated from the General As- sembly of the church. The Synod of Mis- souri decided first to stand independent but in 1859 it renewed its allegiance to the Gen- eral Assembly and was later joined to the Synod of Kansas. In 1870 the Synod of Missouri, New School, and that part of the Synod of ]\Iissouri, Old School, which remained in connection with the Northern General Assembly united, they then created a Presbytery of Potosi which they declared to be the legal successor of the original presbytery of that name, thus deny- ing to the adherents of the Southern Church the right to use the name of Potosi Presby- tery. The territory of this body was defined to include twenty-two counties of Southeast ^Missouri, and its first meeting was held Sep- tember 20, 1870, at Whitewater church in Bollinger county ; in 1872 the presbytery had six ministers and thirteen churches and 494 members. The oldest church of this presbytery is Whitewater in Bollinger county, which was organized June 24, 1832, under a tree on the banks of Wliitewater river. Its organization was the result of the visit of Rev. Joseph M. Sadd who had been sent to Missouri in 1830 by the American Missionary Society. While traveling over the country he visited the German colony in Bollinger county, most of the residents in this vicinity were members of the German Reformed church and their pas- tor for many years had been the Rev. Samuel Whybark who, however, had died shortly be- fore the visit of Rev. Mr. Sadd and the con- gregation was left without a pastor. As there are no great doctrinal differences be- tween the German Reform church and the Presbyterian church many of the members of the Reform went into the new organiza- tion ; the names of the members of White- water church were Mathias Bollinger, Peter Statler, David Conrad, Moses Bollinger, Mary Statler, Sally Yount, Polly Bollinger, Rebecca Conrad, Sally Statler, Elizalieth Bollinger, Peter Ground, Peggy Ground, So- phia Whybark, Sophia Yount, Sally Conrad and Peggy Bollinger. Mathias Bollinger and Peter Statler were ordained as elders of the church. At first the congregation met in the house of iloses Bollinger and later thej' fitted up an old still house for services ; after a time a log building was erected and dedicated as a church. The pastor, Mr. Sadd, remained until 1835 and he was succeeded by Thomas Donnell, James M. Covington, Robert G. Barret, Amos H. Rodgers, John J. Cowan, A. Munson, J. H. Moore, L. P. Rowland, D. E. Curtis and A. A. Mathias. These pastors bring the record of the church up to 1861. There seems to have been no regular services held between 1861 and 1867. In the latter j'ear Rev. John Branch became pastor and served until 1872. Since that time other pas- tors have been Rev. Rowland, McCoy, E. P. Keach. From this congregation went off other churches — one at Bristol, one at Marble Hill and a third at Smithville. The church at Marble Hill was organized HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 493 lu 1868. The original inemhers were Levi E. Whybark and wife, Samuel W. Whybark and wife, J. J. Conrad and wife, Mrs. Mur- doek, Kaziali E. Sutherlin and Urriah D. Titus. A meeting house was erected by them in 1868. In 1880 a church was organized at Fred- ericktown, and on March 21, 1880, one at Poplar Bluff by J. W. Allen of St. Louis. The Poplar Bluff congregation erected a house of worship in 188-1 at a cost of $2,000. The churches of this branch of the Pres- byterian church are affiliated with the Northern Presbyterian General Assembly. Their work has prospered but has hardly kept pace with the work of the Southern Church. Recently an effort has been made to unite the Cumberland church — a venerable organ- ization with the General Assembly of the Northern Church. The great bulk of the Cumberland churches were merged with the church of the North. Some refused to enter the larger organization and out of this at- tempted merger came much bitter feeling and a number of suits to determine the own- ership of church property. Some of the Cumberland churches in Southeast ]\Iissouri followed the ma.jority of churches of that connection into the Northern church but others have maintained their sepai'ate exist- ence. An account is here given of some of the Cumberland churches in this part of the state. Cumberland Presbyterians There are a number of Cumberland Pres- byterian churches in Southeast ^Missouri. The oldest one of these was organized at Clarkton in Dunklin county, in 1855 by Rev. G. W. Jordan. The members were: Jacob Trout and wife, William Pickard and fam- ily, Thomas P. Hord and wife, John Agnew and family and John Timberman and wife. In 1856 the congregation m-ected a meeting house of hewn logs and in 1866 they built a substantial frame structure which was dedi- cated in 1887 by Rev. B. G. Mitchell. Among the pastors of this church have been G. W. Jordan, J. N. Roberts, E. J. Stockton, James .McKnight, Rev. Mr. Cobb and W. W. Speuce. This church was for a time known as West Prairie church. A church was organized at Dexter, March 21, 1870, under the name of Mount Union church, the elders of the organization were Abner Warren, John Sitton and D. W. Mays. The name of the church was changed to Dexter church in 1875 and it was reorgan- ized in 1879 with M. P. Riggin and L. 0. Glascock as elders A church was organized at Maiden in Dunklin county, July 10, 1884, by Rev. W. W. Spence, who became the pastor of the church. There were abovit 20 members in the original organization. In 1887 a church was organized at Ken- nett. On November 12, 1858, four ministers, James Kincaid, S. Brown, J. W. Jordan and W. B. Province and several elders met at West Prairie church in Clarkton and organ- ized West Prairie Presbytery. The new presbytery was under the .jurisdiction of McAdoo Synod, which included 9 congrega- tions and 360 members. Its territory ex- tended into Ar-kansas until in 1877, when 4 of the churches were dismissed to the White River Presbytery and the southrn boiuidary of the West Prairie Presbyterj^ was made to coincide with the southern boundary of the state. In 1888 there were within the pres- bytery a total of 21 churches with 641 mem- 494 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI bers. The churches with their membership at that time were as follows : Bloomtield, 17 Canaan in Dunklin county, 59 ; DeLassus, 6 Dexter, 54 ; New Providence, 21 ; Doniphan 97 ; Irondale, 26 ; Maiden, 45 ; Mount Car- mel, 18; Patterson, 41; Pleasant Grove, 13; New Hope, 33 ; Piedmont, 16 ; Pilgrims Rest, 24; Union, -f4; West Prairie, 67; Blackwell, 12 ; Kenuett, 9 ; Kennett Branch, 8 ; Good Hope, 10 and Mount Horeb, 21. The ministers belonging to the Presbytery in the same year were: C. M. Eaton, W. H. Cook, W. W. Spence, E. H. White, J. M. Birdwell, Henry Ilillman and P. Langford. The Cumberland Presbyterian church at Clarktou in Dunklin county was organized about 1850 and they begun the erection of their church house in 1853 and finished it in 1855. It was built of hewn logs and was two stories in height, the second story being used for a Masonic hall. The house was built before there was a saw mill in the county and all the lumber for the doors, the floors and the finishing of the house was sawed by hand, the seats in the church were long benches. In 1883 the congregation erected a new frame building at a cost of about .$1,600. One of the early pastors of the church was Rev. T. S. Love, who preached for them during the Civil war. He was suc- ceeded by J. H. McKnight, during his pas- torate the ehui'ch grew rapidl.y and in 1868 had a membership of 175. It was this congregation which had a pe- culiar experience during the war. On a Sun- day while they were engaged in worship the house was surrounded by a band of guerillas whose leader announced to them that they did not wish to disturb the congregation but that they did want to exchange clothes with the men. Resistance M'as out of the question so the men left the building and exchanged clothing with the guerillas. One young man, who was more thoughtful than the rest, saved his boots by putting them in the stove in which there was no fire, before he left the room. The rest of the men had their choice of going home barefoot or wearing the worn- out shoes discarded by the guerillas. Another of the early organizations of this church was Canaan organized at Gibson in 1862. Its first pastor was E. J. Stockton. Among its elders and prominent men have been M. J. Benson, W. R. and S. T. W^eathers and John C.- Agnew. In 1895 this church had 110 members and was an active flourish- ing body. There is also a Cumberland Pres- byterian church at Kennett and one at Mai- den. ClIRISTI.\NS The first church of Disciples, or Christians, which, as we have seen, was organized in 1822 by William McMurtry near the village of Lib- ertyville, grew slowly during the years and in 1844 erected its first building. This was a frame building which was replaced in 1860 by a brick structure. The pastors of this church were : William McMurtry, John C. Farmer, Sterling Price, A. G. Lucas, B. F. Wilson, T. E. Sheppard and J. G. Dillard. About 1825 a church was organized in Madison county, three miles east of Freder- icktown, called Antioch. Among the early members of this church were : George and Ja- cob Nifong, Ephraim Potter, Joseph Bennett, James Marshall and their families. About 1844 a church was organized in the New Tennessee settlement in Ste. Genevieve county. Among its members were: Richard Griffith, J. M. Powell, Valentine Underwood and Peter Bloom. In 1854 a church was organized at Farm- ington through the efforts of Elder S. S. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 495 CJiurch. This congregation erected a large brick building, but it finally passed out of their hands, and became the property oi the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Thomas Douthitt reorganized the con- gregation in 1875 and it purchased the house of worship formerly used by the Methodist Episcopal church, South. The church pros- pered and now has a handsome and commo- dious brick building. The Poplar Bluff church was organized in 1877 through the efforts of Elder E. Chil- dress. There were about twenty members in the organization but it gradually lost num- bers and finally became extinct. Rev. G. A. Hoffman reorganized it in 1887, at which time there were twenty-two members. It has grown very greatly and is now a large and powerful organization. The Dexter church was founded by Elder Thomas Sheppard in 1879. The membership was small at first and no hoiise was erected until 1883. The congregation is active and growing now. In 1886 a church was organized at Maiden. A good frame building was erected which was afterward destroyed by fire caused by light- ning. It was replaced with the present com- fortable building. About the same year the church at Kennett was organized. It has a frame building and is actively engaged in church work. The great gi-owth and expansion of the church has been the work of the last thirty years. Up to that time the denomination was of comparatively small numbers in this part of the state, but it has grown to be one of the large and influential church organizations. It has been found impossible to secure de- tailed information concerning the foundation of the various congregations or their present membership. There are many other churches in South- east Missouri besides those we have men- tioned. There are congregations at Charles- ton, East Prairie, Festus, Predericktown, Caruthersville, Greenville, Hematite, Marble Hill, Morley, Naylor, Marquand, Mine La Motte, Higdon's chapel, Bismarck, Knob Lick, Bonne Terre, Mill Springs and DeSoto. The DeSoto church was founded in 1868. CHAPTER XXXVI RAILROADS Beginning of Railroad Agitation — Companies Formed — The First Railroad — St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern — Cairo & Fulton — Present Condition op the Iron Moun- tain — The Cape Girardeau, Pilot Knob & Belmont — The Houck Lines — The 'Frisco System — the St. Louis Southwestern — The Illinois & Missouri Bridge Company — Mis- sissippi River & Bonne Terre Railroad Company — The Williamsville, Greenville & St. Louis Railroad Company — St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern — The St. Louis & Missouri Southern — The Paragould Southeastern — The Illinois Southern — The Missouri Southern — The Paragould & Memphis — The Butler County Railroad — The St. Francois County Interurban. During tliis period of Missouri history tlie organization of railroad companies was be- gun. Up to this time there had been no par- ticular interest in railroad building, but the decade extending from 1850 to 1860 was tilled with railroad pro.iects of almost every conceivable kind. Railroads were projected from place to place throughout the state. Many companies were organized, most of which were without any tangible capital and were, therefore, unable to construct rail- roads. Southeast Missouri was no exception to the situation in the state as a whole. There wei'e a great number of railroads pro- jected, and but few of them ever built. One of these was a company called Mine La Motte & Mississippi Railroad, with a cap- ital of $300,000.00, for the purpose of build- ing a road from ]\Iine La Motte to some point on the Mississippi river not lower than Pratte's Landing. Another railroad ^vas pro- jected from St. Louis to Caledonia, in Wash- ington county, by way of Potosi. This com- pany had a capital of $2,000,000. Another one was to run from Caledonia to Cape Girardeau by way of Iron Mountain, Mine La Motte and Jackson. It was called the Southern Railroad and was capitalized at $1,000,000.00. The Southeastern Railroad, with a capital of $200,000.00 was projected from New Madrid to Commerce, in Scott county, and the Washington & Ste. Gene- vieve Railroad was planned to be built be- tween Washington and Ste. Genevieve. All of these mentioned were organized in 1836 and 1837, but none of the companies pos- sessed either money or credit enough to con- struct the railroads proposed. The first railroad company which actually built a railroad in Southeast Missouri was the St. Louis & Iron IMoiuitain Railway Com- pany. The fir.st work done looking to the building of this road in this part of the state 496 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 497 was the survey from St. Louis to Irou Jloim- tain made in 1852 by J. H. Morley. Tlie object of the promoters of this scheme was to make available the great quantities of iron ore then supposed to be contained in Iron ]\Ioiuitain. Iron had been mined in consider- able quantities in the vicinity of Iron Jloun- tain for a number of years. In fact the first record we have of the working of iron mines in Iron county is prior to 1820, but during all of these years the work of digging out the ore and developing these mines was very greatly handicapped bj' the lack of proper transportation facilities. It was necessary to transport the ore overland from the mines to the river. The ore was carried on horse- back or in carts and wagons and the transpor- tation cost was very great. It was to provide better means for shipping the product of these mines that this tirst railroad in South- east Missouri was projected. This fir.st sur- vey, in 18.52, resulted in very little being done. In Januar.y, 1853, there was chosen for the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Company a board of directors. This board imme- diately ordered the making of a new survey for the road. After many delays the road was finally built as far as Pilot Knob, in Iron county. The state of Missouri had provided that any railroad company in the state might re- ceive state aid. This aid was given in the form of lands, or in the form of the credit of the state itself. The credit of the state was loaned to these railroad enterprises through the device of guaranteeing the bonds of the railroad. A bill which became law, provided that the state should grant two dollars in bonds for every dollar expended by any railroad company, not to exceed .$400,- 000.00. The Iron Moimtain Railway Com- pany received both grants of lands and guar- antee of the large amount of its bonds. This, however, did not meet the expectation of its promoters and they soon fell into financial difficulties. The road became unable to pay the interest on its bonds, and on September 22d, 1866, the railroad was sold at public auction, and was purchased for the state itself. It w-as operated by three commissioners ap- pointed by the governor until January 12th, 1867, when it was again sold, and was pur- chased this time by McKay, Simmons & Vogel. They later transferred it to the man who more than any other was instrumental in providing for the people of this section of the state their first railroad, Thomas Allen. Under his management the road was extended and was put upon a paying basis. The first extension south was that which came to be known as the Belmont branch. This particular line of railroad was built from both ends tow-ard the middle and it was completed August 14th, 1869, the last rail being laid in the middle of the timnel in Bollinger county. On February 9th, 1853, the President of the United States approved an act of Con- gress which granted to the states of Missouri and Arkansas the right of way and lands to aid in the construction of the railroad from a point on the Mississippi river opposite the mouth of the Ohio by way of Little Rock to the Texas boundary near Fulton, Arkansas. Not only was the right of way granted through all government lands, but every alternate section of land designated by even numbers contained in a strip six miles in width on each side of the track was also con- veyed. The act carried'with it a proviso that it should expire by limitation within ten years. The people of Southeast Missouri were, J. 498 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI very naturallj', anxious to take advantage of this liberal offer of assistance, and accord- ingly a meeting was called of the citizens of Charleston and such othei-s as might be in- tei-ested, to begin work looking to the con- struction of the road. This meeting was held Jime 9th, 1853, in the court house at Charles- ton, and was presided over by Judge Noah Handy, as chairman. John C. Thomas was secretary. It was determined first of all to discover the cosi of constructing the rail- road across the swamp along the line of the projected road from Cairo to Fulton. George "Whitcomb, Harrison Hough, H. M. Molder, H. M. Ward, A. M. Bedford, John Byrd and Felix Badger were appointed as a committee to investigate this cost of construction. It was then determined to call together a large number of citizens from the southeast and alst) from Kentucky and Tennessee, to fur- ther consider the possibility of building the road. This meeting was held at Benton, Missouri, November 14th and 15th, 1853. Not much was done at the meeting, further than to adojit resolutions advocating the building of the Cairo & Pulton road by way of Bloomfield, and asking that the St. Louis & Iron Moiuitain Railway Company extend their road to a crossing with the Cairo & Fulton. On September 12th, of the same year, the Cairo & Fulton Railroad Company had been organized in Stoddard county, with John IM. Johnson as president. The capital stock of the new corporation was fixed at $1,500,000.00, divided into 60,000 shares of the par value of $25.00 each. The incorporators of this railroad did not have the means to build it, and it had been provided before the act of incorporation to secure from some of the interested counties subscriptions to the cap- ital stock of the railroad. These subscrip- tions were to be paid in land at a value of $1.00 per acre. Subscriptions were received from the coimties, as follows : Stoddard County $150,000 Butler County 100,000 Dunklin County 100,000 Scott County 50,000 Ripley County 19,500 Total $419,500 In accordance with the terms of the agree- ment made, the county courts of the counties mentioned conveyed to the Cairo & Pulton Railroad Company, lands at the value of $1.00 an acre to the amounts mentioned. This transfer of large bodies of land at a minimum price, resulted in very great loss to the counties, and in long continued litiga- tion. A meeting was lield in Charleston in 1853 to determine whether it was possible to pro- ceed to survey the line of the new railroad. The meeting asked the county court of Mis- sissippi county to provide funds not to ex- ceed $500.00, for the purpose of a survey. This the county did, but the surve.y was not made. The Cairo & Pulton Railroad Com- pany had, in the meantime, been incorporated by the state of Arkansas, and the chief engi- neer, J. S. Williams, had made a survey of the road through Arkansas and extended his survey through Missouri and reported to the legislature of IVIissouri in February, 1855. Immediately following this report, the legis- lature proceeded to incorporate the Cairo & Fulton Railroad Company in Missouri, and to pass an act to issue bonds of the state to the new company, equal to the amount that it had expended, but not to exceed $250,- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 499 000.00. This bill was vetoed by the gover- nor, but was later passed over his veto and became a law. In 1856 the company elected Orson Bart- lett as president, and a new survey of the line was made, beginning, this time, at Bird's Point. In 1857 new officers were chosen and the contracts were let for the grading of the road from Bird's Point to Charleston. The first actual work was done on October 1st, 1857. H. J. Deal, who Avas the contractor, threw the first shovel of dirt on that date. The work of construction proceeded slowly, and it was not until April 1st, 1859, that the first train reached Charleston. The engine on this train had been named Sol. G. Kitchen, in honor of Sol. G. Kitchen, of Stoddard county, who was one of the men most inter- ested and active in securing the road. On the 4th of July, 1859, there was held a great celebration in honor of the formal opening of the road. By the beginning of the war, in 1861, there were about twenty miles constructed, and at that time it fell into the hands of the govern- ment and was used for military purposes, which resulted in the loss of the greater part of the rolling stock. This prevented the road from earning even enough to pay the interest on the state bonds, which fell into arrears. The holders of the bonds caused a sale of the road in 1866, which was bought by commis- sioners for the state, who later sold the road to McKay, Simmons & Vogel, the same per- sons M'ho bought the St. Louis & Iron Moun- tain. They paid the state the sum of $350,- 000.00, and then transferred the road to Thomas Allen, the president of the Iron ^Mountain System. It was later extended to Poplar Bluff, and was known as the Cairo, Arkansas & Texas road. It is still popularly called the "Cat Road," the word being formed from the initial letters of Cairo, Ar- kansas and Texas. It remained a separate organization until 1874, when it was con- solidated with the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, and was afterward designated as the Cairo branch. For many years the Iron Moimtain System was the only great system in Southeast Mis- souri. In fact, for years it was the only sys- tem. After the war, when the road came into the possession of Mr. Thomas Allen it entered upon a period of prosperity and ex- pansion. When the war closed the road ex- tended only as far south as Pilot Knob in Iron county. Shortly after Mr. Allen's pur- chase of the road in January 1867, it was transferred to a corporation known as the St. Louis & Iron IMouiitain Railroad Com- pany. This company was formed by Mr. Allen and his associates and was incorporated July 26, 1867. Mr. Allen was made its presi- dent, a position he held for many years. This company proceeded to construct a line from Pilot Knob to Belmont, a distance of 120 miles. This line opened up the coun- ties of St. Francois, Madison, Bollinger, Scott and Mississippi. The principal towns along it were Farmington, two and one-half miles distant, Fredericktown, Oran, Moi'ley and Charleston. Between 1870 and 1874, the company con- structed a branch called the Arkansas branch from Bismark to the Arkansas line at Moak, a distance of 184 miles. This road passed through Iron, WajTie and Butler counties, the principal towns springing up along it, being Ironton, Piedmont, Williams- ville and Poplar Bluff. In 1872, Thomas Allen conveyed to the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad Com- pany the property of the Cairo, Arkansas & 500 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Texas Railroad Company, which consisted of a line from Cairo to Sikeston. The company then proceeded to rebuild this line and ex- tend it to Poplar Bluff, a distance of 70 miles. Acting under the charter granted to the Cairo & Fulton Railroad Company and ac- quired by the Iron Mountain, the latter com- pany constructed a line from Moak through Arkansas to the Texas line at Fulton, Ark. These two companies were consolidated under the name of the St. Louis, Iron Moun- tain & Southern Railroad Company in June, 1874. This line from St. Louis to Fulton, Arkansas, a distance of 681 miles, became the main line of the company and the line from Bismarck to Belmont became Imown as the Belmont branch. In 1883 a company was organized, Iniown as the Jackson Branch Railroad Company, to build a line from Allenville, on the Bel- mont branch, to the ^Mississippi river, at Grand Tower, by way of Jackson, the county seat of Cape Girardeau county. This line was constructed by the Iron Moimtain as far as Jackson and was later consolidated with the Iron Mountain System. Later a branch was constructed from Mineral Point to Po- tosi, in "Washington county, to provide trans- portation for the mineral products of that region. The Iron iMountain company later con- structed a line from Poplar Bluff to Doni- phan, in Ripley county, by way of Naylor, m the same coiunty. This road is now oper- ated as a part of the Cairo branch, through trains being run from Bird's Point to Doni- phan. Close relations have always existed be- tween the Iron JMountain System and the St. Louis Southwestern, or Cotton Belt, as they are both owned in large part by members of the Gould family. The Iron Mountain Sys- tem, about 1900, constructed a line called the Valley line, from East St. Louis to Gale, Illinois, opposite Gray's Point, the northern terminus of the Cotton Belt. On the con- struction of the Thebes bridge these roads formed a continuous line from Texas and Arkansas points to St. Louis. It also pro- vided connection with the main line and branches of the Iron Mountain. The Cotton Belt connects with the Belmont branch at Delta, with the Cairo branch at Dexter, and with the main line of the Iron Moimtain at Paragould, Arkansas. A traffic agreement was entered into between these roads by which Cotton Belt trains entered St. Louis over the tracks of the Valley line, and Iron Mountain trains used the tracks of the Cot- ton Belt from Dexter to Thebes. This last arrangement was made because the Cotton Belt and Valley lines afford what is prac- tically a water-level route to St. Louis, while the Iron Mountain above Poplar Bluff passes through a hilly country. Much of the freight from Arkansas and Texas is diverted at Pop- lar Bluff over the Cairo branch to Dexter, then by way of the Cotton Belt and Valley lines to St. Louis. The immen.se importance of the Thebes bridge is made apparent by this arrangement. Plans are under way at this time provid- ing for the double tracking of much of the main lines of the St. Louis, Iron IMountain & Southern and the St. Louis Southwestern. The Iron Mountain continiies to be, as it has been since its construction, one of the most important factors in the development of .southeast IMissouri. Its main line provides unrivaled transportation facilities for the western tier of counties and its various branches serve much of the remainder of the territorv. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 501 lu 1859 the Cape Girardeau, Pilot Ivnob & IJelinont Railroad Company was organized to uonstruc't a road from Pilot Knob to Bel- mont, by way of Cape Girardeau. William C. Ranney was made president of the com- pany, arrangements were perfected and a large private subscription obtained for the stock of the company. The county of Cape Girardeau voted to take two himdred thou- sand dollars worth of the company- 's stock. It seemed that the railroad would be built and it probably would have been but for the breaking out of the Civil war. Nothing was done during that period, but after the close of the war the matter was taken up again. A company was organized, known as the Cape Girardeau & State Line Railroad Com- pany, with intention to build a road from Cape Girardeau to some point on the Ar- kansas line. The company was organized April 27th, 1869, with the following direc- tors: G. C. Thilenius. John Albert, T. J. Rod- ney, Robert Sturdivant, John Ivers, A. B. Dorman, M. Dittlinger, L. P. Klostermann, William Woeleke, P. Hanny, I\I. M. Kimmell, A. D. Leech, H. Bader, C. Hirseh, AVilliam Regenhardt, William Hamilton, J. Vaster- ling and Casper Uhl. G. C. Thilenius was made president, John Ivers, vice-president, and S. G. Kitchen, manager. The company started off with very flatter- ing prospects, there was a large private sub- scription to the bonds and the city of Cape Girardeau voted to take a hundred and fift.y thousand dollars worth and the township of Cape Girardeau the same amount. The bonds were sold and with the money the work of construction was begun. Through bad management, however, the funds were ex- hausted before a single mile of the road was finished. It was then determined to build the road by contract. Accordingly an agree- ment was entered into with Governor Pletcher and his associates to build the road, and for their services they were to receive a deed to the roadbed, provided they completed twenty-tive miles by December 1, 1871. Governor Pletcher then proceeded to or- ganize a companj- known as the Illinois. Mis- souri & Texas Railway Company and issued bonds to the amoimt of $1,500,000 secured by mortgage on the property of both com- panies. The bonds foimd no sale however, and it became impossible to secure funds. The project of building the road was aban- doned for ten years. A considerable amount of work had been done in building bridges and in laying ties and throwing up a road- bed; all these suffered very materially dur- ing the years when nothing was done, the wood work decayed and the roadbed was washed away by the rain and grew up in brush. In 1880 a man became interested in the railroad whose name is associated with most of the successful railroads built in Southeast Missouri, Louis liouek. He entered into a contract with the Cape Girardeau & State Line Company, which still controlled the old roadbed, by the terms of which he was to complete the road from Cape Girardeau to Delta by January 1, 1881, and was then to receive a title to all the property of the old company. He was successful in carrying out his agreement and the Cape Girardeau & State Line Company transferred to him the title to the road. By August, 1881, he had exterided the road to Lakeville, in Stoddard county, and in 1882 it reached Brownwood. In this year the name of the company was changed to the Cape Girardeau & South- western Railway Company. In 1883 it was built to Idlewild; in 1884 it reached Wappa- 502 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI pello, in Wayne county, a distance of fifty- one miles from Cape Girardeau. In 1886 the road acquired by lease the Brownwood & Northwestern Railroad, which extended from Brownwood to Zalma, a distance of nine miles. This Brownwood & Northwestern had been built by William Brown. In 1887 the road was extended from Wappapello to Chaonia, a distance of seven miles. In 1891 Mr. Houck became interested in a railroad that had been built from Camp- bell, on the Cotton Belt, to the county seat of Dunklin county. This road had been con- structed by E. S. McCarthy and associates. Mr. Houck acquired a controlling interest in this road, reconstructed it, and continued its operation. In 1893-1894 he built a railroad from Kennett to Caruthersville, in Pemiscot comity, a distance of 25 miles, giving the people of the southern part of Dunklin county a more direct outlet to the Mississippi river than they had had before. In 1896-1897 he constructed a railroad from Kennett, by way of Seuath, to Leechville, iu Arkansas, opening up a country before distant from railroads and a country among the most fertile and valuable in Southeast Missouri. In 1898 he built a railroad from Brown- wood to Bloomfield, La Stoddard county. Up to this time Bloomfield had been a purely inland town having no railroad connections at all. This brought connection with the Cape Girardeau & Southwestern which, with its connections, formed a trunk line through southern Missouri. In the same year the road from Bloomfield to Zeta, in Stoddard county, on the Cotton Belt, was rebuilt. In 1894 Mr. Homck began the construction of one of the most important of his railroads. It was known as Houck 's Missouri & Arkan- sas Railroad, and was to extend from Cape Girardeau to a connection with the St. Louis, Kennett & Southern at Gibson, in Dunklin county, a distance of 100 miles. This enter- prise required until 1900 for its completion. This link made the railroads owned by j\Ir. Houck into a system, since all of them were now connected. This sj'stem of railroads covered part of Southeast Missouri south of Cape Girardeau. In 1905 a railroad was constructed from West Chester, on the Mississippi river, to Perryville, the county seat of Perry county. In 1898 a road connecting St. Mary's and Ste. Genevieve was built. These were the beginnings of a system north of Cape Girardeau, but for a time were left \mcon- neeted. In 1902 all of Mr. Houck 's railroads south of Cape Girardeau were consolidated imder the name of the St. Louis & Gulf. They embraced the lines running to Hunter and from Cape Girardeau to Kennett, Caruthersville, and a stretch of railroad eight miles in length from Pascola to Deer- ing, which had been built in 1901. Shortly after the consolidation of these various railroads the o^Tiership of them was transferred from Mr. Houck and his asso- ciates to the St. Louis & San Francisco Rail- road Companj', but Mr. Houck 's activity in railroad building did not cease with this transfer. He had parted with the control and ownership of most of his railroad prop- erty, but still owned the road from West Chester to Perrj^ille and that from St. Mary's to Ste. Genevieve. It was his inten- tion to make these the beginnings of a new system to cover the comntry north of Cape Girardeau which was without railroad facil- ities. It is rather remarkable that the coun- ties of Ste. Genevieve, Perry and St. Fran- cois, among the old coimties of the state, were among the last to secure adequate railroad facilities. Carrying out his purpose, in 1904 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 503 he formed a company known as the Cape Girardeau & Chester Railroad Company and built a railroad from Cape Girardeau, by way of Jackson, to Perryville, connecting with the road from West Chester at the latter point. This system of railroads extending from Cape Girardeau to West Chester was about 65 miles in length. In 1906 the Saline Val- ley Railroad was incorporated and work be- gun on the line from Saline Junction, where the Cape Girardeau & Chester crossed Saline creek, to Farmington, in St. Francois county. This is a distance of 35 miles and the rail- road w-as completed into Farmington in 1912, The Cape Girardeau & Thebes Bridge Terminal Railway Company was incorpor- ated in 1907 and constructed a line from Cape Girardeau to Kelso, on the main line of the St. Louis Southwestern, a short distance from the Thebes bridge; this line is seven miles in length. At the present time all the lines owned by Mr. Houck are being con- solidated imder one management into a road extending from the Thebes bridge to Farm- ington, in St. Francois coimty, a distance of about 110 miles. In addition to this line there is a branch from Saline Junction to West Chester. It is evident that the system of railroads here indicated is destined to form an important link in a north and south line probably from St. Louis to Thebes, or even further south. It is difficult for us to give a .just idea of the importance of the work of Louis Houck in Southeast Missouri. At a time when many localities in the section had absolutely no railroad facilities, at a time when people did not appreciate the importance of railroads in the destiny of the country, when capital was scarce and difficult to obtain for railroad purposes, Mr. Hoiick, who was then a lawyer with no great amount of capital, but with a vision which extended into the future and saw the development of Southeast Missouri and the part which railroads were destined to play in their development, began the con- struction of railroads. Through his efforts railroads have been built in Cape Girardeau, Scott, Stoddard, Bollinger, Dunklin, Pemi- scot, Perry, Ste. Genevieve and St. Francois coimties. In many of these counties the Houck railroad was the first constructed. The advantages which were accrued to the section from these railroads are irameasure- able. A study of the tables of population and surplus products establishes conclusively the importance of these lines. The benefits the coimtry derived from their building was not confined to the railroads themselves, the very evident fact that they were building up the coimtry and that they were carrying great quantities of freight and large num- bers of passengers was inducement for other railroad o\\Tiers to extend their systems into southeast Missouri. When these enterprises were begun the section was touched by but two railroads, the Belmont branch of the Iron Lloimtain and the Cairo & Fulton; all the other railroad.s have been built subse- quently to the beginnings made by Louis Houck. One of the two great trunk lines of South- east Missouri is the St. Louis & San Fran- cisco system. It acquired by purchase the system known as the St. Louis & Gulf, which had been built by Louis Houck. The lines of this system extended south from Cape Girardeau through the comities of Scott, New Madrid, Dimklin and Pemiscot, to Caruthers- ville, on the Mississippi. The principal towns on the mdin line of the road were Commerce, Benton. Morley, Morehouse, Parma, Clarkton, Holcomb, Kennett, Hayti 504 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI and Caruthersville. In addition to the main line there were several branches. One of these ran from Clarkton to Maiden. Another extended from Gibson north to Campbell and Caligoa. A third branch extended south from Kennett to Leeehville, Arkansas, pass- ing through Senath and near Cardwell. A fourth extended eight miles from Paseola to Deering. When the 'Frisco took over the ownership and operation of these roads it proceeded to improve the main lines with heavier steel, taking up the branch running north from Campbell to Caligoa and rebuilding it to Bloomfield to connect with the line from Brownwood. The 'Frisco acciuired at the same time the Houck lines running southwest from Cape Girardeau to Hunter, in Carter county, where connection was had with the Current River Railroad. A branch from this line ex- tended from Zalma, in Bollinger county, to Bloomfield, in Stoddard county, crossing the main line at Brownwood. There was also a line from Bloomfield to the St. Louis South- western at Zeta, in Stoddard cotmty. The 'Frisco improved these lines also. The Zeta branch was extended to Vanduser, in Scott county, and a new line was built from Mingo, near Puxico, through Poplar Bluff, Nay lor and Pocahontas, Arkansas, to a con- nection with the 'Frisco's IMemphis and Kansas City line at Hoxie. This line is at present being greatly improved and will be- come one of the most important branches of the system. The great work of the new system was the construction of an entirely new line. This was called the St. Louis, Memphis & South- eastern and extends from St. Louis to Jlem- phis. This line passes to the west of the Iron Mountain south of St. Louis until itreaches the river at Crystal City. From this point it follows the river to Cape Gifardeau. It diverges at the latter place from the river and follows the Sikeston ridge after crossing "Nigger Wool" swamp. This road reaches some of the important towns in the eastern tier of comities. It was the first .railroad in Ste. Genevieve and greatly stimulated activ- ity and growth in that town. It gave the first direct rail connection that Cape Girard- eau had with St. Louis and Memphis and the great prosperity' of the town dates from this time. South of Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Fortageville, Lilbourn, Hayti and Caruthers- ville are served by this line, and through its numerous branches, it is of great importance tc many other to^^Tis. The 'P^'risco system also secured the en- trance of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, an allied railroad, into Southeast Missouri. This road cros-ses the Mississippi at Thebes and rims trains into Cape Girardeau from Chi- cago. The 'Frisco has always adopted a liberal policy toward Southeast IMissouri and has aided all the forward movements in its terri- tory. It has provided good service in the main and its presence in this territory has meant much for the people. It now reaches by main line or branches nearly every one of the twenty counties in Southeast Missouri and provides transportation facilities for much of the region. One of the enterprises of Southeast Mis- souri about which there has been considerable controversy was the proposed plan of build- ing a plank road from Point Pleasant, in New IMadrid county, to Clarkton, in Dunklin county. Just before the war a company was organized for this purpose, known as the Blanton Plank Road Company, and it HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 505 secured from New Madrid county a large grant of land. The company did consider- able work and opened up the road, but it was destroyed during the war and nothing was done toward rebuilding it by that company. In 1875 Oscar Kochtitzky, the registrar of the land office, George B. Clark, state au- ditor, and A. M. Shead, who was the agent of the Glasgow Ship Building Company, ob- tained the charter and franchise of the Blan- ton Road Company. It was their intention to rebuild this plank road and to secure a confirmation of the land grant frOm New Madrid coimty to themselves. After secur- ing the charter, however, they determined to build a narrow-gauge railroad and applied to New Madrid county for a transfer of the land for this purpose. The county court of New Madrid county assented and the com- pany proceeded to build the railroad. It was begun in October, 1876, and in February, 1878, it was completed between New Madrid and Maiden. After being operated for a short time as a narrow-gauge railroad, it was rebuilt as a standard gauge and extended to Cairo. Shortly after this was done it came under the control of a group of capitalists headed by S. W. Fordyce, of St. Louis, and was reoi'ganized as the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad and extended to Texar- kana, on the line between Arkansas and Texas. Through trains were run between Cairo and Texarkana in 1882. It soon be- came a part of the Gould system and in 1888 a branch was built from Maiden to Delta. This branch was afterwards extended to Gray's Point, on the river, and later to the Thebes bi'idge. It is now operated as the main line of the system and the company is known as the St. Louis Southwestern Rail- road Company. One of the great movements in this part of the state in railroad matters was the build- ing of a bridge across the Mississippi river at Thebes. In 1900 a corporation called the Southern Illinois & Missouri Bridge Com- pany was organized for the purpose of con- structing such a bridge. It was composed of men representing the Illinois Central Railroad, the St. Louis Southwestern, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, the St. Louis & San Francisco, and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois. Charles G. Warner was president of the company, Myron J. Carpen- ter vice-president, and Charles N. Hillard secretary. It was determined to build a bridge at Thebes. The location was determined by a number of considerations. The St. Louis Southwestern had failed to secure an en- trance to Cape Girardeau and had located its northern terminus at Gray's Point, near Thebes. The Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain, also part of the Gould system, had built the Valley line from St. Louis south along the Illinois side of the river to connect with the St. Louis Southwestern. The other roads indicated, had interests in the same territory. These facts had something to do with the selection of the site. The determin- ing factor, however, was the character of the river banks. At Thebes the river is narrow and the bluffs are at the water's edge on both sides. This afforded an opportunity to build a bridge Avithout the necessity for long ap- proaches. The character of the soil was such as to provide a firm foimdation, as native rock is foimcl at comparatively shallow depths both in the river itself and on either side. These two features make the site chosen an ideal one. In fact it is one of the best if not the best point for a bridge to be 506 HISTOEY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI found on the entire river. This site was chosen and the companj' proceeded to erect here a double track cantilever bridge of mas- sive proportions. There are five spans. The center or canti- lever span is 671 feet long, each of the other spans is 521 feet. The approaches are built of concrete, one of these concrete arches hav- ing a span of 100 feet. The entire length of the bridge including approaches is 3,910 feet. It is 65 feet above high water mark and 108 violence of the river floods, or attacks of ice. It forms a link in one of the most important highways of travel from southwest to north and east. The volume of traffic carried across it is alreadj' enormous and is constantly in- creasing. The Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Rail- way possesses an unusual interest owing to the way in which the road was constructed. It was built to provide transportation facil- Mississippi River Bridge, Thebes feet above low water mark. From the lowest point of the pier foundations, which reach to bed-rock, to the topmost chord is 231 feet. The bridge was designed and constructed by the engineering firm of Noble & Modjeski. It was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on May 25, 1900, in presence of a large num- ber of railroad officials and other persons. The strength of the bridge was tested by running upon it a string of locomotives. It has been in constant use since that time and has never been affected by heavy traffic, the ities for the jiroducts and supplies of the St. Josei^h Lead Company at Bonne Terre. Up till 1880 this company, which operated one of the largest lead mines in the world, depended upon wagons for hauling between their mines and the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railway. In that year the St. Joseph Lead Company and the DesLoge Lead Company built a narrow-guage railway thirteen and a half miles long between the mines and Sum- mit, a point on the St. Louis & Iron Moun- tain. The cost of comstruetion was divided HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 507 between the two lead companies, the St. Joseph Lead Company paying two-thirds and the DesLoge one-third. The business of the lead companies increased very greatly so that the narrow-guage railway no longer provided sufficient facilities for transportation. It was determined to construct another road, and in 1888 a charter was granted to the Missis- sippi River & Bonne Terre Railway Com- pany. It was to extend from Riverside, on the Mississippi river twenty-five miles below St. Louis, to Bonne Terre and later to Des- Loge. The line was completed in March, 1890, and the Summit railway was aban- doned. The road was changed to standard guage in 1894. Later an extension was built from Bonne Terre to Doe Run, crossing the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain at Doe Run Jimction. The road is at present forty- seven miles in length, and while it is an in- dependent line, having no connection with other roads, its road-bed and equipment are equal to most trimk lines, and it carries an enormous business considering the length of the road. In 1894, the HoUiday-Klotz Land and Lumber Company, a corporation owning vast bodies of timber and operating exten- sive mills in WajTie coimty, luidertook the construction of a railroad from the Iron Mountain at Williamsville to Greenville, the coimty seat of Wayne county and the site of their mills. The road was a costly one as the coimtry is very hilly. It was built, how- ever, and served the purpose for which it was constructed. Upon the practical exhaus- tion of the pine timber about Greenville, the mills were closed down there and the road extended further into the county to open new bodies of timber. The present terminus is Cascade, thirty-five miles from Williams- ville. The road serves a large part of Wayne county. The St. Louis, Kennett & Southeastern was built in 1906 from Campbell, on the St. Louis Southwestern Railroad in Dunklin coimty, to the county seat, Kennett. Later Piggott, Arkansas, was made the northern terminus. The road was built by a group of Dunklin county capitalists. Among them were R. H. Jones, Virgil McKay, J. B. Blake- more, W. D. Lasswell and D. B. Banker. It was built to develop large bodies of timber lands owned by these and other men. The land when stripped of its timber is very valuable farming land and the road aids in opening it up for settlement. Railroad bridges have been constructed across Varner and St. Francois rivers and the road is being put into condition to handle the large traffic originating in its territory. In 1911 a road was completed from Mar- ston, in New Madrid county, to New Madrid, the county seat. It was built principally by capitalists of the latter place under the leadership of E. S. McCarthy, a well-known railroad promoter and builder. Among the men interested were L. A. Lewis, Mr. Garan- flo, A. B. and Lee Hunter and Murray Phillips. It provides a connection for New Madrid with the 'Frisco main line. Formerly the town had depended entirely upon the St. Louis Southwestern system which has a branch from Lilbourn. The new road is called the St. Louis & Missouri Southern. It ii eight miles in length and is one of the best built roads in this part of the state. It operates what is probably the only parlor car in the state for which no extra charge is made. The unusual character of the road leads to the belief that it is meant to form a 508 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI link in a new north and south system, prob- ably extending from the bridge at Thebes, into Arkansas. Plans are already on foot for immediately inci-easing its mileage to eighty, and the probabilities are that actual work on the construction will soon be begun. The Paragould Southeastern is a line of railroad extending from Paragould, Arkan- sas, to the southeast, crossing the St. Fran- cois river near Cardwell, in Dunklin county. It is built across the south end of Dvmklin county, reaching Little river at Hornersville. A few miles east of Hornersville it turns to the south and enters Arkansas and has its eastern terminus at Blytheville, near the Mis- sissippi. This road opens up immense tracts of farming and timber land in Dunklin county and has been a prime factor in the building up of Cardwell and Hornersville. It was built and originally owned by local capitalists under leadership of E. S. Mc- Carthy. It is now owned by the Gould sys- tem and is operated by the St. Louis South- western. About 1905 the Illinois Soathern, an Illi- nois road with headquarters at Chicago, entered this territory. It was built from Salem to a point opposite Ste. Genevieve. It was constructed through Ste. Genevieve and St. Francois comities to Bismarck, in the lat- ter county, on the main line of the Iron Mountain. The road passes through the richest mineral section of the state. One of its important stations is Flat River, in the very center of the lead belt. The road is well built and operated after the beet methods. It imites the great system of the Iron Moun- tain and 'Frisco; serves a rich county and offers an outlet to Chicago. It is destined to be an important link in an east and west line, and will be of great benefit to the section which it serves. The Missouri Southern, which extends from Deeper, in Wayne county, on the main line of the Iron Moimtain, nearly through Reynolds county to Bunker, was built by a saw-mill company having large timber in- terests in the territory traversed by the road. A large steel bridge across Black river was built at Leeper and the road was well con- structed. Its present terminus is Bunker, in Rej'nolds county. Plans have been formed for its extension to the 'Frisco at Salem, in Dent county, but it is probable that it will become a branch of the Iron Mountain. The Paragould & Memphis Railroad, ex- tending from Paragould, Arkansas, through the south part of Dunklin county to Manila, Arkansas, is 118 miles long. It was developed from a tram road built to facilitate the hand- ling of timber by the Decatur Egg Case Com- pany, a large corporation with headquarters at Cardwell. Out of this tram road has grown the Paragould & Memphis. The presi- dent of the road is John W. Vail, of Card- well, Mo., and most of the other officers are residents of the same town. Although its line is principally in Arkansas, it is distinctly a Missouri enterprise. Its successful develop- ment has been due in part to the energy and ability of the men who built it and in part to the fact that it opened up immense tracts of valuable timber and farming land pre- viously without railroad facilities. The Biitler Coimty Railroad Company operates a short line in Butler county, Mis- souri, and Arkansas. It extends from Lin- stead and LoweU Junction, on the Iron Mountain, to Arkansas points and is operated as a timber road in large part. The present president of the road is R. M. Parker. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 509 About 1905 a company composed of busi- ness men and capitalists of St. Francois coimty was organized for the purpose of con- structing an electric line through the lead belt. That section has an enormous popula- tion and it was thought by the promoters that an interurban line would be of great benefit to the country and also a paying investment. The line was built from Flat River, on the Illinois Southern and the ]\Iississippi river and Bonne Terre railroads, south and west to Farmington, the county seat, and then to DcLassiis, on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern. The road was well-built and first- class equipment provided for it. The ex- pectations of its builders were fully met as it at once received a heavy traffic. It not only carries passengers, but operates freight and express service as well. It has become of immense inportance in its section and will be an important link in the inter- urban line which will doubtless be built in the near future from St. Louis south through Southeast Missouri. At the present time this is the only inter- urban line in the section. The Cape Girard- eau & Jackson Interurban Company was organized in 1905, but up to this time it has not extended its lines outside the city of Cape Girardeau. Its plans are to unite the latter place with Jackson and also with the towns near the Thebes bridge. The development of the country in wealth and population, and the demand for better transportation will doubtless lead to the biiilding of other elec- tric lines within a few years, some of which are alreadv under consideration. CHAPTER XXXVII GENERAL STATUS Location — Area — Topography — Timber — • Industries — Transportation — Towns — Population — Schools — Wealth — Bollinger — Butler — Cape Girardeau — Car- ter — Dunklin — Iron — Jefferson — Madison — ■ Mississippi — New Madrid — Pemi- scot — Perry — Reynolds — Ripley — St. Francois — Ste. Genevieve — Scott — Stoddard — Washington — Wayne. The sketches embraced in this chapter are designed to present a general pen-picture of the counties of Southeast Missouri embraced in this work. The counties are given in alpha- betical order. Bollinger county joins Cape Girardeau on the west. It contains 39-4,240 acres, about one-third of which is under cultivation ; the other two-thirds being unimproved and cov- ered with timber. The principal timbers are oak, hickorj' and walnut on the hills, and gum and cypress in the valleys of the rivers and streams. The county is almost wholly ag- ricultural in character, the chief products be- ing those of the farm. In addition to these products a large amount of lumber is shipped out every year. In 1910 there were shipped more than nine million feet of lumber. The north part of the county is rolling, partly broken and there is a considerable area of un- cultivated land that is capable of cultivation. The southern part of the county extends unto the edge of the lowlands. The population of Bollinger count.v is prin- cipally American born, there being only a few negroes, and not a great many settlements have any large number of foreign immi- grants. The population in 1910 was 14,576, ;ind the assessable wealth of the county is $2,797,570. There are 89 school districts, employing 94 teachers and the number of childi-en enumerated in 1910 was 4,781. The principal towns are Marble Hill, which is the county seat, and Lutesville; besides these there are Glen Allen, Bessville, Sturdi- vant, Zalma and some other smaller places. The principal streams in the count.v are Crooked Creek, South Fork, and Little White- ^\ater, and the comity is traversed by the Belmont branch of the St. Louis, Iron Moim- tain & Southern and the St. Louis & San Francisco railroads. There are no factories in the coimty except some saw mills, stave factories, flouring mills and other similar institutions. The total value of manufactured products inchiding railroad ties was $389,072 in 1910. There is some water power which will probably be used at some time. There are no mineral products, except kaolin, which is taken out in quantities near Glen Allen and some good lime stone found in a number of different places. 510 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 511 Butler county joins Arkansas on the south and it is divided into two parts by the Missis- sippi escarpment. Northwest of this part the country is rolling, while in the southeast are found the swamps of Black and St. Francois rivers. The county contains 716 square miles of territory, about one-half of which is allu- vial soil. A great deal of the land in the county is well timbered, much of it being very valuable on this accoimt. The principal streams in the eoimty are Black river and St. Francois river which run . adding machines. Besides these there are several flouring mills and other manufactur- ing establishments of minor importance. The total value of manufactured products in 1910 was more than $2,000,000. The railroads of the county are the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern main line; the Cairo, Arkansas & Texas branch of the Iron Mountain, and the Doniphan branch; besides these, there is the St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern, a branch of the Frisco which runs through the county. In the Thick Timber entirely through it and which have many small tributaries, many of them being creeks of pure and clear water. The principal ex- ports of the county are farm products and lumber. In 1910 there were exported three million feet of lumber. There are some manu- facturing establishments, principally those in Poplar Bluff. These are principally wood working establishments engaged in the manu- facture of staves, lumber and heading. There is also a foundry and a factory for making The population of Butler county is 20,627 and the taxable wealth is $4,148,435. There are 78 school districts employing 118 teach- ers, and the school system of Poplar Bluff is one of unusually high rank. The principal town in the county is Poplar Bluff, which has a population of about 6,000. The other to^\^ls are principally saw mill towns and small stations on some line of railway. Cape Girardeau county is situated about 512 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 100 miles south of St. Louis on the ilississippi river. It is divided into two parts, the greater portion of the countj* being in the Ozark plateau, but part of the southern half is in the alluvial bottoms of the ilississippi river. At one time a large part of the eountj' was heavily timbered, ilost of this timber has been removed, however, and the land is in cultivation. There are some small tracts of oak and gum. but the timber is no longer of £ny very great value. The area of the county is 5-10 square miles, more than two-thirds of which is under cultivation. The soil of the county is productive even on the hills. In the bottoms of the ^lississippi and other streams the land is very rich. The principal products are those of the farm. Some lum- ber is shipped out. amounting to four million feet in 1910. There is no coal mined in the county, but large quantities of lime stone is quarried and there are a few kaolin pits, and in some places crystal sand is taken out for glass manufacturing purposes. There are a number of manufacturing es- tablishments, wood working plants, miUs. shoe factory, and a large cement plant; besides these there are some important quarries where large quantities of lime stone are re- moved. The conntj-, exclusive of the city of Cape Girardeau, produced manufactured products in 1910. amounting to $4,150,667. The larg- est single item was flour. In the same year the city of Cape Girardeau had products amounting to $2,773,432, the largest single item being shoes. The population of the coiinty is 27.621 and the assessable valuation $174,382. There are 80 school districts in the county employing 140 teachers, and the school system is a well organized one. The county has the Third District State Normal school. St. Vincent's college and academy at Cape Girardeau. There are good high schools at Jackson and Cape Girardeau. The coimty seat is Jackson, which is a thriving prosperous town, and the largest town is Cape Girardeau, with a population of about 9,000. Besides, there are the following towns: AllenviUe, Appleton, Burfordvills, Dutchtown. Egypt ^lills. Fruitland. Gordon- ville. iMillersville, Xeeleys Landing, Oak Ridge, Pocahontas and Whitewater. The coimty is well supplied with transportation facilities. Besides the ^Mississippi river there are the following railroads: St. Louis, Iron ilountain & Southern. St. Louis & San Fran- cisco. St. Louis Southwestern and the Cape Girardeau & Chester. Carter county is one countj- north of the Arkansas line and is five west of the ilissis- sippi river. It has an area of 323.000 acres, much of which is still timbered. There are three different classes of land in the county, hiU land, table land and creek bottoms. Sev- enty-five per cent of the land in the hills is rocky and at least one-fourth of the area of the covmty is still unimproved. The princi- pal productions are farm products and tim- ber, there having been thirteen million feet of lumber shipped out in 1910. besides large quantities of railroad ties and posts. The largest sawmill in the state is at Grandin. It has a capacity of 2S5.000 feet a day and em- ploys more than 1,200 men. The total of manufactured products in 1910 was $316,070. The soil is adapted to fruit growing and the probabilities are that within the not dis- tant future there wiU be large orchards in the county. !Much iron ore is found in two dif- ferent sections of the county and there are traces of lead and copper, but not in sufficient quantities to warrant their being mined. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 513 The population is 5,50-4 and the assessable wealth is $1,523,380. The population is largely American, there being but few ne- groes or foreign immigrants. There are 32 school districts in the county employing 37 teachers. Perhaps the scenery in Carter county is equal to or superior to that in any other of the counties of Southeast Missouri. The county is divided by Current river, one of the most beautiful streams in the state. There is much unused water power on this stream that will doubtless be developed soon. There are two railroads in the county, the St. Louis, Memphis & Southeastern and the Current River branch of the 'Frisco. The largest town in the county ig Grandin. which is principally a saw mill town and o^\Tied by the mill company; Van Buren, the county seat, is situated on Current river and is surrounded by hills. Dunklin county ha.s an area of 500 square miles, not more than one-half of the area be- ing under cultivation. At one time the county was almost entirely covered with a dense growth of timber, consisting of oak, maple, sycamore, poplar, cypress, gum, ash, walnut and pecan. Large quantities of timber still exist, though much of it has been cut. With the exception of a strip about two miles wide and ten miles long, extending across the northwest corner, being a part of Crowley's ridge, the land is level. The soil is alluvial and part of it comprising the great ridge running south from Dexter, is sandy loam immensely productive. The soil of Little river bottoms and St. Francois river bottoms is a heavier soil, also productive. Much of this land was made usable only by drainage: many miles of ditches have been dug and much land reclaimed in this way. Vol. 1—33 The principal productions are those of the farm. It is the great cotton growug county of the state and in fact is the greatest cot- ton prodvicing eoimty in the United States. Besides cotton, large quantities of corn, wheat and melons are grown. The factories are wood working plants, cotton oil mills, and brick yards. Hour mills, ice plants and other similar plants. In 1910 the manufactured products of the county amounted to nearlj- $2,000,000. The most important item was cotton, valued at $510,897, followed by lum- ber, cooperage and oils in almost equal amovmts. The county has the St. Louis & Southwest- ern Railroad, the 'Frisco, and St. Louis, Ken- uet & Southeastern. The largest town in the county is the county seat, Kennett, and other principal towns are Maiden, Campbell, Clarkton, Holcomb, Cardwell, Hornersville and Senath. The population of the coimty is 30,228, and the total taxable wealth is $5,876,187. The principal part of the population is Amer- ican born, seventy-five per cent of whom own their own homes. There are many churches in the county and a good system of public schools. There are 74 school districts employ- ing 134 teachers, and each of the larger to\\Tis maintains a high school. There are 550 square miles in Iron county, much of it being in the Ozark mountains. The best land is found in the valleys where the soil is alluvial, but there is also some good farming land on the hills. In the south- west part of the county the laud is very broken and rocky ; at the present time only a small percentage is under cultivation. The princi- pal productions of the county are its farm products and the products of the quarries. There are lead mines in the county, though not of very great importance, but there are a 514 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI mimber of granite quarries and large de- posits of granite which are not yet being mined. The manufactures of the county amoiuited to the sum of $176,929 in 1910. The principal items in this amount were stone, cooperage, and flour. The Arcadia val- ley is one of the most beautiful spots in ]\Iis- souri and Ironton and Arcadia, two towns of this valley, are famous as summer resorts. Mines are worked at Pilot Knob, Shepard Mountain, Cedar ilountain and a few other places; besides these, marble and kaolin are also mined. The county is traversed from north to south by the main line of the St. Louis, Iron Moun- tain and Southern Railroad. The principal towns are Graniteville, a famous quarry town ; Ironton, the county seat, Arcadia, Pilot Knob, and DesArc. The population of the coimty is 8,563 and its total amount of tax- able property is $2,359,457. There are 47 school districts employing 55 teachers. There are 640 square miles in Jefferson county and practically all the surface gives evidence of mineral deposits. The land is generally high and rolling, much of it broken by streams. There are considerable areas of fertile bottom lands and the best part of the comity is in the northwest sec- tion. About one-third of the area of the coimty is imder cultivation and the principal productions are farm products and those which come from various mines. In 1910 there were one thousand car loads of stone, granite, lead, zinc and sand shipped out of the county. There are also large manufac- turing plants, one of the largest lead smelt- ing plants in the world is in Herculaneum, while at Kimswick is an important lime plant, and Crystal City is famous for the manufacture of plate glass. Besides these other products of the mines such as zinc, lead and clay are mined and worked up in the commimity. The nearness to St. Louis makes the raising of garden products and orchard products profitable, as well as the dairy indu.stry. There are a number of famous springs in the county, some of them mineral springs said to have medicinal values, among them Sulphur Springs and Mineral Springs. There are other resorts along the Mississippi river. Transportation facilities are afforded by the Missi.ssippi river, the St. Louis, Iron IMoimtain & Southern and the St. Louis & San Francisco railroads. The population is 27,878 and the total taxable wealth $6,056,- 147. There are 87 school districts, employ- ing 133 teachers. The principal town is DeSoto, largely a railroad town, with a population of about 5,000 ; the county seat is Hillsboro, one of the oldest towns in the county. Besides these the principal towns are Crystal City, Festus, Herculaneum, Kimswick, Riverside, Victoria and Selma. The manufactures of the county are very extensive. In 1910 they reached the total of $8,111,433. By far the largest item in this great amount was the products of the smelters which in themselves amoimted to more than $5,000,000. Glass was another big item, being more than $1,500,000. Other large items were the products of the car shops, shoes and flour. This enormous total makes Jefferson the most important manu- facturing county in the southeast. The chief industrial interest of Madison coimty is mining. There are large deposits of lead, cobalt, copper, granite, marble and iron in the county. One of the oldest mines in Southeast Missouri, Mine La Motte, is in HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 515 Typical Stone Quaiirie« 516 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI iladison county. It has been operated for about 110 years continuously. There are 492 square miles in the county and of that about one-sixth is under cultivation, farming being the interest second in importance. The population of the county is 11,273 and the taxable wealth $2,608,295. There are 55 school districts, employing 77 teachers. The land is rolling and much of it is tim- bered, white oak and pine still being foimd in many places. The river bottoms are fer- tile, the land on the hills is much less so, but it is well adapted to fruit growing, which will probably become one of the leading indus- tries of the county. Big and Little St. Fran- cois rivers and Castor river water the county, and besides these there are a number of fine springs. Those at White Spring are con- sidered to have a medicinal value. The principal manufacturing establish- ments are saw mills, flouring mills, stave factories, distilleries, ice plant and quarries. The principal town is the county seat, Fred- ericktown; besides this Marquand and Mine La ]\Iotte are also important. The total manufactured products in 1910 amounted to $53,274. The principal items were the pro- ducts of the smelters, lumber and flour. Mississippi county is about one himdred and sixty miles south of St. Louis, on the Mississippi river. It contains 275,000 acres of land, nearly one-half of which is in culti- vation. It is practically all level land lying within the alluvial plains of the ^Mississippi river. There is much sand in the soil in most of the coimty, but not enough to prevent it from being very productive. A part of the land near Charleston was originally prairie and is the most fertile land in the county. Other parts were originally heavily timbered with black and red oak, cypress, gvun, cotton- wood, 'sycamore and hickory. There were man}- other varieties of timber but these were the most important commercially. Some of this timber still remains. More than 6,000,000 feet of lumber was exported in 1910, Part of the land is subject to overflow from the river. Levees have been built to protect from floods, which will be adequate except for most unusual floods. The sand which everywhere forms a sub-soil aids very greatly in drainage. The county is well improved. Good barns and residences are foimd in all the older settled portions of the county. The chief industry is farming. The land is well adapted to the growing of corn and wheat, large quantities of both being pro- duced. These two crops furnish exports worth more than a million dollars each year. Alfalfa is also gro^Mi and is becoming more important as a crop. Second in importance to farming is the timber interest. The prin- cipal manufacturing plants are flour mills and woodworking establishments. Lumber, staves, heading, handles and spokes are man- ufactured in the latter plants. The man- ufactured products reached a total of $1,158.- 801 in the year 1910. The largest single item of this total was flour, which had a value of $871,075. Cooperage was next in impoi'tanee. The county has three railroads. The Bel- mont branch of the Iron Mountain, the Caii-o, Arkansas & Texas branch of the same sys- tem, and the main line of the 'Frisco, The river which forms the eastern boundary af- fords transportation facilities also. The principal to-\Mi is Charleston, the coimty seat, which has a population of 3,144. Bertrand, East Prairie, Whiting and Annis- ton are other important places. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 517 The population of the county is 14,557 and its taxable wealth is $3,939,516. There are 45 school districts, employing 75 tefichers. The high school at Charleston is a well-or- ganized and well-attended institution. The usual church organizations are found in the county and the population is known for its industry, thrift and sobriety. There are 620 square miles in New Madrid county, about one-fourth of the area being probably become one of the leading products of the county. The value of manufactured articles in 1910 was $1,682,959. The im- portant products were lumber, cotton and cooperage. A large part of the land was at first not susceptible to cultivation because overflowed by the Mississippi river. The government levee and local drainage ditches have reclaimed large parts of the land. The river affords transportation and the St. Louis & San Francisco. St. Louis, Iron Corn Measured by Horses luider cultivation at the present time. A part of it is in the sandy loam of the Sikeston ridge and a large part in the heavy soil of the Little river bottoms. The principal industry is farming. The county was once covered with a heavy growth of timber, much of which has been removed. There are still large bodies of valuable timber which is rapidly being cut. The principal products in the north part of the county are corn and wheat. in the south part, cotton. Alfalfa is begin- ning to be grown in large quantities and will Mountain & Southern and the St. Louis & Southwestern railways, all of which have branch lines as well as the main line. The present population is 19,488 and the total taxable wealth is .$4,485,765. The prin- cipal towns are New Madrid, the county seat, with a population of about 1,900; Lilbourn, Morehouse, Portageville, Point Pleasant, ]\Iarston. Gideon and Parma. There are 50 school di.stricts in the county, employing 85 teachers, and a number of the towns have weU organized high schools. 518 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI In the extreme southeast corner of the state, bordering the ]\Iississippi river and ex- tending to the Arkansas line, is Pemiscot county, with an area of 480 square miles, about one-sixth of which is being cultivated. The land is all level and is alluvial soil. There are immense ciuantities of timber re- maining in Pemiscot county though it is rapidly being removed. In 1910 fully thirty million feet of lumber was shipped out of the comity. The land is extremely fertile and ber of branches. The population is 19,559 and the total taxable wealth is $3,369,219. There are 48 school districts in the county, employing 70 teachers. Caruthersville, the coimty seat, is a town of about 3,500 and is a flourishing and pros- perous community. Besides Caruthersville, Hayti, Cottonwood Point, Pascola and Steele are the most important communities. Perry coimty is on the Mississippi river, Simply a Big Oil Tank is adapted to the growth of corn, wheat and other grains, the production of cotton, and especially to the growth of alfalfa, which in all probability will become the leading crop of the county. The principal factories ar6 those devoted to the handling of timber, cot- ton and cotton seed oil. The total value of manufactured articles in 1910 was $1,840,- 612. The most important of these products were cotton, lumber, cooperage and oils. The county has only the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway system, including a num- about 60 miles south of St. Louis. It contains 436 square miles of surface, most of which at one time was covered with a heavy growth of Cottonwood, oak, walnut, willow and gum timber. At the present time more than half the area of the county is under cultivation. Most of the land is rolling, some of it broken. There are considerable areas of level land in the river bottoms and on top of the hills. The eastern part of the county is Mississippi bottom bordered by bluffs; the roughest part of the county is in the southeastern and ex- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 519 ilissouKi Orchards in Bearing 520 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI treme west. Ou the west side of the couuty is; a small lake called Silver lake. There are several creeks, but no navigable streams, ex- cept the Mississippi. Thei-e are good springs in the county. Lithium Springs in the north and Schunier Springs in the south are said to possess medicinal properties. The principal interest of the couuty is farming. There are some lead deposits and some fine stone. Lithographic stone is found ten miles west of Perryville. At one time iron ore was mined in the county, but this is no longer done. The forests yield consider- able products in the shape of lumber and railroad ties. The principal crops grown are wheat and hay and considerable attention is also paid to the growing of fruit. The soil seems adapted to fruit growing and it is probable that the orchard interests of the covmty will increase. Considerable attention is also given to stock raising and to poultiy farming. There are a number of factories of one sort and another, some of which are saw mills, flouring mills, distilleries and cream- eries, brick yards, ice plants and other minor factories. The largest item in the manufac- tured products of the county in 1910 was flour, which had a value of nearly $200,000. The total value of all manufactured articles was $320,736. The ]\Iissi.ssippi river forms one great high- way of commerce, and the county has the main line of the 'Frisco from St. Louis to Memphis and also is traversed bj' the Cape Girardeau & Chester Railway. There are many good roads in the county. The total length of gravel roads is about 100 miles. The present population i.s 14,989 and the total taxable wealth is $3,383,273. There are 61 school districts in the county, employing 73 teachers. The largest town in the county is the county seat, Perryville, with a population of about 1,500. Other towns are Altenberg, which was founded about 1847 by German Lutherans and was the original site of Con- cordia seminary ; Wittenberg, Longtown, Lithium, Crosstown, Brazeau, Frohna, Yoimt and LTnionto^\Ti. Reynolds county is situated in southern Missouri, being three counties north of Ar- kansas and five west of the Mississippi river. Its area is 830 square miles, or more than a half million acres. It was originally covered by forests of pine and oak; there were other species of timber also, but these were the principal ones. Not more than one- tenth of the entire area is in cultivation. The surface as a whole is mountainous, the soil that can be successfully cultivated is found in the river bottoms, where it is very rich. In the hilly part, the soil is poor and much of it has rock. In some few eases there are entire cpiarter sections of almost solid rock. The principal industry in the county is lumbering. Large amounts of lumber and railroad ties are shipped out of the county every j-ear. Farming interests follow, but these are less extensive owing to the small area in cultivation. The only factories in the county are wood-working establishments, flour and grist mills. Stock raising is carried on to a considerable extent, as stock may be grown in the woods with very little expense in many cases. No effort has been made to develop the mineral resources, which are large. There are fine beds of red granite, sandstone and some deposits of iron ore. and at some time the mineral resources of the count.y will become of very great importance. Lumber, ti&s and cooperage made up the HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 521 greater part of the value of manufactured products which in 1910 reached a total of more than half a million dollars. Black river runs through the county on the eastern side and has a number of small tribu- taries, the largest being West Fork of Black river. There are a number of springs and an opportunity is afforded for the use of water power which will doubtless receive attention in the future. Another industry which will probably be developed is fruit growing, as much of the soil in the coiuitj' is capable of being put into orchards. The population of the county is 9, .592 and its taxable wealth is $2,369,791. There are 63 school districts, employing 63 teachers; 3,099 children of school age are enumerated in the county. At the present time there is only one rail- road in the county, the Missouri Southern, which riuis from Leeper. in Wayne county, on the Iron ^Mountain, to Corridon, near the central part of the county, ilost of the other sections of the county are served by the Iron Mountain Railroad in Wayne and Iron coun- ties. There is no incorporated town in the count}'. The county seat is Centerville and the largest town, perhaps, is Ellington, on the railroad. Some of the other smaller places are Bunker, Lesterville and West Fork ; of these towns Bunker is a railroad town and is situated in the midst of a large pine forest where large mills cut a great deal of timber during the year. The county is attractive on account of its scenery and also the opportunity for forming summer re-sorts, and for hunting and fishing. The streams are full of fish and there is still game to be found in some portions of the county. Ripley county is on the Arkansas line, 60 miles west of the Mississippi river. It con- tains 640 square miles of land, about one- third of w-hich is in cultivation. Large parts of the county are still covered with timber, the principal timbers being yellow pint;, white oak, black oak and red gum. The southeast part of the county is in the low lands of Black river. The Mississippi escarp- ment, a line of bluffs, runs diagonally through the country. The northwest part of the eomity is hillj^ and even mountainous. Owing to this situation the eastern part of tlie county is more densely settled and at the present time the land is more valuable. Farming and timber working are the prin- cipal industries of the county. The ship- ments of lumber and other timber products are large, perhaps the largest saw-mill in the .state is located at Grandin, in Carter county, but near the Ripley county line. There are large mills also at Doniphan that saw and dress large quantities of lumber. Besides these there are some portable mills which are moved from place to place over the county. The manufactured products of the county liad a value of $376,677 in 1910. The only large item in this total was lumber and cooperage, with a value of $289,830. The eastern and southern part of the county is almost wholly agricultural in its interest. The principal farm products are cotton and corn. Some livestock is raised and the county is within the fruit belt. In time orchard products w'ill become one of the im- portant features of the county. There are considerable deposits of iron ore scattered over the western half of the county though there are no large attempts made at handling ores. Owing to the improved methods of handling ore and its increased value it is 522 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI probable that the miuiug interests of the coimty will develop rapidly iu the near future. It has been said of the Ripley county farmer that he is also a manufacturer and a miner. He tills the soil, pastures livestock on a ranch, with an axe he makes railroad ties, and with a pick axe he collects iron ere. This statement, however, applies to the farmer living outside of the alluvial section of the coiuity, where the soil is rich and pro- ductive as any to be found in the state. The population of the coimty is 13,099, the taxable wealth is $2,879,028. There are 74 school districts, employing 87 teachers. There are two lines of railroad in the county, the St. Louis, Iron Rloimtain & Southern, a branch line from Poplar Bluff to Doniphan, and the Hoxie branch of the St. Louis & San Francisco, which cros.ses the southeast corner of the county. The county seat is Doniphan, with a popu- lation of more than 2,000, and a most de- lightful town, situated near Current river. Other important towns are Naylor, at the crossing of the 'Frisco and the Iron IMoun- tain, having some manufactories; Varner, Fair Dealing, Ponder and Currentview. The school s.ystem is well organized in Ripley coimty, especially so in Doniphan, which sup- ports a good public school, including a well organized high school. The principal streams are Little Black river, which runs through the northeastern pai't of the county, Logan creek and Current river, which runs through the county from north to south dividing it into almost equal parts. There are some smaller streams tribu- taries of these and a number of fine springs and the possibility of developing water power on a number of them. Current river is per- haps the mo.st beautiful stream in the state. St. Francois county is fifty miles south of St. Louis and one county w^est of the Missis- sippi river. It contains an area of 410 square miles, about one-third of which is devoted to agriculture. There are two classes of land in the county, a high rolling section occupy- ing a large area in the southwest corner and broken regions adjacent to the principal streams and then an area which is gently rolling foimd in the eastern and southern part of the county. These lands on this plateau are free from stone and quite fertile indeed. The only poor land in the coimty is found in the extreme southwest corner. That along the border of the streams is rich and fertile as any in the state. St. Francois countj^ like most of the other counties in the state, had at one time a very heavy growth of timber, the most valuable being white oak. IMiich of this timber has been removed however, especially along the line of railroads. Besides white oak there were considerable quantities of black oak, red oak, sugar maple, walnut, cherry and hickory, besides these there were gum, pine and elm. There is .still some pine timber as well as some other varities in the county. The principal interest of the county is min- ing. It is the center of the lead district of Missouri. Besides lead, in the forms of dis- seminated ore, zinc, iron, nickel, copper and granite, limestone and sandstone exist in workable quantities. Of these minerals the most important is lead. St. Francois county has produced more than 70 per cent of the lead of ]\Iissouri for a great many years. During the year 1910 there were produced 211.845 tons of lead, large quantities of barytes, iron ore, sand, granite and other mineral products. The farming interests of the county are HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 523 also large. The chief products gro\Mi are wheat, corn and hay. Livestock is raised, making large shipments every year of cattle, hogs and sheep. Considerable attention is given to orchards and gardens. The prin- cipal factories are flouring mills which manu- factmre large quantities of high grade flour, saw mills, planing mills, oi'e reduction works, granite quarries and brick factories. The total of manufactured products in 1910 was $7.305,82.5. Of this amount the products of the smelters furnished .$6,556,423. The other large items were flour and the products of the car shops. St. Francois is surpassed in the value of manufactured products by only one county in the southeast — Jeffei'son. It is first in population, wealth and total value of all products. The railroads in the county are the St. Louis, Iron Moiuitain & Southern main line, the Belmont branch which runs through the county, the Missouri Southern, from Ste. Genevieve to Bismarck, and the Mississippi River & Bonne Terre, from Doe Run to River- side, in Jeiferson county. Besides these the St. Francois County Interurban line runs from De Lassus through Farmington to Flat River. The population of the county is 35,738 and its total taxable wealth is $9,969,403. There are 63 school districts, employing 168 teach- ers, and an enumeration of more than 10,000 children of school age. The principal incorporated towTis in the county are Farmington, the county seat, near the central part of the county and having a population of about 2,673, and Flat River, in the mining district, with a population of 5,012. Besides these incorporated towns there are a number of to-mis in the lead belt with large populations which are not incor- porated. The largest of these is Bonne Terre, with more than 5,000 people. Others are Doe Run, Des Loge, Elvins, Esther and Lead- wood, which are mining centers. Bismarck, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, has a popu- lation of 848 ; and De Lassus, Iron Mountain, Knob Lick, Libertyville and Syenite. Syenite is the site of a great granite quai'ry, the largest in the state, and is situated just west of Knob Lick. Farmington has large manu- facturing interests and is the seat of Carle- ton College, Elmwood Seminary and State Hospital No. 4, for the insane. Ste. Genevieve coimty is fifty miles south of St. Louis, on the Mississippi river. There are 450 square miles of land surface, about one-third of which is cultivated. A large part of the surface is rolling, and much of which is covered with timber, but along the ]\Iississippi river and other water courses there are extensive tracts of bottom land. This is alluvial soil and is very fertile and productive. The upland, where it is farmed, is' well adapted to wheat growing. In the alluvial soil corn and fruit are grown. About 60 per cent of the county has timber pro- ducts, the chief timbers being black oak, though there are quantities of white oak, walnut, hickory and pecan. The chief interest of the county is farming. The principal products are wheat and corn, though a large area is given up to the grow- ing of hay. Livestock interests are exten- sive, and considerable attention is given to poultry raising, and dairying and horticul- ture are important items. The mineral in- terests of the county are also extensive, there being deposits of copper, lead, zinc, iron, glass sand, kaolin, marble and building stone. All of these exist in quantities large enough to make mining a commercial possibility. The building stone is especially valuable. 524 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Some fiue marble is foimd near the central part of the county and the large deposits of glass sand are of importance. At one time a plate-glass factory was projected for Ste. Genevieve to nse this sand. It was not erected, however. I\Iost of the sand that is taken out is sent to Crystal City. The prin- cipal products are marble, brick and lime. There are several .small nui'series and a num- ber of vine.yards where wine is produced, and other smaller manufacturing interests are also represented. The manufactured pro- ducts of the county in 1910 were worth $1,- 199,039, the principal item being flour. Lime was also a large item. The county is bordered on the east by the Mississippi river, which has as tributaries within the county the river A\ix Vases, Establishment, Bois, and Saline creeks. There are a number of fine springs in the county also. The ^lississippi river affords transpor- tation facilities and the county is traversed by the main line of the St. Louis & San Fran- cisco, liy the Cape Girardeau & Chester, and by the Illinois Southern. The ]iopulation of the county is 10,607 and the total taxable wealth is $2,940,924. There are 54 school districts, employing 59 teachers. The population of the county is about one- half German and German descent and the other half is made up of both French and Americans. Ste. Genevieve, the county seat, is the largest town in the county and the oldest in the state. St. Clary's has a popu- lation of about 800 and there are some other smaller towns, among them being Brickeys, New Offenberg and Zell. Scott county is situated on the Mississippi river, and is about 140 miles south of St. Louis. It contains an area of 277,760 acres, ncarl\- one-half of which is in cultivation. It was at one time heavily timbered, the prin- cipal varieties being gum, white oak, black oak, maple, cypress, cottonwood and poplar. There are still 100,000 acres of timber, most of which, however, has been cut over and the most valuable timber removed. The comity is level with the exception of the range of hills kno\^'n as the Scott county or Com- uieree hills. These are in the northeast cor- ner and are part of the Ozark plateau. The soil is fertile, especially so on the ridge known as the Sikeston ridge, and the princi- pal crops are wheat and corn, though melons are also grown extensively. Perhaps Scott countj- produces more watermelons and cantaloupes than any other county in the state. The chief shipping point for melons is Blodgett, which In 1911 shipped more than six hundred cars of melons. There are some minerals found in the county, among them iron, limestone, sand- stone and several varieties of clays, including pottery, brick and clay suitable for making paint. Yellow ochre also occurs on the west side of the hills near Oran. Iron does not occur in commercial quantities, though there are traces of it in a number of places. The total value of manufactured articles in 1910 was $2,115,796. Flour, feed and meal made up .^1. 126. 556 of this amount. Tlie products of car shops and lumber were the other large items. The coiuity is well supplied with transpor- tation facilities. Heavy freight is moved on the Jlississippi river, which forms the eastern border of the county, and it contains several railroads. The Belmont branch of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, and also the Cairo branch, the main line of the 'Frisco between St. Louis and Memphis runs through the county, as does the St. Louis & Gulf branch of the 'Frisco. The extreme southern HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 525 part of the county is crossed by the St. Louis Southwestern sj^steni. The principal town is Silceston, on the 'Frisco and tlie Iron Mountain. It is one of the fastest growing towns in this part of the state, and now has a population of about 3,500. It is a center of unusually fine farm- ing country, and one of the principal indus- tries of the town is the manufacture of flour. There are two large flouring mills, and a high grade of flour is produced. Besides its flour- ing mills there are some woodworking plants which are using up the timber in the vicinity. Benton, one of the oldest towns in the county, is the county seat, situated about one-half mile from the St. Louis & Gulf. Commerce, on the Mississippi river, has a population of about 700, and is a freight shipping point, and has a flour mill and cooper plant. Oran, which is a railroad junction, is also an im- portant shipping point, especially for melons and wheat. Jlorley is the third town in size, having a population of 600; it is also a rail- road junction, and is the center of the canta- loupe country of the county. Besides these, there are some smaller towns, Diehlstadt, New Hamburg. Vanduser, Gray's Point and Kelso. The population of the coiuity is 22,372 and its total taxable wealth is $5,773,958. There is a good system of public schools, there be- ing 54 school districts, employing 103 teach- ers. A large part of the population of the coimty is American, though there are some settlements of Germans made before the M^ar. Stoddard coimty is one of the largest coun- ties in the state, having 840 square miles, or more than half a million acres. The middle part of the county, north to south, is hilly, being a part of Crowley's ridge, which swings in a broad curve from near Bell City through Ai-kansas to Helena. On the east edge of this ridge in Stoddard county the average height is about 100 feet, and the Cotton Belt railroad follows this ridge on the east side for a long distance. On the west the ridge .slopes gradually to the level of the Black river and St. Francois bottoms. The ridge land is about one-half of the area of the county. Its soil is yellow-red clay, mixed with sand, and it is underlaid with a gravelly clay. About fifteen per cent of this ridge land is still timbered, the greater part of it being in cultivation. East of the ridge is the lowland of Little river bottom, of which the very much greater part is not yet improved. Stoddard county is developing its swamp land very rapidly by a system of drainage. The soil thus reclaimed is alluvial soil of a high degree of fertility. West of Crowley's ridge is the swamp of Black river and St. Francois, which resembles in general char- acteristics that of Little river. The principal productions of the coimty are farm products, corn and wheat being the most important, and timber. At one time the timber interests were very extensive, and large quantities of staves and heading, as well as lumber, were manufactured at Bloom- field, Dexter and other points. Of late years, however, the timber is well cut out, except in the swamps. Even here, the best timber has been cut. About one-half of the area of the county is still timbered. Besides the staple crops mentioned, cotton is grown in the south part of the county, and is ginned at two or three points. Flour is manufac- tured, especially at Dexter and Bloomfield. A good grade of pottery clay is found near Bloomfield and there is an establishment for making pottery there. The manufactured 526 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI products of the county reached a total of $1,676,351 in 1910. The large items were flour, lumber, cooperage and cotton. The coimt.y has the following railroads: the St. Louis, Iron Mouutaiu & Southern, Cairo branch ; the St. Louis Southwestern and the 'Frisco. Most of the coiuity is well supplied with railroad facilities. The principal towns are Dexter and Bloom- field. The latter is the county seat, and is supported largely by farming interests since the removal of the wood-working plants. Dexter is now the largest to-\\'n, made so largely because of its superior shipping facil- ities and in part by the fact that large bodies of timber are still available near Dexter. The population of the comity is 27,807, and its total taxable wealth is $6,452,077. There are 107 school districts, employing 151 teachers, and the school system of the coimty is one of the best in Southeast Missouri. Washington county, one of the oldest in the state, is fifty miles south of the Missouri river and about forty west of the Mississippi. It is in the heart of the mineral district, and its principal industry is mining. The comity contains 780 square miles, or nearly half a million acres, and of this immense area only about 100,000 acres, or one-fifth, is farmed. The remainder of the county, amoimting to about 400,000 acres, is still timbered, the principal varieties being oak, yellow pine, hickory, maple and walnut. White oak is the most abundant timber and the most valu- able. It amounts to about 35 per cent of the remaining timber, and black oak, foiand chiefly in the western and southwestern parts of the county, amounts to about 25 per cent. There are three general classes of lands in the county. In the northeast part there is a table land where is to be foimd the most valuable of farming lands. The surface is gently rolling and well drained. The soil is gravelly clay, sometimes covered with rocks. The sub-soil is usually a red clay. This is fairl.y productive land and is well adapted to fruit growing. In the southeast part of the coimty there are also some high, rolling lands suitable for farming, while in the western part the land is broken, the only farm land in this county being foimd in the valleys of the .streams. There is scarcely a mineral known to South- east Missouri that is not found in consider- able quantities in Washington coimty. Of these minerals the most valuable and im- portant is lead. Lead mines have been oper- ated in the county from about 1780, when the mine known as IMine a Breton was discovered, near the present site of Potosi. This is the center of the lead mining district. Another is about Old Mines, and another is foimd at Palmer, in the western part of the coimty. In the early times, mines were worked on the Mineral fork of Big river. The production of lead is no longer as large as it once was, but in 1910 nearly 1,000 tons of lead ore were shipped from the county. Besides lead, barytes, zinc, iron, copper, clay, limestone and sandstone are found in paying quantities, and all of them are being mined and exported. In 1910, 25,000 tons of barytes were shipped from the county. In 1910 there were manufactured in the county products to an amount of $308,096. The large items were cooperage, floiar, mineral products and lumber. The only railroad in the coimty is the St. Louis, Iron Moimtain & Southern, which touches the western edge, and a branch of this .system extending from Mineral Point to Potosi. The coimty has a fine system of roads which extend in every direction from Potosi. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 527 There are more than sixty miles of good rock roads within the limits of the county. There are a number of streams, the most important being Big river, but Indian creek, Fourche a Renault and Mine a Breton creeks are also important streams. There is an op- portvmity for the development of water power on some of these. Potosi, the county seat, is the principal towTi in the county. Its population is 840. It has a flour mill, stave factory and mining interests. Irondale is a mining town in the east pai-t of the county, and Caledonia, the old seat of IMarvin institute, has flour mills and mineral interests. Other towns are Bel- grade, Richwoods, Shirley and Blackwell. The population of the county is 13,378, and its total taxable wealth is $3,250,-1:10. There are 71 school districts, employing 84 teachers. The nearness to St. Louis makes possible the growing of vegetables in a profitable way, and also makes residence in the county much more pleasant than it would otherwise be. At one time Wayne county embraced about one-fourth of the area of the state. It has been reduced by the formation of other coim- ties until its area is now about 500,000 acres. Of this only a small part, less than one-fifth, has been put into cultivation. The remain- der is largely timbei'ed land. At one time the whole county was covered with an im- mense forest, principally pine, oak, cotton- wood, gum and maple. The greater part of the valuable timber has been removed, though there is still some pine and oak to be fownd. The land is hilly, being mountainous in the northwest part where the coimty joins Iron county. There are some river valleys, ap- proximating about 15,000 acres, that are ex- ceedingly productive. The other soil in the county consists of upland and is of two kinds. limestone, which is free from surface rock (this centers around Patterson), and then there is a gravelly clay, where considerable rock occurs, foimd in most other parts of the county. All the land in the county which may be farmed at all is fairly productive. The principal interests in the coimty are farming and lumbering, though mining em- ploys a considerable number of men also. The principal crops are corn and wheat. At one time the county produced more pine lum- ber than any other county in the state. There were then immense mills at Greenville and Williamsville, employing thousands of men. With the practical exhaustion of pine timber, however, these large mills have ceased to exist, and the timber is worked up by smaller mills which can be moved from place to place. The value of the eoimty's manufactured pro- ducts in 1910 was $396,770. The largest item was lumber. Other important products were flour and cooperage. The largest town is Piedmont, which is a division point on the main line of the Iron Mountain. It is in the western part of the county. The county seat, Greenville, is on the St. Francois river and is connected with the Iron Mountain system by the Williams- ville, Greenville & St. Louis Railroad, an in- dependent line, built in order . to carry the immense quantities of lumber manufactiired at Greenville to the railroad at Williamsville. Williamsville is the third town in the coimty. It has timber and farming interests, and there are also some iron mines in the vicinity. The population of the county is 15,181, and its total taxable wealth $2,979,166. There are 73 school districts, employing 95 teachers. The transportation facilities are good in the western and southern parts of the covmty. The main line of the Iron Moimtain runs near the western line, and the south part of 528 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the county is crossed by the 'Frisco and the Missouri Southern extends from Leeper into Reynolds county. There are a number of streams, the principal one being the St. Fran- cois river, which runs through the county from north to south, dividing it into practic- ally equal parts. Black river is in the west- ern part of the coiuity, and is paralleled through a considerable part of its length by the Iron ilountain railroad. The population of the coimty is very largely American born. In 1905 there were only 126 foreign born persons and only 115 negroes. The value of manufactured pro- ducts in 1010 was .$396,770. Of this amount, lumber and flour represented about three- fourths. CHAPTER XXXVIII THE NEWSPAPERS Cape Girardeau — The First Paper — Bollinger — Butler — Carter — Dunklin — Iron — Jefferson — ]\Iadison — Mississippi — New Madrid — Pemiscot — Perry — Reynolds — Ripley — St. Francois — Ste. Genevieve — Scott — Stoddard — Wash- ington — Wayne — The Great Work of Newspapers. This chapter is intended to give an account of the newspapers of this district. It is hardly possible that it is entirely full and accurate, because of the difficulty in ascer- taining all the facts concerning some of the early papers. It does include within it, how- -ever, a mention of the principal papers that have been published from time to time in this part of the state, and it is believed that it has a record of all the papers now being pub- lished. Newspaper enterprise began in South- east Missouri at a very early date. The settlers soon felt the need of some medium for the exchange of news, and a forum for the discussion of public questions. It was, perhaps, this latter need that led to the founding of the earliest papers, for it was not until the great discussion which arose from the admission of the state into the Union, and the formation of its constitution, that a paper was published here. So far as can now be ascertained, the first paper in Southeast Missouri, and the second one published outside of the city of St. Louis, was the Missouri Herald, the publication of which was begun in 1819, at Jackson, by T. E. Strange. Strange soon transferred the paper to James Russell who, in 1825, sold it to William Joluison. Johnson changed the name of the paper to the Independent Pa- triot, and later to The Mercury. In 1831 it passed from Johnson to R. W. Renfroe and Greer W. Davis, who published it for a short time imder the title of the Jackson Eagle. In 1835 its name was changed to the South- ern Advocate and State Journal. It was moved to Cape Girardeau and published there at first by Dr. Patrick Henry Davis, and later by Robert Burns. In 1845 it was returned to Jackson and was now called the Jackson Review, being published by Wagner and McFerron. In 1849 its name was again changed to the Southern Advocate, the pub- lisher being H. S. McFarland. McFarland published it only until 1850 when it went into the hands of J. W. Limbaugh, who renamed it the Southern Democrat. It was Democratic in politics, and its motto was "The constitu- tion in its purity, the bulwark of American liberty." Limbaugh continued its publica- tion until his death in 1852. At that time the name was changed to the Jeffersonian, and the publication continued by Robert Vol. 1—3 4 529 530 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Bro^^Ti. In 1853 it was succeeded bj' the Jackson Courier, of which Joel "Wilkinson was editor and proprietor. "Wilkinson con- tinued its pubHcation nntil the breaking out of the Civil war, when the newspaper was suspended. On August -ith, 1871, ther appeared the first issue of the Missouri Cash Book at Jack- son. It was foimded by "W. S. Malone, and he continued as eoitor and proprietor luitil June, 1875. For a time it was conducted by the Cash Book Publishing and Printing Com- pany. They sold it to D. D. Hampton, who died within a year of his purchase. It was then published by A. S. Coker, and later by Coker & Honey, until January, 1882, when Coker sold his interest to F. A. McGuire. In June, 1883, McGuire became the sole propri- etor, and has continued the publication up to this time. The Cash Book is imique among the older papers of this section in that it has never changed either in name or political faith. It was established as a Democratic weekly and ha.s continued as such up to the present. It is one of the oldest papers in this part of the state issued under its original management, and is an influential and ably conducted journal. Mr. McGuire 's long association in the newspaper world has given him a fimd of information about newspapers and news- paper men that is exceedingly valuable. The Deutscher Volks Freiind was estab- lished in 1886, the fii'st number appearing on March 11th. Its editor was Frederick Kies, and it was published in the German lan- guage. The publication has continued do-\vn to the present time. Mr. Kies still conducts it with distinguished ability, and the paper has a large circulation among the German population of Cape Girardeau and surroimd- ing counties. For several years Mr. Kies has published in connection with it an English paper called the Jackson Items. The Comet Avas issued at Jackson for a short time, about 1895, by W. S. "Wilkinson. It was a Populist paper and soon disap- peared. The first newspaper printed in Cape Girardeau was Tlie Patriot, established in 1836 by Edwin H. "White. "White was a "^^hig and published his paper in the interest of that party; however, he experienced the usual difficulty attendant upon newspaper publication in Southeast Missouri and sus- pended his paper after a short time. In 1843 John "W. Morrison established another "Whig paper called The South Missouri. The West- ern Eagle and Marble City News were pub- lished in 1866, and Democracy; by "William Gruelle. James Lindsay for a few years . edited a paper called The Censor about 1846, and a paper called The Argus was estab- lished in 1869 and published for a short time. The first German paper was the Westliche Post, established in 1871. The Courier began to be published in 1878 and the Mississippi Valley Globe in 1872. The Cape Talk was published for a while in 1856 and a religious paper called The Baptist Headlight in 1896. In 1876 a paper called The Democrat was established as a weekly and later made a daily about 1888, and published for many years by Benjamin H. Adams. Publication of The Democrat was discontinued in 1907. The SoutJieast Gazette, a weekly, was estab- lished in 1898 by Joseph Flynn and con- tinued by him for several .years. In 1893, The Neiv Era began but was published only for a short time. It was published by Minton & Shelton. In the same year D. L. Hoffman published a paper which he called the Be- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST AlISSOURI 531 view. It was independent in politics. In 1895, Larey & Hoffman issued a few numbers of a paper called the Spice-Box. It was a Democratic weekly. In 1899, C. D. Tresen- writer established the Progress. He con- tinued its publication until 1908. The Pro- gress was Democratic in political affiliations. In that year, too, D. L. Hoffman issued some numbers of the Optimist. In 1901, the Cape Girardeau News Pub- lishing Company began to publish a daily and weekly called the News. Its publication was soon discontinued. In 1900, The Republican was established. One year later it came into the hands of Naeter Bros. They began to issue it as both a daily and weekly and soon established it as the leading newspaper in Cape Girardeau. At the present time it is issued from a well- equipped plant and is one of the leading papers of the state. In 1911, the Herald, which had been pub- lished at Jackson since its establishment in 1899, by B. F. Lusk, M-as removed to Cape Girardeau and it is now edited by Fred Goyert. In 1907 Dix Walker established the Oak- ridge Indicator and continued it for a num- ber of years. In the same year The White- water Times began to be published at "White- water. It had a brief existence. It seems that the first paper in Bollinger coimty was the Standard, which was estab- lished abomt 1868 by a Mr. Osborne. He con- tinued its publication for only a short time and then sold it to Col. Lindsay Murdoch, the Civil war veteran. Col. Murdoch con- tinued in charge of the paper until 1874, when he sold it and it was removed to Fred- ericktown. It was, of course, a Republican paper. The first Democratic paper was the Herald. Thomas Johnson was the owner and editor of the Herald and he strongly opposed Murdoch and the Standard. In 1883 this paper was also sold and was taken to Iron- ton. In 1881, George W. Harrington estab- lished a paper which he called the Reflector. After a short time he sold it to James G. Finney, who published it for many years as the Press. At the present time the Press is owned by Hill & Chandler and edited by Dean B. Hill. It is a Democratic paper and has an established place. The Palladium was a paper established in 1878 by P. T. Pigg. After two years he sold it to the Herald. After J. G. Finney dis- posed of the Press he published the Times for several years, beginning in 1896. All the papers mentioned were conducted in Marble Hill, the county seat. The only other paper in Bollinger county is the Lutesville Banner. It was established in 1891. It was edited by a number of per- sons, among them Thomas R. Green. The present editor is F. A. Wiggs. The Banner is Republican in politics. The first paper in Butler coumty was the Black River Neivs, established at Poplar Bluff in 1869, under the management of G. L. Poplin and G. T. Bartlett. Bartlett's con- nection with the paper was soon terminated and it was then called Poplin's Black River News until 1874. W. T. Kitchen and George H. Kelly purchased the paper at that time and changed the name to the Headlight. It became the Poplar Bluff Citizen in 1877 under the management of George H. Crumb, and still continues under that name. Two new papers were established in Poplar Bluff in 1875, one the Black River Country and the other the New Era. They lasted for only 532 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST ]\nSSOURI a few months. In 1879 the Soutlieast Mis- sourian was begun, but was later sold to the owners of the Citizen. Judge John G. Wear, a lawj'er, began the publication of the Reno- vator in 1882, but he, too, sold to the Citizen about two years later. In 1887 the office was purchased by W. L. Oury, and in April, 1888, George H. Crumb issued the first number of the Reimblic. The publication of this paper was continued for only a short time. After Mr. Crumb's retirement from the Citizen it was conducted by a number of editors. George H. Kelly held the place for a time. He was succeeded by Thomas M. Johnson, and he by George H. Thomas. In 1882 the paper came into possesion of Hedges & Batterton, with Batterton as editor. Dur- ing their owTiership Richard L. Metcalfe, later a famous newspaper man of Lincoln, Nebraska, was a writer for the paper. Joe C. Berner became the owner in 1895 and established the daily edition in 1897. Later it absorbed a paper called the Democrat and the consolidated paper is known as the Citi- zen-Democrat. The present publishers are Ferguson & Adams and the paper has both a daily and weekly edition and is a prosperous and flourishing enterprise. There were many other newspaper ven- tures dviring the years that the Citizen was being developed. One of these was a real estate trade journal called the Southern Land Owner, which was conducted for a time by E. R. Lentz. It was devoted to the intere.sts of the real estate business in surrounding communities. Another was the Advocate, published in 1893 by W. L. Oury. The Republican was founded in 1890 by J. T. Davidson. It was devoted to the inter- ests of the Republican party in opposition to the Citizen, which was Democratic in politics. For a number of years it was conducted by L. F. Tromley. At present the Republicaii is published by D. L. Burnside and has both weekly and daily editions. It is one of the progressive and influential papers in this part of Missouri. There is only one paper published in Car- ter comity. This is the Current Local, which was founded in 1884. It is a Democratic weekly and is owned and edited by Oliver W. Chilton. In 1907, when Grandin was perhaps the greatest saw-mill town in the state if not in the world, Elbert C. White established a Re- publican paper there which he called the Grandin Herald. It received considerable support for a time but was not permanently successful and finally had to be discontinued. The first newspaper published in Dunklin county was the Dunklin County Herald, es- tablished in 1872 at Kennett. In the same year the Missouri Democra<:y was removed from Cape Girardeau to Clarkton and these two were afterward consolidated and pub- lished at Kennett. In 1872 a paper called the Advertiser was established at Clarkton by Albert & Baldwin. It later became the property of Charles E. Stokes who changed its name to the Enter- prise and improved it in many ways. In 1876 this paper was moved to Kennett. but like the previous veutiires it was discontinued after a short time. The next paper published in the county was called the DunMin County Advocate and was established in October, 1877, at Clark- ton, by AV. R. ]McDaniel. It later came under control of John W. Baldwin and was moved to Kennett. In 1879 it was purchased by Charles E. Stokes and removed to Maiden. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 533 Here its name was changed to Maiden Clip- per. It was then taken to Kennett in 1886, and its publication discontinued in 1887. The publication of the Kennett Clipper was begun in March, 1888, by R. H. Jones, who had had previous newspaper experience in Dexter and in JIalden. After some years, Ligon Jones, a brother of R. H., became in- terested in the paper and they continued it until in April, 1903. when it was sold to the Dunklin Coiuitj^ Publishing Company, a cor- poration. This publishing company con- tinued to issue the paper, at tirst under the editorship of O. S. Harrison for about five months. E. P. Caruthers was then made editor and the name of the paper was changed to the Dunklin Democrat. Since that time it has continued under the management of Mr. Caruthers and has been published a total of 980 weeks without having missed a single number. The Democrat is an able and in- fluential paper and is conduqted along busi- ness lines. It is published in a well-equipped plant belonging to the publishing company. In 1902 the Dunklin County Mail was es- tablished at Kennett, by Rev. J. H. Peay. He continued its publication for a time and the office was closed. The property came into the hands of a company which issued it for a time as the Dunklin County Herald. Later it disappeared. When the Maiden Clipper was moved to Kennett in 1886 John P. Allen and R. G. Sandidge began the publication of the Dunk- lin County News. Others were interested in its management from time to time. T. L. Roussin, who had experience with a number of southea.st papers, was interested in it for a time. One of the men trained luider him was Casper M. Edwards, who secured control of the News, organized a company called the Edwards Publishing Company and carried on its publication for a number of years. Ed- \\ards was a brilliant and forcible writer. He finally disposed of the paper to the Maiden Printing Company and Daniel J. Keller be- came its editor and manager. Under his management the News became a prosperous and influential paper. He continued its pub- lication until 1910, when he was succeeded as editor and manager by Lyman P. Jackson, who continues its publication. During all its existence until the present management the News has been Democratic, but it is now conducted as an independent paper. About 1895 E. G. Henderson, of Arkansas, brought a paper to Maiden called the Even- ing Shade. He continued its publication as a Democratic weekly for a short time and then moved it away. Other attempts have been made to conduct papers in the town but all of them met with very limited success until the Merit began to be issued in 1904. The first issue was gotten out July 1, 1904, by R. L. "White and J. C. Shores. "White was editor and manager of the paper and in September, 1910, became also the sole owner by the purchase of the interest of Shores. The Merit is independent in politics, has es- tablished a place for itself, and is in a pros- perous condition. The Campbell Citizen was established in 1901 by C. D. Bray and Jas. Sanders. It was piiblished during the first few years by a number of persons, being transferred from hand to hand. In December, 1901, it came imder the control and ownership of B. "W. Overall and son, and they have continued its publication ever since that time. The Citizen is a Democratic paper and devoted very largely to the building up of Campbell and the immediate vicinity. A few years before the founding of the Citizen D. L. Mabie had bU HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI issued a few numbers of a paper he called The Independent. It was not successful and was soon discontinued. Senath, in Dunklin county, has had a varied experience with newspapers. About 1902 Jas. A. Bradley established a paper which he called the Star. It was soon discon- tinued. Later a paper called the Farmers' Union Advocate was issued for a while. Other papers followed. Some of them suffered financial shipwreck. At present the Leader is being issued by John Mann. The first paper published in Arcadia was The Arcadia Prospect, with A. Coulter as proprietor and W. L. Favor as editor. This was in 1859. After a short time it was re- moved to Ironton and in 1861 the publication was discontinued. One year before this time The Furnace had been established in Ironton by James Lindsay. The Furnace was a Free Soil paper, but it, too, was discontinued in 1861. About the breaking out of the war a religious paper known as The Baptist Journal was established by Rev. "William Polk, but he, too, was forced to discontiniae during the war. In 1865 The Ironton Forge was started by Eli D. Ake, using the material which had formerly belonged to The Furnace. This was the entrance upon newspaper life of probably the oldest editor in this part of the state. In 1866 The Forge was sold to G. A. and J. L. Moser, who called the publication The South- east Missouri Enterprise, but discontinued its publication in 1873. In 1866 The Review, a Democratic paper, was founded by R. E. Craig. The name of the paper was changed to the Iron County Register in July, 1867, with Thomas Essex and W. H. Winfield as editors. This paper was purchased in 1869 by Eli D. Ake and C. K. Miller. In 1871 Mr. Ake became the sole proprietor and since that time has owned and edited the Iron County Register, perhaps the longest contin- uous control of any paper in Southeast Mis- souri. Mr. Ake is regarded as the dean of newspaper men in this section, not only be- cause of his long service, but also because of his real ability as an editor. The Register is one of the most influential papers of this sec- tion. In 1870 Robert L. Lindsay established R campaign paper called The Liberal at Iron- ton, and The Commonwealth, an independent religious paper, was conducted by Crawford and Duncan for a few months in 1874. The Herald, a Democratic paper established in 1884, b.y John Smith, which suspended publi- cation in a short time, was another Ironton enterprise. In 1897 the Rcpuhlican was established by G. H. Broadwell. It was later edited by C. A. Byers and was discontinued about 1902. Byers transferred the office to Arcadia and established the Arcadia Valley Enterprise. The Enterprise is a Republican paper and is at present imder the control of Fuller Swift. A non-political paper called Columbian Reciprocity was published for a short time in Ironton about 1893. It had no particialar patronage and was soon discontinued. The first newspaper in Jefferson coimty was established at DeSoto in 1859 by E. E. Fur- ber. He continued its publication until forced to suspend by the breaking out of the war. No attempt was made to conduct an- other paper in DeSoto until 1869, when C. D. Clarke established a paper which he called The Republican. It was Republican in pol- itics, but its publication was suspended within a short time. In 1890 a company was organized at HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 535 DeSoto to publish a paper called the DeSoto Fads. Just as in other cases it was discon- tinued after a time. In 1893 the Mitehim Publishing Company began to issue a paper which they called the Press. The editor was J. F. Mitehim, who was for a long time connected with news- paper enterprise in Southeast Missouri, edit- ing at various times a number of papers. The Press is still published and is edited by C. C. Mitehim, who became editor in 1906. It is a Democratic paper with a wide circulation and considerable influence. The only other paper now published at DeSoto is the Jefferson County Rcjnihlican, a Republican paper edited and published by W. E. Crow. The oldest and one of the most inflviential papers in Jefferson county is the Jefferson County Democrat at Hillsboro. It was estab- lished immediately after the war in 1865, and has been continuously published since that time. A family of newsp)aper men have been identified with this paper. The member of this family now in control is R. W. McMul- lin. Mr. McMullin has a wide acquaintance with Missouri history and has a valuable col- lection of historical material of various kinds. The Jefferson County "Record, also pub- lished at Hillsboro is the Republican rival of the Democrat. Its editor is John H. Reppy. Mr. Reppy is a practicing lawyer, but is a man of literary turn of mind, has a wide ac- quaintance with the history of the state and publishes a good paper. The Record is the successor of the New Era, which was estab- lished at Hillsboro in 1903 by the New Era Publishing Co. Festus, in Jefferson county, has two papers at the present. The Festus News is a Demo- cratic paper published by H. L. Marbary ; the Tri-City Independent is Republican in politics ?nd is published by W. P. Brent. For a number of years J. J. Wilson pub- lished a paper at Hillsboro, which he called the Jefferson County Crystal Mirror. It was a Republican paper and for a time received considerable support, but finally ceased to be issued. The first paper in Madison coimty was called the Espial. It was established in 1847 by James Lindsay, and was the first Free Soil paper in the state. Its publication ceased after a very short time. In 1885 the Fred- ericktowH Journal was established by W. H. Booth, but was discontinued in September, 1861, and no other paper was published in the town until after the close of the war. S. Henrj^ Smith established the Conservative in 1866, and sold the office to Charles E. BarroU two years later, who changed the name to the Bee. In a short time this paper was pur- chased by E. P. Caruthers, and in 1875 he combined it with the Plaindealer, which was established by William Gosner in 1874. J'rom 1876 to 1882 the paper was published by W. J. Collier. At a later date it passed into the control of 0. K. Clardy. The next paper established in Fredericktown was the Standard, the publication of which was be- gim in 1887 by E. D. Anthony. Among other papers which were published for a short time were the Jeffersonian, edited by H. M. Williams, the Farmer & Miner, by C. W. Dunifer, and the Clarion, by Perry D. Martin. A paper called the Advertiser was pub- lished at Mine LaMotte for a short time in 1877. The Fredericktown Democrat was estab- lished in 1893 by Geo. B. Pressgrove. It was later published by Pressgrove & Gale. About 536 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 1897 R. L. Daniel secured control of the paper and it was shortlj- afterward combined with the Xeics. This paper was established in 18S9. It was a Republican paper and its editor was E. L. Purcell, who has been con- nected with it since that time. The Democrat- News is one of the influential papers of its section. The Tribune was e.stablished in 1900 by Ed. Costello. He was succeeded as editor by T. A. Bowman. The next man who controlled the paper was E. P. Francis, who still con- tinues its publication. The Democrat-News is Democratic in politics, while the Tribune is Republican. The first paper published in Marquand was The Echo, which was established by A. V. Cashion, now the editor of the Perry County Republican. Cashion was the editor and the plant was owned by Thomas Estes. The Echo appeared for only two years, from 1890 to 1892. After its discontinuance, Marquand was without a paper until in October, 1910, when Dean Gibson established the Marquand Leader. This paper is independent in politics and is devoted to local interest, principally. The first newspaper in Charleston, Missis- sippi county, was The Courier. It was estab- lished by George Whitcomb in the latter part of the year 1857. It was ably conducted and a very creditable paper. It was established as an independent paper and was one of the few Southeast Missouri papers that continued to be published during the war. Even The Courier, however, wa.s subject to frequent in- terruptions. From 1858 to 1872, the man- agement was in the hands of W. F. Martin, who was also during part of the time, its editor. The plant was sold in 1872, on the death of Mr. Martin, to Frank M. Dyer, who published The Courier until 1877, when he sold it to C. M. Dimifer. In 1875 The CIiarlcstoH Gazette was established by George M. Moore, and the two papers wei-e consoli- dated under the name of the Charleston Ga- zette in 1877. In a .short time Dunifer with- drew from the firm and established a new paper called The Senti)icl. which two years later was removed to Arkansas. Moore sold the Charleston Gazette to a joint stock com- pany and they sold it to W. H. Campbell. Campbell operated the paper something like a year and then sold it to Andrew Hill, and in April, 1886. the office, material and press were removed to Maiden. In 1865 George Martin, a son of W. F. IMartin. who had published Tiic Courier for manj' j-ears, began the publication of a little sheet which he called The Enterprise. ]\Iar- tin was then only 15 years old and his sole help in working the paper was another boy about his own age named M. V. Golder. Mar- tin continued the publication of Tlie Enter- prise until 1892, -sNhen he sold it to his brother, John F. Martin. In 1902 the paper \\as transferred to Colonel P. B. Moore and from that time until 1907 was under the management of S. G. Tetweiler. Tetweiler combined it with the Democrat, which he published since 1887. In the year 1907 R. E. Douglas became the editor and proprietor of the paper and has continued its publication ever since that time. It is Democratic in politics and it is probable that The Enterprise has had the longest continuous existence under the same name of any paper in this part of the state. At one time the paper was published as a daily. This was during the time of the management of John F. ilartin. The other paper published in Charleston is the Fcpublican, whose editor is G. N. Stille. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 537 As its name indicates it is a Republican paper, and together with The Enterprise, gives Charleston a good news service. But one other paper is published in Missis- sippi county. This is the Ea.^t Prairie Eagle, published at East Prairie. It was established in 1905 by Guy E. Cooksey as The Leader, and is now published by David Bright. The Eagle is Democratic in politics. There have been other papers published from time to time in Charleston. One of these was a Democratic sheet called The Call. It was published in 1893 by H. D. Lutz. Another was Tlie Star, whose editor for a time was F. A. Wiggs. In 1846 John T. Scott, a lawyer from Ten- nessee, came to New ^Madrid and established the first newspaper there. It was called The Gazette. In 1850 Mr. Scott sold the paper to Mr. Barber, and he transferred it a year later to Hopkins & Nash. The publication was continued by them until 1854, w-hen they were succeeded by John C. Underwood, who changed the name to Tlie Times. The break- ing out of the war caused the suspension of this paper, as it did of nearly all others pub- lished in the southeast, and the publication was never continued. About 1867, Albert 0. Allen began the publication of The Eecurd, which he has owned since that time, with the exception of a few months, when it was under the control of Frank Jones. Mr. Allen gave up the editorial control of the paper, though not its ownership, in 1886, when he became swamp land commissioner of the state and later state auditor. During these years E. A. Wright was in editorial charge. In 1906 ^Ir. Allen returned to New iladrid, and since that time has conducted the paper him- self. The Record is not only one of the oldest, but also one of the most influential papers in the southeast. Mr. Allen's wide acquain- tance, his familiarity with state affairs, his long residence in the southeast, enable him to conduct a paper creditable in every way. In 1872 a firjii known as Masterson & Mul- key established a newspaper called The Chronicle. They continued its publication for about eighteen months. In 1895 W. W. Waters, a member of one of the old pioneer families of New Jladrid, began the publication of a paper which he called the Southeast Missourian. The venture was succe.ssful from the first and "Mr. Waters soon acquired a standing among newspaper men. He continued its publication until about 1904, when he became connected with the administration of the State Hospital for the Insane at Farmington and was succeeded in control of The Missourian by E. A. Wright, who had long been associated with The Record. Mr. Wright continues the publica- tion of this paper and is firmly entrenched in the newspaper world. Both The Record and the Southeast Missourian are Democratic in politics. The first paper established in ^Morehouse was the Morehouse Sun, which James L. Bailey began to publish in 1905. It was later transferred to Claude B. Hay and the name changed to The Hustler. This was about 1907. It is now an independent paper and is edited by C. Harvey Burgess. The Parma Victor was established about 1905 and is now^ published by A. L. Stearnes. The Portageville Critic was established in 1905 by Charles N. Walker. It is a Socialist paper with a large circulation. There had been one other at- tempt at running a paper in Portageville. J. Blake Taylor began to publish a paper, which he called The Push, in 1903, but it was discontinued after a short time. 538 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI The first paper in Pemiscot county was the Gayoso Democrat, established in 1871 by B. H. & T. S. Adams. For a time it was pub- lished at Cape Girardeau. In 1872 it became the property of W. S. Carleton and Maj. Geo. W. Carleton was made editor. It was pub- lished then at Gayoso. Its name was changed in 1875 to the Southeast Missouri Statesman. For a number of years it passed from hand to hand, coming back into the possession of Major Carleton, who continued it for many years. In 1879 it was again called The Demo- crat. In 1892 it was finally transferred to Caruthersville. Here it was published by a number of persons. In 1893 W. D. Schult became the editor. He was soon succeeded by 0. B. Gale. About 1897 Del Loggrear be- came connected with the paper and directed it for some years. The paper finally, in 1900, came into possession of W. R. Lacey, tinder ■(\hose management it entered upon an era of prosperity. It is now published twice a week, has its own brick building, and well appointed office. It has always been a Democratic paper. When W. D. Schult gave up his control of The Democrat he established The Press. Later, Corridon Garrett became its editor, remaining in the position until about 1904. The Press was finally discontinued. Previous to his connection with The Press Garrett had conducted a paper called the Southern Scin^etar. The EepuUican is published in Caruthers- ville in Pemiscot county by Frank Abernathy. Mr. Abernathy is also the owner of the paper and has been since the first publication, August 12, 1910. It is the only Republican paper in Pemiscot county. Other Republican I>apers have been established from time to time, but have been unsuccessful. The pres- ent paper, however, has won its place and seems to be firmly established. The Pemiscot Argus was established at Caruthersville by the Argus Printing Com- panj^ a corporation. Its editor is Harvey E. Averill, and the paper is independent in politics and favors temperance. It is the suc- cessor of a paper established in 1898 at Hayti by C. S. York. From the time of its establishment until 1907 it was published at Hayti, being at various times forced to sus- pend publication. In the latter year it was removed to Caruthersville in charge of Amos Huffman. It suspended publication again in November, 1907, and in February, 1908, it came into the possesion of the present propri- etors and has been published continuously since that time. The Argus is a well edited End an influential journal. The first paper published in Hayti was started in 1897. It was called the Hayti Signal, but its publication was discontinued after a time. In 1898 another effort was made to establish a paper and this was called the Pemiscot Argus, which was afterward re- moved to Caruthersville, where it is still pub- lished. In October, 1908, Mr. York began the publication of a paper at Hayti under the name of Hayti Herald. It has continued since that time, being owned and edited by Mr. York and is Democratic in politics. The Southern Pemiscot Nexcs was e.stab- lished in Steele in the south part of Pemis- cot county in 1910 by G. Clarence Smith, who still continues its publication. The News is independent in politics and is devoted to the furtherance of the interests of Steele and surrounding country. The first paper published at Perryville was called The Union. This was formerly the Fredericktown Conservative, but was moved to Perryville in 1862 by "W. H. Booth, who continued the publication for twenty years. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 539 John B. Robiusou established the next paper in 1875, and called it The Forum. A year or two later he transferred it to a stock com- pany and in March, 1880, it was succeeded by the Perry County Sun, under the manage- ment of John B. Holmes. The owners of this paper subsequently purchased The Union and the combined papers were under the di- rection of John B. Davis. In 1886 the Perry- ville Chronicle was established by E. H. EUiff. The Sun passed from one control to another for several years. At one time it was pub- lished by S. Henry and Harry A. Smith, the former a veteran of the newspaper field in this section as editor. At the present time it is published by ZoelLuer & Zoellner. It is Democratic in politics and is well established in the esteem of a wide circle of readei's. The Perry Coiuity Eepuhlican was started at Perryville in 1889. It was a Republican paper published in opposition to The Sun. For a time it was edited by F. W. Hempler. At the present time The Bepublican is under control of A. V. & C. E. Cashiou and is an in- fluential sheet. Besides these two papers, which are still published, there have been other newspaper ventures in Perry count}'. The Democrat was established in 1898 and published for a time by the Democrat Publishing Company. An older paper was called The Chronicle and was published for a time by E. H. Elliff, be- ginning in 1886. The first paper in Ripley county was The Doniphan Prospect, established about 1874. It was followed at a later date by The News. These two were combined in 1883 as the Prospect-News. The editor of the combined papers for a time was R. E. Douglass. At the present time the Prospect-News is pub- lished by J. P. Campbell. Associated with him is J. P. Morrison. The paper is a weekly and is Democratic in politics. In 1895 Tlic Headlight was established It was conducted for a time by J. W. Presson In 1898 D. C. Cunningham began to publish a Democratic paper which he called The Hustler. The name was later changed to The Democrat, and it is still published by Mr. Cunningham. Both the Prospect-News and llie Democrat are weU conducted papers. It was December 8, 1905, that F. A. Vire began the publication of the Doniphan Repub- lican and has continued as its owner and publisher since that time and the paper owns a well equipped office and is installed in its own building. In 1910 Dr. M. M. Lane established the Naylor Nail at Naylor, Ripley county, and has continued its publication up to the pres- ent time. The Nail is Democratic in politics. Several other attempts had been made to establish a paper at Naylor. Mobley & Com- pany published The Advocate for a time in 1893. This was a Democratic paper. About 1905, J. E. Slattery began to publish a Repub- lican sheet called The Republican. Both were later discontinued. A Populist paper was published at Bar- field, Ripley county, for a time, beginning in 1895. Mobley & Lilley were the proprietors. On the collapse of the Populist movement in Missouri the paper was discontinued. The first paper established in Reynolds covmty was the Reynolds County Outlook. It began to be published in 1877 at Centreville and its publication has been continued to the present time. For a nwmber of years it was conducted by A. P. Shriver. It is now owned and edited by T. D. Shriver. The Outlook is Democratic in politics. The second paper in 540 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the county is The Headlight. Its editor and owner is W. S. Tussey. The Headlight is also a Democratic paper. The Ellington Press was established in 1906 at Ellington, Reynolds county. After some changes of ownership, The Press came into the charge of R. Daniels, who has con- tinued to be both editor and proprietor. i\Ir. Daniels was for a number of years a teacher and also a member of the state legislature. He is a Democrat and The Press sustains the policies of that party. In 1892 Dr. W. C. Bowles was publishing a paper in Centreville which was called The Reformer. It was discontinued in 1894, but revived again in 1898. He published it for a number of years, but it was finally discon- tinued. Tlie first paper published at Farmington, St. Francois county, was the Soutliern Missouri Argus, which was established in April, 1860, by Nichol, Crowell and Shuck. Nichol was a native of Kentuckj-, Crowell was from Massa- chusetts, and Shuck a ilissourian. Their purpose in establishing The Argus was to support that ^viug of the Democratic party that favored the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas. In 1861 they sold the paper to Joseph Brad}', who called it The Missouri Argus, and published it until 1866, when he transferred it to his two sons, J. J. Brady, Jr., and S. B. Brady. After a few years they changed the name to the Farmington Herald and in 1872 they removed the paper to DeSoto. In 1871 Washington Hughes began the publication of The New Era at Liberty- ville in St. Francois county. He soon re- moved it to Farmington and continued its publication until 1876. He then sold it to George W. Herrington. who in a few years removed to Marble Hill. The Farmington Times was established in 1874 by C. E. Ware and I. H. Rodehaver. They published The Times imtil 1875, when R. H. Sylvester be- came editor of the paper in place of Mr. Ware. T. D. Fisher was made its editor in January, 1879, and in 1881 he purchased the entire in- terest in the paper and has been its owner and editor since that time. In ]March. 1886, I. H. Rodehaver began to publi.sh a paper known as the St. Francois County Democrat. It was Democratic in politics, but in Novem- ber of that year it was .sold to John Hart- shorn, who published it in the interest of the Republican party. About 1903 Tlic Times was combined with The Herald under the name Times-Herald, and was published with this title for several years, but finally the old name was resumed. The Times is one of th» oldest and ablest papers in this part of the state. Mr. Fisher is an editor of unusual gifts as well as an able business man. The Herald, which was consolidated with The Times was established in 1892 by J. J. & S. H. Lews. It remained in their hands for some time, being edited for a while by C. R. Pratt. The Republican paper of Farmington for many years was The Ne^vs. This was issued for the first time in 1883 by T. P. Pigg. Mr. Pigg continued his connection with the paper for many years, but finally disposed of it to the present proprietors, the Farmington News Publishing Company. The editors of The News are Harry and Clint Denman. The News pursues a some- what different policy from most of the county papers, as it is a purely local paper and pub- lishes no news outside of St. Francois and adjoining counties. About 1903 R. M. Yost began to publish in Farmington a weekly Democratic paper called The Progress. He did not long con- tinue it, however. The Fannington Eagle HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 541 was later published for a time by E. C. Bar- roll. The St. Francois Coiintij Erpiiblican is the title of a Republican paper now Iieing issued at Parmington by the veteran editor, T. P. Figg. He established it in 3911. The Bonne Tcrre Star was established by H. M. Butler about 1896. Within a short time he transferred it to I. L. Page, who has continued its publication to the present time. The Star is Democratic in politics. The Lead Belt News is published at Flat River by Melbourne Smith. It is a Demo- cratic paper and was established in 1901 by Ward & Gibson. Later it was published by W. H. Lewis, who became associated with C. R. Pratt under the name of Pratt & Lewis. The Labor Herald is published at Elvins by the Lead Fields Publishing Company. The publication of The Herald was begun in 1905 by the Elvins Printing Company. Later the paper was owned by Cameron & Raines. The Labor Herald is Republican in politics. The Lead Belt Banner is published at Leadwood Ijy the .same company which issues the Labor Herald. It is Republican in poli- tics. The Bismarck Gazette is a continuance of the Washington County Gazette which was established in Irondale about 1904. In 1906 it was transferred to Bismarck and its name changed. In 1908 the paper was sold to George II. Bisplinghoflf who continues its pub- lication at the present time. Tlie Gazette is Democratic in politics. In 1907 the DesLoge Sun was established by Frank Abernathy at DesLoge in St. Fran- cois county. It was sold to Claude E. Ab- shier in 1908 and is still published by him. The Sun is independent in politics and is de- voted principally to the building up of the town and surrounding country. The Bonne Terre Register was established in 1888 by J. M. Kirkpatrick, who continued the publication until 1890, when he sold the plant to E. H. Elliff. In 1890 B. A. Roy bought The Register and combined it with The Democrat. He continued its publication until 1911, when the paper was sold to its present owner and editor, J. H. Wolpers. The Register is Republican in politics and is a live, active and progressive paper. Besides the papers mentioned there have been a few others established in St. Francois county which did not long survive. A paper called The Sunnysidc was issued at Bonne Terre for a time in 1905 and 1906. In 1821 there was begim the publication of a newspaper in Ste. Genevieve. It was called the CorresjMndent and Record, and its editor was James Foley. The State Gazette was es- tablished in Ste. Genevieve in 1833 by Will- iam B. Baker. Later, there was published for a short time, the Blissouri Democrat in the same town. None of these papers was pub- lished more than a very .short time. In 1849, Concannon and Lindsay began the publication of a paper called The Pioneer. They trans- ferred it later to James H. Dixon. From 1850 to 1851 Charles C. Rozier published a ])aper called The Creole, which was then transferred to St. Louis. In 1854 The Inde- pendent was established by Amable Rozier, and the 3Iissonri Gazette in 1859, by E. K. Eaton. 0. D. Harris began the publication of the Pleasant Dealer in 1860, and the Pro- vost-Marshal caused its discontinuance in 1861. Halleck and his brother published The Representative in 1865 for a short time. In 1868 the News Advertiser was established by G. L. Setts. Fairplay was published for the first time in June, 1872, by S. Henry Smith. In 1882 he transferred the paper to 542 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Valle Harrold, and lie published it from 1880 to 1884. Henry Shaw then carried on the paper imtil 1886, when it was transferred to Joseph Flynn. Flyun soon disposed of his interest in the paper and it passed into the hands of Henry J. Janis, a member of the old pioneer French family of that name. It is now ably conducted by Jules J. Janis. Fairplaij is a Democratic paper and is weU established in the esteem of the people of Ste. Genevieve and wields an influence there. In 1882 Joseph A. Ernst began the publica- tion of the Ste. Genevieve Herald. It was published in both English and German and has continued to the present under the con- trol of I\Ir. Ernst. It is a popular and influ- ential journal, and is independent in political affiliations. St. jMarys has had a number of papers pub- lished at various times. Among these were The Times and The Progress, published for a time between 1902 and 1906. At the present The Review is the only paper published there. It is independent in politics and is edited by C. R. Bartels. It was established in 1906. The first newspaper in Benton, Scott county, was the Benton Record, established by George M. Moore in July, 1879. The editor was Louis Diehl. He was succeeded by Jefferson Shelton. and he by S. Henrj' Smith. Smith purchased The Express, a paper which had been established by T. S. Adams, and combined the two under the name of the Express Recorel. He sold the papers in August, 1886, to J. F. Mitchim. The Dispatch was the first newspaper pub- lished in Commerce, and it was established in 1867 by Wm. Ballentine and H. P. Lynch. The paper was continued, going through a number of changes of ownership, until the coimty seat was moved to Benton. In IMarch, 1885, a paper called the Scott County Agri- cultural Wlictl was begun with Rev. S. A. Mason as editor. Publication was continued for only a short time. The first newspaper in Sikeston was called The Star, and was established by J. F. ilitchim in January. 1884. He was succeeded as editor by W. S. Mitchim. In 1893 Heckam & McClintoek began the publication of a religious paper at Sikeston. It was called the Methodist Advocate, but was discontinued after a short time. In 1894 The Democrat began to be issued at Sikeston. It was a Democratic sheet and was published by E. R. Larey. The Budget was established by Guy Cooksey in 1898. At present there are two Sikeston papers. The Herald is Democratic and is published by Jolm B. Huffman. The Standard was established in 1911 by Naeter Brothers of Cape Girardeau. It is in- dependent in politics and is devoted largely to local news and to the building up of the interests in Scott countj'. The Chaffee Signal was established at Oran, Missouri, April 15, 1910, as the Oran Leader. It was moved to Chaffee on August 26 of the same year and its name changed to Chaffee Signed. The editor and proprietor is C. E. Mattocks and the paper is Democratic in politics. One of the veteran editors of Southeast Missouri is Phil A. Hafner, editor of the Scott County Kicker at Benton, Missouri. This is a Socialist paper published by the Workers Printing Company. Mr. Hafner was at one time in his life a conductor on the street rail- way in St. Louis, and while engaged in this business became impressed with the idea that he would like to own and edit a newspaper. The idea grew upon him and he went so far as to select a name for his proposed news- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 543 paper. He decided that if he ever should pub- lish a newspaper it should be called 'The Newsboy, the name being suggested by the newsboys who are always bright and always much in evidence on the street cars. In 1888 Mr. Hafner was able to carry out his plan and established at Benton, Missoui'i, The Scott County Newsboy. He continued the publication until in 1901 when its name was changed to the Scott County Kicker, under which name it has since been published. The Scott County Banner is published at Morley in Scott county, the editors being R. L. Buck and R. L. Reed. The paper was es- tablished at Oran vmder the name of the Scott County Citizen in 1905, and in 1908 it was removed to Morley and was continued under that name imtil 1911, when it came into the possession of Buck and Reed and its name was changed to The Banner. It is pub- lished as a Democratic paper. The Illmo Headlight is published at the new and growing to-mi of Illmo. It is a Dem- ocratic sheet and is issued by Tim Ilosmer, a veteran editor of this section. The Scott County Democrat is published at Benton by T. P. Rucker. It is Democratic in polities and gives the news of the county seat of Scott county in general. Stoddard county's first paper was called The Herald, and was established in 1858 at Bloomfield by A. M. Bedford, of Charleston. The editor in charge of the paper was J. O. Hull. The purpose in establishing this paper v/as to further the construction of the Cairo & Fulton railroad. The publication was con- tinued until the breaking out of the war, when the office was destroyed and publication stopped. The Argus was established in Bloomfield in 1866 by James Hamilton, who carried on the paper until 1873. The next paper was under the management of George H. Criunb and 0. C. Jones. This paper was called The Messenger and was published from 1874 to 1877. At that date it was consoli- dated with the Dexter Enterprise. The Vin- dicator was established in 1878 by T. L. Eoussin. He sold it to Buck and Miller, who employed H. N. Phillips as editor. Later, the paper was purchased by Charles E. Stokes, and it was again transferred in 1882. The purchaser at this time was Ligon Jones. Jones published the paper for a time and it then changed hands several times. At one time Connelley & Moseley were in control, then J. 0. Turnbaugh, and later it passed to the charge of M. S. Phelan. At the present time The Vindicator is edited by Stephen Chapman. It is a Democratic paper and has a well established circulation. The first Republican paper in Bloomfield was The Cosmos, established in 1896 by Bear & OUar. Ollar's interest was later purchased by Walter S. Bear, who continued publica- tion for some time and then was succeeded by N. A. Moseley, an accomplished lawyer and one-time congressman of Bloomfield. About 1905 Tim Hosmer, who has been connected with southeast newspaper enter- prises for many years published a paper at Bloomfield called The Enterprise. The Stoddard County Bepublican is a new paper, having been established October 1, 1910. 0. B. Parrott is the editor and the paper is owned by a stock company known as the Repixblican Printing Company. It is published at Bloomfield and is Republican in its politics. Charles E. Stokes, whose name is asso- ciated with a number of newspapers in this section, began the publication of The Enter- prise at Dexter in February, 1875. Two years later he purchased the Bloomfield Mes- 544 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI senger and consolidated the two papers under the name of the Enterprise-Messenger. He continued the publication under this name until 1887. when he transferred it to R. H. Junes, and then founded a paper he called the Xetr SoiitJieast. After a short time he removed it to St. Louis. Jones changed the name to Tin Dexter Messenger and the paper was afterwards bought by Hill and Watkins in 1894. The present owner and editor, Webb Watkins. bought out the interest of Mr. Hill in 1899. The Messenger is Democratic in politics and is not only one of the old papers of this section, but also one of its influential papers as well. The Dexter IStatesmaji is published at Dex- ter, its editor and proprietor being Edmund P. Crowe. The paper is classed as an inde- pendent Democratic paper. The Statesman was formerly the Sikeston. Missouri. Enter- prise, which was established in Sikeston in 1883. llie Enterprise was published and con- trolled by a number of people, the last of whom was ]\1. 6. Gresham, by whom it was sold to E. P. Crowe in 1910. Crowe re- moved the entire plant to Dexter and has continued the publication of the paper since that time. The Piixicd Index was established by E. J. Hickman in 1895. Later it was published for a time by G. N. Wynenger. It is at pres- ent under control of Marion Harty. The Index has always been Democratic in its polit- ical affiliations. The Essex Lender is published at Essex in Stoddard county and is owned and edited by D. O. C. Brydon. The piiblication of the paper was liegun May 15, 1908, by ]\Ir. Bry- don, who has owned it continuously since that time. It is a live paper and very much de- voted to the agricultural and business inter- ests of Essex and the surrounding country. Advance has no paper at present, though for a time one was published there. This was the Advance Guard, which was established in 1903 by G. M. Brydon. He continued it for some years. The Bernie Star, an independent paper, ■was established in 1905 by J. B. Daniels. Later John Russell published it. Others in- terested in it were DeWitt Henderson and 0. B. Parrott. The present editor is Claud Wilkins, and The Star is independent in its politics. The first newspaper published in W^ashing- ton county was The Miners' Prospect, estab- lished at Potosi September, 1846, by Phillip G. Ferguson and F. A. Dalla. It was an in- dependent paper and passed out of existence in 1849. The next paper established in the county was The Wasliington County Miner, which was published by N. P. Buck, begin- ning in 1856 and was discontinued in 1861. After the war, George B. Clark established The Washington County Journal, in 1867, and transferred it to Eli D. Ake in 1872. He soon removed it to Ironton. The Potosi Inele- pendent was establislied in 1873 by Frank Harris, who published it until his death in 1886. It was sold to Henry C. Bell in 1888. The Potosi Free Press was started by Jesse W. Homan in 1886, but was soon discon- tinued. In 1888 The Potosi Eagle began a publication as an independent paper and had a struggle for existence for a few years and finally passed out of existence. Another paper was The Republican, established in 1887. and published for a short time. The Washington County Journal was established in August, 1894, by F. M. Deggendorf. The Independent and The Journal have had an im- u.sual history. Since Henry C. Bell pur- chased TJie Independent in 1886 he has con- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 545 tinued its publication without change, and Mr. Deggendorf has been in charge of The Journal since he became connected with it in 1894. These long terms of service bespeak unusual success in the conduct of papers, as measured by the standards of Southeast Mis- souri. The Independent is Democratic while its rival. The Journal, is Republican in pol- itics. There have been some other ventures in the newspaper field in Washington eoimty, which have not proved so successful. About 1901, Will D. Wright began to issue two papers at Belgrade. One of these was an independent pctper called The Messenger, and the other was religious and was named the Farmington District Messenger. They were soon discon- tinued. Soon afterward Dean Gibson began the issuance of the Washington County Ga- zette at Irondale. The office was later re- moved. The first newspaper published in Piedmont, Wayne county, was called The Banner. It was founded in 1872 by Banks and Crawford. They soon sold out, however, to S. B. Sprowl, who removed the paper to Patterson and pub- lished it under the name of Patterson Times until 1876; he then came back to Piedmont with the paper and after a few months dis- continued its publication. In March, 1878, The Vindicator was established by B. E. H. Warren. About the close of that year The Vindicator was sold to T. L. Roussin and moved to Bloomfield, where it was published under the title of the Bloomfield Vindicator. In 1885 G. T. Gale established The Piedmont Ranihlcr and somewhat later the paper be- came Icnown as The Piedmont Leader and was published by W. B. Harris. The office with all of its material was destroyed by fire in 1888. In 1892 The Piedmont Weekly Banner was established by Dr. J. N. Holmes, Vol. 1—3 5 who continued its publication for a time and then sold out to Charles Mitchim. After Mitchim's ownership the paper was published for a time by Rev. Mr. Wilson, W. H. Lewis and others. In 1905 Lewis sold The Banner to the present owner and editor, Bristol P'rench. Mr. French proceeded to put the office in good condition, equipping it with modern machinery and presses. The Banner is a Democratic paper. Some other ventures at Piedmont have been Crucible, a religious paper published by the Christian Publishing Company. This was in 1893 and the enterprise came to an end within a few months. John Marsh at about the same time published The Herald, which was a Re- publican paper. It, too, soon disappeared. A number of papers have been published in Greenville, Wayne county. The first of these was The Reporter, established about 1869, by C. P. Rotroek and afterward pub- lished by Prank C. Neely & Company. A. W. Banks began the publication of the Greenville Democrat in March, 1872. This paper, how- ever, was afterwards removed to Piedmont in 1876. The Weekly Journal was established by J. N. Morrison, who continued its publi- cation about two years and was succeeded by John T. Rhodes. Rhodes sold the paper in 1881 to A. T. Lacey and he in turn trans- ferred it to John G. Settle in 1886. It then passed into the control of J. N. Holmes, who at the same time conducted with great suc- cess the Piedmont Banner. It was afterward transferred to a number of persons. Clarence Carleton published it for a time, as did C. C. Mitchim. It is now owned by G. W. Stiver and Will- iam B. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy is the editor of the paper, which is Democratic in politics. The Greenville Sun was established in 1894 by S. A. Bates. It was issued as the 546 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI organ of the Republicans in Wayne county, the rival paper, The Journal, being Demo- cratic. Later the paper was published by J. S. Marsh. At the present time its editor is Chas. Barrow. It is still Republican in politics. The Williamsvillc Iron News was estab- lished in 1905. The principal purpose in pub- lishing the paper was to push the iron ore in- dustry in the county, which had its center at Williamsville. It is independent in politics. Before The News, W. D. Wright had pub- lished an independent paper called the Buzz- Satv, which was soon discontinued. The record of newspapers in this section, incomplete as it must be, is a long one. It includes the names of many papers, some of them at present prosperous and active, many others long since discontinued and almost, if not quite, forgotten. Such a list indicates the strong attraction which newspaper work has for many men, and the feeling of the necessity of the establishment of papers in this part of the state. To the men who have labored at the great task of giving this section adequate news- paper facilities is due a great debt. The task cf circulating newspapers here was a hercu- lean one. The wrecks which strew the path of journalistic progress is sufficient attesta- tion of that fact. It was a task which must be performed. Few appreciate the tremen- dous importance of the local paper in the de- velopment of the life of a comnnmity. Too often it is referred to with a sneer and com- pared to its great disadvantage with the met- ropolitan daily. Its limitations are apparent. Much less apparent, but far greater is its use- fulness to the community. It is safe to say that the newspapers of Southeast Missouri have been one of the strong forces for up- building this section. No great movement for public improvement has been pushed to success or doubtless could have been pushed to success without the aid and support of the local papers. They have formed the medium of exchange for ideas, a forum for discussion, a means of comparison of one part of the territory with another. Drainage, rail- roads, education, religion, all of these and scores of other enterprises have received help from the papers. Too often this contribution to the good of the public has been gift for which no ade- quate return has been received. The papers which have ceased to exist here did not go out of existence because their editors desired to give up their work. In most cases the failure was due to a lack of financial support. Small subscription lists and little advertising have caused the downfall of mo.st of the papers that are no longer published. As one goes over the roll of the papers he is struck by the number of times that a few names occur. Certain members of the pro- fession have had experience in many places and on many papers. These wei-e the men ."or whom the life of the editor had an at- traction too strong to be resisted. Not meet- ing with the desired success in one place they have sought it in another. The conclusion is forced upon us in many cases that some really qiiit the profession because of lack of returns from it and then found its lure too strong. Sometimes they have at last found the op- portunity for which they sought and achieved that prosperity which their talents and in- dustry richly deserved. Others were less for- timate and finally drifted away from the work they loved, into other fields. It is not possible to review the work of all. the worthy men whose names live on the pages of the papers of this section. From T. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 547 E. Strange, that first member of the profes- sion in this part of the state until this pres- ent time, there have always been men whose lives and work have adorned the profession of letters. Whitcomb and Martin, of Charles- ton, McGuire and Kies, of Jackson, Ake of fronton, Fisher of Farmington, Bell and Deg- gendorf, of Potosi, Allen of New Madrid, Caruthers of Kennett, Roussin and Holmes, of .Piedmont, Flynn of Cape Girardeau, Wat- kins and Stokes, of Dexter, Mitchim of De- Soto, MeMullin of Hillsboro, Ernst and Janis, of Ste. Genevieve, among the older men have been distinguished for ability, long service and great usefulness. Other men have contributed to the total of journalistic use- fulness in great measi;re also. The younger men of this day are pressing the work and advancing the profession to greater influence. Some of the most powerful and successful papers are now in the hands of men who have not been long connected with the profession in this part of the state. It remains to be said that it is a matter of deep regret that there is not to be found com- plete files of all these papers. They contain much of the history of the times. Out of them must be dug much of that intimate acquain- tance with the course of events and lives of men which makes the story of a co^mtry's progress real and vital. CHAPTER XXXIX SOME BIOGRAPHIES Louis Houck — Lownes H. Davis — Robert H. Whitelaw — William B. Wilson — Judge John W. Emerson — Samuel S. Hildebrand — Samuel Btens — B. B. Cahoon — James D. Fox — J. J. Russell — H. J. Deal — Absalom JMcElmurry — William Dawson — Joseph Hunter — John A. Mott — Robert A. Hatcher — Eliza A. Carleton — William Carter — Placide DeLassus — James R. McCormack — Milton P. Cayce — Gustavus St. Gem— Chakles S. Hertich — M. L. Claedy — Marshall Arnold — James P. Walker — N. B. Henry — F. P. Graves — Firmin Desloge. A separate volume of this histoi-y is given to the biographies of men and women who have had to do with making history in this part of the state. It is concerned largely with those who are still in active life. A few men whose work has ended, and a few who for spe- cial reasons have been prominently connected with the development of Southeast Missouri by reason of official or business relations, are mentioned in the following pages. The list includes only those connected with the his- tory of the period since the war. Others who were active before that time have been dis- cussed in other sections of this work. Perhaps Southeast Missouri owes more to Louis Houck, of Cape Girardeau, than to any other one of its citizens for it was due to his energy and ability that this section of the state was supplied with railroad facilities. The impulse toward development given by the network of railroads constructed by him has had a remarkable influence in building up the country and in causing the construction of other lines and systems of railroads. Mr. Houck is a native of Illinois and is now sev- enty-one years of age. His early life was spent in Illinois and part of it in his father's printing office. He received two years ' train- ing at the University of Wisconsin and then published a paper for a time, but later began the study of law in 1862 in the office of Wil- liam H. Underwood. Until 1868 he practiced law at Belleville and in that year removed to St. Louis and became assistant United States attornej' under General John W. Noble. He became a resident of Cape Girardeau in 1869, engaging in the general practice of law until 1881. Mr. Houck became known as one of the most active and resourceful attorneys in Southeast Missouri. He was a diligent stu- dent and a man of unlimited energy. In ad- dition to his work as a practitioner he pub- lished a number of legal texts and was also the editor of the 15th volume of Missouri Re- ports. Although his profession had absorbed his energy to a considerable extent and although 548 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 549 he found himself amply fitted for its work, Mr. Houck turned to other fields of labor. He had become interested in the resources of this section of the state and determined to begin the building of railroads. From 1881 up to the present time he has been engaged in this work. In the chapter on railroads an account is given of his activities. Southeast Missouri owes to him, however, more than simply a debt for railroad building. It is due as much to his ability as a writer as to any other one cause that the resources and opportunities of Southeast Missouri have been made known to the state at large. Numbers of articles haA'C been contributed by him to papers and magazines in which he has set out with force and skill the situation actually existing in this part of the state. During all the years of his active life here he has given most in- telligent attention to collecting material re- lating to the history of the state. His private library is one of the best and largest in ]\Iis- souri and in spite of the numerous occupa- tions which have engaged him, he has devoted himself to the preparation of an adequate ac- count of the early days in Jlissouri. His his- tory of Missouri from the earliest time to the formation of the state government is a monu- mental work which represents years of study, the accumulation of a great deal of material, and the expenditure of large sums of money. It is not a mere composition from second-hand authorities but has resulted :'om patient in- quiry into sources of early history. A com- panion work, The Spanish Regime, is an ac- count of the Spanish rule, containing transla- tions of all the old dociunents relating to the government of Missouri during the Spanish period, many of these having never before been translated. It is doiibtful, however, if the gi-eat work which Mr. Houck has wrought both as a rail- road builder and as a student of history out- weighs his service to the state as a regent of the State Normal School at Cape Girardeau. For more than a cjuarter of a century he has been president of the Board of Regents and during that time has been active and untir- ing in his work for that great institution. To him perhaps, more than to any other one man is due the credit for its buildings and con- tinued growth. He has given it the best serv- ice of his life and his wide experience, his untiring energy and the respect and confi- dence in which he is held by a large circle of acquaintances throughout the state have en- abled him to secure a consideration for the claims of the school not possible otherwise to be obtained. Lownes H. Davis was born at Jackson De- cember 14, 1836. He received a good educa- tion, being graduated at Yale College in 1860, and at the Louisville Law School in 1863. After his graduation he began the practice of law at Jackson, and in 1868 was elected pros- ecuting attorney, sending for four years. Later he was a member of the State Legislature and in 1878 was elected to the 46th Congress and was twice reelected. He is a Democrat and recognized by his as.sociates as a man of abil- ity and uprightness of character. Robert H. Whitelaw is a native of Virginia, coming to Cape Girardeau with his parents in 1862. He was educated in the public schools and in the law school of the Univer- sity of Michigan. He began the practice of law at Cape Girardeau and in a short time became interested in politics. He was prose- cuting attorney of Cape Girardeaii from 1874 to 1878, and from 1881 to 1885 was a repre- sentative in the general assembly. In 1890 he was elected to congress serving one terra 550 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI and then returning to Cape Girardeau to take up the practice of law. Since 1899 he has been city attorney of Cape Girardeau. William B. Wilson was born near Apple- ton, January 12, 1831, his family having been residents of Cape Girai'deau county since 1808. Dr. Wilson was educated in private schools and in the medical school of the Uni- versity of New York, from which he gradu- ated in 1852. After his graduation he be- gan the practice of medicine in Cape Girar- deau and continued it until his death in Oc- tober, 1900. He was a very prominent citi- zen of Cape Girardeau and was well known especially for his connection with the Masonic order, in which he held high rank. He was regarded as a very upright and able man and ■while never engaging in politics, held a num- ber of positions, having been a member of the council, school director, and member of the board of regents of the State Nomial School. Judge John W. Emerson, a native of New England, came to Missouri as a millwright ; he made his home in Arcadia and after a time be- gan the study of law with Judge Pipkin ; after his admission to the bar he became a very successful lawyer. He was a soldier during the war and at its close was appointed a judge of the 15th .judicial circuit, serving for only a short time, however. Judge Emerson was not only a good lawyer but possessed consid- erable literary ability, having written several poems and a number of essays and addresses. His former home in Arcadia is one of the most beautiful places in Missouri and it was under a tree at this place that Grant received his commission as a brigadier general. The troublesome period of the Civil war and the times immediately following it produced a number of men whose names became widely known on account of their exploits as leaders of bands, sometimes of soldiers and sometimes of guerrillas. No man in Southeast Missouri achieved a wider reputation of this sort than Samuel S. Hildebrand, who was a member of a pioneer family of Missouri, the Hildebrands being some of the earliest settlers of Jeffer- son county. At the time of the breaking out of the war a brother of Samuel Hildebrand, named Frank, was hanged by a vigilance committee in Ste. Genevieve county. This and other wrongs stirred the sense of injus- tice in Hildebrand and he set out to achieve a desperate revenge. The men who were in- stiiunental in hanging his brother Frank, were shot and killed one after another. He took part in the war on the southern side and became very famous on account of his oper- ations; he held a major's commission in the Missouri State Guard, issued by General Jeff Thompson. At the close of the war he con- tinued his depredations and finally left Mis- souri and made his way to Arkansas and then to Texas. His later history is in doubt ; some say he became a resident of Illinois where he was killed, other accounts have it that he is still living. Hildebrand was tall, rawboned with high cheek bones, a pallid complexion and blue eyes that were cold and expression- less. He was a man who probably had no fear, possessed great determination and was a most excellent marksman. He became thor- oughly acquainted with the country in which he operated and possessed some of the Indian ability to know the country and to make his way about it from one place to another. There is a cave on Big river near the north line of St. Francois county, known as Hildebrand 's cave ; its entrance is about 40 feet above the head of the stream and it can be approached by only one man at a time. It is said that HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 551 liildebraud made this cave his headquarters at various times, especially on one occasion vfhen he was recovering from a gun shot wound. Samuel Byrns. a native of Jefferson county, was born March 4, 1848. He was reared on the farm, received a good English education, stud- ied law, was admitted to the bar and began the practice of his profession at Hillsboro. He soon became known as a good lawyer, es- tablished a practice, and took an active part in politics. In 1876 he was a presidential elector and east a vote for Tilden and Hen- dricks. In 1877 he was a member of the house of representatives of the legislature. In 1878 he became a member of the senate and served four years. He was a member of the Democratic state committee from 1886 to 1888, and in the latter year was again a presi- dential elector, voting for Cleveland. He be- came a member of congress in 1890 and served with distinction. At the close of his first term he returned to the practice of law. He was always interested in public affairs and a lead- ing figure in everything looking to the up- building of the community. Benjamin Benson Cahoon was born in 1846, in Delaware. After receiving a common school education and being admitted to the practice of law in tlie District of Columbia, he came to Fredericktown in 1868. Shortly after his arrival he was married to Miss Bell LeCompte of Ste. Genevieve, who was a mem- ber of one of the old French families of ilis- souri. Mr. Cahoon built up a large law prac- tice and was soon recognized as one of the leading attorneys in Madison county. He was elected prosecuting attoimey in 1870, but after the close of his term he declined to be- come a candidate for anv other office. lie has always been interested in party movements, being a Republican but is a man of liberal views. It was due in part to his work that the liberal movement in Missouri to enfran- chise former Confederate soldiers was success- ful. One of his interests is in connection with the development of water transportation and the improvement of the Mississippi river. James D. Fox was born in Madison county January 23, 1847. He was educated in the common schools at Fredericktown and at St. Louis University, was admitted to the bar in 1866, and began the practice of law at Fred- ericktown. He came to be known as a good lawyer and established a large practice. He was elected judge of the 27th judicial circuit in 1880, and held the position until 1904, when he was elected a member of the supreme court, a position which he still holds. Mr. Fox is a Democrat. Joseph J. Russell, of Charleston, Missouri, was born August 23, 1854, and is a native of Mississippi county. His grandfather, James A. Russell, came to Mississippi county from Maryland in 1836. Joseph J. Russell was reared on a farm and attended a country school ; at the age of nineteen he began to teach and continued his education at the Charleston Academy. In 1876, after having studied law in the office of Moore and Hatcher, he was admitted to the bar and was aftenvard graduated from the law depart- ment of the University of Missouri. He was successful in the practice of law from the be- ginning and acquired a large and valuable practice. 'Slv. Russell was school commis- sioner of Mississippi county for two years and prosecuting attorney from 1880 to 1884. In 1884 he wa.s a presidential elector on the Dem- ocratic ticket and in 1886 he was a representa- 552 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tive from Mississippi county in the general assembly of the state and served as speaker of the house. In 1900 he was elected to con- gress as a representative of the 14th congres- sional district and was again elected to the same position in 1910. He has won for him- self a place in congress by his ability and close attention to the duties of his position. He is held in high esteem by those who know him well and is regarded as one of the ablest men in this part of the state. One of the pioneer families of Southeast Missouri is the Deal family. The oldest one of this family to live in this part of the state was Colonel H. J. Deal, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1829. He learned the tan- ner's trade and worked at this until he was nineteen years of age when he went west. At first he was employed for a time in Famiing- ton, Iowa, then for two years he lived in St. Louis. In 1856, after his marriage, he came to Charleston in Missi.ssippi county. At first he engaged in the business of building levees and digging ditches, but in 1857 he took a contract for building the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. At the breaking out of the war he had finished building twenty-seven miles of this road, but nothing further was done in contract work during the war. The repre- sentative in congress from this district at that time was Ro])ert A. Hatcher, who resigned his position, however, and attached himself to the fortunes of the South, ilr. Deal was elected to succeed him ; he served for one year and then became a member of the state sen- ate. In 1868 he was elected representative from ^Mississippi county in the legislature, and was later re-elected for another term. During the war Colonel Deal was ap- pointed by the governor to enlist men in a number of counties in Southeast Missouri : he was given the rank of colonel of enrolled militia and served in the capacity of a re- cruiting officer during the war. On the close of the war Colonel Deal once more took up his former work of contracting. In 1866 he began the work of building fifty miles of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad ; this work he completed within a year. In 1867 he finished up the work of the Cairo & Ful- ton Railroad to Poplar Bluff. In 1881 he took a contract for building one hundred and ten miles of the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Rail- road, which he completed in 1882 ; after that time he turned his attention to farming and stock raising. He secured large tracts of land in Mississippi county which became very val- uable and up to the end of his life he was in- terested in farming in all of its branches. Colonel Deal was a public spirited citizen and always interested in whatever work was to be done for the improvement of his community and his count}^ ; his interest was manifested on more tlian one occasion by building public roads at his own expense. In 1806 Absalom ]\IcElmurry, a native of Kentucky, moved from that state to South- east Jlissouri. In a sliort time he removed to Little Rock, Arkansas, but returned to Mis- sissippi county, Missouri, in 1813. He was the first judge of the county, lieing appointed in 1843. His eldest son, Thomas S. McEl- muriy, was born near Charleston, in 1815 ; he was reared on the farm and attended the public schools in the vicinity. After becom- ing a man, he interested himself in politics and held a number of offices in the county, at one time he was interested in the mercantile business, but during the latter part of his life he devoted himself to farming. Judge McElmurry lived to a great age and was one of the best known citizens of the county. He HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 553 had an unusual experience in that he lived in a territory under the Federal government, under the Confederate government and in three different counties and yet all the time on the same farm. The Dawson family has been for many years one of the most prominent in New Mad- rid county. Dr. Robert D. Dawson, a native of Maryland, who came to New jMadrid coun- ty in ISOO, was the founder of the family in Missouri. He was one of the most prominent citizens in this part of the state. William Dawson is his grandson; he was educated in the Christian Brothers College of St. Louis. After some experience as a teacher he was ad- mitted to the practice of law and engaged in the practice in New Madrid. He was elected sheriff in 1870, and re-elected in 1872, he then served three terms in the legislature, and in 1884 was elected to congress as a representjj- tive of the Fourteenth Congi'essional district. Mr. Dawson is a Democrat and holds the es- teem of those who are acquainted with him. One of the most prominent citizens of New Madrid county was Joseph Hunter. He was a native of Scott county, a son of Hon. Abra- ^ ham Hunter, he was born in 1823, coming to New Madrid in 1843. His second wife was Elizabeth Russell of Cape Girardeau county, a member of one of the pioneer families of that county. Mr. Hunter was engaged in farming until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he joined the Second Missouri Cav- alry and served until its close. He then re- turned to New Madrid county, wheVe he re- sided until his death. His descendants are prominent in the county until this time. John A. Mott was a native of Kentucky and came to New Madrid in 1852. He was bom in 1826 and grew to manhood in Hick- man, Kentucky, si:)ending his youth in school and in his father's store. In 1850 he went to California and spent two years in the min- ing region returning to New Madrid in 1852. For several years he was engaged in the mer- cantile business and as an employee of the American Express Company and also as a farmer. In 1858 he was api^ointed clerk and recorder of the circuit court, a position which he held for more than thirty-five years. He died in 1908. In 1848 Robert A. Ilatclier came to New Madrid and took a position as clei-k on the steamer Selma.; within a short period, how- ever, the boat was sold for debt and Mr. Hatcher began the study of law with William S. Moseley, who had been the captain of the Selma. He was a man who made friends rap- idly and had a turn for political life as is shown by the fact that two years after com- ing to New Madrid he was elected representa- tive in the legislature. After serving one tenn he resigned and engaged in the mercan- til business with D. V. LeSieur ; he found this employment uncongenial, however, and sold out his business and began the practice of his ' profession. He was very successful and es- tablished a good practice. During the war Mr. Hatcher's sympathies were with the South and he became a member of the Confederate congress. At the close of the war he returned to the practice of law at New Madrid until his election to congress in 1872, a place he held for four years. In 1877 he removed to Charleston where he lived until the time of his death. One of the women who during this period of our histoiy exercised a good influence on affairs, was Eliza A. Carleton. She was born 554 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI in Montgomery county, Virginia, in 1826. She received a common school education in Vir- ginia and was afterwards sent to school in South Bend, Indiana. She came to Missouri with her gi'andfather and in the spring of 1843 began her work as a teacher. This was in district No. 31, at Hickory Cabin school- house in Perry township, St. Francis count.y. ]\Iiss Carleton received $3.00 in trade or $2.00 in cash for each pupil taught. With the pro- ceeds of her teaching she attended Arcadia College and was graduated with the degree Master of Arts. IMiss Carleton was a teacher at heart, and after her graduation contin- ued the work. She was impressed with the necessity of some further opportunities for education than were offered then to the youth of Southeast Missouri. Being a woman of initiative and development. Miss Carleton de- termined to build sijch a school herself. Ac- cordingly, in April, 1854, she opened a school eight miles north of Farmington, under the name of Carleton Institute, it being so called in honor of her father. About thirty pupils attended this school which was incorporated by an act of the legislature, March 4, 1859. To the work of this institution she gave her entire time and attention. In 1878 this school was moved to Farmington where was erected a large and commodious brick building in the midst of attractive surroundings. Up till her death IMiss Carleton remained in close con- nection with the school and lived to see it be- come a prosperous and influential institution. She was a consistent and devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church and through her work undoiibtedly influenced for good the lives of many young people in this part of the state. The Carter family came to ^Missouri from South Carolina. The head of the family was Zimri Carter, who made a settlement on Cur- rent river, in what is now Carter county, about 1813, Zimri Carter was oue of the most influential and prominent men in Southeast Missouri, He was judge of the county court and the county was named for him. One of tlie children of the family was Hon. William Carter, born in 1830, He was educated in the common schools and also at Arcadia College, He then attended a Louisville law school and was graduated in law in 1855, beginning his practice at Potosi and then removing to Farmington in 1862. In 1864 he was elected circuit judge of the 20th circuit, which in- cluded the counties of Washington, Iron, St. Francis, iladison. Perry and Ste. Genevieve. He held this office until in 1874 ; he was then elected a member of the general assembly of the state where he was made chairman of the judiciary committee. Since that time he has devoted himself to the practice of law, but has held other positions of honor at the same time. For a number of years he was one of the curators of the University of ilissouri. Placide DeLassus was born in Xew Orleans June 28, 1839, and was the grandson of Charles de Hault DeLassus. who was lieu- tenant governor of Upper Louisiana at the time of the transfer to the United States, Governor DeLassus received many grants of land from the Spanish government; one of these was a tract in St, Francois county, Mis- souri, on which the village of DeLassus was located. The family was a very prominent one in Missouri, some of them living in St, Francois" county and others in Perry county, Placide DeLassus was educated in New Or- leans and in France, He served throughout the war in the Confederate army. He lived for a time after the war in St. Louis where he married Miss Mary Clark, the daughter of HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ooa Henry L. Clark. In 1868 he moved to De- Lassus in St. Francois county, where he con- tinued to live until his death. He owned dur- ing all his life the greater part of the grants made by the Spanish government to his grand- father. One of the prominent persons of Southeast Missouri during this period was General James R. MeCormack, of Farmington, ilis- souri. He was born August 1, 1824, in Washington coiinty. He was ediieated in the common schools and in Transylvania Institute in Kentucky. He was graduated from the Memphis Medical College and practiced medi- cine for a time in Wayne county and in Perry count3^ On the breaking out of the war he was appointed surgeon of the Sixth Infantry of Missouri. These men were enlisted for a term of six months and at the expiration of their term. Dr. MeCormack was made briga- dier general for Southeast Missouri. The brigade consisted of seven regiments and General MeCormack remained in command until the close of the war. He was regarded as a good officer and was held in esteem liv his superiors. At the close of the war he practiced his profession for a time at Arcadia and later became a citizen of Farmington, Missouri. General MeCormack had some ex- perience in politics, having been a member of the constitutional convention in 1861 and later serving in the state senate and in 1867 being elected to till a vacancy in the United States congress. He was interested in pub- lic affairs in his community and was regarded as one of its most prominent and influential citizens. Milton P. Cayce was a Virginian, having been born in that state in 1804. He was reared on a farm and then served as a sales- man in a store. He came to Farmington in 1832 and began the conduct of a general store. He continued as a merchant for more than fifty years and during that time accu- mulated considerable property. Besides his mercantile business he was also a contractor and the owner of a flouring mill. He had other interests, among them a tan yard and several farms. The first ice house in St. Francois county was built by Mr. Cayce, and he is said to have owned the first piano. Mr. Cayce was a Democrat and served for more than twenty years as county treasurer. He was also a sherifi: at one time in the county and was a member of the constitutional conven- tion in 1861. Few men in the history of Farmington occupy a higher place in the es- teem and respect of the citizens than did Mr. Cayce. One of the interesting men of this period was Captain Gustavus St. Gem. He was a member of the old St. Gem family, one of the earliest families to emigrate from France to America. They seem to have located in Ste. Genevieve about 1780, and that during all the rest of the history of the town were among its prominent citizens. Gustavus St. Gem was educated at St. Vincent 's College at Cape Girardeau. On returning from college he engaged in business in Ste. Genevieve for a time and then removed to Washington coun- ty, where he became interested in mining. During the war he was an officer in the Fed- eral army and served with credit during the entire time. He was captain of Company K of the Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry. In 1878, President Hayes appointed him collector of customs in St. Louis. Captain St. Gem lived to be very old and died having the uni- versal respect of his friends and neighbors in Ste. Genevieve. N 556 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Dr. Charles S. Hertich was the son of Jo- seph Hertich, a native of Switzerland. He was bom in Ste. Genevieve in 1821. His fa- ther was the master of the famous school in Ste. Genevieve known as The Asylum. It has been jjointed out in another place that this school was the first in Missouri to put into practice the principles of education set out by Pestalozzi. Dr. Hertich was educated in this school himself and afterwards became a teacher in it, assisting his father. He then studied medicine at Burlington. Iowa, and later at the St. Louis Medical College. He was for a time a United States surgeon to the Indians at Long Prairie, Minnesota. Dur- ing the war he served as post surgeon of Ste. Genevieve. From the close of the war until 1878, he continued the practice of medicine in Ste. Genevieve, at that time he was afflicted by a stroke of paralysis which kept him par- tially helpless until his deaath. His wife was a daughter of Ferdinand Rozier. Martin L. Clardy was born in Ste. Gene- vieve county April 26, 1844, and was edu- cated in the common schools, in St. Louis Uni- versity and in the University of Virginia. After his graduation he began the study of law and devoted himself to its practice, mak- ing his home for a number of years in De- Lassus in St. Francois county. He acquired considerable political experience and in 1882 was chosen a member of congress as a Demo- crat and was twice reelected; after the con- clusion of his third term in 1888, he removed to St. Louis, where he became one of the prin- cipal attorneys for the Missouri Pacific Rail- road Company. Mr. Clardy is recognized as one of the leading lawyers and politicians of the state. ^Marshall Arnold, one of the best known lawyers in Southeast Missouri was born in St. Francois county on October 21, 1845. He lived the usual life of a farmer boj-, received an education in the common schools and in Arcadia College. In 1870 he was a teacher in Arcadia College. He sei-ved for a time as deputy clerk of the county, circuit, and pro- bate courts of St. Francois county and dur- ing this time began the study of law. He later removed to Scott county where he opened a law office and soon established a reputation as an able lawyer. He was elected prosecut- ing attorney and later ser\'ed two terms in the legislature of the state. In 1884 he was presidential elector on the Hancock ticket and in 1890 was elected to congress from the 14th congressional district as a Democrat. He was reelected in 1892 bj' a very large majority, but was defeated in 1894 by N. A. Moseley, a Republican. Since that time Mr. Arnold has devoted most of his energy to the prac- tice of his profession. He is recognized as one of the ablest criminal lawyers in this section of the state and is a forceful and eloquent speaker. James P. "Walker was born in Lauderdale county, Tennessee, Max'ch 4, 1851. He came to Missouri early in his life and made his home in Stoddard county. Mr. Walker soon won the confidence of the people and came to be known as a man of marked ability. In 1886 he was nominated by the Democrats for congress from the 14th district and was elected by a large majority. In congress he made a splendid record for himself and seemed to be entering upon a career of great usefulness and influence. Before the close of the term, however, he died, putting an end to a very promising life. HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 557 Nelson B. Henry, a minister of the ileth- odist Episcopal Cliurcli South, was born July 23, 1848, near Burfordville, Missouri. He is a grandson of John D. Cook, one of the pio- neers of Missouri and for a number of years a circuit judge of this state. The father of Nelson B. Henry was also a Methodist preacher and for many years one of the most prominent in Southeast Missouri. Mr. Henry, who is now pastor of the Methodist church at Bonne Terre, was reared on the farm, received a good education, being grad- uated from the State Normal School at Kirksville in 1876. After his graduation he became principal of the high school at Oak Ridge, serving two years. In 1878 he be- came a member of the faculty of the State Normal School at Cape Girardeau, teaching English and literature and holding the po- sition until 1886, when he was elected to the chair of pedagogy in the University of North Carolina. Prom this position he resigned to become president of the Pueblo Collegiate In- stitute at Pueblo, Colorado, in 1888. Here he remained until 1892 when he was elected president of the Bellevue Collegiate Institute at Caledonia. He filled this position two years and then resigned to become the pre- siding elder of the Farmington district. He held this position one year and then became president of the Marvin Collegiate Institute at Predericktown. Mr. Henry assisted in the organization of this school and did much to develop it. He resigned, however, after a few years and entered upon the work of the min- istry, which he still continues. While he was teacher of the high school at Oak Ridge in 1876 he began an agitation which resulted in the organization of the Southeast Missouri Teachers Association of which he became the first president. Another man who has been closely asso- ciated with the development of the lead in- dustry in Southeast Missouri is P. P. Graves, who was born in Rochester, New York, in 1849. After receiving a good education he came to Missouri and found employment in the St. Joseph lead mines at Bonne Terre ; this was about the year 1869. Before coming to Missouri he had had some experience in lead mines in Massachusetts. When he first became connected with the St. Joseph Lead Company he worked in the mill and the shops, but after two years was made cashier of the company and held this position for seventeen years. In 1887 he became connected with the Doe Run Lead Company, assisting in its or- ganization and becoming its secretary and as- sistant superintendent. Under his direction the company prospered greatly and the Doe Run mines became one of the chief lead pro- ducing centers in this part of the state. Mr. Graves has found time from his connection with the lead industry to take an intelligent and active interest in public affairs. He served as postmaster at Doe Run from 1887 to 1891 and has been a consistent party worker though never a candidate for public oifice. Mr. Graves gathered one of the finest collections of minerals in the state, and it has been a feature of a number of great expositions in this country. Pirmin DesLoge, whose name is connected with the development of the mining district of Southeast Missouri, was born at Potosi in Washington county. His father was a na- tive of Nantes, France, who came to Potosi while a young man and engaged in a mercan- tile and lead-mining business. Pirmin Des- Loge was educated at Potosi and at St. Louis University, and began his business career as 558 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI a clerk for the firm of John B. Valle & Com- pany of St. Louis. In 1867 he gave up his position and turned his attention to mining operations at Potosi. He was one of the first men to become interested in the mining pros- pects of St. Francois county. He purchased land adjacent to the plant of the St. Joseph Lead Company and built a smelting plant for the corporation known as the DesLoge Lead Company. Mr. DesLoge managed this company until it was sold in 18S7 to the St. Joseph Lead Company. During his connec- tion with this corporation he helped to build the first railroad, the Bonne Terre & Missis- sippi Valley Railroad, which penetrated the lead regions to St. Francois county. Later 3Ir. DesLoge bought property which had be- longed to the Bogj' Lead Mine Company and the St. Francois Mining Company and organ- ized a new eoiporation known as the DesLoge Consolidated Lead Comjiany. The Bonne Terre Railroad was extended to these mines which were operated on a large scale. Not only was he interested in the development of the mining industry in which he acquired con- siderable wealth, but ilr. DesLoge was inter- ested in public affairs ; he served as treasurer of Washington county and on various occa- sions was a director of public schools. The town of DesLoge, now one of the prosperous mining communities of St. Francois county, was named in his honor. q/ (^^y3a^du^^.c^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 559 Judge Thomas Edward BALowaN. There is one mystery in tliis brief lil'e and that mystery is deatli. Wliat we call history is a long procession of hitman beings, reaching back into the ages, who an-ive on this earth, act, hate, love, accumulate, strive and then go back. Each one of us has one spark of life and then death, the mystei\y of the un- known. The thought of death should stimu- late a man to better work and harder work, that he may shine in some way while his little spark is still a light. Whether Thomas Edward Baldwin ever reflected just along these lines or not, the fact is that he made the most of his life while he w'as here and when the spark went out, reflections from it still remain. He was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, October 23, 1849, and died May 27, 1904, at Kennett, Missouri. His father, Thomas Baldwin, was born in Scott county, Missouri, November 16, 1810. He married Elizabeth Lobdell, and both died in 1859, when the Judge was but ten years of age. John Bald- win, father of Thomas, was born in Berkeley county, Virginia, October 26, 1771 ; and mar- ried Rachel Wellbourne, January 28, 1796, in Washington county, Georgia. The family came from Georgia to Missouri in 1803, lo- cating at what, in the early days was known as Baldwin's Landing, in Scott county. Mis- souri. John Baldwin was a descendant of one of three brothers who, in 1643, came from England and settled at New Haven, Connecticut. One of these brothers later removed to Virginia and is the progenitor of this branch of the family. Judge Baldwin was as a boy thrown ujDon his own resources and got what education was possible in the schools of Cape Girardeau, where he remained uutil twenty-one years of age. He then came on the old road to Clark- ton. Dunklin county, Missouri, where he clerked in a store owned by Mr. Whitelaw. Previous to that time, however, he had clerked for Leech and Company at Cape Girardeau. Young as he was, he was appointed Circuit and County Clerk to fill a vacancy soon after coming to Clai-kton, which necessitated his living in Kennett. Subsequently in 1878, he was elected and in 1880 re-elected to the same office and by that time had decided to re- main in Kennett. In 1882 he was elected probate .judge, serving four years, during the last two of which he was also county treasurer. Judge Baldwin became a partner of W. F. Shelton in a general store at Kennett in 1886, under the firm name of W. F. Shelton & Company. For four years he remained in the store as book-keeper and credit man, at the end of which time he sold out his share to his partner, buying a drug store on the site of the present Baldwin Drug Store. The store had formerly been owned by the late Dr. A. B. Mobley. After conducting the di'ug store for two or three years he erected a brick block, in which he installed his drug store. His building and the one erected by W. F. Shelton about the same time, 1892, were the first brick buildings in Kennett. He con- tinued to manage the drug store until 1896, when he sold out to 0. S. Harrison, who had been his druggist. He next became inter- ested in real estate and was for years agent of the Great Chouteau lands, but in addi- tion to this he bought and sold on his own account. At one time he owned several thou- sand acres of swamp land, four thousand acres in one tract. At the time of his death he owned two thousand acres and a three hundred and twenty acre farm near Kennett that he had cleai-ed. He laid out Rose Park Addition to Kennett, selling the lots himself. He was an organizer of the Bank of Kennett, being its president until a few- months be- fore he died, his interest still remaining in the bank. He was always ready to do any- thing he could for the betterment of the town and also served the county as its rep- resentative in the state legislature. He was a Democrat, always active in county and local campaigns. In 1872 he married Mary J. Pankey, daughter of Dr. G. Pankey. Her father was born at Richmond, Virginia, where he re- ceived his education, being brought up on the farm. He became a tobacco grower and dealer in the south, owning a great number of slaves to cultivate and pick the tobacco. He always treated them in the most con- siderate manner and they were devoted to him. He married Miss Sally Jones, a charm- ing Southern woman, a native of Richmond like himself. All business was beginning to be very much demoralized in the south and Mr. Pankey was losing money on his planta- tion. He therefore sold off everything he possessed, except his slaves. These he brought with him to Missouri, settling at Clarktou, where he bought a small farm and started a store. In 1861, when the war broke out, he raised a regiment for the Confederate army, he being its Colonel. He served throughout the war, at the end of which time 560 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI he set his slaves free, but they never lost the feelings of affection and devotion towards him, but would have cheerfully laid down their lives for him at anj' time. One of thein, Charles Birthwright, with his wife Bettie, live in Clarkton and are leaders among the colored people of that town. Colonel Pankey lived in Cardwell, ^lissouri, later, where he died in January, 1910, at the age of seventy- four, his wife having died many years before. The Colonel served the county as county col- lector. He was a man who had served the country both in the army and in civil affairs. He was very well known all over the state and was universall}' respected. D. B. Pan- key, the son of the Colonel and brother to ]Mrs. Baldwin, is well known in Kennett, hav- ing served it in many capacities. He was clerk of the county and one time mayor. He was one of the organizers of the bank and is its cashier still. He has seen it grow in wealth and reputation. He is president of the electric light company, having helped to organize it. He is president of the Ken- nett Store Company and of the St. Louis, Keokuk & Southeastern Railroad Company and is treasurer of the Dunklin Publishing Company. Mrs. Baldwin's sphere of useful- ness has been her home, but she has been every whit as effective as her father and her lu'other, though in a more retired way. She has brought up a family of six children, all of whom are a credit to her.' Sallie May Baldwin, the eldest child, is now the wife of L. P. Tatum, a merchant in Kennett. Edward Y. is cashier of the Campbell Lumber Com- pany and a director in the Kennett Bank. Ernest Albert is proprietor of the Baldwin Drug Store, formerly owned by his father. Paul is a physician, having received his de- gree of Doctor of Medicine at the Washing- ton University, medical department, in 1904. He is now practicing medicine in Kennett and making a success, as the son of such a father and such a mother must needs do. Lillian Ballard is just graduated from the Synodical College at Fulton, Missouri, in the class of 1911. Josephine, the youngest, is at present attending the public school of Kennett. Jlr. Baldwin is a Mason and also a member of the Independent' Order of Odd Fellows. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, having been an elder from the time of its organization, twenty-five yeai's ago, when the Reverend Beale was its first minister. Dur- ing all these years, with all his business activ- ities, it was the church which received his in- terest above all else. His greatest pleasure was in working for the church and it is need- less to say that practically the whole re- sponsibility of the church rested on his shoulders. When a man is both capable and willing, he is sure to have more thrust upon him than he really ought to carry. He was superintendent of the Sunday-school, know- ing personally eveiy teacher and scholar. Each one felt that in Mr. Baldwin he was sure to find a sympathetic confidant, one who had the faculty of entering into the feelings of others, no matter how much opposed they were to his own feelings and beliefs. He was a friend to any one who needed his help, giving money, time and of himself. It is now seven years since he passed on into the uukuowu, but the work he organized is still going on, the children he guided in the Sun- day-school are fast growing up, but they have not forgotten him. He has gone, but his in- fiuence will never die. That is the thought that must have been of comfort to his family during these years, as they live the kinds of lives that he would have had them live, try- ing to be the kind of men and women that he would have had them be. Otto Kochtitzky, as he commonly writes his name, or Otto von Kochtitzky, as he is en- titled to write it, is perhaps the best authority on swamp laud values and drainage in South- eastern iMissouri. He was born iu South Bend, Indiana, May 4, 18.35, and comes of a family well-known both in this country and abroad. His father, Oscar von Kochtitzky, was for some years state auditor, and was connected with many public enterprises. The son Otto was educated in the public schools and the Jefferson City high school. Upon taking up active work for himself he be- came interested in surveying and qualified himself for the work of a civil engineer. He was for a time surveyor of New iladrid coun- ty, and thus lieiame acquainted with the great opportunities offered by the swamp lands of the section. He was interested in building the Little River Valley and Arkansas Railroad from New Madrid to Maiden, the beginning of the present St. Louis Southwestern System, He was one of the first men in the section to see the possibilities of drainage in the swamps of Little River and made a thorough study of the topography of the country and of the his- tory and development of drainage in similar sections, especially in Indiana and Illinois. In HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 561 spite of great discouragements arising from the inherent difficulties of the situation, the iudift'ei'enee of tlie people of the district, Mr. Koehtitzky persevered in his efforts to estab- lish a system of drainage which should re- claim the overflowed lands of Little River. Ho carried on a campaign of education, becaiMc associated with the Luce family, which made the first attempts at constructing drainage canals on a large scale, and was finallj' success- ful in having much of the swamp land terri- tory organized into districts and the work of drainage actually begun. Under his direction many miles of canals were constructed and much land reclaimed. His efforts in this re- spect resulted in the organization of the Little River Valley Drainage Company, which has for its ob.iect the construction of a diversion channel which shall turn the waters of White- water, Crooked Creek and other streams which enter the lowlands from the Ozark plateau into the ilississippi river .iust south of the city of Cape Girardeau, thus preventing this water from spreading over the lowlands ; and the digging of a large drainage canal to carry off the water which falls on the swamps of Little river. This is a most ambitious scheme, which calls for the expenditure of several mil- lion dollars and which will probably result in reclaiming large bodies of land. IMr. Koeh- titzky was for a time the chief engineer of this company and did most of the preliminary work of organization. His chief attention at the present time is given to the development of large tracts of valuable lands which he has acquired and to the work of contracting in the digging of drainage ditches. ilr. Koehtitzky has never been greatly in- terested in politics, though he was a delegate to the Democratic convention in 1896 that nominated Palmer and Buckner, being the only representative from the Thirteenth Con- gressional district of Missouri. For a number of years he has made his home at Cape Girardeau, having formerly lived at a number of places in this section. He. with his family, is a member of the Pres- byterian church. Mr. Koehtitzky has done much for South- eastern Missouri. He is intimately acquainted with the country, is a clear and convincing writer, and has rendered very valuable service in making this section of the country known in other places and its opportunities appre- ciated. Few citizens of Missouri have con- tributed as much to the upbuilding of his great section of the state. One of the matters Vol. 1—3 6 about which he has strong convictions is the New Madrid earthquake of 1811- '12. He does not believe that in any way affected the level of the country, changed its water- courses, or left other permanent effects. He di.ssents from the views expressed in another part of this work, holding that they are based on imperfect data. C. E. Burton. It is one of the rarest oc- currences in this commercial age that a man of marked business ability takes a place in the ranks of our educators. The teaching profession engages citizens of the loftiest in- tellectual and moral qualifications, but those who follow it seldom find opportunity to ex- ercise their talents in the business world Wayne county is singularly fortunate in hav- ing at the head of her school system a man who is at once a born teacher and conspicu- ously successful in commercial pursuits, Mr. C. E. Burton, of Piedmont. C. T. Burton, the county superintendent's father, was born in Tennessee August 1-3. 1852. At the age of twenty he left his native state and went to Kentucky, where he con- ducted a store and engaged in farming. His marriage to Miss Ellen Walker, a native of the Blue Grass state, took place in 1874. Mrs. C. T. Burton was born in Carlisle county in the year 1854. Seven years after their mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Burton moved to Mis- souri, locating first on a farm near Piedmont and later moving into the town. Here Mr. Burton established a mercantile business, which he conducted until 1908, when he re- tired. He and his wife are now living in Piedmont and it is their good fortune to have the four children who are now living of the six born to them all residing in Piedmont and its environs. These are: Maud, Mrs. Charles McFarland: Artie, Mrs. C. F. Shel- ton, and Daisy, still at home, besides C. E. Burton, of this sketch. Kentucky was the birthplace of Mr. C. E. Burton and the year of his nativity was 1877. Until he was four, he lived on the Kentucky farm. After his parents came to Missouri, he attended the Piedmont high school, from which he graduated at the age of sixteen. The next year he began teaching. At nineteen, Mr. Burton graduated from Wayne Acad- emy and has continued his work of teaching and studying ever since. He has tatight in the grades and in the high school, and is fa- miliar with every part of the work of the entire curriculum from the primary grade to the university. 562 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Three years ago, Governor Folk appointed Mr. Burton to fill out four mouths of J. K. Clubb's unexpired term as county commis- sioner. In the spring of 1909 he was elected a county commissioner and in August, 1909, Mr. Burton qualified as county superintend- ent. In 1911 he was again elected to the su- perintendenej' without opposition. ]Mr. Bur- ton has unusual equalities both as a man aud as an instructor. He is a born teacher and an eminently progressive one. His efforts to elevate the standard of the Wayne county schools are unremitting. Under his regime some of the rural schools have added the first year of high school work to their course of study, and the high school graduates are ad- mitted to several colleges \vithout examina- tion. Mr. Burton's educational training be- yond the common schools has been acquired bv his own efforts. " On Christmas day of 1896 Mr. Burton was married to Miss Lula Bell Shelton, of Irou county, Missouri. Four children have bless-^d this union, all of whom are still in their par- ents' home; Celeste Cynthia, Inez Emory, Donald Clarence and Marjorie Florence. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burton are members of the Methodist church. South. In politics ^Mr. Burton is a Democrat and in a social way, a member of the IModern Woodmen's lodge of Piedmont. In a business way Mr. Burton has been a successful dealer in real estate. He is also a property holder of some prominence in the county.' His holdings include a residence in Fiedn'iont and two hundred and ten acres of land near the town, on which he has a sum- mer cottage. In addition to this he has a residence in Greenville. Luther P. Tatum, a succes.sful merchant of Kennett, was born in Howard county, Mis- souri. January 3, 1863. He is the son of A. C. and Susan Franklin Tatum, who were natives of Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. L. P. Tatum, after acquiring an education in the schools of his native county, came to Kennett while a young man and immediately engaged in business. He had even then the natural ability which makes men successful merchants and was successful from the first. The Ken- nett of that day was very different from the city of today. It was a struggling town of four or five hundred people and only a few men among them. Mr. Tatum, however, saw the great possibilities of the town. In 1883 he formed a partnership with an older brother, James F. Tatum, under the firm name of Tatum Brothers. This soon became one of the leading mercantile firms of Dunk- lin county. It acquired the most desirable corner in the town, erected a commodious brick building, and was in a position to profit by the great growth of the town and its in- creased prosperity which followed the build- ing of its first railroad. The business is still conducted by Mr. Tatum under the firm name, although the senior partner is dead. Out of this business Mr. Tatum has acquired a com- fortable fortune and is a man of influence in his community. In September, 1893, he was married to J\Iiss Sallie il. Baldwin, daughter of Judge Tliomas Baldwin, one of the most prominent and in- fluential men of the county. They live in one of the most beautiful and costly homes in the county, and have the respect and esteem of all their acquaintances. . Lee Shelton. One of the most successful aud enterprising merchants of Southeastern Missouri is Lee Shelton, of Kennett, a member of the firm of Shelton & Companj-. He was born at Kennett, January 11, 187.5, and is the son of Joseph Jackson Shelton, who was born in 1836. He was educated in the public schools, in Bellevue Collegiate Institute at Caledonia, in college at Farmington and St. Louis and received a good business training at a business college in Quincy, Illinois. Mr. Shelton 's father died many yeai-s ago and he was reared by his uncle, W. F. Shel- ton, the shrewdest and most successful busi- ness man of Dunklin county. Under his train- ing Lee Shelton acquired a knowledge of actual practical business which has enabled him to carry on the large establishment of his firm in a most successful manner. This firm probably sells as many goods as any other in the soiitheast and probably buys more cotton than any other. In addition to his interest in this mercantile business he is heavily in- terested in many other enterprises, many of the larger undertakings in Dunklin county being financed by his firm. He has recently erected a large office building on a prominent corner in Kennett, which is as well equipped as those found in the large cities. Mr. Shelton finds time from his large enter- prises to give attention to public matters. He has served as a member of the board of alder- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 563 men of Kennett, and has been for many years one of the most valued members of the board of education. Mr. Shelton is married and has a beautiful home in Kennett. Washington S. Dearmont. There is much of consistency in the paraphrase of a familiar quotation wliieh is made to express the senti- ment that "education makes the man, the want of it the fellow," for the entire basic dift'erentiation between the various social grades is made through the training of men- tal powers. The progress of civilization has been accomplished by men of strong men- tality and well disciplined faculties, and there is no vocation which is of so great importance and that imposes so great re- spousilnlity as that of the teacher, whether his work be in the more rudimentary grades or in the broad field of exalted scholarship. Numbered among the able and valued fac- tors in educational work in the state of ilis- souri is Professor Washington Strother Dearmont, who is the honored president of the Missouri State Normal School at Cape Girardeau and whose career in the domain of pedagogic endeavor has been one of sig- nal success. He has proved a most able ad- ministrative officer in his present position, in which also he has found ample scope for the most effective work along scholastic lines. None of the normal schools of the state has a higher reputation than that at Cape Girar- deau and at no period in its history has its standard been higher than under the regime of its present chief executive, who has at all times held the confidence and high re- gard of the student body and who has been able to infuse the utmost enthusiasm into all departments of the work of the institution, by gaining the zealous co-operation of the various members of the corps of instructoi-s and earnest and appreciative application on the part of the students who have availed themselves of the advantages of this admir- able school. Dr. Dearmont finds a due mede of pride and satisfaction in reverting to the historic Old Dominion as the place of his nativity and he is a scion of a family that was founded in that commonwealth in the colon- ial epoch. He was born in Clarke county, Virginia, on the 22d of September, 1859, and is a son of Peter and Mary (Bell) Dear- mont, both of whom were bom and reared in Virginia, the former being of staunch English lineage and the ancestral line of the latter being traced back to staunch Irish stock. Peter Dearmont was a successful agricul- turist in his native state until the ravages of the Civil war wrought disaster to him, as to so many other citizens of Virginia, which was the stage of action on the part of the contending forces for many weary months, as history well records. In 1871 he sought a new field of effort and removed with his family to Holt county, Missouri. There he purchased a farm in the vicinity of Mound City and with the passing of the years he was enabled, through industry and good man- agement, to again gain independence and sub- stantial prosperity, though he did not acquire wealth. He is now venerable in years and is living virtually retired on a farm near Mound City, Holt county, Missouri. His sterling integrity of character has given him the confidence and high regard of his fel- low men and his life has been one of use- fulness and honor in all its relations. He is a staunch advocate of the principles of the Democratic party and his religious faith is that of the Presbjterian church, of which his wife likewise was a zealous member. The latter was summoned to the life eternal in 1900, at the age of sixty-three years, and her memoiy is revered by all who came within the sphere of her gentle influence. Of the children five sons and one daughter attained to yeai-s of maturity, and of the number Dr. Dearmont, of this review, is the eldest. Dr. Dearmont clearly recalls the scenes and incidents of his boyhood days on the old homestead plantation in Virginia, and he is indebted to the conmion schools of his na- tive commonwealth for his rudimentary edu- cational discipline. He was a lad of twelve years at the time of the family removal from Virginia to Holt county, jMissouri where he was reared to adult age under the sturdy and invigorating discipline of the home farm, in the work of which he gave effective assistance, the while he availed himself of the advan- tages of the public schools of the locality and period. His ambition to secure a liberal edu- cation was early quickened and was one of definite action.. The financial resources of his parents were limited and thus he de- pended upon his own exertions in gaining the funds which enabled him to complete his higher academic education. When nineteen 564 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI years of age Dr. Dearmont gained, in a dis- trict school, his first practical experience m the pedagogic profession, and by his con- tinued and effective labors as a teacher in the public schools he provided for the ex- penses of his collegiate courses. In 1880 he was matriculated in the University of Mis- souri, at Columbia, in which he was grad- uated as a member of the class of 1885 and from which he received the degree of Bache- lor of Arts. He continued to teach in the public schools after his graduation and fin- ally completed an effective post-graduate course in his alma mater, the state univer- sity, which confen-ed upon him in 1889 the degree of Master of Arts. For eight years he taught in the schools of Mound City, in his home county, and during the last five years of this period he held the position of prin- cipal. Prom 1893 until 1899 he was super- intendent of the public schools of Kirkwood, St. Louis county, and no better evidence of his success in his chosen profession could be given than that afforded in his selection, in 1899, for his present important office, that of president of the Missouri State Normal School at Cape Girardeau, where his labors have been admirably directed and where he has gained unquestioned distinction and prestige as one of the leading factore in connection with educational activities in the state which has been his home from his boy- hood days and in which he has secure van- tage ground in popular confidence and es- teem. He has made of his profession not a nu'ans to an end but a distinctive vocation which he has deemed worthy of his unequi- vocal devotion, with the result that his suc- cess has been marked and his rewards unstinted in the sense of good accomplished. In recognition of these services, the degree of Doctor of Literature was conferred on him by Westminster College. Subordinating all other interests to the demands of his chosen vocation. Dr. Dear- mont naturally has had no desire to enter the turbulent stream of practical politics, though he takes a broad-minded interest in public affairs and gives his allegiance to the cause of the Democratic part}'. He is a valued member of the Missouri State Teach- ers' Association and many other educational organizations and both he and his wife are zealous and devoted members of the Presby- terian church. He is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias. Dr. and Mrs. Dearmont are valued factors in connection with the l)est social activities of their home city and their influence in this connection is refined and benignant, as is it also in the various other relations of life. Their circle of friends is coincident A^dth that of their acquaintances and their home is a center of gracious hos- pitality. On the 31st of May, 1890, was solemnized the marriage of Professor Dearmont to ]\Iiss Julia Lee McKee, of Mound City, Holt county. Mrs. Dearmont was born at Mary- ville, ilissouri, and is a daughter of Plorace N. and Sarah (Scott) McKee. He now main- tains his home with a daughter at Bigelow, Missouri, and is living retired. The mother died in 1899. Dr. and Mrs. Dearmont have three children, — Russell Lee, Julian Scott and Nelson Strother. Arthur C. Bowman. Prominently identi- fied with a line of business enterprise that ever has important bearing on the civic and material progress and prosperity of any com- munity, Mr. Bowman is one of the leading I'epreseutatives of the real-estate business in the fine section of country to which this his- tory is devoted. He is manager of the South- east Realty Company, of Cape Girardeau, and he has shown marked discriuiination and initiative and administrative ability in di- recting the affairs of this company, whose op- erations have reached a broad scof)e, involving the handling of farm, city and village prop- erties throughout the various sections of southeastern Missouri. Mr. Bowman is a man of ambition and resourceful energy, as has been amply demonstrated in his independent career. He depended upon his own resources in the securing of higher academic education, and became a successful and popular factor in the work of the pedagogic profession, to which he devoted his attention for several years. He is a scion of one of the sterling pioneer families of southeastern Missouri and he has well upheld the prestige of the hon- ored name which he bears. Tims there are many points that render most consonant his recognition in this publication — especially on the score of his being at the present time one of the representative business men of the yoiinger generation in Cape Girardeau, where his circle of friends is coincident witli tiiat of his acquaintances. Arthur Caswell Bowman was born on a HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 565 farm in Lawrence township, Bollinger county, Missouri, on the 2'ith of October, 1880, and is the third in order of birth of the ten children born to Miles W. and Catherine (Snider) Bowman, both of whom were like- wise born and reared in Bollinger county, where the respective families were founded in the early pioneer days. Groves Washington Bowman, the paternal grandfatlier of him whose name initiates this review, was a native of North Carolina and he became one of the early settlers in Bollinger county, in south- eastern Missouri, where he engaged in agri- cultural pursuits and where he passed the residue of his life. He contributed his quota to the development and upbuilding of this favored section of the state and was a niaii who ever commanded unqualified popular es- teem. The lineage of the Bowman family is traced back to staunch Holland Dutch origin and representatives of the name were num- bered among the early settlers of North Car- olina, where they took up their abode in the colonial epoch of our national history. Miles W. Bowman was reared to maturity in Bollinger county and was afforded the ad- vantages of the common schools of the local- ity and period. He was there identified suc- cessfully with agricultural pursuits for many years and for thirty years he also conducted a general mei'chandise store in the little hamlet of Glen Allen. Bollinger county, where he was a citizen of prominence and in- fluence and where he continued to reside un- til about 1894, when he removed to the city of Cape Girardeau, where he has since main- tained liis home and where he is now living virtually retired from active business, lie is a staunch Democrat in his political proclivi- ties and his religious faith is that of the Jleth- odist church, of which his noble wife likewise was a zealous member. Mrs. Bowman was born and reared in Bollinger county, where tier father, the late Josiah Snider, established his home in tlie pioneer days. Mrs. Bowman was summoned to the life eternal in 1895, se- cure in the affectionate regard of all who had come within the sphere of her gentle influ- ence, and of her four sons and six daughters two sons and one daiighter died in childhood. Concerning the .surviving children the follow- ine brief record is entered : Clara is the wife of Will E. Walker, of Timpas. Colorado: Lee L. is a representative member of the bar of Cape Girardeau: Arthur C. is the immediate suhiect of this review : William O. is assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Cape Girardeau ; Mollie C. is the wife of Theodore E. Head, who is engaged in the real-estate business in the city of Dallas, Texas ; May is a popular teacher in the public schools of Timpas, Colorado; and Vesta, who remains with her father, is attending the Normal school of Cape Girardeau. Arthur C. Bowman passed his boyhood days in his native county, where he gained his initial experience in connection with the sturdy discipline of the farm and where he was afforded the advantages of the public schools of the little village of Glen Allen. Later he continued his stuilies in the public schools of Cape Girardeau, and for the pur- pose of securing funds to pursue higher aca- demic .studies he worked on farms and at other occupations during vacation seasons. Thus his ambition was one of definite pur- pose and action, and after completing the ele- mentary course in the Missouri State Nor- mal School at Cape Girardeau, he engaged in teaching in the coimtry schools, to which line of work he devoted his attention for two years, and in connection with which he re- ceived a compensation of forty dollars a month. From this diminutive salary he saved sufficient amount to permit the completion of his regular academic course in the state nor- mal school which he had previously attended and in which lie was graduated as a member of the class of 1902. For one year thereafter he held the position of first assistant principal of the public schools of Sikeston, Scott coiinty. after which he served two years as principal of the high school at Norwood, Wright county. During the following school year he continued his effective pedagogic work, in charge of the grammar department of the Douglas County Normal School. In the meanwhile he had passed about one year in travel through various sections of the Avest. In 1907, believing that otlier fields of en- deavor would afford better opportunities than continued service in the pedagogic ]iro- fession. Mr. Bowman turned his attention to the real-estate business, in which he became associated with his brother Lee L., at Cape Girardeau, under the title of the Bowman Brothers Realty Company. He continued as active manager of the business until Septem- ber, 1910. when he sold his interest in the same to his father, and assumed his present office, that of manager of the Southeast Realty Company. He has made a close study of real-estate values and is an authority in this line, so that he has been mo.st successful 566 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI in his operations iu the handling of realty of all kinds. The company with which he is now identified has built up a large and im- portant business, the ramifications of which extend throughout the various counties of southeastern Missouri, and he is showing marked circumspection and discrimnation in the adminstration of its affairs, the while his sterling character and correct methods have gained to him the implicit confidence of those with whom he has had dealings. He is pro- gressive, alert and aggressive as a business man, and as a citizen is loyal and public- spirited. A man of broad mental ken, and of genial personality, he has gained a wide cir- cle of friends in this section of the state, and has a secure place in the esteem of all who know him. In politics Mr. Bowman accords a staunch allegiance to the cause of the Democratic party and he takes a broad-minded interest in public affairs, especially those of local or- der. He is affiliated with Cape Girardeau Lodge, No. 639, Benevolent & Protective Or- der of Elks, and for two years has been secre- tary of the Commercial Club of Cape Girar- deau. In religion he is a Methodist. Mr. Bowman still remains in the ranks of eligible bachelors and is a popular factor in both Dusiness and social circles in his home city. William Lee Barrett. In the many im- portant lines in which southeastern Missouri has made great strides in the past decade, none is more noteworthy than that of educa- tion, and one of the chief factors in the at- tainment of this supreme benefit is Profes- sor William Lee Barrett, superintendent of the schools of Poplar Bluff, Missouri. He is by no means one content with "letting well enough alone," but is a constant stu- dent of the best educational methods and has succeeded in keeping abreast of the most modern and enlightened thought and im- pressing this upon the schools in his charge. Mr. Barrett was born near Nevada, Story county, Iowa, December 27, 1870, the son of John Thomas and Margaret (Seabold) Bar- rett. He was one of a family of two chil- dren, his only brother, Jesse Cross Barrett, living at Poplar Bluff, ]\Iissouri. He spent his youth in his native county, receiving his preliminary education in the district schools and subsequently matriculating at Drake University, from which institution he was graduated in 1895 with the degree of Bach- elor of Scientific Didactics. Sir. Barrett taught in the district schools of Ringgold county, Iowa, for three years, and iu 1893 assumed the principalship of the Primrose, Iowa, public schools, in which posi- tion he continued until elected superintend- ent of the Birmingham, Iowa, schools in 1896. In 1899 he was chosen principal of the Fort Madison (Iowa) high school, building up one of the most remarkable secondary schools in the state, and continued in that capacity until elected to his present position in 1905, having successfully served in the ensu- ing six years as superintendent of the Poplar Bluff schools. He is well and favorably known not only in this part of the state, but in those sections of Iowa in which he has lived and la- bored as a particularly enlightened instructor and one who ever makes it his object to keep the highest ideals constantly before the mind of the student. He is one of whom it ma.y be said that he was born as well as made to the high calling to which he has chosen to devote his life. Mr. Barrett has taught in summer normals and institutes for years and attends regu- larly the district, state and many of the na- tional educational associations. He is at the present time a memlier of the state educa- tional council and also of the executive com- mittee of the State Teachers' Association. Mr. Barrett is a member of the Christian chui'ch, and is one of the most valued and useful of its members, serving at the pres- ent time as Bible school superintendent and member of the church board. He is a loj'al i\Iason and exemplifies in his life those ideals of moral and social justice and brotherly love for which the order stands. He is a member of several of the Slasonic orders and has served in several official capacities. He belongs to the R. R. Y. M. C. A. and is at the present time a member of the local board of directors. Mr. Barrett established a happy household by his maiTiage. on August 11, 1902, to Bertha E. Lightfoot, of Fort ]\Iadison, Iowa, their two young sons, John Willis and Paul Burdette, having been born September 4, 1909, and May 30, 1911, respectively. Profes- sor and Mrs. Barrett are highly esteemed members of society and play a useful part in the many-sided life of the community to whose interests they are signally loyal. William L. Tucker. Talented and cul- tured, William L. Tucker, of Bloomfield, pro- HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 567 bate judge for Stoddard county, has won pres- tige as an attorney-at-law and has been an im- portant factor in i^roinoting the highest inter- ests of town and county, his influence having been especially marked in educational affairs. He was born January 31, 1871, in Shelby county, Indiana, and was educated, princi- pally, in Ohio, completing his eai-ly studies at the National Normal University at Lebanon and taking a special course under Professor Albert Holbrook, a noted educator. Mr. Tucker subsecjuently taught school three j'ears in Indiana, from there coming, in April, 1895, to Stoddard county, Missouri, where he continued his pedagogical labors for five years, teaching first at Advance, then at Idalia, and later being for two years princi- pal of the Bloomfield Public School. He was really the founder of the Bloomfield High School as it now stands, having systematized the course of study, introduced new methods, and having secured as its first superintendent one of his classmates in the Ohio Normal Uni- versity, Professor I. H. Hughes, an able and progressive teacher, who did much to elevate the standard of the school, placing it on a high plane of achievement. While teaching Mr. Tucker began reading law, and after his admission to the Missouri bar, in 1900, was associated with the well known Judge Thomas Connellcy. He made a specialty of laws relating to real estate and land titles, becoming an authority on lands and on drainage, and for ten years carried on a fine civil practice. Being elected judge of probate, ilr. Tucker assumed the duties of his office on January 1, 1911, and is performing them with characteristic ability and fidelity. Politically Mr. Tucker is prominent in the Democratic ranks, and in addition to being aetive in campaign work has served as a dele- gate to judicial, congressional and state con- ventions. He has rendered efficient service both on the local school board and in the city council. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; of the Modern Woodmen of America; and of the Knights of Pythias, in which he is especially aetive in lodge work. Mr. Tucker married, in Bloomfield, in 1897, Minnie Cone, a successful school teacher ancl a half-sister of Ralph Wammack. Mr. and ]\Irs. Tucker have five children living, namely : Vivian, Kent, Ralph, William L. and Evange- line. Mrs. Tucker is a woman of culture and refinement, and a consistent member of the Baptist church. Hon. James L. Fort. Bringing to the practice of his profession a well trained mind and habits of industry, which have won for him genuine success, Judge James L. Fort, of Dexter, for twelve years judge of the Twenty-second judicial circuit, took his seat upon the bench exceptionally well ecjuipped for its duties, not only by scholarship and ability, but by natural gifts and temper- ament, and his wise decisions in various cases of importance have had a permanent bear- ing upon the development of Southeastern ilissouri. A native of Illinois, Judge Fort was born February 18, 1854, in Johnson county, where he received his rudimentary education. Judge Fort comes of a family whose tradi- tions date back to the early history of Vir- ginia and Maryland. According to the tales handed down from father to son the family was founded in this country by three brothers who came over from Ireland and settled in these two states. The paternal great-grand- father of Judge Fort was a native of Vir- ginia, who had crossed the mountains and set- tled in Kentucky as a planter at a very early day. He settled in Christian county, and there his son Garrie was born. Garrie Fort be- came a planter and spent the whole of his life in Kentucky, though he never became very prosperous. He married Miss Condor, and died during middle age, while his wife survived him many years, dying at the age of seventy- five. The father of Judge Fort was ilears P. Fort and was born in Christian county, Kentucky. There he was reared and there he married, removing to Johnson county, Illi- nois, in 1853. He became a farmer, and pur- sued that occupation up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1882, when he was fifty-eight years of age. His wife was Anna Hester, who was a native of Virginia. Her father was James Hester, and her mother's maiden name was Keaton. Both of them were natives of Virginia, and they removed to Kentucky in 1837. There, in Trigg county, they settled, and the husband became a planter. Mrs. Fort and her husband were the parents of twelve children, five of whom are living today. She lived to be seventy- four years old, dying in 1898. Migrating to Stoddard county. ^Missouri, in February, 1880, James L. Fort taught school during the long winter seasons, and worked on the farm during seed time and harvest, for four years. In 1884 he began reading law, and in 1886, soon after his admission to the 568 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI Missoiu-i bar. was elected prosecuting at- torney of Stoddard county. In this capacity he won a fine reputation for professional knowledge and skill, and when, in 1898, he was nominated for .judge of the Twenty-sec- ond judicial circuit he was elected over his Republican opponent by a plurality of votes amounting to nearly five thousand, nine hun- dred. This circuit consisted at that time of Carter, Ripley, Butler, Stoddard and Dun- klin counties. In 1901 the legislature placed Carter county in another circuit, and in 1904 a new circuit, which included Ripley and Butler counties, alone, was made, and two remaining counties constituting the Twenty- second judicial circuit since that time. On the 1st of January, 1899, Judge Fort assumed the duties of his new office, and during the ensuing twelve years served his constituents ably and faithfully, the truth of facts and the principles of law involved in the cases brought to his notice seldom eluding his keen perceptions, while justice was ever the constant motive of his wise decisions. The twelve years that Judge Fort was on the bench formed one of the most important periods in the history of Stoddard county and of Southeastern Missouri. During that time t the great drainage system that is such an im- portant factor in increasing the property value of this region was successfully inaugu- rated, and many legal ciuestions arising from its development were adjudicated before him, his rulings thereon being invariably wise and just. Many important criminal eases were likewise tried before Judge Fort, he having been called upon at different times to pass sentence upon men convicted of capital crimes. In tlie well remembered case of the Illinois and Missouri Bridge Company versus Smith, the new question of the right of the bridge company to construct beyond the point where the bridge proper touched solid ground at grade above high water mark, came before the Judge, who decided that no such right existed. The supreme court reversed the de- cision by a divided court, but in a trial for damages for land taken for such a purpose a jury, under Judge Fort's instructions, awarded $10,000 for damages sustained, and the award was also allowed by both the State Supreme Court and the United States Su- preme Court. In 1908 Judge Fort, at the earnest solici- tations of his friends, became a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of Missouri, his platform being one of the best and cleanest ever constructed, its three prin- cipal planks having been as follows: "Ag- gressive honesty in public affairs; strict en- forcement of all laws ; and suppression of the liquor traffic by constitutional prohibition." He made a vigorous campaign, which re- sulted in the Democratic platform coming out very strong for local option. On January 1, 1911, Judge Fort retired from his position as Judge, and has since been prosperously engaged in the practice of his chosen profession at Dexter, where he has an extensive and lucrative clientele. Progressive and iDublic spirited, lie lends his influence towards the establishment of benefi- cial projects, I)eing in favor of the good roads movement, and in advancement in every line of improvements, believing firmly in a won- derful future for Stoddard county, the "Gar- den Spot" of Jlissouri. Judge Fort was married on the 2nd of August. 1874, to ^liss Lizzie Whitesides, a native of Johnson county, Illinois. She is a daughter of John S. and Peinnina (Harrel) Whitesides, and she was reared and educated in her native county. Her mother was a na- tive of Johnson county, and her father was born in the state of Kentucky and came to Illi- ■ nois during pioneer daj's, becoming a wealthy farmer. Jixdge and Mrs. Fort have had seven children : Anna is the wife of Byron Cham- ])ion. of Dexter; "Will J. lives in Dexter; Can- dace married Judge Green, of Bloomfield. Missouri : Gertrude lives at home ; Myrtle died at the age of three ; "Winifred married J. E. Mulvey. of St. Louis; and Reverdy, the youngest, is still at home. Both the Judge and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. South. William C. Stady, postmaster at Essex and mayor of the city, is a man who by his untiring efforts and indomitable energy has done much toward the improvement and ad- vancement of the city, and has alwa.vs availed himself of the advantages of his position as a public man to influence the people to act for the liest interests of the community. A native of ^Missouri, he was born January 20, 1871. in Bollinger county, and was there reared on a farm. His father. Christian Stady, was born in Germany, while his mother, whose maiden name was IMary Miller, was born in America, of German parentage. Leaving home on attaining his majority, "William C. Stady worked out by the month HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 569 for a time, and was afterwards engaged in general farming on his own account until 1903. Locating then in Essex, he was clerk in the store of William J. IIux, continuing in mercantile pursuits for several years. Be- ing appointed postmaster at Essex on March 20, 1909, Mr. Stady assumed charge of the ofSce about two weeks later, on April 7, suc- ceeding the former postmaster, James R. Grant, who had been forced to resign the position on account of ill liealth. He has since devoted himself carefully to the duties devolving upon him in this capacity, having charge, in addition to the local service, of one star route going out from the Essex office. Mr. Stady has ever evinced a warm in- terest in the promotion of the leading in- terests of town and county, and has served three years in the village Council, and is now a member of the Board of Education, and with his fellow-associates has done good work, the public schools of Essex being exception- ally fine for a town of its size. In April, 1911, Mr. Stady was elected mayor, and is not only pushing the improvements already inaugurated, including the laying of cement walks, but has paid off the indebtedness of the town and has money credited to the village in the local bank. Mr. Stady has been twice married. He married first, in Bollinger county, jMarj' A. Henderson, who died in early womanhood, leaving one child. Mettle M. Mr. Stady mar- ried for his second wife, in Stoddard county. Electa E. Page, and to them three children have been born, namely: j\Ierrill, Lillian and Kathleen. Fraternally ]\Ir. Stady is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; and of Essex Lodge, No. 705, A. F. & A. M., in which he has passed all the chairs excepting that of worthy master. Mrs. Stady is a woman of devout Christian prin- ciples, and a member of the Methodist Epis- copal church. William Henry Miller, one of the most .successful lawyers in southeastern Missouri is also president of the Southeast Missouri Tnist Company at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The men of his acquaintance are so accus- tomed to thinking of him as being away up at the top notch that they almost forget that he was not born that way. We fall into or climb up to close fitting positions in the ac- tivities of life, according to our varying sizes and values. All cannot be generals; most of us find our places in the ranks of soldiers. In either capacity there is full incentive for our best endeavors as well as fitting recompense for the highest grade of service. Civiliza- tions in their early stages maintained a premium on brawn and perseverance. As they grow older physical supremacy gives wa.y to intellectual. America is rapidly emerging from the rule of muscular force and untutored intelligence to the sway of trained minds. In this age men who labor are val- ued by the amount of cash they can produce. The amount of wealth is largely governed by the intelligence brought to bear upon it. ]\Ir. Miller has produced and is producing cash. He has acquired and is acquiring prominence amongst the men who know. This condition has not been brought about by accident, but is due to Mr. Miller's natural abilities and his unbounded capacity for work. William Henry ]\liller was born in Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, September 28, 1856. His grandfather, Henry Miller, was a native of North Carolina and he came to Cape Girardeau county in 1808, locating on a farm twenty miles west of Cape Girardeau. He was one of the pioneers of the county and saw it grow from a collection of scattered hamlets into the cities and towns of which it is now composed. The Miller family orig- inally came from Germany and were early settlers in North Carolina. Andrew Miller, son of Henry and father of William Henry, was born December 20, 1825, on the farm in Cape Girardeau county, on which his father first located on his arrival in Cape Girardeau county. The farm is situated near Millers- town, which was named in his honor. He is now eighty-six years old and has spent his entire life on the farm, first where he was born and later on his wife's farm, where he now lives. He married and later managed the farm on which his wife was born and where he now lives. She died in 1856, the year that her son William Henry was born. Of her three sons and one daughter who all grew to maturity, only two are living now, William Henry and his brother E. S. who is a farmer. AVilliam Henry Miller's boyhood days were spent on the farm on which his motlier was born, adjoining the fann on which his father was born and where his grandfather lived. He attended the public schools of his district until he was eighteen years of age, when he spent two years at the Southeastern Normal School. He then determined to become a lawyer and to that end he entered the state 570 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI university and graduated from the law de- partment in 1879, immediately commencing the practice of law. He located at Jackson. Mis.souri, and became the first president of the Cape Girardeau County Savings Bank at Jackson, Missouri. For fourteen years he was attorney for the Cotton Belt Railroad and was also attorney for the Southern Illi- nois and Missouri Bridge Company at the time of its organization. He still holds this office. He served four years as member of the state board of law examiners of ilissouii He is a director of the street railway com- pany. October 5, 1881, was a notable one with him, as on that day was solemnized his mar- riage with Elizabeth Bollinger Welling a na- tive of Jackson, Missouri. One son was born to this union, Julien Gale, who followed law as his profession and is now practicing in Cape Girardeau. William Henry ililler is a member of the Masonic order, is a Knight Templar and also a Shriner. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks in which or- ganization he is past excellent ruler. Mr. Miller is still president of the bank in Jack- son, having held that office since 1893. There is now a capital of fifty thousand dollars in the bank with sixty-five thousand dollars sur- plus. He is also president of the Southeast Missouri Trust Company, which has a paid up -capital of five hundred thousand dollars, and one of the directors of the Sturdivant Bank, being chairman of the discount com- mittee. He is a loyal member of the Demo- cratic party, but has never desired public office. As a life long resident of .southeast- ern Missouri it is natural that he should be intensely interested in any enterpri.se that affects the welfare of his native state. He has made a decided success of his life, both finan- cially and from a higher standpoint, for he has been of use to his fellow men. He is a citizen of whom the eountj'' is proud and one whom it delights to honor. Alexander Thomas Douglass, who was at the head of the family in Dunklin county, was a native of Virginia. He was born in Bedford county in that state April 5. 1811. being the son of Robert Henry and Permelia (Noel) Douglass. The family was originally from Scotland and it seems that the second "s" in the name was added in this country to distinguish different branches of the family. The children of Robert Henrv' and Permelia Douglass besides Alexander Thomas, were Louvina, who became the wife of a man named Penny in Callaway county, Kentucky; Cath- erine, who married Matthew Seuter of Ten- nessee and removed to Southeast JMissouri; and Alfred Hill Douglass, who afterward lived in Cheatham county, Tennessee. Alexander T. Douglass was married at Mos- cow, Kentucky, to Elizabeth Mott in 1838. The entire family moved from Virginia to Montgomery county, Tennessee, in 1830. At various times they lived near Fulton, near Union City, Tennessee and in Callaway count.y, Kentuckj'. The family was related to the Callaways in whose honor Callaway county was named. While living in Kentucky they were associated with the family of Daniel Boone and at one time Sue Callaway, a cousin of Alexander T. Douglass, and Daniel Boone's daughter ilay, were captured by the Indians and after a thrilling pursuit were rescued. In 1850 the family consisting of father, mother and children moved to Dunklin county where they engaged in farming, the land which was settled by them was near the site of the present town of Caruth. Mr. Douglass made his home at this place until the time of his death in 1876. Dunklin county was at this time a frontier county. The first settlers were still living and the population was exceedingly small ; conditions of life were hard in many respects; but ilr. Douglass was a bold, vigorous, hardy, and enterprising man and soon accumulated a competence. He was held in the highest respect and confidence by his neighbors, and, while never a politician or candidate for office, was appointed to positions of trust, at one time being made a s|)eeial commissioner for the sale of county lands and at another time being vested with authority to adjust certain difficult matters in the early history of the county. In person he was a tall well pro- portioned man of commanding presence and bearing and possessed a wonderful strength and power of endurance ; he died in 1876, as previously stated, from an attack of erysip- elas. His wife, Elizabeth Mott, was born in Ken- tucky, June 12, 1821. Her family was one of the pioneer families of that state and many of its members are still living there. One of her sisters, Mrs. W. H. Helm, lives at Ken- nett. Mrs. Douglass died at Senath, Febru- ary 1, 1899. To Mr. and Mrs. Douglass there were born the following children: Rev. < O D O H < S Q < S^^,9?o. '^.i'l-t^^^^t^ HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 571 R. H. Douglass, who died at Cariith iu 1904; William, who died as a young raau ; J. j\l. aud A. W. of Seuath; Mrs. Hettie Satterfield of Helena, Arkansas; Mrs. Jennie Lawson of Cape Girardeau; Mrs. C. P. McDaniel and Mrs. Lucy Baird of Senath. Judge James M. Douglass, of Senath, Missouri, was born in Fulton county, Ken- tucky, October 27, 1847. He is the" son of Alexander T. and Elizabeth (Mott) Douglass He came with his parents to Dunklin county in the year 1850. The family set- tled on Grand Prairie, not far from the site of the present town of Caruth. DunkJiu county was only spai-sely settled at that time aud tlie life was. largely that of a frontier country. Schools were few then and opportunities for education wei'e very limited. Pioneer life is \\c.nderfull.y stimulating to both body and mind, however, and it is alwa.vs true that some education may be had under the most adverse circumstances. The boy who desires to learn finds some way opened to him. It was true in this case. He had always a desire for an education and a just appreciation of its importance. This led him to take advan- tage of such schools as were afforded and to pursue his studies at home. Thus, in spite of the limitations of early life, he was able to acquire a business ediication, being a life-long student, and is a well informed man. His principal occupation has been that of a farmer and stock raiser, although he has always been interested in other things as well. In 1879 he was elected countv asses- sor, and made a very careful study of prop- erty values. The assessment he made was ac- cordingly one of the fairest and best ever made in the county. A few years later he was elected a member of the county court, serving two terms of two years each. Here his well known good judgment and his knowl- edge of conditions in the county made his services especially valuable to the people. Since the expiration of his term of office he has never been a candidate for other official positions, but he has always maintained an intelligent interest in politics. He was one of the organizers of the Cotton Exchange Bank of Kennett and served as its president for five years. At the expiration of tliat time he assisted in the organization of the Citizens Bank of Senath, serving as its president until he was forced to spend some years away from the county on account of his health. He is now president of the Bank of Senath. His business operations have enabled him to accumulate a competency, and he owns several hundred acres of fertile farm land. Judge Douglass moved to Senath in 1881, before it was dignified by the name of "town." At that time the present site of the town of Senath was a dense forest, and many are the changes which he has seen worked in that place. He has been one of the foremost men of the town of Senath since its organiza- tion many years ago, and has contributed his full quota toward the growth and upbuilding of the town, much of the credit for the pres- ent standing of Senath as a thriving aud prosperous community of i-ight belonging to Judge Douglass. Ou Christmas day, 1881, he was married to Miss Belle Plielan, a daughter of William G. and Belle (Randol) Phelan. The father of Mrs. Douglass was a native of Irelaud. hav- ing been educated there for the Catholic priesthood, but became a lawyer instead of taking holy orders, and for many years prac- ticed law in southeast Missouri. The mother was a member of the Randol family of Scott county, one of the oldest aud best known fam- ilies in the state. Judge Douglass and his wife are the par- ents of five children : J. Mott, who is a mem- ber of the drug firm of Bradley & Dougla.ss at Senath ; Thomas G., who is superintendent of schools at Senath ; Miss Frances, a teacher in the Senath schools; Allen M., who is a consulting chemist, now located in Mid- land, ]\Iichigan ; and Margaret, a student in the State Normal School at Cape Girardeau. The Judge is an aetiA^e member of the Bap- tist church, and fraternally is a Mason. Gilbert Owen Nations was born iu Perry county, Missouri, on August 18, 1866. His father, James W. Nations, fought under the stars and stripes in the Civil war as a pri- vate in Company F, Fiftieth ]\Iissouri Vol- unteer Infantry, and after the close of the war he engaged in the milling business, taught school and did considerable survey- ing and civil engineering, having held the office of county surveyor of Ste. Genevieve county, IMissouri, for eight years. In 1861 James W. Nations was married to Miss Caro- line L. Hart, of Perry county, Missouri. Of this union seven children were born, five of whom, including the subject of this sketch, are living. Gilbert grew up amid the rugged hills of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Ste. Genevieve county, where his parents made their home in his early childhood, lie- sides the indifferent educational advantages then ofl'ered in the rural schools of that neigh- borhood, he did much systematic home study ; and at the age of ten years he had gained considerable notoriety among the neighbors on account of his attainments in arithmetic, geography and other common-school branches of study. In his eighteenth year he entered the State Normal School at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and completed the sophomore year in ten months. After teaching in the jtuldic schools of home county a few terms he be- came a student in the National Normal Uni- versity at Lebanon, Ohio, then under the presidency of Alfred Holbrook, and com- pleted the course in the College of Science. Returning to Missouri, he resumed the work of teaching in the public schools, holding the superintendency of schools for several years successively at Crystal City and at Farm- ington. On December 6, 1886, he was married to .Aliss Sarah E. McFarland, of Coffmau, Mis- souri. Their oldest ciiild, Heber, is a grad- uate of the Cape Girardeau State Normal School and is married and engaged in the real estate business at Flat River. ^Missouri. Heber is twenty-two yeai-s younger than his father. Six younger children, Zora. aged twenty; Gustavus, aged eighteen; Myrtle, aged fifteen ; Paul, aged twelve ; Florence, aged ten, and Carl, aged seven, complete the family circle of Judge Nations and his esti- mable wife in their delightful home in Farm- ington. The entire family except Carl, are members of the Christian church, in Avhich the Judge has been an elder for nearly twenty years. In 1894 the subject of this sketch was ex- amined by the State Superintendent of Public Schools, assisted by the faculty of the War- rensliurg State Normal School, and was given a first grade state teacher's certificate, valid for life. He also passed successfully the ex- amination given by the City Superintendent of Schools of St. Louis to those applying for prineipalships in that city, besides complet- ing a year of regular post-graduate work at Hiram College for which he was awarded an appropriate degree. While teaching at Farmington he studied law and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1902. In the same year the Republican party nominated him for the office of pro- liate .iudge, and he was elected by nearly a hundred majority, though the county went Democratic by nearl.y three hundred major- ity. No other Republican nominee had then carried the county- in thirty years. At the close of his term he was renominated and re- elected in the face of a substantial Demo- cratic majority. In his habits and tastes. Judge Nations is a commoner. He stands uncompromisingly for clean politics and the rights of the peo- ple. He is opposed to the control of our polities and institutions by predatory wealth. While favoring the principles of the Repub- lican party, he believes it to be the duty of voters to favor the election of the men who are honest and capable and who will render the best service to the public. As a lawyer he is rapidly gaining an enviable reputation and is building up a clean and lucrative practice. Those who know him be- lieve intensely in his personal and profes- sional honesty. An elociuent and forceful public speaker, he has become one of the most influential men in southeast ^Missouri. Will JMayfield College at Marble Hill, ^Missouri, is one of the favorably-known, care- fully conducted and enlightened institutions of learning of the state. It is the outcome of what was formerly kno'mi as the May- field-Smith Academv and was founded in 1878 by W. H. Mayfield and Dr. Smith, at Sedgewickville, Missouri. In 1880 the school was moved to ]\Iarble Hill and chai-tered. Professor T. W. Tate was the first principal in charge of the school at Sedgewickville and twenty-two pupils were enrolled in 1878 and 1879. Elder A. M. Johnson was the first prin- cipal at Marble Hill in 1880 and 1881. The school was successively under the ad- ministration of Di-s. Graham, Graves, Dob- bins. ]\Iingo and F. J. Ileudershot, until 1903. when it was re-chartered as the Will ^Mayfield College. It has now at its head that excellent educator. Professor A. F. Hend- ricks, of whom further mention is made in the Hendricks biography on other pages of this work. The school has been fostered and supported by the ^lis.sionary Baptist of South-Eastern ilissouri Associations. In 1877 plans were projected by ilessrs. Shurtleft", ]\Iercer, Jew- ell and ^layfield for the founding of the school. On February 10, 1878, a fund of one thousand one hundred dollars was pro- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 573 vided by Elder H. P. Toug;, district mission- ary, and another fund or addition to the former, reaching the amount of one thousand four hundred doHars, was provided at Big Creek by the St. Francois Association, in September, 1878, and a committee consisting of W. H. Mayfield, J. Q. A. Whitener, and E. E. Graham was selected to effect an or- ganization and select a site. The first board of trustees consisted of the following gentlemen : J. Frank Sitze, W. H. aia.vfield, E. P. Settle, Alexander Jen- nings, H. M. Williams and AVilliam Spark- man. Those zealous in fostering the college were : W. 11. Mayfield, F. M. Wells, J. Frank Sitze, A. J. Mayfield, II. F. Tong, E. L. Graham, Francis Graham, Henry Cheek,i • Enoch Robertson, F. C. Shell, J. Q. A. Whitener, J. W. Revelle. J. C. Heinbrey and E. R. Graham. F. M. Wells is president of the present board of trustees, and -Jesse A. McGlothlin, seei-ctaiy. The college is supported entirely by tui- tion and the Baptists of South-Eastem Mis- souri. The Baptists of sixteen counties are interested and students are drawn from the surrounding counties. Under a re-charting clause recently enacted, it is impossible for the college to remain in debt, and it is thus placed upon a remarkably firm financial foundation. A large and attractive boarding- hall (Rosemont Hall) in charge of Mrs. Hendricks will house thirty-six girl students comfortabl.y. Professor W. A. Devault is vice-president of the college and a faculty of seven teachers is employed. Two degrees are conferred, namel.v: Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts. Twenty-three graduates were re- ported for the year 1911 and one hundred and seventy students were continuously en- rolled in 1910-1911. Strong departments of music and elocution are maintained in the institution, thus sending forth an appeal to students so inclined. A high moral training is an important feature, the methods of the college proceeding on the thought that mo- rality in the best sense can be taught only through the inculcation of high ideals eon- stantl.v kept before the minds of the student. The college buildings, which are commodi- ous structures, are situated on a commanding wooded height, and are situated in a health- ful locality, excellent drinking water of the mineral sort similar to that obtained from the Marble Hill mineral well furnishinsr a strong recommendation to parents to whom the health of their sons and daughters is dear. Professor A. F. Hendricks. There is no profession open to man so fraught with equal responsibility and opportunity to serve the race as that of the educator, for in equip- ping the young for their work in life he has somehow to combine all professions, and in the greater number of individuals that pass through his hands at the most pliant periods of their careers, he holds the responsibility for the mental, moral, and physical vigor of each recurring "next generation." One of the educators of southeastern filissouri w^hose calibre justifies his high calling is Professor A. P. Hendricks, the president of Mayfield College. He is a man in whom high ideals and exceptional vision are happily united with a broad exj^erience and keen sense of practical values, a combination of qualities needed but rarely found in the field of education. Professor A. P. Hendricks was born Feb- ruary 1, 1870, in James county, Tennessee, the son of Nathan and Mary J. Hendricks. His father was a skilled mechanic, and both the parents, knowing the inestimable value of a thorough education, were vastl.y inter- ested that their son should enjoj' its benefits. After having finished his preparatory work in the public schools of Birchwood, Tennessee, the son attended the seminai-y at Shumach, Georgia, and then went to Daj^ton Univer- sity in Tennessee. Following that Professor Hendricks went to the Valparaiso Universit.y, at Valparaiso, Indiana, graduating there in the class of 1904. He returned the next year and took post-graduate work in the same col- lege. In the year 1906 his desire to be thor- oughly prepared for his life work led him to t-ake graduate work in the Universit.v of Chicago. In his career as an educator Pro- fessor Hendricks has been in many places. In 1905-1907 he was principal of the Lutes- ville .schools. His first teaching was done in 1893, in Hamilton county, Tennessee, and he had charge of the Morgantown schools for three years, following by two years at the head of the Dayton city schools. In 1907 he was elected to the presidency of Will May- field College, and his incumbency of this of- fice has been such as to bring honor both on himself and on the institution whose policies he directs. Since his advent, an addition to 574 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the college buildings has been made at a cost of six thousand dollars, and the annual repoi't shows an attendance of one hundred and seventy students, in all departments, the academic course of four years and the col- lege departments, both the scientific and the classical courses. "Will Mayfield College is under the control of the Saint Francis Association of the three counties. It is supported in its running ex- penses by the tuitional fees. Under its new charter, recently obtained in the place of the original charter, it is not allowed to in- cur any indebtedness, so that the college is now on a solid financial basis. All the build- ings and rooms have been repaired, and all are furnished complete. The college confers two degrees, B. S. and A. B. In 1911 there were twenty-three academic graduates and two graduates from the college receiving the degree of B. S., and there were seven teachers on the instructing corps. Besides its regular curriculum, Will Mayfield College has a de- partment of music and of elocution. Its dor- mitory, of which ill's. Hendricks has charge, can accommodate thirty-six girl students. The personnel of the student body is made up largely of residents of Bollinger and ad- joining counties. President Hendricks holds both the degrees of B. S. and A. ]\I. He is also one of the members of the Southeastern ilissouri Educational Association. Much might be said of Professor Hendricks' work as president. It is certain that the college is establishing a reputation of which ]\Iarble Hill may well be proud. His efforts are building up the institution, and the annual attendance has steadily increased since his advent. On September 22, 1897, was solemnized the marriage of Professor Hendricks to !Miss Dora Pence, of Ellijay, Gilmer county, Georgia. She is a daughter of L. B. and Lydia Pence, and was reared and educated in the Cracker state. Their marriage was celebrated in Dayton, Tennessee. Professor and Mrs. Hendricks have no children. jMrs. Hendricks has entire charge of Rosemont Hall, the students' dormitory. Fraternally Professor Hendricks is affil- iated with the Ancient Free and Accepted ilasons. the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, the Knights of Pj'thias and the jModern Woodmen of America. Both he and his wife are devout members of the Baptist church. Hon. Sterling H. McCaett. Prominent among the representative la-wyers and pub- lic men of southeastern Missouri stands Sterling H. McCarty, member of the law firm of Duncan & McCarty, of Caruthersville, ilis- souri, one of the strong combinations of legal talent in this section. He has also had an opportunity to "give a taste of his quality" as a legislator, having been elected to repre- sent Pemiscot county in the forty-sixth gen- eral assembly of the state of ilissouri. He belongs not to the class of modern politicians whose sole aim seems to be self-advancement, but gives his time and energies for the good of his fellow men and for securing wise legis- lation that Anil benefit the entire state. In politics he is of stanch Democratic convic- tions and has ever proved ready to do any- thing, to go anywhere to support the cause of the party to which he pins his faith. ]\Ir. ilcCarty is a native of Kentucky, his liirth having occurred in Henderson county, Januarv 8, 1876, the son of John and Belle (Hicks) McCarty. His identification with ilissouri dates from 1889, when the family removed to this state. He was educated pri- marily in the common schools and subse- quently entered the normal school at Cape Girardeau. Later he was appointed a cadet at the United States Xaval Academy at Ann- apolis. IMaryland, where he had the advantage of its splendid discipline. In the meantime having come to the conclusion to adopt the law as his profession, he entered the law de- partment of Washington Univei'sity at St. Louis, ^Missouri, and graduated with the de- gree of LL. B. When it came to engaging in the active practice of the profession for which he is so eminently well fitted, he de- cided upon Caruthersville and here his ca- reer has been of the most satisfactory char- acter. The Hon. Mr. McCarty has had military experience, as well as naval, having enlisted and served as a volunteer dui-ing the Span- ish-American war, as a member of Company C, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. He taught his first school when eighteen years of age, in Stoddard county, Missouri, and in 1901 was elected county school commissioner of Pemiscot county, being at the time super- intendent of the Hayti (Jlissouri) schools. He has been honored in his professional life and served as .judge of the probate court of Pemiscot county from October, 1904, to HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 010 January 1, 1911. His election to the state legislature from Pemiscot county occurred in November, 1910. He took an active part in the session, being chairman of the commit- tee on constitutional amendments and per- manent seat of government ; served as house chairman of the committee to investigate the fish and game department; as a member of the committee on elections; and the commit- tee on wills and probate law. Jlr. McCarty is a i^opular and prominent lodge man, being a thirty-second degree Ma- son and a member of the Eastern Star, and a member of the JModern Woodmen of Amer- ica, of the Elks and the Redmen. He has not yet become a recruit to the Benedicts and maintains his residence in Carutheri5ville. William Arthur Cooper. One of the ris- ing young attorneys of Washington county is William Arthur Cooper, whose brilliant gifts and definite achievements thus early in life presage a career of more than usual usefulness and honor. He has for several years held the office of prosecuting attorney and is one of the leaders of local Republican- ism, being one of the most loyal and un- swerving of the adherents of the "Grand Old Party." I\Ir. Cooper was born May 26. 1882, on a farm in the western part of Washing- ton county. His father, William Cooper, was an Ohioan and was the son of Eugeneous W. Cooper, who was a fisherman and collier by trade, a Republican in politics and a member of tlie Baptist church. At about the time William reached his majority he left the parental roof-tree and came to ilissouri, where he purchased a farm and took his place among the state's agriculturists. He was married April 16, 1881, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Crump, of Washington county, daughter of Pendall F. Crump and Margeline (nee San- ders) Cramp, and their two sons are Wil- liam Arthur and Claude Pendall. He has continued engaged in farming throughout his life and also acted as postmaster at Brazil for a number of years, meeting the duties of the office with all faithfulness. He is Re- publican in politics and in his religious views he is of the Baptist persuasion. " Although he is interested in public affairs and gives heart and hand to all measures likely to re- sult in general welfare, he is by no means an office seeker. He and his vAte reside on the old homestead farm in the vicinity of Brazil. William A. Cooper, prosecuting attorney of Washington county received his early education in the common schools and sub- seqiiently attended the Steelville Normal School. He taught school for about four years. Jleanwhile, however, he came to the decision to make the law his life work and studied for the profession under the tutor- ship of Judge E. M. Bearing, of Potosi, and Hon. A. L. Reeves, of Steelville. He was admitted to the bar in 1904 and shortly there- after hung up his professional shingle at Potosi and there entered upon his practice, in a short time winning the confidence and clientage of his fellow townsmen. He was recognized as of the proper material for of- fice and served one term as justice of the peace ; he was also alderman and city clerk of Potosi and his services in those capacities made appropriate his appointment })y Gov- ernor Hadley (October 1, 1909) to the office of prosecuting attorney to fill the unexpired term of S. G. Nipper, resigned. In the fol- lowing year he was elected to the same of- fice on the Repiiblican ticket. In this office he has won remarkable distinction as an able lawyer and an efficient officer. On October 23, 1904, Mr. Cooper was united in marriage to Miss Ii-ene Blount, of Palmer, the lady of his choice. They have one daughter, Helen Mary. Mr. Cooper is not a member of any church, although a strong supporter of the cause of Christianity. His wife and child are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. South. Professor Frederick Arthur Culmer. One of the valued members of the faculty of Marvin College is Professor Frederick Ar- thur Culmer, Ph. B., LL. B., A. M., who holds the chair of English and History in that institution of learning. He is looked upon as one of the most talented and en- lightened of the educators of this section of the state and he is also a clergyman of the Methodist Bpiscoj^al church. South. He first assumed his professorship in Marvin College in 1907, continued through that year; was again appointed in 1910, and has been but recently appointed for continued service. Professor Culmer was born in the county of Kent, England. December 2, 1883, the son of Geoi'ge Culmer, gentleman, now retired 576 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI for many years, and his wife, whose maiden name was Nellie Brenchley. The family is one of the oldest and most dignified in En- gland, its history having been traced back to 862 A. D. A part of the family, which is of Danish origin, removed to Holland in some jiolitical crisis and in that country the spelling of the name has been changed to Kulmer. Professor Culmer received a high school edu- cation in his native countrj' and at the age of twenty came to America, via Canada. In course of time he found his way to Knob Lick, Saint Francois county, Missouri, and there worked for a short time in a stone quarry. Although so young a man, he had already been active in church work as an exhorter and he now and then, after com- ing to the state, engaged in this. He was at first content with very humble positions and for some time drove a delivery wagon for the J. T. Evans department store at Elvins, Missouri. He continued thus em- ployed until the meeting of the district con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal church, at Oak Ridge, Missouri, when he was licensed to preach. He then filled the pulpit at Ar- cadia until the annual conference of the cluireli at DeSoto, Missouri. Subsecpient to tliat he accepted a home with Rev. T. W. Shannon, of Fredericktown, his duties in the household being to care for the consei-vatory and grounds. Meantime he attended Marvin College for two years, and his ability and character were so apparent that in the third year he was offered the position of assistant instructor of mathematics, while at the same time pursuing his studies. In 1907 he was graduated with the Ph. B. degree, and in the ensuing year was elected to the chair of mathematics. In the year subsequent h(; took a special course in theology at Vander- bilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and the next year mati-iculated at Morrisville Col- lege, where he pursued studies and at the same time taught English. In 1909-10 he accepted a call as pastor of the Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, South, of Rich Hill, Missoiiri. His pastorate there Avas of the most successful and satisfactory char- acter, and during it the present beautiful church was erected at a cost of twenty thou- sand dollars. Desiring to resume his career as a college instructor. Professor Culmer was proffered and accepted the chair of English and Historv at i\Iarvin College, and he is at the present time the incumbent of the same. He is a thorough as well as an am- bitious student and from boyhood has ling- ered willingly at the '"Pierian spring." Like so many other students he has found corre- spondence courses profitable and finished his incompleted studies by means of correspond- ence with Oskaloosa College, Oskaloosa, Iowa, his A. B. and A. M. degrees being obtained in this way. He received his LL. B. degree by correspondence work with the Illinois Col- lege of Law, and his Ph. B. degree from Marvin Collegiate Institute, now Marvin Col- lege. He is now pursuing his studies leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Professor Culmer established an independ- ent household by his union with Miss AUeue Philips, of Higginsville, IMissouri, daughter of the late Rev. Laraartine Philips, for thirtj'- three years pastor of the IMethodist Episco- pal church. South, in the Southwestern Mis- souri Conference. The subject and his wife share their delightful home with a baby daughter, Fredonia Linnell, born December 7, 1910. Rev. Lamartine Philips Vvas a native of Roachport, Howard county, Jlissouri, and re- ceived his education in the Randolph-Macon College of Virginia. He prepared for both the law and the ministry, and he remained in the work of the latter iintil his death, on January 11, 1908, at the age of fiftj'-four years. This reverend gentleman, whose work was cut short when almost in the prime of life, is interred in Mt. Washington ceme- tery. Kansas City, Mis.souri.. The Philips fannly is one of the oldest in Missouri. Mrs. Culmer 's mother, whose maiden name was Verlinda Norfleet, was a native of Kentucky. Mrs. Culmer was reared in southwestern Missouri and is a cultured and admirable young woman. She received her musical edu- cation at Sedalia College of Music, where she spent four years and at Independence, Mis- souri, where she pursued her studies for three years. She devoted seven years to advanced piano study and is an ai'tiste. Edward D. Anthony, whose name occu- pies a conspicuous place on the roll of Mis- souri's eminent lawyers, during some three decades' connection with the bar of the state has won and maintained a reputation for ability that has given him just preeminence among his professional brethren. In the law, as in pverv other walk of life, success is HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 577 largely the outcome of resolute purpose and unfaltering industry, — qualities that are pos- sessed in a large degree by Mr. Anthony. The otiticial headquai'ters of Mr. Edward D. An- thony are in the Telephone Exchange Build- ing, at Frederiektown, Missouri. He is at- torney for the Security Bank of this city and at one time was attorney for a number of mining companies in this section of the state, in addition to which he is also interested in the Citizens" Telej^hone Company at Fred- eriektown. A native son of Missouri, Mr. Anthony was born in Madison county, this state, the date of his bii'th being the 8th of July, 1856, and he is a scion of a fine old pioneer family in this state. His parents, Joseph F. and Martha J. (Stevenson) Anthony, were like- wise born in JIadison county, Missouri, the former in 1818 and the latter in 1835. The father was a son of William J. Anthony, a native of Tennessee, whence he removed to Missouri in the year 1816, locating on a farm three miles east of Frederiektown. The mother is a daughter of Hugh B. Stevenson, who came to Missouri from North Carolina in the year 1820. Mr. Stevenson was a farm- er and stockmau by occupation and his fine old estate is still in the possession of his de- scendants. Mrs. Martha J. Anthony survives her honored husband and she is now residing, at the age of seventy-six years, at Frederick- town. Joseph F. Anthony was summoned to the life eternal in 1883, at the age of sixty- six years. He gained distinctive prestige as a farmer and stockman. In 1849 he made the overland trip to Califoi'nia and subsequently was a lieutenant in the Mexican war, in which he participated in a number of important en- gagements. During his life time he made three trips to California, where he owned considerable mining property and some val- uable real estate in San Francisco. He suf- fered a very heavy loss in the San Francisco fire of the early 50s. The various members of the Anthony family in Missouri are all de- vout members of the Christian church, and it is interesting to note at this juncture that pioneers of the name in Madison county, Missouri, established a church of that de- nomination as early as 1824. A beautiful new Christian church is now being built at Frederiektown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. An- thony became the parents of five children, Eliza, the wife of Charles Remmert, of St. Louis, Missouri ; Julia, l\Irs. Theo. Underrine, of Madison county, Missouri; Sterling P., a merchant at Webb City, Missouri ; James F. maintains his home in Madison county, Mis- souri ; and Edward D., the immediate subject of this review. Edward D. Anthony was reared to maturity in jMadison county, where he has always re- sided, and his rudimentary educational train- ing consisted of such advantages as were afforded in the public schools of Frederick- town. Subsequently he attended the state normal school for two years and eventually he began to read law under the able precep- torship of B. B. Cahoon, of Frederiektown. He was admitted to practice at the Missouri bar in March, 1881, and since that time has won renown as a versatile trial lawyer and well fortified counselor at Frederiektown, where he has been engaged in the active prac- tice of his profession for fully a score of years. Mr. Anthony is a stockholder in the Security Bank, for which substantial mone- tary concern he is attorney, and he is gen- eral manager and principal owner of the Citizens' Telephone Company, at Frederiek- town. He is a business man and lawyer of unusual ability and as such his services are in great demand in this section of the state. In a fraternal way he is affiliated with the time-honored Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Wood- men of America and the Modern Brotherhood of America. In religious matters he is a devout member of the Christian church, to whose philanthropical work he is a most liberal contributor. In politics he is a Democrat, warmly advocating party princi- ples, although he is not an active politician. He has devoted himself assiduously to his profession and has not sought political office. As a man he is thoroughly conscientious, of undoubted integrity, affable and courteous in manner and has a host of loyal and devoted friends. Mr. Anthony was happily mari'ied in 1880, to Miss Laura Nifong, a native of Frederick- town, Missouri, and a daughter of J. T. and Amanda (Caruthers) Nifong, the former a general merchant and farmer. An uncle of Mrs, Anthony's, Mr. Samuel Caruthers, was congressman from this district. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony have two daughters, namely : Edith, wife of S. S. Clarke, a mining engineer of Saint Francois county, Missouri; and Anna, wife of H. H. Martin, engaged in mining op- erations in Saint Francois county. Mr. Mar- 578 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tin has mined in British Columbia and many other districts. They have one son, Edgar Anthony Martin, born September 14, 1911. Charles Pope Poston, il. D. Other men's services to the people and state can be meas- iired by definite deeds, by dangers averted, by legislation secured, by institutions built, by commerce promoted. The work of a doc- tor is entirely estranged from these lines of enterprise and yet without his capable, health- giving assistance all other accomplishments would count for naught. Man's greatest prize on earth is physical health and vigor. Nothing deteriorates mental activity as quickly as prolonged sickness — hence the broad field for human helpfulness afforded in the medical profession. The successful doctor requires something more than mere technical training — he must be a man of broad human sympathy and genial kindli- ness, capable of inspiring hope and faith in the heart of his patient. Such a man is Dr. Charles Pope Poston, who for the last quar- ter of a century has enjoyed distinction and success as a skillful physician and surgeon of Bonne Terre and vicinity. The years have told the story of a useful career due to the possession of innate talent and ac- quired ability along the line of one of the most important professions to which a man may devote his energies, — the alleviation of pain and suffering and the restoration to health. The Poston family is one noted for its gifted physicians, the father of the sub- ject, Dr. Henry W. Poston, of Irondale, hav- ing been a well-known pioneer doctor, and one of his sons. Dr. Harry Poston, well maintaining the honored prestige of the name. As a citizen he is interested in the success of good government and aids in the promotion of business and social harmony by a straightforward course as a citizen. Dr. Poston is a native of the state, his birth having occurred at Irondale, Washing- ton county, on the 28th of September, 1854. He is a son of Dr. Henry W. and Casandria (Ashburn) Poston, natives of Missouri and Kentuck>% respectively. Dr. Henry W. Pos- ton practiced at Irondale for about thirty- five years and was a credit to his profes- sion. He died when sixty-four years of age, and he was also a farmer, active Democrat and Presbyterian. Dr. Henry Poiston was a native of St. Francois county, Missouri, and his father, Henry, was a native of North Carolina and came to Missouri, St. Francois county, in 1806. He was a civil engineer and farmer, and owned quite a large tract of land, operating same with slaves. When it came to choosing a life work young Charles Pope Poston decided, \\ith little difficulty, to follow in the paternal footsteps. He had received his preliminary education at Iron- dale and Westminster College at Fulton, Mis- souri, and took his medical course at AVash- ington University in St. Louis. Since his graduation he has practiced at Bonne Terre, and there and in the surrounding country he enjoys the highest general confidence. It is of such men as he that Alexander Pope penned his famous couplet, "A wise jjhysi- cian, skill'd our wounds to heal, is more than armies to the public weal." Dr. Pos- ton specializes in gynecology and internal medicine and has been chief surgeon for the St. Joseph Lead Company, and for the Mis- sissippi River & Bonne Terre Railwa.y Com- pany for thirty-five years, when he resigned, and his son Harry P. was appointed to that position. Dr. Poston married on the 26th day of September 1883, the young woman to become his wife and congenial life companion be- ing Miss Mahala Cunningham, of Farming- ton. Their union has been blessed by the birth of nine children, seven of whom are living at the present time. The.v are as fol- lows: Hany P., M. D., of whom mention is found on other pages of this woi-k), Marie Louise, Charles H., Florence N., Virgil, Frank D. and Stanly. The older children are all college graduates. Dr. Poston subscribes to the articles of faith of the Democratic party, with which he has been affiliated since his earliest vot- ing days. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity and emulates in his own living those fine ideals of moral and social justice and brotherly love for which the order stands. Andrew T. Schultze. In these days of intensified farming agricultural reports tell us that a comfortable living may be made from ten acres of good land, planted to ad- vantage. Whether our average farmer would agree to this we know not, but all will agree tliat a comfortable living, with some for lux- uries, can be obtained from several hundred acres of rich southeastern IMissouri land, than which there is no better in the Ihiion. The HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 579 subject of this sketch, Andrew T. Sclmltze, is not only owner of a large farm tliree miles east of Washington, in Fi-anklin county, Jlis- souri, but he is closely allied with several other successful business enterprises. The father of Andrew T. Schultze was An- drew Schultze, Sr., who was a native of Ger- many, his birth having occurred at Leun- burg in 1810. It was the wish of his par- ents that he enter the ministry, and aecord- ingl.y he supplemented the education ob- tained at the common schools in his native land by a course in the theological depart- ment of the University of Berlin, from which he was graduated. Being especially fond of the languages, he devoted all his spare time to mastering Greek, Latin, French and sev- eral other European tongues, all pi-eparatory to his engaging in the ministry of the Evan- gelical church. However, "the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley, " and Andrew Schultze decided to visit the United States and, if this new country pleased him, to settle here. Accordingly he immigi-ated to the United States, and in 1849 settled in Missouri, near the present homestead of his son, the aforementioned Andrew T. Schultze. He immediately adapted himself to the new world methods and manners, and made him- self agreeable to all his neighbors, who es- teemed and respected him for his splendid educational equipment, and at the same time loved him for his manly character and strik- ing personality. At the breaking out of hostilities in the Civil war period Mr. Schultze supported the flag of the Union, but, being too old to en- list in active service, he could do no more than enthuse those about him in the cause. He was thus strongly Republican in poli- tics, but veered off with the liberal element of that party during the Greeley campaign, later, however, coming back into the fold of his parent party. His extreme popular- ity and the confidence reposed in him by the citizens of Franklin county is best evi- denced by the fact that in November, 1872, Mr. Schultze was nominated for county judge by the Democratic party, and elected, chiefly upon the local issue of opposition to the payment of the road bonds which had been wrongfully saddled upon the county. He died the next month, however, December, 1872, before assuming his official position, and this sudden demise delayed for several years the final adjustment of the matter. Though Mr. Schultze never entered religious work as had been originally planned, yet his interest in everything good continued un- abated, and he did much in a quiet way for the betterment of conditions in his immediate conununity, and was one to whom much credit is due in the building of the present Evan- gelical church in Washington. Mr. Schultze was married in Germany to Johanna Kaiser, born in 1830, and to them were born the fol- lowing children : Bertha, the widow of Wil- liam Daetweiler, of Franklin county ; Andrew T., whose biography follows ; Charles, of Ari- zona; Fredrick, who died at fourteen j^ears of age ; Adolph, who died at the age of forty ; Rudolph, now a resident of Union, Missouri ; Otto, living on the old homestead in this county ; Ernst, of Union ; Louise, who died when fourteen years of age ; and Anna, wife of George Hausmann, of Washington. Mrs. Andrew Schultze, Sr., is still living in Frank- lin county, Missouri. The man who has before him a living example of honesty, integrity, manliness and innate culture is bound to live up to that standard. With such a father Andrew T. Schultze could not be less a man. His birth oecun-ed March 19, 1854, in Franklin county, so that he has lived all his life in south- eastern Missouri. Though the educational facilities in Missouri at that time were not what the father had had in Germany, yet he determined that his son should be edu- cated as well as possible. Young Andrew therefore attended private schools and pub- lic schools at Washington, the high school at Hermann, and later took a commercial course in one of the business colleges of St. Louis. Having a love for nature and na- ture's handiwork, our subject had early de- cided that he would follow in his father's footsteps a little farther, and would adopt farming as his life work, and wath the ex- ception of two years passed in Colorado, 1883-84, in the cattle business, Mr. Schultze has carried out his original plans. As before stated, the attractive farm which was originally the old Bell homestead, three miles east of Washington, is now owned and operated by Andrew T. Schultze, but IMr. Schultze does not confine his interests en- tirely to agricultural pursuits. He is presi- dent of the Farmers' Jlutual Insurance Com- pany of Franklin county; is a stockholder in the National Cob Pipe Works of Union ; and is president of that thriving institution. 580 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the Franklin County Bank, established in November, 1909, and associated in this busi- ness with F. W. Hawley, as vice-president and C. M. Ellis, as cashier. The bank has a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, and a large clientele among the farmers ad- jacent to Washington. During the past years Mr. Schultze has served the government as carrier for route No. 1, rural mail service, which he organized. In politics Mr. Schultze was reared under the banner of the Republican party, but after much reading and study he could not find it consistent with his belief to uphold high tar- iff, so cast his influence and his ballot with the Democratic party, which he still supports. He is genial and affable and enjoys many social hours with his fellow members in the ranks of the Modern Woodmen and the Turnverein. The family are members of the Evangelical church. Mr. Schultze was married in Franklin county, December 28, 1888, to Miss Alvina Bergner, a daughter of George Bergner, a native of Saxony, a man of much mechanical genius, being by vocation a lock and a gun- smith, and a holder of many patents for in- vention. To Mr. and Mrs. Schultze have been born the following children, Alvina, Nellie H. and Cora V., also Johanna, who died when about ten years of age. Harry L. Machen. Whether the elements of success in life are innate attributes of the individual or whether thej' are quick- ened by a process of circumstantial develop- ment, it is impossible clearly to determine. Yet the study of a successful life is none the less profitable by reason of the existence of this uncertainty and in the majority of cases it is found that exceptional ability, amounting to genius, perhaps, was the real secret of the pre-eminence which many en- vied. So it appears to the student of human nature who seeks to trace the history of the rise of Harry L. Machen, a typical Ameri- can of the best class. He is yet a young man but has achieved a success that many an older resident of Cape Girardeau might envy. He is the popular and efficient in- cumbent of the office of cashier of the Stui-di- vant Bank of this city. A native of Sikeston, Scott county, Mis- souri, Mr. Harry L. I\Iachen was born on the 5th of February, 1880, and he is a scion of a fine old Bluegi'ass family. His father, Henry L. Machen, was born in Lyon county, Ken- tucky, in the year 1843. When a lad of eight- een j'ears of age, Harry L. Machen enlisted as a soldier in the Confederate army, becoming a member of a western Kentucky company, in Cobb's Artillery, and serving with all of valor and faithfulness as a soldier for a period of two years. He participated in a number of important engagements marking the progress of the war and was active in the battle of Shiloli, being one of the few survivors of that sanguinary campaign. He was taken prisoner by the Federal army and for a time was held in duress in the Dela- ware prison. After the close of the war he resided in his native state of Kentucky un- til the year 1877, at which time he removed to ^Missouri, settling in Scott county, where he was one of the largest and most influential farmers of the southeastern section of the state. He was also largely interested in the lumbering business. In 1891 he retired from active participation in business affairs and removed to Dexter, Missouri, where his de- mise occurred on the 1st of Jul.v, 1893, at the comparatively early age of fift.y years. The paternal grandfather of him to whom this sketch is dedicated was Colonel B. Machen, who served on the staff of General Longstreet in the Confederate army. Col- onel Machen was a prominent resident and a public-spirited citizen of Lyon county, Ken- tucky, and after the war he was honored with election to membership in the United States senate, in which capacity he served with all of honor and distinction. Henry L. INIaehen married Emma Wj'att, the ceremony having been performed in Lyon county, Ken- tuckj^, in 1876. To this union were born four children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the eldest. The others are : Mar- garet, who is now Mrs. James G. Reynolds; Edward Kirb.y Machen, who died November 7, 1902 ; and Mary Florence, who resides at home with her mother and brother. After the death of the father, the Machen family removed to Cape Girardeau, where Harry L., who was then a lad of thirteen years of age, completed his rudimentaiy edu- cational discipline. For a period of three .vears he was a student in the State Normal School, at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and at the age of eighteen years he entered the Sturdivant Bank, where he has remained to the present time. In 1902 he was made as- sistant cashier of that substantial and highly HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 581 reliable finaucial institution and on the 1st of March, 1909, he was pi-omoted to the posi- tion of cashier. The Sturdivant Bank is the oldest monetary concern of its kind in south- eastei-n Jlissouri, having been established in 1866, by Colonel Robert Sturdivant, one of the early pioneers in this section of the state. The bank has always enjoyed a good business and has successfully passed through three panics. It has a very conservative policy and through shrewd management has won a well merited reputation as one of the finest finan- cial institutions in this part of the country. Prior to Colonel Sturdivant 's acquisition of this bank it was a branch of the State Bank of Missouri. Up to 1882 it was a private cor- poration but in that year it was incorporated as a state bank, with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars. Later the capital was in- creased to fifty thousand dollars and in 1902 to one hundred thousand dollars. The sur- plus and undivided profits amount to forty- five thousand dollars. The stockholders of the Sturdivant Bank are some of the wealth- iest and most reliable citizens of southeastern Missouri and the splendid reputation enjoyed by the bank is largely the outcome of the sterling attributes of the ofSeials and board of directors. Mr. ]\Iaehen is strictly a self- made man and in addition to the duties de- volving upon him as cashier of the above bank he is a director and one of the large stockholders in the Elks Realty Company. He is also a stockholder in the Cape Girar- deau Park Association, and has a fine farm in New Madrid county. In a fraternal way Mr. Machen is affil- iated with the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and his relig- ious faith is in harmony with the tenets of the Presbyterian church. In politics he ac- cords an unswerving allegiance to the cause of the Democratic party and while he has never manifested aught of ambition or de- sire for the honors or emoluments of public oiBce of any description he was persuaded at one time to accept the temporary position of city treasurer, after the impeachment of the regular incumbent of that office. He is not married and resides with his mother and sister in their beautiful home at 315 Bell- view street. In all the relations of life Mr. Jlachen has so conducted himself as to com- mand the unalloyed confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens and at Cape Girardeau he is universally admired and respected for his straightforward and honorable business career. Henry T. West, one of Kennett's promi- nent business men, is also identified with the political life of the town. It is not often that there are united in one man the qualities which make a successful farmer, an enter- prising business man and a jurist, but Judge West is the unusual exception. During the thirty years and more that he has been a resident of Dunklin county, the Democratic party has found in him one of its most stal- wart supporters, and a brief review of his life will serve to recall to the minds of his friends and acquaintances his business and public career of faithfulness, ability and lionoi'. Henry T. West was born November 30, 1852, in Williamson county, Illinois, where his father was a leading merchant and county official. After attending the public schools of his home locality and obtaining valuable experience as a farmer, on December 15, 1878, the stalwart young man of twenty-six left his native state and came to Missouri, where he likewise devoted himself to agricul- tural pursuits. He located on a farm five miles north of Kennett, but at the time of his coming the land was in its primitive con- dition, covered with a thick growth of tim- ber. During the twelve years following his arrival Mr. West cleared a great portion of the land, brought it under cultivation, built good fences and made many other improve- ments. In 1890 he established a general mer- chandise business at Kennett, vinder the firm name of West & Bailey. For six years, under able management, the enterprise prospered, but in 1896 the store was destroyed by fire and the partnership was dissolved. In the course of the following years he twice entered into business in Kennett, and in April, 1902, he opened the store which he owns to-day. He carries a complete line of groceries of all kinds, but he aims to carry only one cpiality, and that the best. Mr. West's third and last venture in the mercantile field has already l)een of longer duration than either of his previous undertakings, and it has met with success from the very outset. Mr. West has been married twice ; his first wife was Miss Pauline Jane Ralls, to whom he was united on September 26, 1873, just before he had attained his majority. During the seven years of married life which fol- 582 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI lowed three children were born to the couple, and in 1880 JMrs. West died in Dunklin county. The names of the three children are as follows : W. H., the eldest, the present assessor of Duiiklin county; Daisy, who died at the age of eighteen ; Lul, who did not sur- vive infancy. In 1881 Mr. West celebrated his second marriage, to IMiss Rosalie T. Greer, a native of Scott county, Missouri, where she passed her maiden life. Mrs. Rosalie West became the mother of nine children, five of wliom died in infancy; one, Rosa, survived until she was fifteen years of age, and the three living children are as follows: Martha M., who was educated in the schools of Ken- nett, and is now a teacher in that place, af- ter having taught two years at Senath, Mis- souri ; Grace and Ruth, who are still pupils in the public schools. ]Mr. West is affiliated with the Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows, in which society he is a past noble grand and its present treas- urer. He holds membership with the Chris- tian church of Kennett ; for a period of forty years has been connected with the Disciples and during that time he has ever been an active worker for the local church which he attended ; indeed, Mr. West is so constituted that he is bound to take an active part m connection with any enterprise in which he believes. This is as true in regard to politics as it is with religious matters. He finds in the Democratic platform the elements of good government, and, sueli being his views, he has been constant in upholding the Democratic party, which in its turn has shown its ap- preciation of his support and of his abilities and character by bestowing honors on him. It is well to state, however, that none of the offices which he has filled have been sinecures, but on the contrary have required the in- telligent care which they have received at his hands. In 1902 Mr. West was elected chairman of the board of trustees of Kennett; after serv- ing on the board for the ensuing five years he declined re-election and was released from office the following two years. His^. services, however, were too valuable for him to be allowed to continue inactive in that regard, and in 1908 he was re-elected to the board of trustees, in which capacity he has served continuously ever since. Many of the im- provements which have appeared in Kennett during the last few yeare are the direct re- sult of his influence and efforts. For six years he sei'ved as police judge of Kennett, performing the duties pertaining to that of- fice in the most scrupulous manner; but in such a quiet, effective way did he go to work that he was able to accomplish splendid re- sults without making enemies. At the close of his six years' term, he was held in the highest esteem by both Republican and Dem- ocratic parties alike. He served two terms as justice of the peace, the first four years from January, 1897, to January, 1901, and he was again elected in the fall of 1906, serv- ing from Januaiy, 1907, to January, 1911. In 1910 Mr. West was the regular Democratic nominee for the office of probate judge, and was elected by a large majority. He took office on the first of January, 1911, since wliich time his efforts have been directed to- wards tlie fulfilment of the duties of his office, of the importance of which he has the liigliest realization. Judge AVest does not claim to be anything of a public speaker, as he believes that for him at least actions are more eft'ective than words. He is generally to be found on con- vention committees, where he can be de- pended on to work for the Democratic cause and for the public good in general. Per- haps the reason that air. West has been able to win the confidence of the people to so large an extent is because, in his eyes, no duties are trivial. Anything which he under- takes he performs as if that duty were of the utmost importance. A man with such a high sense of responsibility is sure to accomplish great things in the world, as has been the case with Judge West. Hiram P. Geaslin, justice of the peace at Hornersville, is an ahle citizen of Dunklin county whose career of usefulness is highly appreciated by his fellow citizens. The en- ergj' and ambition which accomplish things unaided ]>y outside influences and in spite of difficulties have been his throughout his life, and relying on these qualities he has attained an honored position in his com- munity. Born on a farm in Lawrence coimtv, Ar- kansas, October 19, 1873, he lost his father when he was two years old, and he lived at home with his mother until he was twenty- two. His mother died in 1899, her last years having been spent near her son and his "wife. Up to the time he was seventeen years old he attended the public schools, including two HISTORY OF SOUTHExVST MISSOURI 583 years in the Sulphur Rock high school, aud then began a career as teacher. He taught a summer term and during the winter con- tinued his education, and taught about four months each year for seven years. Wlien he was twenty-two he was elected assessor of his county, being in this office four years or two terms. He lived at Lynn while hold- ing this office, which required about three months of each j'ear, and part of the re- maining time he spent in teaching. On the expiration of his last term as as- sessor he moved to Dunklin county in 1902 and established a mercantile business in Bra- num. There was one other store in the vil- lage, aud he had a good share of the patronage of that community, ilr. Geaslin has been a resident of Hornersville since 1906. Soon afterward he was elected justice of the peace and has held this office to the present time. In 1910 he was one of the five candidates on the Democratic ticket for nomination to the office of probate judge, and came in second. lie is a potential candidate for 1914. In 1911 he established the only collecting agency in the southern part of Dunklin county. During his official and private busi- ness career lie has acquired a practical training in the law, and for several years he has represented that profession in Horners- ville. He is a tactful man of aft'aii-s, resource- ful and energetic, and has the confidence of the entire community. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the tribe of Ben Hur. In 1895, at the age of twenty-two, he mar- ried IMiss Joann L. Penn, who died October 13, 190-4, leaving three children: Bon, born in 1897 ; Paul, born in 1899, and Dessie, born in 1903. On Jlarch 2, 1905, :Mr. Geaslin manned J\Iiss Grace A. Rodgers, of Horners- ville, and they have three children: Sanford, bom in 1906; Pleas, Iwrn in 1908; and Oliver, born in 1910. Arthur V. Cashion. Perry county, Mis- souri, figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divisions of the state, justly claiming a high order of citizen- ship and a spirit of enterprise which is certain to conserve consecutive development and marked advancement in the material up- building of this section. The county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who have contributed to its development along commercial and editorial lines and in the latter connection the subject of this re- view demands recognition as he has been actively engaged in the news^japer business during the greater part of his active career thus far. He owns and publishes the Ferry County Eepuhlican in connection with his cousin Charles E. Cashion and this paper is recognized as one of the most enterpi'ising and progressive publications in southeastern ^Missouri. A native of Perry^'ille, Missouri, Arthur V. Cashion was born on the 29th of Februaiy, 1868. He is a son of Archibald H. Cashion, whose birth occurred on a farm eligibly lo- cated some five miles south of Perryville. The parents of Archibald H. Cashion were William and Sally Cashion, both of whom died when their five boys were very young. These boys grew up on the old homestead farm in Perry county and when the dark cloud of Civil war obscured the national hori- zon all of them enlisted for sei-vice, their sympathies being with the North. Archibald H. Cashion was a member of the Fifth jMis- souri Cavalry and he participated in a num- ber of important engagements marking the progress of the war. He served under Gen- eral John McNeal and from the office of cor- poral was later promoted to the rank of lieu- tenant. After the close of the war and when peace had again been established throughout the country he returned to Perry county, where he again devoted his time and energies to farming operations. In the election of 1866 he was elected sheriff and collector of Perry county and after serving in those ca- pacities for a period of four years he returned to his farm where he resided for a number of years. Just prior to the outbreak of the war between the states he had married iliss JIargaret Brewer aud they set up housekeep- ing on a farm adjoining the old Cashion es- tate. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald H. Cashion liecame the parents of eight children and the devoted wife and mother was called to eter- nal rest in the year 1906. In 1896 Mr. Cashion was honored by his fellow citizens with election to membership in the state legis- lature, as a representative of Perry county, serving two terms, and while a member of that august body he served on a number of important committees. After his retire- ment from the legislature he was appointed postmaster of Perryville. an office he filled with great credit to himself for a period of nine years. He is now living retired at 584 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Perryville and while he has attained to the venerable age of seventy-two years he still retains in much of their pristine vigor the splendid physical and mental qualities of his prime. He is a grand old man and one well worthy of the high degree of popular confidence and esteem accorded him by all with Avhom he has come in contact. Arthur V. Cashion is indebted to the pub- lic schools of Perryville for his early educa- tional training and at the age of sixteen years he entered upon an apprenticeship to learn the printer's trade, working for a period of three years in the office of the Perry County Sun, under John B. Davis. In 1887 he re- moved to JMarquand, in Madison county, Mis- souri, where he clerked in a store for a short period and where he later managed and edited the Marquand Echo. The Echo was a Re- publican paper and Jlr. Cashion had charge of it during the Harrison campaign. In 1890 he returned to Perrj'ville where he en- tered the office of the Perry Coxinty Repub- lican, which was then owned and conducted by Charles E. Cashion, a cousin of the sub- ject of this review. Later Mr. Cashion bought the plant of the Perry County Ee- puhJican from his cousin and from 1891 un- til 1898 he conducted this paper indi\^dually. In 1898 Charles E. Cashion again became in- terested in the publication of the paper and in that year he was admitted to partnership in the conduct of the Perry Coimty Repub- lican. On the 28th of December, 1889, was re- corded the marriage of Mr. Cashion to Miss Ida Finger, the ceremony having been per- formed at ilarquand, Missouri. Mr. and I\Irs. Cashion have three sons, Elbert T., Med- ford and Benson, the two latter of whom remain at home. Elbert is assistant cashier in the Bank of Eudora, Arkansas. The Cashion family are devout and consistent members of the Presbyterian church in their religious faith and they contribute liberally of their time and means to all philanthropical movements projected in the community. ^Ir. Cashion is a stanch Republican in his political views and it maj- be noted here that the Cashion cousins, through the medium of their paper, exerted a very strong influence in the Imilding of the beautiful Perry county courthouse, which is located at Perryville and which is a great attraction in the way of beautifying the town. For nine years, from 1899 to 1908, Mr. Cashion was a member of the Perryville school board. In a fraternal way he is a valued and appreciative member of the local lodge of the Modern Brotherhood of America and he is a man whose many ex- cellent attributes make him a valuable ad- junct to the citizenship of Perryville. Benjamin Hoodenpyle Marbuby. It is said that the poet is born, not made, but the successful lawyer has to be both born and made — made by close application, earnest ef- fort, by perseverance and resolute purpose. The abilities with which nature has endowed him must be strengthened and developed by use, and only by merit can the la\v;y-er gain a permanent position. And fui-ther than this, it is the tendency of the age to devote one's energies to a special line, continually work- ing upward and concentrating his efforts to- ward accomplishing a desired end, — so in the career of Benjamin H. Marbury, who has risen above the average in his specialty and is one of the most prominent and successful of criminal lawyers. He also represents a number of important corporations and does a general practice. Benjamin H. Marbury was born in Warren county, Tennessee, October 30, 1865, the same being the district of the nativity of his father, also Benjamin IMarbury, whose eyes first opened to the light of day September 20, 1840. The elder gentleman, who was a phy- sician by profession, was also educated for the law. His earlier training was secured in the Cumberland University at Lebanon. Tennes- see, and to obtain his preparation in medicine and surgery he matriculated in the medical college which afterwards became the medical department of Vanderbilt LTniversity. being graduated from that institution in 1868, with the degree of M. D. He subsequently became surgeon for the Sewanee Coal Mine of Tracy City, Tennessee, and there remained until 1873. in wliieh year he went to Mississippi county, Missoui'i, and within its boundaries he practiced medicine until his death, which lamentable event occurred November 20. 1875. He was a communicant of the Metliodist Epis- copal church. South, and in politics was a supporter of the men and measures of the Democratic party. He was married in Scott county, Missouri, to Rachel Anne Lusk, davighter of William M. Lusk, a farmer of that localit.v, and their love story was not without the pleasant element of romance. Benjamin ^larburv. the elder, was a Confed- erate soldier under General Braxton Bragg. /2^^;^ TfC^l^^^U^y^ , HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 585 In the year of the great struggle between the states he was captiired at Franklin and was put a prisoner on board a boat which was landed at Scott's Landing. He escaped by jumping off the boat with four messmates, and while a fugitive he met Mr. Lusk, his father-in-law to be, and, both being Masons, a firm friendship was cemented. The elder gentleman took him to his home and there he met the daughter of the house, the two young people falling immediately in love. They were married in May, 1862. Three sons were born to bless this union, they being: Horatio L., editor of the F est lis News at Festus, ]\Iissouri ; Ben.janiin H. ; and Dr. Alex- ander B., a dentist at Charleston. Dr. i\Iar- bury was a prominent and talented physician and well merited that term which has come to mean all of good, "a Soutliern gentleman." Benjamin II. Marbury received his early education in the public schools of Mississippi county and later matriculated at Bellevue College, located at Caledonia, Missouri, and was graduated from the same in 1887, with the degree of B. S. Like so many of our successful men he taught school for several years and became president of St. Charles College, at St. Charles, Missouri. He com- pleted his literary and legal education in Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, and was admitted to the bar at Petosi, Mis- souri, in 1895. In 1897 he came to Farming- ton and here success has awaited him. He was elected prosecuting attorney in Novem- ber, 1903, and served until 1905. Generally recognized as a proper man for public office, he was made a candidate for judge of the St. Louis Court of Appeals in September, 1910, but was beaten by Charles Bates. At the present time he is attorney for the St. Louis Smelting & Refining Company and also for the Farmers Bank, the Flat River Ice & Cold Storage Company, and the Peoples' Bank of Delose. As a member of the firm of Marbury & Hensley he conducts a very suc- cessful general practice, ^Ir. W. L. Hensley, his partner, being United States congressman from the Thirteenth Missouri district. jMr. Marbury has won considerable fame in this loealit.y as a gifted criminal lawyer. During the one term in which he was prosecuting at- torne.y he convicted over forty men, one for the death penalty. The aggregate sentenoe of the remaining thirty-nine amounted to over one thousand years. He proved a stanch and strenuous judge, — the friend of good gov- ernment. ilr. Marbury laid the foundation of a liappy home and ideally congenial life ^com- panionship when on September 3, 1895, he was united in marriage to Annie Eversole, of Caledonia, Missouri, daughter of William G. and Rebecca A. Eversole. Mr. and Mrs. Mar- bury share their hospitable and attractive honie with three children— Virginia. Leonard Rutledge and Anna. Mrs. Marbury is a di- rect descendant of Chief Justice John Rut- ledge, of South Carolina. The subject is in direct descent from Felix Grundy, the cele- brated Southern statesman. United States senator from Tennessee in 1829-1838 and at- torney general from 1838 to 1840. "Sir. j\Iar- bury is a gifted orator and possibly inherits his silver tongue from his distinguished foi-ebear. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Cristal Lodge, No. 50, of Farmington; politically is a Democrat; and he and his family are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. South. George Kkone, formerly of the firm of Hooper & Krone, now serving his second term as mayor of Senath, has public official, his achievements in develop- ing and advancing the material interests of the comiiiunitv bringing to the people a re- alization that the aflairs of the city are their affairs, and at all times entitled to their con- sideration. A native of Kentucky, he was born August 13, 1878, in Calloway county, where he resided until eighteen years of age. In 1896 Ml-. Krone came to Senath, j\Iis- souri, arriving here four months later than his mother, and where he also had a lirother living, J. W. Hall, who is still a resident of this city, and one of its earliest pioneer citi- zens, he having come here before there were any "railways in this section of the country. Forced by circumstances to earn his own liv- ing, he worked by the montli as a farm hand for two years, and the next two years found employment in a shop. Ambitious then to embark in business on his own account, Mr. Krone bought a team on credit, and began draying, an industry in which he was pros- l>cr()usly engaged for eight years, doing al- most the entire draying for the town. Dur- ing the last two years in which he was thus engaged he also dealt in feed, ice and coal, Iniilding up a trade which demanded eo much of liis time that he gave up the draying in its favor, since September. 1910, being junior member of the firm of Hooper & Ki-one. IMr. 586 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST INHSSOUKI Krone is a keen, far-sighted man of business, and throns'li his own efforts has accuniuLTted a good property. He has two hundred and thirty-eight acres of valuable farming land, the greater part of which is under cultiva- tion, and is operated by tenants. He has also erected several liusiness houses and residences in Senath. In April, 1909. Mr. Krone was elected mayor of Senath, and served the city so ably and faithfully that in April, 1911, he was re-elected to the same high position. Mr. Krone married, July 28, 1901, Fanny Barr, who was born in Texas, but was brought up near Senath, Missouri, where her father was engaged in farming until his death. The union of ]\Ir. and ^Irs. Krone has been blessed by the liirth of one child. Jewel. Religiously Mrs. Krone is a member of the Christian church. IMr. Krone is an active member of the Democratic party, and fraternally he be- longs to the Benevolent and Protective Or- der of Elks ; to the Modern Woodmen of America : and to the Woodmen of the World. Edward B. Reck. Fourteen years post- master of Lutesville with an average absence from the office of less than a day a year is the enviable record of Edward B. Reek, born in Cape Girardeau, September 1, 1869. Both his father, Frederick Reck, and his mother, Adelina, were natives of Missouri and of Cape Girardeau county. The former was born near Appleton and the latter near Shawneetown. Mr. Reek's grandfather, George Reck, was born in Germany, likewise his grandmother, Catherine Reck. George Reck was a shoemaker in the "fatherland" and followed that trade in Cape Girardeau county, where he had an extensive business, and was also engaged in farming. After serving ten months in the militia. Frederick Reck enlisted in the Union Army, May 2, 1863. He belonged to Company C, second Missouri Light Artillery. He served in the war until December, 1865, and then spent six months fighting the Indians. The cam- paign was one of incessant activity. Engage- ments were numerous and often desperate. Mr. Reek was in the tight at Jefferson City and the one at Glasgow, besides a number of lesser engagements and numberless skir- mishes. After being mustered out of service in 1866, Mr. Reck married IMiss Adeline Wliiteledge and resumed his occupation of farming, in which his good management and bard work made him more than ordinarily successful. Edward B. is one of the three children of ilr. and ]\Irs. Frederick Reck, the others being: John A. Reck, a physician of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Cora, wife of Jlason F. Kinder, of IMarble Hill, Missouri. Like most of the successful men of his gen- eration, Edward B. Reck spent his boyhood on his father's farm. He attended the public schools and had the additional advantage of a course in the Pocahontas high school. He remained with his father until he was twenty- four years old and then went to farming for himself on his father's home place of sev- enty acres. In Augiist, 1893, he moved to Lutesville and for three years worked there as a laborer. In 1897 ^Mr. Reck was ap- pointed postmaster, which office he still holds. The Lutesville postoffice is no sine- cure, as all the mail for the southern part of the county must pass through the Lutes- ville office. Formerly Mr. Reck handled the mail for the following offices. Marble Hill, Leopold, Dongola, Zalma, Huxis, Hahn and Lutes\'ille. The distribution is now made through INFarble Hill, Zalma and Hahn. Mr. Reck sorts out the mail for the four or five offices for which Zalma is the distributing point. The Lutesville office has been bur- glarized twice during Mr. Reek's term of service. Mr. Reek was first married to Rosa Schatte, of Cape Girardeau county, on Christmas day of 1892. Rosa was the daughter of John and ]\Iary Schatte, old residents of the county but natives of Germanv. The death of Mrs. Reck occurred ilarch 14, 1897. In 1898 Mr. Reek's union with Mrs. Julia A. Yount took place. She is the daughter of Henry Scheni- mann, of Cape Girardeau county, where he was a successful merchant, also a farmer and stock raiser. Henry Schenimann came to America from Germany in 1844 with his father, D. Schenimann. The boy was but nine years old at the time. The family set- tled in Cape Girardeau county, where Mrs. Reek's father grew up. Mr. Henry Scheni- mami served three years in the enrolled mili- tia in the Civil war. He afterwards engaged in mercantile business at Neely's Landing. His daughter Julia became the wife of W. C. Yount, a merchant of Patton, Mis.souri, on March 27, 1895. One child. Miss Willie C, was born of this union, which was trag- ically ended before their first annivei-sary, for Mr. Yount was shot March 14, 1896. The eldest of Mr. and Mrs. Reek's four HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 587 children, Alpha 0., was boru February 11, 1899. Their son Fred E. was eleven on the sixteenth of December, 1911. Inez Glo- rine was born April 27, 1903, and Hope Otelea on the seventeenth of the same month, six years afterward. Though ilr. Reck is so constantly on duty at the postoffice, he has other interests in which he is active. He is a stockholder in the Bollinger County Bank and has been sec- ond vice-president of it for eight years. He owns a fine residence proi^erty in Lutesville and is prominent in the lodges of that town, being a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the Royal Arch Masons and the Modem Woodmen. In politics he is a staunch adherent of the Republican party. His religious preference is for the Presbyter- ian church, of which he and his wife are both memljers. Wilbur M. Welkee, the superintendent of the Bollinger county schools, was born in this county June 9, 1883. His father, J. A. Welker, is a farmer now residing at Bloom- field. Randolph Welker. the grandfather of Wilbur M., was also bom in the eount.y, where his father, Wilbur's great-grandfather, came from in North Carolina. The second of a family of nine children, Mr. Wilbur M. Welker was kept busy on his grandfather's farm when not attending school. Until he was twenty years old his life was spent in this fashion. In 1903 he began to teach school and has followed this profession ever since. Two years in the dis- trict schools, two in the schools of Marble Hill and three years in Bessville have filled up his seven years' exj^erience. As Mr. Welker is ambitious, he has spent the time not occupied in the school-room in studying. Part of two different years he at- tended Will Mayfield College. By taking courses in the spring and the summer terms at the State Normal at Cape Girardeau, he obtained the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy from that institution. In April. 1911, Mr. Welker was elected county superintendent for four yeai*s. He is in charge of eighty- nine schools in Bollinger county. On December 23, 1906, occurred the mar- riage of Mr. Welker and jMiss Clara Walker, daughter of Richard A. Walker, of this county. They have two children, Vera Vern, horn 1907, and Paul Lee Alexander, two years younger. The family reside upon a place of forty-three acres, which they own. Mr. Welker is a member of the INIissouri Teachei-s' Association and keeps abreast of all educational movements. Fraternally he is connected witli the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and with the Modern Woodmen of America. B. P. BuRNHAM, now serving in his sec- ond terra as county superintendent of the schools of Iron county, has gained much dis- tinction as an educator in this section of Missouri, and during his long connection with the schools of this locality has succeeded in greatly raising the standard of education and promoting the efficiency of the system as a preparation for the responsible duties of life. Indeed, the constant aim and the gen- eral character of ilr. Burnham's life work are summed up in the famous dictum of Sid- ney Smith, — that "The real object of edu- cation is to give children resources that will endure as long as life endures; habits that time will ameliorate, not destroy; occupation that will render sickness tolerable, solitude pleasant, age venerable, life more dignified and useful, and death less terrible." A native of Reynolds county, Missouri, B. P. Buruham was bom on the 9th of April, 1875, he being a son of Martin L. and Mary (Sloan) Burnham, the former of whom is now living at Ellington, Missouri, and the latter of whom was summoned to the life eternal in 1876. Martin L. Burnham was born on Current river, in Missouri, his fa- ther, Samuel Burnham, having come to that section of the state in the ante-bellum days. Samuel Burnham was a native of Indiana, while his wife, nee Miss George, was born in Missouri, and he was a gallant soldier in the Confederate army during the Civil war. He died at his home in Reynolds county, Mis- souri, about 1870, his old farm near Elling- ton being still in the possession of his de- scendants. He was an extensive farmer and stock-raiser during the greater portion of his active career. :Martin L. Burnham was like- wise engaged in farming operations for a number of yeare but he is now identified with the hotel business at Ellington, where he is a man of mark in all the relations of life. He is a devout member of the Missionary Baptist church. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Sloan, was born near Belle- view, in Iron county, this state, a daughter of Alexander and Mary Elizal)eth (Wvatt) 588 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Sloan, who came from Tennessee to Mis- souri about 1830. Mrs. Burnham died before she had reached her thirtieth year and the subject of this review was her only child. ]\Ir. Burnham was reared to the invigor- ating discipline of the old homestead farm and his preliminary educational training con- sisted of such advantages as were afforded in the public schools of Reynolds county. Sub- serjuently he attended the IMarvin Collegiate Institute, at Fredericktown, ilissouri, and for a time he was also a student in the state normal school at Cape Girardeau. On the 9th of April, 1902, he was graduated in the Gem City Business College, at Quincy, Illi- nois. For six years he was engaged in teach- ing in Reynolds county and from 1902 to 1909 he was a popular and successful teacher in Iron county. He was elected county school commissioner in April, 1909, serving in that capacity until he qualiiied as super- intendent of the schools of Iron county, as- suming charge of the responsibilities con- nected ^nth that office on the 16th of August. 1909. In April, 1911, he was elected as his own successor for the office of county super- intendent for a tenn of four years, and he is acquitting himself with all of honor and distinction in discharging the duties of that important position. As a teacher I\Ir. Burn- ham had charge of the schools at Belleview, Annapolis, Granite, Pilot Knob and other places in the state. On the 9th of August, 1905, was solemn- ized the marriage of Mr. Burnham to iliss Letha M. ]\Ioyer, whose birth occurred in Iron county and who is a daughter of A. G. Moyer, of Belleview. This union has been blessed with one child, Edwin B.. whose natal day is the 14th of September, 1906. In politics Mr. Burnham is a Democrat. His interest in political cjuestions is deep and sincere and he gives a hearty support to all projects advanced for the good of the general welfare. In a fraternal way he is affiliated with Camp No. 421 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Annapolis, and with the Belleview lodge of the ^Modern "Woodmen of America. In their religious faith ilr. and Mrs. Burnham are devout memliers of the Methodist Episcopal church. South, to whos,e good works they are most liberal contributors of their time and means. The.y are popular and prominent in connection with the best social activities at Ironton, where their beau- tiful home is the scene of many attractive gatherings. Leon J. Albert. A representative of a family whose name has been prominently and worthily identified with the history of southeastern Missouri for more than half a century, Leon J. Albert has long held dis- tinctive prestige as one of the active and in- fluential business men of the city of Cape Girardeau, which place has represented his home since his boyhood days and in which he holds secure vantage gi-ound in popular confidence and esteem. He is essentially one of the representative citizens of Cape Girar- deau county, his influence has permeated the civae and business activities of this favored section of the state, and his activities have been directed along normal and legitimate lines. In point of consecutive identification with the more important business interests in Cape Girardeau he is now one of the oldest business men in this city, where his capital- istic interests are of broad scope and impox-- tance. He has stood exponent of the high- est civic ideals and the utmost loyalty and few residents of Cape Girardeau have wielded larger or more beneficent influence in the promotion of the best interests of the com- munity. He served seven years as maj'or of his home city and has held other positions of public trust, — preferments that bear patent evidence of the high regard in which he is held in the comnumity that has so long been his home and the center of his productive ac- tivities. Here he is president of the Sturdi- vant Bank, the oldest and most substantial financial institution of this section of the state, and he has been actively concerned with the same for forty years, being the oldest banker in Missouri south of St. Louis. He is akso a member of the directorate of the Southeast ]\Ii.s.souri Tnist Company and has other large interests in Cai^e Girardeau. Leon J. Albert was born at Portland, Jef- ferson county, Kentucky, on the 6th of No- vember, 1840, and the village in which he was thus ushered into the world is now an in- tegral part of the cit.y of Louisville. He is a son of Nicholas and Anna (Hoin) Albert, both of whom were natives of Fi'ance and the marriage of wliom was solemnized in the city of Louisville, Kentuckj'. Nicholas Albert was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, a district that became a (4erman province as a i-esult HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 589 of the Franco-Prussian war, and there he was reared to years of maturity. He received excellent educational advantages and, reared on the border between France and Germany, he had virtually equal facility in the use of both the French and German languages, — a knowledg'e that proved of great value to him during his subsequent business career in America. His mother died in her native land and after he himself had established his resi- dence in the United States his venerable fa- ther, John Albert, joined him and passed the residue of his life in Louisville, Kentucky. Nicholas Albert gained his initial business experience in his native land, where he con- tinued to maintain his home until 1830, when, as a young man, he embarked on a sailing vessel and set forth to seek his fortunes in the United States. After a long and weary voyage he lauded in the city of New Orleans, whence he proceeded to Kentucky and located in the city of Louisville. There he was given a municipal office, largely due to his famil- iarity with the French and German lan- guages, and in the '40s he removed with his family to Jackson, Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, where he engaged in the general merchandise business, in company with his brother. In 1852 he removed to Cape Girar- deau, the judicial center and metropolis of the county, and here he soon gained prece- dence as one of the leading merchants of the county. He was a man of marked ability and sterling character, commanded the high re- gard of all who knew him and was an influ- ential factor in local affairs of a public order. He was well known throughout the county and was the confidential advisor of its French and German citizens, the while he was deeply appreciative of the institutions and advantages of the land of his adoption, to which his loyalty was ever of the most un- equivocal type. He was called to various of- fices of local trust and at the time of his death was incumbent of the position of United States gauger for his district. He was summoned to the life eternal in August, 1874. at the age of sixty-eight years, and his name merits enduring place on the roster of the sterling citizens who have aided in the development and upbuilding of this favored section of the state of Missouri. In politics he gave his support to the cause of the Demo- cratic party and both he and his wife were devout communicants of the Catholic church, in whose faith they were reared. Mrs. Albert died in 1872. at the age of fifty-six years, leav- ing four sous and one daughter, all of whom attained to years of maturity, and three of whom are now living. Leon J. Albert, the second in order of birth of the five children, gained his rudi- mentary education in Louisville, Kentucky, and he was about twelve years of age at the time of the family removal to Missouri. He continued to attend school at Cape Girardeau, this state, and was about twelve years old when the family home was established in the little city, where he has maintained his resi- dence during the long intervening years, within which he has risen to a position as one of the representative citizens of the sec- tion of the state to which this history is de- voted. Here he continued his higher aca- demic studies in St. Vincent's College. After leaving this institution he was for a time em- ployed as clerk in his father's mercantile es- tablishment and later he was for two years a clerk on boats of the St. Louis & Memphis Packet Company, operating a line of steam- boats between the two cities mentioned. After severing his connection with this company j\Ir. Albert became associated with his uncles, John and Sebastian Albert, in the wholesale grocery business at Cape Girardeau, and wdth this line of enterprise he was thus identified from 1864 until 1871, in which year he as- sumed the position of cashier in the bank of Robert Sturdivant, which was then a private institution. In 1882 the bank was incorpo- rated under the laws of the state, under the title of the Sturdivant Bank, and Mr. Albert continued to serve as its cashier until Janu- ary, 1902, when he was elected president of the institution, of which ofSce he has since continued incumbent. He has wielded much influence in the upbuilding of this solid and popular banking concern, which bases its op- erations on a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars and which now has a sur- plus fund of twenty-five thousand dollars. From dates designated it will be seen that Mr. Albert has been consecutively identified with the executive affairs of this bank for a period of forty years, and additional signif- icance is given to this statement by reason of the fact that the Sturdivant Bank is the old- est in the state south of St. Louis. Its man- agement has ever been along careful and con- servative lines and it has successfully weath- ered the various financial panics of localized or national order, without the slightest ques- 590 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tioiiing of its ability to liquidate all its obli- gations at any period in its history. The bank has done much to conserve the best interests of the coinnnuiity in which it is located and those identified with its management have at all times been citizens of the highest stand- ing. In addition to being one of the principal stockholders in the bank of which he is presi- dent, IMr. Albert is also one of the leading principals in the Soiitheast Missouri Trust Company, of Cape Girardeau, which was or- ganized "and incorporated in 1906 and which has a paid up capital stock of five hundred thousand dollars. He was one of the organ- izers of this corporation and has been a valued member of its directorate from the beginning. He is also a stockholder and di- rector in the Cape Girardeau AYater AVorks Company and the local electric-light com- pany. Every enterprise and measure pro- jected for the general good of the conunuuity has received the earnest co-operation of ^Ir. Albert and no citizen of Cape Girardeau has shown more distinctive loyalty and public spirit. Though he has had naught of ambi- tion for public office, he yielded to the impor- tunities of his fellow citizens and consented to become a candidate for the office of mayor of his home city. He was first elected to this position in 1877 and he served as mayor for seven years, — a fact that offers the best voucher for the efficiency and acceptability of his administration of municipal affairs, — an administration marked by due conservatism and wise progressive policies. IMr. Albert has shown a specially lively interest in educa- tional affairs and he has served consecutively as a member of the board of regents of the Missouri State Normal School at Cape Girar- deau since 1885. He was appointed to this office by Governor Francis and has thrice been reappointed. During more than a quar- ter of a century of such identification \vith this fine state institution he has been inde- fatigable in the promoting of its interests and the maintaining of its facilities at the highest standard. Besides serving as mayor of his home city Mr. Albert has held other munici- pal offices and also county offices, his elec- tion to each of which was made entirely with- out solicitation or effort on his part and his acceptance of which was prompted solely by a sense of civic duty. In polities he accords unwavering allegiance to the Democratic party and both he and his wife are communi- cants of the Protestant Episcopal church. He is one of the appreciative and valued mem- bers of Cape Girardeau Lodge. No. 639, Be- nevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In the year 186-i was solemnized the mar- riage of ]Mr. Albert to iliss Clara Given Hay- dock, of Livingston county, Kentucky, and she was summoned to eternal rest on the 25th of December, 1900. Of the nine children of this union six are now living, and concerning them the following brief data are given: Ilattie is the widow of S. R. Nelson, of Chilli- cothe, ilissouri, and she has three children ; Leon, Jr., who is engaged in banking at St. Louis, Missouri, married iliss Alary Juden, and they have three children ; Alma is the wife of William W. Wood, of Baltimore, Marjdand, and they have thi-ee children; Harry, who is a resident of St. Louis, Mis- .souri, where he is engaged in the real estate business, married Miss Charlotte Peironnett, and they have two children; Clara is the wife of Henry Coerver, of Olathe, Colorado, and they have one child; and Leland is engaged in commission business at Cape Girardeau. Helen, who is deceased, became the wife of i\Ielbourne Smith, of Farmington, Missouri, and is survived by one child, so that Mr. Al- bert has a total of thirteen grandchildren, in whom he takes the deepest interest, as may well be inferred. On the 4th of April, 1907, ilr. Albert contracted a second marriage, by wedding jMiss Lee Cairns, who \vas born and reared in ^Missouri and who proves a gracious chatelaine of his beautiful home in Cape Gir- ardeau. Joseph F. Chilton, the present prosecut- ing attorney of Madison county, IMissouri, has gained a position of distinctive priority as one of the representative members of the bar of the state and he served for one term as representative from his district in the Mis- souri state legislature. He has gained success and prestige through his own endeavors and thus the more honor is due him for his ear- nest labors in his exacting profession and for the precedence he has gained in his chosen vocation. A native of Frederickto^\^l, IMissouri, Jo- seph F. Chilton was born on the 8th of Febru- ary, 1872, a son of Septimus W. and Julia (Newberry) Chilton, the former of whom is now living in retirement at Fredericktown and the latter of whom was summoned to the life eternal in 1888. The father was born HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 591 near the IMissouri-Arkansas state line and he passed his boyhood and youth in Jladison county. He was early bereft of his parents, both having- died on the same day, when he was a child of but six months of age. Prac- tically rearing himself, his early educational training consisted of such advantages as were afforded in the public schools of iladi- son county. At the age of sixteen years he enlisted as a soldier in the Confederate army, serving with all of honor and distinction in the cause of the South for a period of four years. After the close of the war he returned to Madison county, locating at Frederick- town, where he engaged in commercial gar- dening. He has always been a stanch Demo- crat in his political proclivities and in his re- ligious faith is a devout member of the Metho- dist p]piscopal church. In 1867 he married ]Miss Julia Newberry, and to them were born two children, — George, who remains at home with his father; and Joseph F., whose name forms the caption for this review. After completing the curriculum of the public schools at Fredericktown, Joseph F. Chilton was a student in the ilissouri State Normal School, for a time, then turning his attention to the study of law. For two years he attended the Chicago College of Law, at Chicago, Illinois, being graduated therein as a member of the class of 1897 and duly re- ceiving his degree of Bachelor of Laws. He was licensed to practice law in Missouri in 1898 and in that year initiated the active work of his profession at Fredericktown where he soon succeeded in building up a large and representative clientage and where he has gained recognition as one of the lead- ing lawyers in iladison county. In 1906 he was honored by his fellow citizens with elec- tion to membership in the lower house of the state legislature, serving in that capacity for one term, during which time he was assigned to a number of important committees. In the fall of 1910 he was elected prosecuting attorney of ]\Iadison county and in that con- nection he is giving most creditable service. He is a man of unusual ability and splendid equipment along the line of his chosen voca- tion and has already achieved phenomenal success in the legal profession. In 1900 Mr. Chilton wedded Miss Maude May, who was likewise bom and reared at Fredericktown and who is a daughter of Frank and Amanda (Newcum) May. The Newcum family were early pioneers in Madi- son county. Mr. and Jlrs. Chilton have four children, whose names and respective ages, in 1911, are here entered,— Wilma, ten years; jMay, eight years; Julia, six years; and S. W., three years. In politics Mr. Chilton is a stanch Demo- crat and in a social way he is affiliated with the ilasonic order, being a valued member of the Order of the Eastern Star, and he is also connected with the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. The religious faith of the Chilton family is in harmonv with the tenets of the Methodist Episcopal church, in whose faith they are rearing their children. Charles L. Parsons. As steadfast as the granite hills of his native state was the char- acter of the late Charles Bunyan Pai-sons and, measured by its accomplishment, its beneficence, its altruism and its uprightness, his life counted for good in every relation! Bringing to bear the powers of a strong and versatile personality, his optimism was of the true constructive order and through his well directed endeavors as a member of the world's noble army of productive workers he gained large and worthy success. His course was ever guided and governed by the highest principles of integrity and "honor and he merited and received the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. His splendid abili- ties were prolific in their influence upon the industrial and civic development and up- building of Southeastern Missouri, and here the great success which he gained had its basis in his close and influential association with the development of the great mineral re- sources of this section of the state. His early labors in this connection implied self-denial, strong initiative and executive ability admir- ably applied, and a confidence and courage to which no obstacle was held insuperable. But above his great achievements in connection with material things, the great mind and heart of the man made him exemplify the higher ideals of human existence, and he never failed in his steward.ship or in his help- ful interest in his fellow men. It can well be realized that such a man merits consideration in a work of the province a.ssigned to the one at hand, and it is gratifying to be able to perpetuate in this volume a record of his life and labors and to offer a tribute to his mem- ory. In the preparation of this memoir re- course is taken largely to a memorial pub- lished, for private circulation, soon after his 592 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI death, and it is not deemed necessary to util- ize formal designation of quotation in draw- ing from such source. Charles Bunyan Parsons was born at Ben- son, Rutland county, Vermont, on the 26th of February, 1836, and died at his home in Riverside, Jetferson county, Missouri, on the 28th of January, 1910, secure in the lasting esteem of all who knew him. He was a scion of a family, of staunch English origin, that was founded in New England, that cradle of so much of our national history, in the early colonial days, and he came from a long line of educated and talented folk. His grand- father, Reuben Parsons, was a man of fine intellectual attainments and wielded benig- nant influence in the conuuunity in which he lived. His maternal grandfather. Judge Chauncey Smith, was a citizen of distinctive prominence and influence in Vermont, where lie acquired great wealth, as gauged by the standard of the locality and period. He served in a magisterial or judicial capacity for a number of years and for several years represented his county in the state legislature of Vermont. Concerning him, with inci- dental reference to the grandson, Charles B. Pai-sons, the following pertinent statement has been made: "He was a large contributor to the needs of all worthy persons and causes, a trait of character strongly developed by his grandson, Charles B. Parsons." Henry Augustus Parsons, father of him whose name initiates this memoir, was likewise a native of Benson, Vermont, where he was born on the 19th of August, 1790, and where he was reared and educated. He was promi- nent in the social and religious life of the town, and, being a fine musician, was for forty years a member of the local church choir. He was closely identified M'ith the various interests of his home town, and as a member of the state militia he was with the troop that went from Benson to meet General LaFayette, in 1824, on the occasion of the visit of the distinguished nobleman to the land whose gaining of independence he had so signally aided in the war of the Revolu- tion. By vocation Henry A. Parsons was a saddler and harness manufacturer, and he continued to follow this line of enterprise in his native town until impaired health com- pelled him to seek a change of climate. He first removed to Brighton, New York; thence to Rochester, that state, where he remained until 1854, when he removed with his family to Michigan, where he passed the residue of his life, his death having occurred at Hills- dale, that state, on the 22d of January, 1862. His cherished and devoted wife, whose maid- en name was Elizabeth Smith, was born at Benson, Vermont, on the 12th of April, 1791, and died at the home of her son Charles B., subject of this review, in Bonne Terre, Mis- soui'i, on the 30th of November, 1884, at the venerable age of ninety-three years. Con- cerning her the following appreciative words have been written: '"She was a woman of great force of character and loveliness of dis- position. She came to Bonne Terre, Missouri, after the death of her husband and her de- clining years were spent in the pleasant home of her son. She passed to the life eternal well beloved by all who had known her." Henry A. and Elizabeth (Smith) Parsons be- came the parents of six sons and five daugh- ters, all of whom are now deceased except the youngest daughter, Emily, who married Gen- eral C. C. Doolittle, brother of Mr. Parsons' wife. Of the eleven children Charles B. was the youngest. Two of the sons, Lafayette and Chauncey, were graduated in the collegiate institution at Castleton, Vermont, and in the medical college at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Both practiced their profession in Michigan, and another brother, Reuben, was just enter- ing upon the practice of the same profession when he sacrificed his life during the great cholera epidemic of 1849. Dr. Lafayette Par- sons served as a member of the Michigan legislature, and late in life he removed to Adair county, Iowa, where he died at the age of eighty-three years. When it was deemed expedient for the family to remove to Michigan, Henry Par- .sons was sent on ahead to begin the work of clearing the homestead which had been .secured in the midst of the forest in St. Joseph county, Michigan. A few weeks later Charles B. Parsons, who was at the time seventeen years of age, and who had been afforded the advantages of the Rochester schools, set forth for the new home to join his brother Henry and help in the clearing. He started with a team and a load of house- hold goods for this overland trip. Concei-ning this memorable journey the fol- lowing description' has been given: "With only his dog for company, he made the dreary trip of more than five hundi"ed miles, cross- ing the Niagara river into Canada and re- ci-ossing the boundary into the United States at Detroit. In due time he arrived at the clearing made by his brother. Three weeks HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 593 later his brother Henry was killed by a fall- ing tree, and this proved a tremendous dis- aster to the surviving brother, — a beardless boy, alone in the big woods with only a few neighbors for help. Alone, the boy continued the work, cleared the land and built the liome. When everything was ready, with that mi- nute attention to details which was one of his characteristics, he sent for his parents to join him, and with them he remained on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age. ' ' Upon thus attaining to his legal ma,iority Mr. Uarsous determined to work his way through college. This ambition he found virtually impossible to realize, and he became a teacher in the public school in the little village of Burr Oak, Michigan. Thereafter he devoted three j^ears to the study of den- tistry and after mastering the same he en- gaged in practice at Hillsdale, Michigan. Soon, however, he subordinated all other in- terests to tender his aid in defense of the Union, whose integrity was menaced liy armed rebellion. Upon the first call for volunteers for service in the Civil war Mr. Parsons en- listed in Company E, Fourth Michigan Vol- unteer Infantry, and before the regiment left tlie state he was made second lieutenant of his company. His command proceeded di- rectly to the city of Washington and partic- ipated in the tirst battle of Bull Run. Mr. Parsons was promoted first lieutenant on the 1st of September, 1861, and on the 1st of the following July was made captain of his com- pany. In the command of General McClel- land he took part in all the battles incidental to the campaign of that gallant leader and he distinguished himself by conspicuous and meritorious service until impaired health com- pelled him to retire, on the 27th of I\Iarch, 1863, in which month he duly received his he ever retained a deep interest in his old honorable discharge. It should be noted that comi'ades in arms, and that he indicated the same by his membership in the Grand Army of the Republic and the Military Order of The Loyal Legion. In 1864 j\Ir. Parsons accepted a position with a mining company at Nortliampton, Massachusetts, where he retained this in- cumbency for three years, at the expiration of which the mines ceased operation. At Northampton he formed the acquaintance of J. Wyman Jones who, with associates, had recently purchased the LaGrave mines in ]\Iissonri, and Mr. Parsons was engaged to visit the mines and make a personal investi- gation of the same, with subsequent report to the owners. He accomplished the woi'k as- signed to him and upon his return to the east made his report to the directors of the company. He was soon afterward tendered the position of superintendent of these mines, but he considered it inexpedient to accept the place, owing to the remoteness of the mines from advantages of civilization to which his wife and family were accustomed. Concern- ing his final decision and action the follow- ing record has been made and is worthy of perpetuation : ' ' Mrs. Parsons, who was ever her husband's trusted confidante and adviser, displaying that spirit of devotion and self- sacrifice which in all the years of their mar- ried life made her a tower of strength to her husband, urged him to accept the position, declaring, like Ruth of old, 'Whither thou goest I will go, ' and the decision was made. ^Ir. Parsons came west and a.ssumed charge ilay 1, 1867, leaving his family at DeSoto, then a small town, until June 26th, when he broiTght them to Bonne Terre and installed them in half of the only frame house in the place. Thus it was that this kind, gentle and capable man came to Bonne Terre and came to be associated with and bound up in the life history of nearly every one of our people." Continuing, this local estimate gives further words of deep appreciation and honor: * ' Standing at the brow of one of our hills and looking over our beautiful, modeni little city of six thousand people; viewing the clouds of smoke rising from the largest lead mine in the world ; noting our handsome schools, beautiful churches and peaceful homes nest- ling amid bowers of shade, — is it to be won- dered that the people of this place, through the long months of Mr. Parsons' illness, gave their daily thoughts to the suffering man whose genius had made Bonne Terre a pos- sibility, and is it strange that as life's sands ran low, the desire of Mr. Parsons should be that his remains be laid at rest among those who for nearly fort.v-five years had been near and dear to him, and that when the final summons came it was felt as a personal loss to everyone in Bonne Terre?" It is not within the province of this pub- lication to enter into details concerning the upbuilding of the great industrial enterprises with which Mr. Parsons' name was so long and conspicuously identified, but it should be noted that no other one man has done so much to develop the great lead resources of this section of the state and that his labors were 594 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of herculean order in this connection. In these early days adverse conditions, circum- stances and influences compassed him in his endeavors, but with characteristic courage, tenacity of purpose and fertility of expedi- ent he pressed forward along the course he had defined, with the result that the 3'ears gave liim tribute and splendid reward. He was the dominating power in the upbuilding of one of the greatest industries of the kind in the world, and it is due to him largely that the St. Joseph Lead Company gained precedence as the largest lead-mining con- cern of all in existence. Such accomplish- ment denotes the great executive and con- structive ability of the man and through his labors in this connection he did much for mankind, the while gaining for him- self and family a comfortable fortune of nearly two million dollars, — representing the just reward of long years of earnest and in- defatigable toil and endeavor. Further ref- erence to the mining industry is not de- manded in this connection, as the sub.ject is amply considered in the generic history on other pages. None but a strong man could show such results in the mastering of cir- cumstances, and these results tell their own story. However, there is consistency in mak- ing the following brief extract from the pub- lished memorial to which reference has been made in a preceding paragraph: "To the task of making available the immense lead deposits Mr. Parsons devoted himself and his eveiy energ.y. The first shaft to the lower deposits was started the latter part of March, 1870, and with the first load of rock hoisted from its underground bed there arose the stupendous problem of crushing, separating and smelting. No blazed trails were there to follow, and in the still watches of the long nights Mr. Parsons wrestled with tlie prolv lems, sometimes discouraged and disheart- ened but ever persistent and ever exhibiting to the world a smiling face, so that only his loved ones knew of his trials and discour- agements, and no one knew that the helpful, courteous superintendent, who was always ready with a kind word, a helpful suggestion, a hearty hanrlshake. or an order on the store to supply some poor fellow with a pair of shoes, was for months unable to look into the future for a single day with hope of reward, and was only kept to his hard task, was only enabled to face each new day with confi- dence, by the cheerful counsel and support of that splendidly equipped wife and mother who had been more than willing to leave home, friends and social enjoyments to come with him into the wilderness of the west. These years, and the mauy years which fol- lowed them, were years filled with ceaseless vigil, burning life's caudle at both ends; al- ways planning, always looking forward, and, withal, always willing to lend a helping hand to the weak or to give from his store to those in need." This indeed represents a tri- umphant life, and all who knew Mr. Parsons not only revere his memory but also realize that none ever was more worthy of success. The very nature of Mr. Parsons was one of l)readth and liberality, and he gave of himself to the furthering of every measure and enterprise tending to advance the mate- rial and social welfare of his home comnum- ity, and also the entire district in which his interests centered. Thus he was concerned with railroad development, with the exploita- tion of all public utilities and with the up- building of various industrial and commer- cial enterprises of magnitude and importance. He was one of the large stockholders and active executives not only in the St. Joseph Lead Company but also in the Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Railroad Company, the Doe Run Lead Company, the Bonne Terre Farming & Title Company, and the Farm- ers' & ^Miners' Tru.st Company, of Bonne Terre. In politics jMr. Parsoms gave a staunch al- legiance to the Republican party, and he was zealous in the furtherance of its cause, the while it was a distinct pleasure to him that he lived to see St. Francois county cast a majority of Repiiblican votes. He was a delegate to the national convention that first nominated William McKinley for the presi- dency and was active in the local councils of his party. In the advancement of educational facil- ities he took an abiding interest and he served for many years as a valued member of the Bonne Terre school Tioard. He never sought political preferment and it was largely a matter of extraneous expediency that caused him to hold the office of postmas- ter of Bonne Terre from April. 1876. to Oc- tober. 1885. He had deep reverence for the spiritual verities and was instant and liberal in tlip su]>iiort of all religious activities in which, tliougli himself a member of the Con- gregational church, he recognized neither sect nor creed, as he realized the value of the work of all denominations. The pres- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 595 ent fine edifice of the CongregatioBal church in Bonne Terre is his gift to the people of his home city. Prom the previously men- tioned memorial are taken the following ap- preciative words: "Perhaps the character- istics which endeared him so generally to the people of this community were his never- fail- ing courtesy and that kind consideration which never varied, whether the occasion was a presidential reception or that of helping some poor foreigner from the gutter, or com- pelling some poor workman to accept a loan which his keen perception told him was needed." The death of Mr. Parsons caused an en- tire community to mourn, and all classes and conditions of men and women in Bonne Terre showed their deep sense of personal loss and bereavement. They mourned not the success- ful man, not the man of wealth and influ- ence, but felt that they were bereft of a true friend, the man of deep human sympathy and tolerance, the man whose was the faith that makes faithful in all things. His fu- neral was conducted by Rt. Rev. Daniel Tut- tle. the venerable bishop of the Missouri dio- cese of the Protestant Episcopal church, and this honored prelate was assisted by the pas- tor of the Congregational church in Bonne Terre, Rev. H. L. Hartwell. Interment was made with Ma-sonic honors, as Mr. Parsons was long identified with this time-honored fraternity. It may be noted that the sons of Mr. Par- sons have succeeded to and assumed active supervision of his varied industrial and other capitalistic interests, in the control of which they are showing themselves worthy of the honored name which they bear. They are also men of sterling character and high civic ideals. There can be no wish to lift the gracious veil that gave seclusion to a home whose every relation was ideal, but it is consistent to enter a brief record concerning the domestic relations of Mr. Parsons, — relations that were marked by the greatest of solicitude and beauty. While sei"ving as a soldier in the Civil war Mr. Parsons was granted a fur- lough, and within this period, on the 5th of February. 1862, was solemnized his marriage to Miss Jane E. Doolittle. the accomplished daughter of M. J. and Elizabeth (Camp) Doolittle, and a sister of General Charles C. Doolittle, who gained distinction in the Civil war. in which he entered service as a member of the same company as did the sub- ject of this memoir. Mrs. Parsons survives her honored husband and still resides in the beautiful home at Riverside, near Bonne Terre. She was reared and educated in New York city and Brooldyn and brought into the wilds of Missouri, when she came here wdth her husband, the fine elements of cul- ture that had been gained in her associations in the east. For three years previous to her marriage Mrs. Parsons was the leading so- prano in the choir of Rev. Theodore L. Cuy- ler's church at Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Par- sons became the parents of eight children, of W'hom five are living: Roscoe R. S. and Gerard S., who have succeeded their father in the various positions of the latter 's large interests; Jessie H., who is the wife of Ben Blewett, superintendent of the public schools of St. Louis, Missouri ; Mabel T., who is the wife of Dr. George Knapp, of Vin- cennes, Indiana; and Miss Bertha S., who re- mains with her widowed mother. Roscoe R. S. Parsons is now general manager of the St. Joseph Lead Company ; vice-president of the Doe Run Lead Company; vice-president of the Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Rail- road Company; and president of the Farm- ers' & Miners' Trust Company of Bonne Terre. Gerard S. Parsons is assistant gen- eral manager of the St. Joseph Lead Com- pany and treasurer of the railroad company above mentioned. Professor Willl\m Leslie Johns. It is not to be gainsaid that there is no office car- rying with it so much responsibility as that of the instractor who moulds and fashions the plastic mind of youth; who instills into the formative brain those principles which, when matured, will be the chief heritage of the active man who in due time will sway the multitudes, lead armies, govern nations or frame the laws by which civilized nations are governed. To say that all learned men are capable of filling this high and important of- fice is by no means the truth. One is in- clined frequently to believe that the true edu- cator is born and not made; he must have a vast knowledge of human nature; he must know not only what is in books, but what is in man also ; he must understand his pupil and deal with his kind according to his in- dividuality. "William Leslie Johns, superintendent of the Flat River schools, was born July 3, 1872. at Grubville, Jefferson county, Missouri. The 596 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI family is one which has been identified with the state for many years, the birth of the subject "s father, William Alfred Johns, hav- ing occurred in Robertsville, Franklin county, Missouri, in the year 1839. The earlj^ life of the elder gentleman was spent on his fa- ther's farm and he received his education in the common schools. He adopted agricul- ture as his own vocation and was thus en- gaged throughout the course of his useful and active life. At the time of the Civil war he was a member of the state militia and at the termination of the great contliet he again took up farming. The sub.ject's motlier was Mary Ann Sullens, of Penton, Jefferson county, Missouri, daughter of Isaac Sullens, a farmer and Methodist circuit rider. To this union, which occurred in 1861, nine children were born, William Leslie being the sixth in order of birth. The father passed on to his reward in 1877, but his devoted wife and helpmeet has survived him for more than a generation and is still living, her resi- dence being maintained at Grubville, Jeffer- son county, Missouri. The father was in his political conviction an adherent of the poli- cies and principles of the "Grand Old Party" and his religious faith was that of the Methodist Episcopal church. His lodge relations extend to the time-honored Masonic order. The early life of William L. Johns was passed on his father's farm in Jefferson county and in youth he had the u.sual oppor- tunity of the farmer's son to become familiar with the many sti'enuous duties of farm life. He attended the public schools and having come to the conclusion to become an instruc- tor, he entered the Cape Girardeau Normal School and was graduated from that institu- tion in 1907, with the degree of B. P. D. His first work in the pedagogical profession was as a teacher in the country schools, and this was of seven years' duration. For three and one-half years he was principal of the DeSoto grammar schools and, recommended by his excellent work at that point, he was called to Flat River, where in the capacity of superintendant of schools he has given the utmost satisfaction. The Flat River .schools are fully accredited and a diploma received from the high school admits without further ado to the state university. Profos.sor Johns laid the foundation of a happy and cultured household when, in 1897, he was united to Emma Cole, of Blackwell, Jefferson county, daughter of Joshua and Anne Cole, the former a well-known farmer of Jefferson county. Mr. and Mrs. Johns share their pleasant home with two young sons, — Delos Cole .and Burdette Thei-on. In his political adherence Professor Johns is aligned with what its loyal admirers are pleased to call the "Grand Old Party;" he is a Baptist in his religious affiliation, and his lodge relationship is extended to the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Roy Stone IMaelcw. Among the leading young citizens of DeSoto must assuredly be mentioned Professor Roy Stone Marlow, su- perintendent of the iMoorhazl Commercial College of this place. He has been a promi- nent factor in educational work of this sec- tion of southeastern ^Missouri since his grad- uation from college, having been a teacher in the public schools of I\Iontgomery county for five years previous to preparing himself for the duties of his present responsible position as the head of one of the noted Moorhart chain of colleges. His success in preparing young men and women for positions of a com- mercial character has been remarkable, and in addition to his professional ability he is esteemed as a good citizen and popular mem- ber of society. Professor ilarlow was born in Martins- burg, ilissouri, June 7, 1882. He is the son of W. H. Marlow, who was born December 9, 1851, at LaGrange, Missouri. The latter 's mother died when he was but a few months old and he was reared to the age of twelve years by two aunts. At about that time his father met his death in the Civil war. He had married again and had a family of small children, but young Marlow, although only a boy himself, returned to his father's home to manage the farm, and there he remained un- til he attained his majorit.v. He then re- moved to a farm in Callaway county and there, when about twenty-seven, established a home of his own b.y marriage. Miss Laura Peery becoming his wife. 'Three children were born to them, namely: Thomas, Roy S. and Ora Elizabeth. Some years later the father went into the hotel business at ]\Iar- tinsburg, ^Missouri, and he remained there until four years prior to his demise. The last five years of his life were spent in retire- ment at Montgomery City, Missouri, and he died, univei-sally regretted, in 1908. He was a loyal and consistent Democrat, having given HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 597 allegiance to the party since his earliest vot- ing days; he held membei-ship in the Chris- tian church ; and was affiliated witli the jMu- tual Protection League. The mother was born in Callawa.y county, September i, 1857, and is making her home with her son in De- Soto. Roy Stone Marlow spent his early life on the farm in Callaway county and through actual contact and experience became famil- iar with agricultural life in all its phases. He received his preliminary education in the public schools of ]\Iartinsburg, graduating therefrom, and also in a special class from the high school of Montgomery City in 1900. Following this he took special work in the University of Missouri and taught in the high school for a period of five years, giving the greatest satisfaction to all concerned. He then took special work in Central Wesleyan College at Warrington, IVIissouri, and finished the same in 1907, in which year he received a degree from that institution. It was in the year named that Professor Marlow became associated with Mr. George Washington Moorhart in his business college work, and ever since that time he has been a part of the teaching force of those excellent institutions, teaching a year at Cape Girardeau; two years at Farmington and two years at De- Soto where he resides at the present time. The student enrollment averages forty. Professor Marlow was married in 1907, Miss Ellen Marie Robertus, of Warrenton, Missouri, becoming his wife, and both young people are held in high regard in the com- munity. They have two young sons, — John William and Addicks Ransom. The subject is a member of the Christian church ; enjoys fellowship with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and follows in the parental footsteps in the matter of politics, being a stanch Democrat. The Moorhart Business College of DeSoto is situated on a hill overlooking the city and is surrounded by beautiful grounds. James A. Henhon. The name of James A. Henson, judge of the probate court, has been identified in an honorable and useful fasliion with the various interests of Washington county since 1898. He is an almost life-long resident of Missouri and lived in Gasconade county for many years previous to coming to Potosi. He is a veteran of the Civil war and one of the pillars of local Republicanism, standing high in party councils. Mr. Hen- son was born in the state of Indiana, Sep- tember 20, 1838, and is the son of Larkin Henson, who was a native of South Carolina, born about 1794. The elder gentleman was a carpenter and builder and was married at about the age of twenty-one years to Susan Hollandsworth. To their union were born five children, of Avliom Judge Henson was the second in order of birth, and an enumeration of the number is as follows : Eliza, deceased ;. James; Robert; Jeanetta, now Mrs. William Davis; and Albert. The father, who was a man of advanced years at the outbreak of the Civil war, was so thoroughly in sympathy with Southern traditions and institutions that he enlisted in the Confederate army, and his death occurred during the great con- flict. He was a stanch Democrat in politics and a member of the Baptist church. When Judge Henson was but a few months old the family removed to Missouri and lo- cated in Gasconade county, where he grew to manhood. He received his early education in the subscription schools and his first ex- periences as a wage-earner were as a worker on various farms. At the outbreak of the Civil war he joined the Union army under General Grant and saw a good deal of hard service, participating in the battles of Wil- son Creek and Vicksburg and many lesser engagements. He was a member of Com- pany F. First Missouri Light Artillery, and he was a brave and valiant soldier, who with the passage of the years has lost no whit of inter- est in the comrades of other days, being prominent in all the "old Boy" doings. When the war was over he returned to Gas- conade county and engaged in farming, and he continued thus engaged until 1898, when he removed to this county. After coming to Potsoi he conducted a dairy for Dr. Noll and then made a successful run for office, receiv- ing the election for justice of the peace and serving in that capacity with faithfulness and efficiency from 1899 to 1903. He was then elected judge of the probate court, which office he still holds, having been twice elected. In many ways he has demonstrated the public spirit which makes him so good and patriotic a citizen, and he never fails to yield hearty support and co-operation to any measure that has appealed to him as likely to be conducive to the public good. In January, 1862, ]\Ir. Henson was united in marriage to Mary S. Davis, daughter of 598 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Garrett Davis, their marriage being solem- nized at Gasconade county, Missouri. The wife died in 1866, leaving two young chil- dren, Milford and Marshall. He was again married in 1872 to Dora Roberts, of Mis- souri, daughter of Asa Roberts, and this union resulted in four children, — James E., Lillian, Fred and Laura. Judge Henson is well and favoi'ably known in the community, where he is agreeably recommended by his daily living; and his family are useful and popular members of society. He is a Bap- tist in religious conviction, and is a mem- ber of Becket Post, No. 38, at Hopewell, Mis- souri. Henry A. Herkstroetee, the efficient post- master of Washington, is a native son of the place and was born and reared among the younger generation of the business men of this city, his birth occurring j\Iareh 29, 1874. His father is Casper H. A. Herk- stroeter, a clothing merchant and tailor of Washington. The elder gentleman is a na- tive of Germany. Like so many of his coun- trymen he concluded to cast his fortunes \vith the New World and arrived on our shores previous to the war between the states. Shortly afterward he located in the city of St. Louis, where he served an apprentice- shii> as a tailor, and while residing there he married iliss Minnie Gast, a daughter of Ernst and Christina Gast, of Washington, Missouri. This resulted in his establishing a home here and he opened a tailor shop. His business grew and expanded with the development of the country and he now owns and manages a large ready-made clothing house, while at the same time ' carrying on a tailoring establishment. He is still the proprietor of this business and has reached the age of seventy-eight years. The subject is one of a family of six children, as follows: Christina, wife of L. H. Kamp, of St. Louis; Henry A., the subject of this review; Emma, who married E. A. Kamp and resides in Webster Grove, Slissouri ; Louisa, of Wash- ington; Ed. C, of St. Louis; and Miss Minnie, who is at home. After the termination of his school days, Mr. Herkstroeter learned the trade of cutter in his father's shop and with the exception of two years spent in St. Louis, where he was also engaged in the tailoring business, lie continued as an assistant to his father until his retirement to assume the duties of postmaster of Washington. In his political conviction Mr. Herkstroeter is a stanch and stalwart Republican and stands high in party councils. He served as councilman for the Fourth ward for two years and was a mem- ber of the county Republican central com- mittee and acted as its treasurer for the space of six years, being ever ready to do au.\1;hiug, to go anywhere for the good of the cause with which he is aligned. He was appointed postmaster on July 15, 1908, by President Roosevelt (in vacation) and was re-eommissioued by President Taft, Decem- ber 14, 1908, for a term of four years, and he has given satisfactory service as a serv- ant of Uncle Sam. Mr. Herkstroeter laid the foundation of a hapi^y home life when, on October 28, 1905, he was united in marriage to Miss May Werner, daughter of Charles H. Werner. Their family history corresponds in several points, for Mrs. Herkstroeter 's father is also a tailor and by birth a German. The two children of the Herkstroeter household are daughters — Leona and Helen. The subject takes pleasure in his relations with the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Herbert Pryor. In considering what Herbert Pryor, superintendent of public schools, has done for Keuuett it is onlj' neces- sary to i-ecall the progress that the schools have made under his regime. Herbert Pryor -was born in Pike county, Missouri, August 11, 1879. His boyhood was for the most part spent in Paynesville, where he was educated in the public schools. He then attended the local academy and later the Missouri State University. He had be- gun to teach when he was only eighteen years of age and woi-ked his ^\ay through college. He taught in Pike county, being assistant principal of the academy and principal of the public schools of Paynesville for three years. He came to Kennett as superintend- ent in the fall of 1906 and has just closed the fifth year of his work here. The public school has an enrollment of seven hundred pupils, with a corps of sixteen teachei-s. The course is of high grade and is accredited in the university. The class of 1911 was the sixth to graduate. All the teachers have had normal training and they are almost all home teachers; it is the aim of Superintendent Pryor to train the gi-aduates that they may be prepared to fill vacancies in the staff of HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 599 teachers as they occur. During the last five years the salaries of the teachers have nearly doubled and six additional teachers have been installed. During the past five years the high school has increased from seventeen pupils to eighty -six. The seating capacity of the old building is not sufficient to accommodate the additional pupils and a new high school building is contemplated. In June, 1908, Mr. Pryor married Miss Agnes Harrison, of Kennett, daughter of Dr. y. H. Harrison, now deceased. She is a teacher in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Pryor have one daugliter. Sue Elizabeth. ilr. Pryor is in the Methodist Episcopal church, while his wife belongs to the Presby- terians, thus both the churches are gainers. Mr. Pryor belongs to the order of Masons. He is desirous to be right up with the most approved modern methods of teaching and takes every opportunity to compare notes mth other educators. He attends the sum- mer terms of the University and is working for his A. M. degree. To the casual observer, the fact that the high school has increased its number of scholars might mean that the population is larger; if the percentage of increase were proportionately large in the graded schools that might be the natural in- ference. The fact is, however, that during the past six years the high school has in- creased its scholars much more than the graded schools. The fact of the matter is that the course has been made more prac- tical, so that whereas many pupils left school while they were half way up in the grades, now a large i^roportiou take the high school course. In this way Kennett is turning out boys and girls to become more efficient cit- izens than ever before, for the true use of education is to increase efficiency. JMr. Pryor is doing a great work. WiLLLiM R. Edgar. The senior partner of the law firm of Edgar & Edgar may be said to "come naturally" by his prominence in the enterprises for the development of Iron- ton, for he is an American of the old stock, the son and grandson of pioneers who set- tled and developed new country. The fam- ily came originally from Scotland and settled in Rahway, New Jersey, in 1720. They gave more than one soldier to the Amer- ican cause, during the Revolution. Some- thing over a century later — in 1830 — William R. Edgar, father of the present William R., Sr., married aud went to Tipton, Cedar county, Iowa. His wife was Rebecca Tich- enor, a Presbyterian of English descent and a native of Lebanon, Ohio. They were suc- cessful in the new country, where they en- gaged in farming. It was in Tipton that William R. Edgar was born in 1851 and there that his mother died. In 1866 the family moved to Iron county, where the father continued his work of farm- ing until his death in 1879. The son Wil- liam R. is the only surviving member of that family. Mr. Edgar was educated at Ar- cadia College. He graduated from that in- stitution in 1871, during the presidency of General L. M. Lewis, a noted divine and a lawyer of unusual eloquence. Four years later he graduated from the law department of Washington University. He then taught for three years in Arcadia College and was one year principal of the fronton public schools. Since 1879 he has devoted his en- tire attention to the practice of law. He was a partner of the late J. W. Emerson, formerly one of Ironton's prominent law- yers. Later he was with George W. Benton for one year. The present law firm was or- ganized April 10, 1911. In addition to their extensive library, Edgar and Edgar have a complete set of abstracts of Iron county. i\Ir. Edgar has served several terms as prosecuting attorney and during president Cleveland's first administration was four and a half years receiver of the U. S. land office, then located at fronton but now removed to Springfield. He has always been a power in the Democratic party of the county and has been a delegate to several national con- ventions and at the last election was presi- dential elector. He married Miss S. P. Whitworth, daugh- ter of the late I. G. Whitworth, mentioned elsewhere in this work. She was born in Ii-on county and educated at Arcadia Col- lege. Mr. and ]\Irs. Edgar have five chil- dren : Maude married Lieutenant Jurich, of the U. S. Army Cavalry, and since his death in San Francisco in 1908 she has resided in Ironton. William R., Jr. of the firm of Edgar & Edgar, was educated in Ironton and in the Benton law school of St. Louis. He was chief clerk in the law department of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad, under General At- torney M. L. Clardy. He resigned this posi- tion to form the present partnership. There are two other sons, James D., aged twenty- 600 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI one, a graduate of the Western Military Academy, and Robert Lee, aged eleven. The other daughter. Miss Mary C, is also at home. Mr. Edgar is president of the Iron County Bank of Ironton, organized in 1897. For the tirst year of its existence Mr. I. 6. Whit- worth was president, but since that time Mr. Edgar has held the office continuously. He is no less prominent socially than profession- ally. He is master of the Star of the West Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M. The son is also a member of the A. F. & A. M. John A. Pelts. The Pelts family is one of the best knoAvn of the old Dunklin county families and a citizen who bears the name with credit as one loyal to the best interests of the comnuinity is John A. Pelts, a man of quiet though forceful character, a native son of the county and an agriculturist, whose farm of eighty acres he redeemed from the virgin forest and brought to a high state of improvement. Mr. Pelts, who is a son of that prominent farmer-citizen, the late Joseph Pelts, of whom more extended men- tion is made on other pages of this record, was born March 20. 1857, at the family home- stead situated not far distant from his pres- ent comfortable home in the vicinity of Vin- cent, Dunklin county, Missouri. Here he was reared and in the district school received his education. In choosing a vocation he followed in the paternal footsteps and since young manhood has engaged in farming. He "has expended much time and labor upon his farm, which is new land and which he cleared and has brought to a fine state of im- provement. I\Ir. Pelts was married September 16, 1884, the young woman to become his wife being ]\Iiss Lou Cook, who was born at Nash- ville, Tennessee, July 23, 1864, the daughter of Jesse S. and Nancy J. (Sparks) Cook. The father was a Union soldier and one of the martyrs of the "Great Conflict," his death upon the battlefield occurring in the month of September, 1864. He was a young man at the time. The widow removed with her two children, Lou, now Mrs. Pelts, and Thomas M., residing in Stoddard county, from Tennessee to Alabama in 1866, and there she resided until 1874, when she came • to Clarkton, Dunklin county, Missouri. In this state she lived for a good many years, being well-kno^^'Tl and highly respected in the community in which she made her home. The demise of this good woman occurred in January, 1900, at the home of her daughter, her years numbering sixty-two at the time of her summons to the Great Beyond. She was a member of the Missionary Baptist church. To Mr. and ilrs. Pelts have been born six children, an enumeration of the number be- ing as follows : The oldest children. Alma and Osa, were twins ; Osa died in infancy, and Alma is now the wife of David Brandon, of Waco, Texas. Rachel is the wife of Joseph Nesler, of Vincent, Missouri. Miss Eulah and Lee Shelton are at home and Ray died at the age of one year. . Mr. Pelts was previously married to Miss Mary Taylor, who died some twenty-eight years since, leaving one son, AVilliam T., now a farmer residing near Vincent, Mis- souri. This young man took as his wife Miss Alice Stephens and they share their pleasant home with three sons, namely: Oakley, Al- ton and Herbert. In the question of polities John A. Pelts has always been a firm supporter of Demo- cratic policies and principles and like every intelligent voter he endeavors to become familiar with all matters effecting the public welfare. Fraternally he is a member of the Woodmen of the World, of Caruth, Missouri, ilrs. Pelts is a member of the Circle at Caruth and also of the Missionary Baptist church. Joseph Pelts. For many years, more than half a century in fact, one of the best- known, best-liked and most influential men of this section was the late Joseph Pelts, whose identification with Dunklin county dated from that day in 1S54 when, wearing "the rose of youth upon him." he took up his residence within the county. By voca- tion an agriculturist, he was a, man of many interests and it is characteristic of his energy and enthusiasm that at the age of seventy years he organized a stock company at Ken- nett for gold-mining and was on his way to the gold-fields at or near Alton. Missouri, when his death occurred and the company lost its leading spirit. He was a veteran of the Civil war. and, although by birth a Hoosier, the years of his residence in this state prior to the "Great Conflict" so enlisted his sympathies with the institutions of the South that he gave his J^^'^^^^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 601 services to the Army of the Confederacy. He and the late Robert H. Douglass were comrades in the same company, and neither of them ever lost interest in reviewing the stirring, but lamentable experiences of the dark days of the '60s. The death of this gentleman occurred at Doniphan in the win- ter of 1906-07, but his memory will long re- main green, recalling the poet's words: "To live in hearts we leave behind. Is not to die." Joseph Pelts was born in Indiana in the '30s and passed his boyhood and early youth in that state, there receiving his public school education. In 1851, when about seventeen years of age, with his parents and the other members of the family he removed to Dun- klin county, ilissouri, making the journey overland by team and locating at fii-st near Clarkton. His parents were William and Mary Pelts. The father was a horseman who handled thoroughbreds and racers and who was a well-known figure in Clarkton and its neighborhood. Joseph Pelts adopted agriculture as his life work and in due time married, his chosen lady being Martha Baker, a native of this county and a daughter of James B. and Dru- silla Baker, Dunklin county pioneers and fai'mers. This admirable woman died at the old home at about the age of fifty-five years, but two of her sisters are living, namely : Mrs. Delilah Hicks and ilrs. Esther Gorgas, both of Dunklin county. Both Joseph Pelts and his wife were members of the ]Mission- ary Baptist church, and the former was a stalwart Democrat, who gave unswerving al- legiance to the party and participated in its political bouts with interest. They became the parents of a family of nine children, eight of whom were sons and one a daughter, and of which number four brothers are liv- ing at the present time, namely : John A., Robert A., Joseph E. and Charles Lee. The deceased children are: James W. (eldest in order of birth), Nathaniel D., George R., Lewis and Frances E. When Joseph Pelts arrived in Missouri many of the difficult conditions which were the portion of the pioneer still prevailed. There were no near markets and he hauled his produce to Cape Girardeau, reciuiriug eight days with ox teams to make the round trip. Elk, deer and the like were abundant and he made tine use of his opportunities, be- ing a great hunter. He was a man of dis- tinct personality and public-spirit and well worthy of representation in this volume de- voted to the makers of Southeastern Mis- souri. Ch.\bles Lee Pelts, a well-known farmer in Dunklin county, began in a small way but has been very successful. He was born in Dunklin county, Missouri, on the place upon which he now lives, on January 3, 1874, and he is" a son of Joseph Pelts, of whom more extended mention is made on other pages of this work. He went to -school at Shady Grove and lived on the farm with his father, his mother having died when Charles was very young. When he was .sixteen his father married again and Charles then be- gan to work around on the different farms. Up to the time when he was twenty-one he had earned very little and spent what he did make. At the end of eight years he owned forty acres of land, having bought from his father the farm where he was born and spent his childhood days. At the time he took the farm it was very much run down, but he at once set to work to improve it. He built' fences, put up a good house and now owns one hundred and fifty acres of land, on which . he raises cotton, corn and peas and cattle. When he was twenty-one years of age Mr. Pelts married Sadie Bedwell, who died on giving birth to her child. The child lived only a short time. Eight years later he mar- ried ]Minnie Bailey, by whom he had two chil- dren, — Lula and Ethel. On St. Valentine's Day, 1908, he married Eva Shailand, by whom he had one child, Lee Rogers. Mr. Pelts is a Democrat, and is always happy to see his party come out ahead. He may surely feel that he has done well, as he has made all that he has through his own ef- forts, except an interest in a forty acre farm. He is indeed to be congi-atulated on the suc- cess of his efforts and the community for the possession of so good a citizen. Horace D. Ev.vns. Through his own char- acter and accomplishment Horace D. Evans, cashier of the Lead Belt Bank, at Bonne Terre, St. Francois county, has well upheld the prestige of a name that has been identi- fied with the annals of Missouri history for more than a century. His father attained to marked distinction in public affairs and was called upon to represent this state in the state senate, besides which he served in 602 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI other offices of distinctive public trust. He was loug one of the representative men of JMissouri and was a scion of one of the hon- ored i^ioneer families of this commonwealth. Horace Dell Evans was born at Steelville, the judicial center of Crawford county, I\Iis- souri, on the lltli of June, 1859, and is the fourth in order of birth of a family of six children, of whom two are now living. Wil- liam Evans, grandfather of him whose name initiates this review, was born in Jefferson county, Tennessee, on the 27th of December, 1793, of sterling Welsh lineage, and the fam- ily was founded in America in the Colonial era of our national history. William Evans was about seven years of age at the time of his removal to Jlissouri with his aunt, and records show that on the 12th of June, 1800, the family located in St. Francois county, on the site of the present thriving little city of Farmington, the capital of the county. Here William Evans Mas reared to maturity under the scenes and influences of the pioneer epoch, and he gained his full quota of ex- perience in connection with life on the fron- tier. He married Miss ilahala George, and of their eight children Ellis G., father of the subject of this sketch, was the third in order of nativitj-. William Evans was a man of strong character and sterling integrity, so that he proved a potent factor in connection with the development of St. Francois county along both industrial and social lines. Here he continued to reside until his death, which occurred on the 31st of July, 1851, and his devoted wife was summoned to eternal rest on the 21st of September, 1872, their names meriting enduring place on the roll of the honored pioneers of southeastern Missoi;ri. Ellis G. Evans was boi'n on the family homestead at Big River Mills, St. Francois county, on the 10th of July, 1824, and his early education was secured in the common schools of the locality and period. His father was one of the early teachers in the schools of this county and was a prominent figure in educational aft'airs in this section of the state. Thus Ellis G. Evans had the privi- lege of receiving instruction from his honored father, who likewise was a man of superior intellectuality. His natural heritage of alert mentality was amplified b^^ his ovm appli- cation to reading and study and he became a man of exceptionally broad intellectual ken, mature judgment and well fortified opinions. As a youth he served an appren- ticeship to the carpenter's trade in the city of St. Louis, and through his work at his trade he laid the foundation for the sub- stantial success which he eventually gained in connection with the productive activities of life. It is worthy of record that he cast his fii-st vote, in 1845, in support of delegates to the convention which formulated a new constitution for the state. He finally en- gaged in the general merchandise business at Steelville, Crawford county, and he be- came prominently concerned with the in- dustrial and civic upbuilding of that section. He was one of those interested in the build- ing of the old Merrimac iron works near Steelville and his co-operation was given in the promotion of many other enterprises of impoi'tant order. ]\Iajor Ellis G. Evans, both by reason of impregnable integrity and fine mental gifts, was well fitted for leadership in thought and action, and his interest in public affairs soon brought him into prominence in political af- fairs in his native state. When the dark cloud of civil war cast its pall over the na- tional horizon his loyalty to the Union was of the most perfervid order, and he became, in the climacteric period leading up to the great struggle between the north and south, one of the organizers of the Republican party in Missouri. He served as vice-president of the party's first state convention in Missouri, that of 1856, and he ever afterward con- tinued a stalwart advocate of the principles and policies for which the "grand old party" stood sponsor. He was a member of the IMissouri constitutional convention of 1865, when the institution of human slavery was forever prohibited in the state by the provi- sions of the new constitution. He gave ef- fective service in behalf of the Union dur- ing the progi-ess of the Civil war, as he served as major on the military staff of Governor Fletcher and was provost marshal and paj'- master at Rolla, this state, during the major part of the conflict through which the in- tegrity of the nation was perpetuated. In 1866 he was elected to represent the twenty- second senatorial district of Slissouri in the United States senate, in which he served until 1870, and in which he wielded most distinc- tive influence during the period of recon- struction in the south. In 1871 JMajor Evans was appointed register of the United States land office at Booneville, and shortly after his retirement from this office he endured HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 603 a stroke of paralj'sis that rendered it im- possible for him to walk thereafter, though he retained his mental vigor unimpaired un- til the close of his long and useful life. Suh- sequeutly to enduring this affliction Senator Evans sei'ved twelve years as a member of the Republican state central committee and continued to exert i^otent influence in polit- ical affairs in the state, the while no man held to a higher degree the confidence and esteem of his associates, not only in political circles but also in all other relations of life. He was for some time editor of the State Times, published as the semi-oificial organ of the ilissouri legislature. He was a man who stood "'four square to every wind that blows, ' ' and his name is held in lasting honor in the state which represented his home throughout his life and to which his loyalty was ever of the most incisive order. He passed the closing years of his life at Cuba, Crawford county, w-here he died in 1889, se- cure in the high regard of all who knew him. His cherished and devoted wdfe was summoned to the life eternal in 1886, and of their six children one son and one daughter are now living. His marriage to iliss Emily H. Treece, a native of Ohio, was solemnized at Brush Creek, Crawford countj', Missouri, on the 20th of July, 1850, and his wife was a daughter of one of the honored pioneers of that section of the state. Both were con- sistent and zealous members of the ilethod- ist church. Horace D. Evans, whose name initiates this article, gained his early educational disci- pline in the public schools of Rolla and Booneville, and in the former place he en- tered upon an apprenticeship to the printer's trade, in the office of the Rolla IlcraJd. He familiai'ized himself with the esoteric mys- teries of the "art preservative of all arts" and incidentally gained a training that proved a most valuable supplement to his prior education. In 1879 he went to the city of St. Louis, where he was a clerical employe in the office of the city assessor and collector until 1883, when he received an appointment to the railwaj' mail service, with which he thereafter continued to be identified for a period of thirteen years, as an efficient and valued employe. In 1896 he resigned his position and assumed the posi- tion of bookkeeper in the Farmers & IMiners Bank of Bonne Terre, where he has since maintained his home and where he has risen to prominence as one of the representativ'e business men and influential citizens of St. Francois county. In 1899 he became asso- ciated in the organization of the Lead Belt Bank, of which he has since served as cashier and in which he is a stockholder. His effec- tive administration has had marked influence in the upbuilding of the substantial business of this popular institution, which bases its operations on a capital stock of fifteen thou- sand dollars and which is one of the solid banking houses of this section of the state. Mr. Evans has also identified himself with other enterprises that have conserved indus- trial and commercial stability and progress and as a citizen he is most liberal and public- spirited, — ever ready to lend his influence and co-operation in the furtherance of meas- ures tending to enhance material and civic prosperity. He is treasurer of the Bonne Terre Building & Loan Association, is a mem- ber of the directorate of the Bonne Terre Lumber Company, and is a director of the Bank of Herculaneum, at Herculaneum, Jef- ferson county. He is president of the Com- mercial Club of Bonne Terre, an organization of high civic ideals and one that has been most influential in promoting the best inter- ests of the thriving little city. In politics Mr. Evans has never swerved from the faith in which he was reared and he is aligned as a stalwart in the local camp of the Republican party, in whose cause he has given yeoman service. He was elected chairman of the Republican county commit- tee of St. Francois county in 1904 and was re-elected in 1906 and 1908. He seems to have inherited much of his father's discrimi- nation in the maneuvering of political forces and gave most efifective service along this line during his incumbency of the position noted, as has he also as a member, from the state at large, of the Missouri state central committee of his party, wdth which he has been thus actively identified since 1904. He served five years as a member of the board of education of Bonne Terre, and here he is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Pythias. Both he aiid his wife hold membership in the Congregational church in their home town, and are liberal in the support of the various departments of its work. On the 28th of December, 1887, Mr. Evans was united in wedlock to Miss Annie Towi, a daughter of William Towl, a prominent 604 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI merchant and lumber manufacturer at An- napolis, Iron county, this state. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have two children, Emily T. and Claire, both at home. Joseph A. Mintbup. No member of the business community has a greater responsi- bility than the banker, and any comiiuiuity or city is much to be congratulated which has at the head of its finances men of thor- ough training, true worth and moral depend- ability. No banker of southeastern Missouri is more closely typical of what is reciuired in the financial manager and leader to inspire and retain business and commercial confi- dence than Joseph A. Mintrup, cashier of the Citizens' Bank of Union, Missouri. From every possible viewpoint Mr. Mintrup is a man of the finest citizenship, public spirited, altruistic, ever ready to give his support to all measures likely to result in general bene- fit. He is one of the standard bearers of the local Democratic party and as a public official has a record of the most meritorious character. He was for a number of years postmaster of Washington and for twelve successive yeare held the ofSce of county clerk of Franklin county with credit to him- self and honor to his constituents. The length of time he held this important posi- tion is sufficient in itself to show how well he performed its duties, and doubtless much further public usefulness lies before him, for he is a man in the prime of life. By his private life as well as his public services he has endeared himself to the people of Frank- lin county, for he g:i'ew up in the county from the age of five years and his whole career is an open book. Jlr. Mintrup was born in St. Louis county, ilissoui-i, April 28, 1862. He is of German stock, his father, Francis Mintrup, having been a native of the German state of Han- over, now a part of the province of Prussia, where his birth occurred in 1822. Like the majority of his countrymen he was of the stuff of which the best citizenship is made, and bis stalwart, fine Teutonic characteristics have come to Ins son as a heritage. He and a bi'other, Joseph, came to the decision to make a hazard of new fortunes in the land across the Atlantic in their youth ancl saying farewell for all time to their parents and brothers and sisters they sailed, two brave and adventurous spirits, for America, some years previous to the outbreak of the Civil war. In course of time they found their way to IMissouri and located in Washington, where they became useful citizens, married and reared families and both now sleep be- neath the sod of that section. Francis Min- trup, ideal patriot and lover of liberty, was in sympathy with the Union and when the long-lowering war cloud broke in all its fury in the early "60s of the nineteenth century, he enlisted in a ilissouri regiment of the Federal army, only served a very short time when discharged on account of disability. In 1867 he established himself in business at Washington with his brother, and together they operated a planing-mill until the de- mise of PYancis Mintrup in 1869. The young woman whom he chose as his wife and the bearer of his name was Miss Maiy Narup, an admirable lady who has survived her hus- band for these many years, making her resi- dence at the family home. The children are as follows : Miss Annie, of Washington, Mis- souri; Joseph A., of this notice; Kate, wife of Edward Jasper, of Washington ; and Henry and Augiisf, of Chicago, Illinois. In the Washington public schools and in the well-known Catholic institution at St. Mary's, Kansas, Joseph A. Minfi'up received his education. When a youth he learned the printer's trade on the Franklin County Ob- server at Washington, and proving faithful and efficient in little things, he in course of time accjuired a partnership in the paper and eventually became the editor. He evinced no inconsiderable gifts as an exponent of the Fourth Estate, but sold the plant and en- tered mercantile life, joining the J. L. Hake Shoe Company at Washington and becom- ing secretary of the same. He remained thus associated until the lieginning of Presi- dent Cleveland's second administration, when he received the appointment of assistant post- master of Washington, and a year later was appointed chief of the office. He -filled the position until June, 1898, when he was re- placed by a Republican and not long after- ward engaged in tlie real estate and insur- ance business. At the fall election in 1898 Mr. Mintrup was chosen county clerk on the Democratic ticket, overcoming a Republican majority of several hundred and winning the office with one hundred and seventy-five votes to spare. His first service of four years so justified the confidence of the people that he was reelected for another term, which was succeeded in 2 O H Z < CQ z o Ph S o H o < HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 605 turn hy another. He retired from otifice iu January, 1911, with twelve years of suecessful political life to his credit. Resuming private life, he entered the domain of finance, becom- ing cashier of the Citizens Bank of Union, March 1, 1911, and in addition to this office he is secretary of the official board. ]\Ir. Mintrup married in Washington, Mis- souri, December 29, 1891, his wife being Miss Amelia Wehrmann, whose father, Louis Wehrmann, was for many years postmaster of Washington and a leading citizen of that place. He was a German by nativity, a Republican in politics, and he was engaged in the real estate 'business. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Mintrup are five iu number and as follows : Mamie, Louis, Lillie, Frances and Doherty. The family is a popular one and the home is the center of a gracious and attractive hospitality. Jlr. Jlintrup is a com- municant of the Catholic church and a mem- ber of the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.' J. Thompson Blanton. In that particu- lar portion of Iron county in which his home is situated and where he is best known, J. Thompson Blanton, farmer, stockman and veteran of the Civil war, stands as one of the important and highly esteemed members of his community. Here he has resided for many years, since 1858, to be exact, and although not a native of the county, he has resided in the state all his life with the ex- ception of a period spent in farming in the state of Nevada and during liis war service. The attractive Blanton homestead is situated some seven miles southeast of Ironton and is one of the highly improved estates of Iron county. Mr. Blanton was born in Madison county, Missouri, on the Saint Francois river, Octo- ber 24, 184.3, and is the son of Benjaman F. and Ailsey (Berryman) Blanton. The mother was a niece of the Rev. J. C. Berry- man, a detailed sketch of whose life appears elsewhere in this work. She died in 1869. aged about seventy years. Her father, whose farm included vrhat is novr Arcadia, was Josiah Berryman, a prominent man of his day. He came to Missouri at the same time as his clergyman brother, who was the founder of Arcadia Colleee. Ben.iaman F. Blanton was born in Lincoln county and removed to Mad- ison county as a young man, locating on the Saint Francois river, near Wayne eountv, that being the scene of his marriage. He subsequently removed to Arcadia Valley and died in Dunklin county, at the age of about seventy years. He whose name inaugurates this record is the second in order of birth in a family of ten children, of whom four are now living. The other surviving members of the family are : Mrs. Michael Deguira, of Freder- icktown; William H., of the vicinity of that place ; and Moman, who is a Fredericktown resident. Mr. Blanton passed the roseate days of boy- hood and youth in Madison county, and there received his schooling. When about seven- teen years of age he came to Iron county, which has ever since been the scene of his residence, with the exception of the time spent in the far west, above alluded to. He en- gages in general farming and also in the stock business, and in lioth departments has met with success, his methods being up-to-date and well-directed. When the Nation went dovni into the dread Valley of Decision in the '60s, Mr. Blanton enlisted in the Confederate army, as a member of Company C, Ninth Missouri Infantry, his enlistment taking place in Arkansas. The .young man of nineteen was firmly convinced of the logic of the severing of the states from the national government if its rulings were again.st their conviction and he proved a loyal and valiant soldier. He participated in several engagements, but was fortunate enough not to receive a wound. When peace was restored to the stricken country, he went to Nevada and there for four years engaged in farming, in a rich valley, four hundred miles south of Salt Lake. The charms of Missouri remained strong with him, however, throughout his period of absence and he returned to Iron county, and bought the property upon which he has ever since resided. This consists of three hundred and twenty acres and is val- uable and well situated. In October. 1871, Mr. Blanton was united in marriage to IMiss Cai'oline F. Kinkead, who was born in Saint Francois county, in October, 1852, and is a daughter of Andrew B. and Rebecca C. (Elgin) Kinkead, who came to the state in their youth and were married in Saint Francois county, which con- tinued to be their home for the rest of their lives. The father died before the Civil War, but the mother survived nntil February, 1906, when she passed away at the age of ninety years. He was a tanner and farmer by occupation. He was born in Kentucky and the mother in Virginia, and they were 606 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI both consistent members of the Christian church. Mrs. Blanton is one of a family of seven children, but of this number only one brother, Nicholas A., a farmer in St. Fran- cois county, survives in addition to herself. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Blanton has been blessed by the birth of the following children : Beatrice is the wife of M. P. Gregory, of iladison county and the mother of two children, Helen and Corena ; Pauline died at the age of two years; Benjamin B., deputy sheriff of Iron county, is a citizen of Ironton ; Gerard, a farmer of iladison county, married Miss Belle Freeland and their two daughters are Winifred and Char- lene ; Courtright R. is at home ; Sophie is the wife of James L. Freeland, a farmer of Iron county, and their two sons are Nicholas and Josiah ; M. Deguire is at home, as are also the twin brothers, Langdou E. and James E.. and the youngest meinlier of the family, Ailsey Litia. In evidence of the zeal and energy of Mr. Blanton is the fact that his farm bad but twenty acres cleared when he bought it and at the present day some two hundred acres are under cultivation. It is one of Iron county's finest farms, is adorned T^nth a fine, commodious dwelling, and its buildings and fences are of the most substantial character. In the matter of politics IMr. Blanton has always been a Democrat, having given his suffrage to the party since his earliest voting days. He is a member of the IMa.sonic order of Blanton and exemplified its high ideals in his own living. Mrs. Blanton retains her membership in the Cbristian church of Libertyville. Saint Francois county, and the various members of this popular family en- joy high standing in the community in which their interests are centered. JiMER E. Rtce. Among the citizens of southeast IMissouri who began their careers dependent entirely on their own ability and energy and have since attained positions of influence and independence, one of the best known examples in Dunklin county is Mr. Jimer E. Rice, the banker. He is a native son of Dunklin county, where he was born March 1, 1870. He at- tended the county schools, and then entered the State Normal, where he studied part of four years. He had assistance in ouly the first year and then tauebt to earn the money for the rest of his education. After grad- uating he taught four years, and made him- self known as a reliable, intelligent young man w"orthy of larger responsibilities. He was then made deputy county collector, and after four years in that ofSce was elected by the people of the county to the office of county treasurer, and served two terms. He was a resident of Kennett practically all his life until he located in Hornersville. Buying an interest in the Bank of Horners- ville in 1908, he moved to this town and en- tered upon his duties as cashier and member of the board of directors. This bank was or- ganized by IMr. Langdou in 1901 and con- ducted as a private institution five years, being incorporated in 1906. It is one of the three banks south of Kennett, and its Inisi- ness is growing rapidly. The capital has been increased from five to ten thousand dol- lars, and in the last five years it has ac- cumulated a surplus of five thousand dol- lars. Besides his active connection with the bank, I\Ir. Rice is a dealer in real estate on his own account, and his investments have been very profitable. He is the owner of farm land three miles south of Hornersville and some near Kennett, and has considerable town property. All this has been the re- wards of his own efforts and business man- agement, and few citizens of the county can point to a better record of success than he. In politics he is Democratic, and was the choice of that party when he served as a count.v official. He and his family are mem- bers of the IMethodist church. South. Jlr. Rice married, June 2.3. 1895, IMiss Lil- lian J. Brower. Their children are : Nola, born in June. 1896 ; and David B.. born No- vember 19, 1907. Fraternally ilr. Rice is a member of the Ma.sonic lodge at Horners- ville. Edw.vrd W. Flentge. How difficult it is for a young man to choose the line of work he intends to follow throughout his life. What a little thing will often cause him to decide and something just as small may cause liim to change his mind. A single stone may turn the rivulet of water to the right or to the left. It is sometimes said that Providence shapes our careers. LTndoubtedly something outside of ourselves has something to do with the general direction of a man's life, but the getting on is a purely private aft'air. Each individual is fated to work out his own career. If he is qi^alified by nature he cannot be kept down ; if deficient he cannot by hook or crook be boosted up. Opposition, adversity and hard luck are powerless to HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 607 keep a big man in a small place and no set of outside conditions can keep a small man in a big place. The best we can do is the least we can offer. Such has been and is the maxim of Edward ^V. Flentge, the post- master of Cape Girardeau. He lins attained a prominence in the county and his high po- sition has been reached by reason of his nat- ural capabilities, united with the efforts he has untiringly put forth. He was born in St. Louis, ]\Iissouri, March 2, 1863. His grandfather, William Flentge, was born in Geruiany, there received his edu- catiou and was married. He was a cabinet maker by trade, but was not making very much money. He decided to come to Amer- ica, bringing his wife and son with him. He came direct to Cape Girardeau, but not meeting with success right away he moved to Jacksou, where he lived the rest of his life. His son, Henry, spent the first eight years of his life in his fatherland, when he came to America with his parents. He attended school in Cape Girardeau and learned the carjieutering trade. When he was only seventeen he was injured by a fall and was sent back to Germany. As soon as he was well again he felt that he should like to study medicine. He attended a medical school, gTad- uating from Marx College. After he returned to America he located at Cape Girardeau where he practiced medicine in Wayne and Cape Girardeau counties. During the Civil war he moved to St. Louis, where he established a large practice. In the fall of 1875 he moved to Texas, locating in McLennan county. He remained there for about two years and again moved to Rancho, Texas, thence to Oregon and California, where he died in 1903, being over seventy years old. While he was in Germany studying medicine he had met Teresa Heisen, a young German girl. They were married, she returning to America with him. She lived to be only forty-eight years old, leaving behind her three sons and her husljand. At present only two of the sons are living, of whom Edward is the second. ]Mr. Flentge was a successful physician, but he was of a roving turn of mind, not staying in one place long enough to ln;ild up a very large practice. Edward's boyhood days were spent in Wayne and Cape Girardeau counties, where he attended the public school. When he was twelve years old he went with his parents to Texas and attended school there for about two years. When he was seventeen vears old he came back to Missouri alone, attending the state normal school and locating at Cape Girardeau. At the close of his school life he became a clerk in the store of H. P. Pier- ronett in Cape Girardeau, remaining with him in different capacities until December, 1888, At that time he engaged in business for himself, forming a partnership with Mr, W^ood, the style of the firm being Flentge & Wood, They did a general merchandise business doing a flourishing trade until 1907, On the first of June in that year Mr. Flentge sold out his share of the business and be- came connected with the Cape Girardeau Brass Book Company, being secretary of the same. Since then he has filled many posi- tions of honor, being at this time president of the Rock Tobacco Company of Cape Girardeau and secretary and ti'easurer of the Painter Realty Compan.y. On the nine- teenth of December, 1903, he was appointed postmaster, having held the position ever since. He is a member of the Commercial Club at Cape Girardeau and was its vice president for several years. In 1884 he married Miss Sadie E. Taylor a native of Cape Girardeau to which union one sou and two daughters were born. The daughters died in infancy. John E., the son, married ilabel Hash and is now a resi- dent of Cape Girardeau. Mr. Flentge is a meuiber of the ^Masonic order. He is a Republican in political be- lief and has always been a most active worker for and with his party. He was a member of the city council for two terms and was two terms county collector. In 1906 he was a candidate for railroad and warehouse com- missioner, but the Democratic candidate was elected. Mr. Flentge has been practically a life long resident of southeastern ili.ssouri and has always been active in the Inisiness and political life of the state. Unlike his father, he found the greatest satisfaction in remaining in one place, feeling that by so doing he could not only gain a better living for himself and his family, but he could form more. lasting friendships, he could make his presence felt in the community and thereby be given opportunities to be of use in the county and state. Such has been Mr. Flentge 's desire, to .serve his fellow citizens and to fulfil to the best of his ability the duties wliicli lu- undei'look. T. R. R. Ely. The IIonoral)lc T. R. R. Ely, one of the most prominent lawyers in 608 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI the county, has had wide and varied experi- ence in his profession. A man with strong opinions on all public questions, he has al- ways had the courage to express them. "While in the legislature he had the most exalted views of his office and the obligations it in- volved. He was not there to pander to public sentiment or so to trim his sails that he might arouse a popular feeling among the people of his district, but to represent the people as he felt they should be represented. He felt that if it were otherwise and he were to be restricted in his views and their ex- pression and obliged to wait to find out wliether they pleased the people or not, he would infinitely rather go back to private life and become a private citizen, with the right to express his views untrammeled and un(|uestioned by anybody on earth, with the right to try to formulate public sentiment along the lines of his ideas. A man with such decided views could not fail to be an important factor with his party and in the community in general. T. R. R. Ely was born in Atchison county, Missouri, January 19, 1860, where his boy- hood days were spent until he reached the age of sixteen. He attended the Stuartsville, De Kalb county, school and the academy conducted by the Reverend Perry of the Presbyterian church. He then went to West- minster College at Fulton, where he stayed two years, taking a general course, followed by a law coui-se at the State University, grad- uating in the class of 1881. As soon as he was graduated he came to Kennett, upon the recommendation of Joseph Russell, a fel- low student, \vho is now a prominent mem- ber of congress. The bar was at that time mainly composed of outside men from other counties, but it was a rich practice. The following year, in 1882, Mr. Ely was elected prosecuting attorney and during his term of office he did such good work that two years later, at the next election, he was re- elected. The country around Dunklin was very wild at that time, much wickedness go- ing on in, the county. During his term Mr. Ely sent fort.y-four men to the penitentiary, reall.v the enforcement of law in that part of the country began with his regime; from that time on there was a complete change, the better class of people standing by him and giving him the advantage of their sup- port. They had only needed a leader, long having felt that a change was needed, but not having sufficient initiative to go ahead and make any change by themselves. In 1886 ;Mr. Ely was elected to represent Dunk- lin count.v in the legislature. During his term of office he pushed the bill setting apart one-third of all revenues for the school sup- port, one of the most important acts of leg- islature. At the expiration of his term he resumed his practice in Kennett, having all the work he could possibly attend to. In 1904 he was elected to the senate in the twenty- second senatorial district, including Dunk- lin, Butler, Ripley, Wayne, Curtis, Bollinger and Cape Girardeau counties. It is needless to sa.y that he worked hard, for he was so constituted that he could not undertake a thing and not go into it with all his might. It was through his energetic pushing that the aiipropriation of ten thousand dollars was made to make a topographical survey of the five swamp counties. The amount was expended by commission of the governor; this was the first step towards drainage in that district, resulting in some twenty-tive drainage districts being formed in Dunklin county alone. This simply aroused public interest, as at that time there was not a canal in existence. They have all ))een made since that first start. He was a member of the board of regents of the State Normal School at Cape Girardeau, at the time when the new school was being built. He always took the deepest interest in all matters pertain- ing to education and only resigned his posi- tion on the board to fill the position of sen- ator, where a wider scope was offered his capabilities. Since he left the senate he has devoted most of his time to his practice, be- ing a member of the firm of Ely, Kelso & Miller at Cape Girardeau, in addition to his own practice in Kennett. His aid is called for in most leading cases and the side that is fortunate enough to secure his services is pretty sure to come out ahead. He has been wonderfully successful in his practice. One would imagine that the Honorable T. R. R. Ely would have no time for anything but his law work, but such is not the case. He has been most active in politics all of his life, the Democrats having a strong ad- vocate in him. He was a delegate to the Denver Convention to nominate Bryan, the state committee obtaining his services as a stump speaker. He has an unusual gift of oratory : his language is excellent, but that is not the reason that his speeches are so HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST .AIISSOURI 609 convincing; he never advocates anything that he does not believe in, and thus he puts his whole force into what he says. It is very hard for anyone to listen to him and not agree with him at least while he is talking. He has great executive ability and is vice president of the Bank of Kennett. He stands high in the ilasonie order, being a member of the Blue Lodge and of tlie Chapter at Kennett. of the Council at ]\Ialden and of the Commandery at Maiden. He is a past worshipful master in the Blue Lodge. He also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and to the Jlodern Woodmen of America. He owns farm lands to the ex- tent of twenty-two hundred acres, having cultivated a great proportion of this land himself, it being wild when lie bought it. He rents most of the land to tenants, ■ but oversees some of it himself. He is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church and in that as in everything else he has to do with he is an active worker. He has laid out two additions to Kennett, on which he has laid out lots and built residences. He only has fine homes on the addition, owning a beauti- ful place himself. All of these enterprises are in the nature of work, but Mr. Ely is just as enthusiastic about his recreations. He is of the opinion that his efficiency is in- creased by relaxation, which he takes prin- cipally in the form of hunting. He belongs to the club of West Kennett on the St. Francis river. Any man might be proud of the law practice that the Honorable T. R. R. Ely has built up and feel that that con- stituted k man's life work. His connection with education in the county would satisfy the amliition of the majority of people, while his political coiniections, both in the legis- lature and in the senate, would cause a less enterprising man to feel that he need do nothing else for the rest of his life. If he had not been such a successful lawyer, he would have made a reputation as a farmer. If he had done nothing but handle his addi- tion in Kennett he might still feel that he had done something for his county, Imt when all these different activities are combined in one man, the result is an all around man of whom his town, county and state are proud, whom his acquaintances are proud to know and to whom all are proud to take off their hats. There is no more useful member of the community than the Honorable T. R. R. Ely. Vol. 1—3 9 Orton Colm.vn Lynch, superintendent of the public schools of Farmington, deserves credit as a strong element in the educational progress of the county. One of the most progressive, able and enlightened of educa- tors, he presents the potent combination of fine ideals and an executive capacity which contrives to make realities out of them. Since the lieginning of his career in the judicial center of Saint Francois county — 1907 — a great improvement has been made in the local school system; a fine new high school building erected; and the higher department of the schools raised from an unrecognized condition to a fully accredited high school with full recognition. Professor Lynch was born in Harrison county. West Virginia, on the 20th day of April, 1874, his father, Hiram Lynch, hav- ing been a native of the same locality. The father, who was at different times in his ca- reer a teacher and educator, was reared on a large cattle farm which belonged to his father. He attended the public schools of his locality and period and also for two years was a student at a college in Lebanon, Ohio. He engaged as a school teacher for a short time and then adopted farming as his occu- pation, continuing permanently as an expo- nent of the great basic industry. He was married in 1868 to Eleanor Williams, of Sycamore, West Virginia, daughter of John Williams, who answered to the double calling of farmer and Methodist circuit rider. To this union were bom six children, three of whom are living at the present time. The first Mrs. Lynch died in the early '80s, when the subject was a small boy, and in 1883 the father was married to Miss Flora IMaxwell, of Weston, West Virginia. Four children were the fruit of the second union. In 1885 the father removed with his family from West Virginia to Missouri and located in Fraklin county, where he again engaged in farming and where he is today located, secure in the enjoyment of the respect and confidence of the community. He is one of the stalwart sup- porters of the "Grand Old Party," as its admirers are pleased to call it ; he is a pop- ular member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the American Order of United ' AVorkmen ; and he is a zealous and valued member of the IMethodist Episcopal church. Orton C. Lynch entered the Academy of West Virginia, at Weston, where he received 610 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI his elementary educatiou, and after prose- cuting his studies at that place until about ten years of age he then attended the public schools in Franklin county, Missouri, until entering Carlton Institute, of Farmiugton, Missouri. After a period of study thei'e he became a student at the Missouri State Nor- mal at Warrensburg, and is continuing his work by courses in the University of Chi- cago, correspondence study department, Chi- cago, Illinois. In 1899 he received his degree (that of B. S. D.) at the Normal School and in addition to his other training he at- tended for one year the Missouri State Uni- versity at Columbia. A part of his educa- tiou had been interspersed with his actual pedagogical work and he had taught in va- rious schools, gaining the many advantages which only experience can give. After quite finishing his preparation he was for eight years connected with the public schools of Tipton, Missouri, four years as principal of the high school and four years as superin- tendent of the entire school system. He came to Farmington in 1907 to accept the position of superintendent here and this he retains at the present time, his work here having been of the most satisfactory character. In addi- tion to his general supervision he is instruc- tor in mathematics and science. The new high school building which he was materially instrumental in securing was finished in 1911 and is a model of convenience and modern- ity. Professor Lynch was married on the 5th day of June, 1901, at AVarrensburg, Missouri, to Miss Mary G. Scott, of that place. Mrs. Lynch is a daughter of Rev. William G. Scott, a well-known Presbyterian minister. To their happy union has been born three sons, whose names are Orton, William and Wal- lace. In polities Professor Lynch is a liberal Prohibitionist, voting more for the man than party; he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church ; and he is sufficiently social in nature greatly to enjoy his relations with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. Albert L. Johnson. In a history devoted to the representative men and women of Southeastern Missouri who have contributed to its upbuilding and prosperity and whose lives reward closest inspection no one is more appropriately included than that fine citizen, the late Albert L. Johnson. Coming liere as a young man, full of vigor and enthu- siasm, he found his surroundings so congen- ial, his labors so fruitful, that he chose to make it a home for him and his family, and so remained throughout the remainder of a life that exceeded the psalmist's allotment by a number of years. In truth he resided in Dunklin county for over half a century, by his own unaided efforts becoming one of the extensive landholdei-s and prosijerous agri- culturists in the vicinity of Senath, and gain- ing and keeping unchallenged the respect and affection of the community in which he was so well known. A veteran of the Civil war, he met the trying conditions of the "Pe- riod of Reconstruction" with manly cour- age and frankness and was ever aligned with the most public spirited of his neighbors and there was nothing of public import at Senath and its district in which he was not helpfullj' interested. He was essentially a self-made man, at his arrival within the boundaries of Dunklin county having been poor in purse, but by his untiring industry and good man- agement acquiring a handsome competence. His demise occurred on the 18th day of Au- gust, 1911, he being universally mourned and regretted, and his memory will long remain green in this part of the state. Albert L. Johnson was born August 1, 1835, on a farm in Union county, then Knox county, Tennessee. He remained amid the scenes of his birth until the age of fifteen years, acquiring an education in the free and subscription schools of the locality. About the year 1849 his parents removed to Gibson county, Tennessee, and there improved a farm, on which both spent their remaining days, the mother passing away in 1855. Al- though searcel3^ fifteen years of age at the time of the removal to Gibson county, that marked Mr. Johnson's introduction to the serious matter of earning his own livelihood, for his parents were in modest circumstances. For seven years he engaged in the hauling of freight with ox teams and in the summer seasons lent his assistance to the manifold tasks to be encountered upon his father's farm. There was little time to be a boy, but he learned the lessons of industry and self- reliance which proved so valuable to him in after .years. In the fall of 1859 he concluded to establish himself independently and came to Dunklin county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of the land, which he owned at the time of his deatli, all of ;«*, qA. X ;f^L \^'^yi^- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 611 which, with the exception of ten acres, be- ing covered with a heav.y growth of timber. To clear the timber-covered land, of course, entailed a vast amount of labor. On the farm was a horse-power saw mill, which he operated a few months and then installed an engine, running both a saw-mill and grist mill and so efficiently that he had a great amount of patronage in the neighborhood. He was bringing his affairs to a very satis- factory footing when tlie Civil war, so long threatening, became a terrible reality, and life all over the country was changed and al- tered from the even tenor of its course. Soon after the first guns were fired at Sum- ter, Mr. Johnson enlisted in the army of the Confederacy, believing the cause it defended to be just and all the institutions of the South being very dear to him. His military career was eventful. In March, 1863, he was captured by Union forces and after being held a prisoner at St. Louis for three months was exchanged and joined his regiment in Virginia, on the Chesapeake Bay, thereafter serving with his command in East Tennes- see until after the termination of the great conflict. Returning to his farm on July 1, 1865, Mr. Johnson found that his barn had been burned, his stock taken off by the Federals and that he was in debt fifteen hundred dol- lars for his mill and land. Nothing daunted, however, he soon resumed his agricultural and industrial labors, clearing and improv- ing his farm, which was an excellent one, and, as his means allowed, buying more land, at one time having title to seven hun- dred and twenty acres, the greater part of which was valuable and advantageously sit- uated. At the time of his death he owned six hundred and sixty acres of land and the little burg of Octa, three miles northeast of Senath, its entire site being his, with the ex- ception of two lots. He also owned consid- erable property in Senath, his holdings there consisting in a lot and store building on Front street (the building being twenty by eighty feet in dimension) and five good lots on other streets. He had other interests of importance, owing five shares in the Citi- zens Bank of Senath, of which he has been president since its organization and being a stockholder in the Caneer Store Company. Jlr. Johnson's commodious dwelling-house on his farm was an attractive and substantial one, and a previous two thousand dollar resi- dence had been destroyed by fire. Toward the close of his life he gave over the more strenuous duties of managing his farms into other hands, and at the time of his death rented all of his farms, with the exception of his forty acre homestead. His homestead was virtually the centre of a little settlement, for he had thirteen tenant houses on his place for the use of his renters, all of these houses being within a mile and a half of his own home. From the beginning of his career he always maintained a saw mill and grist mill on his farm, which he himself op- erated. He was a man of remarkable exec- utive ability, able to manage successfully large forces and essentially progressive in the adoption of new ideas. It will not be gain- said that he was one of the most successful and widely known citizens of Dunklin coun- ty, and one whose influence will be greatly missed in the many-sided life of the com- munity. Politically Mr. Johnson had always been identified with the Democratic party, to whose causes he gave hand and heart and he was at one time prominent in public life, serving as county judge for six years shortly after the war and subsequently being jus- tice of the peace for twenty years. Frater- nally he was atBliated with the time-honored Masonic order, which he joined in 1867, his membership being with Helm Chapter, R. A. M., of Kennett. At one time he was a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows. In his own life he followed the fine principles of Masonry and at his death the order conducted the last ceremonial rites and consigned the body to the grave. Religiously he was affiliated with the Methodist Episco- pal church. South. Mr. Johnson married, in 1875, Louisa Bailey, who died five years later, leaving three children, namely: Corrinner V., is the wife of Joseph Tackeberry, of Dunklin coun- ty, and they have five children: James A., Katie, Ernest P., Minnie B. and Dudley; Minnie B., wife of Henry Jones, until her father's demise lived with him, presiding over his household wisely and well. They have had eight children: Stella, Delia, Clarence and five who died young; and Jennie who died at five years of age. Like himself, Mr. Johnson's children are respected and prom- inent and very loyal to the institutions of Dunklin county. Honorable Robert Giboney Ranney. Al- though the man without ancestors, who sue- 612 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ceeds iu making his own way in the world has doubtless a great deal to contend with, he is without the obligations which are im- posed on the descendant of a family which has always amounted to something. The feel- ing of noblesse oblige determines mauj- ac- tions. If a man is conscientious this feel- ing is his safeguard, although he may chafe under the obligations at times. The Honor- able Robert Giboney Ranney has not only lived so as to satisfy his family and his fel- low men, but has also lived up to the standard set forth by his father and his grandfather; he has made his life count for something; he has not only made a competency for him- self and his family, but he has done honor to the name; he has been of assistance to individuals; he has aided in the advance- ment of his state and his country. He was born at Jackson, Cape Girardeau couut.y, Misouri, December 15, 1849. His grandfather was Stephen Ranney, a native of Connecticut, who served in the Revolu- tionary war and also in the war of 1812. He held the office of Attorney General under Governor Hendricks. He spent the last years of his life in Cape Girardeau county and was buried at Jackson, Missouri. He had a large, powerful frame and was phj'S- ically a very strong man. He was married four times, his last wife, grandmother of our subject, being Elizabeth Hathorn of Salem, Massachusetts. William C. Ranney, father of Robert and son of Stephen, was a native of Whitehall, New York. He came to Cape Girardeau count.v, ]\Iissouri, about 1826, where he soon made his presence felt, being a lawyer by profession. He was the first common pleas judge in the county, having been appointed by the legislature, — a most unusual occur- rence. He was a member of the legislature and was state senator. During the whole of his residence in Cape Girardeau he was active in public affairs, feeling the deepest interest in the growth and advancement of the state in which he was one of the early settlei-s. He lived to be eighty-three years old and was hale and hearty up to the time of his death. He, like his father, was possessed of a very strong physique and weighed two hundred and seventy-five pounds. He mar- ried Elizabeth Giboney, a native of Missouri. Her father. Robert Giboney, came to Mis- souri with his father, Alexander Giboney, about 1796 from their home near Harper's Ferry, in Virginia. They came by wagon to Cape Girardeau county, bringing with them the few necessities of life. They were pi- oneers to Cape Girardeau county, where they obtained grants of land and located there. These tracts of land are still in the owner- ship of the descendants. Jlrs. William C. Ranney lived to the age of eighty-one, hav- ing borne four sons to her husband, three of whom are living now. The eldest son was Stephen, named after his grandfather; Rob- ert Giboney was the second; William Alex- ander, named after his father, the third, and Herbert Hathorn, the youngest. When Robert was a baby his parents moved to a farm five miles southwest of Cape Girar- deau; there Robert was brought up and as soon as he was old enough he attended the district school. He learned how to do all sorts of farm work, thereby laying a founda- tion for conscientious fulfilment of duty that has been of good service to him through life. He was sent away to attend the Kentucky Military Institute when he was seventeen .years old. He remained there four years and when he returned home he taught one year. He had by this time made up his mind that he wished to study law as had his father and uncle, Johnson Ranney before him. He was desii-ous of starting in their footsteps but would make others for himself, branching out in other directions from those taken by his ancestors. After reading law with Louis Houek he attended the law school at the ^Missouri University, graduating in the class of 1873. Loviis Houck had formed such a high opinion of his ex-scholar's abilities that he took him into partnership. The two did business together until 1880, when Rob- ert's state of health compelled him to retire from the practice of law. He moved on to a farm and continued to actively superintend its management until 1894. He found the outdoor life was just what was needed to build up his health, but was in no hurry to return to his professional life, rather pre- ferring the quiet, simple life of a farmer. In 1894, however, the interests of his family decided him to move to Cape Girardeau and again practice law. His knowledge and capa- bilities were such that he was eminently suc- cessful. In 1908 he was elected judge of the Common Pleas Court, which position he now fills. He had previously been a Justice of the Peace, while he was engaged in farming. In 1876 he married Lizzie Giboney, by HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 613 whom lie had five children, two of whom lived to maturity, viz., Louise, wife of Clyde Harrison of Cape Girardeau, and Robert Clifton, also living in Cape Girardeau. Mrs. Ranney died in 1892. In 189-4 Mr. Ranney married Emma "Wathen, by whom he also had five children, all of whom are living, as follows: Watheua, Roberta, Ralph G., Mary and Maud. The Judge is one of the oldest born citi- zens of southeastern Missouri, where he has spent the whole of his life, with the excep- tion of his school days, when he went both south and east. He has always been a firm upholder of Democratic principles, believing that in them are the principles of good gov- ernment. He believes in party spirit, not be- cause he is prepared to endorse everything that is done by his party, but he does heart- ily endorse its great principles. He thinks and reasons for himself and is most tolerant of the opinions of others, to whom he grants the same right of free thinking and acting. Although he is decided in his own views he does not necessarily think all others are wrong. He is a man with a keen sense of justice and right, a man who has helped to make of Cape Girardeau the power that it now is in the state. Horace D. Benedict. Americans are be- ginning to realize the moral as well as the historical significance of genealogical founda- tions. A nation which relies upon the rec- ord of its homes for its national character cannot afford to ignore the value of genealog- ical investigation as one of the truest sources of patriotism. The love of home inspires the love of country. There is a wholesome influence in genealogical research which can- not be overestimated. Moreover, there is a deep human interest to it. The Hon. Horace Dryden Benedict, present mayor and promi- nent business man at Fredericktown, Jlis- souri, is a scion of an old, old English family, his genealogy in England being traced back to the eleventh century. The original pro- genitor of the name in America settlect at Rotterdam, Connecticut, having immigrated to that place at a very early day. Subse- quently members of the family removed to Canada and on their return to the United States settled in St. Lawrence county. New York, where they were engaged largely in surveying. The great-grandfather of him whose name forms the caption for this re- view was killed in the war of 1812 by In- dians and a number of his forebears were gallant soldiers in the war for independence. The career of Horace D. Benedict has been varied and interesting in the extreme, as will be noted in ensuing paragraphs. He was born in Jefferson county. New York, on the 11th of January, 1843, and is a son of Amasa and Waty (Reynolds) Benedict, both natives of New York. "When the young Horace was two years old his parents re- moved froiu the east to northern Ohio, where he was reared to adult age. During his life time he had resided in twenty-six diff'crent states and for a time he also maintained his home in Canada. As a young man he learned the trade of telegraph operator and for a number of years he was in the employ of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, also doing construction on that and other roads. At the time of the inception of the Civil war Mr. Benedict was fired with boyish en- thusiasm for the cause of the Union and enlisted at the first call for volunteers, be- coming a member of the Fourteenth Ohio Regiment. Three months later he enlisted for three years in the Third Ohio, and while a member of that regiment was captured at the battle of luka and sent to prison at Vicksburg, where he was held in duress for nearly three months. He saw much hard service but was never seriously injured. He participated in the Atlanta campaign and received his discharge and was mustered out of service in November, 186-4. After the completion of his military service I\Ir. Bene- dict returned to Ohio, whence he removed to St. Louis, Jlissouri, in the following year. In the latter city he entered the Military telegraph service and later engaged in rail- road construction work, as previously noted. On the 1st of July, 1888, he located at Fred- ericktown, where he engaged in contracting and Iniilding work, having a large number of men in his employ and also handling all kinds of building supplies. In the early '90s he became interested in the old Madison County Bank at Fredericktown, serving as vice-president and manager of that institu- tion for a number of years. This concern was later disposed of to the trust company. For several years past Mr. Benedict has lived retired, contenting himself with a gen- eral supervision of his extensive holdings. He is the owner of nine beautiful residences 6U HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI ill St. Louis, the rental from which is a snug fortune in itself. He is also the owner of two iine residences at Frederiektown. In October, 1866, Mr. Benedict was united in marriage to iliss ilary Hallett, who was born and reared in Ohio. Concerning their children the following record is here of- fered, — Truman L. is owner of the telephone exchange at Clarendon, Texas, and he is mar- ried to Maud McAlpin, of Gurdon, Arkan- sas, aud has four children, viz., Mj'rle R., Grace T., Mary H. and William R. He was formerly connected with railroad construc- tion work. Russell Pope is connected with a telegraph company at St. Louis. He mar- ried first Miss Katie Hill, of Frederiektown, Missouri, who died January 25, 1908, leav- ing one daughter, ]\Iary H., aged eleven years in June, 1911. His present wife was Miss Anna Weatherwax. Horace, Jr., married Carolyn Brock, of Frankfort, Ken- tuckj', and travels for the Thomas Law Book Company, of St. Louis. Norma is the wife of Louis F. Alt, who is in the license col- lector's office of St. Louis. They have one child, Benedict Alt, aged two years. Mr. aud IMrs. Benedict were married in Lucas county, Ohio, and for thirteen years followed farming near Toledo, Ohio. Then, in 1880, they removed to ^Marshall. Texas, where Mr. Benedict was engaged in con- struction work, under his half-brother, C. W. Hammond, who was superintendent of the whole Gould system, telegraph and con- struction work. He was a prominent man in those circles and was an old resident of St. Louis. He died in 1899, at his home at St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict had little to start with except energy and ambition, and their united efforts have been crowned with success. In politics ]\Ir. Benedict is a stanch ad- vocate of the cause of the Republican party in national issues but in local affairs he main- tains an independent attitude, voting for men aud measures meeting with the approval of his .iudgment. In 1910 he was elected mayor of Frederiektown, being incumbent of that office at the present time. He is proving a most efficient administrator of the munic- ipal affairs of the city and has instituted many improvements during his regime. In the time-honored Masonic order he has passed through the circles of both the York and the Scottish Rite branches, being a member of the Commandery and Consistorj^ at St. Louis. He retains a deep and abiding in- terest in his old comrades in arms and signi- fies the same by membership iu Hiram (javitt Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He aud his family are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. South. The life history of ilr. Benedict is certainly worthy of commendation and emulation, for along honorable aud straightforward lines he has won the success which crowns his efforts and which makes him one of the substantial resi- dents of Frederiektown. Moses H. Topping, M. D. One of the emi- nent citizens of Flat River, Saint Francois count.y, Missouri, is Dr. iloses II. Topping, a physician widely known for his high attain- ments in his profession, and who in addition to his general practice is extensively engaged in surgery among the miners. Dr. Topping is also president of the Bank of Flat River, and it is largely due to his discrimination and well directed administrative dealing that this institution has become one of the sub- stantial and popular smaller banking houses of the state of Missouri. Dr. Topping is a Virginian by birth, the place of his nativity having been Elizabeth City county, of the Old Dominion, and its date November 6, 1874. His father, James S. Topping, was also born in Virginia, and like most of the young men of his day and gen- eration he was a soldier in the Civil war, hav- ing entered the army of the Confederacy at the earl}' age of sixteen years. He saw some of the most active service of the war and par- ticipated in some of the closing events, hav- ing been with General Lee at the fall of Richmond. After the war he adopted the Republican policies and was throughout his life a useful and public-spirited citizen. He engaged in the wholesale wood, coal and stock food business and followed this actively until his demise, ^March 16, 1895, in Eliza- beth City county, Virginia. He was mar- ried at about the age of twenty-nine years to Alice Jane Hawkins, daughter of Captain James Hawkins, of Elizabeth City county, Virginia. The Hawkins famil,v is of English descent. Dr. Topping was the youngest of three children born to these worthy people, the others being James B., of Harriston, Vir- ginia ; and Alice Virginia, now IMrs. I\I. T. Webber. The father was a consistent mem- ber of the Baptist church and a popular and prominent lodge man, his fraternal affilia- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 615 tions extending to the Knights of Pythias, the Jlasons and the Rednien. The preliminary education of Dr. iloses H. Topping was received in the public and high schools at Hampton, Virginia. His higher training was of a varied and exten- sive character, including attendance at the Suffolk I\Iilitary Academy; a year at Wil- liam and ilary College at Williamsburg, Vir- ginia ; and two years at the Physicians and Surgeons College at Richmond. It was while he was a student at the latter institution that its name was changed to the University College of Medicine. He finished his prep- aration for his profession at the Louisville IMedical College, there graduating and re- ceiving his degree. He went to Oklahoma to begin active practice, but remained there but a short time, in 1897 removing to j\Iissouri and settling in Desloge, Saint Francois county. After a residence in that town he came on to Flat River, -where he has ever since remained, and where his ability has received enthusiastic recogTiitiou. Dr. Topping is president of the Bank of Flat River, as men- tioned previously, and he has held this high position ever since its organization, in which he was instrumental. He is likewise presi- dent of that flourishing concern — the Lead Belt Amusement Company. Dr. Topping is a stanch adherent of the Republican party, of which he is a disciple by inheritance and personal conviction, and he is a valued mem- ber of the Baptist church, assisting to the best of his ability in its good works. No movement calculated to result in bettered conditions for the whole of society fails to secure his support, and he is in truth at the head of many such. He has social pro- clivities, finding pleasure in association with his brethren, and his lodge affiliations ex- tend to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Knights of Pythias. On May 4, 1898, Dr. Topping established a happ.y household by his union with Amanda C. Blue, daughter of John W. Blue, a promi- nent Saint Francois county agriculturist and one of the pioneer settlers of southeastern Missouri. Her grandfather, John W. Blue, was mayor of Farmington previous to the Civil war. The union of Dr. and Mrs. Top- ping has been blessed by the birth of three children, Vannesse, Virginia and Norman H.. and their home is the center of gracious hos- pitalit.v. George T. Dunmire, the postmaster at Kennett, has had a most interesting career. The educators of the present day are urging military training as a means of making bet- ter citizens. What ilr. Dunmire might have been without his military service it is hard to say, but at least the lessons he learned while in the army have been of more value to him than any experience gained before or since. He was born in ]\Iercer county, Pennsyl- vania, April 21, 1837. He received his edu- cation in his native town and when the Civil war broke out he joined the One Hundred and Forty-second Pennsylvania Regiment, serving from August 8th until the close of the war. He was in the battle of the Po- tomac and at Appomattox, serving as Com- missary Sergeant for a time. After the war was ended he went back to Pennsylvania, where he stayed until 1866, when he located at what is now known as Cumberland City, Kentucky, the Coal Company having estab- lished the postoffiee there. In 1870 he left there to go to Springfield and a year later returned to Pennsylvania. After three years there he went to Indiana, remaining about a year, and thence to Birmingham, Kentucky, where he remained until 1878, when he came to ]\Ialden, Missouri, where his brother-in-law, C. P. Phillips, had been in the mercantile business from its start. After remaining with Mr. Phillips for a year and a half, Mr. Dunmire went to Paragould, Arkansas, but his stay there was short lived, only lasting one year. He came to Kennett in 1884 and has been here ever since. For two years he was in the general store business, then he became a building contractor, continuing thus until 1901, when he was with his son in the drug store. In 1907 he was appointed post- master under President Roosevelt. He has fitted up a nice postoffiee and has one rural free delivery. During the four years of serv- ice he has devoted himself to the duties of postmaster and has fulfilled them to the sat- isfaction of the people in general. In 1868 Mr. Dunmire was married in Ken- tucky to Vienna JI. Phillips. Three chil- dren were born to the union, two of whom reached maturity, but only one is living now, John H., the dniggist at Kennett. In addi- tion to his drug business Mr. John Dun- mire is the assisting postmaster and has re- ceived the appointment as postmaster. Hat- 616 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tie E. married Leonard Loeffeler of Hayti, Missouri, and died wlien a young woman. Mr. Dunmire has been connected with the Masons for forty-four years, having joined the order in Kentucky in 1867. He is still a worker in the lodge. He is affiliated with Kennett Lodge, No. 68, A. F. & A. M., Helm Chapter, No. 117, of Kennett, and Camp- bell Council, No. 30, of Campbell, Missouri. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal clnircli in Kennett. Jlr. Dunmire is what is known as a Black Republican in St. Louis, but he has hosts of friends with the Demo- cratic party^ notwithstanding the active work he has always done for the Republicans. During the years that Mr. Dunmire has been in Kennett he has seen many changes in the county, most of them for the better. He is one of the most loj'al citizens of Kennett, standing ready at all times to do his best for its betterment. He began his life in the service of Uncle Sam in the army and hopes , to end it in the same service in the postal department. BuEvraLL Fox. One of the native Ohioans transplanted to the great state of Missouri is Burwell Fox, a prominent educator now serving as county superintendent of schools, and a gifted writer and editor. He is a man not only of ability, but also of high ideals of citizenship, and although a Democrat in politics, at the election for his present office he received a large majority in a strongly Republican county, — assuredly an eloquent tribute. He was educated for the law and practiced his profession in Lebanon, Ohio, in which city he also served as mayor and police judge. Professor Pox was bom near Lebanon, Warren county, Ohio, December 8, 1849, and his father, John C. Fox, was born in the vicinity of Lebanon. The grandparents were of Scotch-English stock. John C. Fox lived in the Buckeye state in the days when the wilderness had but recently yielded to the strength and daring of the first brave pi- oneers and he himself grew to manhood on a farm in his native county and there acquired those habits of industry and thrift which dis- tinguished his later life. He answered to the two-fold calling of carpenter and fanner, and subsequently he removed to Indiana, his farm being practically the forest. In 1857 he died from the effects of a horsekick. He married Anne Wayne Brownle.v, a native of the Old Dominion. Three children were born to them. The eldest died in infancy; Sarah F. is now Mrs. John T. Barr; and Burwell is the subject of his brief biograph- ical record. The mother died one month af- ter the death of her husband, and tiie two children were left alone in the world at a very early age. In religious conviction the elder Mr. Fox was a Baptist and he was a stanch AVhig. Burwell Fox was Init seven years of age when he became fatherless and motherless. The home in Indiana was of course broken up and he went to live with an aunt and uncle. Burwell and Catherine Bassett, who resided in his native Lebanon. He received an edu- cation in the public schools of Lebanon and through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Bassett found it possible to prepare for the legal profession, to which he was inclined. His studies in this line were pursued at Lebanon, Ohio, and in 1870 he was admitted to the bar at that place and shortly afterward he com- menced to practice, and took his place among the representative members of his profession. In 1872 he gave Lebanon an excellent admin- istration as mayor and he held the office of police judge until 1876, in which year he departed for ^Missouri. Professor Fox located at once in Washing- ton county and since coming here his field of most active usefulness has been the ped- agogical. From 1893 to 1897 he was United States commissioner at Ironton, ]\Iissouri, and he subsequently resumed teaching. In 1909 he was elected to his present important office as county superintendent of schools and in 1911 was reelected to the same office. The triumph of his personality over politics has been previously told. He is a splendid, enlightened officer and well maintains the dignity and responsibility of the superinten- dency. He has the work exceedingly well systemized and can instantly look lip the record of any teacher or school. His career as an instructor has also included three years as principal of the Potosi schools. Professor Pox was first married November 13, 1878, Miss Kitty I. Harguss, a member of a Kentucky family, becoming his wife. She died in 1889, at Arcadia, Missouri, and the one child born to the union is also deceased. On June 29, 1892, he was united to .Aliss Maria A. Russell, of Ironton, daughter of Theodore P. and Emily (Guild) Russell, and they share their delightful, cultured home X HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST ^MISSOURI 617 with a son, who bears his father's name. A younger son, Pitkin, died at the age of three. They are members of the Presbyterian church and act in harmony with all salutary measures. Professor Fox's literary talent has been before alluded to. He has been successful as a magazine writer, being particularly gifted in the field of iictiou and he at one time assisted in the editing of the Iron County Register and the Potusi Independent. John J. jMauthe. Among the prominent and representative citizens of Pacific. Jolm J. Mauthe holds deservedly high place in pop- ular conlidcnce and esteem, his fellow towns- men having paid him the highest compliment within their power of considering him a worthy son of that splendid and honorable citizen, the late William Jlauthe. He holds the office of cashier of the Citizens' Bank of Pacihe, having held this position since 1909, and has proved himself an efficient, alert and well-trained banker, whose discrimina- tion and well directed administrative deal- ing have been of no inconsiderable value in building up its fortunes. He comes of Ger- man stock and in him are to be discovered those excellent characteristics which make the Teutonic one of our most admirable sources of citizenship. In addition to his banking interests he is identified with the mercantile life of the place. Mr. ilaiithe is a native son of Pacific, his birth having occurred here January 14, 1873, the son of William JMauthe, an ante- bellum settler who spent his active life as a merchant and who died in the harness. Jan- uary 18, 1901. The father was born in Ger- many, in 1826, and came to America to seek a home among a people more free and inde- pendent than the people of the Fatherland. He located in Pacific and built up a good mercantile business, and was identified, be- sides, in the most praiseworthy manner with the civic affairs of the i)lace. He served as postmaster during the Civil war and was at times connected with the town board. He was a Republican and was a loyal supporter of the cause of the Union in the troublous days of the great conflict between the states. William Mauthe married Susan Kiburz. who was also a native of (lermany, and this worthy lady is still a resident of Piicific. The issue of their union was as follows : iliss An- nie Mautiie, of Pacific, a member of the mer- cantile house of Mauthe & Company ; Wil- liam, who is engaged in the bottling business at DeSoto, Missouri, and who is president of the German-American Bank there ; August F., who was cashier of the Citizens Bank of Union, ilissouri and who died at that place in January, 1910; Louis F., who died at Pa- cific in January, 1905, and who was engaged in the bottling business, married ^liss Lena Burger and at his death left a family of six children, whose names were Raymond, Lor- ine, Dewey, Harold, Gertrude and Louise, Mrs. Gus C. Ran, of Pacific ; Louisa, who married Charles Ilufschmidt, of this place, and is deceased ; and John J., the immediate subject of this record. John J. ilauthe gained his schooling in the public schools of Pacific and when about seventeen years of age he entered his father's store as one of the fixtures of tliHt institution. He mastered the details of the retail mer- cantile business and when his father passed awaj' he became the active head of the con- cern. The firm of Mauthe & Company in- cludes himself and his sister Miss Annie, who is a most able and judicious business woman. Although Mr. Mauthe is not associated as in- timately with the business as in youth, he retains a connection with it and to him is largely due the fact of its permanence and the same confidence as under the old regime which it enjoys in the community. When the Citizens' Bank was brought into existence in 1909 Mr. jMauthe, who was one of the promoters, was invited to take the place of cashier. The bank was chartered in that year; buildings were erected, and it opened business on August 30 of the same .year, with a capital of fifteen thousand dol- lars. Its other officers are James Booth, president, and L. R. Dougherty, vice presi- dent, and it has already gained prestige as a sound and substantial monetai-y institution. Jlr. ;\Iautiie is also one of the directors of the electric light company of Pacific and is a member of the board of directors of the Pacific Home Telephone Company. Like his father, he is identified with the Republican party, Imt unlike that well-remembered gen- tleman he has never been connected with of- fice. The fraternal order of Knights of Pythins knows 'Mv. ]\lauthe as one of its memliers. but Inisiness connections preclude his giving liis time to the work of this or other fraternal societies. On December 28, 1904, :\[r. :\fauthc was 618 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST :MISS0URI happily married to Miss ilargaret Carroll, daughter of P. W. Carroll, of Cape Girar- deau, Missoviri, a concrete contractor and decorator. They have no children. Mr. and Mrs. Mauthe enjoy a prominent place in the best social life- of the place aud are very loyal to the interests of Pacific. Daniel E. Conr.,vd is the sou of David R. and ilary (Bollinger) Conrad, who are also the parents of Peter Conrad, whose life is briefly outlined in this work. Daniel was the thirteenth child of the family of which Peter was the eldest. As has been stated, the grandfather came to Missouri from North Carolina in 1820. Daniel was liorn in 1859, on February 27. David Conrad owned several hundred acres of land aud as he was not only a man of wealth but also of culture, he took pains with the education of his children. Daniel went to the county schools and afterwards to the State University at Columbia. When twenty-two years of age he married and be- gan to farm for himself. He first managed his father's farm for a few j-ears and then operated a portion of the farm for himself. In 1890 he bought one hundred and seventy- five acres of laiid and now has five hundred and fifty-five acres of laud on Whitewater creek, of which two hundred and fifty acres are under cultivation. Besides this Mr. Con- rad is farming his sister's farm of two hun- dred acres. Sixty acres of this is in culti- vation. Agriculture is a pursuit which j\lr. Conrad follows according to scientific meth- ods, as he is a progressive farmer. He has a modern residence on his place, put up in 1901. Stock engages part of his attention and he owns eighteen horses and mules, forty- three head of cattle, one hundred and twenty hogs and twenty-seven sheep. Mrs. Conrad's maiden name was Ella Statler, the daughter of Robert Statler. She and Mr. Conrad have had the following chil- dren: Ora, born June 14, 1883; Howard Dale, July 23, 1885; David R., August 9, 1887; Ella Ethel Irene, February 11, 1889; Mary Kathleen, December 31. 1890; Hazel, November 30, 1892 ; Chalmers F., December 3, 1894: Gyle D., Mav 14, 1896; and Corliss Dewey, JMarch 1. 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Con- rad are members of the Presbyterian church. Alfred Howard Akers. Few men are better and more favorablv known in Saint Francois county than Alfred Howard Akers, who has been identified with this section since the year 1884 aud who holds the position of county principal and superintendent of schools. He held the office of county school commissioner for fourteen years and no one" is more thoroughly in touch with educational matters or better able to cope with the vari- ous problems arising. Mr. Akers was born in the Valley of Vir- ginia, near the city of Roanoke, October 12, 1855. His father, Henry Akei"s, was born in the vicinity of Lynchburg and was reared on a farm, receiving the limited education to be acquired in the country schools. He was married at the age of twenty-two years to Katie Garnet, daughter of Allen Garnet, a farmer located in that vicinity, and they be- came the parents of three children, namely : A. H., the immediate subject of this review ; Walter; aud Bessie. In politics the father was au old-line Whig and he subsequently became a Democrat. He was Baptist in re- ligious conviction and a member of the time- honored ]\lasonic fraternity. He passed away at the age of sixty years. Until the age of fifteen years Mr. Akers was reared upon the farm and received his earlier education in a private school, located not far from his home. When arrived at his fifteenth birthday he was sent to the Agri- cultural and ]\Iechanieal College at Blacks- burg, Virginia, and after a four years' pre- paratory course there he matriculated in the University of Virginia, where he remained two years. AVith a view to entering the field of educational endeavor, Mr. Akers took a brief normal coui-se at Farmville, Virginia, and ever since then he has been engaged in teaching school. In 1884 he came to the state of JMissouri and for the past eighteen years he has been principal and superintend- ent of schools in this county. In 1909 he was elected county superintendent and at the next election succeeded himself, being the present incumbent of the office. He enjoys a splendid reputation for ability, judgment and progressiveness in educational circles aud has done much in this important field. On the 1st day of September, 1886, Mr. Akers was united in marriage to Alice Wes- cott, of Saint Francois county, daughter of J. W. and Mary J. Wescott. Mr. and Mrs. Akers are the parents of the following seven children: J. Clyde, Jessie V., Wilbur D., Waldemar F., Alfred Howard, Christine and (X^^ ^ y^^^-y^^ HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 619 Julitin. The head of the house is Democratic in politics ; his fraternal relations extend to the Masons, the Redmen, the American Or- der of United Workmen and the Knights of Pythias ; and liis church is tlie Baptist. In evidence of Mr. Akers' successful eleva- tion of the standard of the county schools is the fact that there are three fully accredited ones among them and ten are doing high sehoo] work. ) jMann Ringo. Mr. Ringo's entire attention is given to the banking business, specifically to the Iron County Bank, of whieli he has been a director since its organization in 1896 and cashier since 1897. Other officers of the organization are William R. Edgar, presi- dent, whose biography appears elsewhere in this volume, Eli D. Ake, viee-pi'esident, and Arthur Huff, assistant cashier. These gen- tlemen and William H. and I. G. Whitworth constitute the board of directors. The bank was organized by the present stockholders with a capital of ten thousand dollars and has now a surplus of fifteen thousand dollars and has been incorporated as a state bank. Mr. Ringo was born September 25, 1864, in Mississippi county, southeastern IMissouri. His parents, J. M. and Predonia (McGregor) Ringo, had come to ilissouri nine years be- fore from western Kentucty. The father was a native of Kentucky, but the mother was born in Tennessee. After settling in Mis- souri, J. M. Ringo became a merchant farmer and was prominent in the political atifairs of the county. He served as district judge of the county court and also as county treas- urer of Mississippi county. He died in 1893, at the age of sixty-five years, after the death of his wife. Both were members of the Bap- tist church. Mr. Mann Ringo has two brothers and three sisters. Mr. D. M. Ringo is a merchant farmer and a stock and grain dealer. He re- sides in his father's adopted home, Mississippi county. Jlr. S. P. Ringo is a merchant in Ironton. The sisters are Mrs. W. A. Fletcher, of Arcadia, Miss Nannie Ringo, primary teacher in the same place, and Mrs. Louis Miller, also of Arcadia. ilr. Ringo has spent his active life in the Arcadia valley. He was educated at the Normal in Cape Girardeau, graduating in the class of 1886. The two years following he taught school. In 1888 he was elected to the legislature and served two terms. Dur- ing Cleveland's second administration he was appointed receiver of public moneys for the U. S. land office. Since 1897 he has been cashier of the bank and an executive officer. He married iliss Annie Newman, a native of Ironton. She is the daughter of the late Thomas Newman, whose widow and family still reside in Ironton. Mr. Newman was a house and sign painter, a native of England, but a resident of Ironton fi-om 1864 until his death, in 1907. ilr. and Mrs. Ringo have two daughters. Miss Lucille, aged sixteen, and ]\Iiss Predonia J., aged eighteen. Both are attending their father's old school, the Normal at Cape Girardeau. Mr. Ringo's retirement from the field of active politics has in no way weakened his adherence to the Democratic party, whose policies have always embodied his political convictions. Though banking is his exclusive business, he finds opportunity to maintain his affiliation with the Masonic order. Samuel B. Kiepner. Civilization will hail riches, prowess, honors, popularity, but it will bow humbly to sincerity in its fellows. The exponent of known sincerity, singleness of honest purpose, has its exemplification in all bodies of men ; he is found in every asso- ciation and to him defer its highest offices. Such an exemplar whose daily life and whose life work have been dominated as their most conspicuous characteristic by sincerity is Samuel B. Kiefner, who is a business man of prominence and influence at Perryville, ilis- souri, and who is the present able and popu- lar incumbent of the office of postmaster of this city. Samuel B. Kiefner was born on a farm near Kaiser's Ridge, in Allegany county, Maryland, on the 20th of October, 1863, and he is a son of John and Catherine (Lakel) Kiefner, both of whom are now living in re- tirement at Perryville, where the former was long engaged in the furniture and undertak- ing business. John Kiefner was born in Ger- many in the .year 1834 and he accompanied his grandfather to America when he was a lad of sixteen years of age. Settlement was made at Baltimore, Maryland, where John entered upon an apprenticeship at the cabinet maker's trade and where, on the 25th of De- cember, 1854, was recorded his marriage to Miss Catherine Lakel. This union was pro- lific of eleven children, five of whom are liv- ing, in 1911, the subject of this article being 620 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI next youngest of those who sun-ive. Else- where in this volume appeai-s a sketch of the life and career of Charles E. Kiefuer, younger brother of Samuel B. Kiefner. Samuel B. Kiefner, of this notice, was a child of but two years of age at the time of his parents' removal to Perry ville, to whose public schools he is indebted for his prelim- inary educational training. At the age of eighteen years he undertook to learn the ins and outs of the carpenter's trade and two years later, in 1883, he accompanied his par- ents to Kansas, where the family home was maintained for the ensuing four years. Dur- ing three years of that time Mr. Kiefner was foreman of a street-car barn at Wichita, Kan- sas, and in 1889 he removed to Des IMoines, Iowa, where he resided for one year, at the expiration of which he went to Keokuk. Iowa, where he was employed as clerk for the street-ear company from 1890 to September, 1891. On the date last mentioned he re- turned to Perryville and here was engaged in the work of his trade until the fall of 1903. He then organized the Union Store Company, which was incorporated under the laws of the state with a capital stock of twenty-five thou- sand dollars and wliicli is ofifice'red as fol- lows.— Samuel B. Kiefner, president; H. M. Geile. vice president; and Charles J. Litseh, secretary and treasurer. For a time he had charge of the furniture and undertaking de- partment of this concern but on the 22nd of May, 1906. when he was appointed post- master of Perryville, he was obliged to re- linquish that work. In his political convic- tions Mr. Kiefner is a stanch supporter of the principles and policies promulgated by the Republican party and while he has never shown any great ambition for political prefer- ment he was a member of the Perryville board of aldermen from 1896 to 1898. In 1906. as previously noted, he was appointed postmaster of Perryville, by President Roose- velt, and he was re-appointed to that office by President Taft in 1909. In fraternal cir- cles he is affiliated with the United Brother- hood of America, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Jlodern Woodmen of America. For a period of three years he was a member of the Perryville school board and his religious support is given to the Presbv- terian church, in whose faith he was reared. In the year 1889, at Wichita, Kansas, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Kiefner to Miss Clara B. Armstrong, who was reared and educated at Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. Kief- ner became the parents of six children, all of whom are living except Clarence, who was summoned to the life eternal in 1901. The names of the other children are as follows. — Maud, Leroy, Carl, Burton, and Nellie, ilaud is assistant postmistress at Perryville and Leroy is a popular and successful teacher in the public schools of this place. Jlrs. Kief- ner is a woman of charming personality and she and her husband are everywhere ac- corded the highest regard of their fellow citi- zens on account of their exemplary lives and sterling qualities. Dr. Robert P. Dalton, one of the most promising young doctors at Cape Girardeau, is a life long resident of southeastern ]\lis- souri. His family on both sides were amongst the oldest settlers in ^Missouri. The time has passed when youth is any handicap to a man, — even a physician — nor is age any detriment. The world demands that a man shall deliver the goods, having no fault to find with him as long as he does that. It is onl.y when he fails that attention is called to his years. Dr. Dalton has shown the people in Cape Girardeau that he has ability of an unusual order, combined with integrity of a still rarer kind. He, like a number of other young men, was not decided what road he would travel to siiccess, but when he did decide he quickly got on to it and is making up for lost time l)y his rapid progress along it. He was born at Frederickstown. [Missouri, on the last day of the j'ear 1876. His grand- father, John P. Dalton, was born in Ripley county, Missouri, his father having been one of the pioneers of southeastern Missouri. John P. Dalton was a farmer and also a blacksmith, a common enough combination years ago. His son, also named John was a native of Frederickstown. ilissouri, where he received his education. He studiecl medicine and became a practicing physician, as also a preacher of the Gospel. A physician has many opportunities to speak a word in sea- son regarding the spiritual life as well as the corporeal, but Dr. Dalton was not satis- fied with that, he felt the necessity of pro- claiming in a public way the teachings of the Bible. He married Fannie Best, a young woman born in Perry count.v, ilissouri. She was the daughter of Jonathan Best, one of the first settlers of southeastern Mi.ssouri, whither he came from North Carolina. He HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 621 was a fanner both in his native county and in ilissouri. Dr. and ]\Irs. John Dalton had eleven children, of whom two daughters died in infancy, the remaining nine living to grow to maturity, seven sous and two daugh- ters. The two youngest of the family died at about the age of twenty-one. Dr. Robert P. Dalton was the second child of his parents. His childhood was passed on the farm at Frederickstown, where he was born. As soon as he was old enough to at- tend school, he had to walk a distance of five miles each way, to the little log school house, known as the Killday or McKenzie school. He received his preliminary education at this school, after which he went to the Ihider- wood school, which was four miles in another direction from his home. Both school houses were built of logs, the desks were formed of a log split in two, having peg legs. The in- struction however, was not as primitive as the buildings, as Robert learned a good deal at these two schools. He next attended the Greenville high school, in Wayne county, go- ing from there to Hales College at Gravelton, Missouri, where he took a general course, graduating in 1896. He had not yet decided to become a physician, but he believed in the advantages of a first class education, no mat- ter what course he pursued. After leaving college he was engaged in the drug and gro- ceiy business at Patton, ^Missouri, in which he continued for about four years. In 1900 he had made i;j) his mind that he was not cut out for a mercantile career, but felt a very decided leaning towards the medical profes- sion. He sold out his busine.ss, entered a medical college at St. Louis, ^Missouri, grad- uating therefrom in 1904, having taken the full four years medical course. The same year he came to Cape Girardeau, immediately starting to practice. He has been here ever since, with a steadily increasing practice. He is a member of the Cape Girardeau County IMedical Society and of the State J\Iedical Association. On September 7, 1892, the Doctor married Miss Sue E. Swindell, the daughter of Sam J. Swindell. There have been no children born to Dr. and Mrs. Dalton. The doctor is a member of various frater- nal orders, as follows: the Modern Woodmen of America, the Knights and Ladies of Se- curity, the ^Modern Americans. Politics do not greatly interest Dr. Dalton, his time be- ing fully occupied by his practice, his socie- ties, his family and his needed recreation. He has already shown himself to be a power for good in the community. Joseph Scott Wolff, D. D. S.— One of the best known members of the dental pro- fession in Southeast i\Iissouri, as well as mayor of Festus and a public citizen of broad and strong character, Dr. Joseph S. Wollf comes of an old, substantial Pennsylvania family which has included not a few distin- guished members in the east and southwest His father. Rev. A. T. Wolff, was born in Westmoreland county, that state, and was recognized until his death, in 1905, at the age of forty-nine, as one of the eminent Pres- byterian clergymen in the country. The elder man spent his early boyhood and youth on the old Pennsylvania farm and as a hard- working pupil in the neighborhood schools, afterward realizing his ambition for a higher education by completing a course at Union Seminary, Alliance, Ohio. At his graduation therefrom he became pastor of a small church at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, and not long afterward accepted a call from the First Presbyterian church of Alton, Illinois. He acceptably filled the pulpit of that strong or- ganization for seven yeai-s, and then sen-ed as passtor of the Calvary Presbyterian church of Detroit, and the North Presliyterian church of St. Louis. In the discharge of the duties attaching to these responsible charges. Dr. Wolff had become so widely admired and loved both as a faithful pastor and an elo- quent pulpit orator that he received an ur- gent call to assume pastoral charge of the largest Presbyterian church in Edinburgh, Scotland, the old-world stronghold of the de- nomination. Although deeply appreciative of the honor, his home ties and stanch Amer- icanism, as well as his firm conviction that he could do more good in the United States where his influence had been so long exerted — these considerations forced liim to decline the proffered Edinburgh pastorate. For some time, however, he lectured abroad un- der the Slayton Lyceum Bureau, and became widely known in Great Britain. He also be- came very prominent as a Mason and at one time was grand state orator for Illinois In 1875 Rev. A. T. Wolff was united in marriage with Miss Margaret S. Young, of Oakland Cross Roads, Pennsylvania, and of the six children born to him, the Doctor was the eldest. His mother is still living, also 622 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI two brothei-s and one sister, residents of St. Louis. Dr. Wolff is also a native of Westmore- land county, Pennsylvania, where he was born June 14, 1878. He first received a com- mon school education, but pursued his pro- fessional courses at Washington University, St. Louis, from which he graduated, in 1905, with the degree of D. D. S. For tlie succeed- ing two years he engaged in practice in that city, and then moved to Festus, his present residence and his lucrative and progressive field of professional labor. That Dr. Wolff's honors do not end there, has already been intimated. To particular- ize — he was first elected mayor of Festus in 1909, and re-elected in 1911, and his adminis- trations have been so conducted as to earn him the respect of all parties, albeit his per- sonal support has always been given to the Democracy. He is one of the leading frater- nalists of this section of the state. The Red Men, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen and Select Knights have all afforded him evi- dences of their esteem, and at the present time he is presiding officer (Great Sachem) of the Improved Order of Red Men, State of Missouri. And his advancement has never been of the drifting nature, but rather of the propelling and pushing kind, often against strong contrary currents. Owing to a seri- ous decline in his father's health, he was com- pelled to work his way through college. Both fig-uratively and literally, he had to fight hard to get his education, for, soon after the completion of his freshman year at Wash- ington University, he enlisted for service in the Philippines, and served as regimental commissary sergeant for two years and seven months. This delayed his graduation until 1905, but showed his stamina and added to his deserved popularity as a man. In the year of his graduation Dr. Wolff was married to Miss Antoinette Nengle, of Festus, jMissouri, and their three children are Scott Emmerson, ilarguerite Antoinette and Marie AVolff. Oliver B. Gwyn is at the head of the Con- ran Cooperage Company, one of the indus- trial enterprises which play an important part in the prosperity of the county, his re- lation to this thriving concern being that of president and general manager. Although a Kentuckian by birth, he has resided in this state for a number of vears and here lias en- joyed excellent fortunes. Mr. Gwyn, who is a son of E. B. and Margaret J. (Lynch) Gwyn, natives of Kentuckj', was h)orn in Hickman county of the Blue Grass state Jan- uary 27, 1874. His father was a painter by occupation and the subject resided beneath the home roof until the age of fifteen j'ears. He is one of a family of five children. At the age mentioned Mr. Gwyn went to Clay county, Arkansas, and located in Rector, wliere the young fellow, who had started out quite alone in the world, secured a position in a saw-mill, and remained thus engaged for four years. The kind of work he secui'ed when a boy had no inconsiderable influence uj^on his subsequent career, for he has been for a number of years in the milling business. After that he found farm work to do and while thus employed he was married in 1891, to Miss Ada Deniston, daughter of James and Mary E. (Welch) Deniston, their mar- riage occurring in the vicinity of Rector. Mrs. Gwyn was born there November 18, 1873. For a time after his marriage Mr. Gwyn continued to farm, but he finally con- eluded that he could not make enough money as a farmer and so took up another line of enterprise — milling, with which he was al- ready familiar. He came to Missouri in 1899, locating in Dunklin county, in the town of Paulding, and there took a contract to stack lumber for three years. He then engaged with the Paulding Stave Company and con- tinued in this line until 1906. During this time he carried on business in both Paulding and Geneva, at the latter place with the Buf- falo Stave Company. In 1906 he went into business in Boynton, Arkansas, just across the line from his former Missouri residence, again operating a mill for one year. During the same j'ear he moved to Kennett. He sold the Boynton mill in 1908. In January, 1909, he put in a new plant at Gideon, New Mad- rid county, biit in the following October he sold the same, and in the following January put in a new mill at Conran, which he still operates. This has a capacity of forty-five thousand slack barrel staves a day and is an up-to-date and paying concern. i\Ir. Gwyn also built a mill in Mai-ston, Missouri, — the Marston Cooperage Company, which he operated for nine months and then resigned from its management to more fully devote his energies to the constantly growing busi- ness of the Conran concern. This is an in- corporated business, and Mr. Gwyn is presi- VA/. (yiZ. (^;; HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 623 dent and general manager. In addition to this large interest he has considerable town property and also six hundred and sixty acres of land near Conran, which is being cleared and farmed. He is very loyal to Mis- souri, in which state all of his success has been achieved. Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn have an interesting family of seven children. Bessie attends Hardin College, and Frank, Judge, Myrtle, Tom, Burley and Dan are all at home. Mrs. Gwyn and five of the children, Bessie, Frank, Judge, Myrtle and Tom, are all members of Missiouar.y Bai^tist church. Mr. Gwyn is one of the most enthusiastic of local lodge men and holds membership in no less than six orders. He is a Mason, being affiliated with the time-honored oi'der at Cardwell and having attained to the thirty-second degree, and he also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen of the World, the Modern Wood- men of America and Ben Hur. He is the friend of good government and of a public spirited type of citizenship. John Marshall Finney, M. D. At a very early age a boy begins to make plans for his future career; he is positive as to the direc- tion this career will take, but very frequently before he has finished his schooling he branches out into something entirely differ- ent; sometimes the chajige is brought about by a series of circumstances over which he has no control. Sometimes he himself luidergoes such radical changes that he no longer feels any inclination towards those things he formerly loved. In the case of John Mar- shall Finney, when he was in the grammar school he had already decided on his profes- sion and he never changed his mind. Since that time everything he studied or read was selected with a view to his chosen profession. He was bom at Vienna in Johnson county, Illinois, February 18, 1852, and was the son of G. P. and Rachael (Latham) Finney, both of Avhom were born in Illinois. The Finney family originally came from Virginia and were early settlers in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Finne.y had three children, one daughter and two sons, of whom John Marshall is the youngest. His brother, W. N. Finney, is a resident of California. Mr. Finney died when he was forty-three years of age and his wife at about the same age. After his mother's death, when he was eleven years old, John Marshall Finney went to live with an uncle. Dr. J. F. Latham, a farmer of Saline county, Illinois. After he had finished the grammar school course, he attended the Ewing College, preparatoiy to the study of medicine. When he was only sixteen years of age he went to Eldorado, Illinois and there read with a doctor ancl practised under his instructions. He next at- tended a medical college in St. Louis, where he also practiced. In 1873 he came to Mis- souri, after practicing in Illinois for a short time, and located at Marble Hill. After three years of successful practice, he located at Laflin in Bollinger county, but very near to Cape Girardeau county. His practice was in both counties. For thirty years he kept up this hard life, traveling long distances to vi.sit his patients. In 1906 he came to Cape Gir- ardeau, with the intention of giving up his visiting and intending to have only an office practice. He established a drug store in the town, carrying a very full line of drugs of all descriptions and medicines. His patients will not, however, be contented to let him de- vote his time to his drug store, but they come to him from long distances, although he onl.y visits in Cape Girardeau. For the past twenty years he has been a member of the Southeastern Missouri Medical Society, being one of the oldest practitioners in this part of southeastern Missouri. In 1877 be married Mary G. Manning, daughter of George and Louisa Manning of Leopold, Missouri. Dr. and Mrs. Finney had a family of eleven children, nine of whom are living now (1911), as follows: John Marshall, Jr., a physician near Leopold, Missouri ; Norman J. in the United States Army, located at the Philippine Islands; Louisa Ann, wife of J. H. Price of Orange, Texas ; Francis M., attending normal school at Cape Girardeau ; Rachael, Julia, George G., William Paul and Mary Gertrude are all at home with their parents. Norman was the only child who was not born in southeastern Missouri. He was born in St. Louis, while the doctor was living there attending medical college in 1884, tak- ing a. special course of stud.v. The doctor is a member of the Masonic Order and is a master Mason. He is a Demo- ovflf in political sympathies : he is greatly in- terested in politics, but holds no office, nor has lie any desire for political honors for him- self. He finds his time fully taken up with the duties of his own profession and the 624 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI maiiageiueiit of his drug store. He has been in practice in southeastern Missouri for thirty-seven years, much of the time in Cape Girardeau. He is naturally known all over the state by his professional brethren and his office, at 701) Broadway, is visited by physi- cians from all over the two counties. We sometimes feel that a man has mistaken his calling in life, that he would have made more of a success in some other position. That is not the ease with Dr. Finney; one feels that he is a perfect success as a physician and he would not have done his best work in any other profession. Francis Marion Wells. There is no finer satisfaction in life than to look back, when success has come, and see that achievement has been wrought, not on the foundation of the fortunes of one's forebears, but upon the firmer basis of innate progressiveness, perse- verance and courage undaunted in the face of all obstacles. Such is the satisfaction that F. i\I. Wells, the well-known banker of IMar- ble Hill, nuist take, when still in the prime of life, when he glances back over his note- worthy career of sixty years. Mr. Wells was l)orn in those days of clouded premonition, when the Missouri Compromise and its attendant circumstances had already split the country into the North and the South, January 6, 1850, in Bradley county, in eastern Tennessee. He was the son of Eli and Mary (Brandon) Wells, the former a native of the Big Bend state and the latter a descendant of Colonial stock, born near Rome, Georgia. The parents lived upon their farm, and there followed the great basic industj-y of agriculture. In 1858 the father brought his generous family of eleven children to Stoddard county, ]\Iissouri. Of the seventeen children born, six had deceased in Tennessee. Eli Wells had made an early venture in the mercantile business, but re- verses in that field had necessitated a second choice, and he selected farming, being en- gag'ed first on the farm of his brother James, w'ell-known as a successful agriculturist. On the 2d of April, 1863, occurred the death of Eli Wells, and a large family was left to carve out its own fortunes without the guidance or assistance of a father. Francis llarion was then thirteen, and during the remainder of the war period, he being the oldest lioy at home, upon his sturdy boy 's shouldei-s rested the responsibility of the support of the large family. Two of the older boys were off at the war following the Union flag, while Francis Marion and a younger brother, by renting a farm, were cheerfully performing the tasks of farm labor and keeping the family together until peace should he declared and the older boys return. Of such stuff are men made, those early chapters but foretell the spirit of his later life. After farming in Stoddard county and in Scott county, Mr. Wells came to Bollinger, where after farming for a year he entered the general merchandise store of Bollinger and Slinkard, located at Bollinger's JMill (now Zalma) in the capacity of clerk, and he made no change in his position for five years. On March 24, 1874, Mr. Wells was united in marriage to iliss Rachel C. Bollinger, daughter of Joel and Ann Elizabeth Bollinger, stanch pioneers of the region. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Wells became the parents of two children. Francis R., born in January, 1875, died in early infancy, and Charles A., born June 1, 1877, is now a prominent physician, with a flourishing practice, at Pascola, Pemiscot county, ilissouri, in which place he has re- sided for twelve years. In 1877 i\Ir. Wells, through an appointment by the county court, became collector to fill the unexpired term of ilr. Hopkins. He served two years, and then was elected to the same office for three con- secutive terms, a speaking comment of the efficient and honorable service rendered by I\Ir. Wells. In 1885 ilr. Wells opened mercantile es- tablishments at Lutesville and iMarble Hill. On :\Iarch 10, 1886, Mrs. Wells was called to the Great Beyond, leaving her husband with her little son Charles, then a child of nine. For three years, from 1887 until 1889, Mr. Wells was interested in the handling of live stock, and managed a large trading business in the same, carrying on exten.sive opera- tions thi'oughout southeastern Missouri. In 1889 the governor of Missouri selected him to fill the unexpired term of county clerk, and in 1890 the citizenship of the county, mindful of the record of Jlr. Wells as county collector, again elected him to public office, and for six years he was county clerk of Bol- linger county, and no man has ever held the office with more general satisfaction to the community. In 1906 he was elected presid- ing Judge of the County Court, serving four HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST .AHSSOURI 625 years, making- altogether eighteen years of public service in county office. WHien the Bollinger County Bank was or- ganized Mr. Wells, ever on the alert where the welfare of the county is concerned, was actively concerned in the establishment of a reliable local monetary institution, and sub- sequently became its president. In 1897, upon the resignation of Cashier B. F. Stev- ens, he accepted the cashiership, thus giving in all fifteen years of service. Besides his interest in the Bollinger Coimty Bank he is also a stockholder in the Bank of Marble Hill, and with some six others he maintains a con- trolling interest in the Advance Telephone companj-, an enterprise that started with a capital stock of $20,000, and has since, through wise executive policies, been built up to $44,000. Besides his handsome residence and town lots in Marble Hill, Mr. Wells' real estate holdings include town lots in Okla- homa, a one hundred and twenty acre farm and an interest in a farming property amounting to three hundred and sixty acres. Besides this he holds the enviable record of having been identified M'ith Mayfield College for twenty years, having been president of the Board of Trustees for that length of time. On September 29, 1887, Mr. Wells laid the foundation for his present happy household by his marriage on that date to Miss Lucy E. Swift, daughter of Thomas and Hannah A. (Wilkinson) Swift, of Cape Girardeau county. Six children have been born to this iinion, four of whom survive, as follows: — William F., born September 20, 1888. is now a cashier of the Bank of Patton, which he or- ganized with a capital of ten thousand dol- lars ; Marie, born January 24, 1896 ; Emma Jane, born April 19, 1899; and Harry Hu- bert, born March 17, 1902. Mr. and Mrs. Wells and their family are members of the Baptist church, and Mr. Wells is a deacon in the iMarble Hill church. Fraternally Mr. Wells is affiliated with that historic order, the Ancient Free and Accepted ilasons. It is interesting to note, not only for the fact itself but for the lesson it may possibly teach the younger generation, bred among less trying scenes than those of war and frontier pioneering, that Mr. Wells never actually attended school except for the tri- fling period of six months, but like many an- other indomitable soul of the sixties and sev- enties, when circumstances demanded that the daylight hours be given to toil, he under- took to educate himself at night, and it is no mere figure to say that he studied by '"midnight oil." jMr. Wells indeed deserves tlie loyal affection and high respect with, which he is regarded throughout the county and beyond its limits. Edgak Prewitt Caruthers. There are but ten persons on the Midway Islands, a recent acciuisition of the United States, yet they are not lonesome, for these Islands are used as a cable station, and the news of the world passes daily through their hands. The man who brings this news to our doors in readable form has performed a public bene- faction, which should be highly appreciated. Such a man is Edgar Prewitt Caruthers, who was born in southeastern Missouri, in St. Francois county, October 27, 1854, a son of Solomon D. and Maiy Jane (Harris) Caru- thers. The father, Solomon D., was a native of I\Iadison county, ilissouri, coming here with his father, David L. Caruthers, from Tennessee in 1820. The mother was a native of Kentucky, her father being Squire Samuel Perrin Harris, of Irish descent, who came to Mis.souri at an early day. The branch of the Caruthers family to which this subject be- longs were of Scotch-Irish stock, and were settlers in North Cai-olina before the Revo- lution. The immediate subject of this review, Ed- gar P. Caruthers, obtained his education in the common schools of his native state. In early life he decided to adopt the printer's trade as his life work, and, in accordance with this idea, went into a printer's office at Fredericktown, where he mastered the intri- cacies of this business and became the owner of the Bee there when but a mere boy. Later he was employed for six years in the treasury department of Missouri, and then became a reporter on a St. Louis newspaper. He then removed to Medicine Lodge, Kan- sas, where he published a paper for eight years, and takes credit as the "discoverer" of Jerry Simpson. He then returned to Mis- souri and located at Carthage, where he was engaged in the printing business for two years, when he removed to Kennett, in the same state, taking charge of the Dunklin Democrat in 1893, since which time he has been its editor and publisher, and he is quite proud of the fact that it has not missed an issue during all that time. 626 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Mr. Carutliers was first married in 1874, the lady of his choice beiBg ilary L. Flem- ing, of Fredericktown, JMissouri, and of this union there are four children living, — Mrs. Will A. Jones, of Kennett; Albert B. Carii- thers, for the past five years in the Canal zone in the government employ ; Robert L. Caruthers, an attorney of Haskell, Okla- homa ; and Mrs. Wallace E. Barron, of Cal- ico Rock, Arkansas. Mr. Caruther's first wife died in 1890. Four years later he was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Minnie Chandler, who lived but four years, her demise occurring in 1898. There were two children by this marriage, both of whom are deceased. He was again married, Mrs. Electra Townsend becoming his wife. No children were born of this union, and Mrs. Caruthers has passed on to her eternal life. In politics ]Mr. Caruthers is an earnest and unswerving Democrat, and in fraternal rela- tions is an esteemed member of the Royal Arch Masons. William L. Cole is the prosecuting attor- ney of Franklin county, an able and success- ful advocate in criminal practice and a pow- erful factor in political affairs not merely in Franklin county, but throughout the entire state of Missouri. Although not yet come to middle life, Mr. Cole's achievements in his profession and in the domain of political af- fairs mark him as belonging to the chosen band of leaders who are shaping the policies and directing the forces which are lifting the commonwealth to a still higher plane of en- lightenment and prosperity. A native of Franklin county, ilr. Cole's na- tal day is the 30th of March, and the year of his ])irth was the centennial, 1876. (iev- ald, his birthplace, was the final home of his parents. His father was also indigenous to this county, his native place being four miles east of Washington. W. N. J. Cole, the father of the present attorney, was born in 1831, spent his life as a farmer, was fairly educated for that time and was always actively interested in public education. Upon public questions he agreed with the Democrats until the time of the Civil war, when the issue of Secession drove him into the Republican party. Mr. Cole's mother Avas formerly Mrs. Susan Cooper, widow of a ilr. Cooper who came to Franklin county immediately after the Rebellion. Prior to her marriage to ]\Ir. Cooper she was iliss Susan Smith, whose father was a Ken- tuckian. She was the mother of three chil- dren by her first marriage and her issue by Mr. Cole were : George L., superintendent of schools at Marshfield, Missouri ; Charles A.. superintendent of schools at Union, IMis- souri; Jacob E., a farmer of Franklin county; William L., of this review, and Emma J., who died in the county as the wife of William Williams. Mrs. Cole passed away in 1882 and her husband followed her in 1904. The Franklin county branch of the Cole family was founded by Jacob Cole in 1813. He was born near Charlestown, West Vir- ginia, in 1795. In 1798 he accompanied his father to ^Missouri. He lived in St. Charles county until the age of eighteen. As a pio- neer he became one of the best known citi- zens in this part of Missouri. His business was distilling liquor and farming. His mar- riage took place in Franklin countv, where he lived until 1882. W. N. J. Cole" was the youngest of his eleven children. William L. Cole, the subject of this sketch, received his elementary education in the country near his birthplace, and then at- tended the Owensville Normal. He taught in the district schools of Franklin and of Gasconade counties until he was chosen prin- cipal of the schools in Pacific, ^Missouri. While filling this position, he devoted all his spare time to the study of law, completing his preparation by taking the summer course in law at the State Univemty in Columbia. In 1900 he was admitted to the bar in Her- mann before Judge Hertzel, but continued to teach until 1904, when he began to practice his profession in Pacific, ilr. Cole was a member of the bar in that town until he was elected prosecuting attorney of his county in November, 1906. He succeeded Hon. O. E. Meyersick in this office and established his residence in the county seat. Twice re- elected he has maintained the reputation of Franklin county for the conviction of viola- tors of the law, some of the notorious crim- inals of the age having been overtaken by justice in the Franklin county court. Gifted by nature in the art of public speaking, Mr. Cole easily found place for his talents in the practice of law. The state Re- publican committee eagerly availed itself of so capable and convincing an expounder of the doctrines of the party and invited him to take part in the eompaign of 1904. Since HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 627 that time he has participated in every cam- paign; he has served the county, the state and the congressional committees, and he has been a recognized power in the organi- zation of his party and in its success at the polls. ]Mr. Cole has attained some prominence in Woodcraft, having tilled the chair of consul in Union, attended stated conventions of the order and been delegate to the Head Camp at Buffalo, New York. In the Masonic order he has sat in the Grand Lodge as delegate both in St. Louis and in Kansas City. He and his wife hold membership in the Eastern Star. On November 28, 1906, ilr. Cole was mar- ried to Miss Agatha Bucher at Pacific, Mis- souri. Her father was Jacob Bucher, a Swiss by birth, while her mother was Miss Agatha Zeteh, born in Germany. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Cole have no children. The outline of ]\Ir. Cole's career would present to one unacquainted with him the idea of a successful and popular lawyer, adroit in the handling of men and affairs. Mr. Cole is all of this and much more. No account of his achievements would picture the force and directness of his character nor the genialty of his manner, which is yet ut- terly devoid of the remotest trace of fawning or flattery. All in all, Mr. Cole's frequent selection for office may be said to be simply the natural tribute to his personal popular- ity and capabilities. George W. Redden. It has been the pleas- ant fortune of George W. Redden, leading photographer of Farmington, to have ob- tained the highest prestige in his particular field of endeavor. He is in truth one of the state's leading photographers and is an ar- tist in the truest sense of the word, his pro- ductions having that quality which distin- guishes the work of the reall.y artistic tem- perament from the commonplaceness of him who merely understands the mechanism of the camera and fails to reproduce the individual- ity of his sitters. More than this, he is a man of fine inventive ability, and his method of photographic printing, known as the "Redden Way" is known over the entire country. He has also invented a number of other devices in this fleld. George W. Redden was born July 26, 1868, on a farm near the town of St. Aubert, now Mokane, Callaway county, Missouri. He is the son of Wiley S. and Mary Jane (Level) Redden. The father was a native of middle Tennessee, and his father, Willian Redden, was born in North Carolina, and went to Tennessee as a young man. The grandfather was a farmer and slave-holder and he was called to the life eternal when about fifty years of age. He was a descendant of an old and well known North Carolina family. The father was reared and educated in Tennessee and resided there at the time of the breaking out of the Civil war. There were four brothers in the family and all of them were brave young fellows whose first thought was of enlisting. But there was so much to say on both sides of the great question which pressed for settlement that they were a little undecided upon which side to enlist. The four gathered in the yard of the old home and, seated on a log, talked the matter over, long and earnestly. At last they sadly sep- arated, one bi'other going to enlist in the Union army and the other three joining the army of the Confederacy. The first fought throughout the entire war, being wounded at the battle of Gettysburg. This brother who joined the cause of the Union was the subject's father, Wiley S. Redden, and among his adventures was a period of incar- ceration in Ander.sonville prison. He es- caped at one time from the prison, ])ut was recaptured. After the termination of the war, Wiley S. Redden, settled at St. Aubert, Callaway county, ]Mi.s.souri, and in 1867 he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Level. Six children came to bless their union and of this number three died in infancy. The three surviving are George W., of this review; Samuel G., of St. Charles, Missouri ; and Charles A., of Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. Redden remained upon the farm until his death, in 1878, at the age of forty-seven years, this resulting from blood poison, with which he became afflicted fi-om the wounds received while a soldier. His widow now re- sides at Fredericktown. The boyhood days of George W. Redden were passed upon the home farm and there he learned the helpful l&ssons of industry and thrift. He attended the district school's and the schools of Fulton and subsequently became a student in Westminster College. He entered the photograph business at the age of twenty years, for several years being a journeyman workman, employed by some 628 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of the leading photographers of the United States, liis ability becoming at once apparent. He was established at Fredericktown for eleven years and during that time acted as official photographer of the mines, quarries, clays, timbers, and timber products, securing pictures of the foregoing for the Missouri Commission of the St. Louis World's Fair, and serving with credit to himself and the state. As previously mentioned Mr. Reddeu is the inventor of the Redden photogi'aphic printing machine and several other devices for shortening the long process and securing easier and better work. He is now having them manufactured and sold on royalty. On September 4, 1892, Mr. Redden was united in marriage to Miss Ora Gross, of Se- dalia, ^Missouri, daughter of A. P. ]\I. and Ella Nevada (Gay) Gross, both natives of Dade county. The father is deceased, but Mrs. Gross now makes her home in Los An- geles, California. IMrs. Redden received her education in the Sedalia public schools. They have a quartet of interesting children, namel}': Allan C, Elizabeth, Anthony and Charles Greer. The subject is a Republi- can and a Royal Arch ]\Iason and he and his wife are affiliated with the Christian church. Lin Grisham. As president of the Con- solidated Store & Manufacturing Company, the main headquarters of which important concern are at Fredericktown, Missouri, Lin Grisham is actively identified with mercan- tile and manufacturing interests in south- eastern Missouri. He is deeply interested in community affairs and his efforts have also been a potent element in the business prog- ress of this section of the state. He has with ready recognition of opportunity directed his labors into various fields, wherein he has achieved success, and at the same time has promoted a business enterprise that has proved of more than local value, largely pro- moting the commercial activity of the state. A brief history of this gigantic concern will appear in a succeeding paragraph. Lin Grisham was born in Wayne county, Missouri, on the 10th of April, 1869, and he is a son of James and Margaret (Andrews) Grisham, who came to IMissoiiri from Ten- nessee in the year 1854. The father was bom in the state of Tennessee in the year 1837, and as a young man he was interested in farming, continuing to devote his atten- tion to that line of enterprise until 1882. Since that time he has been engaged in the mercantile and milling business in Wayne county, Missouri, but at the present time he resides at Fredericktown. He was county judge of Wayne county for a period of eight years and also served with the utmost effi- ciency as associate judge for a period of two years. The mother of the subject of this re- view was descended from old Virginia stock, and her father at one time was a sailor on the Atlantic ocean. He established the family home in Wayne county, Missouri, in an early daj^ and thei-e passed the residue of his life. ]\Irs. James Grisham was summoned to eternal rest in 1911, at the venerable age of seventy-six years. Mr. and Mrs. Gris- ham became the parents of seven children, concerning whom the following brief data are here inserted, — Frank is a farmer and miller at Caledonia, Jlissouri ; T. M. resides at Fredericktown, Missouri; J. S. was for- merl}^ state representative from Colorado and he is now sheriff of Las Animas county, that state ; W. F. is an extensive rancher and stock dealer in Colorado, owning barns at Trinidad and Pueblo; John is engaged in business at Fredericktown; Ida is the widow of Dr. !JIontgomery, of Wayne county, and she resides with her father; and Lin is the immediate subject of this review. To the public schools of Wayne county, Jlissouri, Lin Grisham is indebted for his preliminary educational training. As a youth he became associated with his father in the latter 's extensive mercantile enter- prises, and during the intervening years to tlie present time he has devoted considerable attention to general merchandising and lum- bering. The Consolidated Store & Manu- facturing Company, of which he is president, was organized in 1910, and it represents a merging of four different mercantile corpo- rations. The Company has stores in Cape Gi- rardeau, jMadison, Waj-ne and Bollinger counties. It has a capital stock of eighty- three thousand dollars and its official corps is as follows: — Lin Grisham, president; R. H. Davis, vice-president; C. A. Grisham, sec- retary and treasurer; and the board of di- rectors includes T. M. Grisham, R. H. Davis, John Grisham and Lin Grisham, of Freder- icktown, and T. H. Wiseman, of St. Louis. Since its organization the Company has opened five new stores and now conducts six- teen individual concerns in the four counties mentioned above. The offices of the company ^,^C.^CC^^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 629 are located in a fine concrete structure at Fredericktown, the same being situated on West Slain street. As president of this great corporation Jlr. Grisham has displayed un- usual shrewdness and excellent executive ability and under his able management it has been decidedly prosperous. In addition to his mercantile interests jMr. Grisham is a member of the board of directors of the Bank of Fredericktown and he is also a member of the board o'f curators of ilarvin College. In Wayne county, ilissouri, in 1892, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Grisham to Miss Josie Dixon, a native of that county and a daughter of Benton Dixon. Mr. and ]\Ii-s. Grisham have two sons, — Leonard, whose birth occurred in 1893 ; and Lloyd, born in 1897 and at present a student in Marvin College. In polities Mr. Grisham is aligned as a stalwart supporter of the principles and policies for which the Republican party stands sponsor. He is not a politician, prac- tically speaking, but he has given splendid service as a member of the Central Repub- lican committee. In the Masonic order he is a member of Marcus Lodge, No. 110, Free and Accepted Masons; and Solomon Chap- ter, Royal Arch Masons. In their religious faith the Grisham family are devout mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal church. South, to whose good works, they are liberal contributors of their time and means. Christian E. Stiver. The present able and popular incumbent of the position of city engineer of Cape Girardeau is Christian E. Stiver, who was elected to that important office in April, 1911. He is a prominent business man of the younger generation who has achieved success as the result of his own well directed endeavors and he is a citizen who is ever on the alert and enthusiastically in sympathy with all movements projected for the progress and improvement of this section of the state, where he has maintained his home since March, 1909. A native of the fine old Keystone state of the Union, Christian E. Stiver was born in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the 19th of January, 1884. He is a son of Charles L. and Sarah (Hagey) Stiver, both of whom were likewise bom in Philadelphia and both of whom are now living, their home being at Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Of the two children bom to Mr. and Mrs. Stiver the sub- ject of this article, is the eldest and his brother, Ellwood H. Stiver, is attending col- lege. In his youth Christian E. Stiver was att'orded excellent educational advantages. After completing the curriculum of the pub- lie schools of his home community iu Phila- delphia he was matriculated as a student in Nazareth Hall, a military academy at Naza- reth, Pennsylvania. In 1901 he was a stu- dent in the Lehigh University, at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He entered Lafayette Col- lege, at Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1904, in the engineering department of which excel- lent institution he was graduated as a mem- ber of the class of 1907. In J\Iarch, 1909, he came to Cape Girardeau, where he ac- cepted a postion with the Cape Girardeau Portland Cement Company as engineer. In June, 1909, however, he left that concern and took up railroad survey work. In September of the same year he entered the employ of the Kettle River Company, a paving concern in this city, and in July, 1910, he again turned his attention to railroad surveying. In April, 1911, he was honored by his fel- low citizens with election to the office cf city engineer and he is now serving in that capac- ity with the utmost efficiency. In his political convictions Mr. Stiver is aligned as a stalwart in the ranks of the Re- publican party and his religious faith is in harmony with the teachings of the Jlethodist Episcopal church. In a fraternal way he is affiliated with the local lodge of the Benevo- lent & Protective Order of Elks and he is also connected with the Sigma Nu college fraternity. He is a young man of splendid mentality and fine moral fiber and iu all the relations of life he has so conducted himself as to command the unalloyed confidence and esteem of all with whom he has come in con- tact. He is genial in his associations, aff'able in his address, generous in his judgment of his fellow men, and courteous to all. As a citizen and enthusiast of his town, it is but just to say that communities will pro^^^or and grow in proportion as they put a pre- mium on men of his mould. WiixiAM S. C. Walker. Distinguished for his umblemished record as a man and a jurist is William Samuel Crittenden Walker, circuit judge of the Twenty-second Judicial Circuit, Judge Walker is the son of Thomas C. and Susan F. (Crittenden) Walker, both repre- sentatives of old Virginia families and na- 630 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tives respectively of Lancaster and Essex counties of the Old Dominion. He was elected to the bench in 1910 and assumed the duties of his high office in January of the ensuing year. His reputation as one of the prominent lawyers of Dunklin county has been reinforced with the passing years, dur- ing which he has appeared in connection with many of the important cases brought before the state and federal courts, and his standing has been stamped with approval by his elevation to the bench. Judge Walker was born at Tappahannock, Virginia, August 22, 1859. After finishing his public school course in his native town he entered William and Mai-y College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1877. He next took up the study of law at the University of Vir- ginia and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1880. He practiced law in the Old Dominion, the scene of his first professional labors being in his native county, and in 1889 he came to Dunklin county, where he has ever since remained and where his life and achievements have amply recommended him. For four or five years he was in prac- tice with H. N. Phillips, now of Poplar Bluff, and subsequently he entered into partner- ship in the practice of the law with D. R. Cox, of Maiden, this association continuing throughout the decade included between the years 1897 and 1907. From 1901 to 1905 he was prosecuting attorney of the county, be- ing twice elected to the office without oppo- sition. His tenure of office in that capacity was thus of four years' duration. In 1910 he was elected circuit judge, as previously mentioned, and he has already had opportu- nity to prove that the choice of the people was by no means at fault. In his political convictions Judge Walker is a Democrat, and he has ever been very loyal in his sup- port of the principles and policies for which the party stands. Judge Walker stands high in Masonry, be- longing to the Blue Lodge and Chapter, and lives up to the fine ideals which the ancient and august order teaches. He holds mem- bership in the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist church in Kennett. Judge Walker was first married in 1891, to Marion B. Phillips, the daughter of Colonel H. N. Phillips. She died after five years of married life, leaving one daughter. Rose M. In 1900 he married Miss Belle McCarroll. She became the mother of one son, Heniy, and died in 1904. Judge Walker is a quiet, unassuming stu- dent of the law. He is slow to form opinions, but when he has become sure of his ground he acts accordingly and nothing can make him swerve from the right as he sees it. Oba H.iLEY, M. D. For the 'past thirty- five years Dr. Oba Haley has been engaged in the practice of medicine and for at least a quarter of a century he has maintained his professional headquarters at Fredericktown, ^Missouri, where he controls a large and rep- resentative patronage and where he is hon- ored and esteemed by all with whom he has come in contact. The years have told the story of a successful career due to the pos- session of innate talent and acquired ability along the line of one of the most important professions to which man may devote his energies, — the alleviation of pain and suf- fering and the restoration of health, which is man's most cherished and priceless pos- session. This is an age of progress in all lines of achievement and Dr. Haley has kept abreast of the advancement that has revolu- tionized methods of medical and surgical practice, rendering the efforts of physicians of much more avail in warding off the in- roads of disease than they were even at the time when he entered upon his professional cai-eer. Dr. Haley was born at Steeleville, in Crawford county, Missouri, on the 25th of November. 1847, and he is a son of Henry and Emma (Key) Haley, the former of whom was born in Tennessee and the latter of whom claimed Steeleville, Missouri, as the place of her birth. The father was reared to maturity in the vicinity of McMinnville, Tennessee, and as a young man came to Crawford county, this state, where was sol- emnized his marriage to Miss Emma Key and where he passed the greater part of his active career as a farmer and stockman. William Haley, grandfather of the Doctor, was likewise a farmer by occupation and he came to Crawford county, JMissouri, in the latter '40s. His father was a soldier in the English army and he served as such in the war of the Revolution. During that conflict he was captured and imprisoned in the United States and at the close of the war he HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 631 decided to make his home in this new coun- try. Henry Haley was a valued and appre- ciative member of the time-honored Masonic order. He was called to eternal rest in 1879, at the age of sixty years. The mother of the Doctor was a daughter of Oba Key, a pio- neer ilissourian and a native of Kentucky. Mrs. Henry Haley passed to the great be- yond in 1879, at the age of fifty years. Dr. Haley was the first born in a family of eight children — six boys and two girls, of whom all the sous are living. William M. Haley is a prominent real-estate man in St. Louis, Mis- souri, where he has resided for the past thirty years ; John and Wilson Haley are en- gaged in the general merchandise business at Steeleville, Missouri; Basil conducts a meat market at West Plains, Missouri ; Jerry maintains his home in Texas; and Oba is the immediate subject of this review. Concern- ing the two sisters, — Mary died at the age of eighteen years, in 1880 ; and Delia, who be- came the wife of Reuben Summers, resided for a number of years in East St. Louis, where her death occurred in 1893 ; she is sur- vived by her husband and two daughters. Dr. Haley, of this notice, was reared to adult age at Steeleville, his preliminary edu- cational training having been completed with a course in the Steeleville Academy. For three years thereafter, from 1864 to 1867, he was employed as a clerk in the gen- eral store of the Merrimac Iron Works. Prom 1864 to 1867 he attended school in Phelps county, ilissouri, and in 1869 he began to read medicine under a noted physi- cian at Steeleville, Missouri. In 1872 he was matriculated as a student in the old St. Louis IMedieal College, in which excellent institu- tion he was graduated as a member of the class of 1873, duly receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine. Subsequently he at- tended the medical department of the Uni- versity of Missouri, in which he was gradu- ated in 1879. He initiated the active prac- tice of his profession at Bellevue, IMissouri, where he remained for the ensuing ten years, coming thence to Fredericktown, in 1886. During the period of his residence at Fred- ericktown he has achieved unusual success as a skilled physician and surgeon and he holds pi-estige as one of the finest doctors in Southeastern Missouri. Dr. Haley has been twice married, his first union having been to iliss IMartha A. Brooks, who died in June, 1904. To this marriage were born three children, — Claude B., who is engaged in the newspaper business at Cin- cinnati, Ohio; Henry L., who is a civil engi- neer at Los Angeles, California; and Lucy, who is the wife of Dr. Keller, of Willisville, Illinois. In 1908 Dr. Haley wedded Mrs. Birdie Law, nee Nifong, who had one child by her first marriage, namely, — Jamie, who died at the age of six yars. In connection with the work of his profes- sion Dr. Haley is affiliated with the iMadison County Medical Society; the Southeastern Missouri Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He has served as president of the Southeastern Missouri Medical Society. He was local surgeon for the Iron ilountain Railroad from 1886 to 1896, and was also Secretary for ten years of the United States Pension Board. In a fraternal way he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and in politics he accords a stalwart allegiance to the principles and poli- cies promulgated by the Democratic party. Dr. Haley commands the hearty admiration and esteem of his fellow practitioners by reason of his strict adherence to the unwrit- ten code of professional ethics and as a citi- zen he is essentially loyal and public spirited, doing all in his power to advance the general progress and improvement. Louis Krueger. The present able and popular incumbent of the office of clerk of the common pleas court at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is Louis Krueger, who has resided in this city during all of his life and who is here honored and esteemed by all with whom he has come in contact by reason of his fair and . straightforward business dealings. Mr. Krueger was born at Cape Girardeau, on the 11th of September. 1874, and he is a son of William and Elizabeth (Schrader) Krueger, both born in Brunswick, Germany. Both parents came to the United States in early youth, settling at Cape Girardeau, Avhere they became acquainted and eventually mar- ried. As a young man Mr. William Krueger turned his attention to the meat-market busi- ness, stock buying and farming, and he was identified with those lines of enterprise dur- ing the major part of his active career. He died November 4, 1880, his wife, now Mrs. Hitt, living in Cape Girardeau. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger became the parents of six children, of whom the three daughters are deceased. 632 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI The sons all reside in this city, — Louis is the immediate subject of this review; Martin 0. is most successfully engaged in the hardware business and is mentioned on other pages of this work; and William H. is janitor of the Federal building. Louis Krueger was reared to adult age at Cape Girardeau, where he attended the Loir- mier Public School until he had reached the age of seventeen years. He then entered the State Normal School, and later Bryant & Stratton's Business College at St. Louis. After completing his education he taught school for two years, and then entered the office of Cape Girardeau Water Works and Electric Light Company where he remained for two years. He gave his attention to the hardware business for a short time. For a number of years he was secretary of the Cape Girardeau and Jackson Gravel Road Company, but a few years ago resigned that position. He has an interest in a farm, and as above stated, is the clerk of the common pleas court at Cape Girardeau at the present time. In his political convictions Mr. Krueger is aligned as a stalwart supporter of the prin- ciples and policies for which the Republican party stands sponsor. On the 1st of Jan- uary, 1911, he was honored by his fellow citi- zens with election to the office of clerk of the court of common pleas, in discharging the duties of which important position he is acquitting himself with all of honor and dis- tinction. Mr. Krueger is a man of sterling worth and unquestioned integrity; he looks upon a public office as a public trust and as a result of his varied experiences and broad information is eminently well fitted for pub- lic honors. In fraternal circles Mr. Krueger is affiliated with the local lodges of the Be- nevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Royal Arcanum and the Sons of Veterans, he being eligible for membership in the last organization by reason of his father's serv- ice as a gallant and faithful soldier in the Union army of the Civil war. Mr. and Mrs. Krueger are noted for their geniality and in their comfortable, attractive home hospice is given to all comers. They are held in high regard by their fellow citizens and possess scores of friends. At Jackson, Missouri, in the month of March, 1903. was solemnized the marriage of ]Mr. Krueger to IMiss Helen Jaeger, who was born and reared in this place and who is a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Jaeger, the former a native of Germany and the lat- ter a native of Cape Girardeau. Mr. and Mrs. Ki'ueger are the parents of two daughters: Helen, whose birth occurred in 1905, and Louise, born in 1908. Alfred A. Vitt, of Union, represents one of the pioneer families of Franklin county. His father, John T. Vitt, was a native of Prussia, born at Siegen in 1809. A man of university training, Mr. Vitt was induced to come to America by the "Giesener Auswan- derings Gesellschaf t, " a society for the pro- motion of immigration to the United States. The opportunity to become a citizen of the republic and to enjoy its privileges appealed to John T. Vitt and in 1834 he came to Franklin county. Four years later he re- turned to Prussia for his bride, Cornelia Schmidt, and the couple formed the nucleus of a family that has been modestly identified with Franklin county's history for more than seventy years. John T. Vitt had entered a tract of gov- ernment land in 1834, but later became a merchant in the town of Union and re- mained in the mercantile business until 1856. In 1859 he built a steam grist and merchant mill at Union and he continued to operate the mill with the assistance of three of his sons until 1868, when he retired. Always an active business man, he was an equally con- scientious public official. A resident of Union when it was incorporated, he was made one of its first trustees. In the early days he filled the office of justice of peace and was several times chosen county judge. He was among the original Fremont Repub- licans and had few colleagues here during that memorable campaign. Three of his sons served in the Union army: Adolphus H., who died in Union, leaving a family of six chil- dren ; Herman W., whose home is still in Union ; and Alfred A. The other children of John and Cornelia Vitt are Edwin, who passed away in 1878, and Mrs. Bertha E. Clark, of Union. Cornelia Vitt died in 1884 and John T. Vitt in 1889. Alfred A. Vitt was born near Union, Mis- souri, February 28, 1844, the historic "high water" year. His education was concluded before the outbreak of the Civil war and he gave evidence of his patriotism by enlisting in Company A of the rifle battalion attached to the First Regiment, Missouri Infantry PILSTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 633 Volunteers, commanded by Colonel Frank P. Blair, in April, 1861. Company A was commanded by Captain L. E. Konieuzeski. The enlistment was for ninety days, and up- on its expiration Mr. Vitt returned home. He served in and around the St. Louis ar- senal and marine hospital — -Meramec Station on the jMissouri Pacific Railroad and Rolla, at that time the terminus of the Southwest- ern Branch, now the Frisco Railway. He witnessed the capture of General Frost's Confederate Camp Jaelison at St. Louis by General Lyon, on May 10, 1861, which event saved St. Louis to the Union. From August, 1861, until some time in 1864 Sir. Vitt re- mained out of the zone of hostilities, working in his father's mill. In that year he enlisted in the Forty-seventh Missouri Infantry, com- manded by Colonel Thomas C. Fletcher, afterward governor of the state. Until May, 1865, Mr. Vitt was in active service in the war. His company helped to build the fort at Pilot Knob, Missouri, and after General Sterling Price's raid they were sent up the Missouri river on a boat with a detachment of artillery, to prevent the crossing of bands or independent companies from the north side of the river to join Price's army. His regiment was subsequently ordered into Ten- nessee, when General Thomas at Nashville called for aid. Before the Forty-seventh reached that point, Thomas had cut Hood's army to pieces, so that the services of the regiment were diverted to other points in Tennessee, where it did active military duty until the spring of 1865, when it was ordered home to be mustered out at Benton Barracks, St. Louis. Resuming business as a civilian, Mr. Vitt assisted his father in the mill until tlie fall of 1866, when he engaged in the stove and tin- ware business in Union. He learned the tin- ners' trade and followed that business until May, 1868. At that time his father decided to retire and Alfred A. and his brother Her- man W. purchased the mill. In 1880 he be- came sole proprietor and has since conducted the business. Other matters have claimed his attention in the ensuing forty odd years, among which was the organization of the Citizens' Bank of Union. Mr. Vitt was the first president of this bank; later he acted as its cashier from January 4, 1910, to March 1. 1911, and is still a member of the board. In politics Mr. Vitt has. like his distin- guished father, always acted with the Repub- licans, of which party he has been an hon- ored and prominent figure, being twice chosen chairman of the Republican County Committee. He has been mayor of Union and has represented his county 'in the general assemblies of 1907 and 1909. During his first term he was a member of the committee on private corporations and that of claims, local bills and miscellaneous business. In the second session he was a member of the committee on roads and highways, wills and probate law and private corporations, and chairman of the committee on labor. The legislation towards good roads claimed Mr. Vitt's special interest and the measures passed during his service in the legislature are ^now bearing fruit. Another of Mr. Vitt's achievements was the bill empowering counties to levy a special tax for the erection of a court house or other public buildings without resorting to bonded debt, inasmuch as he was the author of the bill, now a law in Missouri. On March 5, 1866, Mr. Vitt was married to Miss Mary Jane White, a daughter of John White, who came to Missouri from Pennsyl- vania. Mrs. Vitt's mother was Elizabeth Ferguson. Mrs. Vitt died February 10, 1886. Of the children born to the subject and his wife, Fred married Miss Caroline Pisane and resides in Union; Jessamine is JMrs. J. W. Ream, of Portland, Oregon; i\Iary M. married Edward Muench, of Union, where Gertrude E. (Vitt) Shelton also makes her home. One son, Tracy G., is dead; the others are Eugene B., a locomotive engineer of St. Louis, Missouri; and John T., a civil engineer, now at Evansville, Indiana, in the employ of the C. & E. I. Railroad Company. Mr. Vitt is a Knight of Pythias and a Mason, and has served as a delegate to the Grand Lodge of both orders. Well informed and unusually interested in the general wel- fare of the community, which he has served in such varied capacities, Mr. Vitt is a worthy representative of an admirable race. He is hale and hearty and very active for one of his years. F. G. Clippard. The postmaster and mer- chant farmer of Leopold is a Missourian and the son of Missourians. He was born in Bollinger county, in 1854, his parents being G. W. and Sorintha Clippard. Like most of the district's prominent citizens, Mr. Clip- pard spent his early life working on his 634 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI father's farm. At the age of eighteen he left the farm to work for his uncle in the mei'- cantile business and remained here for ten years, always an efficient and careful worker. In 1872 ilr. Clippard and his sisters in- herited jointly an estate of one hundred and thirty-five acres. The brother bought out his sisters and operated the farm for twenty years. In 1892 he sold this farm and bought two hundred and seventy-five acres near Laf- lin, Missouri. Mr. Clippard is also the owner of one hundred acres near Leopold. In the town itself he holds three and a half lots besides a large general merchandise store. He has conducted this mercantile business since 1892 with notable success. Mr. Clippard was married in 1876, to Miss Katie Manning, daughter of Herman and Fronie Manning, natives of Germany. Six children were born of this marriage, three of whom are still living: E. W., aged twenty- six; Early, aged nineteen; and Mary Clip- pard, aged twenty-three. The mother of these children died in 1901. In 1903 Mr. Clippard married Miss Josephine GeronisMe, a native of Germany. Two daughters have been born to them, namely: Ella, born in 1904, and Alma, born in 1907. ilr. Clippard is a communicant of the Roman Catholic church. Politically he is a loyal and consistent Democrat. His effi- ciency in office is indicated by the fact that he has been postmaster since 1902. Thomas W. Schultz^ court stenographer for the Twenty-second judicial circuit, is a young man who has attained prominence not only in Kennett, but throughout Dunklin county. If we should look for the cause of his success we might recall the fact that in his veins flows the blood of Germany, France and America, and Mr. Schultz has inherited from each country qualities which largely account for his advancement. Combined with the industry of the Germans we find in his personality the vivacity of the French and the enterprise of the Americans. I\Ir. Schultz was born at Hornersville, Dunklin county, December 16, 1881. This also is the native county of Francis M. Schultz, his father, who was bom June 11, 1838, and Ms grandfather was one of the pioneers of this section, whither he came about 1830. Previous to tliis date he had re- sided in Stoddard countj^ for a period of nine years, having migrated from Tennessee to Missouri in 1821. Tennessee was the com- monwealth to which Grandfather Schultz owes his birth and his early education, but although his family had been amongst the early settlers of that state, his ancestors orig- inated in Germany. After coming to Dunk- lin county ilr. Schultz was uniformly successful and was accounted one of its most substantial and honorable citizens. The homestead there became endeared to him, being the one in which he was married and where his children were born and reared to childhood years. Before they had grown to be young men and women, however, the father died, leaving the chilch-en to be brought up by their mother, who lived to see them all doing well, and she died on the farm where her married life had so profitably and hap- pily passed. The son, Francis, after the death of his father, spent much of his early life with the In- dians along Little river, taking keen delight in the companionship of those untutored but in- telligent people. When a young man, Fran- cis M. Schultz was married to Angeline Dun- away, who was born in New Madrid county, near Portage, and descended from an old French family of pioneers who had settled along the Missouri river in that section of the state. At the outbreak of the Civil war Mr. Schultz enlisted in the Confederate army and served until hostilities ceased. After he was mustered out he went to Hornersville, Dunklin county, where he settled on a farm and has since followed agricultural pursuits continually. There he and his wife still live, content to feel that they are i^erforming their modest jjart for the good of the community. ]Mr. Schultz has always been a good Demo- crat, at all times staunch in the support of his party, but personally having no desire for political office. Thomas W. Schultz, as noted, was brought up on his father's farm. As soon as he was of proper age he was sent to the public schools at Hornersville, and after finishing their prescribed course entered a business college at Quincy, Illinois, August 31, 1910, where he received a thorough training, espe- cially in stenography. In 1899, when eigh- teen years of age, he commenced work in the post-office and general stores and was thus employed for the ensuing eight years. At the expiration of that time, in 1907, he lo- cated at the town of Senath, where he earned a fine reputation as an insurance agent. In HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 635 this capacity liis French blood came to his practical assistance, for his Hueut speech and persuasive manners made it difficult for anyone to long turn a deaf ear to the prop- ositions he laid before them. Although Mr. Schultz was defeated for circuit court clerk in the Democratic nominating caucus, Judge Walker appointed him to the office of court stenographer of the twenty-second district, in which capacity he is serving now. In every way he is one of the bright young men of this section, whose steady advance is taken as a matter of course. On the 8th day of December, 1908, the year after ]Mr. Schultz entered the insurance field, his marriage to Miss May McCluer was solemnized at her native town of Senath. Donald H. Cameron. Taking cognizance of the name of the able and popular editor of the Mining Herald, of Elvins, St. Francois county, there can be no measure of conjec- ture as to his ancestral lineage, for both his personal and family names bear unmistak- able evidence of the sturdy Scotch deriva- tion, and the family history gives record concerning the valiant deeds of the fine old Cameron elan of the Scottish highlands, within which oppression has been hurled back to keep the boon of liberty. Mr. Cam- eron, as editor and publisher of the Mining Herald, has made that paper an elfective ex- ponent of local interests, especially of the mining industry in the section of the state in which it is published, and it ranks as one of the vigorous and excellent weekly papers of southeastei'n ilissouri. Donald Hilliard Cameron was born at Woodville, Victoria county, province of On- tario, Canada, in 1878, and is a son of Dun- can and Lovisa (Irish) Cameron, whose mar- riage was there solemnized in the year 1862. The father was born in the staunch Scottish settlement in Glengarry county, province of Ontario, in the year 1841, and was reared to the sturdy discipline of the great basic industry of agriculture. He be- came a marine engineer, however, and for many years was identified with navigation interests on the Great Lakes. He continued to reside in Canada until his death, on the 17th of December, 1897, and his widow still maintains her home at Port Arthur, province of Ontario. Duncan Cameron well exempli- fied the canny traits of the race from which he was sprung, and his independence, ster- ling integrity and mature judgment made him a strong and noble character. He com- manded the respect of all with whom he came in contact and lived a life of signal honor and usefulness. He was a staunch Tory in his political allegiance and was a mepiber of the Presbyterian church, of which his widow also has long been a devoted adherent. Of the nine children Donald II., of this review, was the seventh in order of birth. The childhood and youth of Donald H. Cameron were passed in his native province, — principally at Woodville and Orillia — and his early educational discii^liue, secured in the public schools, was effectively supple- mented by a course of study in the collegiate institute in the village of Orillia. It has been consistently said that the training of a news- paper office is tantamount to a liberal educa- tion, and the consistency of this statement has been exemplified in the career of Mr. Cameron, who instituted his association with the "art preservative of all arts" when he was a lad of fifteen years. He entered, at the age noted, the office of the Orillia News Letter, in which he sex'ved a practical ap- prenticeship to the printer's trade and with which he continued to be identified for five years, after which he was employed at his trade and as a reporter on various papers in his native province, — principally in the city of Toronto. In the year 1902 Mr. Cameron came to Missouri and located in St. Louis, but in the following year he established his residence in Elvins, St. Francois county, where he as- sumed the position of editor of the Labor Herald. In March, 1910, was effected a reorganization of the controlling company and the name of the paper was changed to the Mining Herald, under which title it has since been effectively conducted, with Mr. Cameron as editor and manager. The Herald is staunchly aligned in support of the prin- ciples and policies for which the Republican party stands sponsor, and with this party Mr. Cameron has been actively identified since he became a naturalized citizen of the United States, in 1908. He is a vigorous and resourceful writer and the editorial and news columns of the Herald amply indicate his ability in this line. As a citizen he is liberal and i^rogressive, and his personal popularity shows conclusively that he has measured up to the demands of the metewand of objective approbation. In April, 1911, there came 636 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI distinctive evidence of the confidence and es- teem reposed in liim in his home community, as he was then elected mayor of Elvius, in which position he is giving a most careful and progressive administration of municipal affairs. Both he and his wife hold member- ship in the Presbyterian church and he is afaiiated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. in July, 1906, was solemnized the mar- riage of ]\Ir. Cameron to Miss Kate Langdon, daughter of Mrs. :\Iary Langdon, of Elvius, and she is a popular factor in connectiou with the social activities of her home community. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron have no children. Aaron P^vlmee. One of the most active and prosperous agriculturists of Dunklin county, Aaron Palmer owns and occupies a valuable farm in the town of Senath, where he has won an enviable reputation as an honest man and a good citizen, and as one who has contributed his full quota towards the advancement and development of one of the richest agricultural regions of South- eastern Missouri. A son of William and Pamelia (^Miller) Palmer, he was born in Carroll county, Tennessee, February 4, 1845, on the home farm. William Palmer was born and reared in South Carolina, but as a young man settled in Carroll county, Tennessee, where he lived until 1849, when he came to Missouri, locat- ing in Stoddard county, near Bloomfield. He was of English ancestry on both sides of the house, as was his first wife, the mother of the subject of this sketch. She died on the farm near Bloomfield, in 1854, leaving three children, namely : Aaron Palmer, the subject of this sketch ; and a son and a daughter that are now living in California. William Palmer was subsequently twice married, and had one other child, Mrs. Martha Hays, of Dunklin covinty. Brouglit up in Stoddard county. Aaron Palmer lived at home for a few years after his father's second marriage. At the age of thirteen years, however, he began working out for wages, finding employment on differ- ent farms in Missouri and Tennessee. In 1862, during the most exciting period of the Civil war. he came to Dunklin coimty with two yoke of steers, which he drove sixty miles in three davs. his father, who had large herds of stock and was a southern sympathizer. coming here for protection, as things were prettj' warm for him in Stoddard county. Mr. Palmer himself subsequently fought for a few months in the Confederate army, being a member of ilarmaduke's Cavalry, which was stationed principall.y in Arkansas. At tlie close of the conflict Mr. Palmer came to Dunklin county in search of re- munerative employment, having no capital save willing hands, a courageous heart and a strong determination to win success in the battle of life. About four years later he had succeeded so well in his efl:"orts that he felt warranted in taking unto himself a wife. She had some land and a few head of cattle, and they settled near his present home. A year or two later Mr. Palmer purchased eighty acres of the land now included in his farm, and in its management met with such emi- nent success that he has since made frequent purcha.ses of other land, and is now owner of eight hundred acres of land in Dunklin county, nearly all of which is in one bod.y, he lieing now one of the largest owners of im- proved land in the entire county. When Mr. Palmer located in Senath there were no roads in the vicinity, nothing but paths, and only one building had then been erected in the town. The country roundabout was heavily timbered, his first dwelling place having been erected in the woods, and having been made of logs, with a stick and mud chimney. At the end of seven years Mr. Palmer traded his original property, selling to a man at Cotton Plant, and subsequentlv made another deal with Will F. Shelton, Sr.. of Kennett. He is now oceuping a large, seven-room cottage, and on his farm has fifteen tenant houses, which are occupied by his renters, who devote their time and attention to tlie raising of the crops common to this region, Mr. Palmer himself doing now biit little of the actual labor of the farm. Mr. Palmer has been twice married. He married first, in September, 1869, Parlee Cook, who died in 1895, leaving six children, namely : Nancy : Thomas J. ; Martha ; Charles, living at home; George, also at home; and Tennie. Mr. Palmer married for his second wife. Mrs. Rachel T. Gulp, nee Hardin, a widow ^vith three children, namely : Henry. Janetta and Alfred. In his political relations Mr. Palmer is a Democrat, and religiously he is an active and trustworthy member of the Primitive Baptist cliurch. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JIISSOURI 637 "William F. Bergmann. The name Berg- uiami suggests commercialism to the people of Cape Girardeau. Not oul.y is William F. Bergmaun a go-ahead business man, but his father before him was a merchant. William imbibed business principles in his babyhood ; he observed them in his boj^hood and he has practiced them in his maturity. The people of Cape Girardeau feel that the.y have a pro- prietary interest in him, he having spent the best part of his life in their midst. They have watched his development and that of his business. They have seen him grow from being simply the son of his father to a man who has made his own career, not being will- ing to live on the reputation of his father, however good that might be. William F. Bergmann was born at Cawe Girardeau, Missouri, August 6, 1876. His father, of whom mention is made on other pages of this work, is William C. Bergmann. William Bei'gmann is the eldest sou of his parents and to him Cape Girardeau means home, — the place where he was born, went to school, attended the state normal school and where his parents still live and he has made his own home. He began his business life as a traveling salesman in the millinery busi- ness, being employed by a St. Louis house. In 1902 he went into business for himself and has continued in the same place and along the same line ever since. He carries a large and complete stock of groceries, dry goods and furnishings, employing fifteen clerks to carry on his growing trade. In June, 1902, he married Fannie Harker, a native of Winfield, Kansas. One daugh- ter, Madeline, was born to this union. Sir. Bergmann is a member of the Com- mercial Club of Cape Girardeau and is a very active member. He l)elongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, standing high with the members of that or- ganization. He is one of the most prominent men of the city, not only in the business world, but also in his social life. Those same characteristics which have made him so suc- cessful in a commercial way have also won him friends. J. Feank Me.\dor. There is no lawyer in Wayne county who has a higher standing than Mr. Meador, its prosecuting attorney, and throughout his interesting career his ac- tions have lieen beyond criticism — no one has been able to cast any aspersions on his char- acter either in his private or public capacity. Since his first entry into the field of law he has set himself to run the course with single- ness of purpose. His goal has not been a crown of glory for himself, but the perform- ance each day of such duties as he saw. This course he has kept without deviating to the right or to the left. To men of such cali- bre honors will come w'ithout being sought^ as indeed they have to Mr. Meador — but in his mind the satisfaction which results from the knowledge of time well spent means much more than the positions of honor which have been awarded him. Mr. Aleador was l)orn in Wayne county, near Patterson, on the 1st day of December, 1880. James F. ileador, the father of J. Frank, is a native of Macon county, Tennes- see, where his birth occurred in 1842. Grandfather Joseph Meador was a native of Virginia, where he married Miss Luiza Rhodes, and the young couple migrated to Tennessee, where they reared their family. In 1859 they moved to Wayne county, ]\Iis- souri, settled on some wild land which they improved and brought into a high state of cultivation. Their son, James F. Meador, was about seventeen years of age when he accompanied his parents from Tennessee to Wayne county, Missouri; he had acquired all the education he ever received in the dis- trict school in Tennessee, and on his arrival in Wayne county he commenced farming on the place which he now operates. He has de- voted most of his time to agricultural pur- suits, to the support of the Baptist church, of which' he and his wife are both members, and to the rearing and educating of his chil- dren. Mrs. James F. Meador 's maiden name was Anna Kinder, and she was born in AVayue county, Missouri, in 1849 ; her par- ents hailed from Pennsylvania and were of German descent. Of the ten children who were born to Mr and Mrs. James ]\Ieador eight are living, as follows: Adolph, a physi- cian located in Iron county, Missouri ; J. Frank ]\Ieador, the subject of this biog- raphy ; Mannie, wife of William Atnip, of Wayne county, Missouri; Ninnie, married to C. C. Ward, of Wayne county, Missouri; Callie, whose husband is George Bell, of Hi- ram, Missouri ; Luna, wife of William Chil- ton, Bismarck, ilissouri ; Pearl, residing in Wayne county, Missouri, with her husband, James Biggerstoiif ; and Walter, at home with his father, who is living on his farm on 638 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MSSOURI the St. Francois i-iver, situated one mile dis- tant from the land which Grandfather ]Meador took up on his arrival in Wajue count}'. J. Frank Meador was reared on his father's farm and when he was old enough he attended the district school in his neigh- borhood, remaining there until he was six- teen years old. He then entered the state normal school at Cape Girardeau and after a two years' course in this well-known insti- tution he entered the state university at Columliia, ^Missouri, from whose law depart- ment he was graduated in 1901. He had not attained his majority at the time of his grad- uation, and was therefore not eligible to practice, so for a few months he taught and then took up his residence at Jlountain Grove, "Wright county, Missouri, where for eighteen months he practiced law. In 1903 he" removed to Van Buren, Carter county, aiissouri, remained there in legal practice until 1905, when he removed to Greenville, ^Missouri. In the fall of 1906, when he was less than twenty-six years old, he was elected to the office of prosecuting attorney of Wayne county; in 1908 his record had been so entirely satisfactory that he was re- elected, and again in 1910 he was the Demo- cratic nominee and was elected for the third time. He is now serving his third term, and is but thirty-one years of age. Mr. Meador was married to Miss Willa Ilixson on the 3rd day of August, 1902 She is a daughter of Jerry and Elizabeth (Cole- man) Ilixson, both of whom are still living. Mr. and ]Mrs. ^leador are the parents of two daughters, — Violet and Fern. The husband and wife are members of the Baptist church, where they have many friends. Mr. i\leador's career so far may be characteri'-'-.-d as brilliant, and inasmuch as he is a young man, he may expect a future of still greater prominence. Franklin A. Wiggs, a citizen of distinc- tive prominence and influence at Lutesville. Missouri, is owner and editor of the well known publication, the Lutesville Banner, a Republican paper, whose unusual success and wide renown are the direct result of Jlr. Wiggs' well applied efforts. A native of the state of Illinois, ilr. AViggs was born in Union county, on the 2nd of Au- gust, 1857, and he is a .son of William and Mary E. Wiggs, both of whom are deceased, the father having passed awaj' in 1903 and the mother in 1899. William H. Wiggs was a native of Virginia and his wife was born in North Carolina, both having come to southern Illinois in early life. The father was a farmer by occupation and he and his wife were the parents of eight children, of v.hom the subject of this review was the first born. Franklin A. Wiggs passed his boyhood and youth on the old homestead farm in Union county, Illinois, and his preliminary educa- tional training consisted of such advantages as were afforded in the district schools of that county. At the age of seventeen years he was matriculated as a student in Ewing College, at Ewing, Illinois, spending the en- suing seven years in preparatory and colle- giate work in that excellent institution. Ow- ing to illness, however, he was unable to complete his course and was obliged to go to Colorado to recuperate. Returning to Illi- nois in 1882, he located at Ewing, where he was engaged in the general mei'chandise busi- ness until 1890. While in college he had worked for a time in the printing office of a Baptist paper, and thus, being somewhat familiar with that particular line of enter- prise, he opened a job-printing office at Chester, Illinois, in 1890, continuing to con- duct the same for five or six months. In the latter part of 1890 Mr. Wiggs re- moved to JMountain View, Missouri, where he was unfortunate in investments, losing a great deal of mone.y in the panic of 1S93. For a time thereafter he was engaged in the job and blank printing business at [Mountain View and subsequentl.v he edited the Moun- tain View Times, achieving a fair amount of success along these lines of enterprise. In 1900 he removed his printing plant to Charleston, Missoiiri, where he established the Charleston Star. Disposing of the latter publication in 1901, he bought out the plant of the Lutesville Banner, a Republican news- paper which boasted a Washington hand press and a subscription list. Mr. Wiggs is now the owner of a fully equipped plant, modern in all its appointments and fitted out with power and type-setting machines. The Lutesville Banner has grown from a sec- ond rate paper to be one of the most influen- tial newspapers in southeastern ^lissouri and its prestige is due entirely to ]Mr. Wiggs' excellent management. In addition to his HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST BHSSOURI 639 printing plant, he is the owner of some fine property at Lutesville, the same including a beautiful residence. On the 12th of October, 1887, at Sailor Springs, in Clay county, ilissouri, was sol- emnized the marriage of Jlr. Wiggs to Miss Dean Sailor, a daughter of Thomas N. and Rebecca J. Sailor, residents of Sailor Springs, Illinois. This union has been blessed with one child, William S., whose birth occurred on the 25th of November, 1892. In religious matters the Wiggs family give a loyal support to the Presbyterian church, of which they are devout members, and in a fraternal way Mr. AA'iggs is a valued and appreciative member of the local lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he accords a stalwart allegiance to the principles and policies for which the Re- publican party stands sponsor and he is ever on the alert to do all in his power to ad- vance the best interests of Lutesville, where he is a man of mark in all the relations of life. 0. H. Storey. A wide-awake, brainy man, possessing good business qualifications, 0. H. Storey occupies a position of note among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Senath, and as treasurer and general mana- ger of the J. AI. Baird ^Mercantile Company is associated with one of the city's leading industries. He was born June 22, 1888, in White county, Illinois, where he acquired an education and training that well fitted him for a business carei'r. In 1907, ere attaining his majority, Mr. Storey secured a position as cashier with the Caneer Store Company, in Senath, Missouri, and was afterwards cashier for awhile in the Bank of Senath. Leaving that position, he served in the same capacity at the Citizens' Bank in Senath, until the incorporation, in 1910, of the J. M. Baird Mercantile Com- pany, of which he is treasurer and general manager. This company, of which a brief account is given elsewhere in this work, in connection with the sketch of the late J. M. Baird, was incorporated in 1910, with a cap- ital of $30,000, and a surplus of $60,000, and with the following named officers: ilrs. J. M. Baird, president ; Airs. 0. H. Storey, vice- president ; Miss Ilettie Baird. secretary; and 0. H. Storey, treasurer and general mana- ger. The company carries a stock valued at $30,000, with annual sales amounting to up- wards of $75,000, dealing not only in hard- ware, agricultural implements and vehicles of all descriptions, but in cotton, owning and operating a finely-equipped cotton gin, and doing a business in cotton that amounts to about $65,000 a year. Mr. Storey married June 30. 1909, in Senath, Hulclah C. Baird, eldest daughter of the late James jM. and Lucy (Douglass) Baird, and they have one child, Ilattie Lu- cille Storey. N.VPOLEON B. Watts. Success along any line of endeavor would never be properly ap- preciated if it came with a single effort and unaccompanied by some hardships, for it is the knocks and bruises in life that make suc- cess taste so sweet. The career of Napoleon B. Watts, Avho has long maintained his home at Fredericktown, Missouri, but accentuates the fact that success is bound to come to those who join brains witli ambition and are willing to work. Air. Watts received but meager educational advantages in his youth and his early start in life was of the humblest order. Through persistency and a fixed determination to forge ahead, however, he has succeeded in building up a fine success for himself in the business world of south- eastern Alissouri. At the present time, in 1911. he is president of the Security Bank at Fredericktown and in politics has figured prominently, having been county clerk for a period of eight years. Napoleon B. Watts was born in Aladison county, Alis-souri, on the 13th of Febi'uary, 1848, and he is a son of Reuben and Nancy C. (Sites) Watts, botli of whom were like- wise born in Aladison county. The paternal grandparents of the subject of this review Avere natives of Culpeper county, Virginia, whence they migrated to Alissouri about the year 1818. Captain James Watts, the grand- father, was an officer in the war of 1812 and he was summoned to the life eternal in 1846, at the age of forty-eight years. He was the owner of a tract of fine land in the south- eastern part of Aladison county and at the time of his demise his son Green Watts in- herited the estate. Reiiben Watts was a Alethodist Episcopal minister and a farmer, he having entered and improved a farm ad- joining the old homestead, this farm now be- ing owned liy Air. X. B. AVatts. He died in Aladison county in 1876, at the age of fifty- seven years. Nanc.y C. (Sites) AA'atts was 640 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI a daughter of Johu Sites, who came to Mis- souri in 1818. He was a prosperous farmer iu this section of the state but died in the ante-belhuu days. He was a native of North Carolina and was descended from stanch old German stock. Mrs. Watts passed to the great beyond in March, 1911, at the vener- able age of eighty-seven years. In the ag- natic line Mr. Watts, of this notice, traces his ancestry to old English stock. Of the nine children born to ilr. and Mrs. Reuben Watts but three are living at present, namely, Mrs. ]\lary J. Whitener, of Madison county, Missouri : Mrs. Missouri C. Bess, likewise of iladison county; and Napoleon B., the im- mediate subject of this review. Mr. Watts passed his boyhood and youtli on the old homestead farm, his education con- sisting of .such crude advantages as were afforded iu the schools of the locality and period. At the age of twenty-two years he launched out into the business world on his own account, engaging in the general mer- chandise business. Subsequently he turned his attention to farming and in 1882 was hon- ored by his fellow men with election to the office of county clerk, serving with the ut- most efficiency iu that capacity for a period of eight years. In 1882 he established his home at Fredericktown, where he has since resided. In 1890 he became interested in the banking business and was instrumental in the organization of the Madison County Bank, one of the most substantial monetary concerns iu southeasteru 3Iissouri. Mr. Watts acted as cashier until 1901. The se- curity of the bank had been previously in- corporated with a capital .stock of ten thou- sand dollars and the original officers were : Val Sehlesinger, president; J. F. Anthony, cashier. In April, 1904, the capital was in- creased to twenty thousand dollars and the institution reorganized as a state bank. In January, 1901, Mr. Watts became cashier, continuing in that office until January, 1910. The present officers are: N. B. Watts, presi- dent; E. H. Day, vice president; J. W. Blan- ton, cashier ; and J. F. Glaves, assistant cash- ier. Under the shrewd management of its eminently capable officers, the bank has pros- pered iu cverv connection, as shown b.y a recent statement, in which the surplus and profits amount to $4,513.38 ; the deposits, .$170,165.53; the cash on hand, .$58,090.96; and the loans and discounts, $136,587.95. In January, 1910, Mr. Watts was elected presi- dent of the bank and ably tills that position at the present time. Iu addition to his bank- ing interests he has extensive farming inter- ests iu ]\Iadisou county, ilissouri, being the owner of the fine old farm on which he was born and reared. In the year 1870 was celebrated the mar- riage of Mr. Watts to Miss Luraney I. Whitener, a daughter of the late J. Q. A. Whitener, a prominent farmer and merchant in Madison county for a number of years prior to his death. Mr. and ilrs. Watts have two children, concerning whom the follow- ing brief data are here inserted. Duty S. is cashier of the ilarciuand Bank and he is also interested in farming in the vicinity of that place. He married Josie Hahn and they have five children, Ethel I., Bessie, Ru.ssell, Bryan and Charles. Minnie is the wife of Judge F. J. Parkin, former incumbent of the office of presiding county judge of iladi- son county. In politics Mr. Watts is an uncompromis- ing supporter of the cause of the Democratic party and as previously noted he served as count.v clerk for eight years. He was a mem- ber of the Fredericktown school board for a period of years, from 1884 to 1910, resign- ing in the latter year. As a result of his enthusiastic interest in educational affairs the schools of this city have been materially benefitted, many of the improvements along that line being due to his initiative. Socially he is a valued member of the local Knights of Pythias lodge and in religious matters he is a devout member of the Congregational ^Methodist church, in the different depart- ments of whose work he is an active factor. The beautiful Watts home is located on Col- lege avenue, in the southwestern part of the town. I\L\ETiN C. Krueger. In view of the no- madic spirit which is gradually growing to animate all classes of American citizens to move restlessly about from place to place, it is most gratifying to come in close touch with one who has passed practically his en- tire life thus far in the place of his nativity, where his exemplary life has won him the unalloyed confidence and esteem of those who have been familiar with his career from earliest youth. ]\Iartin C. Krueger was born at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, on the 17th of January, 1877. His father was born at Bremen, Germany, and his mother, Elizabeth Y,/^^f I'L^ /3ih-tL^a^yhj^^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 641 (Schraeder) Krueger, was a native of uppei- Prussia. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Krueger immigrated to America as young people and their mar- riage was solemnized at Cape Girardeau, where were born to them six children — three boys and three girls. The daughters are all deceased, as are also the parents, and the three sons are now living at Cape Girardeau. Martin C. Krueger is the immediate subject of this review; Louis Krueger is the present able incumbent of the office of clerk of the common pleas court and on other pages of this work appears a sketch dedicated to his career; and the third son is the present jan- itor at the Federal Building. The father was engaged in the butcher business during a goodly portion of his active career and at the time of the inception of the Civil war he served with valor and distinction as a member of the Missouri Home Guards. The rudimentary educational training of JIartin C. Krueger was obtained in the Lorimer School at Cape Girardeau and sub- sequently he was a student in the Normal School for a period of two years. After leaving school he was variously engaged for a time, eventually entering into a part- nership alliance with Mr. Heinze, his father-in-law, to engage in the hardware business. A splendidly equipped establish- ment is now conducted at Cape Girardeaii, under the firm name of Heinze & Krueger, and the same commands an extensive and most profitable trade. In addition to his business affairs Mr. Krueger is an enthusi- astic collector of Indian relies,- his collection being one of the rarest and most complete in this section of the country. Most of his specimens were picked up in the close vicin- ity of this city and a number of them are extremely valuable on account of their an- tiquity. In his political convictions Mr. Krueger is aligned as a stalwart in the ranks of the Republican party, and while he has never manifested aught of ambition for the honors or emoluments of public office of any description he was at one time incumbent of the position of city assessor, having been in tenure of that office from 1900 to 1902. In fraternal channels he is affiliated with the local lodge of the Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks and he is also a valued and appreciative member of the Sons of Vet- erans, by reason of his father's service in the Civil war. On the 26th of September, 1899, was solem- Vol. 1—41 nized the marriage of Mr. Krueger to Miss Alma Heinze, who was reared and educated at Cape Girardeau. Mrs. Krueger was a woman of rare charm and attraction and at the time of her death, in 1901, just two years after her marriage, her loss was deeply mourned by a wide circle of admiring and affectionate friends. In his religious faith Mr. Krueger is a consistent member of the Lutheran church, in whose faith he was reared, and he is a liberal contributor to all kinds of philanthropical w'ork. He is a man of broad sympathy and generous im- pulses and as a business man and citizen is accorded the highest regard of all with wliom he has come in contact. Joseph M. Brasher. Judge Brasher is a Tennesseean by birth, and his journey through this changing scene was begun on March 22, 1851. His parents resided on a fai-m and their son grew up in that environ- ment, early taking a responsible part in the conduct of the home place. His parents, John L. and Jlartha Davis Brasher, were in moderate circumstances, and although they suffered somewhat from the war, they were able to give their son a fair education for that time. As he was more than ordinarily apt, and Avas fond of reading, he made the best possible use of such advantages as he enjoyed. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Brasher came to Pemiscot county and bought a farm near Cottonwood Point. Being a farmer of enterprise, he soon had acquired an estate of three hundred and twenty acres. The Judge still owns this large farm, although he and his family now reside in Caruthersville. Mr. Bra.sher had always been a consistent and ardent Democrat, and before he had been long in the county he was recognized as one of the strong men of the party. His interest in public affairs was always of tlie sort which is concerned primarily with the advancement of the general welfare and this the people were quick to recognize. The capacities in which he has served the county are many. For years he was a member of the school board, and during that time he did not merely attend the meetings and con- sider that he had fulfilled his duty, but he studied the needs of the schools and set him- self to supply them wherever possible. In 1878 he was elected justice of the peace and served for four years. At the close of this 642 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI period he was chosen to fill the office of judge of probate, and for another four years he tilled that office. He was then selected to represent his district in the legislature, and at the capital he worked zealously to carry out the views of his constituents. In 1898 Mr. Brasher was elected district judge of the county court, and in 1906 he was elected presiding judge. After four years in this office he was again selected as candidate for the position of probate judge and in Novem- ber, 1910, was elected for four- years. To those who are acquainted with Judge Brasher, this frequent selection for judicial positions is most natural, for he has all the qualities which are desirable for that calling. He is an excellent judge of evidence and also of human nature. He is fearless in the ren- dering of his decisions, and is scrupulously just and impartial in all cases. Personally he is a man of genial manners and possesses a large share of tlmt courtesy which we char- actenze as being of the old school. In the Judge's case, this manner is the expression of a truly kind and sympathetic nature, one which attracts and keeps friends wherever he meets them. In Caruthersville, the present home of the Brasher family, the Judge is prominent in fraternal circles. He holds membership in the ]\Iasonic order, in the Woodmen and in the Red Men. The family attend the Meth- odist Episcopal church. South, of which Mrs. Brasher is a member, the Judge being a mem- ber of the Baptist church. Previous to her marriage to Mr. Brasher, Mrs. Brasher was Mrs. Mary S. Pate, of Cottonwood Point, whose father was Judge Jesse Huffman, of that city. Her union with llr. Brasher oc- curred in 1875 and they have a family of three daughters and one son. Edward A. Stierberger, M. D., of Union, Franklin county, IMissouri, represents the medical profession here and is supreme in this field as a practitioner. Rare, indeed, is the instance where a single physician holds in the palm of his hand the confidence and goodwill of an entire community, and when such a situation is encountered the solution must lie in the individual himself. It is not so far to seek. Acute in his perceptions, widely read in his profession and skillful in applying his acquirements to practical use, his value as a physician and surgeon is of the highest character. Dr. Stierberger is indigenous to the en- vironment of Union. Here his birth oc- curred on April 16, 1875, and the people to whom he now ministers so successfully have known him in every phase of life from baby- hood up. His childhood training was se- cured amidst the scenes in whicli he now lives and labors. His one-time playmates are now his patrons and the seniors of his childhood are now his social and business com- panions. These unbroken early attachments, coupled with his recognized proficiency in his profession, explain, perhaps, why Dr. Stierberger stands alone and without a col- league in Union. The family to which Dr. Stierberger be- longs was established in Franklin county by his father, Charles R. Stierberger, who came here from St. Louis about the year 1859. He w'as of German birth, his nativity having oc- curred in Prussia in 1824. He possessed those fine national characteristics which make the German nation one of America's most desirable sources of immigration and his business associations served to make him widely known. When he died in 1876 he was a man scarcely past his prime. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Elizabeth Giebler, of Union, and to them were born the following children: The late Charles R. Stierberger, of Union; John, who passed away unmarried; Mrs. Emile Szy- manski, of Union; Mrs. Amanda Brown, wife of Postmaster Clark C. Brown, of Union ; Mrs. Clara Allersmeyer, deceased ; and Miss Mattie Stierberger, for many years one of the teachers in the Union public schools. After the demise of his first wife Mr. Stierberger married iliss Lizzie Lind- ner, who survives him, making her residence at Union, Missouri. Her parents were Al- bert and Marie (Kline) Lindner, and she was born at Union, Missouri. Dr. Stierberger, immediate subject of this biographical record, is the only child of the second marriage. He received his prelim- inary education in the common schools and is one of the many strong practical men who have secured some of their most valuable early impressions in a printing office. When a young lad he secured a position in the office of the Tribune and spent the follow- ing five years in that field of activity, add- ing much of value to his fund of general information and leaving its portals better HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 643 fortified aud with greater capabilities thau when he entered it. The mind of the young fellow had been busy with the great question of a future vocation and it was finally solved in favor of medicine. His first studies were pursued under the direction of Dr. Bridgeford in Union and he subsequently became a student in the old jMarion Sims Jledical College in St. Louis, which later on was to be incor- porated in the St. Louis University. He received his degree in 1897 and his first lo- cation for professional work was in Sioux City, Iowa, where for two years he had charge of a hospital. Following this he spent six months in Cherokee, Iowa, and a like period in St. Louis before coming to his home town and entering the practice here. In 1898 he took a post-graduate course in the institution from which he had received his degree, it being his laudable ambition to keep abreast of the strides in discovery made constantly iu his particular field. Since 1898 he has been occupied with his professional duties and with unconsciously coi-nering the medical business of the county seat. It will scarcely be doubted that there is not to be found a busier young physician in all Mis- souri. Dr. Stierberger holds membership in the Franklin County Medical Society, in the Missouri State Medical Society, aud in the American Medical Association. He is local surgeon for the Rock Island Railway Com- pany at Union and belongs to the Association of Railway Surgeons. Nor is his activity limited by his pi-ofession, for he has sub- stantial business connections, these confined chiefly to financial- investments. He is a stockholder of both the Bank of Union and the Citizens' Bank and is vice-president and a director of the former. In politics Dr. Stierberger acts with the dominant party of Franklin county. He asserts himself as a good citizen should when questions of public policy come up for ad- justment at the polls or elsewhere, but has never manifested ambition for public office himself. His social proclivities are such that he finds great pleasure in his lodge re- lations, which extend to the Knights of Pythias, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Modern Woodmen. He is unmarried. Charles F. Bidewell. In 1851 Henry Bidewell came to Bollinger county from En- gland. He acquired a farm of two hundred and forty acres in that county and only in- terrupted his pursuit of agriculture to fight in the Union army. He married Lucrecia Killion, a native of Missouri, and they had eleven children. Charles F. is the second of the eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, of whom but four are living, the two sisters being married and are now Mrs. W. H. Hobbs, of Stoddard county, Missouri, and Mrs. Arthur George, also of Stoddard county. Their home farms join similarly to those of the brothers, Charles and George Bidewell. Mr. Charles Bidewell was born December 9, 1871, in Bollinger county, and lived on his father's farm until he was twenty-three years of age. A year later his father died, and Charles disposed of his share of the estate to his brother George, whose life ap- pears elsewhere in this volume. He then bought fifty-one acres of land near Dongola, to which he soon added two hundred and fifty-one and a half acres. At present he farms three hundred and two and a half acres. On this large estate he carries on general farming and stock raising. Mr. Bidewell was married in 1895 to Miss Ursula Simpkins, whose parents, Rufus and Flora Simpkins, are natives of Indiana. Four boys and one girl were born to Ursula and Charles Bidewell, who are still living. The daughter, Nora, was born in 1901. The names and dates of birth of the sons are as follows: Walter A., 1896; Ora G., 1905; Leamon, 1908; Elvin, 1910. A popular and public-spirited citizen, Mr. Bidewell is a member of the Masonic order and of the Modern Woodmen. He is a com- municant of the General Baptist church. While in no sense a politician, Mr. Bidewell holds the political faith of his father and is a Republican. J. AV. Sexton. Does Dunklin county go a hunting, it asks J. W. Sexton to be its master. Does it require a competent, hon- orable man to look after its funds it elects J. W. Sexton. Is it asked for one of its most up-to-date farmers, J. W. Sexton is the man it names. Are the Democrats looking for some one to fill the office of clerk of the county court, J. W. Sexton is the obvious 644 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI selection. Thus in all kinds of activities in the county Mr. Sexton is a leader. He was born in Kennett, January 28, 1859. His father, Lafayette Sexton, was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and was brought up in Kentucky and ^Missouri, coming to Mis- souri with his mother in 1840 and settling then in Bollinger county. His father had died in Kentucky about — . In 1858 La- fayette and his mother came to Kennett. She died at Hot Springs, Arkansas, whither she had moved. Lafayette lived one mile from Kennett, on land that he received from the Government. He spent almost all the rest of his life on the farm, which he used for the purposes of stock raising. He en- listed in the Confederate army when the Civil war broke out and after seeing con- siderable service came home on furlough. During this time he was stincken with the cholera and died October 30, 1863. Soon after he came to Kennett, he had married Nancy G. Evans, nee McCuUougli, a widow, born in Frankfort, Kentucky. Her parents, Benjamin W. and Mary (Glasscock) Lle- Cullough, came to Missouri in 1832. They settled one mile south of Kennett and ob- tained Government grants of land. He be- came a land owner in the county that \yas then known as Stoddard's county and died on his farm at the age of fifty. His widow survived him many years, living until she was eighty years old. Only one of their children is living still, William JlcCullough, living in Breckenridge county, Kentucky. Nancy JlcCullough had married John H. Evans when she was a young girl and had borne him four children, Franklin, Ellen, Callie and Kate, all of whom are dead. Mr. Evans was a native of Kentucky, of Welsh descent, but the marriage took place in Mis- souri. After she married Lafayette Sexton she became the mother of two children, J. W. and R. E., the latter a merchant at Maiden, Missouri. Mrs. Sexton had practically to raise the six children alone, as her first hus- band had died when his four children were small and Mr. Sexton, too, died young. She died in 1900, having lived a life of useful- ness for her children. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sexton were members of the Methodist Epis- copal church. When J. W. Sexton was only four years old his father died, so that he never re- members having had a father's care. His mother, however, did all in her power to take the place of both parents and in his turn J. W. Sexton cared for her until the time of her death. When he was twenty- one lie took elmrge of the farm and con- tinued a farmer for many years. In 1888 he was elected county treasurer, which office he filled for the term of two years. At the expiration of his term he went back to farm- ing, devoting most of his farm to stock rais- ing. On November 2, 1910, he was elected to the office of clerk of the circuit court, assuming the active duties of the office Jan- uary 1, 1911. He was nominated by the Democratic party, for which lie had always been an active worker, in conventions and elsewhere. He devotes himself to his office, fulfilling the duties involved in an exemplary manner. In 1885, wlieu he was thirty-six years old, Mr. Sexton married Mrs. Anna Floyd, a young widow in Dunklin county. She was the daughter of W. T. Meredith. Two chil- dren have been born to the union, Kate and Ruth. Mr. Sexton is a member of the Mutual Pro- tective League and of the Modern Woodmen of America, standing high with the members of both those organizations. As a relief from his strenuous duties he spends his va- cations either hunting or fishing, being an expert in both of these sports. Mr. Sexton is a thoroughl.y capable man and besides that is conscientious, a combination which can- not fail to result in success. He is very pop- ular both socially and in his business rela- tions, as he has the ability to command love as well as respect. Jesse M. Elvins. With the history of St. Francois county the name of Elvins has been long and prominently identified, and the sub- .jeet of this memoir well upheld the prestige of the same through his sterling character and large and worthy accomplishment. The thriving little city of Elvins, this county, was named in his honor and he was long numbered among the influential citizens of this favored section of the state, where he did much to further civic and industrial progress. Jesse Mahagan Elvins was born in St. Francois county, on the 12th of May, 1841, and he died at his home in Doe Run, this county, on the 25th of April. 1910, secure in the high regard of all who knew him. He was a son of Moses and Sarah (Flan- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 645 nigan) Elvins and a grandson of William Elvins, who was a native of England, a clock- maker by trade and the founder of the fam- ily in America. In the year 1840 Moses Elvins established his home in Farmington, St. Francois county, Missouri, and here he continued to reside until his death. He be- came one of the prosjierous fanners of the county and also had other interests of im- portant order. He was a man of the most inflexible integrity and ever commanded the confidence and esteem of his fellow men. His wife survived him by a number of years. Jesse M. Elvins was reared and educated in his native county aud as a youth he served an apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade, to which he continued to devote his attention, as a contractor and builder, for many years, within which he contributed materially to the upbuilding of various towns aud villages in the county, as did he also through his various real-estate operations, which reached wide scope. He had much to do with the development of the lead industry in this dis- trict and was the virtual founder of the pres- ent fine little city which perpetuates his name. He supervised the construction of the lead mills at Bonne Terre and Doe Run and was known as a business man of ability, enterprise aud scrupulous integrity. His progressive policies and thorough business methods enabled him to achieve large and worthy success in connection with his va- rious undertakings, and no citizen in the county commanded more secure vantage ground in popular confidence and esteem. He was signally true and lo.yal in all the relations of life and his name merits an enduring place of honor on the roster of those who have contributed in conspicuous measure to the development and prosperity of his native county, within whose gracious borders his entire life was passed. He was aligned as a staunch supporter of the cause of the Republican party and was admirably fortified in his opinions as to matters of public import. In the year 1861 was solemnized the mar- riage of Mr. Elvins to jMiss Zelma Politte, a representative of one of the old and dis- tinguished French families of Missouri. I\Irs. Elvins, a Avouian of most gracious and gentle personality, was summoned to eternal rest on the 5th of January, 1885, secure in the affectionate regard of all who had come within the sphere of her influence. Of the seven children of this union three died in infancy and Rice, the fourth in order of birth, died in 1899. The surviving children are Linn, William and Politte, and concern- ing the last mentioned specific record is. given on succeeding pages of this work. The loved wife and mother was a devout com- municant of the Catholic church and her life was marked by kindly words and gen- erous deeds. On the 11th of December, 1888, Jesse M. Elvins contracted a second mar- riage, by his union with Miss Elizabeth Meh- ring, who survives him, as does also the younger of their two children, Charles Par- sons Elvins. The ekier son, Jesse Pierce, died at the age of five years. Measured by its rectitude, its strength and its definite accomplishment, the life of Jesse M. Elvins counted for much, and his name will be held in lasting honor in the county which ever represented his home aud the center of his varied interests. Hon. Politte Elvins is engaged in the practice of law and the banking business in the city of Elvins, St. Francois county. A staunch and active Republican, he repre- sented the thirteenth congressional district in the sixty-first congress of the United States, in which he made an admirable record and in which he had the distinction of being the youngest member. Mr. Elvins was born at French Village, St. Francois county, Slissouri, on the 16th of March, 1878, and is the youngest of the three surviving children of Jesse M. and Zelma (Politte) Elvins. On preceding pages of this publication is entered a memoir to his honored father, and the family data incor- porated in said article are such as to render it \innecessary to repeat the same in the present sketch. Mr. Elvins is indebted to the public schools of his native county for his early educational discipline, which was supplemented by a course in Carlton College and the University of IMissouri, at Columbia, from which he received the degree of Bache- lor of Laws in 1899, being forthwith admitted to the bar. On the 25th of November, 1901, he was married to Miss Florence Kells, of Arcadia, Jlissouri. Mr. aud Mrs. Elvins are popular factors in the social activities of the com- munity and their pleasant home is known for its generous hospitality. 646 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI John H. Himmelberger. Among the men of fine initiative and constructive powers wlio are contributing materially to the industrial and civic stability and progress of south- eastern Missouri, a place of no slight promi- nence must be accorded to this well known and public-spirited citizen of Cape Girardeau, where he is president of the Himmelberger & Harrison Lumber Company and where he has other capitalistic interests of important order. Sterling character, alert and pro- gressive ideas and marked civic loyalty and liberality make Mr. Himmelberger a valuable factor in the various activities of the com- munity, and he is distinctively one of the representative business men of the fine little city in which he maintains his home. A scion of staunch German stock long and worthily identified with the history of Penn- sylvania, Mr. Himmelberger finds a due sense of pride in reverting to the fine old Keystone state of the Union as the place of his nativity. He was born at Myerstown, Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, on the 30th of October, 1861, and is a son of Isaac and Catherine (Haak) Himmelberger, both of whom were born and reared in that sturdy old commonwealth, where the respective fam- ilies were founded in an early day. In 1867 Isaac Himmelberger removed with his fam- ily to Logansport, Indiana, where he owned and operated a sawmill and was otherwise prominently identified with the lumber busi- ness for more than a decade. In 1879 he came to Missouri and established his busi- ness at Buffington, Stoddard county, continu- ing, however, to reside at Logansport, In- diana, in W'hich place he continued in the same line of enterprise and built up a pros- perous business. He passed the closing years of his long and useful life at Logansport, and was sixty years of age when he was summoned to eternal rest, in July. 1900, se- cure in the high regard of all who had known him. His widow now maintains her home in Logansport, and he is survived also by one son and three daughters. The father was a stalwart Republican in his political pro- clivities, was a man of sincerity and stronc individually, and his religious faith was that of the Universalist church. His widow has long been a devoted member of the Reformed Lutheran church. John H. Himmelberger was a lad of six years at the time of the family removal to Logansport, Indiana, in which thriving little city he gained his early educational disci- pline b.y duh' availing himself of the advan- tages of the excellent public schools, in which he completed the curriculum of the high school. In the meanwhile he began to assist his father in the operation of the sawmill and other details of the lumber business, and he thus continued after the removal to Buffing- ton, ilissouri, at which time he was eighteen years of age. Through this means he gained a thorough knowledge of all details of this im- portant line of industrial enterprise and was well equipped for successful operations in an independent way. In 1885 his father admitted him to partnership, and this alliance con- tinued about a decade, within which he won his spurs as a practical and successful busi- ness man of excellent constructive ability. In 1895 he became one of the interested principals in the organization of the Himmel- berger-Luce Land & Lumber Company, at Morehouse, New IMadrid county, this state, and he was chosen its secretary at the time of incorporation. This company continued operations in the lumber business and the handling of timber lauds until 1904, when it was succeeded by the Himmelberger & Harrison Lumber Company, of which he has since been president. This company is in- corporated with a capital stock of six hun- dred thousand dollars and its operations are of broad scope and importance, including the ownership of valuable timber lands and the manufacturing of lumber through the agency of a well equipped and thoroughly modern plant located at Slorehouso, ilissouri. The enterprising spirit of ]\Ir. Himmelberger and associates was significantly manifested in 1907, when they instituted the erection of the Himmelberger & Harrison building, on Broadway, in Cape Girardeau. This is a fine, modern structure of brick and stone, is five stories in height and is conceded to be the finest office and bank building in the city. Here are maintained the offices of the South- east ilissouri Trust Company, which is one of the substantial and popular financial in- stitutions of this section of the state and of which Mr. Himmelberger is a director. It is one of the strongest institutions of the Idnd in this part of the state and bases its operations upon a paid-up capital stock of five hundred thousand dollars. He has been a valued factor in the directing of the pol- icies of this institution, of which he is vice- president and which has done much to fur- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 647 ther the financial prestige of Cape Girardeau. Mr. Himmelberger is also a member of the directorate of the Sturdivant Bank at Cape Girardeau and of the Bank of Morehouse at Morehouse, Missouri, where he still retains other interests, and he has also identified himself with various other enterprises in his home city of Cape Girardeau and he stands exemplar of the most progressive civic pol- icies, as he is ever ready to lend his aid and influence in the furtherance of measures and enterprises projected for the general good of the community. He is the president of the Board of Supervisors of the Little River- Drainage District. This drainage district has for its object the draining and reclama- tion of five hundred thousand acres of wet and over-flowed lands in Cape Girardeavi, Scott, Stoddard, New Madrid, Pemiscot and Dunklin counties. He enjoys unqualified popularity in both business and social cir- cles in his home city, and here he is afiSliatecl with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Both he and his wife are mem- bers of the Presbyterian church. January 1, 1889, marked the solemniza- tion of the marriage of Mr. Himmelberger to Miss Mary A. Kesling, who was born and reared in Cass county, Indiana, of which Logansport is the judicial center. She is a daughter of Oliver and Kate (Paunebaker) Kesling, who still reside in that county, where the father has long been a representa- tive farmer and honored citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Himmelberger have four children, Harry I., Charles, John and Katharine. George K. Williams. One of the most widely known and most important names to be encountered in connection with the lead district of this part of the state is the name of George K. Williams, of Farmington, Mis- souri, who is acting superintendent for the Potosi Mines Company, of Boston and New York, with mines located at Leadwood. He also served under two gubernatorial adminis- trations as state mine inspector, his thorough knowledge of mining making him a man ad- mirably incumbent of the offlce which in a state of such vast mineral resources of Mis- souri is an important one. Previous to his present association, Mr. Williams was for fifteen years with the Doe Run Lead Company, and it was his portion fairly to grow up in an atmosphere of mines and mining, for his father was a man of im- portance in the field. That gentleman, George M. Williams, was born in St. Francois county, March 4, 1830. He early became a miner and driller and possesses the distinc- tion of being the first man to do drilling at Bonne Terre with a churn drill, the same striking disseminated lead ore. St. Francois county was the scene of the birtli of George K. Williams, and the date of his advent on this mundane sphere was September 9, 1864. He received his educa- tion in the schools at Bonne Terre, and, fin- ishing the school at the age of seventeen years, he entered upon his career in some comparatively unimportant capacity in the mines. In a short time he accepted a posi- tion with the Doe Run Lead Company, at Doe Run, ilissouri, and was sent to the Plat River district with the first prospecting dia- mond drill to Flat River, and struck the first deep disseminated lead ore that was struck in the Flat River district. This being at the depth of four hundred feet. The greater part of Mr. Williams' connec- tion with the Doe Run Lead Company was in the Diamond drill department. He was appointed state mine inspector by Governor A. M. Dockery, governor of the State of Mis- souri, in 1901, and was re-appointed in 1905 to that office by Governor Joseph W. Folk, holding the position until February 15, 1909, and in the eight years in which he had min- ing afi'airs in the state in his hands and un- der his supervision he proved himself with- out possibility of doubt to be the right man for the place, knowing the mining situation as it is given to few to know it and possess it,- — splendid judgment in addition. In December, 1910, he and his associates took up the Jacob Day land which was lo- cated in the Leadwood district, consisting of three hundred and fifty-seven acres, and sold it to Boston and New York capitalists. The property was tested with a diamond drill and a shaft is being sunk near the center of the property, and is called the Alma Shaft, be- ing named after his daughter. Mr. Williams, who is superintendent of the Boston and New York Company, is, of course, directing the work. Mr. Williams man-ied in 1897 Miss Bar- bara Adams, of Irondale, Missouri. She is the daughter of Richard Adams, superin- tendent of the Old Irondale Company. Mr. and J\Irs. Williams have two sons and one daughter — Naive, Alma and Richard, — thus 648 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI sharing their delightful home with a trio of young people. Mr. "Williams is Democratic in polities, giv- ing heart and hand to men and measures. He and his family attend the Methodist Episcopal church. South, and he exemplifies in his daily living the fine principles promul- gated b}^ the jMasonic Lodge, in which he is entitled to wear the white-plumed helmet of the Knight Templar. Dr. John P. Wagnee, a progressive young medical practitioner of Greenville, Wayne county, is a son of the widely known edu- cator. Professor L. 51. AVagner. The father was born in Washington county, Tennessee, on the 1st of April, 1851, aud received a theological education at Mosheim College, one of the fir.st institutions of higher learning esta])lished in that state east of the Alle- ghany mountains. Soon after his gradua- tion he commenced preaching in Missouri under the auspices of the Lutheran synod. At the same time, in order to eke out a live- lihood, he taught school, most of this work in that state being in connection with va- rious parochial institutions connected with his church. Professor Wagner first came to Missouri in 1877, locating in the northern part of what is now Cascade, Wayne county, where he founded Concordia College, in which so many of the professional men of that sec- tion of the state have received the early literary training which fitted them to assume the higher courses of their education. While conducting that select institution Professor Wagner also preached to many scattering charges aud those without regular pastors. He was thus busily and worthily employed until 1909, when he retired from professional work altogether and entered the employ of the Williamsville, Greenville & St. Louis Railroad at Cascade, his present occupation. The Professor also cultivates aud operates a farm, and has been serving on the local Board of Education since 190U. He had previously been a member of the County Board of School Commissioners for three terms, and there has never been a time since he became a resident of Wayne county that he has failed to show his unbounded interest in her educational progress, or that her peo- ple have failed to show their faith in his ability and high-minded motives. His wife (formerly Miss Emma Whitener) is also liv- ing and highly respected as an intelligent and lovable woman. Of their nine children, the following seven are living: Virda, now the wife of Zark Souderman ; John P., of this biography ; Effie, who became Mrs. William E. Pabor, of Predericktown, IMissouri ; Harry, a citizen of Cape Girardeau ; and Otto, Gus and Irving, still living at home. John P. Wagner was born at Gravelton, Wayne county, on the 20th of December, 1882; was reared on the family homestead; educated in his preparatory courses at his father's school (Concordia College), and in 1902 was matriculated at the American Med- ical College, St. Louis, from which he grad- uated in 1906. He established himself in . practice at Cascade iu 1906, but finally located at Greenville, where he has founded a sub- stantial and a high-grade professional busi- ness. He continues the family tendencies in his adhesion to the Lutheran church, as well as in his general support of Democratic principles and policies. His professional relations are with the Missouri Eclectic Medical Society and the National Electic Medical Association, and his fraternal con- nections are with the Modern Woodmen of America. Dr. Wagner was married, JMarch 7, 1911, to Miss Stella Rhodes, born in Greenville, a daughter of John P. and Sarah (McGhee) Rhodes, who have spent their lives here. IMr. Rhodes has filled nearlj^ all county offices, including that of Representative, and owns a fine farm near Greenville, Missouri. Jesse A. ]McGlothlin, the present circuit clerk and count,y recorder of Bollinger county, Missouri, is a man whose position as one in whom all who know him impose im- plicit trust, and whose name has come to he s.vnonymous with progressive enterprise, makes it impossible to omit his name from an.y record of the history of Southeastern ^lissouri. He was born in Reynolds county on his father's farm. ]\Iarch 10, 1869. His father, Joseph IMcGlothlin, was a native Hoosier, while his mother, prior to her mar- riage ]Mi.ss Louisa Allison, was born in the state of Tennessee. In 1879 the family moved to Wayne county, this state, and there Jesse A. McGlothlin lived until his twentieth year. His early education he obtained in the district schools of the locality, meantime being a willing a.ssistant in the various duties of the home farm. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 649 At eighteen Jesse McGlotliliu inaugurated his independent career as a school-master, his first school being in Carter county. In Wayne, Bollinger and Madison counties he Avas known as a leading member of the pedagogic profession. He augmented his early education during his teaching career by attendance at Concordia College at Gravetta, and also at Hales College in Wayne county for two years. In 1S99 McGlothlin became interested in the mercantile business, and he entered a dry-goods store at Glen Allen, in which es- tablishment he remained until 1906. After seven years he left Berry's employ and was elected in that year, on the Republican ticket, to the offices of circuit clerk and county recorder for a term of four years. So effi- cient and honorable was the record of his first term's service that he was re-elected to the same office, and he is now serving his sec- ond term. Mr. McGlothlin 's active interest in edu- cational matters has never wavered, and he is now wielding his influence for what is best in that field as a member and secretary of the boai'd of directors of Mayfield College. The old Snyder farm of seventy-one acres adjoining the municipality of Marble Hill is now in Mr. McGlothlin 's possession, and is prospering under his management. On October 7, 1894, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. McGlothlin, the lady of his choice being Miss Dora L. Rhodes. She was born and reared in Bollinger county, the daughter of Robert and Georgia (Floyd) Rhodes, prominent residents of that county. Four children have been born to the union of Jlr. and Mrs. McGlothlin, namely: Maud, born in 1895; Helen, born in 1897; Lee A., born in 1901; and Jesse Robert, born in 1910. In their religious affiliation, the Mc- Glothlin family are identified with Baptist church. Fraternally IMr. IMcGlothlin is a member of that historic order, the Ancient Free and Accepted INFasons, and belongs to both the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the ^Modern Woodmen of America. Captain W. I. IMcDaniel. A venerable and respected resident of Senath, Captain AV. I. IMcDaniel, now living with his son, C. P. Mc- Daniel, of whom a brief personal account is given elsewhere in this work, fought bravely in defense of the Confederacy during the Civil war, and now bears upon his body a sear which resulted from a wound received on the field of battle. A native of Tennessee, he was born November 14, 1827, in Sumner county, but as an infant was taken by his parents to Natchez, ilississippi, where he lived until six years of age. Returning to Obion county. West Tennes- see, in 1834, he continued his residence there for nearly forty years, serving in the mean- time for awhile as captain of a company of State Militia, having been commissioned by Isham G. Harris, war-Governor of Tennes- see. On September 9, 1861, he enlisted ,as a private in the Thirty-third Tennessee Regiment, of which he was elected first ser- geant. After the battle of Perryville Cap- tain Mc Daniel was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant, and subsequently, at Shei- byville, Tennessee, was chosen as the bravest man of his company, OAving to an order is- sued by the Confederate Congress that each and every company in that division should elect or appoint the bravest man in the com- pany. At j\Iissionai\y Ridge, while serving as second lieutenant, he had charge of his company, as he had had much of the time during his enlistment, even at the battle of Chickamauga leading his company. He was subsequently confined in the hospital four months, and on rejoining his regiment as- sumed the same position, and held it until the close of the war, having command of Company D. The Captain saw. many hard- fought engagements, at Shiloh twenty-one of the sixty-six men of which he had command being either killed or wounded. At the en- gagement at Franklin, Tennessee, Captain McDaniel received a severe wound from a l)ayonet, and still carries the scar that ensued. He w-as often detailed on special duty with squads of men of whom he had charge, serving under different commanders, including General Clark, who was afterwards governor of Mississippi ; Brigadier General A. P. Stewart ; and under General Strahl, wlio lost his life at the battle of Franklin. The brigade to which the Captain belonged assisted in protecting the rear of Hill's army on its retreat from the battle of Nashville, keeping up a constant fight with the enemy. He subsequently surrendered at Raleigh, North Carolina, with Johnston's men, and there took the oath of allegiance. After his surrender Captain ilcDaniel returned to his old home in western Tennes- see, which he had visited but twice during 650 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST JHSSOURI the entire war. His good wife, however, had visited him after the battle of Stone River, having ridden on horseback one hundred and fifty miles to do so, carrying a young child with her, crossing several rapid streams and fording some, and after meeting the enemy in the road riding straight through the Fed- eral lines. Coming to Dunklin county, ^Missouri, in 1870, Captain McDaniel resided at Clark- ton for six years. ^Moving then to Texas, he was for several years employed as a builder and a painter in Frio eountj-. At a recent reunion in Little Rock, Arkansas, the Cap- tain was there met by his son, C. P. McDaniel. who brought him to Senath. and he is now spending the closing years of his long and useful life with this son. C. P. McDaniel. The wide-awake, busy little town of Senath owes its strong vitality and its great popularity to the enterprise and active spirit of its broad-minded and keen-sighted iDusiness men, who are putting forth practical efforts to aid its growth in every line of industry. Prominent among the number thus employed is C. P. ilcDaniel, the leading furniture dealer and undertaker of this part of Dunklin county. He was born April 30, 1851, in Fulton comity, Ken- tucky, but was taken to Obion count>-, Tennessee, when but a year old, and resided there until 1869, when he made his way to Dunklin county, Mis.souri. which seemed to offer special inducements to a young man of vim and energy, being in the center of a rich and highly productive country. Locating in Clarkton, Mr. McDaniel there followed his trade of a blacksmith for nearly thirty years. Coming from there to Senath in 1897, he was here not only the "Village Blacksmith" for six years, but was also suc- cessfully engaged in the undertaking liusi- ness. Giving up his smithy in 1903, Mr. Mc- Daniel has since built up a substantial trade as a dealer in furniture, having gained an extensive and lucrative patronage in Senath and vicinity, his systematic and upright methods attracting customers from all parts of the county. This business he is carrying on siiccessfully * in connection with under- taking, in both lines being well patronized. Mr. McDaniel has been twice married. He married first, at Union Citj^, Tennessee, Ozella B. Starrett, of Dunklin county, Mis- souri, a daughter of Robert C. Starrett, an early settler of Clarkton. She died at Clark- ton, Missouri, in 1894, after twenty years of happy married life, having four children, namely: Florence E., wife of F. E. Wil- liams, of J\Ialden, ilissouri ; Edna May, wife of Alexander T. Douglass, of Senath ; Clara Ann, of Senath ; and Arthur S., who is en- gaged in business with his father, Mr, Mc- Daniel married in 1900, in Senath, Hnldah C, Douglass, an aunt of Robert Sidney Doug- lass, editor of this work, and a sister of Rev. Robert Douglass, pastor of the Baptist church at Senath. Mr. JMcDaniel is not identified with any political organization, but takes an active interest in the advancement of local affairs. Fraternally he is a member of the Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Baptist church, to which ]\Irs. IMcDaniel also belongs, and in which she is and has ever been an active worker, even as a young girl having taken a great interest in the Sunday school work. She attends the Baptist Asso- ciation meetings, in which she is frequently an earnest speaker, A stanch advocate of temperance, Mrs, McDaniel at one time ad- dressed the court on the matter of local op- tion, presenting a remonstrance so effectively that she carried her point without the as- sistance of an attorney. ]\Ir, McDaniel is a son of Captain W. I, Mc- Daniel, a venerable and highly esteemed resi- dent of Senath, of whom a brief biographical sketch precedes this. Robert A. Anthony. Among the distinc- tively prominent lawyers and jurists of the state of Missouri, none is more splendidly equipped for the work of his profession than Judge Robert A. Anthony, whose home and business headciuarters are at Fredericktown, ^Missouri. Throughout his career as a dis- tinguished attorney and well fortified coun- selor he has, by reason of unimpeachable conduct and close observance of the unwrit- ten code of professional ethics, gained the ad- miration and respect of his fellow practition- ers, in addition to which he commands a high place in the confidence and esteem of his fel- low citizens. He has served as judge of the Twenty-seventh judicial circuit of Missouri and for four years was prosecuting attorney for Madison county. A native of the Lone Star state. Judge Anthony was born in Kaufman county, Texas, the date of his birth being the 10th of March, HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 651 1859. He is a son of Patrick Henry and Elizabeth (Matthews) Anthony, both of whom were born and reared in Madison county, Missouri. The fatlier was born in 1826 and he died at Fredericktown in 1878. He was a farmer and millwright by occupation and at the time of his demise was the owner of considerable valuable farming property. He resided in Texas from 1854 until 1865, and in that state was an extensive plantation and slave owner. He lost heavily dui'ing the Civil war and shortly after the close of that sanguinary struggle returned to Missouri, where he operated saw and grist mills for a number of years. His father was Samuel Anthony, who came to ilissouri from Ten- nessee in 1816. Samuel Anthony was a farmer and he reared to maturity a large family of children, a number of whose de- scendants reside in Texas and Missouri. Pat- rick H. Anthony was one of the forty-niners who made the perilous overland journey to California, where he was fairly successful in his mining ventures. Elizabeth (Mat- thews) Anthony, mother of the Judge, was born in Madison county, Missouri, as already noted, and she was descended from stanch French stock, her mother having been a Miss Tesreau. She died in 1890, at the age of fifty-four years. Her father was Samuel C. Matthews, a farmer in Madison county dur- ing the greater part of his active career: He died in 1861. Sir. and Mrs. Anthony were devout communicants of the Catholic church, in the work of which denomination they were most active factors and in whose faith they reared their children. Judge Anthony was a child of seven years of age at the time of his parents' return to Madison county, Missouri, to the public schools of which place he is indebted for his early educational training. As a young man he read law under the able preceptor- ship of Judge Fox, at Fredericktown, and he was admitted to the bar in 1884. He initiated the active practice of his profession in this place and for a number of years was associated in the practice of law with Emmet Williams, now of the Bankers Trust Com- pany, of St. Louis. He was also associated in law work with H. Clay Marsh, who is now a farmer in Madison county. At the pres- ent time Judge xlnthom^ is a member of the well known law firm of Anthony & Davis, the same being assistant attorneys for the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, repre- senting that concern in seven counties in southeastern ]\Iissouri. In ilarch, 1905, Judge Anthony was ap- pointed, by the Supreme Court of Mi.ssouri, as commissioner to take testimony and try the case of the state of Missouri versus the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, the Waters-Pierce Oil Company of ilissouri and the Republic Oil Company of New York, the charge being a combination, conspiracy or trust to monopolize and control the oil business in the state of ]\Iissouri. After some two years' investigation of the case in the states of Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, Ohio, New York and Illinois, Judge Anthony held the companies above named to be guiltj' and so reported the case to the Supreme Court of the state, which affirmed and adopted that decision. The report and opinion covered over three hundred pages in book form and showed judiciovis foresight and remarkable knowledge of the science of jurisprudence on the part of Judge Anthony. It is con- ceded to be one of the most important cases ever taken up in Missouri. The prosecution was instituted by the then attorney general of Missouri the present Governor Hadley. Judge Anthony was appointed, in 1902, by Governor Dockery, as circuit judge of the Twenty-seventh Judicial Circuit of IMissouri, to fill out the unexpired term of Judge James D. Pox. He served as circuit judge for a period of two years and from 1886 to 1890 he was prosecuting attorney for Madison county. He has always been aligned as a stalwart in the ranks of the Democratic party, in the local councils of which he has been an active and zealous worker. He is affiliated with a number of professional and fraternal organizations of representative character and in all the relations of life has so conducted himself as to be popular with all classes of people. He is possessed of a cheery, kindly disposition and is intensely religious. In 1888 was solemnized the marriage of Judge Anthony to Miss Jennie Wiley, who was born in Peoria, Illinois, whence she ac- companied her parents to Madison county, Missouri, at the age of fifteen years. For some time prior to her marriage she was a popular and successful teacher in the public schools of ]\Iadison county. She is a woman of gracious personality and is deeply be- loved by all with whom she has come in con- tact. Judge and Mrs. Anthony have no chil- dren. They are communicants of the St. 652 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Michaels Catholic church, at Prederiektown, this mission having been established at a very early day. It did not become a regular pastorate until 1830, however. At the pres- ent time the church has a membership of one hundred and fifty Catholic families and in addition to a fine church it also has two good school buildings, a pastor's residence and a home for the Sisters, who conduct the school. The present pastor is Rev. Father McCartney. Louis Stein", actively identified with mill- ing interests in Southeastern Missouri, makes his home at Cape Girardeau, where he is general manager of the Cape City Mills. He is deeply interested in community affairs and his efforts have al.so been a potent ele- ment in the business progress of this section of the state. He has with ready recognition of opportunity directed his labors into va- rious fields wherein he has achieved .success. and at the same time has promoted a busi- ness enterprise that has proved of more than local value. In 1911 he was given proof of the high regard of his fellow citizens in that he wa.s then elected city treasurer of Cape Girardeau, an office he is filling with the utmost credit to himself and his con.stituents. Louis Stein is a native of Cape Girardeau, where his birth occurred on the 12th of Au- gust, 1864, and he is a son of Christian and Margaret (Mertz) Stein, both of whom were liorn and reared in Germany, where was cele- brated their marriage and whence they im- migrated to the United States in the year 1859. Settlement was first made at New Orleans, where the family home was main- tained for one year, at the expiration of which removal was made to a more northern section on account of Yellow fever epidemic. Coming to ]\Iissouri, the father settled at ('Ommerce. where lie entered the employ of James Whitelaw, a prominent miller in that place. Three years later, in 1863, the fam- ily located at Cape Girardeau, where Mr. Stein began to work for 6. C. Thelineus. in the flour-mill business. His cherished and devoted wife passed away in 1892, but Mr. Stein is still living. 1911. Tliey were the parents of seven chihlren. six boys and one girl, of whom Louis was the fifth in order of birth. In the German school at Cape Girardeau Louis Stein received his early educational training and this discipline was later sup- plemented by a course of study in the normal school. When eighteen years of age he en- tered the employ of the F. Fiedemann Com- pany, at Jackson, Jlissouri, as miller. Four years later he was proffered and accepted a position as expert miller for the Barnard & Leas Manufacturing Company, at Moline, Illinois. In 1887 he assumed charge of all the mills of the Cape County ^Milling Com- pany and three years later he came to Cape Girardeau, where he has since resided and where, in 1897, he organized the Cape City Mills, of which he is now in charge. He is a business man of splendid ability and his success in his chosen line of work has been on a parity with his own well directed en- deavors. In his political affiliations he is a stanch advocate of the cause of the Democratic party, in the local councils of which he is a most active factor. In 1905 he was elected a member of the city council and he served in that capacity for a period of two years dur- ing Mayor Whitelaw 's administration. In 1911 he made the race for and was elected city treasurer, meeting with practically no opposi- tion. He is showing himself a capable ad- ministrator of the fiscal affairs of the city and in this connection is giving the utmost satis- faction to his constituents. Mr. Stein is a charter member of the Commercial Club of Cape Girardeau and he is also a valued and appreciative member of the organization known as the Sons of Veterans, being eligible for representation therein by reason of his father's seiwice in the Civil war. In a fra- ternal way he is connected with the Modern Woodmen of Amei'ica, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Knights and Ladies of Security. His religious faith is in harmony with the tenets of the Presbyterian church, in which he is president of the board of deacons. In the year 1886 was solemnized the mar- riage of Mr. Stein to iMiss Marguerite Bar- rett, who was reared and educated at Cairo, Illinois. To this union have been born three children, whose names are here entered in re- spective order of birtli. — Harve.v. Carroll and ilarguerite, — all of whom remain at the pa- rental hom.e. The Stein family are well known and popular in the best social circles of Cape Girardeau and here they are accorded the tmalloyed confidence and esteem of their fellow citizens. Baebeau Andrew Roy is one of the strong, practical men who have had a helpful expe- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 653 rience in that popular and immensely valu- able educational institution knoAvn as jour- nalism. Beginning life as a teacher, in 1890 he came to Bonne TeiTe and entered the newspaper field, eventually becoming editor of the Bonne Terre Register, and probably no one factor has been as potent as his influ- ence through the eloquent columns of his paper in changing tlie county from Demo- cratic to Republican. After eighteen years he abandoned the Fourth Estate and became in January, 1910, postmaster of the city, the office now being one of the four largest iu Southeastern Missouri. Mr. Roy's father. Ferdinand A. Roy, was born in Prairie du Rocher. Randolph county, Illinois, June 5, 1817. He came to iMissouri in 1844, when a young man, and was em- ployed by a Mr. Deloge, of Potosi, Missouri, in his mercantile business. In the early '50s he removed to Sainte Genevieve county, where he went into a business association with Francis A. Rozier, in the line of mer- chandise, and later embarked independently in the same business, carrying it on for some time, including the Civil war period. He was a man held in respect and confidence, and after retiring from business his useful- ness was by no means at an end and he held several offices, being county judge and for fifteen years ji;stiee of the peace. The last years of his life were passed with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Joseph Flynn, of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, the date of his death being Febru- ary 18, 1898. He was married at about the age of thirty-two years to Rosine Goin and ten children were born to them, only two be- ing alive at the present time, namely : Ferdi- nand Roy, Jr., of Prairie du Rocher. and the subject. The church of this well-remem- bered gentleman was the Catholic and in polities, unlike his son, he was a stanch Democrat. Barbeau Andrew Roy was born November 25, 1866, in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, and within its pleasant boundaries he passed his early life. He received his education in the common and high schools and after finishing such advantages as they had to offer he taught school for a time in Sainte Genevieve county and then went on to Soiith Dakota, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1890 he came to Bonne Terre and here en- tered into the newspaper business with his brother-in-law, Joseph Flynn, the two gentle- men editing and publishing the Bonne Terre Democrat. In the fall Mr. Roy bought out the interests of Mr. Flynn and continued in publication of the paper alone until 1893, when he bought the Bonne Terre Register and consolidated the two papers under the name of the Register, the policy of the sheet being Republican. He continued in com- mand until iiay, 1908, when he sold the Reg- ister to ]\Ir. George Staufill. He proved him- self a talented and influential editor and the Register flourished under his regime. After quitting the newspaper field, Mr. Roy en- tered for a time the accounting department of the Mississippi River & Bonne Terre Rail- road, where lie remained until he was ap- pointed postmaster in January, 1910, and which office he holds at the present time. The i^ostoffice has made rapid and definite strides, for it was but a short time ago third class. In July, 1910, six months after Mr. Roy became its head, the office was entered as second class and it is now one of the four largest offices in Southeastern ]\Iis- souri. Mr. Roy, as all are ready to agree, has ever discharged its duties with prompt- ness and fidelity. Mr. Roy was married on the 20th day of January, 1897, to Onna G. Thomure, of Bonne Terre, and their happy and congenial union has been blessed by the birth of two children, namely : Edgar L. and Lucian T. Mv. and Mrs. Ro.y are communicants of the Catholic church and the head of the house is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, of which he holds the important office of .state secretary. He is also a member of the Commercial Club and stands as a thoroughly helpful and public spirited member of society. - Henry C. Vossbrink is the efficient recorder of Franklin county, in Boone township of which his birth occurred November 25, 1872. His father, John H. Vossbrink, was born in Hanover, Germany, and came to the United States as a youth in 1845, locating in St. Louis, where he completed his trade as a tailor and then engaged as clerk in a furniture store, spending eleven years of his early manhood in St. Louis. He was born in 1830 and was un- der thirty years of age when he came out to Franklin county. Here he abandoned his trade and adopted as his own the great basic industry, engaged in the wholesale cultiva- tion of wheat and succeeded in building up a splendid estate. He is now a resident of the communit.v of Gerald. John H. Vossbrink has given a graphic illus- 654 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tration of what industry and perserverance can accomplish upon the farm. The aim of his life has been the achievement of financial in- dependence, and while this has been in process of accomplishment, he has infused habits of industry and thrift into the younger genera- tion of his household. He has kept away from politics, except in the capacity of the voter, and as such is aligned in harmony with the Republican party. He married Wilhelmina Keller, who survives, and the issue of their union are as follows : Louis H. ; Edward C. ; Julia C, wife of Julius Wulfert; Emma E., who married Dr. A. T. Kessler; John "VV. ; William H. ; Henry C. ; George H. ; Julius A. ; and Minnie A., now Mrs. W. H. Linstrom- berg. Henry C. Vossbrink was educated in the public school and is an excellent German stu- dent, having acquired the parental tongue with unusual aptitude. At the age of eighteen years he began his career as a business man by forming a partnership with one of his brothers at Shotwell, near the family home. They established a thriving mercantile busi- ness and continued the same for four years. A change in conditions caused him to seek em- ploj-ment in St. Louis and he spent eighteen months there as a street car conductor. Sub- sequently he spent a period engaged in the retail liquor business at St. Louis and after spending a few months as a clerk in Sullivan he associated himself with a brother in Tolo- na, Missouri, and there spent a year. Fol- lowing this he spent nine months at Shotwell engaged in clerking and then went to Wash- ington, I\Iissouri, where he tended bar for two years. He passed the next twelve j'ears as bartender for Kramolowski in Union and terminated it when he assumed the office of recorder in 1911. ]\Ir. Vossbrink was reared to loyalty to the principles of what its admirers call "The Grand Old Party," and his residence at sev- eral points in Franklin county gave him an unusually large acquaintance and an enthusi- astic one, so that when he became a candidate for office, support came to him from many sources. He made the race before the primary against five competitors and distanced them all for the nomination, winning the election from his Democratic opponent by better than the party vote. He is making a record as a popular official. Mr. Vossbrink is one of the directors of the Bank of Union ; is interested in the Helling Manufacturing Company and was its secre- tary and treasurer for more than three years. He is also a stockholder in the National Cob Pipe Works of Union and is an important fig- ure in the Masonic Blue Lodge and the ilod- eru Woodmen. On January 27, 1900, Mr. Vossbrink mar- ried in Union iUss Ida E. Gehlert, daughter of an old settler of Franklin county, Louis H. Gehlert, who was of German blood and birth. Mr. and Mrs. Vossbrink share their delightful home with a daughter and son, namely : Meta W. and J. Henry. Felix G. Lambert. In the forefront of the enterprising gi-oup of citizens whose efforts have established and maintained the progress and prosperity of Bollinger county stands Felix G. Lambert. He practically built Don- gola, and though that is perhaps his most notable achievement it is by no means his only one. He was born November 13, 1847. in Cape Girardeau county, ilissouri. and both of his parents were natives of Missouri. His father, Ira B. Lambert, died when Felix G. was but two years old, in the year 1S49. After this sad event the mother, Polly Lam- bert, moved to Cape Girardeau county, where she had inherited about two hundred acres of land. Here she later married Brazilus Estes. Her death occurred in 1865, when Mr. Lambert was but eighteen years old. Up to this time he had followed the usual course of the sons of that generation, as-sisting in the farm work and attending the district school. The year after his mother's death Mr. Lambert started out to work for himself. Though young, he was a keen business man and one who had the genius for management. M-hich is largely the ability to work hard and look after details. He bought a grist mill in Cape Girardeaii county, which he ran for twelve years and developed into a most profit- able business. After selling this mill Mr. Lambert bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Bollinger county. He continued to add to his farm acreage until he is now farming two hundred and twenty acres. Both stock raising and general farming en- gage his attention. In 1882 he came to his farm near Dongola. which at that time was a settlement of one house. Since that date the history of the town has been mostly of his making. His first contribution to the industrial resources of the village was a saw mill. With this start, the town sprang up and has continued to grow steadily. ]\Ir. Lambert's enterprises did not HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 655 eud with tlie saw-mill. He built a plaiiiug mill and a grist mill, both of which attracted desirable citizens to the town and increased its value as a place of residence and as a busi- ness centre. Though pre-eminentlj' a business man, Mr. Lambert is a citizen who takes the liveliest in- terest in all public questions, and one who is ready to fulfill all duties whether of public or private import. Of this he has given evi- dence by his twelve years' service in the of- fices of the county. He was eight years jus- tice of the peace and four years public admin- istrator. In politics he is a Democrat, and is regarded as a most influential member of his pai-ty, because of those qualities which make for his eminence in all things in which he engages. IMr. Lambert has been married three times. His first wife was Levina Mayfield, daughter of Elisha Mayfield, a native of jMissouri. She died in 1879, leaving a son, Shelby, three years old. Mr. Lambert was later united to Amanda Plumraer, daughter of George Plum- mer, born in Ohio. Her son, Grover Cleve- land Lambert, was born in 1886. He is now married to a daughter of Missouri, whose maiden name was May Zimmerman. Amanda Plummer Lambert died in 1888. Mr. Lam- bert's third wife was Mrs. Sarah V. Brown, nee Smith, a Keutuckian by birth. She passed to her reward in 1909. John H. Beadley was born near Senath, Dunklin county, Missouri. His parents were Reuben and Anna Aletha (Myracle) Brad- ley. Reuben was born near Viucit, in Dunk- lin county, January 7, 1847, and when he was very small both of his parents died. When he was seventeen years old he enlisted in the Confederate army, in. which he served until the close of the Civil war. After he was mustered out he returned to Dunklin eount}^ where he bought a farm at Senath and he was a farmer all of his life. His wife died in 1890 and he has recently come to live with his son at Kennett. Mr. Bradley never laid claim to being a politician, but he worked for all mat- ters of public advancement. He has a family of three son.s, all of whom have made suc- cesses of their lives. The eldest is James A., the clerk of Dunklin county. John Hender- son is the .second, while the third, IMilton Mil- lard, has a driTg store at Smith. John received his general education in the public schools and in the Cape Girardeau Normal, after which he took a law course at the State University, from which he was graduated in the class of 1902. In 1908 he was elected prosecuting attorney, serving in 1908 and 1909, living in Kennett. In 1910 he was re-elected, without opposition. On the 6th of October, 1903, Mr. Bradley married J\Iiss Hettie Horner, of Caruth, Dunklin county. Four children have been born to this union, two of whom died in in- fancy. The two living are Lethe and Eugene. Mr. Bradley has done excellent work dur- ing his service as prosecuting attorney and as he is but a young man, just at the beginning of liis career, he will doubtless rise still higiier in his profession, thereby finding opportunity to be of greater service to the state. Harry A. Miller. The junior member of the well known and popular mercantile firm of Miller Brothers, of Elvins, St. Francois county, is one of the representative young business men of this county, which has been his home since his boyhood days and in which his circle of friends is coincident with that of his acquaintances. He was born in the city of Nashville, Tennessee, on the 22d of May, 1886, and is a son of Rulien and Ida (Bloom) Mil- ler, concerning whom more specific mention is made in the sketch dedicated to their elder son. Isadore W., on other pages of this work, said son being senior member of the firm of ]\Iiller Brothers and being a resident of Des- loge. St. Francois county. Harry Abraham Miller was a lad of thir- teen years at the time when his parents re- moved to Missouri and established their home at Elvins. He had previously attended the public schools and after coming to Missouri he was enabled to continue his studies in the city schools of St. Louis. His initial Imsiness experience was gained in his father's well or- dered mercantile establishment at Elvins and upon attaining to his legal majority he was admitted to partnership in the enterprise, which was thereafter conducted for two years under the firm name of Miller & Son. The father then sold his interest to his elder son. Isadore W., and the two brothers have since continued the business with ever increasing success. Harry A. Miller ha.s the direct man- agement of the establishment, which is admirably equipped and in which is carried a large and comprehensive line of general merchandise. Fair and honorable dealings have gained to the concern an appreciative patronage and he whose name initiates this 656 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI sketch has a secure place in the confidence and esteem of the community. He is also in- terested with his brother in the conducting of a prosperous mercantile business at Lead- wood, in the same county. He is vigorous and alert as a business man, liberal and progressive as a citizen, is a Republican in his political proclivities, and is affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen. On the 27th of June, 1909, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. ]Miller to Miss Minnie ]\Iagidson, of St. Louis, who presides most graciously over their pleasant home, which is further brightened by the presence of their little daughter, Mildred. Dr. Edward Griffin. Among the prom- inent and valued citizens of Plat River and Saint Francois county stands Edward Grif- fin, who is particularly well entitled to a place in this volume devoted to representa- tive men and women of southeastern Missouri as a talented member of his profession — the dental — and as president of that flourishing monetary institution, the Miners & Merchants Bank. By no means one to be content with the theory of "letting well enough alone." he is a constant • student of his profession and has well succeeded in keeping in touch with the stead.y march of progress which is the re- sult of dental investigation. The bank of which he is the head holds a position of prominence among the monetary institutions which emphasize and exert marked influence in conserving the financial stability and com- mercial prestige of the city. Dr. Edward Griffin is still to be numbered among the younger generation, his birth hav- ing occurred in Sainte Genevieve countv, March 20, 1879. The father, George Griffin, was born in Knoxville. Tennessee, in 1841, and was a soldier of the Civil war, serving for the whole four years in the army of General Thomas and participating in many notable engagements, among them being the battles of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Shiloh, and was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. After the war he came to the state of Missouri and located in the west- ern part of Union township, in Sainte Gen- evieve county, where he has ever since been engaged in farming, although his fine ability has by no means been solely devoted to the great basic industry. He was judge of the Sainte Genevieve county court for two years and has the distinction of having been the first Republican judge ever elected in that county. A man of fine citizenship, he is widely known and everywhere honored. He was married in 1866 to Sarah J. Haines, of Knoxville. Tennessee, and to their union eight sons and daughters were born. Dr. Grif- fin being the seventh in order of birth. The early education of Edward Griffin was obtained in the public schools of Sainte Gen- evieve county and he attended for one term the old Baptist College at Farmington. He went thence to the Dental College at St. Louis and there prepared for the work he had elected to follow. In the year 1901 he was graduated from the Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, taking the degree of D. M. D., and soon thereafter he located at Flat River and there hung out his profes- sional shingle, and in the intervening decade has Iniilt up a large and enthusiastic prac- tice as one of the leading dentists of the sec- tion. In 1906 he became director of the Miners & Merchants Bank and two years later he received the compliment of being elected to the presidency of that financial in- stitution. Dr. Griffin previously was secre- tary and treasurer of the Flat River lee & Cold Storage Company, but upon becoming identified with the bank he has severed that association to devote his attention to his other concerns. Although by no means an office seeker. Dr. Griffin is active in local politics, giving hand and heart to the man and meas- ures of the Republican party, to which he has given his suffrage since his earliest voting days. At the time of the recent Prohibition campaign he acted as president of the Amendment County Committee of Flat River. On the 7th day of April, 1903, Dr. Griffin formed a happy life companionship by his union with Marietta Sebastian, of Flat River, daughter of R. Sebastian, a blacksmith and wagon maker of this place. Their home is one of the popular gathering places of the community and they are particularly val- uable factors in society. They are members of the Christian church, the subject being a deacon of the same. Dr. Griffin is a member of the ancient and august Masonic order and is also affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America. ISA.\c N. Daffron. a widely known and highly esteemed citizen and public official is Isaac N. Daffron, county collector of Wayne county, Missouri, and a blacksmith by trade. With the expiration of his present and third term in the responsible position mentioned he < HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 657 will have served twelve years in that capac- ity, and he is well recommended by his serv- ices which have been a credit to himself and a benefit to the community. He is a native son of Wayne county, his birth having oc- curred in Benton township October 23, 1860. Rlr. Daii'ron is the son of Smith and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Datfrou, the former of whom was born in the vicinity of Ringgold, Georgia, in 1819. and died at the age of fifty-three years. The mother was born in Tennessee July 19, 1829, and is still living, a vener- able and worthy woman whom makes her home with the subject. After the death of Smith DaiiPron she was married a second time, to William Stokley, who is now deceased. The subject is one of three children, two of wliom survive. His brother, Thomas E., resides in Piedmont, Missouri. The father of him whose name inaugurates this review, came from Georgia to Mis- souri in the year 1857 and located upon the farm which a few years later was the birth- place of his children. He secured three hun- dred and twenty acres of wild land, which he cleared and Itrought to a state of cultivation. He was a lilacksmith and carpenter by trade and he followed these callings throughout his life, also engaging in milling, having pur- chased a water power grist mill partially fin- ished, whose construction he completed. He was a man successful in all his business under- takings and liis citizenship was admirably public-spirited. In his political convictions he was in harmony with the teachings of the Democratic party and he and his wife be- longed to the Missionary Baptist church. Smith Daffron and a Mr. Ivy practicall.v built the first church and the first school-house in this part of Wayne comity. Isaac N. Daffron was reared on his father's farm and gained his preliminary education behind a desk in the district school room. Having finished its curriculum, he matricu- lated at the state normal school at Cape Gir- ardeau and there spent a profitable year and a half. He then started in to learn the trade of his father, that of blacksmithing, a smat- tering of wliich he had alreadv gained under the tutelage of bis brother. He was of Pied- mont when a blacksmith of that place was deserted by his assistant and ]\Ir. Daffron was asked to help out — ^which the young fellow consented to do. What was supposed to be a temporary ari-angement lasted for a number of years. The first week he received twenty- five cents a day and the second one dollar a Vol. I— 4 2 day, a hasty advancement which speaks well for his ability. Jlr. Daffron worked in all eleven and one-half years in the blacksmith business, the last five years of this period for himself. He has always had a good business, for his work is good and reliable, but he has not always managed advantageously for him- self and he does not have the competence wliich he deserves. In 1896 he was elected county assessor and removed to Greenville, where he served in the office for a tenn of four years. That was his first experience in public life and he was well recommended by his services. His efficiency was not forgotten and in 1902 he was elected county collector and succeeded himself at the elections in 1906 and 1910. He is not without some experience in the pedagogical field, having taught school for a time in his young manhood. He has been a Democrat since his earliest voting days and he is very lo.yal to the interests of the party. His fi-atemal affiliations extend to the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Daffron was married October 23, 1887, to Georgia E. Miller, who was born in Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, August 18, 1866. Mr. and Mrs. Daffron 's union has been further cemented by the birth of three daughters, namely: Nellie, wife of Scott Judy, of Gar- nett. Kansas; Clara and Ann, at home. James F. Tatum. We all of us look to- wards the future as having something greater in store for us than that we have already ex- perienced, or at least if such is not the case Ave are to be pitied. Every man hopes for a future better than the present or the past. In the case of James F. Tatum, he has al- ready realized tlie future, some two years ago; of that we know nothing, but we do laiow what his past has been. He was born January 5, 1850, in Howard county, Missouri. He was a son of the late A. C. Tatum, who moved from Virginia to Howard county, Missouri, soon after his mar- riage. There James received his education and after he left school he started into busi- ness, first working for a relative at St. Charles, traveling through the state as a to- bacco salesman. His travels brought him to Dunklin county, where he saw the possibil- ities for a young man and he entered the mercantile Imsiness in Dunklin county, being one year at Maiden and then in Kennett until three years ago, when he retired and turned the business over to his two sons, Frank and 658 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Ira, wlio removed the stock to Clarkton. There they are successfully following in the footsteps of their father. Mr. Tatum was married in 1877, to Miss Lillie Bragg, daiighter of the late Captain W. G. Bragg and a sister of Mrs. Sturgis and Mrs. Towson and of that wonderful family of nine splendid "Bragg girls," as they were known. W. G. Bragg of this city is a brother of Mrs. Tatum. Luther P. Tatum, the mer- chant and capitalist at Kennett, is a half brother of James F. Tatum, and Mrs. Nannie Newby is his cousin. Of the six children born to I\Ir. and Mrs. Tatum live survive him, as does their mother. John the fourth son, died about eleven years ago. Frank and Ira are in business at Clarkton, while Richard M. is in business here. Susie, the only daughter, is just blossoming into womanhood and is a student of William Woods College, Fulton. Bernie is at Central College at Fayette, Howard county, Missouri. Mr. Tatum "died December 13, 1909, not having quite attained his three score years. He had been in failing health for two years, though he was up and able to attend to bus- iness. He was a member of the Masonic order, being a member of the Kennett lodge, No. 68, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. The funeral service was conducted by the Masons. Dr. Paul Baldwin being the presid- ing master. Mr. Tatum had for years been a member of the Christian church and relig- ious services at the home were conducted by Elder Rolley Ney, pastor of the Christian church, assisted by the ministers of tlie Presbyterian, the Baptist and the Methodist Episcopal churches. The fact that these min- isters of different denominations came to pay him their last tribute is significant of the liberal attitude Mr. Tatum liore towards all religious bodies. He believed in any organ- ization which had for its aim the betterment of mankind and inasmuch as there are all kinds of men, it takes all kinds of religious creeds to reach them. At the time of his death IMr. Tatum was a member of the Ken- nett school board, having always taken the deepest interest in all educational matters. He was vice president of the Bank of Kennett and was interested in much Kennett property, for he was well off in this world's goods. He was thoughtful for others, as is evidenced by his having a fifteen thousand dollar life in- surance policy. He was a man of deliberation and good judgment, was reliable and houor- able and inasmuch as his past has been full of thoughts for others, full of kindly deeds, we can feel that the future which he is already experiencing must be in keeping ^^ith his past, therefore we' rejoice. Since he left us, time has to a certain extent mercifully softened the keenest first feelings of loss which his widow and children felt, yet they feel, as does the whole of Kennett and Dunklin county, that it is impossible to exactly fill his place, be his successor in the business and church spheres ever so good. He was a man who had the loft- iest ideals and he came as near to attainiug them as it is possible for any one to do. Sam J. McMiNN. A man firmly established in the business and social life of the county and intimately connected with the historj' of its development in Sam J. IMcMinn, now the a.ssistant cashier in the Consolidated Bank, formerly the People's and the Bollinger County Banks. He was born in Buchanan, ilissouri, in the southwestern part of Bol- linger countv. the date of his nativitv being August 11. 1869. He is the .son of W." A. and Elizabeth C. (Burk) :\Ic:\Iinn. His father was a native of the county, and well known for his wise administration of the office of county judge. His grandfather. Samuel JIc- Minn, was a native of North Carolina, who left the old North state in 1819 to try his fortunes in the then far western territory of ^lissouri. After the death of W. A. McMinn his wife, the mother of the subject of this lu'icf personal review, continued to make her home on the old home farm, where she still lives. During his early life Sam J. McMinn attended the public schools of the county, and also did his share of the work on the parental farm. Following that took a course at the Kentucky Universit.v in Lexington, Ken- tuckv, and was gi-aduated from that institu- tion. In 1893 he began the business career that has made his name a guarantee of stabilit.y in an,v undertaking, and entered the merchan- dise and milling business at Zalma with his brother, Andrew J. McMinn. The two brothers operated the mill for their father, and mauaged the store as their own venture until 1897. In that year their father passed to the "Great Beyond," and left his affairs entirely in the hands of his sons. From 1897 until 1899 ]\Ir. McMinn took charge of the farm, an occupation which he gave up at his election on the Democratic ticket to the office of circuit clerk, an office in whicli he gave honorable and highh' effi- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 659 cient service, wliieli is evidenced by the fact that he was returned to oiSce upon the ex- piration of his first term, thus making liis tenure of that office eight years. In 1907 he entered the People's Bank in the capacity of assistant cashier, soon becoming cashier, a position of trust and responsibility which he held until the consolidation of the bank with the Bollinger county institution, June 7, 1911, upon which he assumed the po.sition of as- sistant cashier of the Consolidated Bank. Be- sides stock in the bank, iir. Mciliun is a di- rector and one of the principal stockholders of the Peoples Telephone Company, an In- dependent Company now operating in Bol- linger, Wayne, Madison, Cape Girardeau, Iron and Stoddard counties; is also a stock- holder and director of the Lutesville Milling Company ; has a half interest in a tract of farming and woodland of one thousand nine hundred and seventy acres, and himself owns one thousand eight hundred and fifty acres and some fine residence property in ilarble Hill. In 1903 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. McMinn to Miss Maude Conrad, the charm- ing and accomplished daughter of Judge Conrad, of Bollinger county. She was sum- moned to eternal rest in April, 1909v leaving one son, Samuel Joseph, Jr., born in 1904. Mr. ]\Ic]\Iinn "s cordial personality finds nat- ural outlet in his fraternal relations, and he is a prominent member of the esteemed Ma- sonic order, being affiliated with the A. F. & A. M. at Fredericktown, the Commandery at Cape Girardeau, and having taken the thirty- second degree, Scottish Rite, at Saint Louis. ]\Ir. ]Mc]\Iinn is also a member of the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks, the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of the Maccabees, in all of which he maintains an active interest. T. C. McHaitoy. a prosperous druggist of Senath, and one of its substantial and prominent business men, T. C. ilcHaney is an imjiortant factor in promoting its advance- ment, and is held in high repute as a man and a citizen. He was born April 22, 1876, in Hen- derson county, Tennessee, where he was bred and educated. Beginning life for himself at the age of seventeen years, Mr. MeHaney entered a drug store as a clerk, and proved himself so well adapted for the business that he made himself familiar with its every detail, in due course of time becoming a .skilled pharmacist. In 1901 he located at Senath, Missouri, where he has since built up a large and lucrative trade, his patronage having steadily increased from year to year. He has made wise investments in real estate, and now owns a farm of eighty acres lying about two miles from Senath, and this he rents to tenants, who devote al- most the entire tract to the growing of cotton. Mr. MeHaney married, April 20, 1903, Grace Sando, who was liorn in Indiana, but was brought up in Dunklin county, ^lissouri, her early home having been near Cotton Plant. The following children have been born of their union, namely: Robert, Neal, James, Elizabeth and Nellie. Politically Mr. Me- Haney is an earnest suporter of the prin- ciples of the Democratic party, and in local campaigns is cjuite active. Fraternally he belongs to the Woodmen of the World, ilrs. JIcHaney is a most estimable woman, and a valued member of the Christian Church. Felix J. Parkin. A citizen of prominence and influence at Fredericktown, IMissouri, is Judge Felix J. Parkin, who gave efficient service for a period of four years as county .iudge of Madison county, retiring from that office in 1910. At the present time he is en- gaged in the abstract business, having launched out into that line of enterprise in 1900. Judge Parkin was born in Madison county, Missouri, on the 18th of September, 1859, his parents being Joseph T. and Mary (Lanpher) Parkin. The father, who is still living, resides at Fredericktown and the mother passed to the life eternal in 1876, at the age of thirty-seven years. Joseph T. Parkin was likewise born in Madison county, this state, and he is descended from stanch English stock, his father, Joseph Parkin, having immigrated to America from Eng- land prior to the year 1818. On his arrival in the United States Joseph Parkin proceeded directly to Missouri, locating in Jladison county, where he entered a tract of govern- ment land, the same consisting of six hun- dred and forty acres. At one time he oper- ated a grist mill in Madison county 'and he was the first miner in southeastern Missouri to use powder. He and his brother, Thomas Parkin, with others, came together from Eng- land. The Parkin brothers conducted a mill one mile west of Fredericktown, in 1838, and subsequently they were engaged in min- ing and milling enterprises for a number of 660 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI years, using negroes for the work. Both these pioneer brothers are buried in the fam- ily cemetery on the old farm near Frederick- town. Joseph T. Parkin was reared to the invig- orating discipline of his father's farm and his rudimentary educational training con- sisted of such advantages as were afforded in the schools of the locality and period. He was identified with agricultural pursuits during the greater portion of his active career but he is now living in virtual retirement at Fred- ericktown, enjoying to the full the fruits of his former years of earnest toil and endeavor. In 1858 was solemnized his marriage to Miss JIary Lanpher, who traced her ancestry to stanch French extraction, her mother having been a member of the celebrated Nifong fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Parkin became the parents of two children, — Lizzie, who married Robert Murray and who died in 188-4; and Felix J., the immediate subject of this review. Judge Parkin passed his boyhood and youth at Fredericktown, where he attended the public schools. At 'the age of eighteen years he went to Colorado, where he main- tained his home for fourteen years and where he was most successfully engaged in mining operations. For a period of four years he was circuit court clerk and recorder in Ouray county, Colorado. Eventually dis- posing of his interests in that state, he re- turned to Missouri, in 1891, engaging in farming operations in Madison eount.v for the ensuing nine 3'ears. In 1900 he turned his attention to the abstract business and it is wortliy of note here that he has the only com- plete set of abstract records in Madison county, the same including all the old rec- ords. In politics Judge Parkin is an un- swerving advocate of the principles and poli- cies for which the Democratic party stands sponsor and while he is not an office seeker he is deeply and sincerely interested in com- munity affairs. In 1907 he was elected judge of Madison county and he was the able and popular incumbent of that important office for a period of four years, retiring therefrom at the close of 1910." In 1890 was recorded the marriage of Judge Parkin to Miss Minnie "Watts, a daugh- ter of Napoleon B. Watts, a sketch of whose career appears on other pages of this work, go that further data concerning the family history is not deemed essential at this junc- ture. Mr. and Sirs. Parkin are the parents of three children, whose names and respective ages, in 1911, are here entered, — Maurice, seventeen j'ears; Lelia, fourteen years; and Reva, seven years. In their religious faith the Parkin family are devout members of the Baptist church and they are popular factors in connection with the best social activities of Fredericktown, where their spacious and attractive home is recognized as a center of gracious refinement and hospitality. In a fraternal way the Judge is an appreciative member of the local lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a man of broad human sympathy and generous im- pulses and in the various walks of life is hon- ored and esteemed as a man of high ideals noble principles. William C. Bebgmann. The United States ranks as the foremost nation of the modern civilized world. It has served as the melting pot of the best characteristics of all other nations and the outcome is a fine sterling American citizenship consisting of strong and able bodied men, loyal and public-spirited in civic life, broad-minded and honorable in business, and alert and en- thusiastically in sympathy with every meas- ure tending to further the material welfare of the entire country. The great Empire of Germany lias contributed its fair quota to the upbuilding of this great nation and among its representatives in this counti-y are to be found successful men in every walk of life, from the professions to the prosperous farmer and business man. William C. Berg- ma nn, whose name forms the caption for this article, was born in Germany but he has re- sided in the United States since he was a child of eight years of age. He has main- tained his home at Cape Girardeau for fully a half century and here he has long been en- gaged in the general merchandise business. He is a fine old veteran of the Civil war and as a citizen and well known business man he commands the imqualifled confidence and es- teem of all with whom he has had dealings. William C. Bergmann was born at Briins- wick, Germany, on the 16th of February. 1841, and he is a son of Dr. Staats Henry Bergmann, who held distinctive prestige as a skilled physician and surgeon at Cape Girardeau during the period of his residence in this city. Dr. Bergmann was married to iliss L. C. Lehne in his native land and to HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOUEI 661 them were born five children, three of whom were born in Germany and of whom the sub- ject of this sketch was the second in oi-der of birth. In 1849 the Bei-gmann family immi- grated to the United States and settlement was made immediately in Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, where for the ensuing few .years the father was engaged in agricultural operations. Dr. Bergmanu removed to this city in 1851 and here he was engaged in the practice of his profession until the time of his demise, in 1862. The mother was sum- moned to the life eternal at an advanced age. To the public and private schools of Cape Girardeau William C. Bergmann is indebted for his preliminary educational training. When eighteen years of age he left school and engaged in the portrait business, con- tinuing to be identified with that line of en- terprise for a period of three years. At the time of the inception of the Civil war he tendered his services as a soldier in the Home Guards, serving in that capacit.y for a pe- riod of three months. In 1863 he enlisted in the Eighth Provisional Regiment of the Mis- souri Militia, in which he was first sergeant for six months. As a Union soldier he saw some hard fighting and after the close of the war, when he had received his honorable dis- charge, he returned to Cape Girardeau, where he engaged in the general merchandise business. In this connection he had been ex- ceedingly prosperous and his present large, well-equipped establishment is recognized as one of the finest of its kind in the entire city. A large and representative trade is con- trolled and the business is now largely in the hands of Mr. Bergmann 's sons, W. F. and A. W. Bergmann. In the year 1868 Mr. Bergmann was united in marriage to IMiss Mary C. Eggimann, whose birtli occurred iu this county and who is a daughter of B. Eggimann, and to them have been born nine children. While not a politician, strictly speaking, Mr. Bergmann gives a stanch allegiance to the principles and policies for which the Re- publican party stands sponsor. He is always ready to do all in his power to advance the best interests of the community in which he resides and while he has never manifested aught of ambition for the honors or emolu- ments of public office of any description he was honored by his fellowcitizens, in 1900, with election to the office of city treasurer. He was the popular and highly efficient in- cumbent of that position for a period of nine .years and during all that time discharged the duties connected therewith with all of honor and distinction. He is deeply and sin- cerely interested in educational affairs and for eleven years was a member of the board of education. In their religious belief the Bergmanns are devout and valued members of the Lutheran church and they are popular and proDiinent factors in connection with the best social activities of the community. Thrifty and industrious, Mr. Bergmann is eminently well deserving of the admirable success it has been his to achieve and it is with plea.sure that a history of his life and career is here inserted. David W. Breid is one of the representative attorneys of this part of Missouri and is a member of the Franklin Realty Company of Union. He is a native of the state and was born near- Fulton, Callaway county, Febru- ary 1, 1873. Nicholas Breid, his father, was a farmer, and was born iu Trier, Prussia, in 1830. Like many another of his countrymen he hearkened to the call of Opportunity from the shores of the New World and arrived in this country shortly before the Civil war. He located in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, and entei-ed the volunteer army of" the United States, spending two of the dread years of the great conflict between the states "in Sher- man's army, battling with the forces of the Confederacy. Soon after the war he brought his family to Missouri and engaged in farm- ing in the vicinity of Fulton, where he was gathered to his fathers in 1892. He married Susan Cleck, a daughter of David Clock, of Juniata county, Pennsylvania, and the sur- viving children of their family of twelve are as follows : Isaac R. ; Charles ; Mary, wife of John R. Level ; Dr. Jacob, who is in the government service at Washington, D. C. ; William; David W., immediate subject of this record; Samuel; Martha, now Mrs. Pease; and Helena, wife of Gooch Bartley. All save David W. and Dr. Jacob are residents of Callaway county, Missouri. I\rr. Breid spent nearly the first thirty years of his life upon the farm of liis liii-th. He acquired his education in Avalon College, Trenton, ]\rissouri, after completing the cur- riculum of the coimtry school, and then spent several winters as a teacher in the rural schools near his home. In 1902 he left the farm and took a position with the meat in- 662 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI spection department of the government at St. Louis, spending six years in the service. While there he prepared himself for the law by night study and school attendance and was acbuitted to the bar by the supreme court of Missouri in 1907. In 1909 he removed to Union and identified himself with the Frank- lin county bar. He soon afterward entered the real estate business and is associated with Mr. A. W. Hoft'mau in exploiting the lauds of this county. The Franklin Realty Com- pany works in harmony with the migration department of the Rock Island Railway and a thrifty and vigorous new citizenship is being introduced into the county on this account. In the matter of political conviction Jlr. Breid is a Republican and stands high in party councils. He is active in public life and in times past has served as justice of the peace in Union. At the present time he is assistant prosecuting attorney of the county under William L. Cole, and he is police judge of Union and city attorney of St. Clair. He is interested in the success of good govern- ment and aids in the promotion of social and professional harmony by a straightforward course as a citizen. Mr. Breid laid the foundation of a happy union when on January 4. 1901, he was mar- ried to Miss Maytie Rose Freiberger, daughter of Godfrey Freiberger. their wedding being at Fulton, the bride's home. They have no issue. In his fraternal association Mr. Breid is past venerable consul of the Modern Wood- men and is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. George Bidewtell presents that happy combination of farmer and scholar which, though not unusual, is seldom found in the measure that makes a successful teacher out of a fine farmer. The sTibject of the present sketch was born ]May 18, 1885, a son of Henry and Lucreeia Bidewell. As stated elsewhere in this work, Henry Bidewell was a native of England, who came to this county in 1854. Upon the inception of the Ci\^l war, his convictions brought him to the Union army. He joined Company K, Third Missouri Mounted Cavalry, in 1861 and remained in the war until its close, seeing much active service. George gi-ew up on his father's farm and attended the district school. He still lives on the extensive homestead which his father acquired, having bought out the shares of the other heirs. Like his brother he follows both general farming and stock raising on the two hundred and forty acre farm. At the age of nineteen Mr. Bidewell entered Will Mayfield college at IMarble Hill. Here he took a year's course and obtained a teach- er 's certificate. He has taught for four years and is stiU engaged in that profession. In March, 1906, his marriage to Miss Jane Crites was solemnized. Mrs. George Bide- well is the daughter of J. M. and Adeline Crites and the sister of Charles Crites, an- other of the substantial farmers of Bollinger coiuaty, whose life is also briefli' outlined in this work. Two of the three children born to Mr. and Mrs. George Bidewell are still liv- ing: Cletis, bom in 1906, and Ivan, bom in 1910. Mr. Bidewell's fraternal affiliations include the Ben Hui- lodge and the Modern Woodmen. In politics he is aligned with the Republican party. DA\aD W. Owen, proprietor of a fine farm and home in Dunklin county, was in debt when he began his career some twenty years ago. Depending on his own industry and good management, he has left his success to the destinies presiding -over this great South- east Missouri coiuitry, and it has rewarded him with a generous share of its general prosperity and fruitfulness. He was born in Greene county, Arkansas, October 3, 1869. His parents were farmers, and along with most other residents of that section were poor. School facilities were meager, and he got about three months each year. When he was nineteen, in 1888, he married Miss j\Iary Rowe in Greene county. His liabilities showed a debt of thirty-six dol- lars, and his resources included nothing mate- rial, only the spiritual qualities of courage and industry possessed by his wife and him- self. After their marriage they moved west to Lawrence county, Arkansas, where he made a crop on poor land, and in 1890 he came to Dunklin county, and for three years share-cropped north of his present place. He then bought a team on credit and began farming on a rented place. For six years he was on fifty-five acres near Hornersville, and during this time managed to get ahead a little. His next move was to the Uncle Nap Wilkins' farm a mile north of his present homestead, and he farmed at first fifty-five acres, then ninety-two acres, and the last year one liundred and fifteen acres. In 1900 he had bought forty acres now comprised in HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 663 his present estate. It was all in the woods when he bought, and while he continued farming as a renter up to 1905 he improved his other place, and when he moved to it in li)05 he was owner of eighty acres, which he at once began to clear up. He built his pres- ent comfortable cottage home of five rooms and also a good barn, sixty by sixty feet, has fenced his fields, and has all his original place in cultivation. In 1910 he purchased eighty acres more, half of which is in cultivation. He leases sixty acres of his place to a ten- ant. Corn is his principal crop, and he is known through the country-side as an indus- trious and prospering farmer and citizen, who has earned all he has. To supplement his income at different periods he has baled hay and hauled logs. Mr. Owen affiliates with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Wood- men of America and the Mutual Protective League of Hornersville. In politics he is a Democrat, and is a member of the IMethodist church. South. He and his wife are the parents of the following family : Suda, born December 30, 1890, now the wife of Thomas Hitt; Viola, born in 1891, died at the age of fifteen ; Charles, born in 1893 ; Mary, born in 1897; Mattie, born in 1899; and Thomas, born in 1901. ilr. Owen's parents were Rev. John Syl- vester and South Carolina Owen, the former a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, during all of his active life. He was born in Tennessee and died at Caruthersville, Missouri, in 1899, aged fifty-five years. He was a Mason and active in lodge affairs. His wife had died at the age of forty-two years, in 1887, in xVrkansas. David W. Owen was the second of ten children, of whom six are living: Daniel, of Mississippi county, Arkan- sas; Liueinda (Lomax), of Dunklin county, Missouri; Willie, also of Dunklin county; Catherine (Busby), of Noble, Clay county, Arkansas; Walter, of Dunklin county, Missouri; and Caretha (Pitts), also of Dunk- lin county, Missouri. Mrs. David W. Owen was born in Greene county, Arkansas, in 1872, a daughter of John and Sarah Rowe, both now deceased, but early residents and farm- ers of Greene county, Arkansas. John T. McKay, practicing attorney at Kennett, is a man who has distinguished himself in the field of law, even as his father was noted as an educator. The father's achievements lie all in the past, but to the son, in addition to the deeds which may al- ready have been accredited to him, belongs the precious present, the time when he can prepare for the future, the time when he can continue to work out that success which does not come unasked, but must be wrought out by ambition, plus preparation and work. A brief svirvey of the early history of John T. McKay and his immediate ancestors will give us a fuller realization of his present status. Forty-two yars ago, January 11, 1869, John T. McKay was ushered into the world, the scene of his arrival being New Madrid county, Missouri. The grandparents of the subject of this sketch, Walter McKay and Mary (Holcomb) McKay, were natives of Georgia, where they spent the early years of their lives, were educated and married. In 1833, a few years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKay left their home and came to Missouri, where they set- tled on a farm in New Madrid county. There they reared their children to ma- turity, educating them in the subscription schools of their vicinity. Mr. McKay gained the confidence of the people in the com- munity, as is evinced by his election to the office of sheriff of the county, a position which he filled in an eminently satisfactory manner. His son, John McKay, was born in the Georgian home of his parents, but had only hazy recollections of his southern birthplace, as he was only three years old when he came to Missouri with his parents. The early years of his life were spent in New Madrid county, where he attended the subscription schools, being self educated. He virtually spent his life as a teacher, for which he was admirably qualified both by nature and training. John McKay was possessed of the faculty of I'ealizing the difficulties of the student and could explain all his perplexities in the most clear, concise manner. In addi- tion to this, he was a disciplinarian of the highest type, as he was not only able to main- tain order, but at the same time secure the good will and respect of his pupils. For a period of thirty years Mr. McKay taught in New Madrid, Stoddard and Dunklin counties, losing none of his force and interest during those several years of faithful work. He taught up to the age of sixty-seven, only two years before his death, his last professional work being in the preparatory schools of Dunklin county. He died in 1898, ending a life of self-sacrifice, as does every teacher 664 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI who spends his years in unremitting efforts to develop the capabilities of others, for which abnegation, as a rule, the educator re- ceives none of the credit. John McKay was twice married, his first wife being iliss Mary Adams, like himself a native of Georgia, who had come to Missouri with her parents when she was a young girl. She died in 1865, leav- ing two children to be the companions of their father. Virgil and Fernando. The latter died in 1884 and Virgil is a prominent attorney of Kennett, of whom mention is found elsewhere in this work. His second marriage was to Mary F. Adams, a native of Missouri, who died in 1879, leaving four chil- dren : Annie L., wife of J. H. Ham; John T. ; Benjamin A. ; and Ola 0., wife of \V. J. Allison. John T. McKay, one of the four children mentioned, spent the first four years of his life in New Madrid county, where he was born, his father then moving to Stoddard county, Missouri. When he was eleven years old his mother died and the same year his father brought his family to Dunklin county. There John T. McKay attended the public schools and afterward entered the normal school at Cape Girardeau. Without any de- liberate planning on his part, it seemed natural that he should follow in his father's footsteps and enter the educational field, and when he was only eighteen he commenced to teach. Before long, however, he discovered that he had not the inclination to follow teaching, but was possessed of very decided tastes and capabilities in other directions. All his tastes seemed to point towards law as the calling in which he could best find scope for his talents. As he did not possess the funds to take a regular college course, he began to read law during the time he could spare from his teaching, working far on into the night in his eager desire to become pro- ficient. His progress was not as speedy as it would have been if he could have devoted his whole time to study, but after ten years of teaching and of close application to his legal studies he was admitted to the bar be- fore Judge Wear, in September, 1897. The success which was the immediate result of his admission to the bar and the commencement of practice was ample justification of ]\Ir. McKay's choice of a profession. On April 4, 1910, he formed a partnership with John H. Bradley. Mr. McKay has gained distinctive recognition and high rep- utation by reason of his broad and exact knowledge of jurisprudence and his ability in applying this information effectively, both as a trial lawyer and as a counselor. On the 28th day of June, 1894, Mr. :\Ic- Kay was united in matrimony to Miss Lucy Laden, the daughter of R. A. Laden, an in- fiuential resident of Kennett. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. i\IcKay one child was born, AVeltha. Airs. McKay died January 8, 1901, and on January 28, 1902, Mr. jMcKay was married to Miss Ethel McHaney, whose birth had occurred in Tennessee, but her educa- tion had been obtained in Kennett, where slie lived until she was married and has since continued in the town where she has passed most of the years of her short life. If we were called upon to decide which profession is the more worthy, that of a lawyer or a teacher, we should be utterly at a loss, but comparisons are unnecessary ; both are noble professions and both call forth the highest quality of ability and endeavor. Mr. ilcKay, as an influential lawj^er, holds the power to do an immense amount of good for the state of Missouri, and being a loyal ilis- sourian, he is availing himself of every op- portunity. He is especially devoted to Dunk- lin county, where he has spent practically his entire life and where he has a great fu- ture before him. Carr Hartshorn. It is indeed a pleasure to the publishers of this work to offer in its pages an appreciation of the young men of southeastern ]\Iissouri, to whom this portion of the state must look for its future prosper- ity and prestige. Among the able young men of Saint Francois county is eminent C'arr Hartshorn, cashier of the Bank of Elvins and former iiostmaster of the place. Mr. Harts- horn is a man of varied abilities and he pre- ceded his present manner of usefulness as a teacher, clerk in a grocery establishment, as- sistant postmaster and then incuml>ent of the office. Carr Hartshorn, whose name inaugurates this review, was born August 13, 1877, and is a son of John Hartshorn, who was born in St. Louis county, Missouri. December 20, 1830. The senior Mr. Hartshorn came to Saint Francois county in 1872, a few years previous to the birth of the subject. In March, 1875, he was united in marriage to Susan Adeline Evans, and to their union were born three children, namely: Carr, David, of Kansas City. Missouri, and Susie, deceased. The mother was a daughter of David and HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST BHSSOURI 665 Catlieriue Evaas, pioneer farmer-folk of Saint Francois county. Tlie father of the subject came to Saint Francois county as a school teacher and afterward engaged in news- paper work, becoming the editor of the Saint Franco-is County Democrat. John Hartshorn, although a prominent man, was not an office holder, for he was a Republican in his views, and in his day a Republican had little chance in local politics. He belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he and his wife were consistent members of the Presbyterian church. This gentleman died in April, 1895, and his cherished and devoted wife was summoned to the life eternal in August, 1906. Carr Hartshorn passed his early life in Farmingtou and after receiving his prelim- inary education in the public schools of that city he attended a trio of collegiate institu- tions, namely : Elmwood, Carlton and Baptist Colleges, his name being enrolled at these for short terms. His education acquired, he taught school for a couple of years and then accepted a position in a grocery concern at Farmington. His identification with Elvins dates from July, 1899, and in the years in- tervening he has accomplished much. For a time he worked in a local grocery — that of J. (!. Westover — and at the same time engaged in the duties of assistant postmaster, to which office he was appointed. He was subsecpiently appointed to a similar position at Desloge, but eventually returned to Elvins and found employment in the Evans & Howell Store Company, After remaining there for a time lie was appointed postmaster by President Roosevelt, in the month of January. 1908, and has held that office to the present time. In 1911 he became cashier of the Bank of Elvins. and in addition to the important duties of this post, he also carried on a large fire insurance business, fie owns considerable real estate and is helpfully interested in all that pertains to the prosperity of Elvins and Saint Francois county. On'the 7th day of August. 1902, Mr. Harts- horn was happily married to Mary Belle Dunklin, of Flat River. Their union has been blessed hy the birth of three children, whose names are Harold, John Carr and Helen. The family are Calvinistic in their religious conviction and attend the Presbyterian church, to whose good causes they willingly contribute their assistance. The fraternal relations of the subject extend to the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmeu of Amer- ica. In polities he gives warmest allegiance to the Republican party and is a very active member of the county Republican committee, to which he has belonged for fully ten years. Dr. Gustav B. Schulz, the prominent physician and surgeon of Cape Girardeau, is universally respected. He is considered a most skilled surgeon by the members of the profession, indeed he specializes in that In-anch. This has not been the result pri- marily of deliberate intent; he has not sought the specialization, but rather it has been thrust upon him by reason of his marked abil- ities in that line. The num, in the medical profession, who specializes before he has had niuch experience in general practice, is apt to make a mistake. It is only after he has es- tablished his general practice that his ability along certain lines is apt to show itself. So it was with Dr. Schulz. He was born in Wittenberg, Perry county, Missouri, September 13, 1870, and was the son of a physician, Dr. F. B. Schulz, who was a native of Germany, where he received his education, both general and medical. He came to America when he was a young man and after a short stay in New Yoi-k, he went to Texas, where he practiced medicine. There he met and married Augusta Zedler. a young German girl who had come to Amer- ica with her parents locating in Texas. There Augusta received her education. In 1876 Mr. and i\Irs. Schulz came to ilissouri and lo- cated in Cape Girardeau. He soon gained repute as an able physician and he remained at Cape Girardeau in active practice until the time of his death in 1908, having survived his wife by ten years. Gustav came to Cape Girardeau with his parents, his four half brothers and sisters and his six full brothers and sisters when he was six years old. He entered the public schools, then St. Vincent's college and the state normal school. At that time he had no intention of following in the footsteps of his father, but rather had let his choice of a pro- fession wait until circumstances should de- cide. After leaving the state normal school he entered a drug store, but it was only a very short time before he decided that he did not care to be a business man, but that on the other hand he felt strong desire to study med- 666 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI icine. He stayed at the store for two years, studying- hard all the spare time he could get. He then entered the St. Louis Univer- sity and graduated from its medical depart- ment in 1892. After spending one year in the city hospital he located at Altenburg, Perry county, Missouri, where he remained for ten years and a half, engaged in general practice. In December, 1903, he came to Cape Girardeau, where he has been ever since. Although he is a general practitionei', his abilities in the surgical line have caused him to be considered somewhat of a specialist. He is a member of the Cape Girardeau County Medical Society, of the Missouri State ]\Iedical Society and of the American IMedical Association. He is a member of the state board of health and of the city board of health. He is a Republican of a very de- cided character. He is greatly interested in all matters pertaining to public welfare and especially in educational ways. He realizes the advantages to be gained from an educa- tion, the culture that it gives, the satisfac- tion that is gained by its possession, apart from the dollars and cents that it helps one to gain. He is president of the board of education, always active in promoting the welfare of both pupil and teacher. He is a man who is only at the beginning of his ca- reer, but he has already made his presence felt in the county. Bex.jajiin H. Hughes. "Some men are born to greatness ; some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." The "greatness" which Mr. Hughes enjoys has been achieved my him. Born and reared on a farm, it was entirely owing to his own capabilities that the responsible position which he so ably fills was bestowed on him, and was even thrast on him a second time. Mr. Hughes was born October 24, 1875, in St. Francis township, "Wayne county, Mis- souri. He belongs to the Hughes family who are so well known as pioneers in Wayne county. Mr. Hughes' grandfather, William Hughes, was a native of Virginia, where he was educated and learned the blacksmith trade. He was there married and thence came to iMissouri, locating near Lodi, Wayne county, on some wild land which he pro- ceeded to bring \inder cultivation. There his first wife died and he married a second, Miss Delphia Brown, and to this union A. C. Hughes (father of Ben. H.) was born, Feb- ruary 2, 1849, in Cedar Creek township. Grandfather Hughes trained his son in the knowledge of farming and also blacksmith- ing, and with these two industries Mr. A. C. Hughes has occupied himself. When a young man he purchased a farm four miles west of Greenville, iMissouri, and settled on the wild, uncultivated prairie, which he graduall.y cleared and improved until it be- came a productive farm. His wife was Mar- tha Rodgers, born in Carter county, Mis- souri, who died when she was thirty-three years of age, in 1886. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hughes became the parents of seven chil- dren, five of whom are living, and all are residents of Wayne county. Their names are as follows, — W. W., living near the old homestead which his grandfather owned in St. Francis township ; Benjamin ; Joseph D. ; G. W. ; and Lulu, the wife of William H. Lane. Father Hughes is living a retired life on the farm which his son superintends, and where the father spent so many years of his life and where he still retains the interests of his youth. He has always been a stanch Dem- ocrat, but has never desired any public office for himself. He has for years held member- ship in the Missionary Baptist church — the church in which he and his young wife worked together during the short years of their wedded life. Ben. Hughes obtained his education in the district school of the township and after leav- ing school he assisted his father with the work of the farm, remaining at home until 1906. In the fall of 1906 he was elected to the office of treasurer of Wayne county, and that his services in the capacity of treasurer were eminently satisfactory is evinced by the fact that in 1908 he was reelected to the same office to serve a four-year term. In January, 1910, he became cashier of The Iron Exchange Bank for a year. ]\Ir. Hughes was married to Miss Sarah Eads on the 11th day of April, 1901. Mrs. Hughes is a daughter of J. N. Eads, formerly a prosperous farmer in Wayne county, where he died in the year 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes are the parents of five sturdy sons, — ■ Ralph. Robert, Raymond, Roy and Russell; they lost one .sou, Richard, by death. Both husband and wife are members of the Baptist church, where they have many friends. Mr. Hughes has always been aligned as a Demo- crat, and in a fraternal way he is affiliated with the Masonic Order, the Independent HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 667 Order of Odd Pelows, the Rebekahs and the Modern Woodmen of America. His is a per- sonality that wins friends and admirers in all his relations of life — political, fraternal, religious and social. G. B. Snider, cashier of the Bank of Marble Hill and one of the leading citizens of the town, is as popular as he is influential. Throughout his career his maxim has been to do the duty which lies nearest, not worrying about what the next might be, and it is be- cause of this simplicity of action that Mr. Snider has made such an unmitigated suc- cess of his life up to the present time, He has by no means reached the limit of his capabilities, and it is safe to predict that in- asmuch as he has heretofore filled all posi- tions in a highly satisfactory manner, that he will continue to have greater responsibil- ities thrust upon him. Mr. Snider 's birth occurred January 27, 1880, near Lafliu, Bollinger county, on the old homestead which has been in the family for one himdred years or more. Early in the nineteenth century George Snider (one of G. B. Snider 's ancestors) came from his home in North Carolina and took up a tract of land in Bollinger county, which he re- ceived by government grant ; he cultivated the land and built the house which has re- mained in the family ever since. His son was Andrew Snider, who married and farmed in Bollinger county and there reared his family; one of his children was George P., the father of G. B. Snider. Mr. George P. Snider passed his whole life on the old homestead, engaged in agi-icultural pursuits. As a young man he married Miss ilartha E. Clippard, and to this union one son, G. B., was born. The father died when their son was a mere child and in course of time the mother married again. She is now living in Kennett, the wife of Dr. W. B. Finney of that town. G. B. Snider received his preliminary edu- cational training in the public schools and was graduated from the State Normal at Cape Girardeau in 1900. When he was twelve years old he accompanied his mother to Kennett and remained there until 1902, when he returned to Marble Hill in Bol- linger county. The last two years of his resi- dence in this county he was the editor of the Bollinger County Times. In 1902 he sold his interest in the paper, moved to Laflin and entered the mercantile business. In 1906 he commenced his connection with the Bank of Marble Hill, serving successively as book- keeper, assistant cashier and later as cashier, which responsible position he still occupies. Mr. Snider was one of the original stock- holders, as the bank was organized in 1906, with C. A. Sanders, M. D., as its president. During the five years of its existence the stockholders have each year received div- idends and the capital is now fifteen thou- sand dollars. Today (1911) the deposits amount to fift.y-one thousand dollars and tlie bank is doing a thriving business under the management of its efficient cashier. Mr. Snider has other interests besides his bank c'onnection ; he is a stockholder of the Ad- vance Telephone Company and is the owner of two hundred and seventy-five acres of land in Bollinger county and another tract of one hundred and twenty acres in Dunklin county. On the 17th day of December, 1903, Mr. Snider was united in marriage to Miss Anna Drum, a daughter of Senator Robert Drum, of Marble Hill. Mr. Snider is afBliated with the Masonic fraternal order and with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, his direct membership in the former being in the Blue Lodge at Marble Hill, Ancient Free and Accepted I\Iason, and he hoJds member- ship with the Elks at Cape Girardeau. His is the personality that gains friends, who re- spect him for his sterling characteristics and esteem him for his genial, . affable manners. W. T. Caneer, Jr. Possessing in an em- inent degree the energy, keen foresight and sound judgment that ever command success in the business world, W. T. Caneer, Jr., general manager of the Caneer Store Com- pany, holds a place of note among the lead- ing merchants of Senath, and is numbered among the representative citizens of Dunk- lin county. A native of Tennessee, he was born July 29, 1866, in Gibson county, near Milan, where the days of his youth were spent. Soon after attaining his ma.jority Mr. Caneer spent a year in Missouri, and was so well pleased with its future possibilities that when looking about for a permanent location he came to Dunklin county, in 1894 locating in Senath, which has since been his home. The following four years he was employed as a clerk in the store of Caneer & Karnes, and then, with his brothers, bought the en- tire business, which was conducted for sev- 668 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI eral years under the firm name of Caneer Brothers, he being manager of affairs. In 1904: the Caneer Store Company was in- corporated, with a capital of fifty-two thou- sand dollars, and is now doing an immense business, its trade extending not only throughout the southern portion of Dunklin county, but over a large i^ortion of Arkansas. This business was founded by J. I. Caneer, who at the inception of the town of Senath established the first mercantile house in the place, it being a small building, sixteen by twenty-four feet. He began on a modest scale, and afterward enlarged his stock and his operations. In 1891 Mr. J. I. Caneer be- came sole proprietor of the business, which increased so rapidly that more commodious quarters were needed, and he erected a large frame building, which soon proved none too large for his extensive trade. In 1898 he with his two brothers, W. T. Caneer and A. A. Caneer, engaged in business together under the firm name of Caneer Brothers, "W. T. Caneer becoming manager of the store and A. A. Caneer, bookkeeper, collector, etc. Mr. J. I. Caneer, who had been instrumental up to that time in the upbuilding of the busi- ness, simply holding a third interest in it. Mr. J. I. Caneer was a man of wonderful resources, and in addition to having man- aged a business amounting to about fifty thousand dollars a year had also made much money in the buying and selling of lands, and is now living retired in Los Angeles, California, although his financial interests are mainly in Missouri, as he retains an in- terest the Caneer Store Company and owns upward of a thousand acres of land in Dunk- lin county. The Caneer Store Company is owned mo.stly by Senath people, and has the fol- lowing named gentlemen as officers : A. W. Douglass, president ; E. Baker , vice-presi- dent ; A. T. Douglass, secretary; xV. A. Caneer, treasurer ; and W. T. Caneer, Jr., general manager. The store building which the firm occupies has a hundred feet front- age, and is one hundred and fifteen feet deep, a part of it being two stories in height, and in addition has outside warerooms. The Company carries ou a general supply busi- ness, handling tools and implements of all kinds, its stock being valued at thirty-two thousand dollars, while its sales in this line amounts to upwards of one hundred thou- sand dollars annually. The firm likewise handles hay, feed and cotton, buying and ginning about fifteen hundred bales of the latter production each year, its sales from cotton exceeding one hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars a year. Mr. W. T. Caneer is also interested in ^Missouri lands, Caneer Brothers owning large tracts that are under cultivation and are highly productive. He is also a stock- holder and the vice-president of the Citizens' Bank of Senath. He is a stanch Republican in polities, and fraternally is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Woodmen of the World. Mr. Caneer married, in 1903, Kate Law- son, a daughter of the late iloses Lawsou, of Kennett, who was for many years a prom- inent attorne.v and county official of Dunk- lin county. ^Irs. Caneer passed to the higher life November 19, 1909, leaving no children. Peter R. Conr.\d traces his ancestry in a direct line back to the Revolution. He is the son of David, son of Peter, son of Rudolph, son of Peter, who probably came to America from Prussia about 1750. Rudolph and his brother Jacob went from the neighborhood of Ilarrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Lincolnton, North Carolina, during the Revolutionary days. Both brothers were soldiers in the Revolutionary war and probably witnessed the battle of Cowpens, accounts of which have been handed down to the children of the third and fourth generation; how the men rode two by two to battle under the gal- lant General Greene. Rudolph Conrad was three times married. His first marriage was with a Miss Schuford. The issue of this union was one child, Daniel. By his union with Miss Shell, Rudolph had five children, Peter, Jacob Lewis, Mary (Kline), Susan (Baumgarten) and Charlotte (Plott). His third marriage was to Miss Stockinger, and their children were John Lewis, Ephraim, Rebecca, Elizabeth. Peter, the paternal grandsire of Peter R. of this sketch, married Sarah Abernathy, of North Carolina, and came to Missouri in 1820. David Conrad, the father of Peter R., was the oldest of his seven children. The others were Elizabeth, Jacob, William, Clarissa, George and Martha. The Conrads are a re- markably long-lived race and all these chil- dren except David and Martha lived to be over eighty. The latter died at the age of seventy-five and the former in 1890, at seventy-nine. George is supposed to be still (/hU/f ^. 4(ryvraol, HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOUEI 609 living near Grinnell, Iowa, at the age of ninety-one. The father of this family was a cabinet maker by trade. He had been ap- prenticed to a worker in this oraft when a boy, being bound out for a number of years, as was the custom of the time. When he came to Marble Hill he settled near an uncle, Casper Shell, who gave him five acres of land, planted in corn. Peter was very poor at the time of his arrival in the county, but before he died he accumulated a fair compe- tence and a comfortable home. He died in August. 1842, at the age of sixty-two. David R.. son of Peter and father of Peter R., was born January 5, 1811. He married in 1833 Miss Mary Bollinger and lived and died on the farm now occupied by Daniel E. Conrad. This was a pai-t of the old Spanish grant purchased by David R. from Fred- erick Slinknrd. David Conrad had thirteen children, including Peter R., of this review; Jacob, who died on December 7, 1905, at the age of seventy : IMoses, who passed away at sixteen years of age ; Elizabeth, still living ; John ; Sarah and Priseilla, both deceased ; Clarissa, wife of William ITeitman ; George E., born in 1852 ; Benton, who died at the age of nineteen ; and Frances Jane, wife of Tnistin Gideon. Peter R. Conrad was educated in the county schools and at home. He had the ad- vantage of the insti'uction of his parents, both of whom were well educated and cul- tured. Peter spent nearly two years at Pleasant Hill Academy, north of Jackson. He lived with his father until lie was twenty- six years old, this being in the year 1860. At that date he began to farm for himself, but interrupted this peaceful pursuit a year later to enter the Union array. The First ^Missouri Engineers was Peter Conrad's regiment and he gave three years of service to the country which his great- grandfather had helped to make an inde- pendent nation. He served as a sapper and a miner and in the signal corps, in the rail- road repair work, in railroad building and in road making. In the course of perform- ing this important work Mr. Conrad saw much hard service and was present at the bombardment of Fort Henry. After the war agriculture again claimed Mr. Conrad's attention. He noAV owns two hundred and forty acres of land, one hundred of which is fine cleared land on Whitewater creek. He owns considerable live stock, including a small herd of sheep. A large fruit orchard is one of the most val- uable sections of his farm. Jlr. Conrad does not permit his work to absorb all his attention. He is a man of broad culture and wide reading. Geology is one of his favorite studies and he has studied the geological formation of the region with which he is thoroughly familiar. He is famed as a collector of minerals and Indian implements, as well as other curios. His col- lection of stone implements iised by the In- dians is one of the finest private collections in the state. ilr. Conrad has been twice married. His first wife was Anna Nugent, daughter of John II. Nugent, of West Virginia. Their marriage took place in May, 1860, and the union lasted until Mrs. Conrad's death, twenty-one years afterward. They had nine children, seven of whom are living. The names and dates of birth of the children are as follows : Rudolph, June 3, 1861 ; William, September 15, 1865, and died at the age of nine ; John I., May 20, 1867 ; George, May 28, 1870; Mary, July 10, 1872; Albert, February 28, 1875; Arthur 0., February 25, 1877; Augusta, February 22, 1878 ; and David, born June 2, 1869, who died in infancy. In 1886 Mr. Conrad was married to Emma Griffith, the adopted daughter of Dr. C. N. Griffith. Mrs. Conrad is a native of Den- mark. Her mother died on the ocean coming to America and her father in St. Louis in 1852. The infant daughter Emma was adopted by Dr. and ]Mrs. Griffith, of Iron county. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad have two chil- dren living, Frances Eleanor and Julius C. Two others, a son and a daughter, died in infancy. Mr. Conrad is a member of the fast dimin- ishing Grand Army of the Republic. He is of the political party of Lincoln, Grant and McKinley. In religious doctrines, he sub- scribes to those of the Presbyterian church, of which he is an honored and valued mem- ber. Michael De Guiee. Great men are great in their methods. As contrasted to ordinary men. they draw their plans on a larger scale — think in bigger units — trudge to further horizons — climb longer hills — contest in greater arenas, and accept no compromise from opportunity. It is the size of the game as well as the size of the man that spells sue- 670 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI cess. Michael De Guire is a scion of one of the oldest pioneer families in Missouri, his father having come to what is now Madison count}' as early as 1790. He has ever been imbued with the ancestral spirit of enter- prise and through his well directed endeavors has achieved a marvelous success as a busi- ness man and miller. He has lived retired from participation in active atfairs since 1903, and while he has now attained to the age of seventy-four years he is still liale and hearty and manifests a keen interest in community affairs. Michael De Guire was born in Madison county, Missouri, on the 5th of November, 1837, and he is a son of Paul and Sarah (Ni- fong) De Guire, the former a native of Ste. Genevieve, this state, and the latter a native of North Carolina. Paul De Guire was a son of Paul De Guire, who came to America from France prior to 1800 and settled on a farm in the vicinity of Fredericktown. Paul De Guire, with three other French families, hewed the road through the wilderness to Madison county, theirs having been the fir.st wheeled vehicle to come over the trail. Paul De Guire, wliose birth occurred in 1792, died in 1875, at the venerable age of eighty-three years. He was engaged in lead-mining, smelting and shipping during the greater part of his active career, his product having been manufactured and sold after being shipped to the Mississippi river, where it commanded a price of two and a half cents per pound. He had a number of slaves and laired other negro help to carry on his busi- ness. He was also an extensive farmer. He married, in 1821, Sarah Ann Nifong. whose birth occurred in North Carolina, in 1805. and who was descended from German ances- tors. She came to Missouri as a child and died in 1887, at the age of eighty-two yeai's. She and her husliand were both devout comuui- eants of the Catholic church. Of their nine children the subject of this review was the tifth in order of birth and but three are liv- ing at the present time, namely,- — Mrs. Eliz- abeth Allen, of Kansas City, Missouri ; ]\Irs. Sarah Putnam, of California: and Micha<'l. of this notice. At this .iunctiire it is inter- esting to note that Paul De Guire owned the first hand-mill for grinding corn in this sec- tion of the state. The subject of this sketch still has the top stone in his possession, this being a very historical relic, as it represents part of the first mill of any description in Madison countv. Michael De Guire was reared to the pioneer life of liis native place and his rudimentary educational training consisted of such advan- tages as were afforded in the schools of the locality and period. In 1854, at the age of seventeen years, he accompanied two of his brothers, A. A. and Henry, on the overland trip to California. A. A., G. W. and Henry De Guire went to California in 1849. being members of a company of twenty-five, of whom A. A. De Guire was the last survivor, his death having occurred on the 4th of June, 1911, in his eighty-third year. A. A. De Guire crossed the plains again in 1862. driv- ing cattle, and he made two more trips in '63 and '64. In the latter years of his life he made three trips by railroad, making in all seven round trips to California, ^lichael De Guire i-emained in California from 1854 to 1858. devoting his time to mining enterprises and achieving marked success. With the ex- ception of nineteen years he has spent his entire life in IMadison county, having main- tained his home in Fredericktown since 1876. For thirteen years he was engaged in the mill- ing business in St. Francois county and sub- sequently he was identified with that line of enterprise in Madison county, devoting forty years to that particular project. He started out with a fifty barrel mill and for thirty years conducted a two hundred barrel mill, this mill being now operated by others, at Fredericktown. In 1877 he built a brick mill in this place and owned the same until 1903, when he retired. He recently sold a fine farm directly north of the town and he re- sides in his beautiful home on West Llain street, where he has lived for the past twenty vears. On the ]9th of December. 1861. IMr. De Guire was united in marriage to Miss Eliz- abeth Blanton, a native of Iron county. IMissouri. and a daughter of Benjamin Plan- ton, who was born in Kentucky and wlio became a farmer in this state in an early day. Mr. and Mrs. De Guire became the parents of two daughters, concerning whom the fol- lowing data are here inserted. — Fannie mar- ried H. D. Christnff. who is a druggist at Fredericktown. and they have four children. Charles. John, Norman and Con.siiplo: and Flora, who is the wife of W. R. Nifong. of Oklahoma City, where he is a civil engineer, employed in setting up refrisreratinsr and ice plants. They have two children. Jennie and Robert. In politics Mr. De Guire is a Republican. HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 671 with Prohibition tendencies. He has never been ambitions for public office of any de- scription but has served with efficiency as a member of the board of school directors. In their religious faith he and his family are devout members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. De Guire is strictly a self-made man, having himself built the ladder by which he rose to affluence. All his business dealings have been characterized by fair and honorable methods and as a citizen he com- mands the unalloyed confidence and esteem of his fellow men. Samuel Boutin. If those who claim that fortune has favored certain individuals above others will but investigate the cause of success and failure, it will be found that the former is largely due to the improvement of opportunity, the latter to the neglect of it. Fortunate environments encompass nearly every man at some stage of his ca- reer, but the strong man and the successful man is he who realizes that the proper mo- ment has come, that the present and not the future holds his opportunity. The man who makes use of the Now and not the To Be is the one who passes on the highway of life others who started out ahead of him, and reaches the goal of prosperity in advance of them. It is this qualit.y in Samuel Boutin that has made him a leader in the business world and won him an enviable name in con- nection with contracting and building affairs at Cape Girardeau, where he is recognized as a citizen whose lo.yalty and public spirit have ever been of the most insistent order. Samuel Boutin was born in "Windham county, Vermont, on the 19th of Jul.y, 1852, and he is a son of Joachim Boutin, who was born at Point Levis, Canada, the date of his nativity having been 1804. The grandfather of him to whom this sketch is dedicated im- migrated to America from his native land of France in the latter part of the eighteenth centui-y. After being reared and educated in Canada Joachim Boutin came to the United States, locating in the state of Ver- mont, where he turned his attention to agri- cultural operations. In 1826 was recorded his marriage to Miss ]\Iartha Warner and to them were born ten children, of Wliom Sam- uel was the seventh in order of birth and five of whom are living at the present time, in 1911. The father was summoned to the life eternal in the year 1879 and the mother passed away in 1883. In the public schools of his native state of Vermont, Samuel Boutin received his ele- mentary educational training. In 1872, at the age of twenty years, he decided to seek his fortunes in the west and in that year es- tablished his home at Hampton, Iowa, where he became interested in the contracting and building business, being associated in that line of enterprise with his brother, C. W. Boutin, until 1887. In the latter year he removed to Center-ville, Iowa, where he was superintendent of bridge-building for the Keokiik & Western Railroad Company for the ensuing fourteen years. In 1901 he went to Gary, Oklahoma, where he was general road- master for the Choctaw & Northern Railroad for about one year, at the expiration of which he came to Cape Girardeau to accept a posi- tion as superintendent of bridges and con- struction work on the St. Louis & Gulf Road. In 1903 his territory was extended over the third district of the Frisco system and he remained with that road until March, 1905, at which time he went to Muskogee, in the Indian Territor.A', where he was roadmaster over the Midland Valle.y. In September, 1905, he returned to this cit.y, where he was employed as general foreman by the Frisco system to build the Chaffee yards. In 1907 he was in Georgia with the Fall City Con- struction Company and soon thereafter was forced to give up railroading on account of the impaired condition of his health. In 1908 he came back to Cape Girardeau and here opened offices as contractor and builder. He has been eminently successful in this line of enterprise and by reason of his extensive experience has won renown for the excellent quality of his work. At Hampton, Iowa, in the year 1874, Mr. Boutin was united in marriage to Jliss Julia Crawford, who was born in Canada, a daugh- ter of William Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Boutin are the parents of four children, con- cerning whom the following record is here offered. — Maud is the wife of C. R. Porter, a prominent lawyer and politician at Center- ville. Iowa; Lottie is now Mrs. A. S. Duck- worth, her husband being engaged in the lumber business at Cape Girardeau ; Ralph G. is a dentist by profession and is engaged in that work at Harper. Kansas ; and Charles W. is auditor for the Bell Telephone Com- 672 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI panj' in this city. In their religious faith the Boutin family are devout members of the Presbyterian church and they are popular factors in connection with the best social ac- tivities of Cape Girardeau. In his political affiliations Mr. Boutin is aligned as a stalwart in the ranks of the Re- publican party but aside from membership in the city council he has not been active in politics. In the time-honored Masonic order he is a valued and appreciative member of St. Marks Lodge, Free & Accepted Masons; Royal Ai'ch Masons; and St. John's Com- mandery, No. 21, Knights Templar. He is also connected with Za-Ga-Zig Temple, An- cient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mys- tic Shrine. IMr. Boutin is a man of fine men- tality and broad human sympathy. He thor- oughly enjoys home life and takes great pleasure in the society of his family and friends. He is always courteous, kindly and aft'able and those who know him personally accord him the highest esteem. His life has been exemplary in all respects and he has ever supported tliose interests which are calcu- lated to uplift and benefit humanity, while his own high moral worth is deserving of the highest commendation. Charles Austin Cole.. It is not to be gainsaid that there is no office carrying with it so much of responsibility as that of the instructor who moulds and fashions the plastic mind of youth ; who instills into the formative brain those principles which, when matured, will be the chief heritage of the active man who in due time will sway the multitudes, lead armies, govern nations or frame the laws by which civilized nations are governed. To say that all learned men are capable of filling this high and important office is by no means the truth. One inclines to the belief that the true instructor is born and not made ; he must have a vast knowl- edge of human nature; he must know not only what is in books, but what is in man. also, that is, he must understand his pupil and deal with his mind according to his in- dividuality. Professor Charles Austin Cole is one of the able and efficient educators of Franklin county and is superintendent of the Union ' public schools. He was born in this county and is descended from one of the earliest of the pioneers among the territorial settlers along the Missouri river. The honor of bringing the family patronymic into the state belongs to Jacob Cole, the grandfather of the subject, who came hither in 1797 from Lexington, Kentucky. Jacob Cole devoted his activities to pastoral and agricultural pursuits and was one of the highly known and highly honored men of his section. Jasper Cole, a son of Jacob, was born in Missouri in 1831. Following in the footsteps of his father, he adopted as his own the great ))asic industry and beyond his assumption of the duties of the office of justice of the peace he had little connection with public affairs. During the Civil war his sympathies were with the Union and its preservation and he did his part as a member of the Mis- souri State Militia. He was Republican in jiolitics. The death of this prominent man occurred at Shotwell in iDol, when his years numbered sevent3'-three. He married Mrs. Susan Cooper, widow of John Cooper and a daughter of Joseph Smith, a Kentue- kian. Four sons and a daughter were born to the union, making a large household, for iirs. Cole had the following children by her previous marriage with ilr. Cooper: John Thomas; Elizabeth, first Mrs. Seaton and afterward Mrs. Cowan; and James. The subject is the eldest in order of birth of the Cole family. The country schools served to provide Charles A. Cole with his elementary educa- tion. He left his desk in the rural school to ])reside over a school of the same kind as its teacher and thus began what proved to be a life work in the domain of public education. "While teaching he strengthened himself by home study and as a student in private schools, and advanced in the pedagogical pro- fession to supervisor of graded schools. Normal training in the state institution at Cape Girardeau aided him materially in grasping the essentials of success as a teacher and manager in graded work, which he be- gan as principal of the schools in Union in 1893. After a year he was elected principal of the schools of Washins1:on and remained in such capacity for four years. He returned to Union at the end of that period and has since carried on his work here. As an educator in the lu'oadest sense Jlr. Cole has acquitted himself creditably. For four years he was county school commissioner and during his regime the old practice of jiolding county institute prevailed and he was in command of the work of training the county teachers, as provided then by law. Since the abolishment of the old plan he has HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 673 conducted a summer school in Union for teachers, and such as feel the need of a prac- tical review of the common branches and of advice on method and management for a number of weeks each vacation season are afforded this great advantage. An experience of more than twenty years in the school- room has made Professor Cole a master in training both the pupil and the teacher. His high scholarship lias been awarded recogni- tion by a state life certiticate issued by State Superintendent William T. Carriugton. In politics Mr. Cole is a Republican and his inclination to participate actively in the bouts of his party in the county have been occasion- ally gratified. He won the Republican nom- ination for county clerk from a competitor who had been incumbent of the office for six- teen years and who had held other offices as long, totaling thirty j^eai-s continuous office holding, but was defeated in the election by the disloyalty of his beaten opponent to the l^arty ticket. He has served as secretary of the county central committee and has mingled frequently and fraternally among the public men of both his county and state. Mr. Cole was married in Franklin county, December 24, 1891, his chosen lady being Miss Cora. Fitzgerald, a daughter of W. H. and Talitha Fitzgerald, who were among Franklin county's old settlers. The first Mrs. Cole died March 3, 1905, the mother of three chil- dren: Raymond W., Edith M. and Herbei-t Allan. For his second wife Mr. Cole married Miss Minnie Faughnder. daughter of George W. and Sarah Faughnder, who came to Mis- souri from the Old Dominion. Their union was celebrated August 29. 1906. and their home is one of the attractive and hosjiitable abodes of the town. There are no children. Fraternally Mr. Cole holds membership in the State Teachers' Association of Missouri and he is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He is one of the elders of the Union Presbyterian church. Charles M. Crites. Born July 6, 1887. Mr. Charles Crites has most of his history yet before him. His parents, J. M. and Adeline Crites, were both born in Bollinger county, this state. J. M. Crites bought a qixarter sec- tion of land near Dongola in 1901. being an experienced farmer during his entire active life. His deatli in 1910, aged fifty-six years, has left the two sons, Charles and Henry to man- age the farm. Stock and general farming engage the attention of the two young men. Mr. Crites is a Republican in politics, and while not active in political circles is none the less counted one of the influential citizens of Dongola, both personally and politically. J. W. TiMBERMAN, the county sheriff, is a man who stands high in the esteem of the people of Kennett. For a man to make a success of his life under any circumstances is a subject for congratulation, but when he has all the difficulties to encounter that Mr. Timberman has surmounted he may justly be proud of himself. As a matter of fact, how- ever, Mr. Timberman is a very modest man in regard to his own attainments and capabil- ities. He was born near Clarkton in Dunklin county, January 25, 1872. His father was Mathew Timberman, a native of Virginia, who came to Missouri, where he bought a farm. He died in 1875. He married Mar- garet A. Rayburn, whose family had come from Mississippi. She has always remained with her son, J. W. Three daughters were also born to Mr. and Mrs. Timberman. J. W. Timberman had the misfortune to lose his father when he was only six years old. His mother was left with the task of bringing up the little family of three girls and a boy. J. W. very early felt the responsibility of the family resting on his shoulders, as he tried in every way to spare his mother as much as possible. He was not able to get very much schooling himself, but he has educated his three sisters. He has done all kinds of work to keep things going. For ten years he operated a saw mill near Kemiett. He worked on the farm which his father had bought near Clarkton, farming in the summer and clerking in a store in the winter. He moved to Kennett for the sake of his sisters, so that they could have more advantages in the way of education. In 1908 he was elected to the office of sheriff of the county, his term commencing Janiiary, 1909, and lasting four years. He is a representa- tive Democrat and active in primary work. He is a member of several fraternal orders, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America, Ben Hur and the Masons. Mr. Timberman has never mar- ried, perhaps he has not yet found time or has not seen the right lady. His mother and he have always been most devoted to each other. He has found time in the mid.st of his busy life to devote a short period to the sports 674 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI of lumting aud tishiiig, being an adept at both. Theodore Lewis Bunte, Jr. A well known citizen aud enterprising business man of Saint Francois county is Theodore Lewis Bunte, Jr., cashier of the St. Louis Smelting & Refining Company, one of the important industrial concerns represented in this sec- tion. He was born September 27, 1874, at St. Louis, Missouri. He is of Teutonic ex- traction, his father, Theodore L. Bunte, Sr., having been born in Hanover, Germany, March 30, 1845, and the subject shares in those tine characteristics which have made the German one of our most valuable sources of immigration. The father came to America at the age of twenty-seven years and located in St. Louis, where he engaged in mercantile business. The year 1889 marks an era in his career, for in that year he abandoned the mercantile field and went into the smelting business with the St. Louis Smelting & Refin- ing Company, engag:ing in general smelting. In 1873, the year after his immigration to this country, the father married Miss Bertha May, also from Germany, and to their union have been born three children, namely : T. L. Bunte, Jr. ; Alma B., wife of W. H. Nance, and Lewis H. T4ie father remained asso- ciated with the St. Louis Smelting Company until 1904, in which year he went back to his old occupation, the mercantile business, and he is thus engaged in St. Louis at the pres- ent time. He is in harmony with the policies and principles of government for which the Democratic party stands sponsor, and he is a member of the Lutheran church. Theodore L. Bunte. Jr., spent his early life amid the scenes of his birth — the city of St. Louis. He received his education in the ex- cellent public schools and was graduated from the high school. Very soon thereafter he entered business life and almost from the first he exhibited that fine executive capacity and acumen that has insured his success. He has been with the same company throughout the entire course of his career, first becoming as- sociated with them in 1892, the year he fin- ished school, and remaining with them in St. Louis until 1900. In that year Mr. Bunte came to Saint Francois county, representing the same company with which he now holds the office of cashier, headquarters being located at the lead mines. It is not to be gainsaid that much of the prosperity of the concern in this locality is due to the part he has played in its management. Mr. Bunte was married in 1898, Miss Louise A. Jacobi, of Kirkwood, Missouri, be- coming his wife and the mistress of his house- hold. Their union has been further cemented by the birth of two children, — Marie and Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Bunte are valued mem- bers of the Presbyterian church and are active in the best social life of the community. In politics Mr. Bunte is an adherent of the Democratic party and his fraternal interests extend to the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows and the Order of Columbian Knights, in which three organizations he is a prominent and popular member. Abneb Barrow. To owe one's success neither to chance nor to the happy circum- stance of the fortunate struggles of one's forebears, but to be able to look back over one's life and see success coming as the re- sult rather of innate talent, grit and manly persistence is a great thing. Few men are aft'orded this satisfaction, but Abner Barrow, now the honored and successful postmaster of Greenville, can recall the day when he came to Wappapello with the discouraging capital of thirty-five cents, from which small beginning he has wrought an ample compe- tence for himself and his family, as well as gained the sincere respect and hearty liking of the community where he nmkes his home. Abner Barrow was born in Jackson county, Illinois, June 29, 1858, a son of Marion and Elizabeth (Thomason) Barrow, both of whom were also natives of Jackson county. Be- sides the subject of this brief personal re- view they were the parents of the following children: Abner, John, James (deceased), George, Ed., Charles, Ellsworth, Frank, and Annie, the third child, is the wife of Ben F. Hill, of Hiram, ilissouri. With this large family of brothers and one sister he was reared among the homely but pleasant sur- roundings of the Illinois farmstead, and en- joyed the educational advantages of the neighboring schools. After his marriage in 1882, to Miss Lewella Jones, the yovmg cou- ple started life on a small farm, but in the year 1886 he and his wife and his parents felt the call to a newer country, and, migrat- ing to the state of Missouri, first settled in Wappapello, this state. From that time the elder Mr. Barrow worked as a tiller of the ■lA^B^ C^6/^ HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 675 soil, dying in Greenville in February, 1893, at the advanced age of sixty-seven years. He had taught school in Illinois for many years. His wife survives him, and at present makes her home in Greenville. She is still young in appearance, although the date of her birth was in June, 1839. Upon his settlement in Wayne county Ab- ner Barrow engaged in the tie business, and was associated in his initial venture in that occupation with the Frisco & Hauck Rail- road. Following that, he came to Greenville and took a tie contract for ilr. Halliday, whose section boss he subsequently became during 'Sir. Halliday 's active interest in the building of the W. G. & St. L. Railroad. During the winter of 1892 Mr. Barrow man- aged the laying of the ties and steel through Greenville. In this connection it is a pleasure to re- call that Greenville owes much the same sort of gratitude to Mr. Barrow that Ohio owes to the famous "Johnny Appleseed, " whose early efforts are responsible for most of the oldest apple orchards in that state, for it was Mr. Barrow who set out most of the maple trees that are at the present time one of Greenville's most attractive features. Be- fore returning to work for Mr. Halliday in 1896 Mr. Barrow turned his attention to the occupation that had been his father's dur- ing his boyhood days in Illinois, and for a brief time returned to farming. In the year 1897 he entered upon his first taste of public service, and accepted the posi- tion of postmaster, which position he held un- til 190-1, when he resigned to further serve the public in the position of sheriff, to which office he was twice elected, for two terms of two years each. On April 8, 1909, he was again appointed to the postmastership of Greenville, and he returned to his former post. By his first marriage Mr. Barrow became the father of six children, four of whom now survive, as follows : Lyman, of Bonne Terre ; ilalta, of East St. Louis; Waldo and Blanche. Three of the sons, Lyman, Malta and Waldo, with their uncle, Ellsworth Barrow, form the Barrow Quartette, well known in musical circles throughout southeastern Missouri. Lyman Barrow is a trombonist of ability and great renown, having toured the country as a trombone soloist two seasons with Wheeler's ilarine Band, appearing in almost every state of the Union. He has been in the ranks of professional musicians for the past fourteen j'cars. Malta Barrow has had long expe- rience with various bands and orchestras throughout the country and has appeared as saxophone and trombone soloist on various occasions. Waldo Barrow has been a profes- sional musician since twelve years of age, and is one of the youngest musicians appearing in concert to-day. His work is proclaimed by press and public of the highest type. Ells- worth Barrow^ the uncle, was for a number of years a teacher of wind instruments. In June, 1897, Mr. Barrow, of this review, contracted his second marriage, and ilrs. Alice (Baird) Barrow became the mother of one son, Ray, now at home. She died in September, 1909, aged thirty-six years. On jMarcli 27, 1911, Mr. Barrow was united in marriage with ^Irs. Rachel Goodwin. Both Mr. and Mrs. Barrow are valued and devoted members of the ^Missionary Baptist church. That Abner Barrow is indeed "one of the most popular and best-liked men in Green- ville," as has often been said of him, is at- tested by the number of his appreciative and enthusiastic fraternal affiliations. He is a member of the time-honored Masonic order, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and of the Court of Honor. In his political affiliations he avows a stanch alle- giance to the "Grand Old Party," whose in- terests he has ever been ready to serve and to represent. Dr. John D. Porterfield, now retired from active practice, although he is not an old man, is one of Cape Girardeau's most re- spected citizens. A professional man, and above all a physician, may be looked upon as making more or less a sacrifice of himself to aid humanity and the cause of science. He receives less monetary returns for his work than a business man and yet as a general thing he has expended much more time and money in preparation for his career than has the business man. The physician who looks upon his profession as merely a means of livelihood is an utter failure. Monetary con- siderations had very little to do with Dr. Porterfield 's choice of a calling. From the very beginning of his training he has felt that he wanted to learn all that it was possi- ble for him to learn in regard to diseases and their cures. A most profound reader and thinker, he hailed every new discovery with the deepest interest. He was born in Venango county, Pennsyl- 676 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI vania, July 15, 1843. His father, Dr. Robert L. Porterfield, was also a physician, a native of Pennsylvania. He practiced m Pennsyl- vania and Illinois, locating in Danville about 1848. His father, William Porterfield, was of Scotch-Irish descent and served during the Revolutionary war. Dr. Robert Porter- field married Ann Donaldson, a native of Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish descent. Dr. Jolrn D. Porterfield has little recollec- tion of his Pennsylvania home amongst the mountains, as his parents moved away when he was very small. He was educated at Mari- etta, Ohio, and also attended the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia and the Mis- souri Medical College in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1864 he came to Cape Girardeau, but only stayed a very short time, not long enough to become established in his profession. He went to Commerce, Missouri, where he stayed for twenty-three years, practicing all the time. In 1888 he came to Cape Girar- deau, where he has lived ever since. He has been in practice in southeastern Missouri longer than any physician in the state. About 1906 he retired from practice, leaving the carrying on of that work to his sons. In 1866 he was married to Sarah Hall, who died in 1872. The following year he mamed Fannie B. Cullum, who came from Mobile, Alabama. To this union were born one daugh- ter and three sons. The sous have all followed their father's profession, thus making three generations that have given themselves to the medical profession. Elmo, the eldest son, is practicing in St. Louis. John D., Jr., has taken his father 's practice in Cape Girardeau. Lowry is a physician and surgeon in Chicago. All three sons are graduates of the Chicago University -and Rush Medical College. Their sister Buiah C, is the wife of Harry H. Coff- man, son of Dr. John Coffman, a practicing physician of southeastern Missouri. In addition to his professional duties, the Doctor has taken an active part in public af- fairs. He was mayor of Cape Girardeau for one term. He is at pi-esent president of the Cape Girardeau Water Works and Electric Light Company. He was one of the organ- izers and is a director in the Southeast Mis- souri Trust Company and has other inter- ests in farm lands. He is a prominent Ma- son ; having joined that order in 1866, he has taken the thirty-second degree in Scottish rite masonry, one of the first men in southeastern Missouri to have that degree. He is also a member of the Elks, with a high standing in that organization. He was at one time Ex- alted Ruler and he took an active part in the erection of the new building, having raised the money to build same. The Doctor has lived in southeastern Missouri for forty-seven years, twenty-three years of that time in Scott county and the other twenty-four in Cape Girardeau county. Although he does not treat patients any more, he is by no means an idle man, but on the other hand is most active in all public affairs. Not only did he devote so many years of his own life to the science of medicine, but he has left three sons to carry on the work. There is no man in the county who has a wider reputation and no man who stands higher in the respect and affections of those with whom he comes in contact. Carroll P. Bennett. Greenville owes a double debt to Carroll P. Bennett, for not only is he conspicuous as the scion of a family long known in Wayne county as sturdy sup- porters of all that was advanced for the best interests of the community, but, by his own enthusiasm and untiring energy he has led others after him, and has always shown, both in industry and public affairs, that quality of leadership which inspires others to go and do likewise. Born near Coldwater on St. Francois river, Wayne county, December 14, 1871, he was the son of John L. and Mary (Mathes) Bennett. His father was born on Bear creek, Wayne county, March 7, 1845, and died at Piedmont February 11, 1906. His mother was also born on Bear creek, the date of her nativity being September 14, 1845, and she is still living, at Greenville, Missouri. Not only were his father and mother born on Bear creek, but also his paternal grand- father, Larkin Bennett, 1810 being the year of his birth, and he survived to the ripe old age of eighty-seven years, his demise not oc- curring until 1897. His wife, who prior to her marriage was Miss Mary Hughs, came to Wayne county with her father who migrated to that district at an early date and there entered a farm. The father of Larkin Ben- nett and the great-gi-andfather of the citizen to whom this record is dedicated was a native of North Carolina, who migrated from that state, moving first to Kentucky, and siib- sequently to Wayne county, where h^ located on section 30. The maternal grandfather of Carroll Ben- nett, l\rilliurn Mathes, was a native of eastern HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 677 Tennessee, who came early to "Wayne county and died before his prime. His marriage with Jane Ivy is tinged with a bit of pioneer romance that helped to make bright tliose days of not too easy life in tlie sparsely popu- lated districts of the middle southwest. She had started with her father and brother to found a home in the state of Kentucky, when she met, loved and consented to become the bride of Milburn Mathes. Carroll P. Bennett was one of two children. His sister, who became Mrs. Jennie Barnett. died in 1906. He spent his early life in the invigorating and strength-giving environment of the home farm, and so satisfactorily did he complete his work in the common schools of the district that he in turn became teacher in- stead of the taught, and occupied the pedagogue's desk until 1898. In that year he came to Greenville and compiled a set of abstract books. He then entered the real estate and insurance business. Considering the fact that to all who know him "his word is as good as a U. S. bond," and that he has insight and farsightedness combined with an unusual portion of that quality of electric energy that marks the successful American business man, it is no wonder that every en- terprise he undertakes prospers. Besides his substantial business interests already men- tioned, he is the owner of two or three farms in Wayne count.v. and is vice-president of the Wavne Countv Bank. On December 22. 1895, Mr. Bennett estab- lished the charming home that is now his by his marriage to Miss Effie Smith, liorn in Wayne county, near Piedmont. She is a daughter of William R. Smith, a prominent farmer of Wayne county and at one time sheriff and probate .iudge of the county. To them have been born three children, Hal, ;\Tai-y and Hiram. Politically Mr. Bennett is recorded among the able and valued members of what its devoted adherents love to term "the Cxrand Old Party." AiiBERT A. Parnsworth is one of the w^ell- known and representative farmers in Bol- linger county. Since he first engaged in agri- cultural pursuits the status of a farmer has undergone a radical change and the man him- self is viewed in a very different light from that in which we used to regard him years ago. A farm and a mortgage used at one time to be synonymous terms, and a man burdened with debt is not apt to be beautiful either in looks or disposition. Now all of this has been changed and ' ' back to the farm ' ' means a re- turn to efficiency, health and life; we reach the farm by going forward, not by going back- ward. The business of the farmer who pro- duces food must be regarded as a fine art, not to be left to the whipped-out and the dis- couraged, as in former times. Much of this changed condition has come about within the recollection of Mr. Farnsworth, and it is due to the work and example of such as he that ideas in regard to farmers have become so modified. ]\Ir. Farnsworth was born August 18, 1865, in Johnson county, Missouri, the son of Chris- topher L. and Nancy Caroline (George) Farnsworth, natives of Greene county, Ten- nessee. In the fall of 1854 Mr. and ilrs. Christopher Farnsworth came to Henry county, Missouri, with the idea of becoming permanently located there, but in the spring of 1855, they determined to move to Johnson county, where they raised their first crop that season. After harvest they bought a tract of land in Cass county, where they resided until General Ewing's command was issued to va- cate the border counties, in 1863. They then returned to Johnson county and lived there until death summoned the father. IMareh 7, 1909, while his widow still maintains her resi- dence in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Christo- pher Farnsworth were the parents of ten children, nine of whom are living. Albert A. Farnsworth. the seventh of the family in order of birth, was reared on his father's' farm in Johnson county and attended the district school in his neighborhood. After completing his schooling he assisted with the work of the farm and remained at home until 1890, at which time he was twenty-four years of age. He then rented from his father a farm in Johnson county of one hundred and seventy acres in area, where he lived until March", 1910, the .year following his father's demise. He removed to Bollinger county, and with the savings he had accumulated and his share of his father's estate he bought four hundred acres of land near Scopus, Bollinger county. This tract was only in his possession a very short time before he re-sold it to the original owner and bought instead two hun- dre'd and twenty acres of fine land between Marble Hill and Lutesville. Seventy acres of this tract is bottom land and the remainder hill land, admirably adapted for the uses to which "Sir. Farnsworth puts it. He raises 678 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs; also com, grass, Kaffir corn and cow peas, thus utilizing all of his farm. He is regarded as one of the most enterpi-isiug, progressive farmers in his section of the country. In 1890 Mr. Farnsworth married Miss Florence Redford, born March 6, 1872, the daughter of W. W. and ]\Iary E. (Rutledge) Redford, of Henry county, Missouri, and they now have a family of three children,— Nellie P., born in 1891, married to J. W. Gib- son, of Johnson county ; Cvrus Paul, born in 1894 ; William Ernest, born in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Fai-nsworth lost two children by death, one, Archeles Earl, the twin brother of Wil- liam Ernest, dying at four and one-half months and Albert Clyde, died at seven weeks. Mr. Farnsworth is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and both he and Mrs. Farnsworth are members of the Mis- sionary Baptist church. He is a devout Chris- tian worker and consistently religious in his every day life. E. Baker. It is the lot of some men to be born great, while others have to achieve great- ness, and Mr. E. Baker of Senath, was clearly destined to be the architect of his own for- tune. He began life for himself on a low rung of the ladder of attainments, but by sturdy industry, untiring energy and a diligent use of his faculties and opportunities has met with well deserved success in his agricultural operations, his large farm being one of the best cultivated and most productive of any in the vicinity. Born in Pontotoc county. Mis- sissippi, December 9, 1853, he there lived on his father's farm for ten years, having no educational advantages whatever. AAHien ten years old lie accompanied his parents to Tennessee, and from that time un- til attaining his ma.jority he assisted his father on the home farm. In 1874 his pare.nts came to ilissouri, Imt after a year's residence in this state they moved to Texas. Jlr. Baker remained in Dunklin county when his parents settled in Texas, and although he had no capital, with the exception of thirteen dollars in cash and a Texas pony, he bought sixty acres of the land included in his present es- tate, paying four dollars an acre for it. buy- ing it on credit. He continued work, how- ever, as a farm laborer the following year, but at the end of that time married, and, with his bride, assumed possession of his land. Labor- ing resolutely, he cleared and improved a good farm, and from time to time judiciously invested in other land, having now a fine farm of four hundred and forty acres, the greater part of which is in a high state of culture, having been cleared and made productive through liis own efforts. In 1904 Mr. Baker added to the improvements already inaugu- rated a substantial house, which, * with the three barns on the place, make a good set of farm buildings. Mr. Baker's farm is carried on by tenants, being rented to different people, there being five good tenants on his land, which is devoted principally to the rais- ing of corn and cotton. Mr. Baker married, in Dunklin county, Missouri, in 1876, Fannie Roniines, a native of this part of Missouri, and into their home four children have been born, namely: Zella, wife of Clarence Ilutchins, of Dunklin county: Willie, wife of Edward Wallace, one of Mr. Baker's tenants; Maddie ; and Charles, at home. Politically Mr. Baker is a sound supporter of the principles of the Democratic party, and for nine years has served as school director. Religiously he is a member of the Methodist Church, and an active worker in Harkey's Chapel, having been trustee fifteen and steward fourteen years, and still holds the office of trustee. Frank Schulte is a noble illustration of what Independence, self-faith and persistency can accomplish in America. He is a self- made man in the most significant sense of the word, for no one helped him in a financial way and he is self-educated. As a young man he was strong, vigorous and self-reliant. He trusted in his own ability and did things single-handed and alone. Today he stands supreme as a successful business man and a loyal and public-spirited citizen. Most of his attention has been devoted to mining and prospecting enterprises and at the present time he is vice-i)resident of the Bank of Fredericktown, an institution that lias l)('ne- fitted greatly bv his shrewd counsel. A native of the great Empire of German.y, Mr. Schulte was born near the citv of Berlin, on the 10th of May, 1842. He is a son of Anton and Elizabeth Schulte, who immi- grated to the United States in 1845. bringing with them their famil.v for four sons and two daughters, of which Frank was the youngest. Anton Schulte, after his arrival in America, proceeded directly to Madison county, l\Iis- souri. where he engaged in mining operations, entering the employ of the Flemings, ownei-s HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 679 of the Mine LaMotte. For a number of years he worked for that compan.y on the ten per cent royalty basis but later he turned his at- tention to farming. In 1861 his health be- came impaired and he lived retired from that year until his death, in 1867. His cherished and devoted wife passed away in 1866. They were devout communicants of the Catholic church and to the rigid principles of that denomination reared their children. Only two of their children are living at the pres- ent time, namely, — Frank, of this notice ; and Anton, a farmer near Fredericktown. Joseph Sehulte died in 1899, his active career having been devoted to mining and farming ; he was also associated with his brothers Frank and John in the general merchandise business at Fredericktown for a number of years and in 1850 he made the overland trip to California, where he mined for a time. John Sehulte was a merchant and miner in Madison county dur- ing his life time and he died in February, 1883. Elizabeth Sehulte, who married John A. AVeber, a merchant at Farmington, ]\Iis- souri, died in 1880; and Gertrude was the wife of Jacob Lohrey, a merchant at Middle- brook, this state. She died in 1897. Frank Sehulte was reared to adult age in Madison county, where he attended the public schools up to the age of sixteen years. For a year and a half thereafter he worked at the carpenter's trade and later he spent several years as a blacksmith. In 1864 he enlLsted as a soldier in Company F, Fiftieth Missouri Regiment, serving for twelve months under Captain Robert Lindsay in the Union army. He was mustered out of sei'vice in the spring of 1865 and immediately returned to Madison county, where he has since resided. For a time he was identified with mining ventures and later he engaged in the general mercan- tile business, continuing therein until 1880. In the latter year he again became interested in mining and prospecting, along which lines he has achieved marvelous success. He devel- oped the Buckeye and the Madison (now the Phoenix) mines, both of which are located in Madison county, and he has prospected ex- tensively in this county for lead. In all his ventures he has met with unqualified success and the same is due, not merely to good for- tune, but to energy and perseverance. Since 1906 he has been vice-president of the Bank of Fredericktown, in which substantial mone- tary institution he has invested a great deal of money. In Madison county, in 1895, Mr. Sehulte was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Mil- ler, who was born in Iron county, this state, and who is a daughter of Henry and Mar- garet ililler, both natives of Germany. Mrs. Sehulte 's father died in 1885 and her mother resided in the Sehulte home until her death, July 1, 1911, at eighty-one years of age. Mr. and jMrs. Sehulte have no children. Mrs. Sehulte is a consistent member of the Luth- eran church. In a fraternal way Mr. Sehulte is afSliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In politics he is a stalwart sup- porter of the cause of the Republican party but has never manifested aught of desire for political preferment of any description, pre- ferring to devote his undivided attention to his extensive business affairs. He is held in high esteem by his fellow men, who honor him for his exemplary life and his sterling integ- rity and worth. Dr. George W. WaJjKee, physician and surgeon at Cape Girardeau, has practiced his profession in this city for nearly six years and has gained high favor among a large and representative patronage. He is a practi- tioner of equipment equal to that of the best, and he has been a devoted student of his pro- fession for the past decade. His broad knowl- edge of his science and sympathetic manner have given him rank among the most skillful and popular physicians and surgeons in this city. A native of the state of Illinois. Dr. Walker was born near Jonesboro, that state, on the 26th of January, 1876. and he is a son of Wil- liam W. and Sarah I. (Williford) Walker, both of whom were likewise born in Illinois, the former on the 3d of April, 1849, and the latter on the 1st of February, 1850. The father was a farmer during the major portion of his active career but in December, 1901, he came to Cape Girardeau, where he is now liv- ing virtually retired, en.joying to the full the fruits of his former years of earnest toil and endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walker were the parents of eleven children, of whom the Doctor was the third in order of birth and the ninth of whom are living, in 1911. The rudimentary educational discipline of Dr. Walker was obtained in the country schools of Union county, Illinois, and subse- quentl.y he pursued a course of study in the Indiana State Normal School, at Danville. For five .years thereafter he was engaged in teaching school in his native county and at the expiration of that period he entered the 680 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI Hospital College, at Louisville, Kentucky, where be pursued a two-year medical course. He was then matriculated as a student in the Washington University, at St. Louis, Mis- souri, and iu that excellent institution he was graduated as a member of the class of 1903, duly receiving his degree of Doctor of Medi- cine. Immediately after graduation he initi- ated the active practice of his profession at Jonesboro, Illinois, where he succeeded in building up a large and representative pat- ronage and where he continued to maintain his home and professional headcjuarters for the ensuing two years. On the 1st of Aiigust, 1905, however, be decided to seek greater fame and fortune in the west and that date marks his advent in Cape Girardeau, where he has resided during the intervening years to the present time and where lie is recog- nized as a physician and surgeon of unusual skill. At Jonesboro, Illinois, in the year 1897, was solemnized the marriage of Dr. Walker to JMiss EfiSe M. Pulenwider, who was born at Jonesboro, Illinois, in 1877, and who is a (laughter of William M. Fulenwider, long a representative citizen of Jonesboro. Dr. and Mrs. Walker have three children, — i\Iarie, Helen and Louise, all of whom are attending school iu this city. In their religious faith the Walker family are consistent members of the English Lutheran church, to whose chari- ties and benevolences they are most liberal contributors. In politics Dr. Walker is aligned as a stal- wart supporter of the principles and policies for which tlie Democratic party stands spon- sor and while he is not actively interested in local politics he manifests a deep and sincere interest iu all matters projected for the good of the general welfare. In the grand old Ma- sonic order he is affiliated with St. Mark's Lodge, No. 93, Free & Accepted jMasons, of which he is past master. Dr. Walker is a man of broad human sympathy and kindl.v, genial manner and it may be said concerning him that the circle of his friends is coincident with that of his acquaintances. J. M. PoRTERPiELD, like man.v otlier young men, did not know exactly what he wanted to make his life work when he started out on his career. He commenced as a physician. next gave his attention to carpentering, and subsequently turned to the farm as the place where he would like to spend the rest of his days. There is an old saying that "a rolling stone gathers no moss, ' ' but if Mr. Porterfield will pardon our likening him to a stone, we would say that he has not only gathered moss, but he has found time to dispeuse some to others who were less fortunate than he. Mr. Porterfield hails from a farm in Hard- in coiuity, Tennessee, where he was born Julj' 31, 1849. He is the son of W. C. and Ursula Porterfield, who were natives of Eastern Ten- nessee, where he followed the occupation of farmiiig all of this life. In earlier life he had followed cariaeutering. J. M. Porterfield is the Seventh child in order of birth of the thirteen children who were born to his parents. He received his preliminary educa- tional training at the district school in the neighborhood of his father's farm, and at that time the school was a subscription one. After he had completed the course which was re- quired he entered the college at Savannah, Tennessee, and more as the result of accident than deliberate choice, he prepared himself to be a physician, in the medical department of the Savannah College. This college only of- fered a two years' course at that time, so that after he had learned all the medical knowl- edge which the college afforded, be entered the office of Drs. L. E. Covey and J. D. Wagner, and under the preceptorship of these able phy- sicians Mr. Porterfield read medicine for a .vear. He then went to Vanderbilt University, at Nashville, for a six months' term, and this completed his course. He was then a certified practitioner, and he established himself in Cerrogordo, Tennessee, where he built up a very fine practice during the eleven years tliat he stayed there. He found the life a hard one, however, as his patients were scattered over an area of eight or ten miles, which necessitated bis making verv long trips to visit them. After eleven years of tliis life Mr. Porterfield decided tliat he was not following the line of work for which he was best fitted, either in taste or al)ilities — although he had been reinarkal)ly siU'cessful, but be decided to give u\) his practice. He removed from Ten- nessee to Arkansas, where he took up his res- idence in Paragould and began to do car- pentering. From a boy he had always shown great aptitude for all kinds of wood work, and his success was immediate and stead.v. While he was living in Cerrogordo, Ten- nessee, he had accumulated some property, and when he moved from the state he sold this, Init he did not buy any more in Arkan- sas, rather devoted bis whole attention to liis carpentering ])usiness. He only stayed in ,AiJP, HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 681 Paragould a short time, and then moved to Piggott, Arkansas, but his stay there was of short duration also, and he pressed on to Mis- souri and located at Senath, wlien there were only a few scattered houses there; he helped to build the town, and at the expiration of three years he felt that his desires were turned in the direction of the farm. He bought the place which he occupies to-day, — a mile and half southeast of Caruth, where he farms eighty acres of land, forty acres of which belong to his wife and the other forty acres he bought. When he first moved on to the farm it was very much run down, but he has greatly improved it, having built fences and put up a new barn. He gi-ows cotton and corn, and also raises stock on his land, and is very successful. Mr. Porterfield has been twice married. On October 13, 1876, he was united in mar- riage to ^liss Sallie C. Welch, of Savannah, where the Doctor was in college. After just twenty years of married life she died in Arkansas, leaving five children. — Eldridge, who is now a contractor and architect in Pig- gott, Arkansas, and is married to Miss Lulu Wheeler; Mary, the second child, who is the wife of John Stevens, of Maiden, Missouri ; Ella, who is married to Tom Clifton of Dunklin county ; and Vivian, who lives with her sister Marsella, the wife of William Pitts, near Caruth. On the 18th of January, 1900, Mr. Porterfield married Mrs. Nancy A. Pruett, a widow with five children. One child, Archie, has been born to tlie union of Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield, and he is ju.st ten years old, a student in the public school. Mr. Porterfield is a member of the ]Meth- odist Episcopal Church, where he is an active worker. He is a Democrat, and although he has no desires for political honors for him- self, he has at different times been most active in working for some of his friends. All that Mr. Porterfield owns is the result of his own efforts. As a rule it is not a good thing for a man to make change of occupa- tion, but it is much better to change than it is to continue in work which is distasteful, and in the ease of ilr. Porterfield liis varied experiences have helped to bi-oadeu his char- acter and to make him the efficient meml^er of the community that he is at present. Frederick W. Stumpe. For a decade past the Bank of Washington. ^Missouri, has had its official head Frederick W. Stumpe, who is a native of Missouri, though his father came from Germany. This is an especially happy combination — American aggressiveness and push combined with German thrift and con- servatism, and it has served to inspire with confidence those who desired to invest their savings in the Bank of Washington. Indeed, Mr. Stumpe has been extremely successful in handling money to good advantage, — not only his own, but that of his patrons, and he can justly take a pardonable pride therein. As above stated, Mr. Stumpe was born in Missouri, upon a farm three miles south of the city of Washington, the date of his birth being November 6, 1852, a son of Henry W. and Mary (IMarquard) Stumpe. Henry W. Stumpe and his wife were both natives of Osnabruck, Germany, where they were mar- ried, but hearing of the glories of America the}' decided to try their fortunes in that country, so, in 1833 they immigrated to the United States and settled in Franklin coimty, Missouri. Here Mr. Stumpe devoted his time and talents to farming, which formed his life occupation. He died in 1868, at the age of sixty years, his wife surviving him until May, 1886, when she, too, passed to the Great Be- yond. The issue of this union was Mary, wife of W. H. Gallenkamp and mother of Judge Gallenkamp. the surveyor of the port of St. Louis ; Henry, who was one of the first volun- teers from Missouri in the Civil war, and who later passed his life as a merchant in Wash- ington ; Julia became the wife of Judge Robert Hoffman, of Washington ; Louisa mar- ried Arnold Godt. and died in Washington ; Charlotte passed awav in 1868 as the wife of John Wentyne. of St. Louis; and Frederick W., the immediate subject of this review. Frederick W. Stumpe left the farm during his early youth, as agricultural pursuits did not tempt him as a life vocation, and entered private school in Washington, where he acquired his educational training. He first tasted the fruits of his own labor employed as a painter, but instead of following this occupation he accepted a clerkship, which position he retained until 1875, when he was appointed assistant cashier of the Washington Savings Bank, the first and only bank in that city. He immediately discovered that the handling and investing of money was his forte, and decided to make the banking Imsi- ne.ss his life vocation. In July, 1877, this in- stitution failed and Mr. Stumpe was ap- pointed its assignee, and so successfully did he manage its tanerled affairs that the deposi- tors were practically paid in full. 682 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI That same year the Bank of Washingtou was organized, its promoters being V. W. Stumpe, Leopold Wattenberg, F. A. Hendrich, John B. Busch and H. D. Kibbler, the two lat- ter gentlemen having but one share each. The capital of the institution was ten thousand dollars, and Leopold Wattenberg was chosen president, while Mr. Stumpe was appointed assistant cashier. In 1890 Mr. Stumpe was promoted to cashier, and in 1901 he was elected president to succeed Mr. Wattenberg. The success of its managements can best be grasped from its present condition, the capital stock having been increased to fifty thousand dollars, while its surplus is double its present capital. Mr. Stinnpe has other business inter- ests, being one of the directors of the Wash- ington Building and Loan Association, a con- cern which has made a phenomenal record as a fiduciary institution, and he is also a director of the Washington Water Company. In polities Frederick W. Stumpe gives his prefei'ence to the Repulilican party, his fellow- citizens having shown their trust in him liy electing him to the offices of city clerk and city treasurer, respectively. He is a member of that old established fraternity. Ancient Free and Accepted ilasons, and is a past mas- ter of Washington Lodge, No. 25. On October 9. 1878, a marriage ceremony was performed uniting Frederick W. Stumpe and Amelia Willielmi in the holy bonds of wedlock. ]\Irs. Stumpe was the daughter of Julius Wilhelmi, a native of Mannlieim, Ger- many, who came to this country- in early life. He was a Union refugee from Arkansas dur- ing the period of the Civil war, and was later sheriff and collector of Franklin county, JMis- souri. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Stumpe were the parents of the following children : Earna, the wife of Ja.sper N. Tankersly. of Chicago, manager of the interests of the Mc- Millan Company, of New York; Miss Adele. of Washington ; Robert W., who is in business in St. Louis; and Miss Elsie, of Washington. Mrs. Stumpe was called to her eternal home July 25, 1899. She was a devoted wife and mother and beloved by all who knew her. The two daughters, IMisses Adele and Elsie, preside gracionsly over the home of oiir sub- ject, which is a gathering place for the social activities of Washington. D. J. CoNKAD. It was "the embattled farmers" who "fired the shot heard round the world" at Concord Bridge and ever since America has drawn her best soldiers from her farms. Patriotism flourishes in the country. The life of D. J. Conrad is an instance of the response that the call to arms evokes from the man who owns and works his fields. His father, J. J. Conrad, was a veteran of the Civil war, whose military career in no way in- terfered with his being a successful agricul- turist, and the son, born in 1872, emulates his i:)arent in zeal for the two pursuits. Reared on his father's large farm, D. J. Conrad attended the schools of the county. At the outbreak of the Cuban war he enlisted, .ioined the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry and served eight months in Cuba. He was mus- tered out of the Cuban army Januaiy 17, 1899. Eight months later he again enlisted in the Philippine war. His regiment was the Thirty-eighth U. S. Volunteer Infantry, in whose ranks he served seventeen months in the Philippine Islands. He returned to Bol- linger county after his dischai'ge and took up his woi-k of farming again. Upon his father's death in 1903 he became possessed of one hundred and fifty acres of land, mostly in timber, though he has added eighty acres of timber. The father owned at one time some four thousand acres, which is still owned in the family. Like most of his neighbors, Mr. Conrad raises stock besides doing general farming. He spent one year in the west, leaving Missouri in March, 1903. From 1905 to 1907 he was sheriff of Bollinger county, an office whose duties he discharged with characteristic thoroughness. At the time of the disturbance in i\Iexico, in 1911, Mr. Conrad was sent to Texas and served in the camp of instiiictions. He was called out by the Adjutant General of Missouri. The marriage of Mr. Conrad and Miss Ida Kinder took place December 30, 1908. Ida Kinder was the daughter of A. A. and Mary Kinder, both natives of Missouri. Mar>' Burns Conrad, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Conrad, was Iwrn November 9, 1909. Mr. Conrad belongs to the Masonic order, being a member of the lodge at Marble Hill, IMissouri. He is also actively connected with the Army and Navy Union at St. Louis, Mis- souri. Mr. Conrad's church preference is the Presbyterian, where he regularly attends. Politically he is known as a thorough-going Republican. Rev. Elisha Calvin Butler. One of the most necessary characteristics for a man to be possessed of in order to make a success of his own life and of those things which he under- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 683 takes is to be intensely in earnest. This is one of the most noticeable traits about the Rev. E. C. Butler, pastor of the Kennett Mis- sionary Baptist Chureli. If one follows his career one cannot fail to see that he has ac- complished almost miraculous results by rea- son of his own personality. Others have the same message to tell, but they are not able to obtain the listeners, simply because they have not the power to speak with the conviction that strikes home. Mr. Butler accomplishes those things which he sees possible day by day, thus opening up avenues to new efforts and new results. A brief survey of his history may prove of interest. He was born in Carroll county, in western Tennessee, January 8, 1869, and was brought up on the Tennessee farm. After the comple- tion of his preliminarv education he attended Phving College, Ewing, Illinois: not having at that time felt himself drawn towards the min- istry, he began to teach at the age of twenty- two, teaching in the country schools in Ten- nessee for three years. He had also taken a two .years' course at the Holiday Independent Normal School in Benton count.y, Tennessee. After teaching for a short time in Tennessee he decided that for him the way to do the most good in the world was to become a minis- ter. He was espeeiall.y interested in the mis- sion side of the ministry and he attended the Missionary Baptist College at Ewing, where he took a theological course. He had, how- ever, preached before this and had also been ordained ; lie felt, however, that the college work would make him more fully equipped for his career. As soon as he left college he entered upon his pastoral work, locating first at Steeleville, Illinois, in Randolph county, and Tamaroa, Illinois, taking charge of the pastoral duties at both these last named places at the same time. His next charge was at Cobden, Illinois, coming in 1906 to Dexter, Missouri, where he remained three years as local pastor. During this time the church was remodeled and the attendance was doubled. He organized the Baptist Young Peoples Union, wiiieh still continues to be a live enthusiastic soeiet.y. He owns a Gospel tent, in which he holds meetings. During the series held in Dexter there were twenty-four conversions. He held a series of four meet- ings in the county, outside Dexter, one result- ing in thirty-eight conversions one in forty- seven and still another in thirty-one. The result of these meetings, in addition, or per- haps because of the impression produced in the hearts of the people, resulted in the build- ing of a thousand dollar churcli at Idalia, Missouri. It was erected within sixty days after the close of the meetings and was fully paid for at the time of its dedication. This was cei-tainly striking while the iron was hot. It is the experience of so many of the evangel- istic preachers of the country that the people who are converted during special meetings do not continu(> in the road in which they started. The Rev. Elisha Butler has probably found a cure for that; he, as in the case cited above, immediately gets the new converts started to do something, not giving them a chance to backslide; then when once in the work, the chances are very much in favor of the large majorit.y remaining steadfast, as there is con- stantly something to do to keep their interest alive. He held meetings at the Tatum school house, near Dexter, Missouri, where there were forty-seven conversions; a church re- sulted, which is called Butler's Chapel. He witnessed two hundred conver.sions in five meetings in Stoddard county, IMissouri. All of this work was accomplished within three .vears, and in October, 1909, he came to Ken- nett, as the result of a most urgent invitation from the Baptist church. Since he came to Kennett he has spent most of his time in con- nection with the local church. Since his ar- rival the Kennett church has added twent.v by baptism and thirty-two by letter, as the result of constant, day by day effort on the part of Mr. Butler. The church is now being enlarged, to accommodate the growing enter- prises. Six Sunda.v-school rooms are being added, for the modern teaching that has been inaugurated. The present membership of the church is about two hundred and eight.v-nine. The young people in particular are becoming interested and are doing effective work. Although Mr. Butler is absolutel.y devoted to the local church and finds full scope for his energies, he still continues the tent work, for which he is so admirably suited. On April 20. 1897, Mr. Butler was married to Miss josie Parham, a native of Montgomery eount.y, Illinois. She is in perfect sympathy with her husband in all of his efforts and is herself active in the church. Besides being president of the Woman's IMissionarv TTnion, she is active in the general work of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Butler have one daughter. Ver- die Charleve, who is now twelve years old and attending the Kennett public school. Their 684 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI other child, Loran Parham, died when he was two years old, while Rev. Butler was pastor at Dexter, Missouri. Mr. Butler is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It is probable that his association with this order has been of great assistance to him in his church work, as he can the more readily adjust himself to dif- ferent classes of men. He has a fine library, composed chiefly of books pertaining to his work, but not exclusively, as Mr. Butler be- lieves in having about him all the broadening influences that are possible. If a minister would be effective, he must be able to be "all things to all men," not in the way of toady- ing to them in the least, but he must have the faculty of entering into their feelings and be able to view things from their standpoints. Mr. Butler naturally has this faculty and he has cultivated it so that it has developed to an lumsual extent. He is doing a great work and as he is still a young man, is probably only at the beginning of his career. From Mr. Butler's standpoint the most successful life is the one that has accomplished the most good and from that attitude his friends would say that he is most successful. He is not a rich man, which is the gauge of a busi- ness man's success — the ability to make money — but he has riches of a more lasting na- ture, treasures which can never be stolen nor lost. The people in Kennett love both Mr. Butler and his wife and appreciate every ef- fort they are making. His work as pastor at Kennett. Missouri, closed in October, 1911. Emil Charles Schramm. A young man of splendid business intelligence and enter- prise is Emil Charles Schramm, manager of the Schramm Wholesale Grocery Company, of Flat River, an important and flourishing concern with capital stock estimated at forty thousand dollars. He is also connected with one of Saint Francois largest monetary in- stitutions, the ]\Iiners & IMerchants Bank, be- ing a stockholder and director in the same. Mr. Schramm is a native of Sainte Genevieve county, Missouri, his birth having occurred within the boundaries of that neighboring county May 11, 1881. His father. Henry Schramm, was born in Germany, March 22, 1843. He secured his education in the rightly famed schools of that country and like so many German youtlis of liis generation, served an apprenticeship as a baker. At the age of nineteen years he came to America and lo- cated in Sainte Genevieve county, Missouri, but did not pursue the trade he had learned, instead securing land and devoting his ener- gies to the great basic industry. He early es- tablished a household by marriage, the young woman to become his bride being Miss Philli- pine Herter, of Sainte Genevieve county, daughter of Henry Herter. To their union were born twelve children, of whom ten sur- vive at the present time, Emil C, the imme- diate subject of this review, being the ninth in order of birth. Mr. and Mrs. Schramm, the elder, reside in St. Francois county at the present time, making their home upon the farm which is dear to them by many happy associations and enjoying the respect of the community in which they have so long been valuable factors. The elder Mr. Schramm is Republican in politics and Lutheran in relig- ious conviction. Emil C. Schramm enjoyed the experience, usually considered an advantage rather than otherwise, of spending his early years upon the farm and assisting in the duties there to be encountered which bring the boy and girl, in the words of the Hoosier poet, "near to Na- ture's heart." He received his education in the public schools of East St. Louis and later entered the business department of Carleton College, whose course he finished at the age of twenty-two. Soon afterward he entered the Schramm Wholesale Grocery House, man- aged )iy A. 0. Schramm, a brother, first en- gaging in the duties of the position of stock- man and subsequently as salesman. In 1908 the subject became manager of the Schrannn Grocery Company at Flat River and in the subsequent time has met with no small amount of success in this capacity. As men- tioned in a preceding paragraph, he is also connected with the ]\Iiners & Merchants Bank. Mr. Schramm became a recruit to the Ben- edicts when, on the 26th day of September, 1906, he was united in marriage at Farming- ton to Miss Mamie Braun. of Farmington, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (iMell) Braun. Mr. and ^Irs. Schramm are the par- ents of one son, Leonard. The subject gives hand and heart to the policies and principles for which the "Grand Old Party" stands and i.s: Lutheran in relisious faith. He and his wife maintain a pleasant home and hold high place in popular confidence and esteem. The Schramm Wholesale Grocery Com- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST IMISSOURI 685 pan}' was established in the year 1903, and is capitalized for forty thousand dollars. This company makes the entire lead belt its terri- tory and does a business of the highest class, being indeed one of those excellent concerns which contribute in very material fashion to the prosperit.y and prestige of the section. William N. Howard, M. D. In all the county of Cape Girardeau there is no man who is more respected and loved by old and young, by rich and poor alike, than is Dr. William N. Howard. For years his life has been spent in seeking to benefit others. His one ambition has been and still is to serve his fellow men. His maxim is to look up, not down, to look forward not back, but lend a hand. His knowledge of human nature has taught him to look upon the errors of others in sorrow not in anger. He is a man whom to see is to admire. He was born in Cape Girardeau county. Missouri, November 26, 1862. He is the sou of James M. Howard, a native of North Caro- lina and one of the early settlers in Missouri, whither he came with his parents when he was a small boy. The family located on a farm near Appleton, on which one of the sons still lives. James M. Howard married Sarah Day who was also born in North Carolina and was the daughter of Nighten Day of that county. When Sarah was very small her par- ents moved to Cape Girai'deau county, where they farmed, settling near Oak Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Day have four sons and two daugh- tei-s, who all live in the neighborhood of their old home. Mrs. James M. Howard died in 1909, having borne five sons and two daugh- ters. The little girls both died in infancy. Four of the sons are living now, of whom Dr. William is the third. The grandfather of William N. Howard aud father of James il. Howard was named John. He was of Scotch English descent and was born in North Caro- lina. He came to southeastern Missouri and located on a farm near Appleton. Two of his sons were also farmers. William N. Howard's boyhood days were spent on his father's farm, where he learned something of the farm life and attended the district school. After he had been educated as highly as his father thought was necessary, he started out to make a career for himself. He had not at that time decided to become a physician, but first did some surveying for the railroad, in 1884. Three years later he began to study medicine, entering the St. Louis iledieal College, from which he grad- uated in 1890. Immediately following his graduation, he came to Cape Girardeau, where he has been in practice ever since. He is a member of the Cape Girardeau Medical Society , the Southeastern Missouri Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Society and the American iledical Association. In 1896 his marriage to Adda Wilson, daughter of Gilbert Wilson of Cape Gir- ardeau county, was solemnized. To this union was born one daughter, named Sarah after the Doctor's mother. Dr. Ploward is a Democi'at and although he is greatly interested in pa])lic affairs, he has evinced no desire for houors for himself. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the ^lasonic Order, holding membership in the Blue Lodge Ancient Order Free and Ac cepted Masons. He is a life long resident of Cape Girardeau county and has been in prac tice in this city for over twenty years, having a general practice and also doing surgical work for the railroad. There is only one phy- sician in Cape Girardeau who has been in practice a little longer than Dr. Howard, but there is no one who is more loved. He is very much interested in educational work and is a member of the board of education, on which he does very admii-able work. He realizes that it is on the schools that the future of his native county depends. He has the interests of the children greatly at heart. Thomas J. Sweazea. It is a pleasure to the biographer to include in these sketches of important citizens of southeastern Missouri one who is not only prominent for his pres- tige as the grandson of a pioneer and as a respected member of the legal profession, but one who is also as firmly intrenched in the af- fection and high regard of the many who know him personally as Mr. Thomas J. Swea- zea, of Piedmont. The paternal grandfather of Thomas Swea- zea, William Sweazea, was born in the state of Tennessee, and migrated to this state in 1808, locating near the Black river, where he entered and bought a large and fertile tract of land, which he tilled and made his home until 1850, the year of his death. George ]\Iaun, the maternal grandfather of Mr. Swea- zea, a native of South Carolina, also early felt the impulse to try life on what was then the frontier, and came from his native state to the Black river district. ' William Sweazea, the father of the subject of this brief record, 686 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI was born aud reared in Wayne county, where until 1865 he undertook farming on a small tract of laud ou the Black river, but in that year he removed to Reynolds county. There he purchased another tract of laud aud spent the remainder of his life in its improvement, so that in 1901, when he died at the veuer- able old age of seventy-three years, he hav- ing been born in 1832, it was an important agricultural and stock raising estate. His wife, before her marriage, was Amanda Mann, a native of Reynolds county. Her birth occurred in 1832, and she passed to Iwv eternal reward in 1880. Her husband was ever a loyal member of the Democratic party, and both were devout members of the J3ap- tist church. Besides Thomas J., their chil- dren were as follows: William A., now of Wayne county; Sophronia, wife of Robert Benson and makes her home in Alabama; and ]\Iargaret, wife of M. L. Sanders, of Leeper, this state. Thomas J. Sweazea was bom on his fa- ther's farm on October 14, 1870. He remained on the home farm until he was within one year of his majority, and took advantage of the educational opportunities afforded by the district schools of those early days. When he was twenty he entered Carleton College, at Farmington, Missouri, where he remained until 1893. He then made practical use of his education and taught a school with such success that in 1895 he was elected county commissioner for a term of two years. His first experience as candidate for the office of county clerk of Reynolds coixnty not result- ing in the possession of the honor, he ran again in 1903 and this time easily won the office. In 1907 his political service to his county was continued as a member of the Forty-fourth General Assembl}^, as repre- sentative from the Reynolds county district, and he is still remembered for his able par- ticipation in the making of wise legislation for his native state. Following his term of oifice, he removed to Salem, where he prepared himself for his profession by reading law, with such success that in 1909 he was admitted to the bar. He again changed his residence, coming to Pied- mont, where he opened his office and made the beginnings of his present fine patronage. He has continued his public service as a mem- ber and secretary of the school board of Pied- mont, where he has rendered needed service as an advocate of better aud more effieient schools. Besides his profitable law clientage, Mr. Sweazea owns a farm not far from Piedmont. On June 6, 1895, he insured for himself a gracious companionship and happy home by his marriage with iliss Ella ^lalloy, who was born May 30, 1871, near Piedmont, a daugh- ter of John and Mary (Warren) iVIalloy, of Wayne county. Four children have since come to their pleasant home, namely : Doyle J., Pearl, Ava and Opal T. Mr. Sweazea adheres firmly to the princi- ples and policies of the party of Jefferson and Jackson. Both he and his wife support the tenets of the Baptist church. Thomas IMartin Jackson, member of the bar of Southeast Missouri and a successful attorney of Desloge, has had a varied and useful career both in the law and in the min- istry. Born in Monroe county, Kentucky, January 14, 1860, and spending his early years on a farm, he received an education in the country schools, in the Glasgow Normal School and Business College at Glasgow, Kentucky, and the Southern Normal School and Business College at Bowling Green, Ken- tucky, and after his graduation from the lat- ter entered educational work. For thirteen years he was a successful teacher in Ken- tucky, Missoxu-i and Ai'kansas. During six years of this period he carried on his studies for the bar in a law office, aud was admitted to practice April 28, 1892, at Russellville, Arkansas, and later enrolled in the supreme court of Missouri. For six years he was engaged in active practice. He then devoted his service to the ministry of the Methodist church, South, and for sixteen years was a traveling min- ister for that denomination. Finally, on ac- count of his wife's health, he returned to the practice of law in 1908, and has since en- joyed a liberal business at Desloge. During his ministry he occupied some of the leading j)ulpits of the state and was also a presiding elder in that church. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. Jackson 's father was George W. Jack- son, who was born in Washington county, Tennessee, March 29, 1836. His early life was spent on a fai'm in his native state until the war, when he joined the Union army, Company B, Fifth Kentucky Cavalry, and was a member of Sherman's army during its march to the sea. After the war he settled on a farm in Kentucky. Before entering the ^/nv^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 687 service he married iliss Rebecca A. Ford, a daughter of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Ford," of that state. Eleven children were born of their marriage, Thomas M. being the second in order of birth. George W. Jack- son moved to Missouri in 1880, locating near Farmington, where his active years were spent in farming, and he lived retired in that town until his death, in 1910. His wife pre- ceded him to the other world about twenty years. In polities he was a strong Repub- lican, was affiliated with the G. A. R. post, and was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Thomas M. Jackson married, Febru- ary 27, 1890, iliss Jennie Fowler, a daughter of George P. and Lavina Fowler, farmers of St. Genevieve county, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have four children: Clemmie, Harry F., Grace M. and Catherine., W. A. Davault. The great Apostle Paul, when describing the ideal preacher of the gospel, says, he must be "apt to teach," a characterization which cannot fail to impress all who know Rev. W. A. Davault, vice-presi- dent of Will Mayfield College, as being an especially fitting description of the Profes- sor. It is not given to many men to wield so wide an influence ; to be in such close touch with the younger generation, the students of the college, and at the same time to be pastor of three Baptist churches, and perhaps few men could fulfill such respoiisiliilities. Cer- tainly Professor Davault is rightly regarded as a power for righteousness, culture and all that makes for the higher life. By descent Professor Davault belongs to the Huguenots who settled in North Caro- lina when persecution drove them from France and who have given America so many theologians, scholars and statesmen. The founder of the American branch of the fam- ily was a Baptist missionary. In 1804 James Davault, grandfather of W. A., came to Bollinger county, where he was one of the earliest settlers. Christian J. Davault, son of the pioneer and father of the sub.iect of this sketch, was a farmer and also a soldier in the Civil war, in the Union army. He was once captured and later paroled. He was in active service at the close of the war. hav- ing enlisted three times, always in a Missouri regiment. He died in 1899, in the county where he was born and where he spent the most of his life. His wife was born in Perry county, the daughter of William Adison Walker. Her family, too, were jjioneers of this county, coming from Virginia early in the nineteenth century. The Walkers are of English origin. W. A. Davault 's native town is Perry ville, Missouri, where he was born January 25, 1865. His boyliood days were spent on the farm assisting his father and attending the district school. He began teaching at the age of nineteen, an occupation for which he had prepared himself by study in both public and private schools and one for which he kept liimself at the best by constant study. In 1894 he graduated from the academic 'course of Will Mayfield College; in 1901 Mr. Da- vault took his B. S. degree from the same in- stitution, and received his A. iM. degree in 1911. Mr. Davault has not confined his interest in education to merely accpiiring knowledge or even to imparting instruction. He has given many years of faithful and intelli- gent service to the administrative branch of the department of public education. His service as school-commissioner of Bollinger county began in 1895. He served in this ca- pacity until 1899. During the same period he was chosen as conductor of the district teachers' institute, doing most efficient work the whole four years in both offices. In 1903 the Professor was again elected school com- missioner and served six years, making five terms in all which he has given to this work. During all this time he was active in the ministry, having missed but twenty appoint- ments in twenty-two years since he was or- dained for the Baptist ministry in 1889. He is now moderator of the St. Francis Baptist Association of southeast ^Missouri. He gives half of his time to preaching at Marble Hill. The other half he divides between the Baptist churches at Glen Allen and Marquand. The Rev. Davault has been teaching in Will Mayfield College since 1893, with the excep- tion of some years spent in teaching in the public schools. His service to that institution has been recognized by his appointment to the vice-presidency of the college, which of- fice he has held since 1900. His work as an instructor is in the departments of History and Psychology. The marriage of Mr. Davault to ]\Iiss Margaret E. Williford occurred in 1887. Mrs. Davault is the daughter of George S. Williford, a native of Tennessee. Six chil- di-en have been born to the Professor and his wife, one son and five daughters. The .son. Dr. Webster W. Davault, has chosen the pro- 688 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI fession of me,dieine and will graduate from the Barnes Medical School of St. Louis in 1912. Before entering upon this special training. Dr. Davault took his A. B. degree at Will Maytield College. He was boru in 1889, four years before Miss Miriam Eula Davault. Jliss Davault graduated from the college where her father and brother received their degrees both in music and in the aca- demic department. She is at present en- gaged in teaching at Sikeston, Missouri. Three younger daughters, Helen I]mma, Willa Anastasia and Lula Ionia, are aged sixteen, thirteen and nine, respectively, and the fifth, Mildred Anna, made her advent into the home September 10, 1911. Professor Davault is a valued member of the Modern Woodmen of America. His many professional and social duties have not caused him to grow indifferent to his immediate sur- roundings. He owns a fine residence and six lots in Marble Hill. R. E. Jennings. Noteworthy among the prosperous agriculturists of Dunklin county is R. E. Jennings, of Senath, M'ho through his own persistent energy and industry has acquired a good farming property, which ho is managing with most satisfaetor.v pecuni- ary results. A native of Texas, he was born in' Dallas June 27, 186.5, but a short time be- fore the death of his father. Taken then by his widowed mother to Vir- ginia, he lived for awhile in the Old Domin- ion, and later accompanied his mother to Tennessee, from there, at the age of fourteen years, coming to Dunklin county, Missouri, where the death of his mother occurred in 1898. Although he had received but a mea- ger education, R. E. Jennings was forced to begin working for wages as soon as old enough to be of use to any one, and the first seven months after coming to ilissouri v.'a-^ employed on a farm in the vicinity of Ken- nett. He subsequently worked as a farm hand in various places, principalh- in Dunk- lin count.v. and by dint of perseverance and thrift accumulated sufficient money to war- rant him in purchasing a farm. Assuming possession of bis present farm of forty acres in 1904. Mr. Jennings has made improve- ments of an excellent character, increasing its value to one hundred and fifty dollars an acre, it being one of the best and most highl.v productive estates in the neighborhood. Mr. Jennings has been twice married. He married fifst,'' in 1886, Beulah C. Wright, who died a few months later, on November 30, 1886, leaving no children. He married for his second wife, January 8, 1888, Cassa B. Harkey, who was born August 13, 1872, and is a sister of W. R. Harkey, of whom a brief biographical sketch may be found on another page of this work. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings are the parents of three children, namely : Annie, born March 31, 1893 ; Wal- ter, born October 18, 1891:; and Raymond, liorn February 28, 1905. Politically Mr. Jen- nings is a stanch adherent of the Democratic l)arty, and fraternally he is a member of the Woodmen of the World. George W. Lanpher, Se., has for manj- years been a leading and influential citizen of Fredericktown and his former activity in I)nsine.ss affairs, his co-operation in public in- terests and his zealous support of all objects that he believes will contribute to the mate- rial, social or moral improvement of the com- munity keeps him in the foremost rank of those to whom the city owes its development. His life has been characterized by upright, honorable principles and it also exemplifies the truth of the Emersonian philosoph.y that ''the wa.v to win a friend is to be one." His genial kindl.y manner wins him the high re- gard and good will of all with whom he comes in contact and while he lias lived in retire- ment for the past ten years he is still hale and hearty. A native of Madison count,v. IMissouri, George W. Lanpher was born at Mine La- Motte on the 12th of February, 1837, and he is a son of George and Elizabeth (Nifong) Lanpher. the former a native of Ohio and the latter a native of Missouri. The father came to this state as a young man, was a carpenter by trade, and after his marriage settled at Mine LaMotte, where he was interested in mining projects until his death, in 1845, at the earl.v age of thirt.v yeai's. For a short time he also conducted a tavern at Frederick- town, where he likewise served as postmaster. Mrs. Lanpher was a daughter of George Ni- fong. who settled in Bollinger county, Mis- souri, having removed thither from North Carolina. Mr. Nifong was a farmer by occu- pation and during the closing years of his life resided on a fine estate near Frederick- town, where he died in 1870. Mrs. Lanpher died in 1885. at the age of seventy-seven years: in earl.v life she was a member of the Christian church but later affiliated with the IMethodist denomination. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Lan- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 689 plier became the parents of seven children, of whom four grew to maturity and three of whom are living at the present time, namely, — Felix, of Cape Girardeau; Mrs. Amanda Moore, of Ironton, Missouri; and George \V., of this notice. George W. Lanpher, Sr., the immediate subject of this review, was reared to matur- ity at Fredericktown, where he attended the common and subscription schools. As a mere youth, in 1854, he accompanied a band of fel- lows on the overland trip to California, where he remained until the latter part of 1857 and where he was interested in mining ventures. After his return to Madison county, Mis- souri, he farmed for eight or ten yeai-s, his fine homestead, a mile and a half west of Fredericktown, being now operated by a son. In 1872 he was elected to the office of assessor of Madison county and later he was chosen as county sheriff and collector, serving in the latter offices for four years. In 1879, in com- pany with Michael DeGuire, he built the mill at Fredericktown, continuing to operate the same for a period of twenty-one years, at the expiration of which he disposed of his inter- est therein to William Gudger Since 1901 he has lived in virtual retiremenc. On the 14th of October, 1858, was recorded the marriage of Mr. Lanpher to Miss Eliza Virginia Parkin, whose birth occurred in Madison county, August 28, 1838, and who is a daughter of Joseph and Emily (Johnson) Parkin. Joseph Parkin was born in England, whence he removed to Virginia in an early day, settling at Wytheville. He was twice married, Mrs. Lanpher having been a child of his second union. On his trip to America, Josenli was accompanied by two brothers, one of whom died at sea, en roiite, and the other, Thomas, who died in Missouri shortly after the Civil war. Mr. Parkin was a farmer and miner by occupation and he died in the vi- cinity of Fredericktown in 1845, at the age of sixty years. Emily (Johnson) Parkin was a sister of Thomas and William Johnson, former residents of Cape Girardeau. She was born at Louisa Coui-thouse, Virginia, re- moving thence to Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, and coming from the latter place to Missouri as a girl. Mrs. Lanpher has one brother and a sister living and one brother deceased, namely: Joseph resides at Fredericktown; Emily is the wife of Dr. Reuben Fugate, of Farmington, Missouri ; and A.ylette B. was a soldier in the Confederate army and lost his life during the Civil war, at Farmington, this state. Mr. and Mrs. Lanpher became the parents of seven children, of whom five are living at the present time, in 1911. Emma is the wife of M. E. Blanton, of Fredericktown; they had four children — James, William, Charles (who died at four years of age), and Almeda. William, who had been attending the State Univei-sity at Columbia, Missouri, died at the age of twenty-three years, at Frederick- town, Missouri. Edgar is a farmer near Fredericktown ; he married Patty Wiley and they have three daughters — Belle, Eliza V. and Dorothy. Lillian married Samuel Bu- ford and she died on the 17th of August, 1909, being survived by four children — Prank, Charles, George L. and Nellie Jane. Annie is the wife of William H. Blanton and they reside on a farm one mile north of Fredericktown ; they have three children — Lillian, Walter and Clyde. Charles A. is en- gaged in the general merchandise business at Fredericktown; he married Belle Hoffman and they have two children — Eliza Elizabeth and Charles, Jr. George W., Jr., operates his father's farm near Fredericktown; he married Annie Nevada Graham and they have one child. Alma. In politics George W. Lanpher, Sr., is a stalwart in the ranks of the Democratic party. in the local councils of which he has been a most active factor, serving with efficiency in a number of important offices of public trust and responsibilty, as previou.sly noted. For the past fifty years he has been a valued and appreciative member of the time-honored Masonic order, being the oldest living mem- ber of the lodge at Fredericktown, He and his wife are both connected with the Order of the Eastern Star and in their religious faith are consistent members of the Christian church. Robert F. Wichterich, M. D. During the years which mark the period of Dr. Wichterich 's professional career he has met with gratifying success and during the pe- riod of his residence at Cape Girardeau he has won the good will and patronage of many of the best citizens here. He is a thorough student and endeavors to keep abreast of the times in everything relating to the discover- ies in medical science. Progressive in his ideas and favoring modem methods as a whole, he does not dispense with the time- 690 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI tried systems whose value has stood the test of years. There is in his record much that is wortliy of the highest commendation, for limited j^rivileges and financial resources made it necessary that he personally meet the expenses of a college course. In doing this he displayed the elemental strength of his character, which has been the foundation of his success. He now stands very high in the medical profession of the state and is in the fullest sense of the term a self-made man. Dr. Wichterich is also engaged in the drug business at Cape Girardeau, where he has resided during most of his life thus far. A native of this city, Dr. Robert Felix Wichterich was born on the 23d of ilareh, 1868, and he is a son of Nicholas Wichterich, whose l)irth occurred at Biinn. Germanv, on the 12th of March. 1827. Reare'd and' edu- cated in Germany. Nicholas Wichterich at- tended the gymnasium and University of Biinn, making a special study of astronomy. He was a school mate of Carl Schurz and par- ticipated in the Rebellion of 1848, coming to America immediately after the close of that struggle. Shortly after his advent in the United States he located at Cape Girardeau. Mis.souri, where in 1860 he engaged in the milling business, continuing in that line for thirteen years. He was active in politics, be- ing eit.y treasurer for thirty-two years, thus demonstrating the respect and esteem ac- corded him by his fellow townsmen. He died January 9. 1900. He was lieutenant of the Home Guards at the time of the Civil war and his political allegiance was given to the Democratic party. He married Miss Eliza ]\Iolitor and to them were born three children, of whom the Doctor is the youngest. The others are Kathryn, who is now Mrs. An- tone Kammer, and John H. Mrs. Wichterich is still a resident of Cape Girardeau, being eighty-three years of age. Dr. Robert F. Wichterich received his rudimentary educational training in the pub- lie and parochial schools of Cape Girardeau and as a young man he attended St. Vincent's College. Subseqaiently he was matriculated as a student in the Memphis Hospital IMed- ieal College and still later he attended the St. Louis College of Physicians & Sui'geons. and the Barnes ^ledieal College, in which lat- ter institution lie was g'raduated as a mem- ber of the class of 1899. duly receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Wichter- ich was registered as a pharmacist in April, 1889, before the state board of pharmacy and thereafter he was engaged in the drug busi- ness at Cape Girardeau for a time in com- pany with Dr. J. H. Rider. For three years, from 1885 to 1887, he was engaged in the drug business at JMarshall, Texas, where he was connected with the Texas & Pacific Rail- road Hospital. After being graduated in Barnes Medical College Dr. Wichterich set- tled permanently at Cape Girardeau, where he initiated the active practice of his profes- sion and where he soon succeeded in building up a large and lucrative patronage. In 1907 he again engaged in the drug business in conjunction with his professional work and he is now the owner of a very fine drug store. In his practice Dr. Wichterich makes a spe- cialty of internal medicine, never advising surgery except in most urgent ca.ses. He is an ardent follower of the unwritten code of professional ethics and by reason of his splendid ability and straightforward methods has won the imqualified regard and admira- tion of his fellow practitioners. In June, 1902, was recorded the marriage of Dr. Wichterich to ]\Iiss Elma Taylor, wlio was born and reared at Cape Girardeau and who is a daughter of J. W. Taylor, long a prominent and influential citizen of ths place. Dr. and Jlrs. Wichterich have no children. In his religious faith the Doctor is a devout communicant of the Catholic church and a liberal contributor to many philanthropical organizations. In politics Dr. Wichterich is aligned as a stanch supporter of the cause of the Demo- cratic part.v and while he is not desirous of political preferment of any description he manifests a deep and sincere interest in all matters aifecting the general welfare. After liis father's death, in 1900, he filled out the latter's unexpired term as city treasurer. For the past eight .vears he has been a member of the board of health of Cape Girardeau and in tliat connection he has been a means of improving the sanitary conditions of the city. He was president of the Cape Girardeau Med- ical Society for one year and he is also con- nected with the Missouri State Medical Soci- ety. In a fraternal way he is affiliated with the local lodges of the Benevolent & Protect- ive Order of Elks and the Knights of Co- lumbus. Dr. Wichterich is a man of high ideals and generous impiilses. He is consid- erate of others' opinions and sensibilites and HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 691 is ever ready to lend a helping hand to those less I'ortunatel}' situated than himself. Henry Allen May. Too much honor and esteem cannot be given to a physician who counts his time and pleasure as naught in comparison with the aid he can give to sutfer- ing humanity, who foregoes his night's rest, perhaps, and buffets a driving snowstorm to render assistance to one of our loved ones. Dr. Henry Allen May, of this review, has passed his entire life in Franklin county, Missouri, and has, doubtless, during the last decade and more, done just such service for many who will read this history. Robert H. May, grantlfather of our subject, was the founder of this Franklin county fam- ily and the progenitor of all the older mem- bers of this family. He was born August 7, 1792, in Charlotte county, Virginia, and re- moved from that state to Jlissouri. locating at Gray Summit, where he lived until March 13, 1870, when he was called to the Great Beyond. This old pioneer married Mary R. Portwood, of Virginia, and to them were born seven sons and two daughters, as follows: Stephen T., William H., Robert H., Jr., John R., James A., Joseph F. and Edward B. P., the two daughters, IMary A. E. F. and Martha, dying unmarried. James A. May. one of the large family of Robert H. j\Iay, was born in 1827, on a farm near Gray Summit, Franklin county, ^Mis- souri, and he followed his fatlier's vocation, that of farming, while he lived. His allegi- ance to the Southern cause precluded his en- listing in any other than the Confederate army when hostilities broke out. and he had many thrilling adventures during his war record. He was a prisoner of war in the hands of the Federals, and was wounded at the liattle of Gettysburg. James A. May mar- ried Sarah Frances Hundley, a daughter of W. A. Hundley, a pioneer of Franklin county from the Old Dominion state, the locality fi'om whence also came the Mavs. The chil- dren born to this union were James Arthur, a lawver of Pacific, Missoiiri : Annie Lee, the wife of W. H. Miles, of Grav Summit ; and Henry Allen, the subject of this sketch. The mother of these children died July 23. 1880, whpu she was but little more than thirty-one years of age: the father had died nine years previouslv, in December, 1871. Dr. Henry Allen ^lay was thus left with- out parents at a very tender age. his birth having occurred at Gray Summit, Franklin county, Missouri, on the 14th of April, 1872, At the death of his mother, this eight-year- old boy was tpken care of by his relatives, and he spent the first two years in the home of his uncle, Edward B. F. May. Upon the death of this gentleman he went to live with another uncle, Thomas B. North, where he remained for some years, acquiring his edu- cational training in the common schools of that locality. After finishing the prescribed work of the public school he spent two years in the State University of Missouri, and, hav- ing decided that he would become a physi- cian, he took up the study of medicine at Beamnont Hospital jMedical College, a school which later was merged with the St. Louis I'niversity, and graduated from that institu- tion, receiving his certificate of Doctor of Medicine in 1894. The next year young Dr. May located at Washington, where he has since successfully practiced his profession, attaining a consderable clientele and an ever- growing circle of admirers, who have every confidence in the skill and professional acu- men of Henry A. May. The Doctor holds memliership in the Franklin County Medical Society, the Missouri State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. Fra- ternally he is affiliated with the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and the Modern Wood- men of America, while in politics he, like his ancestors, is a supporter of the principles and policies of the Democratic party. Dr. May is also one of the proprietoi's of that interesting sheet, the Franldin Count}! Observer. On February 5, 1895, our subject married Miss Clara Ming, who was born Setember 8, ] 868. a daughter of the late Judge James M. Ming, an honored citizen of Frankilu county. Judge iling was born in Virginia, in 1824, where he married Jemimah Osborn, a native also of that state, and from there they removed to Missouri early in life. He rendered invaluable and und.ying .service to the citizens of Franklin county when he, as county judge, declined to make the levy of taxes for the payment of the bonds of the fraudulent Budd and Decker road, and, be- cause of such refusal, he was imprisoned by the court and thus suffered for his loyalty to his county and his allegiance to the prin- cinles of rierht. The children of Judge James M. and Jemimah (Osborn) Ming were as fol- lows: Eugene, who has sat upon the bench of the county court of Franklin countv and wore the ermine which his father graced and rendered hallowed by his righteous decisions. 692 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI and he is uow engaged in farming; William, who married Miss Celeste Jeffries; Emmet, deceased, who married Miss Emma VVallis; Fannie, deceased, who was united in mar- i-iage with Dr. J. R. Wallace, and passed away at Washington, Missouri, in June, 1904 ; and Clara, who married Dr. Maj', our sub- ject. Judge Ming was not only respected and beloved as a public official, but was a man of fine character, being, as he always as- serted, a "self-made man" in the truest sense of the word. He made a success of whatever he undertook, believing in that old and trite but true axiom: "What's worth doing at all is worth doing well. ' ' He was a staunch Democrat in his political proclivi- ties, having served Franklin county for three terms in the legislature. He passed away March 22, 1908, his wife having preceded him to that "Far Country," her demise oc- curring October 2, 1903. Returning to the immediate subject of this sketch, Dr. Henry Allen May, we would chronicle the fact that Dr. and Mrs. I\Iay have one daughter, Susie Frances, and these three form a home circle which is in every way ideal, and their friends, be they rich or poor, are ever accorded a genial welcome to their home. Jacob M. Deck. That true American, Thomas Jefferson, is credited with saying: "Let the farmer evermore be honored in his calling; for though he labor in the earth he is one of the chosen people of God." Jacob M. Deelc, of Bollinger county. Missouri, comes of a family of farmers, men of honor and good citizens and he stands as a representa- tive of the third generation of his family in this county, tlie first of the name having been one of the brave and dauntless pioneers who turned out of the trodden highways and cut new paths, laying them straight and clean. Mr. Deck was born one mile northwest of the town of Glen Allen, Bollinger county, Mis- souri, on the 18th day of April, 18.58. He is the son of Frederick and ^Margaret E. (Clubb) Deck, natives of Missouri, and his paternal grandfather, Isaac Deck, was a na- tive of North Carolina. Isaac Deck was the founder of the family in the state, his arrival in Bollinger county occurring in 180.5. He secured six Imndred acres of land, which he entered and homesteaded, and he changed the wilderness into a fertile farm, upon wliich he lived and reared his children. His son Fred- erick, father of the immediate subject of this biographical record, died March 20, 1865, and left three hundred and forty acres to be di- vided among his four lieirs. Mr. Deck be- came the possessor of the entire estate, buy- ing the shares of the other three heirs. How- ever, he later sold forty acres and now owns all but that amount of the old Isaac Deck homestead. Upon this fine old farm the subject was born and reared and here has passed all his life. He attended the district school and like most farmers' sons early became familiar with the many mysteries of seedtime and har- vest. When it came to choosing a vocation he concluded to follow in the paternal foot- steps and he has achieved success, being well- to-do and prominent. Mr. Deck married in 1880, the lady of his choice being Eliza J. Sites, born in Madison, a daughter of Emanuel and Susan (Yount) Sites, natives of Missouri. Their union has been blessed by the ■ birth of a number of children, seven of whom are living, namely: Ira Walter, born in 1881, married to Ruie Reason; Dora, born in 1883, married to E. A. Lincoln; Isaac Jacob, born in 1886; Mary Ann, born in 1887, is the wife of Jesse H. Winters and now lives at Ilotchkiss, Colo- rado ; Archie M,, born in 1891 ; Nellie, born in 1896 ; and Beulah, born in 1898. The cheer- ful and hospitable Deck household is one of the most popular of the community. Mr. Deck is a tried and true Democrat and in his religious conviction is in harmony with the teachings of the Missionary Baptist church, lie is a member of the Woodmen lodge. Mr. Deck is the only one living of a fam- ily of ten children, and he has but one aunt living, Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, who was also one of a large family, one of the younger chil- dren. She is now past eighty-five years of age. Charles E. Kiefner. An enumeration of the men of the present generation who have won success and public recognition for them- selves and at the same time have honored the state, to which they belong, would be incom- plete were there failure to make prominent reference to the one whose name initiates this paragraph. He holds distinctive pre- cedence as a contractor and Iniilder at Periy- ville, Missouri, as a man of liroad and varied attainments and as a valued and patriotic citizen. He is distinctively a man of affairs and one who has wielded a wide influence. A strong mentality, invincible courage and a ■aW / £^ HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 693 most determined iudividuality have so entered into his makeup as to render him a natural leader of men and a director of opin- ion. He has ever manifested a deep and sin- cere interest in community ali'airs and for three sessions represented his district in the state legislature of Missouri. A native sou of Perryville, Missouri, Charles E. Kiefner was born on the 25th of November, 1869, and he is a scion of an old and honored German family, his father, Jolm Kiefner, having been born in Bavaria on the 6th of April, 1834. John Kiefner was reared to the age of sixteen years in his old father- laud and he received an excellent primary education in the public schools of Germany. In 1850 he immigrated to the United States in company wnth. his grandfather and they located in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, where the young John learned the cabinet maker's trade. In 1865, just after the close of the Civil wai', John Kiefner decided to establish his home in the west and in that year he came to Perryville, where he opened up a furniture and undertaking business, continuing to be engaged in that line of enterprise for a period of forty years. On the 25th of December, 1854, at Baltimore, was solemnized his marriage to Miss Cather- ine Lakel. who traces her origin back to ster- ling German stock. Mr. and Mrs. Kiefner became the parents of eleven children, five of whom are living at the present time, in 1911. On other pages of this work is dedicated a sketch to Samuel B. Kiefner, an older brother of the subject of this review. Mr. and Mrs. Kiefner are now living at Perryville, where they are retired from the active affairs of life and where they are enjoying to the full the fruits of their former years of earnest toil and endeavor. They are a fine old couple and are everywhere beloved for their admirable qual- ities and genial kindliness. Charles E. Kiefner was educated in the public schools of Pei-ryville and at the age of fourteen years he accompanied his parents to Kansas, where they resided for the ensuing four years. During this period Mr. Kiefner learned the carpenter's trade and upon his return to Perryville, at the age of twenty-one years, he opened offices as a contractor and builder. In 1894, when the railroad was ex- tended into Perryville he entered into a part- nership alliance with Mr. Tlapek in the lum- ber business, in which line of enterprise he has continued to be interested during the long intervening years to the present time. As a captain of industry he is a man of shrewd executive ability — one who sees and grasps an oi^portunity in time to make the most of it. But all his attention has not been devoted to business enterprises. He is a stanch Re- publican in his political proclivities and his first public oifice was that of alderman of Perryville. So well did he discharge his duties in this connection that later he was elected mayor of the city, serving in that capacity for a period of four vears, from 1899 to 1903. In 1902 Mr. Kiefner was further honored by his fellow citizens in that he was then elected to represent Perry coimty in the Forty-third general assembly of Mis- souri. He was elected as his own successor in that office for the two succeeding sessions and he finally retired from the legislature in 1908. He was assigned to membership on important committees of the house and was a faithful and earnest worker in the deliber- ations of both the floor and committee room. At the present time, in 1911, he is president of the Republican county committee. In every possible connection Mr. Kiefner has contributed his fair quota to the progress and upbuilding of Perryville and Perry countj^ at large and as a citizen no one commands a higher degree of popular confidence and esteem than does he. On the 10th of July, 1895, Mr. Kiefner was united in marriage to Miss Jettie Luckey, who was born and reared at Brazeau, in Perry county and who is a daughter of Robert Luckey, a representative farmer at Brazeau, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Kiefner are the fond parents of five children, whose names are here entered in respective order of birth, —Charles H., Edwin L., Frank W., John and Kathryn. In their religious faith the Kief- ner family are devout members of the Presbyterian church, to whose charities and benevolences he is a most liberal contributor. In a fraternal way Mr. Kiefner is affiliated with the time-honored Masonic order and with the Modern Woodmen of America, in addition to which he is also a valued and ap- preciative member of the local lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. His is a noble character, one that subordinates personal ambition to public good and seeks rather the benefit of others than the aggrand- izement of self. Genial in his associations, he 694 HISTORY OP SOUTHEAST MISSOURI is considerate of others' feelings and sensibil- ities and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in distress. Kos Little is known in Kennett as the "Spoke Man." By that they do not mean that he is always talking, on the contrary, he does not talk unless he has something to say and then he knows how to say it. One can- not fail to have the most profound admira- tion for those men who do their work and hold their peace — giving us faitli in their al)il- ities. They mind their own business. Such a one is Kos Little, the manufacturer of spokes. He was born in Weakley county, Tennes- see, October 27, 1869. He is a son of T. I. and Sarah (Roberts) Little, both residents of' Ten- nessee, being natives of Kentucky and Tennes- see, respectively. T. I. Little has always been and is still actively interested in spoke manu- facturing and banking. Both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. There were eight children boim to them, viz. : J. D. (deceased), T. M., J. W., Kos, Mrs. Maud (Jeter), Maggie (deceased). Dr. R. M. and Mrs. Mary Gray (Banks). Kos Little was educated in his native county and after his schooling was ended he spent two years in the United States Revenue Service ; then moved to Paducah, Kentucky, and engaged with his brother, J. W. Little, in manufactur- ing spokes. His father and three older broth- ers are all engaged in the spoke manufactur- ing business. He learned all about the busi- ness, learning how to select the timber, how to cut it and move it to the factory. He used hickory ahnost exclusively for his spokes. He was in the business with his brother in Pad- ucah for eight years, coming to Kennett in 1901 to establish a plant here. He sells about thirty thousand dollars worth of spokes each year, manufacturing buggy, carriage and au- tomobile spokes, all made of hickory. He em- ploys thirty men and his expenses for operat- ing are about twenty-five thousand dollars a year. In addition to this business he is presi- dent of the Merchant Oil Company of Ken- nett, selling oil for tanks, etc. He is vice president of the Kennett Building and Loan Association, which is doing a great deal for Kennett. He owns some town property, on •^'hicli he puts up the buildings. He is inter- ested in educational work and has served on the city board. Mr. Little married Mary Jones in Green- field, Tennessee. November 7, 1894, and one daughter, Louise, has been born to the union. When Mr. Little takes a vacation, he gen- erally spends it at Dawson Spring, Kentucky. George Henry Bisplinghopf. Three years ago (in 1908) when George Henry Bispliug- hoff, editor and publisher of The Bisfiiarck Gazette, first secured control of that newspa- per, he had the distinction of being the youngest newspaper proprietor in the state of Missouri. Now, although but twenty-four years of age, he has manifested that he is of the stuff of which the ideal member of the Fourth Estate is made. The Gazette is inter- esting, reliable, sound and advanced in its views and is experiencing a steady growth. ]\lr. Bisplinghoff is loyal to Bismarck with the loyalty of a native son, for it was within its borders that his birth occurred on Febru- ary 10, 1887. His father, Henry Bispling- hotf, was born in Wayne county, ]\Iissouri, in 1858, and is of German descent. The grand- father, August Bisplinghoff, was, in truth, one of the early settlers of the state. He was born in Elberfeldt, Germany, in 1829, and came to the "land of promise" — America — in early life, locating in Missouri and engag- ing first in surveying and then devoting his energies to farming. He was never elected to the position of government surveyor, but was appointed to the same by Governor Brown. This interesting and honored gen- tleman, who is now eighty-two years of age, divides his residence between Bismarck and Frederiektown, and although advanced in yeai-s still retains his physical and mental faculties in much of their pristine vigor. The father of the subject came to Missouri just previous to the Civil war and settled in Pat- terson, in whose vicinity the grandfather conducted a farm. In 1885, some two yeai-s before the birth of the subject, he removed to Bismarck, where he still resides. He mar- ried Cornelia Jordan, daughter of William Jordan, of Potosi, and to their union eight children were born, six of whom are living, George Henry being the second in order of birth of the living children. The father since becoming identified with Bismarck has been engaged in the drug and general merchandise bu.siness. He is one of the stalwart Demo- crats of the county and is affiliated with the Court of Honor, while the family is con- nected with the Methodist Episcopal church, South. The early life of George Henry Bispling- hoff was passed in Bismarck and to the schools of the eitv is he indebted for his ed- HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 695 ucation in its preliminary stages. He subse- quently matriculated in Marvin College at Frederiektown, and was graduated from the Will Mayfield College at Marble Hall in 1905, taking the degree of Bachelor of Science. After graduating he returned to Bismarck and in April, 1908, he bought the office of The Bismarck Gazette. Although young in years, he has given evidence in the manage- ment of its affairs of a sound judgment and an editorial ability of decidedly promising order. The paper, independent in policy, has a local subscription list of five hundred, and its advent into the many homes of the little city and its environs is each week eagerly awaited. ^Ir. Bisplinghoff still resides at the paren- tal home, having not yet become a recruit to the Benedicts. He is Democratic in his po- litical faith, as his father and grandfather have been before him, and his lodge member- ship is with the Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Court of Honor and the Rebekahs. Harry E. Alexander, although a young man, has already shown the citizens of Cape Girardeau the mettle there is in him. He is a man who is calculated to be a power for good in the community. Most people are consumed with anxiety as to what others will think of their actions and will govern their conduct according to other people's ideas of what it should be. On the other hand, some men are utterly regardless of what other peo- ple may think and in order to show their dis- regard for public opinion they go ahead and do exactly the opposite to the approved, gen- erally accepted methods of procedure. Mr. Alexander is one of the small class of men who have hit the happy medium. He takes pains to find oi^t in his own mind the course he intends to follow and he pursues that course, regardless of all other considerations. It is through such men that reforms come and without them there would be no progress. He was born in Cape Girardeau county, February 3, 1880. His grandfather, Wil- liam E. Alexander, was a native of Mecklin- burg county. North Carolina, and was of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestors having come to America from Scotland. In 1830. when William E. was a lad of eleven years of age, his father and mother brought him to southeastern Missouri ; they located in Cape Girardeau county, where they were one of the pioneer families of the county. William was educated in the county and achieved suc- cess. For many years he was public admin- istrator in the state. His sou, Oliver Alexan- der, was born iu Cape Girardeau county, where he was educated, engaged in farming and was married to Lillian L. Woods, also a native of Cape Girardeau count.y. She was the daughter of Rufus Woods who came from North Carolina al)out the same time that W^illiam E. Alexander came. The Woods family packed all their worldl.y belongings on wagons and made the journey from North Carolina to Missouri by that slow, laborious method. The family originally came from. Scotland and like the Alexander family were of Scotch-Irish descent. Harry is the eldest of three children, hav- ing a brother and sister. His boj'hood days were spent on his father's farm, where he learned to work, his father believing in the value of earl.y training in habits of industry and responsibility. He did not, however, in- tend to be a farmer, but to be a lawyer like his grandfather. He was sent to the district school, where his natural abilities and dili- gence combined soon won him recognition. He attended high school and then the State normal school at Cape Girardeau, after which he went to the state university at Columbia, but did not complete the course there. In- stead he went to Austin, where the state uni- versit.v of Texas wqs located and graduated from the law department there in 1902. The following year he came to Cape Girardeau, where he began to practice law. He was alone for six years, but in 1909 he formed a partnership with Senator Lane, a lawyer who had already become prominent as a law- yer and a statesman. The firm has met Avith unprecedented success. In 1905 Mr. Alexander married Miss Myr- tle Jackson, the daughter of Dr. Robert -T. Jackson, of Bloomfield, Missouri. Two chil- dren have been born to this union, Genevieve Lucille and William E., named after his great grandfather. In 1907 Mr. Alexander was elected state attorney, which position he held until 1911. He is a firm supporter of the Democratic party, believing that that platform embodies the principles of good government. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Or- der of Elks, of the Eagles, of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica. Being a life long member of Cape Gi- rardeau county, it is natural that Mr. Alex- ander should be vitally interested in the wel- fare of that county and of southeastern Mis- 696 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI souri generally. He is by no means inclined to rest on his oars, but is ready to assume any responsibility and imdertake any work that will promote the well being of the community and of the state. Personally he has the at- tributes which assure a man of success in anything he undertakes. E. L. Clevenger. One of the public- spirited citizens of Piedmont is the agent and yard master of the Iron Mountain Railway, E. L. Clevenger. He is the eldest of three sons of Henry and Susan (Horwood) Clev- enger, of Fulton county, Pennsylvania. The other two brothei-s live in Washington, D. C, and in San Francisco, respectively. The parents died in Pennsylvania, the father at the age of sixty-four and the mother in Penn- sylvania, when thirty-nine years old. E. L. Clevenger was born in Fulton county, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1870. When he was six years old his parents took him from the farm to town and sent him to school until he was fourteen years old. At that age he started work in a tan yard and four years later he came west. For a time Mr. Cleven- ger worked on farms in Iowa, but in Decem- ber of 1891 he came to Missouri as an opera- tor of the Iron Mountain Railway at Annap- olis and has continued in the railroad work in this state ever since. ,From Annapolis he was transferred to Blackwell, Missouri; in 1894, was sent to Williamsville as agent, and in 1902 he was promoted to his present posi- tion at Piedmont. In this town Mr. Clevenger has worked untiringly for the improvement of the schools. He was "first elected to the school board in 1908. He was reelected in 1911 and chosen president in recognition of his hard work for the cause of education. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clevenger are active members of the Christian church. Mrs. Clevenger was for- merly Miss IMargaret Suddeth, of Prairie City, Iowa. She became Mrs. Clevenger Sep- tember 4, 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Clevenger have four children, Ruby, Helen, Marjorie and Edrice. all at home. Polities has no part in Mr. Clevenger's busi- ness, biit he is a staunch Republican in mat- ters of political policy. John C. Dale. Distinctly a man of affairs, with a wide and successful experience in busi- ness and service in public office, Mr. Dale is best known in the county as a lumber mer- chant. His parents, James L. and Sarah J. Dale, were natives of Tennessee, who came to Missouri in 1847 and located in Wayne county, near Piedmont. Here John C. Dale was born May 16, 1857, the first of a family of four children of whom three are still liv- ing. Both parents are deceased. Until eighteen years of age Mr. Dale lived on his father's farm. At that time he went to Greenville and spent the next four years as deputy clerk, deputy sheriff and collector under James F. Hatton. At the conclusion of this period he kept books for Mr. Fred Evans, of Piedmont, and later was employed in the same capacity by Mr. H. N. Holliday, of Williamsville. Mr. Holliday was then planning the Holliday Railroad, later 'built to Greenville. After spending four years in mercantile business in Piedmont, Mr. Dale went to Texas in 1885. He remained there ten years, the entire time working in the clerical de- partment of the Southern Pacific Railway. In 1895 he returned to Missouri where he has remained ever since. Saw mills, a stave factory, real estate, the insurance busi- ness and lastly the tie and lumber busi- ness have claimed his attention during these last sixteen years. Mr. Dale operated saw mills for three years and in 1900 he became superintendent for the Pioneer Cooperage Plant at Lutesville, which was established over forty years ago. He kept this position for six years, until he resigned it to engage in a successful real estate and insurance busi- ness. Mr. Dale spent the period from 1905 to 1909 at the last mentioned business, and then went into the lumber and railroad tie business. In a normal season his son Harry is his official tie and lumber inspector and buyer. Mr. Dale himself is the owner of three hundred and fifty acres of timber and farm land in Bollinger county, besides one and three-fourths acres and a fine residence in Lutesville. The marriage of Mr. Dale to Miss Anna Dennis, of Wayne county, occurred August 1. 1879. Miss Dennis was the daughter of William Dennis, former sheriff of Wayne county, a personal friend of Sam Hildebrand and a Confederate soldier. Mr. and Mrs. Dale have seven children living: Maudie, wife of S. E. Chandler, was born in 1883. Hattie, a bookkeeper in Shreveport, Louis- iana, was bom in 1885. The third daugh- ter, Martha V., is the wife of J. H. Byrd, of Kansas City, Missouri, and was born in 1888. Ollie, born 1890, is with the Consoli- JAMES R. HOMINES HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 697 dated Store and Manufactm-ing Company. James Harry, mentioned earlier in tliis sketch, was born in 1893. Lillie and Charles were born in 1897 and 1900 respectively. A good mixer and a man of deserved per- sonal popularity, Mr. Dale is active in sev- eral fraternal organizations. He is a mem- ber of the A. F. and A. M., of Marble Hill, and of the chapter and commandery at Cape Girardeau, in which he has taken fourteen degrees. He is also affiliated with the I. 0. 0. F., the K. 0. T. M. and with the A. 0. U. W. Mr. and Mrs. Dale are members of the Presbyterian church. In politics Mr. Dale is a Republican, and, as earlier stated, he is not without experience in public office. It was while he was serving as deputy sheriff of Wayne county that the capture of the New Madrid desperadoes was planned and executed. The leaders in this dangerous undertaking were James Hatton and John Davis. Mr. Dale, who was absent on ofScial business, was fifteen minutes late in arriving at Greenville, and Messrs. Hat- ton and Davis had already followed the des- peradoes out of town and caught up with them at the rendezvous, Jim Lee's residence, where they were eating a late breakfast. Hat- ton and Davis had held up both robbers in the dining room, but unfortunately they re- laxed vigilance and both were shot. Hatton recovered, but Davis died as the result of an operation performed in the hope of sav- ing him from the effects of the robbers' bul- lets. Altogether, Mr. Dale's career has been one of unusual interest. "William "W. Hubbard. An industrious and enterprising farmer of Dunklin county, William W. Hubbard is prosperously en- gaged in his free and independent occupa- tion on one of the pleasantest homesteads in Senath, where he has lived for nearly a dec- ade. Coming on both sides of the house from Irish ancestry, he was born September 27, ' 1858, in Brownsville, Haywood county, Ten- nessee, where his parents settled on leaving Virginia, their native state. His father, who died while yet in the prime of life, in 1861, was a stage driver until after the building of railroads throughout Tennessee, when he embarked in the grocery business, which he carried on successfully until his death. His widow married a second time, but did not live very long thereafter, passing away in 1872. After his mother's death William W. Hub- bard, who had acquired his early education in the subscription schools of Tennessee, went to live with his grandmother and two aunts, who had been left almost destitute through the ravages of the Civil war, and his grandmother subsequently lived with him until her death, in 1896, at the venerable age of eighty-nine years. Selecting farming as his life occupation, Mr. Hubbard settled in White county Arkansas, about 1879, remain- ing there until 1903, being employed in agri- cultural pursuits all of the time with the exception of four yeare when he was en- gaged in railroad work, being foreman of a section gang a part of the time. For four years after locating in Dunklin county, in 1903, jMr. Hubbard rented land, but has since resided on his present farm, and in its man- agement has been quite successful, having a large part of it cleared and under cultiva- tion, much of which is now rented to tenants. He intends to clear and improve the whole of his land and fence it, a work in which he has already made rapid progress, his farm bidding fair to become one of the most desir- able pieces of property in the neighborhood. Politically Mr. Hubbard is aiSliated with the Republican party, and fraternally he is a member of the Woodmen of the World, in which he has held various offices, and of the Woodmen 's Circle, an auxiliary of the former organization. Mr. Hubbard married, in January, 1889, in White county, Arkansas, Elizabeth Allen, who was born in Tennessee, January 24, 1867, a daughter of J. M. and Emma (Spark- man) Allen. Her father is now living in Senath, but her mother died in 1878, wbcxi Mrs. Hubbard was a girl of eleven years. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have four eliildren, namely : Russell B., born July 23. 1890 ; Wal- ter C, born January 27, 1892 ; John B., bora November 11, 1896 ; and Pauline, bom De- cember 25, 1908. James R. Romines. Missouri boasts, and with reason, of its wonderful agricultural re- sources, and that it has become such a success- ful farming country is attributable to the fact that men of acknowledged abilities have iden- tified themselves with the cultivation of the soil. James R. Romines, a farmer by nature, by inheritance and from choice, stands prom- inent in the state which he has helped to make famous. Mr. Romines was born August 2, 1870, on a farm near Vineit, and is the son of Thomas 698 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI and Lulu (Rogers) Romines. The father, familiarly called ' ' Tom, ' ' was a native of Ten- nessee, where he spent the first few years of his boyhood, then came to ilissouri with his parents, where he later entered the agricul- tural field. He secured a tract of land on Horse Island, with the idea of cultivating it, but he was not very successful ; thinking that he would accomplish better results in some other location, he moved to Vincit, but a short trial convinced him that if anything he would find the Vincit farm less desirable than the one he had formerly worked on, so back he went to Horse Island. He stayed this time for a period of seven years, his previous ex- perience enabling him to achieve a fair suc- cess, but he was by no means satisfied. At the expiration of seven years of uphill work, he disposed of the Horse Island place and again pulled up his stakes, moving this time to a farm two and a half miles northeast of Caruth. He was a hard worker, but some- how or other he was not able to do more than make both ends meet — land was new and there were few conveniences in that section of the country. He died in 1880, leaving fifty acres of land to his twin brother Will, and this tract represented the result of his years of work; Will died some years ago, and the property' remains in the family, owned by his children. The early history of j\Irs. Tom Romines was identical with that of her hus- band, in that she was born in Tennessee and had come to Missouri with her folks some years before her marriage, which took place at Caruth. To their union two children were born, Ellen, who married Wesley Winters, of Vincit, and James R,, the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Thomas Romines maintains her home with her daughter at Vincit. When James R. Romines was very small the family moved from Vincit to Horse Is- land, as above noted, remaining tliere until James had passed his sixth birthday and was about ready to commence his school life. At that time he accompanied his parents to Ca- ruth ; his father was poor iind the roads in the neighborhood of his new home were verj' bad, so the result was that the lad received very little education in the way of schooling, but he did receive a thorough training in all kinds of farm work, so that in 1890. when at the age of twenty he started out to carve his own career, he was erpiipped with a work- ing knowledge of the various classes of agri- cultural pur.suits, which stood him in good stead. Leaving home with^-a capital of ten dollars, he passed the eu.siting three years as a farm hand, working for the farmers in the neighliorhood of Caruth. He did not draw on his capital, but on the other hand he constantly added to it all that he could pos- sibly save, and at the expiration of three years he bought a tract of land on Horse Is- land and commenced farming operations on the place. After two years' steady cultiva- tion of the soil he had made many improve- ments in the farm, and he was able to dispose of it at a profit. For the following four or five years he rented a place, and in the mean- time he watched for an opportunity to be- come permanently located. He bought forty acres of land near Kennett, his present home, but he now owns a tract of sixty acres, and inasmuch as the land has doubled in value since he bought it, he is worth three times as much as when he fir.st came to Kennett. He has done much to bring his farm to a high state of cultivation, — has put up new fences, built new outbuildings and generally im- jiroved the place. In addition to managing liis own land, he rents about eighty acres yearly, making al)out one hundred and fifty acres of land which he farms, raising cotton and corn for the most part, but he also de- votes part of his land to stock raising. On the 8th of January, 1890, Mr. Romines married Josephine Akers, who was born in Alabama, in 1872, where her father was en- gaged in farming. She is a daughter of Leb and Jane (Stone) Akers, both natives of Ala- l^ama and both are deceased, as are ]\Irs. Ro- mines' three brothers and three sisters. The Akers family moved to Vincit, Missouri, in 1874, when the little Josephine was a mere child, and as a matter of course she made the ac' ^^. ■"^^d^ 95 %. .«5 Q< ^ 9> 9^ \ > . V • , 'Ti \> ^ <3^ .\ ^. ^ c?' '- . , <.'''v;s^ ac>^