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CLASS C^ XXC, No. I Entered According to Act of Cong:ress, in the ye;ir 1905, by JOHN ANDERSON PUBLISHING CO. in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washingtor, D. C. PREFACE In this work the rea(|er- will -find recorded the achievements of a people, men and women, who by their enterprise, industry and honesty have helped to bring those |ouritiesj t6\vlish|ps, cities, and villages, where their work was and still is being dong; to! rank second to none among those comprising this great and, noble State. From their own lips we have the story of their lives ahcT'struggles. In this volume will be found the names of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming gen- erations. It will tell how most of them, commencing life in poverty, by industry and economy have not only accumulated wealth, but by integrity and sterling character attained the highest standing in their communities. It will tell how others, with very limited advantages for securing an edu- cation, have become learned, with an influence extending throughout the land. It will tell of people in every walk in life, who have striven to succeed, and records how that success has usually crowned their efforts. It also will tell of many, very many, who not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued the even tenor of their way, content to have it said of them, "They have done what they could." It will also tell, how many left the plow and the anvil, left every trade and profession, and at their adopted country's call went forth to do or to die. Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve it as a sacred treasure from the fact that it contains much that else would never have found its way into public records. Great care has been taken and every opportunity possibly given to those represented to insure cor- rectness in what has been written. The faces and biographical sketches of many will be missed in this volume. For this the compiler is not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the information necessary to complete a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some members of the family would oppose the enter- A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS prise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In the biographical sketches we have allowed each individual to spell his name, both given and surname, according to his own custom. We tried at first to correct the spelling of the Norwegian given names in order to get them more uniform, but met with objections, and were obliged to give up the attempt. Considering the large number of contributors it is but natural that the style of the book as a whole should be somewhat uneven, and we do not claim much literary merit for it. That some errors and fallacies will be found, we have no doubt. Errare humanum est. Our solace is that we have done the best we could. In addition to the historical part strictly in conformity with the ob- ject of this book we also present a few articles, which in our opinion add greatly to its historical value, such for instance as, "Our ancestors," "Glimpses of Norwegian history," "Beginnings of Chicago," etc. This we do for the benefit of our younger generations. As there can arise no question as to the intrinsic value of these chapters, we did not hesitate making them parts of the book. A glance at the pages of this volume will, no doubt, convince the reader that we have been painstaking in gathering data and facts. While we regret to say that in many instances we have not met with the as- sistance and encouragement expected, we can on the other hand gladly acknowledge that many intelligent men have devoted both time and labor in order to assist us in obtaining such information as we needed for the book. A most valuable and complete part of the volume will be found in the detailed sketches of the various church denominations. PART I. HISTORY A people that take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered by remote generations. — McCaulev- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Our Ancestors, by Kristofer Janson 17 Glimpses of Norwegian History 33 The Norwegian Pioneer, by Rev. A. Bredesen 38 The First Colony of Norwegian Immigrants 40 The Sloop Party • • 41 The "Sloopers" who came to Illinois • 43 Porter C. Olson 45 The First Farm owned by a Norwegian west of the Great Lakes 50 Claims and First Improvements 50 In What Condition did the First Norwegian Settlers find the Tract on which they settled? • • 54 Shabbona • • • ■ ^5 Kleng Peerson ■•.... 59 Kleng Peerson's Dream 61 Prairie Fires •-.... 62 A Prairie Blizzard (Related by a Norwegian Pioneer) 63 A Cloudburst ••••■• 64 The Bandits of the Prairies 64 Indian Character and Customs 65 One of the Old Pioneers (Wier Sjurson Weeks) 67 The Third Norwegian Settlement ' 70 Mission and Miller Townships 73 Miller Township • "^6 Adams Township 77 The Village of Leland 78 Ottawa • ■ '^^ Norway • • ^^ Sheridan • • ^i Big Grove Township ^^ Newark • • ^^ Nettle Creek Township, Grundy County 83 1(1 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Page Capron and Jefferson Prairie - 84 Lee County . 85 The Pontiac and Rowe Settlement 88 The Beginnings of Chicago, by Edwin Erie Sparks, Ph. D 93 Norwegian Churches in lUinois The Norwegian Synod, \^ Page by Rev. Alfred O. Johnson 98 Our Saviour's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chicago 103 The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lee County, 111., by Rev. J. Nordby 148 The United Church, Rev. George Tailor Rygh, Editor 104 Zion Church, Elgin, 111., by Miss Aagot Rovelstad 104 Aurora, III., by Miss Anna Bj^rseth 107 Covenant Church, Chicago, by Rev. C. O. Solberg 108 Pontoppidan Church, Gardner, 111., by Rev. Chr. Christiansen 109 Bethania Church. Gardner Prairie, 111., by Rev. Chr. Christiansen.... 110 Bethlehem Church, Morris, 111., by Rev. T. Aarrestad 112 Hauge's Church, Grundy County, 111 113 Trinity Church, South Chicago, 111., by Rev. Olaus Qualen 114 Pontoppidan Church at Gibson City, 111., by Rev. J. L0nne 115 Bethel Church, Chicago, 111., by Rev. C. E. Tiller.. 115 Freedom, 111., by Rev. P. P. Hagen 116 Big Indian Creek, 111., by Rev. P. P. Hagen 119 St. Timothy Church, Chicago, 111., by Rev. Lyle Halvorsen 121 St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rowe, 111., by Rev. C. Michaelsen 5-^7 Zion Church, Chicago, by Rev. C. K. Solberg 125 Emmaus Church, Chicago, by Rev. O. N. Nelson 126 Bethlehem Church, Chicago, by Rev. George T. Rygh 127 Nazareth Church, West Pullman, 111., by Rev. Olaus Qualen 127 Evanston, 111., by Mr. C. Hendricksen 128 Lisbon, 111., by Rev. N. G. Peterson 128 Leland Congregation, Leland, 111., by Rev. Henry I. Noss 130 Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, 111., by Prof. L. A. Vigness 132 Trinity Congregation, Ottawa, 111., by Prof. L. A. Vigness 135 The Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, Chicago, 111., by Rev. H. B. Kildahl 135 TABLE OF CONTENTS 11 Hauge's Synod, Page By Rev. K. O. Eittreim 140 Trinity Church, Chicago 142 Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Church, at Norway, 111 144 Capron, 111 • • 144 The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church near Creston, 111.... 144 Rooks Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pontiac 145 The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, Platteville 145 The Newark Evangelical Lutheran Church 145 I The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church, in Chicago 146 St. Paul's English Church, Chicago 146 St. John's Church, Creston 146 Ebenezer Church, Chicago 147 Elim Church, Chicago 147 Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago 147 Joliet 147 Sandwich, De Kalb County, 111 148 Norwegian Methodism in Illinois, By Rev. H. P. Bergh 149 Norway 150 Leland 151 First Church, Chicago 152 Evanston 152 Maplewood Avenue Church, Chicago 152 Bethel, Chicago 153 Moreland, Chicago 154 Immanuel, Chicago 154 Kedzie Avenue Church, Chicago 154 Dwight, 111 154 Emmaus, Chicago 153 Bethany, Chicago • • . . 155 The Norwegian-Danish City Mission 155 The Camp-meeting 156 Statistics 157 The Norwegian-Danish Theological Seminary at Evanston, 111.... 157 The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Book Concern 158 The Young People 159 Doctrines 159 The Ministry of the Church and Church Government 159 Biographies of Some Prominent Norwegian-Danish Methodist Pioneers 160 Rev. O. P. Petersen, Founder of Methodism in Norway 160 J. H. Johnson 162 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Page H. H. Holland 164 O. J. Sanaker • • . . 164 O. A. Wiersen • • 164 Norwegian Baptists, Bjr Rev. C. W. Finwall 165 The Theological Seminary, Morgan Park, III 167 Brief Sketches of Some Norwegian Teachers at the Baptist School, Morgan Park, 111 16S Prof. H. Gundersen 168 Prof. C. J. Olsen 169 Rev. E. L. Myrland 169 Prof. Edward Olsen, Ph. D 170 Rev. J. A. Ohrn 171 The Congregationalists, By Prof. R. A. Jernberg • 171 The Seventh Day Adventist Church, By Rev. L. H. Christian 176 The Lutheran Free Church, By Prof. H. A. Urseth 177 Christ Norwegian Lutheran Church 178 The Church of the Veritans, By B. C. Peterson 179 The Norwegians in Chicago 180 Early Norwegian Settlers in Chicago 181 What You may find in an old Directory 183 The Norwegian Old Settlers' Society 184 Early Norwegian Printers in Chicago 186 The Scandinavian Typographical Union 187 The Norwegian Old People's Home Society, By Dr. N. T. Quales • 187 The Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home, By Mrs. Sophie Michaelsen 191 The Hope Mission and Scandinavian Girls' Home, By Mathilda B. Carse 195 The First Norwegian Total Abstinence Society, By Mrs. U. F. Bruun 196 International Order of Good Templars, By Henry Weardahl 197 (and in the supplement). Scandinavian Young Men's Christian Association 199 Scandinavian Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago, West Division 199 The Norwegian National League, By Andrew Hummeland •. 201 TABLE OF CONTENTS I3 Page The Nordmaendenes Sangforening 203 The Sleipner Athletic Club 206 Court Normania No. 174, I. O. F., of Illinois 207 The Norwegian Sick-Benefit Society "Nordlyset" 209 Scandinavian Women's Burial Benefit Association 211 Sick and Aid Society of the Bethlehem Congregation 213 Enigheden 213 Liberty Band 214 Biographical Sketches of a few Chicago Norwegians departed from this world. Andrew Nelson Brekke 215 Mrs. Laura Anderson 215 Jens Olsen Kaasa 216 Tver Lawson : 217 Dr. G. Ch. Paoli 217 Captain Christian Erickson 217 C. L. B. Stange 218 Canute R. Matson 219 (and in the supplement) Knud Langland 219 Rev. John Z. Torgersen 221 Captain William Johnson 221 Christian Jevne 222 Bj^rn Edwards 223 Ole A. Thorp 223 Iver Larsen 224 Ulrich Daniels 225 Albart J. Elvig 225 Louis J. Lee 226 Berent M. Wold 227 Some Memorable Events in the History of the Norwegians in Chicago. Dr. Fridtiof Nansen's Visit 228 The Viking Ship at the World's Fair 231 Norway at the Chicago World's Fair 233 Norwaj*'s Pavilion , 234 Norway's Building at the World's Fair 236 Leif Erikson • • 238 The Norwegian Student Singers 238 Norwegians in the Industrial and Financial Fields. Johnson Chair Company 241 Torris Wold & Company 244 C. Jevne & Company 244 The Central Manufacturing Coinpany 245 A. Petersen & Company 245 14 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Page Sethness Company 246 The Independent Cracker IMachine Company 247 Architectural Sheet-Metal Ornaments 248 State Bank of Chicago 248 Ottawa Banking & Trust Company 250 Lee State Bank, Lee, 111 250 The First National Bank of Lcland 250 Farmers & Merchants Bank, Leland 250 Lee Advertising Company 251 List of Illustrations (Other than individual Portraits.) Page Vikings attacking the fortifications of Paris ■ 19 Vikings landing in Southern Europe 21 Vikings in action 21 Viking dragons approaching the coast of Italy 25 Emperor Charlemagne observing the Vikings 26 Northern Vikings approaching a southern fortress 27 Old Viking castle 29 Russians (Slavs) paying hommage to Rurik, the Founder of the Russian empire 30 A Bard singing to the warriors 31 Monument of Col. Porter C. Olson 49 Shabbona 55 Shabbona's Daughter, her husband. Chief Kick-Kock, and their Daughter 56 Dedication of the Monument erected in 1906 at Freedom, near Ottawa, 111. 57 W. S. Weeks' homestead 68 St. Paul's Church, Chicago 102 Our Saviour's Church, Chicago 103 Group of Ministers of the United Church 105 North Lisbon church at Helmar, 111 Ill The Lutheran Church at Leland, 111 129 Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, 111 133 The Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, Chicago 136 A Group of Diaconesses 137 Deaconesses in Foreign Mission Work 138 Group of Sisters, Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Llome 139 The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Conference 150 PORTRAITS IN THE HISTORICAL PART 15 Page First Methodist Church, Chicago • • . . 151 Maplewood avenue M. E. Church, Chicago 153 The Methodist Tabernacle, Desplaines, III 156 The Norwegian-Danish TheologicaP Seminary at Evanston, 111 157 The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Boole Concern 158 Logan Square Norwegian Baptist Church, Chicago 166 The Theological Seminary, Morgan Park, 111 168 The Danish-Norwegian Department of Chicago Theological Seminary.. 172 Chicago Theological Seminary 173 The Hammond Library 175 Interior of Christ Chapel 178 Four generations • • 181 John Amundson's House 186 The Norwegian Old People's Home at Norwood Park 188 The Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home, Chicago 192 Harmony Hall •. 196 Scandinavian Young Men's Christian Association Building, Chicago.... 200 The Viking Ship at the World's Fair 232 Norway's Building at the World's Fair 236 The Artist's Model of Leif 'Erikson 237 The Leif Erikson Monument in Humboldt Park 239 The Johnson Chair Company's first building 242 The Johnson Chair Company's new buildings 243 C. Jevne & Company's building 244 The Central Manufacturing Company 245 A. Petersen & Company 246 Sethness Companj' 247 The Independent Cracker Machine Company 247 William Thoresen's new building 248 State Bank of Chicago 249 Building of Ottawa Banking & Trust Company 250 Portraits in the Historical Part Page Berg. Mrs. Anna 212 Christophersen, Mrs Christina 212 Daniels. Ulrich 225 Elvig, Albart J • . . . 226 Erickson, Capt. Christian 218 16 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Page Flage, Anders Larsen 182 Flage, Mrs. Anders Larsen 182 Hilleson, Amund 87 Hilleson, Mrs. Amund • • 87 Jevne, Christian 222 Johnson, Rev. J. H 163 Johnson, Capt. William 222 Kaasa, Jens Olsen . 216 Langland, Knud 220 Langland, Mrs. Knud 220 Larsen, Iver 224 LeCi, Louis J 226 Matson, Canute R 219 Michaelson, Thorstein 183 Myrland Rev. E. L 170 Nansen, Dr. Fridtiof 229 Olsen, Prof. Edward 171 Olson, Col. Porter C 46 Petersen, Rev. O. P 161 Thorp, Ole A ^ 224 Torgersen, Rev. J. Z 221 OUR ANCESTORS A Lecture, by Kristofer Janson. I here speak of the weather-beaten Vikings of the North, the Scandinavians, the Germans, the Anglo-Saxons; in short, the forefathers through whom we are mutually related, whether born on the American prairies or in the rocky valleys of Norway. I do not intend to boast of olden times compared with modern. I am one of those who believe in the eternal progress of humanity, and therefore I assert that man is happier, more civ- ilized, and in many regards better now than of yore. Nevertheless I sometimes wish to revive some of the rich though violent natural powers, the strong impulses and feelings, the energetic actions of that time and of that proud race- The modern comfortable life in luxury and amidst all conveniences is more agreeable, it is true, but sometimes it enervates the race and makes the you'ng people lazy and sluggish. And still I would not like to exchange our cozy rooms, with carpets and rocking chairs, stoves, and crys- tal panes, gas chandeliers or electric lights, for our forefathers' dirty shanties, or for their large halls with the damp earthen floors, without win- dows, the fire burning in the middle of the room and the smoke scorching the eyes. Let us look into their life. They cook, eat and sleep in the same room; the warriors and laborers step in with their damp clothes, throw them off, and warm their wet backs at the fire, so that you are nearly stifled in the close air. The food is served in wooden vessels; they grasp slices of meat with their fingers, and cut it with the knife which always hangs at their belt. They spice their meal by telling how many they have killed in the last slaughter. In the old Norse sagas we have descriptions of festivals at the royal court; and it looks pretty rough there. The guests eat and drink terribly. Intemperance in the pleasures of the table and disgust at peaceful labors — these were the chief sins of our ancestors, I still think that we men from the North eat too much. In Italy I saw working people toiling as hard as might be done under a burning sun, and yet they were satisfied with some bread, an onion, and a glass of wine, while Scandinavian sailors who had not worked at all stuffed themselves with pea soup and corned beef as much as they could. I have seen Englishmen eat roast beef and drink porter, and I have wondered how their stomachs were constructed. Martin Luther says of his countrymen, "We Germans drink till we nearly burst." And Misson, in his travels from 1700, says, "As you know, the Germans are very fond of liquor; to drink in Germany is to drink always." An old poet, who would tell what re- markable change in customs took place by the introduction of Christianity, says, "Then .the Danes ceased drinking." I do not think the old poet was right; they have not yet ceased — neither have the other Scandinavian peoples. Our ancestors felt a disgust at peaceful work because it was considered a shame to till the soil, this being a work for thralls and women, not for free men. The only occupation becoming a free warrior v/as to fight and ravage. And out they dashed in their boats made of hides, or in their war galleys with the gaping dragon head at the prow; landed where it might happen; burned, murdered, and dragged along with them cattle and people. The world belonged to those who could take it with fist or sword. Such were the common ideas of that time. Yet it is inspiring to read about those old vikings, because there breathes such a defiant courage, such a vital power from each page; but their life was often horribly wild. Sometimes they raged as tigers and lions coming direct from the woods. We all know the prayer in the French Litania of that time, "Lord, deliver us from the fury of the Normans!" "Of all the barbarians these are the strongest of body and heart, the most formidable," says an old author (Zozimos III., 147), Vikings were found "who had never slept under the smoky 18 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS rafters of a roof, nor ever drained the ale horn by an inhabited hearth." They laughed at wind and weather, and sang, "The blast of the tempest aids our oars; the bellowing of heaven, the howl- ing of the thunder hurt us not; the hurricane is our servant, and drives us whither we wish to go." A saga about King Half and his warriors gives a lively picture of this youthful, swelling defiance. The young king (he was only 12 years old) would not take on board his ship anyone who was not able to lift a certain big stone in the palace yard. Strong men were searched for through the wliolc country, but only twelve were found who could perform that feat. The king himself gave laws for his party, and among his commandments were the following: Nobody was allowed to carry a sword longer than two feet, that he might be compelled to go close to his enemy; nobody should groan with pain; nobody should dress his wounds before the day after the battle; they should never shorten sail when in a storm, never seek harbor during a hurricane, never hurt women or children, never attack peaceful merchants. Once the ship sprung a leak, and ■one of the men proposed that some of them should jump overboard to lighten the vessel. The king said they might cast lots; but it proved unnecessary. The men jumped overboard with a merry joke on their lips. With such men you can conquer. And they conquered. The Scandinavian vikings went like a consuming flame through Scotland, England, Ireland, France and Spain. They burned Bordeaux, they besieged Sevilla; the French kings were at last obliged to hire some of them to defend the kingdom against their fellow-countrymen. The idea that this wild warfare was the only proper occupation for a free man had seized on their minds to such an extent that the women too shared it. When young Egil, son of Grim, will take a seat near the daughter of a Danish earl, she repels him with scorn, saying: "You can not sit here at my side. Seldom have you provided the wolves with hot meat, nor have you, through the whole autumn, seen raven croaking over the carnage." But Egil seized her and sang: "I have walked with bloody sword, and the raven followed me. Furiously we fought; the fire passed over the dwellings of men; we sent to sleep those who kept the gates." And then she felt satisfied. Such was the conversation at table at that time. To die on the sick-bed was considered a shame. Feeling dangerously ill, a man ought to dedicate himself to Odin by "writing blood runes on his breast," i. e., running a sword through his body. It was impossible for them to thrive by peaceful labor. Having settled in foreign countries, they looked around for war, and, unable to find any, they fought among themselves. Christianity could not check their love of strife. Wild and cruel deeds took place as often after its intro- duction as before. And through the medieval ages the gloomy castles with their loopholes and moats and drawbridges bear witness that people always were compelled to live on a war footing. One evil followed in the tracks of our ancest- ors' contempt for peaceful work — slaver}-. As they did not till the soil themselves, they were compelled to get others to do so. Therefore they captured or bought thralls. In a biography of Bishop Wolstan we are told that at Bristol, at the time of the conquest, it was the custom to buy men and women from all parts of Eng- land, and to carry them to Ireland for sale in order to make money. "You might have seen with sorrow," says the old author, "long lines of young people of both sexes, and of the greatest beauty, bound with ropes and daily exposed for sale." Many highborn people were in that way sold as slaves, and compelled to drag on their existence in a foreign country as the m^eanest servants. In the old Norwegian "Laxd0la Saga" we are told of an Irish princess, Melkorka, who was sold to an Icelandic nobleman, and was made his servant and concubine. Ashamed of her piti- ful fate, she acced as if dumb, and only by chance was it discovered that she was able to talk. But let us not speak too loudly of the dis- grace of slavery among our ancestors, we who have tolerated this infamy among ourselves up to so late a day, and made it lawful in the name of Christianity! Let us not do our ancestors an injustice! When we shudder at thinking of the red stream of blood unceasingly winding its way through the old sagas we ought to remember that the olden times were rough; that the views and nerves and manners of men were dififerent from ours. What we would call politeness and gentleman-like behavior they would have called weakness and cowardice; and when we read about the more civilized nations of the same time, the Roman? and the Greeks, for instance, we find that they were not better at all; but cruelty and moral corruption and vice were with them often hidden under a cover of hypocrisy and smoothness. We must always remember to mete the past with its own measure, else we shall do injustice toward it. Under the crude crust of raw instincts and wild actions our an- cestors possessed many virtues, many noble dis- positions which it would be a benefit to revive OUR ANCESTORS 19 Vikings attacking the fortifications of Paris. 20 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS nowadays, and which enabled them to infuse the Roman world with fresh, healthy blood and moral strength. Oii'r ancestors were trustworthy. Their en- emies said of them that they were reliable. If they said "Yes" they meant yes; if they said "No" they meant no. The moving forces of their life were an intense desire for independence and a faculty to give themselves entirely to the choice of their hearts or mind. At the time when they, like other nomads, still moved along with their wives and children and servants and cattle, they settled for a while near a spring or a wood which struck their fancy, and where they felt most in- dependent. They hunted the beasts and defended their goods with the sword. Increasing in num- ber, they gathered together in small societies and made laws. But the character of these laws is thus described: "Each in his own home, on his land and in his hut, is his own master, upright and free, in no wise restrained or shackled. If the common weal received anything from him, it was because he gave it. He gave his vote in arms in all great conferences, passed judgment in the assembly, made alliances and wars on his own account, moved from place to place, show- ing activity and daring. If he bends, it is be- cause he is quite willing to bend; he is no less capable of self-denial than of self-independence. Self-sacrifice is not uncommon; a man cares not for his blood or his life." In the Norse sagas are preserved some speeches made by peasants before their king, and all of them breathe a manly frankness and independent feeling. When King Hakon the Good would force Christianity upon the Norwegian people, one of the peasants, Asbj^rn from Medalhus, answered him before the whole court: "When we peasants chose thee our ruler. King Hakon, and thou gavest us back our old freedom, we believed that we had em- braced heaven; but now we do not know how it is: whether we have real independence or thou wilt try to make us thralls again; and that in a peculiar way, proposing that we shall reject that creed which our parents and all our forefathers had before us. They were much stouter than we, and still this creed was sufficient for them. We have bestowed upon thee so great a con- fidence that we have allowed thee to write laws for our country. Now it is the will of all us peasants to keep the laws thou gave us, as we promised; we will all of us follow thee and retain thee as our king as long as any of us peasants here present are alive, if thou, king, wilt use some moderation and ask of us but what we can fulfill and what is possible. But if thou wilst carry this case through with such a vehemence, and use force and violence against us, then we peasants have agreed altogether to depart from thee and choose another ruler, who will assure u's that we undisturbed may have what creed we like. Now, king, thou shalt choose either of these terms before the court is through." That is an independent man's speech. In the time of Olaf the Saint there was a conflict between him and the king of Sweden. The Norwegian leaders applied to the Swedish peasantry for assistance, and the chieftain of the peasants, Thorgny, spoke to his king in the the following way: "The kings of Sweden think otherwise now than in olden times. Tliorgny, my grandfather, could remem- ber King Eirik Eimundson, and told me that he every summer went to war and conquered many realms in eastern countries, but still he was not so arrogant that he would not listen to people who had important matters to lay before him. Thorgny;, my father, was for a long time at King Bj^rn's court and knew his way of behaving. During his reign they proved powerful and suf- fered no loss, and he was a good man to care for the wants of his friends. I myself remember King Erik the Victorious, and followed him on many war expeditions. He extended the bound- aries of Sweden, defended them with valor and still took advice of us. But the king we now have will not allow any man to speak to him about other matters than those pleasing him. Such questions he urges with all his might, but loses his colonies from want of celerity and ac- tivity. He desire? to subdue Norway, a feat no Swedish king before him aspired to accomplish, and all our troubles are caused thereby. Now it is OUT will, the will of the peasants, that thou, king, shall make peace with Olaf, the king of Norway, and give him thy daughter, Ingeborg, for a wife; and if thou wishest to re-conquer the eastern provinces which your relatives and fore- fathers once possessed, then all of us will help thee thereto. But if thou wilt not agree to what we propose, then we will attack thee, and kill thee, and not bear any disturbance or unlaw- fulness from thee. In a similar way our fore- fathers have acted in times of yore. They took five kings and plunged them into a well, because they were too insolent, just as thou art at pres- ent. Tell u's now, on the spot, which of these conditions thou preferest." And the king was obliged to give way. It is the descendants of those peasants who now fill our western prairies and forests. I think that they must carry with them good materials for independent republicans. What our ancestors could tolerate least of all OUR ANCESTORS 31 was a coward or a man shrinking from pain. Among the laws of King Half was one com- mandment that nobody should keep fellowship with a man who would groan with pain. There- fore we find that parents always tried to train their children to endurance, and warriors die singing and jesting at their lacerated bodies. In the Saga of the V0lsung family (the German Nibelungen-Lied) it is narrated that Signe sewed the shirts of the male children to their bodies and then tore them off, bringing the skin also, in order to harden them. It is told of the bard Tormod that, after the battle of Sticklastad, he went into a hut where the wounded had been pair of nippers, but could not, the body was so swollen round the wound. "You take the knife and cut and give me the pincers," Tormod said. She did so, and Tormod pulled out the iron. There were barbs on the arrow, so that red and white shreds of flesh hung upon it. Tormod smiled. "The king has given us plenty of food," he said; "we are fat round the heart," and with these words he dropped down dead. The old warrior Starkad lies on a stone, quite cut to pieces, with bowels protruding from his wounds, but still he will not receive help, and scolds every passer-by who is not a free man and can use weapons. Vikings landing in Southern Europe. carried, with an arrow through his body. "Please walk out and bring an armful of wood," said the female surgeon who attended the injured, and who had not observed how pale he was. Tor- mod went out and came again, throwing the wood in the corner. Then she looked at him. "You are pale," she said. "Well," Tormod an- swered, "I do not think that wounds make rosy cheeks." The woman wished to give him some porridge made of onions, that she might smell whether the wound had reached the hollow of the chest or not, but Tormod answered, "No, thank you; I suffer not from porridge disease!" The woman then tried to reach the iron with a In the old country I once spoke with a physi- cian about these stories, and expressed the opin- ion that such horrible accounts were exagger- ated. "No," he said, "I do not think so, because I have met similar things in my own practice. There was a farmer here who went to the forest to chop wood. He slipped on the moss, fell against the edge of his ax, and cut a hole in his belly so that his bowels protruded. He was many miles from help, and alone. He then crept, dragging his bowels after him, to a hut built for woodchoppers, and lay down on the bench, pati- ently waiting for somebody to come. For two days and nights he lay in that condition. Then 22 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS two other woodchoppers happened to come, and they immediately sent for me. I was obliged to clean his wound and open it again with a knife, and press the bowels tluough the hole; but he did not utter a groan of pain. A month later I met him. He was all right and worked with the others in the field. Such people are physically so strong and hardy that they do not seem to have any nerves " Perhaps those nerves of steel and that bodily strength are indicative of undeveloped brains, a sign of a lower level nearer to the animals. Be that is it may, I would nevertheless wish that our young people had more of that soundness of body which is the distinguishing mark of our Northern race. With that body of iron our an- cestors had strong and tender feelings. They were ardent and faithful in their love, as in their friendship. Tlicre was none of the old nations that had such respect for woman as the Teutonic race. She associated freely with men at festivals and on the playground. She uttered her opinion, and the men li.'-tened to her. The woman was among them a person, not a thing. The law de- manded her concent to marriage, surrounded her with guarantees, and accorded her protection. Among the Anglo-Saxons, at least, she might in- herit and own property, and bequeath it to whom- soever she would. She was allowed to appear in courts of justice, and to carry on a lawsuit. In the Icelandic sagas it is very often the women who, with their cold cou'nsels, stir up their hus- bands to atrocities and revenge. Marriage was pure among our ancestors. "Amongst the Saxons adultery was punished by death; the adulteress was obliged to hang her- self, or was stabbed by the knives of her com- panions. The wives of the Cimbrians, when they could not obtain from Marius assurance of their chastity, slew themselves with their own hands. The men thought there was something sacred in a woman. They married but one and kept faith with her." When we read of King Harald, the Fairhair, that he married nine or ten women, one for almost every province he conquered, it must be considered an exception, done mostly for political reasons. And besides, kings are never to be taken as a pattern in this matter. Tacitus writes about marriage among the Germans: "The wife, on entering her hu'sband's home is aware that she gives herself altogether; that she will have but one body, one life with him; that she will have no thought, no desire beyond; that she will be the companion of his perils and labors; that she will suffer and dare as much as he both in peace and war." The Anglo-Saxon King Al- fred portrays a mistress of the house in the fol- lowing way: "Thy wife now lives for thee — for thee alone. She has enough of all kinds of wealth for this present life, but she scorns all for thy sake alone. She has forsaken them all because she had not thee with them. Thy ab- sence makes her think that all she possesses is naught. Thus, for love of thee, she is wasted away and lies near death for tears and grief." Reading such words as these, we can under- stand the saga of Hjalmar and Ingeborg, of Sigrun and Helge. Ingeborg sits waiting for her lover Hjalmar to return from the fight with An- gantyr and his brothers. She hears footsteps out on the porch; she pulls the door open — it is his comrade coming alone. He shows Hjalmar's ring. Then she understands all, and drops dead on the floor. Or Queen Sigrun, who has been married to the most glorious of all kings, Helge; he is murdered by his own brother. She becomes paralyzed from sorrow; she curses her brother, and sits like a marble statue in her palace. Then one day her maid servant comes running to her, telling her that she has seen the dead king, and that he waits he; in his barrow. Sigrun springs to her feet, and hurries to the tomb, where the dead husband sits. She flings her arms round his neck and says: "I will kiss you, dead king, before you' throw off your bloody cuirass. Your hair, Helge, is covered with wine; my king is sprinkled all over with the dew of battle; the hands of the bold warrior are cold; how shall I repair your injury?" Then he answers: "You are the cause, Sigrun from Seva Mountain, that Hel- ge is sprinkled with the dew of grief; when you, golden-robed, sunfair maiden from the south, shed cruel tears before you go to bed, every tear drips like blood on my breast, cold as ice, heavy with sorrow. But now nobody shall sing mourning songs if he sees bloody wounds on my breast, now women have come into the barrow, dau'ghters of kings to us dead men." And Sig- run leaned her head upon his breast and said, "Now I will sleep in your arms as I did when you were alive." And she remained in the bar- row until dawn. Then she saw the king mount his shadowy horse and vanish away in the sky. The following night she started for the barrow and gazed, and waited; but he did not come. The next night she went there again, and looked and looked to see whether the pale horses would appear, but no one came. Every night she walked to the mound, waited, and gazedj but he did not come. One morning she did not return — she sat on the barrow dead. Her heart was burst with grief. OUR ANCESTORS 23 C > 24 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS We find the same violent passion when they love as when they fight. The love is so strong that it kills. We find similar traits in many of the old sagas — for instance, in the story of Hag- barth and Signe; of Bendik and Aarolilja; of Tyra, the queen of Olaf Tryggvason, who mourned herself to death after the battle of Svolder, where her hero and husband fell. The remark of Taine is true: "Nothing here like the love we find in the primitive poetry of France, Provence, Spain and Greece. There is an absence of gayety, of delight; outside of marriage it is only a ferocious appetite, an outbreak of the instinct of the beast. It appears nowhere with its charm and its smile; there is no love song in this ancient poetr3^ The reason is that with them love is not an amuse- ment and a pleasure, but a promise and a devo- tion. All is grave, even somber, in civil rela- tions as well as in conjugal society. The deep power of love and the grand power of will are the only ones that sway and act." If you read the saga of Gisle Surson you will find a picture of a woman who can both love and will. She is the wife of the hero; Aud is her name. Her boundless confidence in her husband is beauti- fully shown in her simple words, "I go to Gisle with everything that is too heavy for me to bear alone." As her hu'sband is sentenced as an out- law, she flees from all people and settles down on a barren shore of a rocky fiord, in order to assist him. Onlj' once in a while can he visit her, and then she must hide him in a subter- ranean dwelling. In that way she lives year after year. Once his persecutors seek to bribe her to betray her husband. She acts as if will- ing, and lifts the bag, heavy with silver coins; but suddenly she plants it straight in the face of the man, so that the blood streams from his nostrils, and asks him whether he believes that Icelandic women will betray their husbands. And at last, when they have found the homeless fugi- tive and he fights his last combat, then Aud stands at his side upon the mountain top, and, wanting a sword, defends him with a stick. This power tc give one's self entirely up to another person appears not only in the relations between man and woman; it seems to be still stronger and more frequent between man and man. There is no race that has been stronger in friendship than the Teutonic. It was a com- mon custom for friends to mix their blood to- gether to signify that the same fate should strike them both, and when one died the other should follow him in death. We are told in Vatsd01a saga that the old Icelandic chief Ingemund had entered into friendship with a man called Sse- mund. To this Ssemund came a relative named Rolleif; but he behaved so badly that it was im- possible for Saemund to endure it. Then Sse- mund went to his friend Ingemund, and told him how it was, and begged him to take Rolleif, "be- cause you succeed with all people you take care of." Ingemund answered that he did not like to do it, because his sons were grown up and unruly, "but if you still desire it I will try, as you are my friend." So he tried; but his fore- boding proved true; there was a daily quarrel and fight between his sons and the rascal Rol- leif, and he used all occasions to tease them and do them harm. Ingemund built a house for Rol- leif and his mother far off; but it was the same. There was a river belonging to Ingemund's property, very rich in salmon. He had allowed Rolleif to fish there at times, when his own sons did not use their nets; but Rolleif did not care for this permission, but fished whenever he pleased. Once Ingemund sent out his servants to spread their nets; but Rolleif was at the river and hindered them. They quarrelled with him about it, and at last he called them thralls and rascals, and threw stones at them, striking one of them senseless. The servants came running home as Ingemund sat at table. He asked why they hurried so. They told him how Rolleif had treated them. Then Jakul, the second son of Ingemund, exclaimed, "It seems as if Rolleif were the chieftain here in the valley, and will ill treat us as he does all others, but never shall that scoundrel bring us under the yoke." Torstein, the oldest son of Ingemund, said, "I think it is going too far now, but still it is best to act quietly." The father advised them to do so, but Jakul jumped to his feet and said, "I would like to try whether or not I am able to drive him from the coast." Ingemund said, "Son Torstein, please follow your brother. I have most con- fidence in you." Torstein answered, "I do not know as I can keep Jakul back, and I will not promise to stand still if he fights with Rolleif." Coming to the river, the brothers saw Rolleif fishing there on the opposite shore. Jakul cried at a distance, "Begone, rascal! else we shall play with you in a way you do not like." Rolleif laughed, "If there were three or four such spar- rows as you, I would continue my work in spite of your piping." "You rely upon the windcraft of your mother/' cried Jakul, and jumped out into the river, but the water was too deep there; he could not wade across. "Do your duty," said Torstein, "and let there not be any quarrel be- tween us." But Jakul cried, "Let us kill that wretch!" Now Rolleif commenced to throw OUR ANCESTORS 25 stones at them, and the brothers responded in the same vvaj'. Jakul tried another ford farther up. Ingemund sat quietly at home, when a man came running, telling him that his sons and Rol- leif were stoning each other. Ingemund said, "Make ready my horse; I will ride to them." He was then very old and nearly blind. He had cast a blue cloak over his dress. One of his servants led the horse. When Torstein dis- covered him he said, "There comes father! let us retire; I am anxious for him here." Ingemund rode down to the shore and cried, "RoUeif, go away from the river and think upon your duty." But at the same moment Rolleif got a glimpse of Ingemund he flung his lance at him and hit him in the middle of the waist. When Ingemund felt he was stabbed, he turned his horse and light any candle before his sons came home. The servant hurried back to Rolleif, and said to him: '"You are the meanest wretch in the world. Now you have killed old man Ingemu'nd, the best man in Iceland. He begged me to tell you that you ought to leave to-morrow, because his sons doubtless will seek your life. Now T have advised you; but telling the truth, I should rather have seen your head under the ax of the brothers." Rolleif answered, "If you had not brought those tidings, you would never have gone hence alive." When the brothers entered the hall it was dark. Torstein groped his way forward, but suddenly he recoiled, "Here is something wet!" he said. The mother answered, "It has dripped from the cloak of Ingemund; I presume it rains." Torstein cried, "No; it is slip- Viking dragons approaching the coast of Italy. said to his servant, "Lead me home!" Arrived home, it was late in the evening. Dismounting his horse, he said, "I am stifT now; that is the way with us old folk; we get tottering feet." The servant supported him, and then he heard a peculiar sound, and he discovered the lance through his master's body. Ingemund saith, "You have been a faithful servant; now do as I want. Go immediately to Rolleif, and tell him to leave before dawn, because to-morrow my sons will demand the blood of their father on his hands. It is no revenge for me that he shall be killed, and it is my duty to protect the man I have taken into my house as long as I can." With these words he broke off the spear shaft, and leaning on his servant he went in and sat ■himself in the high seat. He forbade them to pery like blood. Light the candles!" They did so. There sat Ingemund in his high seat, dead. The lance still pierced his body. Jakul was first to break the silence: "It is dreadful to know that su'ch a man as father is killed by that rascal; let us go and stab him." But Torstein answered, "You do not know our father, if you have any doubt that he has warned the wretch. Where is the servant who followed father?" They said he was not at home. "Then neither is Rolleif at home," answered Torstein; "but that must be our comfort, that there was a great difference be- tween our father and Rolleif, and that will be to his benefit before Him who has created the sun and the whole world, whosoever it is." But Jakul was so furious that they could scarcely re- strain him. Ingemund was laid in his own boat, 26 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Emperor Charlemagne observing the Vikings, the only warriors he ever feared. OUR ANCESTORS and there was made a mound over him. But when the sad tidings came to Ingemund's friend, Eyvind, he said to his fosterson: "Go and tell my friend Gant what I am doing;" and at the same moment he drew his sword, threw himself on the point, and died. When Gant heard of this he said, "When such a man leaves us it is best to keep his company," and with these words he stabbed himself with his sword. The same devotedness to friends our ancestor showed also toward his chief. "Having chosen his chief, he forgets himself in him, assigns to him his own glory, serves him to the death." honest men. T will sink down at the head of my lord; thou, Hjalte, lie down at his feet. It is nothing that ravens and eagles will peck our corpses, when we fall as bold and valiant war- riors on the battle field beside our king." To fol- low their chosen chieftain and die for his sake was the most glorious life they knew. This view of life saturates their whole religion. God Odin would not receive in his abode of Valhalla other than those who had sunk down with wounds on their breast, and beyond the grave they live the same wild life again. They were to meet with their friends and chiefs, and fight at their side. Northern Vikings approaching a Southern fortress. Tacitus says, "He is infamous as long as he lives who returns from the field of battle without his chief." It was on this voluntary subordination that feudal society was based. Man in this race can accept a superior; can be capable of devo- tion and respect. "Old as I am," says one of their old poets, "I will not budge hence. I mean to die by my lord's side, near this man I have loved." In the saga of Rolf Krake, as it is told by the Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus, Bod- var Bjarke, the Norwegian warrior of the king, says to his Danish champion Hjalte, when they fight their last fight: "Let us, while the blood still runs warm through our veins, try to die like just as here on earth. The Greek heathen put all weight upon this life, and urged the enjoy- ment and happiness of earth. But the Scandi- navian heathen raised the life of man from the dead, and let it grow still stronger and greater on the other side of the tomb. To him death was only the entrance gate to a more glorious life than the present, and, therefore, they could die singing; could laugh at their wounds; mingle in the bloodiest fight with cold contempt of in- juries and death. Their harshest enemies, the Romans, stood in wondering reverence before that peculiar trait of character, and the Latin poet Lucan sings of these barbarians: "Where 38 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS we see only pale shadows through the foggy sky, there the spirit builds before your eyes a new hall. If we may reckon after your songs, death only divides the stream of life, which in the next world swells with new powers through every limb. Question the people that live in the North; are they in error in regard to this matter? They have got rid of the worst fear on earth, the fear of death. They have heroic courage; they are the conquerors of death; they deem it paltry to chaffer about a life they shall regain." And this idea of the warrior's life under the standard of a glorious chieftain as the most desirable life of man was not extinguished by Christianity. Rather obtained nobler aims and stronger vital- ity. Jesus Christ was made the most powerful chieftain that ever lived — greater than both Odin and Thor, but carrying on the same fight as they, the fight against the evil spirits, the Jotuns, Satan and his angels. He broke down the walls of death and hell, and rose as the glori- ous victor on the third day, and his faithful fol- lowers we shall be, suffering and fighting under his banner, dying with him in order to be raised with him. It was the same train of ideas as in the heathen days, only changed to a Christian foundation, with Christian names. That our an^ cestors preferred to look at Jesus Christ as the valiant hero we may see from the poems of Csedmon, the oldest religious poems we have in any northern tongue. Csedmon lived in North- umberland, in the last part of the seventh cen- tury. When he sings about the death of Christ on the cross, it is not the suffering Christ, drag- ged about the streets of Jerusalem to Golgatha, powerless, bleeding, nearly sinking. No; it is Christ as a young and vigorous hero, who volun- tarily ascends in order to liberate us. He sings thus; it is the holy cross itself which is speaking: "The young hero, God Almighty, bold and val- iant, girded himself and ascended the high gal- lows courageously before many eyes, because he would unbind the chains of the world." And un- der the same aspect of vikings who are on the warpath they looked upon the apostles. In an old poem of Andreas the apostles are described in the following manner: "Once in olden times there lived twelve glorious champions, the thanes of the Lord. When they struck their helmets they never grew tired. They were famous men, bold chieftains, courageous in warfare when hand and shield fought for the lord on the battle field." Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea are called "the heroes of Hild;" .that is, the goddess of bat- tle. Abraham and Lot roam about as vikings, taking land where the country seems to be most pleasant; Moses is "the famous chieftain" who leads out the Hebrew warriors; their ramblings, their encounter with Pharao are described as one of their heathen bards would describe a war ex- pedition of the old vikings. Thus Csedmon writes: "They encamped and the tired warriors threw themselves into the grass. The helpers in the kitchen brought them food, and the men re- covered their strength. They pitched their tents on the hill-slopes, while the war-bugles sounded; it was the fourth camp. Round the Red Sea rested the shieldbearers." Then Pharao comes persecuting them. "Look how it shines, yonder by the forest! Banners wave, people march, the spears are sharpened, the shields twinkle, war is over our heads, trumpets sound. The coarse voracious birds of battle, the black ravens, have chosen their field and cry for corpses; wolves howl their ugly evening song; they expect battle- food. The breath of death blew wildly over the people, and they were stopped." So the old poet describes how the Egyptians perish: "The folk were affrighted; the dread of the flood seized on their sad souls; with a roaring came the ocean; it bellowed death, it foamed gore, and the water spouted blood on the mountain sides. The waves filled with weapons, with screams, all wrapped in fogs of death — the Egyptians rushed round, fled trembling from fear and anguish; but against them, like a cloud, rose the fell rollings of the waves; nobody was saved; from behind fate closed the gates with the billows; where roads once lay, sea raged. The air was mixed with smell of corpses; the breakers burst and rolled and killed in their embrace. No one was spared; not a single one of the nu'mberless thanes re- turned with the sad tidings to the castle to tell their wives about the fall of their chiefs." This description reminds us of the wild war songs which the Scandinavian vikings sang three hundred years later, when they ravaged the coasts of Ireland and England: "Come and weave, come and weave The texture of battle; Of entrails of man Is taken the warp. With the skulls of man It is strongly stretched out. Bloody spears Shall become the shuttles, The beams are steel. The reeds are arrows; Make thus with the sword The web of victory tight." Now we may understand why Bishop Ulfila, OUR ANCESTORS 29 the first translator of the Bible into the Gothic language, did not dare to include the Books of the Kings, because he feared that his countrymen would become too excited and too eager for war. Now we may understand why the beauti- ful and characteristic story of Saint Kristofer has grown among his race — the giant who, strong himself, would serve the strongest, and first ap- plied to the emperor, but, discovering that he feared the devil, went to him, and, seeing that the devil was scared by the cross, went to the master of the cross and served him humbly and patient- lage? I may be a god like him. Stand by me, strong companions, who will not fail me in the strife. Heroes, stern of mood, they have chosen me for chief; renowned warriors! With su'ch may one devise counsel, with such capture his ad- herents; they are my zealous friends, faithful in their thoughts. I may be their chieftain, sway in this realm; thus to me it seemeth not right, that I in aught need cringe to God for any good; I will no longer be his vassal. He is overcome, but not subdued. He does not repent. He is cast into the place "where torment they suffer, Old Viking Castle. ly till his death. It is the faithfulness to the chosen chieftain which emerges in this legend too; and they take with them into Christianity all the heathen terms and names, so that they dare call Christ the "Frey of the World," the "Loving Balder" and the "King of Victory." This swelling defiance and power, this endless desire for becoming independent and rulers, which is characteristic of our ancestors, has its strongest poetic expression in the picture of Sa- tan, Caedmon's masterpiece. He puts the follow- ing words into the mouth of Satan: "Why shall I for his favor serve, bend to him in such vasal- burning heat in the midst of hell, fire, and broad flames." At first he is astonished; he despairs, but it is a hero's despair. Proud he looks around: "Is this the place where my Lord im- prisons me? It is most unlike that war that we ere knew, high in heaven's kingdom, which my master bestowed on me. Oh, had I power of my hands and might one season be without — be one winter's space — then with this host I! But around me lie iron bands; presseth this ccrd of chain. I am powerless! Me have so hard the clamps of hell so firmly grasped." In a poem, "Christ and Satan," he depicts Sa- 30 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS tan in hell, lamenting, "Never with my hands I heaven reach, never with my eyes I upward see, never with my ears I hear the sweet tunes from the trumpets of the angels, never in all eternity — never! never!" "As there is nothing to be done against God, it is his new creature man he must attack. Vengeance is the only thing left him. This strong, refreshing and encouraging view of Christianity — that Jesus Christ, the chieftain of the church is a hero who has burst open the road to heaven, who has liberated us out of our chains and leads us under his victorious stand- ard — maintained its position until the church of the pope came with its Latin and destroyed the Russians (Slavs) paymg hommage to Rurik, the founder of the Russian empire. and if the conquered can enjoy this, he will find himself happy; he will sleep softly even under his chains." Beside this old poet Milton grows pale. But they are related to each other, and they have had their originals from the same race — Caed- mon in the wild obstinate vikings of the North, Milton in the sturdy Puritans. national song and whipped the people with its dogmatic rods. Today we have not yet shaken ofif this yoke; orthodoxy has taught the descend- ants of that proud race to walk along sighing and looking at the dust, dragging along with them their inherited guilt. It has taught them to look at Christ as bleeding, su'fifering and dying, hanging there on his cross, but not so much as OUR ANCESTORS 31 the risen, victorious, leading, progressive human- ity, moving forward round the whole earth, loos- ening the chains and doing good. The old, healthy view of Christianity is an inheritance from our ancestors, and we have not yet taken possession of it. What a singular people those old ancestors were! What a natural power! What an imagi- nation! What desire for adventures! Wliat in- the sweetness of enjoyment and the softness of pleasure? Endeavors, tenacious and mournful endeavors — such was their chosen condition. Strife for strife's sake — such is their pleasure. With what sadness, madness, destruction, such a disposition breaks its bonds, we see in Shake- speare and Byron; with what vigor and purpose it can limit and employ itself when possessed by moral ideas, we can see in the case of the Puri- A Bard singing to the Warriors. tense feelings! What a childlike mind! As the French king Clodwig listened to the story of the suffering of Christ he exclaimed, "If I had only been there with my Francs!" How strange to see them place their happiness in battle, their beauty in death! Is there any people — Hindoo, Persian, Greek or Gallic — which has formed so tragic a conception of life? Is there any which has peopled its infantine mind with such gloomy dreams? Is there any which has so entirely banished from its dreams tans. "When we see traveling English people nowadays," says Carlyle, "we know the race." "To climb all the mountain tops where nobody else has been, to risk their lives in crawling over precipices, to vie with each other in walking, in rowing, in swimming — yes, in eating too, — that is an inheritance from their ancestors, the race of bodily strength, of tenacious will and defiance, of contempt of death." There is one thing more that should be men- tioned in this connection, and that is their love 32 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS of music and song. The bard must never fail, either under the banner of the king, in the battle or at the table in the hall, when the wine or mead warmed their blood, the harp went round, and they sang of the wild noise of war and of faithful woman's love. The bard was a dear guest. Where he went the gates flung open to him, he was placed in the high seat and purple cloaks and golden chains were presented to him. Before the battle of Sticklastad, King Olaf asked the bard Tormod to awake the sleeping camp by an old war song, and in the battle of Hastings the bard Toillifer rode before the army of Wil- liam the Conqueror, sang and threw the first lance toward the enemy. At the time of Charles the Great it was the law in one of his countries, "that the man who wounded a harpplayer in his hand should pay one-fourth part more in fine than if he had hurt another man:" The preacher Oldhelm, when he could not get people to listen to his sermons, dressed himself as a bard and took his place on a bridge where the crowd passed and repeated warlike and profane odes, as well as religious poetry, in order to attract and instruct the men of his time. The bard was the teacher in religion, in history, in all sciences. Even into the monasteries' the bard-song passed. "In King Edgar's time," says an old historian, "you heard mu'sic, song and dance from the mon- asteries till midnight." They must have been merry monks! This taste for music and poetry gives reconciliation to the drinking parties; it breathes spirit into the rough and brutish talk. And we may proudly say that a society where woman is respected, where marriage is holy, which is founded on faithfulness and truth, on devotedness to what is held dear, is a society fit for development, a society destined to have something to do in the world. GLIMPSES OF NORWEGIAN HISTORY While the Norwegian citizens of Illinois have adapted themselves to their new surroundings, and have become as much Americanized as any of the State's foreign population, they all look with peculiar fondness on the land of their birth. They can not forget that country toward the far North with its rugged mountains and deep- blue fjords; its long, crisp winters and balmy summers; its wealth of poetry; its honest, sturdy men and its fair women. They are all fond of recalling the time when the bold and adventurous Norsemen played an important role in the his- tory of the world, founding and destroying great kingdoms. The Norwegians, like other Germanic tribes, are supposed to have come from Asia, near the head of the River Oxus. The most hardy and adventurous of these tribes penetrated to the far North and West and populated Norway, prob- ably several centuries before the Christian era. Of their history during the first thousand years we know but little. Each valley was an independent state, with its own king or earl and with its own "fylkesthing," or lawmaking as- sembly, in which every man capable of bearing arms for the defense of the community had the right to be heard. The Norsemen, even in those times, recognized the people themselves as the source of authority. War was considered the most honorable of all undertakings and the war- like spirit was kept alive by the belief, which was the cardinal principle of their religion, that a man who fell in honorable battle was certain of a welcome in "Valhalla," the home of the gods. The history of Norway may be said to begin with the last year of the eighth century, when the hordes of Norse vikings began to sweep like cyclones down upon the countries of western Eu- rope. They made their way even to Rome and to Constantinople, and everywhere the priests prayed in their litania, "Deliver us, O Lord, from the fury of the Norsemen." The first king of all Norway was Harald Haar- fager (the Fairhaired), who in the years 860-872 subdued all the other chieftains, and created a united Norway to take her place among the na- tions of the world. From him there descended a long line of mighty kings. Harald Haarfager in his old age gave each of his many sons a province to govern and gave to all the title of king, with Erik Blod^xe (Blood- Ax) as over-king. He was a cruel man who, spurred on by his evil-minded wife, slew many of his brothers. But his bloody reign lasted only five years. The people, tiring of his cruelty, gathered around Haakon, the youngest son of Harald, who ruled for 26 years with great wis- dom. He restored some of the most prized rights of the people that had been taken from them by his father, codified the laws of the north- ern and western parts of the country, created an admirable military system and introduced many other reforms. He made an attempt to christian- ize the people, but failed. He lives in Norwegian history as Haakon the Good. In 995 Olaf Tryggvesson, a great-grandson of Harald the Fairhaired, became king. He is Nor- way's great national hero. Of him, as of the earlier kings, we have minute and trustworthj"^ accounts in "Heimskringla," or the "Sagas of the Kings of Norway," the great historical work of Snorre Sturlason, an Icelander of the thirteenth century. The deeds of the heroes of these times have also been immortalized by contemporary poets or "skalds," notably so by Egil Skalla- grimson, who flourished during the reigns of Erik Bloodax and Haakon the Good. Olaf Tryggvesson's youth and early manhood (33) 34 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS had been a series of the most romantic adven- tures in Russia, Greece, England and Ireland. He was 31 years of age when he returned to Norway to claim his paternal kingdom. He is said to have been the strongest and most handsome man anybody had seen and to have borne a strik- ing resemblance to Harald the Fairhaired. He won all hearts and was made king of Norway without striking a blow. In England he had be- come a Christian, and the great aim of his life was to persuade or compel his people to forsake their pagan gods and accept "Christ the White." In this he succeeded after a fashion, although many who allowed themselves to be baptized, be- cause to refuse was to be slain, remained pagans at heart. The year 1000 is an eventful one in Norwegian history. In this year Olaf Tryggvesson sailed with sixty ships to Wendland, the present Baltic provinces of Prussia, to claim the estates of his queen Thyra. On his return he was attacked by a large fleet under the Danish king Svein Tvse- skjseg (Fork-beard), and the Swedish king, Olof supported by a large number of Norsemen under Erik Jarl, who had been driven out of Norway and had his possessions confiscated. These allies lay in wait for the Norwegian king behind the little island of Svolder. When the greater part of the Norwegian fleet had sailed by, the attack on the king's ship Or- men Lange ("The Long Serpent") began. King Olaf lashed his eleven ships together and fought desperately. The Danes and the Swedes were- each in turn repulsed, but finally Olaf was at- tacked in the rear by Erik Jarl and was over- powered by his foes. When the king, who was himself severely wounded, looked over his ships and found but nine men besides himself alive he threw his last spear against the nearest of his foes and then leaped overboard and was drowned. There is, however, a legend according to which he succeeded in swimming ashore and making his way to the Holy Land, where he lived many years as a hermit. It was also in the year 1000 that America was discovered by a Norseman. Of the chieftains who in 872 had left Norway rather than submit to the rule of Harald the Fairhaired many had found their way to Iceland. It was Leif Erick- son, a descendant of one of these men, who in the year 1000 sailed to the new world, which fourteen years earlier had been seen by Bjarne Herjulfsson, and landed on the coast of the preS' ent state of Massachusetts. In 1006 a second expedition was undertaken and a number of Norsemen sojourned for three years in "Vinland the Good." * * * Another chieftain who left Norway during the reign of Harald the Fairhaired was Gange Rolf (Rollo the Walker), who became duke of Normandy, and one of whose descendants, Wil- liam the Conqueror, in 1066 became king of Eng- land after having vanquished theJast Saxon king, Harold. * * * After Olaf Tryggvesson's death the work of christianizing Norway was continued and com- pleted by Olaf den Hellige (the Saint). He was a strong but rather arbitrary ruler and did much to strengthen the crown and decreed that there should be no more petty kings in Norway. He founded cities, improved the administration of justice and organized the church. But he won hosts of enemies at home and abroad and was compelled to leave the country. In an attempt to regain his crown he fell at Stiklestad July 29, 1030. The people soon came to regret that they had slain the great king, and legends wove a saintly halo about his name. Around his shrine in Nidaros (Trondhjem) rose the mighty cath- edral, and churches were built in his honor in Sweden, Denmark, England, and other countries. He was canonized, and great pilgrimages were made to his shrine on Olaf Mass Day (July 29)^ raising Nidaros to the most important religious center in the northern lands. His son, Magnus the Good, ruled also over Denmark until his death and repelled an attack on Denmark by the Wends defeating them in the great battle of Lyrskog Heath in Schlesvig. * * * The youngest brother of Magnus, Harald Haardraade, the founder of Oslo (Christiania), was a giant of will and body. He had won fame and power as a viking chieftain in wars in the Mediterranean countries, and his reign as ruler was stormy and warlike. He tried to hold Den- mark, but failed, although he always won in bat- tle. In 1066 he set out to conquer England, and had all but defeated the English king Harold at Stamford bridge when his army, too eager to pursue, broke their formation and was defeated, and there fell Harald, "the last of the vikings." Olaf Kyrre (the Peaceful), the founder of Bjcirgvin (Bergen), made improvements in the houses and social customs of the people; stoves (of stone) came into use in Norway during his reign. Magnus Barefoot conquered the isle of GLIMPSES OF NORWEGIAN HISTORY 35 Man. Sigurd Torsalafar went to the Mediterran- ean with a strong fleet, destroyed heathen rob- ber fleets galore, captured the city of Sidon, and visited Jerusalem and Constantinople. Upon his death followed a long period of tumult and in- cessant wars between rival pretenders to the crown. * * * One of the greatest of the kings of Norway was Sverre Sigurdson, who died in 1202. He de- feated rival claimants to the throne and, leaning upon the common people, curtailed the privileges of the barons. He gave Norway many wise laws, and broke the power of the priesthood, which had become paramount. He was excommunicated by the Church of Rome, but was a brave and wise man, and defied all public opinion of his time. He also distinguished himself by his work for the promotion of temperance, a virtue which at that time was almost unknown. Sverre was at his death 50 years old, and it is a rather sig- nificant fact that but one other Norwegian king after Harald Haarfager had reached so great an age. » * « Haakon Haakonson (the Old), a grandson of Sverre, reigned 46 years (1217-1263). He was a wise and progressive ruler, loved at home and respected abroad. He wrought many reforms and brought Iceland and Greenland under Nor- way. The pope tendered him the crown of the Holy Roman empire, but he declined it. His reign is the golden age of Old Norway. His son, Magnus Lagabjziter (Law-mender), in- troduced a common code of laws for the whole country^ which remained in force for 300 years. Erik Magnusson, the Priesthater, curbed the bishops, fought the Hanseatic league to a stand- still and made long wars upon Denmark. Mag- nus Eriksson was elected king of Sweden in 1319, and then Sweden and Norway became united; the union was dissolved in 1363. In 1349 Nor- way was ravaged by the Black Death, which de- stroyed over one-third of the population and crippled the country for centuries to come. * * * Haakon Magnusson (died 1380) was married to Margrete of Denmark; their son, Olaf, inherited the crowns of both countries, and then Norway and Denmark became united. Olaf died 1387 and was succeeded by his able mother, who defeated king Albrecht of Sweden in 1397, and united all three of the Scandinavian countries by the so- called Kalmar union. By the terms of the union each country was to constitute a separate king- dom; but Denmark, as the seat of the union gov- ernment, soon came to exercise a leading influence, especially after Sweden cut lose from the union. In 1537 Christian III abolished the Norwegian council of regency and abridged the liberties of the people. His reign was notable as marking the time when the Lutheran reformation was in- troduced. The union with Denmark exposed Norway to many needless and bloody wars with Sweden. Apart from these regrettable wars there is not much to say about this period of the his- tory of Norway. Yet the people grew in strength during their apparent sleep, and when a new day dawned they were ready to face its problems and take full advantage of its opportunities. * * * As one of the results of the Napoleonic wars, the French Marshal Bernadotte was elected heir to the Swedish throne, and by the treaty of Kiel, Jan. 12, 1814, Denmark was obliged to cede Nor- way to Sweden. This roused the old independ- ent spirit of the Norwegians. They admitted that the union king could lawfully surrender his own rights to the crown of Norway; but main- tained that his attempt to transfer the country and its people to another power was a clear vio- lation of the law of nations and hence of no effect. The vice-king, Prince Christian Fredrik, seconded their protest and called a council at Eidsvold to consider a plan of action. He claimed that he was the rightful heir to the throne, but finally, on advice of Prof. Sverdrup, waived all claims. On May 17, 1814, the council at Eidsvold, re- presenting the people of Norway, adopted a wise and liberal constitution, which is still in force, elected Prince Christian Fredrik king of Norway, and prepared for war with Sweden, which they foresaw was imminent. Bernadotte invaded Nor- wa->^ but after a few unimportant skirmishes an armistice was concluded at Moss, Aug. 4. The storthing or parliament was called together and negotiated a peace, by the terms of which Swe- den and Norway should form a union under a common king. The king of Sweden, Charles XIII, was chosen king of Norway as well, on condition that he recosfnize the independence of the countrj' and agree to respect the constitution which the Norwegians had given themselves at Eidsvold. The relations between the two coun- tries were defined and regulated by the "Act of Union" of 1815, which states that the union was brought about not by force of arms, but by mu- tual good will for the purposes of safeguarding the crowns of the united countries, and that the union should be for all time. Since this date, Nov. 4, 1814, Norway has 36 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS steadily progressed by even stages of orderly development. All titles of nobility w^ere abol- ished in 1821, notwithstanding the vigorous op- position of the king, and the liberties of the peo- ple were gradually enlarged, and the Norwegians are to-day the most democratic of all peoples. The political development of Norway during the union with Sweden was, however, marked by stress and struggles. The people were deter- mined to make their liberal constitution a living reality; at every stage their efforts were stub- bornly resisted by the crown; but by courage, wisdom and patience the storthing always won out. There were also many disputes between the united countries, but such controversies were gradually adjusted and the relations between the "brother peoples" were constantly improving. In 1886 Sweden made a change in her constitu- tion, which brought the so-called "consular ques- tion" to the fore. By the Act of Union the man- agement of all foreign relations was left in the hands of the union king; as he was as much the king of Norway as the king of Sweden, Norway, by this arrangement, had an equal influence with Sweden, at least in law, upon the administration of foreign affairs. But in 1886 Sweden, without consulting Norway, changed the character of the minister of foreign affairs from being a mere clerk to the union king to a constitutional officer responsible to the parliament of Sweden. This important step, however justified from a Swed- ish point of view, deprived Norway of any con- stitutional voice regarding the administration of the common foreign relations of the two coun- tries. This injustice was especially felt within the field of the consular department, which deals mainly with shipping and trade. Inasmuch as the merchant marine of Norway was about four times larger than that of Sweden, and Norway consequently contributed much the larger share for the support of the common consular service, Norway with growing unanimity and force de- manded a "new deal." Sweden did not deny the justice of the Nor- wegian view; on the contrary, it was freely ad- mitted by the official spokesmen of Sweden that Norway had just cause for complaint. But the Swedish government held that the remedy pro- posed by the Norwegian government, separate consular services, would dangerously weaken the bond of union, and insisted that other changes in the Act of Union must be made at the same time. It is not necessary to follow these negotiations in detail; the position of the union king was, of course, extremely difficult, as he was required to agree with both sides. Finally the task of work- ing out a settlement was intrusted to a union committee, of which Dr. Sigurd Ibsen and the Swedish minister of foreign affairs, Lagerheim, were alternating chairmen. The committee worked earnestly and well and agreed upon a new arrangement which received the support of both the Swedish and the Norwegian govern- ments. The people of the two countries hailed these tidings with joy, as the end of all unpleas- ant bickerings was now in sight. In the fall of 1904 Lagerheim was forced to resign by Prime Minister Bostrdm and replaced by Count Gyldenstolpe. The Swedish ministry, as reconstructed, repudiated the joint consular agreement and submitted a new proposition that was altogether unacceptable to Norway; and the negotiations were discontinued. The Hagerup ministry, which had fathered the conciliatory pol- icy, resigned and was followed by the Michelsen- L0vland cabinet. The storthing selected a spe- cial committee, which drafted a consular law for Norway. This bill met with the unanimous ap- proval of the storthing and of the enthusiastic people, whose demand was immediate action. When the king stated that he would have to veto the bill, the cabinet immediately resigned. The king tried to form another cabinet but found the task was impossible and so stated. The country being then left without a responsible government it became the duty of the stortjiing to act; and on June 7th, 1905, the storthing unan- imously adopted the following historic resolu- tion: Whereas, all the members of the government , (cabinet) have resigned their offices; and Whereas, his majesty the king has declared himself unable to provide another government for the country; and Whereas, the constitutional royal power thus has ceased to exist; be it Resolved, that the storthing hereby empowers the members of the government that resigned to-day to assume, until further, as the Norwegian Government, the powers vested in the king by the constitution of Norway and laws now in force — with such modifications as are made necessary by the fact that the union with Sweden under one king is dissolved in consequence of the king having ceased to function as king of Norway." What followed later, the meeting of the Swed- ish and Norwegian delegations at Karlstad, the final agreement concerning the dissolution of the union, the ratification of the Norwegian people GLniPSES OF NORWEGIAN HISTORY 37 of the action of the storthing on Aug. 13, 1905, and the election of Prince Carl of Denmark as king under the name of Haakon VII, his accept- ance, the coronation ceremonies in Trondhjem, etc., are so recent events that we do not deem it necessary to describe them in detail in this lim- ited space. Throughout the whole controversy Sweden as well as Norway exhibited remarkable calmness and self-restraint, and both nations won the esteem and applause of the whole civilized world for their success in settling so grave differences without a resort to war. Norway has of late years contributed much to science and literature and has won new laurels in this for her comparatively new field. One need only mention the historians, Munch, Key- ser and Sars; the philologists, Ivar Aasen and Sofus Bugge; the astronomer, Hansteen; the mu- sicians, Ole Bull and Grieg; the painters, Tide- mand, Gude and Thaulow; the mathematicians, Abel and Lie; and the explorers, Nansen, Sverd- rup and Amundsen, who recently relocated the magnetic north-pole and cleared the northwest passage; and the poets Bj0rnson and Jonas Lie, and notably Henrik Ibsen, who was by some con- sidered the foremost literary man and intellect- ual giant of the age. The valleys of Norway seemed during the past century to become too narrow for the increasing population, and many Norwegians have found homes in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas, and other states. It was on July 4, 1825^ that the first party of Norwegian emi- grants left the city of Stavanger for the United States. Hosts of others have followed these pioneers, until now the Norwegians in America and their children must number about 1,000,000 souls. Nearly all of them belonged in Norway to the poorer class, and they emigrated with the purpose of bettering their condition. The hard struggle for existence had taught them habits of industry and rigid economy, and this has been of immense benefit to them in their new home. Many of them have become wealthy, and nearly all of them have won at least a comfortable competency. They have built a large number of churches and higher institutions of learning, and they teach their children to fear God, respect all rightful authority, cherish the memory of the dear old fatherland, and love liberty as the most priceless earthly boon. THE NORWEGIAN PIONEER By Rev. A, Bredesen. I have not the honor to have written the his- tory of the Norwegian pioneers, but I maj^ say that I have lived that history. My earliest rec- ollections cluster around men and things in a struggling frontier settlement in central Wis- consin, more than fifty years ago. I have known the Norwegian pioneer long and well, and in my appreciation of him and regard for him I yield to no one. It is meet and proper that the Norwegian pioneer have recognition. _ We all owe him a great debt of honor and gratitude. Who was it, for instance, that forty-five years ago, in a frontier hamlet, called our alma mater, the Luther College, into existence? Not, I trow, some multi-millionaire in the East, some mer- chant prince, coal baron or oil king, but the horny-handed Norwegian pioneer on the prairjes and in the backwoods of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. And who but the Norwegian pio- neer has been the best friend and patron that our alma mater ever had? His good will was for many years her only endowment. Very little of material or moral support did the straig- gling college receive from any other source. The Norwegian pioneer of the past and the present has contributed cheerfully and liberally from his hard earnings to establish, equip and support our alma mater, and has sent hundreds and thou- sands of his brightest boys to fill her classes. Luther College is the college of the Norwegian pioneer, and stands today, and will ever stand, a noble monument to his sincere devotion and heroic endeavor in the cause of scientia vera et fides pura (true science and pure faith). The Norwegian pioneer deserves honorable recognition, and at the hand of the whole Amer- ican people, for the splendid service which he has done in the advancement of civilization throughout the Northwest. If there is anything to which Americans of Norwegian birth may well "point with pride" it is the Norwegian pioneer and his achievements. I do not know that the Norwegian-American has been a con- spicuous and dismal failure in any respect — un- less it be as a democratic campaign shouter. His record as a thrifty, law-abiding, intelligent and patriotic American citizen is very good. His percentages of pauperism and illiteracy are as low as the lowest. In the trades, in the learned professions, in business and in politics he has been reasonably successful. He has dotted the whole Northwest with his churches, schools and charitable institi.'tions. He is an excellent farmer. He is "the American sailor" of today, and when- ever Uncle Sam wants to beat the Britishers in a sailing match he calls on his Norwegian sailor boys to do it for him. If, perhaps, in some re- spects the Norwegian-American has done only passably well, as a pioneer he has certainly, as was to be expected, been a splendid success. The typical Norwegian is a born pioneer. With his passion for ownership of land and a home and his decided liking for adventure, combined with physical stamina, courage and endurance, he is the stufif that pioneers are made of. And of this he has given abundant proof. Eighty years ago when immigration from Norway set in Chicago and Milwaukee were rough frontier towns, and the great Northwest was an almost unbroken wilderness, the haunts of wild beasts and wilder men. As by a miracle, in the brief space of eighty years, this vast wilderness has been transformed into a splendid galaxy of wealthy, enlightened and progressive states. In the face of bloodthirsty savages and prowling beasts and blizzards, and droughts, and dangers, and difficulties, and hardships of every descrip- tion, a grand army of brave and sturdy pioneers, men and women, has advanced civilization from (38) THE NORWEGIAN PIONEER c9 the shores of the great lakes to the Puget Sound. To that noble army the Norwegian-American has furnished far more than his quota of men and women, and they have not been camp-fol- lowers, but have marched in the forefront and borne more than their just share of toil, hard- ships and dangers. On our western and north- ern frontiers, after the fur-trader, with his "In- dian goods," or the prospector, the timber thief and the cowboy, the first settlers to come, as the harbingers of civilization, were usually some brawny descendant of the Vikings, with his worthy helpmate and half a dozen tow-headed children. The history of every state from Illi- nois and Wisconsin to Washington will bear me out in this; and the last national census shows that the Norwegians have been least given to huddling together in villages and in the greater centers of population, and that, though newcomers compared with other nationalities, as owners of farms and homes they already out- rank all other elements of the population, the native American included. In 1890, according to the national census, more than 322,000 natives of the kingdom of Norway were then living in the United States. To-day the Americans of Norwegian birth or parentage number probably not far from 750,000, or nearly one per cent of the total population. Half a century ago the number was probably somewhat more than 5,000, of whom about four-fifths had domiciled in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. The oldest of these settlements was that on Fox River, near Ottawa, 111., dating from 1834. The first Norwegian settlement in Wis- consin was doubtless Jefferson Prairie, in Rock county, and" Ole Nattestad, who settled there in 1838, seems to have been the first Norwegian settler in Wisconsin. The Koshkonong, Muske- go and Rock Prairie settlements all seem to have had their inception in 1839. The three strong- holds of our people fifty years ago were Kosh- konong, with 700 or 800 souls; Muskego, in Ra- cine county, with about 600, and the Fox River settlement, with about 450. Wisconsin, now populous and wealthy, was in those early days still a territory and almost an unbroken wilder- ness, the happy hunting ground of the Red Men. There was not a mile of railway within its bor- ders, and even passable wagon roads were few and far between. Horses were scarce. I am told that the seven or eight hundred Norwegians on the Koshkonong prairies had one horse among them, and that a poor one. "Buck and Bright" and a KubberuUe or other primitive wagon were about the only means of transportation, and Mil- waukee or Chicago was the nearest market. Mil- waukee was a city of about 7,000 inhabitants, and Madison, the beautiful capital of Wisconsin, was an ambitious village of 700, while the total popu- lation of the state was about 35,000. Out Norwegian pioneers were poor, but they were not paupers. They had not come here to beg or steal, nor to sponge on their neighbors. It was not their ambition to be organ grinders, peanut venders or ragpickers. They had come to make by the sweat of their brows an honest living, and they were amply able to do so. They possessed stout hearts, willing hands and robust health, and nearly all had learned at least the rudiments of some useful trade. And the women, our mothers and grandmothers, God bless them! were worthy consorts of the men who laid low the giants of the forest and made the wilderness blossom as the rose. They girded their loins with strength. They were able to stand almost any amount of privation and toil. They were not afraid of a mouse. They were in blissful ignorance of the fact that they had nerves. They knew nothing of "that tired feeling," and did not need the services of the dentist every other week. They did not have soft, velvety hands, as some of us who were bad boys had reason to know; but for all that they had tender, moth- erly hearts. They could not paint on china, or pound "The Mocking Bird" on the piano, but they could spin, knit and weave. The dear souls could not drive a nail any better than their granddaughters can, but they could drive a yoke of oxen, and handle the pitchfork and the rake almost as well as the broom and the mop. Our mothers and grandmothers did not ruin our di- gestion with mince pie and chicken salad, but gave us wholesome and toothsome flatbr0d and mylsa and brim and prim and bresta, the kind of food on which a hundred generations of Nor- way seamen and mountaineers have been raised. Our Norwegian pioneers were ignorant of the language, the laws and the institutions of their adopted country, and in this respect were indeed heavily handicapped. They had not a single newspaper, and, outside of a few struggling frontier settlements, there was not a soul with whom they could communicate. But though our pioneers were ignorant of the English language, they were not illiterates. They had books, and could read thein, and by and by astonished na- tives were forced to confess, that "Them 'ere Norwegians are almost as white as we are, and they kin read too, they kin." If in those early Norwegian settlements books were few, a family Bible and some of Luther's writings were rarely 40 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS wanting, even in the humblest homes. If the people were not versed in some of the branches now taught in almost every common school, they were as well grounded in the Catechism, the Forklaring and the Bible History as all their bright and good grandchildren are to-day. The houses of our pioneers of seventy years ago were log cabins, shanties and dugouts. Men and women alike were dressed in blue drilling or in coarse homespun brought over from the old country in those large, bright-painted chests. In 1844, I am told, not a woman on Koshkonong prairie was the proud possessor of a hat. Some of the good v/ives and daughters of those days sported home-made sunbonnets, but the majority contented themselves with the old-country ker- chief. Carpets, kerosene lamps, coal stoves or sewing machines, reapers, threshing machines, top-buggies and Stoughton wagons were things not dreamed of. Among these pioneers of Norwegian immigra- tion were also the pioneers of our Norwegian Lutheran Church. It is safe to say that this country never saw, and never will see, more hardy, pushing, plucky and successful pioneers than the sons and daugh- ters of old Norway. The First Colony of Norwegian Immigrants Just as the Puritans had their Mayflower, in 1620, and the Swedes their Kalmar Nyckel, in 1638, so the Norwegians had their little sloop, called Restaurationen, in 1825, in which the first party of emigrants was carried to America. Lars Larson of Jeilane was born near Stavan- ger, Norway, Sept. 24, 1787. He became a ship carpenter, and during the Napoleonic wars, in 1807, the Norwegian ship on which he was em- ployed was captured by the English, and he and the rest of the crew remained prisoners of war for seven years. Together with the other prison- ers he was released in 1814, whereupon he spent a year in London, stopping with a prominent Quaker widow, Mrs. Margaret Allen, whose two sons held positions at the English court. During his sojourn in England Lars Larson acquired a good knowledge of the English language and became converted to the Quaker faith. Some of his Norwegian fellow-prisoners also joined the Quakers. Having returned to Norway in 1816, they all immediately proceeded to make propa- ganda for Quakerism and to organize a society of Friends. Two of them, Halvor Halvorson and Enoch Jacobson, went to Christiania and made an unsuccessful attempt at starting a Quaker so- ciety there. Lars Larson returned to his native city, Stavanger, and there he and Elias Tastad, and Thomas and Metta Hille became the founders of the Society of Friends in Norway. This so- ciety is still in existence, and, according to the latest statistics, numbers about 250 adult mem- bers. The first Quaker meeting in "Norway was held in Lars Larson's home, in 1816. He was not a married man at the time, but his sister Sara, who was a deaf-mute, kept house for him. In 1824, at Christmas-time, he married Martha Georgiana Persson^ who was born on Oct. 19, 1803, on Fogn, a small island near Stavanger. At that time religious tolerance could not be counted among the characteristics of Norway, where also some separatism from the Evangelical Lutheran Church began to show itself. In Stav- anger amt the Haugeans were numerous, and also the Quakers had quite a few followers. The lat- ter differed so much from the teachings of the established State Church that its officials began a persecution of the dissenters. On complaint of the Lutheran ministers the sheriff (Lensmand) would come with his men and take the Quakers' children by force, bring them to the regularly or- dained minister, and have them baptized or con- THE FIRST COLONY OF NORWEGIAN IMMIGRANTS 41 firmed, as the case might be. They even went so far as to exhume the dead in order that they might be_buried according to the Lutheran ritual, and if the Quakers did not partake of holy com- munion as did the regular members of the church they were fined; and they were assessed taxes to the support of the State Church, whether they visited it or not. These cruel facts are perfectly authenticated, and there is not a shadow of doubt that this dis- graceful intolerance on the part of the officials in Norway, as in the case of the Puritans in Eng- land, was the primary cause of the first large ex- odus to America. Of course there were eco- nomic reasons also; the emigrants hoped to bet- ter their material as well as their religious con- ditions. It should also be remembered that the common people in Norway were displeased with and sus- picious of the office-holding class. There were many unprincipled officials, who exacted exorbi- tant, not to say unlawful, fees for their services, and with such officials ordinary politeness to the common man was out of question. They were, on the contrary, intolerably arbitrary and over- bearing. Thus poverty, oppression and religious persecution co-operated in turning the minds of the people in Stavanger amt toward the land of freedom, equality and abundance in the far West. The man who gave the first impetus to the emigration of Norwegians to America was, ac- cording to all evidence, verbal and written, Kleng Peerson from Tysvaer parish, of Skj0ld's preste- gjeld, Stavanger amt, Norway. In the year 1821 he and his bosom friend, Knud Olson Eie, from the same parish, left Norway and went by the way of Gothenborg, Sweden, to New York to make an investigation of conditions and oppor- tunities in America. There is every reason to believe that they were practically sent on this mission by the Quakers. It is nowhere stated that they were Quakers themselves, but it seems to be established that they were dissenters from the State Church. After a sojourn of three years in America, which time they presumably spent in the city of New York and in New York state, they returned to Norway in 1824. When Kleng Peerson's report about the new country became known, many were caught by a desire to emigrate. Lars Larson in Jeilane, the man in whose house the first Quaker meetings had been held in 1816, at once started to organ- ize a party of emigrants. Being successful in finding a number of people who were ready and willing to join him, six heads of families con- verted their worldly possessions into money and purchased a sloop, built in Hardanger, which they loaded with a cargo of iron. Also the skip- per and mate were interested in this speculation. Besides iron, they also carried whiskey. The largest share in the enterprise was held by Lars Larson, who with his thorough knowledge of the English language became in all respects the leader and had the general supervision of the preparations for the voyage in his skillful hands. The captain (Lars Olson) and the mate (Erick- son) were engaged by him. This little Norwegian "MayHower" of the nine- teenth century was named "Restaurationen" (the Restoration), and on the American day of inde- pendence, July 4, 1825, this brave little company of emigrants sailed out of the harbor of the an- cient city of Stavanger. The company consisted of the following fifty-two persons, chiefly from Tysvaer parish, near Stavanger, as mentioned above: The Sloop Party. Lars Olson, the captain. Nels Erickson, the mate. The following six families were the owners of the sloop: Lars Larson, from Jeilane, with wife. (Dur- ing the voyage a daughter, Margaret Allen, was born to them, Sept. 2, 1825.) Cornelius Nelson Hersdal, with wife and four children. Thomas Madland, with wife and three children. Johannes Stene, with wife and two children. Oyen Thompson (Thorson), with wife and three children. Daniel Stenson Rossadal, with wife and five children. The other passengers were: Knud Anderson Slogvig. Simon Lima, with wife and three children. Jacob Anderson Slogvig. Nels Nelson Hersdal and wife (Bertha). Sara Larson, a deaf-mute sister of Lars Larson. Henrik Christopherson Harvig and wife. Die Johnson. George Johnson. Gudmund Haukaas. Thorstein Olson Bjaadland. Endre (Andrew) Dahl, the cook. Halvor Iverson. Nels Thompson f Thorson), a brother of Oyen Thompson. Ole Olson Hetletvedt. Andrew Stangeland. When they landed in New York, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on the second Sunday in October 43 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS (Oct. 9), they numbered fifty-three, Mrs. Lars Larson having given birth to a girl baby on the 2d day of September. Their fourteen weeks' journey across the ocean was both romantic and perilous. When they passed through the English Channel they ran in- to a small port, Lisett, on the English coast, where they took in fresh drinking water and started to sell whiskey, which it was then pro- hibited to import there. When they found out how dangerous a business they had engaged in, they speedily set sail and escaped. Either through the ignorance of the captain or adverse winds we next find them altogether out of their course, as far south as the Madeira Islands. Here they picked up a cask containing Madeira wine, which was floating in the sea. They commenced to pump and drink of its contents. The whole com- pany was pretty well filled up, nobody steered the sloop, and it came driving into the harbor like a plague-smitten ship without cominander and without any flag hoisted. A skipper of Bremen, whose ship was anchored in the harbor, advised them to hoist the flag instantly, or they would have the guns of the fort trained on them. Those were in fact already made ready for action. One of the passengers, Thorstein Olson Bjaadland, got hold of the flag, and with the assistance of others, ran it up to the top of the mast, thus averting the danger. Two custom-house officers then came on board the sloop and made an in- vestigation, finding everything in good order. Much attention was paid to the sloop party in Madeira. The American consul increased their store of provisions and gave them also an abund- ance of grapes, and before their departure he in- vited the whole party to a grand dinner. They arrived in Madeira on a Thursday and left on the following Sunday, July 31, and as they sailed out of the harbor, the fortress fired a salute in their honor. Having experienced the above and many other perils, they finally reached New York on October 9. The voyage had lasted fourteen weeks from Stavanger. However, all were in good health when they landed. It caused a sensation in New York when it became known, that the Norsemen had risked their lives in so small a vessel. Through ignorance or misunderstanding the sloop carried more people for its tonnage than the American laws permitted, and on that account the skipper, Lars Olson, was arrested and the vessel and its cargo of iron confiscated. Whether the government officials out of -con- sideration for our good countrymen's ignorance and childish behavior raised the embargo and re- leased the captain from arrest is not known. More likely their American co-religionists, the Quakers, exercised their influence in their behalf. The fact is that the skipper was liberated from prison and the owners got back their ship and cargo. In the sale pi the cargo they were unfortunate, as the ship and cargo did not bring more than $400. The New York Quakers took up a collection with which to help them on their way farther into the country. Two families settled in Rochester; the others bought land five miles northwest of Ro- chester, in Morris county. Land there was held at $5 per acre, but as they had no money with which to buy, they got it on the installment plan, to be paid in ten years. Each one got forty acres. The land was heavily wooded and hard to clear up, wherefore they had a very hard time of it during the first four or five years. Not seldom they were in real want and wished to be back in Nor- way. But there was no means of getting there except by sacrificing their last penny, and they did not want to get back as beggars. Liberal- minded neighbors, however, lent them a helping hand and through their own diligence and fru- gality they finally conquered their land and got it in such a shape that they could make a living — indeed much better than they ever could in the old country. Kleng Peerson, instead of com- ing in the sloop, had again gone by the way of Gothenborg and was already in New York ready to receive his friends. He had doubtless found Quakers in New York, who were prepared to give our Norwegian pilgrims a welcome and such as- sistance as they needed. These Quakers showed themselves in this case, as everywhere in history, to be friends indeed. The captain, Lars Olson, remained in New York, while the mate, Nels Erickson, returned to Norway. The leader of the party, Lars Larson, also remained in New York to dispose of the sloop and its cargo. Having been a ship carpenter in Norway, he moved with his wife and daughter to Rochester, N. Y., where he settled as a builder of canal boats. He prospered, and when he died in 1845 he left a handsome fortune. Thousands of Norwegians on their way to Illinois and Wis- consin during the following years, 1836-1845, called at his hospitable home, bringing him news from Norway and getting valuable advice in re- turn. He went into business for himself, and already in 1827 he was able to build a house in Rochester, which house still stands on the origi- nal site, and which probably is the oldest house now in existence in America built by a Nor- wegian. (From R. B. Anderson's "First Chapter of Nor- wegian Immigration.") "THE SLOOPERS" WHO CAME TO ILLINOIS 43 The "Sloopcrs" Who Came to IlHnois Lars Larson had eight children by his wife Martha Georgiana. Their oldest child was born on the sloop "Restaurationen" in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Sept. 2, 1825. This was a girl, whom they named Margaret Allen, after the Quaker widow with whom Lars Larson had lived in London, and through whose influence he had been converted to the Quaker faith. Margaret Allen was in 1875 married to Mr. John Atwater, at Rochester, with whom she afterward moved to Chicago, where her husband became a prominent lawyer and died in the '80's. The famous "sloop-girl", Mrs. Atwater, who is now in her 82nd year, is still alive and resides at Western Springs, Cook county, 111., surrounded by her family. Her son John has a printing plant, and also serves as pastor of one of the churches at Western Springs. Another daughter of Lars Larson, Martha Jane, was married to Mr. Elias C. Patterson, who died in Rochester, N. Y., in 1879. She thereupon moved to Western Springs, 111., where she is still living. To Martha Jane Patterson belongs the honor of being one of the first Norwegians to teach in America's public schools. After hav- ing taught school several years in the state of New York, she came west in 1857, and became a teacher in the public schools of Chicago. As we have to deal only with those of the sloop party who came to Illinois, we do not mention Lars Larson's other children. Cornelius Nelson Hersdal, born 1789, and his wife Caroline (Kari), a sister of Kleng Pearson, both from Tysva^r, Skj0ld, Stavanger amt, set- tled in Kendall, N. Y., where he died in 1833. They had seven children: Ann, Nels, Inger and Martha, born in Norway and passengers on the sloop; and Sarah, Peter C. and Amelia, who were born in Kendall. In May, 1836, the widow, Kari, came with her children to Mission township, La Salle county, Illinois. She died there July 24, 1848. — The oldest daughter, Ann, died ten years later. — The oldest son, Nels, was born 1816, and became a farmer in La Salle county. He married Knud Iverson's daughter, Catharine, and they had twelve children, of which seven reached maturity. Nels died Aug. 29, 1893, at Sheridan, 111., and was the last male survivor of the sloop party. Inger was born in Norway, Dec. 11, 1819. and was married in 1836 to Mr. John S. Mitchell, of Ottawa, 111. On another page we present a portrait and biography of her son, Mr. Harley B. Mitchell, the prominent pub- lisher, of Chicago. — Martha was born in Norway, 1823. She was married to Beach Fellows, who in 1855 was elected county treasurer; afterward he moved to Ottawa, where both of them died. — Sarah was born in Kendall, N. Y., in 1827. In 1849 she was married to Canute Peterson Mar- sett, who came from Norway in 1837 and later became a Mormon. She seems to have been the first one of Norwegian immigrants and their descendants to teach public schools in America. During the years 1845 and 1846 she taught district school in the Fox River Settlement. — Peter C. Nelson, the youngest son, was born in Kendall, N. Y., in 1833. He moved from Illinois to Earned, Kan., where he became a farmer, and had nine children. One of his daughters, Carrie Nelson, whose portrait and biographical data appear elsewhere in this volume, is the wife of Ex-Judge Henry W. Johnson, of Ottawa, 111. Another daughter is married to Banker J. A. Quam, of Sheridan, 111. Oyen Thompson was born near Stavanger in 1795 and died in Rochester, N. Y., 1825. His wife, Bertha Caroline, was born near Stavanger in 1790. The year following her first husband's death she married his brother, Nels Thompson, also a "Slooper," and in 1828 they moved to Ken- dall, N. Y. In 1835 they came to Mission, La Salle county, 111., where she died in 1844 in the village of Norway. With him in the sloop Oyen Thompson had three daughters. The oldest, Sarah, was born 1818. With her family she came to La Salle county, where her parents settled. In 1837 she was married to Mr. G. Olmstead, who died in 1849 from cholera. Until 1855 she remained in Ottawa, 111., and was then married to Wni. W. Richey, her sister Anna Maria's widower. They moved to the neighborhood of Marseilles, 111., and after eighteen years bought a farm in Brookfield township, from where they nine years later moved to Iowa. She was finally divorced from Mr. Richey. She had eight chil- dren — four boys and four girls; five by her first husband and three by her second. One of Oyen Thompson's daughters, Caroline, died in Ro- chester. Another, Anna Maria, born 1819, was married to the above-mentioned William W. Richey, and departed this life in Mission, La Salle county, in 1842. 44 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Nels Thompson and Berthe Caroline had three children — a daughter, Serena, died in Mission, 111., 1850; a son, Abraham, died at Marseilles, 111., 1866; and a daughter, Caroline, died in the same township, 1858. Nels Thompson died in 1863. Daniel Rosadal (Rosdal) with wife and children came first to Kendall, N. Y., and in 1835 moved to Fox River Settlement, where both he and his wife died in 1854. They had five children with them in the sloop — Ellen, Ove, Lars, John and Hulda. In Kendall one child, Caroline, was born to them. The son, Lars, was the first Norwegian buried in the Fox River Settlement. This hap- pened in 1837. One daughter, Ellen, was mar- ried to Cornelius Cothrien. Ove died in Iowa, but his remains were buried in Mission, La Salle county. In the same township John died in 1893. Ellen, Caroline and Hulda are also dead. Hulda was married to Rasmus Olson, who died in Sheridan in 1893. Caroline was married to Jens Jacobs. They moved in 1865 to Rowe, near Pontiac, in Livingston county. III., where Jacobs had bought 240 acres of land. He died in the fall of the same year, and his widow in 1894. They had six children — five sons and one daughter. The Rosadal families were Quakers. Thomas Madland was born in Stavanger, Nor- Norway, in 1778, and died the year after he came to America, in 1826. He left three children in Norway and brought his wife and three daugh- ters with him in the sloop. These daughters were Rachel, Julia and Serena. Julia, born in 1810, married Gudmund Haukaas in Kendall, N. Y., and died in Mission, La Salle county. III., in 1846. Serena was born in 1814. She was married to Jacob Anderson Slogvig, in 1831, in Kendall. She came first to the Fox River Settlement and later moved to San Diego, Cal. Both she and her husband are dead. Nels Nelson Hersdal stayed in Kendall from 1825 to 1835, when he went out to the Fox River Settlement. He did not take his family there, however, until 1846. Nels Nelson was known in the Fox River Settlement as Big Nels. A number of stories are related about his enormous strength, and his language and manners are said to have been somewhat lacking in refinement. Jacob Anderson Slogvig and Knut Anderson Slogvig were brothers. Jacob Slogvig came from Kendall to the Fox River Settlement in 1835. He married a daughter of Thomas Mad- land, and during the gold fever went to Cali- fornia, 1850, where he became rich and died. Knud Anderson Slogvig went back to Norway in 1835 and married a sister of Ole Olson Hetlet- vedt. He was instrumental in bringing about the great emigration from Norway in 1836. He returned from Stavanger in that year and in 1837 he is said to have gone with Kleng Peerson to Missouri, where the latter tried to form a Nor- wegian settlement, but things down there do not seem to have pleased Slogvig, so he returned to Fox River immediately. He later settled in Lee county, Illinois, where he and his wife both died. Gudmund Haukaas came to Kendall in 1825. There he married Thomas Madland's daughter Julia. They went to the Fox River Settlement in 1834. He was a man of more than average education and intelligence. The couple had ten children. The wife died in 1846, and later Gud- mund was married to Miss Caroline Hervig. In Illinois he joined the Mormons and became an elder of the Latter-Day Saints. He was also a self-made physician and is said to have been of great help to his countrymen who were sufifering. He died on his farm, near Norway, 111., from cholera, in 1849. One son, Thomas, became a minister in the Mormon Church in La Salle county, and Caroline, a daughter by his second wife, is married to Dr. R. W. Bower, of Sheridan, III. This couple had a son. Dr. G. S. Bower, who was a physician in Ransom, about ten miles northeast from Streator, La Salle county. Mrs. Isabel Lewis, of Emington, Livingston county, 111., was a daughter of Gudmund Haukaas. Thorstein Olson Bjaadland was born in Haa, south of Stavanger, Norway, about 1795. He lived five years in Kendall, N. Y.; went to Michi- gan, where he learned the trade of a shoemaker; returned to Kendall, and in 1834 joined the party that went to the Fox River Settlement with Kleng Peerson. Here he bought a few acres, built a small loghouse, and prospered until the Indians set fire to the prairie grass. The fire consumed his loghouse together with all its contents. He built another log house and re- mained in Illinois until he moved to Dane county, Wisconsin, in 1840, where he died a poor man in 1874. George Johnson came from Kendall to the Fox River Settlement in 1835. He died from cholera in 1849. He was married to a daughter of "Dr." Johan Nordboe, who had taken up a claim in De Kalb county, not far from Sycamore, and which is still called Norwegian Grove after him. George Johnson left four children. The cook on the sloop, Andrew (Endre) Dahl, first settled in Kendall, N. Y., and in 1835 came to Mission, La Salle county. 111. There he mar- ried Sven Aasen's widow. Later he went to Utah, where he died. "THE SLOOPERS" WHO CAME TO ILLINOIS 45 Ole Olson Hetletvedt was born north of Stav- anger. He went first to Kendall, thence to Niagara Falls, N. Y. He dropped his surname Hetletvedt in this country, and became plain Ole Olson. When he came west he settled in La Salle county, and about 1841 in Newark, Kendall county, 111., where he died in 1849. He was the first Norwegian settler in Newark. The next ones were Knud Williamson and Herman Os- monsen. He was an ardent Haugian and success- ful lay missionary. Two of his brothers came to America in 1836. One of them, Knud Olson Hetletvedt, settled as a farmer in Mission town- ship and died there from cholera in 1849. Hi's other brother, Jacob Olson Hetletvedt, went to Iowa, where he died in 1875. His widow was married to Sven Kjylaa, and with him she moved to La Salle county, Illinois. Ole Olson had four children, three sons and one daughter. The sons were Porter C, S^ren L. and James Webster. The daughter's name was Bertha. When the Thirty-sixth Regiment of the Illinois Volunteers was formed. Porter C. got together Company F., consisting mostly of Nor- wegians. His two brothers enlisted in same, and Porter C. Olson became its captain. He soon advanced to the colonelcy of the regiment, and at the time when he was killed in the battle of Franklin, Tenn., he was acting brigadier-general. His brother, S0ren L. Olson, was killed by a shell at the battle of Murfreesboro. Their young- est brother James came through the war scot free. Porter C. Olson Porter C. Olson, having been the most remark- able soldier from Illinois of Norwegian descent during the Civil War, we are going to give a more explicit account of him. As already mentioned, he was the oldest son of Ole Olsen, the Slooper, and was born at Manchester, near Niagara Falls, in 1831. His mother was an American. When Porter C. was a lad, his parents moved to Newark, Kendall county, this state. His education was advanced in the county schools, and he attended Beloit College, Wis., during two years, 1856-58. He then became a teacher of the district school at Lisbon, 111., but when the war broke out, he ex- changed the quiet of the county school house for the strenuous life of the military camp. Through his efforts a company was recruited among the Norwegians around Newark, Helmar, Lisbon, Norway, Sheridan and other places. A few of the survivors are still living, among whom are B. Thompson, a merchant at Sheridan, and Tor- ris Johnson, a retired farmer at Newark. Arn- old Schlanbusch died in March, 1906. The bi- ographies of the latter two appear elsewhere in this volume. The company was designated as F and incorporated in the Thirty-sixth Regiment of the Illinois Volunteers. They first camped on the west side of Fox River, about two miles from Aurora, at Camp Hammond, and started for the seat of war on the 24th day of September, 1861. Porter C. Olson followed his regiment and partic- ipated in all of its bloody battles to the fatal one at Franklin, Tennessee. The above-named members of his company were unanimous in expressing their appreciation of and affection for their captain. They say he was a modest and unassuming man of excellent character. Major L. G. Bennett, who has written the history of the Thirty-sixth Regiment, testifies that "next after the lamented Miller none stood higher or had a warmer place in the affections of the men than Lieutenant-colonel Porter C. Olson." The records of this regiment state that Mr. Olson commanded the regiment with great brav- ery in the battle of Stone River, in December, 1862, and in January, 1863. In this battle General Sill was killed, on Dec. 31, 1862. Colonel Greusel, of the Thirty-sixth Illinois, took command of the brigade, and Major Miller of the Thirty-sixth hav- ing been wounded, the command of the regiment devolved on Porter C. Olson. Captain Olson made a full official report of the movements of the regiment during those eventful days, and we deem it both proper and interesting enough to be preserved among the records of our early Norwegian settlers, inasmuch as both Major Bennett's history of the Thirty-sixth Illinois and 46 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Prof. R. B. Anderson's First Chapter of Nor- wegian Immigration, in which work the report is copied, are out of print and consequently not available for the present generation of descend- ants of Norwegians. Captain Olson's report is certainly a most precious historical document for Norwegian-Americans. It reads as follows: I |;*r*' ^^^HK''^ t^^l W i^l'S "^I^^^K fl i ■'i H mk .-'^^y-.-fybl-J'^^'' Col. Porter C. Olson. "Headquarters 36th 111. Vols., Jan. 9, 1863. "The 36th Illinois regiment, Col. N. Greusel commanding, was called into line at four o'clock on Tuesday morning, December 30th, 1862, and stood under arms until daylight, to the left of the Wilkinson pike, our right resting upon it, five miles from Murfreesboro. At nine o'clock a. m. we moved forward to Murfreesboro. Two companies were deployed as skirmishers to the right of the road and were soon engaged with the enemy's skirmishers. When two miles from Murfreesboro, the regiment was deployed in a cornfield to the right of the pike and two com- panies were sent forward as skirmishers, as ordered by Gen. Sill. The regiment lay in line in this field until 2 o'clock p. m. at which time the whole line was ordered to advance. The skirmishers kept up a sharp fire — the enemy's line retreating and ours advancing. We drove the enemy through the timber and across the cotton field, a low, narrow strip stretching to the right into the timber. A rebel battery, directly in front of the 36th, opened a heavy fire upon us. Our skirmishers advanced to the foot of the hill near the cotton field and here kept up a well directed fire. We were ordered to support Capt. Bush's battery, which was brought into position in the point of timber where our right rested, and opened fire with terrible effect upon the enemy. We remained as a support until nearly dark, when Capt. Bush went to the rear, the enemy's battery, or rather its disabled frag- ments, having been dragged from the field. In this day's engagement the regiment lost three killed and fifteen wounded; total eighteen. We occupied the hill during the night, and our skirmishers were in line at the edge of the cotton field. "On the morning of December 31st, soon after daylight, the enemy advanced in strong force from the timber beyond the cotton field opposite our right. They came diagonally across the field and upon reaching the foot of the hill made a left half wheel, coming up directly in front of us. When the enemy had advanced up the hill sufficiently to be in sight, Col. Greusel ordered the regiment to fire, which was promptly obeyed. We engaged the enemy at short range, the lines being not over ten rods apart. After a few rounds, the regiment supporting us on the right gave way. In this manner we fought for nearly half an hour, when Col. Greusel ordered the regi- ment to charge. The enemy fled in great confu- sion across the cotton field into the woods op- posite our left, leaving many of their dead and wounded upon the field. We poured a destruc- tive fire upon them as they retreated until they were beyond range. "The 36th again took position upon the hill and the support for our right came forward. At this time Gen. Sill was killed, and Col. Greusel took command of the brigade. A fresh brigade of the enemy advanced from the direction that the first had come and in splendid order. We opened fire on them with terrific effect. Again the regiment on our right gave way and we were again left without support. Ii; this condition we fought until our ammunition was exhausted and the enemy had entirely flanked us on our right. At this juncture Major Miller ordered the regiment to fall back. While retreating, Major Miller was wounded and the command devolved on me. We moved back of the corn field to the edge of the timber a hundred rods to the right of the Wilkinson pike and two miles PORTER C. OLSON 47 from Murfreesboro, at eight o'clock a. m. Here I met Gen. Sheridan and reported to him that the regiment was out of ammunition and that I would be ready for action as soon as I could obtain it. We had suffered severely in resisting the attack of superior numbers. I had now only one hundred and forty men. The regiment fought with great obstinacy and much is due to Col. N. Greusel for his bravery in conducting the regiment before being called away. Adjutant Biddulph went to find the ammunition, but did not succeed. I then informed Quartermaster Bouton, that I needed cartridges, but he failed to find any except size fifty-eight, the caliber of most of the arms being sixty-nine. I was ordered by Major General McCook to fall back to the rear of Gen. Crittenden's corps. I arrived there about ten o'clock a. m. I here obtained ammu- nition, and dispatched the adjutant to report to Col. Greusel the condition and whereabouts of the regiment. He returned without seeing the Colonel. Lieutenant Watkins soon rode up and volunteered to take a message to Col. Greusel, or Gen. Sheridan. He also returned without find- ing either officer. I now went in search of Gen. Sheridan myself; found him at 12 o'clock, and reported to him the regiment (what there was left of it) ready to move to the front. He or- dered that I should hold the regiment in readi- ness and await his commands. "At 2 o'clock p. m. I received orders from Gen. Sheridan to advance to the front to the left of the railroad and connect my command tem- porarily with Col. Leibold's brigade. We were here subject to a very severe artillery fire. A twelve-pound shell struck in the right of the regiment and killed Lieutenant Sdren L. Olson, [a brave and faithful officer, commanding Com- pany F and a brother of Col. Porter C. Olson], Corporal Riggs, and wounding three others. At dark we were moved by Liut. Denning one quarter of a mile to the rear, where we remained for the night. At three o'clock in the morning of the first of January, 1863, by order of Gen. Sheridan, we marched to his headquarters on the Nashville pike, a distance of half a mile, where at daylight I reported to Col. Greusel. As ordered by him we took position to the right of Capt. Bush's battery, fronting west. We built a barricade of logs and stone and remained through the day ready to receive the enemy, but no attack was made. On the morning of the second, the regiment was in line at four o'clock; stood under arms until daylight. We remained ready for action through the day until four o'clock p. m., when, by order of Col. Greusel, we moved to the right on the line formerly oc- cupied by Gen. Davis. During the night con- siderable skirmishing occurred on our front. On the morning of that 3rd instant the regiment stood under arms from four o'clock until day- light. At eight o'clock a. m., by order of Col. Greusel, we changed position to the right and somewhat to the rear, letting our right rest upon the Nashville pike. On the morning of the fourth we were under arms at four o'clock. No fighting occurred on our part of the line during the day. In the action throughout, the regiment behaved in the most gallant manner. The offi- cers, with only a single exception, distinguished themselves for bravery and coolness. The men with unflinching courage were always ready, and met the enemy with determination to con- quer. I tender my thanks to Adjutant (George G.) Biddulph for the gallant and efficient man- ner in which he assisted me, and also to the other officers for their gallant action through- out the strong conflict, which resulted in victory. I append to this report a list of casualties. (Signed) Porter C, Olson. "Captain, Commanding 36th Illinois Volunteers." General Rosecrans writes in his report of the battle: "The firing was terrific, and the havoc terrible. The enemy retreated more rapidly than they had advanced. In forty minutes they lost two thousand men." And General P. H. Sheridan writes of this bloody engagement: "I refer with pride to the splendid conduct, bravery and ef- ficiency of the following regimental command- ers, and the officers and men of their respective commands: Major Silas Miller, 36th Illinois, wounded and a prisoner; Capt. P. C. Olson, 36th III." This regiment suffered more than any other in that battle, and the list of the dead and wounded fills two whole closely printed pages in Bennett's History of the Thirty-sixth Illinois. From the condition of his health, Colonel N. Greusel, on Feb. 9, 1863, felt constrained to tender his resignation, and Captain Jenks, of Company A, Cavalry, was promoted to take his place. "He was a man of excellent abilities, of fine taste and culture, a man whom to know was to esteem," says Mr. Bennett; "but unfortunately he found himself in a position equally unpleasant for himself and the regiment. It was felt that the two companies of cavalry attached to the 36th Illinois, being so distinct in organization and service, ought not to be reckoned in the line of promotion, but that the regiment officers should be taken from the regiment itself. This feeling 48 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS was so intense that neither kindness nor discipline could overcome it. At one time it seemed so high that it almost threatened jnutiny, when Colonel Jenks wisely resigned and returned to his profession, in which he proved himself so successful." The result was that Captain Porter C. Olson again took command of the regiment. On the 11th of May, 1863, Olson was regularly appointed lieutenant-colonel, and took command of the regiment for Silas Miller, who had re- ceived a commission as colonel, but was still a prisoner at Libby and did not return till May 32. "The promotion of Olson was," says Ben- nett, "highly honorable to that worthy officer, whose fidelity and courage, tested both in camp and field, had won the confidence of the regi- ment. The appointment, too, will never cease to be equally honorable to Major George D. Sherman, who, though himself a ranking officer and entitled to the position, recommended Capt. Olson." In the battle of Chickamauga the Thirty-sixth Illinois also suffered terribly. It was in that battle that the gallant Colonel Hans E. Heg was shot on the 19th of September and died on the following day. We again quote in regard to Olson from Bennett's History: "In the mean- time the fiery conflict grew more desperate and deadly. Col. Miller, on whom the command of the brigade devolved, gallant as ever; Lieut. -Col. Olson, brave to a fault, and Major Sherman, true and unflinching, were everywhere conspicu- ous, encouraging the men by their example to wring from unwilling hands of fate the victory which was denied." At the battle of Mission Ridge Colonel Olson again commanded the regiment and led it into the thickest of the fight. On Feb. 2, 1864, the regiment returned to Chicago, and a few days later to Aurora, where it was reorganized and started for the South again on the 19th of March, with Miller as colonel and Porter C. Olson as lieutenant-colonel. How popular Olson was may be gained from the fact that the ground on which his regiment camped near Cowan, Tenn., was called Camp Olson. From June until August 24 Olson was absent from the regiment on account of sick- ness, but upon the death of Colonel Silas Mil- ler he returned and resumed command. On the 23d day of September, 1864, one hundred and twenty-seven men and one officer, whose three years of service had expired, were mustered out and took leave of their comrades. Being drawn up in line, they were addressed in a speech by Colonel Olson who "reviewed their connection with the regiment, honored their fidelity, and exhorted them to be true to the country, as citizens at home, while their comrades continued to bear the hardships of camp and field." The bloody fight and slaughter at Franklin, Tenn., occurred on Nov. 30. For his successful resistance and victory in this battle General Scofield was in a large measure indebted to the unflinching courage of Colonel Olson and the gallant Thirty-sixth in checking and delaying the march of Hood's army until the works at Franklin were strengthened. It was a delicate and dangerous duty to clear the pike and hold it open to enable the troops from Columbia to pass without interruption, and Colonel Olson with his regiment was selected to do this. In the battle of Franklin Colonel Olson was everywhere among his men with words of cheer and encouragement, and utterly regardless of his own life and safety. Shortly after reaching the works he was struck by a musket ball, which entered his breast and passed through his body in the region of the heart. H« fell instantly, but in falling he requested Lieutenant Hall of Company E to take him to the rear. Assisted by Sergeant Yarnell of Company G, they carried him to the shelter of a brick house standing near the works, when, perceiving that he was failing fast, the lieutenant called to Captain Bid- dulph to attend to the regiment as the colonel's wound was mortal. Yarnell wrenched a window shutter from the house, and on this the bleed- ing body of their commander was placed and hurriedly borne to the rear, while musket balls and cannon shot were striking around them in fearful quantities. They were none too soon in reaching the river to secure the last vacant place in an ambulance in which he was tenderly placed by the side of the wounded color-bearer, Mr. Zimmer. Then taking a last look at their dying chief, they hur- ried back to the trenches, resumed their position in the line and fought bravely to the end. The colonel's life ebbed rapidly away and in a half- conscious state the pious, God-fearing soldier feebly whispered: "Oh, help me, Lord!" These were his last words, and his heart was still. His noble spirit had taken its flight to rest. L. G. Bennett closes the chapter on Colonel Porter Olson's death with these eloquent and striking words: "When brave Olson fell, a cold tremor thrilled along the line. At any other time than in the face of the enemy and under a murderous fire the men would have sat down and cried like children over his untimely fate. Brave, generous, PORTER C. OLSON 49 earnest and faithful, none had stood more honest- ly by the men or been more true to the country than he. Always present in the perils, and hard- ships of the 36th, he had shared them all and won his way into the hearts and affections of the men, making a record of glory that will never be closed up or forgotten, though his mild, intelligent and thoughtful face. This grand life resulted from the immigration of his father, Ole Olson Hetletvedt, in the Sloop, in 1825, and the first settler in what is now the village of Newark. Colonel Olson's remains rest in the little cemetery on the ridge near Millington, a station Monument of Col. Porter C. mangled remains may moulder and lay hidden from sight in an unknown and unmarked grave. The name of Porter C. Olson will live forever, and be handed down along the imperishable ages, indissolubly linked with the fame of the immortal Thirty-Sixth." Colonel Olson's portrait shows a peculiarly Olson, Millington Cemetery, 111. on the C, B. & Q. Railroad's Fox River Branch, between Yorkville and Sheridan. Through the courtesy of one of the men who fought by his side, Mr. Torris Johnson of Newark, we are enabled to present a picture of the monument erected on Porter C. Olson's grave as well as an image of the Colonel himself. 50 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS The First Farm Owned by a Norwegian West of the Great Lakes The last couple to survive of those who em- barked in the sloop on July 4, 1825, were Nels Nelson Hersdal and his wife Bertha. Mrs. Nel- son died in 1882 and Mr. Nelson in 1886. The last male survivor was Nels Nelson, Jr., a son of Cornelius Nelson and nephew of Kleng Peerson. He was born in Tysvaer parish, Norway, June 29, 1816, and died at Sheridan, 111., Aug. 29, 1893. His wife, Catherine Evenson, died in Sheridan, July 24, 1906. Mr. J. A. Quam is now adminis- tering her estate, and her son, Cornelius, is liv- ing on and owns the old homestead. Her father, Knut Evenson, came to America in 1831. He set- tled in Kendall, N. Y., and both he and his wife died there. Catherine came with friends to La Salle county, Illinois, in 1839. Nels Nelson was usually styled Jr., to distinguish him from Nels Nelson Hersdal, Sr. Nels Nelson, Jr., and his wife Catherine had ten children, four of whom are now living, three daughters and a son. The son, whose name is Cornelius, lives on the farm in Mission township, La Salle county, purchased for his grandmother, Carrie (Kari) Nelson, the widow of Cornelius Nelson, by Kleng Peerson, before she moved to Illinois in 1836. On this farm — which is the W. half S. W. quarter S. 33, T. 35, R. 5 E., 3 P. M. — she built a log house shortly after her arrival and made her home there until she died, July 24, 1848. This farm be- came the property of her son, Nels Nelson, Jr., the last male survivor of the sloop party, and now his son, Cornelius, has it. The original log house still stands, but has been sided over and a larger frame building has been added to it; it still serves as a home for a grandchild of a Slooper. We speak thus fully of this farm because it is beyond all doubt the first farm selected by a Norwegian in America west of the Great Lakes, and it would not be out of place to com- memorate the event by a small monument in honor of Mrs. Carrie Nelson's brother, Kleng Peerson, of Hesthammer, Tysvser parish, Skj0ld district, Stavanger county, Norway. Perhaps it was on this land he lay down and rested and had his memorable dream, mentioned on another page. At all events this is the first piece of land selected by a Norwegian in the great North- west. Claims and First Improvements Future generations will inquire not only how this country appeared before the hand of civilized man had marred its virgin beauty, but how the first comers managed to live, to protect them- selves from the elements and to procure the means of subsistence; how they met the varied requirements of civilization to which they had been accustomed, and with what resignation they dispensed with such as could not be had. If correctly told, it would be a tale of intense interest; but it would require a master hand to draw a picture that would §how the scene in all of its details — personal experience alone could fully unfold the tale. When a new-comer ar- rived, he first selected a location where he could make his future home; and the question natural- ly arises, of whom did he get permission to oc- cupy it? The answer might be given in the lan- guage usually used when defining political or civil rights — everyone was free to do as he pleased so he did not interfere with his neigh- bor. When the government had extinguished the Indian title the land was subject to settlement, either before or after survey. The settler had CLAIMS AND FIRST IMPROVEMENTS 51 no paper title, but simply the right of possession, which he got by moving onto and occupying it; this gave him the right to hold it against all others till some one came with a better title, which bet- ter title could only be got by purchasing the fee of the government, when surveyed and brought into market. The right of possession thus ob- tained constituted what was called a claim. These were regarded as valid titles by the settlers, and were often sold, in some instances for large amounts. Pre-emption laws were passed at dif- ferent times by Congress, giving to claimants who had made certain specified improvements the exclusive right to purchase the premises, at the minimum price of $1.25 per acre; provided, they would prove their pre-emption, and pay for the same before they were offered for sale by the governrnent. The conditions required were possession or cultivation, and raising a crop, the amount of the crop not being specified. A rail fence of four lengths was often seen on the prai- rie, the ground inclosed spaded over and sown with wheat. When settlers, by mistake, got a pre-emption on the same quarter section, they were entitled to a claim on eighty acres more, to be selected by themselves; they received a certificate of such claim, it being called a float, and was frequently laid on improvements, doing great injustice. But there was always an understanding among the settlers that each claimant should be pro- tected in his claim if he had no pre-emption, pro- vided he would attend the sale when advertised, by proclamation of the President, bid the mini- mum price, and pay for it. The settlers usually attended the sale in a body, and although any person had a legal right to bid on any claim not pre-empted, and it had to be sold to the highest bidder, it was not considered a safe thing to bid on a settler's claim, and it was seldom done. When attempted, the bidding speculator usually got roughly handled, and found discretion the better part of valor. Eastern speculators often complained of this, claiming that they were de- prived of their legal right to compete in the open market for the purchase of these lands; but the settlers replied that they had left the comforts and luxuries of their Eastern homes, braved the dangers and privations of a new country, and here made their homes, cultivating and reclaim- ing these wild lands and preparing the way for advancing civilization, and that they had a sacred right to the improvements, and the right to pur- chase the fee of the land, as the land and im- provements must go together. And they were right. The fault lay in the government ever selling the land in any way except by pre-emption and to actual settlers. The government gained noth- ing by offering it at public sale, as the average price obtained, during a long term of years, was only $1.27 per acre, only two cents over the mini- mum price which would have been paid by ac- tual settlers, not enough to pay the additional cost; and the purchase by speculators enhanced the price and retarded the settlement of the country, forcing the settler to live isolated, with- out society, schools and churches; and it made the honest immigrant pay from $300 to $1,000 more for gach eighty acres than the government price, and this went to the man who did noth- ing for the country, but sat in his Eastern home and pocketed the amount. The claim question had a morality of its own, and while at a distance, and from a certain stand- point, it had the appearance of mob law, and was so stigmatized, here where it could be properly understood and appreciated it was sustained by the purest and best of men; not only so, but an actual settler was never known to oppose it. If ever an equitable and just right existed, it was that of the claimant pioneer to the land he occu- pied. The nomenclature was peculiar and expressive. When a man made a claim he was said to squat, and was called a squatter, and from that came the phrase "squatter sovereignty." When the claimant left his claim the first occupant could have it. If he left it temporarily to visit his friends, or on business, and another embraced the opportunity to possess it, the latter was said to jump the claim. Each settlement usually had an association where such disputes were settled; and the state enacted laws making claims trans- ferable, notes given for claims valid, for protect- ing the claimant from encroachment of others, and ousting jumpers. A claim jumper often found his way a hard road to travel. This nomenclature was often expressively ap- plied to other matters. If a young man paid marked attention to a young lady he was said to have made a claim; if it was understood they were engaged he was said to have a pre-emp- tion and if another cut him out he was said to have jumped his claim. When the settler had selected his location, or made his claim, his first attention was directed to procuring a shelter for himself and family. If in the vicinity of others already provided he was readily welcomed to share their scanty ac- commodations, two and frequently three families together occupying a cabin with one room, per- 53 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS haps 12x14 feel, more or less. But if far re- moved from neighbors he had to occupy his cov- ered wagon in which he came, sleeping in or under it, and cooking and eating in the open air, or some other rude contrivance, frequently a tent made of blankets, till a shelter could be provided. This was usually a log cabin, for raising of which help was needed. When help was not 'available, his cabin must be built of such logs or poles as could be handled with the aid of his family. In raising a log cabin strength as much as skill is required. What were termed corner hands — one at each corner, or where hands were scarce, one for two corners — should have some experience. The bottom log must be saddled or .cut to a sloping edge, or angle, to receive the cross log, which nius-t be notched to fit the sad- dle. A failure, requiring the log to be taken out to be refitted, was sure to bring some pleasant raillery on the culprit. If well done, a door or window can be cut, and the parts of the logs will remain firm in their place, but if not a perfect fit. when a space is cut for the door, the accumu- lated weight from above will bring the logs not to fit at the corner and throw the ends at the cut- ting wide from their place. When the walls were completed, or about ten feet high, the gables were carried up by laying on logs, each short- ened in succession, to give the proper slope for the roof, and held by straight logs, or large poles, placed about three feet from and parallel with the plate, rising upward to receive the shin- gles, resting on and holding the short logs at the gables, and terminating with a ridge pole at the center of the building and top of the roof. On these were placed long shingles or boards, four feet long, laid double, so the top course broke joints with the first, on which was laid another log. or pole, held by a pin at each end; this pole held the shingles in place without nailing, and each succeeding course was laid and fastened in the same way. The floor was made of split logs, hewn on the split side, and spotted onto the sleepers on the round side, so as to make a tol- erably smooth surface; these were called punch- eons. The chimney was built outside the building at one end. A hole was cut through the logs for a fireplace. This was made of timber, lined with stone or clay for four or five feet, and then with a crib of sticks plastered inside with clay mor- tar. The spaces between the logs were filled with pieces of split timber, called chinking, and plastered inside and out with clay mortar, mak- ing a warm and comfortable house; but snow and rain, when falling with a high wind, would get inside through the clapboard roof — and where leisure and means justified, a roof of boards and short shingles wa-s substituted. A one-post bedstead was made as follows: Bore a hole in a log four feet from the corner of the room, and insert a rail six feet long; then bore a hole in the log on the other side of the room six feet from the same corner, and insert the opposite ends of these rails where they meet, in a post, which completes the frame; then lay slats crosswise from the side to the log opposite, or to a rail pinned on the log at the proper height, and the one-post bedstead is complete, on which the weary pioneer slept as sweetly as on the most costly one. These rough buildings were quite comfortable, and, as most of our old settlers could testify, witnessed much of real enjoyment. Some of America's greatest men were born and raised in such a dwelling. A shelter provided, the next thing was to pre- pare to raise whereon to su'bsist. The prairie region offered ?dvantages for an occupant far superior to a timbered country; in the latter an immense amount of labor had to be done to clear the timber, and for years the stumps prevented free cultivation; while on the prairie the sod had to be turned, and the crop put in. At an early day the sod was turned by an ox team of six to ten yoke, with a plow that cut a furrow from two to three feet wide. The plow beam, which was from eight to twelve feet long, was framed into an axle, on each end of which was a wheel sawed from an oak log; this held the plow upright. It was a heavy, unwieldy- looking apparatus, but it did good work; and the broad black fii'rrow, as it rolled from the plow, was a sight worth seeing. The nice adjustment and filing of the coulter and broad share required a practised hand, as a slight deviation in the tip of the share, or even filing the coulter, would throw the plow on a twist and require a strong man to hold it in place; but if nicely done the plow would run a long distance without support. This was the primitive American plow, but Yankee ingenuity soon found that a smaller plow and less team did cheaper and better work. It was found that the best time to break the sod was when the grass was rapidly growing, as it would then decay quickly, and the soil soon be mellow and kind; but if broken too early or too late in the season, it would require two or three years to become as mellow as it would be in three months when broken at the right time. CLAIMS AND FIRST IMPROVEMENTS 53 Very shallow plowing required less team, and would mellow much sooner than deep breaking. The first crop was mostly corn, planted by cutting a gash with an ax into the inverted sod, dropping the corn, and closing it by another blow alongside the first. Or it was dropped in every third furrow and the furrow turned on; if the corn was so placed as to find the space be- tween the furrows, it would find daylight; if not, it was doubtful Corn so planted would, as cul- tivation was impossible, produce a partial crop, sometimes a full one. Prairie sod turned in June would be in condition to sow with wheat in Sep- tember, or to put in with corn or oats the spring following. Vines of all kinds grew well on the fresh-turned sod, melons especially, though the wolves usually took their full share of these. After the first crop the soil was kind, and pro- duced any crop suited to the climate. But when his crops were growing the settler was not re- lieved from toil. His chickens .mu'st have shelter and Be closed at night to protect them from the owls and wolves; his pigs required equal protec- tion; and although his cows and oxen roamed on the wide prairie in a profusion of the richest pasture, still a yard must be made for his cows at night, and hir; calves by day. The cows were turned in with the calves for a short time at night, and then the calves turned on the prairies to feed during the night. In the morning the calves were turned in and the cows turned out for their day's pasture; this was necessary to in- duce the cows to come up at night, for if the calves were weaned the cows would fail to come. And the stock all needed some protection from the fierce wintry blast, though sometimes they got but little. Add to this the fencing of the farm, the outbreedings, hunting the oxen and cows on the limitless prairies through the heavy dews of late evening and early morning, going long distances to market and to mill, aiding a newcomer to build his cabin, fighting the prairie fires which swept over the country yearly, and with his family encountering that pest of a new country, the fever and ague and other malarious disease's, and the toil and endurance of a settler in a new country may be partially, but not fully appreciated. A visitor from the Eastern states has often taunted the toiling pioneers with such remarks as these: "Why do you stack out your hay and grain?" "Why don't you have barns, comfortable houses, stables for your cattle, and other con- veniences as we have?" He should have been an- swered: "You are enjoying the fruits of the la- bor of generations of your ancestors, while we have to create all we have. We have made nec- essarily rude and cheap shelters for ourselves and animals, have fenced our farms, dug our wells, have to make our roads, bridge our streams, build our schoolhouses, churches, court- houses and jails, and when one improvement is complete another want stares us in the face." All this taxed the energies of the new settler to the extent of human endurance, and many fell by the way, unable to meet the demands upon their energies. The wonder is that so much has been accom- plished; that so many comforts, conveniences and luxuries have crowned the efforts of our people; that we have reached a point for which two cen- turies of effort might well have been allowed. Political and financial theorists have tauntingly told the farmers of Illinois that they know noth- ing of finance except what wiser heads have told them; that they have made nothing by farming, and would be poor except for the advance in price of their farms. These Solons should be told that it is the toil of those farmers that has made their farms in- crease in price; their toil has clothed them with valuable improvements, planted orchards and fruit gardens, made roads and bridges, converted a wilderness into a land of beauty, and made it the happy abode of intelligent men. All this had to be done to make these farms advance in price, and those who have done this and raised and educated their families have done well; and if the advance in the price of their farms has given them a competence it is what they anticipated and nothing but the most persevering industry and frugality would have accomplished it. In addition to the labor and multitude of cares that beset the newcomer he had to accomplish all of it under disadvantages, and to encounter dangers that of themselves were sufficient to dis- courage men not of stern resolve. Traveling un- worked roads and crossing streams without bridges was often a perilous adventure. Many were the hairbreadth escapes which most of the early settlers can recall and which in later years were never referred to without a thrill of emo- tion. Up to the time of building the first bridge over the Vermillion there was a record of twen- ty-five persons drowned in that treacherous stream within a distance of ten miles — all drowned in attempting to ford the stream. It was a common remark that when a man left home in the morning it was very uncertain whether his wife's next dress would be a black one or of some other color. Crossing the wide prairie at night with not 54 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS even the winds or stars for guides, was a very uncertain adventure, and often the wayfarer traveled till exhausted and encamped till the morning light came to guide him on his way. In warm weather, although an unpleasant ex- posure, this was not a dangerous one; and al- though the sensation of being lost is more irk- some and the lonely silence in the middle of a prairie, broken only by the howl of the v^olves, is more unpleasant than one inexperienced would imagine, and the gnawing of a stomach innocent of supper adds much to the discomfort, it all passes with the night and a brighter view and happier feeling dawns with the breaking morn. But crossing the trackless prairie when covered with a dreary expanse of snow, with the fierce, unbroken wintry blasts sweeping over its glis- tening surface, penetrating to the very marrow, was sometimes a fearful and dangerous experi- ence. No condition could inspire a more per- fect idea of lonely desolation, of entire discom- fort, of helplessness and of dismal forebodings, than to find one's self lost on the snow-covered prairie, with no object in sight in any direction but the cold, undulating snow wreaths, and a dark and tempestuous winter night fast closing around his chiDed and exhausted frame. His sa- gacious horse, by spasmodic efforts and continu- ous neighing, shows that, with his master, he appreciates the danger, and shares his fearful anticipations. With what longing the lost one reflects on the cosy fireside of his warm cabin, surrounded by his loved ones, which he fears he may never see; and when the dark shadow of night has closed around and shut in the land- scape, and chance alone can bring relief, .' joy- ous neigh and a powerful spring from his noble horse calls his eye in the direction he has taken, he sees over the bleak expanse a faint light in the distance, toward which his horse is bounding with accelerated speed, equally with his master cheered and exhilarated by the beacon light, which the hand of affection has placed at the window to lead the lost one to his home. Nearly every early settler had some such experience, while some never reached the home they sought, but, chilled to a painless slumber, found the sleep that knows no waking. IN WHAT CONDITION DID THE FIRST NORWEGIAN SETTLERS FIND THE TRACT, ON WHICH THEY SETTLED? The close of the Black Hawk war in 1832 found the settlers in embarrassed circumstances. In the north part of La Salle county the crops had been destroyed by the Indians, and all the farms had necessarily been neglected, while the owners were in the army, or seeking shelter in the fort. Still some raised tolerable crops, and there was not much suffering. In 1833, the year before the first Norwegians under the leadership of Kleng Peerson arrived, as it was understood that the Indian troubles were fully settled, im- migrants came in rapidly. The demand for pro- visions of all kinds, and for everything raised by the settlers was fully equal to the supply, and for some articles in excess, the deficiency being supplied by the boats in the river trade. Prices were high as they always are where the demand exceeds the supply, and were everywhere becom- ing inflated as the speculative times of 1835-37 were approached. The farmers of Illinois have hardly seen more prosperous times, excepting for the last few years, than the settlers enjoyed from the close of the Black Hawk war to 1837 — that is, those who had farms under improvement, and produce to sell. Those who were making improvements had to buy at such prices as the older settlers saw fit to ask. This fact throws light upon the easiness with which our Norwegian newcomers could secure work. Wheat was about $2.00 a bushel; corn and oats, $1.50; though the prices varied in different neighborhoods, as the propor- tion of old and newcomers preponderated. All newcomers were consumers, and not pro- ducers for the first year or two, unless they could buy an improved farm, and that reduced their dependence u'pon the means they brought with them. But a poor man could always find employment, and if he arrived without money he could get provisions for his family and pay in labor, as labor was the great need of the coun- try. He could buy anything the country con- tained with labor. Building houses, stables, pens and yards, making rails, fencing, and breaking prairie, called for stout and willing hands. A good worker, such as our Norwegians, was a great acquisition, but a drone had no place among the hardy pioneers. Many subjects connected with the occupancy and settlement of a new country are not con- tained in the narrative of passing events. In the next chapter we narrate the deeds of that great "White Man's Friend," the Indian chief Shab- bona. SHABBONA 55 Shabbona Shabbona shares with Shakespeare the distinc- tion of having his name spelled in an endless number of ways. We intend to accept the one in which it is spelled in the official records of today, where places are named after the great chief, as for instance Shabbona Grove, a station on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, and Shab- of his life in La Salle county, and often visited Ottawa and other parts of the county. He was a chief of the Pottawatomie Indians, whn lived in the vicinity, ?nd was well known to the early settlers. His kindness and friendship for the whites, and the timely warning he gave them to escape from the murderous fury of Black Hawk Shabbona. bona, a village of 1,000 inhabitants with a station on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway. Most of the early Norwegian settlers and many of their descendants in La Salle and Grundy counties remember the large and manly form of Shabbona. He spent the last few years and his tribe, endeared his memory to the early pioneers and their descendants. And it is but fitting that the history that perpetuates the mem- ory of the whites of that day should carry with it some recollection of their Indian friend. Shabbona was physically a noble specimen of 56 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS his race — over six feet in height and large in proportion; erect, and commanding in his bear- ing, he at once inspired respect. He had been a distinguished warrior, but evidently was disposed to the more quiet pur- great Algongtiin family, which embraces the Winnebagos, Chippewas, Pottawatomies and others who had a common origin and similar language. When a young man Shabbona emigrated with Shabbona's Daughter, her husband, Chief Kick-Kock, and their daughter. suits of peace. He was honest, truthful and trustworthy, and exhibited most of the virtues and a few of the vices of the red man when brought in contact with civilization. He was of the Ottawa tribe, and was born on the banks of the Ottawa River, in Canada, about 1775. The Ottawas were the leading tribe of the a part of his tribe to Michigan; was a friend and companion of the great Tecumseh, was bis aid, and was fighting by his side when that great warrior was killed at the battle of the Thames, in 3 813. Shabbona said that when Tecumseh fell he looked about and saw the British all run- ning, the Indians all running, and then he ran SHABBONA 57 •^X'^J":^ o m s c o e rt r. JS C/3 ; T) t—t 0) r. nj n y ^ Tl E/l "^ o (Tl CO a a r ^ E H o T^ u U (« ^ ^ n ^ 2 ^ M A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS too. From that time he forsook the alliance of the British and became the friend of the United States. All of the Algonguin tribes were under French influence, and took sides with them in all their wars with Great Britain and her colonies, and when the French possessions, by the treaty of 1763, passed into the hands of Great Britain, they mostly took sides with Great Britain against the United States, and their defeat at the battle of the Thames partially, at least, separated the Northwestern Indians from British influence. Shabbona became peace chief of the Potta- watomies, from which tribe he is said to have procured his wife. He opposed Black Hawk's proposed war en the whites, and prevented the Pottavvatomies from joining the Sauks; and when he found the war inevitable he lost no time in warning the settlers of La Salle and adjoining counties of their danger, and thus saved many valuable lives. The settlers at Indian Creek were warned by Shabbona in ample time to reach a place of safety, but his advice was unheeded, and they paid the penalty with their lives. He ef- fectually aided the whites in that contest, and in consideration of his services the government reserved a tract of land for his use at Shabbona's Grove, in what is now De Kalb county, and gave him a pension of $200. In 1837, when the last of his tribe moved onto a reservation west of the Mississippi, Shabbona went with them, but was not satisfied, and re- turned with his family — children and grand- children, thirty persons in all — to his reserva- tion. At the solicitation of his tribe he again went west; but his residence there was an u'n- quiet one. His favorite son was killed in a dif- ficulty with some of the Sauks, who had a res- ervation in the vicinity. The difiiculty is said to have grown out of the aid Shabbona rendered the whites in the Black Hawk war, which was remembered by the Sauks in true Indian fashion. With his family he returned to Illinois in 1855, and remained till his death, in 1859, aged 84 years. During Shabbona's absence some speculators represented to the government that he had aban- doned his reservation, and it was sold. He felt hurt at this injustice and said: "Shabbona has nothing now." George E. Walker, an old friend, and his companion in the Black Hawk war, said to him: "Shabbona, while I have a bed and a crust you shall share them with me;" and Shab- bona always made Walker's home his home, when in Ottawa. The citizens of Ottawa raised by subscription an amount sufficient to purchase twenty acres of land near Seneca, in Grundy county, and erected comfortable buildings on the same, where Shabbona and his family lived till his death, July 17, 1859.*) His squaw, Poka- moca, who was enormously fleshy, weighing about 400 pounds, was drowned in Mazon creek, Nov. 20, 1864, aged 86 years and was buried by his side. She was born, where Chicago now is, about 1778. In 1861 subscriptions were taken up in many of the river towns, to erect a monument over the remains of Shabbona, but, the war breaking out, the enterprise v^as abandoned. Only a large stone marks the resting place of this friend of the white man. Over the victims who were massacred on the Indian Creek in 1832, during the "Black Hawk" war, the state of Illinois caused a fine granite monument to be erected, which was ded- icated on Aug. 27, 1906. We present here a picture of the monument taken on the day of dedication. It is located in a little park between Ottawa and Freedom which, in honor of the "White Man's Friend," has been narhed Shab- bona Park. The persistent friendship of the old Indian for the whites, under injustice from the government, shows strongly the firmness 'of the Indian char- acter; while their hates are bitter, vindictive and cruel, their love and gratitu'de are equally last- ing. The story of Shabbona is a severe commentary on the barbarism of civilized man, who would sweep the Red Man from existence, and who says "there are no good Indians but dead ones." That vindictive crueltj' which characterizes the savage under real or fancied provocation actuates, with increased intensity, those pretended sharers of our boasted Christian civilization who would strike with remorseless efifect a fallen race, and extinguish at a blow the sad and melancholy remnant of a once powerful people, brought to the verge ofr extinction by the diseases, vices and wrongs of a pretended Christian people. *) Shabbona's remains were laid in lot 59, block 7, in the Morris cemetery with elaborate ceremony and grateful regard of the whole county. Here rest also eight of his family, five of whom were Ills children or grandchildren. KLENG PEERSON Kleng Peerson 59 We will now consider the career of that re- markable man, Kleng Peerson Hesthammer. He was born on a farm called Hesthammer, in Tys- ver parish, Skjold district, Stavanger amt, Nor- way, May 17, 1782. That date thirty-two years later became remarkable in the history of Nor- way, as it was on May 17, 1814, that that country adopted its constitution as a free and independ- ent kingdom. In his earlier years he became a dissenter and inspired the organization of the sloop party in 1825. With the aid of Jos. Fellows and other American Quakers he selected Kendall, Orleans county. N. Y., as the location of the first Norwegian settlement. From 1825 to 1833 there is no record of his whereabouts, but he probably spent much of the time in Kendall and Rochester, N. Y. In 1833 we find him in company with a Quaker from Tysver, Ingebret Larson Narvig, who had come from Norway in 1831, and another man, whose name we do not know, on his way to the far West. Ingebret Larson Narvig left him at Detroit and went to work for a farmer in . Michigan. Kleng continued the journey west- ward until he reached La Salle county, Illinois, and there selected the location of the second Norwegian settlement. The Kendall and Fox River settlements are his everlasting glory. But he was a restless fellow. The records of La Salle county show that he bought 160 acres of land (of which 80 acres were for his sister), but he never settled on it. Many of the early set- tlers in La Salle county were his relatives. He did not care to work. But little he needed for his support, and this he got largely from his rel- atives and friends. He was a man of strict in- tegrity and performed any matter entrusted to him with scrupulous honesty. He considered himself as the pathfinder and father of the Nor- wegian immigration. At the homes where he vis- ited he would ask the housewife for her knitting work and request her to make coffee. He would then lie down on the bed and knit and drink cofifee and talk about his extensive travels. He was an excellent storyteller and consequently a welcome visitor everywhere. In his domestic relations he had been unfortu- *) The compiler gladly takes this opportunity of acknowledging his obligations to Professor Rasmus B. Anderson's remarkable book, "The First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration", both for this chapter in toto and other valuable extracts and quotations. nate. A veil is spread over the details, because the ones who knew did not wish to tell. It is known, however, that he was married in Norway to a woman by the name of Catharine, before he went to America in 1821. She was much older than he and had considerable property, but they did not pull together well under the marital yoke. At any event, he abandoned her, and Catharine probably did not lose her sleep on account of his departure. In 1847 we find him in the well known Swedish Bishop Hill Colony, in Henry county, Illinois, where he married a Swedish woman by the name of Charlotte Marie, belonging to Eric Janson's colony. In the same colony lived at the same time Lars Tallakson, whose hat Kleng bor- rowed for the wedding. It is. however, due to Kleng to add that he stated before marrying Charlotte Marie, in 1847, that his first wife Cath- arine, in Norway, was then dead. Charlotte Marie died from cholera in 1849. Kleng Peerson was a proud man and essen- tially an adventurer. He married the woman in Norway probably more on account of her means than for love, as he desired very much to get into possession of her property. As he did not succeed, he left her, declaring he would get along without either her or her property. She must have been one of the strong-headed and determ-- ined kind, and she is said to have told him that he could have his dear America for himself, if he only left her alone. The writer must admit that, notwithstanding Kleng's own testimony, he is not satisfied that Kleng's Norwegian wife Cath- arine really was dead when he married the Swed- ish woman, Charlotte Marie, at Bishop Hill. According to a letter from his niece, Mrs, Bishop Sarah A. Peterson, of Ephraim, Utah, a daughter of the Slooper Cornelius Nelson, to Prof. R. B. Anderson, in 1895, Kleng Peerson spent all his time trying to do good to the stran- gers that came, and was always colonizing and finding homes for orphans. He carried children on his back for miles to get good places for them. If he secured a place for them and they were not treated well he took them away. In this way he made both friends and enemies. He was not a man that did menial work. He traveled and kept busy trying to do good to others for very little thanks. Mrs. Peterson adds: "For my own part, I shall always feel thankful to him for be- ing the means of getting my parents to come to this splendid country, and particularly for the fact that I am in Utah." Mrs. Peterson's bus- 60 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS band was Canute Peterson Marsett, who came to America in 1837 and afterward became a Mor- mon bishop of Ephraim, Utah. It is said of Kleng that he spoke English flu- ently, could read French, and was able to make himself understood among the Germans; thus with the Norwegian he had the command of four languages. He was a most interesting talker. To the Americans he was able to describe the land- scapes and life of Norway; to his countrymen he could give an account of soil and climate in various parts of the far West. People gathered around him wherever he came, to listen to- his reports and stories, and when Kleng came to a neighborhood the day was usually turned into a holiday. Under such circumstances it is easy to understand that he did not need to work, and that his few necessaries were supplied without his being a mendicant, and he was satisfied with very little. He was a carpenter by trade, and what he earned, when he occasionally did work, he gave freely to his countrymen who needed as- sistance. The next glimpse we get of Kleng Peerson, after he had founded the Fox River Settlement, is in Shelby county, in the northwest corner of Missouri, in the year 1837. There he also started a Norwegian settlement, but it not only did not receive any important accretions, but many of the settlers left it a few years later and founded another settlement called Sugar Creek, in Lee county, Iowa, about eight miles west of Keokuk. Kleng must have been across the Mississippi be- fore 1837, because he had already selected the location for the settlement when, in 1837, in company with Jacob Anderson Slogvig, Anders Askeland and twelve others, he went from La Salle county to Missouri. Writers have com- plained that Shelby county was badly chosen, but Andrew Simonson, who was one of the party and was still living in 1879, wrote in a Norwegian newspaper that "no settlement ever founded by Norwegians in America had a better appearance or better location than this very land in Shelby county, of which the Norwegians took possession at that time, and which they in part still own." It should be remembered that Missouri was a slave state, a fact which was very distasteful to the Norwegians, and Shelby county was far from any market. It being reported that there was good land to be had in Lee county, Iowa, Kleng, at the request of Andrew Simonson and others, went there to inspect it, and the result was that Simonson and the majority of the settlers in Shelby county moved to Lee county, for the sake of nearer market, but Mr. Simonson maintains that they did not get as good land as they left in Missouri. At all events, Kleng became the founder both of the settlement in Shelby county, Missouri, and of that in Lee county, Iowa, the former in 1837, and the latter in 1840. Kleng pur- chased eighty acres of land in Shelby county. To recruit the colony there, he went to Norway in 1838, and in 1839 we find him bringing back with him a lot of immigrants. He did his re- cruiting in the neigborhood of Stavanger, and on arriving in New York he proceeded with them to Cleveland, where he decided to take them by way of the Ohio River to Missouri. His reason for so doing was that Anders Askeland and the well known Jacob Slogvig had gone back to La Salle county, dissatisfied, and Kleng feared that if he went by way of the Fox River Settlement his recruits might be persuaded not to proceed with him to his settlement in Missouri. In 1842 Kleng made a third visit to Norway. He carried letters from America to various per- sons in Norway. In May, 1843, we find him a passenger on board the bark Juno, which sailed from Bergen for New York with eighty pas- sengers. In 1847 he sold his eighty acres of land in Shelby county, Missouri, and joined the Swedish Bishop Hill Colony, in Henry county, Illinois. The money he got for his farm he contributed to Eric Janson's communistic society. Here he mar- ried the Swedish woman mentioned before, but he soon got disgusted with the peculiar life in that colony, and, as he said, "robbed of all he possessed, and sick in body and mind," he went from Henry county back to his old Fox River Settlement, where he remained until his health was restored. In 1849 during the cholera epidemic from which his Swedish wife in Bishop Hill died, he made his first visit to Texas. He went there evidently at the suggestion of Dr. Johan Nordboe, who had then for several years lived five miles south of Dallas. Kleng visited Johan Nordboe, made some explorations in various parts of Texas, went as far west as within a few miles of Fort Worth, and returned to the Fox River Settlement in 1850, full of enthusiasm for Texas. The rest of his life is best told in a letter to Prof. Anderson from O. Canuteson: "In 1850 my father, with his family, came to my uncle, Halvor Knudson, in Illinois. My mother had died from cholera on the way from Chicago to Ottawa. In Ottawa we found Kleng Peerson, just back from Texas, and on his advice, and on his promise to be our guide, we concluded to go to Texas. He stayed with us the three years we lived in Dallas county. KLENG PEERSON 61 and when we moved to Bosque county, in 1854, he came with us, not as the leader then, but as a follower, being too old to undertake leadership any more. The last years of his life he had his home with O. Colwick (Kj0lvig), but would, of course, go around among his neighbors, where he was always welcome and felt at home. He died December 16, 1865. One of his neighbors and I were with him the last hours of his life. I closed his eyes in the long sleep of death. He was buried in the Lutheran cemetery opposite the Norwegian church near Norse P. O., in Bos- que county, and the Norwegians in Texas after- ward put a small stone monument on his grave, with the following inscription, written both in Norwegian and in English: 'CLENG PEERSON, The First Norwegian Immigrant Came to America in 1821. Born in Norway, Europe, May 17, 1782. Died in Texas, December 16, 1865. Grateful countrymen in Texas erected this monument to his memory.' " Mr. Canuteson contributed $15 to this monu- ment, and superintended the matter of collecting funds and having it made. In Texas Kleng Peerson owned half a section of land and a few cows, and all this property he gave to O. Colwick, the latter agreeing to take care of him the rest of his life. Kleng Peerson was a dissenter from the church of Norway, and although he did not personally join the society, he was in sympathy with the Quakers. He was "grub-staked" by the Friends in Stavanger for his first journey to America, in 1821, and by the help of the Quakers in New York he not only selected Kendall as the place of the first settlement, but also secured financial aid to transport the sloop people from New York to Kendall. He also had the help of Quakers in securing land in the second settlement, in La Salle county. While he admired the Quakers, he gradually drifted more and more away from all churches, and the fact is that before he died he had lost all faith in the Christian religion. O. Canuteson, who lived in the same house with him for many years in Texas, who was with him in his dying hours, and who closed his eyes in death, says: "I was intimately acquainted with Kleng Peerson from 1850 until his death in 1865. He was the most pronounced free thinker I have ever known. I remember his having an old Dan- ish free-thinking book, translated from the Ger- man. He believed little or nothing of the Bible, especially of the supernatural part thereof. Whether he at any time had belonged to the Quakers I can not say positively, but time and again I heard him talk about them as models in religious and temporal matters, and I heard him talk about getting assistance, aid and comfort from Elias Tastad of Stavanger, Norway, he be- ing their leader in that city." Kleng Peerson was thoroughly unselfish in his character, and he devoted his life largely to the service of his countrymen. While he never had what may properly be called a home after he left Norway, he spent his time and his scanty means in getting homes for others. In Kendall and in Illinois he secured land for his relatives and friends. When he had nothing of his own to give away he begged from the rich and gave to the poor. His great services to Norwegian immigration deserve to be remembered and appreciated, and with all his eccentricities and shortcomings his countrymen will look upon him as a benefactor to his race and as an honest and benevolent man. Kleng Pearson's Dream. Kleng Peerson stated that when exploring in La Salle county the land which was afterward occupied by his countr5'men, becoming weary, he lay down under a tree, slept, and dreamed, and in his dream he saw the wild prairie changed to a cultivated region, teeming with all kinds of grain and fruits, most beautiful to behold; that spacious houses and barns stood all over the land, occupied by a rich, prosperous and happy people. He awoke refreshed, and, nerved anew by his dream, went back to his countrymen in New York and persuaded them to emigrate to Illinois. Kleng's dream may have been dreamed awake, but it has been fully realized. The early days of the Norwegian settlement were days of poverty and toil, and repeated suffering from the Asiatic cholera; but they have surmounted their trials, and are now% as seen in Kleng Peer- son's dream, a wealthy, prosperous and happy people. 62 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Prairie Fires The yearly burning of the heavy growth of grass on the prairie, which had occurred from time immemorial, either from natural causes or from being set by human hands, was continued after the white settlers came in and was a source of much annoyance, and frequently of severe loss. From the time the grass would burn, which was soon after the first frost, usually about the first of October, till the surrounding prairie was all burnt over, or, if not all burnt, till the green grass in the spring had grown sufficiently to prevent the rapid progress of the fire, the early settlers were continually on the watch, and, as they usually expressed the idea, "slept with one eye open." When the ground was covered with snow and during rainy weather the apprehension was quieted, and both eyes could be safely closed. A statute law forbid setting the prairie on fire, and one doing so was subject to a penalty and liable in an action of trespass for the damage accruing. But convictions were seldom effected, as the proof was difficult, though the fire was often set. Fires set on the leeward side of an improve- ment, while very dangerous to the improvements to the leeward, were not so to the windward, as fire progressing against the wind is easily extin- guished. Imagine the feelings of the man who, alone in a strange land, has made a comfortable home for his family; has raised and stored his corn, wheat, oats and fodder for stock, and has his premises surrounded by a sea of standing grass, dry as tinder, stretching away for miles in every direction, over which the wild prairie wind howls a dismal requiem, and knowing that a spark or match applied in all that distance will send a sea of fire wherever the wind may waft it; and con- scious of the fact that there are men who would embrace the first opportunity to send the fire from outside their own fields, regardless of whom it might consume, so it protected their own. Various means were resorted to for protection; a common one was to open with a prairie plow several furrows around a strip, several rods wide, outside the improvements, and then burn out the strip; or wait till the prairie was on fire and then set fire outside, reserving the strip for a late burn, that is, till the following summer, and in July burn both old grass and new. The grass would start immediately, and the cattle would feed it close in preference to the older grass, so that the fire would not pass over it the following autumn. This process repeated would soon, or in a few years, run out the prairie grass, and in time the land would become stocked with blue grass, which will never burn to any extent. But all this took time and labor, and the push of busi- ness on the hands of a new settler, of which a novice has no conception, would prevent him doing what would seem a small matter; and all such effort was often futile; a prairie fire driven by a high wind would often leap all such barriers and seem to put human effort at defiance. A prairie fire when first started goes straight for- ward with a velocity proportioned to the force of the wind, widening as it goes, but the center keeping ahead; it spreads slowly at the sides, and if the wind is moderate and steady the fire is not difficult to manage; but if the wind veers a point or two, first one way and then the other, it sends the side fire beyond combat. The head fire in dry grass and with a high wind is fearful, and pretty sure to have its own way unless there is some defensible point from which to meet it. A contest with such a fire requires an engineering skill and tact which can be learned only by ex- perience, and a neigborhood of settlers called out by such an exigency at once put themselves un- der the direction of the oldest and most exper- ienced of the number, and went to work with the alacrity and energy of men defending their homes and property from destruction. The usual way of meeting an advancing fire was to begin the defense where the head of the fire would strike, which was known by the smoke and ashes brought by the wind long in advance of the fire. A road, a cattle path or a furrow was of great value at such a place, if there were none such, a strip of the grass could be wet, if w^ater could be procured, but it was usually scarce at the time of the annual fires. On the outside, or side next the coming fire, of such road' or path, the grass was set on fire, and it burned' slowly against the wind till it met the coming conflagration, and then stopped of course for want of fuel, provided there had been time to- burn a strip that would not be leaped by the head fire as it came in. This was called back- firing; great care was necessary to prevent the fire getting over the furrow, path or whatever was used as a base of operations. If »l got over and once under way there was no remedy but to fall back to a more defensible position, if there was one. If the head of the fire was successfully checked. PRAIRIE FIRES 63 then the forces were divided, half going to the right and half to the left, and the back-firing con- tinued, to meet the side fires as they came up; this had to be continued till the fire was checked along the entire front of the premises endangered, and the sides secured. Various implements were used to put out a side or back fire, or even the head of a fire in a mod- erate wind. A fence board, about four to six feet long, with one end shaved down for a han- dle, was very effective, if struck flat upon the nar- row strip of fire. A bundle of hazel brush did very well, and a spade or shovel was often used. The women often lent their aid; their weapon was usually the kitchen mop, which, when thor- oughly wet, was very efficient, especially in ex- tinguishing a fire in a fence. When the fire over- came all opposition, and seemed bound to sweep over the settlement, a fear of personal loss would paralyze, for the moment, every faculty; as soon as that fact seemed imminent united effort ceased, and each one hastened to defend his own as best he could. It is due to historical truth to say that the actual losses were much less than might have been expected, though frequently great. The physical efforts made in extinguishing a danger- ous fire, and in protecting one's home from the devouring element, were very often severe, and in more than one instance resulted fatally. The premises about the residences and yards, being tramped by the family and domestic ani- mals, after a year or two, became tolerably safe from fire, but the fences, corn and stubble fields were frequently burnt over. When the prairie was all fenced and under cultivation the denizens of the prairie were happily released from the con- stant fear and apprehension which for years had rested like a nightmare on their quiet and happi- ness, disturbing their sleep by night and causing anxiety by day, especially when called from home, knowing that on their return they might look on a blackened scene of desolation instead of the pleasant home they had left. And when returning after a day's absence the sight of a fire in the direction of home, although it might prove to be several miles bevond, would try the mettle of the team by putting them to a speed propor- tioned to the anxiety of the driver. And here it may be well to throw a little cold water over the thrilling and fearful stories, got up to adorn a tale, of hair-breadth escapes of travelers and settlers from prairie fires. Such stories are not told by the old settlers, who know whereof they speak. It is true, a family might encamp in the middle of a dense growth of dry grass and let a fire sweep over their camp, to their serious in- jury. But with ordinary intelligence and caution a traveler on the prairie needed to have no fear of a fatal catastrophe, or even of any serious danger. If the head of a fire were approaching it was usually an easy matter to get to one side of it until it had passed and then pass over the side fire onto the burnt prairie, which can easily be done by getting on a spot of dry, rolling prairie, where the grass is seldom more than eight or twelve inches high. Or, if the head fire is too wide, and its speed too great to allow of getting around it, then at once set a fire to the leeward, and when it has burnt a short distance put out the fire on the windward side of the place of setting and pass onto the burnt prairie and fol- low the fire till far enough from the dry grass to be out of danger. There were places on low, moist prairie bottoms, or sloughs, where the grass and weeds were much heavier than on dryer land, and their burning was terrific and danger- ous. But these places could be avoided, as an ap- proaching fire could be seen a long distance, giv- ing time to prepare for its coming. The early settlers have a vivid recollection of the grand illuminations nightly exhibited in dry weather, from early fall to late spring, by num- berless prairie fires. The horizon would be lighted up around its entire circuit. A heavy fire, six or seven miles away, would afford sufficient light on a dark night to enable one to read fine print. When a fire had passed through the prairie, leav- ing the long lines of side fires, like two armies facing each other, the sight at night was grand; and if one's premises were securely protected he could enjoy such an exhibition hugely, free of cost; but if his property were exposed his enjoy- ment of the scene was like a very nervous per- son's appreciation of the grand and majestic roll of thunder — the sublimity of the scene lost in the apprehension of danger. A PRAIRIE BLIZZARD. Related by a Norwegian Pioneer. We had loaded our sleigh with wood and started for home when a big storm came up. We knew that a newcomer had recently settled near where we were, and, knowing that it would be impossible to get home in such a storm we set out to find him. With our load of wood and the oxen we tumbled around in the snow until we ran into a haystack of about three loads. Adjoining the stack was a hole in the ground where a cow stood, fairly well covered with brush and hay. We took our oxen up to the 64 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS stack and went to look for shelter for ourselves. We finally located another hole in the ground on a little knoll, where a few windows and a door indicated that it was a human habitation. It was indeed a miserable home, but we were glad for having found it, and went in. The wife was home alone, her husband having started out for the nearest neighbor to borrow a little meal, for they had nothing to eat in the house. We warmed up a little and asked her what we could do with our oxen. She said she knew of no place unless we could get them into the cellar where we were, but added that the door was probably too small. We measured the door and went out to the haystack, but found our oxen gone. We thought that they were lost to us forever. Heartbroken, we returned to the cellar. There was not a stick or piece of wood to burn, and it was uncomfortably cold. As a last resort we broke the cradle to make a little fire, and with this the woman baked a few pancakes out of middling meal and divided them between us and the children. I asked her whether she and the babies were not very hungry. She said they were, but that it had been worst the first day, for afterward they became so weak that they did not mind it much. But it was worst for the chil- dren. They begged and implored for something to eat; and besides it was so cold that they had to keep to their beds most of the time. Water was all they could get, and this had to be melted from snow, and for fuel there was nothing but the furniture. We were there for three days before the storm moderated enough to enable us to go out and look for our oxen. We found them frozen to death a distance from where we had left them. We were thankful to God that he had led our footsteps to a shelter, for many a man lost his life in that storm. * * * A Cloudburst. Another catastrophe happened to us the fol- lowing summer. A rain which came down in sheets swept the barren prairie, and my sod house had not been built to withstand such angry elements. The water poured in through the roof. In fact I believe more came in to us than did outside. It gradually rose so high that wife and chil- dren had to get into bed and I stationed myself in the door with a bucket and bailed it out. In- deed, the newcomer's experience during those early days was not a pleasant one. The Bandits of the Prairies The settlemeijts in northern Illinois became in the year 1837 infested with a band of desper- ate characters familiarly known as the "Bandits of the Prairies." Their favorite pursuit was horse stealing. The scattered population was mostly confined to the edge of the timber, while the broad prairie was unoccupied. This fact gave them an opportunity to travel with their illgot- ten steeds unmolested to Missouri, Kentucky and Iowa. Their success in the horse line soon em- boldened them to try other branches, and bur- glary, robbery and murder were not unfrequent. If a settler had money in his house it would in some way become known to the gang, which would go after it. In one instance a settler had $700 in a trunk under his bed; the robber en- tered the house and took out the trunk while the man and his wife were conversing; the robber afterward told the conversation as proof that he had heard it. It was done during a violent thun- der storm, and when the thunder rolled heavily he would draw the trunk, and when it ceased, hold on till another thunder crash, and thus he got the prey without attracting notice. The thieves became a terror to the settlers, especially to the female portion. It is a part of the relig- ion of a new country never to refuse shelter to a benighted traveler; and at the time named it was impossible to discriminate between the worthy stranger and the bandit of the prairie. And the stranger taken in, instead of proving an angel, often broke the slumber of his host by appearing at his bedside with a pistol, demand- ing his valuables. The civil authorities seemed entirely indififerent, or at least inefficient; in many instances they were suspected of complic- THE BANDITS OF THE PRAIRIES 65 ity with the gang. If arrested, they would break jail, or by some technical quibble escape the meshes of the law. They became very bold in some localities, stealing cattle or anything they could lay their hands on. The gang seemed to pervade all branches of business. The grand jury of La Salle county found several true bills against a butcher in Ottawa for stealing cattle, and it was conclusively proved that the citizens of Ottawa had, although unconsciously, lived for months on stolen beef. The jury were very cau- tious, in presenting the bills, to have a warrant issued before the butcher could suspect their ac- tion; but he knew it as soon as they did, and left for parts unknown. The murder of Mr. Davenport, at midday, on the Fourth of July, alarmed the whole country. One of the gang, by the name of Birch, a shrewd man, but an accomplished scoundrel, was ar- rested for being concerned in the murder, and was identified as the man who, a short time be- fore, in the guise of a Methodist preacher, stayed over night with Jeremiah Strawn, a wealthy farmer of Putnam county; attended prayers with Brother Strawn, and a night or two after went through his house, taking all his valuables, while an accomplice held a pistol to Strawn's head to keep him quiet. Birch was brought to Ottawa as a witness, but not used. He shrewdly offered to expose the gang and his trial was put off for several months, to get his testimony. He sub- sequently broke jail, stole the jailer's horse, rode him about a hundred miles, and left him ruined. He wrote back to the sheriff, apologizing for his rudeness in not taking formal leave, after so much kindness shown him while an inmate of his family; said he only borrowed the horse, but believed he had ruined him, and hoped he would be excused for both offenses, as his business was urgent. That was the last heard of Birch. Exasperated beyond measure, smarting under the loss of property, and living in continual fear, the people came to the conclusion that self-preservation is the first law in nature; that they had a right to protection from the law; if that could not be had, then they must have it in some other way. Vigilant societies for arresting criminals and bringing them to punishment were formed, and deep mutterings were heard, indicating a feeling that was destined to reform the state of society. One of these societies was formed in the north- ern part of the state, and a man by the name of Campbell was chosen captain. Campbell was a Canadian, a man of great energy and decision of character. The gang were alarmed, and re- solved to dispose of him. One Sunday after- noon two men by the name of DriscoU called at Campbell's front gate, and inquired of Campbell's daughter for her father. Campbell came to the gate, when, without saying a word, they shot him through the heart, and coolly rode off. The next day the people assembled, took three of the Driscolls, tried them by a jury of their own, found two of them guilty, gave them an hour to say their prayers, and shot them. They then re- solved to serve every thief they caught in the same way. The effect was most salutary. It struck terror to the gang, and many of them sought a healthier clime. Prompt and sure pun- ishment will ever cause the law to be respected. Indian Character and Customs Accounts of Indian warfare, trade and treaties do not give an inside view of Indian character. One of the earliest settlers said that Indians were fond of athletic sports, and of contests with the whites in jumping, running, hopping, wrestling, etc. In wrestling they never tripped, and com- plained of unfairness when the whites did so. In all such contests they proved inferior to the whites in both strength and agility. This might indicate less vitality, and one cause of their rapid decadence. They were very fond of a trial of skill in shooting at a mark, and very proud of being the victors. They would resort to a vari- ety of devices to accomplish that object. When their opponent was taking aim they would com- mence the most savage and unearthly yells for the purpose of unsteadying his nerves — an ob- ject they frequently accomplished. There was 6t) A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS no trick they would hesitate to perpetrate. If they could get their competitor's rifle they would secretly strike the sight with their knives, mov- ing it to one side, so as thereby to win the stake. They were not addicted to stealing, but would sometimes fall into temptation in that direction. A Mr. Grove tended mill, and frequently sold flour to the squaws. His practice was to sell by the handful, and after delivering the number agreed for, the squaws would invariably grab one handful more, for which he would sometimes box their ears; they would be very angry and curse him roundly in the Indian jargon, when he would give them another handful to appease their wrath. They would at once call him good, good, and become the best of friends. They gleaned in the wheat fields, and, like Boaz of old, the owners would drop a little now and then for the gleaners. They frequently bought a few bun- dles, but always came back dissatisfied, saying, "Big straw, little wheat." They were seldom satisfied with a trade, but would come back wanting something more. There is no proof that this was innate; it doubtless resulted from being generally overreached in the bargains they made with the whites. They were usually fast friends, and never for- got a kindness. They were on the best of terms with the settlers; would sometimes come into the settlers' houses in the night and lie down by the fire, where they would be found in the morning. A settler of Freedom stated that the first win- ter he was on Indian Creek he was engaged in cutting and hewing timber for building purposes. The Indians would be around nearly every day, watching the process with apparently the deep- est interest. They would speculate on the direc- tion the tree would fall, while being cut, and when it fell would seem to enjoy it hugely; they would then go to the stump and appear to ad- mire the nice, smooth cutting of the white man's ax, so different from their rude instruments; they would imitate with the hands the motion made with the ax, and the throwing of the chips by its action, which their instruments never did. They seemed to appreciate a fact, which from habit we fail to notice, that the Yankee ax is onq of the most efificient instruments ever invented by man. In the hands of experts it has cleared a continent and prepared it for civilized occu- pancy and that with a speed and facility that no other agency could effect. The rapid and nice work of this tool could but attract the attention of these simple savages. It may be added that the settlers left their tools at night where they stopped work, and they were never molested, although the Indians were almost constantly there. If a kind, concili- ating and just course had in all cases been pur- sued in our intercourse with this people, may we not suppose their ultimate destiny would have been different? Yet a few of these friendly Pottawatomies, though the tribe was held in check by Shabbona and other chiefs, doubtless did join the Sacs in their war on the settlements, though this was said to have been confined to a few bucks who had intermarried with the Sauks. Their passion for war and blood was almost uncontrollable, and their vindictive hate of an enemy led them to a course of extermination. When Shabbona accompanied the army under General Atkinson, and an attack was expected soon to be made on the Sauks, Shabbona asked permission to spare a certain squaw, a friend to him. The general told him to spare all the wo- men and children, but Shabbona dissented, say- ing, "They breed like lice; leave them, their chil- dren will kill our children." That was Indian philosophy and morality too. ONE OF THE OLD PIONEERS WIER SJURSON WEEKS Was born in Skaanevig, Bergens stift, Norway, Oct. 24, 1812. His parents were poor, and as his motlier died when he was but a young boy, he was compelled to get out and shift for him- self at an early age. He chose the carpenter trade, by which he hoped to gain a livelihood. Being very quick to learn and endowed with a mechanical bent of mind, he soon had the trade learned, so that while yet a young man he was known as the best ship builder in his locality. His educational advantages were limited; in fact there were no public schools in Norway at that time, so that his knowledge consisted of what he was able to pick up in the school of life. On Dec. 27, 1842, he was married to Miss Synneva T. Sunde, who proved to be a true help- mate lo him. Early in 1840 they took passage on a sailship for America, embarking at Bergen. It took them thirteen v,feeks to cross the Atlantic, and then about four weeks up the canal and over the Great Lakes before they were set ashore, with other passengers, at Muskegon, Mich. Here in the bright and burning summer sun stood our subject with his wife and two little daugh- ters, "a stranger in a strange land." Like most newcomers from Norway, however, he had an unshaken faith in the Triune God and firmly believed, as the poet expresses it, "God never will forsake in need The heart that trusts in him indeed.'' His first aim was to get a place where his wife and children could be sheltered and pro- tected. There were no houses to be rented or bought in the little town. The only chance to get any kind of house was to buy forty acres of land with a house. This particular forty, with a log hut 12x14 ft., was held at $10 per acre. Money was scarce, but finally four families club- bed together and managed to make a small pay- ment to bind the bargain and were thus allowed to move in. After providing this temporary home for his family his next step was to find his old friend from the same parts of Norway, Mr. Rasmus Tungisvik, who had arrived here a few years earlier. Rev. Elling Eielsen, one of the pioneer Norwegian missionaries, heard of the newcomers at Muskegon and soon visited them. As he knew Mr. Tungisvik, he ofifered to take Mr. Weeks to him, and one bright July morning the two started out in Rev. Eielsen's one-horse wagon, driving west by way of Rock, Jefferson and Long Prairie and south over the endless tracts to Lisbon, Kendall county. 111. Mr. Weeks relates that this was a great trip^ and it certainly was an initiation into the pioneer life of this country. There were no hotels or wayside inns; not even a comfortable farmhouse to get lodging in. When night overtook them the horse was "staked out" and their blankets were spread under the wagon for their bed. In- due time, however, they reached Mr. Tungisvik, who most heartily received his old friend. He insisted that Mr. Weeks return to Muskegon, bring his wife and children, and make his home with him until he could do better elsewhere. This was done. Rev. Eielsen returned to Muske- gon with Mr. Weeks. On their return they found the log house to be a hospital, as all but two of the inmates were sick. Mrs. Weeks was one of two that were well, but her two little girls were very sick, and died within two weeks, Mr. Weeks also took sick after this bereavement, so they could not return to Lisbon for some time. Malarial fever and ague was the prevailing sick- ness. Arrangements were then made with a German, who was the proud owner of a yoke of oxen and a lumber wagon, to take them to Lisbon for $40. Having put all their means into the forty acres of land, they had no ready money; but as three of the families who had joined in the purchase of the land were going, they managed to exchange their undivided interest in the land (which by the way had ten acres of promising wheat nearly ready for harvest) for transporta- tion to Lisbon. After many trials and hard- (67) 68 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ships they reached Lisbon and their friend Tun- gisvik. Although shaking with the ague every other day, our subject was not only hopeful but brave in the face of almost insurmountable difficulties. He was finally able, with the co-operation of his friends, to secure lumber to build a house large enough to accommodate his family. He then turned to the carpenter trade, accept- ing work wherever he could get it, building houses most of the time. In 1848 he built the was sick when he left Ottawa, but, not knowing the symptoms, he continued his journey, reach- ing home at midnight. He then knew that he had cholera, and told his wife so. She got him to bed and gave him what they had been advised to use in such cases. Early Sunday morning a cousin of his came to his door and asked whether he could stay a day or two, as he was sick and the person he had been working for had told him to leave his premises, as he had the cholera. Weeks, having only two rooms in his house and only W. S. Weeks and Wife. first header that was used around Lisbon, and in 1849 he built the first reaper that was run there. This machine was drawn by four horses and carried one driver and one man to rake ofif the grain. This reaper he bought later when he began farming for himself. For a year or more he worked at Ottawa, 111., building canal boats, but always made it a rule to be with his family over Sunday, walking the distance, about twenty-five miles. Once when he came home he was hardly able to walk. He one bed, told him that if he was sick and could get no better place he could get a few blankets and lie down in the shavings in the room which had been used as a carpenter shop. Amland (that was his name) accepted this; but in two days he died. Mrs. Weeks notified the neigh- bors, but none came to bury the dead. Mr. Weeks, sick as he was, managed to get up, made a coffin, put the corpse in, and got it out of the house, but was not strong enough to bury it. Word was sent to several neighbors ONE OF THE OLD PIONEERS m and two men finally took the body away and buried it. Mr. Weeks got well and none of his family got the dreadful disease. In 1848 he bargained for eighty acres of land about five miles north of Lisbon, for which he was to pay $1.25 per acre. The next year he built a house, which was the first house built on what was called the North Prairie. He moved into it and was the first actual settler in that direction from Big Grove. It was not before the '50's that he commenced farming, as he rented the land to John Sjurson, who broke it on shares. Of the first crop of wheat he raised Sjurson took a load to Chicago, with his yoke of oxen, hauling what was considered at that time a big load. He was told to bring back a set of knives and forks and the rest in cash. It took him two weeks to make the trip, and after paying his expenses on the way and $2 for the knives and forks there was nothing left of the money received for the load of wheat. The distance is about fifty miles. It happened frequently on such trips that the parties would find themselves in debt, losing both time and money in trying to market what they had raised. In 1856 we find Mr. Weeks on his farm, culti- vating it himself, having put up the necessary buildings to make home comfortable. He also added several tracts of land to his first purchase, so that when in the '80's he turned the farm over to his youngest son he had about 200 acres, all in one body. Mr. Weeks was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church, a true and sincere Christian. In 1849, when he moved into his new home on North Prairie, he donated his first house, built on Mr. Tungisvik's land, to the Norwegians around Lisbon for a meetinghouse, as there was no church at that time. When there was talk of starting a congregation he was one of the first on the list of incorporators, both of what is now cal- led the South Congregation and what is known as the North Congregation, which was started some years later. He was a warm friend of Rev. P. A. Rasmussen, who was the pastor for these congregations for nearly fifty years. Mr. Weeks was always ready to help any project put forward by Rev. Rasmussen; for he knew it was for the best interest of both Christianity and humanity. He was a liberal donor to church and schools and always ready to help where help was needed. He was naturally diffident and retired. He filled many responsible positions in the church. Politic- ally he was always a republican and a friend and admirer of Abraham Lincoln. The writer heard him offer up many a sincere prayer for President Lincoln and the salvation of the country during the Civil War. After losing at Muskegon the two girls that were born in Norway, Mr. and Mrs. Weeks raised a family of four. — Alice W. was born March 25, 1847. She was first married to Joe Johnson, who died while they lived at Roland, Iowa. She is now married to Oscar Sampson. They are well to do and live a retired life at Roland, Iowa. — Thomas W. was the first white child born on North Prairie, having been born about a month after his parents moved out on the farm in 1849. He lived to be a successful farmer, owning 160 acres adjoining the old home- stead. He was married to Miss Sarah Mathre, Aug. 5, 1885. He was an active republican and filled several township offices. He was a faith- ful member of the Lutheran Church and served as trustee for many years. He was accidentally killed by being caught in the belt of a thrashing machine. He left a wife and five children, who are living at Newark, III, in comfortable circum- stances. — Sjur W. was born Jan. 12, 1852. At 16 years of age he was sent to Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, where he entered the Normal class in the fall of 1868, but he was obliged to abandon his studies for a time in the fall of 1870 on account of ill health. In 1871 he attended the Fowler Institute at Newark, Kendall county, 111., for a term or two; and taught the Norwegian parochial school for several months, and also two terms of the English district schools. He' then took up his studies at Luther College again, graduating from the Normal course in 1873. That fall he commenced as teacher for the Norwegian congregation at Lee, 111., teaching both the Nor- wegian and the English school for six or seven years. In 1878 he was married to Thorbj0r J. Rogde, of Lee. In 1879 he engaged in business, first in grain at Steward and later in hardware at Lee. In 1885 his store burned, and having but little insurance, he lost everything he had. He then worked as manager for several years with A. H. Johnson & Co., at Lee, in the grain busi- ness. After several changes, including the assist- ant postmastership at Rochelle, 111., he opened a feed business there, which he conducted until his death, which ocurred April 13, 1907. While at Lee he was twice elected justice of the peace, served on the village board, and acted at different times as its president and secretary. He has always been an active worker in the Lutheran Church, having held the position of secretary and treasurer for the Congregation at Rochelle, 111., since 1893, and has also been leader of the Sunday school. Mr. and IMrs. S. W. 70 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Weeks have been blessed with nine children. Elsie S. is a stenographer at Rochelle; Synneva C. is a primary teacher at Lee, 111.; W. Alfred has opened up a coal business at Sterling, 111.; and Jacob Marshall has just graduated from the Rochelle High School. The younger children are attending school. — Lewis W., who was born in 1856, and the youngest child of our subject, remained on the old homestead, and when he was of age rented the farm and started in for himself. He was married in 1883 to Miss Caroline B. Thompson, of Slater, Iowa. He has been very successful in his undertaking. He bought several smaller farms adjoining the old home- stead, and in 1894 bought the home place, with the understanding that the parents were to live with him in their house during the rest of their natural lives. He is now the owner of 320 acres or more of just as nice and good land as there is in Illinois, and has it better housed and im- proved than most of the neighboring farms. He is very handy with tools and can build to suit him- self. He is a republican and takes an active part in township, county, state and national politics. He has a large family. In church matters he is a leader and worker, having served his congregation as trustee for many years. When the question of building a new church at Helmar for the North Prairie Congregation came up he was placed at the head of both the financial and building committees, and many a day's work and many a dollar of which no account was kept went into this undertaking. Feb. 3, 1900, the main subject of our sketch, Mr. W. S. Weeks, was laid to rest, having passed his 87th birthday — tired, no doubt, from all the strife he had passed through, but glad and ready to be removed to the home from whence there is no moving. His wife, who was two years older, lived until Jan. 14, 1904, reaching the unusual age of over 94 years. She was totally blind for over twelve years, but bore it patiently to the end. Thus ended the lives of two venerable pioneers, honored and respected by all who knew them. They left one daughter and two sons and twenty- three grandchildren to mourn the loss and cherish the memory of loving mother and father. The Third Norwegian Settlement In regard to the company of immigrants who came to that most unfortunate of Norwegian settlements at Beaver Creek, in Iroquois county, we have good and reliable information in Knud Langland's book. Mr. Langland here speaks of his own experiences both in regard to the in- troductory preparations and some of the causes that led many peasants from Bergenshus amt to leave the land of their fathers for an uncertain future full of privations and hardships in a new country. Mr. Langland relates how he accidentally, while visiting a friend in Bergen, found in his library a book written by a German and entitled "Travels in America." At the age of sixteen a boy's power of imagination is as a rule very strong, and when he in this book found a num- ber of glowing descriptions of the far away coun- try, its free institutions and its enterprising peo- ple, he read it with an interest as absorbing as if it had been a novel of adventures. Here he found the German emigration completely and minutely described. He borrowed the book, and with it in his pocket wandered on one early sum- mer morning away to the other side of the bay of Soleni and up the steep Lyderhorn. There he sat down and read and dreamed of the new, won- derful world across the ocean. The mist had sunk down over the fiords and the islands in the inlet to Bergen, but here on the top of the mountain the sun was sending forth its bright rays. "It was the first time I had ever enjoyed this view, characteristic for a mountainous country and most enchanting. If ever my prosaic self had been impressed with poetic inspiration and rapture, it was at this never forgotten moment, when my mortal eye was taking in from above the level of the mist illuminated by the sun and in the distant West saw the North Sea hold out its glittering silver shield, which seemed to heave to an even height with the mountain. Why is it such moments occur so seldom to the average THE THIRD NORWEGIAN SETTLEMENT 71 human being? And in the far West, thousands of miles away, is the land of which I now read, the great and as yet little known world with all its secrets and wonders. With this enchanted morning of my life's Springtime associate my earliest recollections of America, of the land that for more than a half a century has been my adopted country. From then on I eagerly searched all descriptions and books of travel about America, and together with an uncle I commenced to gather information from books, letters and verbal narrations from Stavanger peo- ple, which now were circulated all over the coun- try, since Kleng Peerson's return from his visit to America, although as yet we were not think- ing in earnest of emigrating. A sacrificing friend helped me in 1834 to a six months' sojourn in England, and here I had a good chance to col- lect a number of pamphlets and books on Amer- ica and the English emigration. In this manner better and more reliable information about Amer- ican conditions and how to get there were cir- culated in our neighborhood. A number of ridic- ulous and unreasonable stories which had been spread among the people thus found a pretty good counterbalance, and were more and more discredited. Slowly but surely grew the idea of emigrating. The little flock of people who in earnest began to consider emigration as a pos- sibility near at hand was by and by increased by others, who commenced preparing to dispose of their land holdings preparatory to emigrating. It was now that the bishop of Bergen wrote his epistle to the Bergenshus farmers over the text, 'Remain in thy country and support thyself honestly!' Whether he did not think of it or else did not deem it meet for the occasion, he omitted to cite another injunction of the Holy Scriptures: 'Vorder frugtbare, formerer eder og opfylder jorden.' The latter the farmers had complied with; most of them had large families, and when they came to think that the land of their fathers was more than well filled up, and heard that the new world was almost barren of people but rich in soil that could be had almost for the asking, they concluded to ignore the bishop and set out for the new Canaan which was flowing with milk and honey. Causes of this Exodus. "While visiting Knud Slovig we received a full and satisfactory confirmation of what we had read and heard before. This was in the winter of 1836. In the autumn of that year a Captain Behrens of Bergen returned with his bark yEgir from a freight trip to America; and when he heard that several well-to-do farmers in different parts of the amt had sold their land holdings and were looking for transportation to America, he decided to change the interior of good ship ^gir (which he owned) for passenger traffic, and made contracts for sailing in the next spring, 1837. Captain Behrens had in the harbor of New York seen German and English emigrant ships and was familiar with the requirements of such, both as to the fitting of the ship's interior and the American laws and harbor regulations in re- gard to the immigrant traffic. To Bergen he was accompanied by two German ministers, who were on their way home to solicit funds for erecting church edifices in America, and from them he had gained still more information in regard to the German emigration, which had been going on during many years on a large scale, and was conducted mainly via Baltimore and Pennsyl- vania." The information thus gained regarding Amer- ican conditions would not alone have sufficed to instigate this exodus from Bergen. More potent factors were at work, and such were hard times, limited means of support and enormously large poor-taxes. For several individuals also collateral reasons were deciding. The old educator, N. P. Langland, who sacrificed almost everything in the interest of popular education, had originally chosen the "learned" way for a profession, but on account of lack of means was obliged to stop half-way and take up teaching farmers' children for a living. By a superstitious and ignorant peasantry he had been treated and judged very unjustly. The clergy also thought that this radi- cal thinker was not a fit man as a popular edu- cator in this very conservative part of the coun- try, and his work became both thankless and un- pleasant. He was supported in his efforts by a little number of reliable and liberal-minded friends, but persecuted by a larger number of ignorant bigots who interfered with his valuable work. Seeing his noblest efforts and unceasing work rewarded with meanness and malice, it might have been expected that the ties which held him fast to the mother country would loosen. As far as he was concerned those were certainly reasons for turning his back on so thankless a fatherland, and many of his friends and admirers persuaded themselves to do the same. It must not, however, be forgotten that the strongest incentives for the emigration were the improved economical prospects that were open for the families in the rich and sparsely popu- lated America with the mild climate and fertile 72 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS soil, and that hardly any of this company would have risked the change except for those reasons. Besides N. P. Langland the following are men- tioned in Knud Langland's book: Mons Aadland, Nels Fr0land, Anders Norvig, Anders Rosseland, Thomas Bauge, Ingebrigt Brudvig, Thorbjjzirn Veste, Erstein Sanderson Bakke and others, who all had large families, and a number of single persons, among whom were D0vig, Rosseland, Bauge, Lars Fr0]and, a son of Nils Fr^land, (whose sketch is found elsewhere), Norvig, His- dal, T(z(sseland. Very few are still living in Il- linois, but a number of their children and grand- children are well-to-do farmers in Illinois, Iowa and the Dakotas. The whole company numbered eighty-four. For their transportation to New York they paid 60 speciedaler for grown-up per- sons and 30 for each child imder 12 years. The ship was eight weeks in crossing the Atlantic and collided in midocean with an American packet. No damage, however, was done to either vessel. Ole Rynning. Among the passengers of the ^ligir was also a young student, Ole Rynning, who turned out to be the most remarkable of them all. It was after the contract had been made with Captain Beh- rens and the hulk of the ship refitted and ar- ranged for carrying passengers that Ole Rynning came from Snaasen, Trondhjem's amt, to Ber- gen and wanted to join the company of emi- grants. He was bqrn April 4, 1809, on Dusgaar- den in Ringsaker, where his father, Jens Ryn- ning, was a clergyman. His mother was Seve- rine Catharine Steen. In 1825 his father had been promoted to a more lucrative position as rector of the parish of Snaasen. Ole Rynning passed examination for admission to the University in 1829, and returned to Snaasen in 1833, where he kept a private school until he emigrated to Amer- ica, March 2, 1837. When the immigrants arrived at Chicago, most of them intended to go to the Fox River Settle- ment, but Bj0rn Anderson, the father of Rasmus B. Anderson, had just come from there and gave a very unfavorable description of the colony in La Salle county, and advised his countrymen not to go to that settlement. Two Americans with whom Ole Rynning had a talk in Chicago counseled him to go with his countrymen to Beaver Creek, but others advised against that place. Finally it was decided to send four of their party to look at the land and the country. The persons selected were Ole Rynning, Nils Veste, Ingebrigt Brudvig and Ole Nat'testad. The last with his brother Austen had arrived via Gothenborg and Massachusetts, and joined the others in Detroit, from which place they accompanied them to Chicago. Nattestad did not like the sandy and swampy land, but others did, and so it was agreed that Nattestad and Nils Veste should remain and build a loghouse, as a first shelter for the immigrants, while Rynning and Brudvig returned to Chicago. Some of the party had in their absence, and against his advice, but in Bj0rn Anderson's copi- pany, left Chicago for the Fox River Settlement, but most of them went to Beaver Creek. Al- though the most of the newcomers were well sup- plied with money, they could hardly procure the necessaries of life, there being no settlers in the immediate vicinity. All took up claims and be- fore winter set in they had put up a sufficient number of log houses. The settlers numbered about fifty. During the first winter everything went well, but with the coming of spring the whole settle- ment was flooded and turned into a swamp. During the summer the miasma produced malar- ial bacilli, and in a short time the malaria had killed about fifteen of the settlers, among them Ole Rynning, whose death was a great loss to the colony. The rest of the people fled for their lives, leaving farms and houses. The majority of the survivors made their way to Fox River. A few remained about two years longer. Mons K. Aadland, a half-brother of Knud Langland, the first editor of Skandinaven, was the last to leave. He exchanged his farm for some oxen and cows, with which he went to Wisconsin and settled in Racine county. Most of the above data are to be found in Knud Langland's and Rasmus B. An- derson's books, but we have had them confirmed by Mr. Lars Fr0land (Fruland), one of the sur- vivors, who with his wife, is still living at New- ark, 111. Except Kleng Peerson there is probably no man who has done so much to promote Norweg- ian immigration to America as Ole Rynning. This he did by writing a little book in the Nor- wegian language: Sandfaerdig Beretning om America, til Oplysning og Nytte, for Bonde og Menigmand forfattet af en Norsk, som kom der- over i Juni Maaned 1837. The author's name is not given on the title page, but after the preface, thus: "Illinois, 13 Feb., 1838. Ole Rynning." The book is divided into thirteen chapters, answering the following questions: 1. In what direction is America situated, and how far is it thither? 2. How did this land become known? 3. What is the nature of this country, and THE THIRD NORWEGIAN SETTLEMENT 73 what is the reason why so many people go there and expect to make a living there? 4. Is it not to be feared that the land will soon be overpopulated? Is it true that the gov- ernment there is going to prohibit immigration? 5. In what part of the land have the Norweg- ians settled? Which is the most convenient and cheapest route to them? 6. What is the nature of the country where the Norwegians have settled? What is the price of land? What is the price of cattle and of the necessaries of life? How high are the wages? 7. What kind of religion is there in America? Is there any sort of order and government in the land, or is everybody permitted to do as he pleases? 8. What provision is there for education of children and for the care of the poor? 9. What language is spoken in America, and is it difficult to learn? 10. Is there danger of disease in America? Is there reason to fear wild animals or the Indi- ans? 11. What kind of people should be advised to emigrate to America? Advice against unreason- able expectations. 12. What dangers may be expected on the ocean? Is it true that those who are taken to America are sold as slaves? 13. Advice to those who wish to go to Amer- ica. How they are to get a vessel; how they are to exchange their money; what season and route are the most convenient; what things should be taken along on the journey. We have used Rasmus B. Anderson's transla- tion of the chapter headings. The questions were to the point, and they are all answered in a most intelligent manner. Ole Rynning never lived to see a copy of his book printed. Austen Nattestad carried the man- uscript to Norway and had it printed in Chris- tiania. The book was sold in thousands upon thousands of copies in Norway. Mr. Lars Fruland speaks of Ole Rynning in the highest terms of praise, and how he was always willing to help and comfort those in distress and sorrow. He was contented with very little and suffered with patience. It is told how he used to make long exploring excursions with only a little hard-tack and bacon for grub. One time a heavy frost had set in during his absence, and his shoes were cut to shreds by the cracking ice on the swamps. With his feet frozen he re- turned to the colony. They presented a terrible sight. He had to be put to bed, and it was while confined there that he wrote his book. After some time, however, his feet got well and he resumed his charitable work among his coun- trymen. In the fall of 1838 he took sick again, and died soon after of pneumonia. His death caused a great sorrow in the colony. Some pieces of timber were fixed together in a kind of rough casket, in which his remains were put, hauled out on the prairie, and buried there. Beaver Creek was later settled by Americans and others who had the means to drain the marshes and plow the fields, where the Norwegians were buried. It is now a prosperous settlement, but nobody can point out the graves of Ole Rynning or the other unfortunate settlers. Mission and Miller Townships The townships had not been surveyed when the first Norwegian settlers, led by Kleng Peer- son, arrived in 1834. They were not even divided in their present form, but went officially under the name of Mission. Mission township was organ- ized in April, 1850, including what is now Miller township until 1876. By the influence of Nels Nelson, a son of Cornelius Nelson, and others, they became divided for the reason that Mission was very much out of proportion, being over thirteen miles in length and only about six miles in breadth in the widest place. Together with a part of Rutland township they formed what for a number of years has been known as the Fox River Settlement, the stronghold for our Nor- wegian immigrants in this state. There seems to have been a difference of opin- ion in regard to the time when the first Norweg- A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ians came to the Fox River Settlement. Some writers fix 1835 as the year for their arrival, Knud Langland states it was in 1836, but Prof. R. B. Anderson argues that they came in 1834. We agree with him entirely. He gives as his source of information a Mr. John Armstrong, with whom he had a personal interview, and who informed him that some Norwegians had worked for him on his claim in 1834. The fact that the land had not been surveyed into sections and put on the market before 1835 makes no difference, because the newcomers upon their arrival could select land, or make a "claim," and "squat" on it, until it came into the market. This is made plain in the chapter on "Claims" in this volume. The two splendid works, History of Grundy County and Elmer Baldwin's History of La Salle County, the former published in 1882 and the latter in 1877, both give 1834 as the year during which the first Norwegians arrived. The first party of the "Sloopers" to come from Kendall under the guidance of Kleng Peerson, ac- cording to Prof. Anderson's First Chapter of Nor- wegian Immigration, consisted of: Andrew (En- dre) Dahl, Jacob Anderson Slogvig, Gudmund Haukaas, Nels Thompson (Thorson), and Thor- stein Olson Bjaadland, who had been in Michigan but returned to Kendall. Elmer Baldwin's History of La Salle County gives the following list, which we offer for com- parison: Oliver Canuteson came to New York, in 1825; to Illinois in 1834; died in 1850; he left two sons and one daughter; one son died in the army in 1863. Nils Thompson, to New York in 1825; came here in 1834; died about 1856. Gjert Hovland, to New York in 1825, and to Illinois in 1834; died at Ottawa in 1870. Oliver (Olav) Knuteson, to New York in 1825, and to Illinois in 1834; died in 1848, leaving four children. Christian Oleson, from Norway in 1825, to Il- linois in 1834; died in 1858, leaving three children. Thorstein Oleson, from Norway in 1825, and came to Illinois in 1834; went to Wisconsin. George Jahnson, one of the first from Norway, came here in 1834; died in 1846; had four children. Ole Olson (Hetletveldt), "Slooper," came to Illinois in 1834. Ove Stenson Rosdal, and wife, Miss Jacobs, from Norway in 1825, and came to Illinois in 1835; moved to Iowa. Daniel Stenson Rosdal came at the same time, with wife; died in 1860. John Stenson Rosdal came at the same time, married Miss Pierson, and settled on Section 3; had five children. The book referred to says that those three were brothers, but Daniel was the father and Ove and John his sons. Iver Waller came from Norway in 1835, and bought a claim of Jesse Pearson. Thorkel H. Erickson, from Norway to Ottawa in 1837; to Rutland township in 1840; then to California and Australia, and back to Miller town- ship in 1866; married Helen Pierson; had eight children. Nels Nelson, Jr. (a son of Cornelius Nelson), to New York in 1825, and came to Illinois in 1836; had seven children. Austin Baker came from Norway to Illinois in 1839; died in Minnesota. Canute Williamson came from Norway to Illi- nois in 1838. Nils Fruland came from Norway to Illinois and the Beaver Creek Settlenjent in 1837; to the Fox River Settlement in 1839. Canute Olson came from Norway to Illinois in 1836; died in 1846. Lars Brenson came from Norway to Illinois in 1836. Nels Nelson, Sr. (Hersdal), "Slooper," and wife. Bertha Harwick, came to Illinois in 1835, purchased a farm^ and moved his family in 1846; had eleven children. Andrew Anderson, from Norway to New York in 1836; came to Illinois in 1838, with his wife, Olena Nelson; he died of cholera in 1849; his widow died in 1875; the children were two sons and two daughters. Ener Anderson came with his father; he mar- ried Margaret Gunderson, and settled oti Sec. 16, T. 34, R. 6; had eleven children. Andrew Anderson, Jr., also came with his father; had several children; Susan married John Hill; Elizabeth married Henry Doggett. Lars Nelson came from Norway in 1838; died in 1847. George Nicholson came from New York in 1839, and settled on Section 16. Lars B. Olson came from Norway in 1837; went first to Beaver Creek; thence to the Fox River Settlement. Michael Olson came from Norway to Illinois in 1839; died in 1847. In most cases we have spelled the names as found in Baldwin's History. The records at Ottawa reveal the following Norwegian purchasers of land in the townships of Mission, Miller and Rutland in 1835, when the land was put on the market: MISSION AND MILLER TOWNSHIPS 75 In Rutland township:. Tacob Slogvig, June 15, 80 acres; same elate, Gudmund Haukaas, 160 acres. Jacob Anderson and Gudmund Haukaas were the first Norwegians to acquire land in Il- linois.) In Mission township: Kleng Peerson, June 17, 80 acres; Carrie Nelson, widow of Cornelius Nel- son, June 17, 80 acres. The land was bought for her by Kleng Peerson. On June 25, Kleng Peer- son bought 80 acres more for himself. In Miller township: Gjert Hovland bought 160 acres, June 17, and same date Thorstein Olson 80 acres; June 17, Thorstein Olson bought 80 acres more, which he sold, Sept. 5, to Nels Nel- son Hersdal; June 17, Nels Thompson (Thorson) bought 160 acres, and on Jan. 16, 1836, Thorstein Olson 80' acres more. As mentioned before, Mission township was organized in April, 1850. Its first justice of the peace was Lars Larson and its first constable Nels Nelson. Other public officers of Norwegian birth during the following time have been: J. Rosedal, constable, 1851; O. Rosedal, collector, and Peter Nelson, constable, 1852; Lars Larson, justice of the peace, 1854; E. Olson, commissioner of highways, 1855; P. C. Nelson, collector, 1856; P. C. Nelson, commissioner of highways, 1859 and 1860; Nels Nelson, commissioner of highways, 1861; John Thorson, constable, 1862; P. C. Nel- son, collector, 1863; P. C. Nelson, commissioner of highways, 1864; E. Thorson, constable, 1870; E. Thorson, justice of the peace and Nels Ander- son, commissioner of highways, 1871; P. C. Nel- son, commissioner of highways, 1872; Nels Nelson, collector, and Lars Lewis, commissioner of high- ways, 1873; Nels Nelson, supervisor, P. C. Nel- son, assessor and collector and A. Robertson, constable, 1874; William Williamson, collector and T. H. Erickson, commissioner of highways, 1875; T. Schlanbusch, collector, W. Williamson and O. A. Quani, commissioners of highways, 1876; B. Thompson was clerk from 1873 to 1878. We repeat here that the names are spelled as they appear on the official records, from which we have copied them. After the separation from Miller township in 1876 the following Norwegians were officeholders in Mission township: 1877 — Assessor, P. C. Nelson; collector, B. Thomp- son; constable, Nels Nelson. 1878 — W. H. Robertson, assessor. 1879 — Assessor, P. C. Nelson; commissioner of highways, A. Anfinson. 1880— Assessor, P. C. Nelson. 1881 — Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, P. C. Nelson; 1882— 1883- 1884- 1885— 1887- 1888- 1889- 1890- 1891— 1893- 1894- 1895- 1896- 1897- 1898— 1899- 1900- 1901- 1902- 1903- collector, S. P. Nelson; constable, Nels Anderson. Clerk, J. A. Quam; collector, W. C. Rosen- quist; constable, Christ J. Walseth. Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, P. C. Nelson. Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, P. C. Nelson; collector, C. J. Walseth. Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, P. C. Nelson; collector, John Anderson; commissioner of highways, Nels Anderson; justice of the peace, W. C. Rosenquist; constable, C. J. Walseth. Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, Peter C. Nel- son; commissioner of public highways, Ole Nordbye. Clerk, J. A. Quam; collector, Joseph Sebby. Clerk, J. A. Quam; assessor, Peter C. Nel- son; collector, Peter Swenson; commis- sioner of highways, Andrew P. Dall. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; collector, Jacob Jacobson; constable, Knute Ugland. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, Jacob Jacobson; commissioner of highways, John Anderson. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; assessor, Ole An- finson; commissioner of highways, Barney Anderson. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; commissioner of highways, A. P. Dall. Assessor, C. D. Twait; collector, Aron Sol- ven; commissioner of highways, Omund Omundson. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; assessor, C. D. Twait; constable, Andrew Jelm. Assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, Knute Ugland. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; assessor, Barto Thompson; collector, K. Ugland; commis- sioners of highw^ays, G. Torkelson, O. Omundson. Assessor, B. Thompson; collector, Nels E. Jacobson; commissioner of highways, G. Torkelson; constable, B. Thompson. Supervisor, J. A. Quam; assessor, B. Thomp- son; collector, Nels Jacobson. Collector, Nels Jacobson; commissioner of highways, Osmun Ness. Clerk, Andrew Gaard; assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, Nels Jacobson; com- missioner of highways, Andrew P. Dall; constable, B. Thompson. Clerk, Andrew Gaard; assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, Burt M. Thompson. ■Assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, Sal- ve Ugland; commissioner of highways, Bergo Orstad; constable, C. Fatland. A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS 1904 — Assessor, Bergo Thompson. 1905 — Supervisor, Jonas R. Jorstad; assessor, Ber- go Thompson; collector, Henry J. Norvig; commissioner of highways, Thomas Thor- son; constable, Bergo Thompson. 1906 — Assessor, Bergo Thompson; collector, O. A. Sebby; commissioner of highways, Ber- go Orstad. MILLER TOWNSHIP. Miller township was a part of Mission town- ship until 1876, when by the influence of Nels Nelson, Jr., and also others the two were sepa- rated. From 1876 we find these Norwegians holding public offices: Nels Nelson, Jr., supervisor, 1876-81, 1885. T. H. Erickson, Jr., assessor, 1871-81. Lars Hayer. supervisor, 1894-1901; commis- sioner of highways, 1877-78, 1894; collector, 1877; assessor, 1891-93. Nels Nelson, Jr., supervisor 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881 and 1885. T. H. Erickson, assessor, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880 and 1881. Isaac Classon, collector, 1876. C. B. Erickson, commissioner of highways, 1876. Trustee of schools, 1877, 1878 and 1879. Lars Hayer, supervisor, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899. 1900 and 1901; commissioner of high- ways, 1876, 1877, 1878; collector, 1877; assessor, 1891, 1892 and 1893; commissioner of highways, 1892 and 1893. Lars Fruland, commissioner of highways, 1892 and 1893. Ole A. Olson, commissioner, 1878, 1879 and 1880. Austin Anderson, collector, 1879; commissioner of highways, 1879 and 1880. W. E. Williamson, town clerk, 1880 to 1906; collector, 1884 and 1895; school treasurer, 1884 to 1906. Jacob Larson, commissioner of highways, 1879. Erasmus Olson, commissioner of highways, 1880. A. H. Anderson, trustee of schools, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894; collector, 1881. Austin Hayer, trustee of schools, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1889 and 1890; collector, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892 and 1893. Oliver Elefson, collector, 1883. Samuel Johnson, commissioner of highways, 1884. Geo. W. Erickson, trustee of schools, 85-86, 87- 88, 89-90, 91-92. Erasmus Thorson, justice of the peace, 1885. Thomas Haugas, commissioner of highways, 1892, 93-94, 98-99, 03-04, 05-06. G. L. Hayer, trustee of schools, 1895, 96-97; collector, 1880. Jeremiah Anderson, collector, 1887; commis- sioner of highways, 1892, 93-94; trustee of schools, 1902, 03-04, 05-06. Hans Hendrickson, collector, 1888; assessor, 1889, 1890. Cyrus Jackson, collector, 1889. John O. Johnson, commissioner of highways, 1890, 1891. Oliver Hodney, commissioner of highways, 1890, 1891. Wm. E. Jelm, collector, 1893. Lewis J. Erickson, collector, 1893. M. J. Danielson, assessor, 1894, 1895. Tobias Satter, collector, 1894. Elias Hayer, assessor, 1896, 97-98, 99-1900, 1901- 02, 03-04-05. Ole Erickson, commissioner of highways, 96- 97, 98-99, 1900, 01-02, 03-04, 05-06. . Elias Larson, commissioner of highways, 1895, 1896. H. H. Hogensen, commissioner of highways, 95-96, 97; trustee of schools, 98-99, 1900, 01-02, 03-04, 05-06. Oscar Rasmusson, commissioner of highways, 1903. John Anderson, collector, 1899. Ira Knutson, commissioner of highways, 1898. Lorenzo Hayer, trustee of schools, 99-1900, 1901. Andrew Burdall, commissioner of highways, 1899-1900. Daniel Danielson, commissioner of highways, 1900. Silas Rasmusson, collector, 1903. Knut Knutson, collector, 1902. Frank Solberg, collector, 1904. H. I. Hogenson, collector, 1906. Andrew Duvick, constable, 1886, 1887. Ephraim Danielson, collector, 1898; constable, 1898, 1899. Andrew Knutson, commissioner of highways, 1901, 1902. David H. Hanson, collector, 1901. Henry C. Pearson, commissioner of highways,. 1904, 05-06. ADAMS TOWNSHIP 77 Adams Township Adams embraces congressional township 36 north, range 4 east. DeKalb county bounds it on the north, Northville township on the east, Serena on the south, and Earl on the west. It is a prairie township and is drained by Little Indian creek. The township had a slow growth until the C, B. & Q. Railroad was built across the northern part, in 1853, when its resources began to be rapidly developed, and it is now thickly set- tled and in a very prosperous condition. The first settlement was made by Mordecai Disney and his son-in-law, Sprague, who settled on sec. 27, in 1836. They claimed the whole town- ship and sold land to all who came, for a year or two, and then left the county. The first Norwegian settlers were Andrew An- derson, Ole T. Oleson and Halvor Nelson. They came from Norway in 1836 and located in La Salle county. The following spring, 1837, they settled on sections 21 and 32, Adams township. Thove Tillotson and Paul Iverson came in 1837 from Norway, and in 1839 came Hans O. Hanson and Osman Thomason. Adams was organized as a township April 2, 1850. Among its principal officers up to 1906 we find the following Norwegians: 1851 — Commissioner of highways, N. Anderson. 1852 — Commissioner of highways, J. Johnson. 1854 — Commissioner of highways, C. Olson. 1855 — Commissioner of highways, O. M. Han- son. 1856 — Commissioner of highways, N. Anderson; collector, A. A. Klove. 1857 — Commissioner of highways, O. M. Han- son; collector, A. A. Klove. 1858 — Collector, A. A. Klove; commissioner of highways, C. Halverson; justice of the peace, A. A. Klove. 1859 — Assessor, A. A. Klove; collector, A. Sat- ter; commissioner of highways, H. Halverson. 1860 — Collector, A. F. Satter; commissioner of highways, R. Halverson. 1861 — Collector, A. F. Satter; commissioner of highways; R. Halverson. 1862 — Assessor, N. Anderson; collector, Thos. Iverson; constable, T. Iverson. 1863— Collector, A. F. Satter. 1865— Collector, T. Iverson. 1866— Collector, O. H. Valder; justice of the peace, E. M. Konne; constable, A. Vatter. 1867 — Commissioner of highways, J. B. Har- mon. 1868— Clerk, D. Richolson (who was Mrs. Isa- bella Matson's first husband); assessor, A. A. Klove. 1869— Clerk, D. Richolson. 1870 — Justice of the peace, D. Richolson. 1871 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; collector, J. C. Jackson. 1872 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; ct>llector, E. H. Nelson; commissioner of highways, K. Halverson. 1873 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove. 1874 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; constable, E. H. Nelson. 1875 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; constable, Thos. Thompson, Jr. 1876 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; collector, H. T. Thompson; justice, E. M. Kinne. 1877 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; collector, N. J. Nelson; clerk, E. M. Kinne. 1878 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; clerk, E. M. Kinne; collector, A. N. Anderson; commissioner of highways, P. A. Peterson. 1879 — Supervisor, A. A. Klove; clerk, E. M. Kinne; collector, Ole G. Edvinson. 1880— Supervisor, A. A. Klove; clerk, T. F. Thompson; collector, Sam Thorson. 1881— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; collector, T. F. Thompson; commissioner of highways, J. A. Johnson. 1882— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; collector, T. T. Thompson. 1883— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; collector, T. T. Thompson; commissioner of highways, Ole M. Hanson. 1884— Clerk, T. F. Thompson. 1885 — Supervisor, A. N. Anderson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, Ole J. Hill; collector, T. T. Thompson; commissioner of highways, C. Farley. 1886 — Supervisor, A. N. Anderson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, Ole J. Hill; collector, T. F. Thompson; commissioner of highways, Ole H. Hanson; constable, K. W. Knudson; school trustee, A. A. Klove. 1887— Supervisor, H. W. Johnson; clerk, T. T. Thompson; assessor, Ole J. Hill. 1888— Supervisor, H. W. Johnson; clerk^ T. F. Thompson; collector, C. B. Jacobson; commis- sioner of highways, C. Farley; assessor, T. T. Thompson; on Dec. 5, same year, A. N. Anderson was appointed supervisor, H. W. Johnson having resigned. 1889 — Supervisor, A. N. Anderson; assessor, T. F. Thompson; collector, J. B. Jacobson; justices 78 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS of the peace, A. A. Klove and Albert Brunson; constable, Arthur Brunson; school trustee, A. A. Klove. 1890 — Supervisor, A. N. Anderson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; collector, Joseph Hanson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; commissioner of highways, A. H. Dale; school trustee, P. A. Pederson. 1891 — Clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, John Wallem; commissioner of highways, Chris. Far- ley. 1892— Supervisor, J. C. Jacobson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, A. H. Dale; school trustee, A. A. Klove. 1893— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, A. H. Dale; commissioner of higjiways, O. M. Daniel- son; justice of the peace, A. A. Klove; constable, A. Brunson; school trustee, C. A. Anderson. 1894 — Supervisor, J. C. Jacobson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, A. H. Dale; collector, Willis Farley; commissioner of highways, C. Farley; school trustee, Oscar Wallem. 1895 — Clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; school trustee, A. A. Klove. 1896 — Supervisor, L. F. Thompson; clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; collector, Charles Larson. 1897— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; commissioner of highways, A. A. An- derson; justice of the peace, A. A. Klove; school trustee, C. K. Halvorson. 1898— Supervisor, L. T. Thompson; clerk, T. F. Thoinpson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; school trustee, A. A. Klove. 1899— Clerk, T. F. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; collector, Elias Josephson; commis- sioner of highways, Ole Edvinson. 1900 — Supervisor, C. B. Jacobson; clerk, H. R. Thompson; assessor, W. C. Farley; collector, K. W. Knutson; commissioner of highways, A. A. Anderson; justice of the peace, S. O. Thompson; school trustee, C. K. Holmson. 1901— Clerk, H. R. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; collector, Conrad Hanson. 1903 — Clerk, H. R. Thompson; assessor, T. T. Thompson; collector, Thomas Edvinson; commis- sioner of highways, A. H. Dale. 1903 — Clerk, H. R. Thompson; assessor, A. B. Anderson; collector, Thos. Flattre; commissioner of highways, Oscar Wallem; school trustee; C. K. Halverson. 1904 — Clerk, H. R. Thompson; collector, Peter Paulson; school trustee, George Hanson. 1905 — Collector, Jacob R. Jacobson; clerk, Geo. O. Grover; commissioner of highways, A. H. Dale. 1906 — Supervisor, A. M. Klove; clerk, 'Geo. O. Grover; constable, Ole Edvinson; school trustee,' C. K. Halverson. The Village of Leland The earliest settlements within the immediate vicinity of the village of Leland were made as early as 1837. There were, however, few persons located here prior to the opening of the C, B. & Q. Railroad. This was due mainly to the flat, swampy condition of the country, which at that time, owing to the absence of drainage, was often under water. The town, like almost all others throughout this part of the state, was originated with the survey of the railroad. Its location is rather above the surrounding country, and this fact, coupled with the fact of the railroad, induced the owners of the land comprising the town site to survey and lay out a town. These persons were Christopher Fuerborn, who owned south of the railroad, east of Main street; his brother Henry, who owned that quarter-section immedi- ately south of the railroad tracks; while west of both was the land of Lorenzo and Alonzo Whit- more. All these persons had entered their land, but only one, Christopher Fuerborn, was living on the land. He was the main one to move in the location of the town, and the original site com- prises only his and his brother's quarter-section. They had come there some time during 1852, and Lorenzo was occupying a house — the only one on the town-site — when the plat was made. The survey was made by J. H. Wagner, and is THE VILLAGE OF LELAND 79 recorded June 24, 1853. The town was then called Whitfield, and to it the Whitmore brothers made their addition soon after its survey. When the railroad company erected their freight and pas- senger houses they named the station Waverly, and under that name a postoffice was established. There was, however, another office by that name in Morgan county, and mail matter for these of- fices would often get mixed and go to the wrong office. This led to a petition from the residents about Waverly Station, asking the authorities for a change of name. The postmaster at Waverly was John Leland Adams. It was proposed to call the town and office "Adams", in compliment to Mr. Adams. There was another office by this name in Illinois, and the name was refused by the department. Not to be frustrated in their wishes, the name "Leland'' was proposed and accepted, and the town and office is now known by that name. The railroad was opened in 1853. In the same year the first store was opened by Abraham Skin- ner. The first mechanic in town was our country- man Elias Hanson, who opened a blacksmithshop in 1854. In the year 1859, Nov. 16, a notice was given that an election would be held on Nov. 26 for the purpose of voting on the proposition to incorporate Whitfield as a village. The vote resulted in 37 for and 13 against incorporation. On the 3d day of December an election was held for officers of the village. Among those elected we note two Norwegians. The names of Ole T. Satter and A. A. Klove are among the trustees. In 1885 we find Henry W. Johnson as police magistrate (this is the ex-judge, now the bank president, H. W. Johnson of Ottawa) and A. A. Bjelland as clerk. The village took the name of Leland about 1864. The postmistress at Leland is now, in 1907, Mrs. Carrie Hovda, whose biography appears on another page. The village at present has two banks, both controlled by Norwegians. The First National Bank of Leland was opened in the fall of 1905. It is run by some young men of the Grover family. The other bank is ruled by T. F. Thompson, president, and Andrew Anderson, cashier. Among the business men up to 1886 we find the following Norwegians: General stores: J. A. Hovda, J. C. Jacobson, O. Simonson and K. John- son; clothing: Peterson & Klove; druggist: A. A. Bjelland; hardware: J. A. Hovda; restaurant: A. E. Amundsen; milliner shops: Mrs. P. H. Peter- son and Misses Jacobson; furniture: T. W. Thor- son; boots and shoes: George Gunderson and H. Anderson; barber: T. Pederson; wagon maker: E. Erickson; blacksmith: Elias Hanson; carpen- ters: K. Baker, John Baker and A. Bringadal; painters: Ole R. Pederson and T. W. Thorson; coopers: FI. Simonson and J. J. Tarket; mason: J. Abrahamson; hotel: J. B. Johnson. In 1907 the following Norwegians are engaged in business at Leland: Elias Josephson, meat- market; The Erickson Studio (Erickson & Sister), photographers; Levi Warn, coal, cement and feed; M. B. Pederson, barber; J. C. Jacobson & Son, general merchandise; S. O. Thompson, gro- cer; Larson & Grover, general merchandise; E. Erickson's Sons, wagon makers, blacksmiths and dealers in farmers' implements; O. Simonson, general merchandise; Joe Jacobson, candies and cigars; E. A. Danielson, hardware, wagons and implements of all kinds; Martin Fossand, shoe- maker; John Mossness, contractor and builder; Ole R. Pederson, painter; Jacob R. Jacobson, con- tractor and builder; Alfred Anderson, contractor and builder; Peter Satter, hardware and furnaces; the Farmers' Elevator, run by Ed. Farley; W. A. Grover, manager of the Neola Elevator Co.; N. G. Klove, publisher of the Leland Times; Conrad Hanson, blacksmith, son of Elias Hanson; Nels Logland, housemover; K. W. Knutson & John Thoreson driving and expressing; Miss Martha Walder and Miss Anna Kloster, dressmakers; Miss Anna Simonson, milliner; John Abraham- son, mason; Walter Abrahamson, harnessmaker. The board of trustees, elected April 17, 1906, is composed as follows: Wm. A. Grover, A. H. Dale, A. B. Anderson, George Gunderson and Charles Kittleson. Charles A. Erickson is the village clerk. Ottawa Ottawa is the county seat of La Salle county, eighty-four miles from Chicago, at the junction of the Illinois and Fox Rivers. Its business streets are paved and the city lighted by electricity. It enjoys a perfect sewer system, waterworks with pure artesian water, and a low tax rate. The city has local electric roads and interurban lines, and twenty-four passenger trains in and out every day. 80 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS It boasts three banks, whose combined assets are over $4,000,000; two building associations; two colleges; high school; six public schools; public librar}'- and hospital, and thirteen churches. Ot- tawa has excellent shipping facilities; four good hotels; B. P. O. E. club house and business men's club. It is located in the heart of the northern Illinois coal fields; has the finest glass sand in the United States and extensive fields of clay of all kinds. Such are the cold facts. We shall not attempt to write a sketch, much less the history of Ottawa. It has been a trad- ing place for our countrymen since they first came to the Fox River Settlement, but there never were many of them who chose that city for their abode. A few retired farmers and widows have, however, of late chosen to spend their declining years there, so that its directory contains about one hundred Norwegian names, which is not much for a city of over 12,000 inhabitants sur- rounded by a farming country largely populated by Norwegians and their descendants. There are, however, a number of professional and business men located here, and Ottawa is the only place outside of Chicago that can boast of having a newspaper in the Norwegian language. This paper is Illinois Posten and was transferred there in 1896 in order to help in pushing the Pleasant View Luther College and as a local paper for old people in La Salle and surrounding counties. The paper has also helped the Norweg- ians in politics, so that since it came to Ottawa the Norwegians have secured several important political offices; such as one county judge, one member of the legislature, one sherifif, four super- visors and one city attorney, and it has been rec- ognized by national, state and county commit- tees. Its publisher and editor is Mr. P. A. Olsen. Here we print a list of the present professional and business men of Norwe.gian descent at Ot- tawa: Owen Anderson, lawyer; Benson Bros., sands for foundries; B. O. Berge, lawyer; J. A. Edmunds, dry goods; H. O. Evenson, M. D.; Hans Gulbranson, piano tuner; Axel Heiberg, pharmacist; Hon. H. W. Johnson, banker; Nelson & Johnson, clothiers; Hans Ohme, cement con- tractor; O. G. Olson, merchant tailor; P. A. Ol- sen, publisher and printer; Harald Richolson, lawyer, city attorney; Dr. G. P. Stordock, dentist. We have another list of names to present, one which is both thrilling and sad, and that is the one on the soldiers' monument in the little beau- tiful park right in the heart of the city. It gives the names of those brave and stouthearted fel- lows who did not hesitate to respond when Abra- ham Lincoln sent out his call for men, but gal- lantly shouldered their guns and gave their lives for their adopted country's honor. We will not undertake to correct the misspelling of some names, as they were probably all copied from the army rolls. Ole K. Halverson Gens Oleson J. H. Pederson Geo. B. Matson Oliver Lars Yance Oleson Soren Sorenson John Oleson H. Holverson John Johnson Nels L. Nelson Philander Z. Peterson R. M. Phuland M. E. Osmanson Peter Olson Geo. Matson Col. Edw. Munson Lars T. Egerness Capt. D. C. Rynlarson Loren Lawson Obed Sanderson B. Davidson Ole O. Anderson J. S. Johnson D. R. Johnson Chas. Johnson J. D. Johnson J. F. Pearson Sergt. J. Thorson L. M. Thompson Osman Larson Lieut. R. Anderson Jacob Nilson Henry Johnson Petter Oleson H. R. Halverson L. H. Thorson Iver Edwinson 1st Lieut. O. S. Davidson Jacob Hanson Loren Larson Norway Norway is a flourishing little village situated in the prosperous Norwegian settlement in the south- ern part of Mission township. La Salle county. Andrew Osmundson came from the old country in an early day and settled on sec. 33. Mr. Hejer- dal erected a small building in 1848, in which he placed a small stock of goods. Mr. Nitter, the father of David Nitter, built another little house and C. J. Borchsenius erected a two-story build- ing, the lower story being used as a store room and the upper one for a dwelling. From that time the village has not grown in number of houses, but in business, as it is surrounded by a large and rich farming country. Norway at present has NORWAY 81 two general stores, kept by David Nitter and George Borchsenius; one drug store, kept by Borchsenius in connection with his other store; two wagon, blacksmith and implement shops, by John Larson and A. Ryerson. The Lutheran is the oldest church. It was erected in 1852 and rebuilt in 1875. Its first minister was Rev. Ole Andrewson. The postoffice was established about the time the village was founded. The first post- master was C. J. Borchsenius; the second, Nels T0sseland; the third, E. Solberg (now a merchant at Seneca); the fourth and last, David Nitter, who was postmaster from 1889 to May, 1906, when the office was discontinued on account of the rural free delivery system, the mail matter now being sent out from Sheridan. In the late fall of 1906 Mr. Nitter sold his store and moved to Minne- sota. Sheridan In 1834 Robert Rowe, a Scotchman, came from Cincinnati, Ohio, and settled on the northern part of section 8 and southern part of section 5. The first improvement made where the beautiful and flourishing village of Sheridan now is situ- ated was made in the autumn of 1869. Alfred Rowe built a small frame house and John Mora- han moved into a shanty from the country near- by. In the winter of 1869-70 a hotel and store building was erected by S. M. Rowe and Delos Robinson. Eli Robinson was the first proprietor of the hotel. The first store was established by S. M. Rowe and Delos Robinson. The depot building was erected in 1871, the C, B. & Q. R. R. having been completed Jan. 8, 1871. The first agent was Frederick Frank. The postoffice was established in 1866 and was located about a mile east of the present site of the village. The first postmaster was John M. North. In 1870 it was moved to the village. The village was incorporated under the gen- eral corporation law, June 24, 1872. S. M. Rowe was the first president of the board. Among the members of the board in 1885 we find our coun- tryman, Mr. J. A. Quam, who now is a banker at Sheridan, but then kept a clothing and gents' fur- nishing store. His sketch is found elsewhere in this volume. Another of our countrymen, Mr. A. Schlanbusch, was village treasurer for the year mentioned. He died in 1906. The village has almost always until now been strictly tem- perate. S. M. Rowe dedicated to the village two blocks, in which in 1874 an artesian well was sunk at a cost of about $1,500. It had a depth of 475 feet and at the start had a flow of about six feet of water. Now the water must be pumped up. The grounds have been decorated with shade trees, so that the village has a beautiful little park. Among Norwegian business people in Sheridan in 1907 we notice: Farmers & Merchants' State Bank, the president of which is Mr. J. A. Quam; Thompson & Callagan, general store, H. L. Thompson being a Norwegian; A. Gaard, general store; W. T. Schlanbusch, dry goods and grocer- ies; T. J. Thompson, barber; C. T. Fatland, horse- shoer and blacksmith; Bert Thompson, meat market; Miss Gertrud Mosey, school teacher; Avon Solvin, wagon maker; Bergo Thompson, real estate and insurance; Nels Ugeland, carpen- ter and builder. Enoch Pedersen is representing the district in the state assembly. Big Grove Township Big Grove Township is located in the south- ern part of Kendall county. There is only one village, Newark, within its boundaries. It is in- teresting to see, not only what material prog- ress our countrymen have made here as else- where in the Fox River Settlement, but also how they acquired influence in public aflfairs as the years passed on. As soon as the land was pretty well taken up by settlers, the first common necessity was to build roads and high- 82 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ways. In the records of the township we have picked out the following list of the inhabit- ants liable to work on the highways in the dif- ferent road districts. In district 3: Thos. Howse (Huus), Thomas Olson, Buren Olson, Larse Ol- son, Vier Ceveson (Severtson), Christopher Lar- son and Charles Vier. In district 4: Loss (Lars) Tunswick, Raynard Poleson, John Munson and Ingebrit Olson. In district 6: John Shureson, Oliver Larson and Seve Larson. In district 8: J. F. Hill and E. M. Hill. In district 9: Larse Larson, Osman Osmanson, Holiver (Halvor) Osmanson, Urin Ofinson and Jacob Jacobson. In district 10 the record simply mentions: "A Norwegian." In district 11: John Hill and Chas. Aman. In district 13: Osman Johnson. In dis- trict 14: Errick Lawson and Ole Canuteson. In district 17: Henry Monson. In district 19: Christian Olson. At an annual town meeting at the Red School- house, April 3, 1866, Nels S. Nelson was elected road overseer. In 1867: Lars Larson for district 1. In 1870: John Fatland, district 3; E. S. Hol- land, district 10; Osten Osbjornson, district 11; Tor Johnson, district 17. In 1871; Chris Larson, district 3; E. S. Holland, district 10; Jacob An- derson, district 11; Ole Johnson, district 15. In 1872: Chris Larson, district 3; Jacob Anderson, district 11; Ole Johnson, district 15. In 1873: Chris. Larson, district 3; Jacob Husen, district 10; H. Halverson, district 11; Lars Likness, dis- trict 12; Ole Johnson, district 15; Hans H. Ol- son, district 18. In 1874, C. Larson, district 3; H. Halverson, district 11; Hans H. Olson, dis- trict 18. In 1875 Nels S. Nelson was elected collector, and in 1876 he was re-elected to the office. In 1879 — E. S. Holland, assessor; Olaf Larson, constable. In 1880 — E. S. Holland, assessor; Torris John- son, highway commissioner. In 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884— E. S. Holland, asses- sor. In 1883 — T. W. Weeks, collector; Austin O. Os- mond, highway commissioner. In 1884 — N. S. Nelson, highway commissioner. In 1885 — John Lawson, constable. In 1886 — Austin Osmond, highway commission- er; Nels S. Nelson, school trustee. In 1888 — Nels S. Nelson, assessor; G. G. Knut- son, collector. In 1889 — Nels S. Nelson, assessor; Gunnar Overland, collector; Austin Osmond, highway commissioner; Tom Weeks, school trustee. Since then Gunnar Overland has been re-elected col- lector every year to the present time and he also serves as clerk of the village of Newark. In 1890 — N. S. Nelson, assessor; Ole Anderson, highway commissioner; E. S. Holland, justice of the peace. In 1891 — N. S. Nelson, assessor; Tom Weeks, school trustee. In 1892, 1893 — Nels S. Nelson, assessor. In 1893 — Ole Anderson, commissioner of high- ways; E. S. Holland, justice of the peace. In 1894 — Tom Weeks and E. S. Holland, school trustees. In 1895 — Ole J. Ness, constable; E. S. Holland, school trustee. In 1896 — Ole Anderson, commissioner of high- ways. In 1897 — Charles Udstuen, constable: Nels S. Nelson, school trustee. In 1898 — E. S. Holland, justice of the peace; Ole Anderson, school trustee. In 1899 — Ole Anderson, commissioner of high- ways; Torris Johnson, school trustee. In 1900 — Nels S. Nelson, elected supervisor for two years; Arnt Sampson, commissioner of high- ways. In 1901 — Ole Anderson, school trustee. In 1902 — Nels S. Nelson, supervisor for two years; Austin Thompson, assessor; Ole Ander- son, commissioner of highways; Gilbert Torkel- son, constable; Torris Johnson and John Ander- son, school trustees. In 1903, 1904 — Records not accessible, being kept by the county clerk at Yorkville. In 1905 — A. M. Thompson, assessor; Louis Gravely, commissioner of highways; C. F. John- ston, constable. In 1906 — Nels S. Nelson, supervisor; A. M. Thompson, assessor; A. R. Thompson, commis- sioner of highways; Halvor Ness, constable; John Anderson, school trustee. NEWARK 83 Newark The first Norwegian settler in Newark was Ole Olson Hetletvedt. We have this from Mrs. Lars Fruland, Hetletvedt's niece, who as well as her husband are still living in Newark. Mr. Fruland was a son of Nels Fruland, one of the party that was misguided to the unfortunate Beaver Creek Settlement. As we have mentioned on another page, Ole Olson Hetletvedt was a "Slooper." He will be remembered as being the first to conduct Luth- eran religious services in America. He was a farmer's son from the neighborhood of Stavanger, but had acquired a little better education than the others of the sloop party and had been a school teacher in Norway. From the Kendall settlement in New York he went to Niagara Falls, where he worked in a paper mill and was married to a Miss Chamberlain. He is said to have conducted re- ligious services on the sloop during its voyage and then in Kendall Settlement. When he came to the Fox River Settlement he started religious meetings according to the Haugean custom. He is said to have been a very mild tempered but ardent Christian, and he traveled in all the Nor- wegian settlements, preaching and acting as agent for the American Bible Society. The next settlers in Newark were Knut Wil- liamson and Herman Osmonsen. Newark is now a thriving town of some 600 in- habitants, the population being largely made up of retired farmers from the surrounding country. The place has several stores, a postofiflce and one bank. Osmond Brothers keep a well equipped furniture store and conduct an undertaking estab- lishment. Ed Hextel keeps the only hotel and restaurant. He has lately added a livery stable. The village is handicapped in its development by being located two miles from the nearest railroad station, at Millington, but both a steam road and an electric road are now under consideration and may be realized in the near future. Nettle Creek Township, Grundy County About 1845 the Norwegian element began to come into this township, and it is astonishing how rapidly they have supplanted the original settlers. Among the earliest of this class of foreigners were John Peterson, Ben Thornton, Ben Hall, Lars and Rasmus Shelldal, John Wing, G. E. Grundstad and others. In 1849 the Norwegians were settled on the sections as follows: On sec- tion 4, Lars and Rasmus Shelldal, John Wing and G. E. Grundstad; on section 7, John Peter- son, Ben Thornton, and Simon Fry; on section 8, Lars Likeness and Ben Hall; on section 9, Hugo Mossman; on section 22, Samuel Hoge; on section 25, William Hoge. This is not to be un- derstood as if each person mentioned owned the whole of a section, as there were men of other nationalities interspersed among them. During the early history of this community, the nearest store and postofifice was at Ottawa, and the nearest market at Chicago. As the country settled upMorris was founded, and with Marseilles on the southwest divided the local trade, so that Nettle Creek could not afford sufficient patronage to justify a store here. A log sawmill was con- structed by Williams Hoge on Nettle Creek and did a moderate business for some ten years, but the dam washed out one winter and the mill was allowed to rot down. The only approach to a store was attempted in 1876, when Zacharias Sev- erson added to his boot and shoe shop, on sec. 8, a small stock of groceries. This was too late a date for success, and it was discontinued. Among the Norwegians who have held public office the present township clerk, Mr. Thor Tes- dal, has furnished us the following names from the public records: Olen O. Johnson, justice of the peace twenty years, and besides supervisor and county treas- urer. S. S. Marvick, supervisor for a number of years, is now engaged in the land business at Morris, Illinois. 84 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Joseph H. Osmon, supervisor, now prominent farmer. Ami Markeson, supervisor, tow^n clerk seven years, commissioner of highways. Hactor P. Wicks, commissioner of highways during many terms. Austin Oswood, commissioner of highways. Henry Torkilson, commissioner of highways. Albert Peterson, justice of the peace. Abraham Anderson, commissioner of highways. Torris Larson, commissioner of highways. Ole S. Johnson, assessor. Andrew Rand, school trustee, commissioner of highways. C. E. Cassem, town clerk. Thor Tesdal, elected town clerk in 1902 and every year thereafter; school director ten years. Capron and Jefferson Prairie Surrounding the little town of Capron, Boone county, not far from the Wisconsin boundary line, is to be found a large settlement of pros- perous Norwegian farmers. The first immigrants to settle there were Thor Knutson Traim and Olson Kaasa, with their families. They came from Telemarken and arrived in 1843. The following year a number came from Sogn and settled there. The most prominent of those were Lars Johnson Haave, Ole Aavri, Iver Inge- breitson Haave, Anfin Seim, Ole Orvedahl, Ole Tistel, Ingebreit and Ole Vange, all with families except Ole Vange. In 1845 a third party came, among whom were Elim Ellingson. three brothers Andres, Ole and Endre Hermundson (Numedal), of whom Andres and Ole were married; Johan- nes Olson Dale and Hans Simpson Halron, both with families, and finally Endre Olson Stadem and Johan Olson F0le with families. From Tel- emarken arrived in 1844 Bj0rn Bakketoe, Johan- nes Kleiva and Ole Thorson Kaasa, all with fam- ilies. The first congregation in Capron was started in 1844 by Rev. J. W. C. Dietrichson, who was born at Fredriksstad, Norway, April 4, 1815, and died at Copenhagen, Denmark, from a stroke of paralysis, Nov. 14, 1883. His remains were taken to Norway and buried at Porsgrund, 1883. He was educated and ordained for the ministry in Norway. A dyer by the name of P. S0rensen in Christiania induced Mr. Dietrichson to come to America and preach the gospel for his country- men. It is said that he was encouraged not only by words but also with a snug sum of money for the mission. He finally concluded to accept, and with this in view he was ordained in the Oslo Church by the bishop of Christiania stift, 1844. He arrived in Milwaukee, Aug. 5, 1844, and from there went first to Muskego, and in the last days of August, 1844, he arrived in Koshkonong prai- rie, where he held service in a barn. The church in the neighborhood of Capron, 111., was the second house of worship to be start- ed by Dietrichson, but was completed first, and was dedicated Dec. 19, 1844. The other one was in Wisconsin in the town of Christiana. Filing Fielsen had, however, built a "meeting house" in the Fox River Settlement in 1842. Rev. Dietrichson was an ardent Christian mis- sionary, full of energy and pluck, but was lack- ing in that most important Christian virtue, for- bearance. He often lost his mental equipoise. It must, however, be taken into consideration that he was brought up and educated, as were most of his confreres in the old country, to look down on the farmers as an inferior race that could be and was disciplined to obey without asking ques- tions. That kind of despotism is still partly pre- vailing in the country parishes of Europe. When the farmers have breathed the exhilarating air of this free country they must be treated differently, as Dietrichson soon found out. We will cite some instances illustrating the case in question. In one of his flocks he had a farmer by the name of Funkelien, who was one of those foolish and irritating individuals that con- sider it great fun to embarrass their pastors by asking them to solve scriptural conundrums or explain apparent contradictions. He was well read in the Scriptures and in constant controversy with Dietrichson, who finally became so impa- tient with him that he told him he was excom- • CAPRON AND JEFFERSON PRAIRIE municated from his church and forbidden to ap- pear at the service. When Funkelien, neverthe- less, attended the church on the following Sun- day, Dietrichson called on the men present to eject him, and when he found them hesitating, remaining in their seats, his ire knew no bounds, and he rushed down from the pulpit to throw Funkelien out with his own hands. Funkelien, however, nothing daunted, met force with force, and a lively fight ensued. Of this Dietrichson, being the heavier man, got the better, and suc- ceeded in ejecting his obstreperous adversary. The latter had his energetic shepherd arrested, and Dietrichson was fined for disorderly conduct and battery. — Another newcomer had sent his wife to Dietrichson on some errand, at which he took offense. He grasped her so hard by the arm in order to shove her out through the door that his fingers left blue marks. For this he was arrested and fined $50. This goes to show not only that Dietrichson believed in the "church militant" but also that the "ecclesiastical strife" among the Norwegians of America commenced at an early period of their history. In Capron our enterprising countryman, Ex- Alderman A. J. Olson of Woodstock and Chicago, has bought and renovated a factory for the ex- ploiting of milk products. The farmers in the surrounding country will here have a good and steady market for their milk, so it is presumed that they will devote their attention to the rais- ing of milch-cows. Lee County The first Norwegian immigrant to settle in Lee County was Amund Helgeson Maakestad, whose name after his arrival was Americanized to Omnion Hilleson. By his countrymen his memory is held in such regard as to suggest the attributes of the Scandinavian deity Frej. He came to America in 1835 and for a few years was a coast sailor. When tired of being tossed by the ocean waves he set out and walked all the way from New York to Chicago. From the latter place he started on foot for the Norwegian settlement on Fox River, but being overtaken by a covered wagon (prairie schooner) filled with men, women and children, and being invited to ride with them, got in. He was by this time able to understand English fairly well, and when two of the men got out and walked behind and talked together about his money their real character and intentions were revealed to him. He had some money, and no doubt his situation was uncomfortable, until a man and a woman driving a team overtook them. He leaped out, and as the charmed bird flies when the spell is broken, sprang into the other wagon without a word of parting to the one or of introduction to the other. His leap in the dark had brought him to good footing, for this time he had not fallen among thieves, but among some of his own people going home to Fox River, and his journey thither was happily relieved of further unpleasant incident. It has a singular seeming, but is nevertheless a verity, that with his limited knowledge of the English language he left his countrymen behind and pushed forward to Lee Center among strangers, not in habit, sentiment and nationality only, but in language also. This shows him to have had the truly pioneering spirit; he could not have been less than a pioneer. Having obtained work there, it was not long till he was able to start independently, and he settled in Bradford township, where he at first built a sodhouse. A little later he put up a frame house, which was quite conspicuous in those early days and was seen over the naked prairie by a German familj' (Reinhart) at Melugin's Grove on their wav out from Chicago. Their young daughter, ]\Iiss Catherine E. Reinhart, fell in love with the sturdy Norwegian, and with tlie approval of her parents they were married. Their wedded life was passed on his homestead in Bradford township, which was too early de- prived of liis services by his untimely death. Two cliildren were born to him and hig wife: Henry W. and Betsy J., the latter of whom is the wife of Conrad Brandau. Mr. Henry W. Hilleson was married in 1873 to Miss Eliz.abeth Roth, A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS born in Germany, Feb. 18, 1853. Her parents, also of German birth, came to the United States in 1860. Henry W. Hilleson has been supervisor several years and for several terms a member of the county board. Ommon Hilleson, having found the country good, wrote his relatives in the old country to dispose of their possessions, and come over and join him here. They responded and left Sjzifjor- den in Hardanger for Bergen, where they em- barked in the stanch sailing vessel Juno, which after a journey of one month's duration landed them in New York in June, 1847. The party consisted of the following grown up members: Lars L. Risetter, Lars Helgeson (Hilleson) Maakestad, Helge Helgeson (Hilleson), his brother, Ingeborg Helgesdatter, their sister, married to Lars Olson Espe, Sjur Arneson BIy, Torgels Knudson Maakestad, Lars Larson Bly, and Gertrud Helgesdatter L0nning. From New York the journey was by steam- boat to Albany and from there by railroad to Buffalo. From Buffalo to Chicago they traveled by steamer on the lakes. In Chicago the party was met by Ommon Hille- son. There being no direct trail and no railroad west of Chicago, they were guided by an ox team out to the Fox River Settlement, where the town of Norway is now located. Oxen were used in preference to horses for the reason that they were cheaper and could feed on the grass of the prairie. Horses were expensive and had to be fed on oats, an expensive article in those early days. After a rest at Norway our immigrants went north by the same means of transportation, their belongings in the wagon and the men walk- ing. One of the party, Lars Larson Bly, found Chicago more alluring than a strenuous walk across the prairies, so he concluded to remain there. He did not grow rich by so doing. Ingeborg Helgesdatter remained at Norway, La Salle county some time, and came to Lee county later on. At first the newcomers obtained work from earlier settlers, and then scattered out, many going to Sublette township. The first one to go was Lars Larson Risetter, who was the second Norwegian to settle in Willow Creek township. The land where they settled was part of the wild prairie, which at that time was mostly un- settled; deer, wolves and other wild animals were frequently seen where now are rich farms and flourishing villages. The settlements were made mostly in the timber, as the value of the prairie land for farming purposes had not yet been realized. As mentioned before, there were no railroads west of Chicago, and the communica- tion with the outside world was by the way of rough roads or over the trackless prairies. Our colonists were witnesses of the many wonder- ful changes that the years brought, and were potent factors in developing their sections from the wilderness. Having no means of support, the newcomers at first worked for Irishmen and Americans who had been earlier on the ground, but when they by great effort had saved a little money they bought land. Besides the reason already mentioned for taking to the timber, there was another not less important. They could cut it down and build log cabins, which were frequently erected in a single day, the colonists helping each other. It is mentioned that Ommon Hilleson was the first Norwegian to build a farmhouse in Lee county. The second was Lars Olson Espe. He got ahead of the third one, because he was a car- penter by trade, and consequently knew how to handle the tools better. The third Norwegian to build a dwelling in Lee county was Lars L. Ris- etter, whose log house was put up in one day. Mr. Lars L. Risetter is also still living, and his sons (Lewis and Holden) now live with their father on the original homestead in Willow Creek township. Lars Risetter gave his one-half section to his sons, who have since acquired and added more land to their possessions, until they now own a whole section. The first Norwegian settler in Willow Creek township was Amund Hilleson Ljzinning. He was the second son of Helge and Ingeleif Amund- son, and was born in South Bergen stift, Nor- way, June 20, 1821. His father died when Amund was six years old, and his mother being left in destitute circumstances with six children, the latter were bound out according to the custom of that country in regard to the poor; that is, each farmer takes one in his turn for a length of time corresponding to the amount of property he owns; while sometimes the poor are bid off at auction, the keeper being paid for their care and trouble. Mr. Hilleson was provided for ac- cording to the former method. When 16 years old he was able to take care of himself, and hired out the first year for $5 and his clothing, and so on gradually but very slowly increasing until he had worked thirteen years, the last LEE COUNTY 87 years receiving as high as $10 and a little cloth- ing a year. Four years before he had enough money saved to emigrate he began to turn his thoughts wistfully toward America, and from that time worked with the sole object of coming at the earliest time when he could be ready. That time arrived in 1850, and he came directly to Sublette township, where his brother-in-law, Lars L. Risetter, was living, and worked the first year in the employ of Thomas Fessenden through haying and harvest for $11 a month. In 1852 he bought the N. E. qr. sec. 15 in Willow Creek for $1.25 per acre, and continued to hire out as a laborer until he had been there five years. In Amund Hilleson. 1855 he began to improve his land, keeping house for himself two years, and then, in 1837, he was married to Ingeborg Larsen Maland, who was born May 8, 1822, and emigrated to Sublette in 1855. Two children were born to them: Helge A., born 1859, and Ingleif, who died in 1866. Mr. Hilleson contributed liberally toward the erec- tion of a house of worship, having given to that object some $600. In 1875 he bought the N. E. qr. sec. 15 for $8,150. His was one of the best improved and most desirable farms in the county. He was a republican and one of the solid men in means and character in Willow Creek township. He died June 25, 1896, having willed his farm to his son and $1,000 to each of his four grand- children. Mrs. Hilleson, who died Dec. 16, 1866, gave to the three grandchildren born after her husband's death $1,000 each. Ommon Hilleson had accumulated $12,000 cash besides his farm. A better lesson on the possibilities of this coun- try could rarely be found: growing up in a poor- house and ending his days a wealthy man. The same year and in the same ship with Om- mon Hilleson came two other unmarried men — Ole Vasvig from Odda and Bryngel from Gra- ven, Hardanger. They lived together in a log cabin many years, worked hard and saved money, which they kept in a chest under their bed. One Mrs. Amund Hilleson. night two men came around and asked them for shelter over the night. This was willingly grant- ed. But our countrymen were poorly rewarded. During the night they were killed with their own ax and their savings carried away by the mur- derers. This happened in 1850. During the years from 1847 to 1851 the colqny uid not get any increment by immigration to speak of, but in 1851 we can record the follow- ing arrivals: Haldor Nelson Hovland, Jacob Ol- son Rogde (see his sketch), Hakon L. Risetter, a brother of Lars L. Risetter, and wife, and Agatha Olsdatter Espe, sister of Lars Olson Espe. We have not been able to trace any other ar- A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS rivals until in 1854, when the colony was in- creased by Amund O. Kragsvig, Wiglik P. Pe- derson Akre, Helge Pederson Maakestad, Johan- nes Pederson Maakestad and Agatha Maakestad. In 1855: — Jacob Pederson Blye, Helge Peder- son Blye, Elsa Pedersdatter Blye and Christopher C. Kvalnes (Qualnes). In 1856: — Sjtir Qualnes, Jens C. Qualnes, Martha Qualnes, Brita Olsdatter Kvasstad, John Johnson Maakestad and Christen Sexe. In 1857: — Elias O. Espe, Peter O. Espe, Thos. Helgeson L0nning with wife (Synva), Amund Sexe, Hseldur G. Maakestad, Viking Gjzfsendal, and Einar Winterton. In 1858: — Ingeborg Olsdatter Eide, Einar Ein- arson Buer and wife (Johanna), Lars Salomon- son Risetter and wife (Ragnilda), Sven Isberg, Einar Vasvig, Margrethe Sandven, Osmond O. Ljzinning, Ole O. Ljzinning and wife (Christie) and Hans Strand. In 1859: — Ingebrigt Qualnes, Gyrie Qualnes, Sigri Qualnes, Christopher Ingebrigtson Qualnes, Gyne Qualnes and wife (born Rogde) and Peder Tjoflaat with a large family. In I860:— Rasmus Hill (a brother of Peder O. Hill) and Ole Hill. Those were from the neigh- borhood of Stavanger. In 1861: — Nels Pederson Maakestad, brother of Helge and Johannes, who came in 1854. During the three years following we have not been able to trace any newcomers; but In 1864: — Ole J. Prestegaard, Lars Pederson Maakestad with family, Nels Johnson Maakestad, Jacob Opheim, Arne Opheim, Lars Aga, Ole Aga, Daniel Wignes and Viking Winterton. All of them came from S0fjorden, Hardanger, except the Hill brothers, from Stavanger, and Daniel Wignes, from Ullvig. In 1865:— We find Peder P. Hill and Kieng Os- monson, from Stavanger. In 1866: — Conrad Knudson and Peder O. Hill, also from Stavanger. Hill later went to Ogle county. All of those so far mentioned may be classed as pioneers, because they all broke new ground with plow and hoe in Willow Creek and Alto townships of Lee county and also in Mailand township of De Kalb county. In this connection we wish to express our sin- cere thanks to Mr. Ole J. Prestegaard, of Lee, 111., who has spent much time in helping us to trace these pioneers and in many other ways shown his interest in this work. The Pontiac or Rowe Settlement The data for the sketch of the Norwegian set- tlement in Livingston county were partly fur- nished us by Mr. Rasmus Aarvig, of Pontiac, and are based upon information given by Mrs. John Mitchell, widow of John Mitchell, and from other sources, such as the History of Livingston Coun- ty, 1878, and Biographical Record of Livingston County, 1900. The part of Livingston county which first re- ceived immigrants of Norwegian birth was in the vicinity of Rowe, known as the Pontiac or Rowe Settlement, including parts of Pontiac, Esme.i, Amity and Rooks Creek townships. Rowe post- office, four and one-half miles northwest of Pon- tiac, was really the center of the settlement. The first know settlers of Norwegian birth were as follows: John Mitchell was the first Norwegian immi- grant to settle in Livingston county. He was born in Tysvser parish, near Stavanger, Norwav, in 1819 (or 1823?). When old enough he went on the ocean as seaman on merchant vessels and was in port in America twice before he came here to settle. He also visited other ports in different countries, sailing for nine years. In 1847 he came to America, locating at no particular place, but going from Chicago to New Orleans, working for two years in Lousiana and adjoining states. He also ran a boat from La Salle to Chicago, on the canal. His first location was on Otter Creek, in La Salle county. In 1850, on December 1, lie was married to Miss Bertha Oakland, in Ottawa. She was born in Norway, in 1831. They had six children. In 1853 he came to Amity township, Livingston county, and took up forty acres. When he came, he had only horses and wagon, and the THE PONTIAC OR ROWE SETTLEMENT 89 third year he was taken sick, not being able to work for two years, and was obliged to sell every- thing he had in order to pay doctor bills; but through hard, honest, persistent industry he ac- cumulated around him 760 acres, all in good cul- tivation and with some of the best buildings in the township. He also owned in Iowa 150 acres besides personal property. For many years he was called "the Norwegian king," a name given by his generosity to his fellow countrymen. His children are: Isabelle C, Albert N., John, Elizabeth M., James Murry and Joseph D. Mr. Mitchel died in 1896. Ole Olson Eikjeland came with Mitchell. He was drowned in Wolf Creek while hauling rail- road ties for the Chicago & Alton Railroad, which was then being constructed through the city of Pontiac. -1855— Knut Mitchell, John Mitchell's brother, and John Q. Johnson Qualevaag, from Kobervik. The latter was born Nov. 1, 1835. He was mar- ried to Miss Caroline Mitchell, a sister of Knut and John, and they have had seven children. The homestead is on sec. 29, Esmen township. Mr. Johnson served one year as road commissioner and was a member of the school board three years. 1857 — Eiven Rasmussen Kaltvedt and Torger Thompson. 1858^01e Lugland or Laugaland (Fossene); Ole H. Olson and John H. Olson. The latter's homestead is on sec. 30, Esmen township. He was born in 1850, and when seven years of age was brought into the United States by his father, Ole H. Olson, who first settled in La Salle county and later came to Livingston county. John H. Olson was married in 1874 to Miss Isabel High- land, who was also born in Norway and came to America with her father, Ole Highland, when 6 years of age. John H. Olson and wife have five children: Elsie, wife of Benjamin Peterson, of Livingston county; Cordelia, wife of Oscar Het- land; Ida, wife of George Thompson; Clara and Obed. Mr. Olson has served as school director in his district. 1859 — Lars Johnson, Christopher Lyse, John Rasmussen Aardal, Ole Boland, Hans Boland and Engel Boland. 1860 — John Groven, Elling Evenson. 1861 — Nels Thompson Floten; Andrew Erik- son. 1862 — Gunner Oakland, from Skj0ld; Ole Erik- son Sonnenaa, Ole Sampson, Nels Olson Kirk- hus. 1864 — John Vignaes, Ole Soppeland and Tore H. Thompson (Hetland), In the Biographical Record of Livingston County Thompson is called Thomas H. Thomson. The former is, however, the correct name. He was born near Stavanger, May 3, 1826, and sailed from that city, May 17, 1849. His father was Tore T. Iverson and his mother Malinda Thompson. With his two brothers, Iver H. and Richard H., he first went to La Salle county, where, after several years of hard toiling, he bought forty acres of land, which he cultivated until 1864, when he sold it at a fair price and removed to Livingston county. Here he bought 100 acres in sec. 4. Rooks Creek town- ship, and has since looked upon this as his per- manent home. In La Salle county Mr. Thomp- son was married (in 1855) to Isabella Johnso:i. Of ten children who blessed their union, two daughters have passed away. The sons, six in number, are successful farmers. Thomas M., Ole A., T. E., E. J. and A. S. are residents of Livings- ton county, while M. J., the second son, is a farmer in Clay county, Minnesota. Anna M. is the wife of E. P. Friest, of Hardin county, Iowa, and Christina S. is the wife of J. C. Munson, of Amity township, Livingston county. The two younger sons are at home aiding in the work on the farm. 1865 — Endre Ytrevold, Rasmus Anderson Ids0, John Soppeland, Osmund Riskedal, Ole Tysdal, Eleiv Holta. 1866 — Thomas Ryerson (Jismervig) was born near Stavanger, Sept. 8, 1834. In company with an older brother he emigrated to America in 1855 and came to La Salle county, where he worked on farms until, on Aug. 14, 1862, he enlisted in the defense of his adopted country, becoming a member of Company F, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois Infantry, which was placed in the Army of the Tennessee. At the first severe engagement in which Mr. Ryerson was engaged he was wounded by a shell in the right hip, and being cO disabled, was sent to the hospital at Gallatin, Tenn. Subsequently he was transferred to the hospital in Nashville, and thence to one in Chi- cago. When he was convalescent he was honor- ably discharged from the army and returned to La Salle county in April, 1863. In 1866 Mr. Ryer- son came to Livingston county. Here he first bought eighty acres in Amity township. A small cabin served as a home for a period, but in time tliis was supplanted by a large and pleasant house. He also built barns, sheds and fences, and planted an orchard and fine shade trees. As he could afford it he invested in more land, and to-day he is the owner of 470 acres. With his wife he is now spending his declining years in 90 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Pontiac. He was married to Lizzie Larson in 1863. Two of their children died in infancy; nine survive. Louis is married and is a prosperous farmer in this district. Anna Belle is the wife of Rasmus Aarvig, whose sketch appears in the bio- graphical part. Theodore is the station agent for the Illinois Central Railroad at Pontiac. Oliver is the telegraph operator for the same road at Gibson City, 111., and the younger children — Adolph, Mildred, David, Clara and Mabel — are at home. 1868 — Lars Engelson, a successful farmer, on sec. 10, Esmen township, was born in Norway, July 12, 1845. Came to America with his widowed mother in 1857. He was married on the 14th of February, 1865, to Miss Anna Dora Engelson, wiio was born and reared in Norway. By this union were born six children, who are still living, namely: Engle B., a resident of Iowa; Elmer T., of North Dakota; Joseph E., in Livingston coun- ty; Milton L., Bertha E. and Ellen M., are at home. Four children died while young. 1874 — Die Tj0nsland, pastor of the Lutheran cinirch, Rowe postofifice, was born in Norway, March 13, 1836. He came to this country in 1872 and settled in La Salle county. From there he removed to Esmen township, Livingston county, 111 1874. His wife was Anna Margaretha, born in Sweden. Previous to coming to America Mr. Tj0nsland was a missionary in South Africa for nine years. He was really the first settler in the vicinity of Rowe station and was the pastor of tlie Esmen church. Arriving during the same period of time may be mentioned Henrik Larson Hovda, Thore Thompson Troe, Christopher Holta, Ellas Holta, Ole K. Olson, Die H. Aarvig, Nels Thompson, Ole Dyvig, Knute Knudson, John Jermeland, John Dyvig, Sr., John Dyvig, Jr., Ole Ejenes, C. L. Aygarn, and others. Some of the settlers came direct from Norway, but the first ones came from La Salle county down to Livingston county, which was known among the Norwegian people of La Salle county as the "country of the frogs," due to the great amount of lowlands and swamps; but the land was cheap, as low as $1.50 per acre, government price, and the grass and pasture were plentiful. Markets, however, were poor and money was very hard to get. The principal markets, which they visited at times, were St. Louis and Chi- cago, which were reached mostly by boats through the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers and the Illinois and Michigan Canal. The local mar- ket was at Ottawa and the milling was done at Dayton, La Salle county. This distance was traveled by oxen over the prairies and around the swamps as best they could. They usually went to La Salle once or twice each year to do their trading and milling. Later Pontiac became their local market, and still later Rowe, Gray- mont, Cornell, etc. Owing to the great amount of swamps and stagnant water evaporating the country was un- healthy, especially for those coming from the far north, and a great deal of malarial disease, with consequent hardships, was encountered by the Norsemen. It was a very common thing for the farmers to be taken down in the midst of their summer work with what they called the "ague" and other malarial diseases. These low- lands are now all drained out by tile drainage, tiiey have a healthy climate, and are supposed to be of the best land in the world, worth from $125 to $200 per acre. A considerable number of the Norsemen and their descendants have managed to retain a good portion of it. In politics, with few exceptions, they are re- publicans; a large number have served and are now serving in dififerent capacities as township officers, and, as far as known, with honor and integrity, but no county or higher office has yet been held by a Norseman in this locality. The reason is perhaps that nearly all who have set- tled here have come from country districts in the old country where a liberal education was liard to get, and the younger generation has not availed itself of the opportunities afforded here for higher education. However, a few have achieved the professional life. Joseph M. Mitch- ell, son of the first settler, is a practicing at- torney in Oklahoma. James Mitchell, his brother, is a practicing physician in the city of Pontiac. Others have been engaged in commercial pur- suits, of whom can be mentioned C. L. Aygarn, in the grain and elevator business, but the ma- jority follow farming, which of late has proved the most independent and profitable to the com- mon people. The first church work that was done among the Norse settlers in Livingston county was in Amity township by a Methodist by the name of John Brown. He baptized a number of children and preached among them with good success un- til the year 1862, but without having organized aiiy congregation. About that time a Lutheran congregation was organized and they called a pastor, by the name of Peter Asbj0rnson, be- longing to the Lutheran Augustana Synod. The work went on nicely for some time and a wealthy American by the name of Murry offered to give them 40 acres of good land on which to build THE PONTIAC OR ROWE SETTLEMENT 91 a parsonage, but while this was pending a dif- ference of opinion concerning the church liturgy caused a division, as some adhered to the old State Church of the Norwegian Synod, and the Murry ofifer was withdrawn. The remnant proceeded, however, and built what was known as the Augustana Church in the western part of Esmen township. Later the others, known as the Norwegian Synod people, somehow connected with the Missouri Synod, built a church at Rowe Station. Both of these congregations have lately been merged, forming the St. Paul Lutheran Church at Rowe, 111., now belonging to the United Lutheran Church, and under the charge of Rev. Mickelson. In 1873 a preacher by the name of Herman W. Abelson became known by some families and was engaged to take up the pastoral work in the locality. Being a resident of La Salle county at the time, he came to Amity quite frequently and preached, anrl performed pastoral work between the years 1872 and 1880, but no organization was effected by what was called the Hauge people until Feb. 3, 1880. On that date a congregation by the name of Abel's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized. Pastor H. W. Abelson was called and the congregation adopted form- ally a Lutheran Creed as accepted and set forth in Hauge's Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and a subscription was taken up for its school in Red Wing, Minn. About the same time the pastor took up the work in a small settlement near Mud Creek, which was kept up a number of years by him and his successor, Rev. Theodore Hansen, and later taken up by a minister from Rowe, and which is now under the charge of Pastor Mickel- son of the United Lutheran Church. Pastor Abelson about the same time, or a lit- tle later, took up work in what was known as the Rooks Creek settlement, a congregation be- ing organized there in 1880, known as the Rooks Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church, which later joined the Hauge Synod, but owing to poor health he had to resign shortly afterward, and as his successor Pastor Theodore Hansen was called and served about eleven years. After him other ministers of the same synod have con- tinued the work in the congregation, which now also has a church and services in Pontiac. The Abel Evangelical Lutheran Church above refer- red to, having diminished in number, later on joined in with the Rooks Creek Church, which at present is under the charge of Rev. O. O. Ris- wold, of Hauge's Synod. THE BEGINNINGS OF CHICAGO By Edwin Erie Sparks, Ph. D., of the University of Chicago. The city of Chicago owes its existence pri- marily to the river bearing that name and to the fact that the river empties into the head of the most southwesterly of the Great Lakes. The history of this city, because it is situated at the mouth of one waterway and the head of another, is similar to that of other inland cities. The waterways were the ready-made highways of the interior. Up and down them passed the ex- plorer, the missionary, the trapper, the trader and the pioneer farmer, tracing tlie way for future lines of commerce. At various obstruc- tions along these ways — perhaps the head or mou'th of a river, a portage or a natural harbor — the products of adjacent regions were col- lected, to be forwarded in bulk to the Atlantic seaboard. The manufactures which were sent- in return came to these inland points for distribu- tion. Thus what had been in turn a camping ground for the Indian, a halting place for the explorer, a post for the trader and a rendezvous for the pioneer became a commercial center which grew to a city. The mouth of the Chi- cago River was marked by nature to serve such a purpose. Extending in a crescent sweep about the head of Lake Michigan is a low tlat plain not over fifteen miles wide, reaching from Winnetka on the north throu'g-'h La Grange on the west to Dyer, Ind., on the south. Its concave side is occupied by Lake Michigan and its convex side is bounded by the great Valparaiso moraine. It was formed by the melting and retreat of the. great ice cap which came down from the north' in tlie Ice Age. At one stage the w^ater was dammed up by the moraine, creating what is known to geologists as "Lake Chicago." At the bottom was deposited a flat plain of sand and clay which became dry land after the water had retreated to its present position to become Lake Michigan. The northern part of the plain is drained by the Chicago River and its two branches, one coming from a northern and the other from a southwestern direction. So flat is the Chicago plain that the south branch of the river rises less than twelve miles from the mouth. Beyond the head of this branch is the outlet through which the pre-historic "Lake Chicago" was drained into the Desplaines River. The summit of this divide, between the drainage basin of the Great Lakes and that of the Mis- sissippi valley, is the old Chicago portage, un- known and unimportant in this railway age. Here the land is only fifteen feet above the level of Lake Michigan. If the lake level liad been sixteen feet higher it would have drained into the Mississippi. The slight elevation of the watershed suggested the possibility of the pres- ent Drainage Canal. Upon the plain described above, the city of Chicago has been built. The groii'nd is made up of bowlders, sand and clay — a mixture com- monly known a? "glacial drift." The excavation for a building in any part of the city will show the unstable character of the soil. Beneath it at varying depths lies the solid Niagara limestone which may be seen in the stone quarries in many localities just outside the limits of the plain. The bedrock is not level, but has many undulations, which cause the varying depths shown bj'' bor- ings in different parts of the city. The 'leepest point 3'et found is about one-half mile north of the junction of the two branches, where the bed- rock lies 124 feet below the level of Lake Michi- gan. The average depth is estimated to be about fifty feet. Because of the instability of the soil, few localities could have been found more un- suitable for building a city. But the demands of cominerce have slight regard for topography or for good building sites. The most recent method employed by builders to overcome the inherent difficulties of the unstable plain is to sink caissons to the bedrock and fill them with concrete. We can thus imagine our great build- OS) THE BIGINNINGS OF CHICAGO 93 ings standing npon gigantic stilts which rest upon the bedrock far beneath. In such a soil and on such level ground the river would naturally- flow sluggishly and would cut a deep channel, carrying the jv'ashings to be deposited in a bar at the mouth. It would in this way form a natural harbor for lake com- merce, extending two or three miles inland. However, the hi-^-tory of Chicago dates back to a time when a harbor for vessels of large burden was not dreamed of. It began during the days of the French missionaries, when the utility of a river as a liighway was the important con- sideration, especially if there was only a short portage from its head to a stream flowing in the opposite direction. The Chicago River was al- most ideal in this respect, since it led by its south branch of the Chicago portage and thence into the Desplaines and the Illinois, being the connecting link between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi. Like all rivers in level coun- tries, the sluggish waters of both streams al- lowed navigation far up toward the portage, especially in the rainy and melting seasons. It was possible, according to the accounts of the early explorers, to take a boat at certain times of the year over the Chicago portage without unloading it. The French explorers and the Jesuit mission- aries at first reached the Mississippi by Green Bay and the Wisconsin River. But they soon learned in returning to come up the Illinois to the Kan- kakee and thence to cross the portage to the St. Joseph River, now in Michigan, with empties into the southeast bend of Lake Michigan. At a later time they found the still shorter way by the Chicago River and portage. No satisfactory evidence has been left to show when this route was first used. Marquette and Joliet may have passed this way on their return journey from the Illinois Indians to the mission at Green Bay in 1673. La Salle and Tonty used the Chicago route before 1680. La Salle spent a part of the winter of 1682 in the first house built by white men at the portage. The following year he headed a report: "Du Portage de Checagou, 4 juin, 1683." When the easy route by the "Garlic River," — as the stream was sometimes called because of the foul-smelling wild plant growing on its banks — became fully known, it was one of the principal thoroughfares of the French during their pro- longed journeys through the Illinois country. Permanent French settlement, however, ap- proached Illinois not by the Chicago portage, which the Jesuits and explorers had used, but came up the Mississippi after the founding of New Orleans. The French villages of Kaskaskia, Ca- hokia and others which were founded in Illinois soon fell into decay because of the advance of the conquering English and Americans. Even the stronghold of Fort Chartres, built to protect these villages, was torn down by the invaders to obtain building stone. Only the ruins of a powder magazine remain to show where the fort once stood. After the French had been driven out of the Mississippi valley the Chicago portage lay in ob- scurity for nearly forty years, until the onward march of the American people across the con- tinent brought waterways and portages again into prominence. It was the policy of the United States government to plant forts along the front line of people to protect them and to increase the sales of the public lands. These forts were erected on the highways of commerce, where protection was most needed. Among the sites occupied in the middle West may be named the point where the French Fort Duquesne and the English Fort Pitt once stood, now occupied by the city of Pittsburg; Fort Mcintosh, where Beaver, Penn., now stands; Fort Harmer, at the mouth of the Muskingum; Fort Washington, at the mouth of the Miami, near which Cincinnati. Ohio, is now located; Fort Industry, at the mouth of the Maumee, about which Toledo, Ohio, grew; Fort Renault, now Detroit; Fort Wayne, still bearing the name, and Fort Mackinac, which is now 'surrounded by Machinaw city. As the people advanced, the government was accustomed to quiet the Indian claims to the land by making treaties with the savages. By the treaty of Greenville in 1795 a line was drawn from east to west across what is now the state of Ohio and thence south to the Ohio River. Beyond this line the whites agreed not to make settlements, and the Indians agreed not to molest any one living east of it. An exception was made to the first part of the bargain by the Indians giving to the United States certain reservations at important points where forts could be erected to protect traders. Among the sixteen reserva- tions provided for by the treaty of Greenville was one for "a space six miles square at the mouth of the Chicago river where a fort formerly stood." This reference to a fort was no doubt to the traditional French fort erected in 1685 as an outpost to Fort St. Louis. It was probably nothing more than a barricaded hut. By 1803 trade had increased along Lake Michi- gan to such an extent that the erection of a fort at some point on its shore was felt to be im- perative. It IS said that the mouth of the St. 94 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Joseph River was first contemplated; but there was no reservation at that point, as demonstrated on the map made by Morse in 1796. Hence Secretary of War Dearborn chose the reservation at the mouth of the Chicago River as a proper site. Fort Renault", at Detroit, had long been garrisoned by several companies of the First In- fantry. One of these was selected to proceed to the Chicago River and to erect the proposed fort. Captain John Whistler, with some of his officers and the women, came around the lakes by boat to the mouth of the St. Joseph and thence crossed the lake by way of Fort Wayne. One may faintly imagine the appearance of the mouth of the river when these troops arrived in August, 1803. Scrub oaks dotted the sandy shores, replaced by trees of a larger growth out toward the fertile prairies on the westward. The river flowed sluggish and silent between low- lying, sedgy banks. Evidences of Indian encamp- ments and huts of traders could be seen on all sides. Indeed, the soldiers found a French trader, Le Mai, living in a small cabin near the mouth of the river. Nearby dwelt Ouilmette (Wil- mette), a half-breed Indian. Before the snows of winter covered the drifting sands the soldiers and artificers had constructed two blockhouses, quarters for the officers and barracks for the privates, and had surrounded the whole by a high connecting stockade, with a second lower palisade outside. A subway was dug through the sand to the river to supply the fort with water in case of a siege. Near the fort was built the log house or "factory," as such adjuncts to forts were called, where the government trader exchanged his stores for skins brought in by the savages and private traders. Not only were the general surroundings of the mouth of the river different from those of the present day. The river itself has been so changed in its course that a map is necessary to show it as the troops found it. A sandbar had accum- ulated across the mouth, possibly caused by that mysterious current in Lake Michigan which deposits bars en the north side of obstructions on the west .'.hore. The bar had pushed the mouth as far south as the Madison street of the present city. This is well illustrated on a govern- ment map issued when the first proposition to convert the river into a harbor was being con- sidered by Congress. In the bend of the stream the fort was located. The drifting sand had made a kind of hillock or high ground at this point. Between 1803 and 1812 the history of Fort Dearborn, as the fort gradually became known through compliment to the Secretary of War who established it, is almost a blank. There was always one company stationed here, but it must have been a dreary and monotonous life on the sands along the shore. From time to time the "factor" made his report to the government, showing a prosperous trade. A few houses were built near the fort, that of Mr. Kinzie, just across the river, being the most prominent. The poplar trees in front of his house figure in all early sketches of Fort Dearborn, looking northward. The year 1812 found the entire Northwest alarmed over tiie Indian rising under Tecumseh. Burning cabin and scalped settler warned the whites to fly to the nearest fort. Even the safety of Fort Dearborn was questioned, lying so far in the Indian country. Orders were given to the commandant to evacuate and retreat to Fort Wayne if he deemed it best to do so. At- tempting to carry out these orders, the body of troops and settlers was attacked by the Indians near the present foot of Eighteenth street. Twen- ty-six of the fifty-four regulars were killed, to- gether with twelve militiamen, two women and twelve children. Five more regulars, it is said, were put to death after surrender. The prison- ers were then distributed among the various tribes for service. Eventually nearly all were ransomed or made their escape. For many years a tree known as the "massacre tree" stood near the lake and presumably near the scene of the attack on the women in the wagons. It has been replaced by a spirited group in bronze repre- senting the rescue of Mrs. Helm by a friendly Indian, Black Partridge. At the close of the war of 1812 the fort was rebuilt on the same site, but of different design. One block house was now felt to be sufficient. Settlers and traders gradually reoccupied their old quarters. The fearful experience of the mas- sacre was never repeated. So peaceful were the savages that in 1823 the troops were withdrawn from Fort Dearborn to garrison posts further west. However, in 1828, owing to the uneasiness of the Winnebago Indians, a company of regu- lars came up from St. Louis to reoccupy the old fort. The commanding officer was annoyed to find that the sandbar across the mouth of the river prevented him getting his supply boats into a place of safety from the storms on the treacherous lake front. He employed his men in digging a temporary channel through the bar — a prophecy of the later Chicago harbor; buf the currents soon filled it up after the troops were withdrawn. In 1832 the Black Hawk war brought General Scott and a large body of troops to rendezvous THE BIGINNINGS OF CHICAGO 95 at the deserted Fort Dearborn. Once more the attention of Congress was called to the fact that vessels on Lake Michigan could not approach a fort which had been built to protect that body of water. Shipping must lie in the offing and discharge their cargoes by lighters. Various re- ports from engineers connected with the troops stationed at the fort had called attention to the same obstacle, and also to the ease with which the mouth of the river might be converted into a harbor. It needed only two parallel piers out into the lake and dredging between them. No other point in the vicinity offered such possibil- ities. The value of the property destroyed in one season by the storms on that portion of the lake, it was declared, would go far toward mak- ing a harbor. Frequently auctions wei^e held to dispose of the cargo of unlucky vessels caught on the unprotected shore. Such arguments brought from Congress in 1833 the first appropriation for straightening, deepen- ing and widen;ng the Chicago River and con- verting it into a magnificent harbor. These ap- propriations were small at first, aggregating only $486,000 in nearly forty years; but were increased from time to time with the increased demands of trade until they have now passed the four million dollar point for the Chicago River and harbor alone. It is interesting to note that al- most contemporaneous with the first appropria- tion an enterprising trader killed and packed meat for shipment to Detroit instead of sending the cattle and hogs on foot, as had been the practice. About the same time small elevators began to appear on the banks of the river. Grain was hauled to them in wagons from the prairies and lifted by rope and bucket to the top of the building, to run through chutes on the other side to the hold of a waiting vessel. Fort Dearborn, near the mouth of the stream, formed one of the centers of growth of the em- brj'o citv: the junction of the two branches, commonly known as "Wolf's Point," became an- other. A sketch made at the latter place in 1832 shows on the left the Wentworth tavern or trading house, and on the right the Miller house, which was also used as tavern and residence. Between them ran a log bridge across the north branch of the river. Only by comparing the scene with a modern photograph taken from the same standpoint is the change in the river and surroundings appreciable. Passing down the main stream to the right, one reaches a point on the bank opposite to that once occupied by the old fort and beholds a similar transformation. Where the rope ferry was once poled across the' river a great bridge now swings noiselessly to allow magnificent vessels to pass to docks be- yond. Wharves line the shore where rushes formerly flourished in the swampy margins. The sand between the fort and the river has been dredged away to allow great floating hotels to lie at dock and await the coming of passengers. A large part of the site of the old fort is now under the Chicago River. The lake traffic, which gave the first impetus to modern Chicago, increased enormously be- tween 1830 and 1870. The appearance of steam vessels and the harbor imorovements were largely responsible for this growth. The exact time of the coming of the first steamer is in dispute, al- though it must have been near 1830. At the end of 1836 it was recorded that 212 vessels had been able to get ins-ide the river. In 1854 there were forty-six vessels plying regularly between Chi- cago and other ports. In 1871 more than twelve thousand vessels entered and cleared from the Chicaeo harbor. About 1830 railways, instead of canals, were advocated in the United States to connect navig- able waterways. Few imagined that the rail- ways could ever supplant the canals. A railway from the head of Lake Michigan to the Missis- sippi, or even to the Rock River, was for many years a Chicago vision. By 1848 it had been realized to some extent. The problem of con- veying lead from the mines at Galena to the lake caused that city to be made the proposed western terminus. The locomotive "Pioneer," now preserved in the Field Columbian Museum, was brought to Chicago by steamer and was put to work on the few miles of strap iron laid on stringers placed end to end on piling driven into the wet prairie between the Chicago and the Desplaines rivers. This was the Galena & Chi- cago Union Railway, whose frame passenger station stood for many years just west of and across the North Branch from the present North- western station on Wells street. By the middle of the century the rival rail- ways between Lake Erie and Lake, Michigan, the one constructed through "Central" Michigan and the other through "Southern" Michigan, rounded the head of the lake and came into the city simultaneously. ■ The Michigan Central and the Illinois Central came along the lake front on piling driven into the water, which carried them as far north as the foot of the nresent Randolph street. Between this piling and the beach, now Michigan avenue, pleasure boats were sailed and rowed, giving the people of Chicago the use of a lake front which they have not since known. 96 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS The railroads soon began to fill in the lake front, compelling the public to go beyond them in a park made by artificial means. Michigan ave- nue, formerly the beach of the lake, is now far inland, and the mouth of the river at the foot of Madison street exists only in tradition. Term- inal yards and tall buildings occupy that part of the former site of Fort Dearborn which has not been dredged away in straightening the river. The old moutli is now a part of the new Lake Front Park. After the final evacuation of the fort the prop- erty' was put in the care of the engineer in charge of the river improvements. The reservation of six miles square made by the treaty of Green- ville was a transaction with the Indians and was distinct from the United States reservation for the fort. The latter, amounting to about seventy- five acres, lay in the shape of a triangle having its apex at the fort. The base line crossed diagonally from the river near the foot of Dear- born street to the lake shore near the foot of Madison street. Under the law of 1819, which gave permission to the Secretary of War to dis- pose of military- sites no longer needed, that of- ficial yielded to petitions from the citizens of Chicago and in 1839 divided the reservation into town lots to be sold at auction. Certain por- tions were reserved for public use. One of these became Dearborn Park and is now occupied by the Chicago Public Library. The fort reservation will account for only a small portion of the land occupied by the city of Chicago. The remainder of the site, lying along the river and both branches, was included in the 290,000 acres of land given by the national government to construct a canal over the Chi- cago-Desplaines portage. The streets, much as they are to-day, were laid off at right angles to each other across this proposed town site and the lots were sold at auction in 1830 for the benefit of the canal fund. Certain reservations were made for school purposes, as well as a square for a courthouse. The latter ground is now occupied by the county and city buildings. At the sale the lots along the south branch near the junction brought the highest price. The average price of all the lots was about three hundred dollars. The site of the present Sher- man House brought forty dollars. Much of the ill repute of Chicago in early days can be traced to the topography of the city. Water would not drain naturally from the low plain on which it was built. Cellars were almost impossible. Deluded purchasers found their lots under water. Between 1855 and 1860 the grade of the entire city was raised, in some places more than ten feet. An old painting in the Chi- cago Historical Society's building shows the comical appearance presented by the city during this period of elevation. Entire rows of build- ings rested temporarily upon blocks and jack- screws. Pavements were on different levels. The conditions of things must have conduced to sobriety, since the late return home of the typ- ical club man would have been an impossibility. The streets were filled to the new level and the old warped planks, which bespattered the pedestrian when a vehicle chanced to pass. About this time the little courthouse, which had done service since 1837 in the public square on the corner of Washington and Clark streets, was replaced by a two-story stone building, to which was added a third story in due time. A lawn both at the front and back of the build- ing afforded space for public meetings. The leading statesmen of the day graced the rostrum of the old courthouse steps. The beginnings of Chicago may well close with her re-baptism in the fire of 1871. With- out this blessing in disguise it would have taken years to clean out the unsightly buildings due to the growth of the city from a frontier post. The easiest way to be rid of having to wear the clothing which one has outgrown is to burn it. Wooden pavements and frame buildings are stages of development, Chicago was done with both in the business district at one direful stroke. Only those who passed through the ex- perience of the fire know its horrors. Only those who study a map of the "burned district" realize the space whicii it swept over. The chief problem the Chicago of today must deal with is the river. How to provide for inter- urban movement with water traffic across the principal streets has claimed the attention of en- gineers and experts. Few other cities face the same problem. Generally the river or harbor is to be found at one side of the city proper, or it is not so long and narrow as the one which penetrates into the very heart of Chicago. How essential the river was to the founding and the growth of the city it has been the endeavor of the foregomg pages to show. Without the river there never would have been a Chicago. Can the prosperity of the city continue without the free use of the river for commerce? We have tried nearly every conceivable manner of crossing that stream and yet not interfering with traffic. We have crawled under it in tunnels. We have gone around it in belt lines. We have made bridges THE BEGINNINGS OF CHICAGO 97 that turn, that open, that lift, that slide — any- thing to reconcile land and water traffic. The history of Chicago falls naturally into three periods. The French occupancy two hun- dred years ago, interesting though it is, has no real connection with the modern city. The sec- ond stage, that of Fort Dearborn and the troops, which covered nearly thirty years, is only re- motely connected with the modern commercial center. Industrial Chicago began with the open- ing of the harbor in 1833. Yet the building of the fort marked the beginning of continuous gov- ernment under the United States. The stars and stripes, once raised on the staff near the middle of the fort, have floated over the city to this da}^ The protecting hand of the United States government, represented in the troops a century ago, in the land given for digging the old canal, and in the appropriations for the improvement of the harbor, has never been withdrawn. No city in the United States can excel Chi- cago in the picturesqueness of her past. No city has had such a succession of varied and striking types. Above her busy streets and lofty build- ings pass in historic shade the Jesuit, the trap- per, the trader, the pioneer, the soldier, the land speculator, the promoter — each contributing his unconscious part to the making of an American city. The canal, which Joliet wished to cut across the Chicago portage but to which La Salle objected because the stage of water would make it serviceable during only a small portion of the year, was realized nearly two centuries later by the Illinois and Michigan Canal. It has now been practically abandoned and superseded by a parallel artificial waterway designed for a ship canal. That this service will ever be rendered by the Drainage Canal is unlikely because three great trans-continental lines of railways traverse the length of the portage. An electric trolley has been added as if to make a prophecy of the future. Where the Jesuit and his donnes once dragged their sledges by head bands and straps, where the coureur du bois tied his bright-colored sash about his embroidered hunting shirt and set. afresh his pudding-bag cap before bending to the burden of his boat, giant locomotives now drag mile-long freight trains or whirl portable hotels over the old Chicago portage. Some day when all this is materialized on a commemorative column or historic arch, when it stands in enduring pageantry on a memorial bridge, Chicago will mean more to one class of its citizens than a place to make a fortune and to another than a place of securing daily bread. Civic as well as national pride rests most se- curely on veneration for the past. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS The Norwegian Synod By Rev. Alfred O. Johnson. I. ORGANIZATION. When the pioneers of the Norwegian emi- grants left their native shores for the broad plains of America, they took little with them but their families, their determination and their faith in God. Like Norwegians in general, their character was religious. There were two factors in the life of the Norwegians of those years which tended to bend the character in a deep religious channel. So far as the majority of them was concerned, the conditions of life were hard on the western coast of Norway. Life was spent between the beetling mountains and the roaring waves. Almost every male was obliged to buffet the waves for a livelihood. In the eastern half of the country, life was perhaps not so precarious, but even there the livelihood was wrested from a strip of land that would be con- sidered quite inadequate in this land of plenty. Then again, every one though his schooling in secular branches was ever so meagre, had re- ceived a thorough drill in the elements of relig- ion. The devout mothers were their first teach- ers, afterwards came the school master and last of all the pastor. These conditions had much to do with molding the character of the early pio- neers. It is but natural that such characters, encountering the dangers of a long voyage, the difficulties and hardships, the privations and toil of pioneer life on the western frontier, should turn for strength to Him whose love had been instilled into their minds from childhood. It is not strange that the first regularly or- dained pastor, who ventured into the West to bring the comforts of the Gospel to his country- men, should be accorded a welcome such as might be given a prince and should find such an exceptional eagerness to join the congregations which he organized. During the interim that elapsed between the first settlement in the Northwest in 1834 and the coming of the pioneer clergyman, J. W. C. Diet- richson, the religious instruction had been mea- gre and unorganized. In most cases that ideal condition existed where every father is priest in his own household. Under these circumstances the logical development was that certain laymen would feel themselves called upon to minister to their brethren. Among those who assumed this work in the different settlements are mentioned; Ole Hetletveit, Jorgen Peterson, BJszJrn Hatles- tad, Ole O. Omdal, Endre and Herman Osmund- son Aaragerbse, Kleng Skaar, Even Heg, Aslak Aar, Peder Asbj^rnson Mehus, John Brakestad and Knud Peterson. None of these, however, attained such general importance in the early pioneer religious life as Erling Egilson Sunven or as he is more generally known Elling Eielsen, who came to America in 1839. He was born in Voss and exhibited very early in life an intensely religious character. While yet young he began to travel about as a lay preacher and gained quite a reputation as an earnest, forceful speaker. At the age of 35 he emigrated to America and four years after his arrival was ordained to the ministry by Rev. F. A. Hofifman of Duncan's Grove, 111., and labored ceaselessly as such among his countrymen. Until his death in 1883 he continued to be an important factor in the history of the Norwegian church of America. These were all laymen whose education was of the most meager description. It is said of Eiel- sen that he could not write. Many of them, however, were vv'ell versed in their Bibles. They were all Lutherans, at least, in name. There were others who labored amongst the new- comers in the different settlements representing (98) NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 99 various sects but who generally attempted to work under Lutheran colors. John G. Smith, a Swede, came to Koshkonong in 1841. He worked with considerable success, but is was finally discovered that he was a Bap- tist, and he was obliged to leave. Ole Hanson, nicknamed Ole "The Consul" was a Methodist lay preacher whose field was chiefly Rock Prairie and Highland, Wisconsin. Another man, who for a time seemed to succeed was G. Unonius, a Swedish Episcopal minister, who or- ganized a congregation at Pine Lake, Wis., con- sisting of both Norwegians and Swedes and later on one in Chic.';go. Up to this time it might be said that there had been an abundance of preaching, such as it was, but there had been no worship after the ritual and customs of the Mother Church. Most of the lay preachers were followers of Hans Nielsen Hauge and held the forms of the state church in disrespect. Meetings had been held in the different settlements but as yet no congre- gations were organized. The first regular Norwegian Lutheran Congre- gation to be organized in America was at Mus- kego. Wis., in 1843. Rev. J. W. C. Dietrichson tells of the events connected with its organiza- tion in his book, "Travels among the Norwegian Immigrants." In the fall of 1843, steps were taken towards the organization of a congregation here — Mus- kego. Wis., with Clausen as pastor. As it is of considerable importance and interest touching the religious condition among the Norwegians, I must here speak more of this man. Claus Laurit- zen Clausen, at that time about 26 years of age, was born on the Island of Ar0 in Denmark. In his youth he was awakened to a realization of the truth of Christianity but for some years was effected by pietistic and partly by Baptist errors until God in his mercy gradually lead him to a firm churchly stand. He was greatly aided by his acquaintance with several Christian preach- ers in Sjselland, particularly P. A. Fenger, F. Boisen and Grundtvig, and the latters' writings. For some time a burning desire had filled his heart to be an instrument in the hands of God to proclaim the word of Life to his fellowmen. This desire received new life when he heard of Rev. Schroeder's determination to go as a mis- sionary to the heathens. He went, therefore, to Christiania and spoke to Schroeder about going with him, but through the many difficulties that presented themselves, he believed that he saw an indication from the Lord that he was not to be led that way. During his stay in Norway, he received a request from a merchant, T. O. Backe in Drammen, ri prominent follower of Hauge, to go to America and labor as a school teacher among the Norwegians. This request, he thought on account of several reasons, he ought to fol- low. When he came to Wisconsin in 1843 to the Norwegian colony at Muskego, he soon under- stood that it would be a mistake to labor as a school teacher under conditions which, ecclesiasti- cally, were so unsettled as they were among the Norwegian immigrants. He soon saw that the school in which it was his intention to labor could have no solid backing so long as it had no church upon which it could lean and under whose authority and in whose interest it might work. He, therefore, confined himself to the work of reading sermons from different postils for such circles as gathered themselves about him for this purpose. The desire to have a minister amongst them developed more and more clearly, particu- larly in certain of the leaders of the settlement. Believing that there was no prospect of getting a minister from Norway, they talked the matter over with several of the pioneers and sent Clau- sen a written call to become the pastor of the colony. Clausen clearly saw that he dared not^ even though he was called in regular order, as- sume the responsibility of the sacred office un- less he had been examined and regularly or- dained by an ordained pastor of the Lutheran- Church. The colony then went to one of the German Lutheran ministers, Rev. L. F. E. Krause, who was then serving a German Lutheran con- gregation in Washington county not far from Milwaukee. Although Clausen had not taken a regular course in theology, Krause considered it his duty, under the conditions, to comply with the request of his Norwegian brethren. He there- fore examined Clausen, and found, according to his written testimony, that he had a thorough knowledge of the Word of God and particularly of Church history, and ordained him on the 18th of October, 1843, for the settlement of Muskego, according to the ritual for ordination of ministers of the Norwegian church. By this call from the settlement of Muskego to Clausen and by his subsequent ordination, the first steps were taken toward a regular organization of religious work among the immigrants. From now on, Clausen preached the Word of God and administered the sacraments. The year after a constitution was drafted and the ritual of the Church of Norway was adopted. The next ordained laborer among the Norweg- ians was the above mentioned J. W. C. Dietrich- son. In the summer of 1843, Dietrichson had 100 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS made the acquaintance of an earnest Christian man in Christiania, P. Sjzfrensen, a dyer by trade, who has the h^nor of having given the first im- pulse to the mission among the Norwegian im- migrants in America. During their acquaintance they talked of Schroeder's mission to the heath- ens in Africa and naturally turned to the breth- ren in faith in America, and Sj^rensen, who had thought seriousl}'^ of the matter, asked Dietrich- son if he did not feel called upon to undertake a visit to America to investigate the religious con- dition of the Norwegians and help to organize congregations and lay the foundation for a regu- lar church amongst them. Mr. Sji^rensen offered to defray the expenses of the trip. This request and offer touched and interested Dietrichson be- cause it came from a man, who, though well to do, was not wealthy. Dietrichson says: "I had often thought with anxiety of the brethren in America, exposed to all manner of errors, but it had never occurred to me that I should be sent to labor amongst them. I became more and more interested in their condition and as I saw the importance of such an undertaking, I pon- dered over the matter and consulted several Chris- tian men, whose judgment I placed above my own, as to their opinion in the matter. Encour- aged by them I concluded, in faith in God who is powerful in the weak, to heed the request, pro- vided I was given the ordination of the Norweg- ian church. It was clear to me as well as to those I consulted, that if I was to accomplish anything among the immigrants, it was necessary for me to labor with the authority which the or- dination of the church alone can give in such matters, and only when this had been granted me, could I have the courage to accept the call. I applied, therefore, for ordination as minister, and my request was granted on October 4, 1843." Dietrichson left Norway May 21, 1844, and landed in New York July 9, together with about 900 immigrants. He went from New York over Albany and Buffalo to Milwaukee where he ar- rived Aug. 5. The next day he traveled the twenty miles to Muskego. Here he immediately found Clausen who knew that he had left Nor- way and had been waiting patiently for him. Dietrichson immediately began his labors. He traveled from settlement to settlement preaching and taking the preliminary steps toward the or- ganization of congregations. The first congrega- tion organized in this manner with a regularly ordained minister from Norway as its pastor was on Koshkonong Prairie in 1844. It is between the months of August, 1844, and May, 1845, that we hear the first reports of organized religious work in Illinois. During this time Dietrichson visited settlements in Illinois as well as in Wis- consin and congregations were organized at Long Prairie, 111., Stevenson and Winnebago counties, 111., and at Chicago. During the years that followed, several new ministers from Nor- way had arrived in response to calls sent them by newly organized congregations. From 1851 to 1853 several meetings were held by the pas- tors and delegates from the congregations for the purpose of effecting a general organization but not until October 4, 1885, at Luther Valley, Wis., was the organization completed of what has since been known as the Norwegian Synod of America. The size of the Synod at its organi- zation can not be ascertained. We have, how- ever, a paragraph in the report of the Temporary Church Council from February, 1853, which says that the church body consisted of thirty-eight congregations, three in Illinois, four in Iowa, and thirty-one in Wisconsin. IL DEVELOPMENT. One of the characteristics of the Norwegian Synod has been its strict and uncompromising adherence to the Word of God. On this account it has been obliged to defend itself against the attacks of enemies. It has passed through a number of bitter controversies but never has it been the originator of one. It has always been on the defensive. (a) Controversy Regarding Lay Workers in the Church. One of the first controversies which shook the foundation of the young organization was re- garding the work of laymen. Filing Eielsen and a number of other followers of Hauge had brought with them from Norway disrespect for , church order. He used every opportunity to rid- icule the church and its pastors, calling them "ministers of tlie State Church with long gowns" and the congregations that had called them he designated "the great throng of the world, Babel, etc.," while he called his own followers "the lit- tle flock of God's true children." Eielsen differed widely with the Synod in re- spect to the work of laymen in the church. He considered an inner desire to preach the word of God as sufficient call and that such a person should be permitted to preach the word of God as he felt moved by the Spirit. The Synod, on the contrary, held that God has instituted the public ministry for the edification of the Chris- tians and that He has instituted no other office to exist side by side with it; that when any one NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 101 assumes public preaching of the Word, he as- sumes the office of public ministry, which it is a sin to assume without a regular call. It is both the right and the duty of any Christian who can, in case of distress, to preach the Word of God. A case of distress exists either when there is no minister or when the minister does not rightly serve his congregation, so that its members are obliged to suffer from want of spiritual care. Such distress, however, should always be allevi- ated in an orderly and Christian manner. The standpoint of the Synod upon this question is still the same. It believes, as it alwaj's has be- lieved, in utilizing the laj^ abilities which may be found in the congregation but always in an or- derly manner subservient to the welfare of the church. (b) Controversy Regarding the Third Com- mandment. The first congregations had not been in exist- ence long before the Seventh Day Adventists be- gan laboring among them to deprive them of their Christian liberty and bind them to the let- ter of the law. Their point of attack was the doctrine of the Third Commandment, and they insisted on the necessity of keeping the seventh day holy. They succeeded in arousing confu- sion in the minds of many who called themselves Lutherans and while the Synod at first was obliged to defend itself against the attacks of the Seventh Day Adventists, it was later on com- pelled to meet the attacks, accusations and false doctrine of the so-called Lutherans who had been aroused by the Adventists. The controversy was waged with considerable bitterness. The Synod defended its doctrine contained in five points set forth by the Rev. Ottesen: 1. When the Third Commandnient says, re- member the Sabbath Day to keep it holy, "Sab- bath Day" has not for us Christians any such definite reference to a certain day as it has for the Jews. (Col. 2-13; Rom. 14-5, 6; Gal. 4-9, 10.) 2. For us Christians by Sabbath Day in the Third Commandment is meant every day, our whole life, which is to be for us a spiritual Sab- bath Day for Christ. 3. This spiritual Sabbath Day which accord- ingly is a Christian's whole life, we shall, accord- ing to the Third Commandment, keep holy, and this is done by diligent and right use of the word of God. This is the moral part of the Third Commandment, which is binding for all times. 4. That which in the present time binds us Christians to keep. Sunday is therefore, (a) the rule and practice of the Christian church that we are to follow for the sake of peace and love ac- cording to Phil. 4-8, 9; Rom. 14-13; 1 Cor. 33; (b) the law of our government regarding Sun- day which we must obey for the sake of God according to the Fourth Commandment and 1 Peter 2-15. 5. Therefore we sin by performing unneces- sary labor on Sunday (a) against the Third Com- mandment by transgressing the law of the gov- ernment; (b) against the Third Commandment if we thereby neglect and despise the word of God; (c) against love because we. without rea- son, break the rule and practice of the Christian church and create offense. (c) Controversy Regarding Slavery. It was but natural that in tlie da3^s preced- ing the Civil War the public mind should be full of suspicion and jealousy toward every event or utterance that seemed to imply a defense of the slavery of the South. When Prof. Laur. Larson, in the spring of 1861, returned from St. Louis where he had been stationed temporarily as a professor for the Norwegian students fre- quenting Concordia College, he was asked by the paper "Emigranten" whether or not it was true that the professors of the college sympathized with the South. That he did not answer the question immediately was construed as an ad- mission of the truth of the accusation implied, and he was attacked publicly for his belief. He responded by showing that the Bible nowhere condemns slavery, and that slaverj^ in itself, stripped of all its evils and abuses, is not sin. This led to a controversy in which the majority of the pastors of the Synod took the side of Prof. Larson, while the opposition was led by Rev. C. L. Clausen. In the heat of the controversy, the standpoint of the Synod was taken as a defense of the slavery of the South and subjected it to much misunderstanding and abuse. That the belief in slavery, if it could be separated from its con- comitant evils of abuse and cruelty, did not mean sympathy with the South, is best proven by the fact that many who held that view took up arms and fought in the ranks of the Union army to abolish the slavery of the South. This disagree- ment led Rev. Clausen to withdraw from the Synod in 1868. The congregation at Lee, Illinois, had severed its connect-'on with the Synod on account of this question in 1863 but was reac- cepted in 1868. (d) Controversy Regarding Predestination. The controversies that hitherto had been waged in the Synod were often bitter and their conse- loa A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS quences sad to behold but the Synod had yet to experience the controversy that was most bitter in its intensity and most far reaching in its ef- fects. Brothers became estranged, fathers stood pitted against sons, and relatives looked askance at one another as they took opposite sides in the great question of predestination. In the year 1881 Prof. F. A. Schmidt, of the theological Seminary of the Synod located at St. Paul's Church, Chicago. Madison, Wis., accused his fellow teachers and co-laborers of teaching dangerous doctrines re- garding predestination. These accusations were met by vigorous denials. The standpoint of the two parties in this controversy is perhaps most clearly set forth in the statements of the parties themselves. Prof. Schmidt condemned as un- godly teaching what his opponents in their "Re- degj0relse III: 21" said: "We denounce the synergistic doctrine that salvation, in a certain sense, does not depend upon God alone." In op- position to this Prof. Schmidt declared: "I believe and teach, now as before, that it is not a syner- gistic error but a doctrine clearly taught in the word of God and in our Lutheran confession thai "salvation in a certain sense does not depend upon God alone." Kirketidende, the official organ of the Synod, spoke of this in the following manner: "He (Schmidt) does not adduce any proof from the word of God or from the Lutheran confession. On the contrary he applies his customary deduc- tions of reason and claims, that if salvation de- pends upon God alone, then damnation depends upon God alone also and then his grace must be irresistible. Because it really is impious to teach an irresistible grace and to give God the blame for damnation, therefore it is also impious doc- trine to claim that when a person is saved, it is effected by God alone. What do we mean when we say that salvation depends upon God alone? We mean that it is God alone who effects a per- son's salvation and that he who is saved is in- debted to God alone therefore and not in the slightest degree to himself. This Prof. Schmidt condemns as an impious doctrine." From this question of predestination the de- bate grew to involve also the question of God's universal grace, of conversion and of the right of the faithful to be certain of salvation. For about eight years this controversy was car- ried on with intense bitterness. The lines be- came more and more clearly drawn and in the years 1887 and 1888, the followers of Schmidt gradually withdrew from the Synod. The effects of this greatest and saddest of the controversies between the Norwegian Lutherans of America are still felt all over the North-West. Where one pastor might serve a large and flourishing con- gregation, there are often two struggling con- gregations, each trying to support a pastor, separated by the controversy of predestination. Sometime in the future, when the bitterness and struggle is forgotten, a merciful Providence may reunite on the firm basis of his Word that which has been severed and make the Norwegian Luth- eran Church what it ought to be, a power for the salvation and elevation of the Norwegian Americans. Just previous to the separation, in 1886, the Synod comprised 193 pastors, 723 congregations and 143,885 souls. In 1889, after the separation had been effected, it consisted of 138 pastors, 512 congregations and 93,891 souls showing that the number of those who left the Synod on account NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 103 of the controversary was approximately 55 pas- tors, 211 congregations and 49,994 souls. For further information the interested are referred to "Festskrift," published by the Luth. Pub. House, Decorah, Iowa, from which this sketch is culled. At present the Synod comprises 18 congrega- tions in Illinois. The history of the most im- portant one follows: OUR SAVIOUR'S NORWEGIAN EVANGEL- ICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF CHICAGO. Our Saviour's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Chicago was organized by the Rev. Gustav F. Dietrichson, Jan. 18, 1858, at North Market Hall in Chicago. A large number of people had gathered at the call of Rev. Dietrich- son and Rev. J. S. Munch on the second Sunday after Epiphany of that year. After the service those who were interested in the organization of the congregation were asked to meet on the day following. An organization was effected and a constitution adopted, signed by 52 charter mem- bers. After the organization of the congrega- tion, it was decided to build a church; $504 were subscribed and the size of the church determined, 70x40 feet, to be built on the N. W. cor. of N. May and W. Erie streets. Rev. G. F. Dietrichson was called as the newly organized congregation's pastor for one year. He was to conduct twelve services during the year and receive $150 and two offerings as remuneration. The church was dedicated March 27, 1859. In the years 1859 to 1863 Rev. A. C. Preus seems to have served as the temporary pastor. In 1873 Rev. Krohn, who at that time was a student at St. Louis, was called as pastor of the congregation and was in- stalled the following summer. As early as 1860 we find the congregation conducting a parochial school. The congregation gre\y and prospered and it soon became apparent that the frame structure in which they had worshipped was too small and that it was necessary to build a larger edifice. It was decided to build a brick church 116 feet long and 68 feet wide with a 48-foot chancel, a tower 190 feet high and a seating capacity of 1,000 to cost $24,000. Work was begun in the summer of 1871, but the basement was scarcely completed when the fire of October 9, 1871 swept the city. As a consequence labor was postponed on the church and the basement temporarily occupied. In the meantime the price of building material and labor advanced so that when the church was finally completed in 1873, the cost was $42,000 instead of $24,000. In 1876 Rev. Krohn, after having served the congregation for thirteen years, accepted a call to Filmore Co., Minnesota, where he died in 1889. He was succeeded by Rev. O. Juul, previously of New York City, who served the congregation until the autumn of 1893. It was during his pas- torate that the great controversy swept the Synod. Our Saviour's Church was also effected. After several years of unquietness about twenty families withdrew from the congregation. In 1889 the congregation received into membership a large portion of the congregation whose church on the corner of E. Erie and Franklin streets, owing Our Saviour's Norwegian Lutheran Church. to conditions, had been sold and its pastor, Rev. Daniel Kvaase served between the years 1889 and 1893 as co-ordinate pastor with Rev. Juul. In the summer of 1893 Kvaase accepted a call to Menominie, Wis., and Rev. Juul a call to Brandon, Minnesota. From 1893 to 1895 the con- gregation was served by Rev. Christian Preus, whose congregation in Dane and Columbia coun- ties. Wis., kindly granted him leave of absence until Our Saviour's Church should have secured a pastor. In 1895, the present pastor then serv- ing as vicar in Rev. Preus's congregations in 104 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Wisconsin, accepted a call as pastor of the con- gregation and was installed June 16, 1895. The congregation has had a steady growth and has been blessed with peace and good under- standing barring the years 1886 to 1888. If all those who are technically members of the con- gregation were counted, that is: all those who have become members of the congregation either by transfer, confirmation or profession and have not formally withdrawn their membership, the number might conservatively be placed at be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 souls. Counting, however, the live members, the congregation comprises about 700 souls. During its existence there have been in the congregation, baptized 4,2.T5, confirmed 1,453, mar- ried 1,849 couples and buried 2,174. The congregation is at present in a flourishing condition and, in spite of the migration to the North-West of the city, hopes with the blessings of God to hold its own for some time to come, against the encroachment of adverse conditions and continue to wield its influence for the truth of God. The United Church. Rev. George Taylor Rygh, Editor. Introduction. The United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America was organized in Minneapolis, Minn., in June, 1890. The parties to the organization were the Anti-Missourian Brotherhood, the Dano- Norwegian Conference and the Augustana Synod. At present (1906) the United Church consists of 1,325 congregations. Its pastors and profes- sors number 453; its confirmed members, 152,- 843; its total membership is 267,120. During the year 1905, 30,407 public services were conducted in Norwegian and 1,542 in English. There are 4,065 teachers and 49,312 children in the Sunday schools. Parochial schools are conducted by 806 teachers. During 1905, $92,000 w<|re expended in mission- ary activity- — $40,000 for missions in the United States and Canada and $42,000 for missions in Madagascar and China. There are 97 missionar- ies in the home field, of whom 12 labor in Canada; in the foreign field 9 are in Madagascar and 13 in China. A missionary is stationed at the state institutions for the deaf and dumb, the blind and epileptic, at Faribault, Minn. The United Church maintains a missionary for the immigrants in New York City; also a mis- sionary in Chicago. The United Church has children's homes at Beloit, Iowa; Lake Park, Minn., and Wittenberg, Wis. At Wittenberg the church also sustains a home for the aged. The Deaconess Home and Hospital in Chicago is a United Church institu- tion. Private hospitals conducted by members of the United Church are located at Crookston, Minn.; Northwood, N. D. ; Grafton, N. D. ; Fergus Falls, Minn.; Madison, Minn.; Zumbrota, Minn., and Austin, Minn. Hospitals are being planned for Minneapolis and Duluth, Minn.; Minot, N. D., and Eau Claire, Wis. The theological seminary at St. Anthony Park, Minn.; St. Olaf College at Northfield, Minn., and the normal school at Madison, Minn., are United Church schools. Augustana College, at Canton, S. D. ; St. Ansgar Institute, at St. Ansgar, Iowa; Waldorf College, at Story Cit3', Iowa; Concordia College, at Moorhead, Minn.; Scan- dinavia Academy, Scandinavia, Wis.; Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, 111., are all con- trolled by members of the United Church, and with one exception, they receive an annual ap- propriation froin the church. A college is in building in Spokane, and another at Everett, Wash. The net valuation of Augsburg Publishing House in Minneapolis is $108,305.31. From the publishing house issues each week "Lutherane- ren", the official organ of the church. Two Sun- day school papers, one Norwegian and one Eng- lish, as also a missionary journal, are published. The value of all property owned by the United Church is $725,193.18. ZION CHURCH, ELGIN, ILL. By Miss Aagot Rovelstad. On the 9th of October, 1882, some Norwegian and Danish people in Elgin, calling themselves a church society, met in a hall on Douglas avenue for the purpose of organizing a church. Andrew Rovelstad was made chairman and Gunnar Kors- moe, secretary. A committee of three men and three women was appointed to obtain members. The next meeting was held in the Swedish Lutheran Church, at which Rev. N. C. Brun, then of Chicago, presided. The committee on mem- bers reported fifty names of persons who wished to join the church. Each man, married or un- NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 105 PQ I • «5 ^ CO i" o 1) « O V to C nj « . X Q Oh lOB A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS married, was asked to pay 50 cents, and half this amount was asked from each of the unmarried women. Another committee was appointed to form a constitution. It was decided to have the same constitution as that of the Bethlehem Nor- wegian Lutheran Church of Chicago; this was read and approved at a meeting where Rev. Brun, and Rev. Omland, then of Jefferson Prairie, Wis., were present. The name was finally decided upon — "Zion Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Lu- theran Church of Elgin". Three deacons were elected, namely, Peder Rovelstad for three years, P. C. Andersen for two years and P. Andersen for one year. Three trustees were also elected, namely, J. Espersen, three years; O. M. Rud, two years, and I. Larsen, one year. The church was organized on the 27th of Nov- ember. 1882. at a hall on the corner of Douglas avenue and Chicago street, which had been rented by the. church for its meetings. Most of the members worked in the Elgin watch factory. The church, from the beginning, has had many dif- ficulties to con.tend with. Many of the members and some of the most faithful workers have moved to other towns where they have either engaged in business or accepted positions. The leaders in the organization were. Rev. Omland, Rev. Brun, Mr. Peder Rovelstad, An- drew Rovelstad, Edward Holth, P. Undhjem and G. Korsmoe. At one time the membership reached close to one hundred, but at the present time there are about fifty members who pay regularly toward the church. In the spring of 1884, the purchase of a lot was considered. Hon. G. P. Lord, one of Elgin's oldest and most prominent citizens, gave to the congregation a lot on Griswold street, on the west side of the river. It was at once decided to build a church, and a committee was appointed to collect money to pay for its construction. Mr. and Mrs. Lord headed the list, each contributing $25. The church was built at a cost of $2,582.41, and was used first in October, 1884. Of the cost price there was paid $1,874.93, leaving a balance of $707.48 as a debt. Each minister received $10 for the Sunday he preached. Rev. Strand, of Elliott, 111., visited the church during the year 1885. Most of the Norwegian-Danish people live on the west side and near the church. The street car line is but a half block away. There are four rooms and a-.'gallery in the church — a large room in the basefhent, used for' Sunday school, Wednesday prayer meetings and for the young people's society; a dining room, a kitchen and the auditorium. In the beginning, meetings were held when there was no minister. On these Sundays one of the deacons would lead in prayer and read the Scriptures. Peder Rovelstad was almost al- ways the leader at these meetings. A collection was always taken. In 1887 Rev. Gerhard Rasmussen accepted the call to preach every two weeks. Beginning the year 1888, he also preached in Carpentersville on the afternoon of the Sunday on which he visited Elgin. Andrew Rovelstad was sent as delegate to the United Church Convention in Minneapolis, Minn., in 1890. It was at this time that the United Church was organized and the church in Elgin joined it. In 1890 it was decided to have the minister live here, and a call was sent to Rev. William Ras- mussen, brother of the former pastor. Rev. Ger- hard Rasmussen. He lived in Elgin and served as pastor two years, after which he accepted a call to Waterford, Wis. The church was with- out a minister for some months. Rev. N. Arve- sen, of Chicago, visited the congregation during this time. In 1893 Rev. Baker, of De Forest, Wis., came, preaching every third Sunday. A gallery for the organ and seating of the choir was built in 1893. This same year the Elgin church |,oined with the Norwegian-Danish Church of Aurora in having the same minister. Rev. William ,Eckmann, then of Chicago, was called to serve as minister and to preach at each place every other Sunday, both morning and evening. He made his home in Elgin. Rev. Eckmann remained in Elgin seven years. Thanksgiving Day evening, Nov. 27, 1902, a mis- sion meeting was held, when the twentieth an- niversary of the organisation of the church was celebrated. This was a most interesting meet- ing and largely attended. Rev. N. J. Lockrem was chairman for the evening. The congrega- tion was very sorry to have to accept Rev. Eck- mann's resignation. He left for Norway in March, 1903. Rev. Ditman Larsen was then called, and is now the pastor. The officers at the present time are Ole Kors- moe, secretary, and E. Rovelstad, treasurer. The organist is Miss Kate Jevanord. The Sunday school has an average attendance of about fifty children. Mr. Hyltoft, who for years had been orgaiiist of the church, also served as superintendent and organist of the NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 107 Sunday school. There are now (1906) nine teachers — six girls and three men; superintend- ent. Mr. Stange; treasurer, Julius Johnson; pianist, Inga Knudsen. Miss Olga Christopher- sen resigned as organist and pianist this year, having filled this position since 1896. She and Mrs. Stange have instructed the children in sing- ing for each Christmas festival and children's day for many years. The Norwegian language is used altogether in our Sunday school. The idea of having English was once considered, but was not adopted, be- cause of the inability of getting enough capable teachers. In 1891 the church had a summer parochial school, with Miss Dina Nilsen as teacher. This school lasted but eight weeks. A girls' sewing society was organized by Mrs. Greenhill and Mrs. Andrew Rovelstad in 1898. They taught the children sewing; the meetings were held at the homes of the members. Mrs. Stange, Mrs. Ackerman and Mrs. Healy were afterward leaders. The society exists no longer, but another has been organized, composed of young ladies. The small girls' society did much for the church in a financial way. In 1899 it put in electric lights, and has also improved the church in other ways. The new society was started last year and has had one bazaar; the money earned was given to the church. It has three officers, a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer. The church, it can almost be said, owes its existence to the ladies' aid society which was , organized in the same j^ear as the church. It has paid nearly all of the church's debt and each year pays toward the minister's salary and general expenses. This society meets every two weeks, and has about twenty-five active members. The young people's society was organized by Rev. O. C. Baker, one of the pastors, Jan. 5, 1894, at the home of E. Rovelstad. The meetings are now held in the church basement. There is at present an enrollment of forty-four members. The meetings are well attended, being held every third Monday. A committee is appointed each meeting to arrange the programme. The society has had but little literary work. At dif- ferent times it has had debates and has dis- cussed Luther league topics, but the meetings are mostly social and devotional. The committee sometimes serves refreshments, and these ex- penses are paid by it. The young people's soci- ety joined the Fox River Valley District Luther League North, five years ago, and has entertained the district league twice in the Swedish Lutheran Church. Several of the organizers and most earnest workers in the church have been taken away by death. Among those are Peder Rovelstad, P. Undhjem, and J. Greenhill. Mr. Rovelstad died in the year 1891, having worked faithfully for the church since its organ- ization. He was for a few years organist and superintendent of the Sunday school. On the Sundays, when there was no minister, he was the leader. P. Undhjem was a man of devout religious character. He did a great deal of work in the Sunday school, and in the church as well. J. Greenhill served as secretary of the church for eleven years, from Jan. 2, 1894, until his death, April 24, 1905. He was also a teacher in the Sunday school, having charge of the con- firmation class until a week before his death. AURORA, ILL. By Miss Anna Bj0rseth. On the 14th of September, 1888, a meeting, composed of Norwegians and Danes, was held in Reising's Hall, Aurora, for the purpose of organizing a Lutheran congregation. The con- gregation was organized under the name, "The Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Lutheran Con- gregation of Aurora, Illinois." On Oct. 7, of the same year, Rev. N. E. B0e, of Leland, 111., preached his first sermon to the congregation, and he continued to preach to them twice a month. The meetings were held in the Swedish Methodist Church. From the 2d of June, 1889, when Rev. B0e closed his services as temporary pastor of the congregation, until Sept. 1, of the sam« year, the congregation was served by various pastors. On Sept. 1, 1889, Rev. J. C. Reinertsen began his ministration as the permanent pastor in charge. At a congregational meeting held May 28, 1891, the congregation voted unanimously to ask for admission into the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. In August, 1892, a building lot was purchased and the congregation began the erection of a church. The church was dedicated by Rev. P. A. Rasmussen, deceased, of Lisbon, 111., during a meeting of the Chicago District Conference, in March, 1893. In August, 1893, Rev. J. C. Reinertsen resigned his charge, and the 30th of January, 1894, Rev. 108 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS N. A. Stubkjser, of Piano, 111., was called to serve the congregation at Aurora. When Rev. Stub- kjser closed his pastorate in 1894 the congrega- tion remained without a pastor until 1896, when Rev. William Eckman accepted the call of the congregation. After serving for seven years he resigned and went to Norway. The congregation thereupon issued a call to Rev. Ditnian Larsen, of Chicago, 111.; and he is still (1906) the pastor of the church. Aurora congregation has a membership of 100, with a voting membership, male and female, of 40. The cost of the church property is $3,000. There is an active young people's society and a ladies' aid society, which aid very materially in the support of the church. The young people's society is educating a native of Madagascar, who was given the name Eziah in baptism. This society also helps to support the local mission work and United Church children's homes. COVENANT CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL. By Rev. C. O. Solberg. Covenant Evangelical Lutheran Church is lo- cated on the North-West Side in Chicago at the corner of N. Robey and Iowa streets. This con- gregation is connected with the United Norweg- ian Lutheran Church of America, but conducts all its work in the English tongue. In fact, this congregation was the first English mission among the Norwegian people in this land. To quote, "The necessity of organizing an English Lutheran Church, in order that the faith of the fathers might be preserved and the doctrines of our church be preached to the rising generation of the young people in the language which they best understand", seemed apparent. The first step in its organization was taken by the young people's society of Bethlehem Norwegian Lu- theran Church of Chicago, Rev. J. N. Kildahl, pastor, at a regular meeting of the society, held Dec. 1, 1891. The chairman of the society, Mr. S. H. Holstad, was authorized to appoint a com- mittee to have the matter in charge. The com- mittee — consisting of Rev. J. N. Kildahl, Messrs. L. B. Johnson, Jens Mathieson, Peder Nielsen, John Peterson, S. H. Holstad, M. C. Olson, Louis Skielvig, and Otto Peterson — brought the matter before the congregation June 6, 1892, at a regular meeting, and at another meeting, held Aug. 8 in the same year, a motion originally made by Mr. Hakon Thompson authorized the with- drawal of such members as desired for the for- mation of an English Lutheran congregation, with the consent of the mother church. The congregation began its of^cial existence by organizing at a meeting held in the basement of Bethlehem Church, March 20, 1893, in the pres- ence of Rev. J. N. Kildahl, who acted as chair- man, and Rev. N. J. Ellestad, missionary super- intendent of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church. The beginning was made with a charter membership of 19 adults and 4 children. . This membership has steadily though slowly grown until now the confirmed membership is 173, the number of souls 215, and the voting membership 43. This membership is largely out of the mother synod, composed of Norwegian-Americans, but, like all English churches, it draws other nationali- ties as well. The first definite place of meeting was Harm- ony Hall, corner of W. Huron and Noble streets. This remained the place of worship except for a time when the Adventist Church at 269 W. Erie street was used. On May 2, 1899, two lots on the southwest corner of N. Robey and Iowa streets were secured, and in June, 1899, the congregation was incorporated. On July 15, 1900, a brick chapel was dedicated. It was built across the rear of the lots, at a cost of $2,000. In this pastorate the following persons have served: Rev. J. N. Kildahl from May, 1894 to Dec, 1895, officially the pastor, while an assis- tant, Mr. William Evans, had charge of the active work. Previously to this services had been held at the homes of the various members. Mr. William Evans was ordained by the United Church and served as pastor from February, 1896, to October, the same year. To May, 1897, Stud- ent Frank E. Jensen. To October, 1897, Mr. S. S. Hookland. To May, 1898, Student C. M. Wes- wig and Rev. P. C. Wike. Mr. Weswig, being ordained, served from December, 1898, to May 1900. He was succeeded by Rev. H. B. Kildahl, who served from July 15, 1900, to November, 1902. After an interval, during which, among others. Dr. G. H. Gerberding chiefly supplied the pulpit. Rev. C. O. Solberg took charge, and serves to the present time (June, 1906). The congregation is now actively engaged in preparations for the erection of a more suitable place of worship. With the accomplishment of this desired end it is hoped that the work will start out upon a new and vigorous growth. Among its auxiliary organizations the congre- gation has a Sunday school enrolling 226, of which Mr. L. B. Johnson has served as super- NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 109 intendent from its first organization. The school has seventeen classes and three departments. The textbooks chiefly in use are the Bible His- tory, used generally in the United Church, with Luther's Small Catechism, and Laache's Explan- ation. An efficient ladies' aid society of thirty- eight members, a young ladies' organization called the "Daughters of the Covenant," a young men's club, are all active in the work and greatly assist. These organizations are social and practical and to some degree literary. There is also a Luther league of forty-five members which has greatly assisted the spiritual work and life of the congregation. The congregation is still receiving aid from the mission treasury of the United Church, which in its liberal and steadfast support has shown its material interest in the work of the transi- tion. It has chiefly contributed to the welfare of the church at large from among its members. Rev. Jens Mathieson and Rev. John Peterson and wife were among the charter members. Likewise Sister Caroline Williams, prominent in the Deaconesses' Home and Hospital. Mr. Mar- tin E. Anderson, recent graduate of Chicago Uni- versity, will enter the ministry in the General Synod. Sister Jorgine Mjovik, of the United Church mission in Madagascar, was a member here. Mr. S. H. Holstad, well known in the Luther League works of Minneapolis, was a charter member. Likewise Mr. Martin C. Olson, prominent in several capacities in the state and national work of the Luther League. PONTOPPIDAN CHURCH, GARDNER, ILL. The Norwegians who lived at Gardner had no Lutheran church nearer than that at Gardner prairie of which church some of them were mem- bers. But this was very inconvenient indeed, as it was about five miles to the church, and but few owned a horse. After having talked the matter over privately, a meeting was called on the 7th of January, 1891, where, after some discussion, it was decided to organize a church. Mr. Iver Nilsen was elected chairman and Ole Chally, clerk. Mr. T. Gangstee was requested to procure a constitution. The next meeting was held January 12th, when Mr. Gangstee presented a copy of the Gardner Prai- rie church constitution, which was adopted as read. Officers were then elected as follows: Trustee, Thomas Thorsen and G. Chally, Clerk, T. Gangstee. Chorister, Thomas Thorsen. They were in hopes of having the pulpit supplied by the pastor of the Gardner Prairie and Grand Prairie churches, but this was so strenuously ob- jected to that they gave it up and called Rev. Skaret of Rowe to preach to them every fourth Sunday. On February 8th, . 1892, they again turned toward the charge of Gardner Prairie and Grand Prairie, and called Rev. P. J. Reinertsen to preach to them on the afternoon of every fourth Sunday. He accepted the call. The struggle for a settled pastor was now ended, but there was another difficulty to deal with — 'that of a house of worship. The services had been held first in the Pres- byterian church, then in the Baptist church, but the members were few in number and poor also, so the prospect was not very bright for a church of their own. But there was already a Ladies' Aid Society, which had it in mind to assist. It was decided to buy two lots in block seventeen for $100.00. These were paid cash. At a meet- ing of April 4th, 1893, it was decided that the church should be built 30x44 and 14, but not until March, 1895, was anything done as to building. A subscription list was circulated every month for this purpose. At said meeting it was moved by some one, "That we, in the name of the triune God, with prayer and with faith in Him, commence to build a house of worship." The motion was adopted by a unanimous yea. But the size of the church building was reduced to 28 X 40 and 14. A great and regrettable mis- take! The end of reducing was not yet. At a meeting of March 18th, 1894, the size 26x40 and 14 was finally decided upon. In July, 1896, it was reported that the church was as far com- pleted as circumstances would allow. Mr. Lars Tofty, a farmer, but not less a car- penter, made and presented a fine pulpit to the church. The other furnishings were very plain indeed, and the seats were home made and with- out a "back rest." Rev. P. J. Reinertsen had now resigned and Rev. N. J. Lockrem became the pastor tem- porarily until the spring of 1897, when the un- dersigned took charge of the church. Together with the Gardner Prairie church a parsonage was bought which was found to be an absolute necessity. The membership had gradually increased and by the aid of friends commodious seats were procured, an altar was built, and the interior painted. An altar painting was presented by a merchant. 110 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mr. J. C. Lutz. A tower was built by the Ladies' Aid Society, and a good bell placed in the belfry by Mr. John Edmundsen. The church has a Sunday school but no young people's society, which certainly is to be re- gretted. The membership has gradually increased and a large number of its members are members of the Total Abstinence Society and active work- ers for this cause. There are weekly prayer meetings, well at- tended, and the pastor has quite a number of helpers for these meetings. As this is a coal mining field a number of the members are coal miners, but of late years a number of retired farmers are making Gardner their home and they are uniting with the church. The present membership is about 125. Chr. Christiansen. BETHANIA CHURCH, GARDNER PRAIRIE, ILL. On the ISth of April, 1876, a number of Nor- wegians came together at the home of Mr. Gun- der Hansen, on the so-called "Scully Prairie", Greenfield township, Grundy county. III., to con- sider the possibility of getting Rev. J. C. Welo, of Chicago, to preach to them. Some of them, being members of the Norwegian-Danish Lu- theran church at Dwight, were not ready for an immediate organization of a new church. But in the same year, on the 5th of June, they had another meeting, in Bockman's German church, where the organization took place, and the fol- lowing officers were elected: Chairman, Rev. Welo; clerk, Ole Axland; deacons, Mikkel Mon- sen, Sjur Stangeland, Tjaerand Tjaerandsen; chorister, Gunder Hansen; assistant, Anders Paulsen; church warden, Sten Stensen. At the next meeting, July 23, of the same year, Mr. Sjur Stangeland was appointed Sunday- school teacher, and the pastor promised to do whatever possible for the class of catechumens. The services were to be held at the Bockman church (which is now a part of Mr. Lars Sy- vertsen's residence). At the annual meeting Jan. 22, 1877, the pas- tor reported: 9 services, 11 baptized, 76 com- municants; 1 couple married. A committee, consisting of the following per- sons, was elected to draft a constitution: Mik- kel Monsen, Sjur Stangeland, Tjjerand Tjjerand- sen, Jens Mortensen. The first trustees were elected at this meet- ing, namely: Halvor Monsen "for the Norweg- ians" and Jens Mortensen "for the Danes." The constitution was adopted at the meetings of April 20, and Oct. 28, 1877. The books to be used by the confirmation class should be "Pontoppidan's Sandhed til Gud- frygtighed," or if this prove to be too difficult for some, "Den Dobbelte Forklaring." The parochial school question was brought up for discussion, but as there was no suitable place for holding it, the matter was dropped. (But in 1881 Erick Ericksen taught school for one month). The treasurer's report at the annual meeting Jan. 7, 1878, gives the following: Subscribed by the Norwegians, $86.50; paid subscriptions, $63.50; balance, $24.00. Subscribed by the Danes, $24.00; paid subscriptions, $20.50; balance, $3.50. Full amount subscribed for 1877, $110.50; paid up subscriptions, $83.00. Rev. Welo having re- signed, Rev. A. G. Helgesen took charge of the church Nov. 1, 1879. Having received a call from La Crosse, Wis., to be the assistant of Rev. J. B. Frick, Rev. Helgesen's resignation was ac- cepted at a meeting of Feb. 13, 1882, and Rev. N. J. Ellestad, whose charges were Fox River and Stavanger churches, supplied the pulpit every fourth Sunday. The following year Cand. Theol. Nils Arve- sen accepted a call from Pontiac, Gardner and Brookfield. Two different hymnbooks had been in use up to this time, but it was now decided that the book of the synod should be used exclusively. At the same meeting, Sept. 17, 1883, the matter of organizing a ladies' aid society was brought up for consideration and a request was made that a part of the money received for butter and eggs be laid aside for missionary purposes. The peo- ple were poor. The "Scully land" was under water much of the time, and it was very dif- ficult to raise even a small crop in those days. But the people had a heart to give — not of their abundance, for they made a sacrifice every time. The charter members were: Sjur T. Stange- land, Mikkel Monsen, Jens Mortensen, Tjserand Tjserandsen, Mons Monsen , Gunder Hansen, Lars Syversen, Halvor Monsen, Sten Stensen, Ole Knutsen, Erick Ericksen, T. J. Hovland, A.xel Johnson, Gert Larsen, Torris T. Sandenow, Knudt T. Ryan, Torkel Olsen, Mads Olsen, Ole Hill, Ole Axland. Other prominent members NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 111 North Lisbon Church at Helmar III. 112 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS who shared the burdens of the early days were: Henry Larsen, Lars F. Hill, John Hill, Knud, Peter and Mat Matheson. The well known lay- man, Amund Amundsen Hauge, was also con- nected with this church until his death. In October, 1885, a missionary offering ($50), the first of which there is any -record, was sent to the Norwegian Foreign Mission Society. Money was also sent to the "suffering people at Aalesund." But while they did this they did not forget to engage a teacher at $20 per month and board for four months of the year, to teach in the parochial school. The minister's salary had been raised to $200 per annum and three offer- ings. An acre of land had been bought from Halvor Monsen for a cemetery — for which $50 was paid. In 1886 Rev. Arvesen resigned and Rev. O. Saue accepted the call. In the second year of his pastorate, a church was built on a lot donated by Halvor Monsen. The cost of this church building was $1,640.77. On the 12th of March, 1890, the church was visited by Rev. J. N. Kildahl, who preached to them; on this occasion the church decided to unite with the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. In August, 1890, Rev. Saue resigned and Rev. P. J. Reinertsen was called. He served till 1896. Temporarily the pulpit was now supplied by Rev. N. J. Lockrem until the spring of 1897, when the undersigned accepted the call. The church building has been improved with tower and gallery, and in the belfry the young people have placed a large bell. A parsonage was purchased by this congregation and the Gardner church, at Gardner. It is valued at $1,500. The church has a young people's society, Sun- day school and ladies' aid society. The membership is now 200. Since 1874, 405 have been baptized, 193 confirmed, 48 couples married, and 40 deaths have occurred. Chr. Christiansen. BETHLEHEM CHURCH, MORRIS, ILL. By Rev. T. Aarrestad. On the 6th day of July, 1880, a very small Norwegian Lutheran congregation was organized in, Morris, 111. The original members were: Mrs. Anna Endresen and her sister, Mrs. Susan Armbruster, both of Tjeldberg, Norway. . Miss Anna Samuelsen was also one of the original members. Mrs. Armbruster had three children. The original membership was six souls, all told. The name of the congregation was "Skandina- via Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Morris, 111." "Skandinavia" was changed to "Bethlehem" in 1902. At the time of organization very few Nor- wegian families had settled in Morris. Some of them had already indentified themselves with other churches; others did not care to belong to any church. A number of Swedish families lived in Morris at that time, and Swedish preachers began to visit the town. These were not Lutherans. When the Norwegians who went to hear them found that they were Baptists they severed their con- nection with thein. Being very few, it was a brave deed. They were not afraid to show thejr colors. Some time later these women started a small Sunday school. The services were held in pri- vate houses. In 1881 F. Melby joined the con- gregation, and in 1883 Jacob Olsen, S. P. Carl- son, Karl Karlsen, John F. Nelson, Berger Mar- tin Jonasen, Henry Hansen and others became members. As the congregation commenced to grow the question of getting a church home was mooted. An old church was bought in 1884. The price was about $1,200. This church had been built by the Methodists and afterward sold to the German Lutherans. On account of a split among the Germans they termmated their ser- vices and for a while rented, and later on sold their church property to the Norwegians. This church was used for a number of years, but when the congregation grew stronger and more Norwegian Lutherans moved into Morris they began to plan for a new church. The old one becoming almost unfit for use, it was deemed wiser to erect a^new building than to patch the old one. The congregation, although not strong, thought of the future and decided not only to build a new church edifice, but also to secure a more advantageous location. This was wisely done. A very desirable location was secured; ni fact the very best in the town, and a two-story structure was put up. Prominent laymen in the construction of the church were: Austin Os- mon, M. Melby, S. P. Carlson, Svend Bakke, Henry Hansen, John Thorsen, A. C. Johnsen, S. Marvick and Thomas Ostrem. The church was dedicated on April 12, 1896. Rev. G. Hoyne, president of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, preached the dedicatory ser- mon. Other ministers present were: P. J. Rei- nertsen, Gardner; J. H. Stenberg, Leland; N. J. Lockrem, Norway; L. A. Vignes, Ottawa; L. S. Marvick, Hatton, N. Dak.; and T. Aarrestad, NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 113 Morris. In the evening Rev. L. S. Marvick and Rev. A. C. Andersen of Bethel church, Chicago, preached. The lot and building cost about $7,500. There was a heavy debt on the property till Jan., 1902, when every cent was paid and the church improved. At the time of dedication the debt was over $3,000. It was rather hard work to keep it going with so heavy a debt, but the ladies' aid society was a great help in those days. At that time it was almost impossible to help in general missionary work; but since the debt was paid the congregation and the different societies have given money to children's homes and char- itable institutions. To home and foreign mis- sions it has given about $180 per year. The Swedish Baptists worked hard for some time in order to persuade the Lutherans to join their church, but with very few exceptions they did not succeed. The present membership is: souls, 315; confirmed, 202; voters, 58; average attendance at worship, 175; 564 have been bap- tized and 203 confirmed during the history of the church. Both Norwegian and English have been used. The congregation has not yet taken any stand regarding secret orders. Parochial school has been taught for several years. The enroll- ment of the Sunday school is 87, with an aver- age attendance of- 76 and a teachers' force of 12. Money raised by the Sunday school is sent to the different children's homes. A young people's society that is literary, devotional and social has been a good help to church attendance and work. Money raised by this society has been used in various ways, but especially for the benefit of the local church. The average attendance is 40. The first pastor of this church was B. P. Strand. Rev. Strand preached his farewell ser- mon on April 9, 1882. After a vacancy- of fifteen months Rev. N. G. Nilsen.. became the pastor. He served the congregation for nine years. Sev- eral ministers, and among them Rev. N. J. Lock- rem, served the congregation during the vacancy. He also installed the present pastor, Rev. T. Aar- restad, on the 26th day of November, 1893. This congregation was connected with the conference of the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America until the conference in 1890 was merged in the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Since that tim^e Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mor- ris, 111., has been connected with this body. ^ ^; ;J; HAUGE'S CHURCH, GRUNDY COUNTY, ILL. Was organized on the 8th day of July, 1876, in Saratoga, Grundy county. Leaders in this movement were: Halvor Osmonsen Rygh, O. H. Osmonsen, Knut M. J. Granville, Halvor Grun- stad, Ole Thompsen Sorem, Wier Pedersen, Tol- lef Hauge, Ole Charles, Erick Grunstad, John Fatland and John J. Enger. A few months later Erick Johnsen, Tobias Hel- gesen, Anders Sorem and Anders C. Iversen joined the church. The majority of these men previously belonged to the Lisbon church, Rev. P. A. Rasmussen, pastor. But when East Prai- rie, as it is called, became more thickly settled the people who lived there wanted a church of their own. This, in connection with some dis- agreement, caused these people to leave the Lis- bon church and organize a congregation on East Prairie. Rev.. Lars Oftedal, of Stavanger, Nor- way, visited East Prairie in 1875, and it may be that his visit had a little to do with the organiza- tion of this congregation later on. The original membership was 62, and at the end of .the year 1876, 97 souls belonged to the church. The pres- ent membership is: souls, 285; confirmed, 207; voters, 68. The average attendance of worship is about 100. During the history of the church 525 have been baptized and 327 have been con- firmed. • When the congregation was organized it was found necessary to ,(get a house of worship as soon as possible. The work of building a church was started in 1876, and a neat and spacious house was erected at a cost of $4,000. The church has a very advantageous location, five miles north of Morris, county seat of Grundy county. Mr. Halvor Osmonsen Rygh donated the building ground, and he and the men above named were the most prominent in the construction of the church. The dedication of the church took place on the third Sunday after Easter, 1877. Prof. S. Oftedal, of Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn., preached the dedicatory sermon. M. F. Gjertsen, T. J. Solberg and other ministers were also present and assisted. From its very inception the congregation was connected with the Conference for the Norweg- ian-Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Since 1890, when the conference was merged in the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, the congregation has been connected with this body. Several ministers visited the congregation dur- ing the first year. Among these were: S. Of- tedal, M. F. Gjertsen, R. O. Hill, P. J. Solberg and Filing Eielsen. Rev. N. C. Brun, pastor of Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran Church of Chi- 114 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS cago, was the first regularly appointed pastor of the Hauge church. He served this congregation in connection with his Chicago church for two years. On October 13, 1879, Rev. B. P. Strand was installed as pastor. He served the congre- gation about two years and six months and preached his farewell sermon on the 16th day of April, 1882. During a year's vacancy different ministers visited the congregation. On the first day of July, 1883, Rev. N. G. Nilsen was installed. He served the congregation for nine years and preached his farewell sermon May 29, 1892, being the sixth Sunday after Easter. After a vacancy of eighteen months Rev. T. Aarrestad, the present pastor, was called, and ac- cepted. He was installed by Rev. N. J. Lockrem on the 26th day of November, 1893. Rev. Lock- rem had had charge of the work during the vacancy. Occasionally representatives of other denominations have visited the settlement, but without exerting any marked influence. The congregation has not taken any stand to- ward secret orders. For many years the congregation as such has not had any parochial school. The members have sought a more private way to give their children Christian instruction. In the Sunday school the average attendance has been about twenty, with two or three teachers. For many years the ladies' aid society has been a great help to the home church, but especially to the different missions. The congregation has contributed to home and foreign missions for the last five or six years an average of $200 per year. The Norwegian language has been used al- most exclusively. Very few of the older orig- inal members are still with us. Among these we may mention: Halvor Osmonsen Rygh and Wier Federsen. The majority of the older set- tlers were born in Etne and Skaanevik, Norway. TRINITY CHURCH, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. By Rev. Olaus Qualen. The Trinity Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Chicago, 111., was organized March 18, 1900, by Rev. J. H. Meyer, who served the congregation as its pastor for nine or ten months. In the beginning the place of worship was at the Swedish Lutheran church, Houston avenue, near Ninety-first street, but as it was the desire of both pastor and congregation to commence a Sunday school, and this could not be done at the present quarters, it was decided that the church seek to secure some other place for the services. Sherman Hall, on Commercial avenue, was rented. Here a Sunday school was also commenced, but on account of a contagious disease, it was closed after a short existence. During the winter of 1901 Rev. Otto Schmidt was called as the regular pastor for the church. He accepted the call, and served the congrega- tion for more than six months. In the summer of 1901 Rev. Olaus Qualen, the present pastor, was called, who took up the work immediately after his predecessor had left. The church still held its services at Sherman Hall, and considering that it was only a hall, it was about as good a place as could be found. But a hall, that is used for nearly all purposes, is not the most appropriate place for divine worship. So the congregation decided to go back to the Swedish Lutheran Church, providing it could be had. An answer to the request of the congrega- tion was given in the affirmative, and the con- gregation moved back to the place of its organ- ization. It was also possible to commence a Sunday school there, and it was begun as early as possible. But as this was not a church home for the congregation in the true sense of the word, and as it is the desire of an organization as well as of an individual to have one's own home, it was the wish of this congregation to get something of their own, where they could gather to worship the one common Father. At a business meeting of the church held dur- ing the winter of 1903 it was decided that the congregation proceed to buy lots for the erec- tion of a church edifice. After some struggle two lots on Sherman avenue near Eightieth street were purchased for the sum of $600. The property is 50x120 feet. At another business meeting, during the winter of 1905, it was unanimously agreed' that the church be incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois. This was done. It was further- more decided that the congregation proceed to raise the necessary funds for the erection of a church building on the property. The money was raised. A real estate firm made a loan of $500; the church extension fund of the United Church made another loan of $500; the remainder was raised by subscriptions and collections from various sister congregations. This put the congregation in position to com- mence the work on the new edifice, which was begun in the summer of 1905 and completed in the NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 115 fall of the same year. The church was dedicated Sept. 10, with appropriate ceremonies. During the summer of 1900 the congregation was admitted into the United Norwegian Lu- theran Church of America, and has since that time been a joint congregation with Nazareth Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of West Pullman, the two constituting one charge. As these have both been small and unable to sup- port a pastor, the Home Mission Board has contributed annually to the support of the pas- tor. Trinity Church was organized with 51 souls. The present membership is 67. Progress has been slow for the reason that only a few of our country-men reside in that part of the city. The Sunday school, that began with very few children, has now an enrollment of thirty-five children and five teachers. During the history of the church, fifteen have been baptized and seven confirmed. The ladies' aid society, which has a member- ship of about eleven, has done a very good work from the beginning. The money raised, which has amounted to several hundred dollars, has been invested in the new church edifice. Although the church is not rich in money, its object has been to take part in the noble cause of extending the borders of God's kingdom. Thus it has often given to the home and foreign mis- sions and many of the institutions connected with our church. , * * * PONTOPPIDAN CHURCH AT GIBSON CITY, ILL. By Rev. J. L0nne. Pontoppidan Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Ford county. 111., was organized Aug. 20, 1876. It consisted of twenty-one fam- ilies and two unmarried persons. The first pas- tor was Rev. N. Iversen, who served the con- gregation temporarily. On July 14, 1877, Student of Theology Omland was called as permanent pastor. He entered upon his pastoral duties in 1878, and served the congregation until Oct. 1, 1880. Rev. B. Strand was called as temporary pastor when Rev. Omland had retired. Rev. Strand served temporarily, but later as the regular pas- tor, until Jan. 1, 1888. The congregation now had temporary supplies until it called Candidate of Theology Framnes on May 27, 1888. Rev. Framnes served the con- gregation until in 1896. Rev. Helge H0verstad was called as pastor Feb. 22, 1897, and served until May 1, 1904. The writer was chosen pastor on July 4, 1904. The congregation has now (1906) about 670 members, two churches and a parsonage. BETHEL CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL. By Rev. C. E. Tiller. Bethel Lutheran Congregation, on Humboldt street, near Armitage avenue, Chicago, was orig- inally made up of two separate congregations. These two were Bethel congregation and Salem congregation. Bethel congregation was organ- ized by Rev. N. C. Brun, Dec. 29, 1889, and wor- shiped most of the time in Scharlau's Hall, on the corner of North and California avenues. This congregation was admitted into the United Church at the first meeting of that body in 1890, In the spring of 1891 the present church building was bought from the German Lutheran congre- gation on Humboldt street and moved on the two lots already purchased on Humboldt street, near Armitage avenue. Salem congregation was organized in 1891 by Rev. N. J. Ellestad, who at that time was mis- sion superintendent of the, United Church. This congregation worshiped in Merrick's Hall, corner of Milwaukee and Hofman avenues. As the distance between these two congregations was only about half a mile, and as both received financial aid from the Board of Home Missions of the United Church, a movement was begun for the union of the two into one body. After several meetings it was agreed that Salem con- gregation should dissolve its organization and, in a body join Bethel congregation. This union was entered upon New Year's da}% 1893. Salem congregation had up to this time been served by Rev. Nils Arveson, who also had Zion congregation in charge. Rev. N. Arveson re- mained in charge of Zion congregation and Rev. N. C. Brun remained as pastor for the new Bethel congregation. After a short time Rev. N. C. Brun resigned and Rev. A. C. Anderson, from Albert Lea, Minn., was called. He accepted and was duly installed by Mr. A. Larson, chairman of the board of dea- cons, on Sunday, May 6, 1894. During the three years' labor of Rev. Anderson the congregation had a rapid growth both spiritually and financi- 116 A HISroRY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ally. Rev. Anderson's health failed, and, after a lingering illness, he was called away from hi'; labors in the church militant to his reward in the church triumphant in heaven. Rev. A. Oefstedahl, who was called as pas- tor after Rev. Anderson, entered upon his duties Sunday, Oct. 10, 1897. He was installed by Rev. J. N. Kildahl. He served the congregation faith- fully until Nov. 4, 1900, when he preached his farewell sermon, and entered upon his new field of labor at Fertile, Minn. Rev. C. E. Tiller, the present pastor, was in- stalled by Rev. N. J. Ellestad on Sunday, June 30, 1901. The congregation now numbers 797 souls, 612 confirmed members and 136 voting members. The finances are ably taken care of by a board of trustees consisting of nine members. A board of deacons consists of six members together with the pastor as chairman. A Sunday school, numbering 550 children, is taken care of by about sixty teachers, who every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock endeavor to comply with the Master's command, "Feed my lambs." The Luther League numbers over 100 members and is doing good work in the congregation. The ladies' aid society has a membership of about ninety. This society is one of the most active in the congregation, and contributes every year a large amount to the upbuilding of the congregation. The Dorcas, a society of young ladies, is at the present working hard to raise funds for a pipe-organ for the new church. A "Do What We Can" society, consisting of small girls, has every year added a neat sum in the coffers of the church. A mission society meets every last Wednesday evening of the month. It has every year contrib- uted to the foreign and Jewish missions, besides supporting a parish sister, who works among the sick and poor in the congregation and vicinity.. The congregation also has a committee for the poor, which endeavors to help the poor and needy of the neighborhood. On May 10, 1905, the congregation purchased 58 2-3 feet by 156 feet on the northeast corner of Humboldt boulevard and Dickens avenue for a consideration of $5,000, on which in the near future they hope to erect a new and modern church edifice. Carl Edward Tiller. FREEDOM, ILL. By Rev. P. P. Hagen. "The First Norwegian Free and Independent Congregation," near Leland, 111., comprised all the Norwegian Lutherans from four or 'five miles north of Leland to the southern boundary of Freedom township. This locates it in La Salle county, in the townships of Freedom, Earl and Adams. The congregation was one, but consisted of three local units, with equal rights and privileges, and a church building at each place. This con- gregation, with a few changes of greater or less consequences, stood the severe tests of pioneer life, and the disrupting tendencies of the ill- fated controversies between the larger bodies of the church. In 1847, on the 18tli day of November, it was organized, and in 1904, on the 4th day of August, it was dissolved, and reorganized into three in- dependent congregations, "Freedom" in Freedom, "St. Peter," near Baker, and "Batavia" at Leland. ■ Freedom and St. Peter congregations, the sub- jects of this sketch, have gone through the same steps of historical changes to such an extent that they can, in the main, more conveniently be treated under one head. Yet, each locality, or preaching place, which has in many respects con- stituted a unit in itself, has presented peculiar phases of development that warrant specific con- sideration. Not far from the Big Indian Creek, in the humble residence of Holje Bakke, the organiza- tion of the congregation- was -effected. This his- torical event took place on the 18th day of No- vember, 1847. Be it said, in parenthesis, that Mr. Holje Bakke was the grandfather of Mr. Henry Kittelson, a trustee of St. Peter's congregation. The old house, in which one of the first Norweg- ian Lutheran congregations in America was' born, stood where Mr. H. Kittleson's residence now stands, and it is yet to be seen, though not used as a residence, at Mr. Seward Anderson's place, not far from the original location. The name given to the congregation was' "The Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Church near Indian Creek, La Salle County, 111." This is a longer name than strictly necessary, but con- sidering the combination of ideas it conveys, it amply repays its production. It stands for the nationality, the confession and the definite loca- tion of the congregation. It defines it geograph- ically, ethnologically and theologically. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 117 Rev. Ole Andrewson, who served the congre- gation the first year, presided at the first meet- ing. Heliek Farly was the secretary. The first board of deacons was composed of four, who were: Halvor Knudtson, Heliek Farly, Kntidt Halvorson and Knudt Gutormson. The original membership was 23. The congregation was des- tined to grow, however, and on the 4th day of June, 1848, 31 members were added, raising the roll to a total of 54 souls. Again, on the 5th of April, 1849, 22 more were admitted, making the number 69. The 5th of May, 1853, the first confirmation class was entered upon the roll of membership, increasing it by 22; 30 more applied for admission, raising the membership to a total of 119. It appears that Ole Andrewson served the congregation the first year only, and was suc- ceeded by Andreas A. Scheie. The latter was again succeeded by O. I. Hatlestad. Rev. Hatle- stad came to Leiand in 1852 or 1853, and stayed there until in the fall of 1859. Peder Pederson was the name of Hatlestad's successor; his stay did not exceed two years. Omond Johnson served the congregation as pastor during the Civil War until 1865. Now follows a period of vacancy for about two years, during which time neighboring and itinerant ministers made the congregation occa- sional calls. Among those who called were T. H. Dahl, the president of the United Church, O. Iverson, and others. Falk M. Gjertson, upon fin- ishing his theological course at Madison, Wis., accepted a call and entered upon his first field of labor as minister at Leiand, where the par- sonage was located, in 1867, and remained in charge for six years, until in 1873. The division of the old "Augustana" into "Au- gustana and Konferensen" had its doleful influ- ence upon the individual congregations. So also here. In the year 1872 the congregation divided; one part adhered to that branch of the old Au- gustana Synod which was called "Augustana" and the other part followed "Konferensen." The Au- gustana, however, had no following in Freedom and very few at Baker, their weight being in Le- iand. The "Konferensen," on the other hand, had quite a strong and active community in Free- dom, which by this time had grown into a power for good, both in point of numbers and in spir- itual and churchly interest and intelligence. At Baker, however, with reference to synodical af- filiations, they were divided between the two, and owing to unavoidable friction some energy was dissipated. In course of years, however, with the growth of the community, the church made strides of progress numerically and materi- ally in spite of discouragements and drawbacks. Spiritually, the congregation did not keep pace with the external progress. Rather the reverse. Such is church history. During the period of separation Mr. Tjoms- land, who died about a year ago (1905) at Mt. Vernon, S. D.; Mr. C. J. Roseland, the secretary of the United Church, and P. J. Reinertson, at Elk Point, S. D., served in succession the Au- gustana branch of the congregation. F. O. Iver- son, of the Free Church, at Battle Lake, Minn.^ and N. E. BjzJe, at Northwood, Iowa, respectively,, filled the pulpit of the other division. — Iverson 1872-1879, B^e 1879-1889. In 1890 the two were made one and all was well. At that time Harold Erickson came directly from Augsburg Seminary, Minneapolis, Minn., to be the leader of the united vrhole, and he immediately showed himself to be master of the situation. He was a true pastor and an able leader for a Christian Lutheran congregation. He became endeared to all, young and old, rich' and poor. He enjoyed the love and respect of all, and his future career in his Master's service seemed hopeful and bright. But it was fraught with sadness and gloom. The exceeding sadness and the mystery unspeakable, which are open to the unsearchable wisdom of God alone, is that such an industrious and consecrated young man was not allowed to continue in the work he dearly loved. "It is the Lord's doing, and it is marvel- ous in our eyes." Erickson was permitted to enter into his eternal Sabbath of rest after only about two years of service. But when in the army of the Lord of Hosts one soldier falls out of the ranks a new one is ready to step in and fill the vacant place. Another young man, gifted, industrious, interested and consecrated, took up the work where Erickson left it. It was H. Stenberg, now at Duluth, Minn. He immediately took up the work with zeal and won the people's hearts. In 1894 he entered upon his first call, and in 1904 he resigned for his new charge in Duluth, Minn., to the regret and sorrow of the whole congregation. In the meantime, the immigration has been pouring in year by year and enriching this lo- cality of Freedom, 111., and neighborhood with honest and law-abiding citizens and good and faithful followers of the Lutheran Church. This has added strength both materially and spiritu- ally to the congregation. The result is that the church membership is counted by the hundreds 118 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS and the wealth of the members is measured by the tens of thousands. The original founders of the congregation are all dead and gone, but their work continues to live after them. The hard and persevering strug- gles, with the adverse conditions of the times, have indeed not been in vain. Their lot was, as is the case with the pioneers, not to enjoy, but to fight and fall. The succeeding generations reap the rich fruits of the labors of the hardy and faithful fathers. The pioneers among the Norwegians in the congregation in Freedom were Torbj0rn Arnt- son, Vig and Knudt Mosey. The former im- migrated and settled in New York state in 1839 and came to Freedom, III, in 1844. The latter immigrated and came directly to Freedom in 1846. Mr. Arntson was an interested church worker, and became one of the leaders of the Lutheran congregation. He was originally, how- ever, a Methodist. But he was always a devoted church member and Christian. His wife was a firm Lutheran from the beginning. Mr. Arntson died in 1889, his wife having gone to rest the year before. Their family counted five children, three sons and two daughters, who are all interested and industrious church workers. Their grand- children, and even great-grandchildren, are found on the present roll of membership. Knudt Mosey was from the first a faithful adherent of the Church of the Reformation. Knudt Mosey's son, Thomas, was a deacon and the most prominent man in Freedom church work for over forty years. He won and enjoyed the respect of his neighbors, as well as in more distant circles, in a pre-eminent degree, on ac- count of his sincere piety and true devotion to his church. He was born in 1827 and died in 1901, at Leland, where he lived a short while be- fore his death. His wife survives him and is a member of Batavia congregation, Leland, and will be mentioned in another place. His family numbers eight, two sons and six daughters. Two daughters are married to ministers — F. M. Gjertson, Minneapolis, Minn., and O. Guldbrand- son, Blair, Wis.; one is married to Dr. Laws in Minneapolis, Minn.; one is Mrs. A. M. Klove, Leland, 111., and two are living with their mother at Leland. They are all Lutherans and have the interests of the church at heart. Sivert Jameson came to America in 1866, and after a brief stay in Leland, settled on his home- stead in Freedom, 111., where he lived till his death in 1903. He was kind to the poor, warm- hearted, liberal, and always truly interested in the church. His wife, a true helpmate, was a kind mother and faithful wife. She is now in her 80th year, yet is able to attend church, which she has always loved, and freely mingles with the neigh- bors. Their children number nine — two sons and seven daughters. They are active members of the church of Freedom. J^rgen Johnson lived in Freedom, was a leader for years, and served as deacon of the congrega- tion. Nels Nelson, Brandaberg, also lived here a while, and identified himself with the church. He moved away. O. K. Olson, now at Des Moines, iDwa, was a staunch Lutheran and able supporter of the church. He was highly re- spected and rendered valuable services in the congregations for many years. He succeeded himself as trustee for a number of terms. Louis Sampson was also an active member in Freedom for many years, but moved to Iowa. Among the oldest that now survive in Free- dom are Ole Albertson, Ole Thorson, Barto Thompson and Ole Eastegaard. Barto Thompson, who is a younger son of Knudt Mosey, came with his father in 1846, while he was yet a boy. He was confirmed and grew to manhood in the con- gregation. Mr. Thompson, though not so' prom- inent in public as his older brother, Tom Mosey, has always been a faithful and interested mem- ber of the congregation. Ole Albertson joined the church here in 1854 and is one of those who speak not so much, but think more, and feel the most. He has loyally contributed according to his means. Ole Thorson, one of the pillars of the congregation, has been a deacon for twenty- five or thirty years, has served faithfully in posi- tions of importance and trust, and has always given close attention to the welfare of the con- gregation. Ole Eastegaard has served as trustee for a number of years, and with his experience in practical pedagogy as a young man in Norway he has rendered faithful and efficient services in various positions in the congregations. Both Mr. Thorson and Mr. Eastegaard have always with warm and consecrated hearts contributed liber- ally of their substance in the service of the church, and in charity generally. Mr. Jakob Ol- son served faithfully for over twenty years as janitor at Freedom church. He is no longer able to be around, but is confined to his bed. He is making his home at Knute Fosse's. Of the younger generations that are coming to the front in the congregation may be mentioned Gabriel Jameson, son of Sivert Jameson, who has served ably and conscientiously as deacon, Sunday school superintendent and trustee; Henry NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 119 Mosey, son of Tom Mosey, a loyal supporter of the church; Knute Fosse, who now serves as deacon, and promises well for the future of the church in Freedom, with his earnest forethought and ready means of support; Joe E. Thompson, a good and interested member, who has served the congregation as trustee — he is Barto Thomp- son's son, and Knudt Mosey's grandson; Louis Chally, a new member of the congregation but from services rendered, from his gifts and ac- complishments, and from his earnest and sincere devotion to the congregation which he now serves as a deacon, the church may well depend for its future growth and prosperity upon his sin- cere devotion, whole-hearted consecration and efficient services and support. Several others might be mentioned, but time and space do not allow. The church building in Freedom has under- gone changes. In 1854 or 1855, the Lutherans built a house of worship together with a few Baptists and a few Methodists. Each was too poor to build alone. This house was used until in 1883, when the present church building, with the exception of a later addition, was built. The first one was a building of about 16 x 24, and the present one is about 30 x 60 feet. In 1885, in the month of September, the ladies •of Freedom organized the ladies' aid society. In the earlier years they prepared articles of clothing, and sold at sales, but in later years they have contributed money at each monthly meet- ing. The money thus gathered is given to for- eign missions. A Luther league has been in existence for many years in Freedom. The meetings have been al- most altogether devotional in character. The young people have not been trained to take much active part in the meetings. The programme has consisted so far chiefly of songs by the choir and audience, and a talk or sermon by the pastor. The funds of the congregation are collected by assessment, by free subscriptions and by col- lections. To place the money on the altar in the form of an offering has never been introduced in these congregations. The minister's salary is <:ollected by means of free subscription. The janitor's fee is collected by means of assessment. Money for the home and foreign missions and for charitable institutions at home is gathered by means of free-will collections. The congregation has about six weeks of paro- chial school every year, and has had school dur- ing the last ten or twelve years. Previous to that time, however, there was little or no such school. There has been regular and earnest at- tention given to Sunday school work. The con- gregation has called into action its best and choicest talents, and marked results have been obtained from the work. The language question has also claimed due attention. Freedom, as well as St. Peter, were not at all vexed and annoyed by the question until within the last decade or so. Norwegian was spoken, Norwegian was understood and Norwegian was loved. But conditions have changed. The rising generation feels differently, thinks differently and speaks differently. Those who were born and grew to manhood and wo- manhood in the old country had the feelings of the old country, thought the thoughts of the old country, and spoke the language of the old country, but those who grow up to manhood and womanhood in this country, on American soil, put away those things of the old country. The result is that English has been introduced. The Sunday school has English classes, some chil- dren in Freedom and St. Peter are being con- firmed every year in English, and a good share of the Sunday evening services are being con- ducted in English. * * » BIG INDIAN CREEK, ILL. By Rev. P. P. Hagen. At Big Indian Creek, which is now called St. Peter congregation, there are not very many, only two or three men, who have served in any important position for any length of time. The original founders, some of whom lived near Baker — such as Holje Bakke, Hellek Farley and others — did not count anything too costly for the welfare of the church. Many were the strug- gles they had to go through and the burdens they hau to carry, and mainly for the good of posterity. All honor to their memories! Still, the younger generation did not prove less industrious in doing its duty, nor less faithful to its trust. Among those who car- ried the weight of the burden in St. Peter from the '60's, and down to the present may be men- tioned: Holje Pederson, Mathias Sawyer, Nils Erickson, A. B. Anderson and Nels Halvorson. Mr. Holje Peterson was for forty years or more the mainstay of the congregation from that part, and especially as trustee; his services were emi- nently efficient. 0sten Sanderson, who is now living at Leland, is one of the heaviest land- owners around Baker, and also figures prom- inently in church affairs at that place. Mr. San- derson has contributed liberally to the church for the various funds of the congregation, and 120 A HISTORY QF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS especially in the erection of the local church- building. Two of his nephews, Henry and Knudt Kittleson, are prominent and active members of St. Peter congregation. Mathias Sawyer was for many years a leader, and served during several terms as deacon of the congregation. His son and family are now interested and industrious church workers. Nels Halvorson was for sev- eral years a leading member of the Big Indian locality, and rendered very valuable services for the maintenance of the church at that place. A. B. Anderson is one of the earliest, if not the earliest member of the Leland church still living. While Mr. Anderson now resides at Leland and will be more fully treated under that head, yet he has spent most of his days at Big Indian, and a few reflections upon his work are appropriate here. Mr. Anderson came here in the '50's and made the Big Indian locality his home for rather more than half a century. The church was his all-absorbing interest. He served in dif- ferent positions in the congregation and never spared efforts or means to make it prosper and grow. His sons, who are at present faithful members of St. Peter, take after their father in that respect. Mr. Nels Erickson is undoubtedly the oldest member of St. Peter who is in at- tendance and service. Mr. Erickson is now past fourscore, and retains a wonderful degree of vi- tality, both physical and mental. The only marked effect of old age is a serious lack of hearing. This is a very burdensome defect and deprives him of much benefit and blessing which comes from the hearing of the preaching of the Word of God. Mr. Erickson arrived at Leland from Stavanger, Norway, in 1859, and immedi- ately afterward settled on his homestead not far from Baker. In less than two years after his arrival he became a deacon of the congregation, and filled that position until less than five years ago. It was only with regret that the congrega- tion could not keep him any longer with his modesty, care and devotion in that important of- fice of the church. But he was unable to serve any longer. Mr. T. H. Pederson has been living at Big Indian since 1864 and has been an active member of the congregation since. Mr. Henry Kittleson, grandson of Holje Bakke, one of the original founders of the Leland congregation, was born in the house in which the congregation was organized, in the year 1850. He has lived near Baker all his life with the exception of a few years near Newark, 111. He has served as trustee of the congregation for many years. He is now assisted in that position by Mr. Endre Ohme, a successful young farmer devoted to the welfare of the church, and John A. Johnson, an equally sincere and interested worker of the con- gregation. Among those who have served as deacons at Big Indian since the days of the ser- vice of Mathias Sawyer and Nels Erickson may be mentioned: Bendik Fr^nik, Ole Watland, Benjamin Henrickson, John Erikson (son of Nels Erikson) and Enevold Stangeland. For the first twenty years the Big Indian was not in possession of any church edifice, but made use of school-houses and residences. About thir- ty-five years ago the present church building was erected. It measures about 30x40, with gallery, and seats a fair-sized audience. About thirty years ago "The Western Ladies' Aid" was organized, and has been in operation ever since. It has worked for missions, home and foreign, and other church institutions. A few years later, about fifteen years ago, another, called "The Eastern Ladies' Aid," was formed, also aiding the church at home and abroad with its work and money. A few years ago a Luther league was organized, but can hardly be said to have kept up the work in any organized form, the members having in the meantime married and moved away, thus reducing the membership. Services, however, are being conducted especi- ally for the young, and these meetings are prin- cipally of a devotional nature. The young people here, as in Freedom, have not been sufficiently trained to take active part in the meeting. The funds here in St. Peter are raised in vari- ous ways, as in Freedom — partly by free sub- scription, partly by assessment and collection. Ofifering, as used in most of. our churches, is not used here. Three or four years ago tlie young people of the congregation formed a society to work for the congregation. The name of this society is "Helping Hand." Their main object was to fix up the church building. First they bought a church bell, then they furnished the church with light, and at present they are at work to furnish the church with new pews. The English language is used exclusively in the evening at St. Peter. In the Sunday school both languages are used. The English language has gradually increased in use and in due time it will undoubtedly supplant the Norwegian alto- gether. Both St. Peter and Freedom have by consti- tutional enactment taken a very firm and positive stand against secret orders. They recognize !odgism as diametrically opposed to the Chris- tian religion and contrary to the best interests of the state. The very essence of the Christian religion is the doctrine of salvation by grace of NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 121 God through faith in Christ's vicarious atone- ment; the religion of the lodge is salvation by man's own efforts. These two are incompatible. One can not hold both these religions at the same time. The lodge is contrary to the best interests of the state, because the natural tend- ency of its oaths and obligations is to hinder or defeat the execution of justice. ST. TIMOTHY CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL. By Lyle Halvorson. In the year 1899 Rev. Ellestad, superintend- ent of the home missions of the United Church, visited the suburb Hermosa, lying in the north- west outskirts of Chicago, with the object of es- tablishing a mission Sunday school. He then reported to the congregation of Bethel Lutheran Church, which is located about two miles east, that there were good prospects for establishing a mission. He asked Bethel congregation to be sponsor for this new mission, promising them that they would not have to bear any of the ex- penses, but simply see to it that the work was carried on. In the fall of that year Rev. A. Oefstedal, of Bethel Church, made a thorough canvass of this suburb. Mr. A. Larson, Sr., assisted him in this. On Oct. 13, i\Ir. Larson rented a small frame store at 1639 Armitage avenue, and also sent around hand bills announcing that a Lutheran Sunday school would be started on Sunday, Oct. 22. This was the beginning of St. Timothy Church. Rev. A. Oefstedal and Mr. A. Larson were present that Sunday and organized the Sun- day school. There were present also twelve girls, eight boys, three visitors and four teachers, making a total of twenty-seven. Mr. Larson acted as superintendent for the school for the remainder of that year. The teachers of the school were all members of Bethel Church, with one exception. Miss Anna Magnussen. The place where this Sunday school was first held was not inviting, but still the children came, and we were able to hold our first Christmas festival that year. The tree and all its trimmings were brought from Bethel Church, Mr. Larson and Miss Magnussen doing nearly all the work. At the beginning of the year 1900 Mr. Larson was unable to continue longer with the school, and Bethel congregation elected Mr. Lyle Hal- vorson as superintendent. He continued in that capacity until the mission became an organized congregation, Mr. Leth acting as assistant. The school was now no longer a novelty, and the people of Hermosa began to realize that it had come to stay. Those who had come at first to assist us, perhaps out of mere curiosity, drop- ped off one by one, and finally only three of the teachers from Bethel Church remained. They were Mr. D. Leth, Miss M. Leth and Mr. Lyle Halvorson. These three, with Miss Magnussen from Hermosa, were the only teachers the Sun- day school had until the fall of 1903. The school was conducted in two languages. Miss Leth, although not yet confirmed, had the class of smaller ones in English; Miss Magnus- sen, the smaller ones in Norwegian; ]\Ir. Leth, the older boys; and Mr. Halvorson, the older girls. Miss Mabel Leth also acted as organist, and continued in that capacity until the fall of 1903, when she, together with Mr. Leth, were called back to their own church. But the troubles of the mission had just begun. April 8 was Easter Sunday, and the school had planned for a special service, but during that week the party who was the owner of the place had rented the store to some one else without notifying the mission, and when the scholars came to their Sunday school that Easter afternoon they found a tea store in the place where the Sunday before had been their Sunday school. All this had been done through a misunderstanding, and as no other place could be had to hold the school, after a search had been made that Sunday morning, permission was had to hold the school in the kitchen back of a delicatessen store. It was also necessary to hold the school in the same place the next Sunday. Permission was then received from Mr. Nirison, a real estate man, to use the vacant house on the corner of Forty-third avenue and Cortland street. This house was in a very poor condition; canvas was spread over the walls in some of the rooms in place of plaster, and in other rooms there was nothing but the bare scantlings. The school paid no rent for the place and stayed there until Sept. 30. This was a most unfavorable place for a Sunday school, and the attendance diminished until we had only about eighteen or twenty during the summer of that year. During the month of September this house was invaded and some of our property de- stroyed. On Sunday, Oct. 30, when we came to hold the Sunday school, we found people living in the place and all our things stored up in the garret. This was the second time we had been thrown out without warning. That Sunday after- 122 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS noon we gathered the children together on a street corner, distributed the papers, took up the collection, and dismissed the scholars with the promise that we would send them postals during the week notifying them where our next service would be held. That afternoon Mr. Leth and Mr. Halvorson canvassed the neighborhood for a new place for the Sunday school. Although these were severe trials, God was with this school. On that afternoon, after a search, a German mission was located in a cot- tage at 1075 Tripp avenue. Permission was se- cured to hold the Sunday school there the next Sunday afternoon, as they held their school and services on Sunday mornings. This was only temporary, but Mr. Koepke, a trustee, promised to bring it before his congregation. They agreed to rent the place to us for $5 a month. The cot- tage was supplied with a pulpit and altar, and was the best place the school had had so far. Here the school remained until Sept. 1, 1902, when the store just across the street, at 1602, was rented from Mr. August Patsky. During the year 1901, and while the school was yet in the cottage, the Germans built a church of their own and the school had to bear the ex- pense of the cottage alone until April 15, 1902, when the school rented the rear rooms to a fam- ily by the name of Nelson. Some of the neigh- bors objected to this; as the husband was sick with consumption, they said that the house was not in proper condition. Some of the parents also objected to sending their children. Then the school again diminished. This afifair also caused a great deal of trouble and worry, and the school was obliged to look for new quarters, which were found in the home of Mr. Patsky, three doors west. Again the school moved to the cottage, and stayed there until arrangements were made to move into a vacant store building across the street. The first church service was held September 29, 1901. Ten people from Hermosa and some visitors from Bethel Church were present. Rev. C. E. Tiller conducted the service. After the service, a short meeting was held and nine per- sons promised to support the mission. These, together with a few others, continued to contri- bute thereafter. They were: Mrs. Ramstad, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Bergsgo, Mrs. Lydia Christiansen, Mrs. Joel Hanson, Mrs. Claus Amundson, Mrs. E. Hansen, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. T. Gunderson, Miss Anna Magnussen, Mr. A. Evanson, Mrs. Olsen. A few more services were held that fall. All these were in the Norwegian language. An Eng- lish service was announced for December 8, but as Mr. Meyers, of the Seminary at Lake View, did not come, the service was not held. In the first part of the year 1902 a few Eng- lish services were held. Rev. Tiller conducted most of these services. He was assisted by J. Liaboe, Adolpli Larson and J. P. Hovland. In the year 1902 the mission board of the United Church took over the mission and sent Rev. Ditman Larsen to take charge. He also had charge of Emmaus Church, about a mile and a half south. Rev. Larsen conducted the first service Sunday evening, July 6, 1902, in the Eng- lish language. The attendance was small. In the afternoon of July 28 a formal opening of the mission took place; for it now had a pas- tor in charge and was supported by the mission board. The store had been made to resemble a church, being fitted up with a pulpit, altar, altar railing, etc. Much of this work had been done by Rev. Larsen himself. About fifty were pres- ent that afternoon. Rev. Ditman Larsen presided Rev. C. E. Tiller, Rev. G. T. Rygh and Mr. A. Larson spoke. The superintendent of the Sunday school also said a few words in regard to the mission's past. A confirmation class was now started. The members of this class were Mabel Grant, Amy Grant, Josephine Olsted and Emily Halvorsen. They were confirmed May 10, 1903, together with the class from Emmaus Church, the confirma- tion being held in that church. This was the first class confirmed in the mission, although Ar- thur Thoreson and Herbert Olsted had been con- firmed in Bethel Church and Clara Hansen and Anna Larson had been confirmed in Saron Swed- ish Lutheran Church the year before. Another member of the Sunday school, Harry Olsen, was also confirmed in Saron Swedish Lutheran Church in 1903. Rev. Ditman Larsen now accepted a call to Elgin, and preached for the last time May 31. Then followed another gloomy period for St. Timothy, as no organization had been efifected, no more services were held, and the mission had no means of support except the Sunday school collections and a little money that was volun- tarily contributed by its friends. When Mr. Leth and Miss Mabel Leth left to go back to their own church in the fall of this year the Sunday school was reorganized and more classes were formed. The new teachers were young ladies who had grown up in the Sunday school, with two others, Miss Agnes El- lison and Miss Ella Ellison, who came from NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 123 Bethel Church. Miss Agnes Ellison also acted as organist for some time. Miss Mabel Grant, one of the members that had grown up in the Sunday school, was the first to act as treasurer of the mission. Miss Emily Halvorsen was the first secretary, she having been doing some of that work before she was confirmed. In the latter part of this year those who had been interested in the mission's welfare began to discuss plans for the organization of a congre- gation. Jan. 14, 1904, was finally set as the day for organizing. Rev. C. E. Tiller had now secured the services of Mr. Andreas M. Skindlov, who was to hold services and to do some visiting. He called for the first time Sunday morning, Dec. 20, and ad- dressed the Sunday school. He also spoke at the Christmas festival, Dec. 30, and held service on New Year's day, which was well attended. On Sunday, Jan. 10, Mr. Skindlov preached to seven- teen grown persons and two children. The next Sunday there were thirty persons present. Mr. Skindlov preached in the morning, went visiting m the afternoon, and attended Luther league in the evening. He was a zealous worker and was well liked by the people, and had good success, especially with the Norwegian services. A special meeting was now announced for Jan. 14, with the object of organizing a congregation. Seventeen persons, including Rev. C. E. Tiller and B. D. Larson from Bethel Church, were pres- ent. Mr. Lyle Halvorsen, the Sunday school superintendent, called the meeting to order. Rev. C. E. Tiller was elected temporary chairman; Mr. Lyle Halvorson was elected temporary sec- retary. After the report for the past year was read an organization was effected. Sixty souls were enrolled, nine of whom were voting mem- bers. Women were given the right to vote at the meeting. A committee of five — consisting of Mr. Emil C. Hanson, John Riiser, P. M. Grant, Martin Halvorsen and Anton Christen- son — was appointed to draw up a constitution. Mr. B. D. Larson also acted as advisory member of this committee, the superintendent of the Sunday school also being present. It was voted to retain the old name of St. Timothy Evangelical Lutheran Church, this name having been adopted by members of the Sunday school. The charter members were: Emil C. Hanson, wi.fe and five children; Martin Halvorsen; P. M. Grant, wife and four children; Sadie Mabel Grant; Amy Marie Grant; Anfind Olsen, wife and seven chil- dren; John Riiser, wife and five children; Andrew H. O. Stavoe, wife and three children; Lewis Hansen and wife; Anton Christensen, wife and four children; John Hansen, wife and three chil- dren; Anna Magnussen; Ella Hansen; Mrs. Han- na Eidem and six children; Rodney Eidem; M. Lyle Halvorsen. Meetings were held Jan. 28, and Feb. 11, at which Mr. A. Larson presided. Mr. Skindlov presided at the meetings held Feb. 25 and March 10. At these meetings the work of organizing was continued. The first board of deacons consisted of Mr. Martin Halvorsen, chairman; Anton Christensen, secretary; Miss Anna Magnussen. The board of trustees consisted of Louis Hansen, chairman; Emil Hansen, secretary; Mrs. Hanna Eidem, treasurer; Mr. A. H. O. Stavoe; P. N. Grant. The first secretary elected was Mr. A. H. C. Stavoe. Mr. Halvorsen was elected as superin- tendent of the Sunday school and Mr. A. M. Skindlov was elected to serve the congregation. A committee of three — Martin Halvorsen, Lyle M. Halvorsen and Mr. A. H. O. Stavoe — was elected to represent the congregation before the meeting of the mission board at the home of Mr. Adolph Larson. This committee pleaded the cause of the congregation before the mission board. From May 1 to Oct. 1 Mr. Skindlov gave all his time to the work of the church, for which he received $60 per month. He canvassed the neigh- borhood thoroughly and succeeded in inducing a great many people to join. Many of these had not attended any of the services before they joined, and dropped ofi after Mr. Skindlov left. A parochial school was conducted during the summer and a confirmation class was also start- ed. Mr. Skindlov preached his farewell sermon Sunday, Oct. 2, and in the evening Rev. C. E. Tiller held communion service, which was largely attended. Mr. Skindlov left to continue his studies at St. Paul. When he left the congrega- tion had a membership of 127 souls. The Nor- wegian services during the summer while Mr. Skindlov was there were well attended, there be- ing about twenty-five present. The English ser- vices were also fairly attended, but most of these were young people and children. But God had again taken care of his people, for Rev. C. E. Tiller had secured the services of Mr. R. O. Sigmond, a student at Chicago Lu- theran Seminary. Mr. Sigmond preached for the first time Oct. 9. The mission board now sent Rev. O. N. Nel- son from Meckinock, N. D., to take charge of both St. Timothy and Emmaus churches. He 134 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS preached his first sermon to St. Timothy Church Sunday evening Jan. 22, 1904, and was installed the next Sunday morning by Rev. C. E. Tiller, of Bethel Church. He remained with St. Tim- othy until June 25, 1905, and then took charge of Emmaus Church only. While he had both congregations, Mr. R. A. Sigmond assisted him by preaching alternately at Emmaus Church and St. Timothy Church, thus giving both congrega- tions two services each Sunday. After Rev. O. N. Nelson left, the congregation, at a meeting held May 22, called Mr. Sigmond to take charge until a pastor could be secured. Lots located on the nqrthwest corner of Forty- third and Dickens avenues, 50 feet front by 117 feet deep, have been purchased for a church building. The Luther League was organized Jan. 9, 1903, Rev. Ditman Larsen acting As temporary chair- man and Miss Mabel Grant as secretary. The following officers were elected: Mr. M. Lyle Hal- vorsen, president; Miss Mabel Grant, secretary; Miss Mabel Leth, treasurer. Meetings were held Sunday evenings, as there were no services at that time. These meetings were fairly well attended. Later the meetings were changed to a week day and the league became more of a young people's society. The membership at the beginning of the year 1906 was thirty-two. The average at- tendance at the meetings was eighteen. This society gave $25 to the purchase of the church lots, aided in decorating the church for Christ- mas, Easter, etc., and also assisted in other ways. On Saturday, Feb. 24, 1906, another auxiliary society, composed of girls, known as the Busy Bees, that have for their object the raising of money for the church building, was organized at the home of Mrs. Eidem. The officers were Dor- othy Ramstad, president; Mildred Eidem, vice- president; Ragnhild Johansen, treasurer; Jennie Gunderson, secretary. During the summer of 1904 an English choir was organized. A Norwegian choir was attempted a little later, but was not successful, Mr. Abra- hamson became the instructor. In February, 1905, Rev. Nelson led the choir himself. After he left, Mr. Leth was called back to St. Timothy and took charge of the choir. Miss Mabel Leth being organist again. At a concert given Sept. 16 of that year over $40 was raised for the church lots. * * * The first auxiliary society organized was the Alpha Club. It was organized April 9, 1902, and was composed of girls. Its first officers were: Miss Mabel Leth, president; Miss Mabel Grant, secretary; Miss Attie Amundson, treasurer. The first meeting was held at the home of Miss Anna Magnussen, 1085 N. Forty-first court. The first entertainment of any kind for the benefit of the mission was given by this society, June 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cressman, an American family belonging to the Congregational Church. Mr. Cressman, being in sympathy with our Lu- theran mission, often aided us in this manner. The Ladies' Aid Society was organized Thurs- day, Sept. 6, 1902, at the home of Mrs. Emil Han- sen. The officers elected were: Mrs. Eliza John- son, president; Mrs. Maren Hansen, treasurer; Mrs. Gertrude Gunderson, secretary. The soci- ety has been a great help to the church. It has often aided in paying the rent of the mission. In like manner it also assisted the congregation to meet its current expenses when first organized. It gave $300 to the purchase of the lots for the church. About the first of June, 1905, the Ladies' Aid Society lost one of its first members, in the per- son of Miss Anna Magnussen, as she moved to Lake Blufif with the Cressman family, with whom she lived. Not only this society, but also the congregation, and the Sunday school especially, lost one of its best members, as she had been with the congregation from the very beginning and had perhaps done more than any other one person in the building up of St. Timothy. She seemed to know every child in the Sunday school. Whenever she knew of any one being absent she would visit the child; she also visited the sick in the congregation and did whatever she could to relieve them. She never failed of an oppor- tunity to bring a new child to Sunday school or some one to church when it was within her power to do so. All the good she has done and the sacrifice she has made probably no one will be able to estimate. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 125 ZION CHURCH, CHICAGO. By Rev. C. K. Solberg, Pastor. Zion Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church is located in Chicago, on the corner of Potomac and Artesian avenues. The congregation is af- filiated with the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Following is a brief state- ment of the circumstances and events leading up to the organization of the congregation: A large number of the Norwegian Lutherans having settled east of Humboldt Park, steps were taken in 1891 to hold preaching services there occasionally. Shortly after New Year's Rev. J. N. Kildahl, who at that time was pastor of Beth- lehem Norwegian Lutheran • Church, on Huron street and Center avenue, began these services. In March of the same year, together with Rev. N. J. Ellestad, mission superintendent of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church, he estab- lished a mission. A vacant store on the corner of Washtenaw avenue and Crystal street was rented and equipped with the most necessary furniture. Here the mission held its first regular morning service on the last Sunday in March, Rev. Ellestad preaching the sermon. At 3. p. m. the same day Rev. Kildahl, with nine of his Sunday school workers, started an English Sun- day school with thirty-one pupils. Mr. L. B. Johnsen, now a member of Covenant English Lutheran Church, this city, was elected superin- tendent and served for four years. Revs. Kildahl and Ellestad served the mission alternately till the month of June. In that month the mission had to give up its quarters. Two lots and a cottage were then purchased on the corner of Artesian and Potomac avenues. In this cottage the mission held its services and Sunday school till in the fall, when the Church Extension Fund erected a chapel on these lots for the use of this mission. Rev. N. Arvesen was then called by the mission committee of the United Church to have charge of the Zion Mission. He entered upon his duties the second Sunday in January, 1892. On February 15, Zion Norwegian Lutheran Con- gregation was organized, with Rev. Arvesen as pastor. The charter members were: Oswald R0s- ler, Jacob Conrad and Carl Sommerschield. The total original membership was sixteen souls. The congregation has in the course of time en- joyed a steady and vigorous growth. Its present membership is 508 souls, of whom 305 are con- firmed members and 110 voting members. The membership is fairly local, with but a few fam- ilies scattered in other parts of the city. Though the members have come chiefly from our own synod, yet quite a number have come from the Scandinavian Lutheran sister synods. The chapel erected by the Church Extension . Fund of the synod was later purchased by the congregation. In the year 1901 the present house of worship was completed, a beautiful red brick structure, at a cost of $19,000. It has a seating capacity of 400. The old cottage was moved to the rear of the lot and remodeled and equipped as a two- story flat building. The entire church property is valued at $36,000. Preaching services are held regularly every Sun- day, Norwegian in the morning and English in the evening. Regular mid-week prayer meetings are also held every Thursday evening. The aver- age attendance of services every Sunday fore- noon is about 275, and about 200 at the evening services. During the history of the church 440 have been baptized and 195 confirmed. The congregation has been served by the fol- lowing pastors: Rev. N. Arvesen, from January, 1892 to June, 1893; Rev. O. Guldseth, from 1893 to 1897; Rev. J. H. Meyer, from July, 1897, to September, 1904; in May, 1905, Rev. C. K. Sol- berg, the present pastor, took charge. Sunday school meets every Sunday morning at 9:15. It has now an enrollment of 325 pupils and 30 teachers and officers — 16 men and 14 women. The average attendance of pupils is 225.- . Three classes receive their instruction in Norwegian; twenty-two classes in English. The other organizations of the church are as follows: The Luther League, with a membership of 100 young persons, holds weekly devotional meetings every Wednesday evening. Its main object is to aid the congregation in caring for the young people after their confirmation and train- ing them for intelligent, active and useful mem- bership in the church. It is affiliated with the. State Luther League of Illinois. The Ladies' Aid Society, with a membership of fifty-four, holds monthly meetings. By monthly dues, sales, ba- zars and socials, between $500 and $600 is realized annually. The Helpers, a young ladies' society, also gives valuable financial aid to the congrega- tion. It has a membership of twenty-four and meets once a month. The Busy Bee, a girls' society, with eighteen members, meets every month and works exclusively for the support of the children's homes. The Young Men's League meets every second and fourth Monday in the 126 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS month and by literary and social meetings aims to develop in its members intelligent citizenship, sociability and good fellowship, and also tends to bring the young men into the church to its var- ious devotional gatherings. It has a membership of thirty-seven. No parochial school is maintained. After the child has been instructed in the catechism and Bible history in Sunday school it is at the age of fourteen or more admitted into the pastor's catechetical class, and after a course of religious instruction lasting eight months is received into communicant membership of the church by con- firmation. After confirmation the young people enter the Bible class, which is taught by the pas- tor every Sunday morning at 9:30. The congregation has in the past struggled hard to pay for its new house of worship, and be- cause of its heavy financial burdens at home it has not been able to contribute much to the mis- sions and charitable institutions of the synod. Four missionary services are held every year and offerings are taken for home and foreign mis- sions and charitable institutions. In the year 1905 the congregation raised by subscription, offerings, donations and through the efiforts of the various aid societies, a sum of $2,051. Of this sum $1,323 was used for current expenses of the church, $639 for paying debts and $89 for the missions and current expenses of the synod. Besides, the Busy Bee society realized $90 that was divided among several orphanages. Located as it is in the heart of a large Nor- wegian Lutheran community, Zion Lutheran con- gregation has promising prospects of vigorous growth and effective work. EMMAUS CHURCH, CHICAGO. By Rev. O. N. Nelson. Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Congregation was organized in the year 1892. The leaders in this movement were Prof. J. N. Kildahl, president of St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., who at that time was pastor of Bethlehem Church of this city, and Rev. N. J. Ellestad, of Kenyon, Minn., at that time superintendent of home mis- sions in the United Lutheran Church of America. The congregation was organized with only ten families as charter members. The first perma- nent pastor was Rev. John Hetland, who served the congregation for six years. The present pas- tor. Rev. O. N. Nelson, took charge of the con- gregation Jan. 20, 1905. The congregation then had a membership of 73 souls. At present it has a membership of 130 souls — 83 confirmed and 28 voting members. The average attendance is about 90. During the history of the congrega- 171 have been baptized and 80 confirmed. The church, which is located on the corner of Springfield avenue and Iowa street, was erected in 1892 and dedicated to the service of the Lord in 1893. It has a seating capacity of 200. The congregation looks forward with great hope. Scandinavians who are interested in church work are moving into the neighborhood. Many have joined the congregation the last year. The younger element is taking an active part. The young people are the hope of the church. The Sunday school has at present an enroll- ment of 175, with 14 teachers and officers and an average attendance of 120. Classes are conducted in both English and Norwegian. The Bible class, which is English, is led by the pastor of the church. Children's services have since the beginning of 1905 been held on the second Sunday of each quarter, under the auspices of the Sunday school board. These services have proved a great bless- ing both to the church and Sunday school. A free-will offering is alwavs taken at these ser- vices, which in turn is given to the United Church missions, both home and foreign, and the congre- gation with which the Sunday school is con- nected. Another organization which adds much to the upbuilding of the congregation is the Luther League. The young people had 'tried to organize a young people's society with literary and social meetings, * but had failed until they organized as a Luther league, with devotional meetings every week, ex- cepting the first meeting each month, which is a business meeting. The Luther league started about two years ago with only 15 members. At present it has a membership of 50, with an aver- age attendance of about 35 at each meeting. This society is a great help to the church, both spir- itually and financially. Another society lately organized is "The Daugh- ters of Emmaus." They are, as the name implies, supporters of the church. They meet twice a month and prepare useful articles to be sold for the exclusive benefit of the church. The mem- bers are girls from the confirmation age and up- wards. The members are very enthusiastic and ardent workers. The Ladies' Aid Society is also a great help to the church, bringing the church an average of $300 a year. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 127 The Bethesda Aid Society is an organization fot the purpose of helping the poor and needy in that part of the city. This society has also done a good and noble work. A small church in a large city has its hardships to endure. But the future for this church looks brighter than ever before. BETHLEHEM CHURCH. By Rev. George T. Rygh. The Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Congre- gation of Chicago was organized in 1870. Its first pastor was Rev. S. M. Krogness, who served the congregation from 1870 until the summer of 1874. He was succeeded by Rev. C. B. Jacobsen, who preached his first sermon to the congregation Oct. 18, 1874. His successor was Rev. O. Bostad, who served the congregation as temporary sup- ply, from the fourth Sunday in Advent, 1876, un- til the third Sunday in Trinity, 1877. Thereupon Prof. S. R. Gunderson served the congregation for a short term. Rev. N. C. Brun delivered his introductory sermon as pastor on Sunday, Sept. 30, 1877. In December, 1888, Zion congregation, which was made up of people who had left Our Savior's Church on account of the predestination contro- versy, joined the Bethlehem congregation. Rev. N. C. Brun delivered his farewell sermon the 30th of June, 1889, the second Sunday in Trin- ity, and was succeeded by Rev. J. N. Kildahl, who began his ministrations on July 7, 1889, the third Sunday in Trinity. Rev. J. N. Kildahl delivered his farewell sermon to the congregation the 28th of August, 1899, the thirteenth Sunday in Trinity. His successor was Rev. George T. Rygh, the present pastor, who delivered his initiatory ser- mon Sept. 3, the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity. At present (1906) the congregation numbers 809 souls, of whom 617 are confirmed members. One unique feature of this congregation is the constitutional provision granting women the right of suffrage, the result being that there are 326 voting members. There are 446 Sunday school children and 40 teachers. Parochial school has been conducted on Saturdays during the fall and winter seasons. Among the various agencies of the church may be mentioned the mission meeting, once a month; the Ladies' Aid Society which meets twice a month; the Sewing Society, which meets once a month; the Dorcas Society, which meets twice a month; the Luther league, whicli meets once a week, and the Norwegian Young People's Society^ which also meets once a week. The church is located at the corner of W. Hu- ron street and N. Center avenue. The parsonage and the janitor's residence are immediately back of the church building, on Center avenue. The net value of all the church property is $19,768.17. NAZARETH CHURCH, WEST PULLMAN, ILLINOIS. By Rev. Glaus Qualen. The Nazareth Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of West Pullman, 111., was organized dur- ing the summer of 1896 by Anton Lea, who was then a student at the seminary at Minneapolis. The congregation applied for admission into the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, and was admitted. In the beginning services were held in private houses; but seing that this was inadequate, and not altogether well for the development of the church, an old school house, located on Michigan avenue, near the Chicago & Eastern Illinois tracks, was bought for a very small sum of money. Mr. A. Lea was at that time serving the con- gregation. Having received the information that the building on Michigan avenue was for sale, he lost no time in availing himself of the opportun- ity to buy it. He called on Rev. J. N. Kildahl, who was then a member of the Church Extension Fund Board, and presented the matter to him, asking for aid for the congregation to purchase the school house. This was promised, and in a short time the building was in possession of the church. The school-house was moved to its present lo- cation on Yale avenue, near One Hundred and Eighteenth street, and overhauled and remodeled, so as to make a Sunday school room out of the first story and the auditorium out of the second. At the beginning the church consisted of about 70 souls, principally people from Piano, III, who moved to West Pullman when the Piano Har- vester Works moved, and located not far from here. The progress since that time has been slow, due to the fact that not many Norwegian.s are to be found in this part of our great city. Rev. Otto Schmidt, who served the church from 1897 to 1901, was an earnest and zealous worker, and did a great deal to put the church on a good financial basis. He also organized a young peo- ple's society, put the Sunday school on a good footing, and labored diligently for the welfare of the church. 138 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS As his successor came Rev. Olaus Qualen, the present pastor. During the earlier part of his activit}' some new members were added to the church, but for two years there has been a de- cline, as some of the families have moved to other places, because of slack work here. The present membership of the church is a little below one hundred. During the history of the church there have been 86 baptisms; 40 have been confirmed. As to the various organizations within the church, it can be said that in all respects they have been an aid and not a hindrance to the growth of the church. The ladies' aid society has done a great deal in defraying current expenses; but for this organization the church would not have seen the success that it has. The young people's society, which consists of 19 members, has done its work to retain the young people for the church. They meet every other Wednesday evening in the' Sunday school room of the church. The meetings are of vari- ous kinds — devotional, literary and social. The first mentioned are the most largely attended. The Sunday schoolhas an enrollment of about sixty children. Most of these are children from families belonging to the church, but also from homes that have no church connection." The pas- tors have up to this time taught parochial school during summer vacation. Although the'term has been of three or four weeks' duration only, it has been Of great help to the children. Both the Nor- wegian and English languages have been ' used. ' Although this church has been ' a mission church, receiving quite a sum annually from the home mission funds, nevertheless it has always been its desire to contribute to the' various branches of church work, such as home and for- eign missions, orphans' homes and the current expenses of the United Lutheran Church. EVANSTON, ILL. By Mr. C. Hendricksen. The Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church of Evanston, 111., whose place of worship is -at the corner of Greenwood street and Sherman avenue, was organized July 29, 1891, in the home of Mr. Carl Magnusen, corner of Church street and Sherman avenue. The congregation is a mem- ber of the United Church of America. The mem- bers of the congregation at the time of its or- ganization were mostly laboring people, and money was scarce. The leaders in the organiz- ing movement were Rev. J. N. Kildahl, Rev. N. J. Ellestad, C. Magnusen and C. Hendricksen. There were thirty-five charter members. In the year 1895 the membership was seventy- five; today (1906) the congregation has fifty vot- ing members. The average attendance upon di- vine worship is seventy-five. Fourteen have been confirmed during the years of the congregations' existence, and twenty-four have been baptized. The original home of the congregation was Union Hall on Davis street, and this continued to be the meeting place until 1898. In that year the congregation purchased the Swedish Luther- an church and moved it to its present site. The total cost of the church as it stands to-day, to- gether with the ground, is $1,900, all paid. The church is centrally located. The congregation has no parsonage, nor does it sustain a parochial school. There is a small Sunday school (fifteen children), but few families belonging to the church. The membership is composed largely of unmarried young people in domestic or other service. The congregation disapproves of secret orders. The Ladies' Aid Society has very mater- ially assisted in paying for the church property and in defraying current expenses. The total ex- penses of the congregation during the fifteen years of its existence is about $8,000. The board of home missions of the United Church has also lent a helping hand. Occasionally the congrega- ation has rendered assistance to various children's homes. The Young People's Society holds literary, so- cial and devotional meetings, and has assisted the congregation financially. At ' various times the congregation has sent contributions' to home, Jewish, and foreign mis- sions. The various pastors serving the congregation have "been. Rev. J. N. Kildahl, N. Arvesen, L. S. Marvick, ■ John Hetland, Ditman Larsen, and T. S. Kolste. In large measure the congregation has been served by students attending the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Lake View, Chicago. At present Student Westberg is in charge. LISBON, ILL. By Rev. N. G. Peterson. The Lisbon Norwegian Lutheran Church was begun in the early '50's by Rev. Filing Eielson, who made several visits here. In the year 1852 he brought with him a young man, Peter Andreas Rasmussen, well educated and highly gifted as a speaker. He served as teacher in the school and on Sunday preached to the congregation. The NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 129 The Lutheran Church at Leland, 111, 130 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS congregation, being without a settled pastor, ten- dered a call to Rasmussen to become their pas- tor. After having taken a course in theology of one year at Ft. Wayne, Ind., he was ordained by the Missouri Synod on Palm Sunday, 1854. Rev. Rasmussen served this church for about forty- four years, when the present pastor took charge in 1898. Under the pastorate of Rev. Rasmussen the church grew to be one of the strongest and most prosperous churches among the Norweg- ians in this country, numbering about 1,200 souls. It consists mostly of a farming community, sit- uated in the southern part of Kendall county and the northern part of Grundy county. The con- gregation has two church edifices, one near Lis- bon and one at Helmar, called the North Lisbon Lutheran Church. The congregation has maintained parochial schools in each parish, and still gives thousands of dollars every year to missions and other works of mercy. The church was without any synodical connec- tion until the organization of the United Nor- wegian Lutheran Church of America, in the year 1890. Since then the Lisbon Lutheran Church has proved one of the most faithful churches in said body. It represents the old orthodox, pietistic element in the Lutheran church. The present pastor is Rev. N. G. Peterson, who was born in Freeborn county, Minnesota, Nov. 2, 1857. He graduated in 1887 from Red Wing Theological Seminary, at Red Wing, Minn. He served churches in Hamilton county, Iowa, and at Chicago, III, from whence he came to Lisbon. LELAND CONGREGATION, LELAND, ILL. By Henry I. Noss, Pastor. A meeting was held at the home of Helge Bakke on Nov. 18, 1847, where Rev. Ole Andrew- son organized the Leland congregation under the name of the "Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation" in the Town of Adams, La Lalle county, 111. Before this time they had been vis- ited occasionally by Rev. Filing Eielsen, a lay- man, who was ordained the third day of Oct., 1843, by Rev. F. A. Hoffman, a German Lutheran minister of Chicago. The constitution adopted at a conference held at Jefferson Prairie, Rock county, Wis., the 13th and 14th of May, 1846, together with the by-laws added a.t,.,.a meeting held at Mission Point the 14th and''il5th of jufie, 1847, were sanctioned and undersigned by the twenty-three charter mem- bers of the congregation. Besides the pastor, the other leaders of the movement were Halvor Knudsen, Hellik Farley, Knut Halvorsen, and Knut Gutormsen, who constituted the church council. Mr. H. Farley was the first secretary of the congregation. Until the year 1850 they conducted their ser- vices in private houses throughout the country. In those days people were more than willing to walk as far as eight miles to hear a sermon. At a meeting held on the 16th day of Dec, 1850, the Lutherans and the Baptists decided to join hands in erecting a house of public worship. The project seemed very plausible until the church was just about ready; then, owing to some minor dissensions, the two denominations decided to dis- solve partnership on the 20th day of Aug., the year following. By mutual agreement, the prop- erty then fell into the hands of the Baptists. As a relic of olden days, that old church building can be seen relegated to the rear in one of Le- land's most prominent streets, serving the pur- pose of a wagon shop and a general store house for sundry articles. The Lutherans were then without a church building until the year 1858. During that lapse of time they conducted the services at the homes of the different members, occasionally making use of a school-house in that neighborhood. At a meeting held the 29th day of Oct., 1856, it was decided to build a church fifty feet long, thirty- two feet wide and eighteen feet high. But owing to pecuniary circumstances, it seems as if noth- ing was accomplished until the year 1858. Then the building was erected in a few months and dedicated on the 11th day of Dec. the same year. This was a great event. Besides Rev. Hatlestad, pastor loci, Rev. Martin and Rev. Peterson from Chicago were also present. It is to be noted in this connection that Rev. Martin conducted ser- vices in the English language. Even at that early date the Norwegian community at Leland had a taste for English, which at the present day has almost entirely supplanted the mother tongue. On the 28th day of May, 1860, during the pas- torate of Rev. Peterson, the congregation with- drew from the Northern Synod of Illinois, with which it had been affiliated since the day of the organization- of the synod in 1851. It then re- mained outside of any synodical connection until shortly after when it joined the Scandinavian Au- gustana Synod, organized June, 1860, at Jeffersbn Prairie, Wisconsin, under the leadership of t|he Swedish professor. L. P. Esbj^rn. i In the year 1867, the church building was moved into the village of Leland, having up till that NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 131 time been located a couple of miles south of the town. Beginning with the year 1862, and continuing during the pastorates of the Revs. Peterson, Johnsen and Gjertson, there was a bitter struggle between two factions in the congregation as to the use of certain portions of the Norwegian "Alterbog." After a series of long discussions the agitation finally subsided and a peaceful agree- ment was the outcome. Some disagreement was also manifest at one time as to the question of having sponsors in baptism; but the real rupture came in the year 1873, when the congregation was divided into the Free Church and Augustana Synod factions. The Augustana people, under the leadership of the well-known eminent layman, A. A. Klove, retained their half of the church prop- erty, although they were decidedly in the minor- ity. But in spite of the division, the two parties had a common Sunday school, and their two pas- tors conducted services eyery alternate Sunday in the same old church building until about the year 1880, when the Free Church congregation erected a little brick church a few blocks from their old house of worship. The one who figured most prominently in the various church activities of the Free Church con- gregation was Mr. O. Simonsen, a venerable old gentleman, who is now serving in the capacity of secretary and deacon of the present congrega- tion. His church never joined the "Conference," which was organized at St. Ansgar, Iowa, in 1870, but ministers from that synod always served them. Among those may be mentioned, Rev. N. Iversen 1873-1879, and Rev. N. Boe, 1879-1889. In this connection may be mentioned the names of all the ministers who have served at Leland: O. Andrewson, 1847; A. A. Scheie, 1848-1854; O. J. Hatlestad, 1854-1859; P. H. Peterson, 1859- 1861; Amon Johnsen, 1862-1865; M. Falk Gjert- son, 1868-1873; O. O. Tjomsland, 1873-1874; O. Andrewson, 1875-1882; J. E. Roseland, 1882-1885; P. Reinertson, 1885-1890; N. Iversen, 1873-1879; N. Boe, 1879-1889; Erickson, 1890-1893; J. Sten- berg, 1894-1904; and Henry Noss, the present pas- tor, who entered upon his duties as a minister at Leland the 16th of July, 1905. The 13th day of June, 1890, marks the birthday of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. The three factions, the Conference, the Norwegian Augustana Synod, and the Anti-Mis- sourians, were on that occasion amalgamated in- to that one great body. The Leland Free Church was then admitted into the United Church, and the Leland Evangelical Lutheran Church, belong- ing to the Norwegian Augustana Synod, was nat- urally merged into that same body. By this act the two Leland congregations were finally brought under one head again and this renewed the old friendly relationship which eventually re- sulted in the union of the two congregations in the year 1902, during the pastorate of Rev. Erick- son. At that time the only property belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation was the old church building which was in a somewhat dilapidated condition. But the Free Church had, during the short time of its existence, built two branch churches and a parsonage, property valued at about $9,000. This fact necessitated a com- promise. After some deliberation it was at last agreed that the Evangelical Church should pay the Free Church a sum of $800 in cash and give over the church bell and other inventories, be- sides selling their old church with the under- standing that it should never be used for that purpose again, and hand the money over to the trustees of the Free Church to be deposited into^ the common treasury. The two factions now worked harmoniously together. Seeing the neces- sity of a larger house of worship, they erected a beautiful $10,000 brick edifice in the year 1898. That is now the present Lutheran Church of Le- land. It presents a very neat and handsome ap- pearance both externally and internally, and is certainly an ornament to the city of Leland. With the slanting floor and the opera chairs arranged in a semi-circle in front of a high platform it makes it an exceptional church acoustically. The language transition has already taken place, and it is only a question of time when the English will be the church language exclusively. Three- fourths of the preaching is now conducted in the English language and one-fourth in the Norweg- ian. The twenty-nine members of the catechism class all use English. There is no Norwegian in the Sunday school with its eight teach- ers and an average attendance of 100 scholars. About forty young men and women are regular attendants of the Bible class. The Luther league with an enrollment of seventy-six, meets every other Thursday evening and discusses the Luther league topics. The attendance is good and the young people take an active part in the work. There is an excellent choir in the church under the able leadership of Fritz Noel, editor of the "Leland Times." The ladies have three socie- ties, the ladies' aid for the old gray-haired women; the Bethany society for the middle aged women; and the Dorcas society, consisting of 132 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS onl}^ young women. The church membership is about 375, of whom 250 are confirmed, and of those 120 are voters. The average attendance at the church services is about 300. Over $300 was sent out from this congregation for missionary and other benevolent purposes during the year of 1905. As to the number of confirmed and bap- tized during the history of this church it is very difficult to give any satisfactory report as the old church records are very incomplete. During the last ten years, however, 241 children have been confirmed and 549 have been baptized. By dividing the call in 1904, the Bethany con- gregation of Leland, 111., was readmitted into the United Lutheran Church of America at the yearly meeting of said conference in session at Minne- apolis, Minn., June, 1905. Only one charter member is still living; if Mr. Nils Halvorsen lingers until the 18th day of No- vember, 1907, he will have been a member of the Leland congregation for sixty years. A. M. Klove, Frank Hill and Lewis Peterson are the trustees of the present congregation, and O. Simonsen, C. Halvorsen and B. Anderson deacons. PLEASANT VIEW LUTHER COLLEGE, OTTAWA, ILL. By Prof. L. A. Vigness. On the Fourth of July, 1893, a large gathering of Norwegian Lutherans had met in Stevens Grove, Kendall county, to express their patriotic feelings and their admiring memory of the his- torical events commemorated on the day of In- dependence. On this occasion an address was delivered by Rev. N. J. Lockrem, at that time pastor of the Fox River and Stavanger charge. The speaker took occasion to urge upon his hear- ers the educational needs of the rising genera- tion. The burden of his address was an appeal to the people to take active steps toward realizing a long cherished plan to establish in some suit- able location in Illinois a school for the Christian education of their children. Other influential men rallied about the cause, and the proposition, which had in a more quiet way been agitated for some time, began to shape itself into more vigorous action. When the semi-annual meeting of the Chicago District of the United Norwegian Church was held at Stavanger in September of the same year, 1893, the movement had assumed such propor- tions that its advocates considered it safe and wise to bring it up for discussion on the floor of the convention. It found so ready a response that the convention at once decided to take active steps toward realizing the proposed plans. Ac- cordingly, a committee was elected to take the matter under more definite consideration, and, as far as possible, to mature definite plans. This committee consisted of the following members: Rev. N. J. Lockrem, Rev. J. N. Kildahl and Messrs. A. A. Klove, H. O. Rygh, Mikal Mon- son and E. S. Holland. After this committee had, in the course of the following months, held several meetings and in- vestigated carefully all the chief matters that would present themselves in this connection, it issued a call for a meeting of the people of the Norwegian Lutheran Church in Illinois, to be held on the 17th of April, 1895, in Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Morris, 111., Rev. T. Aarrestad, pastor. The substantial result of this meeting was the careful selection, through a committee on nom- inations, of thirty-two leading men from different parts of the Chicago District of the United Church and the Hauge's Synod. These men, con- stituting a well balanced representation of the district, were instructed to form a corporation to take control of all the details connected with the enterprise of establishing the proposed college. After adjournment of this meeting the thirty- two men formed a temporary organization by the election of Rev. N. J. Lockrem as chairman and Rev. P. J. Reinertson as secretary. After the appointment of a committee on in- corporation — consisting of Rev. N. J. Lockrem, Rev. J. H. Stenberg and Mr. A. A. Bjelland — the assembly adjourned to meet in Ottawa, on the approaching first day of May. Pursuant to this resolution the College asso- ciation assembled in the courthouse at Ottawa on the appointed date. The substantial results of the work of this meeting are as follows: 1. Articles of incorporation were adopted. "Illinois Lutheran College Association" became the corporate name. 2. The following persons were elected as the first board of trustees: Rev. N. J. Lockrem, Rev. O. Andresen, Rev. O. R. Sletten, Rev. P. J. Rei- nertson and Messrs. A. A. Klove, Adolph Nilson. E. S. Holland, H. O. Rygh, S. E. Bergeson. 3. It was decided that the board of trustees shall elect their own officers, who shall also be the officers of the association. In a separate ses- sioii the board elected the following: Rev. N. J. Lockrem, president; Mr. A. Nilson, vice-presi- dent; Rev. P. J. Reinertson, secretary. Later Mr. E. S. Holland was elected treasurer. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 183 4. Following committees were elected: On sub- scriptions — Rev. N. J. Lockrem, Messrs. Mikal Monson and S. Myraboe. On buildings — Messrs. A. Nilson, A. A. Klove and E. S. Holland; later were added Rev. N. J. Lockrem and Prof. L. A. Vigness. On by-laws — Rev. J. N. Kildahl, Rev. J. H. Stenberg and Mr. A. Nilson. 5. It was decided that the association proceed to raise by subscriptions the sum of $20,000 for a building fund. 6. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, A first-class institution of learning city which shall offer the best and most advan- tageous inducements. Resolved, That the school shall be in all re- spects an American institution employing only such teachers as have been trained under Amer- ican educational influences and are entirely cap- able of imparting instruction in the English lan- guage; that the school shall be fully abreast of the times in its equipments, in its faculty and in all its work and methods of instruction. Resolved, That it shall be a Lutheraft school, which means, not adherence to foreignism, but Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, Illinois. has been a long felt want among the Scandinavi- ans of Illinois; and, Whereas, The movement to establish an insti- tution of that kind in our midst has now pro- ceeded to such an extent that active measures may be taken; therefore be it Resolved, by the Illinois Lutheran College As- sociation, That it proceed to gather in its own name $20,000 for the beginning of such an in- stitution. Resolved, That the school be located in that an earnest, thorough training to loyal American citizenship under the influence of those prin- ciples which have been embodied in that type of Christianity. A meeting of the Association was held again on July 2, 1895. The progress made at this time is indicated by the following resolutions: 1. After considerable discussion upon the merits of various locations, it was decided by a large majority that Ottawa be selected as the place in which to build the school. The vote on this resolution was then made unanimous. The 134 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS bonus ofifered by the citizens' committee of Ot- tawa consisted of about thirteen acres of land on a high and beautiful elevation in the south part of the city; and besides this somewhat more than fifty lots located in various parts of the im- mediate vicinity. 2. The association elected as president of the college Rev. Prof. L. A. Vigness, then president of Jewell Lutheran College, Jewell, Iowa. During the autumn and winter of 1895-96 the committee on subscriptions was engaged in se- curing funds. On March 10, 1896, the association held a meet- ing to devise further measures in the cause. The sessions were held at the courthouse in Ottawa. By unanimous vote instructions were given to the committee to take steps at once looking toward the erection of a building. The sum of $15,000 was placed at the disposal of the committee. To indicate the disposition of this movement to our public schools, the association at this meet- ing adopted the following resolutions: Whereas, In the recent past the action of cer- tain parts of the Lutheran Church in regard to certain educational measures pertaining to the public schools has placed the attitude of the Lutheran Church at large toward these schools in a false light before the Amerian public; there- fore be it Resolved, by the Illinois Lutheran College As- sociation, That we regard with great apprecia- tion the privileges of our American citizenship, that we are not only willing but happy to add our share as citizens toward the support of the public schools and to utilize for our children the opportunities offered by these schools; and Resolved, That in establishing and maintain- ing the school contemplated by this association there lies no element of antagonism to the public schools, but only an intention in good faith to ' avail ourselves of the valued privilege accorded by our government — the privilege to train our sons and daughters to loyal and patriotic citizen- ship in this great and liberal country under the influence of that form of the Christian faith which we have received from our fathers. It is our design to stand in most friendly relation to the public schools and to co-operate with them in their great and noble purpose. After this meeting the building committee pro- ceeded to carry out its duties. Based on plans and specifications prepared by the architect, Mr. Jason F. Richardson, of Ottawa, the bid of San- ders Bros. Manufacturing Company, general con- tractors, was accepted. Ground was broken on the 18th day of April, 1896, for the new building. In the course of the summer of 1896 the board of trustees elected the following additional teach- ers: Prof. C. O. Solberg, to have charge of Latin, Greek and English; Prof. W. Guy Rosebery, as principal of the commercial department; Dr. J. N. Downs, to have charge of the work in physi- ology and act as college physician; Miss Carrie Scott, as teacher of piano and organ; Miss Mar- guerite Osnian, as teacher of stringed instru- ments. Thus organized, the institution was opened in the new building on Sept. 19, 1896. It has co.n- tinued its work uninterruptedly and has in this time graduated from its various departments 174 young men and women. Of these some have en- tered the ministry, some law and some medicine; some have gone into business pursuits, some are teaching and others are farming. It does not come within the purpose of this sketch to trace all minor changes that have been made in various matters pertaining to the or- ganization of the practical educational work. Suffice it here to state that the institution has arranged its work with the following distinct aims in view: 1. To prepare students for entrance to col- leges and universities. 2. To prepare teachers for our common and parochial schools. 3. To give efficient training to those who de- sire to enter upon practical business pursuits, including stenography. 4. To afford opportunities to those who wish to obtain a thorough training in the art of music. No strictly collegiate work is attempted as yet. Pleasant View Luther College is fully aware of the superior claims made by much of the recent thought in the sphere of religion — even the Christian religion. It has not been 'able to find in these so-called progressive views a sufficient amount of truth to justify it in departing confes- sionally from the great principles of faith which are the consentient product of the universal con- sciousness of the church in its study, its labor, its suffering, its prayer, through all the centuries of its history. The institution believes in conserva- tive reformation. It accordingly makes its offi- cial statement of purpose in the following words: The Lutheran Church is conservative in faith and doctrine. It is judiciously progressive in matters of education and practice. Doctrinally it adheres strictly to the teachings of the Word of God, understood in accordance with the general creeds of early Christianity and with the Lu- NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 135 theran confessional writings. Educationally, it seeks to utilize the best results of modern peda- gogical research. To give the rising generation a thorough train- ing on a basis doctrinally conservative, educa- tionally progressive, is the purpose of Pleasant View Luther College. ^ ^ ^ TRINITY CONGREGATION, OTTAWA, ILL. , By Prof. L. A. Vigness. Trinity Congregation in Ottawa, Illinois, was organized by the Rev. J. C. Reinertsen, while he was pastor resident in Aurora. As only a few Norwegian families have settled in Ottawa this congregation is one of the smaller congregations among our people in Illinois. After the resig- nation of Rev. Reinertsen, this congregation was served for several years by Rev. N. J. Lockrem, who at that time was the pastor of the Fox River and Stavanger churches. Later, a call was issued to the Rev. A. C. Barron, who accepted the call, moved to Ottawa, and served the con- gregation two years. During the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rev. Barron, Prof. L. A. Vigness, president of Pleasant View Luther Col- lege, was elected on the 22d of October, 1901, to serve the congregation temporarily as its pas- tor. This call was later made a permanent call. Prof. Vigness is still (October, 1906) the pastor of this congregation. Thus the congregation stands in connection with Pleasant View Luther College. THE NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN DEA- CONESS HOME AND HOSPITAL, CHICAGO, ILL. By Rev. H. B. Kildahl. In the fall of 1885 Rev. A. Mortensen, of Christiania, Norway, preached a sermon on the subject "The Female Diaconate" in Bethlehem Church, corner Centre avenue and Huron street, Chicago. The effect of this sermon was that a mass meeting of Norwegians, mostly women, was held Nov. 3, 1885, and resulted in the organi- zation of the Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha So- ciety. So great was the enthusiasm for the dea- coness cause that the members of the society im- mediately began actual deaconess work by col- lecting money, food and clothing for distribution among the poor and sick. Gradually a building fund was collected, as it became evident to those interested that if the work was to become perma- nent and effective it would be necessary to pro- vide a deaconess home. As the society grew in membership it became evident that there existed two distinct tenden- cies — one of which favored the hospital phase and the other favored the deaconess home phase of the work. This division became so pronounced and painful that the charter members who fav- ored the deaconess-home idea withdrew from the society; but not from their purpose. These members soon organized another so- ciety and called it "The Original Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Society," whose object was "the establishment and maintenance of a dea- coness home and hospital"; and in the spring of 1891 they had carried the work so far that they had secured the services of three sisters from the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Institute, Minneapolis, Minn. Their names were Sisters Amalia Kittelson, Martha Berg and Marie Lang- aunet. These three sisters began the service in the form of parish work. Nov. 3, 1891, six years after the organization of the first society, a house on Humboldt street, which the society had bought, was dedicated as the Deaconess Home and Hospital. The first patient was received in this home De- cember 7, 1891, and the work was carried on with moderate success until August, 1893, when the home was destroyed by fire. Interested men and women both in and outside of the two societies labored for the union of the two societies. At the invitation of twelve promi- nent men, who were not members of either so- ciety, a meeting was held, June 7, 1892, of these twelve men and the boards of directors of the two societies in Our Savior's Church, corner May and Erie streets, and resulted in the election of a committee to settle the differences between the two societies. This committee finally agreed that both the existing societies should disband, and that a new society should be organized. This proposition was favorably received. The old so- cieties disbanded and a new one was organized, retaining the original name, "The Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Society." The enthusiasm for the work was great. Funds were collected and the Tabitha Deaconess Home and Hospital, Francisco and Thomas streets, was erected. The cornerstone was laid June .'J, 1893, and the work was begun on the new building that fall. Prosperity and success seemed to at- tend the work. The new home was completed and funds were readily subscribed; but it soon became more and more evident that, while there was only one society, the two old conflicting ten- dencies still existed. The articles of union and the constitution of the united society provided 136 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS that the newly erected building should be a "deaconess home and hospital." But a faction in the society insisted that it should be a Nor- wegian national hospital. A division in the society was inevitable. This came in 1895. The Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Society consisted of twelve branches. At the annual meeting of the society Jan., 1895, seven of these branches protested against this breach of the articles of union, and when it was found that a friendly agreement could not be effected, an effort was made on the part of the seven branches aged, one branch proposed establishing an or- phanage, and only a few members of one branch still clung to the deaconess-home idea, and for the third time they began to work for the dea- coness cause. After a number of meetings "The Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Society" of Chicago was organized Feb. 17, 1896, in Bethel Church, Hum- boldt street and Armitage avenue. The society was small, of limited means, and after repeated defeats did not feel very enthusiastic. The new society was incorporated by Dr. N. T. Quales, \ > '^i^-< SI ft The Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, Chicago. for a division of the assets, over half of which the seven branches had provided. The seven branches offered to buy out the five branches, or to sell their share of the institution to them; but in spite of the fact that the property was worth at least $25,000 the seven left it all rather than go into court over it. During 1895 the seven branches held a number of meetings for the purpose of organizing a new society. A committee was elected for the pur- pose of proposing a constitution. When this committee reported it appeared that five branches favored the establishment of a home for the Rev. A. C. Anderson and Mr. Adolph Larson, Sept. 17, 1896. A two-flat house on the corner of Artesian avenue and Lenioyne street was rented the 1st of May, 1897. This house, to- gether with the rear house, contained twenty- five rooms. The first board of directors was Rev. A. C. Anderson, Dr. N. T. Quales, Mrs. A. P. Johnson, Mrs. J. P. Hovland, Rev. J. N. Kildahl, Mr. Adolph Larson, Mrs. S. Dahl, Rev. Olaf Guld- seth and Mrs. Adolph Larson. The first officers were Rev. A. C. Anderson, president; Mr. Adolph Larson, vice-president; NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 187 Rev. Olaf Guldseth, secretary; Mrs. S. Dahl, treasurer. The first question that confronted the new so- ciety was to secure a deaconess to head the in- stitution. Rev. Olaf Guldseth, being in Norway on a visit, was instructed to try to secure one from the Motherhouse in Christiania, Norway. He did secure Deaconess Anna Tofte, but on ac- count of ill health she resigned and left the in- stitution in November, 1897. Finally arrangements were made with Sister Ingeborg Oberg, formerly of the Norwegian Lu- the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Nov. 1; 1902, the new building was completed and taken possession of by the sisters and pa- tients. The dedication of the new building took place the 24th of May, 1903, by President T. H. Dahl of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. This building, which is one-half of the pro- posed structure, is 125 by 85 feet. It is four stories high besides basement, and is fitted up as //,/,/,,,/ Pialuiubsm: A group of Deaconesses of the Deaconess Home. theran Deaconess Institute, Minneapolis, Minn., to take charge of the new institution in Chicago. She took up the work in November, 1897. April 25, 1899, the society purchased four lots on the northwest corner of Haddon avenue and Leavitt street. Later another lot was added. It was decided to proceed to the erection of a build- ing on this land. Ground was broken October 28, 1901. The cornerstone of the new building was laid May 11, 1902, by Rev. T. H. Dahl, president of a first-class modern hospital. The accompanying cut represents the building as it will appear when completed. Nov. 1, 1902, when the society took up the work in the new building, Deaconess Ingeborg Oberg, having resigned as acting sister superior, left the service, and Deaconess Marie Larson was called to take her place. The work had grown to such an extent that it became more and more evident to the board of directors that it was necessary to call a rector 138 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS for the institution. Several pastors in the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America were called or approached, but declined. Finally Rev. H. B. Kildahl, pastor of Covenant Lutheran Church in Chicago, was called. He accepted the position, and entered upon his new duties Nov. 1, 1903. The United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, at its annual meeting in 1900, appointed a committee to propose a plan by which the church could assume control of the institution. This committee consisted of Consul Halle Stens- land. Rev. G. G. Krostu and Rev. S. Gunderson. wliich the institution could be deeded to the church. Such a plan was proposed and accepted both by the church and the institution, and on the 9th of November, 1904, in Minneapolis, Minn., Mr. Adolph Larson, who had been the president of the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Soci- ety since Rev. A. C. Anderson died, Dec. 21, 1896, gave the board of trustees of the United Church a deed to all the property of the society. The present board of directors are Mr. Adolph Larson president; Rev. N. J. Lockrem, vice-pres- ident; Rev. C. E. Tiller, secretary; Mr. Hakon Thompson, treasurer; Hon. Halle Stensland; Rev. \hkv mi*?5uni5 D ialunu£i5cr . /// f J /^^ /if yr/Y/z/^r Deaconesses in Foreign Mission Work from the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home, The board of directors of the Deaconess So- ciety elected Mr. A. P. Johnson, Dr. N. T. Quales and Mr. Adolph Larson as a committee to work with the committee from the church. Acting on the recommendation of this com- mittee, the church instructed its board of trustees to accept the property of the Norwegian Lu- theran Deaconess Society in Chicago under deed of trust when the new building was com- pleted. This transfer was effected in June, 1903. At its annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minn., 1903, the church appointed Revs. M. H. Hegge, N. J. Lockrem, S. Gunderson and Mr. Adolph Larson as a committee to propose a plan by M. H. Hegge; Rev. O. R. Sletten; Rev. G. O. Belsheim; Rev. H. B. Kildahl, rector; and Dea- coness Caroline Williams. The United Church at its annual meeting in 1905 called Deaconess Ingeborg Sponland to the position of permanent sister superior. The pres- ent acting sister superior is Deaconess Caroline Williams, Deaconess Marie Larson having been giving leave of absence for four months from Jan. 1, 1906. In 1899 the institution had 9 sisters; in 1900, 15; in 1901, 22; in 1902, 25; in 1903, 26; in 1904, 31; in 1905, 42; and in 1906, 55. Of these, 2 are serving Bethesda Hospital, NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 139 Crookston, Minn.; 2, the Deaconess Hospital, The first year of its existence the institution Grafton, N. D.; 2, Ebenezer Hospital, Madison, cared for 102 patients; in 1899, 142; in 1900, 149; Minn.; 1, the Deaconess Hospital, Northwood, in 1901, 146; in 1902, 192; in 1903, 268; in 1904, N. D.; 1, St. Olaf Hospital, Austin, Minn.; 1, in 378; in 1905, 503. Group of Sisters, Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home. the mission field in Madagascar; 2, in the mis- sion field in China, and the rest are at the Moth- erhouse in Chicago. The accounts of the institution show that from Oct. 1, 1903, to May 1, 1905, $38,787.51 had been received and disbursed. 140 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Hauge's Synod By Rev. K. O. Eittreim. The history of that body of Norwegian Luther- ans in America, popularly called Hauge's Synod, has its beginning in our fatherland, Norway. Dififerent tendencies have at all times existed in the Christian church and have finally led to the formation of new denominations. Not only in the Christian church at large and in these general bodies do we find dififerences, but also within each denomination and that to such an extent that they have led to the formation of new synods. Could we carry this thought down to the bottom we should probably find few, if any, congregations even in which all members fullv agree on all points of Christian doctrine and practice. Whether this state of things in the church is excusable, or inexcusable; whether it is a sign of weakness, or of strength; of life, or of death, it is not our purpose here to discuss. We simply state that so it has been and so it is. So we find it also in the Norwegian Lutheran Church. In the mother church, on account of her or- ganization and union with the state, such different tendencies have hitherto had little chance to de- velop into recognized parties. In this land of religious liberty each tendency has been free to form itself and develop according to its own bent. In Norway in the latter part of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries, Hans N. Hauge, a layman extraordinarily gifted, began to preach against the rationalism and secularism so prevalent at that time among the Norwegian clergy, and consequently among the people. He laid stress upon an experimental Christian life and the spiritual priesthood of all Christians. He won many followers who were called "Read- ers", or "Haugeans." Neither Hauge nor his followers by word or example incited to separa- tion from the state church. They have on the contrary the reputation of being the most faith- ful members of the church. When the Norwegians began to emigrate to America some of these Haugeans also were among iheni. The first one was Ole Olson Hetletveit who came on the "sloop" in 1825, and is said to have been the only one of that company who remained true to the Lutheran faith. In Norway he had been a schoolmaster and in America he went about as a lay preacher. The father of Hauge's Synod, however, is Filing Eielsen. He was born in Vos, Norway, Sept. 19, 1804. His parents were Haugeans. As a young man he traveled through many parts of Norway as a lay preacher. In 18.39 he came to America. Arrived in Chicago he gathered a few Norweg- ians who lived there together in a house owned by an English woman, and there he preached his first sermon in America. He did not remain long in Chicago then, but together with one Christen Olson traveled about 70 miles south- west to the Fox River Settlement. Here Eiel- sen became the religious leader of his people, and soon built a meeting house which no doubt must be considered the first meeting house for religious worship, which was built by the Nor- wegians in America. He soon began to look up his countrymen in Wisconsin and other places where they had settled, gathering them about God's Word, which he preached in a simple and straightforward man- ner, laying great stress upon repentance and faith and a pious life. His work bore fruit, and had he laid more stress upon properly organizing his converts into well ordered congregations, this early and im- portant part of our church history would not now be so obscure as it is, and perhaps also many unpleasant things would have been averted. In 1843 the people in Fox River district called Eielsen to be their pastor, which call he ac- cepted and was accordingly ordained to the min- istry Oct. 3, 1843, by Rev. F. A. Hoffman, D.D., a German Lutheran pastor. The ordination was performed in Chicago. Eielsen was the first Norwegian Lutheran pastor in America. As the work progressed he began to see the necessity of liaving an outward form. A meet- ing was accordingly held April 13 and 14, 1846, on Jeft'erson Prairie, Rock county. Wis., where representatives were present from his followers in Illinois and Wisconsin, and a synod was or- ganized bearing the name, "The Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America.'' The con- stitution of this body was dictated by Eielsen and written by O. Andrewson, one of Eielsen's .converts, who was later ordained to the min- istry. How many were present at this first meeting we are not informed. The same con- stitution was again adopted by a larger meeting at Koshkonong, Wis., Oct. 13 and 16, 1850, and was then subscribed to by thirty-five men. The pastors who soon after Eielsen came from Norway and were trained by the mother church represented a different type of Christian life from Eielsen and his followers who were of a de- NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 141 cidedly pietistic type. They claimed to be orthodox, but it was found that they were more or less infected with the peculiar views of Grundt- vig. Still the Christianity on either side would certainly not have necessitated such a breach be- tween them, but the "Old Adam" was struggling for a place. Eielsen in spite of his piety was by nature ver}^ headstrong, and was not disposed to be ruled by any one. This he showed through his whole life, and not the least when he long after separated himself from his own followers because they found it necessary to improve upon his work. The others were also perhaps equally headstrong in their way and did not meet Eiel- sen in the most charitable manner. Having a superior education, and the moral backing of the mother church, they of course did not feel dis- posed to prostrate themselves under the thumb of a layman, which we can not wonder at. It was thoroughly human. The only thing possible seemed to be to separate, and so it went. Eiel- sen continued in the way he had begun and the others organized their own synod. Perhaps it was better so. Perhaps each had their own mis- sion, but if so have they not soon performed it so we could join hands again in our common ca'use? Hauge's Synod still stands for the pietistic type of the Lutheran faith in theory at least. Whether we now have more of true piety than our sister synods may be questioned. As the synod grew the need of more ministers became more and more appare'nt. This need was met from time to time by calling and ordaining pious men from their own midst. Though un- learned many of these men were highly gifted and did excellent work. Still it was from the very beginning realized that this inethod of sup- plying workers was not adequate to the needs. Hence the question of erecting a school for training pastors soon became a leading issue with them and remained so for many years. Before they finally succeeded four diflferent attempts were made to begin such a school: in Lisbon, 111., 1855, Deerfield, Wis., 1865, Red Wing, Minn., 1868, and in Chicago, 1870. No doubt the peo- ple learned something from these many failures, but some of them at least were very expensive. It is a strong proof of how determined these people were to have a school, that after all these disappointments they did not give up. Another bone of contention for man}' years was the constitution of the synod. As might be expected and is more or less the case with all human productions, it did not prove to be in all things adequate to the requirements. After mucli discussion a thoroughly revised constitu- tion was adopted at the annual meeting held in Fillmore county, Minn., June 5-13, 1875. The preamble and first article of this consti- tution are in a literal translation as follows: "That church body which by Hauge's friends was organized April 13 and 14, 1846, on Jefiferson Prairie, Rock county, Wis., and which hitherto has been called, "The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,' hereby adopts The Name (§ 1) "Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Lu- theran Synod in America." Thus while the synod itself dates from 1846, the present name dates only from 1875. The school question was still a live issue and was now soon to be settled more satisfactorily than hitherto. In 1878 an appropriate school property was purchased in Red Wing, Minn. Sept. 17, 1879, Red Wing Seminary was ded- icated and opened its doors with two professors and thirteen students. Instruction was ofifered in two departments, a preparatory and a theo- logical. Rev. I. Eisteinson was the first princi- pal of the school and instructor in theology, and G. O. Brohaugh was at the head of the prepar- atory department. The standard of instruction has been gradually raised and extended until they now have an academical course of three years, a collegiate course of five years and a theological course of three years. Instruction in the theolog- ical department is now also ofifered in both the Norwegian and English languages. The faculty at present numbers seven and the usual attend- ance about 140. From the college department 202 young men have graduated, and from the theological department 118. Of the 139 pastors, professors, and missionaries, now in the synod ninety-six are graduates from the theological de- partment of the seminary. Prof. M. G. Hanson is the principal. Our property in Red Wing is valued at $121,000. The synod also has a college in Jewell Jet., Iowa. This college was' founded in 1893 by the "Jewell Lutheran College Association." In 1897 it was transferred to the Iowa district of Hau- ge's Synov^, and in 1905 it was again transferred to the synod at large. Here an average of about 115 young men and women are being trained in the usual college studies, besides being under the influence of Christian surroundings. Rev. Prof. N. J. Lohre, B. L.^ is the principal. The property is valued at $35,000. A printing establishment and a book depart- ment are operated in connection with Red Wing 142 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Seminary. Here are issued the official orRan of the synod, "Budbaereren,"' a weekly paper, now in its thirty-eighth year; "B0rnevennen," a weekly Sunday school paper, in its twenty-ninth year; and "The Little Messenger," an English weekly Sunday school paper, in its second year. During the school year the students of Red Wing Semi- nary issue a monthly paper called "Hemnica." At Beresford, S. D., the synod owns and oper- ates "Bethesda Orphans' Home." Here from 50 to 60 children are cared for and trained in secular and religious knowledge. Three hundred acres of land are owned by the home, and the whole property is valued at $35,000. In 1905 Severt K. Rong of Wanamingo, Minn., gave to the synod by a last will his whole estate consisting of 578 acres of land and personal property together valued at about $28,000 on the condition that the synod shall within 5 years after the settlement of the estate establish hereon and thereafter maintain an orphans' home. At the annual meeting in 1906, the synod resolved to accept the gift on the conditions named in the will. Prof. M. G. Hanson is holding the property in trust for the synod, until the provisions of the will shall have been fulfilled. For about fifteen years the synod has carried on missionary work at Fan Cheng, China, and vicinity. Four main stations with twenty-four outlying stations have been opened. Fifteen mis- sionaries are at present active in the service and sixty-five native workers are employed. They have children's schools with thirty teachers and about 900 children, a boarding school for girls with forty-one girls attending and a high school for boys with attendance of twelve. A medical mission is maintained and does much to open the way for the gospel message. Nearly $150,000 have been expended on our China mission thus far and the demands have been steadily growing. Still the necessary amounts are being raised with comparatively little effort. Last year alone an amount of $26,871.20 was received for this mis- sion. Other missions such as among the Jews, to Madagascar, etc., are not forgotten, but are more or less liberally supported. This shows a commendable missionary spirit in Hauge's Synod. The property value of the China mission is esti- mated at about $15,000. Home missionary work is carried on with in- creasing zeal every year. A permanent mission- ary superintendent is employed who constantly travels within the synod in the interests of mis- sions, home and foreign. A matter of much interest and great import- ance to the synod is the language question. The demand for English grows year by year, while the demand for Norwegian continues and in many places holds its own. These demands are being met by preparing candidates for the ministry as far as possible with ability to work in both languages. An effort is now being made to give theological instruction also in the English language, at our own seminary, but heretofore many of our students and pastors have found it necessary to attend English Lutheran seminaries in order to get their training. Quite a number of our pastors have spent from one to three years at the English Lutheran Seminary in Chicago. A permanent "Board of Directors for English Work," consisting of five members, whose term of office is three years has been established. An English conference is held once a year, and one or two sessions of the regular annual meeting is usually set aside for English work. The synod at present consists of 121 pastors and 290 congregations with a total of 36,000 members. The bulk of Hauge's Synod is found in Illi- nois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, and the Da- kotas, but we also have members as far south as Texas and Louisana, west to the Pacific coast, north to Alberta, Canada and east to Michigan. For convenience the synod has been divided into districts. These districts are governed by district rules made by the synod in common for all but they hold their own conferences and have jurisdiction over such affairs as are purely local. The Chicago District of Hauge's Synod em- braces Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and southern Wisconsin. It consists of fourteen pastors, nine of whom are in Illinois, and twenty-seven con- gregations, fifteen of which are in Illinois. A short sketch of each of these fifteen congrega- tions will here be given. Trinity Church, Chicago. It has before been mentioned that Filing Eiel- sen preached his first sermon on American soil in Chicago, in 1839. He returned later, and the tlock he gathered about him was the beginning of Trinity Church. Meetings were held in pri- vate houses on Ohio, Erie, and Desplaines streets and vicinity. They also for a while worshipped in a hall on the North Side. The congregation was thus in existence already in the early '40's. In 1857 Trinity Church was formally organized adopting a constitution and making a list of members. They built a frame edifice on Indiana and Peoria streets, which caused some ill feeling NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 143 because it was so far out on the "prairie." Eiel- sen was the first pastor, and after him Paul An- derson served them. Rev. Krohn, pastor of Our Saviour's Church, also served them a short time Rev. P. A. Rasmussen from Lisbon, 111., was their pastor some years, and Rev. Widding a short time. Rev. Krognes then became their pastor. Some disagreement arose between Rev. Krognes and the congregation, though quite a number of the members sided with him. The result was that his friends left Trinity Church and organized Bethlehem Church. The exact dates of the various changes up to this time I have been unable to ascertain, nor am I sure that they are here given in their chrono- logical order as the sources from which the facts have been gathered vary slightly. In 1869 Rev. J. Z. Torgersen, a gifted, energetic and well trained young man became pastor of Trinity Church and during his pastorate the church flourished. The parochial reports from his time show that the membership rose to more than 1,200 souls. The old church became too small, and the building of a larger one became necessary. A movement was now started to unite with Trinity Church, the college and theological semi- nary which the synod was endeavoring to get started. The church was accordingly built to ac- commodate both. The first story was fitted out as class rooms for the school, and the upper story as church. The basement, the old church, and one or two other buildings belonging to the church property were to be rented out and thus help to defray the expenses. The corner stone of the new structure was laid Aug. 27, 1871, on which occasion Rev. E. Eielsen delivered the main address. The outlook was bright and hopes ran high in all those who were in favor of this double undertaking. But throughout the west there was from the beginning a strong op- position to the location of the school, and hence they did little to support it. The great Chicago fire which occurred in the fall made it hard for the Chicago people to carry their end, though it must be said that they did well. After seven years of he'ated discussions and hard attempts to keep the school going the whole undertaking was abandoned by the synod and the property turned over to Trinity Church on condition that it assume the whole indebtedness. The property had cost about $34,000 and the debt was about $13,000. Thus the church was left with a larger financial burden than they had anticipated. Notwithstand- ing this, the prospects of the church were good. The church, large as it was, was too small to accommodate the audiences which Pastor Torger- sen by his eloquence drew. There was a strong agitation to build an addition to the length of the church, and this would no doubt have been done, but for the sad disruption which soon after cook place. The pastor began to entertain and advocate some doctrines which did not agree with the confession of the congregation and the synod of which they were a part. In 1879 or 1880 he left the church and synod and with his friends who fol- lowed him organized Bethany Church on Indiana and Carpenter streets a few blocks from Trinitv. Bethany Church and its pastor remained inde- pendent, though calling themselves Lutherans. He was popular even unto his recent death, and his church enjoyed considerable progress so long as he was young and vigorous, but as by reason of age feebleness crept over him, his church be- came equally feeble, and when he died, in 1905, his church died with him. Trinity Church was of course very much weakened, its membership being cut down to about half of what it used to be. Rev. M. Nel- son was its next pastor but stayed only a very short time. Rev. C. O. Brohaug was called to the pastorate in 1880 and remained about thir- teen years. The pastors who have served since that time are: I Eisteinsen, 1893-1894; N.G.Peterson, 189,'-j- 1898; H. A. Hanson, 1898-1901; S. C. Simonson, 1902-1905; and the present pastor is again H. A. Hanson. During all these years the congregation has been struggling along, and but for her former glory and the thought of what she might have been, would be considered a prosperous church still. And indeed none of our other churches in the city has so far been able to measure itself with Trinity. In 1900 a number of families residing in the northwest part of the city left Trinity Church and organized "Hauge's" Church, Central Park and Waubansia avenues. The church debt was not materially reduced during all these years, and the value of the property decreased. As the city grew, the Nor- wegians moved away from this neighborhood in large numbers, and all these things worked to- gether to make it necessary at last to offer the old church property which on account of its as- sociations was so dear to many of us, for sale. In 1899 it was sold to an independent Italian Catholic congregation who dedicated it to their 144 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS use, but complications arose among them so that they could not pay for it, and the Trinity peo- ple had to take it back after a short time. They now worshipped in it another four years when it was again sold. This time to orthodox Catholics. The purchase price was $21,900. This together with a testamentary gift amounting to several thousand dollars from Mrs. O. Nelson, an old member of the church, enabled the congregation to purchase a smaller edifice at Huron and Noble streets and still have enough money left over to make necessary repairs and alterations. They now have a cozy and inviting place of worship. The present membership is said to be about 525 and of late has been on the increase. Active work is carried on in all the different branches customary in our churches at this time. About half of the work is done in the English language. Trinitj- Church deserves honorable mention in the history of the Lutheran church in Chicago. Several of the Norwegian Lutheran churches there are the direct offspring of Trinity, and in many, if not all, of the Norwegian churches, and the Englis'i Lutheran as well, may be found former members of old Trinity. She deserves to be called the mother church. Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Church, at Norway, 111. This congregation was organized Nov. 20, 1847, by Filing Eielsen with about 50 members. It was here he first settled and here he built the first church, before mentioned. A frame edifice 30 X 40 feet was built in 1847 and is still used. It is located in the village of Norway, has 1% acres of land with it and is valued at $3,000. The congregation also owns a half interest in a parsonage at Newark, about five miles from Nor- way. The congregation has never been very large. The highest meinbership according to statistics at hand was, in 1902, 166 members. The present membership is 140. Several of the important meetings in the early history of the synod were held in this church. The pastors who served them from the begin- ning up to 1870 were E. Eielsen, A. Scheie, Ole Andrewsen, Peter Mehus, Iverson, Endre Johan- neson, and Johnson. Rev. H. W. Abelson served from 1871 to 1886, Rev. Theo. Hanson 1886 and 1887, Rev. O. Andrewsen 1887-1899, and the pres- ent pastor, Rev. A. O. Mortvedt, from 1900. They have a Sunday school of about forty members, a ladies' missionary society, and a young ladies' missionary society. Being a part of a larger parish they have preaching services only every third Sunday morning. The language is mostly Norwegian, but occasionally English is used. Capron, 111. Among our oldest congregations in Illinois is one near Capron in Boone county. It was or- ganized by E. Eielsen in 1858 and served by him for some time. Who their other early pastors were, the writer has been unable to ascertain. From about 1870 to 1898 they were served by the pastors from Lee county. Revs. R. O. Hill, J. N. Sandven, and C. E. Tiller. From that time what preaching they have had has been mostly by Chi- cago pastors, but now for several years they have had no regular services. The congregation has never been very strong. The parochial reports from 1874 to 1894 which are the only ones avail- able to the writer show an average membership of about ninety. Very few of these are now left, some having died, some moved away and some joined other churches. The sad effects of the church partisanship among our people may here be seen to perfec- tion. No less than four Norwegian Lutheran churches have here been built within a radius of about one mile, all of them struggling for ex- istence and none of them able to support a pas- tor. The Hauge church can plead the excuse of being the first one in the field. They own a little red brick church which is one of the landmarks of the neighborhood, and a cemetery where many of the pioneers rest. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, near Creston. This congregation was organized in 1870 and was temporarily served by Rev. J. Z. Torgersen for about a year. Rev. R. O. Hill who was a farmer in the neighborhood, but had prepared himself for the ministry, was called and took up the work as permanent pastor in 1872. He served until his death in 1887 though he did not reside in the congregation all the time. For a number of years he lived in Wisconsin, where he also served several congregations. Rev. J. N. Sand- ven was pastor from 1888 to 1893, Rev. C. E. Til- ler from 1894 to 1898. After Rev. Tiller left they were without a pastor nearly two years. The present pastor, Rev. K. O. Eittreim, was installed July 1, 1900. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 145 Their church, which is a frame structure about 40 X 60, was built in 1870 and enlarged with an addition and a tower some j^ears later, ^^alue about $3,500. Ever}'' summer from two to four months a parochial school has been held and a Sunday school is conducted about six months during the summer. The young people have a Luther league which meets every other Sundaj' evening. A large ladies' aid societv meeting every other Thursdaj^ works for missions. Preaching services are held in the church on every Sunday in the 3'ear except six. The English language has come into use more and more for manj^ years. Every third Sunday morning the regular services are English. The Sunday evening services are nearly all so. The Sunday school, parochial school, catechetical in- struction, and young people's society are all conducted wholly, or nearly so, in the English language. The exact number of members at the organ- ization of the congregation I do not know, but four years later the report shows 250. A steady growth has been enjoyed ever since and the membership now numbers 457. Rooks Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pontiac. Rev. H. W. Abelson preached the gospel and administered the sacraments in the neighborhood of Pontiac, as far back as 1873 but no organiza- tion was effected until 1880 when Rooks Creek congregation was organized with about fifteen communicant members and "Abel's" congrega- tion with eleven families. "Mud Creek" congre- gation was also organized about the same time. In 1882 these three joined together in one call to be served by the same pastor. About 1890 "Mud Creek" joined- the United church, and a little later "Abel's" congregation disbanded and joined in with Rooks Creek. A frame church was built about ten miles northwest from Pontiac in 1878, and in Pontiac, where several of the members now reside, a frame church 38 x 60, valued at $3,000, has been bought. After Rev. Abelson Rev. Theo. Hanson was pastor from 1882 to 1892. Rev. O. Andresen re- siding at Newark then served them for about two years after which Rev. A. J. Krogstad was their resident pastor from 1894 to 1896. During the last ten years their pastoral service has been somewhat unsteady, Rev. C. Harrison, Rev. O. O. Risvold, Rev. L. H. Chally, and others having served them during this time. At present Rev. O. O. Risvold, residing in Joliet, is their tempor- ary pastor. The work in this place has now gone over almost exclusively to English. The present membership is about 100. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congrega- tion of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, Platteville. This congregation is situated in Kendall county and was organized by Rev. P. A. Rasmussen with eighty-two members in the year 1881. They joined Hauge's Synod in 1890 when the member- ship had grown to one hundred and eleven. Rev. Rasmussen served as pastor till 1884; Rev. N. G. Nelson 1884 .to 1889. After a vacancy of a year or more Rev. O. Andresen, of Newark, took charge and served till 1899, since which time Rev. A. O. Mortvedt, also residing at Newark, has been their pastor. This congregation has had a steady growth and the report for 1905 shows a membership of 215. A frame church 26 x 34 was erected in 1882 and about five years ago the length was extended to 50 feet and an addition 16 x 26 feet was built to the rear end for a school house. The property is valued at $3,000. A Norwegian Sunday school with four teach- ers and twentj^-five scholars and a Norwegian parochial school are conducted. The ladies have a inissionary society. Preaching services are held every third Sunday in the Norwegian language except occasionally in the evening when English is used. The Newark Evangelical Lutheran Church, at Newark, Kendall county, was organized Dec. 8, 1886, having only thirty-five members to begin with, but it has prospered and steadily grown in numbers now having a membership of 280. They joined Hauge's Synod in 1884. Their first pastor was Theo. Hanson who remained two years. Rev. O. Andresen was their pastor from 1887 to 1899 and Rev. A. O. Mortvedt from 1900 to the present time. A frame church 36 x 60 feet built about 50 years ago by Congregationalists was bought and put in substantial order twelve or thirteen years ago. Before that a chapel 22x34 feet was used for a church, and has since been used for Norwegian parochial school, Sunday school, and other small 146 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS gatherings. The church property is valued at $5,000. A parsonage 16 x 24 and 22 x 28, one story- high with half a block of land, the whole valued at $2,000, was built in 1894 and is owned jointly by the congregations at Norway and Newark. A Sunday school with five teachers and thirty- five scholars is conducted in the Norwegian and English languages and a Norwegian parochial school with thirty-five scholars is taught by P. Oakland for a while every summer. The ladies, old and young, have each a society for the cause of missions. They have preaching services every third Sunday morning in Norwegian and evening in English. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church, in Chicago, was organized in June, 1888, by twelve families, mostly from Trinity church. Peder Helland, a theological student, served them a few months as pastor but their first regular pastor was Rev. J. J. Breidablik who was installed Jan. 27, 1889, and served till 1896. Rev. C. C. Holter ministered to them from Dec, 1896 till April 14, 1899; Rev. G. O. Paulsrud from May 14, 1899, till the fall of 1901; and the present pastor Rev. J. A. Quello was installed April 27, 1902. In 1890 a handsome frame edifice was erected at Maplewood avenue and Cherry place and is now valued at $12,000. They have a flourishing Sunday school with twenty-five teachers and 300 scholars where Nor- wegian and English are both used. A Luther league is conducted in the English language. Other organizations within the church are a ladies' aid society, a young ladies' sewing circle, a missionary society and an efficient choir. They have three regular services every Sunday, of which two are in Norwegian and one in English. The present membership is 347. St. Paul's English Church, Chicago. Exact data have not been received from this congregation but the facts we have been able to gather are about as follows: The church was organized by Prof. R. F. Weidner, D.D., of the English Lutheran seminary about fifteen years ago and was served by general council pastors till 1899 when Rev. L. Harrisville of Hauge's Synod was called and took up the work. His first report to the synod shows a membership of 183. He has increased this every year, and for 1905 he reports 496. In 1902 they joined Hauge's Synod and have the distinction of being the first English con- gregation in the synod. It has hitherto been made up largely of young people of various na- tionalities though many of them are Scandinavians. They have a Sunday school with forty-two teach- ers and 700 scholars which according to the re- ports is more than twice as large as any other Sunday school in the synod. They also report the largest catechetical class in the synod. If these children and young people remain faithful to the church a large and substantial English con- gregation may in time be built up here. The church which was built when they began is now said to be too small and a new one is being built which according to plans will no doubt when finished be one of the largest and finest churches among us. A f^at building cost- ing about $9,000 has also recently been built and a part of it is used as a parsonage. These un- dertakings are made possible mostly by gifts solicited by the pastor from outsiders. A church paper called "The Reminder" is is- sued monthly. Work is carried on actively in all the branches customary among our city churches, and all in the English language. Rev. Harrisville has from its start been very active for the Norwegian Orphans' Home in Chi- cago and has for several years been its president. * St. John's Church, Creston. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Si. John's Church in Creston, Ogle county, was or- ganized by Rev. C. E. Tiller in 1897 and the building of a house of worship was begun. As Rev. Tiller left soon after and the charge was vacant about two years, the work stood at a standstill. Considerable discord had arisen be- tween some of the members too, and the outlook was rather discouraging when the work was taken up by the present pastor, K. O. Eittreim who was installed July 1, 1900. The building of the edifice was continued and finished in the fall. December 6, it was dedicated. It is a cozy little church valued at $2,500 and was paid for in full about three years ago. The membership in 1900 was 73. This has been gradually increased and the report for 1905 shows 143. A ladies' aid society has worked with com- mendable zeal for the church and now that the debt is paid and the church handsomely furnished they are beginning to give their attention to the call from the mission fields. Sunday school and young people's work is carried on. Preaching NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 141 services are held every other Sunday afternoon and six Sundays in the year, in the morning. The prospects for the church have brightened every year and are now encouraging. Ebenezer Church, Chicago. Ebenezer Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church was organized as a Hauge's Synod mis- sion in November, 1900, and for about a year was served by the Hauge's pastors in Chicago with such aid as they could get from the students at the English Lutheran Seminary in Lake View. From 1901 to 1904 Rev. S. S. Westby was their pastor and then for about a 3'ear they were served by student S. J. Brekke. The present pastor. Rev. K. M. J. Mjaanes, has been there since 1905. All of these men have also attended the seminary, during their pastoral labors, in Chicago. Th*e membership at the beginning was about five families and is now reported at fifteen famil- ies. They have a frame church on South Fifty- second street and Fifth avenue valued at $3,000. They have a Norwegian Sunday school number- ing two teachers and eighteen scholars, and a Norwegian parochial school is carried on a short time each summer with the same number of scholars. The young people have a society and carry on the work in their mother tongue. The preaching is also in the Norwegian language every Sunday. The congregation formally joined Hau- ge's Synod in 1902. Elim Church, Chicago. Elim Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran congre- gation is a Hauge Synod Mission in Avondale, Chicago, started with forty-two members in 1900. It has been served temporarily by the Chicago pastors and regularly by Revs. Theo. J. Lund, S. S. Westby, L. J. Odland and M. L. Dahle, and of late by Student Henry Thompson. All of these with the exception of Rev. Lund have also attended the English Lutheran Seminary at the same time. In 1903 which is the last report at hand the membership is given at eighty-five. The work during the last year has been carried on in the English language exclusively. They joined the synod in 1901. Hauge's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago. This church was organized by twelve families from Trinity church in 1900. They had lived in the northwest part of the city and paid their carfares regularly to get to the old mother church for a number of years. A Sunday school for their children had been carried on in their own midst, but now they considered it best also to build a church and organize a new congregation. Rev. Theo. J. Lund was their first pastor and continued till 1903 when he accepted a call to Madison, Minn. The present pastor Rev. J. J. Sharpnes took up the work in 1904. This congregation, though few in numbers to begin with, was composed of an exceptionally even lot of active workers, and they put their hearts and hands to the work. Their labor has not been in vain. They now have a membership of 158 and carry on prosperous work among young and old in the various branches custom- ary among us. They have built a cozy church and adjoining it a brick flat, one floor of which is used for parsonage. While they had some help from the mission treasury in the beginning they are now self-supporting. Joliet. A congregation existed in Joliet a number of years ago and was served by Rev. Theo. Han- son who resided there, and later by Rev. O. An- dresen from Newark. Most of the church mem- bers were laborers in the factories of that city, and when some years ago on account of hard times many of those had to shut down, or reduce their forces and wages, most of our people moved out of the city and hence the church work had to be discontinued. As good times have returned, Norwegians have moved in again and church work has been re- sumed. Rev. O. O. Risvold, residing at Pontiac, took up the work in 1901, and Sept 29, that year a new organization was made under the name "The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congrega- tion at Joliet". The following year a handsome frame church with stone basement was built at a cost of $5,000. About this time the pastor resigned from his charge in Pontiac, moved to Joliet and devoted his whole time to the work there. A heavy church debt has no doubt re- tarded their growth considerably so far but the debt is being gradually reduced. The Norwegians are quite numerous in Joliet 148 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS now and this church being so far as we know the only Norwegian church there it seems to have excellent prospects for the future. A Norwegian Sunday school has four teachers and thirty scholars. The young people hav? organized a Luther league and the ladies have an aid society. The membership of the congrega- tion is 105. Sandwich, DeKalb County. At Sandwich -".'crk has been carried on by the Hauge pastors from Newark nearly twenty years, but no organization was effected until May 10, 1904, when thirty-nine members organized "Our Savior's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation". Rev. A. O. Mortvedt who is their pastor preaches there every third Sunday afternoon in the Norwegian language. The ladies have a missionary society. A small church valued at $750 has been bought and remodeled and was dedicated Jan. 20, 1907. It is the only Norwegian church in this thrifty town, but there are only a few of our country men there so there is at present no large field to work in. The present membership is thirty- five. Summary. We have seen that the very first beginnings of Hauge's Synod transpired on Illinois soil, and that for many years this state took a leading part in our history. Yet not any of the general institu- tions of the synod have been permanently planted here. This is accounted for by the fact that for a generation or more a constant migration of our people westward has been going on and the inflowing stream of immigrants from Norway has passed by us, seeking the cheaper lands farther west. Still our synod has grown and continues to grow and extend itself also in this state. Our fifteen congregations have a total member- ship of 3,154 and the total value of their church property is about $85,000. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Lee county, 111., was organized by Rev. G. T. Dietrichson, Oct., 1858. The charter members were mainly immigrants from Hardanger, Nor- way. *) The congregation was at first supplied from Chicago by Rev. A. C. Preus, Rev. C. J. P. Peter- sen and others. Then some years Rev. O. G. Jukam, from Clinton, Iowa, was its pastor. In 1864 the first church was built Ifi miles south- west of Lee station, where the new church, built in 1896, now stands. In 1866 it was incorporated. Since 1868 is has always belonged to the Nor- wegian Evangelical Lutheral Synod of America and always liberally supported the missions and institutions of that body. In 1869 the congregation got its first settled pastor. Rev. J. J. Tackle, who remained here till 1880. Since Jan., 1881, its present pastor, Rev. J. Nordby, has been working here. In 1881 the Norwegian schoolhouse for the southern district was built, where parochial school is being taught yearly. In 1885 we got the first organ in our church. The church bell was bought in 1879. The beautiful altar painting was furnished by the young people in 1891. In 1890 the old school- house at Lee station was bought and fitted up for a chapel, where divine services are being conducted for the special benefit of members residing at Lee station. Twice has the Synod had its 3'early meeting here, in 1879 and in 1891. A Ladies' Aid Society has for many years been working for the missions, both heathen and home mission. A young people's society has also been started. Its meetings have been held in the homes of the members. It has also had several lecture courses in the church. The present members of the whole congregation number about 500, and gen- erally speaking, the condition of the congrega- tion is flourishing. "The Synod-church", at Capron, Boone county, 111., or Long Prairie Lutheran congregation, is one of the oldest congregations of our Synod. *This sketch belongs under the Norwegian Synod, but liaving come in too late, 'we liad to place it here. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 149 It was organized in 1849 and one of the 28 con- gregations, that from the beginning constituted "The Synod for the Norwegian Evangelical Lu- theran Church in America," organized in 1853. From its start this congregation belonged to the Rock Prairie parish and had for its pastors Revs. G. F. Dietrichson, C. L. Clausen and C. F. Magelsen. After the division in 1870 our con- gregation at Capron, although but a little band., without a minister and deprived of its church, remained faithfully with the Synod. It was sup- plied by men like Rev. H. A. Preus, Prof. Dr. Stub and others, whose good services the older members never will forget. Later on in 1887, when the controversy about "election"' split the Synod, our congregation at Capron again showed itself loyal to the Synod and refused to with- draw from it. In 1889 Rev. J. E. J0rgensen, of Madison, Wis., became its pastor. Long Prairie being one of the three congregations composing his parish. In 1891 Rev. J. Nordby at Lee, III, took charge of the congregation and is still its pastor. Services are being held every 3 or 4 weeks. In 1893 a church was built and dedi- cated by President H. A. Preus, who died the following year. The congregation has been grow- ing and is at present in a flourishing condition. Over thirty families are members of it. The services are conducted in the Norwegian lan- guage. This congregation has always very liberally supported the missions carried on by the Synod and also the various institutions of learning built and supported by the Synod. A ladies' aid society has been at work for sev- eral years. "The first Scandinavian Lutheran church of Rochelle, Ogle county, 111.", was organized by Rev. J. Nordby May 10, 1885. Its members are Norwegians, Danes and Swedes. The congrega- tion is not large, and at times it has consisted of only a dozen families, as a good many of the members have "moved west." Formally it does not belong to any synod or conference, but it afways had the same pastor, being supplied from the Synod congregation at Lee. Collections have also been taken for the support of the Synod. It has not as yet had a church edifice of its own, but rents the German Lutheran church, where its meetings are held every other Sunday after- noon. Occasionally the young people have lec- tures on Sunday evenings. The services are conducted in the Norwegian and English lan- guages. By Rev. J. Nordby. Norwegian Methodism in Illinois By Rev. H. P. Bergh. (Editor of "Den Kristelige Talsmand" and "Hyrdestemmen.") The Norwegian and Danish Methodists m the United States are united into one work that is included in the Norwegian and Danish Confer- ence, between the Allegheny and Rocky Moun- tains, the Western Nor,wegian-Danish Conference on the Pacific coast and the Norwegian-Danish churches belonging to the New York East and the New England (American) Conferences on the Atlantic coast. Norwegian and Danish Methodism in Illinois is now fifty years old. At Norway and Leland, III., two of the oldest Norwegian settlements in America, located about 18 miles apart in La Salle county, about 70 miles south-west of Chicago, as early as in 1853, a Danish local preacher commenced preaching. His name was John Brown. He was converted as a sailor and afterward became connected with the Swedish Methodist Bethel Ship Mission in New York, whose pastor, Rev. O. G. Hedstrj^m, the first Scandinavian Methodist preacher in the world, sent him to the Leland settlement, where, by his earnest preaching, many souls were con- verted. Rev. Jonas Hedstr^m, a brother of O. G., was presiding elder of the Swedish district in Illinois, and the Norwegian Methodists at Nor- wajr and Leland belonged to his district. Rev. H. Holland, a Norwegian who was converted among the Haugeans in Haugesund, Norway, and afterward became a Methodist, started preaching in the Leland settlement in 1854 with good suc- cess. In 1857 he organized a church in Norway, a little village in the Fox River settlement, and was then (1857-58) appointed to the Leland set- tlement, where, in 1858, he succeeded in building a church edifice, which later was moved into the village of Leland. These churches were in 1872 transferred to the then formed Norwegian dis- strict, and from this time the Norwegian work was separated from the Swedish both in Illinois and Wisconsin, where, in 1851, at Cambridge, Dane county, the first Norwegian-Danish Meth- odist church in the world had been organized by Rev. C. B. Willerup, a Dane. At Lee, Stavanger Sandwich, Harpster and other places much work has been done, and houses of worship have been erected at the two 150 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ifirst named places. The Norwegian-Danish Meth- odist churches in Illinois are the following, in chronological order: NORWAY, Organized in 1857, by H. H. Holland. The church was built in 1859, and a parsonage was added later. John H. Eckstrand (Swede) 1866-69. J. M. Knudson 1869-72. C. Hansen 1872-73. P. Jensen 1873-76. B. Johansen 1876-77. Otto J. Sanaker (with his brother James San- aker as helper) 1877-80. Oluf A. Wiersen (with M. L. Kjelstad as helper) 1880-82. The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Conference. The pastoral appointments have been: John Brown (Dane) 1853-54. Halvor H. Holland, founder of the church, 1854-59. Nels O. Westergren (Swede) 1859-60. (He built the church). Erick Carlson (Swede) 1860-62. Nels O. Westergren (Swede) 1862-63. Loth Lindquist (Swede) 1863-65. Ole Gundersen 1865-66. Fredrick W. Ericksen 1882-83. Johan C. ToUefsen 1883-85. Eliot Hansen 1885-86. H. C. Munson 1886-87. J. A. Jacobsen 1887-88. Andrew Erickson (Dane) 1888-89. A. C. Pederson (Dane) 1889-91. H. Danielson 1891-93. J. J. Petersen (Dane) 1893-96. (J. H. Carlson H year, 1893.) NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 151 A. W. Rosness 1896-97. Chas. J. Johnson 1897-98. Carl W. Hanson 1898-1902. Carl J. Josephson 1902-03. Carl W. Hanson 1903-05. Arnt M. Anderson 1905-07. LELAND, Organized in 1858 by H. H. Holland. The church was built the same year and years afterward moved into the village. J. A. Jacobsen 1888-1890. H. Danielson 1890-1893. A. Johnsen and J. J. Petersen 1893-1894. A. Johnsen 1894-1895. R. Wilhelmsen 1895-1896. H. P. Nelsen 1896-1898. J. P Andersen 1898-1900. K^ Hansen 1900-1906. R. Levin 1906. In Lee the work was first started in 1871 by Chr. Oman 1887-1888. First Methodist Church, Chicago. Pastoral appointments: H. H. Holland 1858. (And after him probably all those ennum- erated under Norway, until 1880, when the Norwegian and Danish Conference was or- ganized, from which time the conference minutes show the names). O. J. Sanaker 1877-1880. O. H. Wiersen 1880-1882. A. Johnsen 1882-1885. O. L. Hansen 1885-1887. O. L. Hansen while he was a student in Evan- ston. A. Johnsen assisted him, many souls were converted and a class was organized. This place, located about 20 miles north of Leland, has all the time been connected with that place. Ex- ceptionally a student has had charge of the work in Lee separately, as in 1892-1893 (A. Hessen) and in 1895-1896 (Oscar Knudsen). At Norway, Leland, Lee and vicinity there was a remarkable revival in 1877-1880 under the earn- est preaching of O. J. Sanaker and his brother. 153 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS FIRST CHURCH, Cor. Grand Ave. and Sangamon St., Chicago. Organized in 1868 by O. P. Petersen. The church was bought from the American Methodists in 1869, and there is also a parsonage besides the church. The work in this church has been car- ried on during the past 39 years with wonderful success. The revival spirit has manifested itself in this church from the beginning, especially un- der the fervent preaching of J. H. Johnson in 1869-1871 when hundreds of precious souls were converted and added to the church. This was the greatest revival up to this date in Norwegian and Danish Methodism. Also during the pastor- ates of C. F. Eltzholtz, A. Haagensen, M. Han- sen, O. A. Wiersen, Fr. Ring and J. C. Tollefsen great ingatherings have been done, and during Ring's first pastorate the old church debt that had been hanging on for years — $2,400 — was paid in one year. From the First Church, directly or indirectly, the other seven Norwegian-Danish Methodist churches in Chicago, as well as the one in Evanston have sprung, and about 40 preachers have come out froin this church and are now, or have been, pastors of churches among us. Members from this church, who moved to the Pacific coast after the great Chicago fire, in 1871, started Norwegian-Danish Methodism out there. In later years, however, very many of the old members have died or moved farther west or northwest in the city; Italians and other na- tions have moved in and from this and other reasons it has been deemed wise to unite the First Church and the Immanuel Church, sell the property of both these churches and erect a church in a better location, the preliminaries of which work already have been completed. The pastoral appointments at the First Church have been: O. P. Petersen 1868-1869. (He was also presiding elder of the district.) J. H. Johnson (21/2 years) 1869-1871. O. P. Petersen (2 years) 1871-1873. C. F. Eltzholtz (Dane) (2 years) 1873-1875. A. Haagensen (2 years) 1875-1877. J. H. Johnson (2>^ years) 1877-1880. M. Hansen (2i^ years) 1880-1883. Chr. Treider (VA years) 1883-1884. O. A. Wiersen (3 years) 1884-1887. O. Jacobsen (3 years) 1887-1890. Fr. Ring (4 years) 1890-1894. J. H. Johnson (2 years) 1894-1896. Chr. Treider (1 year) 1896-1897. J. Sanaker (5 years) 1897-1902. J. C. Tollefsen (3 years) 1902-1905. C. F. Eltzholtz (1 year) 1905-1906. Fr. Ring from 1906. EVANSTON. The work was begun by a local preacher, Karl Schou, a Dane, then a student at the Northwest- ern University. The church was organized in 1870 by J. H. Johnson, pastor of the First Church, Chicago. A church, the very first one ever built in Evanston, was bought in 1871 from the Amer- ican Methodists and moved over to the south- east corner of Church street and Sherman avenue, where it was used till the present church was built in 1896, one block farther north, during P. Haugan's pastorate and with him as architect, and dedicated under his successor, G. Mathisen, in 1897, by the presiding elder, F. Ring. Pastoral appointments: — K. Schou, 1870-1873; B. Johansen, 1873-1876; M. Nilson, 1876-1877; C. F. Eltzholtz, 1877-1879; Chr. Treider, 1879-1880; M. Hillerud, 1880-1881; A. Haagensen, 1881-1884; B. Smith, N. E. Simonsen, 1885-1887; M. Rye, 1887-1888; E. M. Stangeland, 1888-1889; G. Gun- derson, 1889-1890; N. E. Simonsen, 1890; Chr. Arndt, 1890-1891; H. P. Bergh, 1891-1893; A. An- dreassen, 1893-1895; P. Haugan, 1895-1897; G. Mathisen, 1897-1901; C. J. Johnson, 1901-1906; P. M. Peterson from 1906. MAPLEWOOD AVENUE CHURCH, Corner Le Moyne Street, Chicago. "Second Church Mission," as it then was called, was started in a German Methodist church on Holt and Division streets, east of Milwaukee ave- nue, by O. L. Hansen, then a local preacher in the First Church. Later a lot was bought on the N. W. corner of Maplewood avenue and Le Moyne street, and a little church was built in 1873, under Chr. Treider's pastorate. This church was replaced by the present fine edifice in 1891, under the pastorate of O. L. Hansen, who also was the architect and leader of the whole work. There is also a parsonage belonging to the church. The church was dedicated by the pre- siding elder, J. H. Johnson, Sept. 6, 1891. The Maplewood Avenue Church has developed in a powerful way and has had a great influence for good in Chicago and vicinity. Pastoral appointments: — Chr. Treider, 1872' 1873; C. F. Eltzholtz, 1873-1874; O. J.' Sanaker, 1874-1875; Chr. Treider, 1875-1876; C. F. Eltz- holtz, 1876-1877; J. L. Thompsen, 1877-1879; J. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 158 Sanaker, 1879-1880; M. Nelsen, 1880-1883; O. L. Hansen, 1883-1884; O. Jacobsen, 1885-1887; O. P. Petersen, 1887-1888; S. E. Simonsen, 1888-1889; O. L. Hansen, 1889-1892; L. C. Knudsen, 1893- 1895; O. P. Petersen, 1895-1897; L. A. Larson, 1897-1900; Fr. Ring, 1900-1906; P. Haugan from 1906. cine, 1880, N. E. Simonsen reported a congrega- tion of seventeen members. Since its start this church has had different names — Hyde Park, South Chicago, Grand Crossing and now Bethel. The first church was built on Adams street, near Parkside railroad station and dedicated 1886 by the presiding elder, A. Haagensen, under Isak Maplewcod Avenue Methodist Church, Chicago. BETHEL, Corner Seventy-second street and Ingleside ave- nue, Chicago. The first week in December, 1879, N. E. Si- monsen, then a student at the Northwestern Uni- versity, commenced preaching at Hyde Park (52nd street), but most of the families were liv- ing at Grand Crossing and Parkside. Before Christmas he had founded a society of 12 mem- bers. Rev. J. H. Johnson held two quarterly conferences there before his departure for Nor- way in 1880. At the annual conference in Ra- Johnson's pastorate. This church was used about twenty years, when the present fine edifice was built and dedicated by the presiding elder, L. A. Larson, under Edw. Erickson's pastorate, Oct. 22, 1905. There is also a parsonage. Pastoral appointments: — N. E. Simonsen, 1879- 1882; E. Stangeland, 1885; Isaac Johnson, 1886 P. Haugan, 1886-1887; R. Wilhelmsen, 1888-1890 A. Erikson, 1890-1891; A. Andreassen, 1891-1893 E. Gjerding, 1893-1895; C. H. Johnson, 1895-1897 J. J. Petersen, 1897-1899; O. I. Bagne, 1899-1900 C. J. Johnson, 1900-1901; N. H. Nyrop, 1901-1902 M. O. Block, 1902-1903; Edw. Erickson, from 1903. 154 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS MORELAND, Corner 51st avenue and Ontario street, Chicago. This church was formed by members belong- ing to the First Church during the pastorate of O. A. Wiersen who incorporated the Moreland church April 8, 1886. A lot was donated to this church by the First Church, and a church build- ing was erected and dedicated by Wiersen in August, 1886. The society in Moreland has grown steadily and especially during the eight years' pastorate of O. A. Wiersen had a great upswing and progress. The old church was raised, extended and materially changed and ded- icated for service on December 24, 1905, by Bishop W. F. McDowell, under G. Mathisen's pastorate, and the eldership of L. A. Larson, who also participated in the dedicatory services. Pastoral appointments : — O. A. Wiersen (also pastor of the First Church), 1886; Isaac John- son, 1887-1889; P. Haugan, 1890-1891; H. P. Nel- sen, 1891-1893; H. Danielson, 1893-96; O. A. Wiersen, 1896-1904; G. Mathisen, from 1904. IMMANUEL, Corner W. Huron and Bickerdike sts., Chicago. The work here was commenced by Christian Treider, while he was editor of "Den Kristlige Talsmand," and the church was organized May 23, 1886, by O. A. Wiersen, pastor of the First Church. No church was built, but two were bought, the first one on the corner of W. Ohio and Noble streets, dedicated Nov. 14, 1886, by Isaac Johnson; the second (the present church) was dedicated in August, 1888, by N. Christoph- erson. The society also has built a parsonage and besides that a three-story double flat build- ing which is rented out. From this church many members have moved farther northwest in the city and other nationalities are moving in. The church property is going to be sold and the so- ciety will, in connection with the First Church, build a new house of worship in a better local- ity. Pastoral appointments: — O. A. Wiersen (also pastor of the First Church), 1886; E. M. Stange- land, 1886-1887; N. Christophersen, 1887-1889; O. A. Wiersen, 1889-1892; A. Johnsen, 1892-1893; P. Haugan, 1893-1895; M. L. Kjelstad, 1895-1897; H. C. Munson, 1897-1901; G. Mathisen, 1901-1904; O. L. Hansen, 1904-1905; C. W. Hanson, 1905- 1906; F. Ring, from 1906. KEDZIE AVENUE CHURCH, Chicago. This church originated in the work commenced by professor N. E. Simonsen at the home of shoemaker Andersen on West North avenue, near Kedzie avenue on Sunday, February 7, 1902. Previous to this, however, there had been con- ducted a Sunday school for some time in a hall on Wabansia avenue, west of Kedzie avenue by members of the Maplewood Avenue Church. Prof. Simonsen continued his work till the close of the school year in May, when student H. Christensen was appointed by the presiding elder J. H. Johnson to work there. In Septem- ber of the same year he was regularly appointed there as a supf)ly, and the church was organized December 26, 1902. A store fronting west on Kedzie avenue, between Wabansia avenue and Bloomingdale road, was rented and used as a hall, until the church was built during H. P. Bergh's pastorate and dedicated by presiding elder J. H. Johnson on Sunday, September 2, 1894. The Kedzie Avenue Church is well estab- lished and in a prosperous condition. Pastoral appointments: — H. Christensen, 1892- 1893; H. P. Bergh, 1893-94; A. Hansen, 1894-1898; H. P. Nelsen, 1898-1903; O. Jacobsen, 1903-1904; J. C. Tollefsen, 1904-1907. DWIGHT. During the summer of 1901 student R. F. Wil- helmsen, then in charge of the society at Harp- ster, came to Dwight in order to inquire about the number of Danes living there and their spir- itual condition. Between Christmas and New Years he and student J. J. Petersen (Dane) held the first meetings. R. F. Wilhelmsen continued to preach occasionally at Dwight in the Ameri- can Methodist church, until July, 1902. Student J. Andersen (Dane) assisted in holding meetings during the vacation. A Sunday school was or- ganized, and Andersen became its first superin- tendent. In September, Wilhelmsen was ap- pointed to Dwight, a class was organized in Oc- tober, and in April, 1903, the church was organ- ized. A church building was bought the same year and dedicated August 3. A parsonage also has been bought. The work at Dwight is ham- pered very much by the members moving to other communities, but there is hope of ultimate success. Pastoral appointments: — R. F. Wilhelmsen (Dane), 1892-1895; A. Johnsen, 1895-1896; J. J. Petersen (Dane), 1896-1897; C. A. Andersen, NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 155 1897-1900; P. M. Petersen (Dane), 1900-1902; R. P. Petersen (Dane), 1902-1904; H. S. Haver, 1904-1905; J. F. Petersen, 1905-1906; O. R0hr- Stafif, from 1906. EMMAUS, Forty-first Court and Pierce avenue, one block south of North avenue, Chicago. This work originated in a Sunday school or- ganized on North avenue, near Forty-second avenue by the members of the Kedzie Avenue Church. Christian Treider who had been a su- perannuary for several years, was nominally ap- pointed pastor at the Forty-second avenue mis- sion as it was then called, while student C. J. Johnson, his assistant, did the pastoral work, preached there regularly and went around visit- ing from house to house and gathering the peo- ple. No missionary money was appropriated for this place, and Johnson received only very little pay from the people. At the end of the year, however, he had a society of nineteen mem- bers in full connection and two on probation, and a Sunday school of seventy-five children in a rented hall, with seats and an organ. The church was organized, by the presiding elder, Fr. Ring, in October, 1895, during Christian Treider's nominal pastorate, Charles J. Johnson being his assistant. The cornerstone of the church was laid on Thanksgiving. Day, 1900, and the base- ment made ready for use and dedicated by the presiding elder, L. A. Larson, on Easter Sunday, April 7, 1901. M. L. Kjelstad was then pastor. The church was completed successfully through the untiring efforts of the pastor, and dedicated by presiding elder Larson on Sunday, May 4, 1902. Much good and faithful work has been done at this place, especially during the six years' pastorate of M. L. Kjelstad, and the outlook is good. Pastoral appointments: — Christian Treider (with student C. J. Johnson as assistant), 1895- 1896; H. G. Smeland, 1896-1897; B. E. Carlsen, 1897-1899; K. Hansen, 1899-1900; M. L. Kjelstad, 1900-1906; R. F. Wilhelmsen, from 1906. BETHANY. On N. Albany street, one block south of Irving Park avenue, Chicago. During the summer of 1895, A. Hansen, pastor of the Kedzie avenue church, commenced holding open air meetings in Avondale. During the next summer the local preachers L. Syversen and G. Hansen, together with pastor A. Hansen and students from our school in Evanston, held meet ings there, and July 16, 1896, pastor A. Hansen organized a Sunday school of five teachers and thirty scholars. Members of "North Avondale Mission," as it was called, met with pastor A. Hansen as presi dent at No. 2235 N. Sacramento avenue on Oc- tober 5, 1897, and organized themselves as a cor- poration under the laws of the state and assumed the name of "Bethany Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal Church of Avondale, Chicago, 111.'' At this meeting Joseph Johnson, George Erick- sen and Anton Larsen were elected trustees. The organization of the church was further com- pleted by the presiding elder, Fredrik Ring, March 27, 1897. The church building, erected the same year, was dedicated by Ring September 5th. The society is small but has an unusually large and promising Sunday school, and the prospects are very good. Pastoral appointments: — F. Larsen, 1898-1899; O. T. Field, 1899-1900; M. L. Olsen, 1900-1902; C. W. Hanson, 1902-1903; John Pedersen, 1903- 1904; A. Haagensen, 1904-1905; T. A. Thorson, 1905-1906; O. M. Locke, from 1906. THE NORWEGIAN-DANISH CITY MISSION. The first flat in a house on the northwest cor- ner of N. Centre avenue and Sinnott place was rented and fixed up as a hall which was dedi- cated with appropriate services Sunday after- noon, January 6, 1907, as a result of the efforts of C. W. Hanson, who received his appointment as the first city missionary among the Norweg- ian and Danish Methodists at the conference in Moreland, Chicago, in September, 1906. The special object of this mission is to do Evangelical and rescue work among the poor and destitute, the slum people, the sick, the im- migrants and those who do not attend church. Religious services are being held every Sunday afternoon at three o'clock and during the week- day evenings. Besides this the missionary is carrying on his work by clothing the poor, the clothing being furnished by the people interested in the mission, by providing tickets for lodging for the night for the homeless and penniless, by visiting hospitals, by meeting immigrants at the railroad stations and helping them in different ways, by caring for sick and helpless families and families of drunkards, and by inviting peo- ple to the meetings, etc. The readine room of the mission is open every evening from 6-8, 156 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS and by and by other things will be added to the work. The missionary is paid partly by the home missionary society of our church, and partly by our churches in Chicago, the mission being directed by a board consisting of all our ministers in Chicago and Evanston and one lay representative from each church. The presiding elder of Chicago district is president of the board. THE CAMPMEETING. At Desplaines, 111., 17 miles N. W. of Chicago on the North- Western railroad, the American Methodists have conducted revival meetings for to live in for those who can spend the whole time or a part of the time out there, and meals may be had at the restaurants at very reasonable prices. Through the whole campground which, by its great number of cottages and tents, arranged in rows so as to make streets for passage, the best of order prevails, even on Sundays, when five thousand or more people are teeming there like ants in a hill, to listen in the different places for service to preaching either in English, Swed- ish or Norwegian-Danish by some of the best preachers in the country, the whole day, except the morning, noon and evening inter-missions The Methodist Tabernacle, Desplaines, 111. two weeks during the latter part of July every summer for almost fifty years. The Norwegian and Danish, as well as the Swedish Methodists also started revival meetings there in the sixties. We at first used a little frame building for the meetings, then for many years a tent, and in 1905 a fine Tabernacle with seats for several hundred people was erected. The campmeetings at Desplaines have been wonderfully blessed to the salvation of souls, to the refreshing of God's people and to the furtherance of religious work in the different churches, and they have been an inspiration to the preachers. Small cottages, tents or larger houses are used for meals, being used for preaching, or prayer meetings in the English, Norwegian-Danish and Swedish Tabernacles, or in tents for the young people. None will regret spending the whole time, or a part of the time, out there in the fine grove among the beautiful sound of fervent pray- ers, powerful singing and earnest preaching of a full and free salvation through Jesus Christ by men who have themselves experienced its reality and power. During these two camp meeting weeks Desplaines campground is like a heaven on earth. Thousands upon thousands have there found salvation and blessing by faith in Jesus Christ. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 157 STATISTICS. When the Norwegian and Danish Methodist work was organized into an annual Conference in 1880, the statistics for Illinois were as follows: Members on probation, 51; members in full con- nection, 600; local preachers, 4; churches, 6; estimated value, $20,900; parsonages, 3; estimated value, $7,500; Sunday schools, 7; officers and teachers, 77; scholars, 540; missionary collections, $441.27. In 1906 the statistics show: Members on proba- tion, 89; members in full connection, 1,231; churches, 13; estimated value, $78,600; parson- ages, 8; estimated value, $34,500; present indebt- edness on church property, $20,375; Sunday schools, 12; officers and teachers, 164; scholars, 1,357; missionary collections, $1,032.00. tember of the same year Brother Schou com- menced his work as a teacher by organizing a class of young men, and he continued in this work until the winter of 1872-1873 when he was sent by the Church as superintendent of the mis- sion in Denmark. His successor. Rev. C. B. Willerup, did not remain long in Evanston, and did not get a chance to do much work as a teacher. Rev. B. Johannesen then became teacher for a couple of years. These three brethren also had charge of the Norwegian-Danish church in Evanston. After this the theological chair for a few years was connected with the pastorate of Rev. Marcus Nilson, Evanston, and Rev. Martin Hansen of the First N.-D. Methodist Church in Chicago. Nothing was then done for the school during several years, until in 1884, the Conference in The Norwegian-Danish Theological Seminary at Evanston, 111. THE NORWEGIAN-DANISH THEO- LOGICAL SEMINARY AT EVANSTON, ILL. In the summer of 1870 the first school board, consisting of Revs. A. Haagensen, J. H. John- son and P. H. Rye, and the laymen, Ole Wigdal and O. :\I. Oren, resolved that Karl Schou, then a student at the Northwestern University, should start a school in Evanston for those who desired to enter the Norwegian-Danish work. In Sep- Forest City, la., resolved to call Rev. N. E. Simonsen, then in Norway, as president and pro- fessor for the school. Jle had taken a full course at the Northwestern University and at the Gar- rett Biblical Institute and graduated from these institutions and was now in Norway takin_g a post graduate course, in the meantime serving as pastor in Christiania. About ten years ago his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of D. D. By the Norway Conference he was, in 1885, chosen to take charge of the Theological 158 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Institute at Christiania, but later on in the same year, at the annual conference in Cambridge, Wis., he was appointed principal of the school and pastor of the church at Evanston, 111. The work was started January 18, 1886, and alone he has served as president and professor of the twenty more have attended the school for a shorter or longer period. The present number of students is 18. At first the curriculum was three years; now it is four years. Professor Simonsen has done a great work in preparing so many young men for the ministry. The Norwegian-Danish M. E. Book Concern. school all the time since, except in 1891-1892, when Rev. H. P. Bergh was assistant teacher. The school building is located on University Place and Sherman avenue. The work on it was commenced Aug. 27, 1887, and it was completed in 1888 and occupied the same year. It was ded- icated in the spring of 1889. Previous to this time the school had been conducted in the par- sonage. The school building is well built and well equipped, heating apparatus having been in- stalled recently. It costs $12,000 and is paid for. The money for the erection of the building was raised by subscriptions among our people, and especially the older preachers have been work- ing hard for the school cause from its beginning. About forty-five students have graduated from the school up to the present time. Fifteen to and the school has contributed very much to the progress of the Norwegian and Danish Method- ism in America. THE NORWEGIAN-DANISH M. E. BOOK CONCERN. 272 Grand Avenue, Chicago. On November 21, 1876, a committee was ap- pointed with O. B. Jacobs as chairman, and Christian Treider as secretary, and it was then resolved to start a plant with composition room and book concern on the 1st of December ensu- ing, which resolution was carried out. At first a rented room on the second floor of the build- ing on the northwest corner of West Indiana, now Grand avenue and Green streets, was used. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 159 until in 1880 a little stone building was erected on Sangamon street, in the rear of First Church. From this place the concern moved in 1893 to its present location where two houses were bought, one of which is being used for the con- cern, the other rented out. The book concern was run as a stock company, until in 1881 it was turned over to the directors of our theological school in Evanston as its property. The stock was later redeemed, and the same year the an- nual conference took charge of it, and it was later on wholly turned over to the conference as its property. The managers of the concern have been: Christian Treider, 1876-1880; A. Haagensen, 1880- 1884; Christian Treider, 1884-1891; C. Hansen, 1891-1897; Christian Treider, 1897-1900; H. P. Bergh, 1900-1905; O. L. Hansen, from 1905. The first church periodical among the Nor- wegian and Danish Methodists in America, the monthly paper Missionaeren, was started in January, 1870, A. Haagensen and J. H. Johnson being its first editors. Later K. Schou also be- came an editor. From 1877 the name of the pa- per was changed to its present, "Den Kristelige Talsmand." The editors have been: Christian Treider, 1876-1880; A. Haagensen, 1880-1884; Christian Treider, 1884-1891; A. Haagensen, 1891-1897; C. F. Eltzholtz, 1897-1905; H. P. Bergh, from 1905. The Sunday school paper, "Hyrdestemmen," was started in 1874 and has had the following editors: Christian Treider and C. F. Eltzholtz, 1874-1880; A. Haagensen, 1880-1884; Christian Treider, 1884-1892; H. P. Bergh, 1892-1898; Chris- tian Treider, 1898-1900; H. P. Bergh, from 1900. Our books and papers have been and are in- dispensable to our work, and have done much good to the cause of God in general and to the cause of the Methodism in particular. They have spread knowledge of earnest Christianity and of Methodism and defended our church against many attacks and misrepresentations from other Norwegian and Danish churches in this country. THE YOUNG PEOPLE. In alrnost all our churches have been organ- ized young peoples societies, Epwqrth Leagues, so-called after the birth place of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. Good religious in- struction is provided for the children in the Sun- day schools in every church, and by special in- struction by the pastor in the catechism and Bible history until at the age of fourteen this special class of children thus instructed by the pastor, at the regular Sunday morning service in the church, is by him examined in their reli- gious knowledge in the presence of the congrega- tion, the children, during this act, not giving any vows, not being confirmed, in the prevalent meaning of the word, and not being entered as members of the church. Like the grown up peo- ple, they can only become regular members of the church by showing their serious desire to live a Christian life, and by being received, first on probation, and then into full membership, if qualified thereto. DOCTRINES. In common with other Evangelical churches the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which we belong, believes in the Bible as the word of God, its authors being men especially fitted and in- spired by the Holy Ghost for their work. We believe in a Three-Une God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. We believe in the fall of man, and in the redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, it being the will and purpose of God to save all who believe in Jesus as their only Savior. We believe in justification and salvation by faith only, not by works; in regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Ghost; in the witness of the Spirit in the hearts of true believers, as- suring them of forgiveness of sin and accept- ance as children of God; in the holy sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the gen- eral resurrection of the dead and the final judg- ment of the world by Jesus Christ; in everlast- ing punishment of the wicked, and eternal happi- ness of the righteous. THE MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH AND CHURCH GOVERNMENT. Our church believes in a distinct call of God to the ministry and that no unconverted man ever was called by God to that holy position. Our church government is Episcopal, and the bishops are elected by the Church Conference, the highest tribunal and the legislative assembly of the church, and have no special diocese, but by mutual agreement between themselves at their biennial meetings, they perform in turn the supervision of the different fields of the home church, and in visiting the mission fields in for- eign countries they supervise these fields in con- nection with the different missionary bishops there appointed and living there for a certain period of time. 160 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS until in 1880 a little stone building was erected supervision of the dififerent districts in the con- ferences, visiting every church four times, while the bishops execute their supervision mainly by presiding at the annual conferences and by de- ciding the annual appointments of the preachers and directing and adjusting the work in the whole field. The government of the local churches is exe- cuted by the pastor in connection with the quar- terly conference and the leaders' and stewards' meeting, which local church authorities also en- force the discipline and expel worldly or negli- gent members who will not be reproved and who do not improve their Christian life. All church property is held by trustees, not in the name of the local church, but in the name of the denomination or church at large. BIOGRAPHIES OF SOME PROMINENT NORWEGIAN-DANISH METHODIST PIONEERS. In the biographical part of this volume will be found sketches of now living and active Meth- odist preachers. But I think it proper to pre- serve for future generations the biographical sketches of some of the hardworking pioneers who have gone home to their reward. I regret not to be able to devote more space to the lives of those prominent men of God. REV. O. P. PETERSEN, Founder of Methodism in Norway. Die Peter Petersen was born in Fredrikstad, Norway, April 28, 1822. His father, Peter Han- sen, died shortly thereafter, and his mother, Kathrine died when he was only six years old. He then was taken care of by a good famil}^ and grew up as a naturally good and diligent boy. The good Lord began early to work in him, and the little boy was often taken up with deep thoughts about God and spiritual things. Early he showed a great desire for reading and study, and before long, by self-study as well as in the common school, he had acquired considerable knowledge; but he lacked money to enter a higher school. Twenty-one years old he went to America, in 1843, and for five years he became a sailor with American ships and as such he went far and wide in the world and saw and learned much that became useful to him later in life; but he never dreamed of ever becoming so widelj^ known and renowned as he afterwards became. He was still the same unconverted man, but he lead a moral and orderly life, and was so far a good example to those around him. But this did not bring to his heart the peace that he missed and that is missed by all unconverted people. During a class meeting among Ameri- can Methodists he was awakened to insight and acknowledgment of his unconverted condition by the hearty testimony of a woman about the sal- vation she had found by faith in Jesus Christ. Petersen left this meeting with the resolution, that if any such thing was attainable, he would not give up before he had found it. At the meetings of the renowned sailor mis- sionary. Father Taylor, in Boston, he also was much impressed by his preaching, but the final impulse that brought him over on the Lord's side he received in the Swedish Methodist Bethel- ship, "John Wesley," in New York, when, dur- ing the last week of February, 1846, he was list- ening every evening to the powerful sermons of Rev. O. G. Hedstr0m, the founder in 1845 of Swedish Methodism, and on Sunday evening the distress of his soul became so great that he stood up and asked to be prayed for. The following day, Monday, the 1st of March, the Lord spoke peace to his soul out on the ocean not far from New York, and on Tuesday, the 2d of March, his inner assurance about salvation became still clearer, and he felt immense joy and happiness. The salvation and peace that he then experienced became liis possession for life, until after more than fifty years of faithful work for the Lord he went to rest on Friday evening Dec. 20, 1901, in Brooklyn, N. Y., nearly eiglity years old. As he had been living, so he died, happy in the Lord, and has now as we believe met those of his beloved ones who had gone home before — his dear wife and four children. His oldest daughter. Alvina, is still living and married to a Dane, Rev. Charles H. Johnson, a graduate of Harvard, and superintendent of the Children's Home at Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. — O. P. Petersen was buried side by side with his wife and son at the Forest Home cemeterj', at Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 26, 1901. In 1906 a fine monument was placed on his grave by his friends. We can here only give a brief review of the great work of this man of God. In 1849 he went back. from America to Fredrikstad to marry his sweetheart and to visit with his friends. His letters to his sweetheart had been of such reli- gious character, that they were sent from house to house, were read like a gospel message and touched many hearts, and the first day after his arrival at Fredrikstad a revival broke out though NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 161 he was not yet a preacher but only testified about the great salvation that he himself had found by faith in Jesus Christ. His intention was to return soon with his wife to New York but the wonderful work of the Lord continued and spread like a fire and his return was delayed almost a year. Upon his ar- rival in New York he soon was licenced to preach and sent by the Missionary Society of our church, in 1851, to Iowa, where, at Washing- ton Prairie (now Nordness) he organized the first Norwegian Methodist church west of the Mississippi river. The new converts in Fredrikstad were anx- ious to get a leader and sent urgent requests to the Missionary Society. In answer to this Bishop Waugh recalled Petersen from Iowa and sent him as a missionary to Norway, where he arrived a little before Christmas in 1853 and again took hold of the work which he had started four years earlier. He found, however, many obstacles in his way. The Mormons had invaded the field during his absence and bewildered some of the new converts, and the opposition on the part of the ministers of the state church and the Luth- eran lay preachers which the nature of his first occasional and private visit had not elicited, was •now at once aroused, and he had to contend not only with prevailing sin and ungodliness, but also with prejudice, bigotry, hatred and misrepre- sentations of Methodism, which, according to the ignorant view of many, even well educated peo- ple, at that time was not much better than Mor- monism. The doctrinal points most frequently discussed at this time and more or less during the whole period since Methodism was introduced into Norway, were baptism, the Lord's Supper, Christian perfection (or entire sanctification) and the witness of the Spirit. There was also much prejudice against kneeling during worship, class meetings, prayer meetings, woman's testimonies at the meetings, altar services, Sunday schools, Methodist hymns, etc. In the course of time, however, a great change has taken place. Meth- odism has had a great influence on the whole Norwegian population. It is now better known and understood, and by and by the old prejudice and hatred is disappearing and our Lutheran friends have come to understand that there is much in Methodism worth imitating. We can now find traces of Methodistic influence in al- most all directions, as well in doctrine as in mode of work. The first Methodist church in Norway was organized, according to the laws of the country, September 11, 1856, at Sarpsborg, and from that time Methodism has spread all over Norway, there being Methodist churches now in almost every city or town, and in several country places, and the outlook for further progress is good. Some have made strong objections to the Meth- odist church sending missionaries to Norway, a Christian country. Statistics as well as a gen- eral knowledge of the religious conditions of the country show, however, that besides all the work which the state church forces possibly are able to do, there is still ample room for, yea an urgent need of all the work that the Methodists and other dissenters can do for the salvation of souls and the general uplift of the people. Thinking Rev. O. P. Petersen. and broadminded religious Norwegians admit this more willingly than ever, and so a liberal and friendly spirit is growing between the state churcli and the other evangelical denominations, and the religious work is carried on without the old friction on every side. Father Petersen lived to see this and he was glad for the change. Petersen remained in Norway until 1859, when he returned to America and was appointed pastor of the Bethel Ship Mission in Brooklyn. After that time he served as pastor and presiding elder in Wisconsin and in Illinois until 1869, when, fol- lowing the call of the church, he again went to Norwaj^ as superintendent of the work there for 162 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS two years, his family remaining in Racine, Wis. On his return, in 1871, he became pastor of the First Church, Chicago, for three years. After that his appointments were Brooklyn, where he organized the chutch, Wisconsin, where he was presiding elder a second time, and after that as pastor in Racine, Wis., Maplewood avenue, Chi- cago, Minneapolis, Minn., Maplewood avenue, Chicago, Racine, Wis., and finally Brooklyn, Sec- ond Church, which he organized and where he died triumphant in the Lord after only a few days sickness, and after half a century's faithful work for his Master, ten minutes before eight o'clock Friday evening, Dec. 20, 1901. In 1896 he visited Norway for the fourth time and there participated in the fortieth anniversarv of Methodism in Norway, at Sarpsborg. He vis- ited several churches during this trip and he preached to the great edification of the people. Petersen was in many respects a remarkable man and deserves a conspicuous place in the re- ligious history of the people whose son he was. He was a powerful preacher and revivalist, a faithful pastor, a wise administrator as pastor and presiding elder, a thorough student of the Bible and theological works in general, a deep thinker and theologian, a clear and concise writer and an invincible debater on theological ques- tions, always ready with striking arguments and biblical logic. In his Christian life in the home and everywhere he was an illustrious example without blemish 'all through his long religious career. Petersen was a leader in all kinds of church work and was a member of numerous committees. as for instance, committees on the hymn book, the periodicals and the book concern. He was very modest in all his relations and it was a bless- ing to have intercourse with him. In 1883 when the Norwegian and Dani^h Conference elected its first delegate to the General Conference, he would have been elected but declined, though nobody would have been more fit for the position than he. Petersen was quite active as a writer and wrote numerous articles and essays for the reli- gious press. Of his pamphlets and books may be mentioned "Daabslaeren i et N0ddeskal" and "Et Blik paa Adventismen," but his main work was "Betragtninger over Bibelens Hovedlserdomme," in' which, in fifty-one well written chapters, he treated all the main points of Christian theology. The clear thinking, the Biblical contents and the deep earnestness that pervade the book, and the plain language in which it is written, makes it a highly instructive as well as edifying book both to common readers and to younger and older preachers. O. P. Petersen was a wonder of a self-educated and self-made man and an honor to his church and to his nation. His memory is blessed. As mentioned earlier in this sketch, O. P. Pe- tersen, was married in Fredrikstad in 1849 to Miss Anne Marie Amundsen with whom he had five children. Having for thirty-four years been his faithful wife, advicer and helpmate in his di- versified work, she died peacefully in the Lord at Milwaukee in 1883. J. H. JOHNSON. John Henry Johnson was born on the Fj(z(sne farm at Etne, south of Bergen, Norway, July 18, 1837. His parents were Johan Vogt and Suzanne Torbj0rnsdatter. When he was through with the common school and had been confirmed, he was for three years clerk in his uncle's store at Etne, and 1857 he emigrated to America, where at first he lived and worked with his brother-in-- law at Perry, Wis. Possessing good natural faculties and being well versed in the common branches of knowledge he attended English school at Perry and soon made riipid progress in English and other studies. Al- ready next year we find him as a teacher. About the same time he was very much influenced by an old Christian blind man's prayer, but the com- plete transition from darkness to light did not take place until in 1860 during a campmeeting among the Norwegian Methodists at Primrose, Dane Co., Wis., conducted by Rev. A. Haagensen and other preachers. He joined the Methodist Church and soon after was licenced as a local preacher. Being sure of his calling to work in the Lord's vineyard, he tried to prepare himself for the work by studying for some time at Law- rence University, Appleton, Wis. In the mean- time the civil war broke out, and Johnson en- tered as a volunteer in the Fifteenth Wisconsin regiment, and as a sergeant took part in several engagements on the battlefield. During his three years' service he preached the word of God to the soldiers and to the negroes in their huts. After Rev. Clausen's resignation he was installed as chaplain of the regiment, did excellent service, and was loved and esteemed by both officers and soldiers. At the close of the war he returned to Wis- consin, where by presiding elder O. P. Petersen he was appointed pastor, the first year at Coon Prairie, the second year also at Richland. At Richland he met her who was to become his dear- est and best friend on earth. Miss Anne Fryden- NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 163 land, with whom, till his death, he lived in a happy marriage, and in whom he had a faithful supporter and help in all things. They were blessed with five children — three sons and two daughters — all grown and in good positions, Cyrus being engaged at the State Bank of Chi- cago, Edwin in the International Harvester Com- pany's service, Wilbur as a physician, Ida, mar- ried to Dr. Green, a druggist, all in Chicago, and Mathilde, married to Professor Alb. C. Knudson of Boston University. J. H. Johnson was received into Wisconsin Conference in full membership in 1869, after com- pleting his conference studies, in which he showed great proficiency. His appointments have been: Coon Prairie and Richland, Sheboygan and Racine, Wis., First Church, Chicago, three times; Milwaukee, at the same time being presid- ing elder of the district. In 1873 he was ap- pointed presiding elder of the new Norwegian- Danish district in Minnesota, and from then on he served as presiding elder in different districts the unusually long time of twenty-two years, of which eight years in Norway. When the first official organ among Norwegian and Danish Methodists, "Missionseren," was started in 1870 he was for a time one of its edit- ors, and he has been a member of committees for periodicals, hymn books and the book concern, etc. In 1880 he was elected delegate from the Wis- consin Conference to the General Conference, and in 1881 he was a delegate from Norway to the First Ecumenical Methodist Conference, which was held in London, England. In 1888 he was a delegate from Norway, and in 1892 from the Norwegian and Danish Conference, to the General Conference. Our beloved John- son was an ardent and zealous worker, putting all his heart and strength and enthusiasm into his responsible and often hard work, to which God and the church had called him, and the result was a great multitude of saved souls on both sides of the ocean and the edification and quickening of the church of God in truth and holiness. In 1879 he paid a visit to his native country, and this visit was followed the next year, 1880, by his exchang- ing position with Rev. M. Hansen, then presid- ing elder and superintendent of the work in Nor- way, where by the urgent request of the people, Johnson remained as presiding elder four years longer than he had expected when he left America, and by his eloquent and inspiring preaching and his good judgment and impartial management of the affairs performed much valu- able work. His best time in the service of the church he loved so well he had, however, during his first term as pastor of the First Church, Chi- cago in 1859 to 1871, when hundreds of precious souls were converted and added to the church, and the whole neighborhood was stirred up and swept, as it were, to the cross in the greatest revival that Norwegian and Danish Methodism has ever experienced. Johnson was a kind hus- band and father, a faithful friend, a genuine Christian, holy in life, a diligent student of the Bible and other good literature, a hearty, elo- quent and influential preacher, a faithful pastor and a beloved and successful presiding elder. A» J. H. Johnson. a writer he was clear, concise and instructive. As his life, faculties, powers and influence was all consecrated to the Lord, so his whole personal- ity, preaching and work had a wonderfully stir- ring, uplifting and sanctifying influence. He died after two weeks illness from cancer of the stomach during his third pastorate at the First Church, Chicago, October 8, 1896, and was according to his own request, buried at Rich- land, Wis., where in front of the church on the hill, his dear wife and children have erected a beautiful monument on his grave. Though dead he is still living in his work and example which are kept in blessed remembrance by thousands. 164 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS H. H. HOLLAND. Halvor H. Holland was born in Norway, and while young he was converted among the "Haug- eans" at Haugesund, Norway. He emigrated to America while young and joined the Methodist church at Leland, 111., while Jonas Hedstr0m was presiding elder in the Swedish District of Illinois, and started the work in the Leland settlement. In 1854 he was licensed to preach. He preached with great success both in Leland and in the Fox River settlement, where he organized a church at. Norway, in 1857. From 1857 to 1859 he supplied the Leland settlement where, in 1858, he built a church which later was moved into the village of Leland. In 1859 to 1861 he was appointed to Newburg, Minn., where he held the first meeting in a hotel room. The church there was organized at a meeting at Mr. H. Walder's threshing floor. May 20, 1860, and a church was built the same year. He was received into the Minnesota (Eng lish) Conference on probation in 1860 and in full connection the following year and ordained elder. In 1861 to 1862 his appointment was Big Canoe (now Locust), la., and later he was appointed to St. Paul and Candiyohi, Minn. His health failed him and he was obliged to withdraw from active service in the conference, and since then he was a superannuate. As such he was transferred to the Norwegian and Danish Conference at its or- ganization in 1880. Holland was a pious and zealous man who, even as a superannuate, preached and worked for the Lord whenever he had an opportunity and the condition of his health would allow him. With his family he lived several years in Min- nesota, but later moved to Leland, 111., where he at first started as a preacher, and where he died April 12, 1897. His dear wife who also was far advanced in years, survived him only five days and died April 17, 1897. Their only child, a son, died many years earlier. Both Holland and his wife were buried at Leland. O. J. SANAKER. O. J. Sanaker was born at Lier, near Drammen, Norway, in 1849. Nine years old he was con- verted to God, but lacking knowledge and light in spiritual things he backslided. In 1867 he emigrated to America together with his father and two brothers and settled at Orion, Wis. The same year he was converted to God during a revival in the American Methodist church there, and soon after he joined the Nor- wegian Methodist church on Washington Prairie, la., but his home being six miles from the church, he shortly afterwards joined the American Meth- odist church at Freeport. la., where he lived. After some time he was licensed to preach and was recommended to the school in Evanston, 111. where he studied with such ardor, that he com- pleted the three years' study in two years, though at the same time he had charge of the Second (now Maplewood avenue) Church in Chicago. God blessed his work here so that fifty-two souls were converted and added to the church during this period. His next appointment was North Cape, Wis., where he worked faithfully one year. In 1877 he was appointed to Leland, Norway, and Lee, 111. Here he was an instrument in the Lord's hand to l^ad many souls from darkness to light in one of the greatest revivals that ever occurred in our mission in this country. The whole region there was stirred up in a wonderful way. In 1880 he was appointed to Cambridge, Wis., the cradle of Norwegian Methodism, and commenced his work there with the same zeal and enthusi- asm as before; but in the midst of his work he took sick on Tuesday, Nov. 30, and though very weak, he preached three times the following Sun- day, Dec. 5, without taking any nourishment dur- ing the whole day. His illness increased until Friday, Dec. 10, when he ended his earthly life. During his sickness he sometimes was tempted hard, but early Friday morning he exclaimed: "Now my soul is free! To-day I shall be with Jesus!" His father and brothers asked him, if there was anything he wished; he answered: "That all of you may come to Jesus." He was buried in our cemetery at Cambridge. Sanaker was a powerful, eloquent and enthjjsi- astic preacher, and as a Christian he was careful in all things and meek and lowly of heart. He was very much esteemed and loved by all who knew him. Though dead, he speaketh. O. A. WIERSEN. Olaf Amandus Wiersen was born at Pors- grund, Norway, Nov. 3, 1844, to Ole and Wil- helmine Wiersen, and he died happy in the Lord, in his home at Moreland, Chicago, March 26, 1904, over 59 years old. After having attended the best schools in Pors- grund he passed the examination required for a mate. Thereafter he learned sailmaking at Ber- gen. Afterwards he went to France to acquire a knowledge of the French language and re- mained there about one year. Then the time came when his hope of becoming a sailor was realized. Young, strong, fearless and well NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 165 equipped for sea life he went out on the stormy ocean; but God had destined him for something better. After having been a sailor for some time, he set out for America, and landed in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1867, 23 years old. In the fall of the same year he and another young man left Milwaukee with the intention of spending the winter in the country, and thus he came to Ashippun, Wis. Here he was truly con- verted to God through the ministry of Rev. P. Jensen, and joined our church. He soon felt a call from God to preach, but he did not go wholly into this work until some years later. At Aship- pun he married Miss Annie C. Isaacson, a young Christian woman, with whom he lived happily for three years. When the Lord took her home, she left her husband with two small children, a son and a daughter. Prompted by presiding elder A. Haagensen he gave himself entirely over to the work for saving souls and worked for some time at Oconomowoc, Wis., with good suc- cess. Later he was appointed assistant to A. Haagensen at Milwaukee . He then made a trip to Norway visiting with his family, relatives and friends. He remained there about one year, and preached with great power in our churches in Norway to much bless- ing for God's children and to the salvation of many souls. On May 24, 1876, he married Miss Ingeborg Thorsen, of Porsgrund, Norway, who was his faithful assistant in all his sacrificing work for the cause during all the ensuing years. This marriage was blessed with one son and six daughters, of whom three little daughters had gone ahead of their father to glory. In 1877 Wiersen was received into the Wis- consin Conference, and was in 1880 transferred to the then organized Norwegian and Danish Conference. Besides being A. Haagensen's as- sistant at Milwaukee for two years his appoint- ments were as follows: Manitowoc and Sheboygan, one year; Sturgeon Bay, Fort Howard and De Pere, Wis., three years; Leland, Lee, and Norway, 111., two years; Racine, Wis., two years; First Church, Chicago, three years; St. Paul, Minn., two years; Imman- uel, Chicago, three years; Milwaukee, Wis., four years; Moreland, Chicago, seven and a half years. In all these places many precious souls were won for God and the church during his indefatig- able and arduous efforts for the progress of God's kingdom on earth. He also was a member of many committees and always did good and faithful work. He was an ardent, powerful and enthusiastic preacher, a real revivalist. Now he rests from his labors. His memory is blessed. He was buried at Mount Olive Cemetery, Chicago. Norwegian Baptists By Rev. C. W. Finwall. The First Norwegian Baptist Church on Ame- rican soil was organized by Rev. Hans Valder in La Salle county, 111., Jan. 1848. Mr. Valder had arrived from Norway about ten years previously, at the age of 26, and with his young wife and other sturdy pioneers recently from the "land of the midnight sun," began culti- vating the prairies of what is now La Salle county. Mr. Hans Valder and his wife were converted to God in 1840 and baptized by Elder Harding, pastor of an American Baptist church in La Salle county, June 22, 1842; and thus, so far as we know, became the first Norwegian Baptist on this continent. Mr. Valder was' soon singled out as a leader among his people, demonstrating arduous zeal for the salvation of his own people, and success in winning souls, he was, after having received some training, recommended to a council of Baptist ministers and ordained as the first Bap- tist preacher among the Norwegian people— in all the world — in August, 1844. Rev. Hans Valder was a man of strong relig- ious convictions, aggressive, a keen observer, hon- orable and above reproach in all his dealings, and was naturally gifted as a vivid and winsom speaker. In spite of much prejudice and opposition on the part of his own countrymen, Mr. Valder, with meager resources at his command, dividing his time and strength between farming and preaching, organized the Norwegian Baptist Church of La Salle county, consisting of seven adults recently converted and baptized— in Jan- uary, 1848. The little church called Mr. Hans Valder as its pastor, and from its records we find that al- though some of its members had to split cord wood at 25 cents a day, the following subscrip- tions were taken during February, 1848, for the support of their pastor: Ole Thompsen, $1.00; Esten Estensen, $1.00; Mark Johnson, $1.00; Jacob Johnson, $1.00; Lars Richolson, $2.00; Oden Jacobsen, $1.00; Helge Olsen, $2.00; Nils Nilsen, 166 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS $3 00; and Peter Nilsen, $1.00. Total, $13.00. Be- We find from the same records that Rev. Val- side these we find the following names on the der decided to apply to the Amencan Baptist records, presumably unable to give financial sup- Home Missionary Society for an annual assist- port at the time: 'oie Hansen, Nils Olsen, Ole ance of $50 from ,ts treasury. Logan Square Norwegian Baptist Church, Chicago, 111. Hansen, Jr., Nils Ericksen, Lars Petersen, Made Dr. H. L. Mcrehonse D D. of «<=« Y°rk -0- Madersen and Asbj^rn Aren,sen-^a total of six- ogn.zed tins fact, and adds. Mr H. Va te s ap nlication was granted, and he thus became tne teen men. ^ NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 167 first Norwegian Baptist missionary of the Ameri- can Baptist Home Mission Society. This first Norwegian Baptist church in America, after about four years of interesting history, was finally ab- sorbed by an English speaking Baptist church in the neighborhood. Pastor H. Valder moved to Minnesota in 1852 and died in that state in 1902, about 80 years of age. One of Rev. H. Valder's sons is at the head of the Valder's Business College of Decorah, la. Since Mr. Valder's days hundreds of Norweg- ians have united with English speaking Baptist churches in the state of Illinois. But aside from this fact specific organized eflforts, more or less successful, have been made by Norwegian Bap- tists. These efforts, however, have mainly been made in union with the Danish Baptists, and today it is difficult and undesirable from our point of view to speak of the one nationality without speaking of the other. The First Scandinavian Baptist Church, since the days of Valder, was organized in Chicago in the year 1864, and consisted of Norwegians, Swedes and Danes. In the year 1866 the Swedish Baptists with- drew, organizing the First Swedish Baptist Church of Chicago in order to do more direct and concentrated work in the interest of the Swedish people in Chicago. The Norwegian and Danish Baptists have since continued their work separated from the Swedish Baptists. After forty years we have five churches and two missions, one of which bids fair to soon be- come an independent Baptist church. Four churches — Logan Square Norwegian, The First Danish, Bethel Scandinavian, and the Kankakee church are well housed, representing a value of more then $30,000. The Waukegan church does not as yet own a building. Aggressive mission work is maintained at West Pullman and on Centre avenue and Ohio street by the Logan Square Church and by Norwegian theological students from our school at Morgan Park, 111. The largest church is the Logan Square Nor- wegian, with only a little more than two hundred members, representing perhaps about 500 adults and children. Among the men whose personalities have made perhaps the most lasting impression upon the Danish-Norwegian Baptist work in Illinois since 1866 we mention — Rev. H. A. Reichenback, Prof. N. P." Jensen, Rev. P. H. Dom, Rev. Julius Jen- sen, Rev. J. B. Sundt, Rev. E. S. Sundt, Prof. Edw. Olsen, Ph. D., Rev. E. L. Myrland, Rev. J. A. Ohrn, Prof. H. Gundersen, M. A., and Prof. C. J. Olsen. The Dano-Norwegian Baptist Theological Seminarv at Morgan Park, 111., was opened in the fall of 1884 with Prof. N. P. Jensen as dean and Dr. Edw. Olsen as professor in Greek, philos- ophy and kindred studies. Dr. Olsen accepted the presidencv of the State University of South Dakota in 1887, and Prof. H. Gundersen, who had graduated from the University of Christiania, Norway, was called to the vacant professorship at Morgan Park. Professor N. P. Jensen died May 14, 1895, and Prof. H. Gundersen was elected dean. With him Profs. C. J. Olsen and N. L. Lawdahl have continued as associates since 1896. About 175 students have enjoyed the priv- ileges of this school, and many of these are still serving Baptist churches in America, Norway, Denmark and in other lands. The Theological Seminary, Morgan Park, Illinois Morgan Park is a beautiful village 14 miles south from the business center of Chicago on the Chicago & Rock Island R. R. The greater part of Morgan Park is located on a wooded long hill or ridge, perhaps the highest natural point for more than twenty miles south of Chicago. Here we find the Morgan Park Academy, and the Dano-Norwegian as well as the Swedish Baptist theological seminaries. The Dano-Norwegian school as well as the other schools referred to are now in organic connection with the University of Chicago, each with a dean or head. Prof. Henrick Gundersen is the present dean of the Dano-Norwegian Baptist school. He came from Norway in the year 1887, to take up the work as an associate of Prof. N. P. Jensen, then dean of this school. When Prof. N. P. Jensen died, Prof. H. Gundersen was made dean in 1895, after having served as acting dean for two years during the illness of Prof. N. P. Jensen. The history of this school dates back to 1884. when Prof. N. P. Jensen was appointed head and Prof. Edw. Olsen, Ph. D., associate, of a Dano- Norwegian Baptist Seminary, by the faculty of the Baptist Union Theological Seminary. The school opened October 1, 1884, with the following students: Anton Brandt, P. W. Niel- sen, N. Nyrup, August Broholm, C. J. Olsen, Gunder Nesse, Andrew Sorensen, C. H. Hen- 168 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ningsen, A. C. Nesby, E. L. Myrland and C. W. Finwall. Since then one hundred and seventy (170) Nor- wegian and Danish young men have enjoyed the privileges of this school. Twelve of the gradu- ates of this school are now actively engaged as pastors in Norway, one in Africa, several in Den- mark, and more than fifty (50) in the United States and Canada. At the present time the school has enrolled about thirty (30) students with Prof. H. Gunder- sen as dean, and Profs. C. J. Olsen and N. L. Lawdahl as associate teachers. The course mapped out extends over a period of four years and must be thoroughly covered if a diploma shall be handed the student at the end by men who are well versed in subjects valuable to the students. Beside this the students have for many years kept up a very efficient literary and debate club themselves, for the proper development of their mental and speaking possibilities. Brief Biographical Sketches of some Norweg- ian Teachers at the Baptist School, Morgan Park, 111. Prof. H. Gundersen. Henrick Gundersen was born in Tromsp!, Nor- way, in 1857, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Gundersen. Henrick's father conducted a flour- The Theological Seminary, Morgan Park, 111. of the fourth year. The first two years the stu- dent is required to take up and reach to a cer- tain standard in English and Dano-Norwegian grammar, geography, Bible chronology, history and elementary Greek. During the last two years at school, the student must attain a certain stand- ing in systematic theology, New Testament Greek, exegetics, philosophy, logic, church his- tory, church polity, pastoral theology, homiletics and antiquity. To aid the students quite a library kept well up to date with English and Dano-Norwegian works of literary and practical value is placed at the disposal of the students in "Walker Hall." Frequent lectures are also given to the students ishing merchant tailoring business for many years, and did what he could to give his only son all the educational advantages possible. As quite a young man he was converted to God and joined the Baptist Church in Tromsjzf. He felt strongl}'- called to give himself to the gospel ministry, and in order to better qualify himself he decided to take a three years' course at the theological Bethel Baptist seminary in Stockholm, Sweden, inasmuch as there was not a Baptist school in Norway. Henrick Gunder- sen graduated with honor from the Bethel Sem- inary in 1882, and then returned to Christiania, Norway, where he studied at the university, grad- uating in 1885. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 169 He accepted a call from the Baptist church in Trondhjem, Norway, and served with great ac- ceptance until 1887, when he received a call to a professorship at the Baptist school at Morgan Park, 111. In the fall of 1887 Rev. Henrick Gundersen came to Morgan Park, and remained with the school until the close of the spring term of 1889, when he made a trip to Norway, preaching at Bergen from Sept. 1889 to April 1890. Meanwhile Rev. H. Gundersen had married Miss Hansine Hansen of Trondhjem, and with his wife he returned to Morgan Park, 111., during the summer of 1890, and has since continuously served the best interests of the Baptist seminary at Morgan Park. From 1890 to 1893 Prof. Gun- dersen was associate to the able Danish Prof. N. P. Jensen, whose health then began to fail rapidly, and when Prof. N. P. Jensen left for California that year, Prof. Gundersen was ap- pointed acting dean. After two years' illness Prof. Jensen died, and since then in 189", until the time this sketch was written, Prof. Henrick Gundersen has proved to be an able and honor- able leader, and has secured for himself an abid- ing and large place in the minds and hearts of all who have sat in his class rooms, and in all the Norwegian and Danish Baptist churches in America, in Norway and Denmark, and in other parts of the world. Prof. H. Gundersen resides in his own home at Morgan Park, where he now is happily sur- rounded by wife, four sons and one daughter, as well as his venerable old parents who are spend- ing their declining years with their only son. PROF. C. J. OLSEN. Christian J. Olsen was born in the vicinity of Trondhjem, Norway, in the year 1856. When he was two years of age his parents moved into the city of Trondhjem, where he re- sided until he came to the United States in 1881. Christian Olsen finished the seventh grade and graduated from the public schools in Trondhjem when he was only 12 years of age, and then took a post graduate course until he was about 14 years of age. He then secured a position with the Trondhjem Mechanical Works, where he re- mained for nine years, and from time to time was promoted. While at the mechanical works Mr. Olsen attended evening courses especially in drawing and mathematics at the technical or sci- entific school of Trondhjem. In 1879 he was converted and that same year he joined the Baptist church in Trondhjem. Mr. Olsen was an ambitious and studious young man and soon prevailed upon his pastor to give a homiletic course to five young men (in- cluding himself). This course he pursued during the winter of 1879 to 1880, and the following summer he took a course under his pastor in exegetics. He was married and in 1881 left his native land with his wife and settled at Minneapolis, Minn. Having received some training and being an earnest Christian man, he was urgently pres- sed into gospel service, both in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Yielding at last to an inward as well as an outward call to the gospel ministry, Mr. Olsen finally gave up a promising position, and in order to obtain still more training he final- ly went to Chicago, and in the fall of 1884 en- tered the Union Theological Seminary at Mor- gan Park. Having completed his studies there, he served two pastorates, one in Oconomowoc, from 1887 to 1890, and one in Eau Claire, Wis., from 1890 to 1894, when he accepted the position offered him as editor of "Vsegteren" ("The Watchman") — the Dano-Norwegian Baptist pa- per. It was while he was serving in this capacity that he, in 1895, was pressed into service as teacher at the Baptist school at Morgan Park, and as such he has since served with assiduous effici- ency. Prof. C. J. Olsen has now for several years past taught grammar, church polity, pas- toral theology, homiletics and Bible antiquity. In 1896 his devoted wife died, leaving him alone with four daughters and one son. In 1898 Prof. C. J. Olsen was married to Miss Emma Christensen, who was .then serving as lady missionary in connection with the Pilgrim Baptist Church, Chicago. The second marriage has been blessed with one daughter. REV. E. L. MYRLAND. Among the Norwegian Baptist ministers, who have served in Illinois, there is hardly a man who has worked so valiantly or accomplished more than Rev. Eli L. Myrland. He served as pastor of the so-called Pilgrim Baptist Church on the N. W. corner of Carpen- ter and Ohio streets from March 1892 until April 1, 1897, when he went to Christiania, Norway, to erect the beautiful and substantial Baptist edifice, known as "Tabernaklet," in the capital of Nor- way. Pastor ]\Iyrland came to Chicago and took charge, when the Pilgrim Church had tried in vain to secure a responsible pastor, at a time 170 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS when some sixty members left the Pilgrim Church to start another church nearer their homes — in the vicinity of Humboldt Park. Weak- ened as the church was, with a heavy debt hang- ing over it, Rev. Myrland took hold, and with the blessings of God, he not only held the field, but during some of the hardest times Chicago has experienced since the great fire. Rev. E. L. Myrland decreased the debt considerably and re- ceived about one hundred (100) new members into the church. Endowed with a grand physique, with a genial and courageous temperament and a will strong as iron. Pastor Myrland came, saw and con- quered. Rev. E. L. Myrland. Although at the time of this writing ten years have passed since Rev. Myrland laid down his pastorate in Chicago, there are hundreds until this date, who look upon that energetic and gen- erous man as their providential benefactor both in temporal and spiritual things, in a larger measure than any minister has ever meant to their lifes in Chicago. Eli L. Myrland was born at North Cape, Ra- cine county. Wis., in the year 1851. Mr. and Mrs. Lars Olsen Myrland, Eli's father and mother, came from Voss, Norway, and ar- rived in Chicago in 1846. E. L. Myrland's mother was a sister of Filing Eielsen, a well known per- sonality in church circles of the early Norwegian settlers on the westside of Chicago. Eli seems to have inherited the best features of his mother's strong personality. After attending the public schools near his home in Wisconsin he attended for a year or two the Wayland Academy at Beaver Dam. Wis. In 1877 Eli Myrland was converted to God while visiting in Racine, Wis., with his father. He al- most at once felt a burning desire to lift his peo- ple to God, and his natural gifts soon found a helpful highway in his dedication of all he had to the preaching of the gospel of Christ, and in general Christian service. He married a Miss Landmark near Madison, Wis., and with his wife, who since has proved to be a source of great strength to Rev. Myrland, he moved to Morgan Park, 111., in 1881 and for two years he enjoyed the educational advantages of the LTnion Theological Seminary, before there existed a Dano-Norwegian department. Later he returned and finished his theological course after having served the Scandinavian Baptist church in Racine, Wis., as pastor in 1884 and 1885 with a wonderful degree of success. In 1886 to 1891 he served as pastor the Scandinavian Baptist church of La Crosse, Wis., with marked efficiency. In the year 1891 he made a trip to Norway, and from March 1892 until April 1, 1897, he served the Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago. At the close of his Chicago pastorate he again made a significant trip to Norway, returning to Chicago in 1900. He has since been actively en- gaged in general mission work among the Baptist churches in Iowa. Wisconsin and Illinois. Rev. and Mrs. Myrland have three daughters and one son. PROF. EDWARD OLSEN, Ph. D. Without exception Dr. Edw. Olsen of all the public men among the Norwegian Baptists in the state of Illinois won for himself the highest esteem and love of all who knew him. He was born in Norway, near Hammar, Aug. 29, 1843. He came with his parents, a brother and a sister to the United States in the year 1858, and settled near West Salem, Wis. Here he attended the public schools. Later he gradu- ated from the high school and then went to the old University of Chicago from which he gradu- ated with the distinction of a B. A. in 1873. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 171 He then went abroad and studied at Halle and Goettingen, Germany, and in Paris, France, from 1873 to 1875, and returned to Chicago, where he received his B. D. in 1877. He was in- structor in Greek at the University of Chicago from 1875 to 1878. Professor in Greek from 1878 to 1885. Got his Ph. D. from Kalamazoo Prof. Edward Olsen, Ph. D. College in 1886. Was instructor and profes- sor at the Bethel Union Theological Seminary from 1884 to 1887. He then became president of the University of South Dakota. While in this position he lost his life on a visit to his brother, S. E. Olson, in Minneapolis, Minn., in the Trib- une fire of Nov. 30, 1889. REV. J. A. OHRN. Jacob A. Ohrn who served with great accept- ance as general missionary among the Norwegian and Danish Baptists of Illinois and Wisconsin from 1894 to 1897, and then as pastor of the Pil- grim Baptist Church from 1897 until 1899, was born in the province of Sogn, Norway, Aug. 11, 1863. As a young man he came to the city of Bergen, Norway. Here he yielded himself to Christ and joined the Baptist church of that city. This church licensed him to preach, and encouraged his natural ability, which today cultured and well employed, makes him one of the strongest Norwegian Baptist preachers. He served the Baptist church in Langesund, Norway, from Sept. 1884 until Sept. 1885 when he determined to leave Norway in order to enjoy the privileges offered at the Morgan Park seminary, near Chicago, 111. Here Jacob A. Ohrn took a full three years' the- ological course, and graduated in May 1888. While pursuing his theological studies he served as pastor of the Raymond Baptist Church, Ra- cine county, Wis., where a gracious revival was enjoy,ed. He married Miss Nellie Christensen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Christensen, of Racine, Wis., in 1888, and in 1889 he resigned from his pastorate at Raymond Centre, to go to Norway. He soon returned and upon his return took charge of a church in Neenah and another in Oshkosh, Wis., for one year, when he ac- cepted an urgent call from the Raymond church for a second pastorate. He worked here and in Milwaukee until October, 1894, when he took up general missionary work in the states of Illinois and Wisconsin, resigning in March 1897 in order to take the pastorate urged upon him by the Pilgrim Baptist Church of Chicago. In spite of great difficulties and hard problems always attending church work where the popu- lation is so shifting as was and is the case with the field of the old Pilgrim Baptist Church, Rev. J. A. Ohrn always preached to good and appreci- ative audiences. Since he resigned his pastorate in Chicago, he has done great work for the Bap- tists both in Norway and in the United States. Rev. Ohrn's home is at present in Christiania, Norway, where he resides with his charming wife and two promising children, one son and one daughter. The Congrcgationalists This name has a long and honorable history in the annals of the Christian church in England and America, even though it had a strange and unfamiliar sound among the Norwegians until twenty years ago. In the political and religious history of America no denomination has had a more powerful influence in shaping the ideals of the nation than the Congrcgationalists. They were the Pilgrims, who in 1620 landed on Plym- outh rock in Massachusetts after having been driven out of England to Holland for their sepa- 173 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ration from the state church, and who afterward in the new world sought that freedom of con- science which had been refused them in the old. Here they have grown to be one of the foremost of the Protestant denominations, with a member- ship of nearly 700,000, expending annually for home and foreign missions more than two mil- lions of dollars, besides the $7,000,000 used for the work in their own churches. In proportion to their numbers they spend more money for mis- sionary work than any other denomination in America, and possibly in the world. America. Unlike some other American churches that have organized missions in Norway. Sweden and Denmark, the Congregationalists have re- peatedly declined invitations to take up mission- ary work in those countries, but they have been very generous in helping the Scandinavian Pil- grims who have settled in America. The religious movement in Norway, which has found expression in the free mission churches there and in the Norwegian Congregational churches in America, may be traced back to the revival started early in the nineteenth century by The Danish-Norwegian Department of Chicago Theological Seminary. When, therefore, these descendants of the Pil- grims learned of the great religious movements which in the latter half of the nineteenth century had taken place in Scandinavia, it was only nat- ural that they should see in them a repetition of their own history in England in the seventeenth century and extend to the separatists from the Scandinavian state churches a hearty welcome and a helping hand when these exiles landed in Hans Nielsen Hauge, and continued later in the work of Pastor Lammers in Skien and P. P. Wet- tergren in Arendal. Undoubtedly the great awak- ening in Sweden during the 70's also exerted its influence, although it was long after the organi- zation of Norwegian Congregational churches in America that the influence of the free churches in Norway began to be felt here. There was a Norwegian Congregational church organized in NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 173 connection with the Tabernacle church in Chi- cago early in the 80's, and one in Tacoma, Wash., a little later. These soon died, however, and the present system of Congregational churches really had its beginning as a result of the work originat- ing in Chicago Theological Seminary, which was opened to Scandinavian students in 1884, with Pastor P. C. Trandberg as their teacher. Trand- berg was not a Congregationalist, but a Lutheran, following year, 1885, R. A. Jernberg, a graduate of Yale University, and then a student in the English seminary, was appointed as Professor Trandberg's assistant. When Trandberg left the seminary, in 1890, Jernberg was appointed his suc- cessor, and was inaugurated as a professor in the seminary in 1895, after an endowment for the chair of Biblical and Practical Theology in the Danish-Norwegian Department had been provided Chicago Theological Seminary (Congregational.) although in his native land (Denmark) he had fought a good fight for the principles of a church with only a converted membership, or as he called it "a holy congregation." The Danish- Norwegian department of Chicago Theological Seminary opened with two students — O. C. Grauer, who is now a professor in the seminary, and Carl F. Blomquist, a Swedish student. The by Mrs. D. K. Pearsons. This position he still holds. Rev. O. C. Grauer was called from a pas- torate of the American Congregational Church in Washburn, Wis., as an associate professor in the department, in 1891, and has continued since that time in this capacity. Chicago Theological Seminary was organized by the American Congregational churches of HH- 174 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS nois and the neighboring states in 1854, and be- gan its work in 1858. The constantly increasing immigration into this territory from northern Eu- rope prompted the directors of the seminary to open its foreign departments, for the Germans in 1882, for the Danes and Norwegians in 1884, and for the Swedes in 1885. These departments were reorganized as institutes of the seminary in 1903, each with its governing board or council, on which, besides the faculty of the seminary, the German and Scandinavian churches are repre- sented, and these churches have more and more assumed the support of the institutes since this arrangement was made. The seminary has ex- pended in this foreign work not less than $125,- 000 since its inception, and still continues to bear the responsibility for this work. It gives to all the students free rooms, charging only the actual cost of light and heat. All instruction is free, and so is the use of a fine gymnasium, recitation rooms, reading room and the Hammond library, containing a collection of more than 30,000 vol- umes of theological literature. Besides these great opportunities the seminary gives to the students in the foreign institutes, as well as to the Ameri- can students, liberal assistance from its scholar- ship funds, so that every man who feels called of God to preach the Gospel in his native tongue has here an opportunity to fit himself for this work. Since its opening in 1884 the Danish-Norwegian Institute has had 123 students, 52 of whom have completed their full course of study and gone out into all the world to preach the gospel. It is re- presented on the foreign missionary fields of Japan, China, Africa and South America by its former students, and several of them have re- turned for a longer or shorter time to their native lands to preach for a season to their brethren ac- cording to the flesh. The larger number, how- ever, are engaged in the work among their own people in this country, and as pastors of churches and general missionaries are scattered in nearly all the northern states from the Dakotas to the Atlantic coast. Many of them have found con- genial work among the Americans as Sunday- school missionaries or as pastors of churches that are quick to recognize the value of the training these men have received for the pastoral office. A large part of the instruction in the foreign in- stitutes in the seminary is carried on in the Eng- lish language and thus the men are generally fitted for work in the American churches as well as in those of their own people. An important factor in the Norwegian Con- gregational work has been the publication of the religious weekly paper, Evangelisten, (The Evan- gelist), the first number of which was issued about Christmas time, in 1889. For many years it had a home in the seminary; one of the pro- fessors for ten years being its editor and pub- lisher, and several of the students his willing and diligent helpers. When in 1899 he surrendered the paper to the ministers in Vestens Frikirke- Forening, the Evangelisten Publishing Society was organized and became responsible for the publication of the paper. It has made a great success of the enterprise, as Evangelisten now has about 5,000 subscribers. This publishing so- ciety has recently issued a new hymnbook of more than 500 hymns with music anthems for choirs. Evangelisten and the young men going out from the seminary soon began to put into touch with each other a number of groups of independ- ent Christians scattered in different parts of the country, and soon a desire was felt on the part of these churches to unite into some bond of fel- lowship. This desire found expression in a meet- ing at the seminary in Chicago, where an asso- ciation was organized, in May, 1891, called "Ves- tens Frikirkeforening." The following year the free churches in the East organized "0stens Fri- kirkeforening" at a meeting in Shawmut Congre- gational Church, Boston, where the Norwegian free church was worshiping at that time. The free churches in the East had already united in a missionsforbund, but this was dissolved at that meeting and 0stens Frikirkeforening was organ- ized after the pattern of the free churches in the West the year before. These associations have not the least authority over the churches or min- isters belonging to them. They are really not denominational in character, though a number of the churches and ministers belong to the Con- gregational denomination, while several of them have no other afiiliation than with these associa- tions. There are about forty of these churches, besides twenty or thirty mission stations con- nected with them. The larger number of these are in the interior and the northwestern states. Still there are about a dozen in the principal cities of New England and in Brooklyn, N. Y., and Jersey City and Hoboken, N. J. The primary purpose of the associations was to unite the. independent and Congregational Nor- wegian and Danish churches in a common fellow- ship and to secure concerted action in the home and foreign missionary work. This purpose has been largely realized in the organization for the home work of the Gospel Home Missionary So- ciety, which was organized at the annual meeting NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 175 of Vestens Frikirkeforening in Winona in 1898. The income of the society the first year of its existence was only $200, but year by year this has increased so that now the society is able to support six missionaries during the summer months, besides giving partial support to the pas- tors of various churches not yet able to bear that expense alone. The president of this society is Rev. C. T. Dyrness, who for many years has been the efficient pastor of Salem Free Church on Point street, Chicago. The foreign missionary work of supported by the American churches, and during the last few years have been generous in their gifts to the work of their school in Chicago, from which they receive their pastors and mis- sionaries. In all this work it has never been the purpose of the American Congregational churches to build up a new denomination among the Norwegians in America, or in any sense to proselyte from other churches. The aim has rather been to com- bine the scattered Christian forces which are The Hammond Library of the Chicago Theological Seminary. these free churches is done through the Scandi- navian Alliance Mission, a society that has about ninety missionaries and expends about $30,000 annually in its foreign missionary work. The secretary and treasurer of this society is one of the Swedish professors in Chicago Seminary, Fri- dolf Risberg, S. M. C, a graduate of Upsala Uni- versity and professor in the seminary since 1885. The Norwegian Congregational churches gen- erally also contribute to the benevolent societies found often in distant localities without any con- nection with other Christians or other churches. Many have been found literally in the desert — sheep having no shepherd. They have been gath- ered into a united force in the manner here de- scribed and are blessing others in their combined efforts for the uplifting of their fellowmen at home and abroad, themselves being blessed in the consciousness of having a work intrusted also to them as a part of that kingdom which is com- ing, wherein dwelleth righteousness. R. A. Jernberg. 17() A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS The Seventh -Day Ad- ventist Church. It is about sixty years since the commence- ment of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. It owes its rise to a new and lively interest awak- ened all over the world in the study of the Pro- phetic Scriptures relating to the second coming of Christ. The church has over 900 ministers, 528 missionary licentiates and 826 colporters. Its membership has doubled every ten years and at present is about 17,000. They have 78 local conferences, 13 union conferences, 48 missions and 2 union missions. They have a large publishing house in Battle Creek, Mich., the largest in the state. Here is published a weekly journal called The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald; also The Youth's Instructor, for the young people and Life and Health for the home. In 1903 this book concern was removed to Washington, D. C, in order that they might be more centrally located for their world-wide mission work. In Oakland, Cal., they have another large printing estab- lislnnent, from which is issued The Signs of the 'Times, that has printed as many as 500,000 of one issue. They also have publishing concerns in Nashville (Tenn.), in Lincoln (Neb.), in Aus- tralia, South Africa. London, Christiania (Nor- way), Hamburg and Basle. The Seventh-Day Adventists are earnest ad- vocates of very thoroughgoing Christian tem- perance. No one is allowed to use tobacco or liquor in any form. Very few use tea or coffee. Many of them are strict vegetarians. There are no rules among them in regard to these matters, only this: that if any uses tobacco or intoxicat- ing drinks he is turned out of the church. They have been foremost in true hygienic and dietetic reform. More than forty years ago they started a "health retreat," which gradually increased till it became the now famous "Battle Creek Sana- tarium." They have sanatariums all over the world to-day. Of these the one near Copenha- gen, Denmark, and one near London, England, may be mentioned. They have one or more sanatariums in Mexico, South America, Africa, and even in India and Japan. In this country they have sanatariums in nearly every state. In Illinois there are three: one at Moline, one at Hinsdale, one in Chicago. The object of every sanatarium is to help the sick, especially the poor and needy. In these health homes there are many Norwegian nurses and several Norwegian physicians. The Adventists are engaged in active mission work at home and in foreign lands. Their home work is divided into many separate conferences. The foreign is under the direction of a mission board located at Washington. They have mis- sionaries in Matabeleland, Africa; in India, China, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Rome, Russia, Mex- ico, South America, Cuba, and several other pagan and Catholic lands. In connection with these they are printing their literature in forty different languages. They believe in paying a tithe of all their income to the advancement of the Gospel at home and abroad. This tithe, to- gether with their freewill offerings, supports their missions and missionaries. Those connected with the Seventh-Day Ad- ventist Church believe and teach that there is one living God, who made "heaven and earth and the sea" (Acts 14, 15); that Christ is the Divine Son of the living God, begotten from eternity (John 1, 1-3; 3, 16); that the Holy Sph'it is the Third Person of the Godhead (Matt. 28, 19); that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God (2 Peter 1, 21) ; that men are saved only by grace through faith (Eph. 2, 8); that the true Christians will honor and obey the holy law of God, the very ten Commandments given on Mount Sinai (1 John 2, 3, 4; James 2, 8-10) ; that Sunday is not the Christian restday, but that the seventh day, Saturday, is the right Sabbath (Ex. 20, 8-11; Luke 4, 16); that the sec- ond advent of Christ will be literal, visible and personal, and that he will come in this genera- tion (Matt. 24, 34) ; that when he comes he will raise all the righteous dead, change the righteous living who will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thes. 4, 16, 17); that after the second coming of Christ there will be a thou- sand years' reign of Christ and his saints, not on this earth, but in heaven (Rev. 20, 4-7); that after this reign, at the final judgment, all the wicked will be totally annihilated, die the sec- ond death (Rev. 21, 8), and forever cease to ex- ist as conscious beings; that the earth wnll be renewed and filled with the glory of God, when it will become "the kingdom of heaven," to be possessed eternally by "the saints of the Most High" (Dan. 7, 22); that then will be fulfilled the saying of Christ: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matt. 5, 5); and the vision of John, who said: "I saw a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21, 1); and so from time onward, eternally, there will "be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 177 shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away" (Rev. 21, 4). They hold that men are entirely unconscious between death and the resurrection; that "the dead know not anything" (Eccl. 9, 5); that when "the breath of life" is taken away from man, "in that very day his thoughts perish" (Ps. 146, 4); that immortality is a "conditional gift," to be sought for "bj' patient continuance in well doing" (Rom. 2, 7); and obtained by the saints when Christ returns, "when this corruptible must put on in- corruption and this mortal must put on immor- tality" (1 Cor. 15, 53); that there will be a res- urrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust: one to eternal life; the other to eternal death. They believe that in order to be a Christian it is essential that one be a partaker of the divine nature through the power of the Holy Ghost. They reject infant baptism, but teach that in- fants will be saved in harmony with the teach- ing of Christ where he said that "of such is the kingdom of heaven;" They teach and practice only immersion as baptism, and make it a test of church fellowship. They believe in partaking of the Lord's supper of bread and wine at least four times a year. They think that the bread and wine are memorial emblems of Christ's body and blood. They believe, and practice foot- washing as one of the Christian ordinances. (John 13, 1-17). They have no formulated creed, but where they organize churches they sign a covenant to "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (Rev. 14, 12). The Seventh-Day Adventist Church has sev- eral large colleges and academies in this coun- try and in other lands. Their largest school in America is at Lincoln, Neb.; the largest abroad is at Fredensau, Germany. Aside from these they have intermediate schools in nearly every state and church schools in the local churches. When they can avoid it, they do not send their children to the public schools; not that they are opposed to education but they are opposed to the evolution and pantheism taught in many schools. The reason why they do not patronize the public schools is that there is no religious instruction in these. We have given the teachings and practices of this church quite fully, as very little is known about it by many well read Christians. This church has quite a following among the Scandi- navians. It has a conference in each of the Scandinavian countries in Europe, together with a large publishing house at 74 Akergaden, Chris- tiania; several sanatariums, schools and other institutions. In America there are some 3,000 Scandinavian Adventists enrolled as church mem- bers. They print two weekly papers and many books and tracts. The first Norwegian Adventist church in Chicago was organized by Elder J. G. Matteson in 1870. They have built a small chapel at 269 W. Erie street. This church is still owned by a thriving little company of Ad- ventists. In 1901 they organized another and larger church near Humboldt Park, Chicago. Since then mission work has been begun in an- other locality. There are at present nearly 300 Scandinavian Adventists in Chicago. They meet for worship every Saturday morning and spend the remainder of the day in spiritual rest and recreation. Although they do no secular work on the seventh day, and pay a tithe of their in- come to the missions, they are a prosperous and contented people. L. H. Christian. The Lutheran Free Church. By Professor H. A. Urseth. The history of the Lutheran Free Church in Illinois is a brief one; for its history has merely begun. The antecedents of the Lutheran Free Church must be sought largely in the Norwegian Lutheran Conference, which in 1890 became merged, by a formal union agreement with two other bodies, into the United Norwegian Luth- eran Church. The elements that from 1895 and onward became separated from the United Church had formerly constituted a conspicuous and pro- gressive free church party in the old Conference. But the Conference was not by any means strong- ly represented in Illinois. The Norwegians in this state seem early to have formed other church affiliations to which they largely adhered after- wards. When the free church movement began to take form during the years following 1895, therefore, it was found that no Illinois congre- gations of the former Conference had become affiliated with this movement, as congregations. The Free Church developed strength north and west of Illinois, where the Conference had been strong, and in new fields. The Free Church, however, has maintained two missions in Chicago, on the west side and in Moreland, and also in Capron. The work in Chicago was begun about 1899, by Rev. M. A. Pederson, latter missionary to Santhalistan, In- 178 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS dia, and was continued by his brother, Rev. A. Pederson. Later Rev. J. M. Halvorson became pastor of the Moreland church. The pastorate in Capron was held by Rev. C. Morgan from 1903; later this church was served by the Chi- cago pastor. While the free churches in Illinois are numeri- cally few there exists in the other Norwegian churches of the state considerable Free Church sentiment, judging from the support which indi- viduals in these churches have been giving to the institutions of this body. other two lots for the church proper, which the congregation hopes to erect in the future. In every respect the congregation has had a marked growth. It now (spring 1907) has a membership of 150 persons. It has already paid for the three lots, and started a building fund for the new church. It has received no help from any synod. The pastor is a member of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church, and the congrega- tion works in line with that synod, although not formally connected with it. This church has a most hopeful future as it is Interior of Christ Chapel, near Logan Square. Christ Norwegian Luth- eran Churck Kedzie and Milwaukee avenues, Chicago. This church was organized June 29, 1905, with twenty-eight persons. Rev. J. H. Meyer was called to become its pastor. He accepted the pastorate. Three lots were purchased and on one lot a two-story brick house was erected, the first story to be used for a temporary chapel, now called "Kristus-Kapellet," (Christ Chapel), and the sec- ond flat to be used as the parsonage, leaving the located in one of the most populous Norwegian settlements, the Logan Square. Following is a list of the officers of the church: Rev. J. H. Meyer, pastor; Prof. J. Rode-Jacob- sen, organist; Martin Thon, secretary; Gabriel Tobiassen, treasurer. Following is the board of trustees: Johan H. Meyer, president: Louis Lawson, vice-president; Harald Heglund, secretary; Mar- tin Thon; Olaf Brynildsen; Hjalmar Jacobsen; Andrew Olsen; Gabriel Tobiassen; Louis Iversen. The illustration shows part of the interior of the temporary chapel, which is located at 1509 N. Kedzie avenue, near Milwaukee avenue, where also the minister resides. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES IN ILLINOIS 179 The Church of the Veritans Was organized July 15, 1901, by members of the Order of the Magi — the most ancient of all the secret orders on our planet. The church society was instituted for the purpose of extending to the public, through its open meetings, such teach- ing as could properly be brought before the un- initiated, showing the variety of the most ancient philosophy in the light of the most advanced modern science; also explaining the various phenomena of occultism as necessary factors in the development of the religion of the future^ the religion of science. Through the able and well-directed efforts of Mr. B. C. Peterson — who is a charter member and holds the office of secretary of the society — many a progressive mind among the Scandinavi- ans of Chicago, as well as from the country at large, have gravitated towards this temple of knowledge, which, founded upon the divine law of evolution, has thus become a firm stepping stone from the infinite and obscure past to the likewise infinite and invisible future — a place where those who have sought enlightenment upon the great subjects of origin and destiny, humanity and divinity, have found an opportun- ity to worship Truth itself, without the usual attachment of intermediary personal deities and without all creeds or dogmas, ancient or modern. Based upon the principles of mathematics and chemistry, astronomy and geology, the aims and object of the society are probably best explained as set forth in its constitution, article II: "The purpose of this society shall be to teach demon- strable truth and to deal with logical deduction drawn therefrom, 'regarding the universe, the continuity of life, the laws governing the phe- nomena of nature, and to promulgate a veritable religion." B. C. Peterson. THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO Christiania is the only city in the world that has more Norwegians than Chicago. Seventy years ago there were just two Norwegians here. We have mentioned in another place that the first Norwegians reached here in 1836, when Jo- han Larsen and Halstein T0reson (Thorstein- son) settled in the small hamlet which was grouped about the Chicago River where the North-Western depot is now. From that time the Norwegians in this city increased rapidly, and by 1848 over fifty of the immigrants from Norway had settled here and the colony had begun to build a Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran church. Of these early comers very few are alive. Jens Olsen Kaasa was perhaps the oldest. He came in 1839\and died in 1907. Ever since then the Norwegians in Chicago have grown steadily in numbers, in wealth and in influence. They began by gathering together in one section of the city. The first comers set- tled on the North Side, where the water works are, on Chicago avenue. Their homes were clustered between what is now Orleans street and the lake, south of Chicago avenue. As the section where the Norwegian pioneers had made their homes increased in value many of these thrift}' people sold their homes and moved farther west. Some of them clung to their homes, but the greater part moved across the river into the cheaper and comparatively unsettled district just west of Milwaukee avenue, where they still hung together. The more wealthy and aristocratic Norwegians gathered around Wicker Park. There they quickly purchased land for blocks in every direction. This district soon became distinctively Norwegian. The Norwegians themselves ap- preciated their monopoly of this region and called it among themselves Hommansbyen, after the fashionable residence suburb of Christiania. Further south, in the neighborhood of N. Peoria street and Milwaukee avenue, the poorer classes of Norwegians found homes. This section be- came their business center too, they having es- tablished shops, stores, banks and factories in this district. During the later years niost of the Norwegians who have been able to dispose of their residence properties in this district have done so and moved west to the neighborhood of Humboldt Park, Humboldt boulevard or Logan Square, and their business center, if we can speak of such, is along W. North avenue. The district west of Milwaukee avenue as far as California avenue, along Grand avenue, has been invaded by the Italians, who are quick to pick up cheap proper- ties. In spite of the fact that probably 65,000 Nor- wegians are grouped in three wards, they have not achieved much success in securing political prominence in Chicago. The early Norwegian settlers held comparatively more official posi- tions than their children and later comers hold. Iver Lawson, the father of V^ictor F. Lawson, came here about 1840 and grew very wealthy out of lucky real estate investments. Was elected city marshal, and in 1869 state representative. A. B. Johnson, the lumber dealer, served in the 'important post of chairman of the board of sup- ervisors throughout the period of the Civil War. Canute R. Matson entered politics as clerk of the police courts and in 1875 was chosen justice of the peace. In 1880 he was elected coroner and in 1886 he was chosen sheriff. It was to him that befell the hazardous duty of. hanging the anarchists. Lauritz Thoen served twice as West Side collector. Sivert T. Gunderson has been elected alderman and appointed a member of the board of education. A. P. Johnson, of the John- son Chair Company, has also served as alder- man. During recent years the Norwegians have been more active in politics. At the present time there 180) THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 181 are three aldermen, two justices of the peace, one member of the board of education, one state representative, one secretary of the board of education, and many holding minor offices. Early Norwegian Set- tlers in Chicago The first Norwegian to build a house in Chi- cago was Halstein Torrison, who arrived with wife and children from Fjeldberg, Norway, Oct. 16, 1836. He built a two-story framehouse of no mean size and appearance on Wells street where the Chicago and North-Western depot now stands. He worked as a gardener for Wal- ter L. Newberry until 1848, when he moved to Calumet, south of Chicago, and cultivated a garden-truck farm. He died in the early '80's. Four Generations— Nils Baker, Mrs. Hallenbeck, her Son and Grandson. From Voss also the first immigrants arrived in 1836, among them Nils R^the and Svein Lothe (the last named from Hardanger). In 1837 came Baard Johnson with wife and five children. An- drew Nilsen and Anders Larsen Flage, with families, arrived in 1839. Endre Iverson R^the came m 1840, and about the same time Lars Davidson (who later moved to Liberty Prairie Dane county, Wis.), Ole Gilbertsen and Anna Bakketbun. The latter was first married to a Mr. Nicholson (Nicolausen) who died from the cholera in 1849, and then to a Mr. Olson. She died in 1902, 85 years old. Her brother. Nils Bakkethun, called himself Baker. He was born near Bergen, March 4, 1825, and came to Chicago in 1843. He worked mostly for railroads, and by and by drifted away from his countrymen, so that, when he died, in June, 1906, only a few of the Chicago Norwegians were aware of it. With his wife, Anna Swensson, he had nine children, of whom six are still living, all but one in Chi- cago. Baker was one of the charter members of Rev. Paul Anderson's church. In her first mar- riage Anna Bakkethun had two sons, Henry Nicholson, who served his country throughout the war, and John G. Nicholson, who is still liv- ing on Orchard street. He is a piano tuner by profession. She also had one daughter (Sarah) who was married to J. A. Anderson, the camera, manufacturer. Andrew Nilsen contended that Johan Larsen, from Koppervig, had visited Chi- cago many times earlier as a sailor from Buf- falo, but did not settle before 1836 together with Halstein Torrison. We do not doubt that a good many other Nor- wegians came to Chicago between the years 1836 and 1840, and mention these among the first ones only because we know them, says Knud Lang- land. The writer visited Nils Baker in 1906, shortly before his death. The old man was very feeble then, but still able to give a fairly good account of himself. His biographical sketch appears else- where. In those days it required courage and pluck to settle in Chicago. One had to try to eke out a living by chopping wood and doing all kinds of menial work. Langland visited Anders Larsen Flage in 1844 — he had first met him in New York in 1843, where Flage had gone to meet his two daughters who had just then come over from Norway — and he then had a garden-truck farm on the canal land and was doing a thriving busi- ness raising and selling vegetables. One of Plage's daughters was later married to Rev. Paul Anderson. Since then a good many early settlers in Chi- cago have accumulated wealth, not a few as much as a half million dollars. Among the most widely known Norwegians in Chicago was Rev, 182 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Paul Anderson, the first Norwegian minister, whose long and valuable services in promoting the cause of the Lutheran Church deserve to be kept in kind remembrance also among coming generations of that faith. The Episcopalians, led by their Swedish min- ister, Gustavus Unonius, made some rather strong efforts to establish their church among the first call several of them now worth over $500,000. It took the Scandinavians a long time to be- gin to enter public life. The first Norwegian to do so was Iver Lawson (father of Victor F. Lawson, the publisher of the Daily News); among the Danes Geo. P. Hansen; and among the Swedes John Nelson. Martin Paulsen, father of William A. Paulsen, Paulsen & Sparre, the •jf?- \ !,. ^ .**- ^«^ P k-' Anders Larsen Flage. Mrs. Anders Larsen Flage. Norwegians in Wisconsin and Chicago. They induced Jenny Lind, when that Swedish Night- ingale visited Chicago, to donate $1,000 towards the erection of an Episcopalian church edifice, which was later built on Franklin street near Michigan street, on the North Side. Unonius removed from Pine Lake, Wis., to Chicago and acted as its minister. But the little frame church, which Rev. Paul Anderson built on Superior street and in which he now commenced to hold services, attracted the larger part of the Nor- wegians. Those among our countrymen who, during the earlier days of Chicago, were able to look into the future, and had sense enough to invest their savings in real estate, became rich while sleep- ing during this city's marvelous growth. We re- notorious banking firm, was a justice of the peace for many years. What you may Find in an Old Directory The ordinary person would hardly think that an old directory would contain any interesting matter. Sometimes it may, though, and for that reason the Chicago Historical Society has been very diligently gathering all the directories of Chicago that have ever been published. The first directory of Chicago was published in THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 183 1839 by a printer by the name of Fergus. It is not a big book in comparison with the Chicago directories of the present day. But it should be remembered that the population of Chicago in 1839 did not exceed 3,000, all told. While looking through the pages of Fergus' directory we were naturally eager to see whether any Scandinavian names were to be found in the same, and we were not disappointed in this re- spect. We had read in other books about a Hal- stein Torrison, who came here with wife and chil- dren, Oct. 16, 1836, in company with a sailor, Johan Larsen of Koppervig, and was the first Norwegian to build a house in Chicago, but we had not been able to find out what was his busi- ness or occupation. Fergus' directory, however, dispelled all doubt about this question, although • the name is a little distorted. The directory gives Holstein T0reson, gardener, with Walter L. Newberry. We think this is plain enough. The name should correctly have been written Halstein Thorstein- son. A little later it was Americanized to Torri- son, under which name Rev. P. Anderson found our subject, when he visited his farm in 1848. After having taken care of Newberry's garden- ing for some years, Halstein moved out of Chi- cago and bought land in Calumet, south of Chi- cago, where he started a truck farm and pros- pered. He came from Fjeldberg, Norway. He had built his house on Wells street, where the Chi- cago & North-Western R. R. station is now lo- cated. His "house" was a very modest structure, in fact a mere shanty. But at that time our countrymen could not afford to be particular about their dwellings, not even in the towns. It almost startles one to reflect over what Hal- stein's shanty and building lot would fetch to- day. For the younger generations of Norwegian de- scent it may be of interest to know that the Walter L. Newberry in question was a heavy real-estate owner who donated a large sum of money for the building and maintenance of the grand Newberry Library on the Nc.»-th Side. While Halstein Torrison was gardening for Newberry, another Norwegian from Voss, Thor- stein Michaelson came to Chicago and found employment as assistant gardener to Torrison. Torrison having left Newberry's employ, Mich- aelson remained as chief gardener and worked for Newberry altogether for about thirty-five years. He was born Nov. 24, 1808, and died May 29, 1885. His first wife died from the chol- era in 1849. Thorstein Michaelson had one daughter by his first wife. She was married to Nicolai Gunder- son, who is now dead, but Mrs. Gunderson is still living at Austin, 111., where 'she celebrated her sixtieth birthday, July 14, 1906, surrounded by her relatives. When Michaelson entered married life a sec- ond time his mate was a sister of Andrew Nel- son Brekke. They had two children — one son and one daughter. The son, Carl, was born in 1852. He went to California long ago; has not been heard from during the last ten years. The daughter, Julia, who was born in 1862, was mar- ried to a Swede, Mr. Peter Johnson, with whom she has had two sons — Walter Theodore Johnson, born in 1880, and Clarence Michaelson Johnson, born in 1882. Both are engaged in the electro- typing business, Walter as a molder and Clar- ence as a photographer. Mrs. Julia Johnson lives in her own comfortable residence at 1341 Maple- wood avenue. We reproduce here a portrait of her father. ^C<^ ^^^^^^^HHH|^ . , ..J... i ^^^hD^^^I ^^^K^SM ^1^^^^ Thorstein Michaelson. In the same directory we also note Anfin John- son, a tailor, employed by Simon Doyle on Kin- zie street. The given name Anfin settles John- 184 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS son's nationality beyond doubt, as does Sivert Davidson's. Mr. Davidson was a carpenter and lived in the Cass street Dutch Settlement. There was another Davidson, Lars, who was a fireman on the steamboat "Geo. W. Dole." and still a third, Peter D., a hostler with John H. Kinzie. Those three Davidsons were brothers, although, of course, the directory gives no information up- on that subject. Lars Davidson later moved to Wisconsin and settled on Liberty Prairie, Dane county, where he wasstill living in 1889, accord- ing to Knud Langland. Although the directory does not mention it, we are able to state upon no less authority than Rev. Paul Anderson that Baard Johnson, with wife and five children, came here in 1837. The tailor, Anfin Johnson, was his son. He had two other sons, John and Andrew, among the five children. In looking for the names of other countrymen in the directory we may without meny chances of error enlist Asle Anderson, musician, North State street; Endre Anderson, laborer; and Eric Anderson, pressman. Nobody would mistake the given names Asle and Endre for anything but Norwegian, and, as the three lived in the same house on North State street, we may rest reason- ably sure that they were brothers or otherwise related. Looking a little further forward, we find three Lawsons — Iver Lawson, laborer, boarded at 240 Superior street; Canute Lawson, city street car- penter, same address. Canute was probably mar- ried, and his brother Iver boarded with him. We have mentioned before that Johan Larsen, a sailor, arrived at the same time, as Halstein Torrison, and we find the name in the directory all right, but without address, as he, of course, lived on board the vessel in which he sailed. Johan Larsen, who lived in Chicago as late as 1890, had visited this place many times before he settled here, he having sailed on the lakes with Buffalo as headquarters for several years. There is also a laborer by the name of Andrew Larson, Cass street Dutch Settlement. Mr. Peter M. Balken informs us thnt this man was Andrew Larson Flage, whose daughter Ragnild was mar- ried to Rev. Anderson, the first Norwegian min- ister in Chicago. Captain George Peterson, Canal street, was the first Norwegian sea captain to sail on the lakes with his residence in Chicago. The Norwegian Old Set- tlers' Society. It is a well known fact that Mr. Peter M. Balken was the first man to whom the happy thought occurred of getting the old Norwegian settlers in Chicago together. He also took the first step toward the realization of the idea by sending out an invitation on post cards to fifty old settlers to meet on a certain evening, in 1879, at the residence of Canute R. Matson. Of the fifty so invited forty-eight responded by presenting themselves on the appointed even- ing and meeting place. Considerable enthusiasm was manifested over a proposition that the ones present then and there form the nucleus for The Norwegian Old Settlers' Society, everyone present becoming a charter member. The constitution and by-laws of the society give as its objects to establish an intimate ac- quaintance between the members, to give them a chance of comparing notes of pioneer days, foster friendship and provide wholesome social amusements. Applicants for membership must show that they have lived at least fifteen years in the United States, that they are useful and reputable citi- zens, and at the time are living in Chicago. The entrance fee is only 15 cents, and persons wishing to become honorary members pay five dollars. The officers of the society are one pre- sident, one vice-president, one secretary, one treasurer, and an executive committee of five members. The annual meeting of the society is held on the first Thursday in September, when the of- ficers for the ensuing fiscal year are elected. The duties of the officers are about the same as in other societies of a similar nature. It has been customary to hold two festive gatherings anually, a picnic in the summer and a banquet in the winter. On these occasions the stories of the good old days are retold in toasts and tete-a-tetes which grow in loquacity and gos- sipy details with the imbibing and consuming of genuine Norwegian beverages and delicacies. Proud of fatherland, the Norseman is no less proud of being an "old settler" of Chicago. This sentiment has made itself manifest at every cele- bration of the Norwegian Old Settlers' Society of Chicago. At such occasions the members of the society THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 185 and their guests would sit down to a sumptuous repast, at which fish, the beloved dish of all Norsemen, cuts no small figure, served in many appetizing ways. Other viands and wine served to make each celebration a notable one and well fit the orators of the evening to pronounce prose pseans upon the viking and the "Land of the Mid- night Sun." As examples of the subjects of the toasts at such occasions we will quote those at the cele- bration of the fifteenth annual banquet. Mr. R. Henderson was then president of the society and first extended a hearty welcome. At its conclu- sion the following toasts were given, and the fol- lowing Chicago Norsemen acquitted themselves eloquently in responding to them: "Norwegian Old Settlers of Chicago," John Gittelson. "The Political Influence of the Norsemen on Chicago and the Northwest," C. R. Matson. "Norwegian Navigation on the Great Lakes," S. T. Gunderson. "Norse Sailors of Chicago," Halvor Michelson. "Norwegian Industries of Chicago," A. P. Johnson. The constitution and by-laws of the society were not adopted until April 30, 1S82. In the course of time as the oldest settlers have had to journey to the undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns, and so many other societies, fraternal and others, have sprung up, the interest in the Old Settlers' Society has been diminishing, until there is now hardly any- thing left of it. Instead the interest has been centering itself on the Norwegian Old People's Home, which through the unceasing efforts of Dr. N. T. Quales and others has grown to pro- portions of which its founders could hardly have dreamed of at its inception. At the last annual meeting of the Norwegian Old Settlers' Society, whenever that was held, Mr. Peter M. Balken was elected president and Captain John Anderson secretary. It seems, however, to have reached such a state of decadence that no- body knows where its records are to be found. The only record we have been able to locate is a book containing the constitution and by-laws together with a list of its members, which we present here and which also gives the years of each member's arrival and the place in Norway from which he came. John Anderson, 1845, Voss. J. C. Anderson, 1842. John Anderson, Captain, 1856, Fredriksstad. Peter M. Balken, 1849, Stavanger. Mrs. Carrie R. Balken, 1850, Stavanger. John Balken, 1849, Stavanger. Ole Bendixon, 1863, Christiania. John Blegen, 1869, TjzJnsberg. O. T. Birkeland, 1851, Egersund. John C. Camberg, 1852, Soggendal. John Christianson, 1866, Trondhjem. H. L. Dahl, 1864, Tromsjz^. Elef Danielson, 1861. T. Engebretson, 1852, Haugesund. Paul F. Eckstorm, 1849, Skien. Albart J. Elvig, 1855, Bergen. Andreas Erickson, 1864, Bergen. Milian Engh, 1871. Jonas Ellingson, 1871, Stavanger. Peter Ellefsen, 1864, 0rskon. Christian Erickson, 1859, Bergen. Daniel Erickson, 1861, Bukken, near Stavanger. Johannes Gullacksen, 1864, Bergen. John Gittleson, 1850. Andrew Gunderson, 1848, Farsund. C. J. Gullackson, 1864, Bergen. Martin Gunderson, 1848, Farsund. John O. Gilbo, 1868, Gudbrandsdalen. Bryngel Henderson, 1844, Voss. Mrs. Martha Henderson, 1844, Voss. Rognald Henderson, 1849, Voss. Thomas G. Hanson, 1857, Hardanger. Hans Hansen, 1848. John Hanson, 1865. Enock Halverson, 1852, Stavanger. Peter Halvorson, 1869. Helge A. Haugan, 1861, Christiania. H. G. Holtan, 1864, Telemarken. M. B. Hanson. Hans Iverson, 1850, Hardanger. Louis Iverson. Knud Iverson. A. B. Johnson, 1837. John C. Johansen, 1864, Bergen. Mrs. Sophia Johansen, 1868, Stavanger. Andrew P. Johnson, 1850, Voss. Alfred Johnson, 1850. Ida Johnson, 1854. Nels Johnson, 1850, Voss. Peter Johnson, 1861, Trondhjem. Capt. William Johnson, 1855. Fred Johnson, 1866. Neils Johnson, 1853, 0vre Romerige. S. Knudson, 1853. 186 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Andrew G. Krogstad, 1868, Krogstad, Furnaes, Hedemarken. C. G. Krogness. Christian Lee, 1845, Gausdal. Edw. S. A. Lahlum, 1863, Bergen. Hans T. Mauritzon, 1850, Stavanger. C. R. Matson, 1848, Voss. G. C. Meyer, 1864, Bergen. Ben Moe. Capt. Halvor Mickelson, 1854, Stavanger. C. R. E. Munson. Kittil Nirison, 1845, Bfi Prestegjeld, Telemar- ken. Mrs. Ingeborg Nirison, 1848, Farsund. Andrew Nelson, 1830, Voss. Mrs. Julia Nelson, 1844, Voss. Jettee B. Nordhem, 1859, Voss. Charles M. Netterstrjzim, 1852, Stavanger. E. B. Nordhem, 1865, Voss. J. C. Netterstr^m, 1853, Stavanger. Hans Nordal, 1866, Odalen. Peter Nelson, 1841, Skien. N. Nelson, Dentist, 1867, Christiania. Arthur N. Nelson, 1853, Laurvig. Edward Olson, 1858, Hamar. Peder Olson, 1850, Voss. Mrs. Sophia Olson, 1846, Voss. Gilbert Olsen, 1866, Christiania. Jens Olsen, 1843, Siljord, Telemarken. Anthon Oien, 1861, Trondhjem. R. Olson, 1853, Stavanger. John Olson, 1854, Egersund. Martin Olson, 1864, Christiania. Peter Olsen Skaaden, 1867, Gudbrandsdalen. Tom Olson, 1866, Porsgrund. Julius Pedersen, 1855, Stavanger. Johanna Pedersen, 1856, Stavanger. H. S. Paulsen, 1864, Solor. Zakarias Peterson, 1848, Lyngdal, Farsund. S^ren M. Peterson, 1862, Skien. Dr. Niles T. Quales, 1859, Hardanger. John Reyerson, 1857, Slidre, Valders. Gulbrand Roberg, 1856, Nordre Land. Susan Roberg, 1849, Voss. Christian R. Rasmusson, 1864, Soudland, Flek- kefjord. M. H. Ryerson, 1855, Kragerj^. Berthe S. Ryerson, 1849, Lyngdal. Axel Stubergh, 1867, Christiania. Nels Sampson, 1849, Voss. Ellev G. Seavert, 1844, Vossevangcn. Nils B. Str0m, 1868, Drammen. O. L. Stangeland. Charles Sampson, 1861, Haugesund. G. A. Wigeland, 1843, Stathdle. Early Norwegian Print- ers in Chicago It might be of some interest to publish in this work a complete list of the Norwegian printers in Chicago, but it would take too much space even if it were possible to give the names of all of them. Consequently we shall have to confine ourselves to the earliest ones. It may be a surprise to a good many of the craft to learn that the first pressman in Chicago was a Norwegian. He was not only the first of our own nationality, but there was no other pressman before his arrival. His name was David Johnson, and he came here in 1834. John Amundsen's House. Corner Erie and Halsted Streets. The proprietor of the first paper in Chicago was Mr. Calhoun. He published the Chicago Democrat. The paper prospered and he could not very long supply the demand by printing it on one of the old-time hand presses. Conse- quently he bought a second-hand cylinder press from New York with an order to the seller to let a man who could run the press accompanyjt. David Johnson was a young sailor. He came from Norway to New York as a sailor boy. When the ship in which he sailed was moored there he got his regular leave of absence. But he never returned to the ship, which sailed away. When his means gave out he looked around for a job and in very short time secured one as a press-feeder. He worked at this for two years, when Mr. Calhoun's order for the cylinder press THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 187 came. He was then asked whether he would like to go West with the press, and consented. In due time he arrived with the press in Chicago, where he put it up and ran it, nobody knows how long. In his autobiography Mr. Calhoun mentions this, but does not give the pressman's name. But the Chicago Historical Society has among its possessions Mr. Calhoun's account book for 1834, and in it we have found David Johnson's name. The next Norwegian printer after David John- son, as far as we have been able to trace, was a pressman, Eric Anderson, in 1839. In 1844 came John Amundson, who learned his trade with the next proprietor of the Chicago Democrat, John Wentworth (Long John), and the next one is called in the account books William Iver. His Norwegian name was, however, Iver Vikingson. In 1850 we find Hans Kjos; in 1851, Ole Gulliver; in 1852, John Anderson (the founder and still the publisher of Skandinaven) ; in 1853, Lars Lee and Lewis Knudson; and in 1855, Peter M. Balken, who then came to the Chicago Journal, where he remained for over forty years as pressman. Mr. Balken is still living, active, and at the present time engaged in the county clerk's office. The SkandinavianTypo- graphical Union Was organized in 1883, after many unsuccessful ■attempts to consolidate the labor interests of Scandinavian-American printers in Chicago. On April 15 of that year Emil Ljunggren called a meeting of Scandinavian printers at the Hotel Dannevirke, to discuss the question of forming a union. Steps were then taken which terminated in the organization of the society ten days later, the original founders being: Emil Ljunggren, Olaf A. Rasmussen, J. J. Engberg, O. Lund, A. Johansen, C. Koch, M. Guldbrandsen, C. J. Chris- tiansen, Allan Soetre, J. Newbold, J. Hansen, G. C. Shervey, Edward Lund, A. A. Andersen, Charles Ericksen, H. Ariansen, T. Bj^rgelfsen, Samuel Lyckberg, J. Dahl, John Hansen, and L. E. Aslund. A. Morck was elected president; J. A. Nyberg, vice-president; Olaf A. Rasmussen, recording secretary; Ernest Younggren, treasurer; Tormod Manson, financial secretary; Emil Ljunggren, sergeant-at-arms. The total membership was thirty-six. Semi-annual meetings in January and July were arranged for, and at the third regular meeting the membership was forty-nine. The presidents for 1884 were A. Morck and Ernest Younggren; for the first half of 1885, C. O. Williamson. On May 1, 1884, the sick fund was established and twenty-eight members of the association sub- scribed for its benefits. This branch of the so- ciety was reorganized on Aug. 23, 1885, with Charles J. Sward as secretary and treasurer, and twelve members, $105 being paid out for sick relief during the first six months of 1885. On Sept. 1, another fund was established, whereby unemployed members were to receive $3 per week. The officers elected for the second term of 1885 were: A. Morck, president; J. F. Ellefsen, vice- president; Alexander Sward, recording secretary; O. Lund, financial secretary; J. Dahl, treasurer; Emil Lindberg, sergeant-at-arms; C. O. William- son and Hilmer Hesselroth, trustees. At that time the association had forty-nine members. The Norwegian Old People's Home Society By Dr. N. T. Quales. Shortly after the great fire, in 1871, the Chicago Relief and Aid Society endowed the Old People's Home, located on the corner of Indiana avenue and Thirty-ninth street, reserving to itself the right of as many free places, to be occupied by worthy old people, as the Relief Society might choose to admit. This home, with a capacity of housing seventy- two inmates, was intended for old people in gen- eral, and not for any particular creed or nation- ality. It was at that time the only old people's home in the city, and it was a mere matter of chance or preferment to obtain admission, and as far as I have been able to ascertain only four women of our nationality had been admitted up to the year of 1896. But the difficulty of obtain- ing admission was not the only drawback. The language, the customs, the religious exercises. 188 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS etc., were foreign to our people, so that they could not find themselves entirely at home in this institution. Hence the need of a home of our own was the more keenly felt. During the thirty or more years in which I had been going from house to house in the pur- suit of my calling as a physician, I often met with persons whom I was at a loss to know what to do with. They were men and women gener- ally well up in years, persons who by hard work and by saving had managed to lay aside a few hundred dollars. They had now come to that stage of life when their working days were at he has no other income. He must rent a room, which will cost him $4 per month, or $48 a year. His living would cost him $5 per month, or $60 a year; together, $108. To this must be added incidental expenses, such as medical attendance, nursing, medicine, besides clothes, etc. At this rate his capital would not last him much over four years. A person of 65 years, in ordinary good health for that age, is likely to live ten years. Here then comes the sad part of it. After having battled through life independently for three score years and ten, we find him now about to end his days in an almshouse, and to be buried ^w ''}f'- '--^ The Norwegian Old People's Home, Norwood Park, 111. an end, and when they had to look out for a home in which to spend the remainder of their days. They had no one in particular to depend upon, and there was no family who was willing to give them a permanent home for the few hun- dred dollars which they possessed. Not being sick, they were not subjects for a hospital, neither were they yet paupers, hence could not be sent to the poorhouse. Their small capital would not last them long if they should subsist on that, a fact that can readily be demonstrated. We will take as an example a person 65 years of age, and we will suppose that he has laid by $500, and that in a potter's field. Does not this seem cruel? And yet there appeared to be no other way out of it. The only remedy that I could think of was to establish a home for this class of persons. Their condition impressed itself so forcibly upon my mind, that I resolved to do what I could for them. And the opportunity came. In 1892, when the Tabitha Society was reorganized, a commit- tee was elected to draft a constitution and by- laws for the society, and as I happened to be a member of that committee I urged this matter strongly upon the other members, with the result that it became embodied in the charter of the THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 189 societ}', as one of the objects thereof, to estab- lish a home for the aged. But as the main object of the leaders of that society was hospital work, the home for the aged, as well as orphans, and deaconesses' home, were set entirely aside. This action, or rather non-action, on the part of the so-called majority of the Tabitha Society caused grievous disappointment and general dissatisfac- tion; so much so, that a very large number of the members withdrew from the Society — the very inembers who had been most active in pro- moting the cause and contributing to the success of the object for which the society was organ- ized. These members who thus withdrew from the Tabitha Society were determined to go on with the work of charity, namely, deaconess work, home for the aged and orphan home. After fully considering the inatter they came to the con- clusion that it would not be best to carry on the various branches of the work under one and the same head. They therefore divided up the work, so that one part took up deaconess work, an- other home for the aged and still another or- phan home. The Tabitha Society had been divided into branches, and that part of the membership who withdrew, who took up the work for an Old People's Home, retained the branch organiza- tino, hence the Bethlehem, Concordia, Trinity, Wicker Park and Zion branches organized them- selves into a society under the name of the Nor- wegian Old People's Home Society of Chicago, Illinois. A constitution and by-laws were drafted and adopted and the society was formally or^ ganized in the chapel of Trinity Church on the 31st day of March, 1896, and incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois on the 24th day of April, 1896. The articles of incorporation provide that the name of the society shall be the Norwegian Old People's Home Society of Chicago, Illinois, and that the object is to erect, maintain and manage a home for old people, and that the society in its work shall be governed in conformity with the principles of the Lutheran Church. The constitution provides that the control of the affairs of the society shall be vested in a board of directors, consisting of one male member from each branch having from fifteen to fifty mem- bers, and one for each additional fifty members. It further provides that each branch at its De- cember meeting shall nominate candidates for directors, who are to be elected at the annual meeting of the society and serve for three years; that the directors elected are to organize by electing from their own members a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, who are to hold office for one year. The constitution further provides for a ladies' auxiliary board, to consist of two ladies from each branch. They are to be nominated and elect- ed in the same manner as the members of the board of directors and serve for two years. The organization of the ladies' board to be similar to the board of directors, and their particular duties are to look after the domestic affairs of the home, arrange for and have charge of festivals, enter- tainments, etc. The first board of directors consisted of Abra- ham Johnson and Conrad de Lange from Bethle- hem Branch; Anton A. Melum from Concordia Branch; Adolph Nelson and Anton Petersen from Trinity Branch; A. P. Johnson and N. T. Quales from Wicker Park Branch, and John Jersin and John Anda from Zion Branch. The board of directors met April 8, 1896, at the residence of Dr. N. T. Quales, 52 Fowler street, and organ- ized by electing Dr. Quales president, Anton A. Melum vice-president, John Jersin secretary and Anton Petersen treasurer. The ladies' board consisted of Mrs. H. Samu- elsen and Mrs. B. Amundsen, from Bethlehem Branch; Mrs. A. Johnson and Mrs. Belle Nelson from Concordia Branch; Mrs. R. Jorgensen and Mrs. H. Johnson from Trinity Branch; Mrs. Henry Olsen and Mrs. H. L. Anderson from Wicker Park Branch, and Mrs. Minnie Anda and Mrs. Margrethe Rosier from Zion Branch. The board organized by electing Mrs. Belle Nelson president, Mrs. Margrethe Rosier vice-president, Mrs. Minnie Anda secretary and Mrs. H. L. An- derson, treasurer. In 1898 two new branches were added to the societj^, namely, Moreland Branch and United Branch; of these two, the United Branch dis- banded in the early part of 1899 and the More- land Branch in 1901. In 1905 a new branch, the Young People's Branch, was admitted into the society. In the latter part of 1900 a "young ladies' aid society" was organized. The society, consisting of young ladies, has taken great interest in the work and has been a very valuable addition to our society. They were the first to set apart money for a reserve fund, and by adding to this fund year by year they have now $800 saved up for this purpose. At the meeting in Trinity Church, when the 190 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Society was organized, the directors were in- structed to begin the work at once, and either to buy or to rent a suitable place for an old peo- ple's home. For various reasons the board of directors pre- ferred to buy, and was fortunate in finding a beautiful piece of property in Norwood Park, comprising about four acres of land planted to park. On the ground was a three-story building with basement, containing between twenty-five 'and thirty rooms. With some changes this build- ing could be made to serve our purpose. The cost of this propertv was $20,000, but from this amount the owner agreed to donate $1,500. As the property was very desirable, and having fully satisfied ourselves that the price was rea- sonable, the board of directors decided to buy. The bargain was closed on the 18th day of May, 1896; on the 15th of June we got possession of the property by making a payment of $3,500, and in 1897 we made the second payment of $3,500. Similar payment was made every year until 1901, when we made our last payment. Besides the cost price of the property, between $2,000 and $3,000 had been expended on the building and on the grounds. In the year 1901 the society purchased a parcel of ground in the Union Ridge Cemetery and some of the departed inmates have found there their resting place. The property in our possession, applications for admission came from all parts of the coun- try, from California and from the far East, even before the house was ready for occupancy. Mrs. Caroline Osterberg was the first permanent in- mate, and at the time of the formal opening and dedication festivities, August 8, 1896, seventeen old people had already found refuge within its walls. When the branches now constituting the Old People's Home Society withdrew from the Tab- itha Society, they left everything in the posses- sion of that society, so that when we took up this work it was with absolutely empty hands. However, our hearts were interested in the cause and we went at it with earnestness and full of faith, and surely our efforts have been crowned with success. We were all agreed to do charity, but when we came to the practical part of it we differed as to what constituted charity. Some held that it could only be charity when we took in persons abso- lutely without means; others thought it would be charity when a few were admitted free. Others again held that it was charity indeed when we undertook to care and provide for old people, even if they paid a comparatively small amount. After the work was begun, and especially after we had more fully investigated the work and management of similar institutions elsewhere, it became clearly apparent that the plan and pur- pose of the societies having the care and man- agement of these private or semi-public institu- tions were not to establish poorhouses. Public paupers must be cared and provided for by the county and state authorities. Homes similar to ours were intended for old people who have never been puplic paupers, and who never ought to be treated as such. Inmates of these homes should be made to feel that they are part owners, as it were, in the in- stitution, and that they are in their own home. As far as their age and health would permit they should have every inducement to enjoy life truly and peacefully. The question of doing charity has been brought up time and again. It has been laid up against our society that so long as we do not admit per- sons free into the home we do no charity. In my annual reports I have demonstrated clearly, I think, that our work is truly charitable work, and it has been my experience that those who are anxious to do charity when it can be done with other people's money, and who cry the loudest, are not, as a rule, the ones to head the subscription lists for charitable purposes. When societies like the one having charge of the Old People's Home at Indiana avenue and Thirty-ninth street, whose property is valued at nearly $300,000, the Altenheim Society, with a reserve fund of about $80,000, or the German Missourians' Old People's Home at Arlington Heights, supported by thirty or forty congrega- tions, cannot afiford to admit persons free, it seems queer that our poor society, which has no stated income and no reserve fund, should be expected to do so. It is said that by admitting- persons free we shall be blessed; people will open- their hearts and money will come in abundantly. But can you bank on this? It is a trite old say- ing, that the Lord helps those that help them- selves. While I believe in doing charity, and have practiced according to this belief as far as I have been able, and while I would be only too glad to- admit persons into the home free, I cannot in this case overlook the fact that a great responsi- bility is resting upon us. We founded this home. We have admitted into the home old men and' old women. We have taken their last dollar and we have agreed to provide for them and to take care of them for the rest of their lives, and to- THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 191 give them a Christian burial. What I sai3 in my first annual report I repeat here, that just now it may seem a very simple task to feed and take care of some worthy men and women, minding themselves and their own affairs. But if in im- agination we permit ourselves to be carried for- ward for five or ten years, what do we find? Why, the old people have grown older, and with the advance in years, helplessness has resulted, together with sickness and impatience. They have been compelled to remain in bed, are fret- ful and difficult to care for, and demand atten- tion day and night. They have to be nursed; must be lifted in and out of bed. They must be kept clean. Extra help is needed. They can- not, as in a hospital, be discharged as cured, im- proved in health or incurable. No; they are there for life. They are under our care and in our keeping, whether their days be few or many. There will be no question as to whether they have paid much or little; all demand the same care and attention. And when at last their time shall have come — ■ When death's sad shadow is densely cast Upon the dim and the lustreless vision; When nature's beauty and charms have past. Life's joy they hear, but it bears no mission — then it is that a loving, a tender and helpful hand is needed to make the bed soft and moisten the parched lips. A loving hand to wipe away the salt tears and the cold perspiration from pale, wrinkled cheeks. A loving hand to close the broken eyes when the angel of death shall have recorded the last breath. And finally loving hands and kind hearts are required to carry and escort, in a worthy and Christian manner, the soulless body to its last resting place. This is the object of our society. This is the magnificent thought. This is the lofty aim. This is the noble purpose of our work. And can there yet be anyone among us with such evil thoughts in his heart as that this is not intended for a work of love, of benevolence, of charity? For the reason given I have been and am now firmly of the opinion that we should not under- take to admit anyone free until there may have been created a special fund for this purpose. They who can see no charity in the work we are now doing will hardly think it charity if one or two persons are admitted free, and I doubt very much whether they would consider it charity, in the way they understand it, even if all were ad- mitted free. And how would it be possible to discriminate and do justice where all applicants had the same rights and qualifications? In order to show what it means to found and maintain the home I shall give in round numbers the income and expenditures for each year as they appear in the treasurer's annual reports: Income. Expenditures. First year $ 8,932.25 $ 8,094.87 Second year 12,063.31 11,596.91 Third year 8,354.56 8,100.49 Fourth year 11,648.66 11,054.57 Fifth year 11,025.11 10,128.38 Sixth year 5,110.57 4,041.19 Seventh year 6,400.02 5,497.86 Eighth year 5,281.21 5,597.50 Ninth year 5,781.59 5,244.13 Tenth year 18,561.36 12,997.66 Total $93,158.64 $82,353.56 At the home quite extensive improvements were made in 1905. A wing was added to the main building. This addition consists of a two- story building with brick basement. Each story has eight rooms provided with modern improve- ments, and in the basement are located apparatus for steamheating, coal room, janitor's room, etc. The old building was repaired from cellar to garret, the dining room was enlarged and re- paired, new barn was erected, etc. The expenses of these various improvements amounted to about $8,000. The inmates of the home at pres- ent number forty-eight, and since the home was founded eighty-four old men and women have been admitted into the institution as permanent inmates. The hired help are a matron, a janitor, a cook and three girls. The cost for each in- mate during the year amounts to about $120. * * The Norwegian Luth- eran Children's Home It is now over twenty-five years since the Norwegians of Chicago began to discuss the necessity of a Children's home. Pastor Eielsen favored the movement, and at his death provided in his will for $1,500 as a nucleus, providing only that the three church organizations — namely Hauges Synod, Augustana Synod and Konfer- encen — should jointly build and maintain the home. The subject was carefully considered, but 192 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Rev. Eielsen's noble plan of united action on the part of the churches could not be realized. The matter was dropped for a. few years, when it was taken up again, with Mrs. Eielsen and Mr. and Mrs. Sand in the lead. This efifort proved as fruitless as the first. The society died, and there was fear of losing the money gener- ously set aside by Rev. Eielsen. Mrs. Michael- sen, who was a member of this society, was greatly disappointed in the fact that no further in its constitution a clause providing for a chil- dren's home or asylum. She then laid her plans before one of these meetings, but no action was taken. However, Rev. Brun, who was chairman of the association, was interested, and after an interview with him, and after having shown him the rules she had prepared, he approved of the idea and promised his support. The rules, briefly stated, were as follows : Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home. meetings were called, but continued to study the subject with a view of avoiding the partisan feeling which so far had frustrated every effort. A plan of organizing little children into clubs and societies to solicit subscriptions for such a home suggested itself to her, and she accordingly wrote down a few rules to govern such societies, planning to make the effort systematic; the chil- dren should be provided with printed subscrip- tion books for the purpose. In the meantime she had been elected a director of the original Nor- wegian Tabitha Association, and found that it had Rules for the Little Shepherds' Society. 1. At every place where six young ladies will unite as teachers for the following mentioned purpose a society may be formed, to be num- bered in the order in which it is organized — as society one, two, and so on. 2. The six young ladies to organize as teach- ers, by electing one of their member as treas- urer. The other five to gather five children each, and each child to receive a subscription book with room for ten contributors, the book THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 193 to be so ruled that the contribution from each person may be entered each week during the year. 3. Once each month the teachers will gather the children to a meeting or party, where each teacher will receive the money from the five children appointed by her and turn it over to the treasurer, who also receives any money collected at the meeting. At such parties the teachers shall join the children in their play, read to them, or teach them some handiwork. 4. Once each summer the society shall hold a picnic, and each fall a children's bazar, where the children's work can be displayed and sold for the benefit of the society. 5. The object of the society shall be to buy a piece of land and build and maintain a chil- dren's home under the control of the Original Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Association. 6. With this object, the treasurer for each society shall turn over the collections each month to the person designated by the Original Nor- wegian Lutheran Tabitha Association to receive the same. Said person to give receipts for same and annually publish the status of such fund. With this, however, the association was not organized, as section 2 of the rules was not easy to carry out. The question was: who would permit their children to do this, and who would undertake to serve as teachers. It began to trouble Mrs. Michaelsen; she looked upon the plan as impossible and childish. Common sense advised her to give it up, but another voice said: You have placed your hands to the work; stand to it, even if it seems impossible. It is God's work, and He will provide for the results. Mrs. Michaelsen says: I presented the matter before a woman's club. Here I found several who were willing to allow their children to join. Mrs. August Johnson, 932 Kedzie avenue, who was very near to a few chil- dren who had lost their mother and were left to a careless father, gave us a powerful argument for the necessity of a home. She was the first to permit her three little girls to join in the work. After her example others volunteered at the same meeting. Misses Marie and Bella John- son, 56 Bingham street, announced their willing- ness to act as teachers. Later others volun- teered. On Jan. 14, 1892, I held a meeting in my own home, where I met those who had agreed to join in the work, but there were only four teachers, namely: Marie and Bella Johnson, Thora Elleson and Jensine Skaar. After singing the verse, "I Jesu navn skal al vor gjerning ske" and reading the 25th chapter of Matthew, with a prayer to God for his guidance, the proposed rules were adopted. On Feb. 1 the Little Shepherds held their first meeting, at the same place, where twenty-six children and the following teachers were pres- ent: Marie and Bella Johnson, Thora Elleson (now Mrs. Dr. Hegland), Constance Hanson (now Mrs. Syvertson) and Nettie Thorsen (now Mrs. Oneby). They elected Miss Constance Hanson as secretary and Thora Elleson as treas- urer. The children then received their sub- scription books. Thus one society was organ- ized, and we were very hopeful of forming others. But here we met with other difficulties. We found the interest in the Children's Home very small, though everybody was interested in the hospitals. We had one hospital and another was building under the management of tv.-o different associations, and everybody was seen in the interest of one or both of these praiseworthy institutions. Naturally these activ- ities affected our feeble charity, the Little Shep- herds' Society. When the directors representing the two hospitals united in their efforts, paragraphs 5 and 6 in our rules for the Little Shepherds were dispensed with. Again, when these two bodies drifted apart and broke the tie, on account of their respective principles, ande we fore- saw that trouble was brewing, we decided, as the Little Shepherds' Society, to work quietly until the storm had blown over, in the hope that the Lord would lead us. It was not long before it was clear to us that we did not need to look to any other society for protection, but that we could in God's name sail by ourselves. We had now arrived at a point where we rec ognized the importance of reorganization. In considering this step we consulted several per- sons who we were confident would not work against the principle of union or "Fse'llesskab." Rev. Hetland was one of the first invited to our meetings. He was very much pleased with our decision to reorganize, approving it heartily. A committee of four — consisting of Rev. Hetland, Mr. and Mrs. Michaelsen and Mrs. Syvertson (nte Hanson) — was then appointed to prepare: a constitution for the society. On Sept. 21, 1896, the Little Shepherds' So- ciety held a meeting at Mrs. Christine John- son's, 56 Bingham street, where the new consti- tution was adopted and a board of directors elected. These were the directors: Rev. Het- land, Mr. and Mrs. Michaelsen, Mrs. August Johnson, Mr. Holm, Mr. Rude and Mr. Liab0. Rev. Hetland was elected president, Mr. Micha- 194 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS elsen vice-president, Mr. Liab0 secretary, and Mr. Rude treasurer. The constitution is sum- marized as follows: 1. The name of this association shall be The Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home Society. 2. The object is to care for and educate poor and neglected children. To do this the society will build and conduct a children's home in Chi- cago. 3. Any one of good character can become a member, by signing the constitution and paying dues of one dollar annually. Members behind in dues for one year are not allowed to vote. Members paying $10 at one time become life members. 4. New members may be admitted at any regular meeting, providing a majority of those present vote favorably on the application. .5. The annual meeting shall be held on the first Wednesday in November, at 7:30 p. m., in Chicago, 111., the place to be designated by the management. The order of business shall be prayer, reading the minutes of last meeting, re- port by the chairman, secretary, cashier and committees; unfinished business; election of of- ficers and standing committees; admission of new members; new business; adjournment. Extra meetings can be called by the management as often as necessary, on request in writing by fif- teen regular members. Annual and extra meet- ings must be published in a Norwegian news- paper in Chicago in time for such meeting. The board of directors shall meet regularly once each month. A majority of the "board shall con- stitute a quorum. 6. The board of directors shall consist of nine members who subscribe to the Lutheran faith. Their term of office shall be three years. They shall elect from their own number a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer, who shall hold their offices until their successors have been elected and qualified. If a member is absent from three successive meetings, except for sickness or absence from the city, his seat shall be declared vacant, and a member of the society shall be appointed in his place. AH- other vacancies shall be filled in the same manner. The duties of all officers arc those usually assigned in regularly incorporated associations; the treasurer to fur- nish a good and sufficient bond. 7. At the annual meeting a committee of three members shall be elected for one year, who shall examine and verify all reports and accounts. 8. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum at all meetiuG's. 9. Rules. — Children received should as a rule not be under two nor over ten years old. After having been accepted they hold the same rela- tion to the home that other children do to their parents, and remain under the care of the home until they are confirmed. Money due or which may become due to the child, to the ainount of $200 or less, belongs to the home. If the amount be greater, the society can demand up to $75 per year. In the fall of 1897 the Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home Society was incorporated. In November, 1898, the society bought the property on Irving Park boulevard and Fifty-eighth ave- nue, previously known as Martin Luther College, consisting of a three-story building and six lots. The price paid was $4,000, $1,000 cash, with a mortgage for the remainder. The purchase had no more than been closed when applications for the acceptance of children poured in upon the managers, indicating that they could not long keep the doors closed. In February, 1899, Miss Annie M. Abraham- sen was appointed matron for the home. In April the ladies of the society made an inventory of the home and set about to provide necessary supplies, as it had been decided to open the home on the 1st of May. It was not an easy matter to provide the supplies, for the treasury was nearly empty, but the Lord, who had helped us thus far, would not abandon us at this crit- ical moment. Skandinaven, which had always been willing to publish short articles in relation to the home, gave timely assistance now. We were allowed to publish calls for what we needed most, in order to open the home at the time set, and it was surprising how the necessities came to us as gifts. A chain letter was sent out by one of the directors and brought in $220. This money was truly a great help just before the opening. "Bjzirnevennen," which was started in the interest of the home, was also a great help to the committee in charge. On the 11th of May, 1899, the home was open- ed for the reception of children. Many friends of the management met at the home, glad and thankful to God for the day that they had for so many years looked forward to. Rev. Het- land read from the Scriptures and encouraged those present to trust in God and not forsake the good work, even though at times the future might look dark and foreboding. A little girl, Ella Hazel M^rk, who had been accepted, was taken in as the home's first in- mate. On June 18, the same year, the home was dedicated in the name of the Triune God by THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 195 Rev. Kildahl. On that day six children were ac- cepted and received, four having been accepted previously, making in all ten inmates on dedica- tion day. After this the interest in the home began to grow, as was clearly evidenced by the money and useful articles continually sent in by friends. Small societies were organized for the benefit of the home. "Bprnevennen" — which was or- ganized March 1, 1898, with Mrs. Andrew John- sen, 1412 Sawyer avenue, president; Mrs. Nord- lie secretary, and Mrs. Lindholdtz treasurer — was the first. These societies, of which there are now ten, have been of great financial benefit to the home. In 1902 large improvements were made on the premises, costing in all $3,503. The means the society has employed to raise funds have been annual bazars, picnics, concerts and social gatherings. After the fornial opening of the home the management requested Rev. Het- land to undertake the raising of funds from other Lutheran congregations, preferably in the country. . This he did, and during, four months' time raised $1,500. Money has since come in in larger sums, among which we can mention that from Mr. Bessesens' will and testament, $6,000, and from Mr. A. P. Johnson, $1,000. The debt on the home now is only $500. This obligation, however, the above-mentioned societies have pledged themselves to take care of. During the last year the number of children at the home has increased from sixty to seventy. If there are more than sixty there are too many; in fact it has been realized for a long time that the home is too small to accommodate the mer- itorious applicants. It has been impossible for the management to lock out all of the worthy applicants, however, though there has been some crowding. But now there is a promise of a change for the better. Last fall the society bought a tract of land, eighteen acres, at Edison Park, 111., where it expects to build as soon as the needed money is provided. The property was secured for $6,480, of which $6,000 has al- ready been paid. At present the management of the home is in the hands of the following board of directors: Rev. C. K. Solberg, president; Christian Petter- sen, vice-president; Rev. O. K. Espeseth, secre- tary; N. M. Norman, financial secretary; M. T. Christofifersen, treasurer; Rev. L. Harrisville, Mrs. J. P. Jensen, Airs. J. B. Johnsen, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Reque, Miss Hulda Miller and Miss Anna Michaelsen. Miss Annie Abrahamsen has been matron since the home was opened. The society has a membership of four hun- dred, and there is at this writing seventy-three children at the home. Airs. Michaelsen adds in closing the statement and data for this sketch: "In reading these lines over and reverting in my memory to the time when the society was started I must exclaim: It was God's work, and is wonderful before my eyes. May His blessings always rest over the Chil- dren's Home." The Hope Mission and Scandinavian Girls' Home By Mathilda B. Carse. In 1888 Mrs. U. F. Bruun, an earnest-hearted, gifted Norwegian, came to the president of the Chicago Central W. C. T. U. and pleaded with her to do something for her countrymen to save them from the allurements of the saloon. She said: "The young men of my country emigrate to Chicago in great numbers. Most of them are ignorant of the ways of a large city. They grow homesick in cold, dingy rooms in cheap boarding houses. The saloon, with its brilliant lights and gay company, is more inviting to them; thus they take the first step in the downward path to ruin. If your union will only help me open a Scandi- navian reading room in a small way where I car» welcome my people when they come to this city as strangers, and where I can hold gospel tem- perance meetings, I will give my services free."" Although the Central W. C. T, U. was over- taxed with other reform and charitable work, it could not turn a deaf ear to the earnest plea of this unselfish and devoted Norwegian. An empty store in the midst of the foreign population, flanked by saloons on every side, was rented and furnished for a reading room; the Central W. C. T. U. paid the rent for several years, until the hard times of the last decade forced them to stop. Since then it has been kept up through the untiring efforts and great self-denial of Mrs. Bruun, who has been nobly assisted by Miss Muhlhausen. The Hope Mission has been truly a Bethel to souls for eighteen years; thousands have fre- quented the reading room yearly, and large num- im A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS bers of drinking men have been converted at the evening and Sunday gospel temperance meetings. From this mission sprang the Scandinavian W. C. T. U., the Scandinavian Prohibition Club and a Loyal Temperance Legion. They each hold weekly meetings in Harmony Hall. The association was incorporated by the laws -of Illinois in May, 1905. The incorporators were: Rev. S. C. Simonsen, Dr. Horace Somers, Mrs. Matilda B. Carse, all of Chicago, and Mrs. Ma- rion H. Dunham of Burlington, Iowa. The ob- ject was "to establish in Chicago and maintain, a gospel temperance mission, with free reading room and temperance lunchroom for men; a separate reading room, dining room and rest room for women; also to establish and main- tain a home for working girls, especially Scan- Harmony Hall. dinavians, to afiford a safe and cheap stopping place and bring them under Christian influence." The administration of this work is to be carried on by eleven trustees. These trustees have been appointed. Mrs. U. F. Bruun was elected presi- dent. Miss Louise Muhlhausen vice-president, Mr. Carl A. E. Droisum secretary, Mr. H. A. Haugan (president State Bank of Chicago), treasurer. The trustees have purchased Harmony Hall, on the corner of Ohio and Noble streets, for $5,000. The lot is 125 by 29 feet. The hall was built fifteen years ago by the Harmony Total Abstinence Society. The founder was Lamit Carl- sen. His young manhood was ruined by drink, but he reformed and became a Christian. A few years ago he died. After his death the society broke up. There was a mortgage on the prop- erty and it was foreclosed. It was about to be rented for a beer and dance hall, had not Mrs. Bruun five years ago rented it for "The Hope Mission." The building is of brick, with a stone foundation, strong enough to erect upon it three more stories. It is the intention of the trustees to enlarge it for a Scandinavian girls' home, which is greatly needed, and for other purposes above enumerated. When it is considered that there are about 250,000 Scandinavians in Chicago, and that Har- mony Hall is the center of this vast foreign popu- lation, the strategic position of this building for the work contemplated for God and humanity cannot be overestimated, especially as this part of the city swarms with saloons and every other iniquity that degrades the people. The First Norwegian Total Abstinence Society By Mrs, U. F. Bruun. Not long after the W. C. T. U. crusade in 1874 a few Norwegian men interested them- selves in the temperance cause and began to consider the organization of a Scandinavian temperance union. It was, however, uphill work, and it was only after persistent agitation that they ventured to call a meeting. A meeting was held, however, and though only four or five responded they were earnest workers and friends of the cause and kept up the agitation until they succeeded in organizing the First Norwegian Total Abstinence Society, and appointed them- selves as its first officers. The meetings were held at the home of Mrs. Christ Wilson, who then lived at 286 W. Erie street. Those pioneers of the first society were Messrs. C. Wilson, M. F. Hammer, P. Seim, P. S. Diihring and Tallack Ellingson. Mr. Ellingson while in Norway was a co-worker with the famous and beloved As- bj^rn Closter. In 1876 the society began to hold meetings in the Lutheran church at the corner of Peoria street and Grand avenue, under the presidency of Lauritz Carlsen, a converted inebriate who was an exceedingly enthusiastic and eloquent pleader for the cause. The membership grew to THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO IGT?' 900, and among them were some of the best business men in the city. In 1878 there arose a discussion as to the religious part of the meet- ings, together with other matters, and resulted in a split in the ranks. President Carlsen and seventy members went out of the union and started the Harmony Total Abstinence Society, which held meetings in different places. In 1888 they built the Harmony Hall at the corner of Noble and Ohio streets. Mr. Carlsen was president most of the time until 1893, when he died. The late Mr. Ole Br. Olsen, editor of Reform, was won over to the temperance cause at one of Mr. Carlsen's meet- ings and proved an efficient helper. For a time he was president of the society. Mr. Olsen aft- erward started the Scandinavian Prohibition Club in Chicago — in 1887. The Harmony So- ciety dissolved in 1903 and the Hope Mission and the Scandinavian W. C. T. U. took up the work and have held weekly gospel temperance meetings in Harmony Hall for the past five years. The First Norwegian Total Abstinence Society broke up in 1883; but though of short duration it educated our people and brought to light talent which might have remained unrec- ognized. The best temperance workers among our peo- ple to-day, those who are now carrying on the work both in the Hope Mission and the Scan- dinavian Good Templars and Templars, were once members of the First Society. So, even if the temperance unions are no more, the good seed they have sown is bearing fruit unto eternal life. "Live for self you live in vain; Live for God and truth, you live again." International Order of Good Templars By Henry Weardahl. As an introduction to this little historical sketch of the temperance movement in our local- ity, Mr. Tallak Ellingsen should be mentioned as the very first of the worthy workers in Chi- cago. O. G. Horton, another of the pioneers, held for many years honorary positions in the first Norwegian total abstinence society of Chicago, as well as in the I. O. G. T. and the T. of T. Hans Larsen, a well known tailor of Chicago, has been an active worker for over thirty years, spending both time and money in the cause. L. D. Oftedahl is also an old-time temperance worker who for many years has offered his talent and held prominent positions in the T. of T. The first Norwegian I. O. G. T. lodge was organized in Chicago by C. A. Vannatta, Nov. 28, 1879, as Norden Lodge No. 65. Among the first members were O. G. Horton, Fred Nelson, Swan Carlson, Wm. Hillestad and Mr. Olsen (a tailor now residing in Brainerd, Minn.), all of whom were members of the first Norwegian total abstinence society. Two other pioneer members of the Norden Lodge were Ole Johnson (a street- car conductor of Chicago, now deceased) and C. A. Dahl, a jeweler. Norden No. 65, was in active operation for eight years and a half. In the August-October quarter, 1881, it reached its high- est membership — about 250. This lodge pos- sessed its own banner as well as a good library. In the fall of the year 1880 the Jail Resque was organized by Norden members, and worked m the English language. Associate members from Norden were O. G. Horton, C. A. Dahl and others, Mr. Dahl being chief templar. The Jail Resque, of which state senator Niels Juul was also a member, existed for about three years. Leif Erikson No. 176, Springfield, 111., was organized Feb. 9, 1889, by O. Odelius, the greater part of the membership being employes of the Illinois Watch Co., Springfield. First L. D. was Sivert Sve (now watchmaker and jeweler at Pana, III.). Enighed, No. 262, was organized Oct. 29, 1890,. by Senator Niels Juul. First L. D. was Chr. Nicolaisen. Nordlyset No. 572, was organized Aug. 2, 1891, by Arvie Queber. First L. D., H. A. Johnson. Det Gode Haab No. 660 was organized March 29, 1892, by Senator Juul. First L. D., Rasmus Olsen; C. T., Jorgen Carlsen; V. T., Mrs. A. Rasmussen; Sec, Hans Johannesen; Fin. Sec, A. Rasmussen; Treas., Ingebrigt Ingebrigtsen; M., Tonnes Christensen; P. C. T., John Nelson. The following were also charter members: Th. Gransted, T. T. Obrestad, S. C. Michelson, Peter Vallem, Mrs. Louise Hansen, Miss Bertha Han- sen. This lodge worked for seven years, and its highest membership— about 150— was reached in the May-July quarter, 1894. Possessed library and banner. A juvenile temple, under the name of Good Hope No. 173 was instituted March 25, 1893, and reacher a membership of about 200. Organ- 1W8 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS izer and Superintendent Hanna Grimm (now Mrs. Stevens). Nordkap No. 262 was organized Feb. 2, 1893, by the amalgamation of Nordlyset No. 572, and the Norden No. 262, the latter being a reorgani- zation of Enighed No. 262, and chartered Oct. 9, 1892. First L. D., Annie Pedersen; C. T., C. Nicolaisen; V. T., Chas. Olsen; Sec, Geo. Bil- ling; Asst. Sec, Augusta Scholberg; F. S., Lau- ritz Hoist; Treas., John M. Pederson; M., Bernh. Johnson; D. M., Alma Ecker; G., Geo. Olsen; Sent., T. Tonnesen; S. J. T., Marie Lange; P. C. T., H. Svee. This lodge was in active opera- tion for about seven years. Tordenskjold No. 221 was organized April 1, 1894, by Geo. Dilling. First L. D., Mauritz Ris- ing. Northern Star No. 440 was organized April 4, 1894, by C. A. Vannatta. First L. D., A. G. Ten- neison; C. T., John M. Pederson. Worked with English as well as Norwegian rituals, alternat- ing. Fremtids Haab No. 779 was organized June 25, 1895, by Henry Weardahl. L. D., Jens Jen- sen; P. C. T., Hans P. Pedersen; C. T. H. P. Jensen; Sec, Chr. J. 0stergaard. Aurora No. 782 was organized Sept. 1, 1895, by Bateman Ganley. First L. D., Dr. Henry M. Oyen; C. T., S. C. Michaelsen; Sec, Thw. Gran- sted. Midnatsolen No. 812 was organized Dec. 1, 1895, by Henry Weardahl. First L. D., Minnie Dilling; C. T., Haftor Svee, Sr.; P. C. T., Olaf Sundt; V. T., C. Stefansen; Sec, Nettie Sundt. Viking No. 859 was organized at Evanston, III, April 12, 1896, by Henry Weardahl. First L. D., Tillie Hansen; P. C. T., Anton Andersen; C. T., Chr. Kjelsoe; S. J. T., Anna Kjelsoe; Sec, Knud Olsen. The Viking Lodge existed for seven or eight years and had a large roll of members, the majority of whom, after its dissolution, organ- ized themselves into the English lodge Venus. Success No. 966 was organized in September, 1898, by members of Det Gode Haab, Aurora and Nordkap. The organizer as well as first L. D., S. C. Michaelsen: C. T., O. K. Olsen; V. T., R. Op- stad; Sec, G. Kloster; F. S., Nils Oftedahl; Treas.; Olaus Christensen; P. C. T., Hans Lar- sen. Norr^na No. 113 was organized June 28, 1903, by Ch. Kjelsoe. First L. D., Henry Weardahl; C. T., Einar Kristiansen; V. T., Mrs. Christianna Svee; Sec, Haftor Svee; F. S., Carl Jorgensen; M., Hans Edw. Olsen; P. C. T., Chr. Ludvigsen; Treas., Izac Michaelson; G., Arnt Grotle. Nor- r0na possesses its own banner. In the Grand Lodge Report of June,. 1905, the Norrjz(na is said to enjoy the distinction of having done more edu- cational work than any other lodge within the jurisdiction. Every other meeting night during the winter quarter had been set aside for this work, and a number of lecturers were engaged and at these meetings addressed the members on various subjects, all centering around the liquor question. And not only this, the lodge has been instrumental in the organization of another lodge working in the Norwegian language. The regu- lar visitations between the two lodges have strengthened both, and the most promising re- sults of the work are expected in the future. Tordenskjold No. 137 was organized Feb. 11, 1905, by District Lecturer G. Lindgren, with the assistance of ten associate members from Nor- r0na Lodge. First L. D., Hans Olsen; C. T., Tom Benton Kleve. Kamp og Seir No. 157 was organized Sept. 10, 1905, by A. Ronberg and Chr. Hestnes. First L. D., Albert Lie; C. T., Hans Lie; V. T., Jann Dyb- dal; S. J. T., Miss Rose Krembull; Sec, Oscar Olsen; Financial Sec, S. Setlikmann; Treas., Ole Olufsen; M., Olaf Osmundsen; Chap., Mrs. Marie Lie; Sent., Miss Helga Dybdahl; G., Alfred Lie; P. C. T., H. Lie. Henrik Ibsen No. 101 was organized August 5, 1906, by Chr. Ludvigsen under the auspices of . the Norwegian Distriktcirkel of I. O. G. T., Chi- cago. L. D., Albert Metzke; C. T., Henry 0de- gaard; V. T., Oscar Olsen; S. J. T., Mrs. Oscar Olsen; Sec, Chr. Hestnes; Treas., Hans E. Ol- sen; M., Albert Lie; Chap., Miss Herdis Chris- tiansen; Guard, Thorwald Hansen; Sent., K. Mor- tensen; D. M., Miss Nelly Johnsen; P. C. T., Mrs. A. Metzke. January 1, 1907, a Scandinavian Grand Lodge was organized in Illinois. About 1,500 Scandi- navian members of the English speaking Grand Lodge resigned and organized their own Grand Lodge. Of the 1,500 members that organized the Junior Grand Lodge were 1,300 Swedes and 200 Norwegians. Notwithstanding the fact that the Norwegians were in the minority a good deal of notice and consideration was given them on ac- count of the energy they had put forth in estab- lishing the Scandinavian Grand Lodge and the splendid work for the good of the Order general- ly. The result was that in two of the highest offices were placed Norwegians; namely, Grand Counselor, Henry Weardahl, of "Norr^na" lodge, and P. G. C. Templar, Richard Nilsen of "Tor- denskjold" lodge. February 17, 1907, the Norwegians organized THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 199 their own district lodge under the Scandinavian Grand Lodge. It was organized by Henry Wear- dahl with jurisdiction in Lake, Cook, Will and Du Page counties with privilege to put all Nor- wegian lodges, organized in the state, under their jurisdiction. The"'following were the first officers of the Nor- wegian District Lodge: D. C. T., Chr. Ludvig- sen, of "Norrj2(na"; D. Coun., Aksel Gundersen, of "Henrik Ibsen"; D. V. T., Ludvig Hagen, of "Kamp og Seier"; D. S. J. T., Mrs. Ingeborg Ludvigsen, of "NorrjzSna"; D. S., Henry 0de- gaard, of Henrik Ibsen"; D. Treas., Sam Stivens, Skandinavian Young Men's Christian Association On Oct. 28, 1872, a society was organized in Chicago called "De unge Masnds kristelige For- ening of den Norsk Evang. Trefoldigheds Me- nighed i Chicago, 111." The soul and originator of this commendable enterprise was the lamented Rev. J. Z. Torgersen, who devoted all his strength and energy to promote it until, in 1876, he was obliged to give it up in dismay. The first officers of the association were: Rev. J. Z. Torgersen, president; H. P. Hansen, first vice-president; B. O. Thompson, second vice- president; O. C. Erickson, corresp, sec'y; Thos. Monsen, recording secretary; M. Olsen, treas- urer; C. M. Jevne, librarian; assistant librarians: T. Christransen, O. Jensen, John A. Olsen, S. Sivertsen. By perusing the records for the following troublesome years one will find most of those names at the front. The first and greatest dif- ficulty encou'ntered was in financing the enter- prise, and the next arose from overestimating the society's own resources in the zeal of its members to attain something great for the cause of the Lord. During the first struggles to get a footing one capital mistake is apparent. A veri- table craze for appointing committees seems to have prevailed, for at almost every business meet- ing some new committee was appointed, in conse- quence of which the same names were frequently found on half a dozen different committees. This procedure caused strife and discord instead of harmony and unity. Another weak spot of the society was its adherence to one definite branch of the church to the exclusion of other denomi- nations. Several attempts were made later on to sever this connection and to build on a broader Christian basis, but they only caused more strife and a bitter animosity in the contending fac- tions. At almost all of the business meetings the question came up regarding the relation of the society to the Trinity Congregation, until in De- cember, 1874, a voice was heard, that "something must be done in order to save the society from its present dying condition." Prominent and active members threatened to resign if a better condition of things were not at once inaugurated, and the dissolution became practically a fact at the meeting on Jan. 5, 1875. To be sure, the regular meetings were still held, and a committee was appointed to revise the constitution, but no real work was accomplished, and the indifference of the members became more evident as time passed, the intervals growing longer between the business meetings, until the society finally arranged its accounts and was formally dissolved. SCANDINAVIAN YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, WEST DIVISION. On June 13, 1876, a meeting was held at the Tabernacle Church, corner Morgan and Indiana streets, at which an earnest effort was made by Scandinavian men to start a young men's Chris- tian association which would be able to give signs of a stronger vitality than the one igno- minously departed. Fifteen persons among those present agreed in writing to unite their forces and work in harmony to this end. A committee of five was appointed to get up a constitution and by-laws, the members being S. C. Hansen, B. O. Thomsen, L. Ross, O. E. Erickson and E. Johnson. At the next meeting this committee reported and further arrangements were made, and thus was born the present strong and healthy Young Men's Christian Association. The first association was, however, not yet absolutely dissolved, and it needed more time to liquidate its business before it finally closed its doors. Wise by its earlier experience, the new asso- ciation adopted this paragraph in its by-laws: "It shall be absolutely, prohibited to discuss de- nominational diflferences of the various churches in this association." As the first officers of the association the fol- lowing were elected: E. Johnson, president; B. C. Hansen, vice-president; O. Erickson, corre- sponding secretary; P. A. G. Moe, recording sec- 200 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS retary; P. Pedersen, librarian; L. Ross, treas- urer. The records from that time make it evident that the work from the beginning was started in dead earnest. Prayer meetings, bible classes, Sunday evening entertainments, singing exer- cises, etc., were of the weekly occurrences. available, and as a consequence two members were expelled and one (the accused) resigned. All of them had been very enthusiastic and active work- ers for the association. One great step in the right direction was taken when the association bought the library of 300 volumes which had belonged to the older .^(^"^^ 1 ■ 't SCZISSS" Scandinavian Ycung Men's Christian Association of Ch'cago, West Division. The proportions of this book do not admit of a more extended record of the activities of the society. Suffice it to mention here that already before the first year of its existence had expired serious dissensions began to arise about the doctrine of the atonement. No man of sufficient authority to explain or 'settle the difficulty was association. Later on lectures were given in favor of the association by such men as Prof. R. B. Anderson, P. Fisk and Peter Hendriksen, and a bazar, held in the fall of 1879, showed a net result of $158.00. This and other incomes were badly needed, as the association not seldom was in a debt of more than $100 for rent alone, THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO aoi and compelled to move from one locality to an- other. No wonder, therefore, that the idea of a build- ing for the association ripened under such cir- cumstances, and here, as at many other times before and since, one of the oldest and truest friends of the association, Ole L. Stangeland, "put his shoulder to the load"' with a substantial subscription. The first step now was to get the association incorporated under the laws of the state. This was done on April 14, 1888, with three members as a board of directors. These three were Stan- geland, Pihl and A. K. Melum, who seem to have been the only members that were naturalized citizens. As members of the building committee were elected: O. L. Stangeland, L. Blix, S. Swenson, H. Bakke, K. J. Hall, A. K. Melum and P. Theel. The committee now went to work gathering subscriptions holding bazars and giving musical entertainments, etc., so that the association at its sixteenth annual festival in June, 1892, could show a building fund of $2,564. Two years later, on a similar occasion, the committee was able to report that the building lots on W. Erie street had been bought, and here finally the building was erected. It was dedicated with festivities Nov. 5, 1899. This year consequently may be put down as the banner year in the annals of the association. The lots at No. 315%-317 W. Erie street cost $3,300, and the building and lots $11,500. It was encumbered to an amount of $7,700. At the annual election of officers in 1906, which was their thirtieth aniversary, the follow- ing were chosen: Iver Olsen, president; Tarald Thorp, vice-prcs'dent; S. G. Nilsen, recording secretary; John Person, financial secretary; John Olsen, corresponding secretary; O. L. Stange- land, treasurer; Gus. Nilsen, librarian. At this time a valuable addition to the association's li- brary was also made. Rev. Torgersen had left a well selected library of nearly a thousand volumes, and as his widow could not make any use of it she offered the association the first opportunity to buy it at practically their own price. A price was agreed u'pon and Mr. Iver Olsen started out to see what he could do in raising the needed money. He called upon Paul O. Stensland first, who, after having heard ]\Ir. Olsen's explanation, handed him the full amount, saying, "Let that be my contribution to your association." They have now a very good selection which proves of great interest to visitors and members. The fol- lowing regulations may be of interest: The reading room is open every day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., with free admission to all. Newspapers and magazines in different lan- guages can be found on the tables. From the library, which numbers over 1,000 volumes, books are loaned under certain rules. Regular meetings every Sunday at 4 and 8 p. m. Bible classes every Tuesday, except the first Tuesday in the month, which is set aside for the business meeting. The association appoints seven committees, of three members each, which look after details and report to the board of directors. These committees are: revivals and missions, employment and boarding houses, finance, library and printing, admission of mem- bers, selection of reading, and hall. The association has a choir of well trained voices. The Norwegian Natio nal League By Andrew Hummeland. (Det Norske Nationalforbund i Chicago) is a central delegate organization, formed by Nor- wegian societies, clubs and lodges of Chicago as their joint organ in matters of common in- terest. It is composed of two delegates, elected respectively for one and two years, from such Norwegian societies in Chicago as desire repre- sentation. Twenty-five organizations, being the principal Norwegian societies of the city, are now represented. The league is strictly non-sectarian and non- political. The main thought in founding it was the establishment of a central organization, rep- resentative of the Norwegians of Chicago, pre- pared and equipped to take the initiative and un- dertake the management when joint action on part of the Norwegians of Chicago in matters of interest to our nationality would seem necessary or desirable. The aim is to make the league as representative of our people as possible. To that end every Norwegian society or organiza- tion having a membership of at least twenty may send delegates. It has also been the policy of the league to secure the co-operation of such of our Norwegian citizens as are not represented in the various Norwegian organizations, by in- 203 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS eluding on its committees for special national undertakings representative Norwegian-Amer- icans not directly affiliated with the league. The league was formed in 1899. On June 26 in that year delegates from twenty-three Nor- wegian societies met in response to a call issued by a number of representative men, among whom were Dr. Karl F. M. Sandberg, Birger Osland, L. Johansen, Julius Jteger and Ferdinand Nelson. The desirability of, and necessity for, a central organization had long been recognized. It was felt that many occasions would arise, as they had arisen in the past, calling for joint action by all Norwegians in Chicago in matters of common interest. The existence of a central body, which when occasion should arise might serve as the framework for a strong and active organization ready and capable of doing effective work when concerted action is desirable, would tend to unify Norwegian-Americans and give prestige and strength to common interests and undertakings. With this in view the league was formed. The organization was completed at a meeting held August 7, 1899, at which the fol- lowing officers were elected: President, Dr. K. F. M. Sandberg; first vice-president, L. Johan- sen; second vice-president, Mrs. M. Monsen; third vice-president, Julius Jseger; corresponding secretary, Ferdinand Nelson; recording secre- tary, Birger Osland; treasurer, C. H. Lee. The league was founded by the following Nor- wegian societies: — The First Norwegian Wo- men's Burial Society; the women's societies "Thora" and "Minde"; the Norwegian Women's Industrial Society; Nora Lodge R. H. K.; the Tabitha Hospital Society; North Star Lodge 137, I. O. M. A.; the Norwegian Singers' Soci- ety; Singing Society Bj^rgvin; Nordfaelles Su- preme Lodge; the Norwegian Turners' Society; the sick-benefit society "Nordlyset"; the Nor- wegian Club; the Norwegian Quartet Club; Leif Erickson Lodge No. 9, R. H. K.; the society "Nordlgendingen"; "Tordenskjold" Lodge No. 15, R. H. K.; Leif Erickson Monument Society; Athletic Club "Sleipner"; the Scandinavian- American Prohibition Club; Court I. O. F. Nor- mania No. 174 I. O. F.; the Norwegian Sharp Shooters' Society; the Norwegian Old Settlers' Society; Normania Band; the Norwegian Glee Club; Dovre Lodge No. 18, R. H. K.; the Scan- dinavian Painters' Union; Scandia Lodge No. 80, K. of P.; and the Scandinavian Shoemakers' Society. The league was incorporated under the laws of Illinois on Sept 4th, 1899. Within a few months after its organization proof was strikingly afforded of th^ utility of the organization. In the fall of 1899, in a fear- ful storm, 173 Norwegian fishermen lost their lives at R0vagr, Norway, bringing distress and want into as many homes. The situation of the widows and orphans called for immediate relief from kinsmen on both sides of the sea. The league was found equipped and ready to take hold of the matter so far as Chicago Norweg- ians were concerned. At a meeting of the league on December 3, 1899, it was decided to render aid, and a committee was appointed to arrange a benefit entertainment and concert at the Au- ditorium, which was held on December 20, with the result that the net proceeds thereof, amount- ing to $1,100, were sent to the proper local au- thorities in Norway for distribution. On many other occasions the league has rend- ered its financial assistance to alleviate distress as well as in aid of Norwegian charitable insti- tutions. Among its contributions may be men- tioned: To the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital in Chicago, proceeds of bazar under the auspices of the league, $2,300; to the famine sufferers in Norway, Finland and Sweden, proceeds of a notable Auditorium concert, etc., $2,700; to the Norwegian Children's Home in Chicago, $450; to the fire sufferers at Aalesund, $550; to aid in the erection of the Leif Erickson monument in Chicago, $250. About $11,000 in the aggregate has been contributed by the league in these and like worthy causes. As part of the purpose of its organization, as declared in its constitution, the league has for years undertaken the arrangement for the cele- bration of the 17th of May in Chicago. These patriotic celebrations under the auspices of the league have become annual events among the Norwegians of Chicago. The attendance has reached ten thousand, and United States senators and the governor of the state have been speak- ers on these occasions. Among other undertakings of the league may be mentioned: A series of lectures given in the spring of 1904 with a view to encouraging inter- est in Norwegian literature; the giving of sum- mer festivals in 1902 and 1903 — discontinued in later years as more properly coming within the province of the individual societies; and the re- ception in 1905, conjointly with the Norwegian Singers' League, of the Norwegian student singers. The crisis in 1905 in Norway found the league fully prepared to do whatever would seem nec- essary or advisable in aid of the cause. A great mass-meeting was arranged at the Auditorium in THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 203 Chicago by the league within ten days after the famous 7th of June resolution, at which meeting the Norwegians of Chicago pledged their sup- port to the old fatherland, if support was 'needed. A stirring address of congratulation, with the assurance of material aid if it became necessary, was adopted at the meeting and cabled to the Norwegian government and Storthing. When the situation later threatened to become acute, the Norwegian National League took steps to redeem its pledges of material aid, and at a closed meeting appointed a central committee of representative men to form a relief organization •designed to embrace the entire country. This ■committee was composed of the following Nor- wegian-Americans: A. Anderson, John Anderson, C. J. Backer, F. Ferdinandsen, Ommund Harve •• land, A. Hummeland, Rev. A. Johnson, Marius Kirkeb.v, Hans Nordahl, H. P. G. Norstrand, O. C. S. Olsen, A. Opstad, Birger Osland, Paul O. Stensland and John A. Wold. The venerable John Anderson, publisher of the Skandinaven, was elected its chairman, Paul O. Stensland its treasurer, and Birger Osland its secretary. Ow- ing to their position as citizens of another coun- try, and in order to cause no unnecessary irri- tation among fellow-citizens, the members of the committee unanimously decided to take no public action until demanded by the situation, although it was held a sacred right to all Amer- ican citizens of foreign birth or extraction, and clearly permissible under international law, to render aid to the non-combatants and widows and orphans of the land of their fathers, in case of eventual hostilities. However, the organiza- tion was fully completed in a discreet inanner, and preparations made to organize branches throughout the United States, at a moment's notice. To convey its congragulations to the New Norway the league appointed a delegation to at- tend the coronation celebration at Trondhjem in 1906, which was cordially and courteously re- ceived by the king and authorities of Norway. The names of the ofificers of the league from its organization to the present time are as fol- lows : President, 1899-1901, Dr. K. F. M. Sandberg; 1902, C. H. Lee; 1903-4, A. Hummeland; 1905, Ommund Harveland; 1906, A. Abrahamsen. First vice-president, 1899, L. Johanson; 1900, Olaf Ray; 1901, Mrs. E. Brown; 1902, J. M. Blackstad; 1903-1904, O. Harveland; 1905-1-900, A. Anderson. Second vice-president, 1899, Mrs. M. Monsen; 1900, Peder Olsen; 1901, F. Ferdinandsen; 1902, Mrs. E. Brown; 1903-1904, Mrs. K. M. Hagland; 1905, Mrs. Valborg Lund; 1906, Mrs. K. M. Hag- land. Third vice-president, 1899, Julius Jaeger; 1900. Mrs. Elise Brown; 1901, J. M. Blackstad; 1902, Gus. G. Martin; 1903-1904, F. Ferdinandsen; 1905, John A. Wold; 1906, Carl Bauer. Corresponding secretary, 1899, F. Nelson; 1900, K. Drolsum; 1901, L. H. Stehnson; 1902, K. M. Hagland; 1903-1904, Ben Blessum; 1905, F. Asche: 1906, John Malmstrom. Recording secretary, 1899, B. Osland; 1900, F. Asche; 1901, A. B. Lange; 1902, Chas. Nergaard; 1903, Gus. G. Martin; 1904-1905, O. J. Backer; 1906, Albert Johnson, resigned; H. Jentoft. Treasurer, 1899, C. H. Lee; 1900, P. Balken; 1901, C. H. Lee; 1902, F. Ferdinandsen; 1903, H. B. Hanson; 1904-1905, O. Gullicksen; 1906, C. J. Backer. The Nordmaendenes Sangforening Was organized on October 30, 1870. Some few months previous to this time eight or ten mem- bers of the Scandinavian Turners' Society, who had maintained a male chorus within that or- ganization, becoming dissatisfied with their con- ditions, seceded, and for a few months main- tained an independent organization called the Scandinavian Singing Society. Mr. Johan S. Lindtner, who had recently come from Norway, had been engaged as their in- structor. All of the members of this singing chorus except two being Norwegian, Mr. Lindt- ner began an agitation to make the Society purely Norwegian. At a meeting "held at 204 N. Desplaines street, on the date above given, his efforts were crowned with success; a reor- ganization took place, the name "Nordmaendenes Sangforening" was adopted, and Mr. Younge was elected its first president. The first public appearance of any note which the Nordmaendenes Sangforening made was on June 16, 1871, when it, together with Freja, a Swedish singing society, with Mr. Lindtner di- recting, tendered a serenade to Christina Nelson at her concert at the Germania Hall on the North Side. During the spring of 1872 the Nordmaendenes Sangforening began to lay plans for a celebra- 304 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS tion of Norway's one thousand-year anniversary, and to that end endeavored to interest other Norwegian societies in the undertaking, but with- out success. Not daunted by being refused co- operation, the Nordmsendenes Sangforening pro- ceeded alone, and on July 18, 1872, made the grandest Norwegian demonstration which up to that time had ever been made in America. In the morning a procession marched through the streets of the West Side and ended at the Chi- cago & North-Western Railway Station, where trains were taken to Haas' Park, which was lo- cated at or near the present site of the Con- cordia Cemetery. Fully five thousand persons attended the celebration at the park, where the day was spent listening to speeches and songs by a mixed chorus of one hundred and twenty voices. A cablegram was sent to Haugesund, Norway, where the principal celebration in Nor- way was taking place. A banner was presented by the Norwegian women of Chicago to the Nordmsendenes Sangforening, and is still one of its cherished treasures. At 6 o'clock the mem- bers returned to town and gave a concert in the evening. The success and popularity of this celebration had the effect of placing this young society in the front rank of the Norwegian societies in Chicago, a place which it has always kept. It also demonstrated to its members — a useful lesson in later days — that the Nordmjendenes Sangforening could accomplish anything which it undertook. In December, 1873, Ole Bull, then in the zenith of his fame, came to Chicago. He was met at the train by a large delegation from the Nor- wegian colony in Chicago and escorted to the hotel, where he was serenaded by the Nordmsen- denes Sangforening as he was also upon the fol- lowing day. These serenades so pleased Ole Bull that he presented the society with a dona- tion as a token of his appreciation. This gift was used as a foundation for the library of the society, which now numbers over 500 volumes. A few months later Mr. Lindtner, the instruc- tor, removed to California, where he still resides. Mr. A. Larson was then engaged as instructor, but remained only a few months. In September, 1873, Mr. August Uhe was en- gaged as instructor, and held the position until July, 1874. On August 9, 1874, Mr. John W. Col- berg became its instructor and remained such for the succeeding twenty-five years. Prior to 1874 the Nordrn^ndenes Sangforening had simply rented rooms at various places for holding rehearsals, but in that year it took a lease on a hall at 107 Milwaukee avenue, where it remained until 1878, when it moved into the Vindette Parlors (Erickson's Hall), at 228-230 Milwaukee avenue, which it also leased, and in which it remained until May 1, 1894. During the intervening years the Nordmaende- nes Sangforening had outstripped all of the other Norwegian societies, and numbered some four hundred members. It had also during this time given two or three concerts each year, and had sung for a number of societies, which were al- ways eager to get its assistance and to use its reputation as a drawing card for their celebra- tions. On April 28, 1877, the Nordnicendenes Sangfor- ening was incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois. In 1880 the Nordmsendenes Sangforening sere- naded Bj^rnstjerne Bj0rnson, at his hotel, which won for them some warm words of appreciation from the Norwegian poet and author. In 1881 the first down-town concert was held in Central Music Hall, and in the same year a concert was held at the North Side Turner Hall for the relief and benefit of the sufferers at Fin- marken, which concert netted $350, which was sent to Norway. In 1883 a sick and funeral fund was established by the society for the benefit of its members, to which the society made a donation of $100; a funeral benefit of $60 is paid; also sick benefits of $6 per week; and although the dues of this department are but $4 per year, the fund has now upward of $1,000 in its treasury. That it has proven to be a "friend in need" can be at- tested to by its many beneficiaries during the past twenty-three years. In 1885 the Nordmjendenes Sangforening made an excursion to Madison, Wis., and gave a concert there, which was followed, in 1886, by a similar trip to St. Paul and Minneapolis; a trip to La Crosse, Wis., for the following year had been planned, but was abandoned on account of an invitation to attend the Sangerfest of the United Scandinavian Singers of America, to be held in Philadelphia. The Nordmsendenes Sang- forening participated with forty-three singers,, and was the only western singing society that was represented there; it also had a larger rep- resentation than any other society present. No prizes had been arranged for this sangerfest, but the Nordmsendenes Sangforening aroused so much enthusiasm that is was presented with a silver- mounted drinking horn. The members were so well pleased with the reception accorded them in the Quaker City that they remained there for a THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 205 week, and the participants have not yet grown tired of recounting the experiences of that trip. This sangerfest was the first which had been held by the Scandinavians in this country, and the Nordmsendenes Sangforening at once took an active interest in the association. It took upon its own shoulders the burden of arranging the sangerfest in Chicago in 1889, and made a suc- cess of it; but it was at the expense of its own treasury, which it almost bankrupted. At this sangerfest more than ten additional societies joined the association. Sangerfests of this asso- ciation were held in Minneapolis in 1891, and again in Chicago in 1893, in both of which the Nordmsendenes Sangforening participated, after which the association disbanded. The Northwestern Scandinavian Singers' As- sociation, of which mention is made hereafter, is a direct outgrowth of the United Scandinavian Singers of America. In 1896, at an international competitive singing contest, held at the Auditorium, the Nordmaende- nes Sangforening received a gold medal as a trophy. On October 30, 1895, the Nordmasndenes Sang- forening celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary by a banquet in Normania Hall, to which hall it had removed the previous year, and five years later it celebrated its thirtieth anniversary by a similar banquet at Wicker Park Hall. In the fall of 1899, a benefit concert was tend- ered to Mr. John W. Colberg on the completion of his twenty-fifth year as musical director, and shortly after this he resigned his position. Mr. Kristian Nilsson was engaged as director, re- maining until December, 1903. Prior to the year 1900, the government of the Normaendenes Sangforening rested in the hands of its members, the officers being elected directly by them semi-annually; and monthly business meetings were held in which the members par- ticipated. In 1900 the constitution and by-laws were thoroughly revised. The new revision provided that the government of the society should rest in a board of directors consisting of twelve mem- bers, who should be elected annually, at the yearly meeting of the society. All of the of- ficers of the society, except the revision commit- tee are elected by the board of directors. At the monthly directors' meetings the members have the right of speaking upon any subject before the meeting, but only the directors can vote. The revision committee, consisting of three members, is elected at the annual meeting, and in addition to auditing all the accounts they have the privilege of calling a special members' meet- ing, if, in their opinion, the directors are. not performing their duties properly. This preroga- tive has not yet been availed of, and the govern- ment by the board of directors has been found, after six years of experience, to be more satis- factory than the old system. The Nordmsndenes Sangforening had partic- ipated in no sangerfest since the dissolution of the United Scandinavian Singers of America; but in 1902 it received an invitation to attend a sangerfest to be held that year by the North- western Scandinavian Singers' Association, in Sioux Falls, S. D. In connection with the other singing societies belonging to the Norwegian Singers' League of Chicago, sixteen men from the Singers' League attended this sangerfest, and in 1904, under the same conditions, thirty-two men from the Singers' League (eleven of whom were from the Nordmsendenes Sangforening) participated in the sangerfest at Grand Forks, N. D. On Oct. 15, 1905, at a concert held at Wicker Park Hall, the society introduced to Chicago Mr. Harold Heide, the young Norwegian violinist, who has since that time made a successful tour through the Northwest. On Oct. 30, 1905, the thirty-fifth anniversary of the society was celebrated by a banquet at the Boston Oyster House, which surpassed the previous banquets given. In addition to the banquets given every five years, the other anniversaries are celebrated by stag parties, where old times are recalled and plans for the future discussed. The Nordmaendenes Sangforening has prob- ably done more than any other single agency to keep alive in the hearts and minds of the Norwegian people of Chicago the memories of "gamle Norge," at its concerts given two or three times each year, and upon the countless other occasions where it has rendered its songs, it has quickened the pulse and warmed the hearts of its hearers. Its chorus singing has always been uniformly good, and in addition thereto it has always been fortunate enough to have in its ranks one or two solo singers who as amateurs have ranked high among the Norwegian singers of Chicago. All of the other singing societies now in the Norwegian Singers' League of Chicago were or- ganized by members of the Nordmsendenes Sang- forening, and in addition, by its precept and ex- ample, it has been indirectly instrumental in the organization of all of the Norwegian singing so- 206 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS cieties in the Northwest, so that it can truly be said to be the mother of them all. In addition to the singing societies referred to above, the Norwegian Relief Society was organ- ized by a committee appointed by the Nordmaen- denes Sangforening for that purpose. This relief society afterward organized the Norwegian Lu- theran Tabitha Hospital Society. Interest in sangerfests having been rekindled by the members who had attended those held in Sioux Falls and in Grand Forks, the Nord- msendenes Sangforening, in 1905, joined the North- western Scandinavian Singers' Association. In July, 1906, the Nordmsendenes Sangforening, with twenty-five singers, participated in the sang- erfest held at La Crosse, Wis. Though no of- ficial judgment was pronounced, it was conceded by the press of La Crosse and Minneapolis to have easily carried off first honors. Mr. Gustaf A. Carlson has been musical direc- tor since January, 1904, and Mr. Hans L. Ofte- dahl is the present (1906) president. The rehearsals of the chorus are held every Wednesday night, and the directors' meetings on the first Friday night of each month. The Nordmsendenes Sangforening has been lo- cated at Schoenhofen's Hall since 1898. It still has the largest membership among the Norweg- ian societies in Chicago. The membership as now constituted consists of three classes, viz.: active members (singers), passive or associate members and honorable members (^resmedlem). When a member has been in good standing for twenty years, or has rendered exceptional ser- vices to the society (in the latter case it requires a three-fourths vote of all members present at the annual meeting to elect), he is created an honorary member. At a stag party arranged for the occasion the member, with suitable cere- monies, is decorated with a solid gold emblem. There are now some twenty honorary members of the society. The Nordmsendenes Sangforening, although its chief aim has been the fostering of Norwegian song and music in America, has also been a so- cial club. In addition to its many public enter- tainments it also holds two or three private parties for its members and their families each year, one of which is the Christmas festival, where each child receives a gift. It has also been the custom of the Nordmsen- denes Sangforening to serenade its members up- on the occasion of their marriage, and upon such anniversaries thereof as are celebrated. When a member has gone upon his last long journey, the Nordmsendenes Sangforening can always be relied upon to show its last homage and respect for the departed. The Sleipncr Athletic Club In the summer of 1894 a few young Norwegi- ans between the ages of 19 and 25 met in the center of the Norwegian settlement. Centre avenue and Ohio street, for the purpose of or- ganizing a Norwegian ball club to play Norweg- ian baseball. August 15. 1894, the club was started at the home of T. Wold, 98 N. Centre avenue. Fourteen members were present, namely: H. Rolseth, pres- ident; T. Young, secretary; S. Huseby, treas- urer, and A. Thorsen, T. Lund, L. Huseby, E. Wold, N. Nilsen, A. Nilsen, H. Wold, B. Knud- sen. K. 0ien, H. Hoel and A. Brodahl. The club was named "The Norwegian Baseball Club Sleipner." The meetings were held at first in the homes of the members and afterward in the basement at the corner of Grand avenue and Morgan street. The club, however, did not seem to prosper until the fall of 1895, when the few members who were left decided to hold an an- nual ball fdr the benefit of the club. This proved a success, and since then the club has been gain- ing both in membership and finances. In the latter part of the same year they concluded to make it an athletic club for the Norwegians of Chicago. On July 25, 1896, the club was incorpo- rated as "The Norwegian Athletic Club Sleipner." The charter members were O. Dahl, E. Helge- sen, Louis Andersen and E. Nystrom. In July, 1897, a five-mile foot-race was run and one of the members of the club, E. Wold, lowered the Chicago record by six minutes and thus made the club known in athletic fields. The club grew so fast that the place of meeting was too small, and they rented Scandia Hall. Here thej'- took up the bicycle sport and the Sleipner boys were soon recognized as good riders. A ladies' class was also started and developed into one of the best features of the club, but disbanded in 1904. In the winter of 1900. the club held a skating contest for the championship of Illinois. This proved of unusual interest to the public; for it attracted over 25,000 spectators. A member of the club, J. Langh, won the race. Ever since the club has won the Illinois and Northwestern THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 207 champion races. All skaters .and those inter- ested look to the Sleipner club to promote skat- ing. They are the most prominent in the skating ranks, and every year has seen an increase in competitors and visitors. There were fully 50,000 present at the races in 1904. The Governor De- neen medal was won by C. L. Christopherson, a member of the club in 1895, for the champion- ship of Illinois. He also took the champion- ship of the Northwest. Annual balls and picnics are held by the club, and at the festival held last May the governor of the state was an hon- ored guest. In January, 1905, a permanent home for the club was decided upon and a committee selected to find a suitable location. A lot at 759 N. JFair- field avenue was bought, and in May of the same year they moved into their new home, where they are comfortably housed with the latest ath- letic appliances, enthusiastic members, and in ex- cellent financial circumstances. In 1906, at the Illinois Athletic Club meet, the Sleipner tug-of-war team took two cups as first prizes — one for light weight and one for heavy weight. In May of the same year, at the Young Men's Christian Association in Chicago, a wrest- ling match was held, sanctioned by the A. A. U., "where members of Sleipner Athletic Club took second prize in the 115-pound and second prize in the 158-pound contest. The club teaches turning and all indoor and outdoor sports. The officers are: P. Becker, president; O. Bather, vice-president; J. C. Johnsen, recording -secretary; O. Hagen, corresponding secretary; J. Wold, financial secretary; C. Becker, treasurer; 'C. Nelson, turner instructor; C. Magnusen, ath- letic manager. Trustees: O. Hendricksen, H. Hansen and C. Hendricks. The presidents of the club since its organization have been as follows: H. Rolseth, N. Nilsen, H. Stromsen, E. Helge- sen, Ed. Hansen, J. Wold, L. Langley, H. Han- sen, C. J. Becker, H. Wold and P. Becker. Court Normania No. 174, I. O. F. of Illinois Court Normania was organized October 6, 1888, by A. F. Johannessen, Fred. Ferdinandsen, and Lars Christiansen. These three men were mem- bers of Court Greeley of the same order and were desirous of organizing a subordinate branch with exclusively Norwegian members, and for that purpose organized a club with F. Ferdinandsen as chairman, A. F. Johannessen as secretarj^ and L. Christiansen as treasurer. After three months' labor they were able to present a charter member list as follows: O. M. Aasmundsen, A. T. Ander- sen, C. M. Andersen, Hans Andersen, T. O. An- dersen, Elias M. Berg, John Bergesen, Halvor Bjornson, Carl Christiansen, Lars Christiansen, Carl Christophersen, Carl Carlsen, Hans Ellefsen, Fred Ellis, Geo. Enger, Anton Engh, E. Erick- sen, F. Ferdinandsen, Chas. Foss, H. Gasman, Adolph Hansen, John Hansen, Thos. Holland, H. Hartwig, Theo. Jacobsen, Jens C. Jensen, A. F. Johannessen, Johannes Johannessen, Charles H. Johansen, C. M. Johnson, Aug. Kraft, Peder Knudsen, John M. Knudsen. Gunnar Larsen, John Larsen, Lorentz Larsen, Olaus Larsen, C. M. Madsen, John A. Malum, M. Michalsen, Martin Mickelsen, Adolph Moore, John M. Nelson, Chas. Nergard, Jacob Nilsen, Olaf Olsen, Martin Olsen, Theo. Olsen, O. T. Olsen, H. C. Olsen, J. A. D. Olsen, Chris Sangstad, D. M. Svensen, Ole Solem, C. Westby, B. Winnan. These charter members were all Norwegians, and conducted their business in the mother lan- guage, admitting as new members only Norweg- ians and those of Norwegian descent. The court took a prominent part in all Norwegian national affairs, parades and festivals; the 17th of May festivals always received a very strong support from this society, and the members are still proud of their achievements in the parade of the Nor- wegian societies to Kuhn's Park on May 17, 1891, when the court was awarded the prize for the best appearing body in the procession. The prize was presented by Mayor Carter H. Harrison, Jr., and consisted of a solid silver gavel with the follow- ing inscription: "In remembrance of May 17, 1891. Presented to Court Normania, No. 174, I. O. F., as the best appearing body in the Proces- sion." When a call was made upon the Norwegian so- cieties for delegates to organize the Norwegian National League, Court Normania responded cheerfully, and its delegate, Mr. J. T. Johnsen, was a member of the committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws. While Court Normania's history was a glorious one, it was also a short one. It was subordinate to the Independent Order of Foresters of Illinois, a fraternal insurance organization, and subject to the rules and regulations of that order. It conducted its business on the "current cost'' plan, collecting just enough to pay the claims as thej^ came along and not 308 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS providing for a higher death rate, which was sure to come when the members grew older; and it came even sooner than expected. To meet the increased number of claims an extra assessment was called now and then; then extras became more frequent, and, as they were objectionable to the members, the regular assessments were in- creased. An increase was made several times, and each time it was attended with a falling ofif in the number of members. The natural consequence was an increased death rate, and extra assess- ments were necessary again. Court Normania stood it nobly until it became evident that in a very short time the order would be placed in the hands of receivers, and then, at the regular meet- ing held on November 1, 1899, the court decided to dissolve and return the charter to the High Court. The following held the office of chief ranger (president): A. F. Johannessen, Fred. Ferdinand- sen, Adolph Moore, Olaf Olsen, Lorentz Larsen, Chas. Nergard, B. Winnan, John I. Johnsen, John Hansen, Elias M. Berg and John Malmstrom. Previous to the dissolution the members, still desirous of holding together, had been looking around for other headquarters. At a mass meet- ing held on Sept. 15, 1899, Mr. Chas. Nergard presiding, the past history and experience were reviewed and the prospects of other fraternal so- cieties discussed. A committee of nine was ap- pointed to investigate the standing of other so- cieties. This committee, with Mr. John Malm- strom as chairman, covered a large field, going into the history and financial standing of about a .dozen of the prominent fraternal insurance so- cieties. A meeting, held on Oct. 3, 1899, to which this committee reported, decided almost unani- mously to apply to the Knights of the Maccabees of the World for a charter. This being granted, Normania Tent, No. 264, K. O. T. M., was or- ganized on Oct. 13, 1899, with the following char- ter members: A. Alfreds, Andy Andersen, C. E. Anderson, Frank Anderson, Herman Andersen, J. Oscar Andersen. Oscar R. Anderson, Elias M. Berg, Martin Bruhn, Halvor Bjornson, O. A. Bensen, John Bomengen, Hans Brons, Carl Chris- tiansen, Alex. Danielsen, Anton Engh, A. Enge- bretsen, A. Ferdinandsen, Fred. Ferdinandsen, D. M. Hansen, Emil Hansen, Gilbert Hansen, Hans Hansen, John Hansen, Henry Hansen, Severin Halvorsen, Axel Horn, John Horn, John Hauge, Julius Jensen, Anton Johnson, Otto E. Johnson, John T. Johnsen, Chas. H. Johansen, A. F. Jo- hannessen, Jens Kjer, Hilmer Korsan, Peter S. Lauson, Carl Lund, Adolph Moore, Alfred Moore, John Malmstrom, Thos. Madland, Nic. Morten- sen, Jacob Nelson, Chas. Nergard, Peder Oppe- dal, Marius Olsen, Sigw. G. Olsen, Anton Olsen, H. C. Olsen, J. A. D. Olsen, Jorgen Olsen, Olaf Olsen, Harry Rundquist, Kittel Sandsteel, John J. Sonsteby, Ole Solem, Oskar Sandberg, Elias Sunde, Albert Scorvoll, Andrew Thompson, A. Westby, John Weberg, B. Winnan, J. O. Win- nan. The tent, through the Knights of the Macca- bees of the World, to which it is subordinate, furnishes life insurance from $250 to $3,000. The rates are paid monthly, are graded according to age at admission, and are sufficiently high to take care of future obligations. The tent also furnishes sick benefits of $5 per week to its members when sick or disabled. Since its organization in 1899 it has paid in sick benefits $1,435, and three of its members have died: Hans Hansen, after a membership of nine months; Henry Bendt, after a membership of one year, and Marius Madsen, after a membership of four years. It has now a membership of 120, the oldest one being 57 years and the youngest 18 years of age. The average age of the members at the time of organi- zation was 38^ years, but owing to a large in- ilux of young members the average age is now 36 VL' years. The social afifairs of the tent have not been conducted with a financial profit in view, but merely for the entertaimnent of its members and their friends. These "socials" have never been advertised and no tickets have ever been sold to strangers, but nevertheless they have been re- warded with great attendance, especially during the last two or three years. The tent naturally takes a great interest in Norwegian national affairs. On Oct. 12, 1900, in spite of a heavy rain, it turned out strong in the procession from Scandia Hall to Humboldt Park at the unveiling of the Leif Erickson monument. The Norwegian National League is strongly sup- ported by the tent, and its delegates always an- swer the roll call at the league's meetings. One of its delegates has held the offices of vice-presi- dent and treasurer, and another is now corres- ponding secretary of the league. Officers of Normania Tent, No. 264, Knights of the Maccabees of the World: Past Commander, 1899, John Malmstrom; 1900, J. T. Johnsen; 1901, Olaf Olsen; 1902, Olaf Olsen; 1903, S. G. Olsen; 1904, Sam'l Olsen; 1905, H. Brons; 1906, J. J. Sonsteby. Commander, 1899, J. T. Johnsen; 1900, Olaf Ol- sen; 1901, Sigw. G. Olsen; 1902, Sigw. G. Olsen; THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 209 1903, Sam'l Olsen; 1904, H. Brons; 1905, J. J. Sonsteby; 1906, A. Scorvoll. . Lieut. Commander, 1899, Olaf Olsen; 1900, J. J. Sonsteby; 1901, A. F. Johannessen; 1902, J. O. Andersen; 1903, H. Brons; 1904, W. B. Muench; 1905, A. Ferdinandsen; 1906, S. G. Olsen. Record Keeper, 1899 and 1900, C. Nergard; 1901 to 1906, J. Malmstrom. Finance Keeper, 1899 to 1905 (after which year that office was consolidated with the office of record keeper), F. Ferdinandsen. Chaplain, 1899, A. Moore; 1900, P. S. Lauson; 1901, A. Ferdinandsen; 1902, A. Scorvoll; 1903, A. Lenzer; 1904, Theo. Masset; 1905, A. Scorvoll; 1906, Theo. Masset. Sergeant, 1899, B. Winnan; 1900, S. G. Olsen; 1901, A. Scorvoll; 1902, M. Johnson; 1903, F. A. Ferdinandsen; 1904, G. W. Moore; 1905, P. S. Lauson; 1906, P. S. Lauson. Master-at-Arms, 1899, John Hansen; 1900, Hans Hansen; 1901, A. Thompson; 1902, H. Brons; 1903, G. Osmundsen; 1904, C. J. Vevang; 1905, C. Andersen; 1906, C. J. Vevang. First Master of the Guards, 1899, Carl Christi- ansen; 1900, A. Westby; 1901, H. Brons; 1902, T. Christophersen; 1903, P. S. Lauson; 1904, B. D. Bank; 1905, C. J. Vevang; 1906, Rud. O. Sme- stad. Second Master of the Guards, 1899, C. H. Jo- hansen; 1900, H. Bjornson; 1901, Elias Sunde; 1902, M. Monsen; 1903, A. Ferdinandsen; 1904, A. Lenzer; 1905 and 1906, Olaf Schow. Sentinel, 1899, E. M. Berg; 1900, A. Scorvoll; 1901, H. Bjornson; 1902, E. Popp; 1903, C. Chris- tiansen; 1904, E. Knudsen; 1905, Rud. O. Sme- stad; 1906, L. H. Johnson. Picket, 1899, M. B. Olsen; 1900, H. Brons; 1901, E. M. Berg; 1902, C. Scorvoll; 1903 and 1904, M. Monsen; 1905 and 1906, C. Scorvoll. The Norwegian Sick-Benefit Society "Nordlyset" Was organized Jan. 22, 1893, as Branch No. 10 of Den Skandinaviske Arbeiderforening af Nord- Amerika. The object of the society was, in ad- dition to that of the central organization, to establish a sick-benefit fund, and by socials, lec- tures, books and newspapers to work for the en- lightening of its members. The first officers were: O. A. Hedvig, president; H. E. Thorp, vice-president; J. Johnsen, recording secretary; A. Melsnes, financial secretary; F. Stang, treas- urer; S. Fredrichs, marshal; J. Stensrud, sergeant- at-arms; trustees: Charles Larsen, J. E. Dahl- strom and J. H. Haugen. Dr. Thomas Warloe was the society's first physician. Following were the charter members: Johan Andersen, H. C. Bierman, Hans Borger, Ole C. Brown, Olaf Bry- nilsen, Anthony Christensen, Oscar Fredrik Claussen, John E. Dahlstrom, Anthony Falk, Edward Finholt, Sigurd Fredrichs, Anton Hagen, Ole A. Hedvig, John Johnsen, Michael Kolberg, John A. Levin, Jjzirgen Lund, Adolf Melsnes, Oscar Martins, John Fr. OUanqvist, Hakon L Pedersen, Chas. G. Schiller, Fredrik Stang, Jakob Stensrud, Hans Edv. Thorp, S. A. Thorsen, Thos. Warloe, Ole Mikalsen Wold. A committee of five — Messrs. J. Johnsen, A. Melsnes, J. H. Hau- gen, H. Pedersen and S. Fredrichs — was ap- pointed to draft the by-laws. March 1, 1893, the organization festival was held in Scandia Hall. May 8, 1893, delegates were elected to the 17th of May arrangement committee of the central organization. This celebration, in which "Nordlyset" took part, was held in Jackson Park, at the time of the World's Fair, and was very successful. The officers for the second term, 1893, were: President, O. A. Hedvig; vice-president, J. H. Haugen; recording secretary, H. E. Thorp; financial secretary, O. Hoitomt; treasurer, E. Falk; marshal, J. Lund; sergeants-at-arms, J. Stensrud and O. M. Wold; trustee, A. Melsnes. Officers of the first term, 1894, were as follows: President, J. Johnson; vice-president, H. J. Pe- dersen; recording secretary, C. T. Birck; finan- cial secretary, C. G. Schiller; treasurer, A. Nokle- bye; marshal, S. Fredrichs; sergeants-at-arms, M. S0hol and A. Hagen; Dr. T. Schroeder was elected to serve as the society's physician. The officers of the second term, 1894, were: president, J. Johnson, re-elected; vice-president, H. J. Peder- sen, re-elected; recording secretary, J. H. Hau- gen; financial secretary, O. Hoitomt; treasurer, A. N. Noklebye, re-elected; marshal, Ole C. Nil- sen; sergeants-at-arms, H. C. Knudsen and S. Fredrichs. August 16, 1894, "Nordlyset" withdrew from the Scandinavian Workingmen's Association. For one month it was undecided whether "Nordlyset" should join another organization. This question was finally decided on Sept. 20, 1894. Several members were not willing to unite with a new organization, and withdrew. The members that remained loyal to "Nordlyset" in this crisis were: John Johnsen, Olai Hoitomt, S. Frederichs, Edw. 210 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Finholdt, Frank Ollanquist, C G. Schiller, Christ. Ellertsen and John H. Haugen. October 24, 1894, "Nordlyset" affiliated with the United Scandinavians of America, and be- came Branch No. 1. The following officers were elected: President, O. Hoitomt; recording secre- tary, J. H. Haugen; financial secretary, Fr. El- lertsen; treasurer, C. G. Schiller; marshal, O. C. Nilsen; sergeant-at-arms, G. Olsen. Dr. Ur- heim was selected to serve as the society's phy- sician. Installation of these officers took place Nov. 15, 1894. June 4, 1895, it was decided to withdraw from the United Scandinavians of America and con- tinue as an independent society. On June 18 a committee was appointed to draft constitution and by-laws. On July 2 the new constitution and bv-laws were adopted, to go into efifect Aug. 7. Under the new constitution "Nordlyset" be- came a sick-benefit society, and also established a burial fund. On Dec. 17 officers were elected as follows: President, O. Hoitomt; vice-presi- dent, P. L. Jones; recording secretary, J. H. Hau- gen; financial secretary, O. B. Johnsen; treasurer, Gustav Olsen; marshal, J. Hoitomt; sergeant-at- arms, N. Olsen. "Nordlyset" was incorporated under the laws of Illinois, April 13, 1896. Incorporators: Olai Hoitomt, Nils Olsen, Hjalmar M. Fossum, Ova B. Johnsen and Ole Thoresen. Officers for the second term of 1896 were: President, O. Hoi- tomt, re-elected; vice-president, J. H Haugen- recording secretary, Hjalmar Fossum; financial secretary, J. Hoitomt; treasurer, G Olsen re- elected; marshal, O. Thoresen; sergeant-at-arms. ". G. Swanson. Officers for the first term, 1897: President O. Hoitomt; vice-president, J. H. Haugen; re- cording secretary, Hjalmar Fossum; financial secretary, O. C Nilsen; treasurer, G. Hansen; marshal, Henry Jansen; sergeant-at-arms, E Johnsen. Officers for second term, 1897: Presi- dent, O. Hoitomt; vice-president, Ed. Johnsen- recordmg secretary, Hjalmar Fossum; financial secretary, J. Hoitomt; treasurer, G. Hansen; marshal, Henry Jansen; sergeant-at-arms, O. I noresen. Officers for first term, 1898: President, J Hoi- Ir^'J^'AT''^'"*' ^- °'^^"= recording secre- tary, H. Olsen; financial secretary, John Thore- sen; treasurer, Henry Jansen; marshal, E Sal- vesen; sergeant-at-arms, Thomas Sorensen Dec. 15, 1897, the name of the society was changed to "Den Norske Sygeforening Nordly- set (the Norwegian Sick-Benefit Society "Nord- lyset"), and as such only Norwegians by birth or descent, and able to speak the Norwegian lan- guage, could become members. The officers for the second term, 1898, were: President, O. C. Nilsen; vice-president, Gustav Olsen; recording secretary, John H. Haugen; financial secretary, John Thoresen; treasurer, Henry Jansen; marshal, Jens Hoitomt; sergeant- at-arms, John Sorensen. Officers for first term, 1899: President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, Hans Hansen; record- ing secretary, John H. Haugen; financial secre- tary, Louis Tallaksen; treasurer, Henry Jansen; marshal, John Hansen; sergeant-at-arms, Gustav Hansen. March 7, 1899, O. Hoitomt was elected a del- egate to work with the Norwegian Tabitha Hos- pital's officers for the arrangement of a 17th of May celebration. This celebration was held in the Auditorium and was a great success. June 20, 1899, O. Hoitomt was elected a dele- gate to represent "Nordlyset" in a conference of the various Norwegian societies for the purpose of organizing a Norwegian national league. The officers for the second term, 1899, were: President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, Gustav Olsen; recording secretary, Wm. Sandberg; finan- cial secretary, Thomas Sdrensen; treasurer, H. Jansen; marshal, John A. Sjzirensen; sergeant-at- arms, Gustav Hansen. The officers for the first term, 1900, were: President, O. A. Hedwig; vice-president, John H. Haugen; recording secretary, Wm. Sandberg; financial secretary, Thos. Sjzirensen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, John A. Sjzirensen; sergeant-at-arms, H. C. Hansen; delegate to the Norwegian National League, O. Hoitomt. Offi- cers for the second term, 1900; President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, L. Tallaksen; recording secretary, Edw. Johnsen; financial secretary, J. P. Wiik; treasurer, O. B. Johnsen; marshal, John A. S0rensen; sergeant-at-arms, Gustav Ol- sen and O. Andersen. Officers for the first term, 1901: President, J. Hoitomt; vice-president, H. C. Hansen; record- ing secretary, J. Nelsen; financial secretary, J, P. Wiik; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, Thos. Sj^rensen; sergeant-at-arms, O. Andersen and Andrew Larsen. At the annual meeting, Dec. 18, 1900, it was decided to withdraw from the Norwegian National League. Officers for second term, 1901: President, John Hansen; vice-presi- dent, L. Tallaksen; recording secretary, O. A. Hedwig; financial secretary, John A. S0rerisen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, J. P. Wiik; THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 211 sergeants-at-arms, Ole Orum and Andrew Lar- sen. Officers for first term, 1902: President, J. Hoitomt; vice-president, John Hansen; recording secretary, William Sandberg, financial secre- tary, John A. S0rensen; treasurer, Gustav Han- sen; marshal, Thomas S0rensen, sergeant-at- arms, O. Iversen and H. C. Hansen; John H. Haugen and Jens Hoitomt were elected dele- gates to the Norwegian National League. Of- ficers for second term, 1902: President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, John Hansen; record- ing secretary, Olaf Oppedale; financial secretary, John A. S^rensen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, Adolf Moore; : ergeants-at-arms, Oscar Iversen and Edw. Orum. Sept 17, 1902, "Nordly- set" decided to contribute to the bazar given by the Norwegian National League for the ben- efit of the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital. Officers for first term, 1903: President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, John Hansen; record- ing secretary, O. Oppedale; financial secretary, John A. Sjzirensen; treasurer, G. Hansen; mar- shal, Ole Moe; sergeants-at-arms, Oscar Iver- sen and Edw. Orum; delegate to the National League, M. B0rresen; physician, Dr. Wm. Hans- hus. Officers for second term, 1903: President, Jens Hoitomt; vice-president, A. Abrahamsen; recording secretary, Olaf Oppedale; financial secretary, John A. S^rensen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, Martin B0rresen; sergeants-at- arms, H. Bjerke and Edw. Orum. Officers for first term, 1904: President, Olaf Oppedale; vice-president A. Abrahamsen; re- cording secretary, Hjalmar M. Fossum; financial secretary, John A. S0rensen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal, John Hansen; sergeants-at- arms, Edw. Orum and Severin Nilsen; delegate to the Norwegian National League, Jens Hoi- tomt. Officers for second term, 1904: President, Olaf Oppedalej vice-president, A. Abrahamsen; recording secretary, Hjalmar M. Fossum; finan- cial secretary, John A. S0rensen; treasurer, Gus- tav Hansen; marshal, Thomas S0rensen; ser- geants-at-arms, H. Bierke and Aslak Abraham- sen; delegate to the National League, A. Abra- hamsen. Officers for first term, 1905: President, O. Oppedale; vice-president, H. Bjerke; recording secretary, Hjalmar M. Fossum; financial secre- tary, John A. Sjzfrensen; treasurer, Gustav Han- sen; marshal, Edw. Orum; sergeants-at-arms, M. Frogner and Paul Andersen; delegate to the National League, Hjalmar Fossum. Officers for second term^ 1905: President^ O. Oppedale; vice-president, H. Bjerke; recording secretary. Hjalmar M. Fossum; financial secretary, John A. S0rensen; treasurer, Gustav Hansen; marshal,. Edw. Orum; sergeant-at-arms, Ole Orum andi John Andersen; physician, Wm. Hanshus. Officers for first term, 1906: President, Hjal- mar M. Fossum; vice-president, H. Bjerke; re- cording secretary, John Thoresen; financial sec- retary, John A. Sjzfrensen; treasurer, Gustav Han- sen; marshal, Edw. Orum; sergeants-at-arms, Ole Orum and John Fossum; delegate to the National League, A. Abrahamsen; physician, Dr. Wm. Hanshus. "Nordlyset" has held annual picnics and balls. Although not as strong in membership as some of the Scandinavian lodges in Chicago, it is very strong financially and has always been prompt in paying burial and sick-benefits to its members. It has always been willing to take part and assist in national undertakings. Skandinavian Women's Burial Benefit As- sociation The Scandinavian Women's Burial Benefit As- sociation of Chicago was organized Feb. 12, 1879, by Mrs. Christina Christophersen and eight other ladies. The object was to be of mutual help to each other and also to be able to give their members a respectable burial. In organizing they started with the idea of making the terms- and conditions so reasonable that any one would be able to join. The initiation fee was- fixed at 10 cents, 2 cents per week as dues and 2 cents per month for extra expenses. At the first meeting the receipts were 90 cents. Others joined at each meeting. After two years the in- itiation fee was raised to 50 cents, and shortly afterward to $1, with 25 cents additional for each death. When the association was four years old it paid its first death loss, amounting to $40. Since then the association has increased in mem- bership year by year until now (1906) it has a membership of 700. It has again increased the initiation fee, to $2, leaving the other dues as before. In the meantime the funeral benefits have increased from year to year until they now pay $200, which is paid to a surviving member of the family on the same day the death occurs. The management prides itself upon its prompt payments, and also upon the fact that it has ■212 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS helped many of its members in the way of pri- vate loans in case of sickness or urgent neces- sities. The members are mostly Norwegian women, but each member has a right to take in her husband and sons as members, though they have no vote in its management. The associa- tion has never been divided against itself, for imder the management pf Mrs. Christophersen It has always been united, although it had, dur- ing its early period, to weather many hard storms. It has never organized any branches, Mrs. Christophersen always having opposed such action. When she, after serving as organizer The members recall with great satisfaction that they were ridiculed and nicknamed as the two-cent society in the early days. Now, how- ever, they can help themselves, for the members have already paid 185 death benefits, loaned to its members about $600, sent $50 to the bereaved widows of fisheimen at R^ver in Norway in 1899, and have donated $100 to the Dr. Quales fund for the Old People's Home. Those who have seen this society grow from a feeble in- fancy to strong and vigorous age have every reason to thank God and be glad that they have been enabled to do good to others, who grate- Mrs. Christina Christophersen. Mrs. Anna Berg. and president of the association for twenty-five years, withdrew from the active management, other members could look up to something ac- complished for the benefit of fellow-men, for God had crowned their efifort with success. The association has grown to be big and strong, in- deed rich. Aside from Mrs. Christophersen as president the society has been officered by eight others and by three trustees. The officers are elected every six months, but as a rule the same officers have held their places for years. After Mrs. Christophersen retired from the presidency the vice-president, Mrs. Anna Berg, was elected president and has held the office since. fully will recall the aid accorded them in the hour of need. The society hopes that it may be blessed with many such members as Mrs. Christophersen, who was 56 when she organ- ized this association. She is now over 82, but attends every meeting with the same intense interest for its welfare. She is seen in her best element when she is in the midst of the mem- bers of the society. She is the mother to them all. Fortunate is the society that has such a management; for here all strive to do right and fear no one. The present officers are: Past protector, Mrs. Christina Christophersen; president, Mrs. Anna Berg; vice-president, Mrs. THE NORWEGIANS IN CHICAGO 313 Solly Heole Solley; treasurer, Mrs. Marie Man- sen; first financial secretary, Margerethe Berg; second financial secretary, Dorothea Hendrick- son; secretary, Marie Possum; marshal, Mrs. Sjulstad; door keeper, Mrs. Ottesen. Sick and Aid Society of the Bethlehem Con- gregation Was organized November 27, 1893; incorporated March 22, 1897. This society was the outcome of a meeting held in the church on Oct. 30, 1893. A few mem- bers of the church and also a few outsiders were present. Rev. T. N. Kildahl was selected as temporary chairman and Abraham Johnson was made secretary. The chairman then read a previ- ously prepared draft for a constitution and by- laws, which was adopted. The next meeting was held on Nov. 13, to com- plete the organization. It was then a question of members before completing the organization. Twenty-three of those present enrolled them- selves. The next meeting was on Nov. 27, when eigh- teen applications for membership were received and enrolled. An election was then held for permanent officers and resulted in the choice of the following for the first year: Rev. T. N. Kildahl, president; Hans T^-edt, vice-president; Hakon Thompson, treasurer; Abraham Johnson, secretary. The members then paid their initia- tion fees, and as a result $66.50 was placed in the treasury. Objects and Rules of the Society. To aid and help members in case of sickness or death. All men and women of good moral character, between 18 and 50 years, living in Chicago, are eligible but must pass medical examination. There is an initiation fee of $1.50; and 35 cents, dues for the first month, must be paid in advance. A membership of three months entitles one to benefits. Sick benefits are limited to $5 per week for twelve weeks, and the funeral expenses to $70. In case of the death of a member who has not contributed to the society for the necessary three months his heirs are entitled to $50 for funeral benefit. A woman is not eligible for the office of presi- dent or vice-president. All officers are elected by ballot. The regular monthly meetings are held at 8 p. m. on the last Monday in each month. A majority vote decides all questions. All officers of the society must be members of Bethlehem Church. Cash Statement for 1905. Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1905 $387.36- • " received during the year.... 600.25 $987.61 Sick benefits paid during the year 466.90 $520.71 Funeral benefits paid during year. 140.00 Balance, Jan. 1, 1906 $380.71 The association has paid out since its organiza- tion $5,740.71, being $4,970.71 for sick benefits and $770 for funerals. The membership is 128 — 79 women and 49 men. The present officers are: President, Hakon Thompson; vice-president, Sj^ren Hansen; treasurer, M. T. Christofferson; secretary, Conrad de Lange. The auditing com- mittee consists of N. C. N. Juul, Ludvig Morten- sen and Andrew Petersen. The annual meeting is held on the last Mon- day of January of each year. Enigheden Is a woman's club composed of Norwegian wo- men for mutual benefit and pleasure. It was organized in September, 1905, and has now a membership of over sixty. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Kristine Berg, 80 Ogden avenue, Chicago. The objects are: First, to visit each member on her birth- day; second, to help and aid each other in case of sickness, to attend each other's funeral, and also to distribute flowers to all members. Their meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month, at the home of Mrs. Kristine Berg. On the first Monday they attend to the regular business of the club, and on the third Monday they hold a social session interspersed with song, music and reading. They also have one picnic and a dance each year, the receipts 314 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS so received going toward paying the expenses of the club. They are entitled to two delegates to the National League, as they are always in on everything that is "Norsk." The officers are: Mrs. Kristine Berg, presi- dent; Mrs. Rachel Dorow, secretary; Mrs. Tora Smith, vice-president; Mrs. Emma Ellefsen, cash- ier; Mrs. Ragna Arvesen, trustee; Miss Marge- reth Sorley, recording secretary; Mesdames Elsie Brown and Kristine Berg are delegates to the Norwegian National League. They promise to fight unitedly for the objects they believe to be best. Here is their song, composed by Mrs. Berg especially for Dameforeningen Enigheden. We shall have to give it in the original: Air: "Shall We Gather at the River?" Hjz(it i aften lyder sangen Fra vor sisters jubelkor; Det, som binder os tilsammen, Er til en hjgelp saa stor. Kor: Altid enig vi skal stande, Med venner her vi m0der frem, Langt fra vore Nordens lande At stedse mindes dem. 2. Voer velkommen, vs&r velkommen Til vor kjaere sj? -^ Liicic vvcic aress or thanks came m resoonse to words of marshals and commmees. Had .he arrival been welcome extended bin, in behalf of the Zrweg- 230 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ians of Chicago by H. O. Oppedahl, and in thanks for the freedom of the city tendered him by Dr. Howard G. Taylor as the representative of Mayor Harrison. The phrases that fell from the explorer's lips were sweet to his fellow coun- trymen. "I thank you, my countrymen," he said, "for the welcome you have given me in this great Western city. I know that your sympathy has gone out to comrades and myself in our endeavor to carry the colors of Norway northward, and I am proud to have the feeling. I am proud, too, to know that in this country and city you form so large a part of the people, and I am prouder still to know that you are good citizens. I thank you and the mayor and all who stand before me for the warmth of your welcome." Dr. Nansen spoke from the elevation of a stair- way, towering also above those who stood on his own level. He looked the explorer, for his coat was of the sailor peajacket kind, chinchilla in cloth and trimmed at the neck and about the wrists with beaver fur. He was seen at that close distance to far better advantage than when, in the evening he appeared on the lecture plat- form in conventional evening dress. He looked more than 36 years, for the arctic clime had wrinkled his face and thinned his hair. A mo- ment he stood silent when his response was done and in that moment the repose of his countenance was displayed at true advantage, sober, thought- ful, not quite stern. At the salvo of cheers, the hearty American three times and a tiger, the face lightened and traces of fatigue vanished. He lis- tened with eagernes to the song "America," which was sung at the last, and the student in him recognized it as the national hymn before the ° first strain echoed back from the pillars. The Auditorium presented at 8 o'clock a ser- ried vision of human forms, stretching away tier on tier from parquet to gallery and from gallery to highest balcony. Nowhere was there a vacant seat. Dr. Nansen, accompanied by his secretary, Lionel Claphau, and by President W. R. Harper of Chicago University, appeared upon the plat- form at 8:15 o'clock. The lecturer proceeded with the telling of how his plans matured, of how the expedition started on June 13, 1893, and of how the ship was finally locked in the ice fields north of Siberia. The labors of the men on board and their pleasures were described, the former being chiefly scientific. Not a man of the crew ever suflFered a day's sickness during the three years of absence. Of colds they knew nothing, for germs do not thrive in arctic temperatures. The poet and the dreamer of the explorer's nature showed in his word por- trayal of the atmospheric scenes and colorings of the long polar day and the longer polar night. What he said was illustrated with stereopticon views that sent cold chills down the backs of all who saw them. Dreary expanses of white, rugged ice floes, moons that looked like a hopeless in- ebriate's vision, variations of the aurora borealis, shaggy dogs, ferocious bears, unwieldy walruses, and all that goes to make up the charm of polar existence, were vividly portrayed, and the com- fortably dressed, well fed people who listened shuddered as they thought of all the hardships that the intrepid explorer must have experienced. The tale was simply told. There was no attempt to magnify the perils of the hazardous journey, and there was little need. The barest recital would have been considered harrowing enough. The various Norwegian societies had been mak- ing arrangements for the reception of their coun- tryman for weeks. The most prominent Nor- wegians in the city took the matter in hand. The immense Battery D hall was festooned with flags and flawers. Norwegian flags were put up in a hundred places. An immense painting, rep- resenting a ship between icebergs, stood con- spicuously on the stage. It was 11 o'clock when Dr. Nansen made his appearance. He finished his lecture at the Audi- torium and drove immediately to the hall. His appearance in the doorway was the signal for shouting. The band played the Norwegian na- tional air, cries of "Bravo Nansen!" came from 5,000 throats, and then, after silence had been secured, the arctic explorer was introduced. He spoke in Norwegian for ten minutes and thanked his countrymen for their welcome. It be- ing very late, he complained of being tired, and begged his audience to be lenient with him and forgive him for not speaking at greater length. More than twenty speakers followed. Nansen left the next day for Milwaukee, but returned on the following Tuesday to attend a banquet given at the Auditorium Hotel in his honor. On this occasion he was the guest of nearly 200 enthusiastic fellow-countrymen. Nor- wegian patriotism and sentiment filled the ban- quet hall with eloquence and song. Mayor Har- rison was among the prominent citizens present. The sons of the Norsemen had gathered from many states to meet and dine with their coun- try's hero. Dr. Nansen's final lecture was given at the Auditorium on Nov. 27. As it may be interesting for future generations to read about this great reception for Dr. Nan- MEMORABLE EVENTS 231 sen, we also give the names of the members on the reception committee The Reception Committee. Rev. Mr. Kildahl Rev. Torgersen Rev. Treider Rev. Torrison Rev. Haakonson Rev. A. Johnson H. Nordahl M. Losby Anton Krog- Capt. Erickson O. A. Thorp C. R. Matson K. B. Olson 0. C. Ericksen P. O. Stensland H. A. Haugan 1. Andersen A. Bruun S. Thorson N. Arneson H. L. Dahl John Anderson N. Grevstad K. Edwards John Blegen S. T. Gunderson Fr. Asche O. Severson S. Asbjornsen Emil Bjorn Dr. A. Doe Dr. B. Meyer Dr. Urheim Dr. Sandberg Dr. Quales Dr. Lee Dr. Lawson Dr. Hektoen Dr. Torrison Dr. N. Nelson Dr. Lindos Dr. Warloe Dr. Oyen Dr. Holmboe Olsen Skaaden J. Gullakson Tom Olson M. Kirkeby A. P. Johnson Nils Johnson C. Jevne Capt. W. Johnson Atty. Richolson Atty. Elwig Atty. Torrison Atty. A. Johnson Atty. F. H. Gade Chr. Ilseng Capt. Michelsen O. C. Hansen H. L. Andersen John Jersin H. B. Hanson O. C. S. Olson Knud Larsen Mr. Holt Mr. Holmboe Mr. Bodtker E. L. Heidenreich Hans Olson B. O. Kindley E. A. Smith John Ovresat A. Petterson Torris Wold. THE VIKING SHIP AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Although there is hardly to be found in the United States or elsewhere a Norwegian who has the least doubt that one of their countrymen really had settled in America about five hundred years before Columbus ever saw these shores, still the Yankees and others considered the nar- rative of Leif Erickson's famous trip in the light of a saga which had sprung up in the fertile brain of some ultrapatriotic skald. This fact nettled the Norwegians of this country, and, through the press, their countrymen at home, and it appears that they were only waiting for a chance to prove their assertion with deeds, which of course would be the best and most convincing way to treat the practical but skep- tical Americans. A great Viking ship had been found in a mound at G0kstad and preserved in the Museum of Christiania. Here was a model as good as could be desired, and the chance to prove what could be done with such a vessel occurred when the directors of the World's Fair asked the Norwegian Government to lend it as an exhibit for this grand occasion. The Norwegian Government, however, did not look with favor upon parting with such a na- tional treasure, but then the bold Captain Mag- nus Andersen came forward with the proposition that a national subscription be taken up in Nor- way to defray the expense of building and fitting out an exact counterpart of the G0kstad ship. He ofifered to sail the same when ready across the Atlantic and by the canals and Great Lakes to the World's Fair at Chicago, thus demonstrat- ing that the Norwegians were not preposterous nor exaggerating in their claims to have been the first Europeans to discover this continent. The necessary amount was subscribed, the vessel built, and Captain Andersen set sail for V'inland. As the Viking ship was one of the most re- markable exhibits at the World's Fair, far ex- ceeding in interest the three Spanish caravels, which were counterparts of the flotilla in which Columbus sailed, and as the Norwegians all over the United States took more pride in their Vik- ing ship than in all the other splendid exhibits of their mother country combined, we feel just- ified in giving a more explicit account of it than would else be proportionate in this volume. Captain Andersen's life from boyhood was a romance of the sea. He was born in 1857 in the little fishing village of Laurvig. His father was a master marine and he received only a common peasant's education. Even that was hard to get, for when Magnus was 4 years old his father left presumably for the United States and was never heard of after^j'ard. Then the care of the family fell upon the mother. Shi had an inherent hor- ror of the sea and of America, as it was sup- posed that the father of Andersen had enlisted in the Federal Navy and had suffered death. When young Andersen was 15 his mother had him apprenticed as a stable boy in the hope that he would follow the horses instead of the sea. But the boy was made of sterner stuff, and after 233 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS four months' service he shook ofif the cares of a sedentarj' life and ran away to sea in the ship Harald, a general merchantman bound for China and the East India trade. Andersen made the voyage, and upon his return passed perfectly an examination in seamanship before the Norweg- ian Navigation Board. Then he remained another year before the mast, after which he received his first appointment, as second mate. When 19 he was made first officer of the same vessel, and when only 22 . he was placed in command. hands to depend upon. He shipped as second mate aboard the Mary Lank, of Philadelphia. She was a threemasted schooner and little to the taste of the Norseman, so he soon resigned to go on board the Iceberg, Capt. Canter, of Sears- port, Me. On this vessel he made several trips to China and the Orient, and distinguished him- self for personal bravery as well as seamanship. Upon his return to Boston, in 1886, he decided to give up seafaring. But he also had a pet theory that he determined to demonstrate prac- The Viking Ship at the World's Fair. About this time young Andersen felt an ir- resistible longing to journey to America, there to search for his long absent father. His mother died about the same time, and, having no longer any ties to bind him, he left with his brother for New York. Together they tried to find their father. Failing in this, the brother took passage for the Bering Straits upon a whaling voyage, but never reached the fishing grounds, as he was eaten by a shark while bathing at Valparaiso. This left Captain Andersen with nothing but his forefather's reputation for adventure and his two ticaily before bidding a final farewell to the briny deep. Capt. Andersen had noted that the average sailor put little dependence in the lifeboats with which their vessels were supplied. The men held the opinion that once the vessel sank it was useless to place any hopes of being saved in the ship's small boats. Capt. Andersen felt that this was an error. He held that a properly built boat was as capable of living in as much sea as even the largest vessels. With this project in his mind he organized an expedition from Nor- way to America in an open boat. It was the INDUSTRY AND FINANCE 233 first trip of the kind ever undertaken. Open boats had passed from America to Europe be- fore, but never vice versa, against wind and cur- rent. Taking with him seaman Christiansen, who later became second mate of the Viking, he started in a thirty-foot boat across the Atlantic. It took them sixty days to reach the banks of Newfoundland. They were capsized three times en route. After this Captain Andersen quit the sea. He went to New York and founded the Norwegian Sailors' Home^ which has grown to such an extent that it contains over 150 beds. In 1890 he originated the idea of the Viking ship and went over to Norway and started the movement, at the same time founding the Nor- wegian Shipping Journal. He left Bergen April 30, 1893, on the Viking with a picked crew, and, as is well known, sailed that vessel safe to Chi- cago. The sailors had a great trip: no accidents or mishaps of any kind. Everywhere along tjie route the Viking met with great demonstrations. The Americans were more enthusiastic than the Norwegians in their interest. That seems a little strange, but was nevertheless true. When the Viking was approaching Chicago she was met by a flotilla of pleasure yachts and excursion steamers near Evanston. On the steamer City of Duluth were a city council com- mittee headed by the elder Mayor Carter H. Harrison, and on the Ivanhoe were members of the reception committee with Commissioner- General Ravn and the Norwegian World's Fair commissioners. Norwegian societies were of course present in force. They filled half a dozen steamers. When the Chicago flotilla reached the waiting Viking there was a mighty roar of salutes. Flags were dipped and the Norsemen brought their boat alongside the Ivanhoe, where they were welcomed by Mayor Harrison and Commissioner- General Ravn. After an interchange of courte- sies the fleet started southward, the dragon ship in the place of honor. The columns were formed as follows: Restless Thistle Volanta Zero Adele Peerless Comanche Grace. The Viking Michigan Argo Buena Cudahy Catherine Gryphon Hindo Glad Tidings Mino Ruinart Blake Ivanhoe City of Duluth Cyclone Gordon Chief Justice Waite Music International Romeo Post Boy Josie Davidson When the fleet arrived off Van Buren street Mayor Harrison and the council committee boarded the little Viking ship, and Mayor Har- rison gave Captain Andersen and his gallant crew the freedom and hospitality of the city. In half an hour the journey to the Fair was resumed, the Viking manned with oarsmen whose great muscles made her skim through the water at a wonderfully rapid rate. At the World's Fair hundreds of little electric launches and pleasure boats came out to wel- come the sturdy Viking. Cannon boomed, whis- tles blew, and the thousands of sightseers who had gathered along the shore cheered vigorously. Director-General Davis and a number of World's Fair officials took the Captain and the crew off the Viking ship and welcomed them to the Fair. This was followed by a reception in the Administration Building, to which the chiefs of departments and other officials were invited. Captain Andersen was in port. During the following days Capt. Andersen and his gallant crew were the most celebrated visit- ors at the Fair. It was only natural that their own countrymen were the most generously en- thusiastic. They demonstrated their elated feel- ings in banquets, receptions and all kinds of festivities without number. After the Fair the question arose what dis- position should be made of the Viking ship. That it ought to be preserved in some manner was the opinion of every Norwegian-American. Consequently a subscription of $5,000 was taken up, the ship bought for the amount and donated to the Field Columbian Museum in Jackson Park, where it still can be seen. NORWAY AT THE CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR. It may be recalled that the various countries and states which were exhibitors at the World's Columbian Exposition each had a day set aside for celebration within the grounds. As Nor- way's representatives could choose their own date for "Norway's Day," it was but natural that 334 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS they selected May 17, which they have every- where celebrated as their national holiday. "Den syttende Mai" (May 17) is to the sons of Nor- way what the Fourth of July is to all true and patriotic Americans, both natives and naturalized. Thousands of the flaxen-haired, ruddy-cheeked Norsemen with their wives and children were on the ground. Before the gates were opened on the 17th of May, 1893, a great crowd of impa- tient people were waiting to pass through the turnstiles, and all day long they were pouring into the park in streams. The dedication of the Norwegian building and exhibit was the chief attraction of the day, but the fact that the 17th of May is their national anniversary lent addi- tional interest to the occasion. Many prominent Norwegian-Americans from Wisconsin, Minne- sota, the Dakotas, Michigan and other states joined with their brethren in Illinois in making the event one long to be remembered and talked of. Under the direction of Chief Marshal E. C. Christensen a procession of societies was formed at the north end of the terminal station and marched north past the Transportation Building to Festival Hall, where the exercises were held. The procession was made up in the following order: Platoon of police. Bicycle club. Fifty members. Band. Scandinavian Workingmen, No. 1, 700 strong. Scandinavian Workingmen, No. 10. Norwegian Rifle Club. 6and. Nora Lodge, No. 1, R. H. K. Leif Erikson Lodge, No. 15, R. H. K. Tordenskjold Lodge, No. 15, R. H. K. Band. Northern Light K. & L. of H. Praia Lodge K. & L. of H. Nordfselles Supreme Lodge. Court Normania. Band. Good Templar Lodge. Scandinavian Carpenters' Union. Carriages with invited guests. At two o'clock Festival Hall, which had a seat- ing capacity of 8,000 and standing room for 2,000 more, was literally packed to the doors, and thousands of disappointed Norwegians were left outside, unable to hear or see anything of the interesting proceedings in the hall. The cele- bration began with the singing of the Norwegian national hymn, "Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Yes We Love This Land). As every Norwegian knows the song by heart, its singing by the as- sembled thousands made such music as the walls of Festival Hall had not before echoed. Prof. Julius Olsen of the University of Wisconsin then made an address on "Our Day of Independence," which was received by the great audience with every evidence of enthusiasm. Americans all, they were for the time being patriotic Norwegians. More music was then in order, and Mrs. Anna Smith Behrens appeared to sing some of the songs of the fatherland, accompanied by Mrs. Dr. Karl Sandberg. Her selections included "The Boy and the Fairy" (by Otto Winter- Hjelm), "Wandering in the Forest" (Edward Grieg), and "On the Mountain" (Halfdan Kje- rulf). Then Hon. Rasmus B. Anderson appeared to speak of "Norway" from the standpoint of a loyal and patriotic son, and when the applause which greeted his eloquent periods had subsided, the Exposition orchestra, under the leadership of Theodore Thomas, played several selections from Grieg's "Peer Gynt." Hon. Nils P. Haugan was the next speaker in- troduced, and his topic, "Norwegians in the United States," was handled very cleverly. Miss Signe Hille then sang, "To My Heart's Queen" (Agathe Backer-Gr0ndahl), "My Treasure" (Kje- rulf), and "A Vision" (Grieg). Ingolf K. Boyesen followed with a talk on "America and the Expo- sition." The orchestra closed the program with a collection of Norwegian folk songs and rhap- sodies by Johann Svendsen. The exercises seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by the great crowd which remained in attendance to the last and was unstinted in its applause. After the cere- monies the Norwegians and their friends scat- tered through the grounds and buildings, which were kept open that night until eleven o'clock. The Court of Honor was illuminated, and Direc- tor Burnham had ordered the electric fountain to play. NORWAY'S PAVILION. On account of a midocean accident to the Steamer Hekla, the formal onening of Norway's Pavilion in the Manufactures Building was de- layed. Ten cases of goods, containing among other things all the flags, were known to be on the road, but no trace could be found of them when they were most wanted. The barriers were, however, taken down for the formal open- ing of the exhibit, at which among others the following were present: Chr. Ravn, royal commissioner-general. MEMORABLE EVENTS 235 Anders C. Berle, secretary royal commission. Torolf Prytz, commissioner of manufactures for Norway. Mrs. G. Emerson, manager. James Allison, chief of Manufactures Building. Frank P. Williams, assistant chief of Manu- factures Building. Willard A. Smith, chief of Transportation Building. The 9,000 square feet occupied by Norway were on the east side of the main aisle near the south entrance. The exhibit was dual, for the liberal arts as well as manufactures were represented. In the rear of the section an elevated platform was built. On it was a full-sized stabur or provision house. On each side were large paintings of Norwegian scenery, and hundreds of photo- graphs formed a border around the platforms. The ski (Norwegian snow-shoe), used for climb- ing mountains and shooting down the steep in- cline with racehorse speed, was shown in great variety. Some were elaborately carved; others, used by athletes and sportsmen, were narrow, long and highly polished. Three wax figures of skaters, dressed in the costumes used in Norway, added to the attrac- tiveness of this feature. Various forms of push- sleds, narrow sleighs and hand sleds were shown, as well as the Norwegian kariol. This is a two- wheeled vehicle, something like a western road- cart, with a long skeleton body and an extra seat behind. A dozen wax figures of men and women were dressed in peasant costumes. Two repre- sented women from the neighborhood of Bergen, the headgear showing one to be married. Both costums had the accordion plaits, which Amer- ican women used not very long ago, but which the peasant girls of Norway have worn for sev- eral centuries. As interesting as the ski collection was the showing of ancient and modern Norwegian skates. Paulsen, the famous Norwegian skater, aston- ished New Yorkers by his skates when he raced on Hudson River, for they were unlike anything seen or used until then in this country. Those shown in the Manufactures Building had the look of speed in their low, straight, narrow runners, but according to the American idea they had one objection, for they were nailed to the shoe and not clamped or strapped. A stuflfed reindeer attached to a canoe-shaped sled (akja), a harpoon gun with the wicked looking triple-pronged whale-catcher, and a fine collection of furs, em- phasized the characteristic features of the exhibit from the land of the midnight sun. To those who thought that snow, ice, bleak mountains and fish make up all Norway, the silverwork exhibit came with a shock of pleasure and surprise. Nothing like it was seen in any other section except the Mexican. It formed a curious parallel that the tropical and polar coun- tries should find a common art in filigree silver work. The resemblance, however, is only in the work, for the designs of Norway and Mexico are widely at variance. In delicacy, grace and in- genuity the silversmiths of Christiania and the jewelers of Mexico are peers. Many fine exam- ples of filigree silver were shown. The feature, however, which made the silver exhibit unique among similar displays was the silver and enam- eled work done at Bergen and Christiania. Two magnificent silver lamps, beautiful in model and exquisite in design, were notable exponents of this art. The framework of the design is first made in filigree silver. Then the enamel, in vari- ous colors, is filled in and the whole burned. The silver is afterward heavily gilded and polished. The vase-shaped shade had translucent enamel, which gave a soft, tinted glow when the light was burning. Jewel cases, trays, spoons and toilet articles were made of the same combina- tion. Many spoons were decorated with Nor- wegian scenes painted and burned in the enamel. Some of the spoons were copies of ancient origi- nals kept in the museum of Christiania. Odd drinking cups in odder designs were placed near the originals, some of them 260 years old. In another case was an old drinking horn with the royal lion in gold on the lid, and ancient scent boxes, which prove that the old Vikings were not above tickling their olfactory nerves. Norway ships to this country a large amount of wood pulp and sulphate for paper making, and this important industry had a display to itself. Boats, tapestries, books, school exhibits, various liquors (as Aquavit), with some very fine wood carvings, were other interesting features, while a variety of marble and granite showed the value of Norway's quarries. The pavilion was built out of native Norwegian pine, which has a reputation the world over. It admits of the most delicate carving, in which the Norwegians are skilled. Some of their work in this line was shown in the framework of the facade, which was without other ornamentation except a few designs in colors. The wood was left purposely without oil or paint. The facade did not show to good advantage under the high roof of the Manufactures Building, with the lofty structures of Russia on one side and Denmark across the avenue. But this was not the fault of 236 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS the Norwegian architect. Instructions were sent out by the exposition authorities originally limit- ing the height of structures within the Manu- factures Building, and when they were modified there was no time to do the elaborate work over again. NORWAY'S BUILDING AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. The Norwegian building in Jackson Park was not large, but people looked at it twice as they passed by. there was some little friction over the matter. But the Norwegians had been in hard luck. They had prepared the timbers for their building at Christiania and the work had been much de- layed. Then the framed timbers were put aboard the steamer Hekla, which usually made the run to New York in about twelve days. But on this voyage the Hekla had an accident and reached New York first on April 9, nearly two weeks late. She had been twenty-eight days on the passage. When the consignment finally reached Chicago the v\-orkmen at once began setting up the house. .¥■ Norway's Building at the World's Fair. Norway was assigned a generous slice of ground early in the show. It was the space at first allotted to Russia, a nice site just south- east of the art annex. The Russians found it impracticable for their use and it was given to Norway. But the Norwegians did not seem to build upon it very fast. Other buildings were go- ing up on all sides, but Norway's space remained desolate. Director Burnham fretted and found The style of the building's architecture was what in Norway is called "Stave-kirke." It is •distinctly and unmistakably Norwegian. Indeed, the Norwegians have been erecting church edi- fices that look like this ever since the twelfth century. It had a high lower-story and a low upper story, and over all a high-gabled roof pic- turesquely irregular in design. A fine flagstaff topped the whole. But what most gave a Norse MEMORABLE EVENTS 2:-}7 aspect to the little building, which was only 26 X 40 feet in size, were the decorative figures pro- jecting over the gables, heavy beams that curved upward and were graven in grotesque shapes like the heads of dragons or serpents. These resembled more than anything else the ancient prows of Viking battleships. homo in ships than in houses, patterned even their houses of worship after their ships. The building was constructed of the best of Norwegian pine. It was chiefly used for the of- fices of Royal Commissioner Christian Ravn and his aids and as a rendezvous for Norwegian vis- itors at the Fair. The Norwegian exhibits were The Artist's Model of Leif Erikson, That is exactly what they were intended to be like. When the "Stave-kirke" type of architect- ure was originated the Norse were the boldest navigators in the world. Their high-penned gal- leys, with hideous figureheads, ventured where none others dared to go. Those were the days of the Vikings. So the Norsemen, being more at made in other buildings, such as the Fisheries and Manufactures. There were some really good ones, too. Norway had been stirred up by all that Columbus hubbub to the remembrance that it was a Norseman after all who really discov- erc'd America by a daring chance. 238 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS LEIF ERIKSON, The Norse Discoverer of America. The Chicago Norwegians had another great occasion for celebrating when the statue of Leif Erikson, the Norse-Icelandic discoverer of the American continent, A. D. 1000, was unveiled on the 12th of October, 1901. The accompanying picture, which shows the bronze image as it stands in Humboldt Park, Chicago, represents -a man of physical beauty, strong and supple — "Trained for either camp or court, Skillful in each manly sport. Young and beautiful and tall" — the head and face noble, that of the skald (bard) as well as the daring explorer. In spite of the drizzling rain the faces of many thousands of sons and daughters of Norway and their de- scendants beamed with joy and enthusiasm, and while they sang the national hymn of their fa- therland the monument to Leif Erikson, one of Norway's most famous discoverers and naviga- tors, erected from their own earnings, was for the first time presented to their view. With the words and melody of "Ja, vi elsker dette landet" echoing throughout the park, and with flags and banners of Norway and America waving on all sides, O. A. Thorp, one of the originators of the Leif Erikson monument plan, signaled to Miss Inga Ferdinandsen and she pulled the tri-colored cord and formally unveiled the monument to the public view. Norwegian-Americans from all parts of the city and from ditterent states throughout the Northwest were present to witness the ceremony for the fruction of which they had worked since 1892. Preceding the unveiling exercises at Hum- boldt Park, Norwegian-American organizations — including the turner, singers', educational and trade societies — met at Scandia Hall and pro- ceeded in carriages to the scene of the unveiling. The spirit which caused the mariners with Leif Erikson to brave the rough and uncertain seas swayed his Chicago descendants that day and caused them to disregard the dismal weather while paying their tribute to the one who first found this great country. O. A. Thorp, on behalf of the Leif Erikson Monument Society, which had charge of rais- ing the funds for the erection of the monument, and of which he was the founder and first presi- dent, made the unveiling oration. President L. E. Olson of the Monument Society made the for- mal speech presenting the monument to the west park officials. The exercises were in charge of A. J^rgensen, vice-president of the society; C. H. Lee, treasurer; A. C. Thorsen, secretary, and the directors, L. Hansen, Charles Nergard, Fred. Asche and F. Ferdinandsen. P. A. Sj^lie was grand marshal of the turnout of the societies and Albert J. Elvig was in charge of the arrange- ments in the park. The day's celebration closed with a banquet at the Sherman House in the evening, at which Paul O. Stensland was the toastmaster. Prof. R. B. Anderson, Nicolai Grevstad, Oscar M. Torrison, John Blegen, Prof. Julius E. Olson, Birger Osland, O. A. Thorp, and Mayor Carter H. Harrison, Jr., were among the speakers. Mr. Sigvald Asbj^rnsen, the sculptor of the monu- ment, was the guest of honor at the banquet. The monument consists of the bronze statue representing Leif Erikson standing upon a gran- ite bowlder. The statue is 9% feet high and the granite bowlder is 12 feet in diameter, half of which is imbedded in the high grass mound, which is 6 feet high and 30 feet in circumference. The monument is placed in one of the choicest spots of Humboldt Park, near the new pavilion and lagoon. It cost over $10,000. In this connection it may be mentioned that monuments to Leif Erikson have been erected in Boston and Milwaukee. THE NORWEGIAN STUDENT SINGERS. It was in the afternoon on May 20, 1905, that sixty members of the Norwegian Student Sing- ers, the famous male chorus of Christiania, show- ered with flowers and greeted with welcoming song from their countrymen and women, arrived in Chicago. The Michigan Central train on which they came was nearly an hour late, but their tardy arrival did not dampen the enthusi- asm of the 500 persons who crowded the Park Row Station to meet them. As the members of the chorus entered the door into the waiting room the local Norwegian Singers' Union began Grieg's "Song of Welcome," which next to the national anthem is the great song of the Norse- men. Leaving the station, the crowd surged toward the Auditorium, where the chorus remained the 20th and 21st. There was a call for a song, and visitors and local singers lined up on the broad stairway leading from the lobby of the hotel and sang, "Ja, Vi Elsker Dette Landet." As the clear voices of the tenors lingered on the last strain there was tumultuous applause. In response to the encore the visiting singers rendered "The MEMORABLE EVENTS 239 The Leif Erikson Monument in Humboldt Park, 340 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Star-Spangled Banner." The rest of the first day was spent in sightseeing, and on the following day most of the chorus were the guests at the homes of various Norwegian residents. Arrangements had been completed for the con- cert by the chorus, which was given at the Au- ditorium on the first evening. The committee of arrangements was composed of H. A. Haugan, John Anderson, Paul O. Stensland, Nicolai Grev- stad, N. Arneson, Dr. Karl Sandberg, Thomas Kolderup. Ben Blessum and Dr. Th. Warloe. This musical organization was formed about sixty years ago by Johan Behrens, the "father of Norwegian song." It is composed of students and alumni of the University of Christiania and is a semi-national institution, the director, O. A. Gr'^ndahl, one of the foremost leaders and com- posers of 'Scandinavia, being paid out of the na- tional treasury. Since its inception the chorus has been a leader in Norwegian choral music, having had the nation for its patron and num- bering among its most prominent supporters the foremost Norwegian composers, such as Grieg, Reissiger, Selmer and Kjerulf. Many, of the latter have written compositions expressly for the chorus. The singers were headed by Rolf Hammer, tenor, and Johannes Berg-Hansen, basso, as solo- ists, both of whom are members of the National Opera. The president of the Student Singing Society, Dr. Henrich Thomsen, was with the or- ganization. A large advance sale of seats for the concert insured an attendance of gratifying proportions and the concert was a great success from both an artistic and a material point of view. A great banquet was given in honor of the singers at the Sherman House, when many persons of prominence made speeches. After leaving Chicago the chorus gave con- certs in about twenty cities of the Northwest and returned east via Chicago on June 14, 1906, at which time another concert was given. On the evening of the 13th five hundred representative Norwegians of Chicago and the Northwest as- sembled at the home of Paul O. Stensland in Irving Park, ostensibly for the purpose of enter- taining the Norwegian student singers, but the real purpose of the monster reunion was to form- ulate plans preliminary to presenting a signed petition to President Roosevelt, urging him to recognize the independence of Norway. The af- fair, which was in the form of an outdoor dinner party, on the spacious grounds of Mr. Stensland, was one of the most notable events in the his- tory of Norwegian society in Chicago. Hundreds of incandescent lights were strung throughout the grounds, dinner being served under a canopy of red, white and blue, from the dome of which hung the flag of Norway and the Stars and Stripes, made up of a colored array of electric lights. The musical features of the evening were the patriotic solos rendered by Mrs. Grace Nelson Stensland, the daughter-in-law of Paul O. Stens- land. Her efforts inspired the Norsemen with political enthusiasm, one of her songs being sug- gestive of a political appeal. NORWEGIANS IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND FINANCIAL FIELDS JOHNSON CHAIR COMPANY. It affords us great pleasure to present a con- densed history of one of Chicago's greatest furn- iture enterprises and to record the fact that it is controlled b}^ men of our own nationality. Were we living in the fabled days of old, the sketch, even though but the recounting of hard, dry facts, would seem more like romance than reality. Probablj^ in no other country in the world would so great and rapid development be possible, and certainly in no city in the land have so small be- ginnings grown to so magnificent proportions in so brief a time. The great factory and business of the Johnson Chair Company stands as a monu- ment to the wise and prudent, yet enterprising and energetic management of the men who have been at its head. Commencing with very little capital, and but a limited experience, the manage- ment has grown and expanded from year to year with the business it has faithfully and persistently pushed to the front. Each year has brought with it new ideas, new methods and new customers, until to-daj^ their trade extends to nearly all parts of this country and a number of European countries, and their name is a synonym of integ- rity, reliable goods and prompt attention to the wants of their thousands of customers. The founders of this great institution were Thompson & Crawford, who occupied a small building (the corner building in the first picture) at the corner of N. Green and Phillips streets, in 1867. The.'^e gentlemen manufactured cane- seat chairs, and continued in business until 1868, when they sold their plant to F. Herhold, A. P. Johnson, Anton and Adolph Borgmeier, who changed the line to wood-seat chairs, and con- tinued the business under the name of Herhold, Johnson and Borgmeier until 1870, when Anton Borgmeier sold out, and the name was changed to Herhold, Johnson & Co., Mr. Adolph Borgmeier being the "Co." In 1877 Mr. Herhold sold out, and the name of the firm was changed to A. P. John- son & Co., and Mr. Nels Johnson was admitted as active partner. Two years later the factory received a great change by the tearing down of the corner frame building and the erection in its place of a large five-story brick building. It seemed then as though the limit of capacity had been reached, and that no further building or increase of facilities would be needed for many years. This building, which stands at the corner of N. Green and Phillips streets, is 40 x 136 feet, and its five floors gave them 27,000 feet of floor space. This was a very large chair factory for those days, although but for a few years. Busi- ness continued to grow, and in 1883 the firm was incorporated under the name of the Johnson Chair Co., the plant was enlarged by the erec- tion of a five-story brick building, and the of- fices, salesrooms and shipping room were moved into it. This building was 42x136 feet, and con- tained at the- time 28, .560 square feet. But even this addition soon became cramped, and five years later, in 1888, the frame building between the two brick buildings was demolished to make room for the magnificent six-story brick, which is 50 X 206 feet and fills all the space. This building contains 61,800 square feet of floor. When this great building was completed they took a long breath and said: "Surely we have done with building expenses, for it will be a long time before we shall need more room than is afforded by our present facilities." The show room and private offices were moved into this building, and everything ran along smoothly un- 241 a42 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS til 1890, when the necessity for more room again became pressing, and the office building received another story — the sixth. Although this gave them 5,712 square feet more, increasing the space in that building to 34,272 square feet, it proved to be but a temporary relief, and in 1891 we see them with another giant building, extending from the office building clear through to Halsted street, 112x60 feet and seven stories high, add- ing nearly 50,000 more square feet. This is the most ornamental building in the group, as shown in the large picture. In addition to the above- mentioned buildings there are the dry-kilns, 25x75, three stories, and the engine house, 50 x 50, three stories, the two having a total of 13,125 For a number of years the company manufac- tured a line of bureaus, but the rapid increase of the chair trade made it necessary to discon- tinue them. More than 500 styles of chairs, from the cheap wood-seat kitchen to the large solid mahogany office and clubhouse chairs, are manufactured by this company. Their line of oak dining chairs in among the finest in the land. They give employment to between 500 and 600 hands at the factory. Until his health commenced failing him last year, Mr. A. P. Johnson, the president, used to superintend the factory and do the buying of materials, having a competent foreman in every department. Secretary Nels Johnson, a brother The Johnson Chair Company'^ First Building. feet. Thus we see a total of 180,245 square feet, besides lumber sheds, stables, etc. Besides the erection of the seven-story Hal- sted-street building in 1891 they have added a new 150-horse-power engine to one of the same size; and have increased their electric lights from 150 to 500, which practically afifords them day- light throughout the twenty-four hours, if they desire it. At the right-hand upper corner of the picture may be seen a view of their lumber yards on Ogden Island, with two vessels at the docks, in the north branch of the Chicago River, dis- charging cargoes of lumber. This yard is not more than fifteen minutes' drive from the factory for the lumber wagons, and so isolated as to be almost out of danger from fires. of A. P., now has charge of the office, salesmen and credits. Until his death, which occurred Dec. 14, 1905, Mr. Borgmeier attended to the shipping, with over a score of packers and ship- pers under him. His place was taken by Mr. Joseph F. Johnson, treasurer of the company. The head bookkeeper is Mr. Geo. A. Boedeker, who started in with them in the shipping room in 1879. He has half a dozen or more assistants, among whom Mr. A. M. Heiberg and Mr. S. O. Severson are of Norwegian birth. Among the workingmen the following Norwegians have risen to higher positions: S. N. Hallenger is foreman in the factory, with B. N. Saue as assistant. A. J. Breda is foreman in the finishing department and Christ Olson in the lumber yard. A son of INDUSTRY AND FINANCE 243 &mi ^m ^m s^ msj (/] mi dB] i*si ms] mi] I g35 ^«7 (?«J (SIS gEwj i sm am (fm mmmu 'il 'gm 9m »m sm ^ m^i »m mm »:m] m. Ill »E] a^ i^m] (^m] mlp I g^ asff ^?/ ^mj ^^^ i mm mm mm mm mm mm msMmm mm mm iimsr mm msjjlfm mm mm ilm%j ilf : {feu &mlSi^i aw ^m ^'^- 9?5j »-3 ^j a?"ij aofj ^u s=J-af5]i (*s[j 83« ^ if/ (^s:-- (S-J (ir-J {*»J _ 9=e; aCEj (fm] gr«j: jjag (Ssj 3E-J aa»j [fw] (jfg] [fc=J .3E-J- asj SfcsJuJMJi- *BJ flfea]^ i*-J 3=sjir.(?l^ *»]- Qfcsji a=j (it=j ':*=] @ ms] one year. He then learned the method of house- emigrated to America, in 1884. Upon arrival here he worked on farms in 1884-5. After that he planted tobacco on shares for one year. He then went to Minnesota and Dakota, where he worked on farms, also at painting and railroad- work, until 1887. He then returned to Chicago, where he was employed in various ways until 1895, when he started in the hoisting-machine business for himself. Andrew Abrahamsen. Andrew Adams. moving, and has been engaged in that business in his own name for over twenty-four years. He served in the Norwegiaai army for five years. He is a member and trustee of the Chosen Friends Lodge No. 170, Knights of Pythias. He married Anna Gustava Larson July 16, 1874. They have had four children, three boys and one girl, but all died before reaching their 7th year. Mr. Adams is a 32d-degree Mason; belongs to the Oriental Consistory and the Medinah Temple Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Mac- cabees, and the North Ainerican Union. He was married to Emma Matson on Dec. 11, 1897. They have three children, namely, Emil An- drew, 7 years; Gustav Adolph, 5 years; Theodor Edward, 2 years old. The familj^ attends the Lutheran Church. ANDREW ADAMS Was born in Langeland, Tysnges, Norway, Aug. 9, 1859, his parents being Andrew Johannesen and Lyneva Langeland. He worked on his father's farm and vessels until 25 years old, when he JOHN ANDA was born at Engesund, near Bergen, Norway, Oct. 30, 1863. He came to America in 1880, in advance of his parents and brothers. He worked for different parties and was connected foi fifteen BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 261 John Anda. A. H. Anderson. years with Earl Bros., the Commission Mer- chants. He engaged in the same business for himself in 1898 and is continuing it mi the Ogden building, where he first located. He married on July 4, 1885, Miss Anna A'lon- sen, of Hardanger, Norway. They have six chil- dren, all living. Mr. Anda is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he and his family attend the Norwegian Lutheran Church. ^ AXEL HAROLD ANDERSON Was born at Helger0n, near Laurvig, Norway, March 28, 1856. His father, Frederick Otto An- derson, was a shipbuilder in Norway. His moth- er's maiden name was Judith Hansen. He at- tended the common schools in Norway, but came to America with his parents in 1868, when only 12 years old. They landed at Quebec and came direct to Chicago. Here Axel attended school for a time and was confirmed in Krohn's Church, May and Erie streets. At the age of 14 he was apprenticed as a moulder with David Humphry, in the Lind Building, at Randolph and Market streets. He remained until 1874 and then worked in other brass foundries until he was 20 years old, when he started in business for himself, and has kept at it since. At the present time he occupies two buildings, one at 52 No. Ann street and the other at 339 Fulton street. The Ann street place is used for assembling and machine work; the other for moulding and foundry work. Mr. Anderson married (in Chicago) Vena Sto- veland, from Mandal, Norway. She is a daughter of Evan and Elizabeth Stoveland. They have- three children — Maud Judith, born Nov. 16'„ 1891; Irene Mary, Nov. 6, 1893; Frederick Ray- mond, Nov. 26, 1895. Mr. Anderson's father died in 1870, his mother in 1884. The family resides at 779 North Fairfield Ave. AUGUSTUS GORDON ANDERSON. Born at Tvedestrand, Norway, Aug. 27, 1859. His father's name was Andrew Anderson. His mother's name, Anna Thorine Anderson. His father was a sailor. His parents came to this country in 1862 and located at Milwaukee, Wis. He attended public school there about two years. His early education was very limited. He started 262 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS to learn the carpenter trade when 15 years old. Worked at the trade until 20. Left Milwaukee for Chicago when 18, and worked at his trade in Chicago for two years. Having accumulated some money, he concluded to obtain an educa- tion. In the fall of 1879 he entered the prepar- atory department of the University of Chicago. A. G. Anderson. He was then 20. Graduated from this department in the spring of ISS^i, and in the succeeding fall he entered the freshman class of the university. Received a degree of bachelor of science from the University in the spring of 1886. Afterward he read law in the law office of Alonzo A. Ex- line, in Chicago, and was admitted to the bar in 1888. He has pursued the general practice of law since then. In 1890 he formed a partnership with Frederick W. Proudfoot, under the firm name of Anderson & Proudfoot, with offices in the Bryan Block, which partnership was dissolved in 1896. Since then he has been practicing alone. His office is at 145 La Salle street, suite 712 and 713. Mr. Anderson has been actively engaged in politics for the past eleven years, under the leadership of Governor Charles S. Deneen. Was in 1897 appointed by Judge Carter appraiser un- der the inheritance-tax law of Illinois, which po- sition he has held ever since. He has been actively engaged in all movements for political and civic improvements in Chicago. Was in January, 1905, appointed by the Englewood charter committee, with four other attorneys, to look into the munic- ipal court bill, which had been introduced in the legislature at Springfield, and suggest amend- ments and changes if necessary. They suggested and prepared several changes and amendments which were incorporated in the measure, which was passed by the legislature. He has never held an elective public office. He is a member of the Masonic, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias fraternities. He has held the office of noble grand in the Odd Fellows' lodge and of chancellor commander in the Knights of Pythias lodge. He was married in August, 1895, to Ferdinanda Knopp, daugther of William Knopp, of Chicago. They have one daughter, Lorna Elizabeth An- derson, 9 years old. The family are at present living at 325 W. Garfield boulevard. ANDREW N. ANDERSON. Mr. A. N. Anderson was born in Adams town- ship. La Salle county, March 17, 1855. His par- ents were Nelson and Ann (Quam) Anderson, both natives of Norway. His father came to this country in 1845 and his mother in 1842. They were married in De Kalb county, where they lived for some time and then inoved to Adams township. La Salle county. Nelson Anderson was a farmer and died in 1864, at the age of 44, leaving his wife with six chil- dren, namely: Sophia B., Mattie S., Andrew N., John N., Nelsey M., and Lorinda S. All are now deceased except our subject and John N., who farms the old homestead. ' His mother, at the age of 75, is still living, at Leland, having built herself a home there in 1900. Mr. Anderson of this sketch was raised on the farm and educated at Leland. He continued farming until 22 years of age. In the fall of 1883 he and Thomas F. Thompson formed a partner- ship, he buying out Thompson's former partner, Mr. Buland, in the grain business, from which time the firm name was Thompson & Anderson, Bankers and Grain Merchants. In 1896 they established the Leland Bank which in 1902 was incorporated as the Farmers & Merchants' State Bank, of which Mr. Anderson is cashier. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 263 Mr. Anderson has been a resident of Leiand since 1883. He has served as. supervisor, first appointed to fill the vacancy upon the resigna- tion of ex-Judge H. W. Johnson and afterward elected for a full term. He was a trustee of the village board for two years, and its president. A. N. Anderson. In 1884 he married Anna Vald, who died in 1897, leaving three children — Vira A., Nelson C. and Nieda J. Mr. Anderson is a republican politically, and has held many responsible offices aside from those already mentioned. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. in a cotton mill in Wesfossen. After the age of 15 he worked as gun-maker in Drammen for five years, during which time he also studied ma- chine designing at evening schools. He served seven years in the infantry with the Norwegian Armj' and worked in different machine shops in Norway until 1880, when he came to America, reaching Chicago on June 12. He was married to Miss Jennie Emelia, daughter of Andres and Bertha Olina Munson, in Christiania, Norway, May 19, 1874. They have two children, Axel Olaf, born in Norway, and Arthur Mathews, born in Chicago in 1883. The eldei' son is married to Caroline Heppler, of Chicago. In September of the year in which our subject came to Chicago he was appointed superintendent for the Roth Mc- Mahon Machine Company and was placed in charge of the department of bakery machinery. He remained with this firm for fourteen years, or until 1894, when he engaged in the same busi- HANS MARTIN LOUIS ANDERSON H. M. L. Anderson. Was born in Christiania, Norway, May 20, 1848. His parents were Lars and Maren Torina (nee Hakenson) Anderson. His father was a saw- mill master in Norway, and from him our sub- ject inherited his love for machinery. He attended the common school and was confirmed in Nor- way, but at the age, of 12 years he began work ness for himself, under the firm name of the In- dependent Cracker Machine Company, of which Mr. Anderson has been president since. He has patented a few appliances, such as breadmould- ing and cracker machinery. He is a Mason, a ■member of the Royal League, and a trustee of Alsian Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor. 264 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS His father died in Norway in 1860. His mother is still living in Eidegaarden, Vestre Aker, Nor- way. Mr. Anderson's machine shop, which will be referred to in another part of this history, is at 147 Fulton street. The family resides at 470 Austin avenue. MRS. ISABELLA ATLANTA ANDERSON Divides the distinction of having been born on the Atlantic Ocean with the renowned "Sloop Mrs. Isabella Anderson. Girl," Mrs. Atwater, mentioned in the first part of this volume . This fact also explains her some- what unusual middle name, Atlanta. Mrs. Anderson was born on board the Nor- wegian steamer "Norge," May 21, 1861, while her parents were on their way to America. Her father is Mr. K. B. Olson, a well known manu- facturing tailor, of this city, and her mother's maiden name was Miss Susan Stene. Mrs. Anderson received her education in the Chicago public schools and was confirmed in the first Norwegian Lutheran church on the North side by Rev. Mikkelsen. When twenty years of age she was joined in holy wedlock to Mr. Hans Ludvig Anderson, May 24, 1881. Her husband hailed from Fossen, Norway, and became a very prominent business man in Chicago, being engaged in the wholesale booth and shoe business, at his death, which oc- curred Feb. 4, 190.3, leaving his familjr amply provided for. This marital union was blessed with three children; one son and two daughters: Cyrus A., born March 4, 1884; Irene Harriet, Febr. 3, 1888, and Grace Susette, Febr. 17, 1892. i\Irs. Anderson's mother departed this life on July 19, 1906, but her father is still living and active in business. Mrs. Anderson has never cared much about social clubs or distinctions, her inclinations hav- ing been more toward the duties of a good house- wife and mother. When it came to charitable work, she has, however, been very much inter- ested. She was one of the first two lady mem- bers on the board of directors of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, on which she has served for a number of years. She has also been interested in the Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home Society and other charitable work among her countrymen. With her family Mrs. Anderson attends the Wicker Park English Lutheran Church and re- sides in her own home at 98 Fowler street. JONAS ANTON ANDERSON, The manufacturer of cameras and photographic specialties at 65 E. Indiana street, Chicago, was born Nov. 28, 1840, to Peter and Margrette Ander- son, of Christiania, Norway. The parents came to America, with the subject of our sketch, in 1852, locating in Detroit, Mich., where they landed in. July. Jonas had attended school in Norway and for some time went to school in Detroit, but at the age of 14 he was apprenticed to learn the carpenter trade. After five years in Detroit he came to Chicago, in 1857. Here he continued to work at his' trade until 1862, when he engaged in the building business on his own account. In 1869 he started the making of cameras and other BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 2G5 photographic supplies, whicli he has followed since with great artistic and financial success. He is credited with having made the largest camera in the world, which at the time attracted the at- tention of experts and photographers everywhere. He has repeatedly been favorably written up in J. A. Anderson. trade papers, magazines and journals in all lan- guages of the civilized world. He was awarded a gold medal at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 for a camera which did photo-mechanical work. Mr. Anderson was married to Sarah C. Nichol- son, of Chicago, May 24, 1864. They have had six children, namely: Sadie M., born March 21, 1.865; John A., Nov. 8, 1867; Annie I., Jan. 8, 1869; Arthur P., Aug. 8, 1872; Walter E., Nov. 8, 1875; Christine, May, 1881. John A., died in San Fran- cisco, Cal., Nov. 4, 1903, and Christine in July, 1881. His youngest son, Walter E. Anderson, has mastered his father's business and is now as- sociated with him. The family resides at 2612 Lowell avenue. Mr. Anderson's mother died in Detroit in 185S and his father in Chicago in 1889. Mr. Anderson is a Mason and a Knight Temp- lar. CAPTAIN JOHN ANDERSON Was born at Hafslu'nd, near Fredriksstad, Nor- way, April 17, 1837. His father. Christian An- derson, was a gardner. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth ^Mathilda Widdiug. His father died when John was 7 years old and his mother when he was in his 11th year. The sub- ject of this sketch was the youngest of six chil- dren. After his mother's death his oldest broth- er, Carl, married and took care of John, bringing him to Fredriksstad, where he attended the pub- lic schools and was confirmed at 14 years. At that age he was sent to sea as cabin boy on a sailing vessel, the Celeritas, Captain Stang, of Fredriksstad, in charge. The first voyage lasted nine months, the vessel returning from Buenos Ayres at Christmas time. The next voyage was to Paris, France, with a cargo of ice. He after- ward sailed with various vessels to many ports. Capt. John Anderson. and once was shipwrecked in the North Sea. The ship was abandoned and the crew rescued by a passing vessel from Krageroe. The following sprino- he went to England, and from there sailed to the Philippines and the East Indies. After unloading a cargo of coal they took on a cargo 266 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS of earth oil consigned for England, but had to abandon the ship on the east coast of Africa, the crew being picked up by a Bark from Breh- men and landed on St. Helena, whence they sailed for England and finally got home to Nor- way. That winter the Captain spent at a school of navigation, and the following year, 1857, he came to America, arriving in Chicago June 7. He sailed on the lakes until 1860, when he was placed in command of the steamer Hercules. In 18G8 he bought the brig Montezuma, and later a controlling interest in the schooner Hanson and the A. N. J. Stronock, all of which he sold two years later. He was then appointed harbor mas- ter by Mayor John A. Roach. Later he was con- nected with Peabody, Houghteling & Co. in the real estate business, and three years later opened an office for himself, at Erie street and Center Avenue. In 1897 he was elected Alderman for the Fifteenth Ward and served one term. Nov. 1, 1857, he married Miss Maria Olson, born at Skien, Norway, April 11, 1838. They have had nine children — six sons and three daughters — all, with the exception of one daughter, living. His children are all married and have families, one son, Henry C, being employed in the county clerk's office. Martin J. has been in Alaska for over ten years. The other four are engaged in the tailoring business under the firm name of A. E. Anderson & Co., at 16 Adams street. Capt. and Mrs. Anderson are members of Our Savior's Church. JOHN ANDERSON, The publisher of Skandinaven, was born at Voss, Norway. INIarch 22, 1836. His father was An- drew and his mother Laura (Sampson) Ander- son. He came to Chicago with his parents in July, 1845, and attended Wilder's school at ir- regular intervals during a period of about two years. The elder Mr. Anderson was taken sick with the cholera and died in 1849, whereupon young John, then at the age of thirteen, had the burden of supporting a mother and a baby sister placed upon him. Nothing daunted, however, he went cheerfully to work, peddling apples, work- ing in a butcher shop and carrying newspapers. The first lesson in his long newspaper career he received as carrier for Father Dutch's Commer- cial Advertiser, when the whole edition of that publication was handled by two delivery routes, John Anderson distributing on the South and West Sides. He recalls with considerable inter- est that he had one subscriber as far west as Halsted and Randolph streets. After about six months of this work he was made "printers' devil" and thereby secured an opportunity to "learn the case" and study the art of distribut- ing and setting type. It was also his task to cart the seven-column forms from the office at 77 Lake street to Zebina Eastman's press room, near the corner of Ra'iidolph and Clark streets, where he carried the forms up the three flights John Anderson. of stairs. He later secured emplo3anent in Ben Seaton's job office, which was then a part of the old Argus plant. A year later the Argus and Seaton's job of- fice were sold to Scripps & Bross, who were publishers of The Democratic Press. Mr. An- derson was included in the transfer and worked under William H. Austin and later under Cyrus Bradley Langley as foremen, when The Demo- cratic Press and The Tribune consolidated under the hyphenated name of The Press-Tribune, with John L. Scripps as managing editor and moving spirit. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 267 By this time Mr. Anderson had become a journeyman printer. He continued in this capac- ity, holding the "ad" case, working early and late, until in 1866, when, on May 2, he com- menced the publication of Skandinaven, which has grown under Mr. Anderson's guidance and watchful care until it today is the most influential Scandinavian newspaper in America, being issued daily, Sunday and semi-weekly. In the great fire in 1871, Mr. Anderson lost his whole plant, but he borrowed money and re- established the paper. Mr. Anderson has always been a consistent republican, and has loyally supported the party ticket, excepting where a candidate with an un- clean record has been nominated. He has never sought nor would accept public office except oc- casionally going as a delegate to conventions. He was five successive terms treasurer of the Chicago Typographical Union and president of the Old-Time Printers' Society for three terms. Mr. Anderson has been married twice, first in 1859 to Maria C. Frank, of Racine, Wis., who died in 1874. Two children were born to them, a son, Franklin Seward, Aug. 18, 1860, now man- ager of the advertising department of Skandina- ven, and one daughter, who died in infancy. In 1875 Mr. Anderson married Julia Sampson, his present wife. Four children were born of this union, three of whom are living: Maria (Mamie), born March 1, 1876, married to Mr. Arthur Eilert, with the American Trust and Savings Bank; O. Louis M., born Aug. 14, 1883, working in the office of Skandinaven, and John A., born March 8, 1890, who is attending the Thomas Hoyne Manual Training High School. The good and valuable services which Mr. An- derson has rendered his countrymen, both in America and, when need existed, in Norway, have been recognized on several occasions. One was when Skandinaven completed one-third of a century, on May 2, 1899. Prominent Scandinav- ians in Chicago came together and deemed it be- fitting that the occasion should be celebrated in the honor of the paper as well as its creator. A committee of arrangements was appointed to invite prominent Norwegians all over the United States to join in a banquet at the Sherman House, Chicago, in honor of John Anderson and Skandinaven. The invitation was eagerly responded to, and on May 2, 1899, representative Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, and Americans numbering- 470 persons sat down to a sumptuous banquet. The ■chief speaker of the occasion was United States senator Knute Nelson, of Minnesota, from whose splendid oration we glean a couple of paragraphs: "If I were to point out one man of our na- tionality who has done more than any other to educate and enlighten his compatriots, my first choice would without hesitation be the guest in whose honor we have gathered this evening, Mr. John Anderson." "Skandinaven is today one of those broad, sober and intellectual papers to which we look for leaders of our people. It is the largest Scandinavian paper both as to size, contents and circulation, and we certainly have every reason for being proud of the fact, that it is the largest Norwegian paper in the world." Another occasion, when John Anderson's good work was recognized, occurred in 1903, when King Oscar conferred upon him the order of Sankt Olaf. At that time the Norwegian Old Settlers' Societ}'- published the following congrat- ulation in the Chicago daily papers, which speaks for itself: "We, the Norwegian Old Settlers' Society of Chicago, hereby extend to our beloved fellow member, Mr. John Anderson, our sincere congratulations upon the fact that His Majesty, King Oscar of Norway and Sweden, has recently conferred upon him the distinguished Order of St. Olaf. We recognize in the con- ferring of this distinction upon Mr. Anderson a fitting tribute to him for his services during a period of many years in the interests of our countrymen in the United States, and for his efforts for the alleviation of suffering among his countrymen in the land of his adoption as well as in his native land beyond the sea. We also extend to him our sympathy in his present illness, and hope for him a speedy re- covery and many years of continued usefulness in our midst. Peter M. Balken, Pres., Capt. John Anderson, Sec." NILS ANTON ANDERSON Was born at Westra Barum, near Christiania, Norway, Jan. 2, 1852. His father was 0sten and" his mother Christine Anderson. After having been confirmed he learned the trade of a shoe- 268 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS maker and also served in the army, where he rose to be a corporal. After some years he opened a shoe-making establishment of his own. This business did not prove as satisfactory in a pecun- iary way as Mr. Anderson had expected, so he concluded to try his fortune in America. In Nor- way he had been married to Miss Dorothea Ol- N. A. Anderson. sen, of Christiania. Mr. Anderson left Chris- tiania alone in May, 1882, but in September of the same year he had saved up enough money to send for his wife and their two children, who arrived in October of the same year. The family settlefl in the little town of Millington, in Kendall Coun- t3% and remained there for two years. During this time two more children were born to them. They now moved to Chicago, where Mr. Ander son worked in the Ludlow shoe factory, and af- ter several years, when the same was moved to Elgin, he also went there and was employed in the same factory, which now belongs to Selz, Schwab & Co., until in 1005, when in the spring he was appointed janitor of the City Hall of El- gin. The family has been on the increase all th? time and the number of children is now ten: Inga A., born 1880; Carl H., 1882; Mathilde P., 1883; 0sten O., 1885; Arthur D., 1887; Sophie G. 1889; Hannah K., 1891: Louis A., 1893; Morris E., 1894; Mabel D., born 1895. Notwithstanding the expense such a family of necessity must entail, Mr. Anderson has been able to build his own home, at 678 Congdon avenue. The two oldest daughters are married, but the other eight children live with their parents. Mr. Anderson is a member of the Royal Arcanum and Knights of Pythias, and the family attends the Norwegian Lutheran Church at Elgin. OSCAR CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Was born in Christiania, Norway, IMarch 2, 1847. He mastered the trade of a painter and decorator in the old country and came to America with his parents in 18G5. They first settled in ^^ermont, but later came on to Chicago, where Mr. Ander- sen has resided since. .v^"- •*™Ik ^ 1^ _ ^^- ^^gi a^H KMEp .—aitlm ^ . jAHhj^^BM^^^H i ^^F '^l ^^H^V^Q^^Bl^^^HI I... - Oscar Andersen and niece, Stella. He engaged at once in the painting and decor- ating business and has continued in it, but during the past five years he has given much time to real estate and similar transactions. He mar- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 269 ried Albertina Jensen, of Drammen, in 1867. He owns and occupies a cozy home at 957 Carmen avenue, in Argyle Park. Mrs. .A-ndersen died in 1906. OWEN ANDERSON, Of Ottawa, 111., was born in Serena township, La Salle County, 111., July 30, 1865. He is a son of Ole and Anna (Helgeland) Anderson, farmers. Owen Anderson. He attended the public schools until 17 years of age, was for one term a student at the normal school at Morris, 111., and then took a four-year course at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. His youth was spent in farming, going to and teach- ing school. He began his active work as a school teacher in Nettle Creek township, Grundy County, Illi- nois, in September, 1887, and has been a practic- ing attorney-at-law in Ottawa, Ills., since Sep- tember, 1897. He was married to Belle Nelson, of Morris, 111., July 5, 1891. His wife is a daughter of Erick C. and Ingeborg Nelson, of Morris. Our subject was elected secretary of the Fox River Valley District Luther League of Northern Illinois in May, 1897, and has been re-elected each year since. He is president of the board of trustees of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Ottawa. His father died in Ford County, 111., Sept. 13, 1872, and his mother in Serena township, Sept. 17, 1897. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have been blessed with three children, all living, namely: Oscar Elmer, born Sept. 7, 1892; Ella Anna, Nov. 14, 1896; Olive Irene, Oct. 2, 1903. The family resides at 621 Marcy street, Ottawa, 111. 5£^ NILS ARNESON Was born on a farm (Steensmyhren), near Dram- men, Norway, in 1840. His parents were Arne and Anna Nilson. He went to school until he Nils Arneson. was confinned. He learned his trade as a wagon- maker in Christiania. Came to America on a sail- ship in 1861. Worked in Chicago to the fall of the same year. Enlisted in Co. A., Fifteenth Regi- 270 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ment, Wisconsin Volunteers. Served three years and two months in the Civil War. Came back to Chicago in 1865. Worked at his trade to 1868, when ne began the manufacture of furniture on Canal street, but was burned out in the Great Chicago Fire. F'rom that time the firm was Ar- neson & Co. In 1880 it was changed to Johnson & Arneson. In 1884 he with others started the Central Manufacturing Company, a corporation chartered under the laws of Illinois to manu- facture office desks. He is president and treas- urer. He is also director of the Union Bank of Chicago. 'In 1870 he was married to Hilda Toft- ner, from Christiania. They have had one son and one daughter; only the daughter is living; she is married to Alf. Normann, secretary of the Central Manufacturing Company. Mr. Arneson is a director of the Chicago Man- ufacturers' Association and a member of Lyons Post No. 9, G. A. R. Office: 37-41 Armour street. Residence: 672 N. Hoyne avenue. Tobias Tobiason and his wife Mary, nee Hen- drickson, of Decorah, Iowa. Their marital union has been blessed by nine children, eight sons and one daughter, all living. The children's names and dates of birth are as follows: Theodore Nor- man, born May 17, 1879; Olaf Henry Morton, March 8, 1882; Clarence Bernhardt, Febr. 17, 1884; Frederic William, Nov. 21, 1886; Robert In- geman, May 24, 1888; Arthur Herman, and Alice Margerite, twins, Jan. 12, 1893; Joseph Bertram, Aug. 24, 1895, and Edward Eugene, April 27, 1897. The oldest son, Theodore N., is married to Miss Clara Beers, of Decorah, Iowa. With his family Mr. Arneson attends St. John's Norwegian Lutheran church, Chicago, being its secretary and Sunday school teacher, and resides at 720 Haddon avenue. OLE T. ARNESON Was born in Highland township, Winnesheik county, Iowa, May 4, 1853, to Tollef Arneson and Margrete Olson (Rudringen) Sanden, farm- ers. Mr. Arneson attended the common school un- til he was confirmed in the, Lutheran church. He then took the elementary course at the state nor- mal school, Winona, Minn., from where he grad- uated Dec. 31, 1871. He now commenced teaching school in his home district and later continued teaching in various places. For three years he was principal of the graded school at Spring Grove, Minn. In the spring of 1879 he moved to North Dakota and took up a homestead near Hatton, Traill county. Here he taught school part of the time while holding the claim, which he proved up in 1884 and sold in 1886, when he moved to De- corah, la. He was then employed in the mailing department of "Decorahposten" until Sept. 1887, when he accepted a position as shipping and mailing clerk with the Lutheran Publishing House. With this institution he remained 17 years. In October 1904 he accepted a position as manager of "Skandinaven's" Book Depart- ment, of which he is still in charge. July 7, 1877, Mr. Arneson was joined in holy wedlock to Miss Inger Tobiason, a daughter of SIGVALD ASBJ0RNSEN, The sculptor, was born in Christiania, Norway, Oct. 19, 1867. He is a graduate of the Royal Art school of Christiania and a pupil of the great sculptors, Middelthun, Bergslien and Skeibrok. At the age of 16 he was granted a royal stipend to help him along in his studies. This he re- ceived for five years. When Mr. Asbj^rnsen was a lad of 16, it en- tered into his head to model a bust of King Os- car II. L^nfortunately he had only a poor wood cut picture of the king and no ready money wherewith to buy the necessary photograph. But he knew a way out of his trouble. He went and looked at the. desired picture in a photographer's case, carried the impression home with him, and started on his self-imposed task. From an artistic point this bust did not amount to much. Nevertheless it was a very eloquent bust. Not necessarily by its persuading the king to contribute a few hundred kroner toward As- bj0rnsen's artistic education, but chiefly by "its il- lustrating the two main traits in the artist's makeup: his passionate love of his art that makes him conquer all difficulties and his acute power of observation. Those first artist days in, Christiania, where he was born, were not exactly cloudless. But his art and his undaunted courage carried him through everything. No doubt Browning's fam- ous lines, changed a little, would describe the kind of life he and his companions led in those days: BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 371 "They sighed deep, laughed free, Starved, feasted, despaired — were happy." Before Mr. Asbj0rnsen's departure for this country in 1892, he had modeled a bust of his friend, Bertram, the talented painter, who died at a young age; a statuette of the actor Clausen, and two deservedly popular busts of Fru Agathe Grdndahl and Fru Erika Nissen — ^ besides many other things of less value. Arrived in this country, he went to Michigan, where he made several busts for members of the moneyed classes. He came to Chicago during the World's Fair, making this city his permanent home. ^^' ..^JLt^'^. Sigvald Asbj0rnsen. During his stay in Michigan he made a bust of Grover Cleveland and one of Blaine, the latter eminently striking. Mr. Asbj^rnsen's public works embrace: Leif Erikson, statue, Humboldt Park; Louis Joliet, statue, in front of the public library, Joliet, III; Hon. Robert William Moore, statue, Memphis, Tenn.; "Defiance of the Flag — a group of three soldiers," Decatur, Ills.; Penn- sylvania State IMonument, Andersonville, Ga.; Illinois State Monument, Chattanooga, Tenn.; John Monaghan Monument, Spokane, Wash.; and finished the Group of War and Soldiers' Statue for the Sherman Monument, Washington, D. C. He has also made the following busts in bronze: John Anderson, Prof. H. H. Boyesen, Walter Gresham, Benjamin Franklin, Edwin Westgaard, and a marble bust of Paul O. Stensland. He has also made some striking medallions, particularly one in bronze of Bjdrnstjerne Bjjzirnson, on the Bj^rnson Bauta, Fargo, N. D. Also medallions of Ibsen, Grieg, Robert IngersoU and others. Mr. Asbjjzirnsen married Margaretha Stuhr, of Christiansund, Norway. They have three chil- dren, Leif, Borghild and Helen. The family re- lides at 1075 AA^'abansia avenue. CHRISTOPHER L. AYGARN, Of Pontiac, 111., was born in Avaldsnes, Hauge- sund, Norway, on Sept. 4, 1850. His parents were Lars and Martha (Heliekson) Aygarn. He at- C. L. Aygarn. tended school in Norway until 15 years old, when he was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He came to America, with an older brother, when 16 years, going to Ottawa, 111., where he arrived 272 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Nov. 23, 1866. Here he worked on a farm for three years and then went to Minnesota, where he spent one year — 1870. He now came to Livingston county, 111., where he married Miss Isabelle C. Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and Bertha (Oakland) Mitchell, on Feb. 11, ]872. He then rented some land in Livingston county and cultivated it for three years. Having saved some money, he pur- cliased a ]60-acre farm in 187-1. The three fol- lowing years were almost complete crop failures, compelling him to let the title revert to the original owner, with the loss of the amount he had paid upon it. Still believing in the "hold- fast" doctrine, he continued to farm the same land until 1886, when he re-purchased the farm, and after two years sold it at the handsome pro- fit of $19 per acre. In 1888 he went to Rowe, a small station near Pontiac, and established a general merchandise and grain business, and with it he built and oper- ated a, large drain-tile and brick factory, employ- ing a big force of workmen; his annual output running as high as 250,000 drain tiles and a mil- lion of brick. He is practically the founder of the town, having built two elevators there, besides his business blocks and residences. In 1000 Mr. Aygarn sold out his tile and brick interest intend- ing to devote his attention to the grain business exclusively. He had much opposition, the grain buyers of that section, in connection with the railroads and Chicago commission men, having combined to limit Mr. Aygarn's field of opera- tion. He was then doing business both at Rowd and Pontiac. This injustice was fought out in court, however, and ou'r subject won in a fight which was begun in the interest of the farming and business community rather than in his per- sonal interest. He now operates two grain elevators with a capacitj^ of 20,000 bushels each, the railroads giving him the same facilities ac- corded larger corporations in the same line of business. Mr. and Mrs. Aygarn have three children — Lewis Oliver, born July 18, 1873, and married to Anna Nelson; Martin Gustav Melanchton, born Dec. :^ 1879, and married to Mabel Lillian Mitch- ell; Christian Thomas Millard, born Aug. 4, 1886. The family are members of the English Luth- eran Church on Rook Creek, of which Mr. Ay- garn was the organizer and has served alternately as chairman and secretary for the last fifteen years. Mr. Aygarn is a highly respected man and enjoys a well earned reputation for industry and integrity. EINAR BAGGE. The son of Ole and Ovidia Bagge, of Christiania, Norway, was born in Fredrikshald, Oct. 30, 1871. His youth was spent in Christiania, where he graduated from the cathedral school in 1887. That same year he commenced learning the in- tricacies of watch-making, as an apprentice, with T. I. Thorstad, Christiania, where he remained for three years. He left Norway in August, 1890, and came to Chicago, where he obtained a position with C. D. Peacock, the jeweler, first as watch-maker for Einar Bagge, five years. He was then given charge of the clock department, in which he remained for eight years, or until June, 1903, when he resigned to take a position as material clerk and watch missionary with Robbins & Appleton, General Agents for the Waltham Watch Company. Here Mr. Bagge entered a new field, going into the commercial line and at the same time having a chance to develop his knowledge in the horolog- ical art, as he will be in close touch with the largest and most modern watch factory in the world, and when traveling will get the different watch-makers' views and ideas. He was awarded the bronze medal of the Swedish Watch-makers' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 2 73 Society, April 28, 1901; the silver medal March 19, 1904, and the gold medal March 18, 1905. His gold medal was the first gold medal ever awarded by the Society. He is a member of the Swed- ish Watchmakers' Society of Chicago, and is its treasurer. Mr. Bagge married Miss Christine Prytz, Oct. 2, 1901. They reside at 1190 West Division street. PETER MAGNUS BALKEN, The son of Johan Andreas and Isakine Botella Balkan, of Stavanger, Norway, was born there April 24, 1837, and came to America with his Peter M. Balken. parents in 1849. They came over on the brig Favoriten, Captain Westergaard in command, and landed in New York. Thence to Chicago the route was via the Erie Canal to Buffalo and steamers over the lakes the rest of the way. Our subject was baptized in the Cathedral at Stav- anger and confirmed by Rev. Ole Andrewson in the Lutheran Church in Muskego, Racine Coun- ty, Wis., in 1853. When 12 years old he went to work at the home of John H. Kinzie; afterward he worked in Lars Harrisville's shingle shop, in Mears' lumber yard, then located at Kinzie street and the river. In 1855 he went to work as an apprentice in the pressroom of the Chicago Journal, where he worked for forty years, having been made fore- man of the pressroom in 1865. When the own- ership of the Journal changed hands in 1895 Mr. Balken concluded to retire too, not that the sale of the paper had anything to do with it, but that he had decided to retire for some time, at least, for rest and recuperation. Mr. Balken has been married twice. His first wife was Maren Johanna Jensen, born in this city; his second wife, Carrie Regina Reimers, was born in Stavanger. They have one daughter, Harriet Regina, now Mrs. Serwich, with whom our subject makes his home in River Forrest, a suburb of Chicago. Like most Norwegians, he was born a repub- lican. He was a doortender in the wigwam when Abraham Lincoln was nominated in 1860, and has voted for every republican candidate for the presidency since. He says he would like to have another opportunity to vote for President Roose- velt. Mr. Balken is the organizer of the Norwegian Old Settlers' Society, which was founded in 1878, and was its second president. Our subject is now employed in the county clerk's ofiice, hav- ing been appointed by Mr. Peter B. Olsen, then county clerk, and reappointed by the present countv clerk, Mr. Haas. OLE W. BENDIXON, Of Morris, 111., was born in Christiania, Norway, Nov. 16, 1838. His parents were Bendix and Elizabeth (born Torgerson) Olsen. Our sub- ject's early life was passed in Christiania, where, while attending school, he also worked in a to- bacco factory until he was confirmed. At this age he entered the navy as an apprentice, but on account of weak ej^es remained only one year. He sailed on the seas and ocean from 1853-56. In 1856, he entered the regular Norwegian ar- my, serving in the cavalry for five years, during which time he also studied theology. He then sailed again from 1862-66, when he located in New York as a seaman missionary, where he 274 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS remained for two years, again pursuing at the same time his theological studies, now under Rev. Dr. Murphy, and was ordained to the min- istry March 28, 1868. He worked in the post- office department from 1872 to 1883, was United States storekeeper in 1884-85, and did minister- ial and missionary work at different times. His military career was prolonged one year in the naval school and five years in the regular army in Norway; one year in the First Regi- ment Infantry, I. N. G., and six months in the cavalry for the same regiment, here in Chicago. He was one of the organizers of the Scandinav- intcrest in all worthy charities, and belongs to the Universalist Church. He moved to Morris a few years ago, and makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. Hattie N. Callan. Die W. Bendixon. ian regiment, organized before the great fire, and was its adjutant. It did good work in preserv- ing peace and order after the fire. He organized the Scandinavian Working Mens' Association and was its president; belonged to the Norweg- ian Singing Society, and was an honorary mem- ber of many societies. He took an active inter- est in politics, and was in great demand on the stump in presidential campaigns in many states. He was a forceful speaker and was always called upon at public meetings or celebrations. Mr. Bendixon was married to Christine Knud- son on Nov. 8, 1858. They have had nine chil- dren, four now living. Mr. Bendixon takes an VICTOR FLEMMING BENDIXEN, Of the Standard Architectural Iron Works, at 627-643 Bloomingdale avenue, is the son of John Bendixen, a manufacturer in Christiania, Nor- way, his mother's maiden name being Catharine E. Flemming. Victor was born in Christiania, Dec. 1, 1865. He had a college education in Norway, graduated from the Christiania Art School, and worked as an apprentice for Henrik Nissen, architect, in Christiania. After his ar- rival in Chicago he took a course at a business law school, from which he graduated. His youth was spent in school, excepting one year in which he sailed. He came to America in 1888, coming direct to Chicago. He began work here as a draftsman at the stock yards. After six months there he was employed by Winslow Bros. & Co. as designer and draftsman, where he remained for three years, the last year as general superin- tendent. He took a trip to Norway in 1902, and upon his return accepted the position as chief engineer for Beers, Clay & Dutton, architects, in Chicago. In 1903 he started the present firm, the Stand- ard Architectural Works, first locating at No. 30 Clinton street; then moved to 181 Newberry avenue, and from there to his present location on Bloomingdale avenue, corner of Winnebago. Here he has erected a substantial two-story brick building especially adapted for the busi- ness. The company, of which our subject is president and treasurer, manufacture iron work for building and also do general foundry work. Mr. Bendixen was married to Lilian Olesen, of Chicago, on July 9, 1902. They have one child, Kathryn Josephine, born April 11, 1903. Mr. Bendixen's parents died in Norway and Ing- wald Olesen died here in Chicago, the widow still living here. Mr. Bendixen is a Mason. The family resides at 20 Evergreen Avenue. THOR J. BENSON, Was born on his father's estate, known as Ege- land, in 0vre Bygden, Birkrem Sogn, Norway, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 275 Sept. 22. 1S57, his parents being J0rgen Bj(z(rnson Egeland and Bcrthe Thorsdatter (nee Holmen). Thor attended the public school in Norway be- fore he came to America with his parents in 1871. An' older sister had preceded the family to America, ^and as she had had difficulty in get- ting English-speaking people to pronounce her name, Bj0rnson became Benson; and as she se- cured a place for her brother on his arrival here with one of her acquaintances, Thor's name be- came Benson also, although against his protest. Egeland of course was the name of the farm or homei)lacc in Norway, and many of his near- est relatives go by that name. T. J. Benson. Mr. Benson has been married twice, his first wife, whom he married Jan. 20, 1880, was Mary Jane Ross. Second time married to Clara So- phie, youngest daughter of his father's brother, Kydle Byrnson, of Jefiferson township, Vernon county, Wisconsin, where he settled in the early '50's, having arrived in America in 1850. There are five children — George W., born Dec. 12, 1880; William T., Aug. 6, 1885; Kittel Bjjzirnson-Ege- land (stepson), born Jan. 22, 1897; Bertha Ra- chel, March 27, 1900; Guri Theodora, April 5, 1902 (died Feb. 13. 1903). A nephew, Theodore Olaf Hall, son of a favorite sister (who died April 12, 1883, a week after the boy's birth), lives in his family and attends the Wendell Phil- lips High School. Mr. Benson, after his arrival in this country, first worked for different farmers in Mmnesota. He then studied telegraphy at Janesville, Wis., in 1876, and on Sept. 4 of that year came to Chicago. Here he studied law in the law de- partment of Lake Forest Universitj' in 1893-95, receiving his diploma. He also studied at the Chicago Theological Seminary of the Lutheran Church in 1896-97. He has held different offices in the county and city. Was assistant county collector in 1891, assistant city prosecuting at- torney in 1891-92, and has served as clerk, super- visor and judge of elections continuously for years. Mr. Benson is a member of the Old-Timc Telegraphers, the Historical Association, the Walhalla Society and the Jefiferson Club. He was the regular democratic nominee for alder- man of the Third Ward in 1905, receiving 2,911 votes, a' very creditable showing considering that his opponent, Milton J. Foreman, had had six years' experience in which he had made a good record. The family attend St. Stephen's Dan- ish Lutheran Church and reside in their own home at 3228 Forest avenue, which Mr. Benson, purchased in 1882. OLE E. BENSON, The popular sheriff of La Salle county, was born at Fogen, Norway, Jan. 23, 1866, to Ole R. Ben- son and his wife Bertha Runestad. He received his education in the common schools and was confirmed in the Lutheran church. In 1871 he came to America remaining in Minnesota until 1876, when he .moved to Ford county. III, finally settling down in La Salle county, where he has remained since 1878. Mr. Benson was married to Miss Louise John- son, of Mission township, Dec. 24, 1890. She was a daughter of Solomon and Martha John- son. After having given birth to four children Mrs. Benson died May 16, 1899. The names of the children, who are all living, are as follows: Floyd Leroy, born Oct. 14, 1891; Bessie Gertie, Dec. 25, 1892; Erma Myrtle, Oct. 16, 1894, and Pearl Naomi, July 12, 1897. ^76 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS In November, 1906, Mr. Benson was elected sheriff of La Salle county with a majority of 988 votes. By one of the daily papers of Ottawa he was recommended for the oiBce in the following manner: ^'One of the strongest candidates in every respect on the republican ticket is the nominee for sheriff, Mr. Ole Benson. It will be recalled that at the primary election he received a majori- ty of votes over all competitors, a fact which conclusively shows his popularity among the republican voters of the county. The reasons for this popularity are many. First, his wide ac- O. E. Benson. quaintance, formed when serving as deputy sher- iff; second, his competency, shown throughout that term of service; third, his sterling manhood and affability. Few candidates combine so many excellent qualifications and popular traits — quali- fications and traits which attract and win the confidence of men. Mr. Benson is a Norwegian by birth and an American by natural selection and education. His boyhood and manhood were spent in La Salle county and he is familiar with its history, its industries, the workings of its courts and the haunts of its criminals. He un- derstands how to care for men and boys con- victed of crimes and committed to the custody of the sheriff. He is a good judge of men and their motives and cannot be swayed from the path of duty by influences brought to bear upon ofiicers of the law. He has made an excellent campaign and won hosts of friends. No charge affecting his integrity or fitness has been made against him by the friends of his democratic op- ponent." Mr. Benson is a member of the Benson Bros.' Sand Co., which operates at Twin Bluffs west of Ottawa. MARTIN BERG, Of Gunderson & Berg, the grocers, at 1647 Ar- mitage avenue, was born in Leir, Norway, Aug. 16, 1874. His father, Bernt Larson, was a shoe- Martin Berg. maker in Leir, where our subject learned the trade, but shoemaking did not appeal to him, and after coming to Chicago he did not follow it. He attended school in Leir and was con- firmed in Sylling Church. In the spring of 1893 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 277 he came to Chicago via New York, and has lived here since. His first work was in an organ fac- tory, for two years, and then for three years as a bakery driver. In 1898 he formed a part- nership with Mr. G. A. Gunderson and the two opened a modern grocery and meat market at the corner of Armitage and Forty-third avenues, under the name of Gunderson & Berg. They have continued at the same location and are do- ing a large business. Mr. Berg was married on Nov. 15, 1905, to Miss Karen Grenlie, who was born in Hedemar- ken, Norway. Mr. Berg's father died several years ago, but his mother is still living on the farm in Norway. He is a member of the White City Lodge, I. O. O. F. ^ OLE HANSEN BERG, M.D., Was born in Troms0, Norway, Dec. 5, 1867. He is the son of Revenue Collector Jacob H. K. and Marcelie Marie (born Buck) Berg. In Norway he attended "Middelskolen" and was confirmed in Stavanger. He came to Chicago in 1883, when 16 years old, and was apprenticed in a drug store. He also studied pharmacy in the Northwestern University, and in 1886 passed his examination as a registered pharmacist. He worked in the capacity of a druggist until 1896, in the mean- time having taken a medical course at the Illi- nois University, from which he graduated in that year. He then began the practice of medi- cine, which he has followed since, with an in- creasing and extensive general practice. Dr. Berg was attending physician to the Nor- wegian Tabitha Hospital from 1896 to 1904. He is a member of the Scandinavien Medi- cal Society and of Lincoln Lodge 108, Knights of Pythias. His father died in VadsjzJ, Norway, in 1878. He was married on June 29, 1900, to Aslaug, the daughter of Eilert and Hariette (nee Bruun) Tigenschou. The family resides at 565 No. Cali- fornia avenue, where the doctor also has his office. THEODORE OLSON BERG, Of Malta, DeKalb county. 111., was born on Gaarden Berg, in Urskog's Prestegjeld, on Nov. 23, 1833, his parents being Ole Olson and Bertha Torstensdatter Berg. He came to Amer- ica on the sailing vessel Christina in 1854, ar- riving in Quebec, Canada, July 16, without a dollar. He worked his way as far as Chicago and got here during the cholera epidemic. He worked for six weeks with the sick as nurse, but escaped the disease. He left for Leland a little later, and secured work as a farm-hand. In a short time he secured two yoke of oxen, with which he broke prairie for two years, and then purchased a pair of horses and followed teaming for some time. He then rented a farm and worked on shares for six years, when, in 1864, he bought eighty T. O. Berg, acres at his present location, paying $15 per acre. He has kept adding to his holdings, paying as high as $75 an acre for part of it, until he now owns 560 acres in one body. He married Maria Danielson, May 26, 1858. Mrs. Berg was the daughter of Daniel and An- drina Magnussen, and was born near Christiania, Norway, in 1829. She came to America the same year as her husband, going direct to Leland, where she met and married Mr. Berg four years later. They have had five children — Carolina, Oscar, Carolina Bertina, Amelia Augusta, and Oscar Theodore Didric. The two first named 278 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS died in infancy; Carolina Bertina attained the age of 36 years. There are sixteen living grand- children and one great-grandchild, all living on the old homestead, it having been divided into four farms. Mr. Berg's first vote was for Pres- ident Lincoln, and he supports the same party today. The family attends the Lutheran Church. BERNHARD GLAUS BERGE Is a son of Reier and Theodora O. Berge, of Finnjzi, near Stavanger, Norway. He received a good common school education in Norway, and in 1890 left the home of his parents and came to La Salle county, Illinois. Here he obtained em- B. G. Berge. ployment as a farm laborer. During the winter seasons of the years 1894-1896 he frequented Brown's Business College in Ottawa, 111., gradu- ating at that institution in May, 1896. In the fall of the same year he was employed as teacher of stenography at Pleasant View Luther College, Ottawa, 111., it being the first year of that insti- tution. But the practical use of a knowledge_ of stenography was far more remunerative than teaching, and a young man must be pardoned if he chooses among honorable occupations that which will afiford the best pay, especially if he has nowhere but to his own hands to look for the necessaries of life. In connection with the work of stenography in a law ofifice, the study of law suggested itself as a useful and proper thing. However, when the Spanish-American War broke out in the spring of 1898 Mr. Berge could not resist the temptation to be a soldier, and he en- listed in Company C. (Captain Blanchard's com- pany of Ottawa, 111.), Third Illinois Infantry, and served through the campaign until mustered out with said company in January, 1899. There- upon he entered the office of the county judge of La Salle county, as stenographer, where he remained employed as such until the autumn c«f 1903. In the spring of that year he completed the academic course at Pleasant View Luther College, and graduated from that school. For the purpose of receiving a more thorough gen- eral education, and to complete his law studies, he entered the University of Michigan, law de- partment, in September, 1903, and in June, 1905, completed the law course and obtained a degree of bachelor of laws. During the months of July, August and September, 1905, he worked with the board of review of assessments of La Salle county, as clerk, which position he also held dur- ing the years 1903, 1903 and 1904. At the present time Mr. Berge is practicing law in the city of Ottawa, 111. REV. HANS PETER BERGH. Rev. Hans Peter Bergh was born in Eidsberg, Norway, on the 19th of January, 1846. His birthplace was called Berg, and from that the whole family took their name. His father, Pe- der Andersen Berg, a thrifty farmer, born in 1808, was prevented from continuing a well started military career in Christiania by his young wife, who preferred to live in the country. With her he had seven children: Sedsel Andrea, Andreas, Johan, Anthon, Johanne Marie, Hans Peter and Ole. The three first-named sons graduated from the normal school (Seminariet) in Asker and became teachers; the oldest, An- dreas, later studied for the ministry, graduated from the University of Christiania, and became a minister in the State Church of Norway. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 279 P. A. Berg's first wife died and he married again, and with his wife and their little son, Alexander, he emigrated to America in 1866, liv- ing first on North Manitou Island, Michigan, and then for some years at New Centerville, Wis., where another son, Anton, was born to them, the first Anton having died in 1862. After that he lived for many years at Deer Park, Wis., in both places farming, and in 1894 he died at his yotingest son's home in Duluth, Minn., 85 years old. His wife died in the same son's home, then in Superior, Wis., in 1899. Both in Norway and in America P. A. Berg was active in the political as well as in the religious life, and wrote occasionally for the papers, both in prose and verse; he was an ardent advocate of tem- perance. All the Berg family, parents and chil- dren, have been religious, and nearly all of them have been religious workers. Hans Peter gave his heart to God in his early years. With his father, stepmother and young- est sister he left the Lutheran State Church and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church when he was 14 years old. Beginning at 18 years of age, he was an exhorter and a school teacher in the Methodist Church for four years, and while teaching school in Sarpsborg he began to study German, French, Latin and Greek and other branches, partly private and partly at the high school (Realskolen). At Sarpsborg, in 1867, he also received license as a local preacher from the mission superintendent, Rev. C. Willerup, who also had given him license as an exhorter. Afterward he studied for three years at Gjert- sen's College (Latin school) in Christiania, only his impaired health preventing him from gradu- ating at the University. While studying in Chris- tiania he became a helper to the pastor, Rev. M. Hansen, of the First Church; editor of Den lille B0rneven (now B0rnevennen), the first Method- ist paper in Norway, at its start in October, 1871; editorial assistant of Evangelisk Kirketidende (now Kristelig Tidende), the official organ of the Methodist Church in Norway, at its beginning, in January, 1872; from 1872 to 1875 also a sailor mis- sionary, appointed by the American Seamen's Friend Society of New York; pastor in Brevik and Drammen, and from 1879 to 1885 editor of Kristelig Tidende at Christiania. After complet- ing his' conference study he was ordained deacon by Bishop Matthew Simpson in 1875, and elder by Bishop Thomas Bowman in 1878. In 1885 he married Miss Kristiane Georgine Johnsen, of Brevik, and with her emigrated to America in the same year. His appointments in America have been Wash- ington Prairie Circuit, Iowa; Deer Park, Wis., where his wife died, leaving him with a little son, Samuel (Paul having died in infancy); Grand Forks, N. D.; Evanston, 111., where, be- sides his pastoral work, he also was assistant teacher at the Norwegian-Danish Theological School; New Centerville, Wis., and Superior, Wis. For five years he was also editor of Hyr- destemmen, the Sunday-school paper of the Nor- wegian and Danish Conference. In 1900 he was, by the conference, elected manager of the con- ference book concern on Grand avenue., Chi- cago, and also editor of Hyrdestemmen, in which position he remained for five years, until in 1905 Rev. H. P. Bergh. he was elected editor of the official organ of the conference. Den kristelige Talsmand, and also re-elected editor of Hyrdestemmen, which posi- tion he is still holding, and is thus in his 22nd year as editor in Norway and America. In 1891 he was married to Mrs. Ella Cornelia Thoen (nee Knudsen), of New Centerville, Wis., with whom he has a daughter, Ella Christiane, now 14 years. The son, Samuel, is 19 years old. Mr. Bergh also has been active in other liter- ary pursuits. In 1876 he made the first Norwe- gian translation of the Discipline of his church, 280 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS and he has translated other books. In 1900 he was one of a committee to translate the then latest edition of the Discipline, and in 1901 he was selected to write and publish a historical sketch on the occasion of the fiftieth annivers- ary of Norwegian and Danish Methodism. He also was one of a committee to prepare and publish a spelling book, and from his youth he has been writing hymns. In 1882 he was a member of a committee of three in Norway to meet, at Gothenburg, Sweden, similar commit- tees from Sweden and Denmark to consider the advisability and possibility of establishing a joint theological Methodist school for those three countries. He was for many years secretary of the conference in Norway, and in America he has been assistant secretary of his conference for fourteen years. He also served for four years as chairman of the conference board of examin- ers. In 1904 he was a conference delegate at the international Sunday Rest Congress at the World's Fair in St. Louis, where he read a paper that was well received. The druggist at 831 W. Wrightwood avenue, was born in Christiania, Norway, Oct. 23, 1868. He is the son of Hans Hansen Bjerke, a tailor in Christiania. His mother was Karen Olea Borge. He attended middelskolen in Norway and was confirmed in Aker's Church. He came to America in 1886, reaching Chicago on May 6. The following year he was apprenticed to Dr. Dahlberg's Pharmacy in Chicago, to learn the profession from a practical standpoint, at the same time taking a course in the NtDrth- western University School of Pharmacy. After his graduation he traveled extensively and filled important positions with the leading drug stores in Willmar and Minneapolis, Minn.; Des Moines, la.; Hillsboro, N. D.; and Great Falls, Mont. He then returned to Chicago, where he continued to work for others until he opened a store of his own at 821 W. Wrightwood avenue, where he is now located and doing a good business. His store is modern in every way and he car- ries a well supplied stock. He was married to Miss Alma Olson, of Chi- cago, June 12, 1895, her parents being John and Anna Olson, of Chicago. They have had one child, Karen; it died in infancy. JOHN CARL BJERKE, J. C Bjerke. EMIL BI0RN, The musician and artist, was born in Christi- ania, Norway, June 7, 1864. His parents were Christian Ludvig Bi(z(rn and Karoline Agnete (born Heyerdahl). His youth was passed in Christiania, where he received his education. He intended at first to take an academic course, but abandoned that, as his interest in fine arts appealed to him. Con- ditions being unfavorable in the Old Country, with a youth's desire to see the world, he left Norway after having finished his first year of military service and came to America, arriving in Chicago in 1887, where he soon attracted at- tention in the Norwegian colony, as he was an able arrangeur and musician. Mr. Bi^rn has written several local compositions and his music has been published and played both in Norway and the United States. In later years Mr. Bij^rn has given up music as a means of a living, em- ploying himself most of the time as an illustrator and artist. For inany years he has been con- nected with the Barnes-Crosby Company, one of the largest engraving houses in the country. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 281 He studied art in Christiania Royal Tegneskole, Chicago Art Institute, and in Paris. He has had paintings in public exhibitions both in Norway and the United States. Music, however, is near- est his heart, and as a musical director he still works among our singers, who all consider him an interested and popular leader. At the con- vention of the Northwestern Scandinavian Sing- ers' Association, in La Crosse, Wis., in 1906, he was chosen chief for their next singing festival. He has acted as musical director for both or- chestras and singers at several important Nor- wegian affairs — at the reception to .Frithjof cozy home with an interesting little collection of Norwegian curiosities at 815 North Oakley avenue, Chicago. Emil Bij2(rn. Nansen, the arrival of the Viking Ship for the World's Fair, the taur of the Norwegian Student Singers, who later conferred upon him their dec- oration as knight of their order. He has as- sisted many times at church festivals, concerts and entertainments for the benefit of different charitable institutions. He is a member of the Chicago Palette and Chisel Club, the Norwegian Quartette Club, Bjjzirgvin's Singing Society and the Norwegian ski club "Nor." Mr. Bi0rn was married in Chicago on Dec. 23, 1891, to Miss Sigrid Lowum. They have a KRISTIAN KNUDSEN BJ0RSETH Was born at Bj^rseth, near Molde, Romsdalen, Norway, Jan. 30, 1852. His father (Knute Lar- sen) and his mother (Gjertrude Olsen Storvig) were also born on Bj0rseth. His father was a carpenter by trade, but times were hard, so that when our subject was 11 years old he went to live with an uncle at Otterjz^en, where he was confirmed in Aker0 Church. Until he was 20 years old he alternated his work between the K. K. Bj0rseth. farm and fishing on Harden. In 1872 he re- turned home, and the same year came his first real grief, the death of his father. The next year he went to Trondhjem, where he worked for TroHa Brug as a founder, but after five j^ears 232 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS he changed to the department of machinery, which he took up as his life work. Here he also met and married Miss Gusta Ja- cobinc R0ning, on April 13, 1877. In 18S0 he took his first trip on a steamship, the Agn, as -x machinist, the boat having been bought from the celebrated whalefisher, Sven Fyen, as an express boat in Varanger fjord. The fjord was navigable in the summer months only, and during the winter he returned to his work in the machine shop. In 1882 he was again employed on a steamship, the Caro- line, of Christiansund, as first machinist, un- der Captain S. Bottner, going to Portugal and Spain, cod fishing and trading, having been hired by the ship's owner, Nicolay Knudson. Here he had an opportunity to see many fine cities and traversed the Mediterranean Sea from Gibraltar to Barcelona, but his interest was centered at home, and after two years he re- turned to Trondhjem and his old place in the machine shop. In the meantime his brother Peter had migrated to America. He wrote back, calling attention to the favorable opportunities offered in this country for practical machinists. In consequence of this letter Kristian came to Aurora with his family in April, 1887. He immediately secured a position in the C. B. & Q. Ry- shops and remained with ihem un- til 1895, when he was offered and accepted the position of chief engineer for the Chicago and Aurora Smelting and Refining Company. He re- mained with this firm until they went out of business in 1899, when he went to the Aurora Automatic Machine Company with whom he is still engaged. Mr. and Mrs. Bj0rseth have seven children, namely: Anna Davida, Conrad Marius, Gustav Christian, Oscar Ludvig, Edda Johanne, Alfred Otto and Signe Gunnelie Bj0rseth. Our subject is a member of the North Star Club, a Norweg- ian political society, and Ben Hur. He and his family attend the Norwegian Luth- eran Church of Aurora, and resides at 399 So. Broadway. CONRAD MARIUS BJ0RSETH, Of Aurora, 111., was born in Throndhjem, Nor- way, April 23, 1879, his parents being Kristian and Augusta (born Hoene), Bj^rseth. He came to America with his parents in the fall of 1887 and settled in Aurora, where he attended the public schools until 15 years old. His first work was as clerk in a grocery store in Aurora for two years, when he entered the services of S. S. Sencenbaugh & Co.'s department store, where he worked from 1898 to 1902. At this time he engaged in business for himself, opening a first- class grocery store at 68 S. Broadway, one of the principal business streets in the city. He en- joys an extensive trade and employs five clerks besides himself to look after his customers' wants. He has twice been elected president of The North Star Club, a local Norwegian organiza- tion with a membership of ninety in good stand- C. M. Bj0rseth. ing. The purpose of the Club is two-fold — po- litical and social — to urge the Norwegians to study political questions, to become citizens, and to take active interest in political affairs in their adopted country; and socially to promote har- mony and good fellowship among their nation- ality. He is also a member of the Yeomen of America, the American Star of Equity, and the young peoples society of the Norwegian-Danish church of Aurora. On Oct. 10, 1900, he was married to Alma So- phie Anderson. They attend the Norwegian- Danish Church, of which Mr. Bjjzfrseth was treasurer in 1901. The family resides at 483 S. Lincoln avenue, Aurora. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 283 PETER BJ0RSETH Was born in Bols^ prestegjeld, Romsdal's amt, Norway, Nov. 12, 1856. His parents were Knu't Larsen and Gertrud Olsdatter Storvig. Mr. BjjzJrseth received his education in the public school and at 17 he went to work in Trondhjem's Mek. Vserksted (machine shop). He emigrated to America in 1882 and arrived April 12 of the same year in Aurora, where he has remained ever since. Most of the time he has been work- ing in the C. B. & Q. shops, but he has also cultivated a farm in the neighborhood of Aurora. 4< *.^ m Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bj0rseth. Mr. Bjjzirseth was married June 16, 1883, to Miss Guri Malene Udstad, a daughter of the well known blacksmith A. Udstad in Trondhjem. This union has been blessed with eight children, of whom the following are living: Gertrud Sophie, born May 11, 1884, is a trained nurse; Conrad Sverre, born Feb. 9, 1886, is a farmer; Sara Lou- ise, born March 1, 1888, is a music teacher; Lil- lie Annette, born June 8, 1891; Sigrid Mathilde, born Sept. 3, 1893; Arnt P. G., born Nov. 12, 1895, and Raymond Gerhard, born June 11, 1900, are at home or attending school. JOHN BLEGEN Was born in T^nsberg, Norway, May 23, 1842. He received a good public school education and immediately entered mercantile pursuits. In 1863 he entered Griiners Commercial College, in Co- penhagen, Denmark, for two years tuition. He came to Chicago in the summer of 1869 and se- cured employment as traveling agent for the Anchor Line of steamers. He afterward went with the State Line, for which company he sub- sequently became the general Western agent. He remained with them for twelve years, when the company went into liquidation and sold out to the Allan Line, paying all creditors dollar for dollar. Mr. Blegen has since been engaged in a general brokerage business and acted as sec- retary for commercial and fraternal organiza- tions. About fifteen years ago he was unsolic- itedly nominated for member of the board of county commissioners by the republicans, but met defeat at the polls with the party, running, however, away ahead of his ticket. John Blegen. Mr. Blegen has never aspired to political pre- ferment or ofifice of any kind. He has held vari- ous positions of social and fraternal trust. He 284 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS was for two years president of the Scandinavian Workingmen's Association, has held almost all the official functions in the local branch of the A. O. U. W., and is one of the founders of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society. Owing to his position for many years as a general agent for the State Line of steamers and as a publisher of several mercantile books, his name is widely known throughout the United States. He has been singularly exempt from criticism in his of- ficial positions and has never been connected with any kind of litigation. Mr. Blegen was married when he arrived in America and has a large family of children who are all grown and well connected. Four of them are married. ALFRED NILS BOE, M. D., The physician and druggist at 845 Sheffield ave- nue, Chicago, was born in Vossevangen, Norway, July 2, 1860. He came to America with his par- Alfred N. Boe. ents in 1869, going first to Norway and <;nen to Sheridan, III, where they settled. Fle attended the public school at Sheridan. While a young man he came to Chicago and clerked for six years for the John Anderson Publishing Com- pany, and afterward worked for six years in the Chicago postoffice. During this time he had de- voted his evenings and spare moments to study,. and in 1887 he graduated from the Chicago Col- lege of Pharmacy as a registered pharmacist and opened his drug store at Sheffield avenue and Wellington street, where he is now located. He then took a three years' medical course at the Harvey Medical College and one year's course at the National Medical University, graduating in 1896 with the degree of M.D. He was married to Miss Minnie O. Larson, a daughter of Martin Larson, of Chicago, Oct. 15, 1894. They have three children, namely: Ethel, Russell and Chester. His parents both died a few years ago at their home in Sheridan. His home and office is at 1413 Wellington street, half a block from his drug store. O. M. BORCHSENIUS, The grocer, 1949 Thirty-sixth street, was born to Chas. J. and Martha M. (nee Schlanbusch) Borchsenius, in Chicago, April 14, 1861. O. M. Borchsenius. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 285 Our subject graduated from the public schools and then from a normal school in Wenton, N. J. He spent some time in his father's grocery store in Norway, 111., and afterward engaged in the same business for himself at Thirty-sixth and South Rockwell streets, in Chicago. He was married to Miss Carrie B. Cousin on July 11, 1883. They have three children — Alice, born Jan. 23, 1885; Charles J., March 14, 1887: Otto Floyd, Dec. 10, 1890. His father died in 1889, but his mother is still living, hale and hearty, visiting around with her children. NICOLAI BRUUN, . Druggist, was born in Kongsberg, Norway, Feb. 7, 1837. His pharmaceutical education was com- menced in 1851 as disciple under Prof. I. F. Pe- tersen, of Sarpsborg. He graduated as assistant pharmacist in 1855, and became examinatus phar- Nicolai Bruun. ".macist at the University of Christiania in 1860. He was steadily employed as pharmacist in J"redriksstad and Kpngsberg, and three years be- fore emigrating to America he was private pro- fessor at B. A. Maschmand's drug store in Chris- tiania. He was also for some time president of the pharmaceutical association there. On April 12, 1868, Mr. Bruun left Norway on the sailing ship Hannah Parr, which was ship- wrecked off the coast of Ireland. The pas- sengers and crew drifted to Limerick, where they remained for two months pending repairs to the ship. He finally arrived in Chicago with 300 other emigrants on Aug. 19, having been four months on the way. After a fortnight in Chicago he secured employment as clerk in Dr. Tone's drug store, corner State and Eighteenth streets. In February, 1869, he started the drug store on the present site, 282 Grand avenue, un- der the firm name of Bruun & Burt. In 1872 the partnership was dissolved, another drug store having in the meantime been established by the firm at Grand avenue and Paulina street, Mr. Burt taking charge of the latter and leaving Mr. Bruun at the old stand. Now, at the age of 70, after fifty-four years of conscientious attention to his profession, Mr. Bruun has partially retired from active service, having turned the management of the store over to his son, Harald N. Bruun, a registered phar- macist, who for the last sixteen years has been engaged in the drug business. MRS. ULRIKKA FELDTMAN BRUUN, The organizer for the National W. C. T. U. among the Scandinavians in America, was born on an island on the west coast of Norway, two miles from Christiansund, Feb. 1, 1854. Her parents were Knudt and Petrene Hassel;^, who owned the island. They had four sons and five daughters, of whom our subject was the youngest daughter. She was baptized Ulrikka Randine Feldtman, the last name being that of her great grandfather, Major U. F. Feldtman of Opdal, Norway. Our subject was a most studious child and every spare moment was given to her books. She be- gan to write verses and rhymes when only eight years old. She was confirmed when 15 years old and stood at the head of her class. She was then appointed as assistant teacher in three districts and longed for a better education, but this was denied her in Norway. When 21 years old she came to America, landing in Chicago, June 30, 1874. The struggle that followed prepared her 286 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS for the great work she has since accomplished. She managed to enter Kalamazoo College in Mich- igan for one year. The turning point in her life came in Evanston in 1876 when she became a cross-bearer for Christ and went to work to win souls for his Kingdom. Ever since her life has been devoted to this work. In 1881, she married Mr. J. N. Bruun. Mrs. Bruun has been a widow for many years. Mrs. Bruun is the author of three books, all religious temperance stories printed in the Scandinavian language, as well as three sacred song books, together with articles and stories for the press. Mrs. U. F. Bruun. In February, 1899, she began the publication in Chicago of Det Hvide Baand, the only Norwe- gian-Danish Christian temperance paper published in this country by a woman. It is a bright il- lustrated monthly at 50 cents per annum. Her greatest work has been the founding of the Hope Mission, now on West Ohio and Noble streets, Chicago. With the assistance of Mathilda B. Carse, president of the Central W. C. T. U., she was first able to open a small Scandinavian read- ing room in October, 1888. For eleven years the W. C. T. U. paid the rent for this room and Mrs. Bruun gave her services entirely free. From this Mission sprang the Scandinavian W. C. T. U., of which Mrs. Bruun is president, the Men's Scan- dinavian Prohibition Club, a local of the Loyal Temperance Legion, and a Sunday school. For seven 3'ears a free dispensary was maintained. Thousands have frequented the reading room during each year. Mrs. Bruun's sympathies have also gone out to the young and friendless girls, who have come from her own land to Chicago to better their condition. In 1900 she opened a Scandinavian working girls' home and employment bureau in connection with the Mission. In 1895 Miss Fran- ces E. Willard secured Mrs. Bruun's appointment as National organizer among the Scandinavians for the W. C. T. U. She has traveled and lec- tured in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, and the Dakotus, everywhere lifting up the banner of Christ and temperance. She is a most forceful, eloquent speaker and spends about five or six months each year in the lecture field. All money saved goes to her Chicago work. DANIEL DANIELSON BUE, The well known member of the merchant tailor- ing firm Kindley & Bue, suite 825 in the Unity Building on Dearborn street, was born at Bue, Ulviks prestegjeld, S0ndre Bergenshus amt, Nor- way, June 25, 1868, to Daniel Haldorsen Espe- land and his wife Torbj0r Odmundsdatter Hildal from Ullensvangs prestegjeld. Young Daniel was educated in the public schools and con- firmed in the Lutheran Church at Eidfjord. At the age of 17 he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a tailor in his native country with the tailor Ole Engebrigtson Bakke in Jondals Sogn. After one year he went to the city of Bergen in order to acquire a more thorough training for his selected calling, securing employment with the well known merchant tailor of that place, Mr. C. J. Nelson. Having finished his apprenticeship and being a full fledged master tailor he returned to his native parish and established himself in the tailor- ing business continuing with same for some time. In 1888 he decided to seek a wider field for his activities and came to America making his first stop at Stoughton, Wis., where he secured em- ployment with the tailoring firm of Johnson & BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 287 Melaas working for them about one year and a half. On Aug. 3, 1889, he came to Chicago, where he has resided since plying his trade with almost all of the prominent merchant tailors of this city, until Sept. 1, 1900, when he accepted a partner- ship with Mr. B. O. Kindley, and the merchant tailoring firm of Kindley & Bue was established. D. D. Bue. Mr. Bue was married in Chicago by Rev. A. O. Johnson of Our Savior's Church Dec. 30, 1899, to Miss Anna S0rum, a daughter of Amund and Anna Sjzirum of Christiania. Their happy union has been blessed with two children, both boys of whom one, Harald Daniel, is living. The fam- ily resides at 1197 W. Division street. Mr. Bue is a member of the Columbia Yacht Club. both born in the mentioned neighborhood. Lars stayed at home until 14 years old, when he was confirmed. He then went to sea and between voyages worked on his father's farm. In June, 18G3, he was married to Miss Carina Olsdatter, with whom and their first child he emigrated to America in 1865, landing in Que- bec. From Quebec he went through Chicago to Leland, 111. Here he worked on a farm for a short time and then by the day at odd jobs in Leland for seven years. He then moved to Cham- paign county, where he rented a farm and re- mained five years. In 1876 he went to the vicin- ity of Paxton and bought a farm eight miles south of the town. There his first wife died. The union had been blessed by six children, of whom two died in infancy. L. Callecod with wife and child. LARS CALLECOD Was born in Tysvaer prestegjeld, near Stavan- ger, Norway, July 14, 1833. His father (Nils Sampson) and his mother (Kari Nelsdatter) were Four years later Mr. Callecod married Mrs. Carina Thompson, a widow with three children, only one of whom is now living. In the second marriage there have been. four children, all liv- ing. The family attends the Lutheran Church in Dix township, three and a half miles from El- liott. Of his children one son and one daughter are married, the son. Rev. Mathew Callecod, 288 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS having joined the Congr>?gational Church, is a minister of that faith in Williston, N. D. Mr. Callecod sold his farm several years ago and lives with his wife, youngest daughter and youngest son in Paxton, 111. One daughter re- sides in Chicago. EDWARD CHRISTIAN CHRISTENSEN Was born in Skien, Norway, on March 30, 1845, his father, Christopher Christensen, being a police- man. Our subject attended the common schools and in 1859 entered as an apprentice to learn the trade of a baker. After mastering the trade he went to several towns in Norway, working at his profession, and two years later returned to Skien, where he had charge of a large bakery until 1868, when lie emigrated to America. E. C. Christensen. After two years' residence in this country he engaged in the bakery business for himself, which he conducted for eight years, when he sold out and engaged in the flour business here in Chicago with John W. Eckhart & Co., with whom he has been for twenty-five years, and is yet filling the position of creditman and sales- man. On July 14, ]872, he was married to Inger Ma- rie Hansen. They had three children born to them, but all have passed away. Mr. Christensen while very young was a drum- mer in the Norwegian Army. He is a member of Nora Lodge No. 1, in which he, has held many offices; belongs to the republican club, of which he has often been president. He resides at 186 West Erie street. WILHELM FREDRIK CHRISTIANSEN, Of the Tobey Furniture Company and manager of their factory, was born in Trondhjem, Nor- way, May 1, 1847, his parents being Nils Lauritz and Marie Lorin (Kraft) Christiansen. He at- tended public school in Trondhjem. After his confirmation he became an apprentice in the cabinet shop of his uncle, Mr. Kraft. During the four years as an apprentice he attended the even- ing public technical school, from which he re- ceived a diploma and, in 1866, a certificate as a full-fledged cabinetmaker. In 1868, when 21 years or age, he left Norway for America. From Trondhjem to Hull, Eng- land, the trip was made by one of the old steam- ers carrying copper ore from Ytter0en to Eng- land. The sleeping compartment was arranged on top of the ore in the hull. From there the trip was continued by rail to Liverpool. From there he sailed across the Atlantic by an old steamer to Quebec, where he arrived 18 days later. From Quebec to Chicago it took 6 more days. Arriving on a hot July day, all of the party who were not met by friends or relatives were stored in a big warehouse belonging to the 111. Central railroad at the corner of Randolph street, near Michigan avenue, and the subject of our sketch says, his first sleeping place in Chicago was on the top of a lot of oil barrels in this warehouse. The next day he with other home- less newcomers was invited to come to a Swed- ish Mission immigrant house on the North Side. He spent a couple of weeks here, when an old school mate from Trondhjem found him and helped him to secure quarters at a boardinghouse. Counting his cash after his arrival in Chicago, he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS found it to be 50 cents in U. S. currency, not much to buy luxuries with. He soon found work at h"s trade as cabinetmaker, but unfortunately took sick and was sent to the Cook County Hos- pital at Eighteenth and Clark streets, where he remained for seven weeks, before being able to return to his work. November 4, 1869, his future wife, Miss Emer- entia Ohlin, came to the United States from 0re- bro, Sweden, and Mr. Christiansen went with his father to the railroad station to meet her. The next day Mr. Christiansen and Miss Ohlin had made up their minds to "sail their ship together" W. F. Christiansen. and six months later, on May 1, 1870, they were married. They have been blessed with nine chil- dren: five daughters and four sons. One of the girls died when six months old and another when eight years old. Two are married: Gurley to state's attorney E. R. Singler of Grafton, N. D., and Leontine to Rev. T. S. Kolste, Howard, S. D. The youngest, Ida, is still at home. Three of the boys are confirmed and ready to leave the nest to take up the battle of life. The youngest, 14 years old, is still attending school. The family attends the Norwegian Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Chicago. Mr. Christiansen has taken an active part in organizing the Nor- wegian Old People's Home and served as a mem- ber of the board of directors for a number of years. He is also a member of the Deaconess Home and Hospital Society in which he also has served on the board of directors for a number of years. He is also a member of the Children's Home Society. He has been a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Scandinavian Work- ing Men's Society. With their daughter, Ida, Mr. and Mrs. Chris- tiansen made a trip to Europe three years ago, visiting many of the different countries. Last year Mr. Christiansen visited Old Mexico accom- panied by his daughter Ida. She was seriously ill, when she left Chicago, but her seven months stay in Cuarnaraca in the beautiful semi-tropical climate did her so much good that she came back perfectly restored to health. The family resides at 1630 West Byron street, Chicago. H. S. Christiansen. 390 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS HALFDAN SCHUEBELER CHRISTIANSEN Was born at Fredrikstad, Norway, June 2, 1883, his parents being Bernhard and Louise Schiibeler Christianson. He attended the public schools at FredrikstaH and afterward graduated from the technical college at Porsgrund as mechanical and electrical engineer. Was engaged as assistant to the chief engineer of Fredrikstad for a year and a half. He then came to America where he se- cured employment with the Western Electric Company of Chicago as draftsman, and he is still employed there. ELIAS S. CHRISTOPHERSEN, Of Rockford, III, was born at Furrevik, in the parish of Sulen, Nordre Bergenhus amt, Nor- way. His parents were Christopher R. and An- na Furrevik, farmers. E. S. Christophersen. At the age of 17 our subject went to Bergen and learned the trade of a tailor. In 1880 he went to Throndhjem and worked at his trade there for a year and a half. In September, 1881, he came to America and stopped in Chicago. In March, 1882, he went to Whitewater, Wis., where he worked at his trade for over four years. In 1886 he moved to Rockford, where he has resided since. In March, 1896, he was appointed general organizer for the Journeymen Tailors' Union of America, and has served in that capacity for four years and three months. He was the first general or- ganizer appointed by that organization, has served long and traveled extensively. He has been in every state, province and city on the North American continent. In September, 1900, he engaged in fire insurance, and has established a very profitable business. He owns his own home, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Masonic lodge, and the Modern Wood- men of America. He keeps in touch with current events among the Norwegians in this country and his native land, being a regular reader of several Scandi- navian publications. His hospitable home is al- ways open to his countrymen. Our subject is a typical Norwegian, broad shouldered, weighs 230 pounds, and feels best at home when sur- rounded by the sons and daughters from the Land of the Midnight Sun. Mr. Christophersen is also a good singer, having sung on several oc- casions in public. On Feb. 23, 1882, he was married to Anna R. Anderson, born at Ibestad, Troms0 stift, Nor- way. They have no children but an adopted son Fred. MARTIN H. CHRISTOPHERSON, The general superintendent in Chicago of the Otis Elevator Company of New York, was born in Horten, Norway, June 6, 1866. He came to Chicago with his parents June 6, 1870. His par- ents, Johan and Martha Christopherson, are at rest in the family lot in Mount Olive Cemetery. Martin was apprenticed with Crane Bros. Manu- facturing Company for four years to learn the trade of a m.achinist. After having learned his trade he remained with the Crane Elevator Com- pany as foreman of construction from 1885 un- til 1890. He was with the Standard Elevator Co. in the same capacity frorp 1891 to 1896, and again BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 291 with Crane & Co. as superintendent of construc- tion from 189*5 to 1898, and held the same posi- tion with the Otis Elevator Company from 1898 to 1902, when he was made general superintendent of manufacturing and construction. In 1889 he married Miss Ida Hanson. They have four children — Grace, Marvin, Robert and M. H. Christopherson. Harald. Mr. Christopherson is a member of the Oriental Consistory, a Shriner, a director of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society and a member of the Irving Park Country Club. The family resides at 1101 Warwick avenue. of janitshar and musical sergeant. In this cap- acity he served during many years, until the 2nd Brigade in the sixties was separated from the "Jsegerkorps." He remained with the latter as "Korpshornbla^ser" and instructor of music and singing from 1867 to 1870. That Mr.. Colberg filled his position to the satisfaction of his superior regi- mental officers can be ascertained from a testi- monial issued in his favor by General N. Hoff, whose command included the "Jsegerkorps." Among other things the general writes, that Mr. Colberg had proved himself a reliable, punctual and energetic officer who had spared no efifort in order to drill his band. "In appointing Mr. Col- J. W. Colberg. JOHAN WILHELM COLBERG, The oldest and best known musical director of Norwegian birth in the United States, was born at Christiania, Norway, Sept. 27, 1837. At the age of 15 he joined the band of the 2nd Akers- hus Brigade as apprentice. Here he progressed rapidly and was soon promoted to the position berg we certainly harbored great expectations and it is with the greatest pleasure I attest that we were not disappointed. Without compensa- tion and with very limited resources he has drilled the music band of the "Jgegerkorps" to a high degree of proficiency." Mr. Colberg did not limit his activities to mili- tary music alone. He was also the originator and organizer of the Sagenes Singing and Music So- ciety and" at times he was a member of the or- chestra of the Norwegian National Theater. This theater having been consolidated with the Chris- 292 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS tiania Theater Mr. Colberg became a member of the Christiania Brass-Sextette. In 1870 Mr. Colberg came to America. He settled in Illinois, where he was appointed leader of the Champaign and Urbana bands. His abil- ity soon became known and recognized and he was appointed instructor and teacher of music at the Illinois Industrial University, choirleader at the Universalist Church in Urbana, and he or- ganized and instructed music bands at Toledo, To'siio, Philo, Mansfield and Yankee Reeds. On account of unfavorable climatic conditions Mr. Colberg came to Chicago in 1872 where he immediately was chosen leader for the Norweg- ian Music Corps. Two years later he received and accepted a call as instructor for "Nordmaen- denes Sangforening", which f)Osition he filled with great proficiency during 25 years, or from 1874 to 1899. This fact tells better than words of Prof. Colberg's rare ability, popularity and devo- tion to duty. With "Nordm?cndenes Sangforening" he participated in the first Scandinavian singing festival at Philadelphia, in 1887. Here he was elected Director in chief and President for the ■"United Scandinavian Singers of America," and he acted in this double capacity at the singing festival of that society in Chicago in 1889. He also participated with his Chicago singers in the 3rd singing festival of the U. Sc. S. of A. at Min- neapolis in the summer of 1891. At that occasion Prof. Colberg was again honored by being elected directcr-in.-chief. There were many com- petitors for the honor, but Colberg was the can- didate of the instructors present and was elected by a considerable majority. He was also direct- •or-in-chief at the great Scandinavian singing- festival which was held in Chicago during the World's Fair, 1893. At that occasion he con- ducted a combined chorus of 1,000 singers, who in connection with the Thomas orchestra among other works executed "Landkjending" and "Vol- merslaget." At the close of the festival Prof. Colberg was unanimously elected sole honorary member of the United Scandinavian Singers of America. His great success as instructor and leader has to a certain extent been due to the unruffled state of mind and cock-sureness which are character- istic for his leadership. Among his singers and musicians he has always been a good, jovial friend and comrade. When the Norwegian student singers visited America in 1905 and were given a banquet at the Sherman House, Chicago, two great veteran sing- ing leaders were simultaneously honored. One of them was Prof. O. A. Gr0ndahl, leader of the student chorus; the other was the subject of this sketch. Prof. J. W. Colberg. HANS LAURITZ DAHL Was born at Enga, in the parish of Mel0, Nor- way, Aug. 7, 1841, his parents being George Fredrik and Ingeborg Maria (born Klabo) Dahl. His boyhood was passed in the country, but in the fall of 1858 he went to Troms0 to learn the trade of a tailor. Mr. Dahl came to Chicago in H. L. Dahl. 1864 and immediately found work at his trade, continuing until August, 1870, when he engaged in the business for himself, at 202 S. Clark street. Here he was burned out in the great fire of 1871. He has had several locations since and is now at 140 Dearborn street. He was president for two terms of the Chicago Drapers' and Tailors' Ex- change, now extinct. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 293 He married Louifa Anderson Kierland, Nov. 6, 1873. They have four children — Ella, Ida Ma- rie, Florence Adele and Harold Louis. Ella Dahl Rich, accomplished pianist, having studied with the best masters in this city and abroad, has attained a high reputation as an artist. She married, in 1899, Herbert G. Rich, publisher of the Western Brewer. Florence Adele married, in 1897, William Bradly Walrath, an attorney in this city. Harold Louis, the youngest, is at pres- ent a student at Cornell L^niversity. Mr. Dahl and his family reside at 634 La Salle avenue. They attend an independent religious society. 9§^ not at school up to this time. After leaving school he taught for two years in Norway be- fore coming to America in 1882. Upon his ar- rival in this country he went direct to Paxton, Ford count}', 111., but located later at Elliott, in the same county. He taught the Norwegian Lutheran Church school for the Pontoppidan congregation at Elliott from his arrival in this country until 1903, since which time he has been in the general merchandise business at Elliott. On Jan. 26, 1903, he was married to Miss Mary A. Bergeson,d aughter of Ole and Rachel (born Uhr) Bergeson. He has been secretary of the Pontoppidan Lutheran Church for many j'ears. He is also a life-member of the Deaconess Hos- pital of Chicago. PETER K. DAHL, Of Elliott, 111., was born in Fister sogn, Hjelme- land prestegjeld, Norway, Jan. 6, 1861. His par- ...^^ . 1. * ^..^rfriiBI f^^% ^^ flilw .'^^^^^^H ^^ iL J P. K. Dahl. ents were Kleng Peterson and Anna G. (born Knudsvig) Dale, farmers in Norway. Our subject graduated from Koppervig teachers' school in 1880, having worked upon his father's farm when OSCAR DANIELS, President and treasurer of the Oscar Daniels Company, of New York, was born in Christiania, Oscar Daniels. Norway, Sept. 5, 1869. His parents died before Oscar was 14 years old, and at this age he left 394 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Norway as a sailor before the mast. In this way- he visited nearly every country in the world, and from his observation he decided to locate perm- anently in the United States. He came to Chi- cago in 1890 and has since made this his home. He organized and incorporated the Oscar Dan- iels Company under the laws of New York, for the purpose of erecting steel buildings and bridges, retaining a majority of the stock in his own name. Associated with him in this com- pany are Albert E. Dennis, vice-president and secretary, and Charles L. Ostenfeldt, C. E., chief engineer. Chicago, with offices at 531-35 Unity Building, is their headquarters, with branch of- fices at 38 Park row, New York, and 1102 James Flood Building, San Francisco, Cal. The Com- pany has had great success and is now doing a business second to none in this countr3^ They have erected a great many of the finest and most substantial steel buildings in every large city in the United States, and these now stand as endur- ing monuments to the skill and ability of the management. Mr. Daniels is a 32-degree Mason, a Mystic Shriner, and a life-member of the Columbia Yacht Club of Chicago, of which he served one year as commodore. He is also a member of the Chicago Athletic Association and the Royal League. He travels a great deal, and gives per- sonal attention to the business of his three widely separated offices. In 1885 he was married to Miss Anna Olsen, of Odalen, near Christiania, Norway, with whom he has had six children: Carl, Christian, Albert, CHRISTIAN DANIELSEN Was born in Bergen, Norway, Nov. 27, 1862. His father is Carl Danielsen, a merchant at Ber- gen, and his mother Sibertine Methlie. Both are still living. Mr. Danielsen learned his trade with Iver Iversen, of Bergen, receiving his di- ploma as a master watchmaker at the age of 19, in 1881. After that he worked for the same firm about one and a half years, whereupon he con- cluded to migrate to America, where he arrived in 1883, in Chicago. There he worked for John Levin, Chicago avenue, two years. Then he went to Elgin, 111., and worked for Rovelstad Bros, about five years. Later worked at the Elgin watch factory a short time. Having been offered a position with the Illi- nois Watch Company, at Springfield, he went there in 1887. He worked at the factory about two years and then obtained a position as chief watchmaker with John C. Pierik & Co., and which he is still holding. Christian Danielsen. George, Mabel and Clara. The family attends the English Lutheran church of Springfield. CHRISTOPHER DANIELSON, The well known retired farmer of Sheridan, 111., was bon-^ at Ordal near Stavanger, Norway, Jan. 4, 1835. His parents were Christen and Martha Danielson, farmers at Ordal. With them he came to America when only one year of age, and they settled in Mission township. Both died on the same day from the cholera, in 1849, and their young son was thrown on his own resources. Our subject worked with his parents on the farm until he was 14 years old and after their demise worked by the month at a small pay, re- ceiving only about eight dollars a month during the three first years. When 22 he acquired 80 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 295 acres of land in the neighborhood of Leiand and later added more, until he was quite a large landholder. Mr. Danielson is married to Anna Thomason, a daughter of Osmun and Bertha (S^rvaak) Tho- the Lutheran church by Rev. Ole Andrewson. He is a well versed and read man, and that fact must be ascribed to his inclination for self- education. Mr. Danielson is married to Anna Thomason, a daughter of Osmun and Bertha (S0rvaak) Tho- mason of ]\Ieling, near Stavanger. They have been blessed with nine children, all of whom are living: ]\Iartin J. was born in 1857; Daniel C. in 1859; Bertha A. in 1861; Osmond M. in 1863; Ed- die A. in 1868; David N. in 1871; Ida M. in 1866; Mary Emma J. in 1874 and Joseph C. in 1877. They are married: Martin J. to Julia Hayr; Da- niel C. to Ellen Halvorsen (since deceased); Bertha A. to L. Hayr; Osman M. to Carrie Lar- son; Eddie A. to Anna Anderson; David N. to Carrie Wells; Ida M. to Charles Hayr; Mary Emma J. to Andrew Gaard, and Joseph C. to Hattie Rush. Mr. Danielson has held several positions of trust such as school director, highway commis- sioner and supervisor (when he lived three years in Iowa). He still owns a farm in Iowa which is worked by his youngest son. All his other land holdings he has sold. With his wife he now lives a retired life at Sheridan, where he owns a fine, new house and several lots. He has been an ardent church worker and con- tributed to charitable institutions when called upon. Christopher Danielson was married on July 4, 1855, to Anna Thomason, who also came over from Norway, in 1835, when but 2 years old. To this union nine children were born, six sons and three daughters, all living. The subject of our sketch, O. M. Danielson, after completing his public school education, attended the Northwestern University at Evan- ston and then returned to the farm and re- mained there until 1891, when he went into the grocery business for himself at Leiand. He continued in the grocery business for one year and then sold out. He then established OSMAN MATHIAS DANIELSON. O. M. Danielson. Of Leiand, 111., was born at Earlville, La Salle county, Nov. 15, 1863. The Danielson family has been prominent in the settlement and devel- opment of La Salle county, having located there in pioneer days. Osman's father, Christopher Danielson, who was born at Ordal, Norway, in 1834, came to this country with his parents when only 1 year old. They located on a farm near Norway, in La Salle county, and remained on this farm until 1849, when all the family except Christopher fell victims to the cholera. and installed an electric-light plant for Leiand, which he operated until 1897. He was justice of the peace; served one term as trustee and two terms as president of the village board. He had served previously as road commissioner for three years. He was a member of the I. O. G. T., serv- ing at one time as chief templar. He belongs to the Reorganized Church of Latter-Day Saints. Mr. Danielson follows two great cardinal prin- ciples and credits them for his success — honesty and sobrietv. 296 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS DR. ANDERS DOE Was born on Fjelds parsonage, Bergens stift, Norway, Nov. 27, 1852. His father, Jens Kobro Daae, was the pastor for Fjelds parish and his mother, Nicoline Friis. also born Daae. The sub- ject of our sketch first attended Bergen's schools and then went to Skien's Latin school. In 1869 he passed the student's examination for entrance to the university at Christiania, from which he graduated nine years later as a physician. He was then assigned as interne at the State Hospi- Dr. Anders Doe. tal, in Christiania, served as assistant physician at Gaustad Insane Asylum, and later as physician at the Eidsvold Baths. He emigrated to America in 1880, coming direct to Chicago, where he has remained since as a practicing physician. He is a member of the Scandinavian MedicaL Society, American Medical Society, a member of the Tabitha Hospital stafif, honorary member of the Norwegian Singing Society, Bj0rgvin's Singing Society, the Norweg- ian Quartette Club and the Norwegian Turn- ers. He was also secretary of the Leif Erikson Memorial Association, and was a member of the committee for soliciting funds for the sufferers by the great fire at Aalesund. He also repre- sented Christiania University at the inaugura- tion of President James of the Northwestern Uni- versity. Dr. Doe was married to Miss Ragnhild Ble- gen, of Chicago, on May 17, 1890. They have two children. The Doctor has not taken an active part in politics, although he has always been ready to discuss, from the platform or through the press, current and living questions of public interest. He is a ready and fluent writer and often con- tributes short and entertaining articles and poems referring to current subjects. He is a regular correspondent for several Norwegian newspapers. He finds time, too, to visit Norway and Germany often. Dr. Doe's office is at 282 Grand avenue, where he enjoys a large practice. Dr. Doe was president of the delegation from the National League to the coronation of the new king and que'en of Norway in 1906. In 1907 he was made a knight of the order of Sankt Olaf by king Haakon VII. ^ OTTO THORSEN DOVER, Vice-president of Albaugh Bros., Dover & Co., Chicago, was born May 19, 1874, at Valders, O. T. Dover. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 2i)7 Manitowoc county, Wis., his parents being Ole T. and Barbara (Rebne) Dover. His early life was passed in the country, but after finishing a course at the Oshkosh Normal School he became a salesman, and later state (Wisconsin) managei' for a publishing house, until entering business for himself in 1900. Mr. Dover is connected with a large mail order house, which has recently erected a large nine-story building (with a two story addition for boiler and engine room) at Marshall Botdevard and Twenty-first street, Chi- cago. It is on the co-operative order and is do- ing an immense business all over the country. Mr. Dover is also manager of the Sterling Sup- ply Company and a director in the Western Thread and Dye Works, both of Chicago. He is a niember of the Ashland Club, the Neighborly Club, treasurer of the Oshkosh Nor- mal, Chicago alumni, and belongs to St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church. Woodmen, Knights of Pythias, and Liberty Lodge 1534. Mr. Dyrhus' father was born on F:er0arne, on which islands his grandfather was a preacher. WILHELM F. DYRHUS, The expert watchmaker and jeweler at Spring- field, 111., was born at Namsos, Norway, May 29, 1859. After having been confirmed in the Luth- eran Church he went to Trondhjem at the age of 17 years and learned the trade of a watcli- miaker at the store of S. Hofif. After five years of apprenticeship he received the diploma of a master watchmaker and afterward served Mr. Hoff as foreman for seven years. Having been oflfered a place with the Illinois Watch Company, he left Norway and arrived in Springfield in 1888. He remained with the,, Illi- nois Watch Company for two years, when- he was offered and accepted the place of, chief watchmaker for the well known watchmaker-.and jeweler, J. C. Klaholt, with whom he remained for nine years. September 1, 1899, he engaged in business for himself in the Franklin Building, 306 So. Fifth street. Here he was appointed chief watch in- spector for the Chicago & Alton Railroad Com- pany. He is now temporarily located at 412 E. Washington street. He has the reputation of being the most skillful watchmaker in this part of the state. Mr. Dyrhus was married in 1896 to Miss Mar- tha Stappelworth, daughter of German parents, in Springfield. He is a member of the Modern W. F. Dyrhus. Those islands belong to Denmark, and for cen- turies there has been preserved by the state an old house near Tender, S;!(nderjylland. Denmark, called Dyrhus, which has a very tragic history, too long to repeat here. OLE T. EASTEGORD, Of Ottawa, 111., was born in Aardal, Ryfyike, near Stavanger, Norwaj-, Feb. 10, 1844. His father, Thomas, and mother, Kari ( Johnsdatter) Eastegaard, both now deceased, were farmers in Norway. The subject of our sketch grew up there and was educated in the country school un- til he was confirmed in 1858. Then he worked on his father's farm until about 18 years old, 398 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS when he commenced to teach school. He taught for some six years, according to the custom then prevailing, going from one house to another, staying from three days to two weeks with each family. This was in Ombo, in Hjelmeland. He then concluded to seek a wider field, and when his iincle, Peter Jacobs, came from America, on a visit to his old home, Eastegord arranged to return with him to Ainerica. Mr. Jacobs had settled in the township of Serena, and there is where Mr. Eastegord started his career in this In February, 1906, Mr. Eastegord retired from farming and bought a house and lot in Ottawa, corner First avenue and Center street, where he and his wife intend to spend their declining years. Mr. Eastegord has taken great interest in the affairs of his community, and for a number of years has been a director of the district school, trustee of the congregation of Freedom, a trustee of the Pleasant View Luther College, vice-presi- dent of its board, and also trustee of the town- ship of Freedom. He is a frequent contributor to charitable institutions and schools. ^ O. T. Eastegord. country'. He remained with his uncle for six years, working on the farm. A year after Eastegord reached America a young woman. Miss Sera Larsdatter, an acquaint- ance, arrived from Norway and came to Serena. The old acquaintance was renewed, love suc- ceeded friendship, and marriage resulted, in 1874. Mr. Eastegord now rented a farm on shares and worked for four years. Then he bought a farm of eighty acres in the township of Freedom, to which he later added another eighty acres. The happy union of Mr. Eastegord and his wife was blessed by one son, Harvey Eastegord, who has now taken over the farm. He is not married. JOHN E. EDMUNDS, Of Ottawa, 111., was born in Hauge, Norway, March 8, 1877. His parents were Edmund and Signe (Monson) Edmunds Hauge. He came to J. E. Edmunds. America with his parents in 1883, going first to Morris and then to Braceville, where they re- mained for about one year. They then moved on a farm about seven miles south of Gardner, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 299 111., where the family has remained since. Being the oldest of the children, our subject had to help on the farm, but attended the public school as regularly as possible. When 19 years old he entered Pleasant View Luther College and at- tended for three years, having previously attend- ed the Norwegian parochial school and been con- firmed. He and his brother took turns in work- ing on their father's farm, one staying at home and the other working for others alternate years. Mr. Edmunds was married to Christine Moe, of Sheridan, 111., June 20, 1900. They have one daughter, Fern Lucille, born Aug. 28, 1902. After leaving college he went to work for the Western Cottage Piano Company in Ottawa. He then worked for Lucey Bros., of Ottawa. On Sept. 1, 1903, he opened a small store of his own in the outskirts of the town, dealing in dry goods and ladies' garments. The business pros- pered and after having associated himself with Mr. M. Engel in 1905, they opened a large store on the best business street in Ottawa, under the firm name of Engel & Edmunds. This establish- ment is the largest of its kind in La Salle county. They also have a store in Streator. Our subject is president of the Retail ]\Ier- chants' Association of Ottawa. He served one term, three years, in the I. N. G., joining in 1899. Mr. Edmunds is a member of the Lutheran Church — served one year as deacon, and is a hard worker in the Sunday school and Luther league. His mother is living, but his father died July 1, 1904. His father was a prominent man in Nor- way; was a fisherman in his early life and later had charge of a fleet. He was elected to the Storthing in 1870, but was shortly afterward taken down with rheumatism, laid up for two years, and crippled for life. Chicago police force, where he continued until 1897. He then engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business at 712 Milwaukee avenue, where he still does business. He was married in Manitowoc. Wis., to Miss Galena ]\Iaria Helle, on Sept. 4, 1892. They have Olaf Egeland. had five children, namely: Leslie and Roy, twins, of which Roy died when 6 years old; Leslie is now 11; Orrin 8 years; Helene, 7; Dorothy, 3 years old. The familj^ resides at 207 Evergreen avenue. OLAF EGELAND, ASLAG EIELSON, The real estate and insurance man at 712 Mil- waukee avenue, was born at Skien, Norway, Oct. 10, 1867. After attending the common school and being confirmed he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a machinist in Christiania. He came to America and Chicago in 1884 and soon found work as a machinist. He worked at this until 1890, when he was appointed on the The veteran lumberman of Springfield, 111., was born near Arendal, Norway, Aug. 27, 1829, the son of Eiel and Anna Tharaldson. He attended the common schools and also night school for a time, and then clerked in a department store, owned by Christopher Dedekam, in Arendal. At the age of 17 years he went to sea as a cabin boy, but was advanced rapidly to more 300 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS responsible duLies. He sailed from Arendal, Norway, to the Isle of Man for about three seasons, and in 1849 came to America, landing at New York. Shortly after his arrival he went to Milwaukee, Wis., and sailed on the lakes for a Aslag Eielson. time, later locating in Michigan. In the summer he was a fisherman and in the winter he worked in the pineries. From Michigan he went to St. Louis, Mo., and for a short time clerked in a store in that city. In 1852 he located in Springfield, 111., and soon secured employment in the lumber yard of Aa- ron Beidler, and later with George Huntington. Mr. E. R. Ulrich soon after opened a lumber 3'ard and Mr. Eielson entered his employ. After the close of the Civil War a yard was started by Mr. Eielson and others. This con- tinued until 1878, when Mr. Eielson bought out his partners' interests, becoming the sole owner of the business. He continued doing a general lumber business and purchased additional ground as his business increased. He has now eight lots 40x157 feet, centrally located, on which his lumber yard stands, on Tenth street from Mon- roe to Adams streets. Of recent years he has given the management of his business over to his sons — Joseph, John and 0--c".r — while he is practically living a retired life. Many changes have taken place during his fifty -five years of residence in Springfield, and Mr. Eielson takes pleasure in recounting incidents of the early days when the present capital of the state was only a village. In 1854, in Springfield, Mr. Eielson was mar- ried to Miss Martha J. Olson, who was also born in Arendal, Norway, Dec. 17, 1831. She died Sept. 5, 1891. Eight children were born to them, namely: Eilcrt, born May 1, 1857. who was book- keeper for his father, married Martha Rierson. Eilert died May 28, 1881, leaving a widow and one son (Eilert), who is connected with his grand- father's business. ]\Iary is the wife of Louis R. Nelson, foreman at the Eielson lumber yards. Joseph married his brother Eilert's widow and is connected with his father in business. Ida M., born April 5, 1866, died .\ug. 30, 1900. John and Oscar A. are both connected with their father Oscar Eielson. in business. Oscar A. married Miss Lilian L. Smith, Feb. 4, 1896. They have one son, Harry A. Two daughters (Annie T. and Martha J.) remain at home with their father. All of Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 301 Joseph Eielson. Eilert Eielson, Grand-son. Eielson's children were born, reared and , edu- cated in Springfield. We present some striking John Eielson. photographs of the father and his sons. The boys, like their father, are splendid business men of the very highest standing in the community. Mr. Eielson has always been a .member of the English Lutheran Church and has served almost continually upon the official boards. In politics he is a republican. His worth is widely acknowl- edged by all who have become acquainted with him and he has a wide circle of friends, gained through over a half a century of continuous residence in the capital city. At the advanced age of 78 years Mr. Eielson is a well preserved man. Nature certainly intended that when man reaches advanced years he should rest from his labors. In youth one is full of vigor and enthus- iasm, which in mature years is guided by sound judgment, so that the individual is able to use his energies and efforts to the best advantage. If he makes the most of his opportunities his labors will be followed by success, and then, when advanced years come on, he will be pos- sessed of a competence that will enable him to rest from further toil and enjoy the profits of his former activity. Such, at least, has been the career of Aslag Eielson, and his straightforward dealing in all business transactions has made his name an hon- ored one wherever known. He possesses a nature that could never content itself with mediocrity, 30'^ A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS because his ideals are high, his industry unflag- ging and his mentality strong and decisive. With those dominant characteristics as a foundation he has builded thereon the superstructure of a highly successful business career. REV. KNUTE OLSEN EITTREIM, Pastor for St. John's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church at Creston, 111., was born in Rev. K. O. Eittreim. Ft. Dodge, Iowa, June 1.5, 1870, his parents being Ole O. and Martha Eittreim, farmers in Iowa. Our subject spent his early years at home and attended the public schools. Later he attended the college department of Red Wing (Minn.) Seminary. He also took a business and short hand course at Beeman's Business College in Red Wing. He received his theological training at the Chicago Lutheran Seminary; He began his work in the ministry on July 1, 1900, having been ordained the same year during the annual meet- ing of the Synod, held in Grafton, S. D. His first call was to the Norwegian Evangelical Luth- eran Church, near Creston, 111., and St. John's Lutheran Church at Creston, where he has re- mained since. The attainment of his purpose to be a minister of the gospel was not an easy one. From 1890 to 1895 he held a commercial position with A. F. Risser & Co., Chicago, manufacturers and whole- sale dealers in harness and saddlery. During summer vacations he clerked for John McLocke & Co., wholesale dry goods; Butler Bros., whole- sale department store; and was for a time with the Western Passenger Association, all of Chi- cago. He also taught parochial schools in the Trinity and Immanuel Churches of Chicago and in Nazareth Church in Hamilton county, Iowa. He was married to Annie Maria Digerness on Aug. 24, 189;). They have three children. ELIM ELLINGSON, Capron, 111., was born on Gaarden Aase, in Sogn, Norway, April 25, 1835. His parents were Lars and Gjjziri (Nelsdatter) Ellingson, farmers in Norway. The parents, with their five children, came to America in 1845 and settled in Capron, where the mother died after three years. The fa- ther remarried in 1863 and afterward moved first to Minnesota and later to South Dakota. He was an ardent Christian, belonging to the Hauge Sy- nod, and a zealous missionary for his faith. The subject of our sketch was married in 1859 to Miss Torbjjzfr Seim, of Vik, Norway, the same place where he himself was born. She had ar- rived in this country with her parents two years earlier than Mr. Ellingson. The union has been blessed with ten children: Gerina, Elizabeth, Al- fred (who died in Dakota), Anna, John Henry, Richard Louis, Clarence, Bertha Mathilda, Frank Theodore, William Arthur, (who died in Gales- burg while attending school). Three sons and two daughters are married. Mr. Ellingson took over his father's farm after his father's marriage and is still living on the old homestead. The family attends the United Luth- eran Church, near Capron, the Sunday school of which Mr. Ellingson has been superintendent for a number of years. Mr. Ellingson and wife have retired from farming, spending their declining BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 303 years in the town of Capron. They still own the farm, which their son Clarence is taking care of. Nils, Elim and Andrew Ellingson. GIRARD ALFRED ELLINGSON Is a native of Chicago, where he was born Au- gust 9, 1873, his parents being Lars A. and Doro- thea Ellingson, who came to Chicago from Nor- way in 1866. His early life was spent, in Chicago, where he attended the grammar and high schools. At the age of 17 years he went out west to seek his fortune, but returned to Chicago in 1892 with some valuable experience but with little material increase in this world's goods. On his return to Chicago he held various posi- tions as general office clerk for seven years, the last two years of which he attended the evening sessions of the Chicago College of Law; in 1899 he went to Bloomington, 111., and entered the law department of the Illinois Wesleyan University and graduated in 1900 with the degree of LL. B. Since that time he has been practicing law in the Chamber of Commerce Building in this city. He is a member of the Norwegian Singing So- ciety, the Norwegian Turners, Old People's Home Society, Wergeland Lodge of R. H. K., Inde- pendent Order of Foresters and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. For the past six or seven years he has been prominent in the afifairs of the Nor- wegian singers in Chicago and during 1904 and 1905 was president of the Normaendenes Sang- forening. He has strong and decided views on political economy and is in sympathy with the radical element in the democratic party, though he has G. Alfred Ellingson. not taken any active interest in practical politics for some years. Mr. Ellingson is unmarried and lives with his mother at 2756 Fulton street, his father having died in 1904. JOHN EDVART ENGEBRETSON Was born at H0nefos, Norway, Jan 17. 1867, his parents being Ulrich and Johanne Engebret- 304 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS son. He lived and went to school in a small town and later clerked in a grocery at Kongsberg. The owner of this store was Mr. Halvorsen. He remained nt his employ for four years, when he went to Christiania, in 1886, where he re- mained for two years, when he came to America, settling in Ciiicago. Here he worked as a gro- cery clerk for Mr. Zoega and remained with him J. E. Engebretsen. until 1892. He then entered into a partnership with Mr. O. Rolfsen, under the firm name of Rolfsen & Engebretson, and engaged in the grocery business at 313 W. Ohio street. In 1898 they bought another store, at 358 W. Erie street. In 1893 they built their own building for a store at the corner of N. Spaulding and Beach streets, having disposed of their Erie-street property. Mr. Engebretson looks after the new store and Mr. Rolfsen is in charge at the old Ohio-street store. Mr. Engebretson was married to Laura Han- sen on Jan. 28, 1895. They have had two chil- dren — one now living. Their home is at 61 Beach street. L. ENGER, The subject of this sketch, was born on the Kuls- rud farm, Str^m parish, S0ndre Odalen, Norway, Feb. 1, 1856. He lived on the farm and went to the district school until after his confirmation and up to 1872. In this year he took up a sea- faring life and continued in it until 1882. Then after a year's sojourn in Norway he emigrated to America in March, 1883, going direct to Minne- apolis. He spent five years here, going to school a part of the time and clerking in a grocery store. In 1888 he came to Chicago and was at first engaged in- the cofYee, tea and butter business. In July, 1889, he became connected with the Sandberg Manufacturing Company, 327 Dearborn street, makers of box-wood-blocks for wood en- graving. He has been secretary and treasurer of that company ever since. L. En gar. In 1889 he married Mrs. Jennie Sandberg (nee Couch) and three children were born of this union. The family attends the Bethany Presby- terian Church and resides at 87 Humboldt boule- vard. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 305 BURTON C. ERICSON, The photographer at Leland, 111., was born at Ottawa. March 10, 1871. He is a son of Eric B. C. Ericson. and Inger (Olson) Ericson, of Ottawa, 111. His father was a wagon-maker there for over thirty years. He moved to Leland in 1877, where he and his wife died. Our subject passed through the combined pub- lic and high school in Leland and graduated in 1891. At first he worked at his father's carriage works, but in 1903 he bought the photographic studio of Mrs. May Thorson at Leland, and since that time has been conducting it with his sister. Miss Louise, as a partner, operating under the name of the Ericson Studio. They are members of the Methodist Church. The whole family were faithful workers and members of the Good Templars' Order as long as that order existed at Leland. His father had been an ardent temp- erance worker and a lodge deputy for many years. Aug. 29, 1852. his father being Bygmester (Con- tractor) Kristen Ericson. When our subject was 1 year his parents moved to Hamar, Norvvay, where Mr. Ericson, Sr., was the largest con- tractor and builder. Otto attended the public schools here and graduated from the borgerskole (high school) at the age of 15. The history of Hamar credits young Otto with having been chosen as teacher in the high school of Hamar prior to his moving to America with his father in 1868. His father remained in this country for six years, returning to Norway in 1874, leaving his 22-year-old son to fight his own battle in his newly adopted country. Mr. Ericson became cashier and bookkeeper with- Christian Jevne in 1868, and was closely identified with the success of the business which later developed into the largest wholesale and re- tail grocery business in Chicago. In recognition of his services Mr. Ericson was admitted as a partner in the firm in 1887. In 1904 he bought OTTO C. ERICSON, The president and treasurer of C. Jevne & Co., was born in Faaberg. Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, O. C. Ericson. from the estate of C. Jevne the above business and organized the corporation of C. Jevne & Co., with a paid up capital of $200,000. Mr. Ericson married, in 1876, Miss Eda Louise John<^on, born in Prescott, Pierce co-",ity. Wis , 306 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS in 1854. Eight children sprung from this union, five sons and three daughters, all living. The sons are Elmer Otto, Norman Winfred, Willard Everet, Chester Franklin, Melvin Burton; the daughters are Grace Olivia, Ruth Dorothy, Edith Marguerite. The oldest daughter, Grace, is an accomplished pianist and teacher of music at the Northwestern University at Evanston, 111., where the family reside. The oldest son, Elmer, is con- nected with the banking firm of N. W. Harris & Co. Norman, the second son, is engaged with his father. The other children, three boys and two girls, are attending school. Mr. Ericson is a member of the Union League Club of Chicago and chairman of the board of trustees of the First Congregational Church of Evanston. Mr. Erickson is a typical Norwegian-American, being of magnificent physique, six feet three inches high, and of rugged and athletic build. ALFRED O. ERICKSON, Assistant city attorney, with offices in the First National Bank Building, Chicago, was born in 1871, at Scandinavia, Wis., whither his parents immi- grated from Skien, Norway, in the early '40's and settled on a farm. There Mr. Erickson's boyhood days were spent, wielding the ax, wrestling with 'farming appliances, and attending the village school. For a short time he studied for the min- istry under the supervision of Rev. N. J. Ellestad, then at Scandinavia, but upon arriving at his majority entered the Northern Indiana Normal School, from which he graduated in 189:^. He was employed at the World's Columbian Exposi- tion until its close, after which he took up the study of law in the office of Irving P. Lord, lawyer, railway promoter and capitalist, at Wau- paca, Wis. In 1895 he returned to Chicago and resumed the study of law at the law department of Lake Forest University, from which he grad- uated in 1899; he was admitted to the Illinois bar the same year, and immediately assumed the practice of law. As a lawyer he has been very successful, and in November, 1905, was appointed assistant city attorney by John F. Smulski. Mr. Erickson has taken an active interest in republican politics, being a member of the re- publican executive committee of the Twenty-fifth Ward, and is chairman of the political action committee of the Marquette Club. He is also a member of the Chicago Bar Association, New Illinois Athletic Club, the Masonic and other fraternal societies. A. O. Erickson. In 1899 he was married to Miss Louise H. Gentz, of Chicago, with whom he resides at 804 Burling street, Lake View. MRS. AGNETE ERICKSON, Widow of Captain Christian Erickson, was born at Llamar, Norway, May 6, 1844. Her parents were Hans Jevne, a tanner at Hamar, and Mar- tha Jevne (nee RcSmmen) of Hedemarken. With one of her brothers she came to Chicago in 1867. She is a sister of the well known merchants, Chris- tian Jevne, of Chicago, who died in 1898; Hans Jevne, of Los Angeles, Cal., and Charles Jevne, of Chicago. The husband. Captain Erickson, who was born in Bergen, May 7, 1839, came to Amer- ica at an early age, held positions as clerk, and at the outbreak of the Civil War enlisted as a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 807 private in Company I of the Eiglity-second Il- linois Volunteer Infantry, and soon afterward was promoted to orderly sergeant. Shortly after he was promoted to second lieutenant, and as such took command of the company until after the battle of Gettysburg. The next year he took part in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mis- sionary Ridge, under General Hooker. He was with Sherman's army on the campaign to At- lanta and the glorious march to the sea, partici- pating in the battles on the way. On the march to the sea he was on the regimental staff as quartermaster, and after being honorably dis- Mrs. Agnete Erickson. charged was given a captain's commission, signed by President Johnson, for gallant and meritori- ous services during the war. His company was nearly all from Chicago and largely composed of Scandinavians. Being an extremely temperate man. Captain Erickson during the war saved enough money to start in business in Chicago. He engaged in the dry-goods business on Milwaukee avenue, and also started a branch store on Division street, which was later destroyed in the great fire. In 1882 he built a four-story brickbuilding at 1190- 92 Milwaukee avenue, where he continued with the same line of business until in 1896, when ill health compelled him to retire from a successful business career. He died Jan. 20, 1900. Mrs. Agnete Erickson was married to Mr_ Erickson Sept. 11, 1870, and is the mother of five children: Ernest Alexander, commission mer- chant; Agnes Camilla, married to Mr. G. A. Schonlau, of Chicago; Arthur, who died when 2% 3^ears old; Florence May; Christian Arent, who died at the age of 19. With her youngest daughter, Florence, Mrs. Erickson lives in the family residence at 92 Fowler street. On May 11, 1897, Governor Tan- ner appointed her a trustee of the Soldiers' Wi- dows' Home at Wilmington, 111., and she was re- appointed by Governor Yates, serving in all seven years, whereupon she resigned upon her depart- ure on a visit to her brother's in California. Mrs. Erickson is a member of the Dames of the Loyal Legion and of the Norwegian Club, Vala. At- tends the Wicker Park Lutheran Church and is an active member of the Old People's Home So- ciety. ERNST ALEXANDER ERICKSON Was born in Chicago on the 9th day of July, 1872. His father was Captain Christian Erick- son, w'ho was born in Bergen, Norway, and his mother Agnete Jevne, born in Hammar, Norwaj". Mr. Erickson graduated from the grammar school' in Chicago in 1887 and then took a two-year busi- ness course at the Metropolitan Business College. In 1890 he entered his father's employ in the dry goods business, and after acquiring a thorough' knowledge of the business he was given charge- of one his father's stores. This continued until 1896, when on account of failing health his father decided to retire from business. Mr. Christian Jevne, an uncle of Mr. Erickson, then offered him a position with the firm of C. Jevne & Co., where he held a \siy responsible position for eight years. While with this firm Mr. Erickson took a two-year course at the Chicago Business Law School. Mr. Erickson then decided to establish him- self in his own business, and in the year 1904 he entered the commission business at 169 W Randolph street. Mr. Erickson was married on April 21, 1897, to Martha G. Quales, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. "Niles T. Quales. They have two children: Win- nifrid Ruth Quales, born Dec. 7, 1899, and Veia Martha, born Dec. 3, 1906. 308 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mr. Erickson was confirmed in St. Paul's Nor- wegian Lutheran Church, but afterward joined the Wicker Park Evangelical Lutheran Church, where he holds the ofifice of deacon and financial secretary. He succeeded his father as a member E. A. Erickson. of the Illinois Commandery of the Military Or- der of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He is also a member of Blair Lodge No. 393 of the Masonic Fraternity. He came to America in 1884, arriving in Chi- cago on June 9. Upon his arrival here he se- cured work as a carpenter for several years, or until 1890, when he joined his brother, Sievert Erickson, and engaged in the business as car- penters, contractors and builders, under the firm name of Erickson Bros. They have been very successful, having erected many large storage houses, factories and other buildings. Mr. Erickson is a Mason, a member of Blair Lodge A. F. and A. M., and belongs to the consistory and the Medinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Our subject's father, who was born in 1819, died in 1875, and his mother, born in 1821, died in 1904. EDD (ODD) ERICKSON, Edd Erickson. Of the firm of Erickson Bros., contractors and builders, with offices in the Oxford Building, 84 La Salle street, Chicago, was born at Vassestran- den, Norway, Feb. 22, 1865. His father, Erik Arnetvidt, was a farmer; his mother's maiden name being Martha Sjursdatter Tweite. Our subject worked on his father's farm and attended the common schools during his youth, and later learned the trade of a carpenter. Mr. Erickson was married to Miss Gurie L. M0en, from Voss, Norway, on Sept. 26, 1896. Her parents were Lars and Johanne Helleness Dykesten. His wife died July 23, 1905, leaving him with two children — Elmer Johan, born March 27, 1898, and Marguerite Lillian, born Dec. 16, 1899. He resides with his children at 237 Webster avenue. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 309 OLE ERICKSON, The leading merchant at Morris, 111., was born in Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, Oct. 6, 1850. His parents were Erick and Marit (born Svarthau- gen) Erickson, from Kvam, Gudbrandsdalen. They were farmers, and our subject worked on the farm and attended the common schools. When 16 years old Mr. Erickson came to Chi- cago and secured work in a grocery, where he remained for three years. In May, 1870, he went to Morris and with a partner opened a dry goods store. This partnership lasted for three years, O. Erickson. when he sold out and again began clerking, con- tinuing for about eight years. In 1880, in partnership with W. B. Hull, he opened a general store in Morris. In 1884 his partner sold his interest in the business to B. W. Lens and the firm of Lens & Erickson was formed. The business increased and soon be- came one of the largest stores in Grundy county. In 1892 the firm moved into larger quarters in the Smith building. In 1894 the firm branched out into the grocery business also, having bought the stock of Jonas Jorstad. W. S. Strong was now admitted as a member of the firm in tlie grocery department, the name being changed to Erickson & Co. W. B. Lens, the senior member of the firm, went to Kansas City, and in 1899 Mr. Erick- son became the sole owner of the dry goods store. His oldest son, Mr. A. E. Erickson, was now admitted to the business and the firm name was made O. Erickson & Son. The present quarters, where the dry goods and grocery departments have been located, though large, have proved too small for the firm's busi- ness, so that they have lately moved into Mr. Erickson's large two-story brick building on the corner of Liberty and Jackson streets. Mr. Erickson was married in Morris on Sept. 10, 1871, to Miss Mary M., a daughter of William Frey, of that city. They have had six children, namely: Anna M., born Nov. 1, 1872 (she died in the summer of 1883); Albert Edward, March 19, 1875;- William Blaine, June 20, 1885; Edna Louisa, June 11, 1890; Marit May, who died in infancy; Mildred Ruth, March 19, 1895. Albert Edward was married to Miss Ida Hoge, of Mor- ris, Nov. 11, 1897; and William Blaine to Miss Mary Wainwright, on June 20, 1905. Mr. Erickson was a Lutheran and his wife a Presbyterian, but the family now attends the Presbyterian Church, in which our subject was elected trustee in 1881. He has for a number of years been president of the board and is a teacher and superintendent of the Sunday school. As chairman of the building committee for the erec- tion of a new church in 1903 he earned for him- self an excellent record as a promoter; a $25,000- edifice was built and turned over to the congre- gation, free of debt. Mr. Erickson has held sev- eral local offices and is a staunch republican. His mother died in Norway, Nov. 29, 1879, and his father, who came to America and settled oni a farm in Minnesota in 1880, died there in 1885^ HENRY HANSEN ERLAND, Son of Christian and Anne Mathea Hansen, was born in Chicago, May 21, 1879. He attended the Chicago public schools and graduated from the English High and manual training school. He then began work in a brass foundry, but soon de- cided to go to college and acquire a better educa- tion. Entered the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1898 and graduated in 1901 with the de- gree of Bachelor of Law. The same year hf 310 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS successfully passed the bar examination for the state of Illinois and was admitted to practice law before the supreme court of Illinois. Returning to Chicago, he entered the law offices of Wickett, Bruce & Meier, general practitioners. Later he became associated with Colonel John S. Cooper and Hon. Otto Gresham. In 1904 he abandoned the general practice of law to accept a position with The William D. Gibson Company, corner of Huron and Kings- H. H. Erland. bury streets, Chicago, manufacturers of steel and wire springs. Mr. Erland takes and active interest in politics, especially in ward and city affairs. He is a mem- ber of the Illinois Athletic Club. He is also a member of St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church, of which he has been a trustee for the past three years. He is not married, and lives at 816 No. Washtenaw avenue. Svenson Espe and his mother G0a Olsdatter Bakke, of Odde sogn, whose mother was born in Denmark. He was educated in the country school and worked on his father's farm, and was also fish- ing, until he was confirmed. He then went to Stavanger to learn the carpenter trade, and re- mained there one year. Then returned to the farm and worked there until he emigrated to America, in 1857, on board a small schooner, the J0rgen Brunchorst, and landed in Quebec. From there he came to Chicago on the 7th day of June. From Chicago he went to Bradford, Lee county, 111. Worked on a farm for about two years. Then he with a party of young men started out with ox teams over the plains for Pike's Peak, Colorado. As it was hard to find anything to PETER O. ESPE Was born at Ullensvang sogn, in Hardanger, Norway, Sept. 29, 1833. His father was Die P. O. Espe. eat, except when they were able to kill a buffalo or antelope, they came pretty near starving, so the party broke up and some of them returned, but others, among them Mr. Espe, continued to California, where the gold fever was just raging at the time. He arrived in California the 29th of October, same year, having spent nearly six months on the way. He went to the northern part of California and remained there for six BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 311 years, all the time mining gold on his own ac- count. He did not gather any millions of gold,, but succeeded fairly well, so that he could return home by the way of Panama, the Gulf of Mexico and New York with a snug sum of money saved up. He remembers how he passed the isthmus of Panama on New Year's day, and when they came to New York they were inet by a snow blizzard — a terrible change in climate from the tropics. He now returned by railroad via Chicago to Willow Creek township, to Mr. Lars Risetter's, and then bought a farm in Alto township, where he has been located ever since. Mrs. P. O. Espe. In February, 1887, he concluded that it was not good to be alone any longer and was mar- ried to Miss Cecilia Branstveit, a native of Nor- way, with whom he has had one son, Peter Si- mon Espe, born 21st of June, 1890. In 1865 Mr. Espe's parents came over from the old country and remained with him and brother until their death. The mother died af- ter two years, but the father lived nearly twenty years in this country. Besides his farm in Illinois Mr. Espe owns a tract of land in Minnesota. The family are mem- bers of the church of the Hauge Synod. DR. HAROLD ONSUM EVENSEN, Of Ottawa, 111., was born at Veblungsnes, Roms- dalen, Norway, April 29, 1868, his parents being Halvor and Hannah (born Ejde) Evensen. He took his middelskole examination at Molde and after three years' study at the cathedral school, where he received the degree of artium, he went to the University of Christiania, where he passed another examination. Afterward he studied med- icine until he came to Chicago, in 1892. His objects in coming here were, first, to see the country, and second, to confirm the hopes of finding a wider and better field for practice. He immediately entered the College of Phys- icians and Surgeons; studied there for two years, and graduated in 1894. Since that time he has attended post graduate school for a month or two nearly every year in Chicago and 'at the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital in New York. Dr. H. O. Evensen. Before settling in Ottawa he also spent nearly a year at the Eye clinics in Paris, where he re- ceived a diploma from the medical faculty of the University of Paris. From there he went to Berlin, where he devoted six months to the study of eye, ear, nose and throat diseases under the 312 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS fprempst specialists. He then returned to Amer- ica and has since been located in Ottawa. He was recently appointed a trustee of the Eye and Ear Infirmary of the state of Illinois, located at Adams and S. Peoria streets, Chicago, one of the most commendable charity institutions in the state. On January 3, 1906, he was married to Miss Nellie Florence Nash. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., M. W. A., the Ottawa Boat Club, Deer Park Golf Club, and the B. P. O. of Elks. WILLIS C. FARLEY, Of Leland, was born in Adams township, La Salle county, III, May 13, 1866. His parents were Christopher and Helen (Sanderson) Farley. His W. C. Farley and Wife. father was born May 15, 1832. a son of Christo- pher and Julia Farley, who emigrated from Nor- way to America in 1842, settling at Muskego, Wis. There the elder Mr. Farley died and his wife with her son Christopher (the father of Willis C.) moved to La Salle county, Illinois, in 1844 and located in Adams township. .Here our subject's father followed farming for four years as a farm hand at $4 per month, until he could make better arrangements. He followed farm- ing, married, and settled down on a homestead, where he stayed until his death, Aug. 11, 1895. His widow is still living in Leland. Their chil- dren were Esther and Mathilda (both deceased), Willis C. (our subject), Hannah, Frank (now living on the old homestead), and Edward and Alfred (who were grocers in Leland in 1897-98). Willis C. was reared on the homestead and at- tended the country schools. He left the farm in 1891 and entered the meat-market business in Leland. He afterward sold out and went into the clothing business m partnership with his uncle under the firm name of Sanderson & Far- ley. He sold his interest in this in 1894, but in January following he bought the business from his uncle and conducted it alone. He continued this business until 1903, when he sold out and went into the grain and coal business. In 1894 he was married to Miss Nettie Baker, a daughter of Ole Baker, of Paw Paw township, De Kalb county. They have had four children — Fremont, born May 27, 1895; Oakley, Jan. 25, 1897, who died Jan. 26, 1898; Wilmer, born Dec. 15, 1899; Herbis, Sept. 9, 1902. Mr. Farley is a member of the Lutheran Church. He has filled several political offices, the mention of which will be found in the historical part. * CARL EUGENE FAYE Was born in Christiania, Norway, Feb. 6, 1858. His father was Consul General Jacob C. A. Faye, his mother Christine Faye (nee Heftye). Carl spent his boyhood days in the country at Hafs- lund, but later completed his education by study- ing languages and commercial business in Scot- land, France and Germany, from 1877 to 1881. In 1875 he entered the shipping and lumber office of Thos. Stang & Co., Sarpsborg, as clerk, and remained until 1877. From 1881 to 1883 he was employed in his uncle's bank (Thos. Johan Hefty & Son) at Chris- tiania. He came to this country in 1883. He secured employment here with the wholesale hat firm of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 313 Packer, McDonald & Bliss and remained with them for two years, when he went into the real estate and insurance business. He is now in the fire insurance business, room 324, 159 La Salle street. He is the inventor of the Faye air- moistener attachment to radiators, patented Oct. 10, 1905. Mr. Faye served a few months in the Norweg- ian infantry. He is a member of the Norwegian Quartette Club; the Hamilton Club; past archon of Amity Council, No. 13, of the Royal League; past chancellor of Woodlawn Council, No. 24, of the North American Union; and was appointed on the board of managers of the Straphangers' League by John M. Harlan. He is a Lutheran, though not a member of any particular church. His father, as has already been mentioned, was Consul General at Christiania, succeeding his father, Hans Faye, and both were generally well known by several generations in this country. Mr. Faye married Miss Dagmar Olsen, June 9, 1887. They have had three children, one now living. FREDRIK AUGUST FERDINANDSEN Was born on Watnemoholmen, Norway, Octo- ber 21, 1848, to Ferdinand A. Rasak Fredrikson and his wife Ingeborg Elizabeth Torkelsen. His father was a pilot on the Norwegian coast. Mr. Ferdinandsen was educated in the country school and confirmed in the Lutheran church at Ogne. At the age of 14 he went to sea as a sailor before the mast advancing until he became first mate. He sailed on the Ocean for years. On April 1, 1882, he left Stavanger for Amer- ica landing at New .York two weeks later. From there he went direct to Chicago and sailed on Lake Michigan for one year. Before leaving his native country ^Ir. Ferdi- nandsen had been joined in wedlock to Miss Christine Egeland, of Stavanger, on March 19, 1874. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. As- bj0rn Egeland. They have had seven children: Julia Adolphine, born Nov. 20, 1875; Alexander Cerelems, Sept. 21, 1877; Ferdinand August Ra- sak, Febr. 3, 1882; Enoch Marcellus, Aug. 23, 1883; Inga Louise, Jan. 13, 1885; Kittie Florence, May 1, 1886, and May, born Sept. 3, 1887. — Inga Louise is married to Mr. Charles A. Mace, of Boston, and Ferdinand A. Rasak to Miss Georgia Evelyn Kissack, of Chicago. After having sailed for one year on the lakes, Mr. Ferdinandsen in 1883 secured employment as shipping clerk for the Chicago Paper Com- pany, which position he is still holding. In politics he is a Republican and has served as judge of election for the last four years. He has always taken great interest in every- thing concerning his own countrymen and their advancement in this country. He is or has been a member of the following societies: Knights of the Maccabees of the World; the Leif Erikson Monument Society and the Norwegian National League of Chicago. In these societies he has held various offices, as treasurer, secretary and vice-president. He also at one time was a mem- ber of the Norwegian Tabitha Society. Mr. Ferdinandsen's parents have both departed this life; the father at Watnemoholmen, in 1899, and the mother at Stavanger, in 1906. With his family he resides at 291 W. Ohio street. REV. CHRISTIAN W. FINWALL, Who has served the Norwegian Baptist Church at Logan Square since Nov. 1, 1901, was born 314 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS in the city of Bergen, Norway, Febr. 18, 1865. In 1870 he entered a school in his native city, and graduated in 1880. His father was engaged in the tailoring business, and is now located at Kankakee, 111., where he has lived since 1884, His mother died in 1878. His secret ambition as was to become an actor, and with this in mind he studied vigorously, without his father's knowl- edge or consent. When the senior Finwall left Bergen for Chicago early in the year 1883, the young man was put in charge of a merchant tailor at Bergen, to become a successor of his father Park, 111. From that institution he graduated in May, 1887, and then accepted the pastorate of the Norwegian Baptist church in Brookings, So. Dak. While attending the Seminary he assisted the pastor of the Pilgrim Baptist Church, and began the work, which culminated in the Bethel Scandinavian Baptist Church, Chicago. Since his graduation he has served churches in St. Paul, and Minneapolis, Minn., in Seattle and Ballard, Wash., in Fargo, N. Dak., and now the Logan Square Norwegian Baptist Church of Chicago. He Has baptized about 450 persons upon personal confession of faith in Christ, and received more than 550 believers, from other churches during his twenty years of public ministry. He has raised more than $30,000 for church edifices and philantropic objects. He has also planned, gath- ered funds and superintended the building of parsonages and church edifices at Brookings, S. Dak., St. Paul, Minn., Ballard, Wash, Fargo, N. Dak., Baldwin, Wis., and Chicago, 111., while be- ing active \vith his pen and otherwise, beside taking care of his pulpit. On Dec. 13, 1887, Rev. Finwall was married to Miss Julia Martin, born near La Crosse, Wis. Three children were born to them. Myrtle, Pearl and Cyrus. Mrs. Finwall having departed from this life Oct. 9, 1894, Mr. Finwall on June 21, 1895, was again married, this time to Miss Eliza Martinsen, a school teacher, of Minneapolis, Minn., who was born in Big Stone county, Minn. Their union has been blessed with six children: Ellsworth, Ruth, Harris, Stella, Edith and Man- ning. All the children are living. With his family Rev. Finwall resides in his own new home at 1507 Monticello avenue in the midst of a prosperous and peaceful Norwegian population. Rev. C. W. Finwall. in his trade. This was the young man's oppor- tunity, and he employed his spare time to study plays and great actors, until he suddenly on May 14, 1884, was converted to Christ, and at once threw his whole soul into Christian endeavors. He joined the Baptist Church, at Bergen, in June 1883, and in August he decided to leave his native town for Chicago to prepare for the ministry. The first year in Chicago he worked with his hands during the day and brushed himself up in English and other prediminary studies during the evenings, and the following year he entered Union Theological Seminary, located at Morgan KNUT L. FOSSE, Of Freedom, 111., was born in Strandebarn, Har- danger, Norway, Oct. 11, 1862. Flis parents, Lars Anderson and Guri Knudsdatter, are both de- ceased! Mr. Fosse was educated in the public schools and confirmed. He then worked on the farms in the neighborhood for about three years, when he went to sea, sailing to Iceland and those waters until he was of age. Then he con- cluded to seek his fortune in America, and ar- rived in New York in 1884. He went direct to Ottawa, III., where he arrived on May 29. From BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 315 Ottawa he walked to Freedom township, where he secured employment with Ole K. Olson and remained for three years. The second year after arrival he joined the Lutheran Church at Free- dom, and the following year he married Miss Anna Olson (Tooftee), who was born in Tin, Telemarken. Her father was Ole and mother Guri Tooftee, from Heddal, Telemarken. Her father died in the old country, but with her mother, two brothers and a sister Mrs. Fosse came to America and Freedom township in 1883. K. L. Fosse. After his marriage Mr. Fosse rented a farm on shares for ten years. He then bought a place of 120 acres in the same township, in 1901, which he is still cultivating and improving. Mr. and Mrs. Fosse have seven children, all living, name- ly: Laura, 16 years; Clara, 14; George, 12; Mary, 8; Harald, 7; Ida, 5; Alfred, 3 years old. The family are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Posse has been a deacon of the church for about fifteen years, and has acted as superintendent of the Sunday school several times. He was also elected as a director for the district school No. 249 several times. FREDERIK FREDERIKSEN, The Scandinavian violinist, was born in Fredriks- hald, Norway, Nov. 23, 1869, of a Danish father and a Norwegian mother. At a very early age he showed great love for music and was given a violin when only six years old. At seven years he received his first lesson and two years later made his first appearance in public. When fif- teen years of age he entered the Royal Conserv- atoire of Music in Leipzic and after studying three years under Profs. Hans Sitt and Friedrich Hermann (violin) and Prof. S. Jadassohn (har- mony), he received his diploma as the result of an exceptionally successful appearance at the conservatoire public concerts. His next move Prof. Frederik Frederiksen. was to Berlin where he studied for several years with the world-renowned violinist Prof. Emile Sauret who was, and always has been, to him not only a great master, but a most kind friend. Mr. Frederiksen also spent some time in Paris where he was a first violinist in the celebrated Lamoureux orchestra and at the same time availed himself of the opportunity to study with 316 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS the well known violinist M. Martin Maesick. During his subsequent career Mr. Frederiksen has had considerable experience and success both as perforniet" and teacher. Among other appear- ances he has toured Scotland, Norway with Ma- dame Agathe Backer Grjzindahl and Mr. Martin Knutzen. He has also played at the Christiania symphony concerts under Iver Holter, with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, in London, Eng- land, with the Crystal Palace Orchestra and the Queen's Hall Orchestra. In compliance with the wish of his friend and former teacher M. Emile Sauret, Mr. Frederiksen took up his abode in London in 1893 and spent thirteen years there winning for himself a reputation as a fine player and an exceptionally good teacher. Shortly after violin at the Chicago Musical College, and has already gained a reputation for himself as an ex- cellent performer and successful teacher. RASMUS R, FRETTE Was born in Ettne prestegjeld, Sjzindre Bergens stift, Norway, Nov. 24, 1834. His father was Rasmus Rasmussen Frette, a farmer, and his mother Siri Thorkelsdatter Sande. Until 18 years old he worked with his father on Sande, when Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Frette. arriving in London Mr. Frederiksen made the acquaintance of his wife, then Miss Grace Hen- shaw, who had won considerable distinction as a pianist at the Royal Academy of Music in Lon- don and at the Klintworth Conservatoire in Ber- lin, and together thev gave their first London concert, and their subsequent annual concerts were well known and were most favorably re- ceived both by the press and the public. Mr. Frederiksen has had the honor of playing before H. M. The King of Sweden on five different oc- occasions receiving his personal congratula- tions. He came over to America a little over a year ago to take up a position as a professor of his father inherited Gaarden Frette and the fam- ily moved there. In 1858 he was married to Gunilla Olsen, born in 1838. In 1870 they emigrated to America, coming on a sailing vessel and landing at Que- bec. They made their way from there to Ken- dall county, Illinois, where they remained for ten years, locating in Ford county in 1880, where they bought a farm and settled at Farmersville, seven miles west of Paxton, 111. He still owns the farm, which is run by one of his sons. They have been blessed by twelve children, seven sons and five daughters, of whom four sons and three daughters are living, all married except the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 317 youngest daughter. Tlic family attends the Nor- wegian Lutheran Cliurch near Elliott, where the children have been confirmed. Mr. Frette has taken a great interest in educa- tional and church work among his countrymen by contributing to the Pleasant View Luther College and sending some of his children there. He has served as deacon for his church for twenty-five years. He resides with his wife and youngest daughter in their own home in Paxton, Illinois. MICHAEL S. FRIES, Of Helmar, 111., was born in Norway, Racine county, Wis., Oct. 20, 1869. His parents were Bennet M. and Martha (Abrahamson) Fries. His parents were farmers, and our subject worked on the farm and attended the common school, and also the high school one year. Af- ter leaving school he sailed on the lakes for two years and worked as a painter for four years. He then moved to Kendall county, Illinois, and founded what is now known as the village of Helmar. xAt that time there were no other buildings there except Rev. Rasmussen's North Prairie Church, which is located at the corner of the four townships. Fox, Big Grove, Kendall and Lisbon. Mr. Fries built the first house and opened a general store, and in 1894 succeeded in establishing a post-office. He was appointed postmaster, which place he has held since. He also owns a store in Newark, managed by his brother-in-law, H. B. Peterson. Our subject was married to Miss Malinde E. EUertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EUertson, of Lisbon, III, on May 2, 1894. They were mar- ried in the church at Helmar. They have five children — Iva Margrete, born Jan. 29, 1895; Bernice Sedalia, April 4, 1897; Rudolph Daniel, Feb. 4, 1900; Shervin, May 16, 1901; Milton Jer- emiah, June 25; 1905. Mr. Fries is the only surviving son of a family of twelve children, and all were living when his father died in 1881; his mother died in 1885, and is buried in the old cemetery in Racine county, Wisconsin. Mr. Fries is the president of St. Olafs Temp- erance Union at Helmar, a trustee of the Luth- eran Church and a teacher in the Sunday school. He contributes liberally to Norwegian charities, takes great interest in the Pleasant View Luther College at Ottawa, and is a faithful worker for his local church at Helmar. LARS FRULAND, Of Newark, 111., was born in Samnanger, near Bergen, Norway, March 15, 1831. His father was Nils Fruland, a farmer, and his mother, Anne Tpsseland Williamson. His father emigrated to America in 1837, with his family and a large party of his neighbors, and landed in New York. From that city they followed the usual route west, via the Hudson River to Albany, thence to Buffalo, and through the lakes to Chicago. Leav- ing their families there, some trusted members went out prospecting for suitable lands, but were misled and went south to the vicinity of Beaver Creek, near the Indiana line. They settled there, bought cattle, and took up claims, but the place at that time was very unhealthy because of malaria, and about half of the settlers died of fever and ague in a short time. After two years Nils Fruland and the others concluded that they had better look to the west for better land and a healthier climate. They accordingly packed their belongings and set out toward the west. Only one of the first party, a Mr. Langeland, re- mained about two years longer. The party went to La Salle county, to what was then known as Mission Point, which later was renamed Norway, indicating from whence its population had come. After arriving here (at Norway) Mr. Fruland worked for others for about a year and then bought eighty acres. On this he put up a good- sized log house, which he occupied until his death, adding to and enlarging it from time to time. Here he reared his family, which consisted of five children. Three children were born in the old country and two in this new Norway. He gradually added to his holdings until he had 240 acres. Mr. Nils Fruland departed this life in 1873, and his wife in 1896, at the ripe age of 96 years. Before his death Mr. Fruland di- vided his land among his children, giving each of them forty acres, retaining only forty acres for himself. Some of the children bought the others out, thus increasing their holdings. Mr. Lars Fruland \yorked on the farm until it was divided among the children, when he moved to Newark, where he purchased a house. In 1856 he was married to Miss Levina Lar- son, who was born in Stavanger, Oct. 7, 1837. [Her parents were Lars Olson Hetletvedt and Bertha Siversdatter, who came to America in 1853.] They have been blessed with eight chil- dren five of whom are living, namely: Lewis Fruland, 45 years old, a farmer, and married to Sera Rasmussen; Emma, married to Mr. Casse Johnson, who was in business in Morris, but died 318 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS ten years ago, leaving a widow and three chil- dren; Nils Fruland, 36 years old, married and a farmer; Joseph Fruland, 33 years, married and farming; Porter Fruland, 27 years old, married and living on the homestead. The old couple have seventeen grandchildren. The family are members of the Hauge Synod. Mr. Fruland and all his sons are stanch republicans. FREDRIK HERMAN GADE, Consul for Norway at Chicago, also lawyer, was born Aug. 12, 1871, at Frogner Hovegaard, near Christiania, the estate of the Gade family for F. H. Gade. several generations. His father is Gerhard Gade, who for twenty-seven years was United States consul at Christiania. An uncle, Fredrik G. Gade, a well known merchant and large capitalist, was at one time a member of the Storthing and also United States consul at Bergen. Another uncle was Herman Gade, commander in the Norweg- ian Navy and first chamberlain to King Oscar II. Mr. Gade's mother was Miss Helen R. Allyn, of Cambridge, Mass., of old New England pilgrim stock, being a direct descendant of William Brad- ford, first governor of Massachusetts. Mr. Gade received his education partly in Nor- way and partly in Cambridge, Mass. In 1889 he entered Harvard College and completed the four- year academical course in three years. Lie there- upon took the Harvard law-school course and graduated as LL. B. in 1895. He settled in Chicago and soon formed a law partnership with his Har- vard classmate, Charles B. Pike, which continued until 1903, when Mr. Pike went out of the law practice to fill the position of president of the Hamilton National Bank. Later Mr. Gade formed a law partnership with Theodore Stensland and Johan Waage 'under the firm name of Gade, Stensland & Waage, since dissolved. Mr. Gade resides in Lake Forest, and was mayor of that municipality for three terms, from 1903 to 1906. During the critical period following the action of the Norwegian Storthing in declaring the union with Sweden dissolved, J\Ir. Gade was most active in laboring for the recognition of Norway's sovereignty by the United States, and in tins behalf headed the movement for present- ing to President Roosevelt the monster petition from Norwegians in America asking for such recognition. Mr. Gade was in December, 1905, appointed consul for Norway at Chicago, when, owing to the dissolution of the union with Sweden, a separate consular service was established; the of- fice being at the same time converted into a full consulate, to include the states of Illinois, Indi- ana and Michigan. During the summer of 1906 Mr. Gade attended the coronation of King Haakon in Trondhjem and handed to the king, as a greeting from Nor- wegians in America, a portfolio containing po- ems, musical compositions and artistic designs. Mr. Gade received during the festivities the coro- nation medal. He married on May 25, 1897, Miss Alice Gar- field King, of Chicago, and in this marriage there are two children — Gerhard and Alice King. The family attends the Presbyterian Church at Lake Forest. Mr. Gade is a member of the University Club of Chicago, the Harvard Clubs of Chicago and New York, the Onwentsia Club (being its secre- tary), the Norwegian Quartette Club and the So- ciety of Mayflower Descendants. He is one of the trustees of the New National Theater Asso- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 319 ciation, being deeply interested in a movement to elevate the stage by productions of high dra- matic and literary order. WILLIAM GERNER, President of the William Gerner Piano Company, was born at Berger, near Eidsvold, Norway, March 23, 1.86'5. He went to Christiania when 2 years old, with his parents, Thomas and Thora (nee Paulsen) Gerner, where he attended school, and at the age of 14 entered the mercantile field. He came to Chicago in 1885, and his first position was to take care of a horse for a piano man. Later he began to sell the Mason & Hamlin pianos and organs, until he left Chicago to ac- cept a position with the S. Dill & Co. music house in Kalamazoo, Mich. In 1888 he returned to Chi- cago and a.gain engaged with the Mason & Ham- lin Piano Company, but later he entered the ser- vice of the Chicago Cottage Organ Company (now known as the Cable Company), where he gradually rose to be one of their managers. Mr. to have the largest Scandinavian following in his line of business in the West, and made a special efifort to employ salesmen of all nationalities, which policy resulted in an immense business. Mr. Gerner has also started several agencies for American organs in Scandinavia, and since he came to this country has made several trips abroad. In May, 1903, Mr. Gerner severed his connec- tion with the Cable Company and purchased stock in a big modern piano factory and organized the William Gerner Piano Company. Besides being directly interested in the manufacture of modern, high class pianos, his company is also factory dis- tributers for Player pianos, and organs and for renowned grand and upright pianos, made in Bos- ton and New York, with over forty years' repu- tation for unquestioned reliability. Mr. Gerner married Miss Cecilie Dahl, from Christiania, Norway, 1891. Five children were born to them, of whom three are living, Signe, 14; William Dahl, 10; and Gudrun. 7 years old. Mr. Gerner is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club, Normsndenes Sangforening. and one of the founders and a charter member of the Norwegian Quartette Club of Chicago. William Gerner. Gerner managed to establish an enormous busi- ness for this concern, not only among Americans, but among all other nationalities. He was known v chief engineer for the Shififler Bridge Co. JOACHIM GOTTSKE GIAVER, Chief structural engineer for D. H. Burnham & Co., was born at Gjjzivig, Lyngen, near Troms0, Norway, Aug. 15, 1856. His parents were I. H. and Hanna B. (Holmboe) Giaver, the father be- ing a merchant. Mr. Giaver received his primary education by private tutelage at home until he was confirmed in the Lutheran church at Lyngen. He then assisted in his father's business until 19 years of age, when he spent one year preparing for college, whereupon he entered the technical college at Trondhjem, completing a course there in three years. In June, 1882, Mr. Giaver came to .\merica, spent a short time in Chicago and then went to St. Paul, Minn., where he started as a draftsman in an architect's office and later worked one year in the bridge department of the Northern Pacific Railroad, dividing his time between their offices in St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth. In the fall of 1883 he secured a position in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he remained until 1891, having in the meantime risen to the position of 320 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS In 1891 Mr. Giaver came to Chicago and was made assistant chief engineer in charge of de- signing all the structures for the World's Colum- bian Exposition. That work completed he started in the contracting business for himself in 1893, continuing same until 1897, when he became bridge designer for the Chicago Drainage Dis- trict. Since 1899 he has held the position of chief structural engineer for D. H. Burnham & Co. On Sept. 3, 1885, Mr. Giaver was married to Miss Louise Karoline Schmedling, a daughter T. G. Giaver. of Carl Wilhelm and Kaia Emelie (M0ldrop) Schmedling of Trondhjem. This union has been blessed with eight children, six sons and two daughters of whom five are now living, viz., Astrid, born Jan. 13, 1888; Birgit, June 18, 1889; Erling, July 10, 1891; Finn, Aug. 20, 1892, and Einar, May 22, 1897. Three sons, Einar, Leif and Carl Wilhelm died in infancy. Mr. Giaver's parents both died in Norway, the father in 1884 and the mother in 1903. He is a member of the Western Society of Civil Engineers, the Columbia Yacht Club, the Young Men's Christian Association and the Norwegian Quartette Club. The family resides at 1356 N. Sav.'yer avenue. WALDEMAR GIERTSEN Was born in Bergen, Norway, Oct. 1, 1868. He came to Chicago in August, 1887, and has re- mained here since. He was employed by the follow- ing firms in succession: C. Erickson, dry goods; Mandel Bros., as shade hanger; C. H. Besley & Co., machinists' supplies; J. A. Fay & Co., and their successors, J. A. Fay & Eagan Co.; Man- ning, Maxwell & Moore. He spent about eleven years with these different firms, making the ma- chinery supplies business a special study. In 1900 he started in business for himself, under the name of Machinery Exchange, which he changed in 1905 to the Chicago Machinery Exchange, deal- ing especially in wood-working machinery. The company is incorporated and Mr. Giertsen owns Waldemar Giertsen. 95 per cent of the stock, being the president and treasurer. He is also a stockholder, director and second vice-president of the Jennings Real Estate Loan Co., being one of the organizers of that con- cern. He is a Mason and a member of the Ham- ilton Club. He married, Oct. 20, 1897, Miss Theckla Ida Henschel, of German parents, born and reared at Sheboygan, Wis. They reside in their own home a*: 551 Winthrop avenue. Ed'Te'"-a*^e". BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 331 ADOLF C. GRESEN, The real estate man, was born at Porsgrund, Norway, Dec. 31, 1862, his parents being Ole An- dreas and Laurence Gresen. He attended the public school in Norway and then clerked in a grocery store in Porsgrund until he was 26 years old, when he left for America, arriving here on A. C. Gresen. April 15, 1888, alone. After mastering the pre- vailing speech of the country he secured a place as buyer for a wholesale commission house, and later went into the commission business for him- self, continuing at that until 1892, when he en- gaged in the real estate business. Mr. Gresen does not claim any distinction of any kind except that he is a good citizen and belongs to the Lutheran Church. born in Skien, Norway, Feb. 19, 1859, to Chris- tian and Marthine Christine (born Johannesen) Grauer. His father, who was a tailor by trade, was born in Eidsvold; his mother in Skien. He came to America with his parents in 1863, landing in Quebec, where the family remained for a year before coming on to Chicago. Here Mr. Grauer, Sr., built himself a substantial home at 160 N. Green street, where our subject spent his youth, or until his parents passed away — his mother on Feb. 19, 1882, and his father in Octo- ber, 1886. Here Otto passed through the public school, attended evening school, and also took private lessons. Later he took a three-year course at the Chicago Theological Seminary, PROF. OTTO CHRISTOPHER GRAUER, With the Chicago Theological Seminary, repre- senting the Danish-Norwegian department, was O. C. Grauer. graduating in 1887. During vacations and as a regular emplo3'ee during these thirty years he has also worked for Edward Ely & Co., Field & Leiter, J. V. Farwell & Co., and the Sandford Manufacturing Company. He was married to Jennie Douglas, daughter of James and Agnes Ainslie, Jan. 18, 1883. They have had three children, two now living, namely: James Carroll, born Aug. 17, 1887, and George Ainslie, March 2. 1890. Rev. Grauer's first call as a minister of the 323 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS gospel was to the Congregational Church at Cragin, 111., where he officiated during the last year of his seminary course. He was also in- strumental in building a house of worship for this congregation. He was pastor for the Union Congregational Church at Cobden, 111., in 1887-89. general missionary for northern Wisconsin under the Congregational Sunday-School Publication Society until 1891. In the fall of 1891 he began work as professor in the Danish-Norwegian de- partment of Chicago Theological Seminary, and has continued in this position until the present time. The special branches he teaches are sys- tematic theology, church history, psychology, and English language and rhetoric. During his con- nection with the seminary he has also served sev- eral churches, among them the Courtland Street Congregational Church, Chicago, which he organ- ized and helped to secure a house of worship; the Trinity Congregational Church, acting pastor in 1899j and the Bethany Congregational Church from 1903 to 1906. For five years he was com- mander-in-chief of the United Boys' Brigade of America, and is still vice-president of the national organization. For eight 3'ears he has been treas- urer and business manager for the Evangelisten Publishing Society, which publishes the Norweg- ian religious weekly, Evangelisten. He is also the author of the Norwegian handbook for ministers, called Pastoral Haandbog. When nineteen years old our subject joined the Tabernacle Church, on Grand avenue and Morgan street, and served as Sunday school superintend- ent, clerk and treasurer, and he and Mrs. Grauer were members of the choir for seven years. The family are now members of the First Congrega- tional Church of Oak Park. The Professor was a member of Company D, First Illinois Infantry, I. N. G., for five years, and served during the railroad riot in 1877. As a boy Mr. Grauer was not confirmed, and explains this fact as follows: "My mother was a convert in the so-called Lammer's movement in Skien in the '50's and was a charter member of the free church, organized July 4, 1856, and called the Free Apostolical Christian Church. She was therefore a dissenter from the state church, and that accounts for my not being confirmed, and for the fact that we became identified with the Con- gregational or Free Church here in America, the principles of that church coming nearest to these she learned to believe in the Norwegian Free Church." The family resides at 446 N. Grove avenue. Oak Park, 111. The Professor's business address is 81 Ashland boulevard, Chicago. NICOLAY ANDREAS GREVSTAD Was born on the Grevstad farm, Sykelven, 0r- skog parish, S0ndm0re, Norway, June 2, 1851. His parents were "husmandsfolk" (renters of a small tract of land). He went to the district school, which in those days was kept at the farms of the district, a week at a time in each house; helped his parents to clear and work their midget- farm, and became quite skillful in filling his mother's kettle with fish. N. A. Grevstad. After confirmation he clerked a couple of years in Aalesund. But he felt the need of a better education and after finishing a course at a normal school he began to prepare himself for the uni- versity relying upon what he could earn teaching and working for newspapers. In 1878 he completed his studies in the uni- versity of Christiania, graduating from the law department in the spring of that year; and en- tered the government service in the Department of Justice. But he found the work too slow and in 1880 assumed editorial charge of "Dagbladet," at that time the leading organ of the liberal party of Norway. The country was then facing a grave political crisis growing out of the crown'.s BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 323 claim to an absolute veto. The electoral battle of that summer was fought on this issue, "Dag- bladet" taking a strong and aggressive stand against the crown's attempted usurpation of a prerogative not granted by the organic law of the land, and in support of the liberal party and its leader, Johan Sverdrup. In 1883, owing to political differences with a group of radical leaders who had obtained con- trol of the paper, he resigned as editor of "Dag- bladet," whose circulation h.ad trebled under his management, and came to the United States, where he at first joined the editorial stafif of "Nordvesten," St. Paul, Minn. The adoption of the jury system had for some years been a leading issue in Norway. During the public discussions of the question the opponents of the reform had a great deal to say about the alleged failure of the jury system in America. In order to establish the truth or falsity of these arguments Mr. Grevstad submitted a series of questions concerning the American jury system to leading judges and lawyers of the United States. Replies, generally very full and com- plete, were received from upwards of two hun- dred, including five of the judges of the federal supreme court at Washington. They were em- bodied in a report, which was published by the Storthing of Norway and was drawn upon freely by the members during the debate of the jury law bill then pending. In the fall of 1886 Mr. Grevstad returned to Norway at the request of Johan Sverdrup to re- sume charge of "Dagbladet." But he found him- self a changed man and went back to the United States, this time for good. In the fall of 1887 he accepted a position as editor of the "Norman- naheimen" department of the Minneapolis Jour- nal and also as assistant editorial writer of the Minneapolis Tribune, the two papers at that time being controlled by the same owners. In Janu- ary 1888 he succeeded Dr. Albert Shaw as the leading editorial writer of the Tribune. In 1890 he resigned this position to assume the manage- ment of the Minneapolis Times, at that time onlj'- a few months old, and made it the leading organ in the state of the independent republicans who were opposing the prevailing boss-rule in the party. Since the fall of 1893 he has been editor of the Chicago "Skandinaven." In two articles in the Atlantic Monthly for 1891 and 1893 he has given the Americans a full outline of the principles and working of the Nor- wegian courts of conciliation. In 1879 Mr. Grevstad was married to May Ber- ger of Eidsvold. They have one daughter, Dagny, now Mrs. A. L. Mordt, of Chickasha, Oklahoma. In the fall of 1906 the order of St. Olaf was conferred upon him by King Haakon of Norway. CHARLES GUSTAVE GROTNES, Of the Charles Grotnes' Machine Works, 28-30 W. Washington street, was born in Solom, near C. G. Grotnes. Porsgrund, Norway, on the 18th of August, 1863. His parents were L. P. Pederson and Maren Eliza (born Isaksen) Grotnes, and resided at Pors- grund, where his father was a shipbuilder. When 15 years old Ch?.rles went to sea and sailed for three years, going through the navigation school at Porsgrund at the age of 17. He came to Chicago at the age of 18, intending to sail on the great lakes, but instead went in as an apprentice with a small machine firm named Humbertson, on Canal Street. After three years here he went to work for the Calumet Steel and ;324 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Iron Company, at South Chicago, for two years. He then went to work for William Glader as foreman, and remained with him in that capacity for thirteen years. About five years ago he started in for himself at his present location. He has several patented inventions. Mr. Grotnes was married to Christine Mathilda Wium, of Drammen, Norway, Nov. 4, 1886. They have three children. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., attends the Lutheran Church, and re- sides at 375 Humboldt Avenue. Mr. Grover attended the common school and one term at Pleasant View College, near Ottawa. In 1901 he entered the Northwestern University Law School, from which he graduated in 1904, receiving the degree of LL. B. He then passed the examination before the state board of legal examiners within two weeks, and the same year was admitted to the bar. He returned to Leland and practiced law for one year, until the First National Bank was started, when he was made its cashier. In 1905 he was elected clerk of Adams township, to which office he was re- elected in 1906. He is a member of the Leland Masonic Lodge and attends the Methodist Church. ■ GEORGE O. GROVER, Cashier of the First National Bank at Leland, is a native of the place, having been born there, CARL GULBRANDSEN Was born in Christiansund, Norway, Oct. 26, 1854. He enjoyed a good common school educa- G. O. Grover. June 19, 1877. His father, Charles Grover, is also a native American, and was born in Big Grove township, his parents having come from Norway. His mother, Elizabeth (Johnson), who is still living in Leland, was born in Norway. Carl Gulbrandsen. tion until, at the age of 15, he began his ap- prenticeship in Trondhjem as a wigmaker. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 325 After having learned his profession in Norway he went to Copenhagen, Denmark, to take a position with the wigmaker for the royal Danish court, and finally finished his wigmaking educa- tion under M. Alliber, the celebrated wigmaker of Paris. He came to New York in 1881, and later came to Chicago, where he secured a position as fore- man with the Thomes hair establishment. In 1883 he established his own business, which he has continued since, being now located in the Republic Building, corner of State and Adams streets. At present he is the only Norwegian wigmaker in Chicago, and one of the most noted in the profession, having an actual practical ex- perience of about thirty-five years. In January, 1905, he patented a hair tonic of his own inven- tion, called "Hairo." Mr. Gulbrandsen is a member and is vice- president of Det Norske Sangerforbund and Den Norske Kvartetklub, and also a member of Thor- waldsen's Lodge, K. of P., of which he is treas- urer. His parents died in Norway many years ago. Mr. Gulbrandsen is married and has a family of three grown-up children — two daughters and one son, and resides at 1412 N. Spaulding avenue. Since the above was written Mr. Gulbrandsen has been elected president of Det Norske Sanger- forbund for the ensuing year. REV. GEORGE ALBERT GULLIXON, Pastor of St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church in Chicago, was born in Bode, Iowa, December 19, 1866. His parents, who were farmers, living near Bode, were Andrew and Anna Rossing Gul- lixon. The subject of our sketch spent his early life on his father's farm, attending the country schools, and was confirmed in St. Olaf's Evan- gelical Lutheran Church at Bode. Later he entered Luther College at Decorah, Iowa, taking the full course, and graduated in 1890. He then completed his studies for the ministry by taking the prescribed course at Luther Seminary, then at Robbinsdale, Minn., now at Hamline, Minn.; graduating in 1893. He was principal of Luther Academy at Bode, Iowa, in the school year of 1886-'87, after his sophomore year at college. After graduating from the seminary and having been ordained as a minister in 1893, he was called as assistant to Rev. L. O. Sherven at Orfordsville, Janesville, Beloit, and Rock Run, Wis., which position he accepted. The following year, 1894, this charge was divided. Rev. Gullixon accepting the pastor- ate of the Beloit and Rock Run congregation^ in November of that year. He continued as pastor of this charge until July, 1902, when he accepted the pastorate of the Norwegian Evangelical Luth- eran St. Paul'? Church, Chicago. He was married to Minnie Amanda Olson, of Madison, Wis., October 7, 1897, her parents being S0ren and Randi (born Amundson) Olson. They Rev. G. A. Gullixon, have been blessed with four children, Ruth Agnes, Alvin Sigurd, Valborg Adeline, and Esther Signe. Alvin Sigurd, born December 30, 1900, died De- cember 21, 1905. Rev. Gullixon is a member of the board of the home mission of the Eastern District of the Synod of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, elected in 1895 and re-elected in 1904, and is still holding this position. He is also vice- president of the Lutheran Home Finding Society of Illinois for dependent children. The family resides at 895 N. Leavitt street, Chicago. 326 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS CHARLES TELLEF GUNDERSON Was born on a farm in Vraadal, Norway, July 23, 1854. He was the second youngest of seven children, five boys and two girls, all of the boys being sailors. Both of his parents died when Charles was but 13 years old, and he had to go to an uncle near Ris^r, where he worked on a farm durinsr the summer and attended school in the winter. He got his first experience as a sailor on a small vessel from Ris0r in 1869, but after a few months the boat was run down by the German Captain C. T. Gunderson. steamer Westphalia in the English Channel. The vessel sank in two minutes, but the crew, includ- ing the subject of our sketch, were rescued by the crew of the Westphalia. They were taken to New York, where Charles again shipped on a Norwegian vessel as general utility boy. He re- mained on the vessel for thirty-two months, leav- ing her at Baltimore when his contract was up in 1872. He then sailed on different vessels along the coast, going as far as the West Indies. He came to Chicago in 1874. Here he sailed be- fore the mast on the lakes until 1880, when he went to work for J. C. Gilchrist, a large vessel owner of Cleveland, Ohio, for whom he has navi- gated sailing vessels and steamers for the past twenty-five years. His last command was the steamer Geo. H. Ru'ssell, which took out, in 1905, the largest cargo of grain ever shipped from Chi- cago, consisting of 235,000 bushels of corn and 58,000 bushels of barley, aggregating 7,972 tons. He married Anna Theresa Eaton, on April 15, 1888. He is a Mason, and resides at 74 Evergreen avenue. CAPTAIN HARRY GUNDERSON Was born in Ris0r, Norway. He came to America when 17 years old and has been sailing either as captain or sailor for twenty years on the great Captain H. Gunderson. lakes. He is at present the captain of the steam- ship Henry Steinbrenner. It belongs to the Kins- man Transit Company. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 327 GEORGE ADOLPH GUNDERSON, The senior member of the grocery firm of Gun- derson & Berg, 1647 Armitage avenue, was born in Christiania, Norway, Dec. 7, 1868. His parents were Ole Gunderson, a building contractor, and Johanne (born Peterson). George attended school in his native city and was confirmed in 0stre Akers Kirke. As soon as he was old enough to undertake the work he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a mason, which he completed before coming to Chicago, on Sept. 7, 1889. On April 2, 1892, Mr. Gunderson married An- tonie Hansen Foss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hansen Foss, of Enebak, Norway. They had two children — Jennie, born Aug. 6, 1892, and Thorolf, born Feb. 2, 1896. Mrs. Gunderson died on April 16, 1904. He is a member of White City Lodge of Odd Fellows. SIVERT TOBIAS GUNDERSON G. A. Gunderson. On his arrival here he immediately secured work at his trade and followed it for several years. Having saved his money, he later started a retail fish store at the corner of Nebraska and Armitage avenues, which he conducted for three years. In 1898 he joined Mr. Martin Berg in establish- ing a retail grocery and meat market at 1647 Armitage avenue, under the firm name of Gun- Hails from the "Land of the Midnight Sun," and is proud of it. He was born in Norway in 1839, and at the age of 9 years, or in 1848, came to America with his parents. The family at once S. T. Gunderson. settled in Chicago, then a town of 20,000. Rail- road facilities were then in their infancy, the westward journey having been made via the derson & Berg. They have an up-to-date store Hudson River, the Erie Canal and the great and market, do j., thriving business, and enjoy the lakes. confidence of their patrons. Our subject at once entered the public schools, 328 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS but at the age of 15 laid aside his books, his education since having been gained in the school of experience, where he has learned the valuable and useful lessons that have made him the prac- tical man of aflfairs that he is to-day. His parents were in limited circumstances, and he began to earn his own living by learning the carpenter and lathing trade. At the age of 18 years he liegan business along this trade for him- self, and was thus engaged when the financial panic of 1857 swept over the country. In conse- quence there was but little going on in the way of building, and with the hope of bettering his condition Mr. Gunderson moved to Fort Leaven- worth, Kan., in 1858, but soon returned to Chi- cago. In 1862 he purchased a lake vessel, the Her- cules, and within five years became the owner of six vessels, most of them engaged in the grain trade. As his financial resources increased he also interested himself in the lumber trade, and in 1871 purchased large interests in sawmills. This business was in a thriving condition when, in 1875, his plant was completely destroyed by fire. Being but lightly insured, he was almost ruined financially. He went to work with de- termination to retrieve his losses, however, and to-day in addition to his lumber business, is the owner of extensive real estate interests, being the senior member of the firm of S. T. Gunder- son & Sons, home builders. He was for a number of years connected with the firm of John A. Ganger & Co., shipping large quantities of doors and sash of their own manufacture throughout the United States. In 1862 Mr. Gunderson was married to Emily C. Olson. They have two sons and one daughter. George O., the oldest, is assistant with his father in business; Seward M. is also connected with his father in business; the dau'ghter, Miss Ida Mabel, is a most accomplished and highly educated young lady, a graduate of the Misses Grant Seminary and the Chicago Musical College, having received a teacher's diploma, being a mu- sician of more than usual brilliancy. She also possesses artistic talent as a painter in both oils and water colors, and is alike accomplished along other lines. Mr. Gunderson is an active member of the Lutheran Church, contributing to its charities. He was one of the founders of the Masonic Or- phans' Home and served as trustee for three years. He became a Mason in 1868, joining Kil- winning Lodge No. 3111, A. F. & A. M.; is a member of Chicago Commandery No. 19, K. T., the Oriental Consistory, having attained to the 32d-degree, and belongs to the Aledinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Lincoln and Menoken clubs. In 1874 he was elected to a seat in the city council, and in 1891 he was appointed a member of the board of edu- cation by Mayor Washburn, and was appointed a member of the library board by Mayor Swift. Mr. Gunderson and his wife have traveled ex- tensively, both in this country and abroad. They have visited every country in Europe, and last January thev took a Mediterranean tour, visiting all interesting points, including the Holy land. They have also made a three months' tour of Mexico and spent some time in southern California before returning. Mr. Gunderson's work in securing Chicago as the site for the World's Fair stands to his credit, as does the fact that he was the originator of the plan and president of the company, which purchased the Viking Ship, a reproduction of the little ship in which the Norwegian Explorers are supposed to have come to America in about the year 1000. The ship is now on exhibition at the Field Co- lumbian Museum. For the last fourteen years S. T. Gunderson & Sons have been erecting some very nice houses, selling them on time payments. In the last four years they have erected from fifty to sev- enty houses a year. This plan has proven a great help to persons who have not had sufiicient money to buy a lot and erect a home themselves. Many families have secured cosy and comfort- able homes, taking a personal interest in the progress and welfare of the city, as they are happily settled in their own homes paid for ja small monthly installments. In May, 1907, Mr. Gunderson was appointed a member of the Board of Education. REV. ANDREW HAAGENSEN Was born Oct. 30, 1835, near Sarpsborg, Norway, of parents Haagen Hansen and Christina Pouls- datter. Raised in a romantic and beautiful coun- try of the Sarps-fossen waterfall, where kind hands cared for him, he obtained such rudiment- ary education as the surroundings afforded. He was more fortunate later on, having the advant- age of a private tutor in Sarpsborg, while he was employed as a clerk with the firm of H. Hafslund, and where soon afterward he was employed as bookkeeper. Here he remained six years, to the entire satisfaction of his employer. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 329 In 1856 he was converted to God in Sarpsborg under the preaching of the gospel by Rev. O. P. Petersen, and became united with the first organi- zation of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Norway. In 1857 he severed his connection with the firm he had worked for, feeling a strong call to preach the gospel. Exercising his gift and tal- ents, he was eventually licensed to preach, and devoted part of his time to teaching, but was also engaged in mission work. In the fall of 1857 he migrated to America, having been recommended by the superintendent of the Methodist Church. After taking the examination he entered the Wis- Rev. A. Haagensen. consin Conference in May, 1858, and was ordained deacon by Bishop Morris in the same year, and in 1860 he was ordained' elder by Bishop Scott. In 1859 he was married to Julia Thompsen, from Eidfjord, Hardanger, Norway. Out of eleven children eight are still living, all having received a good education, principally at North- western University, Evanston. One son, E. C. Haagensen, who was graduated from Northwest- ern Medical College, is located at Hillsboro, N. D., and is vice-president of the state board of health. Another son, A. P. Haagensen, who was graduated from the college of liberal arts and also the law school of Northwestern University, is located at Ashland, Wis., where he has served as district attorney of Ashland county. After serving nine years in the pastorate, with a great degree of acceptance and success, he was appointed presiding elder of the Norwegian dis- trict in the Wisconsin Conference. This position he held for seven consecutive years. In 1876 and again in 1884 he was elected reserve delegate to the General Conference, the highest council in the church. In 1870, when the first monthly Mis- sionceren was published in Norwegian, he became associate editor. In 1880, when the Norwegian- Danish conference was organized, he was elected editor of the weekly. Den Kristelige Talsmand, and under his editorship the paper was very suc- cessful and was enlarged from four to eight pages. In 1881 he was again appointed presiding elder :)f the Chicago district, which position he held for K'x years, and under his administration the work was extended, societies organized and churches built. In 1888 he was elected delegate from his conference to the General Conference, held at New York city. In 1890 he was again elected editor of Den Kristelige Talsmand, which position he held for seven years with good success. In his pastorate he has served some of the most prominent churches. Besides all this he has composed and translated a number of hymns and songs and is author of the trenchant volume entitled Method- ism and Lutheranism Compared; also The Nor- wegian and Danish Methodist Mission History and illustrated Bible History, all in the Nor- wegian language. From the early history of the Norwegian Methodist mission in this country he has taken a very important part in the establish- ment of the Norwegian-Danish Theological Sem- inary at Evanston, and has for a number of j^ears been president of the school board. At present he is financial agent for the endowment school fund, which is to be used in employing more teachers to supply the great need of preparing young men for the ministry. When he landed in ChicagOj in October, 1857, the Norwegian Methodists had no church nor organization. There are now in Chicago eight Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal churches belonging to the Norwegian-Danish Conference, of which he is still in active service as a minister. Looking at the great development of both church and state, he is thankful to God for the success of both, and that he is a citizen of this great and glorious country. 333 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS GUDLEIK RASCH HALVORSEN Was born in Fredrikshald, Norway, May 21, 1882. His father is Cand. Theol. Anders Halvorsen and his mother Julie Charlotte, nee Rasch. G. R. Halvorsen. When Gudleik was one and a half years of age, his parents moved to Christiania and remained there three years. His father was then appointed Sogneprest at Talvik. Finmarken. where young Halvorsen remained until 15 years old, when his father was promoted and moved to Lyster in Sogn, arriving, there in the spring of 1897. Here Gudleik was confirmed in Dale church, and in the fall was sent to Bergen to study at the Cathedral school. In 1898 he passed examination for en- trance in the Middelskole. His primary educa- tion he had received partly by a private teacher and partly in the public school. When ready with the course at the Middelskole he spent one year teaching school and working on the farm. In 1899 he entered the teclinical college at Chris- tiania, which he left as a fullflcdged civil engineer in the spring of 1903. During the following summer he was engaged in surveying the neighborhood around Lyster and later with making plans and drawings for public and private buildings at the same place, in the meantime also running the farm or "prestegaard," on which his father was living. In the spring 1904 he came to America, where he made his first stop at Windom, Minn. Then he came to St. Paul, where he worked in a ma- chine shop a few weeks; went to Great Falls, Mont., where he worked in an architect's office; from there to Anaconda, working in the office of the civil engineer of the Anaconda Copper Min- ing Co. He remained there until Jan., 1906, when he came to Elgin, 111., where he has been em- ployed since in the city engineer's office. During last summer he paid a visit to his home in Nor- way. Mr. Halvorsen is a member of the Nor- wegian Lutheran Synod, of the Total Abstinence Society of Norway and while in Anaconda was president of the Norwegian Christian Young Peo- ple's Society "Framsteg." GOODMAN HALVORSEN Was born in Etne parish, between Bergen and Stavanger, Norway, Sept. 6, 1821. He was the Goodman Halvorsen. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 331 youngest of three children, and at the age of 16 began his struggles for a livelihood. During the summer he worked on farms at the low wages then prevailing; in the winter he engaged in fishing. Before emigrating to America he married Mar- tha, a daughter of Gunder Grindeim. He sailed from Bergen May 10, 1847 and landed in New York city on June 24. From there he traveled by way of the Erie Canal and the lakes to Chi- cago and then by team to Mission township. La Salle county, 111., which brought his uneventful but tiresome journey to an end on July 12 of the same year. Here he remained one month, when he went to the home of Ole Anderson, near Newark, where he lived until March, 1848. In the fall of 1847 he purchased forty acres of land in what is now Fox township, Kendall county, and two years later added forty acres, both lots having been purchased at the government price, -$1.25 per acre. In the spring of 1848 he built a log cabin on his land and moved into it. His wife fell a victim to the cholera plague in 1849, leaving a young son, who en- listed In the LInion Army in 1864. He was taken sick and died in 1865. Later Mr. Halvorsen mar- ried Inger Berge, from Etne, Norway, who died in 1855. leaving him with three children. After a time he married again, this time Kari Berge, a sister of his second wife. They have seven children living. Their youngest son, Ed- ward, died Jan. 10, 1901. Mr Halvorsen has altogether ten children, three of them married. He has fourteen grandchildren and four great- grandchildren. He is enjoying his declining years on his old homestead, but leases the farm land to other parties. oring. His sunsets are simply marvels of real- ism. Hailing from so picturesque a country as Norway, it is little wonder that he prefers to select his subjects from fhe land of the Vikings. If it were not for his very pronounced' disposi- tion for independence he very likely would have achieved a good financial success as a result of his splendid productions; if for instance, he had se- lected theatrical scenery and decorations as his branch of painting, he might have become a wealthy man. But he is too proud of his art and loves it too well to cultivate any side issue of it. J. O. Hammerstad. JOHN (OLSON) HAMMERSTAD, The artist, was born at Christiansund, Norway, on April 19, 1842. His parents were Ole and Magdalena (Schei) Hammerstad. Ole Hammer- stad was a sailor. Mr. Hammerstad was appren- ticed to a painter and decorator in Norway and learned to master his trade before coming to America. He emigrated in 1869 and located in Chicago, where he has remained since. Mr. Hammerstad is probably one of the most gifted landscape painters of Norwegian birth in America, his greatest strength being in the col- His pictures, always salable, are usually taken by somebody at nominal prices and resold at many times the price paid Hammerstad. It is with bitterness he mentions that such buyers, or "sharks," as he terms them, are found among his own countrymen. Mr. Hammerstad was married to .^gnes Klemp, daughter of ]Mr.' and Mrs. Christian Klemp, of Fredrikshald, Norway. They have had four chil- dren, of whom only one daughter, Agnes, is now living. She was born Aug. 10, 1890. The family resides at 733 Summerdale avenue, Chicago. 332 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS NILS HALVORSEN, The retired farmer, to whom Rev. Henry Noss refers in his sketch of the Norwegian Lutheran churh at Leland, 111., was born in Telemarken, Nils Halvorsen. Norway, June 6, 1820. He spends his declining years at Leland, although his farm is located in the vicinity of Earlville, 111. On account of his advanced age Mr. Halvorsen is sickly at times, but still able to move around. ADOLPH MARTIN HANSEN Was born at Farsund, Norway, Feb. 2, 1871, his parents being Hans and Martha Andersen. His father was the proprietor of a meat market in Farsund, and Ad'olph worked in his father's shop, learning the business. He afterward spent two years working for others. In 1888 he came to America. In 1890 he started a meat market at 254 N. Halsted street, and con- tinued there for several years. He then moved his market to his own building at 534 N. Califor- nia avenue, where he has conducted a profitable business for the last five years. He was married to Olivia Olsen, of Madison, Wis., on Dec. 3, 1891. They have had three chil- dren, one now living, Mildred Lorette. Mr. Han- A. M. Hansen. sen is a member of the Ben Hur Valhalla Court; for several terms has been vice-president of the Varden Literary Club, and is a delegate from the same club to the Norwegian National League. He is liberal in his contributions to worth}' char- ities according to his means. The family reside in their own home, at 534 N. California ave- nue. CHRISTIAN HANSEN, The mercliant, tailor, was born in Grue Preste- gjeld, Sol0r, Norway, Oct. 25, 1847. His parents were Hans and Martha (nee Christiansen) Sam- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 333 uelsen. Christian began to learn the trade of a tailor in Sol0r when 12 years old and continued at the work until he was 17 when he went to Drammen to put on the finishing touches. Here he worked for four years, carrying with him a certificate as a master of his trade. He then went to Christiania, where he worked for one year be- fore coming to America. Arriving in New York in 1870, he went to Black River Falls, Wis., where he had friends who had urged him to locate, but he did not like it there and went to La Crosse, Wis. Here he was em- ployed as a journeyman by one of the leading firms and remained for two years, until 1872, Mr. Hansen was married to Anna Mathea Haag- ensen in Chicago, on March 22, 1877. His wife is a daughter of Hans and Anna Haagensen, from Ringerike, Norway. They have two children — Henry Hansen Erland, born May 21, 1879, and Minnie Adelia, Dec. 12, 1882. Mr. Hansen's mother died in Norway in 1850, but his father, who is now past 85 years, is living in Iowa, hale and hearty. Our subject is a member of St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church, and resides at 816 Washtenaw avenue. * Christian Hansen. when he came to Chicago. He soon found em- ployment and worked at the bench for two years, when he was offered and accepted the position of cutter for H. B. Matthews. He held this place until 1885, when he engaged in business for him- self at 113 Adams Street, corner of Clark. He conducted this business successfully for over twenty years in the same place, moving to his new and commodious ofifices in the new Republic Building, corner of State and Adams Streets, in January, 1906, when the old building was torn down to make room for a skyscraper. HANS HANSEN Was born March 25, 1852, at Sell, Gudbrands- dalen, Norway. His father was Hans Paulsen and his mother Marit Paulsen, farming people Hans Hansen. at Sell. He learned the trade of a tailor, first at Trondhjem and later at Christiania, to which latter place he walked over Dovrefjeld, a distance of about 350 English miles. As a journeyman 334 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS tailor he worked at several places, such as Aren- daK Brevik, Porsgrund. He then served five years in the army, until in 1880 he migrated to Amer- ica, landing at New York. From there he went to Connecticut, where he worked at his trade in Manchester and Hartford for two years. He now turned to the West and arrived in Chicago in the spring of 1882. In Chicago he remained onlj' six months, whereupon he went to Rock- ford, 111., where he has resided since, with the single exception of six months in Colorado. While in Norway Mr. Hansen was married, in 1877, to Miss Emelie Nord, of Christiania. Mrs. Hansen was born at Braunvold, near Kongsvin- ger. Their marital union has been blessed with four children: Herman O., born at Arendal, is now foreman with the Clark Printing Co., of Rockford; Martin E., machinist; Hilda Emilia, a fine pianist, who is well known in musical circles in Rockford, both as a successful teacher and a leader of the orchestra of the Empire Theater; and Paul Alger, who died in intancy. The last three children were born in Rockford. Mr Hansen is a director of the Modern Wood- men of America, in which society he has held various offices for more than ten years. Has also been a delegate to a number of the conventions of the society, the last convention being national, at Milwaukee, in 1905. He is also one of the founders and charter members of the Home Fra- ternal League which has its headquarters in Rock- ford, but extends over the northern part of Illi- nois. Mr. Hansen has always taken a very active part in republican politics and been a delegate to the county conventions for some ten years. He has been with the Rockford Clothing Company dur- ing the last eighteen years. Lives with his fam- ily in his own residence, 1228 Elm street, Rock- ford. as Master builder. A year later, when 21, he won the government scholarship for efficient practical mechanicship and as draftsman in build- ing, and was rewarded by being sent to Berlin, Germany, for the further study of architecture in the fall of 1868, for one year. While there he received the second government scholarship, this time as an architect, and remained there an- other year. He returned to Christiania in 1870 and later in the same year arrived in Chicago, Ills. He found employment immediately with W. S. B. Jenney as architectural draftsman. Mr. Jenney HARALD M. HANSEN, Was born in Christiania, Norway, March 21, 1847. He attended the common schools and also private Sunday and evening schools. He was apprenticed at the age of 14 to Carl Schoyen, General Contractor and Architect and worked at bricklaying and plastering, also considerable time in the office, especially in the winter months as a draftsman. He studied drawing and archi- tecture in the Royal Art School in Christiania where at the age of twenty he won his diploma H. M. Hansen. was then engaged on plans of the West Chicago Parks — Humboldt, Garfield and Douglas, and also in regular architects work in Chicago. He continued in Mr. Jenney's employ until the fall of 1871, when he was engaged as instructor in the Architectural Department in the Illinois In- dustrial University at Champaign. Remained at the University one school year and then returned to Chicago and soon after opened an office as architect and superintendent of buildings, where he has been ever since and still continues in the work of an architect. Mr. Hansen married Karen Marie Boesen of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 835 Christiania, Norway, in 1871, who died in Chi- cago in February, 1880, leaving three children — Gunhilda M. B., Carrie L. and Burton E. Han- sen — all living. He married again in August, 1884, Miss Mathilda Anderson of Chicago. Mr. Hansen's home is at 167 Eugenie street, Chicago. JOHN FREDRIK HANSEN, Of Aurora, 111., was born in Christiania, Nor- way, Nov. 21, 1859, his parents being Hans and Berthe Andersen. He attended the public schools in Norway and came to America .in 1881, locat- ing in Aurora. Here he secured work with a small plumbing concern, but worked for them J. F. Hansen. only a short time, when he was employed in the shops by the C, B. & Q. R. R. After a year's time he was made foreman in the steamfitting department, and is holding the same position to-day, the plant, of course, having increased in size and importance with the years. Mr. Hansen was married in Christiania to Jo- hanne Wilhelmine Wilhelmsen, on May 8, 1881, shortly before leaving for America. They have had six children, namely; Bertha (married), Jen- nie, Anna, Oscar, Henry and Charles. The two last named have passed away. Mr. Hansen is a member of the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America (Camp 54), the North Star Club (a Norwegian society), and in 1879, in Norway, he joined the Good Templars. He prides himself that from that day to this he has kept his pledge inviolate. In 1902 he was elected a director of the Fox River Supply Company for three years, and after two years' service was elected president. The family attend the Lutheran Church, and their contributions lo charity are through that organi- zation. "^ REV. O. L. HANSEN Was born at Skien. Norway, Oct. 11, 1844. His childhood was spent at Skien and on Herre in Rev. O. L. Hansen. the parish of Bamble, until he was fifteen years of age when he was confirmed in the church of the last mentioned parish. 336 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS He then followed a seafaring life for eight consecutive years, six in Norwegian and two in English and American ships. When eighteen years old he was converted among tiie Methodists in Porsgrund. During the winter of 1865 he left Norway for America which country he had visited several times be- fore as a sailor. He made New York his head- quarters and sailed out of that port until the spring of 1868, when he came to Chicago. When the Norwegian and Danish Methodists in 1868 organized their first church in Chicago, he was with them. He had concluded to become a preacher of the Gospel and for that purpose studied at the Pennington Seminary in New Jersey and at the Evanston Theological Institute at Evanston, 111. In 1871 he received his "venia concionandi" in the Methodist Episcopal Church and in 1872 his first appointment as pastor for Ashippun, Oconomowoc, Whitewater and Hart Prairie and also assisted Rev. A. Haagensen in his work at Milwaukee, Wis. In the summer of 1873 he was married to Miss Clausine Marie Hansen who was born at Bergen, Norway. They have had eight children of whom four are living. In the autumn of 1873 Rev. Hansen took charge of the Methodist Church at Forest City, la., which place was then a frontier town, and the whole county of Winnebago could not show a single church building. Through the efforts of Rev. Hansen and the willing hands of the Norwegian Methodists a church was built while he remained there, being the first one in that county. Afterwards he served different churches of his denomination in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illi- nois. Rev. Hansen has been presiding elder of the Minneapolis District of the Norwegian-Danish Conference for six years. He has served as trustee of the Norwegian-Danish Theological Seminary at Evanston for twenty-six years and is at present president of the board of trustees. In 1905 he was elected manager, by his con- ference, of the Norwegian-Danish Book Con- cern, located at 272 Grand avenue, Chicago. It may be of interest to mention that a brother of Rev. Hansen, Captain Alexander Hansen, was commanding the steamer Seguranza during the Spanish-American war. This ship was General Shafter's flagship when the great transport fleet carried our American soldiers from Florida to Cuba, and it was on Captain Hansen's advice that the general ordered the troops to be landed where they did. As is well known, not a man or a mule was lost during the landing. REINERTH EMIL ALFRED HANSEN. R. E. A. Hansen, with the International Har- vester Company of America, at No. 7 Monroe street, Chicago, was born in Stavanger, Norway, on June 8, 1872. His father, Malermester Wil- helm Th. Hansen, is still living; but his mother Johanna Andrea (born Jacobsen) died while he was in his infancy. Reincrth's early years were passed in Stavan- ger, where he graduated from Kongsgaard h0iere Almenskole, taking final examination in 1886. In 1886 and 1887 he was with Christian Bjelland & Co., of Stavanger, as bookkeeper and English correspondent. Gave this up in 1888, when he commenced sailing from Stavanger to England R. E. A. Hansen. and South America. Followed this occupation for nearly six years, the last two years as first and second officer, as he had passed the naviga- tion examination in 1891. During these years he visited the principal places in Europe, Australia, East and West Indies and South America, and was finally shipwrecked on San Domingo, from which point he made his way to New York, where he landed in March, 1894, and arrived in Chicago in April of the same year. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 337 Here he held different jobs. He served as a painter with Tom Olson, did some laundry work, and was assistant shipping clerk for L. Manasse. the optician in the Tribune Building, until in February. 1895. he secured the position as mvoice clerk with the Milwaukee Harvester Company, at Milwaukee, Wis. Was rapidly promoted, and has been with them since. A year after the Interna- tional Harvester Company of America was or- ganized — January 1, 1904 — he was transferred to the general offices in Chicago, and he is now in charge of the Milwaukee and gas engine re- pairs parts line of the company; is also the trans- lator (Danish-Norwegian) for the company. Mr. Hansen has held many society and social positions: was treasurer in 1903 for the North- west Club of Milwaukee; guide, secretary and vice-president of the Carpenter Lodge of the Fraternal Alliance several years, and also one year secretary of Crystal Spring Lodge, I. O. G. T., of Milwaukee. Farmaceut Hans G. Han- sen, his only brother, died here in Chicago in 1900, and is buried in Mt. Olive cemetery. He was married on July 4, 1896, to Anna B. Rimestad, of Stavanger, Norway, in Milwaukee, Wis. They have two children, Trygve, R., 10 years, and S. J. Ruth, 7 years old. The family are Lutherans and attend different churches. Their residence is at 1340 N. Spaulding avenue. and the Paxton Club. He received a patent on a gearing for binders and mowers on July 6, 1904. He moved to Paxton in November, 1905, ^ ABEL A. HANSON, PH. G., D. D. S., Of Paxton, 111., was born near Elliott, 111., July 26, 1872. His parents, Abel and Anna (born Stueland) Hanson, were farmers, living near El- liott. Mr. Hanson attended the public schools and later took a course in pharmacy at Valpa- raiso, Ind., graduating in 1900 as Ph. G. He also took a course !n dentistry, at the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, graduating with the degree of D. D. ,S. He opened an office and began the prac- tice of dentistry at Broadlands, 111. Previously he had spent two years as a clerk in Minneapolis. He was married to Miss Josephine Isabella Volden, of Elliott, on Feb. 7, 1899. They have two children — Birdella Viola May, born June 4, 1900, and Florence Irene, born Jan. 27, 1904. While at Broadlands our subject was a member of the city council for 1903-04. At Elliott he was secretary of the Pontoppidan Church. He is a member of Paxton Lodge, No. 416, A. F. & A. M.; Ford Chapter, No. 113; Mt. Olivet Commandery, K. T., No. 38; Paxton Lodge, I. 6. O. F., 418; A. A. Hanson. where he is enjoying a lucrative practice, father died in 1895 and his mother in 1902. His BERTHEUS HANSON, Of Hanson Brothers, contractors and builders, with offices at 59 Dearborn street, was born on Gaarden Engenes, Ibestad parish, near Troms0, Norway, May 22, 1857. His parents were Hans Christian Bertheusen and Andrea Hanson. He attended the public schools and was confirmed in Norway. While but a boy he learned the trade of a carpenter with his father. He came to America and Chicago in the fall of 1880 and soon secured work at his trade. For a time he attended evening schools, wishing first to master the English language as quickly as possi- ble but also took private lessons in engineering and architectural drawMng. The firm of Hanson Brothers has built many buildings for them- 338 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS selves and others, and also several public build- ings, for the city, county and the national govern- ment. On June 11, 1887, Mr. Hanson married Miss Bertheus Hanson. Julia Knudson. of Chicago. They had four chil- dren, three now living, namely: Marie, Harvey Andrew and Bernard Gilmore. The family at- tends the Lutheran Church and resides at 29 Frances place. CHARLES F. HANSON Was born in La Salle county, Illinois, near the village of Leland, in 1863. His father, Ole H. Hanson, was born in Telemarken, Norway, in 1827, and came to this country in 1839. His mother was born in La Salle county, of Nor- wegian descent; she died in 1873. Mr. Hanson, Sr., lived at and near the village of Leland from the time of his arrival in this country until his death, Dec. 25, 1904. The subject of this sketch was educated in the high school at Leland; also in the Morris Normal and Scientific School at Morris, 111., and at the Northern Indiana School at Valparaiso, Ind. In 1888 he commenced the study of law in the ofifice of Brewer & Strawn of Ottawa, 111., and was admitted to practice law at Ottawa in 1890. In, 1893 he came to Morris and entered upon the practice of his profession. He was elected city attorney of Morris in 1895, and re-elected in 1897; elected to the office of state's attorney of Grundy county in 1900, and re-elected in 1904; is now serving his second term. Mr. Hanson is a vig- orous prosecutor, and has sent more men to the penitentiary during his term than any of his pre- decessors in the office during a like period of time. His private practice is large; he has more cases on the docket than any other attorney at the bar of Grundy county. He is attorney for the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway Com- pany, and IS employed by a number of the villages in Grundy county as their regular counsel. C. F. Hanson. He married Lillie B. Nelson in 1891, and has three children — Russell, Leslie and Luella. HART HANSON Was born in Christiansand, Norway, March 5, 1871, his parents being Hans and Anna (born BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 339 Simonson) Hanson. He came to America with his parents in 1880 and settled at Norway, III. He came to Chicago ten years later and engaged in business in 1893. Mr. Hanson is a member of the firm of George B. Doan & Co., 300 Wabash avenue, being whole- sale dealers in educational books and publishers of games. » Hart Hanson. Mr. Hanson married Alvilda M. Arneson, June 29, 1897. They have one child, Everett Hart. Mr. Hanson is a member of The Columbia Club, Fox Lake, and belongs to The Independent Reli- gious Society. The family resides at 47 Hum- boldt boulevard. His father, Hans Christian Bertheusen, was a carpenter and farmer in Eugenes; his mother's maiden name was Andrea Hanson. He attended the public schools in Norway and evening schools after his arrival in America. He quit his school- ing in' Norway when 16 years old, to help his father on the farm and to learn the carpenter trade. He left Norway for America in April, 1887; ar- rived in New York May 21, and in Chicago May 24. In October of the same year he went to San Diego, Cal., but returned to Chicago in July, 1888. He worked at the carpenter trade both in Cali- fornia and Chicago, continuing until October H. A. Hanson. HARTVIG ALBERT HANSON, Of Hanson Bros., contractors and builders, with offices at 59 Dearborn street, room 409,' was born in Engenes, near Troms0, Norway, Jan. 24, 1867, 1892, when he entered into a partnership with his brother, Bertheus Hanson, as general contract- ors and builders, which firm has prospered since its organization. Mr. Hanson was married to Wilhelmina Sophia Aim, of Chicago, on June 27, 1903. His wife was an adopted daughter of Captain Andrew and Gudrina Anderson. They have one child, Alice Gertrude Hanson, born Dec. 4, 1904. The family resides at 29 Frances place, Chicago. 340 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS HENRY HANSON, The carriage and buggy manufacturer at 57-59 Austin avenue, now retired from active work, was born in Jonsten, Raade sogn, Norway, Oct. 23, 1847, his parents being Hans and Helena (born Jensen) Halvoison. At 14 years he went to Moss and worlvas elected its President, and has ever since occu- pied this position, in addition to being a direct- or of the Chicago Title & Trust Company. He is a member of tlic Union League Club, the Mid- day Club, and the Bankers' Club. For many years his home has been- on Deming Court, in Lake View. Chytraus and the other to Dr. Wallace F. Gros- venor, both of Chicago. Mrs. Chytraus died in California in May, 1907. HENRY ALEXANDER HAUGAN Was born Aug 14, 1879. He is a son of Helge A. Haugan, president of the State Bank of Chi- cago, and his wife Laura Haugan. Mr. Henry A. Haugan was educated in the Helge A. Haugan. Henry A. Haugan. Occupied with his increasing duties as head of the bank, Mr. Haugan has never taken an active part in politics nor sought ofifice, although a warm friend of good government and civic re- form. He was, however, a member of the Board of Education under Mayor Swift, and later served for several years as treasurer of the Lincoln Park Board. He was married, in Chicago, in 1868, to Laura A. Wardrum, and has six children, of whom Oscar H. Haugan and Henry A. Haugan are con- nected with the State Bank of Chicago. Of his two daughters one was married to Judge Axel Chicago public schools, both grammar and high school, and later took a course in the Dartmouth College. Having finished this course he entered the State Bank of Chicago as clerk and worked in various departments, until he was appointed as- sistant cashier, which position he is now holding. Mr. Henry Haugan is a very quiet and unas- suming young man who, as a matter of course, must have been well versed in the banking busi- ness before his appointment to his present re- sponsible position. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As- sociation and, being single, resides with his par- ents. 344 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS OSCAR H. HAUGAN, Manager for the real estate loan department of the State Bank of Chicago, is the oldest son of Helge A. and Laura Haugan, and was born in this city, Nov. 5, 1872. After completing the curricula of the public schools he attended the Northwestern Military Academy at Highland Park and Northwestern University at Evanston, 111. After leaving college he entered the bank's employ in 1892. After a preliminary training in the various commercial departments he was transferred to its real estate loan department, where he served several years in dififerent posi- O. H. Haugan. tions, until he was promoted, in 1902, to the po- sition of manager. Mr. Haugan is thoroughly versed in the mortgage loan business and well- informed on real estate values in Chicago. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board and was its treasurer for one term, in 1905, a member of the Chicago Real Estate Loan Association, the Chicago Yacht Club and the Union League Club. Mr. Haugan married Miss Clara C. Jevne, of this city, June 26, 1900. They have two children - — a boy, Jevne, 6 years old, and a daughter, Helen, .3 years old. They reside at 17 Roslyn Place. REV. PAUL HAUGAN, B. D., Pastor of the Maplewood avenue Methodist Episcopal Church was born at Trondhjem, Nor- way, Dec. 27, 1860. His father was Paul Hau- gan, a marine engineer and later foreman at the "Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskabs" machine shop in Trondhjem. His mother was Johanne Haugan, nee Sundt. In the home of his Godfearing and energetic parents he was early convinced of the necessity of giving his heart to God and become as useful as possible. Exhibiting signs of special promise for engineering it was decided, that he should Rev. Paul Haugan. enter on this career. To this end he was pre- pared for entrance in the "Polytechnical School" at Trondhjem. Having attained the age necessary for admis- sion he commenced his studies there. While a student in the year 1880 he gave his heart to God. After completing his studies he worked in machine shops for about a year. In order to continue his studies a position was secured for him in Newcastle. England. His mother did not like the idea of sending her young son out among strangers and decided BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 345 that he should go to America, where he had a sister, the wife of Rev. J. C. Tollefsen. Conse- quently he came to America in 1883, settling at Stoughton, Wis., where his sister at that time lived. The first religious meeting he attended in that place was a Methodist class-meeting. While in Norway he had never thought of severing his connections with the Lutheran Church. But now in a foreign country and having to settle the question of selecting a church home, the reason- ing of the Methodist doctrine together with the simplicity and earnestness of the life of that lit- tle band of Methodists with whoin he became associated, impressed itself upon him greatly. Having acquainted himself with the English language and American customs he went to Chi- cago the following spring. Here he worked as a mechanical engineer. But as souls were awakened, and led to peace with God under his preaching, the request was again made to him to give his full time to win- ning souls for God and for that purpose enter on probation with the Norwegian and Danish annual Conference. He finally yielded. At the annual conference at Cambridge, Wis., 1885, he was accepted on probation as member of the Conference. His first appointment was Eatt Claire, Wis. During his two years' service a church was built and a number of souls con- verted. Having satisfied himself that he had an inner call to the ministry, he decided to fit himself by a theological education in order to glorify God and become useful to the church. The way opened itself for him. A petition was presented without his knowledge to his pre- siding elder. Rev. A. Haagensen, that he be ap- pointed as pastor of the Hyde Park congrega- tion, since removed to Park Side, near Pullman, Illinois. He now enrolled as a student at the Garrett Biblical Institute and completed his studies in 1891. His ordination to the Deacons Order he re- ceived by Bishop C. H. Fowler in Chicago, in 1887, and to the Elders' Order by Bishop J. N. Fitz-Gerald at Racine, in 1889. His following appointments were: Whitewa- ter, Wis., two years; Moreland, 111., one year; Ishpeming, Mich., one year; Marinette, Wis., one year; Immanuel Church, Chicago, two years; Evanston, two years; Manistee, Mich., three years; Stoughton, Wis., three years; and Calu- met, Mich., three years. During 1 year of his pastorate in Calumet he also was the editor of "Young Peoples' Tidings," h'aving received the election to this work by the Annual Conference. When in charge of the Moreland Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, 111., he organized the first Epworth league in the Norwegian and Danish Conference. As a pastor he has raised the money for and built the three following churches: Eau Claire, Wis., Evanston, 111,, and Mohawk, Mich. In 1893 after having visited his parents in Nor- way he was married to Miss Emma Kildahl of Milwaukee, Wis. Their union has been ble.=sed with six children. Haugan is a well educated man, an earnest Christian and a gifted preacher who is serving his God and his church faithfully. DR. N. A. HAUGE, Dentist, of Newark, 111., was born in Bergen, Norway, April 6, 1872. His father, Nels L., and Dr. N. A. Hauge. his mother, Anna (Thompson) Hauge, are both still living in Norway. Dr. Hauge first attended 346 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS the common schools and later was educated by private teachers until 17 years old. He then be- gan the study of dentistry at Dr. George Ber- gersen's dental office in Bergen, where, after a full term of three years, he received his certificate as a doctor of dental surgery. In 1892 he came to America, locating in Chi- cago, and studied dentistry according to Amer- ican methods with Dr. Nels Nelson, on Mil- waukee avenue, for about two years. He then entered the Chicago Dental College for one year, where he received his diploma and passed the final examination before the state board of ex- aminers. Then he began to practice on his owri account, opening an office in the Masonic Temple, Chicago, and continued there for two years, when he moved to Ottawa, where he enjoyed a lucrative practice for three years. In the mean- time he had also started an office in Newark, where he settled permanently in 1903. He is a member of the Scandinavian Dental Society of Chicago. He is also a Mason, an Odd Fellow and a member of the B. & P. O. Elks. HANS KNUTSON HAUGEN Was born in Silljords prestegjasld, Telemarken, Norway, in November, 1856. His father was Knut Knutson, a farmer, and his mother Aaste Svensdatter Broten. The family consisted of five sons and three daughters. Hans grew up on the farm and was a strong and healthy boy until he arrived at maturity. Then he was called upon to serve in the army, but on account of a fever- ish pain which had settled in his legs he was ad- judged incapacitated, put in a hospital, and had the misfortune to have his left leg amputated. When discharged from the hospital a cripple he had to give up work on the farm, and so turned his attention to the shoemaker's trade. This he mastered thoroughly and worked at it until his father's cousin, Halvor Hansen, who resided in America, visited his native place and induced young Haugen to go with him to America. He came to y\merica, and to Capron, 111., where he remained for a few months, then went to Rio, Wis., and from there he went with an aunt to Lake Park, Minn., where he had three brothers. While there the old ailment set in in his right leg, so that he had to go to a hospital at Detroit, Minn., where that was amputated also. This ex- perience would probably discourage most men, but Haugen, nothing daunted, secured artificial finibs and set out to make his way in this world on his own account. He now returned to Capron, where he has resided since, diligently working at his trade and saving his earnings, until he now has a comfortable competence provided for old age and the r:iiny days. He sticks to his last, working early and late, but is as cheerful, happy H. K. Haugen. and active as ever, and often jokes about occupy- ing two graveyards already, and says that it will take a third to complete the job, which will in all probability be at Capron when his time comes. During the time he was laid up he busied himself with wood carving and became quite an expert. He can show some very fine specimens of his work. MRS. JOHANNE KNUTSDATTER HEGGEM, Now living with her daughter. ]\Irs. George 1^. Hanmer, at St. Charles. 111., was born in M)7(ckle- burst, near Bergen, Norway, Feb. 22, 1829. Her BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 347 parents were Knud M0ckleburst and Bertha OIs- datter Segro, of Jolstad parish. In 1850 she was married to Mr. Ole Hcggem, of the same place. The couple migrated to Amer- ica in 1869 and settled at first in Chicago, where Mr. Heggem, who was a patternmaker by trade, worked for thirty years, until his death. Ten children were born to them, seven sons and three daughters, of whom three sons and two daugh- ters are living. Two of the sons are living in Chicago, one in Ohio, one daughter is living in Mrs. J. K. Heggem. California, and Anna, married to George L. Han- mer, in St. Charles, 111. Mr. Hanmer is purchas- ing agent for The Condensing Company of St. Charles. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Heggem has been living with her daughter at St. Charles. While in Chicago she attends Dr. Thomas' Church, The People's, held in the McVicker The- ater. The old lady is well preserved for her age, being but little troubled with sickness. MRS. ANNA HEGGLAND Was born in Mission township, (Norway), La Salle county. May 12, 1842. Her father was Mr! Osmon Tutland, from Hjelmeland sogn, Stavan- ger, Norway, and her mother Malinde Vadla, from Aardal, near Stavanger. The couple were not among the Norwegians, who came over in Father of Mrs. Anna Heggland. the Sloop, but were among those who emigrated next afterward, and were of the second bunch of settlers in Mission (now Norway), where they arrived in 1833. Mr. Tutland and his wife had five children born to them in the old country, of whom one boy died in infancy in Norway, erne on the ocean, and one boy when they arrived in New York. They consequently brought two children, both ^>ovs. with them to Mission Hc^o four more children were born to them, three girls and one boy, among whom was the subject of this sketch, and who is the only survivor of the children of Mr. Tutland's first marriage. When 9 years old Mrs. Heggland lost her mother. Her father thereupon returned to the old country and brought back with him a new wife. Her name is Helene Sophie Age. This new union resulted 348 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS in five children, of whom only two (sons) arc living, in Iowa. Mrs. Heggland was educated in the district school and confirmed in the Norwegian Lutheran Church. She was baptized by the renowned Rev. Eielsen and confirmed by the hardly less re- nowned Rev. Rasmussen, who also officiated when she was married the first time. Mrs. Heggland was married in 1858 to Jonas R. Sigmundstad. The couple had four children — three girls and one boy. The boy died in infancy. The girls are married — Anna Christina to Mr. Sam Overland, a farmer in Iowa and a native of Norway; Melinda Elizabeth, to Mr. Jonas R. Jor- stad, a farmer in the vicinity of Newark; Rosa N., to Mr. Jesse C. Johnson, a farmer. This couple lives on Mrs. Heggland's old homestead in Mission township. Mr. Sigmundstad having de- parted this life in 1887, his wife in 1890 was mar- ried to Mr. Jacob Jerred, of Norway, Benton county, Iowa. No issue came of this union. Mr. Jerred died in 1899. In September, 1902, she was married again, this time to Mr. John Heggland, who was born in Rennes0na, one mile north of Stavanger, July 16, 1837. He came to America in 18G5. Mr. Heggland was a widower, having been married to Miss Anna Sannungshaugen, of Norway. She had died in 1900. (During the period of nine years marital union with Mr. Jerred the subject lived with him on his farm in Iowa.) Mr. and Mrs. John Heggland now live as retired farmers in their own house in Newark, 111. The old couple are members of the United Church at Norway. Mrs. Heggland has eleven grandchil- dren. He was married to Thora Magdalene Ellison, Aug. 24, 1895. They have three children, namely: Carlyle Monroe, born Oct. 6, 1896; Stanley Elli- H. M. Heggland. son, Aug. 24, 1898; Thurlow Trygve Martin, Dec. 22, 1904. The family are members of the Nor- wegian Lutheran St. Timothy Church, and reside at 1230 Tripp avenue. HANS MARTIN HEGGLAND, D.D.S., Was born at Haugesund, Norway, Feb. 26, 1866, his parents being Christian Staalesen and Marie (nee Ostrem) Heggland. Our subject spent his youth in Haugesund. He came to America in May, 1888, and worked as a painter for four years. In 1893 he entered the United States Dental College as a student. He completed his course and in 1895 opened an office at 948 Armitage avenue, where he is still practicing dentistry. He is a member of the Illinois State Dental Society, the Chicago Odon- tographic Society, the Scandinavian-American Dental Society and the Northwestern University Dental Alumni. DR. LUDVIG HEKTOEN. Dr. Ludvig Hektoen is a native of Wisconsin, having been born July 2, 1863, on his father's farm near Westby, that State. His parents, Peter P. and Olave (Thorsgard) Hektoen, natives uf Nor\vay,were early settlers of Vernon county, Wisconsin, where the father still resides, living retired in Westby. Besides carrying on farming Peter P. Hektoen was engaged as a school teacher, following that calling for several years in Vernon county, after which he held a public office at the State capital. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 349 His family consisted of three children : Ludvig, Mar- tin, who is a physician, and Miss Marie, who is a graduate of the University of Wisfconsin. Ludvig Hektoen passed his yourn as a typical farmer boy, attending school winters and assisting on his father's farm during the remainder of the year. When fourteen years old he was sent to Luther College, at Decorah, Iowa, and six years later graduated from that institution, with the degree of B. A. The next year he spent in study at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, after which for one year he was engaged as druggist at the Oshkosh CWiscon- ^^^^^^^^gp^Hi^^^^^^^^l l^^^^^^k. J^3^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^B. '^'"^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^M Ind^l ^^H^HI^^^ ^^^^^^^^H^^^^H Dr. Ludvig Hektoen. came lecturer on pathology at Rush Medical, and professor of pathology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 1894-5 he furthered his scientific acquirements by study in Upsala, Berlin and Prague. Before returning to Chicago, he was elected pro- fessor of pathology in Rush Medical College, a posi- tion he has filled ever since. In 1900 he was honored with appointment as head of the Depart- ment of Pathology and Bacteriology at the Univer- sity of Chicago — a mark of esteem of which any physician might feel proud. As teacher and investi- gator in pathology Dr. Hektoen exerts a strong and wide-spreading influence on the minds and careers of the students who come under his charge. In Janu- ary, 1902, Dr. Hektoen was appointea director of the Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases in Chi- cago. He holds membership in the principal medical societies of the city, state and country, including the American Medical Association and the Association of American Physicians ; has served four years as president of the Chicago Pathological Society ; and was elected president of the Association of American Pathologists and Bacteriologists for 19L'3. The mem- bers of the profession are the best judges of a phy- sician's real worth, whether in the line of research or practice, and such high honors are not bestowed unmerited. Dr Hektoen is one of the editors of The Journal of Infectious Diseases. He is also a frequent contributor to current medical lite- rature especially along the line of original in- vestigations in the field of infectious diseases. He frequently serves on committees and special commissions charged with the study of matters concerning public health. A record like Dr. Hektoen's speaks for itself, especially in the circles where the value of at- tainments like his is well enough known to be cor- rectly estimated. In 1891 Dr. Hektoen married Miss Ellen Strandh, of Habo, Sweden, and they have one Gaughter, Aikyn and one son, Josef Ludvig. sin) Insane Asylum. He then commenced the spe- cial preparation tor his life work, entering the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, from which he graduated in 1887, and for the six months following he was Assistant Physician at the Insane Asylum at Kankakee, Illinois. Having received ap- pointment as Interne (first place) at the Cook Coun- ty Hospital, he returned to Chicago to enter upon the duties of that position, in which he remained until the spring of 1889. At the close of that period he took up the active practice of medicine in Chicago. In 1890 he was appointed coroner's physician, serv- ing as such until 1893, and in the meantime he be- HENRY L. HENDRICKSON. Of Newark, 111., was born on a farm in La Salle county, March 19, 1863. His father was Lars Hendrickson and his mother, Serena Johnson. Mr. Hendrickson's youth was spent on the farm. He attended the public schools during the school period, and was confirmed in the Lutheran 350 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS church at Lisbon. He has followed fanning in La Salle and Grundy counties since. He was married to Marthena Bravick, of Mis- sion township, on Dec. 14, 1887; her parents were Henry and Johanna Bravick. They have had six children, namely: Eva G., born Aug. 5, 1889; Stella G., born June 28, 1891, and died Feb. 8, H. L. Hendrickson. 180-1; Lawrence, born Oct. 12, 1803; Stella J., Aug. 13, 1895; Helena A., Jan. 28, 1898; Lillie M., born ]\Iay 21, 1902, and died Feb. 12, 1004. Mrs. Hendrickson died Nov. 30, 1904. Mr. Hendrickson is now living on a 200-acre farm in Nettle Creek township, Grundy county, where he has been since 1804, having previously rented farms in ]\Iiller and Mission townships, La Salle county. Our subject is a member of the Modern Woodmen. He was appointed deputy sheriff in 1904. In 1900 he was elected a director on the school board for district 27 and served for six years. In 1905 he was elected a director for two years of the Farmers' and Merchants' Telephone Co., of Newark. The family attends the Lutheran Church. HANS ANDREAS HENRIKSON, Aurora, 111., was born at Eker, near Drammen, Norway, Feb. 19, 1857, his parents being Kristian and Marie (born Kristofiferson) Henrikson. His early life was spent in the city, attending the public school in Christiania, Norway, where he began work in a cotton mill in 1871. He was made assistant foreman in a canvas-cloth mill in 1875 and continued at that work until he migrated to America in 1880. H. A. Henrikson. On arriving in this country he went direct to Aurora, where he learned the machinist trade in the C. B. & Q. R. R. shops, and worked there for twelve years. He was appointed letter carrier on the 6th of ALay. 1895, which position he still holds. Mr. Henrikson takes a lively interest in club and social matters, having organized the North Star Club, a local, political and social club of Norwegians and Danes in Aurora. In 1893 he organized the Norwegian-Dan- ish Reading Club, a literary club which owns over 200 volumes of choice Norwegian and Dan- ish works. In 1884 he helped to organize a so- cial and political club called Vikingen, of which BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 351 he was president for three years. In 1889 he or- ganized the Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church of Aurora, of which he served as chairman of the board of trustees for two years, and was also a member of the choir for some time. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, the Modern Woodmen and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Nov. 25, 1876, he married Miss Valborg Jose- phine Carlsen, who was born in Christiania, Nor- way, in 1856. They have eight children, namely: Harriet A., Hulda P., Charles E., Henrik A., Al- bert C, Alma M., Jenny A. and Arthur — all living. The family resides at 406 Water street, Aurora. Hervig attended the high school in Fredriksstad and was confirmed in the Glemminge Lutheran Church. He also graduated from the' mechanical trade school in Porsgrund, Norway, and the technical college at Mittweida, Germany. He came to America in April, 1904. Stopped for two months in New York, and then for eight months in Philadelphia, going from there to the St. Louis Fair, where he remained for three months. He then came to Chicago, and soon aft- erward located at Aurora. He began his career as machinist in Fredrik- stad, but after leaving college he was employed as a draftsman in different offices, to learn the details of his profession. He is a member of the Western Railway Club, and unmarried. RICHARD HERVIG, FREDERICK ANDREAS HESS, M. D., Mechanical engineer and draftsman, with the C. Was born in Bergen, Norway. May 22, 1851. His B. & Q. R. R. at Aurora, was born in Fredriks- parents were Jens Christian Hess and Anna Jen- Richard Hervig. F. A. Hess, M. D. stad, Norway, Dec. 19, 1879. His parents were Nils Peter and Emelie (born Reiersen) Hervig. His father was also a mechanical engineer. Mr. sina (born Carlsen) Hess. Our subject's youth was spent at school, mostly at private schools in Bergen. 352 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mr. Hess also took private lessons in languages and science after arriving in Chicago, which he did on July 4, 1863. He entered Rush Medical College in 1869 and graduated with the degree of M.D. in 1873, since which time he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He was visiting physician for the county farm from 1873 to 1877; assistant sanitary inspector in 1874, during the small-pox epidemic, he served two years as physician to the Tabitha Hospital, and one year in the Christian Temperance Hospital. He was married to Miss Emma E. Campbell, of Chicago, on Jan.' 15, 1882, her parents being Wil- liam and Ellen Campbell. They have two chil- dren, a son, Frederick Andrew Hess, married to Bessie Atwood; and a daughter, Anna Jensina. Dr. Hess is a member of the Scandinavian Med- ical Society and a former president of it; a mem- ber of the Chicago Medical Society and of the American Medical Association. He was given the honorary degree of Ph. D. by Montezuma Uni- versity, of Bessemer, Ala., in 1899. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Ravenswood, of which our subject is president of the board of trustees, and treasurer. He has been an active member of the Old People's Home Society, having belonged to the Humboldt Park branch since it was organized. The doctor's of- fice is at 247 E. Division street and his home at 949 Belle Plaine avenue. ^ 1903, when he entered the employ of D. H. Burn- ham & Co., architects, as an architectural engi- neer. In 1903 he was elected a member of the Western Society of Engineers. In 1878 he married Elise Raeder, a daughter of Stiftamtmand Rjeder, of Bergen, Norway. They have eight children: Aagot, Cathrine, Karen, Marie, and Ditlef born in Norway, and Henry, Elise and Anton, born in the United States. The oldest daughter, Aagot, is married to Prof. O. W. CHRISTIAN HENRY HETTELSATER C. H. Hettelsater. Was born in Sogn, Norway, Jan. 4, 1851. He graduated to the university from Aars & Voss's school in Christiania in 1869, and pursued the study of mathematical branches for several years, while at the same time he was a teacher of math- ematics at Aars & Voss's school. Two years, from 1875 to 1877, he spent at the Polytechnical School of Aachen, Germany, after which he took up the profession of civil engineering in Norway until the summer of 1886, when he came to the United States Vv^ith his family, then consisting ot wife and five children. He soon found employ- ment in the office of the B. & M. R. R. at Lincoln, Neb. Since then he has been continually engaged in various branches of engineering in different parts of the country. He came to Chicago in 1893, went to Youngstown, Ohio, in 1897, to Pitts- burg, Pa., in 1900, and returned to Chicago in Brackney, of Taylor University, Upland, Ind. The oldest son, Ditlef has recently been appointed engineer of the Springfield Bridge Company, of Springfield, 111. In 1890 Mr. Hettelsater became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in which he has ever since been an interested and active worker; he has for several years been a class-leader in the church. MRS. SUSANNA HILL, Of Morris, 111., a daughter of Anders and Olena (Nelson) Anderson, was born in Tysvasr parish. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 353 four miles north of Stavanger, Norway, March 20, 1822. Her education was received from her mother, who taught her to read the Catechism and the Bible. It was not considered necessary for a farmer's daughter to learn to write in those days. With her parents she migrated to America in 1836. They caine over in a sailing vessel and stopped for two years in Kendall county, New York, not having the means to pay their way over the lakes. Two years later the family came Four Generations. Front Row — Mrs. C. J. Wing, Lillie Nelson, Mrs. Susanna Hill. Standing — Mrs. Frank Nelson, Miss Amalia Hill. to Chicago, and from there to Newark by wagon, riding with a settler who had hauled grain to Chicago. At first they settled in Mission town- ship. Miss Anderson was married to John Hill (John- son), in Ottawa, 111., June 27, 1844. Mr. Hill was born on a small island in Stavanger fjord, on which only two families lived. They have had nine children — Helen, born April 15, 1845; Eliz- abeth, April 8, 1848; Andrew, March 17, 1850; Lillie, March 6, 1852; Abel, Jan. 24, 1854; Henry J., July 10, 1856; Daniel, Oct. 28, 1858; Susan Louisa, Feb. 10, 1862; Mary, Jan. 10, 1866. At this writing three of the children are living — Helen, married to Austin Osmon (now deceased); Lillie, to Charles J. Wing; Daniel, to Annie Os- mon. John Hill, our subject's husband, died Dec. 30, 1892. i\Irs. Hill was reared as a Quaker, but when 20 years of age joined the Baptist Church, which creed she still embraces. Her father died July 31; 1849, from the cholera, 58 years old, and her mother Feb. 12, 1875, 88 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were the first Norwegian settlers at Lisbon. HELGE A. HILLESON Was born in Willow township, Lee county, Illi- nois, April 13, 1859. His father was Amund Hille- son, of South Bergen stift, and his mother Inge- H. A. Hilleson. borg Larson Maland. He was confirmed on June 7, 1874, and continued to work on his father's farm until of age. He was then married to Miss Anna Nilson, born in Lee county, June 12, 1860. They have had eight children, namely: Amanda, born April 354 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS 19, 1882; Harvey Elmer, Jan. 22, 1884; Thomas Evald, Sept. 6, 1885; Julia Maria, Jan. 7, 1893; Hilda Margrethe, Feb. 7, 1895; Emma, Feb. 3, 1897; Lawrence Gerhard, Dec. 22, 1898; Anna Henrietta, June 22, 1902. Amanda was married Sept. 14, 1905, to Mr. Lars Espe, of Jewell, la. About ten years before his father's death, Mr. Helge Hilleson had taken over his father's farm, which then consisted of 320 acres. Since then he has acquired and added 240 acres more, across the road, in section 10, so that his holdings now embrace 560 acres. ! |»^ 1 L ^^^^^^K ' '"^^ -1 1 PIH^^U, •. Jj 1 // w^ |L^ jjiy^^^^^Hj^^^HI W ^■Hf^ ^ E. S. HOLLAND, Of Big Grove township, Kendall county, III, was born in Etne parish, Bergens stift, Norway, March 31, 1834. He came to America with his parents, who located at Walworth county, Wis- consin, in 1846. When 20 years of age our sub- ject moved to Green county, Wisconsin, where he located on' sec. 4, in the town of York. On Oct. 4, 1855, he married Johanne Dorothea Chantland, who came to this country with her widowed mother in 1854. Mrs. Holland was one of a family of seven sisters and one brother, Lieutenant I. W. Chantland, residing in Iowa county, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Holland lived on their farm in Wisconsin until December, 1866, Mrs. H. A, Hilleson. Mr. Hilleson has been too busy to run for any public office, although he has been offered such several times. Within the Lutheran Synod Church, however, he has acted both as deacon and trustee. The family belongs to the Lutheran Church in Willow Creek township. As an ener- getic farmer and business man Mr. Hilleson stands very high in the county and is regarded among his intimate friends as a good natured, pleasant companion. Mr. Hilleson is a share- holder, director and vice-president of the Lee State Bank, of Lee, 111. E. S. Holland. when they moved to Kendall county, Illinois. Here he located on sec. 27, in Big Grove town- ship, where he has remained since, engaged in farming as his principal work in life, but was for a long time agent for the Hecla Fire Insurance Company, of Madison, Wis. In 1873 Mr. and Mrs. Holland took a trip to Norway, visiting the scenes of their youth. Mrs. Holland died on June 18, 1884, leaving a little BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 355 girl, Sarah Dortina, wliom she had adopted when one year old, who clung to her foster parents with a daughter's love and bears their name, re- fusing to know any others as her parents. On Sept. 1, 1885, Mr. Holland married Miss Christina Peterson, born Dec. 25, 1848, in Skien, Norway. Her father died in 1870 and in 187.2 she came to America, living first in Milwaukee and afterward in Chicago until her marriage. They have four children, namely: Randolph, born Aug. 29, 1887; Marie, Dec. 6, 1888; Olga, Aug. 18, 1890; Elmer, Feb. 21, 1893. Mr. Holland is a consistent Christian and has always taken u leading and active part in church work. He and his family are members of the United Lutheran Church at Lisbon; Mr. Holland has been on the board of trustees and a deacon for years. He has also been trustee and treasurer of the Pleasant View Luther College since it was organized. He has held many civil offices. While in Wisconsin he was supervisor for York township. In Big Grove he has been road super- visor, assessor and justice of the peace; having practically held some important office since 1867. LOUIS HOUSE, Newark, 111., was born at Hardanger, on Gaarderi Huus, Bergens stift, Norway, April 15, 1826. His father was Amund Amundson, a farmer, and his mother Kari Jordal. Mr, House was educated in the ambulatory country schools and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He worked on his father's farm until about 23 years old, when he went to Bergen to learn the trade of a black- smith. He remained there for about six years, when he came to America locating in Chicago in 1850. He worked at his trade here for eight years. In 1855 he was married to Miss Ragnhild An- finson, who was born in Sogn, Norway. They had five children, three sons and two daughters, all living. Mrs. House died in 1868, the family having before that time moved out on a farm in the vicinity of Lisbon. In 1871 Mr. House was married again, to Miss Julia Mathre, who was born near Helmar. With her he has had eight children, four sons and four daughters. Of the children by his first wife one son, Al- fred, is a preacher at Tin Valley, Minn. He was married the first time to a daughter of the re- nowned Rev. P. A. Rasmussen. The oldest son with his second wife, Henry, is a traveling man with Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. His second wife died in 1894. Mr. House retired from farming about six years ago and moved to the town of Newark, where he is spending his declining years. A daughter by his first wife. Miss Martina, is the housekeeper for the old gentleman. The family has always attended the United Lutheran Church. Mr. House has always been a staunch believer in republican politics. Though largely a self-edu- Louis House. cated man, he has been greatly interested in giv- ing his children a good education. One of his sons is a preacher; two, Henry and Martin, studied for several years at Northfield College, Minn., and two of the girls are at the present time at the Pleasant View College at Ottawa. One son, Edmond, is a farmer in Colorado; and one daughter, Betsy, is living in Oregon. One daughter, Rachel, was married to Mr. Tweeth, but died when 27 years old. Mr. House prides himself on his children, having still twelve living. 356 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS MRS. CARRIE HOVDA, EINAR C. HOWARD The present post mistress at Leland, III., was born in Miller township, La Salle county, Illinois, April 29, 1861. Four years later she moved with her parents to De Kalb county, where her childhood and school days were passed. Her father, Mr. An- drew H. Johnson, now deceased, was for many years a farmer in De Kalb county. Later he moved to Lee, where he served as president of the Farmers' Elevator Company. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah Baker Johnson, is still living and re- sides at Lee. Was born in Christiania, Norway, April 24, 1879, son of Mathias and Anne Haugom. His mother died when Einar was 8 years of age, but his father is living in Christiania. Mrs. Carrie Hovda. In January, 1878, the subject of our sketch was married to John A. Hovda and moved to Leland, where Mr. Hovda was engaged in the mercantile business. Seven children were born to them, three dying in infancy. Those living are Eno, Alvin, Ernest and Olga. Mr. Hovda died Aug. 9, 1899. He was postmaster at Leland at the time, and Mrs. Flovda was appointed post mistress, which position she has held ever since. She is a member of the Lutheran Church and the W. C. T. U. at Leland. E. C. Howard. Graduating from public school at the age of 13, the youngest in his class, he became at once in- terested in hard work. About a year later three positions — a newspaper route in the morning, dur- ing the day with the Norwegian Telegram Bureau, and a long route in a suburb for another news- paper in the evening — kept him out of mischief from five o'clock in the morning till about nine in the evening. His father protested, but the boy kept on long enough to lay aside enough of his earnings to pay his own way to Chicago when at the age of 16. He commenced his work' in Chicago as a groc- ery clerk, continuing three years. Took then a short course in the Metropolitan Business College in bookkeeping and stenography, and obtained a position first as stenographer, then as bookkeeper in various business houses, until, in the year 1900, he entered the harvester firm of Warder, Bushnell BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 357 & Glessner Co, which firm in ]902 became one of the constituent companies^ of the International Harvester Company of America with which he is' still employed, having been recently transferred from the accounting department to its legal de- partment. During these years his evenings were spent in getting an education. First taking up high-school studies, he then took a law course at the Illinois College of Law, and graduated on May 31, 190-';. Mr. Howard lias received several distinctions in his studies. He received a certificate of honor- able mention at the Metropolitan Business Col- lege, a scholarship prize in his academic studies, and graduated with highest honors from the law school, also standing first in his class in the fresh- man year. His graduation prize consisted of a postgraduate course, which led to the degree LL. M., (master of laws), in May, 1906. He changed his surnarrle from Haugom to Howard after he came to Chicago, to conform to that of his brother, who had previously done so. Mr. Howard was married in 1903 to Sigrid Pet- ersen. They iive at 519 Lemoyne street. HANS LUDWIG HOWARD, Attorney, was born in Christiania, Norway, Sept. 15, 1871, to Mathias Haugom and Anne (born Myrhagen). His father was a merchant tailor in Christiania. Hans was confirmed in the Palace Chapel when he was 15 years old, and graduated from the middelskole in Christiania when he was 16 years old. Since that time he has been com- pelled to earn his own living. He first secured a position as clerk and bookkeeper with Timm's Dampreberbane (Ropework Company), where he worked for four years. But the sportsman's blood was running in his veins, and he devoted most of his spare time to athletics. He became a fast foot- runner, and in the year 1891 went to Stockholm, Sweden, where he captured the championship for Scandinavia in a mile race, running it in 4 min- utes 48 seconds. He received the Dickson cup from King Oscar II. In the year 1892 he came to America to see the World's Fair, but as that had been postponed un- til 1893 he spent most of his money, and had to take a position as a clerk in a grocery store in order to support himself and earn enough to re- turn to Norway. He was taken down with typhoid fever in the fall of 1893, and after getting out of bed he went to Decorah, Iowa, where his mother's sister lived, to recuperate from his sickness. While there he worked his way through Brecken- ridge's College, graduating in 1895. By this time he had earned enough money through footracing and other athletics to return to his fatherland, where his father was still living. Consequently he crossed the ocean, intending to stay perma- nently in Norway, but conditions had changed there, and he returned to Chicago after a three months' visit. In partnership with Harvey Arne- son he started a grocery at 238 W. Erie street. He soon sold his interest in the store to his part- H. L. Howard. ner and took a business course at the Metropoli- tan Business College. After graduating from this course he took a position as stenographer and bookkeeper with Weil-Maxwell Co., where he re- mained until 1900. While working in this posi- tion he became interested in legal learning and concluded that he wanted to become a lawyer. He therefore commenced to study law evenings at the Illinois College of Law, and in order to have work that would be in the line of his study he accepted a position as correspondent in the legal department of the Cable Company, piano 358 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS manufacturers, where he worked for two years. Our subject graduated from the Illinois College of Law in 1903 with the degree of LL. B., and from the same college in 1904 as LL. M. While a student at this college he received the prize for the highest scholarship in both the jun- ior and senior classes. He is now a lecturer in law at the institution from which he graduated, and is professor of common law. Mr. Howard is at the present time attorney for the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, with offices at 618 New York Life building, Chicago. Mr. Howard married Miss Ida Britton, daughter of Albert and Christine Britton, of North Cape. Wis., on April 25, 1897. They have three children, namely: Agnes Christine, born Aug. 28, 1898; Florence Edith, born June 20, 1900; Albert Mar- shall, born Dec. 25, 1901. Mr. Howard's mother died in Norway in 1886. He is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, and the Logan Square Norwegian Baptist Church, of which he was Sunday-school superintendent in 1905. The family resides at 1553 Drake avenue. ANDREW HUMMELAND Was born at Stavanger, Norway, on March 18, 1873, his parents being Captain Endre Humme- land and Marie (nee Aarsvold). His parents dy- ing in his early childhood, he became a member of the family of an uncle, B. Bergesen, Jr., a wholesale merchant at Stavanger. He received his early education in the higher public school, better known to all Stavanger people as the Kongsgaard School, where he made an excellent record. At the age of 15 he migrated to the United States, arriving at Eau Claire, Wis., in the summer of 1888. Ambitious to become proficient in the English language, he at once entered the public schools there. Coming to Chicago in the spring of 1899, he secured employment in the office of Willard & Evans, a prominent corporation law firm. His progress was rapid. He took up shorthand and advanced successively from office boy to stenog- rapher, law clerk and rnanaging clerk of the firm. Working during the day, depending upon his own resources and paying his own way, he pursued his further educational courses in the evening. He took up the study of the law, entered the North- western University Law School, graduated in 1893 with special honor from the Kent College of Law at the. age of 20, and for two years thereafter pursued postgraduate courses at the Chicago Law School. He was admitted to the bar of the Su- preme Court of Illinois upon arriving of age in 1894. He continued his connection with the firm mentioned, in the capacity of managing clerk and associate, until he established his own office in 1901. Since then he has practiced his profession in Chicago, establishing an extensive practice, especially in the organization of, and as counsel Andrew Hummeland. for, corporate enterprises. During the great team- sters' strike of 1905, he acted as prosecuting at- torney for the United States Express Company, one of the principal parties to the strike. Mr. Hummeland has taken an active part in the work of Norwegian organizations. During the years 1902 to 1906 he was a delegate to the Nor- wegian National League from the Norwegian Quartette Club, and became a leading member. In 1904 he was elected president of the league, and was unanimously re-elected in 1905. He has re- peatedly been a speaker on national and social occasions. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 359 Mr. Hummeiand was married on April 2, 1903, to Julie Marie Ellefsen, a daughter of Bernt J. H. Ellefsen, a well known old settler, formerly drug- gist, now manager of the American Trust Safety Vaults. A son, Jarl Ellefsen Hummeiand, was born to them on Sept. 3, 1905. Mr. Hummeland's home is at 107S Lawrence Avenue. JACOB RODE-JACOBSEN Was born in Morondava, Madagaskar, Dec. 17, 1877, his parents being Rev. D. 6. Jacobsen, of the Norwegian Missionary Society, Norv/ny, and his wife Christine Rode-Jacobsen. Mr. Jacobsen received his first educational training in Madagaskar. At the age of 13 he was sent home to Stavanger, Norway, where he fin- ished his literary education. INGA HELEN IMBRITT, Daughter of Captain Harry and Aletta (born Hellekson) Imbritt, was born in Chicago, March Inga Helen Imbritt. 15, 1869. She was educated in the city schools and later took up the work of a professional nurse, to which calling she devoted several years. Afterward she studied dentistry in the dental department of the University of Illinois and graduated in 1901 with the degree of D. D. S. Dr. Imbritt then opened an office and has since practiced with success. Her office is at 1232 N. California av-^ue. Prof. J. R. Jacobsen. At an early age he had shown his inclination to become a musician and at 17 he went to Chris- tiania, where he entered the Royal Conservatory of Music at the head of which is the well known Professor Lindeman. Mr. Jacobsen graduated from there in 1897. Eager to acquire a more comprehensive musi- cal education he went to Berlin, Germany, where he studied composition, counterpoint and piano for such masters as the famous Ludvig Bussler, Harriers-Wippern and Hans Pfitzner. In the summer of 1898 he came to Chicago where he resided until in 1901 when he returned to Norway to take a post graduate course. At this period he wrote several compositions which 360 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS were .published and most favorably commented upon by such musical critics as Otto Winter- Hjelm, Hans Lystad, and others. In 1903 he returned to America and settled in Chicago, where he teaches his art to a large cir- cle of pupils. He also holds the position of or- ganist in Christ Norwegian Lutheran Church. CARL MARINIUS JACOBSON, The chief waterworks crib-keeper at the two-mile crib, was born in Drammen, Norway, May 12, 1858. His parents were Olaus and Ingeborg Jacobson, his father being a sailor in Norway. C. M. Jacobson. Our subject had the advantage of what the com- mon schools afforded, together with some even- ing lessons, but as soon as he was confirmed in St. Agnes Lutheran Church he went to sea, when only 15 years old. He sailed mostly on the Baltic and North Seas, during the summers, and attended navigation schools in the winter. He passed the navigation examination in 1878, and then sailed as second mate and mate until 1882, when he came to America to visit his parents, who had migrated to this country two years before. They had settled at Manitowoc, Wis. He remained with his parents for three years at Manitowoc, when his father moved to Wittenborg, Wis., and took up eighty acres of land. Carl remained with him four years longer. He was married to Miss Lena Tollefson, daugh- ter of Iver and Marit Tollefson, of Manitowoc, Wis., on Nov. 30, 1889. They have two sons — Walton Norman, born Sept. 14, 1890, and George Oliver, born Aug. 20, 1892. In 1889 he located in Chicago. Here he se- cured an interest in the schooner Truman Mass and sailed it as its captain for ten years. He sold his interest in it in 1899, when he was ap- pointed assistant cribkeeper at the Chicago ave- nue water-works crib. He is now a civil-service appointee as keeper at the two-mile crib, having held this position since 1902. His father died on his farm in 1903; his mother is still living. The subject of our sketch is a member of Lodge No. 610, Union Park, A. F. and A. M., York Chapter No. 148, the A. O. U. W., and a member of the county democracy. The family has just moved into their own new home at 1031 N. Spaulding avenue. ERIC A. JACOBSON, The IMerchant at Lisbon, 111., was born in Dyre, near Troms0, Norway, April 23, 1845. His par- ents were Jacob and Hanna (Reinholt) Ericson. Our subject attended the common school and night school at Tromsjzi. He was then appren- ticed to learn the shoemaker trade, which he completed in Norway. He was married to Miss Ingeliv Reistad in Romsdalen, near Molde, Norway, Aug. 11, 1872, which was a Sunday, and on the next day they left for America, considering it their wedding trip. They came via New York, Chicago and Morris, arriving in Lisbon on Dec. 31. Here he started a shoeshop, which he conducted until 1886. He then started a general store and oper- ated it alone until 1893, when he took in Mr. Ed Osmonson as a partner who the following year sold his interest to Ole Ness, and the firm name was changed to Jacobson, Ness & Co. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 361 Mr. Jacobson was a member of the republican county .central committee in 1888 and took an active part in the presidential election of that year. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson have had five children — Jacob Bernhard, born in 1873; Emma, 1875; ^-"A ^1 V** -^A. ^^M T- H ^ J ^M ^^^^Hj^ "#. ^ (m ' WSf"^ '•^1 %XL^^^^^^^I E. A. Jacobson and Wife. Belle, 1878; Franklin Porter, 1886; Inez Carolina, in 1891. Inez died when four years old. Emma married Charles Craig, who later died. Belle is married to James Condon; they are now living in Kansas. The family are members of the South Church in Eisbon and reside in their own home. English and American ships. Two years he was employed in the U. S. revenue service. Here he found time to begin his preparation for college and later entered the Academy of East Green- which, R. I., from which he graduated in 1879. The following year he entered Yale College, where he graduated in 1884. He then entered the Theological Seminary in New Haven to study for the ministry. About this time Chi- cago Theological Seminary opened its foreign departments and Mr. Jernberg was invited to come to Chicago to give instruction in these, while he completed his own theological studies Prof. R. A. Jernberg. REINERT AUGUST JERNBERG, Was born at Fredrikshald, Norway, and was educated in the Latin schools of Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad until about sixteen years of age, when, according to the usual custom in the coast towns of Norway, he went to sea and spent five years of his life before the mast in Norwegian, in the American course of the same institution. This offer he accepted and graduated from Chi- cago Theological Seminary in 1887. For ten years he continued as an instructor in the Dan- ish-Norwegian department until in 1895 he' was inaugurated professor of biblical and practical theology in the professorship then established by an endowment from Mrs. D. K. Pierson of Chicago. In addition to his work as an instruc- tor Mr. Jernberg also served two American churches in Chicago as their pastor for some time. 362 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS In 1890 the religious weekly paper "Evange- listen" was started in connection with the mis- sionary work among the Danes and Norwegians in America, and P.rof. Jernberg was for ten years its editor and business manager. This responsi- bility he surrendered to a publishing society in 1899, and the paper has grown to strength and influence under the new management. For further information about this work see the article on Congregationalism in another part of this volume. Prof. Jernberg was married in 1887 to Sarah Emily Libby of Boston, Mass. They have two children. Prudence Emilv and Arthur Reinert, who are both attending school. in 1883 went to Faribault, Minn, as office manager of a large grain and elevator company. Upon the death of the principal partner, the business went into other hands, and Mr. Jersin was ap- pointed deputy clerk of the District Court, and clerk of the Probate Court. In 1890 he went to Aberdeen, S. D., to take charge of the office of the general agency for the Deering Harvester Company, and later moved with the office to Mitchell, S. D. In 1893 he was made first assistant credit-man at the company's general office in Chicago, which position he left in 1900, broken in health from overwork. Afte-r a JOHAN SECKMANN FLEISCHER JERSIN Is a son of S(^ren Schjelderup Jersin, whose father, the Rev. Andreas Undal Jersin, for many years was minister (sognepreest) in Os and Samn- anger, near Bergen, and his wife Gustava Fred- rikke, a daughter of "Pro'prietaer" Johan Seck- mann Fleischer, Lekve, Voss, where he was born Feb. 17, 1857. His father first was a merchant at Evanger, Voss, afterwards at Mosterhavn, midway be- tween Bergen and Stavanger, where he also held the office of postmaster. Later he was appointed keeper of Slotterjzi lighthouse, a few miles south of Bergen, one of the largest on the coast, and here the subject of our sketch grew up, on a small island surrounded by the sometimes calm and smiling, but often roaring and tempestuous. North Sea. His first education was received through private tutors at home. At the age of twelve he and his younger brother Andreas, — who has served several terms as county judge of Richland county, — were sent to Bergen where they attended Tank's middleskole. In 1876 John Jersin entered the employ of the publishing house of his uncle Fredrik Beyer. A severe attack of bronchitis forced him, three years later, to return home. In a free and roaming life on sea and land he soon regained his health and assisted his father until in 1881, when he emigrated to America, under engagement with Thoreson & Siverts, who conducted a large general mer- chandise store at Northfield, Minn. Both partners entering into banking, Mr. Jersin attended to the closing out of their mercantile business, and John Jersin. few months' rest he accepted the position as manager of Paul O. Stehsland & Co.'s real estate and insurance office, from which he resigned in 1905 to go into the same line of business on his own account. In 1899 he married Miss Rena Anda, only daughter of Ole and Serena Anda, born Kloster. They have no children of their own, but have taken and are educating his sister's three orphan children. Their home is in Norwood Park, Chi- cago. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 3G3 John Jersin has been very active in church and benevolent work. From 1896 to 1904 he was chairman of the board of trustees for Zion Nor- wegian Evangelical Lutheran congregation, and with the pastor, Rev. Meyer, was largely instru- mental in erecting the new and beautiful church at the corner of Potomac and Artesian avenues. He was a member of the committee which framed the constitution and by-laws for the Nor- wegian Old People's Home Society, and its sec- retary for a number of years. The Society had nothing to start with, not even the good will of a majority of the people. By his tireless, per- sistent and intelligent work during the first strug- gling years, and the hundreds of newspaper ar- ticles through which he constantly advocated the cause of the home, its splendid success can in a great measure be attributed to him, and to its venerable president. Dr. N. T. Quales. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Society, the Norwegian Children's Home Society, and the singing society "Bj0rg- vin." Musical College) and Verna Alice Jevne. The family are members of the First Congregational CHARLES MORITZ JEVNE Was born at Hamar, Norway, Feb. 12, 1851. His parents were Hans and Martha Jevne. He was educated in the public and high schools (Borger skole) of Hamar and graduated in 1866 at the age of 15. The same year, in company with his brother, Hans Jevne, now of Los Angeles, Cal., he migrated to America, arriving in Chicago on Oct. IS, 1866. He immediately entered the store of his brother Christian, now C. Jevne & Co., as bookkeeper. In 1879 he engaged in the retail grocery business for himself, having stores both in Chicago and St. Paul. For the last fourteen years, however, he has confined himself exclu- sively to the tea and coffee business at 386-88 Milwaukee avenue. On May 18, 1873, he was married to Anna Olena Johnson, who was born in Chicago, of Norwegian parents, in 1854. Her parents were early settlers in Chicago and charter members of the first Norwegian Lutheran church organ- ized. Mrs. Jevne died Sept. 7, 1905. They had six children, one of which. Harvey Moritz, died in infancy. The living children are Rev. C. Ar- thur Jevne, Eveline M. (a teacher in the Chicago schools), Amos G. (associated with his father in business), Grace O. (a student at the Chicago C. M. Jevne. Church, Washington boulevard and Ann street, and reside at 667 N. Hoyne avenue. MRS. CLARA JEVNE Was born in Birie, near Mj0sen, Norway, May 26, 1849, her parents being Andreas and Nina Maria Kluge, both deceased. Mrs. Jevne came to America in 1868, two years after her father. Her mother having died previ- ously, her father had remarried in Norway. An- dreas Kluge settled in Humboldt county, Iowa, where his widow and several children are still living. In 1870 Miss Clara Kluge was married to Christian Jevne. of Chicago. Four children were born to them — Henry Marquis, Alma Martha. Clara Caspara and a boy that died when six 364 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS months old. Clara married Oscar Haugan, a son of president Helge A. Haugan of the State Bank of Chicago, in 1900. Mrs. Jevne is a member of the Vala Club, the Lutheran Women's League and the Norwegian Lutheran Church, corner Roscoe and Osgood streets. She is a liberal contributor to different charities and with her daughter (Alma) resides at her pleasant home at 640 La Salle avenue. Mrs. Clara Jevne. Mr. Christian Jevne died March 17, 1898. His biography and portrait appear on another page of this volume. Mr. Henry Jevne was married July 19, 1906, to Miss Virginia Henneberger, of New Rochelle, N. Y. They reside at Portland, Oregon. In 1872 he married Miss Mina Cox (Amer- ican), and they have three children living. The oldest son, J. A., is now associated with him in business in Los Angeles, Cal., where his oldest daughter also lives, having married a prominent banker of that place. Mr. Jevne went to California in 1882, starting a small grocery. He has grown up, so to speak, with the town, has prospered, and owns now one of the largest as well as the best equipped stores in the country. He is a directoi^ of the First Na- tional Bank and the Southern California Savings Bank, of Los Angeles. Mr. Jevne has seen Los Hans Jevne. Angeles grow from a village to the second larg- est city on the Pacific coast, and has been active in its chamber of commerce and all enterprises tending toward the growth and upbuilding of the city. HANS JEVNE SdREN JOHANSEN Was born in Hamar, Norway, Feb. 28, 1849. He attended the Latin school there, but left for the United States when 17 years old, joining here Was born in Trugstad, Norway, Sept. 20, 1849. his brother, C. Jevne, in 1866. His father was a hauling contractor in Christi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 365 ania, and died Jan. 12, 1887; his mother died March 17, 1884. At the age of 14 Soren went to Christiania, where he entered the Isacson machine shop to learn the machinist trade, without pay. At the age of 17 lie entered the J. & A. Jensen & Dahl machine shop to finish learning his trade. In 1871 he was sent to Clarafors Woodpulp Mill Company, Varmland, Sweden, to erect machin- ery, and while there he married Miss Louise Ellstrom, of the same place. In 1874 he returned to Christiania and was made assistant master Soren Johansen. mechanic by J. & A. Jensen & Dahl; but later was sent out to erect machinery in Skien, Fred- rikshald, Lomsdalen Ronsfjoren, Kongsvinger, Moss; and Sorknges in Aamot, Dr0bak, etc. In 1879 he left Norway for America and set- tled in Chicago, where he was employed by Mason & Co., Excelsior Iron Works, until 1885. Then he was employed by Eraser & Chalmers as gang boss or foreman, making engines and air compressors. In 1886 he was sent to Mexico to erect ma- chinery for the United Mexican Mining Com- pany, Guanajuata, where he resided with his family until 1893, when Mr. Johansen and family returned to Chicago. In the same year he was chosen master mechanic for the Costa Rica and Pacific Gold Mining Company, in Central Amer- ica; but in 1895 returned to Chicago, and in the same year went to Monserrat Consolidated Min- ing Company, Yuscaran, Honduras, C. A., as master mechanic. He also served the New York S: Honduras Rosario Mining Company in the same capacity. In 1903 Mr. Johansen resigned and returned 'c Chicago and invested his mone}'- in real estate; and after two years' rest started as real estate broker, with office at 848 Armitage avenue, corner of Humboldt boulevard. Mr. Johansen is an unassuming man and lover of a quiet life. Is a member and one of the founders of the Immanuel Lutheran Church, corner of Maplewood avenue and Cherry place. Mr. and Mrs. Johansen have four children — Conrad Johansen, chief mechanic for the Limon Company, Nicaragua. C. A., and Adolph Johan- sen, assistant in charge of the general order de- partment of the AUis-Chalmers Company, Mil- waukee, Wis. They also have two daughters — Nathalia and Minnie Mabel — living with their parents at 176 Humboldt boulevard. EDWARD JOHANSON, The well-known cigar manufacturer, was born in Christiania, Norway, March 22, 1834. He com- menced to work in the tobacco business when 8 years old and has followed the same line ever since. When 18 years old he went to Denmark, but after a short stay returned to Norway. He was married to Caroline Severine K0lseth, Aug. 7, 1855, in Norway. They emigrated to America in 1868, coming direct to Chicago. He started in the cigar business! at 113 W. Washing- ton street, in 1870, but after the great fire he sold his interests on the West Side and moved to State and Polk streets. This business he af- terward sold to his son, and in 1883 started busi- ness in Auburn Park, where he is located now. Mr. and Mrs. Johanson were blessed with ten children, five of them now living. He is a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias and the family attends the Lutheran Church. 366 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Edward Johanson. REV. ALFRED OTTO JOHNSON Was born May 12, 1871, in Zumboota, Goodhue county, Minnesota. His parents, Hans Johnson (Fr0islie) from S0ndre Lands parish, Norway, at that time a merchant, and his mother Guro Strand from Halling:dal, Norway, are still living. Mrs. Edw. Johanson. Rev. A. O. Johnson. In 1874 his parents moved to Red Wing, Minn., the county seat of Goodhue county where his father had been elected clerk of the county court, in which capacity he served twelve years. Here our subject received his education in the public schools of the city and in the parochial school of Trinity Church, where he was confirmed July 5, 1885. In the fall of 1885 he was inrolled as a student at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, enter- ing the second class. In 1891 he was graduated and in the fall entered upon the study of theo- lop-y at Luther Seminary, then located at Rob- binsdale, Minn. On the 22nd of Feb. 1894 he received a call as temporary pastor of Spring Prairie and other congregations in Dane Co., Wis., while their pastor Rev. C. K. Preus was temporarily serv- ing Our Savior's Church in Chicago. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS mi On March 1. lie passed examination, was graduated and ordained at Red Wing, Minn., by the Rt. Rev. K. Bj^rge on the 11th of March and was installed at Spring Prairie on March 15th. On March 15, 1895, he received a call from Our Savior's Church in Chicago, 111. He imme- diately accepted the call and came to Chicago June 14, 1895, was installed the following Sun- day, June IT), and has served the congregation since. On June 11, 1895, just previous to taking- charge of the congregation in Chicago, he was married to Buntina Marie Olson, born and raised in Red Wing, a daughter of Peter Olson Nor- land, deceased, and Helene Hvidhammer, both of Trondhjem. Of this marriage five children were born: Paul Gerhard, April 19, 1896; Bern- hard Alfred, April 25, 1898; Harold Edward, Oct. 9, 1902; Helen Marie, Sept. 12, 1904, and Clara Ovidia, Dec. 19, 1906. During the first ten years of his pastorate he lived in the parsonage, 226 N. May street, ad- joinirig the church, but in the fall of 1905 Mrs. Johnson's health became impaired so that a change became necessary. Assuming that the congregation would consider it necessary that the pastor live near the church, Rev. Johnson deemed it advisable to offer his resignation, which was done in December 1905. The board of deacons together with the board of trustees, however, immediately requested the pastor to withdraw his resignation and see, if it .were not possible to find a home in a less populated dis- trict and serve the congregation as before. This request was again made at the following congre- gational meeting. The resignation was with- drawn, and the pastor moved with his family to 2203 N. Monticello Ave. (in Irving Park), where he now lives, maintaining a study in the old parsonage, 226 N. May street, where he is to be found forenoons and evenings. now living in Nebraska — moved to the neigh- borhood of Norway, La Salle county, 111., and was there remarried, to Mr. Peter Ormson, with whom she had two children, twins, of whom the son is living, in the neighborhood of Norway, 111. The other twin, a daughter, died when 6 years old. Mrs. Johnson was 10 years old when her mother died. After having attended the district school un- til 12 years of age she had to go out and work for her own support among Americans, receiv- ing only 50 cents per week, with which munifi- cent salary she had to buy her own clothes and Mrs. A. H. Johnson. MRS. ANDREW H. JOHNSON Was born in Telemarken, Norway, Jan. 27, 1841. Her father was Ole Baker (Backa), a farmer, and her mother Carrie Stenb0n. Her parents migrated to America when she was only one year and a half old, and settled in Muskego, Wis. Her father died there one year after their arrival. Her mother then with her two children — Mrs. Johnson and her brother, Ole Baker, shoes. She had, however, kind relatives living there, cousins and aunts, with whom she could make her home. At the early age of 16^ years she was mar- ried to Mr. Andrew H. Johnson, who was born near Stavanger, Norway, and at the time of their marriage about 27 years of age. He rented a farm in La Salle county, moved later to a rented farm in Kendall county, and finally bought a farm near the site of the present town of Lee, in De Kalb county. Eight children were born t6 them, of whom one girl died in infancy and seven are living. 368 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS They are: Henry William, banker, ex-judge; Caroline (Carrie), widow of John Hovda, post- mistress at Leland, III; Melinde, married to Mr. Varland, of Seneca, 111.; Ole has bou'ght their homestead near Lee, III; James E., dealer in grain and Stock, Lee, 111.; Emma Julia, married to Ole Bucken and lives three miles north of Rochelle, 111.; Erin Cyrus, a farmer in Iowa. All of Mrs. Johnson's children have children, so she is at the present writing the happy grandmother of thirty-eight grandchildren. Mrs. Johnson, who is still hale and hearty and much brighter than many not half her age, is spending her declining years in her own nice residence near Lee, surrounded by some of her grandchildren, with whom she with her lively temperament is in sympathy. ANDREW P. JOHNSON, President and organizer of the Johnson Chair Company, was born at Voss, Norway, Nov. 22, 1835. His parents were John and Emily (born Vinge Gjerager) Johnson. He came to America with his parents in 1850, settling on a farm in Boone county, Illinois, near Beloit, Wis. . Here our subject worked' on his father's farm and at- tended the public school until twenty years old. He then went to Beloit to learn the trade of a carpenter, and remained there until 1861, when he came to Chicago. The next year he was em- ployed by the federal government and was as- signed to the construction corps in the army, in which capacity he served until the end of the war, having worked at Nashville, Chattanooga, Bridgeport and other places. Returning to Chi- cago after the war, he took up his carpenter work again as a contractor and builder. In 1868 he went into partnership with Messrs. F. Herhold and A. Borgmeier for the manufacture of chairs, the firm name being Herold, Johnson & Borgmeier. He later bought out Mr. Her- hold's interest, and in 1877 took in his brother, Nels Johnson, the name of the firm being A. P. Johnson & Co. In 1883 they incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois as the Johnson Chair Company, of which our subject has been president, Nels Johnson, secretary and A. Borg- meier treasurer. Mr. Borgmeier died in 1905 and Joseph F. Johnson, our subject's oldest son, was elected treasurer of the company. For further reference to the growth and development of the Johnson Chair Company we refer our readers to an article under another heading in this history. Mr. Johnson was the organizer of the Mt. Olive Cemetery Association, has been a director of the State Bank of Chicago since it was or- ganized in 1831, he is president of the Wicker Park Safety Deposit Vault Company, and a di- rector of the Asbestos Sad Iron Company, of Canal Dover, Ohio. He has always been a stanch republican, and represented his ward, the Fourteenth, in the city council in 1889-91. A. P. Johnson. Mr. Johnson married Martha Magnussen Sattre in 1871. Five children were born to them, namely: Joseph F., Anna E., Arthur L., Benja- min O. and Ruth Isabelle. He is one of the founders of the Norwegian Old People's Home and was its president for two years. He was also among the first to help build and maintain the Tabitha Hospital and the Deaconess Home and Hospital, having served on the buildini; com- mittee of both. He is a member of the Wicker Park English Lutheran Church and chairman of the board of trustees. He is also a member of the A. O. U. W. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 369 Mr. Johnson is a quiet, consistent and faithful the old country. He has continued in that busi- Christian gentleman, and in all his walks in life ness. has been upright in his dealings, kind and con- On May 7, 1884, he was married to Inga E. siderate of the welfare of others, and is loved Hanson. They have three children, Frank 19 and respected by all who know him. The fam- years; Beulah, 17, Archer, 13. Mr. Johnson is a ily resides at 695 N. Robey street. supporter of the Norwegian Old People's Home and the Lutheran Children's Home, is a member of the Royal League, and attends the English . Lutheran Church. The family resides at 632 9jjr? N. Hoj^ne avenue. ANTON JOHNSON Was born near Christiania, Norway, Feb. 4, 1854, a son of John and Ellen Olson. He attended school in the old country and remained there until he was 18 years old. ALLEN (ERLAND) JOHNSON Was born at Ytter Sogn, in Viks prestegjeld, Norway, April 7, 1837. His father was Joe John- son, whose business it was to carry mail by boat Anton Johnson. In 1872 he came to America, his parents hav- ing preceded him the year before. His first three years in America were spent on a farm about forty miles west of Chicago. In 1875 he left the farm and started the business of manu- facturing clothing in Chicago, in company with an older brother, who had learned his trade in Allen Johnson. between dififerent places, and his mother was Anna Erlands. Mr. Johnson went to the country school for his education and was confirmed at the age of 14 in Vik. He then worked on farms 370 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS until he was 19 years of age, when he concluded to migrate to America. He landed from a sailing vessel at Quebec in 1856. From there he came to Chicago, where he worked in a lumber yard for nearly three months in order to save up enough money to pay for his transportation across the ocean. Being a poor lad, he had to borrow the sum from friends to pay his passage. An American picked up Mr. Johnson and two other brawny Norwegian boys and induced them to go out and work on his farm in Lee county, south of Dixon. Here Johnson remained only two months, as he became home- sick living among strangers, and returned to Chi- cago. He remained in Chicago another two months, and then, not feeling well, was advised by a doctor to go into the country. He then went to Willow Creek township, where he worked on farms two years; then he worked a farm on shares about three years, when he had saved enough money to buy eighty acres of land. He now cultivated his own ground, which, however, he sold after ten years and bought a farm of 160 acres, where he has been living since. In 1870 he was married to Miss Inger Olsdat- ter Winterton, with whom he has had three chil- dren: Joe, Anna and Bertholine. The family belongs to the church of the Luth- eran Norwegian Synod. REV. CHARLES J. JOHNSON, Pastor of the Norwegian-Danish Methodist Church at Evanston, 111., was born to John and Johanna Johnson in Christiansund, .Norway, April 11, 1873. When about one year old his parents moved to Trondhjem, and in 1878, believ- ing that America offered better opportunity for their children, they emigrated and came to Chi- cago, arriving in October. Charles received his preliminary education in the public schools of Chicago and later learned the printer's trade, intending to follow that as his chief work in life. But one day, early in 1891, the voice of conscience or the call of God came to him very distinctly: he was to preach the Word. In order to prepare himself for this calling he attended the Norwegian-Danish The- ological Seminary of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Evanston, and was creditably gradu- ated under the able instructions of Rev. Dr. N. E. Simonsen. During his senior vear at the seminary he organized the North Avenue Meth- odist Mission, now called the Emmanus Church. His next appointment was to Norway, 111., where he served the church for one year. During his pastorate there he was elected president of the Chicago District Epworth League of the Nor- wegian-Danish Conference, to which position he was twice re-elected. After leaving the Norway Congregation he was for two years pastor of the Kenosha (Wis.) Church, where he built a .beauti- ful house of worship. Apart from his pastoral duties at Park Side (Chicago), which was his next appointment after leaving Kenosha, he corn- Rev. C. J. Johnson. pleted the four-year philosophical course at the academy of the Northwestern University, and was graduated therefrom in 1901. During the last five years he has held the pastorate of the Evanston Norwegian-Danish IMethodist Congre- gation. During this period he also completed a four-year scientific course at the college of liberal arts at the Northwestern University and was graduated with the degree of bachelor of science. While a student he was the winner of many hon- ors for excellence in the art of oratory and in debate. Both in the academ}^ and in the college of liberal arts of Northwestern University he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 371 carried ofif the first prizes for superior public speaking. His subject in the latter contest was "Nansen's Dash for the Pole." As a debater he has also won marked distinction. In August, 1901, he was married to Miss Es- ther Marie Crook, of Racine, Wis. They have two children — Charles, 4 years; Henry, 1 year. The family resides in Evanston. Co., in 1876. Since the death of her husband in 1891 Mrs. Johnson has made her home with her son-in-law, in Evanston. ^ MRS. CORNELIA JOHNSON, Widow of Andrew IMa^nus Johnson, was born in Farsund, Norway, March 24, 1833. She came to America in 1848, traveling by canal to Buffalo, by lake steamer to Milwaukee, and from there went to Koshkonong, Dane county, Wisconsin. MRS. KLINE THEODORA JOHNSON, The widow of Captain William Johnson, the well known lake captain and vessel owner, was born in Troms0, Norway, Aug. 15, 1845. Her parents Mrs. Eline T. Johnson. were Edward Adolph Shoemaker, a sea captain, and Petrine Ehzabeth Thompson, the latter of Sandviken, near Salten. They are both dead; Captain Shoemaker in 1903 and his wife, whom he survived nearly thirty j^ears, in 1873. Miss Eline Theodora Shoemaker was married to Captain Johnson Sept. 3, 1872. They have had Mrs. Johnson was married in 1851. She has five children: four daughters and one son, of been a resident of Chicago and suburbs for thir- whom three daughters are still living. Clara ty-five years. Her daughter, Eda Louise, an only Amalia was born Nov. 18, 1873. She was mar- child, married Otto C. Ericson, of C. Jevne & ried July 21, 1897, to Jens J. Meldahl, the well Mrs. Cornelia Johnson. 372 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS known architect. They have two children: Dag- ny Louise, born April 20, 1899, and Waldemar J., Nov. 15, 1904. The second daughter Olga The- resa was born March 20, 1878. She was mar- ried Oct. 17, 1906, to Charles Edgar Walles, an insurance man ot Chicago. The third daughter, Alice Eline Theodora, was born Au'g. 20, 1880, and is living with her mother. The only son, William Owen, was born May 29, 1883, and died when only a few months old. The last daughter, Dagny Florence, was born Feb. 13, 1887, and died Feb. 4, 1893. Mrs. Johnson has been very active in benev- olent, charitable and church work. She is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, has been on the board of directors of the Tabitha Hospital for nine successive terms, organizer and president of the Chicago School Children's Aid Society for ten years, member of Vala, a member of Aurora Borealis (a literary society older than Vala), belongs to the North- west Culture Club, has been a member of the Lutheran Woman's League for about five years, and is a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Mrs. Johnson resides in her own substantial and comfortable home at 666 N. Hoyne avenue, near Wicker Park. Captain Johnson was a well known resident of Chicago, and thou'gh he landed here as a poor sailor boy, he acquired through his indomitable energy an honorable place among his fellow men, and through legitimate channels of business a high position in the financial world. In 1878 Mrs. Johnson, in company with her husband and oldest daughter, visited the Paris exposition and spent five months traveling in Europe. Captain Johnson died in 1902. His sketch appears in an- other part of this book. Here Mrs. Rasmussen died in 1866; her husband died in Chicago, in 1898. In 1866, Miss Hedvig Rasmussen was mar- ried to Mr. Ole Jacobson, who died in 1878. They had two sons and three daughters: One son died in infancy. The other, Robert Jacobson, mar- ried Miss Maggie Rogde, of Lee, III.; they have two sons. Margit Jacobson married Charles Ostrom, of Chicago; they have one daughter, Margit, 2 years of age. Anna Jacobson was mar- ried to Ernest Gamble, Fox Lake, Wis.; they have one son, James, and one daughter, Margit. Mrs. Hedvig Johnson. MRS. HEDVIG JOHNSON Was born at Bergen, Norway, Oct. 28, 1847. Her father was Rasmus Rasmussen, a cooper, and her mother Helga Jacobson, who with their fam- ily of five daughters came to America in the sail- ing vessel Kung Karl, Captain Svanoe, in 1864. Mr. Rasmussen was a very religious man and here became a lay preacher and for several years had charge of the congregation (church and school work and confirmations, etc.) at Lee, 111. One daughter, Hedvig Olivia, was married to Matt. Larson. She died in 1891. In 1881 Mrs. Jacobson was married to August J. Johnson, partner of her former husband. Mr. Johnson was a native of Sweden. He had been married, and had two sons and a daughter: Hans P. Johnson married Inga Nelson, of Chicago; they have four children — Florence, Hobart, Ma- rie and Peter. Anton J. Johnson married Carrie Gernhard; they have six children — Ruth, Har- vey, Helen, Caroline, Anton and Dorothy. Dag- ny J. Johnson married Edward Enerson; she BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 373 died in 1894, leaving one son, Joseph E., 11 j^ears of age. Mr. and ]\Irs. Johnson had two daughters: Jennie Olga, born in 1882; Athie Helen died in infancy. Mr. Johnson died in 1891. The A. J. Johnson & Sons factory — in which fine dining-room furniture (such as sideboards, bookcases, etc.) is made — is now operated by Mr. Johnson's sons by his first wife, though Mrs. Johnson still retains an interest. Mrs. Johnson, with her daughter Jenny, lives in her own residence at 196 Evergreen avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Johnson is a member of the Nor- wegian Trinity Church, corner of Noble and Huron streets. JUDGE HENRY W. JOHNSON. Hon. Henry W. Johnson, of Ottawa, 111., was born in Miller township, La Salle county, Illinois, of Norwegian parents, on Dec. 10, 1858. He was reared on a farm in northern Illinois, and edu- cated in the public schools and Jennings Semi- nary, Aurora, and the Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. At the general election in 1888 he was elected clerk of the circuit court of La Salle county, on the republican ticket, by a plurality of one vote, the county going democratic that year by several hundred votes, Mr. Johnson being one of two republicans elected in that county that year. This demonstrated his favor with the people, who have never failed to sustain him at each and every op- portunity since. In 1890 he was admitted by the supreme court of Illinois to practice law, and shortly thereafter engaged in the active practice of his chosen pro- fession at Ottawa, Illinois, and soon became very successful as a lawyer. In 1894 his party, recog- nizing his strength and availability as a candidate, nominated him for the office of county judge against the incumbent of the ofifice, who was con- ceded to be the most popular democrat in the county at the time, but when the votes were counted Mr. Johnson was found to be elected by a plurality of 2,043 votes. He was re-elected to the same office in 1898 by a plurality of 2,547 votes, leading his ticket, and in 1902 he refused what would have been an unanimous renomination to the same office. His administration as county judge gave very general satisfaction to both the bar and litigants; one may search through the re^ ports of our courts of appeal in vain for reversals of cases tried by him. During the eight years on the bench he was frequently invited by Judge Carter of Cook county to try cases for him in Chicago. Mr. Johnson surrendered his general law prac- tice in 1903 to accept the presidency of the Ottawa Banking and Trust Company, Ottawa, 111., one of the growing and most promising institutions of the kind in the state outside of Chicago. He is also president of the Lee State Bank, Lee, 111., and has recently been elected president of the Central Life Assurance Society, of Ottawa, 111., Judge H. W, Johnson. a growing and very promising organization. He is also vice-president of the supreme body of the Fraternal Mystic Circle, of Philadelphia, Pa., and holds the same position with the Archaen Union at Rockford, 111. Until the fall of 1906, when Mr. Ole Benson was elected sheriff, Mr. Johnson had been the only person of Scandinavian antecedents to hold an elective county ofifice in La Salle county. While he is a thoroughgoing American in all that pertains to true Americanism, still he shows unmistakable evidence of being a descendant from the sturdy Norse stock, and takes a pardonable 374 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS pride in tlie rugged honesty, industry and chival- ric character of his ancestors. The subject of this sketch has been frequently mentioned in connection with positions of trust, and efforts have been made to confer additional political honor upon him, but he is not an office seeker; he prefers instead the quiet enjoyment of home life. In 1898 the way to the Congress of the United States was open to him, but he de- clined to entertain the proposition and did what he could to prevail upon the incumbent to stand for re-election. Recently he has declined to en- tertain a proffered federal appointment of a high order. On Feb. 19, 1906, he was, however, without solicitation on his part, appointed by Governor Deneen one of the three members of the inter- nal improvement commission of Illinois. Mr. Johnson's father, Andrew H. Johnson, mi- grated to this country from near Stavanger, Nor- way, in 1853, and settled in northern Illinois. His mother, Sarah Baker, came with her parents when only about 1^/^ years of age from Tin, Norway, in about the year 1842, and first settled in the state of Wisconsin. Mr. Johnson was united in marriage, Feb. 27, 1884, with Miss Carrie Nelson, whose sketch is found elsewhere. They have two daughters liv- ing, Herby and Nina, Herby being now a senior in Cumnock's School of Oratory, Evanston. He is a member of a number of fraternal organiza- tions, includin"- the Knights of Pythias and Ma- sonic fraternities, and various clubs. MRS. CARRIE NELSON JOHNSON. Mrs. Carrie Nelson Johnson, wife of Judge H. W. Johnson, is a native of La Salle county, Il- linois. She was educated in the district schools, in the public schools at Sheridan, and at Jen- nings Seminary, Aurora, 111., after which she en- gaged in teaching school for a time. Mrs. Johnson was a daughter of the late Peter C. Nelson, who departed this life at her residence in Ottawa, III, on Dec. 13, 1904, at the ripe old age of nearly 75 years. At his death he was one of the very oldest, if not the oldest, persons born of Norwegian parentage in America. His parents (being the grandparents of Mrs. John- son), Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Nelson, were among the first Norwegian emigrants to this country in the nineteenth century. They sailed out of the harbor of Stavanger, Norway, on July 4, 1825, our day of independence, for America, in company with fifty others, including crew, on the sloop Restoration, often called the Norwegian Mayflower, owing to the fact that they sought to avail themselves of this, the land of the free, where they might worship their God according to the dictates of their own conscience. They belonged to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. This party, with all on board, after a perilous voyage of fourteen weeks, en- tered New York harbor, their craft being one Mrs. H. W. Johnson. of the smallest of its kiuv^ that ever crossed the Atlantic Ocean. In the fall of the same year Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son settled in Kendall, on the shores of Lake Ontario, in the northern part of Orleans county, New York. This was the first Norwegian settle- ment in America in the nineteenth century. At this place Mr. Peter C. Nelson, Mrs. Johnson's father, was born on the 20th of January, 1830. At this place, in December, 1833, his father died, and thereafter, in 1836, the widow, Kari, came with her family to Mission township, La Salle county, Illinois, and settled on sec. 33, which BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 375 at this time is occupied by her grandson, Cor- nelius Nelson. She built a log house thereon shortly after her arrival and made her home there until she departed for "that bourne whence no traveler returns," July 24, 1846. The original log house still stands, but has been inclosed and a large frame building has been added. This is only of interest because of the fact that, beyond all doubt, this is the first farm selected and domi- ciled by a Norwegian in America west of the great lakes. Judge and Airs. Johnson have been residents of Ottawa, 111., since 1888, where they and their two daughters are affiliated with the First Meth- odist Episcopal Church of that city. to them on July 18, 1906. Mr. Johnson's father died many years ago, but his mother is still liv- ing and is expected to make her home with her JOHN A. JOHNSON, The manufacturer of physicians' and dental in- struments, at 500 W. North avenue, Chicago, was born to Halvor and Marie (nee Heir) Johnson, of Christiania, Norway, Aug. 12, 1877. He at- tended school and was confirmed in Vor Frelsers Church. He was then apprenticed to Nicolay Jacobsen, of Christiania, to learn the trade of an electrical instrument maker. He worked at this for five years, when, at the age of 18, he came to New York, where he spent one year looking up opportunities for a future field of work. In. 1896 he returned to Christiania, where he accepted a position with Wishbeck & Meinick, extending his knowledge of the instrument-mak- ing business. In 1899 he came back to this country,' going to Deer Park, Wis., where he had a married sister. From there he went to Minneapolis, but after three months came to Chicago, where he has re- mained since. Here he secured work with Mason & Co., manufacturers and dealers in dental sup- plies, where he worked for five years. He then started in business for himself at 500 W. North avenue, making all kinds of electrical instru- ments. He is making a specialty of dental fur- naces for laboratory use. Recently he also se- cured a patent on a vibrator which he put on the market some time ago. Mr. Johnson was married to Bertha Marie Evenson, daughter of Edward and Carrie Even- son, of Chicago, Nov. 11, 1905. A boy was born J. A. Johnson. three children in this country. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson attend the Norwegian Lutheran Church and reside in a cozy flat at 1263 Wabansia avenue. JOHN W. JOHNSON. John William Johnson, son of William and Inger Overland Johnson, was born in the city of Stavanger, Norway, July 2, 1844. He attended the public schools and spent the early part of his life in Stavanger; but with ambitions rising above the opportunities offered him in his native town, it was natural that the stories of this wonderful land across the seas should attract him, and he came to America in the year 1868, locating soon after in Chicago, where he has since resided. The years just previous to and following the Chicago A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS 376 fire were spent in the strenuous work of establish- - as salesman for the firm, and resides at 42 Marion ing a home for himself and family, and assisting in the work of rebuilding the stricken city. During the year 1872 he founded the business now conducted under the name of the J. W. John- son Company, manufacturers of horse clothing, tents, awnings, etc., one of the largest and best known firms in this line in Chicago, and he still takes an active interest in the business. Mr. Johnson was united in marriage, June 6, 1870, to Louisa Johnson, whose birthplace was also Stavanger, and who came to Chicago a short time previous to their marriage. Their home is J. W. Johnson. located at 42 Marion place, where four children have been born to them, all of whom are living. The sons are associated in the business with their father. John W., Jr., the oldest, manager of their factories, was born Nov. 15, 1871; married Dec. 10, 1897, to Mamie Cecelia Jones, and resides at 1485 Drake avenue. Lawrence E. Johnson was born Nov. 16, 187G, and holds the responsible po- sition of genera,! manager of the business; mar- ried Aug. 30, 1899, to Miss Olga Brynildson, daughter of Herman Brynildson, of Bergen, Nor- way; they live at 701 W. Wrightwood avenue. Arthur G., the youngest son, occupies a position place, where, with the only daughter, Rose Dag- mar Johnson, they assist their parents in making the home a modern example of old-time Nor- wegian hospitality and good cheer, where their innumerable friends are always assured a sincere and hearty welcome. John W. Johnson is a republican in politics, but while he takes an active interest in the political progress of both the United States and Norway, he has never aspired to any position of either so- cial or political prominence; preferring rather to devote his energies to his private interest and be known, as he is known and honored by those who know him best, for his business integrity, his de- votion to his family and friends, and his quiet, unassuming charitable work. The latter is dis- pensed wherever and whenever the need appeals, the only organization with which he is identified being the Norwegian Old People's Home, to which he has always given active and substantial support. The family attend religious services at the Wicker Park Methodist Episcopal Church. NELS JOHNSON, Secretary of the Johnson Chair Company, was born at Voss, Norway, Dec. 1, 1843. His parents were John L. and Emily (Vinge Gjerager) John- son, both from Voss. He came to America with his parents in 1850, landing in New York, and came west via Chi- cago, locating on a farm in Boone county, Illi- nois, near Beloit, Wis. Here Nels worked on his father's farm, attended the public school, and was confirmed. In 1859 he came to Chicago and secured a place on the Chicago Democrat, "Long" John Wentworth's paper, where he worked until 1861, when the paper was sold to the Chicago Tribune. During this time Mr. Johnson was learning the printer's trade, and went from the Democrat to the Chicago Journal^ where he became a journey- man compositor. He continued to work at his trade on the Journal until 1872, when he became actively connected with his brother, A. P. John- son, in the chair company. This com.pany, which employes a small army of men, will be referred to under another head in this history. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 377 On Oct. 23, 1873, he married Martha Findall, of Manitowoc, Wis., daughter of Isaac and Mar- tha Findall. They have had five children, name- ly: Walter J., Alma ^I., Edwin I., Ednal. and Chester N. Walter J. is his father's assistant with the Johnson Chair Company. Edna was married on Oct. 14, 1906, to W. Ford, a real estate man, in Chicago. Nels Johnson. Mr. Nels Johnson has been president of the Western Chair Association, a director of the United States Rattan Company, treasurer of the Chicago Furniture Association, and president of the Mt. Olive Cemetery Association. The family are members of the Holy Trinity English Luth- eran Church, on La Salle avenue, of which Mr. Johnson has been a trustee for about thirty years. The family home is at 1844 Surf street, Chicago. fornia the following year, where he devoted eight years to mining. He also spent one year in Idaho and one year in Montana in the same business. He then returned to Chicago, coming down the Missouri River from Ft. Benton, as there were no railroads across the plains at that time. In Chicago he followed building and contract- ing for several years, and then opened a general L. H. Johnson. store at Millbrook, 111., where he remained for four years. He moved to Pullman in 1882, where he has since carried on a' hardware and furniture store. Mr. Johnson was married to Miss Martha L. Knutson, of Chicago, in 1869. They have three children — two boys and a girl. The family are members of the Holy Trinity English Lutheran Church of Chicago. 9j? L. H. JOHNSON, Of Pullman,, was born in Norway, May 5, 1834. He came to America in 1857 and went to Cali- OLE A. JOHNSON, A progressive young farmer near Lee, 111., was born in that place Feb. 2, 1866, his parents being 378 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Andrew H. and Sarah Baker Johnson. Mr. Johnson attended the public schools at Lee and afterward the Seminary at Aurora. His father died in 1895, wdien the subject of our sketch bought tlie homestead and is still operating the farm. He was married in July. 1891, to Miss Tillie Johnson, of the same place. They have six chil- Ole A. Johnson and Wife. dren, namely: Albarn Irene, Lela Jeanette, Stan- ley Curtis, Oren Truman, Freda Sedell and an infant daughter. Mr. Johnson has been assessor for the Norwegian Synod, and also township col- lector. He is a brother of ex-Judge H. W. Johnson of Ottawa, James Johnson of Lee and Aaron Johnson of Redclifif (Iowa). % OLE JOHNSON, Manager and cutter for the tailoring department of Weber's department store, Clark and Van Buren streets, was born on gaarden Kaastad, Vestre Slidre, Valders, Norway, Dec. 9, 1844. His father was John Johnson, a farmer, and his mother Sigrid Olson. He attended the ambula- tory school until he was confirmed in Slidre Church, and at the age of 15 was apprenticed to learn the tailoring trade. Mr. Johnson embarked on board "Harald Haar- fagre" at Bergen and landed in New York in 1872. From there he came direct to Chicago. After having worked at his trade for different merchant tailors he engaged in business for him- self in 1875 opening a tailor shop on Grand Ole Johnson. avenue, where he continued for over twenty years. He then accepted a place as a cutter, and since that time has been engaged in that work exclusively. Mr. Johnson's mother died in Chicago in 1883 but his father at 88 years of age is still living with his children in this city. While in the old country Mr. Johnson served five years in the Norwegian Army. In 1873 Mr. Johnson was married in Chicago to Miss Ragnild Olsdatter, a daughter of Ole Thomasson Gr^the. They have had five chil- dren, three sons and two daughters, all living. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 379 viz.: John, Sophie, Mathilda, Oscar and George. John is married to Miss Christine Josephson, in Chicago, and Sophie to Mr. E. S. Rowert, South Haven, Mich. The family are members of Our Saviour's Church and reside at 699 Flournoy street. CAPTAIN OLAUS JOHNSON Was born in Fredrikshald, Norway, May 2, 1833. As a boy Olaus attended the parish schools and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He then in Kattegat, and had many times to suffer hard- ships that none but an experienced seaman can appreciate. He sailed on salt water for about thirty years, or until 1872, when he came to Chicago. Upon his arrival here he purchased a piece of property, and by judicious buying and selling soon found the business profitable, and has con- tinued in the real estate business. He has ac- quired a competency. The Captain has been married twice, his first wife being Miss Anna Anderson, whom he mar- ried in 1874. She died in 1885. In 1886 he mar- ried Mrs. Anna Wilson (nee Olson). There are no children. He and his wife are comfortably domiciled in their own home at 114 N. Ashland avenue. Captain Olaus Johnson and Wife. learned the trade of custom tailor, at which he worked until 20 years old. At that age he went to sea as a sailor, having previously at odd hours studied both law and mathematics. Between the sailing seasons he also studied mathematics and astronomy at the navigation school and passed the examination as mate and sea captain, having taken all the courses pertaining thereto. He then sailed on all the seas. He was shipwrecked PETER JOHNSON (SANDVIK), Now living at JTelmar, 111., was born at Skaane- vik, near Bergen, Norway, Dec. 27, 1825. His parents were Johannes and Guro (Kjseransdat- ter) Peterson. Mr. Johnson worked and re- mained on his father's farm until he was 24 years old, when he came to America. He landed in New York and came west via Chicago and went to Lisbon, 111. Here he hired out as a farm hand for three years and then bought 120 acres in Lib- erty township. He continued to work for other farmers, however, for three years, when he built himself a log cabin on his own land and located there permanently. On Oct. 19, 1854, he married Miss Betsy Tho- reson, also from Skaanevik, Norway, (born Sept. 14, 1838), who had come to America with her parents, Thor and Brita Thoreson. Rev. Ras- mussen performed the ceremony. After about fourteen years Mr. Johnson bought 120 acres more, adjoining his own lands. His holdings now consist of 240 acres of highly cul- tivated farm land. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are the proud parents of six sons "ind four daughters, all married, namely: John Lewis, born Dec. 24, 1856; Thor Franklin, Dec' 1, 1858; Betsy Melinda, Jan. 20, 1861; Ingeborg Gurine, Jan. 6, 1863; Nels Olaus, Oct. 17, 1864; Peter Albert, April 21, 1866; Anna Maria, March 31, 1868; Charles Olie, Jan. 31, 1870; Emma Josephine, May 10, 1876; Henry Eli- as, Dec. 22, 1879. The children are all living, and Mr. Johnson is the happy grandfather of 380 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS twenty-eight bright Americans. One of his sons, Charles Olie, is now running the farm, the old couple having retired several years ago, having built themselves a comfortable home near the church at Helmar. Jacobsdatter. Perry, their oldest son, is a senior in the high school. The family attend the Con- gregational Church and Sunday school, and re- side in their own home at 119 S. Lake street, Aurora. Peter Johnson and Wife. Mr. Johnson has always been a liberal con- tributor to charitable institutions when called upon, as well as to the Pleasant View Luther College at Ottawa. The family all belong to the Lutheran Church. Our subject has always been a reliable republican, but has never sought polit- ical ofifice. '^ PETER ALBERT JOHNSON, Of Aurora, was born on a farm near Helmar, III., April 21, 1866. His parents are Peter John- son (Sandvik) and Betsy Thoreson, both living at Helmar. Our subject attended the public school and the Northern Indiana Normal School at Valparaiso, Ind. Returning from school, he worked on his father's farm until 1892, when he engaged in the coal business in Aurora, buying out O. M. Olson. On Jan. 7, 1889, he married Miss Lena M. Ol- son (Holty), born July 15, 1869, of Newark, 111. They have three children — Perry, who was born Jan. 15, 1891; Oscar Guy, Oct. 31, 1893; The- odora Blanche, Nov. 27, 1895. Mrs. Johnson's parents were Nels Olson Holty and Thorbjjzir Peter A. Johnson. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 381 PEDER JOHNSON, The manufacturer of kitchen furniture, at 87-89 W. Erie street, Chicago, was born in Krager^, Norway, Jan. 19, 1860. His parents were Jens and Kristine Johnson. He attended the public school and also took drawing lessons in a tech- nical school at Krager0, where he was con- firmed. He then secured a position as ap- prentice with a cabinet maker and worked for four years. After having learned the trade he continued to work until 1882, when he emigrated to America. mother died in 1900; his father is still living at the old home in Norway. The family are mem- bers of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, of which Mr. Johnson has been superintendent of the Sun- day school and an active member for many years. The family resides at 1883 Kamerling avenue. ^ THORVALD JOHNSON, Peder Johnson. Coming direct to Chicago, he immediately went to work for the Kimball Piano Company, where he remained for three years. He then engaged in busmess for himself at his present location, making a line of kitchen furniture ex- clusively. He has been very successful, having had standing orders enabling him to run his factory at its full capacity continuously. He was married to Amelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, of Chicago, June 27, 1888. They have seven children, all girls and all living, namely: Clara, Grace, Jennie, Alice, Es- ther, Evelyn and Florence. Mr. Johnson's President and treasurer of the T. Johnson Co., manufacturers of cooperage and dealers in coop- ers' stock, 206 North Carpenter street, and Thir- ty-Eight and Morgan streets, the well known cooper, familiarly known as Cooper Johnson, was born in Enebak prestegjeld, Norway, Jan. 24, 1851. His parents were Johan Peter and Anna Maria (Hansen) Johnson. Mr. Johnson remained at home attending school until he was confirmed. At 15 years of age he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a cooper with a firm in Christiania. After completing his apprenticeship and master- ing his trade he came to America and Chicago in 1871. He soon found work at his trade. Five years later, in 1877, he started in the business in a small way for himself, his first location being on Austin avenue near Jefiferson street. On April 8, of the same year he was married to Hulda Abrahamson, who died ten years later, leaving him four children: Walter Owen, Lulu Anna, Ada Oliva and Hattie Theodora. His business had grown during these years and needing larger quarters he moved to the corner of Ohio and Carpenter streets and later located a larger factory at Thirty-eight and Morgan streets, and is now operating both plants, em- ploying steadily over one hundred and twenty- five men. During all these years he has never been troubled by strikes or discontent among his help. Mr. Johnson was married again July 12, 1890, to Mrs. Anna Risetter of Lee, 111. They reside at 1283 Humboldt boulevard. Mr. Johnson once ran for alderman of the sev- enteenth ward as an independent republican. It is generally conceded that he was elected by a large majority but he never took his seat. He secured all the votes in his own precinct but 17 regardless of nationality or party affiliation. One of the most beneficial things i\Ir. Johnson has done for the public was in helping to elimi- nate the manufacture of prison goods coming in 382 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS competition with free labor. In about 1876 mod- ern machinery was installed in the penal institu- tion at Joliet, for the manufacture of barrels at a maximum cost of fifty cents per day for labor, so that those using free labor were practically forced to the wall. In 1892 a convention of man- ufacturers of cooperage throughout the state was held in Chicago to take vigorous action against this evil. A committee was appointed, of which Mr. Johnson was a member, to bring this matter before the governor of the state, with the object of enforcing an amendment to the constitution of Thorvald Johnson. the state prohibiting the letting of prisoners to contractors. Repeated efforts were made but witli very unsatisfactory results. However, they succeeded in reducing the evil under Governor Altgeld's administration and finally abolished it during Governor Yates' term. When the new Security Bank of Chicago was started in 1906, Mr. Johnson became one of its directors, which position he is still holding. TORRIS JOHNSON, Of Newark, 111., was born in Skonevik preste- gjeld, Bergens slift, Norway, Sept. 5, 1837. His parents were Johannes and Elizabeth Torrison; both died while Torris was a child. ■ He received his first education of a private teacher. At the age of 11 years he came to America with another brother and a sister, in the care of their grandfather, Torris Torrison. They landed in Chicago and went to Mr. Johnson's uncle, Hal- stein Torrison, who lived in Calumet, about twenty miles south of Chicago and three miles west of Hammond, Ind. Here Johnson remained for three years and then went to Kendall county with his older brother, and was confirmed there by Rev. Ole Andrewson. He then worked on farms in that vicinity. When the war broke out he enlisted as a private on Aug. 27, 1861. The company in which Mr. Johnson enlisted was commanded by Captain Porter Olson. He participated in two battles — at Pea Ridge, Ark. and Perryville, Ky. At Perryville he was wounded in the right leg, the bullet entering below the knee and passing entirely through the limb, shattering both the bones. He had to remain on the battlefield until he was taken to Louisville, about seventy miles away. In the hospital the surgeon wanted to amputate his leg, but Mr. Johnson objected, and it was bandaged, after being set and given proper attention. He remained in the hospital for six months and then came to Chicago, where he went to Dr. Brainerd, who cut the wou'nd open and extracted some loose bits of bone and re- dressed it. After the last operation Mr. Johnson became so sick that his attendants despaired of his life. His good and sound constitution and strong will power pulled him through, however. Shortlv after his enlistment Mr. Johnson was made a corporal, and before the battle of Perry- ville he vyas promoted to sergeant. The first person to find the wounded man on the battlefield was Captain Porter Olson. He was riding over the field, and coming up to where Mr. Johnson lay, said, "Are you wounded, Torris?" When Torris answered "Yes," the Captain said in a jocular way, "They are shooting very carelessly here." When the wound was healed Mr. John- son returned ':o Newark, where he has remained ever since. He was married on Feb. 16, 1865, to Miss Elizabeth Ryerson, who was born in Stavanger, Norway. They have had six children, three sons and three daughters, all living but the oldest son. Two sons and one daughter are married. The two youngest daughters, Hattie and Carrie, are BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 38B at home with their father. Mrs. Johnson died in 1901. After his marriage Mr. Johnson at first rented a farm, but in 1868 he bought 140 acres in Big Grove township which he cultivated until 1892, when he rented it out and retired from Torris Johnson. active work. At the age of 70 years he is still hale and hearty, passing his declining years in his own cozy home with his daughters in New- ark. The family are members of the United Lutheran Church. dying in 1903. His mother, Gene Sherdalen Johnston, who is still living, spends most of her time visiting with the children. His father was married twice and had five children with the first wife and eight with the second. The chil- dren all lived until maturity, the first one to pass away being the oldest son, Julius G., who died when 39 years old. One sister, Maria, died when 34 years old. The other eleven are all living and in good health. The subject of our sketch attended the public school and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church at Lisbon, by Rev. P. A. Rasmussen. After his confirmation he went with his father to learn the C. F. Johnston. CHARLES FREDERICK JOHNSTON, Of Newark^ 111., was born in Big Grove, Kendall county, 111., Aug. 6, 1867. His father, Joe Johns- ton, was born in Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, and came to America in 1864. He stopped for a year or so in Chicago and then went to Kendall county, where he passed the rest of his days, trade of a painter and paper hanger, which his father had mastered in the old country. After learning the trade Mr. Johnston engaged in the business on his own account, and continued in it for about eighteen years. He saved his money, and during this period accumulated some prop- erty, including a farm in Canada. Looking af- ter his properties, turning a real estate deal oc- casionally, and looking after insurance and one thing and another, he keeps his time occupied. He has often acted as special constable, and was 384 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS some years ago elected constable without know- ing it until he was handed a notice by the town clerk to qualify for the office. He is still hold- ing this office. Mr. Johnston was married on May 7, 1901, to Miss Clara O. McNett, who was born in Mis- sion township, La Salle county, Oct. 28, 1882. They have two children — La Verne Eugene, born Jan. 22, 1903, and Kennet McNett Johnston, Nov. 26. 1905. HANNAH A. KALLEM, The well known professional nurse, was born in Haugesund, Norway, Aug. 18, 1865. With her parents, Samuel and Anne Serena (born Nedre- b0e) Kallem, she came to America in 1867. Hannah A. Kallem. They first went to Grundy county, but four years later moved to and settled on a farm near Lisbon, Kendall county. Miss Kallem had one sister and three brothers, — the sister passed away in infancy; O. W. Kallem died on Oct. 5th, 1895; Andrew S., July 17, 1904; Gustav E. Kal- lem, still living on the old homestead. Her mother died shortly after arriving in this coun- try, on Sept. 20, 1867, and her father on Sept. 23, 1903. Miss Kallem is a graduate nurse. She gradu- ated from the City and County Hospital, St. Paul, Minn., in November, 1894. Since that time she has been doing private nursing in Chicago, ex- cepting for seven months during the Spanish War, when she was in a government hospital in the South. In recognition of their services a re- ception and banquet at the Palmer House were tendered to all of the Chicago nurses by the Na- tional Emergency Association. Miss Kallem is a member of St. Paul's Nor- wegian Lutheran Church, the Norumbega Ladies' Society and the Order of Spanish American War Nurses. She also belongs to the Children's Home- finding Society. Miss Kallem resides at 1994 Kenmore avenue. In 1906 Miss Kallem went to the Philippine Is- lands to practice as a nurse. REV. HAROLD BERG KILDAHL Was born the 13th of INIarch, 1865, in Hundset, Beitstaden, Northern Trondhjems amt, Norway. His parents are Johan Kildahl and Necolina Kil- dahl (nee Buvarp). In 1866 the family came to America, settling in Goodhue county, Minnesota, and later in North- field, Minn., where the subject of our sketch at- tended the public schools until he was 14 years old. In 1882 he moved with the family to North Dakota, locating near Maza. As soon as he was of age he filed on half a section of government land. This he farmed until 1888, when he saw his way to satisfy his longing for a higher edu- cation. He rented his farm and entered St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., from which he gradu- ated in 1895. The next three years he studied theology at the United Church Seminary, then located at Franklin avenue and 26th street, E. Minneapolis. He was ordained to the ministry in 1898. His first charge was a country parish near Moorhead, Minn. In 1900 he accepted the call to Covenant English Lutheran Church, corner of Iowa and N. Robey streets, Chicago. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 385 He served this church until Nov. 1, 1902, when he oldest son, Christian O. Kindley, who had come took the position of rector of the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, Had- don avenue and Leavitt street. Rev. H. B. Kildahl. In 1898 he was marrie^d to Miss Carrie E. Ol- son, of Taylor, Wis., whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Olson, were residents of Chicago from 1869 to 1887. Four children have been born to them — Caleb Johan, Nicolena Clara, George Glen and Phoebe Dorothy. Rev. Kildahl's home is at 729 W. Wrightwood avenue. to America previously, was a merchant in Chi- cago, but died in 1886 from a runaway accident. The youngest son, John, is a pharmacist in La Crosse, Wis. The subject of this sketch came to America in August, '1878, and went to his brother's, at £21 Grand avenue, Chicago. Mr. Kindley comes of a tailor family, both on his father's and moth- er's side. He learned his trade in his father's shop, and learned it thoroughly. The day af- ter arriving in Chicago he went to work for H. B. Mathews, at 82 Dearborn street, opposite his present location. In 1886 he started in business B. O. Kindley. BERNT O. KINDLEY, Merchant tailor, with offices at 825-27 Unity Building, was born in Ringsaker, Norway, Dec. 30, 1857. His parents were Ole and Maria (Ras- mussen) Kindlihagen, of Ringsaker. There were five children in the family; of whom one son and ■one daughter are still living in Norway. The for himself, with Mr. Christian Pedersen as a partner, the firm name being Kindley & Peder- sen. This partnership continued for fourteen years, v^'hen Mr. Pedersen died. Then Mr. Kind- ley associated himself with Daniel Bue, from Hardanger, Norway, under the firm name of Kindley & Bue, which firm still exists, occupying the same offices. Our subject is a member of Thorvaldsen's Lodge, No. 41. K. of P., of which he was cashier for twelve years. Mr. Kindley visited his father, who is still liv- ing on the old farm in Norwa\% in 1906, accom- 386 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS panied by his brother Tohn and his family, from La Crosse, Wis. The old father took advantage of the occasion of the visit to sell his farm to his son Mathias Sjaaheim who is living on the farm. Sjaaheim is the name of the farm, and it has remained undivided in the family for many generations. Not an inch of land has been sold from it, but small tracts have been added, until it is now a large farm, highly cultivated and al- together noted as a model farm in that part of Norway. Mr. Kindley is unmarried and resides at 221 Grand avenue, formerly his brother's home. farmed in that vicinity for two years and in 1863 moved to De Kalb county, where they bought some land and are still living. The oldest daugh- ter is engaged in business, but the other chil- dren are married and live on farms in the neigh- borhood of their parents. Mr. Kittleson owns several farms in De Kalb county. He prides himself on being a stalwart republican. The whole family belong to the Lutheran Church of the Hauge Synod. KLING BROTHERS. HALVOR KITTLESON AND WIFE. Mr. Halvor Kittleson (Hove) was born in Tin prestegjeld, Hovins sogn, Norway, April 6, 1836. We present herewith the portraits of the mem- bers of the firm of Kling Bros. — Daniel Antony and Einar Magnus Kling, — artists, interior dec- orators and painters, with office and studio at 1018 N. Kedzie avenue. Halvor Kittleson and Wife. He was reared on his father's farm, where he se- cured the advantages of a common school edu- cation, although his father died while Halvor was a small boy. He married, in Norway, Gunne (Julie) Helge- stad, and they have four children: Henry, Cory, Isabelle and Julie. The family came to America in 1860, coming via Quebec, Detroit, Milwaukee and Chicago and going direct to Leland. They Daniel Antony Kling. They are sons of Jeremias and Marie (nee Kuhnle) Kling, of Bergen, Norway, where they were both born, Daniel on July 20, 1860, and Ei- nar on Nov. 19, 1868. Their father was a paint- ing contractor in Bergen, where both the boys learned the trade. Daniel, after having spent several years with BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 387 his father, was sent to Bremen, Germany, where stantial residences in Alabama, Tennessee and he was apprenticed for three and a half years Georgia. with Mr. Brummer, at Hohenpfad, No 5 E. After In 1892 the brothers came to Chicago, having having finished his apprenticeshiv) he was awarded confidence that this would be a good field. They D. A. Kling. E. M. Kling. the first prize by the Deutschen Malerinnung for decorating. In 1881-82 he went to Munich, Ba- varia, and studied in the royal art and indus- trial school. He then returned to Norway. Einar Magnus Kling. His brother Einar, who is eight years younger, had worked in his father's shop during this time, and upon his brother's return from Germany got the advantage of his special'study abroad. Daniel came to New York in 1886 and imme- diately found work with Fischer, Schroeder, & Co., Broadway and Fourty-second street, the largest interior decorating firm in New York, with branch ofifice in Atlanta, Ga., for the south- ern states. In 1888 Einar came to New York also, and secured work with the same firm. Af- terward Daniel was sent to Atlanta to superin- tend the decorating of several churches and sub- engaged in the interior decorating business for- themselves, under the name of Kling Bros., and' are now located at 1018 N, Kedzie avenue. They are both capable artists, as their designs and' completed work will amply testify. Their par- ents both died in Norway. ENDRE KLOSTER, The well known confectioner and baker at 241 W. Erie street, was born in Christiansand stift, Bakken, Norway, on July 7, 1821, his parents being Ole and Martha Kloster. In 1826 the fam- ily moved to Udsten Kloster, an ancient mon- astery, and in 1831 to Stavanger, where Endre 388 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS was apprenticed to learn and master the con- fectioner and baker's trade. After mastering his trade he worked part of his time as foreman and a part in the baking business of his own, until May 4, 1861, when with his wife and six children he left for Gaspe, Canada, on the Iris, a sailing vessel, Captain Gloppestad, from Bergen, in com- mand. They left Norway from Stavanger, and after a voyage of seven weeks and two days ar- rived at their destination on Ju'ne 25, 1861. They remained there for about two years, engaged in fishing. Endre Kloster. They then left for the United States, arriving in Chicago on Aug. 8, 1863. In the fall of the same year he began work in Thompsen & Tem- pleton's cracker bakery, and remained there until 1880, when he opened a bakery of his own at the place where he is now located and continues in iictive charge at the ripe old age of 86 years. He was married to Anne Benthine Ledaal on July 4, 1844. The union was blessed with thir- teen children, six of whom are living, namely: Mrs. W. Potter, Bertha, Olava, Anna B., Endre and Theodore Kloster. His devoted wife passed away at the age of 77 years, on Jan. 26, 1891. The family belongs to Our Saviour's Norwegian Lutheran Church of Chicago. ANDREW M. KLOVE, Of Leland, 111., is a native of the place, having been born there on the 12tli of September, 1859, his father, Andrew A., and mother, Randvei (Grover) Klove, having emigrated from Norway. Mr. Klove was married to Miss Hannah L. Mosey, on Oct. 8, 1885. They have four boys — Fremont, Howard, Leroy and Allan — all living. Mr. Klove is one of the substantial business men A. M. Klove. of Leland, being vice-president of the Farmers & Merchants' State Bank; mayor, or, as it is termed, president of the village board of trustees; had been trustee for many years previously; for many years secretary of the school board; trustee of the Deaconess Hospital at Chicago; trustee of the Pleasant View Luther College, and su- perintendent of the Norwegian Lutheran Sunday school for over twelve years. He was elected supervisor in 1906. NOAH GROVER KLOVE, Of Leland, 111., is a native of the town, having been born there on Dec. 13, 1882. His parents BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 389' were Andrew A. and Randvei (Grover) Klove, farmers. Our subject attended the Leland public and high schools, Pleasant View Luther College, Beloit Academy, and took a scientific course at the Northwestern University. He is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon college fraternity. His youth, until 22 years of age, was spent in Noah Klove. school, excepting for six months, at 16 years of age, when he worked in an office in Chicago. He engaged in active business in 1904 as editor and publisher of the Leland Times, and also as a wholesale dealer in calendars. He owns 160 acres of land in sec. 8 in Adams township, La Salle county. His father died Dec. 7, 1899, at the age of 71. by Rev. Kjelstrup. Together with his uncle Herman Breien, he went to Drammen the same year, and for two years he attended the agricult- ural school at Lier. Then he became manager of his uncle's farm, Thorrud in Skauger, near Drammen, till 1865, when he emigrated to America and settled near Decorah, la., where he awailed himself of the opportunity to attend an English free school the first year. On Nov. 27, 1866, he was married to ]Miss Susan T. Fosse of Locust, la. The same year they decided to consecrate their time and their life to the work in the Lord's wineyard and joined the Methodist church at Locust. REV. ASLE KNUDSEN Was born Jan. 19, 1844, at Aal parish in Halling- dal, Norway, and confirmed in 1860 in Aal church Rev. Asle Knudsen. Knudsen had been awakened in Norway while he ' was 17 years old, but never was set free in Christ, until he came to this country during the work and wise guidance of Rev. Arne Johnson. In the fall of 1872 Knudsen was appointed pas- tor of the churches at Grand Meadow and Plain View, Minn., and after two years he was ap- pointed to Washington Prairie and Locust, la., where he remained four years. From 1880 to 188.3 he served the church at Newburg, Minn., and was then appointed to First Church, St. 390 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Paul, where he remained one year until in 1884 he was appointed presiding elder of St. Paul dis- trict. During the six years in which he super- intended this district he organized many new -societies, dedicated many new churches and ex- perienced many hardships in his long travelings through this widespread field. In the fall of 1890 he was appointed presiding, elder over the Red River Valley district and served this frontier field in the wild west for six years. When his time was up he preferred to take an appointment to Eidsvold, a small church in the vicinity of Minneapolis, instead of getting a larger church, and since that time he has served churches in Minneapolis and vicinity until in the fall of 1906 when he was appointed presiding elder af the Chicago district. His two last appointments were Minneapolis First Church for five years and North Minneapolis Church two years. He had just completed a fine church building when he was called to the presiding eldership for a third time. He had great success in both churches in Minneapolis as well as in all his other work and has been an efficient member of many committees, etc. His earnest preaching, wise leadership and humble and pleasant conversation has won him many friends. Chicago district, of which he is now presiding elder, includes Northern Illinois, Mich- igan and the larger part of Wisconsin. Conse- quently most of his time is spent in travelling and visiting all the churches four times a j^ear. Knudsen has five children living, four daugh- ters and one son, who is also a minister, a highly educated man who has for several years been a theological professor at different theological schools of the Methodist Church, and at present occupies the chair of Hebrew at Boston School of Theology. Three of the daughters are mar- ried and live in Minneapolis, and one is with her parents at their residence at 1236 Humboldt boulevard, Chicago. and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church at Vossevangen. She came to America in Septem- ber, 1843, having left Voss on May 2, and Bergen on May 12. They landed in New York and made their way westward via the canal to Albany. The next year, Jan. 12, 1844, she was married to Lars Knutson (Dykesten) in Thorbj0rn R0the's house, which stood on what was then called the Point, by Rev. Flavel Bascum, of the First Pres- byterian Church. The union resulted in three children, two of whom died in infancy; one daughter, Martha Louise Knutson, now living in Pullman, was born Nov. 25, 1846, and married Mrs, Randvei Knutson. MRS. RANDVEI KNUTSON, One of the oldest Scandinavian citizens of Chi- cago, was born in Voss, Norway, Feb. 8, 1813, hence is over 94 years old. She is a daughter of Anders and Martha (Ludvo, R0the) Knutson, farmers in Voss. She attended private schools Louis H. Johnson, May 5, 1869. Her husband, Lars Knutson, died during the cholera epidemic in 1849. Her father died in 1861, 80 years old and her mother in 1875, 84 years old. The fam- ily were members of Paul Anderson's church, be- ing of the first to enroll themselves. Occasion- ally Mrs. Knutson now attends the Holy Trinity Church, on La Salle avenue. She makes her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Johnson, at 235 Watt avenue, Pullman, 111. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 391 CHARLES SEVERN KNUDSON, Son of Olaf and Wilhelmina Knndson, was born in Chicago, ]\Iay 17, 1882. He spent three years of his youth in Norway with his parents. His career as an attorney-at-law was hewed out in this city. After completing the course offered by the public schools he graduated from the John Marshall Law School as a bachelor of laws in 1898. He immediately secured a clerkship with the law firm of Cratty, Jarvis & Cleveland, where he has remained. Recently the name of the firm was changed to Cratty Bros., -Jarvis & M. C. KNUDSON, President of the Enterprise Transfer Company, at No. 7 N. Canal street, is a native of Chicago. He was born on March 28, 1863, his parents, An- drew Gjelseth and Stina (born Negaard) Knud- son, having both emigrated from Norway. Mr. Knudson began life's work when 12 years old as an ofhce boy in a law office, and a year later en- tered the employ of the Western Union Tele- graph Company as a messenger and remained for four years. He then engaged in the wood- working business under the firm name of Wig- C. S. Knudson. M. C. Knudson. Sample, and Mr. Knudson was admitted as a member of the firm. The subject of our sketch is a member of the Marquette Club; of Monticello Lodge No. 847, L O. O. P.; Order of Mutual Protection, Temple Lodge No. 191, of which he is president; and the Independent Order of Foresters, Court Republic. Mr. Knudson is an enthusiastic republican, and having been born on the Norwegian independ- ence day, IMay 17, he prides himself on the day of his birth and the party of his allegiance. He belongs to the Lutheran Church and lives with his parents at 743 N. Forty-second avenue. gins & Knudson. Mr. Wiggins sold his interest to James Gudgeon and the name was changed to Knudson & Gudgeon. After five years he sold out to his partner and started the Enterprise Transfer Company, of which Mr. Knudson was the proprietor until a short time ago, when the company was incorporated. He is now president. Mr. Knudson was married to Mary Louise Ris- berg, July 17, 1886. They have five children — Edith C, Magnus C, Andrew C, Victor E. and Elsie E. Knudson. Mr. Knudson served as alder- man from the Seventeenth Ward for two years, 1897-98. He served as secretary and treasurer 392 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS for the Home Council, O. C. F. ; is a member of Prairie State Council No. 912, Royal Arcanum; was chairman and treasurer of the Seventeenth Ward Club, and a member of the board of direc- tors of the Illinois Live Stock Insurance Com- pany. The family belong to the Lutheran Church, and reside at 191 N. Morgan street. * DR. THEODORE JAMES KNUDSON was born on a farm near Springfield, Illinois, his father and mother, Ole and Bertha Knudson, having settled on this farm over 50 years ago, and In 1892 he began his medical career by entering the medical department of the Northwestern University, graduating in 1895. Having received an appointment as interne at St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, he served two years there to better fit himself for his life work, and since that time he has practiced medicine in Chi- cago. For the last 6 years Dr. Knudson has been con- nected with the surgical department of St. Luke's Hospital and for seven years has been Chief Surgeon to the South Side Elevated Railway Co. For four years he was instructor in anatomy at the Northwestern University Medical School. He has taken up the specialty of surgery, and has been eminently successful. In 1900 Dr. Knudson married Miss Rebecca Wason, of Delphi, Indiana. They have one son, Paul Chester Knudson. Dr. T. J. Knudson. there the whole family were reared. There are eight children in the family, Theodore James being the youngest. His preliminary education in the country school was continued at the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, and at the Northwestern University. GLAUS KRABOL Was born in Vestre Gausdal, Aug. 2, 1859. His father was Ole Johnson Krab0l, and his mother Rande Olsen. His early life was spent in the country, but in 1875 he went to Christiania, where he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a cabi- netmaker. He came to the United States in 1879 and se- cured employment with A. H. Andrews & Co., of Chicago, at his trade. He worked at this for two years, when he was given the position of traveling man for the same firm, fitting up bank and public offices, such as courthouses and post- offices. In 1886 he was offered and accepted the su- perintendency of a large wood-working establish- ment in Helena, Mont., where he remained un- til 1892. He then returned to Chicago, where he en- gaged in the real estate business, the building of large apartment houses, and also interested himself in manufacturing. He was for a number of years secretary and treasurer of the National Mirror Works, but retired from this in 1894, when the factory was moved to Rockford, 111. Mr. Krabol was married on Dec. 31, 1888, to Annie Olsen. They have had three children, two BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 393 now living — Hjordis and Signey. Mr. Krabol is a member of the Royal League. The family 25, 1874. They have four children. Mr. Lahlum visited Norway in 1905 and enjoyed the trip Glaus Krabol and Family. attend the Lutheran Church and reside at 1379 N. Spaulding avenue, Chicago. hugely. The family resides at 255 Humboldt boulevard. EDWIN SEVERIN ANDERSON LAHLUM, The well known lawyer and real estate man, was born in Bergen, Norway, June 11, 1845. His par- ents were Peter Anderson and Bertha Christine (Reinertson) Lahlum. After attending the com- mon schools in Norway he served in the mer- chant marine for some time before coming to America. Upon arrival here in 1862 he enlisted as a ma- rine in the United States Navy and served for four years. He then came to Chicago. In 1872 he was appointed a police officer and remained with the department until 1885. He was then appointed a justice of the peace at Jefferson, Cook county, which ofifice he held for years. Since that time he has been engaged in the law and real estate business, his office being at 1110 N. California avenue. Mr. Lahlum is a member of the Masonic Order and has been a commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. He is also a member of Trinity branch of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society. He was married to Eveline ^1. Olsen, on Sept. E. S. A. Labium. 394 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS OLE C. LAND, JAMES LANGLAND. The jeweler at 344 Milwaukee avenue, Chicago, was born in Bamle, near Brevik, Norway, Jan. 4, 1840. He learned the trade of a watchmaker at Brevik and was for a few years in Christiania, and worked at his trade in Kongsvinger for about four years. He came to America and Chicago in 1866, where he has resided since. He worked at his trade for the first five years, but in 1871 he started a business of his own in Kinzie street. In 1873 he moved to 229 Milwaukee avenue, where he re- James Langland was born at North Cape, Ra- cine county. Wis., Jan. 26, 1855, son of Knud and Anna Langland; moved with parents to Chicago in the fall of 1868; attended public school in the old town of Lake View, and subsequently the University of Chicago, graduating in 1877. He studied law at the Union College of Law, but entered the newspaper profession in the fall of 1877 as a reporter on the Chicago Daily News; was night editor of the Morning News shortly after that paper was started in 1881, and after- Ole C. Land. James Langland. mained until 1894, when he moved to his present commodious quarters at 344 Milwaukee avenue. Mr. Land was married to Olene Syvorson, from Nordreland, Norway, in 1872. They were blessed with four children, of whom only one, a son, Arnt N. Land, is living. The son is an optician and is engaged in the business with his father. Mrs. Land died in 1882. Mr. Land is a member and supporter of the Tabitha Hospital, the Deaconess Hospital, Old People's and Children's homes. ward represented it in Washington and New York as correspondent. Worked on the Mil- waukee Sentinel as telegraph editor and book reviewer from 1885 to 1889; then returned to the Chicago Daily News as editorial secretary and librarian. Was sent to Cuba as correspondent in the Spanish-American War in 1898 and to Panama in the winter of 1903-4, when war was expected with Colombia. He has been compiler of the Daily News Almanac and Year-Book since 1901; and is a member of the press clubs of Chi- cago and Milwaukee. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 895 HANS LARSEN Was born in Gj0vig, Norway, Jan. 28, 1846. His parents were Lars and Oline Magnussen. He attended the common schools and was confirmed in Gj0vigs Church. Here he learned the trade of a tailor. Mr. Larsen came to Chicago in 1866, where he has remained since, following the same trade. He was married in 1868 to Gundhild Knudsen, from Valders, Norway. She died Jan. 10, 1890, leaving him eleven chil-dren, namely: Olga Gu- rine, born in 1869; Karl Ludvig, 1871; Anna Ma- Hans Larsen. rie, 1873; Laura Camilla, 1875 ; Halfdan Oscar, 1877; Fredrik, 1879; Henrik Gerhardt, 1882; Ar- thur Bj0rn, 1884; Dagmar, 1886; James, 1888; Leonard Foster, 1889. Of the children Olga Gu- rine married Iver Halvorsen; Anna Marie mar- ried Thomas Stangeland; Arthur Bjjzfrn is mar- ried to Mabel Max; Henrik to Stofa Davidson. In 1892 Mr. Larsen married Martha Johnson, daughter of Sven and Kerstin Johnson, of Hal- land's Isen. His mother died in Norway in 1855 and his father in his son's home in Chicago in 1887. Mr. Larsen has been a consistent worker in the cause of temperance for the last thirty years, having held all the offices in the lodges of which he has been a member, and was on his twenty- fifth anniversary as such accorded a reception and banquet and given a gold medal as a memento of the occasion. In October, 1882, Mr. Larsen joined the literary society Minerva, where the temperance people held the "balance of power," and which had al- ways been of a religious character. Under the influence of Mr. Larsen's unprejudiced and liberal views, as well as his liberal sacrifice of time and money for the cause, the society soon found it- self upon a higher plane of activity, where the spirit of free thought and investigation made it renowned as a power for mental and ethical prog- ress. Mr. Larsen is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society. DR. RALPH LUDWIG LARSEN Is a native of Chicago, having been born in this city of Norwegian parents, Martin and Betsey Larsen, March 4, 1877. Dr. R, L. Larsen. 396 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS His parents came to this country in 18G1 — at the outbreak of the Civil War — his father serv- ing throughout the entire period of the Rebel- lion, being wounded at the Battle of Stone River, Ga., and laid up at the camp hospital for three months with concussion of the brain. His father was one of the first to enl.ist from the state of Illinois, being mustered in with the First Illinois Light Artillery, and seeing serv- ice in some of the fiercest engagements during the Civil War. Dr. Larsen is a graduate of Rush Medical Col- lege, having earned the degree of doctor of medicine, and at the time of his graduation car- ried off the highest honors in anatomic sur- gery — the Arthur Dean Bevan prize (a valuable library set of books). During his course of four years at Rush, he entered upon a series of competitive contests along scientific and lit- erary lines, and received the degree of doctor of philosophy, together with an appointment of honorary alumnus of the University of Ala- bama. He was for one year hospital surgeon with the Illinois Steel Company at South Chicago, where he received extensive training in mill-injury work. The Illinois Steel Company is one of the larg- est corporations in the country, being a part of the United States Steel Corporation. The Chi- cago, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad and the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railroad have about fifty miles of track entirely within the walls of the South Chicago plant, which covers an area of three square miles. Here the average daily number of accidents is fifteen, some being of the worst kinds imaginable. The company has its own private hospital — within the grounds — of thirty-five beds, which are nearly always oc- cupied, and two resident surgeons, who act for the chief surgeon. After serving his time there he remained for nearly a year at the Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital in Chicago, where his training con- sisted largely of general medicine and surgery. Leaving this institution, he became assistant to Dr. W. P. Verity — one of the largest general practitioners in the Middle West, and a surgeon of no little repute — and when he had served in this capacity for one year he decided to launch out for himself. During the succeeding year he held the posi- tion of assistant professorship in orthopedic sur- gery at the College of Physicians and Surgeons — medical department of the University of Il- linois — but reluctantly gave up that position to devote his entire attention to his private practice. Because of his experience while surgeon for the Illinois Steel Company, his ambition nat- urally was directed to the class of work in which he was there engaged, and when he was fairly along in his work he put into execution the idea which he had fostered for years — the estab- lishment of an emergency hospital for render- ing first aid to the injured — and accordingly set up such an institution at the corner of Chicago- and Milton avenues, in a factory district, where accidents are of daily occurrence. An institution of this character has a great future, and no- doubt will prove a success, with such a head as Dr. Larsen, who is as impetuous as he is ambitious. He has been acting alone in this. matter, accepting no assistance from any source, relying wholly upon his own tireless efforts, having refused several offers from philanthropic sources. His modesty causes him to defer such action; he prefers to struggle along alone for a time. In his present capacity he is local surgeon for eight or ten liability assurance corporations and some fifty or more manufacturing concerns. Dr. Larsen has done a good deal of vivisecting work, and a few years ago, while working in the laboratories of Dr. Nicholas Senn's hos- pital — St. Joseph's — materially assisted in per- fecting an intricate appliance to be used in kid- ney operations. He is a member of the Chicago Medical So- ciety, the Illinois State Medical Society and the Amercian Medical Association. He is a frequent contributor of practical articles to medical jour- nals, more especially to the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New York and Philadelphia medical journals. He contrib- utes to hospitals and other charities, and is a member of the Lutheran Church In the summers of 1894, and 1897, accompanied by his mother, he made a three and four months' trip, respectively, through the "Land of the Mid- night Sun," and while up in the mountains and fjords, had many perilous adventures. He has been a»s far north — beyond the Arctic Circle — as Spitzbergen Islands and North Cape. While on these sojourns he kept data of his travels and on his return entertained his friends with many interesting talks. ADOLPH LARSON. Adolph Larson, alderman from the Twenty- eighth Ward, is a son of Martin and Elizabeth BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 397 , 1876. They were blessed with four children, all living, namely, Marie Isabella, Frederick Roguald, Canute Royal and Gertrude Ragnilda. Mrs. Mat- son's father. Rev. O. Anderson organized the first Isabella Matson. Norwegian Lutheran Church in Chicago. He has passed away but her mother is still living at the good old age of 81. Mrs. Matson has always taken an active interest in church and charity work as well as women's clubs and societies. She has been presi- dent of the Lutheran Woman's Lcdgue for 5 years, a member of the Chicago Woman's Club for twelve years, for ten years president of the Norwegian Club "Vala." and President of the Chicago School Chil- dren's Aid Society, organized by Mrs. Judge Tuley in order to help destitute children of school age on account of the compulsory education laws. The society looks after clothing poor children. The fund for this purpose is raised by contributions from school children in the public schools themselves. Mrs. Matson has taken especial interest in this work. Mr. Matson's notable career as a citizen and public of- ficial covers such an important period in Chicago's history that it will be referred to more properly in another part of this volume. Mrs. Matson attends Ihe English Lutheran Trinity Church on La Salle Ave., and lives at 609 Cleveland Ave. OLE O. MAULAND. The well known real estate man on the North- west Side, Chicago, was born in Gaarden Mau- land. Thime Sogn, near Stavanger, Norway, Sept. 5, 1833. He remained on his father's farm, attending the common school until he was con- firmed, in Varhaugs Church, Naerb^ sogn, in 1849. He then went to Stavanger, where he was apprenticed to R. Sj0restad to learn the trade of a joiner and carpenter. He completed his trade, but was then offered a clerkship in a store in Stavanger, and acce-^ted it. He remained with this firm for three years. On May 2, 18.54, he left Stavanger on the sail ship Arendal, Captain Paulson in command, for America, coming via Quebec to Chicago and ar- riving on June 22 of the same year. The voyage was a particularly pleasant one, having had fine weather all the time. He arrived in Chicago during the awful cholera epidemic, but escaped its ravages. The first winter in America he spent at Beloit College. He then secured work in a sash and door factory in Chicago, and after two years at this work engaged in general carpenter work, so that his trade, thoroughly mastered in the old country, came h^ndy. I\Ir. Mauland has been married twice. His first wife, whom he married on Dec. 18, 1859, was Amalia Thorsen, a sister of Johan Thorsen, of Haugesund. She died five years later, leaving him with two children — Josephine Mathilda, who died when six years old, and Adolph Olaus, who died recently and was past 40 years. Four years later, on May 17, 1868, he was married to Miss Hannah Marie Gruda, who had come to Ameri- ca when 14 years old. She is a daughter of An- dreas and Maren Gruda, of Stavanger. This 414 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS union was blessed with foirr children, namely: Alfred Johan, a veterinary surgeon, who practices his profession and lives on his father's farm, near Chicago, married to Stella Bielby, only daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. Bielby of Mt. For- est; Marie Amanda, who is married to Captain Hansen of the Chicago Fire Department; Milla Josephine and Oluf H. Mauland, who are at home with their parents. Mr. Mauland early appreciated and believed in HANS CHRISTIAN MELAND. Mr. Meland was born in Bj^rnor, Norway, or» the 19th of February, 1879. He received his first education in the common school in his home district. He was sent to high school (in Nor- way called middle school) at the city of Trond- hjem when 16 years old. He graduated two years afterward, and after being in commercial business for a year he entered St. Hans Haugens Gymnasium, a well known educational 'insti- tution in Christiania, and pursued his study for two years at this college. Ole O. Mauland. H. C. Meland. Chicago property, and after a few years' work for others he engaged in the building and rent- ing of houses erected on his own property. His faith in Chicago has been amply rewarded, for he is now one of the largest property owners on the West Side. He also owns and rents several valuable farms. At 72 he is active, hale and hearty, and looks after his property personally. He is a member of Our Saviour's Norwegian Lutheran Church, having served both as trustee and cashier. The family resides at 164 N. Car- penter street. Mr. Mauland visited friends and relatives in Norway in 1874, and again in 1901. In the spring of 1902 Mr. Meland came to America to complete his education. In 1903 he entered the John Marshall Law School, Chicago, from which he graduated three years afterward with the degree of L.L. B. He is in the real estate business and has his office at 1015-1106 Chicago Title and Trust Building, 100 Washington street. Mr. Meland was married in Chicago, Nov. 22, 1905, to Miss Ragnhild Anderson, a well known pianist from Christiania, Norway, and lives at 213 N. Humboldt street. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 415 DR. NELS C. MELING, ANTON A. MELUM, Of 952 Armitage avenue, Chicago, was born at Her0, S0ndmj^re, Norwaj^ April 10, 1872, his parents being Christen C. and Bertha M. Mel- ing. When Nels was nine years old his parents moved to Haugesund, where our subject grad- uated from middelskolen and then sailed on the ocean for two years. He emigrated at the age of 16, in 1888, to Amer- ica, coming directly to Chicago. For three years he worked at a variety of trades, but in the fall of 1891 he entered Rush Medical College and graduated in 1895. During vacations Mr. Mel- Head of the firm of Anton A. Melum & Sons, tailors, was born in Tr0tten, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, February 12, 1852. At the age of 11 he began active work serving as apprentice to a tailor doing work around the country near his home. Mr. Melum came to Chicago, May 6, 1869, and secured work in a wholesale tailoring estab- lishment. In 1872 he was employed by the Ed- ward Ely Co., the leading tailors of that time, and was soon made foreman. A strike in 1876, however, forced him out with the rest. He then Dr. Nels C. Meling. Anton A. Melum. ing sailed on the Great Lakes. Since graduat- ing he has been practicing medicine in Chi- cago. He was married to Miss Nellie Winger in 1897. They have two children — Arthur, seven years and Florence, four years old. Dr. Meling is a mem- ber of the Chicago Pathological Society, the Ivledico-Legal Society and the American Medi- cal Association. He is also a member of the Masonic Fraternity — the Oriental Consistory and Medinah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. worked for several of the prominent tailors in Chicago, but soon mastered the art of cutting, and held responsible positions as cutter until he started in business for himself in 1891, in Scan- dia Hall. In 1892 he moved into the downtown district, where he has had a steadil}^ growing business. In January, 1905, his two sons, who had been with him, were admitted to the firm. Mr. Melum married Lena Johnson Bredshall, Aug. 21, 1879. They have three children. The 416 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS family belonged to the Bethania Lutheran Church until Rev. Torgersen's death, in the fall of 1905, Mr. Melum serving for many years as trustee and treasurer. He also served as a director of Mt. Olive Cemetery, and was one of the or- ganizers of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, serving as its first vice-president; he has held the office of a director ever since. Their home is at 6621 Washington boulevard. Oak Park. REV. JOHAN HANSEN MEYER Was born June 4, 1862, in Y'\k. Helgeland,, Nor- way. After his confirmation he left home and Rev. J. H. Meyer. spent seven years at sea, in which time he worked himself up from a deck boy to quartermaster on the English mail steamers plying between Eng- land and Australia. During his frequent stays in London, England, he came in touch with the well known Strangers' Rest Mission, conducted by the famous Agnes HedenstrjzJm. Here he was converted. He had then a strong desire for mission work. But, only a poor sailor boy, there seemed no chance of securing an educa- tion. However, the longing was there. Every . opportunity he used to testify for his Master. In Sidney, Australia, where he stayed for about one year, he spent most of the time in the port mission work, inviting sailors to the meetings and in other ways taking part in the work. Here it was he finally decided to devote his whole life to the ministry. He then made an evangelistic tour through the ports of Sweden and Norway, where he held services in many cities, towns and country places. With the best of testimonials by a host of ministers and friends he, came over to America, and in September, 1886, entered the Theological Seminary at Morgan Park, Chicago — now of the University of Chicago — where he took a two- year special theological course. On the 21st of June, 1888, he was ordained to the ministry in Bridgeport, Conn., by the Fair- field East Association of Congregational Churches. In this -branch of God's church he worked for five years. But, having a longing for his Lutheran mother-church, its doctrine and usage, in which he had been raised, he left the Congregational Church and joined the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Here he has since worked, with marked success, as the following shows: He organized th? Beth- lehem Norwegian Lutheran Church, in Brook- lyn, N. Y., also the Immanuel Norwegian Luth- eran Church, New York, N. Y., and was their pastor for three years. He also organized the Trinity Norwegian Lutheran Church, South Chi- cago, 111., and the Trinity Norwegian Lutheran Church, Oakland, Cal. But the work that has made him most known is the building of Zion Norwegian Lutheran Church, Artesian and Potomac avenues, Chi- cago, When — in July, 1887 — he took charge of this work, the congregation consisted of but eleven families, with a little chapel heavily in- debted. After seven years and three months of service in this parish he left a congregation of over 500 souls and one of the finest Nor- wegian churches in the city — a property of about $26,000 with but $7,000 of debt. In June. 1905, he organized Christ Norwegian Lutheran Church, Chicago, and is now its minister. Pastor Meyer was married in South Chicago on May 13, 1888, to Mathilda Pearson. ' a native of Sweden. They live at the parsonage of the church, 1509 N. Kedzie avenue, Chicago. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 417 GUSTAV GERHARD MARTIN, The well known job printer on W. North avenue, Chicago, was born in Mandal, Nor- way, Jan. 22, 1874. He attended school, was con- firmed, and started to work at the printing in- dustry with the Lister and Mandals Amtsti- dende in Norway. After his arrival in Chicago, in 1889, he worked for the John Anderson Publishing Com- pany, mastering his trade and working as a journeyman. In 1894, when 21 years old, he started in the job printing business for him- self on W. North avenue, and in Feb., 1902, Gustav G. Martin. moved into his own building at 761 W. North avenue. His business has been steadily increas- ing, until now he has the best equipped print- ing establishment on the Northwest Side. He is also the publisher of the Northwest News, a very successful Northwest Side weekly. Up to the time of engaging in business for him- self i\Ir. Martin continually worked at his trade, but devoted a great deal of his leisure time to reading and home study. At an early age he also became interested in the work of the Nor- wegian societies in Chicago. He is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, the Normaendenes Singing Society, the Knights of the White Cross, the Norwegian Turner Soci- ety, the Sleipner Athletic Club, the Maccabees, and the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital Society. For the past fifteen years he has been very active in the Norwegian Turner Society, and has at different times held every office in the gift of the Association. He has also been Secretary of the Norwegian National League of Chicago; has been an active worker in the Tabitha Hos- pital Society, and is at present a member of the board of the Norwegian Old People's Home. Also one of the directors of the Ben Franklin Club of Chicago. He was married to Rose Peterson, of Chicago, on July 19, 1899. They have one child, Lionel Irving IMartin. MRS. SOPHIE MICHAELSEN, Who is actively connected with the Tabitha Hos- pital Society and the Children's Home Society, Mrs. Sophie Michaelsen. 418 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS was born in Aardal, Stavanger, Norway, on June 18, 1848. Her parents were John S. Skaar and Gurine Jensen. She was educated in the common schools in Norway and confirmed in the church at Aardal. She afterward attended a private school, and at the age of 22 was ap- pointed at Josefina Stiftelsen, an orphan asylum in Stavanger, where she taught for four and a half years. She w^as married to Christian Michaelsen, a sea captain, of Stavanger, on Jan. 24, 1879. The following year they came to America, lo- cating in Chicago, where they have resided since. They have two children. Christian Skaar, born Jan. 28, 1880, and Bertha Gurine, born Sept. 10, 1884. Both are at home with their parents. Mrs. Michaelsen was a member of the original and the present Tabitha Society and one of the active managers of the Children's Home Society. She is a member of the Immanuel Church of the Hauge Synod. The family resides at 1138 Ma- plewood avenue. Nov. 26, 1871, Mr. Midnes was married to Miss Malinde Johnson, born near Haugesund, Norway. TJiey have no children but adopted a girl, a rel- ative of Mrs. Midnes, who is now grown up LARS SAMSONSON MIDNES Was born at Midnes, Kinsevigs Sogn, Hardanger, Norway, Feb. 2, 1845. His father was Samson Larson, a farmer and sailor, and his mother Sjzin- va Larsdatter Ullensvang. He received his edu'ca- tion in the cou'ntry school during the winters and helped his father, who was an overseer of an estate near Bergen, where Lars was confirmed at the age of 16 years. He then worked for his father, farming and coast sailing. In the year 1865 he emigrated to America, landing at Quebec. From there he came to Chi- cago, and farther to Creston, 111., where his jour- ney ended. Mr. Midnes worked about four years on farms in the vicinity of Creston. Then was a clerk in a store at Creston three years. He now moved to Lee, 111., where he was clerk a few months in a store kept by Burlesheimer & Paul O. Stensland. When he came from Creston he built a house in Lee, which he rented out until, in 1872, he started a millinery and fancy goods store. He has continu'ed in the same place and business since, being the only one in the line in that vicinity. L. S. Midnes. and studying to become a trained nurse. The family belongs to the Norwegian Lutheran Church, near Lee, whose present pastor is Rev. J. Nordby. HAGBERT MILLER, Son of Johan Georg and Bergithe Christine, (nee Isdahl) Miller was born in Bergen, Norway, July 24, 1860. He attended den Tankske Realskole from which he graduated in 1877. After leav- ing school he found employment as accountant at Bergens Mekaniske Vserksted, which position he held until he embarked for America. Landed BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 419 in Chicago in March, 1881, where he has since continuously lived. Unable to obtain an office position he worked as helper in a factory for some time, but not being used to manual labor he soon took up book canvassing, which calling HARLEY B. MITCHELL, Editor and publisher of the American Miller, was born in Ottawa, 111., Feb. 20, 1855. His father was John S. Mitchell, born in New York, he successfully followed for several years until and his mother Inger Nelson (Hersdal) from he secured a position as manager with N. Juul & Norway. Co. For the last fourteen years Mr. Miller has been connected with the western branch of the Philadelphia publishing house, John C. Winston Co., first as manager of their Scandinavian' de- partment and later as manager of the entire Hagbert Miller. Western subscription business. Besides being re- garded among publishers as an able business man he is also known as the author of the book "Uni- onsperioden og Norges Gjenreisning." Mr. Miller was married to Miss Doris Olsen of Christiania in 1891. Five children w-ere born to them of whom four are living. He is a member of The Publishers' Club of America, The John Fremont Council of the National Union, the Norwegian Glee Club and the Bj^rgvin Singing Society. His home is in Ravenswood. H. B. Mitchell. The subject of our sketch attended the gram- mar and high schools in Ottawa, spent his fresh- man year at Denison University, Granville, Ohio, and graduated in 1876 from the old Uni- versity of Chicago, receiving the degree of B.A. and M.A. The degree of B.A. was afterward confirmed by the present ^University of Chicago. Immediately after graduating he commenced work as assistant editor of the American Miller, in July, 1876. The paper is published by Mitchell Bros. Co., of which Mr. Harley B. Mitchell is president. He is also a director in the La Grange State Bank. He was married to Edith Ramskill on May 4, 1880. They have had three children, two now living. Mr. Mitchell, who now lives in La Grange, 111., has been a member of the high 420 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS school and grammar school boards at various times and was president of the village in 1905-6. He was also one of the board of trustees of the fund for the endowment of the Episcopal dio- cese of Illinois. He is a member of the Psi Up- silon College Fraternity. The family are mem- bers of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Mr. Mitchell has at his home a large library, numbering about 5,000 volumes, and this has been the principal solace and occupation of his leisure hours. It is exceptional in the large number of rare works it contains on theological and allied subjects. His life has been one of unusual quiet for a community like Chicago, where he lived from 1873 to 1893, when he moved to the pleasant suburb of La Grange, fourteen miles distant. He has steadily declined to enter seriously into politics, although he was at one time congressional committeeman of one of the Chicago districts, when he lived on the West Side. Writing of himself in a reminiscent mood, Mr. Mitchell says: "The link that binds me to Norway, and the one thing of which perhaps I am unduly proud, is the fact that my sainted -mother was one of the party on the Restauration, the Norwegian Mayflower, that came to the United States in 1825. She was a child of 6 years at the time, having been born in Tysver parish, Dec. 11, 1819, daughter of Cornelius Nel- son Hersdal, one of the Sloop party and niece "of Kleng Peerson, who was sent to the United States by the Quakers of Stavanger in 1821 to find a location for the first Norwegian emigrants to this cou'ntry." The story is told in Prof. Anderson's book. First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration. It is also referred to in the his- torical part of this volume. Recognizing the resources of this virgin county and the possibilities here for their countrymen, they encouraged immigration, and by their ever ready hospitality and assistance to those who came they were instrumental in founding a Nor- wegian colony which grew to be strong and flou'rishing. Mr. Mitchell was actively engaged in farming and stockraising until 1894, when, owing to failing health, he moved to Pontiac. 111. He was a man of marked ability and en- terprise, commanded a wide influence, and did much for the advancement of this section of Illinois. He died at his home in Pontiac, Feb. 9, 1896, survived by his wife and six children. Dr. J. M. Mitchell. DR. JAMES MURRAY MITCHELL, Son of John and Bertha C. (Oakland) Mitchell, was born on a farm in Livingston county. 111., Oct. 13, 1869. His parents, who were born in Norway, migrated to this country in 1848 and 1849, locating in La Salle counly, 111., where they were married in 1850. In 1854 they moved to Livingston county, which was then mostly a wilderness and had but few inhabitants. Here, after much hard struggling and many setbacks, they succeeded in making themselves a home in which they prospered. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood on his father's farm, working during crop sea- sons and attending the district school during the winter time. Later he attended the Pon- tiac high school and the normal schools of Dixon and Rockford. In 1896 he began the study of medicine at the Rush Medical College, and on completing the course in 1900 received the ap- pointment of house physician for one year at the Milwaukee Hospital, Milwaukee, Wis. The six months following his hospital services were BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 421 spent in study and travel, and in the winter of 1902 he located in Pontiac, where he has since been actively engaged in practice. He is a mem- ber of the county, state and national medical societies, a close student, and has a large practice. He resides with his mother at 303 W. Lincoln street. HENRY O. MOLAND, The real estate man at 477 N. California avenue, was born in Tvedestrand, Norway, Dec. 31, 1858. H. O. Moland. His parents were Ole Halvorsen and Helga Thorvaldsdatter, farmers on gaarden Moland. He attended the public and high school in Nor- way and was confirmed by Rev. A. C. Preus in Holt sogn, Norway, when 16 years old. He came to New York as a sailor in 1876 and sailed for three years on a sail ship. In 1879 he settled in New York, engaging in the meat market business for a time. He then entered! the United States Navy as an able seaman on the Pensacola, in which he cruised the world. He witnessed the great naval battle between Chile and Peru in 1881. He came to Chicago in Oct., 1884, and secured work as a butcher, at which he worked for seven years. He then op- erated a meat market for himself and continued for many years. He was married to Emelie Schwandt, of Chi- cago, June 27, 1891. They have had four chil- dren; two are living, namely: Frank, born June 17, 1893, and Florence, Aug. 13, 1895. Later Mr. Moland sold his market business and opened a collection agency, to which he afterward added renting and real estate, in which he is now engaged. He has always taken an active interest in politics, being an enthusiastic republican, but has never held public office. He is a member of the Royal League. The family resides at 102 Humboldt street. Recently Mr. Moland passed the federal civil service examination as an inspector of meat products, but is undecided whether to accept the position or not. REV. JOHN A. MOLDSTAD, The pastor of St. Clark's Evangelical Lutheran Church at Tripp and Wabansia avenues, Chicago, wa^ born at De Forest, Dane county. Wis., April 14, 1874. His parents were Anders and Johanna Karine (Berg) Moldstad. The father was a mer- chant and died Jan. 24, 1899, at De Forest, Wis. Having graduated from the public schools in March, 1888, our subject in Sept. of the same year entered Luther College from which he grad- uated as a bachelor of arts in June, 1894. He then studied at the University of Wisconsin from Sept., 1894 to Aug., 1895. and from Sept., 1899 to June, 1900, when he graduated as A. B. The vacations and intervals were spent as fol- lows: Aug., 1895 to Apr., 1896, clerked in his father's store at De Forest, Wis.; April to Nov., ,1896, business manager of Amerika, Madison, Wis.; Nov., 1896 to June, 1897, professor at Lu- ther Academy, Albert Lea, ^linn., and Sept., 1897 to June, 1899, principal of the Lutheran College 422 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS of Clifton, Texas, June, 1899 to Sept., 1903, in mercantile business at De Forest, Wis. By this time he had decided to become a min- ister of the Gospel and for that purpose entered the Concordia Seminary at St. Louis, Mo., as a •student of theology in Sept., 1903. From this in- stitution of learning he graduated in June, 1906, receiving the degree of candidate of theology. On April 16.. 1906, he was called as pastor of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church and on July 15th of the same year he was ordained and inaugurated into that office. Rev. Moldstad has officiated as Sunday school superintendent, etc., at Norway Grove Church, De Forest, Wis. He is a member of corporation of the H. A. Preus Lutheran Academy, at Albion, Wis., and has been elected delegate to several synod meetings. He is not married and resides at 902 N. Forty-second avenue, Chicago. 5^ He came to America with his brother when 10 years old and attended the common schools in South Dakota, returning to Norway in 1895. He came to Chicago from Norway again in 1900, and immediately entered the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, graduating in 1904. He was married to Miss Borghild Engebretsen, of Christiania, Norway, in 1901. They have one child, a daughter. Dr. Nannestad is a member of the Royal Arcanum, Maplewood council. He Is also a 32d degree Mason, a member of the K. of P., Lincoln lodge, of the Norwegian Quartet Club and "Den Norske Klub." Mrs. Nannestad died in the spring of 1907. DR. SVEN NARBO, The dentist at 1216 Milwaukee avenue, Chi- cago, was born at Strand, Stavanger, Norway, DR. S. H. NANNESTAD. Sverre Holm Nannestad, D. D. S., was born in Christiania, Norway, May 9, 1878. Dr. S. H. Nannestad, Dr. Sven NarDo. Sept. 14, 1872. His parents were O. and B^r- gina (Sigmundstad) Narb0. His father is a school BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 423 teacher and kirkesanger, having held the same position for the past forty-eight years, both he and his wife enjoying good health. Dr. Narbo attended his father's school and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church in Strand. He came to America in 1890 and located at Madison, Wis., where he secured a place as gardener with Prof. T. H. Brand, remaining for two years. . He then worked in the dental office of Dr. C. C. Chittenden, Madison, for one year. He came to Chicago in 1893 and worked for Marshall Field & Co. as salesman for five years. On account of his health he then went west, locating at Humboldt, Iowa, where he accepted a clerkship with A. B. White. In 1900 he went into partnership with J. F. Wittman, of Pioneer, Iowa, doing a general merchandise business and at the same time was a stockholder, director and secretary of the Pioneer Creamery Com- pany. He took a personal and active interest in the creamery and brought it un to a very profitable investment. He was bent on becoming a dentist, how- ever, and soon sold out his interest in the store and returned to Chicago. He immediately en- tered the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, from which he graduated in 1903, and has since been practicing his profession at 1216 Milwaukee avenue. He served three years in the Wisconsin Na- tional Guard and the same time in the Illinois Guard. Dr. Narbo belongs to the Royal League and is a member of the M. W. A. He is not married. America, accompanied by his brothers (Ole and Dick) and sister (Martha). They settled at Williamsville, 111. Louis' first work in this country was on a farm, by the month, but later he farmed for himself. Louis R. Nelson. LOUIS R. NELSON, On Oct. 6, 1880, he was married to Mary Eielson, of Springfield, 111., where the family has since resided. Mr. Nelson is employed as foreman in A. Eielson's lumber yard, having held the same position for over twtnty-five j^ears. Of Springfield, 111., was born in Fruland sogn, near Arendal, Norway, June 23, 1847, his par- ents being Reier and Gunnild Nelson. His mother died in Norway in August, 1868, and his father in April, 1869. Louis attended school in Norway and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church of Fruland sogn. After his confirma- tion he worked for Lensman I. O. Berger two years and then went to O. Samuelson as clerk Now of Helmar, 111., was born in Skaanevik's in a department store in Arendal for a year and prestegjeld, Bergens stift, Norway, Sept. 6, 1840. a half. Afterward he worked for Pastor Gedde His parents — Sjur and Jennie Haugen (Endres- one year, and one year with Provst Somerfelt. datter) Nelson — were farmers in Norway. With On the 12th of May, 1871, he migrated to his parents he came to America in 1849. They NELS S. NELSON, 424 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS settled in Grundy county, southeast of Lisbon, and remained there for six years and then moved to Kendall county, near where Helmar is now- located. Mr. Johnson received his education in the common schools, but when very young he had to go to work. He remained with his father until he was of age. A year later he enlisted as a private in Company E of the Ninety-first Regiment of Illinois Volunteers and served to the close of the war. During the war he was promoted first to corporal and then to ser- geant. In a skirmish near Elizabethtown, Ky., Mr. Nelson was wounded by a musket ball in Nels S. Nelson and Wife. the thigh and was laid up for three months. In the meantime the whole company was captured, and Nelson was also made a prisoner of war and kept in prison at Benton Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo., for six months, when the prisoners were paroled. Our subject took part in several battles. While on parole Mr. Nelson returned home and in March, 1863, was married to Anna Larson, who was born in Big Grove township, July 31, 1S43, the daughter of Eric Larson, who came from Norway and settled there in 1838. After his return from the war Mr. Nelson worked for four years by the month and then moved onto his present place which he has owned since 1879. He has 160 acres in the N. E. qr. of sec. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have had fourteen children, of whom eleven are living, namely: Lewis, born May 18, 1866; Jennie, Sept. 8, 1867; Randy, Oct. 30, 1869; Carrie, Nov. 17, 1871; Anna, April 9, 1874; Sarah, Jan. 17, 1875; Lewis, May. 26, 1877; Severt, March 27, 1879; Alice, April 2, 1881; Nellie Angelina, Feb. 22, 1883; Isabelle, March 26, 1885; Joseph, Oct. 30, 1887; Joseph the second, March 22, 1890. Lewis (the oldest) and the two youngest have passed away, the last two in infancy. Mr. Nelson is well known in Kendall county, and is respected and esteemed by all who know him. He has been a loyal republican leader, and his popularity is indicated by the offices he has held. He was for three years township collector; highway commissioner for three years; assessor for six years; a member of the board of school trustees for six years; and at this writing he is serving his seventh year as supervisor. He has been deacon for his church for thirty years and trustee for two years, and has also served as secretary for the old church for many years. He has retired from farming although he still lives on the old homestead, his yo;,ingest living son, Severt, running the farm. OLE J. NELSON, There is no name more honored in American history than that of the pioneer, and no country has produced so many examples of pioneer spirit as the United States. Among those who have taken triple honors as a pioneer is O. J. Nelson, his pioneer character partaking of the career of the emigrant, the soldier and the man of business. A product of Norway, having been born in the land of the north in 1847, he came to the United States in 1858. Six years later saw him shoulder- ing a musket at the early age of 17 on behalf of the Union as a member of Company H of the 138th Illinois infantry. His career in Morris covers a period of 40 years, giving him the title of dean of the insur- ance men of that section. Mr. Nelson represents the Franklin Life of Springfield, 111., and the leading old line fire BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 425 companies, viz.: The Continental of New York, the Germania of New York, the Westchester of New York, the German of Freeport, the North- western National of Milwaukee, the Milwaukee Mechanics'. Mr. Nelson is full of energy and business activ- ity and has great faith in the city of Morris, be- lieving that the future holds promises of great development for his home town. Ole J. Nelson. No man is willing to work harder for this development than Mr. Nelson, and in the future as in the past he can always be counted on to do his share in the work of building up and ex- pansion. He has for a number of years i^epre- sented Morris on the Board of Supervisors, and has been chairman of that body. In earlier days he was identified with the grain trade, and con- ducted a large elevator, which was destroyed by fire. took up the machinist's trade and worked at it for several years. He was married on Oct. 27, 1886, to Miss So- phia Swenson. Mrs. Nelson died in 1905, leaving three children — Robert S., Francis and Ionia. In July, 1890, Mr. Nelson joined in organizing the Nelson & Kreuter Co., manufacturers of laundry machinery, at 955 N. Spaulding avenue. Their plant is equipped with the most modern machinery and they do a large and profitable business also with foreign countries. Mr. Nel- son has to his credit several patents on laundry Robert S. Nelson. machinery. He is a Mason, a Knight Templar and a member of the Medinah Temple Shrine. He is also a member of the Germania Msenner- chor, the Swedish Glee Club, Bj^rgvin Singing Society and the Laundry Men's Club. He is a director of the Tabitha Hospital. The family resides at 1190 Winthrop avenue, N. Edgewater. ROBERT S. NELSON, Of the Nelson Sz Kreuter Co., was born in xAale- sund, Norway, Sept. 8, 1863. His parents were Rasmus S. and Martha Nelson. His early life was spent in Bergen as a newsboy. He served one year as a blacksmith's apprentice and then HENRY NEWGARD, President of Henry Newgard & Co.. electrical contractors and manufacturers and dealers in 426 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS electrical machinery and supplies, was born on Nygaard, Ullensaker, Norway, May 10, 1858, his parents being Kristen Johansen and Berthe Hansen Nygaard. He had the advantages of the common schools and when 16 years old went to Christiania, where he served as an appren- tice for five years, learning the trade of a lock- smith. When 21 years old, having finished his ap- prenticeship, he came to America, locating in Chicago in 1879. He was unable to find work at his trade, but secured work in a furniture factory, and after a few months he got a place and profitable business. In 1900 his brother Martin bought in as a partner and in 1901 the firm of Henry Newgard & Co. was incorporated, with the subiect of this sketch as its president, he having continuously held the same office since. Mr. Newgard has invented several articles in the electrical line, but has not patented any. He is also the inventor of the Newgard water-proof receptacle and globe. He is a member of Park Lodge, No. 843, A. F. and A. M.; Park Chapter, No. 213, R. A. M.; Evanston Commandery, No. 58, Knights Templars; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S.; A. A. S. Rite Valley of Chicago; Medinah Temple, A. A. O., N. M. S., of Chicago; Royal Arcanum; John A. Cumming's Council; Royal League North Shore Council; National Union Press Council. He also belongs to the Illinois Commercial Men's Association; the Builders' Club; and is vice-president of the Electrical Con- tractors' Association. Mr. Newgard has erected a number of buildings of his own and now holds considerable property in Chicago. He was married to Miss Ovidia Swenkerud on Nov. 21, 1885. They had three children. He attends the Episcopal Church and resides at 4111 Newgard avenu'e. Mrs. Newgard died April 18, 1904. On June 30, 1906, Mr. Newgard married Miss Anna Hammerlind, of Milwaukee, Wis. Henry Newgard. with the C. & N. W. Ry. Co. in their shops at Fortieth and Kinzie streets, working at his trade. Later he got a better place in a small locksmith shop at the corner of Randolph and Clark streets, where he remained until 1882, when he engaged in business for himself, start- ing a locksmith shop at 167 E. Madison street. Here he experimented in electric work, grad- ually drifting into that branch of the electric business. In 1890 he started a separate office at 88 La Salle street, for electrical construc- tion work, which grew very rapidly into a larger MARTIN NEWGARD, Of Henry Newgard & Co., was born in Ullen- saker, Norway, July 4, 1864, his parents being Kristen Johansen and Bertha Hansen Ny- gaard. He completed his schooling in Norway in 1880. He came to this country in 1882 and immediate- ly entered the electrical business with his brother Henry in Chicago, shortly having charge of all the electrical installations. The company was af- terward incorporated under the name of Henry Newgard & Co., and our subject became a member of the firm, now located at 225 Wash- ington street. Mr. Martin Newgard is vice-presi- dent and general superintendent, and as they are now one of the largest electrical contractors and manufacturers in the city he is kept busy look- ing after the construction and manufacturing departments, when large power and lighting BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 427 switchboards and other special devices are being built for themselves and other electrical con- tractors over the country. Henry Newgard & Co. have bu'ilt up a large supply business; they found it advisable to organize and incorporate a new company, and accordingly the Ameri- can Electric Supply Co. w:as incorporated over a year ago. The two companies are controlled by the same stockholders, the later concern do- ing business at 87 Fifth avenue, but larger and more commodious quarters, at the corner of Lake and Franklin streets have been secured, to which they will soon move. Mr. Newgard is Martin Newgard. well known among electricians and engineers in Chicago as one of the practical men in the busi- ness. He was elected by the contractors' as- sociation to attend the revising committee meet- ing in changing the rules of the department of electricity to guard against fires. He is a member of Park Lodge No. 843; Park Chapter, No. 213; Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple, Aryan Grotto. Mr. Newgard was married to Miss Kathinka Swenkerud on March 21, 1896. Three children were born to them, two of whom are living. The family lives at 138 Powell avenue. CHARLES EDMOND NEWTON, The furrier and hatter, son of Filing and Mar- tha (Nelson) Newton, was born in Chicago, Sept. 2, 1853. His father was a vessel owner, having learned the ship-carpenter trade in Norway, but abandoned the active building of vessels after securing a few ships of his own. Their first home in Chicago was a log cabin on the north C. E. Newton. side of the river, where the Northwestern depot stands now. His parents are both dead, having passed away many years ago in Chicago. Charles attended the public schools. He then began clerking, first in the hat store of Bishop & Barnes, later with Herrick the hatter, and then engaged in business with Hennegen under the firm name of Hennegen & Newton. For the past twenty-five years he has been in business for himself, being now located at 607 Masonic Tem- ple. Our subject was one of the organizers of the First Regiment of the Illinois National Guards. He is a member of the Eighth Presby- terian Church, and was for a time trustee. He was married about twenty years ago to Miss Jennie Scully, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 428 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS James Scully, old residents of Chicago. They have one daughter, Irene, and reside at 314 Park avenue. GEORGE G. NEWTON, The popular druggist at the corner of Erie and Noble streets, was born in Lisbon, 111.. April 12, 1865. His father, Gullick Knudson, is from 0ster!andet, Nummedalen, and his mother, Anna Hamre, from Hamar, Norway. They came to America on a sailship in 1863, via Quebec, Mil- waukee and Chicago, and went to Morris, 111. Here his father worked at what he could find to do for a few years, when he bought a farm near Lisbon. G. G. Newton and Wife. George was brought up on the farm, attend- ing the public schools, and was confirmed by Pastor Rasmussen. He then went to Lisbon, and under the guidance of W. C. Belden as teacher continued his studies. He secured a position in a drug store at Lisbon, where he remained for nearly four years. In 1887-88 he attended the Chicago College of Pharmacy and passed his examination and received his degree as Ph. G. He later passed an examination before the state board. While in Kendall county Mr. Newton served two years as county collector for Big Grove township. After graduating he located in Chicago and clerked for several years. He then engaged in the drug business for him- self at his present location, 329 W. Erie street, where he enjoys a splendid patronage. He was married to Lizzie Josephine, a daugh- ter of Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Eschbacher, of Chi- cago, on April 12, 1898. His father died on April 28, 1905, but his mother, at the good old age of 87 years, is still living, hale and hearty. Mr. Newton purchased the old homestead from his father and takes great pleasure in visiting the old place, which is now rented by his brother. Our subject attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Mason, a Knight of Pythias,, and an Odd Fellow. PETER NEWTON, Secretary of the Seventh United States Civil Service District, embracing the northern half of Illinois and the states of Wisconsin and Michi- gan, with headquarters in Chicago, was born in Chicago, Sept. 29, 1854, his parents being Sievert and Ingeborg Newton. He attended pub- lic school in Chicago — graduated from the old Washington School and attended the West Di- vision High School for a short time. He began his career as an office boy with the Chicago- Evening Journal where he remained until May, 1875. In September of the same Vear he en- tered the government service as a clerk in the postofifice, serving continuously in nearly all branches of the service until May 1, 1892, when he was appointed local secretary of the United States civil service examiners for the postof- fice service in Chicago. In January, 1904, the government divided the country into thirteen civil service districts and appointed the subject of our sketch to the secretaryship of the 7th district as indicated above. Mr. Newton or- ganized this district and prides himself on the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 429 fact that it is one of the best equipped and organized districts in the United States. His parents were born in Voss, Norway, and came to this country in the early '40's locating in Wisconsin. Later they located permanently in Chicago. His father was for many years or- ganist in what was originally called Paul An- derson's Church, and continued as su'ch until his death in 1871. Our subject is the youngest of seven children, three of whom were born in Norway, and the others in this country. Peter Newton. Mr. Newton was married on Oct. 5, 1881, to Miss Mary Elizabeth Torkilson, who died Dec. 10, 1883, leaving an infant daughter, who sur- vived her mother less than one year. On Feb. 8, 1888, he married Miss Belle An- nette Paulsen. They have two children — Eli- nor Irene and Leonard Victor — pupils in the Lake View High School. Mr. Newton is a life member of Blair Lodge, No. 393, A. F. and A. M.; Washington Chapter, No. 43, Royal Arch Masons; Chicago Com- ■mandery, No. 19, Knights Templarsj Medinah Temple; Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mys- tic Shrine; Secretary of Washington Chapter, No. 43, R. A. AL; and was eminent commander of Chicago Commandery, No. 19, K. T., in 1903-04. The family attend the English Lutheran Church and reside at 2281 N. Hermitage avenue, Ravens- wood. ALDRICK KRISTIAN NILSSON, Organist and musician, was born in Bergen, Norway, Sept. 30, 1858. His father Nils Fugle, was from Fugle gaarden. Upper Vasenden on J0lster, and was employed by different mer- chants in Bergen. Young Nilson early developed A. K. Nilsson. a great love for music, and though his parents were u'nable financially to aid him in his am- bition, Kristian succeeded in taking some les- sons first from TischendorfT and later from Vogel and Edward Grieg. When 17 years old Mr. Nilson was far enough along to take care of himself, and since then the study, rendering and com- 430 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS posing of music have been his life work. In the old country he was organist for St. Paul's Catholic Church in Bergen, 1884-86, substitute for the organist in the cathedral (Domkirken), from 1886-88, and organist at Mandal, Norway, in 1889. In the latter year he came to Chicago, where he was immediately employed by several sing- ing societies as instructor. He has also published several compositions, one small volume — en- titled "Standard Prelude Album" — reaching a sale of 30,000 copies. Of other selections we can mention: "The Book of Psalms," "Anthems and Hymns," "Hjemlige Toner" and "B0rnenes Harpe." A dozen others are adapted for piano, organ, guitar and mandolin, besides songs for singing societies. Mr. Nilson was married to an accomplished musician and pianist. Miss Dagmar Schauboe, on June 8, 1895. They have two boys — Erling and Einar Fugle. The family lives at 322 Potomac avenue. HERMAN BROWN NIRISON, The real estate man on W. Armitage avenue, is a native of Chicago, his parents (Kittel and Ingeborg Nirison) having come from Norway in the '40's. Their home in Norway was a few miles north of Skien. Herman was born in Chicago, May 27^ 1862, and has had the advantage of the Chicago pub- lic schools and a short time at Wheaton Col- lege. In 1878 he clerked for a firm on Grand avenue, and the next year his father took him into bu'siness with himself under the firm name of K. Nirison & Son, doing a general china and silver-plated ware business, on Grand avenue. In- 1885 he went to Wolsey, S. D., and engaged in farming, but returned to Chicago two years later. He was married to Emma E. Nelson, of Chi- cago, on May 27, 1885. They have had five children, four now living, namely: Walter B., 1886; William O., 1888, who died while young; Edith N., 1890; Russell A., 1892; Kittel N., 1900. After his return from South Dakota Mr. Niri- son clerked in a hardware jobber's office until 1890, when he engaged in the real estate and insurance business, which he has continued since. He was first located at Milwaukee avenue near Center avenue, then at 86 La Salle street, and is now at 1636 Armitage avenue. Mr. Nirison is a member of Arcana Lodge, No. 717, A. F. & A. M.; Wiley M. Eagan, No. 126, R. A. M.; Michael Reese Council, No. 1587, Royal Arcanum; Dover Lodge, R. H. K.; the H. B. Nirison. Happy Hooligan Bowling Club; captain of the Pioneer Gun Club; president of the Norwegian Republican Club of the twenty-seventh ward, and is a member of the Hermosa Improvement Club. The family resides at 1034 N. Forty- second avenue. CARL WILLIAM BIRCH-NORD, Civil engineer, with the American Bridge Com- pany, Monadnock Block, Chicago, is a son of the late Carl Birch-Nord, chief engineer and manager of the former Hasgholmen's Mechanical BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 431 Shipbuilding Company, and Eva Nord (nee Mar- month), daughter of Stephen Marmonth, man- ager of the Hjula Weaving IManufacturing Com- pany, of Christiania, Norway. Our subject was born in Christiania, Oct. 7, 1880. After completing his high school and technical education, with practical training in machine shops in Christiania, he went to Ger- many in 1901, where he extended his studies in electrical engineering at the institute of tech- nology at Bingen am Rhein. He was later em- ployed as superintendent of electrical install- ments at Boras, Sweden. of the largest car, foundry and machine shops in the country. He is a member of the Western Society of Civil Engineers. C. W. Birch-Nord. Mr. Birch-Nord arrived in Chicago in July, 1902, where, after having held various posi- tions with the Western Electric Company, Burn- ham & Company, and others, he secured a place as draftsman with the Metropolitan Elevated ■Railroad Company. He found it difficult at first to get a position as civil engineer. He remained with the Metropolitan until 1903, when he accepted the position of first assistant en- gineer in the estimating department of the American Bridge Company's Chicago ofifice. Here he had charge of the designing of several REV. J0RGEN NORDBY. For the past twenty-five years pastor for the Norwegian Lutheran Church at Lee, 111., was born at Ulvig, Hardanger, Norway, Dec. 9, 1852. He came to America in 1867, having up to that time attended the public schools. Here he lived in the country and attended school graduating from Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, in 1873, and from the Concordia Theological Seminary, Rev. J0rgen Nordby. St. Louis, Mo., in 1876. His first call was to the Lutheran Church at Northwood, Iowa, where he remained for four years, going then to Lee, 111. He was secretary for the eastern district of the Norwegian Lutheran Synod, and since 1896 has been secretary of the general synod. 432 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Rev. Nordby has traveled extensively, having visited Egypt and the Holy Land, as well as most of the European countries. . He has been back to Norway three times. His whole life since leaving college has been devoted to church work, he having served on important synodical committees, one of them for the revision of the hymn book. He supports charities liberally, being especially interested in the orphans' home and the home for the aged at Stoughton, Wis. He married Miss Rosina Pauline Preus, Aug. 29, 1877. They have had nine children, four now living. JETLEE BRYNGELSON NORDHEM Was born at Voss, Norway, June 6, 1841, to Bryngel J. and Ingeborg E. (Saue) Nordhem. Having graduated from the common school, he was confirmed in Vossevangens church and then worked on his father's farm, until he came to America in June, 1859. He stopped at Long Prairie, 111., about one year, then went to Dec- orah, Iowa, where he remained one and a half year. On Feb. 25, 1862, Mr. Nordhem enlisted in Com- pany H, First Battalion, of the Sixteenth U. S. Infantry and served three years. During that term he was engaged in the following battles: Stone River, where he was wounded. Mission Ridge, Buzzard Roost, Reseca, New Hope Church, Ken- esaw Mountain, Marietta, Peach Tree Creek, At- lanta and Jonesboro, Ga. Mr. Nordhem was married in May, 1871, to Miss Julia T. Amondson, a daughter of John and Herborg Amondson. This union has been blessed with two daughters, Harriet Isabella, born Feb. 9, 1873, married to Mr. Charles F. Hamann, and Edith Josephine, born June 1, 1877. They have also had one son, Joseph Bernard, born Nov. 5, 1866, who died in infancy. Mr. Nordhem has been engaged for about thirteen years in the custom service and held various positions in same as inspector, bond- clerk, warehouse ledger clerk and drawback clerk. In 1879 he was elected supervisor of West Town, Chicago, which term lasted one year. Mr. Nordhem has been connected with Skan- dinaven as manager for their book department for about ten years. He is now secretary and vice-president of the John Anderson Publishing Company. The family are members of the English Evan- gelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity for which Mr. Nordhem has served as trustee for about twenty years. Jetlee B. Nordhem. Mr. Nordhem is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. U. S.- Grant Post 28. He has served three years as president of the Norweg- ian Republican Club of the 28th Ward, and is a life member of the Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital Society. The family resides at 1848 Humboldt boule- vard. HANS PETER GR0DEM NORSTRAND Was born near Bergen, Norway, June 24, 1871, his parents being Lars C. and Hansine Rasmussen Norstrand. He was educated in the Bergen LJ and technical schools. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 433 He came to America in 1889, and served as draftsman for several Chicago firms. Was chief engineer for the Aultman & Taylor Machinery Company. Mansfield, Ohio, for four years — from 1894-1898. Was superintendent for the Pennsyl- vania Boiler Works at Erie, Penn., 1898-1900; general superintendent for Abendroth & Root Manufacturing Company, New York, 1900-1902; general manager for the Hawley Down Drop Furnace Company, Chicago, 1902-1903, and is now engineer, secretary and treasurer for the H. P. G. Norstrand. George Whiting Company, manufacturers of spe- cial machinery, 156-158 W. North avenue. Mr. Norstrand was married in December, 1892, to Mathilda Nagle, born in Prague, Bohemia. They have three children — Signe Ruth, 12 years; Leif Behrend, 4 years; Hans Donald, 1 year. The subject of our sketch is a member of Den JMorske Kvartet Club, the Royal League, and the Independent Religious Society, served by the eloquent M. M. Mangasarian. REV. HENRY T. NOSS Was born at St. Peter, Minn, Jan 1, 1879, his parents (Tollef H. and IMarie S. Noss) having come from Norway in 1877. They remained at St. Peter for two years and then moved to Hat- Rev. Henry T. Noss. ton, N. D., where they have made their home since. Those were pioneer days and Henry's first home was a sod house, eighty miles from a railroad. He attended the public schools, spent one year at the Grand Forks College, two years at the Mayville Normal School and four years at the United Church College at Minneapolis, where he graduated in the spring of 1900. The fol- lowing year was spent at St. Olaf's College, where he received his degree of bachelor of arts in 1901. He then studied three years at the United Church Seminary at St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, where he graduated as a candi- date for the ministry, ^une 2, 1905, and was ordained as a minister in the Swedish Augustana Church at Minneapolis on Sunday, June 18, 1905. Sunday, July 16, 1905, he entered upon his duties as a minister of the gospel in Bethany Congregation, Leland, 111., this being one of the 434 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS oldest congregations in the United Church. financial man to Seneca D. Kimbark. He re- While he serves a Norwegian congregation, he mained with the firm until 1905, when he was preaches but two sermons in that language made general manager of the Co-operative De- each month, the rest of the work being carried partment Store, corner of Milwaukee avenue on in English. ^"d Carpenter street. Mr. Olsen was married in June, 1900, to Miss Ida A. Stenbeck, daughter of Captain Andrew and Caroline Stenbeck. They had one child, Maren, born March 31, 1902. Mr. Olsen is a member of Hesperia Lodge, A. F. and A, M. Mrs. Olsen died in 1905. GEORGE T. OLSEN. General manager for the Co-operative Store on Milwaukee avenue is a native of Norway. He was born in Stavanger, April 22, 1865, and came HENRY OLSEN George T. Olsen. to America with his parents when a child. His father, Terje Olsen, was intere-sted in lake vessels and shipping. His mother 'was Maren Maesel. Both passed away in Chicago. The subject of our sketch attended the public schools and a business college in Chicago. In 1882 he entered the employ of S. D. Kimbark & Co., first as clerk and later as confidential and Was born at Aune, Trondenes, Nordland, Nor- way, Aug. 24, 1846, his parents being Ole and Dorothea Margrethe Mikkelsen, who lived on a small farm near the above-named place. Here Henry attended the common schools until 15 years old, when he went to Tromsjzi to learn the cabinetmaker's trade. After finishing his apprenticeship he took pas- sage on the sailship Norge for America, on June 6, 1864. Seven weeks later he arrived at Quebec, Canada, coming by boat to Toronto and by rail to Chicago, where he arrived Aug. 6. He ar- rived here without a cent to buy tools with and not knowing a single person, but secured work as a laborer, carrying brick and unload- ing lumber vessels, etc. Oct. 6, 1864, he enlisted in the United States Army as a volunteer. He was immediately sent to Indiana, where he joined the Eighty-second Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, then at Atlanta, Ga. On Nov. 10, the same year, he took part in the burning of Atlanta and was with Sher- man on his "march to the sea," and also on the march from Savannah through South and North Carolina. He took part in many small battles and skirmishes and was at Raleigh, N. C, in April, 1865, when Johnston surrendered to Sherman. They then marched north through Richmond to Washington, where the regiment was mustered out of the service, but Mr. Olsen was transferred to the Twenty-second Indiana Volunteers, then stationed at Louisville, Ky. July 24, 1865, he was honorably discharged from the army as a private. Returning to Chicago, he secured employment at the Illinois Central passenger car works, then located at Twenty- sixth street and Cottage Grove avenue. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 435 Mr. Olsen was married to Emelie Marie Har- Church. He has also been identified with the riette Blomqvist, on Jan. 7, 1866. His wife was Tabitha Hospital, and with the Norwegian Old also from Tromsjz(, having come over on the People's Home since its organization. Mr. and same ship. They have had nine children — four Mrs. Olsen reside at 517 N. Hoyne avenue, sons and five daughters — of which one son and three daughters are living. They are all mar- ried and living in Chicago. Soon after his mar- riage, Mr. Olsen engaged as a millwright, work- ing a number of years for Livingston Bros., of this city, and in 1875 he engaged with Charles Kaestner & Co. In 1885 he started in bu'si- ness for himself, but two years later took in JENS OLSEN, Of Mendota, 111., is a son of Ola Olsen and Rachel Maria (Fosse) Kalberg. He was born near Stavanger, Norway, July 29, 1847. He Henry Olsen. Gustav Tilgner as a partner, manufacturing all kinds of machinery, patterns, models and mill- wright work, under the firm name of Olsen & Tilgner, their factory being at Indiana street and La Salle avenue. In 1901 the company in- corporated under the name of Olsen & Tilgner Manufacturing Co., of which ]Mr. Olsen is presi- dent, their shop having been moved to 37-39 Ontario street. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have been mem- bers since 1872 of the Second Norwegian Methodist Episcopal Church, now known as the Maplewood Avenue Methodist Episcopal Jens Olsen. learned the tailor trade in Stavanger and at the age of 21 went to London, England, for further advancement in it. He returned to Stavanger after five years and engaged in busi- ness for himself. In 1875 he was married to Miss Inger, a daughter of Enoch Knudson Joaasen, of Molde, near Stavanger. 436 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS In 1883 he came to America, stopping in Chi- cago for one year and then going on to Men- dota, where he settled with his family and has resided since. Nine children were born to them, seven of •whom are living. Enoch B., the oldest, is as- sistant cashier of the Germania Bank and city treasurer of Mendota, his term expiring in May, 1907. Inga J., the oldest daughter, is a milliner, in Chicago. Oscar B. is working in a drug store in Mendota. Bertha graduated from the high school in June, 1906. The younger children — Clara, Herman and Edward — are at home, at- tending school. The family attend the Presby- terian Church, there being no Lutheran Church excepting a German one. Mr. Olsen is a mem- ber of the Modern Woodmen of America. The family live in their own home at No. 700 Wash- ington street. The oldest son, Enoch, is the only child married. PETER A. OLSEN, The editor and publisher of Illinois Posten, of Ottawa, was born at Molde, Norway, April 1, 1868. His father was Ole Olsen, a jeweler, and his mother, Caroline Marie (Bakken) Olsen. Mrs. Olsen died in Chicago in 1892, and his father, who had worked at his trade in Chi- cago for thirteen years, returned to Norway after the World's Fair and died in Bergen, June 27, 1906. He had married again. Our subject received his education in the pub- lic schools in Bergen and Christiania. With his parents he came to Chicago in 1883. At first he attended evening school and was apprenticed as a printer on the Norwegian weekly Norden. He worked on Folkevennen from 1885 to 1889 and then went to Skandinaven, where he worked in the subscription and mailing department and also as compositor on the daily. He returned to Norden and remained until 1894, when he began the publication of Afholdsvennen. In 1896 he moved to Ottawa, continuing his paper, but he changed the name to Illinois Posten, which has proved a financial success. On Aug. 4, 1888, Mr. Olsen was married to INIiss Marie A. Solem, daughter of Peter and Gertrude (Hansen Stube) Solem, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have two daughters — Caro- line Otelia, born Feb. 27, 1890, and Viola Einera, born Feb. 7, 1892. Mrs. Olsen is a lady of cul- ture, and, having a good education, she is in innumerable ways of great assistance to her husband. Miss Caroline is in her third year in the high school and Viola attends the grammar school. The family reside in their own home at 801 First avenue. Mr. Olsen's publishing office is in the Opera House Block. His paper is the first secular paper Peter A. Olsen. (Norwegian) in Illinois outside of Chicago. It is republican in politics and has been recognized by the national, state, county and city commit- tees. Mr. Olsen is also agent for all the At- lantic steamship lines. During his stay in Chi- cago he was an active member of the Bj0rgvin Singing Society. PETER B. OLSEN Was born in Christiania, Norway, April 11, 1848. He arrived in Chicago in 1872 and went to work on Skandinaven as a compositor. He was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 437 connected with the paper until 1887. During his connection with the paper he also served in the business and editorial departments. From 1888 to 1892 he was employed as a draftsman in the recorder's office in Chicago, after which he again took up newspaper work. From 1895 to 1902 he worked in the county map department. He was elected a representative to the general assembly of Illinois on the republican ticket, from the old Eleventh (now the Twenty-fifth) senatorial district in 1898, and re-elected in 1900. OLAF C. S. OLSEN, Manufacturer of office desks and furniture, was born in Stavanger, Norway, in 1863. He came direct to Chicago in 1883 and has resided here since. He was educated in the public schools and learned the trade of a cabi- net maker in the old country, and has followed that line of work. In 1890 he established a business on his own account, under the name of O. C. S. Olsen & Co., and makes a specialty of office desks. His factory, a substantial brick building of six stories, covers a whole block on the corner of Austin avenue and May street. Peter B. Olsen. In 1902 he was elected county clerk of Cook county, by a very large plurality. Mr. Olsen has been married twice and has seven living children. He is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Olsen has made a creditable record as county clerk, having been publicly commended by the county board for his comprenhensive, complete and ac- curate reports. He refused a renomination on account of the worries and anxieties the respon- sibility of the office entails. ALBERT JOHN OLSON, The wholesale milk dealer, with office and depot at 265 N. Franklin street, Chicago, was born at Elgin, 111., June 4, 1865. His parents were John and Carrie Olson. He attended the public schools, but when 10 years old his parents moved Albert J. Olson. 438 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS to Lee, 111., where our subject continued his schooling for five years. He was confirmed in the North Norwegian Lutheran Church. He came to Chicago in 1882. On Oct. 19, 1885, he was married to Miss Jane Severson of Lee, Illinois. Mr. Olson had already embarked in the milk and cream busi- ness, and has continued in that line since. He has taken an active interest in politics, having twice represented his district in the legislature — the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth general assemblies — and has also served two terms in the city council. He is a member of the Masonic Order. His mother died in Elgin in 1876; his father in 1892. The family resides at 261 N. Franklin street. Mr. Olson owns the Woodstock Farm, in McHenry county, said to be one of the best stock farms in the state. ^ EVER OLSON, Of Freeport, 111., was born in Davis, Stephenson -county. 111., June 24, 1867, to Sven and Inge- borg (Hoff) Olson. His parents were farmers, and Ever spent his youth on the farm and at- tended the public school. His mother died twelve years and his father seven years ago. Our sub- ject continued on the farm until about three years ago, when he was appointed deputy sheriff and moved to Freeport, the county seat of Steph- enson county. He took the census for Rock River township in 1900, and was elected collector in 1901-02. In 1906 Mr. Olson received the republican nomination for sheriff by a majority of over 600 votes, being the first man of Norwegian descent to be nominated for a political office in Stephen- son county. The county being largely populated by Germans he was, however, defeated-.-at the election by a small majority. He married Miss Anna Rostad, of Oxfordville, Wis., on Dec. 30, 1901. They have two chil- dren — Clement, born Dec. 26, 1902, and Edward, born Nov. 25, 1904. Mr. Olson is a member of the Odd Fellows and the Order of Eagles, both fraternal societies. Ever Olson. HENRY P. OLSON, Of Capron, Boone county. 111., was born in Earl township. La Salle county, Feb. 5, 1853, his parents being Hele and Helen (Saala) Ol- son. His father was a farmer in La Salle county and our subject attended the public schools and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He remained with his father on the farm until of age. He was married to Miss Lena Hanson, daugh- ter of Hans and Eliza Hanson, of Boone coun- ty, on Feb. 15, 1878. His wife's father came to this country in 1845, her mother, Eliza Tryme, having arrived earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Olson have four children, namely: George Harvey, born in 1878; Arthur Henry, 1880; Sevina, 1883; Oscar Hulbert, 1888. Mr. Olson engaged in farming as a renter on his father's farm in 1874, in De Kalb county, but after his marriage in 1878 rented from his father-in-law in Boone county, which farm he has since bought, and where the family still reside. The farm comprises 100 acres and is one mile southeast of Capron, in Boone township. Mr. Olsen has been a director, vice-president and president of the Capron Creamery Com- pany, a director in the Capron Home Telephone BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 439 Company and road commissioner for two terms. He has also been secretary, trustee and cashier for Hauges Lutheran Church. His father died Henry P, Olson. on his farm, Aug. 21, 1883, and his mother in Davison county, South Dakota, Aug. 5, 1891. other half at the school. He continued to work in the same office until he became of age. On June 16, 1887, Mr. Olson left Mandal for America and landed in New York on July 1. He went directly to Chicago, arriving here on the glorious Fourth of July, and has remained here since. He did not succeed in obtaining work at his trade at first, so he accepted a position in a tannery for a while. From August 1887 to May 1892 he was employed in the new printing office of "Vort Land," located at 140 W. Indiana street. Jacob A. Olson. JACOB ANDREAS OLSON, Foreman for the printing department of "Skan- dinaven," was born at Mandal, Norway, Nov. 21, 1865, to Ole Olsen, a carpenter at that city and his wife Sille, born Jacobsen. Mr. Olson enjoyed a common school education and was confirmed in the Lutheran church at Mandal. At the age of 10 he was apprenticed to learn the printer's trade in the office of "Lister og Mandals Amtstidende,*" A. Nasss, proprietor. Here he worked half of the day and spent the From May 1892 to May 1896 he was employed in the job office of the John Anderson Publishing Company and on May 8 of the last named year he was promoted as foreman for "Skandinaven," which position he is still holding. On March 8, 1889, Mr. Olson was joined in holy wedlock to Miss Lina L0kke, a daughter of Johan M. and Andrea L0kke of Trondhjem, Nor- way. This marital union has been blessed by two daughters, Sigrid Alvilde, and Lillie Andrea. With his family ]\Ir. Olson attends the Logan Square Norwegian Baptist church, of which he 440 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS has held the offices of trustee and cashief and at present he holds the office of deacon. He has been secretary of the Viking Lodge, Order of Chosen Friends and resides at 1555 North Washtenaw avenue. ^ KNUD B. OLSON, President of The Olson Manufacturing Co. was born on Jan. 3, 1839, at Voss, Norway. His parents were Ole Olsen and Ingeborg Anders- datter Rothe. After going through the public Knud B. Olson, was increased during the voyage by the birth of their first child, Isabella Atlanta. 1 he family came to Chicago via Quebec on July IS, 1861, but for months no work could be obtained until Mr. Olson finally succeeded in getting a position in a tailor shop, first at $3.50, later at $6.00 per week. Within one year and a half he bought' a Singer sewing machine for $80 and with a girl to assist him started in business for himself January 1, 1863. He worked from early in the morning until late at night. His first location was at Dearborn avenue and Superior street; subsequently he moved to Market street and Chicago avenue, and finally to 88 Superior street, where he also had his home. The fire of Oct. 9, 1871, swept away his home with the rest; he lost all he had, receiving only 1% per cent of his $8000 insurance. But he got hold of some lumber, put his pressers and shop help to work and erected a building 24x83 feet and iy2 story in height. He went to Milwaukee and purchased his goods, and on November 1, he moved into his new house and started up the shop. In 1895, twenty-four years after the fire, Olson and his partner, Knud O. Bolstad, who had been associated with him since. 1866, changed the firm name of K. B. Olson & Co. to The Olson Manu- facturing Company, for the manufacturing oi trousers. The business rapidly increased. They now employ 150 people, and are occupying a large building on Elk Grove avenue near North avenue, erected for the purpose. Knud Olson is a quiet, unassuming man, short and sturdy in appearance, who attends strictly to business and says, that all through life he has followed the golden rule: "early to bed, early to rise ". He is a member of the. Norwegian St. Paul's Lutheran Church on North avenue near Leavitt street, and is a member of the Norwegi- an Old People's Home Society and the Tabitha Hospital Society. His residence is at Norwood Park, where he has lived since 1895. His wife died July 19, 1906. They have had nine children, of whom si.x are living, namely Mrs. Isabella Atlanta Anderson, Bertha Petterson, John N., Henry A., "Vvilliam A. and Clarence S. Olson. school he was apprenticed to Mons Isaksen Sane, the local tailor. On April 12, 1860, he married Susanne Nilsdatter Stene, and in the following year they emigrated to America. They left Ber- gen on May 12, 1861, in the barkship "Norge", Captain Jetmundsen, whose passenger list of 565 TOM OLSON, The popular painter and contractor, now retired from active business, was born in Sande preste- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 441 gjeld, Lower Telemarken, Norway, March 7, 1845. He lived on a farm until confirmed, but shortly afterward went to sea and made several trips to England and France. In 1866 he shipped on the sailing vessel Maple Leaf, bound for Canada, and while in port Mr. Olsen availed himself of the opportunity and took french leave from the vessel at Quebec. He worked his way to Chicago, arriving here in May of that year. He shortly afterward secured work in the paint shop of the McCormick Harvester Works, then locat- ed at the North pier. A year or so later he began to do general painting, gradually develop- Tom Olson, ing into the contracting business, taking large contracts, especially for public work, such as school houses, etc. He continued at this work until about two years ago, when he retired. He married Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Fuglestad, of Stavanger, Oct. 5, 1872. They have had nine children, three daughters now living, two mar- ried. Mr. Olson is a member of the A. O. U. W., the Old People's Home Society and Bethlehem Lutheran Church. He contributes to the Tabitha Hospital, the Deaconess' Hospital and the Chil- dren's Home. The family resides at 358 W. Erie street. WALTER EUGENE OLSON, President of the Olson Rug Company, is a native of Chicago, a son of Oliver B. and Augusta E. Olson. He was born Feb. 22, 1880. He at- tended the public and high school in Chicago and was confirmed at our Saviour's Norwegian Lutheran Church. During this school period Walter spent all of his spare time at his fa- ther's store or rug factor''^ thus familiarizing W. E. Olson. himself with the business in every detail, so that when school for the last time was dis- missed he was able to step right into active business. The company, which is incorporated, has three branch offices in Chicago, one in Ish- peming, Mich., and one in 'Racine, Wis. The factory is at 1373-91 Carroll avenue. His father invented, in 1874, what is known as the Olson fluff rug, made from old carpet, and its manufacture is now a distinctive industry. The business, started on a small scale, has grown to immense proportions, employing now from 175 to 200 workers. Mr. Olson's father died in 1890, but his busi- ness, under the care of his vigilant son, has grown into a lasting monument to his memory. 442 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mr. Olson has invented and patented (in Octo- ber, 1902) a combination-preparing machine, a labor-saving device of great value in the busi- ness. Mr. Olson lives with his mother at 682 W. Superior street. ^ WILLIAM OLSON Was born at Racine, Wisconsin, June 2, 1863. His father was Gilbert Olson, Deputy Sherifif, and his mother Sarah (nee Nelson) Olson. Mr. Ol- son was educated in the public grammar school, confirmed in the Evangelical Lutheran Church by Rev. Torgersen and later took a course in a business college. He then secured employment with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, first as a messenger boy and later as a telegraph operator. He has held various positions with the Panhandle Rail- road; at present he is locomotive engineer with the Chicago & Northwestrn Railroad running a switch engine. In 1887 Mr. Olson was married to Miss Marie Soemo, a daughter of Halvor and Marianne Soe- mo, of Porsgrund, Norway. Their home has been blessed with five children. Isabelle, born 1888; Alice, 1890; Willie, 1893 (deceased); Harry, 1894, and George, born in 1900. Mr. Olson is a Mason, a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters and of the Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers, Fort Humboldt Lodge. His mother died in 1894 and his father in 1906. CHRISTEN JOHNSON OLSTAD, The camera manufacturer, of the firm of Ol- stad and Hansen, at 87 W. Lake street, was born on gaarden 0vre Olstad, 0yers preste- gjeld, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, Oct. 23, 1850. His parents were J. C. and Johanne (Peders- datter Lu'nke) Olstad. Mr. Olstad remained on his father's farm, getting the advantage of the country schools, and was confirmed in Norway. He came to America in 1873 and remained in Chicago. He worked at odd jobs, such as he could get to do, for several years and then se- cured a position with Jonas Anderson, manu- facturer of cameras and photographic instru- ments at 63-65 E. Indiana street. He continued in his employ for seventeen years. There then came a lull in the business, and Olstad, with a number of other employees, were temporarily laid off. During this period Mr. Olstad was impatient to get to work. Having his own tools, he got permission to put in a bench in a machine shop on the second floor at 87 W. C. J. Olstad. Lake street, corner of Jefferson. He then started out to find work, and was rewarded by finding more than he could attend to alone. He then went to Rasmus Hansen, who had worked with him for Jonas Anderson, and the two went in together to rush out the orders already at hand. Orders kept coming in, and the arrangement be- tween Olstad and Hansen resulted in a partner- ship, which has continued at the same location since, now over eleven years. They are now devoting all their time and energies to the mak- ing of professional cameras and doing other BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 443 work in that line, and are having surprising and gratifying success. On Nov. 4, 1885, Mr. Olstad was married to Ingeborg Johnson, born at Voss, Norway, on Sept. 21, 1861. They have four children, namely: John Herbert, born Feb. 15, 1887; Gertrude Josephine, July 26, 1890; Clarence Reinhart, April 11, 1894; Edna Sophia, Oct. 27, 1903. Mr. Olstad is a member of the National Union, an insurance and fraternal association. The fam- ily reside in their own comfortable home at 1269 Tripp avenue, Chicago. BIRGER OSLAND, amen artium, with the mark laudabilis) at the Christiania University in July, 1888. In August of the same year he came to Chicago and secured a job in a machine shop at $5 per week. He was afterward cashier for Skandinaven from 1888 to 1891. He then went with the Wac- ker Brewing Company, where he remained for twelve years, the last three years as secretary and director. He has also been secretary to Mr. Charles H. Wacker since 1896. He married Miss Therese Korsvik, on March 15, 1890. They have had three children, two now living. Mr. Osland is a member of Den Norske Kvartet Club and the German society Schwabenverein, was formerly secretary and one of the founders of the Norwegian National League of Chicago, and is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society. The family resides at 2613 Lowell avenue. Assistant to the president of the Chicago Heights Land Association, a large organization dealing in real estate and operating various public utility ^ Birger Osland, corporations, was born in Stavanger, Norway, March 1, 1870. He took the degree of B.A, (ex- MRS. HELEN OSMON, Of Morris, 111., was born at Lisbon, Big Grove, Kendall county, April 15, 1845. Her parents. Mrs. Helen Osmon. 444 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS John and Susan (Anderson) Hill, being the first Norwegian settlers in Lisbon, her father hav- ing located there in 1839. He earned his first wages by working on the Michigan Canal. He afterward engaged in farming, and died on his farm on Dec. 31, 1893. The subject of this sketch (Miss Hill) mar- ried Austin Osmon, March 13, 1866, and eight children blessed the union, namely: Andrew T., Joseph H., Abel D., Edwin J., Emma E., Ira Lincoln, Louis M. and Susanna May Osmon. In 1892 Mr. Osmon and family moved to Morris, 111., having sold the larger part of the farm to their son Edwin. Mrs. Osmon attends the Norwegian Lutheran Church at Morris and takes great interest in the work of the con- gregation, her husband having taken a very act- ive part in the building of the church. Mr. Osmon died in 1903. Mrs. Osmon's mother, Mrs. Hill, who was born in Norway in 1823, is living in Morris. MRS. MARGRETE RYGH OSMON, Of Newark, III., was born in Skoneviks preste- gjeld, Bergens stift, Norway, in March, 1831. Her father was Anders Torbj0rnson Holmdal, a farmer, and her mother Johanne Knudsdatter. They never emigrated to this country, but once came over to visit their children, and shortly after their return to Norway both died. In 1850 Miss Rygh, with one of her brothers, came to America and located at Lisbon. In 1852 •she was married to Mr. S0ren Halvorsen Rygh, with whom she had twelve children. Five died in infancy and seven are living. The children are all married except the oldest son, Andrew Osmon, who is living with his mother. In 1901 Mr. Osmon died, leaving the farm to his widow, who rented it first to her son, but when he later bought a farm of his own she rented it to another man. A son, Sj^ren S., and a daughter, Mrs. Johanne Erickson, are living in Ford county. Halvor and Tom Os- mon are farmers, living southwest of Newark. One daughter, Mary, is married to Mr. Louis Wicks, a farmer, and Maggie to Mr. George Nitter, a lumber dealer at Aurora. Mrs. Osmon is a member of the Hauge Church. O. H. OSMOND, Of Newark, 111., is a son of Herman (Aarag) Os- mond, a native of Aarag, near Stavanger, and Sera Holgerson Vammen. His parents came to America in 1836, stopped over for a year in Ohio, and in 1837 came to Norway, 111. Here the sub- ject of our sketch was born on April 2, 1854. Later his parents moved to Newark, where the elder Osmond lived as a retired farmer for ten years. He died in 1888. His wife is still living at the advanced age of 88 years. The couple had five children, of whom three are living — O. O. H. Osmond. H. and Peter O., living in Newark, and Henry Osmond, in Chicago. Mr. O. H. Osmond received his education in the public schools, the seminary at Aurora, and in a business college in Chicago. When through with schooling he went into the mercantile busi- ness in Newark, where he has remained since, as a dealer in furniture; an undertaker and licensed embalmer. He is also engaged in the steamship-ticket and insurance business. In 1882 Mr. Osmond was married to Miss Mary J. Evans, an American. They have had BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 445 three children — Herman George, William Nire and Hazel Marie. Herman, 18 years old, is in Oklahoma, growing up with the country on a cattle ranch, the other two being at home with their parents. Mr. Osmond is a member of the ^Modern Woodmen of America. The family are members of the American Methodist Church, Mrs. Os- mond having been brought up in that denomina- tion. Mr. Osmond's father was practically the main- spring in building the Norwegian Church at Nor- way, 111. His home was the meeting place for all the ministers and students who came there to preach. When the men who had served their adopted country during the war returned, worn and emaciated, he fed them and furnished many of them with clothing, giving them an opportun- ity to recuperate. He was a very liberal man and proved his faith by his deeds. He is kept in kind remembrance not only by relatives and friends, but by others who benefited by his will- ingness to help his kind. Of Mr. O. H. Osmond can be said that he is a worthy son and popular among all who know him. i^ JOHN C. OSSE Was born at Aase, near Sandnes, Stavanger, Norway, May 26, 1867. His father was Corne- lius Aase and his mother Bertha Vasvig. Mr. Osse obtained his education in the country school until he was confirmed, and worked on the farm until 16 years of age, when he went to Stavanger and was employed in a dry goods store about a year and a half. Returned to the farm and worked in a carpenter's shop, where he learned turning and similar things. Final!}', in 1887, he found the mother country too narrow for his activities, and started for America. He landed in New York and immediate- ly came west to Rochelle, 111. Here he worked at anything he could get to do for about two years. Then went to Rock Falls, 111., where he was employed in a factory, and from there to Chicago, where he worked in the McCormick Harvester Company's establishment a little over a year. He now returned to Rochelle, where he was employed by Mr. P. O. Bly, and worked in his store until 1893, when he returned to Nor- way, visiting his parents and friends. In the spring of the same year he returned to Rochelle, and continued his work for Mr. Bly, who had started a branch clothing store at Shabbona, 111., where Mr. Osse was made manager. He stayed there one year. Then, Mr. Bly having discontinued the branch, "Sir. Osse came back and worked in the store at Rochelle, where he remained about a year. He then was employed John C. Osse. by H. W. Williams, drygoods department store, where he worked four j^ears. In the meantime Mr. Bly, because of sickness, sold out his busi- ness to Mr. Osse, who continued the same under his own name. He is doing a flourishing busi- ness in clothing and gents' furnishing goods. In June, 1896, he was married to Miss Bertha Kittelson, of Rochelle. Mr. Osse is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Free Masons. 446 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS HENRY M. OYEN, M. D. DR. ELIAS BJ0RLYKKE PALMER, Was born on Desplaines street, near Grand ave- nue, on July 24, 1863, his parents being Frederick Oyen and Inger Anna Hoifstad, both from Trondhjem, Norway, After passing through the Carpenter School he began active work at the age of 14, as a clerk in a grocery. Sometime afterward he was apprenticed to learn the printer's trade in the Independent office. He afterward worked on all the Chicago dailies, and before entering the The dentist, at 519 Milwaukee avenue, was born in 0stre Aker, Norway, Feb. 11, 1869. His par- ents were Karl Fredrick and Martha Ellingsen Bj0rlykke, of 0stre Aker, where his father was- a school teacher. Here Elias attended middel- skolen and was confirmed. He was then placed with a leading dentist to learn the profession. In 1887 he came to America, coming direct to Chicago, where he immediately secured a place as assistant dentist with Dr. N. Nelson, where he remained for five years, mastering the profession in all its details. He then began tO' practice on his own account, and in 1899 opened the commodious office which he now occupies Dr. H. M. Oyen. medical profession he was for fifteen years foreman of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. After having passed through a complete course in medicine at the Harvey Medical College, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1903. He was married on Aug. 19, 1882, to Nathalie Mathea Anderson (Sarpsberg). They have had three children, two now living. He was a mem- ber of the Royal League and is a member of the Norske-Amerikanske Mandelige Begravelses Forening. He takes an active interest in the Norwegian Old People's Home. The family resides at 393 W. Chicago avenue. Dr. E. B. Palmer. at the corner of Elston and Milwaukee ave- nues. He married Miss Olga J. Peterson, of Chi- cago, June 21, 1894. They have been blessed with two children — Evelyn, 10 years, and Alva,^ 7 years old. Dr. Palmer is a member of the Royal League, the Royal Arcanum, the Modern Woodmen and Nora Lodge. He enjoys a large practice. The family resides at Irwing Park. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 447 ALFRED PAULSEN Was born in Christiania, Norway, in 1849 and came to Chicago in 1888, where he has since lived. He studied piano music in Christiania under Edward Grieg and Winter-Hjehii and composition and organ music with Ludvig M, Lindeman. He then went to Leipzic, Germany, where he completed his studies at the conser- vatory under Prof. E. F. Richter, Dr. Oscar Paul and Prof. Jadassohn. After graduating he returned to Christiania and was appointed or- Prof. Alfred Paulsen. ganist for St. Jacob's Church. During this period he had an extensive practice as teacher of harmony, piano and organ, instructing dif- ferent singing societies and choirs. He also pub- lished several compositions for both organ and piano. When he came to Chicago in 1888 he was ap- pointed organist and instructor for the choir at St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church, on W. North avenue, which position he still holds. He also teaches music and composition, has been the instructor for the singing society Kjerulf, the Norwegian Glee Club, and others, and is at present the instructor for the Nor- wegian Quartet Club. He has published several piano and song compositions for male choirs, of which we can mention "Naar Fjordene Blaan- er," which is very popular, and is sung generally by Norwegian societies. It was rendered at several places where the Norwegian students from Christiania were received in 1905, and they sang the song at their concerts. "Sangen har Lysning," "Ulabrand," Giv Agt" and a more difficult composition, "Snorre," for baritone solo, male choir or orchestra, are also some of his productions. Mr. Paulsen has been married twice, first to Antonie Jiilich, at Leipzig, Germany, and later to Anna Riiser, from Christiania, Norway. They have four children, two sons and two dau'ghters. They reside at 86 Humboldt boulevard. * GEORGE M. PEDERSEN, Of Yorkville, 111., was born at Green Bay, Wis., July 17, 1864. His parents, Peter H. and Lavina (Hansen) Pedersen, both from Norway, have passed away. After receiving his education in the public school he attended business college at Val- paraiso, Ind. He then clerked in Leland and Ottawa for several years. In 1888 he started a general merchandise store at Sheridan, 111., with his brother Enoch H. as a partner, to whom he later sold his interest. In 1891 he went to Dayton, 111., where he kept a store for three years. In 1893 Mr. Pedersen joined a Mr. Ras- mussen and opened a general merchandise store in Yorkville, 111. Mr. Rasmussen died shortly afterward, when Mr. Pedersen took in Fred Bret- thauer as a partner; the partnership still exists. Dec. 9, 1891, our subject married Miss Lottie E. Makinson, of English descent, at Dayton. They have four children, namely: Geneva E., born 1892; Mona E., 1895; Frances C, 1897; Wayne M., 1902. The family attend the Con- gregational Church at Yorkville and reside in their own home. 448 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mr. Pedersen is doing a thriving business, having two stores, he looking after the dry goods store and Mr. Bretthauer the grocery. Mr. Ped- ersen is a Mason and a member of the Modern Woodmen. In the beautifully located little town of Yorkville, on the banks of the Fox River, there are only two Norwegians of prominence, the subject of this sketch and the clerk of the county, Mr. George Williams. Mr. Pedersen has been alderman for four j'ears and city treas- urer for five years. JOHN M. PEDERSEN, The undertaker at 878 Armitage avenue, Chi- cago, was born at Christianssund, Norway, Feb. 25, 1871, his parents being Peder Andreas Ped- ersen ( a cooper) and Eliza Katharina (Jensen). He attended the public and a technical evening school, and took a course in a business college, and was confirmed in Christianssund Lutheran Church. He commenced to work for Christian Johnsen, a merchant and exporter, when but 10 years old, dividing his time half and half between the store and the school. He began an apprenticeship with a cooper when 18 years old and continued at that until he was 21. He came to this country in 1892, landing at Halifax in April and' arriving in Chicago on April 15. In Chicago he first secured a job as janitor at 155 Washington street, and after- ward worked five years for the Chicago Coffin Company, 465 S. Canal street. He studied em- balming under Prof. J. H. Clark, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and after having qualified as an embalmer before the State Board of Health of Illinois, com- menced business for himself in 1898, opening an undertaking establishment on Armitage avenue. He was married to Laura T. Oftedahl, only dau'ghter of Lars D. and Malena Oftedahl, on June 22, 1905. They have one child, Marshall Edgar, born March 17, 1906. Mr. Pedersen's father is still living in Christianssund, but his mother died in September, 1893. The family are members of Zion Norwegian Lutheran Church, of which Mr. Pedersen has served as trustee and secretary of the board. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum, the I. O. F., the T. B. H., the N. A. U., the K. & L. of S. and the K. of H. He is a member of the four Norwegian chari- table institutions in Chicago. Has served on the board of the Old People's Home Society and the Tabitha Hospital, of which he served as J. M. Pedersen. secretary for one year. He is also a member of Normsendenes Singing Society, and a passive member of the Norwegian Glee Club and the Norwegian Turners' Society. The family resides at 203 Nebraska avenue. ADOLPH PEDERSON, Of the clothing firm of Pederson, Holstag & Co., Aurora, III, was born at Leland, 111., Oct. 24, 1873. He is the son of Ole and Ella (nee BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 449 Amundson) Pederson. They are from Kongs- vinger, Norway. His father, who was a black- smith in Leland, died Feb. 15, 1905; his mother is still living at Aurora. Our subject received his education in the public schools and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church at Leland. He began his career as a clothing merchant early, clerking first in Leland and later in Au- rora, where he has been for over fifteen years. Sept. 15, 1892, Mr. Pederson started a cloth- ing store, in partnership with John F. Holstag and W. A. Smith, at the corner of Downer place and River street, Aurora, the firm name being several contestants, the mayor of the city being one, but our subject led his nearest competitor by over 20,000 votes, receiving about 87,000 votes. The prize was a gold watch, of which Mr. Ped- erson is very proud. He has been very active as an organizer of unions. He is a member of the Aurora Lodge of Elks. The family reside in their own home at 283 South street. Aurora. ^ Adolph Pederson. Pederson, Holstag & Co. The firm is one of the largest in Aurora, and is doing a very prosper- ous business. On July 15, 1901, Mr. Pederson married Miss Bathseba Abernathy, of Moline, 111. Mr. Pederson holds nine patents for the dis- play of clothing, and is the president of the Aurora Clothing Hanging CompanJ^ At a vot- ing contest conducted by one of the papers in Aurora a few years ago, to name the most popular union man in the city, there were OLE R. PEDERSON, Of Leland, III, was born in Vormedalen, Hjelme- lands parish, near Stavanger, Norway, April 10, 1855. His father, who was a farmer in Nor- Ole R. Pederson. way, was Peder O. Ritland; his mother's maiden name was Gunilda H. Hellicksdatter. He attended 450 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS the common schools in Norway, helped his father on the farm, and was confirmed. He also attended a private school one winter term. In 1871 he came to America with his parents, one sister and a brother, going via Chicago di- rect to Leland, where they have lived since. Our subject worked for three years as a farm hand and then learned the trade of a painter and also that of a jeweler and watch repairer, both of which trades he has followed since. He conducts a store in Leland, handling paints, oils, glass, wall paper, etc., and also has a de- partment for his jewelry business. Mr. Pederson was married to Ellen Hall, of Lee county, in 1876. She is a daughter of Ole and Kirsten (Bjerge) Hall. They have had ten children. Lars, born May 19, 1878; Julia, Aug. 6, 1880; Emma, Dec. 29, 1881; Cornelius, Oct. 3, 1883; Anton, 1885; Otto, March 7, 1888; Cora, May 8, 1892; Nettie, Aug. 25, 1894; Thomas, May 24, 1897; Theresa, Sept. 1, 1900. Of these Cor- nelius, Anton and Thomas have passed away. Julia is married to Charles Montague; his mother died at our subject's home in 1891; his father is living. Mr. Pederson has held local offices, such as constable and village trustee. The family are members of the Lutheran Church at Leland. BERNHARD C. PETERSON, A son of Peter and Anna Christine (Bj0rnson) Christenson, from Redahlen, Norway, was born there, Oct. 2, 1854. His father was. a miller by trade. Our subject crossed the Atlantic with his par- ents in a schooner in 1866, reached Chicago on July 4, and Madison, Wis., on the 5th. They went direct to his uncle, Gabriel Bjprnson, who had a farm near Perry, Wis. He attended the public school at Moscow, Wis., and the Richmond Select School at Postville and also at Monroe. Wis. He spent his youth at school and on his broth- er's farm at Moscow. He afterwards taught the public schools at Moscow and Middlebury for three years, working on the farm in the sum- mer, coming to Chicago in 1877. Here he opened a night school, teaching languages and com- mercial sciences. The school was called the Scandia College. In 1882 he engaged in the ma- nufacture of furniture under the firm name of Peterson & Krabol and after several changes in the personnel of the firm he is now the proprietor of the American Cabinet Makers at 21-27 N. Eli- zabeth street, Chicago. Our subject was mar- ried to Mary Philissa Theobald of Middlebury, Wis., June 30, 1883. Six children were born to them, the two oldest having passed away. From early manhood our subject has evinced liberal tendencies in religious and philosophic B. C. Peterson. matters and since his arrival in Chicago, in 1877, he has been a regular attendant at liberal relig- ious services. He commenced to investigate the truth or falsity of the claims of the spiritualists, in 1879, and is now in position to furnish to the interested valuable results of his research. His metaphysical studies and work were commenced in 1885, shortly after the death of his first child, and he learned more' and more of the subtle forces of nature, all the time penetrating deeper into its secrets. In 1891, Mr. Peterson joined the Order of the Magi, where he became convinced was to be BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 451 found a reservoir of universal knowledge. He was ordained a Grand Magus in 1896, and a min- ister of the Gospel in the order in 1900. In 1901 he founded the Church of the Veritans in Chicago which is described in another part of this volume. ENOCH PETERSON, Vice-president and secretary of the Wm. D. Gib- son Company, manufacturers of all kinds of steel Enoch Peterson. springs, with their large factory at Huron and Kingsburj^ was born in Norway, Nov. 4, 1849. His parents were farmers in Norway, where oar subject attended the common schools until he was confimed. He was then apprenticed to learn the trade of a blacksmith and machinist. After learning his trade he came to America in 1870, landing at Quebec and going from there to La Crosse, Wis., where he arrived on July 4, of the same year. He at once went around to the dififerent machine shops to see how Ameri- cans did things, and also worked in two shops, but the next year, in 1871, he came to Chicago. Here he entered the service of William Storker, a spring manufacturer, going to work at noon. The next day he Avas made foreman, and has been connected with the firm ever since. The concern was later reorganized and incorporated under the firm name of William D. Gibson Co., and Mr. Peterson has since been its active head. !Mr. Peterson was married in Chicago to Helene A. Kjerner, from Lier, Norway, April 11, 1874. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kjerner. They have had three children, but only one son is living — Alex. B. Peterson, born April 11, 1876, and now general manager with the Wm. D. Gibson Co. Mr. Peterson has invented sev- eral improvements applicable to machinery in his own business, but does not care to men- tion tliem. He visited Norway in 1888. He is a high-degree Mason. The family attends St. Paul's Lutheran Church and resides at 1589 W. Adams street. THOMAS GEORGE PIHLFELDT. Son of Johan and Henrietta (nee Jordan) Pihl- feldt was born in Vadsoe, Norway, Oct. 11, 1858. He attended school at Vadsoe during his boyhood days and afterwards at Trondhjem, Hammerfest and Christiania, where he remained for four years. From 1875 to '79 he attended technical schools at Hanover and Dresden, Germany. He came to Chicago in August, 1879, and has lived here continuously since. Unable to secure a place as civil engineer he accepted a position as a machinist and continued work in that capacity for several years. He afterwards worked as draftsman for different concerns until he entered the service of the City of Chicago as draftsman for the Map department in 1889. In 1894 he was trans- ferred to the bridge department where he gradually rose to be chief draftsman and in 1901 was givea complete charge of the bridge division and later also took charge of the Harbor division and the City Architect's office. Some of the more notable bridges 452 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS constructed under his supervision were the Clybourn Place, East and West Division, Ninety-fifth St., N. Western Ave. and Archer Ave. bridges. Mr. Pihlfeldt married Miss Erica Lehmann of Ber- gen, Norway, in 1S85. Two children were born to T. G. Pihlfeldt. them, Eyvin Roll, born April 25, 1887, and Bergliot Edna, April 4th, 1891. Mr. Pihlfeldt is a member of the Western Society of Civil Engineers, Independent order of Odd Fellows and the Norwegian Quartette Club. He lives 1054 Augusta Street. OLE J. PRESTEGAARD, An extensive farmer, residing in Alto township, is among the most able and progressive men of his class, in Lee county. He was born in Odda, Hardanger, Bergen Stift, Norway, April 23, 1841. His father was J^rgen Olson and his mother Gunhilda (Buer) Prestegaard, a daughter of Helje and Gunhilda Buer. After their marriage, Olson rented a piece of land from his brother, who had the Prestegaard farm, and built a house on same. His occupation was making chairs and wool cards. He lived there until in 1870, when he emigrated with his family to America, coming to Alto town- ship, Lee county, where three of his children had previously settled. He died there at a ripe age in 1883. His wife died in 1906, nearly 92 years old. The couple reared six children to lives of usefulness: Ole J., Gunhild, Helge. Guro, Brita, and J0rgen. The last named died m 1881. The rest of them, except Ole J., moved and settled in Iowa. Mr. Ole J. Prestegaard commenced to work when very young, and at 13 years of age the selfreliant little lad had begun life as a sailor. He was employed on a coast vessel, whose cap- tain carried on the trade of buying fish from the fishermen and bringing it in to the large cities, where he disposed of his cargoes to the whole- sale houses. Being ambitious to see more of the world ana make his way to a competence under more favorable circumstances than in the hard life he was leading before the mast, he left his native land in 1864 and sailed from Bergen April 17, for America in the good vessel "Victor Eman- uel." A voyage of five weeks brought him to Quebec, from where he hurried away direct to Chicago, where he landed June 1. He then made just one trip on a lake vessel and the following six weeks was employed in a lumber yard in Chicago. After that he came to Lee county and began his new life there as a laborer in the har- vest field at $3.00 a day. When the crops were gathered in, he found employment at $22.00 a month for three months, and later worked at any- thing at which he could earn an honest living. In the spring of 1865 Mr. Prestegaard in com- pany with another man, purchased eighty acres of prairie land, of which twenty acres were broken, and that was about the only improve- ment on the land. During the same year his partner died, and the following year he purchased his interest in the tract of the heirs, and erected a frame house on the place in 1868. He was act- ively engaged in farming until 1871, when he moved to the village of Lee in order to engage in the lumber, grain and coal business, which he carried on until 1887. Then returning to his farm he has since devoted his energies entirely to agri- cultural pursuits. He has boueht other tracts of land at dififerent times, and his farm lands now BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 453 comprise several pieces: one of 320 acres, another 237 acres, a third one 236 acres, which now be- long to his son, and lately he has bought 220 acres in Kankakee county, 111. In 1888 he erected his present residence, a commodious brick house of a modern style of architecture, conveniently arranged and well appointed, besides large frame barns and other buildings, which rank as the best in the township. He was married in December, 1868, to Miss Jorund Peterson Maakestad. She was born in Hardanger and is a daughter of Lars and Sigrid Peterson Maakestad. She came to America with her parents in the same vessel with her husband. Their marriage has been productive to them of thirteen children, four of whom are deceased and lightened farmer. He also has the distinction of having built the first house in the village of Lee, 111. That a man of his caliber should have thrust upon him all kinds of public offices is only nat- ural. He has been a school director and school trustee, deacon and trustee of the Lutheran Church. Besides he is a stockholder and director of the Lee State Bank. NILES THEODORE QUALES, M. D., Was born in Kinservik, Hardanger, Norway, on the 17th day of January 1831. His parents were Ole J. Prestegaard and Wife. the following survive: Gunhild, Lars, J0rgen, Sarah, Anna, Olaf, Bernt, Henry and Joachim. The three oldest children are married. Gun- hild, to Rev. H. Berthelsen, residing in Indiana- polis, Ind. Lars is a farmer, having a farm in Alto township, Lee county, and J0rgen manages a lumber firm in Forest City, Iowa. The other children are at home. The family are all members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Prestegaard is a true Republican in politics. He is of a thoughtful, intelligent mind, has always been a reader and well informed on all matters of general interest. The appearance of his farm demonstrates liis ability as an en- Torgils Johnson 0vrequale and Guri Torgilsdat- ter Tjoflat. He was the next youngest of six children, four sons and two daughters; he worked on his fathers farm in the summer and attended public school in the wintertime. In 18-18, when 17 years old, he entered the Agricultural School just then established at Kvindherred for S^ndre Bergenhus Amt, and graduated in 1851. During the next year he managed the large estate of Mr. Garman at Ud- sten Kloster, near Stavanger, but in 1852 entered the Royal Veterinary College at Copenhagen, Denmark, graduating in 1856. On his return to Norway he was appointed Veterinary Surgeon 454 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS for S0ndre Bergenhus Amt; his district compris- ing Voss and Hardanger, he took up his residence at Vossevangen. In 1859 he emigrated to America in company with Mr. Iver Lawson and family whose ac- quaintance he had made at Voss. He came to Chicago on the 6th day of July 1859. During the first year of his residence in America he ex- perienced some of the trials of a newcomer. In 1861 he enlisted in Company "B" first Il- linois Artillery then stationed at Cairo, Illinois, remaining in the army until 1864 when he entered Rush Medical College from which he graduated Dr. Niles T. Quales. in 1867. After a competitive examination by the medical board of the Cook County Hospital he was appointed an interne of that institution and served until Feb. 1868. Shortly after leaving the hosoital he was appointed city physician and served for two years. As city physician he had charge of the small-pox hospital then located on the lake shore at the foot of North avenue. During this time small-pox was epidemic and the hospital was crowded, containing at times as many as seventy patients. In 1870 he was ap- pointed surgeon to the U. S. Marine Hospital, then located on Michigan avenue near the Rush street bridge. He remained in charge of the hospital until it was destroyed by fire in 1871. After the fire he was appointed visiting phy- sician by the Chicago Relief and Aid Society and was assigned to the old fourteenth ward which at that time comprised the territory north of W. Kinzie street and west of the north branch of the Chicago River. In 1873 he located at Wicker Park in his present home on Fowler street. In 1891 he was appointed physician to the Nor- wegian Deaconess Hospital on Humboldt street. When the Tabitha Society was reorganized in 1892 he was chosen chairman of the committee which drafted the constitution and by-laws for the association. After the society was organized he was elected a member of the board of direct- ors and served as secretarv on the executive as well as on the building committees. He was a member of the medical board of the new hospi- tal and was its first president. In 1895 he severed his connection with the Tabitha hospital organization and took up the work of organizing the Nor\vegian Old Peoples Home Societv of Chicago, Illinois. He was chosen chairman of the committee elected ito draft constitution and by-laws as well as rules and regulations for the government of the Home. When the society was organized and officers elected he w^as chosen president and with the exception of two years he has held that position ever since. In 1896 when the Norwegian Lutheran Dea- coness Society was organized he was elected a member of the board of directors and was one of the incorporators of the society. When the Hospital was established on the corner of Artes- ian avenue and LeMoyne street he was a member of the attending stafif. When the present hospital was erected on, ".the corner of Haddon avenue and N. Leavitt street he served on the building committee as well as on several other important committees. In 1903 he was elected physician to the Tabitha Hospital and has held that posi- tion ever since. In 1906 he was appointed physician in chief at the Deaconess Hospital. Dr. Quales is a member of the Illinois State, the Chicago Medical and the Skandinavian Med- ical Societies. He has served as president of the Skandinavian Medical Society and is honorary member thereof. In 1870 the Doctor was united in marriage to Miss Carrie L. Lawson. They have three chil- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 455 dren, namely Iver L., Martha Gurine and Nellie Ruth. Dr. Quales was one of the incorporators of the English Lutheran church at Wicker Park in 1879, has served on the board of trustees ever since and for many years was the treasurer. Dr. Quales is a member of the Oriental Lodge of Freemasons, a member of Thomas Post No. 5 G. A. R.; is honorary member of the Y. M. C. A., life member of the Norwegian Deaconess Society and the Norwegian Orphan Society. He is a member of the Rush Medical Alumny As- sociation and the Cook County Hospital Alumny Association. In 1890 together with his son he visited Europe traveling through England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium and France. In politics the Doctor has, as a matter of principle been a steadfast Republican. As his time and attention have been wholly devoted to his chosen vocation he has had neither the time nor the inclination for holding public office. He has enjoyed a large and fairly lucrative practice not only among his own countrypeople, but among people of other nationalities as well. JOHN ARTHUR QUAM, President of the Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Sheridan, 111., was born on a farm in Mission township. La Salle county, 111., May 24, 1854. His parents were Ole A. and Gertrude (Osmundson) Quam, of whom the father came from Nestrand, Norway, to America with his parents, in 1843, and the mother from Voss, Nor- way, with her parents and a two-year old sister, at the age of five years. Mr. Osmundson died in Chicago shortly after his arrival and his wife six months later leaving their two children alone in a strange land among entire strangers. All information except what is here mentioned of that family has been lost. Mr. J. A. Quam was educated in the public schools and confirmed in the Hauge Lutheran Church. Later he attended the Fowler Institute of Newark, 111., at intervals working on the farm. On July 15, 1875, Mr. Quam was joined in wed- lock to Miss Amelia Nelson, a daughter of Peter C. and Signe (Danielson) Nelson. Peter C. Nel- son was a son of Cornelius and Carrie Nel- son, who came to America in 1825 in the sloop "Restoration," mentioned in another part of this volume. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Quam have had four chil- dren, viz., Mabel Signe, born July 25, 1876; Vida Gertrude, Nov. 1, 1878; Hilda Jeanette, Sept. 1, 1893, and Inez, who died in infancy. Mabel was married to Rev. J. M. Hilbish, is now a widow and at present principal of the Iowa Bible Train- ing School, of Des Moines, Iowa. Vida is married to Dr. F. A. Bernard, V. S. They live on a farm at Chambers, Neb., where Dr. Bernard is raising John A. Quam. Heresford cattle as a speciality. Hilda Jeanette is at home and attending school. Mr. Quam commenced his long business career as a merchant at Sheridan, 111., in 1875, and con- tinued with same until August, 1905. From 1885 to 1902 he was also running a private bank under the firm of Quam & Knapp, at the same place. In February, 1902, the Farmers & Merchants State Bank Of Sheridan, 111., was incorporated, succeeding to the banking house of Quam & Knapp. Mr. Quam has been its president since. This bank has been steadily growing in business 456 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS on account of the great and amply justified con- fidence its customers and correspondents have in its management and officers, and has moved in- to its own new brick and stone building lately. It is but natural that a man of Mr. Quam's character should be honored by being elected to various public offices of trust by his townspeople- He has served as clerk of Mission township from 1880 to 1889 and as supervisor for the same town- ship from 1889 to 1901. In 1889 he was elected a delegate from La Salle county to the state con- vention of supervisors, held at Bloomington, III., and was chosen secretary of said convention. Mr. Quam is a member of the Methodist church at Sheridan and has served as superintendent of its Sunday school for twelve years. His mother departed this life at Ashland, Wis., in 1900, but his father is still living there. RASMUS ELIAS RASMUSSEN, The hardworking and ardent missionary, was born at Bergen, Norway, Feb. 26, 1854, to Ras- mus Rasmussen, a cooper of that city, and his wife Martha Marie, nee Olsen. Elias enjoyed a common school education in his native city and was confirmed in the cathedral there. At the tender age of 13 he went to sea as a sailor boy visiting most of the important ports of the globe including several in America. He finally rose to be a captain's mate, but tired of the vicissitudes of the sea he settled down in Durban, Natal, South Africa, in 1879, as a store- man and sailsmaker. He remained there for five years, during which time the probably happiest period of his life occurred when his sweetheart from Bergen came there and they were joined in holy wedlock. This happened on Oct. 9, 1881, his wife being Ingeborg Anderson, a daughter of Johannes and Mina (Sjurson) Anderson of Ber- gen. They remained at Durban until 1884 when they returned to Bergen. "While visiting New Zealand as a sailor Rasmus- sen had given his heart to God and upon his return to Bergen he concluded to devote the re- mainder of his life to the service of his Master. He consequently began work among the class of people with whose life and habits he was most familiar, namely the sailors, and became a harbor missionary at Bergen. He continued this with good success until in 1893 he joined the crew of the Viking which frail little vessel, as is well known, crossed the Atlantic, was sailed to the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago and here became one of the attractions of that great show. Mr. Rasmussen returned to Norway the same year. In 1895 he again visited the United States in the interest of his mission, and ten years later in Aug., 1905, he came here the third time travel- ing through the Norwegian settlements all over Rasmus E. Rasmussen. the United States. He returned to Norway in 1906 and in September of that year brought his family with him to America settling down at Helmar, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen have had ten children, five sons and five daughters, of whom three sons and three daughters are living, viz., Elias, born Nov. 15, 1888; Ingeborg, Nov. 12, 1890; Ruth, Jan. 19, 1893; Johannes, Oct. 28, 1895; Holtan, Nov. 24, 1898; Magdalena, Dec. 22, 1900. All of them were born in Bergen. A son, Rasmus Johan- nes, born in Durban, died in Bergen, when about twenty years old. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 457 Mr. Rasmussen's father died at Troms0 in 1879. His mother is still living at Bergen, 89 years old. Mr. Rasmussen is the author of four books written in the Norwegian language. More than twenty thousand copies hive been sold of one of them. SJUAT RASMUSSON RUNSTAD Was born at Fin^, Stavanger amt, Norway, Nov. 25, 1834. His father, Rasmus Jonson Ru'nstad in July, 1856 and settled in Miller township, La Salle county. Sept. 18 of the same year Mr. Rasmusson was married in Leland, III., to Miss Anna Olena Andresdatter Bjelland, a daughter of Andres Oleson Bjelland and Margretha Oles- datter Duvig. Mrs. Rasmusson was born in Nor- way in 1836. Their marital union has been blessed with twelve children: four sons and eight daughters, of whom nine are living. The names of the children and the dates of their birth are as follow: Margaretha, Sept. 28, 1857; Malinda, Jan. 3, 1859; Isabel, Oct. 8, 1860; Serena, Ju'ne 1, 1862; Anna, Aug. 8, 1864; Rasmus, Aug. 8, 1866; Celia, Dec. 7, 1868; Silas, Feb. 17, 1871; Linnie, April 10, 1873; Andrew, April 6, 1875; Ida, Jan. 14, 1878, and Samuel, Sept. 29, 1881. Margaretha is married to Jacob Anderson; Malinda to Ole S. Johnson; Isabel to Cyrus Jack- son; Serena to Lewis Fruland; Anna to Joseph Marvick; Silas to Clara Vaga; Linnie to Ami Danielson; Andrew to Gertie Knutson, and Ida to Frank Voreberg. Two sons died in infancy, and Mrs. Joseph Marwick died in Story City, la., in 1899, 35 years of age. Sept. 18, 1906, the venerable couple celebrated their golden wedding surrounded by five daught- ers, three sons and thirty-five grandchildren. One of; the daughters with her two children was un- able to be present. Of their other relatives and friends from near and afar about 350 joined in the celebration, among whom Rev. Lockrem came all the way from Superior, Wis.; Rev. Aarrestad from Morris, and Prof. Vigness from Pleasant View Luther College. Mr. Rasmusson has served six years as trustee for the Fox River Church at Norway and three years as deacon. He owns a farm of 160 acres of the best cultivated land in La Salle county. Sjuat Rasmusson and Wife. was a farmer and married to Malinda Sjuatsdat- ter Hovda. Mr. Rasmusson received his educa- tion in the common school and was confirmed at Finjzi church. He then worked on his father's farm except one year, when he was clerking in a store at Stavanger, until he came to America NILS E. REMMEN, M. D, Was born in Warsaw, Goodhue county, Minn., May 6, 1863. His parents were Endre T. and Thora N. (Arnehaugen) Remmen, both from Valders, Norway. 458 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS \ Mr. Remmen worked on the farm and attended the public school in Minnesota, and later at- tended Luther College at Decorah, Iowa. He then graduated as a physician from the College of Physicians and Su'rgeons in Chicago and took a two-year post graduate course at the University of Vienna. He also studied with the renowned oculist at Copenhagen, Denmark — Prof. Hanson Grut. He began the general practice of medicine in Chicago in February, 1887, and continued as a He was married to Miss Inga Kiland, daughter of Gunder H. and Gunhild (Torrison) Kiland, of Manitowoc, Wis., on Jan. 1, 1891. Dr. Rem- men's father died in Warsaw, Minn., in the fall of 1865. The family resides at 799 N. Leavitt street; the doctor's office is at 103 State street. 9t? Dr. Nils E. Remmen. general practitioner until 1896, when he con- fined his practice to diseases of the eye. He has been attending eye surgeon to the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary for the past nine years. He is a member of the Scandinavian Medical Society, the American Medical Asso- ciation, the Chicago Medical Society, the Chi- cago Ophthalmological Society and the Ameri- can Academy of Ophthalmology. He is an ex- president of the Scandinavian Medical Society, and has been president of the Luther College Club since 1904. KNUTE REINDAHL, The well known violin maker, whose office and violin shop is in the Atheneum Building, 26 E. Van Buren street, Chicago, was born in Mo, upper Telemarken, Norway, Nov. 16, 1858. His Knute Reindahl. parents were Kittel Throndson Reindahl and Ingrid Gulbeck. His father died in Norway in 1863. His mother, left with seven children, came to America in 1867, going direct to Dane county, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 459 Wisconsin, where her oldest son, Thrond, had located three years previously. The only school- ing he got was three or four months in a country school, known as the Stensland schoolhouse, where Prof. J. E. Olson at the time was teach- ing. For several years Mr. Reindahl worked on farms in the neighborhood, and also at carpenter work, but was not satisfied, feeling that his talent was in another line. Violin making was his aim. He took up the study of the old Italian masters and found that all the great violin makers of the past had been wood carvers. lA 1876 he accordingly came to Chicago, where he secured a position with the Pullman Palace Car Company as wood carver. He remained with this company for two years and afterward had charge of the wood-carving departments of several leading factories in Chicago. All his spare time, how- ever, was devoted to his beloved violin. In 1893 he engaged in the making of violins exclusively and for himself, and was happy, hav- ing found his work in life. In 1893 he received a diploma of merit at the World's Columbian Ex- position, and at the Paris Exposition in 1900 he was awarded a medal and diploma for beauty of tone and artistic workmanship. His success is now assured, for he is conceded to be at the head of his profession. His instruments are so beauti- fully designed and produce tones so exquisite that eminent artists have pronounced them equal to the old and renowned Italian instruments. Vio- linists of world-wide reputation use the "Rein- dahl" and bestow upon it the highest praise. On May 13, 1894, Mr. Reindahl married Anna Sophia Ellefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thor- bjjzJrn Ellefson Skaade, of Dane county, Wis. They have five daughters — Edna, Olive, Gladys, Margarette and Ruth. The family attends the United Lutheran Church. schools in La Salle County and Jennings Seminary at Aurora, Ills. He began the study ot law at Ottawa with his brother and Judge T. Lyle Dickey, after- wards Chief Justice of Illinois. Mr. Richolson was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court at Springfield in January, 1878. Came to Chicago the same year and entered the law office of Tuley, Stiles and Lewis where he remained until 1880 when he opened an office for himself. Was the republican nominee for City Attorney in 1883 but was defeated by the late Judge Grinnell. Was City Prosecuting Attorney in 1886-88 and broke up the famous Clock Gambling practice known as the "Skakel's Clock" and all other gambling devices. Ran for Ben. F. Richolson. BENJAMIN F. RICHOLSON, Son of Norwegian parents, Lewis and Hellen (Johnson) Richolson, was born in La Salle County, Illinois, January 30, 1854. He attended the public City Attorney on the republican ticket in 1890, and for two weeks his election was conceded but was finally counted out. He was appointed Assistant Corporate Counsel by Mayor Washburn and tried the numerous and important viaduct cases of that administration. He was a candidate for Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County in 1892 and ran ahead of his ticket, which however was defeated with the National, State and Local ticket of that year. He 460 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS was appointed Assistant City Attorney in 1892. In 1896 he became trial attorney for the West Chicago Street R. R. Co., the Cicero and Proviso St. Ry Co., the Consolidated Traction Co., and the Jefferson Urban Ry. Co. He severed connection with these companies when they were merged into the Chicago Union Traction Co., in August, 1899. Since then he has been in general and private prac- tice. Mr. Richolson married Miss Ella Daley, Oct. 15, 1897, and has one daughter Edna Lucille. He is president of the LaSalle County Associa- tion, president of his Ward Republican Club, a member of the Illinois Club and an Episcopalian. He lives at 65 Lafiin St. In the fall of 1905 he was appointed attorney and councilor for the West Side Park Board of Commis- sioners. HAROLD LYLE RICHOLSON, Of Ottawa, was born there Oct. 25, 1877. He is a son of Samuel and Marietta (Meehan) Richol- son. He is a graduate of the high school, St. Bede College (Peru, Ind.), and the academy at Morgan Park, III. After leaving school he stud- ied law in his father's office in Ottawa and was admitted to the bar in 1902. Our subject is local attorney for the C. B. & Q. Railway. He was elected city attorney for Ottawa in 1905. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Order of Elks. His father died June 24, 1906. Harold L. Richolson. SAMUEL RICHOLSON Was born in La Salle county, Illinois, March 25, 1841. Died at Ottawa, June 24, 1906. His father was Lars Richolson and his mother Heldebaar Helene Richolson. His parents came to La Salle county about 1837, so that the child and boy had a lively taste of pioneer life. No more may the young people have those experiences, and as the sturdy men and women who converted the wild prairie into cultivated fields and communities of business people pass away there is left only the printed page to tell of efforts and trials, and the history can not tell all the story. Mr. Richolson attended the district school and then the Fowler Institute at Newark, and later the Clark Seminary at Au'rora. About 1865 he began the study of law, and was admitted to the bar at Ottawa early in 1870. His first partner- ship was with Henry K. Boyle. In the fall of the same year (1870) Judge T. Lyle Dickey en- tered and the firm name was Dickey, Boyle & Richolson. This firm was first broken by the death of Mr. Boyle, and later Judge Dickey with- drew to take a seat on the bench of the supreme court of the state, leaving Mr. Richolson to prac- tice in an individual capacity. He was mayor of Ottawa three terms from 1875 to 1881. He was attorney for the state in many important cases, and earned a reputation as a lawyer of ability and trust. He was also attorney for the C, B. & Q. R. R. for over twen- ty-five years. He was a member of the Masonic Order, a Knight Templar, and a director in the board of the Ottawa Boat Club. Nov. 17, 1870, he was married to Marietta Meehan, who was born in New York state. There were three children; two are living — Florence Helen Salembier, of New York city, and Harold Lyle Richolson, city attorney of Ottawa. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 461 In answer to a request for information for this history, Mr. Richolson, who was then still living, replied: "The only part of my life that is now becoming- of more than ordinary interest is the pioneer days of my existence and the experience I had in an unsettled country. My parents came to this county in the year 1837, I think it was; possibly 1836. This country was a wilderness then. The rapid development is a matter of constant wonder, and I find it difficdt to believe all that I have seen transpire in one to me brief life time." Samuel Richolson. In business matters Mr. Richolson was recog- nized as a man of good judgment, and the fine and well invested estate which he left attests that this recognition was well founded. The business and professional career of the deceased give evidence of what persistent, painstaking eflfort may accomplish in this land of limitless possibili- ties. DANCHERT J. RICHTER, Assistant manager of the western office of the Alpha Portland Cement Co., of Alpha, N. J., was born in Christiania, Norway, May 27th, 1864. After leaving school he was for two j^ears tutor Danchert J. Richter. in a private family and for two years thereafter deputy sheriff (lensmandsfuldmasgtig). But the future in Norway did not look very bright to him; so he decided, as so many others before him had done, to go to America; and in the fall of 1889 he left Norway and came direct to Chicago, where he at once found employment in a bank. After being with the bank for two years, he re- signed his position to enter the service of a large Portland cement concern, with which he remained for ten years or until 1901, when he accepted his present position. On December 5, 1891, he mar- ried Miss Abel Westin, born in Namsos, Norway, March 1, 1864. They have two children, Ruth, born March 15, 1893 and Theodore, June 30, 1901. Mr. Richter is an Odd Fellow and a member 462 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS of the Norwegian Quartet Club of Chicago. As In the fall of 1882, he emigrated with his fam- a delegate to the Norwegian National Leagu'e of ily to this country, and came to Minneapolis^ Chicago he took an active part in the establish- Minn. The presiding elder for Red River Val- ment of the Norwegian National League's em- ley district, P. Jensen, appointed him to Glyn- ployment bureau, and was one of its first direct- son, Minn. After having served this congrega- ors. tion for one year he was appointed to Crook- ston, Minn., then a new field, at which place he succeeded, in a period of three years, both to organize a congregation and to build a church and a parsonage. In 1885 he was received into full member- ship of the Norwegian-Danish Conference, and REV. FREDERICK RING. Reverend Frederick Ring was born at H0ne- fos, Norway, April 12, 1848. He attended school in his native town and graduated from the pub- lic school at the age of 14 years. Later, m connection with his work, he studied with pri- vate teachers. Rev. Jling was married Oct. 3, 1869, to Miss Anna Ellefsen. Nine children were born to them, of which two married daughters, Anna and Ella, are living, and are graduates from the Chicago Musical College. Before his appointment as pastor he held a very good position in the government service of Norway for six years, and left this position to devote all his time to church work. At the age of 21 he was converted among the Metho- dists at Christiania, and in the spring of 1870 united with that body of Christians. Rev. M. Hansen was pastor at that time. After his conversion and union with the church the call to preach the gospel began to grow upon him. In this he was encouraged by the church, which gave him an exhorter's license in 1870, and in 1872 made him a local preacher. His field of labor at this time was at KragerjzJ and at Laur- vig. In the former place he organized a con- gregation, and at the latter erected a hou'se of worship. Having been ordained deacon by Bishop Ed- ward G. Andrews, at Horten, in 1876, his first appointment as an ordained minister was at Christiania First Church, Norway, at that time the largest Methodist Episcopal church in that country, with a membership of 400, and a Sun- day school of more than 400 children. About two years later he withdrew from the pastorate and labored as a traveling evangelist and city missionary for a period of more than four years, and the Lord blessed his work with great revivals in that city. Rev. Fred. Ring. was ordained elder by Bishop Thomas Bow- man, at Cambridge, Wis. From Crookston he was sent to Duluth, Minn., and later to La Crosse, Wis. Each of these churches he served for a period of two years. His next appointment, in 1890, was to the First Norwegian-Danish Congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago, 111. This congregation he served most acceptably for a period of four years, and the church had good success both in spiritual and financial afifairs, in which time the old church debt of $2,400 was paid in full. He was now entrusted with one BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 463 of the most responsible and honorable posi- tions within the gift of the Methodist Church. Through recommendation froin Rev. J. H. Johnson, who had known Mr. Ring in Norway, and who had been his presiding elder four years, he was appointed by Bishop Cyrus D. Foss in 1894 as presiding elder for Chicago district. This position he held throughout the full term of six years. Bishop Willard F. Mal- lalieu — who presided in the Norwegian-Danish Conference in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1900, when Rev. Ring's time expired — offered him the Min- neapolis district, but Mr. Ring asked the bishop to be appointed pastor, and he was then ap- pointed pastor of Maplewood Avenue Church, Chicago. This pastorate he has held six years, twice as long as any of his predecessors, and several times was returned to the charge on account of the application sent by the people to the presiding bishop. In this time a great num- ber had been converted and joined the church, improvements were .made, and church debts paid. Rev. Ring has always taken a great interest in the education of young men for the min- istry. He has been a trustee for the Nor- wegian and Danish Theological School at Ev- anston fourteen years, and the last seven years he has had the responsibility to be treasurer of the school fund, which position he still holds. ment formed on this trip took him to Norway again in 1903, when he brought back with him his future bride. Miss Anna Johansdatter Orve- dal, her parents being John Olsen and Han- sine Adamsdatter Orvedal, Viks sogn, Norway. She was born Nov. 12, 1874. Arriving in Chi- cago, the happy couple were married on March 19, 1902, by Rev. Nordby, their own pastor, who met them here by appointment. In 1898 Mr. Risetter, in partnership with Hal- vor Espe, bought the general merchandise stock of Clarence Hill and continued the business. HAAKON H. RISETTER, Of Lee, was born in Ogle county, Illinois, May 23, 1869, his father being Haakon L. Risetter, from Hardanger, Norway, and his mother Ellen Marie Sampson Hildahl, also from Hardanger. They came to America in the same vessel with Hilleson, also of Lee, in 1847. Mr. Risetter grew up on a farm in Ogle county and was confirmed in the Norwegian Lutheran Church in Willow creek township by Rev. Nordby. He remained with his father until about 27 years old. He then worked for Ole Prestegaard for about a year, and for two other parties for two years. In the fall of 1893 he visited Norway, devot- ing seven months to the outing. The attach- Haakon H. Risetter and Wife, A year later they took into the firm S. M. Maakestad, who remained with the business for three years. In 1904 the stock of goods was divided and Mr. Maakestad started a new store with his part of the stock, the interest of Mr. Espe having been purchased by Risetter and Maakestad previously. Since then Mr. Risetter has continued in the business for himself, run- ning a general store at Lee. The family be- longs to the Norwegian Lutheran Church in Willow township. Mr. Risetter is republican in politics. 464 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS LARS L. RISETTER Is one of the pioneer farmers of Lee county. He was born at S0fjorden, Hardanger, Bergens stift, March 30, 1826. His father was Lars Lar- son Risetter and his mother Anna Pettersdatter Lindvig. He was the youngest of five chil- dren. He had the advantage of very good local schools and grew to manhood' among very pleas- ant surroundings. He early acquired a knowl- edge of farming on his father's farm and con- tinued to live in the old home until 1847. for ten years. He sold the farm in 1857 for much more than he paid for it. He then bought a tract of land in Willow creek township, same county, and has resided there ever since. He has met with success in the pursuit of his call- ing, built himself a home replete with com- forts, and had a finely equipped farm, amply supplied with modern machinery for carrying on his extensive farming operations. He at one time owned over a thousand acres of choice land, but has for many years lived a retired life, having divided his farms between his two sons, Lewis and Holden. On Dec. 9, 1847, the same year he arrived in this country, Mr. Risetter was married to Gertrud Helgesdatter Hilleson, by an Ameri- can minister, in the first house ever built by a Norwegian in Lee county. The house was bu'ilt between Melugins Grove and Dixon, by Omund Helgeson Maakestad. The wedded life thus entered upon lasted nearly fifty years and was one of true happiness. They had five chil- dren, two of whom died in infancy. Annie, the daughter, was married to Rev. A. C. Olsen, but both of them are now dead. Lewis and Holden are living and running their farms. Mrs. Gertrud Risetter died July 12, 1897. Mr. Risetter found a widower's life too lonesome, and was later married to Elizabeth Gabrielsdat- ter Espeland, who was born in Norway. She died three years later. Mr. Risetter and fam- ily have always been earnest Christians and members of the Lutheran Church. ^ Lars L. Risetter and Wife. On April 20 of that year he left for America on the sailship Juno, arriving in New York just one month later, or on May 20. He came di- rect to Illinois and Lee cou'nty. He at first worked for Thomas Fessenden on the farm, but after a short time he bought eighty acres of land from him in Sublette township for the sum of $62. It was at that time a wild prairie — wolves, deer and other wild animals were fre- quently seen, where now are flourishing farms and rich villages. He lived on his eighty acres OMMUND ATLAACHSON RISETTER, Of Lee, 111., was born in Hardanger, Norway, July 27, 1855. His father was Atlaach Thomas- s0n and his mother Gjertrud Osmundsen. The subject of our sketch attended the common schools in Norway and was confirmed in Ullen- svangs Church at Hardanger. He came to America in 1872, landing at Que- bec, Canada. He made his way to an uncle, Ole Lonning, living in Alto township, Lee coun- ty, Illinois, where he remained for two years. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 465 Afterward he settled on a farm in the s^me count}', where he has resided since. He was married to Miss Anna Pederson, the daughter- of Peder Olson (Engum sogn) and Gimilde Johnson, on July 14, 1875. They have had six children, five are living, namely: Lewis O., Jane O., Alfred O., Anton Olai and Anna O. Risetter. Lewis, the oldest, is married to Gertrude Tixen; Jane to Lars C. Risetter, and Ommund A. Risetter. Alfred K) Georgine Risetter. There are three branches of the Risetter family in Lee county, all distantly related from the old country. Alfred is a first cousin of Georgine, who is a daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Risetter, and Lars C. Risetter is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Risetter and a third cousin to his wife. Mr. O. A. Risetter lives on his farm in Alto township. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church and has been a member of the school board for over nine years. JACOB OLSON ROGDE Was born in Uliensvang, Hardanger, Norway, the 23rd of August, 1828. He was not born to riches, but by hard work and strict economy Jacob O. Rogde. he managed to save enough to purchase a ticket to Chicago in 1851. Arriving here penniless but hopeful, he heard of the Illinois prairies and immediately made for Lee count}-, locating near Ashton. He worked part of the time on a farm and once in a while at his trade as a carpenter. After three years he had laid by enough to venture the purchase of eighty acres of land in Bradford township. Lee cou'ntJ^ and in 1854 he went onto the land to farm it. The following year he married Elsie Peder- son Bly, also from Hardanger, who had come over the year previous. United effort and hard work brought success, and they have founl themselves able to add forty acres to their hold- ings. In 1863 land value was increased in price and the}' sold out to advantage, buying 240 acres 466 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS in Willow Creek township in the same county, where a Norwegian colony had started. Here prosperity smiled upon them, but in 1876 Mrs. Rogde died, leaving her husband with nine chil- dren, the oldest 18 years and the youngest six months. The children, except the youngest, are all married. On Nov. 30, 1877, he married Gjyri Olson Ely, with whom he had six children. She died in 1892. In 1904 he rented his farm and the following year erected a commodious home on his own farm in the Village of Lee, where he now lives with the children of his second mar- riage, all being with him except the youngest daughter, who is married. Mr. Rogde prides himself upon having been a consistent republi- can in politics. He is a member of the Lutheran Church of Lee and has held the office of deacon or trustee ever since the congregation was organ- ized. 5*? by five children, of whom four are living — Grace, Herbie, Mildred and a son not yet named at this writing. Martin J. Rogde. MARTIN J. ROGDE Was born at Lee, 111., Nov. 1, 1866. His father is Jacob Olson Rogde and his mother Elsie Ely, both born at Hardanger, Norway. Mr. Rogde received his education in the district school and then worked on the farm until 23 years of age. Then he went west to Ruthton, Minn., where he was thrashing for the farmers for two years. His brother, Lewis, was located there. On his return to Lee he was married, March 4, 1899, to Miss Julia Kittelson, a daughter of Halvor Kittelson, whose picture appears on an- other page of this book. He now rented eighty acres of land from his father-in-law, and the next year he bought eighty acres of the John- son estate. He continued to cultivate the 160 acres until he bought the eighty acres which he had rented from his father-in-law and increased his farm by renting forty acres more from Hal- vor Kittelson. The marital union has been blessed OLAF HJALMAR ROLFSEN, Son of Rollef and J^rgine Halvorsen, was born in Kongsberg, Norway, Dec. 2, 1864. His father was a gunsmith with the Nasdenes Batallion, stationed at Christiania. When 16 years old Olaf began as clerk in a grocery in Kongsberg and remained with the same firm until 22 years old. He came to America, locating in Madison, Wis., in the spring of 1886. That fall he came BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 467 to Chicago and secured employment with the Chicago Cottage Organ Company, where he Olaf H, Rolfsen. worked for four years. He then worked for the West Chicago Street Railway Company until the fall of 1892, when he engaged in the gro- cery business in company with John Engebret- son. Under the name of Rolfsen & Engebret- son they started a store at 313 W. Ohio street, and six years later they bought a grocery at 358 W. Erie street. In 1903 they erected their own building, on the corner of Spaulding and Beach avenues, and opened a store there, hav- ing in the meantime sold their Erie street place. Mr. Engebretson now looks after the new store and Mr. Rolfsen is still at the Ohio street store. He is a member of the Norwegian Sharpshooters and the Tabitha Hospital Asso- ciation. ^St? ANDREAS ROREM, Of Ottawa, 111., was born in Stjernerj^ sogn, Stavanger amt, Norway, July 21, 1850. His par- ents, Ole and Ellen Rorem, were farmers in Nor- way. Andreas remained with his parents on the farm until 20 years old, attending the common schools and also taking private lessons in the common branches. In 1871 he came to America' via Quebec, going direct to Morris, 111. Here he worked for two years on adjoining farms by the month and then Andreas Rorem and Wife. 468 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS went to Colorado, where he spent one year as a gold miner. He then returned to Grundy county, Illinois, and engaged in farming, which he has followed since. For about three years he taught the Lutheran parochial school and also sold books. He is now retired, having sold his farm a few years ago and moved to Ottawa. He married Sarah Mathre of Morris 111., Oct. 16, 187-i. She is a daughter of Sjur L. and Ragna Mathre. They have been blessed with nine children, eight of 'them living. Their names are Oscar, born Feb. 6, 1876; Severt, May 9, 1877; Edward, July 1, 1880; Henry, Jan. 31, 1882; Mary, Feb. 23, 1884; Anna, Oct. 16, 1886; Sadie, Nov. 17, 1888; Rebecca, Feb. 19, 1892; Ellen, Feb. 4, 1894. Oscar, the oldest is married to INIiss Ida Johnson, of Newcastle, Neb. Mr. Rorem was township collector for Net- tle creek township in 1886, justice of the peace in the town of Rutland from 1898 to 1901, and was re-elected but declined to serve. He is very closely associated with the Pleasant View Luther College, of which he has been trustee since its organization in 1895, and is a member of the executive committee. He has been a con- stant contributor to all charitable institutions under the control of the Norwegians. He and his family are members of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Ottawa, in which he has held nearly all offices usual to congregations. His parents both died in Norway, his father in 1873 and his mother in 1883. In the summer of 1903 Mr. and Mrs. Rorem took a trip to Norway and spent most of the sum- mer in traveling to the various points of interest in the fatherland. He found great pleasure in visiting the land of his birth, childhood and young manhood; and Mrs. Rorem, who was born in America, enjoyed the visit to the land of her fathers quite as much. OLE JOHANNESON ROSELAND Was born in Quinherreds prestegjcld, Bergens stiff, Norway, Dec. 26, 1833. His early life was spent in the country, but at 21 he went to Ber- gen and learned the trade of a blacksmith. He remained at Bergen and worked at his trade from 185'5 to 1869. He came to America in 1869 and located in Grundy county, Illinois, where he has since lived with the exception of two years in Ken- dall county. He worked at his trade in Morris and devoted ten years of his life to farming. He has lived in Morris for nineteen years. Mr. Roseland was married to Christina Thor- sen, of Bergen, Norway, Aug. 14, 1860. They had two girls and a boy, all of them married and living at Morris, surrounded by large fam- ilies. Mr. Roseland served his term in the Norwegian army. Mr. and Mrs. Roseland be- long to the Friends Church (Quakers), which religious faith they embraced in Norway. CAPTAIN MATHIAS HOECK RYERSON Was born at 0ster Ris0r, Norway, Oct. 13, 1834. His father, Reier Thorkelson, was a government employe (Undertoldbetjent) at Jomfruland, and his mother's maiden name was Martha Marie Schroeder of Kongsberg. Young Ryerson was educated in the common schools and confirmed in the Lutheran church at Krager0. At the age of 16 he went to sea as a sailor boy working his way up until he became second mate and, of course, visiting various ports of the world. When of age he came to America in 18.55 locating at Chicago, where he made his home and has remained since. He sailed on the great lakes until 18G6 during which time he was a cap- tain on various vessels for six years. He quit sailing in 1866. Two years previously he had been married, in Chicago, on July 23, 1864, to Miss Bertha Serina Reinertson, daughter of Abraham and Ingemar Reinertson. They have had nine children, six sons and three daughters, of whom eight are now living. Abraham Richard was born July 6, 1865; Hoeck Walter, Sept. 16, 1869; Lloyd Hub- bard, Feb. 18, 1871; Adline. Atalia, Oct. 18, 1872; Amund Andreas, April 30, 1874; Jacob Christo- pher, March 30, 1876; Nellie, Nov. 6, 1877, and Borghild Maria, July 18, 1881. Richard is mar- ried to Maria E. SKvela.nd of Milwaukee, Wis., and is a traveling salesman for a wholesale mil- linery house. They reside in Evanston, III. Walter is married to a Miss Kennick and is an BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 469 insurance inspector. Lloyd is married to a Miss OLIVER MARTIN STANLEY RYERSON Clausen and is president of the American Re- frigerator Company. Adline is married to Mr. Was born in Livingston county, near Pontiac, Song, a book binder. Jacob is married to Miss July 16, 1873. He is a son of Thomas G. Ryerson, Himdahl, and Borghild to Mr. Nurrie, who is who served his adopted country as a soldier dur- in the shade manufacturing business. Miss Nel- lie is at home with her parents. After having given up the life of a sailor, which is marred by many vicissitudes. Captain Ryerson engaged in the less fickle coal business, which he is still pursuing at 577 N. Robey street. ing the Civil War, and Lisa Larson, retired Capt. M. H. Ryerson. Both Captain Ryerson's and Mrs. Ryerson's parents departed this life in Norway; his father at the advanced age of 80 and his mother at 85. ]\Irs. Ryerson's father died at 85 and her mother at 86 years of age. The captain is a member of the I. O. U. W. and carries his 73 years hale and hearty. His experiences as a sailor were manj' and varied but our limited space does not permit us to men- tion them in detail. O. M. S. Ryerson. farmers now living in Pontiac. Mr. Ryerson was educated in the country schools until he was old enou'gh to work on the farm. This was the rule among most of our hard-working farmers. When older he was allowed to visit the schools only during the winter months. Oliver, together with two younger brothers, remained on the farm, while of the two older brothers Theodore became a station agent for the 111. Cent. R. R. and Mil- lard an operator in Gibson City for the same rail- road. WHien the parents retired to the town, Oliver became boss of the farm, which he is now run- ning. He is a staunch republican and has taken a very active interest in politics, local, county, state and national. He is a baptized member of the Lutheran Church and belongs to the Hauge synod. 470 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Besides being a farmer, he is also a practical engineer, having learned that profession by sheer enterprise and persistency. He makes a busi- ness of thrashing and shelling corn, sawing lum- ber, etc., for the farmers in his district, and it can readily be seen that his knowledge of en- gineering stands him in good stead and brings him a handsome extra income. He is still un- married. cation in the country schools during the winter months, attending them until 18 years old. He remained on the farm with his father until 25 years of age. He entered the service of the 111. Cen. Ry. in 1896, first as an extra operator, then as sta- tion agent at different smaller stations, and fin- ally as station agent at Pontiac, July, 1905. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen of America and the order of Railroad Telegraphers. In 1901 Mr. Ryerson was married to Miss Sarah Amacher, born near Cullom, 111., of Ger- man parents. This union has been so far blessed with one child, a son, Murtin Delbert. The fam- ily live in their own residence at 1216 N. Main street, Pontiac. THEODORE RYERSON Was born in Livingston county, near Pontiac, III, Aug. 24, 1870. His father is Thomas G. Theodore Ryerson. Ryerson, who served in the Civil War, and his mother Lisa Larson, retired farmers, now liv- ing in Pontiac. Mr. Ryerson obtained his edu- JACOB K. RYG The prosperous farmer in Freedom township, La Salle county. 111., was born on gaarden Ryg, Randeberg sogn, Norway, Jan. 8, 1867. His father is Knud Jensen Ryg, a farmer, and his mother Olena Christiansdatter (Sande) Ryg. Mr. Jacob Ryg attended the public school until he, in 1881, was confirmed in the Luther-in church at Rande- berg. He then worked on his father's farm for one year, and came to America in 1882, landing at New York. From there he went via Chicago to Leland, 111., arriving there April 15, and con- tinued his journey to Freedom, stopping with Tom Mosey and Sivert Jameson a few days. He then went to work for Edward Smith until March 1, 1883, after which date he was employed by Ezekiel Howland until Nov. 20, 1885, whereupon he made a six months' trip to Norway. Return- ing to America during the following spring he worked two years for I. Brower and three year for Ezekiel Howland. In 1891, on Feb. 19, he was married to Miss Sophie L. Fosse of Hardanger, her parents be- ing Lars Andersen and Guro Knudsdatter (Haa- brecke) Fosse. This union has been blessed by six children, all now living, namely: Charles Leon, born Dec. 19, 1891; Otto Guy, Oct. 4, 1893; Lottie Grace, Aug. 13, 1896; Houston Silas, Nov. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 471 29, 1899; Myrtle Gertrud, Sept. 4, 1903, and Owen Leslie, May 26, 1905. Mr. Ryg acquired 160 acres of land in Freedom township in 1893 to which holding he added 80 more acres in 1905. Jacob K. Ryg. The family are members of the Lutheran church at Freedom, and Mr. Ryg is a liberal supporter both of the church and the Pleasant View Luther College at Ottawa, 111. asylum at Gaustad. His mother's maiden name was Johanne Emelie Barth. The Doctor's youth was given to schooling. He passed through Nis- sen's Latin and Real Skole in Christiania pre- liminary to entering the university, and was confirmed in Vestre Aker's Lutheran Church. Entering Christiania University, he took a class- ical and medical course, graduating in 1881 with the degrees of Ph. D. and M. D. He was interne at the Rigshospital in Christiania, also assistant physician at the state asylum for the insane at Dr. K. F. M. Sandberg. KARL FERDINAND MARIUS SANDBERG, M. D., Was born in Gaustad, Vestre Aker, Norway, Sept. 15, 1855. His father, Ole R^mer Aagard Sandberg, was superintendent of the state insane Gaustad and assistant physician at the Bergen Hospital. He came to America and to Chicago in 1882. Here he has been engaged in the general practice of medicine since. He is the attending gynecolo- gist and obstetrician at the Cook County Hos- pital and the National Temperance Hospital, and surgeon-in-chief to the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital. He married Miss Inga G. Stensland, a step- daughter of Paul O. Stensland, July 25, 1885. He served as lieutenant with the reserve in the Norwegian Army for five years. Dr. Sandberg 472 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS has always been a faithful and hard worker for t]:!e Tabitha Hospital and the Children's Home. He is credited with having prepared a number of valuable papers on scientific s- death. In 1866 he was married to Miss Nicoline Syn- nestvedt, with whom five children were born: Pauline Magdalina, Larsina Maria, Florence Maria, Astra Gunfrilda and Walter Theodore. GERHARD B. SCHLANBUSCH. Was born in Vossevangen, near Bergen, Nor- way, Aug. 13, 1847. His father, Fredrick Schlan- busch, and his mother, Larsina Boe Schlanbusch, died long ago. Mr. Schlanbusch left his native country when but 13 years of age, in 1860, and came over to America in a sailing vessel, it tak- ing seven weeks to make the voyage. There were 27 deaths on board. Mr. Schlanbusch received his education first in the public schools in Norway and after his arrival in Chicago in the Kinzie school here. Since then he has been engaged in the mer- cantile bu'siness most of his time with the fol- lowing firms: Christian Erickson, Parker & Jevne, J. V. Farwell & Co., J. H. Walker & Co., and during the past twenty years with the whole- sale house of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. In 1872 Mr. Schlanbusch was married to Miss Camilla Fredericksen of Copenhagen, Denmark, of which union two daughters were born: Amy, in July, 1873, and Stella, in March, 1875. The former was married Sept. 26, 1905, to Mr. Charles Renner. They have one daughter, Alice, born Sept. 2, 1906. Stella was married May 2, 1900, to John Culver, M. D. They also have one daughter. Amy, born Feb. 10, 1902. Mr. Schlanbusch, having become a widower, married Miss Alice Rohne of Sheridan, 111., in 1884. They have no children. During the summer of 1906 he visited his childhood home for the first time since his ar- rival in America. 476 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS He was confirmed in the Lutheran faith but since has joined the Baptist Church. has resided here since, working as a draftsnaan at the present time connected with the Western Electric Company. Gerhard B. Schlanbusch. He is a member of Berwyn Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 839 and the Haymarket Council of the National Union. With his wife he resides in Berwyn, 111. Olaf Schroeder. CARRIE SCOTT, OLAF SCHROEDER Was born at Krager^, Norway, Dec. 26, 1882. His father, H. T. Schroeder, a ship broker at Kragerd, and his mother, Marie (Nelson), are both living. Olaf attended the high school in his native town and then spent three years at the technical institute at Porsgrund, where he graduated as mechanical and electrical engineer. He came to America and Chicago in 1902 and The accomplished pianist and music teacher, was born in Iowa and came to Lisbon, 111., while a child. Her parents — Torris and Sara (Storhaug) Scott — are both dead. She graduated from the Chicago Musical College in piano, harmony, com- position and science of music with honor, pay- ing for every lesson from her own earnings as a teacher of the piano. She was connected with the famous Balatka Music College. Of Miss Scott's pupils six have BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 477 received gold medals at graduation, one of them being a young Norwegian, Olvin Johnson, of whom Prof. Balatka said that no pupil was ever more deserving of the distinction. Our sub- ject has several valuable compositions to her credit, one being a cradle song (instrumental) with variations on several hymns, which pre- sumably will be published. Miss Scott is an ardent promoter of the tem- perance movement and a liberal contributor to the Hope Mission, of which she was secretary for one year. She is a member of the Law En- Miller and Algot E. Strand incorporated the Mendelssohn Conservatory of Music, of which Miss Scott is the president. This new addition to the Chicago musical world has its studios in the Atheneum Building, 26 E. Van Buren street, and is rapidly developing both in number of stu- dents and their proqrress in musical attainments. The directors of the musical board are: Carrie Scott, Lydia Gersch Neeb, Ady Thorpe Butter- worth, Max I. Fishel and A. Alfred Holmes. Miss Carrie Scott. forcement League of the Northwest Side, Chi- cago, in which she takes a great interest, believ- ing that it is one of the best agencies for the enforcement of all laws in the city. She is a member of the Covenant Aid Society, a life member of the Deaconess Home So- ciety and the Children's Home Society. She is a member of the Lutheran Church at Lisbon, 111. Last year she bought a fine little house at 1454 N. Kimball avenue, where she resides and has one of her studios. During the fall of 1906 Miss Carrie Scott, Messrs. M. C. Olson, Geo. T. Scott, Walter J. INGVARD MARTINIUS SCOTT, The well known druggist at 941-43 Wabansia avenue, was born in Christiania, Norway, Dec. 10, 1868. His father, Paul A. Scott, was a dealer in patent medicines in Chicago, 111.; his mother's maiden name was Brita Andersdatter Barstad. Ingvard M. Scott. 478 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS He came to America with his parents on Aug. 24, 1883, locating in Chicago. He had attended school in Norway, and did so here, where he was confirmed in Juul's Church, on May and Erie streets. Later he attended Northwestern Uni- versity, from which he graduated in pharmacy. His first work in Chicago was as clerk with Den Kristelige Talsmand. He was married on January 15, 1897, to Vivian M. Magu'ire. He has been engaged in the drug business for many years and is located at 941- 43 Wabansia ave. He is a Mason, a K. P., a member of the Royal League and an Odd Fel- low. MARGARETHE SEEHUUS, A resident of Chicago since 1872, was born in Gryten parish, Romsdalen, Norway, Sept. 19, 1832. Hex father, Ole Halvorsen Mejlva, was a member of the Storthing, as was her grand- father. Her mother was Marit Olsdatter Devoid. She attended schools at her home and was con- firmed in the Hovedkirke in Gryten parish. She afterward attended the school of obstetrics in. Christiania, and graduated as a midwife. She was married in Norway to Christopher Bude Seehuus, on Jan. 24, 1858. They had two children — Knute, born May 3, 1859, and Ole Martin, born Dec. 24, 1863. The former is now a Lutheran pastor, located at Locust, Winne- shiek county, Iowa, where he looks after four congregations, three Norwegian and one Ger- man. The other son is a practicing physician at Hatton, N. D. Mrs. Seehu'us visits her sons annually. She is very active in her practice and proudly relates that she has welcomed over five thousand infants to this world. She came to America with her husband and children on the steamer Peter Jeppeson, landing at New York and coming directly to Chicago, where they ar- rived in May, 1872. Her husband, who was a carpenter and cabinet-maker by trade, found work immediately, but was in poor health and died on March 14, 1875. About fifteen years ago Mrs. Seehuus started a school for the teach- ing of obstetrics, which she is still conduct- ing. Her home is at 103 N. Center avenue, Chi- cago. Margarethe Seehus. CHARLES OLINUS SETHNESS Was born in Christiansund, Norway, Aug. 5, 1860. His parents were John and Olina (R^r- dahl) Sethness. He attended school in Norway and also the public school in Chicago and was confirmed by Rev. Torgersen in the Norwegian Lutheran Church on Grand avenue and Peoria street. In 1873 he came to Chicago, and in 1874 he entered the employ of Christopher Stange, ta learn the profes'sion of a druggist and chemist. He worked for him for ten years, or until 1884, when he engaged in the same business, first at Robey street and Milwaukee avenue. Later he moved to his present quarters at 262-68 N. Curtis street, where he manufactures flavoring BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 479 extracts and deals in bottlers' machinery and supplies. Reference to his business and a cut of his building appear under the proper heading in this history. Mr. Sethness was married in Chicago, Dec. 14, 1882, to Miss Helga Midling, daughter of Auker and Hilda Midling, from Christiania, Norway. They have four children — Charles Henry, born in 1883; Ralph Edward, 1885; Walter Douglas, Chas. O. Sethness. 1887; Hilda Elvira, in 1895. Our subject's father died in Norway many years ago; his mother died in Chicago in 1884. Mr. Sethness is at present a member of the board of education. He is also a Mason, a Knight Templar, a Shriner, and a member of the Irving Park Country Club. The family resides at 2642 N. Forty-second avenue, Irving Park. 9^? OLAF F. SEVERSON, The subject of this sketch, was born in Ber- gen, Norway, on Aug. 26, 1858. In 1862, he with his parents emigrated to this country in the sailing vessel, the Sleipner, which arrived in Chicago Aug. 2, being the first vessel to make the entire journey from Norway to Chicago. He was educated in the public schools of Chi- cago. In 1879 he was married to Emily M. Sims, of Piasa, 111. He has two promising sons — Charles F. and Gilbert S. Charles F. is a grad- uate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. N. Y., and is now a lieutenant in the United States Army, stationed at Fort Har- rison, Mont. Olaf F. Severson. Mr. Severson's public position was that of deputy coroner under Henry L. Hertz, in 1883. He was appointed justice of the peace and police justice at the. West Chicago Avenue Police court in 1891, which position he held until the new municipal courts were established. He took the examination before the Appellate court and was admitted to the bar in 1896. He is a member of the following organizations: The A. F. & A. M., a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar; the Royal Arcanum, the Royal League, the I. O. O. F. and the new Illinois Athletic Club. He re- sides at 1761 Humboldt boulevard. 480 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS CHRIST SHERDEN Was born in Stange, Norway, Nov. 18, 1864. His parents were Knud Knudson and Martha (Jo- hanseii) Sherden. When our subject was 5 years, old his parents with two other. small chil- dren migrated to America and settled upon a homestead in northern . Minnesota, putting up the usual log house as a home. The country was pVactically a wilderness — Indians and wild an- imals were the burden of their lives. The In- dians were a thieving lot and murder of the ■white settlers was a common occurrence. The Christ Sherden. Sherdens endured these hardships for four years, and then, as matters seemed to get worse, they abandoned their homestead and sought a more civilized comminiity. A family council decided upon Chicago as their future home, and here they have been since. After having received a grammar-school educa- tion young Sherden was apprenticed in 1880 to learn sign and carriage painting. He served the required time and mastered the trade with Chris Johnson, at 208-10 N. Sangamon street. Later he was with A. P. Shogren as foreman for eighteen years. He is now in charge of the paint shop for Hans Lund, the wagon and carriage manufacturer at 38-40 W. Huron street, corner of Curtis. Mr. Sherden is an artist in his line and turns out the finest work to be seen on Chicago's streets. He was married to Miss Otelia Nelson, of Chicago, May 15, 1886. They have had four children; three are living — Cora May, Clarence George and Arthur Theodore Sherden. Mr. Sherden is an active republican and has been president of his precinct club in the fifteenth ward, and often judge of elections. He is a member of Chicago court no. 15, Tribe of Ben Hur, of which he has also been chief and in- structor in degree work for several terms. The family resides at 125 N. Mozart street. PROF. NELS EDWARD SIMONSEN, A. M., D. D., Of Evanston, was born near Alderly, Dodge county. Wis., May 17, 1854. His parents carne from Fossum, Skien, Norway, in 1842, and settled on a farm in the section of country which in early days was known as Ashippun, thirty miles northwest of Milwaukee. Here on a large farm in the southern part of Dodge and Washington counties he grew up with such advantages as a country school afiforded. With one brother edu- cated at Luther College, one at Appleton Uni- versity and one at the Milwaukee Business College he too had a strong desire to acquire higher education. Having become greatly in- terested in religious work and joined the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, he entered the North- western University to prepare for the Christian ministry. After completing the classical course in the academy and university and the prescribed theological studies he was graduated with the degrees of A. M. and B. D. He then spent four years in study in Europe, mostly in Christiania and Copenhagen. He has since spent three sum- mers in study and travel in Europe. From his alma mater he was given the degree of D. D. in 1896. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 481 While he is an ordinary minister and member of the Norwegian and Danish Methodist Episco- pal conference, his lifework has been that of an educator rather than a minister. He took up educational work in 1885 as a professor in the Norwegian and Danish Theological Seminary of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Evanston, 111. He has for twenty years been president of this seminary, and during this time sixty young men have been sent out into the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church among the Nor- wegian and Danish people in America and Europe. Prof. Simonsen was a member of the He was married on June 17, 189G, to Jenny Lindgren. They have one child (Richard). The family resides at 2243 Orrington avenne, Evan- ston, 111. . . PETER OLSEN SKAADEN, Prcf. N. E. Simonsen. econornical conference of methodism which met in Washington, D. C, in 1891; a delegate to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1896, in Chicago in 1900, and at Los Angeles, Cal., in 1904. He represented the Ninth General Conference district in the general committee of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Educational Society and the Mis- sionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Contractor, carpenter and builder, was born in 0ier, Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, May 27, 1840. His father was Ole SkjjzSnsberg; his mother Sign Johannsen. He began his trade in Norway when 15 years old, and served in the Norwegian army from 1861 to 1866. Peter O. Skaaden. He was married to Matea Malum on Jan. 18, 1867. Mrs. Skaaden died March 28, 1888. They had five children; all are living: Minnie is mar- ried to Thomas T. Engness, in Chicago; they 483 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS have four children. Inga is married to Dr. Mar- tin Seehuus, living in North Dakota; they have four children. Eugene is a musician on the piano and organ, and has a school in Minneapolis, Minn. Arthur is in Black Hills, S. D., in the mining business. The youngest daughter, Palma, is in school in Minneapolis. Mr. Skaaden is a member of Our Saviour's Lu- theran Church, of which he has been a trustee for several years. His membership dates back to 1867. He lives at 280 W. Erie street. In 1906 he made an extended trip through Norway. SEAVER ERICKSON SMEBY, Proprietor of the popular meat market at 163 W. Erie street, was born in Trakstad, Smaale- Seaver E. Smeby. nenes amt, Norway, March 16, 1855. His parents were Erick Jensen and Ingeborg (B^rresen) Smeby. Seaver attended the public schools in Norway. When he was 14 years old, April 23, 1869, his parents emigrated to America. The trip was made by steamships from Christiania to Hull, England, and thence to Liverpool and New York by an ocean liner. They made their way west- ward and settled in Goodhue county, Minnesota, where Mr. Smeby, Sr., first rented and after- ward purchased a piece of land. Here Seaver worked on the farm, attended English school and was confirmed by Rev. 0sten Hansen at Aspe- lund. Several years afterward he went to Minne- apolis and worked at whatever he could find to do until 1877, when he came to Chicago. His brother-in-law, J. O. Hoem, was then running a meat market on Division street, and Mr. Smeby worked for him one year, familiarizing himself with the business. The next year, 1878, he started a meat market for himself at his present location, 163 W. Erie street. In 1889 he went back to Norway on a visit. He was married March 18, 1891, to Mrs. Georgiana Olsen, a widow with four children — Herbert, Harvey, Hulda and Minnie. Mr. Smeby is a member and treasurer of Nora Lodge, R. H. K., a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home and the Tabitha Hospital societies. The family attend the Lutheran Chu'rch and reside at 526 N. Sacramento avenue. ' MRS. BERTHA CAREY SMITH, The well known church and temperance worker and lecturer, was born on a farm near Vermil- ion, S. D., March 2, 1862. Her father was Henry F. Johnson, from the farm Flettre, Voss, Nor- way. Her mother's maiden name was Kari Gjerde, from the farm Gjerde, Tysver, near Hau- gesund, Norway. Her mother was a widow when she married Bertha's father, having four children — one boy and three girls. They were married at Vermilion in 1860. Before Bertha was old enough to attend school they moved to Story county, Iowa, three miles south of Story City. Here our subject first attended school, the same being held in her father's house, there being no BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 483 schoolhoiises at that time except miles away. Her oldest brother was the teacher. Her youngest brother was born on the farm in Iowa in 1866. Here Bertha was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. Her mother passed away in 1869 and was the first one buried in the Story City ceme- tery. Her father then sold his farm and moved on a farm four miles west of Graettinger, in Palo Alto county, Iowa. While living there our subject went to Des Moines, Iowa, and learned the mil- linery and dress-making trade. She returned to Graettinger, where her brother, Jens H. Johnson, Mrs. Smith moved to Chicago her father and brother sold the farm. Her brother's health was poor and he came to Chicago to live with his sister while consulting a doctor, her other brother and sisters having died years before. Her father went to Norway in 1896 on a visit, and while there met and married Randie Olsen. They came to America, but his wife did not like it here, so they went back after three years and bought a home in Haugesund where they are still living. Mrs. Smith's brother, Jens H. John- son, died April 27, 1897. His death was a great loss to her, he being the only one left of her brothers and sisters. In 1902 Mrs. Smith went to Norway, where she took a number of pictures and views of in- teresting scenes and familiarized herself with local conditions, to be able to talk intelligently on the subject in her lectures. These entertain-, ments are usually given u'nder the auspices of churches or church societies for charitable pur- poses. They are illustrated by moving pictures. Besides talking on Norway she also lectures on the life of Martin Luther, John Wesley and others. Mrs. F. Peterson generally accompanies her on her trips, aiding her in showing the pic- tures. Mrs. Smith is a member of the Immanuel Methodist Episcopal Church, on W. Huron street; she is one of the stewards and is superintendent of the Sunday school. She is first vice-presi- dent of the Scandinavian W. C. T. U., second vice-president of the Immanuel Epworth League, and an active member of the Law-Enforcement League of the Northwest side, Chicago. The family resides at 269 Noble street. Mrs. B. C. Smith. was clerk in a general store, and opened a mil- linery store. She always took an active interest in church matters and also taught the Lutheran Church school. She was married on her father's farm on Sept. 1, 1890, to Mr. Martin Smith, of Chicago. They lived there until 1893, when they came to Chi- cago and conducted a hotel on N, Morgan street during the World's Fair. Later Mr. Smith en- gaged in the wood and coal business, at 261 Noble street, which he is still operating. After JENS LAURITZ SMITH, Alderman from the Fifteenth ward, was born in Christiania, Norway, March 16, 1850. He at- tended the public schools in Norway until 14 years old, when he went to sea on a Norwe- gian sailing vessel, two days after he was con- firmed. His first trip was on the sloop Haabet, and Hamburg was the destination. This was during the trouble between Germany and Den- mark, and the sloop, oeing Norwegian, was naturally supposed to be friendly to Denmark, 484 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS and was according!}' nred upon for failure to hoist its flag promptly. The jibboom and bow- sprit were shot away, compelling the vessel to remain for a time for repairs, giving the crew an opportunity to watch the maneuvering of the Danish ships, which Mr. Smith says was a glori- ous sight. While on board the schooner Juno, in the fall of 1867, the ship was wrecked, the crew hanging to the wreckage for eight days, but were finally rescued by a Hanoverian schoon- er, less than thirty minutes before the Juno sank. Jens L. Smith. ISIr. Smith also experienced a wreck while on a trip from Philadelphia to the West Indies in 1867. The ship was run down by an Ameri- can steamer in the Delaware River, being cut in two, and sank in a few minutes. Two of the crew lost their lives in this accident. Mr. Smith then went back to Philadelphia and from there shipped on an American ship, going to New Or- leans and Antwerp and back to Quebec. He came back to Chicago in 1869 and sailed on the lakes for two years and then went back to salt water for two years, which ended his sea-faring career. He settled in Chicago m 1872, working for variou's firms, mostly in the hardware business, until 1889, when he started a business of his own in the same line at 752 W. North avenue, which he still continues. In 1905 he was elected alderman for the Fifteenth ward by a majority of 944, which Mr. Smith con- siders very flattering. He married Bendikke M. Bjjzirnson on Nov. 29, 1872. They have six children. Mr. Smith is a member of Humboldt Court Tribe of Ben Hur, is a member of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, helped to build the Tabitha Hos- pital, and belongs to the Wicker Park Lutheran Church, of which he has been a member of the board of trustees for the last twenty years. CHARLES GUSTAVE SOEMO, The coal dealer at 361-63 W. Ohio street, Chi- cago, was born in Porsgrund, Norway, Nov. 23, 1865. His parents were Halvor Bruun Soemo and Maren Kristine Moe. Our subject attended the public schools and was confirmed in the East Side State Church in Porsgrund, in April, 1881. In May of the same year he left for America, arriving in Chicago on June 7. Young as he was, he had only himself to drepend upon for a living, but soon found a job, and went to work. He contrived to arrange for attendance at even- ing school during the following winter months, and later took a course in an evening college. He soon got a good place in a machine shop and afterward was placed in charge of the steam plant of S. J. Pope & Co., then at the corner of Lake street and Fifth avenue. In 1888 he engaged in the general teaming and coal business, with his brother as an equal part- ner, under the name of Soemo Bros., and the firm continues in business under the same name and at the same place to-day. Our subject has been married twice, his first wife, Josephine B. Osborn, whose parents came from Florida, died in February, 1897, leaving him two girls: Namah Elvira, born 'Sept. 25, 1888, and Charlotte Margrethe, born July 22, 1892. An- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 485 other girl, Lillian Grace, 2 years old, was buried on the same day as her mother. On Sept. 26, 1898, he was married to Rebecca Elizabeth Hoffstad, from Westeraalen, Norway, daughter of Peter and Hannah Paulina Hoffstad. They have two sons: Howard Edwin, born March 13, 1900, and Charles Harold, born April 9, 1901. Mr. Soemo's mother died in Chicago in 1888, only six months after her arrival in this coun- try, having planned to return to Norway. She was the mother of twelve childen, two of whom C. G. Soemo. died in infancy and one sister died here in Chi- cago a few years ago. The other nine are all married and residents of Chicago. The father, now past 84 years, is still hale and hearty, at- tends church regularly, and visits his children and grandchildren. Mr. Soemo is a member of the Lincoln Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Walhalla Court, Tribe of Ben Hur, was president of the Lincoln Pleasure Club, and served one year in the Second Regi- ment of Illinois National Guards. The family resides at 163 W. Huron street. REV. CARL K. SOLBERG, Pastor of Zion Norwegian United Lutheran Church, Chicago, was born at Rushford, Fillmore county, Minn., June 2, 1872, his parents being Knut K. and Aasild (Haugen) Solberg. Carl Rev. Carl K. Solberg. early indicated a desire for an education, and after taking advantage of the public schools he attended St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn., graduating on June 17, 1896, receiving the degree of B. A. On June 1, 1900, he graduated from the United Lutheran Church Seminary at Minneapo- lis. On June 17, 1900, he was ordained to the min- istry of the gospel. On the 5th of August he was installed as pastor of Trinity Norwegian Lutheran Church of Vermilion, S. D. Half a year later he organized and took charge of a congregation at Yankton, S. D. He served these two congregations till the spring of 1905, when he accepted a call from Zion United Norwegian Lutheran Church, Chicago, entering upon his duties on May 7. 486 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Rev. Solberg practically paid his own way through school, spending his boyhood days on the farm in Yellow Medicine county, Minneso- ta. By working on the farm, canvassing for books and teaching parochial school during the summer vacations he paid for his schooling. He was married to Gunhild Sophie Berg on June 30, 1893. He is a member of the board of publication of the United Lutheran Church and president of the Noi:wegian Children's Home Society of Chicago. He is also chairman of the executive committees of the Luther League of Illinois and of the Chicago Luther League. The family resides at 398 Potomac avenue, Chicago. REV. CHARLES ORRIN SOLBERG, At present pastor of the Covenant English Lu- theran Church of Chicago, was born at Rush- ford, Minn., Dec. 24, 1869. His parents were Halvor K. and Anna J. (Nattestad) Solberg. His youth was devoted to school. He was confirmed in the Norwegian Lutheran Church on Jeffer- son Prairie, near Clinton, Wis. Afterward he attended Augustana College, at Canton, S. D., for two years; then spent seven years at Beloit College, Beloit, Wis., and three years at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Chicago. He was honored by the degree of B. A. and M. A. from Beloit College and B. D. from the seminary. After graduating he was mstructor in Greek, Latin and English at Pleasant View Luther Col- lege, Ottawa, 111., for five years. He was or- dained as a minister of the gospel in 1901. His first call was as pastor of Emmanuel Lu- theran Church, Rockford, 111., where he re- mained until 1903, the church being an English charge belonging to the Swedish Augustana Syn- od. From 1903 until the present time Rev. Sol- berg has been pastor for the Covenant English Lutheran Church of the United Norwegian Church. Rev. Solberg has been president of the Luther League of Illinois for four years. He was married to Anna L. Jacobson, of Clin- ton, Wis., on Sept. 2, 1896. Mrs. Solberg's par- ents were Mr. and Mrs. Helge Jacobson, of Clinton, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Solberg have been blessed with two children — Helen Eunice, born July 6, 1898, and Anna Louise, Nov. 3, 1902. The family resides at 435 Cornelia street. Rev. Charles O. Solberg. ERIK SEVERIN SOLBERG, Of Seneca, III, was born in Bergen, Norway, April 17, 1854. His parents were John E. and Gertrude (Tutland) Solberg. He attended com- mon school, high school and three years at the Latin school. He was bookkeeper with F. G. Gade & Co., Bergen, for two years. Mr. Solberg came to Chicago in December, 1872, and in the spring of 1873 went to Pent- water, Mich., where he clerked for Sands & Maxwell for two years. He then returned to Norway. He married Miss Caroline Lucie Danielson, of Bergen, Norway, Dec. 26, 1874. Her parents (Ole and Alaria Danielson) lived to celebrate BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 487 their diamond wedding. Mr. Solberg's mother died in Bergen; his father is still living. In the spring of 1875 Mr. Solberg returned to Pentwater with his bride and was given charge of Sands & Maxwell's branch store at Crystal Valley, Mich. He remained until 1878, when he moved to Norway, 111. Here he was bookkeeper with Chas. J. Borchsenius until 1884, when he started a general merchandise store in Norway. He operated this store until 1892. During that year he built a brick house and store in Seneca, closed up his establishment in Norway, and moved to Seneca, where he has conducted a gen- eral store since. He was postmaster at Nor- way during President Cleveland's first term and has served as alderman in Seneca for nine years. Mr. and Mrs. Solberg have had eight children, namel}^: Gertrude Maria, born Sept. 20, 1875; Olaf, Oct. 14, 1877; Carl August, Sept. 7, 1879; Caroline Lucie, May 3, 1882; Ernest, July 20, 1884; Walter, August 2, 1885; Marshall, Jan. 18, 1887; Margit, April 13, 1890. Ernest, Walter and Margit have passed away. C. O. R. STABECK, Cashier of the Farmer's Bank of Davis, 111., was born on his father's farm in Winnebago county, Illinois, Dec. 31, 1881. His father, Thursten Stabeck, now deceased, and his mother (Torgen Patterson) were also born in Winnebago county. They resided on this farm u'ntil 1884, when they moved to Davis. Here the elder Stabeck engaged in the shipping of horses to the Northwest, and also handled real estate and loans, until 1895, when he organized the Farmer's Bank of Davis, of which he was president until his death, on June 8, 1903. His widow with six children sur- vives him; four of them are married — H. N. Sta- beck, president of the First National Bank, Ren- ville, Minn.; Clara L. Orth; Raymond, Minn.; Anna H. Bragstad and Estella B. Bragstad, of Canton, S. D. The subject of our sketch and a younger brother, Lloyd K., are at home with their mother at Davis, 111. Mr. Stabeck graduated from the Davis high school in 1900. He was early taught the Norwegian language, attending school every summer until he was confirmed, June 6, 1896. In 1900-'01 he attended Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, where he received his diploma from the preparatory department, having devoted most of his time to the study of languages, more especial- ly to Norwegian and German. The following year he attended Beloit (Wis.) college, after which he taught Norwegian school for two terms. He then entered the Farmer's Bank of C. O. R. Stabeck. Davis as bookkeeper, which place he held until his father's death, when he was appointed cashier and director. He is closely connected with several banks and land companies through- out the Northwest, being vice-president of the Gold-Stabeck Land and Credit Compan}^ of Ren- ville, Minn. He is a member of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Rock Run, is a republican in politics, and is township and village treasurer. He is a 32d-degree Mason. 488 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS PETER CHRISTIAN BUCK STANCE, With the First National Bank, was born at Anile sogn, Bergens stift, Norway, April 18, 1849. His parents were Jacob Stange, merchant, of Flekke- fjord, and Dorothea Christiaae Buck, of Molde. When our subject was 18 months old his father died, and the widow first moved to Bergen and later to Mandal, where he attended the select school until the age of nearly 15 years, when he entered the office of district judge Mons Lie, father of the poet Jonas Lie. Here, under the kind patronage of the judge and his able son Peter C. B. Stange. and deputy, Emil Lie, he was enabled through further study under private tuition to acquire an education. His elder brother, Christopher Lorentz Buck, being a graduate pharmacist, accepted the posi- tion of medical attendant on the sailing vessel Rjukan for a passage to America. On reaching Chicago he obtained a position as chemist so remunerative that he remained in America and urged his brother to follow. He did so, arriving in Chicago in June, 1868. Now began a series of trials for him, in a strange country and under new conditions. In order to become thoroughly Americanized he worked on a farm in Illinois, and later went to Louisiana, where he worked a cotton plan- tation one year on shares. After various vicis- situdes in the South he returned to Chicago. In 1872, following the great fire, he secured em- ployment in a dry goods store on Milwaukee avenue, where he was offered a partnership, but declined it to take a position with a newly or- ganized Scandinavian banking house, which was more to his liking. That bank, however, failed in 1877, and he accepted a position with the foreign exchange department of the First National Bank of Chicago, which, under the leadership of Lyman J. Gage and later under James B. Forgan, was destined to become the greatest financial institution west of New York. It afforded the desired field for his energies. He has remained with the bank since, having held the place of chief accountant for the foreign ex- change department, had charge of the Scandi- navian department, and is at present assistant to the manager of the foreign exchange department. In 1893 he applied for the post of vice-consul for Norway and Sweden in Chicago, being sup- ported by the newspapers Norden, Amerika and Skandinaven. In this connection we quote in translation from Norden of May 16, 1896: "Chris- tian Stange is first of all a business man and a bank man, but he is also interested in matters not pertaining to the daily toil and strife. He is greatly interested in literature and music and is a warm and faithful friend. In 1893 he applied for the vacant Norwegian-Swedish consulship in this city, and nothing shows better the high esteem in which he is held than the fact that, on the strength of testimonials from Chicago he was recommended for the post both by the Norwegian government at Christiania and Minister Grip at Washington. The King, how- ever, wanted a Swede for consul, and that set- tled it." Mr. Stange has never taken an active part in politics, excepting during the Bryan silver campaign in 1896, when he took a decided stand on the side of gold. He has held offices in the Norwegian Dramatic Society, 1868-9, the Norwe- gian Society, 1875-6; the Arion Singing Society; the Scandinavian Literary Society; the "Nor- wegian Quartet Club; the Tabitha Hospital As- sociation, and others. In 1876 he married Miss Jennie Johnson, a daughter of Captain George A. Johnson, of Man- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 489 itowoc, Wis. They have had five children; only two are living — George Adolphus, now in the 'nsurance business, and Thora Adelaide. WILLIAM JAN STANCE Is a native of Chicago, having been born in this city Oct. 14, 1870. His father, C. L. B. Stange, was born in Flekkefjord, Norway, and his William J. Stange. mother Wilhelmina Mathilda IM^lIer, in Copen- hagen, Denmark. They came to America in 1867. Upon arrival here Stange, Sr., engaged in the chemical business and continued in it until his death on March 31, 1889. William, who was then 19 3^ears old, had together with his school- ing, also been with his father and studied the business so that he was able to continue in the same line and has been engaged in the same business since. He manufactures bottlers' sup- plies, flavoring extracts, chemicals and colors. His plant is located at 839-41 W. Lake street. He attended the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, for four years, and then took a course in pharmacy and chemistry at the Illinois College of Pharmacy. A year or so after his father's death he associated himself with others, but in 1903 he branched out for himself, alone and independent. He was married on June 1, 1898, to Lucretia Stevens, daughter of Jacob and Lucretia Stevens, of Chicago. Mrs. Stange is a vocalist of some note, possessing a very fine and unusual contralto voice, as well as being an accomplished pianist. Mr. Stange prides himself upon the fluency with which he speaks Norwegian, considering that he is a native American. He speaks German with equal fluency. He is a member of the Masonic Orders, the B. & P. O. of E., Knights and Ladies of Security, and a charter member of the Chicago Drug Trade Club. HENRY NICHOLAS STOLTENBERC, The attorney, was born in Chicago on March 9, 1866. His parents were Jens and Anna Erland Stoltenberg. Henry attended the public schools in Chicago and afterward Lake Forest University where he received the degree of bachelor of law. From 1875 to 1884 he sold newspapers, mornings and evenings. Then he took up shorthand and secured a position as stenographer with Judge Windes and Mr. Alexander Sullivan's law firm, acting also as court reporter. During these years he also studied law, and in 1890 began to practice. He opened an office for himself in 1902. He was married to Ingeborg, daughter of Herr and Fru Johan H. Jensen, of Stavanger, Norway, on Aug. 24, 1894. They have four children — Harriet Evelyn, born 1895; Gladys Lillian, 1897; Leila Naomi, 1899; Vivian Beulah, 1902. Mr. Stoltenberg's father died in 1870; his mother is living. Our subject is a member of Austin 490 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Cicero chapter, R. A. M.; of his native city and confirmed in the Lutheran Royal Arcanum; A. O. U. W., and of the Degree church. of Honor, A. O. U. W., in which order he has He was then apprenticed to learn the trade of also been representative to the grand lodge and a watchmaker at Christiania. At the age of deputy master workman. He spent three years twenty he came to America and settled first at Marquette and later at Ishpeming, Michigan, where he started in business and was married May 2, 1891, to Miss Olga Marie Kaspersen of Christiania, Norway. Seeking a larger field he moved to Chicago in 1893 and found emploj'ment as an expert watch- maker with the large jewelry house of Spaulding and Company on State street. Here Mr. Stuhr Henry Stoltenberg. in the interest of the Norwegian Hospital and other charitable societies, and was president of the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital. The family re- sides at 303 Humboldt boulevard. Peter J. W. Stuhr. PETER JOHAN WICKMANN STUHR. Was born at Kristiansund, Norway, February 3, 1870. His parents are Captain C. H. Stuhr and his wife Babette, nee Walther. Mr. Stuhr was educated in the High Schools remained until August, 1906, when he engaged in business on his own account and opened a jewelry store at 591 N. California avenue, where he is doing an ever increasing business, as he is gaining the confidence of his countrymen and neighbors by excellent work and straight deal- ings. It is in fact a splendid recommendation to have been connected with such a prominent busi- ness house during so many years, as Spaulding and Company employ only first-class men. Mr. Stuhr is a member of the Norwegian Quar- tet Club. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 4f»l SVEND SVENDSEN, The eminent landscape painter, was born at Nit- tedal, Norway, March 21, 1864. His parents, Rasmus and Marie Svendsen, removed to Christi- ania shortly after his birth. He received a public school education and at the early age of twelve was sent to work to help swell the family in- come. At that time drawing was not taught iti the public schools in the capital, and Svendsen, whose mind had been bent upon becoming a painter from the time he was able to read, was Svend Svendsen. compelled to learn the intricacies of perspective and science of color by experiments during spare moments at night and on Sundays. The Na- tional Gallery was the magic land to which he looked forward during the week, and visited Sundays, to wander among the old masters. Blomquist's well known art gallery was the scene of numerous pilgrimages during hours snatched from his labor. But Svendsen was hungering to learn. Norway offered nothing to the poor boy without influence or money, noth- ing but the beauty of its mountains and fjords. With almost nothing but the memories of these Svendsen left the land of his birth June 15, 1881, and landed in America on the Fourth of July. Then came a period of struggles, study and starvation. In 1890 he married May Isabel New- ton. He began to exhibit his paintings about this time but attracted little attention until five years later when his "Sundown, Evening Sha- dows" won the "Young Fortnightly" prize at the Art Institute of Chicago, creating a furore among art lovers. From then Svendsen's name has been a house- hold word in art circles in the west. Such men of wealth and culture as Joseph Jeflferson, Fran- cis Wilson, Charles Hutchinson, James Deering, Edward B. Butler, Chauncey Keep, Clarence Darrow, William G. Mather, Paul Cornell, John P. Wilson, A. B. Dick, Dr. Kuh, among Ameri- cans, and H. A. Haugan, Judge Torrison, Dr. Remmen, Magnus Swenson, Ingolf R. Boyesen among his countrymen, bought his now famous sun-lighted snow-scenes. Svendsen then visited Norway bringing back with him material which resulted in a special exhibition at Thurber's, Chi- cago, a,nd was a decided success, a majority of the paintings being sold during the first week. While Svendsen is entirely selftaught, with the originality which results from having no- thing to unlearn, Thaulow was the one man whose art had the greatest influence upon his work. Thaulow and his followers, returning from Paris and taking up the "plein air" method, then in vogue there, practicing their art in the environs of Christiania, in all kinds of weather, was a revelation to Svendsen, and the pleasant change from the unnatural browns of the Diis- seldorf school to the fresh, glorious color of the young realists left a potent impress upon his mind. While Svendsen never strived for the photo- graphic exactness of the most rabid of the real- ists his paintings show nature in all its more poetic moods and coloring, touched with a great deal of truthfulness which this school endeavors to infuse into its work. The elusive tints of early dawn, sunrise and sundown, the glimming of the level sun across snowcovered fields, and bowlder-strewn mountains, on the birches and pines, and the humble cottages of Norway, are the colors we find mostly in his best paintings. Two more honors came to Svendsen. An Honorable Mention at the Nashville Centennial, 1896, and a medal at the Louisiana Purchase Ex- position at St. Louis, 1904. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Svendsen: Walter, Beatrice, Mable, Winnie and Erling. The family reside in their own cozy cottage at 431 W. George street, Chicago. 492 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS SIVERT SVE, The well known watchmaker and jeweler of Pana, Illinois, was born on 0rlandet, S0ndre Trondhjems amt. Norway. Oct. 18, 1851. His parents were Johan Christian and Elen Johanna (0ien) Svee, his father being the keeper of a general merchandise store. Young Sivert was educated in the public schools and confirmed in Orlandet's church, whereupon he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a watchmaker with Severin Hoff, at Trond- hjem. Having completed his trade and become Sivert Sve. a master mechanic of same he started in busi- ness as a watchmaker at Trondhjem, but being persuaded he could do better in America he con- cluded to try his fortune in this country. He arrived in Chicago ]\Iay 18, 1880. Here he obtained employment with Madson & Company on State street and remained with them until January 1881, when he was offered a position in the Elgin Watch Factory, which he accepted. In the fall of the same year he came to Spring- field, 111., and remained with the Illinois Watch Co. until May, 1883, when he went on a visit to Norway. Returning to America he again accepted a position with the Illinois Watch Co., and re- mained until October ISO.l, when he started a jewelrj^ store at Pana, 111., where his business has been on the increase ever since. Air. Sve has been married twice; the first time in 1876 to Miss Nicoline Zaura who died in Trondhjem, in 1882, leaving him with three chil- dren: Johan Christian, born in 1877; Half dan Olaus, in 1879, and Magdalena, in 1880. Of these Johan is married to Miss Ella Hunter. In 1886 Mr. Sve was again married, this time to Miss Karen 0iaas, a daughter of Anders and Sigrid 0iaas. They have had two children; Sig- rid, born in 1887, and Erling, born in 1889. Mr. Sve's parents have departed from this life, the mother in 1881, 69 years of age, and the father in 1898, 79 years old, both in South Dakota. Mr. Sve is a member of the Masonic Order K. O. T. M. His business address is at 131 S. Locust street and he resides at 407 S. Chestnut street, Pana, Christian county, 111. 9$? CHRISTOPHER MARTIN S0RENSEN, Of Aurora, 111., was born in Christiania, Norway, Aug. 4, 1827. At the age of 14 he was appren- ticed to learn carpenter and cabinet work, and continued at that until 1853 when he came to America. He secured work in a piano factory in New York city and remained there for five years; returned to Norway, where he was ofifered a good place with the Hals Bros', piano factory, and remained with them until 1868, and again came to America. He made a short stop in Chicago, but early located at Aurora, where he was employed in the shop of the C, B. & Q. Railroad. He con- tinued with this company continuously until Thanksgiving day, 1905, when he resigned and retired to enjoy his remaining years visiting his children and at his pleasant home in Aurora. Mr. S0rensen was married in Norway, May 10, 1850, to Emilie Marianna Wangensten. His wife died in 1882, leaving six children, four hav- ing preceded her to the unknown shore. Those living were all girls — Mathilda Severina, Ovidia Amelia, Emma Maria, Anna, Martha and Jennie. All are married and comfortably settled, and grandchildren greet Mr. SjzJrensen at all his daughters' homes. Mr. Sj^rensen is a member of Waubansia Lodge, No. 45, I. O. O. F.; Rebekah BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 4!}3 Christopher M. S0rensen, Encampment, No. 22, and Uniform Degree Can- ton, No. 13, Aurora, 111. He has filled nearly all chairs in these lodges and was for one term chief patriarch. He belongs to and attends the Lutheran church. EDWARD (IVER) J. TASTAD Was born at Tastad, near Stavanger, Norway, Aug. 23, 1859. His father was Iver Siversen and his mother Bertha Malena Jensdatter. Mr. Ta- stad received his education and worked on his father's farm until of age. He then concluded- to try his fortune in the new world, and consequently emigrated in the year 1882 and landed in New York. He went directly to Lee, 111., where he worked on farms about a year and went to South Dakota and took up a homestead in Sanborn county. There he re- mained six years, sold out his farm and moved to Lee county, Illinois, where he worked at farm- ing, but finally settled down in De Kalb county, where he rented one farm and then another, farming in that county the last six years. He has at the present time retired from farming. In 1882 Mr. Tastad was married, just nine days before he emigrated, to Miss Mary Lund, of Om0, near Stavanger. Their marital union has been blessed with eight children — four sons and four daughters: Ida, married to Julius Lund, of De Kalb; Alma, married to John Johnson, of De Kalb; Maggie; Edwin; Arthur; Stanley; Elle- nore May. All except the married 'ones are liv- ing with their parents at De Kalb. The familj' belongs to the Norwegian Lutheran Church. OLE LARSON TENDALL, Of Yorkville, 111., was born in Skaanevigs parish, Norway, Dec. 9, 1846, to Lars Larson and Mar- grete Haldorsdatter Ebne Teigendal. His father was a farmer. Ole attended the ambulatory school a few weeks each year from 9 to 14 years old and was then confirmed. His father was sickly and died when our subject was 13 years old, so that he and a brother two years younger had to work hard to help their mother on the little farm. When 16 years of age he began to work as a builder of ships, which he continued u'ntil he left for America. He was married Nov. 25, 1869, in Skaanevigs Church to Siri Larsdatter Tungesvig, born Feb. 10, 1848. Her parents were Lars and Siri (Nils- datter Tungesvig) Johannesen. They left Bergen, Norway, on the sailship Kong Sverre, in April, 1871, and arrived in Que- bec, Canada, five weeks later. Thej^ made their way by steamer to Hamilton and by railroad to Yorkville, 111., where they arriveci on June 19. He soon rented a farm of 247 acres in Kendall township, upon which he has lived for over thirty years. They have thirteen children — seven sons and six daughters — all living: Sarah, born 1870; Louis, 1871; Sievert, 1873; Tom, 1875; Henry, 1877; Maggie, 1878; Lars, 1880; Mathie, 1882; Otto, 1883; Emma, 1885; Clara, 1887; Randolph, 1889; Ida, 1891. Of these Sarah is married to Ole J. Markhus; Louis to Sarah Nilson; Sievert to Carrie A. Ersland; Tom to Hannah Anderson; Henry to Alice Nelson; Maggie to Peter Thomp- son; Mathie to Elbert Beane; Emma to Ollie Munson. 494 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 495 Mr, Tendall is a member of the board of com- missioners for highways of Kendall township. The family are members of the Lisbon Lutheran Church, of which Mr. Tendall has been trustee and deacon. He is one of the incorporators of the Pleasant View Luther College; also of the Dea- coness Hospital and the Children's Home in Chicago. His father died in Norway in 1859; his mother was living with our subject on the farm, where she died in 1893. DR. ABRAHAM L. THOMAS. Dr. Abraham Lokkert Harken Thomas was born at Oflfersjzi, Buxness prestegjeld, West Lo- foten, Norway, Jan. 26, 1850. His parents were Thomas L .and Johanna (nee Amundsen) Abra- hamsen. While growing up young Abraham went to the district school, and during vacations in the sum- mer time went roaming the mountains and the adjoining wild country, boating or sailing on the sea and sometimes fishing and helping on the THOR TESDAL Was born in Stavanger, Norway, March 8, 1870. His father, T. Tesdal, was sheriff in Hjzfgsfjord, near Stavanger. His mother was Malma (born Johnsen), from the same part of the country. Our subject was baptized in domkirken in Sta- vanger, and confirmed in H^le church. His youth was spent at school, attending Almueskolen at H0le, also took private lessons and attended Captain Storms' private middelskole, in Stavan- ger. He came to America and passed through the celebrated Castle Garden on March 23, 1888. He went to Morris, Grundy county. 111., and has since lived in Nettle Creek township in that county. His first work in this country was as a farm hand, working by the month. He afterward bought eighty acres of land in Nettle Creek-town- ship, located about eight miles northwest of Mor- ris, where he now resides. He was married to Christianna Cassem, of Nettle Creek township, on Aug. 29, 1892. They have six children — five sons and one daughter — namely: Tillier, born June 14, 1893; Palmer Al- fred, Jan. 22, 1895; Melvin, July 29, 1897; Arnold Chester, April 25, 1899; Blanchard, Jan. 28, 1901; Lillie, April 24, 1903. Our subject was elected town clerk in 1902 and has been re-elected every year since. He has been school director for over ten years. He is a member of the United Lutheran Chu'rch at Lisbon and has been trustee for the Norwegian school connected with the church. He contributes to Norwegian charities through his church. Dr. Abraham L. Thomas. farm. In the wintertime he enjoyed the popular Norwegian sport ski-running. He was confirmed in the Lutheran church at Buxness. In June, 1868, Mr. Thomas came, to America, landing at Quebec, Canada, from where he went direct to Rochester, Minn., arriving on June 16. Here he spent most of his time at school up to 1876, incidentally working on farms, selling books, farm implements, rafting on the Missippi, rail- road building, marble polishing and other minor 496 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS occupations. Here he also began studying medi- cine with Dr. W. W. Mayo. In 1876 he entered Chicago Medical College, graduating from same as a M. D., in 1879. He immediately started practicing medicine and has continued in his profession up to the present time, with offices at 3046 Wentworth avenue and 4424 Indiana avenue. In December 1879 Dr. Thomas was married to Miss Sarah Lines, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lines. They have one son, Orville Adrian Thomas, born Jan. 10, 1881. Dr. Thomas is a member of the Masonic Or- ders Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Con- sistory, Eastern Star and Eastern Star Shrine. He is Past Master of Blue Lodge, Principal So- journer in Chapter and Junior Ward in Com- mandery. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, the Chicago Medical Society and the^ American Medical Association. Dr. Thomas' mother passed away about 25 years ago, but his father is still living in fair health at the advanced age of 85 years, with wife of a second marriage, one son and two daugh- ters, at Offers0, Norway. With his wife and son Dr. Thomas resides at 4424 Indiana avenue. JOHN THOMPSON, Johannes Thomassen, being the correct way of spelling it in Norwegian, was born in Western Toten, Norway, July 19, 1851. His father was Thomas Storsveen and his mother's maiden name Helene Christiansdatter Rj^naas. He attended the country schools in Norway until about 15 years old and was confirmed in Aas Church in Western Toten. He came to America with his parents and a sister and a brother in 1868, landing at Quebec and going direct to Winneshiek county, Iowa. Here he worked on a farm for two years. He came to Chicago in 1870, where he has re- sided since. He had devoted about one year in Norway toward learning cabinet making, and when he came to Chicago he got a place in a planing mill. Later he joined Lars Skielvik and Anton Petersen in a desk factory, but sold out his interest the next year. He then joined an- other man in a furniture factory, but came out of it four yearsi later with lots of experience and no money. He then accepted the foremanship with the Chicago Desk Manufacturing Company and remained there seven years. He was fore- man for Anton Petersen & Co. for two years, and later in charge of the wood work with the James C. Curtis Casket Co. In 1898 he joined his brother Hakon in the undertaking business, in which he has continued since. In 1904 they opened another office, at John Thompson. 512 N. California avenue, where our subject, who owns the building, is in charge. Hakon Thomp- son, who lives on Ohio street, is in charge of the old establishment, on May street, near Erie. Mr. Thompson was married in Chicago, in 1873, to Rina Hansen, from Terpen, Nordre Land par- ish. She died in 1882. In 1883 he married Miss Annie O. Berg, from Sarpsborg, Norway. There are three children. His parents are both dead. He is a life member of the Children's Home Society and also of the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hos- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 497 pital, and has been a member of the Old People's Home Society since its organization. The family are members of Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran Church. They reside at 512 N. California avenue. ^ THOMAS F. THOMPSON, Of Leland, 111., was born in Norway, Sept. 7, 1832, and came to America with his parents — Thormod S., and Ingeborg (Lydahl) Flattre — In 1854 Mr. Thompson went to Leland, where he was for two years in partnership with Mr. A. A. Klove. After this he went to Atchison county, Kansas, where lie and John and Ole Nelson, of Chicago, ran a sawmill for two years. After his return to Leland he was for a time employed in a dry goods store owned by Hans Thompson. In 1861 Mr. Thompson and Thomas Iverson began to deal in grain at Leland, and they con- tinued the business with varying success until 1866, when Mr. Thompson disposed of his inter- est and was associated for a time with C. F. Oakfield in the same business. He then moved to Creston, 111., where for eight years he was engaged in merchandising. Returning to Leland, he formed a partnership with Knute Buland and bought the grain business of Mr. Oakfield, who had died just before that time. In 1883 Andrew Anderson bought Mr. Buland's interest in the business and the firm became Thompson & An- derson. They continued business until 1901. The banking department was added in May, 1896. Mr. Thompson is a republican. He served his townsmen from 1880 to 1900 as town clerk, and has filled several other important offices. He married Caroline A. Satter, a daughter of Ole T. Satter, June 19, 1861. Mrs. Thompson was a native of Norway. She was six months old when she was brought to this country. She bore Mr. Thompson ten children, and died deeply mourned, in 1886. Six of their children are liv- ing — Louis T., Stanley O., Cora May, Mrs. H. R. Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Grover and Mrs. W. H. Burke. Mr. Thompson has proven himself a public-spirited citizen, alive to the best inter- ests of his town, county and state and deeply interested in national affairs. There is no public movement affecting the weal of the people of La Salle county in which he is not active and helpful. ^ Thomas F. Thompson. in 1844, locating in Norway, Racine county, Wis. KENNING LUDVIG THORESEN, At the age of 14 he was confirmed in the Lutheran Church. Mr. Thompson remained at Of Morris, 111., was born in Christiania, Nor- the family home in Wisconsin until 1852, when way, Jan. 23, 1863. He is the second son of he left for Chicago, his father moving to Leland, Henning Ludvig and Julia Karoline (Guidotti) La Salle county, 111., in 1853, his mother having Thoresen, Christiania, Norway. His father was died in Norway, Wis. a wholesale merchant, a leading man in his line, 498 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS a forceful, public-spirited citizen and one of the "ice breakers" in Norwegian liberal politics. His son and namesake frequented in his earlj^ school days the well known Quam grammar school, and later the Christiania cathedral school, and after his confirmation entered a business academy to equip himself for a business career. He began his active work in life as a clerk in a publisher's office and afterward was bookkeeper for a liberal paper published in Christiania. During the two years he was with this paper in the stormy political days of the "veto" fight Mr. Henning L. Thoresen. Thoresen came in close touch with the patriotic and fearless men behind the guns of the liberal party. The association and the bringing up u'nder the influence of a true democratic father moulded in the young man a character that later, after coming to America, could not deny itself. He came to America, landing at Boston, Nov. 7, 1883, and went direct to Grundy county, Illi- nois, and settled at Morris, where he has since lived. He married, on March 10, 1890, Miss Sadie A. Frey, a native of Morris and a daughter of William Frey and wife, both born in Pennsyl- vania and of Dutch parentage. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Thoresen, — two boys (Henning Earl and Sigurd Harold) and two girls (Leonor Geraldine and Nathalia). Earl, the oldest boy, born March 17, 1891, met an accidental death by drowning while swim- ming in the Michigan and Illinois Canal. Immediately after his arrival in Grundy county, in order to master the language and familiarize himself with the customs of the country, he secured a place with an American farmer in the neighborhood. Only a few months' residence on the farm, and our subject began the battle for a livelihood in Morris, where he accepted a position as bookkeeper and clerk in the mercan- tile house of Zens & Erickson, and later with O. Erickson & Son. Mr. Thoresen was town clerk for Morris from 1892 to 1896, and on Jan. 20, 1903, was appointed by Governor Yates as chief clerk and paymaster of the Illinois and Michi- gan Canal Commission, a position he held until the office was abolished on account of lack of funds to maintain the expenses of the waterway. Our subject is a charter member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 178, of Morris. 111. WILLIAM THORESEN, The manufacturer of architectural sheet metal ornaments, now located in his own new building at 419-21 W. North avenue, was born in Chris- tiania, Norway, Sept. 20, 1867. His parents were O. C. Thoresen and Sidonia Andersen. In 1879 he came to America with his parents, arriving in Chicago on Oct. 9, the anniversary of the great fire. Our subject had attended school for a few years in Norway and also attended the public schools here for a year or two, and when but a boy he secured work with Crane Bros., where he remained for ten months. He was then apprenticed to Price & Kaufman, to learn cornice work. At 18 he had mastered his trade and was offered the foremanship in one of the largest cornice shops in Chicago. He remained with this firm for seven years, when he started in the cornice business for himself, at 816 N. Western avenue. He was favored by securing a contract for all the cornice work for BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 499 the board of education. In the meantime Mr. Thoresen had devoted a great deal of study to the designing and making of metal ornaments. In 1897 he abandoned the cornice business and devoted all his facilities to the making of architectural sheet-metal ornaments. The demand for these ornaments increased to such an extent that Mr. Thoresen was obliged to seek larger quarters, and to meet all requirements he erected a new building of his own at 419-21 W. North avenue. William Thoresen. Mr. Thoresen was married in Chicago, on May 22, 1891, to Miss Sarah Ornes, of Stavanger, Norway. They have four children — Sadie, Wilde, William and Edwin. Mr. Thoresen is a member of the Masonic Order. The family resides at 50 Columbia street. Mrs. Thoresen's parents were Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Ornes, of Stavanger. Her father died some years ago, but her mother is living in Chicago. Mr. Thoresen's parents both died in 1894. JOHN THORESON Was born in Christiania, Norway, April 16, 1820. Early in life he learned the carriage and wagon- maker's trade and for five years was engaged in this business in Norway in his own name. John Thoreson. In 1853 he emigrated to America and located in Chicago, engaging in the same business. Two years later he moved to Rockford, where he was employed as a journeyman for some of the car- riage and wagon works there until 1866, when he started a factory of his own. Success met him more than half way, necessitating the em- ployment of many men from the very beginning. He invested in city property until he became a large property owner and one of the most sub- stantial citizens. In 1862 Mr. Thoreson enlisted from Rockford in Company K, Seventy-fourth Illinois Infantry, and served as a private in the Cumberland Army. He was in the battles of Perryville, Stone River and Murfreesboro, where he v»ras severely wounded in the left arm. He was sent to the hospital and there taken prisoner and sent to 500 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Libby Prison, where he was confined for two months. He was then exchanged and a few months later was honorably discharged for dis- ability. He was a member of G. L. Nevius Post, G. A. R., at Rockford. He was married in Norway, in 1848, to Miss Martha Oslund, who was born near Christiania on Dec. 4, 1822, and died in Rockford Aug. 31, 1887. She was a consistent member of the Swed- ish Methodist Episcopal Church for thirty years ^ and a true helpmate to her devoted husband, who was a charter member of the same church. Seven children were born to them, of whom only one, the youngest daughter, Mathilda J., is liv- ing, the wife of Alfred Abrahamson, who is a designer, stock holder and director in the Mantel and Furniture Company of Rockford. They have two children. Mr. Thoreson was the only one of his family to come to the United States, and enjoyed the honor of being the first Norwegian to settle in Rockford. He resided at 328 S. Main street and there enjoyed the rest and quiet deservedly earned by hard work and honorable dealing, un- til his death in March, 1907. and of the Scandinavian Medical Society, 'which he is secretary. of Dr. Karl L. Thorsgaard. KARL LORENTZ THORSGAARD, M. D. Was born in Westby, Wis., Jan. 24, 1875. His parents— Lauritz L. and Anna (Johnson) Thors- gaard — were farmers. Our subject was brought up on the farm, but spent much time at school and college. He received the degree of B. A. from Luther College, at Decorah, Iowa, in 1896, and M. D. from Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 1900. After his graduation in medicine he served two years as resident physician and surgeon at thie Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, and the following two years he became associated with Dr. James B. Herrick in his office and hospital work. After this he began the practice of medicine independently, having his office at 1562 N. Halsted street. Dr. Thorsgaard is attending physician at the Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital and is medical examiner for the Equit- able and New York Life Insurance companies. He is a member of the Chicago Medical Society, REV. CARL EDWARD TILLER Was born July 22, 1868, near Hader, Goodhue county, Minn., his parents being Ole Andreas and Hanna Bergitte (Hegge) Tiller. He was baptized and confirmed in Aspelund congrega- tion by Rev. 0sten Hanson. Most of his time was spent on his father's farm until the fall of 1886, when he entered the preparatory depart- ment at the Red Wing Seminary. He graduated in the spring of 1890. Afterward he studied theology two years at Red Wing Seminary, and then one year at Weidner's Theological Semi- nary in Chicago. Was ordained in the ministry at the annual convention of the Hauge Synod at Franklin, Minn., June 13, 1894. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 501 He has served two different charges in • the Hauge Synod. The first was Hauge's congrega- tion, near Creston, 111., where he remained four years. Then he was called to Morrisonville, Wis., and served five congregations there for three j^ears. In the fall of 1900 he received a call from Bethel Lutheran Church, of Chicago, belonging to the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. He entered upon his duties there June 30, 1901. In 1902 he severed his connection Rev. Carl E. Tiller. with the Hauge Synod and was admitted into the United Church in June of the- same year. Since he came to Chicago he has in addition to his work in the congregation been deeply interested in the Deaconess Home of the United Church and has for three years been secretary for the board of directors. The 31st of May, 1894, he was married to Miss Lina Nerhougen, from Zunebrota, Minn. They have had three children, of whom one, Muriel Hildegard, died May 7, 1903. The family resides at 64 Humboldt boulevard. GABRIEL JOHAN TOBIASSEN, The well known carpenter contractor, was born at Udland, Aa sogn Lyngdals prestegjeld, Nor- way, Jan. 9, 1864. His parents were Tobias and Anne Sophie (Jacobsdatter) Gundersen. Mr. Gabriel J. Tobiassen and Wife. Tobiassen was educated in the common schooH and Amtskolen, and was confirmed in Aa church in 1878. He then w^orked on his fathers farm un- til he in the spring of 1883 emigrated to America,, where he landed in New York during the latter part of May. He continued his journey overland to Sims, N. Dak., where he worked on a farm until in the fall of 1885 when he went to State Center, Iowa, and learned the trade of a cooper. In 1889 he returned to Norway to visit his aged father but came back to Iowa in 1890. In 1891 he came to Chicago which city he has made his home since. In Chicago he learned the carpenter trade which occupation he has followed since his ar- rival here. In 1898 he paid a new visit to the old country where he remained for 16 months. Upon his return to Chicago Mr. Tobiassen w^as married Jan. 9, 1900, to Miss Karen M. Michelsen of that city. She was born at Pors- 502 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS gruncl, Norway, Aug. 7, 1867, her parents being Hans and Anne Marie (Berg) Michelsen. At the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago, in 1893, there was among the many other exhibits also one of women representing their various nationalities and dressed in national costumes. This enterprise generally went under the popular nomenclature of the "Beauty Show". Miss Michelsen was selected to represent her native country at this show, she being endowed with distinctive Norwegian figure and features. At the close of the Exposition she was the recipient of a gold medal. Mr. and Mrs. Tobiassen have had three chil- dren born to them, one daughter and two sons: Sophie Marie, born Oct. 8, 1900; Thorleif, May 3, 1903, and Helge Cornelius, Nov. 27, 1904, all living. The family are members of the Logan Square Norwegian Lutheran Church, of which •congregation Mr. Tobiassen is the treasurer. REV. J. C. TOLLEFSEN, Pastor of the Kedzie Avenue M. E. Church, Chi- cago, was born at Botne, Jarlsberg, Norway, Sept. 30, 1853. His father was born in Tele- marken, having descended from the old-time "Birkebeiners," and his mother was born not far from Holmestrand. His great-grandfather de- scended from Germans who came to the silver mines at Kongsberg where the Norwegian silver bullion is mined. About nine years of age Mr. Tollefsen came with his parents to Horten where he attended school and was confirmed by Rev. Storm A. Munt in 1868. Ten years later he was converted in the Meth- odist church at that place. The church had been dedicated on Christmas day the previous year and he went there merely to see what was going on among the "new sect." A glorious revival was going on and he soon was among the con- verted and as a natural consequence joined the church. He travelled in Norway three or four years preaching and selling religious books un- til he left for America in March 1881. In April he arrived in Chicago and commenced working as he did not feel himself fitted for the ministry. The annual meeting of the Norwegian and Dan- ish conference of the M. E. Church happened to convene in Chicago that year, and he was sent to Stoughton and Primrose, Wis., and became known as the "boy preacher" because of his ap- parent youth. After one year he had organized a congregation and a church was built, and then he was moved by the order of the elder. After being in Sheboygan, Wis., one year he was sent to Norway, 111., where he remained two years. Since that time he has been in Milwaukee, Racine Trinity Church, Minneapolis, Duluth, St. Paul and five years in Chicago, being pastor of old Rev. J. C. Tollefsen. First Church, Grand avenue and Sangamon street for three years; and two years in the Ked- zie Avenue Church, his present pastorate. In 1883 Rev. Tollefsen joined the conference on probation and after two years was admitted in full connection. In 1887 he was ordained elder in the First Church, Chicago, by Bishop C. H. Fowler. Mrs. Tollefsen was born at old Nidaros (Trondhjem"), Norway, below the forts of Chris- tiansten. Her father P. Haugan was for many years superintendent of the "Nordenfjeldske BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 503 Dampskibsselskabs Reparationsvserksted" in Trondhjem, and built the first locomotive in Norway. Her mother hailed from R0ros. Mr. and Mrs. ToUefsen were married March 2, 1881, and their wedding trip was to America. Rev. Tollefsen became an American citizen in the eighties but has not forgotten the "old home- stead," having visited Norway twice, the last time in 1905. * dinance pending before Judge Grosscup and in- volving $13,000,000, and also special counsel for the city of Chicago in the tax suits brought be- fore Judge Grosscup by the street car and gas companies to defeat the collection of $1,500,000 of taxes levied against them by the state board of equalization. In March, 1906, Mr. Tone was retained as spe- cial counsel for the Central Union Telephone Company in litigation involving the franchise of said company in the city of Rock Island, which suit he won, and in July, 1906, he was retained as special counsel for the Central Union Tele- DAVID K. TONE, The attorney, was born on his father's homestead near Estherville, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1867. His parents were Thomas and Julia (Klove) Tone from T0ne, Norway. Our subject attended the public school and worked on his father's farm in Iowa, until he was sixteen years old, when he entered Iowa College at Grinnell, Iowa, which he attended in 1885-86. He then attended the State University of Wis- consin, graduating in 1891. He immediately en- tered the College of Law with the same univer- sity and graduated in 1893. During his school years he taught the district school at Dunbar, Iowa, one year, was principal of the Cambridge, Wis., high school one year, 1890-91, principal of the Westfield, Wis., high school one year, 1891-92; instructor in history and constitutional law in the Wisconsin academy in 1892-93. He was also professor in the Chicago Law School from 1898 to 1904. Mr. Tone has been engaged in the active prac- tice of law in the city of Chicago ever since the year 1895. He has practiced both civil and crim- inal law and has practiced in all the courts, state and federal, including the supreme court of the United States. A large share of his practice has consisted of being employed as special counsel in important litigation for other lawyers. In the spring of 1905 he was employed as special counsel in the strike litigation before judges Kohlsaat and Grosscup in the U. S. circuit court of appeals. In the fall of 1905 he was appointed special counsel for the city of Chicago by Mayor Dunne in the suit over the validity of the 75 cent gas or- David K. Tone. phone Company in a similar suit in the federal court, wherein the franchise rights of the city of Moline were involved, which suit he also won before Judge Humphrey at Peoria. ]\Ir. Tone was president of the Lincoln Club, Chicago, in 1900-01; is a member of the Chicago Law Institute, the University of Wisconsin club of Chicago, and the New Illinois Athletic Club. Mr. Tone is not married. His offices are at 99 Randolph street, and he resides at 300 Sixty- Sixth Place. 504 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS GEORGE ABRAHAM TORRISON, M. D., Was born at Manitowoc, Wis., March 23, 18G5, his parents being Osuld and Martha (Findal) Torrison. He was edu'cated in the public school at Manitowoc and at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, from which he graduated in 1885 with the degree of A. B. After spending a year at home in his father's store he began the study of med- icine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City, the medical department of Columbia College, from which he received the Dr. George A. Torrison. degree of M.D., in 1889. He pursued his medical studies at the University of Vienna in 1889-90 and in 1893-94. In 1891 he began the practice of medicine in Chicago, and since 1895 has devoted his atten- tion to diseases of the throat, nose and ear. Dr. Torrison is instructor in diseases of the chest, throat and nose at Rush Medical College, Chi- cago, is attending physician to the Central Free Dispensary (throat department), laryngologist to the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital, and lecturer on diseases of the nose and throat at the Presbyterian Hospital training school for nurses. He has been a director of the Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital and for one year was president of the board. He holds membership in the the following societies: The American Medical Association, the Illinois State and the Chicago Medical societies, the Chicago Otological and Laryngological Society and the Scandinavian Medical Society of Chicago. Dr. Torrison was married to Miss Emma Irene Johnson, of Chicago, on Jan. 5, 1898. Her par- ents were Louis and Martha Johnson. They have two children, Martha Findal and Agnes Ivanda. The doctor's office is at 103 State street and the family resides at 46 Alice place. JUDGE OSCAR M. TORRISON. Oscar M. Torrison was born Aug. 29, 1861, at Manitowoc, Wis., where his father, Osuld Tor- rison, for forty years and until his death, in 1893, was a leading business man. His parents settled in Manitowoc in 1849, his father coming as a boy from Heirefos, near Grimstad, Norway, and his mother, Alartha Hansen P'indal, coming from Findal near Stathelle on the Skiensfjord. Oscar M. Torrison attended the common school and graduated from the high school at Manitowoc, and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, in 1881. In 1882 he received the degree of Bachelor of Laws at the State University of Iowa, at Iowa City, and in 1884 he took the degree of Bachelor of Laws (cum laude) at Columbia College, now Columbia L^niversity, New York City. He has been admit- ted to practice in the Supreme Courts of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and in the Supreme Court of the United States. From 1886 to 1890 he practiced law at Elbow Lake, Minn., and acquired a large practice, en- joying a splendid reputation as a trustworthy and successful lawyer. He was elected mayor of El- bow La-ke for three successive terms, and in 1888 was selected as an alternate delegate to the Re- publican National Convention in Chicago from the then Seventh Congressional District of Min- nesota. In 1890 he removed to Chicago, where he soon acquired an extensive and varied practice BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 505 and has taken an active part in matters of public interest. In 1S9G he was appointed a member of the Board of Education of Chicago and served in that capacity and in important committees of the board in 1896 and 1897. He is a member of the board of directors of the Chicago Bureau of Charities and for the past three years has been president of its northwestern district. He is also one of the directors of the "Association House" on W. North avenue., which is exten- sively engaged in settlement work on the North West side. He was also at one time president In 1889 Mr. Torrison was married to Miss Ida :\[ichelson, a daughter of Capt. H. Michelson of Chicago. Their home has been blessed with four children, two sons and two daughters, of whom the following are living: Margaret, Osuld, and a baby girl. Mr. Torrison is a member of the Luth- eran Church and resides at 56 Alice Place, Chi- cago. Judge Oscar M. Torrison. ERIC TRESSING, The manufacturer and dealer in locks and hard- ware specialties, at 179-81 E. Lake street, Chi- cago, was born near Christiania, Norway, on June 15, 1866. His parents were Ole and Oleana (Skjul- stad) Tressing. Our subject came to America and Chicago with his parents and five sisters in 1875. He had attended school in Norway and for a time went to the public school in Chicago. In 1880 he secured a position as office boy with Sargent, Greenleaf & Brooks, and remained with them in various capacities until 1897, when he bought them out, continuing the business under the firm name of E. Tressing & Co. Messrs. Sargent & Greenleaf are still manufacturing locks of all kinds, and Mr. Tressing is also a member of that firm. His business, which is the manufacture of hard- ware specialties and the selling of Sargent & Greenleaf locks, has been on the increase ever since it was started. Mr. Tressing was married to Miss Minnie J. Gunderson, of Chicago, in November, 1904. The family resides at 1388 Humboldt boulevard. of the alumni association of Luther College. He is a man of broad sympathies and af varied in- terests and has rendered valuable services to numerous Norwegian charitable institutions both in and outside of Chicago. In November 1906 he was elected Judge of the new Municipal Court of Chicago, and received the solid support of the Norwegians of the city. In the bar-primary ballot taken by the Chicago Bar Association prior to the election, he received the largest vote of all the candidates for Municipal Judge, over one hundred in number. GILBERT KNUDSEN TUFTY, The retired porcelain and glassware merchant, was born in Vestre Slidre, Valders, Norway, Oct. 506 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS 14, 1839. His parents were Knud Larsen Tuv and Marit (Snorthum). He received the advant- ages of the public schools and was confirmed in Norway. He came to America in 1857 on a sail ship and landed in Quebec, Canada, after a five weeks' voyage. He came west and located near Decorah, Iowa, where he worked on farms and attended the public schools for two years. In 1859 he secured a position in a general store in Decorah, where he remained a year, when he went to McGregor, Iowa, as a clerk in a crockery and glassware store. Gilbert K. Tufty. In 1865 he came to Chicago and clerked in a dry goods store for one year and then started a porcelain and glassware store of his own, on State street, near Harrison. It was here that occurred in his life a little episode that he can- not forget. A carriage was driven up to the door one day, a lady stepped out and came in and selected a few dollars' worth of dishes, and while paying for them asked whether he could not lend her a basket to pack them in, for she wanted to take them with her in the carriage. He said he could, but that it was customary with him to ask a deposit, which would be refunded when the basket was returned. This was readily agreed to and the basket and dishes, with the aid of the coachman, were soon in the carriage, and his customer gone. He said he was dum- founded when he learned from some of his neighbors that his customer was Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. He was especially chagrined because he had asked and accepted a deposit on the basket, which of course he wou'ld not have thought of doing had he known who she was. This was in 1867, when Mrs. Lincoln made Chicago her home for a time. Nothing remark- able about this, but Mr. Tuftj^ considers it a noteworthy incident in his career. In 1870 Mr. Tufty moved his business to Mil- waukee avenue, near Halsted street, where he had already puchased a small property. He has the distinction of being the first Skandinav- ian to engage in this particular line of business in Chicago. He retired from the mercantile business some years ago and is spending his time now in looking after his properties and oc- casionally turning a real estate deal. He was married on Jan. 17, 1874, to Miss Ragnhild Vick, of Decorah, Iowa. They have no children living. They are both members of the Old Peoples Home Society and St. Paul's Norwegian Lutheran Church. SIVERT UDSTAD, Of Aurora, 111., was born in Trondhjem, Nor- way, Sept. 28, 1856. His father was Arnt Ud- stad; his mother's maiden name was Sigrid Gis- voldl^kken. After finishing the common schools and' having been confirmed he entered a machine shop at Trolla, near Trondhjem, where he learned his trade as a machinist. He then went to Chris- tiania and worked at his trade for three years; then to Stockholm, Sweden., where he worked at Bolinder's Machine Works and Holmgren's Fire Engine Works. He also served as steamboat fireman and engineer on a coaster in Norway for about three years. He came to America and Aurora, 111., March 9, 1881, where he has resided since. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 507 He found work at the C, B. & Q. R. R. shops immediately and continued in that capacity until 1888, when he started a machine shop of his own. This was after the big strike on the C, B. & Q. Railroad. He was married on April 9, 1881, to Anne Back, from 0rkedalen, Norway. They have eight chil- dren: Arnt, George, Elmer, Jennie, Norman, An- nie, Einer and Nora. Elmer Udstad is married to Clara Bruger, of German descent. Arnt and George are living in St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Udstad has patented several improvements Sivert Udstad. on machinery. He served two years in the Nor- wegian army. He is a member of the K. P., Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen, the Elks, and a charter member of the chamber of com- merce of Aurora. Our subject's mother died in 1894; his father is still living. Mr. Udstad's shop in Aurora is at 101 So. Waten street. The family are mem- bers of the Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church of Aurora, of which our subject has been a dea- con for many years. The family home is at 315 T street, Aurora. SALVE UGLAND, Of Sheridan, La Salle county, 111., was born at Hammeren, Norway, June 3, 1868, his parents be- ing Hans Nilsen Miller and Gurine Salvesdatter. Salve Ugland. He attended the common schools in the country and afterward the officers' school of artillery in Christiansand. He came to America in the spring of 1888, landing in New York and coming to Norway, La Salle county. He rented some land and went to farming, but afterward w^ent into the mer- cantile business. He is now in business as a con- tractor and builder. He was married to Cora Larson, of Stavanger, Norway, on May 14, 1893, her parents being Lars Stensvig and Maren Thompson. They had one child, Harold, born June 10, 1899. Mrs. Ugland died in 1901. Our subject has held several of- fices — having been collector for Mission town- ship, cashier and director for the Farmers' and Merchants' Telephone Company, at Newark, and has also been an alderman at Sheridan. 508 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS DR. O. M. ULVESTAD. Son of L. O. and Anna S. (JacKson) Ulvestad was born in Rosendahl Township, Watonwan Coun- ty, Minnesota, August 20, 1S71. His father was born in Sogn, Norwaj^ and his mother near Madi- son, Wis. He attended the district schools until 16 years old at his home in Minnesota. He then studied one year at. St. • Olaf's College at North- field and the following two years' at the State Nor- mal at Mankato. Wishing to be = independent he taught school for two years in Redwood and Lacqui Ulvestad's birthplace. They moved on the farm and lived there until the fall of 1899, when they came to Chicago. Mr. Ulvestad entered the Northwestern University Dental School from which he graduated in 1S92. He fitted up an office at 328 West Erie St. where he has since continued his practice. Dr. Ulvestad is the oldest of a family of ten children, eight boys and two girls, all living. The Doctor's home has been blessed with one child, four years old. His residence is at 593 Grand avenue. Dr. O. M. Ulvestad. Parle counties and in 1893 taught another term of school. He afterwards clerked in a general store at Ma- delia, Minn., for two years. In 1895, he had laid by sufficiently to buy himself some land in Stevens County and moved upon it in the spring of 1896. He immediately commenced putting up buildings and breaking up the prairie preparatory io: crops. While on the farm he taught school again 'luring the winter months. On June 30, 1897, he married Louisa A. Legvold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hafts E. Legvold of Bricelyn, Faribault Co., oMinn., Mrs. J. LEONARD UNDEM Is a native of Chicago, and was born May 21, 1880, his parents (S. L. and Susan Undem) being from Norway. Leonard, as he is familiarly J. Leonard Undem. called by his friends, was educated in the Chi- cago public schools, but had a liking for the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 509 grocery business, and early sought and secured a position in the retail store of his uncle. He worked at the retail grocery business for five or six years, but, seeing no chance for advancement, . he resigned and took a business course at the Chicago Athenjeum. He worked his way through college by clerking for a butcher after school hours and on Saturdays. He afterward secured a place as ofifice boy with a wholesale grocery firm, the Louis W. Stayart Co., Haymarket Square, where he has since remained, having successively filled several positions, and is now one of the head salesmen for the firm. On Aug. 18, 1.903, Mr. Undem married Bertha J. Latimer, daughter of Dr. H. H. Latimer, of this city. He is a 32d-degree Mason, a member of Medinah Shrine and the Corner Stone Blue Lodge. ^ DR. MAGNUS ANDREW UNSETH, Son of Peter T. and Johanne Bj0rge Unseth, farmers, near Westby, Wis., was born Oct. 8, 1867. He attended the country public schools until 1883, when he entered upon a seven years' course at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. He graduated in the spring of 1890, with the degree of A.B. In the fall of that year he entered upon a three years' course of study in medicine at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and graduated in 1893 with the degree of M.D. He immediately opened an office in Chicago and commenced the practice of medicine as a physician and surgeon. On Nov. 27, 1895, he was married to Clara T. Wulff, daughter of John and Laura Wulff, of Chi- cago. They have two children — Malcom, born Aug. 15, 1898, and Helen Laura, born March 18, 1904. In 1895 Dr. Unseth was appointed medical in- spector of the department of health in Chicago, in which position he served for two years. He was also for several years a member of the staff of attending surgeons to the Norwegian Luth- eran Tabitha Hospital. He has for several years been an examining physician for a number of societies, and during the last six years has been one of the regular medical examiners for the Prudential Life Insurance Company of America. In a competitive civil service examination for the position of assistant city physician of Chicago he holds the distinction of being number two on the list. He has also taken other civil-service ex- aminations and is on the eligible list as attend- ing physician to the insane, poorhouse and con- sumption hospital at Dunning, but declined to accept the position when offered. Dr. Magnus A. Unseth. Dr. Unseth's parents are living. Three years ago they retired and are now living in their beau- tiful home in the town of Westby, Wis. Dr. and Mrs. Unseth are members of St. Matthews' Luth- eran Church, of Logan Square, Chicago, and re- side at 1171 N. !Maplewood avenue. JACOB LARSEN URHEIM, M.D., Was born to Lars J. and Helga L. (Lofthu's) Ur- heim, farmers in UUensvang, Hardanger, Nor- 510 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS way, April 24, 1855. In Norway he attended the common and also UUensvang Folkeh^iskole, and was confirmed in Kinsarvik's church. He came to America in 1876, going to Rush- ford, Minn., where he located. He worked on a farm in the summer and attended school during the winter. He then went to Harmony, Minn., where he was engaged as a druggist for eight j^ears. During this time he attended the Monona Academy, Madison, Wis., one year, and in 1891 graduated from the Bennett ^ledical College, Chicago. was professor at the Bennett Medical College. He is a member of the Scandinavian Medical So- ciety, the State Society, the Eclectic Medical Society, the National Union and the Order of Foresters. His mother died in Norway in 1885) and his father on Sept. 5, 1904. The family re- sides at 933 W. Division street, opposite Hum- boldt Park, where the doctor also has his office. Dr. J. L. Urheim. Dr. Urheim's first wife, whom he married March 20, 1881, was Tilda Laugen, the daughter of Ole Laugen, of Houston, Minn. She died Dec. 12, 1891, leaving him two children — Olaf, born Nov. 20, 1883, now a practicing physician, having graduated from the Bennett Medical College in 1906, and Alice Henriette, born March 5, 1889. On April 23, 1893, the doctor married Miss Lena Williams, the daughter of Viking Will- iams, of Lee, 111. From January, 1900, to Jan- uary, 1905, the doctor was attending physician at the Cook County Hospital. In 1904-5 he OLE LARSEN UTHUS, The well known commission merchant at 178 W. Randolph street, was born in Voss, Norway, July 26, 1863. His father, Lars Thorkelson Ut- Ole L. Uthus. hus was a farmer and one of the earliest and largest merchants dealing in cattle in HalHngdal and the surrounding country. His mother's BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 511 maiden name was Torbj^r Klasdatter Gjerdnes from Voss. Our subject attended the Vosse- stranden common school and middelskole and was confirmed in the Lutheran church on Vosse- stranden. He emigrated to America in 1882 arriving in Chicago on Nov. 7. From here he went to the pineries in Wisconsin and returned the follow- ing spring to Chicago. Here he worked for seven years in the linseed oil mill of Wright & Louter until 1889 when he engaged in the milk business on his own account. He continued with same until in 1896 when he started to work in the commission business. He was employed by various firms in that line until 1900 when he engaged in the same business for himself at 178 W. Randolph street where he is still located. Mr. Uthus has been very successful as a mer- chant, possessing such qualifications as will nec- essarily lead to success, viz., energy, persever- ance and fairmindedness. He was married in Chicago to Miss Kari Nils- datter Bidne, daughter of Nils Siversen and Ber- tha (Olsdatter) Bidne. Mrs. Uthus was born at Vossestranden, Norway, March 12, 1862. They reside at 785 Cornelia street, Chicago. REV. LAURITZ A. VIGNESS. One of the notable educational institutions for which the pretty little city of Ottawa is justly famed is the Pleasant View Luther College, which thou'gh young in years has advanced to the front ranks in an incredibly short period. The building is new and modern in every re- spect, is heated by steam and lighted, by gas, and affords every comfort to the fortunate student who is enrolled as a pupil. The gentleman whose name appears at the commencement of this sketch is the president of the college, and is working indefatigably for the good of the same. His heart and soul are in the enterprise, and the genuine interest which he takes in every student must make a favorable impression upon the scholar throughout his life. In tracing the life history of the worthy pres- ident it is found that he comes from the sturdy, manly old Viking stock of Norway. His father, Ole L. Vigness, was born in Finn0, Norway. At the age of 23 the desire to see something of the world and to enter some other field of labor led him to set sail for America. Arriving here in 1856, he went to Rock county, Wisconsin, and found employment in the vicinity of Janesville. In 1859 he took up a homestead of government land in Fillmore county, Minnesota, and at the end of three years, when he had made improve- ments and had a comfortable home, he married Miss Anna Hallum, likewise a native of Norway. The mother died in 1884, leaving three sons and Rev. Lauritz A. Vigness. three daughters. Carl L., the second son, is now county superintendent of schools in Bur- leigh county, North Dakota; Mary, the wife of John Stennes, of Milan, Minn., died in 1900; Inga, who resides in Alberta, Canada, is the wife of J. Johnson; Emma and Edward are the younger members of the family. Until he was 15 years of age Lauritz A. Vig- ness attended the public schools of his native county, and early evinced unusual aptitude for books. His youthful ambition to enjoy the ad- 512 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS vantage of a collegiate education finally received fulfillment, and, after passing two years in Mar- shall (Wisconsin) Academy, he pursued a thor- ough four-year course of study in Augu'stana College at Canton, S. D. He then spent six months at Dixon College, at Dixon, III, after which he took a course at Augustana Theological Seminary, at Beloit, Iowa. From 1886 to 1890 he was professor of Latin and Greek at August- ana College. In 1890 he became a member of the faculty of the Highland Park College at Des Moines, Iowa, having charge of the classical de- partment, and for four years his labors in that well known institution met with excellent suc- cess. The presidency of Jewell Lutheran College, at Jewell, Iowa, was then tendered him, and he accepted the responsible charge. The authorities and managers of Pleasant View Luther College obtained Mr. Vigness' consent to become pre- sident of the institution, and from that time had no doubt of its future prosperity. As an edu- cator he has few superiors in this or any state, and systematic methods are noticeable in every- thing which he undertakes. On the 9th of June, 1887, the marriage of Mr. Vigness and Miss Margret Krogness was solem- nized at Larchwood, Lyon county, Iowa. Mrs. Vigness is a dau'ghter of Rev. S. M. and Johanna (Amundson) Krogness, both of whom have passed to their reward. To our subject and wife five sons and a daughter were born: Joseph Al- fred, Orrin Sylvanus, Lewis Martell, Paul Ger- hard, Lydia Ruth and Charles Krauth. The Pleasant View Luther College has several distinct departments of study, including scien- tific, literary, commercial, musical, parochial and classical. A competent instructor, a specialist as far as possible, is in charge of each depart- ment. The rooms of the stu'dents are homelike and in the boarding hall they are provided with an abundance of well prepared, nourishing food. Chapel exercises are a part of the daily routine, and here the students are admonished, brought to a keener sense of their responsibility toward God and man, and are trained in the fundamental principles of noble citizenship. The college is wonderfully prospering, and its present capacity is now well taxed. Since the fall of 1901 he has had pastoral charge of the Scandinavian Lutheran congrega- tion in addition to his duties as president of Pleasant View Luther College. As an educator he is both conservative and progressive. He believes in holding fast to the old principles which have been tested and tried and have stood the test of time. This, however, does not prevent him from being at all times ready to consider critically and estimate at their proj er value the' newer views that are from time to time promulgated by edu'cational thinkers. The policy of the institution under his care is stated in the following extract from the cata- logue: "To give the rising generation a thorough training on a basis doctrinally conservative, edu- cationally progressive, is the purpose of Pleasant View Luther College." ?j? TOBIAS H. VARLAND Was born in Varland sogn, near Stavanger, Nor- way, Jan. 10, 1855. His father (a farmer in Norway) was Halvor Varland and his mother's maiden name Siri Torbj^rnsdatter Eie. Our sub- ject worked on his father's farm until 18, at- tended school, and was confirmed in Finnjrf church, in Norway. He came to America in the summer of 1873, arriving in Leland, III., Ju'ne 14. He went to his uncle, Ole Thomson, a farmer who now lives at Deer Park, Ala. Our subject worked on the farm by the month for six years. He married Miss Malinda Johnson, of Platt- ville. III, Feb. 24, 1880. His wife's parents were Andrew H. and Sarah (Baker) Johnson, Mrs. Varland being a sister of ex-Judge Johnson, of Ottawa. He then secured some land of his own in Mil- ler township. La Salle county, and has been farming it since, having added to his holding from time to time, and now cultivates 240 acres. He also owns a 300-acre farm in Baker county, Minn., and a store, in partnership with Judge Johnson, in Seneca, 111. Our subject is a mem- ber, songleader and deacon of Stavanger Luth- eran Church, in La Salle cou'nty. He was also one of the incorporators of the Pleasant View Luther College, at Ottawa, and has always pat- ronized it by donations and by sending his chil- dren to it. Mr. and Mrs. Varland have been blessed with thirteen children, all living — Harvey Elmer, born Nov. 21, 1880; Sina Margaret, Sept. 4, 1882; Arthur Zenus, June 29, 1884; Orville LeRoy, Dec. 1, 1886; Walter Baker, Jan. 9, 1889; Hazel Theresa, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 513 c > 514 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Feb. 17, 1891; Edgar Alexander, Oct. 3, 1894; Merrill Chester, Oct. 18, 1896; Esther Marie, April 21, 1898; Ruth Naomi, July 16, 1899; Freda Gertrude, Nov. 10, 1901; Truman Milo, June 18, 1903; James Gordon, May, 9, 1905. Of the chil- dren all are at home except Harvey, who is farming in North Dakota, and Sina, who is teach- ing school and living with her brother in Dakota. Orville is a student at Pleasant View College. Taught school for several years. Commenced reading law at Leiand, 111.; studied nights and Saturdays. Went thence to Chicago and finished his reading with the law firm of English & Hef- feran. Was admitted to the bar May 7, 1897, and since then has been engaged in the general prac- tice of law with offices in the Ashland Block, Chicago. Jan. 24, 1900, he was married to Miss Anna Thompson, of Leiand, 111. ^ GOODMAN WALLEM. THOMAS ENGELSON WATERDAL. Goodman Wallem was born in Adams town- vV^jth Adams Bros. & Co., the building material ship. La Salle county, Illinois, Oct. 7, 1864. At- and elevator manufacturers, at 355 Thirty-first Goodman Wallem. Thomas E. Waterdal. tended district school, the Morris Normal street, was born in Waterdal, Onarkeim sogn, School and the Dixon (111.) Business University. Tysnaes prestegjeld, Norway, on Jan. 5, 1855. His BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 515 parents were Engel Thorbjjzirnsen and Christi Henricksdatter. His early life was spent in the country, but at the age of 18 years he went to sea as a sailor from Bergen. When of military age he served for three years in the infantry of the Norwegian army. He came to America in 1884 and sailed on the lakes until 1895, when he associated himself with Adams Bros. & Co., Chicago. He belongs to the Norwegian Lutheran Church. Lutheran Home and Hospital since 1904. He has many private students. From 1895 to 1897 he was manager of the male department at the Home Sanitarium at Racine, Wisconsin, and in 1893-95 was with the Wabash Rail- way Hospital at Moberly, Mo. When he first came to Chicago he found English, German and Swedish masseurs, but not one Norwegian. He decided, however, that Chicago was a good field for his work, and determined to spread the knowledge of massage and the Swedish move- ments among his countrymen and thus establish ^ HENRY CORNELIUS WEARDAHL, The professional masseur and instructor in prac- tical massage and Swedish movements, at 800 N. Washtenaw avenue, was born in Trondhjem, Norway, Nov. 8, 1865. His father, Andreas M. Weardahl, was a watchmaker in Norway. Our su'bject attended betalingsskolen in Trondhjem and studied Swedish movements and massage under his uncle, Fanejunker Ole Tellesbjzie in Trondhjem, in 1886. He also took a course at the Chicago School of Psychology in 1900. He was confirmed in the Cathedral, (Domkirken) at Trondhjem. He came to New York on May 5, 1889, and Chicago on the 7th. In 1890 he went to Spring- field, 111., but returned to Chicago in 1893. In the fall of that year he went to Moberly, Mo., where he was attendant at the Wabash Railroad Hos- pital until 1895, when he went to the Home Sani- tarium, at Racine, Wis. In 1897 he returned to Chicago and located permanently. He was married to Hanna Olsen Djzile, daugh- ter of Ole P. and Sofie D^le, of Fj^resfjord, Hau- gesund, Norway, on Oct. 4, 1900. They have one child, a son, Arlin Andreas, born March 23, 1903. Mr. Weardahl served ninety days as a guard in the Norwegian army on Varnesmoen, near Trond- hjem. He has been a member of the Interna- tional Order of Good Templars since May, 1881, is state deputy for Illinois, and has held all of- fices in the subordinate lodge of which he is a member. He has been an instructor in practical massage and Swedish movements since 1895. As such he has held positions with the Norwegian Henry C. Weardahl. for himself a permanent business. It has taken him several years and he has frequently been obliged to leave the city in order to earn enough money to continue the work. His efforts have been crowned with success, however, and Mr. Weardahl is now satisfied with the results ob- tained. He has always been an active worker in the temperance cause since he engaged in the work in 1881. For the last four years he has been the leader in the Norwegian lodges of the city. In 516 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS recognition of his services in this work he was, on the 25th of last May, presented with a gold watch by Norr^nna Lodge. CLARENCE S. WILLIAMS, At present county clerk for Kendall county, at Yorkville, 111., was born in Chicago, Aug. 10, 1873. His parents were William and Belle (Lee) Williams. His father was a clothing merchant. Aug. 24, 1898. They have two daughters — Jean- nette, born July 18, 1899, and Gladys Evelyn, born- April 2, 1905. Mr. Williams was elected county treasurer of Kendall county Aug. 8, 1898, and count} clerk Nov. 7, 1902. He was renominated for clerk by the republican county convention on Aug. 4, 1906, and in November elected by a large major- ity of votes. He has served four years as treas- urer and four years as clerk, with another term to his credit. He is a member of the Yorkville city council, having served four years. He has also been vice-president and president of the Yorkville Business Men's League. He is a mem- ber of the M. W. A. of A. and the Royal Neigh- bors. His father died in Springfield, 111., in April, 1892. Clarence S. Williams. Clarence attended the public school at Newark xintil 14 years o.ld, when he began clerking. He worked for nine years in the mercantile business at Newark and Millbrook. He married Miss Mary Etta Budd, daughter of Jacob and Margaret A. Budd, of Millbrook, 111., EDWARD IVER WILLIAMS. Edward I. Williams, residing at 104 N. Centre avenue, Chicago, was born June 20, 1867, of Norwegian parentage, and was educated in the public schools of this city. At one time he was engaged in the grocery business, and for twelve years held the position of head cashier and credit man for the well known commission firm of H. L. Brown & Co. After retiring from the com- mission business Mr. Williams opened up the Edward I. Williams & Company Subdivision, in the northwest part of Chicago, commonly kno-win as Irving Park. In 1896 Mr. Williams was appointed a deputy coroner under George Berz. After remaning in that position four years he was appointed minute clerk of the county board under Peter B. Olsen. Mr. Williams has large business interests in the northwest part of Chicago, was secretary of the Milwaukee Avenue Co-Operative Store, one of the largest department stores on the north- west side, where over 250 hands were employed. He has been a director of the Mount Olive Cemetery for over sixteen j^ears, and is now vice-president. Mr. Williams has always taken an active part in politics, and on Nov. 7, 1905, was elected trustee of the sanitary district of Chicago. Mr. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 517 Williams has been connected with several fra- Torris Wold & Co., large manufacturers of can ternal organizations, and has occupied high of- fices in same, namely chancellor commandery of the Knights of Pythias, Godival Lodge, No. 512, and was regent of Prairie State Council, Royal Arcanum, No. 912, and also a member of the Eagles, and various other fraternal organiza- tions. E. I. Williams. Mr. Williams' father, Ole Williams, was one of the earliest Norwegian settlers in Chicago, at one time had extensive marine interests in the city, and was considered one of the largest lake vessel owners among the Norwegians at that time. He kept the old Williams Hotel, at 59-61 E. Kinzie street, which was the headquarters for all the Norwegians arriving in Chicago from the old country. ALFRED N. WOLD Is a native of Chicago, a son of Torris and Han- na (Hvid) Wold. His father is president of machinery. Our subject was born Jan. 20, 1876. He attended the public schools and the Metro- politan Business College. Was confirmed by Rev. Torgersen. Began the active work of life as a clerk with J. L. Fulton, a cement con- tractor, in 1892, and later was bookkeeper and cashier for Torris Wold & Co. He then engaged in the undertaking business with his uncle and cousin on Grand avenue. He is a member of the Alfred N. Wold. Men's Burial Society, Blair Lodge A. F. and A. M., Chicago Lodge, No. 91, A. O. U. W.; Friendship Court, T. B. H., and Northfellow's Supreme Lodge. He is receiver for the Chi- cago Lodge, No. 91, A. O. U. W. June 26, 1901, he was married to Louise B. Olsen, a daughter of Knud and Andrea Olsen, from Christiania, Norway. They have two chil- dren — Hallie, Andrea, born May 22, 1902, and Torris Alfred, born March 11, 1905. The family resides at 476 Potomac avenue. 518 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS NELS BERNHARD WOLD, Of the well known undertaking firm Wold & Wold, was born in Chicago March 10, 1876. His father was Bernt M. and his mother Josephine (Hansen) Wold, both deceased. Mr. Wold received his primary education in the Chicago public schools and was then sent to Ber- gen, Norway, where he remained three years studying under a private tutor and being con- firmed in the cathedral of Bergen. Upon his return to Chicago he entered a busi- ness college and having finished a course there joined' his father in the undertaking business. Mr. Wold and wife are members of Bethany Congregational church and reside at 596 N. Sacramento avenue. TORRIS WOLD, President of Torris Wold & Co., machinists and manufacturers of can-making machinery, at 58-70 N. Jefferson street, Chicago, was born in Quamsjii Sogn, Norway, on June 19, 1847. His father. Nils Wold, was a merchant in Norway; his mother's maiden name was Dorothea Lemmicka. His moth- er died in Norway in 1849 and his father in 1881. Torris Wold. Nels B. Wold. On June 10, 1903, Mr. Wold was married to Miss Marion Wingard, a daughter of Frederick and Mary Wingard, of Chicago. They have had one child, a girl, who died in infancy. Mr. Wold is a Free Mason, a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Singing Society "Bjorg- Torris attended the common schools, and after vin", the National Union, the "I Will" lodge, being confirmed in the Lutheran Church in Vik, Knights of Honor, Leif Erikson, R. H. K., the he sailed for one year. He then went to Bergen Northfellows Supreme lodge, and "Haabets and mastered the profession of an optician. He Anker". came to America in 1869 via Montreal and di- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 519 rect to Chicago, where he has remained continu- ously since. He was married on Sept. 19, 1871, to Hanna Zahl Hvid, of Nordlandet, Norway, her parents being Arnt Hvid and Hanna Zahl Hvid. Three children were born to them, two now living — Hallie Wold, who married H. H. Lyche, of H. H. Lyche & Co., manufacturers, 908 Security Building, and Alfred N. Wold, who married Louise Olsen, of Christiania, Norway. Upon arrival in Chicago Mr. Wold took up the machinist trade and later had charge of the die work in the shop of the G. A. Crosby Co. from 1876 to 1886. At that time he engaged in busi- ness for himself, making a specialty of manu- facturing machinery for making all kinds of cans. Mr. Wold is a member of the Norwegian Luth- eran Church and the Old Peoj^le's Home So- ciety. The family resides at 251 Humboldt boule- vard. the said company he was sent as one of their representatives to the World's Fair at St. Louis in 1904. After the Fair was closed, he was put in charge of dismantling the large Allis-Chalmers ALBERT HALVOR 0STBERG Was born at Fredriksstad, Norway, Oct. 8, 1880. His parents were Alexander P., a wholesale and retail paper dealer, and Gunda (Sjrfrlie) 0stberg. Our subject received his primarj' education first in the Middelskole, then one year at the Gj'mna- sium and finally in the Fredriksstad technical evening school, whereupon he was apprenticed, in 1897, at the large machine shops of Fredriks- stad. In order to complete his technical education he was sent abroad to Germany where he after some years' intense study graduated from the Polytechnicum of Mittweida, Saxony, in 1902. In 1903 Mr. 0stberg concluded to seek a larger field for his activities and came to this country, landing in New York March 16. He worked there for a while as mechanical draftsman, but soon went west to St. Paul, Minn., arriving there in June of the same year. We next find him with the Allis-Chalmers Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., in the capacity of erecting engineer. By A. H. 0stberg. Co.'s engine, which among the authorities went under the name of "The Old Reliable". This engine which could develop 7,500 h. p. was the most powerful compound engine ever exhibited at any World's Fair. It required 47 railroad cars to ship it to the shops at Milwaukee, the total weight of the engine being 720 tons. Mr. 0stberg has also been engaged in erecting one of the 5,000 h. p. steam turbines, which Allis- Chalmers Co. installed for the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co. During one year Mr. 0stberg has been connected with the C. B. & Q. R. R. as inspector of patterns, and in this capacity he traveled over this whole system. At the present time he is employed as car designer with the -Armour Car Lines, of Chicago. SUPPLEMENT Ill this part we present some articles, sketches and pictures, which reached us too late to be given the places where they really belong, as well as a few additions to articles and sketches in the main body of the volume. In a new edition these addenda will be put into their proper places. We invite any one noticing errors or omissions in the book to send in the corrections to the editor, who will see that they are promptly made for a contemplated new issue. Societies or individuals, who did not furnish us with their data for this first edition, will have another chance, if they respond more promptly to this last call. b23 THE NORWEGIAN TABITHA HOSPITAL, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS By Dr. Karl F. M. Sandberg. The early history of the Norwegian Tabitha Society has been so fully and ably described on page 135 of this work that I shall not repeat it here but simply refer the readers to that page. At the laying of the corner stone of the Tabitha hospital, Francisco and Thomas streets, June 3, 1893, the differences of opinion and the bitter feel- lings, that for a number of years had existed be- tween the two main factions of the Norwegian Lutheran Church in America, The United Church and- the Svnod for the. Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, again found a new expression. To the suggestion that prayers should have a part on the program for this occasion, it Tvas objected on the part of the. Synod that pray- ers should be left out for the reason that the rnembers of the Synod and those of the United Church differed so much on vital religious points that they would not even pray together. The corner stone was therefore laid not in the name of God, as desired by one faction of the society, Tjut in the name of the Norwegian-American People, and from this time on it became more and more evident that the bone of contention within the society was, which one of the two church factions, the United Church or the Synod, should gain control of the institution. The Synod by hoisting the national flag and advocating a na- tional rather than a religious hospital drew z number of non-synod people to its side and at the annual meeting in 1895 came out victorious, the issue in the election being, whether the hos- pital should have trained nurses or deaconesses to take care of the sick. The opening festival of the hospital took place on the 24th day of Oc- tober, 1894, and the first patient was admitted in December of the same year. 190 patients were treated during the year 1895, 338 during the year 1900, and 573 during the year 1906. During the first years of the hospital's existence old people to the number of nine were' taken in and given a home for the rest of their natural lives. After the establishment of the Norwegian Old People's Home, at Norwood Park, this branch of the in- stitution was discontinued; two went to the Nor- wegian, on© to the Danish Old People's Home; one has died, so that but five of the old people still remain in the institution. Shortly after the opening of the hospital a training school for nurses was established with a two years' course and the nursing of the patients has always been done by pupils of this school. Miss Mai:tha B. Ellingson, a graduate of the Illinois Training School for Nurses of Chicago, was the first supei- intendent of nurses, and a great deal of the suc- cess of the hospital has been due to the skill and thoroughness, with which she, from the very be- ginning, arranged the various departments of the institution. The present superintendent of nurses, ]\Iiss Clara Savereide, is a graduate of the hospital's own training school, and to her finan- cial talent the hospital is mainly indebted for its present favorable economical condition. A med- ical staff of Scandinavian physicians, men and women, has always been connected with the hos- pital. The present members of this staff are: Dr. Marie A. Olson, Dr. Helga Ruud, Dr. Valborg Sogn, Dr. Peter Bassoe, Dr. Anders Doe, Dr. Andreas Kl0vstad, Dr. N. T. Quales, Dr. Charles F. Roan, Dr. Karl F. M. Sandberg, Dr. Karl L. Thorsgaard. Dr. Christian Fenger was for a number of years and up to his death surgeon-in- 525 526 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS chief to the hospital. Since his death this posi- tion has been filled by Dr. Karl F. M. Sandberg. Seven branches of the Tabitha Society con- sisting mainly of members of the United Church withdrew in a body from the society after their defeat at the annual election in 1895, and the af- fairs of the society and the hospital were left in the hands of the remaining five branches, made up of members of the Synod and others. These co-operated harmoniously for a while, but from year to year little frictions began to develop. The Synod ministers and some of their followers be- gan to 'raise objections against charity balls and against the selling of chances at bazars; charity majority of the members of the board of direc- tors shall be members (in good standing) of con- gregations belonging to the Synod for the Nor- wegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Amer- ica." The motion did not receive the necessary number of votes, but was again proposed at the annual meeting in 1902. A long agitation with newspaper writings, public meetings and discus- sions and a large increase in the membership of the society had preceded this. The feelings were running high, and the Synod party on the one side, and the National party on the other, were gathering their forces for the final battle, the an- nual meetin of 1902. After two or three hours* The Norwegian Tabitha Hospital. balls and bazars being the main undertakingi, whereby funds were raised for the support of the institutions. They went to the extent of warning members, over whom they had influence, from at- tending these affairs. The Synod faction had a majority in the board of directors and also in the nominating committee; the function of this last one was to nominate all candidates for the board of directors as well as for other committees, and by having control over this the Synod people were able to perpetuate themselves in control. To make their influence absolute and give them not only control, but possession, it was finally proposed to the annual meeting of 1901, that "a skirmishing between the two, almost evenly num- bered factions, the National party finally got con- trol of the meeting, and the Synod party, after vainly attempting to block the proceedings, bolted in a body and left the hall. The National party proceeded with the regular order of business, elected new members for the board of directors and the committees, and after the meeting pro- cee'ded to organize its board of directors and take charge of the affairs of the institution. The Synod faction, however, claiming that these pro- ceedings had been illegal, issued a call for an- other annual meting and elected another board of directors and committees and later instituted A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS 527 quo warranto proceedings against the National board of directors. The case was, however, decided in favor of the National party, and the war was over. Since then the society and the hospital has been in the hands of the National party, the Synod party having withdrawn in a body from the society after their defeat in court. The word Lutheran, which originally formed a part of the name of the society as well as of the hospital, and which was inscribed on the front of the hos- pital building, has, by action of the society, been removed from the name as well as from the building. The Synod ministers of Chicago, who for years had conducted daily religious services at the hospital, discontinued these after their defeat in the society and in the court. The mem- bers of the present board of directors are Dr. Marie A. Olson, president; Mr. John Olson, vice- president; Mr. Johan Waage, treasurer; Miss Johanna Olson, secretary; Mr. S. E. Smeby, Mr. Charles Hanson, Miss Laura koyelsen, Mr. H. G. Holtan, Dr. Valborg Sogn. The hospital is well equipped in all its de- partments and running on a very sound financial basis, the indebtedness of different kinds grad- ually having been reduced so that only a mort- gage of $3000.00 still remains on the property which is valued at $40,000. Much credit for this is due to the great interest and untiring efforts of the present president. Dr. Marie A. Olson, vho for several years has filled this positid. The United Church. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Rowe, Illinois. By Rev. C. Michaelsen. The Norwegian settlement in the vicinity of Pontiac is originally a branch or an extension of the Fox River or Lisbon and Leland settlements north. As early as 1853 two or three families moved in from Otter Creek, Illinois. In 1862 six or eight families were scattered over an area of fifteen miles. Houses were built wherever con- venient regardless of roads. The prairie was covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, but swampy. A writer at the time says: "Where the frogs do crow and the ducks do quake down in the pond country Pontiac." Then the price of the land was from five to ten dollars an acre; now it sells from one hundred and twenty-five to two hundred dollars an acre. Due to efficient tiling practically no swampy land is to be found now. Among the settlers were two married daugh- ters of Gunnar Oakland of Leland. Moved by concern for them as well as others he asked Rev. Aasmund Johnsen to visit the colony, which he did, accompanied by Oakland. They reached their destination on the Saturday before Palm Sunday, having been three days on their way. Three per- sons on horseback were sent out to announce the service which was to be held the following day. Palm Sunday, in a school house. All the people responded. This was the first divine service held by a Norwegian Lutheran minister in the settle- ment. No congregation was organized then, as things looked discouraging to Rev. Johnsen. In the fall of the same year Mr. Oakland persuaded Rev. Peter A. Asbj0rnsen, a man endured to hardship, to go with him, which he did, and the result was that in 1864 the first Lutheran congregation was organized in the settlement with ten families. The congregation joined the Norwegian Luther- an Augustana Synod. Soon Mr. Oakland moved from Leland and joined the church. Shortly after, Mr. Asbj0rnsen went to live in his new charge, working a farm which he rented and preaching evenings and Sundays. In 1865 the first church was built. Trouble commenced about the site. This and offense at remarks made by Asbj0rnsen, who was a very outspoken man, caused three families to leave the congregation. They called Rev. P. A. Rasmussen of Lisbon to their assistance, and in 1868 Rev. Rasmussen or- ganized a Norwegian Lutheran Synod Church. People continued to move in from the older settlements and from Norway. Some joined the old congregation, others the new one. The ministers in charge of the Norwegian Synod church were: Rev. O. Estr^m, C. Olsen, Welo, Helgesen, N. Arvesen. and O. Saue. The pastors of the Augustana congregation were: David Lysnes, O. C. Anderson, O. Tjoms- land, Berthel Thorsen. In 1890 the Anti-Mis- sourian Brotherhood, the "Konferents," and Au- gustana Synod united, forming the United Nor- wegian Lutheran Church. This was the signal for the Synod Church at Rowe (a little railroad station that had sprung up in the settlement) 538 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS which had taken a stand with the Anti-Missour- ians and the Augustana Church, to join hands, which they did, naming the new congregation St. Paul Lutheran Church. Rev. D. A. Skare of the Augustana congregation became the pastor of the new congregation. Rev. O. R. Sletten was his successor. The pastor at present in charge is Rev. C. Michaelsen. The congregation at pres- ent numbers about fifty voting members, and some two-hundred souls; it has two ladies' aid societies, a Luther league society for young peo- ple; Sunday-school. Norwegian parochial school is held from six to eight weeks every sunimer. Services are conducted in the Norwegian lan- guage Sunday forenoons, in English, evenings. Among the very earliest members who reso- lutely, have weathered the difficulties, the congre- gation passed through, J. Q. Johnsen, O. H. Olsen Hammerwa, Newton Mitchell, Henrik Larsen Hovda, and Andrew Erickson, deserve to be remembered. Later members, heads of families, are: Olaus K. Olsen, John O. Johnsen, Mrs. Jakobsen Tys- dal, Lars Engelsen, Jakob Jakobsen Str0m, Hans Wickse, Halvor Buland, Andrew Fosseen, Alfred Erickson, Ed. Melland, Knut Tuttle, Lars Har- restad, Berthel Munson. Some of these have died, but their descendants are active members of the church. Included in the same charge as St. Paul church, is Ransom Lutheran congregation. Ransom, Illi- nois. It numbers about one hundred members all told. It has a Luther league and ladies' aid so- ciety, Sunday-school, and a Norwegian parochial school is conducted six weeks every summer. The third congregation in the charge is Mud Creek Lutheran church, ten miles north-east from Rowe numbering about fifty souls. All three congregations have comfortable church edifices. St. Paul congregation owns, be- sides, a large good parsonage. These settlements are not large. At first glance their history may not seem worth mentioning. But they prove the thrift of our people that, how- ever small compared to some of their sisters nevertheless deemed it essential to organize con- gregations, build churches and maintain the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments in their midst. May this char- acteristic always be true of their descendants. ST. MARK'S EVANGELICAL CHURCH LUTHERAN of the Synod for the Norwegian Evangelical Lu- theran Church in America, corner Tripp and Wabansia avenues, Chicago. By Rev. John A. Moldstad. The origin of this congregat'on dates back to the early Nineties. A Sunday school was organ- ized on Fortieth avenue near Grand avenue and later moved to the German Missouri Church, cor. of Springfield avenue and Hirsch street. Rev. Olaf E. Brandt, of Lake View, who now is a professor at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., conducted the school for some time, and his sucessor, Rev. S. T. Reque, continued the work until the autumn of 1897. Then the school was made a part of a mission in charge of Rev. John R. Birkelund, who had returned from the mission field of Japan in the spring of 1897 in order to study medicine. Services were now also held in a hall on Hancock avenue and Bloomingdale road. The work pro^ gressed, and the field soon became too large for Rev. Birkelund alone, so Rev. O. K. Ramberg was called. He divided the territory into two parishes, first organizing St. Matthew's at Logan Square and then some time later St. Marks. The first congregational meeting was held March 2, 1900, at the German Lutheran Church, and those present were Rev. O. K. Ramberg, Theodor Olsen, Hans E. Herwig and Bernhard Anderson. At this meeting it was decided to organize a congregation, to adopt a constitution, and to rent a vacant store building on North avenue, between Harding and Springfield avenues. This store building remained the meeting place of the congregation for more than tour years. During the first year and a half the congregation was served by Rev. O. K. Ramberg; but in Sept. 1901 it was made a separate parish in charge of Rev. Theo. Ringoen, who is at present the prin- cipal of The H. A. Preus Lutheran Academy at Albion, Wis. He remained here until July 1904, when he resigned in order to accept a pastorate at Deerfield Wis. During the summer of 1904 the congregation was served by Rev. M. K. Bleken of St. John's and Mr. John A. Moldstad, who was a student at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Previously the congregation had bought two lots on the corner of Tripp and Wabansia avenues, and in August 1904 the erection of the basement of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 529 future church was begun. On Sept. 11, 1904 the new pastor, Rev. Lauritz S. Guttebo, was installed and on Nov. 20, the church was dedicated and occupied. In Feb. 1906 Rev. Guttebo became ill, and the congregation voted him a vacation, while Rev. John R. Birkelund, the Synod's City Missionary, was called as pastor during his absence. Rev. Guttebo's health improved very slowly, and he Rev. John A. Moldstad. therefore found it necessary to resign from his pastorate. He preached his farewell sermon on Easter Sunday, April 15. On the following even- ing a meeting was held when it was decided to extend a call to Mr. John A. Moldstad, of Con- cordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. After his gradu- ation he accepted the call and was ordained here on Sunday, July 15, 1906. Almost from the very beginning of the congre- gation services have been conducted in both Nowegian and English, and the past year the morning service on the first Sunday of every month has been held in English. Strenuous efforts have been made to provide for the Christian edu- cation of the young. During the summer months vacation school is held, and the remainder of the year school has been conducted every Saturday morning. The morning Sunday school has an en- rollment of one hundred seventy-five and an actu- al attendance of about one hundred thirty-five children. Since Feb., 1907, an afternoon Sunday school also has been conducted. The congregation has been supported partly by subsidies from the Home Mission Treasury of the Synod and by a loan of $1,800 from the Synod's Church Extension fund. The work has prospered, so that the congregation, which at present numbers about 125 souls, owns property valued at about $4500 upon which the only debt is the Church Extension loan of $1,800. A very active and important factor in the pro- gress of the congregation has been its Ladies' Aid Society, which was organized in July 1900. During the year 1906 alone this society paid off $511.50 of church debt besides numerous other donations. There is also a Young Ladies' Society, a Young Men's Society, and a Church Choir all of which have aided the church in a financial way. Rev. Moldstad's biography appears on page 421. THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY ULA- BRAND. The Young People's Society Ulabrand is one of the youngest, but nevertheless one of the strongest as regards membership and "The most popular Norwegian Society in Chicago," a title which it won at a contest arranged by the Nor- wegian Turn Society in 1906. From a modest beginning with less than a dozen members it possesses at this day a membership list with about 150 names. Ulabrand was organized April 27, 1905. by a few young men, the majority of whom were from Skien, Norway, and it was decided from the out- set to admit ladies as members of the society. Thus this became the first Norwegian Society in 530 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Chicago organized upon the same principles as the Norwegian Young People's Societies (Norske Ungdomsforeninger), which in the later years have taken such a conspicuous part in the literary, political and social life of our Fathers' land. At the second meeting therefrom a few young ladies joined the new-born Society, and these enterprising young men and women at once pro- ceeded to carry out the aims of the society as set forth in its constitution and by-laws. Their never ceasing work was crowned with success, so much indeed, that Bowes Hall on Noble and Erie streets, which was rented after a couple of meet- ings in the small Annex Hall became too little, and new quarters were engaged in Wabansia Hall, Wabansia and California avenues.' The first president of Ulabrand was Benjamin Johnsen Nesgrave, who was succeeded by John Gjulem. They each served one term. Then came Lars A. Bergan, who was elected for two consecutive terms. The present officers are as follows: Lars J. Siljan, president; Miss Maren Abrahamsen, vice-president; Anton Darell, secretary; Carl Restvedt, financial secretary, and Eugene Jacobsen, treasurer. Ulabrand's present representatives in the Nor- wegian National League are Lars A. Bergan and Lasse C. Grundeland. Lars J. Siljan. and later promoted to various other positions until he was made assistant purchasing agent in 1902. That such an important position was given to a man less than twenty years of age is the best testimonial of his ability and honesty. A. M. Anderson. Biographical Sketches. ARTHUR MATHIAS ANDERSON, Mr. Anderson who is still single resides with his parents at 470 Austin avenue. " He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Van Buren Lodge. Assistant purchasing agent for Rand McNally & Company, Chicago, was born in this city Novem- ber 18, 1883. His father is the well-known manu- facturer of Cracker Machinery, Hans M. L. An- derson and his mother Jennie Emelia (nee Mun- son) Anderson. Mr. Anderson was educated in the public schools of Chicago and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He then took a course at the Metro- politan Business College, from which he gradu- ated in 1898. Ever since, then he has been connected with the large publishing and printing house of Rand Mc- Nally & Company first in the capacity of bill clerk •^ KNUD O. BOLSTAD Is one of the older Norwegian settlers in Chicago and a member of the Olson Manufacturing Co., which for over forty years has been making trousers for the American people, from Chicago to the Pacific coast. He was born ai Voss, Nor- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 531 way, November 5, 1844. His father was Ole Michaelson Bolstad, and his mother's maiden name was Anna Henricksdatter. After having attended the public schools he waa apprenticed to a tailor, and worked at that trade, until he was twenty years of age, when he emigrated to America, coming over in theVictor Emanuel, Captain Ibsen. In Chicago he was met by Knud B. Olson, an old friend from Voss, who had come to America two years previously, and started a tailor shop. Mr. Bolstad took up his home with and commenced to work for Mr. Olson. Since 1866 he has been associated with K. O. Bolstad. him in business. In 1894, the Olson Manufactur- ing Co. was organized. They have a large and commodious establishment at 741-745 Elk Grove ave., near North and Milwaukee avenues, and employ a large number of workers, mostly women. They turn out an immense amount of work during the year, exclusively trousers for the trade, Mr. Bolstad acting as foreman since the organization of the corporation. On March 9, 1868, Mr. Bolstad was married to Miss Elizabeth Rasmussen, of Stavanger, with whom he had seven children: Arthur, Oliver^ Stella Marion, Emma Josephine, Alma Henrietta, Theodore, Herbert Clarence and Luella. Five of them are alive, Arthur Oliver and Emma Josfe- phine having passed away. He is a Lutheran by faith, and for many years was a trustee of Our Savior's Church; he is also a member of the Tabitha Hospital Society. Mrs. Bolstad departed from this life in 1873. Mr. Bolstad believes that he has a better knowl- edge of the time when Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over the lamp which started the Chicago fire, and had a better chance for observing its progress than most others. He had just finished a house for himself three weeks before the fire, and on that memorable Sunday evening, Oct. 8, 1871, sat out- side with his tenant, Ole Foss, and a friend, Louis Lund. At that time the court-house bell would be rung when a fire was reported. As a rule each house had a fire-alarm in the kitchen, and a device which indicated in what part of the city the fire had started. Mr. Bolstad is positive that it was at 10:30 on that sultry, windy evening, when the court-house bell first commenced tolling. Almost all good citizens in the city had gone to bed, and Mr. Bolstad presumes that when they heard the bell, and went up examining the indicator, finding that the fire had started on the south-west side, the people went back to rest. Mr. Bolstad and his friends sat listening to the bell, which after a while tolled incessantly, and then walked down to the river and took position first on one and then on another bridge from where they could observe the approaching avalanche of fire. They remained there, until they had to run for their lives among falling sparks and burning shingles in crossing the Rush street bridge, the Clark street bridge being on fire, and found their way back to Superior and Sedgwick streets, where both he and his partner had their homes. They met very few people, and had tg rouse Olson's family. When they arrived home at about four o'clock in the morning, even then, the people w^ould not believe that there would be any danger for their part of the city, but at nine o'clock their houses were already burning. In the meantime, they had been able to get hold of a couple of express-wagons, and with the help of their shop- men, brought their sewing machines and stock, including about 3,500 pairs of unfinished trousers to a place of safety with a friend far up the river. On Oct. 10, the day after the fire, they were able to get back to the place where their homes and household goods had vanished. With the help of their men, they started to build immediately. 583 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS and on November 1, had moved into their new shop, a 1^ story house, 32x80, where on the second floor 8 families were glad to find shelter during the winter. Mr. Bolstad resides at No. 130 N. Humboldt street. JOHN PETER SEVERIN GRAVES, Manager of the subscription department of "Skandinaven," was born at Christiania, Norway, Oct. 22, 1866, his parents being Johannes Olscn J. P. S. Graves. and Caroline (Moses) Grav. His mother's grand- father was one of the Eidsvold men, represent- ing Christiansund in that assembly. Mr. Graves attended the public school and Borgerskolen at Christiania and was confirmed in St. James' Church of that city. He later on entered the Christiania Business College, where he took a two years' course. At the age of 16 he was employed in the office of Consul Johannes Schi0tt at Christiania and at the age of 17 was put in charge of an agency of Bergen's Fire Insurance Company and Deutsche Transport Marine Insurance Company by Consul Schijzitt. In addition to the insurance business Mr. Schidtt also conducted a large commission business with Holstein, Germany, and by attend- ing to same Mr. Graves was initiated in the in- tricacies of correspondence and shipping. At the age of 19 he left Norway for America arriving in Chicago in October, 1885. Almost im- mediately he secured employment with "Skandi- naven" and worked as clerk in the subscription department of this paper until 1888, when he entered the service of Moore & Janes, fire in- surance brokers on La Salle< street, Chicago, where he remained three years, part of the time as policy clerk and later representing the firm in the Northwestern part of the city. During this period he was partly in the service of the John Anderson Publishing Company as news- paper circulator. In 1891 he reentered their ser- vice and has remained with them since, part of the time clerking in the subscription department, later in charge of the city circulation of "Skan- dinaven," until he, in 1906, was appointed man- ager of the subscription department. Mr. Graves was married, in 1893, to Miss Marie Olson, a daughter of Ole and Maren (Amundsen) Hansen, of Urskoug, Norway. They have one child, Agnes Caroline, born in 1894. Mr. Graves' father died in 1899, but his mother is still living at Christiania. LASSE C. GRUNDELAND, LL. B. Lasse C. Grunueland was born in Fresvik, Sogn, Norway, February 28, 1875. He is a son of Kristian and Solvei Grundeland, who still live in the old home in Norway. Lasse is the second of six children, being pre- ceded by his twin brother, Ole, who resides in Bergen, Norway. The only sister, Mrs. Theodore Kenseth, lives at Cambridge, Wis. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 533 Mr. Grundeland came to Koshkonong Prairie in 1892, and attended the public school and later Albion Academy, graduating from that institu- tion in 1899. During this time he worked on the farm in the summer months to obtain the neces* sary funds to continue his studies. In order to get a better command of the Eng- lish language, Mr. Grundeland entered the news- paper business after graduating from Albion. He was for some time connected with the Cambridge L. C. Grundeland. CHARLES M. HANSON Was born at Christiania, Norway, June 11, 1850. His father, Christian Hanson, was chief of the city water works in the Norwegian Capital. Charles attended the public and also evening schools in Christiania and was later apprenticed to the Nyland Machine Works, where he worked for over five years. When 21 years old he came to America going froi New York direct to Chicago. He soon found employment at his trade, and was for many years foreman with Crane Bros, and the Cottrell Printing Press Co. In 1887 he engaged in business for himself, starting a general machine shop under the firm name of C. M. Hanson & Co. He is now associated with Mr. C. E. Tunelius, under the incorporated name of Hanson & Tunelius Machine Company, at 232- 234 South Clinton street. They are designers and builders of insulating cabling and special machinery for electrical and other purposes. Having had a long and practical experience with ample facilities they are prepared to carry out any contract in their line. Mr. Hanson married Miss Lovise Olsen, also of Christiania, here in Chicago on Sept. 27, 1872. They have one daughter, Clara Olivia, married to Mr. Thomas Gough who is the proprietor of a hotel at Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Hanson's parents died in Norway over twenty-five years ago. He is a member of D. C. Cregier Lodge No. 643, A. F. & A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson lived for a number of years at 626 Roscoe street, but have lately moved into their new residence at 1186 Maple Square. AXEL HEIBERG, News, Cambridge, Wis., and for two years editor of the Orfordville, Wis., Herald. In 1904 he came to Chicago, and took up. the study of law at the John Marshall Law School. He graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, in the spring of 1907. During his years of study in Chicago, he was also in the employ of "Skandinaven," as live stock and commercial editor. Ho is not married. Of Ottawa, 111., was born in Buksness parish. Vest Lofoten, Norway, Sept. 7, 1867. His father. Dr. Jacob Andreas Heiberg, is now in Trond- hjem; his mother, Marie Andrea Nikoline (Lund) Heiberg, is the daughter of State's Attorney Lund, of Sogndal. Our subject attended the Latin school in Trond- hjem and entered the University of Christiania in 1886, where he studied medicine until the fall of 1891, when he emigrated to America. He came 534 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS to Chicago, where he entered the drug business as a clerk. He passed the required examination of a registered pharmacist in 1893, and in 1895 engaged in the drug business for himself at Car- penter street and Milwaukee avenue, Chicago. He sold out to advantage the following year and accepted the management of the Central Phar- macy at the corner of Wabash avenue and Twelfth street. In 1897 he started the first Norwegian drug store in Newark, Kendall county, which he still owns. In 1905 he bought a drug store in Ot- tawa, considered one of the best equipped phar- macies in Illinois, outside of Chicago. He then of Loyal Americans of the Republic, secretary of the Kendall county Pharmaceutical Association, member of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Associa- tion; has been a member of the republican county central committee and several times delegate to county and congressional conventions. MRS. ANNE MARIE HEIDE, Of Durand, 111., was born in Durand. Winnebago county, March 17, 1845. Her father was Niels Patterson, from Bergen, Norway. He was a black- smith, and worked at his trade for several years Axel Heiberg. moved his family to Ottawa, leaving Mr. Arne Lee in charge of his Newark store. Mr. Heiberg was married to Miss Anna Even- sen, in Chicago, Nov. 26, 1895. Mrs. Heiberg is a daughter of Ole Veblungsness Romsdalen, Nor- way, and is a sister of Dr. H. O. Evensen, of Ottawa. They have two children, twin boys. Axel Evensen and Frantz Wilhelm Mu'nthe Hei- berg, born Aug. 6, 1896. Mr. -Heiberg is a mem- ber and officer of the Newark lodge of Modern Woodmen of America, a member and secretary Mrs. Anne M. Heide. on his homestead in Laona township, but aband- oned this and devoted all his time to the farm. He was a well educated man, became a very progressive and prosperous farmer, and was re- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 535 peatedly honored by his townspeople and neigh- bors with offices of trust. Her mother was Helga Rostad, from Nummedahl, Vestlandet, Norway. The family consisted of six children — two daugh- ters and four sons — Mrs. Heide being the oldest. In 1861 Miss Anne Marie Patterson was mar- ried to Christopher Heide, a native of Kongsberg, Norway, born in 1835. He was a gunsmith by trade, but in this country settled on a farm. In August, 1862, he enlisted as a volunteer in Com- pany H, Seventy-fourth Regiment, Illinois In- fantry. He took part in no less than seventeen battles, and was wounded at Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862. He remained in the hospital that winter and joined his company again in the spring, serv- ing until the end of the war, when he was honor- ably discharged at Nashville, Tenn., the 10th day of June, 1865. He died in 1898. Mrs. Heide is the mother of eight children, namely: Theodore Christian, living at Durand and the owner and manager of the opera house, also agent for the Rockford Wood and Fuel Com- pany; Nicoline H. C, married to C. Nelson, a contractor and builder at Durand; Patterson Os- <;ar, a banker at Antler, N. D.; Thilda Marie, de- ceased; Karen Amanda, who lives with her mother; Helga Nelsine, assistant cashier with her brother in the bank at Antler, N. D.; Johanna and Ottilia, both deceased. Mrs. Heide is president of the Trinity Lutheran Aid Society of Durand, which in 1895 erected a Lutheran church, where the services and Sunday school are conducted in the English language. Their pastor is Rev. J. E. Hegg, of Beloit, Wis. Mrs. Heide still owns the farm on which she and her husband lived and worked, two miles west of town, but is now living in town, having rented the farm on shares. Having worked hard to build up the church, she now devotes with pleasure much of her time to the aid society and the Sun- day school. Mrs. Heide has had four grandchildren: Char- lotte Adrea Heide, Durand, III; Olive Adelia Nelson, deceased; Carl Heide Nelson, Durand; Hellen Marie Heide, Antler. N. D. preliminary studies he was admitted to the Uni- versity of Christiania, where he took examen artium in 1874, and examen philosophicum in 1875. He then studied medicine until 1881, when he left for America. In 1882 Dr. Holmboe was appointed mining surgeon to the West Republic Mine and other mines at Republic, Mich., which position he held until 1886, when he graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago. Later during the same year he became assistant to the renowned surgeon, Dr. Christian Fenger, and remained with him until the summer of 1889. DR. ANTON HOLMBOE Was born at Tromso, Norway, January 1, 1857, to Consul Conrad Holmboe and his wife. After Dr. A. Holmboe. In the fall of 1889 Dr. Holmboe opened an office on the North Side, Chicago, and was in general practice until the latter part of 1897, when he left for Europe. While there he was married at Copenhagen, Denmark, to Miss Julie Opstad, Dec. 20, 1897. Mrs. Holmboe is a native of Nor- way. With his wife Dr. Holmboe spent the year 1898 at Berlin, Germany, pursuing surgical studies, and returned to Chicago in January 1899. Since then his practice has been limited to general surgery. The Doctor was surgeon to the out- 536 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS door-department of the Michael Reese Hospital from 1889 to 1902; attending surgeon to the Nor- wegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital from 1895 to 1901, and was appointed attending surgeon to the Norwegian Deaconess Hospital in June 1906. He is a member of the American Medical Asso- ciation; the Chicago Medical Society; the Ger- man-American Medical Society of Chicago and of the Scandinavian-American Medical Society, of which he has been president for two terms. Dr. and Mrs. Holmboe's marital union has been blessed with two sons: Thorolf, born in Berlin, Sept. 30, 1898, and Erling, born in Chicago, May 23, 1901. Dr. Holmboe with family resides at 186 N, Humboldt street, Chicago. ELIAS JOSEPHSON. Of Leland, III., was born at Stavanger, Nor- way, May 1, 1857. His parents were Carl and Anne (Andersen) Josephson, his- father being a police officer. Young Elias was educated in the public schools of Stavanger and confirmed in St. Peter's Luther- an Church. With his parents he came to America in 1871, landing at Quebec, Canada. From there the family went to Leland, where they settled. Ever since Mr. Josephson has had to support himself by hard work in different capacities such as farm laborer, butcher, camp cook, etc., moving from one part of the countrj- \o another, visiting most of both the Northern and Southern states. He also resided at Seattle, Wash., for four years. On June, 16, 1898, Mr. Josephson married Miss Margaret Harper, a daughter of James and Eliza- beth Harper, of Leland. They have no children. In 1903 Mr. Josephson started the City Meat Market at Leland in which business he is prosper- ous, being very popular among his towns-people and the farmers in the surrounding country. He has served as collector for Adams township and is member of the board of trustees of the Village of Leland. His father departed from this life November, 28, 1897, and his mother in March 14, 1898. He is member of the M. W. A. of which society he has been treasurer. Elias Josephson. REV. PETER A. KITTILSBY Was born October 16, 1865, in Calmar, Iowa, and is the next oldest son of the pioneer Andrew L. Kittilsby who, came to Winneshiek county, Iowa, in the early fifties, and wife., Marie (nee Ander- son). He entered Luther College in 1883 and graduated as president and "salutatorian" of the class of 1888. Graduated from Luther Seminary (then at Robbingdale) in 1891. Accepted a call to Renville, Minn., the same year. In 1894 called to Red Wing, partly as pastor and partly as teacher at the newly erected Ladies' Seminary. Circum- stances however, brought him to accept a call to Buffalo, N. Y., where he labored for six years. While in Buffalo, member of the University Club through courtesy of the late. Dr. Herman Mynter. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 537 The urgent advice of friends brought him to ac- cept a call to the Lake View Norwegian Evangel- ical Lutheran Church, Chicago, where he preached his first sermon on the first Sunday in September, 1902. At present he is in charge of the church, located on the corner of Roscoe and Osgood streets. Rev. Kittilsby was married in 1891 to Miss Rev. P. A. Kittilsby. Josephine Tenold, also of Calmar, Iowa. Four children have blessed this union, Katherine Marie, born in Renville, in 1894, Esther Lorena, born in Redwing, in 1899, Helen Lucile, born in Bufifalo, in 1898, and Dorothy Adeline, born in Chicago, in 1905. The family resides in the parsonage at 1345 Roscoe street. decided that he should prepare himself for a mercantile career, for which purpose he entered Bergen's Handelsskole (The Bergen Business College), where he completed a course. After graduating he spent several years with business houses abroad. In 1882 Mr. Lange arrived in Chicago. Here he worked for several years in the circulating de- partment of different American daily newspapers, until he, in 1887, joined the editorial staflf of "Nordvesten" in St. Paul, Minn. In 1889 his A, B. Lange. ANTON B. LANGE, Editor and publisher of "Scandia," was born at Bergen, Norway, in 1857. After having received his primary education in the public schools it was services were secured b}^ Messrs. Lagro & Wal- seth for a new weekly, "Superior Posten," which they commenced to publish that year at Superior, Wis. In partnership with some Norwegian busi- ness men of Duluth, Minn., he started "Scandia" in the same year. The following year he became its sole proprietor and in 1899 changed its place of publication by moving it to Chicago, where it is still being issued. 538 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS REV. O. N. NELSON IVER OLSEN, Was born at Willmar, Minn., March 11, 1877. He was educated in the public school of his home district. At the age of 17, he entered the preparatory department of Augsburg Seminary, at Minnea- polis. In 1899 he finished at the college depart- ment. In the spring of 1903 he graduated from the theological seminary of the United Church at Rev. O. N. Nelson, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. He then ac- cepted a call from the three congregations at Mekinock, N. D. On June 21, 1903, he was ordained at the annual meeting of the United Church at Duluth, Minn. Rev. Nelson served the congregations at Meki- nock, N. D., until January, 1905, when he moved to Chicago to accept the pastorate of Emmaus Lutheran Church. He has now accepted a call from Gardener, 111, where he moved July 22, 1907. President of the Scandinavian branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, was born in Bynesset, Norway, Nov. 9, 1856. He came to the United States in 1881, stopping at Ishpeming, Mich., a short time. From here he moved to Re- public, Mich., where he remained four years work- Iver Olsen. ing hard all the time. During this period his soul was awakened, and he was converted to a true belief in God. He joined a Swedish-Lutheran church at that place and became an earnest worker in the Vineyard of the Lord. In 1884 Mr. Olsen went to Minnesota, but things did not suit him there, soi he concluded to come to Chicago. He arrived in 1886 and has remained here since. One of his first cares was to find a church home in this great city, and he was induced to join the Norwegian-Lutheran Bethania Free Church, whose pastor was the lamented Rev. J. Z. Torgersen. During many years Mr. Olsen was an ardent worker "in the Sunday school of said church. In the meantime he had become ac- quainted with the Scandinavian Y. M. C. A., BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 539 -which branch all that time held its meetings in ""Skandinaven's" building. He did not, however, ■become a member before in 1893. He had now found a field suitable for his activ- ities, and his energy came into full' display, when he was elected on a number of committees, where real, hard work was required, as for instance on the building committee. He was also twice elected to the office of vice-president and in that •capacity acted as chief for the missionary work. His fellow-members have demonstrated their ap- preciation of his valuable services by electing Mr. Olsen to the presidency of the association for ■eleven consecutive terms. ger and "Dagsposten" in Trondhjem. Mr. Ray's mother is Ragnhild Ray Olssen, now in Chicago, still active, and founder and president of "De Norske Kvinders Industriforening." Mr. Ray was married in 1890 to Ernestine LeDue, of French- English extraction, and has two daughters, Anita and Aimee, 16 and 9 years respectively. Mr. Ray commenced life as a sailor serving 13 years on the water and passing nautical ex- aminations both in Norway and England. In 1881 he came to Chicago, passed examination for evening school teacher and taught several years at the Wells public school. In 1890 he graduated from Chicago College of Law and has since been ^ HENRY B. PETERSON Was born in the vicinity of Big Grove, Ken- dall county. 111., Dec. 25, 1876. His father is Lars T. Peterson, who was born in Norway, and his mother Anne Lee, of Voss, Norway. Mr. Peterson received his education in the district school and was confirmed in the Lutheran Church by Rev. P. A. Rasmussen. He helped by working on the farm a few years, but he has mostly been working in mercantile lines. He has worked in stores in Chicago and Indiana, and was in partnership with M, S. Fries in Helmar. At the present time he is manager for Mr. Fries' store in Newark. In 1900 he was married in Helmar to Miss Eveline Ellertson, a dau'ghter of Sam Ellertson. Mrs. Peterson was born in March, 1877, in Hel- mar. Their marital union has been blessed with one son, Lyle. The family attends the Lutheran Norwegian Church of Helmar. Olaf E. Ray. OLAF EDWARD OLSSEN RAY Was born on the farm Ree, near, Levanger, Nor- way, June 27, 1856. His father, Olai Olssen, was a school teacher and afterwards became editor and founded "Nordenfjeldsk Tidende" at Levan- in active practice as attorney at law; he is senior member of the firm of Ray and Pease, 160 Wash- ington street. Politically Mr. Ray was a Jeflfersonian democrat up to 1897, when he turned republican. In 1892 he was one of the attorneys for the City of Chicago and in 1896 he was the democratic nominee for Congress in the seventh Illinois district against George Edmund Foss, who won out, the district being a republican stronghold. 540 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS In 1906 Mr. Ray was one of the representatives from the Norwegian National League of Chicago to the coronation of king Haakon VII. He has written a number of articles for Nor- wegian papers principally for "Skandinaven". DR. HELGA MARIANE RUUD Was born at Kongsberg, Norway, Dec. 28, 1860. Her parents were Nils and Birgithe Ruud. There were nine children in the family, six of whom grew up to mature age. The subject of our sketch received her first school- ing at a private school for girls and later at- tended middelskolen, from which she grad- uated in 1879. In 1880 Miss Ruud came to America, hav- ing previously obtained a position as governess to the children of Rev. Valdeland, a Lutheran minister in Clayton cou'nty, Iowa. She re- mained with this family a year. The follow- ing five years she was governess in an Ameri- can army officer's family, stationed at various places— Fort Douglas, Utah; Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; St. Louis and Chicago. In 1885 she began the study of medicine at the women's 'medical college of the North- western University, graduating in 1889. The following year she was appointed resident phy- sician to the women's department of the county insane asylum at Dunning, and remained there for five years. On leaving Dunning Dr. Ruud went to New York city, where she spent the summer and fall in study at the Post-graduate Hospital. Since 1896 she has been located in Chicago, engaged in the general practice of medicine among women and children. She was clinical professor of obstetrics at the women's medical college, Northwestern University, from 1896 to 1900. She was a member of the Chicago medical so- ciety, the American Medical Association, the Scandinavian Medical Society, the Women's Medical Club, the Women's Clinical Dispensary, of which she was president, and also secretary of the Women's Medical Club. For years she has been interested in the Tabitha Hospital, where she has been obstetrician since 1900. Dr. Ruud has an office at 34 Washington street and resides at 281 Warren avenue. REV. GEORGE ALFRED TAYLOR RYGH Was born in Chicago, March 21, 1860, his par- ents, Andrew and Andrine Rygh, having emi- grated from Norway. His early life was spent in Chicago, where he attended school, but he graduated as an A. B. from Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, in 1881, and from the Capital University, at Columbus, Ohio, with the degree of B. D., in 1884. From this time until 1889' he served congregations in Portland and Cum- berland Mills, Maine, and Berlin, N. H. He taught at the academy in Wittenberg, Wis., in 1889-90 and filled a pastorate in Grand Forks, N. D., in 1890-91. He was instructor in Scan- dinavian languages and literature at the Uni- versity of North Dakota from 1891 to 1895. He also taught English subjects. He was pastor and teacher in the Academy at Mt. Horeb, Wis., from 1895 to 1898. He then came to Chicago, where he is pastor for the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, which is affiliated with the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. He has been a member of the United Lutheran Board of Home Missions, president of the Norwegian Lutheran Children's Home Society of Chicago, and a di- rector of the Deaconess Home and Hospital. He was married Nov. 13, 1895, to Clara Louise Aaker, daughter of Lars Aaker, They have had three children; two are living. The family re- sides at 143 N. Centre avenue. LARS J. SILJAN Was born on the Siljan farm in Maelum, near Skien, Norway, Jan. 30, 1883, his parents being Johan and Aslaug (nee Siljan) Haukenaes. He was educated in the public schools of Mselum, Gjserpen and Skien until twelve years of age, and then attended Larsen's Middelskole, from which he graduated two years later. He was' confirmed in the same year by Rev. Kullerud in the Luthe- ran church of Skien. He then secured employment as a clerk, first in the custom hou:6 office at Skien and later in his uncle's grocery store at the same city. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 541 Here he also entered upon his career as a "newspaper man being enlisted on the editorial staff of "Bratsberg Amtstidende" as reporter and news-gatherer, said paper being the oldest in that part of the country. He remained in said posi- tion about one year or until the paper was sold to the proprietor of "Fremskridt", another news- paper published at Skien. He remained with that daily paper for a short time, and in 1901 he migrated to the United States, where many of his relatives had settled before. Mr. Siljan came to ■Chicago, where he spent his first year working daughter of an old Swedish settler in Chicago, Mr. Frederick Johnson. This marital union has been blessed with one child, a daughter, Evelyn Dagmar. They live at 900 N. Albany avenue. Mr. Siljan is a member of the "Young People's Society Ulabrand," of which he was elected president in 1907; of the Norwegian Turn Society; the Sleipner Athletic Club; the Norwegian De- bating Society; the Nowegian Singing Society; Nora Lodge K. & L. of H. and Nora Lodge R. H. K. Lars J. Siljan. as a machine hand with the Johnson Chair Com- pany. In 1902 he secured a position as clerk in the advertising department of "Skandinaven'*, and after a year he was promoted to the city editor- ship, which position he held for over four years, when he resigned and went to North Dakota. He did not remain there for any length of time, however, and, having returned to Chicago, again, in June 1907, became connected with "Skandi- naven". Mr. Siljan was married to Miss Hilder Johnson, of Chicago, May 16, 1905. Mrs. Siljan is a LAURITZ H. STEENSOHN, The well known reporter and news-gatherer on the editorial stafif of the daily "Skandinaven," was born at Lyngen, near Tromso, Norway, Jan. L. H. Steensohn. 31, 1852. His father, D. C. Steensohn, was a mer- chant there, until his death, 45 years ago. His 64S A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS mother, Mrs. Dorothea Steensohn, is still living at Drammen at the advanced age of 90 years. Having been educated in the public schools and confirmed in the Lutheran Church, Mr. Steen- sohn at the age of 15 years secured employment as a clerk with a mercantile house at Bodo and later at Hammerfest, the northernmost city in Europe. In that position he remained for about ten years, when he started in business as a merchant on his own account. He also was en- gaged in the steam-ship and insurance business. Being very much socially inclined it was but natural that Mr. Steensohn should be called as member of a number of societies. In several of them he was elected president and in 1880 and 1882 he was sent as a delegate from the Work- ingmen's Association to conventions in Christiania and Trondhjem. He came to Chicago in 1884 and at first worked as a painter and paper-hanger. During the last twelve years he has been engaged in the news- paper business, mostly with "Skandinaven", in the capacity of reporter and news-gatherer. Since 1890 he has been a notary public. In Chicago Mr. Steensohn has been connected with various Norwegian societies. this church he has been Superintendent of the Norwegian department of its Sunday school, alsa leader of the church choir. Mr. Thompson was married to Miss Sophie Tofsrud of Christiania, Norway. Of six children who have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson the oldest, Albert T., has been con* firmed in Our Savior's church, by Rev. Juul; the other five, Henry M.. Thora M., Helena M., Anna T., and Esther in Bethlehem church by Rev. Kildahl. Mr. Henry M. Thompson is a professor at Pleasant View Luther College Ottawa, III. In 1898 Mr. Thompson was' joined in the under- taking business by his younger brother, Mr. John Thompson. In 1904 they opened another office at 512 N. California avenue, which building is owned by Mr. John Thompson. Our subject who lives on Ohio street, is in charge of the old establishment at 122 N. Centre avenue. Mr. Hakon Thompson has always taken a very active interest in charitable work among his countrymen. He has served on the board of di- rectors of the Norwegian Old People's Home Society, as treasurer for the Norwegian Orphans' Home Society, and for many years as treasurer for the Norwegian Deaconess Society. He has also been president for the Sick and Aid Society of the Bethlehem congregation. He visited his native country in 3 905. HAKON THOMPSON Was born at Westre Totfen, Norway, February 6, 1847. His father was Thomas Storsveen and his mother's maiden name Helene Christiansdatter Ronaas. He was educated in the country schools in Norway and confirmed in, Aas church by Rev. Magelsen and came to this country in 1867. His parents, a sister and two brothers came to this country in 1868, and settled on a farm in Winneshiek county Iowa. In the first year of his settlement in Chicago, Mr. Thompson united with the First Norwegian Lutheran Church, in which he remained until 1873, then transferring his membership to Our Savior's church, in which he remained a member until 1890, filling such offices as Sunday school superintendent, trustee and choir leader. In the last named year he joined the Bethlehem Lutheran Congregation of the United Church. In MRS. IDA AMELIA THORP, Widow of Mr. Ole A Thorp, whose sketch appears on page 223 in the first part of this volume, was born at Chicago June 30, 1865, to Andrew and Mathilda (born Peterson) Johnson. She was educated in the Chicago public schools and con- firmed in Rev. J. Z. Torgersen's church. At the young age of twenty years Miss John- son was married on May 23, 1885, to Mr. Ole A. Thorp, then a young promising business man, who later became one of our most prominent citizens in Chicago of Norwegian birth. He died Jan. 25, 1905. This union was blessed by four children, all daughters: Lovy Mabel Ida. born Nov. 21, 1886; Lulu Alice Victoria, Nov. 8, 1888; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND PORTRAITS 543 Sara Olive Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1890, and Pearl Edith Margerit, Jan. 31, 1892. The two youngest have died. Mrs. Thorp's father died long ago, but her mother, Mrs. Mathilda Johnson, is living with her daughter hale and hearty at the age of 62 years. Mrs. Ida A. Thorp. The family attends St. Paul's Norwegian Luthe- ran church on North avenue. Mrs. Thorp lives in her own fine residence at 59 Columbia place. THE IMMIGRANT RUNNERS. The immigrants, who had no interpreter, had a very hard time of it, ignorant of the English lan- guage as they were. The "runner evil" was com- plained of on all sides, because the "runners" generally belonged to the same nationality as the immigrants, and when not honest, which was the exception, they would tell the newcomers that they would help them out, secure good and cheap lodgings for them and in every way assist them without charging them anything for their services. Honest to the core, and believing that every Norwegian ought to be built the same way, the immigrants fell an easy prey to the wiles of their smooth-talking fellow-countrymen. They needed to change their good Norwegian money for the "coin of the land," and that is where the "run- ner" made his big profits. The immigrants did not know the value of the exchange, but simply gave what they had into the hands of their "help- some" countryman, who as a rule was a man of better education and invariably a smooth talker. The newcomers admired his "cheek" and the ease with which he could talk at the money- changer's office; of course, not understanding a word of what arrangements he had or made with that "gentleman." This evil finally became so great that the transportation companies had to send an interpreter with each load of immigrants, in order not to come into conflict with the law. Later on it often happened that the Norwegian captains who had brought the party over followed them to Quebec, Chicago or Milwaukee and saw that they were started right on their further journey. Else, when the "poor innocents" arrived on a railroad train at one of the bigger centers they would be surrounded by those affable coun- trymen and plucked of their ready cash, and in many cases the trickery and meanness of those fellows were something appalling. The sharks would warn the newcomers from having anything to do with Americans, whom they asserted were the worst swindlers on earth. This runner busi- ness went so far that the immigrants became so suspicious that they would not even believe hon- est people among their own countrymen who offered their assistance to them, but tried to keep their own counsel. Later the large immigration companies employed regular interpreters, well paid and honest, but they were just as much suspected as the dishonest ones. As a rule the traveling expenses exceeded what had been fig- ured out beforehand, and the result here was that the newcomers would see fraud everywhere. 544 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS THE NORWAY RAT. It IS remarkable that the large Norwegian rat accompanied the first Norwegian immigrants as far West as Illinois. That some were brought over to this country in the "Sloop" was not strange, but how they managed to hide them- selves in trunks, chests and sacks all the way over land is harder to explain. In a few years they became numerous in La Salle and surround- ing counties. All animals increase in proportion to immunity from molestation by enemies and easy access to their natural food. The profusion of the cereal grains, all exposed, made this the paradise of rats. Yards filled with corncribs, standing for three or four years, became infested with numbers innumerable. They go and come, sometimes swarming like the locusts, and then leaving for several years. The black rat, com- mon before, disappeared immediately after the introduction of the Norwegian species, which is a larger and much more powerful and sagacious animal. Some succeeding race may exterminate the Norway, but that may result, as before, only in a change of evils. The good things of the world were not made for man alone. Imperious man says: " 'See man for mine', replies the pampered goose.'" " 'See all things for my use'. the board of directors should from time to time s.et aside money not jieede4 for running expenses or necessary improvements, together with money: given, specialty for' that' purpose, and invest the same in interest-bearing bonds, the interest to be added to the principal until the sum had reached $25,000, and that this $25,000 should re- main as a permanent fund. At present about half the amount is secured. Besides this fund provided for by the society, another fund, known as the "Dr. Quales memor- ial fund for the Old People's Home" was created by friends partly outside of the society. This fund, together with an engrossed address, was presented to the Doctor on the anniversary of his 75th birthday as a testimony to his good work for the Old People's Home. International Order of Good Templars. (Continued from page 199, col. 1, line 13.) ADDENDA. The Norwegian Old People's Home Society. To the sketch of the "Norwegian Old Peoples Home Society" in the first part of this volume the following paragraphs should be added: In 1903 the society decided to create a reserve fund for the protection of the inmates. A special article added to the constitution provided that of "Tordenskjold"; D. V. C. C. S., Jacob Hauch, of "Tordenskjold"; D. P. C. T., Oscar Andersen, of "Kamp og Seier"; D. E. Supt., Henry Wear- dahl; D. Chap., Dagmar Weardahl; D. M., Otto Larsen; D. d. M.„ Thilde Haugland; D. A. Sec'y, Wm. Ludvigsen; D. G., Jens Orre; D. Sent, Joa- kim Christensen; D. Messenger, Halfdan Nord- seth. As an adjunct to the I. O. G. T. among the Norwegian speaking people in this locality, the temperance club Nordstjernen deserves to be mentioned. It was organized in Chicago, Jan. 1, 1890, by Henry Weardahl, at a time when no Norwegian I. O. G. T. lodge was in existence here. It was based upon ritualistic work and served as a recruiting ground for the Interna- tional, as was proven by the organization, from its membership, of the lodge Enighed No. 262. And last, but not least, I would like to men- tion a few of the most active and leading mem- bers of the present Norwegian I. O. G. T, lodges in Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludvigsen, Isaac Michael- son, Olaf Renden, Jonas Olsen, Chr. Ludvigsen, ADDENDA 545 pq K > 3 H-1 . J5 O nJ h-i '^ IH O l-i O « SI '> •a 3 l-J bo o Xi u bO c > •4-* (O 3 o > M ni bo C c W V M c :0 is o K O 6 C ffi 13 c > CO U O c c bO '> •a H c bfl „ ... I -s O < Ss O "u r 4> l; hH 4> 00 < S o « M 5? W > - 1-, . 'O < c c|3 n<': *j^ re ftj ,1^ u to 4) c ^ <" • - St *^-2 22 bfi is £±! i-o;o feu « •, « :73 c -- _ uj OT 4* fXi o c 546 A HISTORY OF THE NORWEGIANS OF ILLINOIS Mrs. Hanna Weardahl, Mr. and Mrs. T. Metzke, all members of "Norr0na," lodge No. 113. Richard Nilsen and Olaf Nilsen of "Torden- skjold"' lodge No. 137; Hans Lie, Mrs. Marie Lie; Ludvig Hagen of "Kamp og Seier" lodge No. 157; Henry 0degaard, Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Olsen, Aksel Gundersen of "Henrik Ibsen" lodge No. 101. dying in 1873. He was married to Mrs. Isabella Richolson in 1876. Her portrait and biography are to be found on another page. Mr. Matson was an honorary 33-degree Mason. He was at his death to have been installed at the next meeting of Oriental Consistory as one of the grand standard bearers. At the meeting of the Medinah Temple, Mystic Shrine, shortly The new Bethel church, Chicago, now being built. See page 115. Canute Matson. . The biogrr^phical sketch of Canute R. Matson will be more complete by the addition of the following data: * * * In the fall of 1865 he came to Chicago. He first entered the postoffice service. In 1869 he was elected clerk of the Harrison street police court. He was re-elected two years later, and in 1875 was appointed justice of the peace. He was again appointed justice in 1879, but resigned in 1880 to accept the nomination for coroner on the republican ticket. He was elected, and served four years in this office. Later he was chief dep- uty sheriff, until, in 1886, he was elected sheriff. This office he held four years, during which time he hung the anarchists who had participated in the Haymarket riot. Mr. Matson was twice married, his first wife before his demise, he was re-elected to the office of high priest and prophet, a station he had held several years. In addition to membership in these bodies he was a member of the Apollo Com- mandery, Knights Templars, and a past master of Blair Lodge, A. F. and A. M. He also was a member of the Marquette and Ottawa Clubs. Mr. A. P. Johnson, president of the Johnson Chair Company, died July 3, 1907. * * * On page 46 it is stated that Prof. R. B. Ander- son's "First Chapter of Norwegian Immigration" is out of print. A new popular-priced edition of that book has, however, been issued since page 46 was printed. ADDENDA 547 S2 s m s-c O4 w O V (0 K— V V CO l-i ^^^ 11 H c u i*-i djS to c ■go 1— > -3 -C/3 en .-^ - "i 3 cuW o N— ^ bi> c -o 1— , v> s c ^1 H o' Oil ^^ ^ n d O CO xf Kc c" 3 . « x: O ^s m U c j;"'^ ;2: rt K-n CO . nj '3 3 h-1 c" c O tn U —^ u t/i rt i^ o c si ^^ re m JZ u o t/3 r) .X! 4> D. C O c Oh O ? i3 (^ J5 •-• ^ M-- co ii •- c t; ^^"; ^ '^ .Too' 0^ V ^^.V. • ' .^^- "V "^ "^"^ JxW/4- •*V^'^ -A .-> -o _ . * A, , .ft — ^^-;^. ^^'"^ ^^^%\^^' '^ <^ ''.^''?^'.-\ «>^ .y iF^ ^'^ ■& .:ii=^. i .r' o V o. .^■ .f'^ '?.'^"''''' 'V. *^1 ^^C ^N%^ ^-. 'j^. ,^' .'S V^ .^^^ o V « • O. '^^ •» o -., .-^^ .0^ •#i#; .^" ;:^'\, A ,0 ' 0' ^^0^ ^^-"•<' 4 c> "%c .^^ -^ <^, .^' ■0'- o l-^' > V" .^^^ 0><;- .^ .r ^-i- <*, o. J^'' o " = • '^^ . o " a , ^ ^I^T" N. MANCHESTER. ^"^ INDIANA O 'o , . * ,/\ • ' * "* "'^ \ s * • / r>* n ^S , o « c ^ %<> :