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(25c) 7 4 Lodge of Kye Tyes, 1 hr.(25c)13 Lonelyville Social (I!lub, 3 acts, \Y2 hrs (25c) 10 Man from Borneo, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 5 2 Man from Nevada, 4 acts, 2^2 hrs (25c) 9 5 Mirandy's Minstrels. ... (25c) Optnl. New Woman, 3 acts, 1 hr.... 3 6 Old Maid's Club, lyi hrs. (25c) 2 16 Old Oaken Bucket, 4 acts, 2 hrs (25^^^ 8 6 Old School at Hick'ry Holler, \M hrs (25c) 12 9 On the Little Big Horn, 4 acts, 21/2 hrs (25c) 10 4 Out in the Streets, 3 acts, 1 hr. 6 4 Prairie Rose, 4 acts, 2j4 hrs. (25c) 7 4 Rustic Romeo, 2 acts, 214 hrs (25c) 10 12 School Ma'am, 4 acts, 1^ hrs. 6 5 Scrap of Paper, 3 acts, 2 hrs.. 6 6 Soldier of Fortune, 5 acts, 2"^/^ h. 8 3 Southern Cinderella, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 7 Third Degree, 40 min (25c) 12 Those Dreadful Twins, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 6 4 Tony, The Convict, 5 acts, 2^4 hrs (25c) 7 4 Topp's Twins, 4 acts, 2 h.(25c) 6 4 Town Marshal, 4 acts, 2^4 hrs (25c) 6 3 Trip to Storyland, 1^4 hrs. (25c) 17 23 Uncle Josh, 4 acts, 2% hrs. (25c) 8 3 Under Blue Skies, 4 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 7 10 Under the Laurels, 5 acts, 2 hrs. 6 4 When the Circus Came to Town, 3 acts, 2^ hrs. (25c) 5 3 Women Who' Did, 1 hr. . . (25c) 17 Yankee Detective, 3 acts, 2 hrs. 8 3 FARCES, COMEDIETAS, Etc. April Fools, 30 min 3 Assessor, The, 10 min 3 2 Baby Show at Pineville, 20 min. 19 Bad Job, 30 min 3 2 Betsy Baker, 45 min 2 2 Billy's Chorus Girl, 25 min... 2 3 Billy's Mishap, 20 min 2 3 Borrowed Luncheon, 20 min.. 5 Borrowing Trbuble, 20 min.... 3 5 Box and Cox, 35 min 2 1 Case Against Casey, 40 min... 23 Convention of Papas, 25 min.. 7 (Country Justice, 15 min 8 Cow that Kicked Chicago, 20 m. 3 2 T.S.DENISON& COMPANY, Publishers,154 W.Randolph St.. Chicago WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH A MINSTREL AFTERPIECE BY HARRY L. NEWTON AUTHOR OF "A Bundle of Burnt Cork Comedy," ''The Booster Club of Black- ville," "A Colored Honeymoon," "The Coontozvn Thirteen Club/' "The Darktoivn Fire Brigade," "The Goodfellozv," "Good Mornin', Judge," "The Heiress of Hoetown," "Jayville Junction," "Laughland via the Ha Ha Route," "Memphis Mose, War Correspond- ent," "Minstrel Cross-Fire," "Oh, Doc- tor!" "A Rehearsal at Ten," Etc. CHICAGO T. S. DENISON & COMPANY Publishers WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH CHARACTERS. Washington O'Brien Lee A Colored Calciminer Hannah His zvife Place — Any city. . , >.*S Scene — The Lee Kitchen. v\ Time — Early evening. . . ^ Time of Playinc — Fifteen. Minutes. COSTUMES. Washington — Calciminer's overalls and jumper, change to "loud" smoking jacket after entrance. Chocolate colored facial make-up. Hannah — Large figured calico dress and white apron. Wears short-haired wig, with face made up very black. PROPERTIES. In the cupboard are numerous dishes, such as pots, pans, etc. In one dish about twenty potatoes. Loaf of bread, knives, forks, etc. On bench is wash basin partly filled with water ; cake of soap, and over it a soiled roller towel ; alongside is a cracked mirror. Coffee pot, tin pot and fry- ing pan for gas stove. Watch chain and package contain- ing two back combs. STAGE DIRECTIONS. R. means right of stage; C, center; R. C, right center; L., left; 1 E., first entrance; U. E., upper entrance; R. 3 E., right entrance, up-stage, etc.; R. D., right door; L. D., left door, etc. ; D. F., door in flat or back of the stage ; up-stage, away from footlights, down-stage, near footlights ; 1 G., first groove, etc. The actor is supposed to be facing the audience. COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY EBEN H. NORRIS. 2 ^ . JUN®(fgi5 4ii02 WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH Scene: A kitchen. Practical (street) door in back fiat. No other entrances or exits necessary. Kitchen table, covered with red and white checked cloth, at C, with chair at either side. At R. of C. is a kitchen cupboard, in which are dishes, pot, pans, etc. At L. is a zvash bench, with basin and large piece of soap. Hanging over bench is a very much soiled roller towel and alongside is a small cracked mirror. Washington's smoking jacket and a pair of large carpet slippers are on a chair, L. At L. is a small gas stove, on which are coffee pot, frying pan and tin pot. At rise of curtain, Hannah, softly humming a negro melody, is discovered engaged in the task of setting the table for the evening meal. As curtain is zvell up, she takes tzvo loaves of bread from cupboard, goes to table and slices the bread, making two high stacks. Hannah (surveying sliced bread). Dar. If dat ain't 'nough bread fo' Wash, he kin do widout. Dat man always complain' 'about his appetite. (Laughs.) Law-zee, says he kaint eat much 'cause he's too much in love wid me. We been married jes' a year today. (Gets about tiventy pota- toes from Clipboard, sits and peels them zvhile talking.) Ah hopes Ah done got sufficient thereof potatoes fo' him. De longer we is married de moah he eats. Some folks say dat is merely de result ob mus' have somethin' to do, even if yo' am married. But Ah do hopes Wash gits 'nough to eat dis evenin', 'cause Ah'm powerful nervous like. Dis heah bein' our anniversary, Ah reckoned on givin' him a nice present. Now Ah don't has no money, but Ah does has a idea and Ah excutes it forthwid. Ah done has mah hair cut off, and Ah sold it to a hair-store lady. (Runs a hand over head.) Law-zee, Ah wonder what Wash say when he diskiver mah hair am went. But it kaint be helped. Ah jes' naturally has to had dat present fo' him. (Glances cautiously all about, pulls large ivatch chain from front of 3 4 WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH. dress and holds it up admiringly.) Dar it am. Ain't dat a beauty? Done cost me all mah hair, but it am worth it. Washington {off R., as if corning along the street). Oh, Hannah! Heah comes yo' lovin' honey man. (She quickly conceals chain in front of dress, jumps to feet, spill- ing and scattering the potatoes all over the floor, runs to door and opens it for his entrance.) Enter Washington. They embrace and kiss with com- edy business. He removes jumper and cap. Washington (surveying table). Hello! gwine to have company fo' supper? Hannah. If we is yo' go hungry. Dat ain't nawthin' but yo' reg'lar 'lowance. Washington (discovering scattered potatoes on floor). Huh ! Been playin' golf ? Hannah. No, honey ; Ah heered yo' yelp and Ah done git be nervous-like wid emotion. (Aside.) He ain't noticed mah hair yit. Washington (goes fo wash bench, grumblingly) . Yo' jes' naturally got to 'member, Hannah, dat Ah likes mah taters cooked. (Rolls up sleeves.) Raw taters is all right fo' hogs. Hannah (gets broom and dust pan from corner). Yes, sah. Ah knows how yo' likes 'em. And Ah knows how hogs likes 'em. And dere ain't much difference, nuther. (Szveeps up all the potatoes into dust pan, takes them to pot on stove and dumps them in, peelings and all; sweeps dust pan clean with broom info pot.) AVashington (meanzvhile has been- zvashing face and hands, and with eyes tightly closed feels about for towel). Say, why don't yo' has a towel ? Hannah. Dar am a towel. Say, yo' done got me dat nervous Ah don't know nawthin'. Washington {groping for towel). Shucks, Ah didn't git yo' dat way. Yo' was jes' naturally born wid nawthin' on yo' mind but yo' hair. Hannah {starts in seeming fright, blinks eyes and puts WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH. 5 one hand to back of head. Aside). Law-zee, Ah wonder if he knows 'bout mah hair? Washington (finally locates tozvel, zvipes face and hands, very carelessly; surveys tozvel). Say, ain't it 'bout time yo' puts another towel up ? Hannah (grumblingly). Say, Mister Lee, dar don't 'pear to be nawthin' dat suits yo' dis evenin'. Yo' been wipin' on dat towel fo' a month or mo' now, and dis am de fust time yo' complain 'bout it. Washington (zvhirls about and looks at her. She quickly places a hand to back of her head, concealing from Jiiui the loss of her hair). Dqn't start nawthin'. 'Member dis am our anniversary. Hannah {still zvith hand to head). Ah ain't gwine start nawthin' Ah kaint finish. Washington. What's de mattah wid yo' ? Done got yo' a headache? {Goes to smoking jacket and slippers.) Hannah {quickly takes hand from head, but conceals back of head from him by constantly keeping her face tozvard him as lie moves about). Naw ; Ah ain't got me no headache. Washington {dons smoking jacket). Ah'm glad ob dat. We don't has weddin' anniversaries ebery day. {Sits and puts on slippers.) Hannah {aside and feeling back of head). Ah'm glad ob it. W^ashington {rising). Supper be long now, honey? Hannah {backing to stove). No, honey; jes' a few minutes. Will yo' has some more chicken ? Washington {surprised). Some more? Doggone it, Ah ain't never had some yit. Hannah. Dat's so; Ah done forgit. {Aside.) He ain't noticed mah hair yit. Washington {sits at table, elevates feet to top, leans back in chair and appears very comfortable). Yo' knows dat man Ah works fo' now, he's Irish. Hannah. Yes? Washington. He done axed me mah name. Ah tole 6 WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH. him Washington O'Brien Lee. He axed what de O'Brien was fo'. Hannah. What yo' tole him? Washington. Ah done tole him dat it was fo' protec- tion. (Hannah chuckles.) Den Ah done axed him fo' some money on mah salary account. Hannah, ^^^^at he say? Washington. He done tole me to jump in de lake. Hannah. A\'ell? Washington. Ah done jump in de lake jes' as he tole me — when xAh come back he was gone. (Washington sloivly falls asleep, leaning back in chair, zvith feet on top of table. Hannah keeps her. eyes on him anxiously, and ivith both Jiands behind her back attempts to prepare the supper on the stOTr. Her comedy efforts finally result in her thrusting a hand in the supposedly boiling pot of water. She yells and jumps, fingers in mouth. Washington, at her first yell, loses his balance and falls backward to -floor.) Hannah (dancing about in apparent agony). Law-zee, Ah sure got suspicious dat Ah diskivered some powerful hot place, sudden-like. Washington (rising slozvly to feet). Say, what yo' mean by tryin' to 'liminate me — {checks speech abruptly and ga::es spellbound at her hair, blinking eyes, etc.). Wha — wha — what's a mattah wid yo' head? Hannah (trying to conceal back of head). Why, whatta yo' mean, honey — mah hair? Washington (goes to her, grabs her wrist forcibly and swings her about, facing him, pointing an accusing finger at her shorn head). Dar! Dat's what Ah mean. Yo' done got yo' hair 'liminated. How's come, gal? Hannah (pleadingly). Oh, honey, don't be rough wid ■yo' sugar-plum. Don't look dat way (brokenly, zvith burlesque pathos). Ah — Ah done it all fo' yo', honey-man ! Washington (astonished) . Yo' — yo' done it all fo' me? 'Lucidate, gal ; 'lucidate befo' Ah musses up de best room in de house wid yo'. Hannah (fearfully). Calm yo'self, honey; calm yo'self. WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH. 7 Washington {tlircatctiingly). Air 11 calm yo' in jes' a minute. How's come yo' got yo' a haircut in de hair? Hannah. Listen, honey. As Ah done says befo', Ah done it fo' yo', honey-man. Ah done it fo' yo'. Washington. Yo' done what fo' me? ■ Hannah. Ah done sold mah hair. Washington {recoiling z^'ifJi burlesque horror). Yo' done sold yo' hair — yo' beautiful auburn black locks dat Ah was so proud of! Yo' beautiful tresses dat Ah loved to fondle and caress. A^o' done part wid dose glorious locks and tresses? {Sobbing in burlesque, dramatic manner.) Oh, gal, gal ; how could yo' ? How could yo' ? Hannah. Don't take it so hard, honey-man; don't take it so hard. Listen. Ah tried ebery way fo' to save and scrape togedder some money fo' to buy yo' a anniversary present. (Sighs.) But twant no use. Dere was no maney to be got togedder, nuther by scrapin' or odderwise. And den — and den — Washington. Yes, and den what? Hannah. Ah done gits me a idea. Ah sells mah liair and buys yo' a present. Washington. Oh, honey gal (gaspingly sinks into a chair). Hannah (anxiously). Ain't it all right what Ah done? Washington. It am all right — and it am all wrong. (Rises, goes to his jacket on chair, takes a package from pocket and comes back to her.) Ah suppose what yo' done was all fo' de best, but — Hannah (anxiously). But what, honey-man? Washington. Dat's fo' yo' [hands package to her). Hannah (wonderingly) . Wha — what's dat? Washington. Dat's a present Ah done gits fo' yo', gal. Hannah (with blinking eyes, unwraps string, opens paper and takes out two large and flashy back combs, holds them up) Law-zee! Hair combs! (Comedy consterna- tion.) Washington (nods head). \^es — hair combs. Hair combs, and now yo' got no hair. 8 WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH. Hannah (admiring them). Mali goodness, dey is some class to dem. Dey mits' cost yo' a heap ob money. Washington. Dey cost a-plenty (assumes sorrozvful attitude, elbows on knees and head in hands). Hannah (comfortingly). Nevah mind, honey-man ; mah hair will grow agin. Ah'U save de combs till mah hair- grows long. (Slyly takes watch chain from bosom of dress and conceals it in pahn of hand.) Yo' don't seem powerful interested like fo' to see de present what Ah buys yo'. Washington (groaning). What's de use — what's de use! Dem beautiful auburn tresses am gone — my system has received too great a shock fo' to be interested in what yo' buys me. Hannah (dangles chain in front of his face). Look, man. Washington (slowly opens eyes, raises head and gazes at chain). What! Hannah (laughing). Dat's fo' you', honey-man. Dat's what Ah buys wid mah hair. Ah buys dat fo' yo', so's dey don't laugh at yo' no mo' when yo' pulls out yo' watch. (Dangles chain.) Dere ain't nobody what kin laugh at yo' now, honey-man. Now let me take yo' watch while Ah hook on dis beautiful chain. Washington (rises slozvly to feet, mechanically opens front of smoking jacket, slips a finger in vest pocket and draws forth a part of a zvatch chain, holds it tip before her). Dar yo' is. Hannah (recoiling in surprise). Dat? Why dat's yo' old chain. Whar's yo' watch? Washington. Mah watch ? Honey, Ah done pawned mah watch fo' to buy yo' dem gorgeous combs. (Hannah puts a hand to head, whirls and falls fainting into Wash- ington's arms, to — ) Quick Curtain. DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Price IS Cents Each, Pofttpaid, Unless Different Price Is Glvf>n M. F. 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