3orge Francis Train's Speech on " Feniaiaism." i— i x H M TRAIN ON IRISH INDEPENDENCE. SPEECH OF ON IRISH INDEPENDENCE, AND ENGLISH NEUTRALITY. DELIVERED BEFORE THE "FENIAN CONGRESS" & "FENIAN CHIEFS," AT THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF MUSIC, OCTOBER 18th, 1865, IN THE PRESENCE OP SIX THOUSAND PERSONS. pi)ilaoclpl)ia: T. B. PETERSON &' BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT STREET. PRICE 25 CENTS. ijheapest place in the vorld to buy books of all kinds, is at T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. „g& Ifor their Catalogue. Booksellers, News Aeents, and all others, will J^^—'Hed with any quaa- kes of any Books published. «*■ *' ®G^ "M? DO T. B. PETERSOH & BROTHERS' PUBLICATiONS. % The Books on this page will be found to be the and are Published and for Sale by T. B, MRS. HENRY WOOD'S BOOKS. 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