■f IN TEMPLO. A Foem, By Fra FiBtrn, Ip^:^^- • OSBORN. OHIO: Shull Brothers, Publ.siiers. fi*0 ^ r- Copyrighted^ 1889, /^ SHULL BROTHERS. Wl t^-W:..L.n^, <*?%-/ ^ywx-r ■'' vi^'v v~^"1<^ j^=¥=WW¥¥'VyW¥' of babbling streams. (jm \f f\\ I.et otliers sini The silvery mist of steep cascades That lea]) to dim, abysmal shades, And "weave in light, aerial dreams. The loveliness of vernal woods, Melodious with the song of birds. And many a green and grassy le; Filled with the lowing of the herds : 1 sing of hearts, whose myriad mootls Are fraught with pleasure or with pai I sing the new Saturnian reign. I weep the loss of purity. i# i, l!|o,..i!i!o/i?i''o mm 1 s 1^ i'^ ea« deep jjeace. ^M/,^ ^^^^^^^^t^^i=i^)=i^^^^=t~t±s^vt=iK^^^7i^'^^^^^ \^ vy no '^^r^'^p^f^^^^^^r^v'^^w^' lad inuriTiureil of celestial purity, ^lepeatin^r le-cnds of that elder age, ^Vhen gods y r fioquented the haiint;- men, .id t!ie ]>ure so.l yet knew no deeper sta )an dews of morn, sliowered from i hand of Night. 'Allied by the dreamy sounds and scctp I seemed reverie to dwell amid the t;ro\\:s Ijj^ n ancient lands, in iong-furgotien (\-d\-. d' ^wvv'^rr^nf'" i^ f) ■^ n m m n bs^ ^tl 4 F,rc yet the white-rohed i^odfless, Innoccti^ e Mad lied the home?; of eartli and sought tlu skies, W h'-rc r;n-rh'.- <.rrr,- »;),] discord never come '1 he loresi sce!iie L'en while I i)rayed, from out t!ie altar < .i; V voice that si)ake in strange and unknow; \ toni(ues. W !/ iiR^ ^"^^* lifting uj) his holy hands, the ])ricst s ^ n ^p^; >eclared: ''TIkU age shall ncNcniiorc ir turn : rhis wave of Time shall ever oinvani s\\ t c; rill on Kternity's dim shore it break ; iliat age shall nevermore return to ])less V'ith joys unspeakable, tlie human race. Through error, first, ye lost that h:g!i estate Which ye enjoyed: those noble i>owers wh.cl lirst v'rave ve exalted rank al)o\e the beasts. fi Ha\e ]>een debased, de})ths and ve are sunk V^^!3r^(^^^^=^^^^t=^iii^t=^f^^=^it=^^[=^^=^^ ^'m "S( n mm <7A n f )r misery atul ^v<)c (locj)t:'r tluiu the ;il>v>s; Chose jxjwt-rs Avhich niinistL-rcd to ploaMii first. \'o\v niinistt-r t<» j>ain: those high (.Icsires, Chose aspirations unto hohness. \'o longer fill your souls: and reason's thron )y ])assion is usurj)e{l. JJeneath the hills "he glimmering star of wisdom lou* is sunk V.ce Avaxeth strong while virtue languishetlj i'hat age of happiness no more returns: :iut in the other distance comes an age, ■•'ar fairer and far nobler than the Arst." w .^^, „. ■A^JU'JUt^^^KA ,i_ n s m n ! A^ ^^^ J ^ !!c > : i u\v (Inn \tsta ut" the a.ucs past. The palmy plains of faradise. cn,uirt \'.rh mystic rivers.- home of jf)v and pca^ ffSl ' ^^^^^' '^'^^ ^""'"^ '^"^^ ^'^'^^ *>' Arcadv. \ here, in simplic ity and artlessnc>s. I iic shepherd loved to watch his f1.. V «|^ .nesnepn !/ #rl>> •'-' ^'^veet. though lunnhle strains wii* ure taiiiiin. y^R/^ ^^^<^^^^!^^[!^£.^!^^^^!^ m ^ a m ^^ 1 H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^v 1/ "^^i riien came tb.c r:^c ot" pouci ; ihc ji.itrianh y Kosc l>) a tii:<...c ;in(l Lrrasjicd .i nionarth I ^ <.r(.)\vn. Ij^ i'he wealth of >-cas adorned his i)ala(:cs. \nd tiatteritvj; ( ourtiers. in iheir nrh attiic. jr Ills fiekle faxor hoiiglit witli eas\- fij)eech : Mis i)eo]>le were liis slaves, and on the ne<:ks. ; lis heel, in ruiiiless eruelty. >vas Kct :- i>cep tmlraL^e Id the e(|ual rii^hts of incw. 'Vhich, for Ioiil,' ap:es. stained the eartli wit ]ilooi^^=^=m=ii^f=^r^=^m^nB^^^;^^^Miem^m=^^ [A^ U'ith ashes of the niartyreriest-hood> sunk anrl amlfnt fjni.ir.^ fell. :^AA,'.kA'X'l n n n m mm <7A r r pon the ruins, Freedom, god-like, ra'sed if 1 he altar and tlie throne, and man was free L'pon those heights, where manhood c^f*' 'l> snhhme. ^ He Stood and gazed into the future ycais. 'i|^ \\'hile hojje beat high. His nol>ler natun rose, iifreeil from tyrant heel and priestly s\va\ \ '^^ ' ^ '" ^^^''' ^ ^^♦•'■^"*-' !^'* ]>etty vices, joy *vi'"K ^'^*^ hapj>iness not yet to him returned. \f Auain the te:n!)]c walis shut out the sci-n Ul VfP]//- (r'3^}^±ef=^7t=J^^»^^i^<>t±(^?t=i^^^-t^-^^^ ^^^l''^ , ill ^iSl S^- 4^, •<.mmii' n n w^ 1"/^ mm n Kvl^k winds of evening whispered )iea( c, cI- jicace. Dg And murmured of celestial jniritv:- > I'eaoe yet to eome. when in that j»njm - > The ^oul shall l>e in harmony with (iod; ' /f^r^l^ "^'^^^ jjiirity. when love to (nxl and man [/ !'^ -^'\\:\\\ be ascendant in the human soul. ^hji<^ Mil ; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 015 988 374 7 •