LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. j S"fc [a 6 — Chap. ^Copyright No. Shell UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TRUE MEMORY The Philosopher's Stone Its Loss through Adam ¥ Its Recovery- through Christ By MRS. CALVIN KRYDER REIFSNIDER Boston The Arena Publishing Company MDCCCXCVI y\\-\i> -K Copyright, 1896, By Airs. Calvin Krydcr Reif snider. All rights reserved. ARENA PRESS. TO ALL WHO CAN RECEIVE IT AND LIVE BY ITS TEACHINGS, I OFFER THIS MESSAGE IN LOVING DEDICATION. PREFACE. Now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone ; for if this counsel or work be of men it will come to naught. But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it ; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God. — Acts v., $&, 39. CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. I. PREPARATION . ... 5 II. THE REVELATION. What God is. The Worlds, how created, how peopled, how divided into Societies 9 III. ADAM, his "Fall" or Materialization. His Claim to the Earth. The Serpent ; the Garden; Flesh Children. Cain, Abel, Enoch. Noah and the Ark . . . 15 IV. THE FLESH MAN ; he charges the Ills and Evils of Life to the Creator. Black, Yellow, Red and White Men ; how they originated. Babel. Self-love ; Love of Dominion . . 25 V. ABRAM ; why he worshipped the Sun. Clumsy Imitation of God's Work .... 28 VI. MOSES, copied the Spiritual Law and adapted it to the Use of Flesh Men.— The Bible; how written. — The Origin of Diseases and Sickness. — The First Lie materialized into the Serpent. Wild untamable Beasts the Creations of Human Passions and False Doctrines. — The Zones and Tropics; how made by Men. — The Gathering of Domes- tic Animals into the Temperate Zone. — Marital Troubles. Unfortunate Children. — The utter Loss of True Memory . . 30 (1) CONTENTS. Chaptkk. Page. VH. LANGUAGE, its Necessity and its Origin; how spoken and taught. Spiritual . . 35 VIII. THE FLESH MAN, his Soul, Breath and Thought; neither leaves Record or Trace in the Flesh Body 37 IX. THE BOOK OF JASHER retained by the Spiritual Men. — Utter Vastation of True Memory. — The Sun a Dead Body, its Sym- bolism. Why worshipped. The coming Kingdom 42 X. KING SOLOMON; his Vision and Prayer; why answered 44 XL THE INNER TEMPLE .... 47 XII. CHRIST AND THE RED SEA . . 48 XIII. CHRIST. The Star, the Manger. The Babe. Egypt, Galilee, Nazareth and the Wilder- ness. — The Tempter. Christ in the Wil- derness, hungry and alone from Men, over- came the same Temptation to which Adam, yielding, fell 54 XIV. REGENERATION, its Progress ... 61 XV. THE OPENING OF THE INNER CHAM- BER. The Twelve Tribes. Lifting up the Serpent. Dropping the Burden. The Light, which is the Return of True Mem- ory. True Memory, what it is. To re- member only the Good. The Lord appears to every Man according to that Man's State. The Flesh Man is what his Mem- (2) CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. ory makes him. His Illusions and Delu- sions. How led back to True Memory. The Lord's Prayer. Who is worthy to say it? The Transfiguration. Christ takes Disciples into a high Mountain (Exalted Spiritual State with Spiritual Sight opened,) and shows them His Spiritual Body. The Transfiguration, why necessary. Moses and Elias present from the Spiritual World. Jacob's Ladder. — The Woman at the Well 63 XVI. LAZARUS, his Resurrection. How others are raised. What Christ did in the Nat- ural Body. Why He must die . . . 88 XVII. CHRIST, His Sorrows. What His Death means. What of Him died 95 XVIII. CHRIST, His Pathway, His Prayers, Suffer- ings, His wonderful Words. Life Eternal. Who condemned Him, who crucified Him, and why ...... 98 XIX. THE RISEN CHRIST, His Promises, Revel- ations. How only He could approach Men and lead them back to God. The Empty Sepulchre. The Risen Christ. To whom He appeared, with whom He conversed, and why. The Temple Spiritual. How composed. The Head of the Corner. Where only to worship. He showed me all. The Pyramids mightier than their Builders. The Philosopher's Stone, lives wasted searching for it. What it is. How it produces good. Its Relation to the Memory. Human Knowledge and God's (3) CONTENTS. Chapter. Page. Knowledge. Nothing ever invented. When Man will know all. Now an Impostor. His Acts, Words and foolish Beliefs. The Way out of Bondage. Man's Works, his Civilization, so-called Rise and Fall, and unforgotten. Why? What He showed me in the Spirit. Where God is. His Relation to Business, Work, Factories. What becomes of all Man's Work, Palaces and Houses. — Kings and Murderers, Queens and Harlots, not God's Work. The King- doms, Empires and Republics all tottering. Why? Individuals, Church and Nation all striving for Power. The Origin of Disease, Pestilence, vicious Animals, Wars, Earth- quakes, Cyclones and Tornadoes. These are all subject to Man's Will. Bible also clouded for Men. The Spirit of the Word within the Letter. The Lord wants no Earthly Tabernacle. Two grinding, one taken. This World shall again become spiritual, a World of Beauty. When and how. The Churches. Man a Receptacle for God's Word. All saved who accept His great Love and follow His Footprints. Every Step is given, the Path is clear, the Journey is mapped out. The World grows better, but there will be Murders so long as the State murders; Men will steal so long as the Nations steal, and there will be Adulterers so long as the Churches adulter- ate the Truth. Man's Work after Death (so-called) according to his Work on Earth. Christ's dying Words for Men to imitate. The way of the Return to True Memory . 106 (4) CHAPTER I. From my earliest childhood I had been preparing myself under unseen guidance to do some peculiar kind of work. What it was to be had not been revealed to me, but I had been constantly urged to make myself ready. If I sought my chamber in childhood and lay down upon my bed by the window to look out and muse on the mysteries of life about me there came a silent Monitor whose face I could not see, but whose voice seemed to speak inside of me: " Do not lie here idle. You must learn to read and write, and under- stand the use of language, to do the work you were created to do." So persistent was this voice that I would get up and get my books, and read and (5) D TRUE MEMORY. memorize them. When quite young my mother taught me the beautiful story of the Incarnation and had me memorize the first chapter of St. John, and took great pains to show me that the Babe in the manger described by St. Matthew was the Light of the World described by St. John. And this something that urged me to study always helped me with my lessons and made them a joy to me. It would say: " Learn this and yon will know that with- out stndy. Cling to and always keep with you the memory of the Babe born in Bethlehem ; of his escape from death by Herod by being sent into Egypt ; his return to Israel by way of Galilee ; dwell- ing in the city of Nazareth in order to fulfil the prophets, ' He shall be called a Nazarene'; His baptism of John in the river Jordan ; being led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the TRUE MEMORY. / devil ; His fast and His temptation ; His answer to the tempter ; following minutely, step by step, the record of His disciples from their different planes. If I would learn this, believe it, I would know all ; that nothing could be hidden from me and that in that knowledge came man's re- demption." I believed ! My faith was sure ! God knows I believed, and thus He set apart for me a work to do that required only a knowledge of using the human language, for the work to be done would be unfolded to me as A Scroll which I should read and write in the language of my fellow creatures. At a certain age I found that my senses of sight and hearing were more acute than those of others, and afterwards when I closed my eyes I could see clouds of beau- tiful colored light, and figures of beauty 8 TRUE MEMORY. about some people, or just the reverse about others. At last I heard that this was called spheres. And I could generally tell the quality of the person and even the thoughts by those spheres. But I was timid, afraid of being misunderstood or called a spiritualist, a thing that from child- hood I abhorred. This preparation continued until the following revelation was given me : CHAPTER II. THE SCROLL. As it was unrolled I read, and wrote it down : "God is a spirit, Omnipotent, Om- nipresent, Omniscient, and through His divine Wisdom He created from Himself worlds. Not by His might but by the power of His Spirit, the Word ' Let there be!' "And there came forth a spiritual -nat- ural world, His footstool. And upon this footstool were images, likenesses of Him- self, called men, and they were male and fe- male, perfect in all their spiritual organism, recipients of His divine Love and Wisdom. "And they worshipped God and remem- bered that He was their father from whom they received every blessing, and they (9) 10 • TRUE MEMORY. took no thought for themselves for they knew that He would provide all things for their good and their happiness. And they loved each other and worshipped the Lord God Jehovah and served Him in good works. " A beautiful world it was, and there was no need of sun for God was their light. And there was no speech necessary, for each could read the other's thoughts ; they were transparent. Husbands loved their wives as the highest, holiest part of them- selves, their God-given love principle ; and wives loved their husbands as their strong- est God-given principle, their wisdom and rationality; and from these spiritual unions were births of numerous children called Goods and Truths and Charities. 'And there were societies on this spirit- ual-natural world, of spiritual men and women, which differed the one from the TRUE MEMORY. 11 other only according to their reception of the divine proceeding, that is, Divine Good- ness and Divine Truth which proceeds from the Sole Fountain of all Life. "They realized that everything in the universe had reference to goodness and truth. And when in conversation, they could read the nature of their friends by their thought creations which formed a a sphere about them ; for instance, a man from one Society approaching another knew by the clouds of beautiful colored light the condition of their love and faith in God, and charity towards each other. In their presence were beautiful birds, happy infants, flowers, fruits, laugh- ing waters, soft, sweet music. And all day long they were occupied in good uses; doing good to each other and loving each ether; not the person, but the good they perceived in them and the truth that 12 TRUE MEMORY. flowed from them, knowing that all good and all truth came from God, and that they must see it and acknowledge it, and return thanks for it. " Oh, such a beautiful world ! God looked upon it and pronounced it all good, and He loved it, and His love gave it light and heat, and His children who worshipped Him from His footstool knew that the light was Divine Truth and the heat Di- vine Love; for their memory was true memory ; they could feel the Divine pres- ence and see Him in everything, for they lived under His Divine law. And they knew there was yet a higher state of bliss to which they could attain, and from men become angels, mounting upon good deeds like stepping-stones to His throne, and in successive states rise to become arch- angels. They knew this because they per- ceived that those who excelled most in TRUE MEMORY. 13 love and faith and good works rose higher in the scale; their music was pitched to a higher key ; their sphere a shining light, gleaming at a greater distance from them. Did these children of God desire to visit their friends they might go upon the wings of love, or it was possible to visit a Society upon horses swift and white, which they called understanding. Others used birds, called thoughts, to convey them, but in this world there were only heavenly hues. And there were trees and lakes and plants and flowers." Reading the scroll with all these beau- ties of God's creation, my heart going out in silent adoration for His Divine good- ness, I was startled by a new phenome- non : — A dark cloud came, and a voice saying, "We are dying, dying. We must hold court and see who shall make The Record of our creation — our life — before the Adam exterminates True Memory." 14 TRUE MEMORY. The court held that those who remem- bered most were they who had forgotten least and they should keep The Record; or else in dying they should die and leave no trace behind that they had ever lived in this beautiful world that God in his good- ness and love sent forth. CHAPTER III. THE RECORD. In the beautiful world God made for man, spiritual man, all was spiritual, for God is a spirit, and He created man in His own image and in His own likeness. He endowed him with all His own attrib- utes ; that is, capable of receiving them as the plant receives dew, the flowers shades of color and perfume, and the goblet water or wine, with memory and rationality ; and this memory at first always served to re- mind him of the One Source of all Life, Love, Goodness and Truth ; and the good that man did to his fellows he knew he did from the Lord ; and the love he gave his neighbor he knew was from the Lord. But there were different Societies, higher (15) 1G TRUE MEMORY. or lower, according to their reception of Divine Goodness and Divine Truth. It came to pass that a Society, called Adam appropriated the goods and the truths to themselves. And very soon they were lost to the view of other Societies because they were hidden by a dark cloud — such a thing as had never been seen in all the world — a total absence of light at a dis- tance ; and when they came nearer, the men from other Societies saw, and behold, a man and a woman earth-bound ; that is, they could not float in the air any more, but their feet were firm and heavy, as were all their limbs ; their veins had become red with blood, their framework ossified, and Eve, the wife, was at all times separated from her husband ; they no longer blended and appeared to others as only one man or one woman ; and the man spoke to them in a strange language that they A beautiful world it was, and there was no need of sun for God was their light. * * * And when they came nearer the men from other Societies saw, and behold, a man and a woman earth bound. TRUE MEMORY. 17 could not understand, and made discord- ant tones unlike anything that had ever been heard in the world before. As time passed Adam could no longer see those from other Societies when they came. He had lost true vision and could see only, the gross things about him, which had all become like himself. But they understood from him that the earth upon which he lived was his own and all that dwelt thereon. He tilled the ground and ate of food that grew out of the ground, and at last killed the beautiful birds and innocent lambs, which, under a kind of corresponding law, became gross and earthly like himself. And there were no beautiful children about them ; they were alone. And it came to pass as men visited these Adam people they learned to understand them; and God came to Adam and said: "You have appropriated to 18 TRUE MEMORY. yourself the goods and truths, or eaten, as you would now say, of the fruit of the gar- den ; for the intellectual principle was as a garden, and what you developed therein was as fruit of a tree ; and in so doing you have brought upon yourself, first fear, then shame. " I did give thee the power to love the good and the true, and love was repre- sented by thy spiritual partner. Thou hast perverted love. Thou sayest that the woman, representing love, deceived thee, and the woman sayeth that the serpent (self-love), did tempt her. " I divided the heaven from the earth and did give thee the light of truth for thy day and showed thee that the absence of truth was darkness. I did make the waters and everything that moved therein. And the earth, thy natural mind, and everything thereon. And I did gfive thee dominion TRUE MEMORY. 19 over thyself — free will. The heaven rep- resented thy internal, the earth thy ex- ternal mind. And I gave thee all that was good for thee, and I pronounced all good. Wherefore hast thou eaten of the tree which should cause thee to arrogate to thyself the knowledge of good and evil ? As I made thee thou wert happy and free as the birds and the flowers ; but thou hast loved self more than Cod and taken upon thyself to know and to be. " Behold the serpent, thine own sensual principle represented by a serpent, hath deceived thee. It told thee that in know- ing good and evil thou wouldst be a God. Behold thou knowest thou art naked and art ashamed. To be naked signified thou wert innocent as I created thee, but in the gross earth (flesh) to which thine own lust hath lowered thee thy form is no longer an image and a likeness ; it hath lost its 20 TRUE MEMORY. power to reflect good and truth and its spiritual beauty. Thou hast covered thy- self with a gross covering ; thou hast in thy sensual thoughts materialized thy heavenly spiritual form which was most beautiful as I created thee. Thou art indeed a gross earth man. And thus dying thou shalt die before that spiritual body can again be free. Thou hast cursed the ground whereon thou standest. Thou hast taken upon thyself all that I would so gladly have done for thee. And why? Gave I not food and drink suited to thy needs ? Did I not clothe thee as I clothed the flowers and the birds whose hues changed with man's thoughts? And man changed his own garments with his own states of thought or feeling when pure, as I created him. "As memory dies out of thee thou wilt forget me or say that I have done this to thee. TRUE MEMORY. 21 "And, woman, thou hast my pity. Thou art now at thy husband's mercy. He must provide for thee and thou must in this condition be subject to his law and suffer. What I made a delight to thee becomes now in this gross flesh a pain and sorrow. Flesh children will be born of thee. Self- made cares, all of them. " Dominion ! I gave thee dominion over thyself in giving thee freedom and now in thy arrogance thou wouldst have it over all the world. Wherever thy children go it will be the same. They will materialize their thoughts instead of spiritualizing them and thus the whole world will be come the grave of men instead of the habitation I did make it for them. " But I will never leave nor forsake man. Though he forget me I cannot forget him for I can see hidden things. He has only covered the real man. I must prevent his 22 TRUE MEMORY. destroying himself utterly and teach him how to regain the blessings he has volun- tarily cast away." And it came to pass that as Adam spoke with men they listened to him and turned from God. They, too, must possess the world. They must own all their eyes could see. And those who were not thus infected passed utterly out of sight for they were still spiritual men and the flesh men could no longer see them. Some lost only a part of their spirituality and those were they whom God made his prophets. Adam and Eve had earth children, and they called the first Cain (or faith), and the second Abel (charity or love) , because they still remembered that all their chil- dren before their fall to the earth state were Faiths and Charities, and Goods and Truths. But the name Cain showed that he represented faith alone without charity TRUE MEMORY. 23 in him, and his work of tilling the ground did not elevate him, but God promised to spare him even though he had slain his brother who represented charity (Abel.) And Enoch departed from his father Adam into a place even more destitute of goodness ; because each successive earth child lost more and more of True Memory and wandered spiritually still further from his God. And God saw that men in the flesh became very wicked as they multiplied upon the earth, and lo ! He numbered his days to one hundred and twenty years. Of all the men of earth Noah, the grandson of Methuselah, who had repre- sented the eighth church, still retained a memory, (inherited) of God, and was less wicked than the rest of earth men, so that in the great flood of wickedness and falsity that came upon the world he and 24 TRUE MEMORY. his sons Shem, Ham, and Japhet, and their wives and all that God showed them to take with them, were saved because they were not yet so corrupt and so filled with violence as the other men of flesh had become. They were in a condition repre- sented by an ark that could safely ride the waters of falsity, and they still had love, represented by the dove, with them, al- though they, too, had falsities represented by the raven. CHAPTER IV. the record — continued. And lo ! it came to pass that the flesh man forgot how his own ills had come upon him, and he then, being able to judge only from appearances, and know- ing, too, that God was all, laid off all his miseries upon God ; attributed all his evils to the Divine Creator. God 'had created him a spiritual man whose thoughts created images of spiritual things. He fell of his own free will into lower planes, and ultimated or reproduced nis sensual thoughts upon the sensual plane. He had perverted every internal prin- ciple and made them servants to the ex- ternal ; thus man could no longer under- stand man. They could deceive each (25) 26 TRUE MEMORY. other by the language they used as readily as they could convey their true meaning. Their countenances became thick veils of flesh to hide their feelings and emotions, but their flesh revealed the spiritual quali- ties they had perverted most, and changed color ; some became black, and they were those who had perverted Truth ; others red, who had perverted Love; others yellow, who had perverted Charity ; the white race retaining most of Truth. The color of the eyes (representing perception) also changed ; and they grew more wretched on the earth. They began to have teachers from those who pretended to know most, and they established worship. They sacrificed ani- mals and birds upon altars instead of yielding up their own lusts and desires. They were mighty in their own conceit, and with their own hands would build of TRUE MEMORY. 27 brick and mortar a city and a tower whose top would reach unto heaven.- They had forgotten that God had given them a spiritual body, a temple in which to wor- ship Him in spirit and in truth, and in which through love, and good deeds, and prayers to Him they could reach heaven, always be in conjunction with Him. But self, love of self, dominion over others had ensnared them, and those who instructed them led them further from God because they would have the people follow them, and obey them, and serve them. But still God did not forsake them even in their wickedness, for He knew they would utterly perish. He knew all, but He would have them voluntarily return to Him even as they had voluntarily turned away from Him. CHAPTER V. the record — continued. Abram, still having a remnant of good, was remembered of God, but he had lost True Memory; he did not know God. And thus when he sacrificed he sacrificed to the material sun. His memory was dim of spiritual things. Faintly lingered the memory, coming like a light from some far away chamber of his soul, that God was the spiritual Sun, and a true memory of Him was the only light that could redeem mankind ; yet in ignorance he offered sacrifice to the material sun. Fading like the light of truth from off the face of the earth was True Memory in this man; but God spake to him, and blessed him, and likewise Isaac and Jacob. (28) TRUE MEMORY. 29 Fading, fading, disappearing from their shortened vision, their earth-bound spirits, men lost view of the spiritual world in which they had lived, and like themselves, they had materialized by gross thoughts everything about them, and at last they began to fashion tools of brass and iron and clay, and gold and silver and wood. How clumsy these imitations of God's works ! How gross and sensual became their thoughts of Him when they fash- ioned images ! • CHAPTER VI. the record — continued. There was a man drawn from the water called Moses and God commanded him to copy the law for the flesh man. He could no longer understand spiritual law so he must have a law adapted to his fallen state, but this law must be written in natural language so constructed as to hold a spirit- ual meaning, just as the natural man contained the spiritual man ; and it must be written as it appeared to man to be true, otherwise he would not accept it, but it must be written so as to be adapted to his regeneration. And as man was building his own natu- ral history from his own spiritual condition so Moses recorded the history of the Most (30) TRUE MEMORY. 31 Ancient Church, using his natural sur- roundings to describe his spiritual state. He found them in the Egyptian state spiritually and enslaved to Pharaoh natu- rally. He led them through God's guid- ance, through the successive spiritual states giving an accurate history of them, so that when man reads the internal or spir- itual meaning he can thoroughly under- stand himself and all his hereditary evils. He will no longer believe God the author of the ills of life, but only of the good ; and when once he fully perceives how man fell he will know how to rise. Through Adam he fell from the spirit to the flesh ; through Christ he may again return to his Father's house from the flesh to the spirit. And still they fell. Adam began the fall and the human race continued to fall ; everything was dwarfed or inverted to his 32 TRUE MEMORY. sensual vision. He pronounced good and evil upon all things, and being able to judge only from external appearances he was always appropriating evil instead of good because it was to his gross nature at the time most pleasant ; and thus he brought upon himself disease and sorrow and suffering. Because he knew he could now think wicked things and no longer be detected by men he loved to think evil thoughts and plan evil deeds, but these evils came to the flesh man as disease and sickness, and ever and always he laid the blame upon God. He had forgotten that his father had put it off upon the woman, his wife, and she in turn had blamed the serpent, and indeed they did not then know that the serpent was their own sen- sual principle ; to them it had become a materialized, creeping thing, a relic of the first lie that was ever spoken upon the TRUE MEMORY. 33 earth, trailing in the dust, where it drags all men who follow their sensual appetite. In like manner had they materialized all their animal passions, so that the world was infested with wild, untamable beasts, and the sea with mighty monsters repre- senting the character of their own abomi- nable doctrines. Their hate had withdrawn heat from a part of the globe and they claimed that God had made a Frigid Zone. Their infernal lusts had caused a belt of burning heat and they said that God had made the Tropics, the home of the deadly cobra. But for the few who retained a remnant of truth there would be no Tem- perate Zone, no domestic animals. There was nothing more sad to the de- scendants of the flesh men than that they could no longer choose spiritual partners for wives. They were deceived by out- ward appearances. Beauty of the external 34 TRUE MEMORY. might contain a false, corrupt nature, from which the children would inherit their natural mind ; and a man also might be apparently good and true and his spiritual nature, the fountain from which his de- scendants should flow, be false and corrupt; and thus the children of such parents were unfortunate heirs to all their parents' sins, as the law had pronounced, unto the third and fourth generation of those that hated Him. When the flesh man numbered his days they mourned for him as dead. They had forgotten that spirit could not die. They lost all True Memory, as their mournings over their dead would signify. CHAPTER VII. The sensual teacher uses spoken and written words to convey his ideas to the sensual man. The material universe and its inhabitants are the objective lessons pictured forth, and are taught by those on a higher plane, to be God's ideas pictured forth. Our souls, our spirits, must pierce the veil to find their hidden meaning. You have a beautiful conception. I can- not share it unless you speak or write it, and through the sense of sound or sight I perceive your meaning ; but unless your vords touched something kindred in me I could not understand or believe them. We express our thoughts by speech, pen or brush, or carve them out of stone. God makes His manifest in the mystery of 36 TRUE MEMORY. life. We must not look at the form of man only, to understand him as God's highest creation, but the eyes of our spirits must pierce the covering of flesh, this material veil of illusion, and see the spiritual man as God first created him when he lived in spiritual tents, ate spirit- ual food, and had True Memory. CHAPTER VIII. THE SCROLL. And I saw one of these flesh men after he was dead. His wise brethren gathered around to discover the cause. They opened his body with sharp swords, and behold, his heart was there, but like a worn-out engine it was still ; the great source of the circulation of the blood was broken, never to be repaired ; therefore the lungs and liver and all the various organs were inanimate and falling to de- cay like wood, when the sap ceases to feed its veins. They looked more wise and said they would open the head; that the great centre, the throne of reason, was there, from which every mandate had been (37) 38 TRUE MEMORY. given; where sat enthroned the sovereign king that had ruled every nerve and fibre and muscle, and commanded every motion this body in life had ever made, and had its marvellous mechanism to work out his life problem with; a faithful serv- ant to a tyrant king. No crowned mon- arch had ever had more loyal subject. Alas, no crowned monarch had ever ruled more unwisely. It was done ! The skull was opened, and behold the brain, a common material thing, not unlike the brain of an ox. And seek as they might, they found no recess there containing a record of this man's thoughts, nor any trace that he had ever had a thought. They found nothing to tell them why this man was a man save his shape, his form. The living, breath- ing, thinking, working man, whose ser- vant this dead frame was, had vanished, And I saw one of these flesh men after he was dead. * * And seek as they might they found no recess there containing a record of this man's thoughts, nor any trace that he had ever had a thought. TRUE MEMORY. 39 leaving not a trace behind, no clue by which it might be sought and found. A chemist looked wise and said to the surgeon, " I assure you, sir, that I can take this body and bring back to you in vials every particle of this man." " But, sir," whispered the Priest, " go find for me his soul." " That," answered the scientist, " went out with his breath" " Then," whispered the Priest, "bring back to me his breath" " Perhaps," said the scientist, " that re- turned to your God." "Where" said the Priest, " shall we wise ones find God? " " Leave that to the babes and suck- lings," said he. And I cried in my heart, — Can a?iy- thing die that God has made? And a voice within me answered, — Nay! Nay! 40 TRUE MEMORY. And I cried, — God did not make the flesh man that dies ? And the voice within me answered, — Nay! Thou hast been shown what God hath created man to be, and what man changed himself to be. And I cried, — 'Tis only the natural flesh man that has died ; the spiritual man lives on. And the voice said, — Aye. And I said again in the words of the prophet Isaiah : " Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." And then I remembered the shade of the Light of Heaven that had fallen on that spiritual world that had rolled be- fore me in that first vision, so incompre- TRUE MEMORY. 41 hensibly mild and pure, a light that equally enlightened the understanding and the sio:ht. And I marvelled more and more at the fall of Adam, and I marvelled still more at the great love and goodness and patience of God and His mercy towards man. And I praised the great God, and I was learning to pity man. I could not love him yet. CHAPTER IX. the sc roll — continued. And then a great light was thrown upon the Scroll and illuminated a wonder- ful vision and at the same time illumi- nated my understanding. And lo! the sun stood still upon Gid- eon and the moon stayed in the valley of Ajalon until men had avenged themselves upon their enemies, as was written in the book of Jasher, which the spiritual men retained with them when they became invisible to the Adam man. And I heard the voice within me crying : — Behold a total vastation of the True Memory of man. God, the spiritual sun is no longer recognized by man. The (42) TRUE MEMORY. 43 luminous presence that had shone upon spiritual men and upon the spiritual earth, pure Love proceeding from Jehovah God who is in the midst of it, they had ceased to adore ; and in its stead they looked up to the great natural sun that God had given to warm and light their material earth, a fit emblem of their self-love and self-derived intelligence ; both the very antipodes of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, for it is dead. It never gave birth to anything of life, while from the spiritual sun all life is produced. And the spirit said, — "Full well ye reject the commandments of God that ye may keep your own tradition. " The God of heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but shall break in pieces all other kingdoms and it shall stand forever." X. the scroll — continued. And I heard the voice say, behold ! and I looked again, and I saw a young man fair to look upon, and his raiment was purple and gold and fine linen, and there was a crown upon his head. And he did sleep, and in his dream the Lord appeared to him and said, " Ask what I shall give thee." And the young king said, " Thou hast showed unto thy servant David, my father, great mercy, according as he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee, and thou hast kept for him this crreat kindness, that thou hast riven him a son to sit on his throne, as this day. (44) TRUE MEMORY. 45 " And now, O Lord, my God, thou hast made thy servant king instead of David my father, and I, a little child, I know not to go out or come in. u And thy servant in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen, a great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude. " Give therefore thy servant an under- standing heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and bad ; for who is able to judge this thy so great people ? " And the speech so pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing. And God said unto him, " Because thou hast asked this thin^, and hast not asked for thyself long life, neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies, but hast asked for thy- self understanding to discern judgment: 46 TRUE MEMORY. " Behold, I have done according to thy word ; lo, I have given thee a wise and understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee. u And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked, both riches and honor ; so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days. " And if thou wilt walk in my ways, to keep my statutes and my commandments, as thy father David did walk, then I will lengthen thy days." And my soul cried, — Why have not all men thus asked of God wisdom to discern judgment? And the Voice answered, — Self-love; love of dominion ; love of the world. CHAPTER XT. the scroll — continued. And now the air was filled with a subtle incense, and I heard such words of praise and prayer and thanksgiving as I had never listened to before. Who was it? What was it? Oh never man spake like that, and lo, as I listened to those Psalms a great promise was given, a seal was broken from my inner vision, and a door of the Inner Temple of my soul was unbarred. These were the words of the Divine Man. (47) CHAPTER XII. the scroll — continued. And I looked again upon the Scroll and read in shining words : " The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light ; they that dwell in the land in the shadow of death (the flesh) upon them hath the light shined. " For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given ; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. " Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth even for ever. (48) TRUE MEMORY. 49 " The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. " The Lord sent a word into Jacob and it hath lighted up Israel. And all the people shall know, even Ephraim (the in- tellectual principle of good and truth per- taining to the spiritual church) and the inhabitants of Samaria (where the truth has been perverted), that say in the pride and stoutness of their heart, " The bricks (imitations of truth) are fallen down, but we build with hewn stones (self-derived intelligence). " The sycamores (external truth) are cut down, but we will change them into cedars (appearance of spiritual truth). " The ancient and honorable (those held by men in high esteem) he is the head, the prophet which teacheth lies he is the tail. " For the leaders of this people cause 50 TRUE MEMORY. them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." And yet came the promise like a great seal to a covenant, that a remnant shall return, the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. And the Voice said look up, and read again the prophecy. And I read, — " And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots." "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and under- standing, the spirit of counsel and might, v the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. " And shall make him of quick under- standing in the fear of the Lord. And he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears : TRUE MEMORY. 51 " But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth : " And He shall smite the earth with rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins and faithfulness the girdle of His reins. " The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together ; and a little child shall lead them. " And the cow and the bear shall feed ; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like an ox. "And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice's den. " And they shall not hurt nor destroy 52 TRUE MEMORY. in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse which shall stand for an ensign of the people ; to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious. " And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set His hand a^ain the second time to recover the remnant of His people which shall be left, from Assyria and from Egypt, and from Path- ros, and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. " And He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the out- casts of Israel and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. " The envy also of Ephraim shall de- TRUE MEMORY. 53 part and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. " But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines towards the west; they shall spoil them of the east together; they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab ; and the children of Ammon shall obey them. " And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea ; and with His mighty wind shall He shake His hand over the river and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dry shod. " And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, which shall be left from Assyria like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt." CHAPTER XIII. the scroll — continued. And behold, thick darkness was gath- ered upon the whole earth, and I covered my eyes and trembled, for I was afraid. But the voice said, Look up. I looked up, and lo ! a Star ! And I saw men wrapped in long garments walk- ing silently toward that star. And the whole air was melodious with such song as had not been heard since the days of Adam. I breathed in the precious melody and remembered the words as they sang, " Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, and goodwill toward men." And I bowed low and followed them. And lo ! a manger and a young child: (54) . But the voice said, " Look up." I looked up, and lo TRUE MEMORY. 55 and they kneeled to the child, and the air was filled with fragrance from the boxes they opened and offered to the Babe. And they departed. And the voice said, Behold the Babe is He who praised the Lord in the Psalms and cried out with the voice of David. It is He of whom the prophet said, " His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Ever- lasting Father, and the Prince of Peace." And I waited and asked them, What is this child's name ? And they whispered, JESUS. And I said to my soul as I returned to the Inner Chamber, I will never leave Him. I will watch this Jesus grow to manhood. And behold Herod would slay Him and He was taken down into Egypt. And the voice in the Inner Chamber cried, the 56 TRUE MEMORY. Israelites were in bondage there, what if the Egyptians make a prisoner of the Babe ? And in fear and trembling 1 followed on. He returned to Israel by way of Galilee and dwelt in Nazareth. And I saw Him again, walking humbly among the people, healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, cleansing the lepers, casting out devils, raising the dead, causing the dumb to speak, the lame to walk, and the deaf to hear. No man ever spake like this man in the outer world, while in the Inner Chamber of His soul rose up all the fierce and hid- eous wars that I had witnessed in vivid illustrations on the scroll, and read so much concerning in the Record. Within His body He carried the history of the world, and in His flesh the sins of all the people. And as I followed on I saw Him go TRUE MEMORY. 57 into the wilderness led by the Spirit, and was there tempted of the devil. And I listened and learned of Him. And when He had fasted forty days and nights He was afterwards a hungered. And when the tempter came to Him, he said, " If thou be the Son of God, com- mand that these stones be made bread. " But He answered and said, It is writ- ten, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. " Then the devil taketh Him up into the holy city and setteth Him on a pinna- cle of the temple, " And saith unto Him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down ; for it is written He shall orive His angels charge concerning thee ; and their hands shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. "And Jesus said unto Him, It is 58 TRUE MEMORY. written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. "Again the devil taketh Him up into an exceeding hi^h mountain and showeth Him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, " And saith unto Him, All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me. " Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan : for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." " Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto Him." And lo ! I looked a^ain and I saw the tempter was the very serpent that had spoken to Adam and Eve, illustrated upon the Scroll, and had said to them these selfsame things. To whom Adam TRUE MEMORY. 59 hearkened and obeyed and under whose teaching and dominion Adam had lost Paradise. The very serpent which said, " Ye shall not surely die!" Behold the flesh men had named him Satan. They had materialized this wicked, false spirit of evil, until to them he had become a devil. But Jesus knew him, for He judged not from appearances; He knew he was the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning, and He put him behind Him. And my soul cried, Why? And the voice answered, He was tempt- ing Jesus to use His power for selfish motives even as he had tempted Adam. To appease hunger by commanding the stone to turn to bread, rather than suffer the pangs that hunger brings to the flesh, and He remembered that bread could not feed the soul. 60 TRUE MEMORY. Again to tempt God's providence by taking the daring risks of flesh men and put the test of whether God be true in giving His angels charge of him. The very thought would have expressed a doubt. And then the supreme temptation to the Adam man, power, fame and riches, if he would worship and obey the sensual, serpent principle. And behold how very opposite the Divine man hath met and overcome the temptations, showing the flesh men He came to redeem, in the very start of life, what they must meet, how they must overcome. Adam in the Garden of Eden, with all its gifts, fell when tempted. Christ in the wilderness, hungry and alone from men, overcame. Behold the picture ! CHAPTER XIV. THE SCROLL — con tin ned. And I heard a voice say, Read and behold. Upon the Scroll I saw the words : " Comfort ye my people, saith your God. u And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and ?\\ flesh shall see it together ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. " The voice said, Cry. And I said, What shall I cry ? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field. " The grass withereth, the flower fadeth ; because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it; surely the people is grass. " The grass withereth, the flower fadeth ; (61) 62 TRUE MEMORY. but the word of our God shall stand forever. "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead them that are with young." Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being His counsellor hath taught Him? And my soul answered, God. "And ye now therefore have sorrow, but T will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you." CHAPTER XV. And I bowed my head and followed Him. And he would refer the scribes and Pharisees to their Bible, and I would take my own and read. But I always came back to the Inner Chamber and knelt down and waited; waited in the darkness, waited in the gloom, until one blessed day I heard a voice saying, " Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if any man will open unto me I will come in to him and sup with him." And I opened the door of the Inner Chamber and behold Jesus stood there. And my soul cried out, My Lord and my God! And I crouched low upon the floor (63) TRUE MEMORY. 65 and behold the kingdom of heaven is within you." I looked again. Behold it is true, for Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life, stood within the Inner Chamber. And I fell upon my face and cried, Who can follow thee, Lord, in the regeneration; for behold the twelve tribes of Israel rise up against thee and strive in the Inner Chamber of thy soul? And He answered, " To him that overcometh I will o-ive to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God. To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving- he that receiveth it." And He told me the story of the Prod- igal Son, and I said I will arise and go to my Father. 66 TRUE MEMORY. And I saw upon the Scroll that it opened upon the illustration of Moses lifting up the brazen serpent, and as my eyes rested upon it Jesus said, " And I, if I be lifted up from the earth (the flesh) will draw all men unto me. Being lifted up from the earth I die to the carnal nature. And I bowed my head and thanked Him. But oft I was cumbered with many cares, and I forgot to sit at Jesus' feet. And I toiled for food and raiment when I went out and closed the door of the Inner Chamber, and my heart was sore when I returned. And the voice said softly, " No man can serve two masters. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. There- fore I say unto you take no thought for TRUE MEMORY. 67 your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat and the body more than raiment? " Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns ; yet your heavenly Father feecl- eth them. Are ye not much better than they? " Why take ye thought for raiment ? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not neither do they spin; " And yet I say unto you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. " Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field that to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? • " For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father 68 TRUE MEMORY. knoweth that ye have need of all these things. " But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. " Take, therefore, no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof/' And I lifted up my voice and cried with joy. The burden was not necessary. I was carrying a load that God wanted to bear, and I laid it down outside the Temple, and to me it looked like a moun- tain of black darkness. And silently, without this load, I retired to the Inner Chamber. And in the wakening dawn of the new day that crept into the window I tried to see the furniture of the room. The rays fell upon the floor and were creeping up to light the room ; and all the TRUE MEMORY. GO time I was trying to follow a faint streak of light that led — whither? And a voice whispered, Come and see. And as I watched this streak of light it reminded me of how in the early morning of my life I watched a light, gray and ob- scure at first as it crept into the chamber of my soul, just as in after years I watched the morning dawn creep in and light each piece of furniture in the room, beginning at the floor. And now I wondered whence this light had come and wondered whither it would And a voice said, Behold the light that dawneth in thee is True Memory! I looked again and read the Record: True Memory is the most there is of a man. True Memory only can lead him back to his Fathers house. Behold, it is the light which Adam quenched when he 70 TRUE MEMORY. covered himself with the evil of the flesh. Light (Truth) is the True Memory of Man. The wisest man is he who forgets the least of good. And my soul said, Then Jesus know- eth whence the Light cometh, and He calleth it His Father. And by this Light and in this Light he walketh the earth veiled in the flesh derived from his mother Mary. But the spirit of his Father was the Light of the world (flesh), and by this Light he read the secret workings of men's hearts and brains. The hypocrite could not cover his sin with smiles nor hide from Him the inside of the platter. And again I read from the Record: The Lord appears to every man accord- ing to the state of the man. " To the fro- ward He shows Himself fro ward, to the upright He appeareth upright." To the TRUE MEMORY. 71 wicked He is an angry God; to the man of blood an avenging God. And my soul cried out, O Lord! give me the light; tell me what True Memory is. And a voice said, Read on. I read: To remember only the good in every one; for as you remember them so they become to you. Had man known only good, appropriated only good, believed only in good, remembering that all was from God who could only be the author of good, then he had not fallen into the gross error and believed in evil and at- tributed it to God. To him in his fallen state God became all that his fallen state had brought to himself; and what his memory made him he handed down to his children; for we know that, as we remember one, so he becomes to us as good or evil. 72 TRUE MEMORY. Flesh man, created like a house, has his furniture inherited in brain, blood, bone, nerve, muscle, etc., and whether he be good or evil he is what his memory makes him, or what it shows to him of good or evil. The interior memory is void in some and they are called natural men, and they become inhabitants of the world of spirits. Others receive True Memory to a small degree and are called good men, and they inhabit the spiritual world. Others receive still more of this light of True Memory, and they become angels. And when man receives all of True Memory comes his Redemption, for then he knows and con- fesses that the only Truth and Light is God. When man rejects zvJiolly all that lie remembers which is not from God, but inherited (proprium), then is he indeed redeemed. TRUE MEMORY. 73 The external or natural mind clings to its first impressions of outward things and believes it to be knowledge when in reality it is illusion, delusion, appearance only. The internal mind, when True Memory lights it, opens up an interior, invisible, unseen world, full of marvellous visions, and once it gains admittance to the Inner Chamber the Light is sure to remain and will grow brighter if we have oil to feed the flame. (Oil, the holy principle of good, the good of love.) For by the Light of True Memory only can we return to our Father's house. Only One remembers the day of crea- tion and when He swung; the stars like lamps in the sky. On]}' One remembers to send the sunlight and the air. Only One remembers the fall of a sparrow. Only One recognizes the internal man and pays no homage to his earthly pos- 74 TRUE MEMORY. sessions. Only One remembers how He fashioned the intricate machinery, the spiritual body that dwells in and com- mands the mortal that is called man. And memory, True Memory, all that can lead man back to God, hangs like a golden chain from His throne to His footstool. And I cried in my soul, Where is True Memory to be found? And I fell upon my face, and lo ! I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am the Light of the world. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." And I vowed a vow. He remembered his Father and He would tell us all about Him, and as His Divine Father would teach Him He would teach the world, and thus would I gain memory of the Father through the Son. Thus having rejected the tempter which had led Adam astray, having rejected all TRUE MEMORY. 75 temptation to use power for Himself, when angels had ministered unto Him, then He departed into Galilee and, leaving Naza- reth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum which is upon the sea coast in the borders of Zebulon and Nephthalim, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Esaias saying, " The land of Zebulon and the land of Nephthalim by way of the sea beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; . " The people which sat in darkness saw a great light and to them which sat in the region of the shadow of death lisrht is sprung up. From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, " Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." And I followed Him, to learn of Him, for never man spake like this Man spake. 76 TRUE MEMORY. And I listened to His sermon on the mount which was the very opposite of all the sermons I had ever heard. I learned His prayer; but when I would repeat it in the Inner Chamber I started up in fright. . " Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors." And in fear I cried, and fell upon my face. " As we forgive." Oh, who forgives his fellow man as he would have God to forgive him ? And I said, Who is worthy to say that prayer? Who can say it and not be afraid ? The spirit said: Ye have seen how that these flesh men have attributed all their evils to God. But behold the Son of man hath attributed them to Satan (their own false beliefs and doctrines, their own hypocrisies have bound them), and He, Jesus, loosed them and made them TRUE MEMORY. i i free; not free from God, but from the devil (evil thought), and cast them out. We must reject all inherited memories even as Jesus rejected all inherited mem- ories of evil and sin in the Jewish race. His memory of the Father contended always with this inherited memory. Adam fell from the spiritual man into the flesh or sensual state. He who receives Christ is born of God; i.e., has enough of True Memory to be led to understand how to reject the false inherited sensual principles of father, mother, sister, brother, and to take up the cross and follow the divine life of Jesus, knowing always that this earth life is limited to a span and that all of the sensual Ave inherit may be quickly lost and that we have no need of them in the spirit. True Memory opens the grave of the senses and leads us back to our 78 TRUE MEMORY. Father's house. It pierces the veil of illusion ?„nd we see eye to eye. And I followed on with bowed head, when the voice said, Behold! I looked up and saw a vision. The voice said, Look up and read ! I read, and I returned to the Inner Chamber. I took my Bible and verified all I had seen and read. " Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. " For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." I felt that here, in this Holy Book, was the place to seek, the place to knock; and the promise was already given that I should find, that it should be opened unto me. But I loved to follow Jesus, for He walked not in the ordinary ways of men. TRUE MEMORY. 79 He cared not for riches, nor houses, Hol- lands. He spoke always of his Father's kingdom, a kingdom not of this world. He told them (the Jews) that their Temple should not stand. Nay, not one stone upon another ; that nothing built with mortal hands is imperishable. I wrapped my mantle about me and went forth to find Him. My footsteps were guided upon a high mountain where Jesus and Peter and James and John stood apart, and He was transfigured before them. And His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was as white licrht. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with Him. And the voice whispered, Remember the Scroll; the spiritual men that God did create. Christ would show his disciples what the true man is, for behold their 80 TRUE MEMORY. spiritual sight is now opened as is your own and they see Moses and Elias, and the figure thrown across Christ is His own spiritual body that shall at last be glori- fied. But these disciples do not know what is done to them, nor why it is done to them. Wrap thy mantle closely, more closely to thee, and let its folds fall even to the ground. And I obeyed and listened with bowed head. And Peter said unto Jesus, " Lord, it is good for us to be here : if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, one for Moses and one for Elias." And while he spake, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud which said, " This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him." And when the disciples heard it' they fell on their faces and were sore afraid. "Jesus taketh Peter, James and John and bringeth them to a high mountain apart, and He was transfigured before them. His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as light." TRUE MEMORY. 81 "And Jesus came and touched them and said, Arise and be not afraid. " And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no man save Jesus only." (For their spiritual eyes were now closed.) " And as they came down from the mountain (out of this exalted spiritual state) Jesus charged them saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. "And His disciples asked Him saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come ? "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things. " But I say unto you, that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. 82 TRUE MEMORY. " Then the disciples understood that He spoke of John the Baptist. "And when they were come unto the multitude a certain man came kneeling down to Him saying, " Lord have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic and sore vexed; for ofttimes he falleth into the fire (hate), and oft into the water (falsity) ; and I brought him to Thy disciples and they could not cure him. " Then Jesus answered, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, how long shall I suffer you ! Bring him hither to Me. And Jesus rebuked the devil, and he departed out of him. And the child was cured from that self-same hour. " Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said, Why could we not cast him out? "And Jesus said, Because of your un- TRUE MEMORY. 83 belief; for verily I say unto you if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place, and it shall re- move; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. " Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. " And while they abode in Galilee Jesus said unto them, The Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men ; "And they shah kill Him, and the third day He shall be raised again. And they were exceeding sorry." And I wrapped my mantle closer and bowed my head and went into the Inner Chamber and kneeled down, and medi- tated upon all I had seen and heard. I viewed a^ain the Scroll. I read ao;ain the Record. I recalled the words of Jesus and I recalled the vision of the Trans- 84 TRUE MEMORY. figuration, when the spiritual body of Jesus was drawn forth and thrown a luminous presence across His natural body. And the vision of Moses and Elias, spiritual men, appeared. And the voice whispered, "So hath God made man in the be- ginning. Moses and Elias still live in the spiritual world as do all good men who have passed out of sight of natural men; but the world is so gross that they cannot see spiritual things. Even the disciples. And He knew they must see Him die and be raised again before they could believe in the spiritual resurrection, even though they had witnessed the Transfiguration: seen the spirit drawn forth entirely from the body. Arid when He saw the depths to which they had fallen He was grieved for them." And there in the Inner Chamber I TRUE MEMORY. 85 waited and prayed that I might find the golden stair of memory leading back to God ; Jacob's ladder, upon which angels ascended and descended, that they might lead me back to Him. And when the dawn came I followed on and I found Him about the sixth hour in Samaria, at the well. And I heard Him speak to the woman there as though He were speaking to all the world. And He said: "Ye worship ye know not what. " But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth ; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. " God is a spirit ; and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth:' And later when I listened I heard and kept His saying: 86 TRUE MEMORY. " Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. " Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming and now is, when the dead (flesh men) shall hear the voice of the Son of God ; and they that hear shall live. "For as the Father hath life in Himself, so hath He given the Son to have life in Himself ; "And hath given Him authority to exe- cute judgment also, because He is the Son of man. "Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves (body of flesh) shall hear His voice, "And shall come forth; they that have done good (remembered good only) unto the resurrection of life ; and they that TRUE MEMORY. 87 have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. " I can of Mine own self do nothing; as 1 hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I seek not Mine own will, but the will of My Father which hath sent Me." And I bowed my head again, and took these words into my heart: " What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where He was before? " It is the spirit that quickeneth ; the flesh profiteth nothing; the words that I speak unto you are spirit and they are life. " Ye judge after the flesh. I judge no man." (Flesh.) When I heard the words I bowed my face to the earth and wept. We judge that we cannot see and that we do not know; for the flesh hideth the real man. And as Christ judged no man, thus we should not. CHAPTER XVI. " And there came a beautiful woman who fell at Jesus' feet saying, " Lord, if thou hadst been here my brother had not died. " And Jesus cometh to the grave with them and said: " Take ye away the stone. And Mar- tha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto Him, By this time he stinketh ; for he hath been dead four days. " Jesus said unto her, Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God ? " And they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, Father, I thank Thee that Thou hast heard Me. (88) TRUE MEMORY. 80 "And I knew that Thou nearest. Me always; but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that Thou hast sent Me. "And when He had thus spoken He cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. "And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes ; and his face was bound up with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him and let him o-o. o " Then gathered the chief Priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles. " If we let Him alone all men will believe on Him; and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation." " Love of self, love of dominion, 1 ' cried the voice. " Behold, the Adam man pre- vails. It put' the flesh men in bondage and it will hold and keep them there." 90 TRUE MEMORY. And I followed, followed on whitherso- ever He went, and learned of Him. And many of His sayings are written in my heart. Like these: " Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone ; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. " He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. " If any man serve Me, let him follow Me ; and where I am there shall My ser- vant be; and if any man serve Me, him will My Father honor." And the voice whispered, " Listen to this ; for what He says is for you, and every one, to pass through, and He shows you how." " Now is My soul troubled and what TRUE MEMORY. 91 shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour ; but for this cause came I unto this hour. " Father, glorify Thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again. " And Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light lest darkness come upon you; for he that walketh in dark- ness knoweth not whither he goeth. " While ye have light, believe in the light. These things spake Jesus, and departed and did hide Himself from them." " These things said Esaias when he saw His glory and spake of Him. "Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees thev did not confess 92 TRUE MEMORY. Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue ; " For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." Is this not true to-day? " Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on Me, believeth not on Me but on Him that sent Me." u And I know that His commandment is life everlasting; whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the Father said unto Me, so I speak." And I wrapped myself closely in my mantle and bowed my head and went silently into the Inner Chamber. And my soul was exceeding sorrowful, but I looked upon the Scroll once more and saw the whole creation of the universe roll forth from the great Spiritual Fountain of All Life, illuminated by Divine Light. And my soul cried out as those spiritual TRUE MEMORY. 93 beings, illumined in that heavenly light, appeared : " Woe, woe, to them that call evil good, and good evil ; that put darkness for light and light for darkness ; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ! "Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight." For thus had they wrought their own misery. And as I looked and listened the voice said, " For this cause came Christ into the world ; to restore all things, to teach men how to live, and the nothingness of this material world. As it was in the beo-in- ning it shall be in the end." And my soul cried, Amen, and Amen. " The Christ is come. Within His body He carries the history of the zuorld and in His flesh the sins of all the people? And then I marvelled no longer that He 94 TRUE MEMORY. must die. Die to the flesh, die to sin. That the flesh, that the world of black darkness to His immaculate . soul, must be cast off, spiritualized, to redeem man- kind. CHAPTER XVII. But He sorrowed for the world. He wept over Jerusalem, His beloved city. His soul revolted from hell— the tomb — but He had long ago cried, "Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell neither suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption." And He knew it would be so. The liorht struo-aled in the darkness, the Spirit in the flesh, but True Memory fanned the flame; He remembered His Father. He knew the material things of this universe were only adapted to the sensual earth, flesh man's brief existence, and would pass away from man as man passed away from it, or rejected its dominion, (95) 96 TRUE MEMORY. and he would take nothing of it with him but his Memory, whether it be good or evil, as the Lamb's book of his Life. I walked again beside Him in those last solemn days. I saw Him wash the disciples' feet. I heard Him say, "He that eateth bread with Me hath lifted up his heel against Me." I heard Him give that new command- ment: " That ye love one another ; as I have loved you, that ye love one another. " By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another." But He was going away, and said: "Whither I go thou canst not follow Me now; but thou shalt follow Me after- wards." Oh, those precious words! Oh, that TRUE MEMORY. 97 heavenly counsellor ! Oh, that Divine comforter ! I knelt in the Inner Chamber. I folded my mantle closer, closer, and buried my face in my knees, and I listened, and again His precious words came echoing through the chambers of my soul. And I cried out, I know that my Redeemer liveth and in my flesh I shall see God. While yet in this flesh I had learned to know Him and thus see Him. And had not the humanity of Christ cried out with the voice of David these same words? And had He not made it possible, in example, for all who believed on Him to see and recognize God in Christ even though man was still enveloped in his flesh ? And I dwelt on His heavenly teachings and carried them in my heart. CHAPTER XVIII. Out of the land of Egypt, spiritual darkness, out of the house of bondage, He had led all who had followed Him. He "became sin" for us, buried in the grave of our sensual nature, in which He was vainly tempted, suffering the whole pressure of hereditary evil as if it was His personal, individual and only life, combat- ing its awful influences by urgent prayers to what seemed to Him at times a far-off, separate power, His Father in heaven, in- stead of the Divine within Himself. His sufferings arose from His temptations, the life-and-death struggles between the Divine spirit dwelling within Him and the hereditary evil nature which that spirit conquered and cast out; True Memory (98) TRUE MEMORY. 09 of the Father combating the inherited memories of evil of the Jewish race de- rived from His mother Mary. And His precious words I gathered up and made a necklace of them as I knelt in the Inner Chamber, such as : "Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me. " In My Father's house are many man- sions ; if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. " And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again, and receive you unto Myself ; that where I am ye may be also. " And whatsoever ye. shall ask in My name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. " If ye love Me, keep My command- ments. " And I will pray the Father, and He 100 TRUE MEMORY. will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever ; "Even the Spirit of Truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him ; but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. " Yet a little while, and the world seeth Me no more, but ye see Me ; because I live ye shall live also. " At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you. "Peace I leave with you, My peace. I give unto you ; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. " Howbeit when the Spirit of Truth (True Memory) is come he will guide you TRUE MEMORY. 101 into all truth ; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come." And my soul was exceeding sorrowful as I strung these sayings upon a necklace as I knelt in the Inner Chamber. And I cried with my face upon the earth. And the sayings, like a string of pearls, I clasped to my heart when I heard a voice. And I lifted up mine eyes, and behold, Jesus stood once more in the Inner Cham- ber. And He said : "And ye now therefore have sorrow, but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. " And in that day ye shall ask Me noth- ing. Verily, verily I say unto you, what- soever ye ask the Father in My name, He will give it you. 102 TRUE MEMORY. " I came forth from the Father and am come into the world; again, I leave the world and go unto the Father. "These words spake Jesus, and lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, Father, the hour is come. Glorify Thy son that Thy son may glorify Thee. " As thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him. "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent" And as I listened I heard His prayer, and felt it like sweet incense ascending up to heaven. And I listened, and breathed in that prayer, and it clung to my mantle like a sweet odor and perfumed the Inner Chamber. He had told me now what eternal life is, and how to find it, and I bowed my head and thanked Him. TRUE MEMORY. 103 Once more I wrapped my mantle about me and walked forth to seek Him. And I found Him in the judgment hall, standing in calm majesty before Pilate. And I heard Pilate say, " Thine own nation and the chief priests have delivered Thee unto me ; what hast Thou done ? " Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world ; if My kingdom were of this world then would My servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now is My kingdom not from hence. . . " And again I saw them lead Him forth, and I followed on. He wore a crown of thorns and a purple robe ; and Pilate saith unto them, BEHOLD THE MAN! "And He, bearing His cross, went forth into a place called Golgotha. 104 TRUE MEMORY. " And they crucified Him, and two others with Him, on either side, and Jesus in the midst. And Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was, "JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. "And Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED. " And He bowed His head and gave up the ghost. " And after this Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, besought Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus. And Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore and took the body of Jesus. " Now in the place where He was cruci- fied there was a garden, and in the garden J TRUE MEMORY. 105 a new sepulchre, wherein was never man yet laid. " Then laid they Jesus there because of the Jews' praparation day; for the sepul- chre was nigh at hand." CHAPTER XIX. I wrapped my mantle about me, and > the folds they did sweep the ground, and I bowed my head and returned to the Inner Chamber and meditated upon the promises that Jesus had made. He said He would return again, and my soul waited, and watched, and listened for His voice. I knew that He would return in the Spirit now, so surely as He departed in the flesh. And I looked up at the Scroll and read it again from the creation of the world. I saw spiritual men, luminous creatures, voluntarily, through love of self, love of the world and love of dominion, take on the srross material flesh and assume dominion over the earth. I read the Record again and again, how (106) TRUE MEMORY. 107 the spiritual man was enveloped in flesh and became sensual, so that thus only could the Divine approach Him, live with Him, talk to Him, and teach Him to re- deem the flesh and spiritualize it so as to return to His Father. Had He departed otherwise than as He did, His own disciples would have said He had gone into another country. The prophecies already fulfilled, the promises to be fulfilled, were my meat and drink as I dwelt three days in the Inner Chamber. I walked forth again. The sepulchre where they had laid Him was empty. The Lord had risen, as He had said, and He appeared to all whose spiritual eyes were opened, and conversed with those whose spiritual ears were opened. I listened to the wonderful stories. 108 TRUE MEMORY. Jesus walked the earth again unseen, save by all those who truly loved Him, and believed in Him. I listened and my heart rejoiced, for my soul said I should see Him ; for I knew He was the Son of God, that He was God. And I knew that He who marked the sparrow's fall would see my faith in Him. And as He had said to me that my heart would rejoice, so it did. And I returned to the Inner Chamber, and I kneeled down and wrapped my mantle about me, and waited upon the Lord. And He came. And He touched mine eyes, and I looked up, and He said, Behold ! And lo ! a temple that seemed to fill the universe, built after the pattern of Solo- mon's temple, and my soul knew that it was a spiritual temple in which all the nations of the earth did worship God, the TRUE MEMORY. 109 Great Jehovah God, in Spirit and in Truth. And this temple was composed of myriads of temples of living souls. And luminous and bright at the corner I saw Him who had appeared in the Trans- figuration on the mount, and I remem- bered, " The stone which the builders re- jected was made chief of the corner." And He showeth me that the temple of the soul, the spiritual temple, was the only acceptable place to worship God. Then He spake again, and said, Look and see ! And behold, on a barren desert plain, heaped with the sands of time, I saw the great Egyptian Pyramids. And He said, " Behold the mockery of men ! Where are they, those giants of the earth, who in their vaunted pride and self-derived in- telligence have wrought these things? Behold, their very names are forgotten 110 TRUE MEMORY. and unknown ; their works have been mightier than themselves. Sic transit gloria mundi. And He said, Come ; I will show thee all." And the Lord led me over the whole earth and He showed me the works of men. And He said, Behold ! How can a nation stand whose works are mightier than they? And I pondered on His words. And the voice said, " The Alchemists of old wasted their earth life seeking to find the Philosopher's Stone, which they supposed was a material thing, by the power of which they hoped to produce material gold and silver, as a stone always signified Truth. True Memory had died in them, but there still gleamed a reflected light upon the windows of their soul, of True Memory, the Spiritual Philosopher s Stone, which produces spiritual gold as TRUE MEMORY. Ill j)ure as from the refiner s fire; and the pathway thereto is through the shining white light of spiritual truth. True Memory is the true Philosopher's Stone, it turns man's thoughts into Spiritual Truth, and leads him to Celestial Good. " All knowledge is God's knowledge. Human knowledge is foolishness with God, for it is imitation or perversion and deludes man, deceives him, and all his self-derived intelligence is an inversion of God's spiritual laws. Man never invented anything. The wisest chemist does not know when a thing ceases to be a condi- ment and becomes a poison. He is safe in none of his so-called inventions save in God's mercy, and grows wise only as he acknowledges that all true wisdom is from God. He may be mutilated or blown to atoms at any moment in his laboratory, which is an unknown country to him, 112 TRUE MEMORY. whose shores only has he yet explored. When man becomes spiritual once more the spiritual world will be an open book to him. " God only can create, for He is the Fountain of all Life. God is greater than all His creations which are sustained by Him, as they proceed from Him. " What is man, mortal man, but a vain impostor, an imitator, who has never created a lily nor a rose. He has chained the lightning and uses it for what he sup- poses life or death. "He builds churches of marble and stone and dedicates them to the living- God, and knows not that ' He dwelleth not in temples made with hands.' That ' Heaven is His throne and earth His footstool. What house will ye build Me, saith the Lord ? ' "Chained with self-made cares, bound to TRUE MEMORY. 113 earth by love of self and love of the world, he struggles through his allotted term of years. Does he learn wisdom ? Does the father who buries the son learn wis- dom ? or the son who buries the father know more of God ? Naked he came into the world and empty-handed he must go forth. " Will man always believe that God called Him into an existence of toil and misery to send him forth again into the everlasting orloom of the grave ? Or will he grasp the golden chain of memory, True Memory, that leads him back to God, and know that God is a Spirit and can create spirit only ; that the gross, the sensual, the illusions, the delusions, are man's perversions of God's Divine gifts; and learn that to think only of that which is good, and do only that which is true, will lead him into the path where the 114 TRUE MEMORY. Good Shepherd is ; that to open the door of the Inner Chamber to Him who stands and knocks, to remember His life and walk in His footsteps, not forgetting that He is w T ith us always unto the end of the world, " When the clouds are swept away, when we gain True Memory, then shall we know what He meant when He said, " ' I am the vine, ye are the branches.' " Then have we followed Him. in the re- generation as He promised, fitting the New Testament to the Old, a divine spiritual revelation, the Word of God, the regeneration of the Adam man. " In Adam we see how man fell and died. In Christ we see how he rose and lives again." And thus the Spirit spoke to my soul as the Lord led me on and showed me the works of men : TRUE MEMORY. 115 Nations rise to their highest so-called civilization ■ — behold ancient Greece and Rome — they totter and fall and their glory becomes an echo of the past. Where are the sons of men who built the pyramid of Cheops, and those in imitation of it ? The Sphinx is a silent menace of worldly wisdom. Find for me a man, said the Spirit, that can pluck a rose from its stem and pre- vent its withering:. Show me the man that can sever a limb from the human body and continue the circulation of the blood therein. " Behold, what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him." And I said, Lord, let me learn of Thee! And he said, Follow Me ! We were at once lifted above the earth and floated above it so that we could see all that dwelt thereon. 116 TRUE MEMORY. And the Lord showed me the great cities of the earth with all their busy- marts. We paused at the harbors and saw ships come in and go out. We saw people of all nations and every tongue striving in this busy world for money, for power, position, possession, dominion. And I said to Him, Why is this, Lord ? And He said, Because God is not there. And I was afraid. I said, I thought God is everywhere. And the Lord said, Do you believe God was in the mind or heart of one you saw toiling and struggling there for money and for power ? And I said, If God were not there they could not live, they could not breathe ? And the Lord said, Aye, outside of them, but He was not in them. And we passed over the tall spires of the churches, and I said, Lord, is He here ? "Verily, I say unto you greater cities than these lie buried in the earth, swallowed up in the twinkling of an eye." And I said, " Because of God's wrath against man? " . The Lord said, " Nay, because of man's wrath against man."" TRUE MEMORY. 117 And the Lord said, Aye, outside. And as we passed over the great cities with their towers, their armories, their schools and their factories, the Lord said, Verily I say unto you, greater cities than these lie in the bowels of the earth swal- lowed up in the twinkling of an eye. And I asked, Because of God's wrath against man ? And the Lord said, Nay ; because of man's wrath toward man. And we passed over palaces, and looked at crowned kings and beautiful queens, paused on the levees and in dark streets and saw harlots and murderers. And the Lord said, Do you believe God made this contrast? And I was silent. / dare not accuse God of this. And the Lord said, There is not a kingdom on the earth this day whose 118 TRUE MEMORY. throne is not tottering on the sand be- neath it, nor an Empire, nor a Republic ; because of love of self, love of the world, love of power, dominion, of bribes. As it is with the individual, so it is with the church ; as it is with the church, so it is with the nation. And He said, Behold ! And I beheld, and lo ! there were ani- mals of every kind and description under the sun, and serpents, and birds, and beasts of prey, and everything that is in the sea, all contending in one confused mass, while lurid fires gleamed about them and their fierce breath grew into a great whirlwind and I was afraid. And the Lord said, Behold again ! And I looked, and the horrible heap was clothed and was fair to look upon ; and lo ! it was a man ! And the Lord said, So long as man hath angry and vile sensual passions, so And the Loid said, " Behold ! " And I beheld, and lo ! there were animals of every kind and description under the sun, and serpents, and birds, and beasts of prey, and everything that is in the sea, all contending in one con- fused mass, while lurid flames gleamed about them and their fierce breath grew into a great whirlwind, and I was afraid. ( And the Lord said, u Behold again ! " And I looked and the horrible heap was clothed and was fair to look upon ; and lo it was a man ! TRUE MEMORY. 119 long shall disease and pestilence and vicious animals be upon the earth ; and wars and earthquakes and cyclones and tornadoes shall burst upon it. They are but the natural physical reflection of man's thoughts and passions. Everything in the natural world reflects material man as spiritual man was made to reflect God. Seek not God in the earthquake, the fire, the thunder nor the hVhtninsr. Behold, He speaketh in the still small voice at the door of the Inner Chamber. And I said, Lord, I am afraid of man. And He said, Rememberest thou the Scroll ? And I answered, Yea, Lord. And He said, God made all good, and men as images of Himself. The things which thou hast just seen within man were subject to his will, his thoughts, his affections, picturing forth objectively the TRUE MEMORY. 121 And He said, Yea, in the flesh I did in- herit all these evils and I did subdue them so that " the wolf dwelt with the lamb, the leopard lay down with the kid, and the voun£ li on an d the fatlin^ together, and a little child did lead them. The cow and the bear fed, the young ones lay down together, and the lion ate straw like the ox. The sucking child played upon the hole of the asp, and the weaned child put his hand on the cockatrice's den." They did not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain (celestial principle) ; for the earth, My external bod}', was as full of the knowl- edge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. And My memory was True Memory of My Father. And I remembered how the twelve tribes of Israel had warred within Him. I remembered the prophecies concern- ing Him; His death, His Resurrection; 122 TRUE MEMORY. and now that He had taken me in the spirit to show me these things, I said, Lord, whence cometh man's redemption ? And He said, Even as the Son of man hath shown him to overcome evil with good. To love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and thy neighbor as thyself, and fulfilling even the new commandment : That ye love one another; even as I have loved you that ye love one another. There is no country, land nor sea, that is not within man. He must needs £0 through them all, from Egypt to Jerusalem : for it can- not be that a prophet perish out of Jeru- salem. And I said, Lord, Thou saidst Thou would come again in power and great glory out of the clouds. Shall I see Thee, Lord, when Thou comest ? And He said, What thinkest thou God is ? TRUE MEMORY. 123 I said, a Spirit. And the Lord said, How hath He made manifest His power? And I said, Lord, Thou teachest me how to answer: By His Word; His Divine Truth. And the Lord said, Now because of their wickedness is the Word, in order to be adapted to man's sensual understand- ing, become as a thick cloud, and their spiritual state was described in natural language that corresponded to their nat- ural history. But the time cometh when the Spirit will shine forth through it and ye shall see it, the world shall see it, even as thou sawest My Transfiguration. Then cometh the Son of man in power and great glory and all who will may see Him shining forth a living spirit in the letter of the Word. And He said, Marvellest thou ? 124 TRUE MEMORY. And I said, They said Thou didst ascend up into heaven in a cloud and Thou wilt descend in a cloud. And he said, The Son of God was clothed with the flesh, the spirit of the Word with the letter, that sensual man might see and read. Peter and James and John had their spiritual sight opened, and did see Moses and Elias, and they would build for them an earthly taber- nacle. Thinkest Thou the Spirit desireth houses made with hands ? And I said, Nay, Lord. Tell me now, my soul thirsteth : Howbeit that in that day when the Lord shall come that two shall be grinding at a mill and one shall be taken and the other left ? And the Lord said, If one has lived according to the law and become spiritual that one would pass out of sight of mate- rial vision and, in their carnal minds would be taken, the other left. TRUE MEMORY. 125 And I asked, Lord, was Thy ascension into the clouds typical of the enveloping of the Word in the cloud of the letter? And he said, What thinkest thou ? And I was silent. There was so much to learn, so much to know. And I said, Lord, " It is written, Thy kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom." And he answered, Everlasting. Ever- lasting. And I said, Lord, shall this earth pass away ? And He said, as it was in the Beginning so shall it be in the End. For God is the Alpha and Omega. Man shall learn to know his God. He shall know that by searching he cannot find Him who holds his life like a frail taper in the wind. But True Memory shall lead him back. When he ceases to contend for power, dominion, wealth and fame ; when he 126 TRUE MEMORY. ceases to think of personalities and thinks of principles ; when he abstains from evil in thought and act, and holds fast to that which is good and true, behold the earth shall become a world of beauty, a spiritual world once again. Sorrow, and sin, and pain and death shall be no more. As in the Beginning behold it shall be in the End. And the devil (evil) shall be chained one thousand years — Forever. And I said, Lord at the churches Thou saidst to my question if God was there, "Yea, oiitside" And at the market places, at the harbors and everywhere where the people were so busy thou saidst, " Yea, outsidcT And the Lord said, " They praise Me with their mouth but their heart is far from God." And I said, Lord, Thou saidst to Thy disciples " The kingdom of heaven is within you." TRUE MEMORY. 127 And the Lord said, Yea, so God created man, spiritual man, the temple of the living soul, a receptacle to receive the king- dom of heaven. But man is the keeper of the door of the Inner Chamber of his soul. God loves to come to man, and dwell with him and work through him, but He forces Himself upon no man. And I said, " God so loved the world • (the Adam man) that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him might not perish but have everlasting life. And He hath taken all these evils of the flesh and shown men how to overcome, and they — crucified Him. And the Lord answered, Yea, but that mighty love hath left heat enough in the world to warm the hearts of all who love Him and believe in Him ; and the truths I spake hath left a light that no false doc- trine can ever dim. There be Pharisees, 128 TRUE MEMORY. and Scribes, and Sadducees, and Publi- cans, and Sinners, and Gentiles still upon the earth to-day, but every step of My life was made for a purpose and My footprints time cannot erase. Follow Me from Beth- lehem to Egypt and on even to Jerusalem; step in My footprints and ye shall have life eternal. If it bring to thee the crown of thorns, the cross, remember that the third day thou shalt rise again. God's work is never lost. For the remnant of the faithful He hath spared the world, and when the remnant is increased, when men realize how I showed them the very nothing- ness of this material world, they will seek another country, a spiritual kingdom, and following My footsteps shall not seek in vain." And when we had seen all the world we returned again. And sitting alone in the sunlight, with birds and flowers around it, TRUE MEMORY. 129 I saw a beautiful little child. It was not afraid because it was alone, and when we approached it smiled. And Jesus, pointing to it said, Remember My words : " Except you become as a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." Go ye therefore. The path is clear, every step is given. How Adam fell into the sensual earth state, and how Christ hath taken up the flesh at the lowest plane and redeemed and spiritualized it. Behold, the foot- prints are still clear, the journey is mapped out. And when thou art weary retire to the Inner Chamber, and behold, I will stand at the door and knock and if ye open the door I will come and sup with you. And I said, Lord, abide with me. And I would ask of Him all the ques- tions which came in my soul, and I said, Lord, does the earth world grow better or worse ? 130 TRUE MEMORY. And He said, Come ! And in the spirit He led me to a place in the Old World where there were instru- ments of torture, relics of the Inquisition, a cross. And I trembled as I looked upon them. And I shuddered, and said, Lord, why are they not destroyed ? And the Lord said, They are kept to answer your question to the flesh man. Then the world is not so wicked ? I thank Thee, Lord! How long will peopie murder, Lord ? As long as a State murders. The foun- tain can not rise higher than its source. And how long will they steal, Lord ? And the Lord said, As long as the nations do. And how long will they commit adul- tery ? And the Lord said, As long as the church adulterates the truth. And he said, " Come ! " And in the spirit he led me to a place in the Old World where there were instruments of torture, relics of the Inquisition, a cross. And I trembled as I looked upon them. And I shuddered, and said, " Lord, why are they not destroyed ? " And the Lord said, '' They are kept to answer your question- to the rlesh man." TRUE MEMORY. 131 O Lord, show the rulers how to pray as king Solomon prayed. And the Lord said, The time will come when they shall seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. And I said, Lord, bear patiently with me, for I am only a little child. Tell me, do those who pass out of sight still work on earth unseen of men ? And he said, How readest thou the scriptures ? And I said, " He shall go before Him, speaking of John the Baptist, in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the dis- obedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. And when the disciples said it was so written, Thou didst answer them that Elias had come and they did to him what- soever they listed ; and they knew Thou didst speak of John the Baptist. 132 TRUE MEMORY. And the Lord said, Believest thou that I, when I go away, will come again as I have promised ? And I answered, Yea, Lord, Thou wilt, and be with us to the end of this earth life and through all eternity. And He stooped and touched me and said, Be it unto thee according to thy faith. And I answered, Amen and Amen. And I said, Lord, when shall that time be when the earth and man shall be as it was in the beginning? And the Lord said, When the spirit of Truth shall light every mind and every heart to know that there is but one God, and how to worship Him even as I have worshipped Him. Read what Moses in the law did write of Me ; what David in the Psalms did write of Me ; and all the Prophets ; remembering now that thou hast seen the Scroti, and read the Record ; TRUE MEMORY. 166 that all the Word was clothed with lan- guage as it appeared to man in his fallen state. Then, remembering the Scroll and the Record, read again ; and thou shalt see the Spirit in the letter of the Word. In the mercy of God was all this done, as they would have rejected all had it not been written as it appeared to them. In the letter of the Word thou hast read of holy men praying for vengeance upon their enemies, but thou hast heard My last prayer : Father, forgive them, they know not what they do. When men can realize that in that prayer I left My last words in dying, for them to imitate ; when they can send forth that prayer, each for his enemy, soon will they be able to cry, It is finished, and yield up the flesh, natural life, for the spiritual ; and as the earth materialized as man materialized, to accommodate ma- 134 TRUE MEMORY. terial man, so shall it spiritualize to accommodate his spiritual state. When man learns that as little children only can they enter the kingdom of heaven, that is, in truthful innocence, he will cease to spend his earth life in striv- ing through self-derived intelligence to steal God's power, even on a limited scale, and call it man's invention. He will, by spiritualizing himself, grow as a little child and return to God through True Memory, which is the only true knowledge of God. There is no education save that gained through the path of Recollection, the awakening of Memory. There is no true knowledge but True Memory. By His wisdom God made the world, as thou wast shown, and by His love He sustains and perpetuates the life of all things. By the spirit of His Truth He will lead man back to Him through a knowledge of how TRUE MEMORY. 135 he wandered from Him. Was it not in loving mercy He shortened the days of the Adam man ? Remember the vision of Moses and the serpent, and the Magicians and their serpents. That vision was to teach that imitations, illusions, can deceive material man, however wise, from pauper to king ; but never can they deceive the spiritual man, for his eyes pierce through the appearance. The Magicians' serpents represented falsities and were apparently real. Moses had only one staff, the one serpent when he threw it on the ground, but this ser- pent represented spiritual wisdom, the good of life, and devoured all the evil about it. Thus shall it ever be with Truth and falsity. One Truth shall put ten thousand falsities to flight. The serpent represented the spiritually 136 TRUE MEMORY. wise when it was spiritual, controlled by spiritual man through Love. Once used for deceit, or harm to his neighbor, it became the worse enemy of man. No Society was so wise in the spiritual world as that which controlled the serpent, which was their symbol ; none fell so low as they who used their wisdom as their own, for evil instead of good. And I fell upon my knees before Him and said, O Lord, I thank Thee. And He said, Be faithfiil and believe. Behold ! And I looked up again and the Scroll was once more illuminated, and the heavenly light that illumined it illumined my understanding also ; my whole being trembled and thrilled with that heavenly harmony and beauty. Man, spiritual man, a little lower than the angels, with True Memory of God, with all things possible TRUE MEMORY. 137 to him through God's love, only to will to have, to think to know, to put forth his hand to enjoy all. No care, no sorrow, no pain, no death, but Love, Goodness, Truth, Charity. And I cried, Lord, let man reach this state. And He answered, As it was in the Be- ginning so it shall be in the End, for God is the Alpha and Omega. And I cried, Lord, Thou wilt not leave me, Thou wilt never forsake me ? And He said : " Again I say unto thee, according to thy faith be it imto thee. Amen and Amen. OMEGA. ft 022 208 174 9