^-iffPliiiippMpip^ H^^HhI F89 .N5N62 1911 ^1 " 1 - 3^_ -^t^o^ oV 0° .'ii;i' °o . . s * A ^ . - o . . - , ^-^ °'<^ '.^ .^^ -9' .-^^ ORIGINAL SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST MEETING HOUSE ERECTED 1729 NOW THE MUSEUM OF THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOC I ETY LOAN EXHIBITION OF Antiques and Heirlooms UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Newport Historical Society August 22, 23, and 24, 1911 NEWPORT - - RHODE ISLAND MERCURY PUBUISHING COMPANY NEWPORT. R. I. NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Incorporated 1 854 Hamilton B. Tompkins, W. Watts Sherman, Daniel B. Fearing, Robert S. Franklin, George H. Richardson, William S. Sherman, Edith May Tilley, Edwin P. Robinson, President Vice President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Librarian Curator of Coins and Medals Gift ThB Society OCT ^' IWl THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL. SOCIETY was organized in 1853 " for the purpose of collecting, publishing and doing whatever they may think proper that may tend to preserve the history of any portion of the United States, espec- ially of this State." In 1884, the Society purchased the Seventh Day Baptist Meeting House, then standing on Barney street, and three years later removed it to its present location on Touro street. This building was erected in 1729, by the Sev- enth Day Baptist Society, the earliest congregation of that denomination in America. It was occupied by that Society until about 1839, and later by other religious societies. The original square pews (of which there were fourteen on the first floor), were removed in 1840, and modern slips intro- duced. The pulpit, from which Rev. John Cal- lender delivered his historical sermon in 1738, the pulpit stairs, galleries, piers and panelling remain as originally built. The clock, made in 1731 by William Claggett, a Newport clockmaker, is still in good order, and the communion service used in this church is displayed near the pulpit. There is a tradition that when the British took possession of Newport in 1776, and desecrated nearly all the houses of worship, this building was spared through respect for the decalogue on the wall back of the pulpit . In 1903 the brick building was erected for a library, in which the Society keeps its valuable col- lection of books, manuscripts, records and news- papers. The city of Newport has placed in the care of the Society the early records of the town, previous to 1780, and many of the early church records of Newport are in the vaults for safekeep- ing. The buildings are open daily, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., Saturdays until i p. m. In order to increase the income and enable the Society to care for the collections and make them available, it is desired to increase the mem- bership, the dues and fees of which are as follows : Life membership . . $50 Sustaining membership . 10 per year Annual " . 2 " " Associate " . i «< << CATALOGUE. Loaned by Mrs. Sarah K. Birckhead: 1 Photograph from portrait of Dr. William Hunter, of Edinburgh, Scotland, with an original ticket to his anatomical lectures in 1756 ; first ever given in this country. Loaned by Miss Bray ton: 2 Old silver spoons. Loaned by Hiram Burlingham: 3 Collection of miniatures. Loaned by Mrs. James Stewart: 4 Fire screen. 5 Old prints. Loaned by Mrs. Richard C. Derby: 6 Miniature of Jane Stuart, by a pupil of Mal- bone. Loaned by Rev. George V. Dickey: 7 Silver spoon, made in Plymouth, Mass., 1783. Loaned by Mrs. Theodore K. Gibbs: 8 Needle case of calico — made for use of officer in Indian War 1784. 9 Three caps, of period about 1800. 10 Fancy bead bag, 1830. 11 Pair shirt ruffles made about 1800. 12 Wedding pin cushion, 1774. 13 The United States Chronicle, date May 5, 1785, containing Treaty France-United States. 14 Supplement Newport Mercury, May 29, 1784, containing " An Act to Incorporate town of Newport into a City". 15 Herald of the United States, March 19th, 1796, containing advertisement " Newport Long Wharf, Hotel & Public School Lot- tery " signed by George Gibbs and George Champlin, Managers. Loaned by Mrs. Howard S. Graham : 16 Collection of letters and autographs. Loaned by Miss Mary E., Hazard: 17 Dolls' house, made about sixty years ago, by Miss Mary E. Hazard, who was at that time an invalid, confined to her bed. 18 Flax wheel marked N. E., supposed to have belonged to the Easton family of Newport. Loaned by Mrs. Charles B. Hillhouse: 19 Plate used by LaFayette during his visit to America. Loaned by John Kazanjian: 20 Japanese bronze elephant. 21 Persian silver dagger. 22 Chinese platter. Loaned by John M. Wiseman: 23 Portrait of Oliver Hazard Perry, by Peale. 24 Picture Old Stone Mill, Newport, by Peale. Loaned by George E. Vernon & Co. : 25 Oil painting of a girl, by Wm. Morris Hunt. 26 Queen Anne low boy and looking glass. 27 Looking glass with No. 5 engine at top, 28 Early American candlesticks. 29 Lowistoft punch bowl. 30 Washington on horse, carved out of wood. Loaned by Rev. Roderick Terry: 31 Newport documents. 32 The autographs of forty-eight of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. ;^;^ Fac-simile of original rough draft of the Dec- laration of Independence by Thomas Jeffer- son. Loaned by Miss Elizabeth B. Smith: 34 Old spoon, one of six mentioned 1765 in will of Benjamin Smith, of Jamaica, L. I. 35 Cup and saucer from set belonging to Phebe Vose Tillinghast, who married John Irish. 36 Old knife and fork from the Bowen family. Loaned by Edgar Richards: 37 A bronze statuette of Patrick Henry. 38 A photograph copy of Stuart's portrait of Rufus King, who was on the staff of Gov. Greene of Rhode Island. 39 A photograph copy of Mrs. Rufus King's por- trait. 8 Loaned by Miss Mary A. Sayer: 40 Portraits of Mr. and Mrs, Watmough, Hope Lodge, Philadelphia, about 1800. 41 Miniature of John Bannister, 1767. 42 Miniature of Silas Dean, about 1815. . 43 Engraving of Bishop Griswold, first bishop of Rhode Island. 44 Embroidery by Alice Hermione Pelham Ban- nister. Loaned by Mrs. Thomas A. Lawton: 45 Collection of silhouettes, Duke of Welling- ton, etc. 46 Silver tankard made in Newport, by S. Ver- non, about 1720. 47 Old wills relating to tankard. 48 Letter of John Adams, 1786. 49 Silver porringer made by S. Vernon, of New- port, for Daniel and Mary Gould, the first Quaker preachers in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. (Mary Gould was Governor Clarke's daughter. ) 50 Silver porringer belonging to the great-grand- mother of Mrs. Lawton. 51 Old china bowl bequeathed to the eldest daughter for six generations. 52 Old Staffordshire figures. 53 Samplers from 1689 to 1823. 54 Collection of miniatures. 55 Old English lace bobbins from Zucking, Hampshire, England. 56 Lace sleeves and veil. A CORNER OF THE MUSEUM OF THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY 9 57 Old watches and jewelry. 58 Old engraving. 59 Pictures made of hair and silk. 60 Pin cushion, 1798. 61 Earrings belonging to Mary Washington. Loaned by Thomas A, Lawton: 62 Collection of pewter. 63 Pipe lighter. 64 Silver plated snuffers and tray. 65 Pistol tinder box. 66 Porringer made by Samuel Casey of Newport, 1750- 67 Pictures painted by Jane Stuart. Loaned by Miss Annie Lawton: 68 Roger Williams' daughter's chair. 69 Shaving stand. 70 Cover for pin cushion. 71 Tray and snuffers. 72 Pewter sugar bowl. 73 Blue china sugar bowl. 74 I^ace from Jane Stuart's night cap. 75 Bead bag. 76 Reward of merits. ']'] Spoon. 78 Snuff box, 1787. 79 Small book made from the Liberty Tree. 80 Two tea-pots. 10 ll Old books. 82 Pewter. Loaned by Mrs. Charles R. Thomas: 83 A roll of papyrus believed to be the Book of Genesis, written in Hebrew characters. Loaned by Miss Stoddard: 84 Bead bag. 85 Two lace caps. 86 Lace for head dress. 87 Spoon for baby's bottle. 88 Silk dress. 89 Calash. 90 Three pitchers. 91 Pewter tea-pot. 92 Wedgewood sugar bowl. 93 Wedgewood pitcher. 94 Part of tea set. 95 Two candlesticks. 96 Hair bracelet. Loaned by Miss Newton: 97 Two Staffordshire figures. 98 Small set of china. 99 Blue china. Loaned by Miss Mary E. Powel: 100 Pewter tea service. loi Silhouette. A gentleman of Newport. 102 Print (1785) Lord Percy, commander-in- chief for six months of British in Newport. 11 103 Print. Captain James Cook, R. N., the discoverer, framed in wood of the En- deavour. This vessel was finally broken up at Cahoone's wharf, Newport. 104 Two (loaf) sugar nippers. 105 Part of the ship tea set described by General Van Zandt in his Newport ballad of the little " old woman " or " grey lady." 106 Tiny jug used by " the little grey lady " to fill her lamp. 107 Milk pitcher and covered sugar bowl, Eng- lish Lowestoft. 108 Custard cup so called " Chinese Lowestoft." 109 Covered jar recovered by the diver of the U. S. S. "Lancaster" in 1866, from the Dutch East Indiaman "Haarlem" sunk by a gale in Table Bay, South Africa, May 16, 1688. no A society's badge, English porcelain. 111 Tile marked Sadler, Liverpool, from an old house in Newport. 112 Twelve mirror knobs and two picture nails from ancient dwellings in Newport. 113 Pair silver shoe buckles worn in Newport. 114 Chased sugar tongs. 115 Two porringers, a ladle and six spoons, made by silversmiths in Newport (marked) T. Arnold, S. Casey, T. Clarke, W. Hookey, N. Geffroy, W. Cornell, W. S. Nichols, B. H. Tisdale, about 1724 to 1850. 12 Loaned by Mrs. C. L. F. Robinson: ii6 Collection of old silver ware and relics be- longing to the Bull family. Loaned by Miss Georgianna G. King: 117 Paintings of two Indian chiefs, by Charles B. King, Washington, about 1728. Loaned by Mrs. Edward Peckham : 118 Embroidered wallet, marked "John Stevens 1774." Loaned by Mrs. Anna Jones : 119 Silver spoons brought from England by John and Hannah Clarke of the Newport Clarke family. About 200 years old. 120 Breadths of tapestry dress, originally white, worn by Mrs. Mary (Babcock) Clarke of South Co., R. I., at the Washington Inaugural ball. New York city, 1781. Loaned by Miss Agnes Storer : 121 Collection of autographs. Loaned by Mrs. Edward T. Potter: 122 Deed from Miantonomoh to Robert Potter, dated January 12, 1642. Loaned by George H. Richardson : 123 " Tailor turned Sportsman," print, 1753. 124 " Pomona," engraving, by Bartolozzi, about 1800. 125 Snuff box, painted in West Indies, 1730. 13 126 Shoe buckles and knee buckles worn by Thomas Hornsby, 1776. 127 Silver porringer made by Samuel Vernon about 1720. 128 Two Moravian " communion cups," silver. Loaned by Mrs. Charlotte A. Southwick : 129 Japanese pitcher. 130 " Roman Ruin," painted on glass. 131 Picture, " Dinner in the Country." 132 Sperm Whaling, by Benjamin Russell, New Bedford, Mass. 133 Lowestoft teapot owned by Capt. Jacob Almy (Mrs. South wick's grandfather). 134 Pair of glass candle sticks. Loaned by Mrs. Albert Stickney : 135 Wood cut of Benjamin Franklin. 136 Print of John Hancock. 137 Card table candle sticks. 138 Bell metal skillet with " Newport " on it. 139 Covered bowl, Chinese, pewter. Loaned by Miss Annie Almy Sherman : 140 Satin skirt, embroidered part of trousseau of Elizabeth Moore, wife of William C. Coggeshall, about 1770. Loaned by P. W. Hourigan : 141 Silver plated coffee urn with silver trim- mings ; Fairfax and Gary coat of arms quartered, date about seventeen hundred. 14 142 Silver tray, Fairfax and Gary coat of arms quartered, seventeen hundred. 143 Silver spoons, Fairfax crest, seventeen hun- dred. Loaned by Mrs. David Pinniger : 144 Bedspread, made in 18 13. 145 Blue plate. 146 Lustre plates. 147 Tea-pot. 148 Coffee-pot. 149 Warming pan. 150 Gold locket. 151 Fire bucket. 152 Candle stick. 153 Old snuffers. 154 Old painting, landscape. Loaned by Mrs. Alexander McGregor : 155 Painting, McGregor family. 156 Oil lamps. 157 Glass sugar bowl and pitcher, 125 years old. Loaned by Mrs. Nicholas Underwood : 158 Colonial vases. Loaned by Miss Bailey : 159 Old china. Loaned by William Ellery Chapter, D. A. R. : 160 Hair trunk used by William Ellery when he went to Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence. 15 Loaned by Miss Edith May Tilley : i6i Pen and ink sketch of one of the Lees of Virginia, signed J. T. 1776. From the Frossard Col. John Trumbull collection. 162 Collection of photographs and engravings, George Washington and others. Loaned by Mrs. G. B. Coggeshall : 163 A pair of lustre beer mugs. ^ 164 A silver lustre tea-pot. 165 A silver lustre cup and saucer. 166 A lace lustre pitcher. 167 A silver lustre pitcher. 168 A blue and gold pitcher. 169 One toddy jug. 170 A pink lustre pitcher. 171 A gold lustre pitcher with raised flower. 172 A gold lustre wine cup. 173 A small Wedgewood pitcher. 174 A Sunderland pitcher. 175 A silver lustre sugar bowl. 176 A silver lustre pepper box. 177 A gold lustre pepper box. 178 An oil painting of the Old Stone Mill. 179 Two engravings of the Friends' meeting house. 180 A dinner plate belonging to O. H. Perry. 181 A plate belonging to Jane Stuart. 183 A blue pitcher of the Boston State House. 16 Loaned by Mrs. Lorillard Spencer : 183 Revolutionary cannon ball dug up on redoubt on Halidon Hill. Loaned by Miss A. E. King : 184 Cliintz, part of curtains to bed about 1770. Loaned by John W. Burnett: 185 Silver snuff box, date about 1780. Loaned by Mrs. Joseph Rowland : 186 Small silver pitcher, 1757. 187 Bon-bon basket, 1776. 188 Small silver plated pitcher, 1776. 189 Silver bowl to match, 1776. 190 Small silver tray, 1775. 191 Small caddy spoon, 1791. 192 Small muffineer, 1815. 193 Silver teaspoon, I. V. 194 Small muffineer, Alcock and Allen, about 1810. 195 Silver teaspoons, Joel Sayer (1778-1818). 196 Old Colonial chair, mahogany, formerly be- longing to the American artist and founder of the N. Y. Academy of Design, William Dunlap. 197 St. Memin portrait of Mrs. William Newton of Alexandria, Va. 198 Portrait of Mrs. Mary Barr Ricketts, daugh- ter of David Barr, of Delaware. ORIGINAL PULPIT AND SOUNDING BOARD OF THE OLD SEVENTH DAY BAPTIST CHURCH 17 Loaned by Mrs. Samuel Powel : 199 Child's tea service, Wedgewood. 200 Ancient Chinese plate. 201 Paper weight ; small piece of the Rock of Gibraltar. 202 Tiny blue coffee-pot. 203 Tea-pot, old Chinese. 204 Dish cover, memorial china, of George Washington. 205 Silver waiter. 206 Silver coffee-pot. 207 Silver feeding boat. 208 Silver porringer. Loaned by Miss Mary E. Powel : 209 President Andrew Jackson, pencil sketch from life. 210 Photograph of Malbone's miniature "The Hours." 211 Several Rhode Island books. Loaned by Miss Martha Codman : 212 Miniature, portraits of Benjamin Pickman and his wife, Anstis Derby. Loaned by Hamilton B. Tompkins : 213 Autograph letter from Benedict Arnold, Senior, to his son, Roger Goulding, dated Aug. 31, 1674. 214 Pen and ink sketch. The Jews' Slaughter House, Bowen's wharf, Newport, built 1750, used by the British in the Revolution. 18 Loaned by Hugh Auchincloss : 215 Old map of Newport. Loaned by Elizabeth Swinburne : 216 Painting, LaFayette's residence, and figures from life, by Fisher. 217 Miniature in ivory, Mrs. H. B. H., by Alvin Clark. 218 Miniature, porcelain, same period, artist un- known. 219 Old English pepperbox. 220 Old French convent embroidery. 221 Tray and sugar tongs belonging to General Knox. 222 Musical watch worn by one of Napoleon's aids in Russian campaign. 223 Old shell cameo pin, 224 Louis Phillipe plates. 225 George Washington table cover, woven just after Revolution, during Presidency. Loaned by Mrs. Felix Peckham and Miss Peckham: 225a Pair of " Flip " glasses. 226 Pair of cups. Masonic and Rhode Island em- blems. 227 Toy bureau. 228 Doll. 229 Collection of old books. 230 Collection of old almanacs. 231 The Gentleman's Magazine for Feb., 1769. 19 232 Address of the proceedings of the Pennsyl- vania Anti-Masonic Stock Convention, held at the Court House in Harrisburg, June 25 and 26, 1829. 233 Order of exercises at Brown University Com- mencement, Sept. 2d, 1 81 2. 234 Order of performance at Baptist Meeting House, June 24th, 5814. 235 Hymns to be sung at Trinity Church on the 25th of June, A. L. 5810. 236 Shawl. Loaned by Miss Nellie Greenleaf : 237 Collection of Colonial mirrors. Loaned by James Herbert Howard: 238 One pair of brass camp candlesticks, prop- erty of James Howard, private, R. I. Con- tinental Foot, Revolutionary War. Loaned by T. Suffern Tailer: 239 Old map of Newport. Loaned by Arthur R. Morris: 240 Washington and family at Mt. Vernon, worked in silk by Mrs. Curtis in 1798, at the age of 78 years. 241 Diploma received for above, for art needle work, at Massachusetts Charitable Me- chanic Association, in Boston, 1887. Loaned by Miss Anita Thayer: 242 Doll's china tea set, brought from Bristol, England, to Bristol, R. I., about 80 years ago. 20 243 Painted fan inlaid with gold from Bristol Waldron family. Loaned by Dr. William S. Sherman: 244 Umbrella with LaFayette's head on handle. Made about the time of his second visit to America. Loaned by Mrs. J. H. Mustard: 245 Mahogany shaving mirror, with swivel glass, 75 years old. 246 Hand carved sewing set, consisting of needle case, pin cushion and tape measure, 75 years old. 247 Collection of antique back combs, one silver, three real tortoise shell. 248 One pair of antique onyx earrings, 75 years old. 249 Fancy steel purse, 75 years old. 250 Two cashmere shawls, in use 75 years ago. 251 Parasol of pink silk with white silk lining, embroidered border in wheat and morning glory design, frame and tips made of wood; inlaid handle. 252 Hand made apron, embroidered in floral de- sign with colored worsted, made 50 years ago. 253 A collection of hand spun linen handker- chiefs, hand embroidered, 75 years old. 254 Old lady's dress cap of real black lace, hand made, 75 years old. 255 Cape of real Limerick Tabour lace, with collar. LIBRARY OF THE NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY ERECTED t902 21 256 Collection of hand embroideries. 257 One pair of hand embroidered cuff frills. 258 Two hand embroidered round collars in elaborate design, showing a combination of beautiful stitches. 259 Small collar, hand worked on net. 260 Hand made apron, braided in sunflower de- sign. 261 Hand embroidered chemisette and separate sleeve sets in floral designs, embroidered 50 years ago. 262 Hand embroidered muslin flounce in vintage design, started 50 years ago, finished this year, 191 1. Loaned by Mrs. E. W. Howard: 263 Silver cup. Loaned by Thomas Ives Hare Powel: 264 Silver porringer. 265 Two silver coffee spoons. Loaned by Benjamin Davis: 266 Picture worked in silk, Scotland, about 1808. Loaned by James M. K. Southwick: 267 Statuettes, George Washington and Benja- min Franklin. 268 Collection of old pamphlets. «D 1« 1 .0- ^^ *' "^ A^ 'SiiS* "^ «^^ *-f A ^^-V V ^ ^. :o ^ .^ .'¥^^\ "^^^ v^^ .^^-v. •'^^■ \ V ^ ° - ° AT > - » • • . ^-w r\* . t • '• ^ ^s^ * 4 "O- t^ , >. '<>..• A ^^-v.. ,0-' , DOBBSBROS. •' <.'«' *^0^ A. ^ LIBRARY BINDING ^V ^ A^ ^ * ^ ST. AUGUSTINE f ^^ /^^ FLA. /X, V * C, kP s" ^ g!#' 32084 O, 'o , , « ' -^ . - • '^ *V-> .<* . " O