Qass^^Lliil Book ICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CATALOGUE OF OFFICERS AND GRADUATES 1857 — 1911 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 1911 ^/YV ^i*VW*^W* 0uijJifL- ia^;^-4^Xui^ ^•i4JM^l/lJ(L r^^^f ^u^-t^ A MICHIGAN ~^ AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CATALOGUE OF OFFICERS AND GRADUATES 1857 — 1911 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 1911 s 5^1 ,\i\l. 'tv 0. of D. FEB 23 I9U PREFATORY NOTE This catalogue consists of three parts: (i) A list of all officers of the College; (II) The names and addresses of graduates; (III) A geo- graphical index of graduates. The lists of officers are arranged in groups, each group being in chro- nological order with the exception of the lists of Instructors and Assist- ants. For convenient reference these are arranged in alphabetical order. Part II is arranged alphabetically by classes. An effort has been made to obtain the official position and address of every living graduate, also to ascertain the date and place of death of decedents. The Geographical Index, Part III, is arranged alphabetically by states and by cities in each state. In instances where the business and residence addresses are in different cities, the name appears in the lists of both cities. Information regarding errors or omissions will be welcomed. ELIDA YAKELEY. Registrar's Office, Michigan Agricultural College, December i, 1911. CONTENTS Officers and Employees of tite College State Board of Education 7 State Board of Agriculture 7 Secretaries of State Board of Agriculture 8 Treasurers 9 Presidents 9 Professors / 9 Associate Professors 16 Assistant Professors 16 Instructors 19 Assistants 26 Field Agents 28 Librarians 28 Registrars 28 Directors 28 Architects 29 Purchasing Agents 29 Editors of M. A. C. Record 29 Graduates Directory of Graduates by Classes 30 Graduates Who Have Received Advanced Degrees 109 Honorary Degrees 113 Summary 116 Geographical Index of Graduates 117 Index 139 OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE Note. — The asterisk (*), denotes the decease of the person before whose name it Is placed; the dagger (t), a graduate of the college. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION— APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR From 1857 to March 15, 1861, the college was under the control of the State Board of Education. Appointed Retired 1857 *HIRAM LINDSLEY MILLER, Saginaw, 1858 1857 *JOHN RUSSELL KELLOGG, Allegan, 1861 1857 *GEORGE WILLARD, Battle Creek, 1861 1857 *WITTER JOHNSON BAXTER, Jonesville, 1861 1861 *EDWIN WILLITS, Monroe, (See Presidents), 1861 SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, EX-OFFICIO 1857 *IRA MAYHEW, Detroit, 1859 I8S9 *JOHN MILTON GREGORY, Ann Arbor, 1861 1909 LUTHER F. WRIGHT, Ironwood. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE MEMBERS BY AN ACT OF LEGISLATURE Until 1910, the Governor of the State was also an ex-oMcio member of the Board. The addresses of Board Members indicate residence at time of appointment. Appointed Retired 1861 *DAVID CARPENTER, Blissfield, 1871 1861 *JUSTUS GAGE, Dowagiac, 1869 1861 *PHILO PARSONS, Detroit, 1863 1866 *HEZEKIAH GRIFFITH WELLS, Kalamazoo, 1883 1861 *SILAS ALLEN YERKES, Grand Rapids, 1862 1861 *CHARLES RICH, Lapeer, 1867 1862 *ABRAHAM C. PRUTZMAN, Three Rivers, 1873 1910 ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Grand Rapids. 1910 WILLIAM H. WALLACE, Bayport. 1910 WILLIAM J. OBERDORFFER, Stephenson. 1910 ALFRED J. DOHERTY, Clare. 1910 I. ROY WATERBURY, Highland Station. 1910 tWILLIAM L. CARPENTER, Detroit. 7 MEMBERS APPOINTED BY THElGOVERNOft Appointed Retired 1863 *ADONIJAH STRONG WELCH, Ypsilanti, 1866 1866 *ORAMEL HOSFORD, Olivet, 1875 1867 *SAMUEL OLIVER KNAPP, Jackson, 1873 1869 *JAMES WEBSTER CHILDS, Ypsilanti, 1882 1871 *GEORGE WILBUR PHILLIPS, Romeo, 1883 1873 *FRANKLIN WELLS, Constantine, 1904 1873 *AARON SMITH DYCKMAN, South Haven, 1879 1875 *AIILTON JACKSON CARD, Volinia, 1881 1879 HENRY GRAHAM REYNOLDS, Old Mission, 1885 1881 *THOMAS DUSTIN DEWEY, Owosso, 1887 1882 *WILLIAM BARKER McCREERY, Flint, 1890 1883 *ELIJAH WALDO RISING, Davison, 1889 1883 *HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, Three Oaks, 1883-89, 1891-97, 1897 1885 *CYRUS GRAY LUCE, Gilead, 1887 1887 GEORGE BRYON HORTON, Fruit Ridge, 1888 1887 CHARLES WILLIAM GARFIELD, Grand Rapids, 1899 1889 OSCAR PALMER, Grayling, 1891 1889 ASA CHAPIN GLIDDEN, Paw Paw, 1895 1889 IRA HOWARD BUTTERFIELD, Lapeer, 1893 1891 *EDWIN PHELPS, Pontiac, 1895 1893 CHARLES FREEMAN MOORE, St. Clair, 1893-99, 1903-04, 1904 1895 CHARLES JAY MONROE, South Haven, 1907 1895 WILLIAM EDWARD BOYDEN, Delhi Mills, 1897 1897 *tARTHUR CRANSON BIRD, Highland, 1899 1897 THOMAS FRANK MARSTON, Bay City, 1897-1903, 1905-08, 1908 1899 *EDWARD PAYSON ALLEN, Ypsilanti, 1903 1899 HOLLISTER FESTUS MARSH, Allegan, 1903 1899 tLUCIUS WHITNEY WATKINS, Manchester, 1905 1902 ROBERT D. GRAHAM, Grand Rapids, 1909 1903 WM. H. WALLACE, Bayport, 1909 1903 AARON P. BLISS, Saginaw, 1909 1905 tHENRY F. BUSKIRK, Wayland, 1907 1906 WM. J. OBERDORFFER, Stephenson, 1909 1907 ALFRED J. DOHERTY, Clare, 1909 1907 I. ROY WATERBURY, Highland Station, 1909 1909 tWM. L. CARPENTER, Detroit. 1912 SECRETARIES OF THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 1861 *THEOPHILUS CAPEN ABBOT, (See Members of the 1863 Faculty). 8 Appointed Retired 1863 *CARLOS A. KENASTON, pro-tempore, 1864 1864 *SANFORD HOWARD, 1871 1871 tRICHARD HAIGH, Jr., pro-tempore, Dearborn, Mich., 1873 1873 *WILLIAM HENRY PICKERING MARSTON, 1875 1875 *ROBERT GARDNER BAIRD, 1885 188s tHENRY GRAHAM REYNOLDS, Pasadena, Cal., 1893 1893 IRA HOWARD BUTTERFIELD, Hartford, Conn., 1899 1899 *tARTHUR CRANSON BIRD, 1902 1902 ADDISON MAKEPEACE BROWN. TREASURERS 1857 *JOHN CLOUGH HOLMES, (See Members of the Fac- 1858 ulty). 1858 *THEOPHILUS CAPEN ABBOT, (See Members of the 1861 Faculty). 1861 *LANGFORD GREEN BERRY, 1865 1865 *JOSEPH MILLS, 1871 1871 *EPHRAIM LONGYEAR, 1885 1885 MERRITT LAPHAM COLEMAN, Riverside, Cal., 1887 1887 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DAVIS, Lansing, Mich. PRESIDENTS 1857 *JOSEPH RICKETSON WILLIAMS, A. M., 1859 1862 *THEOPHILUS CAPEN ABBOT, A. M., LL. D., (See 1884 Members of the Faculty). 1885 *EDWIN WILLITS, A. M., 1889 1889 *tOSCAR CLUTE, M. S., (See Members of the Faculty), 1893 1893 LEWIS GRIFFIN GORTON, M. S., Majestic Building, De- 1895 troit, Mich. 1896 JONATHAN LeMOYNE SNYDER, Ph. D., LL. D. MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY PROFESSORS 1857 *CALVIN TRACY, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, i860 Died at North Lansing, July 28, 1889. 1857 *LEWIS RANSOM FISKE, A. M., Professor of Chemistry, 1862 Acting President, 1859-62. Died at Denver, Colo., Feb. 14, 1901. 1857 *HENRY GOADBY, M. D., Professor of Animal and Vege- 1859 table Physiology and Entomology. 1857 ♦DAVID PORTER MAYHEW, Professor of Natural 1857 Science. Died at Detroit, May 28, 1888. Appointed Retired 1857 *ROBERT DODD WEEKS, A. M., Professor of English 1862 Literature, Farm Economy and Secretary, 1857-58, 1860-62. Died at E;ast Orange, N. J., Feb. 23, 1898. 1858 *THEOPHILUS CAPEN ABBOT, A. M., LL. D., Em- 1892 eritus Professor of Mental Philosophy and Logic, 1890-92. Professor of English L,iterature, 1858-60. Professor of Civil and Rural Engineering and Treasurer, 1860-61. Professor of History and English Literature, 1861-66. Professor of Mental Philosophy and Logic, 1866-89. President, 1862-1884. i860 *JOHN CLOUGH HOLMES, Professor of Horticulture, 1862 (Treasurer 1857-58, Secretary 1860-62). Died at Detroit, Dec. 17, 1887. i860 *GEORGE THURBER, M. D., Professor of Botany and 1863 Vegetable Physiology. Died at Passaic, N. J., April 2, 1890. 1861 *MANLY MILES, M. D., Professor of Practical Agriculture 1875 and Superintendent of the Farm, 1865-75. Professor of Zoology and Animal Physiology, 1861-65. Died at Lansing, Mich., Feb. 15, 1898. 1863 *ROBERT CLARK KEDZIE, A. M., M. D., D. Sc, LL. D., 1902 Professor of Chemistry. Died at East Lansing, Mich., Nov. 7, 1902. 1863 *tALBERT NELSON PRENTISS, M. S., Professor of Bot- 1869 any and Horticulture and Superintendent of the Gardens, 1865-69. Instructor in Botany and Horticulture and Superintendent of the Gardens, 1863-64. Died at Ithaca, N. Y., August 14, 1896. 1863 *tOSCAR CLUTE, M. S., Professor of Mathematics, 1865-67, 1867 Instructor in Mathematics, 1863-65. President and Director of the Experiment Station, 1889-93. Died at Los Angeles, Jan. 27, 1902. 1865 *GEORGE THOMPSON FAIRCHILD, A. M., Professor 1879 of English Literature, 1866-79. Instructor in English Literature, 1865-66. Acting President, 1872-73. Died March 16, 1901. 1867 tALBERT JOHN COOK, M. S., D. Sc., Professor of Zo- 1893 ology and Entomology and Curator of the General Museum, 1875-93- Instructor in Mathematics, 1867-69. Professor of Zoology and Entomology, 1868-74. Entomologist in the Experiment Station, 1888-91. Professor of Biology, Pomona ODllege, Claremont, Cal. 1868 tWILL WARREN TRACY, M. S., D. Sc, Professor of 1872 Horticulture and Superintendent of the Gardens, 1870-72. Foreman of the Conservatory, 1868. Instructor in Horticulture and Superintendent of the Gardens, 1869-70. Seedsman, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. 10 Appointed Retired 1870 WILLIAM JAMES BEAL, A. M., S. M., Ph. D., D. Sc, Emeritus Professor vf Botany. Lecturer on Botany, May-July, 1870. Professor of Botany, 1871-72. Professor of Botany and Horticulture and Superintendent of the Horticul- tural Department, 1872-75. Professor of Botany and Horticulture and Curator of the Botanical Mus- eum, 1876-81. Professor of Botany and Forestry and Curator of the Botanical Museum, 1882-1902. Professor of Botany and Curator of the Botanical Museum, 1901-1910. Botanist of the Experiment Station, 1888-92, 1909-10. Amherst, Mass. 187. * A TIERED BUCK GULLEY, Professor of Practical Agricul- 1877 ture, 1875-76. Superintendent of the Farm and Gardens, 1876-77. Died at Dearborn, Mich., March 15, 1891. 1875 *tCHARLES LEE INGERSOLL, M. S., Professor of Prac- 1879 tical Agriculture, 1876-79. Foreman of the Farm, 1875-76. Died at Grand Junction, Colo., Dec. 8, 1895. 1875 tROLLA CLINTON CARPENTER, M. S., C. E., M. M. 1890 E., LL. D., Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineer- ing, 1878-90. Instructor in Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1875-77. Professor of Experimental Engineering, Cornell University, 125 Eddy St., Ithaca, N. Y. 1879 SAMUEL JOHNSON, M. S., Professor of Practical Agri- 1889 culture. Agriculturist in the Experiment Station, 1888-89. Dowagiac, Mich. 1880 tFRANK STEWART KEDZIE, M. S., Professor of Chem- istry, 1902- . Instructor in Chemistry, 1880-87. Assistant Professor, 1887-1891. Adjunct Professor, 1891-02. Assistant Chemist of the Experiment Station, 1889-1891. Associate Chemist of the Experiment Station, 1903-05. 1880 ELIAS JOHN MacEWAN, A. M., Professor of English 1889 Literature and Modern Languages. Professor of English Literature, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mich. 1881 GEORGE HATFIELD HARROWER, A. B., Professor of 1885 History and Political Economy, 1883-85. Instructor in History and Political Economy, 1881-83. Contractor in Architectural Iron and Steel. 410 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 1881 *tWILLIAM SANDERS HOLDSWORTH, M. S., Professor 1907 of Drawing and Designing, 1903-07. Instructor in Drawing, 1881-87. Assistant Professor of Drawing, 1887-03. Died at East Lansing, Mich., Sept. 18, 1907. Appointed Retired 1883 tJAMES SATTERLEE, M. S., Professor of Horticulture and 1884 Superintendent of the Grounds. Farmer and Salesman, Ivansing, Mich. 1883 EDWARD ALEXANDER ANDREW GRANGE, V. S., 1897 Professor of Veterinary Science. Consulting Veterinarian in Experiment Station, 1892-97. Veterinarian in the Experiment Station, 1888-92. Principal of Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. 1884 JOHN ALEXANDER LOCKWOOD, Professor of Military 1887 Science and Tactics. Captain U. S. Army, retired. 1705 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. 1885 LIBERTY HYDE BAILEY, M. S., LL. D. (Univ. of Wis.) 1888 1907, Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening and Superintendent >of the Horticultural Department. Horticulturist in Experiment Station, 1888-89. Director of New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 1885 *LEWIS McLOUTH, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Mechanics, 1886 Died March 16, 1909. 1887 WILLIAM FREDERICK DURAND, Ph. D., Professor of 1891 Mechanics and Director of the Shops, 1887-91. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Leland Stanford University, Cal. 1887 WENDELL LEE SIMPSON, Professor of Mathematics and 1891 Civil Engineering, 1890-91. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1887-90. Major, 19th Infantry, 24 State St., New York, N. Y. 1888 LEVI RAWSON TAFT, M. S., Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes and State Inspector of Orchards and Nurseries, 1902- . Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening and Superintendent of the Horticultural Department, 1888-02. Horticulturist in Experiment Station, 1888-1908. Consulting Horticulturist in Experiment Station, 1908-09. 1889 EDWARD PLAYFAIR ANDERSON, A. M., Ph. D., Pro- 1890 fessor of English Literature and Modern Languages. 1889 tEUGENE DAVENPORT, M. S.. LL. D., Professor of 1891 Practical Agriculture and Superintendent of the Farm. Assistant Botanist in the Experiment Station, 1888-89. Dean of College of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station, Uni- versity of Illinois. 1890 HOWARD EDWARDS, M. A., LL. D., Professor of English 1906 Literature and Modern Languages. President of the Rhode Island Agricultural College, Kingston, R. I. 1890 JOHN JORDAN CRITTENDEN, Professor of Military 1892 Science and Tactics, 1890-92. Lieutenant-Colonel, retired. Port Huron, Mich. 12 Appointed Retired 1891 LESTER PAIGE BRECKENRIDGE, Ph. B., Professor of 1893 Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Mechanical Department. Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. 1891 HERMAN KLOCK VEDDER, C. E., Professor of Civil En- gineering, 1909- . Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1891-09. 1891 tWARREN BABCOCK, B. S., Professor of Mathematics, 1909- . Instructor in Mathematics, 1891-93. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1893-1905. Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1905-1909. 1891 tWILBUR OLIN HEDRICK. M. S., Ph. D., Professor of His- tory and Economics, 1906- . Instructor in English, 1891-93. Assistant Professor of History and Political Economy, 1893- 1906. 1892 PETER MIRICK HARWOOD, B. S., Professor of Practical 1893 Agriculture and Superintendent of the Farm and Agricul- turist in the Experiment Station. Barre, Mass. 1892 EDSON ARTHUR LEWIS, Professor of Military Science 1896 and Tactics. Major 6th Infantry U. S. Army, Manila, P. I. 1893 CLINTON DE WITT SMITH, M. S., Dean of the Short 1908 Courses and College Extension Lecturer, 1902-08. Professor of Practical Agriculture and Superintendent of the Farm and Agriculturist in the Experiment Station, 1893-95. Professor of Practical Agriculture, Superintendent of the Farm and Direc- tor of the Experiment Station, 1895-99. Director of the Experiment Station, College Extension Lecturer and Dean of the Short Courses, 1899-08. Superintendent of the Farmers' Institutes, 1899-02. President of Agricultural College, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, S. A. 1893 CHARLES LEWIS WEIL, S. B., Professor of Mechanical 1906 Engineering and Director of the Mechanical Department. Consulting Engineer of Diamond Crystal Salt Co., Inc. Residence, St. Clair, Mich. 1894 WALTER BRADFORD BARROWS, S. B., Professor of Zo- ology and Physiology and Curator of the General Museum, 1894- . Consulting Zoologist of the Experiment Station, 1896-99. 1895 tHERBERT WINDSOR MUMFORD, B. S., Professor of 1901 Practical Agriculture and Superintendent of the Farm and Experimenter zvith the Live Stock in the Experiment Sta- tion, 1899- 1901. Instructor in Agriculture, 1895-96. Assistant Professor of Agriculture, 1896-99. Assistant in Agriculture in the Experiment Station, 1896-99. Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. 13 Appointed Retired 1896 EDITH FLORENCE McDERMOTT (Mrs. Wm. H. Law- 1898 rence), Professor of D'omcstic Economy and Household Sci- ence. Hood River, Oregon, R. D. 2. 1896 HARRY HILL BANDHOLTZ, Brigadier-General, Professor 1899 •of Military Science and Tactics. Chief of Constabulary, Manila, P. I. 1896 CHARLES EDWARD MARSHALL, Ph. D., Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, 1902- . Assistant Bacteriologist in Experiment Station, 1896-1900. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, 1900-02. Bacteriologist and Hygienist in Experiment Station, 1900-1908. Scientific and Vice Director of Experiment Station, 1908- . 1897 tGEORGE ALFRED WATERMAN, B. S., M. D. C, Pro- 1908 fessor of Veterinary Science and Consulting Veterinarian in the Experiment Station. Commandant in charge of the Military Department, 1898-1900. Farmer, Ann Arbor, Mich., R. F. D. 1897 RUFUS HIRAM PETTIT, B. S. in Agr., Professor of Ento- mology, 1906- . Instructor in Zoology, 1897-1906. Assistant Entomologist in Experiment Station, 1897-99. Consulting Entomologist in Experiment Station, 1899-04. Entomologist in Experiment Station, 1904- . 1898 MAUD RYLAND KELLAR, A. M., Dean of the Women's 1901 Department. Teaching in Private School. Home address, Wellesley, Mass. 1899 tULYSSES PRENTISS HEDRICK, M. S., Professor 'of 1905 Horticulture and Landscape Gardening and Superintend- ent of Grounds, 1902-05. Assistant Horticulturist in Experiment Station, 1894-95. Assistant Professor of Horticulture, 1899- 1902. Horticulturist of New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. 1899 JOSEPH ALEXANDER JEFFERY, B. S. Agr., Professor of Soils and Soil Physics, 1902- . Assistant Professor of Agriculture, 1899-1902. Soil Physicist in Experiment Station, 1908- . 1900 MAJOR CHARLES A. VERNOU, U. S. A., Professor of 1904 Military Science and Tactics. Major, retired. 1319 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 1901 MAUDE GILCHRIST, B. S., Dean of Home Economics. 1902 *ERNEST E. BOGUE, M. S., A. M., Professor of Forestry, 1907 Died at East Lansing, Mich., August 19, 1907. 1902 ROBERT SIDEY SHAW, B. S. A., Dean of Agriculture, and Director of Experiment Station, 1908- . Professor of Agriculture and Superintendent of Farm, 1902-08. Experimenter with Eive Stock in Experiment Station, 1903-08. 14 Appointed Retired 1902 tFLOYD W. ROBISON, B. S., Chemist in Experiment Sta- 1905 tion. Chemist Detroit Testing Laboratory, Detroit, Mich. 1903 CHESTER LELAND BREWER, Professor of Physical Cul- 191 1 ture and Director of Athletics, 1909-11. Director of Physical Culture, 1903-09. Professor of Physical Training, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo. 1904 MAJOR WILLIAM H. KELL, U. S. A., Professor of Mill- 1905 tary Science and Tactics. Lieutenant-Colonel, retired. The Buckingham, Washington, D. C. 1904 ARTHUR RODNEY SAWYER, A. B., E. E., Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering. 1905 STEPHEN W. FLETCHER, M. S., Ph. D., Professor of 1908 Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Associate Horticulturist of Experiment Station, 1905-08. Director of Virginia Experiment Station, Blacksburg, Va. 190S tA. CROSBY ANDERSON, B. S., Professor of Dairy Hus- bandry, 1910- . Instructor in Animal Husbandry, 1905-08. Assistant Professor of Dairy Husbandry, 1908-1909. Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry, 1909- 1910. Assistant Dairy Husbandman in Experiment Station, 1908- . 1905 CAPTAIN FREDERICK W. FUGER, U. S. A., Professor of 1909 Military Science and Tactics. Captain 13th Infantry, Maneuver Division, San Antonio, Texas. 1905 ANDREW J. PATTEN, B. S., Chemist in Experiment Station. 1906 THOMAS CHARLES BLAISDELL, Ph. D., Professor of English and Modern Languages. 1907 GEORGE WELTON BISSELL, M. E., Dean of Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 1907 tJAMES FRED BAKER, M. F., Profess-or of Forestry and Supervisor of Forest Reserve Lands. 1907 LESLIE M. HURT, D. V. M., Professor of Veterinary Sci- 1909 ence. Consulting Veterinarian in Experiment Station, 1908-09. Veterinarian, Lansing, Mich. 1908 tHARRY JOSHUA EUSTACE, B. S., Professor of Horticul- ture. Horticulturist of Experiment Station, 1908- . Instructor in Horticulture, 1904. 1908 VICTOR TYSON WILSON, M. E., Professor of Drawing and Design. 1908 WALTER HIRAM FRENCH, Professor of Agricultural Edu- cation. 1909 LIEUT. GEORGE MICHAEL HOLLEY, M. S., Professor igii of Military Science and Tactics. 15 Appointed Retired 1909 VERNON MORELLE SHOESMITH, B. S., Professor of Farm Crops. Farm Exi>erimenter in Experiment Station, 1909- . ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR 190S EDWARD HILDRETH RYDER, A. M., Associate Professor of History and Economics, 1910- . Instructor in History and E^conomics, 1905-07. Assistant Professor of History and Economics, 1907-10. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS 1881 tLOUIS GEORGE CARPENTER, M. S., Assistant Professor 1888 of Mathematics, 1887-88. Assistant in Mathematics, 1881-87. Consulting Engineer, Denver, Colo. 1886 HENRY ROMAINE PATTENGILL, B. S., Assistant Pro- 1889 fessor of English. Editor and Proprietor of the "Michigan School Moderator" and "Timely Topics," Lansing, Mich. 1887 tPHILLIP BELL WOODWORTH, B. S., M. E., Assistant 1899 Professor of Physics, 1889-99. Instructor in Physics, 1887-89. Dean and Professor of Electrical Engineering, L,ewis Institute, Chicago. 1888 tHENRY THURTELL, B. S., Assistant Professor of Mathe- 1891 matics, 1890-91. Instructor in Mathematics, 1888-90. Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. 1889 ALVIN BUELL NOBLE, B. Ph., Assistant Professor of En- 1898 glish Literature and Modern Languages. Professor of English Literature, Ames, Iowa. 1889 EDGAR ALBERT BURNETT, B. S., Assistant Professor of 1893 Agriculture and Instructor in Animal Husbandry, 1891-93. Assistant in Agriculture and Assistant Agriculturist in Experiment Station, 1889-91. Dean of the College of Agriculture of Nebraska, also Director of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. 1889 tWILLIAM HUMPHREY VANDERVOORT, B. S., Assist- 1893 ant Professor of Mechanics, 1893. Foreman of the Iron Shops, 1889-93. President and General Manager Moline Automobile Co., E. Moline, 111. 1889 *tHARRY POTTER GLADDEN, B. S., Assistant Professor 1899 of Horticulture, 1899. Assistant Horticulturist in Experiment Station, 1889-99. Died at Lansing, November 10, 1908. 1890 *NATHAN DAVIS CORBIN, M. S., Assistant Professor of 1892 History and Political Economy. Instructor in Political Economy, Feb.-July, 1890. Died March 19, 1906. 16 Appointed Retired 1890 *tCUARLES PAY WWEEL^R, B. S., D. Sc, Assistant Pro- 1902 fessor of Botany, 1896-1902. Assistant in Botany in the Experiment Station, 1890-9J. Instructor in Botany, 1891-96. Consulting Botanist in the Experiment Station, 1892- 1902. Died at Washington, D. C, March 5, 1910. 1891 tFRED BLACKMAR MUMFORD, M. S., Assistant Profes- 1895 sor of Agriculture, 1893-95. Assistant Agriculturist in the Experiment Station, 1891-95. Dean of College of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1892 JAMES NATHAN McBRIDE, B. L., Assistant Professor of 1893 History and Political Economy. Farmer, Corunna, Mich. 1892 FRED WALTER McNAIR, B. S., Assistant Professor of 1893 Mathematics. President Michigan College of Mines, Houghton, Mich. 1892 CHACE NEWMAN, Assistant Professor of Draunng, 1907- . Clerk in the Mechanical Department, 1892-97. Instructor in Mechanical Drawing and Woodworking, 1897-01. Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, 1901-07. 1893 tPAUL MELLEN CHAMBERLAIN, M. E., Assistant Pro- 1896 fessor of Mechanical Engineering. Consulting Engineer, Chicago, 111. 1898 GEORGIANA BLUNT, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Eng- 1902 lish and Modern Languages. Teacher of German in High School, Schenectady, N. Y. 1899 MARTIN DARRELLE ATKINS, A. B., Assistant Profes- 1903 sor of Physics and Electrical Engineering. Instructor in Physics, Lake Forest, 111. 1900 ALEXANDER WILLETT MOSELEY, B. S., Assistant Pro- 1900 fessor of Mechanical Engineering. Professor of Mechanics, Lewis Institute, Chicago, III. 1900 EGBERT SYLVESTER KING, Assistant Professor of Eng- glish, 1902- . Instructor in Rhetoric and Public Speaking, 1900-1902. 1900 HERMAN W. REYNOLDS, M. E., Assistant Professor in 1904 Mechanical Engineering, 1902-04. Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 1900-02. Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. 1900 HUGO DIEMER, M. E., Assistant Professor Mechanical En- 1901 gineering. Professor of Industrial Engineering, State College, Pa. 1901 JESSE JEREMIAH MYERS, B. S., Assistant Professor of Zoology, 1907- . Instructor in Zoology, 1901-07. 17 Appointed Retired 1902 JAMES BROWN DANDENO, B. S., Assistant Professor of 1910 Botany. Assistant Botanist of Experiment Station, 1 909- 10. Teacher of Science, Bowmanville, Ont. 1902 tHARRY SEPTA REED, B. S., Assistant Professor of 191 1 Chemistry, 1907-11. Instructor in Chemistry, 1902-07. Chemist, Detroit Testing Laboratory, Detroit, Mich. 1903 tHORACE WAKEFIELD NORTON, B. S., Assistant Pro- 1909 fessor of Animal Husbandry, 1908-09. Assistant Animal Husbandman in Experiment Station, 1908-09. Instructor in Animal Husbandry, 1903-08. Farmer, Howell, Mich. 1904 CARL GUNDERSON, A. M., Ph. D., Assistant Professor 'of 1909 Mathematics, 1908-09. Instructor in Mathematics, 1904-08. Professor of Mathematics, Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Stillwater, Okla. 1904 WALTER G. SACKETT, B. S., Assistant Professor of Bac- 1908 teriology and Hygiene, 1907-08. Research Assistant in Bacteriology and Hygiene in Experiment Station, 1904-08. Instructor in Bacteriology and Hygiene, 1904-07. Professor of Bacteriology, State Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colo. 1905 SAMUEL CORNELIUS HADDEN, B. S., Assistant Profes- 1909 sor of Civil Engineering, 1908-09. Instructor in Mathematics and Civil Engineering, 1905-08. Associate Editor of "Engineering and Contracting," Chicago, 111. 1906 JAMES GARFIELD HALPIN, B. S., Assistant Professor 1909 of Poultry Husbandry, 1908-09. Instructor in Poultry Husbandry, 1906-08. Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, University of Wisconsin, Madi- son, Wis. 1906 ARTHUR JOHN CLARK, A. B., Assistant Professor of Chem- istry, 1909- . Instructor in Chemistry, 1906-09. 1906 WYLIE BRODBECK WENDT, B. C. E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1909- . Instructor in Civil Engineering, 1906-09. 1906 JOSEPH ALBERT POLSON, B. S., M. E., Assistant Pro- fessor 1899. Consulting Engineer and Expert in Patent Cases. 45 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Residence, 61 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N. Y. HARRIS FORESTER HALL, (m). Mechanical Engineer. 279 Dear- born Ave., Chicago, 111. Residence, 309 W. i6th St., Chicago Heights, III. HOWARD JUDSON HALL, (a). A. B. (Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ.) 1896; M. A. (Harvard Univ.) 1900. Assistant Professor of Eng- lish, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal. =^GEORGE E. HANCORNE, (a). M. S. 1896. Principal of Schools at Nashua, Iowa. Died at the Agricultural College, Mich., July 29, 1896. GEORGE WILLARD KINSEY, (a). D. V. S. (Chicago Vet. College.) 1891. Doctor of Comparative Medicine. 931 Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. JAY ROBERT McCOLL, (m). With Ammerman, McColl, and Ander- son, Consulting Engineers, of Detroit. Dean of Engineering, Uni- versity of Detroit. Office, 1330 Penobscot Bldg. Residence, 9 Gladstone Ave., Detroit, Mich. ROBERT BRUCE McPHERSON, (a). Dealer in Timbered Lands and Real Estate. Howell, Mich. WILLIAM JOHN MEYERS, (m). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1900. Sta- tistician, Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. Residence, 2012 G. St. N. W., Washington, D. C. WILLIAM WILBER MORRISON, (a). President of The Con- tinental Trust & Savings Bank Co., Toledo, Ohio. President of The First National Bank, Bryan, Ohio. Residence, 2044 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. JOHN HARRIS FORSTER MULLETT, (a). M. D. C. (Chicago Vet. College) 1893, M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1900. Physician. Miami, Fla. WILLIAM PETRIE, (m). Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 2815 6th St., N. E. Washington, D. C. *CHARLES FREDERICK RITTINGER, (a). Superintendent of Schools at Cass City, Mich. Died August 21, 1893. ELMER JOHN ROWLEY, (a). Permanent Address, Greenville, Mich. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIMONS, (a). Manufacturer, Poss Motor Car Co., 506 Howard St., Detroit, Mich. Residence, Grand Ave., Lansing, Mich. LEWIS WAY SPAULDING, (m). Manager of the Lewistown Iron Works. Lewistown, Mont. EDWARD ALBERT STRICKER, (m). Secy, and Treas. Roger J. Sullivan Co., 1 13-15 Michigan Ave. Residence, no Blaine Ave., Detroit, Mich. 54 JOHN W. TOAN, (a). M. D. (Detroit Med. College) 1898. Physician and Surgeon. Oklahoma City, Okla. *ORLANDO A. TURNER, (a). Bookkeeper. Leipsic, Ohio. Died Sept. 19, 1895. HORACE ZELOTUS WARD, (a). Farmer. 443 Mich. Trust Bldg. Residence, 99 James St., Grand Rapids, Mich. ALBERT LATCHA WATERS, (a). E. M. (Mich. College of Mines) 1893. Managing Director of Pioneer Smelting Co., Tucson, Arizona. JOHN WILLIAM WHITE, (a). Rural Mail Carrier. Carbondale, Kansas. 1891 *SUSANNA ANDERSON, (a). (Mrs. Fred H. Hillman). Died at Reno, Nevada, March 30, 1893. FREDERICK WILLIAM ASHTON, (a). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1894. Lawyer. Grand Island, Neb. CHARLES FULLER BAKER, (a). Professor of Biology. Pomona College. Claremont, Cal. WILLIAM JAMES BREESE, (m). Ranchman. 1153 Fedora St., Los Angeles, Cal. KENYON LEECH BUTTERFIELD, (a). A. M. (Univ. of Mich.) 1902. LL. D. (Amherst College, Mass.) 1910. President of Massa- chusetts Agricultural College. Amherst, Mass. CLAYTON THURSTON COOK, (a). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 189?. Farmer. Owosso, Mich. ROBERT JAMES CRAWFORD, (a). Farmer, Fruit Grower, Horticul- turist, County Agent of State Board of Corrections and Charities, and Lecturer on Fruit Topics. Armada, Mich. EDWIN DeBARR, (a). M. S. 1893. Ph. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1899. Vice President and Professor of Chemistry University of Oklahoma ; Director of State Laboratories for Public Health and Pure Food Commissioners, Norman, Okla. SAMUEL CALVIN DONDORE, (a). Real Estate, Insurance and General Brokerage. 439 W. Oley St., Reading, Pa. WILLIAM ENDERS, (m). Electrician. Butte, Mont. JESSIE JANE FOSTER, (a). (Mrs. A. T. Sweeney). Newark, N. J. WILLIS ALFRED FOX, (a). Head, Department of Teachers Training, Tri State College. Angola, Ind. =^GRACE La VERNE FULLER, (a). (Mrs. Leander Burnett). Died at her home near the Mich. Agrl. College, January 2, 1900. GEORGE ALFRED GOODENOUGH, (m). Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois. 605 S. Lincoln Ave., Urbana, 111. ALEXANDER FULTON GORDON, (a). M. S. 1892. Dentist. Office, 218 Wash. Ave. S. Residence, 503 Grand Ave. S., Lansing, Mich. 55 M. EDWIN GREESON, (a). Road and Bridge Contractor. Kokomo, Ind. WILBUR OLIN HEDRICK, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895, Ph. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1909. Professor of History and Economics, Mich- igan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. VIRGIL SEBRING HILLYER, (m). Mining Engineer and Superin- tendent County Road Commission. 604 N. Pine St., Ishpeming, Mich. BERTO ARNOLD HOLDEN, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Col- lege) 1894. Farmer. Wixom, Mich. ARTHUR HENRY KNEEN, (m). Civil Engineer and Assistant Gen- eral Superintendent, Operating Department, American Pipe and Construction Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 56 Greenwood Ave., Lans- downe. Pa. ALFRED RUSSELL LOCKE, (a). Lawyer. Ionia, Mich. *CHARLES PARKER LOCKE, (a). Lawyer. Ionia, Mich. Died Dec. 27, 1904. *VICTOR HUNT LOWE, (a). M. S. 1898. Entomologist of the N. Y. Agrl. Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. Died at Fort Collins, Colo., August 27, 1903. GEORGE C. MONROE, (a). Banker. South Haven, Mich. FREDERICK BLACKMAR MUMFORD, (a). M. S. 1893. Professor of Animal Husbandry; Dean of the College of Agriculture, and Director of the Experiment Station, University of Missouri. Colum- bia, Mo. HERBERT WINDSOR MUMFORD, (a). Professor of Animal Hus- bandry, University of Illinois. Urbana, 111. EDWARD PECK SAFFORD, (m). Roadmaster L. S. & M. S. Ry., Buffalo, N. Y. Z7 Buffalo St., Silver Creek, N. Y. ALBERT CARLETON SLY, (a). Manager of Skamonia Telephone Co. Stevenson, Wash. ALGERNON THOMAS SWEENEY, (a). LL. B. (Columbia Univ.) 1895. Counsellor-at-Law. Prudential Bldg., Newark, N. J. KOLIA SAN THABUE, (a). Agriculturist, Horticulturist, Landscape Gardner, Photographer, Importer of American Agricultural Goods. Thayagon Village, Wakema, P. O. Lower Burma via Brindisi, Asia. CHARLES A. UDELL, (a). Farmer. Jefferson, Ohio. GEORGE ALFRED WATERMAN, (a). M. D. C. (Chicago Vet. Col- lege) 1893. Farmer. Ann Arbor, Mich. R. F. D. MARIAN WEED, (a). (Mrs. Charles E. Neff). North Creek, Ohio. *CHARLES FAY WHEELER, (a). D. Sc. 1907. Botanist, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Wash., D. C. Lanham, Md. Died March 5, 1910. 56 HENRY BEECHER WINEGAR, (a). Farmer. Birmingham, Mich. 1892 HOWARD BIGELOW BAKER, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1898. Physician. 281 Warren Ave. W., Detroit, Mich. ALBERT NORMAN BATEMAN, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal College) 1897. City Surveyor, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 600 S. Logan St., Lansing, Mich. FRANK BAUERLE, (m). Automatic Wood Turning. Chicago, 111. Residence, 1126 Wenonah Ave., Oak Park, 111. LOUIS C. BROOKS, (m). Engineer, Industrial Control Department of General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, Schenectady, N. Y. R. F. D. I. *LEANDER BURNETT, (a). Electrical Engineer. Died at Avalon, Pa., Dec. 27, 1906. CHARLES M. CONNER, (a). Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture in the Philippines. GEORGE WILLIAM DAVIS, (a). Farmer. Tekonsha, Mich. GEORGE ELMER EWING, (a). Farmer. Ross, Mich. R. D. 61. EDWIN J. FREEMAN, (a). Manufacturer of Automobile Supplies. 1008 2ist Ave., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. HORACE BIGELOW FULLER, (a). Expert Farmer, U. S. Indian Service, Stationed at Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation, Reserve, Wis. ALBERT HIRAM GILLETT, (a). Teacher in Indian School. Cham- berlain, S. Dakota. WALTER DAVIS GROESBECK, (m). LL. B. (Columbian Univ.) 1899, LL. M. (National Univ.) 1901 ; M. Pat. L. (Master of Patent Law), (Columbian Univ.) 1903. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 1609 Decatur St., N. W., Washington, D. C. CLARENCE AUSTIN HATHAWAY, (m). Secretary and General Manager, Lansing Motor & Pump Co. Residence, 325 S. Kerr St., Lansing, Mich. GEORGE ACRES HAWLEY, (m). Nurseryman. Hart, Mich. WILLIAM PARKER HAWLEY, (m). Assistant Professor in charge of Mechanical Drawing at Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Residence, 320 N. Ridgeland Ave., Oak Park, 111. *GILBERT HENRY HICKS, (a). Assistant Botanist in the Division of Botany of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, D. C. Died December 5, 1898, at Washington, D. C. JOHN ERNEST HINKSON, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895. Phy- sician and Surgeon. Wacousta, Mich. MABEL ERNESTINE LINKLETTER, (a). (Mrs. Frank E. Cooper). Holt, Calif. 57 THOMAS STEWART MAJOR, (a). Manager of Sperry & Hutchinson Co., Sixth Ave. and Nineteenth St., New York City. Residence, Arlington Hotel, Broadway and 25th St., New York City. WILLIAM EARLE PALMER, (a). Farmer. Vandalia, Mich. R. D. i. HARVEY NEWTON PECK, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1899. Phy- sician. Jackson, Mich. BERT WILLIAM PEET, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1898. Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Michigan State Normal College. 128 Normal St., Ypsilanti, Mich. DOR NOBLE STOWELL, (a). Farmer. Woodland, Mich. *DAVID WINFIELD TRINE, (a). Florist. Lexington, Md. Died July 4, 1908. HARRY ARNOLD WHITE, (a). District Agent of Michigan for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., Muskegon, Mich. CHARLES ROBERTS WINEGAR, (a). Traveling Salesman. 82 Fred- erick Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1893 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BAIN, (m). President of Wolverine Supply and Manufacturing Co. of Pittsburg, Pa. 3rd and Penn., Pitts- burg, Pa. Residence, 163 Crafton Ave. LUTHER HENRY BAKER, (a). Assistant Secretary Michigan Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Lansing, Mich. Residence, East Lan- sing, Mich. GEORGE WASHINGTON BENJAMIN, (a). Last known address, Le- land, Mich. SHERMAN JOHN BLAKE, (m). Electrical Superintendent, Pittsburg & Conneaut Dock Co. 582 Main St., Conneaut, Ohio. LYMAN JAMES BRIOGS, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895. Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins Univ.) 1901. Physicist in charge of Physical In- vestigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. 3208 Newark St., Washington, D. C. ROY CARLETON BRISTOL, (a). General Sales Manager & Superin- tendent, The Alamo Manufacturing Co. Hillsdale, Mich. ALTON CYREL BURNHAM, (m). LL. B. (111. College of Law) 1909- President of the American Extension University. Office, 435 Stimpson Bldg. ; Residence, 1550 Curran St., Los Angeles, Calif. DAISY EDNA CHAMPION, (a). (Mrs. Daisy Coffeen). Principal of Ward School. 1235 Michigan Ave. E., Lansing, Mich. CLAUDIUS BIDLEMAN CHAPIN, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1897. Physician and Surgeon. Suite 15, Traction Bldg., Benton Harbor, Mich. ALBERT BLACKMAR CHASE, (a). Auditor of Telephone Co. South Haven, Mich. FRED P. CLARK, (a). Attorney. Elgin, 111. 58 LUCY MERRYLEES CLUTE, (a). (Mrs. Philip B. Woodw.orth). 5S09 Ohio St., Chicago, III. Austin Sta. DWIGHT SIPPERLY COLE, (m). Consulting Mechanical Engineer and expert in Machine Design and Improved Production Processes. 159 S. Lafayette St., Grand Rapids, Mich. ALBERT BALDWIN COOK, (a). Farmer. Ow.osso, Mich. KATHERINE COOK, (a). (Mrs. Lyman J. Briggs). 3208 Newark St., Washington, D. C. JENNIE MAE COWLEY, (a). (Mrs. Harry E. Smith). 324 Hills- dale St. W., Lansing, Mich. DICK JAY CROSBY, (a). M. S. 1903. Specialist in Agricultural Edu- cation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Sta- tions, Washington, D. C. Residence, Lanham, Md. WILLARD LAWSON CUMMINGS, (a). Geologist and Mining En- gineer, Bethlehem Steel Co., S. Bethlehem, Pa. Residence 409 E. Broad St., Bethlehem, Pa. *JOHN BAGLEY DIMMICK, (m). Assistant Engineer, U. S. Corps of Engineers. Plaguemine, La. Died June, 1909. HARRY MILO GOSS, (a). Office Secretary, Y. M. C. A., South Bend, Ind. ELMER BYRON HALE, (a). Farmer. Caledonia, Mich. OSCAR BLIN HALL, (a). M. D. (Univ. Med. College, Kansas City) 1898. Physician. Office 209 N. Holden St., Warrensburg, Mo. Resi- dence, 417 W. Gay St. WILLIAM LEMUEL HARVEY, (a). Secretary and Treasurer of the International Milling Co. New Prague, Minn. ULYSSES PRENTISS HEDRICK, (a). M. S. 1895. Horticulturist of New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Geneva, N. Y. CLARENCE ELMER HOLMES, (a). Superintendent of School for Blind. Lansing, Mich. WARREN ALBERT MAXFIELD, (a). M. D. (Rush Med. College) 1897. Physician and Surgeon. Hudsonville, Mich. EDWARD M. McELROY, (a). B. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1897. Superin- tendent of Schools. Coldwater, Mich. WENDELL PADDOCK, (a). M. S. 1900. Professor of Horticulture, Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. OTTO HUGO PAGELSEN, (a). M. D. (Univ. of 111.) 1898. Physician. Iowa Falls, Iowa. HERBERT FRINK PALMER, (a). D. V. S. (Detroit Med. College) 1895. Veterinary Surgeon. Business, 4757 E. Ravenswood Park, Chicago. Residence, 4640 N. Paulina, Chicago, 111. WILLIAM WALTER PARKER, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895. Principal So. Tacoma High School. Residence, 361 1 So. 31st St., Tacoma, Wash. 59 JOSEPH PERRIEN, (a). B. S. (Mech. Eng.) (Univ. of Micli.) 1897. Real Estate. 94 Forest Ave., E. Detroit, Mich. EDWIN CHARLES PETERS, (a). Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager of Seeman & Peters, Printers. 301-31 1 Tuscola St., Sagi- naw, Mich. Residence, 716 S. Warren Ave., Saginaw, Mich. *ROBERT B. PICKETT, (a). Teacher. Died at Springport, Mich., September 3, 1897. FRANK JAMES PORTER, (a). Woods Superintendent, East Jordan Lumber Co. East Jordan, Mich. *EMILE SMITH, (m). M. E. (Cornell Univ.) 1894. With the West- inghouse Electric Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Died at Pittsburg, Pa., Oc- tober ID, 1895. WILLIAM GALE SMITH, (a). Farmer. Howell, Mich. ALVA TRUE STEVENS, (a). M. S. 1908. Instructor in Horticulture, Connecticut Agricultural College. Storrs, Conn. VALMORE LA VERNE STEWARD, (m). Civil Engineer. Omak, Wash. *ERNEST NOYES THAYER, (m). Illustrator. Chicago, 111. Died June 8, 1906. WILLIAM WOODBRIDGE TRACY, Jr., (a). Seed Grower. Kendrick, Idaho. LUCIUS WHITNEY WATKINS, (a). Farmer. Manchester, Mich. MARY LILIAN WHEELER, (a). M. S. 1899. (Mrs. D. J. Crosby). Lanham, Md. JUSTIN THAYER WIGHT, (a). Department Manager in Dry Goods Store. Care of Marston's, San Diego, Cal. VERNON JUSTIN WILLEY, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1909. X-Ray Expert. Mayo Hospital, Rochester, Minn. 1894 CECIL JOHN BARNUM, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) 1896. Superintendent of Schools. Beaverton, Mich. REUBEN SMITH CAMPBELL, (a). General Agent, Mass. Mutual Life Insurance Co. 1020 Wall St., Port Huron, Mich. CLARENCE JAMES FOREMAN, (a). M. S. 1896, Ph. D. (Univ. of Wis.) 1910. Professor of Economics, University of Indiana. Bloom- ington, Ind. OREL S. GRONER, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) 1895; A. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1902; S. M. (Univ. of Chicago) 1910. Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Ottawa University. Ottawa, Kansas. ERNEST VAN EMAN JOHNSTON, (m). Erecting Engineer Stoker Department, American Ship Windlass Co., Providence, R. I. Resi- dence, 489 McGraw Ave., Detroit, Mich. 60 DUNCAN D. McARTHUR, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) 1895. Real Estate. San Diego, Cal. Room 222 Timken Bldg. VINTON VINCENT NEWELL, (m). Chief Engineer of Acme Brew- ing Co. Residence, 30 So. College St., Macon, Ga. JOHN DERK NIES, (m). Professor of Electrical Engineering at Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111. Residence, St. Charles, 111. CYRUS CLARK PASHBY, (m). Civil Engineer. Chief Clerk in Dept. of Streets, Bridges and Sewers, City Hall. Residence, 587 Alston Ave., Memphis, Tenn. JOHN WOODBURY PERRIGO, (m). Chief Draftsman, J. S. Metcalf Co., Grain Elevator Builders, Chicago and Montreal. Residence, Montreal, Quebec. LEO BENJAMIN PLUMMER, (m). D. D. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1900. Dentist. Shelby, Mich. FRANK RIPLEY POSS, (a). Mineral and Timber Lands. 825 Penob- scot Bldg. Residence, 21 Edison Ave., Detroit, Mich. JOHN WILLIAM RITTINGER, (a). Principal of High School. La Porte, Ind. WILLIAM KENT SAGENDORPH, (a). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895. Lawyer. Residence, 415 W. Franklin St., Jackson, Mich. SILAS FRANKLIN SCOTT, (a). Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chem- ist. Twin Falls, Idaho. GEORGE EDWARD SIMMONS, (m). Sales Manager, Burton W. Mudge & Co., Chicago. Residence, 7612 Bond Ave., Chicago, 111. CLARENCE BEAMAN SMITH, (a). M. S. 1895. Agriculturist in Farm Management, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Residence, Takoma Park, D. C. HARRY WOODBRIDGE TRACY, (a). Seed Grower. San Juan Batista, Cal. ROBERT SYLVESTER WELSH, (a). (Captain Field Artillery), Cap- tain and Quartermaster, U. S. Army, 26th St. and Gray's Ferry Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent address, care of the Adjutant iGeneral, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM FRANKLIN WIGHT, (a). Botanist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Residence, Takoma Park, D. C. LEROY ALLEN WILSON, (a). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1899. Bank President. El Reno, Okla. *ROBERT S. WOODWORTH, (a). Farmer. Died at Caseville, Mich., July 31, 1896. 1895 HENRY RAYMOND ALLEN, (a). Assistant Sales Manager of the Pfaudler Co., Rochester, N. Y. 1269 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. CHARLES HULBERT ALVORD, (a). M. Agr. 1910. Professor of Agriculture and Superintendent of College Farm, Texas Agricul- tural College. College Station, Texas. 61 WILLIAM CHANDLER BAGLEY, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Wis.) 1898, Ph. D. (Cornell Univ.) 1900. Director of School of Education, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. JOHN PIERCE CHURCHILL, (m). C. E. (Cornell Univ.) 1901. Chief Engineer of Hay, Foundry and Iron Works, Newark, N. J. 19 Whittlesey Ave., East Orange, N. J. CHARLES PHILLIP CLOSE, (a). M. S. 1897. Horticulturist of Mary- land Agricultural College and Experiment Station. College Park, Md. ROYAL SAN CLARE FISHER, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) 1896; M. D. (Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Chicago) 1906. Physician. Office, Schweiter Bldg., corner of Main and Douglas St. Residence, 812 N. Market St., Wichita, Kansas. GUY HENRY FRACE, (a). M. D. (Detroit Med. Coll.) 1898. Phy- sician and Surgeon. Westphalia, Mich. MERRITT WILLIAM FULTON, (a). Fruit Grower. Cherry Run, W. Va. WALTER J. GOODENOUGH, (m). Mechanical Engineer, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, Mass. Residence, 199 Winthrop Road, Brookline, Mass. ERNEST JOY HECK, (a). LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1900. Attorney at Law. Miami, Florida. FRANK JOHNSON, (m). Designer, Cadillac Motor Car Co. Resi- dence, 229 Melbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich. MAURICE GRENVILLE KAINS, (a). B. S. A. (Cornell Univ.) 1896, M. S. A. 1897. Associate Editor of American Agriculturist. Ash- land Bldg., 315 Fourth Ave., New York City, N. Y. HENRY FREEMAN LAKE, Jr., (m). Editor and Publisher of the Gunnison News-Champion. Gunnison, Colo. HURON WILLIS LAWSON, (a). M. D. 1903. Physician. Office, 11 17 Vermont Ave., Residence, 1217 M. St., Washington, D. C. RUSSEL ROSS MARBLE, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1902. Phy- sician and Surgeon. 724 W. 7th St., Hastings, Nebr. GERRIT MASSELINK, (a). Professor of Mathematics, Ferris Insti- tute. Residence, 215 Woodward Ave., Big Rapids, Mich. JAMES SKILLEN MITCHELL, (a). Farmer. Holly, Mich. JAMES EMERSON NISWANDER, (a). Bookkeeper for Plumbing Contractor. Residence, 410 E. 26th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. FRANK POWELL NORMINGTON, (a). Farmer and Dairyman. Ionia, Mich. R. D. I. HARRIE ROSCIUS PARISH, (m). Farmer. Lumber and Coal Dealer. Allen, Mich. ROBERT LLEWELLYN REYNOLDS, (m). Vice-president of Hola- bird-Reynolds Electric Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Residence, Sunny Slope, San Gabriel, Cal. R. F. D. i. 62 CHARLES HOMER ROBISON, (a). D. D. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1903. Dentist. Milan, Mich. PETER V. ROSS; (a). Attorney at Law.. 906 Pacific Bldg., San Fran- cisco, Cal. HOWARD REMUS SMITH, (a). Head Professor of Animal Hus- bandry, University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. THORN SMITH, (a). Chemical Engineer. Diack & Smith, 49 W. Larned St. Residence, 125 Langley Ave., Detroit, Mich. WILLIAM CLYDE STEBBINS, (a). Principal of High School. Grand Forks, N. Dakota. GUY L. STEWART, (a). Agricultural and Industrial Agent, St. L. S. W. Ry. Lines, Cotton Belt Route. St. Louis, Mo. Room 1328 Pierce Bldg. CLAY TALLMAN, (a). Attorney and Mine Operator. Rhyolite, Bull- frog Mining District, Nevada. LEWIS HUNT VAN WORMER, (a). Assistant Analyst of State Dairy and Food Department, Lansing. Mich. Residence, 1024 Ottawa St., Lansing, Mich. *HUGH ELMER WARD, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1898. Instruc- tor in Soil Physics, University of Illinois. Urbana, 111. Died Dec. 29, 1902. SHOICHI.YEBINA, (a). President of Aomori Ken Agricultural School. Sambougi, Aomori Ken, Japan. JOHN GEORGE VELDHUIS, (a). M. D. (Detroit Med. Coll.) 1898. Farmer, Belgrade, Montana. 1896 WIRT TIMOTHY BARNUM, (a). Farmer. Gregory, Mich. R. D. 2. JOSEPH TOWER BERRY, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1906. Physician. Oiifice Tama Bldg. Residence, 1415 Aetna St., Burlington, Iowa. CLIFTON HENRY BRIGGS, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Mich.) 1898. Chem- ist with Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit. Residence, 334 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. JAMES HERBERT BRILEY, (a). M. D. 1903 (University of Mich- igan). Physician. Poison, Montana. ROBERT BENJAMIN BUEK, (a). Farmer and Correspondent. Resi- dence 214 John R. St., Detroit, Mich. ROBERT LEMUEL CLUTE, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in Philippine Normal School. Manila, P. I. WILLIAM KENT CLUTE, (a). Lawyer. 711 Mich. Trust Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. ROSCOE E. DOOLITTLE, (a). With Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 63 LOREN PEARL REDMAN FIMPLE, (a). LL. B. (Cornell Univ.) 1898. Farmer. Colon, Mich. ARTHUR FRANK HUGHES, (a). Farmer and Cattleman. American Falls, Idaho. LUTHER JAMES HUGHES, (a). Professor of Science, Wendell High School, Wendell, Idaho. *FRANK NASH JAQUES, (a). Died at Flint, Mich., December 13, 1896. CHARLES ADOLPHUS JEWELL, (a). Head of Biology Department, South Central High School. 418 19th Ave. E., Spokane, Wash. LYMAN REED LOVE, (a). Dairy Farmer. Farmington, Mich. R. D. i. WILLFORD JEROME McGEE, (a). Food and Drug Laboratory, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Department of Agriculture. New Or- leans, La. Room X, Custom House. WAHEY MATSURA, (m). Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo College of Technology. 205 Yoyogi, near Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. CLARE EUGENE MEYERS, (m). Farmer. Pine Lake, Alberta, Can. *NOEL MYRON MORSE, (a). Farmer. Carson City, Mich. Died Oct. 4, 1904. ERNEST DE ALTON PARTRIDGE, (m). D. B. conferred by Board of Education, Utah, June, 1897. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Residence, 195 E. 4th St., Provo, Utah. LOUIS DUNHAM SEES, (a). Technical Chemist (Sugar and Soils). Unionville, Mich. HARRY EDMUND SMITH, (m). Consulting Engineer. 324 W. Hills- dale St., Lansing, Mich. JOSEPH HERBERT STEELE, (m). Professor of Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines. Rapid City, S. Dakota. JONATHAN EDWARDS WOODBRIDGE TRACY, (a). Seedsman, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Seed Distribution. 2927 Macomb St., Washington, D. C. STEPHEN WOODBRIDGE TRACY, (a). Western Traveling Sales- man, D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich. 306 Samson St., San Francisco, Cal. BERTHA MARGARET WELLMAN, (a). B. Pd. (Mich. State Normal Coll.) 1897. (Mrs. C. A. Willson). Knoxville, Tenn. ORSON PHELPS WEST, (a). Farmer. Columbiaville, Mich. GEORGE WHITNEY WILLIAMS, (m). Manager of Chapman Engine & Manufacturing Co., Dundas, Ont. Residence, 67 Stanley Ave., Hamilton, Ont. SHELDON BRISTOL YOUNG, (a). M. D. (Detroit College of Medi- cine) 1903. Physician. Caseville, Mich. 64 1897 *WALTER GEORGE AMOS, (m). Manager of the Chicago Office of Murphy Iron Works of Detroit. Died at Morgan Park, 111., March 22, I goo. ALBERT EDWARD BROWN, (a). Physician. Conde, S. Dakota. ALBERT THOMPSON CARTLAND, (a). Methodist Minister. Fre- mont, Mich. SADIE D. CHAMPION, (a). (Mrs. Emmett L. Savage). Paulding, Ohio. HENRY AUSTIN DIBBLE, (a). Accountant, Michigan Puget Sound Lumber Co. Victoria, B. C. *GEORGE NIAL EASTMAN, (m). Electrical Engineer with Chicago Edison Co. Died at Monrovia, Cal., June, 1910. JAMES ADAM ELLIOTT, (a). M. D. (Detroit College of Medicine) 1901. Physician. 43 N. McCamley St., Battle Creek, Mich. SANFORD HAMILTON FULTON, (a). Fruit Grower. Sleepy Creek, W. Va. *WILLIAM RICHARD GOODWIN, (m). Assistant in C. E. Dept, Western Iowa Div. C. & N. W. Ry. Co. Died at Union Pier, Mich., Dec. I, 1902. EDWARD CLARENCE GREEN, (a). Pomologist in charge of So. Texas Garden, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Brownsville, Texas. HERBERT WILLIAM HART, (a). Traveling Salesman. Greenville, Mich., R. D. 2. CHARLES FREDERICK HERRMANN, (a). Tailor. 524 Nicollet Ave. Residence, 3240 Aldrich Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. WILLIAM SETH HOWLAND, (a). Deputy Auditor. Jefferson, Ohio. CASS B. LAITNER, (a). Brush Manufacturer. Laitner Brush Co., 63 Brady St. Residence, 165 Englewood Ave., Detroit, Mich. FREDERICK WILLIAM LEWIS, (a). Farmer; Real Estate and Loans, Evart, Mich. JOHN DeWiTT McLOUTH, (a). Farmer. Addison, Mich. LEWIS STORMS MUNSON, (a). Chemist, Ault & Wiborg Co., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Residence, 1908 Clarion Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. GEORGE ANDREW PARKER, (m). Assistant Engineer, C. O. Bart- lett & Snow Co., Cleveland. Residence, 1341 82nd St. N. E., Cleve- land, Ohio. SCOTT JAMES REDFERN, (a). Dry Goods Dealer. Ovid, Mich. JOHN W. RIGTERINK, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1901. Phy- sician and Surgeon. Freeport, Mich. ERNEST ARNO ROBINSON, (a). Civil Engineer; County Surveyor, Charlevoix Co, Boyne City, Mich. C 65 EZRA DWIGHT SANDERSON, (a). Dean of College of Agriculture, W. Va. University. Morgantown, W. Va. EARL HOWARD SEDGWICK, (m). Purchasing Agent and En- gineer, Brighton Mills, Passaic, N. J. Residence, 122 Franklin Ave., Passaic, N. J. ELWOOD SHAW, (a). Carpenter and Jobber. 559 31st St., Detroit, Mich. IRVIN LEROY SIMMONS, (m). Bridge Engineer, C. R. I. & P. Ry., Chicago. Residence, 702 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette, 111. VADIM A. SOBENNIKOFF, (m). Superintending the Construction of Steamships for the Siberian Government. Kiakhta, Siberia. (Last known address). HUBERT EVERETT VAN NORMAN, (a). Professor of Dairy Hus- bandry, the Penn. State College. State College, Pa. AMY BELL VAUGHN, (w). M. S. 1898. (Mrs. H. C. Gilger). 2734 Parkwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. 1898 BERTHA BIGELOW BAKER, (a). (Mrs. E. F. Heath). East Lan- sing, Mich. MARY CAMP BAKER, (a). (Mrs. R. H. Waite.) College Park, Md. EDMUND ALBERT CALKINS, (a). Civil Engineer; Supt. and Mgr. Louisiana Golden Meadows Co., Lockport, La. GEORGE CAMPBELL, (a). Farmer. St. Johns, Mich. R. D. 10. JENNETTE CORYELL CARPENTER, (w). (Mrs. Mark Wheeler). Fort Davis, Alaska. THOMAS ALFRED CHITTENDEN, (a). Teacher. Glenwood Ave., Akron, Ohio. CHARLES ARTHUR GOWER, (m). Superintendent of Ideal Motor Co., Lansing. Residence, 303 Allegan St. W., Lansing, Mich. HERBERT ALEXANDER HAGADORN, (m). Civil Engineer, Build- ing and Grounds Department, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, 237 Parkw.ood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y. DAVID JONES HALE, (a). M. D. Physician. Colon Hospital, Canal Zone, Panama. THOMAS LEROY HANKINSON, (a). Teacher of Zoology, Eastern Illinois State Normal School. Charleston, 111. ELLA PEARL KEDZIE, (w). (Mrs. L. C. Plant). Missoula, Mont. CHARLES WHITTLESAY LOOMIS, (a). Poultry and Small Fruit. North Dana, Mass. WILLIAM JOHN MERKEL, (m). With John Schroeder Lumber Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Residence, 835 Buffum St., Milwaukee, Wis. HARRY LORIN MILLS, (a). Miner. Candle, Kugruk River, Alaska. (Last known address). 66 ROBERT EMOND MORROW, (a). Farmer. Central Lake, Mich. ALBERT MACKELCAN PATRIARCHE, (a). Traveling Freight Agent. Care P. M. R. R. 3233 McKinley Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis. GEORGE FLETCHER RICHMOND, (a). Technical Manager, Tonkin Pulp & Paper Co. Haiphong, Indo-China. FLOYD WELLINGTON ROBISON, (a). Chemist. Detroit Testing Laboratory, iiii Union Trust Bldg. Residence, 56 Rosedale Ct, Detroit, Mich. DEWEY ALSDORF SEELEY, (a). Local Forecaster, U. S. Weather Bureau. East Lansing, Mich. HOMER COLLAR SKEELS, (a). Scientific Assistant, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Residence, 210 Holly Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. OTTO WILBER SLAYTON, (a). Salvation Army Officer. Care Salva- tion Army, 180 Michigan Ave., Detroit, Mich. CLARA MATHILDE STEELE, (w). Kindergartner, Elmer Ave. School, Schenectady, N. Y. 133 Glenwood Blvd., Schenectady, N. Y. ^CHARLES EGBERT TOWNSEND, (a). Farmer. Onondaga, Mich. Died April 3, 1900. FRANK VAUGHN WARREN, (m). Engineer, Cramp & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Residence, 312 N. 37th St., Philadelphia, Pa. ANNE CATHERINE WATKINS, (w). (Mrs. Charles H. Adams). 221 Pine St. S., Lansing, Mich. FRED THOMAS WILLIAMS, (a). Civil Engineer. Sanford, Florida. FRED L. WOODWORTH, (a). Farmer. Caseville, Mich. R. F. D. 1899 R. MANNING AGNEW, (m). Structural Engineer. Chesaning, Mich. CLIFT FAY AUSTIN, (a). Administrative Work, care of American Sugar Co. Central Nueva Luisa, Jovellanos, Cuba. MARIE ELIZABETH BELLISS, (w). (Mrs. Charles Johnson). Bel- ding, Mich. WALTON KIRK BRAINERD, (a). Professor of Dairy Husbandry in Va. Polytechnic Institute. Blacksburg, Va. TERESA A. BRISTOL, (w). (Mrs. E. W. Ranney). Greenville, Mich. JOSEPH ARTHUR BULKELEY, (a). Professor of Science, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Hawkesbury Agricultural College. Wallera- wang, New South Wales, Australia. CHARLES ELIOT CALKINS, (a). Farmer. Swartz Creek, Mich. R. F. D. 2. FRED RANDALL CRANE, (a). Principal Dunn County Agricultural School, Menominee, Wis. S. FRED EDWARDS, (a). M. S. 1903. Professor of Bacteriology, On- tario Agricultural College. Guelph, Canada. 67 WALTER HENRY FLYNN, (m). Division Master Mechanic of M. C. R. R., C. S. Division. Residence, 50 Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, Ont. EDWARD D. GAGNIER, (m). Checker and Designer, Gas Engine De- partment, Buckeye Engine Co., Salem, Ohio. Residence, 356 High St., Salem, Ohio. GEORGE NATHAN GOULD, (a). Lawyer. Grand Rapids, Mich. WILLIAM D. HURD, (a). Director of Extension Work, Mass. Agrl. College. Amherst, Mass. SEYMOUR LEE INGERSON, (a). Chemist with Swift & Co. 1625 Galveston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. CHARLES JOHNSON, (a). Gardener and Florist. Belding, Mich. WILLIAM ROSCOE KEDZIE, (a). Congregational Clergyman. Pon- tiac, Mich. ADORF BERNHARDT KRENTEL, (a). Chemist, Dominion Sugar Co. 17 Hilda PI., Berlin, Ont. ALEX. KRENTEL, (a). Farmer; Real Estate. Residence, East Lan- sing, Mich. CHRISTIAN M. KRENTEL, (a). Register of Deeds, Mason, Mich. MACY HARVEY LAPHAM, (a). Scientist in the Soil Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Residence, 1506 Meridian Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. FRED NICHOLS LOWRY, (m). Superintendent of The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. JOSEPH LEWIS McDERMOTT, (a). M. D. Physician. (Kansas Univ.) 1907. Residence, 800 West Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. PHILIP SHERIDAN ROSE, (m). Assistant Editor of "Gas Review." Madison, Wis. EDWARD RAYMOND RUSSELL, (m). Draftsman, Canadian Bridge Co., Walkerville, Ont. Residence, 147 Windermere Road, Walker- ville, Ont. JOHN SEVERANCE, (a). Land Agent, Lake Superior Iron & Chem- ical Co. Marquette, Mich. ALLAN H. STONE, (m). Office Engineer, Kansas City Terminal Ry. Co. Residence, 3944 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. ALBERT THORNE SWIFT, (a). Lumberman. Residence, 1901 Spencer St., Omaha, Neb. FRANCIS EVERETT WEST, (a). M. S. 1902. Professor of Chem- istry, Alma College. Residence, 220 Maple Ave., Alma, Mich. CLARA FAY WHEELER, (w). (Mrs. G. N. Eastman). Riverside, Cal. 1900 LOUIS LYNNFOOTE APPLEYARD, (m). Salesman, Seager Engine Works, Lansing. Residence, 417 Ottawa St. W., Lansing, Mich. 68 Charles William bale, (m). Assistant Chief Engineer, Wil- lamette Iron and Steel Works, Portland. Portland, Ore. R. F. D. 2. WILLIAM BALL, (m). Designer, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit. Residence, 860 Forest Ave. E., Detroit, Mich. ANTRANIG GARABED BODOURIAN, (a). Poultryman. Care of Columbia Towel Co. 147 E. 23rd St., New York City, N. Y. (Last known address). HARRY LUTHER CHAMBERLIN, (m). Superintendent of Niagara Iron Mining Co. Michigamme, Mich. ALICE M. CIMMER, (w). Teacher of Domestic Science, Battle Creek Public Schools. 14 Broad St., Battle Creek, Mich. HOMER BUELL CLARK, (m). Chief Draftsman for Morton Mfg. Co. 16 Fifth St., Muskegon Heights, Mich. GEORGE B. FULLER, (m). Factory Manager and Chief Engineer of Packers Motor Truck Co., Warwood Park, Wheeling, W. Va. HUGH BURR GUNNISON, (m). Mechanical Engineer and Architect, with Edison Illuminating Co. of Detroit. Residence, 1066 14th Ave., Detroit, Mich. CHARLES HENRY HILTON, (a). Horticulturist. Benton Harbor, Mich. ABRAHAM KNECHTEL, (a). Inspector of Dominion Forest Reserves, Department of Interior. Ottawa, Canada. CHARLES WESLEY LEIPPRANDT, (a). Superintendent, Essexville Factory of Michigan Sugar Co. Bay City, Mich. BERTHA EVELYN MALONE, (w). Draper, S. Dakota. WILFRED BARTLETT NEVINS, (m). Civil Engineer and Drafts- man Santa Fe Ry., Hemet, Cal. CLARE HENRY PARKER, (a). President and Manager of Parker Dairy Co., Inc., Johnson and Warren Ave. Residence, 314 N. 3rd St., Saginaw, Mich. WILLIAM TEAL PARKS, (a). Milk Dealer. Benton Harbor, Mich. ELLIS WILBUR RANNEY, (a). Secretary and Treasurer of Ranney Refrigerator Co. of Greenville, Mich. Part Owner of City Farm Dairy of Belding, Mich. Residence, Greenville, Mich. *HARRIETTE IRVING ROBSON, (w). Teacher of Domestic Science, Colorado Agricultural College at Fort Collins. Died at Colorado Springs, Colo., January 3, 191 1. CHARLES HENRY SPRING, (m). With Power Department, D. U. R., Detroit. Residence, 696 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. PAUL THAYER, (a). Assistant Horticulturist in Experiment Station. Wooster, Ohio. IRMA G. THOMPSON, (w). (Mrs. Mark Ireland). Fort Monroe, Va. JOHN ROY THOMPSON, (m). Master Mechanic, Chicago, Great Western R. R., Clarion, Iowa. 69 HARVEY ALLEN WILLIAMS, (a). Agriculturist. Grand Ledge, Mich. R. F. D. 2. 1901 J. GUY ALDRICH, (m). Residence, 6i8 Dover St., Milwaukee, Wis. FRANKLIN ALFRED BACH, (a). Superintendent of the Michigan Sugar Co., Sebewaing Plant. Sebewaing, Mich. WILLIAM JAMES BAILEY, (m). Manager of Day & Night Solar Heater Co., Monrovia, Cal. Residence, 423 N. Primrose Ave., Mon- rovia, Cal. HUGH POTTER BAKER, (a). D. Oec. (Univ. of Munich) 1910. Pro- fessor of Forestry, Penn. State College. State College, Pa. ROY L. BROWN, (a). Manager of Moser Hygienic Dairy Co. Resi- dence, 2829 Birmingham Ave., Dallas, Texas. GEORGE E. CHADSEY, (a). Clerk in Postoffice Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Residence, 2706 Cathedral Ave., Washington, D. C. JOHN FRANKLIN COATS, (m). Manager, Princeton Collieries, Ltd. Princeton, B. C. ARTHUR J. COOK, (a). Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 3620 Colby Ave., Everett, Wash. HARRY JOSHUA EUSTACE, (a). M. Hort. 191 1. Professor of Hor- ticulture, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. ALICE M. GUNN, (w.). Instructor in Domestic Science, Wisconsin Nor- mal College. Superior, Wis. GUSTAV WILHELM GUTEKUNST, (a). Farmer. Grass Lake, Mich CELIA A. HARRISON, (w). (Mrs. Geo. F. Richmond). Haiphong, Indo-China. CLARE WARREN HAVEN, (a). Nurseryman; Manager of Wilde- mere Gardens, Inc. Royal Oak, Mich. R. D. 2. ARTHUR H. HAYES, (m). Structural Engineer and Draftsman with Flint & Walling Mfg. Co. Residence, 517 E. Mitchell St., Kendall- ville, Ind. GEORGE C. HUMPHREY, (a). Professor of Animal Husbandry, Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. MARK L. IRELAND, (m). First Lieutenant U. S. Coast Artillery. Coast Artillery School. Fort Monroe, Va. DON BEEBE JEWELL, (a). Agriculturist, School District No. 6, Itaska Co., Minn. P. O. Deer River, Minn. CHARLES W. KAYLOR, (a). Assistant Manager, Helvetia Milk Con- densing Co. Mulvane, Kansas. SAMUEL J. KENNEDY, (a). Illustrator. 301 King St. Depot. Seattle, Wash. MARY KNAGGS, (w). (Mrs. A. H. Stone). 3944 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. 70 RALPH MEEKS LICKLY, (m). Chief Draftsman, N. Y. N. H. & H. Ry. 6oi Washington Ave., West Haven, Conn. L. BAYARD LITTELL, (m). Structural Engineer, American Bridge Co., Detroit, Mich. Address, 126 Milbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich. CHARLES ANDREW McCUE, (a). Horticulturist of Delaware Agri- cultural Experimental Station; Professor of Horticulture, Dela- ware College. Newark, Delaware. NEWELL A. McCUNE, (a). Pastor, First M. E. Church. Benton Har- bor, Mich. ROBERT STARR NORTHROP, (a). Real Estate. 167 C St., Salt Lake City, Utah. ROY M. NORTON, (m). Secretary and Treasurer, Sarnia Bridge Co., Sarnia, Ont. Residence, Upton Works, Mich. FLETA PADDOCK, (w). (Mrs. Hugh Potter Baker). State College, Pa. FRED L. RADFORD, (m). Chief Draftsman, Reo Motor Car Co., Lan- sing. Residence, 601 W. Hillsdale St., Lansing, Mich. CHARLES P. REED, (a). M. Agr. 1910. Farmer. Howell, Mich. R. F. D. 2. GEORGE SEVERANCE, (a). Superintendent of Farms for A. C. Bohrnstedt Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Stirling, Alberta, Canada. VERNON M. SHOESMITH, (a). Professor of Farm Crops, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. J. HACKLEY SKINNER, (a). Farmer. Kalamazoo, Mich. R. F. D. 12. JOHN BAILEY STEWART, (a). General Manager of the Windsor T. G. Corp. Windsor, Conn. HORACE TUCKER THOMAS, (m). Chief Engineer, Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing. Residence, iioo Michigan Ave. E., Lansing, Mich. GORDON EDWIN TOWER, (a). Orchardist with The Waldo Hills Orchard Co. Salem, Oregon. R. D. 5. Box 33. WALTER W. WELLS, (m). Mechanical Engineer, Elmore Mfg. Co. Clyde, Ohio. GEORGE D. WHITE, (a). Manager of Patton Paint Co. Newark, N. J. ROSWELL A. WHITNEY, (a). Manager of Hudson, Mich., Branch of Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. Hudson, Mich. VESTA WOODBURY, (w). (Mrs. Thomas M. Marshall). 1420 Broad- way, Alameda, Cal. 1902 ORLA L. AYRS, (a). Agriculturist, Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co. Care Land Department, Tenn., C. I. & R. Co. Residence, 1706 nth Ave. S., Birmingham, Ala. 71 J. FRED BAKER, (a). M. Eor. 1905 (Yale), M. I^or. 191 1. Professor of Forestry, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. EDMUND R. BENNETT, (a). M. Hort. 1909. Professor of Horticul- ture, Colorado Agricultural College. 624 Elizabeth St., Ft. Collins, Colo. ELMA BOWERMAN, (w). (Mrs. T. B. Roberts). McConnelsville, Ohio. HARRY LLEWELLYN BRUNGER, (m). With Seager Engine Works, Lansing. Residence, 1200 W. Main St., Lansing, Mich. DILLMAN S. BULLOCK, (a). M. Agr. 1911. Missionary Instructor in Agriculture. Casilla 75, Temuco, Chili, S. A. WINIFRED E. CANNELL, (w). Teacher in Lansing Schools. 520 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich. FRANK GEORGE CARPENTER, (m). 615 Fifth Ave. W., Calgary, Alberta, Can. LYMAN CARRIER, (a). Professor of Agronomy; Supervisor of Dis- trict Experiment Stations. Virginia Agricultural College. Blacks- burg, Va. ALBERT HERMAN CASE, (m). Manager of Santa Fe Gold and Cop- per Mining Co., San Pedro, N. Mex. ; Assistant Manager, Tennes- see Copper Co. Residence, Copperville, Polk Co., Tenn. RALPH WALDO CASE, (m). Engineer, Coronado Beach Co. 3951 D St., P. O. Box 207, San Diego, Cal. ROBERT L. CORK, (m). Designer and Assistant Engineer, Western Gas Construction Co. of Salem, Ohio. Residence, 118 E. Leith St., Salem, Ohio. GUY SIDNEY COVELL, (m). Farmer. Whitehall, Mich. ALBERT GEORGE CRAIG, (a). M. Hort. 1909. Horticulturist for the Arcadia Orchards Co. Deer Park, Wash. MAMIE LUCRETIA CROSBY, (w). (Mrs. Herbert H. Mowry). Lan- ham, Md. MATT A. CROSBY, (a). Assistant Agriculturist in U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Farm Management. Residence, Washing- ton, D. C. ERNEST I. DAIL, (a). Manufacturer. Lansing, Mich. Residence, 126 Penn. Ave. N., Lansing, Mich. *CLARE DEAN, (w). Teacher. Died Feb. 3, 1906, at Mt. Pleasant, Mich. HARRY GARFIELD DRISKEL, (m). Blast Furnace Construction, Corrigan, McKinney Co. Residence, Cleveland, Ohio. JOHN ADAMS DUNFORD, (a). B. S. in C. E. (Univ. of Mich.) 1906. Bridge Engineer for City of Seattle. Residence, 406 Yesler- w.ay, Seattle, Wash. HARVEY D. FARGO, (m). Toledo Bridge and Crane Co. Residence, 120 E. 14th St., Toledo, Ohio. 72 HARRIET A. FARRAND, (w). (Mrs. George Cardozo). Big Timber, Mont. FRED CHARLES FOX, (m). Foreman, Wood-Working Department, Gaylord Manufacturing Co. Gaylord, Mich. GEORGE DANIEL FRANCISCO, (m). Mechanical Engineer with Jef- fery Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Residence, 1374 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio. MINA FULLER (w). (Mrs. J. L. Truxell). Lewiston, Mich. WARREN J. GEIB, (a). Scientific Assistant in Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. IRVING GINGRICH, (a). Musical Director and Instructor in South Bend Conservatory of Music. Residence, 732 E. Dubail Ave., South Bend, Ind. HARRY HENDERSON, (a). Lawyer. 802 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. NORMAN B. HORTON, (a). Cheese Manufacturer. Morenci, Mich. *DAVID A. KEELER, (m). With the Covert Motorette Co., Lock- port, N. Y. Died Sept. 12, 1902. HAROLD S. KNEELAND, (m). Traverse City, Mich. ARTHUR E. KOCHER, (a). Scientist in Soil Survey, Bureau of Soils, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. WILLIAM KRIEGER, (a). Florist, Mt. Hope and Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, Mich. OSCAR F. MEAD, (m). Detroit, Mich. (Last knowji address.) CLARK W. MILLSPAUGH, (m). Chief Draftsman, M. C. R. R., De- troit, Mich. Residence, 369^ Commonwealth Ave. MARGUERITE A. NOLAN, (w). (Mrs. Herbert F. Lemp). Boise, Idaho. FLOYD WILLIAM OWEN, (a). P. O. Box 150. Detroit, Mich. WILBUR S. PALMER, (a). Fruit Grower. Kalkaska, Mich. HERBERT K. PATRIARCHE, (a). Traveling Freight Agent, P. M. R. R. Residence, 31 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. BURT AYRES PETERSON, (m). Experimental Engineer, Barber-Col- man Co., Rockford, 111. Residence, 609 Ashland Ave., Rockford, 111. TITUS GLENN PHILLIPS, (a). Landscape Architect and Forester. 704 Breitmeyer Bldgs., 24 Broadway. Residence, 84 Prentis Ave., Detroit, Mich. JOHN M. RANKIN, (a). Agricultural Work, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Willits, Cal. EARNEST ALFRED RICHMOND, (m). Assistant General Superin- tendent, Postum Cereal Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Residence, 575 E. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich. LYNN D. RUDOLPH, (a). Importing and Selling English and Amer- ican Goods, Southern Sales Co. Sydney, Australia. 72 EMERY Deforest searing, (m). Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Residence, 1185 Kerby St., Portland, Ore. MABEL CONNELLEY SEVERANCE, (w). Domestic Science Teacher. Bottineau, North Dakota. WARD R. SHEDD, (m). Factory Engineer, Barber-Colman Co., Rock- ford, 111. Residence, 624 Grove St., Rockford, III. ORAMEL H. SKINNER, (a). General Superintendent of Prest-0-Lite Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Residence, 3621 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. FRANCES W. SLY, (w). Teacher of Domestic Science. Idaho Springs, Colorado. DENNIS WOOD SMITH, (m). Mgr. Advance Concrete Co., 416 W. Indiana St. Residence, 1353 Bryn Mawr Ave., Chicago, 111. MARCUS BROWN STEVENS, (a). Merchant. Kenwood, Cal. GEORGE W. STROEBEL, (m). Assistant to Foreman, D. C. Drafting Department, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y, Residence, 24 State St., Schenectady, N. Y. WILLIAM FRANK UHL, (m). With Charles T. Main, Engineer, Bos- ton, Mass. Room 820, 201 Devonshire St. GERTRUDE LYDIA VAN LOO, (w). (Mrs. Edwin Glerum.) Zeeland, Mich. CLARA WATERMAN, (w). (Mrs. J. F. Nellist.) 1209 Jeflferson Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. BERT WERMUTH, (a). Editorial Work, care of Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 611 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. WILLIAM BERNARD WILLSON, (a). Farmer. Clifford, Mich. R. F. D. I. WALLACE K. WONDERS, (a). Secretary and Treasurer of Colum- bian Implement Co., 659 4th Ave., Detroit, Mich. WINFRED RULISON WRIGHT, (a). Assistant Dairy Bacteriologist, Purdue University, 1018 Fourth St., Lafayette, Ind. H. EARL YOUNG, (a). Editor of "The Farmers Review." 355 Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Residence, 5812 Circle Ave., Norwood Park, Chicago, 111. 1903 WILLIAM CLYDE ARMSTRONG, (m). Supt. for John W. Fox, Gen- eral Constructor, Box 652. Residence, 309 E. Wade St., El Reno, Okla. BRONSON BARLOW, (a). 207 9th St., S. W., Washington, D. C. EMMA B. BARRETT, (w). Teacher of Domestic Art and Domestic Science in High School, Snohomish, Wash. 74 WILLIAM MORTON BARROWS, (a). S. B. (Harvard) 1905; S. M. (Harvard) 1906. Assistant Professor of Zoology and Entomology at Ohio State University. Residence, 385 E. Oakland Ave., Colum- bus, Ohio. CHARLES M. BLANCHARD, (m). Chief Engineer, Elyria Gas Power Co., Elyria, Ohio. Residence, "The Jefferson," Elyria, Ohio. FRANK K. BRAINARD, (m). Assistant Engineer Electrical Engineer- ing Department, Allis-Chalmers Co. Residence, 148 isth St., Mil- waukee, Wis. BLISS S. BROWN, (a). Instructor in Horticulture at University Farm and School of Agriculture. Davis, Calif. WILLARD M. BROWN, (m). Chief Draftsman for Whitehead & Kales Structural Iron Works, Detroit, Mich. Residence, T2> Park Ave., Detroit, Mich. WILLIAM RUTHERFORD BROWN, (m). C. E. 1909- With Division of Water Pipe Extension, Department of Public Works, Chicago, 111. Residence, 5837 Ontario, St., Chicago, 111. BESSIE IRENE BUSKIRK, (w). (Mrs. J. Fred Baker). East Lan- sing, Mich. WILLIAM J. CARREL, (m). Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, at Kentucky State University. Residence, 395 Linden Walk, Lex- ington, Ky. THERON P. CHASE, (m). Chief Draftsman, Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Care Y. M. C. A., Detroit, Mich. JESSE M. CHURCHILL, (a). Surveying; Irrigation Work in Idaho; Real Estate. Dietrich, Idaho. OMAR O. CHURCHILL, (a). Professor of Agronomy, Oklahoma Agri- cultural and Mechanical College, N. Dakota Experiment Agronomist in Experiment Station. Stillwater, Okla. JAMES A. COOPER, Jr., (m). Dealer in Groceries and Meats. Resi- dence, 2019 N. Green St., Harrisburg, Pa. OLNEY J. DEAN, (m). President, Olney J. Dean & Co., Chicago, 111. Steel Bars and Fabrics, Reinforcement of Concrete. Residence, Western Springs, 111. HARRY W. DEY, (a). Farmer. Springport, Mich. ADELBERT C. DIGBY, (a). Manager of Creamery. Deckerville, Mich. LEON L. DRAKE, (a). Creameryman, Maple City, Mich. HOMER M. EATON, (m). General Manager and Treasurer of Flint Gas Co. 127 E. 1st St., Flint, Mich. ELLSWORTH O. ELMER, (a). Dairy Farmer. Devereaux, Mich. FRED ENGEL, (m). Chief Draftsman with Benjamin Middleditch, De- troit, Mich. Residence, 721 Belvedere Ave., Detroit, Mich. 75 FLOYD OSSIAN FOSTER, (a). Bacteriologist with The Polk Sanitary Milk Co., II00-III2 E. iSth St. Residence, 2830 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN A. ERASER, (m). Bridge designer with American Bridge Co., of Gary, Ind. Residence, Lovingston, Va. STANLEY GARTHE, (m). Director of Manual Training. Iron Moun- tain, Mich. SEYMOUR FELLOWS GATES, (a). Farmer. Ionia, Mich. R. F. D. 3. EDWIN STANTON GOOD, (a). Chief of Division of Animal Hus- bandry, Kentucky State Experiment Station ; Professor of Animal Husbandry, Kentucky State University. Lexington, Ky. KATHERINE iGUNN, (w). (Mrs. Richard L. Yates). 108 Oxford Ave., Dayton, Ohio. ALICE HADLEY, (w). (Mrs. Sidney Wise). Artesian, S. Dakota. EDMUND SMITH HARRISON, (m). Paw Paw, Mich. SIMON B. HARTMAN, (a). M. Hort. 1910. Farmer and Fruit Grower. Athens, Mich. JOSEPH HAROLD HEDGES, (m). Vice-president and Consulting Engineer "Compania Minera y Beneficiadora de Durango." Guana- cevi, Durango, Mexico. BURR T. HESSE, (a). Elevator, Coal and Building Material. Napol- eon, Mich. LOWELL BYRNS JUDSON, (a). Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Cornell University. Ithaca, N. Y. CLYDE A. LILLY, (m). Electrical Engineer, General Electric Co., Dallas, Texas. Residence, 1710 So. Ervery St., Dallas, Texas. BURTON ORANGE LONGYEAR, (a). Professor of Botany and For- estry, Colorado Agricultural College; State Forester of Colorado. Ft. Collins, Colo. JAMES FRED LOOP, (m). Draftsman, Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 117 La Mothe Ave., Detroit, Mich. SAMUEL W. McCLURE, (m). With L. S. & M. S. Ry., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 1291 Summit Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. CHARLES MELVIN MARSHALL, (a). Rancher. L. B. 315, Santa Ana, Cal. LOUIS GUY MICHAEL, (a). Expert in Corn Growing for Russian Government. Kischinev, Besarabia, Russia. ARTHUR C. MILLER, (a). Creameryman. Berrien Springs, Mich. JAMES GARFIELD MOORE, (a). M. S. 1905; M. Hort. 1909. Asso- ciate Professor of Horticulture and Associate Horticulturist in charge of Horticultural Department. University of Wisconsin. Residence, 809 Grant St., Madison, Wis. 76 FRANCIS McCartney MORRISON, (a), in charge of the Industrial Department of the Pennsylvania Reform School at Morganza, Pa. Residence, 1212 Allegheny Ave., Allegheny, Pa. OWEN MILTON NACKER, (m). Assistant Engineer, Buick Motor Co., Flint, Mich. FRANK H. NICKLE, (m). With McDonald & Nickle, Detroit, Mich. Residence, Trenton, Mich. HORACE W. NORTON, Jr., (a). Farmer. Howell, Mich. ♦FRANK J. PHILLIPS, (a). M. S. in For. (Univ. of Mich.) 1907. Professor of Forestry, University of Nebraska. Lincoln, Nebr. Died Feb. 13, 191 1. FRANK C. REIMER, (a). Horticulturist, North Carolina Agricultural College and Experiment Station. Residence, West Raleigh, N. C. FRANK C. RORK, (m). E. M. (Mich. Coll. of Mines) 1905. C. E. 1910. Mining Engineer in charge of Mine Department, Doe Run Lead Co., Rivermines, Mo. HOWARD D. SEVERANCE, (m). City Engineer, Monterey, Cal. Resi- dence, 916 Harrison St., Monterey, Cal. GLENN C. SEVEY, (a). Editor "New England Homestead," Spring- field, Mass. Residence, Russell, Mass. EDNA VIOLA SMITH, (w). Teacher. Berlin, Mich. R. D. 2. FREDERICK DELOS STEVENS, (a). Bureau of Plant Industry, Of- fice of Farm Management, Department of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. RAY GRANVILLE THOMAS, (a). Farmer. Three Oaks, Mich. R. F. D. No. 3. JOSEPH LANE THORNE, (a). Metallurgical Chemist, Seager Engine Works. Residence, 234 S. Logan St., Lansing, Mich. RAY R. TOWER, (a). With Picher Lead Works, Joplin, Mo. GEORGE TRYON, (m). Draftsman. Steptoe Valley Mining and Smelt- ing Co. McGill, Nevada. IRA VAN SKIVER, (m). Draftsman. 146 Coit Ave., Grand Rapids. BURR WHEELER, (m). Electrical Department of Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. 10 Bridge St., New York, N. Y. HETTIE B. WRIGHT, (w). (Mrs. Cecil L. PhilHps). Klamath In- dian Agency, Oregon. RICHARD L. YATES, (m). Chief Engineer of Water Wheel and Tur- bine Pump Department , Piatt Iron Works Co., Dayton, Ohio. Residence, 108 Oxford Ave., Dayton, Ohio. tl904 ARTHUR ADELMAN, (m). Computer in the Ordnance Office, War Department, U. S. A. Residence, 2409 N, Capitol St., Washington, D. C. tNOTE — Forestry Course designated (f). 17 ARCHIE REED AIvGER, (m). C. E. 191 1. Instructor in Civil En- gineering, University of Illinois. Residence, 630 S. Randolph St., Champaign, 111. ELVINE ARMSTRONG, (w). (Mrs. H. W. Reynolds). Permanent Address, 1531 Euclid Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Temporary address, Chang Sha, China, Province of Hunan. EDWARD BALBACH, (m). Assistant Engineer, Hydraulic Turbine Department, Allis-Chalmers Co., West Allis, Wis. Residence, 551 66th Ave., West Allis. ROBERT JAMES BALDWIN, (a). Clerk to Director of Experiment Station and Dean of Agriculture, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. Box 702. MARGUERITE BARROWS, (w). A. B. (Smith College) 1907. Teacher in High School. Pontiac, Mich. LEWIS F. BIRD, (a). Farmer. Millington, Mich. CLARK L. BRODY, (a). Farmer. Three Rivers, Mich. CLIFFORD I. BRUNGER, (a). Farmer. Grand Ledge, Mich. DON BISSELL BUTTON, (a). Farmer. Farmington, Mich. WILLIAM F. CARLETON, (m). Bakersfield, Cal. ALBERTUS ROBERT CARTER, (m). Draftsman for City Engineer, Rockford, 111. Residence, 534 Rockton Ave., Rockford, 111. LAWRENCE T. CLARK, (a). Assistant Director of the Biological De- partment, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 108 Char- lotte Ave., Detroit. ♦BESSIE E. CORDLEY, (w). From Pinckney, Mich. Died while at- tending the College, June, 1904. ARTHUR CHARLES DODGE, (m). C. E. 1910. With R. R. Depart- ment of Fairbanks, Morse & Co., New. York, N. Y. Residence, 624 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. PAUL N. FLINT, (a). Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Arkansas. Station, Fayetteville, Ark. HENRY WILLIAM GELLER, (a). Professor of Agronomy and Super- intendent of the Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School. Woodbine, N. J. DAYTON ALVIN GURNEY, (m). Chief Draftsman in Ordnance Office, Field Carriage Division, U. S. A. Residence, 2407 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. HARVEY DANIEL HAHN, (a). Student, Detroit College of Law. 36 Erskine St., Detroit, Mich. HENRY NEWTON HORNBECK, (a). Teacher of Biology in Union High School, Grand Rapids, Mich. Residence, 92 6th St. GEORGE V. HOWARD, (m). Draftsman, Ford Motor Works, Detroit, Mich. 78 ELIZABETH JOHNS, (w). (Mrs. M. B. Stevens). Kenwood, Cal. SIDNEY EGBERT JOHNSON, (m). Instructor in Mechanics and Ma- terials Laboratory, University of Wisconsin. Residence, 2134 W. Lawii Ave., Madison, Wis. JESSE PHILIP KNICKERBOCKER, (m). Construction Engineer, American District Steam Co., Lockport, N. Y. 71 Genesee St., Lockport, N. Y. JEWEL LEE, (w,). (Mrs. Edwin A. Grove). Teacher. Ovid, Mich. FRED A. LOEW, (a). Professor of Sciences at Central College, Hunt- ington, Ind. Residence, Ubee, Ind. GEORGE STRANGE McMULLEN, (a). Farmer. Grand Ledge, Mich. LESLIE B. McWETHY, (a). Rancher. Thornton, Wyoming. ROBERT D. MALTBY, (a). Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Florida. Gainesville, Fla. GEORGE E. MARTIN, (m). Draftsman, Diamond "T" Motor Car Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 6325 Woodlawn, Ave., Chicago, 111. WENDELL SYDNEY MERICK, (m). Vice-president and Treasurer, Riverdale Iron & Steel Co., Riverdale Station, Chicago, 111. Resi- dence, 1709 E. 55th St., Chicago, 111. WILSON FLOYD MILLAR, (m). Homesteader. Poison, Mont. GEORGE C. MORBECK, (f). Forester. In charge of Reconnaissance, U. S. Forest Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico. JESSIE K. PALMER, (w). (Mrs. Frank Rork). Rivermines, Mo. PAUL B. PIERCE, (m). With Weis Manufacturing Co., Monroe, Mich. Residence, 262 Wash St., Monroe, Mich. JACOB H. PROST, (a). City Forester of Chicago. Residence, 1916 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. GERALD GRANT ROBBINS, (m). Mechanical Engineer with Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., Harvey, III. Residence, IS43S Turlington Ave., Harvey, 111. ARTHUR BRADLEY ROGERS, (a). M. D. C. (Chicago Vet. Coll.) 1907. Veterinarian. Residence, 1204 Sixth Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. ALVIN A. ROSENBERRY, (a). M. D. (Univ. of Mich.) 1909. Phy- sician. Benton Harbor, Mich. HENRY T. ROSS, (a). Farmer. Milford, Mich. R. F. D. i. FRANK HOB ART SANFORD, (f). Assistant Professor of Forestry at the Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. HENRY JACOB SCHNEIDER, (m). Office of Chief of Ordnance, War Department, Washington, D. C. Residence, 326 D. St. N. E., Washington, D. C. HERMAN SCHREIBER, (a). Chemist, Bureau of Chemistry. Resi- dence, 642 E St. N. E., Washington, D. C. 79 ELRIC A. SEELYE, (a). D. O. (Still College of Osteopathy) 1907. Osteopathic Physician. 300-303 Prudden Bldg. Residence, 1 131 Ionia St. W., Lansing, Mich. ♦HOWARD S. SEVERANCE, (a). Farmer. Novi, Mich. Died at Wixom, Mich. August 17, 1910. GERTRUDE SLAGHT, (w). (Mrs. Frenn Preston). El Dorado, Kan- sas. KATHERINE HANNAH SLAGHT, (w). Grand Blanc, Mich. MELBERT W. TABER, (m). Assistant Superintendent, Construction Department, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 420 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. GRACE HELEN TAFT, (w). (Mrs. Edward J. Kunze). East Lan- sing, Mich. CHARLES B. TAYLOR, (a). Farmer. Oxford, Mich. R. F. D. 3. WILLIAM ORA THOMPSON, (a). With Wyncoop, Hallenbeck, Craw- ford Co., Lansing, Mich. Residence, 1027 Allegan St., Lansing, Mich. HARRY GLEN WALKER, (m). Assistant Master Mechanic and De- signer, J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. Residence, 1810 Roe Ave., Racine, Wis. GEORGE WILSON WHITE, (m). Draftsman, Forest City Steel & Iron Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 1377 Beach St., Lakewood, Ohio. CHARLES GOODRICH WOODBURY, (a). M. S. 1906. Associate Horticulturist, Purdue University Experiment Station ; Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Purdue University. Lafayette, Ind. WILLIAM J. WRIGHT, (a). Instructor in Horticulture, State Col- lege, Pa. 1905 ETHEL MAE ADAMS, (w). Teacher, Domestic Science and Art, Cen- tral High School, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 420 Woodward Ave., Detroit. ARTHUR J. ANDERSON, (a). Associate Editor of the Ohio Farmer. Care Lawrence Publishing Co., Cleveland Ohio. Residence, 9223 Rosalind Ave., Cleveland, O. CLAUDE I. AUTEN, (m). Consulting Engineer. 416 Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Mich. HELEN D. BAKER, (w). East Lansing, Mich. ROBERT FLOYD BELL, (m). Detailer and Checker, Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 10524 Gooding Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 80 BESSIE E. BEMIS, (w). Instructor in Domestic Science, University of Minnesota ; University Farm, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. Residence, 2130 Carter Ave., St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. BON C. BENNETT, (w). (Mrs. Harry French). 2052 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. FRANC C. BENNETT, (w.). (Mrs. H. J. Mastenbrook. 804 12th St.. Moline, 111. WILMER C. BENNETT, (m). Expert and Lumberman, U. S. Forest Service. Eraser, Colo. Last known address. ZOE BENTON, (w). (Mrs. Clem C. Ford). 381 E. Oakland Ave., Columbus, Ohio. JOHN WILLARD BOLTfi, (a). Manufacturer. 1255 Center Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Residence, Winnetka, 111. Box 345. WILLIAM M. BOS, (a). Heating Engineer and Contractor. Hudson- ville, Mich. R. F. D. 3- JESSIE BROWN, (w). (Mrs. J. W. Bolte). Winnetka, 111. Box 345- OLIVER W. BURK, (m). Building Superintendent and Structural En- gineer with H. G. Christman Co., South Bend, Ind. Residence, 760 Leland Ave., South Bend, Ind. ORANGE B. BURRELL, (a). Superintendent of Lamao Experiment Station. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, P. I. Residence, Lamao, Bataan, P. I. LELAND DAVID BUSHNELL, (a). Assistant Professor in Bacteriol- ogy, Manhattan, Kansas. MARY ALICE BUTTERFIELD, (w.). (Mrs. George Nichols). Hills- dale and Espy Ave., Dormont, Pittsburg, Pa. CLARA SERGEANT CAMPBELL, (w). (Mrs. A. T. Leavitt). 1338 St. Paul St., Denver, Colo. ROSCOE J. CARL, (a). Stock Farmer. Bath, Mich. R. F. D. 24. KATE M. COAD, (w). (Mrs. Glenn W. Carpenter). Williamston, Mich. ELVA R. DAVIS, (w). Florist. 146 Lafayette St., Ionia, Mich. FRED S. DUNKS, (a). Farmer. Union City, Mich. CORA LUCINDA FELDKAMP, (w). Assistant Librarian, Office of Farm Management, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 1328 I2th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. ROBERT E. FERGUSON, (a). Lansing, Mich. ALEXANDER A. FISK, (a). Landscape Architect and Superintendent of Racine Parks. Office, City Hall. Residence, 1710 Park Ave., Racine, Wis. CLEM C. FORD, (m). Engineer, Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., Columbus, Ohio. Residence, 381 E. Oakland Ave., Columbus, Ohio. RICHARD C. FOWLER, (m). Advertising Man, Detroit City Gas Co. Residence, 227 E. Warren Ave., Detroit, Mich. GEORGE R. FRYMAN, (m). Civil Engineer, Ft. Sumner, N. M. 81 VICTOR RAY GARDNER, (a). Associate Professor of Pomology, Oregon State Agricultural College. Corvallis, Ore. ALTA GUNNISON, (w). (Mrs. Paul B. Pierce). 262 Washington St., Monroe, Mich. EDDY J. GUNNISON, (m). Draftsman, Holabird & Roche, Architects. 98 Jackson, Blvd., Chicago. Residence, 3836 N. Springfield Ave., Chicago, 111. CHARLES A. HACH, (m). Instructor in Manual Training, Saginaw, Mich. Residence, 905 Hill St., Saginaw, Mich. JOSEPH PHILIP HAFTENKAMP, (m). C. E. 1910. Assistant Sup- erintendent, Gas Manufacturing Department, Rochester Railway and Light Co. Residence, 204 Pierpont St., Rochester, N. Y. SHERWOOD HINDS, (m). Chief Draftsman with W. E. Bock. Resi- dence, 1431 Norwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. BERTHA HINKSON, (w). Teacher of Domestic Science and Physical Culture, St. Mary's College. Monroe, Mich. FREDERICK B. HOWARD, (a). Farmer and Holstein-Friesian Cattle Breeder. Ionia, Mich. R. D. 7. HORACE SINCLAIR HUNT, (m). Construction Engineer and De- signer for Commonwealth Power Co., 314 West Wesley St., Jack- son, Mich. BERNICE MAE JACKSON, (w). (Mrs. V. R. Gardner). Corvallis, Ore. C. ERNEST JOHNSON, (m). Designer with Corrugated Bar Co. St. Louis, Mo. FREDERICK LUCIAN JOHNSTON, (m). Structural Engineer. 4215 High St., Albuquerque, New Mexico. WILLIAM F. JORDAN, (m). Foreman, Drafting Room, American Bridge Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 2257 North Sawyer Ave., Chi- cago, 111. E. GERALD KENNY, (a). Chemist, La Plata Cold Storage Co. 383 Bartholomew Mitre, Buenos Ayres, Argentine, S. A. FRANK JOSEPH KRATZ, (m). With Ford Motor Works, De- troit, Mich. BRUCE C. McALPINE, (m). General Manager Walcott & Wood Ma- chine Tool Co., Jackson, Mich. Residence, 209 Webb St., Jackson, Mich. KATHERINE MABEL McNAUGHTON, (w). (Mrs. C. A. Reed). 1826 13th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. ROBERT S. NEWTON, (m). Draftsman, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, 103 Front St., Schenectady, N. Y. GEORGE WILLIAM NICHOLS, (m). Engineer with John Eichleay, Jr. Co., 20th and Wharton Sts., Pittsburg, Pa. Residence, Hillsdale and Espy Ave., Dormont, Pittsburg, Pa. 82 HARRY C. OVEN, (a). Seed Grower and Contractor. Henderson, Mich. BESSIE K. PADDOCK, (w,). (Mrs. Harry Meek.) South Porcupine, Ont. JOEL GAYLORD PALMER, (a). Produce Dealer, Orleans, Mich. ARTHUR DEWITT PETERS, (m). Assistant Land Agent, L. S. & • M. S. Ry., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 7101 Lexington Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. BESSIE PHILLIPS, (w). (Mrs. Claude I. Auten). 16 Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Mich. ANNA E. PICKETT, (w). (Mrs. Dayton Gurney). 2407 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. EDWARD CHATFIELD PLACE, (a). Clerk, American Express. Jackson, Mich. PAULINA ELONA RAVEN, (w). Head of Departments of Domestic Science and Domestic Art, State Normal College, Warrensburg, Mo. Home address. East Lansing, Mich. CLARENCE A. REED, (a). Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D. C. Residence, 1826 13th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. SARAH ELLEN RICHARDSON, (w). Teacher. Pocatello, Idaho. Resi- dence, Bath, Mich. WALTER P. ROBINSON, (m). Manager of Branch Office, Northern Engineering Works. 623 Trader's Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ontario. Residence, 47 McLean Ave., Toronto, Ont. EDNA H. RUPERT, (w,). (Mrs. John R. Hanna). Teacher. P. Bur- gos St., Batangas, P. I. JOHN EDWARD SCHAEFER, (a). In charge of the Horticultural and Poultry Departments, Baron De Hirsch Agricultural School, Woodbine, N. J. NELSON J. SMITH, (a). With White Lead Works, Detroit, Mich. Last known address. SOPHIA IZORA SOUTHWICK, (w). Teacher. Hart, Mich. R. F. D. 4. MARK G. STEPHENSON, (m). Designing Engineer with Turner Con- struction Co. Buffalo, N. Y. CLARENCE D. STERLING, (m). Estimator, Whitehead & Kales Iron Works, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 169 Toledo Ave., Detroit, Mich. RALPH T. STEVENS, (a). Landscape Gardener with Mac Rorie-Mc- Laren Co. 711-714 Westbank Building, San Francisco, Cal. CLARENCE A. STIMPSON, (m). Suisun, Solano Co., Cal. CLYDE W. STRINGER, (m). Designer, Brush Runabout Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 2633 2nd Ave., Detroit, Mich. WILFRED STRONG, (m). Draftsman, Kalamazoo Foundry & Machine Co. Residence, 137 Carmel St., Kalamazoo, Mich. CHARLES EASTERBY SWALES, (a). Real Estate. 920-923 Cham- ber of Commerce, Detroit, Mich. 83 LILLIAN MAYNARD TAFT, (w). Dietitian, Homeopathic Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich. GEORGE F. TALLADAY, (f). Merchandise Brokerage. Auburn, N. Y. JOHN LYNN THOMAS, (a). Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, Depart- ment of Agriculture. College Station, Texas. H. FOLEY TUTTLE, (a). Student, Michigan Agr. College. East Lan- sing, Mich. PHILIP H. WESSELS, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Wis.) 1910. Fellow, University of Wisconsin. 2014 Monroe St., Madison, Wis. ERNEST A. WILCOX, (m). Bridge Engineer with Canadian Bridge Co., Walkerville, Ontario. Residence, Lenox Apartments, Detroit, Mich. 1906 E. HAYES ADAMS, (m). Teacher of Science and Mathematics in High School. Chesaning, Mich. ALIDA ALEXANDER, (w). Teacher. 521 Broadway, Niles, Mich. ANSON CROSBY ANDERSON, (a). Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. HARRIET C. ANGELL, (w.). 504 Ely St., Alma, Mich. A. SCOTT AMRSTRONG, (m). Assistant Superintendent, Bates & Rog- ers Construction Co., Chicago, 111., 1050 Byron St. Residence, 976 Edgecombe Ave. HOWARD HASWELL BARNETT, (m). Member of Firm, The New- man-Barnett Co., Engineers and Contractors, Pontiac, Mich. Resi- dence, 90 Judson St. ERASTUS NEWTON BATES, (M). Draftsman, with Standard Oil Co. Residence, 63 Northern Ave., Apartment Onita, New York City. RALPH C. BIRD, (m) Construction Engineer, Peoples Portland Ce- ment Co.; Assistant Superintendent of Mill No. i. Sandusky, Ohio. GEORGE P. BOOMSLITER, (m). Instructor in Theoretical and Ap- plied Mechanics, University of Illinois. Residence, 707 W. Green St., Urbana, 111. MARY J. BRAY, (w). Second Grade Teacher, Grand Ledge, Mich. Home address, Okemos, Mich. CARL HANSEL BOUGHTON, (m). Engineer, American Bridge Co., Commercial National Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. HOWARD C. BUCKNELL, (a). Farmer. Centerville, Mich. ARBA H. CAMERON, (m). Foreman, Templet & Pattern Shop, Amer- ican Bridge Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 5506 Wabash Ave., Chi- cago, 111. FLORA L. CAMPBELL, (w). Teacher in Public Schools, Lansing, Mich. Home address, Okemos, Mich. FLORENCE CASE (w). Assistant Postmaster. Berlin, Wis. 84 JOHN GRIFFITH CAVANAGH, (m). Designer, Bridge Department, N. Y. C. & L. R. R., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 1317 E. 125th St. Cleveland, Ohio. SILAS E. CHAMPE, (a). Farm Produce Broker. Warehouse and Gen- eral Offices, 489-491-493-495 Jefferson Ave. W. Residence, 1094 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. *HENRY H. CROSBY, (a). With Hoffman Milk Co., Memphis, Tenn. Died at Three Oaks, Mich., October 16, 1906. MAXWELL J. DORSEY, (a). University of Minnesota, Division of Horticulture, Research in Fruit Breeding. Residence, 21 11 Knapp St., St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn. ARCHER EMMET FALCONER, (m). Draftsman. 1305 Rover Ave., Roanoke, Va. FRED ABBOTT FARLEY, (a). Farmer. Almont, Mich. BELL SHANK FARRAND, (w). (Mrs. Otto Rahn), East Lansing. JAMES EDWARD FISK, (m). Superintendent of Construction for Holabird & Roche, Chicago, 111. Residence, 838 Windsor Ave., Chicago, 111. HOWARD L. FRANCIS, (m). Superintendent of Buildings, Mexican Electric Tramway Co., Mexican Light and Power Co., Mexican Steel and Chemical Products Co., and Pachuca Power and Irrigation Co. Residence, la Ancha, 22 Letra C, Mexico City, Mexico. Per- manent address, Charlevoix, Mich. BLANCHE A. FREEDMAN, (w). Grade Teacher, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 225 E. St. Joseph St., Lansing, Mich. LAWRENCE O. GORDON, (m). Engineer, Muskegon Motor Special- ties Co. Residence, 4 Strong Ave., Muskegon, Mich. RALPH C. GRAHAM, (m). With Concrete Engineering Co., Daven- port, Iowa. 42 McManus Bldg., Residence, 33 Oak Lane, Daven- port, Iowa. FRANK NELSON GROVER, (m). Chief Engineer, Mining Department, Doe Run Lead Co. Rivermines, Mo. EARL G. HAGADORN, (a). Farmer. Okemos, Mich. GILBERT W. HEBBLEWHITE, (m). Structural Engineer, Kenwood Bridge Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 6934 Chauncey Ave., Chicago, 111. ♦GRACE HEBBLEWHITE, (w). (Mrs. Earl W. Kenrick). Hillsdale, Mich. Died, November 5, 1908. WALTER K. HOUGH, (a). Farmer. Almont, Mich. ROSEMOND HARRIET KEDZIE, (w). East Lansing, Mich. ROLLO E. KEECH, (m). With Gasoline Engine Works, Sparta, Mich. Home address, Rockford, Mich. EARL W. KENRICK, (m). Assistant Superintendent, Alamo Manufac- turing Co., Hillsdale, Mich. Residence, 27 Reading Ave., Hillsdale. 85 WALTER J. KIN,GSCOTT, (m). With Mexican Light and Power Co., Mexico, D. F. Residence, 6a Calle de Balderas 79, Mexico, D. F. CASS A. LAMB, (m). Civil Engineer, G. C. Hodgson & Co. of Dayton, Ohio. Felsenthal, Ark. Home address, Washington, Mich. JOHN R. LAMBERT, (m). Draftsman for the Phoenix Bridge Co., 235 4th Ave., Phoenixville, Pa. Home address, Niles, Mich. MARINUS BERT LANGELER, (m). Draftsman, Indiana Bridge Co., Muncie, Ind. Residence, 725 W. Main St., Muncie, Ind. CAROLINE HOTCHKISS LAWRENCE, (w). Home address, Hud- son, Mich. FRANK D. LINKLETTER, (a). HorticuUurist. Benzonia, Mich. FRANK LIVERANCE, (m). Third Assistant Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Residence, 127 Quincy Place, N. E., Washington, D. C. THOMAS FRANKLIN LOCKE, (m). Chief Engineer, Water and Wind Power Co., 221 Minna St., San Francisco, Cal. *SAMUEL ALLEN MARKHAM, (m). Chief of Survey Party, Bureau of Lands. Manila, P. I. Died May, 191 1, at Suez, Egypt. HENRY J. MASTENBROOK, (m). With Engineering Department, Deere Co. Residence, 804 12th St., Moline, 111. MILDRED M. MATTHEWS, (w). (Mrs. G. W. Hebblewhite). 6934 Chauncey Ave., Chicago, 111. WILLIAM EARL MORGAN, (m). Draftsman, Seager Engine Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, East Lansing, Mich. Box 172. WILHELM NEILSON, (m). Draftsman, "Nickle Plate" R. R., Cleve- land, Ohio. Residence 12222 Ashbury Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. LYDIA ZAE NORTHRUP, (w). Instructor in Bacteriology, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. GERTRUDE ELIZABETH PETERS, (w). In charge of Department of Household Economics, New. York State Normal College, Albany, N. Y. Residence, Wareham Apartments, 88 Willet St., Albany, N. Y. IRVIN MAX PHIPPENY, (m). Junior Engineer, U. S. Reclamation Service. 635 Main St., Montrose, Colo. JOHN EUGENE POOLE, (m). Assistant to Master Mechanic, Western Electric Co., Hawthorne, 111. Residence, 2743 Gladys Ave., Chi- cago, 111. RAY GERALD POTTS, (a). Farmer. Washington, Mich. ROY CHESTER POTTS, (a). Professor of Dairy Husbandry, Okla- homa Agricultural and Mechanical College. Stillwater, Okla. KARL FRANK RANGER, (m). Checker, Packard Motor Car Co., De- troit, Mich. Residence, 1161 Mt. Elliott Ave., Detroit, Mich. RASMUS RASMUSSEN, (m). Assistant Superintendent, Bates & Rog- ers Construction Co. 885 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, 111. Home ad- dress, 1529 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 86 HARRY SEPTA REED, (a). With Detroit Testing Laboratory, iiii Union Trust BIdg., Detroit, Mich. LULU ROBINSON, (w). (Mrs. iGeorge B. Wiles). 1025 N. 4th St., Sheboygan, Wis. ALBERT N. ROBSON, (f). M. For. 191 1. Forester for George F. Peabody, Lake George, N. Y. R. D. 2. HUGH C. SALISBURY, (m). County Surveyor, Oceana county. Hart, Mich. LESLIE M. SANBORN, (m). Structural Engineer, Donovan Wire & Iron Co., Toledo, Ohio. Residence, 235 Ontario St. Flat No. 3, Toledo Ohio. DORA ADELLA SKEELS, (w). (Mrs. Alfred W. Post). 3539 E. 68th St., Portland, Ore. ERNEST F. SMITH, (m). Draftsman, C. R. I. & P. Ry., Chicago, 111. Residence, 1642 Warren Ave., Flat 2, Chicago, 111. LESLIE JOHN SMITH, (m). Professor of Engineering and Mechanics, Manitoba Agricultural College. 532 Spence St., Winnipeg, Mani- toba. LOUIS MARTIN SPENCER, (m). Assistant Examiner, U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. WALTER E. STANTON, (a). Farmer. Dowling, Mich. R. F. D. i. KINTON B. STEVENS, (m). Student, Mich. Agr. College. East Lan- sing, Mich. WILLIAM C. STRAND, (m). Salesman for Illinois Steel Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 1319 Wabausia Ave., Chicago, 111. JENNE ETHELDA TAYLOR, (w). Eaton Rapids, Mich. JOSEPH HANNAH TAYLOR, (m). Resident Engineer, Ducktown Sulphur, Copper and Iron Co., Isabella, Tenn. CHARLES ALBERT WILLSON, (a). M. S. A. (Univ. of Missouri) 1910. Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Ten- nessee. Knoxville, Tenn. WILLIAM EVERARD WILSON, (m). Care Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. WILLIAM PEGRAM WILSON, (m). First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. A. Fort Strong, Mass. tl907 WILLIAM B. ALLEN, (e). Civil Engineer with Wm. G. Fargo. Resi- idence, 124 Martin St., Jackson, Mich. HELEN ANDREWS, (w). (Mrs. George O. Stoffer). 209 S. Madi- son Ave., LaGrange, 111. ANNA M. ANGELL, (w). 504 Ely St., Alma, Mich. IRA D. ANGELL, (e). 504 Ely St., Alma, Mich. tNOTE — The designation, mechanical course (m), changed to engineering course (e). 87 HELEN M. ASHLEY, (w). (Mrs. W. T. Hill). Davison, Mich. EVA BELLE BAILEY, (w). Teacher in San Juan University. Rio Piebras, Porto Rico. Box 231. JULIUS LEE BAKER, (a). Real Estate Broker. 462 JeflFerson Ave., Detroit, Mich. HERBERT RUSSEL BECKWITH, (a). With the Oliver Chilled Plow Works. Harrisburg, Pa. RACHEL M. BENHAM, (w). Instructor in Bacteriology, Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing. EZRA NATHANIEL BOULARD, (a). Farmer. Alto, Mich., R. D. 54. LEROY CHARLES BRASS, (e). Computer, City Engineer's Office, Seattle, Wash. Residence, 1416 3rd Ave. W., Seattle, Wash. GEORGE A. BROWN, (a). Instructor in Animal Husbandry, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. HARRY LAMBERT BROWN, (a). Chemist with the American Agri- cultural Chemical Co. Residence, 199 24th St., Detroit, Mich. GEORGE ATKINS BURLEY, (e). President and General Manager, Evart Light and Power Co., Evart, Mich. Temporary Offices 312 Hammond Bldg., Detroit, Mich. JAY C. BUTTON, (a). Farmer. Novi, Mich. CLAUDE MARSHAL CADE, (e). Assistant U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Home address, Capac, Mich. BIRUM G. CAMPBELL, (e). Engineer and chemist with Jackson Gas Co., 219 Mechanic St., Jackson, Mich. Residence, 122 S. West Ave., Jackson, Mich. RUSSELL S. CANFIELD, (e). Civil Engineer, Bridge Department, I. C. R. R., Chicago, 111. Residence, 6216 Langley Ave., Chicago, 111. ALBERT JAMES CARPENTER, (e). Grain and Coal Business. Ed- wardsburg, Mich. BURTON B. CLISE, (a). Cashier and Credit Man, Armour & Co. Meridian, Miss. MYRTLE B. CRAIG, (w). Teacher of Domestic Science in Lincoln Institute. Jefferson City, Mo. RUTH E. DALZELL, (w). (Mrs. Alfred A. Chambe). 1256 Congress St. E., Detroit, Mich. WILLIAM W. DeLANGE, (e). Chief Engineer, Gabriel Concrete Rein- forcement Co., Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 438 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. LEROY DORLAND, (e). State Inspector of Orchards and Nurseries. Friendswood, Texas. STEPHEN WIRT DOTY, (a). Manager of "Dolds Niagara Farm." La Salle, N. Y. . 88 GORDON Carlton DUDLEY, (e). Real Estate and Fire Insur- ance, 518 Murray Bldg., Grand Rapids, Mich. Residence, 242 Sigs- bee St., Grand Rapids, Mich. DANIEL H. ELLIS, (a). Superintendent of Parks, Saginaw, Mich. Residence, 216 Hoyt Ave., Saginaw, Mich. GEORGE H. ELLIS, (e). Junior Engineer in U. S. Reclaimation Service. Powell, Wyo. Home address, Holly, Mich. ERNEST C. FOWLER, (a). With Woolson Spice Co., Toledo, Ohio. Home address, Hanover, Mich. WILBERT W. GASSER, (e). Vice-president and Cashier of Farmers' State Bank. Beebe, Ark. HUGH I. GLAZIER, (e). Superintendent, Lorimer and Gallagher, The Rookery, Chicago, 111. 201 Union St., Chicago, 111. Home address, Whitehall, Mich. CHRISTIAN H. GOETZ, (f). Assistant Professor of Forestry, Ohio State University. Residence 1606 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio. DAYTON R. GOLDSMITH, (e). Duluth, Minn. Home address, High St., Jackson, Mich. PHILIP V. GOLDSMITH, (a). Chemist in Pijuan, Cuba. Home ad- dress, 961 Hepburn St., Williamsport, Pa. FLETCHER A. GOULD, (e). Instructor in Civil Engineering, Oregon Agr. College. Corvallis, Ore. CHRISTOPHER M. GRANGER, (f). U. S. Forest Service. Denver, Colo. ORESTES I. GREGG, (a). Fruit Grower. Grants Pass, Ore. E. LYNN GROVER, (a). Science Teacher in High School. Greens- burg, Ind. WALTER LIVINGSTON HART, (a). McAllen Nurseries Co. Mc- Allen, Texas. LEROY NICHOLS HAYDEN, (e). Designer and Checker— special track work, Detroit United Railways Co., 921 Belvidere Ave., De- troit, Mich. GLENN B. HAYES, (e). Secretary and General Superintendent, Electric Power Co. 814 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. G. ARTHUR HEINRICH, (e). With Chicago Water Bureau. Resi- dence, 361 1 N. Perry St., Chicago, 111. LYTTON B. HITCHCOCK, (e). Vice-president of Girand Engineering Co., Phoenix, Ariz. Address, Florence, Ariz. WARREN W. HITCHCOCK, (e). Building Superintendent, Hollabird & Roche, Architects, 1618 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Resi- dence, 847 E. 56th St., Chicago, 111. RALPH S. HUDSON, (a). Foreman of Farm at the Michigan Agri- cultural College. East Lansing, Mich. MAURICE FLOWER JOHNSON, (e). Instructor in Mathematics, Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. 89 WILMER E. JOHNSON, (e). Structural Draftsman, Architects Office, M. C. R. R., 497 Commonwealth Ave., Detroit, Mich. INEZ KINNEY, (w). (Mrs. James Tallmadge). 805 N. Walnut St., Lansing, Mich. HERMAN KRAMER, (e). Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 757 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich. OSCAR A. KRATZ, (e). Draftsman in Office of City Engineer, Port- land, Oregon. Residence, 385 3rd St., Portland, Ore. EZRA J. KRAUS, (a). Research Assistant, in charge of Horticultural Research, Oregon Agricultural College. Residence, 429 N. 8th St., Corvallis, Ore. CALLA L. KRENTEL, (w). Instructor in Domestic Science, Kansas Manual Training Normal College, no Wl Euclid Ave., Pittsburg, Kansas. SCOTT BARRETT ULUY, (e). C. E. (Cornell University), 1909. As- sistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Swarthmore College, Swarth- more, Pa. WALLACE B. LIVERANCE, (a). Graduate-Student, Wisconsin Univ. Madison, Wis. Residence, 302 Johnson Court. THOMAS H. McHATTON, (a). B. S. (Spring Hill College of Mobile) 1903; Sc. D. (Spring Hill College) 1908. Professor of Horticulture, University of Georgia. Athens, Ga. CHARLES PETER McNAUGHTON, (a). Implement and Hardware Merchant. Middleville, Mich. LENORE BELLE MARTIN, (w,). Teacher. Republic, Mich. VIOLET MILLER, (w). (Mrs. Herbert Dixon). 1511 Sixth St., Bay City, Mich. RAY F. MINARD, (e). Draftsman, Simple Oil Engine Co., Denver, Colo. Residence, 1349 California St., Denver, Colo. DALTON MOOMAW, (e). Instructor in Civil Engineering, Case Scien- tific School, Cleveland, Ohio. J. LINDSAY MYERS, (e). With Bureau of Lands. Manila, P. I. ALFONSO G. PALACIO, (a). Farmer and Rancher. Durango, Mexico. IVAN E. PARSONS, (a). Farmer. Grand Blanc, Mich. CLAIR B. PECK, (e). Mechanical Engineers Office, A. T. & S. F. Ry. 308 E. 7th St., Topeka, Kansas. RAY L. PENNELL, (a). Fruit Farmer. Traverse City, Mich. NEAL C. PERRY, (a). In charge of Orchestra, Empire Theater, Hono- lulu, H. I. Residence, 134 Vineyard St., Cottage 6, Honolulu, H. I. WILLIAM E. PIPER, (e). Heating and Ventilating Engineer, Ameri- can Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 200 Josephine Ave., Detroit, Mich. EMIL C. POKORNY, (e). Contractor, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 275 Lysander St., Detroit, Mich. 90 IDA B. POKORNY, (w). (Mrs. Emil C. Pokorny). 275 Lysander St., Detroit, Mich. *OTICE C. POST, (e). Electrical Engineer, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburg, Pa. Residence, ^22, Whitney Ave., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Died Sept. 14, 191 1. ALVIN GROSSMAN PRATT, (e). Sales Department, Seager Engine Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 727 Michigan Ave. W., Lansing, Mich. LORIN G. RINKLE, (a). M. S. (Univ. of Missouri) 1910. Instructor in Dairy Husbandry, University of Missouri. 703 Hitt St., Colum- bia, Mo. EARL P. ROBINSON, (a). Farmer. St. Louis, Mich. R. R D. 3. EDITH ROBY, (w). Teacher in Lansing Public Schools. Home ad- dress, Haslett, Mich. FLORENCE B. ROUNDS, (w). Student at the University of Michigan. 912 Monroe St., Ann Arbor, Mich. CLIFFORD L. ROWE, (e). With Detroit Bridge and Steel Co., River Rouge, Michigan. Residence, 1171 Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. RUDOLPH H. SEILER, (e). Bremen, Ind. PAUL HAROLD SHUTTLEWORTH, (a). Manager, S. H. Knox & Co., Lincoln, 111. GUY W. SMITH, (a). Farmer. Bay City, Texas. LYLE E. SMITH, (e). Draftsman, Newaygo Engineering Co. Newaygo, Mich. BURT C. STEWART, (e). Chief Draftsman, Murphy Iron Works, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 520 McClellan Ave., Detroit, Mich. HARRY GARDNER STONE, (a). Dairyman at Lake' Forest, 111. ERNEST H. TAYLOR, (e). Carpenter. Oxford, Mich. FENT E. N. THATCHER, (e). Civil Engineer, American Steel Foun- dries, Alliance, Ohio. Residence, Reed No. 3, Broadway St., Alli- ance, Ohio. Permanent address, Ravenna, Mich. EARLE A. TOWNE, (e). With Seager Engine Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 302 N. Sycamore St., Lansing, Mich. ALONZO ARVA TOWNER, (a). Chemist, 31 N. State St., Chicago, 111. Residence, 5359 S. Morgan St., Chicago, 111. ERNEST VANALSTINE, (a). Assistant Chemist, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. Residence, 1018 W. Oregon St., Urbana, 111. ANDREW S. VANHALTEREN, (e). Head of Construction Depart- ment, Seager Engine Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 919 Jerome St., Lansing, Mich. Temporary address, Box 542, Cairo, Egypt. GARFIELD VERRAN, (e). Superintendent of Construction for Mark Fitzpatrick, Architect, St. Paul, Minn. Residence, 164 College Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 91 ROY H. WAIl^E, (a). Pouitryman, Experiment Station, College Parle, Md. WALTER WARDEN, (a). Farmer. Rushton, Mich. R. F. D. i. HAROLD BERTRAM WEEKS, (a). Fruit Grower. Albion, Mich. OLIVER K. WHITE, (a). Field Agent in Horticulture, Michigan Agri- cultural College. East Lansing, Mich. JOHN CLYDE WILCOX, (a). Florist. Hastings, Mich. EDWIN A. WILLSON, (a). Assistant Agricultural Agent, Great North- ern Ry. Great Falls, Mont. ARTHUR WILLIAM WILSON, (e). With Motch & Merryweather Machinery Co., 840 Majestic Building, Detroit. Residence, 330 Meldrum Ave., Detroit, Mich. LEE H. WRIGHT, (e). Chief Tool Designer, Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. tl908 MARSHALL RANSOM ALLEN, (a). Assistant Superintendent Michi- gan Sugar Co., Sebewaing, Mich. NEINA F. ANDREWS, (h). Teacher of Domestic Art and Science in Public Schools. Mesa, Arizona. PHILIP J. BAKER, (e). With Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. Resi- dence, 607 Barnes Ave. W. FLOYD M. BARDEN, (a). Farmer and Fruit Grower. South Haven Mich. ARTHUR T. BARLEY, (e). With W. E. Wood. Residence, 276 W. Hancock Ave., Detroit, Mich. FLORENCE M. BARLOW, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science in Public Schools, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 1035 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing. FANNIE E. BEAL, (h). Teacher. 58 S. Winter St., Adrian, Mich. Home address, Addison, Mich. HAZLE A. BEARD, (h). Teacher, Perry, Mich. Home address, Mor- tice, Mich. FRANK G. BORN, (e). With Grabow,sky Power Wagon Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 1353 Helen Ave., Detroit, Mich. JESSE G. BOYLE, (a). M. S. (Purdue University) 1911. Instructor in Horticulture, Purdue University. Residence, 124 Thornell St., La- fayette, Ind. ARCHIE WILLIAM BREWSTER, (e). Tool Designer, Detroit Lubri- cator, Detroit, Mich. Residence, 1462 Fourteenth Ave., Detroit, Mich. WALTER P. BROWN, (e). Superintendent of Construction for the Rath Construction Co., Toledo, Ohio. Residence, 809 City Park Ave., Toledo, Ohio. ■^NOTE) — The desig^nation of the course for women changed to Home Economics course (h). 92 LEROY L. BURRELL, (a). Horticulturist on the Navajo Reservation, Shiprock, New Mexico. JAMES R. CAMPBELL, (e). Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, U. S. A. Key West Barracks, Fla. RALPH J. CARR, (a). Junior Animal Husbandman, U. S. Department of Agriculture ; Bureau of Animal Industry, Experiment Station, Bethesda, Md. Residence, Apartment 7, The Nonquitt, 2914 nth St. N. W., Washington, D. C. ROSWELL G. CARR, (a). Manager Church Farm, Sibley, Mich. RUTH CARREL, (h). (Mrs. Thomas W. Mason). State College, Pa. IRVING D. CHARLTON, (e). Instructor in Farm Mechanics, Wash- ington State Agricultural College. Pullman, Wash. S. L. CHRISTENSEN, (e). Superintendent, Ohio & Texas Sugar Co. Brownsville, Texas. MYRON A. COBB, (a). Department of Agriculture, Central State Nor- mal College. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. HENRY M. CONOLLY, (a). Teacher of Horticulture in the Ala- bama Argicultural College. Auburn, Ala. BESS COVELL, (h). (Mrs. Fletcher iGould). Corvallis, Ore. ACASTUS L. DARBEE, (a). Fruit Grower. East Jordan, Mich. R. F. D. I. JAMES R. DICE, (a). Teacher in New York State School of Agricul- ture. Morrisville, N. Y. MYRON J. DIKEMAN, (e). With Empire Bridge Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Residence, 149 Milton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. *GLENN W. DODGE, (e). Almont, Mich. Died while in attendance at the College, May 31, 1908. ALBERT C. DWIGHT, (e). Stock and Dairy Farmer. Decatur, Mich. MAUD E. FERGUSON, (h). Teacher of Domestic Art in High School. 852 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio. LEWIS S. FULLER, (e). Aid, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C. Home address. East Lansing, Mich. ROY H. GILBERT, (e). Principal of High School, Grand Haven, Mich. Home address, Reed City, Mich. J. VERNE GONGWER, (e). Instrumentman, P. R. & N. Ry. (Con- stl-uction). Timber, Ore. Care L. S. Miller, Division Engineer. HARRY W. HAGAMAN, (e). Asphalt Plant Inspection Work for City of Chicago. Residence, 4034 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. MARION EMMET HALL, (e). Teacher in Rochester College, Roches- ter, Ind. CHARLES E. HELLER, (a). Instructor in Horticulture, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Amherst, Mass. 93 NEWELL J. HILL, (e). With F. R VanTuyl, Consulting Engineer, De- troit, Mich. Union Trust Bldg. Residence, 159 E. Milwaukee Ave., Detroit. WALTER ARMSTRONG HOPSON, (f). Forest Assistant, Denver, Colo. SAMUEL W. HORTON, (a). Farmer. Fruit Ridge, Mich. AMY D. HURLBURT, (h). (Mrs. J. T. Fowler). 36 Lexington Place, Pontiac, Mich. LORA M. HYDE, (h). (Mrs. O. A. Kratz). Portland, Ore. JEAN A. INGLIS, (h). Teacher of Domestic Art in Detroit Public Schools. 310 24th St., Detroit, Mich. FRANCIS KIEFER, (f). Forester. Care U. S. Forest Service. Har- rison, Ark. IRVING G. KOEHLER, (e). Instructor in Manual Training, Detroit Public Schools. 697 Ferdinand Ave., Detroit, Mich. EDWARD C. KREHL, (a). In charge of dairy at Halcyon Farm. Grosse Isle, Mich. KELLEY BENJAMIN LEMMON, (e). First Lieutenant, Coast Artil- lery, U. S. A. Fort McKinley, Portland, Maine. GEORGE H. McVANNEL, (e). Eaton County Drain Office, Charlotte, Mich. HERBERT E. MARSH, (e). Instructor in Civil Engineering, Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. Residence, 309 Saginaw St. W., Lansing, Mich. EVAN S. MARTIN, (e). Assistant Engineer with C. A. P. Turner, Consulting Engineer, Minneapolis, Minn. 60 Broadway, New. York, N. Y. CLYDE E. MERWIN, (e). With Pere Marquette Ry., Toledo Division. Residence, 102 Monroe Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. MABEL MOSHER, (h). 412 Genesee St., Lansing, Mich. HARRY H. MUSSELMAN, (e). Instructor in Farm Mechanics, Michi- gan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. CHARLES B. NORTON, (e). With L. S. & M. S. Ry., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 7105 Lexington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. FRANCIS O'GARA, (e). With Trans-Continental Ry. Mail No. 4, District C, Cochrane, Ont. GRACE OWEN, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science and Manual Train- ing. 128 E. Pleasant St., Portage, Wis. Home address, Vernon, Mich. WARD HENRY PARKER, (a). Farmer. Grand Blanc, Mich. ROPHA V. PEARSALL, (e). Engineer. Bakersfield, Calif. MARY E. PRATT, (h). (Mrs. Ray G. Potts). Washington, Mich. SHELBY E. RACE, (e). Eastern Sales Manager, Lansing Wheelbar- row Works. Residence, 523 Maple St. W., Lansing, Mich. 94 WILLIAM M. RIDER, (a). Professor of Animal Husbandry and Dairy- ing, Winona College of Agriculture. Winona Lake, Ind. ALBERT E. RIGTERINK, (a). Chemist, The De Free Chemical Co. Holland, Mich. EARL F. RILEY, (e). Construction Work, Chicago Great Western Ry. 8is Cass St., Chicago, 111. BENJAMIN CARL ROGERS, (e). With Lansing Apparatus and Specialty Co. 316 Isbell St., Lansing, Mich. ELMER J. RORK, (e). Assistant Superintendent, Prest-0-Lite Co., In- dianapolis, Ind. Care Y. M. C. A. JOSEPH A. ROSEN, (a) Chief of the American Agricultural Bureau of the Governmental Zemtsvo of Ekaterinoslav, Russia. 428 Andrus BIdg., Minneapolis, Minn. Residence, 2515 W. 40th St., Minneapolis Minn. HERBERT M. ROUSE, (e). With the California Development Co. Calexico, Cal. PERCY CLAIRE SCHROYER, (e). Assistant Engineer, Massachusetts Agricultural College. Residence, 120 Pleasant St., Amherst, Mass. ERNEST J. SHASSBERGER, (e). Teacher in High School. Lansing, Mich. HAROLD C. SHERMAN, (e). Instrumentman, M. C. Ry., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 557 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. HUBER SHULL, (a). In charge of "Yama Farms." Napanoch, N. Y. RAY A. SMALL, (e). Superintendent of Construction, Commonwealth Power Co., Jackson, Mich. WALTER H. SMALL, (e). Teacher of Manual Training in Male High School, Louisville, Ky. ANTHONY L. SNYDER, (e). Engineering Work. Home address, San Diego, Calif. OIE W. STEPHENSON, (e). Residence, 1156 Garfield Ave. Detroit, Mich. CLARENCE H. SUTHERLAND, (e). Construction Engineer. Birm- ingham, Mich. FRANKLIN V. TENKONOHY, (e). With M. C. R. R., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 91 Melrose Ave., Detroit, Mich. GILBERT S. VALENTINE, (e). With American Locomotive Co., Dun- kirk, N. Y. 327 Plover St., Dunkirk, N. Y. JOHN M. WALKUP, (a). Farmer. North Crystal Lake, 111. GRACE L. WARNER, (h.) Teacher of Domestic Science. Dennison, Iowa. JOHN W. WILBUR, (a). Farmer. Richmond, Va. R. D. 2. A. R. WILCOX, (f). Forest Assistant, U. S. Forest Service. Beck Bldg. Portland, Ore. EUGENE L WILCOX, (a). Farmer. South Haven, Mich. 95 CLAUDE V. WILLIAMS, (e). Resident Engineer, Highway Commis- sion, San Diego Co., Cal. Box 483 San Diego, Cal. FRANK B. WILSON, (a). Rancher. Phoenix, Arizona. Box 603. LLOYD E. WOOD, (e). With the National Brake and Electric Co., 1204 Trinity Bldg., New York, N. Y. WALTER EUSTUS ADAM ZIMMER, (e). Drainage Engineer; also City Engineer, Mason, Mich. 1909 GERALD HENRY ALLEN, (e). Head of Maintenance Department, Ford Motor Co., Detroit. Residence, 234 Hubbard Ave., Detroit, Mich. MARY GERALDINE ALLEN, (h). Teacher of Domestic Art, Manual Training and Physical Training in the State Normal. Cape Girar- dean. Mo. BEN HENRY ANIBAL, (e). Chief Checker, Engineering Department, Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 392 Garland Ave., Detroit, Mich. ♦MYRON BILLINGS ASHLEY, (a). Davison, Mich. Died Sept., 191 1. WILLIAM JACOB BAUMGRAS, (e). Tennessee Coal, Iron and Rail- road Co. Geological Dept. Birmingham, Ala. 2601 Brown-Marx Bldg. LEON VAN RENSSLAER BELKNAP, (e). Construction Engineer, U. S. Gypsum Co., Alabaster, Mich. LESLIE HOWARD BELKNAP, (e). Deputy County Surveyor of Iosco Co., Mich. Residence, Whittemore, Mich. GEORGE ANDREW BIGNELL, (f). Assistant Forest Ranger, U. S. Forest Service. Kalispell, Montana. Home address, Belding, Mich. MYRON RALPH BOWERMAN, (e). Structural Draftsman, Phillips, Lang & Co., 1242 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. Residence, 2126 S. Central Park Ave., Chicago, 111. DAVID LEONIDAS BOYD, (e). With Morgan Truck Co. Residence, 54 Oread St., Worcester, Mass. ROBERT CHESTER BRODIE, (a). Farmer. Canby, Oregon. R. F. D. 2. Box No. 52. FAY FARNHAM BURROUGHS, (e). In Electrical Engineering Office, Michigan United Railway Co., Jackson, Mich. Address, 315 Fourth St., Jackson, Mich. BERTHA CLIFFORD CAMERON, (h). Teacher, Clio, Mich. Home address, Wacousta, Mich. JOSEPH A. CAVANAGH, (a). Foreman of Lead Arsenate Plant, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich. ALONZO HIRAM CHASE, (a). Farmer. Racket River, N. Y. 96 BRIGGS LYMAN CLARK, (e). With the General Electric Co., Sche- nectady, N. Y., 411 Hulett St., Schenectady. Home address, Howell, Mich. R. D. 2. CHARLES GARY COBB, (e). With Lansing Wheelbarrow Works. Residence, 818 N. Seymour St., Lansing, Mich. ZENAS EUGENE COLBY, (e). Draftsman, Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. Residence, 113 Franklin Ave., Bay City, Mich. AMOS HALE CROSBY, (a). Farmer. New Buffalo, Mich. FRANK H. DAINS, (e). Contracting Plumber, W. W. Armstrong & Co., 115 Allegan St. E., Lansing, Mich. Residence, Lansing, Mich. ROBERT EMMETT DICKSON, (f). M. F. (Yale) 1910. East Lan- sing, Mich. CHARLES DUNLAP, (e). Designer, American Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. Residence, 540 Madison St., Gary, Ind. CHARLES H. EDWARDS, (f). U. S. Forest Service, Anaconda, Mon- tana. CHARLES WILLIAM EDWARDS, (a). Agricultural Inspector, Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. Manila, P. I. CLYDE LAMONT EMERY, (e). Engineer. Albion, Mich. HELEN MARTHA ESSELSTYN, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science in Public Schools, Flint, Mich. Home address, 208 Maple St., Lansing, Mich. OSCAR WILLIAM FAIRBANKS, (e). Teacher of Science and Manu- ual Training in High School. Bottineau, N. Dak. STAGEY STEPHEN FISHER, (e). With Garford Automobile Co., Elyria, O. Residence, 209 Clark St., Elyria, Ohio. WILLIAM DAVID FRAZER, (e). Second Lieutenant U. S. Coast Artillery Corps. Fort Williams, Maine. ALFONSO GARCINAVA, (a). Rancher. Hacienda "La Purisima," Estacion Catalina, Durango, Mexico. SHIRLEY MAY GARDNER, (h). (Mrs. William David Frazer). Fort Williams, Maine. GLENN ARTHUR GILBERT, (a). Teacher in Dunn County Agricul- tural School. Menomonie, Wis. CLYDE B. GORTON, (e). Draftsman Commonwealth Power Co., 315 4th St., Jackson, Mich. OLIVE ESTELLE GRAHAM, (h). (Mrs. Harold Bennett). Lansing, Mich. JACOB LIGHT GRAYBILL, (a). Instructor in Dairying, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. CLAUDE GREENHOE, (e). Sheridan, Mich. FLORENCE LOUISE HALL, (h). Teacher of Mathematics, Lansing High School. 208 Maple St., Lansing, Mich. Home address. Port Austin, Mich. D 97 HOWARD HISTAND HARRISON, (e). With Land Department, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Residence, 7105 Lexington Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. WILLIAM HENRY HARTMAN, (e). Construction Engineer, U. S. Gypsum Co., 200 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Residence, 309 i6th St. ROY GABRIEL HOOPINGARNER, (a). Instructor in Farm Crops, Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. KARL EARNEST HOPPHAN, (e). Instructor in Mathematics, Mich- igan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich. Residence, 1019 N. Cedar St., Lansing, Mich. GEORGE FREEMAN HUBBARD, (a). Farmer. Clarkston, Mich. NELSON BLOOD HUBBARD, (e). Draftsman, Lozier Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 878 2nd Ave., Detroit, Mich. EDITH F. HUDSON, (h). Home address, Okemos, Mich. M. ETHLYN HUDSON, (h). (Mrs. G. C. White). Maple Rapids, Mich. EDWIN B. HULETT, (a). Chemist, John T. Lewis & Bros. Co. 130 E. Elonor St., Philadelphia, Pa. ALEM JOHN HUTCHINS, (a). Teacher of Agriculture and Science in Public Schools. St. Louis, Mich. LETA HANNAH HYDE, (h). (Mrs. F. G. Keller), 3301 University Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. HARLOW DEWEY INGALL, (a). Farmer. Morenci, Mich. BEN JEROME, (e). Chief Draftsman, Couple^Gear Freight Wheel Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Residence, 764 Home Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. GEORGE BERNARD KAMPS, (e). Erecting Engineer with The Na- tional Co., Waterworks Engineers and Contractors, South Bend, Ind. Residence, 119 E. Ohio St., South Bend, Ind. HARRY LAVERNE KEMPSTER, (a). Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, University of Missouri. Columbia, Mo. FRIEND HANS KIERSTEAD, (e). Student Engineer, General Elec- tric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Residence, 8 Brandywine Ave., Sche- nectady, N. Y. JUSTIN HAROLD KLINE, (e). Draftsman for The Sanitary District of Chicago. Residence, 1629 Adams St., Chicago, 111. Home ad- dress, Hillsdale, Mich. SETH FRED KNIGHT, (e). Draftsman, American Bridge Co., Gary, Ind. Residence, 6730 Perry Ave., Chicago, 111. Home address, Buchanan, Mich. CATHERINE ELIZABETH KOCH, (h). Department of Rural Schools, Western Michigan Normal College, Kalamazoo, Mich. Residence, 939 Walwood Place, Kalamazoo, Mich. RAYMOND LAPP KURTZ, (e). Draftsman, Weston-Mott Co., Flint, Mich. Residence, 112 Wood St., Flint, Mich. 98 CHARLES WILLIAM LAPWORTH, (e). Assistant to Resident En- gineer, Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., Delray Plant of De- troit Edison Co. Residence, 888 Field Ave., Detroit, Mich. ALICE LEONI LATSON, (h). Teacher. Chassell, Mich. GEORGE W. LINDSLEY, (a). Market Gardener. Harbor Springs, Mich. ROY ROBERT LYON, (e). Lieutenant, U. S. A. Coast Artillery Corps. Fort Terry, N. Y. JAMES HENRY McCADIE, (e). In charge of the Forge and Heat Treating Department, Lozier Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 950 Field Ave., Detroit, Mich. NELSON McCULLOUGH, (e). With Lozier Motor Co. Residence, 1472 Belvidere, Detroit, Mich. JUSTIN JOHN McDEVITT, (e). Construction Work. 36 Selden Ave., Detroit, Mich. GRACE I. MARTIN, (h). Teacher. FowJerville, Mich. Home address. Homer, Mich. CHARLES WILKINS MASON, (a). Agricultural Agent, Southern Railway. Asheville, N. C. JOHN ALFRED MITCHELL, (f). Forest Assistant, U. S. Forest Ser- vice. San Francisco, Cal. WALTER NEIL MOSS, (e). Apprentice, Seager Engine Works, Lan- sing, Mich. Residence, 428 Allegan St. W., Lansing, Mich. RUSSELL ALGER MURDOCK, (e). Surveyor and Builder, with H. L. Russell of Detroit, Mich. Residence, 175 24th St., Detroit, Mich. Home address, Pigeon, Mich. CLAUD LAWRENCE NASH, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in Schools. Union City, Mich. CHARLES J. OVIATT, (a). Assistant Wool Expert, Wyoming Uni- versity. Laramie, W^yo. FRANK PARKER, (e). Construction Superintendent, Lewis & Kitchen, Chicago, 111. Residence, 1200 Michigan, Ave., Chicago, 111. LA VERNE LEWIS PERKINS, (e). With National Express Co. Flush- ing, Mich. OTTO ARTHUR POKORNY, (e). With Pokorny & Co., General Con- tractors, office and shop, 271 Lysander St., Detroit, Mich. Resi- dence, 303 Medbury Ave., Detroit, Mich. WALTER POSTIFF, (a). Farmer. Greenfield, Mich. BURR BARTRAM PRATT, (a). Assistant in Fruit Transportation and Storage Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Care Department of Field Investigation in Pomology. HUBERT CUSHMAN PRATT, (e). With Thomas Drysdale & Co., Buenos Aires, Argentina, S. A. 99 JUDSON EDMUND PRATT, (a). Cost Clerk, Olds Motor Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 204 W. Ionia St., Lansing, Mich. ALLEEN RAYNOR, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science in Schools. Traverse City, Mich. Home address, 354 Lake Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. ROBERT MORLEY REYNOLDS, (a). Farmer. Rapid City, Mich. R. D. 2. BENJAMIN H. ROBERTS, (a). Farmer. Grand Rapids, Mich. R. F, D. 5. JAMES EARL ROBERTSON, (e). Instructor in Mathematics, Mich- igan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. MYRTA H. SEVERANCE, (h). (Mrs. Floyd Barden). South Haven, Mich. LEROY CLARKE SMITH, (e). Assistant Engineer, State Highway Department, Lansing, Mich. Residence, 516 W. Franklin Ave., Lansing, Mich. ALBERT SOBEY, (e). Instructor Michigan College of Mines, Hough- ton, Mich. Residence, Hancock, Mich. MILTON W. SPRAGUE, (a). Live Stock Farmer. Vermontville, Mich. CHARLES H. SPURWAY, (a). Instructor in Soil Physics, Michigan Agricultural College. Residence, 222 Jones St., Lansing, Mich. WILLIAM ROGERS STAFFORD, (e). Secretary and Manager,- Port Hope Telephone Co. Port Hope, Mich. GLENN HOUGH STEPHEN, (e). With U. S. Gypsum Co., Chicago, 111. Residence, 5820 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Home ad- dress, Vassar, Mich. RUSSELL VAUGHN TANNER, (f). Assistant Forest Ranger, U. S. Forest Service. Libby, Mont. CHARLES CHANDLER TAYLOR, (a). Entomologist, Kentucky To- bacco Product Co. Louisville, Ky. FLOYD CLYDE TAYLOR, (e). Checker, Weston-Mott Co., Flint, Mich. Residence, 523 W. 3rd St., Flint, Mich. REESE WARNER TAYLOR, (f). Forester, U. S. Forest Service. Og- den, Utah. MAX L. TOWER, (a). Chemist and Bacteriologist, Williams Bros. Co., Food Firm. 746 Hudson Ave., Detroit, Mich. WINFORD C. TROUT, (a). Assistant to the Superintendent of Parks and Cemeteries. 1046 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. FLOYD HERBERT VALENTINE, (e). With Cleveland Illuminating Co., Cleveland, O. Residence, 1935 E. 70th St., Cleveland, Ohio. FRANK KLINE WEBB, (e). With Converse Bridge Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. JACOB SLOAT WELLES, (a). Live Stock Farmer. Elmira, N. Y. R. F. D. I. FRANK ESLER WOOD, (e). Student Apprentice, Seager Engine Works, Lansing, Mich. Residence, East Lansing, Mich. 1910 Maclean MORTON BABCOCK, (e). Chemist, Chas. W. Pope Beet Sugar Mfg. Co., Riverdale, 111. MARY BLANCHE BAIR, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science in Public Schools. Onawa, Iowa. NELLIE BANGS, (h). (Mrs. Eugene I. Wilcox). South Haven, Mich. GLENN ASBURY BARCROFT, (e). Civil Engineer. Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama. WILHELMINA RUTH BATES, (h). Teacher of Domestic Art in the Detroit Schools. Home address, Hastings, Mich. LEROY LOWELL BENEDICT, (e). Care Michigan Power Co. Lan- sing, Mich. CATHERINE FRANCIS BENHAM, (h). Bacteriological Laboratory, Research Department, Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. Resi- dence, 135 1 Rivard St., Detroit, Mich. JOHN NORTHRUP BIDWELL, (e). With Bidwell Bros., Architects and Builders. 1406 N. St., Sacramento, Cal. EDWARD LAKIN BROWN, (a). Farmer. Schoolcraft, Mich. GLEN PULVER BURKHART, (e). Draughtsman with Detroit United Railway Co. Residence, "The Marion," Warren and Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. THOMAS BURT, (a). Chemist, iiii Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Home address, Redford, Mich. ELWOOD PERRY BUSHNELL, (f). Forester, U. S. Forestry Service, Northfork, California. ARTHUR LAWRENCE CAMPBELL, (a). Rancher. Arapahoe, Wyo. Home address, Cheat Haven, Pa. BENTON CAT ALINE, (e). Draftsman, Weston Mott Co., Flint, Mich. GORDON CAVANAGH, (e). With William A. Baehr, Consulting En- gineer, Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, 111. Residence, 39 E. Chestnut St., Chicago, 111. JULIUS WILLIAM CHAPIN, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in High School. North Adams, Mich. KATHERINE G. CLARK, (h). (Mrs. W. E. Perry). 702 Langside, Winnipeg, Canada. CLARENCE GROVER CLIPPERT, (a). Chemist. 2704 Fort St. W., Detroit, Mich. REMIE COOLS, (e). Draftsman, Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. FLORENCE ETHEL COPSON, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science and Art in Township High School, Geneseo, III. Home address. Grand Rapids, Mich. R. D. 8. RAY GEORGE CRANE, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in High School. Otsego, Mich. ELMER RAY DAIL, (e). Engineer for Michigan Bridge & Pipe Co. Residence, 902 Eureka St., Lansing, Mich. FRANK WILSON DARLING, (f). With State Forest, Fish and Game Commission. 252 Broad St., Salamanica, N. Y. JOHN CONELY DeCAMP, (f). Forester, San Juan National Forest, Durango, Colo. LLOYD WELD DOUGHERTY, (e). Student Apprentice with Allis- Chalmers Co. 2340 Norwood Ave., Norwood, Ohio. HOWARD HIGBY DOUGLASS, (a). Graduate Student, Univ. of Wis- consin, Madison. Residence, 302 Johnson Court. BERTRAM GALLOWAY EGERTON, (e). With Stormfeltz-Loveley Co., Real Estate, 76 Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 39 Owen St., Detroit, Mich. HELEN EMERY, (h). Residence, 427 Grand Ave. S., Lansing, Mich. MAX DANIEL FARMER, (e). Instructor in Drawing Department, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. Residence, 801 Jerome St., Lansing, Mich. MILDRED GRACE FERGUSON, (h). Teacher, East Lansing Schools. Home address, Haslett, Mich. HARRY RODERICK ERASER, (e). Fruit Grower, Harbor Springs, Mich. IRVING GILSON, (f). Instructor in Forestry, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. SAMUEL CHARLES HAGENBUCH, (a). Farmer. Elm Terrace Farm, Three Rivers, Mich. EUGENE Deforest HALLOCK, (e). Niles, Mich., R. D. 3. FLORENCE FERN HARRISON, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science, Industrial Home for Girls. Adrian, Mich. GEORGE WILLIAM HOBBS, (e). Assistant in Mechanical Engineer- ing, Michigan Agricultural College. East Lansing, Mich. CLAUDE LEROY HODGMAN, (e). Draftsman, Union Steam Pump Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Residence, 316 W. Main St., Battle Creek, Mich, BRUCE EARL HOFFMAN, (f). Forest Assistant, Tongass, National Forest. Ketchikan, Alaska. ERNEST GLEN HOFFMAN, (e). Supply Officer, Lanao Constabulary, Dansalan, Lanao, P. I. THOMAS MILTON HOOPER, (e). With the Michigan Power Co., Lansing, Mich. Residence, no Marshall Ave., Lansing, Mich. RALPH ZUBLIN HOPKINS, (e). Draftsman, W. E. Wood, Building Constructor. Residence, 2408 Grand Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. 102 ALBERT LEE HURD, (a). Manager of Farm. Gagetowji, Mich. R. D. I. MINNIE ESSELINE JOHNSON, (h). 84 Terrace Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. MAX LOCKWOOD JOHNSTON, (a). Farmer. Linden, Mich. THOMAS ANDREW JORDAN, (e). With The American Bridge Co., Wrightwood and Clybourn Aves., Chicago, 111. Residence, 2257 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, 111. EZRA E. KURTZ, (e). Superintendent Clinton Union Schools, Clin- ton, Mich. GEORGIANA RUTH LAMBERT, (h). 239 Fourth Ave., Phoenixville, Pa. OLIVER COOK LAWRENCE, (a). Farmer. Hudson, Mich. CHARLES ALEXANDER LEMMON, (e). Salesman, Studebaker Corporation, Ohio Branch. Residence, 4019 Prospect Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. HUGH EDWARD LYNCH, (f). City Forester. Grand Rapids, Mich. PARNELL GLADSTONE McKENNA, (e). With the Geological Sur- vey, Lansing, Mich. Home address, Quinnesec, Mich. IRA D. McLACHLAN, (e). Engineer in U. S. Engineer's Office at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. CLARK D. MASON, (a). Teacher of Agriculture and Science, Lavk^ton High School, Lawton, Mich. WILLIAM GILBERT MAY, (e). Student Apprentice, Allis-Chalmers Co. East Norwood, Ohio. Residence, 2340 Norwood Ave., Nor- wood, Ohio. LYNN De COURSEY MEAD, (e). Draftsman, Blood Bros. Machine Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. Residence, 214 E. Walnut St. ALONZO McCLAIR MILLER, (e). Structural Detailer, Hay Foundry and Iron Works, Newark, N. J. Residence, 107 Halsey St., Newark, N. J. JOHN PHILIP MILLER, (a). Horticulturist, Victor, Mont. HERBERT WADE MILLS, (e). D. U. R., Department of Power. De- troit, Mich. Residence, 954 Trumbull Ave., Detroit, Mich. CLYDE DELL MOORE, (e). With Emerson Co., Standard Practice and Efficiency Engineers of New York. Address, Freeport, Mich. HARRY OLIN, (f). Instructor in Rush City Schools, Rush City, Minn. ARTHUR HOUGH PERRINE, (a). Farmer. Rives Junction, Mich. R. D. 2. CARL VAN ANDE PERRY, (e). Surveyor. Charlotte, Mich., R. D. 4. PHILIP HENRY PIPER, (e). Estimator and Superintendent of Con- struction. I. E. Boomer, Mason Contractor. Residence, 200 Jose- phine Ave., Detroit, Mich. 103 CHARLES HENRY PONITZ, (e). Draftsman. 497 E. Fort St., De- troit, Mich. Home address, Hudsonville, Mich. ARTHUR PRESSWOOD PULLING, (e). With Jackson Gas Co. Resi- dence, 705 S. Mechanic St., Jackson, Mich. Home address, Parma, Mich. ELI L. RODEGEB, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in High School. Red Creek, N. Y. MABEL CLAIRE ROGERS, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science and Domestic Art in Schools. Midland, Mich. Home address, 300 S. Pine St., Lansing, Mich. ARTHUR HERBERT SARGEANT, (e). Overhead Construction Dept. Detroit United Railway Co., Detroit, Mich. Residence, 1066 Four- teenth Ave., Detroit, Mich. JAMES EUGENE SHAW, (e). Draftsman, Olds Motor Works. Resi- dence, 528 Carlton Terrace, Lansing, Mich. JAMES LESTER SHAW, (e). Electrical Draftsman, Sargent & Lundy, Engineers, Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Residence, 58 W. Goethe St., Chicago, 111. CLAUDE EDMUND SMITH, (a). Horticulturist with Western Mich- igan Development Bureau, Traverse City, Mich. Home address, Merle Beach, Mich. JOHN ANDREW SMITH, (a). Assistant to Entomologist. Harrisburg, Pa. OREN LEONE SNOW, (e). Instructor in Physics, Michigan Agricul- tural College., East Lansing, Mich. Residence, 318 Logan St., Lansing, Mich. WINFIELD CHESTER SPRATT, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in High School, Ada, Minn. ALLAN BRUCE STIRLING, (e). Draftsman, Chalmers Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. CLARA ALMA STOLTE, (h). Teacher in Lansing Schools. Resi- dence, 320 Washtenaw St. W., Lansing, Mich. HAZEL CHARLOTTE TAFT, (h). East Lansing, Mich. VERNON NEWTON TAGGETT, (e). Inspector, B. & O. Ry. Walk- erton, Ind. ROBERT LOGHEAD TAYLOR, (a). Farmer. Lapeer, Mich. WILLIAM JOSEPH THOME, (e). 156 High St. E., Detroit, Mich. ROBERT ELMER THOMPSON, (f). Home address, 533 Horton Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. RAY A. TURNER, (a). Teacher of Agriculture in High Schools. Hills- dale, Mich. Home address, Evart, Mich. MURIEL TWIGGS, (h). Teacher of Domestic Science, Detroit Public Schools. Residence, 517 Lincoln Ave., Detroit, Mich. 104 BARBARA VAN HEULEN, (K). Science Teacher in High School, South Grand Rapids, Mich. Home address, 571 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. NORMA DODD VEDDER, (h). (Mrs. Harry I. Andrews). 311 W. Bufifalo St., Ithaca, N. Y. RAY GORDON VOORHORST, (a). Instructor in Horticulture, New Jersey Agricultural College, (Rutgers). New Brunswick, N. J. CHESTER STANLEY WAGNER, (f). Clerking for the Port Huron Gas Co., Port Huron, Mich. GEORGE CLEVELAND WAGNER, (a). Colon, Mich. JAMES AARON WALDRON, (a). Farmer. Tecumseh, Mich. ROY SPENCER WHEELER, (f). Forest Assistant, Hayden National ' Forest. Care U. S. Forest Service. Encampment, Wyo. WILLIAM EMBY WHITE, (f). Forest Assistant, Crater National For- est in S. W. Oregon. Medford, Ore. J. LOGAN WHITNEY, (a). Assistant Manager of Hudson Branch of Helvetia Milk Condensing Co. Hudson, Mich. JAMES EDWARD WILCOX, (e). Draftsman, Structural Steel and Reinforced Concrete. Residence, 108 Walnut St., Wyandotte, Mich. 1911 NOTE: — The home address only of the members of this class is given. OSCAR GUSTAVE ANDERSON, (a). Shelby, Mich. JOHN WERNER APPLIN, (e). East Tawas, Mich. EMERSON ALLEN ARMSTRONG, (e). East Lansing, Mich. LEONIDAS EMILE BABCOCK, (a). Battle Creek, Mich. HARRY LEE BAKER, (f). Saline, Mich. ERNEST WOOD BALDWIN, (e). Midland, Mich. FLORA I. BATES, (h). Moline, Mich. MARJORIE IDA BIRD, (h). Fremont, Mich. JOHN AUGUST BLUST, (e). Tawas City, Mich. VIRGIL T. BOGUE, (a). Quincy, Mich. MARJORIE MacBRIDE BRADLEY, (h). Park Ridge, 111. ATHOL EDWARD BRAINARD, (a). Onsted, Mich. ROSCOE ELLSWORTH BRIGHTUP, (e). Buchanan, Mich. EUGENE HERBERT BROWN, (a). East Lansing, Mich. MAURICE M. BUCK, (e). Coopersville, Mich. ETHEL CALDWELL, (h). Benton Harbor, Mich., R. F. D. 4. DWIGHT CLARK CARPENTER, (a). 1213 N. Walnut St., Lansing, Mich. HERBERT MARION CARTER, (e). South Haven, Mich. EDNA M. CHAMBERLAIN, (h). 1126 Seymour St., Lansing, Mich. WILLARD BELA CLARK, (e). Kalkaska, Mich. 105 OLIVER HEDGES CLEVELAND, (e). Adrian, Mich. IVAN JOHN CLIZBE, (e). Quincy, Mich. GEORGE HARRIS COLLINGWOOD, (f). East Lansing, Mich. ION JOHN CORTRIGHT, (f). Mason, Mich. U. S. CRANE, (a). Fennville, Mich. CHARLES DWIGHT CURTISS, (e). Camden, Mich. FRANK CLEVELAND DAYHARSH, (a). Hart, Mich. JACOB DeKONING, (e). 195 Dale Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. GEORGE WILLIAM DEWEY, (a). Bellaire, Mich. GUERDON L. DIMMICK, (f). Owosso, Mich. HELEN ELIZABETH DODGE, (h). 832 E. Shiawassee St., Lansing, Mich. HERBERT IMLAH DUTHIE, (e). 308 Turner St., Grand Rapids, Mich. RAY CHARLES EDWARDS, (e). South Frankfort, Mich. HELEN MARIE EICHELE, (h). 610 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Mich. BEN CHARLES ELLIS, (e). 517 Main St., Lansing, Mich. WINIFRED ETHEL FELTON, (h). East Lansing, Mich. JAMES GLENN FRANCE, (a). Coloma, Mich. ELIZABETH JENNIE FRAZER, (h). 457 Parkside Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. CHARLES N. FREY, (a). Caledonia, Mich. ALBERT FRUTIG, (f). 308 Vinewood Ave., Detroit, Mich. FLOYD J. GIBBS, (a). 602 Thompson St., Saginaw, Mich. ZELIN CALVIN GOODELL, (f). 1027 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Mich. MYNDRET CHARLES GREENLEAF, (e). Onsted, Mich. CHARLES ANDREW HAMILTON, (e). Grand Ledge, Mich. JAMES GRANT HAYS, Jr., (a). 432 Diamond St. Pittsburg, Pa. ALFRED HENRICKSON, (a). Shelby, Mich. NINA BELLE HEWITT, (h). Okemos, Mich. HUBER COPELAND HILTON, (f). Fremont, Mich. ROBERT POWELL HOLDSWORTH, (f). East Lansing, Mich. WILLIAM HOOKWAY, (e). Owosso, Mich. ARAO ITANO, (a). Okayamaken, Japan. ALICE ELIZABETH JEFFERY, (h). 122 N. Kerr St., Lansing, Mich. ELTON LUMMIS JEWELL, (e). Rockford, Mich. OLE HAAKON JOHNSON, (e). 620 Isaac St., Lansing, Mich. CLIFTON CLEMENT JONES, (e). Elmira, Mich. TRACY HOWARD KAY, 1227 Champlain St., Detroit, Mich. MARGARET ADELLA KEDZIE, (h). East Lansing, Mich. BERT WILLIAM KEITH, (a). Sawyer, Mich. ZELLA MAUDE KIMMEL, (h). 617 W. Main St., Lansing, Mich. JOHN WESLEY KNECHT, (e). 498 Cass Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. 106 HERMAN FRED KNOBLAUCH, (a). Blissfield, Mich. CARL HENRY KNOPF, (a). Blissfield, Mich. EUGENE HENRY KOLB, (e). Unionville, Mich. EVELYN MARY KOPF, (h). Hastings, Mich. LOREN GRANT KURTZ, (e). Flint, Mich., R. F. D. 7. CHARLES SAMUEL LANGDON, (a). Hubbardston, Mich. LEONA NATALIE LEE, (h). 209 E. Kearsley St., Flint, Mich. EDUARD CHRISTIAN LINDEMANN, (a). St. Clair, Mich. LOUISE PALMER LINDSLEY, (h). Harbor Springs, Mich. JOHN OLIVER LINTON, (a). Otsego, Mich. FRANK LOSSING, (e). Fremont, Mich. HERBERT ALFRED LOSSING, (e). Fremont, Mich. JAMES HERBERT McCUTCHEON, (f). Boyne City, Mich. CLIFFORD WORDEN McKIBBIN, (f). 1308 S. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich. EDNA BELLE McNAUGHTON, (h). Middleville, Mich. ALEXANDER McVITTIE, (a). 506 Emmett St., Ypsilanti, Mich. WALTER ALFRED NEWTON, (e). 1215 Douglas Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. CHARLES J. OcKADA, (a). lyo, Japan. WILLIAM RAY OLMSTED, (e). Freeland, Mich. GURDON HOARD OSBORNE, (e). 360 Cass Ave., Detroit, Mich. ELIZABETH MYRTILLA PALM, (h). East Lansing, Mich. MAE VILLA PARMELEE, (h). Scottville, Mich. MARY BERTHA PENNINGTON, (h). 221 Benjamin Terrace, Grand Rapids, Mich. STANLEY HARRISON PERHAM, (e). Kent City, Mich. STEPHEN WILLIAM PERRIN, (e). Pittsford, Mich. HARRY SAMUEL PETERSON, (e). Lucas, Mich. BENJAMIN CHURCH PORTER, (a). Grand Rapids, Mich., R. F. D. i. RALPH WATERBURY POWELL, (e). Ionia, Mich., R. F. D. i. WILLIAM WELLS PRATCHNER, (a). 168 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. FRED JEROME RICHARDS, (e). 536 Beech St., Lansing, Mich. MABEL MARGARET ROBISON, (h). Cass City, Mich. CLARENCE SAGE ROE, (e). 506 S. Capitol Ave., Lansing, Mich. JAMIE ESTIN RORK, (e). 1216 N. Chestnut St., Lansing, Mich. CHARLES LOVELL ROSE, (a). Evart, Mich. EDMUND CHESTER SAUVE, (e). East Tawas, Mich. VERN CLIFFORD SCHAEFFER, (a). Sturgis, Mich. ELIZABETH HELEN SCHNEIDER, (h). :2^ Seymour St., Lansing, Mich. 107 EDWARD GEORGE SCHUBACH, (e). Pigeon, Mich. LEO BLYNN SCOTT, (a). 62 Seaton Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. CLARE SULLIVAN SEVERANCE, (a). Fenton, Mich, R. F. D. i. WILLIAM WOLFE SHANOR, (a). 6 E. Wabash Ave, Allegheny, Pa. RALPH WILCOX SLOSS, (f). Big Rapids, Mich. GUY HARMON SMITH, (e). 25 31st St., Detroit, Mich. GEORGE PERCY SPRINGER, (e). Whitehall, Mich. WILL JAY SPROAT, (f). 432 Cass Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. EDWARD WILLIAM STECK, (e). Three Oaks, Mich. HOWARD AUSTIN TAFT, (a). 2754 Mildred Ave., Chicago, 111. EMORY WESLEY TAPPAN, (e). East Lansing, Mich. CHARLES PEACH THOMAS, (e). South Ryegate, Vt. FRED HOWARD TILLOTSON, (e). Elsie, Mich. ETHEL TRAUTMAN, (h). Wayland, Mich. FRANK LATHROP TRUE, (a). Armada, Mich. CHARLES BURTON TUBERGEN, (a). 71 First Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. WILLIAM HENRY URQUHART, (e). 168 Glendale Ave., Detroit, Mich. NEIL VAN HORNE, (f). 225 E. Arch St., Marquette, Mich. HENRY BASIL WALES, (f). Elkton, Mich. LOUIS PAULY WALKER, (e). St. Ignace, Mich. WALTER RAE WALKER, (e). 156 31st St., Detroit, Mich. EDWIN EARL WALLACE, (e). Albion, Mich. EDMUND PHILLIP WANDEL, (e). 183 Third Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. GEORGE WARMINGTON, (e). Houghton, Mich. GEORGE ELWIN WATTS, (a). Alto, Mich. THOMAS CALLIN WHYTE, (e). 52 Hooker Ave., Detroit, Mich. HANNAH WILLIAMSON, (h). Ludington, Mich., R. F. D. 4. FRED GROVER WILSON, (f). Plymouth, Wis. IVA A. WILSON, (h). Grand Rapids, Mich., R. F. D. 14. DEVILLO DEMIC WOOD, (f). E. Michigan Ave., Lansing, Mich. EDWARD F. WRIGHT, (a). 715 Jeflferson Ave, Detroit, Mich. 108 GRADUATES OF THIS COLLEGE WHO HAVE RE- CEIVED THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE From 1861-1878, the degree of Master of Science was conferred upon those graduates of three years' standing, wiio made a proper proficiency in scientific studies. From 1879 to 1882, in addition to the above, the graduates were re- quired to present an acceptable thesis upon some topic assigned by the faculty. Since 1882, the graduates have been required to spend at least one year in this college in a course of post-graduate study, presenting at the close an acceptable thesis. Study in absentia was permitted under certain conditions until 1898, since which time the residence for study has been strictly insisted on. 1864 Albert Nelson Prentiss. 1865 Oscar Clute. Albert John Cook. Francis Hodgman. Charles Edward Hollister. Charles Adolphus Jewell. 1866 Albert Fuller Allen. 1867 William Willard Daniells. Lewis James Gibson. William Allen Hardy. Sylvester M. Millard. Lewis Vanderbilt. 1870 A. Clifford Prutzman. Daniel Strange. Will Warren Tracy. 1871 John Swift. 1872 Charles Edwin Bessey. Frank Paul Davis. Richard Haigh, Jr. Lyman Mason. Frank Story Sleeper. 1873 Charles William Garfield. Alfred Gurdon Gulley. William KnowJton Kedzie. Ansel Harvey Phinney. Henry Graham Reynolds. John Sprague Strange. 1874 Peter H. Felker. Byron David Halsted. Robert Fairchild Kedzie. James Satterlee. Edward Mason Shelton. Dalton Parmenus Strange. 1876 Rolla Clinton Carpenter. John T. Frazer. George Wyman Harrison. George Edward Kedzie. William Asa Rowe. Samuel Mills Tracy. Warren A. Wells. 1877 Charles Lee IngersoU. 1879 Frank Joseph Annis. 109 1882 John Park Finley. Charles Christian Georgeson. Frank Stewart Kedzie. William Carroll Latta. James Troop. 1883 Louis George Carpenter. Charles Francis Davis. Frank Arthur Gulley. John Edwin Taylor. 1884 Clarence Moores Weed. Eugene Davenport. 1885 Charles William McCurdy. 1886 Liberty Hyde Bailey, Jr. Frank Benton. Mrs. Mary Jane Cliff Merrell. Walter Wood Remington. 1887 Theries D. Hinebauch. Allen Calvin Redding. 1888 Clarence Preston Gillette. Edward Ralph Lake. William Lincoln Snyder. 1889 Charles Spencer Crandall. Hiram Taylor French. Clarence E. Smith. 1890 Charles Barnard Collingwood. Gager Calvin Davis. Will S. Holdsworth. Nelson Slater Mayo. Howard Evarts Weed. 1891 Fred Hebard Hillman. 1892 James Calvin Duffey. Alexander Felton Gordon. Welton Marks Munson. Jedediah Haskins Smith. 1893 Harkness Lucius Chapin. Edwin DeBarr. Glen Cuyler Laurence. John Walker Matthews. George Lincoln Teller. 1894 Frederick Blackmar Mumford. 1895 Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick. Perry Greely Holden. Clarence Beaman Smith. 1896 Luke Combs Colburn. Clarence James Foreman. George E. Hancome. 1897 Charles Phillips Close. 1898 Victor Lowe. Amy Bell Vaughn. James William Toumey. 1899 Mary Lilian Wheeler. 1900 Arthur B. Cordley. Wendell Paddock. 1901 Dick J. Crosby. 1902 Louis A. Clinton. James DeLoss Towar. Francis Everett West. 1903 S. Fred Edwards. 1905 James Garfield Moore. 1906 Charles Goodrich Woodbury. 1908 Alva True Stevens. no GRADUATES OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS WHO HAVE RECEIVED DEGREE OF M. S. 1886 KIZO TAMARI, M. S., B. S. (Imperial College of Agriculture, Japan.) Dr. of Agr. conferred by the Minister of Education, 1899. Tokyo, Japan. 1890 KUMAROKA SHOSHIMA, M. S., B. S. (Imperial College of Agricul- ture, Japan) 1888. Tokyo, Japan. CHIOJI YOSHIDA, M. S., B. S. (Imperial College of Agriculture, Japan) 1888. Tokyo, Japan. 1891 CHARLES FRANKLIN EMERICK, M. S., A. B. (Wittenberg Coll.) 1889, Ph. M. (Univ. of Mich.) 1895, Ph. D. (Columbia Univ.) 1897. Professor of Economics and Sociology, Smith College. 12 Mas-^ sasoit St., Northampton, Mass. 1893 HENRY E. CHAPIN, M. S., B. S. (Mass. Agrl. Coll.) 1881, D. Sc. (McKendrie Coll.) Educator and Lecturer. New York City. 49 Lefferts Ave., Richmond Hill. 1896 CHARLES DAWSON THOMPSON, M. S., B. S. (Oregon Agricultural College) 1886. Orchardist and Nurseryman. Hood River, Ore. 1901 WILLIAM T. SHAW, M. S., B. Agr. (Univ. of Minn.) 1898, B. S. (Univ. of Minn.) 1899. Professor of Zoology, Washington State College. Pullman, Wash. 1903 WILLIAM PATTEN SNYDER, M. S., B. S. (Univ. of Nebr.) 1901. Superintendent of Experiment Substation, North Platte, Nebraska. 1906 FRANK A. SPRAGG, M. S., B. S. A. (Mont. Agr'l Coll.) 1902. Re- search Assistant in Farm Crops (Plant Breeding), Michigan Agri- cultural College. East Lansing, Mich. 1909 FRANK WILLIAM HOWE, M. S., B. S., (Battle Creek College) 1890; A. B., (University of Michigan) 1893. Specialist in Agricultural Edu- cation. Home address, North Chatham, N. Y. 1911 EDWIN EBENEZER ELLIOTT, M. S., B. A. (Monmouth College), 1881; M. A. (Monmouth College) 1884. TIMOTHY JAMES McCARTHY, M. S., B. S. (Univ. of West Vir- ginia) 1909. Ill GRADUATES OF THIS COLLEGE WHO HAVE RE- CEIVED THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF AGRI- CULTURE, MASTER OF HORTICULTURE, MASTER OF FORESTRY, CIVIL ENGINEER, MECHANICAL ENGINEER 1894 Arthur Cranson Bird, M. Agr. 1895 Clifton Barnum Charles, M. Agr. Eugene Davenport, M. Agr. 1896 Warren Henry Goss, M. Agr. Elisha Deming Andrews True, M. Agr. 1900 William Caldwell, M. Agr. 1907 Louis C. Brooks, E. E. William D. Hurd, M. Agr. Frank F. Rogers, C. E. 1909 Edmund Roswell Bennett, M. Hort. William Rutherford Brown, C. E. Albert George Craig, M. Hort. James Garfield Moore, M. Hort. Ernest Alfred Richmond, M. E. George Whitney Williams, M. E. 1910 Charles H. Alvord, M. Agr. Arthur Charles Dodge, C. E. Joseph Philip Haftenkamp, C. E. Simon B. Hartman, M. Hort. Charles Philo Reed, M. Agr. Frank Curtis Rork, C. E. William F. Uhl, C. E. 1911 Archie Reed Alger, C. E. James Fred Baker, M. For. Dillman S. Bullock, M. Agr. Harry Joshua Eustace, M. Hort. Edward Clarence Green, M. Hort. Gilbert W. Hebblewhite, C. E. Albert N. Robson, M. For. ^\^ HONORARY DEGREES 1885 CHARLES JAY MONROE, M. S., LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.), 1879; Banker. South Haven, Mich. (See Members of the State Board of Agriculture.) 1886 DAVID HOWELL, M. S., D. D., Clergyman, 216 Hillsdale St. W., Lansing, Mich. SAMUEL JOHNSON, M. S. (See Members of the Faculty.) Do- wagiac, Mich. JAMES HENRY WCLLINGS, M. S., M. D. (Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll.) 1874. Physician and Surgeon, City National Bank Bldg. ; Res. 915 Washington Ave., N. Lansing, Mich. 1887 *JAMES CASSIDY, B. S., Professor of Botany and Horticulture, Colo- rado Agricultural College, 1883-89. Died at Fort Collins, Colo., Nov. 21, 1889. *MASON DANIEL CHATTERTON, M. S., LL. B. (Univ. of Mich.) 1861. Lawyer. Lansing, Mich. *BELA HUBBARD, M. S. JOHN ALEXANDER LOCKWOOD, M. S. (See Members of the Faculty.) 1705 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo. *HAL CLEMENT WYMAN, M. S., M. D., (Univ. of Mich.) 1873- Dean Michigan College of Medicine and Surgery; Surgeon. 46 West Adams Ave., Detroit, Mich. Died March 9, 1908. 1889 FREDERICK CLEVELAND MILLER, M. S. Lumber and Box Manu- facturer. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1891 *THEODATUS TIMOTHY LYON, M. H. Died at South Haven. Mich., Feb. 5, 1900. ALLEN BENTON MORSE, LL. D. Lawyer. Ionia, Mich. JOHN T. RICH, M. Agr. Detroit, Mich. *EDWIN WILLITS, LL. D. Died at Washington, D. C, Oct. 24, 1896. 1893 *OSCAR CLUTE, LL. D., B. S. 1862. (See Presidents, page 9 and Members of the Faculty, page 10). Pomona, Cal. Died at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 27, 1902. "3 HENRY GRAHAM REYNOLDS, M. H., B. S. 1870. 257 W. California St., Pasadena, Cal. (See Secretaries, page 9.) 1895 ROLAND MORRILL, M. H. Horticulturist. Benton Harbor, Mich. 1897 WILLIAM WILLARD DANIELS, D. Sc, B. S. 1864. 515 N. Carroll St., Madison, Wis. 1898 *ROBERT CLARK KEDZIE, D. Sc. Agricultural College, Mich. (See Professors, page 10.) Died Nov. 7, 1902. 1900 JASON ELMER HAMMOND, M. S., B. S. 1886. 121 St. Joseph, St. W., Lansing, Mich. 1905 WILLIAM JAMES BEAL, D. Sc, A. M., S. M., Ph. D. Amherst, Mass. (See Professors, page 11.) ALBERT JOHN COOK, D. Sc, B. S. 1862; M. S., 1865. Claremont, Cal. (See Professors, page 10.) 1907 WILLIAM ARNON HENRY, D. Sc, D. Agr. (University of Illinois) ; D. Sc (University of Vermont). Emeritus Prof, of Agr.; Wis- consin University, Madison, Wis. *CHARLES FAY WHEELER, D. Sc, B. S. 1891. Botanist United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Died March 5, 1910. HENRY CLAY WHITE, D. Sc, Ph. D. (Univ. of Va.) 1870, D. C. L. (Univ. of South) 1903, LL. D. (Univ. of 111.) 1906, LL. D. (Columbia) 1908. Professor of Chemistry. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. CHARLES FRANKLIN CURTISS, D. Sc, B. S. A. (Iowa State Coll.) 1887. M. S. A. (Iowa State Coll.) 1892. Dean of Agriculture and Director of Experiment Station, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. THOMAS FORSYTH HUNT, D. Sc, B. Sc( Univ. of 111.) 1884. M. Sc (Univ. of 111.) 1892, D. Agr. (Univ. of 111.) 1904. Dean of the School of Agriculture, and Director of Experiment Station, State College, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM WARNER TRACY, D. Sc, B. S. 1867. Expert in Ter- tology, Washington, D. C. GIFFORD PINCHOT, D. Sc, A. B. (Yale) 1889, M. A. (Yale) 1901, M. A. (Princeton) 1904. 1617 Rhode Island Ave., Washington, D. C. 114 JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., A. B. (Brown Univ.) 1849, LL. D. from Brown, Columbia, Rutgers, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Wisconsin, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth and Vermont Universities. President Emeritus of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. EUGENE DAVENPORT, LL. D., B. S., 1878. Dean of College of Agri- culture and Director of Experiment Station, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. WINTHROP ELLSWORTH STONE, LL. D., B. S. (Mass. Agr. Coll.) 1882, B. S. (Boston Univ.) 1886. Ph. D. (Georgia Augusta Univ., Gottingen, Germany) 1888. President of Purdue University, La- fayette, Ind. HERBERT WINSLOW COLLINGWOOD, LL. D., B. S. 1883. Editor of "Rural New Yorker," 409 Pearl St., New York City. MORTIMER ELWYN COOLEY, LL. D., M. E. (University of Michi- gan), Eng. D. (University of Nebraska). Prof, of Mechanical En- gineering and Dean of the Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. WHITMAN HOWARD JORDAN, LL. D., B. S. (Univ. of Maine), M. S. (Univ. of Maine) 1878, D. Sc. (Univ. of Maine) 1896. Director of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y. ENOCH ALBERT BRYAN, LL. D., A. B. A. M. (Indiana), A. 'M. (Harvard), LL. D. (Monmouth College, 111.) President of the Agricultural College of State of Washington, Pullman, Wash. ROLLA CLINTON CARPENTER, LL. D., B. S. 1873. Professor of Experimental Engineering, Cornell University, New York. JAMES WILSON, LL. D. Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 1908 EDWARD A. A. GRANGE, M. S. (D. V. S.) Principal of Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. "5 SUMMARY OF GRADUATES. [86i [862 [864 [866 [867 t868 [869 [870 [871 [872 '873 [874 '875 [876 [877 [878 [879 [880 li \2 1883 [886 [890 t893 [894 '895 [896 [897 [898 [899 [900 [901 [902 [903 [904 '905 [906 [907 [908 [909 [910 [911 Totals Agricultural Course 7 5 5 a 5 10 10 12 12 5 IS 21 IS 17 IS 30 19 6 28 30 30 30 27 22 29 37 22 29 20 37 15 26 22 20 19 19 9 23 28 29 25 23 14 36 22 30 24 35 1014 Engineering Course 3 6 9 6 6 8 7 6 6 7 4 7 10 1 1 21 26 19 27 42 4S 45 49 41 52 463 Home Economics Course 4 3 4 5 II 6 9 24 16 14 14 14 17 25 157 Forestry Course 3 6 1 1 16 43 Totals 7 5 5 2 5 10 10 12 12 5 15 21 15 17 IS 30 19 6 33 28 30 30 30 27 22 32 43 31 35 26 45 22 32 28 28 27 29 23 39 60 61 55 75 73 97 84 99 93 128 1676 116 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX NOTE: — In those Instances where the business address and residence address are in different localities, the person's name appears in the lists of both towns. ALABAMA. Auburn. Henry M. ConoUy, '08. Birmingham. Orla L. Ayrs, '02. William Jacob Baumgras, '09. ALASKA. Candle Kugruk River. Harry Lorin Mills, '98. Fort Davis. Jennette Coryell Carpenter (Mrs. Mark Wheeler), '98. Ketchikan. Bruce Earl Hoffman, '10. Nome. Edgar Grimm, '83. Clark Hubbell, '88. Sitka. Charles Christian Georgeson, '78. ARIZONA. Florence. Lytton B. Hitchcock, '07. Mesa. Neina F. Andrews, '08. Phoenix. Lytton B. Hitchcock, '07. Gates L. Stannard, '76. Jay D. Stannard, '76. Lewis Vanderbilt, '64. Frank B. Wilson, '08. Tucson, Albert Latcha Waters, '90 ARKANSAS. Beebe. Wilbert W. Gasser, '07. Com'ing. Warren A. Wells, '68. Fayetteville. Paul N. Flint, '04. Felsenthal. Cass A. Lamb, '06. Harrison. Francis Kiefer, '08. Pine Bluflf. Amos W. Troupe, '81. CALIFORNIA. Alameda. Vesta Woodbury (Mrs. Thos. Marshall), •01. Bakersfleld. William F. Carleton, '04. Ropha V. Pearsall, '08. Berkeley. Elvine Armstrong (Mrs. H. W. Reyn- olds), '04. Edward Carl Banks, '84. Calexico. Herbert M. Rouse, '08. Claremont. Charles Fuller Baker, '91. Albert John Cook, '62. Davis. Bliss S. Brown, '03. Fort Bragg. Charles Burnham Plummer, '82. Gilroy. Waldo Rohnert, '89. Hardwick. Hiram Sylvester Hampton, '76. Hemet. George Calvin Nevins, '73. Wilfred Bartlett" Nevins, '00. Holt. Mabel Ernestine Linkletter (Mrs. Frank Cooper), '92. Kenwood. Elizabeth Johns (Mrs. M. B. Stev- ens, '04. Marcus Brown Stevens, '02. Los Angeles. William James Breese, '91. Alton Cyrel Burnham, '93. Gager Calvin Davis, '89. Wilford Cotton, '84. Robert Llewellyn Reynolds, '95. Albert Henry Voigt, '81. Mayfleld. Franklin Monroe Seibert, '89. Monterey. Howard D. Severance, '03. Monrovia. William James Bailey, '01. 117 Northfork. Elwood Perry Bushnell, '10. Oakland. Andrew Park, '84. Palo Alto. Howard Judson Hall, '90. Pasadena. Wllford Cotton, '84. Albert Dodge, '77. Henry Graham Reynolds, '70. Charles Edwin St. John, '87. Pomona. William Oliver Fritz, '77. Riverside. Clara Fay "Wheeler (Mrs. G. N. East- man), '99. Sacramento. John Northrop Bldwell, '10. Ernest Howard Bradner, '69. San I>lego. Ralph Waldo Case, '02. Walter Elmer Gammon, '86. Duncan D. McArthur, '94. Charles Edward Sumner, '79. Justin Thayer Wight, '93. Claude V. Williams, '08. San Francisco. Edward Carl Banks. '84. Frederick Calvin Davis, '86. Thomas Franklin Locke, '06. John Alfred Mitchell, '09. Andrew Park, '84. Allen Calvin Redding, '83. Peter V. Ross, '95. Ralph T. Stevens, '05. Stephen Woodbridge Tracy, '96. San Gabriel. Joseph Rodney Abbot, '84. Robert Llewellyn Reynolds, '95. San Jacinto. George Grover, '81. San Juan Batista. Harry Woodbridge Tracy, '94. Santa Ana. Charles Melvin Marshall, '03. Santa Barbara. Edward Charles McKee, '81. Santa Cruz. William Wells Pratchner, '11. Clarence A. SuiBiin. Stlmpson, '05. John M. WilUts. Rankin, '02. COLORADO. Bouldeir. Charles Fremont Llndsley, '88. Denver. Clara Sergeant Campbell (Mrs. A. T. Leavitt), '05. Louis George Carpenter, '79. Christopher M. Granger, '07. Fred Herrington, '84. Walter Armstrong Hopson, '08. James Parsons Lewis, '78. Ray F. Mlnard, '07. Walter Wood Remington, '80. Eugene James Rauchfuss, '79. John Evans Simonson, '74. William Garrett Simonson. '81. Dnrangro. John Conely De Camp, '10. Fort Colilns. Frank Joseph Annis, '75. Edmund R. Bennett, '02. Louis George Carpenter, '79. Charles Francis Davis, '80. Clarence Preston Glllett, '84. Burton Orange Longyear, '03. Mrs. Mary Jane Cliff Merrill (Mrs. Louis G. Carpenter, '81. Fowler. Elwyn Thomson Gardner, '85. Gunnison. Henry Freeman Lake, '95. Idaho Springs. Frances W. Sly, '02. Montrose. Irvln Max Phippeny, '06. CONNECTICUT. New Britain. Theodore Alexander Stanley, '86. New Haven. James William Tourney, '89. Storrs. Louis Adelbert Clinton, '89. Alfred Gurdon GuUey, '68. Alva True Stevens, '93. West Haven. Ralph Meeks Lickly, '01. Windsor. John Bailey Stewart, '01. DELAWARE. Newark. Charles Andrew McCue, '01. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Tacoma Park. Clarence Beaman Smith, '94. William Franklin Wight, '94. Homer Collar Skeels, '98. ii8 Washington. Arthur Adelman, '04. Bronson, Barlow, '03. Frank Benton, '79. Lyman James Briggs, '93. Claude Marshall Cade, '07. Ralph J. Carr, '08. George E. Chadsey, '01. Frederick Norman Clark, '89. Katherine Cook (Mrs. Lyman J. Briggs), '93. Dick J. Crosby, '93. Matt A. Crosby, '02. 4^ Lyster Hoxie Dewey, '88. Roscoe E. Doolittle, '96. Cora Lucinda Feldkamp, '05. George Lewis Flower, '89. Warren J. Geib, "02. Walter Davis Groesbeck, '92. Dayton Alvin Gurney, '04. Fred Hebard Hillman, '88. Arthur Frank Kinnan, '83. William Asahel Kinnan, '86. Arthur E. Kocher, '02. Macy Harvey Lapham, '99. Huron Willis Lawson, '95. Frank Liverance, '06. Donald MacPherson, '74. Katherine Mabel McNaughton (Mrs. C. A. Reed), '05. William John Meyers, '90. William Petrie, '90. Anna E. Pickett (Mrs. Dayton Gur- ney), '05. Burr Bartram Pratt, '09. Clarence A. Reed, '05. Henry Jacob Schneider, '04. Hermian Schreiber, '04. Leo Blynn Scott, '11. Homer Collar Skeels, '98. Clarence Beaman Smith, '94. Louis Martin Spencer, '06. Frederick Delos Stevens, '03. William Alton Taylor, '88. Henry Thurtell, '88. James Harvey Tibbitts, '73. Jonathan Edwards Woodbridge Tracy, •96. Will Warner Tracy, '67. Robert Sylvester Welsh, '94. William Franklin Wight, '94. FLORIDA. Crescent City. Lozine Arnold Hurlbut, '67. Gainesville. Robert D. Maltby, '04. Miami. Ernest Joy Heck, '95. John Harris Forster Mullett, '90. Sanford. Fred Thomas Williams, '98. U. S. A. Key West Barracks. James R. Campbell, '08. GEORGIA. Athens. Thomas H. McHatton, '07. Macon, "Vinton "Vincent Newell, '94. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Honolnln. Neal C. Perry, '07. IDAHO. American Falls. Arthur Frank Hughes, '96. Boise. Marguerite A. Nolan (Mrs. Herbert F. Lemp), '02. Caldwell. Hiram Taylor French, '85. Coeur d'Alene. James Lawrence McClear, '82. Collins. Theodore Percy Caulkins, '78. Dietrich. Jesse M. Churchill, '03. Idaho Falls. Willard Smith Kedzle, '83. Kendrick. William Woodbridge Tracy, Jr., '93. Lewlston. Gaylord Whitfield Thompson, '82. Pocatello. Sarah Ellen Richardson, '05. Twin Falls. Silas Franklin Scott, '94, Weiser, Lemuel Churchill, '89. Wendell, Luther James Hughes, '96. ILLINOIS, Aurora, Albert Wisner Mather, 'S3. Cairo, Arthur Bruce Turner, '81, Champaigrn, Archie Reed Alger, '04. Richard Herbert Gulley, '78. Charleston. Thomas Leroy Hankinson, '98, "9 Chicago. Edwin Sawyer Antisdale, '85. A. Scott Armstrong, '06. F. Baurle, '92. Carl Hansel Boughton, '06. Myron Ralph Bowerman, '09. William Rutherford Brown, '03. John Willard Bolte, '05. Arba H. Cameron, '06. Russell S. Canfleld, '07. Gordon Cavanagh, '10. Paul Mellen Chamberlain, '88. Lucy Merryless Clute (Mrs. Philip B. Woodworth), '93. Carleton Rollin Dart, '81. William Eli Davis, '89. Olney J. Dean, '03. Junius Sergeant Dixon, '86. Edward George Eldridge, '86. James Edward Fisk, '06. Ira Barnes Gage, '76. Hugh I. Glazier, '07. Eddy J. Gunnison, '05. Harry W. Hagaman, '08. Harry Forester Hall, '90. William Grant (Everhart), Harte, '86. William Henry Hartman, '09. Herbert Eugene Harrison, '88. William Parker Hawley, '92. G. Arthur Helnrich, '07. Warren W. Hitchcock, '07. Gilbert W. Hebblewhite, '06. Thomas Andrew Jordan, '10. William F. Jordan, '05. Justin Harold Kline, *09. Seth Fred Knight, '03. Mildred M. Matthews (Mrs. G. W. Hebblewhite), '06. George E. Martin, '04. Thomas Francis McGrath, '89. Wendell Sydney Merick, '04. John Derk Nies, '94. Herbert Frlnk Palmer, '93. Frank Parker, '09. John Eugene Poole, '06. Jacob H. Prost, '04. Rasmus Rasmussen, '06. Earl F. Riley, '08. William Richard Rummler, '86. James Lester Shaw, '10. George Edward Simmons, '94. Irvin Leroy Simmons, '97. Dennis Wood Smith, '02. Ernest F. Smith, '06. Glenn Hough Stephen, '09. William C. Strand, '06. Howard Austin Taft, '11. George Lincoln Teller, '88. Jennie Ann Towar (Mrs. Woodard), '86. Alonzo Arva Towner, '07. Philip Bell Woodworth, '86. H. Earl Young, '02. Chicagro Heights. Harris Forester Hall, '90. Decatur. Charles Franklin Shilling, '78. Elgrin. Fred P. Clark, '93. Geneseo. Florence Ethel Copson, '10. Glencoe. William Richard Rummler, '86. Godfrey. Frank Arthur Gulley, 'SO. Harvey. Gerald Grant Robbins, '04. Hawthorne. John Eugene Poole, '06. Hinckley. William Wilbur Diehl, '87. Hubbard Woods. William Eli Davis, '89. La Grange. Helen Andrews (Mrs. George O. Stof- fer), '07. Lake Forest. Harry Gardner Stone, '07. Lincoln. Paul Harold Shuttleworth, '07. Mollne. Franc C. Bennett (Mrs. H. J. Masten- brook), '05. Henry J. Mastenbrook, '06. Orlando John Root, '89. Mary Matilda Smith (Mrs. William H. Van Dervoort), '89. William Humphrey Van Dervoort, '89. North Crystal Lake, John M. Walkup, '08. Oak Park. Frank Bauerle, '92. William Parker Hawley, '92. Park Ridge. Marjorie M. Bradley, '11. Kiverdale. MacLean Morton Babcock, '10. Riverside. George Lincoln Teller, '88. Rockford. Albertus Robert Carter, '04. Burt Ayres Peterson, '02. Ward R. Shedd, '02. St. Charles. John Derk Nles, '94. 120 Urbana. "William Chandler Bagley, '95. George P. Boomsliter, '06. Charles Spencer Crandall, '73. Eugene Davenport, '78. George Alfred Goodenough, '91. Herbert Windsor Mumford, '91. Ernest Van Alstine, '07. Waukegon. Clarence Eugene Smith, '84. Western Springs. Olney J. Dean, '03. Wilmette. Irvln Leroy Simmons, '97. Winnetka. John Willard Bolte, '05. Jessie Brown (Mrs. J. W. Bolte), '05. FNDIANA. Albion. John William Earle, '89. Angola. Willis Alfred Fox, '91. Blooming:ton. Clarence James Foreman, '94. Bremen. Rudolph H. Seller, '07. Elkhart. Henry Northrop Jenner, '86. Fort Wayne. Albert Eugene Bulson, '88. Gary. Charles Dunlap, '09. Greensburg. E. Lynn Grover, '07. Huntington. Fred Aaron Loew, '04. Indianapolis. Bon C. Bennett (Mrs. Harry French), '05. James Arthur Dart, '85. Floyd Ossian Foster, '03. Elmer J. Rork, '08. Oramel H. Skinner, '02. Kendallville. Arthur H. Hayes, '01. Kokomo. M. Edwin Greeson, '91. Lafayette. Jesse G. Boyle, '08. William Carroll Latta, '77. James Troop, '78. Charles Goodrich Woodbury, '04. Winfred Rulison Wright, '02. La Porte. John William Rittinger, '94. Muncie. Marinus Bert Langler, '06. New Carlisle. William Buel Jakways, '76. Rochester. Marion Emmet Hall, '08. South Bend. Oliver W. Burk, '05. Irving Gingrich, '02. Harry Milo Goss, '93. George Bernard Kamps, '09. Ubee. Fred Aaron Loew, '04. WaUserton. Vernon Newton Taggett, '10. Stephen Prince Tracy, '76. Winona Lake. William M. Rider, '08. IOWA. Ames. Perry Greeley Holden, '89. Burlington. Joseph Tower Berry, '96. Clarion. John Roy Thompson, '00. Dakota City. Matthew Stanley Lowder, '72. Davenport. Ralph C. Graham, '06. Dennison. Grace L. Warner, '08. Garrison. Willis W. Palmer, '81. Iowa City. Guy Johnson, '69. Iowa Falls. Otto Hugo Pagelsen, '93. Onawa. Mary Blanche Bair, '10. Slioux City. Arthur Bradley Rogers, '04. KANSAS. Arkansas City. Roderick Baker Norton, '79. Carbondale. John William White, '90. FIdorado. Gertrude Slaght (Mrs. Frenn Pres- ton), '04. Irving. Martin Thomas Rainier, '74. Junction City. John Q. Thomas, '79. Manhattan. Leland David Bushnell, '05. Mlnneola. John Welden O'Bannon, '89. Mai vane. Henry Valentine Clark, '78. Charles W. Kaylor, '01. Ottawa. Orel S. Groner, '94. Pittsbnrgr. Calla L. Krentel, '07. Topeka. Clair B. Peck, '07. Vineland. Albert Fuller Allen, '61. Wichita. Royal San Clare Fisher, '95. KENTUCKY, liexing^ton. William J. Carrel, '03. Edwin Stanton Good, '03. Louisville. Walter H. Small, '08. Charles Chandler Taylor, '09. LOUISIANA. Hammond. Roswell lanie, '70. liOckport. Edmund Albert Calkins, '98. New Orleans. WlUford Jerome McGee, '96. MAINE. Fort Williams. William David Frazer, '09. Shirley May Gardner (Mrs. William David Frazer), '09. Portland. Kelley Benjamin Lemmon, '08. Rockland. Dorr John Stryker, '85. MARYLAND. Bethesda. Ralph J. Carr, '08. Collesre Park. Mary Camp Baker (Mrs. R. H. Waite), '98. Charles Phillip Close, '95. Roy H. Walte, '07. Lanham. Dick Jay Crosby, '98. Mamie Lucretla Crosby (Mrs. Herbert H. Mowry), '02. Mary Lilian Wheeler (Mrs. D. J. Crosby), '93. MASSACHUSETTS. Amherst. Ray Stannard Baker, '89. Jessie Irene Beal (Mrs. Ray Stan- nard Baker), '90. Kenyon Leech Butterfleld, '91. Charles B. Heller, '08. William D. Hurd, '99. Percy Claire Schroyer, '08. Boston. Walter J. Goodenough. '95. Herbert K. Patriarche, '02. William Frank Uhl, '02. Brookline. Walter J. Goodenough, '95. Russell. Glenn C. Sevey, '03. Fort Strong. William Pegram Wilson, '06. Lowell. Clarence Moores Weed, '83. North Dana. Charles Whittlesay Loomis, '98. Rutland. Arthur Bradley Peebles, '77. Springfield. Glenn C. Sevey, '03. Worcester, David Leonldas Boyd, '09. MICHIGAN. Ada. Lindsay Wesley Rice, '89. Addison. Fannie E. Beal, '08. John DeWitt McLouth, '97. Adrian. Fannie E. Beal, '08. Oliver Hedges Cleveland, '11. Florence Fern Harrison, '10. Alabaster. Leon Van Rensslaer Belknap, '09. Albion. Clyde Lamont Emery, '09. David Albertson Garfleld, '89. Augustus Samuel Hume, '74. Edwin Earl Wallace, '11. Harold Bertram Weeks, '07. Allegan. Guy Arnold, '87. Allen. Harrie Roscius Parish, '95. Alma. Anna M. Angell, '07. Harriett C. Angell, '06. Ira D. Angell, '07. William Anthony Bahlke, '83. Francis Everett West, '99. Almont. Fred Abbott Farley, '06. Walter K. Hough, '06. Alto. Szra Nathaniel Boulard, "07. George Elwin Watts, '11. Ann Arbor. Erwin Noble Ball, '82. Florence B. Rounds, '07. Lillian Maynard Taft, '05. George Alfred Waterman, '91. Armada. Robert James Crawford, '91. Frank Lathrop True, '11.' Athens. Simon B. Hartman, '03. Bancroft. Charles Goodwin, '75. Bangor. Louis Albert Breserer, '88. Clifton Barnum Charles, '79. Warren Henry Goss, '82. Bath. Roscoe J. Carl, '05. Sarah Ellen Richardson, '05. Battle Creek. Leonidas Emile Babcock, '11. Robert Edwin Caine, '76. Alice M. Cimmer, '00. James Adam Elliott, '97. Eugene Gregory, '78. Claude Leroy Hodgman, '10. Earnest Alfred Richmond, '02. Bay City, Zenas Eugene Colby, '09. Charles Wesley Leipprandt, '00. Violet Miller (Mrs. Herbert Dixon), '07. William Everard Wilson, '05. Sarah Ellen Wood (Mrs. J. B. Stev- ens), '83. Beaverton. Cecil John Barnum, '94. Belding. Marie Elizabeth Bellis (Mrs. Charles Johnson), '99. George Andrew Bignell, '09. Charles Johnson, '99. John Edwin Taylor, '76. Bellaire. George William Dewey, '11. Charles Sumner Guile, '79. Carlton Volney Hinman, '78. Bellevne. Herbert Moores Weed, '83. Benton Harbor. Ethel Caldwell, '11. Claudius Bidleman Chapln, '93. Charles Henry Hilton, '00. Newell A. McCune, '01. William Teal Parks, '00. Alvin A. Rosenberry, '04. Benzonia. Frank D. Llnkletter, 'OG. Berlin. Edna Viola Smith, '03. Berrien Springs. Arthur C. Miller, '03. Big Bapids. Daniel Snyder Lincoln, '81. Gerrit Masselink, '95. Ralph Wilcox Sloss, '11. William J. Sloss, '76. Birmingham. Rolla James Coryell, '84. Clarence H. Sutherland, '08. Samuel Satterlee Trowbridge, '78. Henry Beecher Wlnegar, '91. Blissfleld. Herman F. Knoblauch, '11. Carl Henry Knopf, '11. Boyne City. James Herbert McCutcheon, '11. Ernest Arno Robinson, '97. Buchanan. Roscoe Ellsworth Brightup, '11. Harry Bliss Howe, '86. Seth Fred Knight, '09. Burr Oak. Cole Leslie Himebaugh, '87. Cadillac. Carroll Everard Miller, '72. Fremont Err Skeels, '78. Caledonia. Charles N. Frey, '11. Elmer Byron Hale, '93. Calumet. Albert Barnes Simonson, '77. Camden. Charles Dwight Curtiss, '11. Capac. Claude Marshal Cade, '07. Caro. Carroll Winthrop Clark, '81. Carson City. Alfred Joshua Chappell, '82. Andrew Brace Goodwin, '88. James Mace Smith, '82. Caseville. Fred L. Woodworth, '98. Sheldon Bristol Young, '96. Cass City. Mabel Margaret Robison, '1.1. 123 CassopoUs. Warren tV. Reynolds, '70. Centerville. Howard C. Buckiifll. 'Or,, Central Lake. Robert Edmond Marrow, '98. CharlevoLx, Howard L. Francis, '06. Charlotte. George H. McVannel, '08. Carl Van Ande Perry, '10. Obadlah Cowles Wheeler, '87. Chassell. Alice Latson, '09. Chesaning. R. Manning Agnevv, '99. E. Hayes Adams, '06. Clarkston. George Freeman Hubbard, '09. Cllfiford. William Bernard Willson, '02. Clinton. Ezra E. Kurtz, '10. Clio. Hobart Addison Stewart, "89. Bertha Cameron, '09. Coldwater. Edward M. McElroy, '93. Colonia. James Glenn France, '11. Colon. Loren Pearl Redman Fimple, '96. George Cleveland Wagner, '10. Columbiaville. Orson Phelps West, '96. Caster. Frank Miles Woodmansee, '85. Coopersville. Maurice M. Buck, '11. Colon Christopher Lillie, '84. Corunna. Charles William Hume, '73. Davison. Helen M. Ashley (Mrs. W. T. Hill), '07. Dearborn, Richard Haigh, '69. Decatur. Albert C. Dwight, '08. Marcus Smith Thomas, '79. Edward James Rawson, '78. DeckerviUe. Adelbert C. Digby, '03. Dennfson. Edward Gilmore Cooney, '90. Devereaux. Ellsworth O. Elmer, '03. Detroit. Ethel Mae Adams, '05. Gerald Henry Allen, '09. Ben Henry Anibal, '09. Oscar Eduard Angstman, '75. Claude I. Auten, '05. Julius Lee Baker, '07. Howard Bigelow Baker, '92. William Ball, '00. Arthur T. Barley, '08. Wilhelmlna Ruth Bates, '10. John W. Beaumont, '82. Catherine Francis Benham, '10. Frank G. Born, '08. Archie William Brewster, '08. Clifton Henry Briggs, '96. Harry Lambert Brown, '07. Willard M. Brown, '03. Robert Benjamin Buck, '96. Glen Pulver Burkhart, '10. George Atkins Burley, '07. William Leland Carpenter, '75. Silas E. Champe, '06. Theron P. Chase, '03. Lawrence T. Clark, '04. Clarence Grover Clippert, '10. Remie Cools, '10. Ruth E. Dalzell (Mrs. A. A. Cliambe), '07. William W. De Lange, '07. William Arnold Dohany, '84. Bertram Galloway Egerton, '10. Harry Eugene Emmons, '78. Fred Engel, '03. Richard C. Fowler, "05. Albert Frutig, '11. John Knox Galley, '74. Orrin Preston Gulley, '79. Hugh Burr Gunnison, '00. Harvey Daniel Hahn, '04. Henry Allyn Haigh. '74. Mary Louise Harrison (Mrs. Thomas Flower, Jr.), '88. Leroy Nichols Hayden, '07. Glenn B. Hayes, '07. Harry Henderson, '02. Newell J. Hill, '08. Howard Morrill Holmes, '81. Ralph Zublin Hopkins, '10. George V. Howard, '04. Nelson Blood Hubbard, '09. William Robert Hubbert, '81. Jean A. IngUs, '08. Ernest Van Eman Johnston, '94. Frank Johnson, '95. Wilmer E. Johnson, '07. Arthur Jones, '81. Tracy Howard Kay, '11. Irving G. Koehler, '08. Herman Kramer, '07. 124 Frank Joseph Kratz, '05. Cass B. Laitner, '97. Charles William Lapworth, '09. Charles Farwell Lawson, '86. William Lightbody, '89. L. Bayard Littell, '01. James Fred Loop, '03. John Wallcer Matthews, '85. James Henry McCadie, '09. Jay Robert McColl, '90. Nelson McCullough, '09. Justin John McDevitt, '09. Herbert Wade Mills, '10. Theodore Freylinghuysen Millspaugh, '82. Clark W. Millspaugh, '02. Russell Alger Murdock, '09. Gurdon Hoard Osborne, '11. Floyd William Owen, '02. Edward Noah Pagelsen, '89. Joseph Perrien, '93. Bessie Phillips (Mrs. Claude I. Auten), '05. Titus Glenn Phillips, '02. Ansel Harvey Phinney, '70. Philip Henry Piper, '10. William E. Piper, '07. Charles Henry Ponitz, '10. Emil C. Pokorny, '07. Ida B. Pokorny, '07. Otto Arthur Pokorny, '09. Frank Ripley Poss, '94. Karl Frank Ranger, '06. Harry Septa Reed, '06. Floyd Wellington Robison, '98. Frank Elmer Robson, '78. Clifford L. Rowe, '07. Arthur Hubert Sargeant, '10. Elwood Shaw, '97. Harold C. Sherman, '08. Benjamin Franklin Simons, '90. Otto Wilber Slayton, '98. Guy Harmon Smith, '11. Nelson J. Smith, '05. Thorn Smith, '95. William Lincoln Snyder, '82. Charles Henry Spring, '00. Oie Worth Stephenson, '08. Clarence D. Sterling, '05. Burt C. Stewart, '07 Allan Bruce Stirling, '10. Edward Albert Striker, '90. Clyde W. Stringer, '05. Charles Easterby Swales, '05. Melbert W. Taber, '04. Franklin V. Tenkonohy, '08. William Joseph Thome, '10. Max L. Tower, '09. Elisha Deming Andrews True, '78. Muriel Twiggs, '10. William Henry Urquhart, '11. Walter Rae Walker, '11. Bert Wermuth, '02. Thomas Callin Whyte, '11. Ernest A. Wilcox, '05. Arthur William Wilson, '07. Charles Roberts Winegar, '92. Wallace K. Wonders, '0 2. Edward F. Wright, '11. Dowagiac. Alice Adelia Johnson, '84. Dowllng. Walter Stanton, '06. Durand. William Henry Clemon.s, '80. Eagle. Henry Hamilton Jenison, '67. Charles D. Sprague, '70. East Jordan. Acastus L. Darbee, '08. Frank James Porter, '93. East Liansing. Anson Crosby Anderson, '06. Emerson Allen Armstrong, '11. Warren Babcock, '90. Bertha Bigelow Baker (Mrs. E. F. Heath), '98. Helen D. Baker, '05. Henry Luther Baker, '93. J. Fred Baker, '02. Robert James Baldwin, '04. Rachel Benham, '07. Eugene Herbert Brown, '11. George A. Brown, '07. Bessie Irene Buskirk (Mrs. J. Fred Baker), '03. Charles Barnard Collingwood, '85. George Harris Collingwood, '11. Robert E. Dickson, '09. Harry Joshua Eustace, '01. Max Daniel Farmer, '10. Bell Shank Farrand (Mrs. Otto Rahn), '06. Winifred Ethel Felton, '11. Lewis S. Fuller, '08. Irving Gilson, '10. Wilbur Olin Hedrick. '91. George William Hobbs, '10. Robert Powell Holdsworth, '11. Roy Gabriel Hoopingarner, '09. Karl Earnest Hopphan, '09. Ralph S. Hudson, '07. Maurice Flower Johnson, '07. Frank Stewart Kedzie, '77. Margaret Adelia Kedzie, '1,1. Rosemond Harriet Kedzie, '05 Alex. Krentel, '99. 125 Herbert E. Marsh, '08. William Earl Morgan, '06. Harry H. Musselman, '08. Lydia Zae Northrup, '06. Elizabeth Myrtilla Palm, '11. Paulina Elona Raven, '05. James Earl Robertson, '09. Frank Hobart Sanford, '04. Dewey Alsdorf Seeley, '98. Vernon M. Shoesmith, '01. Oren Leone Snow, '10. Charles H. Spurway, '09. Kinton B. Stevens, '06. Grace Helen Taft (Mrs. Edward J. Kunze), '04. Hazel Charlotte Taft, '1.0. Emory Wesley Tappan, '11. James Deloss Towar, '85. H. Foley Tuttle, '05. Oliver K. White, '07. Frank Esler Wood, '09. East Tawas. John Werner Applin, '11. Edmund C. Sauve, '11. Eaton Rapids. Will Erwin Hale, '82. Jenne Ethelda Taylor, '06. Edwardsburg. Albert James Carpenter, '07. Elkton. Henry Basil Wales, '11. Elm'Ira. Clifton Clement Jones, '11. Elsie. Fred Howard Tillotson, '1,1. Evart. George Atkins Burley, '07. Frederick William Lewis, '97. Charles Lovell Rose, '11. Ray A. Turner, '10. Famningrton. Don Bissell Button, '04. Lyman Reed Love, '96. Fennviile, U. S. Crane, '11. Fenton. Clare S. Severance, '11. Flint. Irving Belcher Bates, '87. Benton Cataline, '10. Milton Delano, '84. Homer M. Eaton, '03. Helen Martha Esselstyn, '09. Loren Grant Kurtz, '11. Raymond Lapp Kurtz, '09. Leona Natalie Lee, '11. Owen Milton Nacker, '03. Floyd Clyde Taylor, '09. Flushing:. Laverne Lewis Perkins, '09. Fowler. Jay Sessions, '74. George Franklin Stow, '88. Fowlerville. Grace Martin, '09. Freeland. William Ray Olmsted, '11. Freeport. Clyde Dell Moore, '10. John W. Rigterlnk, '97. Fremont. Marjorie Ida Bird, '11. Albert Thompson Cartland, '97. Huber Copeland Hilton, '11. Frank Lossing, '11. Herbert Lossing, '11. Fruit Ridge. Samuel W. Horton, '08. Gagetown. Albert Lee Hurd, '10. Gaylord. Fred Charles Fox, '02. Gobleville. William Vincent Sage, '84. Grand Blanc. Ward Henry Parker, '08. Ivan E. Parsons, '07. Katherlne Hannah Slaght, '04. Grand Haven. George Alexander Farr, '70. Roy H. Gilbert, '08. Walter Irvin Lillle, '81. Grand liedge. Mary J. Bray, '06. Clifford I. Brunger, '04. Lewis James Gibson, '64. Charles Andrew Hamilton, '1.1. George Strange McMullen, '04. John Sprague Strange, '69. Harvey Allen Williams, '00. Grand Rapids. Charles Bloodgood, '77. Frank L. Carpenter, '73. Rolland James Cleland, '89. William Kent Clute, '96. Dwight Sipperly Cole, '93. Florence Ethel Copson, '10. Joseph Edward Coulter, '82. Eva Diann Coryell (Mrs. William Mc- Bain), '79. Jacob De Koning, '11. Thomas Elliot Dryden, '79. Gordon Carlton Dudley, '07. Herbert 1. Duthie. '11. Charles William Garfleld, '70. 126 George Nathan Gould, '99. Flavius Josephus Groner, '74. Lewis Blynn Hall, '82. Henry Newton Hornbeck, '04. Ben Jerome, '09. Minnie Esseline Johnson, '10. John Wesley Knecht, '11. Arthur Lawton Lowell, '74. Hugh Edward Lynch, '10. Mary Bertha Pennington, '11. Benjamin Church Porter, '84. Benjamin Church Porter, Jr., '11. AUeen Raynor, '09. Benjamin H. Roberts, '09. Charles Fred Schneider, '85. Ray Sessions, '79. Will Jay Sproat, '11. Daniel Strange, '67. Robert Elmer Thompson, '10. Wlnford C. Trout, '09. Charles B. Tubergen, '11. Barbara Van Heulen, '10. Ira Van Skiver, '03. Edmund Philip Wandel, '11. Horace Zelotus Ward, '90. Clara Waterman (Mrs. J. F. Nellist), '02. Alice Weed (Mrs. J. E. Coulter), '82. Iva A. Wilson, '11. Grass Lake. Gustav Wilhelm Gutekunst, '01. Greenfield. Walter Postiflf, '09. Greenville. Teresa A. Bristol (Mrs. E. W, Ran- ney), '99. Herbert Williams Hart, '97. Ellis Wilbur Ranney, '00. Elmer John Rowley, '90. Gregory. Wirt Timothy Barnum, '96. Grosse Isle. Edward C. Krehl, '08. Hancock. Charles L. Lawton, '88. George Allen Royce, '75. Albert Sobey, '09. Hanover. Ernest C. Fowler, '07. Harbor Beach. George J. Jenks, '89. William Lee Rossman, '89. Harbor Springs. Harry Roderick Fraser, '10. George W. Lindsley, '09. Louise Palmer Lindsley, '11. James L. Morrlce, '73. John Swift, '68. Hart. James Brasslngton, '76. Frank Cleveland Dayharsh, '11. George Acres Hawley, '92. Hugh C. Salisbury, '06. Sophia Izora Southwlck, '05. Haslett. Mildred Grace Ferguson, '10. Edith Boby, '07. Hastings. Richard Martello Bates, '85. Wilhelmina Ruth Bates, '10. Evelyn Mary Kopf, '11. John Clyde Wilcox, '07. Henderson. Harry C. Oven, '05. Highland. Leslie Albert Buell, '83. Hillsdale. Roy Carleton Bristol, "93. Earl W. Kenrick, '06. Justin Harold Kline, '09. Ray A. Turner, '1.0. Bion Whelan, '77. Arthur George Wilson, '89. Holland. Albert E. Rlgterlnk, '08. HoUy. George H. Ellis, '07. James Skillen Mitchell, '95. Holt. Robert Hewett Wilson, '89. Homer. Grace I. Martin, '09. Houghton, Albert Sobey, '09. George Warmington, '11. HowelL. Robert Bruce McPherson, '90. Horace W. Norton, Jr., '03. Charles P. Reed, '01. William Gale Smith, '93. Hubert Monroe Wells, '85. Hnbbardston. Charles Samuel Langdon, '11. Hadson. Caroline Hotchkiss Lawrence, '06. Oliver Cook Lawrence, '10. J. Logan Whitney, '10. Roswell A. Whitney, '01. Hudsonville. William M. Bos, '05. Warren Albert Maxfield, '93. Charles Henry Ponitz, '10. 127 Ionia. Wallace William Bemis, '76. Elva R, Davis, '05. Seymour Fellows Gates, '03. Charles Irving Goodwin, '77. Frederick B. Howard, '05. Alfred Russell Locke, '91. Edwin Andrew Murphy, '82. Ralph Waterbury Powell, '11. Frank Powell Normington. '95. Iron Mountain. Stanley Garthe, '03. Islipeming. Virgil Sebring Hillyer, '91. Ithaca, John Thomas Matthews, '83. Charles Herbert Redman, '88. Edwin William Redman, '87. Jaclison. William B. Allen, '07. Fay Farnham Burroughs, '09. John Irwin Breck, '84. Birum G. Campbell, '07. Dayton R. Goldsmith, '07. Clyde B. Gorton, '09. Horace Sinclair Hunt, '05. Bruce C. McAlpine, '05. Harvey Newton Peck, '92. Edwin Chatfield Place, '05. Arthur Presswood Pulling, '10. William Kent Sagendorph. '94. Ray Small, '08. Kalamazoo. Ervin Davis Brooks, '76. Fred Llewellyn Chappell, '85. Dwight Alonzo Harrison, '68. Catherine Elizabeth Koch, '09. Lynn De Coursey Mead, '10. Walter Alfred Newton, '11. J. Hackley Skinner, '01. Wilfred Strong, '05. Kalkaslia. Willard B. Clark, '11. Wilbur S. Palmer, '02. Kent City. Stanley H. Perham, '11. Kingston, William Clark Sanson, '87. Lansing. Louis Lynnfootc Appleyard, '00. Arthur Davis Baker, '89. Henry Luther Baker, '93. Philip J. Baker, '08. Florence M. Barlow, '08. Albert Norman Bateman, '92. Leroy Lowell Benedict, *10. Harry Llewellyn Brunger, '02. Flora L. Campbell, '06. Winifred E. Cannell, '02. Dwight Clark Carpenter, '11. Edna M. Chamberlain, '11. Daisy Edna Champion (Mrs. Daisy Coffeen), '93. Frank Gunnison Clark, '90. John Wesley demons, '86. Charles Gary Cobb, '09. Jennie Mae Cowley (Mrs. Harry E Smith), '93. Frank H. Dains, '09. Elmer Ray Dail, '10. Ernest I. Dall, '02. Helen Elizabeth Dodge, '11. Justus Norris Eastabrook, '88. Helen Marie Eichele, '11. Ben Charles Ellis, '11. Archibald Martelle Emery, '83. Charles Sanford Emery, '77. Helen Emery, '1.0. Helen Martha Esselstyn, '09. Max Daniel Farmer, '10. Robert E. Ferguson, '05. Joseph Foster, '90. Francis Jackson Free, '88. Blanche A. Freedman, '06. Henry Emmons Gibson, '69. Zelin Calvin Goodell, '11. Alexander Fulton Gordon, '91. Charles Arthur Gower, '98. Olive Estelle Graham (Mrs. Harold Bennett), '09. Florence Louise Hall, '09. Jason Elmer Hammond, '86. Clarence Austin Hathaway, '92. Ellsworth Albert Holden, '89. Clarence Elmer Holmes, '93. Thomas Milton Hooper, '10. Karl Earnest Hopphan, '09. Osmond Charles Howe, '83. George J. Hume, '87. Alice Elizabeth Jeffery, '11. Ole Haakon Johnson, '11. Frank Stewart Kedzie, '77. Zella Maude Kimmel, '11. Inez Kinney (Mrs. James Tallmadge), '07. William Krieger, '02. Homer Dickinson Luce, '84. Herbert E. Marsh, '08. Parnell Gladstone McKenna, '10. Clifford W. McKibbin, '11. William Earl Morgan, '06. Mabel Mosher, '08. Walter Neil Moss, '09. Alvin Grossman Pratt, '07. Judson Edmund Pratt, '09. William Keith Prudden, '78. Shelby E. Race, '08. Fred L. Radford, 01. Fred Jerome Richards, '11. 128 Edith Roby, '07. Clarence Sage Roe, '11- Benjamin Carl Rogers, 'OS. Frank Foster Rogers, '83. Mabel Claire Rogers, '10. Jamie Estin Rork, '11. James Satterlee, '69. Elizabeth Helen Schneider, '11. Elric A. Seelye, '04. Ernest J. Shassberger, '08. James Eugene Shaw, '10. Benjamin Franklin Simons, '90. Harry Edmund Smith, '96. Leroy Clark Smith, '09. Oren Leone Snow, '10. Charles H. Spurway, '09. Clara Alma Stolte, '10. Harris Ely Thomas, '85. Horace Tucker Thomas, '01. William Ora Thompson, '04. Joseph Lane Thorne, '03. Earle A. Towne, '07. Emerson Edward Vance, '84. Andrew S. Van Halteren, '07. Lewis Hunt Van Wormer, '95. Anne Catherine Watkins (Mrs. Charles H. Adams), '98. Devillo Demic Wood, '11. Frank Esler Wood, '09. Lamg:sbnrg. Oliver Cary Hollister, '89. Lapeer. Robert Lochead Taylor, '10. Liawrence. Harry Amos Martin, '89. John Chester Stafford, '88. Iiawton, Clark D. Mason, '10. Liewiston. Mlna Fuller (Mrs. J. L. Truxell), '02. Liindon. Max Lockwood Johnston, '10. Iiucas. Harry Samuel Peterson, '11. liUdington. Hannah Williamson, '11. Manchester, Lucius Whitney Watkins, '93. Manton. Charles Dellen Phelps, '81. Maple City. Leon L. Drake, '03. Maple Rapids. M. Ethlyn Hudson (Mrs. G. C. White), '09. Marcellus. Edmund Schoetzow, '83. Marilla. Henry Augustus Danville, '83. Marquette. John Severance, '93. Neil Van Home, '11. Marshall. Ben Knight Bentley, '90. Mason. Ion John Cortright, '11. Christian M. Krentel, '99. Walter Eustus Adam Zimmer, '08. McBain. Orrin Orlando Dunham, '86. Mendon. John Franklin Evert, '82. Menominee. Richard William Edling, '86. Merle Beach. Claude Edmund Smith, '10. Michigamme. Harry Luther Chamberlin, '00. Middleville. Charles Peter McNaughton, '07. Edna Belle McNaughton, '11. Midland. Ernest Wood Baldwin, '1.1. Joseph A. Cavanagh, '09. Fred Nichols Lowry, '99. Mabel Claire Rogers, '10. Milford. William Caldwell, '76. Henry T. Ross, '04. Milan, Charles Homer Robison, '95. MUlington, Lewis F. Bird, '04. MolLne. Flora I. Bates, '11. Monroe. Alta Gunnison (Mrs. P. B. Pierce), '05. Bertha Hlnkson, '05. Paul B. Pierce, '04. Morenci. Norman B. Horton, '02. Harlow Dewey Ingall, '09. John Adelbert Poucher, '77. Archie William Sutton, '84. Morrice. Hazle A. Beard, '08. Mt. Pleasant. Myron A. Cobb, '08. Muskegon. Charles Warren Ball, '73. Laurence O. Gordon, '06. Harry Arnold White, 92. E 129 Muskegon Heights. Homer Buell Clark, '00. Napoleon. Burr T. Hesse, '03. Lewis Grant Palmer, '85. New Baltimore. John Hooker, '86. New Buflfalo. Amos Hale Crosby, '09. Newaygo. Lyie E. Smith, '07. Niles. Alida Alexander, '06. Eugene De Forest Hallock, '10. John R. Lambert. '06. North Adams, Julius William Chapin, '10. North ^Lansing, Henry Emmons Gibson, '69. Northville. Dean Fremont Griswold, '75. Novl. Jay C. Button, '07. Okemos. Mary J. Bray. '06. Flora L. Campbell, '06. Earl G. Hag-adorn, '06. Nina Belle Hewitt, '11. Edith F. Hudson, '09. Old 3Iission. Emmor Otis Ladd, '78. Onsted. Athol Edward Brainard, '11. Myndret Charles Greenleaf, '11. Orion. James Toudan Clark, '85. Orleans. Joel Gaylord Palmer, '05. Otsego. Ray George Crane, '10. John Oliver Linton, '11. Bartlett Augustus Nevins, '75. Ovid. Jewel Lee (Mrs. E. A. Grove), '04. Scott James Redfern, '97. Owosso. Albert Baldwin Cook, '93. Charles Benjamin Cook, '88. Clayton Thurston Cook, '91. Guerdon L. Dimmick, '11. Joseph Artemus Horton, '76, William Hookway, '11. O.Tford. Ernest H. Taylor, '07. Charles B. Taylor, '04. Parma. Arthur Presswood Pulling, '10. Paw Paw, David Anderson, '89. Edmund Smith Harrison, '03. Wilbur Fisk Hoyt, '83. Jason Woodman, '81. Perry. Hazle A. Beard, '08. Henry Powell Halstead, '71. Petoskey. Benjamin Terry Halstead, '73. Pigeon. Russell Alger Murdock, '09. Edward George Schubach, '11. Pittsford. Stephen W. Perrin, '11. Plain well. Albert Leslie Nichols, '86. Pontine. Howard Haswell Barnett, '06. Marguerite Barrows, '04. Adams Bayley, '61. Mason Wilbur Gray, '77. Amy D. Hurlburt (Mrs. J. T. Fowler), '08. William Roscoe Kedzie, '99. Willis Leisenring, '84. Lee H. Wright, "07. Port Austin. Florence Louise Hall, '09. Port Hope. William Rogers Stafford, '09. Port Huron. Lincoln Avery, '82. Reuben Smith Campbell, '94. Eugene Francis Law, '83. Alexander Moore, '89. Chester Stanley Wagner, '10. Qulncy. / Virgil T. Bbgue, '11. Ivan J. Clizbe, '11. Qulnnesec. Parnell Gladstone McKenna, '10. Rapid City. Robert Morley Reynolds, '09. Rapid River. Henry Herman Winde, '87. Ravenna. Fent E. N. Thatcher, 07. Redford. Thomas Burt, '10. Reed City. Roy H. Gilbert, '08. Republic. Lenore Belle Martin, '07. 130 River Ronge. Clifford L. Rowe, '07. Bires Junction. Arthur Hough Perrine, '1.0. Rochester. Howard Burt Cannon, '88. Rockford. Elton Liummis Jewell, '11. Rollo E. Keech, '06. Ross. George Elmer Ewing, '92. Royal Oak. Clare Warren Haven, '01. Rusbton. Walter Warden, '07. Saginaw. Daniel H. Ellis, '07. Floyd J. Glbbs, '11. Charles A. Hach, '05. Clare Henry Parker, '00. Edwin Charles Peters, '93. Saline. Harry Lee Baker, '11. Sandusky. William Henry Burgess, '81. Saranac. Edson Hale Hunt, '77. Sault Ste. Marie. Ira D. MacLachlan, '10. Leo Benjamin Plummer, '94. Harry Wilcox, '79. Sawyer. Bert William Keith, 'IL Schoolcraft. Edward Lakin Brown, '10. Scottfille. Mae Villa Parmelee, '11. Sebewaing. Marshall Ransom Allen, 'OS. Franklin Alfred Bach, '01. Sbelby. Oscar Gustave Anderson, '11. Alfred Henrlckson, '11. Leo Benjamin Plummer, '94. Shepardsville. George Morrlce, '85. Sheridan, Claude Greenhoe, '09. Sibley. Roswell G. Carr, 'OS. Somerset. Frank Randolph Smith, '87. South Frankfort. Ray Charles Edwards, '11. South Grand Kaplds. Barbara Van Heulen, '10. South Haven. Nellie Bangs (Mrs. Eugene I. Wilcox), '10. Floyd M. Harden, '08. Herbert M. Carter, '11. Albert Blackmar Chase, '93. George C. Monroe, '91. Myrta H. Severance (Mrs. Floyd Bar- den), '09. Eugene I. Wilcox, '08. Sparta. Rollo E. Keech, '06. Springport. Harry W. Dey, '03. Springvale. Fremont Err Skeels, '78. St. Clair. Eduard C. Lindemann, '11. St. Ignace. Louis Pauly Walker, '11. St. Johns. George Campbell, '98. St. Joseph. Ernest Porter Clark, '83. St. liOuis. Alem John Hutchins, '09. Earl P. Robinson, '07. Sturgis. Charles Howard Parker, '75. Vern Clifford Schaeffer, '11. Charles Albert Sturgis, '75. Swartz Creek. Charles Eliot Calkins, '99. Tawas City. John August Blust, '1,1. Tecumseh. James Aaron Waldron, '10. Tekonsha. George William Davis, '92. Three Oaks. Edward William Steck, '11. Ray Granville Thomas, '03. Three Rivers. Clark L. Brody, '04. Samuel Charles Hagenbuch, '10. A. Clifford Prutzman, '67. Traverse City. Harold S. Kneeland, '02. Frank Mills Paine, '89. Ray L. Pennell, '07. Alleen Raynor, '09. Claude Edmund Smith, '10. Willard Louis Thomas, '80. 131 Trenton, Frank H. Nickle, '03. Union City. Fred S. Dunks, '05. Claud Lawrence Nash, '09. Unionville. Eugene Henry Kolb, '11. Louis Dunham Sees, '96. Upton Works. Roy M. Norton, '01. Vandalia. William Earle Palmer, '92. Vassar. Glenn Hough Stephen, '09. Vermontvill'e. Milton W. Sprague, '09. Vernon. Grace Owen, '08. Wacousta. Bertha Clifford Cameron, '09. John Ernest Hinkson, '92. Washington. Cass A. Lamb, '06. Ray Gerald Potts, '06. Mary E. Pratt (Mrs. Ray G. Potts), '08. ■Wayland. Henry Franklin Buskirk, '78. Ethel Trautman, '11. Webberville. George Washington Brewer, '74. Eugene DeForest Millis, '82. Westphalia. Guy Henry Frace, '95. Whitehall. Guy Sidney Covell, '02. Hugh I. Glazier, '07. George Percy Springer, '11. WTiitney. Lyman Augustus Lilly, '77. WTiittemore. Leslie Howard Belknap, '09. Williamston. Kate M. Coad (Mrs. Glenn W. Car- penter), '05. Wixom. Berto Arnold Holden, '91. Woodland. Dor Noble Stowell, '92. Wyandotte. James Edward Wilcox, '10. Ypsilanti. Robert William Hemphill, Jr., '85. Alexander McVittie, '11. Bert William Peet, '92. Zeeland. Gertrude Lydia Van Loo (Mrs. Edwin Glerum), '02. >nNNESOTA. Ada. Winfleld Chester Spratt, '10. Appleton. Edward James Fletcher, '83. Deer River. Don Beebe Jewell, '01. Detroit. Jefferson Henry Irish, '82. Duluth. Joseph Bell Cotton, '86. Cyrus Tracy C'randall, 'SO. Dayton R. Goldsmith, '07. Minneapolis. Edwin J. Freeman, '92. Charles Frederick Herrmann, '97. Leta Hannah Hyde (Mrs. F. G. Keller), '09. William Thomas Langley, '82. Evan S. Martin, '08. Joseph A. Rosen, 'OS. Nett Lake. George Washington Brewer, '74. New Prague. William Lemuel Harvey, '93. Osakis. Richard Miller Slocum, '71. Rochester. Vernon Justin Willey, '93. Rush City. Harry Olin, '10. St. James. Will Curtis, '89. St. Paul. Bessie E. Bemis, '05. Maxwell J. Dorsey, '06. Garfield Verran, '07. WTiite Bear Lake. George Levi Spangler, '86. jnssissuppi. BUoxi. Samuel Mills Tracy, '68. Gulfport. Warren Douglas Barry, '84. Meridian. Burton B. Clise, '07. MISSOURI. Cape Girardeau. Mary Geraldine Allen, '09. 132 Columbia, Harry Laverne Kempster, '09. Frederick Blackmar Mumford, '91. Lorin G. Rinkle, '07. Jeflferson City. Myrtle B. Craig, '07. Joplin. Ray R. Tower, '03. Amos Conwell Williamson, '72. Kansas City. Mary Knaggs (Mrs. A. H. Stone), '01. Joseph Lewis McDermott, '99. Allan H. Stone, '99. Rivertnines. Frank Nelson Grover, '06. Jessie K. Palmer (Mrs. Frank Rork), •04. Frank C. Rork, '03. Rolla. Paul Julius Wllkins, '69. Seymour. Charles William Sheldon, '75. St. Louis. George Clinton Crandall, '87. Peter H. Felker, '71. C. Ernest Johnson, '05. Guy L. Stewart, '95. Warrensburg. Oscar Blin Hall, '93. Paulina Elona Raven, '05. MONTANA. Anaconda. Charles H. Edwards, '09. Belgrade. John George Veldhuis, '95. Big Timber. Harriet A. Farrand (Mrs. George Car- dozo), '02. Butte. William Enders, '91. Grass Range. Ruel William Blake, '90. Great Falls. Edwin A. Willson, '07. Kalispell. George Andrew Bignell, '09. LieWistown. Lewis Way Spaulding, '90. L,ibby. Russell Vaughn Tanner, '09. Missoula. Ella Pearl Kedzie (Mrs. L. C. Plant), '98. Philipsburg. Wilbur Ira Power, '85. Poison. James Herbert Briley, '96. Wilson Floyd Millar, '04. Victor. John Philip Miller, '10. NEBRASKA. Arcadia. Fred Ellsworth Delano, '82. Grand Island. Frederick William Ashton, '91. Hastings. Russel Ross Marble, '95. JLincoIn. Charles Edwin Bessey, '69. Edgar Albert Burnett, '87. Will Stevens Delano, '81. Howard Remus Smith, '95. Republican City. Charles Leonard Grimes, '84. Omaha. Albert Thorn Swift, '99. NEVADA. McGiU. George Tryon, '03. Reno. Ransom H. McDowell, '74. Rhyolite. Clay Tallman, '95. NEW JERSEY. East Orange. John Pierce Churchill, '95. Newark. John Pierce Churchill, '95. Jessie Jane Foster (Mrs. A. T. Swee- ney), '91. Alonzo McClair Miller, '10. Algernon Thomas Sweeney, '91, George D. White, '01. New Brunswick. Byron David Halsted, '71. Ray Gordon Voorhorst, '10. Passaic. Earl Howard Sedgwick, '97. Woodbine. Henry William Geller, '04. John Edward Schaefer, '05. Wordcliff Lake. Herbert Winslow Collingwood, '83. NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque. Frederick Lucian Johnston, '05. Fort Sumner. George R. Fryman, '05. 133 Liordsburg. Donald Hixson Kedzie, '76. Santa Fe. George C. Morbeck, '04. Sbiprock. Leroy L. Burrell, '08. NEW YORK. Albany. Gertrude Elizabeth Peters, '06. Auburn. George F. Talladay, '05. Brooklyn. Myron J. Dikeman, '08. Arthur Charles Dodge, '04. Joseph Harlan Freeman, '90. Robert Turner McNaughton, '78. Buflfalo. Elizabeth Jennie Frazer, '11. Edward Peck Safford, '91. Mark G. Stephenson, '05. Dunkirk. Gilbert S. Valentine, '08. Elmira. Jacob Sloat Welles, '09. Fort Terry. Roy Robert Lyon, '09. Geneva. Frank Henry Hall, 'S8. Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick, '93. Ithaca. Liberty Hyde Bailey, '82. Rolla Clinton Carpenter, '73. Lowell Byrns Judson, '03. Norma Dodd Vedder (Mrs. Harry I. Andrews), '10. Kenmore. Orel Leonard Hershiser, '84. Lake George. Albert N. Robson, '06. I>a Salle. Stephen Wirt Doty, '07. liOckport. Jesse Philip Knickerbocker, '04. LyiidonvlUe. Milton St. John, '83. Morrisville. James R. Dice, '08. Napanoch. Huber Sbull, 'OS. New York City. Erastus Newton Bates, '06. Antranig Garabed Bodourian, '00. John Jay Bush, '84. Herbert Winslow Collingwood, '83. Arthur Charles Dodge, '04. Harry Eugene Emmons, '78. Joseph Harlan Freeman, '90. Charles Woods Gammon, '79. Maurice Grenville Kains, '95. Thomas Stewart Major, '92. Evan S. Martin, '08. Robert William McCulloch, '87. Jedediah Haskins Smith, '83. Burr Wheeler, '03. Lloyd E. Wood, '08. Olean. Ambrose Everett Smith, '81, Palmyra. Byron Smith Palmer, '81. Peekskill. Joseph I. Bicknell, Jr., '81. Racket River. Alonzo Hiram Chase, '09. Red Creek. Eli L. Rodegeb, '10. Rochester. Henry Raymond Allen, '95. Joseph Philip Haftenkamp, '05. Salamanico. Frank Wilson Darling, '10. Schenectady. Louis C. Brooks, '92. Briggs Lyman Clark, '09. Herbert Alexander Hagadorn, '9S Friend Hans Kierstead, '09. Robert S. Newton, '05. Clara Matilda Steele, '98. George W. Stroebel, '02. Silver Creek. Edward Peck Safford, '91. Syracuse. Cadalzo A. Dockstader, '81. Yonkers. Edward Asher Bartmess, '85. NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville. Charles Wilkins Mason, '09. Kings Mountain, Clement James Strang, '78. West Raleigh. Frank C. Reimer, '03. NORTH DAKOTA. Bathgate. Israel Hibbard Harris, '73. Bottineau. Oscar William Fairbanks, '09. Mabel Connelley Severance, '02. Fargo. Harry Walter McArdle, '87. Clare Bailey Waldron, '87. 134 Grand Forks. William Clyde Stebbins, '95. Tower City. Therles D. Hinebauch, '85. OHIO. Akron. Thomas Alfred Chittenden, '98. Alliance. Fent E. N. Thatcher, '07. Cincinnati. Lewis Storms Munson, '97. Cleveland. Arthur J. Anderson, '05. Robert Floyd Bell, '05. John Griffith Cavanagh, '06. Harry Garfield Driskel, '02. Howard Histand Harrison, '09. Charles Homer Hoyt, '85: Clarence Herbert Judson, '86. Charles Alexander Lemmon, '10. Dalton Moomaw, '07. Wilhelm Neilson, '06. Charles B. Norton, '08. George Andrew Parker, '97. Arthur DeWitt Peters, '05. Floyd Herbert "Valentine, '09. George Wilson White, '04. Conneaut. Sherman John Blake, '93. Columbus. William Morton Barrows, '03. Zoe Benton (Mrs. C. C. Ford), 'Oi Clem C. Ford, '05. Georg-e Daniel Francisco, '02. Christian H. Goetz. '07. Wendell Paddock, '93. Clyde. Walter W. Wells, '01. Dayton. Katherine Gunn (Mrs. Richa Yates), '03. Richard L. Yates, '03. East Norwood. William Gilbert May, '10. Elyrla. Charles M. Blanchard, '03. Stacey Stephen Fisher, '09. Jeflferson. William Seth Howland, '97. Charles A. Udell, '91. Lakewood. Samuel W. McClure, '03. George Wilson White, '04, McConnelsville. Elma Bowerman, '02. Montpelier. James Deloss Hill, '84. 3It. Victory. DeWitt Clinton Postle, '75. North Creek. Marian Weed (Mrs. Charles E. Neff), '91. Norwood. Lloyd Weld Dougherty, '10. William Gilbert May, '10. Oxford. Llewellyn Bonham, '84. Paulding. Sadie D. Champion (Mrs. Emmett L. Savage), '97. Ravenna. Birtley King Canfield, '89. Sandusky. Ralph C. Bird, '06. Salem. Robert L. Cork, '02. Edward D. Gagnier, '99. Toledo. Walter P. Brown, '08. Harvey D. Fargo, '02. Maud E. Ferguson, '08. Ernest C. Fowler, '07. Sherwood Hinds, '05. Clyde E. Merwin, '08. William Wilbur Morrison, '90. Leslie M. Sanborn, '06. Amy Bell Vaughn (Mrs. H. C. Gil- ger), '97. Wakeman. Charles Henry Todd, '89. Wooster. Paul Thayer, '00. OKLAHOMA. £1 Reno. William Clyde Armstrong, '03. Leroy Allen Wilson, '94. Norman. Edwin De Barr, '91. Oklahoma City. Glenn Dexter Perrigo, '88. John W. Toan, '90. Pond Creek. Charles Summer Ingersoll, '75. Stillwater. Omar O. Churchill, '03. Roy Chester Potts, '06. OREGON. Beaverton. Howard Evarts Weed, '89. 135 Canby. Robert Chester Brodie, '09. CorTalUs. Arthur Burton Cordley, '88. Bess Covell (Mrs. Fletcher Gould), '08. Victor Ray Gardner, '05. Fletcher A. Gould, '07. Bernice Mae Jackson (Mrs. Victor R. Gardner), '05. Ezra J. Kraus, '07. Edward Ralph Lake, '85. George Washington Mitchell, '74. Grants Pass. Wlnthrop Campbell Hall, '87. Orestes Isaiah Gregg, '07. Hood River. John Reynolds Shelton, '82. Klamath Indian Agrency. Hettie B. Wright (Mrs. Cecil L. Phil- lips), '03. Medford. William Emby White, '10. Portland. Charles William Bale, '00. Harkness Lucius Chapin, '87. Lora M, Hyde (Mrs. O. A. Kratz), 'OS. Oscar A. Kratz, '07. Emery DeForest Searing, '02. Dora Adella Skeels (Mrs. Alfred W. Post), '06. William Fay Staley, '88. Charles Edward Sumner, '79. Arthur R. Wilcox. '08. Salem, George S. French, '86. Gordon Edwin Tower, '01. Timber. J. Verne Gongwer, '08. PANAMA. Canal Zone. Glenn Asbury Barcroft, '10. David Jones Hale, '98. PENNSYLVANIA, Allegheny. Francis McCartney Morrison, '03. William Wolfe Shanor, '1,1. Bethlehem. Willard Lawson Cummings, '93. Cheat Haven. Arthur Lawrence Campbell, '10. Harrisburg. James A. Cooper, Jr., '03. Herbert Russel Beckwith, '07. John Andrew Smith, '10. L,a Park. George Watt Park, '86. Iiansdovnie. Arthur Henry Kneen, '91. Philadelphia. Herbert Bamber, '81. Edwin B. Hulett, '09. Charles William McCurdy, '81. Frank Vaughn Warren, '98. Pittsburg. Benjamin Franklin Bain, '93. Horace Edward Bunce, '90. Mary Alice Butterfield (Mrs. George Nichols), '05. Russell Allen Clark, '76 James Grant Hays, Jr., '11. George William Nichols, '05. Clarence Roselle White, '81. Phoenixville. Georgiana Ruth Lambert, '10. John R. Lambert, '06. Beading. Samuel Calvin Dondore, '91. Frank Arthur Sessions, '71. Ralph Dexter Session, '78. State College. Hugh Potter Baker, '01. Ruth Carrel (Mrs. Thomas W. Mason), '08. Fleta Paddock (Mrs. H. P. Baker). '01. Hubert Everett Van Norman, '97. William J. Wright, '04. Swarthmore. Scott Barrett Lilly, '07. Williamsport. Philip V. Goldsmith, '07. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Batangas. Edna H. Rupert (Mrs. John R. Hanna), '05. Lanao. Orange B. Burrell, '05. Ernest Glen Hoffman, '10. Manila. Orange B. Burrell, '05. Robert Lemuel Clute, '96. Charles William Edwards, '09. J. Lindsay Myers, '07. Zamboanga, Mindanao. John Park Finley, '73. Charles M. Conner, '92. P. I. PORTO RICO. Eva Belle Bailey, '07. 136 KHODE ISLAND, Providence. Ernest V. Johnston, '94. SOUTH D.\KOTA. Artesian. Alice Hadley (Mrs. Sidney Wise), '03. Chamberlain. Albert Hiram Gillett, '92. Conde. Albert Edward Brown, '97. Draper. Bertha Evelyn Malone, '00. Firesteel. Dale Afton Smith, '88. Rapid City. Joseph Herbert Steele, '9S. TENNESSEE. CIiattanoog:a. Frank Kline Webb, '09. CoppervUle. Albert Herman Case, '02. Isabella. Joseph Hannah Taylor, '06. Knoxville. Charles Edward Ferris, '90. Bertha Margaret Wellman (Mrs. C. A. Willson), '96. Charles Albert Willson, '06. Memphis. Cyrus Clark Pashby, '94. TEXAS. Bay City. Guy W. Smith, '07. Brownsville. S. I>. Christensen, '08. Edward Clarence Green, '97. College Station. Charles Herbert Alvord, '95. John Lynn Thomas, '05. Dallas. Roy Li. Brown, '01. Clyde A. Lilly, '03. Friendswood. Leroy Borland, '07. Fort Worth. Seymour Lee Ingerson, '99. McAUen. Walter Livingston Hart, '07. Post City. Alfred Louis Marhoff, '89. Sherman. Daniel Alvin Pelton, '88. UTAH. Ogden. Reese Warner Taylor, '09. Prove. Ernest DeAlton Partridge, '96. Salt Lake City. Robert Starr Northrop, '01. VERMONT. South Ryegat«. Charles Peach Thomas, '11. VIRGINIA. Blacksborg. Walton Kirk Brainerd, '99. Lyman Carrier, '02. Mary Lucy Carpenter (Mrs. N. S. Mayo), '88. Nelson Slayter Mayo, '88. Fort Monroe. Mark L. Ireland, '01. Irma G. Thompson (Mrs. Mark Ire- land), '00. Hampton. Jacob Light Graybill, '09. l/ovingston. John A. Fraser, '03. Richmond. John W. Wilbur, '08. Roanoke. Archie Emmet Falconer, '06. WASHINGTON. Deer Park. Albert George Craig, '02. Everett. Arthur J. Cook, '01. Omak. Valmore Laverne Steward, '93. Pullman. Irving D. Charlton, '08. Richland. Glen Cuyler Lawrence, '85. Seattle. Leroy Charles Brass, '07. John Adams Dunford, '02. Samuel J. Kennedy, '01. Edward Mason Shelton, '71. Snohomish, Emma B. Barrett, '03. Spokane. Charles Adolphus Jewell, '96. Stevenson, Albert Carleton Sly, '91. Tacoma. William Walter Parker, '93. 137 Tekoa. Jared Wheeler Higbee, '74. Walla Walla. William Cook, '74. WEST ITRGINIA. Athens. Charles Leander Bemis, '74. Cherry Run. Merritt William Fulton, '95. MorgantowTi. Ezra Dwight Sanderson, '97. Sleepy Creek. Sanford Hamilton Fulton, '97. Wheeling. George B. Fuller, '00. George Willard Kinsey, '90. WISCONSIN. Berlin. Florence Case, '06. Madison. William Willard Daniells, '64. Howard Higby Douglass, '10. George C. Humphrey, '01. Sidney Egbert Johnson, '04. Wallace B. Llverance, '07. James Garfleld Moore, '03. Philip Sheridan Rose, '99. Philip H. Wessels, '05. Menomonie. Fred Randall Crane, '99. Glenn Arthur Gilbert, '09. Milwaukee. J. Guy Aldrich, '01. Frank K. Brainard, '03. Charles McKenney, '81. William John Merkel, '9S. Albert Mackelcan Patrlarche, '98. Plymouth. Fred Grover Wilson, '11. Portage. Grace Owen, '08. Bacine. Alexander A. Flsk, '05. Harry Glen Walker, '04. Beserve. Horace Bigelow Fuller, '92. Sheboygan. Lulu Robinson (Mrs. George B. Wiles), '06. Superior. Alice M. Gunn, '01. West Allis. Edward Balbach, '04. WYOMING. Arapahoe. Arthur Lawrence Campbell, '10. Cheyenne. James Emerson Niswander, '95. Frank Josiah Niswander, '89. Walter Sherman Palmer, '89. Encampment. Roy Spencer Wheeler, '10. Liaramie. Charles J. Ovlatt, '09. Powell. George H. Ellis, '07. Thornton. Leslie B. McWethy, '04. AUSTRALIA. Joseph Arthur Bulkeley, '99, Wallera- wang, New South Wales. Lynn D. Rudolph, '02, Sydney. BRITISH INDIA. Kolia San Thabue, '91, Lower Burma via Brindisl. CANADA. ALBERTA. Calgary. Frank George Carpenter, '02. Fine Lake. Clare Eugene Meyers, '96. Stirling. George Severance, '01. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Princeton. John Franklin Coats, '01. Vancouver. Horace Lindsley Bunnell, '90. Victoria. Henry Austin Dibble, '97. MANITOBA. Winnipeg. Leslie John Smith, '06. Katherine Clark (Mrs. W. E. Perry), '10. ONTARIO. Berlin. Adorf Bernhardt Krentel, '99. Cochrane. Francis O'Gara, '08. Dundas. George Whitney Williams, '96. Guelph. S. Fred Edwards, '99. Hamilton. George Whitney Williams, '96. 138 Ottawa. Abraham Knechtel, '00. South Porcupine. Bessie K. Paddock (Mrs. Harry Meek), •05. St. Thomas. Walter Henry Flynn, '99. Toronto. Walter P. Robinson, '05. Walkerville. Edward Raymond Russell, '99. Ernest A. Wilcox, '05. QUEBEC. Montreal. John Woodbury Perrigo, '94. CHINA. Haiphong, Indo-Chlna. Celia A. Harrison (Mrs. Geo. F. Rich- mond), '01. George Fletcher Richmond, '98. Chang Sha, Province of Hunan. Elvine Armstrong (Mrs. H. W. Rey- nolds), '04. JAPAN. lyo. Charles OcKada, '11. Okayamaken. Arao Itano, '11. Sambougri, Aomori Ken. Shoichi Tebina, '95. Tokyo. Wahey Matsura, '96. Michltaro Tsuda, '84. MEXICO. Durango. Alfonso Garcinava, '09. George Edward Kedzie, '73. Alfonso G. Palacio, '07. Guanacevi. Joseph Harold Hedges, '03. Mexico City. Ho"ward L. Francis, '06, Walter J. Kingscott, '06. RUSSIA. Klschlnev, Besarabia. Louis Guy Michael, '03. CUBA. Central Nueva Lruisa, JoTellanos. Clift Fay Austin, '99. Pijuan. Philip V. Goldsmith, '07. EGYPT. Cairo. Andrew S. Van Halteren, '07. Vadim A. SIBERIA. Ulakhta. Sobennikoff, '97. SOUTH AMERICA. ARGENTINE. Buenos Ayres. E. Gerald Kenny, '05. Hubert Cushman Pratt, '09. FRANCE. Paris. Harry Eugene Emmons, '78. CHILI. Temuco. Dillman S. Bullock, '02. 139 EXPLANATORY NOTE It was the intention to publish this volume in igio, ten years after the last similar catalogue was issued. The publication has been delayed for one year but it was thought best to complete the lists of ofl&cers and graduates only to the close of the college year, 1910, with the exception of the names of the graduates of 1 9 1 1 . The College expects hereafter to issue the catalogue at the regular ten-year periods. 140 INDEX OF OFFICERS AND GRADUATES Page Abbe, C 1.9 Abbot, A. A 48 Abbot, J. R 44 Abbot, Mary M 28 Abbot, T. C S, 9, 10 Adams, Mrs. C. H 67 Adams, E. H 84 Adams, Ethel M 80 Adelman, A 77 Agnew, R. M 67 Aldrich, J. G 70 Alexander, Alida 84 Alger, A. R. 19, 78, 112 Allen, A. F 30, 109 Allen, E. P 8 Allen, G. H 96 Allen, H. R 61 Allen, M. R 92 Allen, Mary G 96 Allen, W. B. . 87 Alvord, C. H 61, 112 Amos, W. G 65 Anderson, A. C 15, 84 Anderson, A 19 Anderson, A. J 80 Anderson, D 26, 51 Anderson, E. P 12 Anderson, O. G 105 Anderson, Susanna 55 Andrews, Mrs. H. 1 1.05 Andrews, Helen 87 Andrews, Neina 92 Angell, Anna M 87 Angell, Harriet C 84 Angell, I. D 87 Angell, J. B 114 Anibal, B. H 96 Angstman, O. E 35 Annls, F. J 35, 109 Antisdale, E. S 46 Appleyard, L. L 19, 68 Applin, J. "W 105 Armstrong, A. S 84 Armstrong, E. A 105 Armstrong, Elvine L 78 Armstrong, W. C 74 Arnold, G 48 Ashley, Helen M 88 Ashley, M. B 96 Page Ashton, F. W 55 Atkins, M. D 17 Austin, C. F 67 Auten, C. 1 80 Auten, Mrs. C. 1 83 Avery, L 41 Avery, Sarah S. B 19 Ayrs, O. L 71 Babcock, L. E 105 Babcock, M. M 101 Babcock, W 1.3, 53 Bach, Ellen B. 19 Bach, F. A 70 Bagley, W. C 62 Bahlke, W. A 43 Bailey, Eva 88 Bailey, H. S 19 Bailey, L. H 12, 42, 110 Bailey, W. J 70 Bain, B. F 58 Bair, M. Blanche 101 Baird, H. W 19, 43 Baird, R. G 9 Baird, W. S 46 Baker, A. D 51 Baker, Bertha B 66 Baker, C 44 Baker, C. F 19, 55 Baker, Helen D 80 Baker, H. B 57 Baker, H. L, 105 Baker, H. P 70 Baker, Mrs. H. P 71 Baker, J. F 15, 72, 112 Baker, Mrs. J. F 75 Baker, J. L 88 Baker, L. H. 58 Baker, Mary C 66 Baker, P. J 92 Baker, R. S 51 Baker, Mrs. R. S 53 Balbach, Caroline 26 Balbach, E 78 Baldwin, E. "W 105 Baldwin, R. J 78 Bale, C. W 69 Ball, C. "W 33 Ball, E. N 42 141 Page Ball, Wm 69 Bamber, A. M 43 Bamber, H 40 Bancker, E 26 Bandholtz, H. H 14 Bangs, C. B. P 36 Bangs, Nellie 101 Bank, E. C 44 Barcroft, G. A 101 Barden, F. M 92 Barden, Mrs. F. M 100 Barley, A. T 92 Barlow, B. B 74 Barlow, Florence M 92 Barnett, H. H 84 Barnum, C. J 60 Barnum, W. T 63 Barrett, Emma B 74 Barrows, Marguerite 78 Barrows, W. B 13 Barrows, W. M 75 Barry, W. D 44 Bartholomew, H. D 19 Bartmess, E. A 46 Bateman, A. N 57 Bates, E. N 19, 84 Bates, Flora 1 105 Bates, I. B 48 Bates, R. M 46 Bates, Wllhelmlna R 101 Bauerle, F 57 Bauknight, P. M 19 Baumgras, "W. J 96 Baxter, W. J 7 Bayley, A 30 Beal, Fannie E 92 Beal, Jessie 1 53 Beal, W. J 11, 114 Beal, W. 19 Beard, Hazle A 92 Beasley, G. F 31 Beaumont, J. W 42 Beckwith, H. R 88 Beebe, L.. V 30 Beighle, E. E 19 Belknap, L. V. R 96 Belknap, L. H 96 Bell, R. F 80 Belliss, Marie E 67 Bemies, C 29 B^mis, Bessie 19, 81 Bemis, C. L 34 Bemis, W. W 36 Benedict, L. L 101 Benham, Catherine F 101 Benham, H. D 30 Benham, Rachel 88 Benjamin, G. "W 58 Y-J [' \ Page Benner, R. C 19 Bennett, Bon. C 81 Bennett, E. R 72, 112 Bennett, Franc C 81 Bennett, Mrs. H 97 Bennett, W. C 81 Bentley, B. K 53 Benton, F 19, 39, 110 Benton, Zoe 81 Berry, J. T 63 Berry, L. G 9 Bessey, C. E 31, 109 Bicknell, J. 1 40 Bidwell, J. N 101 Bignell, G. A 96 Bird, A. C 8, 9, 43, 112 Bird, L. F 26, 78 Bird, Marjorie 1 105 Bird, R. C 84 Bissell, G. W 15 Blair, O. N 19 Blaisdell, T. C 15 Blake, R. W 53 Blake, S. J 58 Blanchard, C. M 75 Bliss, A. P 8 Bloodgood, C 36 Blunt, Georgiana 17 Blust, J. A 105 Bodourian, A. G 69 Bogue, E. E 14 Bogue, V. T 105 Bolte, J. W 81 Bolte, Mrs. J. W 81 Bonham, L 44 Boomsliter, G. P 84 Born, F. G 92 Bos, W. M 81 Boughton, C. H 84 Boulard, E 88 Bowd, B. A 29 ■Rowditch, J 19 Bowerman, Elma 72 Bowerman, M. R 96 Boyd, D. L, 96 Boyden, W. E 8 Boyer, E 19 Boyle, J 92 Boyles, F. M 19 Bradley, Marjorie M 105 Bradner, E. H 31 Brainard, A. E 105 Bralnard, F. K 75 Brainerd, W. K 67 Brass, L. C 88 Brassington, J 36 Bray, Mary J 84 Breck, G. E 37 14a Page Breck, J. 1 44 Breckenridge, L. P 13 Breese, W. J 55 Bregger, L. A 49 Brewer, C. L 15 Brewer, G. W 34 Brewster, A. W. 92 Briggs, C. H 63 Briggs, J. A 39 Briggs, L. J 58 Briggs, Mrs. L. J 59 Brightup, R. E 105 Briley, J. H 63 Brink, L. B 19 Bristol, R. C 58 Bristol, Theresa A 67 Brodie, R. C 96 Brody, C. L 78 Brooks, E. D. 36 Brooks, L. C 57, 112 Brooks, R. M 33 Brown, A. E 65 Brown, A. M 9 Brown, B. S 75 Brown, C. W 26 Brown, E. H 105 Brown, E. L 101 Brown, G. A 19, 88 Brown, H. L 88 Brown, Jessie 81 Brown, R. L 70 Brown, V. E 20 Brown, W. P 92 Brown, W. M 75 Brown, W. R 75, 112 Brunger, C. 1 78 Brunger, H. L 72 Bryan, E. A 115 Buck, M. M 105 Bucknell, H. C 84 Buek, R. B 63 Buell. L. A 43 Bulkeley, J. A 67 Bullock, D. S 72, 112 Bulson, A. E 49 Bunce, H. E 53 Bunnell, H. L 53 Burgess, Wm. H 40 Burk, O. "W 20, 81 Burkhart, G. P 101 Burley, G. A 88 Burnett, E. A 16, 48 Burnett, L 57 Burnett, Mrs. L 55 Burnham, A. C 58 Burrell, L. L. 93 Burrell, O. B 81 Burroughs, F. F 96 Page Burt, F. A 20 Burt, T 101 Burton, F. S 31 Buser, J. T 20 Bush, C. E. 40 Bush, J. J 44 Bushnell, E. P. 101 Bushnell, L. D 26,81 Buskirk, Bessie 75 Buskirk, H. F 8, 37 Butterfield, I. H 8,9 Butterfleld, K. L 28,55 Butterfield, Mary A 81 Button, D. B 78 Button, J. C 88 Cade, C. M 88 Caine, R. E 36 Caldwell, Ethel 105 Caldwell, Wm 36, 112 Calkins, A. E 33 Calkins, C. E 67 Calkins, E. A 66 Cameron, A. H 84 Cameron, Bertha C 96 Campbell, A. L 101 Campbell, B. G 88 Campbell, Clara S. 81 Campbell, Flora L 84 Campbell, G 66 Campbell, J. R 93 Campbell, R. S 60 Canfield, B. K 51 Canfield, R. S. 88 Cannell, "Winifred 72 Cannon, H. B 20,49 Cardozo, Mrs. G 73 Carl, R. J 81 Carleton, W. F. 78 Carpenter, A. J 88 Carpenter, D. C 105 Carpenter, D 7 Carpenter, F. G 72 Carpenter, F. L 34 Carpenter, Mrs. G. W 81 Carpenter, Jennette C 20, 66 Carpenter, L. G 16, 39, 110 Carpenter, Mrs. L. G. 28, 41 Carpenter, Mary L 50 Carpenter, R. C 11, 34, 109, 115 Carpenter, "W. L 7, 8, 35 Carr, R. J 93 Carr, R. G. 93 Carrel, Ruth 20, 93 Carrel, W. J 20, 75 Carrier, L 72 Carter, A. R 78 Carter, H. M 105 143 Page Cartland, A. T 65 Gary, R. H 50 Case, A. H 72 Case, Mrs. A. H. 19 Case, Florence 84 Case, R. W 72 Cassidy, J 113 Cataline, B 101 Caulkins, T. P 37 Cavanagh, G 101 Cavanagh, J. G. 85 Cavanagh, J. A 96 Chadsey, G. E 70 Chambe, Mrs. A. A 88 Chamberlain, Edna M 105 Chamberlain, H 8 Chamberlain, H. L, 69 Chamberlain, P. M 17, 50 Champe, S 85 Champion, Daisy E 58 Champion, Sadie D 65 Chapln, C. B 58 Chapin, H. L, 48,110 Chapin, H. E. Ill Chapin, J. W 101 Chapman, C. W 20 Chapman, Grace L 20 Chappell, A. J 42 Chappell, F. L 4 6 Charles, C. B 39, 112 Charlton, I. D 93 Chase, A. B 58 Chase, A. H 96 Chase, G. L 51 Chase, T. P 75 Chatterton, M. D 113 Childs, J. W 8 Chittenden, T. A 66 Christensen, S. L, 93 Churchill, J. M 75 Churchill, J. P 62 Churchill, L,. 51 Churchill, O. 20, 75 Cimmer, Alice M 69 Clark, A. J 1.8 Clark, B. L 97 Clark, C. W 40 Clark, F. G 53 Clark, F. N 51 Clark, F. P 58 Clark, H. B 69 Clark, H. V 37 Clark, J. Y 46 Clark, Katharine G 101 Clark, L. T 2C, 78 Clark, R. A 36 Clark, W. B 105 Clarke, E. P 43 Page Cleland, R. J 51 Clemens, J. W 47 Clemens, W. H 47 Cleveland, O. H 106 Clinton, L. A 26, 51, 110 riippert, C. G 101 case, B. B 88 Clizbe, I. J 106 Close, C. P 62, 110 Clute, Lucy M 59 Clute, 9, 10, 30, 109. 113 Clute, R. L 63 Clute, W. K 63 Coad, Kate M. 20, 81 Coats, J. F 70 Cobb, C. C 20, 97 Cobb, M. A 93 Cochrane, W. D 20 Coffeen, Mrs. Daisy E 58 CofCron, W. H 42 Colburn, L. C 20, 50, 110 Colby, Z. E 97 Cole, D. S 26, 59 Coleman, M. L 9 Collingwood, C. B 26, 46, 110 Collingwood, G. H 106 Collingwood, H. W 43, 115 Colwell, Rachel H 20 Conger, N. B 28 Conner, C. M 57 Conolly, H. M 93 Cook, A B 59 Cook, A. J 10, 30, 109, 1,14 Cook, A. J 70 Cook, C. B 26, 50 Cook, C. T 55 Cook, Katherine 59 Cook, W 34 Cooley, M. E 115 Cools, R 101 Cooney, E. G B3 Cooper, Mrs. F. E 57 Cooper, J. A., Jr 75 Copson, Florence E 101 Corbin, N. D 16 Cordley, A. B 20, 50, 110 Cordley, Bessie E 78 Cork, R. L 72 Cornell, W. R 20 Cortright, I. J 106 Coryell, Eva D 39 Coryell, R. J 26, 45 Cotton, J. B 20, 47 Coulter, J. E 42 Coulter, Mrs. J. E 43 Covell, Bess 93 Covell, G. S 72 Cowley, Jennie M 59 144 Page Craig, A. G 20, 72, 112 Craig, Myrtle 88 Crandall, C. S 26, 34, 110 Crandall, C. T 40 Crandall, G. C 48 Crane, A. A 35 Crane, F. R 67 Crane, R. G 102 Crane, U. S 106 Crawford, R. J 55 Crittenden, J. J 12 Cronk, C. P 39 Crosby, A. H 97 Crosby, D. J 20, 59, 110 Crosby, Mrs. D. J 60 Crosby, H. H. 85 Crosby, Mamie 72 Crosby, M. A 72 Cross, J. P 20 Crossman, C. W 42 Crowe, Belle C 20 Crowe, S. E 20 Crozier, A. A 26, 39 Crumb, Agnes 26 Cullom, L. M 20 Cummings, W. L 59 Curtis, H. L 20 Curtis, W 51 Curtiss, C. D 106 Curtiss, C. F 114 Dall, E. R 102 Dail, E. 1 72 Dains, F. H 97 Dalzell, Ruth E 88 Dandeno, J. B 18 Daniells, W. W 26, 30, 109, 114 Danville, H. A 43 Darbee, A. L 93 Darling, F. W 102 Darling, J. F 20 Dart, C. R 40 Dart, J. A 46 Davenport, E 12, 37, 110, 112, 115 Davis, B. F 9 Davis, C. F 40, 110 Davis, Elva R 81 Davis, F. C 47 Davis, F. P 31, 109 Davis, G. C 20, 51, 110 Davis, G. W 57 Davis, W. E 52 Dayharsh, F. C 106 Deal, Mrs. J. S 28 Dean, Clare 72 Dean, M. L 26 Dean, O. J 75 De Barr, E 55, 1,10 Page De Camp, J. C 102 De Koning, J 106 De Lange, W. W 88 Delano, F. E 42 Delano, M 45 Delano, "W. S 40 Denman, G. E 29 Dewey, G. W 106 Dewey, L. H. 20, 50 Dewey, T. D 8 Dey, H. W 75 De Zeeuw, R 19 Dibble, H. A 65 Dice, J. R 93 Dickey, G. A 30 Dickson, R. E 97 Diehl, W. W 48 Diemer, H 17 Digby, A. C 75 Dikeman, M. J 93 Dimmick, G. L 106 Dimmick, J. B 59 Dixon, Mrs. H 90 Dixon, J. S 47 Dockstader, C. A 40 Dodge, A 37 Dodge, A. C 78, 112 Dodge, G. W 93 Dodge, Helen E 106 Dohany, W. A 45 Doherty, A. J 7, 8 Dondore, S. C 55 Doolittle, R. E 63 Dorland, L. R 88 Dorsey, M. J 85 Doty, S. W 88 Dougherty, L. W 102 Douglass, H. H 102 Drake, L. L, 75 Driskel, H. G 72 Dryden, T. E 39 Dudley, G. C 89 Duffey, J. C 49, 110 Dunford, J. A 72 Dunham, O. 47 Dunks, F. S 81 Dunlap, C 97 Dunning, H. S 26 Dupee, Margaret 20 Durand, W. F 12 Duthie, H. 1 1,06 Dwight, A. C 93 Dyckman, A. S 8 Earle, J. W 52 Eastman, G. N. 65 Eastman, Mrs. Geo. N 68 Eaton, G. W 32 145 Pago Eaton, H. M 75 Edling, R. W 47 Edmonds, P. H 20 Edwards, C. H 97 Edwards, C. W 97 Edwards, H 12 Edwards, R. C 106 Edwards, S. F 20, 67, 110 Edwards, W. F 21 Egerton, B. G 102 Elchele, Helen M 106 Eiffert, C. H 21 Eldridge, C. H 43 Eldridge, E. G 47 Elliott, E. E Ill Elliott. J. A 65 Ellis, B. C 106 Ellis, D. H 89 Ellis, G. H 89 Elmer. E. 75 Emerick, C. F Ill Emery, A. M 43 Emery, C. S 37 Emery. C. L. 97 Emery, Helen 102 Emmons, H. E 37 Emmons, L. C 21 Enders, W 55 Engel, F 75 Esselstyn, Helen M 97 Estabrook, J. N 21, 50 Eustace, H. J 15, 70, 112 Evans, E. A 29 Evert, J. F 42 Ewing, G. E 57 Fairbanks, O. W 97 Fairchild, G. T 10, 28 Fairfield. E. B 32 Falconer. A. E 85 Fargo. H. D 72 Farley, F. A 85 Farmer, M. D 102 Farr, G. A 32 Farrand, Bell S 21, 85 Farrand, Harriet A 73 Faunce, B. A 29 Feldkamp, Cora L 26, 81 Felker, P. H 21, 33. 109 Felton, Winifred E 106 Ferguson, J. J 21 Ferguson, Maud E 93 Ferguson, Mildred G 102 Ferguson, R. E 81 Fernand, J. J. G. 21 Ferris, C. E 53 Fimple, L. P. R 64 Finley, J. P 34,110 Page Fish, A. E 21 Fisher, R. S. C 62 Fisher, S. S 97 Fisk, A. A 81 Fisk, J. E 85 Fiske, L. R 9 Fletcher, E. J 43 Fletcher, S. W 15 Flint, P. N 78 Flower, G. L,. 52 Flower, Mrs. T 50 Flynn. W. H 68 Ford, C. C 81 Ford, Mrs. C. C 81 Ford, P. N 21 Foreman, C. J 26, 60, 110 Foster, F. 21, 76 Foster, J. F 53 Foster, Jessie J 55 Fowler, Mrs. J. T 94 Fowler, E. C 89 Fowler, R. C 81 Fox, F. C 73 Fox, W. A 55 Frace, G. H 62 Prance, J. G 106 Francis. H. L. 85 Francisco, G. D 73 Eraser, H. R 102 Eraser, J. A 76 Fraser, W. E 32 Frazer, Elizabeth J 106 Frazer, J. T 33, 1.09 Frazer, W. D 97 Frazer, Mrs W. D 97 Free, F. J 50 Freedman. Blanche 85 Freeman, E. J 57 Freeman, J. H 54 French. Carrie M 49 French, G. S 47 French, Mrs. H 81 French, H. T 26, 46, 110 French, Mrs. H. T 49 French. W. H 15 Frey, C. M 106 Freyhofer, Louise 21 Fritz, W. 37 Frutig, A 106 Fryman, G. R 81 Fuger, F. W 15 Fuller, G. B 69 Fuller, Grace L 55 Fuller, H. B 57 Fuller, L. S 21, 9? Fuller, Mina B 73 Fulton, M. W 21, 62 Fulton, S. H 65 146 Page Gage, I. B 36 Gage, J 7 Gagnier, E. D 68 Galley, J. K 34 Gammon, C. "W 39 Gammon, W. E 47 Garcinava, A 97 Gard, M. J 8 Gardner, E. T 46 Gardner, Shirley M 97 Gardner, V. R 82 Gardner, Mrs. V. R 82 Gardner, W. A 21 Garfield, D. A 52 Garfield, C. W 8, 28, 32, 109 Garthe, S 76 Gasser, W. W 89 Gates, S. F 76 Geib, W. J 73 Geller, H. W 78 Georgeson, C. C 37, 110 Gibbs, F. J 106 Gibson, H. E 32 Gibson, L. J 30, 109 Gilbert, G. A 97 Gilbert, R. H 93 Gilchrist, Maude 14 Gilchrist, Norma L 21 Gllger, Mrs. H. C 66 Gillett, A. H 57 Gillette, C. P 26, 45, 110 Gilson, 1 102 Giltner, W 26 Gingles, Mrs. Mae J 21 Gingrich, 1 73 Gladden, H. P 46 Glazier, H. 1 89 Glerum, Mrs. E 74 Glidden, A. C 8 Goadby, H 9 Goetz, C. H 89 Goldsmith, D. R 89 Goldsmith, P. V 89 Gongwer, J. V 93 Good, E. S 76 Goodell, Z. C 106 Goodenough, G. A 21, 55 Goodenough, W. J 62 Goodwin, A. B : 50 Goodwin, C 35 Goodwin, C. 1 37 Goodwin, W. R 65 Gordon, A. F 55, 110 Gordon, L. 85 Gorton, C. B 97 Gorton, L. G 9 Goss, H. M 59 Goss, W. H 42, 112 Page Gould, F. A 89 Gould, Mrs. F. A 93 Gould, G. N 68 Gower, C. A 66 Gracey, F. M 21 Graham, Olive E 97 Graham, R. C 85 Graham, R. D 7, 8 Grange, E. A. A 12, 115 Granger, C. M 89 Gray, M. W 37 Graybill, J. L 97 Green, E. C. 65, 112 Greenhoe, C 97 Greenleaf, M. C 106 Greeson, M. E 56 Gregg, O. 1 21, 89 Gregory, E 37 Gregory, J. M 7 Grimes, C. L. 45 Grimm, E 43 Griswold, D. F 35 Groesbeck, "W. D 57 Groner, F. J 34 Groner, O. S 60 Grove, Mrs. E. A 79 Grover, E. L 89 Grover, F. N 85 Grover, G 40 Guile, C. S 39 Gulley, A. B 11 Gulley, A. G 31, 109 Gulley, F. A 40, 110 Gulley, O. P 39 Gulley, R. H 38 Gunderson, C. 18 Gunn, Alice M 70 Gunn, D. K 32 Gunn, Katherine F 76 Gunnison, Alta 82 Gunnison, E. ff. 82 Gunnison, H. B 69 Gunson, T 21 Gurney, D. A 78 Gurney, Mrs. D. A 83 Guteltunst, G. W 70 Hach, C. A 82 Hadden, S. 18 Hadley, Alice 76 Haftenkamp, J. P 82, 112 Haf tenkamp, Mrs. J. P 24 Hagadorn, E. G 85 Hagadorn, H. A 66 Hagaman, H. W 93 Hagenbuch, F. P 39 Hagenbuch, S. C 102 Hahn, H. D 78 147 Page Halgh, H. A 34 Haigh, R 9, 32, 109 Hale, D. J 66 Hale, E. B 59 Hale, "W. E 42 Hall, Florence L 97 Hall, P. H 21, 50 Hall, H. F 54 Hall, H. J 26, 54 Hall, L. B 42 Hall, M. E 93 Hall, O. B 59 Hall, W. C 49 Halligan, C. P 19 Hallock, E. D 102 Halpin, J. G 18 Halstead, B. T 34 Halsted, B. D 21, 33, 109 Halsted, H. P 33 Hamilton, C. A 106 Hammond, J. E 47, 114 Hampton, H. S 36 Hancorne, G. E 54, 110 Haner, Mrs. J. L,. K 21 Hankinson, T. L 66 Hanna, Mrs. J. R 83 Hardy, W. A 30, 109 Hargrave, C. M 21 Harper, C. H 21 Harper, W. C 34 Harrington, L. W 21 Harris, I. H. .-Trrr-.~r: ...'. ". '. . Sr' Harrison, Celia A 70 Harrison, D. A 31 Harrison, E. S 76 Harrison, Florence F 102 Harrison, G. W 31, 109 Harrison, H. E 27, 50 Harrison, H. H 98 Harrison, Mary L 50 narrower, G. H 11 Hart, H. W 65 Hart, W. L 89 Harte, W. G 47 Hartman, S. B 76, 112 Hartman, "W. H 21, 98 Hartwell, G. W 21 Harvey, W. L 59 Harwood, P. M 13 Harza, L. F 21 Hastings, F. W 38 Hatch, J. N 21 Hathaway, C. A 57 Haven, C. "W. 70 Hawks, W. E 21 Hawley, G. A 57 Hawley, W. P 57 Hayden, L. N 89 Page Hayes, A. H 70 Hayes, G. B 89 Hays, J. G 106 Heath, Mrs. E. F 66 Hebbard, "W. T 27 Hebblewhite, G. W 85.112 Hebblewhite, Mrs. G. W 86 Hebblewhite, Grace 85 Heck, E. J 62 Hedges, J. H 76 Hedrick, U. P 14, 59, 110 Hedriek, W. 13, 56 Heinrich, G. A 22, 89 Heller, C. E 93 Hemphill, R. W 46 Henderson, H. 73 Henderson, W. A 34 Hendrick, Mrs. Minnie 22 Henley, C 29 Henrickson, A 1,06 Henry, W. A 114 Hensel, H 22 Herrington, F 45 Herrmann, C. F 65 Hershiser, O. L 45 Hesse, B. T. 76 Hewitt, Nina B 106 Hicks, G. H 22, 57 Higbee, J. W 35 Hill, J. D 45 Hill, N. J 94 Hill, Mrs. W. T 88 Hillman, F. H 22, 50, 110 Hillman, Mrs. F. H 55 Hillyer, V. S 56 Hilton, C. H 69 Hilton, H. C 106 Hinds, S 22, 82 Himebaugh, C. L 49 Hinebauch, T. D 46, 110 Hinkson, Bertha 82 Hinkson, J. E 57 Hinkson, W. J 50 Hinman, C. V 38 Hitchcock, L.. B 89 Hitchcock, W. W 89 Hobbs, G. W 102 Hodges, F. J 45 Hodgman, C. L 102 Hodgman, F. 30, 109 Hoffman, B. E 102 Hoffman, E. G 102 Holbrook, L. G 22 Holden, B. A 56 Holden, E. A 52 Holden, P. G 27, 52, 110 Holdsworth, R. P 106 Holdsworth, W. S 11, 38, 110 148 Page Holley, G. M 15 Holliday, D. C 43 Hollingsworth, J. M 42 Hollister, C. E 30,109 Hollister, O. C 52 Holmes, C. E 59 Holmes, H. M 40 Holmes, J. C 9, 10 Holt, Caroline L 22 Hookway, W 106 Hooker, J 47 Hooper, T. M 102 Hooper, Mrs. T. M 26 Hoopingarner, R. G 98 Hopkins, R. Z 102 Hopkins, R 22 Hopphan, K. E 22, 98 Hopson, Edna 22 Hopson, W. A 94 Hornbeck, H. N 78 Horton, G. B 8 Horton, J. A 36 Horton, N. B 73 Horton, S. W 94 Hosford, 8 Hough, W. K 85 Howard, F. B 82 Howard, G. V 78 Howard, S 9 Howe, F. W 22, 111 Howe, H. B 48 Howe, H. M 27 Howe, O. C 43 Howell, D 113 Howland, W. S 65 Hoyt, C. H 46 Hoyt, L. W 42 Hoyt, W. F 43 Hubbard, B 113 Hubbard, G. F 98 Hubbard, N. B 98 Hubbell, C 50 Hubbert, W. R. 40 Hudson, Edith F 98 Hudson, M. Ethlyn 98 Hudson, R. S 89 Hughes, A. F 64 Hughes, L. J 64 Hulett. E. B 98 Hume, A. S 35 Hume, C. W 34 Hume, G. J 49 Humphrey, G. C 22, 70 Hunt, E. H 37 Hunt, H. S 22, 82 Hunt, T. F 114 Hurd, A. L, 103 Hurd, W. D 68, 112 Page Hurlburt, Amy D 94 Hurlbut, L. A 31 Hurt, L,. M 15 Hutchins, A. J 98 Hyde, Leta H 98 Hyde, Lora M 94 Ingall, H. D 98 Ingersoll, C. L, 11, 35, 109 Ingersoll, C. S. 35 Ingersoll, L. F 35 Ingerson, S. L 68 Inglis, Jean 94 Ireland, M. L 70 Ireland, Mrs. M. L 69 Irish, J. H 42 Itano, A 106 Jackson, Bernlce M 82 Jackson, C. L 32 Jakways, "W. B 36 James, G 22 Jaques, F. N 64 Jeffery, Alice E. 106 Jeffery, J. A 14 Jenison, H. H 31 Jenks, G. J 52 Jenner, H. N 48 Jenney, H. P 35 Jerome, B. 98 Jewell, C. A 30, 109 Jewell, Jr., C. A 64 Jewell, D. B 70 Jewell, E. L 106 Jodidi, L 27 Johns, Elizabeth 79 Johnson, Alice A. 27, 45 Johnson, B. 27 Johnson, C 68 Johnson, Mrs. C 67 Johnson, C. E 82 Johnson, F 62 Johnson, G 32 Johnson, M. F 22, 89 Johnson, Minnie E 103 Johnson, O. H 106 Johnson, S H, 113 Johnson, S. E 79 Johnson, W. E 90 Johnston, E. V. 60 Johnston, F. L 82 Johnston, M. L 103 Jones, A 40 Jones, A. E 22 Jones, C. C 106 Jones, M. W 40 Jordan, T. A 103 Jordan, W. H 115 149 Page Jordan, W. F 82 Judson, C. H 48 Judson, L. B 76 Kains, M. G 62 Kamps, G. B 98 Kaufman, F. J 22 Kay, T. H 106 Kaylor, C. W 70 Kedzie, D. H 36 Kedzie, E. P 66 Kedzie, F. S 11, 37, 1.10 Kedzie, G. E 34, 109 Kedzie, Margaret A 106 Kedzie, R. C 10, 114 Kedzie, R. F 27, 33, 109 Kedzie, Rosemond 22, 85 Kedzie, W. K 27, 32, 109 Kedzie, W. R 68 Kedzie, W. S 43 Keecli, R. E 85 Keeler, D. A 73 Keith, B. W 106 Kell, W. H 15 Kellar, Maud R 14 Keller, Mrs. F. G 98 Kellogg, J. R 7 Kelsall, G. A 22 Kelton, J. R 22 Kempster, H. L 22, 98 Kenaston, C. A 9, 22 Kennedy, S. J 70 Kenny, E. G 82 Kenrick, E. W 85 Kenrlck, Mrs. E. W 85 Kerr, J. J 33 Klefer, F 94 Kierstead, F. H 98 Kimball, J. H 27 Kimmel, Zella M 106 King, E. S 17 Kingscott, "W. J 86 Kinnan, A. F 44 Kinnan, W. A 48 Kinney, Inez M 90 Klnsey, G. W 54 Kline, J. H 98 Knaggs, Mary S 70 Knapp, S. 8 Knecht, J. W 1,06 Knechtel, A 69 Kneeland, H. S 73 Kneen, A. H 56 Knickerbocker, J. P 79 Knight, J. L. H 40 Knight, S. F 98 Knoblauch, H. F 107 Knopf, C. H 107 Page Koch, Catherine E 98 Kocher, A. E 22, 73 Koehler, I. G 94 Kohler, A. R 22 Kohler, Mrs. A. R 25 Kolb, E. H 107 Kopf, Evelyn M 107 Kramer, H 90 Kratz, F. J 82 Kratz, O. A 90 Kratz, Mrs. O. A 94 Kraus, E. J 90 Krentel, A. B 68 Krehl, E. C 94 Krentel, A 68 Krentel, Calla L 90 Krentel, C. M 68 Krieger, W 73 Kunze, Mrs. E. J 80 Kurtz, E. E 103 Kurtz, L. G 107 Kurtz, R. L, 98 Ladd, E. 38 Laitner, C. B 65 Lake, E. R 22, 46, 110 Lake, H. F 62 Lamb, C. A 86 Lambert, Georgiana 103 Lambert, J. R 86 Lamoreaux, W. F. 22 Landon, Mrs. L. E 28 Langdon, C. S 107 Langeler, M. B 86 Langley, W. T 42 Lapham, M. H 68 Lapworth, C. W 99 Larison, E. L 22 Latson, Alice L 99 Latta, "W. C 27, 37, 110 Law, E. F 44 Lawrence, G. C 46, 110 Lawrence, Caroline 86 Lawrence, O. C 103 Lawrence, W. E 22 Lawrence, Mrs. W. H 1.4 Lawson, C. F 48 Lawson, H. W 62 Lawton, C. L 50 Laycock, W. E 22 Leavitt, Mrs. A. T 81 Lee, Anna B 22 Lee, Jewel 79 Lee, Leona N 107 Leffler, S 22 T^eipprandt, C. "W 69 Leisenring, W 4r> Lemmon, C. A 103 150 Pag© Lemmon, K. B 94 Lemp, Mrs. H. P 73 Leonard, W. S 22 Lewis, E. A 13 Lewis, F. W 65 Lewis, J. P 38 Lickley, R. M 71 Lightbody, W 52 Lillie, C. C 45 Llllle, R 32 Lillie, W. 1 40 Lilly, C. A 76 Lilly, L. A 37 Lilly, S. B 90 Lincoln, D. S 41 Llndemann, E. C 107 Lindsley, C. P 44 Lindsley, G. W 99 Lindsley, Louise P 107 Linkletter, P. D 86 Linkletter, Mabel E 57 Linton, J. 107 Littell, L. B 71 Liverance, F 86 Liverance, W. B 22, 90 Locke, A. R 56 Locke, C. P. 56 Locke, L. L 22 Locke, T. P 86 Lockwood, J. A 12, 113 Lodeman, E. G 23, 52 Lodge, W. L 18 Loew, F. A 79 Lohman, G 29 Long, G. W 35 Long, Mabel 23 Longyear, B. 23, 76 Longyear, E 9 Loomls, C. W 66 Loomls, M. P 27 Loop, J. F 76 Losslng, F 107 Lossing, H. A 1.07 Love, L. R 64 Lowder, M. S 33 Lowe, V. H 56, 110 Lowell, A. L. 35 Lowry, P. N 68 Luce, C. G 8 Luce, H. D 45 Lyford, Carrie A 23 Lynch, H. E 103 Lyon, R. R 99 Lyon, T. T 113 MacEwan, E. J 11, 28 MacDonald, Pearl 23 MacPherson, D 35 Page Macpherson, H 23 Macpherson, Mrs. H 20 McAlpine, B 82 McAlvay, C. E 23 McArdle, H. W 49 McArthur, D. D 61 McBain, Mrs. W 39 McBride, J. N 17 McCadie, J. H 99 McCall, J. R 54 McCarthy, T. J Ill McClear, J. L 42 McClure, S. W 76 McCreery, W. B 8 McCue, C. A 23, 71 McGulloch, R. "W. , 49 McCullough, N 99 McCune, N. A 71 McCurdy, C. W 41, 1.10 McCutcheon, J. H 107 McDaniel, Eugenia 23 McDermott, Edith F 14 McDermott, J. L. 68 McDevitt, J. J 99 McDiarmid, C 45 McDowell, R. H 35 McElroy, E. M 59 McGee, W. J 64 McGrath, T. F 52 McHatton, T. H 90 McKee, E. C 41 McKenna, P. G 103 McKenny, C 41 McKibbin, C. W 107 McLachlan, I. D 103 McLouth, J. D 65 McLouth, L 12 McMullen, G. S 79 McNair, F. W 17 McNaughton, C. P 90 McNaughton, Edna B 107 McNaughton, Katherine 82 McNaughton, R. T 38 McPherson, R. B 54 McVannel, G. H 94 McVey. J. T 23 McVlttie, A 107 McWethy, L. B 23, 79 Major, T. S 58 Malone, Bertha E 69 Maltby, R. D 79 Mann, C. R 23 Marble, R. R 62 Marhoff, A. L 52 Markham, S. A 86 Marsh, H. E 23, 94 Marsh, H. P 8 Marshall, C. E 14 I 151 Page Marshall, C. M 76 Marshall, Mrs. Maude S 23 Marshall, Mrs. T. M 71 Marston, T. F 8 Marston, W. H. P 9 Martin, E. S 94 Martin, G. E 79 Martin, Grace 1 99 Martin, H. A 52 Martin, L. Belle 90 Mason, C. W 99 Mason, C. D 103 Mason, L 32, 1.09 Mason, T. W. 23 Mason, Mrs T. W 93 Masselink, G 29, 62 Mastenbrook, H. J 86 Mastenbrook, Mrs. H. J 81 Mather, A. "W 44 Matsura, W 64 Matthews, J. T 44 Matthews, J. W 46, 110 Matthews, Mildred M 86 Maxneld. W. A 59 May, W. G 103 Mayhew, D. P 9 Mayhew, 1 7 Mayo, N. S 27, 50. 110 Mayo, Mrs. N. S 50 Mead, L. D 103 Mead, O. F 73 Meek, Mrs. H 83 Mehrtens, A. C 23 Merick, W. S 79 Merkel, W. J 66 Merrell, Mrs. M. J. C 28, 41, 110 Merwin, C. E 94 Metcalf, Z. P 23 Meyers, C. E 64 Meyers, W. J 23, 54 Michael, L. G 76 Michaelides, Helen 23 Michels, J 23 Miles, M 10 Millar, "W. F 79 Millard, S. M 30, 109 Miller, A. M 103 Miller, A. C 76 Miller, C. E 33 Miller, F. C 113 Miller, H. L, 7 Miller, J. E 38 Miller, J. P 103 Miller, Violet 90 Minis, E. D 42 Mills, F. E 23 Mills, H. L. 66 Mills, H. W 103 Page Mills, J 9 Millspaugh, C. W 73 Millspaugh, T. F 42 Minard, R. F 90 Mitchell, G. W 35 Mitchell, J. S. 62 Mitchell, J. A 99 Monroe, C. J 8, 113 Monroe, G. C 56 Monroe, J. R 38 Moomaw, D 90 Moomaw, Mrs. D 26 Moore, A 52 Moore, C. F 8 Moore, C. D 103 Moore, G. D 33 Moore, J. G 76, 110, 112 Moore, Mrs. M. M 28 Morbeck, G. C 79 Morgan, W. E 86 Morrice, G 46 Morrice, J. L 34 Morrill, R. H 114 Morrison, F. M 77 Morrison, W. W 54 Morrow, R. E 67 Morse, A. B 113 Morse, N. M 64 Mosher, Mabel 94 Mosley, A. "W 17 Moss, W. N 99 Mowry, Mrs. H. H 72 Mullett, J. H. F 54 Mumford, F. B 17, 56, 11.0 Mumford, H. "W 13, 56 Munson, L. S 27, 65 Munson, W. M 50, 110 Murdock, R A 99 Murphy, E. A 42 Musselman, H. H 23, 94 Myers, J. J 17 Myers, J. L, 90 Nacker, O. M 77 Nash, C. L 99 Neff, Mrs. C. E 56 Neilson, W 86 Nellist, Mrs. J. F 74 Nelson, T. S 23 Nevins, B. A 35 Nevins, G. C 34 Nevins, W. B 69 Newell, V. V 61 Newman, C 17 Newton, J. R 46 Newton, R. S 82 Newton, W. A 107 Nichols, A. L 48 152 Page Nichols, G. W 82 Nichols, Mrs. G. W 81 Nickle, F. H 77 Nies, J. D 61 Niles, L. D 35 Nimmo, E. H 27 Niswander, P. J. 23, 52 Niswander, J. E 62 Nixon, H. C 44 Noble, A. B 16 Nolan, Marguerite 73 Normlngton, F. P 62 Northrop, R. S 71 Northrop, L. Zae 23, 86 Norton, C. B 94 Norton, H. "W., Jr 18, 77 Norton, R. B 39 Norton, R. M 71 Oakes, D. C 35 O'Bannon, J. W 52 Oberdorffer, W. J 7, 8 O'Kada, C. J 1.07 O'Gara, F 94 Olin, H 103 Olmsted, W. R 107 Osborne, G. H 107 Osier, H. S. 23 Oven, H. C. 83 Oviatt, C. J 99 Owen, F. W 73 Owen, Grace 94 Owen, H. E 23, 38 Paddock, Bessie, K. 23, 83 Paddock, Fleta 71 Paddock, W 59, 110 Page, A. "W 45 PagelBon, E. N 52 Pagelson, O. H 59 Paine, F. M 52 Palacio, A. G 90 Palm, Elizabeth M 107 Palmer, A. E 23 Palmer, B. S 41 Palmer, H. F 59 Palmer, Jessie K 79 Palmer, J. G 83 Palmer, L. G 46 Palmer, 8 Palmer, W. S 52 Palmer, W. S 73 Palmer, "W. E 58 Palmer, W. W 41 Paltridge, J. C 23 Pardee, J. S 38 Parish, H. R 62 Park, A 45 Page Park, G. W 48 Parker, C. H 35 Parker, C. H 69 Parker, F 99 Parker, G. A 65 Parker, T. L. 46 Parker, W. H 23, 94 Parker, W. "W 59 Parks, "W. T 69 Parmelee, Mae V 107 Parrott, A. H 23 Parsons, I. E 90 Parsons, P 7 Partridge, E. D. 64 Pashby, C. C 23,61 Patriarche, A. M 67 Patriarche, H. K 27, 73 Patten, A. J 15 Pattengill, H. R. 16 Pearsall, R. V 94 Peck, C. B 90 Peck, H. N 58 Peebles, A. B 27, 37 Peet, B. W. 58 Pelton, D. A 50 Pennell. R. L 90 Pennington, Mary B 107 Peppard, Mrs. Lillian 23 Perham, S. H 107 Perkins, L. L 99 Perkins, "W. H 24 Perrlen, J 60 Perrigo, G. D 51 Perrigo, J. W 61 Perrin, S. W 107 Perrine, A. H 103 Perry, C. V 103 Perry, N. C 90 Perry, Mrs. W. E 101 Peters, A. D 24, 83 Peters, E. C 60 Peters, Gertrude 86 Peterson, B. A 73 Peterson, H. S 107 Petrie, W 54 Pettit, R. H 14 Phelps, C. D 41 Phelps, E. 8 Phillips, Bessie 83 Phillips, Mrs. C. L, 77 Phillips, F. J 77 Phillips, G. W 8 Phillips, T. G. 73 Phinney, A. H. 32, 109 Phippeny, I. M 86 Pickett, Anna E 83 Pickett, R. B 60 Pierce, C. A 24 153 Page Pierce, P. B 79 Pierce, Mrs. P. B 82 Pinchot, G 114 Piper, P. H 103 Piper, W. E 90 Place, E. C 83 Place, W. D 31 Plant, Mrs. L. C 66 Plummer, C. B 42 Plummer, L. B 61 Pokorny, E. C 90 Pokorny, Mrs. Ida 91 Pokorny, O. A 99 Poison, J. A 18 Ponltz, C. H 104 Poole, J. E 86 Pope, N. P 24 Porter, B. C 45 Porter, B. C, Jr 107 Porter, F. J 60 Porter, J. A 37 Porter, J. W 33 Poss, F. R 61 Post, Mrs. A. W 87 Post, O. C 91 Postiff, W 99 Postle, D. C 36 Potter, H. M 24 Potts, A. R 28 Potts, R. G 86 Potts, Mrs. R. G 94 Potts, R. C 86 Poucher, J. A 37 Powell, R. W 107 Power, W. 1 47 Pratchner, W. "W 107 Pratt, A. C 91 Pratt, B. B 99 Pratt, H. C 99 Pratt, J. E 100 Pratt, Mary E 94 Prentiss, A. N 10, 30, 109 Preston, E. M 30 Preston, Mrs. F 80 Price, H. A 41 Prost, J. H 79 Prudden, W. K 38 Prutzman, A. C 7 Prutzman, A. C 31, 109 Pulling, A. P 104 Purmort, Vlrgilia 24 Race, S. E. 94 Radford, F. L 71 Rahn, 19 Rahn, Mrs. 85 Rainier, M. T 35 Ramsdell, J. G 24 Page Rand, J. H 29. Ranger, K. F 86 Rankin, J. M 73 Ranney, E. W 69 Ranney, Mrs. E. W 67 Rasmussen, R 86 Rauchfuss, E. J 39 Raven, Paulina 83 Raven, W. F 28 Rawson, E. J 38 Raynor, Alleen 100 Redding, A. C 44, 110 Redfern, S. J 65 Redman, C. H 51 Redman, E. W 49 Reece, R. H 24 Reed, C. P 71, 112 Reed, C. A 83 Reed, Mrs. C. A. 82 Reed, H. S 18, 87 Reimer, P. C 77 Remington, W. "W 24, 40, 110 Reynolds, H. G 8, 9, 32, 109, 114 Reynolds, H. W 17 Reynolds, Mrs. H. W 78 Reynolds, R. L 62 Reynolds, R. M 100 Reynolds, W. W 32 Rice, L. W. 52 Rich, C 7 Rich, J. T 113 Richards, F. J 107 Richardson, Sarah E 83 Richmond, E. A 73, 112 Richmond, G. F. 67 Richmond, Mrs. G. F 70 Rider, W. M 95 Riggs, O. M 24 Rigterink, A. E 65 Rigterink, J. W 65 Riley, E. F 95 Rinkle, L. G 91 Rising, E. W 8 Rittenour, F. L, 24 Rittinger, C. F 54 Rittinger, J. W 61 Robbing, G. G 79 Roberts, B. H 100 Roberts, Mrs. T. B 72 Robertson, J. E 24, 100 Robinson, A. A 38 Robinson, Annie L 24 Robinson, C. S 27 Robinson, E. P 91 Robinson, E. A 65 Robinson, Lulu B 87 Robinson, W. P 83 Robinson, W. A 24 154 Page Robison, C. H 63 Robison, F. W 15, 67 Robison, Mabel M 107 Robson, A. N 87, 11,2 Robson, Mrs. A. A 24 Robson, F. E 38 Robson, Harriet 1 69 Roby, Edith 91 Rodegeb, E. L 104 Roe, C. S 107 Rog-ers, A. B 79 Rogers, B. C 95 Rogers, F. F 44, 112 Rogers, Mabel C 104 Rohnert, W 52 Roller, E 24 Ronan, Bertha M 24 Root, O. J 5 2 Rork, E. J 95 Rork, F. C 77, 112 Rork, J. E 107 Rork, Mrs. F. C 79 Rose, C. L, 107 Rose, P. S 68 Roseboom, B. B., Jr 24 Rosen, J. A 95 Rosenberg', P 24 Rosenberry, A. A 79 Rosenberry, H. L, 41 Rosestengel, R 24 Rosing, A. S. 19 Ross, H. T 79 Ross, P. V 63 Rossman, W. L. 27, 53 Rounds, Florence 24, 91 Rouse, H. M 95 Rowe, C. L, 91 Rowe, W. A 34, 109 Rowley, E. J 54 Royce, G. A 36 Rudolph, L. D. 73 Rummler, W. R 48 Rupert, Edna 83 Rushmore, Ellen R 24 Russell, E. R 68 Ryder, E. H 16 Sackett, "W. G 18 Safford, E. P 24, 56 Sage, W. V 45 Sagendorph, W. K 61 Salisbury, H. C 87 Sanborn, L. M 87 Sanderson, E. D 66 Sanford, F. H IS, 79 Sanson, W. C 49 Sargeant, A. H 104 Satterlee, J 12, 32, 109 Page . Sauve, E. C 107 Savage, Mrs. E. L 65 Sawtelle, L. W 24 Sawyer, A. R 15 Sayer, W. S 27 Schaefer. J. E 83 Schaeffer, V. C 107 Schmidt, H. F 24 Schneider, C. F 29, 47 Schneider, Elizabeth H 107 Schneider, H. J 79 Schoetzow, E 44 Schreiber, H 79 Schroyer, P. C 95 Schubach, E. G 108 Scott, L. B. 108 Scott, S. F 61 Searing, E. D 74 Sedgwick, E. H 66 Seeley, D. A 67 Seelye, E. A. 80 Sees, L. D 64 Seibert, F. M 53 Seller, R 91 Sessions, F. A 33 Sessions, J 35 Sessions, R 39 Sessions, R. D 38 Severance, C. S 108 Severance, G 24, 71 Severance, H. D 77 Severance, H. S 80 Severance, J 68 Severance, Mabel 74 Severance, Myrta 100 Sevey, G. C 77 Shafer, G. D 27 Shanor, W. W 108 Shassberger, E. J 95 Shaw, E 66 Shaw, J. E 104 Shaw, J. L 104 Shaw, R. S 14 Shaw, W. T 24, 111 Shedd, "W. R 24, 74 Sheldon, C. W 36 Shelton, E. M 33, 109 Shelton, J. R. 42 Sherman, H. C 95 Sherwood, A 41 Shilling, C. F 38 Shoesmith, V. M 16, 71 Shoshima, K 11.1 Shull, H 95 Shuttleworth, P. H 91 Simmons, G. E 61 Simmons, I. L; 66 Simons, B. F 54 155 Page Simonson, A. B 37 Slmonson, J. E 35 Simonson, W. G 41 Simpson, Mrs. F 22 Simpson, W. L 12 Sinclair, Jane S 28 Skeels, Dora A 87 Slteels, F. E 38 Skeels, H. C 67 Skinner, J. H 71 Skinner, O. H 24, 74 Slaght, Gertrude 80 Slaght, Katharine 80 Slayton, O. W 67 Sleeper, F. S 31, 109 Sloat, W. E 24 Slobin, H. L, 24 Slocum, R. M 33 SIoss, R. W 108 Sloss, Wm. J 36 Sly, A. C 56 Sly, Frances 74 Small, R. A 95 Small, W. H 95 Smith, A. E 41 Smith, C. B 61, 110 Smith, C. E 45, 110 Smith, C. E 104 Smith, C. D 13 Smith, D. A 51 Smith, D. W 74 Smith, Edna V 77 Smith, E 60 Smith, E. F 87 Smith, F. R 49 Smith, G. H 108 Smith, G. "W 91 Smith, H. E' 24, 64 Smith, Mrs. H. E 59 Smith, H. R 63 Smith, J. M 42 Smith, J. H. 44, no Smith, J. A 104 Smith, U C 100 Smith, L. J 24, 87 Smith, Lulu M 27 Smith, L. E 91 Smith, Mary M 53 Smith, N. J 83 Smith, T 28, 63 Smith, W. G 60 Smith, W. H 36 SnelgTOve, Isabel P 24 Snow, O. L 104 Snyder, A. L, 95 Snyder, F. C 43 Snyder, J. L 9 Snyder, W. L 43, 110 Pag-e Snyder, W. P 11,1 SobennikofC, V 66 Sobey, A 100 Southwick, Sophia 1 83 Spangler, G. L. 48 Spaulding, L. W. 54 Spencer, L. M 87 Spragg, F. A 28, 111 Sprague, C. D 32 Sprague, Elizabeth 24 Sprague, M. W 100 Sprang, G. E 47 Spratt, W. C 104 Spring, C. H 69 Springer, G P. lOS Sproat, "W. J. 108 Spurway, C. H 24, 100 Stafford, J. C 51 Stafford, W. R 100 Staley, W. F 51 Stanley, T. A. 48 Stannard, G. I.. 36 Stannard, J. D 36 Stanton, W. E 87 Stebbins, W. C 63 Steck, E. W. 108 Steele, Clara M 67 Steele, J. H 64 Stephen, G. H 100 Stephens, P. H 25 Stephenson, M. G 83 Stephenson, O. W 95 Sterling, C. D 83 Stevens, A. T 25, 60, 110 Stevens, F. D 77 Stevens, G. L 25 Steven.s, Mrs. J. B 44 Stevens, K. B 87 Stevens, M. B 74 Stevens, Mrs. M. B 79 Stevens, R. T 83 Steward, V. L 60 Stewart, B. C 91 Stewart, G. L 63 Stewart, H. A 53 Stewart, J. B 71 Stimpson, C. A. 83 Stirling, A. B 104 St. John, C. E 49 St. John, Helen E 24 St. John, M 44 Stoffer, Mrs. G. O. 87 Stolte, Clara A 104 Stone, A. H 68 Stone, Mrs. A. H 70 Stone, H. G 91 Stone, "W. E 115 Stott, R. G 25 iS6 Page Stow, G. F 51 Stowell, D. N 58 Strand, W. C 87 Strang, C. J 38 Strange, D. P 25, 33, 109 Strange, D 31, 109 Strange, J. S 32, 109 Strieker, E. A 54 Stringer, C. W ; 83 Stroebel, G. W 74 Strong, "W 83 Stryker, D. J 47 Stryker, W. C 45 Sturges, C. A 36 Sumner, C. E 39 Sutherland, C. H 95 Sutton, A. W 45 Swales, C. E 83 Swanger, C. H 25 Sweeney, A. T 56 Sweeney, Mrs. A. T 55 Sweet, G. R 25 Swift, A. T 68 Swift, J 31, 109 Taber, M. W 80 Taft, Grace H 80 Taft, H. A 1.08 Taft, Hazel C 104 Taft, L. R 12 Taft, Lillian M 84 Taggett, V. M 104 Talladay, G. F 84 Tallmadge, Mrs. J 90 Tallman, C 63 Tamari, K. Ill Tanner, R. V 100 Tappan, E. W 108 Taylor, A. H 25 Taylor, C. C 100 Taylor, C. B 80 Taylor, E. H 91 Taylor, F. C 100 Taylor, Jenne E 87 Taylor, J. E 36, 110 Taylor, J. H 25, 87 Taylor, R. W 100 Taylor, R. L 104 Taylor, Rose M 25 Taylor, W. A 51 Teller, G. L 28, 51, 110 Tenkonohy, F. V 95 Thabue, K. S 56 Thatcher, F. E. N 91 Thayer, E. N 60 Thayer, P 69 Thomas, C. P 108 Page Thomas, H. E 47 Thomas, H. T 71 Thomas, J. L. 84 Thomas, J. Q 39 Thomas, M. S 39 Thomas, R. G 77 Thomas, W. L, 40 Thome, W. J 104 Thompson, C. D Ill Thompson, G. W 43 Thompson, Irma G 69 Thompson, J. R 69 Thompson, R. E 104 Thompson, W. 80 Thome, J. L 77 Thurber, G 10 Thurtell, H 16, 51 Tibbitts, J. H 34 Tlllotson, F. H 108 Toan, J. W 55 Todd, C. H 53 Tompkins, F. G 25 Toumey, J. W 25, 53, 110 Towar, Jennie A 48 Towar, J. D 28, 47, 110 Towar, P. G 47 Tower, G. E. 71 Tower, M. L 25, 100 Tower, R. R 25, 77 Towne, E. A 91 Towner, A. A 91 Townsend, C. E. 67 Tracy, C 9 Tracy, H. W 61 Tracy, J. E. W 64 Tracy, S. M 31, 109 Tracy, S P 36 Tracy, S. W 64 Tracy, W. W 10, 31, 109, 114 Tracy, W. W 60 Trautman, Ethel 108 Trine, D. W 58 Troop, J. 28, 38, 1.10 Troupe, A. TV 41 Trout, W. C 100 Trowbridge, S. S 38 True, E. D 38,112 True, F. L, 108 True, G. H 25 Truxell, Mrs. J. L 73 Tryon, G 25,77 Tsuda, M 45 Tubergen, C. B 108 Turner, A. B 41 Turner, O. A 55 Turner, R. A 104 Tuttle, H. F 28, 84 IS7 Page Twiggs, Muriel 104 Udell, C. A 56 Uhl, W. F 74, 112 Upton, S. B 41 Urquhart, W. H 108 Valentine.. F. H. 100 Valentine, G. S 95 Van Alstine, E 91 Vance, E. E 45 Vanderbilt, L, 30, 109 Van Dervoort, W H 16, 53 Van Dervoort, Mrs. W. H 53 Van Halteren, A. S 91 Van Heulen, Barbara 105 Van Home. N 108 Van Loo, Gertrude 74 Van Norman, H. E 66 Van Skiver, 1 77 Van Wormer, L. H 28, 63 Vaughn, Amy B 66, 110 Vedder, H. K 13 Vedder, Norma D 105 Veldhuis, J. G 63 Vernou. C. A. 14 Verran, G 91 Voight, A. H 41 Voorhorst, R. G 105 Wadleigh, W. H 25 "Wagner, C. S 105 Wagner, G. C. 105 Waite, R. H 92 Waite, Mrs. R. H 66 Waldron, C. B 25, 49 Waldron, J. A 105 Wales. H. B 108 Walker, H. G 25, 80 Walker, L. P 108 Walker, W. R. 108 Walkup, J. M 95 Wallace, E. E 108 Wallace, W H. 7, S Wandel, E. P 108 Ward, H. E 63 Ward, H. Z 55 Warden, W 92 Warmington, G 108 Warner, Grace I> 95 Warren, F. V 25, 67 Waterbury, I. R 7, 8 Waterbury, L. A 25 Waterman, Clara 74 Waterman, G. A 14, 56 Waters, A. L 55 Watkins, A. Catherine 67 Watkins, L. W 8, 60 Page Watson. C. H 31 Watson, L. M. 25 Watt, A 25 Watts, G. E 108 Waugh, Louise 25 Webb, F. K 100 Weed, Alice 43 Weed, C. M 44, 110 Weed. H. E 53, 11.0 Weed, H. M 44 Weed, Marian 56 Weeks, H. B 92 Weeks, R. D 10 Weil. C. L 13 Welch, A. S 8 Welles, J. S 100 Wellings, J. H 113 Wellman. Bertha M 25, 64 Wells, F 8 Wells, H. G 7 Wells, H. M 47 Wells, W. W 25. 71 Wells, W. A 31, 109 Welsh. R. S 61 Wendt, W. B 18 Wentworth, W. A 28 Wermuth, B 74 Wernham, Mrs. G. L 20 Wershow, J 25 Wessels, P.' H. 84 West, F. E 68.110 West. O. P 64 Westcott, A. L, 25 Wetmore, Mary 28 Weubker, C. L 25 Wheeler, B 77 Wheeler, Clara F 68 Wheeler, C. F 17. 56, 114 Wheeler, Mrs. M 66 Wheeler, M. Lillian 60, 110 Wheeler, O. C 49 Wheeler, R. S 105 Whelan, B. . '. 37 White,- C. R 41 White, Mrs. G. C 98 White, G. D 71 White, G. S 25 White, G. W 80 White, H. A 58 White, H. C 114 White, J. W 55 White. O. K 28, 92 White. W. E 105 Whitmoro, C. S 49 Whitney, E. A 48 Whitney. J. L J05 Whitney, R. A 71 Whyte, T. C 108 58 Page Wight, J. T. 60 Wight, W. F 61 Wilbur, J. W 95 Wilcox, A. R 95 Wilcox, C. C 25 Wilcox, E. A 84 Wilcox, E. 1 95 Wilcox, Mrs. E. 1 101 Wilcox, H 40 Wilcox, J. E 105 Wilcox, J. C 92 Wiles, Mrs. G. B 87 Wilkins, P. J 32 Willard, G 7 Willey, V. J 60 Williams, C. S 32 Williams, C. V 96 Williams, F. T 67 Williams, G. W 64, 1.12 Williams, H. A 70 Williams, J. R 9 Williamson, A. C 33 Williamson, C. S 25 Williamson, G. F 25 Williamson, Hannah 108 Wlllits, E 7, 9, 113 Willson, C. A 87 Wlllson, Mrs. C. A 64 Willson, E. A 92 Willson, W. B 74 Wilson, A. G 53 Wilson, A. W 92 Wilson, C. N 25 Wilson, F. B 96 Wilson, F. G 108 Wilson, Iva A 108 Wilson, J. 115 Wilson, L. A 61 Wilson, R. H 53 Wilson, V. T 15 Wilson, W. E. . 87 Page Wilson, W. P 87 Winde, H. H 49 Winegar, C. R 58 Winegar, H. B 5? Winter, O. B 28 Wise, Mrs. S 76 Wonders, W. K 74 Wood, D. D 108 Wood, F. E 101 Wood, L. E 96 Wood, Sarah E 44 Woodard, Mrs. Jennie A 48 Woodbury, C. G 80, 110 Woodbury, Vesta 71 Woodman, J 41 Woodmansee, F. M 47 Woodworth, F. L 67 Woodworth, P. B 16, 48 Woodworth, Mrs. P. B 59 Woodworth, R. S. 61 Wrigglesworth, F. L. 48 Wright, E. F 108 Wright, Hettle B 77 Wright, L. H 92 Wright, L. F 7 Wright, W. J 29, 80 Wright, W. R 28, 74 Wyman, H. C. 113 Yakeley, Elida 28 Yates, R. L, 77 Tates, Mrs. R. L 76 Yebina, S 63 Yerkes, S. A 7 Yoshlda, C Ill Yothers, M. A 25 Young, H. E 74 Young, S. B 64 Zimmer, W. E. A 96 159