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'Tlu' acid is tluMi noutiali/.tui and tlu> stan'li driod. l\v vary- iui; tho I'oiuiitious, thin hoiliiif;' starches can ho ohtainod, \ai\in;-v Iroin ordinai'v thin hoiliiii;' stavi'h us(>il at \\\c iM\>i>ortion ot" I Ih. to I'-. Ihs. ju>r ^alK^n ol" watiM', u|> to thin hoiliii!'; stafi'iu>s in Nvliii'h as inui'h as o \o (i Ihs. por !.';idUMi still !.;i\t>s n oloar si^lution. Aootiitea of Ci'lluloso ntnl Feculoso. (\»llnlos<> (MitiMs into sovmal oonihiiiations willi nt't^tio JU'id to t'oiiu aciMatos, (>itlh>r by llu* ncliou o[' iiiai'ial ni't^tii' acid or act'lyl chlotitlt*. (\>llnloso tctia acetate is a lu>antil"ul produt-t, and lihns dt>- posi(t>d friMU a si>lnti(ni in chlorot'oiin ari> nu>st brilliant, ciWi>rl(\ss and very strmii;-. 'Tluvsc prod- ucts arc tindiujv ('i>nsidtM'abh» application now in the ninnuf;utnre ot" artitii'ial silk. Tlu^v slu>uUl bo watihcd by laundeitMs with cart', (hie (>!" the cel- lulose acetate pnuincts is now on tht> I'ritish tnar- kci luider the nanuMW' *• l\H'ulost\" It is obtained by till' partial acti^ni ot" s-vlacial ai'etie acid on start'li; and. owiui;' to the I'learmvss and brilliaui'y of iUti i]\m it tUipoHiih ttu fn^fnun, t*M[n*/'4Si\\y t'/Aori'A orutHf with wiiU'}i H \n brought Jw t'/fuUuitf it bJ/J« fair to f>'; of pfHi/'it H^irvj/^j i/} iU*i ihun'Jiry UuluHiry, Olh<:r Hlitft'jiini^ Ag90U, J/j a'j'ijtion lo Hitif't'hf mvi*,rii\ lloid, th;it iM to ««y, glu'fy n\i\>niiiJi<'A*M urn u«<'/i uj^oo fh\/rU'M f/> 'nfipuri Hi'iffnttiiH to ihi'tt^. Onlioary irt'-lai'iu \v> nm*A f<>ti>'uU',ni\>\y for aiU'fcjnni/^ KJJk« an/J iU^firyf HH (fr'Vitmry i^Xnrch tnakitH hucU ahAcU'M U>o HiMf on Ifj'i one. Ir.iii'i uti'i hii¥, a U:rnUmf^y t') f^W*i h rm«ty, hfooy Hurftu'tt on tint oiSntr. (UtUii'in and homf, of y\iit '/utsi-n }irufiir\<'M U>r'i<;rJoj< oo tho Mttti'dt'.rrsint'nn and la r'/fly uh*'/\ aw tfio bawJH of r/joftt of Ib^; pnU'jti food« for cattU; an/l horw;«, j« now tiiinudinw, prr<;al tiiUini'ioii. An <',X' oA*At(\\ni^\y UfUi^li ytWy knov/n a» '^j^urrj irnu^nhtA** 'i¥> o\Am\ui'A from lb<; k<;rrjr\('M, \i ;-; U; 'juit(lr(>,t;<'ii Itiiiiis direct into watei- strai^'ht away without any iidcriiKMJialc sla^^c, and if a cold piece of inclal, foi- example, he placed I'oi- a lew seconds «)\'ei- a nas llanie, it will he found covered with littlt! drops of water, ('aihon, however, hums in two stages, foi'inin^' a conihination of one part of carhon lo one part of oxygen — carbon monoxide or carbonic oxide ((*()), and (hen a second com- p()nnd of one ))art of carbon to two of oxygen — carbon dioxide Oi* carbonic acid gas (COa). The former is exceedingly ])oisonous, as it enters into combination with the red coloring matter of the blood, even if i)resent in the air in only small (pumtity, and the blood is conseqnently nnable to take np oxygen. Moi-eover, in cases of i)artial poisoning with carbon monoxi(h>, the blood takes a long time to get back to its normal condition. To breathe air containing a considerable propor- tion of carbon monoxide for any length of time means almost certain death from snffocation, and it is this gas remaining in the passages of a coal mine after a gas explosion which usually causes far more deaths than the actual explosion itself. FUEL8 119 The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide. From ihJH the r(ininpf at once any loakn of gaw^ }jowy mcann of oSimant ventila- tion, or in Horno Hpecial nj;jnn(;r <'n<; thrown u[>on a Ijot fjre, part of it will hiirnt into fianje, while another part will be brok(;n up by tlie heat, a large amount of Koot being net free. Now thin ih exactly what happeuH when a bitumiaouH or **ga«Hy" coal i8 thrown 120 FUELS upon the fire. The best way to get an idea of the composition of coal is to study what happens when coal is distilled at a gas works for the purpose of making coal gas. The coal is placed in a retort or D-shaped vessel, made of clay, and kept red-hot by a fire underneath. Various gases are given off, and coke, consisting principally of carbon and mineral ash, is left behind. A good deal of tar and tarry oils condense on passing out of the retort, as well as ammonia compounds ; while other sub- stances, such as sulphur compounds and more am- monia, are removed in the purifying processes, leaving finally the coal gas, as we know it, to be sent into the mains. When the two principal products of this opera- tion — that is to say, the gas and the coke — are burned separately, they burn with practically no smoke, and yet we have seen that when burned together, by throwing the coal on a fire, they pro- duce a good deal of smoke. It is obvious that it cannot be the fault of the coke, and our experiment with paraffin oil confirms the deduction that the smoke is due to the imperfect combustion of the other part of the coal. Consequently, if a laun- derer wishes to avoid a smoky chimney, he must do one of two things: he must either burn coke, or anthracite (which is a sort of natural coke), or he must so adjust his boiler fire and the draught FUELS 131 of air as to burn the gaseous part of his coal completely. With a mechanical stoker, which feeds finely broken coal continuously and distributes it over the fire, the difficulty is solved, because the coal falls upon the fire in such small quantities at a time that it does not cool it appreciably, and the gases given off are readily burned ; but where, as in a laundry boiler furnace, the coal has to be placed on the fire in considerable quantities at a time, the problem is a ditferent one. It is impos- sible to prevent the smoke being produced, or, on account partly of the local cooling of the fire and partly of the large quantity of air which would be required at that particular spot, to burn it immediately. The important thing is to keep half the fire bright, and then the carbonic acid pro- duced by the hot fire will form carbon monoxide with the carbon of the smoke, and this again will be completely burnt further up the flue, so that the resulting gases will be smokeless. The Ash in Coke. In considering the relative merits of coal and coke, it must always be borne in mind that the coke contains practically the whole of the ash in the original coal. Eoughly, thirteen cwt. of coke are obtained from one ton of coal, so that if a particular coal contained 8 per cent, of ash, the 183 FUELS coke made from it at tlie gasworks would contain roughly 12 per cent, of ash. Moreover, the greater part of the sulphur will remain in the coke. Valuing- Coal. In purchasing coal, one of the first things to take into consideration is the amount of ash it contains. Not only is the ash useless in itself, but the fuel has to heat up the ash as well as itself, and all this heat is wasted; also, there is all the trouble of removing the ash from the furnace. It is important also to notice the character of the ash, whether it is of a powdery nature, or whether it is inclined to fuse together in the furnace and cause a large amount of clinker, which will choke the fire and give more work to the fireman. The quantity of sulphur in the ash is also important, as sulphur j)roducts deteriorate the metal of the boiler flues. The most important thing of all, however, is the calorific, or heat-giving value of the coal. Every large launderer, on entering into a coal contract, should secure a price on a guaran- teed calorific value of so many thermal units. A determination of calorific value will be made by a good analyst for quite a small fee, and as coal, even from the same mine, varies very much in quality, it is important to have some check upon the value of the fuel supplied. FUELS 123 Producer and Suction Gas. As the gas known as ''producer" gas and ''suc- tion" gas is coming so much into vogue, it would be well to devote a few lines here to explaining the principles upon which it is made. These two gases are really the same from a chemical point of view, so that I will treat them as one. If steam be passed through red-hot fuel, it is broken up with production of hydrogen and carbon mon- oxide, thus : — noil + (J = CO + II. This gas is known as water gas, and is, by some gas companies, mixed with the coal gas they sup- ply to the public, the difference in illuminating value being made up by the addition of a certain amount of oil gas of high illuminating value. The natural effect, however, of blowing steam into red- hot fuel is to rapidly bring down its temperature, so that, in making water gas the operation has to be interrupted at the end of a few minutes to turn on an air blast to get the fuel up to the proper heat again. In making "producer" or "suction gas," these two operations — that is to say, the "run" and the "blow" — are combined. When the fuel has once been got up to the right heat, a mixture of steam and air is passed through the fuel continuously. The steam is broken up by the fuel into hydrogen 134 FUELS aud carbon monoxide, and the air, which, by the way, is insufficient for complete combustion, in- stead of burning' the fuel to carbonic acid, only burns it to carbon monoxide, so that the whole process results in the production of a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The heat-giving properties of this gas are not nearly so great as those of ordinary coal gas, so that it is necessary to use a proportionately larger quantity of it in the gas engine, or gas irons, or ironing machines, in order to produce the same power or heat, as the case may be. Except for the danger of the escape of unburnt producer gas into the air, there is no more danger in its use than in that of coal gas, as, when once burnt, the gases are equally harmless. Producer or suction gas is remarkably economical, and I have very little doubt that be- fore long it will bo used for driving aud heating in many power laundries. CHAPTER XI Fabrics In the chapter on Starches, I have already men- tioned starch cellulose, and I now come to a very important class of substances, all of which are modifications of the substance called cellulose. This is very similar in chemical composition to starch, and from it, or from different variations of it, all vegetable fibres — linen, cotton, jute, bast, hemp, etc. — as well as wood, are constructed. Cot- ton wool, for example, is practically pure cellulose. Although celhilose and its compounds, of which more directly, do not give the resistance to com- pression of steel, yet the tensile strength of a linen fibre or a thread of such a substance as cellu- lose tetra-acetate, is quite remarkable. Cellulose is affected by strong acids and rapidly by weak acids, and it is acted upon by alkalies far more easily than is generally supposed. If acid be used upon vegetable fibers for removing stains or other purposes, care should be taken to rinse very thoroughly, for it must always be re- membered that, except in the case of a volatile acid, such as acetic acid, the acid concentrates 125 126 FABEICS as water of dilution evaporates, and may leave the acid in certain parts of the fabric in compara- tively large proportion. This is equally true of alkalies, and it must always be borne in mind that any injurious action the alkali may have upon the fabric may — and iDrobably will — be greatly increased when a hot iron is passed over it, or when, in the case of flat work, it is passed through the calender. When comparatively strong alkali, juch as 25 per cent caustic soda, acts upon a vege- table fibre, it causes it to contract, at the same time becoming much thicker with an increased tensile strength. A cotton fibre treated in this way is completely altered. Instead of presenting, under the microscope, a flat, twisted, ribbon-like appearance, it has, after treatment, a thick, rounded aspect. This process is known as '*Mer- cerization, ' ' from the name of the discoverer, John Mercer. Mercerized Cotton. Mercerized cotton is now an important article of commerce, and it is all made in this way, or in some modification of it. There is hardly any lustre in mercerized cotton if it is allowed to con- tract to its full extent under the action of the alkali, but if the cotton be stretched and thus pre- vented from contracting when the alkali acts upon it, the surface has a most beautiful lustre, which FABEICS 137 is used in many ways. Mercerized cotton has a mnch higher affinity for dyes than ordinary cotton, and this again is a valuable property. Bleached cotton fibres will take a much higher degree of lustre than when unbleached, so that the first step in mercerization is to bleach the hanks of cotton, which, by the way, are selected from the Egyptian or Georgian long-stapled fibre in pre- ference to the short-stapled American product. After bleaching, the hanks are washed, stretched on rollers, and passed through the mercerizing solution. There are various modifications of this process, some of which are distinctly injurious to the fibre. The fibres may be injured in the bleach- ing or may be over-stretched in mercerizing, or the bleaching and mercerizing process is sometimes combined to the injury of the fabric. Conse- quently, in many cases, a fabric is produced by mercerizing, which, instead of being stronger than ordinary cotton, is materially weaker, as the launderer knows to his cost. The Action of Alkalies. It would seem that, as such a strong alkali as caustic soda has a strengthening process on the fibres in the mercerization process, there can be no harm in using plenty of alkali in the washing machine; but the conditions are not similar. In the first place, mercerization is carried on in the 128 FABRICS cold, or, if a higher temperature be employed, care has to be taken to exclude air; while in the washing process the fabric is boiled with a hot solution of alkali, which is continuously aerated by the rotation of the machine. Also, instead of only happening once in the mercerizing process, this boiling with hot alkali in the washing process happens repeatedly. As a matter of practice, it is found that wasliing with a large proportion of alkali has a very injurious effect, causing the fibres to swell and disintegrate, giving them at the same time an unpleasant yellowish color, which can only be whitened by bleaching. Of all the fixed alkalies, caustic soda (or potash) has the most, and borax the least, injurious action on fibres. Linen and Cotton. Although essentially the same in chemical com- position, the fibres of linen and cotton possess very distinct physical characters. In the first place, their origin is vevj different, linen being derived from the long and very strong stem fibres of the flax plant ; while cotton consists of the seed hairs of the cotton plant, the fibres being com- paratively short. They differ very much in appearance under the miscroscope. The cotton fibre presents the appearance of a flat twisted ribbon thickened at the edges, and it is not easy to FABEICS 139 see the partitions between the cells which make up the fibre. In the linen fibres the separate cells can be easily distinguished, the fibre being thickened where the two cells join. It is these thickenings which make linen fibre easy to spin, as the fibres readily attach themselves to one another ; in cotton an artificial twist has to be given to join the fibres together. On account of the much greater length and strength of the linen fibre, it is much less liable to "fluff" in the washing process than cot- ton. On the other hand, cotton goes through the calender [ironing machine] with much less dam- age than linen. Gun Cotton. Cellulose readily forms compounds with nitric acid, the best known one being gun cotton, which is cellulose tri-nitrate. This is made by acting upon cotton wool with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. The same substance mixed with camphor forms celluloid, which accounts for its dangerous inflammable character. Nitro-cellulose also is used for some artificial silks. Cellulose Acetates. By acting upon cotton wool with a substance known as acetyl chloride, a very beautiful com- pound is produced, known as cellulose tetra- acetate. This forms a most beautiful transparent 130 FABBICS colorless film, and the substance is used in the production of an artificial silk. Cellulose is readily dissolved by cuprammonium solution (sulphate of copper to which ammonia has been added to precipitate the hydrate, which redissolves again in the excess of ammonia), and advantage is taken of this in the manufacture of Willesden paper — a thick waterproof paper used for roofing and similar purposes. Zinc chloride also rapidily dissolves cellulose. A good method of separating cotton and wool is by means of dilute sulphuric acid. The fabric is dipped in the acid, and then dried and heated. This concentrates the acid, which chars the cotton, leaving the wool practically untouched. By shak- ing and rubbing the cloth, the charred cotton can be all removed, leaving the wool behind. Wool. "Wool is just as easily dissolved by caustic alkali as cotton is by zinc chloride, and the wool can be removed from a cotton-wool fabric with the great- est ease, although it cannot be recovered. All varieties of wool, hair, etc., used for textile fabrics, although they may differ considerably in mechanical structure, are very similar in com- position. The peculiarity of wool is that the fibre is made up of small sections fitted into one an- other, and at each join, so to speak, there is a FABEICS 131 rough expanded serrated edge. These edges, when the fibres are woven, lock into one another, and every movement of the fabric caused by changes of temperature, etc., causes these serrations to interlock closer and closer, so that a woolen fabric always has a tendency to shrink when washed. Consequently, it is important that in the washing process wool should be exposed to as few changes of temperature as possible, and that the washing process should be carried through quickly. High temperature causes the fibres to move very much, so that they ''felt" together with considerable shrinkage. Acids have comparatively slight action on the fibre, although, as stated above, wool is rapidly destroyed and dissolved by strong caustic alkalies. Even weak alkalies have a most injurious effect on the wool fibre, and all woolen goods should be washed in a neutral soap solution at about 90 deg. Fahr. If it is necessary to use alkali, weak borax — or, better, ammonia — is the best to employ, although it must not be forgotten that ammonia has a tendency to turn white woolen goods yel- lowish. Silk. Silk, obtained from the cocoons of various kinds of silkworm, is somewhat similar in composition to wool, the most important substance present in 133 FABEICS silk being known as serecine. More will be said about its properties in the chapter on "Dyes and Dyeing." Silk in the laundry requires to be treated very much the same as wool, and if similar methods are employed, the silk will come to no harm. If the launderer or cleaner and dyer only had pure silks to deal with, he would be able to accomplish his work without much difficulty, but the terrible adulteration practiced in silk weaving of late years has made his task an ex- tremely difficult one. It has been found that silk will take up very large quantities of tin, barium, and other mineral oxides without any apparent change in lustre or appearance, and consequently a very considerable proportion of the silk in the market is adulterated to an enormous extent. By repeated treatment with chloride of tin (stanic chloride), silk can be loaded so that it contains only about 20 per cent of genuine silk. Although improvements in the methods of weighting have rendered this weighted silk less fragile than it used to be, it is rapidly acted upon by light and by perspiration; a very small per- centage of common salt, which is a normal con- stituent of perspiration, rapidly disintegrating weighted silk. Various unaccountable spots and stains often occur in weighted silk. Consequently weighted silk, although it may look quite sound, FABEICS 133 very often tears under the arm-pits or falls to pieces when placed in water. When it is remem- bered that mere exposure to light in the linen- draper's window is quite sufficient to ruin the fabric, it is needless to add that the launderer must be on his guard against it. Other Adulterations. Cotton and linen goods are usually more or less adulterated with filling and sizing materials, such as glue, starch, gum tragasol, etc., on the one side, and china clay on the mineral side. "Woolens, be- sides being adulterated with cotton, are loaded also, and when washing new blankets or new woolen goods, care must be taken to get out the dressing before proceeding to wash the article. Chlorinated Wool. There are a considerable number of woolen gar- ments on the market, known as ''unshrinkable," and these have in most cases been treated with chlorine (or, rather, hypochlorous acid) which has the effect of removing the serrations on the fibres which cause them to interlock and shrink in the ordinary way. CHAPTER XII Dyes and Dyeing Dyeing lies somewhat ouside the business of the average launderer and is really quite a special subject requiring a large amount of study and a very considerable knowledge of chemistry — far more than could be obtained from an elementary manual — so that in this chapter I only propose to touch upon the subject sufficiently to give the reader what small insight is possible into the main principles of dyeing. If he wishes to go farther, he will find it necessary to study some larger work, and at the same time to secure some practical in- struction in the matter, to attempt dyeing with only a book knowledge of the subject would be disastrous. In the first place it may be stated that dyeing is quite a different thing from mere stain- ing of the fabric. If a piece of sugar be placed resting in some colored fluid, the color will be sucked up by capillary action until the sugar ap- pears to have been regularly stained throughout. In the same way a piece of cotton will take up a stain if part of it is resting in a colored solution, and if dried the stain will remain in it, but the 134 DYES AND DYEING 135 colored appearance is purely temporary, and is as readily removed as it is taken up. By dyeing, we understand a much closer relationship between the coloring matter and the fibre, than the instance we have just discussed. Some coloring matters can be dyed direct on to the fabric and remain permanently fixed, and the reason for this will be discussed subsequently; but in the majority of instances the dyeing operation is by no means so simple as this. Theories About Dyeing. There are various theories to account for the dyeing action of colors on fabrics, but none of these appear to cover the whole ground. In the majority of cases the dyeing action appears to be in the nature of a chemical relationship between the fibre and the coloring matter ; while in others, the coloring matter appears to be deposited in the fibre in a purely mechanical manner. The latter is undoubtedly the case with metallic pig- ments, such as chrome yellow, and with indigo dyed on the vat system, in which the reduced indigo is deposited in the fabric and is afterwards oxidized to develop the color. In any case the structure of the fibre does not appear to be altered in any way, and where the coloring matter can be conveniently removed, the fibre, when examined subsequently, appears to be entirely unaltered. 136 DYES AND DYEING Wool, silk, and animal substances generally be- have in a very similar manner towards dyes, and this is what might be expected from a knowledge of their chemical nature. They are all very much more readily dyed than cotton and other vegetable fibres, which in the majority of cases require much more drastic treatment to get them to take up the dye. In fact it is usually necessary to introduce an intermediary, if it may be termed so, in the shape of a mordant, the nature of which will be explained later. Those who consider the action of dyeing to be a mechanical one, compare the action of the fibre on the dye to the solvent action of ether on an aqueous solution of a dye. In most instances the ether, if shaken up with the other solution, will absorb all the color, and it is thought that the action of the vegetable fibre at all events is sim- ilar. On this supposition the differences observed with different fibres are considered to be due to variations in the pores of the fibre. Whatever may be the exact case in regard to vegetable fibres, it is pretty clear that in the dyeing of animal fibre a genuine chemical combination takes place be- tween some substance in the fibre and the coloring material. My readers will remember that a salt is pro- duced by the union of an acid and an alkali or base, and the same thing appears to take place in DYES AND DYEING 137 the dyeing of certain animal fibres. In some cases the fibre appears to act as the base, and in others as the acid, and it is very courions that wool and silk can be dyed with plain, colorless rosaniline, which is a substance bearing a chemi- cal resemblance to ammonia, only much more com- plicated. If the hydrochloride or combination of rosaniline base with hydrochloric acid is used, the whole of the hydrochloric acid will be found left in the solution, indicating that the fibre takes its place in the combination with the rosaniline. It is inter- esting to note that in the case of wool, silk and other animal matters, the dye appears to com- pletely permeate the substance ; while in the case of cotton, the dye lies more or less on the surface. Classes of Dyes. Dyeing substances may be divided roughly into two classes, namely, those which act more or less after the manner of pigments, that is to say, pos- sess a strong coloring themselves, and only give shades of the same color under all circumstances, and those which are only lightly colored, or some- times colorless in themselves, but produce strong dyes in combination with a mordant or its equiva- lent. Moreover, the coloring matters of the second class vary very much in the shade they produce according to the mordant with which they are combined. As instances of the first class I may 138 DYES AND DYEING mention magenta, indigo, and azo-scarlet. These are applied by steeping the fabric in hot solution of the dye, to which has been added an acid, an alkali, or a salt, such as Glauber's salt, as the case may be. As instances of the second class, alizarine (madder), cochineal and brazilein, yield different colors according to the mordant with which they are used. It is important to note in this connection that magenta, while it will dye wool and silk di- rectly, needs a mordant with cotton. Another very important — one of the most im- portant from the dyer's point of view — difference between coloring matters, is the division into acid and basic coloring matters. The two classes com- bine with substances of the opposite chemical character to yield a dye. For example, in the case of alizarine red, which is an acid color, this is dyed with alizarine — a base resembling ros- aniline or ammonia already referred to, and alumi- na — another base — as a mordant; while rosani- line, being a basic color, requires hydrochloric acid as a mordant. Direct Dyes and Mordants. A direct dye, such as magenta, will dye the fabric without any assistance ; but there are many dyes which require the aid of what is known as a mordant. The substances most commonly em- ployed for this purpose are metallic oxides, such DYES AND DYEING 139 as alumina, iron, hydrate of copper or chromium, and so on, which are usually deposited first on the fibre, and then, when the dyeing process proper is carried out, the dye combines with the mordant, or with the mordant and the fibre, and remains permanently fixed. When the action is at an end, the mordant — and in the case of wool and silk the fibre itself — have combined with the coloring mat- ter to form an insoluble substance, which is quite fast to the action of water, but not to that of light. As a good example of the action of a mordant, it is an interesting experiment to mix an acid color with sulphate of alumina and carbonate of soda in solution ; the alumina will carry down the whole of the coloring matter, leaving a clear color- less solution. Mordants consisting of metallic salts are of a basic character and are employed with acid colors, and it is interesting to note how very sensitive these basic metallic salts are. In many cases it is only necessary to dilute a solution of a metallic salt to obtain the basic salt, which commences to precipate at once. Wool is mordanted by boiling with dilute solu- tions of metallic salts, but these are usually mixed with organic acids such as formic acid, or acid salts, such as cream of tartar, to assist in keeping the mordant in solution. While the boiling pro- ceeds, the metallic salt in contact with the fibre, dissociates, forming a basic compound with the 140 DYES AND DYEING fibre. When the mordanting is complete, the fabric is transferred to a vat containg the dye. The composition of silk is very similar to that of wool, and it is mordanted in a similar manner by boil- ing with metallic salts, or by steeping for a cer- tain number of hours in a more or less basic solu- tion, and it is then dyed in the usual way. Cotton and all vegetable fibers require quite different treatment to wool and silk, as they con- tain no active chemical substance such as that existing in the first named. On account of the absence of any active substance, cotton is not able to break up and combine with any basic salt. The most common mordants employed with cotton are the metallic acetates. These decompose compara- tively readily, leaving the basic salt deposited on the cotton fibre. Acid mordants are very com- monly used with cotton, the most common being tannic acid. Classes of Dyes. Owing to the exceedingly complicated chemical structure of most of the organic dyes now so largely used, it would only be possible to go into their composition after a large preliminary volume on organic chemistry. Consequently, I can only give a very rough indication of the classes of dyes which exist. First of all there are metallic dyes, such as DYES AND DYEING 141 chrome yellow, whicli are very much in the nature of a pigment. Next, there are the aniline dyes proper, of which magenta is a well-known member. These bear a distant resemblance to ammonia and its salts. Then there are the important groups of which alizarine is the best known. These, like the last, are all derived from benzole (benzene), or coal tar naphtha, or substances resembling benzene. Unless combined with other substances they are basic dyes. Again, there is the nitro-group, of which picric acid — the nitrate of phenol, or carbolic acid, as it is commonly called — is a good example. These are acid colors, and can be used for direct dyeing without a mordant. Further, there is the very important group of sulphonic dyes, which are obtained by the action of sulphuric acid on benzene and similar com- pounds. The sulphuric acid is broken up, an atom of oxygen and one of hydrogen being removed by the action of benzine. These colors can be dyed direct on to wool, silk, and cotton, and are, perhaps, the most valuable dyes the garment dyer possesses. Direct Wool, Silk and Cotton Dyes. In speaking of direct dyes, it must always be remembered that dyes which are direct on wool 142 DYES AND DYEING and silk, are not necessarily so on cotton ; in fact, although direct cotton dyes are not so scarce as they used to be, there are not nearly so many direct cotton dyes as direct wool dyes. The rea- son for this is that the animal fibre takes a very active part in the dyeing process ; while the vege- table fibre is passive, and in many cases, so to speak, takes up the dj^e under protest. These important differences in the behavior of the fibres in the presence of dyes makes it distinctly difficult for the dyer to deal with mixed fabrics of wool and cotton, although there is now a fairly numerous list of dyes which will dye both wool and cotton direct in the same bath. With such dyes, temi3erature plays a most important part. The dye will usually go on to the wool when it is hot and the cotton when it is cold, and it will even leave the cotton to go on to the wool when hot so that much care and judgment is required. Natural Dyes. Although naturally occuring dyes, such as in- digo, logwood, fustic, catechu, etc., are still of con- siderable importance to the piece dyer, they are little used in garment dyeing. They possess the advantage of being very fast to light and the washing process, and probably a large quantity of fabrics dyed with them pass through the wash- room every week. DYES AND DYEING 143 Laundry Blues. A few words on blues used in the laundry may very well come in here. The blue used originally was indigo, or rather a soluble compound with sulphuric acid, but, except perhaps in domestic washing, indigo is now very little employed for laundry purposes. Prussian blue is ued to some extent. This is a ferrocyanide of iron, is rather apt to have a greenish cast, and is credited with leaving an iron stain in the goods when they are re-washed. Ultramarine is employed a good deal. This coloring matter is formed by roasting to- gether a mixture of china clay, charcoal and sul- phate or carbonate of soda. Its composition and color vary considerably from a greenish to a dark blue shade, and, as is always the case with pig- ments, the depth of color and value depends as much or more upon the fineness of the grinding, as upon the original color. Ultramarine is quite insoluble in water, and although it appears to dissolve, it is really only in a state of suspension. It is really somewhat of the nature of powdered glass, and is quite unaffected by weak acids and alkalies. Other blues which are largely employed, shade, from violet blue to greenish blue. These fiare aniline blues, which can be obtained in any are true dyes, soluble in water, and must be used with care, because the fabric is actually dyed, and if excess of blue be employed, it cannot be re- 144 DYES AND DYEING moved except by some reducing agent, such as hydraldite or titanous chloride (stripping salts). It is very important in selecting a blue, to use one with a slight violet shade ; on no account should a greenish blue be employed, as the object of the blue is to cover up the natural yellowish color of the cotton or linen fibre. CHAPTER XIII Water As water is the most important article, the finest washing compound, so to speak, that the launderer uses, it certainly deserves a chapter to itself. I have already dealt with its chemical structure, and what I specially propose to deal with in this chapter is the composition, purifica- tion and general properties of the natural waters which the launderer has to use in practice. In the first place the action of water is far more than a purely mechanical one. Water wets things and other liquids do not. Benzine, for example, although it may saturate a fabric, does not ''wet" it. It has been found that most chemical reactions, in which apparently water is in no way concerned, will not proceed in the absence of water ; so that water must possess some action peculiar to itself which is not yet thoroughly understood. The Universal Solvent. Water probably approaches closer to the uni- versal solvent that the ancients dreamed of, than 145 146 WATER most people suppose. There are very few things which will not dissolve to some extent in water, and distilled or rain water, which is free from any- dissolved mineral matter, possesses remarkable solvent powers. If placed in a glass or earthen- ware vessel, it rapidly attacks the glass or the glaze of the earthenware, dissolving out the alkali. If placed in metal vessels or pipes, the metal, if it be iron, lead or zinc, is quickly attacked by the water with probably the help of the dissolved air which it contains. This powerful solvent action of what is commonly called ''soft" water, is alone a good reason for the launderer to use it as much as possible. Another effect of this powerful solvent tendency of soft water is that as it passes through the soil, carrying, in addition to its own solvent powers, some carbonic acid from the air and some of the humic acid from the decomposing vegetable matter in the soil, both of which help it to attack the rocks, it dissolves out a large variety of mineral substances. The most common are sodium chloride (common salt), magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, calcium sulphate (gj^psum), magnesium sulphate and calcium carbonate (chalk and lime- stone). In addition, some waters contain peaty matter derived from bog moss on the hills, and iron, of which more later. WATER 147 Lime in Water. All or any of the substances just mentioned are undesirable in the washing machine, as, with the exception of the peaty matter, they combine with the fatty acid of the soap, rendering it useless from the launderer's point of view, and thereby causing a large waste, as well as the bad color, streaks and other blemishes due to the lime soap already referred to. Another objection to the pre- sence of lime in the water used in the washing machine is that, although most of it goes into com- bination with the soap or is thrown out in a loose form by the soda, yet an appreciable amount very frequently is deposited in a crystalline form in the fibres of the linen, where it accumulates with every wash until the amount present is quite appreciable. These sharp crystals of carbonate of lime rapidly assist the ordinary process of wear and tear, and the life of the article becomes exceedingly short. Hardness. Chloride of calcium and magnesium, and sul- phate of calcium (gypsum), and magnesium are soluble in water in the ordinary way, and if the water be boiled, the only effect is to concentrate them until you get them so concentrated that they begin to crystallize out. These salts constitute what is known as the "permanent hardness" of 148 WATER water. The carbonate of calcium is kept in solu- tion only by virtue of the carbonate acid present in the water; it is really a bicarbonate (see page 33), and if the extra carbonic acid can be removed, the carbonate of calcium will fall to the bottom. Boiling the water has the effect of removing this carbonic acid, so that the hardness produced by carbonate of calcium or carbonate of lime, as it is often called, is known as "temporary." Instead of boiling the water we can remove the carbonic acid by adding either solution of lime, or milk of lime, or caustic soda. Thus: — Calcium bicarbonate. Slaked lime CaCOa H,0 CO. + CaO H,0 Calcium Carbonate. Water = 2 CaCOa + 2 H,0 ; or — Caustic Soda. CaCOs H,0 CO. + 2 NaOH Carbonate of Soda. = CaCOa + Na.COs + 2 H^O. Similarly, the permanent hardness can be re- moved by treatment with carbonate of soda, thus — Calcium Carbonate Sulphate sulphate. of soda. of soda. CaSO, + Na.COa = CaCOa + Na.SO,. WATEE 149 In softening water for laundry or other industrial uses, a combination of these two processes is employed, so that all, or nearly all, the temporary and permanent hardness is removed. On account of the powerful solvent action of perfectly soft water, to which I have already referred, it is not advisable to make the water perfectly soft, as it would then be unsuitable for use in the boiler. The hardness of water is usually stated in analytical reports as parts per 100,000 or grains per gallon, that is to say, per 70,000 and one degree of hardness corresponds to one grain of carbonate of calcium per gallon. Consequently, a water certified to contain 5 degrees of permanent hard- ness and 16 degrees of temporary hardness would contain 16 grains per gallon of carbonate of lime as temporary hardness and the equivalent of 5 grains of carbonate of lime as permanent hard- ness. Hardness is estimated by means of what is known as Clark's Soap Test, full particulars of which will be given in the last chapter. A definite quanity of water is taken, and a standard solution of soap is added, a little at a time, until a per- manent lather is obtained on shaking the liquid. Iron can usually be removed from natural water by aerating it. If water containing iron be thoroughly aerated, and allowed to stand, the iron will usually fall to the bottom; or it can be re- 150 WATER moved more quickly by passing it through one of the usual filters employed in water softening. The materials used in the ordinary water soften- ing process will remove the iron at the same time as the lime. CHAPTER XIV The Chemistey of the Washroom All of the subsequent processes of starching, ironing, and so forth, depend for their success upon the article being properly washed in the first instance, so that the proper conduct of the wash- room is of vital importance to the whole establish- ment. The theory of the washroom has already been dealth with more or less, but there will be no harm whatever in recapitulating. There are three kinds of ''dirt" the launderer has to contend with, namely, albuminous animal dirt, caused by exudations from the skin, particles of epidermis and animal stains generally; next there is greasy matter, which, together with the first, helps to keep the mineral dirt or general dust stuck to the fabric ; lastly, in starched garments, there is old starch. Each of these kinds of dirt requires different treatment for its removal. In the first place albu- minous matter is readily coagulated by heat and rendered permanently insoluble; consequently it is necessary to remove this before the temperature is allowed to rise to any extent, the best plan being 151 153 CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM to soak the linen for as long as conveniently pos- sible in plain water containing a little alkali, which helps to render the albuminous matter soluble. The next step with this albuminous matter is to wash the articles with soap and soda, in warm water only, which removes a good deal of the loose dirt and most of the albuminous matter; finally the articles are boiled with soap and soda, and here I must emphasize the necessity of having a good lather in the machine. If there is no lather in the machine it shows that the quantity of soap is insufficient ; that some substance present, be it lime or manufacturer's dressing, or whatever it may be, has taken up the fatty acid of the soap and that more is required. So long as there is no lather there is no free soap present. Where this happens as a matter of practice you are quite as likely to boil the dirt into the clothes as to boil it out, and working in this manner is a frequent source of bad color. More- over, in the case of a hard water, the deposition of lime soap in the goods is certain to be greatly increased where they are washed without sufficient soap. The action of the soap and alkali in the first wash — I am dealing here with body linen — and the boil, is to emulsify the grease and the loose dirt, having nothing now to hold it on to the fabric, comes away. In addition to removing the dirt, CHEMISTEY OF THE WASHROOM 153 boiling, possibly due to the action of the steam causing the production of ozone — the active form of oxygen — or in some way connected with the aeration of the goods in the revolving machine at that temperature, has a great effect in whitening and sweetening the goods. Moreover, it must be remembered, that exposure to boiling temperature for any length of time causes the destruction of all disease germs. Rubbers. Rubbers, on account of the very miscellaneous nature of the dirt which they contain, require somewhat similar treatment to body linen, al- though the preliminary breakdown can be omitted. Nevertheless, it is a good plan to run them in plain water for a few minutes to wet them thoroughly, and to remove any loose dirt before commencing to wash. Sheets and Table Linen. Sheets, as a general rule, require very little washing compared to other goods, and are easy to deal with, and there should be no great difficulty in washing table linen, for, apart from fruit and wine stains, and occasional iron mould, the prin- cipal dirt is grease, which comes out readily enough. As a rule, launderers keep these articles much too long in the machine, probably because 164 CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM SO many insist upon using too mu^h alkali and not enough soap. This tendency is at the bottom of half the launderer's troubles. Shirts and Collars. The washing of shirts and collars raises the question of old starch. If this be not removed, it is fatal to any satisfactory results afterwards. Here again there is not much object in an extended breakdown. The first wash with soap and soda in warm water only, not hotter than the hand can bear, should loosen the animal matter; while a thorough good boil should get rid of the starch. In regard to the wear and tear of shirts and col- lars, however, it is well worth while considering whether malt extract might not be used to advan- tage to free shirts and collars from old starch by simple fermentation, thus securing freedom from old starch with very little washing. In the case of colored starched articles, malt extract is simply invaluable. Washing Materials. Before considering silks and flannels, it would be well to deal briefly with washing materials. Of the hard soaps there are curd, mottled, yellow or pale, and oil soaps. Of the soft soap there are various makes, all more or less similar in char- acter. For general washroom use, the inex- CHEiMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM 155 perienced laimderer is certainly safest with a good curd mottled soap. It cannot be adulterated, and he is certain of good results in the washing machine. It has the disadvantage, however that goods washed with it require more thorough rins- ing than with any other soap. Also it is alkaline, and must not be used on colored goods. The yellow soap is said to give in time, a brownish tinge to linen washed with it; but I have not noticed it, and excellent results certainly can be obtained with it. Like curd soap, it is made largely from animal fats, and requires thorough rinsing. It is, or should be, neutral. Oil soap is made from olive, sesame or other oils, and very often from the waste oils of the candle factory. It is an excellent soap — neutral, and easily rinsed out of the goods. For that reason it is very suit- able for colored goods or other articles which are not boiled, and which cannot be rinsed with hot water. Some oil soaps, however, leave a peculiar smell in the goods, and this must be guarded against. The odor of all the soaps used in the washroom must be carefully watched. Soft soaps are excellent for flannels and blankets. Alkalies. Alkalies in use in the washroom are washing soda or soda crystals, 58 per cent alkali, and yarious proprietary compounds, some good and 156 CHEMISTEY OF THE WASHROOM some bad, including in this category those which contain sodium silicate. 58 per cent alkali is practically pure carbonate of soda ; while washing soda or soda crystals (see page 34) contain a large proportion of water. The equivalent quanti- ties to use, if you are changing from one alkali to another, will be found on page 179. Alkali in any form should never be put into the machine in the solid state, but always dissolved in water. For general use it is a good plan to add the alkali to the soap solution; or, rather, the other way round, dissolving the alkali first and then the soap, instead of putting them in the machine " separately. The reason for this is that a neutral soap is very much inclined to dissociate to some extent when dissolved, and the free fat is prob- ably the cause of many unexplained troubles. Soap Solution. Soap chips containing something over 70 per cent of fatty acids are largely used in America, and it is necessary to use some form of alkali in order to dissolve the whole of the fatty acid, which would otherwise separate out. Instead of having two tanks in the wash room, one for soap and the other for alkali, as is often done, I prefer to use only one tank. Add the alkali first, turn on steam, and then add the soap. This prevents any CHEMISTEY OF THE WASHEOOM 157 separation of insoluble fatty acid which would be almost sure to occur if the alkali were added after the soap. By working in this manner, the quan- tity of alkali can be reduced. Caustic soda should not be used in the laundry at all, except in the water softener. It has a most injurious action on fibres, and is quite unnecessary. Ordinary alkali or sodium carbonate is quite strong enough, and most launderers use a great deal too much of that. The theoretical quantity of alkali required for soft, or even for hard water, is very small com- pared with that generally in use. This is prob- ably too little for practical purposes, but I should regard 4 ozs. of actual sodium carbonate as a maximum for a 100-shirt machine. No pains should be spared to keep down the excessive use of alkali in the washroom, as it causes rapid wear in the linen and a yellow color to boot. Rinsing. A few words now about rinsing. Where soft- ened water is in use, as it should be everywhere for washing, the rinse which follows the last wash should be with hot soft water ; then should follow a second rinse with hot soft and cold hard water mixed, and a last rinse with cold hard water. Where soft water alone is used it is difficult to get rid of the last traces of soap, and there is a ten- 158 CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM dency for the goods to feel sticky, but the least trace of lime in the water gets over this difficulty. Where soft water is not to be had, and washing with hard water is unavoidable, it is an excellent plan to add acetic acid — in the proportion of, say, half a pint of commercial acid to a 100-shirt ma- chine — to the second rinse. This decomposes any lime soap or lime salts there may be in the goods, so that they are washed out, and the goods keep a good color and wear better. Bleaching". Indiscriminate bleaching or insufficient care in the use of bleaching materials is the cause of any amount of trouble. A very large number of the articles which are sent to me in holes, for opinion on the cause of the trouble, are due to the use of chlorine bleaches, and the rest, to the use of ex- cess of alkali. "While it may be necessary to use a chlorine bleach to remove stains from table linen, this should be done with all jDossible care, and only the actual stained portions bleached, unless they are too numerous or too extensive, when the whole cloth must be treated. Collars should be bleached at very rare intervals, if at all, and there should be nothing else which requires this treatment, except in the case of actual stains. On account of the danger of allowing any form of CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM 159 chlorine bleach in the hands of the average wash- man, some launderers prefer to let the stains in table linen go unremoved, or to treat them only at the special request of the owner. There are many reliable made up chlorine bleaches on the market, but where the launderer thinks it best to make his own, a good method is to take 5 lbs. of bleacliing powder (chloride of lime), dissolve in a bucket with water, and add 5 lbs. of carbonate of soda (58 per cent, alkali), or its equivalent in soda crystals. Allow it to stand all night to settle, and then strain through muslin into a 5 gallon jar of water. Use one pint of this to 15 gallons of water. (Note. — The strength of this is approximately 0.03 per cent, available chlorine.) Souringf. After bleaching, the goods should have a bath in dilute acetic acid of a strength of one pint of the commercial acid in 40 gallons of water. The effect of this is to decompose the sodium hypo- chlorite with production of hypochlorous acid — a very powerful bleaching agent, and easily remov- able. On account of its greater convenience, oxalic acid is usually employed in America, but acetic is greatly to be preferred on account of the absence of injury to the goods. 160 CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM Iron Mould. An indispensable reagent in the washroom is oxalic acid for the removal of iron mould. A con- venient strength is about 10 per cent. It should be used warm, and steeping for a few minutes usually suffices to remove the stain. The article should be well rinsed afterwards, as the acid has an injurious action on the fibre. It is not gener- ally known that warm oxalic acid will remove mildew stains. Silks and Flannels. I must now deal, in a few words, with the washing of silks and flannels. There are two essential things to be observed here, namely, that the temperature of washing should not exceed 90° Fahrenheit, and that the wash water should be neutral. A good soft soap is the best for washing silks and flannels, and the only alkalies that should be used are ammonia or weak borax. The latter is, perhaps, the better of the two, as am- monia is inclined to turn white silks or flannels yellow. The use of alkalies, such as carbonate of soda or potash, upon flannels or silks, is most dangerous, and many articles have been submitted to me which have been ruined in this way. In connection with this it must always be remem- bered that curd soap is alkaline, and consequently it should not be used for flannels. CHEMISTRY OF THE WASHROOM IQl It is most important that the temperature, in washing flannels, should be kept as constant as possible, that is to say, all the wash waters and rinse waters should be at a temperature of 90° Fahr. ; while the drying-room for flannels, if they are dried indoors, should be about 100° Fahr. By keeping the temperature constant, the shrinkage of flannels, due to the serrations of the fibres interlocking or felting as the fibres move under the change of temperature, is prevented. It is also very important that as much water as pos- sible should be wrung out of the garment before hanging out to dry, as the evaporation of this water, especially if hung in a cold wind in the open air, is very liable to cause shrinking, for the reason just mentioned. Colored Goods. Colored cotton or linen goods are best washed with a neutral oil soap in lukewarm water. If a color shows a tendency to ''bleed," a bath in acetic acid will usually stop it, besides helping to brighten the color. CHAPTEE XV Some Simple Analytical Wobk In analyzing a substance, that is to say, divid- ing it up into its component parts, there are two things to be done: first, to find out what are the components ; secondly, how much of each of them is present. In some cases it is sufficient to know what substances are present in the material you are dealing with; while it is not important to know exactly how much of each of them is there ; as, for example, if an article is yellow in color, you are satisfied with knowing that it is due to the presence of iron, and it would not be of any particular advantage to know how much iron. In other cases you can determine not only whether a particular substance is present, but also exactly how much is there at the same time. For simply finding out what substances are present you will not require apparatus for accu- rate measurement, but for determining quantities, accurate weighing and measuring of everything used is essential. I will refer to the different apparatus, which will only be what is absolutely required, as I pass along, and will give a sum- 163 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOBK 163 mary at the end of the chapter for the guidance of those who wish to purchase an outfit for doing a little simple analytical work. In the first place you will find it necessary to get a few glass stirring rods, a few glass or porce- lain vessels in which to conduct your operations, and a few bottles in which to contain your chem- icals. SupjDosing these have been obtained, with the necessary chemicals (see list on page 176), I will get to work. Tests for Alkalies. 1. If in solution take up a drop on a clean stirring-rod and put the drop on a piece of red litmus paper. It will be turned blue if an alkali is present. 2. Add one or two drops of solution of phenol- phthalein to the solution. It will turn red in the presence of alkali. 3. Add one or two drops of solution of methyl- orange to the solution. If alkaline it will turn yellow. 4. Alkalies in Fabrics. — Boil a piece of the fab- ric, if cotton or linen, in clean distilled water in a clean dish for two or three minutes, and add one or two drops of phenol-phthalein. If alkaline it will turn red. Note. — In connection with this it must always be remembered that soap insufficiently rinsed out 164 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK may appear as alkali in this test. If the fabric be wool or silk the water used for dissolving out the supposed alkali must only be warm. 5. Alkali in Soap. — In order to test whether a soap contains free alkali, the easiest way is to make a shallow hole in the soap about as large as a sixpence, and allow two or three drops of phenol- phthalein to fall into it. If the soap is alkaline a pink color will be produced. Test for Acid. 6. If a solution is being tested, take a drop on a clean stirring-rod, and place it upon a piece of blue litmus paper. If acid be present it will turn red. 7. Add one or two drops of solution methyl- orange to the solution. If acid it will turn red. Phenol-phthalein under like conditions would be colorless. When a fabric is being tested it can be treated in exactly the same way as for alkalies. Test for Presence of Chlorine Bleach. 8. Immerse a portion of the fabric in warm water for five minutes, squeeze the excess out of the fabric so that it mixes with the rest and add some solution, or, better, two or three crystals of potassium iodide. If chlorine be present the solu- SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK 165 tion will turn yellowish. The adition of a few drops of starch solution will turn it from yellow to deep blue. Test for Iron. 9. If a fabric is being tested, moisten the stained portion with 10 per cent, hydrochloric acid and add a drop of potassium ferrocyanide solution. If iron be present it will turn blue. The color will easily come out with ordinary carbonate of soda solution. 10. If a water is being tested, the best way is to concentrate it by boiling down, say, a pint, nearly to dryness, in a white porcelain dish. Then add hydrochloric acid and one or two drops of potassium ferrocyanide. Test for Copper. 11. Copper sometimes causes a stain on a fabric. Moisten the stain with hydrochloric acid and add a drop or two of potassium ferrocyanide. If copper is present it will turn red. Test for Old Starch. 12. Moisten the collar, or whatever it may be, with warm water and add one or two drops of solution of iodine in potassium iodide. If there is 166 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK any starch present an intense blue color will be produced. As this test is very delicate the color will be produced by a very minute quantity of starch. The test solution is made by dissolving, say, 10 grams or i/^ oz. of potassium iodide in 100 c. c, or 4 ozs. of distilled water, and adding a few crystals of idodine. Test for Lime Soap. 13. Dark stains and bad color are often pro- duced by lime soap in the fabric. Soak part of the stained portion for a few minutes in a dish containing 10 per cent hydrochloric acid and then see if the stain is removed. Also see if there are any globules of fat from the soap decomposed by the acid floating in the solution. The Fastness of Dyes. 14. In testing the fastness of dyes on a fabric the best way is to cut a small portion from a hem or some turned in part of the garment, place it in a small porcelain dish and try (a) the effect of neutral soap and water in the cold; (&) when warmed to whatever temperature it is proposed to wash at; (c) the effect of water rendered alka- line with one or two drops of 10 per cent caustic soda. SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK 167 The Valuation of Soap. 15. Altliough the complete analysis of a soap is a complicated matter requiring extensive know- ledge of chemistry and considerable analytical experience, it is a comparatively easy matter to arrive at a rough estimate of the value of any particular soap in a few moments. As I have explained above the value of soap can, for all practical purposes, be gauged by the amount of fatty acid which it contains, and it is quite a usual thing to see a soap quoted as containing so much per cent of fatty acid. The easiest way to form a rough estimate of this amount is to have two tall glass jars of exactly the same pattern, and to make up a standard solution of any well- known and thoroughly reliable soap, dissolving, say, four ounces of this soap in water and making it up to exactly a quart. When it is desired to test the value of a new consignment or new sample of soap, half an ounce should be carefully weighed out from the middle of the bar, and dissolved in water and placed in one of the tall jars. At the same time 5 fluid ounces (i/4 pint) of the standard solution should be placed in the other jar, and sufficient dilute sulphuric acid added to each jar to decompose the soap and throw down the fatty acid, which will immediately appear as a thick, white, flocculent 168 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK [wooly] precipitate. When this has been done, plain water must be added, to each jar until the liquid in both jars is exactly the same height. After standing for, say, ten minutes for the precip- itate to settle, a glance will show how the amount of fatty acid in the two soaps compares. If a soap contains its proper proportion of fatty acid it is not likely to have much the matter with it in other respects. A More Complete Analysis of Soap. For the benefit of those who wish to go more thoroughly into the matter and make a complete analysis, I will explain as simply as possible how this can be accomplished satisfactorily with the appliances the launderer is likely to have ready to hand. The first thing that will be required is a pair of scales, such as the amateur photographer uses, and also the equally necessary weights. If a launderer does propose to do work of this kind it will be well worth his while to purchase a set of weights on the metric system, which can be ob- tained for a few pence, as the calculation of the re- sults is so much simplified ; nevertheless, the work can be done equally well using grain weights in- stead of grams, if the launderer does not possess the latter. I shall give the figures that follow on the metric system, but in case the reader wishes to SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK 169 use grains he must remember that roughly speak- ing 15 grains go to the gram, and instead of weigh- ing out 5 grams of soap, as I am about to suggest, he will find it convenient to weigh out 100 grains. Sampling Soap. Before going any farther, I must say a few words about sampling soap. If the latter be sup- plied in the form of powder or shreds, as is some- times done, the sampling is easy enough, all that is required being to take the sample some little distance away from the outside of the package; but in the case of bar soap, the sampling is not quite so easy. Soap, even the best laundry soap, contains an appreciable amount of water, varying from about 25 per cent in the case of the best soaps, to a very much larger amount in the case of inferior soaps. Directly this soap is exposed to the air, it commences to lose moisture, and the rate of shrinkage in a bar of soap, on keeping, is one excellent test of the value of the soap. A really good soap will not lose its shape appreci- ably, but while shrinking a little will get much harder and darker in color on the outside; while a poor watery soap will shrink in the most notice- able way, the bar frequently curling up and losing- its shape altogether. In consequence of this loss of water on exposure to the air, it is very import- ant, when taking a sample from a bar of soap, to 170 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK cut it in half and take the sample as fairly as possible from the middle. The Analysis. In making the extended analysis, weigh ont first of all about 5 grams in a porcelain dish; it is too tedious a process to get an exact 5 grams, so you get somewhere about that amount, making an accurate record of the weight taken. Suppose in this instance the weight was 5.4 grams. After weighing, place the dish containing the soap in a double saucepan or porridge pot, and keep it boiling until the soap (and dish) are found not to lose any more weight. Let us suppose that the fresh weight is 4.1 grams. This means that the soap, in drying, has lost 1.3 grams of water, and the soap is now dry. A piece of filter paper or blotting paper is now placed in a glass funnel and the dry soap carefully brushed into it with a camel hair brush, taking care that none is lost. Alcohol (rectified methylated spirit) is poured slowly over the soap until all is dissolved, and the filter is quite clear of soap, the alchol with the dissolved soap being received in a glass vessel underneath. This now contains an alcoholic solu- tion of soap, any mineral matter, such as carbon- ate of soda or silica, being left in the filter. If it is desired to estimate this, the filter can be placed in a dish, burnt to an ash and weighed; but mth SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK lyj most modern soaps the impurities of this kind are trifling, and the launderer need not trouble himself much about them. The next step is to boil the alcoholic solution carefully in order to drive off the alcohol, and the remainder is then made up to a definite convenient bulk and divided into two equal parts. To one of these portions dilute sulphuric acid (say 10 per cent) is added, to decompose the soap and throw out the fatty acid, and the whole is passed through another filter, which has been previously weighed. When the fatty acid is all on the filter, it is carefully washed down with hot water to bring the fatty acid towards the centre of the filter and at the same time remove any traces of sulphuric acid, which would char the filter if allowed to dry upon it, and thus affect the weight. The glass funnel with the filter is now placed in a warm place to dry, and when sufficiently so, the filter is carefully removed from the funnel, placed on a porcelain dish, and put to dry properly in the double sauce- pan kept at boiling point. This must be weighed and re-weighed until it ceases to lose any more weight, as the fatty acid has a tendency to retain the last portions of moisture. The final weight gives you the amount of fatty acid in half the total amount of soap weighed out. Let us sup- pose that this weight, less the filter and the dish, 172 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOBK is 1.8 grams, which represents 3.6 grams on the original soap. Having obtained these figures, we will see how they work out. It was found that the weight of the water in the soap was 1.3 grams. To obtain the percentage composition, we multiply by 100 and divide by the original weight of the soap, namely 5.4, which gives us 24.1 per cent of water. Again is was found that the weight of the fatty acid was 3.6 grams. Multiply by 100 and divide by 5.4 gives 66.7 per cent of fatty acid. It is not difficult to estimate the alkali present, but as this requires a knowledge of chemistry, which most of my readers will not possess, and the amount of alkali is not an essential thing to know, I will not explain here how it should be done. In the soap under consideration, the alkali combined with the fatty acid would be about 6.2 per cent. To return to the first operation when the soap was dissolved in alcohol and the mineral residue left upon the filter. This can either be burnt to an ash and weighed, in which case I will suppose it weighs 0.12 grams, or it can be tested to see what the impurities on the filter consist of. In the former case, the result must be multiplied by 100 and divided by 5.4, as before, thus 0.12 mul- tiplied by 100, divided by 5.4 equals 2.2 per cent mineral matter. SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK 173 Unless there is some very marked amount of impurity present on the filter, it is hardly worth while to make a test, but where there is a con- siderable quantity, it is comparatively easy to ascertain what it is composed of. In the first place, we can add a drop or two of dilute acid, and if it effervesces this will indicate that the matter on the filter consists of carbonate of soda; if it dissolves without effervescence it is probably Glauber's salt; if it does not dissolve at all it is either powdered talc, silica or starch (farina). A simple test will show whether it is the latter; it must be boiled in water for a few minutes and a drop of iodine solution added; if farina or any other starch be present it will be turned deep blue. Farina is not often used to adulterate hard soaps, but it is used for soft soaps. In the soap under consideration, the mineral residue is small and can be burnt to an ash as directed. Putting together all the figures ob- tained, the composition of the soap will be found to be as follows: — Water ... ... 24.1 per cent. Fatty Acid 66.7 " " Combined Alkali ... 6.2 " " Mineral Matter ... 2.2 " " Glycerine and other Sub- stances not estimated .8 " " 100.0 per cent. 174 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK The Hardness of Water. 16. In estimating the hardness of water, the first step is to estimate the total hardness; then to boil another portion of the water, thus remov- ing the temporary hardness, due to carbonate of lime, filter off the precipitated carbonate, and esti- mate the permanent hardness, which is now left. By subtracting this from the total, the amount of the temporary hardness is obtained. The test employed is known as Clark's Soap Test, a stand- ard solution of soap, made up so that when the test is made so many cubic centimetres correspond to one grain per gallon (70,000 grains), or, by calcu- lation, so many parts per 100,000. In making the test, a clean stoppered or corked bottle is taken, capable of holding, say 250 c.c. and 50 c.c. of the water to be tested is placed in it. The standard soap solution is then run in from a burette, a little at a time, the bottle being shaken vigorously after each addition. As soon as a lather which will re- main for five minutes is obtained, the amount of standard solution used is read off and by compar- ing with the table (see page 179) the figure for the total hardness is secured. A fresh portion of 50 c. c. is then taken and boiled in a beaker flask for five or six minutes to expel the carbonic acid gas ; the precipitated carbonate of lime is filtered off; the filtrate being allowed to run into the same SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOBK 175 bottle used for the first test, which has been made clean in the meanwhile, the liquid which satu- rates the paper in the filter being washed into the estimating bottle with distilled or condensed water. The hardness is then estimated in the boiled water in just the same way as before and the amount of soap solution used compared with the table. This gives the permanent hardness, due to sulphate and chloride of calcium (lime) and magnesium. By subtracting the figures for the permanent, from that for the total hardness, the figure for the temporary hardness is obtained. Many other analytical operations can be carried out with the chemicals and apparatus, but too much space would be required to explain the modus operandi and methods of calculating results. Those who wish to go further into this matter should consult Sutton's Volumetric Analysis and other text books on analytical chemistry. Apparatus and Methods. The apparatus which would be required to start with for doing simple analytical work would be : Price. s. d. 1. Six beaker flasks (assorted) ... 2 6 $ .60 2. Six test tubes (a ''nest") and a small test-tube stand ... 1 .24 176 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK 3. Three glass stirring rods ... 6 .12 4. Two burettes and a burette stand 8 6 2.04 5. Six porcelain basins ... ... 1 3 .30 6. A small gas ring 3 .72 7. An iron tripod stand ... 7 .14 8. A piece of wire gauze and asbestos millboard ... 1 .24 9. A simple balance and weights from 50 grm. to 0.01 grm. ... 7 1.68 10. Two glass funnels and filter paper ... ... ... 1 .24 11. 100 c. c. graduated vertical measure ... ... ... 1 10 .44 12. Two graduated pipettes up to 10 c. c 2 .48 13. Dropping bottle for phenol- phthalein solution ... 04 .08 14. One doz. N. M. bottles ... 4 .96 Chemicals. Hydrochloric Acid (pure) 1 W.Q.' Ammonia .880 1 W.Q. Acetic Acid 1 W.Q. Sulphuric Acid ... 1 W.Q. Oxalic Acid 71bs. *W.Q. stands for a Winchester Quart, holding 51bs. to lOIbs. according to contents. 1 8 .40 2 1 .50 1 5 .34 2 11 .70 3 3 .78 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WOEK 177 Carbon tetracUoride . . . 1 W.Q. 7 1.68 Alcohol 1 Pint 6 .12 Potassium ferrocyanide y4ib. 3 .06 Potassium Iodide 1 oz. 1 3 .30 Iodine ^/oOZ. 6 .12 Standard Soap Solution 1/0 litre 2 9 M Caustic Soda 1 lb. 5 .10 Phenol-phthalein 50 c.c. 1 .24 Methyl-Orange 50 c.c. 6 .12 Litmus paper, six books, red and blue . . j . • • 9 .18 I have allowed much larger quantities of hydro- chloric acid, ammonia, etc., than would be re- quired for experiments, as these will be found useful for removing stains, etc. A convenient strength for the acids and alkalies is 10 per cent. These with the exception of caustic soda and carbonate of soda, should be placed in stoppered bottles, holding, say, eight ounces. The indicators phenol-phthalein and methyl-orange, which show whether a solution is acid or alkaline, are best placed in dropping bot- tles, so that it is easy to place one or two drops where you want them, instead of pouring in a dozen drops. The form of burette with a piece of rubber tub- ing, a pinchcock and a glass nozzle, is the cheap- est, and perhaps, the most convenient. In work- 178 SIMPLE ANALYTICAL WORK ing with a burette, it is first of all filled up nearly to the top with the standard solution, and then sufficient is run off to drive the air out of the rub- ber tubing where the pinchcock is; the level can then be read off. There are two forms of pipette, one which measures only a definite quantity, say, 10 c.c.,* another which measures 10 c.c, say, when full; but is graduated all the way up, so that any quantity up to 10 c.c. can be measured with it. The liquid to be measured is drawn up with the mouth some distance above the required point, and is retained in position by placing the finger upon the orifice at the top. By slightly relaxing the pressure of the finger, the liquid is allowed to run down to any desired point. Although a thin glass vessel containing liquid will not crack, as a rule, when placed over a naked gas flame, it is much safer to interpose a piece of wire gauze or asbestos millboard between the bottom of the vessel and the flame. In all chemical operations, it must be borne in mind that scrupulous accuracy and cleanliness are necessary to any approach to an accurate result. *c.c. is an abbreviation of cubic centimeters. APPENDIX A. Table stowing the chemically equivalent quanti- ties of the different kinds of alkalies. Soda Ash, 58 per cent Alkali, (Dry Carbon- ate of Soda.) 1.0 0.4 0.9 0.7 Washing Soda (Soda Crys- tals). 2.7 1.0 2.4 1.8 Caustic 70 per Soda, cent. Pearlash (Carbonate Potash). 1.1 1.5 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 of Suppose you wish to change from washing soda to 58 per alkali, you see that 10 lbs. of wash- ing soda can be replaced by 4 lbs. of 58 per cent alkali; consequently for every 10 lbs. of washing soda you have been using you must now only use 4 lbs. of 58 per cent alkali. APPENDIX B. Table showing the amount of alkali required to soften washing water. f Hardness. Amount of Dry Soda (58% Alkali or 98% Carbonate of Soda) required to soften 100 gallons in ounces Avoirdupois. Amount of Washing Soda (Soda Crystals) required to soften 100 gallons of water in ounces Avoirdupois. 5 11/4 3% ' 10 21/2 71/2 15 334 111/4 20 5 15 25 6V4 18% 30 71/2 179 221/2 APPENDIX C. Table showing the hardness of natural waters equivalent to the amounts of standard soap solu- tion required to produce a permanent lather (see page 149) calculated as calcium carbonate. Parts of Calcium C. C. Soap Soln. Carbonate (Chalk) per 100,000. 0.7 0.0 1.0 5 1.5 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.9 4.0 4.6 4.5 5.3 5.0 6.0 5.5 6.7 6.0 7.4 6.5 8.1 7.0 8.9 7.5 9.6 8.0 10.3 8.5 11.0 180 APPENDIX C. 181 9.0 11.8 9.5 12.6 10.0 13.3 10.5 14.0 11.0 14.8 11.5 15.6 12.0 16.5 12.5 17.2 13.0 18.0 13.5 18.8 14.0 19.6 14.5 20.4 15.0 21.2 15.5 22.0 16.0 22.9 INDEX FAGB. Acetates— Cellulose 114-129 Acetates — Cellulose and Feculose 114 Acetic Acid 48 Acetic Acid — Use of 47 Acid — Actioa on Starch Ill Acid — ricric (Nitrate of Phenol) 141 Acid — Test for 164 Acids 42 Acids, Allsalies and Salts 30 Acids and Alkalies in re. to Stains 81 Acids — Strong and Weak 43 Adulterations of Soap 57 Air — Its Component Parts 26 Albuminous and Blood Stains — Removing 89 Alcohol 96 Alizarine (Madder) 138 Alkali — Action on Starch Ill Alkali — Amount Needed to Soften Water 179 Alkali— Too Much Used 38 Alkalies 29 Alkalies, Acids and Salts 30 Alkalies — Action of, in Mercerization 127 Alkalies — Action on Wool 40 Alkalies — Chemical Equivalents of 179 Alkalies— Test for 163 Alkalies Used in Washing 155 Ammonia, 26 ; Caustic 36 Ammonia Soap 61 Amyl Alcohol 96 Analysis — Apparatus for ". 175 Analysis of Soap 168-170 Analytical Work 102-181 Analytical Work — Apparatus Required 163 Analyzing — Chemicals Used in 176 Aniline Dyes 81 Apparatus for Analysis 175 Ash In Coke 121 Bad Color of Linen — Cause of 38 Beiuilne 95 183 184 INDEX. PAGE. Benzine ; or Petrol, Benzollne, Petroleum Spirit and Petroleum Ether 91 Benzine — Soap, CI ; Solvent Action of 94 Benzole. See Benzene 95 Bicarbonate Potassium 36 Bicarbonate, Sodium and Carbonate 33 Bleach — Making 159 Bleaches, Chlorine 72 Bleaching 68, 78 and 158 Bleaching — Nature of, 67 ; Powder 73 Bleaching with Sulphur 77 Blood and Albuminous Stains — Removing 89 Blues — Laundry 143 Borax, 38 ; In Starch 116 Burette 177 Capillary Action 17 Carbon Disulphide 98 Carbon Monoxide and Carbonic Acid 118-119 Carbon Tetrachloride 97 Carbonate of Potash 36 Carbonate Potassium 36 Carbonate, Sodium and Bicarbonate 33 Carbonic Acid and Carbon Monoxide 118 Carbonic Acid Gas — How Formed 32 Cause and Effect 13 Caustic Ammonia 36 Caustic Soda — How Formed 30 Cellulose— Acetate of 114-129 Cellulose — Action of Acids and Alkalies on 125 Cellulose — Made Into Fabrics 125 Chemical Architecture 22 Chemical Equivalents of Different AlKalies 179 Chemicals Used in Analyzing 176 Chemistry of Washroom 151, 161 and 15 Chip Soap 56 Chloride of Lime — How Made 73 Chloride of Tin — "Loading" Silk with 132 Chloride — Zinc — Destroys Cotton 130 Chlorinated Wool 133 Chlorine, 27 ; Bleaches 72 Chlorine Bleach — Test for Presence of 164 Chlorine — How Made 72 Chloroform, in Removing Stains 82 Chloroform, Turpentine and Carbon Disulphide 98 Coal — Composition of, 119 ; Valuing 122 Coke— Ash In 121 Coke — Manufacture and Use of, see Coal 120 Color of Linen — Cause of Bad 38 INDEX. 185 PAGE. Colored Goods — Washing 161 Colloids, and Crystalloids 99 Conduction and Connection of Heat 19 Copper Stains 84 Copper — Test for 165 Corn (Maize) Starch 112 Cotton and Linen — Differences 128 Cotton — Direct Dyes on, 141 ; Mordanting 140 Crystalloids and Colloids 99 Cuprammonium — See Cellulose 130 Curd Mottled Soap 55 "Curd" Soaps 54 Dangers of Carbon Monoxide 119 Deterioration of Linen— Cause of 38 Dextrin — See Starch Paste 105 Diastafor and Malt Extract 104 Diffusion 18 Direct Dyes and Mordants 138 Direct Wool, Silk and Cotton Dyes 141 Disulphide — Carbon 98 Dyeing — I'heories About 135 Dyes — Affinity of Mercerized Cotton for 127 Dyes and Dyeing 134-144 Dyes — Classes of, 137-140 ; Direct 138 Dyes — Direct Wool, Silk and Cotton 141 Dyes — Fastness of 166 Dyes— Metallic, 140 ; Natural 142 Electrolytic Bleaches 75 Ether — For Grass Stains. See Alcohol 96 Fabrics, 125-133 ; Adulteration of 132-133 Farina — Potato Starch 103 Fastness of Dyes 166 Feculose — Acetate of 114 •Fitted" Soaps 54 Flannels and Silks — Washing 160 Fuels 117-124 Gas — Making from Coal. See "Coal" 120 Gas — Suction and Producer — Making 123 Gas — Water — Making 23 Glycerine 96 Grass Stains. See Alcohol 96 Grease Stains — Removing 87 Green Stains — Removing 82 Gum Tragasol 115 Gun Cotton 129 186 INDEX. PAGE. Hard and Soft Soaps 52 Hard Water 147 Hardness of Water 174 Heat — Conduction and Connection of 19 Heat— Effect of 11 Heat — Radiation, Reflection and Conduction of 20 •'Higher" Alcohols — See Amyl Alcohol 96 Hydrate of a Hydrocarbon — See Alcohol 96 Hydrochloric Acid 31 Hydrogen as a Component Part of Water 25 Hydrogen Peroxide 68 Ink — Printing — Removing 89 Ink — Writing — Removing 85 Introduction 7-10 Iron— Test for, 165 : Mould (Rust) 160 Iron Stains — Removing, 83 ; Testing for 84 Light — Effect of in Chemical Changes 21 Lime and Lime Soap 44 Lime Soap, 46 ; Test for 166 Lime in Water 147 Linen and Cotton — Differences 128 Madder (Alizarine) 138 Maize (Corn) Starch 112 Malt Extract and Diastafor 106 Marking Ink (Silver) — Removing 86 Marsh Gas 27 Mechanical Stoker 121 Mercerization — Action of Alkalies in 127 Mercerized Cotton 126 Metallic Dyes 140 Mineral Oils 52 Monopol and Tetrapol Soaps 62 Mordanting Cotton, 140 ; Wool 139 Mordants and Direct Dyes 138 Nascent Oxygen 70 Natural Dyes 142 Nature ol Things, The 15 Nitrate of Phenol (Picric Acid) 141 Nitrogen — Its Component Part, In Water 26 Oils— Mineral 52 Oil Soaps 58 Oil Used in Soap Making 51 Oxygen as a Component Part of Water 25 Oxygen — Its Component Part, in Water 26 Oxygen — Nascent 70 INDEX, 187 PAGE. Paiat Stains — Removing 88 Paraffins 92 Perborate of Sodium 71 Peroxide of Hydrogen 68 Peroxide of Sodium 70 Photographic Stains — Removing 83 Picric Acid 141 Pipette 178 Potash 35 Potassium Bicarbonate and Carbonate 36 Potato Starch, 101 ; Easiest to Make 109 Potato Starch ( Farina) 103 Printing Ink — Removing 89 Producer and Suction Gas — Making 123 Prussian Blue (Ferrocyanide of Iron) 143 Radiation, Reflection and Conduction of Heat 20 Reduction 76 Removing Marking Ink (Silver) 86 Removing Stains — Blood and Albuminous 89 Removing Stains — Copper, 84 ; Grease 87 Removing Stains — Paint, 88 ; Printing Ink 89 Removing Writing Ink 85 Rice Starch 110-111 Rinsing 157 Sago — See "Manufacture of Starch" 109 Salts — Alkalies and Acids 30 Scientific Methods 14 Silk, 131 ; Direct Dyes on 141 Silks and Flannels — Washing 160 Simple Analytical Work 162-181 Soaking Garments Before Washing — Reason For 12 Soap — Analysis of 168-170 Soap and Water — Philosophy of Action 17 Soap — Chips 56 Soap — Lime, 44-46 ; Test For 166 Soap — Sampling, 169 ; Soap Solution 156 Soap — Test for Free Alkali in 163 Soapmaklng — Oils Used in 51 Soaps 49-154-155 Soaps — Adulterations, 57 ; Ammonia, 61 ; Benzine 61 Soaps — Boiled Process, 53 ; Curd, 54 ; Curd Mottled, 55; "Fitted". 54 Soaps — Hard and Soft 52 Soaps — Monopol and Tetrapol, 62 ; Oil 58 Soaps — Soft, Special and Soap Powders 59 Soaps — Valuing, 63-167 ; Warnings re. Valuing 64 Soaps — Yellow 56 Soda Crystals 34 188 INDEX. PAGE. Sodium Carbonate 32 Sodium Carbonate and Bicarbonate 33 Sodium — Displacing Hydrogen from Water 29-30 Sodium Oxide — How Formed 30 Sodium Perborate 71 Sodium I'eroxide 70 Soft Soaps 59 Soft Water — Powerful Solvent Effect of 146 Softening Water — Amount of Alkali Needed 179 Solvent Action of Benzine 94 Solvents 1)1-98 Souring 48-159 Stains and Their Removal 79-90 Stains — Material Necessary for Testing 80 Stains — Removing Copper, 84 : Grease 87 Stains — Removing Green, 82' ; Iron 83 Stains— Removing Paint, 88 ; Photographic 83 Stains — Removing Printing Ink 89 Stains — Removing Blood and Albuminous 89 Stains — Testing as to Nature of 81 Stains — Walnut ; Removing 83 Starch — Action of Alkali and Acid on Ill Starch — Borax in, 116 ; Gelatinized 103 Starch — Granules ; Forms of 101 Starch— -Maize (Corn) 112 Starch — Manufacture of 108 Starch — Paste, 104 ; Properties of 102 Starch— Rice, 110-111 ; Sago 109 Starch— Test for Old 165 Starch — Thin and Thick — Boiling 113 Starch — Viscosity of 107 Starches and Other Stiffening Agents 99-116 Stiffening Agents Other Tlian Starch 1 15 Stoker — Mechanical 121 Suction, and Producer Gas Making 123 Sulphur Bleaching 77 Sulphur Compounds 94 Surface Action 16 Temperature 10 Temperature — Effect of, on Chemical Changes 15 Test for Acid, 164 ; for Alkalies, 163 ; for Copper 165 Test for Free Alkali in Soap 164 Test for Iron, 165; for Lime Soap 166 Test for Old Starch 165 Test for Presence of Chlorine Bleach 164 Testing for Iron Stains 84 Testing Stains for Nature of 81 Testing Stains — Materials Necessary for 80 INDEX. 189 PAGE. Tetrachloride — Carbon 97 Tetrapol and Monopol Soaps 62 Thermometer — Necessity of 10-11 Thick and Thin-Boiling Starches 113 Titanous Chloride 78 Toluene — See Benzene 93 Tragasol — Gum 115 Turpentine 98 Ultramarine Blue 143 Valuing Soaps 63-167 Viscocity of Starch 107 Walnut Stains — Removing 83 Warnings re. Soap 64 Washing — Alkalies Used in, 155 ; Colored Goods 161 Washing Materials 154 Washing Silks and Flannels 160 Water 145-150 Water and Soap — Philosophy of Action 17 Water — Composition of 24 Water —Hard 147-174 Water Gas-Making 123 Water — Lime in 147 Wool — Action of Acid and Alkalies on 130 Wool — Action of Alkalies on 40 Wool — Chlorinated, 133 ; Direct Dyes on 141 Wool — Mordanting 139 Xylene — See Benzene 95 Yellow Soap 56 Zinc Chloride — Destroys Cotton , 130 267 90 '^o^ 'bV ^. .* .-ySto^'. \^^^^^ y^^^^ ^^^^^^ V %.&^ ^•f /O* .•■•V. *o, 4*^ oV! •.'*>, <, ''VV * • 1ECKMAN INDERY INC. ^JUN90 .yyJ^r'%. y.v-A'i:./-'^. «," *>^