19 ยง9 Society oh Me /)/u/y7n/ Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY OF THE ALUMNI, OF THE University of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA: KING & BAIRD, PRINTERS, 607 SANSOM ST. 1858. I AS*-^ L3 CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE. The object of this Association shall be to sustain and advance the interests of the University of Penn- sylvania, and to cherish feelings of brotherhood and amity among its graduates. ARTICLE I. OF THE NAME. The name of this Association shall be "The Societt OF THE Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania." ARTICLE 11. OF THE OFFICERS. Sect. 1. The officers of the Society shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Managers. Sect. 2. The President, or in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, in the order of seniority, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and decide all questions of order. Sect. 3. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to answer all letters addressed to the Society, and open and maintain such correspon- dence as may tend to advance its interests, and to keep a record thereof, subject to the directions of the Society. Sect. 4. The Eecording Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Society; and give notice of the stated and special meetings. Sect. 5. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the Society, keep correct accounts of the receipts and expenditures, pay all orders allowed by the Managers, exhibit an accurate statement of his receipts and payments at the stated meetings and whenever called upon by the Managers. Sect. 6. The Board of Managers shall be composed of twenty members, of whom four shall be graduates of at least ten years' standing, and one from each of the three last graduating classes, whose duty it shall be to execute all measures which may be confided to them by the Society. They shall have charge of all matters of finance and all business of the Society not otherwise provided for. They shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the officers or members of the Society ; and shall make a report thereof to the annual meeting of the Society. They shall have power to make rules for their own regulation; and may supply all vacancies which may happen in their body between the times of meetings. Sect. 7. At the annual meeting of the Society an Orator from among the graduates shall be elected for the ensuing year. Sect. 8. The officers of the Society shall be ex- officio members of the Board of Managers. ARTICLE III. OF ELECTIONS. Sect. 1. The first election for officers shall be held immediately after the adoption of this Constitution; and subsequent elections shall be held at the annual meeting hereinafter provided for. Sect. 2. The elections for officers shall be by ballot, unless when by unanimous consent of the members present at any stated meeting, the Society may agree to hold them viva voce. Sect. 3. No member shall be permitted to vote until he shall have signed the Constitution and paid his initiation fee. ARTICLE IV. OF MEMBERS. Sect. 1. The members shall consist of graduates of the Department of Arts of the University of Pennsyl- vania. Sect. 2. Any graduate may become a member of this Society by signing the Constitution and paying to the Treasurer the sum of one dollar. Sect. 3. Honorary members may be elected at any stated meeting of the Society. ARTICLE V. OF MEETINGS. Sect. 1. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the anniversary hereinafter provided for. Sect. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President on the application of any two members of the Board of Managers. Sect. 3. Fifteen members shall make a quorum for the transaction of business. Sect. 4. The time and place of delivering the annual address shall be determined by the Board of Managers, and they shall have power to supply any vacancy which may occur in the appointment of Orator. Sect. 5. The thirteenth day of November in each year shall be considered the anniversary: on which day the annual oration shall be delivered, to be followed by such further celebration as may from year to year be considered expedient. Provided., that should the said anniversary happen to fall on Saturday or Sunday, it shall be celebrated on the following Monday. ARTICLE VI. OF PAYMENTS. Sect. 1. Every member shall, on his signing the Constitution, pay into the hands of the Treasurer the sum of one dollar. Sect. 2. There shall also be an annual contribution of one dollar assessed upon such of the members of the Society as may reside in Philadelphia or its vicinity. ARTICLE VII. OF AMENDMENTS. Sect. 1. Amendments may be made to this Con- stitution at any stated meeting of the Society by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. 1. Stated meetings of the Board of Officers and Managers are to be held quarterly, on the third Thursday of March, June, September and December. 2. Special meetings may be called by the President, or in case of his absence from the city, by either of the Vice-Presidents, on the application of three members of the Board. 3. The officers of the Society are to be ex-officio officers of the Board. 4. A quorum of the Board of Managers shall consist of not less than seven of the members thereof. NAMES OF MEMBERS. * A star indicates a deceased member. 1783. x^nthony Morris. 1791. * Thomas Biddle. 1795- Thomas H. White. 1799. Bayse Newcomb. 1803. John McAllister, Jun. * 1804. *E.ob't. M. Patterson, M.D. 1807. *T. I. Wharton. 181O. *J. Simon Cohen, Franklin Bache, M.D., WiUiam Shippen, M.D. 1812. F. W. Rawle, Joseph Parker Norris, John M. Eead, James J. Barclay. 1815. Geo. ;B. Wood, M.D. 1816. Isaac Hays, M.D. i8ig. Henry D. Gilpin, James Kitchen, M.D. 10 l820. Beaton Smith, Henry Paul Beck. 1821. Isaac Norris, *Wade T. Smith, Chas. B. Jaudon. 1822. C. Ingersoll, ' Morgan Ash, Wm. B. Reed, J. O. Ewing, Geo. Brinton, J. A. Phillips. 1823. Geo. M. Wharton, Wm. S. Zantzinger, P. Frazer Smith. 1824. Lewis R. Ashhurst. 1825. A. E. Borie, Vincent L. Bradford, * Henry Reed, James Goodman. 1826. Robert B. Davidson, C. P. Bayard, Joseph Carson, M.D. 1827. Geo. W. Norris, M.D., Edw. Hallowell, *Wm. H. Klapp, M.D. 1828. Geo. Sharswood, Horace Evans, M.D. 1829. Clement Biddle, Jun., James C. Booth. 1830. Prof. John F. Frazer, U.P., Horn R. Kneass, W. D. Baker. 1831. Rev. John W. Faires, Chas. E. Lex. 11 1832. *Geo. Emlen, Jun., Henry Longstreth, J. R. White, Alfred Stille, M.D., Thomas A. Biddle, St. Geo. T. Campbell, John B. Shober. 1833- Wm. W. Smith, Wm. H. Ashhurst, John Wm. Wallace, Wm. Elbert Evans, Rev. Kingston Goddard. 1834. Henry J. Biddle, James W. Paul, J. I. Clark Hare, Henry H. Smith, M.D. 1835- Alexander McKinley, Joseph Tiers, E. IngersoU, C. Campbell Cooper, M.D. 1836. Rev. T. W. J. Wylie, R. A. Parrish, Jun. 1837. John Bohlen, Jun., J. R. Baker, *A. D. Chaloner, M.D., J. Philips Montgomery, Anth'y E. Stocker, M.D., Marine T. W. Chandler, John Clayton, Wm. R. McAdam, Francis G. Smith, M.D., John Neill, M D. 1838. Theo. Cuyler, Lewis A. Scott, N. B. Browne, H. D. Gregory, Isaac Sulger, Samuel F. Fisher, Rev. Ashbel G. Harned, J. L. Ludlow, M.D., Howard N. Potts, W. W. Fleming. 12 1839. * J. Williams Biddle, John D. Bryant, M.D., Rev. Edward C. Jones, E. A. Thouron. 184.0. M. Russell Thayer. 1841. Fred. Carroll Brewster, *Moreton Stille, M.D., Alfred B. Taylor, Wm. E. Lehman, Horatio G. Jones, Robert P. Harris, M.D., Samuel K. Ashton, M.D., William Henry Rawle, B. B. Heath, H. Augustus De France, *R,ev. R. Ralston Cox. 1842. W. S. Toland, Thos. Frank Cooper, Wm. T. Taylor, M.D., 1843. Rev. Casper R. Gregory, Moreton P. Henry, James R. Ludlow, Henry W. Rihl, M.D., * David J. Johnson, M.D., Francis W. Lewis, M.D , John H. Atwood, Andrew Levering, * Jacob Zehner. 1844. *J. B. Reynolds, Jas. S. Fenton, John B. Gest, Hugh Cooper Hanson, Andrew H. Manderson, Elias E. Wilson, M.D., Rev. S. Moore Shute, Rev. Geo F. Miller, Geo. M. Lamb. 1845. John M. Collins, William H. Crabbe, Samuel Wetherill, Cha. M. Wetherill, Ph.D. Rev. Benj. J. Douglass, Samuel G. Rosengarten, Rev. Joel Rudderow, Joseph R. Paxton, Charles S. Keyser, Kev. Philip Peltz. 1846. Charles F. Burgin, J. Don Carlisle, J. B. Dillingham, Wm. Rotch Wister, T. Hewson Bache, M.D., Caldwell K. Biddle, *John Perot. J. Henry Smaltz, M.D., Fred. Klett, Jun., *E,ev. James Ely, Robert M. Lewis, Jun., Geo. Harding, Henry Whartonj^ Rev. Samuel Cox, Jun. 1847. * W. Arthur Jackson, Rev. T. Ralston Smith, James M. Price, Charles Hartshorne, Rev. W. W. Montgomery, Thos. Stewardson, Jun., Addinell Hewson, M.D., Chas. Harmar. 184.8. Prof. F. A. Jackson, U.P., Rev. Stuart Mitchell, A. OwenStille, M.D., * John Stewardson, G. H. Robinett, M. D., Wm. J. Fleming, M.D., Edward Goodfellow. 1849. James Darrach, M.D., Wm. H. Taggart, M.D., J. S. Z. Sellers, M.D., Rev. Geo. W. Scheide, Rev. William Huckel. 1850. John Jones, Rev. James W. Robins, Rev. Geo. B. Reese, James L. Chamberlaine, W. R. Dunton, M.D., Alex. C. Durbin, John J. Borie, Clement B. Penrose, J. H. Brinton, M.D. 029 898 467 2 14 1851. Alfred G. Baker, Edwin L. Reakirt, J. Johnson Brown, Malcolm Maceuen. 1852. Jos. G. Rosengarten, Charles F. Taggart, M. H. Messchert, Brinton Coxe, S. B. W. Mitchell, M.D. C. H. Hutchinson. 1853. Edward W. Smith, James C. Biddle, Z. Poulson Dobson, Albert H. Smith, M.D., Kobert E E-andall, Prof. F. Rogers, U.P., William F. Judson. 1854. Thomas J. Ash ton, Frank Marx Etting, Jas. H. Hutchinson, M.D.. J. Ilubley Ashton. 1855- Samuel Dickson, Samuel Laird, Ed. Coppee Mitchell, Simon Gratz, D. Penrose Buckley. 1856. Edward Coles, Jun., Cadwalader Biddle, John W. Williams, Charles Carroll Jackson, Edmund P. Robinson, Emlen T. Littell, William Sharswood, Rich'd Dale Pettit, Henry Phillips, Richard L. Ashhurst, E. Cash Pechin, William Reed. 1857- John Ashhurst, Jun. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 898 467 2