\mmj Class_F!]A_ Book, :-5-Il. EECOEDS TOWN OF TISBUEY MASS., Beginninc. June 29, Ifilja, and ending May 16, 18li4. ARRANGED AND COPIED BY WM. S. SWIFT, TOWN CLERK OF TISBURY, AND JENNIE IF. CLEVELAND, ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK OF TISBURY. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY, 18 Post Office Square. 1903. H ^ TOWN CLERK'S NOTE. The vote under the authority of which this book of records was printed was passed at the annual town meeting held March 26, 1901, and reads as follows : — Voted, That the towu clerk, with the approval of the selectmen, be instructed to have printed 500 copies of the records of the towu, including proprietors' records to the beginning of the town's history, when he shall have completed the copying of the same up to the year 1865, this not to include the records of births, marriages and deaths.* * The old vital records are complete in a new copy from 1669 to 1844. TOWN CHARTER Jrancis '^obduct, (Esq: one of the Gentlemen of his Ma'"'' Hon'''*' Privy Chamb"" and Governo'' Gen" under his Royall Highness |am£S Duke of Yorke and Albany &c of all his Territories in America : To all to whom these Presents shall come sendeth Greeting: WHjtxtKS there is a certain Island w"Hn these his Royall High'" his Territories lyeing & being to ye North west of ye Islaud Nantuckett w'''' said Island was heretofore granted unto Thomas Mayhew Sen'' & Thomas Mayhew Jun"" his son by James Forrett Agent to William Earl of Sterling in whom ye Governm' then was and by them a pporcon neare ye middle of ye said Island on ye south side thereof granted to several Inhabitants, Free- holders there for a Towne-ship, who have made purchase of ye Indian Right, ye said Towne being formerly known by ye name of Middletown, ye p'cincts whereof are bounded on ye East by ye Land heretofore belonging to ye Sachem Towon- quateck, on ye West by Nashowakemmuck, on ye South by Qua-uiems & a fresh Pond & on ye North by ye Sound: ^oh) for a Confirmation unto ye p'^sent In- habitants, Freeholders there & their Associates in theire possession & enjoy ra' of ye p'misses J^nofa gt y' by vertue of ye Commission & Authority unto me given by his Ro3'all Highness upon whom as well by ye resignation & Assignem of ye Heires of ye said William Earle of Sterling as allso by ye Grant & Patent from his Royall Ma*'"' (ILbarhs ye second ye propriety & Governm' of Long Island, Martins Vineyard, Nantuckett & all ye Islands adjacent amongst other things is settled, I have given & granted & by these p''sents doe hereby give Ratify Confirme & Grant unto ye p'seut Inhabitants, Freeholders & their Asso- ciates their Heires Success©" & Assignes ye Land whereon ye said Towne is set- tled togeth'' w"' all ye Lands, Soyles, Woods, Meadows Pastures, Marshes, Waters, Fishing, Hawking, Hunting & Fowling w*'Hn ye Bounds & Limits afore- described and all the other Profitts Comoditjes, Emolum''' & Hereditaments to ye s*" Town & Land belonging or in any wise appertaining : The tenure whereof is to be according to ye Custom of ye Mannor of East Greenwich in ye County of vi TOWN CHAKTER. Keot in Euglaud, in free & comou soccage & by fealty only : And ye s*^ Towne vf^h for ye future shall be called by ye name of iiisfjurg & by that name & Style be distinguish' & known in all Bargaiues & Sales, Deeds, Records & Writeings shall be held deemed reputed taken & bee an Entjre Enfranchised Towneship of itselfe & shall always from time to time have hold & enjoy like & equall privi- ledges w"* other Townes w"'in ye Governm' & shall in noe manner or any wise be under ye Rule Order or Direction of any other place, but in all matt"^* of Gov- ernm' shall be Ruled ordered & Directed according to ye Instructions I have already given or hereafter shall give for ye good & welfare of ye s'^ Inhabit'" by ye advice of my Couucill : ^o ^afre anb to ^olb ye said Town w"" ye Land thereunto belonging w"' all & singular ye Appertenances & p''misses unto ye said Inhabit^ Freeholders & theire Associates their Heires Successo""' & Assignes to ye pper use & Behoof of ye said Inhabit^ Freeholders & theire Associates their Heires Suc- cessors & assignes forever: ^]^t^ ye said Inhabitants & their Associates theire Heires Successors & Assignes yielding rendring & paying yearly & every years unto His Royall Highness ye Duke of Yorke his Heires & Assignes or to such Governo*^ or Governor' as from time to time shall be by him constituted & ap- pointed as an Acknowledgment Two Barrells of Good Merchantable Cod-fish to be delivered at ye Bridge in this City. #rben under my Hand and Sealed w'h my Scale & w'h ye Scale of ye Province at Forte James in New Yorke on ye Island of Manhattans this eighth day of July in ye three and twentyeth yeare of ye Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles ye Second by ye Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of ye Faith &c & in ye yeare of o' Lord God One Thousand six hundred seaventy & one. Recorded by Order of ye Governo"' Matthias Nicolls /Sec F R A N C 1 S L O y E L A C E [Seal pkndant] A true copy of tlio town charter, taken from the original purchmont now on lilc in this Attest: Wm. S. Swift, Toiini Clerk of Tishury. TisEURY, Mass., Jan. 18, li)02. [Skal.] PREFACE. The custom of keeping town records, as undertaken by the founders of New England, was a development of the system in vogue in Old England at the time of the Puritan emigration to our shores. In Eng- land the unit of organized communities was the parish, and the records required by law to be kept for this parochial unit related only to the vital statistics of marriages, baptisms, burials, and a few other matters of an ecclesiastical character. The rector or vicar of the parish was the clerk, who had custody of these books or registers, and they were in effect nothing more than the records of the established church, its clergy, officials and its parishioners in that particular community. No such thing existed as records relating to the material interests of the parishes, excepting in towns having a mayor and corporation, such as London, Exeter, Bristol, which were required to keep municipal records. The social system devised by our forefathers was based on the sepa- ration of the church and state, whereby the unit of the community was the town, which cared for the material interests; and the church, as subordinate, was concerned only in the spiritual welfare of the citizens. No matter how small the town at its beginning, it was a political entity in the colony, independent in its functions under the laws established for its government. The first duty of the freeholders or proprietors who had been incorporated into a body politic as a town was to procure "a suitable book," and keep therein a true record of the acts of the townsmen in their meetings legally assembled by warrant. In making these records a new departure in the matter of vital statistics was developed, — that of recording the births and deaths of the residents, rather than the baptisms and burials. This latter plan, as in operation viii PREFACE. in the English parishes, was continued by the churches here, and thus there exists with us a double record of the coming in and the going out of the world of the individual of a community, each record supplement- ing the other. The people of the Vineyard, who came largely from the Massachu- setts Bay and Plymouth colonies, brought with them this custom, and although for many years outside the jurisdiction of either colony, yet the keeping of town records was estabhshed here with the first settle- ment at Edgartown. Although Tisbury was not settled till a quarter of a century later, yet its records are the oldest original volumes of town records on the Vineyard now extant. * These ancient records which follow in this volume consist of two folio books. The first in point of age is a thin volume of 50 pages, bound loosely in paper, and was recently recovered by the town clerk, and remains in a fair state of preservation. It measures 8 by 13 inches, and its earliest entries are in the handwriting of Thomas ^ Mayhew (grandson of the governor), the first town clerk of Tisbury whose name has come down to us as acting in that capacity. The earliest record in this book is the deed of Benjamin Church, the noted Indian fighter, to Joseph Merry, dated N'ov. 19, 1669, conveying the mill and its privilege, then situated on the Tiasquin or New Mill River, in the present town of West Tisbury, where for many years after the Look family owned and operated a grist mill. The last entry in this book is dated March 11, 168 1, and appears on page 17 of the printed volume. The second book is much larger than the first, and is the "new boock " referred to in the vote of Dee. 4, 1689 (vide page 22), which the freeholders procured in order that "all records of or in y'^ old books and loose papers of consarnment foifvh ax they shall see convenaiW'' might be entered by the town clerk. This qualif3ing clause, italicized, leaves to onr imagination the anxious task of estimating hoAV much * The town records of Edgartown are a copy of the original, whicli liave disappeared. The oldest hook dates from about 1730, when the transcribing was undertaken by the town clerk. It is probable that the early records were in small books and " loose papers," as in Tisbury, and were destroyed after tlio copy was made. The Chilmark records bdgiii in 1704. PREFACE. ix interesting and valuable matter was discarded by the committee as not of sufficient " consarnment " to be transcribed. That much was left out is certain, for this second volume does not contain anything from the older volume above described. It is bound in vellum, measures 8 by 12 inches, and has been entirely filled from cover to cover by the economical clerks of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The records were at first entered at both ends indiscriminately, without chronological order; and this double-headed plan, with duplicate pagi- nation, makes a resulting confusion of dates, sequences and subjects, that renders an examination of it for a special object a tedious task. In the printed copy the chronological sequence has been wisely restored, for purposes of convenient reference, without in any way diminishing its record value. This book, hitherto regarded as our oldest record, until the recovery of the other, was begun in 1690 by Benjamin Skiff e, then "toun clarck," and its earliest entry is under date of March 17, 1687, recording his election to that office. Thus it w^ill be seen that a hiatus exists between the last entry of the first book, March 11, 168|, and March 17, 1687, indicating that the records of three whole years are missing from one of the two books, probably the first. That much of value has disappeared becomes evident to one who has had occasion, as the writer has, to search these volumes for material that should be there. As an example of an important record not to be found in either book, is the following copy, certified as " taken out of the toune ritinges this 14 of Martch 1684 by me Nathan Skiff Clark of Tisbury." This w^as found by the writer recently among the archives of the Supreme Judicial Court at Boston, where it probably had figured in some early law suit. It is here inserted for preservation, on account of its historical value : — [Supreme Judicial Court Files, No. 4974.] Wheras we whose names are under writen have obtained liberty of Mr. Thomas Mayhew to buy & purchas land within the bounds & limits of Taakimmy upon the vinyard this may siguifie unto men that we wilU : Pebodie Josiah Standish James Allen and James Skiffe have made purchas of eertaine Lands within the above saide bound with a purpos to people or plant the same and in X PREFACE. order thereunto have devided the whole iuto twelv partes or shares payable to the charges of the whole purchas besids one lott for the niill on for a minister and one lott for John Eddy if he com according to Compacicion and further we have admitted of several persons to have thar severall shares botii upland and meadow land allreddy purchased or to be purchased alwayes pvided that the persons admited shall pay or cause to be payed their just proportion of cost and charg justly arisin thereupon unto the above named willi pebodie, Josias Standish and James Allen or their assigues and in consideration whereof we the above named william pebodie, Josias Standish, James Allen and James Skiffe, doe admit of Isaac Robinson, James Skiffe Sinour Simon Athearn, Jeramiah Whitne and John Rogers to be full and joynt parcherais with and to have full Right and title to the whole with our selves : allsoe we have admitted of Thomas Mayhow Juner who is to pay five pounds to his brother Matthew Mayhew for and in con- sideration of a parcell of lande purchased by willi : pebodie Josias Standish and James Allen of Matthew Mayhew about holmes hole as may apere by a deed under his hand which parsall of land is to belong unto the whole purchase of takimmy. May 20 1071 AViIXIAM PahODIE witness hereunto James Allen Thomas Boni James Skiffe The mark N of Josias Standish Nathaniel Bkusteu To this legalized depletion of the records of our town, sanctioned by the early freeholders in 1689, must be added subsequent losses, which have in all probability further reduced the completeness which we should much desire to find. In 1716, under the clerkship of Robert Cathcart, a portion of the records in his custody were stolen, and had not been recovered as late as 1754, as appears by the following affidavits : — [Sdpreme Judicial Court Files, No. 72789.] The Deposition of Mr. Abner West of Homeshole in Tisbury of seventy years old. Testifieth and Saith that About the year A. D. 1716 he Living then Near Mr. Robert Cathcart of said town of Tisbury he Understood that Said Cathcarts Shop was Broken Open and the book in which Records were was Stolen and Never after all found " &c &c. July 17. 1754 PREFACE. xi The Deposition of Mrs Jane West of Tisbury being seventy two years old. Testifieth and Saith that She living near Mr. Robert Cathcart of Tisbury The Common talk was that said Cathcarts Shop was Broken Open and many things Stolen and Particular the Town Book of Records & that she always Understood he was Town and Proprietors Clerk and that some part of said book was found and Never heard that the other part of said book was ever found " &c &c. July 17. 1754 What records are involved in this loss may never be known. Possibly it was an early "Proprietors" record, for it was customary to have separate volumes for the minutes of proceedings of the townsmen and freeholders, the business of each being conducted independently. It may be surmised that the theft occurred in connection with the suit at law which arose between Joseph Briggs, plaintiff, and the Proprietors of Takemmy, alias Tisbury, and was first heard March, 1716-17, in our local courts (see pages 64, 65), and by the plaintiff appealed to the Superior Court at Plymouth (page 67). It was an important suit, in- volving the validity of the divisions of the common land into sixteen shares, and many interests were at stake.* So far as known, these are the only vicissitudes, accidents and losses to which our early records have been subjected ; and when it is remem- bered that for two centuries they have been in the official keeping of so many persons, often unsafely stored in private houses, it is matter for * The property involved was the proprietor's "share" in the "home lot" of William Pabodie, which he had sold in 1672 to George Russell of Scituate, and which was laid out on the west bank of the Old Mill River, on the north side of the " Scotchman's Bridge " road. Through the early deaths of Russell and his only son Samuel as heir, and the remarriage of Samuel's widow to Cornelius Briggs, all being non-residents, the ownership became dormant, but was finally revived thirty years after, in 1716, by Joseph Briggs, son of Cornelius, who laid claim to the one-sixteenth, or the proprietor's share, belonging to the Pabodie lot. It appears that in 1683 Simon Athearn had bought of Cornelius Briggs a quit-claim of his and his wife's interest in the lot, together with the proprietor's "share" thereto belonging in the undivided lauds in the town. The " home lot " was sold the next year, but the " share " was retained by Athearn, and he participated in all the land divisions on its account until his death in 1715, when it descended to Samuel Athearn, his son, which accounts for his connection with the suit as the principal person affected (see pages 67, 68) . It will thus be seen that much depended on the issue of the case, and the early records became an important factor to the litigants. This probably explains the loss described. xii PREFACE. congratulation to our citizens tliat these priceless volumes are now to be placed forever beyond the reach of loss by theft, fire, and that equally destructive, though slower, agency, "the gnawing tooth of Time." This satisfaction must be felt not only by the present citizens of Tis- bury, but by that innumerable body of descendants of her early settlers who are now scattered all over the land. To the patriotic interest of one of her loyal sons, the present town clerk, Mr. William S. Swift, must the credit for the inception and com- pletion of this splendid work be given. The deciphering of the difficult and almost illegible writing of that early period was begun by him in 1894, and continued carefully and zealously during the spare hours of a busy life, until he had completed the labor of transcription. To any one who has not been familiar with such work this statement may convey slight significance of the toil and patience involved in securing a correct copy of these ancient records. Having had special opportuni- ties for examining them in connection with my work upon the history oi Martha's Vineyard, I can testify to the accuracy of his work, and stu- dents and readers may be assured of the correctness of the copy as printed. The town owes its efficient clerk a debt of gratitude for this "labor of love," which he has now so admirably concluded in the fol- lowing pages. Nor would this reference to his work be entirely accurate if it failed to mention a joint laborer who has been from the early beginnings oi the greatest service in the work of transcribing and comparing, — Miss Jennie W. Cleveland, the assistant town clerk. To her must be granted a share of the acknowledgment which we, as citizens of the old town, feel is due for this permanent preservation of its records. These books, together with the old parchment charter, granted by Lord Lovelace ir 1671, — the only one surviving of the three then granted, — constitute the oldest original historic muniments of the Vineyard, and it is of more than local concern that they should be made available for future generations. CHARLES E. BANKS, M.D. •Tan. 20, mY^. TISBIJRY TOWN RECORDS. This is The Town Booke oe Recokdes of Tysbuky William pea- body JosiAH Standish James Allin and James Skiff Being PUKCHASEKS DOTH ChDSE ThEM AsOTIATES TO SeTTELL THE TOWN TYSBUKY I f me Know all men by these presents that I John Eddy of the town of great-harbour upon y** Vineyeard do for myself my heires and assignes sell unto William Pebody Josias Standish and James Allin I say I do sell my whole accomodations lying at holmes his hole being on sixth part of that which was bought of y'' Indians by thomas Layton of Rode Island and this I do for and in consideration that y*' for s'd William Pe- body Josias Standish and James Allin are to lett me y*" said Eddy have five pounds worth of Land at Takemmy at the same Rate as they bought it of y^ Indians provided that y*" sd Eddy demand it within two years after the date hereofe as also they shall let me have one Lote among them to live upon I y'' sd Eddy paying for it at y*" rate y* they buy of y'" Indians the fores'd five pounds worths to be part of the Lote if I do not demand y*' Land and live upon it then to pay me five pounds at y*^ end of y" s'd 2 years the payment to made in current pay at prices current and in wittness of y*^ premises I have hereunto set my hand this 29 of June 1669 Memorandum — y* the lote mentioned is to be one whole accomoda- tion of y^ town now to be setled and y* if y'" town be not settled then y" fores'd land at holmes his hole to be returned to me y* s'd Eddy in witt- ness to all y*' premises I have set hereunto my hand the day and year above s'd John Eddy Entered October 20th 1690 AD witness mathew mayhew John Rogeres 2 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Know all men by these presents that I Benjaman Church Mill Wright of the towne of duxburie ine the colonie of Newplimouth have for my selfe my heirs executors Administrators and assighnes bargained for and sold unto Joseph Merry of the towne of Hampton in the county of Norflek in the Massachusets in new england unto him his heirs Executors administrators and Assighnes to have & to hould for ever to say one mill with all the Rights titles and privelledges therunto Belong- ing the which Mill standeth uppon the westermost Brook of Takemmy uppon marthas Vineyard as also one Eighth part of the first purchas of land at the Beforesaid Takemmy Bought of Josias sachim with all Rights titles and priveledges to the said land Belonging : which Mill and Land aforesaid I the Abovesaid church have sould as abovesaid unto ^Joseph Merry for and in consideration of one hundred and twenty pounds the which summe I the said church doe acknowledge to have Re- ceved of the abovesaid merry to my satisfaction by Bills and in witnss of the abovesaid sale I the said Benjamin church doe by thease presents deliver unto the Beforesaid Joseph Merry the beforesaid Mill and land as aforesaid and for the Ratification of the premises I have caused this my deed to be made and in witness heerof have set heerunto My hand and seall in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred sixty and nine And the nineteenth of november Beniamin church Sighned Sealed and delivered in presence of us HiRHAM SARSON Matthp:w Mayhew This Is a true coppy taken By me Thomas Mayhew rlark ffor as much as I Josias alias Katanummin Sachem of Tackamy have formerly sold a tract of Land in tackamy unto william Pebody Josias Standish and James Allin that there might be a town of English seated now whereas I Josias bound the fors'd persons in purchas of y*^ s'd Lands ^o herd tlieir catle wherefor be it known unto all men by these presents that I Josias Sachem of tackemy on the Vineyeard do sell unto william Pebody Josias Standish and James Allin that my priviledge also y' from this day foreward I do make them free from herding their TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 3 catle so y^ their catle shall have liberty lawfully and peaceably to grass within the commons of tackemy without any molestation I say I Josias do sell and sett free as affors'd and delivere over from mee my heires an assignes unto william Pebody Josias Standish and James Allin them their associats heires or assignes to have and to hold from and against me or my heires forever and for surty of y*" same I do bind me my heires or assignes to defend the same rights and priviledges from all Lawfull claimes by any person or persons from befor the date hereof being this present June 17'!' 1670 and this I do for and in consideration of five shillings already received in wittness of y*^ premises I have hereunto set my hand and scale Signed sealed and delivered in y^ presents of Mr] Butler The mark 4.1.4. +. of Josias QJI The mark / 1 of Israel Robinson Enteretl upon the record October 20th 1690 ^ me Beniamin Skiff Clark ffor as much as I Josias sachem of tachkemy did formerly sell a tract of Land in Tachkemmy unto William Pedbody Josias Standish and James Allin and James Skiffe wich Land was bounded on y*" east side begining a full mile from a marked tree neare Popemikes field and so to run southerly unto a vally and road near where tichpitts house was and so taketh all y** neckes westwardly as appeareth by deed beareing date 1669 wherefor be it known unto all men by these presents that I Josias sachem of Tachkemy do sell and inlarge the costs of y*^ English further on y^ east sid unto the east side of y*" deep woody vally in the cart way goeing to y^ town and so to run upon a straight line unto y** mille from the marked tree & from y*' marked tree by popamikes field and so taking in all the Lands and neckes westwardly as appeareth by trees marked on y'^ east sid of y*" woody vally by me Josias James Allin and John Eddy I say I do sell and deliver over this my Land from me my heires or assignes forevere unto the town of Tisbury James Allin & his associats them their heires or assignes to have & to hold from and against me or my heires forever and this I do for and in consideration of fifteen shillings allready recieved and for y*" security of y'' same I bind myself my heires or assignes to defend the same from all Lawfull claimes 4 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. by any person or persons whatsoever from befor the day of the date here of in wittness of y'' premises I hereunto set my hand and seale being this present Jan 31^' 1671 y^ marke u n -f- v In y«^ presence of ^^ j^,^^^^ ^ John Budesaet ^^ the mark i — i — i of Israel Robinson Enter upon y*" record octob'' 20th 1690 19 me Beniamin Skiffe Clark The Lands And Accomadations of James Redfield which Leyeth in the Township of Takymmy or Tisbury on the vineyard as folloeth one half house Lot which containeth twenty five Acres Leying on the East side of the brook where his dwelling house is this present year one thou- sand six hundred seventy & three bounded with the brook on the west And Joseph doggats half Lot on the north & Isack Robinsons Lot on the South being twenty-five rods in bredth And runing in length eight score rods easterly from the brook being twenty five Acres more or Lesse And halfe the Sixth part of the neck by John Eddys of which halfe the fifth lot is James Redfields Leying on the south side of Joseph doggats halfe lot Leying Acrosse the neck as the neck is devided to every mans share Contained in the neck As before spoken in the order of devi- sion of the three necks baring date february the first 1671 And the two And thirtyth part of all undevided Lands whether pur- chesed or that may be purchesed This is the Lands And Accomadations of James Redfield but to be remembred the purches not yet paid The Lands & Accomadations of Joseph Doggatt which Leieth in the Township of Takymmy or tisbury on the vineyard as foloeth One halfe house Lot which containeth twenty-five Acres Leying on the east side of the brook where his dwelling house is this present year 1673 bounded the brook on the west (& the halfe lot which James Redfield hath taken on the south) (& the Halfe lot which Charls Crossthwat hath taken on the north) 'laid out twenty five rods in bredth by James Allen & Thomas Mayhew & Runing eight score rods Easterly from the brook being twenty five Acres mor or lesse TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 5 And halfe the sixth part of the neck by John Eddys of which; halfe the fifth lot is Joseph Doggats leying next to henery lewis his lot leying Acrosse the neck as the neck is devided to every mans lot Contained in the neck As before spoken in the order of devision of the three necks baring date february the first 1671 And the two And thirtyth part of all undevided lands whether pur- chesed or that may be purchesed this is the lands And Acomadations of Joseph doggatt The Lands & Accomadations which belongeth to the minisstrie in takymmy or tisbury on the vineyard as foloeth One house Lot with an Adishon of low land unto the house lot the house Lot Leying on the East sid of the brook next northward unto the halfe lot once grannted unto Mr John upon condi- shon but to be remembrd, there is to be A heye way betwen this Lot And halfe Lot or there A bout most conveniant over the brooke up into the woods East And west so = this lot is to run fourty rods in bredth northward And in length Eastward eightfoor rods and the addishon of low land is all the low land betwen the lot And Simon Athearns fenc but the upland which leyeth betwen Simon Athearns lot and the lot for the minisstrie is left Common And the seventh part of the great neack as before spoken in the order of the devision of the three necks for an Inhearitanc for ever bare- ing date the first of february 1671 as also a sixteenth Part of all the undividedd lands and meadows lying within the bounds of said Town ship of Tisbury whether Purchased or to be purchased of the Indians June the 27 1673 the Record of the lands And Accomadations of Jeremiah Whitin in Takymmy or tisbury on the vineyard One house Lot which containeth fourty Acres wh is this present year or 1673 bounded by the hey And James Aliens lot on the south being fourty more or less And the brook on the east And runing eigh . . , rods in length west- ward being fourty Acres more or , . . And the sixth part of the neck by John Eddys of the sixth and fuedermost lot next the poynt is Jeremiah whitins Leying Across the neck as the neck is devided to every man .... contained in the neck as before mentioned in the order of the devision of the three necks bareing dates the first of feb- 6 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. ruary And the sixteenth part of all undevided lands whether purchased or to purchesse or that may be purchased This is the record of the lands And Accomadations of Jeremiah Whitin - Lands 11_16 — 11 09 — 02 — 01 02 — 00 — 10 02 — 01 — 08 02 — 00—02 01 — 00 — 00 04 — 03 — 04 08-00-00 00—16 — 00 9—2—1 01 — 13 — 09 01 — 13 — 04 03—12 — 09 04_00 — 00 03 — 07 — 03 20- ■ 2 — -11 8- - 6- - 11- -16- -11 15- -19- -01 6- -17- - Book debts north caralina 55=:08=r01 35_06 — 03 90 = 14 = 04 ffor as much as I Thomas May hew have received some instructions from y*^ governor generall Lovelace of y'^ Province and for y° peace- able goverment and wele ordering of this Island called Marthas Vine- yeard and a certain necke of Land on y^ west sid of holmes harbour being purchased and like to be Inhabited by English men where for be it known unto all men by these presents that I do for myself heires and assignes grant & assigne the s'd necke of Land to belong unto the s'd town Tisbury on y'' Vineyeard that y^ said necke and Inhabitants and estats theire being to be lyable owe and to pay all publike charge with y^ town of Tisbury as they may be justly rated upon their Lands persons or estats and they to remain and continue untill y^ sd necke of Land be a particullare township of itselfe or with other Lands adjacant Wittness hereunto my hand this 2 day of August 1673 "^ me Thomas Mayhkw Govevnour Entered upon the Record octob' 20th 1690 "^ me Reniamin Skiffe Clarh TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 30"! 1674 : Thomas Mayhew is Chosen . . . . present year to keep the town Records of A town Clark .... January the fifth 1674 voted that all the Lots which . . . . Laid out shall be recorde as thay are Laid out Thomas Mayhew clarh The Lands And Accomadations of Leyeth in the township of Takymmy or Tisbury on the vineyard as foloeth One house Lot which Containeth fourty Acres to wit saven Acres more or lesse where his dwelling house this present y"" 1674 on the west sid of the old mill brook bounded by A whit wood tree on the north at the brook & by the brook on the east & the Joyning neck dich on the south strait from the dich too the brook & on the southwest Corner by the hei-way & on the northwest corner by A black oak tree marked all Leying seven Acres more or lesse And the other thirty three Acres at or neer the couner or turn of the same brook bounded by the brook & A littell run of water on the west & littell whit wood standing by the run the north bounde & so-runing right . . . full eight score rods bounded by the Com and so being thirty & three rods in bredth southward bounded by the com and on the south all being thirty three Acres more or lesse with a thurd part of the neck which lyeth betwene the two broocks being more or lesse as laid out with a sixtenth part of all the tounship of tisbury wheather purchased or to be purchased dat febuary the 2 ^>' 1674 Recordded by ordear of the toun by me Thomas Mayhew darck Febberary the 5 : 1674 granted By the freholdars Of Tisbary unto Samuall tilton one halfe share of Land Which is to say one half Lot containing twenty : two ackers Bounded one the west by : the reiver one the south by the heyway One the north by a stack near the reiver which Land in bredth is Twenty two polls by the reiver and runeth est- ward in Length 8 skore polls With one half Lot lying in the neck by John Pyes Which half Lot is bounded one the south by charls crostwhates lot and one the north by the halfe Lot granted to John slepar Being more or les as they are Laid out With a two and thirtyeth part of all unde- 8 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. vided Land And meddo belonging unto the said town of tisbary I say granted unto him for aninharitance forevear Recorded by ordar of the town Thomas Mayhew Clark Febbary 5 1674 the townsmen of Tysbury do not give unto isack chace of Hampton liberty to settle in the town Recorded by ordar of the town Thomas Mayhew dark Thes are the Lands of Jeams Skiffe senier . . . the toAvnship of fis- hery : one lot containing forty ackers Bounded on the est By the reiver on the north By thomas wests Lot on the south By the heyway that lei- eth on the north sid of henery Luessis Lot and so runeth from the reiver westward fore poles in lenght and one Lot In the gret neck Bounded on the est by Jeans allins Lot on the west by Samuel ruggeles Lot with a sixtenth part of all undevided landes and meddo the devided Landes Being more or les as thay are Laied out thes are the Landes purchused by the above named Jeams Skiff recorded by ordor of the town : febbarary the 5 : ld74 Thes are the Lands of James allin Lieng In the tounship of tisbury one Lot containing forty 8 ackers bounded on the south by nathannil skiffs Lot and on the north by Jaremiah whittons Lot Lieng in bredeth forty 8 pols by the reiver and runeth w^estward from the reiver 8 skore pols in lenght with one Lot in the gret neck bounded on the est by the middel of the watar which partth the neck and on the west by goodman of with a sixtenth part of all undevided Lands and Medtlo ... to the said town the devided Lands being more or les as thay are Laid out This is the of the Landes and inharitanc of in the town of tisbury of the town Octobar the 28 : 1675 voted by the towns men of tisbury That Jeams aUin shall have that halfe share of Land which was formally granted unto John sleppar if he had com to inhabit I say granted unto him the said Jeams allin All that halfe share of land with all reites And titells thareunto Belongin as folloueth one halfe Lot Lyeng on the north side of Thomas west his lot : Being in Bredeth By the reiver twenty poles And runeth in Lenght west ward 8 skore TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 9 poles with halfe a share in the neck by John edies which halfe lot is bounded on the north by Thomas west his lot on the south by samuell tiltons Lot Being more or lesse as thay are Laid out With a two and thurtyeth part of all undevided Land and meddo belongin unto the said toun I say it is granted unto him the said Jeams aUin for an inhar- itance for evear in the Lue of that Lot which the said ieams allin bought of iohn roggars the said ieams allin acsepting hearof hatht delivered up unto the toun the afore said Lot which he had bought of John roggars Re- membaring that the said ieams allin is to pay the purchas of this halfe lot Recorded By ordor Thomas Mayhew CLarck Charles Crosthwait appeared Before The Town, at a publique Town Meeting, being the twenty eighth day of October, Ano. Dom 1675 ; and acknowledged that he had made legall sale of his house landes and all Rightes and priveledges, which he had in The Town of Tysburie ; unto Thomas Berrick to him his heirs and Assighn's to have and To hold for ever; and desires The same may be Taken Notice of in this publique Records of The Town ; and it is heer by declared that the purchase from the Town is payed, and satifyed ; Recorded By ordar of The Toun Thomas Mayhew fclarch Octobar 1675 Thes are The lands formally granted unto Charles crosthwait And now confarmed by The Tounsmen of Tisbury unto Thomas Berrick as fouleth one halfe Lot containig Twenty two acker bounded one the south By Joseph daggit his Lot and on the north By the hey way next unto Samuell tilton his lot and on the west By the reiver Being in bredeth twenty two pols and runeth in lenght estward from the reiver eaight skore poles with one halfe lot in the neck by John edyes being bounded one the north By samuel tiltons lot and one the south by natthanill skiff his lot with a two and thurtieth part of all the Land and meddo belong- ing unto the Tounship of Tisbury The devided lands being more or les as thay are Laied out confarmed unto him for an inharitance forever Recorded By ordar of the Toun 10 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. November the 22 : 1675 John tucker is chosen cuf vaar for the year foUouing goodman marry is allso chosen cunstable for one yeare it is allso ordared that if any man having had two days warning attend not the said tucker in meanding of heywais Shall for each days defalt pay two shillings november the 22 : 1675 It is agreed with a leant consent of the tounsmen that Jeames allin and Thomas Mayhew shall wright unto the governouer of york In the name of the toun consarning the Land which simon atharn seketh to pro- quear unto himself from the toun december the twenteth 1675 John tucker Is chosen cunstable untill the electtion court next In seueing henery luce Is allso chosen sufuare for the yeare follouing and If any man attend him not shall pay two shillings desember the twenteth 1675 voted that John tucker siman atharn thomas mayhew and artar beven shall Layout all that Land which Belongeth unto the tounship of Tis- bury Into sixten shears and that those shears shall be devided to each man by lot that is to : say all that Land which lieth betwene the sound and the ould mill reiver October the twelfe 1677 Jhn Manter Is chosen constable for The yeare Folloueing Junuary the 16 day 1678 It is agread and voted l)y the tounsmen of Tislniry That wheareas theare are seaverall men In the toun that have littell swamp or lowe Land In cumparison of others it Is thearfore That willam weke Isack chase and Thomas mayhew shall loock over eveary mans hous lot In the said toun and shall eacpiallise them with swamp and lowe land according to theare beaste undearstandeing and soe eaveary man shall rest sattisfied Recordeid by me Thomas mayhew TIarcl' Whearas thear heath bin some difarance betwen the touns men of tisbury and simon Athearn of the said toun a bout a neck of Land which the said athearn bought of an Indian the which neck of Land Is called TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 11 by the Indians copek alais tissisah this record witniseth an agrement made the twentieth day of Juniiary 1678 betwene the said toiins men and simon athearn upon the deliveery of the deed he the said athearn had of the Indian It is agread by vote that the said athearn for purchis- ing of the said neck of land should have ten pounds paid unto him by the touns men the which theay have Ingaged,to pay for him unto Abagall codman Allso it is greanted unto the said athearn that he shall Inioye for an inheritance for eaver a sartaine parsill of Land lyeng apon the puint of the said neck bounded easterly by a Litell pond and from the north ar most eand thear of apon a straight Line unto a cove of water on the west sid of the said neck the said athearn Is to pay two pounds of the a bove said ten for his oune Avright in the said neck with goodman mantars and nathan skiffes who have yealded theare w^rights unto him It is allso voted that the neck shall Ly in cormmon Recorded by ordear of the toun by me Thomas Mayhew This record mad this fouer and twentith day of aprill In the year of ouer Lord one thouesand six hundred seventy and eight witniseth an agre- ment of an ecchainge of land betwen John tucker and Josiph daggit That is to say we the said John tucker and Josiph daggit haue fully and farmly exchainged ouer shears of land which lieth In the neck by John eddys John tuckers belonging unto his house lots each witith the other to have and to hould forever and in witnis hear unto we have hearunt entar- chaingably set ouer hands The said share exchainged by Josiph daggit belonged unto nathanill skiffe his house lot The day and year above writen memarandam the said Josiph daggit Is to have a conveniant cart way through the said land of John tucker whare the way now lyeth Recorded by me Thomas John Tucker Mayhew fdarck Joseph Dagget It is allso voted at the same meteing that John eddy and Josiph dagit shall have pouer to by what land Thay canne of the Indians for the usee of The toune within this toun ship of tisbury October the 22 day 1678 the land at the north side of the ould mill reiver being formally laid out are now deveided by lot to goodman robinson the first lot next simon athearn his lot to woodman whitton the seckent to curnelius brigs the 12 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. thurd to goodman eddy the fourth to goodman whitton the fifth : good- man mantar and goodman eddy the 6 : to the ministar the 7 : to hean- eary lues the 8 : to nathan skiffe the 9 : to Jeames skiffe the tenth : to goodman meary the eleventh : to goodman allin the twelfe to John mantar the thurtenth (that is to the house lot of John mantar which he bought of natthanill skiffe) to Josiph dagit and John tucker fourtenteh : to Jeames allin and thomas west the sixtenth Recorded by me Thomas mayhew tclarck October the 22 day 1678 Voted at the toun meteing that goodman robinson and Thomas West shall stand In the plase of tonnes men and sail have power to Avorne all Towne meteings by warrant to th constabell and that all touen meteings shall begin at nine of the clock in the morning and to end by the sun one ouere hey at night allso that the said tonnes hve power to give a worant to the constable to fetch a way from eany man that shall not attend any meteing so worned tow shillings and six pence If no spechall accasion hindear to the sattisf action of that meteing unto wich the neglect is this order is to stand untill it is colled in and all meteings are to have thre days warning recorded by me Thomas mayhew tclark goodman meary Is allso choson Souere and if eany man shal nat as- sist him in meandeing of heyweayes hoaveing had thre days warning shal for his neglect pay 2 shillings and six pence The touens men givening warant to the constable shall fetch the same november the ninth : 1678 It is agread by the meagear of the touens men that Thomas west shall have all the swanp that lieth on est sid of the brook opposit against his hous lot the bredeth of his hous lot touards his sheare of his loll hmd Recorde by me Thomas mayhew Tclarck June the seventh day : 1679 — John tukker is chosen to sarve in the plase of a toune clarcke untill another be chosen — TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 13 Itt is agread by atowne mettting that Isaack Robanson and Jere- miath wittne are to stand as towns men and to and power to acke as towns men for the, good of the inhabbitants of tisbery 18"' may 80 f me John Tucker Clarke June the sevententh day : 1679 It is agread and ordred by the touns men of tisbury that from this day and forward that theare shall be two men chosen by this-toun to rayse fiveten pounds yearly from year to year for the worck of the min- istry by way of a rate apon all that shall attend the publique meteingvin this place and the men to be chosen from year to year and that thay shall make the said rate according to theare best descration and shall see the said sum truely paid The above writen is consented unto and by the desre of the tounsmen signed by me Thomas mayhew Assistant good man Robbinson and thomas west are chosen to make the above mentioned reat for this present year above writen 8 October T9 Arter Bebbin is chossen cunstabel the 8*^' daye of October to sare for A cunstabell this yeare foulling recorded by me Jo : tucker vlar'he The twne booke was rescued be me John Tucker the 8*'' day of October 79 8"' October 79 James Allin is chossen granguery man for this yeare folloing recorded by me John Tucker darhe John Manter chossen serveers for this yeare John Tucker cler It is vootted by the inhabbitants in a towne mitting that will. Rogges shall purchchis therty eakers of land of sias Sogimer for for an heri- tance the toune is to chuse two men to Kit out and the saide rogers is to buld upon it and to live upon it fouer yeare and what the saide rogers cann purchis more it is to reteune to the toune againe 14 TISBUKY TOWN RECOEDS. th May 19 1680 It is agread by the tounmens of tysbury that Nathan Skiff e shall have that swampe Ling from the nore side of his filde to A peese of sompe granted to thomas weste and so to runn upon aline esterly to the tope of the hill whare formrly was a fence the sayde skiffe is to have this for part of his share of low land recorded by me John Tuckek t clark 18*" June 1680 being atown mitting it was put to vott whare or no Simon Atharne shoulde have the necke of land that liath upon the pountes of the Indian necke but the towne voted that the said simon Attharne should but have his share with the reste of the inhabitants and tendred the saide simon Attharne if hee youlde sine the dedes the yould pee him the mony By me John tucker Clarke It is Agread upon by the inhabetants of this toune that M^ thomas Mayhew and Jams Allin shall laye out low lands to them that have yet none and to make them equall to the reste as neare as the cann to the beste Judgment by me John tuckek tdar'k 15 : 7 mounth 80 in the year 1680 81 the 10 day of feburiary nathen skiff is chosen by the inhabitents of The Toiun off Tishbeury to bee Toiun dark ontill another bee chosen The Recordes of the land comanly coled Ciphec and Bounded on the west side by marced Trees and so to Run north and by west to a hie round hill neere the sound and From thence to a great Rocke lyeng in the wash of the sea by it self and on the East From the mill broock to the black stump on a north and by west poynt and likewis From the black stump to the sound upon the same poynt to A pine tre standing alone one a litle nack and by the south by the old mill broock and one the north by the sound Desember the : 16 day 1681 It is Agred and voted by the toune of tisbury that John : Cace shall have for An inheritance to him and his ares for Ever A sarten ])arsel TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 15 of land lyeng on the north side of the new mill River and to lie some to the boundes of the toun that is to sa fortty rodes in bredth buting to the brouke and forescore rodes in length northardly and comineg for wood and grasing for catel Recorded by me Nathan Skiff T clarke Desember y*^ 16 day 1681 It is Agred by the toun of tisbury that anny man of this toune in- habitant shall have liberty to purtch anny land in the tounship not purtshed for the toune and those that will not pay A cording to purtshes thay will loos thare shares Desember the : 16. day 1681 It is Agread and voted by the touns men of tisbury that the hill that lieth Abov the lotes of Henery luce : Nathan skif and : thomas : wests shall be fenst and planted not Ekceding fore yeres by all or anny of the town Feburary the 9j 16| whereas we James Allen and Thomas Mayhew was appointed by the freeholders of tisbury to Lay out unto Those men swamp or Low land which had none or but little to there house Lots making them Equall with others as near as we Could and in order therunto we have Layed out all the swamp Land we found as followeth and first begining at a place Called wasqusims we Layed out the first lot to henery Luce the second to daniell stuard the third to nicholas norton the fourth to Cur- nelas brigs the fifth to Joseph daggit the sixth to James Allen being the Last upon that brook nextly we Layed to Joseph merry and mr Coffyn the Swomp that Lyeth on the other brook at the head of the millpond and to Isaac Robinson we Layed a sertain parsill of Lowland and Swomp that Joyn- ing unto his own Land on the Est side of the great n«ck and the Re- mainder of that Swamp to John tucker and unto John Eddy we Layed out all the swamp that Lyeth within his fence on the Little neck which was granted him for the mendment of his house Lot it is to be Remembred that the sixth Lot in the first Devition Avas Laid out to Arthor beven it is also to be Remembred that we have Laid 16 TISBUEY TOWN RECOKDS. unto Every devition of swamp two polls or Rods of upland Round Every devition and parsill of swamp before mentionod witness our hands Thomas Mayhew James Allen Entred this IQ^^ day of Jenuary 1697 by order of John Eddy and John manter sellectmen by me Robert Cathcart Clark May the 17 1682 It is Agred and voted : by the town of tisbury that peter Robesun shal have 20 Acers of land with comeneg for fire wod and grazing for catel and the townes men are to lay it out where it may be most con- vianant May y<^ 17 1682 It is Agread and voted by the mage of the fre holders of tysburry that After beven shall have a pec of land About one Acer lying on the east sid of a pece of swamp formerly granted to his half lot bounded by the hy way on the East and on the south by Nathan Skiffe Ms now standing fence and to run northardly to the out sid of the Aforsaid pece of swamp formerly granted This: 25: of July 1682 The tounsmen of tysbury do give liberty unto Isack Chace to purtch asartain parsel of land it being forty acers lying one the east side of wechpaquaset pond upon the condison that the foresid Izack chace shall and do setel a man well A proved Among men upon the aforesaid land within fore years after the date of this record and if the fore said Izack chace Do not setel the land as is Above the toun shall have the land paying the charg of purchas .... be remembred that theare shall be a way for ever thrwo the said land where it ma be most con- veanant and least predgshul .... ned requireth but if the said Isack Chace se caue to shut up the way then to leave sofisiant gate or bars rode way til January 13 1683 I simon Athearn of the town of tisbury Entreth upon Record my dislicke of anny grant gift sail or other disposal of anny land which I have Right unto or in part and againe I enter my protest against Any such land swamp or medo for the fetter which 1 Simon Athearn have rights in and pretentes to TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 17 this record under riten was not by the consent of the town th January 13 1683 I shnon Athearn of the toun of tysbury Entreth upon record my dislike of any graunt giuft sail or other disposall of any land which I have Right unto or in part and againe I enter my protest against any such graunt giuft sail or disposal of any such land swamp or medo for the futer which I simon athearn have Right in and pro- tentes to Entered upon record this : 14 : of January : 1683 by me Nathan Skiffe darh x This record opasat baring date y*^ 14 of ienewary 1683 was not by the consent of the town where as we doe who are ouerseres entereth our de sent against the fore said record which may Signifie by our handes this 14 of ienewary 1683 John eddy concell IsAAK Robinson in the behalf of all the rest of the overseers These are to sartifie whom it may consarn that I Simon Athearn am willing And by These present do grant a Sofissiant way for Cart and drift unto Each mans Land Consarnd in the great neck So Far as it Con- sernoth me And in witness of the premises I have hearunto set my hand This 23 : day of January : 1683 : Ellisha : LiNOLL Simon Athearn The testimony of Ellisha LinoU Eaged tw^enty Fouer years or thear about saith that I being present when the above writen grant was writen and given by Simon Athearn and being desired set my hand theare unto as A witnis Tacken before me the the 6 dy of febuary : 1683 Thomas mayhew Justice of iieece, March the eleventh day 1683^^ it is agread and inacted by the oversears of this toune of tisbury that every frehoulder of this toune shall have a devidant of twenty five eack- ers of leand Layed out that is to every wholl sheare and so to every man proportioable to his toune right John Eddy IsAAK Robinson in the behalf of the vote of the voters 18 TISBUPwY TOWN RECORDS. whereas the frehoulders of the town of tysbury and Simon Athern of tysbury did agree at A town meeting a pout the neck of land called co- packeales tissisa as may A pere by record and it being understood that Dalol steward and Edward Cottol both of the town of tysbury have each of them A half sheare on the said neck wherefore know all men by thes presant that we Danel Steward and Edward Cottol both of the town of tysbury on marthas vinyard Joyntly as well as saveraly for us our heirs or asines sell asigne and set over and by thees presance do sorender and yeld up our perticalar half shears of upland and medo lyeng and being in the said neck of land caled copackeaeales tissisa in tysbury on mar- thas vinyard unto simon Athern on marthas vinyard to him his heirs or asines to have and to hould from and a gainst us our heirs or asines for ever and March the 17 d'y, 1687. Beniamin Skiff is chosen town clarck, by the tounsmen of Tisbury, in Dukes County, for one year after this present deat. Martch the 17 : day : 1687 It is agreed and votted by the town of Tisbury that no man shall keep more nor above one hundred sheep one the common being one year old and upyard to one hole share of land and fifty to half a share and this order to take place and to stand in power the first day of December next the ensuing date hereof and to stand in force tell the maigor part of the town shall see cause to null it and whomesoiver shall act contrary to this order & shall keep more sheep on the commons than the aforesaid num- ber shall forfet and pay to the informer against sutch breatch of order two shillings and six pence for ivory sheep more then tlie number afore- said Entered by me Beniamin Skiffe Toirn Clark May the 13 day 1687 Simon Athearn is chosen constable for the foloing yere in the town of Tisbury May the 13 day 1687 goodman robinson goodman eddy and goodman luce is chosen com- mishenors and townsmen for tisbury for the following yere TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 19 May the 13 : 1687 It is voted by the town of tisbiiry that Joseph merry Joseph dogat and John manter junyer shall serve in the ofis of sevares for the town for one yere or tell the town shall see cans to mil this act entered by me Benjamin Skiff Toion Clark May the 13 day 1687 It is agreed and voted at a town meting that those townsmen good- man robinson goodman eddy and goodman luce shall have full power in behalf of the town to take the best care they can to procure the ac- knolegment payed and in se doing the town ingage to anser them for all these nesesary charge in or about the same as allsoe those townsman are impowered in behalf of the town to cans the town record es to be posted and entered into the new boock Entered by me Beniamin Skiffe Toiun Clark June the : 17 : day 1687 It is agreed upon & voted at a town meeting by the freeholders of Tisbury that James alien and edward cottoU as in behalf of the town shall seek after and indeavor to procure a new charter and new boundes for the town of tisbury and the town are jointly to answer and pay for all the cost and charge there for arising or about the same entered by me Beniamin Skiff Clarh September the 7th day 1687 It is voted at a town meting by the freeholder of tisbury that John eddy and Beniamin skiffe shall make a reat or asesment of seventeen pounds fourteen shillens and ten pence halfpeney one the ratable estate of this town and farmes agasant all eastward not extending within the bounds and limets of edgertown Beniamin Skiffe Clark October the 17"' day 1687 It is agreed and voted by the freeholders of tisbury that no parson or parsons shall carey or cans to be careyed out of the boundes of the first purches of lands Belonging to this town any Brush stakes or aney wood or timber and if any parson shall presume notwith standing this order to cut and carey Brush stakes wood or timber out of the bounds 20 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. and limets as aforesaid of the comons he or they shall forfit four shil- lings for iverey such action or trespas the one half to the informer the other half to the town By me Beniamin Skiffe Clarice October the 19^" day 1687 It is agreed and voted by the town that the neck of land called charlesis neck shall be divided and eatch mans proportion shall be layed out as also the medoe one the above said neck of land and the two next neckes ajoyning eastward from the said neck Beniamin Skiffe Clarke Junewary y': 22 : day 1688?? It is agreed upon : and voted : by the freeholders of tisbury that all y'' : wood and woodland belonging to y'" said town shall be divided : to eatch man according to his proper shear or right that is to say all wood and wood lands in comon within y^ said town bounds : and limits : as allso all sutch lands as are clear from brush or alredy come to grass suti- ble for f edding : to cattell yet allwayes to be understood that there shall be convinecies left : for sofishent watering for cattell in sutch place : and places : as y^ men who are and shall be apinted to divide y'' premices : shall thinck conveinant : and sutch places of water and watering places shall beleft to y'' comons as free way for cattell without interupttion. It is allso agreed that Joseph merry edward cottell Joseph daget & peter robinson : shall divide and lay out the sd lands as aforesaid forthwith as soon as seson of wether will admit Beniamin Skiffe Clark febarary the 15 (hiy 1687 '^'^ 88 It is voted by the town, that the medo and mash laying one the neck called tissisa shall be divided and layed out to everey man his proportion according to eatch mans propriaty by me Beniamin Skiff, Clarke. August the 28 day 1688 Willyam parelow is chosen constable by the toAvn for this folowing year Benj Skiffe Clarke august the 28 day 1688 It is agreead and voted by the town that all sheep rambs runing one the commons after the third day of September next insuing sutch rambs TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 21 as have not yet bin up this year it shall be lawful for aney parson to take them up and return them to the oner he paying twelve pence to him that taketh him and for all sutch rambs as have bin in pasture this year all- redy taken up and broken out being taken by any parson the oner shall pay six pence for every sutch sheep ramb and if the oner refus or neg- lect to redeem sutch ramb or rambs so taken up then the taker of them, after twenty and four hours having given legall notis to the said oner shall keep them at twelve pence a day tell they are redeemed and freed by the oner seven days be expired and then to be sould at an autcrie to pay the charge. Benj. Skiffe, Clark. Agust the 28 day 1688 John eddy thomas look and after bivens is chosen comishoners for this folowing year by the town Benj Skiffe Clark agust the 28 day 1688 goodman robinson and goodman cottol is chosen to be viewers of fence by the town for this folowing year Benj Skiffe Clark August the 28 '^'^ 1688 beniamin skiffe is chosen toun clarck by the frehoulders of the town of tisbury in dukes county for one yeare aftar this present this present dat Sighned by me Tho. Mayhew Justice of peace an order for starting the comons for sheep entred pages September the 24 day 1689 edward srined cottoU is chosen constable for this folowing year by the town Beniamin : Skiffe dark September the 24 day 1689 Beniamin skiffe is chosen town clarke for the town of tisbury for this following yeer or tell another is chosen so long as he is willing to stand in y'' pleas Beniamin Skiff clarke 22 TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. September 24 day 1689 It is voted by the freholders of tisbury that goodman whetny good dogget and peter robinson shall be townsmen for this following year and thomas look is also chosen sevair to stand for y*" following year Beniamin skiffe dark december y*' 4 day 1689 it agreed upon and voted by the freeholders of tisbury that all fences shall be acounted sofishant which are four foots and three enches high from the face of y'' ground and non under the said height shall be soo ajudued that is to say good and substanchall four foots and three enches high and that all diches or aney sort of fence which are bult by casting up of banes or any other way shall have on them hedges or rales or sutch like which may be ajudged aquivelant to the said fence of four foots and three enches high : It is allso agreed and voted that John man- ter and thomas look shall stand in the place of savairs and judgers of fence for this following year Beniamin skiff clarlc december y*" 4 day 1689 it is agreed and voted by the freeholders of tisbury that goodman robinson goodman eddy and goodman whetney shall procure y*" old records that is to say all records of or in y'' old books and loose papers of consarnment sutch as they shall see convenant to cans them to be en- tered in y'^ new boock and in so doing the town doth ingage to answer and pay them for all nesecary cost and charge in and about the same Beniamin skiffe darhe Junawary y'= 25 1689 ''^'^ 90 It is agreed and voted by the town that Joseph merry and Joseph dagget shall lay out a sartain parcel of loe land to after biven which lieth ajoyning to the river and on the notherd of said bivens his lot Beniamin skiffe dark Junawary y*^ 25 1689 '^"^ 90 jeramiah whetny entered his decent in giving away aney more land of the comons Beniamin skiffe dark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 23 martch the 3 day 1690 It is agreed and voted by the freeholders of tisbury that if aney one or more of those men which ware apinted to lay out y*" wood and wood lands which were good merry good cottol good dadot and peter robinson shall neglect or refuse to goe or act about the same that then goodman merry shall have liberty to choos other man or men in ther room and goe on with and proceed in the worke and that those that shall divid the land aforsaid shall have for their fees (2) two shillens per day to each man Beniamin skiffe town daj'k . martch the 3 day 1690 : It is agreed and voted that whome soeiver shall after the lots are laid out : cut down aney stade or tres upon aney lot but his one : without order from the fust clainer shall forfit and pay to the aforcaid clainer five shillens for ivrey sutch stade or tree great or small : Beniamin skiffe t clarke martch the 3 day 1690 It is agreed and voted by the freeholders of tisbury that Joseph daget shall have payed him by way of reat aight shillens in that which is aquivelant to money yerely and ivry yere for five years after y*" date hereof for to maintain a cefishant pound for the use of y*" town as also said Joseph daget is chosen pound ceeper for the town onely the town is to provid a lock for y® pound Beniamin skiffe t dark whereas we Joseph merry and Joseph daget were opinted by the town to lay out apece of swamp or low land to after bivens Ave have laid out y" swamp as followeth a sartin parcell of land bounded south- wardly by said after ])ivens land and bounded eastward by the brook one the west by the side of the hill northward by a stump standing neer y® brook and from thence to alitell tree marked by the side of a valey running up the hill dat martch y'' 3 day 1690 the mark of Joseph jT] merky Joseph daget martch the 3*^ 1690 entered by me Benj Skiffe Clark 24 TISBURY TOWN EECORDS. martch the 3 day 1690 it is voted by the freeholders of tisbury that the dark shall enter all the records of the old book or loose papers among the records that are sined by aney clarke in y*" new boock of records and in so doing the freeholders of tisbury ingage to make resnable satisfacttion Beniamin skiffe Clark voted that James Allin & peter Robinson are Chosen and impowrd, by the town of tisbury, to goe and discovr the Indian Steven and Joseph Skeetup, &, theire Company who have dwelt in seconquot & y*^ necks aga- sent And to agree with said Indians, so, that thay, said Indians do quit Claim of said neeks, to the town of tisbury And yeld pesable possesion to the English, as Resonable as thay Cann to be under stood to agree with Steven Joseph skeetup sam nahommon & Joseph potobppan, as Reson- able as thay Cann datefebrary 2: 1691-92: 19 me Beniamin : SKIFF : c/«rA-; febrary : the 2'"^: day: 1691-92 voted at a town meting By Simon athearn : and the rest of the town : that John manter Junr Shall have to him and his ears and a signs for iver a sartain piece of Land Lying By his house where he now dwelleth Bounded northwardly the Litell neck Lots estwwardly By the cart way which goeth to the great neck South- wardly upon a straight Line with the said manters fence standing By the head of the swamp: rainging tord said cart way and the said Line to rune : to the said cart way which is the eastern Bounds as aforsaid west- wardly By Bounded By said manters f enc : M me : Beniamin : skiff dark febrary 2"''. day, 1691-92. John eddy is chosen constoble By the inhabatanc of tisbury for in dukes County for one yere follouing from this time. Beniamin skiff toivn clarck October 5*'\ 1692. at a toun meeting at tisbury m''. Simon athearn and peter robinson are chosen By the inhabitanc agents for the toun of tisbury fr this present yere and m'". John eddy is also chosen supro- viser fr the town aforsaid fr the present yere "^ me Beniamin skiff dark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 25 March the 15 day 1693 peter Robinson chosen Constable by the freeholders of Tisbiiry dukes County for one year Robert Cothcakt Clarh Aprill the 5 day 1693 Robert Cothcart is chosen Town Clarck by the townsmen of Tisbury in dukes County fr one year of this preasant date Robert Cothcart GJarl: Aprill the 5 day 1693 Simon Athearn Chosen Comisioner and John Edy and John Pees and Joseph Dagget were chosen sellectmen by tlje freeholders of Tisbury in dukes County for one year Robert Cothcart Clark July the 15 day 1693 it is agread upon and voted at a town meeting by the maiger part of the freeholders of the town tisbury preasant that peter robinson shall poses and mioy a pice of medow wich he Claims to be his by purch of the Indians which lies one the south side against se- kunkeoet and near there agasent Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark July the 15 day 1693 tis agred upon and voted by the maiger part of the freholders of the town of tisbury then preasant that peter robin- son and John manter be Constituted and opoynted this towns atorneys to use theire Cuning in defering this towns right of the medow gras and hay on seconquet peanaskenamset and mossoonkhonk obsolutly to pre- vent any Indyan or Indians directly or indirectly to have any improv- ment by Confedryci or otherwise for the space of three years now from this day above mentioned having to themselves all the mowing grass and hay on the primisses for the term of three years aforsaid upon Con- dition that peter robinson and John manter doth make ose of the law also for the defence of the primisses as the Cans may require from time to time untill three years be expired entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark at a town meeting at tisbury the 26 day of October 1694 we the In- habitants do freely desier you mr Experience mayhew to Come to the publique place upon the Lords dayes to teach to us according to the meas- ure and gift that god hath given you the which Ave hope and are per- swaded will tend to the glory of god and our Comfort by Jesus Christ our Lord for this End we subscribe our hands and names this is a true Coppy Taken out of the origenall by me Robert Cathcart Clark 26 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. November the 21 clay 1694 it is agreed and voted at a legal town meeting that mr Simon Athern Thomas Look John Edy Joseph daggit & peter Robinson are Chosen a Commity for the Town of tisbury for to draw up a pition to the general assembly for an Easment of their tax and for an addition of Lands unsetled to their township by me Robert Cathcart Clark feberAvary the 6 day 16 9/ to the End that Each persons number of sheep may be known in the town of tisbury voted by the freeholders of tisbury that every person having sheep in this Town shall provid a Con- venient place for to tale his sheep in and every person shall give timly notice to persons Chosen by the town and to pay one peney for the tale of Each score of sheep unto the said person or persons for tailing the same and so default in not providing a place Convenient for to taile sheep in the person so found so defaultive shall pay the damadg which shall Concur Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark feberbewary the 6 day 169/ it is agreed and voted by the free hold- ers of tisbury that John peas and John mantor are Chosen men for the town to take the taile of each persons sheep in this town for this sheer- ing time by me Robert Cathcart Ckfvk feberwary the 6 day 169^ it is agreed upon and voted at a Leagal town meeting by the freeholders of tisbury that John Edy & Joseph dag- git. shall Limit a sertaine day for the town to drive sheep on the Comons of tisbury at sheering time when they the said men Chosen shall think sesonable time and it is allso agreed and voted that when that the said men do give timly notice to the town that they drive sheep and that the whole town do generally go out at the day opoynted and so to drive five dayes of sesonable weather to drive sheep in and if there be any person which doth not go to driving or send a man in his rume that the said person shall pay two pence for Each sheep brought up of the said per- sons to the that drive and allso it is agreed and voted that Lobert Luce Samuell mery Jonathan Lumberd Samuell Athern Elaezer Luce and Sam- uell Look ar Chosen for to drive sheep after five dayes for to shere said sheep and mark and Cut Lambs and that the town doth ingadge to pay the said men threepence for shearing Each sheep and marking and Cut each Lamb two pence to be paid by the owner of Each sheep and Lamb Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 27 voted at a Legal town meeting held in the town of tisbury by the freeholders this 20th day of march 1695 that Isrell Luce shall serve in the office of a Constable for this following year Recorded by me Robert Cathcart Clarh voted by the freeholders of the tonn of tisbury at a Leagal toun meet- ing held this 20th day of march 1695 that Thomas Look Simon Athern and Joseph dagit shall serve for selectmen for the town of tisbury this following year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark voted by the freeholders of the town of tisbury at a Leagal town meeting held this 20 day of march 1695 that John Case shall serve in the office of a over seer of the highwayes for this following year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark march the 20 ''^^ 1695 voted at a Leagal town meeting by the freeholders of the town of tis- bury that Robert Cathcart shall serve for town dark for this following year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark febearary the 12^'' 16 95'' it is agreed upon by the freeholders of this Town of Tisbury that thare shall no swine run on the Commons of this town from the first day of Aprill next insuing the date hear of untill the last day of Jun and if any propriator of this town shall in the time hear perfixed find and take up any swine upon the commons of this town that the said person shall forthwith give to the owner of said swine notice of his or thair swine and the owner of said swine shall forfite and pay the peniell sum of five shillings the one halph to the person that taketh up such swine and the other moitie to the use of the town and if the owner or owners refuse to redeem his or their swine that the person shall keep it or them in his Custity for the space of six dayes and at the end of six dayes the said swine shall be sold at an out crie by the person that tak- eth up such swine and with the aprobation of one of the select men the one halph to the person that taketh it or them and the other moitie to be paid to the select men for the use of the town Recorded by me Robert Cathcart Clark 28 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. March the 12"' 1696 voted at a toun meeting that John Eddy John manter junier and peter Robinson shall serve for select men for this fol- lowing year Robert Cathcaet Clark March the 12"' 1696 voted at a town meeting that Simon Athern shall serve in the office of a Constable for this following year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark also it is voted That Edward Cottle shall overse the mending the high- wayes this following year by me Robert Cathcart Clark September the 21 day 1696 voted at a Legall town meeting by the freeholders of the town of tis- bury that Robert Cath Cart shall serve for town Treasurer for this fol- lowing year by me Robert Cathcart Clark September the 21 day voted by the freeholders of tisbury at a Leagal town meeting That John Eddy John manter and peter Robinson shall havepower to asess the smn of forty two pounds and ten shillings one the town of tisbury and percincts for the use of the town Treasurry when there is Just ocation for it. September The 21 (hiy 1696 voted at a Legal town metting by the freeholders of Tisbury That John Eddy John manter and peter Robin- son are impouered to ases the sum of forty two pounds ten shillings for The use of the town treasury by me Robert Cathcart Clark march the 9"' 1697 voted at a Legall town meeting by The freehold- ers of Tisbury that Joseph daggit shall serve in the office of a Constable for This following year by me Robert Cathcart Clark march the 9'" voted at a Legall town meeting by the freeholders of Tisbury that John Eddy John Pese and Samuell merry shall serve for sellect men for The Town of Tisbury for this following year by me Robert Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 29 September the 2| 1697 voted at a Legall town meeting by the free- holders of Tisbury that there shall no sheep Rams Run on the Comons of this Town from the sixth day of this Instant month till the sixteenth of november and it is further voted that any person finding a sheep Ram or Rams on the Commons of this Town shall forthwith give notice to the owner of said Ram or Rams and he shall forfite and pay for every such Ram so taken if an old Ram the sum of five shillings and for every yung Ram so taken the sum of three shillings to be paid to any person which taketh up such Ram or Rams by me Robert Cathcakt Clark November 10"' 1697 voted and agreed upon that the sellect men ar impoured by the freeholders to Limmit a sertain time for the drift of sheep and allso to act as thay think fifit in that mater by me Robert Cathcart November 10th 1697 it is ordered and Inacted by the sellect men of Tisbury that no person or persons shall drive any sheep on the Commons of this Town from the 12th day of This Instant month untill the first day of Jenuary next Insuing and allso if any person or persons shall be found driving of sheep on the Commons of This town Except such per- sons as shall be Listed by the seclet men for drivers of sheep for this seson shall forfit and pay the peniell sum of twenty shillings the one half to the Informer and the other half for the use of the Town to be prose- cuted by the sellect men by me Robert Cathcart Clark January 30th 1698 John Manter juner is chosen to supply in room of John Pese considering John Peses weakness Robert Cathcart Clark March 2: 169^-;; voted at a Leagall Town meeting that Robert Luce shall serve in the office of a Constable for the Town of Tisbury for this following year Robert Cathcart Clark March 28*^** 1698 Peter Robinson John manter Junier, and Izerall Luce are Chosen select men for this present year Robert Cathcart Clark 30 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. november 23'' 1698 at a Town meeting Jeremiah whitney is Chosen servair for mending the heighwayes for this preasen year ROBEKT CaTHCAKT Clorl- Whereas Certain Lands on the North side of y"" old Mill brook to the sound was Divided by Lott October y'^ 22'' : 1678 : Wherefore wee y^ Propriators whose names are under Written have ordered y*" same to be Run over & y*" bounds of y'' sd Lands again Renewed by stakes & trees marked in the Rainge of Each Persons lands by agreement asfolloweth viz : The Eastermost & first Lott to Simon Athearn to be about 20 Rods in breadth from y'' black stump as was heretofore granted him & upon Record his Eastermost bounds also to Run parrallell nor norwest west- erly as all the other sd Lotts do to the sound The second Lott to Isaac Robinson about 24 Rods in breadth butting southerly by Simon Athearns Ditch & to Run Parrallell nor norwest westerly to the sound : The Third Lot to Joseph Dagget & Jeremiah Whitten about 24 Rods in breadth butting southerly by Simon Athearn Ditch & to Run Parrellell nor nor- west westerly to the sound The fourth Lott to Simon Athearn about 24 Rods in breadth butting southerly by sd Ditch & to Run Parrellell as abovsd to the sound The fifth Lott to John Edy about 24 Rods in breadth butting on the southward End by the sd Ditch or on y" Old Mill brook & to Run Parr- allell as abovsd to the sound : The sixth Lott to Jeremiah Whitten about 24 Rods in breadth butting on y*^ southward End by the old Mill brook & to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound : The seventh Lott to John Edy & John manter about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound : The Eighth Lott to the ministers Lott about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook and to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound : The ninth Lott to Israel Luce about 24 Rods in breatlth butting on sd brook & to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the souml The Tenth Lott to James Allen & Israel Luce about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & so to Run parrallell as abovsd to the sound : The Eleventh Lott to James Allen & John Manter about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & so to Run Parrellell as abovsd to the sound : The Twelfth Lott to Thomas Look & Samuel Merrey about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & so to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound The Thirteenth Lott to James Allen about 24 Rods in breadth but- ting; on sd brook & so to Run Parrallell as abosd to the sound TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 31 The Forteenth Lott to James Allen about 24 Rods in breadth but- ting on sd brook & so to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound The Fifteenth Lott to Joseph Daggett & John Tucker about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & so to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound : The sixteenth Lott to James Allen about 24 Rods in breadth butting on sd brook & to Run Parrallell as abovsd to the sound : And there is also a way Layed out of about 3 Rods broad from the sd brook to the sound between y^ Ministers Lott & Israel Luces Lott to & for y'' generall use of those Interested in the abov sd allotment & to no other : & that there be a Convenient way over sd Lotts if Reall occa- sion bee ; by Gates or barrs : Tisbury Date March y'^ 15*" 1699. Recorded y*^ 2^^ day of Feb'"y ( By us Sam'^ Merry and Sam" 1737.2 < Athearn being thereto Chosen & ap- '^ Jabez Athearn Cferk (^ pointed by the Proppriators March 23'' 1699 M'' Beniamine manter is Chosen Constable for the Town of Tisbury for this preasent year by vot at a Legall Town meeting Robert Cathcart CJarh march 23'' 1699 m"" Joseph daggit mr John manter and mr peter Robinson is Chosen secelect men for the Town of Tisbury at a Legall Town meeting for this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clark march 23'' 1699 Robert Cathcart is Chosen Town Clark for this preas- ent year for the Town of Tisbury Robert Cathcart GJark march 23'' 1699 mr John Edy is Chosen Tything man for the town of Tisbury for this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clark march 23'' 1699 mr Edward Cotle is Chosen overseer of the highwayes in the town of Tisbury for this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clark 32 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. November 29^'' 1G99 voted at a Leagall Town meeting by the free- holders of Tisbury that James Allen Samuell Mery and Samuell Athern shall lot out all the Comon land on the west side of the old mill Brook to Every man his proportion in quantity and quallity according to their best Judgment by me Robekt Cathcart Clark November 29"' 1699 voted at a Leagall toAvn meeting that the sellect men ar Impoured forthwith to defend defend this Towns Right against any Indian or Indians that shall Intrude, upon the same Robert Cathcart Clark november 29"' 1699 voted at a Leagall Town meeting by the maiger part of the Town that this meeting house shall be put in Convenient Repair RoBART Cathcart Clark For as much as wee whose names are under written ware Chosen and Impowered by the freeholders of the Township of Tisbury in dukes County to devide certaine Lands lying and being in said township as namely all the Common on the west side of the old mill Brook home to Chilmark line with wayes Convenient therto which accordingly wee have done into sixteen allotments as followeth vis first wee Layed out a high- way of three Rods brod from the brook below Izerell Luce his house as doth appear by bushes marked to the highw^ay that goeth up to the head of Jerimiah whitnyes Lot and from thence a long by the heads of the lots untill it come to meet Avith the heighway at the head of John man- ters Lot which ^oeth down to the meeting house on the westward of which way is fourteen Lots and on y'^ Eastward two \ the first lot is by John Cases bounded on the sowthward by Thomas Looks land on the westward by John Cases land on the Estward by the heighway and on the north- ward by by trees marked and so in like manner unto the thirteenth whis is at waskosims bounded on the Estward by a tree marked at the Corner of the feild on the west by a heap of stones on the northward by a bush marked and on the southward by a Rock the fourteenth lot is the four- teenth lot is bounded on the southward by the thirteenth lot and on the northward by y'' brook on the Est by Izeraell Luce his swamp on the west by harlocks land the fifteenth lot is on the Estward of the above- said heighway bounded on the westward by the heighway on the north- ward by the brook on the Estwartl by two trees marked and on the south TISBURY TOWN EECORDS. 33 by the heads of the lots the sixteenth lot is bounded on the northward by and Estward by the swamp or Riever by the southward and westward by James Aliens land and two trees marked and there is a Convenient way to be allowed from the heighway over the twelfth to the thirteenth and fourteenth lots by gats or bars as also a way betwen the first and second lots up to the head of John Case his ground morover it is ordered that that the Clay be researved to the use of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury and sutible way allowed thereto by gats or bars over mens Lands the nearest to the heighway and further more wee have devided the Common on the westward of the mill into sixteen lots as doth apeare b^*' the bounds thereof beginning with the first by the mill pond and so to the sixteenth to the line witness our hands this 27"' day of bebruary y^o James Allen the mark of ^ Samuell merry Samuell athern' february 27'- \^, it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting by the maiger part of the freeholders that all the Common land on the west side of the old mill brook being devided into sixten allotments shall be drawn for by sixteen propriators according to their preasent Right • Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark february 27 ■ J||^ it is voted at a leagall Town meeting that any pro- priator having Cut any stuff timber fencing stuff or otherwise before drawn for shall have 7 dayes Time to Carry the same away from of the said land Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark february 27 : ^ it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting that samuell merry Samuell Athearn and Ichabod Allen shall lay out apart of the Comon land on the Est side of the old mill brook into sixteen allotments for the propriators of the Town of Tisbury according to the best of their discreation in quantity and quality ^ Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark March 12*'' ^^ voted at a Leagall Town that John Cotle shall serve in the ofice of a Constable for the Town of Tisbury for this preasant year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark 34 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. March 12*!' ^^^ Simon Athern John Edy and samuel merry is voted for by the maiger part of Town at a Leagall Town meeting to serve for secelect men for this preasant year Entred by me Robert Cathcakt Clark March 12^1' -gl: it is voted by the maiger part of the Town at a Lea- gall Town meeting that Thomas Look shall sarve in the office of a Tith- ing man for this preasant year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark Town Clark for this preasant year Robert Cathcart Clark For as much as Wee Whose Names are under Written were Ap- pointed and Impowered by the freeholders Propriators of the Town of Tisbury to Divide Certain Lands lying in said Township on the East side of the old Mill brook. As Namly, All the Commons between Zach- ares and the nethermost part of William Peabodys Purchas and so Eastward to the Ragged Plain which we Accordingly have Done into Sixteen Allotments, Bounded as followeth. First we laid out a Way two Rods broad from the head of John Edys Lott at the Pine hill, to run South and by East till it comes to Homes hole path : The first lott is by Zacharies land bounded on the South by Zacharies Land on the west by M"! Aliens Land and y*^ brook and the North by a bush Marked & to Run its breadth East untill it comes to the way which we laid out above mentioned : The Second Lott is bounded on the South by the first & on the west by the brook and on the North by a bush Marked & to Run its breadth East untill it comes to to the abovs'! way. The Third Lott is bounded on the South by a Tree marked on the west by the brook on the north by a tree marked & to Run as the other doth and so all bounded in Like manner to the ninth w'^'' is bounded on the South by the Eighth on the north by John Edys land and on the wesi by the brook and so to run East to the s'' way The Tenth Lott is bounded on the south by John Edys Land & on the west by a Run of Water or the North by a bush Marked and to run East its breadth half a mile The Eleventh Lott is bunded on y'^ South by the Tenth on y'' West by the abovsd Run of water and on the North by a bush Marked and U run East half a mile. The Twelfth lott is bounded on the South by the Eleventh on tlie West by tlie Run of water on the North by the bounds TISBURY TOWK RECORDS. 35 of "William Peabodys Purchase and to Run its breadth half a Mille : The Thirteenth Lott is to the Eastward of the abovs'} way bounded on the westward by the s'! way & the heads of the Lotts at the Pine hill and on the East by the Cart way that goeth up the bottom to Robert Luces and on the North by William Peabodys Purchase. The forteenth Lott is bounded on the west by the aforsd Cart way to Robert Luces, & on the East by homeses hole path and on the North by the Line in the first pur- chase : The fifteenth & Sixteenth Lotts are Together Including all the Land within "Wilham Peabodys Purchase from homeses hole path East- ward and Southward to the Mill Path Dated March y« 15"' 1700 Samuel Merkey Sam^'^ Athearn (No 1.) Very Reverend Sir Mr Russell we Render you many harty thanks for all the Christian fatherlike Care and pains you have taken for our Better Settlement and now again for your further Care of and Advice to us : we Express our Thankfullness : In acting accordingly : to wit : at a Legall town meet- ing held held at the meetting house : in Tisbury this 28"' of May 1700 : it is agreed upon to give Twenty pounds pr Annum to be raised by asses- ment : on all Rateble Estates and Inhabitants of Tisbury & precincts as the Contry Tax is towards the support of an orthodox : Learned and pious person : to be our settled minister : therein : and we humbly pray all such persons of honor as are Concerned in power : to ad to sd 20" sum other way : that such a minister may be able to Live upon : for our pov- erty and other nessesary Charg is such that we Cannot promis above 20" f year and further we desire the very Reverend m'' Jonathon Russell min- ister of Barnstable to send mr stone : or sum other orthodox Lerned and pious person : as soon as may be to give us a visit in order to setlment in the work of the ministre in Tisbury : if the will of god be so Very Reverend Sir Mr Russell: we Render you hearty Thanks for all the Christian fatherlike Care and paines you have taken for our Better Settlement : and now again for your Care of and Advice to us : we express our thank- fullness in acting accordingly to wit : at a Legall Town meeting held at the meeting house in Tisbury : this 28"' of May 1700 It is agreed upon to give twenty pounds pr annum to be raised by assesment on all Rat- 36 "TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. able Estates and Inhabitants of Tisbury and prcints as the Contry Tax is ToAvards the support of an orthodox Lerned and pious person : to be oui setled minister : who is also to Inherrit for Ever a valluable possesion oi Lands : saved for him in tisbury : being the first setlled minister therin and we humbly pray all such persons of honor as are Concened in power to Ad : unto sd 20" sum other way that such a minister may be able to live upon : for our poverty & other nessesary Charge is such that we Can- not promise above 20" pr year : an further we desier : the very Rev mr Jonathon Russell minister of Barnstable to send mr stone : or sum other orthodox Lerned and pious person as soon as may be to give us a visit in order for setlment in the work of the ministry in Tisbury if the will of god be so the above writen is voted at a Legall Town meeting by the maiger part of the freeholders then preasent this 28 May 1700 Thomas Look Enters his dissent against the above writen Robert Cathcart CJarh July 23 : 1700 voted at a Town meeming by the maiger part of the freeholders that Roberbert Cathcart shall go to barnstable a mesenger for this Town to accompany mr John Robinson over in order for setlement in the work of the ministry in Tisbury Robert Cathcart Clark and also it is voted July 23 : 1700 by the maiger part of y® freehold- ers that mr John Robinson shall at his Comming Take up his place of Residence at Simon Atherns house Robert Cathcart Clark Know all men by these precints that I Samuell mery of Tisbury on marthas vinyard in the province of the masitusits bay do by these pres- ints sell Ratifie and Confirme unto Thomas Look : of Tisbury afore sd the three half sheres of Land both upland and medow land with all priv- iliges and appurtinances thereunt belonging and being with the severall nukes of land lying and being within the Township of Tisbury aforesd to wit half a share in the nuke Called Charlses nuke and half a share in the nuke Called posqunahammuns his nuke and the other half share in the nuck Called the scruby nuke to the said Thomas Look his heirs Ad- ministratours or Assigns to have hold possess and inioy for Ever from and against me the sd Samuell mery my heirs Administratours or Assigns for Ever Claiming any Right Title or Intrest thereunto or unt any part or parsill therof for Ever and this I have dun for and in Consideration of the full and Just sum of five pounds to me in hand payed by the sd Thomas Look to my full satisfaction and Content before the signing and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 37 sealling hereof and in witness and Confirmation here of I have Caused this my deed of Seal to be made and have herimto subscribed with my hand and put to my seal this thirteenth day of September and in the twelfth year of his maiesties Raine annoquit doming 1700 the marks and seal of Samuel mery Signed Sealled and delivered in preasants of Zaccheus Mayhew Bethsheba Mayhew the above mentioned Samuell mery aproved before me the day and year above mentioned and acknowledged to the above writen deed of seal to be his act and deed Thomas mayhew Justice of the peace whereas all the then before Common Land betiven the said old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury was Layed out into sixteen lots : by men appointed by the freeholders in said Town Tisbury as may apeare on Record with the Buts and Bounderies therof : Be it known to all men by this Record that Simon Athearn of Tisbury had the second lot and the sixteenth lot fallen to him by draft in the devission of said land and bounded as in y^ order of devission Bareing Date february : 27"' : j^ Entred on Record this 14*'' August :* 1700 by me Robert Cathcart Clark November 25"' : 1700 Simon Athern Peter Robinson John manter and Samuell merry are Chosen in the behalfe of the Town to Consult together and draw up a pettion to the Genarall Court in order for abat- ment of the overburdened Tax on Tisbury : in discretion and also to appoynt som person to offer and to prosticute sd petetion before the Generall Court Robert Cathcart Clark whereas all the then before Common Land between the said old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury was Layed out into sixteen lots : by men appointed by the freeholders in sd Town Tisbury as may apear on Record with the buts and bounderies thereof, Be it known to all men by this Record that Thomas Look and samuell merry had the thirteenth lot fallen to them by draft in the devision of said land and bound as in order of devision baring date february 27*!' ^ Entred on Record this 23'' January ^ by me Robert Cathcart Clark 38 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. the above thirteenth Lot was devidecl by Lot between Thomas Look and samuell merry wherof the south side fell to Thomas Look and the north side to Samuell mery Entred on Record this 23-' : January ^' y by me Robert Cathcaet Clark wheras all the then Common land on the west side of the new mill Brook in Tisbury was layed out into sixteen lots by men apoyented by the freeholders of sd Town Tisbury as apears on Record with the buts and boundries therof Be it known to all men by This Record that the third fourth sixth seventh tenth and Eleventh lots fell to Samuell merry to him by Draft in the Devition of sd land boundas in order of devition baring Date fabruary 27^!' ^^, Entred on Record this 27*" January ''7 by me Robert Cathcart Clark wheras the land on the north side of the old mill Brook was formerly devided into sixteen lots wherof the Eleventh lot now belonging- to Thomas Look and samuell merry and the said Thomas Look and Samuell merry have devided by lot wherof the west side fell to Thomas Look and the Est side fell to samuell merry Entred on Record this 27"' : Jan- uary Y by me Robert Cathcart Clark whereas all then before Common Land betwen the saide old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury was layed out into sixteen lots: by men appointed by the freeholders in saide Town Tisbury as apears on Record with the Buts and boundries therof j be it known to all men by this Record that James Allen had the fourteenth Lot fallen by Draft to him in the devition of sd land and bounded as in order of Devision baring date february 27":' nilo Entred on Record this 27th ; January ''"7 by me Robert Cathcart Clark wheras all the then before Common land betwen the saide old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury was layed out into sixteen lots : by men appointed by the freeholders in sd Town Tisbury as apears on Record with the buts and boundries therof: Be it known to all men by this Record that the tenth lot fell to Ichabod Allen by draft to him in the Devition of sd Land and bounded as in order of devition baring Date february 27"' \^^ Entred on Record this 27"' January 27'J' ''"7 by me Robert Cathcart Clark TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 39 wharas all the then before Common land betwen the saide old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury was layed out into sixteen lots : by men appoynted by the freeholders in sd Town Tisbury as apears on Record with the Buts and Boundries therof : be it known to all men by by this Record the fifth lot fell to John manter to him by Daft in the devision of sd land and bounded as in order of devition baring Date feb- ruary 27"' : JtSi Entred by me RoBEKT Cathcart Clcirk T wheras all the then Common land on the west side new mills Brook in Tisbury was layed out into sixteen lots by men apoynted by the free- holders of saide Town Tisbury as apears on Record with the buts and boundries therof : be it known to all men by this Record, that the first lot fell to John manter by Draft to him in Devition of saide land and bound as in order of devition baring Dat february 27*1' \^, Entred by me Robert Cathcart T ,-x^.i, 1700 /-/7 7 1700 Janu 27^1' j Clark y know all men by this Record that wheras the above saide Thomas Look and Samuell mery did devide the above Eleventh Lot in the above- said devition in length have now agred to devide it a Crose wherof the south end is Samuell meries and the north end is Thomas Look: the bounds between is a little pond about the midle of saide land on the north side of the great hill and treas marked on Ech side of the saide pond Entred on Record this 25"' february ^' j '^'^ me Robert Cathcart Clark whereas we the subscribers hereof ware Chosen appointed by the pro- priators of Tisbury to lay out unto Samuell athearn of sd Tisbury : one Eighth Part of a certaine tract of land or parcell of the undivided land in the Town being part of a sertain Tract or parcel of wheras all the then before Common land on the west side of the new mill Brook in Tisbury was Layed out in to sixteen lots by men ap- poynted by the freeholders of the said Town Tisbury as appears by Record with the buts and bounderies therof be it known to all men by this Record that the Eighth lot fell to Thomas Look to him by draft in 40 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. the devision of saide land bounded as in order of devition baring date fabruary 27\" 1000 Entred on Record this 25^'^ day of february ''7 f r me Robert Cathcakt Clark This Record may sertyfie tliat wharas the third fourth sixth seventh tenth and Eleventh lots in the devition of lands fell to Samuell merry on the west side of the new mill brook or River : and the thirteenth lot in the devition of lands between the two mill brooks or Rivers did fall by draft in the devision of saide lands to Thomas Look and samuell merry know ye the above saide Thomas Look and Samuell merry to have Changed Thomas Look is to have the six lots which fell by draft in the devition of lands one the west side the new mill brook or River to sam- uell merry for the half lot which fell by draft in the devision of lands between the two mill brooks or Rivers which fell to Thomas Look and Samuell merry at waskasims being the thirteenth Lot which is now Samuell merries in Exchange with Thomas Look Entred on Record this 25'? ^^7 by me Robert Cathcart Clark Jun 12*1' 1701 it is voted and agreed upon by the maiger part of the freeholder and other Inhabitants then met at a Leagall Town meeting that there shall be built in Tisbury a new meetinghouse after the man- nar and dementions of the meetinghouse in Chillmark and it is also voted that Simon Athern and Robert Cathcart shall agree Avith a Car- pinter in behalf of This Town Tisbury to build the said meeting house as Cheap as they Can Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark Jun 12^'' 1701 it is voted at a Leagall town meeting by the by the maiger part of the freeholders and other Inhabitants that Ebenezer Allen and Robert Cathcart in the behalf of the This town Tisbury that they shall prossicute the obtaining of an orthodox minister for this Town in way and manner as hath been heartofore prossicuted by this Town Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark Know all men by thes preasants that I James Allen of Chillmark do give and grant unto the Town of Tisbury an acker of Land Lying within abigall peses fence for Ever for a burying place and to set a meeting house on free from me my heirs or assigns for Ever October 2": 1701 James Allen TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 41 I Simon Athearn of Tisbury in Dukes County having offered to the Town of Tisbury a Mortgage Deed of Sale of a Certain Percell of Land and Allso Percells of Land bought of Josias Sachem: of Taakemmy oferred at a Town Meeting held March y'^ 26'." 1701. and Jeremiah Whitne did Since Inquire after s'^ Lands Proffered : — Now Again I Simon Athearn this second Day of October 1701. offereth the same lands in Writing unto the freeholders of Tisbury : Perticularly & Namely as followeth : To wit a Mortgage Deed of Sale of a Certain percell of Land lying & being in Tisbury Butting on the Sound or North shoar & bunded as in said Deed of sale sold by Josias alias Kettannumin Sachem of Taakemmy for & at the sum of sixteen Pounds money : and forfitted from the Last day of August 1698. said Deed of sale bareth date the 5"' of Aprill 1698 & was Entered on Record July 25"' 1698. in folio 158 f Matthew Mayhew Reg- ister — If they the said free holders of Tisbury Do and Shall well & truely pay unto me the said Simon Athearn my Heirs & Assigns the said sum of sixteen Pounds in money & all Due Interest for said Principall with Cost & Charges Riseing in or about the same and all said Payments to be well & truly paid me on or before the Last day of October 1701. (Also I Simon Athearn of Tisbury in Dukes County offereth the two percells of Land bought of Josias Sachem of Taakemy by me to wit a Percell of Land by Wampachee and the Percell of Land bought of Josias called the Red Ground by WilHam Rogerses House in Tisbury unto the freeholders of Tisbury If they the s"' freeholders of Tisbury Do & shall well & truly pay unto me the said Simon Athearn my heirs & Assigns all Due Cost Charges & Damages that I the said Simon Athearn have been att & Suffered in building & Defending said Land ; All said payments to be made unto me Simon Athearn on or before the Last day of October 1701. The above written Premises is Offered at a Town meeting in Tis- bury this Second Day of October 1701. By me Simon Athearn All the above written Premises of Lands as Within mentioned in this Paper with all the Conditions Included, I the said Simon Athearn of Tis- bury Do now again offer unto the freeholders of Tisbury on Condition that they the said freeholders Do well & Truly pay to the said Simon Athearn his heirs and Assigns all the aforsaid Cost and Charges as before mentioned, on or before the last Week in Aprill In this Present year. Dated at Tisbury this Thirtieth Day of March 1702 Offered by me Simon Atheaen Entered '^ me Jabez Athearn Toivn Clerk 42 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury October 1701 by the maiger part of the Inhabitants of the same and precincts that mr Josias Toary shall be the minister of Tisbury according to their former proseeding for the call and setlment of a minister in Tisbury Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark Thomas Look Enters his decent against the above writen vott Joseph daggit Enters his desent against the above writen vott. Edward Cotle Senier enters his decent against the above writen vott. Zachariah houser Enters his decent against the above writen vott it is voted by the maiger part of the freeholders at a Town meeting that Edward milton shall have apice of Land which Lyeth Common Lying between the ministers Lot on the Est side of the old mill River and simon Atherns Lot next zachary housers provided the saide Edward mil- ton doth build and Inhabit the same within one year : but to be Rembred there shall a highway Run through the saide pice of Land in sum Con- venient place in Length for a possesion to him and his heirs for Ever October 2'' : 1701 Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark The lot which formerly l)elonged to daniell stuard in the Litle neck to the suthard of John Edyes house lot is bounded as followeth on the north side by a fence and on the East by a hedge and ditch and one the west by the old mill River on the south by Jeremiah whitnies Lot by the In- formation of Joseph merry Recorded by me Robert Cathcart it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held the second day of octol)er 1701 by the maiger part of th Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury and precincts that the sellect men or assessors shall asses the Inhabitants therof the sum of sixty pounds for the building a new meeting house in Tisbury and also to Collect the same in order to be Collected accordin to Law Entred by me Robert Cathcart. it is also voted October 2'': 1701 that the new meeting hous(^ shall be set upon an acker of land which Lieth within abigall peses fence which land mr James alien granted to this town for a buring place Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWK RECORDS. 43 October 2^ : 1701 it is voted by the maiger part of of the freeholders at a Leagall town meeting that Tisbury do pettion to the General Court that Dukes County may be anext to the County of barnstable with . . . not to attend the Courts Except nessasary ocation ariseth from amongst us and that the Register of Lands of the Island be kept on marthas vinyerd Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is allso voted October 2*^ : 1701 that there shaU be aded to the prov- ince Tax next made: the sum of Eleven shillings to pay the Clark for Charge of offering our pettion to the generall Court for abatment of the province Tax on Tisbury Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark wheras it was voted at a Legall Town meeting held in Tisbury by the maiger part of the Inhabitants therof that the sellect men an assesors should assess the Town and precincts the sum of Sixty pounds for the building a ncAV meeting house in Tisbury and they Refused wherfore it is voted at a Town meeting held the second day of december 1701 that Simon Athern Robert Cathcart and Experience Luce shall assess the Town of Tisbury and precincts the saide sum of Sixty pounds Entred pr me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Town meeting held in Tisbury the second day of de- cember 1701 that Peter Robinson and Experience Luce shall Recive in of the people of the Town and preacincts what they are willing to allow to mr Tory for this preasant year for his Labour and pains in the work of the ministry Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark we the subscribers ; Being apointed by the Propriators of the neck of Land comonly called Tississa in Tisbury : to divide sd neck unto sixteen allot allotments with wayes sufficient to Each priators land w^hich accord- ingly we have done ; first in order we have laid out a way 4 Rods brod from the midle of the old ditch down y'' midle of the neck to the head of the Cove: to part one Each side of the Cove Convenient To Each mans land; the first lot on the west side of the neck about thirty Rods in , breadth : bounded on the north by the old ditch : on the west by the pond : on the Est by the above sd way : on the south by a bush marked : 44 TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. the second lot is next adjoyning southward about 30 Rods broad : bounded on the north by the first lot : on the west by the pond : on the East by the abovesd way : on the south by a bush marked : the 3'' lot about 20 rods broad : bounded on the north by the second : on the west by the pond : on the south by a stake on the north by sd way ; the 4^!' lot is about 42 rods in breadth bounded on the north by the 3'' lot : on the west by the pond : on the south by a bush marked : on the East by the sd way : the 5"; lot is about 42 rods in breadth bounded on the north by the 4^*' lot : on the west by the pond on the south by a bush marked : on the East by the way abovesd, the 6*!' lot about 24 rods in breath : bounded on the north by the 5*^1' on the west by the pond : on the south by a bush marked : on the Est by the middle of the Cove : at the little pond : the 7"' lot is V)Ounded on the north by the sixth lot : westwardly by the pond : on the south by the land heretofore granted to Simon Athern ; on the East by the middle of the Cove : at the little pond ; the 8"' lot at farther- most point of Tississa about 25 rods in breadth the Est west & south by the ponds on the north by a stak stuck down ; the 9*!' lot is a bout 24 rods in breadth bounded on the south by the 8^!' lot by the East and west by the ponds on the north by a stake stuck down ; the 10^'' lot is about 20 rods in breadth : bounded on the south by the 9*'' lot on the East and west by the ponds on the north by a stack stuck down the 11*** lot is 25 rods in breadth bounded on the south by the 10^'' lot on the East by the pond : on y*^ west by the middle of the Cove of the little pond on the north by a stake; the 12"' lot is about 26 rods in ])redth bounded on the south by the 11"' lot on the East by the pond on the west by the middle of the Cove, at the little pond the 13*!' lot is about 35 rods in breadth bounded on the south by y*^ 12"' on the East by the pond on the west by the abovesd sd way on y^ north by a bush marked ; the 14'!' lot is about 55 rods in breadth bounded on the south by the 13*!' lot on the East by the pond on y*^ west by sd way on the north by a bush marked the 15"' lot is 70 rods in breadth bounded on the south by the 14"' lot on the East by the pond on y'^ west by sd way on the north by a bush marked the 16"' lot is about 85 rods in breadth bounded on the south by y'^ 15"' lot on the East by the pond on the north by the old ditch y* Croseth the neck on y'^ west by the abovsd Avay date February y*^ 23'' 170.7 This is a True Coppy Taken out of y" originall this 18'!' day Aprill 1705 by me Robert Cathcart Olark Samuell Athearn IzERAEi.L Luce TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 45 March 30*f 1702 voted at a Leagall Town meeting that Samuell Athern Thomas Chase and Experience Luce shall serve for over seears or sellect men for this Town of Tisbury for this following preasant follow- ing year Entred pr me Robert Cathcart CJarl- march 30 ; 1702 voted at a Leagall Town meeting that samuell merry shall sarve in the office of a constable for this preasant year Entred pr me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted the Same day that peter Robinson shall serve for Town Treasurer for the following year Robert Cathcart Clark This is the Record of of a pice of swamp and upland Layed out to Joseph daggit being the fifth Lot in devition from a place Called was- kosims whare the first Lot begins which saide fifth Lot is bounded as fol- loweth by survaiers apointed bounded on the south by a pice of swamp heartofore Layed out to arthor beven and on the Est by the brook and on the north by a Cart way going over the brook and so to a small blak oak saplin standing on the side of the hill and so on the west by the side of the hill Entred this 3 day of Jun 1702 by me Robert Cathcart Clark July 17^1' 1702 at a Town meeting held in Tisbury it was voted by the maiger part then preasant that the meeting house should be sould at an outcry also it was agreed upon that he that bid most at three times going Round should have it and at the last Time of biding which was the third Time of asking on the third going Round Robert Cathcart was the bider who bid five pounds six shillings Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall Town held in Tisbury this 29"' day of march 1703 that Ichabod Allen shall Serve in the office of a Constable for the following year Robert Cathcart Clark March 29*1" 1703 it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tis- bury this 29"' day of march 1703 that John manter Icaac Robinson and Jabez Athern shall Serve for selectmen for this this Town for the follow- ing year Robert Cathcart Clark 46 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. March 29'!' 1703 it is voted that Edward Milton shall serve in the office of survaier of the highwayes for the following- year Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury this 29"' day of march 1703 that this Town and precincts be taxed the sum of three pounds and ten shillings and put into the town Treasurers hands to defray nesesery Charges arising on this Town Robert Cathcart Clark voted att a Legall Town meeting held on Aprill the 26 : 1703 that Peter Robinson should serve as Commishoner for Tisbury to Joyne with the Late select men or assesors of Tisbury to act and do as the law directs in gethering and making an Exact list of the Ratable Estate in Tisbury and to Joyne with the Commisheners at the sise Town Robert Cathcart Clark It is voted at a Leagal Town meeting held in tisbury this 11"' day of may 1703 tliat this Town and precincts Shall be assesed the sum of thirty shillings to defray nessesary Charges arrising on this town and put into the town Treasurers hand Robert Cathcart Clark voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury by tlie propriators and other Inhabitants that Robert Cathcart shall Erect and maintain a sufficiant pound for this Town for the space of twenty years from the Date of these preasent dated sept 27 : 1703 Robert Cathcart Clark it is also voted that the said Robert Cathcart shall be pound keeper for the Time above perfixed RoBET Cathcart voted at a Town meeting Legally warned that Simon Athern Josepli daggit and John Cottle shall in the behalf of this Town forthwith go and procure three Indifferant Indians of good Report to Joyn with them tc settle and Run the Lyne between Nashowkemuck and Tisbury & on ilu Est side Tisbury September 27^!' 1703 RoBER'i" Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 47 The testimony of Sam mackakunit an Indian of nunpoak and a member of the Church of Indians on marthas vinyerd & a preacher to smn of them being of full age who saith in his perfect knowledg : that by the agreement of the old sachckims & Cheef e men of nunpoag : on the one side, and the old sachims & Cheefe men of Takymmy on the other side, that the bounds was agreed upon and settled by them : that is at the black water or weechpoquasit being the pond and Run of water : into the sound and said bounds to Run southwardly as the said Run of water Com- eth from the spring, Called, ponkquatesse, and from said spring of water^ to the midle of watchet. on y*^ south side of this Hand so that all the Est side of said bounds to belong unto nunpoak, and on the west side of said ponds unto Takymmy, which bounds was so settelled many years ago : the above written w^as Testified by the said . sam : makakunnet and also by Isaac an Indian of full age, being also a member of the Christian Church of Indians : on this Hand the vinyerd and accounted a nunpoak Indian and also pattook, being an Indian maiestrate do Testifie the same bounds to be true: with them, this first day of October; 1703 Joseph daggit being Interpreter and written at weechpoquaset PAATTOOH Justice of peiice Taken before me Stephen shokow Justice of peace for the Indians of Takymy Entred this fourth day of October 1703 by me Robert Cathcart Clark whereas we Japhet hannit Isaac wannalla Jacob sokkokkono Joshua seiknout sachim samuell. mackkacunit and pautoh. Late sachim of Check- emmo was notified by mr Experience Mayhew or his order that wee ware Chosen by mr Nathon skiff and nathon Bassit sellect men of Chil- mark : and by simon Athern and John Manter of Tisbury to be a Com- mitty of Indians to goe on monday the seventh day of Feburary and shew the place that is Called weechpooquasset : brook of water and the bounds between the Land Called Cheeckemmo: and the sachimship of Takymmy. and we being met together at the north shore, on marthas vinyerd at the place Called weechpoquasset : with divers others of our adged and Cheif Indian men being preasent & also mr Nathon skiff and nathon basset, sellect men of Chillmark being preasent and mr Josiah Torry and John daggit. being preasent. and Simon Athern Joseph daggit and John manter men appointed of Tisbury being preasent at weech- pooqusset on the seventh day of February anno domy 17074 we whose 48 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. names are under written doe Determine that the brook of water that run- eth into the sound : being to the Estward of onkkekemmo pond is the only aintient place Called weechpooquasset and the True line and bounds between Checkemmo : and Takymmy as the said brook or rum of water lyeth from a sartain spring of water Called ponquatisse which spring is to the north Est of Thomas butlers now dwelling house, and the land on the Est side of the said ponquetissee run or brook of water is Checkemmo land hear to fore belonging to the sachim Towantaquit : and on the west side of the saide ponquetissee and wechpoquassit watter : is the land of Takymmy sachimship now Called Tisbury : here to fore bellonging to the sachm Josias Joshua seikunit Japhet hannit Jacob sokkonopatoo Isaac wanata Sam mackkacunit this is a True Coppy Taken out of the originall this seventeenth day of march 17O74 by me RoBEKT Cathcart Clark voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury March 20 I7O74 that Thomas Look John manter and Samuel Athern shall serve as over seers or sellect men for the Town of Tisbury for this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clark it is further voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury this 20^1' of march 170'/, that Isaac Robinson shall serve in the office of a Constable for this preasant year Robert Cathcart Clark voted at a Leagall Town meeting that Joseph daggit shall serve as a sealler for the Town of Tisbury for this present year Robert Cathcart Clark voted at the same Time that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of Survaier of the highwayes for the preasant year Robkrt Cathcart Clark voted at a Leagall Town meeting that Experience Luce shall serve as Town Treasurer for the present year Rc^BKRT Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 49 For & in Consideration of an Isue of a Controversie depending Be- tween y*^ freeholders of Tisbury in dukes County & Thomas Butler of sd place viz : that sd Butler have and doe by these preasents release and dis- charge Isaac Chase Simon Athern & Joseph daggit of Tisbury from suf- fering any loss or damage by vertue of a Judgment of the inferiour Court held in Dukes County in October 1703 so that no Excicution of any Judgment found for sd butler against sd Chase Athern & daggit at sd court shall be taken out but for Ever bard & stayed as a thing dead in law and also the sd Isaac Chase simon Athern & Joseph daggit do by these presents release & discharge y*" sd Thomas butler from answering an apeal or renew about sd Judgment : moreover for peace sake the free- holders of Tisbury so far as it Concerns them do grant & it is voted by the maior of the freeholders of Tisbury preasent at a Leagoll Town meeting held there y^ 20*"' day of march 17074 that Thomas Butler is granted to have the feesimple right of all that land which Isaac Chase bought of the sachim Josias at wechpoquasset in Tisbury the deed bare- ing tate y*^ 15"" of august 1682 with his now dwelling house possesion to the southward of sd purchase to Thomas Butler to unite with town of Tisbury in peace & love ; further more it is voted by the freeholders of Tisbury abovesd that if the inhabitants of chillmarke shall at any Time : destrane upon the aforesd butler on the west of wechpoquassit or pon- quatesse by vertue of any rat bill that shall by them from this time for- ward be made or procured and also provided that sd butler do prosecute against the said Inhabitants of Chillmark for sd money so distraned then said inhabitants of Tisbury to stand by and defend sd Butler in sd sute or sutes so prosocuted to afect and make up to sd Butler all his dam- ages sustained if any be in sd prosocutions by and if at any Time the sd Thomas Butler fall with within the bounds of Chillmark by vertue of any lyne fairly made then we y'' Inhabitants of Tisbury to Reimburs all the money heretofore Taken by Distrant by any Constable belonging to Tisbury from sd Thomas Butler Consented by me Thomas Butler voted at a Leagal Town meeting held in Tisbury this 20"' day of march 1707^ Robert Cathcart Ckirk At a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury August y^ 16*!' 1704 it is voted by the maior part of the freeholders then assembled that all the ministers Lands in Tisbury with all the privelliges thereto belonging be mr Josiah Torrys who is now minter of Tisbury ; for an inheritance for 50 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Ever he Taking office in the work of the ministrie in Tisbury ; and in Consideration that if at any time the saide min-isters Lands be sould that the sellect men of Tisbury have the Refusall in proffer to buy said lands for the use of the Town and ministrie for Ever Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is also voted this 16^'' of august by the freeholders then assembled that mr James Allen Esquir gather all the acts Relating to the ministers Lands in Tisbury and to Commit them to the Town Clark of Tisbury in order to be Entred on the Records of Tisbury by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury this fourteenth day of March 1705 that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of Town Clark for this preasent year it is also voted this fourteenth day of March 1705 by the maior part of the freeholders then assembled that John Manter Experience Luce and Samuell Athern shall serve in y"" office of sellect men or Townsmen for Tisbury for this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clark it is also voted this fourteenth day of march 1705 by the maior part of the freeholders then assembled y* mr Experience Mayhew shall serve in the office of a Constable this following year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted by the maior part of the freeholders assembled this four- teenth day of March : 1705 that Beniamin Manter Robert Cathcart Sam- uell Athern shall serve for fence vewers for this following year Robert Cathcart Clark it is also voted this fourteenth day of march : 1705 by the freeholders then assembled that Experience Luce shall serve in the office of Town Treasurer for this Town for the following year Robert Cathcart Clark March 19^1' 1705 william Luce is Chosen Constable for the Ensuing year at a Leagall Town meeting Robert Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 51 It is voted at a Town meeting Leagally warnd held March y'' 30'!' 1706 that Samuell Athern shall serve in the office of a Constable for the year Ensueing but Refused Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held this 30*'' day of March : 1706 that Jabez Athern shall serve in the office of a Constable for y^ year Ensueing Robert Cathcart Clark samuell Athern Takes on him the office of Constable to Eas his brother Jabez Robert Cathcart Clark It is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held this 30*!' of March \ 1706 that Jabez Athern Ichabod Allen and Thomas Chase shall serve as over- seers or sellectmen for this Town for the year Ensueing Robert Cathcart Clark The order of division of Charls his neck AUias seconquet into four quarters perfected this twenty Eighth day of march anno domi : one thousand seven hundred and seven is as followeth ; the first quarter be- gineth at the head fence on y^ East side Runeth downward toward the point about 232 Rhods; and bounded southely by a stake and a bush marked in A rainge upon a northwest line to the pond in y^ midle of the neck and so by the pond side northerly to a stack stuck by y"" meddow and from that stack upon a streight line northerly being the midle Line upto a pine pole pusht into the bank at and by the pond Esterly the had fence and by the pond Easterly ; the second quarter includes all y*" land to the southward of the first quarter within the said neck, bounded by the pond on each side ; and a stake at the midle of the beach between y'' two bigest poynts — The third quarter is upon y*" midle point : bounded at the point by the ponde & from thence Runing northerly about 152 Rhods and there bounded by a stacke & bush marked in a Rainge upon a northwest line ; to the pond one the westward or to the afforsd midle line on y^ Estward ; and bounded on Each side by the pond and the affore sd stake at the beach : the fourth quarter viz bounded southerly by the third quarter : and Easterly by the midle line and northwardly by the head fence & westerly by the pond including the thumb 52 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. in the divission of the quarters Ebenezer Allen falleth to the East side to the first two quarters he for 5 shares and half and with him Sam- uell Athearn for one share w^here his house stands and John Tucker for half a shares and Joseph Norton for half a share ; and Beniamin Eddy for half a share; Samuell Athearns share already bounded out about 50 Rods broad and so up to the midle Line ; the third quarter upon the midle point to Jeremiah whitten and Joseph daggit Benjamin Eddy & Samuel] Look ; the fourth quarter to Samuell Athearn for three shares and John Manter for one share at the thumb already bounded out to him by the bond on the west and the and the Cove on the Est and a stake ; and so northerly to a stake in the field so from thence upon a norwest Lyne by a stake in a Rainge to the pond It is agreed upon by the propriators of seconquit that there be A Roadway into sd neck by gates or bares at the pine pole now^ standing in the bank in the head fence running down southerly upon y^ midle lyne to the head of the cove and sufficient way to Each mans land by gates or bares from said way from sd way at the above saide and afore mentioned divisions are ordered stated and unanimously agreed upon by order and consent : of the propriators of seconquit by us the orderly dividers oi saide neck signed by Dated March y"* 28^1' 1707 Samuell Athern. Ebenezer Allen. Junr John Manter Beniamin Eddy Entred this fourth day of Aprill 1707 ; by me Robert Cathcart Town Clark of Tishury att a Leagall town meeting in Tisbury March 31*= 1707 tis voted by the Maior part of the propritours and Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury then Assembled y* wheras the sd propriatours and Inhabitants passed a vot in a Leagall Town meeting held august 16'!' 1701: that all the land? and accomodations layed out and to be Layed out : in Tisbury to the min- ister be settled upon mr Josiah Torry for an Inheritance for Ever he takeing office in tlie ministrie amongst them, and whereas he sd mr Josiali Torry is and hath bin for sum time Regularly & Leagally settled in the office of a minister amongst us we do now further vote that all the said Lands and accomadations affore mentioned belonging to ye minister or ministry in Tislniry be fully and absolutely vested and settled u])on the sd mr Josiah Torry ; his lieirs and assigns for an Inheritance for Ever free TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 53 from us and our heirs for Ever the sellect men having the Refusallas in the former vote ; memorandum the line Enterlind was also voted at the same time Entred this 31* day of March : 1707 pr me Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 31* day of March 1707 that Jobez Athern Beniamin Manter and Samuell Look shall serve for sellectmen or over seers of the poor for the year Ensuing Robert Cathcart Clarh ^ it is also vot this 31* : 1707 that Isaac Robinson shall serve in the office of survayer of the highwayes for the year Ensuing Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagall town meeting held in Tisbury March y'' 31*] 1707 that all the Common lands on the south side of the highway Going to the old town divided into sixteen allotments to Each propriotour his proportion Robert Cathcart Clark We whose names are under writen being appointed and Impowred by the mai part of the proprioters of Chars his neck alias seconquit to divide sertain Lands att y*" head of Charls his neck viz from y*' head fence y* now is : up to the head of the slows w'' a standing and sufficient Road across y*" head of said neck, and down to the midle line of the former division of said neck : and first in order thereto we have layed out a high- way from the head of the slow at y'' deep bottum whare the Cart w^ay now is of about four Rhods broad which runs upon A streight lyne south- erly nntill it Comes to a little bush marked standing by the Cart path att y*" head of the slow on the Eastward side of Charlses neck, and about fourscore Rods westward of said marked bush near a bush marked by the Road there is a highway Layed out from sd Roade of about four Roads broad which Runs upon a straight line south westerly untill itt Comes to a litle bush marked standing upon the midle of the former division of Charlses neck where the pine pole now stands which high wayes are never to be shut or inchroht upon by any means whatsoever the divission of the above said lands is as followeth the south Eastward side of y*" highway is for six lots bounded on the southward by the fence as it now stands at the head of sd neck and on the East by the run of 54 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. water and slow on the north and west by the highway and the upland on the westward side of the way is layed out to ten shares bounded on the southward by the fence on sd neck as it now stands & by y*^ eastward of the highway & northward partly by the highway and westward by the pond and run of water partly by a bush marked near the northwest Corner of said land ; the six shares on the East side fall five and A half of them to Ebenezer alien and half a share to Isaac and Joseph Norton the ten shares on the Avest side the first foure of them southward next to the fence that is to Samuell Athern ; the next share being the fifth to John Manter, the next being the sixth, to Beniamin Eddy and John Tucker the other foure shares to Samuell Look and Jeremiah whitten Joseph daggit and Beniamin Eddy, signed by us Sam^^^ Athern Ebenezee Allen Jun' John Manter Sam^"^^ Look Dated Aprill y^' 4"' 1707 Entred this 12'!' day of Aprill 1707 pr me RoBPjRT Cathcart T(jum Clark of TLsburt/ it is voted at a Leagal Town meeting held in Tisbury May y'" 20'!' 1707 to mr Josiah Torry and mr Isaac Chase shall in the be half of this Town Joyn with these men which are or shall be Chosen in the behalf of the neighbouring Towns Edgertown and Chilmark To Chuse and Elect a Representitive to Represent the three Towns at her Maiesties Court held att Boston y** 28 Instant Robert Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this tenth day of february 1707k that Thomas Chase do serve a Commissioner and Robert Cathcart John Manter Jun'' and beniamin Manter do serve as trustees to take and mak a valluation of all the Rateable Estate and poles of this Town and precinct Rob"^ Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this twenty sixth (hiy of March 1708 that Samuell Look shall serve. in the office of a Constable for y^ year Ensueing for this Town Tisbury Entred pr me Rob'"' Cathcart Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 65 it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this twenty sixth day of March 1708 that Robert Cathcart John Mantor Junier and Beniamin Eddy shall serve as sellect men or over seers for this Town for the year Ensuing Rob"'' Cathcart Clarh In observance of advice from her Maiesties Court of quarter sessions held at Edgertown in March 1707 to the sellect men of Tisbury to chuse and nominat men of this Town to Joyne with men Chosen and appointed by the Town of Chilmark to setle the bounds between Tisbury and Chekemoo being part of Chilmark it is voted at a Town meeting that Joseph daggit and John Manter Junier shall serve and act in that affaire for this Town Tisbury Entred this twenty sixth day of March : 1708 Rob'^ Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this twenty sixth day of march 1708 that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of a Town Clark for the year Ensueing Entred pr me Robert Cathcart Clarl: it is also voted the same day that Jabez Athearn shall serve in the office of a Town Treasurer for the year Ensueing for this Town Tisbury Robert Cathcart Clarh it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this twenty sixth day of March 1708 y* Ichabod Allen shall serve in the office of survaier of the highwayes for this preasent year Entred by me Robert Cathcart Clarh It is voted at a Leagal town meeting that Robert Cathcart Samuell Athearn and Beniamin Eddy shall serve in the office of fence vuers for this preasent year for Tisbury "f r me Robert Cathcart Clarh it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held this 14'!' May 1708 by the Maior part of the propriators then assembled that this Town shall Joyne with the neighbouring town to wit Chilmark in the Choyce of a Repre- sentative to Represent this Town to sit in her Maiesties Great and Gen- erall assembly held at Boston on the 26"' Corrant it is also voted that 56 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Experience Luce and samuell Merry shall Joyn with those men appointed in Chilmark to give instructions to the person Elected Representative for for Chilmark and Represent this Town in that affaire Rob'''^ Cathcart Clark it is voted at a Leagal Town meeting held this 14^1' day of May 1708. that whereas Captain Thomas Butler having been Rated divers years to Two towns to witt Tisbury and Chilmark to his grate detrement & and damage and now the saide thomas butler doth freely put himself under this Town Tisbury for the futter in the payment of all publique Taxes, wherefore it is now voted that the saide Thomas butler shall sit Rate free in this Town for the space of three years and halfe after the date of these preasents provided that Chilmark doth wholly omit Rateing the said Butler till such time as the bounds be setled between Tisbury and Chil- mark on the Est side of Tisbury Consented to p^ me Thomas Butler Entred pr me Robert Cathcart ClarJc wheraas Certain lands on the north side of the old mill Brook to y*^ sound was divided by lot octobei* the 22'' : 1678 is now Run over again by men appointed by the propriators of saide Lands the second lot in the saide division is to Isaac Robinson and is bounded as followeth on the south buting against simon Athearns deeck and so to Run parallell nor norwest westerly as all the other lots of saide lands run to the sound which division being Run by samuell merry and samuell Athern men appointed as appeareth by a writing signed by them in y^ year 1699 on the 15"' day of March Entred this 19"' May 1708 pr me Robert Cathcart Clarl- the third lot in saide division falls to Joseph daggit and Jeremiah whitny and is bounded as the rest of those lots all runing on the same point from the deeck to the Sound and is about 24 Rods in bred th as appears by the divssion bareing date as al)Ove Entred this 19"' day of May 1708 pr me Robert Cathcart OJark The fourth forth Lot in the Divission of the lands on the north side of the ould mill River being divided by men appounted by the propria- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 67 tors of the same fell to Simon Athearn being about 24 Rhods in breadth as appears by a writing Signed 'by men appointed to Renew sd bounds baring date October y^ 22'' : 1678 Entred this 2*^ : September : 1708 pr me RoB^''^ Cathcart Clark It is voted at a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury Decem'' y*" 21^: 1708 that this Town and precinct shall be assessed y^ sum of five pounds seven shillings and three pence due to Maior Beniamin Skiff for serving a Representative at the great and General Court at Boston for these^ three towns to wit Edgartown Tisbury and Chilmark that being Tisburys proportion of the sum of twenty pounds and five shillings for 81 dayes at 5 ^r deam in the year 1707 Robert Cathcart ClarTc This Record shueth that wheras there are severall propriators in a neck of land in Tisbury Commonly known and Called by the litle neck doth find it needfull to have a high way to Each mans land Entred on the Records of Tisbury which doth begin at the ould town Rhode through John Eddyes land and from thence to run through Each mans propriaty as it now runs and hath been for divers years past to the point of sd neck Entred this Twenty sixth Day of February 170| pr me Robert Cathcart Clark It is voted at a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on the 4"' day of May 1709 that mr Josiah Torrys sallary shall shall be Raisd yearly by way of a Rate on this Town and precinct Robert Cathcart Clark This Record shueth that wheras the Eighth lot in the Draft of the division of lands on the Common between the old and new mill Brooks or Rivers in Tisbury being in y*^ posession of Ebenezer Allen of Chilmark and Abner west of Tisbury : that the above sd Ebenazer alien doth Cov- enant and agree to and with the sd Abner west to take the westermost part viz to begin at the west Corner of saide lot and to run four score * five Rods in length Est and so to run a paralel line a Cross saide lot which westermost part he the saide alien is willing to take for or in lue of the one halfe of sd lot of land and the above saide Abner west doth take the Estermost part of sd lot of land for his part or half of sd lot of land Entred this fourth day of June 1709 Robert Cathcart Clark 58 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. June y^ 8*" : 1709 it is voted at a Town meeting Leagally warned and held at the usual place in Tisbury that John Manter shall serve in the office of a Constable for this present year Robert Cathcaet Clarh voted at a leagal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 18'^' day of Jne in y*" year 1709 that Jabez Athearn shall serve an Asseser for this preasent year Robert C at h cart CJark and also it is voted at the above Town meeting that Abner west shall serve in the office of a Constable for this preasent year Robert Cathcart CJcwk At a Town meeting held on the 20"' July 1709 was a vote passed for the Taxing this Town and precinct the sum of 45' 4*^ which maior Beni. Skiff demanded of this Town for serving a representative in the year 1708 which vote was Even without a Maior so that nothing was done therin Robert Cathcart Clark It is voted that John Manter Ichabod Allen Jabes Athearn shall serve in the office of Selectmen for this preasent year 1710 Robert Cathcart Glarl: Att A Great and General Court or Assembly for the Province of Massachusetts Bay held at Boston October 26"' ye 1709 — The Bounds of Tisbury the Indian Town in Dukes County Survey*! and Reported by A Committe Yiz Pursuant to an order of the Great and Generall Court or Assembly began and held at Boston upon Wednesday the twenty fifth day of May, we John Otis and William Bassett in the Month of October following did lay out and run the Bounds of the Town of Tisbury in Dukes County and did also Settle the bounds of the Indian ToAvn there according to the best information we could gett of the Indian Names mentioned both in y*= Patent of Tisbury & the Indian Deed The bounds of Tisbury are as follows Viz*- Begining at A great rock Lying in the wash of the Sea which is the known Bounds at the North Shore, thence running Southerly by marked Range trees according to the former agreement with the Town or Select- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 59 men of Chilmark, till it come to the marked oak tree or Saplin Standing on the North Side of the Path called the School House path, and thence as that path Extends to the Mill river at the place called Tiasquin and thence down by that river to the Pond called the fresh Pond and thence extending round partly by the Said Pond and partly by the Beach until it comes to the lower end of the Watchet neck and thence running up the middle of that Neck into the Path that leads to Edgartown called the Mill Path, thence and running from A marked Pine tree Standing on the North Side of Said Path where Simon Newcombs path leads out of Said Mill Path — on a Straight Line to A Stake Standing on A Beach near' the Wear at or near the place Calld Itchpoquassett at the North Shore, thence bounded by the Sea or Sound until it come to the first mentioned Rock Lying in the Wash of the Sea — The Bounds of the Indian Town are as follows Vizt. Beginning at the Stake Standing on the Eastern Side of the Is . . . at the Beach at or Near the place Call*^, Itchpoquassett thence Running Westerly by the Sea or Sound until it come to A Stake Standing at the East Corner of Mattaqua Pond by the fence and thence Running up Southerly by A Streight Line to A great Rock in the Field Calld Pasa- mick Field and from that Rock extending Easterly unto the Stake and Stones about it Standing = in the plain Land over against the House in which Robert Luce now dwelleth and thence running down on A Strait Line to A marked tree with Stones about it Standing on the head of the Pond Calld great James Pond Alias Itchpoquassett Pond and thence Down a Streight Line across the the Said Pond unto the first mentioned Stake Standing on the Beach John Otis W*5 Bassett Read & Accepted by the Council and Assembly & ordered that the Town of Tisbury pay Sixth Sevenths and y*^^ Indian Town one Seventh part of the charge of the committe Consented to J. Dudley Atrue Copy, Examined f J. WiLLAKD, Sectij A Copy A true Copy of and Old Manuscript as far as it was legable entered in this Bork March 14"' y 1827 Attest W-y Cottle ) Town Clerk 60 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. voted at a Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury this 14^'' day of March 1707io that John Manter shall serve in the office of a constable for the Ensuing year; and Robert Luce hath Taken the oath of a Constable befor Esq norton to performe that office in John Manters stead pr me Robert Cathoart Clark. it is also voted this 1-t^'' day of March 170?," that John Manter Jabez Athearn and Ichabod Allen shall serve as Townsmen or overseers of the Poor for the year Ensuing Rob"^ Cathoart Clark It is also voted this 14'?' day of March : ITO'Vio that Beniamin Manter shall serve in the office of survayer of the high way es for this preasent year Robert Cathoart Clark Robert Luce Did take the oath of a Constable to Serve in y*' stead of John Manter for y« year 1710 Ijefore Justice Norton on the 15"' Aprill 1710 Robert Cathoart Clark it is also voted that Beniamin Manter shall serve in the office of a sur- vaier of the highwayes for this present year 1710 Robert Cathoart Clark Voted at a Leagal town held in Tisbury on y*^ 2'2'' May 1710 that this Town do Joyne with the neighbouring towns to witt Edgertown and Chilmark in petitioning the Generall Court for an abatment in the prov- inces Tax by Reason of our great los both in our Chatels and the barren- ness of the land by the worms and droughts and also to pay our proportion in sending a messenger to boston to offer and speak to our petition Robert Cathoart Clark 21 It is voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbury this 13'" day of March: 1711 that Samuell Merry shall serve in the office of a Con- stable in this Town for the year Ensuing RoBKRT Cathoart Clark 21. It is voted at a Leagal town meeting held in tisbury this 18"' day of March: 1711: that Mr John Eddy shall serve in the of of survair of the highwayes for the Ensuing year Robert Cathoart Clark TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 61 21. It is voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbury this 13"' day of March : 1711 that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of Town Clark in this town for the year Ensuing Robert Cathcakt Clark 21. It is voted at a Leagal ToAvn meeting held in Tisbury this 13'!' day of march 1711 that Samuall Look Joseph Allen and Robert Cathcart shall serve as selectmen or overseers of the poor in this Town Tisbury for the Ensuing year Robert Cathcart Clarl' s At a propriaters meeting held in Tisbury on y*" 16 march 17^' by the propriaters thereof it is voted by the major part then preasent that Jona- than Lumbert shall posess and Inioy a Certain tract of Land lying on the Est Side of the Indian town between sd Indian line and the line of this Town Tisbury northwardly which is the Est ward bounds of said tract of land and to run northward to a pond of water Commonly known by the name of onkakemmy pond and to run southwardly to a stak standing on the plain which stak is the southward bounds of the Indian Town to have and to hold possess and Enjoy to him and his heires forever for an Inher- itance with all the appurtinances thereunto belonging : provided and it is to be understood that the sd Jonathon Lumbert shall in the space of four years after the Date of these preasent build and inhabit on the sd land and shall not intrude or Enterveer on any land of Robert Luces of former purches so far as it Concerneth them the sd propriaters then present Entred by me Robert Cathcart Town Clark It is also voted at this propriaters meting held this 16'!' day of March : 17]~ by the propriaters then assembled that I should Enter the above vote for th above sad Lands to sd Jonathon lumbert as propriaters Clark then Chosen by vote for that perticular Robert Cathcart Clark Voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on the 29"' May 1711 That the sellectmen of this town shall Joyn with sellectmen of Edger- town and Chilmark to draw a petetion and to Chuse and agree with a messenger to prefer it at the General Court at Boston and that we be our proportion of the Charge there of and to seek for abetment of the tax for the year Ensuing Robert Cathcart Clark 62 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted this fourteenth day of May 1712 at a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury by the major part of those assembled that this town shall be taxed the sum of four pounds eight shillings to pay Major Skiff for his last years services at the General Court at Boston to represent this town Tisbury f r me Rob ART Cathcart Clark it is voted at a leagal town meeting held on y'' 4'!' August 1712 that this town shall be Taxed the sum of twenty pounds for the paying the minister for Preaching in y^ year 1711 according to our agreement with him at first 1 Robert Cathcart Clark 21. Voted also at a Leagal town meeting held this 18'!' day of March 1713 that Benjamin Manter shall serve in the office of survayer of the highwayes for the Ensuing year Robert Cathcart Clerk 21. Voted also that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of Town Clark for the following year 21. It is also voted at the above s'' Town meeting that Robert Cath- cart Joseph Allen & Samuell Look shall serve for Towns men or over- seears of the poor for the following year Robert Cathcart Clark 21. Voted at a Leagal town meeting held this 18^'' day of March 1713 that Solomon Athearn shall serve in the office of a Constable for this Town Tisbury for y'^ Ensuing year. Robert Cathcart Clark at a Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury at the usual place on tues- day y*' 29^'' March 1715 Edward Milton is Chosen Constable for the year Ensueing at the same time it is voted that Robert Cathcart Beniamine Manter and Samuel Merrey is Chosen selct men for the year Ensuing at the same town meeting it is voted that Robert Cathcart shall serve in the office of Town Clerk for the year Ensueing and abner west is also Chosen survayer of the highwayes for the present year Robert Cathcart Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 63 voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on the 29"' March 1715 that there be set up a sufficient pound made and set up in the lane by John Edyes in Tisbury where the pound first in Tisbury : sum time in the month of June next Ensueing and that Joseph Allen of Tisbury is appointed and Impoured to order it done by ordering the Inhabitants of Tisbury and notifie then in their Equal and proper turn to doe the work untill it be fully finished and that John Manter be the pound Keeper Rob'^ Cathcart Clerk it is voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on the 19"' day' of April 1715 that this Town and precinct shall be taxed the sum of twenty pounds for paying mr Josiah Torrey his sallerry for his Labour in the work of the ministry for y^ year 1714 also it is voted by the Major part of the Inhabitants then preasent at sd meetting that this Town and precinct shall be taxed the sum of twelve pounds for the paying mr Josiah Torrey so much which the Town is fallen behindhand with mr Torrey and the whole sum of thirty two pounds to be made in one Rate Bill and Colected by the Constable Robert Cathcart Clerk April y« 19*!^ 1715. Then received of Samuel Merry constable of the within mentioned bill in full as my sallery for y^ year 1711 '^r me Josiah Torrey Voted at a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on September y*' 12^1' 1715 that Joseph Allen of sd town doth serve in the office of Town Treasurer for saide town for this preasent year Rob"'' Cathcart Cle^'k At a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on September y^ 12"' 1715 we the freeholders and other inhabitants of Tisbury being assembled have granted and voted a tax upon Tisbury and district of four pounds for a town stock for the defraying of town charges and perticularly for incoragment of destroying the crows and blackbirds to be assest and gathered into the town treasurey as the law directs this preasent year Robert Cathcart Clerke whereas all the Common land in this Town on the Est Side of the old mill Brook or River Except a field Commonly Called Josiases field was 64 TISBUEY TOWN RECOKDS. Divided into sixteen Lots this Record shoeth that the fourth lot in sd lands in the Draff of the divission fell to Izeral luce and John Tucker & as mr Edward Hammit saith sd John Tucker appointed Joseph Daggit to Divid with him the sd Hamit and the north side of sd fourth lot fell to sd Hammit and the south side fell to John Tucker Entred this 7'!' Day of May 1716 pr me Robert Cathcaet To^tm. Clerk Memorandum ss whereas sum Difference hath been about the bounds of a Certain Piece of land partly swamp & partly upland lying in Tis- bury on the west side of the old mill Brook : between us Joseph Daggett and Ichabod Allen the subscribers: It 'is now mutually agreed upon & Consented to by Each of us : Samuel Merry & Ebenezer Rogers being Present that the bounds belonging to Joseph Daggett of sd land shall be as followeth viz : Notherwardly by the Common Cart Road going to Jabez Athearns till it Comes to a black oak stump on the side of the Hill by sd way west- wardly from sd stump on the side of the Hill to Run on a streight line to a white oak tree marked near the bottum of the hill southwardly from the sd white oak tree to run to another white oak forked tree standing near the Brook : and to run from sd tree on the same line till it Comes to the Brook : Estwardly by the sd old mill Brook as the stream runeth now as witness our hands the 27'!' Day of June annodominy 1716 the mark of s Joseph Daggit Ichabod Allen Robert Cathgart Toum Clerh And Jean west wife to the above sd Abner west being admistrator to the Estate of John Cotle late of Chilmark Deseased Doth allow and ap- prove of the above Division of the above sd Eighth lot of land which is part of the saide Estate under her administration this 5^'' Day of January annoque Domi ^' the mark of Jean O west Entred this 5'!' Day of January -J^' pr me Robert Cathcart Clerk At a propriators meeting held in Tisbury March y*" first 1737 Voted That M'" Torrey & abner West be agents For and in behalf of the proprietors of the Town of Tisbury In an action against you Com- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 65 mencd by Joseph Briggs of Scituate to be Tryd att the Next Inferiour Court to be holden att Edgartown on the 8*" Day of March Instant and in their names and Behalf to appear and oppose in all points to make to said writt : without a summons Robert Cathcart projwiators. Cleric at a Leagal propriators meeting held in Tisbury in Dukes County by the Prpriators of sd Tisbury on the Eleventh Day of march : ITf^ Joseph Allen of sd Tisbury is voted and Chosen by the sd propriators to be their Agent : to answer for and represent them the sd propriators in an action^ or sute Comminced against the saide propriators by Joseph Briggs of scituate planter : plaintiff and the sd propriators Deffendants which Case was heard and tryed at his Majesties Inferior Court of Common pleas holden at Edgertown on the fifth day of march : 17i= wherein the sd Defendants obtained Judgment with Cost of sute : but the said plaintiff appealed from sd Judgment to his Majesties superior Court of Judicature &c to be holden at plymoth on the last Tuesday of March : Instant ; wherefore these are to Certiiie whom it may Concern that we the sd pro- priators do by these presents authorize and Impoure fully and amply to all Intents and purposes our sd agent Joseph Allen to appear in sd Superior Court on our behalf in sd Case or prossess and then and there in sd superiour Court to Implead said plaintiff in sd Case to all Intents and purposes as amply and fully as we ourselves might or ought to do if we ware personally present and to make and Constitute one attorney or attorneyes if need be in sd Case and the Same againe to revoke at pleas- ure hereby rattifying and Confirming and holding for good what soever our sd agent shall Lawfully do or Cause to be done in and about the primmises Robert Cathcart projwietors Clerk voted by the propriators of Tisbury that the propriator meeting hold on the Eleventh day of March 17 J^ be adjorned untill fryday the fifteen Day Instant at three of the Clock in the afternoon Robert Cathcart Clerh voted at the same time by the propriators that the sum of ninteen shillings be allowed to mr Josiah Torry and the sum of six shillings be allowed to abner west for their Expences as agents at the Inferiour Court Robert Cathcart Clerk 66 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. March y*' 15"' ITj-f this is the accompt of the names of severall who laide Down money to Defrey the above chosen agents nessary Charge in and about the above primisses which I have Delivered to him Benjamin manter 06 — — John Manter 01 — — Samuel Athearn 01 — — Robert Cathcart 01 — 06— Samuel Look 00 — 10 — Samuel Cob 00 — 03— Isaac Robinson 00 — 03 — 6 AbnerWest 00 — 0-1—0 10 _ 06 — 06 I 10— 6— 6 Joseph alien has paide out 5 — 14 — 00 Recivd of Thomas Look 00 — 09 — 07 Robert Cathcart Clerk at a Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury on y^ 26"' of march 1717 David Luce was Chosen Constable for the Ensueing year, and Robert Cathcart is Chose in the office of Town Clerk also Benjamin Manter Jabez Athearn and Joseph Allen was Chosen select men for the Ensuing year also John Manter was Chosen survayer of the highwayes for the year Ensueing Robert Cathcart Town Clerk Voted at a legal town meeting held in Tisbury on the seventh day of May 1717 that this town do send a petition to the General Court for their assistance in allowing them sum relieff in helping them to maintain their minister out of the publique treasury Robert Cathcart, Town Clerk At a Leagal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the Seventh Day of May : 1717 voted by the major part of the Inhabitants then Present that this Town Tisbury Joyn with the neighbouring town or town to wit Edgertown and Chilmark in sending a representative to sit in the Gen- eral Court at Boston the next siting to represent them and to bare their proportion of the Charge of so sending as they do agree Robert Cathcart Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 67 Voted on the seventh Day of May 1717 Voted that Mr Samuel Athearn be an Agent for this Town to Consult and agree with the neighbouring town or Towns or their agents in sending a representative to Boston the next General Court and to be Content with what their sd agent shall demand about that affaire Robert Cathcakt Tovm. Clerk Voted at a propriators meeting Leagally warned and held in Tisbury on the seventh Day of May : 1717 that the propriators of this Townships Do send a pitetion to th General Court at Boston the next siting for the forbarence of an Execution which is like to Come upon them the sd pro- priators by Joseph Briggs of Scituate untill the next superiour Court at plymoth Robert Cathcart j^ropriators Clerl: voted at a propriator meetting Leagally warnd and held in Tisbury on the tenth Day of June : 1717 that Joseph alien Samuel merry and Robert Cathcart shall be a Committee to Examin and find out all the Common lands lying within the limmits of this Town bounds being already purchesed and undivided and make returns of theire doings to the sd propriators as soon as may be with Conveniency Robert Cathcart Clerh voted by the propriators that the meeting held on the tenth of June 1717 be adjourned untill the first Tuesday in July next at two of the Clock in the afternoon on sd day Robert Cathcart projjriators Clerh voted at a propriators meeting held in Tisbury on the fourth Day of July 1717 that Benjamin manter & Joseph alien shall be agents for the sd propriators to represent them in a matter which Concerns them the saide propriators and samuel athearn of Tisbury : to witt the Saide athearn is to give bond Endemnifie the sd propriators from any molista- tion by any person or persons whatsoever that Shall molest them about a Share of Land : or Sixteenth part of the Township of Tisbury which Did formerly belong to william Pabody : if the saide propriators will or do 68 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. pay the Cost of sute or Judgment of Court from plymouth Last march : with theire own nessesary Charges in and about the Same : Excepting the hundred pounds : and they are also to Divide to him sd athearn two shares in a pice of Common Land which they the sd athearns Claim wherefore be it Known that we the Said propriators do allow and stand by all whatsoever our sd agents shall Lawfully do or Cause to be done in and about the primmises Either in taking or Giving Bonds as amply and fully as if we the saide propriators Could do if we our selves were per- sonally present Robert Cathcakt jiropn'afors Clerk Experience Luce upon a further Consideration to Joyne and ggree Avithe the rest of the propriators in all the articuls above written Robert Cathcakt Oferk voted at a Legal propriators meeting on adjornment held the second day of July 1717 that when the common land is Divided on the south side of the mill path that Samuel Athearn shall have divided to him two shares of it that is the land as far East as the Est side of the woody val- ley in quantity and quallity as it was when it was purchased of the sachim being part of his fathers estate next northerdly adjoyning to the bounds of the great neck if he sd athearn have a good right thereunto : upon Condition that he doth become bound to Endemnifie the propria- tors of of Tisbury of any Damage or loss whatsoever which may or shall be brought against them by any person or persons whatsoever Leagallv Concerning the the shares of land which formerly belonged to william Pebody in tisbury : afforsaide : only they the saide propriators is to pay al the charge of sute past against them : last Inferiour Court at plymoutl that is to answer the Bill of cost and their nessasery Charge setting th( athearns free : in sd Charge : and all other Charge about the same : th( hundred pounds given by Judgment only excepted Robert Cathcart ^>rop>vV/^/o?'.s cJerk. At a leagal town meeting held in Tisbury on July y'' 22'' it wai voted that 24 pounds be raised by way of rate on the poles and estats o Tisbury & district to gratifie and reward the Reverd mr Josiah Torrj for his labour in ministrye for y*" year 1716. Robert Cathcart. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 69 It is voted at a Leagal town meeting held in Tisbiiry on the ll*^!' august 1717 that mr Torreyes sallary be raised to thirty pounds pr annum provided that he the sd mr Josiah Torrey do accept of th sam and will be obliedged to tarry with them and preach for Ever in the work of the ministrie in Tisbury Robert Cathcart Toivn Clerk Voted at a leagal propriators meeting held in Tisbury August y" ll**" 1717 that Esqr Pain Mayhew & Esq'' Zacheus May hew do lay out unto Samuel Athearn the eight part of a tract of common land lying on the^ south side of the road way going to the old town and between the e'st side of the woody valley and the great neck in quahty & quantity as purchased according to agreement made between the propriators of Tis- bury and sd Athearn ; also it is voted that Robert Cathcart and Joseph Allen shall assist in laying out the above s'd land. Robert Cathcart Clerk of the Propriators Voted at a propriators meeting held in Tisbury on the 11th day of August 1717 that Experience Luce Joseph Allen and Samuel Athearn do divide the remaining part of the above mentioned tract of common land, into fourteen allotments in quantity and quallity Robert Cathcart Propriators, Clerk It is voted at a Leagall town meeting held in Tisbury on the 14th August that this Town shall be taxed the Sum of 28 to be Raised on all Rateable poles and Estates to pay Major Skiif for Goeing a messenger to Boston to the Generall Court to pepetion an abatment in our tax which accordingly he performed to the one halfe Robert Cathcart Clark Whereas we y" subscribers hereof were Chosen & appointed by the propriators of Tisbury to Lay out unto Sam" Athearn of saide Tisbury one Eighth part of a sertain tract or parcel of the undivided land in the sd Town being bounded on the north by y'^ mill path on the East by the Estermost side of the woodey bottum & southardly & westerly by per- ticular mens propriatier and we haveing veived and Considered the same having respect both to the Quantity & Quallity thereof have laid out unto him y'' sd Sam" Athearn as belonging unto the Estate of Simon Athearn Late of Tisbury Desesed a sertain part of the abovesaide land being by our Estimation the Eighth part thereof adjoyning unto the great 70 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. neck and bounded as followeth viz : on the south by the affore sd Great neck & Easterly partly by lands formerly sould by Isaac Robinson unto the above sd Simon Athearn Disessed & partly by the land of Solomon athearn and to Extend northerly about seventy five Rods from the great neck affore sd unto a Cart way which leads across y** sd Land of Solomon athearn and bounded northerly by a streight line Drawn Directly from the place where the afor sd path or Cartway meets with y* saide Solomon athearns land afore sd unto a white oak bush marked standing in the Great neck valley at about Eighty and five rods distance from the north- west Corner of the sd Great neck and westwardly partly by athearns fence and partly the fence of John manter untill it Comes unto the Cor- ner of sd manters fence and from thence by a straight line Drawn from sd Corner of manters fence unto the above sd marked bush September y'' tenth & in the fourth year of his majesties Reigne anno Domi : 1717 Pain Mayhew Zachkus Mayhew Entred this tenth Day of September: 1717 Robert Cathcart Town Clerl- it is voted at a propriotors meeting Leagally warnd and held in Tis- bury y*' 19"' : September 1717 that Samuel athearn Experience Luce and Joseph Allen shall Divide all the Common land on the south side of the rhod way going to the old town as far as the East side of wooddy valley into fourteen allotments as soon as they Can with Conveniency Robert Cathcart propr-iators Clerk It is voted at a propriaters meeting Leagally warnd and held in Tis- bury on the 19*1' Day of September: 1717 that Robert Cathcart shall be an agent for sd prt sd Propriators to Receive of the sd propriaters and to ask and Demand of them the above sd sum of '27 - 09 - 00 Each per- son theire Due proportion as amply and fully as they themselves might or Could Do themselves and to give aquitances for the same Robert Cathcart Projyriators Clerh At a Leagal propriotors meeting held in Tisbury in Dukes County by the propriotors of Tisbury on the ninteenth Day of September 1717 Samuel Athearn of sd Tisbury is voted and Chosen by the saide proprio- tors to be their Agent : for them and in their name and behhalfe to make plea too and Implead any action prossess or sute whatsoever which hath TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 71 been within a year last past or hereafter shall be brought Against the sd propriotors by Joseph Briggs of scituate in New england planter ; or by any other other person or persons whatsoever and more perticularly to prosecute and bring forward a writt of Revew on our behalf on the sd Joseph Briggs on sd propriotors behalf at the next superiour Court of Judicature to be holden at Plymouth in an action which the sd briggs recovered against us the sd propriotors on the last Superiour Court at Plymouth touching lands and the same to plead to too Effect: to all Intents and purposes as if we the sd propriators were personally present and to make & Constitute one Attorney or more if need be in sd Case' and the same againe to Revoke at pleasure & that our sd Agent may agree with the sd Briggs in sd Case if he think fitt on as Easie terms as he shall think fitt and hereby wee the sd propriotors doe rattifie allow and Confirm holding good whatsoever our sd Agent shall Lawfully do or Cause to be done in & about the primises by vertue of these presents Robert Cathcart j^^'opriotors Clerk Whereas all the Common land on the est side of the old mill river in Tisbury was divided into sixteen lots by men appointed as appears on record bearing date March: y*" 15'!' 1717 Wherefore be it known unto all men by these presents that the fourteenth lot in th draft of sd division fell to John Manter jenier : and is bounded as f oUoweth viz — on th the west by the cartway that leads to Robert Luces : on the east by the path that leads to holmses hole : and on the north by the line in the first purchase Entered this 26'" day of September : 1717 Robert Cathcart Toivn Clerk: Whereas all the common land on the est side of the old mill river namely the land between the land of za chary Hossue and the norther most part of william Pabodies purchase and so eastward to the ragged plaine was devided into sixteen lots : by men appointed by the free holder of Tisbury as doth appear by record baraing date March y® 15th 1700 — Be it known unto all men by these presents that the thirteenth lot in sd divission fell by draft to Jeremiah whitney and is bounded as followeth viz : bounded one the west by a cartway and the heads of the lots : at the pine hill : and on the east by the cartway that goeth up the bottum to Robert Luces house where he now dwells and on the north by william Pabodies purchase entered this 26'!' September 1717 Robert Cathcart Toivn Clerk 72 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The acconij^t of Joseph Aliens Charge as agent for the Pro- priators of Tisbury his Journey to Barnstable Comes to 04 — 05 — 00 His Journey to Plymoth Comes to 09 — 10 — 00 The Bill of Cost at Plymoth is 11—03 — 00 his wages travelling Comes to 01 — 18 — 00 To mr Toirey and abner west at the inferior Cort agents 01 — 05 — 00 To Eight shillings more Deviding athearns land 00 — 08 — 00 28 = 09:^=00 twenty shillings Samuel athearn gave to sd propriators to be substracted out 01 — 00—00 the whole Charge is 27 = 09 — 00 le 14"' part of 2T^ — 9^ is 01—19 — 02 id the half of that is 00 — 19 — 07 it is voted at a Town meeting held in Tisbury on the IG"' Day of January 17^^ and leagally warnd that this Town Tisbury ^^ districts be taxed the sum of three pounds four shilling and seven penes for to pay major skiff : for going to Boston the last sessions a Representative for the Island which is Tisburys proportion and . . . the sum of Eleven shil- lings more to be paide to the assessors which they have Imburst for this Town Robert Cathcart Toion Clark Att A Leagel Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the 24"' day of march 1718 it is voted that m'' Josiah Torry pastor of the Church of Christ in Tisbury shall have thirty pounds a year, of Tisbury for his sallery in the work of the ministrie Joseph Allen Clark Att A Legal Town meeting held in tisbury on march the 21:"' day 1718 for the Choice of Town officers Benjamin manter Samuell Look and Joseph Allen are Chosen select men for Tisbur for this present year and John manter is Chosen survaier for Tisbury for this present year : and Jabez atthearn is Chosen Constable for tisbury this present year Ens" John manter is Chosen pound keeper in Tisbury Joseph Allen Clark Att A Legal : propriators meeting held in Tisbury on Aprel the 16 day 1718 voted by the maiger part of the propriators then present that Josep Allen should sarve in the ottis of A propriators Clark for the Insu- ing year Joseph Allen Clarke TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 73 Att A Legal Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Aprel the : 16 1718 Voted by the maiger part of the voters then present that Joseph Allen should sarve in the offis of A Tow Clark for the Insuing year Joseph : allen Clark Know all Men by these ^sents, that Whereas Wee y*" Subscribers hereunto (viz) Samuel Cobb & John Manter both of Tisbury in Dukes County yeoman ; Haveing a Lott of Land in Equal halves betwixt them and undivided ; The sd Lott lying & being in Tisbury aforsd at a place Commonly Called y** hill Lotts on y*" West side of y*" old Mill River, & being y'' fourth Lott in sd Division and Avas origanally Drawn by Israel Luce & John Tucker : Now therefore for a Peacable & Quiett Settlement and Division of s'' Lott, We have Jointly & Mutually agreed for our selves our heris & assignes for ever, That the Dividing bounds of sd Lott shall be & begin on y'' south side thereof by the path or usual way that runs up to the old clay pits & so upon a Streight line Drawn upon a Square across across y*' sd Lott to the west side thereof And the aforsd Samuel Cobb his heirs & Assignes to Enjoy y^ west End thereof ; And y" sd John Manter his heirs and Assignes to Enjoy the East End thereof And in Wittness & Confirmation that this is our Mutuall settlement & Division as aforsi We have hereunto Sett our hands & ordered that the same be Recorded in y*" Town Book of Records for Tisbury This first Day of May in y*" year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Eighteen Sam :^^ Cobb John Manter Recorded ^-"me Jabez Athearn Town Clerk Att A Legal Town meetin held in tisbury on the sixth day of may 171S Instant for the Choice of an Assembly man it is voted by themaior part of the voters then present that the town of tisbury do Joyn with Edgartown and Chillmark in their Choise of Representative and do desier that m'" pain Mayhew be the Representive Joseph allen Clark Att A Leagal Town meeting held in tisbur on the sixth day of may 1718 for the Choise of an assembly man : it is voted that Ens" Benjamin manter be agent for Tisbury to act and Agree with the neboring tow'"® U TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. viz Edgartown and Chillmark in Chusing of and agreeing with an asem- bly man to represent the afore said three towns at a great and general Court to be holden on wensday the 28 Instant att boston and so die in diem : dureing sd session : and tis thought Expedient that pain mayhew Esq"" be the person Impoured if he pleas to Accept Joseph Allen Clark Att A Legal Town Meetting held in Tibury on the thirtenth day of may 1718 for the Chusing: of A Representative It is voted that En^" Benjamin manter be agent for tisbury to act and Agre with Chillmark in their Choice of A Representative to witt Pain : mayhew Esq"" to serve for and Represent Tibury as well as Chillmark Att the great and generall cort to be holden in boston on the Last wensday of may Instant and so during sd session if he pleas to Except and to Agree Touching his wages As allso to give such In struchtions as may be thought nedfull Joseph Allen. Clarke Att A Legal town Meetin held in tisbury on the thirtenth day of may : 1718 for the Choyse of an Assembly man it is voted that tisbury do joyn with Chillmark in theire Choyse of a Representative to wit pain mayhew Esqir. to serve for and represent tisbury as well as Chillmark att the great and genarl Court to be holden at the town house in boston on the twenty Eighth \ day of may Instant and so during sd session Joseph Allen Clarke May the 30^" 1718 Be it known unto all men by this Record that theire is A sartain tract of Land lying on the west side of the old mill broock commonly known by the hil Lots the fourth and fifth Lots in Sd devison now be- longing unto John : manter and Benjamin manter of Tisbury now unde- vided now we the sd John manter and Benjamin manter dow covenant and Agree to devide sd Lots of Land across sd Lots for A perpetual devi- sion John manter hath the Estron Eand of Sd Land Extending westerly to A l)lack oake tree marked Standing on the north side of Sd tract of Land and from sd tree to run A p parrallel Line strate A cross sd Lots and Benjamin manter hath the western Eand of Sd Land bounded Est- erly by the above sd black oack tree Extending westerly till it doth meet with the deviding Line between Tisbury and Chillmark in Conformation TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 75 hear of we the Above sd John manter and Benjamin manter have put too our hands the day and year Above sd John manter Entred ^'' me Benjamin manter may"' 30 1718 Joseph Allen Toivn Clarh Att A Legal town meeting held in Tisbury on the fifeteenth day of August : 1718 theire is then voted and granted a tax on the Inhabitance of tisbury Amounting to the sum of six pounds Eighteen shillings and a, peney to be Levid on pols and estates as the Law in such Case doth pro- vide which tax is granted for the defraing of town Charge and the man- tainace of an Asembly att Court Entred : upon the Record the 18 of August 1718 : Joseph allen Clarh At A Leagal town : meeting held in tisbury on the 16 of September 1718 it twas voted by the miger part of the voters then present that Abner west shall sarve the Town in the ofRs of A Town Treshuer for the ° ^ Joseph Allen Clarh At A Legal Town meting held in Tisbury on march the 19 day 17j| for the Choice of town officers it was voted then by the mager part of y** voters then present that sam" Cob should sarve this town in y^ office of a constable for the insuing year Joseph Allen Clark voted at the A bovesaid town meting y* sam" Atharn and sam" Look and Abner w^est should sarve this town in the office of select men for the insuing year and it was voted at the same time by the mager part of the Voters then present that Ebenezer Rogers and Isaac Robonson should sarve this town tisbury in the office of survaiers for the insuing year & it was Voted at the abovesaid town meting that Joseph Allen should sarve this town tisbury in the office of a town Clark for this present year Joseph Allen Clark Att A legall Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 19 day of may 1719 for the Choice of an assembly man : it is Lawfully voted that Tis- bury doth joyne with Chillmarke in their Choyce of an Assembly man for this present yeare who is desiered to sarve Tisbury as well as Chill mark att the great and general Cort to be held at boston on wensday the 27*'' day of may instant and so during sd sesions Joseph Allen Clarke 76 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Att A Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 19 day of may 1719 it was Voted by the magor part of the voters then present that Sam" Atharn and Joseph Allen be Agents for Tisbury to treat and Agree with the Agents of Chillmark in Choice of an Assemble man and allso to Agree with the parsen Chosen for his wages as allso to give such direc- tions as are most nessary dated may y'' 19 1719 Joseph Allen Clarke Whe whose names are under written being chosen & appointed by y*' major Part of y^ proprietors of y*' Township of Tisbury In Dukes County ; to divide & lay out a certain tract or parcell of land on y^ South Side of y^ Mill path In Tisbury : Into fourteen Shears or lotts : Viz all y'' Com- mon or Undivided land not yet laid out; from y"' Eastermost side of y® wooddy Valley Southerly westerly & Notherly by sd Mill path ; with Conveniency of way to Each mans land ; which Accordingly we have done to Effect ; as followeth ; the first Lott Is at y*" wooddy Valley on y"" north East corner of Sd land ; bounded Easterly by a bush marked ; on y*' East- ermost brow of Sd Valley ; Notherly by the mill path y^ crosseth y*' Val- ley a little above ye Cart way ; & so Runs Westerly by ye path forty Six Rods to three Stakes In Range South & by East by y*^ Compass & So to Run that Range till It comes up to ye Eastermost Side of Sd Valley ; & So to run on ye brow of ye hill till It comes to ye aforsaid bush Marked ; The Second lott Is about twenty Rods In breadth ; bounded Easterly by y^ first lott; Notherly by y'' Mill path westerly by a stake: & So to run Southerly In a parrallall line with ye first Lott till It comes up to ye Eastermost brow of sd valley ; the third lott Is about Sixteen Rods In breath; bounded Easterly by ye Second lott; Notherly by ye Mill path ; westerly by a Stake ; & to run South & by East parrallel with y*' Second lott to ye Eastermost brow of sd valley ; the fourth lott Is aboutt Sixteen Rods In breadth; bounded Easterly by ye third lott; Notherly by ye Mill path ; westerly by a Stake & to Run upon a South & by East line parrellel with ye third lott till It comes to ye Eastermost brow of Sd valley ; the fifth lott Is about twenty four Rods, In breadth ; bounded Easterly by ye fourth lott; Notherly by ye Mill path; West- erly by a Stake and So run on a South & by East line parrellel to ye fourth lott till It comes to ye Eastermost brow of Said Valley ; the Sixth lott Is about twenty four Rods In breadth ; bounded on ye Easterly Side by ye fifth lott Notherly by ye Mill path westerly by a Stake & So to TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 77 Run on a South & by East line parrallel with ye fifth lott, till It comes up to ye brow of ye aforesaid wooddey Valley ; the seventh lott Is about sixteen Roads In breadth bounded Easterly by y^ Sixth lott Notherly by ye Mill path ; westerly by a stake & so It runs on a South & by East line parrellel to y'' Sixth lott till It comes up to ye Eastermost brow of sd wooddey valley : the Eighth lott Is about Sixteen Rods In breadth ; bounded ; Easterly by ye Seventh lott Notherly by ye Mill path West- erly by a Stake & Sd Runs on a South & by East line parrallel to ye Seventh lott till Itt comes up to y*" Eastermost brow of Sd wooddey Val- ley ; the Ninth lott Is about Sixteen Rods In breadth bounded Easterly* by y*" Eighth lott Notherly by ye Mill path ; westerly by a Stake & So It runs on a South & by East line to ye way to tisisia ; The tenth lott Is about twenty Eight Rods in breadth ; bound 'd East- erly by ye Ninth lott, Notherly by ye Mill path & So to run On a South & by East line parrellel to ye ninth lott Till It comes to Tisissa path ; The Eleventh lott Is about twenty four Rods In breadth bounded East- erly by ye tenth lott, Notherly by ye Mill path ; Westerly by a Stake from thence It runs on a South & by East line parrellel to ye tenth lott till It comes to Tisisia way The Twelvth lott Is bounded Easterly by a way laid out till It comes to Tisisia way ; & from thence on a Straight line Westerly till It comes to a Small tree marked by John Manters fence westerly by John Manters fence & ye bounds of ye little neck Northerly by ye land of John Manter & ye mill path ; the thirteenth lot Is bounded Notherly by Tisissa path Easterly & Southerly by ye land of Jethro Athearn & fence of John Manter westerly by ye twelvth lott The four- teenth lott Is within Joh Manters fence where his old house Is ; bounded on ye East by Jethro Athearns land ; on ye South by ye land laid out formerly to John Eddy ; westerly by ye bounds of y*" little Neck ; & Notherly by Sd Manters fence ; the fiveteenth lott & Sixteenth lott In Sd land Is laid out to Simon Athearns Estate by agreement of all ye Proprietors ; bounded by ye Great neck & ye thirteenth lott ; Memo- randum we first laid out a way two Rods In breadth from ye Mill path between ye Eleventh & twelvth lotts which runs on a South & by East Range till It comes to ye Old Indian path to Tisissa ; & then runs In that way the Same breadth to ye wooddy Valley ; finished this 14"' ; day Samuel Atheakn of August 1719; Expekience Luce Joseph Allen Entred by me Joseph Allen jwoprietors Clerk 78 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Each propietors Lott as he drawed in ye land to ye westward ye wooddy Valley first ; Lott to Joseph Allen Jacob Robinson & Isaac Robinson Second Lott ; To Joseph Daggetts estate deceased Third lott; to Experience Luce fourth lott; to ye Estate of John Eddy deceased fifth lott, To Joseph Allen Sixth lott ; To Sam : Cob : & Henry luce Juner Seventh lott To Benjamin Manter Eighth lott : To ye Estate of John Cottle deceased ; & Joseph Norton Esq"" Ninth Lott ; to Josiah Torrey Tenth Lott ; to Benjamin Manter & John Allen Eleventh Lott; To ye Estate of Robart Cathcart; deces: & Tho'': Coleman Twelvth Lott; to Joseph Allen Thirteenth Lott : to Sam, Merry & Samuel Look fourteenth Lott; To Ensign John Manter, August 22^" 1719 : Entred by me Joseph Allkn proprietors Clark Att A Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 26 day of October 1719 it is voted that m'" Josiah Torry Pastor of the Church of Christ in Tisbury shall have thirty pounds for his sallery of the inhabtants of Tisbury for the year 1718 Joseph Allen Clark Att A Legl Town meeting held in Tisbury on march the 23'' 1719- for the choice of Town officers it was voted then by the majer part of the voter then present That samuell Look and Jabez Atharn and Joseph Allen should sarve this town in the officers of select men for the insuing year Joseph Allen CJarl' Voted att the above sd meeting that William Case should sarve in the office of a Constible for the insuing year and Benjamin manter and sam" atharn should sarve in the office of surveyars for the insuing year and Joseph Allen was Chosen Town Clark for the insuing year and Joh" manter was Chosen fence vewer for the insuing year Enterd by me this 23" of march 172,' Joseph Allen Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 79 At A Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury may the 11 : 1720 for the Electing a Representive it was voted by y*^ Maj' part of the voters then present to Joyne with Chillmark in their Choise and Benjamin manter and Jabez atharne ware Chosen agents for y^ Town of tisbury to act and agre with the agents of Chillmark Joseph Allen Clark Att a Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury for the Choyse of a Rep- resentive it was voted that tisbury do Joyn with Chillmark in their Choyse of a Representive to serve both sd Towns att the generall court, to be held att Boston on the 13 day of July next to this date and so duering sd session or sessions Joseph Allen Clark dated June y'^ 15 1720 Itt was voted at y*' above sd meetting that Jabez Athearn be agent for Tisbury to advise with the agent of Chillmark to agree with the parson chosen Representative for his wages and all so to give him such instruc- tions as he shall think needfull Joseph allen Clark At A Legal Town meting held in Tisbury on the 20 day of September 1720 it was voted by the mai'" part of the voters then present that their should be A tax Raised upon this Town of Tisbury of six pounds for to pay our Representive for his servis this year Joseph Allen Clark At a Legal- Town meting held in Tisbury on the 20*" of September annoq Dom 1720 It was voted by the majr part of the voters then pres- ent that Jabez Athearn should represent this Town Tisbury as agents to treat with the agent of Edgerttown touching the Rateable personall estats appertaning to a neck of Land called watsha and it is hereby com- mitted to him to settle that matter for the term of three or four years next ensueing the Date here of as he shall think fitt Joseph Allen Clark At A Leagel.Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 20 day of September 1720 it is voted by the maj'' part of the voters then present that m"" Josiah Torry Pastor of the Church of Christ in Tisbury shall have thirty pounds for his sallery of the inhabtants of Tisbury for the year 1719 Joseph Allen Clark 80 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At A Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury on march the 14 17|i for the Chois of Town ofsiers it was votoed by the majr part of the voters then present that sam" merrey and sam" manter and edward hammet shoukl sarve petit Jurors and sam" Look and Edward milton and Isaac Robinson ware chosen Grand Jurors and at the same meeting Jethro Athearn was Chosen Constible and sam" Look and Jabez Athearn and Joseph Allen select men for the insuing year at y"^ above sd meeting Sol- omon Athearn and Ebenezer Rogers ware chosen hog Reeves for the insuing year and Beniamin manter and sam" Athearn ware Chosen suravers of the high wayes for the insuing year and Joseph Allen Town Clark for y*-' insuing year Joseph Allen Clark It is voted At a Leagal Town neeting held in Tisbury on the 6 day of September. 1721 that their should be A tax Raised upon the Town of Tisbury of four pounds Eight shilings and a penny for to pay for mend- ing the glass of the meeting hous and to pay for the stocks and and to Repair the seats of the meeting house Joseph Allen Clark Att A Leagal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the 6 day of Septem- ber 1721 it is voted that M'" Josiah Torry Pastor of the Church of Christ in Tisbury shall have thurty pounds of the inhabtants of Tisbury sallery for the year 1720 Joseph Allen Clark At a Legal Town meeting Held in Tisbury on y*' Twenty fifth Day of October: 1721 then & their Jabez Athearn Joseph Allen & samuel Look was Chosen Trustees to receive y*" sd Towns proportion of bills of Credit : Lodg'.' in y*" provinces Treasury fro them Joseph Allen Clark At A Legal Town meeting held in Tisbury on the first day of desem- ber 1721. it was voted by the maj'' part of the voters then present that Jabez Athearn should have the improvement of the ninte nine pound ten shilings which the Trustes of Tisbury have Reseved of the provence Trushure voted at the above sd meeting that samuel Look and Joseph should take bonds for the above sd Ninte nine Pounds, ten shilings of Jabez Athearn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 81 At A Legal Proprietors meeting held in tisbury on the 13 day of desember 1721 it was voted by the Maj'" part of the voters then present that Sam" merrey and sam" Atharn and Experence Luce should see what undevided Land their is lying near the dweling house of Thomas Look and do make devishon and set up bounds betwixt sd Looks Land and the undevided Land Joseph Allen jiroprieiors Clark Att a Legall Town Meeting held In Tisbury on ye twentieth day of^ december anno domini 1721; Voted by ye Major part of y'' Voters then L s ' 19'.'' 173"/, Then Jabez Athearn was chosen Moderator of sd Meeting also it was voted that there should be a Publick schoole kept in sd Tisbury for y'^ space of one year next Ensueing & a schoolmaster Provided for that End to Teach children & youth to Read & write &c It was also voted that the Manner in which sd schoole should be set- tled in Regard to the severall places it shall be moved unto, the length of Time keept in such place, & the perticular times of the year in Each place, These Considered & Drawn up by Jethro Athearn Gershem Cath- cart George Manter John Cottle & Abner West as a Committee Chosen for that End Avho are to make Report thereof at an adjournment of sd Meeting to be held in sd Tisbury at the usuall place on Wednesday y'' 23'' of sd Fel) : at Twelve a Clock in s'' Day untill which time & place sd Meeting is adjourned. ^ Order of sd Meeting Jabez Athearn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 103 And Then at y*^ Adjournment of sd meeting on y' 23 of February 17377 as aforsd It was voted that there should be a schoolehouse built forthwith as Conveniently may be & to stand at the Easterly Corner of Whitten Manters field in sd Tisbury which is to be Twenty feet in Length & Sixteen feet in breadth six foot & an half between joints which is to be built & finished suitable for such a use having a Chimney to itt : & that the procuring of its being Done is Committed & be trusted with Jethro Athearn Sam" Cobb & Sam" Manter who are to keep a true account of their Cost & Charge Expended thereon in perticulors & to lay their Account before s'' Town for their Allowance & payment there of : & the sum of fifty Pounds be Assessed by sd Town & Districts & paid in to the Treasury of sd Town by the Last of June next for the Defreying the Cost & Charge thereof. All & Every of the above Articles & Clauses were agreed upon by a Major vote at sd meeting. Entered pr me Jabez Athearn Clei-k These Presents Witnesseth that we the subscribers y'' Selectmen of Tisbury & Chilmark being Mett to gether this 25 day of February 1737 in Order to Preambulate & Renew y*' Bound Marks in the Dividing line between the said Towns & have agreed upon a lone fiat great Rock lying in the sound some Little Distance from the shoar at Kiphicon, and a Rock near or at Wascoseems known by the Name of the Great Rock, And a Stake Standing in Cases field so Called with a heap of Stones laid About itt, where formerly Stood a Great Marked tree now Rotten & gone, and a black Oake tree marked with a heap of Stones laid about itt & Standing by the highway a Little to the Westward of a Slough or Mirey place not far from the house of Eliashib Adams & to the Westward thereof all which bounds we find to be the same heretofore acknowl- edged & Renewed as the bounds between the said Towns by the former Selectmen of the said Towns of Tisbury and Chilmark. In Witness whereof we have hereunto sett our hands y*^ Day & year abovs'! Simon Mayhew. ^ Selectmen C Jonathan Lumbekt ( Selectmen SiLVANUs Allen, f ^f \ Sam^^ Manter < of Beriah Tilton. j Chilmark y Jacob Robinson t Tisbury Recorded this 27»'* Day of February 1737 "^ me Jabez Athearn Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting held in y*' Town of Tisbury on y'^ Eighth Day of March AD 173V7 Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen moderator of 104 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. sd meeting as also Benjamin Lumbert was Chosen to the office of con- stable in sd Town for y*" Ensueing year. As also Jonathan Lumbert Juner Jacob Robinson & Samuel Manter were Chosen Selectmen in sd Town for the year Ensueing as also Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk for y*= year Ensuing Experience Luce Chosen Town Treasurer Samuel Athearn & Edward Harnett Chosen surveyers of highways sam" Look & Jonathon Luce Chosen fence vewers Capt sam" Cobb Chosen surveyer of Hemp & Flax also Whitten Manter was Appointed to keep & sweep the Meeting house in Tisbury the Ensuing year & it was voted that he should have paid him out of the Treasury of sd Town 20^" for his wages Entered '^ me Jabez Atheakn Tmvn Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Eighth day of March AD : 1737. Then at sd Meeting M' Experience Luce was Chosen Moderator, At which s*' meeting Seth Look was Chosen Constable for y'' Insueing year. Jethro Athearn Samuel Manter & Jacob Robinson Chosen select men for the ensueing year. Jabez Athearn Chosen Town Clerk : Whitten Manter & silvanus Cottle Chosen surveyers of highwayes for the Ensue- ing year Thomas Look John Lewis & Joseph Merrey Chosen hog reeves for y'* Ensueing year : Cap* sam" Cobb M"" David Butler & M'' Gershome Cathcart Chosen fence vewers for y'' Ensueing year. Mr Experience Luce chosen Town Treasurer At which sd Meeting y*" Sum of three Pounds money be Raised by Rate in sd Town for payment of sending to the Generall Court for Orders to prevent y"^^ spreading the Small Pox ; & for keeping & sweeping the Meeting house in y'^ year 1738 : and that Jonathan Lumbert be allowed & paid him out of the Treasury in s'' Town y^ sum of 12' for Repairing the Pond in Tisbury Lately, all these articels were voted at y'' abvsd Meeting : Jab^' Atheakn CI At a Meeting Legally held in Tisl)ury for y' Choice of Jurors on the Eighth Day of March 1737 then Gersheme Cathcart Soloman Athearn Henry Luce Samuel Lumbert were Drawn for to serve as : petit Jurors. At y'' above meeting David liutler Nathan Chase Sam" Gray Zepha- niah Luce George Manter were chosen Grand Jurors TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 105 At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury the 16^'' Day of March ITSVt Then it was voted that the selectmen of sd ToAvn should & are hereby Instructed to Draw^ up some Prudentiall orders for y*" Regulating of y'' affairs of sd Town Relating to sheep & sheep Rams for the space of Three years next ensuing Entered ^r me Jabez Athkarn Clerk At a Propriators Meeting Regularly warned & held at the Meeting house in Tisbury on y*^ Seventh Day of February AD : ITS'/s- then the Propriators meett & made Choice of M'' Benjamin Manter for Moderator of sd Meeting. At which s'' Meetting it was voted by the Maj part part of y*" Pro- priatie then present that all the Commen & undivided Land Lying witin the bounds of Tisbury southward of y^ great Road that Leads from s'' Tisbury to Edgartown, that is to say all the Lands Lying at the heads of the Necks to witt Tississa Charleses Neck & Nohamens Neck home to the Eastermost bounds of sd Township be Devided into three Divisions viz/ from y*" woody botton to y'' Deep bottom one & from thence to the East side of Charless neck purchase one & the Remender Eastward of thet, the third Divsun Even into Sixteen Shares or allottments and that y"^ abovsd Meeting was Adjornd unto the 21**^ Day of february Instant to be held at y*" usual place at one of y'' Clock in the afternoone of sd Day Agreed to & voted at sd Meeting Entered "^ order of s'' Meeting ^ me Jabez Athearn Prerpr°''- Clerk Then on the 21^* Day of febry 173Vs the Propriators assembled & held a meeting & at sd meeting y'" Maj' Part of the Prepriety present voted that Sam" Athearn Gershem Cath- cart & Thomas Luce be a committee to Lay out y^ abovsd peices of Land with convenient ways & that they Do itt between this day & the midle of may next & then make return of their Doings unto a Meeting of the Propriators then to be held Entered ^ order of sd Meeting Jabez Athearn Proprietors Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Thirtieth Day of August at 7 a Clock in the forenoone AD 1738 for the Raiseing Money for the payment of the schoole master in the year 1739. 106 TISBURY TOWN RECOKDS. Then itt was voted that y^' sum of Sixty five pounds in Money of the old Tenor be raised upon the ratable Polls & Ratable Estates &c of the Inhabitants of y^ Town of Tisbury & Districts thereof & that a List thereof be made by the assessors or selectment of Tisbury & Committed to the Constable or Collector of sd Town with a warrant to Collect the said sum & to pay in the one half thereof to the Treasurer of sd Town at on or before the Last Day of October next & the other halfe at or before the Last Day of Aprill next Ensueing & then to make up his acct of the whole sum ^ order of sd Meeting Jabez Atheaen Clerh At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbary on y' 16"' Day of Janu- ary at Ten of y^ Clock in y^ year 1737^ at which time upon the Peplcs being Generally meet M"- Benj=! Manter was Chosen Moderator at which si Meeting it was put to vote whether there should be a schoole Master provided to keep schoole in Tisbury for the Ensueing year & it passed in the Affirmative : Also it was voted that Ichabod Allen Jethro Athearn & Thomas "West should seek out & provid & agree with a suitable Persen to be a schoolmaster to keep schoole in sd Town the Insueing year. also at sd Meeting the question was put whether there should be a moving schoole keept or a fixed schoole keept in the Town y" Ensueing year & it was voted that there should be a fixed schoole (viz) at one fixed place the Ensuing year also at sd Meeting the Question was put whether . y" fixed school should be keept at the present schoole house in sd Town or not & it was voted that itt should not also it was voted at sd Meeting that the sum of three ponds fifteen shillings should be Raised in sd Town by the way of Rate to make up & Compleat the sallery Engaged to the school master for the year partly past & partly to Come all y*' abovsd votes were passed at the abovsd meeting. Entered by order of sd meeting ^ me Jabez Athearn Cf At a Town Meeting held in Tisbury on y'' 16'" Day of February 173V„. for the Consideration of y^^ Affair of a school in sd Town. At which s*^ meeting Jabez Athearn was chosen Moderator. & the Question was put whether sd Meeting was Legally warned & it passed in the Affermitive: Then y'' (Question was put whether the two vots that were TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 107 passed at a Town meeting held in sd town on y'' 16"' Day of January Last viz* for y'^ fixing of a schoole & negativeing the holding of itt & the present schoole house should be void or stand good & it passed in the negative Then it was Proposed & put to vote whether the Consideration whether there should be a fixed schoole or a moved schoole keept for the space of ten years next Ensueing should be Determined by M'" Samuel Bassett M' Ebenezer Smith & M" Trustrum Coffin & if they Determine a fixed schoole then to state the place if a Moving schoole then how often to what places & for av* space of time and it passed in the affermitive Entered pr order of sd meeting "^ me Jabez Athearn Clerk At a Legall Town held in Tisbury on y*" Ninth Day of March bugun at Eight of the Clock : AD ITSVg. and being Assemble Choice was made of Jabez Athearn for Moderator at s'' meeting. At which s*' Meeting Samuel Merrey was Chosen Constable in s" Town the Ensueing year. & Jethro Athearn Samuel Manter & Samuel Lumbert were Chosen select- men : & Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk. Benjamin Allen & Benjamin Foster were Chosen serveyers of high ways. Henry Luce Jon- athan Lumbert & Shubael Luce fence vewers. Experience Luce Town Treasurer. At a Legall Town meeting Regularly assembled on y"^ ninth Day of March A : D : 1737n- Then it was voted that there should be raised the sum of Ten Pounds by way of rate upon the Town of Tisbury by way of addition to the sallery formerly granted & agreed upon for the support of the Ministry in sd Town the which sum was Sixty Pounds & this addition of Ten Pounds is for the year Ensueing. The Reverend Mr Nathanael Hancock being the Present Minister : Entered pr order of sd Meeting ^'' me Jabez Athearn Tovm Clerk At y*" abovsd Meeting it was voted that Ichabod Allen Samuel Look & Jethro Athearn should Look out & agree with a Suitable person to Teach schoole in Tisbury this year : And also it was put to vote whether for the space of three years next Ensueing a Publick schoole shall be keept for the use of the whole Town of Tisbury & Districts thereof seven months in Each year at y'^ Present schoole house in sd Town & five months remaining in Each year at or near y^ present house of Samuel Merrey & that a house of 14 foot square Conveniently finished for that 108 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. use be built there this year for the Towns use & that the sum of 30" be raised in sd Town by Rate for the building thereof to be paid to the undertakers at or before the first Day of July next & it went in the affirmative and at sd Meeting Jonathon Luce Samuel Lumbert John Cottle and Benjamin Allen appeared & undertook to build sd house for y'' 30" together with might be gathered by free Contribution if sd 30" was not sufficient; who subscribed with their hands in Confirmation y*^ 9"' of March 173%. Jonathan Luce Samuel Lumbert John Cottle Benj^ Allen all the abovsd Matters & things were agreed to & passed at sd Meeting, Whitten Manter was agreed with to look after & sweep the Meeting house the year Ensueing for 20^ Entered ^ order of sd Meeting ■^ me Jabez Athearn Toif^n Clerl- March Meeting ITS'Yd Jonathan Lumbert Jonathan Luce & John Cottle Shubael Luce Silvanus Cottle Grand Jurors Jonathan Dunham Thomas West Benj'^ Lumbert Samuel Daggett Drawn for Petit Jurors At a Meeting for Petit Jurors October y*^ 26'^ 1739. David Luce Thomas Smith Henry Luce Abner West were Chosen February the 10*'' 1740 Wee the Subscribers being the Selectmen of the Towns of Tisbury and Chilmark, being Mett in Order to Perambu- late & Renew the Bounds between the sd Towns and accordingly Wee agree to Renew a Rock lying in the Wash of the Sea on the North side of the Island ; and a Great Rock Lying at the East End of the Midle Line. Commonly known by the Name of the great Rock ; and further to a Stake with a heap of Stones round it at a place Commonly known by the name of Cases field And to a black Oake Saplin Mark* at the North side of the Road a Little to the Westward of the House of Mr Eliashib Adams : All which we find to be the Bounds Renewed by the Select men hereto for Silvanus Allen 1 Select men Eliashib Adams j of Chihnark Samuel Lumbert ) Selecbnen Shubap:l Luce ) of Tisbury Entered pr me Jabez Athearn 2hwu Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 109 That At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on y'' forteenth Day of March AD 17^^740 Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator of sd Meeting Samuel Gray was Chosen Constable for the Ensiieing year Samuel Manter Samuel Lumbert & Shubael Luce were Chosen selectmen for y*" Ensue- ing year Jabez Athearn Avas Chosen Town Clerk for the Ensueing year Benj=i Allen & Benj Foster Chosen surveyors of high wayes Benj'' Lumber John Luce & JN^athon Chase Chosen fence vewers for y*" Ensueing year Gershome Cathcart was Chosen keeper & sealer of weights and meas- ures for y'' Ensueing year. Whitten Manter Appointed to take care of & sweep the Meeting house for Twenty shillings y*" Ensueing year. Experience Luce was Chosen Town Treasurer for y*" Ensueing year all The above articles were voted & ordered on Record and Accordingly Entered '^ order of sd Town ^ me Jabez Athearn CI''. It was voted at the abovsd meeting that the sum of '11 = 3"" = 9'^ be paid to Benjamin Lumbert Constable of Tisbury out of the sd Town Treasury & that upon Defect of money in sd Treasury to be Raised by Rate on the next Rate that shall be made : for that sd sum is wanting in his Rate bill thro mistake of y** Assessors Enterd "^r order of sd Town ^ me Jabez Athearn Clerk At a Town Meeting held at Tisbury on the 10"' Day of April, AD 1740 Then Voted that whereas Edward Harnett hath fenced up a Cer- tain Common Road that runs about North & south along by sd Llametts house and is Accounted a Common Nusance & ought to be removed and That Samuel Manter and Jacob Robinson be Agents for the Town to Prosecute the Removall of sd Incumbrance by way of Complaint to a Justice of y Peace that Process may be Ishued Agreeable to the Second Parrigraph in the Law Book under Page 48 in the Province Law book And that the Town Defrey the Charge that they may be put to in Prose- cuting the Same Read & Voted Attst Jabez Athearn ClerJ^ At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Eighth Day of May AD 1740 : Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator of sd Meet- 110 TISBUKY TOWN RECOEDS. ing : Then voted thet the fences that Edward Hamett hath sett up a Cross the Road by his house is an Incumbrance that ought to be removed & that the Town Proceed to gitt the same Removed & Made Choice of Cap* Samuel Cobb Ensign Gersheme Cathcart & Mr Samuel Manter as Agents for sd Town to Prosecute the same in the method the Law Pre- scibes in the Povince Law Book under Page y'" 48*'' Paragraph y*" sec- ond (viz) by Complaint to a Justice of the Peace &c : And that what Charge & Expense the agents are at in the affair be Defreyed by the Town But if sd agents see Cause to make an Agreement with sd Hamett about sd way they are hereby authorized so to do & make Return of the same at a Town Meeting but if they Cant agree then to Proceed in the Law as above specified Voted an act of sd town Test Jabez Atheakn Clerk Whereas that there is Some uneasiness and Discontent among the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for want of a Stated open Road for the use of s'! Town across y^ severall Lotts and Tracts of Land lying on the west side of the brook & to the Northward of the high way that lyeth and Runeth west from said brook between whetten Manters Land and the Land of Mr Hancock and Extend Northward over the s'l brook untill you come to a Cart path that goeth from Edward Hametts place to the Indian Town ; which s" Lots & Tracts of Land are now in the Tenure of M-. Nathanael Hancock, Shobael Luce Experience Luce, Zephaniah Luce, & Jabez Athearn all of Tisbury Now therefore for a Satisfaction to the said Town and for the future Quiet & Peasable Enjoyment : We the said Nathanael Hancock, Shobael Luce, Experience Luce Zephaniah Luce and Jabez Athearn, for our selves our & Each of our Heirs & Assignes Covenant Promise and Grant to & with the Inhabitants of Tisbury their heirs sucsessors and Assigns for ever. That there shall be & Remain an open Road for the Common Use of sd Town for ever and to begin at the aforsaid High Way in the Raising of a white Oake tree marked Standing westerly of s'l M'" Hancocks, now Dwelling house, and so to Extend two Rods West- ward in breadth & So to run northward a streight Road untill it comes to a Corner where was formerly y*" Corner of Mr Josiah Torreys Inclos- ure & from thence to run Northrly of two rod breadth across the sd Shobael Luces Land, Experience Luces land and Zephaniah Luces land as the way now leads to the aforsd brook so acrooss y'' s'' Brook as the way TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Ill now is & so along North easterly untill it comes to the aforsd way that Lead to the Indian Town as the cart path now is & in breadth as it is between y*" Present fences : In witness whereof we the said Nathanael Hancock, Shobael Luce Experience Luce Zephaniah Luce and Jabez Athearn have hereunto Sett our hands this Eighth Day of May AD 1740. Natha^.^ Hancock, Shobael Luce, Experience Luce, Zephaniah Luce, Jabez Atheakn Ertred ^ Jabez Athearn Ihvm Clerk At a Legal Town Meeting held in Tisbury on y*" 19"' Day of March AD. 1741. Then at sd Meeting M'' Experience Luce was Chosen Mod- erator. at S'' Meeting Thomas Look was Chosen to serve in the office of Con- stable in sd Town for y*^ Ensuing year at sd Meeting Samuel Manter Samuel Lumbert & Shubael Luce were Chosen for selectmen. Jabez Athearn Chosen Town Clerk : Benjamin Allen & Benj^ Foster were Chosen surveyers of high wayes Ichabod Allen Silvanus Cottle. Mr Experience Luce Chosen Town Treasurer. Whitten Manter is Appointed to take Care of y" Meeting house & sweep it as often as is need for 30® y^ Ensueing year and to get the Doors Repaired at y'' Towns Charge At y*' aforsd Meeting the sum of Sixty Pounds Granted to be Raised by Rates upon y*" Polls & Ratable Estates in sd Town for the payment of the schoolmaster for Teaching School in sd Town partly in y*" year 1740 & partly in the year 1741. Pursuant to an Act of the Town of Tisbury on the Eighth Day of May AD. 1741, Impowering Cap' Samuel Cobb, Ensign Gershome Cath- cart & Mr Samuel Manter to Endeavor to make an agreement with M^ Edward Hamett about a way that sd Ilamett had fenced up that Lay about North & South along by his house thro his Land, they the sd Agents Proceeded & agreed with sd Hamett to Remove sd way a Little to the Eastward of what it was : Namely to take its Departure from the Corner of the fence of M"" Experiences field Eastward of sd Luces house and so to run Thirty foot in breadth to a Stump in the fence that sd Hamett hath made, and from that Stump to Continue runing north- ward a Cross sd Hametts land the same breadth an open Road & so to run y'' same breadth untill it Comes & Meets with a Cart path that Leads from the house of M\' Jabez Athearn ; both sd ways meet Each other at 112 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. the old way that before Lead from sd Hametts house : y*" aforsd new way being- Cleared of the wood that Grew upon itt by sd agents by y*^ Consent of the Owners of the Land as they Declared & ordered a Record thereof ; Entered '^ me Jabez Atheaen Clr Memorandum That on y^ fifth Day of December AD. 1741. Then Samuel Manter Samuel Lumbert & Shubael Luce were Chosen Selectmen or Assessors in the Town of Tisbury for the year 1741 Rersonally Ap- peared before me y^' Subscriber being Town Clerke in sd Town (There being no Justice of y*" Peace Inhabitting in sd Town) & Declared that they Received y*" Act of y^ Province but on y^' second Day of sd Decem- ber but notwith standing they took the oath prescribed in sd Act in order to Proceed to make a Return of the valuation of & List pursuant to sd Act for a New Doome Test Jabez Athearn Ihivn Clr of sd Tislmry At a Legall Town meeting Held in Tisbury on y*" 25^'' Day of Feb- ruary AD 1741 or 2. Then it was voted that the school in sd Town should be keept for the space of seven months in y'' school house near whitten Manters house & five months at the schoolhouse near y'" house of Samuel Merrey, & so to Continue for the space of three 3^ears next Ensueing. Entered '^ Jabez Athearn Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the 13"' Day of March AD 1741 : or 2. At which meeting Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator, Jabez Athearn Chosen Town Clerk for y^ ensueing year. Mr Thomas Smith was Chosen Constable & being present Refused to serve so the Meeting Proceeded to a New Choice. & then was Chosen M'" David Butler to serve in y'' office of Constable the Ensueing year. Samuel Man- ter Shubail Luce & John Cottle were Chosen selectmen for the year En- sueing. Experience Luce Chosen Town Treasurer. George Manter & Benj foster were Chosen surveyers of highways & other bywayes in the Town for y^' Towns use. Jethro Athearn Henry Luce & David Luce were Chosen fence vewers for y*" year Ensueing. Chilmark February the 24-1743. Whereas we the Subscribers being the Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury & Chilmark being mett togeather in order to Renew the bounds between the sd Towns & accordingly we TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 113 Renew a Rock Lying in the Wash of the Sea on y'' JN'orth side of the Island and a Great Rock at the north East Corner of Mr Hancocks farme Commonly known by the Nane of the Great Rock & a stake standing in a place know by the name of Cases field, and a Black Oake tree Marked at the North Side of the Schoolhouse path a Little to the Westward of the House of Eliashib Adams All which we find to be the Bounds heretofore Renewed by the Selectmen of Each Town. Bekiah Tilton ) o 7 . Samuel Mantek 1 <-., , ( belectmen ^ ^ I Selectmen SiLVANUs Allen > ^ ^7 .7 7 John Cottle f "-^ SiLVANUs Allen > ^ m -i 7 John Cottle \ r. m- 1 Elishib Adams ) Shubel Luce J Recorded y*^ 25*'> of February "f ' Order of the sd Selectmen 1743. ■^ me Jabez Athearn CUrh At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on y*" 25^'' day of March A.D. 1743. Then was Nominated & Chosen Jabez Athearn for Moderator of sd Meeting. Jabez Athearn Avas Chosen Town Clerk Benjamin Allen Chosen Constable for the Ensueing year Samuel Manter Shuball Luce and John Cottle were Chosen to serve in the office of selectmen for the Ensueing year Thomas Smith & Edward Hamett were Chosen to serve in the office of serveyers of highwayes for y*" Ensueing year Jacob Robinson was Chosen to the office of Treasurer in sd Town for y*^ Ensueing year Whitten Manter appointed to keep the meeting house Doors & sweep the house for y*" Ensueing year & to be paid 30® old tenor for his service ordered at sd Meeting that a sufficient Pound built & by y^ seclect- ment appointed to stand at y*" Eastrly Corner of Jabez Athearns Enclos- ure by his mill & that Jabez Athearn undertake to see it built timely after it is Seasenable Cutting timber & certifie y'' town of the cost & that the Town Cause y" Co«t seasenably to be paid. Entered as abovs*' as voted at sd meeting p'~ me Jabez Athearn Tovm Clr March y" 25"' AD. 1743 then Jabez Athearn being Chosen to the office of Town Clerk was by y"" selectmen sworn to the office & this Record ordered to be made thereof : Entered pr Jabez Athearn 114 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a Legall Town Meeting assembelled in Tisbury on y^ 31^.* Day of October AD. 1743. Then was chosen Ml' Jonathan Lumbert for Mod- erator of sd Meeting. at s'' Meeting the Question was put whether the Reven*^ M"" Hand- cocks Sallery should be Raised in the Next Rate that should be made & it went in y'' affermative : Then y'' Question was put whether the sum of Eighty Pounds money old Tennour should be raised in sd Town for y*" Ministers sallery for y® year past and it went in the affirmative. At sd Meeting M"" George Manter & M*" Willmot Wass were chosen to Enquire in behalf of y^ Town what money is in any mens hands that belongs to the Town and Ace* with such person or persons as have any & to Render an Acct of what they find to the Town to be Disposed off for the Towns use Entered pr me Jabez Atheakn Town Clerk and also voted that the sum of 12"-0-0 old Tenour be raised to pay Jabez Athearn for building y'^ pound who is to maintiane it good for 12 years next Ensueing for y* Consideration The above votes were passed at sd Meeting and Entered pr me Jabez Athearn Clr Tisbury ss : At a Propriators meeting held in sd Tisbury on y*" Sixth Day of December AD. 1743. Then John Allen Esql was Chosen Moderator, in si Meeting At s"' Propriators meeting was Presented a Draft of the Division of three Tracts of Land Lying between the Mill Path that Leads from Tisbury to Edgartown and the heads of the neck viz : Tississa Charlesf Neck, Naho- mons Neck, Scrubby neck, and y'^ half of Watsha y'' first Division at the head of Tississa ; The Second Division at the head of Charles*: Neck, y* third Division from the head of Charles^ Neck to the East bounds of Tis- bury, Each Division into sixteen shares; which Draft being Read & ap- proved of & ordered to be Drawn for in three Distinct Drafts : Pursuant thereto y*" first of s'l Divisions was Drawed for.« (1) And the first Lott came forth to Jethro Athearn. (4) The fourth Lott to Benjamin Manter. (11) The Eleventh Lott to John Manter & Benjamin Manter (14) The Forteenth Lott to Experience Luce (12) The Twelfth Lott to Gershom Cathcart & Jonathan Lumbert. (13) The Thirteenth Lott to the Heirs of Joseph Allen ; (8) The Eighth Lott to Joseph Daggett ; (15) The fifteenth Lott to John Allen; (IG) The sixteenth Lott to M'' Nathanel Hancock; TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 115 (9) The Ninth Lott to y*" Heirs of John Edy ; (10) The Tenth Lott to the Heirs of Joseph Allen (3) The Third Lott to Silvanus Cottle Jacob & Isaac Robinson and the Heirs of Joseph Allen in three Equall parts (6) The Sixth Lott to Samuel Merry or his heirs & Silvanus Cottle in Equall halves; (5) The fifth Lott to Jabez Athearn & Solomon Athearn; (7) The Seventh Lott to Samuel Look & Samuel Colb. (2) The Second Lott to Silvanus Allen & Nortons half share : — The Lotts in the Second Division Likewise Drawn for. (1 2) The first and Second Lotts came forth to Thomas Walrond. Decending one share & a half from Samuel Manter & half a share from Silvanus Allen; (15) The fifteenth Lott to M"" Josiah Torrey ; (13) The Thirteenth to Gershom Cathcart & Jonathan Lumbert; (6) The Sixth Lott to Jethro Athearn; (3) The Third Lott to Experience Luce; (4) The fourth Lott to Benjamin Manter; (7) The Seventh Lott to Joseph Daggett; (16) The Sixteenth Lott to Samuel Cobb & Samuel Merrey or his heirs; (11) The Eleventh Lott to John Allen Esq':; (5 & 12) The fifth and Twelph Lotts to the Heirs of Joseph Allen : (14) The forteenth Lott to Sam!? Look and Sil- vanus Cottle ; (9) The Ninth Lott to Jacob & Isaac Robinson, the Heirs of Joseph Allen & Silvanus Cottle to them by thirds ; (8) The Eight Lott to Benjamin Manter and the Nortons half share : (10) The Tenth Lott to Solomon Athearn and Jabez Athearn The Lotts in the Third Division Likewise Drawn for and (11) the Eleventh Lott in sd Division Came forth to M*" Nathunel Hancock. (5) The fifth Lott to Experience Luce. (2) The Second Lott to Solomon Athearn & Jabez Athearn (1) the first Lott to Benjamin Manter. (15) The fifteenth Lott to Benjamin Manter & Nortons (3) The Third Lott to Jethro Athearn. (6) The Sixth Lott to Joseph Daggett. (16) The Six- teenth Lott to Jonathan Lumbert and Gershon Cathcart. (9 & 7) The Ninth & Seventh Lotts to the Heirs of Joseph Allen. (12) The Twelfth Lott to John Allen Esq'.' (14) The foreteenth Lott to Samuel Merrey or his heirs and Silvanus Cottle. (13) The Thirteenth Lott to the Heirs of Joseph Allen & Silvanus Cottle and Jacob & Isaac Robinson. (10) The Tenth Lott to Thomas Walrond & Silvanus Allen in Equall halves. (4) The fourth Lott to Thomas Walrond. The Lands Drawn for by Lott were Divided & Sett of by meets & Bounds in y^ aforsaid Divisions by order of the Propriators thereof in the following manner & forme We the Subscribers to these Presents, are chosen & Authorised by the Propriators of Tisbury To Divid Certain of their comon lands To IIQ TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. wit Three Peices of Land in Tisbury into tliree Distinct Divisions and Sixteen Siiares or Alottments to Each Division According to the Orig- anall Settlement of Tisbury and Constant Practice of the Propriators in the Orderly Division of their common Land from time to time which Lands now to be Divided lyes on the South Side of the Mill Path m Tis- bury One Percell between the Mill path & Tississa Neck one at the head of Charls Neck, and one between the Mill Path & Watsha Scrubed Neck & Homons neck as may Appear on Record Reference thereto being had firstly we have Laid out a Way three Rods in Breadth from the way at Tississa brook formerly laid out up to the East Brow of the Woody bot- ton hill and all a Long sd Brow of the Hill Northward to the Mill Path. _ Nextly we have laid out five Lotts Begining Southerly at the old Ditch of Tississa: The first Lott is Bounded Southerly by s^! old Ditch Ex- "tending Nootherly full Sixteen Rods and Westerly by the Eastward Brow of y*^ woody bottom & Easterly by the Deep bottom pond or brook & so s" Lott lyes East & west in length on a Parrellell. (2) The second lott is bounded Southerly by the first lott & Extend- eth full Sixteen Rods Noutherly bounded East & west as the first lott is Runnino- Prrellell Due East on an Equall breadth: (3) The Third Lott is bounded Southerly by the second lott Extending Noutherly full Six- teen Rods bounded East and West as the first Lott is Runmg Due East on a Parrellell breadth : (4) The fourth Lott is bounded Southerly by the Third Lott & Extending Noatherly full sixteen Rods Bounded East and West as the first Lott is Running Due East a Parrellell breadth (5) The fifth Lott is bounded Southerly by the fourth lott Extending Noatherly full sixteen Rods bounded East and West as the first Lott is & so Rumng Due East on a Parrellell breadth Nextly. we have laid out a way of three Rods broad from the abovsaid way on y^ Eastward brow of the Woody Bottom to Run Due East to the Deep Bottom and over the Runn ot Water there till it meets with the path formerly laid out a Cross Charles neck said way is bounded Southerly by the fifth Lott now laid out & Notherly by the Sixth Lott now Laid out : (6) Said Sixth Lott now Laid out is bounded Southerly by this s'1 Way & Extending Noatherly full six- teen Rods in breadth bounded Westerly by the af ors". way laid out on the Eastward brow of y« Woody bottom hill & bounded Easterly by the Midle or Center of the Deep bottom according to the Usuall parting ot Necks & Runs Parrellell Due east (7) The Seventh Lott is bounded South- erly by the Sixth Lott Extending Noatherly full sixteen Rods bounded East and West as the Sixth Lott is so Runs Parrellel East. (8) The TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 117 Eighth Lottis bounded Southerly by the seventh Lott Extending Noath- erly sixteen Rods bounded East and West as the Sixth Lott is & so runs Parrellel Due East: (9) The Ninth Lott is bounded Southerly by the Eighth lott Extending Noatherly Sixteen Rods bounded East & west as the Sixth Lott here is, and so Runs Parrellell & Plump Due East : (10) The Tenth Lott is bounded Southwardly by the Ninth Lott here. Extend- ing Noatherly full sixteen Rods bounded East & West as the sixth Lott is & so runs Parrellell a Plump Due East (11) The Eleventh Lott is bounded southerly by the tenth lott here. Extending noatherly full sixteen Rods bounded East & West as the Sixth Lott is and runs Parrallell Plump Due East: — (12) The Twelfth Lott is bounded southerly by the Eleventh Lott Extending Noatherly full sixteen Pods. Bounded East & West as the Sixth Lott here above is, & so runs Parrellell Plump Due East (13) The Thirteenth Lott is bounded southerly by the Twelfth Lott is Extending Noatherly full Sixteen Rods Bounded East & West Just as y« Sixth Lott is & Runs Parrellell Plump Due East (14) The forteeth Lott is bounded -Southerly by the thirteenth Lott Extending Noatherly full Eighteen Rods bounded East & West Just as the Sixth Lott is & Runs Parrellell Plump Due East— (15) The fif- teenth Lott is bounded Southerly by the forteenth Lott Extending Noath- erly full Eighteen Rods and Bounded East & West Just as the sixth lott is and Runs Parrellell Plump Due East — (16) The Sixteenth and last Lott in this Division is Bounded Southerly by the fifteenth Lott & East & West Just as the sixth Lott here above is : Notherly along by the Mill Path Secondly : We have Laid out the Undivided Land at Charls Neck as foUoweth: (1) The first Lott on the East Side below Waldrons : Bounded Easterly by the Midle or Center of Charls neck bottom, as the sd Bottom runs according to the Custome & Practice of Dividing between Neck & Neck from the mill path to Watsha Path & Noatherly by the Mill path Extending from sd Easterly bounds westward by sd Mill path full fifteen Rods and a half Rod & bounded Southerly by Watsha path below Wal- ronds Extending from y* sd Easterly bounds Westerly by sd Watsha Path full Sixteen Rods and a half Rod So then the bounds of sd first Lott Runs Noatherly on a Streight Line till it comes to the aforsd bounds westerly corner of the Mill path — (2) The Second Lott is bounded East- erly by the first Lott, and Noatherly & Southerly Just as the first Lott here is Extending westerly at the Mill path from the Bounds of this first Lott westerly full fifteen Rods and a half, and at Watsha path from the bounds of this first Lott Lott it Extends full Sixteen & a half Rods West- 118 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. erly & to y^ West bounds of this Second Lott is a Streight Line from the Mill path to Watsha path Compleating the aforsd breadth thro out from end to end & from side to side — (3) The Third Lott Lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Second Lott here from End to End, and look how the Second Lott here is bounded even Just so this Third lott is bounded in Quantity Measure Demensions Extent and Bounds. (4) The Fourth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining' to the Third Lott from end to end and Look how the Second Lott is here bounded Even just so this fourth Lott is Bounded in Quantity Measure Demensions Extent & Bounds Length & breadth (5) The Fifth Lott lyes Next AVesterly adjorning to the fourth Lott from End to End & Look how the Second Lott here is Bounded. Even just so this fifth Lott is bounded in the Like Quantity Measure Demen- sions Extent & Bounds and Length & breadth. (6.) The Sixth Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the fifth Lott from End to End, and Look- how the Second Lott is Bounded, Even just so this sixth Lott is bounded the Like Quntity the same Demensions Extent & Bounds. (7.) The Seventh Lott Lyes next Westerly adjoining to the sixth Lott from End to End and look how the second lott is Bounded, Even just so this seventh Lott is Bounded in y'' Like Quantity Measure Demensions Extent & Bounds Length & Breadthe. (8.) The Eighth Lott is lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the seventh Lott from End to End, and look how the second Lott is Bounded Even just so this Eighth Lott is bounded in the Like Quantity Measure Demen- tions Extent & Bounds. (9.) The Ninth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Eighth Lott from End to End and Look how the second Lott is bounded Even just so this Ninth Lott is Bounded from End to End in the like Quantity Meas- ure Demensions Extent & Bounds Length & Breadth : (10) The Tenth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Ninth Lott from End to End and Look how the Second Lott is Bounded, Even just so this Tenth Lott is Bounded from End to End in the Like Quuntity Measure Dementions Extent & Bounds : (11.) The Eleventh Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Tenth Lott from End to End and Look how the second Lott is bounded, even just so this Eleventh Lott is bounded in the Like Quantity Measure Demensions Extent & Bounds & Breadth TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 119 (12.) The Twelfth Lott Ijes next Westerly adjoining to the Eleventh Lott from End to End, and look how the second lott is Bounded, Even just so is this Twelfth Lott Bounded in Like Quantity Measure Demen- sions Extent & Bounds & Breadth, (13) The Thirteenth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Twelfth lott from End to End and Look how the second Lott is bounded : Even just so this Thirteenth Lott is bounded in y*' Like Quantity Measure Extent & bounds Length & breadth (14) The Forteenth Lott lyes next Westerly adjorning to the Thir- teenth Lott from End to End and look how the second Lott is bounded. Even just so this forteenth Lott is Bounded in y*" Like Quantity Measure Demensions Extent bounds Length an Breadth : — (15) The Fifteenth Lott Lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the forteenth Lott from End to End and look how the second lott is bounded. Evn Just so is this fifteenth Lott bounded in Quantity Measure Demensions Extent bounds Length & breadth. (16) The Sixteenth Lott being the Last Lott in this Division lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the fifteenth Lott from End to End bounded West- erly by the Center of the Deep Bottom on y"^ North by the Mill path on y*^ South Square off with Tississa laid out path on y^ East by the fifteenth Lott. So there is a wattering place Left on Charles neck side in the Square to the Brook and fifteenth Lott Thirdly We have laid out a way three Rods in breadth from the East End of the way formerly laid* out a Cross Charles Neck a Cross the heads of the Necks Eastward till it comes to mett with the line at the midle of Watsha this way nowlaid out is bounded Southerly Partly by Soloman Athearns land and Partly by John Butlers Land & Noatherly by the South End of Sixteen lotts now laid out at the head of Hommons Neck Scrubbed neck & Watsha. Now we begin at the bound tree by Simon Newcombs path first. So then (1.) the first Lott is bounded on the East by the East bounds of Tis- bury from sd Tree Down to Watsha, and on the North by the Mill path Extending from the Bound tree v\restward along the Mill path full Thir- teen Rods and bounded southerly by the s*! way now laid out across the heads of the Necks and Extending to y'' Westward in breadth along s'! Way full Thirteen Rods and the Westward bounds of s'' first lott Runs upon a Streight line from the Thirteen Rods Extent in breadth on the South to the Thirteen Rods Extent by the Mill Path on the North on an Equall breadth from End to End Streight and Plump. (2) The Second lott lyes to the Westward bounded Easterly by the first Lott all along 120 TISBURY TOWJST RECORDS. from End to End noatherly by the Mill Path full Thirteen Rods & bounded Southerly by S*! Watsha path so Extending Westerly from the first Lott along s'! Path full Thirteen Rods, so the west bounds is upon a Streight Line from the Extent of Thirteen Rods at Watsha Path to the Extent of Thirteen Rods at the Mill path. — (3) The Third lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Second Lott from End to End, and look how the second lott is bounded, Even just so is this Third Lott bounded in like Quantity Measure Demensions Extent & bounds & breadth (-i) The fourth lott lyes next Westerly from the Third lott, bounded Easterly by the third Lott from End to End, & Notherly by the Mill path Extending Westerly from the Third lot along sd watsha path full Ten Rods and bounded on the West side on a Streight line from the Extent of Ten Rods at Watsha path to the s"^ Extent of Ten Rods at the Mill path. (5) The Fifth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to s') fourth Lott from End to End Bounded Easterly by the fourth Lott Noatherly by the Mill path & Southerly by Watsha path Bounded full Plump Ten Rods in breadth from End to End and from side to side on a Streight line Noath- erly & Southerly as y'' Land lyes : (6) The sixth lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the fifth lott from End to End Bounded Esterly by the fifth Lott Noatherly by the Mill Path & Southerly by AVatsha Path Bounded full plump Ten Rods in Breadth from End to End & from side to side on a Streight line Noath- erly & Southerly as the Land lyes. (7) The Seventh Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Sixth Lott from End to End bounded Easterly by the Sixth Lott, Noatherly by the Mill Path Extending Westerly by the mill path full forteen Rods & bounded southerly by sd Watsha path and Extending Westerly from y*^ Seventh Lott full forteen Rods Rods so then the bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight line till it Comes to the Extent of the aforsd forteen Rods last Sett off at the Mill path full and Plump length & breadth. (8) The Eighth Lott lyes next Westerly adjoining to the Seventh Lott from End to End Bounded Easterly by the sd Seventh Lott & Noatherly by the Mill path Extending Westerly by y'' Mill Path from the seventh Lott full Twenty three Rods so then the Bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight line till it comes to the Extent of y^ aforsd forteen Rods last sett off at the Mill path. Thus this Eighth Lott lyes faire and Plump : (9.) The Ninth Lott The Nintli Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Eighth lott from End to End Bounded Easterly by the s'' Eighth TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 121 Lott. & Noatherly by the Mill Path Extending Westerly by the Mill path from y*" Eighth lott full forteen Rods bounded Southerly by s*' Watsha path & Extending Westerly by s'* Watsha path from the Eighth Lott full Twenty three Rods so then the Bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight Line till it comes to the Extent of the aforsd forteen Rods Last Sett off at the Mill path. Thus this Ninth Lott Lyes faire and Plump. (10.) The Tenth Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Ninth Lott from End to End Bounded Easterly by the Ninth Lott & Noutherly by the Mill path Extending Westerly by the Mill path from s'' Ninth Lott full foteen Rods & bounded Southerly by s'' Watsha path & Extending Westerly by sd Watsha path full Twenty four Rods from sd Ninth Lott so then the bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight line till it comes to the Extent of the aforsd forteen Rods last sett off at the Mill path. Thus this Tenth Lott Lyes faire & Plump, (11 :) The Eleventh Lott Lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Tenth Lott from End to End bounded Easterly by the s'' Tenth Lott & Noath- erly by the Mill path Extending Westerly by sd Mill path from the s*' Tenth Lott full forteen Rods & Bounded Southerly by sd Watsha path & Extending Westerly by s'' Watsha path from s'^ Tenth Lott full Twenty four Rods, so then the bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight line till it comes to the Extent of y*' aforsd forteen Rods Last seet off at y*' Mill Path : Thus this Eleventh Lott Lyes fair & Plump. (12.) The Twelfth Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Eleventh Lott from End to End : and bounded Easterly by the Eleventh Lott & noatherly by the Mill Path Extending Westerly by sd Mill path from the Eleventh Lott full forteen Rods: and bounded Southerly by s'' Watsha path. Extending Westerly by s'^ Watsha path from the Eleventh Lott full Twenty four Rods, so then the bounds Runs Noatherly on a Streight line till it Comes to the Extent of the aforsd forteen Rods sett off at the Mill path. Thus this Twelfth Lott Lyes fair and Plump : (13:) The Thirteenth Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the Twelfth Lott from End to End. Bounded Easterly by the Twelfth Lott Notherly by the Mill path Extending Westerly by the Mill path from the said Twelfth Lott full forteen Rods. & Bounded Southerly by sd Watsha Path so Extending Westward from sd Twelfth Lott by Said Watsha Path full Twenty Two Rods, so Then Running Noatherly on a Streight Line till it comes to the full Extent of y^ afor s'! forteen Rods Sett Last off at s" Mill Path. Thus this Thirteenth Lott lyes fair and Plump. (14:) The forteenth Lott Lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the s'' 122 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Thirteenth Lott from End to End. Bounded Esterly by the Thirteenth Lott & Noatherly by the Mill path Extending Westerly by the Mill path from the s*! Thirteenth Lott full forteen Rods & bounded Southerly by sd Watsha Path Extending full Twenty Two Rods Westerly from y^ sd Thirteenth Lott so then Runing Noatherly on a Streight Line till it comes to the full Extent of the afors*^ forteen Rods Sett Last off at si Mill Path Thus this forteenth Lott Lyes fair & Plump. (15) The Fifteenth Lott Lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the for- teenth Lott from End to End. bounded Easterly by si Forteenth Lott & Noatherly by the Mill path extending Westerly by the Mill Path from the forteenth Lott full forteen Rods & Bounded Southerly by s'! Watsha Path Extending full Twenty four Rods by sd Path Westerly from s'' for- teenth Lott. so then Runing Noatherly on a Streight Line till it comes to the full Extent of the aforsd forteen Rods Sett Last off att s'l Mill Path. Thus this Fifteenth Lott lyes fair and Plump. (16) The Sixteenth Lott lyes Next Westerly adjoining to the fifteenth Lott from End to End. Bounded Easterly by the fifteenth Lott & Noath- erly by the Mill Path Extending Westerly by s'* Mill path from the fif- teenth Lott to the Midle or center of Charls Neck Bottom. & Bounded Southerly by s'' Watsha Path. & so Extending by s'' Watsha path West- erly from s^ fifteenth Lott till it Comes to the Midle or Center of s'' Bot- tom just as the Bottom Lyes till it Comes up to the Bounds of the Mill path Last sett off: Thus this sixteenth Lott and Last lott in this Division is Plainly & Plumply sett out Bounded. All These Three severall Divisions herein Deciphered Servayed. Butted & Bounded by Rule Avere all fully finished and Compleated This Fifteenth Day of May : Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty & Eight. By us the subscribers Sam— Athearn Gershom Cathcart Thomas Luce The aforsd Propriators Meeting held on the Sixth Day of Decem"': 1743 was adjorned unto the first Tuesday in February next Ensueing ^f order of s'' Meeting Jabez Atiiearn Propriators Clerk As also at the afors'! Propi'iators Meeting. John Allen Esq'; and Gershome Cathcart Gent. Were Chosen and Appointed to see what Common Lands there Remains Undivided & to make Report thereon at the abovsl Adjournment Entered ^ me Jabez Athearn Propriators Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 123 February y*' Sixth being the first Tuesday in sd Month then The abovsl Meeting was further adjourned unto the Second Tuesday in s** February at Ten of the Clock in the forenoone Entered '^ me Jabez Atheakn Propriators Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting Held in Tisbury on the forteenth Day of March AD. 1744 at which s^' Meeting Jabez Athearn was Chosen Mod- erator — , Samuel Manter John Cottle & Gershom Cathcart were chosen for selectmen y'^ Ensueing year at s'' Meeting Jabez Athearn Chosen for Town Clerk y*-' Ensueing year at sd Meeting M"" Nathan Chace was Chosen to y^ ofice of Constable in s'! Tisbury for the Insueing year Mr Thomas Smith & M-" Joseph Foster were Chosen surveyors of High Wayes. At s" Meeting M'' Abner West & W. Jacob Robinson were Chosen to the Office of Tything men in s"l Tisbury for y"^ year Ensueing At which si Meeting M': Jethro Athearn & M"" David Butler were Chosen to the Office of fence viewers in sd Tisbury for y*' year Ensueing. at which s'' Meeting Mr Jacob Robinson was Chosen to the office of Treas- urer in the Town of Tisbury for the Ensueing year. Town Clerk being Present was sworn to y'^ faithfull Discharge df his Duty. By the select men of sd Town. Jethro Athearn & David Butler were sworn by the selectmen to the Discharge of sd Trust of fence vewers. The abovsd Meeting was adjorned unto the 23'^ Day of march Ins* at 3 of Clock in y* after none. Test Jabez Athearn Chrh At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Eighth Day of October AD. 1744. Then on consideration of the Request of y^ Rev'I M'" Nathanael Hancock Minister of s'' Town for some adition to his Sal- lery it being Stated at Sixty Pounds old Tenner. Wherefore it is Con- sidered to add thereto the sum of Twenty Pounds in old Tenner for the present year & that y*' sd Twenty Pounds to be paid to him by the Last Day of June next Ensueing the abovs*? being put to vote it Passed in the Affermative Test & Entered by order of sd Meeting "^ me Jabez Athearn Cl- At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the forteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1745. for the Choice of Town Officers &c Then at si Meeting Jabez Athearn was chosen Moderator. 124 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk for the Ensueing year. — also Samuel Manter Gershom Cathcart & John Cottle were Chosen for Selectmen in sd Town for the Year Ensuing. At s*^ Meeting Thomas Luce was Chosen to the office of Constable in s*^ Town for the year En- sueing & being Present Accepted. Then also Jacob Robinson was Chosen Town Treasurer for the Ensuing year. — Then Benj'i Foster & Ezra Athearn was Chosen Surveyers of Highways in s'! Town the Ensueing year Then Jethro Athearn & Seth Look were Chosen fence vewers in sd Town the year Ensuing — Then Samuel Gray & Thomas Allen were Chosen to serve in the office of Hogreeves in sd Town for the year En- suing — Then Gershom Cathcart was Chosen to the Office of Sealer of weights & Measures in s'' Town for the Ensueing year. At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on y*" 28^'' Day of March A.D. 1745. Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator of s'' Meeting Then at s'! Meeting Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk Then M"" Samuell Manter M"" Gershom Cathcart & M^ John Cottle were Chosen to Serve as Selectmen in s*! Town. Then Thomas Walrond Jun'! was Chosen to the office of constable in s'' Town M'" Gershom Cathcart was Chosen Sealer of Waits & Measures the year Ensueing M'" Jacob Robinson was Chosen Town Treasrer for y*= year Ensuing M^ Abner West & 'M.\ Jacob Robinson were Chosen Tyth- ing men M^ Thomas Smith & M'; Benja. Foster Chosen surveiors of high- wayes M^ Whitten Manter & M'." Sam" Merrey were Chosen fence vey- eers M'.' Whitten Manter being Present at s'! Meeting & Consenting to Look after & keep the Dores of y'' Meeting house & the Sweeping & keeping Clean y*" s- Meeting house for the year Ensueing for Thirty shil- lings old Tenor it was Voted to be raised & paid him out of y*^ Town Treasury voted that the sum of Twenty Pounds money Old Tenor be Raised by Rate on this Town for the Rev'! M"" Nathanael Hancock as an adition to his Sallery for y*' year Ensueing, At the abovsd meeting the Case being on Consideration for the Com- poseing the Manner & Method of keeping a Schoole in sd Town for the Space of three years next Coming, first the Question was ]>ut whether there should be a Settled Schoole for three years to Come at the now school house near whitten Mentors & it was voted in the Negative, Then it was put to Vote whether there should be a school kept in s'^ Town for the s'' three years in the manner following, viz seven Months in Each year at the s'' school house near Manters, and five months in Each of y*" TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 125 three years at the School house near Samuel Merreys at Checemme in sd Town, & it passed in the affirmative It was Likewise voted that the pres- ent Selectmen do take care & agree wth a suitable person for a School master and Tax the Town the sum agreed for & order the payment thereof at their Discretion. all the above sd was Entered pr order of s'' Meeting ^ me Jabez Atheakn Clerh Then y*" abovsd Meeting was adjorned untill the Second Tuesday in A prill next Test Jabez Athearn Clei'k At a Legall Towm Meeting held in Tisbury on the 20"' of March AD. 1746 for the Choice of Town officers for the year Ensueing. — . Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator During s*! Meeting : Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen to serve in the ofice of Tow^n Clerk in s'' Tisbury the Ensueing year. Then Samuel Manter Gershom Cathcart & John Cottle were Chosen to the office of Selectmen in si Town the Ensueing year Then Stephen Look was Chosen to the office of Constable in s'' Town the Ensueing year. Then Elisha West & Benj'' Manter Jun^ were Chosen to Serve in the office of Tything men in s'' Towm the Ensueing year. Jacob Robinson was Chosen Town Treasurer for the Ensuing year Benj'J Foster & Sam" Lumbert were Chosen Sewveyers of High wayes Whitten Manter & John Lewis were Chosen fence vewers for y^ Ensuing year : Abijah Athearn Benj"" Lumber Seth Look & Sam" weeks were Chosen to the office of Hog Reeves in s'' Town y*" Ensueing year September the IS*!' 1746: Wee the Subscribers beingUhe Selectmen of the Towns of Tisbury and Chilmark being Meet in Order to Tream- bulate and Renew the Bounds between the sd Towns, and Accordingly we Agree to Renew a Rock Lying in the Wash of the Sea on the North side of the Island & a Great Rock Lying at the East End of the Midle Line Comonly know^n by the Name of the Great Rock & further to a Stake with a heap of Stones Round it at a Place Commonly known by the name of Cases field, and to a black Oake Saplin Marked, at the North side of the Road a Little to the Westward of the House of Mr Eliashib 126 TISBURY TOWIS^ RECORDS. Adams, All which we find to be the bounds Renewed by the Selectmen Heretofore Beriah Tilton 1 Selectmen C Samuel Mantee ^ Selectmen Sam^^ Bassett >ofChilmark< Gekshom Cathcakt \ofTisbury SiLVANus Allen J t John Cottle J Recorded y® 47"' of September 1746 pr Order of sd Selectmen '^ me Jabez Athearn Clerh At a Propriators Meeting held at Tisbury on y" 13"' Day of October AD 1746. At which s*! Meeting Mr Jonathan Lumbert was Chosen Mod- erator : Then the Maj'.' part of the Interested Present Made Choice of Ensign Gershom Cathcart & Serjant Jacob Robinson for Agents to Rep- resent the Propriators in any Cause Moved or to be Moved for or against the s'' Propriators in any Court of Record in Matters or Causes Relating to their Propriaty in s*^ Tisbury. And then the s*^ Meeting was adjournd unto 15"' Day of s'' Month on one of the Clock afternoone. Entered pr order of sd Meeting "^ me Jabez Athearn Projjrmtors Clerk Then on the 15"' of October 1746 the Propriators mett and adjorned untill the first Tuesday in November 1746 & then Chose M"" Benj^ Man- ter to Joine with y*' former two to act with them in any thing Relating to y" affairs in the Notification for the begining of sd Propriators Mett- ing Entered pr me Jabez Athearn Propriafors Cleric Memorandum that the Thirteenth Lott as bunded in the within Divi- sion Avas Drawn by and fell unto Jeremiah Whitten of Tisbuary now Deceased And the forteenth Lott in s*^ Division according to the bounds thereof was Drawn by and fell unto John Manter Sen'' of Tisbury De- ceased. And the fifteenth & Sixteenth Lotts as they are Sett forth & Discribed in the within Division were Drawn by and fell unto Simon Athearn & Isaac Robinson both of s'' Tisbury Deceased. Entered tliis Sixth Day of December AD 1746 P'' me Jabez Athearn Toim Clerk Tisbury ss: At a Legall Town Meeting held in s'^ Town of Tisbury on the 22'^ Day of March AD 1747 Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Mod- erator of sd Meetinjj-. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 127 also at s*? Meeting Jabez Athearn was chosen Town Clerk for the Ensueing year, and was then and there Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of sd Office by the Maj'" part of the select men : also at sd Meeting Sam" Manter Gershom Cathcart & David Butler were Chosen to serve in the office of selectmen & overseer of the poor in s'' Tisbury the Ensueing year at s*^ Meeting Ezra Athearn was Chosen to the office of Constable in s'' Town the Ensueing year : Then also Ebenezer Allen & John Manter were Chosen Surveyers of highways for the Ensueing year Then also Barnett Case & Seth Daggett were Chosen Tything men for the Ensueing year Thomas Smith and Thomas Look were Chosen fence vewers for the Ensueing year Abijah Athearn Seth Look & Joseph Merrey were Chosen hogreeves for the Ensueing year Jacob Robinson Chosen Town Treasurer for the Ensueing year Voted at the abovs'! Meeting it was Considered in Answer to y^ Rever M"" Hancocks Reqest Relating to his Sallery that for this year we grant that one hundred and fifty Pounds old Tennor be raised on the Polls & Estates of s'^ Town and paid him that the Sixty Pounds that was his Stated Sallery being Included in the abovsl Sum all the abovsd Votes or Acts were Entered by order of s'' Meeting 19 me Jabez Atheakn Town Clerk Barnet Case Tything Sworn Ebenezer Allen Serveyer of highwas Sworn At a Legall Town Meeting begun & held at Tisbury on the 16'" Day of Octobr AD 1747. for to hear and Consider what might be Proper to be Done in Answer to the Reverend M^ ISTathanael Hancock minister of s'' Town, to his Reguest Relating to his Settled Sallery itt being but Sixty Pound and by the fall of money & Riseing of Goods made his Sallery of but Little value to purchase a Lively hood and w^hereas Sev- erall Additions had been heretofore made but now at s'l Meeting after a Moderator was Chosen viz M'' Gershome Cathcart, after Consideration itt was agreed upon by the Maj^ Part of voters Then assembled to put to vote a grant of Ninety Pounds in the old Tennor in Addition to the s'! Sixty pounds, which made one hundred and fifty Pounds money of the old Tennor to be raised by way of Rate in s*^ Town and to be paid to s4 128 TI8BURY TOWN RECORDS. Minister for his work in the Ministry for this year being A.D. 1747. and it being put to vote itt passed in the affirmative, that it should be so Done. ■^ Order of s'^ Meeting Entered ^ me Jabez Athkarn Ton-n Clerk Know all Men by these Presents that I Solomon Athearn of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County In the Province of the Massa- chusetts Bay Gentleman. Do Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Hepzibah Seabury the wife of Mr Elisha Seabury of the Town of Leb- anon in the Collony of Connecticutt my Negro female Slave of about nine year sold Named Gemmer to be by her my s'^ Daughter provided for and to serve her my s'! Daughter for and During her my said Daughters Naturall Life in the Quallity of a female Slave. In Witness and Con- firmation whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand this 26*'' Day of Novem- ber Anno Domini 1747. Recorded in the Records of the Town of Tisbury afors'! This 26*'' Day of November A.D. 1747 SoLOMAN Athearn P me Jabez Athern Town Clerk of i^". Thhury. At a Legall Town Meeting begun & held in Tisbury on the first Day of March AD 1748. for the Choice of Town officers and some others buis- ness as specified in the warning of sd Meeting and being Mett Proceeded in the first place and Chose Jab'ez Athearn Moderator. Then Proceeded to the Choice of a Town Clerk, so Jabez Athearn was chosen Then Pro- ceeded and Chose Samuel Manter Gershom Cathcart David Butler to serve in the office of selectmen, Adonijah Luce constable Jacob Robin- son Town Treasurer. M'" Thomas Smith and John Manter serveyers of highwayes Silvanus Cottle & Eleazer Luce fence viewers. WiUiam West & Benj'J Lumber Tything men = Isaac Robinson and Jonathan Luce Jun"" hogreeves. John Cottle & Peter West Chosen for surveyers of Bord Timber Plank and slitt werk and Cullers of shingles. Ordered and voted at sd Meeting that Lieu* Gershom Cathcart Do Proceed to mend & Repair the Glass windoes and the other Damages that have befallen the meeting house in Tisbury and Lay his Acc*^ before the selectmen of sd Town & be paid out of the Town Treasury. at s'! Meeting it is Considered and Voted to Raise by way of Rate the sum of one hundred Pounds old Tenner in Addition to the Sixty I*ounds Sallery first settled upon ; Enterd TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 129 At a Town meeting warned & held at the Schoole house in s'' Tisbury on y*" Ninth Day of September AD 1748. Then meett and voted that Jabez Athearn should be Modorator of s*! Meeting. also upon Debate whether there should be a School keept in s'! Town the Ensueing year it was put to vote and it went in the affermative. and Whereas the Question is put whether a Moving School or a Set- tled School voted for a Moving school in the manner following viz : In the first place to be keept at homeses hole two months begining at the first begining of the school & then at the School hous at Checkemmo for three months, and then at the place Called Kiphigan that is all to the northward & North westward of y" River or Runs of water from Chil- mark line to wasksha so on Including Timothy Luces for two months & then at the School house in Tisbury near the meeting house for the space of five months, Always Provided that the Inhabitents of s*^ homeses hole Provid Entertainment for the scool with houseroome their time, and that the Inhabitants of that part Called Kiphigan Provid Schoolhouse roome for their time & both at their own perticular Cost and at what places Each plese for themselves as they shall agree upon. And if it so happen that Either or both s'* places dont attend & Improve their time then for the year Insueing the school to begin and hold five months at Checemmoo & the other Seven months at the school house by the Meet- ing house in Tisbury And also provided that the whole Town shall have full &, free Liberty to Send their Children to any or Either of the s'^ places for Schooling with out Mollestation, thro out the whole year if they or any of them shall see fitt, Ail the above & fore going perticulars Relating to the Schoole in s'' Tisbury for the Engueing yeare was voted by the Maj'' part and almost whole of s*^ meeting Test Jabez Athearn Town Clerk and whereas a Schoolmaster is Nessesary it is Considered and voted that the select men of s'' Tisbury Agree with a Suitable person to keep School for the year Insueing and Tax the Town for the payment therof as they shall think propor the above Read in Meeting and voted to stand good Entred pr order of said Meeting ■p me Jabez Athearn Clerk. At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Twenty Third day of March Anno Domini 1749. for the Chuseing Town officers to serve in s*^ Town for the year Ensueing as also for the Considering and Making 130 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Provision for a Town School for the Teaching & Instructing Children and youth in Reading Writing & Arithatick : And being Assemble, In the first place : Jabez Athearn was chosen Moderator : Then also Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk for the Insueing year. Nextly Samuel Manter Gershom Cathcart & David Butler were Chosen Selectmen & overseers of the Poor in s'! Town for the year Ensueing. and at s^' Meeting Joseph Merrey was Chosen to the office of Constable for the Ensueing year ; & being Present accepted : Cap* Samuel Cobb was Chosen Town Treasurer for the Insueing year : M'" Ichabod Allen and Benj-'J Manter Jun'" were Chosen surveyers of highwayes for the Insueing year M'' Thomas Smith Shubal Luce & Stephen Look were Chosen fence vew^ers for the Insueing year : Jacob Robinson & Stephen West were Chosen Tythingmen ] fenc vewers sworn. | Voted that there be a school keept in Tisbury the year Ensueing in the severall Places as the Last year and to begin at Homes hole nextly at y^ schoole house in Tisbury Town nextly at Kiphigan & Lastly at Cheecemoo Each place their Respective Termes and in the same order as y*^ Last year : the which was put to vote and passed in the affermative, that the school house at Checemoo may be moved at the Cost and Charge of the People there to such place as they shall think fitt ; to be used as heretofore Consented to by a generall vote; and further it was voted that M'' Samuel Draper he keeping schoole in s'' Tow^n and Attending at the severall times and places above sett forth shall have paid hime for his services so performed one hundred & fifty pounds in Dollers at fifty shilings a peice to be Accounted at old Tenor Rate or in goods as he shall have need of or in other Money that may be Recond I^quivolent, and this to stand good for the Ensueing year and also that the sum of nine pounds old Tenor be allowed the three selectmen that took the valuation for the new Doome the Last summer all which to be Raised by Rate and to be paid in unto the Treasurer of sd Town at or before y'= expration of the Last fall month next come- ing all Which Orders and Acts at sd Meeting being agreed upon by vote were ordered to Record & Accordingly Entered & Recorded the Day of the Date abovsd pr me Jabkz Atheaen ClerJc At a Propriators Meeting Duly Warned and held in Tisbury at the schoolhouse on the 19*" Day of October AD. 1749. for the Considering & Providing for the Defence of the Propriators in their Propriety in sd Town and Particularly for the Defence of a suit Commened by the TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 131 Rever'^ Experience Mayhew against Lieu* Gershom Cathcart & Mallatiah Luce for Cutting & Carrying away some Ledge Grass from of a flat Said to be Lying Eastward near Adjoining to a place called Qunsoo in Chil- mark which Suit seems to Effect the Interest of s'' Propriators &c and being mett Mr Jethro Athearn was Chosen Moderator ; Then Proceeded to Chuse agents to appear for sd Propriators and to Plead & Implead the Present sut from Court to Court to finall Judg* & Execution with Power to imploy one or more Attorney or Attorneys to Defend said caus then were Chosen John Allen of Chilmark Esq'' & Leu* Gershom Cathcart of Tisbury being put to vote being put to vote by sd Moderator ; Entered by order of s'' Meeting p'" me Octo"- 19*'' Day 1749. Jabez Atheaen Proj^ri' Clerk At a Propriators Meeting Duely Warned and held in Tisbury at the School house in sd Tisbury on the 28*'' Day of November AD 1749. when & where Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator of sd Meeting, and Whereas that the Matter under Consideration to be acted on was the Settling and Running a line between the Divided Land that Lyes scituate, in sd Tisbury within William Peabodys Purchase as Sett forth by a Mille from where a bound tree stood in the valley near papamerks feld, so to run Easterly; and from that miles End to run Southerly to the water that runs out of the valley where Tichpits house Stood in the winter in y*" year 1668 — and the undivided Lands lying Next adjoining Noutherly & Easterly ; and in order for the regular Doing the Same it was voted that Cap* Samuel Cobb Mr Jacob Robinson & M'" Jethro Athearn be a Com- mittee to Proceed Inquiere into Determine Run and Settle the s'' Line by bound marks and make Return unto the propriators Clerk of their Doings in Writting under their Hands at or before the Tenth of Decem- ber next if the weather premitts otherwise as Soon as Conveniently may be : and the sd persons being present Consented & Undertook to Do sd buisness. Entered as a vote & Act of s'^ Propriators at s*^ meeting : "^ me Jabez Athearn Propriators Clerk At a Propriators Meeting Duly warned & held in Tisbury on the 13*'' Day of December A.D. 1749 and the matter to be Considered was to Chuse suitable men to run the Line of the bounds of an additionall Pur- chase made by M^ James Allen Esq^ & M'' John Edy for the propriators of sd Tisbury Lying Eastward of that purchase made by M'" Peabody & 132 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. others and to Divid the same into Sixteen Allotments. At which s^ Meet- ing John Allen Esq"" was Chosen Moderator At which s". Meeting it was Considered to Chuse men to Run a line according to sd Additionall pur- chase to Sever it off from the Land Lying next adjoining noatherly and the persons nominated and put to vote were John Allen Esq'^ or his son John Allen M^" Gershom Cathcart & Mr Benjamin Lumbert, who are Likewise ordered to notifie all persons that they may not cut nor cary away any wood from off s'^ purchase or near thereabout untill y*^ same be done nor then neither without further order : Entered pr order of sd Meeting p. me -r> ■ , nn i ^ ^ Jabez Atheakn Propria tors (Jlerk Whereas Francis Lovelace Esq"^ the Governour of New Yorke Did in the year 1671. viz. On the Eighth Day of July : Grant a Pattent of the Lands therein bounded and Sett forth & Confirmed the Same by the Name of Tisbury unto the then Inhabitants freeholders for a Township who then soon formed themselves into a sociaty & combined to gether to hold the Lands to them their heirs and Assigns in sixteen Shares or as they then Worded it, Sixteen Accomadations Allowing one of sd sixteen Accomadation for Support of the Ministry of the Gospell to be upheld in s'l Town as may appear of Record, & the successors of s^' freeholders have in all Divisions of Lands in said Tisbury ever since Divided the Lands in s"' Tisbury into sixteen Allotments or shares always Allowing one to the Reverend M'" Josiah Torrey and to his heirs to whome the said sixteenth part was Granted as an Inheritance he being the first Min- ester that settled in sd Tisbury; And for as much as Severall Persons have of Late assumed to Sett up themselves as Lord Propriators in Oppo- sition to the Ancient settled constitution and Continued Practice in said Town to the great Disturbance and Disquietment of sd Town in their Ancient Peacable order : Now therefore we the subscribers hereunto the Present Propriators and freeholders of all the Common & undivided Lands & Meadows Lying within the Bounds of s'! Tisbury as Derived from the ancient Inhabitants beincr settled in sixteen Shares, are Determined to Assert Mamtam uphold and Pursue the settled order Rights & Priviledges to us belong- ino- against all the usurpers Pretenders underminers of the said settled order and Do now Covenant agree & Ingage to and with Each other for the future Even from & ever after the Date of these Presents to stand by Assist & uphold Each other in the cost & charges that shall arise in TISBURY TOWN KECOKDS. 133 or aboat their Rights of Propriaty in s'! Commons or undivided Lands or Meadows as aforsaid According to Each Propriators Interest in all causes brought or that may be brought for or against them by any Per- son or Persons whatsoever Pretending to hold any of the sd Lands or meadows in any other way : In Testimony whereof we the sd Present Propriators Do subscribe hereunto our names and the Interest we now Claime in Common Pursuant to s*' sixteen shares as aforesaid ; and now begin this Twenty fifth day of January Anno Domini 1750 Nathanael Hancock one sixteenth Jabez Athearn a Two & Thirtieth in Interest Silvanus Cottle an "half & a Third of a share Gershom Cathcart a two & Thirtieth John Allen one three Quarters of a share John Luce one two & Thirtieth Joseph Allen & Benj'' Allen three fifths of a Two shares & a third of a share Whitten Manter half a share Solomon Athearn half a share George Manter half a share Benj'' Manter half a share Bays Norton half a share Joseph Daggett a Avhole share Benj'' Lumbert half a share Jethro Athearn one sixteenth Jacob Robinson half a third John Merrey half a share Zephaniah Luce a Quarter of a share Isaac Robinson half a third of a share Entered on Record this Third of Aprill AD 1751 pr me Jabez Athearn Projf Clerk at a Meeting of y*" Propriators on y'^ 8"' of February 1750 voted that the Tract of Land between the Indian Town and homeses hole road be Divided by Gershom Cathcart Jacob Robinson Abijah Athearn & Benja Lumbert & John Allen Jun'" men Chosen to Divid the same voted, Entered by order p J : Atheakn Clerk Tisbury ss : At a Propriators meeting Legally Warned and held in sd Tisbury on the Eighth Day of February A. D. 1750. for the Drawing for 134 TISBURY TOWN EECORDS. the alotment in a Tract of Land Laid out & Divided into sixteen sheirs ; as also for the Reconsidering a vote that was past for the Dividing a Certain Tract of Land in s'l Tisbury next adjoining to the Eastward part of the Indian Town or to Chiise men to proceed to Lay it out, at which s'* : meeting being Con vend. Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator: at which sd Meeting it was agreed upon and voted by the Propriators of s** Land, that whereas that some of the lots as they are Laid out butt them- selves against the way in the Division aforsd that those to whome such Shares fall by Draft shall have ye Priviledge of the wood that is now standing in sd way against his Draft And the Persons that were Appointed & Authorised to Divid the Common Land in Tisbury as bounded out agreeable to a Purchase thereof made by M'" James Allen Esq"" Late Deceased for himself and his Asso- ciates from Josias the Sachem thereof bearing Date the 31^*^ of January 1671 Did Present at sd Meeting a Draft of their work as followeth vize Wee the subscribers being chosen and Appointed by the Propriators of the Town of Tisbury in order for the Laying out of a Certain Tract or Parcell of Common Land Lying to the Eastward of the Land allready Layed out being formerly Purchased by M'' James Allen of s*^ Tisbury Esq- Deseased as may Appear by Deed on Record And we have Pro- seaded as followeth: We have Layed out a way begining at Homeses hole way and the s'l Way is to Run by the South Line untill it meets with the Road that Leads to Edgartown and the sd Road or high way is to be one Rod & a half wide — . And the first Lott is to begin at, the Easter- most Brow of the Deep Woody valley hill at a Pine tree with Stones about the same, and the s'! Lots are to butt against the old Town Road in part & partly by the highway that is above mentioned : The first Lott is 100 Rods Westward begining at the sd Pine tree by the old Town Road & at the East End 100 Rods (2") Lott is to be 50 Rods in Wedth along the Abovesd way & 35 Rods at the East End — The 3*" Lott is 50 Rods in Wedth by s'' Road & 35 at the East End The 4*" Lott is 55 Rods in Wedth by s'! Road & 32 at the East End The 5 Lott is 50 Rods in Wedth by s'! Road & 31 at the East End The 6 Lott is 55 Rods in Wedth by sd Road & 32 at the East End The 7 Lott is 50 Rods in Wedth by sd Road & 31 at the East End The 8 Lott is 50 Rods in Wedth by sd Road & 31 at the East End The 9 Lott is 48 Rods in Wedth by sd Road & 30 at the east end The 10 Lott is 46 Rods in Wedth by sd Road & or high way & 30 at the East End The 11 Lott is 4 > Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 30 at the East End. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 135 The 12 Lott is 46 Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 33 at the East End The 13 Lott is 54 Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 35 at the East End The 14 Lott is 58 Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 40 at the East End The 15 Lott is 57 Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 45 at the East End The 16 Lott is 155 Rods in Wedth by sd Way & 150 at the East End The abovsd Allotments was Compleated Laid out and finished by us the subscribers on the 6 Day of February 1750 We the subscribers Demand Samuel Manteb one shilling- & one Penny upon Jacob Robinson Each Lott for our service for Benj) Lumbeet Laying the same out into Al- Benj> Manter lottments Entered & Recorded pr order of sd Propria tors this 9"' Day of Feb- ruary Anno Domini 1750 pr me Jabez Athearn Prox>ri" Clerk Memorandum : That on the Eighth Day of February AD 1750 at a Legall Propriators Meeting held at the schoolhouse in Tisbury The Pro- priators then Present Draw for their Allotments in the Division on the other s'! of this Leaf And the first Lott Came forth to y*" Reverend M'' Nathanel Hancock The 2^* to Joseph & Benjamin Allen The 3 to Soloman Athearn and John Merry The 4 to Jabez Athearn Esq'! & the Heirs of Thomas Luce Deceased The 5 to the Heirs of Joseph Allen Deceased and Samuel Look The 6 to George & Benjamin Manter The 7 to Silvanus Cottle & Bays Norton The 8 to Jethro Athearn The 9 to Samuel Cobb & Silvanus Allen The 10 half to John Luce the other half to Zephaniah Luce & the heirs of Shuball Luce Dec'! The 11 to the heirs of M'' John Edy Dec'! The 12 to Samuel Manter & Whitten Manter The 13 to John Allen Esq'" & Willmott Wass The 14 to Joseph Daggett The 15 to Jacob Robinson silvanus Cottle & Joseph Allen The 16 to Gershom Cathcart & Benjamin Lumbert and for the Propriators that were not Present at sd Meeting their Letts were Drawn out by the hand of John Allen Esq'' by order of sd Meeting: Test Jabez Athearn Prop'' Glerh: Recorded this 9*^'' Day of February 1750 ^ me J Athearn Proi^" Clerk 136 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. These Lines within Written are to Sett forth and shew that there is a Certain Tract or Percell of Land Lying & being in the Township of Tis- bury on the East side of the old Mill Brook between the home Lotts and Peabodys Line & Homeses hole & old Town Roads Containing two whole Lotts which may appear by Record now holden in Common by Solomon Athearn and Jacob Robinson & Silvanns Cottle, as may Appear by Records & Other writings and they Concluding to hold no Longer in Common & not agreeing to Divid Have made Choice of Samuel Cobb Benjamin Manter & Benjamin Lumbert to make Division and Partition of the Same according to their Respective Rights and we within Named Samuel Cobb Benjamin Manter & Benjamin Lumbert Have Accordingly Proceeded and Sett off unto the abovsd Soloman Athearn Three Quarters of the Abovsd Tract of Land Lying to the Southward of these Boundarys, viz. Begining at a Ruff Oake tree marked Standing on the South Line on the East side of s'l Land & from thence to a Croched bush with Stones about it Standing by the way where the farm Path turns out of Homeses hole way : And next unto him we have Sett off unto Jacob Robinson one Third of the other Quarter from the abovsd Croched bush to Extend Northward by the way about forty five Rods to a Saplin Marked & from thence to a heap of Stones Lying in the South Line on the north side of the farm Path & to Extend Southerly about Twenty six Rods to the above Mentioned Ruff Oake tree. And the Remaining part to the North- ward we have Sett off to Silvanus Cottle and so accordingly have fin- ished & Compleated the Division this Eighth Day of February in the year 1750 And we the abovsd Solomon Athern Samuel Cobb. Jacob Robinson, & Silvanus Cottle hav- Benjamin Mantek ing viewed the above sd Division & Ap- Benj^ Lumbeet prove thereof & in Testimony thereof Sett to our hands Jacob Robinson Solomon Atheakn Silvanus Cottle Recorded at their Request '^ me Jahez Athearn Ihivn Clerk Capt Samuel Cobb being Chosen Town Treasurer in the Town of Tis- bury for y'' year 1750 was sworn to the faithfull Discliarge of s''. Office "^ me Jabez Athearn Justice of the Peace Tisbury ss : At a Legall Town Meeting Warned and held in s'' Tis- bury on the 20"' Day of March A.D. 1750 for the Choice of Town Offi- TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 137 cers to serve in their Severall Respective offices in s'' Town for the year Insueing, and being mett Proceeded on Said Buisness and in the first place Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator of s"* Meeting At which s'' Meeting Jabez Athearn was Chosen to serve in the office of Town Clerk in s'' Town for the Insueing year : Gershem Cathcart David Butler & Benj'J Lumbert were Chosen Select- men for the Insueing year : Ebenezar Allen was Chosen Constable for the Insueing year Benj=^ Foster Chosen Tything man for the Ensueing year ; Jethro Athearn Seth Dagget & Abijah Athearn serveyers of High- ways in s'' Town, Silvanus Cottle Sam" Lumbert & Thomas Walrond fence viewers; Sam" Cobb chosen Town Treasuer Joseph Allen & Eleazer Luce Chosen Hogreeves in s'' Town the Insueing year Entered pr order of s'' Meeting '^ me Jabez Athearn Clerk the above Meeting adjornd to the third day of Aprill next and on the s^ Third Day of Aprill being in the year 1751 : Then upon a Return of y*^ Constable for the year past that he having sumoned Ebenezer Allen to Attend to sd Choice of a Constable within Six Days after his being Chosen and to QuaUifie himself therefor by Taking his oath orderly therefor Refused so to Do, whereupon at sd Adjournment the matter being Certified, y^ Meeting Proceeded to make another Choice, and then upon Mature Consideration "Choice was made of Barnard Case to serve in the office of Constable in s" Town of Tisbury for the year 1751 : Entered "^ me Jabez Athearn Clr the abovsd Meeting Stands further adjorned untill three of the Clock in the afternoone of this Day y" Eleventh Day of Aprill Instant pr order of sd Meeting Entered pr me J. Athearn Clerk Memorandum That on y*^ Eleventh Day of April! AD 1751. Then the oath to the office of Constable was administered to Barnard Case who was Chosen to s'' Office for the s'' year ^ me Jabez Athearn Jus' Peace At a Propriators Meeting Duly Warned and Attended and held at the School house in Tisbury on the Third Day of September AD 1750 for the Consideration of Railing some Moneys upon the Propriators Interested in the Common or undivided Lands & Meadows in s'' Town & 138 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. more Especially Relating to a Suit at Law Commenced by Mr Experi- ence Mayhew Relating to a Certaine flat of Ledge Lying in Tisbury Pond, on which suit there is a Sum to be .paid by s'' Propriators as Charges Expended on their behalf and Damages Recovered by sd May- hew At which s'' Meeting M'' Gershom Cathcart was Chosen Moderator Then the severall Charges being brought in and Exam'' in s'' Meeting and what was then Allowed to be paid Down by s'' Propriators to Defray y*' whole Charge and Damages Recovered against them Amouted to the Sum of ^132 = 19 = 6 In the old Tenour and there being sixteen shears in s'' Propriaty makes £8 = 6 = 3 to a single sheir, and voted at s'' Meet- ing that Each Propriator to a Single Sheir should pay s*' sum of ^8 = 6 =: 3 and so Proportionally for More or Less Right : At which s'' Meeting John Allen Esq"" & Lieu* Gershom Cathcart were Appointed to gather s'! Money and pay the Same where it is Due; voted at s'^ Propriators Meeting. Entered by order of sd Meeting "^ me Jabez Atheaen Cl- at s'' Meeting Lieu*^ Gershem Cathcart was appointed in behalf of y" afors'' Propriators to Lease out to Samuel Athearn a Certain Tract of Meadow viz all the Meadow Lying between the Late opening and to Extend Easterly along the beach to the Narrowest place in the Crick of water that passes thro to Charleses Neck pond Voted at s'' Meeting J A Clerk the abovsd Meeting was Adjornd Unto 3'', Monday in Sep* Instant Test J Athearn Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the Ninth Day of November Anno Domini 1750, for the Considering and voting how Much Lawfull money Shall be Raised by way of Tax in s'" Tisbury for the pay- ment of the Sallery to the Rever'' M? Hancock minister of s'' Town for this present year s'' Sallery being first statted at fifty Pounds when Money stood at 16 pr ounce to which was added the sum of 10" at the same rate now therefore it is agreed upon at s'' Meeting to Raise y'' sum of 25" Lawfull money which is Equall to Sixty Pounds at 16 "^r ounce the abovsd put to vote & it passed in the affermitive Entered '^ me Jahkz Athearn Clerk At a Propriators Meeting Leagally Warned and held in Tisbury on the 21"* Day of Decem])er AD 1750. To Consider & Determin the Divid- ing & Laying out Such & So much of the Common & undivided Lands that is to the Eastward of the bounds of the Indian at S'' Indian Town TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 139 has been Layed out (That is Within the Bounds of s'^ Tisbury &c And si Meeting being Regularyly Stated, Chose Jabez Athearn Moderator and then Proceeded, but upon Consideration s*^ Meeting with all the Matters Relating thereunto was Adjorned unto friday Next at Noone Test Ja : Atheakn CI- at the aforesd Adjournment being Fryday the 28"' of December the Propriator being mett to mannage the afair abovsd It was Considered that the abovsd meeting should be adjorned untill Thursday next at 12 Clock in s'' Daytime and s'' Meeting was accordingly adjornd ^r Order of s'' Meeting Test Jabez Athearn Proj)"' Clerk And on sd Thursday being the third Day of January AD 1750 the abovsd Propriators being Assembled and the Matter of s'' Meeting being again Debated upon it was ordered that a Certain Tract of Common Land Lying within the bounds of sd Tisbury and bounded on the west- erly Corner by a Rock Marked I. T. being the Corner bounds of the Indian Town as it was bounded out By Otis & Bassett and so to run from s'' Rock Noath Easterly as s'* Indian Town line Runs untill it Meets with Land Disposed of by s'^ Propriators to Deacon Jonathan Lumbert Deceased and so to Continue untill it meets with y** Easterly bounds of s'' Tisbury and bounded Southeasterly by the great Road that Leads from the Town of Tisbury to Homes! hole so to Contain all the Land between s'' Indian Town bounds and s'' Homes! hole Road that has not been otherwise Disposed of by s'* Propriators as also another Tract of Common Land Lying in the bounds of s'' Tisbury Commonly Called the Additionall Purchase as it has of Late been bounded off from y*" other Common Land ; That is to say that the above s'^ Two Tracts of Land be Divided into Sixteen Shares in Each Tract, and the above order as above Sett forth was put to a Publick vote at s'^ Meeting as held by adjourn- ment and it Passed in the affirmative that it Should be so Divided, Test Jabez Atheakn Propriators Clerk Lt was further voted that Samuel Manter Benjamin Manter Jacob Robinson & Benj'^ Lumbert Do proceed & Divid the s"' aditionall Pur- chase into Sixteen Shares as sone as Conveniently may may be Done Entered pr order of sd Meeting "^ Jabez Athearn Projwiators Clerk Whereas that At A Propriators Meeting held in Tisbury on y*" 21"^ Day of December Anno Domini 1750 to Consider & Determine the Dividing and Laying out such and so much of the Common and Undi- vided Lands in s'' Tisbury to the Eastward of the bounds of the Indian 140 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Town as s'! Indian Town has been Layed out : But the sd Meeting being Adjourned to the Third Day of January then next; and then again Assembled ; It was agreed upon & voted by the major Part of the Inter- ested then Present, That a Tract of Common & undivided Land Lying in sd Tisbury & belonging to the Propriators thereof being sixteen whole sheirs. s'! Tract bounded on the Westerly Corner by a rock marked I. T. being the Corner bounds of the Indian Town (as it was bounded out by Coir.' Otis & Coir.' Bassett) and so to Run Noath East & by East as the Indian Town Line Runs untill it meets with the Lands Disposed by sd Propriators unto Deacon Jonathan Lumbert Deceased & so Continue on by si Lumberts Land untill it comes to the Easterly Bounds of s*! Tisbury and bounded South Easterly by the Great Road that Leads from the Town of Tisbury to Homeses hole so to Contain all the Lands Lying between s'! Indian Town bounds & s'' Homeseshole Road that has not been Disposed of by sd Propriators into sixteen sheirs & allotments; And then at an other Propriators Meeting on the Eighth Day of February AD 1750 Wee the subscribers hereunto were Chosen & appointed a Com- mittee to Divid & Lay out the above Discribed Tract of Land into six- teen shares or allotments according to the Constant order of Dividing the undivided Lands in sd Tisbury who being Mett together Proceeded thereon in the following manner and forme — And first we measured from sd Rock by sd Bounds and found it to be 435 Rods: so then wee Began at the West End of sd Line and Layed out the first Lott 50 Rods in breadth by s'! Line to a stake marked, and then to Extend from the afors'! Bound Rock on the same course as the Line is between Jabez Athearn & Ebenezer Rogers on an Easterly Course to a black Oake tree marked and thence Easterly by Lands formerly Layed out being 41 Rods in breadth from sd Red oake tree. 2*^ Lot by sd Line is 33 Rods in breadth to a steake marked & at the Easterly End 40 Rods in breadth s'! Lots Lying about East & West from the Indian town Line to sd Road 3'' Lot by sd Line is 29 Rods & a § in breadth to a stake marked & at the Easterly End 33 Rods in breadth to a Black oake saplin marked 4"' Lott by sd Line is 27 Rods in breadth to a stake marketl i^^ at the Easterly End 30 Rods in breadth to a stake by the Path 5"' Lott is 24 Rods in breadth by s'-' Line to a Stake marked & at the Easterly End 27 Rods in breadth to a stake marked 6"' Lott is 22 Rods in breadth by s'! Line & a A to a stake marked, and at the Easterly End 24 Rods in breadth to a stake marked. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 141 7"' Lott is 19 Rods in breadth & r h by sd Line to a stake marked & at the Easterly End 8 Rods from the Corner of y*^ 6*^'' Lott to a tree marked 8"' Lott is 17 Rods and a i in breadth by s'l Line to a stake marked & at the Easterly end 18 Rods | in breadth to a stake & stones 9^'' Lott is 18 Rods in breadth and a :^ by s'! Line to a stake marked, and at the Easterly End 21 Rods in breadth to a tree marked 7io 10*^'' Lott is 19 Rods in breadth ^ by s'l Line to a Stake marked & at the Easterly End 22 Rods in breadth to a small bush 11"' Lot is 20 Rods & ^ in breadth by s'! Line to a stake marked & at the Easterly End 23 Rods in breadth to a bush marked 12"' Lott is 22 Rods and ^ in breadth to sd Line to a stake marked & at the Easterly end 25 Rods in breadth to a Stake 13"' Lott is 25 Rods in breadth by s'! Line to a Stake marked & at the Easterly End 28 Rods in breadth to a Small tree marked 14*" Lott is 28 Rods in & | in breadth by sd Line to a Stake marked & at the Easterly End 32 Rods in breadth to a bush marked The 15"' Lott is 36 Rods in breadth by said Line to a stake marked and at ye Easterly End 40 Rods to a stake marked The 16 Lott is all the Remainder of s'! Tract of Land and being the Noutherly Eand of itt : & so far finished this 20"' Day of february AD 1750. to which Wee subscribe this 22*^ Day of february 1750. Geeshom Cathoart Jacob Robinson ^ Benj^ Lumbeet ' Abijah Athearn John Allen Jun- J > Committee And then at a Propriators meetting Held in s'' Tisbury on the 22 Day of february AD 1750. The severall Lotts of Land in the foregoing Tracts of Land were Drawn for in the Right & by y'' hands of the Propriators then Present and the first Lott Came out to Samuel Look and y'' heirs of samuel Merrey Deceased in Equall halves 2*^ Lott to Gershom Cathcart & Benj* Lumbert in Equall halves 3 Lott to Samuel Manter & Whitten Manter in Equall halves 4 Lott to Jacob Robinson silvanus Cottle t% Joseph Allen Dec''** Heirs in thirds 5 Lott to Jabez Athearn & Solomon Athearn in Equall halves 142 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 6 Lott to John Allen Esq'^ 7 Lott to y*" Rev4 Nathanael Hancock 8 Lott to Joseph Allen Deceased' heirs 9 Lott to silvanus Allen & Samuel Cobb in Equall halves 10 Lott to the Heirs of John Edy Deceased 11 Lott to Joseph Daggett 12 Lott to Jethro Athearn 13 Lott to George Manter & Benjamin Manter in Equall halves 14 Lott to John Luce and Zephaniah Luce 15 Lott to Joseph Aliens Heirs in Equall halves 16 Lott to Silvanus Cottle & the heirs of Thomas Luce Deceased in halves The whole of the above & foregoing Division was Entered and Recorded by order of the Propriators of sd Tisbury y*" 8^'' Day of Octo- ber 1751 : "^ me Jabez Atheakn Prop" Clerk These are to Witness that wee the Subscribers hereunto have Cove- nanted Promised and agree'd with each Other That wee and Each of us will allow an Open Roade Thirty foot wide To come in as it comes from our Meeting house to Jonathan Luces. From Thence Notherly as is and haith been used to Samuell Lumberts From thence as hath been Used on the West Side of two or three Little Ponds to David Butlers From thence Notherly as hath been used to John Cottles, from thence as Streight as may be with Conveniancie to Samuell cottles House so by his House to Extend towards the Northeast as may be best for Conveniancie of Said Roade and as may be Leaste for Dammage on each Mans Land untill it comes to goe thro Saviges Line in the Lane near Bryant Cartrigts in Order for to Accomodate us and Others for passing to Homses hole and to the Town, And that wee Avill Clear Said Rode of Fence and bars at or before the first Day of May next coming after the Date hereof, As Wit- ness Our hands & Seals this Second Day of August AD : 1751 Signed & Sealed in Presence Thomas Smith O of Elisha Lumbert Jonathan Luce O Shobal Harden Isaac Chase O Bryant Cartwright the Above agreement Recorded Samuell Weekes — O this 18'^' Day of August AD : 1772 David Butler O Ezra Athkarn Tovut. Clerk Ransford Smith — O Sami-kt, Cottlk O TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 143 At a Propriators Meeting Legally Warned and held in Tisbury on the 23 Day of aagust AD. 1751. for the choice of an Agent or Agents for the Appearing & Proceeding in the behalf of the Propriaters of y*' Com- mons & undivided Lands and Meadows in s'^ Tisbury & upon the Accompt of s'' Propriators Relating to Such Lands in s*' Tisbury as has of Late been Layed out into Sixteen Shares, against any Person or Persons that shall Presume to Disturbe or Challenge any such Lands or Meadows Con- trary to the s'' Propriators Rights or Interests At which s'^ Meeting John Allen Esq'' was Chosen Moderator as also at s^' Meeting Jabez Athearn Esq' was Chosen An Agent to Appear and Act & Do in behalf of the abovsd Propriators all things Nessessary Relating to the abovsd Prem- ises & Perticularly to Authorise & Appoint one or more Attorney or Attorneys under him Relating to the abovsd Premises the above Written Choice & betrostment of agency was voted and in acted at sd Meeting by the Maj'! Part of the Propriators of sd Interests and the whole of the propriators then Present : Entered ^ order of sd meeting ^ me Jabez Athearn Projiriators Clerk Tisbury ss : At a Legall Town Meeting Warned & held in s Day of September AD 1759 for the Considering several Things Relating to the Calling of M'- William Whitwill Jun'; to be sd lowns Minister and the voters then assembled made choice of David But- ier Moderator of sd meeting : Then first the answer to a Call already made being Read it was in the negative untill he had the advice of his father at Boston, 21y : it was 172 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Proposed at sd Meeting to be Considered what the Town would give sd Whitwill for his service in Preaching in sd Town some time past & being put to it passed to Render him nine pounds & ten shillings old Tenor for each sabbath he had Preacht in sd Town : Then it was put to vote whether the Town would give Mr Whitwell a Call to the work of the ministry in sd Town & it Passed in the affermative : Then it was Put to the Consideration of sd Meeting what the Town would vote to give y" sd M'' Whitwell as an Incouragment for a settlement & what for- a Sallery Annually During his work in the Gospell Ministry in sd Tisbury, and after much Debate the following Proposals were put to vote and were confirmed by the maj^^ part of the voters then Present & that a Copy thereof should Presented to the s'' m'' Whitwell by sd Towns Committee Requesting his answer whether he would accept of the s'^ Towns Call upon the Encouragment Offered or no : within the space of six weeks from y'' Date hereof And first as to his settelment to Provid at sd Towns Cost within three years after his Taking the office of a Gospell Minister in s'' Town a house and Land Conveniently scituated for a habitation of the Minister of sd Town that shall be judged by Indifferent men to be worth *^2B6 = 13 = 4 and in Case y'^^ sd Town should faile of the Per- formance there of then to Render him the sum of ^^160 = = and a yearly sallery of "^46 =7=8: The abovsd house & Land (if Provided) to be for his use as a Parsonage During his Continuance in the work of the Ministry in sd Town Jabez Atheaen Clerk At a Town meeting held in Tisbury on the fifth Day of October 1759. then David butler was Chosen Moderator, Then it was Proposed at s^ Meeting to Consider what Money was needfull to be Raised to Defray the Charges arisen on sd Town ; then it was put to vote whether the sura of one hundred Pounds should be Raised by Rate or Tax to Defrey the Charges of sd Town this Present year, and it Passed in the Affirmative; Then it was put to vote whether the sum of nine pounds Ten Shillings Old Tenor pr Week for the Space of Eight Weeks or Eight Sabbath Dayes M'" Samuel West preacht in s'^ Tisbury and to be paid to Him s'' West & to be Drawn out of the s'^ Towns Treasury viz being part of s" Hundred Pounds : and it Passed in the Affermative : At a Town Meeting held in Tisbury on the 23"' Day of October 1759 Then it was voted that AVillmot Wass should have 12^ out of the Town Treasury of s'' Tisbury for scvice he had Done for sd Town : p]ntered pr me Ja^- Athearn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 173 At a Town Meeting Held in Tisbury on y*" 30*'' Day of November 1759 Then mr Benjamin Allen was Chosen Moderator (Then it was put to vote whether or no Samuel Lumbert & Ransford Smith should be a Committee to seek out for a minister for sd Tisbury & to be a standing Committee untill the Town be Supplyed with a minister passed in Affer- mative then it was put to vote whether or no the Committee Shall apply to M'" Samuel West to obtain him & it Could not be Descided by vote.) and that the Committees Reasonable Charge of sd Committe be paid out of s'' Towns Trasury. affermative Entered pr Jabez Atheaen Clerk At a Town Meeting Held in Tisbury on y*" 30*'' Day of November 1759. Then among other things that were proposed to be Considered it was Considered & put to vote that whereas there was money Granted to be Raised & Lodged in the Town Treasury to Def rey Town Charges ; what Charges should be allowed to be paid out of s'' Money and then at s'! Meeting Samuel Cobb brought in an Account of £4: — i'^ — 2^ for his Charges as an Agent for sd Town in a Case Commenced against s'' Town by mr Nathanel Hancock which was Allowed to be paid Then Silvanus Cottle as an Agent with sd Cobb brought in an Account s d of his Charges to the sum of £1 = = 2 = 2 which was also Allowed to be paid : out of s*^ Money Raised Allowed to Samuel Manter 8^ Lawfull money for Keeping mr Whit- well & his Horse 7 sabbaths Entered pr me Jabez Atheaen Ct- Tisbury ss At an aniversery Town Meeting held in sd Tisbury on the first Day of march AD 1760 Then David Butler was Chosen Moderator of sd Meeting Then were Chosen for Selectmen Stephen Luce Shubael Cottle & James Athearn Jabez Athearn Town Clerk Isaac Chace Chosen Constable Jethro Athearn & George Manter overseers of the Poor Capt Samuel Cobb & Samuel Lumbert Surveyers of Highways Jonathan Man- ter & Thomas Look Tything men Benj"^ Manter Jonathan Luce & Jacob Robinson fence viewers Town Treasurer to be Cap* Gershom Cathcart the abovsd Meeting Adjourned untill next fryday Come seven nights for the Considering further whether y^ Constable Chosen will accept or no Jabez Atheaen Town Cleric 174 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Then on fryday as adjourned To being y*' 14th Day of sd March y^ Meeting again assembled & whereas the abovsd Isaac Chace being Absent & not warned to Attend the office of Constable & the Time of Warning being Elapsed, The meet- ing on Consideration Passed their vote of choice of sd Chace for sd Towns Constable for the Ensueing year, & Likewise adjourned sd meeting fur- ther to a fortnight hence to 3 of y'' Clock afternoon on sd Day to know whether sd Chace would serve or no pr order of sd Meeting Jabez Athearn 01)'. The abovesd meeting as above Adjourned being attended on then the abovsd Isaak Chase being Notified by the s" Elijah Look the stand- ing Constable of his being chosen the Constable The Constable of sd Tisbury for y*" year 1760, by Leaving a Noti- cattion thereof in Writing under his hand with his wife & family at his Dwelling House (he not then to be found) and Charging his wife & fam- ily to give it him sd Chase but have had no account from him of his acceptance or Refusall to serve Then the meeting further Adjourned to the first Tuesday in may next Jabez Athearn Clr Then on the s*' first Tuesday in May being the sixth Day then a few meett and Adjourned sd Meeting to fryday next to be held at the Meet- ing house in Tisbury at four of the Clock afternoon Ja^ Athearn C/r At a Legall Town Meeting Warned to be Held in Tisbury on the ninth Day of May 1760 and then Attended in Order to Proceed to have the Ministry of the Gospel Resettled in sd Tisbury ; then first David Butler chosen Moderator Then it was Proposed to Chuse an Adition to a former committee to take the Care for the Resettling thereof then was Chosen Jacob Robin- son & Benjamin Allen to Joine the former Committee viz Samuel Lum- bert & Ransford Smith Tisbury ss : At a Legall Town Meeting warned to be held in s'! Tisbury on the sixteenth Day of June anno Domini 1760, and then Assembled : Tlion TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 175 firstly David Butler was Chosen Moderator of s'' Meeting : S'l Meeting being Called to Consider & Do many things as s'' Meeting Should See need- full & Proper that are Mentioned in the warrant for sd Meeting Touching and Concerning the settling M"" George Daman in the office a Regular Gospell Minister in s'' Town : And these being Presented to sd Meeting a vote of the Chchs Call & Choice of M"" George Daman to the Pastorial office in s'' Chch : and on Consideration of sd vote as being Presented for Concurance a vote being Called thereon. It Passed in the affermative viz, Concured and Lik w^ise Chosen for the Towns minister Then it was Consideied what Encouragement should be offered him for his Com- plyance with sd Choice, and it was put to vote whether or no the sum of four hundred Pounds old Tenor a year Should be Raised in sd Town for & paid him During his Continuance in the work of the Ministry in sd Town as a salery and also one Thousand Pounds in the Old Tenor for his sette- ment to be paid in y*" space of Three years next after his acceptence of the work of the Ministry in sd Town & to be paid by a Third in Each of sd 3 year and It Passed in the affermative ; Then a vote Avas Called Avhether or no the sum of Ten pounds a Week should be paid to sd Mr George Daman for his Supplying the Pulpit since his Invitation to Preach in s'! Town & further Continuance to Preach untill Settled or Dismist & it Passed in the affermative and Ordered that M'' Samuel Lumbert a M': Jacob Robinson should wait upon and Present a Copy of these votes to s'* M- Daman Requesting an Answer in Some Reason- able time Recorded by order of s'l Meeting by me Jabez Athearn Toivn Clerk At a Town Meeting Lawfully Warned and Held in Tisbury on Wednesday the 30"' Day of July anno Domini 1760 For the Receiving Hearing and Considering what Answer the Rever'd George Daman Should make to proposalls made by s'l Town & Chch therein for his Set- tling in the work of Gospell Ministry in s"l Town, as On Record on the sixteenth Day of June anno Domini 1760 and offered to Him Requesting His Answer whether Affermative or Negative ; The which was then at si meeting Received & Publickly Read & Proved to be in the Affirma- tive (viz) His Acceptance And then Voted to be Recorded, which is now Done And is in the following forme : — : To the Church and Town of Tisbury Greeting : Hon'* & Beloved, You are not (Doubtless) Insensable that not long since you Invited me to Take the Pastoral Charge of Christs flock in this place : — . Accordingly I have 176 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. taken Matter In to the Most Serious Prayerfull Consideration: Have asked Counsell of God, And liave not Neglected to take tiie Advice of my Parents and Christian friends == — . And from Eying the Stand of:- Providence in the Extraordinary Unanimity of this People, After so long? ; a Time spent without Having the Gospell Ordinances Regularly Admin- istered; Altho I Look upon my self a Person UnEquall & Unworthy- of such an office ; yet have I been lead to Think that it is the Mind &■ Will of Christ the Great Head of the Church That I Take the Pastoral Charge of this His flock; From this Consideration Alone (and not for the sake of Filthy Lucer) Do I feele my Mind Disposed to Comply. — And I Accordingly Do now Accept of the Call of this Church & Town To be Their Minister — : And Promise by Divine Assistance to Devote my self tc the work of the Ministry in this Place ; And to Labour among you in word?! and Doctrine — . And as I Depende upon you under Providence for my' support I Expect you will make such Additions from Time to Time as I shall stand in need oif. — Desire your Earnest Prayers & Supplycations to the God of all Grace for me, That I may be a Faithfull Minister of Jesus Christ, That I may Rightly Divid the word of Truth to this People, And be the Instrument of Turning many to Righteousness — . & Oh That we may all so Live Together Here that we may Meet in Zion above & Shine as the brightness of the Fermament & as the Stars for Ever & Ever : I : now Subscribe my self your very Unworth Pastor George Daman Tisbury July the 30"^ 1760. Entered upon Record the 31** of July AD : 1760 f me Jabez Atheaen Tonm Clerk Tisbury ss That at a Legall Town Meeting warned & Held in sd Tis- bury on the 19"' Day of August 1760 Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Moderator : — Then In Order to Provid for the Ordaination of Mr George Daman, he being Chosen by the Chch & Town for their Minister : And after much Debate It was Concluded & put to vote whether or no the sd Town would Grant that the sum of Five Pounds six shillings & Eight pence should be allowed out of the Town Treasury to Cap' Samuel Cobb of Tisbury for his service & Expences in Entertaining & Providing for such as should be called & Imployed in the Ordaining sd M'" Daman During their Attendance on the same & it Passed in the Affermative : and sd Cobb being Present Ingaged to Performe the sd services untill they were Dismist. and further it was Put to vote whether or no the sd Town should pay TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 177 the ferriage of four ministers & their Delegates as should come from the maine to perform sd Ordination & it Passed in y*" Affermative : En- tered pr order of sd meeting pr me Jabez Atheakn Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss At a Town Meeting warned to be held in s'l Tisbury on j the 26th Day of August 1760. and then Assembled & Lieutenant Benja- min JVIanter was Chosen Moderator, s'! Meeting was called together To Consult whether or no the Town would Purchase an Accomodation of Lands & buildings for a Parsonage in s*^ Town to Assist the Maintainance of a Minister which Cap^ Samuel Colb had to sett at the value of Two Thousand Pounds Price as by Him Estimatted : And Principally for the Present use of M- George Daman : And then were Chosen M^^ John Cottle M^ Benjamin Allen & M^ Thomas Look to act as Agents for s'' Town to Treat with s'' Cobb upon that account & to Lay before the Town at a Town meeting how far they Proceed & to Have the Towns Appro- bation of what they have done or Disprobation Tisbury ss : At a Town Meeting warned to be held at sd Tisbury on the second Day of September 1760 and then assembled, Then David Butler was Chosen moderator : sd meeting was Notified for the Consid- eration of severall things Relating to y*-' Buying a Parsonage & M- Damans Relinquishing the sum of one Thousand Pounds settlement \ And then Proceeded thereon as (1)''' It was Put to vote whether or no the Town of Tisbury will Purchase of Cap* Samuel Cobb what Land Meadow & buildings he said Cobb bought of Silvanus Cottle lying on the West side of the old Mill River in s'! Tisbury s'' Cobb Reserving to Himself & His Heirs & assigns the Previledge of Flowing for the mill as At Present & Likewise to Purchase Two Thirds of all the severall Divisions of Wood Lotts on the Eastside of s'' River which s'' Cobb bought of sd Cottle ; All the abovsd Land & Buildings to be & Remain for a Parson- age, or for the use of the ministry During Time in sd Town of Tisbury and it Passed in the affermative : — (2) It was Put to vote whether or no the Town will Purchase One Thousand of sedar Rails & what Oake Posts may be nessesary to sett the same up to Enclose the abovsd Land on the West side of the River with in the Terme of one year from this Date & it Passed in the Affermative. (3y> : To Put to vote whether or no the Town would shingle the Rest of the Barn one of the Buildings, within the space of One year from 178 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. this Date & to put what Glass is wanting into the windows & to keep the wooden work of the Dwelling House in Repair, and it Passed in the affermative — . (4'^) If the sd Town sees it fitt at s'l meeting to Plaister the front Rooms over head & to Plaster the Kitchen then to vote the same to be Done, and it Passed In the Affermative : (5'^') To Put to vote whether or no the Town will Reconsider what has been Already Granted to Mr George Daman, For a settlment he Taking office in s'* Town in the Gospell mintry and it Passed in the Affermative, He giving a Discharge therefrom : (6'^') at sd meeting to appoint a Committee to Take security for the Land & Buildings & to give security for the money Therefor In behalf of the Town & it Passed in the affermative. and Lastly at sd meeting the Present selectmen, viz. James Athearn Shubel Cottle & Stephen Luce were Chosen & appointed to Take & give security as abovesd & also to. Take the Care & see y' all the abovsd articles Relating fencing & Build-| ings be seasonably Done & Performed, all the abovsd votes & acts passed ' on the second Day of September 1760 : Recorded by order of sd meeting per me Jabez Athearn Town Clerlx. 1 Tisbury ss : At a Town Meeting warned to be held in si Tisbury on the 3'^ Day of November 1760 then Assembled ; and first Jabez Athearn was Chosen moderator : sd meeting was Called and (1) to Consider & grant a sum of money to be Raised by Tax to Defrey the Town of Tis- burys Charges all Ready, as shall appear Due, & Payable or that may arise Due for the Currant year (2) to Chuse a Committee to Examin the Town Treasurer Accounts (3) to Chuse a Committee to Provide Mate- rials and see the Parsonage in sd Tisbury Put in order according to the sd Towns former vote 1760 2. Benja Lumbert & Stephen Luce Chosen a Committee to Examin the Town Treasuers accts 3. Benja Manter Benja Allen & Stephen Luce Chosen a Committee to Provide materialls & to see that the Personage in sd Tisbury be Put in order according to the Towns vote Jabz Athearn Clerk Tisbury ss : That at a Legall Annaversary Town meeting held in sd Tisbury on the Twelfth Day of march 1761 : and then assembled. Then a vote was Called for the Choice of a Moderator : & it fell to Jabez Athearn Then Jabez Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk : James Athearn, TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 179 Stephen Luce & Shubel Cottle chosen selectmen : John Butler Chosen Constable : Capt Gershom Cathcart Town Treasurer : Thomas Allen & Samuel Lewis Ty thing men : Lieu* Benj"* Manter & Cap* Eliakim Norton surveyers of Highways Jonathan Luce & Benj'*^ Lumbert fence viewers : Elisha West & Barnet Case Wardens All the above officers as Chosen to serve for the EnsueiAg year : — on the Petition of Nathaniel Hancock Jun"" for the Exempting of his poll Tax for y^ year 1760 put to vote it Passed in the negative : — Whit- ten Manter by vote allowed Eight shilhngs pr year untill further orded from the Town he taking care & keeping the Doors shut Excepting when y'' house in use & sweeping the floors Then j" s*^ meeting was adjourned to the 19*'' Day of s'! March four a Clock afternoon of sd Day on account of y" new Choice of a Constable In case y^ Person Chosen Refused to serve : pr order of sd Meeting Entered ■^ Jabez Atheakn Clerk Then at s'' Adjournment Stephen Luce was appointed Moderator, and whereas John Butler had not Complyed to serve in the office of Con- stable to which he was Chosen, It was Put to vote whether or no Israel Luce should serve in the office of Constable for s'' ToAvn of Tisbury for the Present year of 1761 and It passed in the affermative, and hath Taken the Oath of s' Office. Entered pr me Jabez Atheakn To2vn Clerk Tisbury ss That at a Legal Town meeting held at the Meeting House in Tisbury on the 16"' Day of October Anno Dom : 1761 A Vote was Called for the Choice of a Moderator & Stephen Luce was Chosen : said meeting was Notifed to se if a Vote might be Obtained To Chuse some meet Person to Prefer a Petition to the General Court or Assembly held Att Boston &c : that Tisbury might for the future be Made The Shire Town in Dukes County : Said Agent to Joyn with the Agent of Chill- mark in Prefering Said Petition and said Vote being Put it Past in the Affirmative and M"" James Athern was Chosen for the Purpose Above- said Recorded. ^ Order of s'' Meeting Jabez Atheakn Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss Dembr th 4 Dy 1761 At a Town Meting Leggely warned and on Novmber the 30 Anna Dom 1761 and Continnued By adjurnment Till this Present Day at which meeting it was put to Vots whether their Should Be one Hundred 180 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. I and ninty Pounds Raised in the Town this Present yere to Dafray the Charges of Said town and it Past in the afermitive M"" Stephen Luce modrator of S'' meting Josesh Allen Town Clarh Tisbury ss Ath a Legarly town meating warned at tisbury on Dembr the forth 1761 then was m"' Benjamin Allen Chosen modrator of Said meating Joseph Allen was Put to vote To Sarve in the office of Town Clark this Presant year In Sd tisbury and the Vote Past in the Afermitive . Joseph Allen Toicn Clark \ at a Legeal aniversery Town meeting warned and hild at Tisbury at the meeting house in Sd Tisbury on march the 15 Day anna Domney 1762 then mr David Butler was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting Joseph Allen Chosen Town Clerk for the yeare in Suing Squire Jeames athearn mr Stephen Luce mr Shouble Cottle ware Chosen Sleectmen for the in Suing year Captin Garsham Cithcart town Treasuer for the Insuing year Seth Daggeet and Jonathan hammet Survayer of highways the yeare insuing Benjamin Foster and Benjamin merry ware Chosen in the office of worddings for the Insuing yeare Thomas Smith Jr and Noah Look Chosen to the office of Tything men for the insuing yeare Thomas Allen and Thomas Waldring fence vewers the insuing yeare William Roges and Hezekiah Luce hogreeves for the insuing yeare at meeting Ransford Smith was Chosen to Sarve in the office of Cornstable for the Insuing yeare at Sd meeting it w^as voted that the Town Should a Low William foster his a Count for Looking after George Carson and his Funrel Charges which was Six Shilings Pr week for 12 weeks and Eleven Shilings for his funrel Charges this Sd meeting was adiorned to the Seen Tusday in Aprel" at Three of the Clock in the afternoon Entred this 15 Day of aprel An Do 1762 Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Whare as M'" Benjamin Lumbart and M"" Stephen Luce Being ap- pointed By the Town of Tisbury : To Settle comp^' with captin Garsham Cithcart Tresurer for Sd town their Remains Due to ye Town Exclusive of What orders he has allready Recued from the Selectmen and oversears of the Poor the Soume of For teen Pounds Eight Shihngs Due to sd Town the orders he has Got to Pay is- Seventeen Pounds Seventeen Shilings and Ten Pence Tisbury January ye 12 : 1761 Entred this 15 Day of march 1762 pr me Joseph Allen Clark: TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 181 at a Legel Town meeting hild By adiornment at the meetino; house in Sd Tisbury on Aprel tlie 13 Dy An Do 1762 upon the Refusel of mr Ransford Smith Taking the office of Counstable the Town Proseded to the Choice of mr John Butler to Sarve in the office of Counstable for the Insuing yeare and adiorned Sd meeting until the Third Tuesday of may insuing the Date heare of Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Clerk. at a Legel Town meeting hild By adiornement at the meeting "house in Tisbury 18 Day of may 1762 upon the Refusel of mr John Butlers taking the office of Constable mr Shouble Dunham was Chosen to Sarve in the office of Constabe for the Insuing year and Sd metting adiorned to the forth Tusday in may in Suing the Date heare of at Five of the Clock in the afternoon Entred this 18 Day of may An Domny 1762 Pr me Joseph allen Town Clerk. at a Legel Town meeting hild at the meeting house in Tisbury By adiornment upon the 25 Dy of may and nothing acted upon at Sd met- ing But adiorned sd march meeting until the Furst Tusday in October next Insuring the Date heare of at Three of the Clock in the afternoon Entred this 25 Day of may An Do 1762 Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk at a Legel Town meeting Legely worned and hild at Tisbury at the meting house on October the 5 Day 1762 to Rase money to Pay the ministers Sallary and to Defray other Charges that has or Should arise and it was Put to vote whether that their Should Be the Soume of one hundred and Sixty Six Pounds Rased and the vote Pased in the a farmitive Entred this Fifth Day of October An Do 1762 By me Joseph Allen Clerk mr Jeams Athearn Esquire Modrater of Sd meeting. at a Legel Town meeting hild at the metting house in Tisbury By adiornment upon the Fifth Day of October 1762 it was Voted that Shouble Dunham Paying Two Pounds Ten Shilings Should Sarve for his Torn for not sarving Constable and the vote Pased in the afarmitive his Living upon the out Skearts of the Town and his Being Jest Com into 182 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. ,, Town and Sd meeting was adiorned to the Last Tusday in October instant at Ten of the Clock in the morning at Cool house Entred this 5 Day of October 1762 Pr me Joseph Allen Olerk at a Legel march meeting hild at the School house in Tisbnry By adiornment^ on the 26 Day of October 1762 to Chuse a Counstable and mr John mayhew was Put to vote and the vote Pased in the afarmitive and %diorned Sd meeting until the Furst Tusday of Novmber Instant at three of the Clock in the afternoon at the School house Entred this 26 Day of October An Do 1762 Pr me .^ Joseph Allen Clerk October th 28 Dy 1762 Whereas John Butler Being heare to fore « Chosen to Sarve as Cunstable has this Daye Excpted and is Sworn to the j oiRce upon the Slectmen Paing him the Soume of 2 Pounds 10 Shiling " which Shouble Dunham Paid Entred this 28 Dy of October Pr me Joseph Allen Clerk Tisbury Novmber 24. Dy 1762 These may Certifie Whome it may Counsarne that the Commity Chosen By the Town to put the Parsenage in Repare have Done all that was Required of them agreable to the Vote of the Town and I heare By Relinguesh all Title to the Settlement voted to me By the Town If they Shall keep the Wooden work of the house in Repare agreable to their vote Pr me George Damon Entred this 23 Dy of Dember 1762 Pr me Joseph Allen T Clerk Tisbury march y« 28 dy 1763 at a Legel anjversary Towm meeting Lcgely warned and hild at the metting house in Sd tisbury mr Jethro Athearn was Chosen modrater of sd meeting it Was Put to vote Whether Joseph alleti Should Sarve Town Clerk for the Insuing yeare and the vote Pased in the afarmitive Squire athern mr Stephen Luce mr Shouble cottle Chosen Slectmen for the Insuing year captin Cithcart Chosen Towji Treasuer for the Insuing year Captin Norton Benjamin merrey Chosen worddings for Sd yeare Thomas Look Joseph merrey fensveivers for Sd yeare Samuel Lumbart Noah Look Siirvaers of highwayes for Said year Thomas Allen Robart manter Thomas Smith Tyhingmen for Said year and Sd meeting is ad- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 183 iorned to the Third Tiisday in aprel at Two of the Clock Insuing the Date heare of to Consider and act What may Be thought most Proper as to gitting a Constable Entred march th 28 dy 1763 By me Joseph Allen 2' CJerh at a Legel Town march meeting hild By adionment on aprel the 19 Dy 1763 at Sd metting John Butler was Chosen to searve in the offes of Counstable for the Insuing year Entred By Joseph Allen 7 Clerk at a Legel Town meeting Legely warned and hild at the meeting house in Tisbury on aprel the 19 dy 1763 to See Whether or no the the Town Would Rase a Soum of money to hire a Collecter and it was voted that their Shoul Be Six Pence upon the Pound Rased for Gethering Said Tax for the year Insuing and mr John Butler Excepted of it Entred aprel the 19 Dy 1763 By me Joseph allbn Clerk Tisbury Ss att a Legal town meeting Warned an held at Tisbury afordsd on the Eighth Day of augst A D 1763 In order to Consider of Some Proposals made By Doctr Samuel Gillson of Nantuckett in Order for the Town of Tisbury s Granting him Liberty To Carry on Inoculation of the Small Pox at Homses hole in Sd Towns Constablerick the Town at Sd meeting Procded and Chose Jeams Athearn Esqr moderator for Sd meeting Is Then the following vots ware Passed Yizt That Docter Samuel Gillson Be Allowed to Cary on and Pratice Inoculation of the Small Pox in Soume Sutable Place at Homeses hole until it Appears Evident to the Town of Tisbury that it Tis Preiudicial to the Interest of Said Town 2 : ndly that Doctor gillson Doe Oblige himself to Take Into his Care any Parson or Parsons that may Be Landed at any Time Within the Said Town of Tisbury With Small Pox without any Demande from the Town their for 3''"-' that the sd Doctor obliges himself to Pay the Sum of Six ShilKngs Lawful money into the Treasury for Said Town of Tisbury for Every Person that he Shall Inoculate with the Small Pox While he Practices In that Distemper in Said Town of Tisbury Excepting those that Shall Belong to Sd town voted Likewise that Gershom Cathcart Esqr Jacob Robson Stephen Luce Shouble Cottle and Robart manter be a Comittee for sd Town to Consult with Docter Gillson. where may Be a Sutable Place for the Safe Carrying on the Inoculation afordsd That Their Power continue for the Space of one Yeare as a comity from the Date heare of All the Above sd Votes Passed By the sd Town 184 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. I of Tisbury So far as Their Power as a Town Extended All ways Supos- ing By the Vots above sd that he sd Docter Does agree with the Majr Part of The a Bovesd Comitty "^ order of the meeting Jeams athearn Modrater Entred this 25 Day of Augst A D 1763 By me Joseph Allen Toivn Clearh To all People to whome these Presants Shall come Greeting know ye that Wheare as Elisha West marchent Abijah Atharn husbandman and Jonathan manter farryman all of Tisbury in Dukes County are Each of ous oweners and In Posseshen of Three Tracts or Parsels of wood Land at or Near homses hole in sd Tisbury formerly purchesed By Capt Sam- uel Cobb mr Stephen Look and the afsd Atharn of the Reverand Thorns West of Dartmouth in the county of Bristol and Said Elisha West pur- chesed one Quarter of the hole of said Look and sd Manter purchesed three Eights of Said Cobb as more fully may Appear By the Dees now on Record and we judging it Best to Divide Said three Loots have and . Do By these Presents Divided Said Lands in maner folowing Said Eisha ' West hath the Two Smallest Lots one Being one fifth of the Lands Mr '■' Abner West Died Sezed of and gave by will to Said Thomas West and ; is a Bout Six acars the other Small Lot is the harlf of a wood Lot Devided Betwen Said Thomas West and Said Eisha west Containing about Twelve acars these are the whole of Said West Quarter of the primeses Said Abijah Atharn and Jonathan manter hath the Largest Loot Being further from the harbour of homses hole Containing a Bout Ninty Acars Equely Betwen them their full of their Three Quarters of the primeses These Divisen we Do for oure salves our haers and Execiters and Adminestreter Confaerm to Eatch other forever the above Devition as Witness our hands and Seles this furst Day of September AD 1762 sined Sealed and Delevered in Elisha West. Pressence of AincAiL Dagget Abljah Athearn. Sarah Butler Jonathan manter. Eunce Merry Entred this Third Day of September 1763 By me Joseph Allen Tovm Clerk These Presents Witneseth that we whiten manter and Benjamin man- ter Both of Tisbury Sheweth that Wheras our honred father Benjamin manter Late of Said Tisbury Descied Who Died Seased of A Tract and Persel of Land lying at a Place known By the name of the Point of tis- TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 186 new now to Be Devided Equely Between we two Brothers a Bove Said and the a Bove Sd Benjamin manter takes that Lot of Land that Lyeth at the Point that was Samuel Looks a Lotment as may a Pear by Dead and another Persel Lying to the Eastward of Jethro Atharns Land Bounded as foloweth at a Ston Lying upon a Ridge then from Sd Ston Notherly to a Ston Lying by a Dich and a fence then Esterly to the Pond then Southerly By Sd Pond to the a Bove Sd atharns Land Now I the a Bove Sd whiten manter Do for my Selfe my heirs and asians aquit all my Whole Right Title and Intrest in and unto the a Bove Sd Benjamin manter his hears and asigns for Ever and fothermore I the a Bove Sd Benjamin manter Do for for my Self my heirs and a Signs Do aquit all my whole Right that I have unto all the Lands and medow to the west and notherd of Sd Bounds unto him the a Bove Sd Whiten manter his hears and asigns for Ever In witness Where of We have Set to our hands this Twenty furst Day of September 1763 Witness heare unto Whiten manter Samuel manter Benjamin manter John Manter Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerh Tisbury ss At a Legel Town meetting Legely warned and hild at Tisbury on the 10 Day of Jenuary an Do 1764 Then mr Jeathro Athearn was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting then it Was put to vote Whether Docter Gillson Should Stil Continue the Pratice of Inoculation as Voted Before the Town Did then Except the Preposels which Weare then made by sd Docter and the Vote Pased In the af armitive 3'"^ that David Butler Seth Daggett Jonathan manter Ware chosen and Put to vote to Joyn the former Committy and the Vote Pased In the Afarmitive Entred Pr me Joseph Allen T Clerh At a Legeal Town meeting Legealy warned and heald at Tisbury upon the Tenth Day of Jeanary 1764 then It was Voted that Seventy Eight Pounds Lawful money Should Be Rased to Defray the Town Charges and the vote Pased In the afarmitive mr Jeathro Athearn mod- rater of sd meeting Entred By me Joseph Allen T Clerh Tisbury ss At A Legal Town Aniversary Meeting Legley Warned and hild in Tisbury at the Metting House on Fryday The Second Day of 186 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. March An Do 1764 M' Benjamin Mantor Modrater of S'^ Meeting it Was Put to Vote Whether Joseph Allen Should Sarve In the Office of Town Clerk and the Yote Pased In the A Farmitive S"'^'^' It Was Voted that Job Look Should Sarve In the office of Constable for the In Suing year Voted Like Wise that he Should have Six Pence Pr Pound for Collect- ing the money 3"'"^ Squire Jemes Athern Stephen Luce Shouble Cottle Ware Chosen Seelectmen for the Insuing year Zepl' Luce Thomas Allen Ware Chosen to the office of Wardeens for the year Insuing Mager Gershom Cithcart Town Treasuer for the In Suing year Cap^ Samuel Cob Capl- Eliakeom norton Survayers of high w^ays for the Insuing year Benjamin Lumbart William Luce fence vewers for the In Suing yere Cap^ David Butler Benj- Foster Tything men for the Insuing year Rob- art Luce Jonathan Hammat hog Reeves the In Suing year Entred this Third Day of march A d 1764 Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerh Tisbury ss at a Legel Town meeting Legely worned and hild at Tis- bury on fryday the Tweity Second Day of June an Do 1764 In order to Chuse Soum Sutable Parson to Collect the Remainder of the Rats for the year 1762 not Colected By John Butler Late Constable of Sd Tisbury Who Deceased not Colected the hole of the money and LikeWise to Col- lect the hole of the Rats for the year 1763 at Sd metting Stephen Louce Was Chosen modrater and Like Wise Robart manter was Chosen and a Gread With to Cullect the hole of Both Rats for Six Pence Pr Pounds and Put to vote and the vote Pased in the afarmitive Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a Leagel Towm Meeting Legly Worned and hild at Tis- bury at the County house on Wednesday 26 Dy of December 1764 In Order to Rase Money to Defray the "Town Charges and it was Put to vote Whether their Should Be Ninty Pounds Rased and the vote Pased in the a farmitive Joseph Allen modrater of Sd meeting Joseph Allen Clerk Att A Leagel Town Anaversery Meeting Leagly worned and hild at The County house in Tisbury on the Forth Day of march A D 1765 mr Jethro Athern modrater of Sd Meeting Jeams Athearn Esquire Stephen Luce Shouble Cottle Slectmen for the year In Sueing Joseph Allen Town Clerk the vear In Suing William Luce Chosen Constable for the TISBURY TOAVN RECORDS. 187 In Suing year and the Town voted that he Should have Six Pence Pr Pound For Gethering the money majer Cithcar Chosen Town Treasuer For Sd year Joseph merrey Jonathan hammet Surveyors of high Ways for Sd year Jacob Robinson Thomas Allen Tythingmen For Sd year Ezra Athern Thomas Warlrond fence vewers the In Suing year David Butler Benjamin Lumbart Benj merrey Warddens for the In Suing year Benjamin Allen Robart Cithcart Robart Borges hogreves for the year in Suing and meeting Is adiorned to the Eighteenth Day of march Instant at 2 of the Clock in the after Noon Entred this 4 dy of march 1765 By me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Att Sd Adjornment of the march metting hild at Tisbury on the Eighteenth Day of march 1765 at the county house then Isrel Luce was Chosen to Sarve Constable for the year In Suing For William Luce and Like Wise the Town has Voted Sd Isrel Should have Six Pence Pr Pound for Gethering the Taxes. Entred this Eighteenth dy of march 1765 By me Joseph allen Town Clerk At A Legel Town meeting Legely warned and hild at the County house In Tisbury on the Twenty Second Day of June 1765 then It was Put to vote whether Capten Eliakum Norton Should Be In Specter of Sheeap the In Suing yeare and the vote Based In the a farmitive Entre June th 23d y 1765 Pr me Joseph Allen Toini Clerk At a Leagel Town Meeting Leagely Worned and hild at the court house in Tisbury on Mundy the Twenty Eight day of October 1765 Decen Stephen Luce was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting then it Was Put to Yote that the School house Should Be fixt up Secondly it Was Voted that the School Should Be Cept at Soum Sutable Place for Ten years Which Should Be a Greead to By a Comity Which was then Chosen to wit Squire Jeams Athern mr Malitiah Davis abijah Athern to Purfix a Place Wher It Should Be Cept During Sd Term for 7 months in Each year and It was Furthea Voted that after they had A Greead upon a Spot Where the house Should Stand that then the Sd E Squire Atherne and Abijah Athern Should See that the house was Sutably Repared to Ceep School In Thirdly It Was Voted that the Soum of Ninty Pounds 188 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Should Be Rased to Defray the Town Charges the In Suing year forthly It was voted that a Pound Should Be Bult With Stone Where the old Pound Now Stands Entred By me Joseph Allen Chrl' Reeved of Thomas Walrond of Tisbury in Duks County In the Provance of the Massachusetts Bay In New England Gent^ Foure Poundsl five Shilling and fore Pence Lawfull money For Which we have Sold him all the Gots that Belonged to the Estate of John Butler Late of Tisbury yeoman Decest and the Fare marks that the Sd Goats Bare to gether With the Sd Goats Part of them marked With two half Penney Before the Right Ear and the other Part of them marked With Two half Penneys Before the Right Eare and a half Flowred Deluce Before the Left Ear as Witness our hands this Sevententh Day of October A D 1765 Atest Thomas Daggett Thomas Jones. Atest Ebenezer Daggett Jedidah Jones. the A Bove Sd marked alowed By ous Jeams Athern Shouble Cottle Entred this 29 dy of October 1765 By me Joseph Allen Cleric Selectmen \ Whare as we the Subscril)ers Being Joint owners of a Certain Tract of Land Lying In Eegart town In the county of Dukes County Bounded westerly By the Lands of Caleb Rands and on the South By the Lands . of Henry Luce & Southeasterly by the Lands of and on the North By\ homes Hole Path Being In the whole A Bout Twenty foure Acres Wherefore By These Presents it is Shown and Certified that Barnabus Luce Shall Have and hold to himself heirs & assigns for Ever as his Part of Said Lands The Land on Which his house Stands Bounded Northly by homeshole Path or way forty Two Rods Beginning at the Northwest corner next To Said Caleb Rands Land and Southerly By the Remander of Said Tract of Land forty and Eight Rods & westerly By Said Rands Land to the afore mentioned corner In witness Whereof We have Set our Hands & and Put our Seals this 22 Day of Novmber In the Fifth yeare of his maj'/ Raign Anno Dom : 1765 Signed Sealed & Delivered In the Samuel Crosby 0- Presents of ous. Barnabus Luck 0- Rebekah Luce Elesebeth Chase Entred By me Joseph Allen Jown Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 189 Tisbry ss At A Leagel Town Meeting Legely Worned and hild at The Cort house In Sd Tisbury in march tlie 28 Dy 1766 In order to Chuse All Town officers at Which Sd annvercery Meeting Mr Jethro Athern was Chosen modrator of Sd meeting then It Twas Put to vote Whether Squr Jeams Athearn Decon Stephen Luce Joseph Allen Should Sarve Slectmen the yeare Insuing and the vote Pased In the A farmative it was Voted that Joseph Allen Should Sarve Town Clerk the In Suing yeare ' in the Next Place It was voted that Zaccheus Chace Should Sarve In the ' offece of Constable the In Suing yere and Like Wise It was Voted i the Sd Chase Should have Six Pence upon the Pound for Collecting the ; money Gersham Cathcart was Chosen Town Tereasuer for the In Suing ] yeare Benjamin Lumbart Jacob Clifford chosen Wordeings for the In I Suing yeare Cornel manteer Seth Look Fence Vewers Ezra Athern Benj'"" Allen Survaers of high Ways the insuing yeare Thomas Allen Jobe Look Tythingmen Samuel Gray Samuel Lumbart Robart Cithcart hough Reves the In Suing yeare and Said meeting Stands A Jorned to the Leventh Day Insuin the Date heare of to Three of the Clock In the after Noon Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Toicn Clerh At the A Jonment of the Sd Annaversery Town meeting hild at the Cort house In Tisbury upon the Eleventh Day of Aprel Then Isral Luce Was chosen Cunstable In the Roon of Zacchas Chace By an A Gree- ment Betwen Them Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a Legal Town meeting hild at the Corthouse in Tisbury on Frydia the Twelvth Day of Dcember In Order to vot what money Should Be thought necesary and In the furst Place mager Cithcart was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting and Secondly it was Voted that the Soum of Sixty Pounds Should Be Rased to Defray the Towne Charges the Insuing yeare Thirdly it was Voted that Mr. Stephen Luce and Joseph Allen Should Be a Committee to Settle with the Town Treasurer all accounts Forthly It was Voted that the vote that the Town Pased In order to Build a Stone Pound Should Be void and Like Wise that mr Ezra Athearn and mr Benjamin alien Should Be a committee to a Gree With Some Person to Buld a Pound With oake Posts and Rales Where they Shall Think most Convenant for the Youse of the Town Tisbury Dcember th 12 dy 1766 Entred By me Joseph Allen Toivn Clerh 190 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. i Tisbury ss at a Legel Town meeting Legely warned and hild at the meeting house in Sd Tisbury on Fryda the Twenty Seventh Day of Febuary Anno Dom 1767 at Sd Meeting Joseph Allen was Chosen mod- rater in the furs Place It Was Put to Vote Whether the Town Would In Large the Meetin house Wheare it Now Stands and the vote Pased In the afarmative By the mager Part of the voters Then Present 21y it Was Put to Vote Whether the Town would In Large the Sd meeting house Teen Feet upon the Back Side and the vote Passed In the negetive entred By me Joseph Allen Town CJerh Tisbury ss Att A legeal Town Annuarsery meeting Leagely Worned and hild at the meeting house In Sd Tisbury In order to Chuse All Such Town offesses as the Law Requires In the furst Place Deon Stephen Luce Was Chosen moderater of Sd meeting Joseph Allen was Chosen Town Clerk the yeare In Suing and Eliacom Norton was Chosen By the maijer Part of the voters then Present to Sarve the Town In the office of Corn- stable the yeare Insuing Squire Jeams Athearn Decon Stephen Luce Joseph Allen ware Chosen Slectmen the Insuing yeare maijer Cithcart Chosen Tow Treasuear and Like Wise It was voted that he Should have Three Pence upon the Pound a Loued him for Reeving and Paing out the money the yeare In Suing Barnet Case and Seth Daggtt Survaers of high Ways the Insuing yeare Joseph mearry and Elijer Look fence Vewears the Insuing yeare Beniamin Foster and Jonathan Manter ware Chosen Tythingmen Russell Hancock Enoch Luce Bethuel Luce ware Chosen houh Reves the In Suing yeare Seth Daggett Noah Look Belcher manter warddeans the yeare Insuing and the acounts a Loued for Repar- ing the School house and Bulding the Pound and Like Wise Jearmiah manter is to keep the Pound In Repare for the Tarme of Twenty years from the Date heare of and to keep the Pound the Insuing yeare and Like Wise it Was Voted that Eliacom Norton Should have Six Pence upon the Pound for Colleting the Taxes and Like Avis it was voted to Repare the meeting hous Like Wise it was voted to a Loue Jobe Look Peters Swains Rats the Said metting was hild at the meetting house in Tisbury upon the 31 Day of march 1767 It was put vote Whether the town would Portion of one of the chambers in the Parsonage house and the vote was Negatived And Like Wise Sd meeting was adiorned until the Second Tusday In Aprel In Suing at foure of the Clock In the after- noon Entred Pr me this 31 Dy of march 1767 Joseph Allen Toivn Cleark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 191 upon the Scl Second Tusday of Aprel at 4 of the Clock in the after Noon then met and for Some Reasons Contiued Sd march annaversary Meeting By a Adiornment until the 28 day of aprel at 4 of the Clock in the after noon to Be hild at the meetting house in Sd Tisbury Entred this 14 dy of aprel 1767 Pr me Joseph Allen T Olerh Tisbur ss Where as Wee the Subcribers Being Chosen By the Town to Settle a Counts With the Town Treasuarer and have Accordingly Done it and their Remains In the Towns favouer in Treasuares hands Not yet ordered out the Soume of £45 =i 6 = 11 accordingly Settled By ous march the 31dy An Do 1767 Stephen Luce. Joseph Allen. Entre By me Joseph allen Town Clerk Tisbury Ss at the Adiornment of Sd march Annavarsary meetting hild at the meetting house In Sd Tisbury on the Twenty Eigh Day of Aprel 1767 Then it Was put to Vote whether Thomas Daggett Should Sary In the Office of a Cornstable the In Suing yeare and the vote Based In the afarmative and Likewise It was Voted that the Said Daggett Should have Six Pence upon the Pound for Cullecting the money and Majer Cithcart was Chosen to keep the Parsnel house In Repare Accord- ing to the Towns A Greament Entred this 28 dy of aprel 1767 Pr me Joseph Allen T' Clerk A A Leagel Town meeting warned and hild at the cort house in Tis- bury upon the 20 Day of Octobr 1767 In order to act and Do What was their Set foath In the Notification and In the furst Place Deacon Stephe Luce was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting 2 ly it was Pnt to Vote Whether the Soum of Eighty Pounds Should be Rased to Defray the Town Charges the In Suing yeare and the wote Pased In the Afarmitive 3'5' it was Put to wote whethey the town would In Large the Revend Mr George Damanis Salary and the vote Pased in the Negetive and forthly it was Put to vote Avhether The the Town would alow Peter Daggett Ten Dolers for the youse of his house the Time that Susana Luce had the Small Pox their and the vote Pased In the afarmitive entred Pr me Joseph Allen Ihwii Clerk. 192 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. ; Tisbury Ss At a Leagel Town Meetting Legly Warned and hild at the School house In Sd tisbury on Fridey the 11 day of December 1767 in the furst Place Decon Stephen Luce Was Chosen Modrater of Sd meetting 21y it Was Put to Vote Whether their Should Be a Committy Chosen to Goe and Treet With the Revend mr George Daman and the Vote Pased In the a farmitive Sly Deacon Stephen Luce Elisha West Benjamin Allen Elijah Look Shouble Cottle Ware Chosen By the Maijer Part of the Voters then Present as a Commity to goe and Treet With the Revend Mr Damon Consarning his uneseness and to make Report to the Town Entred this 11 Dy of Dcember 1767 Pr me ..^ Joseph Allen Town Clerk. >v Tisbury Ss At a Leagel Town Meetting Leagely warned and Hild at the Meeting house In Sd Tisbury on Friday the 22 Dy of Jenauary AD 1768 In the furst Place Stephen Luce was Chosen Modrater of Sd Meet- ing In the Second Place it was Put to vote Whether their Should Be A Comitty Chosen out of the Naburing Town or Towns to Consult and Detarming What Should Be Don to our Meetting house and the Vote | Pased In the A Farmitive 3Ly Mr Thomas Buttler Mr William John- acins of Edgertown and M'; Elisub addoms of Chillmark Ware Chosen as a Committy to Detarming Whether Sd Meeting house Should Be Repared Whare it now Stands 4'^ or Whare it Should Be Inlarged Whare it now Stands and If Inlarged to Detarming how much 5'-^ or Whare it Should Be Removed to Soum Other Place and the Sd Committy Determing that It Should Be Removed then to a Point a Place whare to and Like wise to Detarming Whether those Parsons that are Presents owners of Pues In the Presant Meeting house Shall have the Same Spots Allowed them In the New one In case it Be Removed or if Not To Determin Avhat Sum Shall be Allowed Them for their Pews l'^' Squire Athern Ehsha West Ransford Smith Shouble Cottle Benjamin Allen Ware Chosen a Committy to Represent the Town Before the committy Chosen out of Town Consarning our Meeting house and to make Report of the Same at our next meeting At the a Bove Sd town meeting hild at the Meeting house In Tisbury on Frydia the 22dy of Jenauary 1768 Consarning that Clause In the nottification a Bout Checemmo alouing more then their equel Porportion TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 193 in not helping- Bulding the Present meeting house was Negetived Lastly consarning making addition to the Revend M'' Damans Sallary it was Put to vote and it was A Tyee Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Toirn Clerk Tisbury Ss at A Leageal Town meeting Leagly Warnd and hild at the Meeting house in Sd Tisbury on Friday the 22 Dy of January AD 1768 In the Furst Place Decon Stephen Luce Was Chosen Modrater of Sd meeting 2Ly It was Put to vote Whether their Should Be a Commity Chosen out of the labouring Town or Towns and the vote Pased In the A Farmitive S^^ M'" Thomas Butler M'' William Johnacins of Edgertown and M'' Elishub Adoms of Chillmark w^as Chosen a Comitty to Detarming what Should Be Done to our meeting house the Sd Comity to have Power to Detarming whethe it be Proper to Repare the Present meeting house where it now Stands in the Present Situation 4'^ If they Should think and Determin it not Proper to Repare it as af sd 51y to be Determined by the Said committy Whether it Should be Inlarged Where it now Stands and in what method 61y If Said Comitty Should Determin it not Proper to Inlarge it where it now Stands then to a Point a Place Which as thay Shall Judge most Propper to Be Removed To and Like Avise whether those Parsons that are Pressent oners of Pwes in the Present meeting house Shall have the Same Spots a Loued in the new one or If not to Determing what Soume Shall Be A Loued them fortheir Pwes and to make Report of their Doings at our Next town meetting Entred by me Joseph Allen T Cleric Tisbury ss At A Leageal Town Meeting Leagly worned and Hild at the Meeting house in Sd Tisbury on Tusday the 16 dy of Febury 1768 In the Furst Place Squire Jeams Athearn was Chosen Modrater of Sd Meetting 2 Ly the Meeting Proceeded and Put to vote the Report of the Committy Chosen by Town at the Last Meeting to Determin Whether the Meeting House in Sd Town be Removed or not as Likewise to Detarming Concerning the Pews in Sd meeting House and the A^oters In Sd Meeting being 32 In Number w^are Equally Devided So that their Could Be no Vote to Accept of their Report But Stands undetermind 3 Ly A Vote was Put Whether the Meeting Would Chouse a Committy or committys to Act Transact or Do any thing that Shall be That Nesse- 194 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. - ceery Concerning Said Meeting House and it Past in the Negative then It was Put to Vote Whether this Meeting be Adjourned to Soum futer Day and it Past in the Negative Entred Pr me I Joseph Allen Toivn Clerk ' . Tisbury Ss at A Leagal Town Annavarsery Meeting Legly Worned and hild at the Meeting house In Sd Tisbury In Order to Malve Choice of All Such Town Offices as the Law Requires Squire Jeams Athearn was Chosen Mod rater of Sd Meeting Squire Jeams Athearn Stephen Luce Joseph Allen ware Chosen Slectmen for the In Suing yeare Joseph Allen Town Clerk the yeare Insuing Eliakim Norton Chosen Constable for the yeare Insuing Barbus Luce Jonathan Manter Chosen Survyrs of high ways David Butler Benjamin Foster Russel Hencock Tythingmen the Insuing yeare Henery Luce Jacob Robinson Fence Vewers the Insuing yeare Robart Cithcart Robart Burges Sealers of Lether Enoch Luce Bethuel Luce Hogreves the Insing yeare Garsom Cithcart Esq'' Town Tresuer and Sd Meeting Stands Adjoruned to the Last Tusday of this Instant March at 2 of the Clock In the After Noon Entred By me -i Joseph Allen T Clerk the a Bove Sd Meeting Was hild at the meetingi on wensday the 9 Day of march 1768 at one of the Clock in the after Noon Joseph Allen Clerk Tisbury Ss At a Leagle Town Meeting Leagly Warned and Hild at the Meeting house In Sd Tisbury on Wensday the 9 Day of March A D 1768 Jeams Athern Esq'' was Chosen Modrater of Sd Meeting in the Furst Place it was Put to Vote Whether the Meeting house Should Be Inlarged whare it Now Stands and the vote Based In the afarmitive S'^ it was Put to vote whether the Sd Meeting house Should Be Cut in two In the midle and the Estermust harlf Be Removed 15 feet to the Estward and the vote Based In the a farmitive ?>"'' voted that the Same Be Done at the Cost of the Town and that their Should Be 19 Pews Back of the Frount 6 In the middle Alley 3 of Each Side 2 By the Pulpet 4 Back of Each Side Gallery and the Spots to Be Sold at a Publick Vandue 4 ly Voted that Benj"" Allen Shouble Cottle Noah Look Be A Committy to A Gree with sume Person or Parsons to In Large Git finished the Sd Meetting house Compleat In All Parts Both for finishing the House and Shingling Whear Ever it a Pears Nesseary to the Said Committy Except- ing Bulding the Pews only Entred on Record Joseph Allen 7h2vn Clerk and Sd committy is to mend the windows of Sd liouse and Plaster the Same TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 195 At the adjornment of Sd March meeting hild at the Meting house In Sd tisbury on Tiisday the 29 dy of March 1768 then Elijah Look was Chosen Constable in the R(iom of Eliakom Norton for sd Nortons Torn he Sd Norton Paing Three Poll Taxes in Be harlf of three to Be Laid on Sd Looks family sd Look is to have the Six Pence upon the Pound that was granted to sd Norton for Collecting the money Stephen Luce and Joseph Allen ware Chosen a Commity to Settle with the Towns Treasuer for the time Past that have Not Ben Settled David Butler Benj=y" Lum- bart Jonathan Manter Wardens the yeare Insuing Isaac Chace Seth Dag- get Survers of Boards and Shingels the year in Suing Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town Cleric Tisbury ss at A Legel Town meeting Leagly warned and hild at the meeting house In Sd Tisbury on wensday the Thirteenth Day of aprel 1768 at three of the Clock in the after Noon Joseph Allen Chosen Mod- rater of Sd meeting then Said meeting was adiorned to majer Cithcarts to Seven of the Clock In Sd Eving then the foling articles ware Voted that Mr Jocob Robinson and Timothy Lumbert Should Inlarg the Meet- ing House In Sd Town In the foiling fom Viz : to Cut Sd house In the middle and Enlarge it 15 feet and to Inlarge it 2 feet on the Back Side and to Finish all the wooden work and to Shingel the Rooff Avith new Shingles and to Remove the Pulpet back and to Lengthen the- Galerys where Inlarged for the following Priveledge Viz^ to have the Back Side Both wood and Glass and to Glaze the Room they shall make with Dimond Glass and to have the Three Pews Back of the Frunt Gallerys and All the Pew Room on the flooer they Shall Make Except the fore Seat and middle alia 3^ feet wide which Shall Be Reserved for the Towns use and to be Paid further By the Town the Sume of Seven Pounds Twelve Shillings Lawfull money when their work be Fineshed and to have the Same Done By the 20*!' of August Sutable for Plasturing all the A Bove Sd Articles ware Voted then majer Cithcart Shouble Cottle Benj : Allen Noah Look ware Chosen a Committy to take Security of Sd Robinson and Lumbert that the Same Be Done By the Time and Like- wise to Agree With Sum Parson or Parsons to Plaster Said meeting house Entred By me Joseph Allen Town Clhrk Tisbury Ss at a Leagel Town meeting Leagly worned and hild at the meeting house in Sd Tisbury on Dcember 26dy 1768 In order to Rase what money the Town Should See Fit to Defray the town Charges the In Suing yeare and In the furst Place Jeams Athearn Esquire Was 196 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Chosen modrater of Sd meeting 21y it Was noted that their 8houhl Be Seven Pounds Twelve Shilling Raise to Pay Jacob Robinson and Tim- othy Lumbart for what they Did to the meeting house 3Ly Voted that Seven Shilling and one Paney Be Raised to Pay Maijer Cithcart for Reparing the Parsnige house and Like Wise Eleven Shillings to Whitten Manter for Carting Stone and under Pining the meeting house and Like Wise Voted that their Should Be Fifty five Pounds Lawfull money Raised to Defray the Town Charges All Radey Risen or may Rise the In Suing yeare Further voted that Maijer Cithcart Should Be Flowed for electing the Towns money Further It Was Put to Vote whether Elijah Look Should have Forty Pounds Elowd him for Plastring the meeting house and | the vote Pased In the Negetive Entred pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Know all Men by these presents that we Jacob Robinson and Timothy Lumbert both of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County & province of the Massachusetts bay in New England House Carpenters for and in Consideration of and in Consideration of the sum of ten pounds fifteen shillings & eight pence Lawful money well and truly paid by Thomas Waldron Gent of the Town of Tisbury aforesaid The receipt whereof we do Acknowledge & our Selves Satisfied & Contented have given sold and Conveyd and do by — the presents give sell & convey unto the S'' Thomas Waldron his heirs and Assigns for a pew s})ot in ye Publick meeting house in sd Tisbury it being a new spot Adoining y*" pulpit on the east side by the wall on the North side of S'l meeting house and we the s'! Jacob Robinson and Timothy Lumbert likewise do by the presents Avouch ourselves the proper owners at time of the Sale hereof To have and to hold the sd granted and barganed Premises free from us the sd Jacob Robenson and Timoth Lumbart our heirs Executors & Admin- esterators unto him the sd Thomas Waldrond his heirs Executors Admin- istrators and assigns for his and there own property use Benifit & behoof In witness an confirmation whereof we have sit our hand and affixed our Seals this tliird day of January in the year of our lord one thowsand seven hundred and Sixty nine f \ Signed Sealed and Delivered Jacob Robinson in Presence of us /^ Benj'I' Lumbert \^^ Barshaba Lumbert Timothy Lumbert Entered on the Record this 5"' day of March A D 1799 EzEKiEL Luce T Clark TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 197 Tisbury ss at a Leagle Annvarsery Town Meeting Leagly Worned and hild at the meeting house In Sd Tisbnry on Tuseday the 28 of March 1769 In Order to Chouse all those Town Officers that Law Requires Shall be annually Chosen 2 ly to chuse A Committe to Settle Accompts with Those Persons that Undertook the Lathing and Plastring the Meeting 3 ly to See If a Vote may be Obtaned to Coller meeting house In Sd Town with Tarr and Oker to Preserve the Shingles 4 ly to vote What may Be that Proper Conserning The Better Furnishing this Town with a School or Schools 5 ly to See if the town will make any a Lounce to the com- mitty that Sarved the Town When the Small Pox was carred onby Inoculation In Sd Town the meeting Proseded and Chose Maijer Cath- cart modrater of Sd Meeting Joseph Allen Chosen Town Clerk Decon Stephen Luce Ezra Athern Joseph Allen Chosen Slectmen the Insuing year Belcher Manter Chosen Cornstable the Insuing yeare Likewise voted that the Cornstable Should have Six Pence upon the Pound for Celecting the money Noah Look and Barnabus Luce Chosen Survaiers of high Ways the In Suing year Benjamin Lumbart Jonathan Manter Tything men the Insuing yeare Benj"'." Allen Joseph Merrey Fence vewers the In suing yeare Robart Cathcart Robart Borges Chosen Seelers of Lether Squire Athern William Rotch Survaers of Lumber the Insuing yeare Benj'.V" Merrey William Foster Warddens Abijer Athern John Manter hog Reves the Isuing yeare Maijer Cathcart Chosen Town Treasuer the In Suing yeare and Sd meeting Stands Adiorned to the Secone Tusday of Aprel Instant at 3 of the Clock In the afternoon Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town, Clerk Tisbury ss at a Leagle Town Meeting Leagly warned and hild At the Meeting house In Sd Tisbury in order to Rase what money the Town Should See fit to Defray chages on Fryday the Seventeenth Day of Noveml)er 1769 in the Furs Place Majer Cithcart was Chosen modrater of Sd meeting 21y Sd meting was adiorned to Thurdsday the 23 day of Novmber In Stant at two of the Clock In the after Noon Entred Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk. At the Adjornment of Sd meeting In order to Rase money to Defray the Town Charges the In Suing yeare and it was voted that the Soume of Eighty Pounds Should Be Rased 21y agreable to the Notifie Cation voted that Benjamin Allen Should Be a Committy man to Put the School house In Good Repare and to Bring In his Bill to the Town When he 198 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. has Don his Work voted that Stephen Luce and Joseph Allen Should Be a Comity to Settle a Compts with the Town Treasury this Present yeare votted that Whitten Manter Should Take the Care of the Towns Metting house the yeare In Suing and Sweap it and keep it Clean and voted that he Should have the Soume of Sixteen Shillings a Loued him for his Troble Entred Tr me Joseph Allen Toivr Cleark Tisbury ss at a Legel Town annavarsery meeting Leagly Worned and hild at the Cort house In Sd Tis'.'-f on thurdsday 22 dy of march at Three of the In the afternoon 1770 Iij order to Chuse all Such Town Offesers as the Law Requires yearly to be Chosen In furst Place Mr Stephen Luce Was Chosen Modrater of Sd Metting 21y Joseph Allen was Chosen Town Clerk the Insuing yeare Sly Stephen Luce Ezra Athern Joseph Allen Slectmen the Insuing year 41y Isaac Daggett Was Chosen Cornstable the Insuing year and voted that Sd Daggett Should have Six Pence upon the Pound for Culecting the money majier Cithcart Chosen Town Town Treasure the In Suing yeare Ransford Smith Benjamin Lumbart Jacob Clifford Chosen Warddens the Insuing year Barnet Case Joseph Merrey Survers of high Ways the In Suing yeare Jacob Robinson Thomas Allen \ Chosen fence vewers for the yeare Insuing Noah Look Jonathan Manter Chosen Tything men the yeare Insuing Majier Cithcart Chosen Sealer of Wats and measures the Insuing yeare Seth Daggett William Rotch Chosen Survaers of Lumber the Insuing yeare David Merrey Jermiah Manter Chosen Hough Reves the InSuing year Robart Cithcart Robart Borges Chosen Selers of Leather the In Suing yeare and Said meeting Stands a Jorned to Thurdsday the 5 day of Aprel at three of the Clock In the after Noon Entred This 22 day of march 1770 Pr Me Joseph Allen Town Clerh Meet at the Cort house In Sd Tisbury on Thurds the 5 Day of Aprel at 3 of the Clock in the After Noon 1770 and Continued Sd March Meet- ing By Adjornement until Aprel the 12 Dy 1770 at 4 of The Clock In the After Noon then It was Put to Vote AVhether the Town Would Except Belcher Manter Cornstable In the Room of Isaac Daggett and the Vote Based hi the a Farmitive Entred this Twelvet Day of Aprel 1770 Pr Me Josp:ph Allen Tovm TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 199 At a Leagel Town Meeting Leagly Warned and hild at the Cort house In Tisbury on Thurdsday the Twelveth Day of Aprel 17T0 at 3 of the Clock in the after Non In order to Vote the following Particulers furst to See If the Town would grant the Remitting Some Parsons Rats Who Ware Dade and Stephen Luce Was Chosen Modrater of Sd Meeting and the Town Voted that the Slectmen Should take the mater into Considra- tion and alow them as they Shall See Fit Like Wise Voted that Abiah Coy Be Implyed to keep the Town Chool the yeare In Suing Entred this Twelveth Day of Aprel 1770 Pr me Joseph Allen Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a Leagle Town Meeting Warned and hild at the Cort hoilse In Sd Tisbury on Fryday the Forteenth Day of Dcember In order to Consider and See What money the Town Should See Fit to Rase to Defray the Town Charges the Insuing yeare and In the Furst Place Decon Stephen Luce was Chosen Modrater of Sd Metting 2 ly It Was Put to Vote Whether one Hundred and Twenty. Pounds Should Be Rased to Defray the Town Charges and The Vote Based In the afarmitive Entred this 14 dy of Dcember 1770 By Me Joseph Allen Toivn Clerk Tisbury January 28*.'.' 1771 Whareas we the Subcribers heareunto With Benjamin Allen and Shoble Cottle Was Chosen by the Town to See that the Carpender Work on Sd Meeting house in Sd Tisbury Was Dun according to Bargen and also to Git the Meeting house Plastred it Being Late in the yeare Before Sd Work Was Dun It Made it Dificult to Git It Plastred Benj^ Allen Being Absent from home and Cottle Refus- ing to act in in the affare We a Gread With Elijah Look to take the Lime and and Nales and Laths att the Price agreed for and to Plaster Sd house forthwith If the Weather Would a Low of it for forty Six Pounds thir- teen shillings and fore Pence Which Sd Look Preformed on his Part Now We Desire the town to order Sd Look his Money agreed for Pr Gershom C at h cart \ Noah Look ( Coiiinu'f// We the Subcribers Protest Aganst the above Agreement Being two of the Committiy Refered to a Bove We having Mad our obiectons Before the Work Was Done to the Men that Ware at Work & Implyed By the other two Committey men Benj^!^ alien Shoble Cottle this furst Day of Febueary 1771 Entred on Record By Joseph Allen Toirii Clerk 200 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury ss at a Leagel Town Meeting Leagly Worned and hild at the Cort house In Sd Tisbury on Fryday the furst Day of Febreuay at Two of the Clock in the after Noon In Order to Reeve the Report of the Towns Committey Relating to their Plastering the Meeting House In Tisbury and Like Wise then to Pass Such Votes as Shall Be Thought Proper their on Relative to Said Committy Report lly Jeams Athearn Esquire Was Chosen Modrater of Said Meeting Two of the Committi Made Report viz^ Ger^i^ Cathcart & Noah Look the Other Two Viz* Benjamin Allen & Shubel Cottle Entred their Protest a Gainst the Re- ports then a Vote Was Called to know Whether they Would accept the Report of Two of Sd Committe & the Vote Pased in negative A Vote Was then Called to Se if the Town Would Allow the Reasonable De- mands of those Persons Who did the Lathing and Plastring the Said Meeting house in Tisbury they Bringing In their Accounts & It Pased In the Affarmative Benjamin Lumbart A Pointed to Informe the Labours of the Town Vote and Sd meeting Was Adjourned to Tusday y<" 5 Instant Febuary 1'.'^ 1771 Entred By me Joseph Allen Toivn Clerk At Sd Adjornment Met and Continnued Said Meeting By Adjorn- ment to Fryday the 15 Instant at 5 of the Clock In the after Noon at the house of Samuel Cobb In Tisbury Joseph Allen Toicii Clerk At A Town Meeting Leagly Worned and hild at the county county house In tisbury on Mundy the forth Day of March A D 1771 In order to Chuse Sume Suttable Parson to apear in the Towns Beharlf in the furst Place Jeams Athearn Esq'? was Chosen Modrater 2.'>' it Was Put to Vote Whether Jeams Athern Esq'?. Should apeare In the towns Beharlf at the Infeare Cort to be holden at Edgertown in order to Defend the town aganst a Persentment found a Ganst Sd Town for not keeping Scool in Sd town from Arel to October in the yeare 176S Joseph Allen Tofni Clerk At a Town Meeting Leagly Worned and hild at the Town honsc in Tisbury On Munday The 4'" Day of March A D 1771 To Act in the Sev- erel Parragrafts Set forth In In the Warrant and Notification the Pre- ceding folloing Vots Ware Pased in the furst Place Jeams Athearn Esq'." Was Chosen Moderater then A Vote was Called to Se if the Town Would I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 201 give order for the Slectmen to Direct the Treasure to Pay Elijah Look the Sum of Forty Six Pounds thirteen Shillings and fore Pence for his Serves in Lathing and Plastring the Meeting house in Tisbury & it Pased In the Negative 2"'"^ a Vote was Called to Make choice of James Atharn Esq- Mass? Abijah Athearn and Noah Look to be a Committey In Beharlf of Sd town to Defend any Sut that may Be Comenced a Ganst sd town or that is all Comenced as Allso to agree With Said Elijah Look for the ABove said Service Either by Payment of any Sum of Money or By Reffering the Same Controvercy to the Judgment of Indiffernt Men I and it Pased in the Affirmative Entred this 5 Day of March A D 1771 i Pr me Joseph Allen Toivn Clerk Tisbuary ss: At A Town Meeting Legally Warn'd Assembel'd and held at the Town house in Tisbuary on Monday the Eleventh Day of March in the year A D : 1771. In Order for the choice of Town Officers, And James Athearn Esq'.' was chosen Moderator of Said meeting, Then the following Town Officers were chosen by Vote to Serve in their Respec- tive offices in the Town of Sd Tisbuary for the Ensuing year, Viz Ezra Athearn Avas Chosen Town Clerk, Stephen Luce Ezra Athearn & Joseph Alien Select Men, Benjamin Allen Town Treasurer, Thomas Walrond Constable, Seth Daggett and Jeremiah Manter Wardens, Ransford Smith Barnard Case Barnbas Luce & Ilezekiah Luce were chosen Surveyers of highweys Thomas Allen David Merrey Tything Men, and John Luce & William Luce Fence Viewers, Seth Barstow Peter West Surveyers of Lumber Daniel Dunham Enoch Luce hog reves Ezra Athearn T Clerk Then Said Meeting was adjorn'd to Monday the 25*'' Day of Said March for that the Above Said Thomas Walrond not being at Said Meet- ing to Decire his Acceptance nor Refusale to Serve the Town of Said Tisbuary in the Office of Constable for the Ensuing year and on the Twenty fifth of Sd March met met And at Said meeting the Present Constable made a return that the Afore Said Thomas Walrond Refus'd to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the Ofice of Constable the Ensuing year. Then at Said Meeting Jethro Athearn Jun^ Was Chosen by Vote to Serve Said Town in the Office of Constable and being at S'! Meeting Declaid his Acceptance to Serve Said Town therein for the Ensuing year, Entred this 25'^ Day of march A D 1771 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 202 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. | Tisbuary ss : At A Town-Meeting Legally warn'd Assembled and held at the Town house in SI Tisbuary on Thursday y^ Nineteenth Day of Sep*'" A D 1771 in Order to See if Said Town would Vote any Allow- ance to the People of Checamoo to Build or Rebuild a School-house and at Said Meeting it Was Voted to the People of Checemoo in the Consta- blerick of Tisbuary To be Reimbusted to them to Rebuild or Repair their Schoolhouse So much Monney as they Paid in Taxes to Repair the School=house in Said Tisbuary and Each Party to Repair their School houses hereafter and Also the above Said Meeting was to Chuse a Com-. mittee to See & keep the Personage house in Tisbury in Repair An# M^ Joseph Allen & M'- Benjamin Lumbert were Chosen for that purpose, ' and at Said Meeting it was Voted that 120'^- Lawfull Monney Should be Raised by a Tax to Defray the Necesary Charges arising on Sd Town the Ensuing Year Entred this 19"' Day of Sept A D 1771 EzKA Atheakn Toivn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Town=house in Tisbuary on Monday y*^ 30'" of December A D 1771 in i Order to See Whether the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbuary would! Vote an additional Sum of Monney to be Rais'd by a Tax on the Inhabifj tants of S'! Tisbuary to Defray the Necessary Charges Arising on th4' i' Town of Tisbuary the Present year and at Said Meeting 20'>' Poundf Lawfull Monney was Put to Vote and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative Tisbuary Sepf 30*" A D 1771 the Above Recorded by me Ezra Athkarn Toirn Clerk Tisl)uary ss : Att an Anaversary March Meeting Legally warnd an^'^ held at the Town : house in Tisbuary on Tuesday y*: 24'" Day of Marcli A D 1772 in Order for the Choice of Town officers for the Ensuing year, And at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator and then the following Officers were chosen by the Majority of Voters then i present Viz: Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Stephen Luce Ezra Athearn i Joseph Allen Select Men, Benjamin Allen Town Treasurer, Shobel Cottle??i Barnard Case Job Look John Luce Samuell Mott Surveyers of High'S'j weys, Jonathan Manter James Manter Tything=men, Abijah Atheari Jeremiah Manter Fence Viewers, Robert Cithcart John Mansfield Sealers of Leather, Peter West Josiah Luce Surveyers of Lum])er, Edey Manter] Daniel Dunham p]noch Luce Hogreves, Jeremiah Manter Pound=keeper, i Isiah Grey was Chosen Constable, Then Said Meeting was Adjornd to- Tuesday y*" 7'" of April following & then mett and at Said Meeting Jethro' i TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 203 Athearn Ju- was Chosen to Serve for and in the Place of a Constable for Said Grey and Six pence on the Pound, was Voted Said Athearn for Col- lecting the Towns monney for the year and Said meeting was disolv'd Dated at Tisbuary April y*^ 7- 1772 pr Ezra Athearn Toini Clerk Tisbuary ss at A Town^Meeting Legely Warn'd and held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Thirsday y*' 8^' of October A D 1772 at two of the Clock in the Afternoon in Order to Consider and to Vote So much monney as then Should be thought JSTesesary to Defray Said Tisbuary's Town=Charges the year Ensuing and at Said Meeting 120 L was Put to Vote & the Vote passed in the Affirmative Dated at Tisbuary October y^^ Eighth day A D : 1772 Ezra Athearn Toiun Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Anaversary March=Meeting held in S'l Tisbuary at the Townhouse on Wednesday y*' 17*'' of March A D : 1773 and James Athearn Esq."" was Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting which was for the choice of All Such Town officers as the Law Requires to be Chosen Annu- ally, And firstly Ezra Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk, Stephen Luce Joseph Allen Ezra Athearn were Chosen Select - Men, John Luce Consta- ble, Benjamin Allen Town Treasurer, Seth Look Thomas Allen Elijah Look Fence= Viewers, Thomas Daggett Tho! Winston & Nathan Smith Surveyers of Ilighweys, Benjamin Crowell Russel Hancock & William Rotch and David Merrey wardens Noah Look Benjamin Lumbert Over- seers of the Poor, Jeremiah Manter Sam'- Crowell Hogreves, Josiah Luce and Isaac Dagett Surveyers of Lumber, Robert Cithcart & John Mans- field Sealers of Leather, then Said meeting was Adjornd to the Last Tuesday of March Instant at four of the Clock afternoon Tisbuary Dated March y -17 : AD: 1773 Ezra Athearn Tcnvii Clerk Tisbuary ss : Then the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Tisbuary meet at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on the AboveSaid day and time and the Abovesaid John Luce Personally Appeared and Declar'd his Non- acceptance of the office of Constable Then Samuell Look was Chosen Constable to Serve in the Town of Tisbuary for y^ Ensuing year, and also Barnard Case was Chosen an Overseer of y'' Poor, Then S'! meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday the Sixth Day of April Ensuing at Four of the Clock afternoon Tisbuary March y^ 30'" A D : 1773 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 204 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbnary ss At an Anaversary March Meeting held at the Town house in Tisbuary on wensday the 17 day of March A D : 1773 and Continu'd by adjornments to April the 6^" at four of y" Clock in the Afternoon & then met and at S'! . Meeting Elijah Look was Chosen Constable to Serve in the Room and for the abovesaid Look and for y« Ensuing year Tisbuary April y*^ 6'" 1773 Ezra Atheakn T Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Townmeeting Legaly warnd and held at the ToAvn- house in Tisbuary on Tuesday y^' 30'" of March 1773 in Order to Chuse a comitte to Settle accompts with the Town Treasurer for the year 1772 & the Select Men of S'' Tisbuary ware Chosen for the purpose and in sd warrant for y*' abovesaid meeting it was Inserted for to Chuse Some Person to take Care of S'' Tisbuarys Meeting house in all Respects, and Jeremiah Manter was Chosen for Sweeping Shutting Doors and mending windows all for the Ensuing year at the Towns cost Ezra Athearn Toicn Clerk At a Townmeeting Legally warn'd and held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday the Twenty first day of December 1773 and at S'J Meeting and Agreeable to the Warrant it was Voted that 130. Lawful Monney Should be Raised in Order to Defray the Town of Tisbuary's Charges the Ensuing year; and Also it was Voted that Elijah Look Should be a Committee'sman to take Care & keep the Meetinghouse and Schoolhouse in repair Recorded by Ezra Atheakn lawn Clerk Att an Anaversary March Meeting held at the courthouse in Tisbuary on Wednesday the ninth Day of March A D : 1774 in Order to chuse all Such Town officers as is by Law Required to be Chosen in the month of March annually, And at Said Meeting Ezra Athearn was chosen INlodera- tor Then the Persons herein after named ware chosen by Vote to Serve in their Respective offices in the Town of Tisbuary for the Ensuing year Viz Ezra Athearn Town Clerk, Ste])hen Luce Joseph Allen Ezra Athearn Select Men Benjamin alien Town Treasurer, Thomas Look Russel Han- cock Over Seers of the Poor, Nathan Smith Constable, Al)ijah Athearn Matthew Luce fence Viewers Peter West & Josiah Luce Surveyers of Lumber, Robert Cithcart Leather Sealer David Merrey Tything=man, Matthias Rogers and Cornelus Norton hogreavs, Then Said meeting was adjorn'd to wensday the 23'' of March Instant Recorded by Ezra Athearn TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 205 Town Clerk and Also at Said Meeting it was Voted that no goats Should goe at Large in the Township of Tisbury for the Future Either Winter or Summer and at the Above Said meeting Russel Hancock and Joseph Merrey ware chosen Surveyors of highways and at the Adjornment of the abovesaid meeting Benja Manter & Thomas Allen was Chosen Wardeans for y'' Ensuing year Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerl: Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Warn'd & held by the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Tisbuary At the Courthouse in Said Tisbuary on Wednesday the 19"' Day of October A D 1774 at two of the clock in the afternoon in Order to Chuse a Committee for the Town of Tisbuary to Correspond with the Committee of Each Town in Dukes County and the Committees of our Province And at Said Meeting M' Joseph Allen was chosen Moderator And then it was put to Vote to See wheather James Athearn Esq- Shobal Cottle Esqr M'' Benjamin Allen M'' Abijah Athearn & M'" Benjamin Burges Should be the Said Committee & the Vote passed in the Affirmative And Then the Above Said Committee was Impowred by a Vote to meet the Committees of the Other Towns in Dukes County to Sit in A County Congress to form Such resolves and doe Such things as they in their wisdom Shall think propper to bedone Reletive to our Publick affairs And then Sd Meeting Avas Adjorn'd to the Second Day of November following Tisbuary October 19"' 1774 Ezra Athearn Toum Clerk At A Town-meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbuary Held by Adjornment at the Court-house in S'! Tisbuary on the Second Day of November A D 1774 M"' Joseph Allen being Mod- erator, upon Mo tion made it was put to Vote whether M'" Elisha West Should be A Committee-man to Joyn the Above Said Committee and the Vote passed in Affirmative And Then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Sixth Day of December following for to Recieve the Report of the Said Towns Committee, Tisbuary November y'' Second Day 1774 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk For Value Reef'' of the Subscriber do Promise to Pay or Cause to be paid unto Jethro Butler Twenty Six pounds thirteen Shillings & four 20G TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. pence at or before the Twenty Eighth Day of November Next ensuing and if Not paid then Intrest till paid as witness my hand this Twenty eighth day of november A D 1774 Eliakim Norton Entred on the Town book of Records in Tisbnary April y*' 19^'' A D 1775 EzKA Athearn Tovm (JJerh Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by Adjornment on Tuesday the Sixth day of December AD 1774 to Recieve the report of the Above Said Committee and at Said Meeting the hereafter Recorded resolves were read Examined & Unamimously Voted by the Inhabitants of Saitl Town And Ordered to be Recorded on the Town Book Tisbuary December y'' 6*'' AD 1774 Attest Ezra Athearn Toicn Clerh At A Convention of the Committees of the Several Towns in the County of Dukes County in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay: Held by Adjornment at Tisbuary in Said County on the 9'" of November 1774 The Said Committee after Serious Consideration of the unhappy State of the Province in general & of Said County in Particular; by means of Certain Acts of the Brittish Parliment more especialy A Late Act Entituled an Act for the better Regulating the goverment of the •province of the Massachusetts Bay : Resolved as follows That by the Emigration of Our Ancestors from great Brittain into the parts of America of which the Province of the Massachusetts Bay consists: When thare ware Uncultivated Regions Inhabited only by wild Beasts and Savages in human form : by their Establishing them selves here at their own great expence Submitting to and Enduring with most Remarkable fortitude and Patience the most grevious Toils and hardships. Amidst the greatest dangers : by the great cost and labour of the People of this j^rovince Clearing Incosing & Cultivating their Lands here (After a fair ))urchas hereof of the Indian Propriators) And in Erecting Nessecary & Conveniant Buildings thereon : And by this Peoples Defending at A Vast Expence of their Blood and Treasure their Possesions and Properties thus Aquired. The Territories Included within this I'rovincc Avhich would Other- wise have belonged to no Prince or Princes but Indian Sachems; or TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 207 which would have been much worse for Great Brittain would have been Possessed by the Subjects of Some Rival European Brince or State) Are now with but verry Little if any Expence to the Crown or People of Brittain become a verey Valluable Part of the Dominions of the Brittish Monorch which from the first Peopeling thereof by his Subjects hath been Continually Increasing in valine to the Vaste and growing- Emolu- ment of the Crown and People of y'' Mother country by A Great Increas of the Trade & commerce and Naval Powers ly 2 That therefore (to Say nothing) Concerning the Just Tittle of the ancient coUony of the Massachusetts Bay : To the Libert3^s and Prive- ledges they at first enjoyed : by Virtue of A Royal Charter which was unjustly Vacated : and which they ware Unreasonally denied a Restora- tion oif. The People of this Province were Antecedently to the Charter Granted then by King William & Queen Mary and Still are by A Right dearly aquired by their Predecessors and themselves Justly Intituled to at least all the Liberties Priveledges Franchises & Imunities as well as to any of y'' Lands Granted by Said Charter 3'^' That the Late Act of Par- hment Attempting an Alteration of our constitution and a violation of Our Charter (Without our being heard or even Cited to appear in defence thereof) is therefore Unconstitutional Unrighteous & Cruel Act or Power. Justly Alarming to us as being manifestly designed to wrest from us our most valluable & dearly bought rights which we have no ways forfited And threatning us with all the Wretchedness of Subjection to Arbitary & Despotick Goverment and A State of Abject Slavery : To Say nothing aboute the Impolicy of Said Act as being Detremental to the Mother countery 4'y. That therefore we will not Submit to. l)ut to the utmost of our power in all Just and propper ways Oppose the Execution of y* Unjust and unconstitutional Act and do recomend the^Same Resolute Opposition thereto to the People of this county 5''' That no Power or Authority in any ways derived from Said Act of Parliment ought to be Submittefl to by any belonging to this County or to be in any way Owned to be Constitutionall : And that when any Man Shall Accept of an Appointment to any Civil Office here*: in Con- formity to Said Unconstitutional! act and Shall pretend to Exercise any Power or Authority by Virtue thereof he Ought to be in no ways Sup- ported or countenanced therein but Ought to be considred and treated as one Acting by A pretended Outhority only And as an Enemy to his country 208 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 6'-' That the before mentioned Charter of this Province and the Laws of the Province founded thereon are all of them Constitutionall good and Valid ; anything contained in Said act of Parliment to the contrary notwithstanding 7'-^ That atl civil officers in this county holding commissions by an Appointment agr cable to Said charter are when Sworn as the Law Directs Legally & constitutionaly Authorized to act in their Respective offices According to their Respective commissions and the Laws of this Province and Ought to be Supported in thus Acting, by the People of the County 8'- the Jurors Ought to be chosen and returned in this County in no other manner then According to the directions of the Laws of this Prov- ince with regard to grand & Pettit Jurors respectively 9'^ That Town-meetings ought to be held in this county as hath been Usual according to the Directions of the Laws of this Province ; And that All grants of Monney made : and all Votes passed in such Meetings agreeable to Said Laws Ought to be considered as good and binding the Said Meeting be Otherwise Called then the Aforesa'd act of Parliment directs, and all Persons who Shall avail themselves of that act in refusing to pay their Proportion of Monney thus granted will by the regard they Shew to that Oppressive act aid and abbet the Enemies of their Countery in Voilating its Just rights Laws and Liberties, 10'- Wee advise the Constables Collectors & Other officers in this county who have or Shall have Monney in their Hands belonging to the Province that thay pay in the Same according to the direction Lately given them by the Provincial Congress or by A Constitutional house of Representatives 11'^ With regard to non Importation non Consumption and non Exportation of goods wares and Merchendizes we Earnestly recommend to the People of this couftty a Strict Conformity of their Conduct & Practice to the Resolutions & Advice of the Late Grand American Congress 12"''^' And Finally With respect to the State of Embarrasment this Provinceis in by reason of the Late act of Parlement for altering our Constitution, we Earnestly Recomend it to the People of this County that they take no advantage of any Difficulties attending the Adminis- tration of Justice in the Present Unhappy State of our Publick Affairs : And that they Refrain themselves from all Violations and Mobbish Pro- ceediniis and from all Acts of unlawfull Outrao-os and Voiolences; and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 209 from every kind of Injustice and tliat they be carefull to render to all their dues : and behave themselves in a Quiet Peacable & Orderly man- ner Shewing Adue regard to Every divine Precept And to the good and wholesom Laws of the Land Tisbuary 1775 Recorded by Ezra Atheakn Toivn Clerk And with Respect to the Taxation of the American Colonists by Great Brittan Resolved First. That the People of this Province are not only by a Just national right; but also by the Express words of their Charter Intitaled to have and Injoy all the Liberties and Immunities of free and natural Subjects within any of his Majesty's Dominions to all Intents Constructions and Purposes whatsoever of which Imunities of free and natural Subjects this is most certainly one that no Tax be Imposed on them but with their own consent Given Personally or by their Representetives, 21y That the brittish Parliment by Imposing Duties on commodities Imported here from Brittan for the Single pur- pose of Raising a revenue by Leveying upon us : Have Taxed us without our Consent given Either Personally or by our Representatives and have thereby assumed to themselves A Power to dispose of our Property at their Pleasure And have grosly violated one of our most Esential Nat- ural as well as charter rights, Sly That the Exercise of the Power of Tax- ing us assumed by the Parliment of Great Brittan ought therefore to be Resolutely & Strenously Opposed by the People of this Province and by every free American Colonistis with respect to the Treatment of the People of Boston by the Blocking up of their Harbour and Sorounding them with an armed force, Resolved That by the Late Act of Parliment for blocking up the Harbour of the Capital of this Province and by the verey Rigourous and unjustifiable Execution thereof the People of that Town are Treated in a verey Oppresive and Ci'uel manner to the great hurt & Detriment not only of this whole Province but of the Other American Collonies also by Obstructing their Trade & Commerce: and that the People of that Distressed Town Ought to be Considerd by all the Friends of civil Liberty as Sufferers in a Cause Common to all Such : and as therefore Justly Intituled to all the Support & relief they are able to afford them : and as to the Late Proceedings with regard to Canada Resolved That the Extending the Limits of that Province and the Estab- lishment of Arbitary Goverment as well as Popery therein Seems to Threaten the Other British Collonies on this Continent with a Like Sub- 210 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. iection to the Despotism of A Frence mode of Goverment and that all the People of these Colonies ought therefore readily & Cheerfully to concur with the measures Adopted by their Delegates at the Late Grand American Congress in Order to bring in the Canadians to Unite with the Other British Colonists in Asserting their common Right and Tittle to all the Privilidges & Immunities of Free brittish Subjects There are also beside those which we have taken Particular Notice off Divers other verey Injurious and Oppressive Measures with regard to these Collonies : Of Late Adopted and carrying on by the Brittish Ministry concerning which wee hope it will Suffice for us to Declare as wee are so happy as to agree in Sentiment with the Grand American Congress; with respect to these as well as other matters of Publick Greviance So we are Determined to conforn our Conduct to the resolu- tions which they have Published With A Special aim at Serving our Constituents the People of the very Small and Poor (tho' Antient) County of Dukes County in their Remote and Obscure Situation ; wee who are of the Committees of the Several Towns in that county have passed the before goeing Resolves, but wee have yet also herein Humbly Aimed at Contributing to the Ser- vice of Brittish Americans in General in their Contests for their Just Rights and Priviledges to whose Obtaining what they Claim wee Apre- hend that their appearing by their Pubhck Exploit Declarations to agree in their Claims and to be alike Resolved and Persisting in them will be greatly conducive, and wee with the utmoste Sincerity declare that it is with hearty Loyalty to Our Sovereign Lord the King with an high Sence of the Power and dignity of the Brittish Parliment and Ministry and of the Reverence wee Owe them account hereof with Sincear affection and good will to the People of Great Brittan — with great grief and concern on account of the Present unhappy Variance and Strife between that Countery and her American Collonies an Earnest desire of the relation of that happy union Love and harmony formerly Subsisted between them ; by A Relation of those Liberties Privilidges Imunities to these Colonies and to this Province in Particular which they Enjoyed till about the year 1763 and from a Sence of Our Duty to God, Our country and our Selves and to future Generations of British Americans as well as the present : Wee have so freely Expressed Our Sentiments with respect to matters of so high Importance and of so Delicate a Nature as the Rights of the Brittish Collonists in America and the Conduct of those Towards them who are in highest Power in the Mother Countery And that Great Brittain and her Colonies may be blessed with an TISBURY TOW^T RECORDS. 211 happy Union and harmony between them and ma^'^ respectively enjoy all their Just Rights and Priveledges and every Publick blessing to the end of time and that King George the third our most Rightfull Sov- ereign may Long and hapily boath for himself and his Subjects reign over the People of his widely Extended Empire : And that his Suc- cessors on the Brittish Throne to the Latest Posterity may be Protestants of his lUusterous Race And great good and happy Monarchs by & under whose wise mild and Righteous Goverment their Subjects Shall enjoy great Peace and hapiness is Our most Earnest Prayer to the Supreme ruler of the Universe to which we wish every Britton and Ever}^ Brittish American would Sincearly & Devoutly Say A Men Recorded by Ezra Athearn To2m Clerk Tisbuary ss At a Townmeeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Court- house in Tisbuary on Tuesday y*" 14:*'' of Decemb'' AD 1774 in Order to Raise A Sum of Monney to Defray the charges of the Town of Tisbuary for the Ensuing year Ezra Athearn being Moderator of Said meeting, on motion made it was put to Vote whether 120 LawfuU Monney Should be Rais'd on the Inhabitants by A Tax & the Vote passed in the Affirmative Attest Ezra Athearn Toini Clerk Tisbuary ss : At a Town=meeting holden at the courthouse in Said Tisbuary on Febreuary y'' i^^' AD 1775 at S'' Meeting Deacon Smith was chosen Moderator, upon Motion made it was put to Vote to See whether the constable be Directed to Pay the Province Monney to Henry Gard- ner of Stow as the Province Congress directs & the Vote passed in the Affirmative, Secondly it was put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbury would Support Said Constable in Collecting Said Towns Monney and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then Said Meeting was adjornd to the first Tuesday in March following at tAVO of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Toirn Clerk. March y*' 7- AD 1775 Met at the abovesaid time& place and at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See wheather the Town of Tisbuary would Send A Delegate to Sit in the Provincial Congress at Concord & the Vote passed in the Affirmative And then it was put to Vote to See wheather Deacon Ransford Smith Should be the Man to Represent the Town of Tisbuary to Sit in the Prvincial Congress at Said Concord And the Vote passed in the Affirmative 19 "■ Ezra Athearn Toim Clerk 212 TISBUEY TOWN RECOKDS. Tisbuary ss at an Annaversary March Meeting Leggally Warnd & held at the Courthouse in Said Tisbuary on Tuesday the Seventh of March A D 1775 at three of the Clock in y*' afternoon in Order to Chuse all Such Town Officers for y*' Ensuing year as is by Law Required to be chosen in Towns Annually And at Said Meeting M'' Elisha west was chosen Moderator and then the herein after ISTamed Persons ware Chosen to Serve in the Respective Offices for the Ensuing Year Viz Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Shobal Cottle Stephen Luce Joseph Allen Select Men, Ben- jamin Allen Town Treasurer, Benjamin Lumbert Seth Look Joseph Merrey Fence Viewers, Barnard Case Samuell Look Aaron Norton Sur- veyers of highways, Noah Look Jonathan Manter Peter West Tything- men, Elisha West Elijah Look William Rotch Wardens Robert Cithcart Sealer of Leather, Thomas Manchester Josiah Luce Surveyers of Lum- ber, Sam- Lumbert cornelus Norton hogrevs, And at Said Meeting Heze- kiah Luce Timothy Lumbert Isiah Gray Peter West Sam" Dagett ware Chosen for a committee of Lispection to See that the Continential & Pro- vencial Congress be adheard to, and at the Abovesaid Meeting Josiah Hancock was Chosen Constable for the Town of Tisbuary for the Current year and then S'' March Meet- ing was Adjornd to the 14^'' of March Instant to be holden at the house of Cap^ Sm" Colbs at Six o ' the Clock in the Afternoon Tisbuary March y^ 7^'' AD 1775 f Ezea Atheakn Toim Clerl- Memorandum at y'' abovesd March meeting Noah Look Isaac Daggett Benj=' Burges was Chosen overseers of y*^ Poor for the Town of Tisbuary for y*" Curent year Attest Ezra Athearn Toini Clerk Tisbury April y" 15"' Day A D 1775 For Valine Recievd I Promise to Pay to Jethro Butler or his Order the Sum of Ninety Pounds Six Shillings & Eght pence Lawful Monney at or before the thertieth Day of November next if not paid then Intrest till paid, as Witness my hand Aaron Norton Enterd on the Town Book of Records in Tisbuary this 19"' Day of April AD 1775 "^'^ Ezra Athkarn Toivn Clerh Tisbuary ss : At A Townmeeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhab- itants of Tisbuary Ilolden at the courthouse in S'' Tisbuary on Thursday the 18- of May AD 1775 Whereof Deacon Stephen Luce was Moderator, TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 213 and it was put to Vote agreeable to the notification for Said Meeting to See wheather Said Freeholders and Other Inhabitants would Vote to Send all the out Standing Province Monies in the constables Hands in Said Tisbuary to Henrey Gardner of Stow for the Province use and the Vote Passed in the affirmative and also at Sd Meeting it Was Voted to Support and Endemnify Said out Standing Constables in Send the Said Towns Province monnies to Said Henry Gardner of Stow Dated at S'' Tisbuary this 13^" of May A D 1775 ^. Ezra Atheakn Ihivn Clerk Tisbuary ss: At A Town=meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Tisbuary Holden at the Courthouse by Adjornment on June the Seventh A D : 1775 in Order to Chuse Some Suitable Person to Represent S' Tisbuary in the Provincal congress to be holden at Water- town Ensuing the Date hereof, and at Said meeting it was put to Vote viz wheather James athearn Should be the Man and the Vote passed in the Afirmative June y«7^'^ AD 1775 ^-■-EzRA Athearn Toinn Glerk Tisbuary ss at a Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd and held, at y" Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Tis- buary On Thursday the 29*" of June AD 1775 At four of y<^ Clock after- noon, In Order to See if Said Town will Chuse a Committee to Joyn with the Committee or Committees that are chosen or may be chosen in the Other Towns in the County, In Order to Consider of & Carrey into Execution Such Methods as they Shall think proper to be done under our present Situation Respecting our Publick Affairs, and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, And then it was put to Vote to See Wheather Deacon Luce Abijah Athearn and Samuell Look all of Said Tisbuary, Should be the Abovesaid Committee and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then Said meeting was Adjorn'd to the next thursday at Four of y*' Clock afternoon at the aboveSaid place, Tis- buary June y*" 29"' AD 1775 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : Att the Abovesaid Meeting holden by Adjornment on July y*" 6"' AD: 1775 at four of y*" Clock in y'^ Afternoon and at Said meeting Some Resolves ware then offered by Said committee which ware Read Examin'd and then Voted the Acceptance thereof by the Majority of the Voters then Present, Dated at Tisbuary June y^ 6*" AD 1775 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 214 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held in Tis- buary by Adjornment at the House of M"" Sam^^ Manters on Monday the 31^* of July A D : 1775 Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator of Said Meeting Said Meeting was Called at the Request of the Provincal Congress, To See Wheather the Town of Tisbury will make their Aportion of A Certain Number of Coats Said Congress had promised the Now Standing Army of Enlisted Soldiers for the Province And at Said meeting it was Voted by the Freeholders then Present that the now Standing Select Men of Tisbuary be A committee to Procure the coats for the Provincal Soldiers Dated Tisbuary July y'^ 31^-^ A D 1775 Ezra Atheakn Towr Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd Held at the court- house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants thereof on Monday y'' 21'^ of August AD 1775 at three of the clock afternoon In Order to See if the Town will Vote to Send a Petition to the General Assembly at Watertown To See if they will Grant us a Number of Men to be Raised for the Defence of Said Town or to Act in any Method as the Town Shall think proper in the Affair, whereof Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, and then at Said meeting it was put to Vote to See wheather the Towo Should Send A Petition to the General court to Supply us with A Number of Men for our Defence by Sea or Land or boath as they Shall think fitt, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and Also at Said Meeting it was Voted that Ezra Ahearn Stephen Luce Ransford Smith Joseph Allen Thomas Winston Should be a com- mittee to Draw up Said Petition, and Also that Said Committee was Voted to Draw up Some Suitable Instructions for Our Present Repre- sentative when at Said court to consider and represent our Circum- stances, That wee cannot Supply Said Men with Arms nor Amunition and if they Cannot be Obtaind without them then not have them come, for wee have but A Small Supply for Our Selves and Cannot git any more at Present, The Above Petition & Instructions were Read Exan- in'd accepted and Voted by the Majority of the Voters Present at Said meeting Dated Tisbuary August y'^ 21^^ A D 1775 ■^ me Ezra Athearn Touii clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warn'd & held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Wensday y*" 25^'' of October AD 1775 in TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 215 Order to Vote what Monney the Town Shall think fitt to Raise to De- fray the Town charges the Ensuing year and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator and then it was put to Vote whether one hundred and Twenty pounds Should be Raised on the Inhabitants by a Tax and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Tisbuary October y'' 25"' 1775 Ezra Atheakn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally WarnVl & held by the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Tisbuary, Holden at the court- house in Said Tisbuary on Monday the Eighteenth Day of December 1775 In Order to See if the Town would Prefer a petition to the General court of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in new England, and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator, And then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town would Prefer a Petition to the general court to Send us A Committee of that Court to come here & take a View of our Circumstances and Report what Mode of conduct wee Shall pursue in order for our Safety under Our Situation and that the Select Men Prefer the S'l Petiton in behalf of the Town, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative December y*" 18"' A D 1775 Attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warn'd and held by the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of S^! Tisbuary at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Thursday the Eighth Day of March A D. 1776 In order to See If the Town would chuse a committee Either by themselves or to Joyn with the Other Towns Committees in the County if they Shall See Cause to Chuse any to Prefer A Petition to the Generall Court to See if they will grant us A further Supply of Men Arms & Amunition for the Defence of the Island against any Invasion, Deacon Luce being chosen moderator and then it was put to Vote to See if Said Town would Preffer a Petition to Said Court and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then it was put to Vote to See wheather Shobal Cottle Esq- Deacon Ransford Smith and Ezra Athearn Should be the Said Committee and the Vote passed in the Affirmative ^ Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbury ss : at a March Meeting holden at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on the 19"' of March AD 1776 for the Choice of Town officers for the Ensuing year and at Said meeting deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Mod- erator, and then the after named Town officers ware Chosen by Vote to 216 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Serve in their Respective offices for the Ensuing year Viz Ezra Athearn Town Clerk, Esq"" Shobal Cottle Deacon Stephen Luce & M'" Joseph Allen ware Chosen Select men, Benj'i Allen Town Treasurer Jonathan Manter Constable Barnard Case Noah Look overseers of y^ poor, Russel Hancock Hezekiah Luce Aaron Norton Surveyers of highweys, Abijah Athearn Tho^ Look William Luce Fence Viewers, Sam" Dagett Elijah Look Tything men, Robert Cithcart John Mansfield Sealers of Leather, Eanoch Luce Joseph Chase hogreves and then Said March meeting was adjornd to Tuesday the Second Day of April next to be holden at the Courthouse in Said Tisbuary at Four of y® clock afternoon Dated At Tisbuary March y"^ 19*" AD 1776 Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : at an Adjornment of the Afore sd March Meeting holden at the Court House in Sd Tisbuary on Tuesday y'' Second Day of April 1776 And the Standing Constable made Return that the Aforesaid Jona- than Manter Refusd to to Serve the Town of Tisbury in the office of Constable for the Ensuing year and then at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether John Luce Should Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of a Constable for the current year And the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then S'' March meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday the IG"' of april AD : 1776 Ezra Athearn Tonni Clerk Tisbuary ss : at an adjornment of the Aforesaid March=meeting to be holden at the Courthouse in SI Tisbuary on Tuesday y^ 16"' of April A D 1776 and at Said meeting the Standing Constable made Return that the abovesaid John Luce Refused to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the Office of A constable for the Present year And then the Moderator put John Holmes to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would Chuse Said Holmes for A Constable and the Vote passed in the Afirmative and then Said March Meeting was Adjorn'd to the First Tuesday of Septem- ber next Tisbuary April y'' 16*" AD 1776 Ezra Athearn Town CJerl- Tisbuary ss : Att A Town meeting Legally Warn'd and held At the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants On Tuesday y'' 25*" Day of June A D : 1776 in Order to See if the Town would Chuse a committee to Examine the Accounts of any Persons that Shall bring in their Accounts for Victualing any Persons upon Allarm TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 217 the Last year, in Order to Lay them before the General court in order to Draw their money And at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, and then it was put to Vote to See Avheather Deacon Stephen Luce M'" Joseph Allen & Ezra Athearn Should be the Said Com- mittee and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Recorded this 22^^ Day of June AD 1776 by me Ezra Atheaen Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss : at an Adjornment of the Abovesaid March=meeting holden at the Court house in Tisbuary on Tuesday y*" Tenth Day of Sep*'" A D : 1776 in Order for the Choice of A Constable for the Current year and at sd Meeting the Standing Constable made return that the above Said Holmes Refused to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of A Constable for the Present Year, And then at Said meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Voters then Present would Chuse M^ Francis Norton for A Constable for Tisbuary the Current year and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then Said narch Meeting was Adjorn'd to the 24"' Day of September Instant A D 1776 "^ me Ezra Athearn Toion (Jlerh Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd & held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse in Said Tisbuary on Fryday y*" Thirteenth Day of December A D. 1776 in Order to take under their most Serious consideration the Sad and Allarming circumstances this county as well as the rest of the country is at present under, and then & thare to consider what mode of conduct this Towm with the rest of y° county Shall be thought best to come into for our Preservation if wee are Attack't by the Kings Troops, And to chuse A committee if the Town thinks propper to take the Affair under consideration, Or to Joyn with the other Towns in the county if they See Cause to Act with us. At S'! Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator, And then it was put to Vote to See whether Esq! James Athearn Deacon Ransford Smith M'' Elisha West Should be a Committee to Joyn with the Other Towns Committees in Our County, Or by themselves and with the Com- mision Officers of the Militia in S"* County, To consider and agree upon whate mode of Conduct the People of this Town with the rest of the County Shall come into in Order for our Preservation if wee Should be Attack" by the Kings Troops, Enter'd p'' me Ezra Athearn Toion clerk 218 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuar}^ ss : At A To\vn=meeting Leggally warn'd & held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday the Seventeenth day of December A D : 1776 In order firstly to See how much Monney Said - Freeholders woul Vote to be RaisVl to Defray their Town Charges for the year, and at Said meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, and then it was put to Vote whether 150 L: Money Should be Rais'd by a Tax on. Said Town and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, Secondly it was put to Vote to See wheather Q = 13 =z 4 — L M Should be rais'd by a Tax on Said Inhabitants as an Addition to M'' Damans Sallery for this Present Year and the Vote passed in the affirmative. Thirdly it was Likewise Voted at Said meeting that the People of Homseshole in the Districts of Tisbuary are to pro- vide a School for themselves to Extend Westward as far as Thomas Smiths Sam" Looks Silvanus Luces and to Draw their proportion of Monney Out of the Treasury for Said School for Three Years Ensuing the Date hereof. Fourthly it was Also Voted at S'l Meeting that James Athearn Esql" Shobal Cottle Esq"", and M'' Joseph Allen Should be a Committee to Settle the Schools proportion of time between Tisbuary and the Other part of Said Town Called Checemo, for three years Ensuing the Date hereof, and if they Cannot agree, then for them to Chuse a Committee out of Town to Settle S'! School as they in their Wisdom think propper Entred pr me Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Dukes County ss To the Collector of the Town of Tisbury in the County Aforesaid Greeting Required in the name & Goverment of the Peo]ile of the State of Masachusett Bay in New England you are Required To Collect of the Sevrall Persons named in the list Herewith Committed unto you each one his Respective Proportion therein Set Down of the Sum total of such List being a Tax or Asesment Granted by the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the County Aforesaid for Defraying the ISfese- cery Charge Arising within the Same And to Deliver and pay In the Sum or Sums which you Shall So Levy and Collect unto Thomas Cooke Esqr Treasurer of the S' County or his Sucesors in sd office who Is l)y them a])pointed to Receve the same and To Compleat and Make up an Account of your Collection of the whole Sums at on or before the Tenth Day of June next and if any Person or Persons Shall Neglect or Refuse to make Payment of the Sum or Sums Wheareat he or they are Resjiec- tivly Assessed and Set in Said List to Distraen the Goods or Chatties J TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 219 of such Person or Persons to the Value thereof and the Distress or Dis- tresses So taken to keep by the Space of four Days at the Cost and Charge of the owner and if the owner Do not Pay the Sum or Sums of money so Asessed upon him within the space of four Days then the Distress or Distresses so taken you are to Expose and openly Sell at an out Cry for Payment of the Money and Charges Notice of Such Saile being Posted up in Same Publick Place in sd Town Twenty four hours Before hand and the overplus Coming by the sd sail, If any be besides the Sum or Sums of the Assesment and The Charges of taking and keeping of the Distress and Distresses to be Immediately Restored to the Owner and For want of goods and chatties whereon to make Dis- tress you are to Siese the Body or Bodies of the Person or Persons So Refusing and him or them Commit To the Common Goal of the s'' County their to Remain Untill he or they Pay and Satisfy the Sevrall Sum or Sums wheareat they are Respectively Assessed as As""" Unless upon Application made to the Coart of Generall Sessions of the Peace the Same or Any Part therof Shall be Abated Dated at Tisbury the 24 Day of March A Dom 1777 Stephen Luce ^ Selectmen Shubael Cottle \for s'^ Tisbury Joseph Allen P Namks Pole Money Real Estate P Estate £ 8 d £ s d £ s d Oliver Luce 1 George Hillmon 1 1-4 Rowland Rogers 1 1-4 4-2 2-10 Jesse Luce . 2 2-8 - 9 - 2 Benjamin Foster 1 1-4 - 8 - 2 Francies Norton 1 1-4 1-10 2- Isaac Robinson 1- - 2 Thomas Gardner 1 1-4 Ezekiel Luce 1 1-4 - 3 Lemuel Buttler 3- 4 1- 3 Timothy Hillmon 2 2-8 - 6 - 7 Jonathan Athearn 1 1-4 Daniel Man tor 1 1-4 - 3 Joseph Look 1 1-4 - 9 - 7 William Case 1 1-4 George Daggett 1 1-4 - 5 Solomon Athearn 1 1-4 Matthew Mantor 1 1-4 - 4 Thomas Buttler - 4 - 3 David Luce . 1 1-4 220 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Andrew Newcomb Sam" Dagget Robart Wallrond Nathan AVeeks David Norton Shubel Harden Thomas Smith Benjamin Benson Aaron Norton David Dunham Cornelius Norton J Cornelius Norton Stephen Rogers Jeams Case . Joseph Chace Thomas Wheldon Mayhevv Norton Cristopher Buttler Zebdial Clevland John Clevland Zephaniah Chace Zephaniah Luce Jr John Pope Eliphelet Leach Edmond Perciel William Harden Charles Edmonson George Newcomb Seth Luce Jacob Clifford Jr Robart Athearn Stejjhen Look Thomas Cottle Jemima Luce John Luce Jr Charles Luce Bartlet Allen William Weeks Sam" Weeks Jr Thomas Winston Elverton Crowell Jeremiah Rowley John Mantor Ebenezer Allen Thomas Buttler J Nathaniel Skiff Jeruel West . Lot Rogers . Abisha Dunham Salvanus Luce Shubel Cottle Jr Jeams Look . Samuel Daggett Jr Thomas Chace William Wellpeny : s d 1-4 2-8 1-4 1-4 2-8 -4 -4 -4 -8 -4 -4 -8 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 2-8 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 -10 1 - G - 5 - 6 2-0 -10 - 3 - 4 - 8 - 9 1- 2 - 7 0-10 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 221 P NAMES Pole Money Real Estate P Estate £ s d £ 8 d £ s d Thomas Buttler Nath" Rogers 2-8 0- 1 Ebenezer^Dagget 2-8 - 5 - 2 Thomas Rogers 1-4 - 3 Peter Norton Esq 1- 8 - 9 Ephream Owens 1-4 Cornelius Tillton 1-4 John Davis . 1-4 - 6 Levi Young . 1-4 Isaac Cottle . 1-4 Abner Cottle 1-4 Thomas Smith Jr Eunice Coffin 1-4 Peter AYest . 1-4 1- 3 1- 5 Jonathan Mantor 1-4 3- 3- 3 Zachariah Smith 1-4 Malicca Luce 1-4 Stephen Pease 1-4 Robart Look . 1-4 Barzillia Crowell 1-4 Augustas Allen 1-4 Job Norton . 1-4 Lemuele Luce 1-4 Adonijah Luce 1-4 Jabez Walrond 1-4 Silas Daggett 1-4 Asa Luce 1-4 William Russell 1-8 0-0-10 Ceaser Negro 1 1-4 This forgoing Bill Being A County Tax Containing the Snme of £37-10 made and Compleated This 20"^ Day of March A Dom 1777 By us Stephp:n Luce Selectmen Joseph Allen for Shubael Cottle Tishury Tisbuary ss : At an Annaversary March Meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Thursday y^ Twenty Seventh Day of March AD : 1777 at one of the Clock afternoon, In order to Chuse all Such Town Officers as the Law Requires for the j'-ear And at Said Meet- ing Ezra Athearn was Chosen Moderator and then it was Voted that Ezra Athearn Should be Town Clerk and then it was Voted that Shobael Cottle Esq'. Should be a Selectman and then it was Voted that Josiah Hancock Should be A Colector to Serve in the Stead of Benjamin Allen to collect the Towns Taxes for the year 1776. & then it was Voted that 6'! on the pound Should be for the Colector for colecting S*' Taxes, 222 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. And then at Said Meeting it was Put to Vote to See whether Heze- kiah Luce Should be Chosen Constable for the Year 1777 and the Vote passed in the affirmative, And then all Such Town Officers were Chosen as the Law Requires, Viz : Benj'> Allen Town Treasurer, Benj'' Manter and William Luce Surveyors of highw^eys, Ransford Smith & Benj=-' Lumbert Fence Viewers John Mansfield & Robert Burges Sealers of Leather, Hugh Cithcart Pound=keeper, Jacob Clifford and Enoch Lnce Hogreves, And then Said Town=meeting was Adjorn'd to be holden at the Court- house in Said Tisbuary on Fryday y^ 11'" of April next at Four of the Clock afternoon '^'' Ezra Atheaen Toivn Clerk And at Said Adjornment James Athearn and Abijah Athearn Avas chosen Select Men for the year as Above to wit 1777 and also at Said Meeting James Athearn Ransford Smith Benjamin Allen Isaac Dagett Benj^' Burges were chosen A committee for Tisbuary, And at this Adjornment the Vote was Reconsider'd and Voted nul & Void Tisbuary April y"' Eleventh A D : 1777 Ezra Athearn Toum Clerk At A Meeting of us the Subscibers Select Men of the Towns of Edgar- town & Tisbuary to Preambulate the Line between Said Towns & Renew the Bounds, Have agree'd on the Same in the following manner and form Viz Begining at the Head of a Small Cove of water called Aushoe- pin cove near the Lower part of watcha Neck and to run on a Streight Line to the Mill Parth so called To a a place on the Noath Side of S'^ Parth where once Stood A Pine Tree and Where Simon Newcombs Path Cross'd S'' Mill parth Now a Stake Standing with Stones about it, as Witness Our Hand this 29'" Day of May A D 177 Brotherton Daggett Benjamin Smith V Select Men EiJENEZAR Norton j for Edfiarloim James Athearn Shubael Cottle V Select Men Abijah Athearn J for TMmrt/. Recorded pr Order of the Select Men Ezra Athearn T(>>rn Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 223 Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd and Held at the Townhouse in Tisbuar}^ by the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of Tis- buary and Districts thereof on Fryday y® 19^*' Day of December A D 1777 In Order to Consider of the Expedency of Granting to Each Dis- trict one one Certain part of this Town the proportion of the Monney by them paid for the Support of the School and they be allow'd to Pro- vide for themselves in that, And at Said Meeting Shobal Cottle Esq'" was Chosen Moderator, And then it was put to Vote to See whether that part of of the Town Called Checemo and so far Westward Including William Luce Joseph Luce & Matthew Luces in the Districts of Tisbuary be Allow'd to Draw out of the Treasury in Tisbuary their Proportion of Monney by them paid for the Suport of the School and they to provide for themselves in that three years Ensuing the Date hereof and the Vote passed in the Afflrmetive, Ezra Athearn Toicn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Townmeeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Court- house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Tisbuary & Districts thereof on Fryday y*" Thirteenth Day of January AD : 1778 at One of y*^ Clock afternoon on S'! Day Then and thare to Consider if it be Just & Eeasonable to Make any Addition to the Nominal Sum of the Reverend M'' George Damans Former Sallerey the Current year, And thare to Vote Said Sum that may be agreed upon, And also to Vote what Other Monney may be proper to Defray the Town Charges and at Said Meeting Deacon Eansford Smith was Chosen Moderator And then it was put to a Vote to see whether the Voters then Present would Vote the Sum of One Hundred & Fort}^ Six Pounds- Thirteen Shillings & four pence be an Adition to M'" Damans Sallary the Cur- rent Year he Relinquishing any Claim to any Sum of Monney hereto- fore Granted him at A Town=meeting past Some time Since for the Same Sum and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And also at Said Meeting and Agreeable to y^ Warrant for Calling the Same it was put to Vote to See whether Four Hundred Pounds Should be Rais'd on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary by A Tax to Defray Tisbuary s Town Charges this Current Year and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Attest '^'me Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbury ss : At an Annaversary March Meeting Legally warn'd and held at the courthouse in Tisbury on Fryday y*" 20"' Day of March AD 224 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 1778 at two of the clock afternoon In order to chuse all such Town Offi- cers for Tisbuary as are Required to be chosen in Towns in this State yearly and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq- was chosen Moderator and then it was put to A^ote to See whether Ezra Athearn Should be Town Clerk and the Vote passed in the Affirmative And then it was put to Vote to See whether James Athearn Esq'" Shobal Cottle Esq'' M'' Abijah Athearn Should be Select Men for the Current Year and the Vote passed in the Affirmative And then it was put to Vote to See whether Samuell Manter Jun'" Should be Constable for the Current Year and the Vote . passed in the affirmative and it was Voted that Benjamin Allen Should be Town Treasurer and it was also Voted that Shobal Cottle Joseph Allen Ezra Athearn Should be A committee to Settle accounts for the Town with the Town Treasurer Sam" Lumbert Russel Hancock Sam" Look Chosen Surveyors of highways Timothy Lumbert William Luce ware also chosen Fence Viewers Jonathan Manter Joseph Chase Benj'' Crowell ware Chosen Hogreaves Josiah Hancock was also Chosen Pound kee})er and then Said Town-meeting was Adjorn'd to Fryday the 3'' Day of April next at three of the Clock after noon to be holden at above S'' Courthouse '§'' me Ezra Athearn Ihivn Clerk Tisbuary ss At an anaversary March Meeting Continu'd and held by adjornment at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Fryday y'' 3'' Day of April AD 1778 at Four of the Clock afternoon James Athearn Esq- being Mod- erator and at Said meeting the Above Said Samuell Manter Jun'' Appeard and Declar'd his Nonaceptance of the office of Constable for the Town of Tisbuary, and then Cornelus Dunham was Nominated for A Constable, And it was put to Vote to See whether Said Dunham Should be Chosen Constable to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in Said office for the current year and the Vote passed in the affirmative and then Said March Meet- ing was adjorn'd to fryday the 17^'' Day of April Instant at Three of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn J'oum Clerl- Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warn'd & held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Fryday y'^ 3'' Day of April A D 1778 (James Athearn Esq'.' Moderator,) To See if y*' Town will Vote the Sum of Four Pounds Nine Shillings & Six pence for which Sum the Town is already Taxed over the Sum Voted by the Town to Defray Tisbuary's Town I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 225 Charges A Vote being Call'd thereon & it passed in the AfRrniative, Voted also at S'' Meeting that Six Pounds one Shilling be Granted to Josiah Hancock to make good Said Sum it being counterfit which he Recievd as constable, He Endorsing his Recept thereof to the Town or Treasurer, Voted also at S'^ Meeting that 133"^ = 6^ = 8'' be Appropriated for the Use of the School in Tisbuary and to be Draw'd out of the Towns Monney already Voted for the year 1778 EzEA Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Annaversary March Meeting for the year 1778 Continued and held in Tisbuary by adjornment at the Courthouse on Fry- day y'' 17"' Day of april Instant at Four of the Clock afternoon James Athearn being Moderator, And at Said Meeting the Above Said Cornelus Dunham appear'd and Declar'd his Nonacceptance of the ofRce of Con- stable for the Town of Tisbuary, And then George West was Nominated & put to Vote to See whether Said West Should be chosen Constable for the Town of Tisbuary and the Vote passed in the Affirmative by the Major part of the Voters then present and then Said Town=meeting was adjorn'd to Monday the 27"' of april Instant at four of the Clock after- noon to be holden at Said Courthouse Ezra Athearn To^vn Clerk Tisbuary ss: At an Anavarsary March Meeting for the Year 1778 continud and held in Tisbuary by Adjornments at the Courthouse on Monday y*^ 27"' of april Instant at four of the Clock afternoon and at Said Meeting the Standing Constable made return that the Aboves'd George west Refus'd to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of Con- stable for the current j^ear and then after Some Debate Said meeting was Adjorn'd to fryday y*" first Day of May next Ensuing the Date hereof, to be holden at the courthouse in Tisbuary at Five of the Clock afternoon pr Ezra Athearn To7rn Clerk Tisbuary ss: At an Anaversary March=meeting Continu'd & held by Adjornments in Tisbuary at the Courthouse on Fryday y*^ first Day of May AD 1778 James Athearn being Moderator of S*! Meeting and at Said Meeting the Standing Constable made return that the Above Said George West Refus'd to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of a Constible for the year 1778 — And then Ezekiel Luce of Tisbuary was put to Vote for a Constable & the Vote passed in the Affirmative that 226 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Said Ezekiel Luce Should be Constable for the Town of Tisbuary for the Year 1778 and then Said Tisbuary's annaversary's March=meeting was Adjorn'd to fryday the fifteenth Day of May Instant at Five of y"" Clock afternoon Ezra Ath?:akn Town (Jlerh Tisbuary ss: At an Anaversary March=meeting for the year 177S Contnu'd and held by Adjornment at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Fryday y'^' fifteen Day of May Instant at five of the clock afternoon and at Said Meeting after Some Debate Said meeting was Adjorn'd to tues- day y*" 19"' of May Instant to be holden at the Courthouse in Tisbuary at Six of the Clock afternoon '^^ me Ezra Athearn Town CJerk DisolvVl Tisbuary ss At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Courthouse in S'' Tisbuary on Wednesday y** 25"' of november AD 1778 at two of the Clock afternoon in Order to consider and Vote what Monney Said Town Should think Reasonable to Raise with the Nominal Sum of the Reverend M'.' George Damans former Sallerey the Current year, then and thare to Vote Said Sum that Should be agreed upon, and also to Vote what Monney there Should be Needful to Defray Town Charges the Current year. And Likewise to Consider the Request of M'" Ebenezar Skiff on the Account of the Fall of Monney Due to him for Teaching a School in S'' Town, and also to Chuse a com- mittee to apportion the Monney Rais'd for schooling between the Sev- eral Districts for Schooling in Said Tisbuary, And at S'! Meeting Shobael Cottle Esq': was Chosen Moderator, and then it was put to Vote to See whether the Voters then Present at S'! Meeting w^ould give the Reverend W Daman Three hundred Pounds Lawfull Monney for this Present year Including his former Sallerey & the Vote Passed in the affirmative And then it was Put to Vote to See whether S'' Town would Cut and Cart Ten Cord of Wood to S'l M"' Damans Dore for his fireing the Ensuing Winter & the Vote passed in the Affirmative And then it was put to Vote whether Russel Flancock & Cornelus Dunham Should be a Com- mittee to procure Said Wood to M"" Damans Dore & the Vote passed in the Affirmative and also at Said Meeting it was Voted that Benj-J Lumbert Benjamin Buries & Cornelus Dunham Should be a Committee to wait on the Rev- ^ TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. 227 erend M'" Daman with the Minutes of the Above S- Votes for his Accept- ance or non Exceptance the AboveS'' Meeting Stands adjornd to Wednesday the Second Day of December Ensuing the Date above "^r Ezra Atheakn Toion Clerk Tisbuary ss : Met to held a Townmeeting by Adjornment from Wednesday y*" Second Day of December A D : 1778 Esq'" Shobal Cottle being Moderator of Said Meeting to be hoiden at the courthouse in Tis- buary at two of the Clock afternoon And at Said Meeting of the Free- holders it was put to Vote to See whether Three Hundred Pounds Lawfull Monney Should be Rais'.d on the Town of Tisbuary to Defray the Charges Arisen & arising the year and the Vote passed in the affirmative ^r me Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Leggally warn'd & held at the' Courthouse in Tisb'" on Wensday y® Second Day of December A D. 1778 in Order to See if the Town will Vote that the Loss of Stock & hay Sus- taind in this Town Shall be Everedg'd on the Oxen Cows and Sheep in Said Town and Hay, & Likewise to Chuse a Committee to Examine and Collect an Account of what is Lost that the Same may be Adjusted Accordingly, And at Said Meeting Esq'! Shobael Cottle was Chosen Mod- erator, and then it was Put to Vote to See whether Esq- James Athearn Esq"" Shobal Cottle Cornelus Dunham Thomas Jones Samuell Look, Should be the Said Committee and the Vote passed in the affirmative And then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to Wednesday y'^ 30^'' of December Ensuing the Date above to be hoiden at the Courthouse in S'l Tisbuary at two of the Clock afternoon in Order to Reecieve the Report of tlie Above sd Committee Ezra Athearn Touvi Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Monday y° 21'f Day of December AD 1778 at two of the Clock afternoon James Athearn was Chosen Moderator of S'' Meeting & then It was put to Vote to See if the Town of Tisbuary would Chuse A Committee of Inspection on the Account of the Small Pox now in Edgartown & Chilmark To Inspect watch & Examine any Travelers from Town to ToAvn in Order to prevent Said Small Pox com- 228 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. ing into S- Tisbuary And to Turn back any Suspicious Persons & and to Let pass Credible Persons on Special ocasions and then James Athearn Esq': Abijah Athearn John Manter Russel Hancock Hezekiah Luce Wil- liam Foster ware chosen by Vote for the aboves'd committee Attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town^meeting Leggall}' warn'd and held in Tis- buary on Monday y*" 25"' of January A D : 1779 and at Said Meeting Shobal Cottle Esq^ was chosen Moderator and at Said Meeting it Avas Put to Vote to See Avhether Ml' Benj'' Burgess Should be a committee Man to Joyne Avith the above Committee & the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary Avould Send an Agent to the General Court at Boston and the Vote passetl in the affirmative, and then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town would Send Esq^ Shobal Cottle w4th Such Instructions as Said Town hereafter Should give him and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then Said meeting Avas Adjornd to the Next Monday Ensuing the Date hereof to be liolden at the Courthouse in Tisl)uary at two of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a ToAvn=meeting held by Adjornment at the Court- house in Tisbuary on Monday y*" first Day of Febreuary AD: 1779 at tAvo of the clock afternoon and at Said meeting Deacon Stephen Luce Avas Chosen Moderator by reason of the former Moderators being Absent And then it was put to Vote to See Avhether Joseph Allen Should be a Select Man (in the Room of James Athearn Esq- he being Sick of the Small Pox,) and the Vote passed in the affermative that Allen Shoul be a ] Select Man for this year till March And then it was put to Vote to See Avhether the ToAvn would Reconsider a Vote pssed that Esqr Shobal Cot- tle Should be and Agent to Represent Tisbuary at the Generull Court! noAv Sitting at J^oston and Said Vote Avas Negativ'd to be nul & Void.] And then Said Town-meeting Avas Adjorn'd to be holden at the Court- house in Tisbuary on Monday y"' 8"' Day of Febreuary Instant at three^ of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Ihwn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting liehl by Adjornment at tlie court- house in Tisb': on Monday y'" 8"' Day of Feb"" AD 1779 Deacon Luce TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 229 being Moderator Then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would Send an agent to the Generall Assembly at Boston to Represent the Case they are now in and the Vote Passed in the Affirma- tive & then it was put to Vote whether Esq'! Shobael Cottle Should be the Man and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then it was put to Vote to See whether Deacon Luce M' Benjamin Allen & M^ Benjamin Burges Should be A Committee to give Said Agent Instructions Respect- ing our Loss by the Kings Troops and being freed from Taxation &c &c &c : and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative And then it was put to Vote and Voted that Said Agent Should Draw out what Monnies now is in Tisbuarys Treasury and to pay him the Remainder of his charge out of the first Monney that is paid into the Treasury Dated at S*^ Tisbuary y° 8"' Day of Feb'- AD 1779 EzKA Athearn Ihivn, Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisb'" on Tuesday y° 30"' of March A D 1779 in order to chuse all Such Town officers as by Law is Requir'd to be chosen in the Month of March Annually and at S7 Meeting M';; Benjamin Lumbert was Chosen Moderator Viz"* Ezra Athearn Town Clerk James Athearn Esq'' Shobal Cottle Esq'! M'" Malatiah Davis ware Chosen Select men Benjamin 'Alien Town Treasurer Cornelus Dunham Constable Barnard Case Heze- kiah Luce Edmond Cottle Sam" Look Surveyers of highweys, Eliakim Norton Russel Hancock and Joseph Look Fence Viewers Eliakim Norton & John Luce Swine Constable & Josiah Hancock Pound keeper and Said meeting was Adjornd to the 10"' Day of April next to be holden at the Courthouse at three of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Town Clerk At Tisbuary's Anaversary's March=meeting holden at the courthouse by Adjornment y'' 10"' Day of April A D 1779 Francis Norton was Chosen Constable and being present at Said meeting Refus'd to Serve in the Office of Constable and then John Manter was Chosen for a constable and he being present also Refus'd to Serve y'' town in the Office At Said Meeting Cornelus Dunham was Chosen for A Select Man for y** year And then it was put to Vote to See whether Jonathan Luce Should be Con- stable for y'' present Year & the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then Said Meeting was Adjornd to the third Tuesday of may AD 1779 p'' me Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 230 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisb'" ss At A Town-Meeting Legally warn'd & held at the Town- house in Tisb^^ on Fryday y*^ 14"' Day of May A D 1779 at three of the Clock afternoon in order to Consider what Method may be thought best to be done to Continue the Reverend M'' George Daman in the Avork of the Gospel Ministrey in Tisbuary & to Vote wahat then Should be thought proper thereon, and at S'' Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator And then it was put to Vote to See whether Shobal Cottle Esq- Deacon Luce Deacon Smith Barnard Case Elijah Look Should be a Committee to wait on the Reverend M"" Daman to Desire of him what Terms or Conditions he would propose would maintain him Honourably that he may be Able to Carry on the Avork of the Gospel Ministree in Said Tisb"", and the Vote passed in the affirmative and then Said Meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday y*^ 18*'' Day of May Inst at three of the Clock afternoon to Reccieve the Report of S'' Committee Ezra Athearn Toioi Clerk Tisb'' ss : At the Abovesaid Adjornment holden at the Courthouse on Tuesday y*^ 18"' of May Instant Said Committee made Report that the Reverend M*" George Daman Propos'd that If y^ Town would Give him the Parsonage in Tisbuary and find him firewood yearly and make his Sallerey good for the future he would Relinquish half his Sallerey y'^ present year Ezra Athearn Tou'r Clerk Tisb'' ss at the Abovesd Adjornment holden at the Courthouse in Tisb'" on Thursday y'' 27"' of May A D 1779 the Above proposals ware Negetiv'd and then at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See Wheather the Town of Tisbuary would Pay or Give M"" Daman our Reverend Pas- tor Fifty Pounds Monney Yearly for three years Successively Exclusive of his yearly Sallerey, To be jiaid in Spannish Mill'd Dollers at the Rate of Six Shillings p'" Doller, or Silver at the Rate of Six Shillings & Eight pence p"" Ounce, or in Other Specia equivelant with this Pronise that he Continues in the Work of y'' Ministree in Tisbuary, And the Vote passed in the Affirmative, Voted also at Said Meeting that the Town of Tisbuary allow or pay M'" Daman Fifty three Pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence to be paid in Spannish Mill'd Dollers at the Rate of Six Shillings pr Doller, for his yearly Sallerey to begin the first of October Last or in other Specia Equivolent he Relenquishing what was A^oted by the Town TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 231 of Tisbuary for his Sallerey in November Last past A D 1778, Voted also to give Shobal Butler 25^ = = L M for the use of his house for a Sick Person with the Small pox Ezra Atheakn Toum Clerk Tisbuary ss : At a Town^meeting of y" Freeholders of Tisbuary holden at the Courthouse by Adjornment on Tuesday y'' first Day of June A D : 17Y9 and at Said Meeting after Some Debate on the Buis- ness then to be transacted it was thought Advisable to Adjorn S'! Meet- ing for further Consideration and then it was put to Vote whether Said Meeting Should be Adjornd to Fry day y'^ 11"' Day of June A D 1779 And the Vote passed in the Affirmative Ezra Athearn Toicn Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town=meeting Legally warnd & held by Adjorn- ment at the Town=rhouse in Tisbuary on Fryday y'' 11*'' Day of June AD : 1779 To Consider what might be Thought Propper & Adviseable in order to Enable the Reverend M'' Damans to Continue among us Still in the work of the Ministree, and at Said Meeting Voted that this Town Still Adhear to their Vote past in A Town=meeting in May Last past To wit to give to Said M"" Daman the Sum of Fifty Pounds L Monney yearly for three years to be paid in Spannish Milld Dollers or Other Coin Equivelent at the rate of Six Shillings p'" Dollers to make good his former Sallerey, And that his Former Sallerey Viz The Sum of 53"^ = 6^ =. 8" be paid him Yearly in Silver or Gold Equivolent at the rate Above mentioned And at the Same time Voted that after the Expiration of S" three years in the time Mentioned for payment of the Above men- tioned 150^^- That this Town will make good the Aforesaid Sum of 53 = 6 : 8 equal to produce before the present War Voted Further that M'" Daman have the Liberty to preach to the Inhabitants of Edgartown one Quarter Part of the year for his Own profitt Voted also that he preach one Fourth part of y^ year at Some part of the Northward & Eastward part of this Town it is Further to be understood that this Town have a right to Restrain the Reverend M'' Daman from Preaching in Edgartown at any time when they See Cause to make his Sum of 53z=6r:r8 Equal , to what it was before the present War equal to produce Voted also that the Sum of 700^^ be added to the Sum of three hundred already voted to Defray Town Charges Ezra Athearn Toim Clerk 232 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : Att A Town Meeting Warn'd & held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Thirsday y« 22^' Day of July A D 1779 To See if the Town of Tisbuary will agree to Reconsider Some or all the Votes past in the Last Town meeting in the 11"' of June AD 1779 and at Said meeting Joseph Allen was chosen Moderator And then it was put to Vote whether Some or all the Votes past in the Last Town Meeting be reconsiderd and the Vote passed in the affirmative, And then it was put to Vote w^hether all Said Votes be Reconsiderd & made nul &' Void and the vote passed in the Affirmative and at Said meeting Voted to give M'" Damon Two Thousand Dollers or Four hundred Pounds in the Old Tenor in Indian Corn at 27 Shilhngs p"" Bushel old Tenor & Rie at 3< • shillings pr Bushel old Tenor Beaf at 20'" pence old Tenor, Pork at 3' pr pound old Tenor Wool at 9'' pr pound old Tenor flax at 6' pr pound old Tenor and Other produce of the Land Equivolent and then Said Meetinu- was Adjorn'd to the Second Thursday in September next to be holden at the Townhouse in Tisbuary at two of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At a Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on the 26"' Day of August A D 1779 in Order to See if the Town of Tisbuary w^ould Pettition to the General Court of Our State that Said Town may be Excus'd from Paying Taxes to Said State the Present year, and at Said meeting M'' Shobal Cottle Esq- was Chosen Moderator of S'l Meeting and then it was put to Vote to See whether James Athearn Esq'." & Shobal Cottle Esq'^ be Chosen to Pettition S'' Court that Tisbury be Excused from paying Taxes to S'' State this pres- ent year and th Vote passed in the Affirmative attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss At A Town Meeting Legally warnd & held by the Free- holders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse on the Ninth Day of Sep* A D 1779 in Order to See that Some Care be taken for the Poor of Tisbuary, and to Vote A Sum of Monney out of the Treasury for their Immediate Support, and at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See wheather Fifty- , Pounds be Drawd out of the Treasury forthwith by Esq"' Shobal Cottle for the use of the Poor and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Ezra Athearn To7tm Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 233 Tisbury ss : at A Town meeting- of the Freeholders of Tisbnry Legally warnd & held by Adjornment at the Town=:house in Tisbuary on the Second Thursday in September A D 1779 Joseph Allen Moderator and at Said meeting it was put to Vote to See whether Joseph Allen Barnard Case & cornelus Dunham Should be a Committee in behalf of the Town of Tisbury to make the Reverend M*' Daman an Offer to Leave the Difi- culty Subsisting between Said Town & M'' Daman To A Committee Chosen by Each Party to Settle what M'' Daman Should have Consider- ing him a Sufferer with his People Since the war by reason of the fall of Monney and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then Said meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday y*' 28^" of Sep^ Instant to be holden at the Townhouse in Tisb' at two of the Clock afternoon in Order to Recieve the Report of y*^ Committee Attest Ezra Atheakn Town Clerk. Tisbuary ss : at A Town=meeting of the Freeholders of Tisbuary Legally warnd and held by Adjornment at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday y^ 28^'' of September A D 1779 in Order to Recieve the Report of the abovesaid Committee and at Said Meeting Said Committee Made Report that they had agree'd with the Reverend M'' Daman and had mutally Chosen M'' Jonathan Allen of Chilmark Esq^, and M"' Thomas Cook and M^ Benjamin Smith of Edgartown to be the Com- mittee to Settle what M"" Daman Should have Reletive to his Sallerey, Considering him A Sufferer with his People Since the Present war by Reason of the fall of Monney And also had Appointed Wednesday the Sixth Day of October next to Meet at the house of Cap* Samuell Cobbs to make their Pleas on boath Sides before Said Committee, and then it was put to Vote to See whether M'" Joseph Allen Barnard Case & Cor- nelus Dunham Should be A Committee to Espouse the Town of Tisbuarys cause before Said Committee and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to Fryday y"" Eighth Day of October Ensuing to Recieve the Report of the Committee Chosen by Each party Attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : at A Town=meeting of the Freeholders of Tisbuary Legally warnd and held at the Town house in Tisbuary on Fryday y"" 29 day of October A D 1779 in Order to Consider of the Proposals thare to be made by the ReverP'' M'" George Damans for his further Support in the work of the Ministree in the Town of Tisbuary, and at Said Meet- 234 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. ing to Vote what Shall be thought propper thereon, And at Said Meeting Esq*"- Shobal Cottle was Chosen Moderator, And then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would pay M'" Damans in Produce of the Land for his Sallerey y* is Due in October A D 1779 to be paid at the price that produce generaly Sold for when Said M'" Damans first Settled in the work of the Gospel Ministree in Tisbuary and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Voted Also at Said Meeting to give M'' George Damans Fifty Pounds a year Succesively for three years Ensuing to be paid in Spanish Mill'd Dollers or Paper Monney Equivolent as an Adi- tion to his former Sallerey by reason of the fall of monney, He Relin- quishing all Votes past for the Raising of Monney as an Adition to his Sallarey Since the first of November AD 1778, looted also at Said meet- ing to Cut & Cart Ten Cord of Wood to M"" Damans Dore on the Towns Cost Voted that M'' Benjamin Burges be A Committee Man to Procure S'' wood Vote also at S'' Meeting that M'" Benj'' Allen Malatiah Davis Esq*" and the Now Standing Select Men & M*" Benj'' Burges & Barnard Case Jonath Foster be A Committee to View M'' Damans House & Repair it as they Shall See needful at the Towns Cost And Also at Said Meet- ing it was put to Vote to See whether Twenty=Eight Hundreds Pounds Monney Including what is already Voted on the Town Book for to De- fray Town Charges be Rais'd, on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary for the years past and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Voted that the Town Clerk Serve M'' Damans with a Coppy of the Above votes, Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town=meeting Legally warnd Assembled and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Febreuary the First Day A D 1780 in Order for the Raising of Monney to Defray Town Charges for the year 1778 in Adition to a Sum of Monney Already Voted for the Same year. And at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq'- was Chosen Moderator and then it was put to Vote to See whether the Sum of 2250 Pounds L M Monney Should be Voted to be Raisd on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, Attest Ezra Athkarn Toini Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held l)y tlie Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse in Said Tisb'" on the Second Day of March A D : 1780 at one of the Clock afternoon In Order to Con- sider of Some Proposals made to the Town of Tisbuary by the Rev- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 235 erend M'" George Damans in October Last, Relative to his Support in the Ministree in Tisbiiary, and to Vote what then Should be thought propper thereon, and at Said Meeting Deacon Ransford Smith was Chosen Mod- erator, And then it was Put to Vote to See whether Said Town Should find M^' Damans his Fire wood to his Dore untill A Lott of wood be pro- vided by Said Town at Some Conveniant Distance from his House and for his Use During his Abihty in the Ministree in Tisbuary And the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And Also At Said Meeting it was Put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary Should Pay the Said M'" Damans his Originall Salary in the Produce of the Land Equal to what it was before the Present War or in Monney Equivolent thereto, and so to Continue and Remaine During his Continuance in the work of the Min- istree in the Town of Tisbuary, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Attest EzKA Atheakn Town Clerk meeting Tis ( Anaversary) Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warnd & held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse in S*^ Tisbuary on the 24'" of of March A D : 1780 In Order for the Choice of Town Officers for the Ensuing Year, And at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, And then was Chosen all Such Town Officers as are herein After Named Viz'/ Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Shobal Cottle Esq'.' Cor- nelus Dunham Thomas Jones Select Men Jethro Athearn Town Treas- urer; Isiah Gray Matthew Merrey Fence Viewers, Josiah Hancock Hezekiah Luce Joseph Chase Surveyers of high=:weys ; Benjamin Lum- bert William Luce Swine Drivers, Esq'" Shobal Cottle Joseph Allen Ezra Athearn to Settle with the Town Treasurer Treasurer for the year 1779 Russel Hancock Pound Keeper, Josiah Hancock & Joseph Look to Inspect the Behaviour of Boys on the Lords Days in time of Service, James Athearn Esq'' : Joseph Allen Benj* Allen Cornelus Dunham Thomas Dagett Thomas Joner william Foster & Ezekiel Luce to take their turns to Stay at the Meeting house to See thare be no Disorder on the Lords Days between the Intermission time of Worship And Also at Said Meet- ing Edmond Cottle was Chosen Constable to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of Constable for the year A D : 1780, And then Said Meet- ing was Adjornd to Fryday y® Seventh Day of April Ensuing to be holden at the Townhouse in Tisbuary at three of the Clock Afternoon Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 236 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting holden by Adjornment at the Town House in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on Fryday y^ 7"' of April 1780 at three of the Clock afternoon in order for the Choice of Town officers Deacon Stephen Luce being Moderator and then it was put to Vote to See whether Deacon Stephen Luce Should be A Select Man in the Room of Cornelus Dunham (who Refus'd to Serve) and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And also at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether John Dunham Should be Chosen Constable to Serve in the Room & Stead of Abovesd Edmond Cottle & the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then Said Meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday y*" Sixth day of June A D 1780 p"" me Ezra Atheaen I'oum Clerk Tisbuary ss: At A Town meeting Legally warn'd Sc held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday y^ 6*" of June A D 1780 Deacon Stephen Luce being Moderator, and then it was put to Vote to See - whether Said Town of Tisb'" would Chuse a Committee to Treat with the People of Homseshole to know what the Cause is that they Refuse Pay- ing Taxes to the Ministree, and what would be Satisfactory to them and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then it was put to Vote to See whether M'' Benjamin Purges & Ezra Athearn Should be S'' Committee and the Vote passed in the Afirmative, and Also it was Voted they Should Make report of their doeings at the next Town=meeting attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warnd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse on the Nineteenth of July A D 1780 and at Said Meeting and agreeable to the Warrant for Call- ing the Same it was Voted by the Voters then present that the Select- men of Tisbuary Shall hereafter have Liberty and power from Said Town to give Orders to all Collectors tliat they may accept as monney all Orders Drawn in favour of any Man for Monney already advanced or to l)e advanced or Service done by any Man Or Stuff Procur'd for the Town and Sign'd by them as Select men and to Discharge their Bills thereby Ezra Athearn Toini Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warnd & held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Town house in Said Tis'"" on the first Tuesday of September AD. 1780 to See what Monney Shall be thought TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 237 Nesecary to be Voted to Defray the Said Towns Charges for time past and this present year to be Voted and paid in Silver Monney or produce, and Also at S'' Meeting to See what Method the Town will take to pro- vide for two of John Rogeses Children that is now on the Towns Cost at the Rate of two Silver Dollers p'' week Either to Vandue them off at the Lowest bidder or to provide for them Some other way as then Shall be thought most proper and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator and after Some Debate on the Above Premises Said meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday y'' 19*'' Day of this present Sep* Ezra Atheakn Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warnd and held at the Town house in Tisbuary on Fryday y® 29*'' of September AD 1780 and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator And then it was put to Vote to See whether Two Hundreds of Pounds in Monney Should be Rais'd on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary as a Tax to Defray Town Charges for the Past and Current year to be paid in Silver Monney or Produce, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and also at Said Meeting it was Voted that Benjamin Lumbert and Thomas Jones Should be a committee to Procure Ten Coard of wood to M"" Damans Dore Soon and on the Towns cost and further at S*^ Meeting it was Put to Vote to See Whether the Town would Vote that Thomas Jones Draw the Monney Belonging to the Town now in the the Hands of James Athearn Esq'' and to Deliver the Same to M'' Damans towards his Sallerey for 1778 : According to the Valine of the Monney and take his Recept and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Ezra Athearn Toum Cleric Tisbuary ss : at a Town=Meeting Legally warnd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse on Tuesday y*' 2'"' Day of January AD 1781 Deacon Stephen Luce being Chosen Moderator and then it was put to Vote to See whether M^ Malatiah Davis Barnard Case Benjamin Burges Should be a Committee to Joyn the Standing Com- mittee to Inspect & Examine the Accounts that any Person or Persons may have against the Town of Tisbuary and the Vote passed in the Affirmative And Also at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Town would give the committee Already chosen (To wit Benj* Lumbert 238 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. and Thomas Jones) full Power to agree on A Price for the wood they are to buy forthwith for the Towns Minister and on the Towns Cost and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, EzKA Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Town=house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on Thursday y*" First Day of Febreuary AD 1781 In Order to Chuse A Committee of Good Men to Examine the Demands any Person has against the Town of Tisbuary, And at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, And then it was Put to Vote to See whether Benjamin Lumbert, Benjamin Burges, Ezekel Luce Should be Said committee & the Vote passed in the affirmative, and Also it was Voted that Said Committee Should make their Report accordingly And also at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would pass a Vote to make Ap- plication to the General Court for Liberty to Whale Provided those so Dispossd be at the whole cost for the Same, and the Vote passed in the affirmative, and then S'' Meeting was adjornd to the Thirteenth Day of Feb'- Instant at three of the Clock afternoon to be holden at Said Court- house to Recieve the Report of the Afores'd Committee Attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary y'' 7^" of Feb.'" 1781 This Day wee the Subscribers being a Committee Appointed to Settle with M'" Benjamin Allen the Town Treasurer and find in his Hands Fifty-five Pounds Eleven Shillings & one penny Paper Monney, and, also Said Treasurer gives the Town his fee which is Six Pounds Eight Shillings & two pence Paper monney = Sunk & Dead r Shobal Cottle Consented to by Ben.t^ Allen Treamrer-^. Ezra Atfiearn (^Joseph Allen Recorded by me Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by Adjornment on Tuesday y'^ thirteenth Day of Febreuary AD 1781 at three of the Clock afternoon in Order to Recieve the Report of the Aboves'd Committee, and at Said Meeting of the Freeholders Said Committee made their Re|)ort in Writing under TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 239 their Hands, and then A Vote was Call'd to See whether S'' Town would make the Report their Act and the Vote passed in the Affirmative Said Report is Lodged in the Town Clerks office which ma}^ M\y apear attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Annaversary March=Meeting Legally Warnd & held by the Freeholders of Said Tisbuary at the Town house on Tuesday the Thirteenth Day of March A D : 1781 In Order to Transact on the Following Particulars herein after mentioned Viz'l Firstly to Chuse all Such Town officers as the Law Requires to be Chosen anually in Towns in the Month of March, Secondly to See if the Town will Vote to Raise More Monney to Defray the Charges of the Said Town Already Arisen or that may arise Thirdly to take Under Consideration M'' George Damans Request for A Dismision from this Church and Town and his Reasons therefor (and to Advise accordingly). Fourthly to Make Choice of A Com- mittee to Transact any Affairs or any Buisness Respecting the Town and Mr Damans or any thing About the Personage Either to Hire it out Or to Repair the Same as Shall be thought most propper and at Said meet- ing Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator and firstly at Said Meet- ing Ezra Athearn was Chosen and Sworn for Town Clark for the Ensuino- year and then All Such Town officers ware Chosen Succesively as the Law Requires, Viz Esq'' Shobal Cottle Deacon Stephen Luce Thomas Jones ware Chosen Select Men Deacon Luce Thomas Jones Overseers of the Poor, Esq'" Cottle Russel Hancock Surveyers of Highways Joseph Allen Barnard Case Tything Men Matthew Merrey Ezekiel Luce Fence Viewers, Enoch Luce cornelus Norton Swine Drivers, Thirdly it was Put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would Chuse as A Committee Deacon Stephen Luce Esq'' Shobal Cottle Benjamin Lumbert Benjamin Allen and mallatiah Davis to Transact any affairs or any Buisness Respecting the Town and the Reverend M'" George Damans or anything Aboute the Parsonage in Said Tisbuary Either to Hire it out or to Repair the Same as Shall be thought most propper and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then Said Town-meeting was Adjorn'd to the 16"' Day of afores'd March to be holden at the Townhouse in S'' Tis- buary at Two of the Clock afternoon to Recieve the Report of the abovesd Committee, and to Transact what further Should be thought propper agreeable to the Notification for Calling Said meeting attest Ezra Athearn Tqiou Clerh 240 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Legally Warnd and held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by Adjornment on the Sixteenth Day of the Aforesaid March in Order to Transact what further Should be thought Propper thereon and at Said adjornment it was put to Vote to See wheather the Freeholders then Present would Chuse Samuell Manter Ju'"" to be Constable for the Ensuing year and the Vote passed in the affirmative And it was put to Vote to See whether Joseph Allen Should be an Over Seer of the Poor in Tisbuary in the Room of the Aboves'd Deacon Luce & the Vote pass'd in the affirmative and then Said Town= Meeting was Adjornd to the Thirtieth Day of the Aboves'd March to be holden at Said Town house in Tisbuary at two of the Clock afternoon in order Still to Transact what further Should be thought Propper Reletive to Said Notification Dated Tisbuary March y^ 16"' A D : 1781 attest Ezra Athearn Tonm Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town=meeting Legally Warnd and held by Adjorn- ment at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders of Tisbuary on the Thirtieth Day of aforesd March in Order to Transact what further Buisness may Appear to be done Reletive to Said Notification and at Said meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Voters then Present would Chuse Shobal Cottle Esq'' Stephen Luce Benjamin Allen Cornelus Dunham to be a committee in behalf of the Town to Settle accounts with M'" George Daman Respecting his past Services in the Ministree in time past in the Town of Tisbuary and to Come to A Final Settlement Or if they think best to Refer it to Refferees as they Shall think propper and best for the Towns benefitt and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, A^oted also at Said Meeting that Joseph Allen Should be an Agent for the Town of Tisbuary to Hire out the Personage to the Highest bidders to Improve it the Year Ensuing as Shall be best for S'l Town, and also to take Securities for the Same and the Vote passed in the affirmative and then Said Town meeting was adjorn'd to Fryday y'* G"' of A})ril Ensuing to be holden at the ToAvnhouse in Tisbuary Tisb'" march y'" 30"' AD 1T81 Ezra Athearn Toini Clevh At a Town meeting Legally Warn'd and Still lield by adjornment at the Town=house by the Freeholders of Tisbuary on the Sixth of Aforesd april A D 1781 Deacon Ste])hen Luce being Moderator of Said Meeting and at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Voters then Present would Refer the affair between the Town of Tisbuary and J George Damans Respecting his Demand on the Town for his Services TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 241 done in Said Town in the Ministree for two Years & an half Last past, and the fall of Monney for the Years 1774 & 1775 & 1776 & 1777 To be Referd to the Judgment of Matthew Mayhew of Chilmark Esq' Eben- ezar Norton Samuell Smith Junr boath of Edgartown, and if Either of the afores'd Referees Should Refuse to accept as aforsd then it Shall be in the power of the Committee already chosen to transact the Buisness with M'" Damans and the Town to appoint Some Other Person, and the Town hath Promis'd upon their Honours to abide by the Judgment of Said Refferees and the Yote passed in the affirmative, and also at Said Meeting it was put to Vote to See whether the Freeholders then Present would Yote to Raise on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary by a Tax to Defray Charges already arisen, the Sum of Two hundred Pounds Lawfull Monney and the Yote passed in Affirmative and Said Town Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Third Teesday of May 1781 to be holden at the Town house in Tisbuary at three of the Clock in the afternoon Attest Ezra Atheaen 7hvm Clerk Tisbuary ss : At a Town=meeting Legally warn'd and held by Adjorn- ment for the Choice of Town officers for the year 1781 Met on the Third Tuesday of May and After Some Debate Adjornd Said March^^meeting to the Second Tuesday of June following Ezra Atheaen Tomn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Legally warnd & held at the Town house in Tisbury on the 15*^' Day of May A D : 1781 Deacon Stephen Luce Moderator : And then it was put to Yote to See whether the Town of Tisbuary would Make Choice of Esq'" Shobal Cottle M'' Benjamin Allen & Ezekel Luce to be a Committee in behalf of Sd Town to Hire any Sum or Sums of Monney for to Pay M' George Damans for his past Services in the Ministree in the Town of Tisbuary and to make Report to the next Town Meeting and the Yote passed in the Affirmative Likewise at Said Meeting it was put to Yote to See whether the Town would Chuse Sho- bal Cottle Esq- James Athearn Esq'' & Deacon Stephen Luce as a Com- mittee to Treat with the People of Chilmark about hireing Some Person to Preach by Turns as they Shall Agree, And if they Shall Agree to hire one, Then for them to Act in Conjunction with the People of Chilmark about Ingaging Some Man to Suply the Pulpit and to make report to the next Town Meeting of what they have done, and for the Town to Yote what Shall be thought propper thereon, and the Yote passed in the affirmative Attest EzEA Atheaen To7V7i Clerk 242 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Town house in Tisbuary on Wednesday the Sixth Day of June A D : 1781 James Athearn Esq' Moderator of Said Meeting ,And then it was put to Vote to See whether the Freeholders Voters then Present would Chuse Shobal Cottle Esq"' to Represent the Town of Tisbuary to make Answer to A Resolve of the General Court at Boston to be holden on the Third Wednesday of June A D : 1781 To Shew Cause why the Town hath Neglected to pay their proportion of the Publick Taxes to our Province, and the Vote passed in the affirmative And also it was Voted that Said Cottle Should goe to S'' Boston on the Towns Cost and that he Recieve Twelve Dollers of John Dunham Constable for Tisbuary for 1780 Towards his Expence & that he further Recieve what paper Monney belongs to this Town now in the hands of Benj^ Allen & Deacon Stephen Luce and that he give a Recept therefor attest Ezra Atheaen Toivn Clerk. Tisbuary ss : at a Town meeting holden by adjornment on the Second Tuesday of June 1781 for the choice of Town officers for S" year Met on S** Day and after Some Debate Adjorn'd Said Meeting to the first Tues- day of July next to be holden at the Town house in Tisbuary at three of the Clock afternoon Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Legally warn'd Continu'd & held by Adjornment at the Townhouse in Tisbuary on the Third Day of July A D 1781 in order for the choice of Town officers for S*^ year and at S"^ Meeting Shobal Cottle Esq^' was chosen overseer of the Poor in Said Tisb-- Attest Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warnd & held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on Monday the Thirteenth Day of August A D 1781 in order to See if the Inhabitants of Tisb- would Vote their acceptance of the Report of the Refferees in the affair Respecting M"" Dammans and the Town, And at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator and then A Vote was Called on the Affair and it passed in the Affirmative that they would Recieve Said report, attest Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 243 Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warnd & held at the Town house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on the Nineth Day of Jan- uary A D 1782 Deacon Stephen Luce Moderator and then it was put to Vote (and agreeable to the Notification for the Same) to See whether the Voters then Present would Vote to Raise on the Inhabitants by a Tax Eighty Pounds L M money to Defray Tisbuarys Town Charges Arisen or may arise the Currant year and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative and also at Said Meeting and agreeable to the Notification it was p'ut to Vote to See whether Joseph Allen Jethro Athearn Ju-' and Ezekel Luce Should be a committee in behalf of the Town of Tis- buary To Examine the Accounts or Demands any Person or Persons have on s'^ Town and to Draw up a List thereof as they in their wis- dom Shall See to be Just and the Vote passed in the Affirmative EzEA Atheakn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : at an Anavarsary March Meeting Legally warnd & held th by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Townhouse on the 20 of March A D : 1782 In order to Chuse all Such Town officers in the Town as is by Law Required to be Chosen Annually, and at S'' Meeting James Athearn was Chosen Moderator, And then Ezra Athearn was Chosen Town Clerk Stephen Luce Malatiah Davis Tho! Jones ware chosen Select Men, Jethro Athearn Town=treasurer, Sam'J- Look william Foster Joseph Chase Hezekiah Luce Surveyers of Highweys, Joseph Look Jonathan Cithcart Abraham Chase Fence Viewers William Foster Pound=keeper Jonathan Foster Tything^man William Luce Cornelus Norton Swine Drivers, all the above ware chosen for the Ensuing year, and further and Agreeable to the warrant it was put to Vote to See whether Six pence on the Pound be allowed Sam'^ Manter Ju""" as an Addition for Collecting the Last Tax of Eighty Pounds already Made and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And also at Said meeting Joseph Allen was Chosen Agent by Vote for the Town of Tisbuary to Hire out the Parsonage to the Highest bidder for the Ensuing year, And also it was Voted and Agreeable to the War- rant that Deacon Stephen Luce Joseph Allen & Ezra Athearn . Should be A Committee to Supply the Pulpit in Tisbuary with a Gospel Minister for the Ensuing year and then Said March Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Second Tuesday in April Ensuing the Date hereof Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk 244 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At an Adjornment of the Above March Meeting holden at the Town=llouse in Tisbuary on the Second Tuesday in April AD 1782 Hezeldah Luce was chosen Fence Viewer attest Ezra Atheaen Town Clerk Tisb'" ss : At A Town=nieeting Legally Warnd & held at the Town house in Tisbuary by the freeholders on Tuesday the Ninth Day of April AD 1782 and at S'! Meeting James Athearn Esq'; was Chosen Moderator and then it was put to Vote to See whether James Athearn Esq' Should be an Agent in behalf of Tisbuary to Examine the Records of this Town county or the Registree of Probate and See w^ Land Said Town has Reserv'd for a Bureying Place, And the Vote passed in the affirmative Likewise it was Voted at Said meeting that Esq'" Athearn Examine & Liqudate the Accounts of Shobal Butler with the Town and make Report of his Doeings at the Next Town Meeting Attest Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerh Tisbuary ss : at A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held in Tisbuary by the Freeholders at the Townhouse on Fryday the Twenty eight Day of June AD : 1782 in Order to Transact Such Buisness as Set forth in the Warrant for calling the Same, And at Said Meeting Decon Stephen Luce was chosen Moderator, And then it was Put to Vote to See whether Shobal Cottle Esq- & M^ Joseph alien be A Committee to Joyne the Select Men to Examine the Accounts of the Outstanding Constables Accounts Respecting the Remitting any Persons Rates that is Due to the Outstanding Constable as they Shall See proper and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative, And also at Said Meeting it was put to Vote and the Vote passed in the Affirmative that Seventy Pounds Lawful Monney Should be Rais'd by A Tax on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary for the Sup- porting the Gospel Ministree in S- Town Likewise it was Voted in the Affirmative that Thirty Pounds LM more be Rais'd in the Same manner as Above and for the Towns use Further it was put to Vote and the Vote passed in the Affirmative that Jonathan Foster Should Take Care of the Meeting house in S'' Tisbuary to put the Windows in repair on the Towns Cost ; Attest Ezra Athearn Toion Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held in Tisbuary by ihe Freeholders at the Townhouse on Wednesday the Twenty fifth Day of September A D 1782 at three of the Clock afternoon in Order to hear and consider a Request of a Number of the Inhabitants of Homses- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 245 hole and Some Adjacent People thereto Requesting th^t they may be Exempted from Paying any Tax for the Support of the Presbeterian Ministers for the future in the Town of Tisbuary by Reason they are of the Baptist Perswasion and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq- was chosen Moderator And then A Vote was Call'd to See Wheather Shobal Cottle Esq'' Deacon Stephen Luce & M'' Ransfor'd Smith Should be a committee to hold A Conferance with the Inhabitants of Homseshole and Some Persons Adjacant Relative to the Above Request or Pettion and to make Report of their doeings at the Adjornmentof this Meeting, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then S^ Town Meeting was Adjorn'd to Tuesday y"" 15^" of October Next' to be holden at the Town house in S'^ Tisbuary at Four of the Clock afternoon to Recieve the Report of the Aboves'd Committee Attest Ezra Athearn Toum Clerk The Pettition Reletive to the Above Vote Viz. To the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbuary in the County of Dukes County in Legal Town- meeting to be assemble'd on Tuesday y^ 19"' Day of October 1782 The Memorial of us whose Names are under writen being Inhabitants of that Part of Said Town Commonly Call'd Homseshole beg Leave to Repre- sent that Notwithstanding our great Desire to Promote Rehgion and attend the Publick Worship of God at all Times must needs say that Considering our remote Scituation from the Meeting=house or Place of Worship in Said Town and being Attended with Such Conspiscious Inconveniencies that need not be Enumerated, Desire that wee may be Released from paying any Part towards the Support of the Gospel in Said Town Except among our Selves in Such A Manner as will be most for our Religious profit Or otherwise releas us Agreeable to Justice & Equity as to you may Seem fit all which is Humbly Subitted Isaac Daggett Levi Young George West Jekeul West Nathaniel Skiff Elizabeth West Jesse Luce Peter West William Smith Jonathan Raymond Charles Edmondson 246 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbiiary ss : Att A Town meeting holden at Tisb'' on Monday y*^ 14"' of April AD : 1783 James atiiearn Esq*" Moderator of S'' Meeting for the Choice of Jurors to Send to Barnstable Court to be holden for Barn- stable & Dukes County on the 20"' of May 1783 Said Meeting Stands Adjornd to the 28"' of April Instant at four of the Cloch PM Ezra Atheaen T O Tisbuary ss : At A Legal Town=meeting holden at the Town house in Tisbuary on Wednesday y*" 13"' Day of November AD : 1782 James Athearn Esq'' Chosen Moderator of S*! Meeting and it was then put to Vote and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and agreeable to a Request of the Inhabitants of Homseshole that the Moderator of this Meeting aquaint the Said Inhabitants of Homseshole that they Pettition this Town for their being Dismist from Paying Ministeral Taxes (if they See cause) in the Town of Tisbuary : The Districts Intended by this Vote Lying to the Eastward of a Line drawn from the Stepping Stones to Cuteshmoo Spring so Called, then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd untill the next Tuesday at two of the Clock P=:M= Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbuary ss : Then mett According to Adjornment and after Some Debate See Cause to Adjorn S- Meeting untill Monday y*" 25"' Instant at at Four of the Clock P. M Ezra Athearn Town Cleric Tisbuary ss: then met again According to Adjornment and Passed the following Vote in the Affirmative Viz. That the Inhabitants of that Tract of Land Called Homseshole viz To the Eastward of a Line Drawn from the Stepping Stone (A Place known by that Name at the head of the Lagoon or Cove of Water Dividing Said Homseshole from the Town of Edgartown) To Cuteshmoo Spring from paying any Taxes in the Town of Tisbuary for the future Except Common Wealth Taxes, As also that Said Inhabitants Recieve no benefit or Assistance from the Town of Tis- buary for any charges that may Arise on Said Inhabitants for the future, Said Vote Passed in the Affirmative without one Dissenting Vote, Attest Ezra Athearn Tovm Tisbuary ss : At an Anavarsary March=meeting held at the Town house in Tisbuary on the Twentieth of March A D : 1783 James Athearn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 247 Esq': Chosen moderator of S'^ Meeting, & then all Such Town Officers ware Chosen Succesively as the Law Requires, to wit Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Cornelus Dunham was chosen Constable for the Ensuing year and he being at Said Meeting Refus'd to Serve y*" Town of Tisbuary in Said office. And then Mayhew Norton was chosen to the office of Constable for the Ensuing year Deacon Stephen Luce Malatiah Davis Thomas Jones ware Chosen Select Men, Joseph Look Joseph Chase Enoch Luce Fence Viewers Esq"" Shobal Cottle Peter Norton Matthew Manter Surveyors of Highweys, Job Look Joseph Athearn Jacob Clifford Ju°'" Hogreves, Joseph Allen Barnard Case Seth Luce Wardens, Deacon Luce Cornal Davis was chosen a Committee to Examine and Settle Accounts with the Town Treasurer, Jethro Athearn Ju""" was Chosen Town Treasurer, James Athearn was Chosen an Agent for Tisbuary to higher out the Parsanage to the Highest Bidder for the year, and all the abovesd officers ware Chosen by Vote in the Affirmative Ezra Atheaen Town Clerk and then S*^ March Meeting was Adjorn'd to the 14*'' of April Ensu- ing, and then mett and after Some Debate for Some reasons Adjornd Said March=meeting to Monday the 2^"' of April Instant to be held at the Town house in Tisbuary at three of the Clock P M Ezra Athearn Toum Clerh Tisbuary ss : Met at y* Abovesd Adiornment on Monday y*" 28*'' of Instant April 1783 James Athearn Moderator of S"^ Meeting and then the aboves'd Mayhew Norton Declar'd his Nonacceptance of the Office of Constable for the Ensuing year, and then it was put to Vote to See whether Thomas Butler Should be Chosen Constable for the Town of Tisbuary for the Insuing year and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative, and the Said March Meeting was Adjornd to the Last Monday in May Ensuing to be held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary at Four of the Clock afternoon Attest Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbuary ss: Mett at the adjornment of y*" March=Meetint: to be holden at y'' Courthouse on the Last Monday in May A D 1783 and after Some Debate on the Premises Reletive to Said meeting See Cause to Adjorn Said Meeting to the First Tuesday in August Ensuing the date hereof, attest Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk 248 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Wrn'd & held at the Courthouse by the Freeholders of Tisbuary on Monday y*" Ninth Day of June A D : 1783 and at Said Meeting Deacon Stephen Luce was Chosen Moderator, and then it was Yoted at S*^ Meeting by the Freeholders then Present that the Assesors Postpone the Time for makeing the Present Province Tax till the Town has Opertunity to Send to the General Court, and Also at Said Meeting it was Yoted that Deacon Stephen Luce Should be a Committee Man to Joyn with the other Towns Committees Men in the County in Order to Consult what Method Should be thought Propper to doe in the affair above Dated Tisbuary y*^ 9*'^ of June AD: 1783 Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisb'' ss : At a Town meeting Warnd &" held at the Courthouse by Adjornments from the Abovesd Annavarsary March Meeting by adjorn- ment to Tuesday the fifth Day of August AD 1783 and then mett and Adjorn'd to Tuesday y^ 19^^ of Said August and, then mett and at Said Meeting it was Yoted in the Affirmative that Russel Hancock Should be a Constable for Tisbuary for the Present year and then S*^ March meet- ing was Adjorn'd to Fryday y^ Twelvth day of September Ensuing the Date hereof attest Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally Warnd & held at the Court- house in Tisbuary on the Twenty Sixth of October AD 1783 Deacon Stephen Luce Moderator in Order to Chuse an Agent to Appear at the Next Court of General sessions of the Peace to be held at Tisbuary on the Last Tuesday of October Instant to appear in behalf of Said Town to Answer to an Inditment brought Against S*^ Town for not haveing A Grammar School Kept in Said Town in the year 1782 and M"" Benjamin Allen was chosen for the purpose and at S'^ Meeting M'" Benjamin Allen & M'' Barnard Case was Chosen to Joyne the Standing Committee to get Some Suitable Person to Suply the Pulpit in Tisbuary Ezra Athearn Toion Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Town house in Tisbuary, by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Ti-buary Quallified to Yote in Town affairs on Monday y*" fifteenth Day of March A D ; 1784 in Order to See if a Yote may be obtain'd to TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 249 Raise A Sum or Sums of Monney that Should be thought Necessary for Defraying Tisbuarys Town Charges arisen & Arising on Said Tisbuary this Present year, And at Said Meeting James Athearn was Chosen Moderator of S"^ Meeting, And then it was mov'd and Seconded that the Sum of one Hundred Pounds Lawfull Monney Should be Raised by A Tax on the Polls and Estates of the Inhabitants of Tisbuary For Defray- ing the Charges already Arisen and that may arise on Said Town the Current year. And the Vote being Put it Passed in the Affirmative and also at Said Meeting it was Mov'd and Seconded & Put to Vote to See whether Deacon Stephen Luce & Ezra Athearn Should be Chosen to auduit the Accounts with the Agents of Said Town that have had the care of the Personage in Tisbuary and Report their doeings to Said Town Ezra Atheaen Toum Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Annavarsary March Meeting Leggaly Warn'd and met and held at the Townhouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Ttsbuary Quallified to Vote in Town Affairs, On Monday y'' 29'" of March AD: 1784 in Order to Chuse all Such Town officers as the Law Requires to be annually Chosen Whereas James Athearn Esq*" was Chosen Moderator of S'! Meeting, and then ware Chosen by Vote as followeth Viz Ezra Athearn Town Clerk, James Athearn Esq'" Deacon Stephen Luce & M^ M'" Malatiah Davis Select Men, Jethro Athearn Town Treasurer, Samuell Look and Hugh Cithcart Wardens, Ezekiel Luce Peter Norton and Israel Butler Surveyers of Highweys, Joseph Allen Jonathan Luce and Enoch Luce Fence Viewers, Zeph Chase & William case Tything=men Sam" Weeks and cornelus Norton Swine Drivers, and then S'! March Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Fifth Day of April following at two of the Clock afternoon, attest Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisb'' ss : at a Town meeting holden by Adjornment at the Town house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on the fifth Day of April 1784 for further Choice of Town officers for the Current year James Athearn Moderator of S'' Meeting, And then it was Put to Vote to See whether the freeholders then Present would chuse Russel Hancock to Serve as A Con- stable for this Present year in the Room of Mayhew Norton heretofore Chosen Constable, and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative that S'' Russel Should Serve in the office of A constable for the Town of Tisbuary this 250 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS currant year 1784 and James Athearn was chosen agent for Tisbuary to higher out Tisbuarys Personage to the highest bidder for the year and also Benjamin Allen and Jethro Athearn was chosen overseers of the Poor for the year 1784 Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Also at the Abovesaid Meeting holden y*" tifth Day of April 1784 Shobel Cottle Esq'' & Deacon Stephen Luce was chosen to Supply the Pulpit to git Sum Suitable Person to Preach a A candidate in order to Settle in the Work of the Ministree in Tisbuary Ezra Athearn Tovm. Clerh Tisbuary in Dukes County* Ss: at a Town Meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Town house in Tisbuary on Monday y*" fifth Day of April A D 1784 In order by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Tisbuary Quallified to Vote for a governour Lieutenant Governour and Senator, And at Said Meeting Forty and two Votes was Then given in for John Hancock Esq"" to be governour for the Common Wealth of Massachusetts the Current year, and Likewise Thirty Eight Votes for Benjamin Lincoln Esq'' for Lieutenant Governour for the Year and Also at Said Meeting Forty-one Votes was put in for Beriah Norton Esq'' to be a Senator ye year for the Countys of Dukes County, and the County of Nantookit Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : at a Town meeting Legally warn'd & held at the Court house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Quallified to Vote in Town Aifairs On Wednesday the 14'" Day of July AD : 1784 in Order to hear and Consider the Pettition of Mathias Rogers of Said Tis- buary to be prefer'd at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq"" being mod- erator of S'' Meeting and after Said Pettition being Read and Considerd it was mov'd & Seconded and put to Vote See Whether Shobal Cottle Esq'' M- Joseph alien and Cornelius Dunham Should be a committee to Settle the Controversy betwixt Mathias Rogers and Jonathan Manter of Tisbuary, Relative to Said Mathias Rogerses Estate claimed by Said Manter, And the Vote passed in the Affirmative viz That Shobel Cottle Esq!^ Joseph Allen & Cornelius Dunham Should be Said committee • Ezra Athearn Town Cleric TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 251 Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Town=house in S*^ Tisbuary on Wednes- day y® Fourteenth Day of July AD : 1784, In Order to Act and Vote on Several things Inserted in the JSTotifification for Calling Said Meeting James Athearn Esq"" was then chosen Moderator of Said meeting and then it was put to Vote to See whether the Town would Chuse Tho' Daggett Hugh Cithcart and Tho"* Jones to be A Committee to take care of Tisbuary's Town Schoolhouse and Consult what had best be done with Said House and make Report at the JSText Town=meeting and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative and Also at Said Meeting it was Voted that M'" Morse be applied to as a candidate for to Settle in the Ministree in Tisbuary Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerh. On Wednesday ye 14"' Day of July A D 1784 Tho^ Dagett Hugh Cithcart Tho^ Jones ware chosen A Committee to consult what haji best be done with Tisbuary s Town Schoolhouse and to make Report thereon at the next Town Meeting, Report that it is their opinion that it be Sold for the Towns Use attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerh October y'^ 6"' A D 1784 . Tisbury ss : at a Town=meeting Legally warn'd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the court house in S*! Tisb'" on Thirsday y*" Thirtieth Day of September A D : 1784 then and there to act and doe what Shall be thought best on the following purposals as Inserted in the Warrant for calling the Same Shobel Cottle Esq'" being Chosen Mod- erator of S'' Meeting and then the first thing Inserted in Said Warrant was to see if said Town would Chuse A Committee to Treat with the Reverend M"" Morse (now resident in Tisbuary) Concerning his Preaching here both as to time and terms or any matter Relative thereto, and at S'' Meeting it was Mov'd and Seconded to See whether a Committee Shuld be chose to treat with the Reveren'd Mr Morse and it was put to a Vote and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then it was put to Vote to See whether Esq'" Shobel Cottle Deacon Stephen Luce Deacon Ransford Smith Joseph Allen and Cornelius Dunham Should be Said Committee and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and also at S'' Meeting it was put to Vote and Voted in the Affirmative that Joseph Allen Should be ^ 252 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Committee Man to agree with Some Person to Build A Pound xind to get a place to Sitt it upon and then Said Meeting was adjornd to Wednes- day y*^ 6^'> of October A D 1784 Voted also at S"^ Meeting that the Select Men Examin into the Request of of Josiah Hancock (Late constable of Tisb') Respecting the Remittances of Some of the Tax he has to collect Ezra Athearn Tovm Cleric Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Courthouse in Said Tisbuary by Adjorn- ment on Wednesday the Sixth Day of October A D : 1784 in order to Transact what then Should be thought Propper on the Proposals In- serted in the Warrant for calling the Same, and being Assembled Esq' Shubael Cottle being Moderator of S'' Meeting And then firstly it was Mov'd & Seconded and Put to Vote to See whether the Town of Tis- buary would Repair the Personage=House Barn & Farm, After which the Wooden Work of the Dwelling House to be Kept in Repair by the Town the Barn the Fences and glass to be kept in Repair by the Ocupant, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then Secondly it was movd & Seconded and put to Vote to See whether the Town would give a yearly Sallery of Seventy Pounds Lawful Monney to the Rev- erend M'" asarelah Morse if he Settle in this Town of Tisbuary as a Min- ister with the use of the Personage put in Repair as above Mentioned During his Continuance in the Work of the Gospel Ministree in Tisbuary and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And Also in the Third place a Vote was Call'^ to See whether the Said Town would Vote to Raise the Sum of Seventy Pounds Lawful Monney by a Tax on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary for a Sallery for M'" Asarelah Morse in case he Settles in S'' Tis- buary as our Minister, or in Case he Does not the Sum to be Appro- priated for the Same purpose of Supplying this Town with a Minister and the Vote passed in the affirmative and also at Said Meeting it was mov'd and Voted that Thirty Pounds Lawful monney as a Further Addi- tion be Rais'd on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary by a Tax to be used to Defray the charges already arisen or may arise on Said Town Dated at Tisbuary this Sixth Day of October AD : 1784 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisb"" ss : The committee Chosen on the Thirtieth Day of September AD 1784 in order to Treat with the Reverend M': Asarelah Morse Con- cerning his Preaching in Tisbuary boath as to time and Terms or any TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 253 Matter relative thereto, Said committee made Report that the Reverend M"" asarelah Morse accepted of the offer Made him as Above Dated the Sixth Day of October AD 1784 attest Ezra Atheaen Town Clerk The Reverend M- asarelah Morse's answer to the call the church of Christ and Town of Tisbuary has made him in Case he Accepts thereof in Settling in the Work of the gospel Ministry in the Town of Tisbuary To the Church of Christ at Tisbuary, wishing grace mercy truth & peace maybe multiplied — Dearly beloved, Haveing considered of your call & Invitation to Set- tle with you in the work of the Ministery and whereas a Call from a Church of Christ, to Lead in the Publick Worship of God, Demands respect and Attention Would therefore return for answer, — That your Candid Acceptance of my past Services Incourages me to hope for the like candor in future, and a desire, as I trust, to be found in the way of my Duty, to pay A regard to the Providence of God, which Overrules all events and to be Serviceable in my day and Generation Do therefore now cordially accept of your Call and Invitation, To minister unto you in Holy things. Upon the Terms you have proposed, Relying upon the Grace and asistance of the Great Shepherd and Bishop of Souls to assist me, in the Discharge of my Duty herein, and asking your Prayers for me that I may be found faithful in the work whereunto I am called, And that wee might be made Blessings to each other, I Rest your Servant in the Faith and Fellowship of the gospel ASAKELAH MOESE Harwich Octob'" the 26"V1784: Entred upon Record this 21^* Day of Feb"^ A D : 1785 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Court=house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Quallified to Vote in Town affairs. On Tuesday the Nineth Day of November AD 1784 for the following purposes Inserted in the Warrant for calling the Same Esq'" Athearn Moderator, And then it was movd & Seconded and put to Vote to See whether the Inhabitants of Tisbuary would Concur with the Church of Christ in Tisbuary in their Choice of the Reverend M'' Asarelah Morse to be their Minister and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then it was Voted that the First Wednes- 254 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. day in December be the Day for the ordination of Installing the Rever- en'd M'' Asarelah Morse in the Work of the Gospel Ministree in Tisbuary, And then it was Movd and put to Vote to See whether Joseph Allen & Jethro Athearn Should be a committee to agree with Some Person to Entertain the Councel for the Enstallment of the Reverend M"" Morse and the Yote passed in the affirmative, and Also Benjamin All was Nom- inated and put to Vote to See whether he Should be a Committee Man to Vendue the Town of Tisbuary's old School house at Publick Vendue and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and further Josiah Hancock was Chosen to take Care of Tisbuarys Meeting House as to Sweeping it & Shut & open the Doors on the Lords Days and also at Said Meeting it was Mov'd Seconded and put to Vote and voted in the affirmative that Benjamin alien Jethro Athearn & Ezekiel Luce Should be a committee to put the Meeting house in Repair, and Personage house and Farm in Tenantable Repair the Present year, and to charge the Town of Tisbuary therewith Dated at Tisb"- y*^ Ninth of November AD 1T85 EzEA Athearn Toicm Clerk Tisbuary ss : at a Town meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the courthouse in Tisbuary on Monday the Fourth Day of March AD 1786 In order for the choice of a governour Lieutenant governour & Sen- ator for the Ensuing year for the comon wealth of Massachusetts and at Said Meeting of the Freeholders of Tisbuary Five Votes were put in for Thomas Cushing Esq^ to be governour and eight votes were put in for James Bowdoin Esqr to be governour and one Vote for Trustram Dalton to be governour And Eleven Votes ware put in for Tho* Cushing to be Lieutenant governour And Five Votes ware put in for Trustram Dalton Esq"" to be Lieutenant governor, And Eight Votes ware put in for Peleg Coffin Ju'"" to be Senator and Eight Votes ware put in for Timothy Folger for the County' of Dukes County & Nantookit Dated at Tisb-" y"^ ^'^ Day of march A D 1785 Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Annavarsary March Meeting Legally Warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabi- tants of Tisb'" 1785 in order for the Choice of all Such Town officers as is by Law Required to be chosen annually and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq"" was chosen Moderator of Said Meeting and then the Town I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 255 officers herein after Named ware Chosen by Vote to Serve in Their Respective Offices in the Town of Tisbuary for the Ensuing year To wit Ezra Athearn Town Clerk James Athearn Esq"; Deacon Stephen Luce, Cap* Nathan Smith Select=men, Jethro athearn Town Treasurer & Over- seer of the Poor, Israel Butler Constable, Job Look Jonath Athearn and Joseph Chase, Surveyers of highweys, Joseph Look Timothy Lumbert Fence Viewers, Deacon Smith Jonath Manter & Joseph Claghorn & Christopher Butler Wardeans, Jonathan Manter Ty thing Man, Benjamin Allen Malatiah Davis and Cornelius Dunham a committee to Examine into the Demands any Person has on the Town of Tisbuary and to See they be Reasonable and to Lay them before y'' Town for their Acceptance, and then Said March=Meeting was Adjornd to Tuesday the fifth of April AD 1785 and then met and at Said Meeting Samuell Lewis was Chosen warden and then S'' Meeting was Disolv'd Ezra Athearn Ihwn Clerk Tisb*- ss : April 5"' A D : 1785 The Record of the Demands of Sun- dary Persons for Service done for the Town of Tisbuary, Examin'd and approv'd by Benjamin alien & Mallatiah Davis a Committee Chosen for the purpose, and they are as followeth viz firstly James Athearns Esqe account Ezekiel Luces account is Benj'' Allen Account is Mallatiah Davis acct is Stephen Luces acct is . Josiah Hancocks acct is James Manters acct is Isaiah Grey's ace' for two cord & half wood at 16" pr cord Tisbuary fs : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders Quallified to Vote for A Rep- resentative and at Said Meeting held on the Thirteenth Day of May A D : 1785 Benj^ alien was Chosen to Represent the Town of Tisbuary in the General Court to be holden at Boston on the Last "Wednesday of May Instant Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Tis- buary Quallified to Vote in Town Affairs on Fryday the Seventeenth 4 = 8^ = 7 = 13 = = 2 = 1 = = 8 2 = 8 = = 6 3 = 4 = = 6 = = 4 = 256 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Day of June A D : 1785 in Order to Consider and Yote what Should be thouglit propper on the Purposes Inserted in the Warrant for calling the Same and firstly it was movd & Seconded & Yoted that James Athearn Esq'" Should be Moderator of Said Meeting, and after Some Debate S'! Meeting was Adjorn'd to Fryday y'' 24^'' Day of Said June and then Met and at Said Meeting it was Mov'd & Seconded and Put to Vote to See wheather Fifty Pounds Lawful Monney Should be Rais'd by A Tax on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary for to Defray the charges thereof Arisen & Ariseing thereon the Present year and the Vote passed in the Affirma- tive viz that fifty Pounds Should be raisd by A Tax on S'' Inhabitants Attest Ezra Atheaen Toivn Clerk Tisbuary f s : at a Townmeeting Legally Warn'd and held at the courthouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday the Fifth Day of July A D : 1785 in order to consider the Request of Mathias Rogers of Tisbuary for assist- ance from this Town to Remove him and his Son Samuel & Daughter Elizabeth to the State of Vermont at which Meeting James Athearn was Chosen Moderator, and after Some Consideration it was Voted to adjorn Said meeting untill Saturday the ninth day of S' July and then Mett and came into the following Determinations and Voted in Concequence of Said Determination in form following Viz'^ To give Oliver Rogers now Present One Yoak of good working Oxen and One good Draught Horse and Ten Dollars in Monney and be at the Expence of Transporting the Said Team Mathias Samuel & Elizabeth to Bedford or Some Harbour near that place on the Main Land with the Firnature of them the Said Mathias Samuell & Elizabeth, he the Said Oliver Rogers giving his Bond to the Treasurer of This Town for the Towns use to Carrey the Afore- said three Persons to the State of Vermont and Support them Three years free from any Charge to this Town of Tisbuary, At the Expiration of Said three years ; If they be Living to give to Said Oliver Rogers as much more Monney as Shall with the Price of Said Team Cash and Transportation amount to one Hundred Dollars if they be then Living but if any one or all of them Die within Said time the Monney So Re- maining Over and Above the Price of the Team to Cease and Determine and So in proportion. And that the Moderator of this Meeting be ap- pointed to Suply the Team and furnish them with Monney from the Town* Treasury and A Pasage to the Main Land and take Bond Afore- said EzKA Athearn Jhrrv Clerl- I TISBURY TOWN KEOOKDS. 257 Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of Tisbuary on Monday y- Second Day of January AD : 1786 in Order to Chuse a Committee to joyn with the Committees of the Other Towns in this County to See if they can come to Some Just proportion between Said Towns of Each ones Valine in Order to a Final Settlement in the Doom now before the General Court of this Common Wealth, & at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq'' was Chosen Moderator and then was put to Vote & Voted in the Affirmative that James Athearn Esq'' Deacon Stephen Luce and Benjamin Allen all of Tisbuary Should be Said Com- mittee Attest EzKA Athearn Tovju Glerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd & held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants on Tuesday y*" 7"' of Febreuary AD : 1786 in Order to Act and do what was Inserted in the Warrant for calling the Same Decon Stephen Luce being Moderator, And then it was put to Vote and Voted in the Affirmative that M'' Benjamin Allen Tisbuary 's Present Representative Should be a Committee Man to Joyn the Town of Chilmark in Prephering a Pettition to the General Court of the State of the Common Wealth of Massachu- setts to have the Town of Tisbuary to be made the Shire Town in Dukes county and for their Courts to be held there for the Future Either at the Present Session or any Other Sessions hereafter &c : — Attest EzEA Athearn Tovm Clerl- Tisbuary ss: At A Townmeeting Legally Warn'd & held at the courthouse in Tisbuary on the Tenth Day of Febreuary AD: 1786 in Order to Recieve the Accounts of the Committee for Repairing the Meet- ing House in Said Town and Some aditional Repairs on the Personage house and Barn and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq'' was Chosen Moderator and then Said Accounts ware Read & M'' Joseph Allen and Christopher Butler ware Chosen a committee to Examine Said Accounts and the Sums herein After Named were Allowd by S'' Committee To wit — To James Athearn Esq!! £6 = 19 = 9 = ^ To Thomas Chase £8 = 11 = To Benjamin Allen £1 = 12 = To Mattheis Manter £0=3 = Ezra Athearn Town Clerk 258 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At an Annavarsary March=ineeting Legally Warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Fryday y® 17^'' Day of March A D : 1786 In Order to Chuse all Such Town OiRcers as is by Law Required to be chosen annually in Towns, Arid at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq^ was Chosen Moderator of S*? Meeting And then it was put to Vote and Voted in the Affirmative by the Freeholders then assembled that Ezra Athearn Should be Town Clerk for the Ensuing year, and then All Such Other Town officers were Chosen Respectively as are herein After Named Viz^ to Serve in their Respective Offices for y® En- suing year Deacon Stephen Luce Malatiah Davis and Nathan Smith Select Men, Rolen Rogers Constable Jonathan Manter Ezekiel Luce and William Luce Serveyers of highweys David Merrey Tything Man Isiah Pray Hugh Cithcart Fence Viewers, James Manter Swine Driver Enoch Luce Pound keeper Isaac Dagett & Obed Luce Surveyers of fish Peter West Thomas Chase Surveyers of Lumber, Jethro Athearn Town Treas- urer & Overseer of the Poor. Joseph Allen Tho! Jones William Foster & William Case Henry Yong Daggett . Nathan Daggett . Silas Daggitt Joseph Daggett . Ebenezer Daggett Malitiah Davis . John Davis . Shubel Dunham . Cornelius Dunham Shubel Dunham Jr David Dunham . Abisha Dunham . Dunham . Clifford Dunham Charles Edmonson Jona Foster . Benja Foster Will°» Foster Lewis Foster Isaiah Gray . John Gray . Jon* Hamitt John Hazelton Ephariam Harden Josiah Hancock Rusell Hancock Nathanel Hancock George Hillmon Thomas Jones John Homes Nathan Look Elijah Look. Samuel Look Robt Look . Elijah Look Ju Joseph Look Jon* Look . Stephen Luce Timothy Luce Charles Luce Jessa Luce . Enoch Luce Benja Luce . Ruth Luce . Lott Luce . Gamaliel Luce 2- 2- - 6- 3-18- 1- 6 1- 6 1- 6 2-12 1- 6 1-6- 1- 6- 1- 6 - 6 - 6 2-12 1- 6 2-12 1- 6 1- 6 2-12 2-12 - 6 2-12 2-12- 2-12 2-12 1- 6 2-12 2-12 1- 6 2-12 - 6 2-15- -1-10 -11-4 5- 6 4- -7-4 -11- -5-6 4-11- 8 1- 9- 4 1-16- 8 -5-6 -16-6 0-14- 8 -11- -11- - 12 - 10 4-16- -18-0 -5-8 3- 4- 2 3- 4- 2 -9-2 -16-6 -11- 2 -0-2 2- 5-10 4- 8- -5-6 - 5- 6 1- 2- 2-18- 8 -3-8 1-11- 2 -9-2 1- 7- 6 -16-6 -11-2 -4-0 -10 -10 -11-0 Rec'd - 7- 4- Reed 10- 8 -0-6 - 3- 7- -3-8 -2-4 -11-8 -0-4 -0-6 -1-10 - 3- 0-12 -2-4 0- 7- 4 0- 7- 4 -2-4 -9-2 -2-4 0- 1- 8 0- 6- 6 -2-4 -1-6 -2-4 -3-8 -2-6 -1-9 -1-0 -1-0 -0-6 -3-8 264 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. p Money R. Estate 1 P Estate 1 £ 8 Weeks . _■ 1- 6 -5-6 -0-6 - Nthan Weeks - - 6-0 0- 3- 8 0- 0- 6 James Weeks - - 6 ~ - Thomas Walrond 2 2-12 5- 6- 4 3-15- 2 Noah Walrond . - - 6 - - Robt Walrond . - - 6 - - Michal Walrond . _ - 6 - - - James Winslow . - . 1- 6 0- 4- 4 - Thomas Wheldon _ - 6 3- 8 7- 4 Willm Willpeny . - - 6 ReC - 10-6 Thos West admnstr To Lemuel Buttlers E.state . _ - 1 -7-0 -0-6 Levy Yong .... - - 6 -14-8 -0-8 - Will's Kimblem . - 1- 6 - - Deborah Allen Extr . " -6-6 266 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. p Money R. Estate P Estate £ s d £ 8 d £ s (1 Joseph D Hitchbouru . _ • - 6 _ _ John Manchester - - 6 _ - _ Aaron Daggett . 1 - 6 _ _ Samuel Chace Jr 1 1- 6 Stephen Clifford . - 1- 6- _ - _ Joseph Claghorn - - 6 -9-2 - _ Amey Downs -0 0-14- 8 Reed 4-4 Charles Luce Jn . - - 6- - 1-10 RecJ Esqr Cottle Henrey Luce 1 1- 6 8- 1 Levi Luce . _ - 6 _ _ Silas Hillmon . _ _ -7-4 - Abner Buttler _ - 6 _ _ Jason Luce . _ - 6 _ _ Thos Buttler Admni= t. to Zacchues Chace _ 7- 4 - Jont Wing . - - 1-6- 9- 2 - 6 Ephariani Dunham _ 1- 6 _ - Elisha Basstt _ - 6 -3-8 Sarson Buttler . _ - 6- ' Jacob Luce . '. _ - 6 _ Trustom Daggett _ - 6- _ _ Benjamin Cottle . _ - 6 _ - Herbart Bordman _ - 6 _ - Samuel Daggett Junr _ 1- 6 -3-8 - Samuel Allen 1 1- 6 David Look . 1- 6 _ - Mitchal Daggett . - 1- 6 - - Abraham Luce . _ - 6 -7-4 - 1-10 Joseph Luce Jr . _ . - 6-0- Mai-ten Luce 1 1- 6-0 Elijah Daggett . _ - 6-0 Mathew Daggett . - - 6-0- The forgoing Rate Being a State Tax Assessd on the Inhabitants of Tisbury on there Pols and Estates for the year A Dom 1786 made and Completed the 5 Day of January AD 1787 Containing the sum of £565 - 4 by us the Subscribers Stephen Luce Malatiah Davis Nathan Smith December the first Day 1810 y /Selectmen ) for Tishurt/ Received one dollar for taxes from William Luce . 4 6 3— 6 1 11 ri~ii Remains due to Joseph Athearn 1 = 2 — 7 according to our Settlement for the within Taxes TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 267 Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally warn'd & held at the court- house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on Wednesday y*" 28*" of March 1787 in Order to Chuse all Such Town officers as the Law Requires to be Chosen annually in the Month of March in each Town in this Common- wealth, James Athearn Esq- being Chosen Moderator of S- Meeting, And then it was Put to Vote to See whether Ezra Athearn Should be Town Clerk Deacon Luce Malatiah Davis and Nath Smith Select Men and Jethro Athearn Town Treasurer, and the Vote Passed in the Affirm- ative and the Above Named Officers took the Oath of Alliegance as Required by Law, Jethro Athearn overseer of the Poor Ezekiel Luce Zephaniah Chase and Jonathan Smith Chosen Wardeans, Benjamin Poster & Peter West Ty thing Men, Enoch Luce Pound^keeper, Jonathan Cith- cart & Cornelius Norton Swine=drivers, Russell Hancock Joseph Chase and Sm" Look Surveyers of high=ways, Timothy Lumbert & Jonathan Luce Fence Viewers, Isaac Dagett Thomas Chase Surveyers of Lumbert, Nathan Smith Thomas Jones Joseph Look and David Merrey Surveyers of Paokt Fish all the Above Named Town Officers ware Chosen to Serve in their Respective offices for y® Ensuing year and then Also Thomas Butler of Tisbuary was Chosen to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the office of Constable for the Ensuing year and not being at Said Meeting the Town=meeting was Adjornd to Monday the Second Day of April Ensuing the Above date Ezra Athearn Town Qlerh Met at the abovesd Adjornment of March=meeting and then the Standing Constable made Report that the aboves'd Thomas Butler Refus'd to Serve the Town of Tisbuary in the Office of constable for the Ensuing year. And then it was Mov'd & Seconded and put to Vote to See whether Jonathan Manter Should be Constable for the Ensuing for Tisbuary, and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And then it was movd & Seconded to See whether Cornelius Norton of Homses^^^hole in the Con- stablerick of Tisb'" and Timothy Lumbert Should be Assesors of Taxes for Tisbuary and it passed in the Affirmative, Cornelius Dunham was also chosen by Vote for A Sealer of Weights & Measures it was also Voted at Said meeting that the Constable Should have Six=pence on the Pound for Collecting Taxes, and then Said March=meeting was Adjorh'd to the 16"' of April Ensuing the above date Ezra Athkarn 1 Olerl- 268 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbuary ss : At A Town=Meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Monday y*" Second Day of April AD : 1787 In Order to Chuse A Governour Lieutenant Governour & Senator for the Ensuing year in the conimon="Wealth of Massachusetts and at Said Meeting of the Freeholders of Tisbuary then Present Put in Twenty Votes for John Hancock Esq- to be Governour for the Ensuing year and Nine Votes for James Bowdoin and 15 Votes for Benj- Lincelon to be Lieutenant Governour & 11 Votes for Benj'* Warren to be Lieu* governour Tho' Cashing two Votes Ten Votes for Matthew Mayhew to be Senetor and 16 Votes for Thomas Cook to be Senator for the Ensuing year Attest Ezra Atheakn Toivn Clerk Met on the Sixteenth day of April on the Adjornment of March= Meeting for 1787 and at Said meeting the Said Jonathan Manter appeard and Deolard his Nonacceptance of being a Constable for the Town of Tisbuary for the Ensuing year, And then it was Movd & Seconded and put to Vote to See whether John Gray Should be Chosen Constable for the Ensuing year and the Vote passed in the Affirmative and then S- March Meeting was Adjorn'd to Monday the 23'^ Day of April A D : 1787 Ezra Athearn Toivn Clerk Met Lastly on the Adjornment of Said March=meeting Continu'd to Monday the 23^' of April 1787 and at Said Meeting the Aboves'd John Gray appeard and Declar'd his acceptance of the Office of a Constable for the Town of Tisb"" for the Ensuing Year and took the Oath of AUie- gance as Requird, and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq"" was Chosen Assesor for the Town of Tisb'' for the Ensuing year and then Said meet- ing was Disolv'd Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Townmeeting Legally Warn'd and Held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on the Fifth of October AD : 1787 and at Said meeting and Agreeable to the Warrant for calling the Same Voted in the Affirmative that the Present Select men be a Committee to Settle with the Town Treasurer, And Also to Examine the Constables Requests for Remiting Sundray Persons Rates that are Delinquent, And also to Examine what is Nessary to be done to Repair the Meeting=House and Parsonage:=House in Tisbuary and to make Report at an Adjornment, And then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Third Fryday of S'' October, Ezra Athearn Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 269 Met at the above s'' Adjornment on Fry day the 19'" of Said October 1787 and at Said Meeting it was Movd and Seconded and Put to Vote to See whether one Hundred and Fifty Founds L M Should be Rais'd on the Inhabitants of Tisbuary to Defray their Town Charges Arisen and arising the Present Year and the Vote pased in the Affirmative, And at Said Meeting it was movd & Put to Vote to See wheather Benjamin Allen & Russel Hancock Should be a Committee to Repair Tisbuarys Meetinghouse and Personage house on the Towns Cost and the Vote passed in the Affirmative EzR Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warnd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Courthouse on the Eleventh Day of December A D : 1787 in Order to See if the Town will Chuse Some Suitable Person to Represent Said Town as a Deligate at the State Con- vention to be held at the State=house in Boston on the Second "Wednes- day in January Next in Order for the Adoption of the Fedrel Constitution agreed upon by the Deligates of the United States held at Philadelphia on the first Monday in May 1787 And at Said Meeting Cornehus Dun- ham of Tisbuary was Chosen as a Deligate to Represent the Town of Tisbuary at the Abovesaid convetion Ezra Athearn Totvn Clerk Tisbuary ss : At an Annavarsary March meeting Legally warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders in Order to Chuse all Such Town officers as is requir'd by Law to be Chosen annually, and at Said meeting Shobal Cottle Esq- was Chosen Moderator of Said meet- ing to be holden on Wednesday y*" 19"' of March AD: 1788 and at Said meeting then the followin Town Officers ware Chosen by Vote to Serve in their Respective offices in the Town of Tisbuary for the Ensuing year Viz'' Ezra Athearn Town Clerk James Athearn Esq- Ezekiel Luce and Samuell Look Select Men Jethro Athearn Town Treasurer and Overseer of the Poor, Shobal Cottle Ju-'" Constable Joseph Athearn Benjamin Foster Abraham Chase and Samuell Lumbert Surveyers of Highways, Russel Hancock Joseph Chase and Isrel Butler Fence Viewers, Josiah Hancock and Sam" Chase Swine Pounders, Nathan Smith and Jonathan Foster Wardens, and also James Athearn Joseph Allen and Malatiah Davis was Chosen a Committee to Audit the Town Accounts, Enoch Luce Pound keeper, and then Said Marchr=meeting was adjornd to the Seventh Day 270 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. of April Ensuing, and then met and at Said meeting Cornelius Dunham appeard and Offerd to Serve the Town of Tisbuary the Ensuing year in the Office of a Constable in the room & Stead of the Abovesaid Shobal Cottle Ju""", And then it was Put to Vote to See whether the Town would Accept of Said Dunham to Serve the Town as a Constable for and in the room of Said Cottle and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and also it was Voted at Said Meeting that the Said Dunham Should have the Same Commisions for gathering the Taxes as heretofore has been AUow'd to Other Constables Ezra Athearn Toirn Clerl- Tisbuary ss : at A Town=meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants Qualli- tied to Vote in Town Affairs, on the Seventh Day of April A D : 1788 and at Said meeting Shobal Cottle Esq? was Chosen Moderator and then it was put to Vote and Agreeable to the Warrant for calling the Same, to See if any Room be Appropriated for the Repairing the Meeting house in Tisbuary Said Room to be taken up whare the Body of Sects are and it passed in the Affirmative; and also at Said meeting it was put to Vote to See whether James Athearn Esq- Malatiah Davis and Cornelius Dun- ham Should be a committee to draw a Plan of Six Pews in the body of the Meeting=House and present the Same to the Town to be acted upon Agreeable as they Shall See fit either in the whole or in part and the Vote passed in the Affirmative ; and then Said meeting was Adjorn'd to the Second Tuesday in May Ensuing the Date hereof Ezra Athkarn Toini Clerl' Met at the Aboves'd Adjornment and Reciev'd a Plan of the Above Said Committee for Six Pews in the two foremost Sects and Alleys in Said Meetinghouse, and then it was Put to Vote to See whether Said Towns Men then Present would Accept of Said Plan and the Vote Passed in the Affirmative, and then it was put to Vote to See wheather James Athearn Esq- Benjamin Allen and Joseph Athearn Should be a committee to Sell Said pew Spots at Publick Vendue and the Vote passed in the affirmative. And also at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq' and Joseph Allen was Chosen A committee to Settle with Elijah Look a Former Constable, Relative to the Taxes he has not gathered for the Reasons he has to give to Said com"*", Ezra Athkarn Tmni Clerk. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 271 Tisbiiary ss : at A Town=meeting Legally Warnd & held at the Court house in Tisbuary Thusday y*" Sixteenth Day of October A D 1788 (James Athearn Moderator,) In order to See what Monneyis Nese- cary to be Rais'd on the Inhabitants the Ensuing year to Defray Town Charges and after Some Debate Said meeting was Adjorn'd to Tuesday following and then met and then Adjorn'd to the Last Tuesday of Sep- tember following to be holden at the Publick meeting house in Tisbuary at foure a Clock in the Afternoon Ezra Atheaen Tovm Clerh met at the aboves'd Meeting house and Adjorn'd to the House of William Cases and at S'' meeting it was put to Vote and Voted in the Affirmative that Mnety Pounds L M Should be Raisd on the Inhabitants to Defray Town Charges for the Present year, and also Ezekiel Luce was Chosen a committee man to Settle with the Town treasurer Ezra Athearn Town Glevlc Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Thursday the Eighteenth day of December AD 1788 in Order to Chuse a Representative and two Electors, and at Said meeting David Cobb of Bristol Esq- was Chosen Representative and James Athearn of Tisbuary Esq*' was Chosen for an Elector, and Cor- nelius Dunham of Tisbuary was Also Chosen for an Elector, 14 Votes was put in by the A'^oters then present for Each of the above named Per- sons Tisbuary December y*^ 18 A D 1788 Ezra Athearn Town CJlerl- Tisbuary ss : At A Town meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Court house in Tisbuary by the Freeholders Quallified to Vote in Town affairs Met on Wednesday y'' Eleventh Day of febreuary A D 1789 and at Said Meeting James Athearn Esq- was Chosen Moderator, and then it was put to Vote and agreeable to the Warrant for Calling the Same, To See whether the Voters then Present would Chuse Shobal Cottle Esq": of April AD 1792 in Order to See if the Town of Tis- buary will make Choice of Some Suitable Person as an Agent to Repre- sent the Town of Tisbuary at the Supream Court at Barnstable in May 1792 To Answer to an Inditement found Against the Town of Tisbuary for not haveing a Town School kept in Said Town and at Said meeting Isaac Dagett was Chosen to Represent Said Town at Said Court and then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to Fryday the 20"' of April following Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town=meeting Legally Warnd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on the Thirteenth Day of April AD: 1792 Stephen Luce Moderator it was then Put to Vote that all Persons Should be Excluded from Catching Oysters in the Pond called Kewtown pond to carrey to Market off the Island of Marthasvinyard or to Sell by Cart Loads on the Island without Leave of the Towns Committee who Shall or may be Appointed from time to time to take care of the Same, and that if any Person or Persons Shall trangress against the foregoing Resolve of Said Town Shall for fitt and pay as a Fine for the use of Said Town Twenty =Shillings for every Offence for the use of Said Town And that if their Should be any allowd by the Town's Committee to be catcht that the Person or Persons that Shall have the Liberty Shall pay for each Bushel two pence p'" Bushel for the Use of Said Town and it passed in the Affirmative Likewise at Said Meeting Jethro Athearn Ezekiel Luce and Elijah Look Ju^'- Avas Chosen a Committee to See and take care that the foregoing Vote and Resolves were Duly Observ'd in behalf of Said Town attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisb*" ss : Met on the Abovesd Adjornment on Fryday the 20"' of April Concerning Tisbuary being Presented for not keeping a Town School and Adjorn'd to the First Wednesday in May following E a Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 285 Tisbuary ss : Met on the Aboves'd Adjornment of March Meeting and after further Debate on the Premises Relative thereto Adjorn'd to the first Wednesday in May A D 1792 Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : At an Adjornment on the First Wensday in May 1792 Shobal Cottle Esq'' was Chosen agent in the Room of Isaac Dagett to Represent the Town of Tisbuary in Answer to an Inditement found Against the Town At the Supream Court at Barnstable in the year AD: 1791 Attest Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Legally Warn'd and held by the Freeholders of Tisbuary at the Courthouse on the Tenth Day of July 1792 and at Said Meeting Shobal Cottle Esq^- was Chosen Moderator and then it was mov'd & Seconded and put to Vote to See whether the Voters would Vote to Raise Sixty Pound Lawful Monney to Support A. Lawful School in Tisbuary for Eighteen Months and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, and then it was Movd and Seconded to See whether the Voters would Chuse five freeholders as a Committee to Divide the Town of Tisbuary into Districts and it passed in the Affirmative and then it was Mov'd to See whether Ezekiel Luce John Davis Edmond Cottle and John Gray Should be the S*^ Committee to Divide the Inhabi- tants into the S'^ Dristricts for the Convenancy of keeping S'' Schools in Tisbuary Voted in the Affirmative, and then Said Meeting was Adjorn'd to the Last Tuesday in September Next to Recieve the Report of S'l Commitee Ezra Athearn Toion Clerk Tisbuary ss : Met at the aboves'd Adjornment on the Last Tuesday of September AD 1792 in Order to Recieve the Report of the abovesd Committee which is as followeth Viz Wee the Subscribers being ap- pointed A Committee to Devide the Town of Tisbuary into Districts in order for Schools have attended that Buisness and have Divided it into ■four Districts as follows Viz'' To begin at the Mill Brook at Chilmark Line between the Land of the Heirs of Benjamin Allen Deceased and the Lands: of Cornelius Dunham and down Said Brook untill it comes to the Grist Mill of Ezra Athearn then East Southerly So as to leve Joseph Athearn on the Noath and Jonathan Hammett on the South Easterly to 286 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. to the boundarys of Edgartown and all the Inhabitants to the Southward of Said Line to be the first District, And then all the Inhabitants from the D\velling==house of the aforenamed Jonathan Hammett following the Road to the Noath Shore or the the Dwelling=house of William Luce untill it comes to the Fork of the Path called Rogerses Parth that Leads to Cornall Davises and then Noathwesterly till it Strikes the Sound Leaving Adonjiah Luce on the West and the Widdow Ruth Luce on the East and all the Inhabitants to the Westward of the Last mentioned Line to be the Second District, And then Return back to the Fork of the Aforsd Path Leading to Corn'-^ Davis and then take the Road Leading to Homseshole till it comes to the Dwellinghouse of Silvanus Luce leaving Said Luce to the East and Thomas Cottle to the West and then Runing Northeasterly till it Strikes the Pond to the Eastward of the Dwelling House of Peter Luce and so on to the Sea and all the Inhabitants to the Westward of the Last Line till it comes to the Second District to be the third District or the North Shore District And all the Inhabitants to the Eastward of the forementioned Line from Silvanus Luces to the Pond near Peter Luces and so to the Sea to be the Fourth or Homseshole Dis- trict, By us the Subscribers Dated at Tisbuary the 7"' Day of August 1792 Edmund Cottle Ezekiel Luce John Davis John Gray Abraham Chase The above Instrument being brought into Towmmeeting on the 25*^" of Sep*' A D 1792 and then at Said meeting it w^as put to Vote to See wdiether the Voters then Present would make it their act and the Vote passed in the Affirmative, And also at Said Meeting it was Voted that the above Named Committee be a committee to devide the Monney already raisd for the Support of a Lawful School in Tisbuary According to the Number of Children in Each District Sett forth as above Males from (Twenty one year old and under, and Females from Eighteen years old and under, Voted also at Said meeting that Jethro Athearn William Foster and Elijah Look Ju"'" be a Committee to Provide A Schoolmaster and an House to keep a School in in the first District, as Sett forth as above to Transact what they may find to be nesceary for Said School, Voted also that John Davis Cornelius Dunham and Timothy Luce be A Committee for the Second District Voted that Nathan Smith Edmund Cottle and Peter Norton be A committee for the third District Voted Lastly that Samuel Look Timothy Chase and Abraham Chase be A Com- mittee for the Fourth and Last District and all with the Same Power as Sett Forth in the first Distrs and then Said Townmeeting was Adjorn'd again to the Second Tuesday of October 1792 Ezra Atiikarn 7Vrivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 287- Tisbimry ss : Mett at the Aboves'd Adjornment on the Second Tues- day of October 1791 and after Some Debate Adjorn'd Said Meeting to the Second Day of November following- A D. 1792 Ezra Atheaen Town Clerh Met at the Aboves'd Adjornment and Disolvd S'' Meeting E A T Clei-h Delivered to John Allen Esq"" Eleven Dollars & s 20 old Tenor to be. Improved at Barnstable in Carrying zr on his Action against Eben Rogers July y^ 16 Day 1792 ■^ me Jabez Athearn paid To Mr Gidley 27-15 6 Dollers & 8 '^5' to Winthrop 3 Dollers paid to Rugels 5 Dollers Tisb'" ss : At a Town=Meeting Legally Warnd and held at the Court- House in Tisbuary by the Freeholders on Fryday y*^ Second Day of November A D : 1792 in Order to Act upon Several things Inserted in A Warrant for calling the Same and at Said Meeting Shobal Cottle v^'^as Chosen Moderator And firstly for the Choice of Representatives for Congress and firstly Sixteen Votes ware put in for Peleg Coffin of Nan- tukett to be a Representative for Congress and Secondly Sixteen Votes was put in for John Davis of Plymoth to be a Representative for Con- gress, and Thirdly 16 Votes was put in for David Cobb of Taunten to be another Representative for Congress And also Solomon Freeman of harrswich was Chosen Elector for Congress by 15 Votes, Walt'er Spooner of Dartmouth was Chosen Elector for Congress by 15 Votes James Athearn of Tisbuary was Chosen Elector for Congress by 7 Votes put in, William Jonakins of Edgertown was Chosen Elector for Congress by Ten Votes put in Also at Said Meeting Ezekiel Luce Cornelius Dunham and Benjamine Allen was Chosen A Committee to Settle with James Athearn Esq'' Agent for Tisbuary to Sell Some Pew Spots in the Meet- ing house in Tisbuary and also at Said Meeting and Set forth in the Notification to See Wheather the Voters then Present at S*^ Meeting would Reconsider a Vote passed at a Townmeeting in Tisbuary on the 25*" of November AD 1792 Wherein is Sett forth at Large that the 288 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. People of Homseshole ware Exempted from paying any More Taxes in Tisbuary for the Future Except Commonwealth Taxes,) at Said Meeting it was movd and Seconded to See whether the Scoters then Present would Reconsider Said Vote and the Vote passed in the Affirmative that the former Vote be nul and Void and of no efect any more Voted also at Said Meeting that Ezekiel Luce Cornelius Dunham and Benjamin Allen be a Committee to Examine all Town Accounts and to Settle with the Town Treasurer an to make Report at the Adjornment and then Said Meeting was Adjornd to the Last Tuesday in November AD 1792 Ezra Athearn Town Clerk Met at the Above Adjornment and Voted to Raise on the Estates of Tisbuary Seventy Pounds for M- Morses Sallery the Current year and Fifty Pounds to Defray Other Town Charges and then Said Meeting was Adjornd to the Last Tuesday of December 1792 Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Met on the Above Adjornment and after Some Debate Disolvd S*^ Meeting E A T. (7 Tisbuary ss : At A Town Meeting Legally Warn'd and held at the Courthouse in Tisbuary on Tuesday the 25 Day of December 1792 in Order to See wheather the Voters then Present at Said meeting would pass a Vote to Exempt the Babtists from paying any Sallery to Mr Morse for the year AD: 1792 and after Some Debate Adjornd Said Meeting to the Fourteenth Day of January A D 1793 Ezra Athearn Town Clerh Tisbuary ss : At A Townmeeting Legally Warnd and held in Tisbuary on the 14^'' Day of January A D : 1793 in Order for the Choice of A Representative to Sit in Congress for the United States in America and at Said Meeting Nine Votes was put in for John Davis of Plymoth and Sixteen Votes was put in for Shear Jeshub of Barnstable Ezra Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbury ss At a Town meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury by the freeholders Qualified to Vote in Town affairs met on Thursday the fourteenth day of march A D 1793 In order to TISBUKY TOWN RECOEDS. 289 Chuse all Such ofRcers as the law directs to be Chosen aniiely in the month of march for the Currant year and at Said meeting James Athearn Esq"" was Chosen modrator and all that are herein after named were Chosen by Vote of the Town to Serve in there Respective offices Viz Ezekiel Luce Town Clark James Athearn Esq'" Joseph Athearn Nathan Smith Slectmen, Jethro Athearn Town Tresuerer Elijah Look Jn, Jona- than Athearn fence vewers, Benjamin alien Edmund Cottle Abraham Chase Surveyors of high ways Isaac Dagget Surveyor of Lumber Ben- jamin Allen Elijah Look Ju'"' Abraham Chase hog Reaves Jethro athearn Ezekeil Luce oversears of the Poor Enoch Luce Pound keeper and then Said meeting was ajourned to the first monday in april following A D 1793 Ezekiel Luce Toiim Clark Met on monday the first day of apriel according to adjournment and at S'-. meeting it was put to Vote wheather Thomas Buttler Jnr Should Sarve the Town of Tisbury in the office of Constable and Collector the Currant year in the room of Benjamin Allen and it passed in the Affarmi- tive and also at Said meeting Zacheriah Smith was Chosen Constable & Collector for the District of Homeshole and then it was put to Vote wheather abraham Chase Should Sarve as Sleet man the Currant year and it passed in the Affarmitive and also at S*! meeting there was 43 Votes put in for Jethro Athearn for County Tresuerer Attest Ezekiel Luce T Clarh Tisbury ss At a Leagel Town meeting Leagaly warnd and held at the Court House in Tisbury on monday the first day of apriel A D 1793 In order to Chuse a govenor Leiutenant Govnor and Senetor and at Said meeting there was Votes put in for the following Persons- Viz 36 Votes for John Hencock Esq' to be govenor for the State of Massachusetts the present Year 35 Votes was put in for Samuel Adams Esq"" to be Leiu- tenent Govenor & 18 Votes put in for Shoble Cottle Esq*" for Senetor & 20 Votes was put in for William Jornagan for Senetor for the County, of Dukes County & Nantucket attest Ezekiel Luce Town Clark At A Leagle Town meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on the tenth Day of may A D 1793 James athearn was Chosen moderator for the purpus of Chuseing Sum person to Represent 290 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. S'' Town at the Supream Juditial Court at Barnstable to answer to an inditement brought against the town of Tisbury for not being provided with a town School agreeable to the laws of the Commonwealth and at Said meeting Decn Stephen Luce was Chosen by the mager part of the Voters then present Test EzEKiEL Luce T Clark Tisbury ss At A Leagal town meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the thirteenth day of may A D 1793 In order (as the Law of the Common Wealth requiers) for the Choice of a Representative to Represent S'l Town at the great and General Court at Boston and at S'l meeting the Votes ware brought in and Sorted and Counted and John Davis had ten Votes & Benjamin Allen had twenty three Vots And was Chosen Test EzEKiEL Luce T Clark Tisbury may 13 1793 Tisbury ss at a Leagel Town Meeting leagely warnd and held at the Court house In Tisbuy on the 21"* day of may AD 1793 in order as it is Set forth in the notification of the Choice of Some Sutable Persons as a Comitte to Respond to the Pettition of the Inhabatants of Homes hole and at S^ meeting first James Athearn Esq'' was Chosen modrator and then it was put to Vote whether James Athearn Esq'" Joseph Athearn & Will'" Case Should be the Committe for the above S'! purpose and it passed in the affarmitive Attest EzEKiEL Luce Town Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal town meeting duly Warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on fryday the 13*'' day of September A Domine 1793 agreeable to a notification for Calling a town meeting To See if the Voters of the town of Tisbury Would pass a Vote that the Inhabatants of Ilomeshole and others that have Joynd them in a Petition to the general Court of this Common Wealth for a release from paying Minis- tearal Taxes in Tisbury have for the future Such part of the preaching byt he Settled minester in Tisbury, Carried on in homes hole in propor- tion to the taxes they may pay towards the minesters Sallery in S'-' Town and at S'' meeting James Athearn Esq"" was Chosen modrator of S- meet- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 291 ing and a Vote was Called to See whether the town or Voters then present would Vote the above proposals and the Vote passd in the affarmitive attest EzEKiEL Luce Tow Clark Tisbury ss At a leagel Town meeting duly warned according to Law and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 18"' day of November AD 1793 in order to raise a Sum of money to pay the Revrand M': Morses Sallery and at S- meeting it was moved and Seconted and put to Vote whether the Sum of Seventy pounds Should be raised for the above purpose and the Vote passed in the affarmitive Secondly agreable to the notification it was moved and Seconted whether the Sum of fifty pounds Should be raised to defray the town of Tisbureys nesec- cary Charges for the Currant year and it was put to Vote and the Vote passed in the affarmetive and the S'^ Sum of fifty pounds was Voted to to be assed on the poles and Estates of the Inhabatants of S'' Tisbury Tisbury Novmber 18"' 1793 Reccorded "^ •■ me EzEKiEL Luge (T Clark Tisbury ss At a Town meeting Leagely warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 9"' day of Decem'' A D 1793 for the following purposes (as Set forth in a notification for Calling the Same) Viz to raise a Sum of money for the Support of a Town School, and at S*^ meeting James Athearn Esq'" was Chosen moderator and it was put to Vote whether the Sum of £70 Should be raised for the S". town School and the Vote passed in the affarmitive And at S'l meeting the following- persons was Voted as a Committe for the Several districts to provide masters for the Several Schools and houses to keep the School in and all other nescereys for S*! Schools, Viz in the first district was Voted Jethro Athearn Ezekiel Luce Elijah Look a Committe for the first district, the Second district John Davis Cornelus Dunham and Timothy Luce to be a Committe for the above purposes Voted that Nathan Smith Edmond Cottle Peter Norton be a Committe for the third district Voted fourthly and Lastly that Samuel Look Timothy Chase and Abraham Chase be a Committe with the Same power as the first and all the other Committes in regard to School matters Tisbury Deem?: the 9^." A D 1793 by me Ezekiel Luce Toum Clark 292 TISBURY TOWJS" RECORDS. Tisbury ss at a meting legaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 7^'' day of apriel being the first monday in Said month for the Choice of govener Lieutenant govener and Senetors and at S'' meeting there was 2 Vots put in for the following persons Viz Samuel Adams of boston had 28 Votes Moses gill had 2 Vots Will'" Cuishen had 4 Vots for govenor) and Moses gill had 7 Vots Nathaniel gorham had 21 Vots for Lieutanant govener and for Senetors for the Countys of Plymouth Nantucket and Dukes County Isaac Tomson John Davis plym- outh had 22 Vots Each Benj'^Baset Esq"" had 15 Vots for Senetors Wil- liam Jarnagans had 15 Vots for Senetor EzEKiEL Luce T Glerh Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Courte hous in S- Tisbury agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same for the Choice of all town officers as the law requiers to Chosen anuely in the month of march or apriel S'' meeting held on monday y*^ 7 day of apriel A D 1794 at S'' meeting Shoble Cottle Esq'' was Chosen moderator of S'' meeting and the following persons was Chosen into the following offices Viz Ezekiel Luce was Chosen Town Clark James athearn Esq"" Joseph athearn Abraham Chase was Chosen Sleet men for the insewing year & Ezekiel Luce Joseph alien Jonathan Manter Peter Norton ware Chosen overseers of the poor, Jethro Athearn Town Tresuerer James Case Chosen Constable, Shuble Cottle Esq'' Abraham Chase Robart Look Surveyors of highways, Edmund Cottle Isaac Daggett Surveyors of Lumber, Isaac Dagget Collecter of Taxes for the District of homeshole for the Currant year, John Davis Edmund Cottle fence Vewers Rufus Spalding Thomas Wheldon matthew Smith hog reaves Enoch Luce pound keeper, and at Said meeting Corenelus Dunham John Davis Eze- kiel Luce was Chosen a Committe to Examine all Town accts., and to draw Sum plan for the more Conveniant way of Supporting the poor in Said town and to report at the ajournment and Said meeting was ajourned to the 28^'' Day of this Instant apriel Test Ezekiel Luce Toivn Clark At A legal meeting of The inhabitants of the town of Tisbury quali- fied by the constitution to voate for representatives holden at Said Tis- bury on the 7 day of April A D 1794 The Said inhabitants gave in their votes for County Treaseuer and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 293 the Same being counted and Sorted in the meeting by the moderator thereof and Town dark it appeared that there were for Jethro Athearn 31 votes Attest EzEKiEL Luce T. C Apriel 28 1794 Tisbury ss met at the ajournment and the following persons ware Chosen to the following offices Viz Joseph Claghorn Chosen CoUecter of taxes for the district of homes hole James Athearn Esq'" Chosen Sealer of waits and mesuers and then Said meeting was ajourned to the 2°'' monday in may Test EzEK^ Luce T Clark 1794 Tisbury ss the Inhabatants of the town met at the Court house in S'' Tisbury on the Second monday of may or 12*"' according to ajourn- ment and at S'l meeting the request of M'" Yong was taken up for which he Petitoned the town for an allowance on the fall of paper money that he recieved in the year 1776 & 77 for his wages for keeping the Town School in S'' Tisbury and after Some Debate on the matter it was put to Vote whether the Sum of Six pounds Should be allowed him for the loss of money and the Vote passed in the affarmitive then the S'' meeting was ajourned to be held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 19*'' of this Instant at four oClock P m and allso the meeting for Choice of Represenetive May y*^ 12"' 1794 Ezekiel Luce Town Clark Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting leagaly Warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the nineteenth day of may 1794 for the Choice of a representitive as is required by the Constitution of the Com- mon Wealth of Massachusetts and at S*! meeting the Vots ware put in Counted and and there was twelve Vots for Benj'! alien and he was Chosen and at S'! meeting it was put to Vote whether the represenetive Should be under the Direction of the Sleet men in regard to his attending the Court a and the Vote passed in the affarmetive, Ezek^ Luce Totvn Clark May 19"' 1794 Tisbury ss meet at the Court house according to adjournment of the march meeting and adjourned S'! meeting again to the Second Day of June or one fortenight from that time Attst Ezekiel Luce Toion Clark 294 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbucary ss at a meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on tuesday the 19*^ day of august AD 1794 for the foUoAving purpose Viz to See if the town would pass a Yote to purchase M? Henery Younges house and at S** meeting Shubel Cottle Esq"* was Chosen mod- erator of Said meeting then it was moved and Seconded and put too Vote whether the Voters then present would purchase S'* house and it Voted in the affarmetive to purchas S'^ house at the Aprisal of Mrsrs Mayhew Adams & Matthew Tilton of Chilmark attest EzEKiEL Luce Town Clark At a leagal Town meeting duly warned according to an act of the general Court for Calling and holding the Same held at Court house in Tisbury on monday the third day of Nov! A D 1794 for the Choice of Representative for Congress and at S'l meeting theire was Eighteen Vots given in all for Nath* Freeman Jun! of the Sothern district attst — EzEKiEL Luce T: Clark Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in tisbury on monday y" 8 day of Deem'' 1794 in order to Chuse Some person as agent to appear before the Court of general Sessions of the peace to be holden at tisebury on the 9"' day of Deem"" A D 1794 to answer to a petition presented to Sd Court by Samu^ Look & Thomas Cottle of Tisbury to have ther minesters tax remitted and Sade meeting Shoble Cottle Esq"" was Chosen moderator then it was moved and Seconted whether Ezekiel Luce Should be agant to appear before S*^ Court and the Vote pased in the affarmetive Atts Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 22°'^' day of December AD 1794 agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same and at Said meeting James Athearn Esq'; was Chosen moderator and at Said meeting agreeable to the notifi- cation for Calling the Same it was then Voted by the Voters then pres- ent that Ezekiel Luce Benjamin alien Cornelus Dunham on the part of the town of Tisbury westward of Savages line and Samuel Look Thomas Cottle John Homes on the part of Said town Eastward of Said line be a Committe to meet at Some time and place by them to be agreead upon in order to Settle any disputes Subsisting or that may arise with regard to Minestearil Taxes in Said town and in Case the Said Committe Should TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 295 not agree they are to Call in the assistance of M'" Matthew Mayhew J'^ of Chillmark the Determination of them or the major part of them to be for the future regulation of minesteril Taxes upon both Sides of the before discribed line as well as any other disputes with regard to back taxes. Said Committe to make report at the adjournment of this meeting EzEKiEL Luce T Clark Also at Said meeting agreeable to the notification it was then and there moved and Seconded whether Ezekiel Luce Benjamin Allen & Abraham Chace Should be a Committe to Settle with the Town Tres- uerer and all other town accounts not before Settled and the Yote passed in the affarmitive attst Ezekiel Luce Town Clark and Said meeting was adjourned from that day 3 weeks or the twelvth day of Janeuary next to meet again at the Court house in Tisbury at one o the Clock p.m Tisbury ss meet at the Court house in Tisbury according to ajourn- ment of the aforsaid 12 day of Jan^ AD 1795 and at the meeting it was put to Vote wheather Shubel Cottle es M'" Joseph Allen and Thomas Jones Should be a Committ to wait on the Rev'^ M"' Morse in regard to his Sallery the present year to See and Conferr with him on Some Sum to be paid him for his Savis the present year it being put to Vote the Vote pased in the affarmetive then Said meeting was ajourned till monday y"" 19^'' of this instant — attst Ezek^ Luce T. Clark Tisbury ss meet agreeable to the ajourment at the Court house and after Some debate Said meeting was ajourned till monday ye 26 of this present month Jan'"" 1795 att Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss January the 12 1795 We the Subscribers being Chosen by Vote of the town of Tisbury to meet and Consult with Each other with regard to Some disputes Con- carning minesteral taxes in Said town and to Endevour to form Some plan by which means the Ihabatants of S'' town on the West Side of a 296 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. line Called Savages line and those on the East of S^ line may regulate themselves as to paying there respective minesters on each Side of the aforsaid line and allso to Settle Some disputes with Some of those people on the East Side of Said line with regard to some back taxes We having asembeled our Selves for the purposes aforsaid and taking into our most Serious Consideration the State of matters which do at this time Exist as a point that has been much Controvarted about and is Still Existing and haveing a real desier that peace truth & Equity may at this and all times take place. We hereby agree to the following articuals here- after named Viz that the taxes of all those persons to the East of the aforsaid Saveges line have there taxes remitted in the bills in which they have been taxed to pay to the Rev= Mr Morses Sallery as far back as the year of our Lord 1787 this intends no more then those persons who are now living between the aforsaid Saveges line and Cuteshmoo Spring and So on the west Side of the pond to the Sound and no more And we further agree that the people on the East Side of the afor- said Saveges line forthwith petition the general Court that they may be Sett off as a precinct or parish and that the town Join with them in this petition the above being presented to the town for their Excptence and was put to Vote to See whether the town would Excpt the above pro- posals and the Vote pased in the affarmitive Signed by the Subscribers a true entery by me EzEKiEL Luce T. Clark a Committe Chosen by the town of Tisbury Samuel Look Benjamin Allen Thomas Cottle Ezek^ Luce Tisbury ss at a Town meeting Leagaly warnd and held at the Court house in S'-- Tisbury on monday the Sixteenth day of Febt A D 1795 and agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same to hear the report of a Committe that was Chosen to wait on the Revn'' M'" Morse to Consult Somthing in regard to his Continuing in the work of the minestry and after Some debate on the answer of the Committe it was put to Vote whether the inhabatants of the town would retain the Rev'I M-'' Morse in the work of the minestry any longer or not and the Vote to retain him pased in the affaretive and then at Said meeting agreeable to the notifica- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 297 tion for Calling the Same it was put to Vote and the Vote passed in the affarmitive that the Sum of Eighty pounds be assed on the inhabatants of the Town of Tisbury to defray thee Towns Debts alredy due and all other insidentels Charges and at Said meeting Jethro Athearn & Timothy Lumbart was Chosen by S'! town to Sell the house that the town bought of Henery Yong at public Vendue or any other way they Should think best Tisbury Febr. IG^-' 1795 Attst EzEKiEL Luce T Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on fryday the third day of apriel A D 1795 for the Choice of all Such Town officers as the law directs and at Said meeting Shoble Cot- tle Esqr was Chosen Modorator of Said meeting and at Said meeting the following persons was Chosen into there respective offices as followeth Viz Ezekiel Luce Town Clark was Sworn Nathan Smith Ezekiel Luce was Sworn Elijah Look ■^"■' Sleet men Jethro Athearn Town tresuerer was Sworn Peter Norton was Chosen Constable Jesse Luce Collector for the District of Homeshole and So far westward as the line Called Sav- ages line Shobel Cottle Esq'" Isaac Daggett Surviors of Lumber Timothy Lumbart Peter Merrey Thomas Wheldon hogreaves Joseph Chase Ben- jamin alien Jethro athearn Joseph Athearn Jonathan Manter Surviors of highways Benjamin alien John Davis was Chosen by the town as a pru- dential Committe to act as agent to Examine town accounts and to Call upon and Settle any matters that respicts the town and to take Care that the towns intrest be not lost or Spent needlessly to Examine and Collect the towns depts if they find any in arrears and to make report at the next anuel meeting Benjamin Allen John Daves fence Vewers Joseph alien John Davis Samuel Look over sears of the poor and Said meeting was adjournd to the first monday in apriel to meet at the Court house in Tisbury at two o Clock P M attst Ezekiel Luce Tonm Clark A a Leagal meeting of the inhabatants of The Town of Tisbury quafi- fied by the Constitution to Vote for representitives holden at Tisbury on friday the third day of apriel A D 1795 The Said inhabatants Gave in there Votes for a County Tresuerer and the Same being Counted in the meeting by the moderator there of and Town Clark it appeared that there were for Jethro Athearn 34 Votes attst Ezekiel Luge Tovm Clark 298 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. meet at the ajournment of S'' march meeting and ajourned to the 27 day of apriel 1795 till four o Clock in the afternoon E Luce T Glar Tisbury ss. At a meeting of the male inhabatants of the town of Tis- bnry in the County and district of plymouth Dukes County Nantucket in the Common Wealth of Massachusetts qualified by the Constitution of Said Common wealth to Vote for govener Lieuten govener Senetors and Representitives : the Said meeting being warned as the Said Constitution directs and hold en on the Sixth day of apriel being the first monday of Said month A D 1795 for the purpose of giving in there Votes for gov- enor Lieutenant govenor of Said Common Wealth and Senetors for Said District Votes for the following persons were givin in Counted and Sorted and recorded and declaration thereof made as followeth for govener for Samuel Adames Esq 16 Votes for Moses gill for Lieu* govener 16 Votes attst EzEKiEL Luce T Chtrk Votes for Senetor for John Daves of plymouth had 15 Vots Isaac Tomson for Senetor had 14 Votes Peleg Coffin of Nantucket had 17 Votes for Senetor attst EzEKiEL Luce Tovm Clark Tisbury ss mett at adjournment of the anevarsery meeting held on the 3'"'' day of apriel and So by adjourment to the 27"' and then mett on Said day and adjourned to the Six of may A. D. 1795 at four o Clock P M Atts EzEK;' Luce Town Clark Tisbury ss the Inhabatants of Tisbury meett at the Court house agreeable to the above adjournment and James Case was Chosen Con- stable and Exepted the office in the room and Stead of Peter Norton and took the oath by law rcquiered for a Constable and Collector Attst Ezekiel Luce Toxm Glarlc At a meeting Leagaly warned and held at y'' Court house in Tisbury on thursday the twenty second day of October 1795 agreeable to a noti- fication for calling the Same for the purpose of raising Some Sum of money to defray the nesseary Charges of the town the Currant year and at Said meeting James Athearn Esq- was Chosen moderator then it was moved and Seconded and put to Vote whether the Sum of Seventy TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 299 pounds Should be raised for to pay the nesseary debts of the town Sep- erate from M'' Morses Sallery and the Vote passed in the affarmitive Attst EzEKiEL Luce Clarlc Entred oct' 23 1795 Dec*" 2'* 1795 This certifies that I have this day received one hundred Dollars for the principal and Interest of the within mentioned Note of hand of M': Samuel Deman by the hans of M-- Elihu Luce for W. Walter Boardman this reciet being left in my care Benj"" Basset Enterd on the Town book of records in Tisbury this 28 day of march A D 1796 by me Ezekiel Luce T. Clark Tisbury ss At a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Wednesday the Sixth day of Janeuary A D 1796 for the fol- lowing purposes Viz to See if the town would Chuse a Committe to Join a Committe of the inhabatants of homes hole all is on the East of a line Called Saveges line in perfering a petition to the general Court that Said inhabatants might be incorporated in to precinct or parish and at Said meeting Ezekiel Luce was Chosen moderator then it was moved and Seconed whether there Should be a Committe Chosen for the aforsaid purpos and this Vote passed in the affarmetiv then it was put to Vote Avhether Nathan Smith Benjamin Allen Eijah Look J"'' Should be the Said Committe and the Vote passed in the afarmetive theen Said meet- ing was adjourned to the 13"' day of this instant a one o Clock p. m to meet at the Court house Attst Ezekiel Luce Olarh Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting duly warned an held at the Court house in Tisbury on Wednesday the Sixth day of Janauary AD 1796 and adjourned to Wednesday the thirteenth of Said month and then meet a the Court house in Said tisbury and being asembled and the question was taken whether the town would Joyn the inhabatants of Homeses hole So Called in there petition to the genarel Court that Said inhabatants be incorperated into a parish agreeable to ther petition and the Vote pased in the affarmitive and at Said meeting the question was taken agreeable to a notifica- tion whether the town would raise a Sum of money for the Support of a town School and it being put to Vote whether the Sum of Seventy 300 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. pounds Should be raised for that purpose and the Sum of Seventy pounds was Voteii to be assesed on the poles and Estates of the inhabatants of Said town Tisburv Janauary 13. 1796 EzEKiEL Luce T Clark Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at tisbury on fryday the 22 Second day of Janauary 1796 agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same and in Said notification it was insearted whether the town of tisbury would Chose Some person to Settle a demand of the town of Middelborrough brought against the town of Tisbury for the Expences of John Rogers and his wife So Called Paupers Said to be the inhabatants of the town of Tisbury and at Said meeting it was Yoteed that the Selectmen right to the Selecctmen of Middleborough to Refuse there demand and also at Said meeting it was Voted that Ezekiel Luce board up the meeting hous windows that are broken and Repair them for the present att Ezekiel Luce T Clar At a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 4^'' day of Apriel being the first Monday in Said month in the year 1796 for the following purposes Viz first agreeable to a noti- fication for Calling the Same in order that the qualified Voters then pres- ent Should put in there Votes for govenor Lieutenant-governor and Senetors and at Said meeting Votes ware put in Counted and Sorted and Decleration thereof made for the persons following Viz for governor Samuel Adams Esq"" had 25 Votes Increas Sumner of Roxbury had 12 Votes for Leiutenant gov'' Moses gill had 29 Votes, for Senetor William Jarnagan had 27 Votes Peleg CoflBn had 4 Votes for Senetor Attest EzEK^ Luce T Oark Tisbury ss At a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 4"' day of aprel A D 1796 for the pur- pose following Viz to put in Votes for County Register and County Tresuerer and at Said meeting Votes ware put in and Counted and Sam- uel Smith Ju"- had 37 Votes for County Reg! and Jethro Athearn of Tisbury had 35 Votes for County Tresuerer Atts' EzEK'r Luce T Clark TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 301 Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Courthouse in Tisbury on monday the 4^'* day of apriel 1796 for the purpose of act- ing Somthing in regard to a town School or Schools in S- town and at Said meeting it was Voted that there Should be a Committe Chosen to devide the town in to districts for keeping Schools and to devide a Sum of money already raised in town for the Support of a town School or Schools and at Said meeting the following persons were Chosen a Com- mitte to do the aforsaid business Viz Ezekiel Luce John Davis Edmund Cottle Timothy Chase Peter Norton and to make Report of there doings at the ajournment which meeting was ajourred to thersday the IS of this instant to meet again at the Court house in Tisbury at tow o Clock PM ^ EzEK^ Luce CJorl: Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the 4'^' day of apriel A D 1796 for the purpos fol- lowing namly to Chuse all Such town oflBcers in the town that are re- quiered by Law to be Chosen anuely in the month of march or apriel and Shuble Cottle Esq"" was Chosen Moderator and then the following person were Chosen into the Respective oflBces Viz Ezekiel Luce Town Clark Xathan Smith John Davis Joseph Claghom Selectmen Jethro Athearn town Tresuerer EKsha Luce Constable Salvenus Luce Collecter of taxes for the town in the East parish in tisbury then the meeting was ajournd to the IS day of this instant at 2 oClock to meet again at the Court house Meet at the Court house agreeable to the ajournment on the 18^^' day of apriel and the following persons were Chosen into there respective oflBces namely M"^ Xathan Smith refusing to Serve as Selectman Ezekiel Luce was Chosen Selectman with the above John Davis Joseph Claghom and Sworn to there ojBBce Elijah Luce Chosen Constable to Sarve in the Stead of Elisha Luce who was Chosen to Serve in that oflBce S'^ Elijah was Sworn to his oflBce Job Look Ebnezer Jones Joseph Chace Jonathan manter Survyors of high ways Shuble Cottle Esq"" Joseph Claghom Sur- viors of Lumber, Timothy Lumbart John Davis Joseph Chace fence Vewers, Hugh Cathcart Ebnezer alien Peter merry hog reaves, Jonthan Manter John Gray Peter Xorton oversears of the poor. Enoch Luce pound keeper Elijah Look J"" Matthew Manter School Committe for the first district in Tisbury. Jonathan Athearn Comelus Dunham for the Second district Nathan Smith Peter Norton for the third district A: John 302 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Holmes Timothy Chace for the district of Homeshole Entered on the towns Record the 19th day of apriel 1796 by me Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss At a meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on fryday the twentyeth day of may A D 1796 for the pur- pose following Viz agreeable to a notification for calling the Same to See if the Voters then preasent would -pass a Vote to prevent goats from run- ing at larg on the Commons in tisbury and the Vote being called it passed in the affarmitive and also to See if a Vote Could be obtained to prevent the Sheep from runing at large on the Common lands in S'' Tis- bury and the Vote being called the Vote passed in the affarmetive that the Sheep Should be allowed to run on the Commons till the twentyeth day of June and no longer and then Said meeting was adjourned to fry- day the twenty Seventh of this instant to meet again at the Court house at three o Clock V M attst Ezekiel Luce Toivn Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on fryday the Seventh day of October 1796 for the pur- pose of Chusing Some person as agent in behalf of the Town of Tisbury to appear at the Court of general Sessessions of the peace next to be holden at Tisbury in and for the County of dukes County on the Last tuesday of October instant, to answer at Said Court to an inditement brought against Said town for not repairing the public road leading through tisbury to Chillmark and at Said meeting it was put to Vote wheather Decon Stephen Luce Should be the person to appear at Said Court in behalf of the town and the vote passed in the affarmetive attst Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting of the inhabatants of the town of Tis- bury qualified by the Constitution to Vote for Representitive holden at at Said Tisbury on monday the 7^'' day of Novf. A D 1796 the Said inhabatants brought in there Votes for County Regester and the Same being Counted there were 31 Votes for Sam" Smith attst E Luce T Clark Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting of the inhabatants of the tow Tisbury holden at the Court house in Said Tisbury on monday the 7^'' day of TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 303 november A D 1796 for the purpose of raising Some Sum or Sums of money to defray the nesseary Charges of the tow the Currant year and at Said meeting James Athearn EsqV was Chosen moderator of the meet- ing and it was then moved and Seconted and put to Vote agreeable to the notification whether the Sum of fifty pounds Shoukl be assess on the poles and estates of the inhabatants of Tisbury and the Vote being Calld it passed in the affarmitive Attest EzEKiEL Luce T. Clarh Enterd novmber 8"' 1796 Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the Seventh day of novm A D 1796 for the purpose of giving in ther votes for an elector of Presidant and Vice Presi- dent of the united States and also at Said meeting to give there Votes for federal Representitives for Congress and at Said meeting the inhab- itants then present brought in there votes and the Same being Sorted and counted it appeared that the names of the persons Voted for and the number of Votes were as followeth viz for Ebenezer Bacon Esq": of Barnstable had 22 Votes for Elector Will'!' Jarnagan Esq^ of Edgartown had 6 Votes for elector Peleg Coffin Esq': of Nantucket had 27 Votes for Representitive for Congress Entered on Record this 8"' day of november A D 1796 by me Ezekiel Luce Town Clarh Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting of the male inhabatants of Tisbury duly warned and held at the Court house in S'! town on monday the third day of apriel being the first monday in Said month for the Voters to give in there Votes for govenor Leiutanant govenor and Senetors and the Votes being given in Counted and Sorted and the decelaration mede thereon there was Votes for the following persons for govenor Increase Sumner Esa'' of Roxburough had 34 Votes James Suleven Esq'' had 3 for govenor for Leiu\ govenor Moses gill Esq'" had 24 Votes James Sul- even Esq'' 4 Votes for Leiut govenor for Senetors peleg Coffin Nantucket had 32 Votes for Senetor Isaac Tomson of mddlebourough had 17 Beza Hayward had 6 Votes Benj"! Whitman had 10 Vots for Senetor Enterd on the record this 4"' day of apriel A D 1797 by Ezekiel Luce T Clark 304 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting of the inhabatants of the Said town of Tisbury qualified by the Constitution to Vote for Reperesentitive holden at Said Tisbury on the 3''' day of apriel A D 1797 the S'' inhabatants gave in there Yots for County Treasuerer and the Same being Counted and Sorted by the moderator and town Clark it appeared that there were for Jethro athearn 31 Votes atts EzEKiEL Luce Town Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting of the inhabatants of the town of Tisbury held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the third day of apriel A D 1797 for the Choice of all Such towm officers as is by law requiered to be Chosen anuely in the month of March or apriel and also agreeable to a notification for Calling S4 meeting to raise Some Sum or Sums of money for the necesary Charges of the town the Currant j^ear, and the Voters being assembled the following persons were Chosen into there respective offices Viz (James athearn Esq"" was Chosen moderator of Said meeting) Ezekiel Luce Town Clark Ezekiel Luce John Davis Sam- uel Look Selectmen Jethro Athearn Town Tresuerer Joseph Look Chosen to Sarve a Constable the present year Timothy Chace Collector of taxes in the east parish in Tisbury Jonathan Mantor Shuble Cottle Esq"" Peter Nor- ton Joseph Athearn Mathew Mantor Surviors of high ways Joseph Clag- horn Edmund Cottle Survyors of Lumber Joseph Chace Abraham Chace Benjamin Allen fence Vewers William Case Timothy Chase Peter w^est Tythingmen Isaac Daggett Enoch Luce hogreaves Enoch Luce pound keeper Shoble Cottle Benjamin Allen Jonathan Mantor overseears of the poor, and at Said meeting it was Voted that the Sum of 250 dollars be assessed on the inhabatans of S'^ Town for the Support of a School and also at Said meeting it was Voted that the Selectmen Sign a Certificate with Docf Rufus Spalding to the general Court to try to obtain his bill for attending John Crocker a forener when Sick a homashole then S'! meeting was adjourn'' till monday the 10^'' of apriel instant at four o Clock in the afternoon to meet again at the Court house in Tisbury Attst Ezekiel Luce Totmi Clark Mett at Court house agreeable to the above adjournment and the fol- lowing buiseness w^as transacted at S-' meeting Viz Joseph Look being Chosen Constable at the former meeting and was dismissed from the office at the adjournment and Elijah Luce Chosen Constable the Currant TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 305 year & William Case Cornelus Dunham Chosen Committe on accounts for the the town Currant year and to Settle with the town of Tisburys Treasuerer Attest EzEKiEL Luce T. Clark Tusbury ss at a meeting of the inhabatants of Said town Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in S'! Tisbury for the purpose of Chossing a Committe to Join the other Commites that are or may be Chosen in Dukes County for to Consult about the Establishment of an academy in Said County and at Said meeting Shuble Cottle Esq'; was Chosen modorator and the following persons was Chosen to be the Com- mitte Viz Rev. Arserelah Morse Edmund Cottle Peter West to Join the other Commits to Consult about the aforsaid purpose Said meeting was held on the Seventeenth day of may A D 1797 Attest EzEKiEL Luce Toum Clark Tisbury ss at a meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Wednesday the 27"' of Sept'" A D 1797 for the purpose of Choosing Committes for dviding a Sum of money raised for the Support of a town School and also to Choose Committes in the Several School districts in S'' town to provide masters for each destrict and to Superen- tend the Same and at Said meeting Edmund Cottle Rufus Spalding John Daves and Samuel Look was Chosen to devide the money and the the Committes in the Several districts for S School keeping were as followeth Viz in the first Mathew Manter Second John Daves and Cornelus Dun- han third Edmund Cottle fourth Timothy Chase & Samuel Look Entered on Reccord ocf 25 1797 by EzEKiEL Luce T. Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Wednesday the 28"' o* March A D 1798 for the pur- poses following Viz first for Choosing all Such town officers that are re- quired by law to be Chosen annuely in the months of march or april and Secondly at Said meeting agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same to raise Some Sum of money to pay the Nessesary Charges of the town the Currant year And at said meeting the following officers was Chosen Viz James Athearn Esq'" moderator of Sd meeting Ezekiel Luce Clark Ezekiel Luce John Davis Samuel Look ware Chosen Select men and Sworn for this year Shuble Cottle Esq"" Benj=' Allen Jon'^ Mantr over- 306 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. seers of the poor Jonathan Athearn Constable Thomas Dunham Collector of taxes for the East paish in Tisbury, Abraham Chase^W" Luce Matthew Mantor Surveyors of highways Edmund Cottle Joseph Claghorn Sur- veyors of Lumber Tim" Lumbart Benjamin Allen Joseph Chase fence Vewers Enoch Luce pound keeper Jethro Athearn Town Treasuerer, and also at Said meeting Docf Rufus Spalding Will"' Case were Chosen a Committe to Examin town accounts and at Said meeting agreeable to a notification for Calling the Same the Sum of two hundred dollars was Voted by the town to pay the Nessessary Charges of the town the Cur- rant year to be assessed on the polls and Estats of Saitl town and then Said meeting was adjournd to the first monday in april at 2 oClock in the afternoon to be holden at the Court house attest EzEKiEL Luce Clar Mett at the adjournment and Jon'' Athearn and Thomas Dunham appeard at S'' meeting and Except there offices as above and at S'' meet- ing the Sum of Eight pence on the pound was Voted to Said Collectors for Collecting the publick and town taxes the Currant year Attst EzEK^ Luce Glar Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting duely warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on the first monday in april for .the Choice of govener Liuf. govenor and Senetor and County Treasuerer in Dukes County and the Votes for govener being given in Sorted and Counted and declara- tion thereon being made there was 20 Votes for Increase Sumner for o-ovenor Leiut. govenor Moses gill had 20 Votes for Senetor William Jarnagan had 13 Votes Benj"! Basett had 4 Votes Edmund Cottle had 4 Beriah Norton had 1 ; for County Tresh Jethro Athearn had 21 Votes Entr'' Mond the 2'' of apriel 1798 Ezek^ Luce T Clar At a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tis- bury on the first monday in November 1798 for the Choice of Repere- sintitive in the lirst Southern district for choice of Repr!. for Congress of the united States of America and at Said meeting the Votes being given in Counted & Sorted and declaration thereon being made there was 13 Votes for Beriah Norton Esq"". Entr'' the first monday in Nov'^ 1798 EzEK^ Luce Clark. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 307 At a Leagal meeting duly warnd and held at the Court house in Tis- bury on Thursday the Seventeenth day of Jan!^ 1799 agreeabale to a pre- cept from the Seer-' of the Commonwealth for Calling the Same for a Second Choice for Rep!, for the Congres and the inhabatants of Said town gave in there Votes and being Counted and Sorted and declaration being made it apperd there was Votes for the following persons for Rep' as above Viz for Lemuel Willians Esq"" had 27 Votes and Beriah Norton Esq'" had 4 Votes Micajah Coffin had 2 Votes Enterd Jan^ 17"' 1799 Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on monday the first day of april 1799 for the Choice of g-ovenor Leiut govenor and Senetors for the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts and Treasuerar for Dukes County and Representitive in the first Southern Distrect for the Congress of the united Stats of amarica and at Said meeting the Votes being given in Counted and Sorted and declara- tion made in open meeting there was Votes for the following persons Viz for Increase Sumnor Esq'' for govenor 34 Votes for Will*^' Heath Esq"" 1 Vote for Leuit govenor Moses gill had 37 Votes for Senetors for Isaac Tompson had 27 Votes for Beza Howard had 10 Votes Benjamin Whit- man had 20 Votes Mathew Mayhew had 22 Votes Benj^ Allen had 7 Votes for federal Representitive for Congress Docf Samuel Savage of Barnstable had 28 Votes Micajah Coffin Nantucket had 6 Votes Lemuel Williams had 1 Vote for County Treasuerer Jethro Athearn had 34 Vots Entred this first day of april 1799 by Ezekiel Luce T Clarh Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting duly warned and Held at the Court house in Tisbury on Monday the first day of april A D 1799 agreeable to a notification for CaUing the Same Viz for the Choice of all Such Town officers as are by law requiered to be Chosen anuely in the month of march or april and to raise Some Sum of money to defray the ness- essary Charges of the town the Currant year and at Said meeting Shobel Cottle Esq'* was Chosen moderator then those persons following ware Chosen into office to Serve the Year insewing Viz Ezekiel Luce was Chosen Town Clark Ezekiel Luce John Davis Samul Look Select men Jethro Athearn Town Treasuerer Joseph alien Constable Abijah Luce Collector of Taxes in the East precinct of Tisbury Shubel Dunham Joseph Athearn Elijah Look J'' overseers of the poor Timothy Lumbart Docf 308 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Rufus Spalding Jonathan athearn Joseph Chace Abraham Chace Hog- reaves Edmund Cottle Joseph Claghorn Surveyors of lumb Benjamin Allen Nathan Smith William Case fence Vewers Benjamin Allen Solo- mon athearn William Luce & Shuble Dunham Surveyors of highAvays and at Said meeting the Sum of 200 dollars was Voted to be assessed on the poles and Estats of the inhabatants of Tisbury to defray the ness- essary Charges of Said Town the Currant year and also at Said meeting it was Voted that the tax on dogs be Remitted and the money returned by the Constable that he had recived of any for the dog tax and then Said meeting was adjourned to meet again at the Court hous in Said town on monday the 15^^' day of this instant at four o Clock p. m Entred apriel 1st 1799 by me Ezekiel Luce Clarh Tisbury ss then the inhabatants of Tisbury assembld according to adjournment and Cornelus Dunham accepted the office of Constable in the place of Joseph alien and was Sworn to the office and Enoch Luce was Chosen pound keeper Elisha Bassett was Chosen Collector of taxes for the East precinct in Tisbury Abijah Luce being dismised from the choice William Athearn Benj'; Allen Hugh Cathcart Comitte to Examin Town accounts and at Said meeting it was Voted to remand payment to Jon5 Manter for his bill for Suporting Elijah Daggetts widow and bill to Docf Benj"* Trask when S'' Dagget was Sick and also at S'' meeting it was put to Vote wheather the Sum of 400 dollars Should be raised for a town School and the Vote passed in the negative then it was moved whether the town would Vote that the Sheep and goats Should be taken of the Commons from runing at large in Tisbury and the Vote pased in the affarmitive and also that hogs Should not run at large on the Com- mons in Tisbury and at Said meeting william Athearn Joseph alien Job Look peter Horton Abraham Chase Elijah Luce was Chosen field drivers for the presint year and Benj-' Allen & wiir Athearn a Committe to Examin the law with regard to moving Elijah Daggets widows from Tisbury and report at the adjournment and Said meeting was adjourned to the Second Tuesday in may to meet again at the Court hous in Tisbury Atts Ezek'' Luce Clark Agreeable To an adjourment of the anual meeting to the four- teen tteth of May the the inhabatants of Tisbury assembeled at the Court house in Sd town and passed the following Votes Viz Elisha Bassett being Chosen Collector of taxes in the East precinct in Said town and appared TISBURY TOWK RECOEDS. 309 and was Excused by Vote of the town and Joseph Merrey was Chosen Collector in the East precinct in Tisbury the insewing year & Benjamin Allen & William Athearn was Chosen overseears of the poor in addition to those Chosen before and at Said meeting it was Voted that Isaac Daggett purches Six bushels of Sea coal and one hundred W^ of barr iron for M*" Sam^^ Lewis at the Towns Expence the Said Lewis apply- ing to the town for assestance he being poor and not able to purches them himself and then Said meeting was adjourned to the 27 day of this instant to meet again at the Courthouse in S'-. Town at four o Clock P. M Tisbury May 14"^ 1799 Ezekiel Luce T Clark Tisbury ss then on the 27"' days of may the inhabatants of Said town assembled at the Court house according to Adjournment and Joseph Merry who was Chosen Collector of taxes in the East precinct in Tisbury at thee last adjournment appered and Exepted to Serve and Abraham Chase was offered to Serve for Said Merry and was Exepted by Vote of the town and took the oath by law requiered Ezekiel Luce Town Clark Tisbury May 27'^ 1799 Tisbury ss pursuant to aprecept from the Sacy of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for Calling a Town meeting for the Choice of Repre- sentitive in the first Southern district for the Congress of the united States of amarica agreeable thereto inhabatants of S- Tisbury were as- sembled on the 29"' day of august agreeable to S". precipt and Votes given in Counted and Sorted and declaration made therof in open meet- ing and there were 12 Votes for Lemuel Williams Esqr for Rep^ for Congress Entered August 29"' 1799 Ezekiel Luce T Clark I Hereby Certify that Abijah Hammett Constable of the Town of Tisbury for the year 1791 in the month of may 1791 made returns into the Town Clarks office that he had by vitue of a warrant to him diricted by the Selectmen of Tisbury dated the 19*'' of may 1791 that he had proceeded agreeable to his warrant and had notified and warned Elijah Daggett with his wife and two Children forthwith to depard the limitts of S'l Town of Tisbury Entered on record this 9"' day of December AD 1799 Ezekiel Luce Town Clar 310 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury ss at a meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Monday the Seventh day of april A D 1800 for the pur- pose of giving in Votes for govenor Leeutenant govenor and Senetor for the Commonwealth of Massachusets and at Said meeting the inhabatants gave in there Votes and being Sorted and Counted and declaration made in open meeting there appeared Votes for the following persons Viz for govenor Calab Strong Esq'' had 39 Votes and Elbridge Gerrey had 8 Votes for govenor Moses gill Esq"" had 45 Votes for Lieutenant govenor Benj^ Allen had 41 Votes for Senetor mathew Mayhew J'' had 3 Votes for Senetor & W'-ii Athearn 1 Entered April 7"> 1800 by Ezekiel Luce T Olark Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting duly warnd and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Monday the Seventh day of april A D 1800 for the purposes following Viz to Choose all Such Town officers as are by law requiered to be Chosen annuely in in the months of march or april and being assembeled the following persons ware Chosen into office viz James Athearn Modorater Ezekiel Luce Town Clark Thomas Jones Nathan Smith Abraham Chase Selectmen Timothy Lumbart John Davis Peter west over sears of the poor, Jethro Athearn Town Treasuerer Abisha Luce Constable Thomas Dunham was Sworn Joseph Chase William Case Surveyors of high ways Joseph Claghorn Edmund Cottle Survayors of Lumber Ezekiel Luce John Davis Abraham Chase fence Vewer William Case Timothy Chase Tything men Abijah Hammett Ehjah Luce Joseph Chase hogreeves Silus Daggs peter west Collector of Taxes in the East precinct in Tisbury Ezekiel Luce John Davis Peter Norton a Committe to provide a Sutable Spot to build a pound and See to building the Same on the Towns Expence Jonathan Manter peter Norton Ebenezer Jones field drivers, Ezekiel Luce John Davis to Audite Town accounts and at Said meeting agreeable to the notification for Calling the Same the Sum of one hundred dollars was Voted to be assessed on the polls and Estates of the Town of Tisbury to defray the necessary Charges of the town the Currant year then the meeting was adjourned to Monday the 21"' of this instant at 2 o Clock P m to meet again at the court hous in Tisbury Attest Ezekiel Luce Toitm Clark Tisbury ss Mett at the Court house agreeable to adjournment and Abijah Hammett Appeared and was Exepted by the Vote of the Town to Serve as Constable in S'' Town the insewing year and was Sworn to TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 311 his office by Ezek' T Clark in the room and Steed of Abisha Luce who was Chosen at the former meeting prior to adjourn* and at Said meeting Timothy Chase John gray Will™ Case was Chosen overseers of the poor the insewing year those persons who were chosen at the former meeting refusing to Serve and at Said meeting Will™ Case was Chosen Selectman Thomas Jones refusing to Serve and at Said meeting it was Voted to alow Jonathan Look ten dollars more then the Sum he agreed for for boarding John Rogers the last year Said Look was to have four Shillings (p"" week and Said Look to have what Cloaths Said Rogers left when he died and then Said meeting was adjourned to the Second Tuesday of May next or the 13"' to meet again at the Court house in Tisbury at 4 O Clock P M attst EzEKiEL LuoE T Clark the inhabatants of Tisbury assembeled at the Court house on the thirteenth day of may agreeable to the Adjournment and at Said meet- ing Ezekiel Luce John Davis was chosen Selectmen and Sworn Thomas Jones Nathan Smith Will™ Case refusing to Serve and at Said meeting Will'" Luce was Chosen pound keeper and at Said meeting the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was Voted to be assessed on the polls and estates of the inhabatants of S- Tisbury for the use of a town school and it was further Voted the the School destricts remain as last divided & Timothy Lumbart Elijah Look a School Committe for the first School distrect in S"* Town John Davis Francis Norton School Comitte for the Second district & Edmund Cottle peter Norton Committe for the third distrect Samuel Look Abraham Chase School Committe for the fourth School distrect and Said Committes above mentioned to divide the money Voted for a School to each distrects proportion of the money desigened for the School in S'^ Town Entered this 13"' of may A D 1800 Ezekiel Luce Toioii Clar ' Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on tuesday the 23'"^' day of Sep*"" A D 1800 agreeable to a notification for calling the same in order to act Something with regard to the more easy and cheap way for the Support of Samuel Lewis and famely who is on the charge of Said town and at Said meeting Benjamin Allen was Chosen moderator of said meeting and at said meeting the Sum of Sixty dollars was Voted to be given to Stephen Luce Ju"" & Samuel Luce grand Sons to the sd samuel Lewis to assist them in Sup- 312 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. porting the Said Samuel Lewis and famely for one year and if ither or all the Said LeAvises famely Should not live the year through the Said Stephen and Samual to have the Same proportion of Sixty dollars accord- ing to the time they may live and at Said meeting James Athearn Eze- kiel Luce & John Davis was chosen a Committe to take Security of the above said Stephen and Samuel Luce to endemnify the town against any further change through the year EzEKiEL Luce T. Clerk Entered on record this 23'<* day of Sep^'" A D 1800 At a meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Monday the Sixth day of april 1801 for the purpose of giving in there Votes for for County Treasuerer and County Regester the Votes being given in and Counted there were Votes for the following persons Viz for Jethro Athearn for County Tresuerer 45 Votes for County Regester Samuel Smith had 45 Votes Attest EzEKiEL Luce Tovm Clark At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at Tisbury on Monday the Q^^ day of April A D 1801 agreable to the Constituti of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts to givein their Vots for govenor Leuitentant govenour and Senetor of Said Commonwealth and at Said meeting the Votes being given in and Sorted agreeable as the Law diricts there ware Votes for the following persons Viz for govenour Calab Strong had 29 Votes Elbridg gerry had 15 " for Leiut. gov*" Samuel Philips had 22 Vots Will-?} Heath had 20 Edward H Robinson 1 for Senetors Benj^ Allen had 30 Votes Beza Howard had 31 Kilbourn Whittman 23 Tisbury Barnstable 7 15 1 Nantucket Nathaniel Goodwin Isaac Coffin Micajah Coffin Isaac Tomson Entred thiss Sixth day of April being the first monday in Said month Anno Domino 1801 by EzEKiEL Luce Town Clark TISBURY TOAVN RECOKDS. 313 At a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at Tisbury on Monday the Sixth day of apriel A D 1801 for the purposes here after named Viz first to Choose all Town officers as are requiered by law to be annuely Chosen in Towns in the months of march or apriel and at Said meeting the following persons were Chosen into there respective offices to Serve the town the Currant year Viz James Athearn Esq"" Modarator of said anul Meeting Ezekiel Luce Clark of the town the Currant year Selectmen] Ezekiel Luce John Davis Joseph Claghorn oversers of the poor] William Case Peter Norton Joseph Claghorn Town Tresuerer] Peter Norton Constable] Timothy Luce Collector in the east precinct in the Town of Tisbury Jonathan Man- tor surveyors of highways Enoch Luce Samuel Look Joseph Chace Surveyor of Lumber Edmund Cottle Joseph Claghorn fence Y ewers ] John Hencock John Davis pound keeper William Luce Hogreavs John Hencock William Luce Abraham Chace the above officers Sworn to there offices Excpt the Constable and Colector Wilham Athearn & Cornelius Dunham Choosen a Committe to Settle with the former Town Treasuerer and to transfer the book and accounts to peter Norton the last Treasuerer Choosen in Said Town and at Said meeting Benjamin Allen & Ezekiel Luce was Choosen agants in Said town the Currant year to appear in all Causes in behalf of the town of Tisbury to sue for and demand for Said town, and to employ any attorny at law for the benefitt of said town that may be thought best by Said agants to carry any matter or Sute into effect on the Cost of Said town and at said meeting it was Voted to Choose a Committe to devide the town into districts for school keeping and the following persons ware chosen as a Committe for the af orsaid purpose Viz Elijah Look Benjamin Allen Noah Walrond Joseph Athearn Peter Norton Nathan Smith Sam- uel Look Timothy Chace John Hencock John Gray John Homes and also at Said meeting agreeable to the notification for calling the Same the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was voted to be assessed on the polls and estates of of the Town of Tisbury for the nessesary Charges of the Town Currant year and also at said meeting the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was voted to be assessed on the polls and estates of said the town for the Support of a town School the Currant year, and Said meeting was adjourned to meet again at the Court house in Said town on monday the 20th day of Said month at two O Clock in the afternoon Attst EzEK^ Luce T Clark 314 TISBUKY TOWN" EECOKDS. Tisbury ss then the inhabatants of Said Town assembled according to adjournment and Elijah Luce Excpted to Serve Constable in the Town the Currant year in Stead of Timothy Luce who was Chosen at the former meeting and was sworn to act and at Said meeting Cornelius Dunham Will™ Athearn Chosen a Committee to Examin and pay town accounts and then Said meeting was adjourned to the Sixteenth day of June next to meet again at the Court house in Said Town at four O Clock in the afternoon Entred April 20"' 1801 Attest EzEKiEL Luce T Chwl' Tisbury ss At leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Said town on wedenesday the fourth day of Nov': A D 1801 for the following purposes Viz first to See whether the Vote might be passed that the town Should remain as districted last for School keeping and the question being taken it passed in the affermetive Second to See wheather the Voter would Vote to have the money devided to each dis- trict as it was last divided and it passed in the affirmative and at Said meeting the following persons ware Chosen in each distrect to provide for and Superintend the Schools in the Several School districts in S'.l town Viz in the First Jethro Athearn Joseph Allen in the Second John Davis Solomon Athearn in the third Edmund Cottle Nathan Smith in the fourth at homes hole Samuel Look Tho! Dunham Entred l^ov'- 7"' 1801 Ezekiel Luce T Clearh March 22".'.' day 1802 I the Subscriber having this day bought of Samuel Crowell his dwelling house that is the west end of the house and all the lands on which the whole house Stands and as his Son Ber- zilla Crowell owneth the east end of the house and is his estate I hereby grant him leave to live in the Same east end as long as he Shall See fit So to do with the liberty to pass to and from Said house : and further- more when he the Berzilla Crowell Shall See lit to Sell the house or go and leave it then I promis to give him for the Said house what it Shall be prised to be worth wittness my hand pr me John Davis Test Shuhakl Cottle Entered on the Town of Tisburys record this 10'" of NovV A D 1803 Ezekiel Luce 71 Clerh TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 315 Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on thirsday the 25^'^ day of March 1802 and So by ad- journment to the 5^'' day of april for the purposes following Viz to Choose all such town Officers as are required by law to be annually Chosen in towns in the months of march or april and the inhabatants being assmbled in the first place James Athearn Esq"" was Chosen Mod- orator and then the following officers was chosen in S'' town to Serve the currant year Viz Ezekiel Luce Clark ' Joseph Athearn ^ Benj- alien John Davis John Hancock I Select men Sam" Look fence Vewers Joseph Claghorn J hogreaves William Athearn Peter Norton Tresuerer John Hancock CHfford Dunham Francis Norton Constable Samuel Lumbart Lot Luce Constable in Will? Luce pound keeper the east precinct Joseph Look Chosen Constable Nathan Smith Jethro Athearn refused to Serve Overseers of the poor Ezekiel Luce John Davis Edmund Cottle Joseph Claghorn a Committe on ace'* and other Survayors of lumber matter respecting the Town The above officers was Sworn to there respective offices And also at the aforsaid meeting agreeable to the notification for calling the same the Sum of two hundred and lifty dollars was Voted to defray the Nes- sary charges of the town the Currant year and then Said meeting was adjournd to the 19'^ instant to meet again at the Court hous in Said town at four o Clock P m Enoch Luce ^ Peter Norton V Survayors of Elisha Luce J highways Attst Ezekiel Luge Toivn Clerk At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tis- bury on monday the fifth of april being the first Monday in S'l month 1802 for the purposes of giving in Votes for governor Leiutenant gov^ and Senetor and County Treasuerer agreeable to the Constitution of the Commonwealth and the Votes being given in Counted and Sorted and decclaration made thereon in open meeting there ware Votes for the fol- lowing persons Viz 316 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. for govrnor Calab Strong Esff had 39 Elbridge gerry had 3 Lieutenant gv" Edward II Robens had 43 Senetor Benj'^. Allen had 43 Jethro Athearn had 43 for County treasuerer att EzEKiEL Luce Toivn Cleric Tisbury ss then on the lO*'' day of april A D 1802 the inhabat. of 8'! town assembled at the Court house according to adjournment and DocV Ruf us Spalding appered and was Exepted by Vote of the Towm to Serve as Constable in the East precinct in Said town the currant year in the room and Steed of Lot Luce who was chosen to that office at a meet- ing held in Said Town on the 25 of april 1802 and also Lot Look appered and axepted the office of Constable in S'' town and was axepted by Vote of the town to Serve in S'' office the currunt year in the room and Stead of Francis Norton who was Chosen to that office at the meeting held as above and also at Said meeting Joseph Look w^as discharged by Vote of the town from serving in the office of Constable in Said town the Cur- rant year Entered april 20'" 1802 Ezekiel Luce Clerk N.B. the above Constabls was Sworn to there office at S'' meeting Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Said town on monday the first day of Nov'' 1802 for the pur- pose of choosing representitive for Congress of the united States of america agreeable to an act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of Representive for Barnstable district for Representitive for Congress and at Said Meeting the Vote being given Counted and Sorted and declaration made thereon there were 12 Votes for Lemuel Will'" Esq'" attst Ezekiel Luce Clerk Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting of the inhabatants of the town of Tis- ])ury duly warned and held at the Court house in S*! Town on monday the 4 day of apriel ])eing the first monday in S'' month 1803 for the pur- pose of giving in there Vots for governor Lieutenant govenor and Sen- etor agreeable to the constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for calling the Same and the inhabatants of Said town being assembled agreeabled to the notification for calling the Same and the Vots being given in Sorted and counted and declaration thereon made and recorded TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 317 by the clerk of Said town as the constitution directs there were Votes for the following persons Viz for governor for Lieut, govenor Caleb Strong Esq'" Edward H Robins Esq'" had 65 Votes had 63 Votes for Senetor Benjamin Allen had 51 Votes of Tisbury Isaac Coffin of Nantucket had 16 Votes attst EzEK^. Luce Clerh and also at Said meeting Votes were given in Sorted and counted by the modorator and Clerk agreeable to the constitution for calling the Same and there were Votes for Jethro Athearn for County Treasuerer the Sum of 67 Votes Entred this 4^" day of april A D 1803 by Ezekiel Luce T. Clerh Tisbuary ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury on Monday the fourth day of apriel A D 1803 for the purpose of choosing all Such town officers as the law directs to be chosen annuely in the month of march or april and firstly James Athearn Esq'" was chosen modorator of Said meeting then there was a Vote taken whether the officers Should be chosen by Voting by lifting up the hand and the Vote passed in the affirmitive then the following officers were chosen into there respective offices to Serve the currant year as followeth Viz Ezekiel Luce Town Clerk Ezekiel Luce William Athearn Rufus Spalding Select men Abijah Gray Constable and collector in the first pre- cinct in Tisbury and William Daggett Ju'" Constable and collector of taxes in the Second or Eastrly precinct in Said Town Peter Norton Town Treasuerer Isaac Daggett Enoch Luce Joseph chase Survyors of highways Thomas Dunham Elisha Luce John Case Jabez Luce hof- reaves John Hencock Thomas Luce Samuel Look Elijah Look fence Vewers Uireal Hillmon Edmund Cottle Surveyors of lumber William Luce pound keeper Joseph Claghorn William Downs inspectors of wood Benjamin Allen agent for the town of Tisbury to appere in any cause for the benefit of the town and to act any buiseness that may be thought necessary for the towns necessary for a towns agent to act agreeable to Law the Selectmen with the adition of Benjamin Allen were chosen to 318 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. consult and draw a remonstrance to a petition Sent by a number of the inhabatants of Tisbury Chilbnark & Edgartown praying to be incor- prated into a religious baptiss Society and allso the Sum of three hundred dollars was Voted at Said meeting to be assessed on the polls and Estats of Said town for the Support of a town School and likewise Benjamin Allen & abraham Chase were chosen a Committe to Settle the accounts with the town of Tisbury s Treasuerer and to report at the adjornment and Said meeting was adjourned to the Second Tuesday of may next or the tenth day of Said month at three o Clock in the afternoon to meet again at the Courthouse in S'! town Entred on record the 4"' day of april A D 1803 by EzEKiEL Luce Town Clerk This may Certify that on the 7*" day of may AD 1803 the Select- men of Tisbury licanced Thomas Dunham of Said Town to Sell goods at auction and public outcry for one year Attst Ezekiel Luce T Glerk and Selectmcm Tisbury ss on the tenth day of May according to adjournment the inhabatants assembled at the Court house and the Sum of 200 dollars was Voted for the necessary charges of the Town the currant year to be taxed on the polles and estats of the inhabatants of Said Town and also at Said meeting there were the following persons chosen Committes in the Several School districts for Schools in S'! Town to divide the Sum of 300 dollars to each School district in S'' town Viz William Athearn Nathan Smith John gray Joseph Claghorn and also in each district there were Ezekiel Luce John Davis Edmund Cottle Rufus Spalding Chosen a Committe with the other Committe to Superintend the Schools in each district for Schools and also Abijah gray appeared at Said meeting and presented Jethro Athearn as Constable to Serve in his room the Currant year and Said Jethro Athearn appreared accepted the office of Constable in S'l Town and was Sworn to his office and was Exepted by Vote of the town Entered this 10^'' day of may A D 1803 Ezekiel Luce T. Clerk At ameeting duly warned and held at the Courthouse in Tisbury on Tuesday the 10"' day of may 1803 for the choice of Representitive for the fi-eneral Court to be Convened and held at Boston on the last wedens- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 319 day of May and at Said meeting the inhabatants gave in there Votes for Representitive agreeable to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Votes being Sorted and counted by the Selectmen and Cleark thereof appeared Votes for the following persons Viz for Benjamin Allen 34 Votes for David Look 9 Votes Attest EzEKiEL Luce T. Cleric Tisbury ss At a meeting leagally warned and heald at Holmes hole the laston parish on Sept 20*'' A D 1803 by Virtue of Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be holden at Barnstable on the Fourth Tuesday of Sept next The following Persons were drawn Viz Jeruel West from the grand & travis Box James Weeks from the Travis Jurors Box to Serve at Said Court Attest W^: Davis Town Clerh Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting leagaly warned and held at the Court- house in Tisbury on monday the 2"*^ day of apr being the first monday of Said month for the purpose of giving in Votes for governor Lieut- governor and Senetor agreeable to the Constitution of the Common- wealth of Massachesetts the inhabitants being assembeled gave in there. Votes and the Same being counted and Sorted and declaration made thereon there appered to be Votes for the following persons Viz for governor Caleb Strong had 45 Votes James SuUevin had 62 for Lent governour William Heath had 70 for Edward II Robins had 37 for Senetor Isaac Coffin had 67 Josiah Barker had 38 Entred this 2"^» day of aprel 1804 EzeivIel Luce T Clerh and at Said meeting agreeable to notification for calling the Same Ihere were Votes given in for County Treasuerer and the Same being Sorted and Counted there were Votes for the following persons Viz for Jethro Athearn had 60 Votes Thomas Jarnagan had 43 Votes Entered the 2"'' day of april 1804 Ezekiel Luce Town Clr Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting duly warned and held at the Court- house in Said Town on monday the 16 day of aprel A D 1804 for the 320 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. purposes of choosing all Such Town officrs as are requiered by law to be chosen annualy in the months of march or april and also to raise any Sum or Sums of money for the necessary uses of the Town the Currant year and to choose any Committe or Committs for the beniht of the town and the inhabitants of S'' Town being assembeled Silus Daggett was chosen Modorator of Said meeting and then it was put to Vote to See what mode the following officers Should be chosen and it was Voted to choos them by lifting up the hand and then the following officrs ware chosen into office to Serve in the Town the currant year and first Ezekiel Luce was chosen Town Clerk and Sworn to his office then Ezekiel Luce Peter Norton and Thomas Dunham were Chosen Selectmen and assess- ors and Sworn to there offices then "William Athearn was Chosen the Town Treasurer John Hencock Chosen Constable to give his answer at the adjournment of Said meeting Shobael Dunham chosen Collector of taxes in the east precinct in Tisbury and was Sworn to his office then Abraham Chase John Manchester Malachi Luce Joseph Look Elijah Look & Thomas Jones w^ere chosen Vewers of fences in Said Town then Benjamin Allen Enoch Luce William Luce chosen Surveyors of highway and Towns ways and Sworn Urial Hillman Edmund Cottle Joseph Claghorn Surveyors of Lumber then Benjamin Allen Thomas Dunham Mathew Mantor Silus Daggett Avere chosen hogreaves Sworn then William Downs and Joseph Athearn chosen Measurers of coard wood William Luce pound keeper Abijah Luce Benjamin Allen Lot Luce Elisha Luce Jesse Luce chosen a helth committe in S'' Town were Sworn to the faithfuU discharg of there Trust then Benjamin alien Shobael Dunham John Hencock was chosen a Committe to Settle accounts with peter Norton the presant Town treasurer and Examin and call in all de- mands against Said Town and transfer the books to william Athearn the presant Tresurer of Said town and report there doing, at the adjourn- ment of Said meeting also at Said Meeting it was Voted that the Town meetings be held for the future begining at the time of the annual meet- ing in the year 1805 and So continuing through that year at Homeshole and at Tisbury the next year in the Same manner annuly by rotation for the future also the Selectmen were appointed a Committe to Sort the persons names returned for Juriors and lay them before the meeting at the adjournment then Said meeting was adjourned to the last monday in april or the 30"' day of S'^ month to meet again at the Courthouse in S'i Town at 2 o Clock P M Attest EzKKiEL Luce Tovm Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 321 April 30^'' met again at the Courthouse according to adjourn=ment then John Hencock appeared and exepted the office of Constable forSaid Town the currant year and was Sworn to that Office ; then Jeremiah Crapo Elisha Luce Joseph Look William Athearn were chosen Ty thing men in S'! Town the curant year ; then was Voted the Sum of three hun- dred dollars for the necessary charges of the Town the currant year; & three hundred dollars for a public School in Said town to be laid on the pols and estats of the inhabatants of Tisbury Then John Hencock Ezekiel Luce Noah Waldrond ware Chosen a Comitte in the first School district to devid the distrect for Schools and to provide Masters to teach Said Schools and Ezekiel Luce Noah Walrond to assist the committe in the other School distrects to devide the money in each distrect raised in Town for public Schools, and also John gray Varnal Clifford Jonathan Atheaw was chosen a School Committe in the Second or Northwest distrect and John gray to assist in deviding the Money raised for Said Schools, and also Cap* Edmund Cottle Malichi Luce were chosen School Committe in the third or north shore distrect and Capt Cottle to assist the other Committes in dviding the money raised for Schools and also Rufus Spalding Thomas Dunham chosen a School Committ in the eastern or distrect of Homeshole and Rufus Spalding a Committe to Joine with Ezekiel Luce John gray Noah Walrond Cap* Edmund Cottle to dvide the money to each distrect that was raised in Said Town for a public School Entred on record this 30"' day of april A D 1804 Ezekiel Luce Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss Pursuant to a law of this Commonwealth for the choice of representitive the freeholders and other inhabitants qualified by the con- stitution to Vote for the election of Representitive being duly notified and warned according to law did meet and assemble on the 14*^' day of this instant month and did then and there elect William Worth to repre- sent them at the general Court of this Commonwealth to be conveaned and held at Boston on the last Wedensday of may currant Entered on record this 14*" day of may A D 1804 by Ezekiel Luce Toiv7i Clerk Tisbuary ss at a town Meeting Leagaly warned and held at the Court house in Tisbury in the County of Dukes County dukes County May twenty first 1804 it was then and there Voted and agreed that the fol- lowing Instrutions be given to Wm Worth Representitive for Said Tis- 322 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. bury the insewing year That wheras a petition is pending by John Davis and others and Mathew Smith and others in the general Court of this Commonwealth for an incorporation at homes hole in Said Town for a baptis Society theefore we advice direct and charge you the Said Repre- sentitive in your Official capasity as a member of that Honorable body that you aid and assist to have the Said incorporation and estabelished enacted into a law of this Commonwealth and all other buisness we leav you to act your wisdom and discression Enterd on the Town record this 21"' day of May A D 1804 EzKKiEL Touni Clerk and also at Said meeting it was Voted that Shubael Dunham Should call on the Clerk of the town for the Copeys of the paper relative to the above meeting Attst EzEKiEL Luce T. Clerk Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting duly warned and held at Court house in Said town on thursday the 27"' day June A D 1804 agreeable to an notification for calling the Same and the inhabitants being assembled James Athearn Esq' was Chosen moderator of Said meeting and it was moved & Secont and Voted that no neat Cattle Should be permitted to run on the Commons in Said Town the Currant year Entered on record this 27"' day of June A D 1804 EzEKiEL Luce Toivn Clerk At A leagal Town meeting duly warned and held at Tisbury on monday the fifth day of November Anno D 1804 agraeable to a resolve of the general Court of the Common wealth of Massachusetts pasd June 15'" 1804 for the choice of Nineteen Elector of Presidand and vice presi- dand of the united States and the inhabitants of Said Town being assem- bled did give the votes to the Selectmen and the votes being given Sorted and coundt and declaration made thereof in open meeting there appered Votes for the following persons Viz at large Hon David Cobb of golds- burough Hon Oliver Wendall of Boston Suffolk Distrect Hon John C Jones of Boston Essex South distrect Hon Benj'^ goodhue of Salem Essexnorth distrect Hon Baly Bartlett of haverhill Middelsex distrect Hon Ebenezer Brooks of Lincoln Ilanshire South distrect gen Will™ Shepard of Westfield TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 323 Hamshire north distrect gen Ebenezer Mallony Jr of amherst Plymouth district Hon Will™ Sever of Kingston Barntable Distrect Ebenezer Bacon Esqr of Barntable Bristol distrect Hon george Leonard of Norton Worcester South distrect Joseph Allen Esq of Worcester Worcester north distrect Hon Joseph Stearns of Lunenbourg Berkshire Distrect Hon David Bossetor of Richmond Norfold distrect Hon Gallon Tufts of Weymouth York distrect Hon John Lord of Berwick Cumberland distrect Hon Isaac Parker of Portland Lincoln distrect Hon Thomas Rice of Wiscassett Kenebeck distrect Samuel Wilde Esq'' of Hollawell 18 Votes for the abo Electors at Large Hon James Sulivan of Boston Hon Elbridge gerry of Cam- bridge Hon James Bowdin of Boston South Esser Col John Katherne of Salem north Essex D"" Thomas Kiteredge of andover Midelsex Hon James Wintrop of Cambridge South hampshire Jon^ Smith Jn'" Esq' of West Springfield Northhampshire Edward Upham Esq^ of new Salem Plymouth Hon James Warren of Plymouth Bristol Hon Josiah Deane of Raynham Barnstable Hon John Davis of Barnstable South wocester gen Timothy Newell of Sturbridge North Worcester gen John Whiting of Lancaster Berkshire Hon John Bacon of Stockbridge Norfolk Hon Will™ Heath of Roxbury york Hon John Wordman of Buxton Cumberland Hon Charles Turner of Truro Kenebeck Hencock and Washenton Corl Thomas Filleborm of Hollo- well Lincolon John Early of New Castle Entered on Reccord this 5^'' day of November A D 1804 thirty one Votes for the above Ezekiel Luce Town Clerk At a Leagal meeting duly warned and held at Tisbury on the first day of april A D 1805 for the purpose of the choice of all Such Town oiflccers that by Law are required to be Chosen annualy in the months of March or april and for raising Such Sums of Money as Shall be 324 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. thought neccessary for defraying the Towns Expences the Currant year and the freeholders and inhabitants of Said town qualified to Vote in Town affairs being assembled did then and theire pass the following Votes first William Worth was Chosen moderator of Said meeting then the following persons were chosen into office to Serve the Town the cur- rant year Viz Ezekiel Luce Town Clerk and was Sworn to his Said office it was Voted to Vote by lifting up of the hand then the following per- sons ware Chosen at Said meeting to Serve in there respective offices the currant year Viz Ezekiel Luce Thomas Dunham Peter Norton Selectmen William athearn Treasurer Jethro Athearn Constable and Sworn in the place and Stead of Benj* Athearn who was Chosen to that office Jethro Hillman chosen Constable and collector in the east precinct in Said Town William Luce Shuliael Dunham Enoch Luce Surveyors of high ways in Said Town and Sworn to there offices Edmund Cottle Uriel Hillman Joseph Claghorn Benj-' Chase Surveyors of Lumber S'' Cottle and Hill- man Sworn to the ofice Lot Luce Timothy Lumbart Joseph Chase fence Vewers Samuel Look Willm athearn Tything men Rufus Spalding Wil- liam Daggett William Worth Joseph Chase Samuel Hencock Hogreaves Will™ Luce pound keeper And also at Said meeting the Sum of three Hundred dollars was Voted to be assessd on the poles and estates of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury to defray the necessary Expences in S'* Town the currant year then the meeting adjourned to the 15^'' day of april 1805 to meet again at the meeting house at Homeshole Entered on record this first day of april A D 1805 Ezekiel Luce T Clerh Met again according to adjournment and adjourned the meeting to the first Tuesday of May next at One O' Clock P. m at the meeting house at Holmeshole Entred April 15 1805 Ezekiel LncE T Clerk Silus Daggett moderator of Sd meeting At a Leagal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied by the constitution to Vote for representitives holden at Tisbury on the first day of april A D 1805 the Said inhabitants gave in there Vots for County Treasurer and the Same being counted and Sorted in the meeting by the modorator thereof and town Clerk it appeared that there were for Jethro athearn 63 Votes for Thomas Jarnigan 62 Vots Entered this first day of april A D 1805 Ezekiel Luce T Cla TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 325 on the fifteenth day of apriel 1805 the Selectmen of Tisbury did anom- inate and appoint William Case of Said Town a Sealer of waits and Measurs in Said Town the currant year and he was duly notified thereof and appeared and was Sworn to the faithfull discharge of his office ac- cording to law before me Ezekikl Luce Toivn Clerk Tisbury May 7"' 1805 at a leagal meeting of the male inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly warned and held in Said Town agreeable to the constitution for the choice of Representative to the general Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the inhabitants being assembled, did there give in there Vots for Representitive for Said Town to Repre- sent them at Said court and the Vots being given in Sorted and counted there was Vots for the following persons Viz for Shubael Dunham 51 Vots for W™ Worth 18 Vots for Edmund Cottle 9 Vots for Benj" Allen 2 A^ots for Representitive Attst EzEKiEL Luce T Clerk May 7 1805 met according to adjournment and the meeting was dis- solved Elisha Luce chosen Surveyor of cord wood EzEKiEL Luce T Clerk on the first day of august 1805 we the Subscribers did premitt John Hencock of the Town of Tisbury to Sell goods in Said Town the present year Entered august 3'"'! 1805 Ezekiel Luce ) Selectmen for Petek Norton j Tisbery Public Records of the Town of Tisbury Tisbury ss Att a meeting legally warned and held on the first mon- day in Apriel according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of Governor, Liutenant Governor & Sena- tor The Inhabitants being assembled gave in their Votes which being sorted & Counted and declaration thereon made there appeared to votes for the following persons Viz James Sullivan 86 Caleb Strong 61 V for Governor E. H. Robbins 1 326 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. William Heath 80 ^ E. H. Robbins 55 | Caleb Strong 1 )- for Liutenant Governor Thomas Jernigan 1 I Samuel Smith 1 J Benjamin Allen 62 ^ Isaac Coffin 77 K Jethro Athearn 2 [ William Worth 1 J Entered on Record this 7th Apriel in the year of our Lord 1806 "^ William Athearn Toivn Clerk Att a Meeting Legally warned and held according to the constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of County Treas- urer and the Votes being givin in, Sorted & counted appeared for the following persons Yizt Thomas Jernigan 64 Jethro Athearn 68 enterd on record this 7*'' day Apriel in the year of our Lord 1806 William Athearn Toirn Clerk Tisbury ss at a Meeting Legally warned and held at the Court House in S1 Tisbury on Monday the seventh day of Apriel in the year of our Lord 1806. For the Purpose of chuseing all Such Town officers as are re- quired by law to be chosen in the Month of March or Apriel Annually, 2'! To Vote some sum or sums of money to defray the neesssary ex- pences of the Town for the Ensweing year 3'! To see if the Town will agree on some more and less expensive way to support the poor of said Town, as to act what may be thought proper Thereon 4-' To choose any committe or committes which my be thought best for the benefitt of the Town, and the Inhabitants being assembled James Athearn Esq"" was Chosen Moderator, the mode of voting was the agreed to be by holding up the hand, and then the following officers were chosen Vizt William Athearn Clerk & Duly Sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 3J7 Thomas Dunham \ Peter Norton > Select men Ezekeil Luce j William Athearn Town Treasurer Joseph Look Constable John Manchester Collector for Homeshole district. Shubael Dunham ^ Peter West V a committe to settle with the Town Treasurer Benjamin Allen J The Question of Adjournment was then put carried and the present meeting stands adjourned to the last Monday in the present month, at the court House at 2 o, clock attest W^ Athearn Town Clerk Tisbury ss. At a meeting legally warned an held at the Court House in Tisbury, according to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of County Register, on Monday the Seventh day of Apriel in the year of our Lord 1806 and the Inhabitants being assembled and the votes given in sorted and counted as the law directs, and declaration made thereon, there apeared as follows. Viz* for Samuel Smith 115, Entered on the Record this seventh day of Apriel in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and Six, Attest William Athearn Toini Clerk Tisbury ss. at a meeting held by adjournment on this Twenty eighth day of Apriel A.D. 1806 from the annual Meeting held on Monday the seventh day of the present Instant — when the meeting did proceed to the further choice of such Town officers and such other Town buisness 'as was not done at the Meeting, as followeth Viz* Willard Luce was accepted to serve as constable in the room and stead of Joseph Look — John Manchester gave his acceptance as collector for the Homeshole District in s'! Tisbury — Matthew Smith ^ ______ sworn Jonathan Mantor [ ______ sworn Matthew Mantor j Surveyors of Heghways. sworn William Luce J „_____ 328 TISBUKY TOWN KECOKDS. AVilliam Harding "1 _ _ _ sworn Uriel Hillman t i ? sworn & certifycate from surveyors Lumber V , . -^ ^ . Benj^' Chase > Rufus bpaldmg Esquire Jesse Luce J sworn Mathew Smith "^ sworn Jesse Luce t:, tt- sworn y Fence Viewers John Hancock | William Case j sworn a Vote was then put whether William Worth Should serve the Town of Tisbury for the present year as a Hogg Reeve and it passed in the Negative Benjamin Chase, Joseph Chace, Whetten Manter were put to Vote and accepted as Hoggreeves for the present year William Luce was chosen pound keeper — Jeremiah Crapo > m xi • ^^ STythmgmen Jonathan Merry ) It was then put to vote what sum of money should be raised for the Towns use the present year, and the sum of Four Hundred Dollars was put and the vote passed in the afirmative, A vote passed to allow the present Treasuer of the Town his bill of expences as allowed by the Select men, for his purchaceing a set of weights and Measures in Boston in June 1805 a vote was then put to disolve the present Meeting and it passed in the affirmative Entered on the public Records this Twenty eighth day Apriel 1806 William Athearn Town Clerk By this publick Record be it known that by order of the select men of Tisbury William Downs was appointed and sworn as Sealer of Weights & Measures for said Town the present year, and was sworn enter'd on Record this Twenty eight day Apriel in the year of our Lord 1806 William Athearn Toivn Cleric By this public Record be it known and remembered that by order of the Select men of Tisbury Jesse Luce and Belcher Athearn were appointed Surveyors of Bark for s*! Town for the present year, entered on record this 28- Apriel in the year 1806 William Athearn Town Clerh TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 329 be it known that Joseph Chace, and Whittin Manter duly & legally attended and were sworn to their respective offices as Heretofore entered Apriel 28'" 1806 William Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss. By this publick Record be it known that at a meeting Legally warn'd and held at the Court House in Tisbury according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of some person to Represent said Town in the General court to be con- veened and holden in Boston on the last Wednesday in May in year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred & six a vote was called w^hether the Town would send a Representative or not and the Vote passed in the affirmative then the votes being given in, sorted, and counted there appeared for the following persons Y\z\ For Shubael Dunham 57 For Abner Luce 10 For Martin Luce 1 For Edmond Cottle 1 Mr. Shubael Dunham was accordingly declared duly and legally chosen, entered on the publick record this 9"^ day of May, on which day the meeting was held, William Athearn Tovm Glerh Tisbury ss at A Meeting legaly warned and held at the court House in Tisbury on the Tenth day of October in the year of our lord eighteen Hundred & six for the following purposes Viz* 1st. To Receive a list of persons quallifyed to serve as Jurymen, & to Regulate the Jurers boxes, as the Law directs 2d. To choose an agent for s*' town to appear at the Court of Com- monpleas next to be Holden at Tisbury in and for the County of Dukes County on the last Tuesday of October next, to answer to a suit com- menced against S'' Town by Doer Rufus Spalding or act what may be thought best on that matter The Town being conveened according to Notifycation did then act as followeth M": John Davis Moderator Vizt a list of Jurers being pre- sented by the Selectmen, a committe was then chosen consisting of Mr Ezekiel Luce, Peter Norton & W'!' Athearn to divide the whole number into three parts, and casting away on part, then the other two thirds was distributed as the Law directs, and brot into meeting and accepted by the town. 330 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The Town then proceeded to choose an agent when Mr John Han- cock was legally Chosen, it was then propos'' to choose a committe to give Instructions to the agent in what manner to act in regard to s*! Suit and it passed in the affirmative, and, the Select Men of the Town were nominated and Chosen, Cap. Edmond Cottle was nominated and Chosen to be added to them The meeting Did then and there disolve by general consent Entered on the Records of Tisbury this Tenth day of October in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred & six "^ William Atheakn Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting Legally warned and held at the Court House in Tisbury on monday the third day November in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & six, it being the Constitutional day for the choice of a Representative in Congress for the first southern district, the voters being present, the meeting duly organised and the votes being given in sorted and counted, and declaration thereon being made. Their ap- peared for The Honourable Isaiah Lewis Green 11 Votes W. Athbaen To7im Clerh Tisbury ss at a Meeting Legally warned and held at the Meeting House in Homeshole in S'! Tisbury on Tuesday the Twenty fourth= fourth day of March 1807. for the purpose of chooseing all such Town officers as are required by law to be chosen in the momth of March or Apriel annually — 2'.' to vote such sum or sums of money as shall be thought sufficient for the use of s*^ Town for the present year and the Inhabitants being assembled according to notifycation Mr. Ezekiel Luce was chosen Mod- erator the mode of choosing was agreed to be by holding up the hand and then the following officers were chosen and buissness Transacted Viz* William Athearn Town Clerk (& sworn Ezekiel Luce ^ Thomas Dunham ^ Select Men (sworn) John Davis ^ Ezekiel Luce Town Treasurer Ebinezer Jones Constable TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 331 Matthew Luce collector for Homeshole district Refused to serve Jonathan Luce collector in stead Matthew Luce Joseph Athearn ^ John Hancock > Overseers of poor Malachi Luce -^ Jonathan Athearn ) Joseph Chase Sam! Look Josep Look John Hancock Joseph Chase Matthew Manter William Luce James Foster William Luce Benjamin Chace Royal Hilman William Harding Jirah Luce Edmond Cottle Obed Coffin Benjamin Chace William Downs Belcher Athearn William Davis -> Then the sum of Four Hundred Dollars was voted 400 for the use of the Townsmen the Question of adjournment was put and carried and Monday the sixth day of Apriel ensueing at four o'clock in the After- noon was appointed the time at this place Meeting House Homeshole Tisbury March 24^.'' 1807 Attest William Athearn Toum Clerk Surveyors High ways Fence Viewers Hogg Reeves Pound Keeper Surveyors of Lumber Surveyors of wood & bayk "^ order Selectmen Tisbury ss At a meeting legally warned and held according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts on Monday the Sixth day of april in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & seven, for the choice of Governor, Lieut. Governor & Senator the freeholders & other Inhabitants being assembled, the Votes given in, Sorted and counted and declaration thereon being made there appeared as follows Vizti 332 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. for James Sullivan 63 -| , y for Governour for Caleb Strong Livi Lincoln William Worth 1 . Levi Lincoln 64 ^ ^ . for Lieutenant ^ Governor Edward H Robbins James Sullivan Caleb Strong Isaac Coffin 1 i Votes for senator Isaac Coffin 65 -| W™ Jernigan W"? Worth 32 o r for Senetor o Jethro Worth 4 J entered on Record this sixth day of Apriel in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and seven '^r William Atheaen Toum Clerk Tisbury ss. at a Meeting Legally warned and held according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts for the choice of County Treasurer on Monday the Sixth day of apriel in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and seven, the Inhabitants being assembled ac- cording to Notifycation at the Meeting House in Homeshole, the Votes being given in Sorted & counted and declaration thereon made there appeared as follows For John Hancock 67 J Ezekiel Luce 23 / for County Treasurer Jethro Athearn 18 ^ Tisbury ss At a Meeting legally warned and held at the r.ieeting House in Holmes hole in Sd Tisbury on Monday the Sixth day of April A D. 1807 for the following purpose Viz^ to see if the Town will agree to Remonstrate against the Petition of Thomas Cooke & Cornelius Mer- chants Esq'." a Committe appointed by the Honourable Court of general sessions of this county, to Petetion the General Court of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts to all the Term of P. Court now holden in Tisbury on the last Tuesday of October and ordain that that the same should be holden at Edgartown, The Freeholders &c being assembled they did then proceed to the choice of a Moderator when John Davis TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 333 was chosen, then proceeded to choose a Committe when the select men of the Town Viz? Ezekiel Luce ^ y . yx • / were chosen a committe to report at the Repre- rp, -nw 1 \ sentative meeting rhos. Dunham ) ^ Entered on the Record this 61'' Apriel 1807 W^.' Athearn Toum Clerh Tisbury ss. the Town being met by adjournment from their Annual meeting held on the 24*3' day of March 1807. they proceeded to recieve the acceptance of Mr Ebenezer Jones as Constable of the Town of Tis- bury for the present year an accordingly he was Duly Sworn, Likewise Cap. Jonathan Luce of Homeshole as Collector for the eastern district of Sd Tisbury The Town did then appoint as a Committe to settle with William Athearn the former Treasurer and Transmitt the Books & papers to the present Treasurer and give him an acquittance Messrs John Hancock Belcher Athearn Ebenezer Jones Likewise the Select men did appoint M'' William Downs to act as sealer of Weights and Measurers for the present year and the meeting was disolved Entered on the Record this 6"' day of apriel in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & Seven Attest William Athearn Tovm Cleric Tisbury ss at meeting Legally warned and held agreable to the con- stitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Venire from the clerk of the Court of Sessions for Dukes county, the freeholders &c did assemble at the Meeting House in Homeshole and after the Jurers boxes were regulated according to law, they meeting did proceed, & the following persons were drawn Viz*^ Thomas Dunham Noah Walrond Lott Look \- Matthew Merry Lott Luce to serve as grand Jurors at the court of commonpleas & court of general sessions of the peace to be holden at Edgartown on the third Tuesday of May next 334 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Francis Norton ^ Matthew Lumbert I To serve as Petit Jurors as the court as John Cleaveland ( above Mentioned. Joseph Dexter J Entered on the Record this Sixth day of Apriel in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred & seven Attest William Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbury ss at a Meeting legally warned and held, at the meeting House in Homeshole, according to the constitution of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts for the choice of some Person to serve as a Rep- resentative from said Town to the General Court to be holden at Boston on the last Wednesday of Said May Instant, the Freeholders & other Inhabitants being assembled, and a vote being taken whether the Town would Send a Representative or not, the vote passed in the affirmative, and the votes being given in, Sorted and counted and declaration thereon being made there apeared as follows Viz! for John Davis 29 for Shubael Dunham 1 accordingly Mr John Davis was declared duly Elected and was Noti- fied accordingly Entered on the Records of said Tisbury this 4'.'' day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred & seven Attest William Athearn Toivn Clerk. To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled The Remonstrance of your petitioners Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County, Humbly that at a legal meeting warned for that purpose in the Town of Tisbury on the sixth day of April A. D. 1807. And continued by adjournment to the fourth day May following, the Inhabitants beg leave to Remonstrate against the petition of Cornelius Marchant and others of the Honourable Justices of the court of common pleas & General Sessions of the Peace for the county aforesaid in Removing said Courts from the Town of Tis- bury to the Town of Edgartown, which deprives the people of the S'! Town of Tisbury of a Priveledge which we think belongs to us the Remonstrants, Said Town being the Central Town in the County, for TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. 335 one session is holden at Edgarton and to remove the other to the Town of Edgartown will be laying a burden on the people of the Town of Tis- bury, for most of the Inhabitants live at a distance of nearly Ten miles from the Court house at Edgartown and wee shall be under many Incon- veniencys to attend court twice a year at Edgartown, if our Honourable Court had Petitioned to hold but one session a year it would have less- ened our expences (as lately we have had more Justices in the Commis- sion of peace than at any former period since the Constitution was framed and we Should not com{)lained for our county is very small, not larger than many Towns in this Commonwealth, but to remove the other ses- sions and to hold both at Edgartown will enhance our expences and Travail, so under the existing circumstances that we feel confident that your Honours will not permit the court to be altered from Tisbury to Edgartown. And we beg leave to refer your Honours for the fore- going statement, to the map the census of the County of Dukes County, and the Tax bill, Wherefore your Remonstrants Humbly pray and expect that your Honourable body will not remove said court from Tis- bury to Edgartown where it is now held, and your Remonstrants as in Duty will ever pray, Thomas Dunham > Qommitte ap2)ointed John Davis S by the Toivn Tisbury ss at a meeting legally warned and held for the Purpose of considering the porport of the foregoing Remonstrance, The people did assemble and it being read to them, they did then and there accept the same, Attest William Athearn Toum Clerk A True coppy from the original Attest William Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbury 22'^ May in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & seven Tisbury ss at a meeting of the freeholders and other Inhabitants qualifyed by Law, and being legally warned and held at the Meeting House in Homeshole in S'' town on the seventeenth day of September 1807. for the following purposes Viz* 1'* to see if the Town will accept 336 TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. the resignation of Ezekiel Luce as one of the Select men 21 to choose some person to act as Town agent to manage the suit now pending between the sd Town of Tisbury and Rufus Spalding at the supreme Court 3*^ to see if the Town will choose one Select man 4^'' to choose a new Town Treasurer, The People being assembled The meeting was duly organized by chuseing John Davis Moderator, and did then proceed for the pur))oses mentioned in the w^arrant 1'* to see if the Town will accept the Resignation therein mentioned which passed in the negatived, 2'! to choose an agent, when Thomas Dunham was chosen by a majority of Votes 3d, to se if the Town will choose one selectman which passed in the negative. 4*'', to choose a Town Treasurer when John Hancock was chosen by a majority of the Voters present, the meeting was then dissolved Tisbury 17"' Sept 1807 Attest William Athearn Toivn Olerh Tisbury Sept 26*". this day personally appeared Mr John Hancock and accepted the office of Town Treasurer of Tisbury for year 1807 and was duly sworn by me William Athearn Tomi Clerk Tisbury ss. at a meeting legally warned and held at the Meeting House in Holmeshole in sd Tisbury on the ninth day of October 1807 for the appointment by drawing from the box as the law directs Jurors for the Supreeme Judicial court to be holden at Barnstable and for Jurors at the court of commonpleas to l^e held at Edgartown the following per- sons were drawn Vizt David Look Grand Jury ) ^ TU/-1 r>i-4.T ( Supreeme Court John Gray Petit Jury ) ^ Jethro Athearn ^ William Daggett Petit Jurors at the court of common Jonathan Luce > pleas to be holden at Edgartown Novem- Jethro Hilman ber Term 1807 Timothy Luce Jun^ J Tis])ury October 10*". 1807 Attest William Atiikarn Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 337 Tisbury ss at a Meeting Legally warned and Held at the Meeting House in Homeshole on Friday the thirteenth day of November 1807. for the foUdwing purposes Vizt 1st to take the sence of the Town in what way they will procure the money to Sattisfy the Execution that Rufus Spalding Esq'" has against the Town 2*^ to choose a Town agent to collect all or any monies that is in any private persons hands which is the property of the Town &c The people being Assembled and the meet- ing organized by the choice of Mr Peter Norton as Moderator they did proceed to act as follows Vizt the Treasurer of the Town Vizt Mr John Hancock was Authorized to procure the money by loan or otherwise to sattisfy the Execution, Likewise Mr, John Hancock was chosen special agent for sd Town - and the meeting was disolved entered on Record this 13"' day of Nov year of our Lord 1807 Attest William Atheaen Toivn Clei-k Be it known and remembered that on this seventeenth day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred & eight I was served with the following Notifycation in the following words, Viz* Sir, I hereby inform you that I intend to unite with, and become a member of the Baptist Society in Tisbury, Russell Hancock Entered by me William Athearn Tisbury Feby. 4"' 1808 Town Clerk Tisbury ss Be it known and remembered that on the Twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred & eight I was served with a notifycation in the following words Viz* To Wilham Athearn clerk of the Town of Tisbury, Sir - We Hereby Inform you that we Intend to unite with and become members of the Baptist Society in Tisbury Patience Allen Mary Allen February 25*" 1808- Tisbury ss Be it known and remembered that on the Twenty seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and eight I was served with a notifycation in the following words Viz* I Hereby Inform you that I intend to unite with and become a member of the first Baptist Society in Tisbury Tisbury Feby ?^^ (signed) William Athearn 338 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. To the Town Clerk ) of Tisbury > Be it know and remembered that on the Twenty ninth 'day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and eight, I was served with a notifycation in the following words Viz* These certifye that we Soloman Athearn and Elijah Athearn hath Joined with the Baptist So(5iety in Tisbury Signed Solomon Athearn Elijah Atheakn Tisbury 27*'> Febr. 1808 Attest William Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbury ss. Att a meeting legally warned and held according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts on monday the fourth day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and eight at the court House in S'' Tisbury for the choice of Governor Lieut Governor, and Senator, The freeholders and other Inhabitants being assembled, the votes given in Sorted and counted and declaration thereon being made there appeared as follows. Viz* For James Sullivan 57 ->! " Christopher Gove 42 " David Cobb 1 ' for Governor " Poor Spalding 1 " Ezekiel Luce iJ For Levi Lincoln 60 ^ 38 ? For Luet Go\ 1 ^ " David Cobb " Christopher Gove Micajah Coffin 37 - John Davis 27 William Jernigan 30 > For Senator Gersham Hussey 1 Thos Jernigan 1 ^ Entered on the Record this fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight Attest William Athearn Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 339 Tisbury ss. Att a meeting legally warned and held at the court house in Tisbury on Monday the fourth day of apriel in the year of our lord eighteen Hundred and eight for the choice of county Treasurer, the Voters being assembled, the votes being given in Sorted and counted, and declaration thereon being made there appeared as follows Vizt for John Hancock 71 Seventy one for Thomas Jernegan 31 Thirty one entered on record this fourth Day of April 1808 by William Athearn Toicn Clerk Tisbury ss Att a meeting legally warned and held according to the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts on the fourth day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight Hundred and eight (for the choice of Town officers for the year ensueing) at the court House in Tisbury. the Freeholders & other Inhabitants being assembled the Meeting was duly organized by the choice of Mr John Hancock for Moderator — the meeting did then proceed, and agreed to vote by hold- ing up the hand, and the following officers were duly elected by the Sovereign people Yizt William Athearn Town clerk Elisha Luce - ^ Thomas Dunham > Select men & over seers poor - John Davis ) John Hancock Town Treasurer Stephen Luce constable Oliver Crosby, Collector for Homeshole District Messr. Benjamin Chace, Jabez Smith, Jirah Luce Edmond Cottle Survey ers of Lumber Mesr Benjamin Allen, John Hancock, Samuel Look, Lott Rogers, Joseph Chace, Fence Viewers Messr. Jabez Smith, Matthew Merry, Samuel Look, Prince Rogers, Surveyors of Highway. William Luce pound keeper. Shubael Cottle Esqr to put the pound in good repair and be well assisted by the Select men to git the charges thereof reimbursed 340 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. John Davis, Thomas Butler Junr and Benjamin Allen be a committe to examine the Town accts and report at the adjournment, the Sum of Nine Hundred Dollars was raised on the polls & estate in S'l Town for the current year, and the deficeincy in the last year, and that the assesers remit by order to those who have paid their Taxes in the last years assesment The meeting was adjourned to the third Monday in the present month of April — Entered on Record this fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and eight by William Athearn To7vn clerk Tisbury ss - at a Town meeting legally warned and held at the court House in Tisbury on the fourth day of April 1808 - following purpose Viz* — to choose committe to regulate the Herring fisheries on any of the creeks which are under the Jurisdiction of the Town and the Sovereign people being assembled and the meeting duly organised they did proceed to elect the following persons as their committe to regulate Said fish- eries in the most full and ample manner Viz*- Messr Timothy Chace, Sam- uel Look Malachi Luce, and Isaac Luce, and the meeting was disolved entered on record this fourth day of april in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred & eight by me William Athearn Totvn Cleric Tisbury ss - Att a meeting legally warned and held at the court House in Tisbury on Monday 9"* April 1808 for the purpose of choose- ing a Representative to represent said Town in the General Court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts the people being assembled and the meet- ing organized they did proceed to call a vote to see whether the Town would chuse s'' Representative and the vote passed in the Negative — entered on Record this 9"' day of April eighteen Hundred & eight Pr William Athearn Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss, April 18"' the adjournment of the annual meeting held on the 4*.'' day of april was this day entered uppon, and Thomas Dun- ham & William Athearn was chosen Hogreeves, the meeting then went on the Subject of raising monney in addition to what was raised at first Viz* the Sum of Nine Hundred dollars, for the support of the Towns poor TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 341 and other purposes, when to the disgrace of the Town there appeared Some who were opposed to the raising an adequate sum and with many words and much Sophistry did mislead the people, whereby the meeting which was convoked for wise and usefuU purposes did become disorgan- ised and was thereby disolved to the great dammage of the sd Town — Entered on record this ISV' day of April 1808 Attest William Athearn Town Cleric Tisbury ss at a meeting Legally warned and held as the Law directs for the drawing of Grand & pettit Jurers for the county of Dukes County may Term 1808 The following persons were legally drawn from the boxes Viz* Timothy Luce Abisha Luce Warren Luce Abijah Hammett Isaac Luce Thomas Man tor William Pool Edmond crowell Peter Norton Junr J Entered on Record this J^' April William Athearn Town Glerh by order of the Select men Mr William Downs was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures for the present year — and sworn — 18"' April 1808 Attest William Athearn Toicn Clerk by order of the Select Men Mr William Downs, and Cap. Elijah Hilman was appointed Measurers of wood and bark for the ensueing year April 28*.^ 1808 Attest William Athearn Toion Cleric Tisbury ss. at a meeting Legally warned and held at the court House in Tisbury on monday the 9"' day of May 1808 for the purpose of Regu- lating the Jury Boxes according to the Law passed March 12"' 1808. The Select Men did lay before the Town a list of the persons names who were thought by them most Eligible to Serve as Travers Jurors, and General & Traverse Jurors, and after proper consideration the Town did Grand Jurors Pettit Jurors 34:2 TISBURY TOW^^ EECORDS. by vote rattifv and confirm the State of the Boxes as presented by S*^ Select men, entered on record this 9'.'' day of May in the year of our Lord Eigh- teen Hundred and eight William Athearn Tovm Clerk The determination of the undersigned fence viewers — as to a parti- tion fence between Abijah Hammett & Bernard Luce divided by a brook, Yizt. It having been represented to us the Subscribers two of the fence viewers of the Town of Tisbury duly chosen and sworn, by Ber- nard Luce of S'^ Town whoose land is divided from the land of Abijah Hammett by a brook, and that they could not agree in making a parti- tion fence and the said Bernard having applyed to us to Yiew the Same and determine thereon — AYe have after giving due notice to the sd Abi- jah, attended that servace, and do determine that it is Impracticable to fence at the true boundary Hne, and do therefore further determine that the fence shall in future be set up as foUows Yizt. to begin at the S. E. corner of said Bernards fence adjoining the S*^ Brook running E. by about two rods acrost Said brook thence Northly on the marsh on the east side of sd brook about seven or eight rods thence acrost said brook on the Marsh on the "\Yest side of sd brook about ten rods to a stake standing on the South Side of a Swamp wood bush about three feet from sd brook thence N. East on a strait course about Seven rods to a heap of stones laying by the side of Joseph Athearns fence about one rod from s'' brook on the east side — And do determine that the said Abijah Hammett shall build and maintain from the first mentioned bounds to the stake stand- ing by the swampwood bush on the west Side of sd brook as his part — and the said Bernard shall build and maintain from the stake by the swamp wood bush to the heap of stones by Joseph Athearns fence on the east side of Said Brook Kefference being had to said Bernards Deed of purchase of James Athearn Esq. for the remaining part of his half of the division fence — The above mentioned lines and boundaries and lands being in Tisbury about Sixty rods from Jonathan Athearns Grist mill — given under our hands this Eighth day of June 1808 Signed by John Hancock > Fence Benjamin Allen S Vieicers Tisbury June 14*'^ 1808 Entered on Record ^ William Athearn Tovn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 343 commonwealth of Massachusetts Tisbury ss Att a meeting legally warned and held at the meeting House in the Western parish in Tis- bury on the thirtieth day of August in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and eight for the following purposes Viz5 1*.* to see if the Town will take any legal measures to sell the property or real Estate of Indi- viduals who are or may become chargeable to Said Town 2*^ to se if the Town will permitt the inoculation of small pock on persons Inoculated with kine pock aUso to se if they will allow two persons to be inoculated with small pock without being inoculated with kine pock, The people being assembled the meeting organised John Davis Esq"" was chosen mod- erator and on the question respecting property of the poor it was moved to choose a committe to make legal inquiries on the Subject, and M"" Francis Norton Thomas Dunham and John Davis Esquires were chosen Said committe on the question respecting inoculation either by Kine, or Small pock was totally Negatived and the meeting disolved Entered on record this thirtieth day of august in the year of our Lord 1808 "^ William Atheaen Toivn Clerk commonwealth of Massachusetts Tisbury ss at a meeting Legally v^arned and held at the Meeting House in the Western parish in Tisbury on the Eleventh day of October according to venire from the clerk of the Supreeme Judicial court for the counties of Barnstable & Dukes County — and from the Clerk of the court of com- monpleas for Dukes county for Nov Term 1808 — the following persons were duly drawn from the boxes Yiz*^ Silas Crowell, grand Juror, Su- preme Judicial court Timothy Merry Petit Juror, Supreme Judicial court Joseph Allen ^ William Cottle I Petit Jurors for court of common pleas Benjamin Reynolds f to be holden at Edgartown Nov. 1808 Belcher Athearn J Entered on Record October ll*"^ 1808 ■^ William Atheakn Town Cleric Be it know and remembered that on the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord 1808 I was served with a notify cation in the fol- lowing words Yist 344 TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. These certifye that I the subscriber hath Left the congregational Society and have joined the Baptist Society in Tisbury Matthew Mantok Tisbury October IS'.*^ 1808 attest William Atheakn Town Clerk Tisbury ss. Be it known and remembered that on the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord 1808 was lodged in this office a notify ca- tion in the following words Yizt These certifye that we the subscribers have left the Congregational Society in Tisbury and have joined the Baptist Society in sd Tisbury Signed Jeremiah Mantor Matthew Mantor Junr Sighed Benj;" Davis r -r\ t committe John Davis > Abisha Sampson Public Teacher Tisbury October \h'^ 1808 Attest William Athearn Town Clerk Tisbury ss. Be it known and Remembered that on the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord 1809 was lodged in this office a notifycation in the following words Yizt we the Subscribers have left the congregational Society in Tisbury and have joined the Baptist Society in said Tisbury Signed Samuel Crowell Jeremiah Crowell Signed Benj^ Davis >.^^^.^^^ John Davis > Abisha Sampson j)ublic Teacher Tisbury february 7V> 1809 Attest William Athearn Town Cleric Tisbury ss At a meeting legally warned and held at the Meeting House in Ilolmeshole in the Town of Tisbury on the first monday being the 3*! day of April in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and nine for o-overnor TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 345 for the choice of Governor, Lieutenant governor and Senator & Coun- cellor the voters being assembled, the meeting duly organised they did proceed to give in their votes, which being sorted, counted, and declara- tion thereon being made there appeared as follows Vizt. for the Hon. Levi Lincoln 71 ^ for the Hon. Christopher Gove for the Hon. Joseph B Yarnum for the Hon. Josiah Barker 1 j for the Hon. Joseph B. Yarnum 70 -> for the Hon. David Cobb 54 | for the Hon John Q. Adams 1 V For Lieutenant governor for the Hon Josiah Barker 1 I for the Hon Walter Folger 1 J For Walter Folger Junr 72 -. For Josiah Barker 50 j For Matthew Mayhew 1 J- For Senator For Joseph B Yarnum For David Cobb all which Yotes were Sealed up in open meeting and directed accord- ing to law April 3^. 1809. Attest William Athearn Town Clerk Tisbury ss Att a meeting legally warned & held according to law at the Meeting House in Homeshole in the Town of Tisbury on the first Monday in April (being the third day, in the year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and nine, for the choice of a County Treasurer the voters being assembled, the votes given in Sorted, counted there appeared as follows Yiz5 For John Hancock 79 w for county Treasurer For Thomas Jernigan 29 all which votes being returned as agreable to law Tisbury Apr 3*^ 1809 Attest William Athearn Tovm Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting legally warned & held according to Law at the meeting House in Holmeshole in the Town of Tisbury on the third 346 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. day of april in ye year of our Lord eighteen Hundred and nine for the choice of all such officers as Towns are required By law to chose in the month of March or april & to vote moneys for defraying town Debts and for report of Poor and Proceeded to Vote by the uplifted Hand John Davis Esqr chosen Moderator Elijah Hillman Town Clerk & sworn Belcher Athearn ^ T 1 o -iu f Selectmen ( sworn by Jabez Smith v ^ , • ^ yy. , TT-,, \& over Sears of Poor c John Davis Esqr John Hancock Town Treasurer W'" Ferguson Constable & Collector W" Smith Collector for Holmes hole district Sworn David Look ) Samuel Look ^ surveyors Highways Edmund Cottle ^ Jira Luce sworn / Surveyors Lumber Benj Chase sworn ^ Peter Norton ^ John Davis /fence viewers Timothy Chase ^ William Luce Pound Keeper Lot Luce sworn a Jonathan Manter i T r VHog Reaves Isaac Luce j ° Martin Luce J William Downs Sealer of Weights & Measures Benj Trask Inspector Glober Salts Voted four Hundred dollars to pay town debts Voted five Hundred dollars for suport of the poor Voted the money for suport of the poor be assesed in seperate bills Voted to adjourn this meeting untill the first tusday in may (a) 4 oclock A M Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Appointed By the Selectmen William Downs & Sworn as Sealer of weights & Measures also Sur- veyor of wood & Bark apointed & Sworn Lathrop Merrey Surveyor of wood and Bark April 27*'' 1809 Attest Elijah Hillman 'Totvn Clerk TISBUKY TOWN KECOKDS. 34:7 May 2d 1809 the Inhabitants of Tisbury met agreeable to adjournment William Downs was chosen as an assesor in stead of Elijah Hillman resigned Stephen Luce Town Constable in stead of W" Ferguson & Sworn Voted Elijah Hillman ^ Jabez Smith >be a committee to Examin Town acct Belcher Athearn ) Benjamin Allen Esqr apointed agt for the Town to Endavour to recover a fine paid by said Tisbury for neglect to raise School money for ye year 1809 Voted To raise the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars in adition to the above sum of four Hundred dollars to defray town debts Voted the Selectmen Hire a house for the reception of the poor of said Town and provide for them by contract or otherwise in Such way and maner as shall be convenient with the Cituation of the Town and of Said Poor Attest Elijah Hillman Toiv7i Clerk Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagally warnd & held for the choice of Representitive to the General court on tusday the 2'! day of may 1809 at one of the clock in the afternoon the votes were as follows for Edmund Cottle 33 > ^^^^ ^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^^^1^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ John Hancock 53 > Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagally Warnd for the the Purpose of draw- ing Jurors on tusday 2d day may 1809 the following Jurors were drawn accordino: to Law Nath Clifford Shubal Weeks 1 T-v, .,. T Grand an Travers Jurior' for Dukes County Philip Luce y ^ James Weeks I '^^ ^^" ^^""^^ ^^^^^^ Jacob Norton J Malicha Luce Prince Rodgers John Manchester Michael Daggett May 2d 1809 Travers Juriors for Trials at said court Attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk Be it remembered that on the 17"' day of July year 1809 Urial Coffin filed in a Certify cate in this office Purporting that he hath Joined the 348 TISBDKY TOWN RECORDS. Baptist Society in the following words Viz We Abisha Sampson John Davis Benj Davis Certyfy that the said Urial Coffin doth frequently and usually attend with us at stated meetings for Religious Worship Tisbury July 17th 1809 Attest Elijah Hillman Tmvn Clerk Agreable to the Laws of this Commonwealth By Virtue of a Petition of ten free Holders Inhabitants of Tisbury A meeting was Leagally warned and Held at the Meeting House in Holmeshole in Said Town on tusday Sept" 26, 1809 Peter Norton Chosen Moderator ^^. ^, ^ ^ a comittee to forme Sundrie resolutions re- Viz Thos Dunham ^- +u -r> i • q + i ^ _,. .„ spectmg the Bankmg System and report on Elijah Hillman \ / , %^,,, , ,x ,- ■ , a t a ■ •' „ , . tusday 30"' at the time appointed for drawing Sam" Claghorn t • ^ J Juriors Rufus Spalding ^ John Hancock 5 -^ comittee with the over Seers of the poor of said Tisbury to examin the demands of said Town of Tisbury against this commonwealth and Petition the Legislature to discharge the sd de- mands at their next term in december to take any evidence or otherwise they may think necessary respecting said accounts meeting disolved. Attes Elijah Hillman Tovm Clerk Tisbury ss at a Meeting Leagally Warned the Inhabitants met at the meeting house in Holmes hole on tusday the 2d of Octob'' 1809 An drew agreable to Venira from the Grand an Travis Jury Box Benj Athearn to serv at the supreme Court at Barnstable Emanuel Joseph drawn as Travis Jurior for Barnstable Attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk Tisbury Ocr, 28 1809 At a meeting Leagally warned the Inhabitants of Tisbury met & considered the Report of a committee Chosen to form Resolutions uppon the Banking System and Excepted the said report Voted also the same be made publick by Printing in one of the Pub- lick news papers Attest Elijah Hillman Ihwn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 349 At a meeting Notiefyed agreable to Yenira the followine; Persons were drawn out of the box for Petty Juriors to Serve in the county court of Pleas to be Holden at Edgartown on the 7 day Nov 1809 James Cottle Joseph Look At a meeting of the Select men of the Town of Edgartown & Tisbury for the purpose of Runing the lines and running the marks between the said Towns when it was mutually agree'! the lines run and renewed as follows (viz) Beginning at the steping stones at the head of the Legoone pond so called) and from thence runing North twenty seven Degrees West to a heep of Stones lying between two Oak studies on the south side of the Road that runs from Edgartown to Homeshole on the West side of the Harbour and to continue on the same Direction to Tashmoo spring so called being five hundred and forty Rods in the whole distance and from said Teshmoo spring due south by several heaps of Stones layed by the sides of the ways which the Said line Croses to a heap of stones Lying twenty one Rods to the westward of the House that lately Be- longed to Christopher Luce des'! and to continue on the same south Course by heaps of stones layed by the sides of the ways and by marked Trees untill it comes to the Road that runs from Edgartown to Tisbury to a heep of stones on the North side of said road and four feet to the Eastward of a Remarkable Ant heap and from thence in asmuch as the Parties have not before them the Latest surveys or Grants of Ither of the said Towns it is agreed upon by them the line should continue from the described Bounds Easterly by the said Tisbury Road one hundred and sixty seven rods to where a pine tree formerly Stood which is the westerly Bounds of the first Division of the new purchase in the Town of Edgartown Oposite to a path Called Simon Newcombs Path where it leads in to the said Tisbury Road and from thence to Run Southerly to a place where the House of John Butler formerly Stood and to continue Southerly to the midle of Watcha neck Entred on Record this Daniel Coffin "| 12 day dec 1809 Elijah Stuart ^ -m T^ A r of Edqartown Belchek Athern ' '^ Jabez Smith & Tisbury 360 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Town Tisbury met according to notify cation on monday the 12 day feby 1810 1st Chose a moderator Jabez Smith 2d took into consideration the demand of the Town of freeport for suport of William Draper which demand of IQ"" 75 was sued for 3d Voted not to apoint an agent for defending the suit 4"' Voted the town of Tisbury demand from Joseph Athern the money in His hands as Guardian to William Draper and pay the demand of the Town of Freeport for suport of said Draper 5 Meeting Disolved Elijah Hillman Town Clck Tisbury ss at a meeting duly notiefyed on monday 2d april 1810 Town met at the meeting House in the Western Parish John Davis was chosen moderator and the Votes Given in for County Treasurer were as follows Viz for John Hancock 18 ^for County Treasurer Thomas Jernigan 37 > E Hillman Toivn Clerk John Cottle 3 ) Tisbury ss at the day & year above said At a meeting duly Notiefyed the Inhabitants met at the metting House in the Western parish when the votes for Govr Liet Govr & Sen- ator were Given in as follows Viz for Christopher Gove for El bridge Gerry 47 ) i for Governor 44 S William Gray David Cobb *^ I for Liet Gove 46 S Walter Folger Jr 44 ^ Josiah Barker 15 >for Senator George Athern 14 ) All of which Votes were Sorted counted and declared in open town meeting & then Sealed according to Law Tisbury april 2d 1810 Attest Elijah Hillman To7vn Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting duly notiefyed the inhabitants met on mon- day 2d day of april 1810 at the meeting House in the Western Parish and proceeded to Vote by the uplifted hand for the following Persons TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 351 John Davis Moderator Elijah Hillman Town Clerk sworn Ezekel Luce ^ Jabez Smith > Select men assesors over Seers poor Elijah Hillman ) Barnard Luce Town Constable Thos Manchester Jr Collector John Hancock Town Treasurer Mathew Manter > ^ tt- i S Surveyors Highways sworn sworn Surveyors Lumber sworn sworn fence viewers sworn Hog Reeves Pound Keeper corrtittee for Inspection of Cow Pox Enocu- ulation Sam" Look Jira Luce W" Harding James Foster Tristram Weeks Joseph Chase Samll Claghorn W" Davis Warren Luce Robert Look William Luce Rufus Spalding Elisha Luce Lot Luce Voted To Raise the sum of one Hundred Dollars to pay debts of the Town Voted three Hundred Dollars for Support of Poor Voted three Hundred Dollars for Schools Voted two Hundred Dollars for Repairs Highways but Reconsidered Benjn Allen ^ Thos Butler > Comitee to Examin Town Accts Ezekel Luce ^ Thomas Dunham Noah Waldron John Hancock Lot Luce Stephen Luce Jabez Smith The meeting then adjournd to the first monday in may next Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Scholl Comittees Grand an Travis Juriors 352 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Town met aGrable to ye above adjournment John Davis morderator Elijah Luce chosen Collector of Taxes for the western Parish in said Town then the following persons were chosen school comittee In adition to the above Abijah Hammett William Davis John Cottle I ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^"^^ Elisha Luce J Meeting then Disolved May 7th 1810 At a meeting Legally JSTotifyed and warned for the purpose the fol- lowing persons were drawn out of the Boxes as Juriors for the court of Pleas to be holden at Edgartown Peter Manter Ezekel Luce James West Joseph Chase J Shubal Dunham ^ William West Benjn Lumbert Traves Juriors ^ g^^bal Luce ' J Abijah Gray Attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss Be it Remembered that on the fourth day of august 1810 I was Served with a notifycation in the following words viz these are to certify that I the subscriber hath Left the congregational Society and have Joined the Baptist Society in Tisbury August 13, 1810 Signed Samuel Crowp:ll Attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss at a meeting Legally warned and held on Sept 26 1810 in the western parish Ruf us Spalding was Chosen Collector of taxes for the Eastern parish in said Town in Stead of Thos manchester who was chosen at the anual meeting in the 2d of April preceding Rufus Spalding Sworn as above collector taxes Attest Elijah Hillman Toicn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 353 Tisbury ss at a meeting- leagally warned and held at the western parish in Tisbury on Sept 26 1810 by vitue of Yenira from the Clerk of the Superior court to be holden at Barnstable on the fourth Tusday of October next 1810 the following Persons were drawn from the Boxes Viz Mayhew Norton from the Grand an Travis Jurior Box Mathew Luce from the Travers Jurior Box to Serve at said court attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a meeting Leagally warned and held at the meeting House in the western Parish on tuesday 23'^ of oct 1810 and drew the following persons to serve as Travers Jurors to serve at the Court of Please to be holden at Edgartown on the first Tusday of Nov next Ebnr Jones Stephen New Hezekiah Reynolds Jira Luce Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Tisbury ss on tusday ocr 23 — 1810 The Inhabitants of Tisbury met at the western Parish in said Town by Virtue of notifycation according to Law Ezekel Luce was Chosen moderator Voted Rufus Spalding agent for the Town to defend the Suit com- inced by Benjamin Trask against Said Town Also to Answer to an Inditement against Said for not keeping Pub- lick School also in any matter with Respect to the above wherein the said Town may Be Intrested Attest Elijah Hillman Toimi Clerk Tisburyss at a meeting Legally warnd and Held in the western par- ish in Tisbury on Novr 5th 1810 the following Votes were Given in for Representitive in the Congress of the united States as follows for Isiah L Greene 9 Francis Roatch 4 attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk 354 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury January 30"' - 1811 These may Certify that I have byn Served this day with a Certifycate in the following words that we Nathan Clifford Lot Rodgers William Ferguson Jacob Clifford Stephen Clifford & Thankful Clifford have left the Congregational Society and have Joined the Baptist Society also Ephraim Dunham Junr attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Tisbury feby 27 1812 These May Certify that this day I have bin Served with a certifycate in the following words We the subscriber do hear by certify that we have left the Congregational Society and have Joined the Baptist Soci- ety in Tisbury Signd Robert Rodgees Henry Athearn John Athearn Tisbury ss at a meeting leagally Held by the Inhabitants of said Town at the meeting House in Holmeshole on monday 1st of april 1811 at one p m the Votes for County Treasurer were for Thos Jernigan 17 for Thos Dunham 25 SamV Smith 1 John Hancock 1 at said meeting for County Register were for Sam" Smith 56 At a meeting leagally Held by the Inhabitants at the time & place as above expressed for the Choise of Governor Lieut Gover & Senator were as follows Viz for Elbridge Gerrey 35 Honbl Christopher Gove 8 Thos Dunham 1 W" Gray 1 Christopher Gove 20 for Lut Governor W'" Gray 38 Elbridge Gerry 1 W" Philips 4 W™ rhillips Esqr 19 Honbl W" rhilips 5 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 355 for Senator Walter Folger Ju Josiah Barker Wal Fol Jr 34 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury on Monday april 1st 1811 Held at The meeting House in Holmes hole on said day at 3 p m Thomas Dunham moderator Elijah Hillman Town Clerk Ezekel Luce Elijah Hillman Jabez Smith John Hancock Belcher Athearn Lathrop Merrey Shubal Dunham Lot Luce John Hancock Abijah Gray John Cottle Sam" Look David Look Jabez Smith W" Downes Jonathan Manter Jr Noah Waldron Jonathan Lumbert Stephen Luce Peter Norton Malicha Luce Jira Luce W"' Harding Benjn Chase & Shubal Luce Surveyor lumber Rufus Spalding Benjn Trask Inspectors Glober Salts W° Cottle Thos Dunham Joseph Dexter field Drivers Thos Dunham Sam" Claghorn Matw Luce Hog Reaves Mathew Manter John Cottle and Jabez Smith Hog Reaves Thos Manter Jessee Luce W"' Downs Tything men Hugh Kithcart Tything man Voted Three Hundred Dollars for the Support of the Poor Three Hundred Dollars for Town Schools Selectmen ass ovr Seers poor Town Treasurer Constable Constable fence Viewers Surveyors Highways School Comittee 356 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Benjn Allen Jethro Athearn Sam" Claghorn Comittee to Examine Town accts Then by Vote adjourned this meeting to Monday the G of may next at the meeting House in Holmeshole at 3 p m Attest Elijah Hillman Toum Clerk Agrable to adjournment the Inhabitants of Tisbury met at the time & Place Voted William Luce pound keeper Voted to Excuse Belcher A them from Serving as comittee Voted Jabes Luce chosen constable & Collector in Stead thierof & sworn meeting then Disolved Elijah Hillman Town Clerk May 6 1811 at a meeting Legally notiefyed and held at the meeting House in Holmeshole for the purposes of Drawing Juriors the following persons were Drawn as Grand an Travers Juriors for the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartow^n on the third tusday of may Inst Benj Allen John Hancock Thomas Butler )■ Grand an Travers Juriors W'" Worth David Luce J Also at the time and place abo.ve named for travers Juriors at the above courts Abijah Athern Abisha Luce , ^ . ,, TVT i. > As 1 ravers Juriors i^ reman JNorton Belcher Athearn J Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk At a meeting leagally Notiefyed and warned for Regulating Jurior I>oxes the Select men presented the several Lists of Persons qualliefyed to serve as Juriors and the same being Voted The Boxes were accordingly Regulated by the Select men Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 357 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for the pur- pose of chooseing a Representitive on the six of may 1811 for to Repre- sent the said Town in General Court to be held at Boston on the last wensday in may The votes were Given in as follow'' John Hancock 44 John Davis 44 Joseph Daggett 1 which amounted to no choice then proceeded to Vote a second time and after keeping the poll open for the space of one hour the Votes were sorted counted and Declared as follows for John Hancock Esqr 45 for John Davis Esqr 44 Abner Luce 1 which not being a choice then proceeded to ballot a third time the Votes given in being Sorted and counted and Declaration there of was made as follows Vis for John Hancock Esqr 57 for John Davis Esqr 41 for Abner Luce 1 Mr John Hancock w^as accordingly declared chosen and Duly notify ed Attest Elijah Hillman Toimi Clerk Tisbury Sepr 23d 1811 At a meeting leagally Notiefyed the Inhabitants of Sd Town met when the following Persons were drawn by the selectmen of said Town from the Boxes to Serve for Juriors at Barnstable Court for Dukes County & Barnstable to be holden on the first Tusday of ocf next Jona- than Athern Grand An Traverse juriors Timothy Luce Travers Jurior Elijah Hillman Toum Clerk At a meeting Legally warned the Inhabitants of Tisbury met at the meeting House in Holmes hole on Saturday the 28 of sepr 1811 Ezekel Luce moderator Voted Rufes Spalding as agent for the Town of Tisbury to defend 358 TISBURr TOWN RECORDS. the suit cominced by Doc Benj Trask against said Town to be tryd at the Supream Court to be holden at Barnstable on tusday the first of October next Attest Elijah IIillman Totmi Clerh Tisbury ocr 26 1811 At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Agrable to Vinira from the Court of Fleas & Sessions to be holden at Edgartown on the first tusday in novr the following Persons were drawn to Serve on Traverse Juriors at Said Court Nathan Smith Theadoreus Parsons Bartlett Pease Timothy Chase Jr Attest Elijah Hillman Tow7i Clerk, Be it remembered that on the 21 day of february 1812 I was served with a certifycate dated dec 9"' 1811 in the following w^ords viz the Subscribers do hearby certify that wee have left the Congrega- tional Society and Joined the Baptist Society in Tisbury James Cleveland George Manter Clifford Dunham Melatiah Norton Abigail Dunham Athearn Manter Marjory Luce Attest Elijah Hillman. Town Clerk of Tislmri/ Be it remembred that this day I was Served with a certifycate in the following words I the Subscriber do certify that I have left the Congre- gational Society and I have Joined the Baptist Society in Tisbury Signed James Luce Tisbury feby 26 1812 Be it remembered tKat the day of the date hearof I was served with a Sertificate in the following words I hearby certify that I have joined the Baptist Society in Tisbury Febuary 28, 1812 Signed Ephraim Harding attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 359 Be it remembered that the clay of the date Hearof I was Served with A certifycate in the following words that I the Subscriber Do Certify that I have left the Congregational Society and Joined with the Baptist Society in Tisbury Signd Ephkaim Dunham Attest Elijah Hillman Toum Clerk Tisbury feby 29th 1812 In the Western Parish At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Notie- fyed and warned said Inhabitants met for the choice of county Treasurer on monday the 6 of april 1812 one a clock John Hancock was Chosen Moderator by writen ballots and the Votes for County Treasurer were for John Hancock 72 for Thos Jernigan 60 at a meeting duly ISTotiefyed and Warned the Inhabitants of Tisbury met in the western Parish on monday 6 april 1812 at 2 p m for the Choice of Gov Liet, Gov & Senator when the Votes were Given in as follows viz for El bridge Gerrey as Gov 72 ) ^ do Caleb Strong do 64 ^ ^'"^^ W'" King W- Philips Walter Folger Josiah Barker 70 ^ 62 ^ r Lut Govr 1 - Walter Folger Josiah Barker 71 > \ for Senetor at a meeting duly Notiefyed and warned the Inhabitants of Tisbury met at the western Parish on april 6"' 1812 rS) 4 p m when the following Persons were chosen as Town officers A^iz John Hancock morderator Elijah Hillman Town Clerk sworn Elijah Hillman sworn ■) John Hancock sworn (Selectmen & assesors & over Seers James Cottle sworn ) ^^^ 360 TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. Wm Davis Town Treasurer Sworn by J Davis Sworn Matthew Merrey Constable & collector of western Parish sworn Samuel Claghorn Constable & collector of Eastern Parish ^^"^" L^^l' I Surveyors Highways David Look ) Jira Luce sworn "^ W- Harding sworn ,,^,„ ,1 r Surveyors Lumber W t1 Andrews sworn *^ Trustram Weeks sworn J Samll Claghorn sworn ^ Jonathan Lumbert > fence viewers John Cottle sworn ) the selectmen were chosen a committee to take Into Consideration the demand of the Town of Tisbury against Benj Trasks to sue for the same or settle it in any other way as they may think most for the Towns Intrest meeting then adjourned to the second monday of may at 2 p m at the meeting house in the western Parish 1812 Attest Elijah Hillman Town Gierke Be it remembered that a Certifycate Signed by Abisha Sampson teacher and John & Benj Davis Comittee for the baptist Society in Tis- bury Declaring that Eddy Luce does fequently attend at stated Sea- sons the Religious Worship in their Society and dated April 6 1812 Attest Elijah Hillman Town Clerk 1812 On monday the 11 of May the Inhabitants of Tisbury Met at the Meeting House in the western Parish ageable to the above adjourn- ment and acted as follows Viz Chose Obed Coffin Hog Reave sworn John Cottle do Robert Look do Chose Lot Luce -> Peter Norton . ,. . , , rr. • o , i -n. 1 1 T committee to divide the Town into School Ezekel Luce y -117 in TA • Destricts W'" Davis I W" Furguson J Voted the Sum of four Hundred Dollars for spport Poor Voted three Hundred Dollars for Publick Schools TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 361 Chose Shubal Dunham W" Ferguson Peter Norton John Hancock Noah Waldron James West Chose Peter West Peter Norton Ezekel Luce Meeting then Disolved Attest Elijah IIillman Town Clerk \ School Comittee comittee to Settle with John Hancock Town Treasurer & Transfer the Books to W'" Davis Recently chosen Treasurer On Monday may IP" 1812 Agreeble to Notiefycation the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury met at the Meeting House in the western Parish in Said Town at 3 p m when the votes for Representitives to Represent Said Town in the General Court of the Commonw^ealth to be Holden at Boston on the last wensday of said month were given in as follows Viz for John Hancock 72 for W'" Worth 56 And the said Hancock was accordingly chosen attest Elijah Hillman Toum Clerk Ageable to Notiefycation the Inhabitants of Tisbury Met at the meeting House in the western Parish on monday may the 11 at 4 p m and Drew from the Jurior Boxes the following Persons Viz Thomas Cathcart >| Joseph Allen Sam" Look W" Davis Jethro Athern Freeman Gray Willard Luce Lot Rogers May hew Look J To serve at the court of common Please to be Holden at Edgartown on the 3d tusday of may which is the 19 Inst attest Elijah Hillman Toivn Clerk Grand an Traverse Juriors to serve through the whole year Traverse Juriors 362 TISBUKY TOWIST KECORDS. On Monday the thirteenth day of July 1812 agreeable to notification met to gether at the meeting house in the western parish in Tisbury and did then and there pass the folloAving votes Yiz first John Hancock was chosen Moderator of Said meeting Second Ezekiel Luce chosen Town Clerk was sworn Ezekiel Luce was chosen Selectman in the room of Elijah Hillman who was former Select- man & Town clerk 3rd it put to vote wether the Town would authorise the Selectmen to appoint a watch the Vote negatived then it was Voted the following persons Should be a Committee of Safty for S** Town to act in behalf of Said Town as Circumstances and necessaty requires for the benefit & Security thereof the persons chosen were William Daggett William Down's Lot Luce Jeremiah Manter Edmund Cottle Jabez Smith Peter Norton Francis Norton John Cottle to act for the Safety of Sd town 5 Timothy Luce was Voted to transfer the Town books and documents from Elijah Hill- man to Ezekiel Luce the present Town Clerk it was voted at said meeting that the Selectmen should warn and hold the next town meeting where they Should think best Ezekiel Luce Toicn Clerk At a leagal meeting of the male inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in Dukes County & Commonwealth of Massachusetts qualified as the law directs to vote for Representitive holden at Tisbury on monday the Second day of November A D 1812 for the purpose of giving in there Votes for one representitive in the first Southern Destrict to represent them in the Congress of the united States of america the whole number of Votes given in were sorted counted recorded and declaration thereof made as by law directed and were for the following persons Viz for John Reed Esqr had 50 Vots for Representitive for Isaiah Luccers Green Esqr 54 Vots for Representitive Novr 2 1812 Attest Ezekiel Luce Totvn Clerk At a Leagal meeting of the male inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County & Commonwealth of Massachusetts qualified by the constitution to Vote for Representitive holden on the TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 363 twelvth day of Novr AD 1812 agreeable to a resolve of the general Court of said Commonwealth passed octr 22 1812 for the purpose of choosing four electors in the Southeren district of said Commonwealth for the election of president and Vice President of the United States the whole number of Votes given in were sorted counted Recorded and declaration thereof made as by Said resolve directed and were for the following persons for William Rotch Jr 79 Vots Elector William Heath 79 Joshua Thomas 79 David Scudder 79 Vots for elector John Adams 44 Nathaniel Morton Jr 44 John Davis 44 Joseph Barker 44 Attest EzEKiEL Luce Town Clerk At a leagal meeting duly warned & held at Tisbury Novr 12 1812 for the purpose of choosing a Collector for Collecting the tax made for Samuel Claghorn who was chosen at the annual meeting in april 1812 Said Claghorn being removed out of the Commonwealth and at said meeting John Hencock was chosen Moderator then Matthew Merry was excpted in the room and steed of Samuel Claghorn to fullfill said Claghorn Collection by Vote of the Town Tisbury Nov'" 12 1812 Attest EzEKiEL Luce Town Clerk At a legal meeting duly warned & held at Tisbury In the Eastern Precinct at holmes hole the Thirtyeth Day of November 1812 the Free- holders & other Inhabitants being assembled for to act on the articles to Wit 1st to Chuse a moderator 2d to petition the Legislature of the United States to prohibit the Exportation of Corn and flour during the presant Scarsaty 3'' to petition the Said Legislature that the Nonimportation Act may be rigidly & strictly Enforced against England to prevent Silver & cold from going out of the United States and particularly out of the Town Nov 30"' 1812 Agreeable to Notification the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury aforesaid convened at the time & place set forth In the Notification Town Clerk not present. Voted that Lot Luce preside as Moderator Voted that Shubal Dunham to act as Clerk Pro Tem 364 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted Unanimously that the petison now read and presented to the meeting be Transmited to the Hon Isaiah L Green our Representative In Congress Voted that Shubal Dunham be appointed to take the Same into a new draft and transmit the Same into a new draft and transmit the Same Shubal Dunham Clerk Protem Entered may th 11*" 1813 W^. Davis T Clerk Be it rembered that on the day of this date I was served with a cer- tificate in the following words we the Subscribers of the Sect called Bap- tist in the Town of Tisbury do hereby Certify that Matthew Merry & Tristram Week doth belong to Said Baptist Society and they attend with us in our Stated meetings for religous Worship John Davis \ Ben J Davis > Comtuiitee Clerk W*' Downs ) Tisbury Feb-- 20 1813 Tisbury ss At a meeting duely Notified the Inhabitants met on Wednesday the twenty Fourth Day of march A D 1813 at the Meeting house In the Eastern Parish to Vote by l)allot for the following Persons that is by Law required for Town officers John Hancock Moderator William Davis Town Clerk sworn John Hancock \ Theodothis Persons > Selectmen sworn Mathew Merry ) William Davis Town Treasurer sworn Sworn Presbury Norton Constable Town Excepted Peter Norton thereof in his Stead John Holmes Constable in the Easton Parrish Jirah Luce James Cottle ^ sworn W" Harding Shubal Luce >Survayors of Lumber Tristraim Weeks ) Joseph Chase ^ John Cottle T , T (" Fence Vewers Lot Luce Thomas Cathcart J TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 365 John Cottle \ John Crosby > Hog Reefs Thomas Dunham ) W^ Luce Pound keeper Voted the Sum of Four hundred Dollars to Defray Town Exspences Samuel Look to Inspect Sheep marks when taken of by Dr Silas West Inspector of Glob Salts this meeting ajorn'd to the first monday of may next attest W^^. Davis T Clerk Met according to Ajournment Voted that the Town Treasurer should Issue his warrant against the Delinquent constables after three months according to the returns of the Select mens. It Should be paid In Voted Two hundred Dollars be raised for Town Schools N W ( Freeman Gray > ., , , ^ < ^^ ^^ -^^ > School Committee De c reter ^Norton Jr Noah Waldron Abijah Hamett First S De Noah Walrond Abijah Hammett School Committee School Committee Tisbury ss At a meeting legally Held by the Inhabitants of Said Town at the Meeting house in Holmes hole on monday the First Day of April 1813 For the chose of govner Lieut govner & Senator were as follows Viz For Joseph B Varnum 72 ^ For Caleb Strong 47 > Govner For W" King 1 ) For W'" King 72 ^ Do W"' Phillops 48 > Lieut Govner Do Walter Folger 1 ) For Senator Walter Folger Jr 71 ) „ ^ ^ ^ . , ^ J=' > Senators Do Do Josiah Barker 48 > At a meeting Legally Held by the Inhabitants at the time & place as above mentioned for the chose of county Treasurer For Thomas Jernegen 45 ) ^ ^ rn ^ X , TT > ^„ > County Treasurer For John Hancock 68 5 "^ attest . W-^'. Davis T Clerk Grand travers Jurors 366 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury ss At a meeting Legally held for the Purpose of choosing a Represent- itive on Monday the 10"' Day of May 1813 For to Represent the Said Town In the General Court to be held at Boston on the last Wednesday In May the Qustion was put to Vote whether to Send or not Send the Vote was not to Send attest W-^ Davis T Clerk Tisbury ss at a meeting Legally Warned for the purpose of Drawing Jurors on monday the 10"' Day of May 1813 the Following Persons were Drawn according to Law as Grand and travers Juriors for the Court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third Tues- day of May next Timothy Athearn W^: Pool Benjamin Ranols John Cottle Jabez Luce Mathew Merry ^ Jonathan Mantor Jr I T T i travers Juriors Isaac Luce Obed Coffin J Attest W^. Davis T. Clerk Tisbury ss : Agreeable to the Law of this Commonwealth by Virtue of a petiton of Teen freeholders Inhabitants of Tisbury a meeting was warned on the 10"' of May to held on 15"' of Said month at the Meeting house at Holmes hole for the purpose of chosing a Represenative to represent the Said Town In the General Court to be held at Boston on the Last Wednesday In May the Inhabitants above mentioned met on Said day a motion was made and seconded to Disolve Said meeting and it was a Vote to Disolve Said Meeting Attest W^. Davis T Clerk To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representative of the United States in Congress Assembled Your Memorialist and petistioners Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury and County of Dukes County State of Massachusetts In legal town meeting assembled beg leave to state that your petitioners in conse- TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 367 quence of the War with Great Britain are many of them destitute of employment by being deprived of their real Occupations and the pres- ent high price of bread considerably adds to their embarrasment while your petitioners are dayly obliged to give nearly double the Usual price of bread they see with infeighed Sorrow Vessels dayly carrying Bread stuff (under British Linners) out of the United States to the ports & Countries under the controul of the British Nation & their Armies In return we see the Manufactures of Great Britian filling our ports & Towns thereby aiding our enemies as well as drawing out pecious Metails (now so much wanted in our Country We the Inhabitants of Tisbury do petition the Legislator of our nation that the Exporation of Bread Stuffs may be prohibited during the present Scarsity and in imitation of our Forefathers of the Revolution do request that the Nonimportation Law may be strictly and rigidly enforced against Great Britain which will we believe alleviate many of our Citizens in the price of Bread and find Employment for our own Manufacturing Citizen to the Exclusion of the Manufactures of Enemies, and will also keep the Specia In our Country your Memmorialists beg leave further to Remark that no Nation (to our Knowledge) even become a great maratime power Untill they could manufacture for themselves no nation that ever admited British goods to be Imported amongst them without some restriction but what Expe- rienced a decline In their own Manufactories a scarcity of specia fre- quently a dismemberment of their Empire Wherefore your Memmoralist & petitioners for the reason before mentioned do request that the above petition if consistant with the national welfare may be carried into Effect — Your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray Lot Luce moderatoi- Shubal Dunham clerk May 13th 1813 Recorded W-^' Davis To7m Clerh Be It Remembered that on the Day of this Date I was served with A Certificate In the Following words We the Subscribers Oliver Tilton Belcher Athearn Committee of the Congregation Union Society Do Certfy that Timothy Luce of Tisbury Doth belong to Said Society Dated this 31^* of May 1813 Oliver Tilton • committee Belcher Athearn > William Davis Town Clerk 368 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Be it rememered that on the Day of this Date I was Served with a certificate In the following words We Certify that Stephen Luce of the Town of Tisbury Is a member of the Religious Society In the Town of Chilmark called the Congregation Union Society Dated this 1'^ Day of July A D 1813 attest W':'. Davis Tcnvn Clerk ) Timothy Luce ) 5 Oliver tilton > Committee Tisbury ss At a meeting leagally Held by the Inhabitants of Said Town at the Meeting house in holmes hole on monday the 26 Day of July A D 1813 For to Chuse an Agent to Defend a Suit brought by the Inhabitants of Edgartown For the Support of a negro woman as sot forth in the Decrelation of Said Writ Vot John Hancock Moderator Voted John Hancock to act as agent in behalf of the Town of Tis- bury to Defend sd Suit against the Inhabitants of Edgartown ; the agent Is also Autherised by the Town to Appear by him Self or Atterney In any Court proper to try the Same and also to Settle It by Referance or by Compromising with the plantiff & to Imploy If thought Proper Some Person to Examin the law of this Commonwealth If thought Nes- sarary for the benifit of Said Town Attest William Davis Town Clerk Tisbury July 20 - A D 1813 Be It Remembered that on the Day of this Date I was Served with a certificate In the Following words AVe the Subscribers John Davis Ben- jamin Davis Committee Thomas Cathcart Clerk of Said Baptist Society in the town of Tisbury Do hereby Certify that James Cottle of Tisbury Doth belong to Said Society and has Contributed to the Suport of the Baptist Teachers Ever Since the year 1810 and that he when Able attends with us In our Stated Meetings for Religous Worship Dated Aug 23-1813. Entered October 3 - 1813 John Davis > .,/ S committee Benjamin Davis ) W" Davis Toivn Clerk Thomas Cathcart Clerk Tisbury October 13-1813 At a leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Agre- able to Venira from the Court of Pleas & Sessions to be holden at Ed- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 369 gartown on the First monday In November the following Persons were Drawn to Serve as Travers Juriors at said Court Warren Luce Jethro liilmon Peter Norton Presbury Norton William Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury. Duly Warned and held at Holmes hole In Said Town on monday 14:"' of Febuary A D 1814 for the purpose of petitioning to Congress to have Imbargo Law molified so far as It respects this Island 1st Vot John Hancock Moderator 2d Vot that they petition Congress to molify sd Embargo Law Vot Peter West Thomas Dunham & Seth Daggett as a Comittee to droy a petition. Meeting Ajorned one hour — the petition presented & Read thrue Voted Unanimously that the petition now read and pre- sented to the Meeting, be Transmited to the Hon John Reed our Repre- sentative in Congress Vot that the Town Clerk Transmit the Same to Hon. John Reed our Representative In Congress Voted that Peter West Edmund Cottle & Richard Luce be a Committee to Treat with the other Town In this County & present them with a Coppy of Said petition For their Consideration Attest William Davis Toimi Clerk Be it remembered that on the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certificate In the following words We Certify that Edmund Cottle Doth belong to the First Baptist Society In Tisbury and that he frequently attends with us at our Stated Meeting for Religious Worship John Davis > V comunttee Benjamin Davis > Thomas Cathcart Clerk Tisbury Feb'- 22 - 1814 Attest W Davis T Clerk To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representitives of the United States In Congress Assembled We the memorialists petitioners Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury County of Dukes County and Com- monwealth of Massachusetts on the Island of Marthas Vinyard aforesaid are In Consequence of the Embargo Law Restricted to the Vineyard 370 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Sound Bays and Creeks their adjoining In consequence of which our Oil Salt wool and Other domestic Articles and Manufactures are cut off from their usual markit of New York & Connecticut their being no markit within our limmitts In Consequence of which wee your petitioners are Deprived of the Necessaries of life and Employment for our Fisherman •and Small Craft wee the Inhabitants aforesaid do petition the legeslature of our Nation that the Embargo law may be so modified that wee can have a communication by water with the State of New York & Con- necticut so far as Relates to the Above Articles of Export and to bring back In return Bread Stuff and all the other Articles of Necessity for the use of our Families under such Restrictions and regulations As the Legeslature and presadant of the United States may In their Wisdom direct and your petitioners In Duty bound will Ever pray, attest William Davis 'Toivn Clerk Voted, that the Town Clerk transmit the Same to John Reed Esq Our Represenative In Congress attest W^'. Davis) Town Clerk Tisbury ss. At a meeting legally Held by the Inhabitants of Said Town at the Meeting house in Tisbury - on monday the Fourth Day of April A D 1814 For the Chose of Govner and Lieut. Govrner and Sen- ator, and Yotesfor the Following Persons were given In Counted Sorted record & Decleration there of Mad Viz For Samuel Dexter Esqr For Caleb Strong Esqr I' S for govner < 2 ) For William Gray Esqr For William Phillops Esqr 96 ) -r- ^ /< V Lieut Govner For Walter Folger Jr »^^ Senator For Albert Gardner attest W^' Davis Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting Duly Notified and held at the time and place above mention for the Chose of Town Offerees, as the Law Directs Vot John Hancock Moderator W" Davis Town Clerk Sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 371 John Hancock ^ Jirah Luce > Selectmen and Assessors Sworn Mathew Merry ) Wt. Davis Town Treasurer Joseph Harnett ? constables Jeabez Smith ) Richard Luce \ Jonathan Luce ^ Survayors of highways David Look ) Jirah Luce ^ Timothy Luce > Survayors of Lumber Sworn W" harding ) Peter Norton ^ Samuel Look | John Cottle V Fence Viewers John Holmes ^ , / nog Malica Luce W- Dunham > -„ I -r r ^ , C Reeves Josep Allen J John Crosby ) William Luce Pound keeper John Hancock ^ a Committee to Regulate the Jury Boxes ; George Athearn i and also to make Sale of property belonging Ezekiel Luce ) to porpers of Said Town &c Said Meeting Ajorned to the First Monday of May 1814 Town met agreeable to ajornment John Hancock Moderator 1 Voted Two $200. hundred Dollars For Town Schools 2 Voted Five $500. hundred Dollars to Defray Town Expences school Committes Samuel Claghorn ) ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ) Peter Norton Jr I ^^^^ -^ Lothrop Merry > ) Abijah Gray ) Peter Norton > ^^^^^ j,^^^ ^^^ Jonathan Lumbert ) ^ g^^^^^^ Joseph Chase ) John Hancock they then Ajorned to the last monday of May at two of the clock Meet According to Ajornment, and Accepted Jabez Smith. In Stead of Joseph Harnett, Eastern Parish as Collector of taxes. Attest W^. Davis Totvn Clerk Tisbury May 30"^ 1814 At a meeting Legally held for the purpose of chosing a Represena- tive on Monday the 2"' Day of May 1814 For to Represenate the Said 372 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. toun In the General Court to be held at Boston on the last Wednesday In May the Question was Put to Vote whether to Send or not Send, the Vote was not to Send Attest W^' Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting legally warned for the purpose of Drawing Juriors on Monday the 2 Day of May 1814 the Following Persons Drawn According to law" as Grand and traves Juriors For the Court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the Third Tuesday of May Next Edmund Cottle W'" Furgason Elijah Luce )■ Grand travis Juriors. John Baxter John Holmes Ebenezer Jones "j Peter Norton Jt AbijahGray " ^ Travis Juriors Ben jam Athearn J Attest W^ Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At A meeting leagally warn on 19"' of September A D 1814 by Virtue of Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be holden at Barnstable on the Fourth Tuesday of Sept Next the following persons were Drawn Viz Joseph Hamett ) Grand & Travis Phllop Luce y Travis Jurior attest W-^' Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a meeting legaly warned & held at Holmes hole In Tisbury on the 7 Day of November 1814 the Following Votes were Given In for A Representative In the Congress of the United States; for the Barnstable District, to wit For Joseph Dimock 27 twenty Seven For John Reed 21 twenty-one Tisbury November 7"' 1814 Attest W Davis Totim Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 373 Tisbnry ss. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury Agreable to Venira from the Curcuit Court of Common Pleas to be holden At Edgartown on the Second Monday of November Next the Following persons were Drawn to Serve As travers Juriors at sd Court Viz John Davis Jr ^ Zachariah Smith I m- ^u A i.u • r Travers Juriors Timothy Athearn Lothrop Merry Tisbury November 7^!' 1814 Attest W^ Davis Toum Clerk At a legal Meeting held At the time & place Above Mentioned for the purpose of chusing A Selectman In the room of John Hancock Re- moved Secondly to Chuse a town Agent to answer to an Inditement Against our S'd Town found by the Grand Jurors of the County of Dukes County at last may term for not keeping the public road in lawful Repair that lead from lumberts Cove to Tisburys Meeting house and Also to Chuse an Agent In Behalf of Said town to answer to the Peti- tion of Abijah Hamett & Samuel Hancock In behalf of our Sd town Said Petitioners have petitioned that the public road that lead from Lamberts Cove to Tisbury be stopt'd by Gaits & Bars &c Voted Peter West Moderator of Sd Meeting Sec Vot ; Barnid Luce Selectman In the Rom of John Hancock Voted Peter Norton Agent, In Defence of Indictment Voted Jeremiah Mantor Agent In Defence of having the public Road Stoped by Gaits and Bars It was the Vote of the town not to have the way that Leads by Abi- jah Hametts Stoped by Gaits an Bars ; Tisbury november 7"' 1814 attest Wt. Davis Toiim Clerk Be It Rememered on the Day of the Date hereof I was Served with a Certificate In the following words We Certfy that Aaron Look & John Look of the Town of Tisbury Is members of the Religious Society In the Town of Chilmark Called the Congregation Union Society Dated this 10'" Day of November A D 1814 Norton Bassett ) ^i •„ > Committee Jekemiah Pease Attest W^ Davis Town Clerk 374 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. Tisbnry ss By Virtue of A Petition of Ten freeholders Inhabitants of Tisbury A meeting was warned to be holden on Monday the 12 Day of Deacember at 1 2 of the Clock In the western Meeting house to Act on the Following Articles Yiz First to Chuse A Moderator 2*^ to See what Measures the Town Shall Adopt. Respecting the poot of said Town 3'^ to Chuse A Committee to Examen town accounts & to make Sale of property Belonging to paupers and to Act on others matters & things Proper to be Done at Said Meeting First Voted Ezekial Luce Moderator 2d Voted John Gray & Elijah Hillman Assistant overseers 3'' Voted Francis Norton Elijah Hillman & Jeremiah Mantor, As Committee to Examin Town Accounts And Also to make Sale of prop- perty belonging to paupers of Said Town & make Returns of their Doings to the Next Anual Meeting attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury Deacember 12"' A D 1814 Be It rememered on the Day of the Date I was Sarved with a Cer- tificate In the following words We the Subscribers Committee of the Baptist Society Do Certify that Shubel Merry of Tisbury Doth belong to Said Society and that he Attends with us in our Stated Meetings for Religious Worship Dated October 17"' 1814 John Davis > yy ... Benjamin Davis ) Attest W^' Davis Town Clerh We Certify that James Rogges of the Town of Tisbury Is A Mem- ber of the Religious Society In the town of Chilmark Called the Con- gregtion Union Society Dated this 10"' Day of November A D 1814 Jeekmiah Pease > ^ .,, Com nut fee Norton Bassett Entered this 15"' Day of March A D 1815 Attest W^. Davis Town derive Tisbury ss, At A legal meeting Duly Notified for the Purpose of Chusing All such Town Officers as are required by Law In the Eastern Parrish on monday the 20"' of March A D 1815, And also to take Into Consideration the Expedience of Building a house to Accomadate the poor of Sd Town First Voted by ballot Thomas Dunham Moderator TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 375 2'' W"! Davis Town Clerk sworn 3'' Yot Abijah Harnett ^ Mathew Merry V Selectmen & Over Sears of Poor Sworn Jirah Luce ) 4*^ Yot W" Davis Town Treasurer 5 Vot John Cottle Constable West parrish Yot Prience Rogges Jonathan Luce & Lot Luce Jonathan Lumbert Serveyors of highway Yoted Tristram Weeks Jirah Luce Barzila Luce Do of Lumber Yote Joseph Allen Shubal Dunham Malica Luce Abijah Athearn Fence Yeyors Yoted Thomas Cathcart Thomas Mantor Lot Luce Zenus Dillingham Isaac Luce Josep Look Tythingman Yoted Zenas Dillingham Malica Luce Robert Look hog Reefs Yot. WV.' Luce pound keeper Yot to build a house for the Poor Yot Ezekiel Luce Jonathan Lumbert Peter Norton Jr W™ Furgeson Peter Norton Jabez Smith, Thomas Mantor Warren Luce School Com- mittee, For the Several Districts Yot Samuel Claghorn Committee on Accounts J. Mantor Yot that the Select men Insert In the Warrent a Committe & board of health to be Chosen at the Ajornment Meeting Ajorned to the first monday of april 2 O Cloch p m attest W"' Davis Town Clerk The town Meet According to Ajornment on monday the Third Day of April at 2 o clock p m and acted on the Following Artiles to Wit John Davis Moderator 1 Yoted Five Hundred Dollars to Defray town Expences & Support the Poor of sd Town 2^^ Yot Twoo hundred Dollars For Town Schools 3*^ Reconsidered the vote to build a house for the Poor 4 Yoted Elijah Hilman Francis Norton and Samuel Claghorn, A Committee to Sell the Property of Town paupers real or Personal by Deed or otherwise to the best Advantage of sd Town 5 Yoted Peter Norton Shubal Dunham & Elijah Hilman a committee to Defend or commence all Sutes of Law whatever for or against Said town 376 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 6 Voted Elijah Ililman Peter West George Athearn Esqr W"" Dag- gett & Shubal Dunham As a Bord of health & als to Call In a phisesian if JVessary Sd Meeting ajoiirned to 12'" of Sd Month W^. Davis Clerk Tisbury ss At A legal Meeting held by the Inhabitants of Said town at the Meeting house In holmes hole on Monday the third Day of April A D 1815 For the Chose of Govner Lieut Govner and Senator and Votes for the Following Persons were given In Counted Sorted Record and Declaration thereof Made Viz Govner r Samuel Dexter Eighty Seven 87 For } Caleb Strong Thirty nine 39 ( W'" Phillops two 2 Lieut Gov r W!i^. Gray. Eghty Six 86 For ) Wi" Phillops, Thirty Nine 39 ( Walter Folger Jr one 1 Samuel Dexter one 1 Senator y ( Walter Folger Jr. Eighty three 83 c Josiah Barker thirty Seven 37 W'" Gray one 1 Attes W^. Davis Clerk Tisbury ss At A meeting leagal holder on Monday the third Day of April A D 1815 Meeting house In holmes hole For the purpose of Giv- ing In their Votes for A County Treasurer Voted John Davis Esq"" Moderator Voted For C County Treasurer \ Thomas Jerngan Thirty one 31 ' John Hancock Sixty Four 64 Attest W.^ Davis 7oivn Clerk Meet According to Ajornment of our Annual meeting on whensday 12"' of April 1815 Voted Francis Norton Moderator 2'^ Vot John Cottle Constable & Collector TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 377 3'' Vote James Cottle Collector of Taxes (sworn) Eastern Parrish 4 Vot Lot Luce, Isaac Luce, Zachariah Smith, Charles Look and Jer- emiah Mantor Tythingman) and Sworn 5 Voted Barnid Luce, Joseph Allen, Shubal Dunham Malica Luce Mathew Manter (Fence Vewers) 6 Oliver Crosby Whitten Manter Barnid Luce David Smith hog reefs 7 Vot Ezekiel Luce Jonathan Lumbert Peter Norton Jr W^ Fur- geson Peter Norton Jabez Smith Thomas Mantor Warren Luce Zacha- riah Smith School Comittees Said Meeting Ajorned to the first Monday of May Next at 2 of the Clock p m attest W- Davis Town Clerk Meet According to Ajorment of Our Annual Meeting on monday V of May A D 1815 Francis Norton Moderator 1'' Reconsidered the Vote of John Cottle as Constable 2'' Voted Malica Luce Constabe & Collector sworn 3'' Joseph Chase Fence Vewers sworn on the day of the Date I was Served with a Certifacate in the fol- lowing word to Wit We Certify that John Crosby of the town of Tis- bury is a member of the Religous Society in the Town of Tisbury Called, Baptist, Febuary 22*^ 1816 John Davis Benjamin Davis W^ Davis Town Clerk Committe Tisbury ss. At A meeting leagal held for the purpose of Chusing A Repyesenative on Monday the 1 Day of May A D 1815. for to represent the Said Town In the General Court to be held at Boston on the last Wensday of May After Due Consideration, the Vote was not to Send a Represenative the presant year Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury held on Tuesday the 9tl' 1815 Agreable to Venira from the Curcuit Court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third Monday of May A D 1815 the Following Persons wore Drawn According to law to Serve as Grand Jurers & Jurers on Trial Viz 378 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Barzillia Luce Ezekiel Luce Tristraim Weeks V Grand Jurers John Crosby Jonathan Athearn Jr J Prince Rogges ^ John Lumbert \ rj -rw-iT u c Jurers on Trials Zenus Dimngham j David Smith J Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss : At a leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury Holden in the Eastern parish on monday the 18"' Day of Sep- tember A D 1815 for the purpose of Chusing A Select man. In the Sted of Mr Jirah Luce Resigned First Voted Thomas Dunham Moderator Second Voted Silas West Select man, Attest W^. Davis Totvn Clerk Tisbury ss At a leagal Meeting warned & held on Monday 18"' Day of September AD 1815 by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be Holden at Barnstable on the Fourth Tuesday of this presant Month the Following persons were Drawm Viz David Smith Jr ) Juror on Trials Hovey Luce ) Grand & Traves Juror Attest W-' Davis Toivn Clerke Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting warned & held on Thersday the 26*'' Day of October A D 1815 by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be held at Edgartown on the Second monday of November Nex insuing, the Following Persons w^ere Drawn to Serve as Jurors on Trials Viz Jonathan Athearn ^ W- Merry ^,, . , ,,^,„ T 1 r Jurors on I rials WtI Look Shubal Luce J attest W^'. Davis Toivn Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 379 Be it remembered that on the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certificate in the following words Viz "We Certify that Noah Waldron of the town of Tisbury is a member of the Religous Society in the Town of Tisbury Called Baptist John Davis } Committee Benjamin Davis ) Tisbury Febr 25th 1816 Attest W^ Davis Town Clerk Be it remembered that on the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certifacate in the following words Viz We Certify that Warren Cleve- land of the town of Tisbury is a member of the Religous Society in the town of Tisbury called baptist Dated this 8"> Day of March A D 1816 John Davis Benjamin Davis Attest W- Davis Town Clerk Committee Tisbury ss At a leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury, Holden on Monday the 18 Day of March AD 1816 for the purpose of Chusing all Such Town Officers as is by Law Required 2*^ to raise a Sum of Money to Support the poor and other Insidential Charges & also a Sum for public Schools for the Currant year & Chuse an Agent of the Town See Cause & otherwise some persons to hire a house for the poor of Sd Town first Voted Jabez Luce Moderator of Sd Meeting Voted W^; Davis Town Clerk sworn r Abijah Hammitt -^ sworn Vote < Matthew Merry i Selectmen ( Lothrop Merry ) sworn Vot W-. Davis Town Treasurer Vot Abijah Athearn Constable Vot Edmund Clowell Collector sworn Robert Look ^ sworn Vot Jonathan Luce 2*^ > Survayors of highways Samuel Claghorn ) Vot Tristraim Weeks ) o -c t i ^. , ^ ^ V Survayors of Lumber limothy Luce Jr > 380 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Vot Barnard Luce ) sworn ^ Sworn Malica Luce ^ Fence V ewers Lot Luce Sworn -^ John Crosby \ Jonathan Mantor sworn > hog Reefs Partlett Pease ) Vot W"; Luce pound keeper sworn Vot Elijah Hilman Shubal Dunham W~ Daggett Jeremiah Mantor George Athearn Health Committee Voted, the Sum of Two Hundred and Seventy five i|275 Dollars to pay Mr John Hancock and to be Assesed in a Seperate bill for his use Votd the Sum of Eight Hundred Dollars to Defray |800 Town Ex- pends & Support the poor of Sd Town g Votd the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars for public Schools Vot. the Select men to hire a house for the poor of Sd Town Said Meeting Ajorned to the first Monday of april at 3 oclock p m Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk On the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certificate In the fol- lowing words, "We Certify that Benjamin Athearn of the Town of Tis- bury is a member of the Religous Society in the town of Tisbury Called Baptist Dated this 22"' Day of March A D 1816 John Davis > Commiffee Benjamin Davis ) Attest W^. Davis Towji Clerk On the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certifacate in following words. We Certify that Benjamin Rogges of the Town of Tisbury is A member of the Religous Society in the Town of Tisbury Called Baptist John Davis Commiffee March 22"' A D 1816 Benjamin Davis of Said Sociefy attest William Davis 7hnjn Gierke On the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certilicate in the follow words We Certify that Francis Norton of the Town of Tisbury is a member of the Religous Society in the Town of Tisbury Called Baptist Dated at Tisbury this 27"' Day of March A D 1816 Signed John Davis ) ^ ... ^ \ Commiffee Benjamin Davis ) Attest W- Davis Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 381 Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury Holden in the western Parrish on Monday the first Day of april A D 1816 For the Chose of Govner Lieut Govner & Senator and Also County Regester & County Treasurer, Votes for the following persons : were Given In Counted Sorted Recorded & Decleration thereof Made Viz For Govner I ^^" Samuel Dexter Sixty Three 63 5 Gen John Brooks Fifty Five 55 Lieut Gov ^ Hon W"' King Sixty Five 65 5 Hon W° Phillops Fifty Four 54 Solomon Freeman Esqr Sixty-one Senator Thaddeus Coffin Esqr Fifty-two At the Chose of County Regestor & County Treasurer Voted Jabez Luce Moderator in Said Chose & Vote were Givin In for the following persons Viz County Reggester ) Samuel Smith Sixty Four 64 County Treasurer ) Thomas Jernegan 42 forty two Attest W- Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss Met According to our ajorment of our Anual Meeting (Moderator present) at 3 oclock p, M. the town Accept of W^, Lumbert as Constable In the Room & Stead of Abijah Athearn Chose as Constable Vote John Cottle ) Fence Vewers Joseph Allen ) Sworn ^^ ^^ " i School Committee Peter Norton > Vot Elijah Ililman E parish John Holmes School Committe Voted Jonathan Lumbert ^ Barnid Luce > School Committee Thomas Butler ) Vot Jabez Smith > o i. i /-i ,_ , ^^ } School Committe Matthew Merry ) Voted Jeremiah Mantor & W^, Davis Town Agents to Defend all Sutes at Law or Commence any Sutes in behalf of Said Town in any Court of Lay proper to Determine the Same Voted Ezekiel Luce \ Elijah Hilman > Committee on Accounts Thomas Dunham ) 382 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted 'Timothy Luce Jr constable sworn Voted Jonathan Mantor Survayor of high ways Tisbury April 1^^' 1816 Attest V^l Davis Toion Cherk On the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certifacate in the fol- lowing words. We Certify that Jonathan Look & Seth Look of the town of Tisbury Is members of the Religious Society in the town of Tisbury Called the Congregation Union Society Dated this 22*" Day of April A D 1816 Signed Timothy Luce Stephen Luce Cominittee attest W^i Davis Cleric Tisbury ss At A leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on Monday the Thirteenth Day of May 1 O Clock P. M for the purpose of Chusing a Representative to Represent them at the General Court appointed to be holden at Boston on the last monday of May Voted Unamamous not to Send a Representive the Currant Year Attest W^i Davis Town GJerh Tisbury ss at a leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on Monday the 18''' Day of May A D 1816 Agreeable to Venira from the Circuit Court of Common please to be holden at Edgar- town on the third Monday of May 1816 the following persons were Drawn According to Law to serve as Grand Jurors & Jurors on Trials Viz Abijah Athern a Mathew Luce i David Look \ Grand Jurors Freeman Gray Benjamin Coffin Williard Luce I Timothy Chase Jr T- -r , Jurors Isaac Luce on Thomas Mantor ( ^ . , J Trials Tisbury ss At A leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants Aforesaid warned of Monday the 23 Day of September A. D. 1816 by Virtue of a Venira TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 383 from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be holden at Barnstable on the fourth Tuesday of September Next And the following persons were Drawn Viz W^? Dunham Grand and Travis. W"! Harding Travis Juror attest W":^. Davis Town QUrh Tisbury ss At a legal meeting warned and held at Tisbury on Mon- day the 28 day of October for the following purposes 1'' to Chuse a Mod- erator 2'" to Lay before the town a List of Persons for their Inspection for Jurors at Barnstable & Edgarton whether the town will accept them or not 3'' to See what method the town will atlopt Respecting Negro Pomps Support Whether the town will Chuse an Agent and prosi- cute the Estate of Samuel Cob or Received him as a town pauper 1'' Voted Jabez Luce Moderator 2'' Vote, The Sd List of Jurors Laid before the Town to be put in the Boxes Tisbury ss at the Time above mentioned by Virtue of Vanira from the Clerk of our Circuit Court of Commonpleeas to be holden at Edgar- town on the Second Monday of November Next Insuing and the follow- ing persons were Drawn out of the box as the Law Directs Viz. Jethro Hillman ^ Mathew Lumbert T 4.1 T I i i Travis Jurors on Trial Jonathan Lumbert Peter Norton 3'' J Attest' W^\ Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on monday the 4 of November 1816 for the purpose of Giving in their Votes for A Representative of the people of Said Com- monwealth in the first Southern District in the Congress of the United States, & Votes for the following persons were Given In Sorted Counted & Decleration thereof made Viz xp ^ Hon John Reed Eight 8 c Hon Walter Folger Jr Eleven 11 Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury holden on Monday the 27 Day of January A D 1817 for the pur- pose of Givin in there Votes for a Representative of the people of Sd Commonwealth in the Barnstable District in the Congress of the United 384 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. States, & Votes for the following persons were Given In Sorted, Counted & Declaration thereof made Viz 1^ ) Hon. Thadeus Coffin Seven 7 l^or J^ > Hon. Walter Folger Jr Five 5 Attest W^ Davis Toivn Clerk Tisbury, ss. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Holden in the Eastern parish on Monday the 17 Day of March 1817 for the purpose of Chusing all Such Town Offerees As is by Law Required and to take into Consideration the Mode that Shall be for the Support of Negro Pomp and also to take the Vote of the town whether the town Meetings Shall be holden in the Eastern parrish Every year after this Date and Also to Rais a Som of Money to Defray town Ex- pences & public schools 1*^ Voted John Davis Esqr Moderator 2'' Voted we Davis Town Clerk 3'' Voted Silas West ^ Jabez Smith V Select men David Look ) 4'' Voted W'" Davis Town Treasurer 5*^ Voted the Treasurer to Call up to Settlement all Delinquit Col- lectors 6'' Voted Richard Luce Constable sworn would not Accept 7'' Voted Jonathan Luce Jr Constable sworn & Collector E. p. 8'' Voted John Davis Jr Constable & Collector W. P. Jonathan Mantor Jr -> Mallchi'Luce ■■ | S^^ye--^ "f high ways Jeremiah Mantor J Voted Elijah Hillman Voted Barzilia Luce \ Sworn Tristraim Weeks > Survayers of Lumber W!^: Harding ) Malachi Luce Samuel Look Voted Lot Luce Abijah Hammett Francis Norton Abijah Gray Fence Vewers TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 385 Voted Jeremiah Mantor ^ Malichi Luce [ Barzilia Luce [ ^«- ^^^^^^ Lot Luce J Voted Elijah HiUman Shubal Dunham George Athearn W" Daggett Peter West Peter Norton & Francis Norton a health Committee the Vote was taken wheather to hold the Meetings in the Eastern parrish all the time or not and was not a Vote Meeting Ajorned to the first monday in April at 3' p m Attest W^. Davis Toion Clerk Meet According to Ajornment Moderator presant l'" Voted & Reconsiderated John Davis Jr being Constable 2'' Voted John Crosby Constable & Collector, sworn Voted the Sum of Eight Hundred Dollars for Support of the poor Voted the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars for town Schools Vote the Select men to hire a house for the poor or not as they think propper Voted Jeremiah Mantor Thomas Dunham & Peter Norton agents to Supreintend the planes (So Called) or Sile them Voted James Cottle Selectman in Rom of Silas west sworn Voted Peter Norton Thomas Dunham & Belcher Athearn Committee on Accounts & to Settle with the Town Treasuer and Report at the Representative Meeting Voted Edmund Crowell John Holmes school Committee Voted Malichi Luce Jabez Smith school Committee Vote Jonathan Lumbert & Abijah Hammett Do Voted Stephen Luce Freeman Gray school Committee Voted the Sum of one hundred Dolars for Insidental Charges Voted W'i; Cottle Peter West W^! Downs Isaac Luce Jeremiah Man- tor David Look Abijah Gray and Mahchi Luce Tythingman Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury Qahfied by the Constitution to Vote for Governor & Lieutenant Governor & Senator — Holden in the Eastern parrish of Sd Town on Monday the Seventh Day of April A D 1817 for the purpose of Givin in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor Senator & County Treas- urer & Votes were Given in for the following persons Counted Sorted and Declaration Thereof made Viz 386 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Governor For ) Henery Dearborn Forty Three 43 John Brooks Thirty Four 34 Lieut Governor For William King Forty Two 42 William Phillips Jr Thirty four 34 Senator For ) Solomon Freeman Forty Four 44 ) Thaddeus Coffin Thirty One 31 County Treasurer For ) W"r! Jernegan Jr Esqr 39 Votes Attest Wr. Davis Town Clerk Be it rememered that on the Day of the Date I was Served with a Certificate in Following words We the Subscribers Certify that May hew Norton Presbury Norton & Peter Norton Jr of the Town of Tisbury is Members of the Religious Society in the town of Tisbury Called Baptist John Davis > Corn^nittee Benjamin Davis > Attest W'^ Davis Toimi Clerk Tisbury April 20"' 1817 Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury holden on Thursday the first Day of May A D 1817 In the East- ern parish for the purpose of Given in theire Votes for A Representative of the people of Said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States of America ; for the Barnstable District & Votes for the following per- sons were Given In Sorted Counted & Declaration there of Made Viz r Hon Walter Folger Jr Thirty Six 36 For ) Hon John Reed Twelve 12 C Attest W^^A Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal meeting warned & hild in the Eastern parish on Thirsday the first Day of May 1817 to take the mind of the people whether they will send a representative to the General Court of this Commonwealth and the Vote was not to Send Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury May 1^^ 1817 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 387 Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on Monday the 5^" Day of May A D 1817 Agreable to Venira from the Clerk of the Curcuit Court of Commonpleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third Monday of May A D 1817 the following per- sons were down out of the Box According to Law to Sirve as Grand & Travis Jerers Viz Athern Mantor >> Eddy Luce Lot Luce V Grand Jurors Jeremiah Mantor | Benjamin Raynold J Matthew Merry ^ Nathan Smith Jabez Luce Edmund Crowell J Attest W^ Davis Town Clerk Jurors on Trials Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury holden on Wensday the 25 day of June in the Eastern parrish to Act on the following articles to wit 1'' to Chuse a Moderator 2'' to chuse a town agent to defend aney Suits at Law that may be pending against Sd town in respecting town paupers 3'' to See if the town will adopt some method to regulate the herring & other fisheries within Sd town 1'^ Voted Thomas Duham Moderator 2'^ Voted Thomas Dunham agent 3'' Voted a Committee to Draft a Mamorial to Lay bef or our Legeslator respecting the herring fisherring ; Voted Thomas Dunham Thomas Butler & Jabez Smith a Committee to Draft a peetition c% Lay it before the town Voted the Selectmen to prosecute any person that Obstruct the herring fishing by Saine other- wise. Meeting ajorned to the 3 Monday of July at 4 of the Clock Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants holden In the Eastern parish in Tisbury on the 25 Day of June 1817 at 3 oclock p m. to act on the following Articles Viz To chuse a Moderator 2'' T chuse a town agent to defend any suits at Law that are now or May be bending against Sd town in regard to maintaining town paupers 3'' to See if the 388 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. town will adopt some method to regulate the herring & other fisheries within Sd town 1"^ Voted Thomas Dunham Moderator 2'' Vote Thomas Dunham Voted a committee to Draft A Mamoriel to Our Legislator respecting the herring fisheries Voted Thomas Dunham Thomas Butler & Jabez Smith a committee to draft a petition & Lay it before the Town Voted the Selectmen to prosecute Aney Person that Obstructs the herring fishing by Sane or otherwise this Meeting ajorned to the 3 Monday of July at 4 of the Clock p m. Meet According to Ajornment the report of the Committee Accepted Voted that the Town Clerk Sind the report & papers to the Senater of the District to be by him Laid before the General Court at their next Session Meeting Ajorned to the first Monday in September at 3 p m Thomas Dunham Clerk pro tem July 21^* 1817 W^. Davis Toion Clerk Tisbury ss At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury holden in the Eastern parish on the 21 Day of July A D 1817 to Chuse a Constable & Collector in the western parish in the stead of M"" John Crosby removed Voted Freeman Gray Constable Meeting adjorned to the 24"' Meet According to adjornment Voted Jabez Luce Constable in the Stead & room of Freeman Gray W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a Leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury holden on the 10 Day of September 1817 in the Eastern parish 1'' to Chuse a Moderator 2*^' to See if the town will choose an agent to defend a suit at law now depending between the town of Tisbury & John Hancock Esqr of Chilmark or point out Some other way to Settle the Same Voted Wf; Davis & Jeremiah Mantor Committee to Settle with Mr John Hancock & See what is Due him. Meeting Adjorned to the 24 of Sd month Meet According to Adjornment & the Committee reported that the ballance Due from Sd town to John Hancock for All Accounts & money hired to be one Hundred & thirty four Dollars fifty Cents which Sum of TISBURY TOWK RECORDS. 389 Money the S'' Hancock refuses to Accept of, but Demands, Twenty Six Dollars more which Sum he has paid for a Law suit that has been com- menced for the Above Sum & the Expense of Sd writ & Service |4-50 cent more Voted that the Committee Settle with Mr John Hancock the Above Sum of one Hundred & thirty foure Dollars & fifty Cents & the Charges Above mentioned Voted the Selectmen to Draft an Order on the town on Intrest to pay M;^. John Hancock his Demands Sept 24^' 1817 Attest W^. Davis Toivji Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants holden of the 24 of September of the town of Tisbury for the Chose of Jurors by Virtue of A Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be holden at barnstable on the fourth Tuesday of September Next and the following persons were drawn Viz Oliver Crosby Grand Juror & Thomas Cathcart Travis Juror September 24"' 1817 Attest W'^ Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury by Virtue of Venira from the Clerk of Our circut of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the Second Monday of November Next Insuing and the following persons were Drawn out of the box as the Law- Directs Viz William Lumbert ^ Joseph Allen . ^ r^ . ^ Timothy Luce Jr \ ^^^^i^ J^^ors on Trials Whitten Mantor J the above Meeting was holden on the 19 of October A D 1817 attest W^ Davis Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden in the eastern parish 13"' Day of Deacember 1817 for the purpose of Chusing a Constable & Collector in the place of Jonathan Luce Jr Voted David Look Moderator Voted the Meeting be Disolved without Day Attest Dec'f: 13*" 1817 W^:^ Davis Toivn Clerk 390 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbiiry for the purpose of Chus all such Officers as the Law reqired and also to raise a Sum of money for Town School & Support the poor & other Insitential Charges holden in the western parish on Monday the 23'' Day of March 1818 at 2 Oclock P. M 1'' Voted John Davis Esqr Moderator 2^' Votd W'l: Davis Town Clerk sworn 3'' Vote Georg:e Athearn •\ > Selectmen V overseers of Poor i Survayers of highway;- Jabez Smith Elijah Ilillman Voted Peter Norton Beamed Luce Elijah Hillman Thomas Dunham John Davis Esqr 4'' Voted Jonathan Luce Jr Constable sworn Nathan Smith Constable & Collector sworn Vote John Cottle David Look Oliver Crosby Voted Thomas Dunham Town Treasurer sworn Thomas Mantor W5-! Cottle Voted Wt! Downs Clemant Vincent Jabez Luce John Cottle James West Elijah Ilillman Voted Shubal Dunham W'l: Daggett Do George Athearn W!^ Cottle tythingmen health Committee J Vote Bartlett Pease Lot Luce Jonathan Mantor Willard Luce ) hog reeifs Vote Nathan Smith Lot Luce ) Survayer wood Voted James Cottle Timothy Luce Jr & Shubal Luce Survay of Lumber Voted Lot Luce Malachi Luce & Jonathan Lumbert | Pence Vewers Voted the Town Clerk to Sarch & take into poseston the town rec- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 391 ords, the Book now in posestion of the proprietors Clerk Viz George Athearn Sd Meeting Ajorned to Monday 6*'' Day of April 1818 at 2 pm Met According to ajornment Moderator presant Voted John Cottle Collector of Taxes ) would not Serve Voted Elijah Hillman | Town Agent Votd the Sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ) Support of the Poor Voted the Sum of two Hundred Dollars | to pay Debts previous to 1818 Voted the Sum of one Hundred Dollars ( for Insidential Charges of sd Town Voted to Assess the Money for the poor in a Seperate bill Voted Jonathan Mantor Jr Timothy Luce Jr ( school Committee Voted Abijah Hammitt David Look ( school Committee Voted John Cottle Peter Norton ( school Committee Voted Peter Norton Freeman Gray ( school Committee Voted Elijah Hillman Peter Norton Belcher Athearn ) Committe to Settle with the Treasurer Meeting Ajorned to the JRepresentative Meeting in May 1"' 1818 Meet according to ajornment George Athearn Esqr Moderator Vote Bartlet Pease Constable & Collector ajorn to 11"' Instat Met on the 11"' In and Reconsidered the Vote of Bartlet Pease as Constable & Collector Voted Peter norton Jr Constable & collector Meeting ajorned to 25"' Int Met according to ajornment Jabez Luce Moderator & Voted. Wil- liard Luce in the rom & tead of Peter norton Jr as constable & collector for the currant year May 25"' 1818 W Davis To7vn Clerk of Tisbunj Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury Qalified by the Constitution to Vote for Govner & Lieutenant Gov- ner & Senator of this Commonwealth Holden in the Avestern parish of Sid Town on Monday the 6 Day of April A D 1818 for the purpose of Giving their Votes for Govner Lieut-Govner Senator & County Treasurer & Vote were Given in for the following persons Counted Sorted & Decleration thereof Made. Viz 392 • TISBUKY TOWN EECOKDS. For Govner Hon. Benjamin W. Crowninshield 48 Hon John Brooks 32 For > Hon. Soloman Freeman 49 Senator > Hon. Thaddues Coffin 32 Votes for County Treasurer John Davis Moderator were as follow Viz for WtI Jernegan Esqr 44 Tisbury April 6'" 1818 attest W^. Davis ) Town Clerk For ^ Hon Thomas Kitteridge -4,8 Lieut Govner > Hon W^: Phillops 32 Tisbury April 6^;' 1818 attest W^. Davis. Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting warned & held in the western parish on Monday the fourth of May A D 1818 to Give in there Votes for a representative to the General Court of this commonw^ealth to be Con- vened at Boston on Wensday the twenty seventh of May | and the Vote was not to Send a representative Attest W^. Davis Toum Clerk Tisbury May 4'A' 1818 N B Voted to pospone the papers on the herring fishery Tisbury ss At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury holden on Monday the 4^'' Day of May A D 1818 Agreeable to Venira from the Clerk of the Circuit court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third Monday of May A D 1818 and the following Persons were Drawn Out of the Box according to Law to Serve as Grand & Travis Jurors Viz 1 Charles Look Jacob Clifford Seth Allen )■ Grand Jurors Zachariah Smith Joseph Look Jr Elijah Luce Benjamin Lumbert , ^ . ^ r., • , , - .. , „ ^^ > Travis Jurors on 1 rials Abijah Hammett I James Rogges > Tisbury May 4'.'.' 1818 W'^.'. Davis Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 393 On the Day of the Date I was Served with an Agreement in the fol- lowing words. Viz Know all men by these presance that we Elijah Athearn and Soloman Athearn are free and willing that our Sister Joice Aliens. (Daughter Lucy alien) Should have a Support out of the Estate as she has had for these twenty years During her Natureal Life as wit- ness our hands this Nineteenth Day of June in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred & Seventeen Witness Signed by Elijah Atheakn John Davis Soloman Athearn Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury July 17^;' 1818 Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury holden on Monday, the 2 Day of November A D 1818 for the pur- pose of Giving in their Votes for a representative of the people of this Commonwealth for the Barnstable District in the Congress of the United States & Votes for the following persons were given in Sorted Counted & Declaration thereof Made Viz For Hon John Reed Eight 8 Hon Walter Folger Jr Seven 7 attest W^. Davis Toivn Glerh Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of Our Curcuit Court of Commonpleas to be holden at Edgartown on the Second Monday of November A D 1818 and the following persons were Drawn out of the box to Serve as Jurors on Trial as the Law Directs Viz Prince Rogges ^ Stephen Luce Jabez Smith \ ^"^^^^ «^ trials Lothrop Merry J the above Meeting was holden on Monday the 2^'' of November A D 1818 Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss Pursuant to a Petition of ten of the freeholders of Sd Town a meeting warned and held at the western Parish on Monday the 18^.' of January 1819 for the following purposes 394 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. to Wit V^ to Chnse a moderator 2'' to Vote whether they will apropriate the Sum of two hun- dred Dollars of the money raised the presant year for the Sup- port of Publick schools as set forth in Said petion Meet According to warrant & Voted Daid Look Moderator 2d Voted the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars to be apropriated for publick schools. Out of the Money that was raised for the towns use the presant year Tisbury January IS*:!^ 1819 attest W':^ Davis Toivn Clerk At a meeting Leagally Holden on Monday the 5 Day of April A D 1819 for the purpose of giving there Votes for a county Treasurer and Votes for the following Person were Givin in Counted Sorted & Declara- tion thereof made Viz Votd Elijah Hillman Moderator Votes for William Jernegan Esquire 20 for Treasurer A D 1819 attest W^. Davis Toivn Clerk Tisbury ss At a leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury Qalified by the Constitution to Vote for Governer Lieut. & Sen- ator of the Commonwealth Holden in the Eastern Paris of Sd town on Monday the 5 Day of April A D 1819 for the purpose of Givin there Votes for Governor Lieut Govenor & Senator & Votes were given in for the following persons Counted Sorted & Decleration thereof made Viz Governour For Hon. Benjamin W Crowinshield Sixty Seven 67 Hon. John Brooks Twenty Two 22 Lieutenant Governour For Hon Benjamin Austen Sixty nine 69 Hon W'?i Phillips nineteen 19 John Brooks one 1 Soloman Freeman two 2 Benjamin W Crowingshield 1 Senator For Soloman P>eeman Sixty Six 66 Thaddeus Coffin Eighteen. 18 Benjamin Austin One 1 John Books One 1 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 395 Tisbury ss At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Holclen in the Eastern parrish on Monday the 5 Day of April A D 1819 for the purpose of Chusing all Such Town officers as the Law Directs and Also to rase a Sum of Money for the Support of the poor of Sd Town and publick school and other Insitential Charges 1'' Voted Elijah Hillman Moderator 2 Selectmen & Assessors sworn Jabez Luce I sworn Beamed Luce J Voted to allow the town Treasurer 1^ pr Cent all moneys by him reed Voted Thomas Dunham Town Treasurer ] sworn Voted Timothy Chase & John Cottle Constal)le & Collector of Tax Voted W"! Duham ( sworn & Peter norton 3'' Constables Voted Lot Luce Samuel Look Willard Luce & Prince Rogges Sur- vayer of highway Voted James Cottle Timothy Luce W" harding Tristram Weeks Shu- bal Luce | Survayers of Lumber Voted Malachi Luce JoLathan Lumbert Nathan Smith Abijah Gray Charles Look Elijah Luce Fence viewers Voted Richard Luce Thos Dunham Jonathan Manter Benjamin Dex- ter Jethro Hillman | hog reeves Votd WtI Cottle W^ Downs Mathew Merry Jabez Smith Peter Norton Jr Freeman Gray school Committees X Voted Seth Daggett Abijah Gray Elijah Hillman Zenus Dillingham X X X _ W'" Downs James West Isaac Luce Zachariah Smith David Look Malachi Luce Thomas Butler Thomas Cathcart Tything men Voted W^; Cottle Elijah Hillman Shubal Dunham to Settle with the town Treasurer Voted the Selectmen to post all Druncard who in their opinion are such : and those poeple who Sell Lienor Contra to Law ; not to appro- bate such to have a Lisence Voted the Selectmen to have the Sole care of the poor of Said town Voted the Sum of Eight Hundred Dollars to Support the poor of S'd Town and Insidential charges therof Voted the Sum of Four Hundred Dollars for publick schools two 396 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Hundred to be apropiated for the year 1818 and two Hundred Dollars for the year 1819 Voted Elijah Hillman Town Agent to Defend all Sutes at Law now })ending for or against Sd town Meting ajorned to the Id Tuesday of May Instant Met according to ajornment Moderator Tresant l'^ Voted Williard Luce & Abijah Hammett school Committe S. Dis 2 Do Joseph Chase Fence Vewer the present year 3 Do Williard Luce | Constable for the town of Tisbury the presant year 4 Do Charles Look Survayer of highways in the rom of Sa'" Look resigned 5'^ Do to Accept Zenus Dillingham as Collector in the room & Stead of Timothy Chase, Chosen at the annual Meeting 6'> Do Shubal Dunham Seth Daggett & WM Cottle Committe to Set- tle Town Acconts with the Selecmen of Sd town the year Last past & report to the first Ajornment 7'' Do the Selectmen to bind out all paupers that is Sold for one year by Indenture & to receive 50 cents a head for Each one Meeting ajorned to the 6^; of August Acted at the Ajornment of the 6 of August 4"' Voted to Raise the sum of tw^o Hundred Dollars to Meet the de- mands of the Town of Livermore for the support and Maintainance of the aforesaid Jane Luce 51y Voted that the Meeting be ajorned to the first Monday in Sep- tember at 2 o'clock P. M A true Record Attest Jabez Luce Clerk Pro. Tern Tisbury 6^" August 1819 Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Met according to Ajornment Moderator presant Jabez Luce Clerk Protem Voted that the Land set of to the town of Tisbury by Virtue of a Execution for the Supporting of a Child of Capt Ilenery Luce Late of Tisbury be Sold to the best Advantage for the town Voted that Capt Elijah Hillman be an agent to sell the above men- tioned property and make good and sufficient warranttee Deed for the same TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 397 Voted that Thomas Dunham Esq.-. Treasurer for the Town of Tisbury or his Successor in that office be impowerecl to hire the sum of two Hundred Dollars to pay the Demands of the town of Livermore for the maintainance of Jane Luce a Town pauper Tisbury ss at a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants Holden at Holmes Hole Thursday 22"' of april 1819 act on the following Articles Viz 1st to chuse a Moderator 2'' to act on the petition of 13 freeholders Viz to See if the Town will pass a Vote against Seining herring any where within the Distance of One & a half miles from the mouth of chopeqanset crick or river also to pas a Vote against Seining Herring in the pond that, forms Sd crick or river on pain of Such fines and penalty as the Town Shall think proper and leagal & to adopt any other regulation 3'' to See if the town will petition the Legislature of this commonwealth to pass an Act to regulate the herring fishery. 1*1 Voted W^. Cottle Moderator 2 Voted that no person or persons shall shute a Sein at the mouth of Chopaquanset crick or within the Destance of one & half Miles of the mouth of Sd criek in order to catch herring 3'' Voted that no person or persons shall shute a Sein in Sd pond 4th Voted that any person or persons shuting a seine contry to the above regulations Shal forfit & pay a fine of Five Dollars for each ofence Voted Thomas Dunham agent to prosecute for fines and forfetuer 5*^ Voted that no person catch any herring at Capaqanset crick from Saturday night at Sunset untill monday at Sun. rise on fofiture of the above penalty W^ Davis Town Clerh Tisbury ss At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Sd town for the purpose of chusing a representative to represent them at the Gen- eral Court Appointed to be convened and held at Boston on the Last Wednesday of May A D 1819 It was moved & Seconed whether to Send or not Send & the Vote was not to Send a representative the pres- ant year the Above Meeting was Holden on Tuesday 4*'' Day of May 1819 in the Eastern parish attest W'.' Davis Toum Clerk 398 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury ss At a Legal Meeting warned & held in the Eastern parish on Tuesday the 4 Day of May A D 1819 at four of the Clock in the Afternoon to act on the following Articles Viz 1st to chuse A Moderator 2'' to act on the petition of Teen Freeholders praying that a Vote may be taken to petition the General Court to regulate the fisheries in the Town of Tisbury — Also to provide Some means by which the rec- ords of the town may be recovered out of the hands of Certain Indi- viduels by whom they are withheald from the use of Sd Town 1«' Voted Wi: Cottle Moderator of Sd Meting 2 moved & Seconded to petion the Legislature to pas an Act to regu- ulate the fisheries in Sd town but it was not a vote d'^ Voted that W"! Davis Town Clerk demand and if nessary prose- cute any Individal or individals for the recovery of the town Books and records; that may withhold then & at the Expence of the town Tisbury May 4*^: 1819 Attest W^. Davis Town OlerJc Tisbury ss At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Sd Town holden on Wednesday 5"' of may 1819 By Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Commonpleas to be held at Edgartown on the 3 monday of may 1819 for five Good & Lawful men to Serve as Grand Jurors & four of Like Quality to Serve as Travis Jurors of Trials at Sd Court and the following Persons were drawn out of the Box as the Law Directs Viz Seth Daggett Bernard Luce Robert Mantor Jonathan Athearn Jr Malachi Luce Bartlet Pease Thomas Butler [ Travis Jurors on Trial Phillip Luce [ Tisbury May 5'" A D 1819 Lot Look J attest W^. Davis Toivn Clerh Meet according to ajornment Moderator presant 1'' Voted the Committe a further time to report their Doings on Set- tlement witli the select Mem for the year 1818 Grand Jurors 1 I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 399 2" Voted the Town Orders Dated prior to the 10"' Day of May 1819 be presented to the Treasurer & a note Given for them in behalf of the Town payable on Demand with intrist redeamable in one year from Date 3 ly that the Town Treasurer Notify Holders of Town Orders re- questing them to bring them in within 30 Days from such Notice & that no order be funded after such Notice by the Treasurer 41y that the Treasurer report the amount of orders funded according to the Above Statement at the first town Meeting 5ly Voted that the Selectmen not to Allow any Intrest on Town Orders the present year Meeting ajorned to the 3 wensday Instant September 6"' 1819 W^^. Davis To2m Clerk Meet according to ajornment and ajourned without Day. Wt. Davis Toum Clerk Tisbury ss At a Legal Meeting of the town of Tisbury holden of Whensday the 22 Day of September 1819 by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court for Barnstable and Dukes County to be holden on the first Tuesday of October Next and the following Per- sons were Drawn out of the Box according to Sd Venira to Wit Hovey Luce Grand Juror and William Look Travers Juror W*' Davis To7V7i Clerk of Sd Toum Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the town of Tisbury holden on Whensday the 27 Day of October 1819 by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerck of the Circuit Court of Common Plees to be holden at Edgar- town on the 2** monday of November Instant and the following persons were Drawn out of the Box to Serve at Court as Travis Jurors on Trials Jonathan Tilton ^ Richard Luce Timothy Chase > ^^^^^^ ""'' Trials Abijah Athearn J Tisbury October 27 A D 1819 W^^ Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury by Virtue of a petition of Eleven freeholders holden at the Meeting house in Holmes Hole on Saturday the 29 of January 1820 at one o.clock in the afternoon to act on the following articles Viz 400 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 1 to chuse a Moderator 2'' to act on the petition above Mentioned Viz to See if the Town will chuse a Committee to confer with the committee of the Town of chilmark to petition the Legislature of this common- wealth to anhiliate one tarm of the Circuit court of common pleas of Dukes and also one Term of the court of Sissions in sd county Meet ac- cording to warrant & chose W"" Cottle Moderator & Voted not to act on the petition or warrant & ajorned without Day January 29^" 1820 Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury qualified by the Constitution to Vote for Goyerner Lieut Governer & Senator of this Commonwealth Holden in the western parish in Said parish on Monday the 3 Day of april A D 1820 for the purpose of Giv- ing in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor and Senator and County Treasurer and Votes were Given in for the following persons counted sorted & Decleration 71 33 74 24 77 followanir Viz for Governor Hon ) W^. Eustace Hon ) John Brook Seventy one Thirty three for Lieut Governor Hon Benjamin Austin Seventy four Hon W'^: Phillips Twenty four for Senator Hon Sol Oman freeman Seventy Seven warrant for County Treasurer read & Votes for the fol sons 1'' Voted John Davis Moderator For W'r. Jernegan Esqr 55 For George Athearn Esqr 5 the following meetings were held on monday 3*^'' of april 1820 W^A Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss At Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury Holden in the western Farrish on Monday the 3'' of April 1820 for the purpose of Chusing all such Town Officers as the Law Directs and Also to rase a Sum of Money for the Support of the poor of sd Town & public schools and other Insidential Charges 1'^ Voted John Davis Esq'" Moderator TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 401 2'' Voted W" Davis Town Clerk sworn 3' Do W?M Cottle Matthew Merry & Jabez Luce Selectmen 4"' Do Eight Dollars as a compensation for the Town Treasurer the presant year Voted James Cottle Town Treasure Voted the Selectmen or assesors to put Every man on oath of his Rattible property Voted Warren Luce Collector WilKard Luce Constable and Alfred Norton Collector of Taxes & Constable Voted Jonathan Mantor Jr Survayor of highways & Charles Look Barnard Luce David Look Jabez Smith Voted Subal Dunham Peter Norton t^ Seth Daggitt as a committee to Settle with the town Treasurer and the Selectmen for the year 1820 Voted Thomas Smith Collector in the stead of Warren Luce Chosen at our Anual meeting Voted that the town chuse a committee to confer with the committees of the Town of Chilmark & Edgartown to petition the Legislature to annul one turm of the circuit Curts of commonpleas & Court of Sessions Voted Peter Norton George Athearn a committe to confer with Committe of the town above Mentioned Voted James Cottle Timothy Luce Jr John Lambert Shubal Luce Survayers of Lumber Voted John Holmes Elijah Luce Charles Look Malachi Luce & Bar- nard Luce Stephen Luce fence Vewers Voted Thomas Smith Isaac Whinslow Charles Look Malachi Luce Barnerd Luce John Cottle W^; Look Jonathan Mantor Jr Athearn Man- tor Abijah Luce hog reives Voted Seth Daggett Thomas Smith Richard Luce health committee Voted W^; West John Holmes field Drivers Voted Thomas Smith Seth Daggett Williard Luce Barnerd Luce Belcher Athearn W'" Furgeson W'fl Davis John Cottle Peter Norton school committee Voted Jonathan Mantor pound keeper Voted Nathan Smith Survayer of wood Voted to raise the Sum of Six Hundred Dollars to Support the poor of Sd town and the Sum of one Hundred fifty Dollars to pay areage & other Expences of sd town Voted the Sum of 200$ for the Support of Town schools Voted the Sum of 250| to pay up the old Orders 402 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted the Town Treasurer to pay up an order in favour of Francis Norton if not money on hand to hire the money to pay the Same Voted James Cottle Agent for the Town the Currant Year 1820 W-^. Davis Toivn Clerk At a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury for the purpose of Chusing a representative to represent them at the General Court appointed to be Convened and held at Boston on the Last Wednes- day of May 1820 Said Meeting was held on Monday the 8 day of May A D 1820 and Votes for the following persons were Given Viz -p J. ^ Mf. Peter Norton | 23 Votes ^^\ Capt Seth Daggett ] 18 Votes Seth Daggett 8am' Daggett Thos Manter be a committee to Give the representitive Instructions in behalf of the pilots to repeal the pilot act Tisbury May 8'".. 1820 W^. Davis Town Clerh Tisbury ss at a Leagal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury pursuant of a Venira from the Clerk of our Circuit Court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third monday of May 1820 and the following persons were Drawn out of the Box as the Law Directs Viz Belcher Athearn Thomas Waldron Freeman Gray )■ Grand Jurors Francis Hammett I Edmund Crowell J Job Gorham W'^ West Benjamin Raynolds Elijah Luce Tisbury May 8^".. 1820 Jurors on Trial W'^. Davis Town CJork Jurors Box renued at the Above Meeting according to Law At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury for the purpose of Chusing a Representative to represent them in General Court to be convened and held at boston on the last Wednesday of May 1820 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 403 the Above meeting was holden in the western parish on Monday the Eight day of May at three o clock in the after noon and Votes for the Following persons were given in Sorted Counted & Decleration made & Viz Peter Norton 23 Seth Daggett 18 Tisbm-y April 9.. 1820 W^. Davis Toicn Clerk Tisbury ss At a Legal Meeting warned & held at Tisbury on Monday 21^' day of august 1820 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to give in there Votes on the following questions pursuant to a Law of this Common- wealth peassed June 16''' 1820 is it expediant that Delegates should be chosen to meet in Convention for the Purpose of Revising or Altering the Constitution of Guvernment of this Commonwealth and the Votes were as follows yeas 20 — Nay 1 Tisbury August 21*".. 1820 W^. Davis Toivn Clerl' Tisbury ss At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on Monday the 21*^" day of august 1820 for the following purpose first to chuse a Moderator 2^^ to Chuse a committee to Settle accounts with Samuel Nye for keeping Town paupers for the yr 1813 to the yr 1818 inclusive 3'' to take the Sence of the town of the pro- priety of Sueing the Town of Taunton for the Sum Due from that Town for the Support of William Deane & family and instruct the town agent Accordingly 4:^^ to take a Vote to raise money to repair the High- way Voted Peter Norton Moderator 2"^ Voted James Cottle Matthew Merry Lathrop Merry Committee to Settle accounts with Samuel Nye 3'' Voted that the Town Agent Shall commence a Sute against the town of Tanton for the Support of Wfl Deane & family as soon as may be, by any Court proper to try the same 4'y Voted the Sum of 150$ to repair the high ways of Sd town Tisbury August 21^*.. 1820 W^. Davis Town Olerk At a legeal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden in the western Parrish of Tisbury on Monday the Sixteenth day of Octo- ber 1820 at two o clock in the afternoon for the purpose of Chusing or Electing a Deleg'ate to meet Delegates from other Town in Convention 404 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. at the state house in Boston on the third Wednesday of November next to take into consideration the propriety and expediency of making any (and if any) what alteration or amendment in the presant Constitution of Goverment of the Commonwealth pursuant to an Act pased the 12 day of September 1820 and Votes for the following persons were given in to Viz r Shubal Dunham ^ 16 & is Chosen For< John Davis > 9 C John Gray ) 1 Tisbury October 16., 1820 Attest W^i Davis Toum Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury holden in the Eastern Parish on Monday the Sixth day of Novem- ber 1820 at two o clock in the afternoon to Give in there Votes for a representative of the people of Said Commonwealth in the Congress of the United States for Barnstable District and Votes were Given in for the following persons Viz ' Walter Folger J-. Esqr 17 Votes Thomas Dunham ■ 9 For { John Reed 2 Russel Freeman 1 V Thomas M Vincent 1 Tisbury Nov 6., 1820 W^^ Davis Toini Clerk Tisbury ss A a Leagal Meeting of the of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury holden in the East Parish on Monday the 6"' day of Nov!". A D 1820 at 3 oclock P M Pursuant to a resolve of the General Court Passed June 14"' 1820 regulating the Choise of Electors for President and A^ice president of the United States to give in their Votes for One Electors for Barnstable District and to give in their Votes for two Electors for the people of the Commonwealth at Large ; and Votes for the following per- sons were Given in sorted Counted & Decleration thereof Made Viz for the District Ichabod Norton 19 For Lemuel Williams Jr • 6 Wendel Davis 3 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 405 at Large B. W. Crownilshield 23 Levi Lincoln 23 John Brooks 2 W^! Phillips 2 Attest W^„ Davis Toion Clerk At a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury lolden in the Eastern parish on Monday the Sixth Day of November A. D 1821 by Virtue of a Venira from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dommonpleas to be Holden at Edgartown on the 2'^ Monday of Novem- ber Instant and the following persons were Drawn to Serve as travis Jurors on Trials Viz Belcher Athearn Thomas Waldron Freeman Gray V Jurors on Trials 1 Francis Hammett Edmund Crowell Tisbury Nov'' 6*'.' 1820 attest W^ Davis Toum Clerk Tisbury ss At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tis- bury quahfied by the Constitution to Vote for Governor. Lieut Governor & Senator of this commonwealth Holden at the East parish on Monday the 2'' Day of april A D 1821 for the purpose of Givin in there Votes for Governor Lieut Governor & Senator ; and Votes were Given in for the following persons, sorted Counted & Decleration therof Made Viz For Governor the Hon W^? Eustis fifty five Hon John Brooks thirty one Hon Levi Lincoln — one Hon W2-: Phillips — one For Lieut Governor W!5 PhiUips 26 Levi Lincoln 59 For Senator * Braddock Dimmick 55 George Myrick 18 Thomas M. Vincent 8 Tho*" Dunham 5 Attest W^. Davis Tcnvn Clerk Tisbury april 2'' 1821 406 TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. Tisbury ss at a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury Holden in the Eastern parrish on Monday the 2'' day of April A D 1821 for the purpose of Given in there Votes for a County Register & County Treasurer — and Votes for the following persons were Given in Sorted Counted & Decleration thereof Made Viz W^ Cottle Moderator For Samuel Smith 51 Votes for County Register For WtI Jernegan Esqr., 45 Votes for County Treasurer Tisbury April 3^. 1821 Attest W^. Davis Town Clerk Tisbury ss at a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town, of Tisbury Holden in the Eastern Parrish on Monday the 2'' day of April A D 1821 for the purpose of chooseing Town Officers as the Law Directs and for raising Money for the Support of the Poor Town Schools and Insidental Charges for the ensueing year first Voted that W'fl Cottle be the moderator of the Meeting Voted that WM Cottle be Town Clerk Sworn in Moderator resigned Voted that W~ Davis be the Moderator excepted Voted that W'^: Cottle be one of the Selectmen ^ ^ Voted that Matthew Merry do do > o Voted that W^^ Davis do do )^ Voted that the Sum of Eight dollars be allowed to the Town Treas- urer as a full compensation for his Services the Insueing year Voted that James Cottle be Town Treasurer Sworn Voted that Elijah Hillman, Richard Luce, Henry C. Worth, Jerewell West & John Holmes be a Health Committe or board of Health Voted that Thomas H Smith be a Collector of Taxes for the East Parrish Voted that John W Willis be a Constable sworn Voted that Jal)ez Luce do do do Voted that Jeremiah Crowell do do Voted that John Holmes do Voted that Belcher Athearn Nathan Smith & Melichia Luce be Sur- vayers of Highways Voted that Thomas Dunham John Manter Thomas Robertson. W-, sworn West. Thomas II. Smith ik Charles West be hog Reaves the insueing sworn year Voted that John Johnson be a Collector of Taxes TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 407 Voted that Thomas Dunham Lothrop Merry & W^: Downs be School Committe for the Holmes hole District Voted that Matthew Merry & John Cottle be School Committe for the North Shore District Voted that Benjamin Allen & Wi^: Lambert be School Committe for the South District Voted that Peter Norton Jr & W" Furgerson be a School Committe for the N W District Voted that John Cottle Belcher Athearn Charles Look Thomas Cath- cart & Timothy Chase be fence Viewers sworn sworu Voted that James Cottle Timothy Luce Jr W'.\* Andrews Trustram sworn Weeks & Barzella Luce be Surveyors of Lumber Voted that the raising of Money be postponed unt41 the next ad- journed Meeting Voted that the Cattle be taken off from the Common Lands Voted that the Sheep be taken off from the Common Lands Voted that the Cattle be taken from the Commons by the first day of June next Voted that the Sheep be taken from the Commons by the first Mon- day in June sworn sworn Voted that Thomas Dunham John Holmes Timothy Chase Charles sworn Look. John Tilton Alfred Norton & Thomas Cathcart be Field Drivers Voted that this Meeting Stand Adjourned until Monday the Ninth Day of april 1821 at four o clock in the afternoon attest W^. Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of th Town of Tisbury quali- fied by Law to Vote for Representative to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts held at Holmes hole in the East Parish of Tisbury on Monday the Ninth Day of april y*" 1821 for the Purpose of giveing in their Votes yea or Nay upon the fourteen Articles of Amendment of the Constitution of tlfis commonwealth pursuant to the act of the General Court of June 16*" ye 1820 and the Resolves of the Delegates of the People in Convention assembled at Boston on the third Wednesday of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and twenty the Votes given in Sorted Counted and Decleration made thereof as follows Viz 408 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Article first yeas fifty Seven 57 Nays fourteen 14 Second yeas fifty Six 56 Nays one 1 third yeas fifty 50 Nays none fourth yeas fifty one 51 Nays none fifth yeas forty Six 46 Nays none Sixth yeas forty nine 49 Nays none Seventh yeas twenty five 25 Nays twenty three 23 Eighth yeas thirty Six 36 Nays three 3 Ninth yeas two 2 Nays forty 40 tenth yeas thirty Nine 39 Nays two 2 eleventh yeas thirty five 35 Nays none twelvth yeas thirty four 34 Nays none thirteenth yeas thirty one 31 Nays none Fourteenth yeas twenty Nine 29 Nays two 2 Tisbi ary april 9"' ye 1821 Attest W^' Cottle Toivn Clerk Pursuant to the Adjourned meeting of april 2"' ye 1821 the Inhab- itants of the Town of Tisbury Meet at Holmes hole in the East Parish on Monday 9"' 1821 the Moderator being present the Meeting opened and the following Votes were passed Viz Voted that John Johnson be excused from Serving as Collector of Taxes Voted that James Cleveland be a collector of Taxes for the West Parish sworn Voted that Abijah Hammett & John Johnson be hog Reives West Parish Voted that the collectors of Taxes Shall have three & half pr ct upon all moneys assesed for Taxes the ensuing year as a full compensation for their Services Voted that the Sum of two hundred dollars be assesed and raised for the Support of Town Schools the ensueing year Voted that the Sum of one thousand Dollars be assesed and raised for the Support of the Poor and other Town ex])ences the ensueing year Voted that the Sum of Sixty dollars be assesed and raised for town expences the ensueing year Voted that Peter Norton Benjamin Allen & David Look be a Com- mitte to Settle with the late Selectmen and Town Treasurer TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 409 A Vote was taken to reconsider the Vote for taking the Cattle off the Commons, and Negatived A Vote was taken to reconsider the Vote for taking the Sheep off the Commons, and Negatived Voted that the Committe that was authorized to Settle with the Selectmen be authorized to build two Pounds one in the West Parrish and one in the East Parish Voted that Shubal Dunham be the Pound Keeper for the East Parish sworu Voted that Bernard Luce be the Pound Keeper for the West Parish Voted that Jonathan Manter be a Feild Driver sworn Voted that Jethro Hillman be a Feild Driver sworn Voted that the School Districts remain as they now are recorded sworu Voted that Charles Smith W"! Harding & abijah Gray be Titheing men Voted that Isaac Luce be a Titheing sworn Voted that this meeting Stand adjourned unto the Second monday of May next at 2 P M attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town on Wednesday the twenty fifth day of april ye 1821 Pursuant Venire from the Clerk of the Supreme court to be holden at Barnstable on the Second Tuseday in May next ye 1821 for to appoint one Person of a Moral Char- acter for to Serve at Sd Court as a Grand Juror and also to appoint one Person of a Simuler Character to Serve as a Traverse Jnror at SI Court Viz Ezra Athearn Grand Juror and Moses Crosby Traverse Juror attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Meeting of april 9"' ye 1821 the Inhab- itants of the Town of Tisbury meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town on the Second day of May 1821 at 3 oclock in the afternoon the Moderator being present opened the Meeting and the fol- lowing Votes were passed Viz Voted that the Town of Tisbury do except of Elijah Luce for Col- lector of Taxes in lieu of James Cleveland for the West Parish 410 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that James Cottle be the Towns Agent the ensueing year for the prosicuting the Sute now pending with the Town of Taunton a Vote was taken to reconsider the Vote for excepting EUjah Luce as Collector of Taxes for the West Parish in Lieu of James Cleveland and Negatived the Towns committe on the Selectmen & Treasurers ac- counts reported progress and had leave to sett again and make their report to the Town Clerk Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day attest W^ Cottle Tovri Clerk at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'! Town on Wednesday the Second day of May ye 1821 Pursuant to a Venire from the Clerk of the circut court of Common Pleas for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Ed gar town on the third Monday of May ye 1821 for to draw fife Suitable persons to Serve at S'! court as Grand jurors and four persons to Serve as Traverse Jurors at S- Court the following we drawn Viz Ehsha Dunham Will^p Furgerson Timothy Chase Shubal Luce Shubal Weeks Edmund Smith Trustram Weeks Michail Daggett Benjamin Cleveland attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S- Town on Wednes- day the Second day of May ye 1821 for the purpose of Choosing a Rep- resentative to Represent the S"! Town in the General Court to be convened and held at Boston on the Last Wednesday of May Voted Not to Send a Representative attest Wy Cottle Toivn Clerk The Whole Number of children in the Town of Tisbury in Septem- ber ye 1821 Males under 21 Females under IS as Numbered by the dif- TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 411 ferent School Committee were five hundred & Eighty four and were in the different Districts as follows Viz Holmes hole District 329 N West do 91 North Shore do 90 South do 74 584 children in the year 1821 there were $200 raised for Town Schools the Pro- portions are as follows Holmes hole District $112 „ 67 NW do 31// 16 North Shore do 30 „ 83 South do 25 ,, 34 $200 // 00 Attest W^ Cottle Town Clerh At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the Parish Meeting House on Sauterday October 6"' ye 1821 for the Purpose of Chosing an Agent to Confer with the Representatives from Chilmark and Edgartown to the General Court for the purpose of Fixing the Val- uation or proportioning the State and County Tax in an equatable man- ner on the three Towns Voted that Elijah Hillman be Moderator Voted that the meeting be adjourned to Wednesday October 6"' ye 1821 at the adjourned Town Meeting on Wednesday October 10"' ye 1821 the Moderator not being Present Voted that Seth Daggett be Moderator Pro Tem Voted that the meeting be adjourned without day Attest W^. Cottle Town Clerk at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Holden at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Sauterday the twenty Seventh day of October ye 1821 pursuant to Warrant from John W. Willis one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury to draw four Eligeable Person as Traverse Jurors to Serve at the circut court of Com- mon Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the Second Monday of Novem- ber ye 1821 the following Persons were Drawn Viz 412 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Shubal Merry Jonathan Lambert Traverse James Cottle Jurors Joseph Allen attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk November 27^'' John Davis Esqr Notified the Town clerk to appear ye 1821 at the House of Barnard Luce in Tisbury to attend the taking of Depositions of Sundry People respect- ing the cause Pending between the Town of Chilmark and the Town of Tisbury on Monday December 3*'' y 1821 at 10 clock A M attest W"*/ Cottle Tovn Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Holden at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Wednes- day the twenty Eighth day of November ye 1821 for the Purpose of Choosing an agents to defend the Sute brought Against the Town of Tisbury by the Town of Chilmark for the Support of May hew Smith a Pauper now resident in Chilmark to be tried in Taunton in the County of Bristol on the Second Monday of December next Voted that Seth Daggett be Morderator Voted that Thomas Dunham be the agent to defend the Sute Voted that Benjamin Allen Thomas Dunham & William Davis be a committee to Settle with the Town of Chilmark and receive Mayhew Smith the Pauper in Contention if they in their Judgement think it ad- visalJe in Preferance to going through a cource of Law and to Instruct the Agent accordingly Voted that the Meeting be adjourned to Wednesday the fifth day of December ye 1821 attest William Cottle Totrn Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Meeting of November 28^'' ye 1821 the lnhal)itants meetat the Meeting House in the east Parish of Tisbury on Wednesday December the fifth the moderator being absent Voted that Capt Seth Daggett be moderator, Pro tem Voted that the Meeting be adjourned without day attest W^ Cottle Toum Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 413 At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town Tisbury duly qualified by the Laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote for Governom' Lieut Governour and Senators on mon- day the first day of april y. 1822 the following persons were Voted for as follows Viz and Sorted counted & Sealed as the Law directs for Governour Hon John Brooks thirty five 35 do do W"^ Eustis Sixty Nine 69 for Leut Governour Levi Lincoln Sixty Eight 68 do W? Phillips Nineteen 19 do John Brooks one 1 for Senators & Council ers James L Hodges Sixty Seven 67 — do — John Hancock Sixty one 61 — do — Oliver Starkweather twenty two 22 — do — Stephen Merrihew Eighty Nine 89 — do — Matthew Mayhew twenty three 23 — do — Nathan Wheeler Seven 7 — do — Jethro Daggett Seven 7 — do — Oliver Crosby one 1 Attest W^i Cottle Town OlerJc At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Ilolden at the Meeting House in the West Parish of S'l Town on Monday the first day of april ye 1822 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for County Treasurer and Votes for the following Persons were given Sorted and Counted and Decleration made thereof by the Moderator John Davis Esqr Viz John Davis Esqr Moderator for County Treasurer W'f Jernegan twenty Eight 28 do W'l' Cottle forty one 41 do Jabez Luce two 2 do Thos Smith one 1 Attest W^ Cottle Toiim Clerk At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Holden at Tisbury West Parish on Monday the first day of april ye 1822 having been duly Notified as the Constitution of the Common- wealth and law requires for the Purpose of Chooseing, Town officers, and 414 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. raising money for the Support of the Poor, Town Schools, and Insi- dental Charges for the ensueing year the following Votes were taken Viz first Voted John Davis Esqr Morderator W^-' Cottle Town Clerk sworn Wf> Cottle ^ Matthew^ Merry > Wv Davis ) Selectmen sworn James Cottle Town Treasurer sworn that the town Treasurer shall have Eight dollars pr year for his services — Shubal Dunham Constable Shubal Dunham Collector Sworn in John W. Willis constable Sworn John Holmes do Jabez Luce do sworn Thomas Cathcart Collector sworn in Jonathan Manter Surveyer of HighAvays SAvorn Charles Look do do John Cottle do do Bernard Luce do do sworn in Prince Rogers do do David Look Voted James Cottle Surveyor of Lumber sworn W"' Andrews Sworn do Timothy Luce Jur Sworn do " Trustram Weeks Voted John Cottle " Samuel Thompson " Timothy Chase " W'-^\ Daggett " Joseph Chase " W'" Davis Voted Leander Daggett " James D. Peakes " Michal Daggett " John W. Willis " John Johnson " James Look " Malicha Luce do do do do sworn sworn sworn sworn sw^orn sworn in sworn in sworn sworn in Fence Veiwers Hog Reeves TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 415 Voted Abijah Hammett sworn " Timothy Luce Jur sworn Pound keepers Voted Timothy Chase sworn " John W. Willis sworn " Timothy Luce Jur sworn Feild Drivers for " Shubal Merry sworn Holmes hole " Jethro Hillman sworn District " Jonathan Manter sworn Voted Benjamin Allen " Bernard Luce sworn " Whitten Manter sworn Feild Drivers for " Bartimus Luce the Western " Samuel Thompson sworn District of Tisbury " Abijah Hammett sworn Voted Henry P. Worth " Elijah Hillman " Richard Luce sworn Health " Nathan Smith sworn Committe " John Baxter Voted Belcher Athearn School Committe for the Jonathan Lambert South District Voted John Cottle " Erven Luce School Committe for the " Matthew Merry North Shore District Voted Peter Norton Jur School Committe for the " Freeman Gray N. W. District Voted Shubal Dunham " Seth Daggett School Committe for the " Lathrop Merry Holmes hole District Voted W^' Look sworn " W^y Lambert sworn Tithingmen Voted Wf Davis " Benjamin Cleveland sworn " Joseph Smith sworn " John Cottle " W'?^ Downs Tithing men " Thomas Dunham sworn " Timothy Athearn sworn Voted that the Cattle be taken off from the Commons and Negatived 416 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. the numbers Voting were 33 for the Measure and 33 against — the Morderator Voting in the Negative Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned to Monday the fifteenth day of april Inst y 1822 attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Meeting of april I''' y 1822 the Inhabit- ants of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury on Monday the fifteenth day of april y 1822 at 1 o clock in the afternoon the Morderator being Present opened the Meeting and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted Richard Luce to be Constable and Sworn in Moved and Seconded that the Vote that Passed on the first day of april Inst respecting Catties going at large on the Commons be reconsid- ered passed in the Negative Voted that the Feild Drivers be instructed not to take up the Sheep going at large from and after November 1*' 5' 1822 until April 1^^ y 1823 Voted that Alfred Norton, Athearn Manter and Charles Look, be Feild Driver and they were Sworn Voted Moses Crosby & Thomas Butler Voted Lathrop Merry & Timothy Luce Ju sworn sworn be Tithingrmen Committe to build a Pound in Holmes hole Voted that the Sum of two hundred Dollars be assesed and raised for Support of Town Schools the ensueing year Voted that Eight Hundred Dollars be raised and assesed on the In- habitants for the Support of the Poor Voted that t^venty five dollars be raised for to build a Pound in Holmes hole Voted that one Hundred Dollars be raised for contingent expences Voted that the Collectors of Taxes have three & a half pr Cent on Sums assesed on the Inhabitants for they compensation for their Services as Collectors of Taxes Voted that the Surveyors of High ways shall cause the Highways to be repaired by Calling out the Inhabitants to Work out their proportion of Labour on Sd ways Voted that Transient Persons be prohi beted from Shooting Heath Hins or other Game in the Town of Tisburv TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 417 Voted that all Transient Persons that shall Hunt or Shoot game in the Town of Tisbury shall pay a fine of five Dollars Voted to Petition the General Court to grant this Town a greater Sum than is now allowed by law for the Support of State Paupers Voted that Benjamin Allen esqur and Thomas Dunham Esqur be A Committe to Petition the General Court for the above Purpose Voted to Petition Congress to erect a Hospital in this Town for the reception of Distresed Seaman or make Some Provision for Seaman that may be landed here destitute of the means of Support Voted that W^' Cottle and Capt Seth Daggett be a committe to Peti- tion Congress for the above purpose Vote taken and Negatived respecting Seining in Holmes hole Har- bour and other Places Voted that W"' Davis be an agent for the Town to commence or Defend any Suites that may be for or against the town the ensueing year Voted that Benjamin Allen and W." Davis be a Committe to Settle with Theophiles Mayhew respecting Mayhew Smith a Pauper Voted that Benjamin Allen and W^' Davis be authorized to Compli- mise with any person from the State of Ohio to take Mayhew Smith to his relations in that State Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned to the first thuesday in May next at 2 oclock in the afternoon attest W7 Cottle Toini Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury on the first day of May y 1822 held in the East Parish of S'! Town by Virtue of a warrant from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be holden at Barnstable on the first tuesday of May Inst for the purpose of having one person to Serve at Said court as a grand Juror and one person to Serve as a Travers Juror and the following Persons were drawn Viz Thomas Cathcart Grand Juror James Cleveland Traverse Juror attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Pur- suant to adjournment of Said Meeting on the fifteenth day of april assembled at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Town at 2 418 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. o clock in the afternoon on May the Second y 1822 the Morderator being present opened tlie Meeting and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted that Benjamin Allen Esqr and Capt Seth Daggett be a com- mitte to examine the Selectmens Books and Settle with the Town Treas- urer Voted that the Town Agent do commence and Prosecute a Suite against the Town of Taunton for the Support of the Dean Family Pro- vided that he finds on weighing the Circumstances that an action can be Legally brought W"' Davis the Town agent chosen at a former meeting declined Serving Voted that Thomas Dunham be Town agent to Prosecute and defend Suites the ensueing year Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned without day attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Sd Town on Thursday the Second day of May at 3 o clock in the afternoon y® 1822 for the Purpose of Chooseing a Representative to Represent the Said Town in the General Court to be convened and held at Boston on the last Wednesday in May List Voted not to Send a Representative attest W^^ Cottle Toicn Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants, of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in the West Parish of S*! Town on thurs- day the Second day of May by Virtue of a Warrant from the Clerk of the Cucuit Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third Monday of May Inst for the purpose of drawing five Persons to Serve at S'! Court and through the year as grand Jurors and four Per- sons as the law directs to Serve at S"! Court as traverse Jurors and the following Persons were drawn Viz Grand Jurors Jerimiah Crowell Benjamin Dexter -= Thos. H. Smith I Zenas Dillingham *- Joseph Smith TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 419 Traverse Jurors r Zackariah Smith J W? Andrews I Clifford Dunham I Whitten Manter attest W-y Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the West Parish at the old Meeting House of Said Tisbury of Monday the fourth day of November pursuant to Vinire from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Common pleas for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Edgartown in Sd County on the Second Monday of November y 1822 for the purpose of drawing four Persons to Serve as Traverse Jurors at Said Court as the Law directs and the following Persons were drawn Viz Hovey Luce Alexander Newcomb Jacob Clifford Benjamin Lambert attest W^ Cottle Town Glerl' At Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the old Meeting House in the West Parish of Sd Town for the purpose of Choosing a Representative of the People of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts in the Congress of the United States for the Barnstable District on the first Monday of November it being the fourth day of November in the y 1822 the following Person was Voted and the Votes Sorted, Counted and Sealed in Public Town Meeting as the Law Directs Viz Hon John Reed had fifteen Votes 15 attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the old Meeting House in the West Parish of S'^ Town on Monday the fourth day of November y 1822 for Sundry Town purposes, the follow- ing Votes were passed Viz Voted W" Cottle to be moderator Voted that Benjamin Allen and Thomas Dunbar be a committe to Settle with Zenas Dillingham concerning Lucy Slocum 420 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that Elijah IliUman and Thomas Dunham be a committe to Settle with Docter Silas West respecting the expence of W'P Bradbury Voted this meeting be adjourned without day attest W-. Cottle Toum Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Qualified by laws and constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts to Vote for Governor Leuitant Governor, Senator & Councilers on Monday the Seventh day of april y 1823 at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury the following Persons were Voted for and the Votes Sorted Counted Recorded & Sealed in open Town Meeting as the Law Directs Viz ^ Hon William Eustis Seventy three 73 for Governor ? Hon Harison Gray Otis Seventeen 17 ^ Hon Levi Lincoln one 1 for Lieut Governor ( Hon Levi Lincoln Seventy 70 j Hon George Noble Six 6 ' Hon Daniel Noble Seven 7 for Senators f James L Hodges fifty nine 59 & Counclers Stephen Merrihew Sixty five 65 John Mason Sixty five 65 John L Hodges Six 6 Oliver Starkweather thirteen 13 Thomas Rotch thirteen 13 Joseph E. Read thirteen 13 Attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Warned and qualified to Vote as the Laws and Constitution requires at the East Parish in Tisbury on Monday April the Seventh y 1S23 for the choise of a County Treasurer the following Votes were given and declara- tion made by the Moderator George Athearn Esq For County ) William Jernigan Esqur fourty four 44 Treasurer > John Hancock Esqr two 2 Attest W; Cottle 'Inwn Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden in the East Parish of Sd Town on Monday the Seventh day of april y 1823 they having been duly notified as the laws and constitution of this Commonwealth requires for the purpose of chooseing Town TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 421 officers, Raising Money for the Support of the Poor Town Schools and Incidental Charges for the Insueing year the following Votes were taken Viz first Voted Peter Norton Esq Moderator sworn '' W^ Cottle to be Town Clerk " W't' Cottle ^ Selectmen Matthew Merry > Overseers of the W'" Davis ) Poor & assessors sworn " James Cottle Town Treasurer " that the Treasurer have eight dollars pr year for his Services sworn sworn sworn " Henry P. Worth " W" Daggett Jr " Lathrop Merry " W^ Harding '' Stephen Skiff " Shubal Dunham " Bartlet Pease '' John W. Willis " Henry P. Worth " Peter Norton 3'' " Jabez Luce " James Cottle " Barnard Luce " Timothy Chase " Peter Norton Voted Peter Norton Jr " Freeman Gray " Seth Daggett " Lathrop Merry " W~ Downs " Belcher Athearn " Whitten Manter '' John Cottle " Jabez Smith " W°' Daggett Jr " Stephen Skiff " James West " W'" Andrews "• Zackariah Smith 1 I y Health Committe I ) i Collectors of Taxes > Constables do Surveyors of High Ways School Committe for the N W District School Committe for Holmes hole District do South District do North Shore District Tithing Men 422 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. sworn ' Voted Charles Look | Tithing Men sworn Thomas Cathcart W^^ Lambert sworn (( James Cottle sworn ii W"' Harding sworn ii W',- Andrews Timothy Luc Jr Surveyors of Lumber (I Trustram Weeks sworn (( David Carrey sworn u James Lyon sworn u James S. West sworn u Shubal Merrey Hog Reaves sworn James Foster W'^ Merry 3" Albert West il Shubal Dunham sworn (( Abijah Hammett Pound Keepers sworn Voted John W. Willis sworn " Shubal Merry sworn u Stephen Skiff sworn " Bernard Luce '^ Whitten Manter sworn " Charles Look Feild Drivers sworn ii Eliakam Norton sworn 11 Freeman Norton John Jonson Samuel Thompson David Look u Timothy Chase Fence Veiwers u John Holmes (( John Cottle ii Nathan Smith Surveyors of Wood and Bark u Isaac Morehouse u the Selectmen appi ropriate one dollar to Clean the Meeting- House aftei Town Meeting- '' Seth Daggett be a Committe to Settle the Se- u George Athearn lectmen & Town Treasurer Books u John Davis TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 423 Voted that transient Persons be prohibeted from Shooting Heathhens or other game within the Town '' that this Meeting be adjorned to april th 21 on Mon- day at 2 P. M y 1823 attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury on Monday april 21*^ y 1823 at the Parish of S'! Town Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court at Barnstable to draw one Grand Juror and one Traverse Juror to attend Said Court in the May Term y 1823 the Selectmen & Town Clerk being present opened the Meeting at one o clock P M and adjourned for one hour again opened the meeting pursuant to adjournment and the following Persons were drawn from the Jury Box Yiz Thomas Robeson Grand Juror John Look Traverse Juror attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting of april ^''7y 1823 the In- habitants assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish in Tisbury on Monday april *^21 y 1823 at 2 o clock P. M. the Morderator being present opened the Meeting and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted that Bernard Luce, Stephen Skiff and Elijah Hillman be a Committe to regulate the Jury Box and the Box was regulated according to Law Voted that the Sum of Eight Hundred dollars be raised and assessed upon the Inhabitants of S'' Town for the Support of the Poor Voted that two Hundred dollars be raised for the Support of Town Schools Voted that One Hundred dollars be raised for contingent expences. Voted that twenty five dollars be raised for to Build a Pound in the East Parrish of Sd Town Voted that Elijah Hillman, Belcher Athearn and Bernard Luce be a Committe to Settle with Zenus Dillingham respecting Lucy Slocum Voted that Elijah Hillman, Belcher Athearn & Bernard Luce be a Committe to Settle with Oliver Grinnell respecting the Dean Family A''oted that the Vote taken last Town Meeting respecting the Shoot- ing of game be reconsidered except the Shooting of Heath hens 424 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that thare be a tine of five dollars Levied upon any Person or Persons that Shoots any Heath Hens within the Town of Tisbury one half of the line to go to the complainent the other half to the use of the Poor of Sd Town of Tisbury , Voted that Silas West and William Cottle be a Committe to Petition the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Receive Vilot — a Coulered Woman as a State Pauper Voted that Elijah Hillman be agent for the Town to Prosecute or defend any Sutes at Law that may occur or be thought nessessary sworn Voted that Bartlet Pease Jur be Collector of Taxes for the Western Parish of Tisbury in Lieu & Stead of Bartlet Pease Voted that Samuel Thompson, Thomas Cathcart and John Look be Feild Drivers Voted that William Look and John Jonson be Hog Reaves Voted that this Meeting be adjourned unto Sauterday May *''3 y 1823 at 2 P. M. attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified to Vote for Representatives as the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth requires and Said Meeting having been warned accord- ing to Law they assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on May th 3 yl823 and Voted not to choose a Representative attest W- Cottle 'Town Clerh Persuant to the adjourned Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury on St April 21 y 1823 they assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish on Sauterday May 3 y 1823 at 2 PM the Moderator being absent the Meeting was opened by the clerk and W"' Davis was chosen Moder- ator Pro Tern Voted to adjourn one quarter of an hour at 3 P M opened the meet- ing again a Vote was taken to raise $75 for contingent expenses and passed in the Negative Voted that the Meeting be adjourned -Sine day Attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 425 at A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Sd Town on Monday the twelvth day of May y 1823 Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Court of the County of Dukes County to draw Nine Jury Men to Serve IS Jurors at Said Court to be held at Edgartown in Said County on the third Monday of May Instant and the following Persons were drawn Viz Isaac Luce Jabez Athearn Malicha Luce John Lambert Stephen Luce John Johnson Bartlet Pease Timothy Athearn Freeman Norton attest W^ Cottle Town Cleric at a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held it the East Parish in S'' Tisbury on Sauterday May 17"' y 1S23 Pursuant :o a Petition of Ten freeholders of S'! Town the Inhabitants having been iuly warned according to the Laws and Constitution of this Common- ivealth and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted William Daggett Ju Morderator Voted that no Person or Persons Shall be allowed to draw a Sein in Dhopoquonsett Pond nor in the Vineyard Sound Nearer to Chopoquon- 5ett Creek than Isaac Luces Salt Works to the West or the old Meadow Water fence to the eastward under the Penalty of five dollars fine for jach offence half to be given to the Poor of Said Town the other half to 36 given to the Complainant and that the Clerk Shall cause it to be laid before the Court of Sessions for their approbation Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day attest William Cottle Town Clerk at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held it the Meeting House in the first Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday *" 13 lay of October y 1823 for the Purpose of disposeing of John Athearn Property for his Support during his life and for other purposes the fol- lowing Votes were taken Viz Voted Thomas Dunham Esqr to be Morderator 426 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted William Davis to be Town Clerk Pro Tern Voted that the Selectmen of the Town of Tisl)ury with the Consent of the gaurdian of John Athearn be authorized to dispose of the Estate of SI John Athearn in any Legal method to Some Person who will give Bonds to Support the Said John with Suitable food Clothing and Lodg- ing during his life Voted that a committe be chosen to look up the property of Jane Norton if any She has Voted that Bernard Luce abijah Ilaminett and Jabez Luce to be Said Committe Voted that James Cottle, Alexander New com be & Timothy Luce Jur be a Committe to Settle with Zenus Dillingham for the Support of Lucy Norton Slocum a pauper and also to Settle with Oliver Grinold for the Support of the Dean if not otherwise Settled and Voted that this Meet- ing be adjourned without day as pr returns of W^ Davis Clerk Pro Tem attest W- Cottle Town Clerh At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the East Parish of Said Town on Monday October 27''^ y 1823 Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown of the Second Monday of November next for the Purpose of drawing four discreet Persons to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurers the Clerk of the Town and one of the Selectmen being Present the fol- lowing Persons Wre drawn from the Jury Box Viz Roland Luce Peter Norton 3*^ John Hammett John Gray attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote for governor Senators and councilers on Monday the fifth day of april y 1824 at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury the following Persons were Voted for and the Votes Sorted Counted, recorded and Sealed in open Town Meeting as the law Directs Viz Hon William Eustis had forty Nine Votes for governor 49 Hon Samuel Lathrop had thirty eight Votes for Governor 38 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 427 Hon Marcus Morton had fifty tliree Votes for Lieutenant governor 53 Hon Richard Sulivan had thirty Six Votes for Lieutenant Governor 36 For Senators ^ James L Hodges had Sixty one Votes 61 and ^- John Mason Sixty one " 61 Councilors )Soloman Pratt sixty one " 61 Oliver Starkweather thirty 30 Silvester Brownell twenty eight 28 Thomas Rotch twenty six 26 Attest W" Cottle Toivn Qlerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly warned as the law^s and constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts requires at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury on Monday th 5 day of april to Vote for A County Treasurer the fol- lowing Votes were given and decleration made by the Moderator John Davis Esqu For County \ William Jernigen had twenty Votes 20 Treasurer > Peter Norton 3*' had thirty-five Votes 35 ) Joseph Norton " one " 1 attest Wt^ Cottle Toivn Clerk At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly quaHfied by the Laws & Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote in Town affairs choise of Town officers and raising of Money on Monday the fifth day of april y 1824 at the Meeting House in the west Parish of Tisbury the following Votes were taken Viz Voted Jabez Luce to be Moderator William Cottle Matthew Merry William Furgerson and Town Clerk Selectmen Henry P. Worth John Holmes Elijah Hillman Health Committe William Downs Seth Daggett Sworn Voted George Dunham Collector of Taxes for the East Parish " William Davis Collector of Taxes for the West Parish 428 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. Voted William Dunham ' ' Timothy Luce Jur '' Peter Norton 3'^ " Jabez Luce " Seth Daggett " Charles Look " Shubal Dunham " Shubal Luce Constables sworn sworn Surveyers of high Ways " James Rogers " Robert Look '' Prince Rogers Voted that the Cattle be restrained from going at large on the Com- mon the Vote was forty one for their being restrained and thirty one against — the moderator and Town Clerk did not Vote Voted William Harding " Barzella Luce " James Cottle " Timothy Luce Jr '' James A Peakes " Trustram Weeks " William Andrews Voted William Daggett Jr sworn " Benjamin Dexter " Stephen Skiff " Jethro Hillman " Timothy Chase " Robert Cottle " Shubal Merry sworn " James Cottle sworn " Charles Look " Matthew Luce " Michal Daggett " John Lewis sworn Surveyors of Lumber Seth Daggett sworn Richard Luce Whitten Manter James Look sworn Robert Manter sworn Shubal Weeks Bartimus Luce sworn John Hammett sworn Jabez Luce sworn Benjamin Allen eTohn Cottle Samuel Thompsson sworn Feild Drivers Sworn Jerimiah Crowell Pound Keeper in Holmes hole Sworn Abijah Hammett do Voted William Andrews sworn " James Cottle '' William Downs " James D Peaks sworn " Jacob Clifford do in West Parish John Cottle Joseph Smith sworn Benjamin Cleveland SAVorn William S Vincent sworn Willard Luce Titheing Men TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 429 Samuel Thompson sworn ^ John Hammett > Stephen Luce J Bartimus Luce >l Bartlet Pease Jr John Johnson sworn y James Look I William S. Vincent sworn J Voted that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in May y 1824 at two o clock in the afternoon, attest W- Cottle Torrn Clerk Voted WiUiam Andrews swor " Timothy Chase " Charles Look " John Hurstle sworn " Benjamin Trask sworn " Nathan Smith "• John Holmes " John Cottle Fence Veiwers Hog Reaves Pursuant to the adjourned Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury on .pril *''5* y 1824 they assembled at the Meeting House in the West Parish >f Tisbury on Monday May the 3''. y 1824. the Morderator and Clerk )eing present the Meeting was opened and the following Votes Taken Viz Voted that the Town Treasurer have for his Services as Treasurer .nd Receiver eight dollars pr year Voted that James Cottle be Treasurer Voted that Benjamin Allen Elijah Hillman and Presbury Norton be L committe to examine the Selectmens and Treasurers report and report o the next adjourned meeting on the Same Voted that Elijah Hillman be agent for to Commence or defend 5utes for or against the Town of Tisbury Voted Nathan Smith Seth Daggett Lathrop Merry Voted John Cottle Shubal Weeks Voted William Davis Jacob Clifford Voted George Athearn Abijah Hammett Whitten Manter to be School Committe for the Holmes hole District to be School Committe for the North Shore district to be School Committe for the N W District to be School Committe for the South School District Voted — that the Town agent get legal advice from some person luly qualified - respecting Sueing the Town of Edgartown for the pay- nent of the expence that Polly Hitchcock has been at and report at the lext adjourned meeting Voted that William S. Vincent be collector of Taxes for the West Parish in Lieu of William Davis 430 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted to reconsider the Vote taken at the annuel Meeting for re- straining the Catties going at large and the Votes were forty three for reconsidering the Vote, and Seventeen against reconsidering that Vote 43 17 60 the whole number of Voters present at taking the Vote for recon- sidering the Vote for restraining the Cattle was twelve less than at tak- ing the Vote on the fifth day of april y 1824 the Vote then was forty one for restrainging and thirty one against it 41 31 72 Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned unto the first Monday in June y 1824 at 3 o clock in the afternoon Attest W^ Cottle To^on Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the East Parish of Said Town on Monday the 19"' day of April y 1824 Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court at Barnstable for the purpose of drawing two discreet persons to Serve as Jurors at Said Court to be holden on the first tuesday in May next the one to Serve as Grand Juror and the other as Traverse Juror the Town Clerk & Selectmen being present the following Persons were drawn from the Jury Box to Serve at Said Court Viz Robert Athearn Grand Juror Peter Daggett Traverse Juror at a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified as the constitution and laws of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts requires for the choise of Representative — the meeting being duly warned — at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury on Mon- day the 3'' day of May y 1824 for the purpose of chooseing a Repre- sentative to represent them at the next General Court — Voted not to Send any one attest William Cottle Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 431 At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held n the East Parish of Said Town Pursuant to Vinire from the Clerk of he Court of Common Pleas to be held at Edgartown on the fifth Mon- iay of May for the Purpose of drawing from the Jury Box five Persons o Serve as grand Jurors for one year and four Persons to Serve at Said )ourt as Traverse Jurors the following Persons were drawn viz Joseph Look Jur >| John Ferguson j Phillip Luce V HT 1 AT I Jurors Mayhew A Luce I Matthew Luce -^ Abijah Hammett ^ Jerimiah Luce „ ^, -r y Traverse Jurors . Seth Luce David Butler J attest W- Cottle Toivn Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town )f Tisbury on May "'3 y 1824 they assembled at the Meeting House in ;he West Parish on the first Monday in June at 3 o clock in the after- loon the Moderator and Town Clerk being absent the following Votes tvare taken Viz — W'^ Davis to be moderator and Wf' Furguson Town [)lerk pro tem Voted — after a due consideration of the Town agent and hearing his [•eport concerning the Support of of Polly Hitchcock — and tliare appear- ng a Lease of the Land where the Said Polly Hitchcock House Stands — Voated that it was not nessesary to Prosecute the Town of Edgartown for her Support Voted — to raise Seven hundred and fifty dollars for the Support of the Poor and other Incidental Charges Voted to raise two hundred dollars for Town Schools Voted to divide the Money according to the State bill in each Dis- trict as pr report of the Clerk Pro Tem attest W^' Cottle Town Clerk at a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the East Parish of Tisbury Pursuant to Vinire from the Clerk of the court of common Pleas to be held in Edgartown on Monday "'1 day of 432 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. November y 1824 for the purpose of drawing from the Jury box four persons of good Moral Character to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors the following persons were drawn Yiz Moses I. Cromwell, Presbury Norton Francis Hammett, Moses Crosby attest W~ Cottle Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the East Parish on Monday November "'1 y 1824 at one Clock in the afternoon for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Representative to represent the Barnstable District in the Nineteenth Congress of the United States and the following Persons were Voted for and the Votes Sorted, Counted, recorded & Sealed in open Town meeting as the Law directs Viz Hon John Reed Sixteen Votes 16 Hon Barker Burnell Eighteen 18 attest W Cottle Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury on Monday November "'1 yl824 in the East Parish of Said Town at two oclock in the afternoon qualified as the Law directs and pursuant to a re- solve of the General Court of the Commonwealth passed June *^'8 y 1824 for the Choise of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States & the following persons were Voted for the Votes were Sorted Counted and recorded and decleration made thereof in open Town Meet- ing as the Law directs Viz Electors at Large Hon William Gray twenty four 24 " Levi Lincoln twenty four 24 " WiUiam Bay less Eight 8 " William Reed Eight 8 Electors For Suffolk District Hon Thomas L Winthrop of Boston twenty four 24 " Samuel Hubbard do Eight 8 Electors for Essex South Districts Hon Nathaniel Silsbee of Salem twenty four 24 " William Sutton do eight 8 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 433 Electors for Essex North District Doctr Joseph Kettredge of andover twenty four 24 Hon David How Eight 8 Electors for Middlesex District Augustus Tower Esqr of Stowe twenty four 24 Hon Edmund Foster Eight 8 Electors for Worcester South District Gen Jonathan Davis of Oxford twenty four 24 Doct Daniel Thurburn 8 Electors for Worcester North District Coll Edmund Cushing of Lunenburg, twenty four 24 Hon Solomon Strong Eight 8 Electors For Franklin District Oliver Smith Esqr of Hattfield twenty four 24 Genl Samuel Porter eight 8 Electors For Hamden District Enos Foot Esqur of Southwick twenty four 24 Doct Timothy Horton Eight 8 Electors for Berkshire District Hon William Walker of Lenox twenty four 24 do William Walker do Eight Electors for Norfolk District Hon John Endicott of Dedham twenty-four 24 Hon Benjamin Reynolds Eight 8 Electors for Plymouth District Hon Thomas Weston of Middleborough twenty four 24 Hon Benjamin Hobart Eight 8 Electors for Bristol District Cornelius Grinnold Esqur New Bedford twenty four 24 Hon John M. Williams Eight 8 Electors For Barnstable Districts Hezekiah Barnerd Esqur Nantucket twenty four 24 Nymphas Marston Esqur Eight 8 attest W^. Cottle Toiim Clerk The whole Number of Children in the Town of Tisbury in December y 1824 were (Males under twenty one years and Females under eighteen as pr returns of the Several School Committes) Five Hundred and Ninety- Seven 597 434 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Holmes Hole District children 335 North Shore do do 88 N West do do 80 South & S,,E do do 94 597 In the year 1824 there was raised by the Town for the Support Town Schools two Hundred dollars |200. Proportioned as follows Yiz Holmes Hole District |112 = 23 North Shore N. West South & S. E do 29 //48 do 26 ,80 C do 31 .4:9 $200 ::=00 attest WH Cottle Toivn Clei'k At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the Laws and Constitution of this Commonwealth to Vote for Governor. Lieutenant Governor Councilers & Senators, on Monday the fourth day of april in the y 1825 at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Sd Tisbury and the following Persons were voted for and the Votes Sorted and counted recorded and Sealed in open Town Meeting as the Law Directs Viz Hon Levi Lincoln for Governour Fifty-eight Votes 58 Hon Marcus Morton for Lent Governour Fifty-four 54 For Councilors & Senators John Mason thirty Nine 39 Solmon Pratt thirty Nine 39 Shubal Dunham thirty Six 36 Thomas Rotch twenty two 22 Sheaperd Leach twenty two 22 Matthew Mayhew twenty 20 Joseph Trip Five 5 attest W-' CoTTLK Toivn Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, duly qualified by the Constitution & Laws of This Commonwealth to Vote in TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 435 :he Choice of County Treasurer, on Monday the fourth day of april y L825 at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Sd Tisbury and the following Persons were Voted for to be county Treasurer Viz Peter Norton th S*! had fifty Six Votes 56 William Jernigen had twelve do 12 attest W- Cottle Toivn Clerh At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly [qualified by the Constitution & Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote in the Choise of Town officers and other Town affairs on Monday the fourth day of april y 1825 at the Meeting House in the East Parish of SI Tisbury the following Votes were taken Viz Voted Elijah Hillman to be Moderator Voted William Cottle to be Town Clerk sworn Voted Stephen Skiff ^ to be Selectmen and Voted Matthew Merry V Assessors Voted W"' Furguson ) sworn in Voted James Cottle to be Town Treasurer and to have for his Ser- vices as Treasurer Eight dollars pr year Voted that the Treasurer Isue his Warrant of execution against those delinquint Collectors who shall not have paid the amount of the Sum Committed to him for Collection in thirty days after the term allowed by his Warrant Voted that Elijah Hillman. Charles Smith. Winthrop Luce Seth Dag- gett & Thomas Dunham be the Board of Health Voted that one Collector shall be for the whole Town that the pay for collecting be Sold to the lowest bidder at auction he being A Suita- ble Person «fe giving Bonds for the faithful performance of that duty — that the Person giving in the lowest terms at the adjournment Shall be the Collector — that Town orders Shall be received by the Collectors in Payment of Taxes. Voted that Alexander Newcombe ^ declined Serving sworn Alfred Norton. 1 be Town Constables John Cottle. f declined Serving Bernard Luce J do do Voted that this Meeting be adjourned until the 3'! Monday in april y 1825 ® 2 P M attest W" Cottle Tovm Clerk 436 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting on the fourth day of April th y 1825 the Inhabitants meet on april 18 y 1825 the Moderator and Clerk being Present the meeting was opened and the following Totes were passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that Jabez Luce sworn " W" S. Vincent sworn " Charles Smith sworn j> to be Constables " Shubal Merry I ' ' Alfred Norton sworn -^ Voted that the Selectmen be restricted from allowing more than one year for the Collection of Taxes to the Collectors of the Town and that all taxes by them assessed and Committed to Collectors for collection the collectors shall be directed to pay the amount into the Treasurey on or before one year from the date of their assesment Benjamin Allen being the lowest bidder for collector of Taxes the ensuing year and w^as Chosen Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury and was to have for his Services as collector three pr cent and Bonds were taken for the amount of three thousand dollars for the faithful preformance of his duty Peter Norton & Richard Luce were his Bondsmen Voted that Charles Look [ be Surveyors ( of High w" ays be fence Veiwers Eliakeni Norton Charles Smith George Athearn Voted that Shubal Merry Peter Norton Jr Samuel Thompson John Cottle Timothy Chase Voted Trustram Weeks " James Cottle " ■\\rni Andrews " Timothy Luce Jr " John Lambert Voted that Jethro liillman Charles Look sworn George Dunham Oliver Grinnell Jr James Cottle Willard Luce sworn John Johnson John Hammett Timothy Luce Jr Michail Daggett Barnard Luce Surveyers of Lumber Field Drivers TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 437 Hog Reeves > North Shore District } School Committe Downs Tithing Men Voted Joseph Grinnell Elisha Dexter James Smith W." S. Vincent Samuel Thompson Zenas Dillingham Charles G. Athearn Bartimus Luce Jerimiah Crowell John P. Norton Tristram Weeks Voted that Abijah Luce W^ sworn James Cleveland Jabez Luce Winthrop Luce Noah Waldron Jacob Clifford Thomas Roberson Voted Shubal Merry " Abijah Hammett Voted Jacob Clifford " W'" Davis Voted George Athearn John Johnson Bernard Luce Voted that James Cottle ) Holmes hole School Timothy Luce Jr y District Committe Voted that Elijah Hillman be the Town agent to Prosecute or defend Sutes that may be brought for or against the Town of Tisbury to final Judgement Voted that the Selectmen be A Committe to report to the next ad- journed Meeting what money it is nessessary to be raised by the Town for the Support of the Poor and Town Schools and other Incidental Charges for the year ensueing Voted that Elijah Hillman George Athearn and Charles Smith be A committe respecting the adopting of Some measures for improving and assertaing the bounderies and giveing their oppinion of the quantity of the Lands called the plain Lands belonging to the Town of Tisbury and to examine the Records and assertain if the Personage in S- Town is Towns property and if it is Towns property to recommend Some measure for the taking possession of and appropriating the Same for the use of the Poor of Said Town Pound Keepers N W School District-Committe South East district School Committe 438 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that all Persons be prohibited from drawing A Seine in Chapa- quonsot Pond or within the Distance on the Shore to the eastward of Said Ponds Creek of A large rock on the Sea Shore near where the old Saltworks Stood and not nearer to the West ward of Said creek than Isaac Lnce Salt works mill — Shall any Person draw A Seine under the penalty of five dollars for each offence and the one half of Said fine to go to the complainant and the other half to the use of the Poor of the town and that the Town Clerk be caused this Vote to be Sent to the Court of Sessions for their approbation A copy of this Yote was duly fowarded to the Court of Sessions for May term y 1825 Voted that Benjamin Allen Winthrop Luce & Presbery Norton be A Committe to Settle the late Selectmen and Town Treasurers Books Voted that this meeting Stand adjourned until the fourth day of May next at 2 o clock in the afternoon attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury on May ^H y 1825 for the purpose of chooseing A Representative to Repre- sent the Town in the General Court to be held on the last Wednesday of May y 1825 it was Voted that it was inexpedient to Send or choose A Representative the present year attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting held on april ^''18 y 1825 the Inhabitants Voters of the Town of Tisbury meet at the Meeting House in the east Parish on May *'' 4 y 1825 the Moderator being present opened the Meeting and the following Votes were taken Viz and passed in the affirmative Voted that the Sum of Eleven Hundred dollars be raised and assessed on the Inhabitants for to meet the expences of the Town the ensueing year Viz For Town Schools two Hundred Dollars $200, For Support of the Poor and Contingent expences 800. For paying Intrist Money and Towns debts as far as it will go 100, 11100 Voted that Elijah II illnum, George Athearn & Charles Smith be A Committe to consider the expediencey of Selling or improving and useing TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 439 the Herring Fisheries of the Town and report to the Town as soon as convenient their oppinion of the best method of Disposing or improving the Said Fisheries and what the probable income to the Town may be Voted that Charles Smith & Thomas H. Smith be authorized and acquired to inform the Selectmen of All Violations of the law respecting the taking of Clams from their Beds by Transient Persons for Such in- formation they Shall receive the one half of the fines imposed by law for Such information Voted that Elijah Hillman George Athearn & Charles Smith be A committe to consider the propriety of Petitioning the General Court (pro- vided that New Bedford Should be made A County) to have our Court of Appeals to be held in New Bedford in lieu of Barnstable and to Cor- respond with the other Towns of the County of Dukes County and New Bedford to that effect Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned until the Second Wednesday of June at 3 P M to receive the report of the committees Attest W^^ Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the East Parish of Tisbury on day of May in the year 1825 Pursuant to A Vinire from the clerk of the court of common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the first Monday after the fourth Monday of May Instant for the purpose of drawing five discreet persons for Grand Jurors for the Insueing year and four discreet persons for Traverse Jurors to Serve at Said Court at Said May term and the following persons were drawn Viz Hiram Chase. Prince Rogers. Benjamin Athearn *'' 3'' Charles Smith & Seth Daggett for Grand Jurors — and Nathan Smith Eliakem Norton William Ferguson Jur & Peter Nor- ton for Traverse Jurors, as pr report of Wp Downs Clerk Pro tem Attest W-y Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to a A Vinire from Abner Davis Esqur Clerk of the Supreme Court at Barnstable dated the fifth day of March y 1825 drected to Timothy Luce Jr one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury directing him to Warn a meeting to draw Jurors one of Sufficent abillity and A good moral Character to Serve as Grand Juror and one good Man of the like qualifications to Serve as Traverse Juror to attend at the Supreme Court to be holden at Barnstable the first tuesday in May yl825 and the 440 TISEURY TOWN RECORDS. Meeting was duly Warned and Legaly held and the following Persons were drawn as Jurors Viz Benjamin Reynolds as Grand Juror Jethro Hillman Traverse Juror th May 18 y 1825 attest W^ Cottle Tovm Clerk At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the east Parish of Said Town on May "'23 yl825 for the purpose of drawing one grand Juryman to Serve at the Court of pleas as Stated above in lieu of Benjamin Athearn *''3'' who was not to be found by the Constible and William Davis was drawn to Serve as A Grand Juror for the year ensueing Attest W^ Cottle, Torvn Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting held on May "'4 y 1825 the Inhabitants meet in the East Parish of Tisbury on June "'8 y 1825 the Moderator being absent and but few People attending the Clerk opened the Meeting read the report of the Committe and A Vote was taken to adjourn the Meeting until the first Monday in September and passed in the affirmative attest W^ Cottle Totcn GJerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tislniry duly warned agreable to the constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'! Tis- bury on Wednesday the thirty first day of august y 1825 for the Pur- pose of taking A Vote to authorize the Town Treasurer to borrow^ Certain Sums of Money to pay Sundry Persons back debts due them from Said Town — the Warrant being read by the Town Clerk and Stephen Skiff was Voted to be Morderator and the following Votes w^ere taken and passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that the Town Treasurer hire the Sum of \\\e hundred dollars upon the credit of the Town and give Treasurey Notes in behalf of the Town for the Same bearing Intrist from the date and appropriate the Said Sum to the Payment of the Most presing demands against the Said Town of Tisbury Voted — that the Towm Treasurer be authorized to receive into the Treasurey after the tenth day of October next all Town orders which may have been issued Six Months previous to Such presentation and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 441 Issue Treasurey Notes in behalf of the Town for the Same bearing In- trist from Said tenth day of October next — and no Notes to be issued for A less sum than twenty Dollars Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day attest W^ Cottle Toicn Clerk Pursuant to A Vinire from Cornelius Merchant Es(|u Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown in Dukes County on the Monday after the fourth Monday of October in y 1825 to draw four Jurors to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors A Meeting of the In- habitants of the Town of Tisbury having been duly warned they Mett with the Selectmen and Town Clerk at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'! Tisbury on Sauterday the twenty Second day of October y 1825 and the following Persons were drawn to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors Viz Daniel Manter ^ Thomas Waldron r • ■ V, r\ 11 • Traverse Jurors Jerimiah Crowell Jacob Cliflford attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Friday the twenty Seventh day of January in the year eighteen Hundred and twenty Six being duly warned agreable to laws and constitution of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts on the Petition of ten Freeholders to desig- nate what part of Holmes hole harbour A Peir that is contemplated to be built by the General Goverment Should be placed and report to the Hon John Reed Eqr Menber of Congress their oppinion of the Same Elijah Hillman Esqur was Chosen Moderator and the following votes passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that the Peir be located in the iner Harbour above the flat on the West Side and above the line drawn from the West flat to A Certain point on the Beach about S.E. '/•.' S from the Said West flatt as the line as drawn on A chart of the Harbour by Capt Seth Daggett Voted that the Meeting be adjourned for fifteen Minutes At the experiation of the fifteen Minutes the meeting was opened and the House called to order by the Morderator A Vote was taken by yeas and Nays — to reconsider the Vote respecting the Peir being located in the uper Harbour and was negatived — the Yeas & Nays were as follows 442 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. for reconsidering the Vote the yeas ware Richard Luce Thomas Dunham Thomas H Smith John Holmes Benjamin Dexter Elijah Smith Jethro Hillman Timothy Chase Isaac Winslow Abijah Luce Freeman Norton Trustram Luce William Smith Matthew Merry John West James D Peakes Franklin Smith total yeas 17 not to reconsider the Vote the Nays were Shubal Dunham Jeremiah Cromwell 1 Seth Daggett Lathrop Merry 1 James Cottle Jonathan Manter 1 William Downs Elisha Dunham 1 John Lewis Benjamin Reynolds 1 Peter West William Dunham 1 Ira Dexter John Luce 1 William Downs Jr William Daggett 1 Benjamin Reynolds Thomas Robinson 1 Oliver Crosby Obed Coffen 1 James Smith Benjamin Reynolds 1 Warren Cleveland William Cottle 1 Charles West Elijah Hillman 1 Jonathan Luce Prcsbery Luce 1 George Dunham Lemuel Luce 14 George Smith 17 17 total Nays 31 TISBURY TOWNKECORDS. 443 Voted in the affirmative that the above names be entered on the Fown record Voted that thare be chosen A Committe of Seven Men to discignate and mark out on the Chart the phice where the Peir ought to be placed in the Heard of the Harbour of Holmes Hole above the line marked on the Chart Voted that Seth Daggett, Peter West, Trustram Luce, William Cottle, rhomas H Smith, Jethro Hillman and Jonathan Luce be the Committe to disignate the place in the Head of the Harbour above the line marked 3n the Chart where the Peir Should be placed and make their report to the Town at the adjourned meeting Voted that the Chart presented the Town by Capt Seth Daggett be accepted and the Chart kept amongst the Archedves of the Town Voted that this meeting Stand adjourned unto tuseday the thirty first of January year eighteen hundred and twenty six at one o clock in the afternoon attest W^ Cottle Town Olerl; Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting on Friday the 27 day of January y 1826 the Male Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbur}^ on thuesday Janu- ary 31 y 1826 at one P. M — the Morderator being Present the House was called to order and the meeting opened and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted to except the report of the Committe and the place disignated and Marked on the Chart by the Majority of the Committe where the Peir Should be placed in the uper part of Holmes hole Harbour and passed in the affirmative Voted that Elijah Hillman Esqu. Capt Seth Daggett and Mr George Dunham be the Towns Committe to correspond with Hon John Reed Esqr Member of Congress relative to the Said Pier and to transmitt to him the doings of this Meeting and the Chart with the marked spot on it for the place of the Peir Voted that the Committe mark on the Small fhart the place for the Peir on the Same Spot that has been disignated by the Committe and is marked on the Chart now before the meeting and the Small Chart to be forward to the Hon John Reed A Vote was taken to enter the report of the Committe on the records and S'! Vote was negatived Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day attest W- Cottle Town Clerk 444 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The whole number of Children in the Town of Tisbury in March y 1826 were (Males under twenty one & Females unter eighteen five hundred & fifty nine (559) as pr returns of the Several School Com- mittes Number of Children in the Holmes hole District ware 291 N. W do 78 South & S E do 102 North Shore , do _88 559 In the year Eighteen Hundred and twenty five thare was raised by the Town of Tisbury two hundred dollars for the Support of Town Schools $200 Proportioned as follows Viz Holmes Hole District 104 = 11^ N W do 27 - 90^ South & S E do 36=49^ North Shore do 31-48^ $200 - 00 Attest William Cottle, Tovm Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the Laws and Constitution of this Commonwealth to Vote for Governor, Lieutenant Governor Senators and Councilers on Monday the third day of April in the year 1826 at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbury and the following Persons were Voted for governor Lieu- tenant Governor & Senators & councilers and the Votes were Sorted recorded & Sealed in open Town Meeting as the Law directs Viz For Governor His Excellency Levi Lincoln forty Votes 40 " " Hon Samuel Hubbard three 3 For councilers & Senators John Mason forty Six Votes 46 Solomon Pratt forty two do 42 Joseph Tripp twenty two do 22 James A Jones thirty seven do 37 Matthew Mayhew five do 5 Echobed Norton Seven do 7 John Hancoch one do 1 Solomon Mason four do 4 Joseph Rotch five do 5 Attest William Cottj^e Toimi Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 445 At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified agreable Laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote in the Choice of Town officers raise Money for to de- frey the expences of the Town and other Town affairs on Monday the the third day of april y 1826 at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Sd Tisbury and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted Benjamin Allen to be Morderator " William Cottle to be Town Clerk " Trustram Luce \ " John P. Norton > to be Selectmen " George Athearn ) Voted that the Town Treasurer have eight dollars for his Services the ensueing year Voted James Cottle to be Treasurer of the Town Voted to but one Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury Voted John Cottle to be Collector of Taxes and to have for his Ser- vices three pr ct on the amount of Taxes Voted Georo:e Dunham Jabez Luce Benjamin Dexter Eliakem Norton Voted Elijah Hillman Seth Daggett Thos Dunham Thos H. Smith John Holmes Voted Matthew Merry. " Charles Look. " W'l' S. Vincent. " Elijah Hillman. Voted Trustram Luce Charles Look John Cottle Bernard Luce Samuel Thompson Voted Bartlett Allen William Downs John Holmes William Lambert. William S. Vincent. to be Constables V to be Health Committe Surveyors of Highway Fence Veiwers. > Titheing Men 44:6 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted Abiiah Hammett > t> i i •' , > round keepers. Shubal Merry 5 ^ Trustram Luce ^ Edmund Crow ell j Alfred Norton -J- Feild Drivers. Jerimiali Manter I Whitten Manter J Voted James Cottle Trustram "Weeks John Lambert ^ n t , ,,y.n. . 1 >- Surveyors or Lumber Wmiam Andrews ' -^ William Harding Ervin Luce and all the preceeding Votes passed in the affirmative Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the first tuesday in May next at two oclock in the afternoon attest W^ Cottle Toini Olerh At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the Law and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote in Town affairs on Monday the third day of April y 1826 at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury and the fol- lowing Persons w^ere Voted for as County Treasurer and Register of Deeds for County Treasurer Peter Norton 3'' had forty one Votes 41 " William Jernigen " Nineteen do 19 " George Athearn " two do 2 For Regester of Deeds Samuel Smitli had fifty Votes 50 attest William Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury on May "'1 y 1826 at the Meeting House in IJolmes hole pursuant to A legal Notice of the Selectmen for the Purpose of regulating the Jury Box Samuel Daggett was Chosen Morderator William Fergursen- ^ Seth Daggett > were Chosen A Committe to regulate the Lathrop Merry ) Jury Box Voted that the 174 names returned by the committe to regulate the Jury Box as eligable Jurors be excepted passed in the affirmative Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day attest W'.'. Cottle Toini Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 447 " Pursuant to A Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be held at Barnstable May term for y 1826 Benjamin Dexter one of the Constable of the Town of Tisbury duly notified the Inhabitants of Said Town to meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town on Monday the first day of May y 1826 for the purpose of chooseing one Suitable Man for A Grand Juror and one Suitable Man for A traverse Juror to Serve at Said Barnstable Court the Inhabitants meet at the time and place and Bartlett Pease Jur was Chose Grand Juror Bartimus Luce was Chose Travers Juror attest W- Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held on may the third y 1826 the Inhabitants assembled at the Meeting House in the West Parish on tuesday the Second day of May y 1826 at 2 o clock in the afternoon the Moderator being present the following Yotes were taken and passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that thare Should be eight Men for School Committe Voted that Trustram Luce " Nathan Smith Voted that John Cottle " Alfred Norton Voted that Presbury Norton James Cleveland Voted that David Look " Abijah Hammett John P. Norton be the Committe for Holmes hole District be the Committe for North Shore District be the Committe for the N W District be the committe for the South and S E Districts Voted that Lathrop Merry and Warren Lewis be Feild Drivers Voted that Jabez Smith & Thomas H. Smith, to be fence Veiwers Voted that Benjamin Allen ^ be a Committe for getting from the the Clerk of the Court of Sessions for Dukes County A Copy of the Treasurer of the Countys accts for two years last past and Charge the expence to the Town of Tisbury Voted that Peter Norton Ju " David Look " George Smith " James Smith " Oliver Grinnel Ju " W"' Sanford Vincent " Seth Look be Hog Reaves for th( of Tisbury Town 448 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that George Athearn Elijah Rillman & William Davis be A Committe to Settle the Selectmen and Treasurer Books Voted that the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars be raised and assessed on the Inhabitants for use of Town Schools Voted that the Sum of One Thousand Dollars be raised and assessed on the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for to meet and defray the expences of the Town of Tisbury the ensueing year Voted that Elijah Hillman be the Town of Tisbury agent for prose- cuting and defending Sutes for or against the Town of Tisbury Voted that the overseers of the Boor to Hire A House to put all the Poor in Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day ' attest William Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the Meeting House in the West Parish on Monday May the fifteenth yl826 for the purpose of choosing A Representative to Represent the Town in the next General Court to be held on the last Wednesday of May Voted to Send A Representative and the whol number of Votes were forty one of which John P. Norton had thirty one Votes and was declared to be elected A Representative to the Next General Court Voted Samuel Daggett ^ u -\!ir,-ii,- T? to be A Committe to advise the Rei)re- " William Ferguson ^ " Eliiih FTill ^ sentative what business the Intrist of " Benjamin Al^n [ ^^^ ^^^^^" v^^xxive^ to be acted on the " Peter Norton J ^"^"^^"o year in the General Court attest W^' Cottle Town Clerk At A legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the West Parish of S'l Tisbury at the Meeting House on the 22 day of May at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in the year 1826 and the following Votes passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that George Athearn Esqur be Morderator Voted John P. Norton Clerk pro tem Voted that the overseers act in A manner that will be most condu- cive to the Town Intrist with the regard to the Poor in manner as they Shall See fit TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 449 Voted that John P Norton write to his friend in New Yorlv for further information relative to the Wooster Family Voted that George Dunham be Pound Keeper in Holmes Hole as pr returns of the Clerk Pro tem attest W^-^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to A Notice of Benjamin Dexter one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury waring A Town Meeting for the Choice of five Jurors to Serve as Grand Jurors and five Jurors to Serve as Traverse Jurors at the Court of Common Please to be holden at Edgartown of the fifth Monday of May Inst. — the Inhabitants meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish in Tisbury on Monday at one o clock in the afternoon 111 on May 23 y 1826' (after the Meeting for regulating the Jury Box) and drawed out of the Jury Box the following Persons to Seven as Jurors Viz David Look >> Abijah Athearn | Thomas Cathcart y Grand Jurors James Look Stephen Luce Peter Norton •^''- -, John Cottle | Ira Dexter y Traverse Jurors William Downs James Cottle attest W- Cottle Town Clerl- Pursuant to A Notice of Benjamin Dexter one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury warning A Town Meeting for the choice of four Persons to Serve as Traverse Jurors at Court of Common Pleas to be held at Edgartown in Dukes County of the Second Monday of October next the Inhabitants meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish in Said Tisbury on Monday the 25*'' day of September y 1826 at two o clock in the afternoon and the following i*ersons were drawn to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors Viz Jabez Luce. Jonathan Athearn Jr Charles Look ife Ervin Luce attest W^' Cottle Town Clerk 450 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At A Leg-al Meeting of the Inhabitants of tlie Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote for A Representative to Congress of the United States at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on November *''6 y 1826 it being the first Monday of Said Month and the following Per- sons were Voted for Viz Hon John Reed twenty Votes 20 " Walter Folger three 3 " John P. Norton Esqur one 1 Attest W^-^ Cottle Toiun Clerh At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, duly qualified by the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators and coun- cilors on Monday the Second day of April y 1827 at the East Parish of Said Tisbury and the following Persons were Voted for Governor, Lieu- tant Governor Senators & counclers and the Votes were Sorted counted recorded and Sealed in open Town Meeting as the Law directs Viz For his Exellency Levi Lincoln for Governor Forty Eight Votes 48 " William C. Jarvis Esqur do four 4 For Lieutenant Governor Hon Thomas L. Winthrop Forty Eight 48 For Senators & Councilors Joseph Tripp Sixteen 16 William Wood thirteen 13 Noah Claflin thirteen 13 George Athearn five 5 John Hancock five 5 Echobed Norton Sixteen 16 Matthew Mayhew twelve 12 William Davis Eleven 11 Thomas L. Winthrop one 1 Attest W?' Cottle Town Olerh At A legal Meeting of Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Monday the Second day of April y 1827 duly qualified to Vote for County Treasurer by the TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 451 Constitution & laws of this Commonwealth the follow Persons were ^oted for Viz For County Treasurer George Athearn Esqu .had twenty Six Votes 26 William Jernigen Esqu fourteen do 14 Seth Daggett Esqur one do 1 Attest W^' Cottle Town Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held it the Meeting House in the East Parish of S" Tisbury on Monday the Second day of April in the yr 1827 for the Choice of Town officers and o raise Money for Town Schools Support of the Poor and to meet the >irrent expences of the Town the ensueing year the following Votes VQVQ taken and passed in the affirmative and officers choose were as bllows viz Voted Benjamin Allen Esqur Morderator William Cottle Town Clerk Trustram Luce ^ John P. Norton i Selectmen- Assessors & George Athearn ) O^^^seers of the Poor James Cottle, Town Treasurer Voted that the Salary of the Town Treasurer Shall be eight dollars )r Annum Voted George Dunham " Eliakem Norton " Wilham S. Vincent " Benjamin Dexter " Jabez Luce Voted that thare be but one Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tis- )ury the year Ensueing Voted Jerimiah Crowell " William Downs " John Holmes " Edmund Crowell " Peter Norton Ju " Zachariah Smith " Isaac Luce to be Town Constable Titheingmen 452 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted Elijah Hillman " Seth Daggett " Thos Dunham Voted, that the Petition of District, be laid on the Table Voted Thomas Dunham " Elijah Hillman " Alfred Norton Voted Elijah Hillman " Matthew Merry " Belcher Athearn Voted James Cottle " William Andrews " Trustram Weeks Voted Tristram Luce " Charles Look " 'Bernard Luce " Matthew Lambert Voted Tristram Luce '' Thomas H. Smith " Jethro Hillman " Shubal Merry " Matthew Merry " George Athearn " W"' S. Vincent " Shubal Weeks. " W'-^ Davis. Voted Charles Smith " Abijah Hammett Voted Charles Smith " Seth Daggett " Thomas Dunham " Thomas Cathcart " Abijah Luce " Benjamin Dexter " John Cottle " David Look " Benjamin Allen > be A Health Committe W7 S. Vincent & others for A new School ^ be A Committe to examine the order > of Notice on the Herring Fishery from ) the General Court and to make their report at the Adjournment > Surveyors of Highways > Surveyors of Lumber 1 Fence Veiwers > Field Drivers i Pound Keepers Hoo- Reves TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 453 Voted Charles Smith \ be A Committe to Settle with the " Seth Daggett > Town Treasurer & Selectmen and to " Elijah Hillman J report on the Same at the adjourned Meeting Voted, that this Meeting Stand adjourned to the fourth Monday of A.pril Inst, y 1827 at one P M Attest, W'i Cottle 7hum Clerk Pursuant to A Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court to be tiolden at Barnstable May term y 1827 Eliakim Norton one of the Con- stables of the Town of Tisbury duly Notified the Inhabitants of Said rown to Meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Monday th 23 day of April y 1826 for the purpose of Choosing One Suitable Man as a grand Juror and one Suitable Man to Serve as A Traverse Juror at Said Court, the Inhabitants Meet at the Time & place and the following Persons were drawn to Serve at Sd Court from the Juror Box Viz William Furgeson Grand Juror Willard Luce Traverse Juror Pursuant to the Adjourned Town Meeting of April ^"2 yl827 unto April the fourth Monday being the 23*! of Said Month at A one P. M. the Inhabitants Meet the Morderator being present, opened the Meeting and the following Votes were passed in the affirmative Viz Voted Richard Luce > be added to the Edmund Crow ell S Health Committe Voted John Lambert Surveyor of Lumber " that the first Section of the report of the Committe on the Chopoquonsett Herring Fishery — to remonstrate Against the Petition of John P Norton and twelve others (as pr order of Notice from the General Court) be accepted " that A Committe be chosen to draw A remonstrance against the Petition of John P Norton and twelve others and that Thomas Dunham Elijah Hillman and Seth Daggett be that committe to draw that remonstrance against the Said Petition of John P Norton and others above named Voted that the Second Section of the Herring Fishery be not ex- cepted 454 TlSBUllY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that the last Vote be reconsidered " that George Athearn Esqur be the Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury for the year ensueing and to have for his Services three & three eighths pr Cent on the whole Sums assessed upon the Town Voted that George Athearn, Thomas Dunham & Daniel Fisher be the School Committe for the Town Voted that Seth Daggett be the prudential School committe for the Holmes hole District " that Matthew^ Merry, be the prudential School committe for the North Shore District " that James Cleveland be the prudential School committe for the N W. District " that Belcher Athearn be the prudential School Committe for the South & South East district " that Six hundred Dollars be assessed and raised in the Tow^n for the Support of the Poor of Sd Town of Tisbury. Voted that Four hundred Dollars be assessed and raised in the Town of Tisbury for the Support of Town Schools '' that three hundred Dollars be assessed and raised in the Town of Tisbury to pay the Intrist money due from Sd Tow^n to individials and Towns debts and Incidental Charges " that this meeting be Adjourned unto the Second Monday in May at 2 P M attest W7 Cottle Toiun Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting of April *''23 y 1827 to the Second Monday of May "'14 at 2 P M the Inhabitants meet the Morder- ator being Present the meeting w^as opened and the following Votes were taken Viz Voted that William S Vincent "| Abijah Ilammett [ be titheing Men in Lieu of those Edmund Crowell f chosen at the Annual Meeting- Lemuel Luce J Voted that John Cottle ^ be fence Viewers in lieu of those Charles Look ^ Chosen at the Annual Meeting — James Cleveland ^ Excepting Trustram Luce Voted that James Cottle ^ be Surveyors of lumber with W'' Trustram Weeks ^ Andrews chosen at the anuel Meet- John Lambert ^ ing TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 455 Voted that Matthew Manter ^ be field Drivers with Trustram Zackariah Smith Luce and Thomas H. Smith and Pressberry Norton V Jethro Ilillman and in lieu of those Lathrop Merry Joseph Smith chosen at the Anuel meeting that were not Sworn Voted to receive the report of the Committe for Petitioning the Gen- eral Court against the Petition of John P Norton and others and that the Said remenstrance be Sent on to Said General Court Voted that the Fisheries of Chopaquensett remain in A State of Nature as they are Voted that the petition of William S. Vincent and others be put on the files Voted that the Selectmen provide for the Poor in the best manner & way that they deem proper Voted that this Meeting be Adjourned without day attest W~ Cottle Town Clerk The whole Number of children in the Town of Tisbury in August 1827 were (Males under twenty one & Females under Eighteen) Five Hundred & Fifty Seven (557) as pr returns of the different School Com- mittes Viz Holmes Hole School District were children 304 North West do " 70 North Shore do 83 South & S E do 100 Scholars 557 At the Anual Meeting of the Voters of the Town of Tisbury in the Spring of 1827 Four Hundred Dollars was Voted to be raised & assessed on the Inhabitants for the Support of Town Schools |400 Proportioned, pursuant to the Number of children in the Several Dis- tricts as follows Viz — Holmes Hole District |218 = 31 North West do 50 „ 27 North Shore do 59 „ 60^ South & S. E do 71„81 $400 = 00 Attest W^ Cottle To'wu Clerk 456 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town Pursuant to A Vinire from Cornelius Merchant Esqu. Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for Dukes County holden at Edgartown to appoint five good Men as Grand Jurors and four good Men as Travers Jurors all to be of good ^Moral Character and the following Persons were drawn from the Jury Box and duly appointed Viz Thomas H. Smith Grand Jurors Bernard Luce Abijah Ilammett James Cleveland Alfred Norton John Holmes John Baxter I Traverse Abijah Luce j Jurors Trustram Luce J May 1827 Attest W Cottle Town Clerk at a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury warned & Notified according to the Laws and Constitution of this Common- wealth for the purpose of Sinking a peir in Holmes Hole Harbour to lay before the Town the proposals of the Selectmen of Edgartown relative to the lines between the Towns and to take into Consideration the Peti- tion of Sundry Inhabitants in the South East School District they meet at the meeting House in Holmes Hole on June ^''16-1827 there being but few present they organized the Meeting by choosing Elijah Hillman Esqur Morderator and Voted to a adjourn the Meeting unto Monday June ^''18 - 1827 one oclock in the afternoon attest W^ Cottle Toivn Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned Meeting on the 16 June 1827 the Inhab- itants meet on Monday June "'18-1827 at one o clock in the Meeting House at Holmes Hole the Morderator being present the Meeting was opened and the following Votes were passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that Individuals have liberty to Sink a Peir (pursuant to a petition of Seth Daggett nnd six others to Avarn a Town meeting to have liberty to Sink a peir in Holmes Hole Harbour any where between a line due east from Samuel Daggetts House and a line due east from Thomas TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 457 Dunhams House in Said Harbour) agreeable to Said petition any where vithin Said limetts in depth of water not exceeding Nineteen feet Voted that Said Peer shall not exceed in length on any one Side hree Hundred feet within Said limetts. Voted not to except the propositions of the Selectmen of Edgartown especting the boundery line between the Towns Voted that the Town take no further notice of the petition of Jona- han Athearn & others for a new School District as thare was not any if the petitioners in Town Meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day Attest Wf Cottle Town Clerk At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury — [ualified agreable to the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth if Massachusetts for the purpose of appointing Jurors at the Meeting louse in the East Parish of Tisbury on September th 18 = 1827 Pur- uant to A Warrant or Vinire from Cornelius Merchant Esqu to George )unham one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury to appoint four udicious Men of good Moral character to Serve as Traverse Jurors at he Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third tlonday of September Inst and the following Persons were drawn Viz Presberry Norton, Matthew Merry, Peter Norton Ju^, and Thomas Bradley Attest W^ Cottle Toion Clerk At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly [ualified to Vote for Govenor Lieutenat Governor, Senators and Coun- ilors agreable to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth held ,t the Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday •pril "'7-1828 the following Persons were Voted for and the Votes v^ere Sorted counted recorded & Sealed up in open Town Meeting Viz For Governor His Excellency Levi Lincoln forty Seven Votes — 47 For Leiutenant Governor Hon Thomas L Winthrop thirty two — 32 For Senator & Councilors Howard Lathrop eighteen 18 Votes William Wood twenty eight 28 Votes John A Parker twenty eight 28 do Levit Thaxter four 4 do John P. Norton four 4 do Timothy Daggett one 1 do attest W- Cottle Town Clerk 468 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury on Monday the 7 day of april 1828 for the purpose of Voting for a County Treasurer the Mod- erator being chosen the following Persons were Voted for Viz George Athearn had ten Votes 10 William Jernigen had twenty ' 20 Seth Daggett do nine 9 Peter Norton 3'! do one 1 attest W^' Cottle Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the constitution & Laws of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts to Vote for Town officers and to Vote money to be assessed to defray the expences of the Town and other Town affairs on Monday the Seventh day of april - 1828 at \ past two o clock P M at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbury and the following Votes were taken and passed in the affirmative Viz Voted John P Norton to be Moderator " William Cottle to be Town Clerk " Trustram Luce ^ ' ' John P. Norton > to be Selectmen ' ' Matthew Lambert ) " that the Town Treasurer have for his Services the ensueing year Eight Dollars and one dollar extra for each and every execution that he Shall issue against delinquent Collectors Voted James Cottle to be Town Treasurer and give bonds in the Sum of Two Thousand dollars for the faithfull performance of his duty " Jabez Luce ^ Charles Smith r^^ T\ \ ( Constables Greorge Dunham [ Shubal Luce J Voted that the Selectmen be a committe to cut twenty Loads of Wood off the plain Lands and Cut the Said quantity and de- liver the Same to the use of the Poor Voted on the Petition of the Selectmen Viz Trustram Luce & George Athearn and James Rogers & Eighteen others have liberty to erect two gates across the Town Road petioned for TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 459 to be Surveyors of Lumber y to be Fence Veiwers Voted the Petition of Seth Daggett and others be laid on the table until an adjourned Meeting " the Sum for Collecting Taxes be Sold at auction and was Sold to David Look at two and Six Eights 2&'Ys P'" Cent on the Sum assesed, he to give bonds in the Sum of three Thousand dollars to the Town Voted James Cottle i Trustram Weeks William Andrews John Lambert " Bernard Luce Ervin Luce Charles Look Samuel Thompson Trustram Luce " Thomas Dunham Willard Luce Charles Smith Ervin Luce " John Luce Abijah Hammett " Charles Smith Trustram Luce John Hursell Abijah Luce sworn Hovey Luce Abijah Athearn James Look Willard Luce Thomas Dunham Daniel Fisher John P Norton Stephen Luce Bernard Luce John Cottle Hog: Reeves Pound keepers to be Field Drivers to be central school committe. ^ Prudential Committe for the South ^ district N W and North Shore Dis- ^ tricts Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the Second Monday of May next at 2 P. M Attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk 460 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at 181.S the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town on Monday "'28 day of april — having been duly warned according to Law for the purpose of regulating the Jury Box it was Voted that Thomas H Smith be Moderator Voted that the list prepared be accepted as reported by the Select- men and their respective names be put into the Jury Box which was done in open town meeting Voted that this be adjourned without day Attest W^ Cottle Town Cleric At a Legal meeting held in the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Monday the 28 day of april 1828 duly warned for the pur- pose of drawing Jurors for to attend the Supreme Judicial Court at Barnstable for the County of Barnstable and Dukes County duly warned by George Dunham a Constable of the Town of Tisbury pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of Said Court and the following Persons were duly drawn Viz Joseph Look Ju and was returned into the Box by a Vote of the Town on account of his supposed absence. Shubal Luce to be Grand Juror Eliakem Norton to be Traverse Juror Attest W^' Cottle Town Ohrh To William Cottle Esqur Town Clerk of Tisbury we the Subscribers freeholders inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury do hereby Protest against the Vote that passed at the Town IVIeeting holden in Said Town on the Seventh day of april Instant relative to licensing Hovey Luce to Set Gates on the road between his Land and the Land of Jonathan Athearn and we further Say that Said Vote was unconstitutional and contrary to both common and Statute Law and that no town in its corporate capacity has A right to rase money for any purposes except those Set forth by the Legislature and we declare that the Said Vote has a tend- ancey to raise contentions in the Said Town and in the Religious Soci- eties that meet in the Same we therefore humbly, pray and request you to enter this our protest on the records of the Said Town and to read the Same at the adjournment of the Said meeting or to hand it to the Morderator for that purpose that the town may if tlie Inhabitants TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 461 Should See Cause have oppertunity to reconsider the Said Vote which we desire may not continue a Stigma to us and to our offspring and a Usgrace to the Town in all future generations we will not pay any ex- Dcnce that may be assesed in consiquence of the Said illegal Vote nor my proportion of cost to the Town of Tisbury that may arise by reason Df the Said Vote Tisbury april "'15-1828 Signed Benjamin Athearn James Look W^^ S Vincent William Lambeet John P Norton Seth Allen Shubal Weeks Matthew Merry Horatio G Norton David Look Joseph Allen James Cleveland Jabez Luce Benjamin Allen Matthew Manter Ju Jerimiah Manter Alex Newcombe Solomon Athearn John Willi ARD Luce Robert Athearn Jonathan Athearn Jur Moses Crosby Noah Waldron Peter Norton Timothy Chase Eliakem Norton Matthew Lambert William Look Sanderson Manter Matthew Manter Belcher Athearn Jonathan Lambert Robert Look Bernard Luce Richard Luce Elijah Hillman At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury agre- able to a Notice of Jabez Luce one of the constables of the town of Tis- bur}'^ Pursuant to a Vinire from the clerk of the Court of Pleas to be holden at Edgartown dated april "'8 1828 to draw five Men to Serve at Said Court as Grand Jurors and four Men to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors all of good Moral Character the Inhabitants meet ac- cording to the above Notice on May "'12 - 1828 at V2 past 12 o clock at the Meeting House in the west Parish of Said Tisbury and the following Persons were drawn to Serve as Jurors Viz John Tilton William Lambert Trustram Weeks Matthew Lambert Jonathan Luce Jur Grand Jurors 462 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. J.athrop Merry -j Joseph Look Jur John Johnson ^ Traverse Jurors Seth Daggett J Attest W^. Cottle Toivn Clerk A a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in 'the West Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday May ^'' 12 at one o clock in the afternoon for the Choise of a Representa- tive to represent the Town of Tisbury in the Next General Court and it was Voted not to Send a Representative attest William Cottle Toini Clerk Pursuant to the adjourned anual Town Meeting of april ^''7-1828 the Inhabitants meet at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury at 2 P M on May 12-1828 the Morderator Called the House to order and the following Votes were taken and passed in the affirmative Viz Voted Charles Smith, Alfred Norton & Abijah Hammett to be Surveyors of hi g ways Voted Elijah Hillman Thomas Dunham Jonathan Luce Ju )- Health Committe Alfred Norton I Trustram Luce ' Voted Zackariah Smith Benjamin Cleveland Joseph Smith Lemuel Luce )■ Tithinomen Warren Lucas Shubal Dunham George Athearn Voted Charles Smith to be Prudential committe for the Holmes District Voted that the Petition of Elijah Hillman and others respecting de- viding the Holmes Hole School district that the petitioners have leave to withdraw their petition Voted to raise and asses on the Inhabitants of Said Town of Tisbury the Sum of three liundred dollars for the Sui)))ort of Town Schools Voted that there be I'aised and assesed on the Inhabitants of the TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 463 Town ol" Tisbury for the Support of the Poor iind other Incidental charges of the Town one thousand Dollars Voted that the article in the Warrant respecting Fetetioning the Legislature to Send a committe to affix the line between Edgartown and Tisbury be indefinitely postponed Voted that the Selectmen be a committe to treat with the Selectmen of Edgartown to affix a permanent Line between the Two Towns and to petition the general court for the Same purpose if nessesary Voted that the Vote passed at the last anual Meeting on the Petition of the Selectmen and James Rogers and eighteen others to erect two Gates across the Town Road Petitioned for — be expunged from the Record Voted that the thanks of the House be given to the Morderator for his patient and impartial conduct during the time that he has presided over the Meetings Voted that Meeting be adjourned without day attest W- Cottle Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied by the Laws & constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury on Tuesday at 2 P M September "'16 1828 Voted David Look to be Morderator Voted John P Norton tendered his resignation as one of the Select- men and Assesors and the Town refused to except his resignation on taking the Vote it was negatived Voted that thare be One Hundred Dollars assesed and raised on the Inhabitants of Sd Tisbury the ensueing year in addition to three Hundred allready Voted to be assesed for the Support and use of Town Schools Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day W^ Cottle Toivn Clerk At A Legal Meeting held at the old Meeting House in the West Parish in Tisbury on the 20*" September y 1828 for the Purpose of draw- ing Traverse Jurors for to Serve at the Court of pleas to be holden at Edgartown & for the County of Dukes County the following Persons were drawn to Serve as Traverse Jurors Viz Bartlet Allen. Elijah Luce Shubal Dunham Freeman Gray as pr returns of Jabez Luce clerk pro Tem W- Cottle Town Clerk 464 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the West Parish of Sd Town on Monday No- vember ^''3 1828 being the first Monday of Said Month Pursuant to an act of the General court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts passed June 10 y 1828 directing the Manner of Voting for electors of President and Vice President of the United States the Meeting having been duly Notified & Warned & the following Persons were Voted for Viz Hon Nathan Willis of Pittsfield Berkshire Nine Votes 9 " David Henshaw Suffolk Nine do 9 " Thomas L Winthrop do Eight 8 " Samuel Lathrop West Springfield Eight , 8 Electors at Large Electors for Suffolk District John R Simpson Esqur of Boston Nine Votes 9 Hon Jesse Putnam do eight 8 Electors for Essex South District Coin Josiah Newhall of Linfield Nine 9 Hon Stephen White " Salem Eight 8 Electors for Essex North District John Russ Esqur of Menthuen Nine 9 Hon Bayley Bartlett of Haverill eight 8 Electors for Middlesex District Hon William Austin of Charleston Nine 9 " Nathan Chandler Lexington eight 8 Electors for Worcester South District Hon Jonas Sibley of Sutton Nine 9 (len Jonathan Davis oxford Eight 8 Electors for Worcester North District Wilham Willard Esqur of Lancaster Nine 9 Hon Silas Hollman of Boston Eight 8 Electors for Franklin District John Dewry Esqur of Coleraine Nine 9 Coir Eliel Gilbert Greenfield eight 8 Electors for Hamden District Gen Joseph M Forward of South wick Nine 9 Hon Joshua Frost Springfield Eight 8 Electors for Berkshire District Hon Phineas Allen of Pittsfield Nine 9 " Samuel Jones Esqur Stockbridge Eight 8 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 465 Electors for Norfolk District Hon Ebenezer Seaver of Roxbury Nine 9 " Edward H Robins Milton Eight 8 Electors for Plymouth District Hon Peter H Peirce of Middlebourgh Nine 9 " Seth Sprauge Duxbury Eight 8 Electors for Bristol District Elieu Daggett Jur Esqur of attleboiirough Nine 9 Hon Oliver Starkweather of Pawtuckett Eight 8 Electors for Barnstable District John P. Norton Esqur of Tisbury Nine 9 Hon Braddock Dimmick of Falmouth Eight 8 Signed John P Norton ) Selectmen men Matthew Lumbert > of Tishurt/ as pr returns of William Dunham clerk pro tem to the Town Clerk W;' Cottle Tovjn Cferk of Tishurij At A legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly juahfied by the Laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- jhusetts to Vote for A Representative to the United States Congress at ;he Meeting House in the West Parish of S'! Tisbury at 3 o clock on VTonday November "'3-1828 being the first Monday of Sd Month and ;he following Persons were Voted for Viz Ichebod Norton Esqur thirteen Votes 13 Hon John Reed three do 3 As pr returns of W^^' Dunham clerk pro Tem to the Town Clerk W^ Cottle Tovm Clerh At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- 3husetts to Vote in Town affairs assembled at the Meeting House in the West Parish of S'' Tisbury on Monday the 3*1 day of November 1828 at /, past 3 oclock in the afternoon pursuant to a Warrant from the Select- men the following Votes were passed in the affirmative Viz Voted John P Norton to be Morderator 2'' article in the Warrant not acted on 3"* do liberty is given to retain Mooring Bouys and place them in Holmes Hole Harbour U6 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 4^'' article committe think probable they may cut Wood on the plains 5"' article not acted on and adjourned to the annual Town Meeting — Meeting adjourned Sign Dieu as pr returns made to Wy Cottle the Town Clerk by William Dunham Clerk Pro tern At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the laws and constitution of the commonwealth of Massa- chusetts for the Purposes Set forth in the Warrant Viz to Sell the Estate of Certain Ediots, and to prevent Seining in Holmes Hole Harbour Laugone Pound Chopoquonseett Pond and on the Shores of the Vine- yard Sound and to Petition the General Court for the Same & to ap- point John Fish Esqu and two other Gentlemen of Falmouth to run the lines between Tisbury and Edgartown and affix Permanent Bounds — Meet at the Meeting House in Holmes Hole on February the third at one oclock in the afternoon and the following were passed Viz 1^* Voted Charles Smith to be Morderator 2*^ Voted that it was inexpedent to act on the Idiots Land business 3'^ Voted to choose a committe to petition the General Court to pre- vent Seining as above expressed 4"' A^oted that the Selectmen be a Committe to petition the General court to appoint John Fish Esqur of Falmouth & two others of Fal- mouth to affix Permanent bounds between Tisbury and Edgartown Voted that this Meeting be adjourned without day W^' Cottle Ton-n CIpvI- At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Qualified by the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to Vote for Governor Lieu tennant Governor Councilers & Senators held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'l Tisbury on Monday april "'6 1829 at one o clock in the afternoon and the following Votes were Sorted counted & Sealed in open Town Meeting Viz For Levi Lincoln for Governor thirty one Votes " Marcus Morton do twenty one do Thomas L Winthrop for Lieutenant Governor twenty three Votes Nathan Willis for do do Sixteen do (ieoroe Dunham do do do one do Marcus Morton do do do one do Matthew Manter do do one do TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 407 For Councilors and Senators Howard Lathrop had four Votes John P Norton do Thirty two do John A Parker do Eight do John Hancock do Xwenty five do Theodore G. Mayhew do twenty eight do Echobed Norton do two do Thomas Dunham do one do W'^ Cottle Town Clerk — At legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified to Vote for County Treasurer held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of said Tisbury on the Sixth day of April 1829 at half past one P. M and the follows vote was taken — John P. Norton to be Mod- erator and the following Person were Voted for as Treasurer Viz Matthew Manter Jun — Fiftv three — Votes William Jernigen — Ten — do Peter Norton 3" — one — do Thomas Dunham — one — do George Athearn — Five — do W^ Cottle Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied to Vote in Town affairs by the laws and constitution of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts — assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Tisbury on Monday the Sixth day of April 1829 at two O'clock P M — and the following Votes ware passed in the affirmative Viz John P Norton was choose Moderator William Cottle Town Clerk & sworn Matthew Lambert ^ John P Norton i Selectmen and -r ,, T T \ assessors Jonathan Luce Jr ) Voted that the Town Treasurer have Eight dollars for his Services the ensueing year — Voted that George Athearn be the Town Treasurer Voted that the Number of Constables in the Town shall not exceed Four 468 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. sworn Voted that charles Smith be a constable the ensueing year Voted " John Holmes do do do Voted " Jabez Luce do do do sworn Voted " Trustram Weeks do do do sAvorn Voted " that Collector of Taxes have two 2^/3 & Seven eighths per cent for his Services the ensueing year — Voted that alfred Norton be the Collector of Taxes for the ensueing year — sworn Voted that Seth Daggett and Elijah Hillman be a Committe to re- ceive the Books of the Town Treasurer and transfer them to George Athearn the present one choosen — Voted that Thomas Dunham be a Special agent to defend a Sute for cutting wood on the plain Lands Voted that Elijah Hillman be the General Town agent to posecute or defend any Sutes that may be brought against the Town the ensueing year except the above respecting the plain Lands Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday of May next at 2 oclook P. M — W'^ Cottle Toirn Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of s'| Tisbury on April 22 - 1829 at 2 P M Persuant to a Notice of a Town Constable and his producing a Vinira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one Suitable and of a good Moral character to Serve at Said Court as a Grand Juror and one of the like good Moral Character to attend Said Court on the first tuesday in May next as a Traverse Juror and the following Persons were drawn A'iz James Cleveland for a Grand Juror Peter Norton Jur for a Traverse Juror W^' Cottle ( Tovm Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the fourth day of May 1829 at one P M — duly QuaKfied for choosing Representa- tives and for the purpose of choosing a Representative and the following Persons were Voted for and John P. Norton was choosen — Viz TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 469 John P Norton thirty four Votes — 34 Thomas Dunham — twenty four — — 24 Shubal Dunham — one — — 1 W^ Cottle Toiun Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S*! Tisbury at 2 P M on May the fourth 1829 persuant to the adjourned Town Meeting of April "'6-1829 — the Moderator being present and called the House to order and opened the Meeting and the following Votes were taken and passed in the affirm- ative Viz to be fence Viewers Field Drivers Voted — Trustram Luce Alfred Norton Bernard Luce Shubal Dunham Trustram Luce Jethro Hillman Charles Look Hovey Luce Belcher Athearn Thomas Cathcart Thomas H. Smith John Cottle Abijah Athearn Benjamin Dexter to be a Constable John Holmes Elijah Hillman Thomas Bradley Thomas Dunham Henry P. Worth Thomas Dunham Daniel Fisher John P Norton Richard Luce Belcher Athearn Health Committe Central School Committe and all resioned John Cottle Prudential William Davis School Committe. William Andrews — James Cottle Trustram Weeks & John Lam- bert — Surveyors of Lumber, Voted Abijah Hammett Elijah Hillman Surveyors John Cottle Daniel Fisher of Charles Look High Ways 470 TISBUHY TOWN RECORDS be Abiiah Hammett Ira Dexter ^^^^^^^ ^^^P^^'^' Voted Thomas Cathcart John Cottle William Andrews Jethro Hill man Lemuel Luce Thomas H. Smith Hog Reeves Joseph Smith Abijah Luce William Lambert Charles West Freeman Norton Daniel T. Buff ham Voted that the Holmes Hole School District be devided into two School Districts agreable to a Petition of Seth Daggett and others Voted Elijah Hillman Thomas Bradley John Holmes, AVilliam Downs & Benjamin Dexter be a committe to devide the Said Holmes Hole School Districts into tw^o Districts Benjamin Dexter to be the Prudential School committe for the North Holmes Hole Districts Voted that the Sum of Eight Hundred and fifty Dollars be assessed and raised on the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for the Support of the Poor and Incidental charges for the ensueing Year — Voted that the Sum of three Hundred dollars be assessed and raised on the Inhabitants for the Support of Tow^n Schools — Voted that the Sum of one Hundred dollars be assessed and raised on the Inhabitants of Tisbury in addition to the three Hundred Dollars for the Support of Town Schools Voted that the Selectmen provide for the Maintainance of the Poor in Such Manner as they think will be for the Interest of the Town and Comfort of the Poor, Voted that the Sum of one Hundred Dollars be assessed of the Inhab- itants and raised for the repairs of Highways — A^oted that this Meeting be adjourned Sine day yi?i Cottle, Town Clerk- At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Tisbury on May "'6 — 1829 at 7-2 past 12 oclock Persuant to a Notice of a Town Constable and two Venires from the Clerk of the Court of Pleas to be holden at Edgar- town on the third Monday of May Inst to draw five good and Lawful Men of good Moral character to Serve at Said Court as Grand Jurors TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 471 and Four others of the Same good Qualifications in the Second Venira to Serve as Traverse Jurors and the follov^ing Persons were drawn Viz William Furgerson ^ William Downs i Belcher Athearn . y Grand Jurors Trustram Luce Charles Look Peter Norton "'3' Nathan Smith I Traverse David Look f Jurors James Look J Attest W^ Cottle Toivn Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of said Town on Wednesday May 13 — 1829 Pursuant to a legal Warrant from the Selectmen for the purpose and the following Votes were passed in the affermative Viz Voted — John P. Norton to be Morderator r Henry P Worth ^ Voted } Thomas Dunham i to be the Central School Committe ( George Athearn ) Voted — John Johnson to be the prudential School Committe for the South School District Voted to except the report and doings of the Committe in dividing the Holmes Hole School District Voted that Benjamin Dexter to the Prudential Committe for the North Holmes Hole School District Voted that the Selectmen inquire whether Elizabeth Hazelton is chargeable to the Town of Tisbury and employ Council if Nessesary — Voted that this Meeting be adjourned Sine day Attest W^ Cottle Town Clerk Copy Tisbury May "'26 — 1829 To William Cottle Clerk for the Town aforesaid we the undersigned request you to enter in the Town records the following Persons owning Real Estate in the North Shore District to wit — Lydia Chase, Roland Luce, Bartimus Luce James Roggers Ephriam Allen Thomas Cathcart Elisha Lambert Samuel Hancock Charles Smith, 472 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. John Smith Ripzebeth Luce Micaiel Daggett, Samuel Look Jerimiah Crowell, Jabez Lewis — the above named Persons are not residents in the District — ^ Assessors for the Signed — Matthew Mekry / ^r n on ^ T r^ ? JS'orth /Shore John Cottle ^ ^ , , t^ . J School JJistricts To the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in Town Meeting as- sembled the undersigned having at a Meeting of Said Town held May 4th — 1829 been chosen and elected a committe to Subdivide Holmes Hole or the Eastern School District into two Districts having attended their to beg leave to report that after duly considering the Matter they are led to conclude that deviding line between the two Districts Should be by Commencing at the Waters of Holmes Hole Harbour and thence West five Rods South of the Dwelling House of Mrs. Mary Merry and to Continue Said West Course to Chappoquansett Pond and so report Said Division the District to the South of said deviding line to be called and known as Holmes Hole South School District and all to the North of Said line of Division to be known & called Holmes Hole North Dis- trict all which is Humbly Submitted l)y your most oW Servants r Elijah Hillmax Signed [^ W^' Downs Tho": Bradley Holmes A true Copy attest W^ Cottle Toivn Cleric At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury pur- suant to a Vinire from Cornelius Merchant Esqr. clerk of the Court of Pleas at Edgartown to draw four Men as Jurors to serve at Said Court in the last Monday of September Inst — Said having been duly warned by Jabez Luce one of the Constables for the Town of Tisbury and the following Persons Were drawn from the Boxe — Viz James Rogers Traverse Jurors John Cottle Pressbury Norton Ira Dexter Attest W^' COTTLK Town Chrlc TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 473 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'! Town on Monday 21'' Decbr 1829 pursuant to a Warrant from the Selectmen for the Purpose of choosing a Central School Committe and a prudential Committe for the East District and the following Votes passed in the aflfirmative Yiz Voted — Jonathan Luce Jur to be Morderator " Thomas Bradley to be one of the Central School Committe for the Town of Tisbury — Voted to ammend the Warrant in the 3'' section to be altered So as to read — Holmes Hole South School District in Lieu of the Eastern District — Voted that Lathrop Merry be the Prudential Committe for the Holmes Hole South School District in Lieu of Richard Luce Resigned Voted that this Meeting Stand adjourned without Day — Town W^ Cottle , ^„ , ( Clerk At Legal Meeting of Male Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Qualified by the Constitution and Law\s of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts pursuant to legal Notice Meet at the old Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbury at one P M on Monday the fifth day of April 1830 for the purpose of Voting for Governor, Lieut Governor, Senators & Councillors and the following Votes were given in Viz Excellency Livi Lincoln for Governor 45 Forty five Votes Hon Marcus Morton — for Governor 36 Thirty Six For Lieut 5 Hon Thomas L. Winthrop Forty four 44 Governor I Nathaniel Willis Esqr Thirty two — For Senators vfe Councillors Hon Solomon Pratt, twenty eight 28 D"" Jones Godfrey, twenty Eight 28 Levitt Thaxter Esqur — Fifty 50 Hon John A Parker twenty Eight — 28 " Howard Lathrop Forty one — 41 Elijah Inghram Thirty two — 32 Joseph Tripp — one — 1 Toion Attest W^' Cottle . ^, , Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied by the Constitution & laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 474 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. to Vote in Town affairs assembled at the old Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbiiry at 2 oclock in the afternoon and the Votes were passed in the afferma);ive Viz on Monday April 5*'' William Davis Esqr Morderator William Cottle to be Town Clerk Jonathan Luce to be Selectmen overseers of the Poor & assessors following 1830 Arven Luce Matthew Lambert George Athearn to be Town Treasurer and to have eight dol- lars for his Services during the present year For County Treasurer the following Persons were Voted for Viz — William Jernigen Matthew Merry Matthew Manter Jur Trustram Luce sworn Jabez Luce sworn Eliakem Norton sworn twenty Votes nine Forty Seven 20 — 47 to be Constables Elijah Hillman John Cottle James D Peaks Trustram Weeks Bernard Luce Samuel Thompson George Athearn Charles West Thomas Bradley Charles Look Abijah Hammett William Andrews John Lambert William Lambert Trustram Luce Central School Committe Surveyors of Llighways Surveyors of Lumber Fence Viewers Prudential School Committe Matthew Merry, for the Noi'th Shore District Prudential Committe James Cleveland for the N W District Prudential School Committe Lathrop Merry for the South Holmes Hole District Prudential School Committe for the North Holmes Hole School Dis- trict — John Llolmes Prudential Committe for the South & S, E, District Sanford. W. Vincent Voted that this Meeting adjourned to the first Monday in May next at one oclock in the afternoon — W^' CoTTi.K ] 7hnm Clerl' TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 475 Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court for the County of Barnstable & Dukes County directed to one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury to Notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury in particular the Selectmen & Town Clerk — which Notice was duly given by Eliakem Norton one of the Town Constables according to law — and the Town Meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish of S'! Tisbury at 2 P M on april the 22 — 1830 and Jonathan Athearn Junior was draw^n to serve at S*l Supreme Court as a grand Juror and Abijah Hammett was drawn to Serve as a Traverse Juror at Said Su- preme Court next to be holden in the County of Barnstable Attest W^f Cottle | Toini Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for the Purpose of regulating the Jury Box agreable to a Warrant from the Selectmen for that Purpose — agreable to the Constitution & Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and also one other article in Said Warrant pursuant to a petition of Elijah Hillman & others to take a vote to request the Selectmen of said Tisbury not to approbate any Person or Persons as retailors of ardent Spirits the year ensueing — and the following Votes were passed in the affirmatife Viz Voted WilKam Davis — to be Morderator Voted to except the list prepared by the Selectmen to be put into the Jury Box as Jurrors — Voted to amend the Town Meeting Warrant So as to read — to see if the Town will Direct the Selectmen not to approbate any Person or Persons as retailors of ardent Spirits the year ensueing agreable to the Petition of Elijah Hillman and others — Voted — that the Selectmen are directed not to approbate any Licensed retailors of ardent Spirits the ensueing Year — and the Meet- ing Adjourned without day — Town Clerl' Pursuant to Vinires from Cornelius Merchant Esqur Clerk of the Court of Pleas to be holden at Edgar town on the third Monday of May Inst to draw five good and Lawful Men as grand Jurors & four good and Lawful Men to Serve at Said Court as Traverse Jurors to meet at Said 476 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Court on tuesday after the Said third Monday — after due Notice by Jabez Luce one of the Constables of Said Tisbury — for that Purpose the following Persons were drawn to Serve as Jurors A^iz Bartlett Pease Jur Edmund Luce Willard Luce Alfred Norton & Matthew Merry William S. Vincent Traverse Jurors as Grand Jurors William Look Abijah Luce Freeman Norton At a Legal Meeting held at the old Meeting House in the West Parish of Tisbury having been duly warned as the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires for the Choise of a Representative to represent the Said Town of Tisbury in the Next General Court to be holden the Inhabitants assembled and gave in their Votes for a Representative — and David Look was chosen attest W'.' Cottle Town Clerl- Pursuant to the adjourned Town Meeting of april 5^'' 1830 — to May 3*^ 1830 the Meeting was opened by the Morderator and the following Votes passed in the affirmative Viz Voted that Charles Look be excused from Serving as one of the Sur- vey ers of Highways Voted that George Athearn be excused from Serving as one of the Central School Committe and that Charles G Athearn be one of the cen- tral School Committe in his Stead Voted that one Thousand Dollars be assessed & raised on the Inhab- itants of the Town for the Support of the Poor and Incidental charges the ensueing year Voted that Four Hundred Dollars be raised and assessed on the In- habitants of Said Town for the Support of Town Schools the ensueing year Voted the article in the Warrant the Catties going at large be defi- nitely i)ostponed Voted respecting the Siirvey of the Town that the Selectmen act their pleasure Voted — that Matthew Merry be Collector of Taxes the ensueing year and to have three pr Cent on the Amount of Taxes for his Services in Collecting the Same TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 477 Voted that Trustrain Luce Abijah Luce John Holmes Jethro Hill- man, William Pool, Richard Luce, Nathan Smith, Ira Dexter, Bernard Luce, Hovey Luce John Hammett, George Cleveland, Tliomas Waldron & James Look be Field Drivers the ensueing year Voted Henry P. Worth, Thomas Bradley, Elijah Hillman, Thomas H. Smith & Thomas Dunham be the Llealth Committe the ensueing year Voted Thomas Bradley and John Cottle be a committe to Settle with the late Selectmen and Town Treasurer and report at the next Town Meeting- Voted that Ira Dexter and Abijah Hammett be Pound Keepers the ensueing year Voted that Elijah Hillman, Bartlett Allen William S. Vincent, David Manter to be Tithing Men Voted that Hiram Chase, Nathan Smith and Jethro Hillman & David Look be Hog Reeves the ensueing year — Voted that this meeting be adjourned without Day — Attest — William Cottle ] Tovn CJerl- Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court for the County of Barnstable & Dukes County dated at Barnstable the 12"' day of May 1830 directed to one of the constable of the Town of Tisbury to Notify the Inhabitants of S'! Tisbury to meet and in Particular the Town Clerk & Selectmen for the purpose of drawing one Juror to Serve at Said Supreme Court to be holden at Said Barnstable June the thirtieth 1830 — and the Inhabitants of Said Tisbury by due Notice being given according to Law by Eliakem Norton one of the Town Constables meet at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Tisbury on June "14- 1830 at 2 P M and Robert Athearn was drawn a Juror to Serve at Said Court attest W?^ Cottle Town Clerk Pursuant to a Vinire from the Clerk of the court of Pleas for the county of Dukes County to one of the constables of the Town of Tisbury to Notify the Inhabitants of S'! Tisbury to meet for the purpose of draw- ing four good & lawful Men to Serve as traverse Jurors afthe court of Pleas to be holden at Edgartown in Said county on the last Monday of September 1830 after due Notice being given by Jabez Luce Constable the Inhabitants at the Meeting House in West Tisbury at three oclock 478 TISBURY TOWN^ RECORDS in the afternoon on September 13-1830 and the following persons were drawn from the Jury box to Serve as Jurors at S'^ Court Viz Thomas Bradley Thomas Robinson Daniel Manter Timothy Pease Jr W7 Cottle Toirn Clerk The whole number of children (Males under twenty one year of age and Females under Eighteen year of age) in August 1830 as pr returns of the differant School Committes were Five hundred & Fifty three (553) Holmes Hole South District Children 228 do — North do do 70 North Shore do do 78 North West excluding Mr Belcher Athearn 84 South & S. E including Mr Belcher Athearn _93 553 At the Anual Meeting of the Voters of the Town of Tisbury on May 3 1830 it was Voted that thare Should be raissed and assessed on the In- habitants of S- Town Four Hundred dollars for the Support of Town Schools the ensueing year Proportioned pursuant to the number of children in the Several School Districts as follows Viz Holmes Hole South District 164 - 91^ do North do 50-63 North Shore do 56-38 Northwest do 60-75^ South & S East do 67- 32 400 = 00 At a legal meeting held in the congregational Meeting house in the west parish of Tisbury having ben duly warn'' as the Constitution & laws of the commonwealth of Massichusetts Requier for the choise of a Repre- sentative to the Congress of the United States for the District of Barn- stable to Represent S'! County in the next Congress of the United States The Inhabitance assembled & Gave in their votes for a Representative as follows, for Barker Burnell five for John Reed Nine Attest W" Mantor Jr Town Clerk Pro Tern TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 479 At a lega Meeting held at the Meeting house in the west Parish of Tisbury on the twenty Second day of November 1830 at one a clock P. M. The Inhabitance of S- Town being assembled at the time & place apointed agreable to the warrant Jonathan Luce Jur. chairman of the Select men proseeded to open the Meeting in manner & form, the votes being Cald for moderator George Athearn was chosen by ballot Mod- erator the votes were then taken for town Clerk & were brought in & counted as follows for Matthew Mantor Jr twenty two for Jabez Luce Six & Matthew Mantor Jr was chosen & sworn Voted that the Selectmen sell at public auction the house of Robert Waldron Town Pauper & place the Nett proceeds of s'! sale in the Treas- ury of S'i Town for the benifit of S^ Town Adjourn'! this Meeting till the 2'' monday in December insuing at 1 P. M. att. Matthew Mantok Je Toivn Clerk At a legal Meeting held in the Meeting house in Holmes hole on Wednesday the twenty fourth day of November 1830 at one of the clock P. M. The Inhabitance Met at the time place apointed Seth Dagget was chosen or Voted Moderator Voted by ballot for a suitable man to keep the post office in holmes hole in answer to a Resquist from the Postmaster General. Votes being brought in & counted for Charles West seven for W- Downs one Voted that in case the selectmen Recieve an answer from the Post Master General Respecting the proceeding of this Meeting that they make it public by posting it up at the Meeting house in Holmes Hole without delay Voted to adjourn this Meeting without day Attest Matthew Mantor Jk Tonm ClerJv Pursuant to the adjourned meeting held in the west Parish of Tis- bury on the twenty seccon*! day of November 1830 The Inhabitants met at the Congregational Meeting house in the west parish of S'^ Town Dec 13*" 1830 the meeting being organized according to Law Proceeded to buisness George Athearn Esqr Moderator, The principal subjict under consideration is to take a vote of the Town on a Petition of Ebenezar Skiff Esq'; & others Respecting Neat cattle & Sheep Running at Large on the uninclosed Lands of Tisbury & whether the Town will vote to instruct their Representative to Request the Hon Legislature of the Com- monwealth of Masst? to Repeal so far as it Respects said Town all Laws 480 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. heretofore made for impounding Neat Cattle & Sheep Going at Large except when found doing damage on improved & inclosed Lands, The Vote being taken on the above mentioned petition It was negatived Unanimosly And the Meeting was adjournd without day the Select Men then adjourned to the premisis of Robert Waldron Town Pauper To make sale of S'! Roberts house & some moveables agreeable to Public notice Given by them for the above mentioned Sale according to Law. The Sale to be by Public auction, Jonathan Luce Jr chairman of the Selectmen Auc- tionear having sold the movables to diferant Individuals the house was offered next to the public Matthew Mantor Jur being the highest bider It was bid of by the Sd Matthew Mantor Jr for thirty Seven dollars to be paid Six months after the Sale Dec. 13*" 1830 Attest Matthew Mantor Jur Toum Clerk At a legal meeting of the male Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified by the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pursuant to Legal notice met at the Meeting house in the East parish of S'" Tisbury at 12 oclock meredian on Monday the 4^" day of April 1831 for the purpose of Voting for Governor Lieutenant Gov- ernor Senators & Councellors an the Following votes were given in Viz — Excellency Levi Lincoln for Governor Thirty Seven 37 Honourable Marcus Morton for Govenor twenty Seven Votes 27 For Lent. } Lion Thomas L. AVinthrop Thirty Six 36 Governour S Nathan Willis Esq Twenty Votes 20 For Senators ^ Joseph Tripp 1 John Williams 1 & Councillors S Sollomon Pratt 1 Samuel French 2 Ichabod Norton 3 Ebenizar Dagget 2 Elijah Ingraham 16 Col. Crane 1 Charles II. Warren 14 James Hatch 1 Elijah Howard Jr 15 John Hersell 1 Charles H. Howard 2 Sollomon Fisk 1 John Long 1 Attest Matthkw Mantor Jur Toum. Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the Meeting house in the East parish of Said Town on april 4'"' 1831 TISBUEY TOWNRECOEDS. 481 for the purpose of Takeing into consideration & acting on the petition of Lathrop Merry & others Respecting choosing a committee to meet other committees from Edgartown & Chilmark to See If the Town will choose a committee Meet them or 'Not To purchase a farm & house to put the poor in The votes being Call'! sorted & counted for Moderator Thomas Dunham Esqr Was chosen Moderator Voted that the Town would not choose a committee to meet the committees of Edgartown & Chilmark & the meeting was adjourni without day- Attest Matthew Mantor Jk. Tovjn Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of The Town of Tisbury held in the meeting house in the East parish of S** Town on Monday 4^'' day of April 1831 Qualified to vote by the constitution & Laws of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts to vote & the Following Yotes were passed in the afirmative Viz Thomas Dunham Esqr Moderator Matthew Mantor Jur To be Town Clerk — Sworn Matthew Merry sworn ^ Matthew Lumbert sworn > To be Selectmen Jonathan Luce Jr ) and Assessors George Athearn Town Treasurer (Sworn) For County Treasurer the Following persons were voted for Viz — William Jernigen one Vote — 1 ) for Matthew Mantor Jur fifty one — 51 5 Votes adjourned this meeting by Vote till the 11^'' day of May insuing at 11 A. M. attest Matthew Mantoe Jur Town Clerk of Tubury At a legal meeting held in the meeting house in the east parish of Tisbury on Monday april 25 1831 duly warn'^ for the purpose of drawing jurors for to attend the Supreme Judicial court at Barnstable for the County of Barnstable & dukes County Duly warn'! by Eliakim Norton a Constable of the Town of Tisbury — Pursuant to a Vinira from the Clerk of Said Court & the following persons were duly drawn Viz — William Lumbert & was returned into the box by vote of the Town on account of 111 health — John Tilton was drawn & Returned into the box 482 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. by a vote of the Town on account of inability to serve from bodily in- firmmaties James D. Peakes was drawn to be Grand Juror Peter Korton Jur to be Petty or Travers Juror to serve as Juramen at Said Supreme Court next to be holden in the County of Barnstable attest Matthew Mantok Ju Town Clerk At a legal meeting held in the Meeting house in the East Parish of Tisbury on Friday May 6"' 1831 duly warn'! for the purpose of drawing Jurors Pursuant to a Venire from Cornelius Merchant Esq'; to Jabez Luce one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury to apoint four judi- cous men of Good Morral Character to serve as Travers Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the third monday instant — Also to draw out of the box five men of Like good Qualifica- tions for Grand Jurors the present year and the following persons were drawn (Viz) Franklin Hammett Hiram Chase — Jonathan Luce — Thomas H. Smith William Furgerson to serve as Grand Jurors for the present year 1831 Presbury Norton Arvin Luce Matthew Mantor Jr & George Dun- ham — To serve as Travers Jurors for May Term 1831 Matthew Man- tor Jur Town Clerk (omission) George Athearn chosen moderator 2PM the jury box was regulated & accepted by a vote of the Town David Look Clerk [Pro Tern) Pursuant to the adjournment of the annual Town Meeting of April 4"' 1831 the Inhabitants met at the Meeting house in the East Parish of Tisbury on Wednesday May the Eleventh 1831 at eleven a clock A. M. The Moderator Called the house to order and the following votes were taken and passed in the afermative Voted to adjourn the Representative Meeting till 3 P. M. Voted to choose three men destinct from the Selectmen & assessors to oversee the poor Voted that the Select Men & assessors have Eight dollars Pr Annum for their services Voted David Look John Cottle & William Downs be overseers of the poor Voted Jabez Luce Cathcart Luce Archebeld Mellin be Constables Voted Charles G. Atliearn Shubal Dunham & Leroy M. Yale be a Central School Committee TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 483 Voted that Willard Luce ( South East District ^ James Cleveland I North W. Shore Do Prudential i Alfred Norton J Lumberts Cove School -{ ' Committee Lathrop Merry I John Holmes or North Shore Do South Holmes hole Do North Holmes hole Do Voted James Cottle Tristram weaks & William Andrews Surveyors of Lumber Voted Bernard Luce Charles Look William Merry Jur & Charles Smith surveyors of highways sworn Voted Jabez Luce Willard Luce John Hammett *'^^°''" Hovey Luce sworn sworn William H Davis George W. Cleveland Field Drivers Tristram Luce Thomas H. Smith Ira Dexter Jethro Hillman Field Drivers Voted Abijah Hammit ^'''"™ west P Shubel Merry East P be pound keepers Voted Elijah Luce Seth Dagget John Holmes Charles Smith Henry P Worth Health Committee Voted Bernard Luce William Lumbert John Cottle James Cleveland Fence Vewers East P Voted Charles Smith Thomas H. Smith fence vewers East P Voted W'^ Sanford Vincent Franklin F. Smith s"«^° Matthew Mantor Jur Tithing Men West Parish Voted Tristram Luce Abijah Luce James D Peakes Tithing men Voted Matthew Mantor Jr Obid Luce Edward Harding John John- son Tristram Luce Hog Reeves Voted Nathan Smith Collector of Taxes for 2| p Ct two & three fourths p. cent & give bonds for Double the amount of bills that Shall be committed to him Voted that Cattle Sheep & Horses shall not run at large on the Commons Voted that the Selectmen are authorised to sell Real & personal Estate belonging to Town Paupors Voted that the Select Men Investigate the buisness respecting money paid to Capt Charles Smith of Holmes hole which is said to have been not good Voted that the next town Meeting for the Choice of Representative to Congress & Electors for President be held in Holmes Hole & Alter- nately ever after 484 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The Report of Thomas Bradley & John Cottle who were chosen a Committee at the last years anual meeting to Settle with the Late Se- lectmen & Town Treasurer was red & accepted by a Vote of the Town Voted that eight hundred dollars be Raised for the Support of the poor & Insidental charges the present year Voted that the Town Treasurer call up to a settlement all the back collectors that are indebted to the Town Without delay Voted to Raise four hundred dollars for the support of Town schools Voted to Raise two hundred Dollars in addition to the above sum of 400 for the support of Town Schools Voted that this meeting be adjourned till Wednesday 25"' st at one P. M. 1831 Attest Matthp:w Mantor Jur Town Clerk Pursuant to the adjournment of the anual Town meeting which was held on Wednesday May 11*-^! 1831 which meeting was adjourned till Wednesday May the 25"' 1831 the Inhabitants being assembled at the Meeting house in Hohnes Hole (® 1 P M agreeable to adjournment the meeting was called to order by Thomas Dunham moderator and the fol- lowing votes were passed in the afermative (Viz) Voted that one hundred & fifty dollars be raised to Repair high ways — either by work or in money Voted that the Treasurer of the Town be directed to Call up the Surveyors of highways of the Town for the years 1829- & 1830 to a set- tlement & prosacute the delinquints Voted that John Clifford «"°'" Charles Baxter ^"«'» & Timothy Luce be field Drivers Voted Jethro X Hillman & Warren Lewis be Tithingmen Voted William Pool Warren Lewis & William West be field Drivers Voted that the Town Treasurer give Bonds of three thousand dollars Voted Dennis Dexter & Abraham Chase be Hog Reeves Voted that the Selectmen men Shall Repair the pound as soon as practible & draw on the Town Treasurer for the Expence thereof Voted that the sum of fifty dollars be paid to the person or persons who Shall prosicute to conviction the person or persons that Recently de- stroyed the pound in the west parish of Tisbury belonging to S;! Town Voted that Tristram Luce Bernard Luce Abijah Hammitt Benjamin Allen Esqr & James Cleveland be a Committee of Vigelance to detect &v prosicute the late destroyers of the Town pound in the west parish of Tisbury when detected & all other property that may be Destroyed or . . belon": to S'! Town TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 485 Yote that ten cents p hour be given to each Labourer and two dol- lars pr day for one man & team with Either cart plow or drag Voted that the Committee asertain the facts Respecting Columbia bank bills which were said to be paid to Capt Charles Smith by the Treasurer, & also Report Respecting Mrs Hichcock at the Next Town Meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day Attest Matthew Mantoe Jue Ihinn Clerk Agreeable to the Returns received from the respective school com- mittees for the year 1831 Is as follows Viz Holmes Hole North destrict 79 Holmes Hole South destrict 245 ) including North West Do 86 5 4 of S W North Shore Do 81 Belcher Ah South East Do 101 Total 592 Proportion of Money for Each district as follows $ C 111 North district Holmes Hole South North West North Shore South East 80- 8 - -7 the sum 248 „ 26 - -8 assessed 87 „ 17 - - 8 is 600 82 „ 10 - -3 dollars 102 " 36 - -3 for 1831 1599 ' 99 M Mantor PR T. C. At a Legal Meeting held at the Meeting house in Holmes Hole in the East parish of Tisbury having been duly warned as the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require for the choise of a Representative to Represent the said Town of Tisbury in the next Gen- eral Court to be holden the Inhabitants assembled and gave in their votes for a representative and Eliakim Norton was chosen votes Eliakim Norton 51 Seth Daggett 44 Total David Look 2 98 Benjamin Allen 1 98 Tisbury May 11th 1831 Attest Matthew Mantor Jur ToiV7i Clerk 486 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a Legal Meeting held at the Meeting house in Holmes Hole in the East parish of Tisbury having been duly warned as the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require to give in their votes by yeas & nays for changing the Election of Governor & Lieu- tenant Governor & senetors from April & May anually to the Second monday of November and also for changing the time of the Setting of the General court agreeable to a resolve or Law of this Commonwealth passed March the 7th 1831 Entitled a proposed article of amendment the Constitution The Inhabitants assembled & gavin their votes by yeas & nays Yiz Yeas forty two Nays eight Yeas 42 Nays 8 — Tisbury May 11"' 1831 Attest Matthew Mantok Jk Toum Clerk qf Tisburij At a Legal Town Meeting held at the meeting house in the East parish of Tisbury on the 17th day of Sept 1831 @ 3 P. M. For the pur- pose of drawing four men for a Traverse Jury at the court of common Pleas to be held at Edgartown on the third monday of this present month of Sept the Select men & Town Clerk being present drew from the Box the following persons viz John Cottle ^ William Downs ' ., ^ ^ T Tx ^ r- 1^0 Serve as Iraverse Jurors Ira Dexter | John Baxter ) Tisbury Sept 17"' 1831 Wt. Mantor Jr Tomi Ghrlc At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting hous in Holmes Hole on Monday the 14"' day of Novem- ber 1831 Having ben duly warned as the Constitution & Laws of Massa- chusetts Require for the purpose of Choosing Governor Lieutenent-Gov. & Senators also to choose a Representative to Represent Said Town of Tisbury in the next General court to be hold en The Inhabitants assem- bled & Gave in their votes for a Representative & Alfred Norton was chosen the votes being brought in Counted & Sorted were as follows (Viz) For Governor r for Livi Lincoln Twenty four — 24 Hon. \ for Marcus Morton Twelve 12 ^ Samuel Lathrop Seven 7 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 487 The votes were then CalP & brought in for Lieutenant Governor as follows viz being counted & Sorted For r William Wood one — 1 — Hon S John Mills Nine — 9 — ( Tho! L Winthrop fifteen — 15 — The votes were then brought in for Senators for Bristol & Dukes County's being counted & Sorted were as follows viz Joseph Grinell Nine 9 Elnathan P. Hatheway Seventeen 17 Leavitt Thaxter Twenty 20 Nathan C. Brownell Six 6 Samuel French Seven 7 Ebenezer Daggett Six 6 Elijah Howard Two 2 Elijah Ingreham Two 2 John Coggeshall Two 2 Horatio Pratt Eight 8 Tho^ Cook One 1 Monday 14*'' November 1831 Attest Matthew Mantor Jur Toum Clerk Tisbury Nov 14-1831 The Inhabitants then proceedid agreable to the warrant to Choose a Moderator, & brought in their votes as follows — for Jonathan Luce Jur a majority was given & was chosen the house being caled to order the following votes were passed in the afirmative Voted that Charles Look be one of the overseers of the poor this present year 1831 Voted Thomas Dunham Esqr Arvin Luce & Charles Smith be a Committee to petition the Legislature to enact a Law the more effectualy to prevent Fraud & bribery at the Elections for State & Town officers (agreeable to the petition of Tho': Dunham & others & also to forward the S"! petion to the Legeslature of this Commonwealth without any further orders from the Town Voted that the committee that were chosen at a former meeting to investigate the buisness Respecting Columbia bank bills & the buisness Respecting Mrs Hichcock have a longer time allowed them to Examin into the buisness & Report at the next Town Meeting 488 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that Matthew Mantor Jur provide a suitable Chest to contain the Books & papers of the Town & Charge the Expence of the Same to the Town Voted that this meeting be adjourned without day Attest Matthew Mantor Jur T. Clerk At a Legal meeting of Male Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Qualified by the Constitution & Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to vote in Town affairs pursuant to Legal notice Meet at the Congregational Meeting House in the West Parish of Said Tisbury at one of the clock P. M on Monday the Second day of April 1832 and the following Votes were passed In the afirmative (Viz) Jonathan Luce Junr — Moderator Matthew Mantor Jur To be Town Clerk — sworn William Davis Esq ^ John Cottle / Select Men & assessors Thomas Bradley -^ (sworn) For County Treasurer Matthew Mantor Jur had 100 votes one hun- dred votes Matthew Mantor Jur ^ Nathan Mayhew > Central Standing School Committee Presbury Norton ) Barnard Luce ] for the South & S E district Job Goreham for North West Tristram Weaks ^ for North Shore James Cottle ^ for South district Holmes Hole for the North Holmes Hole — declined servino- Prudential School Committees Freman Norton Abijah Luce j — declined serving j Health Committee the Insueing year Elijah Hillman Henry P. Worth — Declines Serving — Charles West John Holmes Charles Weaks This Meeting was voted to Stand adjourned to Monday the 30th day of this present month of April 1832 one of the clock P. M. attest Matthew Mantor Jur Ihivji Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 489 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting house in the West Parish of Said Tisbury on april 28*" 1832 at 3 P. M. Pursuant to a Notice of a ToAvn Constable and his pro- ducing a Vinire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one Suitible man & of a good Moral character to Serve at Said Court as a Grand Juror and one man of the like good moral character to attend Said Court on the Second tuesday in May next as a Travers Juror & the following persons were drawn Viz Timothy Luce Jr for a Grand Juror Shubal Merry for a Travers Juror attest — Matthew Mantor Juk Tcnvn Clerk Pursuant to the adjourment of the anual Town Meeting of Monday April 2'* 1832 the Inhabitants met at the Meeting house In the West Parish of Tisbury on Monday April 30*'^ at 1 P. M. The Moderator Called the house to order & the following votes were passed in the Afirmative (viz) Voted Archibald Mellin be one of the health committee in stead of Henry P, Worth who declines serving Voted X Archibald Mellin ^ Jabez Luce ^ Constables Cathcart Luce ^ Voted X Bernard Luce ^ X Abijah Hammitt | X James Cleveland )■ Fence Viewers. Shubal Merry X Charles Look Voted X Job Goreham ^ Willard Luce > Surveyors of Highways X Charles Smith ^ Voted William Lumbert 1 Cathcart Luce | Edmund Crowell \ Tithing Men Shuball Luce Freman Norton J Voted That Neet cattle & other Commonable beasts shal not Run at Large the Present year 490 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 1 Voted Ira Dexter Benjamin Allen Bernard Luce Shuball Weakes Jabez Luce James D. Peakes James Cleveland Jeremiah Mantor Voted Abijah Hammett Ira Dexter Voted Charles Harding- Zacheriah Smith Jesse Luce Alway Holway David Look Voted Tristram Weaks John Lumbert James Cottle James D. Peaks Voted To Raise Four hundred Dollars for the Support of Town Schools the present year Voted, to Raise Seven hundred dollars To Support the Poor Voted, to Raise three hundred dollars for Incidental charges Voted, to Raise Eighty dollars in addition to the above Sums — Making in all $1480 for the Support of the Poor & Incidental charges the present year Voted That there be a discount allowed for promt payment of Taxes, as follows viz Taxes paid in 30 days 6 pr Ct Dis^ " paid in 60 days 4 pr. Ct. Dis^ " paid in 120 days 2 pr. Ct. Dis^ & after that Time no discount Shall be allowed attest Matthew Mantoe Je Town Clerk Field Drivers Pound Keepers Iloir Reeves Surveyors of Lumber continued Voted That the Treasure of the Town be the Collector of Taxes This present year TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 491 Voted The Treasurer & Collector shal have fifty dollars for all his Services the present year Voted The Treasurer & Collector has one year allow^ed him from this day (say 30"* April 1832) To compleat his Collection of Taxes & make his Report to the Town Voted The assessors make & compleat their assesmen of Taxes In the Month of June this present year Voted That David Look be Treasurer & Collector of Taxes The pres- ent year Voted The Treasurer & Collector give bonds in the Sum of $50 000 Five Thousand dollars Voted To Raise 150 dollars to Repair high ways & bridges &c Voted to Raise -^ dollars in addition to the above sum for the above $•-"(10 purposes Voted That The Town will not give up the Note which they hold against Lathrop Merry as petitioned for by Tho- Dunham & others Voted That the Town give Capt. Charles Smith of Holmes Hole the privaledg of building a wharfe agreeable to The petition — which is in the following words viz To give or grant to Charles Smith the privilege of building & placing a Wharfe in the harbour of Holmes Hole in Said Town at the foot of the Street leading to the water or harbour betwixt the Lands of Jonathan Luce Jr. & that of the Widow Betsy West or the heirs of Silas West agreeable to the petition of Nathan Smith & others Voted That the will accept of the Report of the Select Men Respect- ing Columbia bank bills attest Matthew Mantor Jk Totvn Clerh Voted That the Select Men Be a Committee to Settle Avith Edgar- town Respecting Mrs Hiohcock deceased Town Pauper Voted That the Treasurer be directed to call on the Several Col- lectors to Render in & Settle their accounts to the Selectmen & Treasurer According to the form of the Statutes in such cases made — & provided, otherwise to prosecute them according to Law Voted That this Meeting be adjourned without day Attest Matthew Mantok Juk Town Glerh 492 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Meeting house in the west Parish of S'' Tisbury on May 5th 1832 at 3 P. M. Pursuant to a Notice of a Town Constable & his producing venires from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Dukes County Common"' of Massachusetts To Draw out of the Jury box five good & Lawful men to Serve as Grand Jurors & four Good & LawfuU men to Serve as Travers Jurors at the court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown the third monday of the present month of may 1832 — the following Men were draw^n from the box Viz Belcher Athearn ^ Nathan May hew I ^ ^ TVT , To Serve as Grand Freman Norton [ Jurors Abijah Luce James Roggers -> To Serve as Grand jurors William Chase ^ James Look I To Serve as Travers Charles Smith f Jurors William Lumbert ' To Serve as Travers Jurors Attest Matthew Mantor Jur Toimi Clerk At a Meeting duly warned & held at the Meeting house in West Tis- bury on Friday 29'" day of June 1832 ^ 1 of the Clock P. M for the Purpose of adopting Precautionary Measures against the Introduction of the Asiatic Colera Benjamin Allen Esq'" was chosen moderator & the following Votes passed in the Afirmative Voted that James West Abijah Luce Michel Daggett Freeman Nor- ton Tristram Luce Seth Daggett William Daggett Jur. Tho' AVest Henry P. Worth Nathan Smith Tho! Dunham Leroy M. Yale William II. Allen James D. Foresith Edmund Cottle Edmund Luce Presbury Norton Joseph Look be a committee of Vigilence to adopt all such meas- ures as they may think proper to prevent the Introduction of that Voted that this Meeting be adjourned To Tuesday 2 P. M. at the Meeting house Holmes Hole & that the above committee of vigelence TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 493 Report at the S*^ adjournment their proceedings & that five of Said Com- mittee Shall forme a Quorum to Transact buisness attest Matthew Mantoe Juk Toini CJei'k At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Town on the 12"' day of July 1832 Elijah Hillman was Chosen Moderator Henry P. Worth was chosen Town Clerk Pro Tem It was voted — That four persons be chosen who should constitute a part of the Board of Health for Said Town Also Voted — That Abijah Luce, Leroy M. Yale Thomas West and Edmund Cottle be annexed to Said board of Health Also Voted — That Charles Smith be chosen as one of the Board of health of S'! Town to fill the vacancy ocasioned in consiquence of the necessery absence of Charles West Also Voted — That the Board of Health shall have leave By and with the advice of the Select Men to draw" on S'! Town Treasurer, for any Monies that may be necessary to defray the Expensences which may accrue to S'! Towii by S'! Board of Health Also Voted That S'! Town accept of the List of Jurors which ^re now presented by the Select Men Voted That S'J Town Treasurer be authorised to borrow any sum's of money that may be necessary to carry into Effect the Quarantine & Health regulations of S'! Town — Also Voted — That this Meeting be adjourned — Sine Die Tisbury East Parish 12"> July 1832 a True Copy as Rendered by Henry P. Worth Clerk Pro Tem Attest Matthew Mantor Juk Toivn Clerk Pursuant to the Above adjournment the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Meet at the Meetinghouse in Holmes Hole & Henry P. Worth was chosen Clerk Pro. Tem. Thomas Dunham Esq. was chosen Moderator It was voted Unami- mously that the Report of the Committee which was then & there Pre- sented & Read — be accepted Voted that Said Meeting be adjourned Sine Die attest Matthew Mantok Jue Tow7i Qlerk 494 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The Whole number of Children Males under 21 & females under 18 years of age in July 6*^'' 1832 as P": Returns of the diferent Prudential School committees were five hundred and ninety two 592 Proportion as Follows (viz) Holmes Hole South destrict 240 Do Do North Do 76 South & S. E. destrict 108 North Shore Do 86 North West Do 82 Total 592 At the Anual Meeting It was voted to raise four hundred dollars for the Support of Town Schools the present year 1832 Proportion as follows — Holmes Hole S. Des^ 162// 16 Do North 51// 35 South & S East des*. — 72 // 97 North Shore Des* 58// 10 North West Des* 55// 40 399 // 98 Matthew Mantoe Jur Toivn Clerh Pursuant to a Venire from the Clerk of the Court of Pleas for the County of Dukes County to one of the Constables of the Town of Tis- bury to Notify the Inhabitants of Said Town of Tisbury, to Meet for the purpose of Drawing four good & Lawful Men to Serve as traverse Jurors at the Court of Please to be holden at Edgartown in Said County on the last Monday of September 1832 after due Notice being given by Jabez Luce Constable, the Inhabitants assembled at the Meeting house in the West Parish of Tisbury at three oclock P. M. on Sep^ 14th 1832 and the following persons were drawn from the Jury box to Serve as Jurors at Said Court Viz Jonathan Luce Jur Timothy Pease Jur Seth Daggett George Cleve- land Tisbury Sept. 14th 1832 Attest Matthew Mantok Jr Toivn Clerh TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 495 At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbiiry duly qualified by the laws & Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Vote for a Representative to the United States Con- gress — At the Meeting house in the East Parish of Said Town at 2 oclock P M on Monday Nov. 5th 1832 being the first Monday of S'! Month & the following persons were voted for (viz) Hon. John Reed. Twenty Votes — 20 no other votes were given for any person Attest Matthew Mantok Juk Toivn Cleric The above Recorded meeting for the purpose of Choosing a Repre- sentative to congress was Premature Therefore the doings void Matthew Mantoe Jur Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly Qualified by the Constitution & Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts Pursuant to legal notice, Meet at the Congregational Meeting house in the west parish of S'! Tisbury at 10 oclock A. M. being the Second monday of November & 12th day of Said month in the year of our Lord A. D. 1832 & Sixty sixth year of the Independance of America — For the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor & a Senator for the district of Nantucket & a Representative to the General Court Give in their votes for Electors of President & Vice President of the United States — the following votes were given in viz For Governor ^ / Levi Lincoln Forty votes — 40 ^ Marcus Morton Eighteen 18 For Lieu* Gov': ^ Samuel T. Armstrong Thirty votes 30 ? John Mills Seventeen 17 ^ Marcus Morton one 1 Votes for Electors — at Large — Nathan Willis of Berks'* 24 as follows Charles Jackson of Boston forty five 45 Suffolk District Thomas H. Perkins forty five 45 Charles Hood Twenty four 24 496 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Essex South Gideon Barstow John Moriarty Essex North Eben Moseley Amos Noyes Middlessek Nathan Brooks Eliphalet Case Worcester S. Aaron Tufts Richard Olney Worcester N. Samuel Luce Charles Sibley Franklin Ebenezar Mattoon Berley Barton Hampden James Byers William W. Thompson Berkshire Henry Shaw Phineas Allen Norfolk James Richardson Ebenezar Seaver Plymouth Jotham Lincoln Peter H. Pierce Bristol Cornelius Grinnell John M. Williams Barnstable Nymphas Marston Samuel S Stinson Voted that The Town would send a Representative to the General Court this present year The Votes being cal'! Brough in Counted & Sorted for a Representa- tive to the General Court were as follows viz The whole number of votes given in were 82 For David Look Esqr 46 For Seth Ewer Rev'! 36 And David Look Esq": was chosen Representative to the Gen Court Votes for Senator Barker Burnell 33 to General Court Leavitt Thaxter 18 Adjourn'^ Sine die Ats* Matthew Mantor Jr T. Clerk forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 twenty four 24 Forty five 45 Twenty four 24 Forty five 45 twenty four 24 At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County & Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Qualified TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 497 by the Constitution to vote for Representatives in the General Court, holden on the First day of April, being the first Monday of said Month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & thirty three for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Representative of Said Common- wealth, in the Congress of the United States, for the Eleventh district. — The whole number of votes given in were Sorted, counted recorded & declareation thereof made, as by Law is directed — and were for the following Persons : — For John Read Thirty three 33 For Benjamin Allen * one 1 attest Matthew Mantok Jur ' Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury. Quali- fied to vote, by the Constitution & La^vs of this Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts. Holden at the Meeting House in Holmes' Hole. East Parish of said Tisbury on Monday the first day of April. 1833. The following Yotes were passed in the affirmative Viz. Voted and Chose. l.st. Jonathan Luce Jr Moderator of the Meeting. 2.'] Nathan Mayhew Town Clerk. — Sworn. Voted and Chose for Selectmen as follows viz. 3-' John Holmes. 4^^ Alfred Norton 5 ,, Job Gorham Selectmen and C Assesors for \ All Sworn Said Tisbury ^ 6. Voted to Adjourn the Meeting to y, past one o'clock P. M. then to Assemble at the same place. The Adjourned Meeting Assembled at the time and place above 7*'' Voted to act on the article in the Warrant relative to Choosing County Treasurer. gtii For Matthew Manter Jr. Fifty six 56 votes were Given. 9 // Voted, That the Central School Committee be Chosen by ballot with three names on Ticket. 10*'^ Voted. And Chose as follows. 10 // Thomas Dunham Esq. Central School Committee. 11 // Leroy M. Yale 12 ,. Nathan Mayhew 498 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 13"' Voted That the Central School Committee have .^3 per Annum for their servises as a Committee. 14"' Voted to Choose Prudential School Committees by ballot 15 // Voted And Chose as follows viz. 15 // Freeman Norton for North Holmes Hole District. 16// Jonathan Luce Jr. for South Do. Do. 17 // John Cottle // North Shore District. 18 // James Cleveland ^, North West Do 19 // Barnard Luce ,, South East /, Voted and Chose^for Health Committee as follows viz. 20 // John Holmes. -| 21^.^ Tristram Luce. * 22^ Henry P. Worth \ ^^^ ^^^^"^^^ ^ole 23 /, William Daggett Jr J 24"' George Cottle for North Shore. 25 // Matthew Mantor Jr for South East District. Voted And Chose for Constable as follows Viz. 26 // Charles Smith. — (Sworn) 27 // Archibald Mellen. (Sworn) 28 // Cathcart Luce, (Sworn) 29 " John Hammett. 30 // Jabez Luce. 31 // Eliakim Norton. Voted and Chose for Fence Viewers as follows Viz. 32^ Pressbury Luce. 33 // Barnard Luce. 34"' Charles Look. 35 // Matthew Merry (Sworn) 36 // Voted and Chose for Surveyors of Highways as follews 36 // Charles Smith for Holmes Hole 37 // Matthew Merry // North Shore (sworn) 38// Willard Luce // South East District Voted and Chose for Tithing Men as follows Viz. 39 // AVilliam Daggett Jr 40 // Shubael Luce 41st Belcher Athearn 42*^ John Gray 43 // George Athearn Esq. 44th John Smith TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 499 Voted and Chose for Field Drivers us follows Viz 45^'' Tristram Luce (sworn) 46 // John Holmes. 47 // Charles Look 48 // Shubael Weeks 49 // Benjamin Allen Esq 50 // Willard Luce 51st Jeremiah Mantor (Sworn) Voted and Chose for Pound Keepers as follows Viz 52!! Press bury Luce. 53 // Abijah Hammett. Voted and Chose for Hog Reevs as follow^s Viz. 54"* Thomas Dunham Esq. 55 // Charles Smith 56 // John Holmes. 57 // Charles Weeks 58 // Barnard Luce Voted and Chose for Surveyors Lumber as follows viz. 59 // James Cottle. 60 // William Andrews. 61 // Tristram Weeks. 62'^ Arvin Luce 63 // Voted That Thomas Bradley, William Davis and John Cottle Selectmen for the year last past be a Committee to settle all past Town Accounts, likewise to settle with the Treasurer of the Town of Tisbury and report their doings at the Adjournment of this Meeting. 64*'' Voted That the Meeting be Adjourned to the sixth day of May next at 9 o'clock A. M, then to Meet at the same place. A True Record of the doings of the Meeting. Attest. Nathan Mayhew Toivn Clerk. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Assem- bled at the Meeting house in Holmes' Hole April 29*1' 1833, at 2 o'Clock P. M. Pursuant to a Legal Notice from a Town Constable, and by his producing a Venire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable, to draw one suitable man of a good moral Character, to serve at said Court as Traverse Juror. Said Court to be holden at Barn- 500 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. stable within and for the County's of Barnstable and Dukes County. Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the first Tuesday of May next The Selectmen and Town Clerk being present at said Meeting, drew from the Jury box the name of Charles Baxter to serve at said Court as a Traverse Juror Attest. Nathan Mathew Toicn ClerJc Pursuant to the Ajournment of the Annual Town Meeting of Tisbury. April 1*"^ 1833. The Inhabitants, of said Town Met at the Meeting House in Holmes Hole. East parish of said Tisbury. on Monday May 6th 1833. at 9 o'clock A M. The house was Called to order by the Moderator of the Meeting, and the following Votes were passed in the affirmative viz, l.st. That Neat Cattle and other commonable beasts shall not run at large within the Town of Tisbury during the present season, 2-' Voted. That the offices of Town Treasurer and Collector of Taxes be given to two persons, 82 Voted that the Town Treasurer be allowed Eight Dollars S8 for his servises during the present year. 4"' Voted That William Davis be the Treasurer for the Town of Tisbury for the ensueing year. 5.th, Voted, That the office of Collector of Taxes for the Said Town of Tisbury the present year be put up at Auction, and given to the lowest bidder, fi // Voted That there shall be a Discount allowed for prompt pay- ment of all Taxes paid to the Collector of said Town as fol- lows, viz. Taxes paid in 30 days 6 per Cent Discount allowed. // paid in 60 days 4 per cent Do " II II in 120 do 2 per cent n n And all Taxes paid after 120 Days no Discount shall be al- lowed on, 7th, The office of Collector of Taxes being put up at Auction, Capt Charles Smith offered to Collect the Taxes of said Tisbury for 274 per Cent it being the lowest bid was nocked off to him. 8*'' Voted, That Capt Charles Smith as Collector be required to give sufficient Bonds, 9th Voted That the Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury shall not approbate any licenses to Innholders or Retailers of Ardent Spirits within the Town of Tisbury during the insueing year TISBURY TOWN RECOKDS. 501 10.*'' Voted. That the report of the Committee which were Chosen at the Annual Meeting April 1'^ 1833. To Settle with the Town Treasurer as likewise to settle all past Town accounts, be ex- cepted and allowed. Also fees allowed to said Committee $2, each, 11^'' Voted. To raise one thousand and Eighty Dollars $ 1080 for the support of the poor and Incidental charges. 12 // Voted. To raise four hundred Dollars $400 for the support of public Schools in said Town the ensuing year. 13 // Voted. To raise one hundred and fifty dollars $150 for the repairing of Highways within the Town of Tisbury for the ensueing year. To be laid out on the said Highways in the com- mon form of using Moneys in said Tisbury. 14*''// Voted. To Adjourn the Meeting without day. A True. Record of the doings of the Meeting. Attest. Nathan Mayhew, Toion. Clerk. It having been the vote of the Town of Tisbury at the Adjournment of their Annual Meeting May 6 th 1833, That the Office of the Collector of Taxes of said Town for the present year, be set up at Auction and given to the lowest bidder. 2':! The said office was set up at Auction. Mr James D. Peakes offered to Collect the Taxes of said Town the present year for 3^ per. Cent, it being the lowest bid was nocked off to him. — (James D. Peakes. Col- lector of Taxes.) 3:! Voted, To Adjourn the Meeting Without day. A True Record of the doings of the Meeting. Attest. Nathan Mayhew Town Clerh. At a Legal Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Meeting House in Holmes' Hole East parish of said Town. May IV}' 1833, at 3 o'clock P. M. Pursuant to a Notice from a Town Constable, and by his produsing a venire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Dukes County, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, To draw out of the Jury box of said Town five good and Lawful men to serve at said Court as Grand Jurors, and four of the like qualifications to serve as Travers Jurors at said Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Edgartown in said County on the last Monday of the present Month 502 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. May, 1833. The Selectmen and Town Clerk being present drew from the Jury box of said Town the names of the following persons To serve on the Grand Jury. On the Traverse Jury. Alfred N"orton Robert Mantor, Bartlett Pease Jr. John Smith. William Gray. Eliakim Norton. George Cottle, Charles Weeks. Davis Look Adjourned without day Attest Nathan Mayhew Town Clerk Mr. William Downes being appointed by the Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury as a sealer of Weights and Measures for the year ensuing, personally appeared and took the oath by Law prescribed to that Office before Me. Nathan Mayhew Tovm Clerk. Tisbury May. 13. 1833 At a Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury. Le- gally Assembled at the Meeting House in Holmes Hole. East Parish of said Town on Tuesday July 16^.') 1833. at 2. O'clock P. M. for the pur- pose of Choosing a Collector of Taxes for said Town for the present year, Instead of Capt. Charles Smith who refuses, to give satisfactory Bonds to the Selectmen of said Tisbury. as required by vote of the Town at the Adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting holden on May 6.- 1833. The Meeting being Called to order by the Town Clerk, l.st. Voted, and Chose. Capt. Tristram Luce. Moderator. At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the old Meeting house in Holmes' Hole. (East parish of said Tisbury.) on Monday Sept 23^. 1833. at 3 o'clock P. M. Pursuant to a Notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a Venire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Dukes County. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Wherein said Venire requireth that the names of four good and Lawful men be drawn from the Jury box of said Tisbury, to serve as Traverse Jury at said Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Edgartown in said County on the last Monday of this present Month. Sept 1833. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 503 The Selectmen and Town Clerk of said Tisbury being presant at said Meeting, drew from the Jury box. of said Tisbury the Names of the fol- lowing persons to serve at s^ Court as Traverse Jurors. Viz. Arvin Luce. John Holmes. Thomas H. Smith. Franklin Hammett. A true Record of the doings of the Meeting. Attest. Nathan Mayhew Clerh of st Town. The whole number of youths and Children in the Town of Tisbury Males under 21 and Females, under eighteen years of Age on May 1"^. 1833. as Pr Report of the several Prudential School Committees in said Town was 609 Given in as follows viz. By Jonathan Luce Jr for Holmes Hole South District 257 " Freeman Norton " Do Do North Do 70 " John Cottle " North Shore L. C. " 94 " James Cleveland " North West " 82 " Bernard Luce " South East " 106 Total 609 At the annual Meeting or at the Adjournment of the same hold en in Tisbury on the 6"' of May 1833. It was Voted to raise the sum of four hundred dollars to be expended in Public Schools in said Tisbury within the present year. Proportioned to the several School Districts as follows viz. Dividend to Holmes Hole South District 168,80,1 " Holmes Hole North Do. 45,97.7 " North Shore L. Cove " 61,74.0 " North West " 53,85 8 " South East " 69,62.0 Nearly as the above $.399,99.6 The above Money was Apportioned Sept. 25.. 1833. Attest. Nathan Mayhew Toivn Clerk. At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders, and other Inhabitants, of the Town of Tisbury. qualified according, to Constitution, and Laws 504 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. of this Commonwealth, of Massachusetts to Vote in the Choice of Gov- ernor, Lieut. Governor. Senator and Represntative to the General Court ; Ilolden a the old Meeting House in Holmes Hole (East parish of said Tisbury | on Monday Nov ll'.l' 1833 at one o'clock P. M. It being the second Monday of said Month, and the Fifty seventh year of the Independance of the United States of America. Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut Governor. Senator and a Representative to represent the Town of Tisbury in the next General Court to be holden at Boston on Jan. Next gave in their Votes as follows Viz. 1st Voted 1 John Q. Adams Eighteen Votes were given 18 For [ Marcus Morton Twenty-two " " " 22 Governor f John Davis Ten " '• " 10 J Samuel C Allen one 1 2'"' Voted ^ 1st Samuel Lathrop Twenty two votes were given 22 For / James Fowler Twelve " " " 12 Lieut Governor ^ Samuel T. Armstrong three '' •' " 3 Samuel C Allen one " " ' * 1 John Davis one " " " 1 3:! Voted Leavitt Thaxter Thirty-three Votes were given 33 For a David Joy Twenty five " " " 25 Senator and George M. Bunker Seven " "■ " 7 Counsellor ; 4"' Voted. To Choose one Representative to represent the the Town of Tisbury in the next general Court to be held at Boston January Next 5"' The votes for Representative being Called for. Bro.^. in sorted, counted and declaration thereof made. and were for the following persons Viz. For John Holmes Forty seventh Votes were given 47 " Eliakim Norton Thirty one " " " 31 " David Look Fourteen " " " 14 " John Davis One t; tt u . ;i^ Whole Number of Votes Ninety three 93 6."' Voted on the proposed Amendment to the 3:! Article in the Con- stitution of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts as follows Viz. In favor of said Amendment Twenty four Votes. — 24 Against " " Three " 3 7"' Voted. To Adjourn the Meeting without day. Attest, Nathan Mayiiew Town Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 505 To the Honourable Court of Commissioners for Dukes County We your petitioners humbly represent that an open County road is very much needed in the Western part of said County to facilitate intercourse between the said Western part of said County, Holmeshole, and Edgar- town, We further beg leave to represent that the Inhabitants on the, North West part of Chilmark and West part of Tisbury are suffering very great inconveniencies for want of said road and if a road should be opened through that part of the County it would increase the value of the County much more than the cost of s*^ road. Your petitioners not thinking to guide your Hon. body would merely suggest to your wisdom the general direction we think said road, ought to take. Viz. Beginning at the Holmes hole road Eastward of Mr Hovey Luce's or Dea. John Davises and running in a South Westerly course in the most convenient way through the Neighborhood of Cappiggin and terminating at the road Called or known to be the middle line near Mr Vincent Tabers, and if the Hon. Court on a view of the route should think it for the Publick good of s"* County to extend the road farther westward we Pray that it may be extended in a direction towards, Nas- saquitsey and. Gayhead as far as the Hon. Court shall think for the Pub- lick good. We pray the Hon. Court to adopt such measures at the next sitting of s'' Court in May next as is necessary for the speedy opening of s'' road, as in duty bound Chilmark March 9., 183-4. Signed by Thomas Bradley and seventy two others. A true Coppy Attest. Cornelius Maechant Olerk of the Court Go7mnissioners William A Mayhew Tovm Clerli of Tishuri/. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, Quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Holden in the West Parish of said Town of Tisbury, on Monday the seventh day of April 1834. The following Votes were passed in the affirmative Viz. Voted and Cose, It* Jonathan Luce jun. Moderator of the Meeting. 2'^ William A Mayhew Town Clerk — Sworn 3*^ Voted and Chose for Selectmen as follows Viz 506 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 511. gth Job Gorham Alfred Norton Selectmen sworn Thomas Barrows Votes for County Treasurer were as follows Viz. For Matthew Mantor seventy, 70 Votes were given. Voted and Chose for Central School Committee as follows Viz Presbury Norton. Charles Gr. Athearn. Central School Committee. William A. Mayhew. Voted that each Distrct have the privilege, of Choosing a Pru- Health Committee. dential Committee. 7"' Voted and Chose for Health. Committee as follows Bernard Luce George D Cottle Henry P Worth Thomas Dunham. Elijah Hillman S^'' Voted and Chose for Constables as follows viz Jabez Luce Charles Smith Constables Sworn. 9"' Voted and Chose for Fence Viewers as follows viz. Bernard Luce James Cleaveland sworn Tristam Luce Fence Viewers. Cathcart Luce Freeman Norton Willard Luce 10".' Voted and Chose for Surveyors of Highways as follows William S. Vincent sworn Surveyors of Iljgliways 1 IV.' Voted and Chose for Tithing Men as follows, viz. William A. Mayhew Bartlet Pease John Smith Freeman Norton Thomas H. Smith William Downs 12"; Voted and Chose for Field Drivers as follows Nathan Smith William Fero:uson Tithinii- Men Field Drivers. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 507 Jeremiah Mantor Sworn. James Look Hovey Luce sworn Tristam Luce Nathan Smith John Holmes Newel Manchester. Charles Weeks 13'." Voted and Chose for Pound keepers as follows, viz Abijah Hammett Ira Dexter Pound Keepers. 14*1' Voted and Chose for Surveyors of Lumber as follows Matthew Coffin I Thomas Bradley j Surveyors of Lumber. Thomas Andrews I 15"? Voted for inspecter of Weights and Measures as follows William Downs) Inspecter of Weights and Measures 16*:'.' Voted to adjourns the Meeting to the sixth day of May next at one O clock in the afternoon A True Record of the Doings of the Meeting. Attest William A Mayhew Town Clerh At a legal meting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, assem- bled at the School House in the West Parish, April 25*'? 1834, at 4 Oclock in the afternoon. Pursuant to a Leal Notice from a Town Con- stable and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the supreme Court of the County of Barnstable, to draw one suitable man of a good moral Character, to serve at said Court as Traverse Juror, Said Court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the County of Barnstable and Dukes County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the first Tuesday of May next. The Selectmen and Town Clerk being present at said Meeting drew from the Jury Box the name of William H. Davis to serve at said Court as Traverse Juror. Attest William A Mayhew Toivn Clerk Pursuant to the Adjournment of the Annual Town Meeting of Tis- bury April 7*" 183-t The Inhabitants of said Town Met in the West Parish of said Tisbury on Tuesday the sixth day of May 1834. at one OClock in the afternoon. The Meeting being called to order by the Town Clerk the following Votes were passed in the Affirmative Viz. 508 TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. It! Voted that Neat Cattle and other commonable beasts Shall not run on the Common the ensuing year. 2*?. Voted that the Town Treasurer have the sum of six Dollars for his servises the ensuing year. 3"?. Voted and Chose John Cottle for Town Treasurer 4*.'.' Vote that the Collectors Office be sold to the lowest bider o'.l' the Office of Collector of taxes being put up at Auction. George D Cottle offered to Collect the taxes the ensuing year for three per Cent it being the lowest bid was stuck off to him 6".' Vote that the Town raise the sum of four hundred Dollars for the support of public School the ensuing year. 7"' Voted to raise the sum of eight hundred Dollars for the support of the poor and incidental expences. 8^:'' Voted that the Money raised for the support of Schools be divided in proportion to the State tax. 9"' Voted that there be no Discount allowed for prompt payment of taxes. 10'!' Voted and Chose Jeremiah Mantor for School Committee for the S. E. District the present year. 11'.'.' Voted that the Selectmen grant no Certificate of licence for sell- ing Rum, Gin Brandy, Wine, Cider or any other alcoholick liquor 12'.'.' Vote that Athearn Mantor have the use and improvement of all the stock belonging to him prior to his becoming a Town Porpher. 13''.' Voted to Adjourn the Meeting without Day. A True Record of the doings of the Meeting Attest William A Mayhew Clerk of Tishuvij Pursuant to the Adjournment of the x\nnual Town Meeting of Tis- bury April 7.. 1834. The inhabitants of said Town Met in the West Parish of said Tisbury on Tuesday the 6'.'.' day of May 1834, at one Oclock in the afternoon the Meeting being Called to order By the Town Clerk The following Vote^ was passed, Viz Voted that the Petition of Capt. Charles Smith in behalf of a sum of Money, which he stated to have been paid him by the Town Treasurer of Tisbury, be no further acted uppon. Attest William A. Mayiiew Toimi Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the school house in the West Paish of said Town on the 10.. day of May 1834. at 4 Oclock in the afternoon. Pursuant to a notice TISBURY .TOWN RECORDS. 509 from a Town Constable, and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Dukes County, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To draw out of the Jury Box of said Town five good and Lawfull men to serve at said Court as Grand jurors and four of the like qualifica- tions to serve as Traverse Jurors at said Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown in said County on the Last Monday of the Present Month May 1834. Two of the Selectmen and The Town Clerk being present, drew from the jury Box the names of the following persons. To serve on the Grand juror. To serve on the Traverse Jury James D Peeks. William Look. Tristam Weeks John Johnson. William Ferguson. William Chase. Timothy Luce jun. Presbury Norton. Hiram Chase. Adjourned without Day Attest William A Mayhew Tovm Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes County ss At a Court of County Commissioners holden at Ed- gartown in and for County of Dukes County on the Wednesday next after the third Monday of May, being the twenty first day of s'! month 1834. the foregoing Petition was presented for the Consideration of the Court ; their being only two Commissioners present, and the subject in their Opinion requiring a full Court to be present the Court was adjourned till the Wednesday next following, being the twenty eighth of said month at the adjournment ordered on said petition th£^ a view of the premises be had by the County Commissioners on the first Wednesday of august next being the sixth day of S*^ month at ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the dwelling house of Bernard Luce Esq. in Tisbury in said County and that notice thereof be given by serving a true coppy of the above Petition with their order thereon on the Clerks of the Towns of Chil- mark, Tisbury and Edgartown thirty days at least before the said view and by posting up coppies of the same in two Publick places in said Towns of Chilmark, Tisbury and Edgartown when and where all persons interested therein may appear and be heard. A true Coppy Attest. Cornelius Maechant Clerk of the County com. Edgartown June 24^, 1834. Attest William A Mayhew Clerk of Tishury. 510 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The whole amount of Tax paid by the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury 1834. as pr. Report of the several Prudential School Committees in said Town given in as follows Yiz. By L M Yale for Holme's Hole S. District $413.82 " Charles Weeks for North Shore L. C. 222,63 " Walter Hillman for North West 308,48 " Jeremiah Manter for South East 272,48 " Holmes' Hole North 184.50 Total 1401.91 At the Adjournment of the Annual Meeting holden in Tisbury on the 7 " of May 1834 It was voted to raise the sum of four hundred dol- lars to be expended in Publick Schools within the present year. Proportioned to the several School Districts as follows Viz. Dividend to Holmes Hole South District 129,64,4 North " 50,48,1 . " '^ North Shore " 60,91,5 " North West " 84,40,5 " South East " 74,55,5 The above Money was divided Sept 10 " 1834. $400., 00., Attest William A Mathew Town Chrk At a Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Town of Tisbury Legally assembled at the Academy in the West Parish on Wednesday the 17 day of Sept. 1834 pursuant to a warrant from the Select men of said Town. The following Votes were passed Viz. 1 " Voted and Chose George Athearn Esq. Moderator of said Meeting 2 " Voted that the Town want no additional County Road laid out. 3 " Voted that there be three Agents Chosen to treat with the County Commissioners on on the same. 4 " Voted and Chose for Agents as follows viz. Benjamin Allen Esq. William Ferguson Alford Norton. 5 " Voted that the foregoing A"'ents use their utmost exertions to o o o prevent the laying out of said Road. 6 " Voted and Chose James D. Peakes to collect the remainder of Taxes for the year 1833. A true Record of the doings of the Meeting Attest William A Mayhew Toini Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 511 At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the School House in the West Parish of said Tisbury Sept 20 " 1834 at 5 oclock in the afternoon Pursuant to a notice from a Town Constable and by his Producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Court of Common pleas within and for the County of Dukes County and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To draw out of the jury Box of Said Town four good and lawful men to serve at said Court as Traverse jurors said Court to be holden at Edgar- town in said County on the last Monday of the Present month Sept 1834. The Select men and Town Clerk being Present drew from the jury Box of said Tisbury the names of the following persons to serve as Traverse Jurors at S'' Court viz. James Look Belcher Athearn. Ira Dexter. Freeman Norton. A true Record Attest William A Mayhew Clerk of Tisbury. At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, qualified to Vote in the Choice of Governor, Lieu. Governor, Senator, and a Reprasentative to the General Court Holden at the Academy in S^! Tisbury on Monday Nov " 10 " 1834. at one O'clock in the afternoon it being 2 " monday in said month, and the Fifty Eighth year of the Independence of United States of America. Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor, Lieu, Governor, Senator, and a Representative to the General Court, holden at Boston in January next, Gave in their Votes as follows viz, 1 " Voted For John Davis fifty three 53 For Governor. " Marcus Morton Eleven 11 2 " Voted For Samuel T Armstrong fifty six 56 For Lieu. Governor " William W Thompson Nine, 9 3 " Voted For For Samuel H Jenks fifty four 54 Senator " James Mitchel Eleven 11 4 " Voted to send one Representative to represent the Town in next General Court. 5 " Voted for a Representative as follows viz. For David Look Forty four, 44 " Eliakim Norton Eleven, 11 " William Davis Twelve, 12 " Thomas Dunham five 5 512 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 6 '' Voted for a Representative in (vongress as follows Viz. For John Reed fifty one '' William J. A. Bradford Eight Attest William A Mayhew Toimi Clerk. 51 8 At a Legal Town Meeting of the free holders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Town affairs, Holden at the Academy in the Western Parish of sd Town on Monday the fifteenth day of December at one Oclock P. M. the following Votes were passed Viz. 1 " Voted and Chose David Look Moderator 2 " Voted that the Trustees of Dukes County have all the Property that shall or may be obtained from the Legislature for the benefit of S'^ Academy, for the purpose of supporting a free School in s'' Academy for the benefit of said County. A True Record of the doings of the Meeting *^'"!w7eft'"'*' Attest William A Mayhew Tovm Clerk Preamble of the road that leads from the County Road to Holmes Hole Harbour where the Wharf is now located. I Hereby Certify that on the 24th day of December 1834 I was called upon by the Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury to preambulate the County road leading from a County road at the head of Holmes Hole harbour down to where the wharf is now located, following a former record of a report of a Committee of laying out said road, I com- menced at the South westerley corner of Capt Charles Smiths lot and runing by said Smiths and Jonathan Luce Jr Land to high water mark find the course to be S 89*^ E dis- tance twenty three rods & Eight feet to a bound there Sett by said Selectmen Making said road forty feet wide at the High water line and thirty feet wide at the head of said road agreeable to the anexed draft Stephen Skiff Surrey/or N. B. This draft is drawn from a Scale of One rod to the half inch A true Copp3^ of the Original Attest Thomas Barrows 7hvm Clerk 40 ft. wide Hit-'li water line TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 513 The Honourable Court of Commissioners for Dukes County Novem- ber term 1834. the petition of Samuel Hancock respectfully represents, that he is owner of a tract of land situated in Tisbury and bounded on the West by a publick road which road begins near the house where Mariah Hancock dwelleth and leads Northerly from the Holmes hole Road to a road leading to Lumberts Cove and Tisbury Meeting house and on the North by land of Abigail Hammett, and on the East partly by pine hill road that leads to Lumberts Cove, and partly by Holme's hole road to the place of beginning, and whereas the expense of fencing against or by said roads leaves little or no profit for .the land, and as the first mentioned road being of no publick benefit, your petitioner requests your Honours to alter said Road. And as in duty bound will ever pray. A true Coppy, Attest Cornelius Marchant Clerk of Commissioners Court Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Dukes County, ss. At a Meeting of the the county Commissioners holden at Edgartown in said County on the fourth Wednesday of November being the 26 " day of said month 1834. by Adjournment from Wednes-day the twelfth instant, on the foregoing petition ordered that a view of the premisses be had by the Commissioners on the second monday of March next, being the 9 " day of said month, at ten Oclock in the forenoon at the dwelling house of Mariah Hancock in Tisbury in said County, and that notice thereof be given by a true Coppy of the above petition with this order thereon on the Clerks of the Town of Edgartown, Tisbury and Chilmark, thirty days at least before said view, and by Posting up Coppys of the same, or an abstract containing the substance thereof, in two publick places in each of said Towns, twenty days at least before the Meeting of the Commissioners afore mentioned when and where all per- sons and Corporations interested therein may appear and be heard. A true Coppy of the petition and order of Commissioners thereon. Attest Cornelius Marchant Clerh William A Mayhew Toum Clerk of Tishury At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth of 514 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Massachusetts, Holden at the Old Meeting house in Holmes Hole East parish of said Tisbury on Monday the 16'^' day of March A D. 1835 The following votes were passed in the affirmative viz 1st Voted & Chose Jonathan Luce Jr Moderator of the Meeting 2'' Thomas Barrows Town Clerk. Sworn Voted and chose for Selectmen as follows vise 3'' Thomas Dunham ^ two first sworn. 4*'' George D Cottle V Select men of Said Tisbury 5"' Job Gorham ) Sworn 6*'' Gave in Seventy six Votes 76 for Matthew Manter for County Treasurer, 76 Votes 7 Voted and chose as follows viz 7"' Leroy M. Yale i gtii "v^iUiam A Mayhew I Central School Committee 9'" Davis Cottle j 10"' Voted and Chose. Abijah Luce Prudential School committee for Holmes Hole North District 11th Voted that the North Shore School Committy man Should be chosen by the Town. 12th Voted and Chose George D. Cottle Prudential school committy for North Shore District 13th Voted and Chose. John Hammett. Prudential School Committy for the South East District 14"' Voted and chose Peter Norton-'' Prudential school committy for the North West. District, 15"' Voted that the Money raised by the Town, for the Support, of Schools should be divided according to the number of schollars in the several Districts. 16th Voted and Chose for Health Committee as follows viz Henry P. Worth 17th Charles Smith 18th Thomas H. Smith Health Committee 19th John Holmes 20th Edmond Cottle. Voted & Chose for Constables as follows viz 21st James D. Peaks sworn 22'' Jabez Luce sworn 23'' Cathcart Luce sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 515 Voted and chose for Fence Viewers as follows viz 24th Barnard Luce sworn 25th James Look 26th Charles Look 27 Arvin Luce sworn 28. Moses T. Cromwell 29. Tristram Luce Voted and Chose for Surveyors of Lumber as follows viz. 30. Arvin Luce sworn 31 James D Feakes sworn 32*^ William Andrews, sworn 33 Mathew Coffin 34 James Cottle sworn 35 John Lambert. Voted and Chose for Tithing Men as follows viz. 36 Soloman Athearn 37 Isaac Vincent. 38 William Lambert 39 John Smith 10 Freeman Norton 11 Presbury Norton Voted and Chose for Field Drivers as follows viz. 12' Hovvey Luce 13'' Tristram Luce 11 Joseph Dias 15 Theodah Luce 46 Emanuel Joseph 17 James Look 48 Jethro Hillman Voted and Chose for Pound Keepers as follows viz. 49th James D. Peakes sworn 50 Abijah Hammett. Voted and Chose for Hog Reevs as follows viz 51 Thomas N. Hillman 52'' Presbury Luce 53^' Edmond Cottle (sworn) 54 Orrok P. Branscomb. Voted and Chose for Surveyers of Highways as follows Viz 55th Hiram Chase. 516 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 56 Charles Look 57 Charles Weeks. sworn 58 Barnard Luce sworn 59 William Luce sworn 60 Nathan Smith. Voted that the petitioners respecting the licensing Dogs have leave to withdraw their petition 61st Voted to raise Two hundred Dollars for the repairing of the Highways with in the town of Tisbury for the year ensuing $200. 62'' Voted To raise Five hundred Dollars for the support of Public Schools in said Town the ensuing year 1500. t)3 Voted that the Highway tax should be worked out on the roads by the Inhabitants of said Town 64*^'' Voted that all delinquents of the Highway tax who do not work out the same shall be assessed in the next annual Assessment 65"' Voted that labourers on the Highways shall receive for their labour twelve and a half cents pr hour 66"' Voted to restrain Cattle. Horses and Swine from running at large within the limets of the Town the ensuing year 67 Voted and Chose William Andrews a Commttee to examin and report at the adjournd meeting the expediency and provable cost of errecting a Bridge acrost the Stream on the County road near the resi- dence of Belcher Athern in said Town of Tisbury. 68 Voted and Chose Thomas Bradley to Settle with the Selectmen and Town Treasurer and report the Standing of the Towm at the adjor- ment of this meeting 69th Voted that the Town pay Five Dollars for the use of the Meet- ing house to be appropriated in clensing said house after holding Town Meetings for the ensuing year. 70 Voted that the Meeting be adjoured to the second Monday in April next at the same place at one o clock P. M. A True record of the doings of the Meeting Attest Thomas Barrows Tovm Clerk Pursuant to the ajournment of the Anual Town Meeting of Tisbury March 16th 1835 the Inhabitants of Said Town met at the Meeting House in Holmes Hole East parish of said Tisbury on Monday, April 13th 1835 at 1 oclock P. M. The house was called to order by TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 517 the Moderator of the Meeting and the following votes wer passed in the affirmative, vise 1st Voted & Chose Charles Look ) sworn 2^ " " James Cottle } Fence Viewers sworn voted & Chose For Tithing Men as follows vese, S*^ Jonathan Manter sworn 4th Presbury Luce sworn 5th Peter Norton 3'' 6th Thomas Robinson sworn Voted & Chose for Surveyors of Highways as follows vis 7th James Cottle in place of Hiram Chase, Declined 8th William Davis both sworn 9th Voted that the Town Treasurer have Six Dollars for his servises the ensuing year 10th Voted & Chose John Cottle Town Treasurer 11th Voted That the report of the Committy which was chosen at the Anual Town Meeting March 16th 1835 To settle with the Selectmen and Town Treasurer be accepted & allowed also fees allowed three Dollars 3 00 12th Voted to raise One thousand Dollars for the Support of the Poor and incidental Charges -^1000. 13th Voted to raise One hundred Dollars in addition to what was raised on the 16th of March for^the Suppt of Town Schools. 14th Voted that the Overseers of the poor dispose of the Same as they may think advisable and proper. 15th Voted to accept the report of the committy respecting building a bridge over the brook or stream near the House of Belcher Athearn. also fees allowed to Wf! Andrews* committy two dollars 16 Voted that there shall be a Discount allowed for prompt payment of all Taxes paid to the Collector as follows vise, Taxes paid in 30 Days 6 pr cent Discount allowed Do " " QQ Days 4 pr ct " Do " 120 Days 2 pr Cents And all Taxes paid after 120 Days no Discoent shall be Allowed. 17th Voted that the Office of Collector be put up as auction and sold to the lowest buider 18th Voted To accept. James D. Peakes as Collector he being the lowest buider was nocked off to him for three percent 3 pr cent. 518 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 19th Voted & Chose Nathan Mayhew Central School Committy in stead of Leroy M Yale, declined. 20th Voted & Chose Jeremiah Manter School Comitty man for the South East, District. 21st Voted to Accept the list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen. 22 Voted to Adjourn without Day a true rekard of the doings of the meeting. Attest Thomas Barrows Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury assembled at the School House in the South East district in said Tisbury April 22*^ 1835 at two o clock P M, persuant to a legal notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Suprem Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good moral Char- acter, to serve as traverse Juror said court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the county of Barnstable and Dukes County Common- wealth of Massachusetts on the first Tuesday of May next. The Select- men and Town Clerk being present drew from the Juror Box the name of Edmond Crowell to serve at said court as Traverse Juror Attest Thos Barrows Toivn Clerk^ At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts holden ^t the Old Meeting house in Holmes Hole East parish of sd Tisbury on Monday the 4"' Day of May 1835 for the pur- pose of giving in their votes for County Commisioners the following votes were given in vise — Forty nine Forty nine Fifteen Twenty For Three f- County Three Commissioners Seventeen Six Three For Timothy Daggett, " Stephen Skiff " Alfred Norton " Thomas Bradley " Daniel Fellows " Thomas Dunham " William Davis " Harrison P. Mayhew " Chase Pease TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 519 Doings of the Meeting Continued, as follows vise. For Special Commissioners William Davis Thirteen votes For John Thaxter Thirteen " Special Thomas Bradley Twenty one Commissioners Daniel Fellows Twenty Timothy Doggett One A true Record of the doings of the Meeting Attest, Thomas Barrows Town Clerk At. a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury holden at the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole on the 14th Day of May 1835. at two o clock. P. M. Persuant to notice from a Town Constable, and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Court of common Pleas within and for the County of Dukes County and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To draw out of the Juror box of said Town five good and laAvful men to serve at said Court as grand Jurors, and four of the like qualifications to serve as Traverse jurors at said court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown in said county on Wednesday the 20th inst The selectmen and Town Clerk being present drew from the Juror box the names of the following persons vis For Grand Jurors as follows viz For Travers jurors Charles Smith as follows viz Franklin Gray. Seth Daggett. James Roggers Jacob Clifford Dennis Dexter Peter Norton Jr George W Cleavland William Lambert Adjourned without day , Attest Thomas Barrows Tovm Clerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and Laws of this commonwealth of Massachusetts holden at the Baptist Meeting House in Holmes Hole on Tuesday the 7th day of Jul}^ 1835 the following votes wer passed in the affermitive vis 1'^ Voted & Chose Charles Smith Moderator, 2'' Voted that the Town will close the Bass Creek so called at the head of Holmes Hole harbour 520 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 3'* Voted that the Patitioners and other inhabitants may have the privilage to close the above named Bas Creek 4"' Voted to adjorne to two weeks from this day at two o clock P. M at this same place A true record of the doings of the Meeting Attest Thos Barrows Town Clrk. The Whole number of Youths and Children in the Town of Tisbury Males under 21 and Females under 18 years on May 1st 1835 as pr report of the several Prudential School Committees in said Town was 588 Given in as follows vise. By Ira Derters for Holmes Hole South Distict 232 '' Abijah Luce " " North " 87 " Geo D Cottle North Shore L C. 80 " Peter Norton Jr North West 84 " eJeremiah Manters South East 104 Total 587 At the anual Meeting and at the adjrmnt of the same holden on the 16 day of March it was voted to raise six hundred dollars to be expended in Public Schools in Said Tisbury within the present year. Proportioned to the several School Districts as follows vis. Dividend to Holmes Hole South District $237.14 " North " 88.93 North Shore '^ 81.77 Northwest " 85.86 " " South East " 106.30 The above money was divided July 15th 1835 $600.00 Attest Thomas Barrows Toim Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury holden at the Old Meeting house east parish of sd Tisbury on Friday Sept 18"' 1835 Persuant to a Notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, within and for the County of Dukes County and Commonwealth .of Massachusetts Wherein said Venira requireth that the Names of four good and lawful Men be drawn from the Jury box of Said Town of Tisbury to serve as Traverse TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 521 Jury at Said Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown in Said County on the last Monday of this present Month Sept. 1835 The Selectmen and Town Clerk being present at said Meeting drew from the Jury box of said Tisbury the names of the following persons to serve at Sd Court as Traverse Jurors vise William Downs Jonathan Athearn Jr John Cottle Nathan Mayhew tA true Record of the doings of the Meeting. Attest, Thomas Barrows Tovm Clerk. Tisbury Nov 3'' 1835 Preambulated the lines between the Towns of Edgartown & Tisbury, Begining at the Stepping Stones and run the Line North 23'' rd. rods and errected a stone monument on the west side of the road which runs from Holmes Hole to Edgartown then proceeded on and viewed all the bounds or monuments at the several angles on the lines all of which we found in perfect order. George D Cottle Selectmen Thomas Dunham of Tisbury Job Gorham At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, qualified according to Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Vote in the choice of Governor, Lieut Governor, Senator, and Representativs to the General Court. Holden at the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole East parish of Said Tisbury on Monday Nov 9 th 1835 at One O'Clock P. M. it being the second Monday of said Month, and the Sixtyeth year of the Inde- pendance of the United States of America. Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor, Lieut Governor, Senator, and Representatives to represent the Town of Tisbury in the next General Court to be holden at Boston on Jan next. Gave in their Votes as follows vise, 1 Voted for Edward Everett Thirty three votes Governor Marcus Morton Sixteen " 522 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 2'' Voted for George Hull Forty two votes Leiut Gov. William Foster Eleven " 3*^ Voted for John Holmes Thirty votes Senator Leavitt Thaxter Twenty eight " dth Voted to Send two Representatives to represent the Town at the next General Court 5th. Votes for Representatives being called for. Voted Sorted Counted and were for the following persons vis 39 16 4 1 1 61 41 12 53 At a legal Distrect Meeting holden in the North Shore School Dis- tect Alfred Norton was chosen prudential School Committee for the Said distrect for the year 1836 as pr report of Shubael Luce Dist Clerk. Attest Thos Barrows Town Clerk Tisbury March 17th 1836 At a legal Meeting of the Ihhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and Laws of this Common"' of Massa- chusetts. Holden at the Academy in the West Parish of said Tisbury on Monday the fourth day of April A D 1836 The following Votes were passed in the aifermative Viz, Voted and Chose. 1st Benjamin Allen Esqr Moderator of the Meeting 2'' Matthew Manter Town Clerk. — Sworn Voted and Chose for Select Men as follows viz. First Choice Thomas Dunham Thirty nine votes WilHam Davis Sixteen " Eliakim Norton Four " John Holmes One Abijah Luce One Total 2'' Choice William Davis Forty One votes David Look Twelve Total 6th Adjourned without Day. Attest Thomas Barrows, Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 523 Select Men and assesors 3*^ Willard Luce — Sworn 4"' George D. Cottle — Sworn 5"' Thomas Dunham Esq Sworn 6"' Matthew Manter Received Sixty Six votes for County Treasurer Declined Serving 7th Leroy M. Yale 8th Rev'! Ebenezar Chase Central School Committee 9th Presbury Korton 10th John Holmes -. North desf Holmes Hole S. E. Prudential School Committee N. W. Health Committee Fence Veiwers Surveyors of Lumber Tithine; Men 11th William Lumbert > 12th Job Gorham ^ Voted John Holmes ^ Timothy Luce > Henry P. Worth ) Voted Bernard Luce sworn " Presbury Luce " Charles Weeks Voted Harvy Robinson ^ " Davis Look " John Lumbert Voted William Downs " Tristram Luce " Arvin Luce ) Voted Nathan Smith Field Drivers Charles Look John Smith Hiram Dexter Theodore Luce Obid Nickerson Ulissis P. Luce Voted James L. Peakes — Pound Keeper Holmes Hole Voted Charles Smith ^ declined serving " Cathcart Luce sworn [ " David Look sworn | Surveyors of Highways " Job Gorham sworn J Voted Charles Smith and Thomas Bradly a Comittee to Settle With " the Town Treasurer & Select Men for the past year & Report " at the adjournment of this Meeting Voted That the Town Treasurer have Six dollars for his servises the Insuing year. 524 TISBURY TOWN^ RECORDS. Yoted That John Cottle be Town Treasurer Voted To Raise Four hundred dollar for the Support of Town Schools $400. Voted To Divide & proportion the money Raised for Town Schools according to the number of Schollars. in each Destrict Voted To Restrain Horses & Neat Cattle from going at Large within the limits of The Town of Tisbury during the Insuing year Voted Jabez Luce sworn > -r> /-i 4. 1 1 i.u t ^ ^ > Be Constables the Insumg year " Ira Dexter sworn ) Voted To accept the Report of the Select Men on the Petition of Presbury Norton & others Respecting a Town way by Gates as set forth in said Report Voted The Said Petitioners to pay all the expences of erecting the Gates & all other Charges attending the Same of the afore Said Road Voted That the Town will keep the aforesaid Road in Repair Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday the 18th of April st Attest Matthew Manter Toivn Clerk Pursueant to the adjournment of the Anual Town Meeting of Tisbury april 4"' 1836 The Inhabitants of Said Town Met at the Academy in the West Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday april 18th 1836 at 1 O'clock P. M. and the following votes were passed in the Afirmative viz. Voted & Chose 1st William Furgerson Moderator of Said Meeting 2'' Voted to set up the office of Collector of Taxes for the Said Town the present year at Auction and giving it to the lowest biddir, 3'^ Voted that there shall be a discount allowed for prompt Payment of a Taxes paid to the Collector of Said Town as follows viz Taxes paid in 30 days 6 P Ct. Discount allowed " paid in 60 days 4 P Ct " paid in 120 days 2 P Cent And all Taxes paid after 120 days No discount 4th Voted That the Town Treasurer call up all delinquent Collectors of Taxes in sd Town without delay & Demand emediate Payment 5th Voted to accept the Report of the Committee which were Chosen at the Anual Meeting to Settle with the Select Men & Town Treasurer 6 Voted To Raise Seven Hundred dollars to Support the Poor and Insidental Charges » TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 525 7th Voted to accept the Report of the Select Men on Town affairs & acts The office of Collector of Taxes being put up at Auction William Gray offered to Collect the Taxes of Said Tisbury for 3^ Pr Cent It being the lowest bid was nocked off To him. 8th Voted that William Gray as Collector be required to give Suffi- cient bonds to the Town Clerk 9th Voted that the Select Men dispose of the Poor as they Shall think best for the benefit of the Town 10th Voted That the Town Pound in the West Parish of Tisbury Remain where It now^ is (or in other words) the Town will not Remove it to any other place 11th Voted That Abijah Hammett be Pound keeper West parish de- clined serving 12th Voted To sell the House & some land atach to it formerly owned by Parnal Butler deceased 13th Voted to Raise 300 dollars for the Repair of highway Town wayes & bridges in said Town 14:th Voted Ira Dexter sworn Surveyor of highways in Room of Charles Smith who declined Serving 15th Vote To pay the Laborers on the highways according to the Labor don 16th Voted that the Laborers on the highways have 12^ Cents pr hour Voted that James D. Peakes sworn be a Surveyor of Lumber in Room of Harvy Robinson declined Serving Voted Timothy Born field driver Voted Thomas Dunham Esq be one of the Central School Committee in stead of Leroy M Yale declined Serving- Voted Charles Look sworn ) Tithing men ^^^^^.^^^^ ^^^.^.^^^ " Sylvenus Luce S William Downs & Tristram Luce Voted that the Select Men have fifteen dollars Each for their Ser- vises as Select Men & assessors Voted that the Select Men Sell the house & Land formerly Parnel Butlers at the Same time they sell the Poor Voted That this Meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in May insuing at 1 O clock P. M. Attest Matthew Mantee Town Clerk 526 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At A Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Academy in the west Parish of said Tisbury April 18th 1836 at 3 O'clock P. M.. Pursuant to a Legal notice from a Town Consta- ble, and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable, To draw one Suitable Man of a Good Moral Character to serve at Said Court as Traverse Juror, Said Court to be holden at Barnstable Within and for the County of Barnstable & Dukes County Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the firs Tuesday of May next, The Select Men & Town Clerk being present at Said Meeting Drew from the Jury Box the name of Charles Look. To Serve at Said Court as a Travers Juror. Attest Matthp:w Manter Tmvn Clerk Pursuant to the Adjournment from the adjournment of the Anual Town Meeting of Tisbury april 18*" 1836 The Inhabitants of Said Town Met at the Dukes County Academy in the West Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday May 2*^ A. D. 1836 at 1 O clock P. M. the house was called to order by the Town Clerk, & the following votes were passed in the affirmative viz 1** Voted & Chosen, Thomas Dunham Esq"" Moderator of the Meeting 2'^ Voted to reconsider the vote passed at the preceeding Meeting re- specting the town pound 3 Voted That Bernard Luce be Authorised to remove the Town pound in the west parish of Tisbury if the Owner of the land where it now stands will not permit said Pound to remain where It is This Meeting adjourned without day. Attest Matthew Manter, Town Clerk At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury assem- bled at the house of Matthew Mantor in the west Parish of said Tisbury May 12th 1836 at 4 O'clock P. M. Pursuant to a legal notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a venire from the Clerk of the the Court of Common Pleas within & for the County of Dukes County and Comm"' of Mass' To Draw out of the Jury box of said Town five good & lawful men to serve at said Court as Grand Jurors and four of the like Qualifications to serve as Travers Jurors at said Court of Common Pleas to be holden at P^dgartown in Said County on the last Monday of this present Month of May 1836 Two of the Selectmen & the Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 527 being present drew from the Jury Box the names of the following per- sons viz John Smith -» Jonathan Luce Jr ^ -.TT 1. TT-,, ! for Travers Franklin Daggett Nathan Smith Jurors Walter Hillman for Grand Jurors James Cleveland Barnard Luce 1 Bartlet Allen Thomas Robinson J Attest Matthew Mantor Toivn Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury. Qualified to vote, by the Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts Holden at the Dukes County academy in the west Parish of said Tisbury on Monday the Twenty third day of May 1836 The following votes were passed in the afirmative viz 1st "WiHard Luce was chosen Moderator of the Meeting 2^^ voted that the Town pound in the west parish be erected on the land of Bernard Luce (by his consent) by the road & near his dwelling house to the Northward of the same Voted 3*' That Bernard Luce be agent or comittee for the Town to erect the Town Pound on the place above named " 4^" that Bernard Luce be Pound keeper for the above named Pound the insuing year — (Sworn) — '' 5th that Obid Nickerson be a fence viewer. — (sworn) voted this meeting be adjourned Sine Die attest Matthew Mantee Toivn Cleric At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied to Vote by the Laws & Constitution of the Commt'? of Mass Ilolden at Dukes County Academy in the west parish of Said Tisbury on Friday the Eighth day of July 1836 the following votes were passed in the afirmative Vis 1 David Look Esq'' was chosen Moderator of the meeting 2*^ The office of Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury was set up at Auction & Capt Edmund Cottle being- the lowest bider It was nocked off to him for three & a half pr Ct 3| ''^* on the amount of mony collected by him & paid into y*' Treasurers as pr order of ye assessors 3 Then this meeting was adjourned Sine Die Attest Matthew Mantee Toivn Clerh Note William Gray who bid of the Collection of Taxes at the former adjournd meeting declined serving 528 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The whole number of youths & Children in the Town of Tisbury. Males under 21 years & Females under 18 years of age on May ye 1st 1835 was five hundred & eighty eight as pr Report of ye several pruden- tial School committees in said Town. the Returns from several of the district committees not being made in time for the year 1836 therefore the money is proportioned according to the last Returns made as p'" Record of 1835 at the Anual Town Meeting holden on Monday the 4'" day of April 1836 It was voted to Raise four hundred dollars to be expended in Pub- lic Schools in said Tisbury within the present year Proportioned to the several School destrics. with the addition of 139.. 31*^^*' Rec'' from ye Secre^ of y*^ Com Wth for said year Dividend as follows viz Holmes Hole South des $173 ,/ 33 North Do Do Do 65 ,, 00 Lumbers Cove Diet 62 . 76 North west Dist 62 . 76 South East D^' 75 . 46 439 , 31 Attest Matthew Manter \ Tovm Clerk We the Subscribers Select Men of the Town of Tisbury and Chilmark have this the tenth day of September A D. 1836 Met agreable to notice given by the Select Men of Tisbury (being the most ancient Town) for the purpose of Perambulating and runing the lines and Renewing the marks between our said Town's and having attended that Service make returns as follows, viz — Begining at a flat Rock laying in the wash of the Watter at the Sound, from thence Southeasterly on a straight line to a heap of Stones on the Hills of the land belonging to William Davis & John Davis Jr from thence on a Straigh line to the Road leading from Chilmark to Tisbury From thence Northeasterly by the Road to the brook Thence Easterly by the brook to the pond, Southerly by the pond to the beach from thence on a straight line to the Sea. — Tisbury September the Tenth A. D. 1836 WiLLAKD Luce mjent for the Selectmen of Tisbury RoDOLPHOS Hancock, Samuel Hancock Select Men of Chilmark A True Copy attest Matthew Manter Tovn Clerh M TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 529 Pursuant to a Legal notice from Ira Dexter one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury, A Majority of the Select Men of S'^ Town met at the Town Clerks office Sep. 12th 1836 & Drew from the Jury box of S'' Town four men to serve as Travers Juers to serve at the Court of Common Pleas to be held on the last Monday of this present Month of Sept 1836 at Edgertown in the County of Dukes County viz Horatio G. Norton ^ Davis Cottle Traverse Jurors ■ Hovey Luce I William West I Attest Matthew Manter T. Clk At a legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Qualified to vote by the Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts to vote in the Choice of Governor Lieutenant Governor Senator & Representative to the General Court Holden at the Academy in the west parish of said Tisbury On Monday the Fourtenth day of November 1836 at 10 Of the Clock A. M. It being the Seccond Monday of said Month and the Sixt first year of the Independace of the United States of America. Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their votes for the amendment of the Constitution for Governor Liu' Gov- ernor Senators & Counselors for a representative in Congess for Electors of President & Vice President & Representatives to the General Court to be holden in Boston January next Gave in their votes as follows viz, 1st voted by -| For the said Amendment Twenty votes 20 Yeas & nays I Against Do Do Eleven 11 on the Amendment [ of ye Constitution j 2'' Voted for ) Marcus Morton had thirty one votes 31 Governor ) Edward Everett had Forty nine votes 49 3*^ Voted for ^ George Hull had forty nine votes 49 Lieu* Gover. ) William Foster had thirty two votes 32 4:th voted for ^ John Hancock had thirty four votes 34 Senetor & ^ David Joy had forty Eight votes 48 Counselor -^ 5"' Voted for ^ John Reed had fifty five votes 55 a Representative ^ Henry Crocker had twenty nine votes 29 to Congress -^ Jonathan Luce had one vote 1 530 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 6th voted to send two Representatives to ye General court to be holden in Boston January next 7th voted that the Representatives voted for to ye Gen'' court Should be on a joint ballot 8th Vote to (Adjourned the Meeting 20 miniuts) 9th the expiration of the time of adjornment, the meeting was called to order, & the votes were given in for two Representatives to ye Gen- eral court as follows viz The whole number of votes given in for Representative were 90 viz For Thomas Bradley Sixty two votes 62 For David Look twenty eight votes 28 For Thomas Dunham twenty six votes 26 For William Davis forty nine votes 49 For Jonathan Luce Jr votes seven 7 Thomas Bradley & William Davis having the two highest number of votes given in were declared by the Moderator Chosen Representatives to y'' General Court at its next session in Boston The votes being caled for electors of President & vice President of the United States were given in Counted sorted & declaration made thereon, were as follows (viz) For Electors at Large. Nathaniel Silsbe of Salem Edward A. Newton of Pittsfield Whig Ticket forty nine votes 49 For Districts Electors, Van burin Ticket Nathan Willis of Pittsfield Seth Whitmarsh of Seekonk Thirty Six votes 36 Districts No. 1 Samuel Appleton of Boston No 2. Leavett Saltonstall of Salem No 3. Benjamin Walker of Lowell No 4 Loammi Baldwin of (^harlestown No 5 Joseph (i Kendall of Worcester No 6 Samuel Lee of Barre No 7. Thomas Longley of Hawley No 8 Isaac C Bates of Northhampton No 9 Bezaleel Taft of Uxbridge No 10 Howard Lathrop of Easton No 11 Charles W. Morgan of New Bedford No 12 Charles J. Holmes of Rochester There was Forty nine votes given in for each candidate on the above Ticket for each District 49 No 1 Caleb Eddy of Boston No 2 Robert Rantoul of Beverly No 3 Joseph Kittredge of Andover No 4 Francis Tattle of Acton No 5 Samuel Taylor of Sutton No 6 Samuel C. Allen of Northfield No 7 Joseph Fitch of New Marlborough No 8 Harvey Chapin of Springfield No 9 Benj'" P. Williams of Roxbury No 10 Nathan C. Browne! 1 of W^estport No 11 Tho^ Mandell of New Bedford No 12 Jabez P. Thompson of Halifax There were thirty Six vote given in for each of the candidates on the Above Ticket for each Destrict, B TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 531 There being some buisness to Trasact Respecting Town afairs Set forth in ye warrant in which the select men do not preside, The Town Clerk called for the votes for a Moderator for that purpose the votes being brought in counted & Sorted, Jonathan Luce Jr having the ma- jority of votes given in Was declared Moderator of the Meeting and the following articles were then voted on (viz) 1st voted to Choose a committee Respecting the fishery at Chappaquan- sett Creek agreeably to the petition of Charles Look & seventeen others 2' Voted that the subject Respecting Chappequansetts fishery, be Indefinately posponed S"^ Voted to Choose an Agent for the Town to investiagate the Sub- ject Respecting the Support of Keziah Luce & children 4th Voted & Chose John Cottle agent for the Town to Transact the Above buisness Respecting Keziah Luce & Children & to Report at the next anual Meeting of Said Town The Select Men adjourned the meeting to the house of Matthew Manter at 4 P. M. to finish the buisness of the Meeting in which they preside at 5 adjourned till 9 oclock A. M. 15th st. same place according to adjournment Meet at the time & place af*^ & closed the buisness of said Meeting & adjourned. Sine Die Attest Matthew Mantek Toivn Clerh Be It Remembered that by mutial agreement of the undersigned. The division of fence between the parties between the flat point so Called belonging to George Athearn Esq"" and the homestead of M'' Lot Look, was submitted to Cap? Jeremiah Mantor and M'' Willard Luce, who fixed the bound, on the flat point side to be the permanent bound for the future at a maple Tree just below the watering place and agreed to by by both the undersigned Tisbury December 9'^' 1836 George Athearn (Copy of Agreement) Lot Look Attest Matthew Manter Town Clerk Entered Tisbury 29th March 1837 At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts holden at the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole East Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the 3'' day of April A D. 1837 the following Votes ware pased in the affirmative viz 1st. Voted & Chose John J Barrows Clerk sworn " 2'' " Jonathan Luce Jr Moderator sworn 532 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. viz 3'' Voted and Chose for Select Men as follows viz Jonathan Luce Jr sworn George D Cottle Willard Luce sworth 4th John Cottle Treasurer 5th fifty nine Votes were given in for County Treasur all for Mat- thew Manter Esq 59 Votes 6th Voted & Chose for Central School Committee as follows Rev. David Pease, Mr Davis Cottle Rev. Ebeneser Chase 7th Voted and Cose for Prudential School Committee as follows — Holmes Hole District Nathen Smith Holmes Hole North District John Holmes South East District Jeremiah Manter North Shore District Bartleet Pease Jr North West District Job. Gorham 8th Chose for Tything Men as follows John Smith ~^ Thomas Dunham Isaac L. Vincent i Willard Luce J 9th Voted and Chose for Health Committee as follows Thomas Bradley ^ sworn Leroy M Yale | Charles West J- Health Committee Edmond Cottle | Thomas Barrows J 10th Voted and Chose the following persons for F Drivers vis Nathen Smith }■ Tything Men Sylvanus Luce Presbury Luce Benj Cleveland Isaac L. Vincent Hovey Luce Shubel Weeks Jr Sanford Vincent John Manter Barnard Luce James A Jones Sworn sworn sworn sworn Field Drivers TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 533 11th Voted & Chose for Constables as follows — vis Sworn Sylvanus Luce " Ira Dexter Constables Jabez Luce 12th Voted & Chose for Hog Reeves as follows vis Capt George Dexter Seth Look Hog Reeves 13th Voted and Chose for Fence Viewers as follows vis Alfred Norton ^ " John Smith i " George Dunhan V Fence Viewers " Barnard Luce Sworn I " James Cleveland ' 14th Voted and Chose for Surverors of Lumber as follows vis Hervey Robinson " Davis Look " Jonathen Luce Jr " John Lumbert. " William Andrews 15th Voted and Chose for Surveyors of High Ways as follows vis Ira Dexter ".Charles Look " Alfred Norton " Charles G. Athearn " Job Gorham 16th Voted and Chose for Pound Keepers as follows Surveiors of Lumber Surveyors of High Ways vis James D. Peakes " Barnard Luce Pound Keepers sworn 17th Voted that the Laws respecting the Surplus Revenue be read before the Meeting 18. th Voted to accept, the Motion of Thomas Dunham Esq that the Select Men. Shol Call a meeting on the first Monday in May next to se if the Town will accept the revenue Money from the State Treasur de- posited by the United States Secratary According to the Statute of this commonwealth pased March 21st 1837 and what disposition shol be made of the Same Also to see if the Town wil build a Town House or otherwise provid a place for holding Town Meetings 18th Voted to Accept. Mr John Cottle report respecting the citesen- ship of Edmond Luce 534 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 19th Voted that the Select. Men be authorised to Settle with the Town of Edgartown respecting the Support of Edmond Luce and Family or otherwise bring a Suit against Said House 20th Voted that a committee of one be appointed to Settle w^ith the Select Men and Treasur and report at the adjorned Meeting. Chose Capt Thomas Bradley 21st. Voted that Two Dollars be allow^ed for Cleaning the Meeting House $2. 22^* Voted to Adjorn to the first Monday in May Next, at 1 O Clock P. M. Attest John J Bakrows Tovni Clerk At A legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to Vote by the Constitution and laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts holden in the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole East . Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the first Day of May A D. 1837 the following Votes w^ere pased in the affirmative Vis Voted and Chose Thomas Dunham Esqr Moderator 2'' Voted to Accept of our proportion of the surplus Revenue due from the United States agreeable to an act of the Legislature 3'' Voted That the Town Treasurer be the agent to Loan the money 4th voted that Capt Presbury Norton be an assistant. Trustee to act with the Treasurer in Loaning the Money when recieved 5th Voted that the Trustees be instructed to Loan the Surplus Rev- enue to the State Treasurer in case the State Treasurer will recieve it or otherwise to Loan it to individuals with Two good indorsers in Sums not exceeding three hundred Dollars for a term of time not exceeding twelve Months 6th Voted, the Article in the warrant respecting Building a Town House be dismissed 7th that five Dollars be allowed for Cleaning the Meeting House 8th Voted to adjorn with out Day Attest John J. Baekows Ton-n Clerl' At A Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole May 1st. A D. 1837. Pursuant to a Legal notice from A Town Constable and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 535 of Barnstable to draw one Suitable man of good Moral character to serve at Said court as Traverse Jurors Said Court to holden at Barnstable within and for the County of Barnstable and Dukes commonwealth of Massachusetts on the first Tuesday of May next. The Select Men and Town Clerk being present at Said Meeting Drew from the Jury Box the name of Presbury Luce to serve at sd Court as a Travers Juror Attest John J. Bakkows Toum Clerh At A Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury ; duly noti- fied according to law, and holden in Said Town on the first day of May in the Year 1837. for the purpose of considering and determining whether said Town would agree to receive, its proportion of the monies received and to be received by the Treasurer, and receiver general, of this com^^ from the secratary of the Treasurer of the United States for deposits with this commonwealth in pursuance of an act of Congress, entitled an act to regulate the deposits of the Public Money approved on 23'' June 1836, and will comply with the termes and provisions contained in the several Acts of this commonwealth concerning the deposite of the sur- plus Revenue it was Voted. That this Town agrees to receive from the Treasurer and receiver general of the comm'^' its proportion of the Surplus Revenue of the United States in deposite, and will comply with the termes and pro- visions of the several acts passed by the legislature of said common- wealth concerning the deposite of the Surplus Revenue in deposite ; Yoted that John Cottle Esq — be the Agent, of this Town for the purpose of receiving from the Treasurer and receiver general of this conjm'-; this Towns proportion of the Said Revenue in deposits Yoted That John Cottle Esqr, agent, as aforesaid, l)e and he hereby is Authorised to sign a Certifacate of deposite for the sums of Money he may receive from time to time from the Sd treasurer and receiver general of this commonwelth binding the town in its corporate capacity for the repaymt to Said treasurer of the Money so deposited with this Town and any and every part thereof whenever the Same shall be required by sd. treasurer and receiver general to be by him refunded to the Secratary of the Treasurer of the United States Form; of A Printed Copy Attested May 23d 1837 Attest John J Barrows Town Clerk 536 TISBURY TOWK RECORDS. The whole number of Youths & Children in the Town of Tisbury on the first day of May 1837 (Males under 21) and Females under 18 years of Age As per report of the Several Prudential School Commetties in Said Town was 6.10 Given in as follows Vis H. H South Dist. 234 " " " North " 105 " North Shore " 84 " North West " 93 " South East " 94 Total 610 At the anual Meeting holden on the 3'' day May it was Voted to raise four hundred Dolls to be expended in Public Schools within the ensueing year Proportioned as follows with the addition of S44.23 rec- eived from the Mass-School fund the ensuing year Vis Holmes Hole South Dist $170.41^' " Holmes Hole North " 76.47 North Shore Distrct 61.18 North West Dist 67.73 South East Dist 68.44 $444,,23 Attest John J. Bakrows Town Clerh Pursuant to adjornment of the anual Town Meeting of Tisbury May 3'' 1837 the inhabitants of Said Town met at the Old Meeting House in the East Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the first day of May A D. 1837. the house was called to order by the Moderator and the following Votes were pased in the affermative Viz 1st. herd the Report of Capt Thomas Bradley chosen Committee Man to Settle with Select Men and Treasurer 2*^ Voted Said Report be Accepted 3** Voted that the Sum of One Thousand Dollars be assessed for the support of the poor and incidental Charges the ensuing year SIOOO 4"' Voted to raise four hundred Dollars for the Support of Publick Schools $400 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 537 5th Voted that 3 per ct be given to the Collector for CoUecling Taxes the insuing year 6th Voted and Chose Capt Charles Smith collector of Taxes 7th Voted to raise One hundred Dollars to be expende on the High- ways the insuing year to be worked Out. at 12^- cts pr hour 25 cts for Man & Team 8th Voted that Boys over twelve and under sixteen years of age be allowed y., price to work on the highweys ; also voted that no Boys under 12 years of age be allow^ed to work on the highweys 9th Voted and Chose Tything Men insted of Others chosen and not sworn as follows sworn Tything Men Vis Charles Look Jonathan Manter William Daggett. 10th Voted and Chose Surveyors of High Ways as follows Vis Charles Smith sworn Bartleet Pease Surveyors of sworn Sanford Vincent Highways 11th Voted and Chose Field Drivers as follows Viz Sworn Sanford Vincent | Field Ulisses P. Luce | Drivers 12th Voted that the Town Treasurer shall call on the Collectors for a Settlement 13th Voted to adjorn with out Day Attest John J. Barrows Toivn Clerl- At a Legal Meeting of the inhabitants of The Town of Tisbury holden at the Old Meeting House in Holmes Hole East Parish of Said Tisbury on Thursday the 18th 1837 Pursuant to A Notice from the Town Con- stable and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the court of com- mon please within and for the county of Dukes county Commonwealth of Mass wherein Said Venira Requireth the names of seven good and Lawful men to serve as Grand Jurors and four Petit Jurors be Drawn from the Juror Box of Said Tisbury to serve at Said Court of Common Please to be holden at Edgartown in Said Conty the Last Monday of this present Month May 1837 The Select Men & Town Clerk being presant. at Said Meeting drew from the Juror Box of Said Tisbury the Names of the following persons 538 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Grand Jurors Petit Jurors Vis Matthew P. Butler Charles Smith Alfred Norton Robert Manter Thomas L. Norton William Gray William C. Luce Charles West W'" S Vincent Charles Baxter W" H. Davis Attest John J Barrows Tovm Clerk Pursuant to A Legal Notice from Sylvanus Luce one of the Town Constables of the Town of Tisbury A majority of the Select Men and Town Clerk being present met at the Town Clerks office Sept 18th 1837 and drew from the Juror Box of Sd Town, four men to Serve as Travers Jurors, to Serve at the court of Common Pleas holden at Edgartown on Monday the Twenty fifth day of Sept 1839 — in the Court of Dukes County Vis Edmond Cottle Parmenas Parsons Traverse Jurors Theoder Luce Hiram Chase Attest John J Barrows Tovm Cleric At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders & other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Qualified to Vote l)y the Laws of the Commonwelth of Massachusetts for Govenor Lieut Govenor Senatre and Representative in the general Court holden at the School House in Holmes Hole East Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the Thirteenth day of Nov 1837 at One O'clock P. M. being the Second Monday of Said Month and the Sixty Second year of the Independence of the United States of Ameraca Said inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Gov. Liet. Gov. Senater and Representative to represent the Town of Tisbury in the next general Court to be holden at Boston on January in- sueing. give in their Votes as follows vis 1st for Edward Everet Thirty Nine 39 Govenor Marcus Morton Twenty Seven 27 2^* Votes George Hull Forty Eight 48 for Lieut Gov. William Foster Twentv five • ' 25 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 539 3d Senator Barker Burnell Thirty Nine 39 for Nantucket James Mitchell Twelve 12 & Dukes County . John H Shaw Eleven 11 4th Voted To Send one Representative to the next General Court to be holden at Boston on January Next. Votes for Representative being Called for being assorted Counted and were for the following Persons vis Thomas Bradley thirty one 31 Jonathan Luce Jr ten 10 1st Choise Thomas Dunham Nine 09 William Davis Twenty four 24 John Holmes One 1 Total 75 2" Choise Thomas Bradley as follows vis Thomas Dunham four William Davis thirty four Total 37 4 34 75 3d Choise Thomas Bradley thirty Nine as follows vis William Davis thirty Six total Thomas Bradley having the magority of votes was elected. 6th Voted to Adjorn without day Attest John J. Barrows Toivn. Clerk 39 36 75 We the Subscribers, fence viewers of the Town of Tisbury, having on the application of Edmond Cottle, and after having given due Notice, to the parties to attend, viewed the premises, and duly concidered, the matter, have assigned, and do hereby assign, to each of the parties, their Share of said fence as follows, viz. the Said. Edmond Cottle. Shall Build and Keep in repair a good and Sufficient fence beginning at the bonnd. Tree, thence Running North westerly on the North east side of the Road untill he builds five. Rods most of said fence ; the Said George Cottle. Shall build and Keep in repair. A good and sufficient fence on the other part of Said Line from Edmond Cottles fence on the North East side of the Road running north westerly, untill it comes to the Road that leads 540 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. from west Tisbury to Lamberts Cove, the said Edmond Cottle to have a passway through s'! George Cottle fence by making A pair of Bars and supporting the same Fees $2.00 Given under our hands this 26th day. of January Coppy entered A D 1838. January 29th 1838 Barnard Luce fence James Cleveland Vieivevs Attest John J. Barrows Toivn Clerk At A legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quah- fied to Vote in Elections and in Town affairs holden at the South School House in Holmes Hole village on Monday the 29'" January A D. 1838 at 2. O Clock P. M. for the purpose of giving in their Votes for A County Register of Deeds to fill the vacancy of Said office, occasioned by the Death of Samuel Smith Esqr. opened the Meeting by reading the warrant Voted and Chose Thomas Dunham Esqr Moderator of Said Meet- ing — The whole number of Votes given in for A County Register was fifty two. for the following Persons — Vis Benjamin Davis Jr thirty Six 36 Josiah H. Smith thirteen 13 Silvanus L. Pease three 3 total 52 Attest John eT Barrows Town Clerk Pursuant to a Notice from Cornelius Merchant Clerk of the Court of County Commissioners to the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quah- fied to Vote in Elections and Town affairs, holden on Monday the 26th day of Febuary A. D. 1838 at 2 O Clock P. M. at the South School House in Holmes Hole for the purpose of giving in their Votes for A County Register of Deeds — opened the Meeting, and after reading the Warrant, proceeded to make choice of a Moderator for Said Meeting Chose Jonathan Luce Jr The whole number of votes given for A County Register was Fifty for the following Persons TISBUKY TOWN KECOKD 3. Vis Benjamin Davis Jr thirty five 35 Josiah H Smith fourteen 14 Sylvanus L. Pease One 1 total 50 Tisbury Feb. 26th 1838 Attest John J Baeeows Town Clerk 541 At A legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to Vote in Elections and Town affairs holden at the Baptist. Meeting House in West. Tisbury. On Monday the 2'' day of April A D. 1838 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for County Commissioners. Opened the Meeting by reading the Warrant the whole Number of Ballots was Fifty Eight 58 ballots For the following Persons Vis William Davis Nine 9 '' Thomas H. Lumbert six 6 '' Timothy Daggett forty seven 47 '■' Tristram Allen Jr Twenty five 25 " William Mayhew Thirteen 13 " Stephen Skiff 11 " Constant Norton 11 " Haden Lumbert. 3 " Thomas Bradley 1 John Cottle ^ total 174 The Whole Number of Votes given in for Special Commissioners was ty Two — as follows Barnard Luce thirty Two 32 John Hancock Nineteen 19 Daniel Fellows five 5 Constant. Norton fourteen 14 Thos. Bradley Two 2 Daniel Fisher four 4 Eliakim Norton 5 Tristram Luce 3 total 84 Attest John J. Baeeows Town Olerk 542 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote in Town affairs holden at the Baptist meeting house in the West parish of said Tisbury on monday the 2 day of April 1838 the fol- lowing votes were passed in the affirmative Vis It. Voted and chose Benjamin alien Moderator 2?. Voted and Chose W"! A Mayhew sworn ToAvn Clerk 3^ voted and Chose for select men as follows vis Charles Smith John Cottle and James Look all sworn 4:y' Voted for County Treasurer as follows for William A Mayhew 64 for W'l! Daggett 4 5-.' Voted and chose Eliakim Norton sworn town Treasurer 6t! Voted and chose A Committee of three viz Presbury Norton Barnard Luce & Davis Cottle to settle with the Town Treasurer and Selectmen. 7t] Voted and Chose for field drivers as follows Constant Norton, Thomas West, Sylvanus Luce Joseph Nickerson Charles Smith Hovey Luce sworn S~. Voted and Chose for surveyors of highways sanford vincent sworn Job Gorham sworn James Cottle and Alfred Norton 9t' voted and Chose for fence viewers Barnard Luce sworn James Cleveland sworn shubel Luce Chas Look sworn lOv.' Voted and Chose Silvanus Luce sworn Constable 11-.' Voted that all persons deficient in high way Taxes not having been notified shall have the privilege of working out the same during this present year 12t.' Voted and chose for School Committee Thos Dunham Job Gor- ham and W'^ H Luce 13^^ Voted and chose for prudential Schooll Committee Peter Norton Henry Cleaveland 14tj_i Yoted and chose for fence viewers Willard Luce W'" Davis Elia- kim Norton 15v! Voted that all future anual meetings be held on the 2'' Monday of March l(jtii Voted to adjourn the meeting to the 3"^ monday of April Attest William A Mayhew Toum Clerk At an adjournment of a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified according to law to vote in Town afifairs holden at TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 543 the Baptist meeting house in the West Parish on the third monday of April 1838. the following votes were passed in the Affirmative Viz Iv' Voted that a fire proof Building for register of deeds is not necessary and that the same be dispersed with 2-. Voted and chose for Pound keepers Ira Dexter Barnard Luce 3t. Voted and chose for health Committee George Dunham Henry P Worth John Holmes •i^' Voted that sheep and neat Cattle shall not run at large on the Common or highways 5"' Voted and chose for surveyors of Lumber Davis Look, Henry Robinson W'.'; Andrews and John Lumber 6^.' Voted and chose for Prudential school Committee Hovey Luce John Holmes and James Cottle. 7r' Voted and chose for field drivers Presbury Luce, Tristan Luce 8~ Vote that the Collector of Taxes have three pr cent for his ser- vices 9^:!^ Voted and chose for Collector of Taxes Horatio G. Norton sworn IOt' Voted to raise four hundred dollars for public schools 11-' Voted to raise 860 Dollars for support of the poor and incidental expences 12r.' Voted that the Town Clerk examine the select mens Books rela- tive to incidental expence and report at the next meeting of the Town 13-; Vote to raise no money for highway expences but that all Taxes now in arrears be worked out this year. 14*11 Yote that Chas Cottle be surveyor of highweys 15"' Vote that Chas. Smith be surveyor of road 16t! Vote that Chas. Smith be a Committee to transfer all documents including a Treasury note from John Cottle the former Town Treasurer to Eliakim Norton the present Treasurer and receipt for the same Attest William A Mayhew Toivn ClerJc At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections holden in s*^. Tisbury on the third monday of April 1838. the poor of said Town of Tisbury w^ere sold to the lowest bider Tim- othy Pease agreed to take all that now are or may be excepting the fam- ily, of Seth Allen and Rowland Luce and bear all expences for one entire year for 695, Dollar Attest William A Mayhew Town Olerk 544 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote in election holden at Tisbury on the 26 day of April 1838 the following votes were given for County Commissioners Viz. for John Cottle four Tristam Allen Jr three. William Mayhew six. William Davis five, A true Coppy Attest William A Mayhew Toum Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Assembled at the Baptist Meeting house in the West paris of said Tisbury April 28. 1838 Pursuant to a legal notice from a ToAvn Constable and by his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable. To draw one suitable man of a good moral Char- acter to serve at said Court as Travers Juror. Said Court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the County of Barnstable & Dukes County Commonwealth of Massachusetts on the second Tuesday of May next, the Select Men & Town Clerk being present Drew from the jury Box the name of Shubal Weeks Jr. to serve at S*! Court as Travers Juror. Attest. William A Mayhew Town Clerk By virtue of the revised Statute of the Commonwealth of Mass Chap 15 Sect 38 We the Subscribers have appointed Ira Dexter for Sealer of Weights and Measures within and for the town of Tisbury the ensuing year, also to be a Measurer of Wood and Bark exposed or brought into said Town for sale for the year ensuing, and who is to receive for your fees the sums following viz for each load of wood by you measured four Cents for each Cord of Wood four Cents for each Cord of Bark Eight Cents. given under our hands at said Tisbury the 10*'' day of May A. D. 1838 Chas Smith pr order of James Look Select inen Attest W^. A Mayhew Town. Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Town Clerks office in the West parish of Said Tisbury on monday the twenty first day of May 1838. Pursuant to a Notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the Court of common pleas within and for the County of Dukes County Common- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 545 wealth of Massachusetts wherein, said venire required the names of Seven good and Lawful men to serve as Grand jurors, and four as Petit jurors be drawn from the jury Box of said Tisbury to serve as jurors at Said Court of Common pleas to be holden at Edgartown in said County on the last monday of May instant being the 28 day of said month The Select men & Town Clerk being present at said Meeting drew from the Box of said Tisbury the names of the following persons vis. Grand jurors Petit jurors. Ulysses P. Luce ' Matthew Lumbert Isaac Vincent Lothrop Merry Charles G. Athearn Obed Nickerson Edmund Luce Bartlet Mayhew Peter Norton Jr Ira Dexter Bartlet Pease Jr. Attest W^. A. Mayheav Tovm Clerk Be it remembered that I have this day sold and delivered to Dwight Royce of Tisbury County of Dukes County, Trader the following Arti- cles viz. One Team Waggon $50 One Sorrel coloured horse 35 being the sum of Eighty five Dollars 85 Isaac Daggett a true Coppy of Record W^. A Mayhew ToiV7i Clerk at a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury that was held at the Baptist Meeting house in the west Parish on the 9. day of July 1838. 1. Voted and chose John Cottle Moderator 2'' Voted to instruct the assessors to Postpone assessment of the Town's proportion of the sum of 2000 Dollars for County purposes untill the 21 Monday Nov. next in order to Aseertain the sence of the Town more generally than can now be done on the same. 3^. Vote to adjourn the Meeting untill the second monday of Novem- ber at 1 O Clock P. M. Attest W^, A Mayhew Toum Clerk 546 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to a Legal Notice from Sylvanus Luce one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury the Select men and Town Clerk being present met at the Town Clerks Office on the 14,/ day of Sept. 1838 and drew from the Juror Box of said Town four men to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas, holder at Edgartown on Monday the 24,, day of Sept. 1838. in the County of Dukes County Viz Thomas Bradley Thomas Barrows Bartlet Allen David Smith Attest William A Mayhew Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, legally warned and held in the Bap- tist Meeting house in the West Parish on Saturday the 22. day of Sept. 1838. the following votes were passed in the affirmative Viz 1 „ Voted and Chose Thomas Bradley Moderator. 2 // Voted that the Select men be a Committee to petition the County Commissioners to suspend the erection of a fire proof Building, now in contemplation, for the County Registers office until after the rising of the Legislature. 3 // Voted that the above petition be forwarded as soon as practicable. 4 // Vote that Charles Smith be an Agent to meet the Commissioners, in order to oppose, on all occasions the erection of said Building. 5 // Vote that Benjamin Allen Esq. be a 2'! agent to act with the first for purpose above named. 6 // Vote to adjourn without day Attest William A Mathew Toim Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Qualified to Vote in elections for Governor. Lieut. Governor Senator and Representative in the general Court, holden at the Baptist Meeting house in the West Parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the Twelfth day of Nov. 1838 at One O clock P. M. being the Second Monday of Said Month and the Sixty third year of the Independence of! United States. Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor Lieut Gov. Senator and Representative to represent TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 547 the Town of Tisbury, in the General Court to be holden at Boston on January ensuing gave in their Votes as follows Viz. 1st for Edward Everett ninety five 95 Governor Marcus Morton Seventy two 72 2'!. Voted for George Hull ninety three 93 Lieut Governor Theodore Sedgwich seventy six 76 3^. Voted William Davis 95 for Senator George B Upton Eighty four 84 4^;' Voted John Reed eighty four 84 for Rep in Henry Crocker seventy two 72 Congress Sylvanus Luce One 1 5th. Voted to send one Representative to General Court the Current year 6th Voted to send Thomas Bradley to Represent the Town of Tisbury in General Court 7th Voted that William Merry's Taxes be remitted up to this date Nov. 12,, 1838 8"' Vote to Choose a Committee to Petition the Legislature of this State in behalf of a fire proof Registers Office now in Contemplation 9th Voted Thomas Dunham. Presbury Norton, and Charles Cottle be a Committee to draw a petition to be by them circulated throughout the Town of Tisbury for obtaining Signatures, also to draw another petition to be circulated in the Town of Edgartown for the above named purposes 10th// Voted to adjourn the Meeting to the house of Clarrissa Luce on 2^' Monday of Dec. 1838 Attest W'^ A Mayhew Toivn Clerk The whole number of children in the Town of Tisbury on the first day of May 1838. Males under 21 and Females under 18 years of age as pr report of the Several Prudential School Committies in said Town was 622 Given in as follows Viz H H South District 245 " " North " 95 North Shore " 85 North West " 91 South East 106 Total 622 548 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. At the Annual Meeting holden on the third Monday of April 1838. it was Voted to'^ raise four hundred Dollars the ensuing year to be ex- pended in Public Schools within the ensuing year Proportioned as follows with the addition of 40 Dollars received of the Mass School fund Viz H. H. South Dis 173.31 " " North " 67.20 North Shore " 60.13 " West " 64.38 South East 74.98 Total |440,/00 Attest W^. A Mayhew Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Legally warned and held in the Baptist Meeting house in the west parish of Said Tisbury on Monday the Twelfth day of Nov. 1838. at One O clock in the afternoon The Inhabitants being assembled Voted and Chose Thomas Dunham Esq. Presbury Norton and Charles Cottle A Committee to Petition the Legislature | in behalf of the Town relative to a fire Proof Building for a Registers Office now in contemplation Attest William A Mayhew Toivn Clerk At an Adjournment of a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury legally warned and held in the west Parish in sd Tisbury on the 12"* day of Nov. 1838. agreeably to a Vote then and there taken the In- habitants of Said Tisbury met at the house of Clarrissa Luce on the lOi!;' day of Dec. 1838 when the above named Committee Viz Tho' Dunham Presbury Norton and Charles Cottle presented a petition relative to a fire proof Registers Office which was Unanimously accepted with Amendments. Voted and Chose Thomas Bradley a Committee to present the above named Petition to the Commissioners of this County for signatures. Vote that the Town Clerk assert on the above named Petition that the above named Committee were Chosen by an Unanimous Vote of the Town. Vote to adjourn without day Attest William A Mayhew Toum Clerk I TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 549 At a Legal Town Meeting holden at the House of Thomas Dunham in Tisbury March 11"' 1839 for the choice of Town officers and other purposes Jonathan Luce Jr was chosen Moderator Thomas Dunham Town Clerk and sworn in Town meeting and the following officers were chosen Selectmen and overseers of the Poor & Assessors Thomas Barrows april 8th sworn George D Cottle, sworn Presbury Norton sworn — School Committe for the Town James Cottle Edmund Cottle Jacob T. E Gage — Prudential Committees for the School Districts. Districts North Shore George D Cotth Holmes Hole North John Holmes North West William Chace South East Asa Johnson — Field Drivers — John Smith Constant Norton sworn Silvanus Luce sworn Charles Smith refuses to serve Hovey Luce Joseph Claghorn Nathan Smith sworn sworn Henry Bradley Charles Look sworn refused to serve Franklin Smith sworn — Fence Viewers — Charles Cottle sworn Bartlett Pease Jr sworn Barnard Luce sworn Charles Look sworn — Surveyors of Lumber William Andrews — William Robinson Davis Look — Surveyors of Highways Charles Look sworn 550 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Dwight Royce sworn Barlett Pease Jr sworn Sanford Vinson april 8th sworn Job Gorham (april 8th chose Le Roy M Yale a surveyor of highways — Found keepers Barnard Luce Ira Dexter — Collector of Taxes. Dwight Royce a 2| pr cent — Health Committee Henry P. Worth William Daggett Charles Smith Constables — Silvanus Luce sworn in Town meeting Jabez Luce — Tithing Men Bartlett Allen Presbury Luce Charles Look Charles Cottle John Smith Frederic Smith Isaac Vinson Thomas Bradley Dwight Royce Henry Bradley Tristram Luce George Dunham Henry P. Worth were chosen a Committee to settle with the Selectmen and Treasurer & to see what saving can be made in the Towns expences also to bring in all the items of expenditure and to make returns at the adjournment of this meeting Voted to restrain Horses cattle and swine from runing at large on the Common 8th Article in the warrant laid over to the adjourned meeting Meeting adjourned to the second monday of April next at the House of Thomas Dunham at 1 P. M. Thomas Dunham Town Cleric At a Town meeting holden March 11*'' 1839 at the house of Thomas Dunham in Tisbury to give the votes of the persons qualified by Law to vote for County Treasurer Jonathan Luce Jr chosen moderator The votes were ffiven in sorted and Counted for Countv Treasurer TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 551 William A. Mayhew 87 Henry P. Worth 1 James D Peakes 1 Jirah Luce 1 John Luce 1 Presbury Norton 2 Charles A Luce 1 ^ David Tilton 1 = 95 P Attest Thomas Dunham Tovm Clerk April 8th 1839 Met according to adjourment voted all personal de- mands of the Selectmen be presented to the Town at some Town meet- ing for their accepted before any orders are drawn therefor Voted to assess on the Inhabitants according to Law the following- sums for the purposes herein mentioned for the Support of Town Schools 600 dollars also voted that the interest of the Town's money now in the Treasury of the State of Massachusetts be appropriated for the further support of Town Schools the present year on the petition of Nathan Clifford voted that the Selectmen send John Clifford to the Insane Hospital at of they think proper on the petition of Nathan Clifford for remission of Taxes refered to the Selectmen & assessors voted to assess the Sum of two hundred dollars for repair of High- ways to be worked out according to Law 200 voted the sum of eight hundred dollars to support the Poor 800 The meeting then adjourned without day attest Thomas Dunham Toion Cleric at a Legal meeting held at the house of Thomas Dunham in Tisbury on the 30th day of april 1839 for the purpose of drawing a Traverse Juror to serve at the next Supreme Judicial Court to be holden at Barn- stable on the first Tuesday of May next Presbury Luce was drawn out of the Jury box by the Selectmen attest Thomas Dunham Town Clerk May 18th Mr. Ira Dexter appointed a Sealer of weights & Measures by the Selectmen was sworn this day also a Measurer of Wood and bark by the Selectmen & sworn this day 552 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. May 18th at a Legal meeting holden at the house of Thomas Dun- ham at 1 P M for the purpose of reguhiting the Jury box Thomas Bar- rows was chosen moderator Voted to accept of the list of Jurors presented by the Selectmen also at a Legal meeting at the time and place aforesaid there were drawn out of the Jury box by the Selectmen the fellow persons to serve as Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas next to be holden at Edgartown for the County of Dukes county on the last Monday of May int. John Holmes ] Peter Norton Grafton Luce Nathan Mayhew Jira Luce John Smith James Rogers Elikim Norton Franklin Gray Charles D Hardin< Mayhew A Luce Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors Thomas Dunham Town Clerk July 15th 1839 At a Legal meeting duly warned for the choice of a Collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury John Holmes was chosen moderator voted to give the collector of Taxes 3 pr cent on money collected Dwight Royce was chosen collector of Taxes and sworn the same day Thomas Dunham To7fm Clei'k September 17th 1839. Tisbury ss at a Town meeting held this day at the house of Thomas Dunham in Tisbury for the purpose of drawing four Traverse Jurors to serve at the next court of common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the last Monday of September inst the following persons were drawn out of the Jury box l)y the Selectmen Asa Johnson David Tilton Jr Charles Smith George D. Cottle Attest Thomas Dunham Tow)). Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 553 The following is the number of Children in Tisbury males under 21 years and females under 18 years said number being taken by the school Committee in order for a division of the money appropriated to the Town Schools » Holmes South District 249 Holmes Hole North 96 North Shore 89 North West 74 Tisbury South 125 633 School fund for 1839 Money voted by the Town 600. interest on the sum of 2849-46 at 5 pr cent due from the state 142-47 School money paid by the Si bate 43 $785,,47 Holmes-Hole South District is entitled to 308-97 Hole North 119-12 North Shore 110-44 North West 91-83 Tisbury South 155-47 Tisbury September 19^> 1839 $785.47 Thomas Dunham Tovm Clerk At a Legal Town meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote for Governor Lieu. Gov. Senators and Representatives in the next General Court holden at the house of Thomas Dunham in the Eastern Parish of Tisbury on Monday the eleventh day of November A. D. 1839 at 11 o clock in the forenoon being the second Monday of said Month to give in their votes for Governer LeuF Governer and a Senator for the Senatorial District also for the choice of Representatives to the next general court the following votes were given in sorted counted and declaration thereof made as the Law directs For Governor Edward Everett 85 Marcus Moreton 120 Frederick Robinson 1^ Total 206 554 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Lieutenant Governor Nathan Willis 111 George Hull 77 total 188 For Senator John H. Shaw 121 George B. Upham 77 Total 198 For Representatives for the Town of Tisbury whole number of ballots were 205 necesery for a choice 103 Bartlett Allen had 126 Asa Johnson 126- 126 Thomas Barrows 73- ■ 73 Presbury Norton 73 William Dunham 6- 6 205 Bartlett Allen and Asa Johnson were declared by the Selectmen to be chosen Attest Thomas Dunham Toion Clerk At a legal Town Meeting holden on the twenty first day of Novem- ber A D 1839 at the house of Thomas Dunham in Tisbury 1st to see what disposition the Town of Tisbury will make of the fund which acrued from the Surplus Revenue now loaned to the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts which will become due on the twenty second of November 1839 1st Tristram Luce was chosen Moderator 2"^ Voted, That the Surplus money now in the State Treasury of Massachusetts now held by the Town of Tisbury be invested in five per Cent State Stocks according to the proposals from the State Treasurer and that the Town Treasurer of Tisbury be, and he is hereby instructed to invest the Same in said State Stock Tisbury November 21st 1839 attest Thomas Dunham Towii Clerk At a legal Town meeting holden on the fourteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord eighteen hundred and forty to take measures to TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 655 ■prevent the general spread of the Small Pox now on the Island and to see if the Town will assist those who are unable to assist themselves to be vaccinated agreable to the petition of twelve freeholders of said Town j William Davis was chosen Moderator j 1st voted that the Board of Health be directed to examine and re- I strain all persons that come from any place infected the small Pox or 'other contagious desease and make use of all the Lawful means that they may deem that the safety of the Citizens require I 2 voted That Charles Cottle ^Nathan Mayhew '-? Harriff Mayhew John Cottle and John Holmes be a Committee under the directions of the board of Health to carry the same into effect 3 voted That the Board of Health be instructed to cause all the Dogs in this Town to be restrained from runing at large for the term of one Month by having them confined or by killing the same Attest Thomas Dunham Toion Clerk. At a leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden on Monday the Sixteenth day of March A D 1840 in West Tis- bury at of the Clock in the forenoon then & there to Act on the follow- ing Articles, first to chuse a Moderator 2*^ to all necessary town officers for the ensuing 3'y to here the annual report of the Select men & Act thereon 4'y to rais such Sums of Money as may be necessary to defray town Charges for the ensuing year and mark Appropriations of the Same 5'' to determine the manner of repairing the high ways & town way. 6*^'' to bring their Votes for County Treasurer 7 to See if the town will accept of a public high way or Street Laid out through the Lane of W'" Downs W-; Daggett Thomas H. Smith Joseph Dias Thomas Bradley & others 8*''^ to see what Action the town will take relative to high way tax deficences remaining unpaid. Meet according to Notice first Chose Charles Smith Moderator " William Davis Town Clerk first Jabez Luce \ ' ' Alfred Norton V Select Men " George Dunham ) " Eliakim Norton Town Treasurer 556 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that the Treasurer have Six Dollars for his Cerfices Votes for County Treasure for Jabez Luce 63 & Wf! A. Mayhew 45 " W^I S. Vincent. Ira Dexter. George D. Cottle Standing School Committee " Sylvanus Luce, Constable " Ira Dexter Constable " Bernard Luce Constable ' ' that the Select men be Assessors " Walter Hilman Edmund Luce James Look Charlis West W?? Downs prudential school Committee " that the prudential Committe should act in Concert with the other Committee Voted W^^ S Vincent. Hariph Mayhew, John Cottle, charles Look Charles Smith survayers of highway Voted James Clevland Bernard Luce George D. Cottle Nathan Smith fence Vewers Vot Joseph Smith Constant Norton Isaac Vincent field drivers Voted Hiram Chase, Charles Look, John Smith tythingmen " that the Selectmen Dispose of the poor to the best advantage Votes that pased at our Annuel Meeting not recorded in rotation holden on monday 16"' of March 1840 Voted Alfred Norton, Henery P. Worth, Charles West Thomas Dunham William A. Mayhew^ health Committe WtI Andrews, John W. Rowland James D. pearks John Lam- bert surveyers of Lumber Voted Ira Dexter Survayer of wood " James D. Peaks Collector of Taxes fees 4 pr cent Voted Instruction to the Select men to repair the town pound at Holmes Hole Voted Constant Norton pound keeper & also to build a pound on his own Land at his Expence Voted that the selectmens Account be allowed " the Treasurers Account Lay on the table Voted that the Sum of 1200-f be raised to defray Town exsences and Insadential gharges the Currant year Voted that 400$ be raised for town schools " that the Intrest of the Surplus be aded to the town schools Voted 200$ to be raised to repair high ways to be assesed and worked out & have a Certificate of the same or be assesed in the Next made TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 557 Voted that the town Accept the street Laid out by W"; Downs Wrl Daggett, Thomas. H. Smith Joseph Dias & Thomas Bradley & others Voted the Selectmen Dispose of the poor to the best advantage William Davis Town Clerk At a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury holden on the 6*^ of April 1840 to Act on the Amendment of the Con- stitution there was for the amendment Teen Yeas W^. Davis Town Olerk At a Legal Meeting holden on Monday 27**' Day of april 1840 first to Cure a Moderator 2d to see if the town will accept of A pound agree- able to the petition of Constant Norton and nine others Meet according to Notice Voted Charles Smith Moderator Voted that the town Accept of a pound to be built by Constant Nor- ton at his own expence on his Land for one year Attest W^. Davis Town Cleric May the 9^, 1840 At a leagal Meeting for the chose of Juriors to at Our Court of pleas to be holden at Edgartown on Monday 25th day of May 1840 & the following persons were drawn to Serve as Juriors — Grand & Travis John I Burrows >. Moses Crosby | Bartlet Allen V Grand Juriors Travis Juriors Timothy Luce Charles Look Ezra Athearn James Cleveland Jacob Clifford W? Chase J Meet according to Adjornment May 27^'.' 1840 Voted that Benjamin Aliens High way Tax be remitted for 1837 Voted that the high Taxes be remitted on all. In the Jugement of the Selectmen that ought to be done 558 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Voted Thomas Dunham & Benjamin Allen be a Committee to Select the old town books that is of no Consequence to the town & have them for their Servisces Vot'* that the Selectmen be a Committe to Settle with the Town Treasurer & report at our next Meeting Votd X Hovey Luce ^ Thomas West Isaac L Vincent Federick Smith field drivers " that James D. Peaks Collector of Taxes sAvorn " Charles Smith prudential school comittee " the Selectmen to Investigate the Dues of John Cottle Late Treasurer of sd town Votd the Treasurer to prosecute for all sums Due to Said Town, & all Delinquent Colectors Likewise " that the Treasurer be Instructed to give his note to all Leagal Demands against Said Town of Six month standing that is over 20$ Attest W^ Davis Toivn CJerh At a leagal Meeting for the Chois of Juriors to Serve at our Court of pleas to be holden at Edgartown on Monday the 28 day of September 1840 and the following persons were drawn to serve as Jurors on trials, to Wit Presbury Norton Seth Daggett , ^ T T^ f Sept 9^.V 1840 Ira Dexter ^ ^ \ Thomas Waldron Charles Cottle Juriors W^. Davis Tovm Clerk the following is the Number of Children in town of Tisbury between the age of 4 and 16 years is 410 as pr returns of the several schools Committees Number of Children Holmes Hole district 158 Money apropriated for schools Holmes North Do 61 Intrest of Surplus $142/^47 North " 67 Raised by Town 400,^00 Northwest " 43 state fund 44.17 South Do 81 ^5S6„U 41(1 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 559 Holmes Hole District is Intitled to 225^/94 Holmes North Do " 87//23 North Shore " '' 95//81 Northwest " " 61^/49 South District " 116,,17 Tisbury Sept^" 16,, 1840 I586//64 attest William Davis Tovn Clerk Know all Men by these presence that I have this day Sold and Deliv- ered to A. A Royce Twoo White piggs Marked With Two Slit in the Left Ear at 7$ a peace I14//00 received payment Dwight Royce Dated Tisbury Septf. 26/, 1840 Attest W'J; Davis Toivn Clerk At a Leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury duly Qualified by Law to Meet at the Baptist Meeting house in the west par- ish of said Tisbury at 11 O clock A M it being the Second monday of November & the 9"' day of Sd month A D 1840 For the purpose of Giv- ing in there Votes for Governor & Lieut. Governor of this Common- wealth and Senator for the district of Dukes and Nantucket — and Electors of President & Vice Presidant of the United States — & also for a Representative in Congress U. Sts and a representative to General Court of this Commonwealth November 9".' 1840 r Marcus Morton one Hundred & twenty one For Governor \ John Davis one Hundred & Nineteen C George W. Johnson Ten r Nathan Willis One Hundred & twenty one for Lieut. \ (^ ^ yLxAI One Hundred & Nineteen Governor ( ^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ r David Davis One Hundred & twenty one for Senator < Thomas Bradley one Hundred & Nineteen ( Benjamin Davis Ten Electors for president & Vice presidant of the U States ' William P. Warker One Hundred & twenty one Ebenezer Fisher one Hundred & twenty one Electors J j^^^^ ^ -g^^^^ ^^^ Hundred and Eighteen ^ * Peleg Sprague one Hundred & Eighteen ^^^^® Jesse Wheaton Ten Sylvester Judd Ten 560 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. No 1 Caleb Eddy one Hundred & twenty one Righard Haughton one Hundred & Eighteen John E. Fuller Ten No 2 Robart Upton one Hundred & twenty one Stephen C. phillips one Hundred & Eighteen Ebenezer Hunt Ten No 3 Nathaniel Stephens one Hundred & twenty one Rufus Longley one Hundred & Eighteen George Coggswell Ten No 4 Timothy Thomson one Hundred & twenty one Sydney Williard one Hundred & Eighteen James T. Woodbury Ten No 5 Samuel D Spurr one Hundred & twenty one Ira M. Barton one Hundred & Eighteen Thomas W. Ward Ten No 6 Caleb Hubbard one Hundred & twenty one George Grinnell One Hundred & Eighteen Joel Hayden Ten No 7 John Leland One Hundred & twenty one Thaddeus Pomeroy one Hundred & Eighteen George W. Sterling Ten No 8 James Fowler One Hundred & twenty One Samuel Mixter one Hundred & Eighteen Charles Starkweather Ten No 9 Artemas Brown One Hundred & tw^enty one Thomas French one Hundred & Eighteen Bucklin Fitz Ten No 10 Nathan C. Brownell one Hundred & twenty one Wilkes Wood one Hundred & Eighteen Benjamin Burt Ten No 11 Thomas Mandell one Hundred & twenty one Joseph Tripp one Hundred & Eighteen Zenus D. Bassett Ten No 12 Jesse Pierse One Hundred & twenty one John B Thomas One Hundred & Eighteen Azel Ames Ten Nov 10^' 1840 Attest William Davis To7vn Clerk TTSBURY TOWN RECORDS. 561 Votes for federal Representative of Congress of the U Steates For Henry Crocker one Hundred & twenty two Barker Burnell one Hundred & sixteen James Barneby Ten November 9 " IS-iO Votes for a representative to Our General Court to be holden at Bos- ton the first Whedensday of January next Insuing r Walter Hillman 121 For) W'^ A. Mayhew 116 ( George Weeks 11 No Choice balloted again and^were for ( Walter Hillman 114 ) W'^. A Mayhew 105 C George Weeks 11 no chois, & balloted and there were no chois the 3"' time Tisbury November 9,, 1840 William Davis Toum CJerJc At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Lea- gally Authorised to Vote in town Affairs, to Act on a petion of Charles Smith & twelve other for the purpose of Altering the Law Conserning Grouse or heath hens and there was a Committee Chosen to petition the Legislature to have Said Law Extended, Voted Thomas Bradley, Bernard Luce Alfred Norton as a Committee for that purpose November 9V.' 1840 Attest W^': Davis Toyni. Clerk Voted to Allow the Sum of $22/^50''' as a Compensation for the Use of the baptist Meeting house to hold town Meeting in for the year of 1840 W^. Davis Town Clerh At a leagal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury for the purpose of Petitioning the Legislature that the town may be exempt from doing Military duty February 89.' 1841 Voted Jabez Luce Moderator) Voted George Dunham ^ to be a Committee to petition the Legis- Jabez Luce > lature to be Exemp from doing Milatory Alfred Norton ) duty attest William Davis Town Clerk 562 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Qualified to vote by the Constitution & Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts Holden at the House of Thomas Dunham in Holmes Hole East Parish of said Tisbury on Monday the 5^^ day of April 1841 The following votes were passed in the affirmative Yiz Voted & Chose 1st Jonathan Luce Jr Moderator of the meeting 2 (sworn) Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk sworn S'^ (sworn) Johnathan Luce Jr 4 (sworn) Alfred Norton Select Men for Tisbury 5 (sworn) Jabez Luce 6 Voted to adjourn to \ ., past one O Clock P M then to meet at the same place Met pursuant to adjournment at Vo past one O Clock the Meeting being cale"* to order by the Moderator the following Votes were passed, in the affirmative T"' Voted & Chose Sylvenas Luce Constable sworn Voted & Chose Timothy B Lovell (sworn) Constant Norton Benj F. Smith Nathan Smith (sworn) Edward S. Wes^ Field Drivers W^' Rodgers James Cleavland (declined) Barnard Luce Washington Adams sworn Hovey Luce sworn Job Gorham Voted & chose Barnard Luce James Cleavland sworn Charles Look sworn Voted & Chose Barnard Luce Fence Viewers Pound Keepers sworn Hiram Dexter sworn Constant Norton Voted That M Constant Nortons pound be accepted as a Town pound the ensuing year TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 563 Voted & Chose Sworn John W Howland James D. Peakes Nathaniel H, Peakes Surveyors James Cottle of Lumber sworn W'" Andrews John Lambert Voted & Chose Nathan Smith Surveyor of Wood & Bark Voted & chose Thomas Smith Jr Timothy B Lovell Hog Reeves WE Rodgers sworu Voted & chose Hiram Dexter sworn Charles Look John Cottle Surveyors of declined Barnard Luce Highways sworn W- Sanford Vincent Wi' Chase Voted & Chose Charles West Thos H Smith Health Edmund Cottle Committee Voted That the Collector of Taxes the ensuing year be also the Treasurer Voted That the Treasurer & Collector of Taxes receive 3^ pr Cent for as a compensation for his servises Voted To hear the report of the School Committee Voted That the report of the Committee be Accepted Voted That a committee of one be chosen to settle with the Town Treasurer & Select Men Voted That Henry P Worth be such Committee Voted That the North Shore school District be divided agreeable to the Petition of Matthew Merry & John Cottle. The dividing Line of sd Destrict to be as follows Viz Line beginning at the sound shore running to the South & East on about a straight Line leaving the Land belonging to Ehsha Lambert on the East & Charles Cottlef on the West & Matthew Merry s on the East & Eliakim Nortons on the West untill it strikes the Road leading from West Tisbury to Holmes Hole Voted That the 3'^ 4"' 5"^ 6 8"' 9"' 10'" 11"^ & 12*'^ Articles of the Warrant be laid over to the adjourned Meeting 564 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted To adjourn to the last Monday of this present April at 9 O Clock A M. A true record of the Doings of the Meeting Attest Parmenas Parsons Toion Clerh The Select Men of the Town of Tisbury and the Select men of Chil- mark having preambulated the line between said Towns and have agreed that the same line which was last run shall remain and continue to be the dividing Line between the said Towns, and they have Erected Bounds as the Law directs Tisbury 23^ February 1841 The above is a true Coppy record by Me Attest Parmenas Parsons Clerh April 26 1841 Pursuant to adjournment the qualified Voters of the Town of Tisbury assembled at the Time and place above mentioned (April 26 1841) at 9 O clock P. M for the transaction of Business The Meeting was call"^ to order by the Moderator & the following persons Chosen into Office for the year ensuing 1 YoIqA,, For Tything men Charles Look 2 " Alfred Norton 3 " John Smith 4 " Frederick Smith 5 " Tho^ Barrows declin'' & excus'' 6 '' Grafton Luce 7 " Samuel Butler 8 " Davis Cottle 9 '' Charles West 2'^ Voted To hear H. P. Worths report of settlement with the select men Town Treasurer & other Town officers 3*^ Voted To accept the above report 4 Voted That the committee (H. P. Worth) have five dollars $5 as a compensation for his servises for such settlement 5th Voted For Standing School Committee the following persons Viz Voted James C. Boomer East Districk Charles Cottle Middle do Davis Cottle West Parish TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 565 6^^ Voted For Prudential Committee as follows viz 1 John Rowland North 2 Charles Smith South 3 Shu bail Weeks } 4 Edmund Luce i North Shore 5 W5 H. Davis North West 6 Willard Luce South East 7"' Voted That the Prudential Committee be authoriz"! to employ Teachers for the Public Schools of Tisbury 8Vl Voted To act on. the article in the Warrant relative to choosing County Treasurer by which result W-' A Mayhew had Seventeen 17 Benjamin Davis Twelve 12 Total 29 9"' Voted To act on the 12*'' Article of the Warrant relative to choos- ing a Register of Deeds for Dukes County which resulted in Josiah Smith having Twenty four Benjamin Davis five Total 29 — 10th Voted To adjourn the meeting to one O Clock P M then to assemble at the same place The adjourned Meeting assembled at the time & place as above 11*'' Voted That the catalogue of persons presented by the Select men suitable to be drawn for Jury Men be accepted 12*.'! Voted (Sworn) James Cleaveland for Fence Viewer & field Driver the year ensuing (was chosen at a former Meeting but neglected to be sworn — 13"' Voted// In relation to the 6 arti^cle in the warrant relative to raising money to defray the expences of School Houses for the year 1839 & 1840 Voted That It is not expedient thus to do | reconsidered 14*'* Voted That the Interest of the surplus revenue be devoted in part to the support of Public Schools of Tisbury 15*.': Voted That the sum of Four Hundred & Twenty five be rais'd in addition to the Interest of S*! revenue for the same purpose 16*'' Voted the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars be raised for the sup- port of the Towns Poor the ensuing year 17*" Voted That in addition to the above $800 the sum of Two Hun- dred $ be raised to defray Incidental charges 566 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. IS*** Voted That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars be raised for the repairs of Highways & Bridges the ensuing year 19^'' Voted That the Money raised for the repairs of roads & Bridges be assessed & collected as other Moneys raised by the Town for other purposes & that when any person shale work out their proportion of the Highway Tax. the surveyor of Highways in his District shale give him a certificate of the value of such Labour & It shall be allowed him by the Collector of Taxes in part payment of his Tax 18"' Voted To chose a Treasurer & Collector of Taxes for th ensuing year Eliakim Norton was chosen & sworn 19'" Voted That the Bal now due the Holmes Hole South District be drawn for by the Select Men in favour of the present Standing school Committee to be appropriated by them to the Tuition of the Scholars of SI District the ensuing year 20"' That Horses Sheep Goats & other Cattle be prohibited from run- ning at large the ensuing year 21*"^ Voted That the Poor of this Town be disposed of by the Select Men in that way that may appear to be most for the comfort of S'' poor and Interest of this Town 22^^ Voted That the 6"' Article in the Warrant in relation to money due for School Houses be reconsider*' 23^ Voted That the Sum of Sixty five dollars or There abouts be asses"^ on the Polls & Estates of the Inhabitants of the 4"' or Holmes Hole South School District To defrey the expences of School Houses for the year 1839 & 1840 24^' Voted That Iras Dexters demands against the Town of Tisbury for servises renderd as one of the Standing School Committee be allowed & accepted 25"' Voted That the Select Men Draw upon the Treasurer for the Amt of poll Tax paid by Samuell Thompson for Twenty one years last past which Is to be refunded to him 26" Voted That this Meeting adjourn without day A True record of the Doings of the Meeting- Attest Pakmknas Parsons Clerk Tisbury April 26 1841 At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of Tisbury holden at the Dwelling House of Thomas Dunham deceas*! in the East Parish of s'! Tis- bury on Friday the 30"' of April 1841 for the purpose of bringing in TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 567 their Votes for Two Standing County Commissioners for the County of Dukes being Inhabitants of the Town of Edgartown and Chilmark the following persons were Voted for as follows Viz William Mayhew Ten 10 Timothy Daggett Nine 9 for Joseph Dunham Two 2 Standing Jacob Norton Two 2 County Alexander Vincent Two 1 Commissioners Thomas Tucker Mayhew Two 1 Sylvenas L Pease One 1 Thos West One 1 Harrison P. Mayhew One _1 Total 28 At the same time and place as above (April 30"' 1841) Pursuant to a Legal Notice from a Town Constable and by his producing a Venire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one suitable Man of good Moral Character to serve at Said Court as Traverse Jury, Said Court to be held at Barnstable within and for Said County of Barstable and Dukes on the first Tuesday of May Next — 1841 — The Select Men and Town Clerk being present at said Meeting drew from the Jury Box the name of Davis Look to serve at Said Court as Traverse Jury. — Voted To adjourn without day Attest Pakmenas Parsons Ihivn Clerk Pursuant to a Notice from Sylvenas Luce constable of Tisbury and by his producing a Venire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas the Select Men and Town Clerk assembled at the- House of Jonathan Luce Jr to draw from the Jury Box Six good and Lawful Men to Serve as Grand Jurors and four Men of like qualifications to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas within and for the County of Dukes County to be held at Edgartown on the last Monday of May 1841 at 10 O Clock AM — The following persons were Legally Drawn, for. The above Business was Gran d Jurors, tansacted on May 15*^ 1841 Harriff Mayhew Charles Luce David Nickerson Hovvy Luce George W Cleveland Johnathan Athearn Jr 568 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. T raver se J uror s ' Robert Athearn John Look Shubael D Smith Washington Adams Attest. — Parmenas Paesons Tovm Clerk Personally appeared before me Jonathan Luce Jr And Alfred Norton and took the Oath pre- scribed by Law as Assessors of the Town of Tisbury Parmenas Parsons Clerk Jon'' Luce May 25 Alfred Norton " 21 At a Lgal Meeting held on the 11*'' of September 1841 at the House of Jonathan Luce Jr in Tisbury for the purpose of drawing five good and Lawfull Men to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth to be holden at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes County on the last Monday of September now Currant, the following persons were by the Select Men drawn from the Jury Box Viz 1 // Alfred Norton 2 ,, Charles A Luce 3 // Theadore Luce 4 // William C Luce 5 // Charles West Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk At a Legall Town Meeting holden at the House of. the late Thomas Dunham Esq (deseas'') in the East Parish of Tisbury On Thursday the 23'' day of September 1841 for purposes set forth in the warrants the following Votes were pass'' Viz 1 Voted Alfred Norton Morderator 2' Voted that the Select Men of Tisbury withhold the Bills of Asses- ment of Taxes for the Currant year from Eliakim Norton the Chosen Collector & Treasurer unless he gives Lawful Bonds for the faithfuU per- formance of his duty 3'' Voted That a Committee be appointed to Treat with tlie present Collecter & Treasurer of Taxes for the purpose of assertaining his accept- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 569 ance as Collector of Taxes according to Law — Or his Refusell — The following persons were appointed such Committee Viz Charles Cottle Sylvenas Luce The afforesaid Committee (Sylvenas Luce & Charles Cottle) report that the afforesaid Collecter of Taxes (Eliakim Norton) refuses to Treat with them On the subject for which they were appointed 4^" Voted// That a committee of three persons be appointed to Investi- gate the circumstances connected with the refusal of the Present Town Treasurer & Collecter of Taxes to give Bonds and to report the same at the adjourn'' Meeting the following persons were chosen such Committee by Vote Viz Charles A Luce Charles Cottle Barnard Luce 5"' Voted That Mr John Cottle be renumerated the sum of four dol- lars & fifty cents which he paid Benj Lindsey Printer of New Bedford for Advertesing Petition to General court concerning a Tax Jany 21 1839 6 Voted That the Meeting adjourn unto Friday the 1^* day of October Next then to assemble at the same place at the hour of One O clock P M Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Cler-k Assembled according to Adjournment on Friday the first day of Oc- tober at 1 O Clock P. M. The Meeting was calF to order by the Mod- erator & the following Azotes were pass"! in the affirmative V^ Voted To hear the report of the Committee relative to the Col- lecter & Treasurer of Tisbury giving Bonds &c After hearing the report It was 2 Voted. That the report and recommendation be accepted. S'^ Voted That a collecter of Taxes be chosen in place of Eliakim Nor- ton Avho refuses to give Bonds as by Law required 4,"' Voted That the Collecter of Taxes receive Three pr ct as a con- pensation for all Moneys Collected by him and paid Unto the Treasurer 5'" Voted That William Andrews be the Collecter of Taxes for the ensuing year (Sworn In open Town Meeting) A demand of Seven dollars was presented by the Aforemention Com- mittee (Charles A Luce & 2 others) for servises & expences In attending to the duty assign*^ them relative to the Collecter and Treasurer &c and 6 Voted the above demand be accepted 570 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 7^^ Resolve^ That It be the views of the Meeting that Eliakim Nor- ton still continue in the service of the Town in capacity of Treasurer for the same compensation that he has heretofore received 8"' Voted That the Meeting adjourned without day Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk At a Legal Town Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Qualified according to this Constitution and Laws of this Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Vote in the Choice of Governor Lieut Governor Senator and Representative to the General Court Holden at the House of the late Thomas Dunham in Holmes Hole East parish of Tisbury on Monday the Eighth day of November 1841 at 11 O Clock in the fournoon It being the 2'' Monday of S"! Month and the Sixty fifth year, of the Independence of the United States of America S'! Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Governor. Lieut Governor Senator and Representative to represent the Town of Tisbury in the next General Court to be holden in Boston on the first Wednesday of January Next 1842 gave in their Votes as follows Viz 1st For Governor Marcus Morton Ninety 90 John Davis Sixty Six 66 Lucius Boltwood Nine 9 2'! Lieut Governor George Hull Henry H Childs Ebenezer Hunt 3:! Senators for the Thomas Bradley district of Dukes and Benjamin Davis Nantucket William Bunker William Downes 4/'' Voted To send a Representative to General Court the following persons were Voted for Viz William Daggett Thirty five Charles Smith Eight Walter Hillman Eighty four Johnathan Luce jr Thirty two Benjamin Allen One of Ballots 165 Sixty seven 67 Eighty nine 89 Nine 9 Seventy one 71 Seven 7 Eighty four 84 One 1 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 571 Walter Hillman having a Majority was declared to be chosen Repre- sentative to General Court the ensuing year 5 Voted To adjourn the Meeting without day A true record of the doings of the Meeting Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk The whole number of Children in the Town of Tisbury on the (Month & date not mention'* in return) 1841 Males under Twenty One & Females under Eighteen years of age' as pr reports Of the several School Committees for S'* Town was 423 as follows Viz South Dist 78 School proportion of money $118.05 N. W. 49 74.15 6 Lamberts Cove 32 48.43 2 NE 29 43.88 6 H H South 176 266.57 6 H H North 59 89.29 Total 423 Total 640.19.3 Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fide to Vote by the Constitution & Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Holden at the Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury on Monday the 4 day of April 1842 The following Votes were passed in the Affirmative Viz Voted to Chose 1st Capt Charles Smith Moderator of the Meeting 2*^ Asa Johnson Town Clerk sworn 3"* Jabez Luce sworn sworn Select Men sworn Voted that the Town Treasurer shall Receive Eight dollars for his Salery, Charles Cottle was Chosen 4 Alfred Norton 5 Jonathan Luce Jr Standing School Committy Alfonso D. Luce Eliakim Norton Charles A. Luce Attest Asa Johnson West Tisbury Lumberts Cove Holmes Hole Toivn Clerk 572 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted for Prudential School Committee West Tisbury Lumberts Cove North East North East Holmes Hole South do North Surveyors of Highways 1 Obid Nickerson 2 Haratio G. Norton 3 Alfred Norton 4 Franklin Gray 5 George Dunham 6 John Holmes Voted & Chosen John Johnson James Cleavland Edmund Cottle Charles Look Hiram Dexter sworn Silvanus Luce Constable Voted that Barnard Luce «^^"'» sworn James Look Tristrim Luce Charles Smith Voted that Nathan Smith Voted that John Lumbert Davis Look William Andrews Voted that Obid Nickerson Theodore Luce Nathan Smith Silvanus Luce John Smith Voted that Bernard Luce Ira Dexter Voted Davis Cottle Charles West Thomas H Smith Charles A Luce Henry Bradley Voted That Thomas Bradley be a committee Selectmen & Town Treasurer & Tranfer the Cottle Voted that William Andrews be Collector of Taxes the ensuing at 3^ pr ct Fence Viewers surveyors of wood & Bark Surveyors of Lumber Field Drivers Sworn Pound keepers Health Committee to Settle with the Books to Charles TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 573 Voted To Raise the sum of six Hundred Dollars for Public Schools & that the Interest of the Surplus Rev be added & Also the State Fund Voted that the Petition of Thomas Bradley & others in regard Heth Hen be laid on the Table Votes for County Treasurer thirty Six for William A. May hew Voted that the Poor of the Town be left to Care of Selectmen Voted the Meeting be adjourned untill the 6 day of May at one clock P. M. Attest Asa Johnson Tmvn Clerk Met, According to Adjournment on Friday the 6 of May at 1 O clock P. M. the Meeting was cald to order by the Clerk & the following Votes were pasd Voted that Jonathan Luce Jr be moderator Voted that Charles A Luce be excused from serving as School Com- mity & vote that Mathe P Butler serve in his Room Voted that the Report of the Commity that settled the Accts of Treasurer & Select men, be Accepted Voted Thomas Barrows & John Holmes be a Committy to settle with Eliakim Norton & that Capt Thomas Bradley be an agent to attend to settlement on the part of the Town Voted that One Thousand Dollars be Rais'd for the ensuing Year to pay the expences of the Town Voted that the Treasury be required to give Bonds Voted That the Town Clerk be requested to Notify the Treasurer to call up all Delinquent Collecttors Voted, that two Hundred dollars be Raised to Repair Highways Bridges &c Voted that George D. Cottle Highway Tax for 1840 be remitted Voted That Mr RoUin Luces Taxes be remitted altogether Voted that James Cleavland & Elijah Luce & Mayhew Luce have the Privilege of working out their Highway Tax in John Cottles Bill Voted Doc* grayes Bill be allowed Voted That Paulima Dunhas Bill be allowed $2.50'=*'^ Voted that ^"- Hebron Crowell be allowed 290 DoUers for Keeping the Poor should be aditions he is to have an allowance in the same pro- portion as he receives them, that he now has & should their be Deaths or removals he is to deduct in the same proportion 574 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that the Law for the Preservation of the Grouse or Heath Hen, be so far suspended in the Town of Tisbury, as to Allow the Inhab- itants of Sd Town to kill, take or sell grouse, or heath hen, from the first day of DeC/^ to the Tenth Day of Dec next/. Inclusive Provide they Hunt then without the Aid of Dogs. Voted that District No 1 be devided & Bounded as pr Ledger Page 9 Asa Johnson, Toivn Clerk The following Division of School District No 1 was a Vote of The Town of Tisbury May 6*'^ 1842 Whereas the Limits of the School District No 1 in West Tisbury is such that all of the Inhabitants can not be benefitted by the Town School unless there be more than One District we Robert Athearn Alex- ander Athearn & Jonathan Athearn & Jonathan Athearn Jr & William Athearn & John Williams & Thomas Waldround & Warren Walddround & Daniel Manter & Henery Robinson therefore Pray that the sd Dis- trict be Divided into two Seperate Districts & the line be as follows begining at the head of the Deep Bottom Cove & by the old head Ditch, of Sississa, Neck then West by sd Ditch to Land of James Look then Northeast to the Mill Road then Easterly by sd Road to Edgartown Line & all to the South to be Called Watchey District At a Meeting of the District being Warned for the purpose it was voted the above Petition should be Granted & the Line Established as above Named as Records there of being made on the District Records the above Mentioned Meeting Sept 24th 1841 Asa Johnson Moderator William S Vincent CJerk of Sd DiMricl Pursuant to a Notice from Silvanus Luce Constable of Tisbury & by his Producing a Venire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas the Select Men & Town Clerk Assembled at the House of Asa Johnson to draw from the Jury Box five good & Lawful Men to serve as Grand Jurors & five good men of like qualifications to serve as Travers Jurors at the Court of common Pleas the following Persons were Drawn Grand- Jurors Traverse Jurors Elisha Dunham Stephens Luce Jr Walter Ilillman Shubael Merry Hiram Chase Daniel Mantor William S. Vincent James Look Edmund Luce Davis Cottle TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 575 Pursuant to a Notice from Sylvanus Luce Constable for the purpose of drawing four good & Lawfull Men from the jury Box to serve as travers juyors at next Circuit Court, to be held at Edgartown Sept 27^^" 1842 the following persons were Drawn, John Lumbert Franklin Gray Grafton Luce Jacob Clifford Attest Asa Johnson Toiim Clerh Tisbury Sept 17^" 1842 Whole number of Children in the Town of Tisbury on the first day of June 1842 between the ages of foure & sixteen years was 431 the whole amount of money apropriated by the Town was $799.50 — No of Schollars proportion of Money — Schollars in S. E. Destrict 16 $29.68 South do 52 96.46 North West 52 96.46 Lumberts Cove 35 64 92 North East do 32 59 36 Holmes Hole South 179 332 04^ do North do 65 431 120 571 $799.50 Attest Asa Johnson T. Clerk Met, agreeable to warent Nov the 14 1842 at the time and place an for purposes specified therein the Meeting being calld to order by the Select Men proceeded to the choice Govenor the following persons received Ballots Marcus Morton Eighty five 85 Votes John Davis fifty two 52 Samuel E. Sewall twelve 12 For Lieutenant Govenor the following persons Rec Votes William Jackson had thirteen 13 George Hull do forty eight 48 Henry H Childs Eighty nine . 89 John H Shaw One 1 570 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Representative to Congress Caleb Belcher fourteen ' 14 Booker Burnell fifty one 51 John H Shaw Seventy seven ' 77 William A Mayhew One 1 Alfred Norton One 1 For State Senator John P Norton Eighty four 84 Horatio G Norton one 1 Benjamin Davis fourteen 14 Eliakim Norton one 1 Fetter Norton * one 1 George P. Upton forty two 42 Booker Burnell two 2 the following persons were Voted for Representative Alfred Norton had seventy three William Daggett thirteen Matthew Merry Seven Sylvanus Luce two Fetter Norton One William A Mayhew forty seven Alfred had 'the gratest number of Votes and was declared to be Chosen Representative to the general Court Agreable to a warrant from the select men of the Town of Tisbury Nov 14th 1842 to see if the Town will adopt any Measures to prevent the illegal Hunting and shooting of grous or Heath hens, during the first ten days of December next Agreeable to the Petition of Thomas Bradley and others A Moder- ator was chosen and the following Votes were taken theiron that Robert Mantor James Look Davis Look Nathan Smith Sylvanus Luce Charles West George Dexter — be a Committy of Vigalence to see that persons out of the Town of Tisbury do not Trespas on the rights of TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 577 Town of Tisbury during the ten first days of December in shooting or killing Heath hen — also Voted the above be Printed in the New Bed- ford Mercury and Weekly Register Attest Asa Johnson T'own Clerk At a Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Jany 16th 1843 To See what disposition the Town would make of the surplus revenue money now in the hands of the Treasurer of the Common wealth the, Note which the Town of Tisbury holds against the Commonwealth for said money expires November 30th 1842. Jonathan Luce Moderator Charles G Athearn Clerk, Protem, Voted to hire, the Money to the State. Viz. the Surplus, money, the Vote was doubted and lost by a majority of two twenty against, eighteen. Chaeles G Athearn Clerk Protem ^ Motion by Mr Vincient, and, 1 Voted that the surplus revenue be brot home and divided according to the Population. 2'' Voted that the Town Treasurer be the agent to bring the Money home and deposit it in his office 3^^ Voted that ten dollars be allowed to C G Athearn to take the number of the Inhabitants by the first of April next and make his re- turns to the Select men of sd Towm 4 Voted that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Treasurer to call the money home. Tisbury Jany 16th 1843 ' Attest Asa Johnson Toivn Clerk At a legall Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Babtist Vestry in the Village of Holmes Hole on the 17*'' day of april 1843 for the Choice of Town Officers and the transaction of other necessary Business, Johnathan Luce Jr was chosen Moderator and Par- menas Parsons Town Clerk (sworn) for the ensuing year — on Motion Voted To adjourn the meeting forthwith to the wharf Store situated on the Beach at the head of the Holmes Hole Harbour Met accordins: to Adjournment and proceeded to the choice of Select Men for the ensuing- year the following persons were 578 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted for and chosen Viz Presberry Norton Select Men Harriff May hew Jeremiah Manter Voted That the treasurer be also a Collecter of Taxes Voted for Town Treasurer & collecter of Taxes — Charles Cottle. Voted, that the discount specified by Law be allowed for the prompt payment of Taxes the ensuing year Voted, that the Collecter of Taxes receive as a compensation Three pr ct for the collecting of Taxes the ensuing year — Voted, that the Town Treasurer receive Eight dollars for all servises which he may render whils* acting in the Capacity of Treasuer the ensu- ing year. — Voted & chose for Examining school Committee for the ensuing year the following persons viz for Holmes Hole Leroy M. Yale North Shore Davis Cottle West Tisbury W^^ A. Mayhew Voted for Surveyors of Highways Nathan Smith (sworn) Horatio G. Norton (sworn) W^? H Davis Ulysus P. Luce Johnathan Athearn Voted for Constables James D Peakes (sworn) Alponzo Luce Voted for Field Drivers Tristam Luce Chas G. Smith (sworn) Manuell Joseph Shubael Weekes Jr Benjamin F. Smith Constant Norton Ulysus P. Luce Voted for Fence Viewers Tristam Luce Thof. H Smith George Dunham Voted for Surveyors of Lumber William Andrews W53 A Robinson James D. Peekes Davis Look TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 579 Voted for Surveyors of Wood & Bark Ira Dexter Charles G Smith (sworn) Voted for Pound Keepers Presberry Luce Huvvy Luce Voted for Committee on acounts Tho' L. Barrows Voted That the Town Treasurer be Authorised to Loan the Surphis Revenue unto the Secratary of the Commonwealth for a Term not ex- ceeding Five years at 5 pr ct per Anum. Voted To Adjourn this Meeting to the 6"' of May next at 1 O Clock P. M. then to meet at this same place Attest Parmenas Parsons To2vn Clerk. Pursuant to A Legall notice from James D Peekes Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing A Vernire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one Suitable Man of good Morall character to serve at S'' Court as Traverse Jury. (S:! Court to be held at Barnstable within and for S'' county of Barnstable & Dukes County on the 9"' May 1843 — ) The Select Men and Town Clerk being present at S"^ Meeting holden April 28"' 1843 drew from the Jury Box the name of Charles Smith, to serve at S'' Court as Traverse Jury Attest Parmenas Parsons To7Lm Clerk Met according to Adjournment May 6"' 1843 the Meeting was Cairi' to order by the Moderator and then proceeded to the choice of Town Officers for the ensuing year and also to the transaction of other Important Business — The following persons were Voted for and chosen Select Men viz Tristram Luce sworn to the office of Select Men & Assessors Eliakim Norton sworn by B. Allen Justice of Peace as appears W'" S Vincent sworn by certificate to the office of Assesor P. Parsons Voted For Town Treasurer Charles Cottle (sworn) Voted That the Treasurer be appointed A collecter of Taxes Voted For Prudential School Committee Alfred Norton North East Willard Luce WH-> H Davis We Athearn Chas. West North Holmes Hole 580 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted That the Standing School Committee consult with the Pru- dential Committee in relation to the procuring of Teachers Voted For Fence Viewers Barnard Luce (sworn) James Cleavland (sworn) Voted For pound Keepers Barnard Luce (sworn) Hillyard Norton Voted For Hog Reeves Cha! A Luce Cha! G Luce Voted Surveighers of Highways Sanford Vincent (sworn May 10"') Chas Look Voted For Constable W^ Andrews Voted For Field Drivers Huvvy Luce (sworn May 9''') Timothy B Lovell Voted For surveighers of Lumber James D Peekes (sw^orn May 9^^) John W. Howland (sworn May 1 2"') Davis Look W^ Robinson (sworn May 8"') For County Treasurer Davis Cottle Two Votes 2 W" A Mayhew Twenty seven 27 Solaman Athearn One 1 James A Jones One 1 Barnard Luce One 1 Total 32 Voted That the report of the Committee On Accounts be accepted Voted That the sum of Two dollars & thirteen cents Standing against Charles Smith (formauly Collecter of Taxes) be discharg'^ Voted That the Town Treasurer be Authoris'' to employ ah Attorney to aid him in collecting debts now due the Town Voted That the Town Treauser consult an Attorney as regards the Legality of the Bonds that have been given by delinquent Collecters Voted That Charles Smith be a Committee on part of the Town and Thos Barrows on the part of Eliakim Norton to make deposal Of A charge Of Thirty two dollars now Standing against S'' Norton formally ■ Collecter of Taxes — & report forthwith Voted That Thos, Bradley be Agent for the Town to present before the above committee Information respecting the aforsaid claim TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 581 Voted That the sum of Nine hundred dollars ($900) be rais'* for the support of The Towns poor & for Incidentall charges Voted That the sum of Five hundred & fifty dollars be rais'^ for sup- port of Public Schools. The Committee on the case of Eliakim Norton report that they have decided that SI Norton pay to the Town the sum of Eighteen dollars & be discharge' from the before Mention*^ claim Mr Norton agrees to this dission Voted That the sum of Two hundred dollars be rais'' for the the re- pairs of High Ways Town Ways & Bridges Voted That the Town Treasurer with the advice & consent of the select Men Loan out the surplus Revenue unto Individuals in sums not exceeding Five hundred dollars on good security Voted That Guide Boards be erected in the Town of Tisbury under the direction of the select men Voted That the poor of the Town be entrusted to the Care of no per- son who is not an Inhabitant of the Town of Tisbury Voted That the report of the School Committee be Accepted Voted That the Meeting ajourn without day Attest Paemenas Paksons Totvn Clerk Pursuant to A Notice from James D Peekes Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a Vernire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, The Select Men and Town Clerk Assembled at the House of Par- menas Parsons to draw from the Jury Box Six good & Lawful Men to serve as Grand Jurors & five Men who are of like qualification to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth Avithin and for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Edgartown on the last Monday of May 1843 — The following persons were legally drawn May 13"' Grand Jurors Franklin Gray Asa Johnson Timothy Luce Nathan Mayhew David Smith Tristam Luce Jr Traverse Jury Frederick Smith Eliakim Norton Hiram Dexter Thomas Barrows John Holmes Attest Parmenas Parsons Toum Clerk 582 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. At a Legall town Meetting holden on the 31'^ of May 1843 at the Wharf Store Situated on the long Beach in Holmes Hole for the purposes' specified in the warrant. The following Votes were pass'' in the affirm- ative Voted For Moderator Presbury Norton Voted That the Town take measures to provide a Habitation for Mr John Lewess who has call'' upon the Town for assistince Voted That the Select Men are Author! sd to procure a Habitation for the said J. Lewess at the expence of the Town Voted That the Select Men are also Authoris'' to appropriate any money that is not now appropriated belonging to the Town and if neces- sary hire such sum as will be sufficient, to carry into execution the fore- going Vote Voted To adjourn without day — Attest Parmenas Parsons Toivn Clerh Pursuant to a Legal Notice from James D Peakes Constable of Tis- bury the Select Men and Town Clerk assembled at the Town Clerks office on the 6 " of Sept 1843 for the purpose of drawing from the Jury Box four good and Lawfull Men to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth to be holden at Edgartown on the last Monday of September 1843 The following persons were accordingly drawn Peter Norton Edmund Cottle Truman Allen Jr Presberry Luce Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerh At a Legall Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elections, for Govenor Lieutenant Governor Senators and Representatives in General Court holden at the Union Wharf Store in the Town of Tisbury on Monday the 13 " of Nov A D 1843 at 9 O. Clock A M being the Second Monday of S" Month and the Sixty years of the Independence of the United States — Said Inhabitants being assembled for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Govenor Lieu*. Gov & Senator for Dukes and Nantucket County and Representative to General Court to be holden on the first Wednesday of Jany Next and also to bring in their Votes for a Repre- sentative to the Congress of the United States for District No. Ten Gave in their Votes as follows TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 583 Marcus Morton For Gov"" George N. Briggs Samuell E. Sewall Leu' Gov"" John Reed William Jackson Henry Childs William Bunker Benjamin Davis Obed Barney Sampson Perkins Joseph Grinnell Caleb Belcher John Reed Senator for Dukes & Nan*^ coun'' Votes For Representive to Congress for Districk No 10 ninety 90 Sixty Eight 68 fourteen 14 Sixty Seven 67 fourteen 14 Ninety 90 ninety 90 fourteen 14 Sixty Seven 67 Eighty nine 89 Sixty five 65 thirteen 13 One 1 Ballots "168 Voted To send a Representative to represent this Town in the next General Court to be holden in Boston on the fourth Wednesday of Jan^ next — after Balloting a number of times and not being able to Effect any Choice I was. Voted To adjourn the meeting without day Attest Parmenas Paesons Town Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden in the Wharf Store in Holmes Hole on the 13*"' day of November 1843 to See if the Town will Vote hereafter to hold the Meetings for the choice of Electors for the President and Vice President of the United States and Members of Congress alternately in the eastern and Western parishes It was Voted 1'^ To Choose a Moderator to preside at Said Meeting Johna- than Luce, was according Chosen Voted 2'' That the (before Mentioned subject) be postponed untill the next Anuall Meeting then and there to be brought up for further con- sideration Voted 3'' To adjourn without day Attest Parmenas Parsons Toivn Clerk Personally appearl before me Thos N. Hillman and took the oath prescrib*^ by Law as a collector of Taxes for the Town of Tisbury in the place of W- Andrews deceas'' Parmenas Parsons Town Clerk 584 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. A legall Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury was holden in the Wharf Store at Holmes Hole on the 13^" day of Nov 1843 at V4 past 3 O. Clock P M for the following purpose Viz To See if the Town will Yote to remonstrate against the petition of Richard Flanders and others in relation to the laying out a County Road, and also to choose a Moderator to preside at S*^ Meeting — After reading the Warrant Voted & Chose Jonathan Luce Moderator — A^oted To adjourn the Meeting without day — Attest Parmenas Parsons Toiv)i Clerk. At a legall Meeting of the qualified Voters Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Wharf Store in the Village of Holmes Hole on Monday the 27*'' day of November 1843 for the purpose of bringing in there Votes for One Representative to represent the Town of Tisbury in the Next General court after one Ballotting and no Choice being effected It was mov'' & Seconded that the Meeting ajourn without day. to be determin'' by the yeas & nays of the House — A Majority being in favour of the adjournment. It was declared A Vote & the Meeting adjournd accordingly Attest Parmenas Parsons At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at the Baptist meeting House in the village of West Tisbury on the first day of April 1844. for the choice of Town Officers and transacting other necessary business Charles Smith was Chosen Moderator & Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk (sworn) for the ensuing year, on motion Voted to keep open the Polls for County Treasurer untill one o clock PM Voted to lay the anual Report of the select Men on the table to be called up and acted upon at the adjournment of this Meeting A^oted to accept the list of the persons for jurors as prescribed by the Select Men Voted and chose for William A Mayhew r;^ Select Men George Dunham p Alfred Norton ^ Voted that the Select Men act as assesors and overseers of the Poor Voted that the town Treasurer be allowed eight dollars for his services Voted and chose Parmenas Parsons Town Treasurer TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 585 Votes for County Treasurer were for for William A May hew Sixty one 61 Charles Smith One 1 62 Voted — to hear the report of the School Committee which was ac- cordingly read and accepted Voted to accept the bills of W- A Mayhew 5^/00 and Davis Cottle 10,,00 $1500 for services rendered as school Committee Voted for School Committee W'" A Mayhew — S. E. M. P. Butler — H. H. Davis Cottle — N. S Voted for surveyers of Highways Chas Smith for E. district sworn W2? S Vincent " S — Do (sworn) W2->]Sr. Gray " N W —Do Eliakim Norton " North — Do Chas Look " N. W. — Do Voted that the surveyers of highway have no extry pay Voted for Constables Thos N. Hillman //Sworn/, Jabez Luce Voted for Pound Keepers Bernard Luce (sworn) Tho^ N. Hillman Voted for Fence Viewers Bernard Luce sworn Jas Look sworn Jas Cleaveland sworn Shubal Luce Chas Look Voted for surveyers of Lumber Jas D. Peakes sworn Jn« W. Howland Davis Look John Lumbert Voted for field drivers M. P. Butler Natham Smith Hovev Luce 586 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted for surveyers of Wood & Bark Bartlett Allen sworn Ira Dexter Voted for Hog Reaves Henry Mantor Sylvanus Mantor John Hursell Isaac Daggett Voted that the sum for collecting taxes be set at auction Voted that Bartlett Allen be and was chosen collecter of Town taxes at 3 pr ct by giving Bonds //Sworn,/ Voted to appropriate so much of the surplus revenue as is required to take up the Towns Notes Voted to appropriate such a quantity of the surplus revenue as would be required to build a town house Voted that a committee of five be chosen to define the location of said house the same at the adjourned Meeting Viz Jas Look Bernard Luce Bartlett Allen Thos Bradley Alfred Norton Voted the eleventh article in the warrant l)e indefinately postponed Voted that the Select men lay out a road in the village of Holmes Hole Beginning at the town road and leading to the county road Voted that Richard G Luce Tho* Bradley & Tho' Barrows be a com- mittee to assist the Select Men in laying out said road Voted that Cha'- Cottles Bill be laid over to the adjournment Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the last monday in April at 1 oclock P M at this House Attest Alphonso D. Luce Tmcn Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitance of the town of Tisbury holden at the baptist meeting house in the western Parish April 26 - 1844 for the purpos of Voting for one special County commissioner the whole number of Votes given in were five for Bartlett Allen five 5 Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a vernire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Barnstable to draw one Suitable Man of good IVIoral character to serve at S*^ Court as Travers Juror said Court to be holden at Barn- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 587 stable within and for (S'' County of Barnstable & Dukes County on the day of May 1844) The Select men and Town Clerk being present at S'' meeting holden April 26 # 1844 drew from the jurors Box the name of Shubael Weeks 2'' to Serve at S*^ Court as Travers juror Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Cleric Personally appeared Geo. Dunham & Alfred Norton before me and took the oath prescribed by law as assessors Tisbury April 26-1844 Alph^; D Luce Touni Chrk Met according to adjournment April 29. 1844 the meeting was called to order by the Clerk and William Davis chosen moderator Voted & chose Alphonso D Luce Town Treasurer ''"''^™ Voted for Prudential School Committee William Athearn for S. E. District James Look " S Do William H Davis " N. W. Do Alfred Norton " N. E Do Bartlett Allen " H Hole S Do John Holmes " " " N Do Voted for Surveyer of Highway Shubel Weeks 2'^ Voted and chose for field drivers Thomas Cathcart (sworn) Samuel Thompson (sworn) Ge?. Dunham Zephaniah Bennett Jaf. D PeakS// (sworn) Moses T Cromwell Voted and chose for Surveyer of Lumber Ws? A Robinson Voted and chose for Constables Ja'' D Peakes sworn Alph:: D Luce sworn Voted and chose for Hog Reaves Alphonso D Luce Asa Johnson Voted to raise the sum of six hundred dollars ($600) for the support of public Schools 588 TISBDRY TOWN RECORDS. Voted to balance the Treausers books in account with Jas. D Peakes Collecter for the year 1835 Voted that the account with John Cottle for the year 1835 standing against Ja"" D Peakes for which he has vouchers be eraced and balanced Voted that the account standing against George Athearn be also Balanced Voted that one thousand dollars ($1000.) be raised for the Support of poor and incidental charges Voted that two hundred dollars li?200,) be raised for the repairs of Highways Voted to reconsider the votes passed at the anual meeting relative to appropriating certain sums of the surpluss revenue for building a town house and taking up the town notes Voted that the surpluss revenue now in the possession of the town be divided among the several School districts according to the population for the purpose of Education Voted that each district transmit to the clerk a list of the inhabitance in sd district before the first day of July next with their names written at full length Voted the prudential School committee be officers for the above pur- pose Voted that the Select men divide the Surpluss revenue among the several districts by the first of August 1844 Voted to Allow Charles Cottle ten dollars ($10.) for services in tak- ing care of the surplus revenue Voted that the Select men be directed to erect Guide board in the town of Tisbury Voted to remit the taxes of Tho"- Waldrons Est an of Elisha Dunham Voted that the Select men dispose of the poor according to their judgment Voted to adjourn Attest Alvhonso D Luce Tovm Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a vernire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas the select men assembled at the baptist meeting house in the west parish to draw from the jurors Box six good and lawful men to serve as Grand jurors and five men of like qualifications to serve as Traverse Jurors at the court of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 589 within and for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Edgartown on the last monday of May 1844 the following persons were legally drawn May 11'" 1844 Grand Jurors Charles Baxter Charles West Hovey Luce Jonathan Athearn Charles Luce Charles G Athearn Traverse Jurors Ge" W Cleaveland William A Robinson Theodore Luce Washington Adams Shubael Luce Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury the select men and Town Clerk assembled at the selectmen's office on the 23 day of September 1844 for the purpose of drawing from the jurors Box five good & lawful men to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of common Pleas of this Commonwealth to be holden at Edgartown on the last monday of Said month the following persons were accordingly drawn Robert Athearn David Nickerson William Look Harriph Mayhew and Charles A Luce Attest Alphonso D Luge Tovm Clerh At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of tlie town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections for Governor Lieu Gov- erner and Senator & representative in General Court, holden at the bap- tist meeting house in the west parish on Monday the 11^'' of Novembr 1844 at 11 oclock A M being the Second monday of S*^ month Si! inhab- itants did then & there give in their votes as follows For Governor Ge^ Bancroft ninety six 96 Ge?. N Briggs eighty six 86 Samuel E Sewell twelve 12 194 For Lieu Go^'' Henry II Childs ninety seven ' 97 John Reed eighty five 85 William Jackson twelve 12 194 590 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS For Senator Walter Hillman ninety seven 97 for Nantucket William Mitchael eighty five 85 tfe Dukes Co Oliver C Gardner twelve 12 194 For Representative Edward Green ninety six 96 to Congress Joseph Grinnell eighty five 85 Caleb Belcher 10 10 191 For Electors at large Gay ton P Osgood of And over S. C. Allen of Northfield Abbot Laurence of Boston Lewis Strong of Northampton Joel Hayden of Williamsburg John G Whittier of Amesbury For District No 1 Charles G Greene Nathan Appleton Timothy Gilbert No 2 Ebenezer H Stacy John P Allen Nathan D Chase No 3 Hiram Plummer Homer Bartlett Willard Brown No 4 Charles Thompson Abram R Thompson of Do John Fletcher of Acton No 5 J S C Knowlton Chas Allen Phineas Grand all No 6 H G. Newcomb William B Calhoun John Dickerson Jr No 7 Orrin Sage Chauncy B Rising Edward Caselle eighty nine eighty nine eighty three Eioht eighty nine eighty three eight of Goucester " Manchester Lynn of Haverhill of Lowell of Do of Charleston of Worcester of Do of Do of Greenfield " Springfield " Amherst of Blantford of Worthington of Williamstown Eighty nine eighty three eight eighty nine eighty three eight ninty eight eighty three eight eighty nine eighty three eight eighty nine eighty three eight eighty nine eighty three eififht TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 591 No 8 Dr Antemas Brown Elijah Vose Jesse Wheaton No 9 William Baylies Peter H Pierce Laban M Wheaton No 10 John H Shaw Seth Crowell Gilbert Richmond For Representative to Gen. Court Matthew P Butler ninty six chosen Adjourned Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk of Medford of Dorchester of Dedham of West Bridgwater of Middleboro of Norton of Nantucket of Dennis of New Bedford eighty nine eighty three eight eighty three eighty nine eight eighty nine eighty three eight At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held at the Union wharf Store on the 7"' day of April 1845 for the choise of Town Officers and Transacting other necessary business Bartlett Allen was chosen Moderater & Henry Bradley Town Clerk (sworn) for the en- suing year, — on Motion — Yoted, To chose the selectmen on single ballot Voted, and Chosen for Select Men George Dunham sworn Alfred Norton sworn W™ A Mayhew sworn Voted the Select men act as overseers of the poor Voted, and Chose Alphonso Luce, Town Treasurer Voted that the Town Treasurer be allowed Eight Dollars for his services Voted that the collector be allowed 274 per cent on all Moneys paid into the Tresur Voted that the Discount of 6 per cent for 30 days 4 per cent for 60 days & 2 per cent for 120 days be allowed for prompt payment of Taxes for the ensuing year Voted that the Treasurer be Collector Votes for for W™ A Mayhew Seventy six 76 County Treasurer for Bartlett Allen one 1 Leroy M Yale one 1 78 Voted for School Committee Leroy M Yale Edmond Cottle Wa A Mayhew 592 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted for Surveyer Nathan Smith sworn of High Way W^; S Vincent sworn W'" Chase sworn Cha^ Cottle Cha^ Look Voted for Constable Tho^ N Hillman sworn James D Peaks sworn Voted for Pound Keepers Barnard Luce William Norton Voted for Fence Vewers Charles Look Trestram Luce Davis Cottle Zepheniah Bennett James Cleaveland Voted for Surveyers William A Robinson of Lumber (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) (sworn) John W Howland James D Peaks Charles Luce Nathaniel N Peaks Davis Look (sworn) Voted for Field Drivers Moses T, Cromwell sworn Dennis Dexter sworn Nathan Smith Hovey Luce sworn James A Jones Edward West sworn Freeman Luce Jr Voted for Surveyers Charles Cottle (sworn) of Wood & Bark John W Ilowland (sworn) Voted for Hog Reaves Freeman Lewis Jr Peter West Tho^ L Norton Voted that Alfred Norton be Prudential Committee for N Shore District Voted that $1100 be raised to support the poor and defray incidental Charges Voted that $800 be raised for Schools Voted that $200 be raised for High Ways Voted, that the High Way Taxes Shall be assessed upon the polls and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 593 estates of the inhabitants residents, and non Residents of this Town, as other Town charges are assessed, and the same shall be collected as other Town taxes are collected Voted that the several Surveyers shall notify all persons to work out their High Way Tax If they tlo work out there Tax the Surveyer shall Give them a certificate to the Select Men for the same If not the Sur- veyers shall draw out the money and expend on the High Way Voted that all neat Cattle Horses & Swine Shall not run at large within the limits of this Town the year ensuing Voted to remitt the High Way Taxes for 1843 of Thos H Smith *^1.02 Dennis Dexter 22 $1.24 Voted that we accept the report of the Select Men as laid out by them Voted That $117. be raised to defray the expences on this Road adjourned Without day Attest Henry Bkadlf.y Toimi Clerk We The subscribers Select Men of the Town of Tisbury have laid out for the use of the S'' Town a Town way as follow^s : — Beginning at the westerly end of High Street so called at the south west corner of a Lot of Land belonging to Franklin Brown at a post then standing in a fence Thence running South sixty eight degrees west ten Rods and fourteen feet. Thence North eight degrees west nine Rods & eight feet. Thence South eighty nine degrees west seventy two Rods, Thence South thirty two degrees west Sixty Rods Thence South three degrees west seven- teen Rods to the County road leading from Holmes Hole to West Tis- bury said road to be thirty feet wide in all its parts and. to take its width on the left hand from the place of beginning to the end thereof. And w^e allowed the several owners of the lands over which said road passes for their damage as follows To Nathan Smith eighty five Dollars 8500 Tho^ N Hillman Sixteen Dollars 1600 Warren Cleaveland nine Dollars 900 Jane Luce Seven Dollars * TOO $11 700 594 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. And we hereby allow the several owners of the land aforesaid thirty days from the of the acceptance of this report by the Town, to take off the wood now Standing or Growing on the same Which said Road is hereby reported to the Town for their acceptance and when accepted and recorded is to be forever after Know^n as a public High way or Town way Dated at Tisbury the W^. A Mayhew \ selectmen Twenty fifth day Geo Dunham > of of October 1844 Alfred Norton J Tisbnry Attest Henry Bradley Toivn Clerk Persuent to A Legal notice from Tho'. N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing A venior from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good moral character to serve at S'^ Court as Traverse Jury (S'' Court to be held at Barnstable within and for S'' County of Barnstable & Dukes county on the 6"' may 1845 The Select men and Town Clerk being pres- ent at S*^ meeting holden april 21 1845 drew from the Jurors Box the name of Leander West to serve at s'' Court of Travers Jurors Attest Henry Bradley Toum Clerk Pursuant to a Legal Notice from Tho' N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the court of com- mon Pleas The Select men assembled at the store of H & C Bradley in said Tisbury to draw from the Jurors Box five good and Lawful men to serve as Grand Jurors and five men of like qualifications to serve as trav- erse Jurors at the court of Common J^leas of this commonwealth within and for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Edgartown on the Last Monday of May 1845 The following persons were legally drawn May 5,, 1845 Grand Jurors Parmenus Parsons Benjamin Reynolds Shubeal Luce W- Look Davis Look TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 595 Traverse Jurors W'- H Davis Jarard Vincent Shubeal Merry Jirah Luce John W Rowland Attest Henry Bradley Tojdu Clerk Whole number of Scholars in the Town of Tisbury in the several Districts between the ages of four & Sixteen is four hundred & ninty two as follows scholars money Holmes Hole South District 204-177 = 361/,08 Do Do North Do 68 = , 120,,36 North East Do 33- , 58,41 Lamberts Cove Do 35 = , 61,95 North West Do 67 = , 118,59 South Do 73- n 129,21 South East Do 12 21,24 1492 $870 84 Attest Henry Bradley T Clerh This certifies that we the subscribers assessors of Tisbury have as- sessed — a school District Tax on the property of Ruf us Davis a non resident in the Holmes Hole Nortli school District Geo Dunham Tisbury July 6 1845 asfiessors Alfred Norton ? ^-rn- t. . W A Mayhew ) Attest Henry Bradley Town clerk We the subscribers Select men of the Town of Tisbury and Edgar- town in Dukes County have this day being the twentieth day of August A D 1845 met agreeable to a notice given by the select men of Edgar- town being the most Ancient Town for the purpose of perambutating and running the lines and renewing the marks between our said Towns and having attended to that duty make the following Report, Viz, Beginning at a stone standing near the Road leading from Holmes Hole to West Tisbury at a place Tashmoo proceeding to a stone at the 596 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS, south point of Watcha examining all the intervening bounds and found them sufficient for the purposes for which they were erected H P Mayhew } Select men of Benj Davis S Edgartovm W" A Mayhew ) ALFRED Norton > Select men of TMmry Tisbury Aug* 20"' 1845 attest Henry Bradley Town CJerk "We the subscribers Selectmen of the Towns of Tisbury and Chilmark in Dukes County have this day being the twelfth day of Augt A D 1845 met agreeable to a notice given by the Select men of Tisbury being the most ansient Town for the purpose of perambulating the lines and re- newing the marks between our said Towns and having attended to that duty make the following Report Vis Beginning at a Stone at the extreme point of Watcha and proceding to a bound or rock liing in the wash of the Vineyard sound examining all the intervening bounds and find them sufficient for the purposes for which they were erected W A Mayhew Alfred Norton Select Men Geo Dunham of Tisbury John Hammett Select men of John D Rotch Chilmark Tisbury Sept 12 1845 Attest Henry Bradley Tovm Clerk Fursuent to a legal notice from James D Peaks Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the court of common Pleas The Select men assembled at the store of H & C Bradley in said Tisbury to draw from the Jurors Box five good and lawful men to serve as Petit Jurors at the court of Common Please of this commonwealth within and for the county of Dukes county to holden at Edgartown on the last monday of September 1845 The following persons were legally drawn Sept 13^, 1845 Peleg Barrows Petit Jurors Henry Bradley Zedoc Athearn Ezra Athearn Benj'! Athearn attest Henry Bradley TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 597 At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in elections for Govenor Leu Govener ■ Senetor and Represantitive in General Court holden at the Hall of the Holmes Hole South District School House in Holmes Hole on Monday of November at 10 O Clock A M 1845 being the Second Monday of Said I month. Said inhabitants did then & their give in their vots as follows I Whole number of Votes for Clerk pro tem 29 Charles cottle twenty seven 27 P Parsons Two 2 Charles Cottle was chosen & sworn Governor George N Brigs Seventy five Isaac Davis Forty one Samuel E Sewell Twenty 75 41 20 John Reed Seventy five George Severy Forty one Lieu Gov. John M Brewster Twenty 136 75 41 20 Barker Bernell Seventy five John Peirc Nineteen for Senetor David Davis Twenty one Charles Cottle Twenty 136 75 19 21 20 135 Voted that the Town send a representative this present year Votes for Stephen Skiff Represantitive Johnathan Luce Jr William Daggett Alphonso D Luce Walter Hillman M. P. Spear J^itty one 51 Thirty three 33 Sixteen 16 Thirty five 35 one 1 one 1 Neccessary for a choice No choice 69 137 598 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. Second Choice Stephen Skiff Sixty one 61 for Represantitive Alphonso D Luce Twenty Seven 27 Johnathan Luce Jr Twenty one 1 W!f: Daggett Ten 10 Scaterine: One 1 120 Stephen Skiff has Sixty one and is chosen 61 After sealing the Votes and filling the '7,, Voted, to adjourn without day Attest Henry Bradley Tovu Clerk At a Legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote in elections and in Town affairs held at the Hall in the Holmes Hole South School House on Monday the 23'' day of February at one O Clock P. M. Then and there did act on the following Articles 1 Voted Charles Smith Moderator 2 Voted, To Chose a committee 3. Voted, that the said Committee consist of five 4 Voted, That Thos Bradley, Ephraim Harding Benjamin Cleave- land Frederic Smith and Charles G Smith constitute this committee 5 Vot. that the committee be instructed to obtain Legal advice if necessary how to proceede to secure the pri villages to the Citizens of Tisbury in the fishery of Chappaquansett Creek and pond 6. Voted that the said Committee after having precured Legal advice may and shall if Such advice render it necessary institute Legal proceed- ings to secure the rights & privaleges in said fishery to the inhabitants of said Town 7 that the Committee be instructed to pertition to the ].egislature 8 Voted, that the Committee be instructed to give Public Notice forbidding any person or persons from putting any obstructions or anoy- ances of any kind or nature whatever whereby the rights of the Town of Tisbury in said fishery may be impaired 9 Voted when we adjourn we adjourn to the anual Meeting 10 Voted, As the Sence of the meeting that John Manter be placed in the Worcester Insane Hospital under the direction of the Select men 11 Voted we adjourn as above Attest Henry Bradley Toicn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 599 At the annual town meeting of the town of Tisbury held on monday Apl. 6 1846 at the Baptist Meeting house in the west parish of s*^ town Voted and Chose Jonathan Luce pr Moderator Alphonso D Luce Clerk — sworn — Voted to adjourn till twelve o clock and open the adjed meeting of i February 23 1846 ' The warrant of s"* meeting not being at hand Voted to reconsider the ; last vote and procede to the choice of town officers and take up the meet of Feb 23 at 3 o clock Voted Jabez Luce ^ s- & choice Edmund Cottle i Selectmen o Jonathan Luce Jr ) ^ Henry Bradley Town Treasurer — sworn — Votes given in for County Treasurer were as follow^s one hundred & thirty seven 137 for William A Mayhew Votes given in for register of deeds for Dukes County were as follows One hundred & fourteen 114 for Josiah H. Smith One for Parmenas Parsons Voted that the town treasurer be allowed 8 dollars for his services The report of the school Committee and bill for services ($10, each $30) for the past year w^as red and accepted Voted for & chose \ Matthew P Spear ^ Standing Chaf. Cottle i School Comm. Tho?. Bradly ) On motion of Cha?. Cottle Esqr the subjarct of raising money for the Support of Common Schools was taken up and the sum of $900, was appropriated for that purpose Voted & Chose Thomas Barrows Town Comm to Settle with the Select men & Treasurer and make a report of the same at the adjourn- ment Voted to adjourn to a place provided by the Select men in the west Parish on Monday May 4 at 1 oclock P M Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk The adjourned Meeting of Feb 23-1846 was then called to order by the Moderator and the following votes and resolves passed. 600 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted to hear the report of the comm (verbally) which was then made and accepted Resolved. That Thomas Bradley be the agent of the town of Tisbury with the advice of the Select men to carry all the suits at law that is or may be prosecuted against said town or any of its citizens for fishing or improving Chopaquanset pond or herring creek as a fishery untill the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of s'^ town in s'' fishery shall be established by law Voted that the agent be authorised to borrow money on the credit of the town to defray the expences of suit Voted to adjourn sine die Attest Alphonso D Luce ' Tou'H Clerk . Persuant to a legal notice from Tho". N Hillman constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good moral char- acter to serve at sd Court as travers Juror S'' court to be held at Barn- stable within and for s!'. county of Barnstable and Dukes County on the 5 day of April 1846 The select men and Town Clerk being present at sd meeting held April 22'^ 1846 at the Town Clerks office drew from the Jurors Box the name of John Clifford to Serve at S'' court as travers juror Attest Alphonso D Luck Toirn Clerk Met according to adjournment at the Baptist meeting house in the west Parish on Monday May 4-1846 at 1 O clock P. M. The meeting was called to order by the moderator and the following officers Voted for & chosen sworn W"! S Vincent sworn Timothy B.. Lovell Bartlett Pease 2-^ [• ^^j^"^^'' ^^ sworn Matthew Merry j b J sworn W^;' Norton J Alphonso D Luce Constables Thomas N Hillman Ja« D Peak Pound Keepers Prince D Athearn W" Norton sworn Thomas Catlicart sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 601 Fence Viewers Surveyers of Lumber Field Drivers sworn sworn sworn sworn sworn M. P. Bark Ira Dexter be autherised to furnish a set of Wts & Alfred Norton Nathan Smith Tristram Luce Bartlett Allen Chaf. Smith M. P. Butler W^ A Robinson Arvin Weeks Davis Look Oobed Nickerson W!^: Rogers Wii-: S Vincent Joseph Smith Slyvanus Luce Moses Morrison Henry Richardson Surveyer of wood & Bark Sealer of Wts & Measures Voted that the Treasurer Measurers of the town at its expence Voted for Thos Cath kart sworn Stillman G Mantor Presbury L Smith Joseph Luce Wii' H Davis for N. W. Alfred Norton " N. E. James Look " S Health Committee H P Worts Tho! H Smith John Holmes Voted to omit choosing Tything men Moved by Chas Smith to invest the power or authority to hire teach- ers in the prudential Committee of the sev!. Dists much discussion ensued on the above motion and the moderator decided that it was out of order for two reasons Viz 1'* because the same motion was brought forward at the annual meeting and lost 2'' because there was no Such subject inserted in the warrant Capt Smith then appealed from the decision of the moderator to the & chose Prudential School Com. Hog Reives District Do Do 602 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. House, the sence of which being taken, it was decided not to abide by the decision of the moderator Voted to invest the power and authority, to contract with teachers for teaching school, with the prudential school committee Voted that the fees for collecting, taxes be set at auction Voted that there be allowed 6 pr cent on all taxes paid within thirty days 4 pr cent for 60 days and 2 pr cent for 120 days Voted that James D Peaks be Collector of taxes by giving bonds and that he be allowed 274 pr cent for such service Voted to Raise one thousand dollars ($1000/^) for the support of Poor and incidental expences Voted to raise two hundred dollars (|200) for the repairs of highway Voted to collect & expend the highway tax as in 1845 1000, Sup of Poor & in 900 school 200 highway 2100 Voted to distrain horses swine neat cattle &c from runing at large in the town Voted to lay the subject, relating to the county road, on the table Voted to adjourn sine die Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable of Tisbury, and by his producing a venire from the Clerk of the court of common pleas, the selectmen and town clerk assembled at the town clerks office May 11 1846 and drew from the jewrors Box six good and lawful men to Serve as Grand Jurors and four men of like qualifications to serve as Petit Jurors at the court of common Pleas of this Common- wealth within and for the county of Dukes county to be holden at Ed- gartown on monday May 25-1 846 The following Persons were legally drawn May 11. 1846 For Grand Jurors John Johnson Seth Luce Peter Norton Baze Norton John P Merry Freeman Allen TISBURY TOWN RECOKDS. 603 for Petit Jurors Francis Nye Dennis Dexter W!i' S Vincent Jeremiah Crowell Attest Ar,i'HONSo D Luck Toirn Clerk on the 25 day of August 1846 personally appeared Jabez Luce Jona- than Luce Jr and Edmund Cottle and took the oath prescribed by law qualifying them to the office of Assessors Alphonso D Luge — Toirn Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N. Hillman one of the Con- stables of the town of Tisbury, the Select men and town Clerk met at the Clerks office on the 12 day of Sep.* 1846 and drew from the Jurors Box of S!! town five men to serve as petit Jurors at the court of Common Pleas holden at Edgartown on Monday Sept. 28, 1846 in The County. Dukes County Viz Jabez Luce Charles Luce Theadore Luce Chas West Jonathan Athearn Alphonso D. Luce Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury held at the Baptist Meeting house on monday Nov?'. 9-1846 at eleven O'Clock in the forenoon Voted & chose Matthew P Spear Moderator Voted to fix a compensation for collecting taxes. Voted that the compensation be 3 per centum Voted to proceed to thoise of collector by hand vote Voted that Charles Smith be collector, (accepted) Voted that James L Merry be surveyer of highways for the 4" District. Voted that William Daggett 3'' be surveyer of highways for the 5" District (sworn) Voted to adjourn Sine Die Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Clerk Records of a meeting of the legal Voters of the town of Tisbury held at the Baptist meeting house in West Tisbury on monday The ninth day 604 TISBURY TOWN llECORDS. of November at one Oclock P. M. for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Governer, Lieutenant Gov, Senators & Representative and one Representative to the Congress of the U. S. for the tenth District Whole no. of Ballots given in for governer were one hundred and twelve 112 For Geo N Briggs fifty three 53 " Isaac Davis thirty three 33 " Samuel E Sewell twenty six 26 112 Whole number of ballots given for Lieu. Gov' one hundred and twelve 112 For John Reed fifty three 53 " Geo Hood thirty three 33 " John N Bruster twenty six 26 112 Whole number of ballots Given in for Senator were one hundred and five For Leavitt Thaxter thirty eight 38 " William Bunker thirty two 32 " Charles Cottle twenty five 25 " William May hew nine 9 - " Daniel Fellows one 1 105 Whole number of ballots given in for Representative on firs l)allot- ing one hundred and ten For Jonathan Luce Jr fifty five 55 " Thomas D Blake twenty two 22 " Alphonso D Luce nineteen 19 " Charles West thirteen 13 scatering one 1 no choise 110 fifty six being necessary for a choice Second Balloting whole number one hundred & nine For Jonathan Luce Jr fifty six 56 " Thomas D Blake twenty three 23 " Alphonso D Luce twenty six 26 '' Cliarles West four 4 109 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 605 Whole number of ballots given in for Representative to Congress were one hundred and two 102 For Joseph Grinnell fifty four 54 " Timothy G Coffin twenty four 24 " James Barneby twenty three 23 scatering one 1 102 After ceiling up the returns voted to adjourn Attest Alphonso D Luce Town Qlerk The Select men of the Town of Tisbury at a meeting held this Twenty eighth day of January 1847 for that purpose hereby appointed William A Mayhew Esq. Town Clerk pro tem untill another shall be chosen and qualified in his stead Tisbury 28'.'.' January 1847 A true coppy Attest W A Mayhew Town Clerk pro fern Edmund Cottle > Selectmen of Jabez Luce > Tisbury. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the Hall of the Holmes Hole South district School House on the 22'' of March 1847 for the purpose of electing Town Officers and the trans- acting of other necessary business Charles Smith was chosen Moderator of S'! Meeting then Voted & chose Parmenas Parsons for Town Clerk for the year ensuing and other officers as follows Viz for SelectMen Jonathan Luce Jr sworn Edmund Cottle sworn Prince D Athearn sworn Voted That the Select men act as Assessors and Overseerers of the poor Voted To choose the Standing School Committee on Seperate Ballott for Standing school Committee Leroy M Yale Thomas D Blake William A Mayhew Voted To adjourn to V-j past One O Clock P M. then to assemble at the same place V2 past one O Clock Met according to adjournment the 606 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. meeting being called to order by the Moderator proceeded to Ballot for Town Treasurer for Town Treasurer Henry Bradley sworn to both offices Voted That the Town Treasurer act as Collector of Taxes. Voted That the sum of three pr Ct, to be allowed as a compensation for servises rendered for the collecting of Taxes & acting as Town Treasurer Voted That there be allowed a discount for the promp payment of Taxes of Six pr Ct for all Taxes paid within thirty days four pr Ct for all paid within Sixty days and two pr ct for all paid within One hundred & twenty days Voted To choose a Committee of three persons for a Fish Committee to regulate the Herring fishing in and about Chappaquansett Pond Fish committee Thomas Bradley sworn Nathan Smith sworn Franklin Smith sworn were accordingly chosen Voted & chose for Constable. Sylvenus Luce sworn Then proceeded to Ballot for County Treasurer but objection having arisen in consequence of no Article being found in the warrant calling for such action It was Voted to defer It till another Meeting Voted for & chose for Prudential School Committee William H. Davis Bartlett Pease Jr James Look for Surveyor of Highways Thomas Barrows Franklin Luce Timothy Lovell sworn Shubael Weekes Jr Sanford Vincent for Fence Viewers. Harrif Mayhew Charles Smith sworn Alfred Norton sworn for Surveyor of Lumber TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 607 William A Robinson sworn for Surveyor of Wood & Bark Joseph R Luce sworn Bartlett Allen sworn for Field Drivers Nathan Smith Huvvy Luce William Gray Benjamin Clea viand sworn Timothy Daggett Frederick Smith William S Vincent for Pound Keepers WS-' Norton Prince Athearn for Dog Committee Charles Cottle Peter Norton Nathan Smith Tristam Luce Voted To chose a committee of three persons to settle with the Select Men & Town Treasurer the following persons were accordingly chosen Commeettee on Settlement Henry P Worth Thomas Barrows George Dunham Voted That the last mentioned committee report their doings at the adjourned meeting and also Voted that they Examine the finances of the Town and report at the adjourned Meeting Voted (In relation to the County road) That the Select Men Adver- tise for Sale to the lowest Bidder the making of the Towns proportion of the County road & that such Sale take place at the adjournd Meeting — Voted That the raising of Money for Towns Expences for the ensu- ing year be omitted untill the adjourned Meeting — In relation to Mr John Manter now in the Insane Hospital It was Voted That for the present he "remain there and that the Select Men be and are instructed to remove the said Mr Manter from the Insane Hospital at any time when the Physicians may think proper. 608 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. In relation to Mrs Matilda Slocum & Children It was Voted That the Select Men dispose of the business in the best man- ner that they are able It appears by the certificate of Shubal Luce Clerk of the Northeast school district that Edward Luce was chosen prudential Committee foi s'' district for the current year (chosen March 13^'' 1847 Parmenas Paksons Voted That the time be extended to the first day of May for the Surveyors to work out their Highway tax Voted To adjourn to the first Monday of april next at 2 O Clock P. M, then to assemble at the same place for the accomplishment of such business that May leo;ally come before the Meeting- Attest Parmenas Parsons Ihum Clerk At a Legale Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tis- bury holden on the fifth day of April A D. 1847 at one O. Clock in the afternoon in the Hall of the District School House in Holmes Hole, for the purpose of bringing in their Votes for County Treasurer & county Commissioners Charles Smith was chosen Moderator of S'! Meeting and the following persons were Voted for as follows viz for county Treasurer William A Mayhew fifty four 54 Voted That the Votes for County commissioners be all on one Bal- lott — The whole number of Ballots cast was sixty five Benjamin Davis had fifty five Votes 55 Job Goreham thirty one 31 Herman Vincent twenty Eight 28 Allen Tillton thirty Eight 38 W"i A Mayhew thirty five 35 Harrison P Mayhew Eleven 11 The whole number of Ballots for special county commissioners was twenty one Benjamin Luce had twenty two Votes 22 I I Barrows " twenty two " 22 Franklin Daggett " One " 1 Charles Smith " One " 1 Levett Thaxter " One " 1 Voted to adjourn without day Attest Parmenas Parsons 7hnm Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 609 Doing of the anuall Town Meeting continued Met at the time and place agreeable to adjournment the meeting being called to order by the Moderator Voted// To sell to the lowest Bidder the making of the Towns pro- potion of the County road It was accordingly sold in open Town Meet- ing by the Moderator to Prince D Athearn for the sum of Sixty five (65) cents pr rod Voted that when this meeting adjourn It adjourned to the first Mon- day in May also Voted That the Committee on Settlements report their doings the committee on Settlements not deeming the time suificient for them to prepare their report. It was moved & seconded that the last Vote be re- considered then Voted that the committee Present their report w4ien they are ready Voted That the sum of Twelve hundred $1200 dollars be raised for the support of the Towns poor & Incidental Charges for the ensuing year Voted That the sum of nine Hundred dollars ($900) be raised for the support of Public Schools for the Ensuing year Voted That the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200) be raised for the repairs of Highw^ays & Bridges for the ensuing year Voted That the Town Treasurer be and is Instructed to forclose the Mortgage on the estate of Chas G. Athearn ^^^j.^^ Voted & Chos for Constable for the Ensuing year James D Peakes & Samuell Thompson Voted That the Taxes now^ due the To^vn by Mr James Rodgers be remitted Voted that the demands of Charles Cottle & M. P. Spear for servises rendered in visiting the Public schools be allowed Voted That If the Select Men think It necessary they be allowed to hire sufficient sums of money (on the credit of the Town) as will serve to pay Mr John Manters bill for Board at the Insane Hospital Voted That the Meeting adjourn Sine die Attest Parmenas Parsons Totvn CJerl' Pursuant to a Legal Notice from Sylvenas Luce Constable of the Town of Tisbury and by his producing a Vernire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good Moral character to serve at s'! Court as Traverse Jury s'' Court 010 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. to be holden at Barnstable within and for s'' County of Barnstable and Dukes County on the fourth day of May 1847. The Select men and Town Clerk being assembled at the Clerks office on the 22'^ day of April 1847 drew from the Jury Box the name of Charles G Athearn to serve at s'! court as Traverse Jury Attest Pakmenas Parsons Toivn Clerk At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden in the district School House in the Village of Holmes Hole on the Elev- enth day of May 1847, To see if the Town will accept the list of Names of persons to be placed in the Jury Box or make such Alterations as they May think proper Timothy Luce Jr was chosen Moderator After making some additon of names to the sd list It Voted, That It be accepted — the following are the names of persons placed in the Jury Box 1 William C. Luce. 24 Franklin D Cottle 2 Hiram Chace 25 Stephen Skiff 3 Edward Luce 26 Tim° Luce 4 Frederick Smith 5 Alfred Norton 27 Chas Bradley 28 Chas G Smith 6 Cha^ Cottle 29 David Smith 7 Edmund Cottle 30 Mason Pierce 8 Joseph Luce 9 David Butler 31 John Holmes 32 Peter Norton Jr 10 Shubael Weekes Jr 33 W^' M. Norton 11 Ja": L. Merry 34 Tho! Harding 12 Walter Hillman 35 Cha^ Allen 13 William Roggers 30 O P. Branscomb 14 Leander Luce 37 John Robinson 15 Prince D Athearn 38 Chas N Look 16 W'» Chace 39 Shubael D Smith 17 Epraim S Allen 40 Obed Nickerson 18 Frankhn Grey 19 Hariph May hew 20 Thol Barrows 41 John Manter 42 Cha^ M Luce 43 Cyrus Look 21 Ja! L Barrows 44 W" Athearn 22 Tho^ Bradley 23 Calvin Tilton 45 Robert Manter 46 Stephen Luce Jr TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 611 47 Tho! Waldon 52 Holmes D. Luce 48 John J Barrows 53 Tim° B. Lovell 49 Cha' Smith 54 Isaac L. Vincent 50 Joseph R. Luce 55 Nathan Mayhew -'^ 51 Parmenas Parsons 56 W- Daggett "'' Attest Parmenas Parsons, Town Olerh Pursuant to a Legal Notice from Sylvenas Luce Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a Yernire from the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, The Select Men and town Clerk being assembled at the town Clerks Office on the Eleventh day of May 1847, drew from the Jury Box the names of six good and Lawful men to serve as Grand Jurors and four men of like qualification to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes County on the last Monday of May 1847, — the fol- lowing are the names of the persons that were Legally drawn For Grand Jurors Petit Jurors 1 Thomas Barrows 1 Walter Hillman 2 Stephen Luce Jr 2 John Holmes 3 Edmund Cottle 3 Orrok P. Branscomb 4 W2? Daggett 3'' 4 Franklin Grey 5 Leander Luce 6 W" M Norton Attest Parmenas Parsons Town Clerh The number of Children in the North East School districts from four to Sixteen years of age June 24" 1847 as pr return of Edward Luce Com of sd District is Thirty two 32 The Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury at a meeting this day held for that purpose hereby appoint Henry Bradley Town Clerk in the place of Parmenus Parsons resigned Tisbury August 20 1847 Jonathan Luce Jr Selectmen Edmund Cottle of Tisbury Prince D Athearn 612 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Dukes County s, s, Aug* 20,/ 1847 Then appeared the above named Henry Bradley and made oath to the faithfull performance of the duty asigned him by the above ap- pointment Before Me Bartlett Allen Ju.'i. of the Peace Attest a true Copy Henry Bradley T Clerk Pursuent to a Legal Notice from Silvanus Luce Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a Yenira from the Clerk of the Court of Common Fleas — , The Select men & Town Clerk assembled, at the store of Tho~ Bradley & sons in said Town to draw from the Jurors Box Four good and Lawfull men to serve as Fetit Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas of this commonwealth within and for the County of Dukes County to be holden at Edgartown on the Last Monday of Sept 1847 The following persons were legally drawn Sept 18/^ 1847 Harrif Mayhew ^ Joseph Luce [^ Holmes D Luce [ ^ Warren Waldon J Attest Henry Bradley Town Clerk Record of a meeting of the Legal voters of the Town of Tisbury held at the Holmes Hole South School House on Monday the Eight day of November 1847 at one O Clock P. M. for the purpose of giving in their Votes for Gevernor Lieutenant Governor Senetor & Representative for the general Court. Whole number of Ballots given for Governor was one hundred & Twenty Six For George N Briggs Fifty Eight 58 " Caleb Gushing Fifty 50 " Samuel E Sew ell Eighteen _18 126 Whole number of Ballots given for Lieu. Governor was One Hundred & Twenty Six For John Reed Fifty Eight " 58 " Henry W Gushing Fifty 50 '* John M Brewster Eighteen !J^ 126 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 613 Whole number of Ballots given for Senetor for general court was One hundred & Twenty For Charles Cottle Seventeen 17 " Thos// Bradley Fifty five 55 " Dr John Pierce Forty five 45 " Daniel Fisher Three 3 120 Whole number of Ballots given in for Representative to general Court was One hundred & nineteen on the first Trial For Thof. D Blake Fifteen 15 W^ Dunham Forty nine 49 Jonathan Luce Jr Forty six 46 Stephen Skiff One 1 Alphonso D Luce Six 6 Leander West Two 2 119 nessary for Choise 60 accordingly was no Choise Whole number of Ballots for Representative To general Court was One hundred & Twenty Four on the second Trial For Tho^ D Blake Twelve 12 W^M Dunham Sixty Two 62 Jonathan Luce Jr Forty Four 44 Stephen Skiff one 1 O P Branscomb three 3 Alphonso D Luce one 1 Richard Luce Jr One 1 124 Nessary for Choise 63 accordingly was no Choise Whole number of Ballots for Representative to general Court was One hundred and Six on the third Trial For W!i' Dunham fifty Two 52 " Jonathan Luce Jr thirty seven 37 " Tho" D Blake sixteen 16 ^' Stephen Skiff one _1 106 nessary for a choise 54 accordingly no Choise CU TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted to adjourn untill 9*" of November 1847 at one O Clock P. M. at the same place for Choosing a Representative Attest Henry Bradley Toivn Clerk Record of an adjourned meeting of the legal Voters of the Town of Tisbury held at the Holmes Hole South School District house on Tues- day the ninth day of November 1847 for the purpose of giving in their Votes for a Representative to the general Court Whole number of Ballots given for Representative to general Court on the first Trial For Ws Dunham Sixty five 65 " Jonathan Luce Jr Fifty Eight 58 " Tho:. D Blake Eleven 11 134 Necessary for a Choise 69 accordingly no Choise Whole number of Ballots given for Representative to general Court on the second Trial For Wf: Dunham Sixty three 63 " Jonathan Luce Jr Fifty five 55 " Tho"^ D Blake Fourteen 14 132 Necessary for a Choise 67 accordingly no Choise Voted to adjourn Sini di Attest Henry Bradley Tovm Clerk At the Annual Town Meeting holden at the South Baptist Meeting Llouse in West Tisbury on the twenty eth day of March A D 1848 at ten O Clock in the forenoon Thomas Barrows was chosen Moderator then (sworn) Voted & chose Timothy B. Lovell for Town Clerk for the year ensuing and other officers as follows Viz for Select Men Prince D. Athearn sworn Edmond Cottle sworn Jonathan Luce Jr sworn for Standing School Committee William A Mayhew Davis Cottle Matthew P Butler TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 615 for Town Treasurer sworn Henry Bradley for County Treasurer John P Roach had sixty one votes James L Barrows one for Prudential School Committee for 4"' District Leander Luce 1st James Look 2'' Lenard Luce South East William Athearn for Surveyors of Highways William S. Vincent sworn Timothy B. Lovell Shubael Weeks Jr sworn James D. Peaks sworn Franklin Luce sworn for Fence Viewers James Look Hariph Mayhew sworn James Cottle Lenard Luce sworn for Surveyor of Lumber John W Rowland sworn William A Robinson sworn Bartlett Allen sworn Nathan Smith Joseph R. Luce for Surveyors of Wood and Bark Mathew P. Butler John D Roach sworn for Field Drivers Moses Y Cromwell Nathan Smith Tristram Luce sworn Isaac Daggett Frederick Smith Samuel Allen sworn for Pound Keepers Prince D Athearn Thomas N Hillman 616 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. for Health Committee Laroy M. Yale Henry P. Worth William H. Luce for Sealers of Weights and Measures sworn Henry Bradley sworn also Voted for him to procure a new Standard Voted and Chose for Constable James D. Peaks sworn Thomas N. Hillman Alphonso D. Luce for Fish Committee Thomas Bradley Nathan Smith Frederick Smith Voted that the proseeds of the funds which have and Shall accrue from the Chappaquansett Hering Fishery shall be placed in the hands of the Towns committee for said Fishery Voted to raise seven hundred dollars for the support of Pul)lick Schools 1700 Voted to raise in addition to the above sum two hundred dollars i?200 Voted to raise twelve hundred dollars for the support of the Poor and other incidental charges for the ensuing year Voted that the Selectmen be instructed to settle with the delinquent collectors and audit the accounts Voted that the Tax of Samuel Butler be left in the hands of Select- men until instructed Voted to raise two hundred dollars for the support of High Ways $200 Voted for Henry Bradley collector of Taxes for the insuing year Voted to discount on Taxes for prompt payment as last year Voted that Henry Bradley have three per cent for collecting Taxes the ensuing year Voted that the Selectmen ar to petition to Judge of Probate to ap- point a guardian for Nancy Luce Voted that the re})ort of the School committee be accepted Voted that the Town Treasurer have Eight dollars for his servisis for foreclosing Mortgage Voted to adjourn without day Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerh TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 617 Dukes County ss march 27"' 1848 Then personally appeard Isaac Daggett Field driver for the Town of Tisbury the insuing year and made Oath before the subscriber, that he Avould faithfuly perforn all the duties which by law is incumbent to his said Office Stephen Skiff Justice of the Peace Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk Dukes County ss^/ March 27"' 1848 Then personaly appeard before the subscriber Joseph R. Luce Surveyor of lumber for the Town of Tis- bury for the insuing year And made Oath that he would faithfuly and impartially perforn all the duties incumbent to his Said Office. Stephen Skiff Justice of the Peace Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk Dukes County ss,, March 23'' 1848 personaly appeared before me the Subscriber Thomas N. Hillman Constable for the Town of Tisbury for the insuing year and made Oath that he would faithfully perforn all the duties requred by law incumbent to his said office Stephen Skiff Justice of the Peace April 20"' 1848 Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the county of Barnstable to seve at s*^ court as Traverse Jury *^ court to be holden at Barnstable within and for s'^ County of Barnstable and Dukes County on the 9"' day of may 1848 The Selectmen and Town Clerk assembled at the Clerks office on the 20"' day of Aprill 1848 drew from the Jury Box Cyrus Look to serve at s'^ Court as traverse Jury Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk Pursuant to a Legal notice from Thomas N Hillman constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a Venira from the clerk of the court of com- mon Pleas The Select men and Town Clerk being assembled at the Town Clerks office on the 13"' day of May 1848 drew from the Jury Box the names of six good Lawful men to serve as grand Jurrors and five men of like qualifications to serve as Petit Jurors at the court of common Pleas 618 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes county on the last Monday of May 1848 The following are the names of the persons that were legaly drawn For Grand Jurors Petit Jurrors Shubael Weeks Jr Nathan MayhcAv "-'' Charles N Look Isac L Vincent Stephen Skiff Timothy Luce Ephraim S Allen Charles Cottle William C Luce Charles Bradley Charles G Smith TiMO B. LOVELL Tovni Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Thomas N Hillman Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a Yenira from the Clerk of the court of common Pleas The Select men and Town Clerk assembled at the Clerks office to draw from the Jurors Box five good and Lawful men serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth within and for Said County of Dukes to be holden at Edgartown on the last Monday of September 1848 The following persons Avere legally drawn September 15';'.' 1848 John J. Barrows James L Merry John Manter David Butler John Robinson Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toimi Clerk At a lee:al meeting of the freeholder and other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote for electors of President and vice President of the United States holden at the Baptist meeting House in the west Parrish on Tuesday the 7"' day of November 1848 at 1 O clock P. M. s'' inhabitants did then and there give in their votes as follows For Electors at large Levi Lincoln of Worcester Ninety nine Edmund Dwight of Boston Ninety nine Samuel Hoar, of Concord Forty two William Jackson of Newton Forty two TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. . 619 Charles G Green of Boston Thirty eight Henry H. Child of Pitsfield Thirty eight For District No 1 Albert Fearing of Boston ninety nine Joseph Willard of Boston forty two James Cheever of Boston thirty eight 2 David Pingree of Salem, ninety nine John B. Alley of Lynn, forty two Eben H. Stacy of Gloucester, thirty eight Daniel Adams of Newbery, ninety nine 3 John G. Whittier of Amesbery, forty two Edward Lawrence of Newberyport thirty eight 4 Isaac Livermore of Cambridge ninety nine Nathan Brooks of Concord, forty two Timothy Fletcher of Charlestown thirty eight 5 Benjamin F. Thomas, of Worcester ninety nine Alexander De Witt, of Worcester forty two J. S. C. Knowlton, of Worcester thirty eight 6 Myron Lawrence of Belchertown ninety nine James Fowler of West field forty two Joseph Smith of Hatfield thirty eight 7 Asa Howland of con way ninety nine Thomas Robinson of Adams forty two Samuel Gates of West Stockbridge thirty eight 8 Henry A, S. Dearborn of Roxbury ninety nine Benjamin B. French of Braintree forty two William Ellis of Dedham thirty eight 9 William Baylies of West Bridgewater ninety nine Philo Leach of Bridgewater forty two Foster Hoopeer of Fall River thirty eight 10 William R. Easton of Nantucket ninety nine Isaac C. Taber of New Bedford forty two James D. Thompson of New Bedford thirty eight Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quali- fied to vote in elections and Town affairs held at the old Baptist Meeting House in west Tisbury on Monday the 13 day of Nov 1848 at nine Oclock A. M. Jonathan Luce Jr was chosen moderator 620 TISBUKY TOWN RECOUDS. Voted that the Town except the five hundred dollars bequethed in the last will and Testament of Ichabod Norton Esqr late of Edgartown deceased Voted that the Selectmen receive the sum of five hundred dollars gave and bequeathed to the Town of Tisbury in the last will and Testa- ment of Ichabod Norton Esqr late of Edgartown deceased now in the hands of John P. Norton Esqr executor to said will Voted that the Selectmen appropriate the same according to said will At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections for Govornor Leutenant Govornor and Senator and Representative in General Court holden at the Baptist Meeting in the west Parish on Monday thirteenth day of Nov 1848 at eleven O clock A M it being the second Monday of said Month S'^ inhabitants did then and there bring in their votes as follows For Govornor George N. Briggs seventy nine Stephen C. Phillips thirty three Caleb Gushing twenty eight For Lieut Governor John Reed seventy nine John Mills thirty three Henry W. Cushman twenty eight For Senator William R Easton seventy nine Charles B. Macy thirty three Eben W. Allen twenty six For Representative to Congress District N;^; 10 Joseph Grinnell seventy three Simpson Hart twenty seven C. B. H Fessenden twenty two Abraham H. Howland sixteen For Representative to General Court William A. May hew seventy six Alfred Norton forty three Asa Johnson twenty Attest Timothy B. Lovell Tovrn Clerh At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury held in Hall of the Holmes Hole South Destrict school House on the 26"' March 1849 for the purpose of electing Town officers and the transacting of other necessary business Johnathan Luce Jr was chosen Moderator of TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 621 said Meeting and chose Cliarles Bradley (sworn) Town Clerk for the year ensuing and other officers as follows Viz Voted for Select Men George Dunham Sworn Edmund Cottle Sworn James Look Sworn Voted to adjourn to one O Clock P. M. then to assemble at the same place One O Clock met according to adjournment the meeting being called to order by the moderator proceeded to ballet for Town Treasurer Voted for Town Treasurer Henry Bradley sworn Voted for Standing School Committee Nathan Mayhew W!^' A Mayhew Davis Cottle Voted to excuse Charles Cottle from Serving as school Committee Voted for County Treasurer John D Rotch had Fifty Five 55 Wilham Daggett had Two 2 James W Hatch had Two 2 Frederic Bayles had one 1 60 Voted for Fish Committee Thomas Bradley Nathan Smith Benjamin F Smith Voted for Surveyers of Hi gh Ways Hiram Derter Sworn Asa Johnson sworn Thomas L Norton sworn Edward Luce sworn Leonard Luce sworn Voted for Constables Thomas N Hillman Sworn Stephen SkifP sworn James D Peakes sworn Thomas Cathcart sworn 622 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted for Pound Keepers Thomas N Hillman sworn Barnerd Luce Samuel Thompson sworn Voted for Fence vewers Harriff Mayhew Prince D Athearn sworn Thomas N Hillman sworn Stephen Skiff sworn Voted for Surveyers of Lumber John W Howland sworn W- A Robinson sworn Joseph R Luce sworn John Lambert Voted for Surveyers of Wood & Bark W^' C Luce ' sworn Stephen Skiff sworn Davis Look sworn Voted for Field Drivers Moses T Cromwell Sworn Thomas N Hillman Tristram Luce Sworn George Dunham Sworn Benjamin F Smith Sworn Benjamin Cleveland Sworn John A Swain Sworn Samuel S Allen Dennis Dexter Thomas Waldron W'i' S Vincent Voted for Hog Reaves John A Luce Josiah Vincent William Harding Jr Benjamin Cromwell Ebenezer Norton Sworn Edward Dillingham Holmes D Luce Sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 623 Voted for Health Committee Thomas Bradley Thomas H Smith John Holmes Stephen Skiff William Daggett Voted That all the meetings for the year 1850 be in the east parrish as far as this meeting is authorized to vote Voted That the report of the Select Men on the finances of the town be accepted Voted All the real estate in the town of Tisbury be taxed Voted all the personal property be taxed Voted To raise Twelve Hundred Dollars for the Support of Public Schools Voted That when this Meeting adgourns to adgourn to next Saturday at one O Clock P. M, then to assemble at the same place Voted That the Meadow and Beach Tax standing against Nancy Luce be paid by the Town Voted to adgourn Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk Doings of the annual Town Meeting Continued Met at the time and place agreeable to adgournment the Meeting being called to order by the Moderator Voted That the vote for raising Twelve Hundred Dollars for the Sup- port of Public Schools be reconsidered Voted That one Thousand Dollars $1000 be raised for the support of Public Schools for the year ensuing Voted To raise one thousand Eight Hundred Dollars $1800. for the Support of the Poor and incidential charges Voted To raise one Hundred and .Fifty Dollars $154 for the repairs of High Ways Voted That the Treasurer be Collector of Taxes for ensuing year. Voted That the Treasurer and Collector have three per cent Voted That there Should be no discount on Taxes for prompt pay- ment the ensuing year Voted That the vote that there shall be no discount on Taxes for prompt payment be reconsiderd 624 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted That the Select Men rent the farm of Charles G Athearn now in the possession of the Town the ensuing year Voted That there be allowed a discount for the prompt payment of taxes of Six per cent for all Taxes paid within thirty days four per cent for all paid within Sixty days Two per cent for all paid within Six months Voted to adjourn without day Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerh Persuant to a legal notice from Tho^ N Hillman constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venire from the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good moral character to serve at s'' court as traverse Juror s'' court to be held at Barnstable within and for s'' county of Barnstable and Dukes county on the S"' day of may 1849 The Selectmen and Town Clerk being present at said Meeting held april 25 1849 at Tho' Bradley & sons store drew from the Jurors box the name of Franklin D Cottle to serve at s'' court as Traverse Juror Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury for the purpose Henry Bradley was appointed Sealer of Weights and Measures for said Town for the present year given under our hands this Twenty fifth day George Dunham ) Selectmen of April year 1844 Edmund Cottle ) of Tlshuri/ Dukes County ss April 25"' 1849 Then the within named Henry Bradley personally appeared and made oath that he would faithfully and Justly perform the duties as sealer of Weights and Measures for ensuing year. Stephen Skiff Justice of the Peace True Coppy Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal Notice from Tlio' N Hillman constable of Tis- bury and by his poducing a venire from the Clerk of the court of Com- mon pleas the Selectmen and Town Clerk being assembled at the store of Tho' Bradley & sons in Holmes Hole on the Fourteenth day of May TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 625 1849 drew from the Jurror Box the names of Six good and lawful men to serve as Grand Jurror and Five Men of like quahfications to serve as Petit Jurrors at the court of common pleas to be held at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes County on the last Tuesday of May 1849, the following are the names of the persons that were legally drawn, Viz For Grand Jurror For Petit Juror 1 O. P. Branscomb 1 William Athearn 2 Obed Nickerson 2 Charles Smith 3 Edmund Cottle 3 David Smith 4 Charles M Luce 4 Calvin Tilton 5 W!^: Daggett 3<^ 5 Joseph R Luce 6 Thomas Barrows Tisbury June 11 1849 George Dunham Edmund Cottle James Look personally appeared before me and was Sworn as assessors of Tax for 1849 as the law Directs Charles Bradley Town Olerh Persuant to a legal Notice from Tho^ N Hillman Constable of Tis- bury and by his poducing a venire from the Clerk of the court of Com- mon please. The Select Men and Town Clerk being assembled at the Store of Tho' Bradley & sons in Holmes Hole on the Eighth day of Sep- tember 1849 drew from the Juror Box the names of Four good and lawful men to serve as Traverse Jurors at the court of Common please to be held at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes County on last Tuesday of September 1849 the following are the names of the per- sons that were legally drawn viz 1 Franklin Grey 2 John Holmes 3 Timothy B Lovell 4 Prince D Athearn At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the Hall of the Holmes Hole South dristrict School House on the 12*" day of Novenber 1849 for the purpose of electing Town officers and the transacting of other nescesary business, George Dunham was chosen Moderator of said Meeting and others as follows viz 626 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted For Serveyers of Highways Seth Luce sworn Shubeal Weeks Jr sworn Voted That the select Men be directed to advertise for proposells to construct the county road in Tisbury in such parts as they deem proper Voted That the Meeting adjourn Sin Die Attest Charles Bradley Tovm Clerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quah- fied to vote in elections and Town affairs held at the Holmes Hole South district School House on Monday the 12"> day of November 1849 at 10 O clock A M for the purpose of giving in their votes for Governor Lieut Governor, Senator and Representative Gave in their votes as follows The whole number of Ballots was one Hundred & Two r George N Briggs Sixty one 61 For Govenor < Stephen C Phillips Thirty seven 37 ( George T Boutwell Four 4 102 The whole number of Ballots was one Hundred & Two r John Reed Sixty one 61 For Lieut Govenor \ John Mills Thirty seven 37 ( Henry W Cushman Four 4 102 The Whole Number of Ballots was ninety Five r William C Starbuck Sixty one 61 Charles Smith Thirty 30 For Senator | Mathew P Butler Three 3 I George Dunham one 1 95 The whole number of Ballots was one Hundred & Elevenl First Trial For Representative Jonathan Luce Jr Forty one 41 Alfred Norton Thirty Four 34 Thomas Bradley Twenty One 21 Thomas Barrows Ten 10 Matthew P Butler Two 2 John Luce One 1 John Holmes one 1 Stephen Dunham one 1 111 Nesessary for Choice Fifty six 56 accordingly no choice TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 627 The Whole number of Ballots was one Hundred & Ten r Jonathan Luce Jr Forty Six 46 Alfred Norton Thirty Eight 38 Thomas Bradley Twenty 20 Thomas Barrows Five 5 Matthew P Butler one 1 110 Second Trial for Representative nessasary for Choice 56 accordingly no Choise Voted to adjourn without day Attest Charles Bradley Toiv7i Clerk At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied to vote in elections and Town affairs held at the Holmes Hole South district School House on Monday the 26"' day November 1849 it being the fourth Monday of said Month at one O Clock P M for the purpose of giving in their votes for one Representative to Represent the Town of Tisbury in the next General Court gave in their Votes as follows for r Jonathan Luce Jr Forty Eight 48 Representative J Alfred Norton Fourteen 14 I Charles Bradley one 1 I E Allen Smith one 1 64 Jonathan Luce Jr had Forty Eight and was Chosen Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in hall of the Holmes Hole South School Drestrict House on 25'" day of March 1850 for the purpose of electing Town officers and Transacting other business that might legally come before the said meeting Charles Smith was chosen Moderator of Said Meeting and chose Charles Brad- ley (sworn) for year ensuing and others officers as follows, viz C George Dunham sworn for Select Men \ Seth Luce sworn ' William A Mayhew sworn Voted, That the report of the Select men be read Voted That the report of the Select men be accepted for Treasurer Henry Bradley Sworn 628 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted, To adjourn to '/•.' Past one O clock P. M. At ^ Past one O Clock Met agreeable to adjournment the meeting called to order by the Moderator then proceeded to electing officer as followes Viz for Standing School Committee Votes for County Treasurer W'-^ A Mayhew Matthew P Butler Nathaniel Ruggles Frederic Baylies forty Six John D Rotch one George Dunham one Voted That the fish committee be chosen by Ballot sworn Nathan Smith for Fish r Tho^ Bradley Committee < Nathan Smith ( Benjamin F Smith Theodore Luce Timothy B Lovell Bartlett Pease Jr Benjv? F. Smith for Constables Richard Luce sworn Stephen Skiff sworn Tho' N Hillman sworn for Pound Hilliard Norton sworn Keepers Samuel Thompson sworn for Fence Thos Cathcart Viewers] Stephen Skiff Sworn Franklin Luce Sworn Samuel Look Sworn for Surveyors C Joseph R Luce sworn of Lumber j John W Howland ' James D Peakes for Surveyor of wood Nathan Smith sworn Tho* N Hillman for Field Drivers Nathan Smith Sworn Moses T. Cromwell Benj'" F Smith Sworn Shu'beal Weeks Jr sworn Benj'i' Cleveland sworn Tho^- L Norton sworn Asa Johnson 46 1 48 For Surveyors of Highways TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 629 Voted that the health committee consist of three Voted That the health committee be chosen by Ballot for Health Tho^ Bradley .Committee Stephen Skiff Presbury Norton Voted to adjourn to Monday next at Y'j P^st Nine O Clock A. M. Met agreeabl to adjournment at 7.7 Fast Nine O Clock A M being the first day of April 1854 and proceeded to finish the remaining business Voted for Surveyors Edmund Cottle sworn of Highways Tho'' L Norton sworn Voted that Edmund Cottle be the Prudential Committee for the Lumberts Cove School District Voted that the Select Men determine the course to be pursued in regard to the Town Pound in west Tisbury and proceeded accordingly Voted that Twelve hundred dollars ($1200) be raised of the support of Public School Voted that sixteen hundred dollars $1600 be raised for the support of the Poor and incidential charges Voted that Two hundred dollars $200 be raised for the repairs of High Ways Voted that the High Ways be repaired in the usual Manner Voted that the Town will not accept the Tax bills formily in the hand of Alphonzo D Luce now in the hands of the select men and that the select men return the said Tax bills to the Wife of Alphonzo D Luce or his agent Voted that this meeting adjourn untill 2 O Clock P M at 2 O Clock P M Met agreeable to adjournment Voted that the distrabution of the school Money be left discretionary with the school committee Voted to suspend the law respecting Grouse or Heathen so far as to Allow the hunting of Said Birds without dogs on the 12th and 13"' of November next Voted that the Collector of Taxes Shall guarantee the full and Just Payment of the Whole amount of money raised by the Town the now current year within one year from the time of his receiveing the Tax bills and to be paid into the Treasurer in Quaterly instalments of one Quater of the whole amount so raised and the select men are to remit only such Taxes as thev are Confident that cannot be collected 630 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that the Collection of Taxes be sold to the lowest bidder and it was sold to Hiram Dexter at 9| per cent Voted that Hiram Dexter be the collector of taxes for ensuing year Voted that all the owners dogs be Taxed one Dollar per year Voted that the Collection of dog Tax be sold to the Lowest bidder and it was sold to Richard Luce at 50 per cent and he was qualified for the office Voted that the Meeting for the current year be held in Holmes Hole Voted that the next Anual meeting be held in West Tisbury Voted that the road built by Tho! Bradley across his Mill dam be not accepted Voted the list of Jurors presented by the Select Men be accepted Voted that this adjourn Sin die Attest Chakles Bradley Town Clerh The following is a correct list of names for Jurors pessented by the Select men and accepted by the Town 1 John Holmes 23 Charles G Smith 2 Dennis Dexter 24 Hiram Nye 3 Shubeal D Smith 25 Benjamin Cromwell 4 Stephen Skiff 26 Francis Nye 5 Nathan Mayhew 27 Abram Anthony 6 Charles Smith 28 Joseph R Luce 7 W?5 C Luce 29 Bartlet Pease Jr 8 Thomas Bradley 30 Eleakim Norton 9 John J Barrows 31 Isaac L Vincent 10 Edmund Cottle 32 Shubeal Weeks Jr 11 Davis Cottle 33 Cha' Baxter 12 Alfred Norton 34 Timothy B Lovell 13 Frederic Smith 35 James Mayhew 14 Water Hillman 36 John D Rotch 15 Thos L Norton 37 Wii-> Athearn 16 W^ N Gray 38 Theadore Luce 17 Thos West 39 Tho" Barrows 18 John Manter 40 Henry Bradley 19 James Look 41 Peleg Barrow' 20 Matthew P Butler 42 Wendell Crocker 21 Charles Bradley 43 Richard G Luce 22 Davis Smith 43 0. P. Branscomb TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 631 44 Timothy Luce 45 Peter Norton Jr 46 Tho« H Smith 47 Joseph Luce 48 Davis Look 49 Seth Luce Attest Charles Bradley 50 Cha^ Cottle 51 Harriff May hew 52 Cha« B Allen 53 Jared Vincent 54 David Nickerson 55 Robert Athearn Town Olerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held in the Hall of the Holmes Hole South District school House on the first i day of april 1850 being the first Monday of Said Month for the purpose of bringing in their votes for County Commissioners and they were for I the following persons Viz " Benjamin Davis Twenty 20 For County Commissioners W'ii A Mayhew Nineteen 19 Allen Tilton Twenty 20 t Stephen Skiff Sixteen 16 Jeremiah Pease Fifteen 15 Herman Vincent Fifteen 15 For Special Tho" Bradley Nineteen 19 County Commissioners Jeremiah Pease Four 4 Benj- Davis Fifteen 15 Tho' Barrows One 1 Silvanus L Pease one 1 James D Peakes Three 3 James W Hatch Two 2 Tho^ Cathcart One 1 Attest Charles Bradle^ r Town Clerk Persuant to a legal notice from Stephen Skiff constable of Tisbury and by his poducing a venire from the Clerk of the Supreme court of the County of Barnstable to draw one Suitable Man of Good Moral Char- acter to serve at said court as traverse juror. Said court to be holden at Barnstable, within and for Said county of Barnstable and Dukes County on the Seventh day of May 1850 The Select Men and Town Clerk being assembled at the Clerks office on the 22'* day of april 1850 Drew from the juror Box the name of Theadore Luce to serve at Said court as Traverse Jurror Attest Charles Bradley loiun Clerk Grand Jurors Petit Jurors i 632 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Persuant to a legal notice from Stephen Skiff constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venire from the Clerk of the court of Common Pleas the Select Men and Town Clerk assembled at the Town Clerk office on the 8"' day of May drew from the Juror Box the names of Six Good and lawfull men to serve as Grand Jurors and Five men of like qualifi- cations to serve as Petit Jurors at the court of common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes county on the last Monday of May 1850 the following are the names of the Persons that were legally drawn f Nathan Mayhew Peter Norton Harrif Mayhew Bartlet Pease Jr Thomas L Norton John D Rotch Robert Athearn Cha^ B Allen Frederic Smith I Water Hillman I Dennis Dexter Attest Charles Bradley Tovm Clerk Tisbury May 27 1850 George Dunham personally appeared before me and was sworn as assessors of Taxes for 1850 and to take the sensus and valuation for 1850 as the Law directs Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk Tisbury June 10 1850 William A Mayhew Seth Luce personally ap- peared before me and was sworn as assessors of Taxes for 1850 and to take the sensus and valuation for 1850 as the Law directs Attest Charles Bradley Toion Clerk Tisbury June 11 1850 We have taken the census of the Population of the Town of Tisbury as provided by an act 1840 and find the number to be one Thousand seven hundred eighty one 1781 George Dunham ) Assessors W A Mayhew S of Tisburt/ Attest Charles Bradley Toivn Clerk TISBUEY TOWN KECORDS. 633 Ichabod Norton We the subscribers freeholders and others discover that you are obstructing a free pasage by Placing Stones and Sand and other Cam- bustbles in the propriertors road which Leads from the head of Holmes Hole to the west chop so called, said road has been open and free for all persons on all ocasions to pass and repass since time immorial and we the subscribers having passed and repassed with teams and otherwise, since being in existance as occasion required, therefore you are requested to remove the present obstructions, and are forbid placing in any manner any Incumberance or obstructions in said road hearafter on any occasion whatever Tisbury September 2^ 1850 Tristram Luce Cha*^ Smith R, G. Luce Thos Bradley Lot Luce James D Peakes Tho^ Barrows RiCH° Luce Tho^ H Smith Joseph Dias David Smith Jonathan Luce Jr Hiram Chase J J Barrows Tho^ N Hillman Timothy Luce Peter Daggett Charles Cottle James Cottle Tisbury Sept 4 1850 in accordance to the within I have this day read the within to the said Ichabod Norton Thos N Hillman Constable of Tisbury True Copy Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk Persuant to a legal notice from Stephen Skiff Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venira from the Clerk of the court of common please the select Men and Town Clerk being assembled at the Town Clerks office on the tenth day of September 1850 drew from the Juror Box the names of four Good and lawful men to serve as travers jurors at the Court of common pleas to be held at Edgartown within and for 634 TISBUKY TOWN KECOHDS. the County of Dukes County on the last Tuesday of Sept 1850 the fol- lowing are the names of the persons that were legally Drawn Viz Francis Nye Alfred Norton Eliakim Norton Benj" Cromwell Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quah- fied to vote in elections and Town Affairs held in Holmes Hole South District School House on Eleventh day of November 1850 at Eleven OClock A M it being the Second Monday of Said Month for the pur- pose of giving in their votes for Governor Lieut Governor Senator Rep- resentative and Representative to Congress from District No 10, Gave in their votes as follows For Governor George N Briggs Sixty Two 62 George S Boutwell Thirty Six 36 Stephen C Phillips Seventeen 17 Nine 9 124 For John Reed Sixty Two Lieut Governor Henry W Cushman Thirty Six Amasa Walker Seventeen 36 17 For Senator John H Shaw Fifty W"^ Barney Sixty Two W^' H Barney One Matthew P Butler One 115 60 62 1 1 For Representative to Congress Daniel Fisher Thirty Two Zeno Scudder Thirty Five Charles H B Fesenden Thirty Two Simpson Hart Fifteen 114 32 35 32 15 114 TISBUEY TOWN EECOKDS. 63-5 Voted that the Town send a Representative the present year First Trial r William S Vincent Fifty Five 55 For Representative Thomas Barrows Forty Nine 49 ^ Charles B Allen Nine 9 Seth Daggett I Walter Hillman Five 5 Three 3 121 Second Trial r William S Vincent Fifty Six 56 For Representative Thomas Barrows Forty Four 44 ' Charles B Allen Thirteen 13 . Matthew P Butler One 1 114 ' William S Vincent Fifty Seven 57 Thomas Barrows Forty Two 42 Third Trial Charles B Allen Five 5 For Representative -^ R. K. Jones One 1 Thomas B Allen One 1 Matthew P Butler One 1 ^ Stephen Skiff One 1 108 Nesessary for Choise Fifty Five and William S Vincent had Fifty Seven and was chosen adjourned without day Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury Quali- fied to vote in elections and Town afairs held in the Hall of the Holmes Hole South School District House on the the Twentyeth day of January 1851 at one OClock in the after noon it being the Third Monday of said month for the Purpose giving their votes to the Selectmen for one repre- sentative to congress from District No 10 they were sorted counted and the whol number Ballots were fifty seven and they were for the follow- ing persons Viz Daniel Fisher "^venty Eight 28 Zeno Scudder Twenty one 21 Simpson Hart Four 4 C. B. H. Fessenden Four j^ 57 adjourned Sin die Attest Charles Bradley Town Clerk 636 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury held at the Old baptist meeting house in the western parish of said town on the 14 day of april 1851, for the purpose of choosing town officers, and transacting other business brought legally before the meeting, Thomas Barrows was chosen Moderator and John D Rotch, Town Clerk (sworn) other officers chosen, and business transacted as follows Viz r Bartlett Mayhew sworn ^ sworn Voted for Selectmen < Edmund Cottle sworn V also as ( Thomas Barrows sworn ) Assessors Voted to hear the report of the selectmen which was accordingly read and accepted Voted to receive votes for a Reg' of Deeds for Dukes County the whole number of votes were fifty six (56) Josiah H Smith had fifty four (54) Gilbert Brush had two (2) Voted for Town Treasurer Henry Bradley sworn Voted for School Committee William H Luce Davis Cottle Rev. William Stowe Voted to adjourn one hour at same place Met according to adjournment the meeting being called to order by the Moderator proceeded as follows viz Voted to choose the Constables by ballots Voted for constable Matthew P Butler sworn Voted, for Surveyors r Charles Smith of Highways J Charles M Luce sworn I Hariph Mayhew sworn I Leonard Luce Voted, to choose three fish comittee on one ballot Voted, for Fish Committee Nathan Smith Thomas Bradley Benjamin F Smith Voted, for Pound Keepers Samuel Thompson William Norton, accepted Voted for Field Drivers Thomas L Norton sworn Zadoc Athearn sworn James Mayhew William A Mayhew refused Charles Smith excused Hiram Dexter sworn TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 637 Voted to excuse Charles Smith from services as field driver, Voted for Surveyors Joseph R Luce of Lumber James D Peakes sworn John F Robinson sworn Davis Look sworn Voted for Surveyors Ichabod Luce excused of Wood Timothy Luce sworn Voted to excuse Ichabod Luce from services asSurveyor of Wood Voted for Nathan Smith refused Fence Viewers Franklin Luce Jared Vincent sworn Voted for Health William H Luce Committee Richard G Luce Henry P Worth Thomas H Smith James D Peakes sworn Voted that the collector of taxes, pay to the Treasurer, the whole amount of the town tax, in four, equal, quarterly enstallments, and the County tax, when ordered by the County Commissioners, also that he give sufficient and satisfactory bonds for the performance of the same Voted, That the collection of taxes be put at auction, which was ac- cording done, and struck off to James D Peakes for five (5) pr cent, he being the lowest bidder. Voted to raise twelve hundred ($1200) for the support of the poor and incidental charges Voted to raise one thousand ($1000) for the support of public schools Voted to add two hundred dollars (|200) to the amount appropriated to public schools, making twelve hundred dollars ($1200) Voted to raise nine hundred dollars ($900) to defray the expense of constructing the road recently laid out by the commissioners, running from Holms Hole to Edgartown Voted to raise five hundred dollars ($500.) to repair Highways and Voted to reconsider the vote to raise five hundred dollars $500 to repair Highways & Bridges, Voted to raise two hundred dollars ($200) to repair Highways and Bridges, Voted that the unpaid Highway tax bills of 1850 be transferred to the present surveyors and collected by them in the same manner as those assessed in 1851, 638 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that the surplus revenue be divided among the several school districts according to the population of each, to be expended for the pur- pose of education Voted that the selectmen take measures to build and locate a Town Pound in Holms Hole Voted that Mr Shubael D Smith be set off from the Holmes Hole North, to the Holms Hole South, school District Voted that the 11^'' article of the warrant be laid on the table Voted James D Peakes sworn collector of taxes at five (5) pr cent on amount collected Voted that James D Peakes sworn be constable Votes for r Frederic Baylies fifteen 15 County J William A Mayhew seven 7 Treasurer ] Peleg Barrows five 5 Twenty eight (28) I Davis Cottle one 1 Attest John D Rotch Toirn Clerk- Dukes County ss Tisbury April 18'' 1851 Then personally appeared Charles Smith and made oath that as having been chosen surveyor of the highways in said town for the ensuing year that he would faithfully execute and per- forn all the duties imposed by virtue of his appointment before me Stephen Skiff Justice of the j)eave Attest John D Rotch Tovm Clerl- Dukes County ss Tisbury April 22'' 1851 Then personally appeared Joseph R Luce and made oath that he would faithfully & impartially perforn all the duties assigned him as a surveyor of Lumber for the ensuing to the best of his skill & judgment, before me A true copy Stephen Skiff Justice of the j)eace Attest John D. Rotch Toimi Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Matthew P Butler Constable of Tis- bury and by his producing a venire from the clerk of the Supreme Court TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 639 of Barnstable to draw one suitable man of good moral character to serve at said Court as travers Juror, Said Court to be holden at Barnstable within and for said County of Barnstable and Dukes County on the sixth day of May 1851. The selectmen & town Clerk at the selectmens office on the 26" day of april 1851 drew from the Jury box the name of David Nickerson to serve at said court as Traverse Juror Attest John D Rotgh Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from James D Peakes one of the constables of Tisbury & by his producing a venire from the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the last Monday of May, The Select men & Town Clerk, at the selectmens office on the Q" day of May 1851, Drew from the Jury box the name of Davis Look, Edmund Cottle, James Mayhew, Timothy Luce, Jared Vincent, & Thomas H Smith for Grand Jurors, and Peleg Barrows, Richard G Luce, Isaac L Vincent Seth Luce & David Smith for Petit Jurors, to serve at said court on the second day of its sitting at 10 o clock A M John D Rotch Town Clerk Pursuant to a legal notice from Matthew P Butler one of the con- stables of Tisbury & by his producing a venire from the clerck of the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown the selectmen & Town Clerk asembled at the selectmens office on the 13" day of September 1851 & drew from the Jury box the names of five good & lawful men to serve as traverse Jurors, at the September term of the Court of Common Pleas to be held at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes, the following were the names of the persons so drawn Viz Joseph Luce Davis Cottle Timothy B Lovell Joseph R Luce Charles Cottle Attest John D Rotch Toion Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, quali- fied to vote in Elections & town affairs, on Monday the tenth day of 640 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. November 1851 at 9 o'clock, at the old Baptist Meeting house in the west parish of Tisbury, Thomas Barrows was chosen moderator Voted to accept a road laid out by the select men (as pr record, book No 2 page 69) agreeable to the petition of Job Gorham & others, and discontinue part of a road, also agreeable to said petition Voted That the selectmen post up notices of the acceptance, and dis- continuance of said roads, Voted To adjourn Sine die Attest John D Rotch Toion Clerk At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury, quali- fied to vote in elections & Town affairs, on Monday the tenth day of November at 10 o clock A M to bring their votes to the selectmen for a Governor & Leiutenant Governor, of the commonwealth, and for a Sen- ator for the district of Nantucket & Dukes County, and for a represen- tative to represent them in the General court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next, to be deposited in the ballot box in one sealed envelop agreeable to the act of May 2"" 1851, at the old Bap- tist meeting house in the western Parish of Tisbury Gave in their votes as follows, For Governor The whole number of ballots was one hundred & nineteen For Robert C Winthrop sixty 60 " George S Boutwell forty one 41 John G Palfrey eighteen 18 119 For Lieutenant Governor The whole number of ballots was one hundred & nineteen For George Grennell sixty 60 " Henry W Cushman forty one 41 " Amasa Walker eiofhteen 18 Hi For Senator The whole number of ballots was one hundred & eighteen For Daniel Fisher sixty five 65 " Smith May hew thirty three 33 " John li Shaw nineteen 19 " John Hammett 1 — 118 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 641 For Representative For Charles B Allen sixty 60 " Matthew P Butler forty 40 " Abraham Merchant seventeen 17 " William S Vincent two 2 " Robert Man tor one 1 — 120 second balloting The whole number of ballots was one hundred & thirty four For Charles B Allen sixty eight 68 ' ' Matthew P Butler forty seven 47 " Abraham Merchant seventeen 17 William S Vincent two 2 — 134 Necessary for a choice 68 Charles B Allen had that number and was chosen second, To give in their votes by ballot on this question, Is it expe- dient that delegates should be chosen to meet in convention for the purpose of revising or altering the Constitution of goverment of this commonwealth, Whole number of ballots one hundred & five No eighty six 86 Yes nineteen 19 — 105 adjourned without day Attest John D Rotch Toivn Clerk At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the town of ^^Tisbury held in capawack hall on the 22'.'.' day of March 1852, for the purpose of choos- ing town officers, and transacting other business brought legally before the Meeting Thof. Barrows was chosen Moderator and W-! A Robinson swoi'n Town Clerk other, officers chosen and business transacted as follows, Viz. r Tho?. Barrows sworn Voted for Selectmen < Edmund Cottle sworn ( Bartlett Mayhew sworn Voted for Town Treasurer Henry Bradley (sworn) 642 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. voted for ^ M. P. Butler School committee < Davis Cottle ( W!i^ A. Mayhew Voted to adjourn one hour & a half at the same place. Met according to adjournment the Meeting being called to order bj the Moderator proceeded as follows Viz Voted for Prudenshal School Committes for the North West District W^-! H. Davis, for the South East " W^ Atharn, for the South Obed Nickerson Voted for Constable M. P. Butler. sworn Voted for Surveyor M. P. Butler sworn of highways, Seth Luce Hariph Mayhew Ch?. M Luce sworn Voted for Sealor of Henry Bradley sworn wates and measures. Voted for Pound Keepers W- Norton Zadoc Athearn Voted for Field Drivers Benjamin Clevelin sworn Samuel Look sworn Edward T Smith John A Swain sworn W" S Vincent Tho! L Norton sworn James Luce Edward West sworn Voted for Surveyors^ John W Howland of Lumber } 1 W2? A Robinson ( Samuel N. Peas sworn Voted for Fence < ) Ch^ Smith viewers < * John D Rotch sworn Voted for Health r James D Peakes Committy } 1 Bartlett Allin ( Seth Daggett Voted for Fish Committy Thos Bradley Benjamin F Smith Nathan Smith Voted for Hogh Reei : Bartlett Allin (sworn) TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 643 Voted for Surveyor of Wood and Bark Bartlett Allin (sworn) Voted for County Treasurer r Frederic Baylis 43 j James W Hatch 7 I Timothy Luce 1 I W'£ A. Robinson 1 — 52 Voted not to accept the Road layd out by the Selectmen Febury 28'' 1852 leading from Lamberts Cove to the West Tisbury Road Voted to adjourn to the first Monday the fifth day of April next at 10 oclock in the forenoon Attest W^ A Robinson Town Clerk Tisbury April 5*" 1852 At ten O'clock A. M the meeting was called to order by the Mod- erator The Town Clerk being absent, M, P. Butler was chosen Town Clerk protem, and being sworn to the faithful performance of the duties of said office; the meeting proceeded to the consideration of the business before the house Voted 1-* to excuse W- H Luce from serving as one of the school Committee agreeable to his request Voted 2i= for W^' A Mayhew, school committee Voted ^'j_ To raise the sum of Thirteen hundred dollars for the sup- port of the poor & incidental expenses Voted ^^^' to raise the sum of Fourteen hundred dollars for the Sup- port of public Town Schools Voted 5"' That the School Committee be requested so, to apportion the money raised for the support of Public Schools, that Each District may Serve an equal, or nearly equal term of time of school Voted 6"' that Two hundred dollars be raised for the repairs of high- ways, town ways and bridges Voted 7 That the sum of one hundred dollars more be raised to repair highways Voted 8'*" that the inhabitants have the privilege of working out their highway tax Voted 9"' that, there be allowed, and paid to Asa Johnson, the Sum of Ten dollars, as pr his Bill of August 13-1849, it being for labour done in repairing highways. 644 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted ^'";^ to allow, and that there be paid to Thomas Barrows r Select Men = $12/^00 Edmund Cottle ] of Tisbury for = 8,,00 Bartlett MayhewC the year 1851 = 8//00 as pr their Bill the sum of 28/^00 for Service done in laying out a road from North Shore to the road leading from Holms Hole to West Tisbury, said road not accepted by the town Voted 11*T^ That that there be allowed, and paid to Bartlett Allen twelve dollars & Eighty one cents as pr his Bill for sundries articles furnished to George Richardson a Town pauper dated June 8'^' 1848 12^'' Voted, that the taxes be sold to the highist bidder and that he be Chosen Collector of taxes and that the said Collector of taxes give good and sufficient bonds to the select men to pay in quarterly- equal, in- stalments, into the treasurer of the Town, the amount of the tax bills committed to him, by the Selectmen The taxes was then exposed for sale and knocked off to David Smith at 97 1 pr cent or that the said David Smith shall receive 2| pr cent for collecting the taxes and paying the same into the town treasury Voted — that David Smith be collector of taxes the ensuing year Voted that Bartlett Allen be fence vewer ^^"™ Voted that Cha' Smith be Hogreeve sworn Voted that the select men commit all delinquent highway taxes, to the surveyor of highways for the year ensuing ; to be by then collected & expended in repairing highways in this several districts Voted to Adjourn (sine die) Attest Matthew P Butlek Toion Clerk pro tern At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, qualified to vote in elections, holden on the fifth day of April in the year One Thousand Eight hundred & fifty two, being the first Monday of said month, for the purpose of Voting for one county commissioner to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Stephen Skiff Esqr The Votes given in were sorted counted, recorded, & public declaration made, thereof and were for the following persons vis TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 645 Matthew P Butler twenty seven Peter Norton fourteen W" S Yincent twelve Attest Matthew P. Butler Town Clerk Pro tern Appointment The Selectmen of Tisbury hereby appoint Matthew P Butler to be Town Clerk of said Town of Tisbury during the vacancy occasioned by the death of William A Robinson, and until another is chosen or ap- pointed in his stead, to perform all duties of Town Clerk and make all I records of the same \ Tisbury April 6-1852 Tho?. Barkows Selectmen of E// Cottle Tisbury j A true copy Attest M. P. Butler sworn Tovjn Clerk pursuant to notice from M P Butler Constable of Tisbury ; and upon the venire Served by him ; from the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court of Barnstable, to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as traverse juror, at the above Mentioned Court, to be held at Barnstable within and for the County of Barnstable and Dukes County on the first tuesday of May next at ten o Clock in the fore noon The Selectmen & Town Clerk at the Selectmen's office on the 22" day of April 1851 drew from the Jury Box the name of Thomas Barrows to serve as travers Juror to serve at said Court Attest Matthew P Butler Town Clerk To Matthew P. Butler Constable of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to meet at the Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in said Tisbury on Friday the thirtieth day of April Inst at one of the Clock in the afternoon ; then and there to act on the following Arti- cles Vis 1st To Choose a Moderator 646 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 2^* To Choose a Town Clerk to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of William A Robinson late Clerk of said Tisbury 3" To see if the Town will accept the list of inhabitants prepared by the selectmen to be placed in the jury box to serve as jurors Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this 15 day of april 1852 Tho?. Barrows > Selectmen of Edmund Cottle 5 Tislmry Pursuant to the directions given in the above warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Town af- fairs, to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified M. P. Butler Constable of Tisbury A true Copy of warrant and returnes thereon Attest M P Butler Toivn Clerk Record of the doings of a Town meeting held at capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in the Town of Tisbury April thirtieth 1852 commencing at one O'Clock P.M. The Meeting was called to order by the Clerk And Thomas Barrows was chosen Moderator Matthew P. Butler was chosen Town Clerk & sworn to the faithful performance of the duties of said office The following list of names of persons accepted by the Town, to be placed in the jury Box to serve as Jurors 1 Charles Cottle 14 William Athearn 2 Charles G. Smith 15 Matthew P. Butler 3 James Look 16 John Manter 4 David Smith 17 Seth Luce 5 W'i' C Luce 18 Theodore Luce 6 Thomas Barrows 19 Joseph Luce 7 Robert Athearn 20 Bartlett Pease Jr 8 Davis Look 21 Henry Bradley 9 William N Gray 22 Shubal D Smith 10 Peleg Barrows 23 Frederic Smith 11 Nathan May hew 24 Thomas West 12 Isaac L. Vincent 25 Edmund Cottle 13 Jared Vincent 26 Abram Anthony TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 647 27 Cha:. B Allen 43 Charles D Allen 28 Timothy Luce 44 William Daggett 2!! 29 Davis Cottle 45 Zenas Dillingham jr 30 Thomas L Norton 46 Hiram Dexter 31 John D Rotch 47 Thomas Robinson 2^. 32 Peter Norton 48 John F Robinson 33 Alfred Norton 49 Richard L. Hursel 34 Hiram Nye 50 James Gray 35 Harriff Mayhew 51 Bayes Norton 36 Charles Bradley 52 William Norton 37 Eliakim Norton 53 Calvin R Tilton 38 Walter Hillman 54 Bartlett Mayhew 39 Timothy B. Lovell 55 Charles M Luce 40 Wendell Crocker 56 Washington Adams 41 Shubael Weeks 57 John W. Howland 42 David Nickerson Voted to amend the list of persons, presented by the select men, for Jurors, by striking out the names of Oorok P Branscomb & Cha^ Bax- ter, and inserting, the names of John W Howland & Washington Adams Voted to Adjourn Sine die Attest M. P BuTLEK Town Clerk To Matthew P Butler Constable of Tisbury In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in said Tisbury on Friday the Thirtieth day of April inst/^ at two of the clock P. M. to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for one Standing County Commissioner to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Stephen Skiff esq late of Tisbury in said County ; there having been no Choice of a standing county commissioner in the county on the first Monday of April now current And you are directed to Serve this warrant by posting up Attested copies thereof fa) each of the public Meeting Houses in said town fourteen days fS) least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of Meeting afforesaid Given under our hands this 15*'' day of April 1852 Thomas Bakrows > Selectmen E. Cottle 5 of Tishury 648 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to the direction in the above warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the time and place and and for the purposes therein specified Matthew P. Butlee Constable of Tisbtiry A true copy of warrant and returns thereon Attest M P Butler Toivn Clerk Record of the votes given in to the Selectmen at a meeting of the inhabitants of The town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections ; held at Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in said tisbury on friday the Thirtieth day of April 1852 at two O'Clock in the afternoon; for one standing County Commissioner "Whole number of votes given in were 23 Vis For Matthew P Butler Fourteen 14 For Peter Norton Seven 7 For William A Mayhew two ' 2 Attest Matthew P. Butlek Toivn Clerk Tisbury April 3^ 1846 Reed of Tristram Luce Nine dollars and Eighty nine cents in full for one eighth part of all the privileges of fisheries, appurtanences buildings and all privileges of every kind or nature whatever on or belonging to a sertain parcel of beech situated at the north part of chapaquanset pond Where the creek now is, six 6-Rods each Side, of said, Creek is now a fishery and intended for that purpose, to have and to hold forever for the benefit of the Said Luce and his heirs forever Attest ( Edward T. T, Smith Samuel W Look I Pressbery L Smith Reed & Entered the above Receipt May 7 1852 (a) six O Clock P. M. Attest M P Butler Toiim Clerk Pursuant, to notice from M P Butler Constable of Tisbury and upon the venire from the Clerk of the Court of common please to be holden at Edgartown in and for the county of Dukes County. J TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 649 ' The Selectmen & Town Clerk assembled at the Selectmens office on the 10"' May 1852 to draw from the juror's box six good & lawful men as the law reguires to serve as Grand jurors at the Court of Common pleas to be held at Edgartown on the last Monday of May Inst & to serve throught the year. The names of the following persons were selected 1 James Gray I 2 Peter Norton 3 Charles G Smith 4 William Norton 5 Charles D Allen 6 William C Luce And The Selectmen & Town Clerk upon the business aforesaid pro- ceeded, to select from the jury box Five persons to Serve as traverse jurors at said common pleas Court to be held at Edgartown on the last Monday of May inst. and the Names of the persons so selected were 1 Henry Bradley 2 Theodore Luce 3 Thomas L Norton 4 Shubael Weeks 5 James Look Attest Matthew P Butler Town Clerk Tisbury May261852 Then Bartlett Mayhew assessors of taxes, Personally appeared before me and made oath that he would faithfully perforn the duties of said office according to law M P Butler Toum Clerk Tisbury May 28 1852 Then personally appeared before me; Edmund Cottle; and made oath that he would faithfully perforn the duties of the office of assesor of taxes for the ensuing year according to law M P Butler Town Clerk Tisbury June 1^* 1852 Then Thomas Barrows one of the assessors of Taxes, personally ap- peared before me and was qualified according to law, to perform the duties of said office M P Butler Toicn Clerk 650 TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. To Matthew P Butler Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County. Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to in Elec- tions and in Town affairs to meet at Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in said Tisbury on Monday the thirteenth day of Sept. Inst fa) two O'Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Articles, to wit). Article first, To Choose a Moderator Article Second To take some action on a petition now before the County Commissioners for erecting a new Court House, agreeable to the petition of the petition of Cha^ Smith and others Article third To act on any and all other business that May come legally before the Meeting in relation to the same And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said town seven days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at the time and place of said meeting Given under our hands this 6"' day of Sept in the Year 1852 signed Thos Baerows ) Selectmen Baetlett Mayhew S of Tisbury Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified M. P. BuTLEE Constable of Tisburi/ A true copy Attest M. P. Butler Toimi Clerh At a legal Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury held on Monday Sept 13, 1852 in pursuance to the foregoing warrant 1st voted Bartlett Allen was chosen Moderator 2l! voted that Town remonstrate against the erection of a new County Court House in the village of Edgartown 3!! voted that Chas Smith and Charles Cottle be a Committee to at- tend the meeting of the County commissioners and remonstrate against the erection of a new County Court House 4"' voted that M P Butler & James D Peakes be Committee to draw up resolutions remonstrating against the erection of a County Court House TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 651 B'"" Voted To adjourn to 5| O'Clock At 5^ O Clock the Meeting was called to order and the Committee on resolutions Reported the following Whereas there is now before the county commissioners a petition of a large number of legal voters of the town of Edgartown praying for the erection of a new County Court House in conexion with a Suitable plan for the safe Keeping and preservation of the public Records, as required by an act of the Legislature passed May 15, 1851 and will be taken into consideration at the next Meeting of the commissioners which will be held on tues the 14- Inst Therefore Resolved That economy and integrity in the administration of the public affairs Should always be kept in view by those in whose hands the public monies is intrusted as well as a strict adherence to the laws of this Commonwealth Resolved, That having appointed Cha' Smith & Cha*! Cottle a com- mittee to attend the Meeting of the County Commissioners to be held at Edgartown on tuesday the 14 Inst That the be and are hereby instructed to remonstrate for and in behalf of the Town of Tisbury against the erection of a new Court House with safes in Edgartown An that the said committee respectfully represent to the Hon. county commissioners that we as a town are decidedly opposed to the erection of a new court House at Edgartown at the present time ; for the follow- ing reasons, to wit, First ; we think the public interest does not require it, as the present Court House is amply sufficient in sise and style to accommodate the inhabitants of the County who any business in Court and spare room for a reasonable number of spectators Second ; our roads are not what they Should be, therefore if we are to be taxed for more than ordinary expenses, that we Should first see that all our roads are in such a state that all the inhabitants may travel with convenience and safety Sixth ; — voted that the above resolutions be adopted as the sense of this meeting Seventh, — Voted that a copy of the above resolutions be prepared by the Town Clerk and forwarded by him to the county commissioners at their next Meeting in Edgartown 8"' Voted to adjourn without day Attest M P Butler Town Clerk 652 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to a notice from M. P. Butler Constable of Tisbury to the selectmen and Town Clerk of said Tisbury ; and upon the venire from the Clerk of the court of common pleas to be holden (a) Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes County The selectmen and Town Clerk assembled at the select men's office on the 16"' of Sept 1852 and Selected from the juror's box the names of five good and lawful men as the law requires, to serve as petit jurors at the court of Common pleas, to be holden (a) Edgartown within and for said County, on the last monday of September now current. The names of the persons drawn from the Jury's Box were Bartlett Mayhew Bayes Norton John F. Robinson John D. Rotch Charles M, Luce September 16-1852 M P. Butler Toivn Clerk To Matthew P Butler Constable of Tisbury In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections to meet at capawac Hall in said Tisbury on Tuesday the Sec- ond day of november next at one O'Clock in the afternoon to bring their votes to the Selectmen for Electors of President' and Vice president of the United States And you are required to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of holding said meeting Given under our hands this Eighth day of October in the year 1852 A true Copy Attest signed Thomas Barrows M P BuTLKR Edmund Cottle Constable of Tisbury Selectmen of Tisbury TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 653 pursuant to the directions in the above warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified M P BUTLEK Constable of Tisbury A true copy of warrant and the Constables returns thereon Attest M P Butler Town Clerk Tisbury November 2!! 1852 Capawoc Hall at one O'Clock P M The Meeting was called to order by the chairman of Selectmen & the forgoing warrant read William Daggett -;-| and Alfred Norton were appointed and qualified to take charge of, and distribute the envelopes at this election The Selectmen then proceeded to receive the votes for electors at half past 3 O 'Clock Voted that the polls be closed The number of Ballots Received 164 The votes were as follows (to wit) For Electors at large Robert C Winthrop of Boston George BKss of Springfield Charles G Green of Boston James S Whitny of Conway Stephen C Philips of Salem James Fowler of Westfield Pliny Cutler of Boston Edward A Newton For District Electors District Number one J H W Page of New Bedford S. B. Phinney of Barnstable John H Shaw of Nantuckett Isaiah Gilford of Provincetown District Number two George A Crocker of Taunton Edward Carman of Hingham William N Wood of Middleboro Lemuel May of Attleboro 76 votes 76 " 64 " 64 " 23 " 23 1 1 76 votes 64 " 23 " 1 76 votes 64 " 23 '' 1 " 654 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. District ISTumber three John Gardner of Dedham Caleb Stetson of Braintree Edward L Keyes of Dedeham Frederic W Lincoln of Canton District No. four Amos Lawrence of Boston Isaac Adams of Boston Timothy Gilbert of Boston William Hayden of Boston District No. five Rob^ G Shaw of Boston Benjamin F Hallett of Boston John G Palfrey of Cambridge George T Curtis of Boston District No. Six Daniel C Baker of Lynn Jonathan Nason of Amesbury John G Whittier of Amesbury Mark Healy of Lynn District No Seven George Coggswell of Bradford Eben H. Safford of Haverhill Samuel E Sewall of Stoneham Albert H Nelson of Woburn District No Eight Jacob Coggin of Tewkesbury Walter Fessenden of Townsend John W Graves of Lowell Henry B Pearson of Harvard District No. Nine Ebeneser Torrey of Fitchburg J. S. C. Knowlton of Worcester Charles Mason of Fitchburg Alvin G underwood of Oxford District no-10 Rufus Bullock of Royalston O P Ingraham of South Hadley R B Hubbard of Sunderland Homer Foote of Springfield 76 Votes 64 " 23 - 1 '' 76 Votes 64 Votes 23 " 1 '' 76 votes 64 " 23 " 1 " 76 votes 64 " 23 " 1 " 74 votes 64 " 23 " 1 " 76 votes 64 " 23 " 1 " 76 votes 64 23 1 76 votes 64 1 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 655 District no Eleven Ezekiel R Colt of Pittsfield 76 Votes Jonathan E Field of Stockbridge 64 I Joel Hayden of Williamsburg 23 Luther Griffin of Richmond 1 I Attest Matthew P Butlek Town Clei'h To M. P. Butler Constable of Tisbury lin the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts You are required to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to in elections to meet (a) Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in said Tisbury on Monday the eighth day of November next it being the Second Monday of said month (a) ten o 'clock in the forenoon, to bring their Votes to the Select Men for a Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth and for a Senetor for the district Nantucket and Dukes County for the ensu- ing year and for a representative in Congress for the first congressional district called district no. 1 ; In one sealed envelope 2;! To Choose a Representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next 3*^ To give in their votes by ballot on this question, Is it expedient that delegates be Chosen to meet in Convention for the purpose of revis- ing or altering the Constitution of Goverment of this commonwealth agreeable to an act passed May 7- 1852 And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said Town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hhereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to ourselves at the time & place of holding the meeting aforesaid with your doings thereon Signed Tho! Barrows Selectmen of Edmund Cottle Tisbury A true Copy Attest M. P. Butler Constable of Tisbury Pursuant to the foregoing warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections to meet (S) the time and place and for the purposes therein specified Signed M P Butler Constable of Tisbury A true Copy of warrant and of Constable's returns thereon Attest M P Butler Town Clerk 656 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury November 8*1' 1852 At ten O'clock A M the Meeting was called to order by the Chair- man of selectmen The forgoing warrant was read Henry Bradley, Abram Anthony and were appointed to take charge of and distribute the envelopes, they were also sworn to discharge the duty, of the appointment according to Law The votes for Governor, Lieutenant Gov. Representative to Congress, senator from Nantucket and Dukes County & Representatives to Genera] Court were received all in one envelope, as follows For Governor John H Clifford of New Bedford one hundred & five Henry W Bishop of Lenox Eighty seven Horace Mann of West Newton twenty five For Lieutenant Governor Elisha Huntington of Lowell One hundred & four James D Thompson of New Bedford Eighty Eight Amasa Walker of North Brookfield twenty five For Repsentative to Congress Zeno Scudder of Barnstable one hundred & seven John Pierce of Edgartown = Eighty Eight Rodney French of New Bedford = twenty three For Senator from Nantucket and Dukes Co Benjamin Manter of Chilmark 107 James Euston '^ of Nantucket 88 Edward W Gardner of Nantucket 23 For Repsentative to General court Thomas Barrows 103 Matthew P Butler 80 Edmund Cottle 25 W" Harding 1 Jirah Luce 2 Jabez Luce 1 Cha^ B Allen 2 no choice 2d balloting Tho^ Barrows 109 Matthew P Butler 80 Edmund Cottle 15 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 657 Jirah Luce 4 W^ Harding 2 John Luce 1 211 Whole number of ballots 211 necessary for choice 106 Thomas Barrows had 109 and was elected Attest M. F. Butler Town Clerk Tisbury November 8*;^.' 1852 To Matthew P Butler Constable of Tisbury In the name of the Commonwealth of Mass. you are required to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote for repre- sentatives in the General Court of this Commonwealth to assemble at Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole in Said Tisbury on Monday the thirteenth day of December next at ten O'Clock in the forenoon to give in their votes for one Representative to Represent them in the Congress of the United States of America for the term of two years from the fourth of March 1853 And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more of the public Meeting Houses in Said Tisbury fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of Meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this 30"' day of November in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty two Signed Thomas Barrows > Selectmen Edmund Cottle } of Tisbury Tisbury November 30 1852 pursuant to the instructions in the above warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein Specified Signed M P Butler constable of Tisbury Attest M P Butler Toivn Clerk 658 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury : quali- fied by the constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, to vote for Representative in General Court, holden on the thirteenth day of December, in the year one thousand Eight hundred and fifty two — for the purpose of giving in their votes for a Representative of said common- wealth in the Congress of the United States for District number one The Whole number of persons who gave in their votes was accer- tained as directed by Law; and the Whole number of ballots was seventy one And the whole number of votes given in, was sorted, counted, and declared as by Law directed ; and said votes were for the following persons : Vis Zeno Scudder Eifty 50 Abraham H Rowland Twenty 20 M P Butler one 1 Attest M P BuTLEK Town Clerk To Matthew P Butler, Constable of Tisbury In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the inhabitants of the towm of Tisbury qualified to vote for senator of representatives, in the General Court, to meet at Capawoc Hall in Tisbury on Monday the 7^" day of March it being the first Mon- day of said month at ten O'Clock in the forenoon, to bring in their votes in sealed envelopes, to the selectmen ; for the choice of a Delegate to meet Delegates from other Towns & Cities in convention in the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday in May Next ; then and there to take into consideration the propriety and expending of making any, and if any, what alterations or amendments in the present constitution of Goverment of this Commonwealth, and to devise and do all such matters and things as in, and by, the act of the Legislature of this com- monwealth passed on the seventh day of may in the year one thousand eight hundred & fifty two relating to the calling of a convention are required and authorised to be done And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said Town four- teen days at least before the time for holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 659 doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of Meeting aforesaid, jiven under our hands this seventh day of February in the year One .housand Eight hundred & fifty three Signed Edmund Cottle ) Selectmen of Bartlett Mayhew S Tislnny Pursuant to the instructions above given I have notified the inhab- tants of Tisbury as described above, to Meet at the time and place and :or the purposes therein specified Signed Matthew P Butler constable of I'ishury Attest M P Butler Town Clerk Pursuant to the instructions in the forgoing warrant and rS) Law of Ithe commonwealth of Massachusetts the qualified Voters, of the Town of Tisbury, in Town Meeting on the seventh day of March one thousand Eight hundred & fifty three, for the Choice of one Delegate to the con- vention for revising the constitution of Goverment of this commonwealth, proceeded to ballot for the choice of a Delegate & the result of the first itrial was as follows Whole number of ballots — ninety one = 91 For Alfred Norton 9 open Votes & 32 Votes in sealed envelope 41 For Jon:' Luce 7 open Votes & 12 Votes in sealed envelope 19 For Thomas Bradley 3 open Votes & 5 Votes in sealed envelope 8 For Thomas Barrows 1 Vote in sealed envelope 1 For John Holmes 7 open Votes & 15 Votes in sealed envelope = 22 No Choice — And proceeded to the second balloting the result was as follows — whole number votes 111 For Alfred Norton 30 open Votes & 22 in sealed envelope 52 For John Holmes 31 open Votes & 20 in sealed envelope 51 For Jona Luce 5 open Votes & 3 in sealed envelope 8 No Choice Voted to adjourn till to-morrow at one O 'Clock P M March 7"' 1853 Attest M P Butler Toicn GJerl' March 8^" The meeting was called to order (a) one o clock P.M. & proceeded to ballot for the choice of one Delegate to the convention aforesaid, and Alfred Norton was Elected — the Votes w^ere as follows 660 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Whole number of Votes given in 137 For Alfred Norton 65 open Votes & 7 votes in sealed envolopes = 72 John Holmes 53 open Votes & 5 Votes in sealed envelopes 58 Joni^ Luce 7 open Votes & none in sealed envelopes 7 the returns were sealed up in open Town Meeting March 8-1853 Attest M P Butler Town Clerk Dukes County ss,. To M. P Butler Constable of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury quahfied to Vote in elections to meet at the old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury on Monday the twenty first day of March next (a) ten O'Clock in the fore- noon, then and there to act on the following articles (to wit) 1^^ To Choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting 2'1 To Choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing 3'' To hear the report of the selectmen and act thereon 4 To raise such sums of Money as may be necessary to defray the Town charges for the year ensuing & make appropriation of the same 5 To determine the manner of repairing highways Town Ways — & bridges the year ensuing 6 To bring in their Votes for County Treasurer And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said Town four- teen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to the Town Clerk at the time of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this Eighth day of February 1853 Signed Edmund Cottle ) selectmen of Bartlett Mayhew > Tishurj/ Pursuant to the instruction above Given I have notified the inhab- itants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections & Town affairs to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified M. P. Butler Constable of Tishnri/ A true Copy Attest M P Butler Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 661 Met at the time and place, and for the purposes specified in the fore- going warrant i The hour was announced, the meeting called to order, the warrant read, and the ballots for Moderator called for by the clerk, The whole number of ballots were 40 Charles Smith had 39 and was declared chosen I The ballots for clerk were then called for by the Moderator The whole number of ballots were 46 John D Rotch had 46 and was declared chosen was qualified and pro- ceeded to duty The ballots were then called for 1 selectman in the western Parish The ballots when collected were assorted and counted by the moder- ator and Town clerk and Bartlett Mayhew was declared chosen, The ballots were then called for the second selectman. The ballots when collected were assorted and counted by the Moder- ator and Clerk and Edmund Cottle declared chosen The ballots were then called for for the 3" Selectman, The ballots when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and Thomas Barrows was declared chosen The ballots were then called for for Town Treasurer, and when col- lected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and Henry Bradley was declared chosen and qualified The ballots were then called for for one School Committee from the western Parish and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and David Nickerson was declared chosen The ballots were then called for for a second School Committee and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and Edmund Cottle was declared chosen The ballots were then called for a third School Committee and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and Matthew P Butler declared chosen On Motion voted the following named persons be Surveyors of High- ways, Jared Vincent, John P Norton Matthew P Butler and Hariph Mayhew Voted that each Surveyor of Highways have an order from the Se- lectmen upon the Town Treasurer for the amount Highway tax assigned to his particular district, that he give notice severally to the inhabitants of his district, when and where they may work to the amount of their highway tax if they do not work, the Surveyor may employ others to do the work 662 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. The ballots were then called for for a Constable and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and Thomas West was declared chosen The ballots were then called for for a second Constable, and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator and Clerk and James D Peakes Avas declared chosen On Motion voted that the following named persons be Fielddrivers, each person voted for separately Benjamin Cleveland Thomas L Norton Tristram Luce Thomas West, and Josiah Vincent On Motion voted that Barnard Luce and Hilliard Norton be Pound Keepers the ensuing year On Motion the following named persons were severally chosen Fence Viewers the ensuing year James Look Emund Luce Hariph Mayhe^v Nathan Smith and Charles Smith On Motion the following persons were chosen Surveyors of Lumber the ensuing year, James D Peakes, Richard Hursel, and Washington Adams On Motion James D Peakes was chosen measurer of wood and barl< the ensuing year On Motion the Treasurer was chosen Sealor of Weights and Measures On Motion the following named persons were chosen Health Com- mittee the ensuing year, Charles Smith, Thomas H Smith, Moses Browr and William H Luce, On Motion the following persons were chosen Fish Committee, Thomas Bradley, Nathan Smith and Benjamin F Smith, On Motion voted to hear the annual report of the Selectmen, which was immediately read. On Motion the Selectmens report was accepted The following named persons were qualified for their respective offices in open town meeting John D Rotch Town Clerk Bartletl Mayhew Selectman Edmund Cottle Selectman Henry Bradley Treasurer James D Peakes constable. Surveyor of Lumber & Surveyor of Wood & Bark, Thomas L Norton Fielddrivers Bartlett Mayhew & Edmund Cottle assessors Tho' Barrows sworn as assessor and Selectman On Motion Voted to adjourn this meeting to the first monday oi april next at two O clock P. M Attest John D Rotcii J.hwn Clerk March 26" 1853 Thomas West personally appeared and was qualified for the office of Constable Attest John D Rotch 7hivn Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 663 Pursuant to notice from Isaiah D Pease Sheriff of Dukes County to the Selectmen and Town Clerk of Tisbury, and upon his producing an order from the County Commissioners of Dukes County to draw from the Jury box six good and lawful men as the law directs to serve as Jurors to determine amount of damage sustained by James Wilbur in conse- quence of the road laid out by the Commissioners from Edgartown to Holmes Hole having passed through his land, The Selectmen and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office and drew from the box the follow- ing names ^ ^ 1 Hiram Dexter "^ rt" 2 Charles Bradley o 3 Robert Athearn "S^ $S S 4 John Mantor £ £ ^ 5 Washington Adams o I, ^ 6 Walter Hillman March 28" 1853 Attest John D Rotch Toivn Clerk Dukes County ss March 26" 1853 Then personally appeared Benjamin Cleveland and made oath to the faithful discharge of his duty as Fielddriver the present year in the town of Tisbury, before me Bartlett Allen Justice attest John D Rotch Town Clerk 1853 April 2 " Personally appeared Matthew P Butler and was qualified for Surveyor of Highway by John D Rotch Toivn clerk of Tisbury Dukes County ss To James D Peakes Constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts your are re- quired to notify and warn the inhabitants of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections to meet at the Old Baptist Meeting-house in West Tisbury on Monday the 4" day of April next it being the first Monday of said month at 12^ O clock P. M. to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for three County Commissioners on one ballot, for Dukes County, also two Special Commissioners at the same time and in the same manner, And you are 664 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in said town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant Avith your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this twenty third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three Edmund Cottle Select Men Bartlett Mayhew Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the town of of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections in to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named James D Peakes Constable of Tisburj/ A true copy Attest John D Rotch Torrn Clerk Met at the time and place, and for the purposes specified in the fore- going warrant, the meeting was called to order, the warrant read, and the ballots called for, for three Commissioners on one ballot, and for two Special Commissioners on one ballot. The ballots for commissioners when collected were assorted and counted by the Selectmen and town Clerk and were as follows Viz The Avhole number of ballots were sixty four 64 William A Mayhew had fifty 50 Allen Tilton " forty four 44 Benjamin Davis Matthew P Butler " fifty nine " eight 59 8 Walter Hill man " two 2 James N Tilton " six 6 Jeremiah Pease " five 5 William S Vincent " four 4 Herman Vincent " twelve 12 Thomas H Lambert " one 1 Ephraim Mayhew " one The ballots for Special Commissioners were then assorted 1 and counted by the Select men and Town Clerk and were as follows viz TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 665 51 52 Matthew P Butler had fifty one Herman Vincent " fifty two Jeremiah Pease " one Samuel Thompson " one William Pease " one James Look " one Calvin Adams " one A true copy Attest John D ROTCH To m Clerk Met according to adjournment of the meeting of March 21" one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the warrant calling said meeting The meeting was called to order, the warrant read and the ballots for Moderator Protemn called for by the clerk, the Moderator being absent. The ballots when collected were counted by the clerk, the whole number of ballots were 21 John P Norton had 20 and was declared chosen Moderator pro temn On motion voted to raise one thousand dollars for the support of schools. On motion voted to raise two hundred in addition to the one thou- sand dollars raised by the precedent vote One motion voted to raise the sum of fourteen hundred dollars for the support of poor and incidental charges The ballots were then called for by the moderator protemn for a county Treasurer, and when collected were assorted and counted by the Moderator protemn and clerk. The whole number of ballots were fifty one (51) All for Barnard C Marchant On motion voted to raise the sum of four hundred dollars for the repairs of Highways & Bridges On motion voted that the tax bills be sold at auction, the purchaser paying in to the treasury the whole amount of bills assessed, collected or uncollected, collectible or uncollectible, in four equal quarterly install- ments and give to the selectmen good and sufficient bonds The tax bills were then forthwith exposed for sale and after much bidding were sold to Obed Nickerson for 97 pr cent, on the amount of 666 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. the bills, and On motion Obed Nickerson was chosen collector of taxes the ensuing year On motion Benjamin Athearn was chosen Fielddriver in place of Josiah Vincent who refused to serve On motion voted to choose one additional Health Committee On motion voted that James D Peakes be one of the Health Com- mittee On motion voted to adjourn without day A true copy Attest John D Rotch clerk The following are the names of persons qualihed for their respective offices the fourth day of April 1853 Richard Hursel Surveyor Lumber Hilliard Norton Pound keeper, James Look and Hariph Mayhew Fence Viewers, John P Norton and Hariph Mayhew Surveyors of Highways Attest John D Rotoh derk Dukes County ss. March 28" 1853 Then personally appeared Tristram Luce and made oath to the dis- charge of his duty as Fielddriver the present year before me Bartlett Allen Justice of the pence Attest John D Rotch clerk Pursuant to a notice from James D Peakes. Constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court to select as the law requires, one good and lawful man to serve as traverse Juror at the above mentioned court to be held at Barn- stable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes County on the first Tuesday of May next at ten O clock A M The selectmen and town Clerk at the town Clerks office on the 25" day of April 1853 drew from the Jury Box the name of William Athearn to serve as travers Juror at said court Attest John D Rotch toini clerk Dukes County ss. To James D Peakes Constable of the town of Tisbury. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 667 vote in elections, to meet at the Old Baptist meeting house in West Tis- bury on Friday the twenty ninth day of April instant, it being the fifth i Friday of said month, at two of the Clock in the afternoon to bring in ; their votes to the Selectmen for two Special commissioners on one bal- i lot for Dukes County And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copoies thereof at two public places in said town one of which shall be the Congregational meeting house in West Tisbury, seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this this IS'' day of april in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty three Edmund Cottle Selectmen Bartlktt Mayhew Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named by posting up attested copies of the said warrant as within directed Tisbury april 29" 1853 James D Peakes Constable of Tisbuvf/ Attest John D Rotch Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the fore- going warrant. The meeting was called to order and votes for two Special commissioners called for by the selectmen on motion voted to close polls The ballots were then counted and assorted by the Selectmen & town clerk and public declaration thereof made. The whole number of ballots were four William Vincent of Edgartown had four 4 Thomas Barrows of Tisbury had four 4 Attest John D Rotch tonm Clerk Pursuant to a notice from James D Peakes and according to the re- quirements of a venire from the clerk of the court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown in Dukes County, by him produced, the Select- 668 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. men and Town Clerk met at the Selectmens office in Tisbury, and drew, as the law directs, the names of the folloAving persons, to serve at said Court through the year as Grand Jurors, from the Jury box, John W Howland, Matthew P Butler, Abraham Anthony, Jared Vincent, Calvin R Tilton, and Seth Luce, Also to serve as Petit Jurors the May term of said Court, Peleg Barrows Eliakim Norton, Shubael D Smith William Daggett 2nd and William N Gray, on the U" day May 1853 Attest John D Rotch Torim Clerk Dukes County ss To James D Peakes Constable of the town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet at the Old Baptist meeting house in West Tisbury on Wednesday the eighth day of June next at two o clock P. M. then and there to act on the following articles 1" To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting 2" To see what course the town will pursue in relation to the road layed out by the County Commissioners leading from near the Mansion house Holms Hole to near the house of Bartlett Claghorn in said Tisbury agreeable to the petition of Charles Smith and others and made agreeable to their instructions, which the present Commissioners declined acting in relation to the acceptance of, S" To raise such sums of money as may be considered necessary to defray the expenses of said road. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at the Post Office and one of the public meeting houses in Holmes Hole and at two of the public meeting houses in West Tisbury fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this twenty third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three Edmund Cottle > Selectmen Bartlett Mathew S of Tishnry TISBURY TOWN EECORDS. 669 Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the legal voters of the town of Tisbury to assemble at the time and place and for the pur- poses within named Tisbury June 8" 1853 James D Peakes Constable of Tisbury Attest John D Rotch tovm Clei-k Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in said fore- going warrant. The meeting was called to order, the warrant read, the votes for moderator called for, counted and sorted and declaration thereof .made by the clerk, and were as follows viz whole number of ballots jwere thirty nine John P Norton had thirty five Thomas Barrows had four and John P Norton was declared chosen 2" Voted, that the sectmen take legal advice upon the subject, ; Voted also that the selectmen pursue a course in accordance with j advise received 3 Voted to indefinitely postpone acting upon the Z" article of the warrant Voted to adjourn without day Attest John D Rotoh tovm Clerk Pursuant to notice from James D Peakes constable of Tisbury and upon the authority of a venire from the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes county The Selectmen assembled at their Office at Holms Hole on the 11" day of September 1853 and after having appointed and sworn Peleg Barrows clerk protem drew from the Jury box four good and lawful men according to the requirement of said venire, to serve as Petit Jurors at the court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the last monday of September now currant The name of persons drawn were Davis Cottle Isaac L Vincent Joseph Luce and Timothy Luce Attest Peleg Barkows clerk pro temn \ John D Rotch Town Clerk 670 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. To James D Peakes Constable of Tisbury, In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, You ar required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town Tisbury quaified to vote in elections to meet at the old Baptist meeting house in West Tisbury on Monday the fourteenth day of November, at nine of the clock in the forenoon it being the second monday of sd month to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for a Govorner and Lieutenant Govorner of the com- monwealth and for one senator for the district of Nantucket and Dukes Counties, also for a representative to represent them in the General Court to be held at Bosston on the first Wednesday of January next all on one ballot or in one sealed envelop. Second, To bring in their votes by ballot and inclosed within sealed envelops for or against the constitutional Propositions adopted by the convetion of Delegates and submitted to the people for their ratification viz Constitutional Propositions Shall proposition No 1 containg the preamble decaration of rights, and form of govornment, stand as the Constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts Shall proposition No 2 respecting the Habus Corpus, stand as part of the Constitution, Shall proposition N 3 respecting the rights of Juries, stand as part of the Constitution, Shall proposition No 4 respecting claims against the Commonwealth, stand as part of the Constitution, Shall proposition No 5 respecting impeachment for debt, stand as part of the Constitution, Shall proposition N fi respecting Sectarian Schools, stand as part of the Constitution Shall proposition No 7 respecting the Creation of Corporations, stand as part of the Constitution, Shall proposition No 8 respecting the Formtion of Banks, and retpiir- ing Security for Bank Bills, stand as part of the Constitution, And every voter will vote on each proposition by its appropriate number, indicating upon his ballot the subject of the proposition, and expressing in writing or printing opposite to each projiosition the word , Yes, or No, said propositions to be all on one ballot, And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof, at the public meeting houses in Holms Hole & West Tisbury fourteen days before the time of holing: said meeting TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 671 Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant witli your doings ^hereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this 25" day of October 1853 Thomas Barkows > Selectmen Edmund Cottle S of Tuhury Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the legal voters of the 'town of Tisbury, to meet at the time and place, and for the purposes , within specified Tisbury November 14'' 1853 James D Peakes CouMahle of Tisbury A true copy Attest John D Rotch Toum Clerk \ i At nine o'clock A. M. the meeting was called to order by the Select- men, the warrant read and Cha' M. Luce and Dennis Luce appointed to distribute envelopes, and the ballot box opened for the reception of votes for Govorner Lieutenant Govorner Senator for Nantucket and Dukes Counties, and Representative to General Court, all on one ballot, and ten o'clock another box was opened for the reception of votes for the Yeas and Nays on the adoption of the Constitutional Propositions, At half past eleven o'clock A. M. Voted to Close the polls for the reception of votes for State Officers, The whole number of ballots deposited was one hundred and twenty seven (127) and were for the following persons viz For Govorner Emory Washburn of Worcester had Sixty four votes (64) Henry W Bishop of Lenox had Fifty 50 Henry Wilson of Natic had Thirteen 13 For Lieutenant Govorner William C Plunkett of Adams had Sixty four votes 64 Levi A Dowley of Boston had Fifty 50 Amasa Walker of North Brookfield had Thirteen 13 For Senator from Nantucket & Dukes Counties Joseph Mitchell of Nantucket had Sixty four votes 64 Alfred Norton of Tisbury had Forty seven 47 John H Shaw of Nantucket had Thirteen 13 Walter Hillman of Tisbury had One 1 John P Norton of Tisburv had One 1 672 'TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Representative to General Court David Tilton had Thirty five votes 35 David Tilton Jr had Thirty two votes 32 Thomas Robinson 2" had Forty three votes 43 Charles Cottle had Thirteen votes 13 Charles B Allen had One 1 No choice, and preceed to a second balloting and after having voted to close the polls, the whole number of ballots for Representative were one hundred & twenty five David Tilton Jr had sixty nine votes 69 Thomas Robinson 2" had Forty three votes 43 Charles Cottle had Thirteen votes 13 James Look had Two votes 2 And David Tilton Jr was declared elected At two o clock voted to close the polls for receiving the votes on the Constitutional Propositions the number of ballots deposited were one hundred and nineteen (119) and were as follows viz. Proposition No 1 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three No. 2 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No. 3 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No. 4 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No 5 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No 6 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No 7 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 No 8 Yes fifty six 56 No sixty three 63 Attest John D . RoTCH To7vu Clerk To the Hon. Senate & House of Representatives in General Court assembled Your petitioner respectfully represents that he is the only owner of a lot of land butting and bounded by the head of Holmes Hole harbor, and respectfully asks your Honorable body, to grant him the privilege of building a Marine Railway and Wharf, into fifteen feet of water in lines paralel with said lot. And as in duty bound will ever pray Tisbury January 2" 1854 Charles Smith TISBURY TOWIST RECORDS. 673 Commonwealth of Massachusetts In Senate Feb 2" 1854 On the petition aforesaid Ordered, That the petitioner cause an attested copy of this Petition with this Order theron, to be served on the Town Clerk of Tisbury, and published two successive weeks in the Edgartown Gazette, said notice to be two weeks, and last publication to be three days at least, before the 28'' day of February inst, that all persons interested may then appear and show cause if any they have why the prayer of said Petition should not be granted Sent down for concurrence Charles Calhoun Clerk In the House of Representatives Feb 3" 1854 concurred William Stowe Clerk A true copy Attest Charles Calhoun Clerk of the Senate A true copy Atest John D Rotch Town Clerk of Tisbury Recorded Feb. 10" 1854 John D Rotch Town Clerk To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury, in the County of Dukes County . Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts — You are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs to meet at the Capawock Hall in Holmes Hole on Monday the 20^:^' day of March next at 10 o clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles. 1~, To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting 2'' To choose all Necessary town officers for the year ensuing 3'^ To hear the annual report of the Selectmen & act thereon 4^? To bring in their votes for a County treasurer 5^^^ To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same 6^^ To see if the town will vote to continue the School Districts in Said Town as now divided, in conformity to an Act passed passed April 14^? 1853 674 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 1-, To tetermine the nanner of repairing the highways, town ways, and bridges, the year ensuing 8V^ To act on any and all other business that may legally come before said meeting And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at the Public Meeting Houses in Holmes Hole and West Tisbury in said Town, fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this 25^^^ day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four Tho? Bakrows Selectmen Bartlpdtt Mayhew of Tisbury Edmund Cottle • Pursuent to the within warrant 1 have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury, to meet at the time and place, for the purposes within named James D Peakes Const' of Tislmry Tisbury March 20':'.' 1854 A true Copy Attest W H Allen T. Clerk Met at the time and place, and for the purposes specified in the fore- going warrent, the hour was announced, the meeting called to order the warrent read and the ballots called for by the Clerk for Moderator Whole number of ballots for Moderator 15 Tho* Barrows had 15 And was elected Town Clerk whole number of ballots 60 W" H Allen had 60 elected, qualified, & proceeded to duty Voted to hear the report of Selectmen for the j)ast year Voted to accept the same Voted to receive the votes for Selectmen on seperate ballots TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 675 Whole number of ballots for Selectman in Holmes Hole Dis- trict 95 Matthew P. Butler, sworn ■. 51 declared chosen Ditto in North Shore District 100 Edmund Cottle had 62 declared chosen & sworn Ditto in Western District 72 James Look had 48 declared chosen & sworn Voted to receive votes for county Treasurer Whole number 51 Barnard C Marchant 39 Henry Bradley 7 Scatering 5 Voted to receive votes for school Committee on seperate ballots R. K. Jones Edmund Cottle & W. H. Luce were Chosen for the Year ensuing- Voted to adjourn until 1 oclock P. M. Meeting called to order at that hour sworn James D. Peakes & Leander West were chosen Constables for the year ensuing Tho' Bradley Nathan Smith & B. F, Smith were chosen Fish Com- mittee Matthew P. Butler & Washington Adams were chosen highway surveyors sworn Field drivers John A. Swain sworn Benja Cleveland Frederick Man- ter, sworn Asa R. Luce & Eph'" S Allen sworn sworn Pound Keepers Hilliard Norton & Zedick Athearn Fence Viewers Franklin Luce, James Cottle James L. Luce & Elia- kim Norton all sworn Board of Health Ralph K. Jones. Moses Brown, James Grey, Cha^ Smith & James D. Peakes Surveyors of Lumber John F Robinson ^'^'"■" Joseph R Luce sworn & Hovey Luce Measurers of Wood & Bark Richard Hursel sworn sworn Sealer of weights & measures Henry Bradley 676 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Town Treasurer — Henry Bradley sworn Hog Reeves — Chas Smith R. K. Jones Ellsworth A Luce & Asa R. Luce Voted that each surveyor of highway have an order from the Select- men upon the Town Treasurer for the amount of highway tax assigned to his particular District, that he give notice severally to the inhabitants of his district, when and where they may work to the amount of their highway tax, if they do not work, the surveyor may employ others to do the work Voted to continue the Districting as heretofore Voted that the Fish Committee be required to report to the Select- men the Standing of their accounts Voted to proceed to raising Money for Town purposes the year ensuing- Voted to raise one thousand dollars for the Support of towns poor the ensuing year Voted to raise fourteen hundred dollars, for the Support of Schools the ensuing year Voted to raise four hundred dollars for incidental purposes the year ensuing Voted to raise four hundred dollars for the repair of Highw^ays bridges &c the ensuing year Voted to raise two hundred and fifty dollars in adition, to pay some of the notes against the Town Voted That the collector of Taxes, be required to deduct 3 pr ct on all Taxes paid within three months after the issue of the same Voted that the tax bills be sold at auction the purchaser paying in to the treasurer, the whole amount of bills assessed, collected or uncollected, collectible or uncollectible in four equal quarterly installments, and give to the Selectmen good and sufficient bonds The Tax bills were sold to Charles Smith for 97^ pr cent on the amount of the bills Cha?. Smith chosen Collector of Taxes Voted to adjourn till the 3'' of April next 1 oclock P. M. Attest W. H. Allen Toion Clerk Sworn — Asa 11. Luce — Field Driver & Hog Reeve Attest W" H Allkn Tow Clerk TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. 677 Benjamin Cleveland qualified for Field Driver Attest W H Allen Torvn Clerh Dukes County ss. March 25^^ 1854 Personally appeared before me, James Look of Tisbury, and took the oath prescribed by law to qualify him to serve the Town in the capasity of Selectmen for the ensuing year William S Vincent Justice of the Peace Copy Attest W H Allen Towii Clerk April 3 1854 Met as pr adjournment, Meeting called to order by Moderator Voted that a Committee be chosen to settle with the Agts of the Herring Fishery Voted that the Selectmen compose said Committee Voted that said Committee report at the next Town Meeting the Standing of Said accounts Voted to adjourn without day Attest W H Allen Town Clerk To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury, in the County of Dukes County In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury duly qualified to vote for Representatives in the General Court of this Commonwealth, to assemble on Monday at two oclock P. M, at Capawock Hall in Holmes Hole, the third day of April next, to give in their votes to the Select- men, for on Representative to Represent them in the Congress of the United States of America for the remainder of the two years from the fourth day of March 1853 And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting houses in said Town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to ourselves, with your doings thereon, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this twentieth day of March one thousand eight hundred & fifty four M. P. Butler Selectmen Edmund Cottle of Tisbiiry 678 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. I have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named James D. Peakes Const of Tisbiit'i/ Tisbury Apr 3 1854 A true Copy Attest W. H. Allen Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes named in the fore- going warrant Meeting called to order and the warrent read by the Chairman of the Selectmen Proceeded to ballot for Rep to Congress whole number 97 Tho^ D. Eliot had 56 Ab'^ H. Howland " 41 ' [Attest W H Allen Torvn Clerk Pursuant to a notice from James D. Peakes Constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as traverse Juror at the above mentioned court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes counties on the ninth Tuesday next after the first Tuesday of March last The selectmen and Town Clerk met on the 24- day of april 1854 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Charles B. Allen to serve as trav- erse Juror at said court Attest W. H. Allen Town Clerk Tisbury May 6 1854 Then appeared Matthew P. Butler, Edmund Cottle ''>tein TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. 681 We the subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury on the peti- tion of Thomas Bradley & others have laid out for the use of the said town a town way as follow Beginning at a bound by the County road in Holmes Hole near the South East corner of R. K. Jones, lot & runing North 82 deg\ West 22 Rods & 21 links to a bound set near the south West corner of Thomas Barrows, House lot thence North 82 West 24 Rods & ten links to a bound set at the South West corner of Presbury Nortons, House lot ; said road to be 30 feet wide from the last mentioned bound to the Bound by the corner of Thomas Barrows, House lot the remainder to be 22 feet in width and to lie on the Southerly side of said course. And we have assessed damages as follows for the owners of the land over which said Road passes (to wit) To Dr R. K. Jones the sum of 145.00 " William Merry 2'^ " " " 21.00 " Edward Harding 7.00 " Ephram Harding 10.00 " Thomas Barrows 7.00 total $90.00 An we allow one month to the several Owners of the land to remove the fences standing thereon, Which Said road is hereby reported to the Town for their acceptance ; And when accepted & recorded is forever after to be known as a public Town Way, M. P. BuTLEE Selectmen E. Cottle of Tisbnri/ Dated at Tisbury this 27"' day of June A, D. 1854 A true Copy Bartlett Allen Toum Clerk Pro fern We the subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury have laid out for the use of the said Town, a Town way as follows (to wit. Beginning at the second post standing in the fence by the County road in front of and near the South East corner of the Baptist Meeting House in Holmes Hole, and runing North 84 deg! West 3 rods to a bound, Thence North 86 deg' West 6 rods to a bound. Thence North 88 deg" West 9 rods & ten links to a bound set by the side of the road near the South West corner of Peleff Barrows, House Lot. Thence South 88 682 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. deg" West 17 Rods & one link to a bound near the Congregational Meeting House; Thence North 88 deg1 West 10 Rods & four links to a bound by a fence in front of Timothy Luces, dwelling House, Thence North 10 deg^ East 33 Rods & 12 links to a bound on the land of Joseph Adams Thence South 82 deg! East 24 & 21 links, to abound by the road near the South East corner of William Doggett ^. House lot; Thence South 82 deg^ East 23 Rods & 22 links to a bound set by the County road near the South East of R. W. Crockers, House lot. Said Road to be 27 feet in width from the last mentioned bounds, to the bound set on Joseph Adams, land aforesaid & to lie on the Southerly side of said course said road from the bound set Joseph S. Adams land to the bound in front of Timothy Luces, house to be 38 feet in width & to be on the Easterly side of said course ; said road from the last mentioned bound set in front of Tim" Luces, to the bounds near the south west corner of the Congregational Meeting house Lot to be 30 feet in width; the remainder to be 27 feet in width & to lie on the southerly side of said courses And we have assessed for damages as follows for the owners of the Land over which said road passes To Baptist Society " Benjamin Merry " Nathan Smith " Peleg Barrows " Alonzo Daggett " William Daggett 3'^ " Methodist Society " William Daggett " R. W. Crocker Total 153,,49 And we allowed one month to the several owners of the land to take off fences Trees & other property standing thereon. Which said road is hereby reported to the town for their acceptance, and when accepted and recorded is forever after to be known as a Bublic Town Way M. P. BuTLKR Selectmen E -CoTTLK of Tifilmry Dated at Tisbury this 24*" '^ voted that the select men be impowered and directed to purchace the farm formerly owned by Shubael Dunham now in the hands of Hiram Dexter said Dunham to have the use of said farm without paying rent or Interest for the term of seven years ; said Dunham to have the privilege of redeeming said Farm within the above named term of seven years by paying the sum the farm now cost without Interest, and the Selectmen are Authorized to draw the Sum for this above purpose from the money given to the Town by Ichabod Norton Esqr Decased said money being in Bank. Voted to adjourn without day Bartlett Allen Town Clerk jrrotem To James D. Peakes Constable of the town of Tisbury Greeting in the name of the Common Wealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualilied to vote in Elections to meet at Capawoc hall at Holmes Hole in said Tisbury on Monday the thirtieth day of November next it being the second monday of said month at ten O clock in the forenoon To give in their votes to the Selectmen for Goveror & Lieutenant Governor of the Common Wealth : TISBURY TOWN KECORDS. 685 and Senator for the District of Nantucket & Dukes Counties & for a Representative to Congress for District no. one and also for one Repre- sentative to represent them in the General Court to be holden at Boston on the first Wednesday of January next, all on one ballot or in one sealed envelope, To bring in their votes for one County Commissioner for the i town of Chilmark, And you are directed to have this warrant served by ! posting up attested copies thereof at three of the public meeting houses I in said town, fourteen days at least before the time of holding said i meeting, hereof faile not, and make due returns of this warrant with your doings^ theron to ourselvs at the time and place of holding the meeting aforesaid. Given under our hands at Tisbury the twenty third day of October in the year of Lord 1854 Mathew p. Butler Selectmen E Cottle of Tishury Persuant to the within warrant I have notified the Legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named Tisbury Nov. 11. 1854 James D. Peakes Constable of Tishury A Copy Attest Baetlett Allen Toum Clerk pro tern At a Legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Tisbury Quali- fied to vote in Elections held in said town on monday the thirteenth day of November 1854 being the seconday in said month for the of giving in their votes for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senator for the Coun- ties of Nantucket & Duks, for Representative, to Congress, for District No one — For a — Representative to the General Court & for a County Commissioner The votes were as follows, to wit Whole number of votes one hundred and fifty two 152 For Governor Henry J Gardner had 115 votes Henry W. Bishop had 15 " Emory Washburn " • 19 '' Henry Wilson had 3 " fi8fi TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Lieutenant Governor Whole number of votes Simon Brown had Caleb Stetson had William C Plunket had Increase Sumner had Whole number of vots given in for Senator was Ivory Lucus had Frederic C. Sanford had William Barney had For Representative to Congress Robart B Hall had Thomas D. Eliot had Abraham H. Rowland had For Representative to the General Court Hiram Nye had James Look had Thomas Barros had H. P. Worth had William H. Luce had Prebury Luce had David Smith had Charles Smith had James Cottle had Seth Daggett had Dennis Luce had Hiram Nye was declared I]lected Atts Bartlett Allen Town Clerk Pro tern vote 115 votes 14 17 3 149 115 vots 15 vots ^ 19 vots 115 vots 22 vots 15 vots 119 vots 6 vots 12 vots 1 vote 5 vots 3 votes 1 vote 1 vote 1 vote 2 votes 1 vote For County Commissioner Moses Adams had Allen Tilton had George Stewart had Ephram May hew had Attest Bartlett Allen 94 vots 19 vots 1 vote 8 vote Town Clerk Protem To James D, Peaks Constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are required to notify the Inhabitants of said Tisbury qualified to vote in town affairs TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 687 to meet at Capawoc Hall in Holmes Hole on Monday the Fifth day of March next at one of the o clock P. M. To act on the following articles to wit Art 1 To Choose a Moderator " 2 To see if the town will accept the Road as laid out be the Selectmen leading from the County Road near Capt Seth Daggetts, to the County Road leading to Union Wharf. & you are required to serve this warrant by Posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public meeting houses in said Town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant, with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid, Given under our hands this 23'' day of Febuary 1855 M. P. Butler Selectmen E Cottle of Tishury Ja® Look Attest Bartlett Allen Town Cleric protem Persuant to the within Warrant I have notified the legal voters of the town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the perposes within named James D, Peakes Constable o/ Tisbury a Copy Attest B Allen Toivn Clerk pro tern At a legal meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury holden at Capawoc Hall at Holmes on the fifth day of March A. D. 1855 V} voted and chose Dennis Luce Moderator, 2 Voted that when the vote is taken on the acceptance a road that it be taken by yea^ & Nays. 3** Voted to accept the Town Way laid out by the Selectmen & reported as follows We the Subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury have laid out for the use of the said Town, a town way as follows, 688 TISBURY TOWN RECOPwDS. Beginning at a Stake any stones by the County Road at the South East corner of Capt Seth Daggetts, Garden Fence in Holmes Hole near the Bass crick Thence running North four degrees east till it comes to the County Road leading to Union Wharf as recorded in 2*^ Book of Record 12''' Page M. P. Butler E. Cottle Selectmen Attest Bartlett Allen Town Clerk Pro tern To James D. Peaks Constable of the Town of Tisbury in county of Dukes County = Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of said Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections & in Town affairs to meet at the old Baptist Meeting House in West Tis- bury on monday the twenty sixth day of March Inst,, at ten o clock in the forenoon then & there to act on the following articles : — 1st To Choose a Moderator 2;-. To Choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing 3.- To hear the report of the Selectmen and to act thereon 4^^ To rais such sums of Money as may be necessary to defray Town charges the ensuing year. & make appropreations of the same 5^^ To determine the manner of repairing the Highways 6th To bring in their votes for a county Treasurer And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public meeting Houses in said Town fourteen days at least before the time of holding the said meeting, Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrent to the Town Clerk with your doings thereon at th time and place of holding the meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this eighth day of March in the Year 1855 Mathew p. Butler Selectmen Edmund Cottle of Tislmry Persuant to the written warrent I have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within specified James D Peakes Constable of Tishury Tisbury Mar. 8"' 1855 TISSUE Y TOWN RECORDS. 689 Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the afore said warrant the meeting was called to orde By Town Clerk warrent read and the ballots for Moderator called for The whole number of Ballots were 60 James D Peaks had 60 & was Chosen A true copy Attest J. B. Nickerson Touni Clerk Town Clerk whole number of ballots 97 Joseph B. Nickerson had 75 Thimothy Lovell had 21 Joseph B Nickerson declared chosen qualfied and proceeded to duty Voted that three selectmen be chosen on one ballot Whole number of votes for Selectmen 104 84 84 90 Henry Bradley sworn Thaddeus Luce sworn James Look sworn M P Butler 9 Edmund Cottle 4 Charles Bradley 1 Voted that the selectmen act as assessors Voted the selectmen act as overseers of the poor Town Treasurer whole number of votes 98 Charles Bradley had 98 chosen Voted the School committe be chosen on on Ballot Votes for School committe Whole Number of votes 74 ^ Alphonso D. Luce ^ Rodolphus W. Crocker C Davis Cottle Edmund Cottle Voted the Town chose a prodential committee in districts that were not supplied For South District Wt. Athearn No, votes 8 chosen Voted they be chosen by hand votes For North Distrect Albert West Robert Athearn for South East Distrect Edward Luce Chopaquoncet chosen 73 chosen 73 (( 73 1 690 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. chosen Surveyors of High Ways Obed Niokerson Bartlett Mayhew Ebbing Norton Bartlett Claghorn Constables voted there be Number of votes in all James D Peak John F Ileald W;: Athearn Tythingmen Voted that Charles Smith & Benj Field Drivers Obed Nickerson Bej Cleveland Hillard Norton Gustavus D Smith Moses T Cromwell Hervy Weeks John E Johnson Asa R. Luce Fence Viewers Thoador Luce W^" Norton Hariph Mayhew Joseph R Luce sworn sworn sworn sworn 2 on one Ballot 81 80 80 1 F Smith be Tythingmen sworn sworn sworn sworn sworn sworn & Field Driver: Richard R. Ilursell ^surveyors John G. Chase Llervy Weeks >of Lumber Alphonso Smith & J. T. James ^ Surveyors of Wood & Bark John D. Rotch Charles D. Allen & Samuel N Brush Charles Cottle Job Gorham Sealers of Leather Found Keepers Zadock Athearn sworn Hillard Norton sworn Sealers of weights & measurs Charles Bradley Fish committe Lot Luce Charles Smith & Charles Bradley wer scho- sen fish committe Board of health James D. Peaks Thim Daggett Thomas H. Smith Joseph Clagorn George A Smith Voted collecting of Taxes be sold the the lowest Bidder TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 691 Voted, to adjourn untill half past one Time having arrived meeting was called to order by clerk chose James D. Peaks moderator & proceeded to business Voted To raise the Law in regard to Heathen for one week com- mencing with the Third Monday in OctoVjer, in each and every year Until otherwise voted by the Tow^n A question was brought be fore the meeting in regard to a road laid out by the selectmen Feb. 23 1855 aforesaid The question was whether said road should be discontinuetl or not Voted It be decided by Yeas & Nays Whole No. of votes 103 yeas 39. Nays 64 Declared not discontinued Voted to pass over 3. 4 & 5 articles & bring in votes for County Treasurer For County Treasurer No. of votes 72 All for Barnard C Merchant 72 The Report of the selectmen was read Voted to be excepped — excepped Voted the Selectmen examine the case of Polly Smith Voted to raise two thousand dollars for the support of Schools Voted to raise sixteen hundred dollars the support of the poor & incidental charges Voted to Raise four hundred dollars for the repairs of highways Voted that the several surveyors instructions be the same as last year Voted that all Taxes paided within 30 days after notice shall be discounted 3 per cent Voted to remit the tax on three thousand dollars of Joseph S. Adams Voted that the Tax Collector pay in to the Treasurer in four equal installments quarterly all Bills assesed, collected or not collectted except what the selectmen shall Remit Collectorship sold to John W. Howland at 2| per, cent Voted to Adjourn with out day Attest J. B. NicKERSON Toum Clerk Tisbury 29, 1855 March Prersonaly appeared before me James Look and took the oath per- scribed to act as an assessor the ensuing year J. B. NiCKERSON To'wn Clerk 692 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS Sworn J. F. Heald Constanble for Tisbury Attest J. B. NicKERSON Tovm Cleric Sworn Hervy Weeks Field Driver of Tisbury Attest J. B. NicKEKsoN Town Clerk Dukes County SS. March 29, 1855 Then Alphonso Smith appeared and made oath to the faithful per- formance of his duty as Surveyor of Lumber the ensuing year. Before me Baktlett Allen Justice of the Peace True coppy Attest J. B. Nickerson Town Clerk Dukes County ss March 31, 1855 Then Joseph T. James appeared and made oath to the faithful per- formance of the duty of Surveyor of Lumber in the Town of Tisbury the ensuing Year Before me Bartlett Allen Justice of Peace True Coppy Attest J B, Nickekson T'own Clerk Dukes County ss. April 3 1855 Then personaly appeared Dennis Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty a surveyor of wood & Bark. Before me Bartlett Allen True Coppy Attest J. B. Nickerson Town Clerk Tisbury april 3 1855 Keriph Mayhew appeared before and was qualified for Fenc viewer Attest J. B. Nickerson Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 693 This is to certify that Joseph R Luce has been Duly qualified as surveyor of Lumber for the Town of Tisbury Before me W7 C. Luce J Justice of Peace Tisbury April 2. 1855 True Coppy J. B. NiCKERSON Town Clerk Dukes County ss Tisbury Mar. 31. 1855. Then appeared James D. Peakes and made oath to the faithful dis- charge of his duty as a Constable for the town of Tisbury for the year ensuing Before me Moses Brown Just, Peace True Coppy Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Jhvm Clerk prsonaly appeared Henry Bradley before me & took oath perscribed to act as assessor the ensuing year Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Town Clerk Dukes County ^f- Ap! 4. 1855. Then Richard L. Hursell personally appeared and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Surveyor of Lumber Before me Bartlett Allen Justice of the Peace A true coppy Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Towin Clerk Pursuant to a notice from J. F. Heald Constable of the Town of Tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as travers Juror at theTabove mentioned Court to be holden (a) Barn- stable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes Counties on the ninth Tuesday next after the first Tuesday of March last The Selectmen and Town Clerk met on the 25*-'-' day of April 1855 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Bartlett Pease Jr. to serve as travers Juror at said Court Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Town Clerk 694 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Dukes County ss ap!. 29 1855 Personally appeared before me Thaddeus Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as assessor for the Town of Tisbury the present year Bartlett Allen Justice of peace Attest a true Coppy J B NiCKERSON Town Clerk Dukes County ss Ap!. 28 1855 Personally appeared before me John G. Chase and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as surveyor of Lumber the ensuing year Attest J, B. NicKERsoN Town Clerk We the subscribers, Selectmen of the town of Tisbury have laid out for the use of said town (a town way, in the village of Holmes Hole as follows : Begining at a stake and stone on the northerly side of the County road leading to the Bass Creek by the suth east corner of Capt Seth Daggetts Garden fence, then through said Daggetts Land north 3 degrees East, Fifty five feet to Land of Holmes M. Athearn then con- tinuing the same course through land of said Athearn Thirty five feet & 6 inches, to land of Charles Smith then continuing the same course through land of said Smith Forty feet to land of Tho^ N. Hillman then continuing the same course through said Hillmans Land, Sixty five feet to land of Charles Smith then continuing the same course through said Smiths land one hundred sixteen feet & 6 inches to Land of W'4^. Cook, then continuing the same course through said Cooks land one hundred four feet to land of Charles G Smith then continuing the same course through said Smith land one hundred five feet until it intercsects the road or street leading to Union Wharf at a stake & stone to be forty feet wide and to lie on the easterly side of said course. And we agreed for their damages as follows, to the land Charles Smith Twelve Dollars and to the said Wf! Cook Twelve Dollars to be paid by the said Town of Tisbury,/ and the said Seth Daggett Holmes M. Athearn. Tho' N. Hill- man & Charles G. Smith released all damages for laying said way through their land. And we allowed the several owners of the land afor- said 2^ months or seventy five day to take off the Fences Buildings and i TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 695 other incumberances thereon, AVhich said road is hereby reported to the town for there acceptance; and when accepted and recorded is forever after to be known as a public town way Dated at Tisbury this fifth day ofMay in the Year 1855 Damages $24.00 Henry Bradley ^ Selectmen Laying out 6 00 James Look ? of Tuhury 30.00 Thaddeus Luce ^ Staking Road 5.00 Total 35.00 Brobabl expense A true coppy Attest J. B. NicKERSON Town Clerk We hereby Autherise Tho*" Robinson '■:'.' as agent of the Town of Tis- bury to purchase liquors for the purpose of suppling the inhabitants according to the Law of this Commonwealth only for medicinal, chem- ical, and mechanical purposes Tisbury May 7. 1855 Henry Bradley Chairman of the Board of Seleclnien of Tisbnr]/. J. B. NiCKERSON Tovm Clerk^ Attest Warrent To James D. Peaks Constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Common wealth of Massachusetts You are requested to notify the inhabitants of said Tisbury qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the old Baptist meeting House in West Tisbury on Monday the Fourteenth day of May 1855 at 1 O Clock P. M. To act on the following articles to Wit Art. 1. To Choose a Moderator Art 2. To See if the Town will accept the road as laid out by the Selectmen leading from the county road near the Bass Creek to the road or street leading to Union Wharf Art. 3. To see if Town will accept a List of Jurors made out by the Selectmen. And you are required to serve this warrant by posting up attest copies thereon at two of the public meeting Houes in said Tisbury seven 696 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. clays at least before the time of holding said Meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and Place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hand this 5 day of May 1855 Henry Bradley -\ James Look i SeJedmen Thaddeus Luce ) of Tishury Persuant to the within warrent I have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes Avithin named isbur Y May 14. 1855 J. D. Peaks CondahJe of Tidmi 'U true coppy Attest J. B. Nickerson To Vll CJerk Met at the time and place as specfied in the warrent the meeting was called to order by Town Clerk warrent read and votes brought in for Moderator Art 1. Whole number of votes six all for Seth Daggett Art 2 To see if the Town will accept the road as laid out by the Selectmen aforesaid Voted, that it be decided by Yeas & Nays Whole, Number of votes were 12. Yeas. 1. Nays. 11. Art. 3 To see if the Town will accept a List of Jurors made out by the Selectmen Voted Matthew P. Butler be struck from the list Then voted the List be accepted Voted to adjourn with out day Attest J. B. Nickerson Town Clerk Pursuant to legal notice from James D. Peaks Constable of Tisbury and by his producing a venire from the Cerk of court of Common pleas, the Selectmen assembled at the Town Clerks office on the 15*;^' day of May 1854 and drew from the Juror Box the names of six good and TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 697 lawful men to serve as Grand Jurors, and five of like qualifications to serve as traverse Jurors at the Court of common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes County on the last Monday of May inst The following are the names of persons dra\vn Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors Allen Look Charles M. Luce Jared Vincent Obed Nickerson Thomas West Thomas Robinson 2'! Eliakim Norton Frederic Manter Richard G. Luce i^enj Merry Dennis Luce Attest J. B. NicKEKsoN Town Clerk Dukes County s.s. To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualfied to vote for senators and representatives in the General Court by posting up two attested Copies on two of the Public Meeting Howses, to meet at the old Baptist meeting House in West Tisbury on Wednesday the twenty third day of May instant At half past one Oclock P. M. than & there to bring in their Votes by ballot to the Selectmen for or against each of the proposed Articles of amendments of the Constitutions of this Common- wealth submitted to the people for their ratification and adoption by an Act of the Legislature approved by the Governor May. 1. 1855. 2;! To see what action the meeting will take in refferance to the decision of the Supreme Court at Barnstable in case of E. W. Gennings vs Town of Tisbury. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the subscribers at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hand this Twelth day of May in th year one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty five Tisbury May 12. 1855 Henry Bradley Selectmen James Look of Tisbury 698 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Persuant to the written warrent I have notified the legal votes of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within named Tisbury May 23, 1855 James D. Peaks ConMdhh of Tishiiri/ A true copy Attest J. B. NicKERSON Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the fore- going warrent meeting was called to order and warrent read by thei chairmen of Selectmen By him the Ballot box was opened and votes' called for on the amendment of the Constitution Voted to take up Art. 2 before closing polos vs the case of E. W. Gennings Voted the case be carried up to the full Bench of Judges Voted the poles be closed & votes counted which were as follows Art. first Yes nine 9 9 (I 11 No " Second Yes nine No Art. third Yes Six (( ki No three " forth Yes six i< No three - fifth Yes nine .4 ;; No " Six Yes six " No three Voted to adjourn without day Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Tonm Clerk Pursuent to notice from James D. Peaks Constable of Tisbury and upon the authority of a venire from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes County. The Selectmen and Town Clerk assembled at the Clerks office on the 13 Day of Sept. 1855 and drew from the Juror Box five good & lawful men to serve as Petit Jurors at the Court of common Pleas to be TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 699 holden at Edgartovvn on the last monday of Sept now current, the names of persons Drawn were, Peleg Barrows, Walter Hillman, Shubael D. Smith, William Norton, John Manter, Attest J. B. NicKERsoN Town Clerk Tisbury s.s. To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections to meet at the Old Baptist meeting House in West Tis- bury on Tuesday the 6 day of Nov. next it being the first Tuesday after the first monday of said Month at 10 O Clock A. M. to bring in their votes to the Selectmen for a Governor, Lieut, Governor, Attorney General Sec- retary of State. Tresurer and Reciverer General, Auditor of Accounts, Represantitive to the General Court and Senator for the Counties of Nantucket & Dukes on one ballot for the year ensuing. 2. To bring in their votes for a County Treasurer. Register of Deeds and one County Commisionary for the Town of Tisbury on one ballot. And you are directed to serve the warrent. by Posting up attest copies thereof at four of the public meeting houses in said Town, fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 13^' day of October in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty five Henry Bradley -\ Selectmen James Look > of Thaddeus Luce ) Tifthur// Attest Joseph B. Nickerson To^cn Clerk Persuant to the within Warrent I have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within Specified James D Peakes Constable of T/'sbur// Tisbury Nov. Q'^] 1855 Attest. Joseph B. Nickerson Toivn Clerk TOO TISEURT TOWN RECORDS. At ten O Clock A. M. the meeting aforesaid was called to order by the Selectmen and Warrent read, and opened the Ballot Box to receive votes, for Governor, Lieut, Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer & Reciver General, Auditor of accounts, Represanti- tives to General Court, and Senator for the Counteis of Nantucket, & Dukes on one ballot. At half past eleven voted to bring in votes for County officers at 12 O Clock Voted to closed the polls for state officers At 2 O. Clock P. M. Voted the polls be closed for County officers — The whole number of ballots deposited was one hundred & Eighty six (186) Vis For Governor Henry J. Gardner had one hundred & five 105 of Boston Erasmus D. Beach of Springfield had thirty nine 39 Samuel H. Walley of Roxbury had thirty one 31 Julius Rockwell of Pittsfield had ten lu Joseph Hiss had one 1 For Lieutenant Governor Henry W, Benchley of Worchester had one hundred & five 105 Caleb Stetson of Braintree had thirty nine 39 Moses Davenport of Newbury port had thirty one 31 Simon Brown, Concord, had ten 10 For Attorney General Albert H. Nelson of Woburn had one hundred and five 105 Nathaniel J. Lord of Salem had thirty nine 39 Reuben A. Chapman of Springfield had thirty one 31 E. Rockwood Hoar of Concord had ten 10 For Secretary of the Commonwealth Francis DeWitt of Ware had one hundred & five 105 Jonathan E. Field of Stockbridge had thirty eight 38 Wendell T. Davis of Greenfield had thirty one 31 George F. Williams of Boston had ten 10 Joab Rellis had one 1 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 701 For Treasurer & Receiver General Moses Tenny Jr. of Georgetown had one hundred and five 105 Stedman Buttrick of Concord had thirty nine 39 John Sargent of Cambridge had thirty one 31 Thomas J. Marsh of Waltham had ten 10 For Auditor Chandler R. Ranson of Roxbury had one hundred and five 105 G. H. Whitney of Winchendon had thirty nine 39 Joseph Mitchell of Boston had thirty one 31 Stephen JST. Gifford of Dixbury had ten 10 For Senator for Nantucket & Dukes John H. Shaw of Nantucket 112 had one hundred and twelve Thomas Barrows of Tisbury had seventy one 71 Smith Mayhew of Chilmark had one 1 For Representative to General Court Nathan Mayhew of Tisbury had one hundred & three 103 Walter Hillman of Tisbury had seventy nine 79 George W. Smith of Tisbury had one 1 For County Commissioner Edwin A. Luce of Tisbury had one hundred and thirty four 134 Charles Smith of Tisbury had twenty 20 W~ A. Mayhew of Tisbury had one 1 For County Treasurer Barnard C. Marchant of Edgartown had one hundred and sixty one 161 Register of Deeds Josiah H. Smith of Edgartown had one hundred & sixty six 166 Voted to adjourn without day Attest Joseph B. Nickeeson Toum Clerk Dukes County s.s. To either of the constables of the Town of Tisbury Geeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elec- tions and in town affairs to meet at Capawock Hall in said Tisbury on monday the third day of December next at Two O clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the followino: articles : — 702 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 1-' To choose a moderator to preside at Said meeting 2!! To see if the Town will accept a Town way as laid out by the Selectmen in the village of Holmes Hole in said Tisbury agreeable to the petition of Thomas Bradley and others And you are directed to serve this warrent, by posting up attested coppies thereof, at four of the public meeting house in said town, seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrent with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid, Given under our hands this twenty first day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five Henry Bradley ) Selectmen Thaddeus Luce S of Tishury Persuant to the written warrent I have notified the legal voters of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes within specified James D. Peaks Conslahle of Ttshury Tisbury Dec. 3, 1855 A true copy Attest Joseph B. Nickerson Town Clerk met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warrent meeting was called to order by the Clerk and warrent read and ballots brought in for Moderator The whole No. of ballots were thirteen 13 Bartlett Allen had ten and was chosen 2l! To see if the Town will accept a Town way as laid out by the Selectmen in the villiage of Holmes Hole in said Tisbury agreeable to the petition of Thomas Bradley and others After it being duely Discussed it was voted to be decided by Yeas & Nays Whole No of votes were sixty seven 67 Yeas sixty two 62 Nays five 5 Yoted to adjourn with out day Attest Joseph B. Nickerson Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 703 Dukes County S.S. To either of the constables of the town of Tis- bury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elec- tions and in town affairs to meet at the old Baptist meeting house in West Tisbury on Wednesday the fifth day of December next at one o clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following articles : — 1^; to choose a moderator to preside at said meeting 2!! To see if the town will accept of a Town way as laid out by the Selectmen in said Tisbury agreable to a petition of Edwin A. Luce and others And you are directed to serve this warrent by posting up attested copies of the same at four of the public meeting houses in said Tisbury seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrent, with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid, Given under our hands this Twenty sixth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five. Henkt Bradley ^ James Look > Selectmen ■ Thaddeus Luce jofTisburij m Dukes County s.s. " Tisbury Nov. 27. 1855 pursuant to the within warrent I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned J. F. Heald ft conMaUe of Tisbwy A true Copy Attest J. B. NicKERSON To7vn Clerk met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the fore- said warrent. meeting was call to order by the Clerk warrent read and votes brought in for moderator, votes for Moderator vis Bartlett Mayhew had nine - 9 J. P. Norton had six 6 Voted Bartlett Mayhew be excused & J. T. Norton took the chair The petition of Edwin A Luce for a road as laid out by the Selectmen was then discussed and Voted that it should be decided by Yeas & Nays 704 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Whole No. of Votes were fifty three 53 Yeas twenty seven 27 Nays twenty six 26 Adjorned with out day Attest J. E. NicKERsoN Town Clerk In consequence of J. P. Norton being Illegally chosen moderator, at the Town meeting held at the old Baptist meeting house Dec. 5^.' The Selectmen ordered another meeting Vis, Warrent Tisbury S.S. To either of the constables of the town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County. Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualfied to vote in elec- tions and in town affairs to meet at the Old Baptist meeting House in West Tisbury on monday the Twenty fourth day of December 1855 at one O Clock P.M. then and their to act on the following Articles : — 1 To Choose a moderator to perside in said meeting 2'' To see if the Town will accept the road laid by the Selectmen according to the petition of Edwin A. Luce and others And you are directed to serve this warrent by posting up attested copies thereof at four of the public meeting houses in said town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrent with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands this fourteenth day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty five Henry Bradley ) Selectmen James Look > of Tis.hury Dukes County S.S. Tisbury Dec twenty fourth 1855 Pursuant to the within warrent I have notified the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned J. F. Heald. Constable A true copy Attest J. B. NicKERSON Town Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 705 Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rent, meeting was called to order by the Clerk and warrent read and ballots brought in for moderator 1st ballot for Moderator vis Whole No - 41 J. D. Peaks had twelve 12 Charles Smith had twenty nine 29 Voted Charles Smith be excoused from serving as moderator 21^ ballot For moderator Vis Whole No. 32 Tho^ Barrows had twenty one 21 J. D. Peaks "ten 10 Edmound Dunham had one 1 Thol Barrows was declared chosen moderator and proceeded to act on the 2;! articles in the warrent Vis The petition of Edwin A. Luce for a road as laid out by the Select- men. A motion was put before the meeting that the question should be decided by deviding the house, declared not a vote Voted, the question be decided by Yeas & Nays Whole No. of votes were one hundred & eighteen 118 Yeas sixty six 66 Nays fifty two 52 Voted to adjourned with out day Attest J. B. NiCKERSON Town Clerk Tisbury Mar. 20. 1856 We the Subscribers Selectmen of Tisbury met the Selectmen of Edgartown agreeable to appointment for the purpose of preambulatin the Town Lines between the Towns of Edgartown & Tisbury according to the Statute, having Attended to that duty we found them insuficient being not marked with the initials of the Towns agreeable to the Statute and have ordered the same to be done, Henky Bkadley Selectmen James Look of Tisbury Attest A true Coppy Joseph B. Nickerson Toivn Clerk 706 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. To James D. Peaks Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elec- tions and town affairs to meet at the Capawock Hall in Holmes Hole on Monday the 7"' day of April next at 10 O Clock in the forenoon then and ther to act on the following Articles 1^* To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. 2*^ To choose all necessary Town Officers for the year ensuing 3? To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon. 4- To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensueing year and make appropiations of the same 5- To see if the town will make appropiations for the making of the roads as laid out by the selectmen and accepted by the Town 6^'' To determine the manner of repairing the highways town ways and Bridges, the year ensuing 7"' To see what action the town will take relative to a contemplated County road to run across Chapaquanset pond agreeable to a petition of Bartlett Allen & others 8"' To see if the town will discontinue a Town way lately laid out by the Selectmen in Holmes Hole Village and accepted by the Town according to the petition of Richard G. Luce Others 9"' To see if the town will instruct the Selectmen to lay out a town way agreeable to the petition of Richard G Luce and Others. 10"' To see if the town will pass a vote or make by Laws in regard to the holding of the Town meetings in said Town- IV}' To see if the Town will set off the land of Thaddeus Luce from the North East school District to the Lamberts Cove School District 12^'' To See if the Town will authorise the Selectmen & Treasurer to take legal measures in regard to settling with delinquent collectors of Taxes And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies at four of the public Meeting houses in Said Town Fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid. Given under our hands this Fourteenth day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty Six Henry Bradley ^ Selcctnien Thaddeus Luce S of Tisbury TiSBtJRY TOWN KECORDS. 707 In accordance the within Warrant i have notified the legal voters of the toun of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the purpose within specified James D Peaks Consfahle of 'Tisburt/ Tisbury April 7"' 185G A True Coppy Attest Lot Luge Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in foregoing Warrant the hour was announced the Meeting called to order the war- rant read and the ballots called for by the Clerk for Moderator Whole No of Votes 98 I Henry Bradley 60 Thomas Barrows had 38 Henery Bradley was declared chosen — Town Clerk whole number of Ballots 120 Lot Luce had 8-1 David Smith had 34 W"^ Arthearn had 1 Tho' Barrows had 1 Lot Luce declared chosen qualified and preceded to Duty Voted that thre selectmen be chosen on one Ballot Whole number of Votes for Selectmen 136 Henry Bradley had 92 ' I Whelden Holmes had 81 Bartlett Mayhew had 81 Franklin Luce had 42 « J. D Botch had 44 ■It Henery Manter " 44 Voted to adjourn until 1 O clock P M Meeting called to order at that hour and proceded to vote for Town Treasurer Whole number of Votes 111 Charles Bradley had 83 Peleg Barrows 28 Votes for school Comittee whole number of votes 119 A. D Luce 56 R. G Luce 61 chosen W. A. Mayhew 61 chosen '08 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. M. P Butler 51 Cha« B Allen 10 R. W. Crocker 15 James May hew 56 Abraham Anthony 41 2'' Balloting Whole number of Votes 113 M. P. Butler had 64 chosen Abraham Anthony 38 C. B. Allen 4 James May hew 3 A. D Luce 2 Edmund Cottle 1 Votes for Constable Whole number of votes J. D Peaks had Richard L Hursel Elsworth Luce Votes for Fish committee Whole number Lot Luce sworn B. F Smith sworn Hiram Nye sworn Edward Harding Samuel Cromwell James W Hatch The report of the selectmen was read and Voted to be accepted Voted to have the report of the selectmen Printed and each family in the Town suplied with a coppy Voted to lay the 2*^ article of the warrant on the Table and take up the 4"' article Voted to raise Fourteen hundred dollars for the support of the Poor Voted to raise Three hundred dollars for Incidental expences Voted to raise Sixteen hundred dollars for public Schools Voted to raise Four hundred dollars for the repairing of highways and Bridges Voted to raise four hundred dollars to pay the interest of Town debt Voted to raise Two thousand dollars to pay Town debt Voted to take the 2'' article from the table and act theron sworn 104 55 42 7 114 43 chosen 43 chosen 40 chosen 5 5 1 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 709 Serveyors of highways M. P. Butler sworn Obed Nickerson Timothy B Lovell Voted that the serveyors instructions be the same as last year Fence Viewers Chas Smith James Cottle Theodor Luce Voted that Tristram Luce qualitied Asa R Luce qualified Timothy B Lovel be Field Drivers The ensuing year Benj Cleveland sworn Surveyos of Lumber John F. Robinson J T James J. M Luce and quallified in Open Town meting Surveyors of Wood and Bark James D Peaks sworn Thaddeus Luce was chosen Sealer of leather , chosen Hog Reeves Elsworth Luce and James D Peaks Pound keeper Hilyard Norton and Thomas Merry Health Committe chosen Alexander Smith David Smith R K Jones Charles Holms James D Peakes Voted to lay the 5*'' article of the warrent on the Table Voted to pass over the 7^" article of the warrant and lay the 8"^ and 9'" on the table Voted that all the Town meetings be holden in the East parish the ensuing year Voted to lay 11^'' article on the Table Voted that the Treasurer of the Town be collector of Taxes and that he have 1 pr centum on all Moneys colected. Voted to pay the Treasurer sixteen dollars for his services as Treas- urer of the Toun Voted that all Taxes paid within 30 days after notice shall be dis- counted 3 pr cent 60 days 2 pr cent 120 days 1 pr cent 710 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. | Voted to pass over the 11"' article Voted that the selectmen Call up the delinquent Collectors of Taxes, for settlement •; Voted to adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce P Town Clerk Sworn Tristram Luce Asa R Luce and Timothy B Lovell Field Driver Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Joseph T James Joseph R Luce John F Robinson personala appeared before me and were qualified Surveyors of Lumber Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Fersonaly appeared before me Charles Bradly and mad oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Treasurer and Collector Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Dukes county S.S. April 11'" 1856 Then personally appeared Obed Nickerson and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as surveyor of highways for the ensue- ing year Before me William A Mathew Justice of the peace A true copy. Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk then personally appeared before me Thomas Merry and made oath to the faithfull performance of his duty as pound Keeper Lot Luce Ihmn Clerk personally appeared before me Matthew P Butler and make oath to the lawful performance of his duty as Surveyor of Highways Attest Lot Luce Toirn Clerk To James D Peaks Constable of the town of Tisbury in Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury quali- TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 711 fied to vote in town and county affairs to assemble in capawock hall on friday the twenty fifth instant at ten o clock in the forenoon for the purpose of bringing in their votes for one Special Commissioner for the said county of Dukes county to fill a vacancy not provided for since the last Triennial Election, for such officers, and who is to be elected for the term which will expire at the time of the annual Election in November next Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands at Tisbury this eighteenth day of april in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty six J. Whelden Holmes ^ Selectmen oj yfhe Town Bartlett Mayhew jof Tisbury In accordance with the within warrant i have notified the legal voters j of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the time and place and for the pur- pose within Specified James D Peaks Constable oJ Tisbury Tisbury April 25. 1856. ,A trne coppy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose speccified in the war- rant meeting was called to order by chairman of Selectmen and the warrant was read and proceded to ballot for Special commissioner Whole numb of Votes Thirty Eight for Special John Holmes had Twenty Six Commissioner Thomas Barrows had Eleven J. Wheldon Holmes had One Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Pursuant to a notice from James D Peaks constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his producing Venire from the clerk of the Suprime Judicial court to select as the law requires one good and lawfull man to serve as Travers Juror at the above mentioned Court To be holden at 712 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Barnstable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes counties on the first Tuesday in May next The selectmen and Town Clerk met on the 25 day of April 1866 at the Town clerks office and dreu from the Juror Box the name of Charles Lambert to serve as Traverse Juror at Said court Attest Lot Luce Tovm Chrk Dukes County S S May 3'" 1856 Then personaly appeared Henery Bradley Bartlett Mayhew 2'' and J. W. Holmes and made oath to the faithful performance of their duty as assessors of taxes for the ensueing year in the town of Tisbury Before me Bartlett Allen JiiMke of the Peace A true copy Attest Lot Luce Toion Clerclt Pursuant to Notice from James D. Peaks constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his produceing a venire from the clerk of court of common pleas the selectmen assembled at the Town clerks office on the 15*'' day of May 1856 and drew from the Juror Box the names of six good and lawful men to serve as Grand Jurors and five of like qulifica- tions to serve as Traverse Jurors at the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes County on the last Monday of May inst The following are the names of Jurors drawn Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors Hyram Nye Charles G, Smith Alfred Norton Jur Charles Bradley Wendal Luce John W Arthearn Thaddeus Luce Joseph B. Nickerson Shubal Weeks Peter Manter James Grey Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Pursuant to notice from James D. Peaks constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the clerk of the court of common pleas the slectmen assembled at the Town Clerks office on the 13*'' day of September 1856 and drew from the Juror Box the names of live good and lawfnll men to serve as Traverse Jurors at the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 713 of Dukes county on the last monday in September inst the following are the names of Jurors drawn Traverse Jurors Joseph Luce Richard L Hursel Calvin Tilton John D Rotch Josiah H Vincent Lot Luce Tovni Clerk To James D. Peaks constable of the town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County Greeting You are hereby required, in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Tis- bury qualified as the constitution requires to assemble at the Capawock Hall in said Tisbury on Tuesday the 4"' day of November A. D. 1856 at 10. 0. Clock in the forenoon to bring their votes as follows. 1'^ For electors of President and Vice President of the United States on one ballot. 2"! For Govenor. Lieut Govenor. Secretary Treasurer and Receiver General Auditor of Accounts. Councillor for District number one Repre- sentative in Congress for District number one Attorney General Senator for the District of Nantucket and Dukes Counties Representative in General Court District Attorney on one ballot. 3'! For Commissioner of insolvency Register of Insolvency. Sherriff. Register of Probate Clerk of the courts of common pleas for Dukes County One County Commissioner for the town of edgartown Two special County Commissioners for Dukes County on one ballot The selectmen will be in session at Capawock Hall on Tuesday the 4"' day of November A D 1856 at 9 O clock in the forenoon for the pur- pose of correcting the lists of Voters And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereoff at two of the publick meeting houses in said Toun four- teen days at least before the time for holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings theron to ourselves at the time and place of meeting aforesaid. Given under our hand this seventeenth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty Six Heneky Bradley Selectmen J. Whelden Holmes of Bartlett Mayhew Tifthury A true copy Attest Lot Luce Toam Clerk 714 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. I have served the within Warrant by posting np attested copies of the same as within directed signed James D Peaks CovMahle of Tislniri/ Tisbury November 4'" A D 1856 A true Copy of warrant and Constabls returns theron Attest Lot Luce To mi Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the War- rant the meeting- was called to order by the chairman of the selectmen Then proceded to receive Votes For Electors of President and Vice President of the United States At half past 2 O Clock in the afternoon The Polls were closed the Votes counted and public decclaration thereof made and were as fol- lows — The whole number of Ballots receved was Two hundred Forty Five 245 For Electors at large Nathaniel J. Lord of Salem Fifty One 51 Whiting Griswold of Greenfield Fifty One 51 William Appleton of Boston One hundred nine 109 Charles D Stockbridge of Whatley one hundred nine 109 Julius Rockwell of Pittsfield Eighty five 85 Thomas Colt of Pittsfield Eighty five 85 For District No 1 Abraham H. Howland of New Bedford Fifty one 51 John Balies of New Bedford One hundred nine 109 John Vinson of Edgartown Eight Five 85 District No 2 Jared Pratt of Middlborough Fifty one 51 Ilenery Dimon Jr of Fall River One hundred nine 109 Azariah B. Wheeler of North Bridgewater Eighty Five 85 District No. 3 Bradford L. Wales of Randolph Fifty one 51 Alfred B. Ely of Newton one hundred nine 109 Geo. R. Russell of West Roxbury Eighty Five 85 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. T15 District No 4 Patrick Riley of Boston Fifty one 51 Archelaus Wilson Boston one hundred nine 109 George of Boston Eighty Five 85 District No 5 Daniel Draper of Boston Fifty one 51 Zelotes Hosmer of Cambridge one hundred nine 109 Lucius B Marsh of Boston Eighty Five 85 District No 6 William Hammond of Marblehead Fifty one 51 Henery Luscumb Jr of Salem one hundred nine 109 Geo. H Devereaux of Salem Eighty Five 85 District No 7 Edward Riddle of Charleston Fifty one 51 Luther V. Bell of Charleston one hundred nine 109 James M. Usher of Medford eighty Five 85 Distirct No 8 James C. Abbot of Lowell Fifty one 51 Jefforson Bancroft of Lowell one hundred nine 109 John Nesmith of Lowell eighty Five 85 District No 9 George W Benchley of Wocester Fifty one 51 Joseph W. Leland of Grafton one hundred nine 109 John S C Knowlton of Wocester eighty Five 85 District No 10 Alonzo W. Blanchard of Palmer Fifty one 51 Joseph E. Marsh of chicopee Falls one hundred nine 109 Charles E Forbes of Northampton eighty Five 85 District No. 1 1 Thomas F. Plunkett of Pittsfield Fifty one 51 Franklin Weston of Dal ton one hundred nine 109 Franklin Ripley of Greenfield eighty Five 85 For Governer Whole number of Ballots Two hundred thirty six 236 Erasmus D Beach of Springfield Fifty Five 55 Geo W" Gordon of Boston Ninety three 93 Henery J. Gardiner of Boston Seventy Six 76 Luther Y. Bell of Charleston Twelve 12 716 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Lieut. Governer Albert Currier of Newburyport Fifty Five 55 Homer Foot of Springfield one hundred Five 105 Henery W. Benchley of Wocester Seventy nine 79 For Representative To Congrss If. Distrct Daniel Fisher of Edgartown one hundred fifty six 156 Robert B, Hall of Plymouth seventy nine 79 Moses Bates Jr of Plymouth Four 4 For Secretary of State Jonathan E. Feild of Stockbridge Fifty Five 55 William M. Cornell of Bo.ston Ninety three 93 Francis De Witt of Ware Seventy nine 79 W'" S. Lincoln of Wocester Twelve 12 For Attorney General Ezera Wilkinson of Dedham Fifty Four 54 John H. Clifford of New Bedford one hundred seventy two 172 For Auditor Giles H Whiteing of Winchendon Fifty Five 55 Timothy Ingraham of New Bedford Ninty Three 93 Chandler R. Ransom of Roxbury Seventy nine 79 For Treasurer Stedman Buttrick of concord Fifty Five 55 Moses Tenny Jr of Georgetown seventy nine 79 Geo. Foster of Lynn Ninety Three 93 John Sargent of Cambridge Twelve 12 For Counsillor. First District Isaac C Taber of New Bedford Fifty Five Peleg Barrows of Tisbury Ninety Four Geo Howland of Newbedford Seventy nine For District Attorney Southern District Horatio Pratt of Taunton Fifty four Lincoln F Brigham of New Bedford Ninety Three For Senator for Nantucket and Duke Counties Charles P. Swain of Nantucket Fifty Four George Harris of Nantucket one hundred six Jolin H Shaw of Nantucket seventy Nine TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 717 For Representative to Gen. Court Henery Manter Seventy Henery Bradley Ninety three Leander Daggett Seventy Henery Bradley Elected County Ballots for officers For Sheriff Isaih D Pease of Edgartown had 135 J. D. Pease of Edgartown Nineteen 19 Samuel Kensengton of edgartown Seventy one 71 James Pent One For Register of Probate Cornelius B Merchant of edgartown one hundred fifty five 155 Hebron Vincent of edgartown seventy Four 74 Cha' Bradley of Tisbury one 1 Commissioner of Insolvency Allen Tilton of Chilmark one hundred fifty seven 157 Charles Smith of Tisbury Seventy Two 72 For Clerk of the Courts R. L. Pease of Edgartown seventy two 72 David Smith of Tisbury one hundred Fifty seven 157 For County Commissioners Abraham Orsborne of Edgartown one hundred fifty five 155 Benjamin Davis of Edgartown seventy two For Special Commissioners Charles G Smith of Tisbury one hundred fifty Four 154 W- S. Vincent of Tisbury seventy one 71 Rich'' Flanders of Chilmark one hundred fifty seven 1 57 James O Lambert of Chilmark seventy one 71 Register of Insolvency Frederick E Terrell of Edgartown one hundred twenty one 121 F. E Terrell of Edgartown seventeen 17 Gilbert Brush of Tisbury seventy two 72 Voted to adjourn without Day Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk 718 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the com- monwealth of Massachusetts in General court assembled We your pettioners would respectfully represent that they are the sole owners of all the land adjoining that part of the Lagoon Pond above long point so called containing not more than seven Acres of Water your petetioners would respectfuly request your Honourable body to grant them the authority to erect a dam across from said long point and stop the water course now open for the purpose of forming a Hering & Perch fishery with full power to them their heirs and associates to con- struct said Herring & Perch fishery, with all its Benefits leaving to the Public all the right of taking fish from said water as heretofore they possessed consisting of Eels clams of all Kinds and that the petioners their heirs & assigns and associates shall not at any time so raise the water as to cause damage to the meadows adjoining said waters And as in duty Bound will ever pray Baze Norton a others Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Senate Feb 10 1857 On the petti tion aforsaid Ordered that the petitioners cause an attested coppy of the afforsaid Petition with this Order thereon to be published in the Vineyard Gazette and served on the Town Clerks of the Town of Edgartown & Tisbury the said publication and service to be Three days at least before the ninth day of March next that all persons interested may then appear and shew cause if any they have why the prayer of said petetions should not be granted Sent down for concurence P. L Cox Clerk in the hous of representatives Feb 11"' 1857 Concurred William Stowe Clerk A true attest P. L. Cox Clerk of the tSenate. A true copy Attest Lot Luce To'wn Clerk Recorded J!i;Iarch 4"' 1857 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 719 Tisbury S. S. To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting I. the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the old Baptist meeting House in West Tisbury on Monday the 6"' day of April next at 10 oclock T. M. then and there to act on the following articles 1'* To chose a Moderator to preside in said meeting 2'' To choose all necessary Town officers for the year ensuing. 3*^ To hear the annual report of the Selectmen and act thereon 4*" To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray Town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same 5"' To determine the manner of repairing the high ways Town ways and Bridges the year ensuing 6**^ To see if the Town will vote that the office of the Town Clerk shall hereafter be located in the village of Holmes Hole agreeable to the Petition of Moses Brown and others, 7"' To see if the Town will instruct the Selectmen to furnish the Town Clerks Office with suitable Book Cases and other necessary apper- tenances agreeable to the Petition of Moses Brown and others 8"' To see if the Town will continue their School Districts 9^^ To see if the Town will make and adopt buy Laws concerning the hcencing, regulating and restraining of dogs agreeable to the petition of Edward Harding and others 10"' To see what action the Town will take uppon the Petition of Tho^ Robinson and others in regard to the liquor agency 11*'' To see if the Town will discontinue the road commencing at Tashmaw hill and terminating at the high Woods known by the name of the back road 12 To see if the Town will discontinue so much of the road leading from West Tisbury to Holmes Hole commencing on the new road near Pine Hill road terminating at the road leading to middle Town so called And you are directed to serve this warrent by posting up attested coppies thereof at two public Meeting Houses in the said Town fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of the warrent with your 720 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this^twenty first day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven Henry Bradley J. Whelden Holmes J> Selectmen of Tishury Bartlett Mayhew I have executed the within Warrent by posting up attested coppies of the same at two of the pubhc Meeting Houses in said Town of Tis- bury as with directed James D. Peaks Constable Tisbury Tisbury April G^"' 1857 Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in fore going Warrant, The Hour was announced the Meeting called the warrant read and the ballots called for by the Clerk for Moderator Whole number of 20 J Whelden Holmes 19 Charles Bradley 1 J Whelden Holmes was chosen Votes for Town Clerk whole number of votes 55 Timothy B. Lovell 21 J. B. Nickerson 15 Lot Luce 14 J D. Rotch 5 Timothy B Lovell declared chosen Voted to lay 2" article on Table and take up 3'' Voted to accept report of Selectmen Voted to take up 2^ article Votes for Selectmen Thomas Barrows 2 Franklin Luce 3 Bartlet Mayhew -" 58 Henry Manter 53 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 721 J Whelden Holmes 15 Henry Bradley 32 Edmond Cottle 16 Job Gorham 1 Charles Smith 7 Bartlet Mayhew Henry Manter and Henry Bradley declared chosen Yotes for Treasurer Charles Bradley 45 Gilbert Brush 2 Charles Bradley declared chosen sworn Voted to adjourn intil half past one Met according to adjournment Votes for School Committee Mathew P. Butler 41 chosen Richard G Luce 33 chosen Edmond Cottle 10 Daniel A Cleveland 15 James Mayhew 24 chosen S. A. Thomas 1 J Whelden Holmes 83 Constables Richard Hursell 41 sworn J. D. Peaks 15 Richard Hursell declared chosen Fish Committee Lot Luce 35 Benjamin F Smith 35 Josiah Cleveland 35 Surveyors of High Ways Constant C Downs sworn Theodore Luce M. P. Butler sworn Charles H Swift sworn Fence Viewers Obed Mckerson James Cottle Bartlet Mayhew sworn Field Drivers John A. Swain sworn William Rogers sworn Y22 . TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Thomas L Norton sworn Asa R Luce sworn Benjamin Cleveland sworn Surveyors of John F. Robinson sworn Lumber John W. Rowland Joseph T. James Hervy ^Y^eeks Surveyor of Wood & Bark Dennis Luce sworn Hog Reeve John Johnson Pound Keepers Hilyard Norton sworn Thomas Merry sworn J Whelden Holmes David Smith Health Committee R K Jones W'^' H Luce Charles Smith Voted That the Treasurer of the Town be receiver of Taxes for one and half pr cent Voted That the fourth article be laid on Table Voted To chse Overseers of Poor Overseers of Charles Smith Poor Alfred Norton W^' H. Luce. Voted That the compensation of Overseers of Poor be five dollars per year Voted To take up fourth article Voted To raise twelve hundred dollars for support of Schools Voted To raise three hundred dollars for incidential expences Voted To raise one thousand dollars for support of Poor Voted To raise six hundred dollars in addition for Support of Poor Voted To raise four hundred dollars for repairs of Highways Voted To raise two thousand dollars to pay Town debt Voted That the six"' article be rejected Voted That the seventh article be rejected Voted That ninth article be rejected Voted That tenth article be rejected Voted To discontinue road commencing at Tashmaw hill and termi- nating at high Woods TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 723 Voted To discontinue the road leading from new County Road to the road lading to Middle Town so called Voted That this meeting be adjourned with day Attest Timothy B. Lovell Tovm Qlerh Commonwealth of Massachusetts County of Dukes County s s April 9^^ 1857 Henry Bradley of Tisbury and said County having been duly elected one of the selectmen of said Town of Tisbury for the currend year per- sonaly appeard and made Solemn oath that he will faithfully perform all the duties of said office according to his best skill and discretion Before me D. A. Simmons Justice of the Peac Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toiun Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury and uppon his prod icing Venire from the Clerk of the Supream Judicial Court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as a Travers Juror at the above named Court to be holden at Barn- stable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes county on the first Tuesday in May next. The Selectmen and Town Clerk meet at the House of Henry Manters on the twentieth day of April 1857 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Richard Thomson to serve as Travers Jurror at said Court Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toivn Clerk Tisbury April 20^^ 1857 Then personally appeared Henry Bradley Bartlett Mayhew 2'' and Henry Manter and mad Oath to the faithful discharge of Their duty as Assesors of Taxes for the ensuing year before me Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toivn Clerk To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Toun of Tisbury You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury .724 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. qualified as the Constitution requires to vote for Senators and Repre- sentitives in General Court to assemble at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury on the first day of May next at Ten o clock in the forenoon for the purpose of giving in their votes by ballot for or against three articles, of amendment of the Constitution of this Common- wealth submitted to the People for their approval or rejection approve the eight day of April one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty seven And You are directed to serve this warrant by posting Attested copies there of at two of the public Meeting Houses in East and West Tisbury seven days at least before the time of holding the afore said Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of Meeting aforesaid Tisbury April 15 1857 Baktlett Mayhew -^ ) Selectmen Henky Mantee S of Toum of Tisburt/ Attest TiM.^ B. LovELL To7vn Clerk At a legal meeting held at the Oald Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury May 1st 1857 agreeable to the instruction of Secretary of the Commonwealth then and there they Voted on the Constitutional Amend- ments as follows Article first whole number 30 [ 2 yeas 28 Nays Article second whole number 30 4 yeas 26 Nays Article third whole number 29 5 yeas 24 Nays Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the said Town of Tisbury qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to assemble at the Old Baptist TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. T25 Meeting House in West Tisbury in said Town on the first day of May next at twelve O Clock noon to Act on the following Articles (to wit) Article 1st To choose a Moderator 2' To see if the Town will grant and raise the sum of four hundred dollars more or less for the support and maintainance of public schools in addition to the twelve hundred dollars appropriated at the last anual Town Meeting for said purpose Agreeable to the pitition of Leander West and others And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up Attested coppies thereof at two of the Meeting Houses one in East and West Tisbury fourteen days at least before^the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of Said Meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this fifteenth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred fifty seven Baetlett May hew 2° > Selectmen of Henry Manter S Tisbury At a legal Meeting held at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury for the purpose of raising School money agreeable to the peti- tion of Leander West and others 1 Chose Henry Bradley Moderator 2*^ Voted not to raise money in addition Whole number of Votes 29 Against raising money 16 in favour 13 Meeting Adjournd without day Attest Timothy B. Lovell Tovm Clerk Persuant to the Instructions of the within warrant I have notified Inhabitants of the Town Tisbury qualified to Vote in Town affairs, to meet at the time and and for the purposes therein specified Richard L Hursel Const able of loimi of Tisbury Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toivn Cleric 726 TISBUEY TOWN RECOKDS. Tisbury S.S. To Richard L Hursel Constable of Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in town affairs to meet at the Gold Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury on Friday the first day of May next at 1 O clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Articles 1 To chose a moderator to preside in said meeting 2 To see if the Town will accept of the list of Jurors selected and posted up by the board of the select men according to law And you are directed to serve this Warrant by Posting up Attested coppies thereof at two of the Public Meeting Houses in the said Town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this Twentieth day of April in the year one Thousand eight hundred and fifty seven Henry Bradley Selectmen Henry Manter of Tisbury Pursuant to the Instructions of the within warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Town affairs to mett at the time and place and for the purposes therein specified Richard L Hursel Constable of Town of Tishurij Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk At a legal Meeting held at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury for the purposes specified in the Warrant 1st chose Henry Bradly Moderator 2- Voted to accept the following names as Jurors The following is a list of Jurors selected by the board of Selectmen to be accepted or rejected at a legal Town Meeting warned on the first day of May next of that purpose Tisbury April 20^" 1857 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. 727 Frederick Manter Alfred Norton Hiram Nye Allen Look James Gray Obed Nickerson Charles B. Allen John D. Rotch Eliakim Norton Peleg Barrows Dennis Luce Davis Cottle John F Robinson Richard G Luce Jared Vinson Peter Manter Shubael Weeks Thomas Robinson William C Luce Bayse Norton Joseph B. Nickerson William Norton John W Rowland Bartlett Pease Jr Wendell Crocker Charles D Allen William Athearn Josiah H Vincent Joseph Luce Timothy Luce Wendell Luce Attest Timothy B. Thomas West Thaddeus Luce Shubael D Smith Calvan R. Tilton Theodore Luce Richard Thompson Charles Bradley Thomas Walrond John Johnson Jr Richard L. Hursel Davis Look Walter Hillman Edmond Cottle Charles Lambert Isaac L Vincent Timothy B. Lovell Charles G Smith David Smith Abraham Anthony Thomas Barrows John W Athearn Henry Bradley Benjamin Merry Charles M Luce Charles Holmes Henry Manter Edward Harding Lenard Luce Stephen Luce Jr Bartlett Mayhew 2'» LOYELL Ihun Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury and uppon his producing a venire from the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas the Selectmen assembled at Henry Manters on the fifteenth day of May 1857 and drew from the Juror Box six good and 728 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Lawful men as the Law directs to serve as Grand Jurors and five of lil^e qualifications to serve gis Travers Jurors at the Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the County of Dukes County on the last Monday of May inst The following are the names of Jurors drawn Grand Jurors Travers Jurors Thomas Robinson Leonard Luce Edward Harding Stephen Luce Jr Dennis Luce Edmond Cottle Allen Look Charles M Luce Charles D Allen Obed Nickerson Benjamin Merry Attest Timothy B Lovell Toivn Clerk To Richard L Hursell Constable of the Town of Tisbury in tlie county of Dukes county Greeting : — You are hereby required to notify the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified to vote in town affairs to meet at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury on Monday the first of June next at ten oclock in the forenoon to act on the following articles 1^*^ To chose a Moderator to preside at Said meeting 2*^ To see if the Town will raise the sum of five hundred dollars or more in addition to the sum of twelve hundred dollars appriated at the Anual Meeting, for the support of Public schools in said Tisbury, and authorise the Treasure to hire the same on the credit of the Town agree- able to the Petition of John A Swain and nine others legal Votes You are hereby directed to notify and Warn the inhabitants of said Town by posting up attested copies on two of the Public Meeting Houses in said Town fourteen days at least before holding Said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of your doings on this warrant to the Town Clerk at the time and place of the Meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this fifteenth day of May in the year of one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven Henry Bradley Selectmen of Henry Manter Tislmr;/ Pursuant of the wi.thin Warrant I have notified the Inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury to meet at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 729 Tisbury by posting up two attested copies according as the law directs agreeable to the within warrant June 1^' 1857 Richard L. Hursel Constable of Tisbury At a legal Meeting held at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury for the purpose of raising school money agreeable to the petition of John A. Swain and others 1^^ chose Edmond Cottle Moderator 2*^ Voted to raise five hundred dollars in addition to the twelve hun- dred dollars raised at the anual Meeting Voted to adjourn without day Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toivn Clerh To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the Inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to assemble at the old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury in Said Town on Wednesday July l*"* at 2 Oclock P. M. to act on the following articles (to wit) Article 1^^* To chose a Moderator 2'' To See if the Town will reconsider a vote taken at the last Town Meeting for the purpose of raising the sum of five hundred dollars for the further support of town schools the present year agreeable to the petition of Washing Adams and others And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the Meeting Houses one in east and one in West Tisbury fourteen days at least before the time of holding Said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant Avith your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of Meeting afore Said. Given under our hands this fifteenth day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred fifty seven Henry Bradley ^ Sdedmen Henry Manter > of Bartlett Mayhew ) Tisbury !^ 730 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant of the within Warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury at two Oclock P. M, to see if the Town will reconsider a vote taken at the last Town Meeting agreeable with the petition And I have warned the Inhabitants by posting up attested copies one in east an one in West Tisbury according to Law. Richard L. Hursel counstable of the Town Tisburi/ Tisbury July 1st 1857 At a legal Meeting held at the Old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury for the purpose of reconsidering the vote of the last Town Meet- ing agreeable to the Petition of Washing Adams and others 1"^ Chose William S. Vincent as Moderator to preside over said Meeting 2'' Voted to reconsider the vote of last meeting 3'^ Voted to adjourn without day Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toivn Clerk To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are herebj required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs to assemble at the old Baptist Meeting House in West Tisbury in said Town on the Seventeenth day of August next at two oclock in the afternoon to act on the following articles to wit Article 1^. To Chose a Moderator 2' To see if the Town will except a private way layed out by the Selectmen in the Town of Tisbury on the thirty first day of July 1857 begining at Norton s Landing so called and terminating at the Indian Lands near Lamberts Cove 3:! To see what action the Town will take in regard to County Build- ings, agreeable to the petition of James Gray and others And you are directed to serve this warrant by putting up attested Coppies at three of the Meeting Houses in Tisbury seven days at least, before the time of holding said Meeting. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 731 Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of Meeting aforesaid. Given under our hands this six day of August in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty seven. Henry Bradley -\ Selectmen i ?^ Henry Manter ) Tishury Pursuant of the within Warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury to meet at the Old Baptist Meeting House in west Tisbury Aug// W-. 1857 agreeable to the within warrant Richard L. Hursel Constable of 7'isbury Attest Timothy B. Lovell Toion Clerk Met at the time and place appointed for the purpose specified in the warrant and acted on the following articles 1^^ Made choice of Charles Bradley as moderator whole number of Votes 17 Charles Bradley had 10 Charles Smith 4 Walter Hillman 3 2;! Chose Joseph B. Nickerson Clerk Pro tem whole number votes 7 J. B. Nickerson 6 Charles Bradley 1 S~ Acted uppon seccond article in the warrant Voted that the privet way be accepted as laid out by the Selectmen divided the House stood 17 for 12 against Third to se what action the Town will take in regard to County Buildings Voted that Thomas Bradley be Agent and James Gray be assistent agent to act in relation to County Buildings and having Tisbury to be made the shire Town Attest J. B. JSTicKERSON Clerk Pro tem Attest Timothy B. Lovell Tovm Clerk The Selectmen met and drew from the Juror box five good and lawful men to serve as petit Jurors at the Court of Common Please to be holden at Edgartown on the twenteith eight day of September the 732 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. names of persons were Henry Bradley David Smith Abraham Anthony Eliakim Norton Bayse Norton Attest Timothy B. Lovell Tovm Clerh Sept 8 1857 Persuant to a notice from Richard L, Hursell The Town Clerk and ., Select Men met at the Selectmens Office and drew two good and Lawful 1| men to serve as Jurors to attend the United States Circuit Court to be holden at Boston on the 20'" and 27"' October 1857 for which purpose John W. Rowland was drawn Grand Juror Timothy B. Lovell was drawn Petit Juror Attest Timothy B.' Lovell Town Clerk Oct 7"> 1857 To the Honourable Senate and House of Representatives of Mass chusetts, in General Court assembled : The undersigned, legal voters of the town of Tisbury, respectfully represent, that under the existing laws the public buildings and Courts of the County of Dukes County are in Edgartown, at the extreme end of the County, causing great inconvenience to the largest portion of the inhabitants of the County, and that the County buildings now standing in Edgartown, have become old and very unsuitable; new buildings must soon be erected, and the cost of changing the shiretown will be no additional expense to the county. Your petitioners further represent, that Tislmry is the center town of the three towns comprising the County, and that a far greater, por- tion of the inhabitants of the County, and others having business in the Courts and with the records of the County, would have easier access them if the County buildings were placed in Tisbury. In view of the above statement of facts, your petitioners respectfully but earnestly request that an Act of your body may be passed making Tisbury the shire town of the County of Dukes County and that the County building be located and courts at that part of Tisbury called Holmes Hole, And as in duty bound will ever pray, Signed Charles Bradley and three hundred and one others. Dated Tisbury September 1st 1857 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 733 To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of Massachu- setts, in General Court assembled : The undersigned, legal voters in the town of Edgartown, respectfully represent, that under the existing laws the public buildings and Courts of the County of Dukes County are in Edgartown at one extreme end of the County causing great inconvenience to the largest potion of the inhabitants of the County and that the County buildings now standing in Edgartown have become old and are very unsuitable ; new buildings must soon be erected and the cost of changing the shire town will be no additional expense to the County, Your petitioners further represent that Tisbury is the center town of the three towns comprising the County and that a far greater portion of the inhabitants of the County and others having business in the Courts, and with the reccords of the County, would have easier access to them if the County buildings were placed in Tisbury. In view of the above statements of facts your petitioners respectfully but earnestly request that an Act of your body may be passed making Tisbury the shire town of the County of Dukes County and that the County buildings be located and courts held in that part of Tisbury called Holmes Hole. And as in duty bound your petitioners will ever pray. Signed Charles Kiddek and twenty eight others. Dated at Edgartown Sept. 1st 1857 To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, in General Court assembled. The undersigned legal voters in the town of Chilmark respectfully represent that under the existing law the public buildings and courts of the County of Dukes County are in Edgartown at one extreme end of the County causing great inconveniance to the largest portion of the inhabitants of the county ; and that the County buildings now standing in Edgartown, have become old and are very unsuitable; new buildings must soon be erected and the cost of changing the shire town will be no additional expence to the County your petitioners further represent that Tisbury is the center town of the three towns comprising the County and that a far greater portion of the inhabitants of the County and others having business in the courts and with records of the County would have easier access to them if the County buildings were placed in Tisbury. 734 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. In view of the above statements of facts your petitioners respectfully but earnestly request that an Act of your bod}^ may be passed making i Tisbury the Shire town of the County of Dukes County and that the County buildings be located and Courts held at that part of Tisbury i called Holmes Hole And as in duty bound will ever pray. Signed David. L. Adams and one hundred others. Chilmark Sep^. 1. 1857 Entered Oct 20, 1857 Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk To Richard L. Hursell constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of Said Town of Tisbury qualified as the Constitution requires to assemble at the Old Baptist House in West Tisbury on Tuesday the third day of November next at 10 O Clock in the forenoon to give in their votes as follows viz First, To bring in their votes for Governor Leiut, Governor, Secre- tary, Treasurer and Receiver General Attorney General, Auditor of Accounts One Councellor for district N;^ 8 one Senator for the Island District and one Representative for the County of Dukes County Dis- trict N- 1 to represent us in the next General Court all on one ballot Seccond To bring in their votes for one County Commissioner from the Town of Chillmark The Selectmen will be in sesion at their Office on the 31'^. day of ' October at 1 Oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of correcting the I list of voters You are hereby directed to Serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies on three of the public Meeting Houses at least fourteen days before Said meeting and make due returns of this warrant to the Select- men at the time and place of said Meeting. Given under our hands at Tisbury this nineteenth day of October A. D. 1857 Henry Bradley ^Selectmen Bartlett Mayhew 2" > of Henry Mantkr ) T'tslmri/ TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 735 Pursuant of the within I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified as the constitution requires to assemble at the Old Baptist Meeting House at West Tisbury to act on the folowing articles First To bring in their votes for Governor Lieut Govenor Secretary Treasurer and Receiver General Attorney General Auditor of accounts Councillor for District JSfo 8 one Senator for the Island District and one Representative for District No 1 to represent us in the next General Court all on one ballot Second to bring in their votes for one County Commishioner for Town of Chilmark Agreeable to the within warrant Tisbury Nov 3 1857 Richard L. Hursell Met at the Old Baptist Meeting House at the time specified in the Warrant the meeting was called to order by Chairman of Selectmen then proseeded to receive ballots for Govenor Lieu Governor Secretary Treas- urer and receiver General Attorney General Auditor of accounts one Counciller for District N- 8 one Senator for the Island District and one Representative for the District N" 1 all in one box Whole number of votes for Governor was two hundred and twenty three Henry J Gardner of Boston one hundred & thirteen 113 Nathanuel P, Banks of Waltham forty five 45 Erastus D Beach Springfield sixty five 65 Lieut Governor Alexander De Witt of Oxford one hundred thirteen 113 Eliphalet Trask of Springfield forty five 45 Albert Currier Newburyport sixty five 65 Secretary of Commonwealth Benjamin L. Allen of Boston one hundred & thirteen 113 Jonathan E Field of Stockbridge sixty five 65 Oliver Warren Northampton forty five 45 For Attorney General John H Clifford of Newbedford hundred & fifteen 115 Ezra Wilkinson Dedham sixty three 63 Stephen C Phillips Salem forty five 45 736 TISBURY TOWN RECOKDS. For Treasurer & Receiver General Timothy Ingraham New Bedford hundred thirteen 113 Charles Thompson Charlestown sixty five 65 Moses Tenney Jr George Town forty five 45 For Auditor Chandler R Ransom of Roxbury hundred thirteen 113 Charles White of Worcester forty five 45 Seymore L. Meade Nantucket sixty five 65 For Councillor District No 8 William H. Wood Middleboro forty five 45 Peter H Pierce Middleboro sixty five 65 Amos Bates Hingham hundred & three 103 Senator for Island District Henry W Rugg Barnstable hundred fifty two 152 Alfred Norton Tisbury forty six 46 Frederick C Sanferd Nantucket thirteen 13 John Morisseey Nantucket one 1 For Representative District N" 1 Thomas Bradley two hundred and twelve 212 Charles B. Allen eight 8 Walter Hillman eleven 11 County Commissioner for Chilmark Allen Tilton two hundred and eleven 211 Thomas H Lambert fourteen 14 Smith Mayhew nine 9 Tisbury Nov 3'' 1857 Attest Timothy B. Lovell Town Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes County s s. Pursuant to a law of this Commonwealth, the qualified voters of Representative District Number one in their several Meetings the day of November instant for the choice of a Representative in the General Court gave in their votes for the following persons, as follows Viz : Whole number of votes given in sorted and counted and declared, was six hundred and fourteen 614 Walter Hillman of Tisbury had seventeen votes 17 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. . 737 Thomas Bradley of Tisbury had two hundred and sixty nine votes 269 Charles B. Allen of Tisbury had three hundred twenty I eight votes 328 Chilmark Nov 4, 1857 Barnard C Marchant ^Edgartown ^ James N. Tilton i Chilmark i Clerks I Timothy B. Loyell ) Tisbury ) Attest Timothy B. Loyell Town Clerk j Tisbury S. S. ! To Richard L Hursel Constable of the toun of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elec- tions and in town affairs to meet at the Capawock Hall in said Tisbury on Monday the 29"' day of march 1858 at 10 O clock in the forenoon. j then and there to act on the following articles. 1*' To choose a moderator to preside in said Meeting 2*^ To choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing. 3*^ To hear the annual report of the selectmen and other officers and act theron. 4"' To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensuing year and make appropriations of the same. 5"* To determine the manner of repairing the highways, townways, and bridges the year ensuing 6*'' To see if the town will pay the expences incured in circulateing the petition, (praying the general court to make Tisbury the Shere Town) and also the expence of L F Brigham Esqr for services rendered by speaking before the commissioners court asking them to delay the time of locating the county buildings, agreeable to the petiton of J W. Holmes and ten others 7"' To see if the town will vote to sell the priviledg of taking Her- rings at the fishery, known by the name of Chapaquonsett creek and appropiate the proceeds of the same for the support of Public schools or any other purpose the Town may determine agreeable to the petition Charles Smith and eleven Orthers. 738 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies therof at thre of the publick Meeting houses in the said town fourteen days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings theron to the town clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hands this 12^'' day of March in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and fifty eight. Heneey Bkadley "^ Selectmen Baktlett Mayhew 2" V of the Toivn Heneey Manter jof Tishury Pursuant to the within i have notified the inhabitants qualified to vote in elections and town affairs to meet in capawock Hall ther to act on the following articles agreeable to the within warrant March 29^" 1858 Richard L Hursel coun-stable of t/ie Toum Tisbury A true copy of warrant with Constables returns theron Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rant the warrant was read by the clerk and the ballots called for Mod- erator whole number of Votes for Moderator 42 Henery Bradley had 17 Thos Barrows 12 J. W. Holmes 9 Chas Smith 2 Henery Bradley Moderator Voted Town Clerk whole number of votes 90 Lot Luce had 87 sworn Timothy B Lovel had 1 M P. Butler had 1 Timothy Luce had 1 Lot Luce declared chosen and proceded to duty I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 739 Selectmen Voted to receive votes for selecti nen all on one Ballot Whole number of Ballots 119 J. W. Holmes had 86 Sworn David Smith " 97 Sworn Henery Cleavland " 76 Thos Barrows 21 J D Rotch 18 Edmund Cottle 11 Franklin Luce 11 Alexander Newcoomb 2 Gilbert Brush 1 M. P. Butler 1 Voted to Excuse Henery Cleavland 2*' Ballotting whole number of Votes 107 J D Rotch had 61 Sworn William Arthearn 8 Bartlett May hew 23 Franklin Luce 6 James Mayhew 5 Tho" Barrows 2 T B Lovell 1 M P. Butler 1 Town Treasurer Whole number Vots 98 Chas Bradley had 86 Sworn T. B Lovel 7 M. P. Butler 1 J. Holmes. Jr 3 T. Luce. 1 Voted that the school committe be chosen seperatly one for three years one for two years and one for one year from the twenty Ninth day of March A D 1858 Votes for first Committee for 3 years Whole number 95 votes Daniel A Cleavland 57 votes M P. Butler 38 votes Votes for second Committe for 2 years whole number 89 740 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Edmund Cottle had 71 votes chosen M. P. Butler had 14 A D Luce 2 Edward Cottle 1 R. L. Hursel 1 Votes for third committee for 1 year W. H. Luce had whole number 85 votes chosen 70 votes M. P. Butler had 14 " G D Smith " 1 " Votes for Constables whole number 110 votes R L. Hursel 71 " sworn J D Peaks 19 John Holmes Jur 6 W A. Luce 5 Peleg Barrows M P. Butler 2 4 Gerg Harding James L Luce 1 1 Joseph Dias 1 Voted to excuse Dniel A Cleavland from serving a school committe for three years Voted for school committe for three years whole number M P Butler had 100 votes 56 chosen Peleg Barrows 42 J D Peaks 1 Tho^ Barrows 1 Fish Committe whole number 62 Lot Luce had 54 sworn i B F Smith 52 sworn J Josiah Cleavland " 51 sworn Isacc Vincent "■ 3 Cha^ Smith Tho** Rol)insr»n " 2 2 Voted to choose the overseers of the poor sepperate from the slectmen Overseeor Richard L Hursel sworn of Poor Alfred Norton Declined to serve William H Luce TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 741 Health r Gilbert Brush > Committe Cha! Holmes ^ Daniel A Cleavland David Smith ' Accepted - Edmund Cottle Surveyors Obed Nickerson Sworn of Highway s Thomas Robinson sworn Seth Luce sworn Field Di Timothy B. Lovell ivers Tristram Luce Hyli'^ Norton Samuel Look William Cleavland sworn sworn M. T. Crowell sworn Obed Nickerson sworn Thomas L Norton Fence James L Luce sworn Viewers Constant Norton Bartlett Mayhew James Look sworn Surveyo rs of Cha^ D Allen Lumber James D Peaks Alphonso D Smith J. T James Surveyor of Wood and bark Timothy Luce Pound Keeper James D. Peaks sworn Zadock Arthearn sworn Sealor of Weights & Measures Charles Bradley Hog Reeves Icabod Norton Tho^ Robinson Benjamin Crowell Voted that the Treasurer of the town be the collector of Taxes and that he have Two pr cent oh all moneys collected. Voted that Nathan Mayhew of the South West district and Leonard Luce of the North West districts be a Prudential committe in their districts Voted to indfinitely postpone the 7"' article of the warrant Voted to accept the report of the selectmen 742 TISBURY TOWN RECOKDS. Voted to chose a committe to audet Maniil Joseph Accounts against the Town Voted that the overseeors of the poor be that committe Voted that this meeting when it does adjourn that it be the second Monday of April Voted To raise Nineteen hundred dollars for the support of the poor Voted To raise Two Thousand dollars for Suport of Public schools Voted to raise Four hundred dollars for incidental expences. Voted to raise for repairs of Highways three hundred dollars Voted to raise one hundred dollars in additton Voted to alow the inhabitants of the Town to work out their highway Tax. and to receive as a compensation one shilling pr hour for their Labor Voted that the compensation of a horse and cart be one shilling pr hour Voted that the highway tax be asessed seperately from other Taxes and Warrants delivered to the Several Surveyors of Highways for col- lection Voted to pay Gilbert Brushs bill agreeable to 6 Articles of warrant. Voted to reconsider the vote wherby we voted that when we adjourn it shall be the seccond Monday of April Voted to adjourn without day Lot Luce Toivn CJerk March 31, 1858. Then personaly appeared before me J Whelden Holmes David Smith and John D Rotch and made oath to the faithfull performance of their duty as assessors of taxes the ensueing year in the town of Tisbury Before me Lot Luce Toirn Clerh This Certify that Obed Nickerson then appeared before me W A Mayhew Justice of the peace, and mad oath to the faithful discharge of his duties as surveyor of highways for th current year W. A Mayhew Justice of the Peace West Tisbury April 2" 1858 a true copy Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 743 Then Personaly appeared Charles Bradley and made oath to the faithful performance of his dutys as Treasurer and Collector of taxes the ensuing year Tisbury April 3. 1858 Before me Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Hursell Constable of the town of tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as Traverse Juror at the above mentioned Court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and dukes Counties on the ninth Tuesday after the first tuesday of March. The selectmen and Town Clerk met at the toun Clerks office on the twenty first day of April A D. 1858 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Isac L. Vincent to serve as traverse Juror at said Court Attest Lot Luce Toion Clerk To Richard L, Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts within three days from the date hereof to summons each of the persons on the list therein named to appear before the Town Clerk within seven days of the Time you shall give such notice and take the Oath of Office by law required. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant and of your doing to me within seven days from the date hereof Given under my hand This 31* day of March A D 1858 Lot Luce Toirn Clerk Aprl 5,"' 1858 Agreeable to the within warrant I have notified the persons therein named to appear and take the oath of office as herein directed the expence of which 32 in number a/10 ' 3.20 Travel 10 miles 40 13.60 Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Toun T'ishury 744 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. / rursuant to a notice from Richard L Hursell Constable of the Town of Tisbury and uppon his produceing a Venire from the Clerk of Court of common pleas the Selectmen and Town Clerk met at the town clerks office on the fourtenth day of May A. D. 1858 and drew from the Juror Box Six good and lawful men as the law directs to serve as Grand Jurors and five of like qualifications to Serve as Traverse Jurors at the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartowm within and for the County of Dukes County on the last Monday of May inst. The following are the names of Jurors drawn Grand Jurors Traverse Jurors Timothy Luce Wendal Crocker Bartlett Pease Jur Thomas Barrows John E. Johnson Jared Vincent William Arthearn David Look William C. Luce Bartlett Mayhew^ 2'! Thomas West Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk To the Clerk of the Town of Tisbury The no of Polls taxable in the Town of Tisbury for the present year and of which you are to make record according to Law is four hundred and fifty Two (452) Given under our hand this twenty second day of July A. D. 1858 J Whelden Holmes David Smith ^.s.ses.ser.s of Tlsbitrj/ A true Copy. Attest Lot Luce Town Cleric The following is a list of persons liable to serve as Jurors during the present year to be laid before the legal voters of the town for their revision and Acceptance, prepared by the selectmen August 11. 1858 Charles B. Allen Alexander W. Smith Charles D. Allen John D. Rotch Joseph S. Adams Joseph Luce Washington Adams Joseph B. Nickerson William Arthearn David Tilton Benjamin Arthearn -'' Joseph M. Crowell TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 746 Henery Bradley Rodolphos W. Crocker Benjamin F Brown Lorenzo Smith George F. Baxter Charles C Look John F. Robinson John W Athearn Shubal D. Smith Henery Weeks Charles Holmes Constant C. Downs Theodore Luce William H Davis Eben Norton Gilbert Brush Alphonso Smith Gustavus L. West A true copy from the original Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk of Tishiu-y To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury. you are hereby required in the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified by law to vote at such meetings to assemble at Capawock Hall in said Town on Tuesday the 24 inst at 2 Oclock in the afternoon to act upon the following subjects I''* To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting 2'' To see if the town will accept the list of persons as prepared by the Selectmen to serve as Jurors during the present year Herof fail not and make due returns of this warrant and of your doings theron at the time and place of meeting. Given under our hand at Tisbury this 13"' day of August A D 1858 J. W. Holmes ) Selectmen of Tisbury David Smith > Tisbury August 25*'' 1858 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified as thein xpressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therin mentioned by posting up attested copies of such warrant at three of the Meeting houses they being public and conspicious places in said Town on the 15"' day of August 1858 Richard L. Hdrsell constable of the Toiun of Tisburt/ A true copy Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk 746 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Met at the time and place and for the purposes specfied in the war-f rant the meeting called to order by the Town Clerk J. W Holmes chosen Moderator Voted to accept the list of persons as prepared by the selectmen to serve as Jurors during the year Voted to adjourn without day Lot Luce Toion Clerk of Tisbunj Pursuant to notice from Richard L Hursel and upon his producing a Venire from the clerk of the court of common pleas the selectmen and town clerk met at th town clerks office and drew from the juror Boxi five good and lawful as the law directs to serve as Petit Jury at the court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes on the 22 Septemb 1858 the following are the names drawn Eben Norton Charles P Allen David Tilton Benjamin Arthearn Theodore Luce Attest Lot Luce Tonm Clerk To Richard L. Hursell Constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting — you are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to notify the inhabitants of said town qualified as the constitu- tion requires to assembel in cappawock hall in Holmes Hole on Tuesday the seccond day of November next at ten oclock in the forenoon to give, in their votes as follows Viz V} for Governor and Lieut Governor of the Commonwealth Secre-i tary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Attorney General, Auditor of accounts one Representative to the congress of the United States for district No one Councilor for District no. 8. one Senator for the island District and Representative for the county of Dukes County District no one to Represent them in the next General court of the commonwealth all on one ballot. 2'' For Register of deeds. Register of probate and insolvency and county Treasurer for the County of Dukes County and also one county commissioner for the Town of Tisbury on one Ballot The selectmen will be in session at Capawock Hall on Tuesday the TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 747 second day of November next at 9 o clock in the forenoon for the pur- pose of revising the list of Voters and You are directed to serve this warrant by Posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in said town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to ourselves at the time and place of meeting Given under our hands this fifteenth day of October in the year One thousand Hundred and Fifty Eight J Whelden Holmes Selectmen of David Smith Tisbury Tisbury Nov. 2 1858 Pursuant to the within to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expresed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein mentioned by posting up Attested copies of such warrant at three public places in said town on the 15"' day of Octo 1858 Richard L Hursel Constable of the Toicn of Tisbury A true copy Attest Lot Luge Toivn Clerk of Tisbury Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the War- rant the meeting was called to order by the chairman of Selectmen the I warrant was read and proceded to receive Votes for State and county offices Voted to keep the Polls open untill 2 oclock P. M At 2 oclock the Polls were closed and public declaration thereof i made as follow^s. ! The whole number of Ballots received was One hundred Sixty four 164 For Governer j Erasmus D. Beach of Springfield had Seventy 70 Nathaniel P. Banks of Waltham had Forty Nine 49 Amos A. Lawrence of Brooklin had Forty Five 45 748 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Leut Governor Whole number of Ballots received was One hundred Sixty four 164 Charles Thompson of Charlestown had Seventy 70 Elipalet Trask of Sprino^field had Forty Nine 49 Increase Sumner of Great Barrington had Forty five 45 For Secretary of the Commonwealth The whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred Sixty Four 164 John M. Cole of Williamston had Seventy 70 Oliver Warner of Northampton had Forty Nine 49 Benjamin L. Allen of Boston had Forty Five 45 For Treasurer of this Commonwealth the whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred Sixty Four 164 Silas Peirce of Boston had Seventy 70 Moses Tenny Jr of Georgetown had Forty Nine 49 Alvan G. Underwood of Millford " Forty Five 45 For Auditor The whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred Sixty four 164 Seymour L Mead of Nantucket had Seventy 70 Charles White of Worcester had Forty Nine 49 Chandeler R. Ransom of Roxbury had Forty Five 45 For Attorney General the whole number of Ballots received was 164 one hundred Sixty Four Ezra Wilkinson of Dedham had Seventy 70 Stephen H PhiUips of Salem Forty Nine 49 Andrew A. Richmond of Adams Forty Five 45 For Representative to Congress District No 1 was One Hundred Twelve 112 Moses Bates Jr. of Plymouth Twenty Two 22 Thomas D Eliot of New Bedford fifty 50 Samuel Andrews of Tisbury Forty 40 For Councillor District No. 8. the whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred fifty Nine 159 Franklin Ames of North Bridge water had 48 John Pierce of Edgartown twenty two 22 James L. Luce of Tisbury Forty three 43 Daniel A Cleavland of Tisbury had forty six 46 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 749 For Senator for the island District the whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred Fifty Nine 159 Sylvester Bourne of Falmouth had one hundred fifteen 115 Icahabod N. Luce of Edgartown Forty three 43 Chas B Allen had One 1 For Representative to General Court District No 1 th whole number of Ballots received was One hundred Seventy Six 176 J. W. Holmes of Tisbury had Sixty two 62 Walter Hillman of Tisbury Nineteen 19 Alexander Newcomb of Tisbury Ninty five 95 County Officers For Treasurer The whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred fifty three 153 B. C. Merchant of Edgartown had one hundred thirty seven ' 137 David Davis of Edgartown had Sixteen 16 For Register of Deeds the whole number of Ballots received was One Hundred fifty six 156 Josiah H Smith of Edgartown had 156 For County Commissioner the whole number of Ballots received was One hundred fifty eight 168 Edwin A. Luce of Tisbury had one hundred thirty 130 William S. Vincent of Tisbury had twenty Seven 27 Sanford Vincent had one , 1 For Register of Probate and insolvency the whole number of Ballots received was one Hundred thirty 130 Hebron Vincent of Edgartown had Sixty Seven 67 Benjamin Worth of Edgartown had Sixty three 63 At a legal meeting of the freeholders and others inhabitants of Rep- resentative District number one in the county of Dukes County qualified to Vote in elections Assembled in their several meetings on Tuesday the seccond day of November in the year 1858 At 10 O clock A M and gave in their Votes for a Representative and the same being sorted counted and declared in open meetings as by law required and was as follows. 750 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. For Representative to the General court for District Number one. tiie whole number of Ballots received was four hundred and thirty nine 439 Alexander Newcomb of Tisbury had one hundred Sixty seven 167 Walter Hillman of Tisbury had eighty one 81 Joseph Whelden Holmes of Tisbury had one hundred Ninety One 191 B. C Makchant ^ Olerh o/ Edgartown Lot Luce > Clerk of Tisbury James N Tilton ) Clerh of Chihnark The clerks of the several towns Met at the house of Moses Adams in Chilmark November 3"^ 1858 A true copy of their doings Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Tisbury Novem 5VV58. To the Gentlemen Selectmen of Tisbury We the undersigned Freeholders of Tisbury pettition that you will grant us liberty to set Wares called a pound in the vicinity of Lambert's Cove for the purpose of catching Fish for the term of Five years Edmund Luce Arvin Luce Seth Luce Bartlett Pease Jr John Look Leonard Luce David Butler Edmund Cottle Joseph Luce Entered on the records this thirteenth day of December A. D. 1858. A true copy from the Original Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dukes County s.s. We the subscribers Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury at a meeting this day holden for that purpose have licensed and do hereby license Edmund Luce Arvin Luce Seth Luce Bartlett Pease Jr. John Look. TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 751 Leonard Luce David Butler Edmund Cottle and Joseph Luce as a body Corporate to construct and maintain a set of fish wiers or a pound so called in the waters of Lamberts Cove for the term of five years. Said pound to be built in the immediate vicinity of the Store house or Building now standing on the shore of said cove and not to extend into the waters of the aforementioned Cove more than three hundred yards from the Shore. Tisbury December 13"' 1858 J. Whelden Holmes David Smith Entered on the Reccords this thirtenth day of December A. D. 1858 A true copy from the Original License Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk To Richard L Hursel a constable of the town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said town of Tisbury qualified to vote in town affairs by law to assemble at the Dukes County Academy in said town on Monday the 28^' day of March A. D. 1859 at 10 oclock in the forenoon to act on the following articles to wit 1" To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting 2.^ To choose all necessary town officers for the ensuing year 3*^ To hear the annual report of the select men and other officers and act t heron 4- To see if the town will grant and raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the maintainance and support of schools, and the poor and the repairs of roads and bridges and to defray all other town charges for the ensuing year 5th To see what action the town will take in regard to meeting the expense of making the road recently laid out by the County Commis- sioners in the town of Tisbury 6t! To see if the town will vote to alter the line between the N. E. school district and the Lamberts Cove district so as to set off the land of Thaddeus Luce from the former and annex the same to the latter school district according to the petition of Thaddeus Luce and others V^] To see if the town will vote to discontinue the road on the south side of Tho?. Bradleys factory in West Tisbury 8*^ To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money to purchase 752 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. or hire a house for the use of the town paupers according to the petition of Presbury Norton & others 9"! To see what action the town will take in regard to the collection of highway taxes the ensuing year and to act on any other business that may legally come before the meeting And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in said town fourteen days at least before the day of said meeting Hereoff fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting- Given under our hands at Tisbury this 9"' March A. D. 1859 John D Rotch ) Select Men oj David Smith 5 Tisbury Tisbury Mar 28\^' 1859 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein mentioned by posting up attesting copies of such warrant in three public and conspicuous places in said town on the twelvth day of March 1859 Richard L Hursel Constable of Tishuri/ A true copy of warrant with constables returns thereon Attest . Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rant The warrant was read by the clerk and ballots called for Moderator whole number of votes for moderator 16 John D. Rotch (chosen) 11 James Mayhew 3 Henry Bradley 1 John 1 Votes for Town Clerk Whole no — 36 W"! B Mayhew (chosen) sworn 19 Lot Luce 17 W™. B. Mayhew declared chosen and proceeded to duty Voted that the select men be chosen all on one ballot Votes for Select Men whole no 42 David Smith ^ 39 John D Rotch > Chosen & sworn 39 Lot Luce ) 20 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS 753 Tho.: Barrows 7 Alfred Norton Jr 7 Franklin Luce 4 Washington Atlams 3 J. W. Holmes 1 Votes for Treasurer Whole No 41 Cha". Bradley (Chosen) (sworn) 24 Cha? Smith 17 Voted that we receive the choice of the rest of town officers and take up the report of the Select Men Report of the Select Men was then read Voted that the Report of the selectmen be accepted Votes for one School committee to serve three years Whole No 46 Danl. A Cleveland (chosen) 46 Votes for Constable Whole no 56 Richard L. Hursel (chosen & sworn 27 Ja?. D. Peaks 20 Job H. Gorham 9 Votes for Fish Committee Whole No 34 Cha?. Smith (chosen) sworn 19 Char. Swift (chosen) 17 Lot Luce ' 16 Thof. Bradley 16 W:: P. Bod fish 14 W^: F. Smith 10 Chas. Bradley 3 Henry Bradley 2 Isaac Vincent 1 Votes for Fish Committee second ballot whole no 46 Lot Liice (chosen) 25 W:i P. Bodfish 16 B. F Smith 3 Allen Look 1 Edward Luce 1 Voted that the Report of the Overseers of the Poor be read Report of the Overseers of the Poor read and accepted Overseers of the Poor Chas Smith sworn James Look Peles: Barrows 754 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Health Committee Daniel A. Cleveland John Homes Tim:^ C. Luce David Smith W-y H. Luce Voted that the choosing of surveyors of highways be postponed until after the money for the repairs of highways be raised Voted that if any one present have demands against the town that they present them Voted to reject Mr Swain's bill for support of town pauper Voted to accept Capf. Downs bill for amount of money expended on road 112. Voted to accept assessors bill for reassessing taxes $21 —^ Field drivers Wf! Norton Tristram Luce (sworn) Tho:^. L Norton (sworn) Theadore Luce Benj Cleveland (sworn) Allen Look Fence Viewers Edmund Cottle James Mayhew^ (sworn) Wi^: S Vincent (sworn) Surveyors of Lumber Joseph T. James Hervey Weeks (sworn) John F. Robinson (sw^orn) Surveyor of Wood & Bark Chaf. Smith (sworn) Pound Keepers Zadoc Athearn (sworn) Hillyard Norton Sealer of Weights & Measures Chas Bradley Hog Reeves W':; M Smith Bernard Luce (sworn) Chas M. Luce TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 755 Prudential Committee for Lamberts Cove District Seth Luce Prudential committee for North East District Alfred Norton Jr Prudential committee for South District Joseph B. Nickerson Voted to raise $1200. for Support of schools Voted to raise $300. additional for support of schools Voted to raise $1900. for Support of the poor Voted to raise $500. for Incidental charges Voted to raise $2577. towards paying Town debt Voted to raise $400 for repairs of Roads & Bridges Voted to raise $1628 to pay for the new road Voted that the Treasurer be empowered to hire the money to pay demands for new road as they become due Surveyers of Highway Obid Nickerson (sworn) Cha?. Smith (sworn) Voted that the money appropriated for the Highways be assessed and paid into the treasury the same as other taxes Voted that the surveyers be instructed to hire a man to work on the road with a team when necessary Voted that the pay of men working on the road shall be 12 cents pr hour Voted that the office of collector of taxes be put up at auction and that the collector be required to pay into the treasury the money assessed in eaqual quarterly payments collected or uncollected except such as the assessors will remit Office of Collector of taxes was then bid off at 274 pr cent by Wash- ington Adams (Sworn) Voted that the line between the North East school District and the Lamberts Cove school District be altered (See Warrant sec 6 Voted that the seventh article in the warrant relative to the road south of Tho' Bradley's factory in West Tisbury be indeffinitely postponed Voted that the Eighth article in the warrant relative to providing house for the poor be indeffinitily postponed Voted to Adjourn Attest W^'. B. Mayhew Town Clerk 756 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Then personally appeared before me David Smith John D. Rotch and Lot Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of their duty as select Men of the town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^' E. Mayhew Town Clerk March 28'V59 Then personally appeared before me Richard L. Hursel and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Constable of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^.^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk March 28'V59 Then personally appeared before me Thof. L Norton and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Field driver of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me ~ W''. B. Mayhew Town Clerk March 28'V59 Then personally appeared before me Zadoc Athearn and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Bound keeper of the town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W-^'. B. Mayhew Tonm Clerk March 28/59 Then personally appeared before me Obed Nickerson and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as surveyor of highways of the town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W*'. B. Mayhew Toion Clerk March 28/59 To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury The following is a list of persons who were this day chosen into office at a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury and of whom an oath is required by law and the offices to which they were respectively chosen Viz TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 757 You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts within three days from the date hereof to summon each of the persons herein named to appear before the town Clerk within seven days of the time you shall give such notice and take the oath of office by Law required Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant and of your doings thereon to me within seven days from the date hereof Given under my hand this twen4|r eighth day of March A. D. 1859 W^. B. Mayhew Tqimi Clerk of Tishur>/ Tisbury April 1^. 1859 Agreeable to the within warrant I have notified the persons therein named to appear and take the oath of office as herein directed Richard L Hersel Constable of Tishurj/ 24 Officers 10 cents each 2.40 Travel 14 miles 4c 56 12.96 Dukes County S. S. April 1^^ 1859 Then Charles Bradley who had been chosen Town treasurer for the town of Tisbury for the ensueing year appeared and made oath to the faithful performance of the duty said office requires Before me Bartlett Allen Justice of the Peace A true copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Toicn Clerk of Tishunj Dukes Co ss Apr 1/59 Then appeared Tristram Luce and made oath to the faithful per- formance of his duty as Field driver the ensuing year Before me Bartlett Allen Justice of Peace Copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Toicn Clerk 758 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. Dukes County S. S. Apr 1/59 Then personally appeared before me W" M. Smith Bernard Luce & Chas. M. Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of their duty as hog Reeves of the town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk Then personally appeared before me John F. Robinson and made oath to the faithful performance of his' duty as surveyor of lumber of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W~ B. Mayhew Town Clerk April S'' 1S59 Then personally appeared before me James Mayhew and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Fence Viewer of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^ B. Mayhew Town Clerk April 4"> 1859 Then personally appeared before me Hervey Weeks and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Surveyer of Lumber of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^A B. Mayhew Toirn Clerk April 4 1859 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bristol ss^. Seal To the Sheriffs of our several Counties or their Deputies Greeting We command you to attach the goods or estate of the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County to the value of three hundred dollars and summon the Said defendants (if they may be found in your precinct) to appear before our Justice of our Court of Common Pleas next to be holden at Edgartown within and for said county of Dukes County on the Last Monday of May next then and there in Said Court to answer unto John A. Swain of Tisbury aforesaid in an action of contract and the Plaintiff says the Deft owe him the sum of Seventy five dollars and Fifty five cents according to the account hereto annexed to the damage of the said Pltf as he says the sum of Three Hundred dollars which Shall then and there be made to appear with other due TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. T59 damage and have you then this Writ with your doings therein Witness Edward Mellen Esqr at Taunton the fifth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Fifty nine John S. Beayton Clerk Tisbury Apr 15'^ 1859 A True Copy Attest Jonathan Luce Deputy Slievif A true copy Attest W^. B Mayhew Toion Clerk Inhabitants of Tisbury To John A Swain Dr 1 To board & care Delphronia Luce from May 6. 1858 to Apr 3^' 59 (a) $1.50 pr week 170.50 2 Cash paid for Clothing for her 5.05 1175.55 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bristol ss To the Inhabitants of Tisbury within the county of Dukes County ^^^^^^"^ We command you that you appear at the next court of common pleas to be holden at Edgartown within and for our county of Dukes county, aforesaid on the Last Monday in May next then and there to answer to John A. Swain of Tisbury aforsaid in an action of contract which action the said Plaintiff has commenced against you to be heard and tried at the said court and your goods or estates are attached to the value of Three Hundred dollars for security to satisfy the judgment which the said Plaintiff may recover upon the aforsaid trial - Fail not of appear- ance at your peril — . » -i • Witness Edward Mellen Esqr at Taunton the Fifth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty nine John S. Brayton Clerk From the office of L F. Brigham A True copy Attest W^. B Mayhew Town Clerk 760 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. | Then personally appeared before me Charles Smith and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Surveyer of Highway of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year Before me W^ A. Mayhew Justice of Peace Apr 6/59 Copy Attest W^ V,. Mayhew Tovyn Clerk Dukes County S.S. March 29/50 Then Benjamin Cleveland made oath faithfully to perforn the duty of Field driver The ensuing year Before me Bartlett Allen Justice of Peace Copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Tovn Clerk April 6/59 Then personally appeared before me Charles Smith and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Surveyer of Wood & Bark of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year Before me W- A. Mayhew Justice of Pease Copy Attest W". B. Mayhew Town Clerk Then personally appeared before me Charles Smith and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Overseer of the Poor of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me W^. A Mayhew Justice of Peace Apr 6 " 1859 Copy Attest W^A B. Mayhew Poion Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 761 Then personally appeared before me W^ S. Vincent and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Fence Viewer of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year Before me W-. B. Mayhp:w Toicn Clerk April 6^" 1859 April 6 1859 Then personally appeared before me Charles Smith and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Fish Committee of the Tow^n of Tisbury for the ensuing year Before me W^. A, Mayhew Jut^fke of Peace Copy Attest W^ B. Mayhew Toicn Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Hersel constable of Tisbury and upon his producing a venire from the Clerk of the Supreme judicial court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man to serve as Traverse Juror at the above mentioned court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the counties of Barnstable and Dukes counties on the The Select men and Town Clerk met at the select mens office on the Twenty third day of April A. D. 1859 and drew from the Juror box the name of Joseph N. Crowell to serve as Traverse Juror at said court Attest W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk To Richard L. Hursel constable of the Town of Tisbury in Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury. qualified to vote in elections to meet at the Dukes County Academy in West Tisbury on Monday the Ninth day of May next at Ten o'clock in the forenoon To vote on the following article of amendment to the con- stitution of this State to wit no person of foreign birth shall be entitled to vote or shall be eligable to office unless he shall have resided within the jurisdiction of the United States for two years subsequent to his naturalization and shall be otherwise qualified according to the constitu- tion and Laws of this commonw^ealth Provided that this amendment 762 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. shall not effect the rights which any person of foreign birth possessed at the time of the adoption tliereof and provided farther that it shall not effect the rights of any child of a citizen of the United States born during the temporary absence of the parent therefrom The form of said ballot shall be as follows Amendment to the constitution Yes or No Hereof fail not and make returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforsaid Given under our hands and seal At Tisbury this thirtieth day of april A. D. 1859 David Smith > Selectmen of Lot Luce ) Tislmrt/ A true copy attest W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk Tisbury May 9','.' 1859 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Said Town of Tisbury qualified as herein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose herein mentioned by posting up attested copies of such warrant at three public and conspicuous places in said Town on the 30^' day of April A. D. 1859 Expense Richard L. Hursel 6 Pages 12^ .75 Constable of Tishury Travel 7 n/ 28 $1.03. A true copy W-. B. Mayhew Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose sjiecified in the war- rant The warrant was read by the select men and Polls declared open Vote on the amendment to the constitution Whole no of ballots 16 Yes 9 No 7 Voted to Adjourn W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Ilursel constable of Tisbury and upon his producing a Venire from the clerk of the court of common TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 763 Pleas The selectmen met at their office on the sixteenth day of May and drew from the juror box the following names to serve as Grand Jurors at the court of Common Pleas to be holden at Edgartown on the last monday of May next Alphonso Smith Hervey Weeks W"?? Athearn John D. Rotch Alexander W Smith Constant C. Downs And Five of like qualification to serve as Traverse Jurors at the aforsaid Court Cha?. Holmes Joseph B. Nickerson Joseph S. Adams Charles C Look John W. Athearn The select men met at their office and drew from the juror box the name of George F. Baxter to serve as grand juror at the District Court to be holden at Boston on the Twenty eight day of June 1859 Also the name of Benjamin F. Brown as Petit jurer at Said Court Tisbury June 10^^ 1859 Select men John D Rotch of Tisburij David Smith To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury In the name of the commonwealth of Tisbury you are hereby required to notify and warn the persons qualified to vote at such meet- ings to assemble at the Dukes County Academy in Said town on Monday the Eighth day of August next at 9 o'clock in the forenoon to act on the following Articles First To choose a moderator to govern said Meeting Second To see if the Town will accept the Hst of Jurors as prepared by the Select Men Fail not to make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of Meeting Given under our hands this 21'* day of July A. D. 1859 David Smith ) Select Men Lot Luce \ of Tisbury A true copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerl- 764 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to the within warrant to me 'directed I have notified the Inhabitants by posting up three copys of the within warrant Tisbury Aug 8/59 Rich? L. Hursel Constable of Tisburi/ A true copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warrant Warrant read by the Town Clerk & John D. Rotch chosen Moderator Voted to accept the list of jurors prepared by the Select Men Voted to adjourn W^ B. Mayhew Toivn Clerk The following is a list of persons liable to serve as Jurors prepared by the Select Men and accepted at Town Meeting Aug 8/59 Lorenzo Smith W^i; H. Davis Gilbert Brush Washing Adams Allen Look Wf: B. Mayhew Nathan Mayhew Alexander Newcomb Pel eg Barrows Arnold Crowell Franklin Grey John F. Robinson David Tilton John C. Cannon James L. Luce Tisbury July 21/59 David Smith John D. Rotch Lot Luce Joseph Luce David Smith Gustavus L West Shubael D. Smith Rodolphus Crocker J. Whelden Holmes Lot Luce Cha?. Dillingham Obed Nickerson James Mayhew Timothy Luce Thomas Robinson Henry Bradley John Holmes Jr Foster H. Jenkins Select Men of Tislniry a true copy Attest W^. B. Mayhew Imon Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Y65 The Select Men and Town Clerk Met at the Select Mens office on the 8^; day of Sep 1859 and drew from the juror box the following names to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Superior Court to be holden at Edgar- town on the last Monday in At 2 o'clock P. M. Joseph Luce David Smith Gustavus L. West R W. Crocker Lorenzo Smith W^. B, Mayhew Town Clerk To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified as the constitution requires to assemble at the Dukes County Academy in West Tisbury on Tuesday the Eighth day of Nov next at Ten o clock in the forenoon to give in their votes as follows Viz 1'' For Govornor and Lieut Govornor of this commonwealth, Sec- ratary, Treasurer and Receiver General, Auditor of Accounts, Attorney General, Councillor for Dist. No Eight, - One Senator for the Island District One Representative for the County of Dukes County Dist No 1 to represent them in the next General Court of this Commonwealth and a Dist Attorney for the Southern Dist of this Commonwealth All on one ballot 2^' For Sheriff Commissioner of Insolvency One County Commissioner from the Town of Edgartown, and Two Special Commissioners for the County of Dukes All on one ballot And you are diected to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in said Town Seven days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereof to the select Men at the time and place of Meeting aforsaid Given under our hands at Tisbury this Twenty Eighth day of October in the year One Thousand Eight hundred and fifty-nine David ^mitu}^ Select- Men Lot Luce 5 of Tisbury A true copy Attest W>'. li. Mayhew Town Clerk 766 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified as herein expressed to assemble at the time and place for the purposes herein mentioned by posting up three attested copies of such warrant at three public and conspicuous places in said Town on the Twenty-ninth day of Oct. 1859 Richard L Hdrsel Constable of Tishury A true copy Attest W'.'. U. May HEW Town Clerk Met at the time and place specified in warrant Tlie Warrant was read and poles declared open Voted that the Polls be kept open until Three o'clock P. M. At 374 oclock P. M. Voted tliat the Polls be closed Public declara- tion made of votes as follows viz For Govornor Whole Number of ballots One Hundred and seventy Nathaniel P. Banks of Waltham Thirty Seven 37 Benj F Butler of Lowell Eighty four 84 George N. Briggs of Pittsfield Forty nine 49 For Lieut Govornor Whole No One hundred and seventy Eliphalet Trask of Springfield Thirty seven 37 S. C. Bemis of Springfiekl Eighty four 84 Increase Sumner of Barrington Forty nine 49 For Sec'^ of State Whole no of ballots One Hundred and seventy 170 Oliver Warner of North Hampton Thirty Seven 37 Sam! W. Bowerman of Adams Eighty four 84 Benjamin L. Allen Boston Forty- nine 49 For Treasurer & Receiver General Whole Number of ballots One Hundred and Seventy 170 Mosses Tenny of Georgetown Thirty seven 37 George Dennett of Boston Eighty four 84 Charles Kimball of Ipswich Forty nine 49 For Auditor of Accounts Whole Number of ballots One Hundred and seventy 170 Charles White of Worcester Thirty seven 37 James E. Easterbrook Worcester Eighty four 84 James W. Sever of Boston Forty Nine 49 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 767 For Attorney General Whole number of ballots One Hundred and Seventy 170 D. H. Mason of Dedham Eighty four 84 Stephen H. Phillips of Salem Thirty seven 37 •Henry Morris of Forty nine 49 Counciller for Dist No 8 — Whole no of ballots One Hundred 100 C. F. Swift of Yarmouth Thirty five 35 Thomas Robinson of Tisbury Forty four 44 Obed Swain of Nantucket Twenty-one 21 For District Attorney for the Southern District Whole number of ballots One Hundred and fifty four 154 Edwin L Barney of New Bedford Forty four 44 George Marston of Barnstable One Hundred and ten 110 For Senator for Island District Whole number of ballots One Hundred and twenty five 125 Ichabod N Luce of Edgartown Thirty three 33 Daniel Cleveland of Tisbury Sixty six 66 Walter Hillman of Tisbury Twenty six 26 For Representative for Dist No 1 Whole number of ballots One Hundred and seventy four 174 Samuel Osborn of Edgartown Fourteen 14 Alexander Newcomb of Tisbury One Hundred and Forty three ' 143 John H. Pease of Edgartown Sixteen 16 J. W. Holmes of Tisbury One ^ 1 For Sheriff Whole number of ballots One Hundred and fifty six 156 Isiah D. Pease of Edgartown One Hundred and forty three 143 James L Barrows of Edgartown Thirteen 13 For county Commissioner Whole No of ballots One Hundred and forty seven 147 Benjamin Davis of Edgartown One Hundred and Eleven 111 Abram Osborn of Edgartown Thirty three 33 Joseph V. Kelly of Edgartown Two 2 Samuel Osborn of Edgartown One 1 For Two Special Commissioners for Dukes County Whole number of ballots Two Hundred and Eighty seven 287 Job Gorham of Tisbury Thirty one 31 768 TISBUEY TOWN RECORDS. Smith Mayhew of Chilmark Thirty one 31 Austin Smith of Chihrnjirk Eighty seven 87 John W. Mayhew of Chihnark Twenty six 20 Benj Luce of Edgartown Twenty two 22 Tristram Cleveland of Edgartown Eighty five -85 Benj Manter of Chilmark Two 2 Joni^ Luce of Tisbury Two 2 C. C. Downs of Tisbury One 1 For Commissioner of Insolvency Whole number of ballots One Hundred and twenty nine 129 Theadore G. Mayhew of Edgartown Ninety one 91 Charles Smith of Tisbury Twenty three 23 David Davis of Edgartown Fifteen 15 At seven oclock and forty five minutes P. M. Voted to adjourn with- out ilay W^.'. B. Mayhew Town Clerk of Ti^bunj At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Repre- sentative District No 1. in the County of Dukes County qualified to vote in elections assembled in their several Meetings on Tuesday the eighth day of November in the year 1859 at Ten o clock A. M. and gave in their votes for a Representative to the General Court and the same being sorted, counted, recorded and declared in said open Meeting as by law required were as follows The whole number of ballots given in for said Representative was Five Hundred and twenty three 523 And were for the following persons viz Alexander Newcomb of Tisbury had Two, Hundred and Ninety four 294 Samuel Osborn of Edgartown had One Hundred and Seventy 170 John H. Pease of Edgartown had Fifty nine 59 Dated at ^ Bernard C. Marchant Town Clerk of Edgartown Chilmark (w^. B. Mayhew " " Tisbury Nov 9// 1859 ) James N. TiLTON " " Chilmark A true Copy Attest W^. B Mayhew Town Clerk of Tisbury TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 769 The Select Men of Tisbury Met at their office on Thursday Nov 23 1859 and drew from the Jury Box the names of Gilbert Brush and Timothy Luce to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Supreme Judicial Court of this Commonwealth to be holden at Barnstable within and for said County of Barnstable and for Dukes County on Tuesday the Sixth day of December next Tisbury Nov 23^' 1859 David Smith ) Selectmen of John D Rotch S Tisbury A true Copy Attest W". B. Mayhew Toum Clerk of Tisbury To Richard L Hursel a constable of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify an warn the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury quali- fied by law to Vote in town affairs to assemble at the Capawock hall in said Town on Monday the twenty Sixth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty at 9 oclock in the fornoon to act on the following articls to Wit Article 1"' to choose a moderator to preside in said meeting 2'' To choose all necessary Town officers for the ensuing year 3'^ To hear the anual report of the Selectmen and other officers and act thereon Article 4*^'' To see if the town will grant and raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the maintainance and suj^port of schools and the poor and the repairs of roads and Bridges and to defray all other town charges for the ensuing year Article 5^'' To see if the town will appoint a committe to advise and recommend the best measure for supporting the poor of said town agree- able to the petition of Charles Smith and others 6^'' To act on any other business that may legaly come before said meeting And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up Attested Copies therof at two or more public places in said Town four- teen days at least before the day of said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings theron to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting Given under our hands at Tisbury this 9'" day of March A D 1860 David Smith ) Selectmen Lot Luce S of Tisbury 770 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury March 26 1860 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therin expresed to assembled at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warrant by posting up three Attested Copies of such warrant at three public places in said town on the 9^*" day of March 1860 Richard L Hursell Constable of lishury A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warran Moderator whole number votes 13 Charles Smith had 13 chosen Town whole number of Votes 27 Clerk Lot Luce had 25 chosen (sworn Lot Luce declared chosen qualified and proceeded to duty Selectmen Whole number of Votes 68 J. W Holmes had 68 declined Henry Bradley William B Mayhew 61 chosen (sworn 68 chosen (sworn 2 Balloting whole number of Ballots 58 David Smith had 44 chosen sworn Thaddeus Luce 5 Matthew B. Butler 1 Edmund Cottle 2 Charles Smith 1 Timothy Luce Voted to accept the report of the Selectmen 1 Town whole number of liallots 71 Treasurer Charles Bradley had 68 chosen sworn Peleg Barrows 1 David Tilton 1 Cha^ Smith 1 School ^ whole number of Ballots 73 Committe [ Edmund Cottle had 64 chosen for 3 years ) Leonard Luce 9 I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 771 Constable Whole number Votes Richard L Hursel had James D Peaks '' Caleb R Lambert " John Holmes Jr Dennis Luce Joseph S Adams John Robinson Voted to adjourn until 1 oclock P M Met at 1 o clock 62 42 8 worn 11 1 Fish whole number 60 nmittee Lot Luce had 33 chosen sworn E. T T. Smith 15 B F Smith 5 F Smith 1 Voted two aditional fish Committe whole numb. 27 B F Smith 22 chosen Isaac Vincent 15 chosen Alexander Smith 9 Scattering 2 Voted that the compensation of the fish committe be 5 dollars pr annum Health John Holmes Jr Committe Doct George T Hough James D Peaks Thaddeus Luce Doct W. H. Luce Voted that there be three surveyors of Highways Voted Edward T. T. Smith sworn Theodore Luce sworn Seth Luce sworn Voted to Choose five fiekl drivers George M. Peaks chosen | sworn Thomas Cathcart chosen William Norton chosen Thomas L Norton chosen (sworn Tristram Luce chosen | sworn Fence John Johnson chosen Viewers Dennis Luce chosen sworn Tristram Luce chosen (sworn) 772 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Pound Timothy B Lovell chosen keepers Hilyard Norton chosen (sworn Voted to have two surveyors of lumber Samuel N. Pease Richard L. Hursell (sworn) Surveyors John C Cannon chosen (sworn of Timber Surveyor Gilbert Brush chosen Wood & Bark James D. Peaks chosen (sworn) Sealer of Weights & Lot Luce chosen (sworn) Measures Hoir Reeves Jared W. Crowell chosen (sworn Joseph Dias chosen (sworn George T Hough Albert West chosen Henry C Wade chosen Overseeors Matthew P. Butler chosen of the Poor Eliakim Norton chosen Theodore Luce chosen Voted that the overseeors report their doings to this meeting Voted to accept the report of the overseers of the poor Voted that the board of overseeors of the poor be the committe to advise and reconend the best course for supporting the poor Voted To raise 2000 dollars for support schools Voted To raise ISOO dollars for support of the Poor Voted To raise 400 dollars for repars of Highways Voted that the money raised for repairs of Highways be assessed the same as other Taxes Voted reconsider the vote of raising 400 dollars for highways Voted That a discount be made of 6 pr cent for the prompt payment of Taxes for the first Ninety days after which the collector be instructed to issue a summons on all delinquents for which he will charge 20 cents in addition to the Tax on each and every summons isued by him. and the delinqunts shall pay the addition of 20 cents on his tax and all the Taxes shall be collected and paid into the Treasury at times as the assesors may determine and the final payment to be made by the lirst day of January A D. 1861 Voted To raise 1000 dollars to pay interest and Town Debt. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 773 Voted that the collector of Taxes be paid 1 pr cent commission on the collection of Tax Bill Voted To reconsider the vote of 1 pr cent for the collection of Taxes Voted to sell the colection of Taxes to the lowest bidder The collec- tion of Taxes sold to Wendal Crocker at 1 1 per cent Voted that Wendel Crocker be collector of Taxes for the ensuing year Voted to adjourn without day Then personaly appeared before me Tristram Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Fence Viewer and Field driver of the Town of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me Lot Luce Town Clerk March 28'" 1860 To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required within three days from date hereof to summons each of the persons herein named to appear before the Town Clerk within seven days of the time you shall give such notice and take the oath of Office by law required Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to me within seven days from the date hereof Given under my hand this twenty Seventh day of March 1860 Lot Luce Town Clerk Take oath) Health Comitte John Holms Jur George T. Hough James D Peaks Thaddeus Luce Doct W H Luce M. P Butler overseers of Poor Eliakim Norton Theodore Luce John C Cannon Surveyor of Timber Samuel N Pease " " Lumber Timothy B Lovell Pound Keeper William Norton Field driver 774 , TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Gilbert Brush Surveyor Wood & Bark Thomas Cathcart Field Driver Tristram Luce " " Tristram Luce Fence Viewer John Johnson " " B F Smith Fish Committe Isac Vincent " " March 29 1860 Agreeable to the within warrant I have notified the persons therein named to appear and take the oath of office as herein directed Richard L Hursel Constable of Tishuri/ Fees 21 .10 2.10 Travel 17™ 4^'^ 68 2.78 Then personaly appeared before me William Norton and made oath to the faithfull performance of his duty as field Driver the ensuing year before me Lot Luce Toimi Clerk March 30"' 1800 Then personaly appeared before me Gilbert Brush and made oath to the faithfull performance of his duty as surveyor of Wood & Bark the ensuing year before me Lot Luce Toivn Clerk March 31 1860 Then ]iersonaly appeared before me George T Hough and made oath to the faithful performance of His duty as health Committee of the town of Tisbury for the ensueing Year before me Lot Luce 7hivn Clerk March 30 1860 Then personaly appeared before me John Holmes Jr and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as health committe of the town of Tisbury for the ensueing year before me Lot Luce April 2 1860 Town Clerk TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. 775 Then personaly appeared before me Matthew P. Butler and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as overseeors of the poor of the towji of Tisbury for the ensuing year before me April 2 1860 Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Eliakim Norton and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as overseeors of the poor of the town of Tisbury the ensuing year before me Lot Luce Totmi Clerk April 2 1860 Then personaly appeared before me B F Smith and mad oath to the performance of his duty as Fish committe for the ensuing year before me March 31 1860 Lot Luce Town Clerk The personaly appeared before me Isac Vincent and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Fish committe the ensuing year before me March 31 1860 Lot Luce Toicn Clerk Then personaly appeared before me James D. Peaks and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Health Committe of the town of Tisbury the ensuing year April 1"^ 1860. , Lot Luce Toicn Clerk To Richard L. Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County ^ Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitant of the said town of tisbury qualified by law to Vote in town affairs to assemble at Capawock Hall in said town on Monday the 16"' day of april at 10 oclock A. M. to act on the following Articles to Wit 1st To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. 2'' To see if the town will accept of a Town way laid out by the selectmen agreeable to the petition of Gilbert Brush and others S'^ To see if the town will allow W. H Davis the privilege of con- \ structing a gutter or w^aste way across or under the Town way for the j purpose of watering his cattle. He making the same and rendering it I safe for Travel at his own expense. 776 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. And you are required to serve this warrant by posting up attested Copies Tliereof at three public places in said Tisbury seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to the Town Clerk at the time and place of Meeting aforesaid togeather with your doings thereon. Given under our hands at Tisbury This seventh day of April A. D. 1860 Henky Bradley \ Selectmen David Smith > of W B Mayhew ) Tisbury April 16 1860 pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place therein mentioned by post- ing up attested Copies in three conspicuous places in said town on the ninth day of April 1861 Richard L Hursel OonMahle of Tisbunj A true Copy from the original with Constables returns thereon Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rant Meeting called to order by the town Clerk Charles Bradley chosen Moderator Voted That the doings of the selectmen be read to the meeting Voted To accept the town way as laid out by the Selectmen Voted To grant the pettition of W"' II Davis to construct a water course under a town way providing he will keep it in repair so that it will not Obstruct or endanger the Travell across said way Voted To Adjourn without day Lot Luce Toim Cleric Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Ilursel constable of Tisbury and upon his produceing a Venire from the clerk of The Superior court for Dukes County May Term 1860 , TISBDRY TOWN EECORDS. 777 The Selectmen and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the Twelfth day of April A D 1860 and drew from the Juror Box the following names, to serve as Grand Jurors at The Superior Court for Dukes County May Term 1860 to be holden at Edgartown on Tuesday the second day of the Term at two oclock in the afternoon of said day Grand Jurors Thomas Robinson Shubal D Smith Washington Adams William 11 Davis David Tilton Nathan May hew And five of like quahfication to serve at said court as Travers Jurors John C Cannon Foster H Jenkins John Holmes Jr Obed Niclierson Alexander Newcomb Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerh Pursuant to notice from Richard L Hursel constable of Tislmry and upon his producing a Venire from the Clerk of the supreme Judicial court to select as the law requires one good and lawfull man to serve as Traverse Juror at the above mentioned Court to be holden at Barnstable and Dukes Counties on the first Tuesday of May A D 1860 The selectmen and Town Clerk met at the capawock Hall on the Sixteenth day of April 1860 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Allen Look to serve as Traverse Juror to serve at said court. Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Dukes County ss Tisbury April 30. 1860 Then personaly appeared before me this day Henry Bradley W'l' B. Mayhew and David Smith and made oath to the faithful performance of their duties as Assessors of the Town of Tisbury the ensueing year William C. Luce Justice of Peace A True Copy Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerh 778 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said town of Tisbury qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to meet in the capawock Ilall on Monday the seventh day of May next at one Oclock in the afternoon, for the purpose of giving in their votes by Ballot for or against the two following articles of Amendment of the Constitution of the Common- wealth. First Article of Amendment. Any vacancy in the senate shall be filled by Election (upon the order of a majority of senators Elected) By the people of the unrepsented district. Second Article of Amendment in case of a vacancy in the counsil from failure of Election or other cause the Senate and House of Repre- sentative shall, by concurrent Vote choose som Eligible person from the people of the district wherein such vacancy to fill that office. If such vacancy shall happen when the Legislature is not in session the Governor with the advice and consent of the counsil may fill the same by appointment of some Elegible person Each one of said Articles is to be considered as a distinct Amend- ment to be adopted or rejected in the whole ; — and every person quali- fied as aforesaid to Vote may express his opinion on each article as designated by its appropiate number without Specifying in his Ballot the contents of the article and by anexing to each number the word Yes or No : — but the whole must be written or printed on one ballot, in sub- stance as follows Amendment Article first Yes or No Amendment Article Second yes or No And you are required to serve this "Warrant by posting up Attested Copies therof at three public places in said Tisbury Seven days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to the Selectmen at the time and place of Meeting aforsaid together with your doings thereon Given under our hands this^Twenty seventh day of April! in the Year 1860 Henry Bradley selectmen David Smith of Tislmr// a true copy Attest Lot Luce Toinn Clerk of I'isbmy TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 779 Tisbury May 7. 1860 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury quahfied as thein expressed to Assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therin mentioned by posting three attested copies of such warrant at three public and conspicous places in said town on the 28"' of april 1860 Richard L Hursel a true copy from the Original Lot Luce Town Clerh Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the war- rant read by Chairman of Selectmen and proceed to receive Votes at 3 oclock in the afternoon the polls were Closed the Votes sorted counted and public declaration of them made in open town meeting and were as follows. First Article of Amendment Yes Five Second Article of Amendment Yes Five Meeting closed at '/o past 3 oclock A M Attest Lot Luce Toinn Clerk To Richard L. Hursell one of the Constables of the town of Tisbury Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Tis- bury qualified to Vote in town affairs to assemble in the Capawock Hall on monday the Fourth day of June next at 10 O Clock in the forenoon to act in the following Article To Wit 1st To Chose a moderator to preside at said meeting 2;' To see if the town will adopt any measures to prevent the Trans- portation of Cattle into the -town And you are requested to serve this warrant with your doings theron by posting up Attested Copies thereof at three public places seven days at least before the time of Holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid togeather with your doings theron. Given under our hands at Tisbury this twenty fourth day of May in the year 1860 Henry Bradley Selectmen David Smith of Tishun/ 780 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury June 4^'' 1860 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and' warned the inhabitants of said town qualified as therein expressed to assembel at the time and place and for the purpose therin mentioned by posting up attested copies of such warrant in three public places in said town on the 25"' day of May 1860 Richard L Hursel constable of Thhury a True copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and warrant was read by the town Clerk and Henry Bradley chosen Moderator.) The Following resolutions was presented by John Holmes Jr to the meeting Wereas a disease called Pleuro Pneumonia of a highly contageous character is unhapily prevalent amongst the cattle in different portions of the commonwealth and threatens to extend itself widel}'' to the emminent peril to the farmer in the loss of valuable stock Justly exciting fears that, unless promt energetic and united efforts are used, it may reach our own shores Therefore. Resolved, that it is the bounden duty which every good citizen owes to himself and to this community so far as in him lies to use all means in his power to prevent the importation of neat cattle from abroad during the such disease shall continue to prevail around us Resolved, that for the purpose of preventing if possible the introduc- tion and spread of said disease among the cattle of this town the inhab- itants of Tisbury in legal town Meeting Assembled, Constitute authorise and appoint, as their agents the Board of Selectmen of said Tisbury with full powers to exercise and use for this object such authority as may now legaly belong to the town or may be invested therein, by laws passed or to be passed at the extra session of the legislature now specialy convened for the purpose of taking measures to prevent the spread of the cattle distemper Resolved that said agents be authorised to consult with such agent or committe as may be appointed by the other Towns in this County, and to agree upon and make such regulations and arangments as may by them in the exercise of their best wisdom and discretion be deemed necessary; the same not being repugnent to the laws of this commonwealth Voted.) To accept those Resolutions Voted) to adjourn without day Lot Luce Toimi Clerk . TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 781 List of Jurors prepared by the for their revision & acceptance Washington Adams Arnold Crowell James L Luce Cha' Dillingham Frankhn Grey Feleg Barraws Gilbert Brush Nathan May hew W H Davis James May hew' Horace L Athearn David Tilton Alexander Newcomb Shubael D Smith Obed Nickerson Henry Manter Charles Holmes James M Taber W F Bodfish Theodore Luce Alphonso Smith Alfred Norton Jr John G Chace Joseph T James June 19 1860 A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk selectmen to be Laid before the Town R W. Crocker Allen Look J Whelden Holmes Joseph Luce Henry Bradley David Smith John F Robinson W B May hew Gustavus L West John C Cannon Tho"" Robinson Lorenzo Smith Lot Luce Timothy Luce Foster H Jenkins Wendal Crocker Charles Bradley Rich" W Coffin Cha^ M Luce Timothy B Lovell Thaddeus Luce Isaac L Vincent Job. H Gorham Chas D Allen Tisbury ss. To Richard L Hursell Constable of the town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elections and in Towm affairs to meet at Cappawock Hall in said Tisbury on Monday the thirtieth day of July 1860 at 10 oclock in the forenoon then and there to act on the following Articles. 1'* To chose a Moderator to preside at said meeting 782 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 2'' To see if the town will revise and accept the list of Jurors submitted by the board of Selectmen And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested Copies therof at three of the public Meeting houses in sd town Seven days at least before the time of said meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and j)lace of Meeting aforsaid Given under our hands this Twentieth day of July A. D. 18(50 Henry Bkadley > Selectmen of David Smith 5 Tishunj Tisbury July 30 1860 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the Inhabitants of said town Tisbury qualified as therin expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therin mentioned by posting up Attested Copies at three public and Conspicuous places in said town on the 23'' day of July 1860 Richard L. Hdrsell Constable of Thhury Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rant warrant was read by the Town Clerk and proceded to Chose a Moderator Charles Smith Chosen Moderator Voted to erase the name of John Holms Jr. from the list of Jurors and add the name of Horace L. Athearn Voted to accept the list of Jurors as revised by the meeting- Voted to adjourn Attest Lot Luce Town Clerh Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Hursel a constable of the Town of Tisbury and upon his produce a Venire from the clerk of Superior court for Dukes County September term. The selectmen met at the Town Clerks office on the day of Septemb A D 1860 and drew from the Jury Box the following names to serve as Traverse Jurors at the Superior Court to be holden at Edgar- town on Tuesday the second day of the term at 2 oclock in the afternoon. Charles Bradley Charles D Allen Charles M. Luce Franklin Grey / Alfred Norton Jr Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 783 To Richard L Hursel a Constable of the town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes County Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to Notify and warn the inhabitants of the said towm of Tisbury qualified by law to Vote in town affairs to assemble at Capawock Hall in said Town on Monday the first day of October next at 10 oclock in the forenoon to act on the following Articles to Wit : First to choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. Second To see if the town will accept and allow the road widened by the Selectmen agreeable to the petition Walter Hillman & others for the purpose of Erecting a Bridge across the Brook You are hereby requested to notify and w^arn the inhabitants of said Town by posting up Attested Copies at three public places at least seven days before said Meeting Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this seventh day of September A D 1860 Henet Bradley > Selectvnen of David Smith S Tisbury Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose Specified in the war- rant warrant was read and Votes taken for Moderator Whole number of Votes was Six Bartlett Allen had 5 Chosen Rodolphos Crocker 1 Voted to accept the road as widened By the selectmen and reported Voted to adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk To Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to notify and w^arn the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified as the Constitution requires to assemble at the Cappawock Hall in said Town on Tuesday the sixth day of November next at 10 o clock in the forenoon to Give in their Votes for Electors for President and Vice President of the United States. 784 TISBUKY TOWN KECORDS. Ilepresentative in Congress from District No. 1. Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth, Coun- cillor of District No S,, Secretary Treasurer and Receiver General Attorney General/^ Audi- tor of Accounts One Senator to the General Court from the Island Dis- trict// One Representative to the General Court from District No 1 Also one county Commissioner from the Town of Chilmark All on one Ballot. The'Selectmen will be in Session at the place and day of said meet- ing at 9 O clock in the forenoon for the purpose of correcting the List of Voters And you are required to serve this warrant by posting up Attested Copies thereof at Three public places in said town fourteen days at least before said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Selectmen at the time and place of Meeting afore- said Given under our hands this twentieth day of October, One Thousand Eight hundred Sixty Henky Bradley Selechnen David Smith of Tinbury a true Copy Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerh Tisbury November 6"' 1860 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and i warned the inhabitants of Said Town of Tisbury qualified as therin expressed to Assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therin mentioned by posting up Attested Copies of such warrant at three pul)lic and conspicuous places in said Town on the Twentieth day. of October 1860 Richard L. IIursel Consfahle of Tisburt/ Met at the time and place specified in the warrant. The warrant was read and Polls declared open, at 10 oclock in the forenoon The polls were closed at 2 oclock the Votes were sorted counted and pubHcly declared and were as follows TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 785 For Electors at Large George Morey of Boston had One hundred thirteen Reuben A Chapman of Springfield had one hundred thirteen Levi Lincoln of Worcester had Thirty Marshall F. Wilder of Dorchester had Thirty Chester W. Chapin of Springfield Thirteen Eben Sutton of South Danvers Thirteen Isaac Davis of Worcester had Fifty Two Charles Heeburt of Lee had Fifty Two Elector For District No 1 one S. B. Phiney of Barnstable had Thirteen 13 Joseph Grinnell of New Bedford had Thirty 30 Alexander Baxter of Yarmouth Fifty Two 52 Alfred Macy Nantucket One hundred thirteen 113 Elector for District No Two Benjamin Hobart of Abington had Thirty 30 Benjamin G. Chace of Somerset had Fifty Two 52 James H Mitchel had If 3 P. W Leland of Fall River had Thirteen 13 Elector for District No Three Henry S Mansfield of Blackstone had Thirty 30 H A. Aldrich of Mendon had Fifty two 52 John M Forbes Milton had one hundred thirteen 113 Roswell Gleason of Dorchester had Thirteen 13 Elector For District No. Four Sanford M. Hunt of Roxbury had Thirty 30 William J Reynolds of Roxbury had Fifty two 52 Charles B Hall Boston one hundred thirteen 113 B. F. Halett of Boston had Thirteen 13 Elector For District No Five J. Thomas Stevenson of Boston Thirty 30 K. S. Chaffee of Cambridge had Fifty two 52 Peleg W Chandler Boston one hundred thirteen 113 George W. Parmenter of Boston had thirteen 13 Elector For District No Six Nathaniel Silsbee of Salem had Thirty 30 George Upton of Salem had Fifty two 52 John G. Whittier Amesbury had One hundred thirteen 113 Henry Durant of Lynn had Thirteen 13 786 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Elector For District No Seven N. G. White of Lawrence had Thirty 30 George W. Dyke of Stoneham Fifty two 52 Gerry W. Cochrane Methuen one hundred thirteen 113 Richard Frothingham Jr. of Charlestown Thirteen • 13 Elector For District No Eight D S. Richardson of Lowell Thirty 30 Ambrose Sloper of Natick Fifty two 52 John Nesmith Lowell one hundred thirteen 113 Peter Haggerty of Lowell Thirteen 13 Elector For District No Nine John G. Thurston of Lancaster Thirty 30 Levi Baker of Worcester Fifty two 52 Amasa Walker N Brookfield One hundred thirteen 113 John Spurr of Charleston Thirteen 13 Elector For District No Ten Osmyn Baker of Northampton Thirty 30 Stephen C. Bemis of Springfield Fifty two 52 Charles Fie-ld Athol one hundred thirteen 113 Wells Lothrop of South Hadley Thirteen 13 Elector For District No. Eleven William G. Bates of Westfield Thirty 30 Phineas Allen of Pittsfield Fifty two 52 Charles Mattoon Greenfield One hundred thirteen 113 Reuben Noble of Westfield Thirteen 13 For Governor Amos A Lawrence of Brookline Thirty 30 E. D. Beach of Springfield Fifty Two 52 John A. Andrews of Boston one hundred fourteen Ill- Benjamin F Butler of Lowell Thirteen 13 For Lieutenant Governor George Marston of Barnstable Thirty 30 Charles Thompson of Charlestown Fifty two 52 John Z Goodrich of Stockbridge one hundred thirteen 113 David N Carpenter of Greenfield Thirteen 13 For Secretary of the Commonwealth Thomas Parsons of Brookline Thirty 30 Samuel W Bowerman of Pitsfield Fifty two 52 Oliver Warner of Northampton one hundred thirteen 113 W H Comstock of Middleboro Thirteen 13 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 787 For Treasurer Samuel A Elliot of Cambridge Thirty 30 Silas Pierce of Boston Fifty two 52 Henry K. Oliver of Lawrence one hundred thirteen 113 George Dennett of Boston Thirteen 13 For Auditor J Henry Hill of Worcester Thirty 30 James E Easterbrook of Worcester Fifty two 52 Levi Reed of Abington one hundred thirteen 113 J W. M of Fitchburg Thirteen 13 For Attorney General Henry Morris of Springfield Thirty 30 Samuel O Lamb of Greenfield Fifty two 52 D wight Foster of Worcester one hundred thirteen 113 G W. Warren of Charlestown Thirteen 13 For Councillor Eighth District Thomas Robinson of Tisbury Eighty One 81 Eleazer C Sherman of Plymouth one hundred thirteen 113 Peter H Pierce of Middleboro Thirteen 13 Henry Bradley One 1 For Senator Island District Elijah Swift of Falmouth Ninety three 93 Charles Dillingham of Sandwich one hundred thirteen 113 Thomas B Field of Nantucket One 1 For Representative to Congress District No one Daniel Fisher of Edgartown Eighty Three 83 Thomas D. Eliot of New Bedford one hundred thirteen 113 Frederick C Sanford of Nantucket Twelve 12 For Representative to General Court Edgar Marchant of Edgartown Eighty One 81 Allen Tilton of chilmark one hundred thirteen 113 Daniel Flanders of Chilmark Twelve 12 John W Mayhew One 1 For County Commissioner Thomas H Lambert of Chilmark one Hundred thirty two 132 James N Tilton of Chilmark Sixty 60 Herman Vincent of Chilmark Fourteen 14 Voted to close the Polls at 2 oclock A M Attest Lot Luce Toum Clerk 788 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. At a meeting of the clerks of the several Towns in District number one in the county of Dukes County. Assembled for the purpose of ascer- taining who was elected Representative to the General Court for said District find that the whole number of Votes given in at the several meetings in said District on the Sixth day of November A. D. 1860 for a Representative Was five Hundred Eighty One 581 For Edgar Marchant of Edgartown two Hundred fifty two Votes 252 Allen Tilton of Chilmark two Hundred Eighty three Votes 283 Daniel Flanders of Chilmark forty five Votes 45 John W. Mayhew of Chilmark one Vote 1 B C Marchant Clerk of Edgartown Lot Luce Clerk of Tisbury James N Tilton Clerk of Chilmark Chilmark Nov 7 1860 A true copy Attest Lot Luce Toim Clerk To Richard L Hursel a Constable of the town of Tisbury in the county of dukes County. Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the said Town of Tisbury qualified by Law to Vote in Town affairs to assemble at the agricultural Hall in said Town on Monday the first day of April next at 10 oclock in the forenoon to act on the following articles to Wit — 1st To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting. 2*' To Choose all necessary town officers for the year ensuing. S'^ To hear the report of the selectmen •i"' To see if the Town will raise such sums of money as may be necessary for the maintainance and Support of Schools, the poor, repairs and Bridges and to defray all other town charges for the ensueing year. 5"' To see what means the town will take in regard to the support of Lavina Rogers agreeable to the petition of Charles Smith and others. You are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town by posting up Attested Copies at three public at least fourteen days before said Meeting. TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 789 Herof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting. Given under our hands this Eighteenth day of March A. D. 1861 Henry Bradley Selectmen of David Smith Tishury Tisbury April V 1861 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therin expresed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therin mentioned by posting up Attested copies of such warrant at three public and conspicious places in said Town on the 20^'' day of March 1861 Richard L Hursel Constable of the Town of Tishury A True Copy Attest Lot Luce Tovm. Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the war- rant warrant read by the Town clerk and proceded to vote for Mod- erator. Whole number of votes Twenty One John D Rotch had Nineteen 19 Charles Smith had Three 3 Town Lot Luce had Forty nine 49 Clerk Charles Smith Four 4 Lot Luce declared chosen qualified and proceded to duty Voted To take up the third article of the warrant. Voted To accept the report of the selectmen Voted To choose a committe of three to Audit and settle with the selectmen and have their report] Printed and every family suplied with a copy Voted To Choose said committe at large Charles Smith Chosen William F Durgine chosen Matthew P. Butler chosen Voted That the committe be instructed to settle with all the col- lectors of Taxes that are in arears and report to the next Meeting 790 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted To choose the Board of selectmen all on one Ballot Whole number of Ballots 104 sworn Henry Bradley had 94 sworn David Smith had 50 sworn W™ B Mayhew had 44 Walter Hillman had 26 John D. Rotch had 25 Henry Beetle had 22 Davis Cottle had 18 James Mayhew had 9 Charles Smith had 2 Timothy Luce had 1 Bartlett Mayhew had 1 Votes for school committe Whole number of Votes 107 Matthew P. Butler had 92 R. W Crocker had 9 A. Anthony had 1 Scattering 2 Votes for Town Tresurer Whole number of Votes 56 Charles Bradley had 55 chosen Votes for constable w^hole number 63 sworn James L Luce had 57 chosen George N Peaks 6 Voted to choose two more constables Votes for Two more constables on one Ballot Whole number 45 (sworn) Matthew CofRn had 40 chosen Joseph B Nickerson 35 chosen Fish ^ Whole number of Votes 58 Committe 1 Lot Luce had 48 chosen ' B F Smith had 38 chosen , Isac Vincent had 37 chosen scattering 21 Voted That the fish committe be instructed to have The fish that is caught at chappaqunsett creek Divided at sunrise and sunset of each day and at no other Time , TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 791 Health ^ Nathaniel Ruggles Committe V Timothy Luce ) Charles Smith Field Asa R Luce sworn Drivers William S. Vincent sworn Hyliard Norton Theodore Luce William Norton Tristram Luce Overseers of Poor Rodolphos W Crocker Richard L Hursel John D Rotch Fence Josiah H. Vincent Viewers Daniel A. Cleavland Tristram Luce Pound Hilyard Norton Keepers Zadoc Athearn sworn Surveyor Hervey Weeks of Lumber Richard L Hursel John W Howland Wood and Joseph T. James Bark Davis Look sworn Sealer of Weights & Measures Lot Luce sworn Hog ) George T. Hough Reeves S Frederick W. Wing Voted That the selectmen obtain a report from The Liquor Agent and hand it over to the Auditing Committe for the year 1860 Voted That the Liqur agents report be printed at the expense of the Town Voted To supply each family in the Town with a Copy of Liquor agents Report Voted To Raise .1500 Dollars for support of schools Voted To raise ;^^ Dollars in addetion for schools Voted To raise 1800 Dollars for support of the Poor Voted to raise 450 Dollars for Highways & Bridges Voted to raise 1500 Dollars for Town Debt Voted that the Surveyor of Highways shal not have compensation for his servises 792 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted That the Surveyor of Highways shall hire a man or men to keep the Roads and Bridges in Repair the ensueing year Surveyor of Highways sworn Rodolphos W Crocker chosen Voted That when this meeting adjourn that it be adjourned to the first Monday of May next. Voted That a discount of 6 pr cent for The prompt payment of Taxes be allowed for the first Ninety days and a Discount of 3 p cent for 120 days. And the Collector collect all Taxes and pay into the Town Treas- urer at such times as the Selectmen may direct. And to make a final Payment by the first day of January A. D. 1862 Collection of Taxes for the year 1861 sold at 74 pr cent to Wendal Crocker Voted that Wendal Crocker be collector of Taxes the ensueing year qualified in Open Town Meeting By the Town Clerk Voted To adjourn this meeting to the first Monday of May next Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk, To James L. Luce a Constable of the Town of Tisbury The following is a list of persons who were this day chosen into office at a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury and of which an oath is required by Law and the offices to which they were respectively chosen Viz. You are hereby required in the name of the commonwealth of Massa- chusetts within Three days from the date hereof to summons each of the person herein named to appear before the Town Clerk within seven days of the time when you shall give such notice and take the oath of Office by law required. Given under my hand this first day of April A D 1861 Lot Luce Toum Clerk Pursuant to Notice from James L Luce constable of the town of Tisbury and upon his produceing a Venira from the Clerk of the supreme Judicial Court to select as the law requires one good and lawful man To serve as Traverse Juror at the above mentioned court to be holden at Barnstable within and for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes The selectmen and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the tenth day of April 1861 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Thad- deus Luce to serve as Traverse Juror at said Court Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 793 Then personaly appeared before me and made Oath to the faithful performance his duty as Town Treasurer the ensueing year Charles '^^^^^^^y Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me James L Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as constable of the Town of Tisbury the Ensueing year ^ot Luce To^vn Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Rodolphos W Crocker and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Overseers of the Poor the ensueing year ^^^ j^^^^ ^^^^,^^ ^,^^.^. Then personaly appeared before me Richard L. Hursel and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Overseers of the Poor the ensuing year ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^, Then personaly appeared before me Richard L Hursel and made oath to the faithfull performance of his duty as Surveyor of Lumber the ensueing year ^ot Luce Toivn Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Rodolphos W Crocker and made oath to the faithfull performance of his duty as Surveyor of Highway the ensuing j'^ear Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Tristram Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duties as Fence Viewers and field Driver the ensuing year j^^^,^ j^^^^^ y,^^,,^^ ^^^^,^, Then personaly appeared before me and made oath to the faithful of his duty as Pound Keeper and Field Driver Hyliard Norton Lot Luce Toirn Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Joseph B Nickerson and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as constable of the Town of Tisbury the Ensueing W F DURGIN Tisbury April 11 1861 Justice of the Peace Met agreable to adjournment at the Agricultural Hall in West Tis- bury on the 6*'^ day of may and chose a moderator Protem ^^94 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. Whole number of Ballots five W" F Durgine had Five chosen W" B Mayhew sent to the chairman of the meeting his resignation as one of the Board of Selectmen Voted To choose a man to fill the vacancy in the Board of selectmen whole nmnber of Ballots Six Bartlet Mayhew 2'' had 6 chosen Daniel A Cleveland chosen an overseor of the Poor Three constables chosen sworn R W Crocker had 6 Votes chosen sworn R L Hursel "5 " chosen sworn Gilbert Brush "7 " chosen Voted to take up the 5"' article of the warrant Voted that this matter be refered to the overseers of the Poor Voted to hear the report of the Auditting Committe. Voted that there report be refered back to them and that they report to the next anuai meeting- Voted To adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk To the Hon Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury We the undersigned legal voters of the Town of Tisbury would respectfully request that a town Meeting be called at as Early period as possible to see if the Town will take anny measures for self defence and the procuring of arms and ammunition &c for the use of such Military organizations as may be formed in the Town for the resistance of armed invaders & the defence of the Town Simeon G. Calhoon James L Luce Geo" T Hough W^' C Luce W. Crocker John Holmes A. Anthony Lot Luce Ben.t D. Crowell R. W Coffin James Norton Geo. H Smith A J Grey Samuel Andrews James D Peakes Thomas S. Chadwick Alexander Newcomb Chas W Peaks J F Robinson Joseph Dias A True Copy from the Original Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 795 To James L Luce one of the Constables of the town of Tisbury Greeting You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in town affairs to assemble in the Capawock Hall in said town on Tuesday the seventh day of May next at 2 oclock in the afternoon to act on the following articles. Viz. 1^* To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting 2'' To see if the town will take any measures for self defence and the procuring arms and ammunition &c for the use of such Military organi- zation, as may be formed in the town for the resistance of armed invaders and the defence of the town) Agreable to the petition Simeon G Calhoon and Twenty others Pursuant to the above warrant You are hereby required to notify the inhabitants, by posting up attested Copies, at three public places in said Town seven days at least before said meeting Herof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforsaid Given under our hands this twenty seventh day of April A D 1861 Henry Bradley ) David Smith 5 Selectmen of Tisbury Tisbury May T**^ 1861 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have Notified the inhabitants of said Town of Tisbury qualified as therin expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein mentioned by posting up attested Copies of the within warrant at thre of the most public and Conspicuous places in said town on the Twenty Sixth day of April 1861 James L Luce Constable o/ Tisbury A true copy Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the warrant Warrant read by the Town Clerk and proceded to Choos a Moderator Charles Smith chosen Moderator Voted That a committe of one or more be chosen to confer with the authorities of the state To furnish an armed Guard Coaster to be sta- 796 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. tioned on the Vineyard Sound for the Protection of the commerce pass- ing Through it and Furnish the Town of Tisbury with three or more Rifled cannon and 100 Stand of small arms and equipments for the same to be used by the inhabitants of the Town to repel invasion. Voted That the chairman of the board of Selectmen be the committe to confer with the authorities of the state Voted To add the committe appointed by the citizens of Holmes Hole village to that committe Voted That this meeting stand adjourned To one week from next Monday at 2 oclock in the afternoon at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury Met agreeable to adjournment and proceded to chose a moderator pro tem. Henry Bradley chosen Voted That the report of the committe be accepted and the com- mittee Discharged from further duty. Voted. That if we receive arms from the state That one half of them be deposited with The selectman that resides at West Tisbury Voted That the Town accept the Order for the Gan at greenfield and the Selectmen be instructed to receive it and also to receive other arms which have been asked for. Voted That the selectmen of Tisbury be a committe authorised to act in concert with the committe of the coast Guard of New Bedford and Vicinity and they shall be authorised to hire a sum of money (if needed) not to exceed 2000 dollars in support of a steamer to ply in Vineyard sound and Buzzards Bay for coast defence. Voted That those persons who organize themselves into a Military company and bear arms in drill or in defence of the Town of Tisbury shall do so at their own expense and w^ithout pay Voted That Bartlett Mayhew 2'' be a selectman To fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of William B Mayhew. Voted That all the metings held in the Town the ensuing year be holden at West Tisbury Voted To adjourn without day Attest Lot Luck Tovn Clerk The following is a list of names as selected and prepared by the selectmen as Jurors to l)e laid before the town for their Acceptance. Lorenzo Smith Benjamin Athearn 2'' David Smith Henry Look TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 797 Charles Dillingham Samuel N Pease Bartlett Mayhew 2'' John E Johnson Joseph Luce Horatio G Norton Timothy Luce George Luce Wendal Crocker George Mayhew Isaac L. Vincent David Mayhew Franklin W. Luce Leonard Luce Bartemus Luce Constant C Downs Alfred Clifford Alpheus Chace Thomas Waldron Davis Cottle John Manter William Athearn Jared Vincent Joseph S Adams Josiah H Vincent Alexander W. Smith Benjamin Clough Samuel Andrews Charles G. Smith Benjamin Nye Charles Bradley Joseph M Crowell Charles E Ceavland James L Smith John W. Howland William C Luce Eben Norton Jeremiah K Andrews Peter Manter Jared W. Crowell Benjamin F Smith William Cottle Benjamin D. Crowell Matthew P Butler John A Swain Washington Adams David Tilton Leander West Alexander Nevvcomb William Norton Constant D Luce William N Grey Leonard Luce Benjamin F Brown Edward T. T. Smith Abraham Anthony Tisbury July 1^* 1861 Henry Bradley /Selectmen David Smith of Bartlett Mayhew -" Tishnrf/ A True Copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Dukes County S.S. r>f TiaKnrTT in thft ^0111 Dukes County. Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in 798 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Town aflPairs to meet at the Agricultural in said Tisbury on Friday the ninth day of August next at two Oclock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Articles Viz. First, To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting 2*! To see if the town will accept a List of Jurors as selected and prepared by the Selectmen. 3'! To hear the Report of the Overseeors of the Poor in regard to the support of Lavina Rogers and act Theron. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up Attested Copies therof at three public places in said town Seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. GiVen under our hands this Thirtieth day of July in the year one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty One Henry Bradley ) Selectmen David Smith S of Tisbury A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerl: Tisbury August 9"' 1861 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town qualified as therin expressed to meet at said time and place and for the purposes therein named by posting up Attested Copies of said Warrant in three public places in said town on the Second day of August being seven days before the meeting Gilbert Brush Constahle of Tisbnr// a true Copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and |)lace and for the purposes specified in the Warrant William F Durgine chosen Moderator James Mayhew chose Clerk pro tem Voted to accept the list of Jurors Voted To accept the report of the overseers of the Poor in regard to Lavina Rogers TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 799 Voted to instruct the overseers to purchase the property of James Rogers Estate, and secure the same to Gilbert Rogers provided said Gilbert Rogers gives sufficent Bonds to the Town that Lavina Rogers shall not become chargeable to the town of Tisbury Adjourned without day James Mayhew To7im CJerk protem a True copy of doings of Meeting Lot Luce Totmi Clerh Pursuant to notice from Gilbert Brush and upon his produceing a Venire from the clerk of the superior Court to be holden at Edgartown in September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred Sixty one. The Selectmen and Town clerk met at the town Clerks Office on the 11"' day of September 1861 and drew from the Juror Box the names of the following persons to serve as Traverse Jurors at the aforesaid Court Constant D. Luce Eben Norton William Cottle Matthew P. Butler James L. Smith Attest Lot Luce Toion Clerl: Dukes County s.s. To James L Luce a constable of the town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes county. Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts : you are directed to warn and notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in town affairs to meet at the Agricultural Hall in said Tisbury on Tuesday the fifth day of November Next at 9 o clock in the forenoon then and there to Act on the following Articles. 1st To chose a moderator to Preside in said meeting. 2'' To see if the town will apropiate money for aid of families and parents of Volenteers Enlisted in the servise of the United States agree- able to Chapter 222 of the statues of 1861. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies therof at three public places in said town fourteen days at least before the time for holding said Meeting 800 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this Twenty first day of October in the yeart one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty one. Henry Bradley Selectmen David Smith of Bartlett Mayhew '^^ Tisburi/ A true copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Tisbury Nov 5^" 1861 Pursuant to the within to me directed. I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the warrant by posting up attested copies of the Warrant at three of the most conspicuous places in said town on the Twenty first day of October in the year one thousand Eight hundred Sixty One James L Luce Constable of Tisburi/ Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the war- rant Meeting called to Order by the Town Clerk and proceded to Vote for a Moderator Whole number of Votes for Moderator was nine J. Whelden Holmes had Eight 8. chosen Henry Bradley One 1 Voted That the slectmen be authorised to pay out the sums author- ized to Volunteers mustered into the United states services. Agreeable to the act Chap 222 1861 of the statues, and the Treasurer be authorized to hire the same. Voted To adjourn without day A true Copy of doings of meeting Lot Luce Town Clerk Dukes County ss. To Gilbert Brush. one of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes county Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elections to meet at the Agricultural Hall in said Tisbury on TISBURY TOWN RECOEDS. 801 Tuesday the fifth day of November next it being the first Tuesday after the first Monday of said Month At 10 oclock in the forenoon to bring in their Votes for Governor Lieutenant Governor. Secretary. Treasurer and Receiver General. Attorney General. Auditor of Accounts, one councillor for district N. 8 one Senator for the Island District for one Representative in General court for dukes County District No 1 Clerk of the courts of the county. One County commissioner for the town of Tisbury. County Treasurer and Register of deeds. All one ballot And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested Copies therof at three public places in said town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Selectmen at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this Twenty first day of October in the year one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty one. Henry Bradley Selevltnen David Smith of BARTLpyrT Mayhew '^° Tiahury Tisbury Nov 5"' 1861 Pursuant to the within warrant To me directed I have notified and the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein Expressed to Assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned by posting up attested Copies of the within Warrant at three of the most conspicuous places in said town on the Twenty first day of October in the year one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty One. Gilbert Brush ConMahle of Tishunj A true Copy from the Original Warrant with Constables returns thereon Attest Lot Luce Town Clerh Met at the time and place specified in the Warrant meeting Called to order by the chairman of Selectmen Polls declared open at 10 oclock in the forenoon the Polls Avere closed at 12.5 OClock in the afternoon The Votes were sorted counted and pubhc declaration therof made and were as follows. Viz. For Governor Whole number of Votes Seventy Four 74 John A Andrew of Boston Fifty Eight ns Isaac Davis of Wocester had Sixteen 16 802 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS Lieutenant Governor Whole number of Votes Seventy Five 75 John Nesmith of Lowell Fifty Nine 59 Edwin C Bailey of Boston Sixteen 16 For Secretary of the Commonwealth Whole number of Votes Seventy Three 73 Oliver Warner of Northampton Fifty Nine 59 F. O. Prince of Winchester Fourteen 14 For Attorney General whole number of Votes Seventy three 73 Dwight Foster of Wocester Fifty Nine 59 Edward Avery of Braintree Fourteen 14 For Treasurer and Receiver General Whole number of Votes Seventy three 73 Henry K. Oliver of Salem Fifty Nine 59 Emery Sanford of Oxford Fourteen 14 For Auditor of Accounts Whole number of Votes Seventy three 73 Levi Reed of Abington had Fifty Nine 59 Moses Bates of Plymouth Fourteen 14 For Councellor for Eighth District Whole number of Votes Sixty one 61 Eleazer Sherman of Plymouth Fifty Nine 59 William F Durgin of Tisbury one 1 William H Lewis of Tisbury one 1 For Sentor from the island district Whole number Votes Sixty one Charles Dillingham of Sandwich Fifty Nine 59 William F Durgine of Tisbury One 1 William H Lewis of Tisbury One 1 For Representative to General Court From district Number One Whole number of Votes Sixty Eight 68 Edgar Marchant of Edgartown Sixty Eight 68 For County Commissioner Whole number of Votes Seventy Five Rodolphus W Crocker of Tisbury Twenty Nine 29 Henry Bradley of Tisbury Twenty One 21 Henry Cleavland of Tisbury Twenty One 21 William S Vincent of Tisbury Four 4 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 803 For Clerk of the courts Whole number of Votes Sixty Two 62 Richard L Pease of Edgartown Fifty Four 54 F D Fellows of Edgartown Eight 8 For County Treasurer Whole number Votes Seventy 70 Barnard C. Marchant had Thirty Seven 37 John D Rotch of Tisbury Thirty three 33 For Register of deeds Whole number Votes Josiah II. Smith of Edgartown Seventy two 72 Voted To close the Polls 5 minutes past 12 o clock A. M. Attest Lot Luce Toum Clerh At a meeting of the Clerks of the several towns in district number One, in the county of Dukes County, Assembled for the purpose of ascertaining who was Elected Representative to the General Court for said district find Whole number of Votes given in at the several meetings in said district on the fifth day of November A D. 1861 for a Represen- tative was three hundred and Seventy nine Edgar Marchant of Edgartown in said county and district had three hundred and Seventy nine the whole number. Barnard C Marchant of \EdgarioHni Lot Luce derlx: of > Tlnbury JosiAH W TiLTON of ) C/iibncivJc At a meeting of the Selectmen of Edgartown and Tisbury lield for the transaction of business relative to preambulating the line between said towns the following business was transacted Viz Henry Bradley was chosen Chairman and W™ B Mayhew Secretary Voted That the spring at Tashmoo East of the wall and near a large Oak Tree where a tub is now sunk be considered the spring named in the law of Feb 5. 1830 as the point from which fifty One rods south a bound stone is to be placed. The following resolution was offered which was informerly laid on the table that the bound fifty one rods south of Tashmoo Spring Should be determined by running a line due south from said spring and not South Magnetically and that the bound on the mill road should be deter- mined in like manner. Voted that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet at the Selectmen s office in Holmes Hole on the Second Wednesday of January next. 804 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted that a bound be procured and placed at the Stepping Stones. Voted that two additional bound stones be procured and placed as heretofore Ordered. Voted That Henry Bradley be Authorsed to procure said stones Voted to adjourn W^' B Mayhew Secretary On Account of the sickness of one of the board of selectmen of Tisbury and on a notice by the chairman and agreement of the other selectmen of the several towns the meeting was father adjourned to the second Wensday of February. Second Meeting was called to order by the chairman and Minutes of last meeting read by Secretary The resolution offered at the last meeting was withdrawn. The following resolution was offered by Jeremiah Pease and adopted . unamimously That Henry L Whiteing Esqr of Tisbury of the U. S. Coast Survey service be employed to determine of the bound fifty one rods south from Tashmoo spring and of the bound on the Mill road south of said first bound : Also to determine the course and distance from the last mentioned bound to the bound on Watcha Neck and the course and distance from the bound at the stepping stones to that next the South of Tashmoo spring marking the point were the line crosses the Holmes Hole road Voted That the expenses atending upon the above resolution be bourn by the Two Towns Equally. Voted That the chairman of the board of Selectmen of Tisbury Capt N M Jernegan of Edgartown be a committe to lay before Mr Whiteing all the facts necessary for him to determine the lines between tlie two Towns Henry Bradley reported that he had procured the bound stones as instructed at the last meeting Voted That when we adjourn w^e adjourn to meet at the store of W" B Mayhew in West Tisbury on the third Monday in March next. Voted that the records be approved. Voted to adjourn Voted that two additional bound stones be procured and placed as hereafter Ordered Voted. To adjourn W" B Mayhkw Secretary TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 805 3 Meeting Met pursuant to adjournment Mr Whiteing not having made out his report Adjourned to meet at the store of W^' B Mayhew the last Thurs- day in Marce at 10 oclock A M. W^^' B Mayhew iSec 4''> Meeting Met pursuant to adjournment Two of the board of Selectmen of Tisbury being absent on account of sickness Voted to adjourn to meet at the selectmens office in Holmes Hole on Saturday March 30^' at 9^ oclock A. M. W*^ B Mayhew /Secrt 5"' Meeting Met pursuant to adjournment the report of Mr Whiteing was read and accepted Voted to Submit the portion herto anexed to the legislature for their action theron. Voted That the record of the Various Meetings of the board of Selectmen Edgartown and Tisbury, held in refference to preambulating the line between said towns be filed in the Selectmens office in Tisbury and a Copy therof certified to by the chairman and secretary. Be fur- nished the selectmen of Edgartown. Voted to adjourn without day W" B Mayhew /Secretari/ A True Copy from the Original on jfile at this office Attest Lot Luce Totv7i Clerk Dukes County s.s. To James L Luce one of the Constables of the Town of tisbury in said county Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in town affairs to meet at the Capawock Hall in said town on Monday the seventh day of April next at 10, oclock in the forenoon Then and there to Act on the following articles : — 806 TISBUKY TOWN RECOKDS. l"^"^ To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. 2'' To choose all necessary town officers for the year ensueing. 3'' To hear the anual report of the Selectmen and other officers and act thereon 4*^'' To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the ensueing year and make appropiations of the same. 5"' To determine the maner of repairing highways, townways, and bridges the year ensueing 6"' To see what action the town will take in regard to a note and Mortgage deed given by Shubal Dunham who has expired. 7!'' To see what measures the town will take in regard to the support of the poor. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies Therof at three of the public places in said town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands this twenty first day of March in the 3'ear Eighteen hundred Sixty two Henry Bradley ^ Selectmen of David Smith S Tishury Dukes County ss Tisbury April 7'" 1862 Pursuant to the within "Warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therin expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose therein mentioned by posting up Attested Copies of the within Warrant at three public and conspicuous places in said town on the Twenty Second day of March 1862 I therefore return this Warrant with my doings thereon to the Town Clerk as within directed James L Luce Constable of Tishurij A true copy of Warrant with constables returns theron Attest Lot Luce Toion Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 807 Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the Warrant. Warrant was read by the town clerk and proceeded to Vote for Moderator Votes, for Moderator, whole number was five R. W Crocker had 4 (chosen) Chas Bradley had 1 Joseph T James and Lot Luce appointed by the Moderator to check the Poll List Votes for Town Clerk (sworn) Lot Luce had 23 chosen George N Peakes 2 Votes for Treasurer whole number 59 Charles Bradley had 58 chosen David Mayhew " 1 School Committe for 3 years Whole Number of Votes 75 David Mayhew " 41 Daniel A Cleavland 33 James Mayhew 1 Voted to adjourn until 1 o clock P M Met agreeable to adjournment Voted that we choose three Constables Votes for Constable Joseph B. Nickerson had 21 (sworn) Richard L Hursel 22 (sworn) James L Luce 22 declined Selectmen chosen Matthew P Butler had Seventy Four Votes 74 chosen Joseph S Adams Seventy Three " 73 chosen Bartlett Mayhew 2'^ had Seventy nine " 79 chosen Lorenzo Smith had four " 4 Edmund Cottle " Eight 8 Hilyard Norton One 1 Edward Harding Two 2 Davis Cottle Two 2 Fish Committee Lot Luce had Thirty five Votes 35 chosen B F. Smith " Thirty five " 35 chosen David Smith " Thirty five " 35 I 808 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Health Committe Doct William Leach " George T Hough " W'" H Luce Field Drivers Tristram Luce (sworn) Alfred Clifford (sworn) Matthew Coffin Hilyard Norton Zadoc Athearn (sworn) William Norton Voted to choose Three overseers of the Poor R W Crockers Nathan Mayhew J. Whelden Holmes Fence Viewers Llariff Mayhew R. W. Crocker J. A. Swain (sworn) Pound Keeper Hilyard Norton Zadoc Athearn Sworn Sealer of Weights & measures Lot Luce Surveyors of Lumber J. T. James Richard L Hursel Hervey Weeks (sworn) Surveyor of Wood & Bark J. W. Howland Denis Luce Voted To Choose a prudential Committe for the several school dis- tricts in the Town. Prudential school Committe John D Rotch for South District Charles Smith " II Hole " Edwin A Luce N West '' John Look Lambert's Cove William Athearn South East district I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 809 Voted That there be three Surveyors of Highways chosen and that the selectmen apportion them their districts. J. W. Howland chosen William P Bodlish chosen Davis Cottle chosen. Voted That the surveyors of Highways shall notify each Tax payer of the time and place of working out his Tax and that the compensation shall be 10 cents pr hour for a man and 12 cts pr hour for a team Voted To take the report of the selectmen from the table and act theron Voted To accept the report of the selectmen. Voted, That the Board of Overseers of the poor be instructed to make inquirey into the condition of Lunatics that are in the State Lunatic Hospital at Taunton at the expense of the town and see if there can be any measures taken to support them at home or in the town at Less Expense. Voted That the board of selectmen be instructed to call up all the Delinquent collectors for settlement and that the selectmen be empow- ered to remit all Taxes that cannot be legally Collected, and cause a prompt collection on all Taxes that in there judgment Can be collected and a final settlement of the same made with the Collectors. Voted To Raise 1900 dollars for Support of Schools 1800 " " " " Poor 300 " " Incidental Expences 400 " " Highways & Bridges 500 " Interest Town Debt Voted That the time on the Mortgage deed of Shubal Dunhams farm be extended for the term of seven years from this date Voted To appropiate the sum of four thousand nine Hundred dollars for the purpose it was raised for the current year Voted that the Highway Tax be assesed with the other Taxes of the town Voted that a discount of 6 pr cent for the Prompt payment of taxes be allowed for the first ninety days and a discount of 3 pr cent for 120 days and if Summons are issued after the 120 days 20 cents shall be charged in addition to the. Tax and the same paid into the Treasurer and the collector collect all Taxes and pay into the Town Treasury at such times as the Selectmen may Direct And a final Payment by the first day of January 1863 810 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted to sell the collection of Taxes to the lowest bidder Sold to W. Crocker & co they being the lowest bidders at '/i of one pr cent W. Crocker & co chosen collector of Taxes the ensueing year Voted To Support the Poor the same as we did Last year Voted To Adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Town clerk Then personaly appeared before me Wendal Crocker & co and made oath to the faithful performance to his duty as Collector of taxes the ensuing year Lot Luce Ihion Clerk Then ajipeared personaly before me Matthew P. Butler and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as a Selectman the ensueing year Lot Luce Toini Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Tristram Luce and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as field driver the ensueing year Lot Luce Tovm. Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Rodolphos W Crockers and made oath to the faithful performance of his duties as oversor of the poor and field driver the ensueing year Lot Luce Toim Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Richard L Hursel and made Oath to the faithful performance of his duty as surveyor of Lumber the ensue- ing year Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Then personaly appeared before me J. Whelden Llolmes and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Overseor of the Poor Lot Luce Town Clerk To Richard L Hursel a Constable of the Town of Tisl)ury In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required within three days from date hereof to sumons each of the per- sons herin named to appear before the town clerk within seven days of TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 811 the time you shall give such notice and take the oath of office by law required. Hereof fail not and make due return therof of this warrant with your doing theron to me within seven days from date hereof Given under my hand this Eighth day of April A D 1862 Lot Luce Town Clerk of Tisbur)/ Then personaly appeared before me John A Swain and made oath to the faithful performance of His duty as field driver Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Zadock Athearn and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as pound keeper Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me J T. James and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as surveyor of Lumber Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me John W. Howland and made oath to the faithful performance of his duties as Surveyor of Highways and Measurer of Wood & Bark Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as fish Committe and made oath David Smith Lot Luce Toiun Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Bartlett Mayhew 2'' and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Selectman the Ensueing Year Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personaly appeared before me Davis Cottle and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Surveyor of highways the ensue- ing Year j^^,^ ^^^^ .^^^^,^^ ^^^.^.;^. Then personaly appeared before me William Norton and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as field driver the ensueing year Lot Luce Town Clerk 812 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Then personaly appeared before me Joseph S. Adams and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as Selectmen the ensueing year Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Tursuant to a notice from Richard L llursel a Constal)le of the Town of Tisbury and upon his producing a Venira from the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial court of this Commonwealth to be holden at Barn- stable within and for the countys of Barnstable and Dukes County to select one good and lawfull man to serve as Travers Juror at said court The Selectmen and Town clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the twenty fourth day of April A D 1862 and drew from the Juror Box the name of Thomas Waldron to serve as Traverse Juror at said court Attest Lot Luce Tovm Clerk Know all men by these present that we Joseph M Crowell Lot Luce and John Merry as sureties are and stand firmly bound to the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury in the sum of Six hundred dollars to be paid unto them their successors or asigns to which payment we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators Jointly and severally Firmly by these presents sealed with our seals, and dated this Eighth day of May A. D. 1862. The conditions of this Obligation is such that whereas the above bounden Joseph M. Crowell has been duly appointed an Agent for the Town of Tisbury to purchase intoxicating liquors and to sell the same for and on account of said town to be used in the arts or for Mechanical Medical and chemical purposes and no other untill the Eighth day of May A. D. 1863. Unless sooner removed from said Agency. Now if the said Joseph M Crowell shall in all respects conform to the provisions of Law relateing to the business for which he is appointed and such rules and regulations as now or shall from time to time be established by the l)oard makeing the appointment Then this Obligation to be Void Otherwise to remain in full force Joseph M. Crowell (f ^ seal Lot Luck John Mekky A true copy from the originall on file at tliis office Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 813 Tisbury June 10'" 1862 j Then personaly appeared before me Matthew P. Butler Bartlett Maj^hew '^'^ and Joseph S Adams and made Oath to the faithfull perform- ance of their duty as Assesors of the Town of Tisbury the ensuing Year Lot Luce Toivn Clerk The selectmen of Tisbury to serve as Jurors, and to Acceptance John E Johnson Bartlett Mayhew -'' Henry Look Constant D. Luce Alexander New^comb Eben Norton John W. Howl and Alfred Clifford Benj Athearn 2'' M P Butler Peter Manter Benjamin D Crowell Benjamin F Brown Horatio G Norton John Manter Isaac L Vincent Franklin W. Luce Jared A^incent William C Luce Benjamin Clough have prepaed the following list of Persons be laid before the town for revision and W"' N. Grey Jeremiah K Andrews Davis Cottle W»' Cottle George Luce W"* Athearn Abraham Anthony Cornelius Clark Joseph Luce Leonard Luce Jos S Adams Samuel N Pease Benjamin Nye William Norton James L Smith Bartemus Luce Leander West David Mayhew David Tilton To Either of the constables of the town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes County " Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Capawoc Hall in said Tis- bury on Tuesday the 8"' day of July next at 2 oclock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Articles. 1'* To choose a moderator to preside in said meeting 2'' To see if the town will acept the List of Jurors as prepared by the selectmen 814 TISEUKY TOWN RECORDS. 3'^ To see what the town will do in regard to a reward Claimed by R W Crocker and Others. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in the said town seven days at least before the time for holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under bur hands this 27"' day of June in the year one thousand Eight hundred Sixty two. M. P. Butler -\ Selectmen Baktlett Mayhew -'" > of Joseph S, Adams ) Tisburi/ Pursuant to the above warrant I have posted up attested copies as directed Attest J B NiCKERSON Constable of Tishuri/ a true Copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warant Charles Bradley chosen Moderator Voted To accept the list of Jurors as prepared by the selectmen Voted To Indefinately postpone the 3" Article of the warrant. Voted to adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Tow/t Clerk To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes county In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. You are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in town affais to meet at Capawock hall in said town on Saturday the 19'" Instant at 2 O clock P. M; To act on the following Articles I''' To choose a Moderator. 2;! To See if the town will offer a bounty and how much to those who will Volunteer from the town of Tisbury to serve in the Federal Army. 3' To Authorise the Treasurer to hire a sum of money for the pur- pose of said bounty not exceeding two thousand dollars. 4"' To see how much the Town will pay pr month to each Volunteer in adition to regular pay from Goverment. I TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 815 Agreeable to the petition of Geo. T. Hough and others. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies of this Warrant at two or more public places in said town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at the time and place of meeting afore- said . Given under our hand and Seals this tenth day of July One thousand Eight hundred Sixty two. M, P. Butler I Selectmen of Jos S Adams Tisl •mry Met at the time and place the meeting called to order by the town Clerk Moses Brown chosen Moderator Voted, To pay a Bounty of 125 dollars To each Volunteer that enlists in the Federal Army. Not to exceed 15 men Voted, That each and every Volunteer that shall enlist from this town shall receive from the town one dollar per Month for each mem- ber of his Family that is dependant on him for their support during enlistment Voted, That the selectmen be authorised to pay the bounty and stipulated sum pr Month to those who enlist as recruits from the town of Tisbury without regard to their residence or birth place providing they are accepted by the competent authorities Voted To Adjourn without daj^ To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, You are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elections and town affairs to Meet at Capawock Hall in said town of Tisbury Saturday the twenty third Instant at 2 oclock in the afternoon. Then and there to act on the following Articles to Wit. 1st to Choose a Moderator 2*^ to see how much money the town will offer as a bounty in addi- tion to the $125.00 already appropiated to induce men to Volunteer in the U S. Army 3*^ To say how it shall be paid and to transact any other buisness 816 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. that may come before said meeting on the said subject of Volunteering; Agreeable to the petetion of Bartlett Allen and others thereto anexed. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested Copies Thereof at three of the public places in said Tisbury seven days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Herof f^il not and make due return of this warrant to the town clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid Given under our hands this fourteen day of august in the year one thousand Eight hundred Sixty two M P Butler ^ Selectmen Jos S Adams > of Bartlett Mayhkw '-" ) Tishur// Pursuant to the within warrant 1 have posted up attested Copies thereof as directed Attest J. B. NicKERsoN Constahle of Tishury To the selectmen of Tisbury we the undersigned freeholders of said Tisbury. Respectfully request that you forthwith call a Town meeting for the following purpose, to Wit. To see how much money the town will offer as a bounty in addition to the 1125 dollars allready appropiated to induce men to Volunteer in the U S Army. To say how it shall be paid and to transact any other business that may come before the said meeting on the said subject of Volunteering Bartlett Allen . j. f. rouinson William Leach Elisha Dexter W^' C Luce Geo. T. Hough R. W. Coffin Hknry Bradley A true copy of Warrant with Petition and Constables Returns thereon Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 817 Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the warrant Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk Henry Bradley Chosen Moderator Voted that there be a committe of three in addition to the select- men appointed by aclamation to procure enlistments to fill up the Quota from Tisbury who shall have authority to Pay 500, dollars or more if necessary to procure our quota, and the committe shall give the inhab- itants of Tisbury untill Wensday the 27"' Instant at 12 oclock M to come forward and Volunteer and if the quota is not then full they shall pro- cure them from any other Place And the Committe shall make this their especial business and shall receive a resonable compensation thereofor W"' F Duregine ^ Chosen by Aclamation R. W. Crocker V that Committe Thomas Bradley ) Voted That the bounty be paid to the men that Enlist when they are mustered into the United States Servise Voted To pay Those men that have previously Enlisted in the United States Army the same amount of bounty that is paid those that enlist to fill up the quota Voted that if a man" Enlists in the town of Tisbury and is rejected by the examening Officers his expences shall be paid by the Town Voted to adjourn without day To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes county Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you ai'e directed to warn the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury in said County quahfied to Vote in elections and town aifairs to meet at Cappawock Hall in said town on Monday the first day of September next at 2 oclock P M for the following purposes. 1st To Chose a Moderator 2'! To see how much Bounty the town will pay to Volunteers to fill the quota of Tisbury. Under the call of the president for three hundred thousand Men to be drafted from the Militia, to serve nine months in the army of the United States 3*^ To act on any other business relative to the payment of the aforesa;id Bounty pursuant to the petition of Frederic Manter and others. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested 818 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said town seven days at least before the time of Holding said Meeting. Given under our hands this twenty fifth day of august in the Year Eighteen hundred Sixty two M. P. Butler > Selectmen of Bartlett Mayhew 5 Tishurij To the Selectmen of the town of Tisbury The undersigned Legal Voters and Tax payers in the town of Tisbury Respectfully request you to warn the inhabitants qualified to Vote in town affairs to meet at capawock Hall in said Tisbury on Monday the first day of September Next at 2 Oclock P. M for the following purpose 1st to chose a Moderator 2'' To see how much bounty the town will pay to Volunteers who shall enlist for Nine Months in the service of the United States under the last call of the president of the United States for three hundred thou- sand Soldiers to be drafted from the Militia of the several states. Frederick Manter Timothy Luce R W. Crocker Henry Bradley John A Swain W. Crocker Bartlett Allen Samuel Andrews James D Peaks J K Andrews Pursuant to the within warrant I have notified the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury as directed Attest J B NicKERSON Constable of TisJutry A true Copy of Warrant with petition attached and constables returns thereon ^^^^^^ j^^^^, ^^^^ Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place specified in the Warrant Meeting called to Order by the town Clerk Henry Bradley chosen Moderator Voted that the selectmen be instructed to pay 250 dollars or more if necessary to Volunteer that Enlist in the United States Army for Nine Months under the call of the President of the United States Voted that the selectmen be instructed not to Exceed 300 dollars as a Bounty to the Volunteers that Enhst in the United States army for the 2'' quota. A TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 819 Voted that the town Treasurer be instructed to hire the money if necessary to pay this Bounty for the second quota. Voted that the committe of the present meeting continue their ser- vices to fill the second quota Voted that Frederick Manter be added to that committe Voted to adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes County SS. To either of the constables of the Town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the commonwealth aforesaid you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in elec- tions to meet at Capawoc Hall in said Tisbury, on Tuesday the fourth day of November next at ten Oclock in the forenoon to bring their Votes to the selectmen for a Governor Lieutenant Governer secretary of the commonwealth, Treasurer and receiver General, an Auditor, an Attorney General for the commonwealth, a councillor for District number Eight a representative to Congress from the first Congressional District, a Sen- ator from the Island District a Representative to the General Court for District number one a District Attorney for the southern District ; All on one ballot. Also to bring in their Votes for one county commissioner, two spe- cial commissioners, three commissioners of insolvency and a Sheriff all on one ballot. The polls for the reception of Votes for all the above named officers will be opened at Ten Oclock in the forenoon and continue to be kept open till one oclock in the afternoon and for such longer time as the majority of the Voters present shall determine And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public Meeting Houses in said Town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant, With your doings theron to the selectmen at the time and place appointed for said Meeting. Given under our hands at Tisbury this 20^" day of October 1862 M P. Butler ^ Jos. S. Adams > Selectmen of Baetlett Mayhew -'" ) Tidmry 820 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Tisbury November 4'" 1862 Pursuant to the within Warrant I have posted up attested copies thereof as directed RiCHAKD L HuRSEL Constable of Tisbury A true Copy of Warrant with constables returns thereon Lot Luce Toicn Clerh Met at the time and place specified in the Warrant the Warrant was read by the chairman of the Selectmen and the polls Opened at 10 Oclock in the forenoon and Closed at 1 Oclock in the afternoon the Votes were sorted counted and publicly declared and were for the following persons For Governor Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty Eight John A. Andrew^s of Boston Ninety Two 92 Charles Devens Jr of Worcester fifty Six 56 For Lieutenant Governor Whole number of Ballots One hundred Forty Eight Joel Hayden of Williamsburg Ninety two (92) Thomas F. Plunkett of Pitsfield Fifty Six 56 For Secretary Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty Eight Oliver Warner of Worcester Ninety Two (92) Nathaniel P Shurtleff of Boston Fifty six (56) For Treasurer and Receiver General Whole number Ballots One hundred Forty Eight Henry K Oliver of Salem Ninety two (92) Daniel Saunders of Lawrence Fifty Six 56 For Attorney General. Whole number of Ballots one hundred Forty Eight D wight Foster of Worcester Ninety two (92) Henry W. Paine of Cambridge Fifty Six 56 For Auditor of Accounts Whole number of Ballots One hundred forty Eight Levi Reed of Abington Ninety Two (92) Charles Kimball of Ipswich Fifty Six (56) For Councillor for District No 8 Whole number Ballots One hundred forty Five Samuel Orsborn Jr of Edgartow^n Eighty nine (89) Oliver C Swift of Falmouth Fifty Six 56 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 821 For Representative to Congress from the first District Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty three (143) Thomas D Elliot of New Bedford Ninety one 91 Daniel Fisher of Edgartown Fifty two 52 For Senator from the Island District Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty eight (148) Nathan Crocker of Barnstable Ninety two (92) Edward N. Winslow of Barnstable Fifty six 56 For Representative to the General Court AVhole numl^er of Ballots One hundred forty four 144 William PI Sturtevant of Tisbury Eighty seven 87 Abraham Osborn of Edgartown Fifty seven. (57) For District Attorney for the Southern District Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty five 145 George Maston of Barnstable Eighty Nine 89 Horatio Pratt of Taunton fifty six 56 For County Commissioner Whole number of Ballots one hundred fifty seven 157 Samuel G. Vincent of Edgartown Ninety five (95 Joseph T. Pease of Edgartown fifty two 62 For Special Commissioners Whole number of Ballots One hundred forty five 145 Tristram Cleveland of Edgartown fifty four 54 Austin Smith of Chilmark fifty four 54 Allen Tilton of Chilmark Ninety one 91 Frederic Manter of Tisbury Ninety One 91. For Commissioners of Insolvency Whole number of Ballots one hundred forty two 142 James Mayhew of Tisbury Ninety two 92 Allen Tilton of Chilmark Ninety one 91 Archabal Mellen of Edgartown Ninety two 92 Tristram Allen of Chilmark One 1 John Balyes of Edgartown fifty one 61 For Sheriff Whole number of Ballots One hundred forty Eight 148 Silvanus L Pease of Edgartown Seventy three 73 Samuel Keniston of Edgartown Seventy five 75 The polls were closed at 1 Oclock in the afternoon Attest Lot Luck Clerh 822 TISBUEY TOWN KECORDS. At a meeting of the clerks of the towns in District number one, in the county of Dukes County, Assembled for the purpose of ascertaining who was elected Representative to the General Court from said district, find that the whole number of Votes given in at the several meetings in said district, on the fourth day of November A. D. 1862 for a Repre- sentative was four hundred fifty four (454) William H. Sturtevant of Tisbury in said County, had two hundred fifty eight Votes (258) Abraham Osborn of Edgartown in said County, had one hundred ninety six Votes (196) Chilmark Nov 5"' 1862 Barnard C Marchant Clerk of JEdgavtown Lot Luce cleric of Tisbury JosiAH W TiLTON Clerk of Chihnark A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Toiun Clerk of Tisbury Dukes County ss To either of the constables of the town of Tisbury Greeting In the name of the commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet at the agricultural Hall in West Tisbury on Mon- day the sixth day of April next at 9 oclock A. M. for the purpose of giving in their votes by Ballot for or against the amendment of the constitution of 23'' article of the articles of amendment of the constitu- tion of this commonwealth which is as follows to Wit. No person of Foreign Birth shall be entitled to Vote or shall be ehgible to office unless he shall have residence within jurisdiction of the United States for two Years subsequently to his naturalization and shall be otherwise qualified according to the constitution and laws of this commonwealth : provided that this Amendment shall not affect the rights which any person of foreign birth posseses at the time of the adop- tion thereof and provides further it Shall not affect the rights of any child of a citizen of the United States born during the temporary absence of the parents is wholly annuled The ballots to be deposited must be as follows. Amendment to the constitution yes or no TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 823 And you are to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public Meeting Houses in said Town seven days at least before the time holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings theron to the selectmen at the time and place of Meeting Given under our hands at Tisbury this 28^^^ day of March A D 1863 M. P. Butler ^ Selectmen Jos .S Adams > of Bartlett Mayhew -° ) Tisburi/ Pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified as directed Attest J B NicKERSON Constable of Tisbui-y A true Copy of Warrant with constables returns theron Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purpose specified warrant read by the chairman of selectmen and polls opened to receive votes at 3 P M the Polls were closed at 3 the votes were sorted counted and publicly declared and wer as follows Viz Whole number of ballots Thirty 30 Amendment to the constitution No Twenty four 24 Amendment to the constitution Yes six 6 County of Dukes County s.s. To either of the Constibles of the Town of Tisbury in the county of Dukes Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the Inhabitants of the Town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elections and town affairs, to meet at Agricultural Hall in said Tisbury on Monday the sixth day of April next at 10 oclock A. M, then and there to act on the following articles' 1*** To Choose a moderator 2'^ To choose all necessary Town officers for the Year ensueing 3*^ To hear the anual report of the selectmen and act thereon. 4"' To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to pay town charges and make appropriation of the same 824 TISBURY T0W:N' RECORDS. 5"' To determine the manner of repairing the Highways Town ways & Bridges the ensueing year 6^'' To see if the town will vote to abolish the school districts in the towm of Tisbury 7"' To see if the town will set off James Merry on to the Lambert Cove district 8"' to see if the town will appropriate a sum of money for taking care of the town clock on the Methodist Church in Holmes Hole village the ensueing year 9*'' to raise such sums of money by taxation or otherwise as may be necessary to pay State aid to families of Volunteers in the United States Military Service Article 10^'' To see if the Town will accept the road laid out by the selectmen petitioners for by Thomas Bradley and others 11th To see iff the town will accept a road laid out by the selectmen petitioned for by Henry Manter and others. 12"' To see if the town will accept a road laid out by the selectmen petitioned for by John F Robinson and others And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at Three of the public Meeting Houses in said town seven days at least before the time of holding said Meeting Hereof fail not and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid Given under our hands at Tisbury this 25*'' day of March 1863 M P Butler "^ Selectmen Jos S Adams > of Bartlett Mayhew 2° ) Tisbury pursuant to the within Warrant I have notified the inhabitants as directed ^^^^^^ ^ ^ Nickkrson Constable a true Copy of Warrant with constables returns thereon Attest Lot Luce Town Clerh Met at the time and place specfied in the Warrant Meeting called to order by the town clerk and proceeded to receive votes as follows whole number of Votes for Moderator was twenty seven 27 Rodolphos W. Crocker had 26 votes Joseph Smith had 1 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 825 Town Clerks vote whole number of Votes Sixty Six 66 Lot Luce had Sixty 60 qualified and proceeded to duty Selectmen chosen Whole number of Votes Eighty four » 84 M P Butler had Eighty three 83 Bartlett Mayhew 2'' forty four 44 Jos S Adams thirty nine 39 Davis Cottle thirty two 32 J D. Rotch thirty five 35 Lot Luce three 3 Voted not to choose Assessors Voted to reconsider the Vote not to choose assesors. Treasurer chosen whole number of Votes 76 Charles Bradley had 73 Constables chosen Whole number of Ballots fifty four 54 Richard L Hursel had 40 chosen Another Constable chosen Voted to choose one more constable Joseph B Nickerson had forty two votes and was chosen sworn Voted to accept the report of the selectmen •One school Committe chosen whole number of Votes 69 Horatio G Norton had 65 chosen Fish committe Whole number of Votes 12 Lot Luce had 12 chosen B F Smith " 12 chosen David Smith 12 chosen Fence Viewers whole number of Votes 6 Charles Smith had 3 chosen Tristram Luce had 3 chosen Allen Look had 3 chosen Field drivers Thomas Waldron chosen by aclamation Alfred Clifford Tristram Luce 826 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Surveyor of Lumber John W Howland sworn Hervey "Weeks sworn John F Robinson Edward Cottle Pound Keepers Hilyard Norton Zadoc Athearn sworn Health Committe George T. Hough Doct W^' Leach Daniel A Cleaveland John Holmes Jr David Smith Surveyor of Highways Joseph B Nickerson sworn Rodolphos W Crocker George F Baxter sworn Thaddeus Luce Voted not to abolish the school districts system in the town Voted that James Merry be set on to the Lamberts Cove district Voted to indefinitely postpone the 8th article of the Warrant Voted that the Treasurer be authorised to hire a sum of money not to exceed 125 dollars pr month to pay the state aid granted to Volunteers Hog Reeves Charles Bradley Presbury L Smith William Leach John Holmes Jr Voted to raise 1800 dollars for schools 1600 " Poor 1600 " Incidental 400 " Highways Voted that the Treasurer be authorised to hire a sufficient sum of money to meet the Notes that become due at the Merchants Bank New Bedford in September October and November next Voted that we choose four Surveyors of Highways the ensuing year Voted that the surveyors of Highways shall notify each tax payer of the town the time and place of working out their tax and the conpensa- tion shall be 10 cts per hour for an man and 12 cts pr hour for a team TISBURY TOWN KECOKDS. 827 Vot^d that the highway tax be assesed with the other Taxes of the Town. Voted that the discount of Taxes be the same as Last year Voted that a discount of 6 pr cent for the prompt payment of taxes be allowed for the first sixty days and a discount of 3 pr cent for 120 days and if sumons are isued after 120 days 20 cents shall be charged in addition to the tax and same paid in to the Treasurer. And the collector Collect all Taxes and pay into the town treasury at such times as the selectmen may direct and a final Payment by the first day of January A D 1864. Voted to sell the collection of Taxes to the lowest bidder Sold to J. M. Taber he being the lowest bidder at V-.> of one pr cent J M Taber chosen collector of Taxes by acclamation Voted to accept the road laid out by the selectmen agreeable to the petition of Thomas Bradley and others. Voted to accept the road laid out by the selectmen agreeable to the petition of Henry Manter and others. Voted to accept the road as laid out by the selectmen as far as the North East corner of Timothy Luces dwelling house lot, agreeable to petition J. F. Kobinson Voted to appropriate 5,400 dollars for the specific purpose it was raised for by a vote of the town Voted to adjourn without day Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Then personally appeared before me Richard L EEursel and made oath to the faithful performance of his duty as constable of Tisbury Lot Luce Toivn Clerk Dukes County ss To either of the constables of the town of tisbury in said County Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are required to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elec- tions and in Town affairs to meet at Agricultural Hall in said town on Monday the thirteenth day of eTuly next ensueing at two Clock in the afternoon then and there to act on the following Articles Article 1'* to Choose a Moderator Article 2'' to see if the town will accept the List of Jurors as prepared by the selectmen and laid before the town. 828 TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. Article 3'' to see if the town will authorise the town treasui^er to hire the sum of two thousand dollars and pay from the same, the Bounties Voted by said Town at a town meeting held August 22'' A. D. 1862. to all Volunteers who had enlisted, previous to the date of said meeting from the town of Tisbury in the United States Military services; as Pettioned for by John F Robinson H. W. Beetle S R Tilton James B Robinson Charles Bradley Timothy Luce Charles D Harding William Leach Jas L Skiff and Thomas Bradley Article 4th To see if the town will vote to raise and pay its propor- tion of the State Tax apportioned and assessed according to the pro- visions of sec. 2*^ and 4th Chap 218 of General Laws of 1863 Entitled an act to provide for the Reimbursement of Bounties paid to Volunteers and assess a tax therefor, in the manner provided in sec 9th of said Chapter 218; and in case the charges exceed its credits that the Treas- urer of the Town be authorised to hire money sufficient, and pay such excess To the Treasurer of the Commonwealth; as provided in the afore- said sec. 9th of chapter 218, And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at three of the public Meeting Houses in said Town, seven days at least before the time of holding the meeting aforesaid. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon. To the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid ^ Given under our hands this second day of July In the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty three, M P. Butler ^ Selectmen Jos S Adams > of Bartlett Mayhkw 2"^ ) Tisbury Pursuant to the above warrant I have notified as directed J. B. NiCKERSON constable of Tisburi/ A true copy of Warrant with constables returns thereon Attest Lot Luck Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the war- rant the meeting called to order by the Town Clerk Matthew P. Butler chosen Moderator and sworn. Voted To authorise the Town Treasurer To hire the sum of Two TISBLTRY TOWN RECORDS. 829 Thousand dollars and pay from the same, the Bounties Voted by said town at a town meeting held August 22'' A. D. 1862 To all Volunteers who had enlisted previous to that date of said meeting from the town of Tisbury in the United States Army as Petitioned for Voted To accept the list of Jurors as prepared by the selectmen and laid before the town Voted that the Town will raise and pay its proportion of the State Tax apportioned and assessed according to the provisions of sec 2'' and 4"' chap 218 of General Laws of 1863, Entitled an act to provide for the reimbursment of Bounties paid to Volunteers, and assess a Tax therefor in manner provided in sec 9th of said chapter 218; and in case the charges exceed its Credits that the Treasurer of the town be authorised to hire money sufficient, and pay such excess to tlie Treasurer of the Commonwealth as provided for in the aforesaid sec 9th chap 218 Voted to adjourn without day Pursuant to a notice from Richard L. Hursel a constable of the Town of Tisbury and upon his producing a Venire from the clerk of the supe- rior court of the commonwealth to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes To select five good and lawful men to serve as Traverse Jurors at said court The selectmen and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the 16th day of September 1863 and dre^v from the Juror Box the following names John H Lambert Constant C Downs Edward Cottle Allen Look Benjamin F. Brow^n Attest Lot Luce Tovn Clerk Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes County ss To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury. Greeting In the name of the Commonw^ealth aforesaid you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the tow^n of Tisbury qualified to vote in Elec- tions to meet at Agricultural Hall in said Tisbury on Tuesday the third day of November next at ten oclock in the forenoon to bring in their votes to the selectmen for a Governor Lieutenant Governor, Secretary 830 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS, of the Commonwealth. Treasurer and Receiver General Councillor, Auditor of Accounts Senator for the Island district, a Representative to the General court for District no one and a Reg- ister of Probate and Insolvency all on one Ballot. Also to bring in their Votes for one county Commissioner The Polls for the reception of Votes for all the above named officers will be open at 10 oclock in the forenoon and continue to be kept open till 12^ oclock in the afternoon, and for such Longer time as the majority of the Voters present shall determine. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two or more public places in said town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with doings thereon to the Selectmen at the time and place appointed for said meeting Given under our hands at Tisbury this 23'' day of October 1863 Baktlett Mathew 2° Selectmen of Jos S Adams Tishury Tisbury Nov 3^' 1863 Pursuant to the within Warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purpose specified in the Warrant by posting up attested copies of such Warrant at thre public places in said town on the 26th day of October A D 1863 RiOHAED L HUKSEL constahle of Tishury Met at the time and place for the purpose specified in the Warrjant was read by the chairman of Selectmen and the Polls opened to receive Votes at 10 oclock in the forenoon, and the Polls were closed at I'l 30" oclock in the afternoon The Votes' were sorted counted and publicly declared in open Meeting and were as follows Viz For Governor whole number of Ballots One hundred 100 John A Andrews of Boston had Seventy 70 Henry W Paine of Cambridge Thirty 30 For Lieutenant Governor Whole number of Ballots One hundred Joel Hayden of Williamsburg Seventy TO Thomas F Phmkett of Pittsfiehl Thirty 30 TISBURY TOWTvT EECORDS. 881 For Secretary Whole number of Ballots One hundred 100 Oliver Warner of Northampton Seventy 70 F. O. Prince of Winchester Thirty 30 For Tresurer and Receiver General Whole number of Ballots One hundred ' 100 Henry K Oliver of Salem Seventy 70 Nathan Clark of Lynn Thirty 30 For Councillor for District No 8. Whole number of Ballots Ninety Eight 98 • Samuel Orsborne "' of Edgartown Sixty Eight 68 Oliver C Swift of Falmouth Thirty 30 For Auditor of Accounts Whole number of Ballots One hundred 100 Levi Reed of Abington Seventy ' 70 Moses Bates of Plymouth Thirty 30 For Attorney General Whole number of Ballots one hundred 100 Dwight Foster of Worcester seventy 70 T. H Sweetzier of Lowell Thirty 30 For Senator from the Island district Whole number of Ballots One hundred 10^ Nathan Crocker of Barnstable seventy 70 John B. Billing of Sandwich Thirty 30 For Representative to General Court Whole number of Ballots Ninety Four 94: W™ H Sturtevant of Tisbury Sixty Three 63 James B Robinson of Tisbury Thirty one 31 For Register of Probate and Insolvency Whole number of Ballots One hundred two 102 -Hebron Vincent of Edgartown Seventy Eight 78 William Vinson of Edgartown Twenty four 24 For County Commissioner Whole number of Ballots One hundred 100 John W Mayhew of Chilmark Fifty Six 56 Thurston W. Tilton of Chilmark Thirty 30 Thomas H Lambert of Chilmark Fourteen 14 At a meeting of the Clerks of the several towns in District number one in the County of Dukes County assembled for the purpose of ascer- 832 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. taining who was elected Representative to the General Court for said District find that the w^hole number of Votes given in at the several meetings in said District on the third day of November A D. 1863, for a Representative was Three hundred and thirty Eight and were as follows James B Robinson of Tisbury had one hundred and fourteen Votes 114 William H. Sturtevant of Tisbury had two hundred and thirty four votes 234 Chilmark Nov 4th 1863 B. C. Marchant Clerk of Edgartoicn James N. Tilton Olerh of Chilmark Lot Luce Clerk of Tishnry Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes count}^ Tisbury December 26 1863. To Thomas N. Hillman You are hereby appointed a Police officer by the Selectmen of Tis- bury with all the powers of Constables except the power of serving and executeing civil process and you will hold your Office dureing the pleasure of the Selectmen who has made the appointment M P Butler ) Selectmen of Jos S Adams S I'lshury A true copy Attest Lot Luoe Town Clerk Dukes County Tisbury Mass Decem. 25. 1863. To Charles D. Harding you are hereby Notified that you have been appointed by the selectmen of Tisbury. a Police Officer with all the powers of Constables except the power of serving and executeing civil process and you are to hold your Office, during the pleasure of the selectmen by whom you are appointed. M. P. Butler Selectmen Jos. S Adams of TtHhiiry ■ a true Copy from the Original Appointment Attest Lot Luce Toivn Clerk TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 833 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dukes County December 30th 1863 The selectmen of Tisbury. Have appointed Rodolphos W Crocker Joseph T. James J Whelden Holmes Benjamin Clough David Tilton Richard G Luce Thomas C Harding Benjamin C Cromwell Nathan S Smith Charles Holmes Shad- rack R Tilton, Thaddeus Luce, Frederic Manter William L, Mayhew George N Peakes and John Buckley, Police officers with all the powers of Constables except the power of serveing and executeing civil process who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the selectmen by whom they are appointed. M. P. Butler > Selectmen Jos S Adams > of Tishurij A true copy of the Appointment Entered on the Records this 31st day of December 1863 Lot Luce Toion Clerk To either of the Constables of the town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes county Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to Notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to vote in elections and in town affairs to Meet in Capawoc Hall (Holmes Hole) on Monday the twenty first day of March Instant at Ten oclock in the forenoon, then and there to Act on the following Articles : 1st To Choose a Moderator 2'I To Choose all necessary town officers the year ensueing. 3'' To hear the anual report of the selectmen and act thereon 4"' To raise such sums of money as may be necessary to defray town charges for the year ensueing and make appropiations of the same 5"' To determine the manner of repairing Highways Townways and Bridges the ensueing year And you are directed to serve this warrant with your doings By posting up Attested Copies thereof at three of the Public meeting Houses in said town seven days at Least before the time of holding the meeting aforsaid Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant witli your 834 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. doings theron to the Town Clerk at the time and place of Meeting as Aforsaid. Given under our hands and dated Tisbury this 10th day of March In the year eighteen hundred sixty four M. P. Butler ^ Selectmen Jos S. Adams > of Bartlett Mayhew 2'' ) Tisbury Tisbury March 2 1st 1864 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed 1 have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes speci- fied by posting up Attested Copies of such Warrant as within directed at three public and conspicuous places in said town on the 12th day March 1864 Richard L Hursell Constable of Tisbury Met at the time and place specified in the Warrant. Warrant read by the Town Clerk and the meeting called to order and Proceded to receive Votes for Moderator Whole number of Votes R. W. Crocker had Charles Smith " Votes for Town Clerk whole number Lot Luce had Voted to Accept the Report of the selectmen Votes for Selectmen Charles D Harding had Bartlett Mayhew '-'^' " Henry Bradley Voted To pay Daniel A Clevelands bill for services recruiting Votes for Treasurer whole number 57 Charles Bradley had 56 sworn Alexander W Smith " 1 Votes for Constable whole number of Votes 36 Richard L Ilursel had 36 sworn Joseph B Nickerson " 36 sworn 12 10 59 59 sworn 109 109 sworn 108 sworn 92 sworn TISBUKY TOWN RECORDS. 835 Votes for School Committe 62 Alexander W Smith had ^ 42 M. P. Butler " ' 9 George T. Hough " 8 William Leach 3 Votes for fish committe whole number 22 Lot Luce had 22 David Smith " 22 Benjamin D. Crowell 22 Votes for fence Viewers whole number 23 M P Butler 5 Charles D Harding 5 sworn Washington Adams 13 Field Driver William Norton chosen by Acclamation Cornelius Clark and (sworn) Washington Adams Surveyors of Lumber Richard L Hursel sworn Hervy Weeks sworn Pound keeper West Luce 2"' sworn Zadoc Athearn sworn Health Committe John Holmes Jr chosen by Acclamation David Smith W'" Leach George T Hough Joseph S. Adams Daniel A Cleveland Voted to choose three surveyors of highways Joseph B Nickerson had 43 Votes sworn Eben Norton 26 " sworn Job H Gorham 22 " sworn Voted that the Highway Tax be assessed in the Towni Tax and that the surveyors of highway alow the inhabitants of the town to work out their tax. All persons wishing to work out their tax shall hand their names to the surveyors, and said Surveyor shall notify such persons and when they work out their Tax they shall be allowed 13 cts pr hour I 836 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Prudential Committe Chosen Joseph B Nickerson for the S. W. District Isaac Vinsent " N E. '' Ephraim S. Allen " N W Voted to Raise 1600 dollars for Public schools " " " 1500 " " Support of the Poor. " " " 2500 " '' Incidental Expens. ." " " 450 " " Highways & Bridges " " " 400 " " Remitance of Taxes Voted To Authorise the Treasurer of the town to Hire Money to the amount of seven thousand five hundred dollars to take up the Notes that become due at the several Banks as the notes become due Voted. That the Treasurer of the town be authorised to hire the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to pay for State Aid to families of Volunteers in the U S Army Voted That those persons who wish to work out their highway Tax shall hand in their names to the surveyor Voted That the discount for prompt payment of Tax be the same as last year with the exception of 30 day instead of Sixty day Voted to sell collection of Taxes at Auction collection of taxes sold to J. M. Taber at Vi of one pr cent he being the lowest bidder. J. M. Taber chosen collector of Taxes the ensueing-year Voted To Adjourn without day |H To either of the Constables of the Town of Tisbury in the County of Dukes county Greeting In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qualified to Vote in Elec- tions and in town affairs to meet at Capawoc Hall in said Tisbury on Friday the 25th March Inst at one oclock P M to act on the following Articles. 1st To choose a Moderator 2'' To see if the town will appropiate money and how much to aid in recruiting U. S. Volunteers for the Mihtary service. To fill the quota of said town 3'' To see if the town will authorise the Town Treasurer to hire money sufficient for such purpose. And you are directed to Serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two of the public meeting houses in said town 7 days at least before the time of holding the meeting aforesaid TISBURY TO^YN RECORDS. 837 Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town Clerk at the time and place of holding the meeting aforsaid. Given under our hands and dated at Tisbury this 17th day of March A D 1864 M, P. Butler > SeUdmen Jos S Adams S of Tisbury Tisbury March 25, 1864 Pursuant to the within warrant to me directed I have notified and warned the inhabitants of said town of Tisbury qualified as therein expressed to assemble at the time and place and for the purposes therein mentioned by posting up attested copies as within directed in two public and conspicuous places in said town on the 18th day of March 1864 Richard L IIursel ConMahh of Tishurij Tisbury March 17th 1864 To the selectmen of the Town of Tisbury You are respectfully requested to call a meeting of the legal voters of the town of Tisbury for the following purpose 1^* To choose a Moderator 2*^ To see if the town 'will appropriate money for the purpose of Aiding in recruiting U S Volunteers to fill the quota of this Town 3'' To see if the town will authorise the Treasurer to hire sufficient money for such purpose J. F Robinson Henry Bradley H. W. Beetle Holmes M Athearn David Tilton Benjamin D Crowell TiM° Luce Foster H Jenkins Hilliard M. Norton Grafton Luce The Legal Voters of the Town of Tisbury met at the time and place specified in the warrant Meeting called to order by Henry Bradley Esq Charles Smith was chosen Moderator and J. H. Lambert Town Clerk Pro tem. Voted That the Town Treasurer be authorised To Hire for the use of the town such sum or sums of money as may be necessary, and that the -selectmen apply the same for procuring a sufficient number of men to fill the quota of this town under the last Three Calls of the president of the U S provided the sum shall not exceed 125 dollars for each man Enlisted 838 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. Voted \ That the selectmen be instructed to present to Oiir Representative Mr Sturtevant the Views of the said town in regard to the Nine Months Men Voted to adjourn without day Attest J H Lambert Town Clerk Pro tern Tisbury Selectmens Office March 21^' 1864 1 Capt Willis Howes. Sir you are hereby appointed as police officer for the Town of Tis- bury agreeable to the statues chap 18 sec. 38. Henkt Bradley ) Selectmen Chas. D. Harding ) of Tishury A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Tisbury Selectmens Office March 21 "' 1864 J. T. James Sir you are hereby appointed as Police Officer for the Town of Tis- bury agreeable to the Statues chap 18. sec 38. Henry Bradley > Selectmen Chas D Harding S of Tkhur)/ A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Toicn Clerk Tisbury Selectmens Office March 21"' 1864 Capt Benjamin Clough Sir you are hereby Appointed as Police officer for The Town of Tis- bury agreeable to the statues Chap 18. Sec 38 Henry Bradley ) Selectmen Chas. D. Harding ) of Tisljuri/ A true copy Attest Lot Luce Toicn Clerk Selectmens Office Tisbury April 14 1864 We the subscribers selectmen of Tisbury hereby appoint John W. Howland measurer of wood and bark for the year ensueing in said Town Henry Bradley ^ Selectmen I henry J3RADLEY ^ oeiecimen Chas. D. Harding yof Tisbury Bartlett Mayhew ) A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Joimi Clerk i TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 839 Selectmens Office Tisbury April 14 1864 We the subscribers selectmen of Tisbury hereby Appoint Capt Lot Luce Sealer of Weights and Measures for the year ensueing in said Town Henry Bradley \ Selectmen Chas D. Harding > of Bartlett Mayhew 2" ) Tisbnri/ A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Tovni Clerk Pursuant to a notice from Richard L Hursel and upon his produceing a Venira from the Clerk of the supreme judicial Court of this common- wealth to be holden at Barnstable within and for the counties Barnstable and Dukes county to select one good and Lawful man to serve as Trav- erse juror at said court The selectmen and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the 20th day of April A D. 1864 and drew from the Juror Box The name of Jos S Adams to serve as Traverse Juror at said Court Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Tisbury s.s. To Richard L Hursel one of the constables of the town of Tisbury Greeting. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, You are directed to notify the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury qulified to Vote, in Town affairs to meet at the Capawock Hall in said Town on Monday the Twenty fifth day of April at two oclock in the afternoon, then and there to act on the following Articles; Viz, 1^^ To choose a Moderator 2'' To see if the town will raise by Taxation an amount not to exceed one hundred and Twenty five dollars on each Volunteer to reiml)urse the citizens who subscribed for the aid of Obtaining Volunteers on our quota for three hundred thousand called by the President. 3'' To see if the Town will do. away the Liquor Agency and to instruct the Selectmen the way and manner to dispose of the Liquor remaining on hand 4*'' To see if the town will instruct the selectmen to license one or more dealers in old jimk and second hand wares. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting up attested copies thereof in two or more public places in the said town seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting 840 TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. | Hereof fail not and make returns of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place for holding said meeting Given under our hands this fourteenth day of April 1864 H.ENKY Bradley ^ Selectmen Chas D Harding > of Bartlett Mayhew 2° ) Tisbury A true copy of Warrant Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Met at the time and place and for the purposes specified in the Warrant Henry Bradley chosen Moderator Voted To assess 2000, dollars Tax on the town to reimburse Citizens that have paid by subscription to procure the quota of this town under the call of the President of the U S for three hundred thousand men Voted, To lay the 3'' article of the warrant on the table. Voted, That the selectmen be authorised to license one or more per- sons as Junk Dealers and second hand wares Voted To Adjourn without day Town of Tisbury This is to Certify that Joseph M. Crowell having given Bonds has been duly appointed by the selectmen of Tisbury an agent to Purchase Intoxicating Liquors and to sell the same at Holmes Hole in the Town of Tisbury to be used in the arts or for Medicinal Chemical and Mechan- ical purposes and no other — under and in conformity with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts This appointment to continue twelve months from the date hereof unless sooner revoked by said selectmen said Agent shall receive a salary of Forty Dollars which shall be in full for his said services and in proportion for a less time Dated at Tisl)ury this 2" day 6f May 1864 Henry Bradley ■\ Selectmen Chas D. Harding > of Bartlett Mayhew -'" j Tishiir)/ A true Copy Attest Lot Luce Toini Clerk I TISBURY TOWN RECORDS. 841 Dukes County, s.s. May 6th 1864 Then personally appeared Bartlett Mayhew 2*^ Henry Bradley Charles D. Harding and made oath to the faithfuU performance of their duties as Assesors for the town of Tisbury the ensuing year Before me Baktlett Allen Justice of the peace A true copy Attest Lot Luce Town Clerk Dukes County s.s. Pursuant to a notice from Joseph B. Nickerson and upon his pro- ducing a Venira from the clerk of the Superior Court of this common- wealth to be holden at Edgartown within and for the county of Dukes to select nine good and lawfull men to serve as grand Juror at said court and five of like qualification to serve as Traverse Jurors at said court The Select men and Town Clerk met at the Town Clerks office on the 17th day of May 1864 and drew from the Juror Box the following names Grand Jurors Truman Allen Josiah H Vincent Frederic W Manter Richard W. Coffin Jared Vincent Edward Harding Joseph Luce Willis Howes Traverse Jurors Lot Luce Samuel Andrews Benjamin Clough Edmund Cottle Joseph Dias ( -iX A^ '• LIBRARY OF CONGRESS i.ii.i': I I'l 014 079 794 7*