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If you can link the events together in order, you can hold them in your mind. Thus you will find your memory strengthened and this powe^ will enable you to retain other matters of importance. Hoping that you may find these outlines of assistance and that the language lessons may be well done, I am, with best wishes for yourself and teacher. Very cordially yours, ELIZABETH T. MILLS. TOPICAL OUTLINE OF History of the United States. CHAPTER I. United States of America — How long Settled. 1. How nature made this land. 2. Beginning of United States History — percent, from Europe, from England. 3. Early England. Names of races; power of king. 4. The Dark Ages. When; why so called; what was then unknown. 5. End of the Dark Ages and the revival of learning. When; where begun. 6. Marco Polo. Who, what he did, and result on travel and exploration. 7. Value of Oriental trade. Why sought; where found. CHAPTER II. Columbus and His Voyage. 8. Problem of the age. Portugal. 9. This navigator. Who; birth; life. 10. Columbus concluded what; what underestimated; kind of man. 11. Money. Where he tried to get it; how long; who gave it. 12. The first voyage. Vessels; men; when; islands seen; troubles. 13. Discovery. When; where. 14. The inhabitants. How acted: what he called them; why. 15. Explorations. Where; colony and when. 16. Return voyage. When; troubles. language: b HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER III. 17. Indians called. Why; differing in what; where found now. 18. Indian life. Difference in life; two groups; names; where. 19. Indian character. How marked; superstition; work; knowledge. 20. Indian relics found. Where; what. 21. Mound builders. W^ho; what they did; kind of race; when. 22. Aztecs. Where; kind of people. 23. Northmen. Where from; discoveries. CHAPTER IV. Later Discoveries — Spain. 24. Columbus' report. What he thought; why; letter. 25. The news. How received; result. 26. European nations. Maritime; who. 27. Columbus' later voyages. How many; where; col- ony; result. 28. Columbia America. Why named America. 29. Spanish exploration. Where; who conquered Mexico; when; Peru; Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Ayllon, Magellan, Narvaez. 30. De Soto. Where landed; what he took, did, went; death . 31. Expeditions from Mexico. By whom. France. 32. Early voyages. Who, where, when, discovered what. 33. French exploration. Who, where, discovered what, by whom. England. 34. John Cabot. Who, did what, when. 35. Second voyage. Who, where. 36. Sir Francis Drake. Who, did, where. 37. Cortereal. Who, did, where. language: 8 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 38. Result and forecast. When voyages to India ceased; how get there now; what interest in North America. 39. Protestantism; where. Catliolicism. 40. Puritans. Where; under whose rule. 41. English sovereigns. During Columbus', what Eng- lish king. 42. English government. Laws, how made; power of king. CHAPTER V. Beginning of Settlement. 43. Attempts at settlement. Result; three reasons why. 44. Exploration and attempted colonization. Who sent out, where, result. 45. Canada; belonged to. Explorers; colonies. 46. French Protestants. From where, went where; result; why. 47. Spanish cruelty. On whom; why. Spain. 48. Spanish settlements; where, when. Oldest city. Spanish rule; when. England. 49. Englishmen claimed what; why. 50. Voyages north; by whom. 51. Gilbert and Raleigh expeditions. Who were they; did; result. 52. Raleigh's first colony. Where; did, result. 53. Raleigh's second colony. Number; where; result. 54. Result and forecast. English where; French where; Dutch and Swedes where. ■ CHAPTER VI. Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. 55. More than a century left what unknown, what re- vealed; report. 56. Two companies; scheme of settlement, when, where, names; monopoly of what; reorganized and named. 57. Colonizing, when and where; results. 58. Charters; powers. language: 10 history of the united states. Plymouth. 59. Separatist Puritans; why called, where from, went where, why. 60. Overtures for land, to whom; money, how obtained; charter. 61. The emigrants; where, when, number; ships. 62. Location, where; laws, where made. 63. Fearful struggle, with what; result. 64. Chief men, who. 65. Growth, how; land held; change; result. Massachusetts Bay. 66. First settlement; class of people, where, from whom charter. 67. The Grand Plan, what; when did they move; re- sult on migration. 68. Founders of Massachusetts, religion. 69. Government; who could join colony; vote, how limited. 70. Intruders; who, why, treatment. CHAPTER VII. Other New England Colonies — 1634-1643. 71. Providence founded; when, by whom, title from whom. 72. Williams; his belief, established what, where. 73. Newport, Portsmouth; by whom settled. 74. Government; charter, how obtained; what free; right of voting. Connecticut. 75. First settlements, where; names. 76. English title of what State, passed from whom to whom. 77. Pequod War; when, where, how begun; events; result. 78. Government; first written constitution, where; right to vote. 79. Another Puritan colony, where; rule of govern- ment. language: 11 12 history of the united states. New Hampshire. 80. The first settlement; by whom, where, when; who came next. 81. Other towns; from what place, came under what rule. CHAPTER VIII. New England— 1643-1750. 82. Puritan emigration; large till when, from where, class, nations. 83. Land; how, along Connecticut River, advantages; energy. 84. Towns called what, government from where, meet- ings for what, selectmen did what; towns called. 85. County and State government; how many counties in Massachusetts; next towns. 86. Union, why, when, where named; exclusions, why. 87. This confederation, why remarkable; Massachu- setts. 88. The conversion of Indians, purpose of; Eliot; re- sult; where found. 89. King Philips War, when, cause, events, result to tribes and English. 90. England and Colonies, what they wished; what House of Commons did; Cromwell; Massachusetts. 91. The Navigation Acts, what they were; first law, purpose; second law, purpose; how received; result. 92. Changes under Charles II; charters for which col- onies; Massachusetts and New Hampshire. 93. Massachusetts, how regarded, acted; trouble, how begun; result; punishment. 94. James II, how ruled; Andros, action; Connecticut and Rhode Island. 95. Charter oak, where, cause, result. 96. Change in 1688, what effect on colonies; feelings of William III; check on governors; voters. 97. Quakers, who, where, treatment and result. 98. Salem witchcraft, where, what was done to accused persons; results. 99. Education; Puritans; origin of public school sys- tem; laws. language: 13 14 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 100. University of Harvard, age, where; Yale, where, date. 101. Peace and growth, when, why. CHAPTER IX. Virginia and Maryland — 1607-1660. 102. The colony at Virginia, date, banded, command- ers, kind of people. 103. Jamestown, where, when, government, condition of colony. 104. Capt. John Smith, what he did for colony. 105. Colony kept alive, how; election of president; re- sult. 106. Changes in government, what; first governor, how he ruled; emigration; royal. 107. Indians; troubles; peace, how gained. 108. Pocahontas, who, how betrayed; result to colony. 109. Culture of tobacco, when, became what, supported what, found where. 110. First Legislature in America, where, when, how made up; education; voters. 111. Religion, how established; troubles; ended. 112. Puritan rule; Charles I; Cromwell; self-govern- ment, when strong. Maryland. 113. George Calvert, who, owned, did. 114. Charter, to whom given, result; who could settle here; kind of colony. 115. Religious toleration, where. 116. First arrival, when, kind of people, settled where. 117. Maryland and Virginia; trouble, rebellion, when, result. 118. Churches and schools, kind of each; education, how. 119. Indians, how, why; Jesuits. 120. First Maryland Assembly, when; voting; com- monwealth; why no religious persecution. language: 15 16 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER X. Southern Colonies — 1660-1750. 121. Offshoot from Virginia, which, when, where; first regular settlement; government. 122. Fundamental constitution, by whom written, kind, folly, why; religious freedom. 123. The government; result; only real government. 124. Progress of North Carolina, how, why. 125. Division, why made; parts; names. South Carolina. 126. First settlement, when, where; people; nations. 127. Early life, how, why troubles; new neighbor; pro- tection . Georgia. 128. Purpose; land; three colonies formed for purpose, what purpose. 129. James Oglethorpe, who, did what. 130. Plan: how governed; religion; families; settled where. 131. Management, how; Indians; rum; slaves. 132. Spaniards; troubles; result. 133. Royal province, when, why. Southern Group. 134. Restoration in Virginia; effect on colonies; navi- gation acts; result. 135. The Virginians; soil, climate, houses, business, crops, laborers, slaves. 136. Loyalty and independence of pioneers, why; schools; travel; what they needed. 137. Insurrection; cause, leader, events, result. 138. Education, college, when; general education; free schools, where, how in South Carolina; Georgia, how. 13*J. Church, which; Maryland. 140. Rich and poor, cause of division; spirit of free- dom. language: 17 18 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XL Middle Colonies — 1609-1750. New York. 141. Foundation by the Dutch; explorer; company; object; colony; Indian claims. 142. Capture by English; claim, how; appearance; fight; result. New Jersey. 143. Territory of New Jersey settled by whom, what -proprietors, end. 144. Towns, how begun; element strong; what nations. Pennsylvania. 145. Early history conters around who, how; tract, where; religion; liberty; Indians; jury trial; settlers. 146. Quakers, who, belief; soldiers. 147. Foundation of colony, how; Indians; treaty; im- migration; oldest town. 148. Philadelphia, meaning. 149. Penn's treaty, where, said, result. 150. Troubles, with whom, why; proprietorship, lasted how long. Delaware. 1851. Three nations, what, came under what rule. Middle Colonies. 152. Government of the Restoration, kind; troubles; result. 153. Popular government in New York, cause; fight- ing; result. 154. Pirates, where, assisted by, how ended. 155. Captain Kid, who, did, result. 156. Walpole's administration, system of governing; troubles under Walpole, how. 157. Quakers and military service; troubles, settlement by whom, how. 158. Benjamin Franklin, who, did when young, serv- ices to country. language: 19 20 IirSTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 150. People and occui)atioiis; settlers of Xew York, Pennsylvania, Ncav Jersey; occupations in the South, in New England, Pennsylvania, New York and Philadelphia. 160. Education, how in New York, in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. 161. The church, no conflict; troubles begun, when; Quaker principles, have become what. CHAPTEK XII. , The Thirteen Coi.onies in 1750. 162. The Colonial governments, how divided, number of each at first; people elect, how. 163. The people; stock in New England and South; appearance. 164. Slave population, where numerous; rights, not allowed; how treated in general. 165. Occupations; leading staples, where; trade; west- ern frontier; manufactures; women; men. 166. Professions, who first; medical practice. 167. Clergyman; chiss; power weakened; in other places. 168. The observance of the Sabbath; how in North, how in South. 169. Houses in New England, inside furniture; how in South, inside. 170. Dress; officials; men; majority. 171. Amusements in New England under Puritans; great holiday. 172. Military system, how in colonies; Pennsylvania, training days; criminals; punishments. 173. Streets, roads, postal communication, how, where best; mail coaches, road building; South, first newspaper; time from New York to Philadelphia. CHAPTER XIII. Canada and Louisiana — 1606-1750. 174. English civilization settled where; French, where. 175. Explorers of Canada, where; Champlain; discov- eries; fur-traders' occupations; skins. language: 21 22 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 176. Jesuits, with wJiom; object; three classes who came into Canada and results. 177. Exploration in the West, by whom; discoveries; Joliet; purpose; outfit; course; descent; return. 178. Louisiana; La Salle; desctnit; result to France. War between French and English Colonies. 179. France and England, contrast; French king; English; cause of hatred. 180. Wars, names, French, Indians, strongholds, result. Growth of New France. 181. The Iroquois, where; Alonquins; troubles; union of each, with whom. 182. Growth of Louisiana; where in 18th century; first permanent settlement ; New Orleans; Mobile. 183. French population, how numerous; capital; why vveak; effect on Indians. CHAPTER XIV. Struggle for the Interior — 1750-1763. 184. Rival powers in America; Spanish claims, where; English advantages and disadvantages; French advan- tages and disadvantages. 185. American war; previous wars; vital question in America. 186. Conflicting claims, where; treaties; chief grouml of dispute. 187. Outposts, where; rivalry. 188. Traders, where, how far; Indians, French. 189. Ohio company, where; wood formed; purpose; land. 190. New French forts, where, object; Washington's mission. 191. George Washington, born where, when; personal appearance. 192. Preparation in Virginia; French; English; House of Burgesses; Dinwiddle's efforts. 193. Fort at Pittsburgh; English plan; attack, lesult. 194. First figiit, when, where, result. language: 2'A 24 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 195. Fort Necessity; Washington; attack, defeat, result. 196. British Ministry, wished to do; regarded French in Canada. 197. Alhany ' Convention, composed of, when; three things done; plan, how received. 198. Franklin's plan ; powers. 199. ]\Iilitary plans; assurances; four lines of attack. 200. Campaign of 1755, result. 201. Acadians; acts of French missionaries, result. 202. Declaration of war and fighting in 1756; first two years; commanders; colonial officers, how regarded; Israel Putnam. 203. Events of 1757; surrender of forts. 204. Success of war changed sides when; three reasons; three events. 205. Events of 1759; three events and rejoicing in New England. 206. Capture of Quehec; site commanders; armies; occupation; chief events; deaths; result. 207. Conquest of Canada; further surrenders. 208. War in the West Indies, where, when, how, why; Pitt. 209. Pontiac, who, did, when, where; defeat. 210. Peace of Paris, when; result to Spain, England and France. CHAPTER XV. The Birth of the Nation — 1763-1775. 211. The results of war, decided what; military spirit; training. 212. A new name, what, why. 213. England's debt, how much; demand upon Amer- ica; tax. 214. The feeling of Americans, how, what common sentiment; resistance; patriotism. 215. George III and his influence; how ruled; sup- press what. 216. Trade regulation, trade laws, how received; what right maintained; loyalty lost. 217. Enforcement of trade laws, how done; George Grenville; writs of assistance. language: 25 26 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 218. James Otis, contest, said, called what. 211j. The Stamp Act, who caused, liow, time allowed for what; what i)apers must have stamped; trial by jury; Pitt's absence. 220. Its reception in America; announced, published, protest. 221. Americans divided; names of parties, where found; loyalists. 222. Correspondence between the colonies; Massachu- setts; responses; patriots. 223. Massachusetts and Virginia; James Otis; commit- tees; Patrick Henry wrote, called what. 224. Patrick Henry, when born, where, business, speech, most famous. 225. Sons of Liberty, did what; better people; officers obliged to do what. 226. The Stamp Act Congress met when, where; class of men, did what. 227. Prominent members, who; Gadsen's speech. 228. The Stamp Act a failure, why; done on November 1; copies called what. 229. Ilepeal,why; Pitt declared; Declaratory Act; how Americans felt. 230. A national spirit, how created; where misphiced affection. 231. The King's policy; George III; Charles Town- shend, urged what, what indictment. 232. The Townshend Act, what; Lord Xorth, how he feh. 23.']. The })reanible, stated what. 234. Organization in America; New York; Massachu- setts; king tried his hand, vote, called; colonies. 235. The new agitation, how conducted; new men. 236. British troops in Boston; Massachusetts regarded; insult; frontiers exposed. 237. Boston massacre, when, how came about, result. 238. Repeal of duties, when, why, except what; light- ing for what in America. 23iJ. Government by royal orders, how done, dissolved; opposed to slave trade; extortion in fees; sontiinent of union . language: 27 28 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 240. Violent acts, where done. 241. The tea tax, wlien; king's wish; shrewd scheme; Dutch; resistance. 242. The tea disposed of, how at New York, at Boston; Tea Party. 243. Punishment; indignation in England; riot; reb- els; Boston Port Bill; regulating acts, four acts; cut off growth. 244. Continental Congress, when, where; men present. 245. Its acts; three measures. 246. The association, for what, the pledge. 247. Preparations for defense; Massachusetts; dona- tions; minute men in Virginia. 248. The king thought what, his policy, his friends; the answer. 249. Lexington, when, why; Paul Revere; commander of Americans, of English, how they felt; number killed. 250. Concord, who fired first, where attacked, result. 251. The march to Boston, how, why; cannon; Gen- eral Gage. 252. Lexington and Concord, did what; Washington's letter; committee of Mecklenburg. CHAPTER XVI. War for Independence — 1775-1783. First Hostilities. 253. Continental Congress; second congress, where; colonies represented. 254. Power of congress, began work with what; idea of monarch; source of law. 255. "Green Mountain Boys" and Ticonderoga, where, kind of men, leader, did what. 256. A continental army, where situated, how adopted, commander. 257. The militia men, from where; headquarters. 258. Fortification of Bunker Hill, why, when, choice of ground, morning assault. 259. The arrangement of the troops, how, plan, con- dition. language: 21) 30 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 2()(l. IJattle; assault, where; roofs; first attack, second; loss. 261. Results of battle to England, to America. 262. Washington's army and the siege of Boston, num- ber; powder mines; army trained. 26o. Uniform and fiag colors; rattlesnake; Stars and Stripes. 2()4. Capture of Boston, when, by whom; result. 265. Invasion planned, why; generals. 2()(). Allies, on which side. 267. Montreal and Quebec, when; Montgomery, Ar- nold; reinforcements; result. State Governments. 268. From colonies to states; royal governors; allegi- ance over; people sovereigns; governors took places. Along the Coast. 269. American privateers; armed vessels, how obtained ; help. 270. American seaports; suffered. 271. The attack on Charleston, when, why, how de- fended; result. Independence. 272. Growth of the sentiment, how in New England, in middle and southern Pennsylvania, grew rapidly; " common sense." 273. Popular leaders, who. 274. P'ourth of July, adopted what resolution. 275. The committee, who; writer, his skill. 276. How tlie news was received; army: ilags; leaden statue; England. 277. United States government, great |)olitical idea; confederation; State constitutions. 278. Acts of Congress, what; Franklin, trusted whom. Washington's Campaigns — 1776-1780. 27'.>. Washington's army, composed of, result, heroism. 28(1. Battle of Long Island, uhen, what generals, result. 2s 1. Loss of New York, removal of troops, burning not ling of bitterness; result. 397. The United States at end of Washington's admin- istration, condition, mint, roads, canals, colleges, health. 398. The South, cotton wealth; cotton gin, what; prof- its, manufactures. 399. Eli Whitney, who, did what, lich language: 43 44 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XIX. Government by the Federalists — The New Adminis- tration — 1797-1801. 400. The President and Vice-President, how different. 401. John Adams, birth, services. Adams and Liberty. 402. Troubles with France, tribute, embassy tricked, President's statement. 403. The bold stand of the President, produced what; the cry; approval. 404. The Federalist Congress, did what; carried away; downfall. Downfall of the Federalists. 405. The Federalist measures, when, what three, pur- pose of each. 406. The Republicans, did what; the legislatures of Virginia and Kentucky, and others. 407. Resolutions of '98, by whom written; what state- ments. 408. The death of Washington, when, how mourned, his character. 409. The presidential election of 1800, how, candidates, decision, plots, people's choice. 410. Adams, had done what, how felt over defeat. CHAPTER XX. New Ideas and a New Party — 1801-1809. 411. Inauguration, how; contrast; foundation of Jef- ferson's system. 412. Thomas Jefferson, birth, })ublic services, student. 413. Changes in the country, how marked, what was thought, result. 414. Inventions; machines; steamboat. 415. Fulton's steamboat, how carried out, where made first trip. 416. Use of steamboats; Mississippi; Pittsburgh; Ohio; Atlantic. language:, 45 AV) JIISTOKY OF THE UNITED STATES. 417. Purchase of Louisiana, through whom, how; wars; •lames Monroe; Napoleon; barrier removed. 418. Lewis and Clarke Expedition, when, where; Mis- souri River; definite information. 419. The navy, how used now; Algeria; millions for tribute; honorable terms, when. 420. The war, with whom; one brave achievement. 421. The Napoleonic wars, effect on America; England's navy; Berlin decree, followed by what; Milan decree, or- dei'ing what. 422. American commerce, effect on; difficulty: right of search. 423. An embargo forbidding what, what was thought, distress. 424. A rebellious spirit in New England, what talk, who proposed it. 425. The opposition to the embargo contrasted how to that of alien and sedition. 426. End of administration; non - intercourse allowed what; England, who elected. 427. Jefferson, had regained what, retired; education; .leffersonian principles. CHAPTER XXI. Young America and the War of 1812 — 1809-1817. 428. Madison, last of, before, after him, party organ- izations, in services, in methods, 429. James Madison, birth, public services, virtue. 430. Indian outbreak, where; loss of fur market; Har- rison; Tippecanoe; Indians set on by England. 431. The war-cloud darkens, attitude of President, dis- sension, impressing seamen, interference with commerce. 432. Little Belt and the President, did what. 433. The rising generation, country wanted what, presence shown how. 434. Henry Clay, birth, early life, public service, per- sonal appearance. 435. John C, Calhoun, birth, public service; eloquence, how. 436. War against Great Britain, when declared; prepa- riitions in west; whv beaten in land lights, whv not at sea. language: 47 48 HISTORY OF THE TNITEl) STATES. 437. The United States Military Academy, where; al- lows how much to cadets on graduation. 438. Opposition to the war, where, strong, effect. War of 1812. 439. On to Canada; army; commander-in-chief. 440. Movements in 1812; who at Detroit, surrender; at Niagara; at Queenstown Heights, surrender; American loss. 441. Movements in 1813, three divisions, what, where; liiver Raisin; Fort Meggs; Tecumseh; attack on Sackett's Harbor. 442. On the lakes, made up for what; Presque Isle; Perry's ships, built where. 443. Perry's victory; number of vessels on each side, guns, fight; Perry crossed to largest vessel, won fight in how many minutes, his dispatch. 444. Battle of the Thames; what opened the way to Canada; Tecumseh, Proctor, Harrison. 445. Land movements in 1814, how conducted, failures taught; Lundy's Lane, result; invasion given up. 446. British ravages on the coast, from where to where; on Penobscot River. 447. Capture of Washington, when, by whom; what was done; Baltimore, what song written there, by whom, when written. 448. War in the South, between whom; Jackson, de- fense of New Orleans, secret purpose of attack on New Orleans. 440. On the ocean; Essex and Alert, Constitution and Guerriere, result; what gained honorable terms at end of war. 450. Peace, to Euro})e, how; to be umpire; Treaty of Ghent, questions unsettled in words, how boundaries; battle fought after treaty signed, 451. Tlie Hartford Convention, where, cause, sessions secret, represented what doctrine, unpopularity, result, 452. Difficulties and lessons of the war, hard work to attack, true strength, need of, trust of country lodged where. 453. The end of Madison's administration, country how, in4)orts, war debt, who elected. LANGUAGE: 49 50 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXII. North and South Set a Dividing Line — 1817-1825. 454. The era of good feeling, why so called. 455. James Monroe, birth, education, public services, death. 456. Florida, ground of what; Indians, arms from whom; territory belonged to whom; Jackson did what, negotiations, result. 457. Negro slavery, attention; Washington's advice; separation. 458. Conflicting interests; occupations of South, of North; tariff. 459. New states and slavery; fears of South, Southern policy; New England policy; Congress no power; new question. 460. Missouri Compromise; debate, how long, ended how, provided for what. 461. The negro republic, Liberia, where, for what pur- pose organized. 462. Internal improvements, recommended, plan dis- approved, undertaken. 463. The Erie Canal, from where to where; influence of whom, first cost, paid, now operated; result of its suc- cess. 464. The Monroe doctrine, Spain's policy, interference, three parts of doctrine. 465. Lafayette, a^e, accompanied by, received how, present at, carried back, present of how much money and land. 466. The presidential election in 1824, how, who nom- inated, choice with House, elected, called what. CHAPTER XXIII. A Protective Tariff and New Political Parties. 1825-1829. 407. The administration of Jolni (Juincy Adams, does not mark what, kind of man, condition of country. 468. John Quincy Adams, birth, education, })uMic service, fight for freedom of speech, respected. language: 51 52 IIISTORV OF THK UNITED STATES. 469. Fourth of July, 1826, how celebrated: two deaths. 470. A congress at Panama, from where, delay. 471. The tariff, experience, higher rates, market at home, bill defeated; passed, 1828. 472. Growth of sectional opposition; tariff not sectional when; Clay, Webster,- general opposition in South. 473. Daniel Webster, birth, childhood, ability to learn, to speak, poverty, public life, eloquence. 474. The American system; speeches of Henry Clay, arguments comparing America and England. 475. New parties; principles of American system fa- vored where; name of followers of Clay, of those of Cal- houn and Jackson. 476. State sovereignty; National Republicans favored what. Democrats what; meaning of "State's rights." 477. The presidential contest decided how, who elected. CHAPTER XXIV. Jackson and the People — Political Affairs. 1829-1837. 478. The presidency of Andrew Jackson begins what change; conventions, platforms, improvements. 479. Andrew Jackson, birth, education, public office, temper, duelist, his nickname, lived to see what. 480. Removals from office, how before, new sj^stem, called what; maxim, caused what. 481. Three great contests, subjects of fierce political warfare, opposed to what, results reached. 482. History of the bank, whose bank; second bank, what was done by Jackson. 483. The chief presidential nominees in 1832, where, whose victory. 484. South Carolina against the United States, why resisted, when, action of Jackson, address, pause and re- vision. 485. Calhoun's ideas, what assumption, no contest over the right of congress to levy taxes, preserve Union by nul- lification. 486. The compromise tariff, for wiiat, new bill, reduced how much, till when, result of law. language: 53 54 HISTORY OF THE UNITED .STATES. 487. Whigs; reign of Jackson; same party as what. 488. Webster-Hayne del)ate, where, how brought about; Hay lie's desires; Webster's reply. 489. Presidential election 1836, elected whom. Development. 490. The people of United States, how during Jack- son's term; immigration brought what; prejudices. 491. Social reforms, for what; prison reform; aboli- tionists. 492. Abolitionists began when, national, method, edu- cation. 493. The inventions; Ericsson; steamers; reapers; matches. 494. Railroads, where formed. 495. General education, how improved, tests and qual- ifications, separate from church; public education. 496. National schools, never undertaken by whom; gifts of public land. 497. American literature, after essays of Revolution what done; 1830; North American Revietv, from 1820 to 1840; names of writers, poets, fiction, history. 498. The country enjoyed what; Indian conflicts, where ; transportation; Wisconsin and Iowa, in; Florida; railroad building led to what; land beyond Rocky Mountains. CHAPTER XXV. Speculation and Panic — 1837-1841. 499. " Hard times," followed what; disturbances c.iused by; record. 500. Martin Van Bureii, birth, education, public life, defeat, death. 501. Speculation, in what; price of land; Erie Canal, made what; credit; bankers; cities grew but no flour. 502. Banks; trading on credit; no laws to control banks; mania for what. 503. A change in affairs, why, when, created what; demands; rush; swept down. 504. A panic, when, lasted till; distress. language: 55 56 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, 505. The United States government, how troubled, dis- tributed surplus; treasury system. 506. Our sub-treasury system, provides for what. 507. State debts, from what cause, repudiation. 508. Abolitionists and slavery riots; accepted theory in North; anti- slavery publications, how received in the North, in the South, increased how. 509. Anti -slavery petitions; how North was aroused; " gag" rules; result. 510. Mormons, trouble where, founder. 511. The presidential contest, elected whom. CHAPTER XXVI. "Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too " — 1841-1845. 512. The election of Harrison, what record, death. 513. William H. Harrison, birth, military career, pub- lic service, death. 514. Tyler and the Whigs; expectations of Whigs; re- fusal; animosity; quarrels. 515. John Tyler, birth, education, public service, death. 516. Webster- Ash burton 'J'reaty, boundary where, fixed how, provided for what else. 517. Texas, under what rule, size, fa\orable field, re- volt, admission to Union, free or slave. 518. , Oregon, where; boundary our claim; England's claim. 519. Nominees in 1844, who; Polk for what; Clay for what; who elected. 520. Two letters, did what; Clay's letter, Polk's. 521. Clay's defeat; opposed by whom; comparison of two. 522. Texas annexed; resolution from both houses, for- warded; admitted. 523. The States in 1845; Texas gave what majority, last of what kind. 524. Telegraph, who; great results, where; connected what, honors, improved what. 525. The country, how: Rhode Island; name of rebel- lion; trouble in New York, landlords, end; mineral wealth, steam engines; New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan; cop- per where. language: 57 58 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXVIl. Texas and Mexico— 1845-1849. 526. West of Texas, land how; President's policy. 527. James K. Polk, birth, education, public service, friend of death. 528. The Oregon boundary, settled how; what was given up, what accepted. 529. The boundary of Texas in dispute; Mexico's claims, Texas' claims; disputed territory guarded; Mata- nioras fortified. The War with Mexico. 530. The Mexicans' order and result. 531. The news of bloodshed; President's call; declara- tion of Congress, Mexico's declaration. 532. Battles of 1846; Taylor's trip; Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma; advance; overpowered; surrendered. 533. Politics of the war; who commenced and conduct- ed the war; opposition; President's request. 534. The Wilmot Proviso, declared what; what became of the proviso. 535. The campaign of 1847, in charge of whom, his plan; Santa Anna's plan; Scott's captures and victories. 536. Capture of Mexico; regular road where, new route; battles fought where; armistice, vain; Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, Mexico. 537. New Mexico and California, authority established by whom; John C. Fremont did what. 538. Peace; difficulty; cession of what; money paid; free navigation; name of treaty. 539. Our war with Mexico, showed what; condition of Mexican troops; result to territory. 540. In the presidential contest of 1848, what question; elected. 541. Free Soil party, what men. CHAPTER XXVIll. Im, Dorado, the Land of Gold — 1849-1853. 542. The election of Taylor, did not settle what: p(>j)U- lation. language: 59 GO HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 543. Zachary Taylor, birtli, father, military career, death. 544. California attracted attention, why; stories of wealth; emigrants; every man's dream; result. 545. Question of admission; constitution prohibited what; recommendation of the President, death; Vice- President; compromise. 546. Millard Fillmore, birth, education, poverty, pub- lic life, death. 547. The Omnibus Bill, why called; its main provis- ions (4). 548. The compromise of 1850, how effected; admitted when. 549. F'ugitive Slave Law, what system, provisions for recovery and punishment; Webster's defense. 550. Change of leaders; Clay and Webster had fought how; Calhoun how; younger generation who, how act. 551. The country, how; continental railway; peace; governments should be for what. 552. The Maine law, prohibits what. 553. In the presidential campaign of 1852, both parties tried to do what; each declared; Whigs' position false, why; elected. 554. Free Soilers, increased how^ represented what number of men. CHAPTER XXIX. The Struggle for Kansas and a New Party. 1853-1857. 555. The administration begun, how; before its close, how. 556. Franklin Pierce, born, educated, admirer of, pro- fession, nominated how, sympathy with, death. 557. The question of slavery reopened how; what bill; Stephen A. Douglas' declaration, defended, surprise. 558. The Kansas - Nebraska Act, when, established what, declared what, why. 559. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise, like what; Douglas' claim; claim of South; result to Kansas; opposed new party. language: 61 <)2 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 560. Thoiuas II. Benton, declaration. 561. The Republican party; Congressmen not re-elected; anti-Nebraska men; name after. 562. The struggle for Kansas; emigrants; secret polit- ical societies; efforts of slave states. 563. Civil strife in Kansas; armed forces; stuffed bal- lots; competing to make laws. 564. Ruffianism in Congress; Charles Sumner's criti- cism, result, assault; regarded in North. 565. Cuba and filibustering, how; Osteiid circular is- sued by whom, declared what; expeditions, accomplished what, 566. The country, condition; World's Fair; Martin Koszta: Commodore Perry did what; railroading. 567. Gadsen purchase, where, when, negotiated by whom. 568. The presidential election of 1856 showed what; elected. CHAPTER XXX. From the Dred Scott Decision to Secession. 1857-1861. 570. The administration of President Buchanan began how. 571. James Buchanan, birth, education, public life, death. 572. The Democratic platform of 1856 declared what; leaders inclined to leave what to the courts. 573. The Dred Scott case; United States Supreme Court undertook what; Dred Scott; brought suit, decided how, decision given through whom. 574. The decision was regarded how in the South, in the North. 575. The Lecompton Constitution; the decision en- couraged what; convention where, result, approval of President, passed, defeated. 576. Lincoln-Douglas debate, where debated, result. 577. New states; Wyandotte constitution; gained ad- mission how; Minnesota. 578. John Brown, native of, character, money, reckless youth, his plan; 4,000,000 slaves. language: 63 64 HISTORY OF THE IXITED STATES.' 57U. Juliu Brown's raid, when, where, capture, death, result. 580. Presidential nominations; resolutions of Davis; reconciliation impossible; Northern Democrats nominated who. Southern who; Whigs. 581. Four platforms, what were their names, their policy. 582. Tlie result, what, how regarded in the South. 583. Secession, what State first, when; then what oth- ers followed. 584. The Southern people had no opportunity to vote on what; belief of many; convention declared; State se- ceded. 585. The Confederacy, met where, when, did what, flag. 586. The United States government, how, proclaimed no right; stores easily seized by South; Fort Sumter. 587. Excitement and conspiracy; no honors; plot to assassinate; arrived in safety. CHAPTER XXXI. The War of the Rebellion — 1861-1865. 588. The situation, how; states out, states between; sentiment in the North; President's inaugural, how; re- marks to South. 589. Abraham Lincoln, birth, poverty, education, work, studies, political career. 590. Fort Sumter, order of President, result in South, command for surrender, bombardment, flames. 591. The beginning of the war, where; union in Nortlj; 75,000 volunteers; South, 35,000; "letters of marque;" three other states joined Confederacy; moved seat of gov- ernment. 592. A general view of the war; Confederacy waged war how; the United States, how; at the beginning on each side; furthered by what. 593. Foreign nations thought what, England did what, France. 594. The Alabama, destroyed. language: 65 00 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 595. The affair of Mason and Slidell, when, where; complaint; result; around Washington and Richmond, 1801-3. 5U0. Union troops, where, under command of; how in West Virginia; attack on what. 597. Battle of Bull Run, when, what commanders; fresh army; victory for whom. 598. Army of the Potomac; commander, did what; fortifications. 599. Ball's Bluff, when, where; information faulty; disaster; victory. 000. McClellan's plan; transfer; army increased; his ohjections; army transferred; force in Shenandoah Valley; Confederate troops, how employed; Union gain. 601. Battles of Fair Oaks and Seven Pines, when;. di- vision, what river; purpose; rains; general result to Mc- Clellan. 602. Confederate movements; Stonewall Jackson, who, sent where, did what; McDowell sent; ride of Col. J. E. B. Stuart. 003. Seven Days Battles, when, position and condition of two armies; events of seven days; end of the battle of Malvern Hill; condition of Confederate army, of McClel- lan. 004. Pope's campaign, when, where, under whose com- mand, plans; met and defeated, result: midnight dash; Bull Run No. 2, result to Pope's army. 605. Lee's first invasion, when, his plan, hope, result, fight, forced westward; Antietam, result to Lee's army. 000. McClellan superseded by whom, why; opinion of many. 007. Battle of Fredericksburg, when; Burnside's pro- motion; plan, order to attack, certain death, disaster; su- perseded by Gen. Joseph E. Hooker, nickname. 008. Battle of Chancellorsville, when, where; entan- gled; Hooker injured; loss to Confederates. 009. Lee's second invasion, when; race, crossed river, Harrisburg; Hooker gave place to whom; forces met where. 010. Battle of Gettysburg, when, lasted; position of armies; advantage; result. language: 67 68 jiistokv of the united states. The War in the West — 1861-1863. 611. In Kentucky and Missouri, effort made, fighting; Union force, under whom; how under Halleck's command. 612. Positions at the beginning of 1862; Confederates where, under command of ; Union armies where, com- manders. 613. Battle of Mill Spring, when, by whom; result. 614. Forts Henry and Donelson, on what rivers; Union gunboats; siege; result; nickname of Unconditional Sur- render. 615. Battle of Shiloh, when; Grant's army numbering; sudden blow from whom, rallied; Johnston killed; name of church; first great battle. 616. Corinth, Halleck, siege; Beauregard; who gained victory; position of Union forces. 617. Movements around Corinth; army not strong; tried to regain Corinth. 618. West of the Mississippi, what battles, by whom; guerillas were what class. 619. Invasion of Kentucky, when; Bragg's trip north; result; captured provisions. 620. Battle of Murfreesboro, when, by what generals; met where; skill; result. Along the Coast — 1861-2. 621. The United States Navy, building, attacks on what ports. 622. The Merrimac; Confederates raising; re-naming; heavy fighting; sinking what ships. 623. The Monitor, invented by whom, built how, guns how. 624. Fight between the Merrimac and the Monitor, when, where; fighting, how long; result. 625. Union captures along the coast, 1862; what three surrenders; two Confederate harbors. 626. New Orleans; forts; batteries. 627. The capture of New Orleans, by whom, when; battle; result. 628. '^J'he Emancipation Proclamation, when; conclu- sion of President; recommendation of President to Con- gress. language: 69 70 history of the united states. Around Vicksburg — 1863. 629. The advantage of Vicksburg, what; Grant's aim; captures; defense of Vicksburg; fortifications. 630. Grant's moveoieut on Vicksburg, when, from where, how; Grant's troops, where; cut off supplies. 631. Assault, siege, and capture; unavailing; time of siege; fall, when; men; result to Confederacy; in North. 632. Port Hudson, and Arkansas. 633. Destruction of property; policy of Grant and Sher- man; Morgan's raid. Around Chattanooga — 1863. 634. Chattanooga; Union gained; Confederates; posi- tions of attack. 635. The battle of Chickamauga, between whom; result. 636. The siege of Chattanooga, how long; result. 637. Battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, when. Grant's control; who commanded in Look- out Mountain, who in Missionary Ridge; result. Sherman's Advance into Georgia — 1864. 638. Positions January 1, 1864; Confederates, men, position, condition; Union troops, number, condition, drafting. 639. Change of commanders, when, who; Sherman where. Grant where, Meade where. 640. Sherman and Johnston, how; armies; principal contests. 641. Johnston superseded, why; who in command; result; army to the northwest; Sherman's plan. 642. From Atlanta to the sea; troops, regions, four columns; destruction of what; captured what. 643. Thomas in Tennessee, how received Hood, where, result. Final Campaign in Virginia — 1864-5. 644. The Army of the Potomac, condition, size, advan- tage, trust; Grant's policy; result. 645. Grant's movement on Richmond; fight how; But- ler where; another army whore; main army where. languagk: 71 72 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 646. Fighting in the Wilderness, when; surveys, de- fenses; Wilderness how; last eleven days known as what; successful resistance. 647. Grant's next plan, what; second assault, where; result; Union army extended where. 648. Shenandoah Valley; forces against Lynchburg; result of Early's trip through the Shenandoah, burned what; appointment of Sheridan; defeat at Winchester; Cedar Creek; burning; " Sheridan's Ride." 649. The siege of Petersburg, how long; mine dug; at- tempt to rush; thrown back. Fall of the Confederacy — 1865. 650. Final movements; destroying Hood's army; de- vastating Georgia, result; fight at Goldsboro, scattering forces of Early; Sheridan to the Potomac. 651. Capture of Petersburg and Richmond, when; Sher- idan at Five Forks; Lee's army, Grant's; through intrench- ments; escape of whom; flag of the Union where. 652. Lee's surrender, his hope; Sheridan's plan, result; terms. 653. General surrender; Johnston east of the Missis- sippi River; homes of each. E'iNANCES OF THE WaR. 654. The expense, how many dollars; contributions, added. 655. War taxes; loans; greenbacks; duties. 656. National banks and new states, under what con- trol, established what, with what deposit, for what ex- change; two states admitted. 657. The presidential election of 1864, result, number of votes received. The Final Tragedy. 658. Assassination of President Lincoln, plan for what; President where, when shot, death; another assassin. 659. Mourning; his farewell words. language: 73 74 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAPTER XXXII. The Constitution Amended — 1865-1869. 660. To reconstruct governments, why difficult, how to be done. 661. Andrew Johnson, birth, education, Senator, op- posed what, death. 662. President Johnson desired what, ap})ointments; conventions; Xlllth amendment. 663. The reorganized states, did what, demanded what. 664. The negroes, condition, treatment. 665. Quarrel between the President and Congress; Re- publicans determined on what, President on what; result. 666. The Reconstruction Acts, two main features; veto; passed; secession area how divided; force. 667. The plan of negro suffrage, purpose, little use, ignorance, narrow circle, order preserved, normal schools; donation of George Peabody and John F. Slater. 668. Readmitted states, tirst, afterward. 669. Amendments XIV and XV; exclusion of negroes produced what; test for admission; any State may require educational qualification, but what must it do. 670. Tenure of Office Act; President's declaration; re- movals, checked how; refusal. 671. Impeachment of President Johnson; attempt to remove, who; result. 672. Affairs in Mexico, troubles, ending. 673. The purchase of Alaska, wlien, value, price. 674. The presidential election of 1868, decided on what; result. CHAPTER XXXIII. The Nation One — 1869-1877. 675. Our country began national life when, great trial, indivisible; State citizenship before or after United States citizenship; Union preserver. 676. U. S. Grant, birth, education, military services; California, farmer, clerk; Missouri; Civil War. 677. The Treaty of Washington, when, about what, provided for what, arbitrated by whom, decision when, paid how much, for what. 678. The fishery question, where, how, under treaty of 1S81 , how now. LANGUAGE 76 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 679. The Alabama claims, what, where met, decision, name of. 680. The West Indies, wishes, refusal, sympathy, ex- ecutions, apologies. 681. The first transcontinental railroad completed, when, how, where. 682. Great fires at Chicago and Boston, damage, rebuilt. 683. Troubles in the Southern states, cause; violence, bribery, troops, "carpet-baggers" and "scalawags." 684. Ku-Klux Klan, what, did what. 685. The presidential campaign of 1872, how contested, nominees, elected. 686. Horace Greeley, birth, newspaper work, nature, upheld what, death. 687. Serious political scandals, when; "Credit Mo- bilier," what; investigation resulted in what; " Whiskv Ring." 688. The centennial anniversary, of what, where, peo- ple, Colorado. 689. Manufacturing industries, how; water power, where; contrast. 690. Indian wars, what Indians, where, cause; another Indian war, tribes, where; General Custer, death; fresh troops. 691. Financial troubles, when, what, cause; railroad; reverses; money scarce. 692. Presidential election of 1876, no great issues; election doubtful; result. 693. The electoral commission; Congress, how. House, Senate, danger; compromised, how; who composed, de- cision, country excited. CHAPTER XXXIV. The Beginning of a New Age — 1877-1887. 694. The second century of national life, like what; age must do what, view of past, work of present. 695. Hayes' administration, began how; troops with- drawn; Democrats tried to do what; veto; Chinese immi- gration, army reduced. 696. Rutherford B. Hayes, birth, education, army, public life, private life. LANGUAGE. 78 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. (>'J7. United Stales coinage, established coinage when; silver dollar weight, reduced; still further; what does it mean to be "demonetized;" re-established when, result; other silver coins. 698. Money standards, how if poor, richer; double standard, what difficulty. t)i*i*. Resumption of specie, what kind of money; gain confidence, when pay gold, equal in value. 700. Refunding the national debt, risk makes what; government how, when debt refunded what rate. 701. The presidential election of 1880, in favor of whom; chief issue. 70'2. Ex-President Grant, where visiting. 703. The greenback party, how named, favored what. 704. Garfield's administration, character, experience, expectations. 705. Assassination of the President, by whom, when; sickness, death. 706. James Abram Garfield, birth, schooling, law, army, public life, character. 707. Arthur's administration, how. 708. Chester Alan Arthur, birth, education, lawyer, positions, death. 700. The new South, condition of country, energy, manufactures, education. 710. Yorktown centennial, where, who present; salute to British fiag. 711. The Mormons, where; Edmund's Act; opposition. 712. Chinese immigration, why required, cheapness, where most, riots; Burlingame treaty, allowed what; an- other treaty, restricting what. 713. Tariff history; not sufficient, in 183o; falling off, raising, high rates as war measures, above war rates. 714. Tariff commission and reform; commission, when appointed; result. 715. Civil service reform, 1883; for what, provided what system. 71('). Floods and winds, where; destruction. 717. United States signal service, where, does what. 718. Arctic exploration, old desire, expeditions, result. 719. The presidential election of 1884, contest full of what, decided in favor of whom. language; 79 80 IILSTOKY OF THE UNITED STATES. 720. Cleveland's adininistratioii, change, showed what; death of Grant, Hancock, Logan: funeral of Grant, showed what. 721. Grover Cleveland, birth, education, lawyer, mayor. President. 722. The Grand Army of the Republic, what, dress, cared for, pensions. 72o. New questions, growing out of what, what plans, protect what, preserve what; foreign population. 724. The Indians, did what; Idaho, Arizona; Apaches, peace how. 725. Strikes and riots, cause of, unions what, laborers exceeded what, men out of work. 726. A national organization, name, controlled by, methods, "boycott." 727. Inventions, how, what, applications of electricity to what. 728. Among great works of architecture, what, when; Brooklyn bridge, where. 729. The centennial of the Constitution, where, when, how leaving it, why had it stood. CHAPTER XXXV. Education and Science. 730. National schools, how fostered by Congress; plan for establishing a national university, Washington's idea, what was done. 731. National land grants in aid of education, how led to make provision, what grant, how much out of each State, all during the present century; states since 184. Horace Mann, reared, education, work, public life. 740. Teachers' institutes and conventions, stimulated by whom; national and local. 741. Higher education, number, names. 742. Special schools, where; kindergarten. Progress in Science. 743. Geology, surveys; ice sheet, where: names of sci- entists. 744. Physics, forces of nature; Franklin, .loseph Hen- ry, Morse, Bell and Edison, Brush and Edison. 745. The study of the stars, by whom; methods of pho- tography, how used. CHAPTER XXXVI. Settlement of California — 1520-1850. 746. California, how made. 747. Name and early exploration, name from; Spanish navigators, w h e n . 748. The Franciscans, who with the Jesuits, expelled, commerce, result. 749. First settlement, when, where, result; oldest city. 750. Leaders, kind of expeditions, priest. 751. Discovery of San Francisco Bay, under whom, where, name of bay. 752. Missions, plan, required what, kind of men, value of missions. 753. Principal missions, where. 754. Pueblos (towns); Spanish scheme, what; })ri'sidio, first, second. 755. Government of pueblos, kind, alcalde. 756. Visitors from other nations, who. 757. Russian River settlement, where, when. 758. The change to Mexican rule, when, how; first governor. Under Mexican Rule. 75i). Government of California, how long, inde])end- ence; feuds where, how settled. 760. Secularization of the missions, padres did what, retaliation, result. language: 83 84 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 761. California life, white people, leading business; land, held how; life, travel, character. 762. Americans in California before 1846, trade: hun- ters, when; settlement. 763. Cai)t. John A. Sutter, who, did what. 764. Thomas 0. Larkin, who, where, did what. 765. The Donner party, who, when, where. 766. John C. Fremont, birth, commission in the Sierras, ]iermission to do what, withdrawn, no attack. American Conquest of California. 767. A desire on the part of the United States to pos- sess what; what was done at the outbreak of the Mexican war; possession, how gained, how natives felt. 768. The Bear Flag affair, trouble between whom, band of horses, company did what, affair called what. 769. Peaceful measures, intended; orders, arrived when, where; Sloat's intention. 770. Hostilities; Castro did what, Sloat, Stockton and P^remont; proclamation. 771. Revolt and subjugation; who at Los Angeles; flight; southern country; forces of Stockton and Kearny, where, surrender. 772. A serious quarrel, about what. 773. The interregnum, how; Americans did what; wrongdoing. 774. San Francisco, name. CHAPTER XXXVII. Our State — 1850-1887. 775. The constitutional convention, when, where, what men, resembled what. 776. Slavery and the State boundaries, represented by whom, scheme, failed, boundaries settled. 777. The discovery of gold, when, where, by whom, secret, result. 778. The gold period, cities, brought together what classes, kind of period. 770. Miner's justice; mining camps, how; crime, courts. 780. Progressive mining, early miners, kinds of min- ing, rocker. 781. San Francisco in 1S40-51, what struggle, kind of I)eoi)le numerous, " The Hounds," buildings, fires. language: 85 86 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. 782. First vigilance committee, wlien, kind of justice, why formed, how they acted. 783. Second vigihiuce committee, when, why, elections; who shot and killed, why; excitement, result to Casey; composed of what kind of men. 784. Land troubles, early uncertainty of titles; what principle demanded and maintained, called what; disputes; Mexican grants, how was the difficulty provided for. 785. Squatter riot at Sacramento, when, over whose title, what was done, result. 786. State politics, first senators, David C. Broderick, struggle. 787. Broderick, death. 788. California's electoral vote, parties. 789. The war period; sentiment, how; call for volun- teers showed what; who went to Confederacy; gold did what for the country. 790. New mines, when, where; stock operations in San Francisco resulted how, where in 1875. 791. The big bonanza, where, when, result. 792. Labor agitation, cause, done to laundries, steam- ships, how suppressed, sand lot, cry. 798. A new constitution, when, what party, adopted when. 794. Railroads, first, where, when, manner of conduct- ing, questions, what effect has railway service had on the State. 795. Agriculture, where, irrigation, fruits, olives, wines. 796. Manufactures; wool and hides, how regarded; when first woolen mill; later manufactories, where. 797. Public education, how many acres, what done during John Swett's administration, what it consists of, the shortest term, the four features that distinguish the California system from other states are what. 75)8. John Swett, came to California when, activity, author of what. 799. Normal schools, where first, second, when, third, fourth. 800. State University, when, how, where, removed, founder and president; number of colleges. 801. Leland Stanford Jr. University, where, when, from whom, in memory of whom, valued at, open to whom, to teach what, i^ V ^^ .o^ ^^•^ "^ ^^A. ^ ^^-^ v •x^^^' ^^>. •^0 0"= .X""'^ .''..5^W. '" ' ,0- ,0' ^ > ' « A o- ■■' ' N' * .-3^ "^. ^ * - n ' -0 "O * c \V" V' << * .\' .^^' -.. ..V "^ ,0 0, -^oo' .,s«*ti!!^ ' ^■&' .^