ic. MEDICI IvACE AND THE AKT OR rvl A K I N G IT Re^. l'. S, Pat. Off. BY LOUISE W. PORTIER '\ PKICE TEN CENTS y many beautiful ex- the broader bands, Nos. 3405, ^29/3 ^^^^^^K"^ '^^^^^^H amples in the pages which the m^kllfli^^H follow. * The name Medici is registered with U. 5. Pat. Off. as a Trade Mark for Braids. Lace Ornaments, Stamped Patterns, etc. (Copyright 1908, by Bernhard Uhnann & Co.)' 330O 330 1 Reg. U. S. Pat. Oa. Reg. U. S. Pat. Oil. (Copyright 1908, by Bemhard Ulmann St Co.) 3 Reg. U. S. Pat. OH. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Collar, No. 506/3908, in design and style somewhat resembling the original Medici collar; require- ments: Braids, No. 3301. . . 3 vds. Medallions, No. SO 73 pes. " 3404-...12'" " " S3.. . 42 " " .3406. . . 8 " " " 56 30 " Buttons. No. S29/2, 19 pes. Reg. U. S. Pat. Ofl. Medici Lace Yoke and Stock Collar, No. 502/3905; requirements: Braids, No. 3401 8 vds. Medallions, No. SO 4 pes. " 3407 9 '" " " S2 23 " Buttons, No. 529/3, 5 pes. " " 54 22 " " 59.... 28 " Reg. U. S. Pat. Ofl. Medici Lace Yoke and Stock Collar, No. 502/3902; requirements: Braids, No. 3408. . .7 yds. Medallions, No. 51 32 pes. " 3407 ..2 J " " " 52. . . .12 " " " 3403. . .12 " " "56 16 " Medallions, No. 58. 4 pes. " " 55.... 23 ' " " S9. 7 " " " 57.. . 6 " Reg, U. S. Pat. Oft. Medici Laces, with corners and insertions to match, come in great variety, with many pleasing effects. Figure No. 512/3919 is a handsome example of a Medici Lace border. It is obvious that from any of them not only lace by the yard can be made, but also pillow shams, bureau scarfs, table covers, or curtains, of any desired dimensions. (Copyright 1908, by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 4 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Collar and Cuff Set, No. 503/3903; require- ments: Braids, No. 3301 3 J yds. Medallions, No. SO 16 pes. " 3407... 6 " " " 52.... 20 " " 3404. .. . 6 " " " 53....12 ' Buttons No. 529/3, 16 pes. " " 55 20 " Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Yoke and Stock Collar, No. 502/3904; re quirements: Braids, No. 3301 2| yds. Medallions, No. 50 37 pes. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Collar and Cuff Set, No. 503/3917; require- ments : Braids, No. 3404 12 yds. Medallions. No. 51. . . 28 pes. " 3406. ... 5' " " " 54. . ..36 " Buttons, 529/3, 11 pes. " " 56.... 22 " (Copyright 1908. by Medici Lace Collar and Cuff Set, with tab. No. 504 3906; requirements: Braids, No. 3404 8 yds. Medallions. No. 50 25 pes. " .3407... 6i " " " 59.... 29 " Butlons, No. 529/3, 4 pes. In this pattern variety is secured with some of the plain stitches employed in Renaissance and Battenberg work, and for which the Battenberg linen thread is the most suit- able material. Bernhard Ulmann l^ Co.) Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Collar and Cuff Set, No. 510/3913; require- ments: Braids, No. 3300. . . IJ yds. Medallion.s, No. 52. ; . .13 pes. " 3401, . . .10 " " " 57. ... 7 " " 3407. . .. 9 " " " 58. ..48 " Buttons. No. 529/ 2, 12 pes. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. No. 514/3922 shows a coat collar or bertha which ap- proaches the original lace closely enough to deceive a con- noisseur. The requirements for this handsome piece are : Braids, No. 3409. . ..18 yds " 3407 . ..M '■ " 3405.. ..2\ " '• 3410.. .31 " " 3405.. ■li " " 3407.. ■ n " " 3409.. ..8 " Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. No. 515/3923, is a dainty cap for a baby, for which the following materials are needed: Braids, No. 3407 6 yds. Medallions, No. 51 24 pes. " 3404.... 4 " " " 56 68 " " 3301.... J " " " 50.... 3 " Buttons, No. 529/2, 6 pes. Medallions, No. 51. . . .58 pes. " 55... 110 " Buttons, No. 529/3.... 19 " Also cuffs to match ; requirements : Medallions, No. SI.... 20 pes. " 55.... 56 " Buttons, No. 529/3 6 " (Copyright 1908 by Bemhard Ulmann & Co.) 6 Reg. U. S. Pat. 01!. Medici Lace Waist Decoration, No. 511/3918; require- ments : Braids, No. 3403 18 yds. MedaUions, No. 50 111 pes. " 3406 14 " " " 51 . . 31 " Buttons, No. 529/2, 17 pes. " " 52. ... 39 " " 529/3,23 " ' "58.... 33 " " 59. . . 35 " This pattern furnishes an elaborate and elegant waist decoration, with large plastron effect, shoulder bands, and stock collar to match. Rc-y. r. s. Pat. on. Many other dress ornaments are shown, which may be used freely and arranged in various ways, to suit the taste and the fancy of the wearer. As, for example, waist deco- ration, No. 516/3924, which requires: Braids, No 3404 10 yds. Medallions, No. 54 44 pes. " 3407. ... 2 " '■ " 55. .36 " " 3410... 4J " " " 52 .14 •' Buttons. No 529/3, 38 pes. " '57 42 " Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. 518/3930 518/3934 518/3937 Effects of this kind may be elaborated with smaller motifs, three of which are here shown. They may be ap- plied in a great variety of ways, with splendid results. (Copyright 1908, by Bemhard Ulmann & Co.) 7 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. No. 507/3911 shows a summer hat made of Medici Lace, surely one of the most attractive uses to which it can be put; requirements: Braids, No. 3400. . .15 yds. Mc-dallion.s, No. SO. . .113 pes. " 3407.. ..6J " " " 51 .. .20 " " 3410 . .3^ " •' " .52... .30 ' Buttons, No. 529/3, 11 pes. " " 56 55 " (Copyright 1908, by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 8 Reg, U. S. Pat. Off. Figure No. 500/3900, shows a table centerpiece. The same pattern comes in a variety of sizes, from a plate doily up to a large table centre. Reg. U. S, Pat. Off. A similar range of sizes is provided for the square pat- tern No. 501/3901, in which Medici Lace surrounds a linen centre, richly ornamented with Medici Medallions, in com- bination with English Embroidery. The design is also suit- able for a bureau scarf. I Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. An all-lace piece is shown as Figure No. 519/3956. When applied on scrim or guipure net it makes a very at- tractive door panel. The requirements are: Braids, No. 3406 3§ yds. Medallions, No. 54. . ..li " " " 57. .. 7 " " " S8.. .. 8 pes. '• " 59.. . . 4 " Buttons, No. 529/3, 10 (Copyright iqo8, by Bernhari^ Uhnann & Co.) 9 " 3410. " 3403 . Medallions, No. 51 . " 52. .30 pes. .10 " . 8 " ■7 " Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Figure No. 878 shows a Lingerie Sofa Pillow edged with Medici Lace. In addition, the linen centre is ornamented with Medici Lace Medallions and buttonhole or Madeira Embroidery similar to 501/3901, page 9. (Copyright 1908, by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 10 ON THE PRECEDING PAGES ARE SHOWN BUT A FEW OF THE PATTERNS SUPPLIED FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL LACE. MANY MORE EXCELLENT DESIGNS FOR MEDICI LACE HAVE BEEN PREPARED AND A SELECTION OF THEM REPRODUCED ON THIS AND THE PAGES THAT FOLLOW. Reg. U. S. Pat, Off. Medici Lace Door Panel. S19/,^9S0. (Copyright i Keg. u. o. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Door Panel. t9o8, by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 11 MS2 ";. -m- '> ■ Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Stock and Ciicmi.sette. S09/39S7. W'^ Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Stock and Chemi.sette. 509/3958. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Stock and Chemisette. 509/3912. mms. ^'^^?^^ /?i~- WM5ii Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Chemisette, Stock and Cuff.s. S17/39S7. / Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Chemisette, Stock and Cuffs. 517/3958. (Copyright 1908. by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 12 s^^ rf. Ms Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Chemisette, Stock and Cuff.s. 517/3925. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Waist. 505/3907. t^^^<:it 4: Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Bolero. 520/3949. wfm ■'■' "^*^ %">"*■ "f*^ mmmm ^,"7i' Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Three-quarter Coat. 521/3959. (Copyright 1908, by Bernhard Ulmann & Co.) 13 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off, Medici Lace Stock and Cuffs. 503/3914. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Turnover and Cuffs. 508/3915. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Insertion and Corner. 513/3952. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Border and Corner. .'512/3952. Reg. U. S. Pat. Oft'. Medici Lace Stock and Cuffs. 503/3916. ,y:-\j:?;^XM-p ajU ^^-^^r-^r^^^ 'in^t uvr/;pr7R f MITHM ^ ''/. ir.T -'^i.frij [L'» Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Border and Corner. 513/3920. wi>> l/A f''^^S^£^^I<^^ Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Medici Lace Ornament. 518/3932. (Copyright 1908, by Bernfiard Ulmann & Co.) 16 "DO YOUR OWN INITIAL STAMPING." BEAR STAMPING LETTERS^ ONE SPOOL OF INITIALS ONLY 10 CENTS NO APPARATUS NEEDED EXCEPT A HOT' Wi<^ fVAe simpticitif, convenience and. cheapness tyf tnis article will appeal to eoert^ woman interestea in enihroideru worl{. Letters 6elow show the five sizes in which theif can be procune^^ SIZE 11 SIZE 14 SIZE 18 TWENTY-FOUR SIZE 21 TWELVE AND SIZE 25 SIX LETTERS PER SPOOL USE BEAR LUSTRE FOR EMBROIDERING -^uixnn I ur v,uriUKtb5i 014 147 171 5 • USE THE BEAR BRAND EMBROIDERY COTTONS BEAR LUSTRE For All Kinds of White Embroidery is a thread of established rep- utation, known to be the best. It comes in several thick- nesses, from fine to coarse, and produces the most delight- ful effects, excelling all others in its brilliant lustre, clear white color, and even thread. HELIOS EMBROIDERY FLOSS comes in both white and a wide range of beautiful colors. It is as glossy as the best grade of silk, far less expens- ive, and has exceptional value for all kinds of needlework where a fine thread is required. ORION EMBROIDERY FLOSS has a twisted, heavy thread, ideally suited to embroidery in bold effects. Every color is represented, with the care- fully selected tones needed for shaded embroidery. Pro- duces results equal to silk. BATTENBERG THREAD MADE OF THE PUREST LINEN IN WHITE, CREAM, AND ARABIAN COLORS Suitable for all kinds of lace work — Bat- tenberg, Cluny, Duchess, Irish Crochet — and anything for which a highly finished, hard, durable linen thread is important — BATTENBERG THREAD ^and Use No Other Remember the Name" ^'eR4RyoFrn^ 0l4uy"',]fm