;]^ THE ^ ■ .< :a. jkn^JkifAl^jM^'i Souvenir A p\n^^^^^^^^ and %^y I OF PHmADEbPHIA. I COMPI^IMENTS OF HOFFMANN CASE 137 N. Eighth Street.! r See Page 6 KEIQHTON PRINTINQ HOUSE, 607 SANSOM ST. BENJ, F. TELLER. JOS. R. TELLER- Telephone 1060. Benjamin F. Teller & Bro.^ Law, Conveyancing, Real Estate, Mortgages, Collections, Insurance, Notary Public, No. 60 1 Chestnut Street, PHIIiADEI^PHIA. General Agents of the United States Mutual Accident Association of New York. Buy ard sell Real Estate, take p^eueral Charge aud Management of Property. Loans secured on First and Second Mortgage payable at the expiration of a fixed period of years or in monthly or other instalments. OSCAR B. TELLER, Attorney-at-Law. Fdcket G-uihe AND DIRECTORY of PHILADELPHIA. Containing the Names £^^ {)panale I ower Qi ,amps For Stores and Factories, S4 and up. The FIRE PLACE HEATING STOVE Lights and Heats a room. Ko smell or smoke if properly used. Absolute Safety. The wonder of the age. Cost $5 and $6. MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPTLY. P. G. ATWOOD, 35 Nortli Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 4 PliACES OF AMUSEMENT. Academy of Fine Arts. — Open Daily. Broad street above Arch. Arch St. Theatre. — Arch between Sixth and' Seventh streets. Broad St. Theatre. — Broad near Locnst. Chestnut St. Opera House. — Chestnut street,, between Tenth and Eleventh, Chestnut St. Theatre, — Chestnut street between. Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Central Theatre.-^"Walnut above Eighth. Continental Theatre — Arch near Tenth. Cyclorama. — Cor. Broad and Cherry. Dime Museum. — Cor. Ninth and Arch. Eleventh St. Opera House. — Eleventh between Chestnut and Market. Forepaugh's Theatre.— Eighth street between Bace and Vine. Germania Theatre. — Cor. Crown and Callowhill streets. Grand Opera House. — Cor. Broad and Mont- gomery avenue. Kensington Theatre. — Cor. Frankford ave and Norris street. Lyceum Theatre. — Vine street below Eighth street. National Theatre.— Cor, Tenth and Callowhill streets. Park Theatre.— Cor. Broad andFairmount ave- nue. Standard Theatre. — Eleventh and South streets. "Walnut St. Theatre.— Cor. Ninth and Walnut streets. Bijou Theatre, 8th between Bace & Vine Zoological Garden. — Pairmount Park, Admis* sion, 25 cents, Children, 10 cents. 5 special Offer! ONE DOLLAR will entWe ihe holder of this i)Ook to a complete Courne of IriHtructions in our JSew System of Photo. Oil Pointing. Regular price $j oo The first Three Hundred persons ■availing ihein'ieves of this oj^er will be entitled to guess the Club which leads at close of Base Ball season, in each of the following Organizations : Players'' League., American Association, and National League. The one making the first nearest correct guess will receive an elegant Three Hundred Dollar Ahisical Box. Each ■guess must be written on a coupon {to be obtained ■only at our Studio), with the name and address ■of the guesser. and placed in a sealed envelope uddressed ^Hoffman ^ Case Base Ball Guess Contest.^' They will be numbered 1 iu 3C0 vohen received, delivered to the EVENING ITEM. At the close of the season, when the winning ^lubs are officially announced, the ITEM will open the envelopes and announce the name of the first best guesser. Rem^ember, in any event., you positively gain the knowledge of -a business that may prove itself worth hun- dreds of dollars to you. Jnst?'7iction may be had during the day or evening. Sadfaction guaran- teed in every instance. Time required to learn thoroughly, one to two hours. Anyone can learn. No previous knowledge of Drawing, Painting^ or tni.vi?ig paints required. YdU are invited to call on us at our old established Art Gallery, and see specimens of pupils^ work, also see and hear the elegant Musical Box which will be given away. Hoffman & Case, 137 North Eighth Street. 6 CHrRCHES.. Baptist. First Baptist, Broad and Arch sts> Bethel, S. Front hel Christian st. Hebre^w. Rodef Shalom, Broad and Mt. Vernon stB» Independent. Independent Christian, st. George's Hall, 13th and Arch sts. liUtheran. Church of the Holy Communion, Broad an^ Arch sts. Zion, Franklin above Race sts. Grace £IiA.Tl^ARi: BITUR PIERS. PIER. • NORTH. 0. Ferry to Federal St, Camden. 1-4 Clyde Steamers. 6. Arch St. River Steamers. 7. Ericsson Delivery. 7i. Lehigh Trans. & Merch. Line and Chester Freight Line. 9. Smyrna & Odessa Steamers. 10. Kace Street River Steamers. 11-12 B. & O. Freight. 13-U P. R. R. and C. & A. R. R. 15. Vine Street Ferry, 17. Albany & Troy Line. 18. Delaware Avenue Market Co. 21. Callowhill Street N. Y. Steam Line. 22-28 P. & R. R. R. 25, Willow Street. 26. Knickerbocker Ice Co. 29, Noble Street, 32- Green Street, 35. Fairmount Avenue, 35h B. & O. Freight. 37. Poplar Street, 40. Philadelphia Iron & Steel Co. 43. Laurel Street. 44. P.&R. R. R. 48. Shackamaxon Street Ferry. 50. Clement & Dunbar. 54. Marlborough Street. 55. Knickerbocker Ice Co. 56. Hanover Street. 60 61. Neafie & Levy, 62-63. Cramp's Dry Docks. 65, Montgomery Avenue. 67. Vienna Street. Kensington Engine Works. 70. Otis Street 72. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. 73. Aramingo Canal. 76. Rush Street, 79. Plum Street. 82-8~. Cramp Ship Yards. 86. York Street. 87-107. P. & R. XvTiarves. 108. William Street. 110-111. Philadelphia Grain Elevator Co. 21 DpHQLgTEI(Y. Do you want a First-class Parlor Suite, Couch or Lounge? We guarantee all our own work and use clean filling. You will save money by buying direct from P. KNEl-U MANUFACTURER, 119 North Ninth Street, Special Attention paid to Re- Upholstering. 22 Delaware River Piers.— Continued. PIEJB. SOUTH. 0. Ferry to Market Street, Camden 1. Clyde's New York Line, 2. Bush's "Wilmington Line. 3. Ericsson Line. 4. Chestnut St. River Steamers. 5. "Warner's "Wilmington Line. 8. Philadelphia & Atlantic City Railroad. y Walnut Street. 10-14. P. R. R.— N. y. & N. J. Freight Line. 15. Dock Street Fish Market, 16. Salem Freight Line. 17. Spruce Street. 20. "Winsor's Boston Line. • 21. Pine Street. 22-23. Winsor's Providence Line. 24, B. & O. Freight. 26. South Street Ferry to Kaighn's Point. 27. Gloucester Ferry. 28-29. Bainbridge Street. E. C. Knight & Co. 31. Almond Street. 35. Fitzpatrick & Pemberton. 36. Davis' Landing. 38-39, Fitzpatrick & Pemberton. Catharine Street. 40. Queen Street. 41. Ocean Steamship Co. 43 44, Simpson's Dry Dock, 46. Allen Line. 47. Christian Street. Red Star Line. 48. Grain Elevator. 49. Washington Avenue. 53-54. Prime Street. American Line. 58. Reed Street. 62-63. Dickinson Street. B. & O. Freight, 65. Tasker Street. 70. Moore Street. 23 RBT^SONS For Preferring the PENN MDTHAL LIFE. A. It is an old Quaker Company, estab- lished in I847. B. It is carefully and conservatively managed. C. It has a large surplus, ample to guar- antee all engagements. D. Its assets are securely and profitably' invested. E. It offers ample modern facilities for the transaction of all business. F. Its rates are equitably adjusted. G. It has a wide experience and has al- ways commanded the patronage of discriminating investors. H. It has no capital stock upon which to earn dividends. HOME OFFICE: 921, 923, 925 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SEND FOR RATES. 24 PXIIIiA]>£r.PmA POST OFFICE. Cliestnut, Ninth, and Market Streets. The Central Office is open all day and all night for the reception of mail matter, and (except Sunday), from 9 a m to 6 p m, for the transaction of Registry business ; and from 10 1 am to 6 p m for Money Order business. 1 Applications for entry of Second Class matter, or for information concerning the same and all inquiries in regard to arrival and de- parture of mails should be made at Room No. p6. ■ !' Application for missing letters, papers, packages, &c., for mail, matter that is held for postage or as unmailable, &c., or for informa- tion concerning the same should be made at Room No. 26. Application for information concerning Let- ter Carriers or mail matter intended for de- livery in Philadelphia should be made at Win- dow No. 34. Stamp Division. WHOiiESAi^E.— Stamps to the amount of $1 or more are sold from 9 a m to 5 p m (except on Sunday), at window No. 19. Cards, wrappers, and stamped envelopes, in packagesof not less than 25 each, aud special rt^quest envelopes in quantities of not less than 500, are sold from 9 a m to 5 p m (except Sunday) at window No. 17. At this window misdirected envelopes and wrappers, in a whole condition, will be redeem- ed at the face value of the postage stamps. Postal cards are not redeemable. Special-re- quest envelopes are sold at a slight advance above the value of the stamps, in all denomina- tions and in all sizes. Retail. — Stamps, in amounts less than ten dollars, and cards, wrappers, and stamped en- velopes, in amounts less than ten packages of 25 each, are sold from 7 a m to 9 p m at window No. 21. From 9 a m to 5 p m in amounts less than $1, and from 5 p m to 12 midnight, in Amounts less than $25 at the same window. In 25 EQUITABLE Real Estate and Storage COMPANY, 1429 and 1431 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Buys^ Sells^ Rents and Transfers Titles to Real Estate, Collection and Prompt Remittance oj Rents and Interest. New Buildings with separate locked rooms for choice storage. JI?os. /^. Y^T^ZW]. 26 stamp DiTision— Continaed: smaller quantities, for the remainder of the night at window No. 24. From 9 a m to 5 p m in amounts less than $1 at window No. 22. From 10 30 a m to 7.30 p m, in amounts less than $1 at window No. 31. Registry stamps niay be pur- chased and all matter to be registered should be weighed and rated at last mentioned win- dow. On Sunday, in very small quantities, from 8 a m to 12 midnight at window No. 21. Money Order ]>ivisloui Booms 41 and 43 Market Street Front. Money Orders issued and paid (except Sun- day) at Central Office, and Stations B, E, F, G, H, I. L, M, N, Z and Nicetown, from i) a m to 6 pm. Postal Rates. First-class. — (Two cents for each ounce or fraction.) — Letters, matter wholly or partly in writing, samples with prices or description noted in writing, and matter sealed, nailed, sewed, tied, enclosed in notched envelopes, or fastened against inspection. Postal Cards having anything attached, or writing or print- ing on the face, other than the address. Secoudclass. — For publishers and news agents, one cent per pound. Newspapers mailed by others, one cent ior each four ounces or fraction. Third-class. — [One cent for every two ounces, orfractiou.l — Princed matter in unsealed wrap-^ pers, including books, circulars, proof sheets and corrected proof sheets and manuscript copy accompanying the same, business and visiting cards, paper valentines, blue prints, photo- graphs, engravings, heliotypes, hektograph prints, lithographs, and similar articles of print, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants are now sent at this rate, but are suhJHot to fourth-class regulation. Fourth-class. — [One cent for each ounce or fraction.] — Envelopes with or without printing 27 DO YOU GO FISHING? If so, the place to buy your FISHING TACKLE IS AT THE Glok Iveltyioiise 251 North 9th Street, Philadelphiaj Pa. OUR SPECIALITY A good Split Bamboo Rod, either fly or bait for - - $3 00'' Jointed Rods, splendid variety 10c. up. Fishing Reels, large a<^sortment 15c. up. All kinds of Lines, Cotton, Linen, Silk or Braid; Floats, Hooks, Artificial Bait,, Nets, Etc. Everything a Fisherman wants at very Reasonable prices. Also full Hue of Hammocks, Base Balls, Flobert Rifles aud Spriug Rifles, Etc. Anothhr Speciai^ty — Dog Collars and Dog Harness, all sizes, all styles and all prices. 28 Postat Rates- Continued. blank bills, letter heads, blank and playing cards, address tags, labels, paper sacks, wrap- piug paper with or without printing, and blanks of any kind, merchandise, samples, drawings, maps, plans, charts and other matter not in- cluded in the first, second or third classes. Ee-lbr warding. — Letters wrongly addressed may be re-addressed upon original envelope, and mailed without payment of additional postage. Permissible Writing. — On third or fourth- class. matter. The name, occui)atiou, and ad- dress of sender of package, preceded by the word "from" and a return request. On the wrapper of fourth-class matter may also be written the names and number of articles in- closed, and any marks, niimbers, nan es, or letters for purpose of indeutification. Also to mark a word or passage in a book or paper to which to call special attention, or a simple in- scription or dedication up n the cover or blank leaves of a book or pamphlet Printed circulars may contain the written name of the sender, and of the addressee, and the date. Any other writing will subject the package to letter rates of postage. Permissible Printing. — On wrappers and en- velopes of third or fourth class matter. Any printing not of the nature of personal corres- pondence. TJnniailable. — Matter by its nature injurious to the mails or persons handling, or matter ex- haling bad odors or liable to decomposition, ardent, malt, vinous, spirituous, or inflamma- ble liquids. Matter not included in foregoing will be received for delivery in the United States when so packed as to be easy of insi:)ec- tion and not liable to breakage or damage to other mail matter. Weight — All matteris limited to four pounds, except single books and first and second-class matter, which may weigh more. Packing [Articles heretofore excluded from the mails! — Liquids, when in glass must be placed in metal, wood, or papier-mache box or tube, with screw lid, lined with an absorbent 29 Sale & Boarding StaWes ') LaRGEST IN THE CITY. Lately rebuilt and especially! fitted up for boarding and the care of business and private teams. 825-827-829 Cherry Street, PHIIvADKIvPHIA. /. F, STOVER, Agent. 30 Postal Rates— Con tin aecl. cushion or pad; if a metal tube or box is used* same mustbe placed in wooden or papier-mache block open only at one end; all easy of inspec- tion. Solids must be placed in removable bag, box. or envelope of paper, cloth or parchment, same to be placed in box or tube of metal or hard wood, with sliding, clasp, or screw lid. Sharp and pointed instruments must be encased or wrapped with metal or wire. Foreign. Mexico. — Same as United States. Limit of weight of printed matter, 4 lbs., 6 oz., except single printed books, which may weigh more. Merchandise must be sent by Parcel Post. Limit of weight, 11 lbs. Canada. — Same as United States. Countries and Places in the Universal Postal Union' — Letters, five cents for each half ounce or fraction ; postal cards, two cents each ; news- papers and other printed matter, one cent for each two ounces or fraction ; commercial pa- pers, five cents for each ten onnces or less, and one cent for each two ounces or fraction additional ; samples of merchandise, two cents for four ounces or less, and one cent for each two ounces or fraction additional. Jamaica, Barbadoes, Bahamas, British Hon- duras, Hawaiian Kingdom, Republic of Colum- bia, Leeward Islands, Salvador, and Mexico. — Merchandise may be sent by Parcel Post, 12 cts. a pound or fraction thereof. Limit of weight, 11 lbs. Countries and Places Not in the Universal Postal Union. — Australia via San Francisco, (except New South Wales, Queensland, Tas- mania and Victoria) ; Fiji Islands, via Sau Francisco ; Navassa, direct mail ; Navigators, or Samoan Islands; Pitcairn's Island; letters, 5 cents, newspapers, 2 cents. Africa (except Egypt, Liberia, the Transvaal, British, French, Spanish and Portugese Colo- nies, German Protectorates and European post- offices in Morocco, Tunis, Abyssinia and Mad- agascar); Ascension ; Cape Colony, South Af- 91 . cti a < a. - ^ CL C fC ij »*4 Or Pi-^ ^ S ul O ,, -•-• ■9 ^ Q ^ Z K. oti < QC :^^ Q> < § ^2 X te o o < T ccCN H QC ocs < ^ u. c o co> -<-> K CO a a; rn 5 DC 4-> m to CL i-, ^ a dBn jlatiooal Ban^ OF PHILADELPHIA, 12th and Spring Garden Streets. Capital, $750,000. Surplus, $125,000. o u P3 m B O: » O Interest allowed on Deposits, same as in the Trust Companies. Francis W. Kennedy, Pres't. Naihan Middleton, V. Preset. Henry H Kennedy, Cashier. Sam'l A. McClure, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS. I^athan Middleton, £:phraim Turland, i^Jelson F. Evans, Ephraim Young, Robert C. Thomas, John B. Stetson. 44 Pbiladelpliia Banks— Continued. ♦Keystone National, Chestnut and Juniper G W Marsh pres't, Jno Hayes, cash'r ^Manayunk National, 4371 Main, Manayunk D Wallace, pres't, J J Foulkrod, cash'r ♦Manufacturers' National, 29 n 3d J W Moffly, pres't, W H Heisler, cash'r ^Market Street National. 1107 Market (' H Banes, pres't, B F Dennison, cash'r ♦Mechanics' National. 24 s 3d J Eomnaell, jr, pres. W Underdown, cash'r ^Merchants' National, 108 s 4th Andrew C Sinn, pres't, H Baker, cash'r ♦Merchants' Exchange Bank, 3 33 s 3d, 2d floor F Phillips, pres't, G N Stubbs, cash'r ♦National of Northern Liberties, 3d and Vine J Moore, pres, Jno Bapson, cash'r ^National Bank of Commerce, 211 Chestnut P C Hollis, pres't, Jno A Lewis, cash'r ♦National Bank of the Kepublic, 313 Chestnut W H Bhawn, pres't, J P Mumford, cash'r ♦National Bank of Germantown, Germantown W W Wister, pres't, C S Tyson, cash'r ♦National Security, Franklin and Girard ave I A Sheppard, pres't, G W Cox, cash'r jNorth America, 309 Chestnut J H Michener, pres't, J H Watt, cash'r ♦Northwestern National, Ridge and Girard av Jas B Doyle, pres't, J Channon, cash'r JPenn National, 700 Market S S Sharp, pres't, H G Clifton, cash'r ♦People's. 435 Chestnut W H Kern, pres't, W H Taber, cash'r fPhila National, Chestnut above 4th B B Cemegys, pres't, J W Torrey, cash'r ♦Produce National, 104 Chestnut J Y Huber, pres't. T N Yates, cash'r ♦Quaker City National, 1001 Chestnut S Davis Page, pres't, W H Clark, cash'r jSouthwark National, 2d below South F P Steel, pres't, P Lamb, oash'r ♦Southwestern National, Broad and South J Gardiner, pres't, H B Langworthy, cash'r ♦Spring Garden National, 12th and Spr Gard'n F W Kennedy, pres't, H H Kennedy, cash JTradesmeu's National, 426 Chestnut 45 THE MUTUAL BANmG,SSUBETY,# TRUST, AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 831 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING, TRUST and SURETY BUSINESS. The Company will, under its charter, act as surety on bonds of the officers of fraternal and co-operative associations, on the most liberal terms, afifording absolute safety to their funds. The Banking Department will be open to all classes for business, paying special attention to Society Deposits, in the belief that Fraternities and Societies will be greatly benefitted by having their business transacted through an Institution having a financial interest in its patrons. TWO PER CENT, interest allowed on deposits subject to check. SPJECIAL. KATES allowed on time deposits. D. p. PANCOAST, M, D,, Pres. F. D. SOMERBY, V. Pres J.HENRY HAYES, Sec'y and Treas. 46 e^ Philadelpbia Banks— Continaed. PI C R Rogers, pres't, F G Rogers, cash'r =*^Union National, cor 3cl and Arch D Foust, pres't, W H Carpenter, cash'r ^Western National, 408 Chestnut C N Weygandt, pres't, J C Garland, cash'r fWest Phila Bank, 3938 Market I W Hughes, pres't, F Parke, cash'r fist National of Camden, 216 Market J F Starr, pres't, W Depuy, cash'r ^National State Bank of Camden, 223 Market H Lippincott, pres't, W F Ro;ie, cash'r *Camden National, 201 Walnut Z C Howell, pres't, I C Martindale, cash'r ^Discount days Tuesday and Friday; fMon- day and Thursday; | Wednesday and Saturday; ^Tuesday ; 1| Wednesday. SAVING, TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT CO.'S. Bank of America, 4th and Chestnut. Central Savings Fund Trust and Safe Deposit Co., s w cor Juniper and Chestnut sts Chestnut St. Trust and Saving Fund Co., 721 Chestnut. City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety Co. 927 Chestnut. Columbia Ave. Saving Fund, Safe Deposit, Title, Insurance and Trust Co., Columbia ave. above 13th. Commonwealth Trust Co.. 813 Chestnut, The Equitable Trust Co., 624 Chestnut st. Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 329 Chestnut. Finance Co. of Pennsylvania, 133 S. 4th. German-American Trust Co., N. E. cor. Broad and Arch. Girard Life Ins.. Ann. and Trust Co., Broad and Chestnut. Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., 320 Chestnut. Integrity Title Insurance, Trust and Safe De- posit Co , 400 Green. Investment Company of Phila., 310 Chestnut. Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Co. ,518 Walnut Land, Title and Trust Co., 621 Chestnut. Mutual Banking, Surety, Trust and Safe De- posit Co., 831 Arch. 47 -THE- Union Trust COMPANY, 715-719 Chestnut Street. « Capital, - - $1,000,000. Money received on Deposit and interest Allowed. Safes to Rent in its Elegant New Vaults, at $4.00 and upwards. Separate Coupon Rooms for the exclu- sive use of lady patrons. Unsurpassed facilities for safe keeping of valuables cf every description, Executes trusts of every description. Becomes Registrar for Stock and Bonds of Corporations. J. Simpson Africa, President, John G. Reading, Vice-President, Mahlon S. Stokes, Treasurer, William Henry Price, Trust Officer. 48 I Saving:, Trnst, Safe ]>eposlte Co.*s— Con'd. Merchants' Trust Co.. 615 Chestnut. Mortgage Trust Co. of Pennsylvania, 313 S. 4th. Northern Saving Fund, Safe Deposit and Trust Co., cor. 6th and Spring Garden. Pennsylvania Compapyfor Insurance on lives and Granting Annuities, The 431 Ch<^stnut. Penn Safe Deposit and Trust Co., 1201 Spring Garden. Penn'a Warehousing and Safe Deposit Co,, 113 S. 3rd. Phila. Mortgage and Trust Co.. 322 Chestnut. Phila. Saving Fund Society, 700 Walnut. Phila. Trust, Safe Deposit and Ins. Co., The, 416 Chestnut. Provident Life and Trust Co-, 409 Chestnut. Eeal Estate Title Insurance and Trust Co., 1001 Chestnut. Real Estate Trust Co., 1340 Chestnut. Saving Fund Society of Germantown, The, 4794 Germantown Ave. Solicitors' Company, The, 142 S. 4th. Trust Co. of North America, 603-7 Chestnut. Union Trust Co., 715-19 Chestnut. United Security, Life Insurance and Trust Co., 605 Chestnut. Western Saving- Fund Societv, 1000 Walnut. CUMMERCIAI. AWB FINANCIAL. KXCUANOES. Board of Trade — Drexel Building. Brewers' Exchange — Broad and Arch. Chamber of Commerce — 133 South Second. Commercial Exchange — 133 South Second. Grocers' and Importers' Exchange — N. W. cor Front and Chestnut. Drug Exchange— 17 South Third. Lumbermen's Exchange— 18 S. 7th Maritime Exchange— 3d and Walnut. Master Builder's Exchange— 20 S. 7th. Merchants* Exchangre — Third and Walnut. Petroleum and Stock Exchange— 304 Chestnut. Philadelphia Stock Exehange — Drexel Build- ing. Philadelphia Milk Exchange— 1429 Market. Produce Exchange — 2 Arch street. Board of Port Wardens— 3d and Walnut. 49 Gool^^^ Established Half a Century. Pioneers, Inaugurators and promoters of the Tonrist Ticket System. INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER AGENTS Of all the principal railroad systems of the ^ , World. feole owners of the only first-class Tourist Steamers on the Nile. COOKS SYSTEM OF TOURS Includes all interesting points in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, the continent of Europe, Turkey, Greece, Persia, India, China, Japan, Aus- trah'a and New Zealand. THOS. COOK & SON Have the distinction of being the only conduc- tors of "RDITini THE WDHLH" Tours under personal escort. Circular Notes issued available in all parts of the World. Foreign Monies Exchanged At the Best Rates. COOK'S EXCURSIONIST AND TOURIST ADVERTISER Published monthly. By Mail 10 Cents. THOS. COOK & SON, I02 South 8th St., Philadelphia, Mew York. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, London, Pans. Cairo, Bombay, Calcutta, Auckland, Sidney, Etc- 50 i STEAMSHIP OFFICES. For Passeuger Acconauaodalions. Allan Line — Wm Brockie, 101 "Walnut American Line — Peter Wright and Son, 307 Walnut Anchor Line — Eoht. Taylor and Co., 2d and Walnut Atlas Mail— D. S. Stetson and Co., 209 Walnut Cromwell Line— F B Price, 33 S 3d CunardLiue — James Hogan, 339 Chestnut Ericsson Line — A Grove, jr, 28 S Delaware ave French Line— Joseph Small, 1216 Filbert Guion Line— G H Leaf and Co, 424 Walnut Inman Line — Peter Wright and Sons, 307 Wal- nut Italian and French Lines — A Lagomarsino, 753 S 8 th Mallorv Line— H McMurtie, 301 Chestnut Morgan's Line— R J Smith. 49 S 3d National Line — Waller and Co, 337 Walnut North German Lloyds — Wm Gerlach, 437 Chestnut Ocean Steamship Co — W L James, 13 S 3d Pacific Mail— G H Leaf and Co, 424 Walnut Phila and Boston Line— H Winsor and Co, 338 S Delaware ave Ked Star Line— Peter Wright and Son, 307 Walnut Royal Mail, H Heyl, 4fi2 N 4th State Line — Waller and Co, 337 Walnut White Star Line— Geo H Stuart, Jr,4(. 6 Walnut Wiusnf's Providence and Fall River Line — H Winsor and Co, 338 S Delaware ave Thos. Cook and Son, 102 So. 8th St. OLIVER K. reed" STEAM TROY LAUNDRY, 1323 Arch Street, Corner of Juniper Street, PHILADELPHIA. Lace Curtains and Caps done up equal to new. Wagons Promptly Call for and Deliver Work. 51 H. M. BETZ, 631 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. yJATC^^ES, [)lAI-|OfNlDS And Jewelry, On EASY TERMS. CASH PAYMENT And ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK. We carry a full line of Jewelry and Silverware, all the different American Watches made, also a large stock of Dia- monds set in every style. AT $1 PER WEEK. Good Reliable Agents Wanted. BRKNOH OPislCES, 4517 Main street, Frankford, Pa. 513 Market St., Chester, Pa. 469 Northampton St., Easton Pa W24 Twelfth St., Altoona, Pa. ' 26 So. 6th St., Reading, Pa. 52 i STATION HOUSES. Central, Broad and Market, City Hall 1 Fitzwater below 20th 2 2d above Christian 3 Union above 3d 4 5th above Race 6 15th below Walnut 6 11th above Race 7 St. John above Buttonwood 8 Buttonwood above 10th 9 23d and Brown 10 Front and Master 11 615 East Giravd Avenue 12 10th and Thompson 13 Station House, Manayunk. 14 Lafayette near Main, Germantown 15 Paul and Ruan, Frankford 16 39th and Lancaster Avenue 17 20th and Longlane 18 Trenton Avenue below Dauphin 19 Lombard below 8th 20 Filbert above 15th 21 37th and Woodland Avenue 22 Lehigh and Park Avenue 23 Jefierson above 20th 24 Clearfield and Belgrade 25 1507-09 Moyamensing Avenue 26 4th and York sts. PATROL STATIONS. 1 Union above Third 2 37th and Woodland Avenue 3 39th and Lancaster Avenue 4 1519 Filbert 6 Sansom and Juniper 6 20th and Long Lane 7 1507 Moyamensing Avenue 8 22nd and York 9 1630 North 20th st 10 Cambria and Staunton 11 1725 Wood 12 Frankford 13 Germantown POLICE BOATS. 1 Vine street Wharf, Delaware 2 Sansom street Wharf, Schuylkill 58 Established 50 Years. Good morning Mr. Watson! I see you have a new suit of clothes. Oh no, it is my old suit I have been rn earing for about ten years I took it to T. BILKES,' 154 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, and had it cleaned, dyed and repaired, lou can see it looks as good sneio. I tell you it pays to have a suit renova- ted at DILKEb\ He has been established for 50 years. It is surprising how he d )e.i it but he doe» just the same. It will pay you to give him a trial. He also cleans or dyes all kinds of ladies* apparel, dress goods, feathers, kid gloves, etc. Crape veils, and allkirids of mourning go ^ds;also lace curtains, childre7is caps, etc. Keep your eye on the number, 154 N. Ninth Street, ia£est side, Philadelphia, - Pa. THE COPELAND Local Express and Baggage Transler OFFICE: N. W. Cor. Seventh & Sansom Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Goods carefully handled and promptly delivered to all parts ol City and West Philadelphia. Special contracts made with factories and stores. W. M. Webster, Manager. W. F, Shaw, Proprietor. 54 HOISPITAI.S. Ambulance service under call of Police. Almshouse and City Hospital, 34th and Pine sts. Office 42 North 7th st. Children's, 207 S. 23d st. Children's Homoepathie, 914 N. Broad st. City Municipal, Hart Lane and Lamb Tavern road, 21st Ward. Episcopal, Front and Lehigh ave. German, Corinthian and Girard Aves Germantown, Shoemakers Lane and Chew St., Germantown. Hahnemann, Broad and Race sts. Hospital for the Insane, S. E. District of Penn. Norristown. Howard's, 1518 Lombard st. Jefferson, 1020 Sansora st. Jewish, Branchtown, 23d Ward" Maternity, 734 N. 10th st. Medico — Chirurgical, Cherry st. bel. 13th st. Northern Dispensary, 608 Fairmount ave Presbyterian, 38th and Powelton ave Pennsylvania, Eighth and Spruce Phila, Cancer, 48th and Woodland ave Phila. Dispensary, 127 S. 5th st. St. Agnes', Broad and Mifflin sts. St. Marys, Frankford ave. and Palmer st. St. Joseph, 16th and Girard ave. University, 36th and Woodland ave. Wills Eye, Race bet. 18th and 19th sts. Woman's, College ave and 22d st. Women's Homcepathic, 20th st. and Susque- hanna ave. 55 IF YOU SMOKE Try BATCHELOR BROTHERS 5 Cent ''BUMBLE-BEE" 5 Cent ^'Batchelor Buttons/' 10 Cent ''Yara Young America." 10 Cent. ''Famous Americans." And Full Line in all sizes "FLOR DE BATCHELOR." FINE HAVAKMA CIGARS. FACTORY No. 1-1231 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. Pa. On Sale in nearly every city and town in the United States. YOU SHOULD VISIT " BEAUTIFUL" AVON-by-the-SEA, Formerly Key-East Beach, On the New Jersey Coast Six miles south of tong Branch, one mile soutli of Ocean Grove. Mid- way be- tween Neiv York and Phila, For a restful, healthful, quiet sojourn — Summer or Winter or for a Profitable Investment in Cottages, Villa Plots, Cottage and Business Sites, at Reasona- ble Prices and Easy Improvement Terms. Grand Opportunities for Profitable Investments at this popular, rapidly growing Family Resort. First-cla<^s Hotels, Schools and Churches; excellent Bathing, Boating and Fishing. For particulars apply to or address E. BATCHELOR, 1^31 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 56 Medical Colleges and Societies. Alumni Ass'n of the Phila. College of Pharm- acy, 145 N. 10th St. American Anti- Vivisection Society, 1706 Chest- nut St. American Pharmaceutical Ass'n, founded 1852, 143 N. 10th St. College of Physicians, 13th and Locust st. Hahnemann Medical College, Broad and Bace sts. Homoepathic County Medical Society, Broad and Eace sts. Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelohia, 10th and Sansom sts. Medico-Chirurgical of Phila. ,18th and Cherry. Medical Jurisprudence Society, 18th and Cherry sts. Nurse Training School of the Women's Hospi- tal, College ave, and 22nd st. Penna. College of Dental Surgery, 46 N. 12th street. Penna. College of Pharmacy, 102 S. 11th st. Penna. Institute of Technology, 102 S. 11th st. Phila. College of Pharmacy, 145 N. 10th st. Phila. Medical Society, 13th and Locust sts. Phila. Dental College, 17th and Cherry sts. Phila. Neurological Society, 13th and Locust st. Phila. Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine, Broad and Lombard sts. Phila. Polytechnic University, 102 S. 11th st. Surgical Institute, 13th and Spruce sts* University of Penna., Medical and Surgical Department, 36th and Woodland ave. West Phila. Medical Society, 4030 Market st. Women's Medical College of Penna. 21st and College ave. Zeta Phe Alpha Soexal Society of Phila., 4060 C lestnut St. NEATNESS. CITY TROOP BOOTS A Specialty COMFORT. ALL KINDS b OF ATHLETIC SHOES ORDER. The Latest English Styles. DURABILITY GUARANTEED. .'8 COURTS AND CITT DEPAUTMEXTS, TJ. S. Circuit Court, Post Office Building XJ. S. District Court, Post Office Building Pennsylvania Suprerue Court, City Hall Common Pleas, No. 1, Rooms A and B,5thbel. Chestnut Common Pleas, No. 2, Rooms C aud D,6thbel. Chestnut Common Pleas, No. 3, Rooms E and F, Chest- nut above oth Common Pleas, No. 4, Rooms G and H, Chest- nut below 6th Prothonotary's Office, S. E. cor. 6th and Chest- nut Quarter Sessions — Oyer and Terminer, Old Court House and New Court House, 6th below Chestnut Clerk of Quarter Sessions, 6th below Chestnut Orphans Court Rooms, 1, 2 and 3, 211 S. 6th Sheriff's Office, Chestnut above 5th Recorder of Deeds, 423 Chestnut Registerof ^v^ills, 419 Chestnut Coroner's Office, 632 Chestnut Controller's Department, City Hall District Attorney, 6th and Chestnut County Commissioners, City Hall Harbor Master's Office, 16 N. Delaware Ave Mercantile Appraisers, 1430 S. Penn Square Mayor's Office, Room 214 City Hall Department of Public Safety, City Hall Bureau of Police, City Hall Bureau of Fire, 1328 Race Bureau of Boiler Inspection, City Hall Bureau of Building Inspection, City Hall Electrical Bureau. City Hall Bureau of Health, 124 S. 6th Registry of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 604 Sanson! 59 ZFITsTE- CLOTHING! TO ORDER , AT Reasonable Prices. Best MateriaL Best Work7na7iship. Fit G^tara7^teed. MERCHANT TAILOR, 927 VINE ST., Philadelphia, Pa. A TRIAL SOLICITED. Repairing, Cleaning, Dyeing, Scouring, Etc. 60 Courts and City Departments— Cont'd^ Bureau of City Property, City Hall Department Public Works, City Hall Bureau of City Ice Boats, 115 Walnut Bureau of Gas, Juniper and Filbert Bureau of Highways, City Hall Bureau of Surveys, City iHall Bureau of Water, Juniper and Filbert Department of Charities and Correction, Har- mony and Hudson Bureau of Charities, 42 K. 7th Bureau of Correction, Harmony and Hudson Department of Taxes, City Hall 1st floor Department of City Treasurer, City Hall Department of Law, 6th and Locust Department of Education, 713 Filbert Departinent of Paiks, City Hall Board of Port Wardens, Chamber of Commerce Board of City Trusts, 19 S 12th Civil Service Board Citv Hall Publir; Charities. 1224 Chpsfimt UKITEI> STATES DEPARTMENTS. Custom House, uhestnut above 4th Sub-Treasury, Custom House Post OfKce, yth and Chestnut Mint, Chestnut below Broad Internal Revenue, Post Office Building Navy Yard, League Island Navy Pay Office. Post Office Building Naval Asylum, Gray's Ferry Road Hydrographic Department. Dock and Walnut Lighthouse Service, Post Office Building Marine Qnartprmaster's Department, 216 S 2d Army Staff Officers, 15th and Arch Engineers' Office, loth and Arch Exam. Board Naval Engineers, P.O. Building. Signal Service, Post Office Building. Coast Survey, Post Office Buildiog Frankford Arsenal, Bridesburg Schuylkill Arsenal, Gray's Ferry Road Rendezvous enlisting Cavalry, 2005 Market Rendezvous enlisting Infantry, 1316 Filbert Rendezvous for enlisting Marine Corps, Sea- men, Firemen, and Boys, League Island Marine Recruiting Office, 1411 Filbert Pension Office, Post Office Building 6i Willianp C, Helweg €^.wmw-'m^ '¥i ^ SMOBS, Custom Work a Specialty, RUSSET LEATHER SHOES. 0;X F R D TIES, PATENT LEATHER SHOES 122 North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Repairing Neatly Done. 62 MAGISTRATES' COrRTS. No. 1 E,— Thos Kandall,1411 PassyuDk ave " 2 R— J L Brown, 700 S Broad 3 D— W Eisenbrown, cor Passayunk ave and Christian 4 D— Thos P Kane, 728 Passayunk Ave. 5 R— Israel W Durham, 121 S 7th 6 D— P J McCarthy, 523 Chestnut st. 7 K— \Vm J Milhgan, 508 S 11th st. 8 R— R R Smith, 713 Sansom 9 R— Samuel M Clement, 23 N Juniper. 10 R— John F Pole, 154 N 7th 11 D— Albert H Ladner. 305 Vine 12 R— John Thompson, 722 Callowhill 13 D— John M O'Brien, 1510 Fairmount av 14 R— W B Ahern, i»o9 N 3d 15 D— Richard C Llovd, 244 E Girard ave 16 R— Robert Gillespie, 2203 N 2d 17 R— Wm S Kochersperger,2044 Frankford ave ; 18 R— Ambrose PuUinger, 1012 Columbia ave 19 R— James Romig, 1242 N 19th 20 R— J F Neall 2526 N 10th, cor German- town ave 21 R— Thos W South, 4304 Main st, Frank- ford 22 D— A J Diamond, 4 Chelten ave, Ger- mantown 23 D— Thos H Clarke, 4091 Lancaster ave 24 R-Geo W Evans, 3020 Market St. 25 R— Chas Fulmer. 413 Reed 26 D- John Slevin, 1219 S 18th 27 R— H B Hackett, 3088 Frankford ave 28 R— Johnson Roney, 4334 Cresson st, Manayunk Officers of the Board. President— Robert R Smith Vice-President— A H Ladner Secretary— William B. Ahern, Treasurer— S. M. Glement, Committing Magistrates at Central Station. Robert R Smith, John F. Pole. Mayor— Edwin H Fitler G3 81.00 SAVED ON EVERY HAT . Men's Hats W,R Taylor & Co, 300, 302, 304, 306 N. 8tli St., N. W. Cor. 8th & Vine. LARGEST RETAILERS : : : : : : : : IN PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers and Importers. Furnishing Department. SHIRTS, a Specialty, UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, GLOVES, ETC., ETC. ■** Wholesale Prices to Retail Buyers." u KOTKl.S, Aid ine, 1914 Chestniii Arch St. House, 1 Arcli Ashland Temperance, 150 N 7th Bald Eaijle, 410 N 3d Barley Sheaf,2o7 N 2d Bellevue, Broad and Walnut Bingham House, Market, c 11th Black Bear, 425 N 3d Black Horse, 352 N 2d Brunswick 40 N Broad bull's Head, 3734 Market Central Avenue, 831 Market Oity Temperance, 315 Arch Colonnade, 15th and Chestnut Columbia House, 111 N Broad Continental, 9th and Chestnut Crowell's, 1528 Market Delaware Hotel, 2d and Pine Dooner's, 23 S 10th Eagle, 227 N 3d Girard House, 9th and Chestnut Globe Temi>erance, 624 Race Green's, 731 Chestnut Guv's, 33 S 7th Hil'ton, 1109 Filbert Irving House, 917 Walnut Lafayette, Broad and Sansora Lehman House, 3919 Market Lochiel, 115 S 8th Moore's Windsor, 1219-29 Filbert Mansion House, 621 Arch Merchants' House, 415 N 3d Ohio, 3i)th and Market Oxford Market, 1915 Oxford Peabody, 250 S 9 th Penn'a Farmers', 344 N 3d Plunkett, 512 N 8th Red Lion, 472 N 2d Ridgeway HoTise, 1 Market Rising Sun, 915 N 2d St. Alban's, 205 Walnut St. Charles, 54 N 3d St. Elmo, 317 Arch 65 Perfect Letter Copying Books ' Are known and used all around the world. They are *'just,the thing" for private or home use and for the traveling man. Any good copying ink may be usedrthat will copy in a copying press. THEY ROLL UP TO COPY. FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH BOOK. Note Size, 6x10 in. - $L00. Letter Size, 10x12 in. 1.30. Leading Booksellers and Stationers sell them. Address ALVAH BUSHNELL, 47 South 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 66 Names of Streets North and South of Market. R.unning East and West from Delaware River to West Phil; South *tMarket, (Darby Rd Jayne, Merchant, Min« Library *tCliestnut, *Sansom *WaInut *Locust, Dock *Spruce, Union *Pine *Lombard, *Gray's Fen Rd. Gaskill *tSouth, Passyunk Av Baiubridge, Almond, Mei Fitzwater, German *Catharine, Queen ♦Christian, Harriot Carpenter *Washington. Ellswort Prime, Gray's Ferry i *Federal, Marion Wharton Reed i)ickinsoa Tasker Morris, Pierce Moore, Siegel Mifflin McKean *Snyder Jackson Woli Ritner Porter Shunk Oregon Av Johnson Bigler Pollock Packer Curtin Geary Thirty- fourth Av Thirty-tiifth Av Thirty-sixth Av Tnirty-seventh Av Thirty-eighth Av Thirty-ninth av Baltimore Av Fortieih Av Ptreets marked with a * are run beyond the Schuylkill. Stiet'ts marked in Parenthesis are in West Philadelphia only. streets marked with a t have bridges across the Schuylkill. 1 *tMarket, (Lancaster Av) 1 — *Filbert, *Commerce 100 *Arch, Cherry 200 *Race, Branch, New 100 3<)0 *Vine, Carlton, Wood 200 400 tCallowhill, Willow, No- 300 — ble Margarette 4(10 500 Buttonwood,*SpringGar- den «00 Green, *MtVernon,*Wal- 500 600 lace 700 700 * Fair mount A v., Olive 800 *Brown, *Parrish. Ogden 800 900 Poplar, Laurel 900 1000 Beaver. Otter 1000 1100 George *Shackamaxon 1200 *tGlrard av Stiles, Rich- mond St. East, (Elm Av) 1200 Germantown Av. Ridge 1300 Ave 1400 1300 *Thompsoa, Seybert 1500 1400 * Master 1600 1500 * Jefferson 1700 1600 Oxford 1800 1700 *C()lumbia Av 19(10 1800 *Montgomery Av 2000 1900 Berks 2100 2000 *Norris, Otis 2200 2100 Diamond 2300 2200 *Susquehanna Av 2400 2300 *Dauphin 2400 *York 250C 2600 2S00 Cumberland 2700 26t)0 Huntington 2800 2700 Lehigh Av 2900 2800 Somerset 3000 2900 Cambria 3100 3000 Indiana 3200 3100 Clearfield 3300 3200 Alleghany 3400 3300 Westmoreland 3500 3400 Ontario 3600 3500 Tioga 3700 3600 Venango 3800 3700 Erie 3900 3800 Butler 3900 Pike 4000 4000 Luzerne 67 GEO. W. MAGUIRE, Cigar Manufacturer 269 North 9th Street^ Philadelphia. SPECIALTY: LA CORONA, 5c- STRAIGHT I |4.50 per hundred. SMOKERS' ARTICLES. 68 FOREIGN €ONSVI.IIk AT PII1I.A. Consular Association, (unoflScial) President Edw. B. Shippen; Secretary and Treasurer, Chas. W' Matthews. Argentine Kepublic, E. Shippen, 532 Walnut Austria-Hungary, Lars Westergaard, 138 S. 2d Belgium, Dr. Chas. E. Sajous, 1630 Chestnut Brazil, Jno. Mason Jr., 136 S. od Chili, E. Shippen, 532 Walnut Corea, Dr. K. H. Davis, 14 North 7th Denmark, F. F. Myhlertz, 22nd and Barker Ecuador, E. Shippen, 532 Walnut France, Louis Voisson, 524 Walnut German Empire, C. H. Meyer Consul; Frede- rick Delvigne, Vice-Consul, 227 Chestnut Great Britain, Robt. Chas. Clipperton, Co n- sul; Geo. Crump, Vice-Consul; 267 S. 4th Greece, A. H. Lennox, 134 S. 3d Hayti, A. H. Lennox, 134 S. 3d Honduras, Sol. Foster, Jr , Walnut above 8th Italy, Ravbandi Massiglia, 259 S. 4th i.iberia, W. E. Rotbery, 14 N. 7th Netherlands, Lars Westergaard, 138 S. 2nd Nicaragua, Henry C. Potter, 260 S- 9th Norway, Lars Westergaard, 138 S. 2nd Paraguay, Erastus Brainard. 29 S. 7th Peru, Geo. Blaese, acting, 130 Walnut Portugal, Jno, Mason, Jr., 136 S. 3d Russia, H. Frank Robinson, acting Vice-Con- sul, 136 S 3d Spain, Jose Congosto, 267 S. 4th St. Domingo, Thos. B. Wanamaker, 13th and Chestnut. Sweden, Lars Westergaard, 138 S. 2nd SwitzHrlaud, Rudolph Korali, Consul, 314 York Ave; Werner Itschner, Vice-Consul, 712 Market Turkey, Vacancy Uruguay, Chas. W. Matthews, 212 S. 3d Venezuela, Julio Rodrigues 69 ST. AbBAN'S HOTEL, 205 walnmt Street, Philadelphia. I. B. SMITH, Proprietor. Rates $1.50 to $2.00 per d&y. Meals ser7)ed upon the American and European plan. Culinary Department furnished with the best the ^narket affords. Bar first-class in every respect, OPEN ALL NICHT. Cars Running to the Door, Chestnut and Walnut, Second and Third, Spruce and Pine, Race and Vine. 70 SPECIAL. L.AWS OF PEN NSYIiVAMIA. Assignments — Must be without preference. Debtor may prefer a creditor by confessing Judgment, or making specific assignment of certain property — No insolvent law. Attaclinients — Issue where debtor removes, conceals or disposes of his property, oris about to do so to defraud his creditors, or has fraudu- lently contracted the debt, also when the debtor is a non-resident. On proof of fraud, a debtor may be arrested, and he maj be imprisoned, unless he pays or gives security. Jurisdiction of Justice of the Peace limited to cases involving $300 or less. Cbattel Mortgages- Cannot be for less than $500 and must be recorded. Must be renewed within thirty days of expiration of the year and the same for each succeeding year, to maintain mortgagees right. Thirty days notice or four weeks publication before sale by public auction. Deeds — Acknowledgements maybe taken by the mayor of a city or incorporated town, judge of a court of record, commissioner for the State or by any officer appointed by the laws of the State where taken, providing such officer be certified to under seal by the clerk of a court of record. Wife joins to bar dower; examina- tion separate. DiTorce— Plaintifi'must have been a resident of the state for one year next preceding the application. Statutory grounds for divorce — deception or force in procuring the marriage, impotency, adultery, bigamy, cruelty,two years abandoninent, and two years sentence to im- prisonment. Divorce will not be granted on the ground of adultery if proved to have been condoned. Even after a divorce, defendant is not allowed to marry a co-respondent. A wife may obtain partial divorce and alimony for ill treatment. 71 Special L.aw8 of Pennsylvania Continued. Exemptions - Clothing, books, sewing ma- chine, and $yOO worth of other property; right may be waived, no homestead. Married Women —The property of a married woman is held as her separate estate, but is chargeable for family' necessaries ordered by her. A wife cannot make a contract or conveyance without her husband joining her. By obtainin leave of the court she may have the benefit o her own earnings. She may make a will, sav- ing the husbands right by courtesy. She may dei>osit money in bank and write checks against it in her own name. Dower, one third of all real estate during coverture. ]!Iecbanic*8 liien— Takes precedence of every other lien or encumbrance, claims must be filed within six months and liens hold good for five years. There may also be a lien held for wages up to the amount of $200 by the em- ployees on any manufactory, mine or similar establishment. Wills— Testator's age twenty-one years. Two witnesses are required, but they need not at- tach their signatures. A husband cannot serve as a witness to a wife's will. 72 p ILES CURED! Treatment FREE ! Address with stamp, WILCOX SPECIFJC MEDICINE CO., PhilMdelphia, Pa. LIBRftRY llllltllllllllllllll OF CONGRESS 1 mil mil mil Hill nil nil Cardinal Po in BankiB II III II III 014 ' II 432 III mil III! III! : 720 2 f Merchants' National Bank. Capital Stock, $600,000.00. Surplus, $120,000.00. Undivided Profits, $23,867.24, PRESENT address: 108 So. FOURTH ST. Will remove about Sept. 1, to our uew BANKING rooms: 324-326 CHESTNUT STREET.