z 5F 453 .N3 ^opy 1 ^^ [AND ARD OF "PERFECTION FOR RABBITS, CAVIES MICE, RATS & SKUNKS BY THE NATIONAL PET STOCK ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA '.- PRICE 50 CENTS COPYRIGHT 1915 All rights reserved. Anyone using any part or illustration without pfermission will be prosecuted. Copies of this standard can be secured of Wm. I. Lyon, Past Pres., Waukegan 111., or C. S. Gibson,Sec.; 1 045W.Warren Ave.,Detroit,Mich. m -6 \m Sf A-S^ ^ • ANOORA FRONT Chest and Head well covered with thick, long wool, good tuft between the ears 10 EARS Short and erect, well covered with tufts or tassels at the tips 10 SIZE AND SHAPE Size about 6 pounds, shape to have the appearance of a large soft ball when in repose 15 WOOL Quality of the wool shall be as fine and silky in texture as possible 30 WOOL Length and Quantity, to be long and thick, evenly distributed all over body with- out mats 25 CONDITION Clear, well groomed, no mats, solid in flesh 10 100 Eyes Pink in whites, Legs and tail well wooled, cottony or wiry harsh hair to be avoided. ^ ^ fl < < Q < M Showing and Loca M ft p£9 S CT) PQ ©aA:i95087 ^>/ Ol O /V t-V V u BEI^GIAN HARE COLOR Rich Rufous red (not dark smudgy color) carried well down sides and hind quarters, as little white under jaws as pos- sible 20 SHAPE Body long thin well tucked up at flank and well ribbed up, back slightly arched, loins well rounded, not choppy. Head rather lengthy, muscular chest, tail straight, and and altogether of racy appearance 20 TICKING Wavy appearance and plentiful 10 EARS About 5 in., thin, well laced on tips, far down the outside edge as possible. Good color inside and outside and well set on 10 EYES Hazel color, large, round, bright and bold 10 LEGS & FEET Fore feet and legs long, straight, slender, well colored, and free from white bars. Hind feet well colored 10 Without dewlap 10 WEIGHT About eight pounds _ 05 CONDITION Perfectly healthy, not fat, but flesh firm, good quality of fur 05 100 4 DUTCH FACE Blaze, tapering white wedge from nose to Ears with white line running between ears above whiskers ranning up to and including Ears, Almond shape 15 EYES Color to match body, hazel in blacks 05 EARS Strong, erect, color to match body 10 NECK Clean cut line of color around the base of Ears, balance white 10 SADDLE A white belt from just back of fore legs to ears, clean cut, straight line around body, upper part 10 Lower part 10 FEET STOPS White boots from toe up 11/2 inches, cut off square, both feet to match 15 SIZE 5 pounds or under 05 SHAPE Short, coby and compact 05 CONDITION Round, sleek, short fine glossy fur 05 COLOR Absolutely solid no blending at di- vision 10 100 CUTS Speck on eve 10 Wall eye A 20 Over 5V2 pounds 20 Dutch are bred in Black, Blue, Tortoiseshell, Tor- toise and Steel Grey. .li\r u H • l-H o .2 d o o CO (/3 o 19 (Solid or Self Colors) ROSETTES To have as many rosettes in the fur as possible 25 COAT To be rough and wiry 20 COLOR Even throughout, not blending 15 SHAPE Broad over the loins 10 SIZE Large throughout body 10 HEAD FURNISHINGS Head well covered 15 CONDITION 05 100 STANDARD FOR BROKEN COLORS ROSETTES 30 COAT 25 SHAPE 10 HEAD FURNISHINGS 20 SIZE 10 CONDITION 05 100 Abyssinians should be large throughout, and broad at the shoulders, the hair rough, wiry, and in as many rosettes as possible; the head well fur- nished with hair, which must in no part exceed one and one-half inches in length. 20 ENGLISH SELFS COLOR Solid even color throughout entire body, good luster, free from odd color hairs 30 SHAPE Head and shoulders broad and heavy, nose Roman not pointed or ratty in appear- ance 20 COAT Smooth and close without corrugations.— 10 EYES Large as posible and bold 10 EARS Drooping nature but not fallen 10 SIZE Large, well proportioned 10 CONDITION 10 100 The above standard applies to solid Black, Cream, Chocolate, Blue, Red and White. The color must be solid carried down to the roots of the hair. The ears and feet in all varieties must match the body. DUTCH MARKED CAVY This variety uses the same standard and the markings take the same position as the Dutch Marked Rabbit. (See page 4.) HIMALAYAN CAVY Use Standard and Marking of Himalayan Rabbit (See Page 10.) 21 TORTOISE AMD \^ HITE CAVY PATCHES Clean, clear cut and distinct 25 Equal distribution with uniform placing of the patches 10 COLOR Black, red and white, even color throughout each patch without blending 20 SHAPE Head and shoulders broad and heavy, nose Roman not pointed or ratty in appear- ance - 15 EYES Large as possible and bold 05 EARS Drooping but not fallen 05 SIZE Large well proportioned 10 COAT Smooth and close without corrugations.... 05 CONDITION 05 100 The colors should be black, red and white, equally distributed and in as small patches as possible, each color clear and distinct, without being intermixed one with another. The ears may be one, two or all three colors. This standard also applies to the other tricolors. TORTOISE SHELLS PATCHES Clear and distinct 45 EYES Large and bold 10 COAT 10 SHAPE, SIZE AND CONDITION 20 COLOR Black and Red 15 100 The colors should be black and red, equally dis- tributed in distinct patches, the smaller and more uniform the better. 22 ACiOUTI COLORED C AVY aOLDEN AIVD SILVER GREY COLOR There are two shades. The golden should be rich golden brown undercolor with even ticking throughout, belly color should be deep red. The grey should be a light shade with even ticking, belly should be of a silver hue, free from any sign of golden or bronze tint, feet to match body in both colors 20 TICKING Guard hairs that are tipped with black making even over color throughout 25 EYES Large as possible and bold 10 SIZE Large, well proportioned 10 SHAPE Head and shoulders broad and heavy, nose Roman, not pointed or ratty in appear- ance 20 COAT Smooth and close without corrugations 10 CONDITION ;. 05 100 BRINDLE COLOR CAVY COLOR Black and Red evenly intermixed all over the body, feet, etc., colors equal in pro- portion 60 EYES Large as possible and bold 10 SIZE Large, well proportioned 10 SHAPE Head and shoulders broad and heavy, nose Roman, not pointed or ratty in appear- ance COAT Smooth and close without corrugations CONDITION 20 100 23 PERL \ TAN CAW (Self or Solid Color) LENGTH OF COAT 20 HEADFURNISHINGS Should fall down on each side and cover the head from view 20 MANE AND SIDES 20 TEXTURE And density of the coat 20 COLOR Even throughoiit with good gloss 10 CONDITION AND SIZE 10 100 STANDARD FOR BROKEN COEORS LENGTH OF COAT 25 HEAD FURNISHINGS 25 MANE AND SIDES 25 TEXTURE And density of coat 20 CONDITION AND SIZE 05 100 3r»E:RUVIA?\^ Sir.KY CAW Psuedo Angora — Solid and Broken Colors LENGTH OF COAT 25 TEXTURE AND DENSITY 25 EARS 10 FACE AND HEAD 20 EYES 10 SIZE AND CONDITION 10 100 The size and shape of this variety is akin to that of the English Cavy only that the fur is, with the exception of the head, long and silky. 24 A "ft S STANDARD FOR MICE N. P. S. A. 73 EVEN MARKED AND VARIGAi'ED Q H )< < z o < O H Q AGOUTI, SABLES CINNAMON, BROWN, BLACK, BLUE, TAN AND CHOCOLATE. SILVER GREYS, BROWNS & FAWNS Q O O o 1 COLOUR 50- . -35- -30-20 CHEEK BLAZE & COLOR -20- MARKINGS -50-50- -30 SADDLE -15- SHAPE AND CARRIAGE 10-10- 10-10-10- -10-10 SIZE 5-5-5_5_5- -5-5 UNDERCUT & STOPS -15- EARS SHAPE SIZE 5-5-5-5-5- -5-5 TICKING -15-20 EYES LARGE AND BOLD 5-5-5-5-5- -5-5 MUZZLE LONG 5-5-5-5-5- -5-5 TAIL LONG NO KINKS & TAPERING 5-5-5-5-5- -5-5 CONDITION NOT FAT, SHORT THICK GLOSSY COAT 15-15-15-15-15- -15-15 TOTAL One hundred STANDARD FOR RATS N. P. S. A. 2 <4 ^ < Q CD \r\ ixj y. P )< < H D O O < < PQ 2 1 H<; D K K <: 2 1^ U c/: y) a. w o 1— 1 1— ( < -J > 2 >^ W O > I— ( CO COLOR 40-45- 30-35-25-25-25-25 TOP COLOR 20 TICKING 15-5- 20 FEET. SOUND IN COLOR 10- 5 - -5-5 UNDER BELLY COLOR RUDDY BROWN 15 SHAPE AND CARRIAGE 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10 SIZE 5- 5- 5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 EYES, LARGE BOLD AND PROMINENT 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 EARS; SHAPE SIZE, POSITION 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 HEAD, LONG & NOT TOO POINTED 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 TAIL. LONG & UNIFORM, NO KINKS 5. 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5- 5 TRIANGLE 10-10- HOOD AND SADDLE 25 HEAD MARK- INGS CLEAR- NESS NO SPOTS 25-25 CONDITION NOT FAT short sleek glossy coat 15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15 One hundred 26 Standard Points for Exhibition COLOR Darkness — rich jet black throughout the entire head, body and tail as near as possi- ble (very few absolute black exist) 35 LUSTER Good, bright, shiny gloss on the long or guard hair 20 FUR Length — as long as possible especially on the back 10 TEXTURE The long hairs to be soft and flexible and not wiry bristles 10 Density of the fur 10 SIZE Largest size possible 10 CONDITION Showing good health and care 05 100 STRIPED SKUNKS The standard to be same as above except first paragraph which should be as follows: Star on head as round as possible covering top of head. Stripes running from star to end of body, even one inch wide throughout. Tail, about three inches of white on tip. Markings to be pure white without yellow tints, rest solid black. 27 SHOW RULES Application to hold show under National Pet Stock Association Rules must be made in writing at least thirty days before show, also guaranteeing that the rules will be faithfully observed. Sanction for clubs or associations to use these rules may be granted by the Secretary of N. P. S. A. with consent of board. All entries must be made in the name of the owner, owners or corporation. An experienced Pet Stock man must be in charge at all times during the show as handler and care for the stock. No stock shall be handled by any one except Judge, Owner or Handler. All entries must be absolutely the property of the exhibitor also to have been owned by him 60 days prior to date. A junior rabbit must be under six months of age; a junior Cavy must be under four months of age. No Judge shall compete in a class where his decision is to be given, nor shall he pass judgment on stock that he recognizes as having been in his possession during the previous year. Show managements shall refuse to receive diseased animals and see that they are not kept in show room. In case of apparent error in awards exhibitor may enter protest provided they deposit at least $3.00 with written protest with secretary of show who shall take it up with management. If not sustained the money and protest must be forwarded to the Secretary of the National Pet Stock Association and referred to the board for final action. If protest is sustained the money will be returned, if not it will be retained. 28 Instructions for Premium Lists and Show Committees. Not necessary to be printed. All pet stock must be judged by a National Pet Stock Association licensed judge. A true copy of all awards must be sent to the Secretary of the National Pet Stock Association without delay. The show management must see that proper food is placed in the shipping crates for the stock on their return trip. Entries shall close on the day and the hour advertised. Judging shall begin promptly at the hour ad- vertised unless in exceptional instances. Any person guilty of fraudulent practice must be reported by the Judge and disqualified by the Association; any person so disqualified is not en- titled to exhibit at any of the sanctioned shows or act in any capacity. Premium Lists must state if prizes are open to the world or just to specified Association mem- bers. Judging to be done by comparison method. The price of the entry fee to be printed in heading of Pet Stock Department. Premium lists should contain announcements of all pet stock meetings during show, if none, they should set a Pet Stock Day, preferredly the third day of the show. 29 CLASHIFICATTOIVS Admitted Standard Varieties For premium lists, use the breeds first then in- clude as many varieties as desired. Four classes may be allowed for each breed and for each variety if desired; they are adult male, adult female. Junior male and Junior female, a class of a mother and young may be added, but is not recommended and they must not be allowed to count in points towards a sweepstake or best display prize. RABBITS BREEDS VARIETIES f White ANGORA J g;ack i Blue l^Broken Colors BELGIAN HARE (Black DUTCH 'Blue (a. O. C. (Black ENGLISH )Blue (A. O. C. FLEMISH GIANT (dark steel only) GERMAN CHECKERED GIANT GIANT RABBIT SOLID COLOR HAVANA HIMALAYAN IMPERIAL JAPANESE LOP EARED RABBIT POLISH (Grey SILVER ^Fawn ( Brown TAN {g!^^^ (Blue VIENNA BLUE Junior Stock Must Be Under Six Months. 30 BREEDS VARIETIES fBlack I Red ABYSSINIAN J Cream White A. O. C. Broken Color ENGLISH SMOOTH fBlack Blue Cream Chocolate Red White -{ Brindles Hamalayan Tortoiseshell Tortoiseshell and White Red Dutch marked Black A. O. C. A. O. C. rRed Black White Cream j Broken color [a. O. c. fRed PERUVIAN Black SILKEYES ' White PSEUDO ANGORA Broken color [a. O. c. Junior Stock to Be Under Four Months. FUR BEARINO ANIMATES ( Solid White SKUNKS ] Solid Black ( Even Stripes Other fur bearing animals should be encourag-ed by making classes for them at the shows. PERUVIAN 31 GENERAL DTSQUALIFICATIOIV Lopped ear in any variety except lop eared rabbits. Screw tail, or tail that has deformed bone or is firmly set to one side. This does not mean a lopped tail or one that falls slightly to one side then resumes its natural position, lopped tail should be penalized but not disqualified. Crooked feet. Bowed legs. Knocked knees, or de- formed in any way. Over-age specimens entered in junior class. Rabbits over 6 mo., cavies over 4 mo. Off color spots, such as spot of white in black where it should be solid, off colored or stray hairs should count against, but not disqualify, unless there are enough in one place to make a distinct spot. Over weight specimens in small breeds. Eyes not matching each other. Eyes not matching body or other than color called for. Faking, such as plucking, dyeing, triming, or Castration or spaying, evidence of using foreign substance on coat. Absence of important color spots. Torn ears, if there is a portion missing or large slit one inch or more the specimen should be disqualified, if slit should be penalized, accord- ing to size. Specimens not owned by exhibitor. 32 Sihe Natfanal ftt Stark Assadatfan of Amrura An Association for the Betterment and Improvement of ail Pet Animals '^Mnftrb Mt Btmb, muibtb Mt JFall" The following is a list of our officers for the year 1915, all of whom have helped to produce these Standards. President 1 St. Vice President 2nd. Vice President - ROY C. KNILL,Chicago, 111. J. M.GIBSON, W, Alex. Pa. - G. W. AKIN,Denver,Colo. Treasurer - - GEO. C. ECKERT, Chicago, 111. Secretary - CHAS. S. GIBSON, Detroit, Mich. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wm. A BLUMHAGEN, - - . Chicago, 111. MURRAY N. DONALD. - - Morristown, N.Y, T.P.KEENEY. - . . Portland, Oregon Wm.I.LYON. - - . . Waukegan, 111. W. E. MacKAY C. J. PAGE Wm. WENKHOUS Newton Brook, Ont., Canada - - - Salina, Kansas Beaver Falls, Pa. Note:- The color of the cover of this book or a shade lighter was selected as the official color oftheN.P. S. A. so that all members could paint their ship- ping coops the same color and they would be recog- nized at once as pet stock carriers which would be a help to Superintendents of shows when separat- ing them from poultry, etc. and would give our stock better attention. A number of our members are engaged in the railway service and they would readily recognize the coops and see that they get the best of atten- tion. It is also recommended that members paint on their coops " Return to (name and address) member of N. P. S. A." It is also recommended that you paint Hutches and Houses the same color so your place may be easily recognized from the road, street cars or train. This is an economical color as it can be produc- ed with white lead and oil, adding a very little lamp black until you get the right shade. Wm. I. Lpon, Past President. Waukegan, Illinois LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 845 741 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 845 741 8