OUTLINE OF LECTURES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY MINOR COURSE. Delivered in Brtn Mawr College. By FRANKLIN H. GLDDINGS, A.M. Associate Professor of Political Science. 1891. FEERIS BROTHERS, SEVENTH AND FUBEBT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. OUTLINE OF LECTURES ox POLITICAL ECONOMY MINOR COURSE. Delivered in Bryn Mawr College. By franklin h.^uiddings, Associate Professor of Political Science. 1891. / / 3362? ) FERRIS BROTHERS, SEVENTH AND FILBERT 9TKEET9, PHILADELPHIA. */> f. .6 ** Copyright, 1891, by Franklin H. Giddings. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. BOOK I. ECONOMIC PHENOMENA AND KNOWLEDGE. PART I. ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND RELATIONS. Macvane, ehs. i., n. and in. ; Ely, Pt. I., chs. n., in., anil iv. Chapter I. — Preliminary Survey. §1. Provisional Data and Purpose of Economic Study. Newcomb, Bk. I., ch. I. ; Perry, pp. 2-7. Chapter II. — Wants ; Ely, Pt. I., ehs. v.-vn. ; Hearn, ch. xxi. PART I. THE FIRST ECONOMIC STAGE. Chapter I. — Wants and Satisfactions of the First Order (Exixlritft ). Walker, §§383-389 ; Clark, p. 40. §53. The Economic Stages of Progress. §54. Poverty of Primitive Wants. §55. ( >rganic Genesis of Wants and Satisfactions. §56. Beginnings of Economic Life. Walker, §60 ; Morgan, eh. i. Chapter, II. — Association, Solidarity, Competition. §57. Primary Inhibitions of Competition. §58. Latent and Active Competition. §59. Balance of Competition and Solidarity. Krapotkin, Nth. Cent, Sept. and Nov., 1890, April, 1891. Chapter III. — Beginnings of Progress. Spencer, Desc. Soc. ^60. Mental and Moral Evolution (Growth of desires ; their social genesis ). §61. Progress in Simple Direct Cooperation. §62. Progressin the Use of Implements and Stock. 11 Chapter IV. — Population and Subsistence. Andrews, §35; Block, ch. xx. ; Walker, §§389-394 Mill, Bk. I., ch. vii.; Roscher, Bk. V. ; Darwin p. 50 ; Malthas ; Bonar, Mai. and His Work, Bk. I. Newcomb, Bk. II., ch. vii. ; Cairnes, Char, and Log, Meth., Lecture VII. ; Marshall, Bk. IV., ch. iv. Perry, pp. 215-217 ; Ely, pp. 162-164. it;:;. Laws of Reproduction. Siieneer, Biology, I't. VI. §64. Limits of Subsistence. Mill, p. 116 ; Loria, Annul*, vol. II., No. 2, p. 68. §65. Uneconomic Ways of Relief. MacLennan. Chapter V. — Beginnings of Industry. Spencer, Desc. Sue. §66. Growth of Desires (especially for population). §67. Notions of Utility, Value, and Property ; Invention. §68. Systematic Labor : Division of Employment Between the Sexes. Roscher, §56. §69. Rudimentary Trade. PART II. THE SECOND ECONOMIC STAGE. Chapter I. — Wants and Satisfactions of tin Second Order (Power mill Plenty'). §70. Nature and Genesis of Wants anil Satisfactions of the Second Order. Chapter II. — Transition In Settled Life. Walker, §§61-63 ; Morgan, ch. n. ; Csesar; Tacitus ; Cunningham, §S*-13 ; Spencer, Desc. Soc. §71. Beginnings of Agriculture and Herding. §72. Communal Organization of Industry. Roscher, §83; Morgan, Houses and H. L., pp. 65- 68 : Laveleye, pp. 110, 180, 182-183, 9, 204-205; Powell. 12 §73. Trade. Maine, V. C, p. 190; Cunningham, §§19-20. £74. Vocations. Baxter, Harper's Magazine, June, 1882. §75. Growth of Capital. Bagehot, p. 161. §76. The Village Community- Maine V.C., pp. 18, 175-177, 68-6K, 107-108, 113 ; Laveleye ; Gomme, chs. i.-ii., vi.-vii. ; Roscher, §88, note 5 ; Andrews, Charles M. ; Cunningham, §§17-18. Chapter III. — Primilivi Feudalism. Morgan, Houses and H. L., p. 139 ; Maine, Early Hist. Insts.; Laveleye, p. 46. §77. Lordship. Gomme, p. 111. §78. Slavery and Serfdom. Roscher, §§67-69 ; Youug, pp. 1-6. §79. The Tenure of Land. Cunningham, §§13-16. Chapter IV. — Urban Life. §80. Camps and Shrines. De Coulange, Bk. III. ; Maine, V. C, pp. 118-119 ; ( 'unningham, pp. 67-69. §81. Division of Labor Between Country and Town. Adam Smith, Bk. III., ch. I. §82. The Trading Class. Maine, V. C. ; Hopkins, pp. 79-80, 81, note. §83. The Wages Class. Spencer, Des. Soc. ; Young, pp. 5-6. §84. Guilds. Spencer, Pol. Insts., §513 ; Hopkins, pp. 81, 96, note ; Delitzsch, pp. 40-41 ; Weeden, chs. n. and III. ; Maine, V. C, pp. 195-196 ; Brentano, p. 25 ; Young, pp. 57-60 ; Ward, ch. xv. 13 PART III. THE THIRD ECONOMIC STAGE. Chapter I. — Wants 0. §127. Disbanding of Retainers. §128. Destruction of Monasteries. Cunningham, §59 ; Blanqui, ch. xxn. §129. Sheep Farming, Enclosures, and Evictions. Cunningham, §§57-58; Young, 119-130; Marx, chs. xxvii. -xxvin. ; Fisher, ch. VI. §130. Debasement of Coinage. Cunningham, S ( i4- §131. Causes of Sixteenth Century Evils were Generated in the Fifteenth. Chapter XIII. — The MerccmtiU System. Blanqui, chs. xxm.-xxix. §132. The Capitalist Class. Marshall, Bk. I., ch. in., §4. §133. The Migration of Towns. Cunningham, §61. §134. The New Silver. Cunningham, §§<>2, 63, 65. §135. The Mercantile System. Ingram, pp. 37-43; Cunningham, Bk. IV., chs. i. -ii. §136. Colonies and Navigation Laws. Rand, i.-n. ; Adam Smith, Bk. IV., ch. vn. §137. Condition of the People. Young, pp. 133-143, 150-154, 171-172. 17 §138. Causes of the Seventeenth Century Generated in the Sixteenth. Chapter. XIV. — The Eighteenth Century. Rogers, ch. xvu. §139. In England an Age of Quiet Development and Plenty. Toynbee, n. ; Prothero, ch. iv. ; Young, pp. 143, 146-149, 154-171, 173-175. §140. The Population Still Agricultural. Toynbee, in. §141. Improvements in Agriculture. Young, p|>. 143-144; Prothero, chs. iv.-v. §142. Growth of Division of Labor. Toynbee, iv. ; Young, pp. 144-146 ; Hyndman, pp. 71-72 : Marx, ch. XIV. §143. In France an Age of Oppression: Economic Causes of the French Revolution. Rand, iv. ; Blanqui, chs. xxxi.. xxxin. Chapter XV. — The Industrial Revolution. Toynbee, vin„ vr., vn. ; Rogers, ch. xvin. ; Blan- qui, 430-431 ; Porter. §144. The Decay of the Yeomanry. Toynbee, v.; Fisher, p. 41. §145. The P ECONOMIC THEORY. Chapter I. — The Lot/lot/ Relation* of Economic Pruiciples. Clark, eh. iv. §158. The Problems (if Economic Theory. §159. Economic Quantities. §160. Mutual Relations of Consumption, Production, Ex- change, and Distribution. Andrew*, ^17; Jevons, eh. m.; Patten, Cons, of Wealth; Marshall, Bk. III., eh. i. Chapter II. — The Concepts of Utility, Cost, mid Value. Cairnes, eh. I. ; Clark, eh. v. ; Perry, ch. i. ; New- comb, Bk. III. ch. i; Ely, pp. 177-17!). SI HI. Utility. Andrews, S'i'-' ; Walker, §§116-117; Adam Smith, Bk. I., ch. iv. ( p. 29 of Rogers, p. 37 of McCulloch) ; Bk. I., ch. xi. (pp. 182-183 of Rogers, pp. 150-151 of Mc< lulloch i ; Say, p. 62 ; Jevons, eh. hi. ; Cairnes, pp. 18-20 ; Wicksteed, pp. 40-48 : Wieser, I. Thiel, 1 Absehnitt. §162. Cost. Andrews, SS47-4K ; Cairnes. pp. 4H, 57 ; Perrv, pp. 159-162 ; Wieser, I. Thiel, 5 Absehnitt ; < biddings, Amer. Econ. Asso. Pub., vol. VI., No. 1., pp. 41-4.'!, and quoted by Wright, Amer. Statistical Asso. Pub., New Series, No. 14, pp. 262-263. §163. Value. Andrews, §61 ; Block, eh. v. ; Walker, §§114-126 : Adam Smith, Bk. I., ch. iv. : Say, p. 62; Ricardo, ch i.; Mill, Bk. III., ch. [., p. '250; Perry, p. 46 ; 20 Macleod, vol. I., p. 252; Clark, pp. 22-25, 74; Jevons, ed. 1879, pp. 82-89; ed. 1888, pp. 76-83; Sidgwick, Bk. I., eh. n. ; Wieser, p. 33; Dietzel, Jahrbucher, N. F., XX., Bd. 6 ; Patten, Theory of Dyn. Eeon. ; Macvane, Qr. Jr. Eron., vol. V., No. 1 ; Wagner, Qr. Jr. Eeon.. vol. V., No. 3. PART II. THE THEORY OF CONSUMPTION. Block, Livre V. Chapter I. — Tlir Nature and Forms of Consumption. §164. Analysis of Consumption. Andrews, §§49-50; Walkvr, §§381-382 ; Mill, Bk. I., eh. ii., §2 ; Clark, pp. 51-53 ; Newcomb, Bk. II., §14; Ely, Pt. V. Chapter II. — Thr Order and Limitation* of Consumption. Andrews, §§124-126'. §165. When Supply is Given, Unconditioned by Cost. Weiser, pp. 27-32; Clark, pp. 42-44, 49-50, 91-92. §166. When Supply is Conditioned by Labor-Cost. Patten, Cons, of Wealth and Theory of Dyn. Eeon.; Newc b, Bk. III., §§13-15 ;' Clark, pp. 92-96; Marshall, Bk. Ill . ehs.'n., in., iv. §167. When Labor is Put Forth to its Full Limit. Chapter III. — Ultimate Causes Governing Consumption.. §1€8. Social Evolution of Desires and Knowledge. Clark, pp. 42-54. §169. The Function of Luxury. Andrews, §131 ; Block, Livre V. ; Walker, Pt. V, ch. n.; Clark, pp. 49-54. «170. The Function of Education. Andrews, §§127-130; Patten, Amer. Eeon. Asso- Pub., Vol.VL, No. 1, pp. 115-122; Hearn, ch, iw §3, §5; Walker, §§404-406; Ely, pp. 151-152. 21 PART III. THE THEORY OF PRODUCTION. Block, Livre II. ; Sidgwick, Bk. I , chs. [., [V., VI. Chapter I — The Nature ami Sc,,j„ of Production. Walker, §§45-46 ; Newcomb, Bk. II., §12. §171. The Creation of Objective Utility. £172. Analysis of Production. £17-'!. A Process of Coordination. Giddings, Qr. Jr. Earn., Vol. IV., No. 2. £174. Laws of Preliminary Coordination. £175. Respective Functions of Invention, Labor, Capitab and Association. Chapter II. — Productive ami Unproductive Labor. £176. Various Notions of Productive and Unproductive. Andrews, pp. 31-32; Mill, Bk. I., ch. n. ; Roscher, Vol. I., p. 178 ; Clark, pp. 10-22 ; Marshall, Vol. I., Bk. II., ch. in. • £177. Definition of Productive Labor. Chapter III. — Increasing and Diminishing Returns. Andrews, §34 ; Walker, §§49-54 ; Mill, Bk. I., chs- ix -x. ; Macvane, ch. xxni., §8 ; Marshall, pp. 199> 203, 220,488, 379. §178. Of Land. Perry, pp. 153-155. £179. Of Labor. Jevons, ed. 1879, pp. 184-192; ed, 1888, pp. 167- 177. §180. Of Concrete Forms of Capital. Giddings, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. IV,. No. 2, Vol. V., No. 2. Chapter IV.— The Best Usi of Land. §181. Consumption and Property in Relation to the Utiliza- tion of Land. 22 Walker, §§56-59 ; Perry,])]). 155(K)-159; Atkin- son, pp. 33-97 ; Patten, " Econ. Basis of Prot.," ch. XII. Chapter V. — The Increase and Efficiency of Labor. Andrews, §§35-36 ; Walker, §§61-7!) ; Newcomb, Bk. II., §§41-42. 4*182. Numbers. Mill, Bk. I., ch. vii , Marshall, Bk. IV., eh. iv. §183. Endurance. Walker, §§65-71 ; Marshall, Bk. IV., ch. v. §184. Quickness and .Skill. Walker, §§72-75 ; Marshall, Bk. IV., ch. vi. §185. Mental and Moral Qualities. Walker, §76. §186. Incentive. Walker, §4*77-78 : Adam Smith, Bk. I., ch. vm.; Giddings, Mod. Dist. Proc, pp. 57-59 ; Giddings, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. I., No. 3. Chapter. VI.— The Function* ami Growth of Capital. Andrews, ^^-^-30; Block, ch. xiv. ; Newcomb, Bk. IV., ch. x. 4*187. Nature and Functions of Capital. Jevons, ch. vii. ; Sidgwick, Bk. I., ch. v.; New- comb, Bk. II., 4*30; Bdhm-B-iwerk, Pos. Theory of Cap.; Perry, pp. 96-98; Giddings, (Jr. Jr. Econ., vol. IV., No. •_'. §188. Is Industry Limited by Capital? Mill, Bk. I, ch. iv.; George, Bk. I. §189. The Growth of Capital. Mill, Bk. I., chs. iv.-vm.; Sid-wick, Bk. I., ch. v.; Jevons, rh. vii.; Hearn, ch. ix. ; Marshall, Bk. IV., ch. vii.; Giddings, tyr. •■'''■ Econ., vol. V., No. 2 ; Giffen. Chapter VII. — Invention, Direction, and Organisation. §190. Mental Power in Production and its Supply. Andrews, §§42-4(i ; Walker, §§81-85 ; Mill, Bk. I., ch. vi. ; Marshall, Bk. IV., chs. vm.-xiii. 23 Chapter VIII. — The Limits of /'induction. Perry, pp. 136-141 ; Hearn, chs. xi., xin., xv. ^ 1 !» 1 . Organization Limited by Extent of the Market. Mill, p. 107 ; A.Iain Smith, Bk. I., eh. III. §192. Market Limited by Standard of Consumption. Gunton, W. and P., Pt. I., eh. II. : Soc. Leon., Pt. I., eh. in. §193. Ultimate Limits, Heredity, History and Environment. PART IV. THE THEORY OF RELATIVE VALUES. Walker, SHI; Walras ; Allessio. Chapter I. — General View of Relativt Values. §HI4. Mutual Relations of Values and Costs. Chapter II. — The Relative Values of the Goods of Commerce. §195. General View of Commercial Values. Block, ch. xxiv. ; Walker, §§127-150 ; Mill, Bk., III., ch. i. ; Sidgwick, Bk. II., ch. n. ; Macvane, eh. x.; Perry, eh. n.; Ely, pp. 179-183. §196. Market Value. Andrews, §§63-69 ; Clark, pp. 82-86 ; Cairnes, ch. II. ; Neweomb, Bk. III., chs. in., vi., Bk. IV. ; Jevons, eh. iv. ; Wieser, I. Theil, 2 Abschnitt ; Marshall, Bk. V., ch. n. §197. Normal Value. Andrew.-, §65 ; Clark, pp. 96-106 ; Macvane, ch. xi.; Neweomb, Bk. III., chs. vii.-vm.; Cairnes, Pt. I., ch. in. ; Wieser, I. Thiel, 5 Abschnitt ; Mar- shall, Bk. V., chs. ni.-iv. (a) Of Goods Continuously Produced. (b) Of Goods Produced at Increasing cost. Mill, Bk. III., ch. in., SL (c) Under Conditions of Monopoly. Andrews, §§66-67 ; Macvane, eh. xn. ; Neweomb, Bk. III., chs. iv., ix ; Sidgwick, Bk., II., ch. n. §§4-5, ch. x. ; Marshall, Bk. V., eh. vm. (d) Under Conditions of Reciprocal Demand. Andrews, §68 ; Walker, Pt. III., eh. n. ; Mill, Bk. 24 III., eh. xin. -xiv. ; Cairnes. Pt. I., eh. in., §7, Pt. III., chs. i.-iii. ; Clark, pp. 110-125 ; Sidgwick, Bk. II., eh. in. ; Perry, eh. vi. ; Newcomb, Bk. IIL.ch. x., Bk. IV., eh. vi. ; Maevane, chs. XII., xxv., ££4-8. (e) At Joint ( lost. Mill, Bk. III., eh. xii.; Marshall, Bk. V , ch. vi. ; Maevane, ch. xn. ; Taussig, Qr. Jr. Econ., vol. V. No. 4. Chapter III. — The Relative Values of Products and Money. Andrews, ££70-85 ; Block, ch. xxn. ; Sidgwick, Bk. II., ch. v. ; Walker, " Money " ; Jevons, "Money and the Mechanism of Exchange." §19*. Supply of Money in Relation to Price. Walker, SSI 69-1 75; Mill, Bk. III., ch. v. ; Mae- vane, ch. xin.; Newcomb, Bk. III., §21, Bk. IV., §§17-19; Ely, pp. 188-11)2. §199. Cost of Production of Coin in Relation to Price. Mill, Bk. III., ch. vi. ; Maevane, ch. xiv. §200. Gresham's Law. Walker, ££179-181 ; Mill, Bk. III., eh. vn. ; Perry, pp. 419-425 ; Newcomb, Bk. IV., ch. xi. §201. Ricardo's Law of Seigniorage. Walker, Pt. III., ch. iv. ; Ricardo, eh. xxvn. §202. Bimetallism. Andrews, £77 ; Walker, ££559-571 ; Mill, Bk. III., ch. vii.; Perry, pp. 415-419^ Ely, pp. 192-195; Maevane, ch. xvi. ; Newcomb, Bk. V., ch. iv. ; Laughlin, Bimet. in the U. S.; Walras, Theorie de la Mon. §203. The Tabular Standard. Andrews, £87 ; Walker, §§187-191, 459-464; Newcomb, Bk. III., ch. n. , Jevons, Mon. and Mech. Exch., ch; xxv. §204. Money and Credit: Goods and Credit. Andrews, §§89-93 ; Walker, Pt. III., chs. v.-vi. ;. Mill, Bk. III., chs. ix. -x. ; Perry, ch. iv. ; Maevane, ehs. xv.-xvil. ; Newcomb, Bk. IV., §18. £205. The International Distribution of Money. Walker, ££17(1-178; Mill, Bk. III., ehs. xv„ xvn. §206. The Foreign Exchanges. Walker, §§541-558; Mill, Bk. III., chs. xvi., xvin.; Perry, pp. 306-317; Macvane, ch. xxv. ; Newcomb, Bk. III.. §§54-60. Chapter IV.— The Relative Values of Cooperating Factors in Prod net it, n. Andrews, §§97-102; Block, ch. xxvr. ; Walker. Ft. IV., ch. i., SS357-360 ; Sidg- wick, Bk. II., ch. i. ; Clark, ch. vn. ; Ely, p. 213. 5207. This Problem Distinguished from that of the Social Distribution of Wealth. 5208. General Theory of Values of Cooperating Factors (Zurechnung). Weiser, pp. 07-110; Newcomb, Bk. IV., ch. v. §209. Theory of Determination by Marginal Productiveness. Andrews, §100 ; Clark, Amor. Econ. Asso. Pub., Vol. IV., No. 1; Annals, Vol. I., No. 1; Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. V., No. 3 ; Webb, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. II., No. 2 ; Hobson, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. V., No. 3. ?210. Theory of Equilibrium of Wages and Interest. Wood, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. III., No. 1. §211. Theory of Determination of Wages and Interest by Rent. George, Bk. III., chs. vi.-vii. £21 2. Law of Most Slowly Increasing Factor. Patten, Stab, of Prices. Chapter V. — Rent. §213. The Cause and Measure of Rent. Andrews, §§103-107 ; Block, ch. xxvu. ; Walker, Pt. IV., ch. ii., §§483-492 ; Mill, Bk. II., ch. vi. ; Bk. III., ch. in., §§2-3; Ricardo, ch. n. ; Carey, Pol. Econ., ch. iv. ; Sol. SeL, Vol. III., pp. 131-154 ; Bastiat, ch. xm. ; Perry, pp. 141-153, 168-177 ; Weiser, pp. 112-116 ; Patten, Prem. of Pol. Econ., ch. i., iv. ; Clark, Cap. and its Earn. ; Cairnes, Char, and Log. Meth.. Leet., vm. ; Sidgwick, Bk. II., ch. vn. ; Macvane, ch. xxiii. ; Newcomb, Bk. III., ch. v.; Ely, pp. 215-216. 26 Chapter VI.— Interest. i?214. Tin- Cause and Measure of Interest. Andrews, §§71,108-112; Block, ch. xxix. ; Wal- ker, Pt. IV., ch. in.; Mill, Bk. III., ch. xix.; Macvane, ch. XXII. : Newcomb, Bk. III., ch. xn. ; Ely, pp. 216-217; Perry.pp. 165-168; Si'dgwick, Bk. II., ch, vi.; Clark, Cap. and its Earn.; Bohm- Bawerk, Cap. and Int.; Wieser, pp. 121-129; Giddings, Qr. Jr. Econ., Vol. III., No. 4, Vol. IV., No. 2, Vol. V., No. 2. Chapter VII. — Wages. ^'21 •"> . The Determination of Wages. Andrews, §§113-119; Block, ch. xxvill.; Wood, Annals, vol. I., No. 3 ; Walker, Pt. IV., ehs. v.-vi., §§453-458,42.7-438,465-482; Mill, Bk. II., ehs. ii., in., iv. ; Ricardo, ch v. ; Cairnes, Pt. II. ; Sidg- wiek, Bk. II., ehs. viii.-ix. ; Perry, pp. lt>:!-165, ch. in.; Newcomb, Bk. IV., ch. v. ;' Bk. IV., §§33- 34, Appendix to Bk. IV. ; Ely, Pt, IV., ehs. n„ m., iv. ; Clark, ch. VIII. ; Gunton, W. and P., Pt. II. ; Sue. Econ., Pt. III., ch. ii.— in. ; Giddings, Mod. l)i>t. Proa, ch. iv. Chapter VIII.— Profits. §216. The Nature and Determination of Profits. Andrews, §§120-125; Block, ch. xxx. ; Walker, Pt. IV.. ch. iv., §§361-364; Mill.Bk. II., ch. v.; Clark, Mod. Dist. Proc, ch. in. ; Ely, pp. 217-220; Mac- varie, ch. XXI. Chapter IX. — The Residual Share. S217. The Determination of Residual Distribution. Walker, Qr. Jr. Econ., vol. V., No. 4. Chapter X. — Mutual Determinations of Relative Values. S21.S. Com] ilex Problems of Value. Mill, Bk, III., ch. n.; ch. m., $4 ; ehs. xx.-xxi. : Newcomb, Bk. III., ch. xi., Bk. IV.; Perry, pp. 159-1 SO; Cairnes, Pt, I., ehs. iv. and v., and Pt. in. ; Sidgwick, Bk. II., ch. xi. ; Marshall, Bks. VI.- VII.; Macvane, ch. XIII., SS"-8, ehs. XXIV., xxvii., and note p. 387. PART V. THE THEORY OF PROSPEEITY. Chapteb I. — The Theory of Prosperity as a Division '[(Political Economy. §219. Views nt' Adam Smith ami His Predecessors. §220. The System of Say. §221. The Ricardian System. §222. The Historical Reaction. §223. Necessity of the Theory of Prosperity. Chapter II — Analysis -445 ; Perry, pp. 343-360 ; Neweomb, Bk. IV., ch. vn.; Bk. V., ch. v. ; Walker, Mom, Trade, and Indus. ; Bagehot, Lomb. Street ; Goschen, For. Ex. ; Sumner, Hist. Amer. Cur. ; Upton, Mon. in Pol. ; Laughlin, Bimet. in I'. S.; Wells. «;227. Reactions of Exchange. Walker, Pt. III., eh. vn.; Wells; Wright, Ind. Dep. ; Levi, Goadby and Watt; Wallace. ^22*. Imperfect Distribution. Walker, Pt. IV., ch. VIII.; Sid-wick, Bk. III., chs. vi.-vn. ; Clark, chs. ix.-x. ; Walker, Wages Ques. ; Rodbertus I In Ely's " French and German Social- ism"); George; Gunton, W. and P., Soc. Econ. ; Giddings, Mod. Dist. Proa, pp. 57-59, H2-64. £22!*. Misdirection of Consumption and Production, ( H I r T* 1 \ r *1 \ P Walker, §§105-110, 395-416; Mill, Bk. I., ch. n., §2; Bk. III., ch. xi.; Ely, pp. 149, 158-159, 272 280; Neweomb. Bk. V., eh. vn. (b) Public. Mill, Bk. V., ch. v. ; Sidgwick, Bk. III., ch. vim.; Clark nbs. xi.-xn: Neweomb, Bk. V. ch. vn. 2S Chapter IV. — Fundamental Obstacles. £230. The Tendencies of Population. Mill, Bk. IV. §231. The Law of Diminishing Returns. Macvane, eh. xxiv. (a) In Relation to Aggregate Satisfaction. (b) In Relation to Distribution of Surplus Value. Newcomb, Bk. IV., ch. vin. §232. The Ultimate Facts in Diminishing Returns. Chapter V. — Means of Overcoming Diminishing Returns. £233. Efficiency of Labor. Wells.' £234. Improvements in the Arts. Hearn, ch. vi. ; Krapotkin, Nth. Cent, Oct. 1888 ; Forum, vol. IX., No. 6. §235. The Mctlim] by Evasion (by changes in consumption). Patten, Peon. Basis of Prot. £230. Limitations of the Method by Evasion. Chapter VI. — The Coordination of Means. Newcomb, Bk. II., ch. x. ; Hearn, ch. xvi. §237. Adjustment must be through Increasing Variety in Consumption. §238. Must be to a Changing Environment. §239. To a Widening Environment. £240. A Problem of Two Variables. §241. The Practical Solution : The Re-Composition of Goods. Chapter VII. — The Necessary Conditions. £242. Intelligence of Working Population. £243. Invention. £244. Flexibility of Organization. Walker! ££103-104. £245. Mobility of Investment. Walker, £104. £240. An Enterprising Class. 29 Chapter VIII. — Self Limitation* of Enterprise. £247. The Ownership of Controlling Factors in Production. $248. The Creation of Monopoly. $249. Monopoly Resists Change. Chatter IX. — The Policy of Paternalism : Socialism. Walker, §§624-633 ; Mill, Bk. II., ch. i. : Clark, ch. x. ; Ely, Pt. IV., ch. v., and French and Ger. Soc. ; Newcomb, Bk. II., ch. ix., Bk. V., ch. vi. ; Mill, Socialistic Writings ; Rae, Cont. Soc. Lavaleye, Soc. of To-day, Kirkup, Inquiry: Graham, Soc. New and Old; Webb, Soc. in Eng. : Fab. Essays ; Sehiifrle, Quint, of Soc. §250. Grounds on which it is Advocated. §251. Requires a Static Organization. $252. An Artificial Selection of Un progressive Men. Chapter X. — The Policy of Protection. Walker, §§61 1-623 ; Mill, Bk. V., ch. vi. ; ( iairnes, Pt. III., ch. iv. : Sidgwick, Bk. III., ch. v.; Mar- shall, Aspects of Cornp. ; Newcomb, Bk. V., ch. II.; Macvane, ch. xxvi. and Appendix ; Perry, ch. vi. ; Ely, Pt. III., ch., iv.; Taussig, Tariff Hist, of the U.S.; Hoyt ; Shaw; Horace Greeley; Thomp- son ; Fawcett ; George, Prot. or Free Trade ; Pat- ten, Econ. Basis of Prot.; Summer, Prot. $253. Grounds on Which it is Advocated. $254. Is it Feasible as a " Dynamic Policy." $255. Its Relation to .Monopoly. §256. Its Relation to Inequality of Advantage Chapter XI. — The Policy of Freedom. Walker, §§380, 417-425; Ely, Pt. IV., chs. vi.- vn. ; Perry, pp. 112-11(5 ; Newcomb, Bk. V., ch. I.; Sidgwick, Bk. III., chs. n., hi., iv. ; Adam Smith, Bk. IV.; Spencer and Others, A Plea for Lib.; Wells; Paul Leroy Beaulieu ; Adams, Rel. of the State to Ind. Action ; Cairnes, " Essays." Pol. Econ. and Laissez Faire. $257. 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