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ESTES AND LAURIAT, Publishers, BOSTON, MASS. Three Vassar Girls in THE HOLY LAND BY ELIZABETH WfCHAMPNEY AUTHOR OF "A NEGLECTED CORNER OF EUROPE," "THREE VASSAR GIRLS ABROAD," "THREE VASSAR GIRLS IN ENGLAND," ETC. ILLUSTRATED 9 1892 BOSTON ESTES AND LAURIAT PUBLISHERS V ^o Copyright, 1892, By Estes and Lauriat. FHB LIBRARY^ [OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON SEnibcrstts ^|rcss: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. CONTENTS. Chapter • p AGE I. A Peculiar Girl n II. Egypt, Cairo, and the Nile 27 III. The Mystery Disclosed 53 IV. A Caravan Journey 74 V. Why the Oldest Obelisk Stands 93 VI. In the Footsteps of Moses. — The Desert and Mount Sinai . . . 105 VII. Jerusalem 131 VIII. Jerusalem (Continued) 163 IX. Bethlehem. — Easter Ceremonies in Jerusalem 199 X. The Journey Northward 224 XI. Beirut. — Damascus 248 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page A Vision of Egypt Frontispiece A Daughter of Egypt 13 Old Street in Jerusalem ...... 17 The Summit of Mount Hor ...... 21 An Egyptian Temple 25 Alexandria . . 29 Turkish Merchant 3 1 Karnak, Hypostyle Hall 41 Colonnade, Philas . . 45 A Jew of Palestine 51 Valley of Jehoshaphat. — Tombs of Zech- ariah and Jehoshaphat ..... 54 Interior of a Mosque 63 Pyramids and Sphinx 71 Arabs of the Desert . ....... 81 Medinet, Court of Rameses ..... 85 Medinet, Temple-Palace of Rameses . . 87 Obelisk of On 90 The Sphinx and Pyramids of Memphis . 94 Moslem at Prayer 97 Island of Philae, looking over the Nile . 99 Head-dress of Egyptian Girl . „ . . 106 Egyptian Hieroglyphics 113 Ancient Egyptian Ruins in the Desert . 115 Wells in the Desert 120 Christian and Mahometan Chapels on Mount Sinai 125 Jaffa, from the North ....... 130 Page Jaffa 133 The Tower of Ramleh 137 The Plain of Sharon 139 Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre . 141 St. Stephen's Gate, Jerusalem .... 142 Route from Jaffa to Jerusalem .... 143 Tomb of Absalom 146 " David " Tower, Jerusalem 147 Synagogue, Jerusalem 149 Tomb of Saint James 150 Valley of Jehoshaphat, showing Tomb of Absalom and Garden of Gethsemane 151 Interior, Church of St. James, Jerusalem 153 Armorial Ensigns of Jerusalem . . . . 154 Street of the Chevaliers de Rhodes, at Rhodes . . , 155 Quarry under Jerusalem 157 The Jews' Wailing Place 160 Views near Jerusalem . 165 Bida's Interpretation of Christ's Trium- phal Entry into Jerusalem . . . 169 Jerusalem, from the Bethany Road . . 171 Garden of Gethsemane 172 Chapel of the Ascension, Summit of Mount of Olives 173 Bethany 177 Near Bethany 179 The Mosque of Omar , . 181 IO ILL US TR A TIONS. Page Interior of the Mosque of Omar . . . 185 Jewish Almshouses, erected by Sir Moses Montefiore ,.189 Turkish Woman of Jerusalem . . . . 191 Head-dress of a Turkish Woman of . Jerusalem 195 Rachel's Sepulchre ........ 204 Church of the Nativity, at Bethlehem . 207 A Woman of Bethlehem 209 Entrance to Cave of Adullam . . . . 213 Abraham's Oak, near Hebron . . . . 218 Tomb of the Holy Sepulchre .... 221 Arab Camps 225 Maiden of Palestine 227 Jacob's Well 228 Mount Hermon 229 Page Sea of Galilee 231 Hills overlooking the Sea of Galilee . . 233 The Lake of Gennesareth 234 Fountain of Mary. Nazareth 236 The Ruins of Tell Hum 238 Monastery of Mount Carmel .... 241 Promontory of Carmel 242 Mouth of the River Kishon . . , . . 243 Acre 244 Cana 245 Fountain at Cana 246 Mount Lebanon, from Beirut .... 249 A Ford of the Jordan ....... 258 Damascus 259 Cedars of Lebanon 271 THREE VASSAR GIRLS IN THE HOLY LAND. CHAPTER I. A PECULIAR GIRL. AY what you may, Violet, you cannot deny that there is something very funny about her." " I am afraid I am lacking in a sense of humor, for I see nothing amusing in Bird ; and she herself takes life with great seriousness." " Now, Violet, you know perfectly what I mean by funny. Bird Orchard is fascinating, but she is queer. She is different from any one else we know. You must confess that she is a peculiar girl." " If you mean that she is peculiarly nice — yes." Emma Constant tapped her foot impatiently. " I like frankness and open-heartedness. I never had anything to conceal in my life," she said, " and I am not fond of mysterious secrets and incomprehen- sible enigmas. When there is so much concealed, you may be sure that there is reason for concealment, — that all is not as it should be." " Emma, this is not like you, to suspect evil in any one so sweet and lovely as my dear Bird. She may have some sorrow in her family history, but I am positive that there is no disgrace there." 12 THREE VASSAR GIRLS IN THE HOLY LAND. " I am not so sure," Emma replied sententiously. " I have watched that